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Having grown up in the culture of the country, the youths of this generation are patriotic as those before them. Whether they are studying in schools or working in society, they are strong in their determination, high in their spirits and great in their aspirations. | 這一代的青年,在國家的培育下和憂患的時代中成長,莫不具有愛國的志節與情操;無論讀書、就業,也莫不臨深履薄、念茲在茲。 |
The Hualien Marble Factory operated by the Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Servicemen (VACRS) is the largest factory of its kind in the Republic of China. It has made remarkable achievements in exporting marble blocks and processed products in the international market. | 國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會所屬的榮民大理石工廠,是目前東部石礦開發及加工廠中最具規模者,在原石開採、石板建材與工藝品加工、外銷市場的開拓上,都具有卓著業績。 |
Some criticize today's young people as having no experience in facing the hardships of life and for running around without worrying about a roof over their heads. Inevitably they indulge themselves in ease, passiveness and enjoyment. But, in fact, most of the youths cherish their possessions, and realize the national situation and their own responsibilities. Therefore, they are diligent and hard-working. | 儘管有人批評這一代的青年因沒有受過困苦生活的煎熬和顛沛流離的考驗而有極少數沉溺於安樂和消極的享受,但實際上絕大多數的青年都能珍惜所有,認清國家的處境與己身的責任,因而勤奮努力,敬業樂群。 |
To date, Tsai has photographed 350 species of butterflies, but those that he has yet to capture on film include the diminutive Malayan butterfly (Megisba malaya sikkima), Euaspa tayal, which dwells only in ravines on Ilan's Mt. Fu, and the silver-washed fritillary (Argynnis paphia formosicola), which lives in ancient redwood forests in Taroko National Park. | 蔡百峻目前已拍攝 350 種蝴蝶,尚未入列的包括體型嬌小的「黑姬星小灰蝶」、只活動於宜蘭福山附近斷崖地形的「泰雅小灰蝶」、還有藏身太魯閣國家公園碧綠神木一帶的「綠豹紋蝶」等少數蝶種。 |
Thus, Tsai gave up capturing butterflies, spending summers photographing them and winters in the city, where he worked as a street vendor with his brother-in-law in order to make a living. | 放棄捕蝶、養蝶後,他夏天在山裡拍蝶,冬天在都市裡幫著姐夫一起擺地攤賺生活費。 |
It was said that 76 inhabitants in Ryukyu sailed to southern Taiwan in 1875, and 54 of them were killed on the spot by aborigines. The Japanese government took this as an excuse for sending troops to invade Taiwan. | 清朝同治十三年,相傳有琉球人七十六人乘船飄流至台灣南端,其中五十四人為牡丹社生番所殺,日本即以此為藉口,出兵進犯台灣。 |
The boats sailing in the canal around the Oldest Golden City give a sense of calm in a place outside the world's turmoil. | 圍繞著億載金城的護城河,河面不寬,水亦不深,遊客泛舟其上,小船在平靜的水面徜徉,亦有怡然之趣。 |
Having photographed butterflies for 26 years, Tsai is concerned not only with how the creatures appear in his photos, but also with the health of their habitats. | 拍蝶 26 載,蔡百峻不僅關心鏡頭中的蝶影呈現,更關心活生生的蝴蝶處境。 |
In the early days, Taiwan's butterfly industry was a flourishing one, with colorful butterflies rendered into artistic creations that sold all over the world. Professionals could capture up to a record 60 million butterflies a year. But with the rise in labor costs, the butterfly industry declined. | 早期台灣蝴蝶加工業十分發達,繽紛蝶翅作成的工藝品行銷全球,專業捕蝶人最高紀錄曾一年捕獲六千萬隻,後因工資逐年提高,蝴蝶加工業才衰微。 |
Most of today's youths have had lives of happiness and stability in a prosperous and steadily developing society. They have enjoyed freedom and opportunity to develop themselves, in their studies and careers. | 我們這一代的青年,大半出生、成長在這一片安樂土上,在安定富足的社會裡,無論生活、求學或就業,都享有充分發展的自由與機會。 |
During their spare time, they go to the countryside to learn farm work, helping to transplant rice seedlings and with the harvest; they take jobs in factories, becoming operators on the production lines; they climb mountains or go to the seashore, and receive military training. Moreover, they take part in all kinds of social service work, offering their assistance and experience for future service to society and their country. | 在課餘之暇,他們深入農村學習農事,幫助農家收割或插秧;他們進入工廠,實地成為生產行列中的一個環節;他們或上山、或下海,接受戰鬥訓練,以期隨時可以擔起戰鬥任務;他們更參加各種社會服務工作,並體驗種種社會問題,作為日後為國家社會服務的參考。 |
