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The 1976 games resulted in some outstanding achievements: 12 entrants set new national records in six categories; 148 broke the records of Taiwan Area Games in 45 categories; 12 equalled the Games 'records in 11 categories. | 今年台灣區運動大會,由於全體運動員努力發揚體育精神,總計破全國紀錄者有六項十二人,破大會紀錄者有四十五項一百四十八人次,平大會紀錄者有十一項十二人次,成果輝煌。 |
Lin was born in Kuei-jen in Tainan County in southern Taiwan in 1936. Since his graduation from Tainan Normal College, he has devoted himself diligently to his fine arts education. It led to his present-day success. | 林智信民國二十五年出生於台南歸仁,台南師專畢業以後,即獻身於美術教育工作,辛苦耕耘,終於獲得今天的成就。 |
October 31 was the 90th birthday anniversary of the Late President Chiang Kai-shek. A big rally was held in commemoration at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei. | 上(十)月三十一日為總統蔣公九秩誕辰,中央政府當天上午在國父紀念館舉行紀念大會,以表達敬仰與懷念的至誠。 |
The Taiwan Provincial Government appropriated funds in 1975 to subsidize local residents in raising deer. Hopefully the valley will live up to the meaning of its name. Chung Hsing Deer Farm was the first subsidized and has been doing quite well. | 台灣省政府乃在民國六十四年公共造產基金項下,撥款補助當地居民,發展養鹿事業,首先響應的是中興示範養鹿場,到目前為止,已經成為一座頗具規模的養鹿場。 |
Graphic art first appeared in China in the woodcut prints of Buddhist scriptures in the Tang and Sung dynasties. It then was merely for the purpose of recording and only lines were presented. | 版畫在我國唐宋時代的木刻佛經中,已經出現過,當時只是作為紀錄之用,所表現的也只是線條而已。 |
The government made an inshore survey twenty-five years ago, and has participated since in international cooperative oceanographic research. An Institute of Oceanography was established in August 1968 at the National Taiwan University to conduct research projects as well as to train young scientists in oceanography. | 於是,政府在二十五年前,就舉辦過台灣近海調查,參加國際主辦的黑潮探測,並於民國五十七年八月正式在國立台灣大學,設立海洋研究所,一方面培植人才,另一方面則從事實際的研究工作。 |
The Second Asian Scholars 'Convention opened in Taipei November 1. More than 50 scholars from 17 countries in the Asian and Pacific region participated in the three-day conference organized by the Asian Cultural Center of the Asian Parliamentarians' Union. President Yen Chia-kan addressed the opening ceremony, over which Dr. Chen Li-fu presided. | 亞洲國會議員聯合會亞洲文化中心主辦的第二屆亞洲學者會議,本(十一)月一日在台北市民航大廈揭幕,由會長陳立夫主持,會期三天,共有亞太地區十七個國家的五十多位學者參加。 |
In the last two decades, military personnel and civilians have joined in working hard to reconstruct Kinmen. | 在這兩次戰役中,戍守金門的國軍,奮勇作戰,消滅了來犯的共軍,維護了這片自由的土地。 |
Rallies were held at national and local levels. There was a groundbreaking ceremony for the Chung Cheng Memorial Hall commemorating the career of the late President. Other activities included mountain climbing, picnics, sports and games, exhibitions, garden parties and lectures throughout the nation. A concert in memory of the late President took place in the evening. | 中央及地方分別舉行紀念大會,中正紀念堂破土典禮;各地各團體所舉辦的登山、健行、郊遊、運動會、展覽會、園遊會、演講會,都簇擁著扶老攜幼的人群。 |
From a prominent Greek shipping family and director of MIT's Media Laboratory, Professor Nicholas Negroponte was raised in Switzerland and received his post-secondary education in America. His diverse cultural background is the source of his infinite inspiration. | 出身希臘航運世家的 MIT「媒體實驗室」負責人尼葛洛龐帝教授,在瑞士長大,在美國受高等教育,多文化的成長背景,孕育了他的無窮創意。 |
No stranger to Taiwan, Negroponte revealed his belief that technology should serve everybody when he announced his "One Laptop Per Child" idea in a speech given at the Industrial Research Technology Institute in late November 2005. | 曾多次來台的尼葛洛龐帝,2005 年 11 月底在工研院發表「一個孩子,一部電腦」演說,展現科技為人性服務的深度關懷。 |
