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The Cheng Huang Temple in honor of the city god was established in 1748 in the center of Hsinchu. | 城隍廟在新竹市的市中心區,建於清乾隆十三年,廟中供奉著城隍爺。 |
The strong wind in Hsinchu is helpful in making rice noodles and Dragon Beard noodles. | 新竹的風大,對發展米粉與龍鬚麵線的製做大有關聯,米粉和麵線在拉延成形後,都需置於露天之中,由天然風將它們徐徐吹乾,如此製成的米粉和麵線,乾燥適度,可以長久儲存,且味美可口,成本低廉。 |
On October 10, the Republic of China celebrated its 66th founding anniversary with parades, demonstrations, public performances, fireworks, and most important, with a National Day rally in the Plaza in front of the Presidential Office. This rally was participated in by more than 250,000 people, including civic leaders, citizens, students, soldiers and overseas Chinese. | 今年的十月十日,是我中華民國六十六年的國慶紀念,當天上午,全國各界與僑胞、外賓代表等約二十五萬人,在台北市總統府前廣場集會,一同慶祝這個光輝燦爛的日子。 |
The father and son would spend the night lying in the back of a truck deep in the mountains. In the cold, Sakinu's father would naturally hold him and ask if he was cold. | 夜靜無聲的深山裡,父子倆躺在小貨車上過夜,頂著冷冽的寒氣,父親自然地回身抱住撒可努,問他冷不冷? |
The power industry and communications of the Republic of China have developed rapidly in recent years. The need for electric wire and cables has increased at the same time. Manufacturers of electric wire and cables are trying to improve their products by using new equipment and techniques. | 中華民國的電力與通訊事業,近年來有著飛躍性的進展,對電線、電纜的需求量因而大增,業者為順應此一趨勢,乃急起直追,全力改善生產設備,並更新生產技術,俾使所製造電線電纜的品質能達到國際水準,而產量也能在自給有餘的情況下,大量外銷,爭取外匯。 |
From 1993 to 2003, while working in the Shihpai area of Taipei City, every free weekend he'd take the night train to Kaohsiung, switch to a bus headed for Fangliao in Pingtung County, then take the little train to Taimali, from which he'd finally catch a bus to Hsinhsianglan Village. | 從民國 82 年開始的 10 年間,在台北石牌當差的撒可努,只要沒有值班,每個週五晚上就從台北坐夜車到高雄,接著轉搭中南客運到屏東枋寮,再轉換兩節式小叮噹火車到太麻里,最後再轉鼎東客運回到新香蘭部落。 |
With the dull side of a knife he removed the bones from chicken wings, which he then stewed in soy sauce and stuffed with celery and carrots and tied up in the shape of a gourd to become the popular "gourd-shaped honey chicken wings." It's not only an excellent hors d'oeuvre, it also earned him a gold medal at the Fourth World Championships of Chinese Cuisine. | 他將雞翅的骨頭以刀背推出,滷過後,放入芹菜、紅蘿蔔,再捆成葫蘆形蒸過,變成一道討喜的「葫蘆蜜雞翅」,這道精巧的創意冷盤菜,也曾讓他獲得中國第四屆烹飪大賽最高榮譽的超金獎牌。 |
In 1996, Sakinu and his cousin Pastor Tai ran into the harvest festival site dressed head to toe in traditional Paiwan clothing, creating an instant sensation. | 現在已經是「新香蘭部落青年會」重要幹部的杜文祥記得,民國 85 年、當他還是國一生時,那一年的豐年祭,如同過去數十年的習慣,族人依舊穿著阿美族的服裝,拿著雨傘跳舞,然而,撒可努與他的表哥戴牧師卻穿著一身排灣族傳統服飾跑進會場,立刻引起軒然大波。 |
In this space, the kids can also talk out their problems with their "big brothers" in the village. "Behind a child's fear is a wounded soul. If the people of the village are all wounded and unhealthy, then the culture we create will also be unhealthy," he says. | 在這個空間,孩子們可以向大哥哥們傾吐心事,「每個孩子的畏懼背後,都有個受傷的心靈;如果一個部落裡的人都受傷了,都不健康了,我們所創造出來的文化,也會是不健康的,」撒可努表示。 |
Christianity prospers in the aboriginal communities. | 如今台灣山地同胞的生活,在政府輔導改善之下,無論教育、經濟、交通等各方面,已幾與平地人民無異,要想發掘先民的種種故事,已是可遇而不可求了。 |