In 1990, Tsai was the first photographer to receive the National Literature and Art Achievement Award. His indefatigable spirit and achievements in photography have also caused his story to be selected as material for elementary school textbooks. | 1990 年,蔡百峻成為第一位榮獲國家文藝獎的攝影家,他執著不悔的精神與事蹟,還被選入國小教師基本教材中。 |
A series of memorial services has been held throughout the island since the April 5 anniversary. Ranking officials of the Central Government, overseas Chinese, members of the diplomatic corps, noted guests visiting the ROC and representatives of local governments have gone to Tzuhu in groups in an unceasing procession. | 今年從四月初起,全國各界即展開一連串的追思活動,以各種不同的方式表達對蔣公的追思;政府首長、海外華僑、駐華外交使節、訪華外賓與國內各界代表,也分批前往慈湖謁陵。 |
Migratory pathways: The butterflies active in these areas are passing through and do not permanently reside in the valley. | ★「蝶道型」:活動其中的蝴蝶只是過客,並不固定棲息於谷中。 |
Yu Kuo-chuan won the award for Most Innovative Chinese Culinary Dishes (theme: plum and bamboo) with delicacies like "leg of phoenix with red plum sauce," "bamboo fungus inlaid in a jade fan," "bamboo fungus and lotus leaf on rice," and "crispy plum calabash." The poetic titles of the dishes alone had the international judges salivating in appreciation. | 摘下中華美食創意菜金牌的廚師游國傳,以寓含人文精神的「梅竹」入菜,端出鳳腿慶紅梅、竹笙鑲玉扇、竹笙荷葉蓋飯、梅子葫蘆酥,光是文藝雅致的菜名,就讓國際評審們陶醉不已。 |
In April 2005, two Hsichih police of-ficers patrolling their jurisdiction were attacked and had their guns stolen by two knife-wielding assailants, in a tragedy that took the life of one officer and severely injured the other. | 2005 年 4 月,台北縣汐止分局員警巡查轄區時,被兩名歹徒從背後持刀襲擊奪槍,造成一死一重傷的慘劇。 |
In August 2004, as Typhoon Aere was battering Taiwan with winds and rain, three police officers in Hsinchu County's Tuchang Village remained at their posts, going door to door directing residents to evacuate. Soon afterwards there was an enormous boom as a landslide occurred, killing all three. | 2004 年 8 月,艾利風災暴雨肆虐時,新竹縣土場部落 3 名員警堅守崗位,挨家挨戶通知撤離,不久轟然巨響,土石滾滾而下,3 名員警因公殉職。 |
The Hai Kung brought back to Keelung 136 tons of krill, a shrimp which inhabits Antarctic waters in large numbers. Scientists aboard the Hai Kung carried out studies of Antarctic fishing resources and conducted experiments in the processing of these marine products. | 海功號共帶回磷蝦一三六噸,並完成了資源調查、漁撈與加工試驗等數項任務。 |
The direction at the present stage of the Republic of China's industrial development is in change from labor-intensive industry to those capital-intensive and technology-intensive. The development and growth of the machinery industry will play an important role in the structure change. | 我國現階段的工業發展方向,正致力於由勞力密集的加工工業,轉變為資本與技術密集的高級工業,因此,機械工業的成長發展,在整個工業結構轉變中處於重要的地位。 |
A Japanese student who once saw him photograph a butterfly and then capture it with a net, exclaimed in astonishment, "Isn't it a bit of a contradiction to photograph a butterfly and then capture it?" | 有位來台觀察蝴蝶的日本學生看到他按下快門後,隨即揮動捕蝶網,以不可思議的口吻問他:「你拍蝶,又抓蝶,不是很矛盾嗎?」 |
The estimated annual production of marble in Taiwan during the period of 1977 to 1980 is 150,000 tons, valued at a total of US $ 19 million. | 民國六十六至六十九年預估大理石年產量十五萬噸,這四年可獲效益總值約美金一千九百萬元。由此也可知台灣大理石礦資源的豐富與開採的價值。 |
2000 At age 89, Huang receives the City of Kaohsiung's Lifetime Achievement Award, for achievement in the arts. | 200089 歲,獲高雄市文藝獎頒贈「終身成就獎」。200191 歲,專屬網頁「音樂菩薩黃友棣」成立。 |
