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In contrast to the plentiful business opportunities abroad, Taiwan is currently limited to just one legal digital music platform, and the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), which represents recording industry interests, has in recent years aggressively pursued legal claims against online music sites ezPeer and Kuro for infringing on copyrights. Before business opportunities for digital music could emerge in Taiwan, the local industry has become enmeshed in legal disputes. | 相較於國外近年來的滾滾商機,台灣目前只有一家合法的數位音樂平台,而代表唱片產業利益的「財團法人國際唱片業交流基金會」(IFPI)近年來積極控告「Ezpeer」與「Kuro 流行音樂網」侵害著作權,台灣的數位音樂前景還未見到商機,就已籠罩在一片法律訴訟的迷霧中。 |
In 1997 there were less than 50 jacanas spotted in Tainan County, leaving these birds that had lived for countless generations in Taiwan facing possible extinction on the island. | 1997 年台南縣水雉的觀察紀錄不到五十隻,在台存活無數世代的水雉,面臨了可能在台灣版圖上消失的危機。 |
Looking out from the observation wall in the rehabilitation area, the pheasant-tailed jacana, with its gorgeous feathers and slim and graceful body, is easily seen wandering among the water caltrop leaves. In the marshes the moorhens take their leisure and numerous shorebirds wade in the water searching for food. | 從復育區觀鳥牆望出,很容易就可看到羽色艷麗、體態輕盈的水雉漫步於菱葉間,水澤中還有紅冠水雞優游、不少鷸科鳥兒涉水覓食,一片生機盎然。 |
By 1953, many factories had been established making umbrellas with steel frames. Artificial silk covers were introduced in 1956, nylon covers in 1961, and since that year manufacturers have succeeded in making most of the necessary parts. | 民國四十二年起,許多大小規模的洋傘工廠開始建立,從事洋傘的加工與製造;民國四十五年,已能自製人造絹絲傘布;五十年,開始製造尼龍布洋傘。 |
Governor Shieh comes from Chang-hua County in Taiwan province. At the age of 20, he joined the resistance against Japanese rule, but could not find peace of mind. He therefore left Taiwan to pursue studies in Shanghai and Canton. | 蔣主席曾特別指出:「謝東閔同志為台灣省彰化縣人,少年時期即富民族意識,二十歲時因反抗日人統治,不遑安處,適總裁領導國民革命軍北伐,衷心景慕,毅然離台,先後求學於上海、廣州等地。 |
Ho was born in 1942 at Taoyuan in northern Taiwan. | 何恆雄是桃園縣新屋鄉人,民國卅一年生。 |
In 1962, he entered the National Taiwan Academy of Arts to complete advanced studies in sculpture. | 民國五十一年,他考入國立藝專美術科雕塑組續求深造。 |
During his first year there, one of his works was chosen for display in the International Youth Arts Exhibition in Paris. | 入學後的第一年,就曾以一件名為「依偎」的雕塑,入選我國參加巴黎國際青年美展的作品。 |
"Going from zero to a definite population in the rehabilitation area was the result of our feeling our way ahead step by step," points out Wu Jen-pang, the researcher in charge of managing the habitat. | 「復育區的從無到有,是我們一步步摸索出來的,」負責經營棲地的研究人員吳仁邦指出,由於水塘的面積遼闊,第一年(2000 年)收集不到足夠浮葉植物的種源,只好全部種植菱角;但是菱角葉片冬天枯萎,食物不足,需要有睡蓮、印度杏菜等其他植物遞補,他們便從自己培養種源著手。 |
He regards as one of his best works one entitled "Surrender," which represents Cheng Cheng-kung (Koxinga) receiving the instruments of surrender from the Dutch in Taiwan in 1661. This piece is now on display at Tainan's Cheng Cheng-kung Memorial Hall. | 他最感滿意的作品之一,就是在藝專畢業那年,為台南延平郡王祠鄭成功紀念館所塑造的一件作品,名為「屈服」,這個作品採取立體派塊面分割手法,表現受降的主題﹘ ﹘一位荷蘭人跪在鄭成功面前,下面則有海浪的線條代表台灣海峽,三者造型緊密地連結在一起。 |
Later on, in order to encourage farmers to conserve these beautiful guests in their fields, the county government offered a reward every time a farmer would discover a jacana nest and a hatched chick. | 之後,縣府為了獎勵菱農保育這些田中嬌客,只要發現水雉鳥巢並成功孵出幼鳥,就可申請獎金。 |
On a rainy day in Taipei, the streets become a sea of umbrellas of all shapes, colors and sizes. In hot weather, floral and other colorful patterns predominate as the city's womenfolk endeavor to protect themselves from the mid-day sun. | 每當豔陽高照之時,小姐們撐著一把把與衣式相調和的洋傘,看來優雅、柔美,婀娜多姿,使得炙熱的豔陽天也變得宜人起來。 |
