Roughly ten years ago, thanks to the stable income afforded by his pork stand as well as having closed a few successful real-estate deals, things started to look up for Chuang. The kids were all in junior high school. So, he slowly began to distance himself from the pork stand. After manning the stand in the mornings, his afternoons were free for him to play tennis and collect antiques.
大約 10 年前,以豬肉攤穩定的收入,加上投資房地產得宜,在生活無虞、孩子也都上了國中後,莊群良慢慢放掉批發的生意,除了早上在市場忙碌,下午就騰出時間,開始打網球,收集古董家具。
With regard to overseas sales, the aim is to establish a good international reputation and promote exports. In the domestic field, it is to safeguard the people's health and safety, to protect consumers 'benefits, to prevent infectious diseases in agricultural and pastoral products or the spread of plant pests in order to aid the development of agriculture and grazing.
He was pleased with the completion of this third cracker. The Chinese Petroleum Corporation completed the construction of the first naphtha cracker in 1968, to supply sufficient raw materials for "downstream industries" in the Republic of China and the second cracker in 1975.
In his first play for the Performance Workshop, Chatting in the Traffic Circle, he played a tough guy from Shandong, and was highly praised by director Stan Lai. This play opened the door to a new life in professional theater.
He has now made over 300 performances, in plays including Comedy in the Kitchen, Red Sky, Whose Wife is in the Wrong Bed?
從《廚房鬧劇》、《紅色的天空》、《誰家老婆上錯床》… …,陶傳正已有 300 場正式演出的成績了。
In early August, the company finally ceded its title as "stock price king" to Mediatek, which single-handedly sparked the "knock-off phone" fad in China. However, thanks to the hot sales of its own brand name HTC HD2 in Europe, where demand outstripped supply, the company was able to score a victory over its rival.
8 月初才將「股王」頭銜拱手讓給一手掀起中國「山寨機」熱潮的聯發科,之後又因自有品牌 HTC HD2 在歐洲熱賣供不應求而扳回一城。
Unless one goes to the high mountains, he can hardly see snow. The temperature on Mt. Hohuan is usually 10 to 15 degrees centigrade (50-59 ° F) lower than that on the plain. It is 14 ° C (57 ° F) in summer and 5 ° C (41 ° F) in winter.
合歡山因山勢陡峭,氣溫較平地要低十至十五度左右,夏季平均溫度 14℃,冬季則為 5 ℃。
Snow starts falling in December and melts in April.
In addition to supplying many of the larger restaurants in the area, he also provides for the pork needs of the Chinshan Nuclear Power Plant and the 18 Lords Temple.
In winter, the whole mountain is covered with snow, so beautiful that it resembles the scenery of Northern China.
Commodity inspection and quarantine are major factors in the industrialization of the Republic of China. Their main purpose is to maintain high, standard quality in connection with both economic construction and foreign trade.
With this in mind, five KMT leaders vowed in a low-key post-election press conference that the party would not abuse its majority.
對此,國民黨 5 巨頭在勝選後召開記者會,神情低調地表示,「絕不濫用多數,絕不辜負選民所託」,且將廣納各政黨意見。
Tao, president of Taiwanese company Kuofeng Enterprise, was born "with a silver spoon in his mouth," beginning the second generation of entrepreneurs in his family.
The Chinese Petroleum Corporation announced plans to install a large electric generator at Chingshui in Ilan in the summer of 1977, after the company found major resources of thermal heat from the No.4 well.
Premier Chiang Ching-kuo visited the No.3 naphtha cracker plant in the Linyuan petrochemical complex in Kaohsiung County on January 16.
Pele arrived for a three-day visit. He and his coach, Professor Julio Mazzei, took part in a soccer clinic for members and coaches of the Republic of China's Football Association, offering his experience of many years to help boost the morale of the sport of soccer in Taiwan.
With use of the modern printing machines, the drawings are printed much more beautifully and delicately and in a large quantity, while remaining almost the same in style as the ancient ones.