Their tireless efforts made the achievement possible and won them the praise of their country. The second stage is now under way and will be completed in October of 1979. By that time, the berths will be increased to 17 and the capacity raised to 6,400,000 tons. Most goods in central Taiwan can be transported without delay. | 目前,第二期工程已經又在賡續進行,預計六十八年十月可以完成,碼頭將增為十七座,營運能量為六百四十萬噸,中部地區大部分貨物的疏運將無問題。 |
The Taiwan Area Games opened in Taichung on October 31, with Tsai Hung-wen, speaker of the Taiwan Provincial Assembly, presiding over the ceremony. Some 40,000 people representing various organizations, schools, legislative bodies, athletes and others from all walks of life participated in the ceremony. | 中華民國六十五年台灣區運動大會,十月三十一日上午九時在台中市省立體育場舉行,由大會副會長蔡鴻文主持,各機關團體學校首長、民意代表、參加區運選手及各界民眾代表共四萬人參加,典禮隆重而熱烈。 |
Perception is more valuable than IQ. At a Las Vegas magician's request, MIT Media Lab developed a "performing chair" that could sense a person's whereabouts. An engineer from Japan's NEC saw it and felt it could be used in child car seats, because crash-released airbags can smash into older model car seats which in turn can injure children. | 洞察力比智商有價值:MIT 媒體實驗室曾經幫美國賭城的魔術師開發一款能夠感應身體位置的表演用椅,爾後日本 NEC 公司的工程師看到了,覺得很適合用在汽車的嬰兒座椅上,因為舊款座椅在車子遭受撞擊時會被啟動的氣囊打中,造成兒童受傷。 |
Deer Valley is located in the middle part of the Central Mountain Range, to the southeast of Nantou County. With an elevation of 300-1600 meters, the valley has a mild climate. Fifty years ago many wild deer were found in this area-thus the name "Deer Valley." | 鹿谷,位於台灣省中央山脈中腹,南投縣東南方,海拔三百至一千六百公尺,氣候溫和,遠在五十年前,靠近阿里山及信義鄉山區,均有成群野生鹿隻棲息,故名鹿谷。 |
The realistic simplicity of Lin Chih-hsin's graphics depicts well the Chinese people's character. That is why in recent years he has been highly regarded in international circles. | 由於林智信木刻版畫的拙樸寫實,表現出中國人樸質古雅的精神,近幾年來深受國際版畫界的重視。 |
With the arena now open, Cloud Gate can perform for 35 days in a row, and Taiwanese superstar Wu Bai can hold concerts in the same venue. If 5000 people per show isn't going to cut it, extra performances can be added. | 如今有了小巨蛋,可以讓雲門舞集連演 35 天,也可以讓台語歌天王伍佰舉行大型演唱會,一場 5000 人不夠容納,可以加演,用帶狀方式呈現。 |
Oceanography is a relatively new field of studies that has developed rapidly in recent years. It is of particular importance in the Republic of China, for Taiwan is an island with large fishery resources. | 海洋學為新興科學之一,近年以來,頗受各國的重視,發展至為迅速。 |
But during the grand opening of the arena, many were complaining that they had to have their bags searched before entering, and that their cameras were taken from them and left in a rough pile. Not only this, but they were also prohibited from taking in their own food and drink, and were thus at the mercy of the high prices of the arena food vendors. | 小巨蛋風光開幕期間,曾傳出觀眾抱怨入場要搜查包裹、相機沒收後集中堆疊沒有妥善保管,以及不准自備飲料食物,只好在巨蛋內的美食街忍受高價剝削等事情。 |
In 1996 labor groups took to the streets in protest against "Six Things We Cannot Afford" --cannot afford to live, cannot afford to have children, cannot afford housing, cannot afford education, cannot afford to get old, cannot afford to get sick. | 民國 85 年,勞工團體以「六不起」──活不起、生不起、住不起、讀不起、老不起、病不起──為訴求,走上街頭抗議。 |
Now, it is a green island, covered with trees, with highways leading to every corner. Water and electric power are supplied to every one. People live and work in peace and prosperity, so close to communist held territory. Numerous lakes and hills, as well as pavilions, such as Chu-kuang Tower, Tai Hu and Mount Tawu, enhance the beautiful scenery. | 二十多年以來,金門在軍民同胞的齊心合力之下,埋頭建設,現在全島樹木蔥籠,公路四通八達,街道整齊清潔,水電供應充裕,人民安居樂業;加以湖光水色,太武嶙岩,襯托亭台樓閣之勝,諸如莒光樓、榕園、太湖、金城公園,以及海印寺、魯王墓、太武山公墓等景色幽美,已經成為一個海上的公園。 |