Trout Culture on Mt. Kala The Republic of China's fisheries have been developed at a fast pace in recent years. Production has been expanded to include several exotic species, such as the abalone and the trout. The trout is a temperate zone fish which is happiest in water at around 15 degrees Centigrade. | 國內養魚事業非常發達,養殖的魚種很多,每年的漁獲量也很可觀;但是,如果談到在高山之上養鱒魚,你就不得不承認是件很有創意的事了。 |
Simon Liao, president of the Taiwan International Birding Association, explains that besides having different winter and summer plumages, many waterbird species are very similar in size and shape, and may only differ in the color of their feet. If they are standing on a mudflat, this makes recognition all the more difficult. This is one reason why advanced birders enjoy the challenge of watching waterbirds. | 國際台灣觀鳥協會理事長廖世卿解釋,水鳥除了冬、夏羽之分外,很多鳥種外型、大小相似,差別只在腳的顏色,若是又踩在泥灘中,更增分辨時的困難,這也是高段的賞鳥人喜歡挑戰水鳥的原因。 |
These latter are also made in Taiwan, and a few local people are beginning to appreciate the value of what is still a predominantly export product. The most precious of these hand-knotted oriental rugs, as they are known, is the Tientsin version, formerly made in the mainland city of the same name, but now exported almost exclusively from Taiwan. | 在舉世工業飛躍發展的現代,大家在日常生活中所接觸到的,差不多都是以同一模型大量複製生產的工業品,這些產品價格廉宜,取得方便,也的確增進了人們生活的舒適與便捷,但是,這些充斥於世的工業產品卻往往不能觸動人們的情感,更無法滿足人們心靈上更進一層的需求。 |
Withered leaves falling from the wetland's green plants are broken down by microorganisms in the mud and water into particles of organic material that are consumed by small creatures living in the mud. These "benthic" (bottom-dwelling) organisms then become an excellent food source for fish and birds. | 溼地之所以深受水鳥青睞,與它特別的食物鏈有關,濕地綠色植物的枯枝落葉被泥中、水中的細菌分解成有機碎屑,再被泥土中的小生物吸收,這些底棲生物便成為魚或鳥兒的絕佳美食。 |
The organic particles in the soil are also washed by the tides into the nearby sea, where they attract hordes of fish, shrimps, mollusks and crabs to feed and breed. These too provide food for the waterbirds. Vitality in the mud | 位在河口的溼地更勝一籌,因為土壤中的有機碎屑還會隨著潮汐流到附近海域,引來大量魚蝦、貝蟹覓食繁殖,又成為水鳥的另一批食物。 |
The eight small islands near Matsu had early been established as a sanctuaries. After the "legendary bird" was discovered government officials requested the Coast Guard Administration to strengthen its patrolling during the May and June breeding season when the terns arrive, but they were still unable to prevent Chinese fishermen from the mainland who early in the morning or late at night would go onto the islands and collect eggs. | 連江縣政府早先已將馬祖附近 8 個小島劃設為保護區,發現「神話之鳥」後,更委請海巡署在 5、6 月燕鷗飛來繁殖季節加強查緝,但對中國大陸漁民利用清晨或夜晚登島撿拾鳥蛋仍防不勝防。 |
"We issued fines in accordance with the Wildlife Conservation Act but fishermen from mainland China didn't have the money to pay. If we locked them up, they didn't really care," says Chang Shou-hua, director of the Economic Development Bureau, which manages the sanctuary. | 「我們根據野生動物保育法罰款,大陸漁民沒錢可罰,把人關起來呢,他們也不在乎,」主管保護區的建設局局長張壽華表示,這讓他們萬分頭痛。 |
In recommending Chairman Chiang as the party's presidential candidate, President Yen Chia-kan said: "Comrade Chiang Ching-kuo, the present Chairman of the Party and President of the Executive Yuan, has followed our Tsungtsai, the late President Chiang Kai-shek, and practiced faithfully the teachings of the Tsungli, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, for as long as 40 years. | 這次中央常委臨時會由中常委嚴總統家淦主持,討論的主題,即為嚴總統鄭重提出的一項建議:要求中常會作成決定,向十一屆二中全會提案,請推舉蔣主席經國為中華民國第六任總統國民黨候選人;再由總統候選人,提名副總統候選人。會中所有出席人員曾熱烈響應,全票通過。 |
After graduation from college, he engaged in journalistic, cultural and educational work. Later, he served as an executive member of the party's Taiwan provincial office based at Chang chow, Fukien province, and was elected a member of the party's Sixth National Congress. | 大學畢業後,從事新聞文化和教育工作,嗣任本黨台灣省黨部(設於漳州)執行委員,並曾任第六次全國代表大會代表。」 |