In the last two or three years, he has chased the origins of the songs he sings and plays, traveling to the sacred places of music. With his wife, he has visited Nashville, the capital of American country music, New Orleans, the birthplace of jazz, and the hometown of the Beatles--Liverpool in England.
Taiwan produces the largest number of butterfly handicraft items in the world. The good climate makes the island province of the Republic of China a good breeding ground for many kinds of insects. So far, more than 400 species of butterflies have been found.
They also are among the highest in reproduction. Weso Chen, an entomologist, recently has found a wonderful spot--The Valley of Violet Butterflies--with more than 250 species. The Valley was literally full of butterflies fluttering here and there.
This is how he came to know the ins and outs of the business. Upon completion of military service, it was a foregone conclusion that he would take over the family business per his father's wishes.
"The Hill of Cicadas," adjacent to the Valley of Violet Butterflies is another interesting place to visit. The cicadas sing in unison from spring to autumn, contributing to a fantastic scene.
Mt. Hohuan--Snow in Sub-Tropics
It is a place for enjoying snow scenes, as well as a popular summer resort. A sub-tropical and tropical climate makes most of Taiwan quite warm in all seasons.
The year was 1998. Chuang had one piece of investment property tucked away in a secluded area that he just couldn't seem to unload. He consequently took this property, which faces an ancient estate and features a view of the Yangming Mountains, and transformed it into the "Life Art Villa."
1998 年,他所投資的房地產中,有一間畸零地的新屋始終賣不出去,莊群良乾脆將這一間前有古厝,後可眺望陽明山的房子留下,自己設計空間,開設「良亭生活藝術空間」,除了提供餐飲,更作為金山地區的藝術展出空間。
It made a notable impression on those in attendance. Many people might view the creative process as a perplexing one. Chuang doesn't see it that way at all. He takes a more whimsical approach.
In recent years, quality inspection work has enlarged its range from the check of imported and exported goods to the supervision of entire production lines, because of the country's rapid industrial and commercial development and the increase of commodity items.
Commodity inspection and quarantine is both an effective tool to promote economic growth and an important factor in economic administration.
Having experienced the delight of creating art, Chuang then endeavored with his fellow villagers to form the "North Coast Artists Association," affording common folks selling food in the market the opportunity to enjoy creating art.
The operations of commodity inspection and quarantine include: inspection of imported and exported goods, offers of technical services, issuance of certificates of origin and assistance to manufacturers in carrying out quality control.
Inspection of imported and exported goods puts emphasis on the products exported in bulk volume or on those with great export potentiality. Only those that meet quality regulations can be cleared for export.
Michael C. Tao has made more than 300 performances in professional theater, been nominated for a Golden Bell Award as best male lead, and is also the host of a radio music program.
陶傳正,參與專業劇場演出超過 300 場,曾經入圍金鐘獎最佳男主角,他也是廣播電台音樂節目主持人。
Because Tao is a real-life company president, he says "I hate having to play the role of leading businessman in the theater."
In assisting manufacturers to set up quality control systems, the Bureau of Inspection and Quarantine helps good performers obtain preferential treatment and to be permitted to simplify inspection procedures or reduce inspection fees.
His father, Tao Tzu-hou, carved out a career as an entrepreneur in the fabric industry when the Chiang family was ruling the nation.
However, because his father had invested unwisely in the synthetic leather business, there was a huge debt remaining with interest payments totaling more than NT $ 100 million per year.
They were accompanied by U. S. Ambassador Leonard Unger. The Californians came for a brief visit aimed at promoting the sales of California brandy and grape wine in Taiwan.
"Those days were truly awful!" Tao remembers being hounded by creditors, and having to rush from one to another begging for more time to pay. Things changed, however. Relaxing in a restaurant one Sunday morning, he ordered a dish of three-treasure rice.
During the visit, they held a wine-tasting party in the hope of establishing a sales network and promoting trade between the two countries.
