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"The environment inside the mines was harsh. Copper deposits usually lie deeper than gold deposits, and copper ore oxidizes on contact with air, producing heat. Thus the average temperature in gold mines was around 18oC, but could be over 40oC in copper mines. The changes in temperature when moving about in the mine were like a sauna. | 「礦坑內的環境本就惡劣,又因為礦體的位置和化學反應導致不同溫度,通常位於前端的金坑,平均溫度為攝氏 18 度,但愈往裡面深挖,銅的比例就愈高,而銅坑溫度更高達攝氏 40 度以上;有時挖到兩者相連的金銅礦,一寒一熱的溫差就像在洗三溫暖。 |
The gold deposits in the area began to run out in the 1970s, and exacerbated by depressed international gold prices and an incident in which sulfuric acid was leaked from a copper smelting plant, this led to the cessation of the Taiwan Metal Mining Company's business operations in 1987, also bringing Chinkuashih's golden age to an end. | 該礦山自 70 年代以後金脈枯竭,又由於國際金價偏低,加上附近「禮樂煉銅廠」的硫酸外洩事件,1987 年台金公司宣佈結束營業,也為金瓜石的繁華歲月劃下句點。 |
When the American film industry began to boom in Hollywood in the early 20th century, its success was built on the large numbers of films in the western, crime, and musical genres that were made by the major studios. | 美國好萊塢電影工業在 20 世紀初興起,便與當時大片廠大量拍攝西部片、警匪片、歌舞片等類型風潮息息相關。 |
Leste Chen, a heavy-set kid in baggy jeans and black-rimmed glasses, looks like a typical university student. Born in 1981, he is currently working on a degree in commercial design at Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), but has already made a number of short films and music videos for the likes of Jasmine Liang and Mayday. His first feature film was 2005's The Heirloom. | 長的胖嘟嘟、身穿垮褲、頭戴著黑框眼鏡的陳正道,看來就跟一般校園裡的大學生沒啥兩樣,民國 70 年次的他目前仍是中原大學商業設計系學生,卻已經拍過許多短片,並曾為梁靜茹、五月天等歌手拍攝音樂錄影帶,《宅變》則是他的第一部劇情長片。 |
The older generation sees their factories as being in crisis and suffering under a mountain of debt, whereas the younger generation is more inclined to spend money on cosmetic renovations, to put time and labor into designing tourist routes, and to train guides. The fact that such brand-building efforts take time to yield economic benefits results in constant cross-generational conflict. In some cases, the younger generation has even been shown the door. | 老一代眼看工廠已經負債累累、岌岌可危,下一代卻還要花大錢整理門面,耗費人力與時間設計觀光動線,培訓導覽解說人員,而這些為品牌加分的經濟效益並不是立即可見,於是兩代之間衝突不斷,甚至還有第二代因此被「掃地出門」的案例。 |
Recently, however, this notion was changed by Li Jui-tsu, who held an exhibition of bamboo musical instruments at the National History Museum in Taipei, at which no less that 30 different types were on view. On these pieces were in scribed poems, tzus (a literary form prevalent in the Sung Dynasty), Chinese paintings and pieces of calligraphy. | 根據歷代音樂史料的記載,用竹做成的樂器不過十數種,但這個記錄最近給李銳祖打破了,他在今年三月間,在台北市的歷史博物館,舉行了一個竹製樂器展,展出的竹製樂器竟有卅幾件之多。 |
Four years ago, a group of impassioned cultural workers cleared some of the dry silvergrass blanketing the slopes. They worked to uncover and piece together the remnants of this long-abandoned mining town so rich in natural and cultural treasures. Then, in 2004, Taipei County's Cultural Affairs Bureau established the Gold Ecological Park here, and the old mining town once again appeared in all its splendor. | 4 年前,一群滿懷熱情的文化工作者,撥開荒涼山城的乾枯芒草,努力發掘、整合這擁有豐富自然及人文寶藏,沉寂多時的礦業沒落小城;2004 年,台北縣文化局在此成立「黃金生態博物園區」,黃金山城,終於再度綻放光芒。 |
In 1894, a vein of gold deposits was discovered in "Little Pumpkin Hill" (Chiufen's Tatsukeng), and with gold also found in the adjacent Chiufen, this sparked a new gold rush. | 1894 年,小金瓜(九份大粗坑)的金脈被發現,加上鄰近的九份地區也挖到金脈,再度掀起另一波採金熱潮。 |