With each of his works selling on average at NT $ 1 million (US $ 26,000), Ho Heng-hsiung is one of the wealthiest artists in the Republic of China. | 何恆雄是國內身價最高的雕塑名家之一,他的作品,動輒以新台幣百萬計價。在藝術與商業之間,這個藝術家如何把握原則、劃分界限? |
Later the Tainan birdwatching society assisted the academic community in surveying the roosting area and discovered that after dark the spoonbills all left the main roosting area and flew to the surrounding fishponds within a range of some ten kilometers to feed and take refuge. | 隨後台南鳥會協助學界展開棲地的調查研究,透過「繫放」作業,黑琵裝上無線電發報器,才發現原來天黑後紛紛飛離主棲地的黑琵,是飛到周圍方圓十多公里內的漁塭,撿拾廢棄漁塭或漁塭收穫後水位下降區域的下雜魚為食,並避風休息,然後在凌晨又飛回主棲地。 |
He also finds time to teach at the national Taiwan Academy of Arts, where he often tells his students: "The process of artistic creation can be compared with falling in love. The artist and the lover need the same devotion, patience, and understanding." | 但是,不可否認的,何恆雄仍是個忠心、精進的藝術創作者,他也是個負責勤懇的好老師,他最喜歡向學生說的,就是:藝術創作就好比談戀愛,要不斷地去了解,也不要不停地奉獻。 |
During this period, he consulted art books every day, until his skill improved and his vision in the arts field was enlarged. | 在那段日子裡,他不僅天天做,而且還參考了許多古籍,因此,不僅手藝上大為精進,而且在雕塑領域裡,他也可說是「窺其堂奧」了。 |
When a crisis occurs, such as the mass poisoning by avian botulism in the end of 2002, local conservation groups frequently are unable to make an effective, immediate response and can only stand idly by and watch as the spoonbills suddenly die en masse. | 當發生危機時,例如 2002 年底的肉毒桿菌集體中毒事件,當地的保育團隊往往無法做出立即有效的因應,只能坐視黑琵一批批暴斃。 |
Most of Ho's early works were representations of human figure. Later, he found inspiration in inanimate objects. | 何恆雄初期的作品,多半離不開人體造形,漸漸地,他發現好多大自然的景物都可權充素材來創造「造形」之美。 |
The Taiwan pheasant-tailed jacana, with long, slender feet measuring some 15 centimeters, prefers to wade and feed in lakes and ponds with aquatic plants. | 踩著一雙 15 公分細長腳趾的水雉,偏愛行走在有浮葉植物的湖泊、埤塘覓食。 |
Largest Umbrella Producer In recent years, the Republic of China has become the world's largest producer and exporter of umbrellas. It took over the role formerly occupied by Japan about five years ago. | 洋傘都很漂亮,它的用途也很廣﹘﹘它可以遮陽,又可以擋雨,更是仕女們配合服裝的款式和顏色,所使用的裝飾品。 |
It is a scene that teems with life, and in the spring the male jacanas can be seen taking their fledgling chicks on walks. | 春天時,還可見水雉爸爸帶著毛絨絨的幼雛散步呢! |
Before 1945, Taiwan only produced the hand-made umbrellas with bamboo frames covered with heavily oiled paper, all made in cottage factories. | 台灣在光復以前有二種傘,一種是以竹骨貼上桐油紙製成的紙傘,又稱唐傘;另一種則是用棉布做成的布傘,稱為洋傘或蝙蝠傘。 |
The Executive Yuan established the Umbrellas Export Association in 1964 to promote overseas sales and study world markets. | 民國五十三年,更由當時的行政院經濟合作委員會輔導成立了洋傘外銷聯誼會,研究外銷市場,訂定外銷方針,全力拓展輸出。 |
Fang Woei-horng says that IBA criteria are 1) endemic species, 2) degree of threat to survival and 3) population. Although at present only areas that overlap with the national parks and wildlife sanctuaries are protected by law, the announcement and promotion of the importance of the IBA concept will benefit the promotion of sanctuaries in the future. | 方偉宏表示,IBA 的界定以特有種、鳥類生存受威脅的程度、族群多寡等為標準,雖然目前只有和國家公園、野生動物保護區等重疊的區域受到法律保障,但 IBA 的重要性經過宣示和推廣,將有利於日後保護區的推動。 |
Those in the birding community sincerely hope that if the IBA idea, mankind's well-intentioned response to the plight of their feathered friends, can call forth a sympathetic reaction from large numbers of people, then it will be possible that each spring and fall the sight and sounds of birds will fill the air and Taiwan will become a birdwatching paradise. | 鳥人們衷心期盼,代表人類對鳥兒善意回應的 IBA,若能激起更多民眾的共鳴,台灣才可能在春去秋來的每一個季節,成為一個觀鳥、聽鳥的賞鳥天堂。 |