Digging of the well has been under way since last February. A team is conducting a survey of thermal heat distribution in the Ilan area of Tuchang, Chingshui and Tungshan.
According to team members, prospects of thermal power development in the Republic of China are very bright.
Both are on the site of the Corporation's Kaohsiung Refinery. Now the third naphtha plant has joined in production to meet domestic market demands. Brazilian soccer superstar Pele (" Black Pearl ") visited a Chinese youth exhibition match at Taipei Stadium on February 6 and was welcomed by the soccer fans of the Republic of China.
In the more than ten years since he discovered the theater, he has played emperors, company presidents, priests, and even alcoholics and a user of prostitutes.
Two years ago, in another TV drama A Man at Fifty, he played a middle-aged man who, looking for his lost youth, has sex with a high-school girl. He was again nominated for the Golden Bell best actor award.
A special exhibition of drawings is held around the Chinese New Year season to introduce this conventional folk art to modern Chinese living in a more prosperous society.
Tao belonged to the era before campus folk songs, and in his junior high school he started his own band. He is presently the host of music program Papa Tao--On the Road heard on the Voice of Taipei.
屬於前民歌時代、初中就組樂團的陶傳正,還是「台北之音」電台,《陶爸 On the Road》音樂節目主持人。
Tao says, "Every song and every singer I introduce have been a part of my life, so for me the time spent in the studio is an absolute joy."
Butterflies are free in their own valley.
But being so immersed in the fun of the theater and his other activities, he named his speech "Happy for the Rest of My Life," a title that frightened off his hosts somewhat with its reference to the end of life.
The government plans to take advantage of labor force, resources, techniques and experiences used in the Ten Major Construction Projects for the new Six-Year Economic Development Plan. The projects will complement each other and produce the highest effects of each investment.
Beyond Shirozu Takahashi Tsai's younger brother, who was working for a friend in a mountain village in Hualien, invited him for a visit in 1979. In those days Hualien had two professional dance troupes, one of them belonging to his brother's friend Chang Ching-po.
由於弟弟在花蓮友人的山莊工作,1979 年,蔡百峻受邀到花蓮遊玩,當時花蓮有兩支專業舞團,友人張清博的「紅葉山莊山地舞蹈團」是其中之一。
Thirty-two youths of the Republic of China were organized into two goodwill missions led by Chien-chung Yi and Nathan Yu-jen Lai to visit college campuses in the United States in March 1977.
Tea plantations in Taiwan have moved toward mechanization in recent years.
He has immersed himself in the bone-chilling waters of an early spring creek in March, clambered up perilous tree branches to reach butterflies delighting in their treetop lingering, and has even exhausted his life savings to pursue his passion. Through it all, however, Tsai has never regretted his chosen path, which is to live out the rustic butterfly dreams of the Taiwanese people.
Tsai Bae-chun, originally named Tsai Kuo-yang, was born in Changhua in 1950. When he was three his family moved to Kaohsiung. After graduating from elementary school he earned a spot in Kaohsiung Third Middle School (now Shihchia Middle School).
蔡百峻,本名蔡國揚,1950 年生於彰化,3 歲時遷居高雄,國小畢業後保送高雄三中(現獅甲國中)。
Many people take part in guessing the answers to riddles written on lanterns in public contests, in which prizes are offered.
The presentations in the United States will be sponsored by the Chinese scholars and students in the American campuses. During the shows, the audiences will receive souvenirs from the missions.
In early spring, they are covered in dense algae and look like rows of thin green dolphins lying lazily on the beach. Usually, their appearance is like a huge natural abstract painting, or they give one the feeling of having entered a secret garden of the gods.
These help our American friends toward further understanding of our country. Last year's goodwill mission to the United States was invited to attend the Fifth International Folk Dance Festival in Miami, Florida, where it won big applause from thousands in the audiences.
The Taiwan Provincial Government established a tea improvement center in Taoyuan, specializing in species improvement.
In 1969, he borrowed his brother-in-law's twin-lens reflex camera and began experimenting with it. He continued to diligently seek out photography books in the used bookstalls.