At a recent demo, the prototypes of many new products were shown, but even more in evidence was the process of how ideas come into being. | 日前的成果發表會上,有不少新產品雛型,但更多的是呈現創意的發想過程。 |
For example, entertainment technology researcher Lin Ying-tzu used computer imaging to describe her idea for a modified mirror. The notion came from her habit of looking at herself in a mirror. Because many women squeeze their pimples while at the bathroom mirror, they naturally wish that the mirror could locally enlarge the reflected image of a pimple so that it could be seen more clearly. | 例如研究娛樂科技的林盈孜,用電腦繪圖說明她的「魔鏡」創意,想法來自她愛照鏡子的習慣:很多女生在浴室照鏡子擠青春痘,都希望鏡子可以局部放大青春痘,看得更清楚;若在浴室邊洗澡、邊唱歌時,如果水龍頭流出冷、熱水外,還能流洩出音樂,該有多好! |
More than 3,000 officials and others participated in the gathering. | 參加大會者有三千餘人。 |
Premier Chiang Ching-kuo marked his father's birthday anniversary with an article entitled "The Leader, the Father and the Teacher." Premier Chiang vowed to serve the nation, the people and the party with a spirit of daring sacrifice to comfort his father's soul in Heaven. | 行政院蔣院長也在這一天發表「領袖、慈父、嚴師」專文,以無限孺慕之情,誓言今後決以死裡求生的精神,為國盡忠,為黨犧牲,為民服務,以報親恩,慰父靈。 |
People from all walks of life also took part in commemorative activities. Thousands upon thousands from home and abroad entered the Presidential Building to pay their respects to President Chiang before his statue. | 全國軍民同胞當天,也以恭肅的心情,參加各項紀念活動。總統府敞廳,整天開放,成千成萬的中外人士,湧向總統府,恭向蔣公銅像敬禮。 |
"Taiwan still has a great deal of potential that has not been unleashed," Hsueh says. For technologists, who are used to right-brain rational thinking, exploiting the potential latent in the emotional left-brain may bring forth Tai-wan's next economic miracle. | 「台灣還有一股能量還未被開發出來,」薛文珍說,對習慣用左腦理性思考的科技人而言,一旦感性的右腦能量被開發出來,或許,下一個台灣經濟奇蹟就會出現了。 |
On a trip to Myanmar several years ago, he discovered that the children there have it hard enough trying to make it anywhere in school, but then they come home to houses with no radios or television sets. Lacking the electric infrastructure that we take for granted makes it difficult for children to learn and obtain information. | 幾年前,尼葛洛龐帝到緬甸旅遊,發現當地兒童不僅無法順利升學,回到家也沒有收音機、電視,日常生活的用電設施更是不足,小朋友想要讀書、獲取資訊,相當困難。 |
The difficulties children face to get an education in remote areas set his creative juices flowing. The result: the US $ 100 laptop. | 偏遠地區兒童的求學處境讓他萌生「一個小孩、一部百元美金電腦」的夢想,希望藉由低價電腦幫助開發中國家孩童,提升他們的資訊教育水準。 |
The first ten-year plan is proceeding in three stages, and is scheduled to be completed by 1982. There will be 32 berths and an accommodation capacity of 12,000,000 tons of cargo annually. | 第一個十年計畫分三期施工,預定民國七十一年全部竣工,建造碼頭三十二座,商港營運能量一千二百萬噸。 |
More than 2,000 workers of the Retired Servicemen's Engineering Agency participated in its construction. | 在建港過程中,負責工程的榮民工程處,動用了兩千多名榮民和工程師參與工作,移山倒海,闢建了這個海港,贏得了全國人士的讚許。 |
Tsai told the audience it was very meaningful to hold the games on the 90th birthday anniversary of the late President Chiang Kai-shek, who had paid much attention during his lifetime to physical education for all citizens. Tsai expressed his hope that every citizen would engage regularly in sports activities so that a better citizenship would emerge from the practice of teamwork, cooperation and service. | 蔡副會長在致詞時說:今年運動大會選在總統蔣公九十誕辰紀念日舉行,意義重大,因為蔣公生前非常重視國民體育,希望我們每一位國民經常運動,從運動中,鍛鍊個人的品格,養成合作與服務的精神,使人人成為健全的公民。 |