The government has also continuously provided assistance and loans to local makers. Because Taiwan-made umbrellas are so low-priced, on the domestic market as well as for export, people in Taiwan do not bother to have old ones repaired; nor do they worry if it starts raining and they have left their umbrellas at home. They simply stop at a shop or department store to buy a new one. | 國內的人佔著地利之便,可以很低廉的價錢購得各種不同用途的洋傘,因此,無論在海灘、在高爾夫球場、在泳池之畔,在風景區,在庭院裡,都可看到一張張美麗的大傘,爭奇鬥豔,不僅給人們提供了遮陽、遮雨的服務,也把這些所在點綴得更多彩多姿。 |
The waders of the heron family are similar in shape to the shorebirds, but a size larger. They feed on fish, insects and amphibians, and as well as being active at the water's edge, they also frequent dryer areas such as thick grassland and salt-making ponds. | 外型和鷸科相近、但大一號的「鷺科」,以魚、昆蟲、兩生類為食,除了水陸交界地外,還活動在草叢、鹽田等較乾燥的區域。 |
Kala are aborigines living in three large settlements--Lower Baling, Middle Baling and Upper Baling. | 從台北乘車經桃園慈湖到復興鄉,約需一個半小時,從復興鄉再往上行,可經過卡拉山中的三個聚落:下巴陵、中巴陵與上巴陵。 |
Their main means of livelihood are fruit growing (apples, pears and peaches) forestry and rice, as well as trout raising. Two of the biggest fishery owners in the area are brothers Hu Cheng-chung and Hu Cheng-lu, aborigines who live near the summit of Mt. | 胡家兄弟一人有一部鐵牛車,據說買了好幾年,能有自備的交通工具,上下出入山區自然就十分方便了。 |
The vast majority of waterbirds change their plumage in their breeding season. Male and female birds also have different plumages. Thus a single species may have four distinct adult plumages, not to mention the changing appearance of their young. | 絕大多數水鳥在繁殖期會換羽,加上雌雄羽色不同,光一種鳥就有 4 種不同羽色,如果再加上幼鳥則變化更多。 |
But with waterbirds, you might squat in a cold sea wind for three hours, and still not be sure what you're looking at! " | 但水鳥呢,你可能在寒冷海風中蹲了 3 小時,還不敢確定那是什麼!」 |
As they grow older, less expensive feed can be used. Although an exotic species, trout is becoming a more popular dietary item for people in Taiwan because of its delicious flesh and soft scales. The average price is US $ 5.00 per catty. | 它的肉是黃蛋色的;魚鱗很軟,故煮食時不必刮鱗;卵的直徑可達 0.5cm,比一般魚卵大得多;它的腸子粗短,有點像雞腸;這些都是與其他魚類不同的地方。 |
Mr. T. C. Yu, head of the Lukang Fishery Research Center, has given the brothers considerable assistance in trout raising. | 他們有很現代化的人工孵化器,聽說是鹿港水產試驗所余廷基所長贈送的。 |
From the air we see that Kuantu, in northwestern Taiwan, is flanked to the northeast by the tall mountains of the Mt. Tatun group, and to the west by Mt. Kuan-yin and the Linkou plateau. These two massive windbreaks shield Kuantu from the force of the northeasterly monsoon. | 從空中鳥瞰,位於台灣西北角的關渡,東北邊大屯山群聳立,西有觀音山、林口台地環抱,像兩道厚厚屏風擋住東北季風的灌入。 |
He showed us how to prepare fish food, treat and prevent fish diseases and have a greater understanding of the business. Afterwards, he refused any payment, saying: 'Your future success in trout culture is my greatest reward. "' | 我們很想表示一下謝意,余所長堅辭不肯,他還說:『我領了國家的薪水,所該做的,就是這一類的事,希望你們能把鱒魚養得又多又好,就是對我表示的謝意了。』 |
The large patch of luxuriant mangrove forest to the right, outside the embankment, is the Kuantu Nature Reserve, while the wetland area to the left, with its high and low tussocks of grass and pools large and small, is Kuantu Nature Park, which opened in late 2003. | 堤防兩側,右手邊一大片蓊鬱的紅樹林是「關渡自然保留區」,左手邊散佈著高低草澤和大小水塘的溼地,則是 2003 年底正式開放的「關渡自然公園」。 |
More and more people in the Republic of China are covering the floors of their homes with rugs and carpets as the standard of living rises and appreciation of comfort and beauty grows. | 在室內佈置專家的設計運用之下,地毯與其他裝璜調配得宜,相得益彰,可增加房內的溫暖、舒適與豪華。 |
Most of the rugs sold on the domestic market are mass-produced in Taiwan's factories, and owe their popularity to their low price. | 因著取材、設計與織造方法的不同,地毯種類繁多,品質與價錢也高低懸殊,差距頗大。化學纖維的機織地毯是比較大眾化的一種,目前國內一般中級公寓多有鋪用,成為一種風尚。 |
A forest in the water | 水中森林 |
Skilled weavers, whose fast hand movements must be matched by a sharp eye, keep the ancient art alive in Taiwan. | 手工製品卻能給人另一層感受,它匯注了人們的心血、汗水與時間,它多半是獨一無二的,因此,無論是簡單拙樸,或是精緻巧妙,都能打動人心。天津地毯是純手工藝品,製作者不僅要技術熟練,還得眼明手快。 |