There are many kinds of marble products, included furniture, screens, wall placages, vases, tea pots, ashtrays, lamp-bases and other handicrafts made in Taiwan. | 國內工匠精心雕鑿的大理石工藝品種類繁多,包括:傢具、屏風、壁畫、花瓶、茶具、煙缸、台燈,甚至女性佩帶的飾物等,琳琅滿目,美不勝收,製作技巧的精細與進步,在舉世石礦工業中,實屬出類而拔萃。 |
Shen Po-cheng, minister of navy in Ching Dynasty, was dispatched to Taiwan to handle the coast defense work. | 清廷當時一方面向日本抗議,一方面派船政大臣沈葆楨抵台,辦理台灣海防。 |
New fortifications and other defense works were completed in the same year. Taiwan City Government maintains this historic spot. | 沈氏抵台後,即在今億載金城修築砲台,及其他各項工事,至清光緒元年完工,嗣後陸續增建整修。 |
The Oldest Golden City was repaired extensively on its 100th anniversary in 1975. | 民國六十四年,是該城建城一百周年紀念,台南市府曾大加修葺,以恢復舊觀。 |
The City played a very important role in the defense of Taiwan at that time. | 以現代眼光看來,各項建築已嫌落後,但在當年,確曾擔當了抵禦外侮的重要角色。 |
Slowly drawing forward to an ideal distance of 50 centimeters, Tsai will sometimes even have to stop breathing in order to vividly and clearly capture the butterflies through his lens. | 緩慢靠近到理想的 50 公分拍攝距離時,甚至還需暫時停止呼吸,斑斕、清晰的蝶影才能鮮活入鏡。 |
Since butterflies are often active in wet grassy areas on the banks of creeks, Tsai will often proceed on all fours to match the height of the butterflies, which may be at knee level. | 又由於蝴蝶經常在濕潤的溪畔草埔活動,如果牠們活動的高度不及膝蓋,就要以雙臂為足,匍匐前進。 |
At sunset, the calm water of the near-by fish weirs reflect the sun rays in a weaving pattern to the scenery more beautiful. | 如在薄暮時分抵達,可感到一種幽靜之美。接著看到許多魚塭,池水映著夕陽,波光粼粼,一片安寧的鄉村風光。 |
In the Oldest Golden City, there are many relics, such as statue of Gen. Shen Po-cheng and his handwritings, the memorial tablet on establishment of the City and old green trees. | 城內還有沈氏銅像、建城紀念碑,以及沈氏親筆所題的匾額,加上多叢蒼天古樹,都能使人興起憑古追昔的幽思。 |
When he was young and full of energy, Tsai would often ride his motorcycle into the mountains in search of butterflies. Often, he would catch a glimpse of a butterfly as it flashed by him. He would identify it and then store that information into his memory. | 早期他年輕力壯,經常騎著摩托車在山區尋蝶,往往一隻蝶急閃而過,用好眼力辨識特徵後,隨即在腦海資料庫中辨識蝶種。 |
The marble mine in eastern Taiwan. | 台灣東部大理石礦的開採。 |
And in the desolate mountains, where could he find a repair shop if a tire had been punctured by a sharp stone? | 萬一輪胎被尖銳石壁戳破,荒郊野外的,能找誰修車? |
After several unpleasant experiences in the mountains awaiting rescue, Tsai began not only to bring along tools with him, but learned how to fix flats as well. | 幾次慘痛的山區待援後,蔡百峻不但隨身攜帶維修工具,還學會補輪胎。 |
380 butterfly species may be found in Taiwan, with the number increasing to 400 if one includes the outer islands. But with large-scale hunting and habitat destruction, the days are long gone when one could catch the sight of butterflies filling the Formosan skies. | 台灣本島品相約 380 種,含外島約 400 種,但在大量濫捕與生態破壞下,曾幾何時,已不復見蝴蝶在美麗寶島漫天飛舞的景象了。 |
Whether in classrooms, laboratories or gymnasiums, they spare no efforts to perfect what they do. | 無論在課堂上、實驗室裡、運動場上,這一代的青年無不全力以赴。 |
Our youths grasp every opportunity to learn and to cultivate knowledge. When visiting foreign countries or participating in international student conferences, they are able to fulfill their tasks. | 青年們努力把握著每一個學習和充實自己的機會,在出國訪問或參加國際學生會議時,也因平時注意增進自己,而能圓滿達成任務。 |
Most of the youths know that our country is at present in adverse circumstances. | 目前我們絕大部份的青年們都能體認國家正處於艱難困苦的環境之中,因而都願以滿腔熱血、一片丹心,為國家盡忠,為民族盡孝。 |
During the meeting, the youth representatives reached a conclusion, calling on the young people to imitate the patriotic spirit of the martyrs. They commemorated and gallantly undertake the great mission of the third union of Chinese youths. All the young people stand united in meeting the test of the times and working for a new era. | 會後青年代表一致決議,號召全國青年效法先烈的愛國精神,當仁不讓、義無反顧,毅然挑起中國青年第三次大結合的偉大使命,大家要手攜手、肩並肩、心連心,團結更團結,奮鬥再奮鬥,來迎接考驗,創造時代。 |