"In the past, I didn't have self-confidence, and would just mess around and get in fights," says John, a youth group leader. | 「過去,自信心不足,不知道要做什麼,就只會逞兇鬥狠,」現任青年會領袖階級的約翰表示。 |
The 21-year-old John is covered in tattoos. In his junior high days, he was a violent kid, roaming the streets with a sword. | 21 歲的約翰,身上刺龍刺鳳,國中時是一位隨時拿著武士刀上街頭砍殺的火爆少年。 |
The younger kids gather at the home of the village chief to perform dances and jump through fire. Then a group of big brothers rush in and run off with one of the children. They take him to the foot of a mountain behind the village and make him climb a 200-meter tall slope alone, in the dark. | 年幼的孩子聚在頭目家中跳舞、跳過火堆,然後一群大哥哥們會突然闖進來,就近搶走一位孩子,帶到部落後山腳下,讓孩子隻身摸黑爬上一段二百公尺左右的山坡。 |
After successfully climbing the mountain in the dark, the children come to their ancestral spring. Sakinu covers them in mud to symbolize their passing the test of nature. | 成功摸黑上山,來到祖先的水源地,撒可努在孩子們的身上塗滿泥巴,代表通過自然的考驗。 |
He saw his father climb mountains in rain boots with only a garbage bag to protect himself from the wind and cold, and learned from him how to kneel in thanks before taking the life of an animal. | 看著父親單憑著一雙雨鞋登山,一只垃圾袋就是防寒擋風的風衣,跟著父親學習如何在取走獵物的生命前,跪地感謝。 |
Before the highway was built in 1960, there were about 2,500 aborigines in the Lishan area living off the land reserved for them by the government. | 梨山在榮民前往墾殖之前,是一相當蔽塞的山區,當地的山胞居民也過著極其簡單貧困的生活。 |
Thinking back now, Sakinu deeply feels that his grandfather somehow healed the wounds he suffered in childhood. | 回想起來,撒可努深深覺得,外公在無形中治癒了自己童年受創的心。 |
Every evening crowds of people frequent those stands. In front of the Cheng Huang Temple are many souvenir shops selling raw rice noodles, Dragon Beard noodles and meat balls. | 廟前也有許多賣特產的店鋪,米粉、麵線、飴糖、花生醬、貢丸、竹塹餅等,都堆積如山,生意也十分興隆。 |
The meat balls, also called Kung Wan in Chinese, are noted for the good quality and flavor. Kung Wan is made of high quality pork. The pork must come from well-fattened pigs slaughtered by man, not by machines. | 當地的貢丸店,為保證品質,每天特別搜購溫體豬肉,也就是吃殘羹剩菜長大的黑毛豬;須以土法屠宰,不可碰水,不可冰凍,要完全新鮮,才能符合所需;據說這樣的肉才有彈性,味亦鮮美,打成肉醬後,只需加一點鹽,即可製成非常美味的貢丸。 |
Before being sent to the market, both kinds of noodles must be baked in sunshine and dried by the strong wind. Rice noodles are made of high quality rice. There are two varieties, the large variety and the fine one. The large variety is good for boiling, the fine one for frying. | 米粉的原料一定要選擇品質良好的在萊米,在萊米黏性較低,製成的米粉爽口有勁,它分粗細二種,細者宜炒,粗者適煮,都可久煮不爛。 |
Along the streets of Hsinchu, rice noodles can be seen drying in bamboo sheds. | 新竹市郊的路邊上,經常架滿了曬米粉的竹棚,一棚接一棚,也蔚為新竹的特殊景觀。 |
Continuous Rod--Something New in Copper | 全自動化連續銅條的生產 |
They hope to meet domestic needs and also to sell their products abroad. One of the important factors deciding the quality of electric wire and cables is the copper "wick." High quality electric wire and cables call for pure and highly malleable copper rod. Manufacturers of electric wire and cables in Taiwan have built automatic plants to produce high quality continuous copper rod. | 決定電線電纜品質的關鍵性因素之一,是其中銅芯的品質,一般而言,需要雜質少、展延性高及導電率強,是故如何生產製造品質良好的銅芯、是發展電線電纜工業的重要課題之一。 |