The Chungli rug factory of the Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Servicemen is the largest rug producer in Taiwan, with a monthly capacity of 10,000 square feet. | 中壢地毯廠是國內製作天津地毯的翹楚,不僅產量大,而且取材優良、手工精細、品管嚴密,因此,無論在內、外銷上,都聲譽斐著。 |
In the 1970s, most pirated music on Taiwan's market was in the form of unauthorized counterfeit records. In the 1980s, pirated cassette tapes were most prevalent. In 1990s, CDs sold in night markets became the mainstream for pirated music, with criminal gangs controlling the business behind the scenes. | 1970 年代,台灣市面上多是未經授權的翻版唱片,80 年代以卡帶盜版為大宗,90 年代則以夜市 CD 為主流,背後常有幫派撐腰。 |
It began with Chen Kuo-fu's Double Vision, a 2002 film that raked in more than NT $ 80 million at the domestic box office. Next came 2005's The Heirloom, a low-budget project that has hit it big with over NT $ 20 million in domestic ticket sales. Several more supernatural horror-fests are now in production. | 而從 2002 年陳國富執導的靈異驚悚片《雙瞳》寫下新台幣八千多萬票房,到今年小兵立大功拿下二千多萬票房的《宅變》,以及目前正在籌備階段的幾部「裝神弄鬼」國片,都顯示一股台灣電影的新靈異陰風,已蓄勢待發。 |
Taiwanese horror films are becoming a trend. In the wake of the popular Double Vision and The Heirloom, several new ones are now in production. These include The Voice, Resurrection and the high-budget sci-fi / horror film Silk. Silk is especially interesting in that it is being helmed by Su Chao-pin, who wrote Double Vision, and draws on the talents of Japanese leading man Eguchi Yosuke. | 台灣的靈異電影,從成績耀眼的《雙瞳》、《宅變》,到籌備中的《鬼音》、《還魂》,以及由《雙瞳》編劇蘇照彬執導,網羅日本明星江口洋介等人主演的高成本靈異科幻片《詭絲》,已漸成一股潮流。 |
Indeed, it is the vast numbers of teal that gather here that are responsible for Kuantu being designated an "important bird area." The spring months of April and May are the highpoint of the year for birding in Kuantu: at this time one may easily observe 50 to 60 different species in one session. | 春季 4、5 月,是關渡鳥況的最高潮,很容易一次就觀察到五、六十種鳥類。夏季則是鳥兒種類最少的季節,以留鳥為主,少數的「夏候鳥」如董雞、黃小鷺等也十分活躍。 |
In the dead of the night, a long-haired girl sits by herself in a dark and desolate parking lot. There's a sudden gust of chill wind. When she turns to look behind her, she sees the ghastly white face of a female spirit glaring at her from the shadowy depths of a car window. | 深夜時分,杳無人煙的停車場裡,長髮女子走在陰森的車群間,突然一陣涼風襲來,她轉身看到背後幽暗空盪的車窗內,冒出一個臉色慘白、面目猙獰的女鬼正狠瞪著她。 |
In recent years, modern dance has developed quickly in the Republic of China. | 一連串的舞展、畫展、雕塑展、與音樂演奏會等,從三月初起即開始次第展開。 |
In 2005, Taiwan's three highest-grossing domestically produced films included not just the new films from veteran directors Tsai Ming-liang and Wang Toon, but also a ghost movie called The Heirloom. The film, which ranked second in terms of domestic box office, was directed by another child of the 1980s who has yet to finish university--Leste Chen. | 回顧 2005 年國片票房排行榜,前 3 名除了蔡明亮及王童兩位資深名導的新作外,第 2 名竟由一部名為《宅變》的鬼片搶下,導演陳正道與柯孟融一樣,也是個大學還沒畢業的「七年級生」。 |
In the second section, she was seen dancing just in tights. | 第二段,她脫下了那密不透風的舞衣,僅著肉色的緊身衣,所欲表現的,是一個赤裸、奔放的「新我」。 |
An industry in decline IFPI Taiwan secretary-general Robin Lee notes that 1997 marked the peak of Taiwan's recording industry. Because the proliferation of pirated CDs had been brought under control, sales of legitimate CDs reached NT $ 12.3 billion, a figure second in Asia only to that of Japan's industry. | 唱片業的寒冬 IFPI 執行長李瑞斌表示,1997 年是台灣唱片業的鼎盛期,由於對實體盜版的控制得宜,正版唱片銷售金額當時高達 123 億元台幣,在亞洲僅次於日本。 |
In an attempt to spread springtime throughout the year, therefore, the Chinese have been in the forefront of making artificial flowers. | 可是,花兒難免會有凋謝的時候,把它從枝頭摘下,插入屋內的花瓶中,它們的生命就更得縮短一些。 |
Ribbon flower schools were set up in Taiwan to enable young girls and housewives to make extra money in a creative way. | 國內有許多的緞帶花材料店,他們多半附設有緞帶花製作講習班。 |