The mourning came from the depths of the people's hearts in the whole world when President Chiang left this life on April 5, l975. Our compatriots, both at home and abroad, have demonstrated their unconquerable dedication and their determination to carry out the late President's instructions. | 前年四月五日,蔣公溘然崩逝,全國哀痛,舉世震悼,我全體同胞在悲慟之餘,謹遵遺囑,銜哀奮勵,以更堅定的決心,在國際風雲變幻的情勢中,埋頭苦幹,努力不懈。 |
On the precarious international scene, we have made the instructions bequeathed by the late President our code of conduct and have transformed our grief into power. The Republic of China has become an invincible anti-Communist fortress in the western Pacific Ocean, standing as firmly as a rock. | 今天我中華民國不僅屹立如山,為西太平洋的反共堡壘,且日益精實壯大,在國防、外交、政治與經濟上,都有長足顯著的進步,正以更穩健的步伐,朝著復國建國的目標邁進,並已逐日接近我們的目標了。 |
A rally in memory of the late President was held on the second anniversary of his passing. Speaking at the rally, President Yen Chia-kan called on his countrymen to emulate President Chiang's spirit of taking the rise and fall of his country as his own responsibility, without ever thinking of his personal life or death. | 四月五日當天,中樞舉行總統蔣公逝世二周年紀念大會,由嚴總統主持,他在會中期勉國人,懍於蔣公「以國家興亡為己任,置個人死生於度外」的遺訓,謁志抒忠,投身獻力,早日完成蔣公未竟的志業。 |
The Pleasures of Early Rising Like other large cities of the world, Taipei has heavy traffic and a bustling atmosphere in daytime hours. People lead busy and tensive lives. | 台北市和世界上所有的大都會一樣,日間車水馬龍,喧譁嘈雜,生活步調快速緊湊。 |
They advocate getting up early, at about 5 a.m., to exercise in the park, by the riverside, on hillside, on lawns or along streets. | 他們提倡早起,大約早到五點鐘左右,在公園、河濱、山腳、社區綠地或林蔭道旁,都可看到他們好整以暇地作運動,呼吸新鮮空氣。 |
Their exercises in the early morning include fistic arts, fencing, calisthenics, folk dancing, walking and mountain climbing. | 運動的項目包羅萬象,有練拳、練劍、作柔軟操,跳土風舞,以及散步、爬山等。 |
There is another group of swimming fans. They go swimming in the early morning all the year around without being stopped by bad weather. | 還有一批早泳愛好者,一年四季風雨無阻,他們在晨間游泳,從不間斷。 |
Research Ship Harvests Krill in the Antarctic | 海功號實驗船南極探測成功 |
Taiwan's over 80,000 police officers have been guardians of public safety. Suffering innumerable ordeals in the course of their duties, what they need most is the public's concern and encouragement. | … … 全國 8 萬多名員警,向來是社會治安的維護者,然而在數不盡的工作甘苦中,他們最需要的是大眾的關心和鼓勵。 |
Just as he reaches the entrance, Chi hears shouts in the distance, where a cluster of people has gathered. He rushes over to find out what's happening. As it turns out, vendors trying to claim space for selling their wares have gotten into a dispute. The two parties 'recriminations are increasingly vociferous, and the atmosphere is tense. | 才走到路口,紀澤民聽到遠處的叫罵聲,旁邊還有人群圍睹,他趕過去探問,原來是小販為了搶占設攤地盤而發生爭執,且雙方越罵越火爆,現場氣氛相當緊張。 |
This support action went on for six weeks. But as it happened, Chen and his accomplices were apprehended in a hotel in downtown Taipei. While the Tucheng officers were combing the mountains in the hot sun, the suspects were caught enjoying a massage in an air-conditioned room. | 這項支援行動一執行就是一個半月,結果陳進興與黨羽在台北市區的賓館裡被逮獲;當時土城分局的員警正頂著炙熱的太陽在山區裡搜山,被擄獲的歹徒們卻在冷氣房裡享受按摩呢。 |
"Modern police officers must rely on their wits to solve cases. They can't handle the job with simple brute force like in the past," says Chi. Many older residents of the area like to gather and gamble in neighborhood activity centers, in an unoccupied market stall, or in a park. Although it's purely for fun, it is illegal. | 「現代員警要靠智慧辦案,不能像以前的蠻幹方式處理公務,」紀澤民指出,就拿這裡許多年長的居民來說,他們喜歡在活動中心、歇業攤販的攤架上或公園裡聚賭,雖然純屬娛樂性,卻是違法的行為。 |