Sports activities in colleges include wrestling, boxing, judo, skiing and water skiing, in addition to the usual events in the arena and gymnasium. | 大專學生社團活動中,其中也有許多是深具意義的,像專題演講或座談會等,師生和專家學者群集一堂,各抒己見,討論問題,真可說是一種腦力的激盪。 |
Legal battles ezPeer and Kuro were established in 2000, and collect fixed monthly subscription fees for unlimited downloads. ezPeer boasts 300,000 members, with annual revenues of close to NT $ 360 million, while Kuro has 500,000 members and revenues of close to NT $ 600 million. They are the digital music platforms with the largest number of users in Taiwan. | 法律角力 Ezpeer 與 Kuro 兩家公司成立於 2000 年,都採固定月租費無限下載方式經營,前者有 30 萬名會員,每年營收近 3 億 6 千萬元,後者有 50 萬名會員,營收近 6 億元,是台灣會員數最多的數位音樂平台。 |
Because of their reasonable prices and high quality, Taiwan-made machinery products have become more popular in advanced as well as developing countries in recent years. | 我國機械產品所以能打入國際市場,受到大家的重視,主要是由於產品價格低廉,品質優良,不僅受到發展中國家的歡迎,也受到已開發國家的重視。 |
The 140-kilometer long Tachia River, originating in Taiwan's high central mountain range and running westward through Taichung County before draining into the Taiwan straits, generates the largest amount of hydroelectric power of any river in Taiwan. | 大甲溪具有極豐富的水利資源,流路共長 140 公里,發源於台灣中央山脈,向西流,經台中縣境後注入台灣海峽。 |
When the construction work started in 1974, Hung Bin-ling, then head of the first engineering department of the Taiwan Provincial Water Conservancy Bureau, was put in overall charge of the engineers appointed to do the work. | 台灣省水利局早有在大甲溪下游興建水壩之議,到民國 63 年時開始正式付諸實行。當時洪炳麟擔任台灣省水利局第一工程處處長,由他來負責所有的籌劃與施工事宜。 |
Ko ended up turning in a frightening ten-minute short in which a group of people is pursued by a ghost. | 原本只要 3 分鐘的學校功課,他卻拍了 10 分鐘的「鬼追人」,「不為什麼,只是想試試自己有沒有辦法用影像嚇人。」 |
These works of art are the end products of 22 years of devoted labor. Li single-handedly did all the work, ranging from collecting suitable materials, designing, fashioning, polishing, finishing and sculpting. Now his years of work have brought him just reward in the form of wide acclaim from the public for his excellent workmanship. Li has been an avid collector of bamboo works of art in painting and calligraphy. | 這卅幾件竹製樂器,是李銳祖花了廿二年的工夫精雕細琢而成,這些作品,是全由他一人從頭到尾獨力製作而成的,從蒐集竹料、設計、付製、打磨、潤色、雕刻到完成,全是他一人心血的凝注。 |
Instead, he was interested in commercial films of all types. "Horror movies in particular," he says. "I went to see pretty much everything that came out. For one thing, I just enjoyed them. | 他感興趣的是各種商業電影,「尤其是鬼片,只要上片我幾乎都會去看,一方面自己喜歡,二方面想瞭解拍攝技巧。」 |
He included them in an exhibition and recital held in Hong Kong, where the press was enthusiastic. | 他對古腔粵曲有獨到的研究,尤擅於長子喉、平喉和對答曲調。 |
During this period, if any cracks develop or rot sets in, all the painstaking efforts are in vain. The polishing process demands equally painstaking endeavors. The bamboo poles are sandpapered, and pressure must be applied evenly to the accompaniment of an even rhythm. | 在製作過程中,打磨也是一門極難的功課:竹塊在沙紙上打磨時力道必須均勻,心中默默地記數著一、二、三、四,好像打拍子一樣。 |
But as deposits were gradually depleted, the glittering face of the area faded and was buried beneath the silvergrass buffeted by the seasonal northeasterly winds into shifting snowdrift-like shapes. Chinkuashih reverted to obscurity after its time in the spotlight, gradually fading from people's memories. Like the genie in Aladdin's lamp, it awaited rediscovery to bring it back to life. | 然而,隨礦脈漸盡,金光閃耀的璀璨容顏,掩沒在東北季風吹拂下宛如雪飄的芒花舞姿中,金瓜石從炫爛歸於沉寂,逐漸自人們的記憶中消失,就像塵封的神燈,等待一雙摩擦的手。 |