Hsinhsianglan is in Taitung's Taimali Township, where the population is about half Amis and half Paiwan. | 新香蘭部落位於台東縣太麻里,是一個阿美族與排灣族人口各半的社區。 |
Every time as the train came out of the Central Tunnel, which joins Pingtung with Taitung, Sakinu felt like he was returning to another life. He wrote in his diary: "Taimali, almost to the village. It's a warm, breezy, happy feeling. | 每逢火車從中央隧道出離的那一刻,撒可努聞到一種重生的記憶,他在筆記上寫著:「太麻里快到部落的心情暖暖的,風細細的,心情樂樂的。 |
In 1995, when the head of the township wanted to enlarge the local landfill, Liao joined the protest, and found himself facing off against his boss. | 比如民國 84 年鄉長要擴建垃圾掩埋場的抗爭事件,廖學堂便在幕後策劃,還綁上白布條,和自己的老闆「嗆聲」。 |
In Taiwan everyone is free to develop his hobby. One of the most expensive but also most instructive hobbies is collection of artifacts. At Yungho, a small town suburb of Taipei, a thatched bamboo shed is included among the collection of Lin Teng-tai. | 中華民國台灣台北縣的永和鎮,是台北市的衛星城市,近年來發展極速,高樓林立,商店櫛比,人車如織,就在這個現代化的城市裡,竟存在著一幢全然原始風味的清雅小築。 |
In the first-floor hall, smoke rises from time to time. It is meant to bring news of the village youth's doings to their ancestors, and to let the ancestors know visitors have arrived. | 會所一樓大廳,時時升起陣陣的柴煙,藉著煙,將青年們的味道和所做的事傳給祖先,也讓祖靈知道有客人來訪。 |
The total population of the ten tribes is estimated at less than 250,000. Since Taiwan was returned to the Republic of China by the Japanese in 1945, the government has made many moves to protect these people and improve their lives. | 排灣人的雕刻技巧是所有台灣山地部落中最高的,他們的雕刻師在族中也擁有相當的地位,但這些雕飾精巧的傢具或器皿,並非所有人都可使用,只有族中酋長或有特殊英勇行為的勇士之家才得享有,且往往地位愈高,所用的木器材料愈好,雕刻也愈講究。 |
As much of the population has left, there are only around 30 unmarried male students in the village. Of them, almost all have taken the "age group" placement tests staged by the youth center, and more than half are core members. | 由於人口嚴重外流,部落裡在學、未婚的青年男子大約只有三十多人,其中約九成都曾參與青年會所舉辦的階級考驗,一半以上是核心成員。 |
Nieh also stressed that the nation's destiny is in the hands of its people. | 倪院長強調,「國家的命運,操之在己則存,操之在人則亡。」 |
He told over 250,000 people that he believed sooner or later, "We will celebrate the Double Tenth at Nanking, Canton, Chungking and in all parts of the China mainland." | 他接著又說:今日台灣復興基地的進步,就是反共勝利的保證。只要我們盡心盡力,有一天我們將不僅在台灣慶祝國慶,在南京、在廣州、在重慶,在中國大陸的每一個角落,都將飄揚著我們青天白日滿地紅的國旗。 |
A total of 20 items, with titles such as "Blossoms," "Sparkling," "Joy to the World," and "All for One," were included in the display. | 接著,一百二十位空降健兒,繼空軍 C ﹘ 47 機投下傳單後,分乘六架 C ﹘ 119 運輸機,實施突擊,他們在預定地點準確登陸,表現了優越的戰鬥技能。 |
During the tour, they said they were impressed to find that everyone in the Republic of China was working hard for the nation. | 他們親眼所見、親耳所聞自由祖國每一行業中的每一分子,孜孜矻矻在自己的崗位上盡心獻力,而獲得今日各方面值得一觀的成就,都因此產生聲氣相通、榮辱與共的感應。 |
The date of the exercise, October 8, was announced only the day before on television, radio and in the newspapers. | 去年雙十節前夕亦曾舉行金湯一號演習,透過報紙、廣播與電視統一宣告召集命令,效果十分良好,除重病患者外,個人報到率達百分之九十八點五九。 |
Lishan, or Mountain of Pears, located at the half-way point on the famed East-West Cross-Island Highway in Taiwan, is a center noted for its beauty and profusion of riches. | 梨山之所以出名,卻並非全為了她的美、她的富,或當地所出產的甜美多汁的寒帶水果。她的與眾不同,她的可貴之處,是在於她背後那許多感人的胼手胝足、篳路藍縷開荒墾殖的故事。 |