1969 年,他向姐夫借來一台雙眼相機開始摸索,更勤於在舊書攤尋找與攝影相關的書籍。
After eating Yuan-hsiao, boys and girls parade the streets in groups with their candle-lit lanterns in many beautiful colors and many shapes.
Taiping in Ilan in order to give the butterflies a safe, secluded breeding ground. Tsai spent ten years trying to capture these "dream lovers" on film. There were many close calls.
為了拍到這個「夢中情人」,長達 10 年的尋尋覓覓,蔡百峻數度與寬尾鳳蝶擦身而過。
Premier Chiang Ching-kuo led his cabinet members in attending the first meeting of the 59th session of the Legislative Yuan February 25. He made an administrative report and responded to questions of the legislators, Premier Chiang called on the people of the nation to unite and concentrate their efforts in concerted actions to accomplish the sacred mission of Communist elimination and mainland recovery.
In March 1983, in early spring, Tsai traveled to Chiayang on Mt. Li to await the butterflies, but found that he had arrived too early, for the sassafras trees had not yet budded. However, three months later, when the trees were green, the broad-tailed swallowtails were nowhere to be seen.
1983 年初春 3 月,蔡百峻到梨山佳陽附近等待,只是來早了,擦樹尚未長新芽;之後 3 個月過去了,擦樹已綠意盎然,卻仍不見蝶蹤。
In early June of that year, Tsai went to Mt. Taiping in Ilan to try his luck there but due to some heavy rain soon returned to Mt. Li.
6 月初,他轉到宜蘭太平山碰運氣,到了宜蘭卻下起傾盆大雨,只好又轉回梨山。
Marble is ornate limestone in more or less crystalline state capable of taking a high polish. It can be used in sculpture and architecture and as material for furniture, flower-vases, decorations and other handicrafts.
Because of its wide range of colors and variegations, marble is much in demand. Due to prosperity and progress of building in Taiwan, the use of marble is increasing rapidly.
"My many friends in the business world often tell me that they're envious of my lifestyle." When this happens, Tao explains to them that it's not a matter of luck: anyone can make it happen for themselves. "If you have the will, tomorrow you can be as happy and contented as I am!"
The members of these student goodwill missions were selected from colleges and universities in the Republic of China.
The tidal channels of Laomei are found along the shore of Laomei Village in Taipei County's Shihmen Township, around one kilometer southeast from Cape Fukuei.
However, as worldwide competition in the smartphone market hits the white-hot stage, can the vanguard firm HTC keep riding the crest of the wave?
Nature's Dancers, Garbed in Rainbows The Butterfly Dreams of Tsai Bae-chun
When I first sighted the high-land red-belly swallowtail butterfly in the forests of Mt. Taiping, I thought I must be dreaming.
They have made great progress in fertilization, branch arrangement, pest prevention and species improvement.
The annual tea production in Taiwan is about 28,000 tons. Eighty per cent is exported.
It is well-equipped with advanced apparatus to analyze the chemical content in tea leaves. Tea experts are also employed to measure odor, fragrance and color as a basis for improvement.
On the island of Taiwan, the pleasant atmosphere can be deeply felt in anticipation about a month before the Lunar New Year.
Each family begins to prepare salted and dried meat, sundry other foods, candies, biscuits, toys and firecrackers for the forthcoming New Year holidays. In garment stores, department stores, vegetable markets and flower shops, food and other consumer items are amassed for sale.
1957 At age 46, Huang travels to Italy to further his studies. His thesis is entitled "Musical Composition and Chinese Musical Style and Sound." After six years, he graduates in composition.
195746 歲,赴羅馬進修,完成論文「中國風格和聲與作曲」,6 年後獲羅馬滿德藝術學院作曲文憑。
In worshiping the kitchen god (performed on the 23rd day of the 12th month), we prepare for a new year to come.
This was the prognostication made by Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, when he attended the unveiling ceremony of HTC's Windows platform smart cell phone HD2 in November of 2009.