The Association members are not restricted to students majoring in science or engineering. Scientific research is usually closely connected with general industry or defense industries. Our youths 'experiments may not result in great discoveries immediately, but this kind of self-training helps cultivate spirit of pursuing knowledge and seeking new discoveries. What they are doing will help them push into fields of scientific research or industrial construction in the future. | 科學研究與一般工業、甚或國防工業,一直有著不可分的關係,我國青年目前的實驗成果,或許無法發揮很大的作用,但這種自我訓練的過程,培養了求知與探究的精神,可使他們將來順利投入科學研究或工業建設的行列中,並發揮一種強而有勁的力量。 |
The children taking part in the sports meet had practiced faithfully. They wore uniforms like the large athletes-except for size. The audience shouted applause as soon as they appeared. Their seriousness in the competition made viewers smile as these children strove earnestly for perfection in what they did. | 小娃娃們都曾用心排練各項節目,當天他們穿著整齊的運動裝,一個個儼然選手模樣,甫一出場即贏得滿場喝采,他們一本正經的小樣子,使得在場觀眾都發出了會心的微笑。 |
The eel-production business of Taiwan was started in 1952 by the Department of Fishery Development of the Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Servicemen in Taoyuan. It was proclaimed a success in 1956 and many people began to raise eels. At present, the area used for producing eels is more than 1,600 hectares (3,000 acres). | 本省養鰻事業於民國四十一年由行政院國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會所屬之桃園魚殖管理處開始實驗養殖,民國四十五年宣告成功,此後民間陸續拓池養鰻,現今專業養鰻面積已達一千六百公頃以上。 |
In 1983, an English version translated by John Blofeld (1913-1987) was published. Blofeld, the preeminent "China hand" of the 20th century, lived out his youth in pre-Communist China, where he developed an interest in traditional wisdom and philosophy. He'd often visit Buddhist and Daoist temples as well as religious recluses, and through those visits was inspired to become a scholar. | 1983 年有一本備受矚目的英文版《易經》上市,譯者約翰・布勞費爾德(John Blofeld, 1913-1987)是 20 世紀傑出的「中國通」,1949 年之前他在中國度過美好的青少年時光,對中國傳統智慧哲學極感興趣,經常拜訪道觀、寺廟和隱士,在那裡受到學者啟發,開始研究《易經》。 |
Bananas are among the oldest fruits in human history and still among the most popular. The Greeks began eating bananas brought from Africa more than four thousand years ago. Bananas are now popular around the world because they are sweet and delicious in flavor. They also are nutritious and rich in vitamins, protein, phosphorus and iron. | 香蕉是人類歷史上最古老的水果之一,四千餘年以前希臘人即已開始食用香蕉,幾千年來,在世界各地一直受到人們的喜愛,因為它不僅香甜美味,而且營養豐富,含有大量的多種維他命、蛋白質、核黃素、磷和鐵質等。 |
For years, under guidance of the government and efforts of manufacturers, the machinery industry has made great progress in production, facilities and marketing. In 1976, the volume of machinery exports was more than US $ 50 million. It is expected that the growth of machinery industry will increase with stability. | 多年來,機械工業在政府輔導及業者本身的努力下,無論在生產設備及產銷方面,都有顯著的進步,去年一年的外銷金額即在五億美元以上,估計今後數年仍會呈穩定性成長,民國六十八年時,外銷金額應可高達十億美元。 |
Not even the sky is the limit for the youths of the Republic of China, who have always been enthusiastic about research in science. Many young people, whether in schools or into their careers, spend time, energy and money conducting various kinds of experiments. Many schools provide full support and guidance. | 我國青年一向熱中科學實驗研究,不論在學學生或就業青年,都投入許多時間、精力與金錢,積極從事各種實驗,許多學校也一直給予充分的支持與輔導。 |
Miss Yang is twenty-nine years old. She began learning dress-making and machine embroidery when she was fourteen. She had opened a little shop in the countryside of Taichung, specializing in the embroidery. But this could not satisfy her enthusiastic pursuit of art and she decided to go to Taipei to study painting. | 楊秀治今年二十九歲,十四歲起開始學習洋裁與車繡,曾在家鄉開了一家為學生繡學號的小店,但這些無法滿足她對藝術的熱中與追求,她毅然決然結束了生意,北上學畫。 |