It now also encompasses a desire for new experiences, "writes PC Home publisher Jan Hung-tze, describing the new concept in an introduction to the Chinese edition of The Experience Economy. Tourist factories fulfill this desire. In the context of factories, Jan's statement might be rephrased to read," Production is no longer just the manufacture of goods. It must also, and more importantly, deliver an experience. " | PC HOME 出版集團發行人詹宏志在《體驗經濟時代》序文中闡述的新概念,正是觀光工廠的價值所在;對工廠而言,這句話也可以改為「生產,不再只是產出『物』,更要提供『體驗』的價值。」 |
To encourage innovation and inventiveness in film production, the Government Information Office this year presented for the first time its Kinsui (Golden Grain) awards to the best experimental films made in Taiwan during the previous year. The award was presented to Wang Chu-king for his 30-minute documentary entitled "Windmill," an allegory of human experience and frustration. | 王菊金獨立拍攝的十六釐、卅分鐘的黑白短片「風車」,得到了第一屆實驗電影「金穗獎」。主辦這次金穗獎評選工作的,是行政院新聞局電影處,他們說:實驗電影,不妨叫作藝術短片,它們不講究劇情變化,只求突破種種「電影語言」的障礙。 |
In addition, collapses within the mines had to be guarded against, as well as the effect on the lungs of dust from excavation with explosives and drilling, "recalls Chang, who retired from Taiwan Metal Mining Company in 1986 and suffers from mild pneumoconiosis. | 此外還要防範坑內土石崩落,以及爆破鑽孔的灰塵對肺部的影響,」1986 年從台金公司退休,罹患輕微塵肺病的張高用,語帶感慨地回顧那段歲月。 |
In Taiwan, where the local industry is just beginning to explore the horror genre, the biggest challenges these devoted monster-movie makers are facing are: How do you put a modern face on the abundant ghostly resources that our folk tradition provides? And how can Taiwan bring the unique character of its monster films to the international market? | 台灣鬼片才剛起步,未來如何持續深耕庶民文化裡的靈異傳統,賦予這些豐富的「搞鬼資產」一套現代風貌,並在國際市場裡表現出台灣鬼片的「神鬼特色」,將是這群努力「裝神弄鬼」的電影人最大的挑戰。 |
But imparting this ability proved to be a particularly arduous undertaking, demanding the utmost in Miss Ku's patience and devotion. | 本著這個要旨,啟聰學校的學生們在學校除接受一般課業與生活技能的指導之外,就是被教導如何化身上的這份「缺陷」為「祝福」。 |
Another problem was that even assembling the students could take 10 minutes. In the case of normal students it is only necessary for a teacher to call them by speaking more loudly or using a microphone. The attention of handicapped students, however, must be attracted visually by using sign language. | 在教學的過程中,當然不免有好多不如意的事,比方說,如果要集合學生練習,在普通學校裡,用擴音機可以在五分鐘內達到目的,可是,在他們的學校裡就不成了,老師得一間間教室去找,用手語一遍遍去「說」,這真是很累人的事。 |
Taiwan's Machinery Exports The 10-day machinery exhibition organized by the China External Trade Development Council ended successfully in Taipei recently. Manufacturers who participated received on-the-spot orders worth US $ 46 million from the 1,278 foreign buyers who visited the exhibition. | 由外貿協會主辦的第四屆台灣機械展售會,於四月中旬在台北市舉行,展出十天以來,參展廠商接獲訂單及交易機會共四千六百萬美元,國外買主共有一千二百七十八人前來採購。 |
In his first year of junior high school, Ah-Qiang met Pa Chen and began to study guitar with him. The music gave him an outlet and a source of comfort. | 國中一年級阿強遇到了陳爸,開始跟著他學吉他,阿強因此找到了出口與慰藉。 |
The Shihkang Dam is situated on the lower reaches of the Tachia River in central Taiwan. | 石岡水壩,位於大甲溪下游。 |
Chen has been a lifelong movie lover, but it was a film festival he attended while still in high school that really opened his eyes to the medium's possibilities. The festival's screenings of Pedro Almodovar's Todo Sobre Mi Madre and Lars von Trier's Idioterne showed him there were other ways to move audiences than Hollywood's big-budget, big-name-cast, big-effects approach to filmmaking. | 陳正道從小就是影迷,但他真正的電影啟蒙出現在高中時,因緣際會在影展裡看了西班牙導演阿莫多瓦的《我的母親》與丹麥導演拉斯馮提爾的《白癡》。這個觀影經驗讓他眼界大開,發現電影還有好萊塢之外的拍攝手法,不一定都要花上超高資金、超炫特效、或超強卡司才能打動人心。 |