"In the hunting grounds, my father is a father of the Paiwan tribe who doesn't feel societal pressure and isn't influenced by outside religions," he says. | 「在獵場中的父親,是不受社會環境擠壓,不受外來宗教影響的排灣族父親,」撒可努表示。 |
Most meat eaters become temporary vegetarians when they stay at Lishan, and often take fruit and vegetables with them when they leave. The reclamation work at Lishan was started by retired servicemen who cooperated with the aborigines already living in the area. | 開山墾荒的工作是由榮民開始的,當年他們在山上,用自己的血汗,一鋤一耙地打下了今日梨山美、富的局面,也為自己成家立業奠下了厚實的基礎。 |
Sometimes, the number of visitors reaches 5,000 a day, many of whom are houses in more than 60 hotels at the resort, which are rated from modest to luxurious. | 根據統計,每天最多有五千多位遊客上山,使得當地六十幾家大小旅館,經常都人滿為患。 |
The most famous and luxurious hotel there is the Lishan Hostel, built in ornate Chinese palace style with modern conveniences such as a swimming pool, tennis court and bowling alleys. | 最有名又設備最好的旅館自屬梨山賓館了,梨山賓館是一幢古色古香的建築,地勢高亢,在砌著白色大理石的陽台上,遠眺白雪青山與谷溪湍流,很使人有種「瓊樓玉宇高處不勝寒」的清幽之感。 |
There are 15 villages with more than 300 residents in the vicinity of the farm, which has 5,000 apple trees, 4,000 pear trees and 3,000 peach trees. Under normal conditions, each tree yields 2,000 fruit a year on the average. | 目前共有十五個農莊,全部工作人員有三百多人,種植了許多果蔬。在果樹方面,蘋果有五千株,梨有四千株,水蜜桃三千株;平時一株果樹,正常的情況下每年可產二千個果子。 |
But then he thinks, "If I give up like that, everything will be lost!" So he perseveres in the mission entrusted to him by the ancestors. | 但一想起「如果就這樣放棄,一切就將消失。」便又繼續堅持下去,接受祖先給予的任務。 |
A 20-acre vegetable farm brought in NT $ 7.3 million (US $ 192,000) for its second crop this year. | 武陵農場有個二十公頃的蔬菜專業區,種有:甘藍、大白菜、甜椒、蘿蔔等,高地蔬菜打過霜,吃起來說不出的香脆甘甜。 |
In addition, the reservoir at Wuling is ideal for boating. | 二、德基水庫﹘﹘德基水庫風貌特殊,水域內還有數處台地可作為遊樂中心,除建築人行步道外,更計畫購置大型遊艇泛舟其上,並架置大型纜車以供遊覽全湖。 |
The aborigines in the area now have the best-furnished farm homes some of which have wall-to-wall carpeting. | 卓越的經濟條件,對山胞生活的改善自是最大的原動力。他們以可觀的金錢,對食、衣、住、行、育、樂各方面致力改善,他們也開始頻頻接觸現代文明,過完全現代化的生活。目前當地山胞分為四區--環山、松茂、梨山與佳陽,共有二百五十二戶。 |
Many of them own cars, perhaps giving rise to one of most unusual sights in the Lishan area- -an elderly aborigine woman sporting a full set of facial tattoos seated at the wheel of a car. | 年輕人全部接受國民教育,都能講很標準的國語。梨山上有二所國小,在較偏遠地區還設有分校。學校的設備都是兩層鋼筋水泥樓房,每所小學都有數百名學童,有十幾位至二十幾位老師負責任教。 |
At nine the night before the banquet, guests gathered at the site and sang and danced hand in hand non-stop for more than two hours to give their blessings to the newlyweds. One was charged with offering dancers cups of strong rice wine. The atmosphere was festive and intoxicating. | 婚禮前一夜,族人們在聚會所,從晚上 9 點族人聚集,連續歌舞兩個多小時不斷,大夥手牽手,踏著反覆的舞步,一遍又一遍地為新人祝福,負責請酒的族人,在場上一一為跳舞的賓客敬上香濃的小米酒,氣氛熱烈而醉人。 |
Playing in the Streets | 街頭百戲 |
The President was the most revered figure in Lishan, and on hearing of his passing two years ago, many aborigines wept openly. | 還有一所「耶穌堂」,是多年前由蔣夫人籌建的,蔣公生前駐蹕梨山之時,總在這所教堂內作主日崇拜,這對山胞們的宗教信仰,自也有相當深遠的影響。 |