In recent decades, wild deer have disappeared because of development projects and hunting. | 惟近數十年來,由於山區開發,民間獵捕,野鹿業已絕跡。 |
Chen ’ s experience greatly increased her confidence in the breathing techniques, which she practices for 30 – 40 minutes virtually every day. | 這種美好經驗讓陳士心信心大增,每天持續練習淨化呼吸 30~40 分鐘,甚少偷懶。 |
Deer meat is useful for food, the skin for clothing, the antlers and blood in Chinese medicine, the horns and bones for craft products. | 鹿肉可食,鹿皮可穿,鹿茸鹿血可供滋補,鹿角鹿骨還可製作工藝用品。 |
Lin Chih-Hsin, Artist in Wood-Cuts | 林智信木刻版畫 |
In the last century, Chinese graphics were influenced by Western arts, and began to pay more attention to perspective, composition and multiple-color-printing. They gradually became a fine art. | 近百年來,西風東漸,版畫受到西洋繪畫的影響,開始注意透視、構圖、以及套色,逐漸成為藝術的一部份。 |
In the future, as well as world-class sporting events, the arena will also through joint efforts promote classical music and cabarets, including concerts of a scale rivaling those at Hong Kong Coliseum, and even host religious gatherings. | 未來除了朝向推廣國際級體育活動發展外,還會以帶狀展演方式,推展古典音樂及歌舞秀,舉辦媲美香港紅磡的大型演唱會,甚至大型宗教法會等。 |
He grew up in the countryside where sunshine and green leaves abound and where he encounters kindhearted and hard-working farmers. | 因為他生長在陽光普照,綠葉如蔭的鄉村,經常面對著的是一群善良勤樸的農民,所以在他的心裡人與大地是一體的。 |
Thus man and nature are united in Lin's mind and heart. He maintains that he cannot draw murky clouds under such clear skies. | 他認為在這樣晴朗的天空中,實在畫不出雲霾的混沌。 |
When international organizations are evaluating whether or not to visit a new foreign city, Chao says, the most important factor is whether or not that area's venues are up to scratch. In the past a number of groups were less than keen to visit Taiwan, primarily because suitable locations were too few. | 趙怡說,國際上的重量級展演團體評估是否到國外陌生城市演出時,當地展演場所夠不夠水準是很重要的考量因素,以前不少團體來台演出的意願不高,主要是台灣理想的展演場地實在太少了。 |
At the moment the biggest project is inviting teams from the NBA to play, but with this having to work in with the NBA season and the significant costs involved, this isn't anticipated to be possible until 2006 or 2007. | 目前最大的計畫是邀請美國職籃 NBA 球隊來台表演,由於需配合 NBA 賽季,再加上價碼不低,預計要到 2006 或 2007 年才可能成行。 |
The Kuroshio current in the Pacific flows past Taiwan's eastern seashore, affecting the climate to a great extent. | 太平洋的暖流「黑潮」,適經過台灣東部沿海一帶,對氣候有極大的影響。 |
All in the Family-- Caregivers 'Lonely Burden | 當家人倒下……──照顧者的心情故事 |
It can accommodate 17 scientists for extended cruises in the vicinity of Taiwan, the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea. The scientists regularly investigate hydrology, ocean currents, marine geology and geophysics and fishery resources. | 出海作業時可容納科學人員十七人。九連號經常在台灣近海、南中國海及菲律賓海,從事水文、海流、海底地質、地球物理及漁業資源的調查研究。 |
While exploring off the eastern seashore of Taiwan last summer, the research vessel discovered the existence of mineral deposits under the sea. It also cooperated with an American vessel in successful seismic studies. | 九連號今年夏天在台灣東部海域從事海洋探測時,曾發現海域中蘊藏有「錳核」礦物質;並與美船合作,從事了一次「雙船折射震測」研究。 |
Listen to their stories and consider--what can be done so both generations live in peace, and caregivers no longer bear their heavy burden or sing their sad song alone? | 有人正身陷其中,也有人已經走過那段辛苦的歷程,且聽聽他們的故事,思考──如何讓兩代均安?讓照顧者不再獨挑重擔,獨唱悲歌? |