In theory, the director is the authority figure on a film set. Chen, however, was also the youngest person on The Heirloom's set. Fortunately, noted Hong Kong cinematographer Kwan Pun-leong was working on the project as well. | 有趣的是,電影導演理論上應該是拍攝現場權力最大的人,但在拍攝《宅變》時,陳正道卻是所有工作人員中年紀最小的。 |
Kwan's status and experience enabled him to lend a hand guiding the crew. Chen's background in and eye for design showed when it came time to shoot the film. | 幸好影片找來了香港的名攝影師關本良助陣,他的輩份夠、資歷豐富,能協助引導工作團隊。 |
But through hard work and cooperation, the dam was finally dedicated in 1977. | 當然也遇有天候不好、工程進行不順的時候,大家心裡都又悶又急,但彷彿有默契一般,大家都把氣出在工作上﹘ ﹘比平時更賣力地幹,於是,困難因為大家出力更多而逐漸克服了,逆境也渡過了,誰也不曾情緒化地去找別人的碴。 |
A graduate of the National Taiwan University in 1954, he has since been working for the Taiwan Provincial Water Conservancy Bureau. During his career, he never dreamed of fame or fortune. He is a simple man who has to rely on gestures to help his oral expression. | 他是嘉義二林人,民國 43 年畢業於台灣大學農業水利系,服完兵役後,民國 45 年進入台灣省水利局工作,直到如今。 |
In this way, I love the Shihkang Dam and feel a deep sense of gratitude over the satisfaction and sense of fulfilment it has brought me, "he explained. | 石岡水壩是國內水利工程一個重要的里程碑,但它也只是一個起點,我們由這座水壩的建造所得到的經驗與鼓勵,促使我們要建造更多類似的水壩。 |
Bamboo, plum, orchid and chrysanthemum make up the traditional "four gentlemen" of Chinese art history. Bamboo is also included in the "three friends during the depth of the winter" together with the pine and plum. | 在中國傳統的值物中,竹和梅、蘭、菊號稱「四君子」,是中國人心目中最高雅的植物,也是幾千年來,國畫家們最喜歡採用的繪畫題材。 |
A symbol of tenacity and uprightness, it holds a unique place in traditional Chinese culture. | 因此,竹在中國傳統文化中,有著不可忽視的重要地位。 |
Because of the widespread cultivation of bamboo in China, it is commonly used to make musical instruments. | 竹,也是製造國樂樂器的重要素材。古代中國音樂中所謂的八音,指的是:金、石、絲、竹、匏、土、革、木,可見竹是重要的八音之一。 |
For another, I wanted to learn their shooting techniques. "Though The Print's plot is very simple--a vacationing group of young people are cursed by an evil spirit and must flee for their lives--the shots, sound effects, and editing are all beautifully done. These are all areas in which Ko is self-taught, having picked up his skills from repeated viewings of ghost films from around the world. | 《鬼印》的故事非常簡單,講述一群年輕人旅行時受到亡靈詛咒,於是接連被厲鬼索命身亡,但片中對影像、音效,及剪接效果的運用都極為純熟,而這些都是柯孟融遍覽各國鬼片後無師自通所模仿出來的。 |
These wind, string, plucking and percussion instruments are unique in the process of designing, peeling, cutting, assembling, fashioning, polishing and finishing. | 這些吹、奏、拉、彈、敲擊等不同的樂器,每件在設計、剝剖、拼湊、製器、打磨和潤色等各方面,都有獨到之處。 |
The production process is slow and arduous. First, the most suitable raw materials must be collected. Then, the bamboo is sterilized in lime water to protect it against rotting. | 製作的過程很不簡單,在搜購到合適的竹材後,首先得用石灰水浸泡一、兩天,這是一種消毒、殺菌的作用,防止日後竹內生蟲。 |
The lime water is later rinsed off and the bamboo is placed in an airy place to dry out. | 然後再用清水沖泡,把石灰沖乾淨,接著,要放在陰涼處陰乾,千萬不能觸及陽光,以免竹料乾裂。 |
Filming while going to school has taken its toll on Ko--he was in danger of failing half his classes this semester, which would have meant expulsion from university. But Ko is prepared to see his graduation delayed if that's what it takes to realize his dream. "You're only young once," he says. "And I'm going to do my utmost to make a good film." | 學業與拍片兩頭忙的柯孟融說他這學期差點被學校「二一」,但為了實踐夢想,他已經做好延畢的心理準備,「年輕只有一次,我要努力把片子拍好,」他說。 |
Chinkuashih in Taipei County's Jueifang Township has been selected by the Council for Cultural Affairs as one of Taiwan's potential world heritage sites, for its special geology and mining heritage. | 位於台北縣瑞芳鎮的金瓜石,由於特殊的地質礦床與礦業人文景觀,被文建會選為「台灣世界遺產潛力點」之一。 |