Later, they appeared on television to sing hymns in praise of the beloved leader, providing a moving experience for viewers. | 蔣公去逝之時,梨山山胞曾經同聲哀慟,國人在電視中聆聽了他們為表示哀悼蔣公之忱,而獻上的動人詩歌。山胞多是擅唱的,圓潤的嗓音,悲傷的情懷,赤忱的胸襟,透過信仰,產生了最完美的交通,使得聞之者莫不深受感動,涕淚沾襟。 |
In the area of land reclamation, the Administration has turned large areas of wasteland into cultivated fields with the Wanli farm in Hualien and the Tuku farm in Chishan being outstanding examples. | 在農地開發方面,曾完成花蓮糖廠所屬的萬里農場荒地、旗山糖廠所屬的土庫農場石礫地,東部志學、知本、平林等墾區,以及屏東林邊力力溪河川地等的開墾工作。 |
In general, the students of the musical classes are as good as those in regular classes in their general studies. | 我們曾聆聽他們練了二首曲子,孩子們一個個專心致志,沈醉在樂音中渾然忘我,那情境十分感人。 |
One such dance troupe which has attracted the public's attention for its grace, poise and sparkle is from the Changan Junior High School in Taipei. This troupe of young girls last year won for the fifth year in a row the first prize in the provincial modern dance competition with its performance of "The Kazakh Temple." | 從民國六十二年開始,長安國中先後拿到了五年的冠軍,大家都稱她們是「五冠王」。雖然,每年表演的同學和主題都不相同,但那背後的精神卻是一致不變的﹘﹘專心致志,為校爭光。 |
In such a peaceful setting, the children seem more content and the teachers more patient than in the bustling cities and villages on the plains. | 他說,他能在自己的故鄉為鄉親父老做一點服務性的工作,是他深感滿足與自豪的。 |
He lives in a four-bedroom house and leads a comfortable and affluent life in the mountainous town with his wife and two daughters right. | 為今黃鑫已經成家了,他有一雙小兒女,都是在梨山出生的,他們住在一棟有四房兩廳的平房裡。 |
In the hunting ground, a hunter knows well the changes of the season and the abundance or scarcity of animals. When the animals are in heat, hunters do not go into the mountains. | 在一個獵場裡,獵人很清楚季節的變化,瞭解獵物的多寡,在動物戀愛的季節,獵人是不會上山的。 |
Strictly speaking, the merchants squeezed in this space are really order-takers--the businesses rent apartments in the alleys nearby to use as storage space. When a customer places an order, it's taken straight to the storage space to be put together and the item is tested. After school, students can often be seen darting through the market with their school bags, running orders. | 嚴格說來,躋身在這裡的電子業者,算是「接單櫃台」,業者都在附近巷內租民宅當作倉庫;顧客下單後,直接到倉庫組裝測試取貨,因此,不時可以看見學生下課後,背著書包在商場穿梭。 |
By the mid-1990s, the used book vendors were in decline. They were moved to a corner in the basement, while sellers of computers and other electronic goods dominated the rest of the market. They even spilled out into the surrounding area on Pate Road, turning the area into Taipei's biggest electronics district. | 到了民國 80 年代中期,舊書攤沒落,退居到樓下的最後面角落,而以銷售電腦 3C 產品為主的店家則儼然成為「新霸主」,再加上八德路周邊區域,形成台北市最大的電子產品商圈。 |
To ensure success in the entrance examinations, therefore, parents used to send their children to supplementary schools for "cram" lessons, and in the process, impaired the healthy development of the nation's young people. | 由於國小畢業人數激增,以致下一階段的初中、初職雖不斷增設,仍無法完全容納,形成了嚴重的升學競爭問題。教育當局有鑑於此,深怕因此造成無法德、智、體、群四育並進,僅偏重課業的傳授,而影響學童身心的均衡發展。 |
In Taiwan today, more than a quarter of the population is in school. | 七、如何加強訓練中國傳統藝能,如:寫毛筆字、畫國畫、寫作文等,都要加以注意。 |