Here's a metaphor I often use: Imagine the political system is a high-rise building. Only someone standing outside can really see the whole thing clearly, but if you are the custodian of a certain bathroom in the building, your perspective is reduced to just keeping it as clean as possible and nothing else. | 我常打這樣的比喻,如果龐大的政府體系像是一棟大樓,唯有身為體制外的運動者才能看清全貌;當你成為大樓中某間廁所的管理者,視野就只剩下「怎麼把廁所維持得更乾淨」! |
China Airlines opened a direct service between Taipei and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia October 31. | 中華航空公司上(十)月三十一日起,開闢中沙航線,從台北到沙烏地阿拉伯的吉達。 |
The new service will be provided twice a week, with departures from Taipei on Mondays and Thursdays and return flights from Jeddah on Tuesdays and Fridays. There will be stops in Hong Kong, Singapore and Dhahran. | 這條航線,每週往返各兩班次,星期一、四自台北飛往吉達、星期二、五自吉達飛返台北,沿途經過香港、新加坡、達蘭三地。 |
The construction of the first nuclear power plant in northern Taiwan started in November 1970. Unit 1 will begin operation in June of 1977 and Unit 2 in June of 1978. | 北部核能一廠是在民國五十九年十一月開工,第一部機預定在六十六年六月運轉,第二部機在六十七年六月運轉。 |
It was formally opened to tourists in 1959. The water of the lake is always green and clean, so it was given another name-Cheng-ching Lake-meaning clear in 1964. | 民國四十八年正式開放為南部風景觀光區,因湖中水深而清,且四時紺碧,於是在民國五十三年又改名為「澄清湖」,以符實際。 |
They were very happy to have the opportunity to observe the congress in session. They were particularly excited by the revolutionary stand of the Kuomintang in the adopted party platform, pledging itself to remain in the democratic camp, and to unite all the people's strength from at home and abroad, as well as from behind the enemy lines, for the final victory of national recovery against the Communists. | 他們認為能夠有此機會,看到大會的盛況,感到非常高興,特別是本次大會通過中國國民黨政綱,揭櫫堅守民主陣營,結合海內海外敵前敵後全民力量,爭取反共復國的最後勝利,充分地說明了本黨革命的基本立場。 |
The first nuclear power station, in the north, will be equipped with two 636 MWE BWR turbine-generators. The second station, also in the north, will have two 985 MWE BWR turbine-generators and the third station, in the south, two 951 MWE BWR turbine-generators. With completion of these three plants, the total nuclear power capacity will reach 5,144 MW. | 北部核能一廠裝置六十三萬六千瓩汽輪發電機兩部,核能二廠裝置九十八萬五千瓩發電機兩部;南部核能三廠裝置九十五萬一千瓩發電機兩部,全部完成後,發電總裝置容量將達五百一十四萬四千瓩。 |
In the provincial and city rallies statements were issued urging all the fellow-countrymen to strive to restore the mainland just as the mainland compatriots had recovered Taiwan from Japanese occupation in 1945. | 省市慶祝大會中,均發表宣言,呼籲全體民眾以當年大陸同胞光復台灣的精神,早日光復大陸。 |
Two years ago as a result of a stroke, Ah-liang's father suffered a brainstem thrombosis that was not discovered in time, and he fell into a vegetative state. After two months in an intensive care room he was moved to the Respiratory Therapy Center at Sungshan Armed Forces Hospital, where A-liang also hired foreign care workers to look after him. | 兩年前,阿良的父親因中風腦幹栓塞,未及時發現而變成植物人,在加護病房待了 2 個月後,住進了國軍松山醫院的呼吸治療中心,並請了外籍看護來照顧。 |
The Cheng-ching Lake scenic area covers 375 hectares (948 acres), in which the lake itself occupies 103 hectares. The lake is 1.1 kilometers by 1.4 kilometers in size, with an elevation of 18 meters. | 澄清湖總面積為三百七十五公頃,湖面佔一百零三公頃,湖的東西最大長度為一點一公里,南北最大寬度為一點四公里,湖面海拔約十八公尺。 |
The 11th National Congress of the Kuomintang (the Nationalist Party of China) was held at the Chungshan Building on Yangmingshan in suburban Taipei beginning November 12. A total of 1310 delegates and observers from home and abroad, as well as from the Chinese mainland area, took part in the seven-day conference. | 中國國民黨第十一次全國代表大會,上(十一)月十二日上午在台北市陽明山中山樓中華文化堂舉行,會期七天,至十八日閉幕,出席代表包括海內外、大陸地區及列席同志一千三百一十人。 |