She studied under several outstanding teachers in learning to sketch, and do Chinese painting, oil painting and calligraphy. Under her teachers 'guidance and through her own open-minded and strenuous efforts, she made good foundations in all of these fields and attained the ability to present embroidery painting at her will. | 她分別投入好幾位名師門下,學習素描、國畫、西畫與書法,經過名師指點,加上自己的虛心與努力,在這幾方面都奠下了良好的基礎,使她能逐日接近最終極的心願﹘﹘隨心所欲的表現刺繡畫。 |
Tsengwen Reservoir, the largest man-made lake on Taiwan, is located on the upper reaches of the Tsengwen River, 56 kilometers northeast of Tainan city. This spectacular project, started in 1965 and completed in 1973, has multiple benefits. It has become one of the island's most popular scenic spots with completion of a highway along the dam, hotels and other recreational facilities. | 曾文水庫是國內最大的人工湖,位於台南縣楠西鄉,工程浩大壯觀,具有多元化效益,於民國五十四年時開工,六十二年完工,後又陸續增建環湖公路、賓館等各項觀光遊樂設施,現已成為一個遊覽勝地。 |
During their stay in Taiwan, the delegates visited the Republic of China's military and industrial establishments. They were deeply impressed by the rigorous and strenuous efforts made by our people in dedicating themselves to the national construction. | 為使各國代表瞭解我復興基地的建設,在會議期間亦曾分組安排各國代表前往參觀,與會代表對我全國軍民從事國家建設的努力表現,都表示由衷的敬佩。 |
It was voted to hold the 11th general conference of the WACL in Washington, and the 24th general conference of the APACL in Bangkok next year. | 大會並決議世盟第十一屆大會於一九七八年五月在美國首都華盛頓舉行;亞盟第二十四屆大會於一九七八年在泰國曼谷舉行。 |
The book is much more popular abroad than in China or Taiwan. Surely its compilers had no idea they'd have so many foreign friends 4,000 years in the future. | 老外狂迷《易經》的盛況,甚至遠超過中國或台灣,《易經》作者若地下有知,恐怕也沒想到三、四千年後會有這麼多海外知音吧。 |
In 1913, he began to translate the I Ching under the tutelage of the scholar Lao Naixuan. He finished the project ten years later in Beijing, and then the year after that he returned to Frankfurt, Germany to become one of Europe's preeminent sinologists. | 他從 1913 年春天開始動手翻譯《易經》,在國學大師勞乃宣指導下,前後長達 10 年,1923 年終於完成於北京。次年衛禮賢返回德國法蘭克福,成為享譽歐洲的漢學家。 |
In his preface, Blofeld says that he does not wish to be a second Wilhelm or Legge, nor does he wish to criticize those predecessors 'shortcomings. He says his intention was to create a version in vernacular language that would be readable for the general public and to provide what he thought was the correct interpretation for ambiguous passages. Better than Confucius? | 布勞費爾德在序言中表示,他不想成為「衛禮賢或利雅各第二」,也不是要和先賢的譯本一爭長短,他的宗旨是用現代化的通俗語言給讀者大眾更簡明的解釋,例如有些原文很模稜兩可的地方,他便指點讀者,給一個他認為正確的詮釋。 |
For preservation and propagation of tradition al Chinese culture, chop-making exhibitions are held regularly in Taipei by the Chinese Chop-makers Association. A recent show was held in March 1977. The participating artists included Wang Chuan-wei, Liang Nai-yu, Tao Shou-po, Tseng Shao-chih, Chen Dan-cheng, Wang Pei-yueh and Wu Ping. The contents of chops displayed included both names and texts of classical literature. | 今年三月間該會又展出國內篆刻名家王壯為、梁乃予、陶壽伯、曾紹傑、陳丹誠、王北岳、吳平等人的作品,所刻內容有滿江紅、禮運大同篇、毋忘在莒、廿四孝印譜等多種,多疏密得體,穩練自然,且各有新意,各有風格,確為發揚傳統藝術精髓盡了一份力量。 |
Another natural resource for which Checheng is renowned is the Ssuchunghsi Hot Springs, which make up one of the four great hot spring centers in Taiwan. | 車城鄉名聞遐邇的另一項天然資源,就是名列台灣 4 大溫泉之一的「四重溪溫泉」。 |
Such a seemingly trivial matter, though it seems hardly worthy of mention, may lead to a bloody incident if not handled in a timely manner. | 這件看似芝麻點的市井小事,雖然微不足道,但若不及時處理,卻可能當場血濺人亡,已是資深員警的紀澤民絲毫不敢大意。 |
Our policy for development of the machinery industry will take further steps to usher in new technology, develop sophisticated products, improve methods of management, strengthen quality control, raise productive capacity and enlarge the international market, all are parts of helping the ROC reach the highly developed industrial level. | 今後政府與民間將更致力於引進最新技術,發展高級產品,改善管理經營,加強品質管制,提高生產能力,以進一步拓展外銷,並開創工業高度發展的新境界。 |