Winding mountain roads lead to the Gold Ecological Park. Silvergrass sways in the wind, clearly marking the passage of time, and attempting to awaken people's memories of the old glories of Chinkuashih that have dissipated like smoke. | 隨蜿蜒山路來到金瓜石黃金博物園區,正值菅芒花隨風舞動的季節,礦山芒花清楚訴說時序的推進,也試著喚醒人們對過往繁華如煙消逝的金瓜石些許的記憶。 |
According to accounts of the time, in 1892 more than 3000 people at a time could be seen panning for gold along the banks of the Keelung River. | 據載,1892 年間,基隆河畔曾出現三千多人同時淘洗砂金的盛況。 |
Higher education in the Republic of China is provided by junior colleges, independent colleges, universities and military academies. | 但是,不容否認的,它們仍有著一股懾人的魅力,因為,能夠進入大學就讀,接受一門專業知識的陶鑄和訓練,對一己的成長,總是有著無盡的益處。自由中國的大專教育由下列幾種學校共同負責:大學、獨立學院、三年制專科和海、陸、空、政戰等各軍事院校。 |
After 1905, when enargite was discovered, and gold and copper were produced in tandem, the large volumes produced made the area known as Asia's most valuable source of precious metals. | 1905 年發現硫砷銅礦後,轉為金礦與銅礦同步生產,由於產量極高,還獲得「亞洲第一貴金屬山」美譽。 |
At the time, the prosperity of the area was unmatched in Taiwan, so it was called "Little Shanghai." | 當時礦區的富裕程度冠居全台,而有「小上海」之稱。 |
After graduating from the National Taiwan Academy of Arts, Wang, now aged 33, started to make commercial films. He undertook his first attempt at experimental only two years ago. Because there is no box office demand for such movies, producers usually are not seeking material rewards, but rather are interested in the exploration of new techniques and new ways of presentation. | 因此,金穗獎影展的舉辦,目的在於激勵電影藝術的愛好者與工作者,以創新的形式,表達新的觀念、新的技巧,進而影響商業電影,使我國的電影事業能夠注入一股新的力量,而產生更進步的局面。 |
After World War II, administration of Chinkuashih's mining industry was taken over by the Nationalist government's Taiwan Gold and Copper Mining Bureau. In 1955, the bureau was reorganized as the Taiwan Metal Mining Company. That marked the start of an era when the Taiwan Metal Mining Company played a dominant role. | 戰後,金瓜石礦業由國民政府設立的台灣金銅礦務局接手管理;1955 年改組為台灣金屬礦業公司,自此金瓜石礦業進入「台金時代」。 |
Like the scenes in the Taiwanese film Hill of No Return, the children of highly placed employees dressed in bright clothes and sat in orderly arrangements in a classroom, while miners 'children went to school barefoot and wearing pants with holes in them. | 就像電影《無言的山丘》中的場景,當高級職員的子女,打扮光鮮整齊地坐在教室,礦工的子女卻穿著破洞長褲,打赤腳上學。 |
The people of Shensi village in Changhua County in Central Taiwan have always assumed that like most of the Chinese in Taiwan, they originated in Fukien Province on the mainland just across the Taiwan Straits. | 「陝西村」,是台灣中部彰化縣秀水鄉一個社區的名字。三百年來,它和其他的社區名稱一樣,所代表的不過是一個村莊的符號而已。可是,就是因著這個與眾不同的名字,陝西村中一千五百多位居民,找到了他們自己的「根」! |
Taiwan's main strawberry growing area is Tahu in Miaoli County in the north-central part of the island, where the climate is ideal for the crop. | 國內主要的草莓產地在苗栗縣的大湖鄉。大湖鄉在苗栗縣的東南端,氣候溫和,景色秀麗,居民多以務農為生,是個寧靜恬適的小山村。 |
In the high plains of eastern Africa, sinking wells is no easy matter and wells are not necessarily located in villages. Roundtrips of an hour are common for residents carrying water back to villages. The women, who are responsible for carrying the water, are skilled at carrying containers full of water on their head. | 在東非高原,鑿井不是件容易的事,而且井不一定在村莊裡,可能要來回走上一小時才能提水,於是負責提水的女性,大都練就一身頭頂水桶的好功夫。 |
Unlike traditional museums, which are housed in a single building, an "ecological museum" takes the natural environment and cultural resources of the area itself its as subject, with local people participating in promotion, preservation, and maintenance on their own initiative. | 不同於傳統博物館以一個建築物為範圍,「生態博物園區」是將該地域本身的自然及文化資源當做博物館主體,由居民主動自發地參與發揚、保存與維護的工作。 |