According to Wu Shwu-chong, the director of National Taiwan University's Institute of Health Policy and Management, in her study "A National Profile of Family Caregivers of the Disabled Elderly People In Taiwan," more than 70 % of caregivers are female, and 30 % of that figure are themselves over the age of 65. | 根據台大衛生政策與管理研究所所長吳淑瓊的研究──「台灣功能障礙老人家庭照護者的全國概況剖析」(1999 年),台灣的照顧者有 7 成以上為女性,其中將近 3 成,本身也是 65 歲以上的老人。 |
In other words, whether or not the family employs a foreign healthcare worker, women--including wives, daughters and daughters-in-law--are the chief caregivers in Taiwan. | 換言之,不管家中有沒有外籍看護,女性──包括太太、女兒、媳婦,仍是台灣主要的照顧人力。 |
Professor Wang Li-jung of NTU's Sociology Department points out that women's taking on the role of caregiver is the result of traditional pressure deeply rooted in the sociocultural system. It is also a difficult problem in the life of modern women. | 台大社會學系教授王麗容指出,女性的照顧角色,是一種傳統以來深植於社會文化體系的壓力,也是現代女性的生活難題。 |
A six-year plan has been made to promote afforestation. Plans call for afforesting 172,362 hectares in 1977-82. | 現在已經擬定六年擴大造林計畫,預定在民國六十六年至七十一年度內,造林十七萬二千三百六十二公頃,將全省未造林地區全部予以綠化。 |
Construction of the second nuclear power station began in September of 1974. One of its two turbine-generators will start operating in April of 1980 and the other a year later. | 北部核能二廠是在六十三年九月開工,第一部機將在六十九年四月運轉,第二部機將在七十年四月運轉。 |
In general, the most beautiful scenic spots of the cross-island highway, except Lishan, are almost all located in the section between Tien Hsiang and Taroko Gorge. | 一般來說,橫貫公路的風景,除梨山以外,精華十九,多集中於天祥到太魯閣以及慈恩這一個地區。 |
In the past the "in-home service" carried economic restrictions (only for middle- or lower-income elderly). This service was extended to all elderly persons in 2003 when an "In-home Service Plan for Non-Middle- or Low-Income Disabled Elderly" was begun on a provisional basis. After one year less than 15,000 elderly were enjoying this service, a very low percentage of the more than 180,000 disabled elderly. | 過去「居家服務」有經濟條件的限制(老人必須是中低收入戶),民國 92 年開始試辦「非中低收入失能老人的居家服務計畫」,才將服務擴及一般老人;試辦一年下來,享受這項服務的老人不到 1 萬 5000 人,和為數超過 18 萬的失能老人相較,比例甚低。 |
The Republic of China and Paraguay have enjoyed friendly relations and expect to have closer ties in the future. | 我國與巴拉圭邦交素篤,一般相信,今後中巴兩國友好關係,將更趨密切。 |
The purpose of the trip is to develop fisheries in areas that have no problems of territorial claims and no ocean pollution, and to do research on processing techniques of fisheries in Antarctic waters. Hopefully it will open a new field for expanding our deep-sea fisheries. | 「海功」號這次前往南極,是在開發無領海限制及海洋汙染問題的漁場,並研究南極蝦漁業技術及加工利用,以充裕我國內魚類食品及提供飼料用的魚粉來源,也為我國遠洋漁業開闢一條新的路徑。 |
However, because of communication difficulties and the wide gap in values, the Indonesian attendant unexpectedly became another source of stress for Pei-fen. | 不料,因與印傭間溝通困難,價值觀差異很大,意外地成了她另一個壓力來源。 |
Chung sent Huang the lyrics to "Forgetting" in 1957. | 民國 46 年,鍾梅音將「遺忘」寄給黃友棣。 |
"Every time my epilepsy would come on, Mama would become very distressed, feeling it was her fault," says Pei-fen sorrowfully. In fact she doesn't blame her mother. | 「每當我癲癇發作時,媽媽心裡都很難過,覺得是她拖累了我,」佩芬難過地說,自己其實無怨無悔。 |
Civic organizations sponsored the dragon dance, the lion dance and various other entertainment in Taipei. | 台北市的民間游藝團體,在市區並舉行舞龍、舞獅、雜技遊行,晚間也分別舉行晚會,展開各項慶祝活動。 |