Chen Chin-hsing, a kidnapper and murderer who caused a huge disruption in social order when he was at large, was one of the suspects whom precinct officers were enlisted to help apprehend. Night shifts | 當年造成治安大震撼的陳進興,就曾是他們協助追緝的對象。暗夜大搜緝 |
Her matching of colorful threads parallels the matching of pigments. In embroidering, she works as if creating an oil painting. | 她配色線就像配顏料,繡時就像使用油畫畫筆層層堆染,能配出各種生動的色彩,而層層加繡的結果,好象厚重立體的油畫。 |
Being a hard-working young lady, Yang Hsiu-chih has won praise and a reputation as an artist in embroidery painting. | 在刺繡名家作品之餘,她也嘗試刺繡自己的繪畫,獲得藝壇好評。 |
"Sometimes you have to rely on informants to provide inside information that lets you keep on top of what's going on in your precinct," says Chi. | 「有時候必須靠『細胞』(線民)提供情報,才能掌握勤區的治安動態。」 |
The main features of the project include the reservoir, dam, spillway, power plant, Tungkou diversion weir and diversion tunnels. It produces benefits in irrigation, flood control, public water supply and hydroelectric power. | 水庫的各項工程包括:水庫、大壩、溢洪道、發電廠、東口導水堰、導水隧道等,兼具灌溉、防洪、公共給水、發電等多重效益。 |
The only serious incident that occurred here was the mass protest following the presidential election in 2004. | 這裡唯一發生過的嚴重事件,就是 2004 年總統選舉後,引發民眾抗爭集會的事件。 |
The primary objective of the project was to increase irrigation water for 85,424 hectares (about 212,560 acres) of farmland in the Chianan irrigation area. After completion of the project, the annual production of brown rice was increased by 130,000 metric tons and that of sugar by more than 70,000 metric tons. | 曾文水庫的主要目標在增加嘉南平原農作區的灌溉,使得稻米每年可增產十三萬公噸、蔗糖可增產七萬公噸以上。 |
On the day of our visit, Yang happened to be patrolling his beat. He had arrived at an earth god temple in Tungmen Borough to visit the local community watch group. | 採訪當天,正碰上楊仁儀進行勤區查察,他前往東門里社區的土地公廟,探訪當地的守望相助巡守隊。 |
The peak flow of the Tsengwen River to its lower reaches can be controlled to minimize damages caused by flood or drought. In addition, the project has improved public health, helped develop tourism and increased working opportunities. | 此外,可以調節曾文溪下游河道流量,以防止水旱災;又可改善公共衛生,發展觀光與增加就業機會。 |
In Taipei neighborhoods, the sight of residents working so closely with police officers has led paradoxically to a lessening of respect for police authority. | 在台北首善之區的社區裡,看得到里民與員警互動密切的合作模式,卻也反而有更輕視警察公權力的現象。 |
As residents live in security, they ought not to forget to thank these guardians of our public order. | 民眾在安居之餘,也別忘了感謝這群治安褓母吧。 |
WACL and APACL Joint Conference in Taipei | 反共大團結﹘ ﹘世盟亞盟大會 |
He said: "We call on the free world to draw a clear line between friends and foe, fly an unmistakably anti-Communist flag ... we also call on it to harden confidence in its eventual victory, strengthen the unity among free nations, display moral courage and fight unitedly to the finish." | 嚴總統於大會開幕時以地主國元首身份親臨致詞,呼籲自由世界,劃清敵我與敵友的界限,展開鮮明的反共旗幟,堅定反共必勝的信心,加強民主國家的團結合作,發揮無比強大的道德勇氣,共同奮鬥到底。 |
Even harder to believe was that this friend, who had no background in sinology, had not just one but two different translations of the I Ching, or "Book of Changes," on his bookshelf. The Germans are a pragmatic people, I thought--he wouldn't put these books out to show off his "culture" or "learnedness." | 更何況,這位德國朋友不是漢學專業出身,書架上卻擺了不只一本、而是兩種不同的《易經》譯本,根據日爾曼民族務實的個性,這應該不是拿來當做有學問的象徵或「文化裝飾品」吧? |