In one of the key scenes in The Heirloom, the child-ghost curses the entire family, who then collectively hang themselves. | 《宅變》裡一個關鍵的場景是全家受到小鬼詛咒,集體上吊自殺。 |
Only the best-quality woolen yarn is used to make Tientsin rugs, after it has been dyed to fit in with the numerous designs which are popular with customers. To ensure that fine quality and beauty are achieved at the lowest possible cost, the factory has enforced strict rules on quality control and inspection. | 天津地毯的原料係採用最好的長纖維羊毛,在撚成紗線以後,並以最好的顏料染色,不僅可以染成各種纖細微妙的色彩,並且保證永不褪色。各種差別精密的色澤,為的是織成各種圖案、花色之所需,以達到顧客的各種要求。 |
This enables defects in production to be found immediately and remedied. | 為了達到「精、美、廉、固」的目標,中壢地毯廠的品管工作十分嚴格,訂有:原料、製作、成品分段檢查程序,稍有瑕疵的,立予發現,並設法改正、補救。 |
Although Kuantu does not boast such rare visitors as the Tsengwen Estuary's black-faced spoonbill, the variety of water and land birds attracted by its diverse habitats, and its easily accessible location on the outskirts of Taipei, have made Kuantu a prime destination for birdwatching in northern Taiwan for many years. | 關渡雖然沒有像曾文溪口黑面琵鷺般的珍稀嬌客,但因棲地多樣化,吸引各類水鳥、陸鳥佇足其間,又位於交通便利的台北近郊,多年來一直是北部賞鳥的精華據點。 |
On the mudflats are mainly shorebirds of the sandpiper and plover families. From the mud they peck "polychaete" and "oligochaete" worms (benthic organisms similar to the red wigglers and ragworms sold in sea angling shops). | 泥灘地則以鷸 6 科為主,啄食底棲的多毛類及貧毛類(類似海釣店賣的紅蟲、沙蠶)。 |
The birds most often seen on grassy marshland are waders of the heron and grebe families, while those on farmland or grassland are mainly resident land birds, especially sparrows and prinias. But in winter when the fields are lying fallow, a few waterbirds appear there too. | 農墾地或草地則以留鳥為主,常見麻雀、鷦鶯,但冬天時也常會有一些水鳥在休耕的農地出現。 |
One Arab tourist ordered a full month's output of the factory--not to engage in business, but to cover every square inch of the floors of his mansion. | 曾經有一位沙烏地阿拉伯的顧客到該廠參觀,一口氣訂下了相當一個月產量的地毯,大家以為他是做地毯生意的,誰知他說:不,是這些地毯太漂亮了,我要把我家每一塊地都鋪上地毯。 |
The autumn months of September and October are the peak time for waterbirds to pass through Taiwan on their southward migrations. Fifty to 60 species of shorebirds, waterfowl and waders arrive in Kuantu at this time. | 時間分佈上,秋季 9、10 月是水鳥南飛過境的高潮,五、六十種鷸 6 科、雁鴨科、鷺科鳥種紛紛抵達,過境鳥停留時間在一、二天到一星期不等。 |
After the "transients" among them have left, the "winter residents" that remain are the main focus of winter birdwatching. Although fewer species are present than in autumn, their populations are large. The sight of thousands of green-winged teal on a sandbar is particularly splendid. | 隨著「過境鳥」的離去,留下來的「冬候鳥」是冬天賞鳥重點,種類雖然較秋季少,但是數量頗多,成千上萬隻小水鴨在沙洲上活動的景象,尤為精彩,大量小水鴨正是關渡被劃為「重要野鳥棲地」的指標性鳥兒。 |
One of the foremost exponents among the crop of young choreographers which has sprung up in conjunction with the rapid growth is 28-year-old Huang Li-shung. | 三月三號那天的晚上,細雨霏霏,春雨滋潤著大地,卻也帶來了些許迷濛。 |
The use of stage lighting played an important role in this performance. Zeus was represented by an electric "torch" set on the stage, while Danae, played by Huang, wore a red ensemble, and her facial expressions ranged from joy to fear. | 這個舞中,燈光的控制佔了很重要的地位,這道燈炬的投射,就代表宇宙王,丹妮與燈光嬉戲,忽而嗔喜,忽而驚懼,表現她和宇宙王之間的一段離奇戀情。無論燈光、佈景和服裝,都配合得很好。 |
Following this abstract beginning came more familiar excerpts from "Swan Lake" and "Gypsy." The next item however, was a modern ballet entitled "Incense Light" (traditional heritage), designed by Huang and with music composed by Li Tai-hsiang perhaps even more difficult to understand than in the "Love Story of the Torch". | 「光之戀」的配樂是國內作曲家馬水龍的「長笛幻想獨奏曲」,這首曲子很難捉摸出它的旋律,或許,它對大多數觀眾而言,都嫌艱澀,但是,觀眾們都虛著懷聆賞,儘管不很能瞭解,但總是嘗試著去接受。 |