The National Science Council, under the Executive Yuan, has established a "Scientific and Technological Information Center" in Taipei, to meet the needs of national economic construction and to serve better the industrial and academic worlds. The main tasks of the center include providing information service, collection of documents, coordination and communication and technological evaluation. | 行政院國家科學委員會,為了配合當前國家經濟建設的需要,加強對工業與學術界的服務,特地在台北市南港,設立了一所「科學技術資料中心」,專門負責資訊服務、文獻集藏、協調聯繫、技術評鑑等工作。 |
"Luckily, my dad had a monthly retirement income," says Ah-liang who, just having lost his job, was spared any financial burden. This was a great stroke of fortune in an otherwise unfortunate situation. | 「還好我老爸有月退俸,」阿良說,財務上不需要身為獨子又正逢失業的他來負擔,已算是不幸中的大幸。 |
There were 20-some patients with tracheotomy tubes living in the Respiratory Therapy Center. They were quiet and tranquil, sleeping soundly. | 呼吸治療中心裡住了二十幾床氣切插管病人,他們安靜無聲,沈沈地睡著。 |
In 1954, it was reconstructed as a scenic area. Since it contains many beautiful shells, it gained another name-Ta-pei lake which means Big Shell Lake. | 民國四十三年整建為風景區時,因湖中盛產貝殼,乃更名為「大貝湖」。 |
When an elderly person in the household falls ill and needs care, a son, a daughter or daughter-in-law, if not choosing to quit a job and do the home care work themselves, will burn the candle at both ends. On the one hand one has to work, on the other hand one must share the healthcare burden. | 為人子、為人女、為人媳,在家中長者病倒需要照顧時,不是選擇辭職在家照顧,就是一方面工作,一方面又得分擔照顧工作。 |
No matter the circumstances, in each and every corner of society many people are taking on the "labor of love." | 無論處境如何,在社會的各個角落,不少人正在承擔著「愛的勞務」工作。 |
Half a century ago the average lifespan in Taiwan was just 50 years. Today the average male will live to be 73, and the average woman will live even longer, to the age of 79. | 半世紀前,台灣人的平均壽命才五十幾歲,如今男性平均活到 73 歲,女性更高達 79 歲。 |
The elderly population is increasing, as is average life expectancy. Healthcare needs in the future will grow indefinitely. | 老年人口比例增加,平均壽命又延長,未來照顧的需求將有增無減。 |
Chairman Chiang Ching-kuo told the opening ceremony that the congress was being convened at a most crucial point in the history of the party. | 蔣主席經國在開幕典禮中致詞說:今天是本黨存亡榮辱決於俄頃,最危險的關鍵時刻。 |
He declared that every member's perseverance and judgement was required, and particularly every cadre's courage, faith and sense of responsibility in showing revolutionary spirit and carrying out instructions of the late President Chiang Kai-shek to accomplish our historic mission. | 其所最需要的,就是我們每一黨員的精神、膽識、毅力和定見,更是每一黨務幹部的勇氣、信念、責任,來貫徹黨的決心,以表現其黨德、黨性和革命精神。以實踐總裁遺訓,完成歷史事業。 |
The most common trees found in Taiwan's forests are: Taiwan red false-cypress, Japan cypress, Chinese hemlock, Morrison spruce and several broad-leaved trees that have economic value. | 台灣省林地的主要生產樹種,有紅檜、扁柏、鐵杉、雲杉及多種經濟闊葉樹。 |
In fact, not only is the caregiver not a parasite, his or her economic value is surprisingly high. | 事實上,照顧者非但不是米蟲,而且產值驚人。 |
Planted areas in the past three decades averaged 27,000 hectares (about 67,500 acres) annually. | 近三十年來,造林面積平均每年為二萬七千公頃。 |
Under the development program, three nuclear power plants will be set up in northern and southern Taiwan. | 根據台灣核能發電方案,核能發電廠共造三座,分別設在台灣省北部及南部。 |
While the total investment cost of a nuclear power plant is higher than that of an oil-fired station, the long-range fuel costs will be 60 % cheaper than that of a conventional thermal project. The overall production cost for a nuclear power station is much more economical in the long run. | 當然,核能發電的建廠成本較高,但是經常支出的燃料費要較燃油火力低廉百分之六十以上,所以就長遠來看,核能發電的成本是比較經濟的。 |