Every school has a fife and drum band to lead parades when there is a big occasion. Only normal college graduates are qualified to teach in junior high schools, the majority of which are operated by the government. In the junior high schools, the students are divided into vocational classes and higher-education classes. | 在教育當局全力策劃推動之下,增建校舍、訓練師資、甄選校長…… 一個個步驟次第展開,民國五十七年九月九日,台灣地區的六百一十四所國中一齊開課,總統蔣公特在開學典禮中致訓詞,他說: |
One mistake and they could get in serious trouble, so we always went in teams of seven or eight. Before we moved, we'd have to keep our cover to avoid being spotted by the lookouts. | 「取締時最忌匹馬單槍,稍不留心就會惹禍上身,所以每次行動都是七、八個人一組。 |
Because all of them specialize in a particular subject, they can co-exist with the tuition- free public junior high schools. Most of these private schools stress concentrated studies, so their graduates usually perform better in entrance examinations for senior high schools. | 一些私立初中有校舍供學生住宿,孩子們整天待在校中學習過群體生活,老師與舍監輔導他們使生活規律化,許多在家中驕縱的孩子,都能在住校之後改掉種種生活上不良的習慣。台北有個私立光仁中學,是一所天主教學校,這所中學以音樂教學聞名。 |
The Kuangjen Middle School, operated by the Catholic authorities, for instance, specializes in music, and runs an experimental music class, in which particularly gifted students are enrolled. | 光仁中學中設有音樂實驗班,進入音樂實驗班的孩子,不只本身對音樂有很大的興趣,且大半因為從小學習彈奏某種樂器,而已具備相當的造詣。音樂班學生的主科與一般無異,但在課外活動、自習課時,都安排為練琴或上琴課的時間。 |
In 2004, four Kuanghua Market vendors had their spaces taken away by the Taipei City Markets Administration Office for selling pornographic materials. The Office then took bids for the spots, and the winning bids averaged NT $ 1 million a year in rent. | 2004 年初,光華商場還有 4 家店舖因為販賣色情商品遭台北市市場管理處收回,之後市場處公開標租,結果得標的年租金平均高達 100 萬元。 |
Ming Blue Florals and Pillow in the shape of a baby in blue & white. | 仿明青花瓷及仿宋嬰兒枕。 |
Should the new market in the Information Industry Building retain the success of Kuanghua Market, it has a bright future ahead of it. It seems, however, that the unique scene of treasure-hunting, bargaining, and police-dodging in these crowded quarters is destined to become a thing of the past. | 可以想見,未來八德路商圈依舊繁榮,新的資訊大樓也盛況可期,只是民眾擠在狹小空間裡尋寶、殺價,甚至躲警察的樂趣,恐怕將一去不返了。 |
Tricks of the trade Chefs who serve everyday people have to work differently than they would at a large, fancy restaurant. Aside from strong skills in the kitchen, they also need to know all about local customs and folk beliefs, and thus in designing their dishes they must look for ways to make their food provide guests both with good taste and good fortune. | 野台練劍為老百姓辦桌的總舖師,不同於一般飯店主廚,除了廚藝高超,還要熟知民間各種討吉祥口采的習俗,在菜式設計上趨吉避凶,在材料上物盡其用。 |
We live in an age of runaway consumerism, in a society rife with debt. | 有人說,這是一個過度消費的時代;也有人說,這是一個嚴重透支的社會。 |
The church is now in the charge of Paster Pai, as he is known to the aborigines. The pastor also runs a kindergarten with two teachers and 30 children at the church. | 耶穌堂的白牧師利用教堂的場地,設立了一個小小的幼稚園,共有二位老師,三十幾個小朋友,這是當地唯一的一所幼稚園。 |
Before he was settled down in, 1966, by the government he didn't know what an apple tasted like. | 目前金冠蘋果經過鑑定,甜度已達百分之十三,而一般進口蘋果不過百分之八;其他諸如果型、色澤、香味等各方面,也都凌駕進口蘋果之上。當地的一位榮民果農黃鑫,他擁有一個佔七分地的果園。 |
A: In the Paiwan language, a hunter is called "one who walks with the wind," meaning one who hears the language of the earth and nature. Hunters are unselfish and know best how to share. | 答:獵人,又稱為「走風的人」,在排灣族的語言指的是:能聽得懂土地和自然語言的人;沒有自私和利益,最知道分享的人。 |