這是 2009 年 11 月,微軟執行長鮑莫爾(Steve Ballmer)訪台並出席宏達電新款 Windows 平台智慧型手機 HTC HD2 發表會時的預言。
On the Lunar New Year's Eve, people worship their ancestors and see the old year out and the new year in by staying up until past midnight. On the day of the New Year itself, everyone goes to visit relatives and to pay courtesy calls.
Bored with his business classes, Tsai once more shut the door on formal education. He joined an art club and used the library as his classroom, reading all kinds of books on art. Outside of class, he would roam the used bookstores on Liuhe Street looking for discarded magazines from the news operations of the American Institute in Taipei.
Even nowadays, we celebrate this spectacular celebration of the holiday season festival as happily as before. Displays of elaborate lanterns are held in many department stores and temples, which particularly fascinate the small children.
Just when Tsai was considering switching to photographing animals in the wild, he took a trip to Hualien, and there began to forge his bond with butterflies, a bond that is as close as the way shadows follow form.
After four years of research and improvement, an experimental electric car built by the National Tsing Hua University has been pronounced a success. It will be co-produced by four Republic of China privately-owned enterprises for public use in the near future.
The Taiwan-made electric car performs well and its cost is only about 30 per cent that of similar vehicles made in the United States and Japan.
The electric cars are expected to mark a new mile stone in Taiwan's transportation history.
Unlike photographing portraits or landscapes, butterflies never follow instructions. While it is easy to capture a butterfly in one's net, it takes a lot of effort to make it sit still for a photo. Tsai's first challenge was that of inadequate equipment.
He started out with a Nikon F2 AS, which was fully manual in its operation. This meant that he had to set up the flash and set the aperture and shutter speed. Furthermore, the flash was not adjustable, but could only fire at full brightness. When Tsai discovered the presence of butterflies, he would pay attention to their every movement and consider how to draw near without frightening them.
蔡百峻首先面臨的是攝影設備不完善,初始他使用 NIKON F2AS 相機,這種全機械式的相機,拍照時要調整閃光燈、光圈和速度,而且閃光燈只有全光,無法改變出光源;發現蝶蹤時,還要專注牠的一舉一動,思考如何靠近又不會驚嚇到牠。
After a three-day visit, Mr. Pope expressed his view that the high spirit of the struggle for freedom by the free Chinese in Taiwan can be an example for other countries.
The most dramatic example of such close encounters was when he engaged in a game of hide-and-seek with the prized broad-tailed swallowtail butterfly (Agehana maraho).
Gen. Vijeon praised the modernization of teaching facilities and high morale of the cadets and said he regarded the Academy as one of the best military training institutes in the world.
A Sino-Saudi Arabian agricultural cooperation agreement was signed at the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taipei, February 26 by Yun-suan Sun, minister of economic affairs of the Republic of China and Dr. Abdul Rahaman Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh, minister of agriculture and water of Saudi Arabia.
Education Minister Y. S. Tsiang presented a Culture Medal to the famous violinist and composer Sitson Ma for his contributions to musical education and outstanding performances in the Republic of China.
Most of newly built hotels, halls, restaurants, apartments and office buildings use marble in their construction for ornamentation.
The eggs hatched in about a week, but by September all traces of the creatures had disappeared. It turned out that the caterpillars would select dried wood or grass upon which to pupate. They would spend the winter as chrysalises and turn into butterflies the following April to June. Tsai would have to wait until the next year for that to happen.
蝶卵約一星期孵化,到了 9 月卻又不見蹤跡,原來幼蟲會選擇在樹下的枯木或枯草堆化蛹,然後靜靜過冬,直到隔年 4-6 月間才化蝶,就這樣,錯身而過,又得等一年。
The marble reserve in eastern Taiwan is enormous. According to the reliable estimation, it totals more than 300 billion tons.
In his first few years of photographing butterflies, Tsai captured and bred butterflies to support himself financially.