Beauty Beyond Taroko Gorge Tien Hsiang, a small basin in a valley of eastern Taiwan, is one of the major stations of the Central East-West Cross-Island Highway. | 「天祥」,四面環山,是山谷中的一個小盆地,也是東西橫貫公路中東段的一個大站,觀光旅遊的好去處。 |
Since the Highway was built, it has had another name--Tien Hsiang, in memory of Wen Tien-hsiang. He was a loyal official of the Sung dynasty (960-1279 A. D.). | 東西橫貫公路興建之後,始更名為「天祥」。以紀念宋朝名臣文天祥。 |
On the hill in front of Tien Hsiang, stand a temple and a seven-story pagoda. Nearby are the ancient-style Pagoda of Mencius 'Mother, the P'u-tu Suspension Bridge and the Chih-hui Iron Bridge. All those scenic spots add to the pictorial beauty. | 天祥對岸山丘上,有祥德寺和一座七層高的寶塔,矗立於群山之中,與古色古香的「孟母亭」,橫垮溪上的普渡吊橋、稚暉鐵橋構成一幅壯美的圖畫。 |
Another example is the Hung family. When the four daughters and mother put the father, who suffered from dementia, into a nursing facility, they were questioned by their neighbors: "With so many women in the family, you mean you can't take care of one old person?" | 另一個例子中,洪家 4 姊妹與媽媽將失智的老父親送去安養院時,遭到鄰居親友的質疑。「妳們家這麼多女人,難道還照顧不了一位老人家?」 |
"In the nursing home there are trained nursing staff to take care of him, what's wrong with that?" | 「安養院有專業的護理人員照顧,有什麼不好?」 |
With an elevation of 1995 meters (about 6485 feet), Tz'u En is 45 meters higher than Lishan in the western section of the Highway. | 慈恩海拔一千九百九十五公尺,比西段的梨山還高出四十五公尺。 |
Whether a writer likes a place or not, Yu believes that when you can sit down and write about a place, it means you are settled there. And being settled means that you are interacting with the place and that "in one sense the place has become yours!" | 不管喜歡或不喜歡,余光中認為,當作家能夠坐下來寫這個地方,就表示到位了,就位了,表示正在與這塊土地交流,「某種意義來講,這個地方就是你的了!」 |
Thus the creation of an adequate number of long-term care facilities of reliable quality is the direction in which many advanced countries are moving. | 因此,建立數量足夠和品質值得信賴的長期照護體系,已是許多先進國家努力的方向。 |
Alvarenga is Paraguay's first resident ambassador to the Republic of China since the two countries established diplomatic ties on the ambassadorial level in 1957. | 阿爾瓦林格大使是在十一月二十日下午抵華履新,他是巴拉圭自民國四十六年與我國建立大使級外交關係以來,第一位專任大使。 |
A diligent bodhisattva Perhaps as karmically fated, Huang has also developed an indissoluble bond with his Buddhist faith. In his later works, Buddhist pieces come to occupy a significant portion of his repertoire. | 精進篤行的音樂菩薩在因緣際會下,黃友棣與佛教也結下不解之緣,在晚近作品中,佛曲佔了不小的比例。 |
The research vessel "Hai Kung" of the Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute left Keelung on December 2 for the Antarctic Ocean. It is due to return in March-April of 1977. | 台灣省水產試驗所「海功」號試驗船,本月二日上午十時二十分自基隆港駛出,航向冰冷而又遙遠的南極,預定明年三月至四月初返國。 |
Crew members of the research vessel all said that they would work hard in completing their mission. | 全體工作人員臨行時表示,他們一定盡力來完成這項任務。 |
Huang feels that the quality of Buddhist music in the past has been uneven. As many composers of Buddhist music do not really understand the teachings, they are confused about many things and produce music that is likewise confused and off the mark. | 他認為,過去的佛曲品質參差不齊,許多作佛曲的人,不懂佛法,對各種名相搞不清楚,胡亂編曲,荒腔走板。 |
Scientists are putting laser beams to work as inspecting tools, in the Republic of China, as part of the government's big push to improve the quality of exported goods. The process is called "Holographic Non-destructive Testing (HNDT)." This new technique will be introduced for use by hardware manufacturers, tire manufacturers, electroplating factories and precision industries. | 在政府大力推動工業產品檢驗工作,提高我國外銷產品品質之時,國內科學界開拓了一項以雷射光作為檢驗工具的「全像攝影非破壞檢驗術」,並將提供此項技術,給予小五金業、輪胎業、電鍍業及精密工業,解決業者的困難。 |