There's no conflict in being a hunter and a forest ranger--they're mutually beneficial. | 山林警察與獵人不僅不衝突,還是相輔相成的。 |
When President Chen Shui-bian hosted the president of the Dominican Republic in 2003, the state banquet included Ilan dishes such as pressed smoked duck, salted pork liver, and minced pork cake. The man who brought these innovative new takes on favorite local dishes to a state banquet is Chen Chao-lin, an Ilan native and a fourth-generation chef. | 2003 年陳水扁總統宴請多明尼加總統,國宴上,赫然端出宜蘭鴨賞、膽肝、糕渣,這位大膽將地方特產揉以創新手法端上國宴的,就是來自宜蘭、家傳四代的總舖師──陳兆麟。 |
But a shock was in store. | 弄到後來,只肯一個月一個月寄了。 |
The hunting ground is a place where character is developed and wisdom is gained. It teaches children about the interconnectedness of culture and nature. It inspires in men a love of nature, and makes them feel connected to their families and their villages. | 獵場是人格發展、傳遞智慧的地方,也是讓孩子們知道文化和自然互相串連的關係,並且啟發男人對自然的情感,延伸出對家庭和部落的維繫。 |
A: I think being a student of hunting culture is not something that's in the blood but something you identify with. | 答:我想獵人文化的學生,不在於血統,而在於認同。 |
The hunting school will teach the relationships between the earth, the people, and the tribe, knowledge of hunting grounds, the construction of musical instruments, how to make fire in the wild, Paiwan medicine, as well as ceremonies and cultural transmission. | 未來的獵人學校,將教授土地、人民與部落的關係,獵場的認識,樂器的製作,野外取火的技巧、排灣族的醫學、祭典等文化傳承。 |
He was proud of his role in national construction. | 做了工頭,工作輕鬆得多,使得他有心觀察周遭的一切。 |
Now, he found the food in his lunchbox tasted better. | 用的還不是自己賺來的錢。而自己又有什麼資格比他們更該享用那些奢華的食物呢?這些純樸的工人,他們可能終生沒有機會西裝革履地去涉足燈紅酒綠的場所,所謂情調、氣氛,在他們的腦中也沒有什麼概念,但是,這又有何妨? |
Kuanghua Market has been operating for more than 32 years now, but in the minds of young people, it's a place to buy electronic goods. It's the elder generation who associate it with used book stalls. | 雖然光華商場已有 32 年歷史,但在年輕人印象中,首先想到的是它銷售的電子產品;至於舊書攤,則是老一輩民眾的記憶。 |
Masterpieces from the Potter's Wheel This ancient art has been revived in the Republic of China on Taiwan. | 到了魏晉時代,陶器的製作更為精緻,開始有以「瓷器」命名的精陶器問世。 |
When visiting the market, don't look down your nose at the tiny stalls of just a few square meters selling electronics--they make the market a place of surprising opportunities for the consumer. In fact, some even say Kuang-hua Market is Taipei's "goose that lays the golden eggs." | 實地走訪一遭,別小看這些侷促在高架橋下,二、三坪大小的電子業攤商,他們為光華商場創造了驚人商機,堪稱是台北市公有市場的「超級金雞母」。 |
Whichever merchant has the "lowest prices in the nation" for the season's hottest electronics product will see crowds consisting not only of Taiwanese but also visitors from Hong Kong, Japan, and America. The used book vendors, however, see few visitors now. | 當季最紅的 3C 產品,在店家打著「全國最優惠價格」的保證下,不但本國消費者趨之若鶩,連香港、日本、美國的觀光客也慕名前來,逛舊書攤的人已經不多了。 |
The kilns are heated with gas, and the green ware needs 21 to 24 hours of firing in a temperature of 1300 ℃. | 雕刻人員首先用鉛筆在坯上設計圖案,再依圖形刻空,坯不可太濕,也不可太乾,濕度要適度,雕刻時比較容易。 |
Business was going fairly well, so others started up in the area. | 由於生意不惡,慢慢地吸引別人跟進。 |