In fact, it's been pure poison at the domestic box office, forcing producers to rely on the sale of international rights to generate revenues. | 但相對而言,這類藝術電影的娛樂性不高,在台灣時常淪為票房毒藥,反倒要靠國外版權收入補貼。 |
Miss Huang explained that the oppressive mood represented the burden and restrictions of Chinese tradition which she felt in her work. | 這是「香火」的第一個單元,黃麗薰所要表現的,是她自己經歷過的心靈掙扎歷程。她說:第一段我要表示的,是中國傳統禮教給予我們的層層束縛,當年,我曾抗拒這些,打算不顧一切的逃避… … 後來,我到了國外… … |
The final scene, therefore, showed her dressed in the sackcloth associated with Chinese funerals, symbolizing the fact that she had accepted the inescapability of her traditions. | 接著,舞到了第三段,舞者在眾人的擁護下,重又披上了一件麻衣,這表示她又回到了傳統的中國社會中,心甘情願地接受傳統的一切,成為生命中的一部份。 |
Huang tried to capture her progress from rebellion and escape to acceptance in her "Incense Light". | 黃麗薰說:我還是尊重和接受這些,也發現了它的美好價值,所以,我也把我的心路歷程以「肢體語言」表達出來,給所有的觀眾朋友參考。 |
The I-Mei facility, which includes an ecological garden and exhibition hall, is so large and storied that it takes visitors five to six hours to see it all. But I-Mei's facility differs from other tourist factories in one major regard: the company caters banquets and year-end feasts for so many hotels that it can't open up its production area to visitors. Something unique | 由於義美廠區廣袤,再加上歷史悠久,走完生態園區、文物展示區大約要 5 ∼ 6 小時,加上義美為很多大飯店代工做筵席、年菜等,因此生產流程不方便開放參觀,這是義美與其他觀光工廠最大的不同之處。 |
PRESIDENTELECT CHIANG CHING-KUO Premier Chiang Ching-kuo was elected by the National Assembly March 21 as President of the Republic of China. Chiang Ching-kuo is an outstanding statesman who adheres to principles and stands firm in his positions. He is dedicated to his duties, popular with the people and respectful of the law. | 具有歷史性意義的第一屆國民大會第六次會議,受全國同胞的付託,於三月廿一日投票選舉總統,中國國民黨提名的候選人蔣經國先生,在出席的一千二百零四位代表中,以一千一百八十四票的絕大多數,當選總統,並將於五月廿日宣誓就職。 |
Moreover, the box office receipts of monster movies have long been the most reliable in the genre-film market. Traditions about the supernatural may vary from nation to nation, but people's fear of and fascination with the supernatural world are a constant. "No matter how bad a monster movie is," says Yeh, "there's a base audience of thrill-seekers who are going to see it." | 而就類型片市場來說,鬼片的票房一向最穩定,雖然每個國家都有自己的靈異傳統,但人們對未知世界的畏懼與好奇卻是一致的,「再爛的鬼片,也會有一堆愛找刺激的基本觀眾會去看。」 |
He urged government employees to adopt the concept of "living for work, not working to live" as their principle in serving the people. Mr. Chiang is not only a planner but also a man of action. Among his guidelines for life is: "Never fear suffering, never fear hardship and never fear danger." | 在理智上,國人都深切認識到,今日我們要建設台灣、發展經濟、繁榮社會,提高人民的生活水準與各項福祉,使國家發展成工業化的開發國家,蔣經國先生的領導,最能發揮計畫型自由經濟的效能,也最能發揮民生主義的精神。 |
During the Chinese Communist attempt to seize Kin-men in October 1949 and during the Battle of the Taiwan Straits that opened with the saturation shelling of Kin men on August 23, 1958, he traveled to the offshore island despite the danger of heavy artillery fire. | 我們也深切認識到,國家處此危疑震憾的國際環境與敵我鬥爭的形勢,我們要突破困難,克服險阻,鞏固台灣復興基地的安全,推展反共復興大業,蔣經國先生的領導,以他繼承革命傳統的志業、屹立不移的節操、堅苦卓絕的精神、以及全國軍民對他忠誠的擁戴,乃是必勝必成的保證! |
He still seeks out the people and communicates with them frequently on farms and in factories, shops, schools, camps, government organizations and on the streets. | 六十六年光復節,蔣院長又自台北趕去參加省垣各界所舉辦的慶祝酒會,與當地民眾一起共祝這個台灣大喜的日子。 |
For six years as Premier he devoted almost every week-end to these journeys, to meet the people, many of them into remote areas in the countryside. | 他愛幼苗,他更敬長者,不論走到何地,如果遇到了老年人,蔣先生都會停下來與他們寒暄,閒話桑麻。 |
In the past, Taiwanese film was centered around the director. But within the world of genre film, the prime mover is the producer, who tracks market trends, plans the production, and raises the capital. | 過去台灣電影的重心多擺在導演身上,但在類型片的世界裡,影片主要的發動者大多是負責運籌帷幄、籌募資金、並判斷市場趨勢的電影製片。 |