The construction of houses in the community, from both public and private financing, was planned in accordance with community development projects. The height, size and density of the housing, as well as the width of the streets is all standardized. | 當地所有的住家都按照規劃興建。無論公家機關建造的宿舍,或私人投資興建出售的民房,都遵守設計規定,無論房屋的高矮、大小或採光率,巷道的寬窄,都按標準而行,所以整個社區環境看來井然有序。 |
In the early morning, residents can be seen jogging, skipping, playing badminton and engaging in swordplay and shadow boxing (Tai-chi Chuan). | 每天早晨,都可以看到當地居民在公園、綠地或人行道上作運動,他們所作的運動種類可真不少,有的跳繩、有的跑步、有的打羽毛球、有的做健身操、有的舞劍、有的打太極拳。 |
In work, Japanese mostly served in higher-level positions such as specialized technician or manager. Taiwanese, on the other hand, were usually miners, with only a minority serving as machine operators or handling repairs. | 工作上,日本人多擔任層級較高的專門技術人員或是管理階層;台灣人則多是礦工,少數擔任機械操作或維修的工作。 |
As WWII was drawing to a close, around 400 or 500 British and Commonwealth POWs captured in the South Pacific were sent here to work in the copper mines, with many of them dying and being buried here. | 二戰末期,更有四、五百名在南洋被俘的英籍戰俘遣送來此挖銅礦,許多人不幸埋骨於此。 |
Most of the wells, however, only produced natural gas. This was the case until April 25 this year, when the Taihsi No. 1 Well in the Ssuhu district of Yunlin County in central Taiwan turned out to be a "gusher." | 卅年來,中油公司在全台各地投資開鑿了許多油井,都是以生產天然氣為主,台西一號是第一口出油的油井。 |
How he traced the history of the Shensi villagers to the province of the same name on the mainland reads like a detective story. For all the 300 years the 1,500 people of Shensi are believed to have lived in the area, they have been engaged in farming. | 三百多年來,陝西村的村民一直以為他們的祖先是來自福建,直到最近,經過調查和考證,才知道他們的祖籍地和村名一樣,就是陝西。 |
In order to blend in with local society, they study the local language, familiarize themselves with local practices and cultural background, and strive to befriend the people they are training. | 為了融入當地社會,他們學習當地語言,熟悉生活習慣與文化背景,和接受輔導的民眾打成一片。 |
Farmers in Swaziland used to till their land with a single ox and plow. While there is nothing wrong with this, one ox is not strong enough to break up the hard soil and this affects overall efficiency and results in poor yield. | 史瓦濟蘭的農民原先只會用單牛犁田,這也沒有不好;可是當地土質較硬,牛隻拉力不足,影響到整地的效率,整理後的土質不夠疏鬆,作物收成不佳。 |
In an attempt to reverse the trend, the Ministry of Education some five years ago introduced paper-cutting courses in some universities, colleges and high schools. | 教育部有鑑於此,特在五年前規定大專院校有關科系增列剪紙藝術課程,聘請專家授藝傳技。 |
Suddenly the train stops, and the middle-aged man finds himself alone in the compartment. | 「風車」的結尾,男主角在冥想中驚覺,赫然發現車已到站,整個車廂空無一人,他站在空曠的車廂中,滿臉的困惑傷情。 |
A New Communtiy Comfortable Housing and Picturesque Surroundings In an effort to improve housing standards and the living environment, the government of the Republic of China has been carrying out community development projects all over Taiwan. | 這裡是居家生活的好環境,在這裡,一年四季映入眼簾的都是一抹抹盎然的新綠,人們在綠意中徜徉、作息,在無邊的綠色中生活,一切都顯得那麼恬適,那麼宜人。 |
Among the most successful is the Minsheng Community in Taipei, which combines comfortable housing with neat, orderly and picturesque surroundings. | 走到了這裡,你就會不由自主地想多作幾次深呼吸,呼吸花草的芬芳,呼吸清新的空氣,呼吸陽光的暖意,以及當地所擁有的美好氣氛。 |
The Minsheng Community, located close to the heart of Taipei city, and regarded as up to international standards, has cost the Taipei city government US $ 26.3 million to develop since work started in 1964. | 這裡是台北市民生東路新社區,是一個已達國際水準的社區環境。台北市政府早從民國五十三年起開始規劃設計,十四年來,已陸續投下了達新台幣十億元以上的資金。當地有最完善的公共設施,最寬敞的道路,最多的綠地和公園。 |