The company's tri-color saddled horse is produced in different sizes. | 中華所燒出的配備鞍韉、宇態軒昂的立馬,鞍墊長韉飄垂及腹下且翹一前足、顯示奔態的三彩馬,長頸昂首、背起雙峰、負重作行走狀的駱駝等,都極其巧妙,深受各界人士歡迎。 |
The meter-high version sells at US $ 1500 and is in great demand. | 一個高達一公尺的三彩馬,售價在一千五百元美金以上,購者仍然十分踴躍。 |
Other tri-color products include animals and figurines, all of which are based on masterpieces in the Palace Museum. | 但純的氧化鈷燒出的顏色帶一點紫色,不很好看,必須加入適當的鐵、錳等原料,才能燒出純正的青色。 |
Blue-and-white ware was made possible in the Ming dynasty by the discovery of a cobalt blue that could survive the high temperature required for underglaze coloring. | 此外,透明釉的厚薄,以及煉燒時的溫度也需控制得宜,才能燒出理想的青花瓷。當透明釉過厚時,燒出的成品會帶灰色;煉燒時火力過大或者不夠,又會使青花不顯或變色,因此,製作符合水準的青花瓷,需要各個步驟配合得完美無缺。 |
Kuling Street is not far from National Taiwan University and National Taiwan Normal University, and prestigious schools like Chienkuo High School and Taipei First Girl's High School are in the area, so many students frequented the market. With the numbers of students and other book lovers, the street--less than 500 meters long--would get extremely crowded, causing traffic problems and making it an eyesore. | 牯嶺街離台大、師大不遠,附近還有建中、北一女等學校,因此不時有學生上門,再加上慕名的愛書人,使這條全長不到五百公尺的街道經常擁擠不堪,不但嚴重影響交通,對市容也不利。 |
Spontaneity and creative artistry was reflected in the designs. | 不過,也有很少數的窯變經過再三研究、分析後,也可以設法人為。 |
In addition to cobalt, the company adds iron and manganese to the glaze to eliminate a purple cast. | 此外,以大型唐三彩馬而言,燒成能夠站立的陶馬也不容易。 |
An organization contributing much to these twin aims is the Agricultural Machinery Administration, established in 1958 as subordinate unit of the Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Servicemen. The main operations of the Administration include agricultural mechanization, land reclamation, agricultural engineering, and land reclamation projects overseas. | 榮民農業機械服務處是榮民農業工程機構之一,隸屬行政院國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會,主要業務有:農機服務、農地開發、農業工程與海外農墾四大項目。 |
In addition, the Administration has sent agricultural teams to Africa and Central America to help with, agricultural development of friendly nations. | 在海外農墾方面,農機處多年來曾派遣多隊技術人員前往東南亞、非洲、中南美洲等各國協助農技開發,不僅可加強國際關係、敦睦國民外交,並為增加榮民工作機會、增加榮民收入提供了實質的效益。 |
Economic prosperity has enabled most families in Taiwan to provide a better education for their children, causing an educational boom and a shortage of classrooms. | 多年來,中華民國政府在台灣復興基地奮力建設,使得全國上下安和樂利,生活水準日益提高,父母對子女的教育問題益發重視,各級教育事業也因此蓬勃發展。 |
October 24 was the founding anniversary of the Chinhua Girls 'Junior Middle School in Taipei. There was a big celebration to mark the occasion, which include an athletic meeting, a concert and an exhibition. | 十月廿四日,是台北市金華國中的校慶,當天該校舉行了規模盛大的慶祝活動,包括:運動會、鼓隊、樂隊表演、音樂會、成績展覽等。 |
Plain-clothes police would rush in as customers wondered what was going on, but having been exposed, they'd miss their chance to make a bust. | 不明就裡的顧客還弄不清楚發生何事時,立刻有數位便衣打扮的取締人員,分別從各個角落闖進來。但由於行動曝光,取締人員時常無功而回。 |
Administration is in the charge of county and city governments. | 從這兒又得到一個有利的證明。 |
Premiere Danseuse in the Number of "Kazakh Temple" | 舞至忘我--「哈薩克神殿」舞中主角 |