"Now they're a market trend." Actually, Masaki Kobayashi's 1960s classic Kwaiden, the Hong Kong zombie films of the 1980s, and the Japanese, Korean, Hong Kong and Thai films that have swept the globe in more recent years all amply demonstrate the long-term existence of a sizeable market for Asian horror films. | 事實上從日本導演小林正樹 1960 年代的經典《怪談》開始,到 1980 年代香港開發的「殭屍」系列,再到最近幾年日、韓、港、泰等國的鬼片風行全球等現象,都顯示亞洲靈異片的市場相當可觀。 |
Huang says that kung fu and horror are the Asian film genres in which international distributors have been most interested. | 他分析,近年來國際片商最感興趣的亞洲電影類型,主要集中在武俠片及恐怖片。 |
In the late 1990s, as broadband networks and CD burning technology became widespread, the mainstays of piracy gradually shifted from small companies to one-person operations--particularly economically constrained but music-loving students. | 90 年代晚期,隨著寬頻網路與燒錄技術普及,盜版現象也由以往的中小企業經營,逐漸轉型為以個人為單位,尤其是經濟拮据又愛聽音樂的學生。 |
In the springtime, the Chinese like to go outdoors to appreciate the beauty of the flowers. | 每當百花盛放之時,群蝶花中飛舞,總使人為之心神一振,無論心中有多少重擔,也都會悄然放下,禁不住會滿懷著感恩的心情,去徜徉在花叢之中,欣賞一下這大自然的美景。 |
Flash Forward currently has two supernatural horror flicks in preproduction. The first, Resurrection, is being helmed by Leste Chen, director of The Heirloom. The second, The Voice, is being directed by Ko Meng-jung, who made a splash with his student film The Print. | 「前景」目前籌備兩部靈異驚悚片,分別是《宅變》導演陳正道的新片《還魂》,以及曾以學生電影《鬼印》一鳴驚人的柯孟融的首部劇情長片《鬼音》。 |
Huang refers to his 1980s-born young directors as the 7-Up Generation for their non-stop drive to move up forward in their field. | 他用「7-UP」來指稱這股不斷向上,努力竄升的新生代創作勢力。 |
The materials used in making artificial flowers are mainly plastic, ribbon, feathers and wooden shavings. | 我們製作的人造花種類繁多,包括有:塑膠花、緞帶花、羽毛花、絨線花、紙花、木片花、瓊麻花、玻璃纖維花…… 等。 |
Flower makers first produced ribbon flowers for bridal trousseaus, then for display in vases or pots. | 在許多家庭和辦公室裡,發揮了極佳的裝飾效用。接著開始興起了緞帶花。 |
When Chen Kuo-fu was filming Double Vision, Taiwan's lack of explosives, special-effects and make-up technicians forced him to bring in large numbers of people from Hong Kong, the US and Australia. | 陳國富在拍攝《雙瞳》時,由於台灣缺乏爆破、特效、化妝等方面的技術人才,只得大量引進香港、美國,及澳洲等地的技術人員。 |
But, when it came time to shoot the scene, no one on the film's crew knew how to make the hangings look real because it had been so long since anyone had made a horror film in Taiwan. | 但因為台灣太久沒拍攝恐怖片,劇組竟沒人知道該怎麼樣「上吊」才會逼真,另外死者的特殊化妝要怎麼做,才不會看起來像是粉擦得太厚的「假死」,這些細節都缺乏前例可循,他們只得不斷嘗試,一步步摸著石頭過河。 |
Three Dots 'Yeh says that genre film is just finding its footing again in Taiwan, and that a lot of technical know-how has yet to be developed. Fortunately, the key to making a good horror film is having a good story, one that offers something new to what is an established genre. | 葉育萍指出,台灣的類型片還在起步,很多拍攝技術上的 know-how 有待建立,不過靈異片的關鍵還是故事,要能在既有的類型裡賦予新意。 |
European buyers prefer the natural color of the wood, while those in the U.S. like dyed wooden products. | 為了迎合歐洲人士喜愛回返自然的習性,木片花以原色出現,很有純真拙樸之美。但美國人士卻比較喜歡五彩繽紛的東西,他們喜歡著了色的木片花,於是木片花進入了彩色時代,在美國也打下了很好的市場。 |
In general, Western monsters tend to have tangible forms, and Western films favor typical monsters and demons, like vampires or freaks created by mad scientists. Consequently, Western horror films are often battles between good and evil waged by the protagonist and the monster. | 整體來說,西方的鬼重形體,比較偏向人們概念中的怪物或妖魔,例如吸血鬼或科學怪人,而西方恐怖片常是主角與妖魔鬼怪間的正邪對抗。 |
During the busy season from March to September, many housewives in Taiwan are recruited as workers to meet overseas and local demand. | 每年的三月到九月,是木片花的採購季節,許多鄉間的家庭也參與了生產行列。 |
One day, when she was visiting the Chi-tsung school to call on her uncle, she saw how much in need of care the handicapped students were, and decided there and then to devote her life to helping them. | 她教聾生數拍子、感受音樂,她教他們節奏感和韻律感,她教他們跳舞! |