Intact, and in place | 整體保存,在地參與 |
Not surprisingly, on summer evenings, residents of the community like to meet in the surrounding parkland while their children play safely nearby. | 綠地中也設有涼亭和座椅,入夏時分,每到晚間居民都愛「據地」聊天、乘涼,孩子們則在草地上遊戲。 |
The total area of the grassland in the community is 35,000 pings (1 ping = 36 square feet). | 民生社區的休閒空間在三萬五千坪以上,而且一直隨著居民的增加在繼續闢建,這是當地居民所享有的一個很得天獨厚的福氣。 |
"The stories told by members of different classes are not at all alike, making it hard to imagine that they were living in the same time and place," says Chiang. | 「不同的階級,所述說的故事,竟有天壤之別,讓人很難想像他們生活在同一時空、地點。」 |
The "Root" and "Luxuriant Growth" -- A Typical Old Man and his Fifth Generation Scion in Shensi Village | 「根」與「綿延」--陝西村中典型的寬顎老人與他的第五代重孫 |
Examples of record company unease with new technology are not difficult to find in pop music history. | 唱片業者對新科技的不安,在流行音樂史上並不罕見。 |
Viewing the 3D model in the park, one gets a sense of the pocket-like layout of the area, with Chinkuashih surrounded on three sides by mountains. On the east are "Handleless Teapot Mountain" and Mt. Panping, while on the west stands Mt. Keelung and to the east Penshan, which is infiltrated by numerous mineral veins. | 透過館內的立體模型,可以看出金瓜石三面環山的口袋地形;東邊有無耳茶壺山、半平山,西北邊是基隆山,南邊就是金銅礦脈遍佈的「本山」,同時可清楚看到外九份溪和內九份溪匯流成金瓜石溪,再向北流入因受到金銅礦脈影響所造成的奇景「陰陽海」。 |
A population of 23,000 living in 12 villages has grown up to tend the strawberry crop. | 鄉內劃為十二村,人口二萬三千餘人。 |
"However, we can foresee that just as cassette tapes not only failed to destroy the recording industry, but in fact expanded the population of listeners, the claim that music downloads will wreck the music industry is an exaggeration," says Ho. | 「但可以預見的,就像當年卡帶不但沒有消滅唱片業,反倒擴大了聽眾規模,要說音樂下載會扼殺音樂產業,恐怕是言過其實,」何東洪說。 |
Because strawberries are one of the most widely used fruits in the processed food industry, the buyers at Tahu include juice, confectionery and ice-cream makers as well as supermarket traders. | 收購草莓的廠商包括有:一般鮮果商、超級市場、果醬工廠、冰淇淋工廠、果汁工廠等,除鮮果外,草莓製成的果汁、果醬、冰淇淋、蛋糕等,銷路極好,故草莓的需求量一年年增加,大湖鄉種植草莓的面積亦因此一年年提高。 |
SL Towel: Rebirth Through Creativity Chocolate cake, Swiss rolls, ice cream, fruit yogurt, lollipops, rice dumplings ... the tantalizing treats in the display window look delectable. But don't try to eat them! | 巧克力蛋糕、瑞士捲、霜淇淋、水果優格、棒棒糖、粽子…,櫥窗裡面令人忍不住想咬一口的美食,卻只能看不能吃。 |
The setting sun shines on Chinkuashih, where dreams live on. In the Gold Ecological Park, a new kind of golden legend is being conjured up. | 夕陽映照下的黃金山城,依然有夢,在園區與當地居民攜手努力打造下,再創另類黃金傳奇。 |
In the mid-1990s, Taichung # 10 long-grained, nonglutinous rice began to be brought along as technical missions from Taiwan traveled to far-off lands, including Africa. | 1990 年代,台灣的台中秈十號水稻,隨著技術團的腳步遠渡重洋,來到昔稱「黑暗大陸」的非洲。 |
Mission members work side by side with locals as they open up irrigation canals and plant the golden stalks of rice in every corner of this land, formerly known as the "Dark Continent." | 團員和當地百姓們胼手胝足,闢溝渠引水灌溉,移植金黃色的稻穗,遍布非洲各角落。 |
Oil exploration workers employed by the CPC are usually so engrossed in their work that they have no time to be with their families. | 中油公司鑽井隊的隊員,正好比專打先鋒的「海軍陸戰隊」,他們長年在外,東奔西跑,為探勘油源而櫛風沐雨,甚至連妻子兒女都疏於照顧,所秉持的,所盼望的,就是:增加我們的能源財富,使我們的工業發展,有足夠的動力作後盾。 |
Paddy rice differs from traditional African upland rice in that it has a better mouth feel and the grains are plumper and don't break as easily. Furthermore, paddy rice crops that are patiently cared for, weeded, and fertilized have a higher economic value. | 不同於非洲原生的陸稻,水稻的口感佳、米粒飽滿、不易碎,加上耐心照料,勤除草、施肥,經濟價值更高。 |