The five-day 10th general conference of the WACL and 23rd general conference of the APACL ended April 22. A joint communique emphasized the need to pool resources and strengthen anti-Communist forces for the destruction of Communist tyranny and for winning freedom for all, as provided for in the WACL Charter. | 世界反共聯盟第十屆大會暨亞洲人民反共聯盟第二十三屆大會於四月二十二日下午閉幕,並發表聯合聲明,強調大會一致決定,依據世盟憲章,繼續致力集中反共的資源和力量,以加速摧毀共產暴政,爭取全人類的自由。 |
they'd call, inviting me to join in. This I Ching fever surprised me again. | 見我走過,她們還招呼我共襄盛舉,這種對《易經》的熱中再次令我驚訝。 |
It was a big day for the smallest small-fry when the Social Affairs Department of the Taipei City Government held a sports meet for children aged 3 to 5 at the Taipei City Baseball Field April 2 in celebration of Children's Day. | 為慶祝四月四日兒童節,台北市政府社會局提前在四月二日上午,在台北市立棒球場,舉行了一場別開生面的娃娃運動大會。 |
On the web, I also came across countless organizations with names like "The I Ching Society," "The School of I Ching Studies," or "The I Ching Fan Club" in Germany. There was even an academic forum for study of the I Ching set up by a university which often holds conferences and lectures. | 從網頁中還可以發現,德國有數不清的「易經協會」、「易經研究所」、「易經同好者聯誼會」,以及附設在大學裡的易經學術機構和《易經》論壇。 |
He also remarked what a shame it was that the West only discovered it so late! Even Bob Dylan, the American singer perhaps second only to Elvis in popularity, praised the book, saying, "I'm not trying to push it, I don't want to talk about it, but it's the only thing that is amazingly true, period, not just for me. Anybody would know it. | 連鮑伯・狄倫,這位繼貓王之後最受景仰的美國民謠歌手,也強力向身邊所有人推薦:「你一定親身去體會《易經》,我不想講太多,只有一點:你一讀這本書,馬上會強烈感覺到,這一切都是真的!」 |
Anybody that ever walks would know it .... "Eastern discovery German sinologist Roderich Ptak says I Ching studies have a long history in Europe, and there are more than 300 different translations of the work. The most authoritative--and best-selling--German translation is that by Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930). | 德國漢學家譚克教授表示,《易經》研究在歐洲歷史淵源久遠,光是譯本就有三百多種,其中德文版以理查威廉(Richard Wilhelm, 1873-1930)翻譯的版本最具權威,銷路也最廣。 |
Wilhelm spent more than 25 years in China, becoming the archetypical "China hand." | 衛禮賢停留在中國的時間長達 25 年,可謂名副其實的「中國通」。 |
Eighty percent of the Taiwan eels are exported. More than 90 percent o f the exports go to Japan. Hong Kong and the Southeast Asian countries are next in purchases. | 台灣地區所產鰻魚百分之八十以上外銷,外銷市場最主要是日本,佔百分之九十以上,其次為香港與東南亞。 |
The so-called white eels are considered the most nutritious and appetizing. Their flesh also is regarded as a tonic by the people in the East. | 所養殖的鰻魚以白鰻居最多數,肉腴味美,營養豐富,東方人視為進補聖品。 |
The eels exported live to Japan are made to hibernate in low temperature when air lifted. On their arrival at their destination, these eels will warm up and wake up. | 我國輸往日本的鰻魚多使用包機冷藏空運,使鰻魚在低溫下冬眠,運往目的地後解凍復甦,仍呈鮮活狀態,營養與滋味絲毫不減。 |
Canned eels also are exported in a large quantities. | 冷凍加工熟鰻的外銷量也不少,但多採用貨櫃海運,以節省運費。 |
Academics generally agree that it was the best of its era. Later versions never matched these authoritative master translations, but they continued to appear both in Europe and America. | 有了這幾位大師無可動搖與取代的經典譯作在先,後人的努力顯然黯然失色。即使如此,歐美專家學者仍前仆後繼,陸續有譯本出版。 |
Chop-Making An Ancient Art Chop-making is one of the traditional ancient Chinese arts. It rivals calligraphy and painting in Chinese art history. | 篆刻,亦即治印之術,是我國傳統藝術之一,與字、畫有著同等齊觀的地位。 |
After perfecting his layout, the chop-maker can move his hand as smoothly as his mind wishes in perfecting the chop. | 中華民國篆刻學會為保存並發揚這項固有藝術,定時舉辦篆刻展覽,以與愛好此道者觀摩切磋。 |
However, Van Ess writes in his book Der Konfuzianismus that the I Ching is actually the font from which the Confucian school springs, and the cosmic order it describes is the source of that strict system of hierarchical relationships. | 話雖如此,葉翰教授在他前年出版的《儒學》一書中提到,《易經》其實正是儒家思想最原始的源頭。因為《易經》裡的「天地君親」各就其位有條不紊,實際上就是儒家強調的君臣父子,長幼有序。 |