In West Africa, farmers use direct deepwater seeding to prevent damage from salt, birds, and weeds. | 在非洲西部採用「深水直播法」以抵抗當地鹽害、鳥害及雜草問題。 |
Hence Ho sees the downloading craze that has swept the world in recent years as a cultural movement by users to reclaim autonomy from record companies. | 何東洪因此將近年來席捲全球的下載風潮,視為一種消費者從唱片業者處「搶回主動權」的文化運動。 |
Technical missions to Africa train locals to cultivate and the scale of farmland in some regions is quite impressive. | 技術團在非洲輔導當地農民耕種,有些墾區達到「田連阡陌」的規模。 |
Finding Roots in Shensi Village | 陝西村彰化有個陝西村千迴百轉找到根 |
But they have been surprised recently to discover that their true home is Shensi Province far away in northern China. | 陝西村是個寧靜優美的小農村,放眼望去,四處都是綠油油的稻田。 |
His first clue came when he visited the Shensi village school and found a temple named after Gen. Wu Mien in the compound. | 首先,他去拜訪陝西國小,到達以後,發現陝西國小就屬於陝西村,國小旁邊還有一座「烏面將軍廟」。由於村名是陝西,烏面將軍也是陝西人,這使他直覺的認為陝西村一定與大陸的陝西省有關聯。 |
A benevolent man adept in both the martial and literary arts, Gen. Wu was much loved by his people. | 終於確定了該村村民是陝西人。陝西村位於秀水鄉的最南端、昔名「陝西莊」,現有居民共有二百五十八戶,以林姓最多,佔百分之六十,其餘為張、吳、李姓人家,村民多以務農為生。 |
When he died in a war against the Ching armies, his followers set up a memorial on which his name was inscribed. | 相傳明末清初,鄭成功據守台灣,有一位陝西籍的部將姓烏名面,率領軍隊與同鄉由鹿港進駐當地。據說烏將軍允文允武,宅心仁厚,除了緊守崗位、訓練士兵外,並從事農墾,維持地方治安。後來,烏面將軍率軍作戰身亡,軍民為了感念他的功績,特地在他的墓地上立碑紀念。 |
It's no secret that Taiwan commands highly advanced agricultural technology. Mission members must be able to be take charge of a number of programs in their assigned area. | 台灣農技發達有目共睹,技術團成員外派之後都要能獨當一面,同時要負責好幾個計畫。 |
There, he discovered numerous tombstones which stated that the deceased originated in Shensi Province. As he was examining the tombstones, he looked up momentarily at the faces of a crowd of curious by-standers who had gathered to watch him-- and made another discovery. | 除了發現烏面將軍是陝西人而外,徐秉棪還找出了其他的佐證:農曆八月廿三日,是烏面將軍的冥誕,每逢這一天,村民總要演出地方戲劇以資紀念。徐秉棪也發現了他們的戲曲與陝西的地方戲有很多類似的地方,可見陝西的習俗和戲劇,也在陝西村流傳下來了。 |
A further link was established when Mr. Hsu found that a special opera performed on Gen. Wu's birthday by the villagers bore a strong resemblance to similar operas traditionally performed in Shensi Province. | 陝西村民曾在吳家大宅前的廣場上,為我們表演了一場精彩的國術表演。登時鑼鼓喧天,旌旗飄揚,村中好手輪番上陣,在拳腳之風與槍林刀陣之下,我們彷彿又回到了久遠的古代,得以一見中國傳統武術的精華與奧妙。 |
Water is especially valuable in drought-stricken areas and conserving it is a matter of survival. It's hard for people from areas blessed with plentiful water to imagine that an entire family can subsist on a bucket of water a day. | 乾旱地區的水特別珍貴,節約用水是當地的生存之道,一戶人家、一桶水過一天是常態,這對水源充足地區的民眾是難以想像之事。 |
Youthful Dreams Reflected in Paper Cutouts Paper-cutting is a Chinese folk art form of ancient traditions. | 中國的民間繪畫,種類繁多,計有:漆畫、帛畫、壁畫、版畫、鐵畫、燙畫、織畫、年畫、剪畫等。 |
In the past, Chinese women used to cut out pieces of red paper, symbolizing good luck, and stick them on doors and windows during the Chinese New Year period. | 就傳統來說,作者多係民間婦女,以紅紙一方,鏤空剪嵌成畫。逢年過節時,百姓們都喜歡剪些吉祥的字畫或圖案貼在門窗上,以為裝飾。 |
In recent years, however, with the rapid development of industry and commerce, the time-consuming practice has been declining. | 因此,剪紙的內容,除了圖吉祥之兆以外,也有敬神應節,與宣揚忠孝節義的。 |
In April, the privately operated Sheng-shin Girls 'Middle School held a paper-cutting exhibition at the National Arts Center, where more than 120 works by students were put on display. | 有許多中學也在美術課中開始傳授剪紙藝術,私立聖心女中更於今年的四月中旬,在台北市的國立藝術館舉辦了一個剪紙特展,共展出作品一百廿餘件,作者是該校初二到高二的學生,作品是她們平時美術課中剪紙的佳作,畫面上都洋溢著一股純真的美感,和創作的意趣。 |