class label
9 classes
Oh Geeez...\n\nOk here's one..\n\nTwo men went to mechanics school to learn how to put a car engine back together from all the parts.\n\nThe final exam was upon them which was to actually assemble the engine. The person that made the highest score had a position waiting for them with a well respected car manufacturing plant where they would be on a team to design new systems for the future.\n\nThe first guy was into engineering before this course the second was a former gynocologist, so naturally the gyno was nervous about passing the final exam.\n\nThe engineer was able to put his car together in record time, while the former gynocologist took twice the time to put his car together.\n\nThe instructor gave the highest score to the gynocologist, and the engineer was baffled, and upset.. then he questioned the instructor on the fairness of his grades.\n\nThe instructor said "It's true you both assembled so the engine ran perfectly, I gave each of you credit of 100% for being able to accomplish that.. but I gave an additional 100 points to the other guy because he did all the assembly through the tail pipe."
3Entertainment & Music
A treatment effect was achieved after the first dose.
5Medical Domain
the best way to get over someone old...is to get under someone new. dont waste your time. better things are out there. get interested in someone else. he'll take your mind off the old one.
4Family & Relationships
7Society & Culture
If you are a member of a congrigation and you know what city you were baptized in, you can tell the parrish center and they can contact your original parrish for you. Believe me, the Catholic Church keeps paperwork. With a couple of phone calls they will be able to get it for you. I know because I had to do the same thing, only my original parrish no longer existed at all and they had to track down my certificate! Took a couple of weeks, but I got it. Best of luck!
6Politics & Government
thats one of the worlds mysteries\nyou cant change someone though. love them for who they are
4Family & Relationships
Thank you for the information on your situation...it's a bit easier to give good advice that will help.\n\nFirst, my "battle cry". When you are about to repair your credit history, or do battle with collection agencies, knowledge of the law is your only weapon! DO NOT fight these jerks unarmed!!! Read the links I supplied below.\n\nAs I understand it, you got this credit card before you got married? That's good, because they can't go after your husbands income.\n\nThe very first thing you need to do is write a letter to the collection agencies that are bothering you. Use the sample letters in the links below. By law, if you tell them to stop bothering you, they must stop all contact. But be warned, you are basically telling them to either sue you or back off. \n\nIf your debt isn't that big they will most likely leave you alone. The credit report will remain on your records for 7 years from the time you defaulted on the last payment. There are ways to get it removed from the records, or at least limit the impact.\n\nThey can sue you if the debt is not that old. The "Statute of Limitations" varies from state to state. Most are 6 years. After that the can't sue you, but they can still mess up your credit history.\n\nYou are in a better situation because your debts are before you got married. Live off your husbands credit for now. \n\nWhen I got married, my wife came with a lot of debt baggage. They were after her for trailer payments, and loans made with her past marriage. She was getting 2-3 credit letters a month and was a nervous wreck. The jerks even found my phone number and began calling us up.\n\nBut what they didn't know was.....\nI WAS ARMED! I knew the law. I knew how to handle these jerks!\n\nThe calls and letters stopped. I cleaned up her credit history and now she has a credit card of her own and a good rating. \n\nI'm not a credit counsoler, got no legal experience. I just know where to look for information. Now you do too!\n\nWrite me if you need encouragement. Your situation isn't bad at all.
0Business & Finance
Someone once said about Bush that he was born on third base and he thinks he hit a triple.
6Politics & Government
more emotional than physical
4Family & Relationships
2Education & Reference
Life is short and precious, so live each moment and each day as if it is your last. Never wait until tomorrow to tell someone you love them, for tomorrow they may not be there.
2Education & Reference
A girl. First to be the opposition and secondly, I dont think I boy would waste his time asking :p
0Business & Finance
If anything, I agree arabs should not run them. Hello, didn't anyone learn from 9/11? I was there and will never forget!
6Politics & Government
say that she is pretty and talk about the day or school or invite her on a date let me know hiw it goes at [email protected]
4Family & Relationships
how long will it take, do you have to remove the junk afterward and how much do you want to make?
0Business & Finance
if your wife doesnt complain then its ok. you can never golf too much
Do you mean conversation hearts?
0Business & Finance
start by writing down what you believe. Then start going to churches in your area and/or talking to various missionaries for the churches and see what matches your beliefs or what you feel is right. Pray, meditate and read. Remember that reading information from the churches themselves will be more reliable then from others who don't believe in a specific religion. Also find one that has good activities and associations for your son. Good Luck
7Society & Culture
thats what the first person named it -- same as christmas island and skull island and monkey island
2Education & Reference
You have two points: (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). By convention, we assume the second point is on the right (in the positive X direction). \n\nCalculate (y2-y1)/(x2-x1). This will be the slope of the line. (you can remember this as "rise over run; rise is higher": ABOVE the line in the division).
2Education & Reference
3-1 to England from what I can make of this website
Online dictionary: http://dict.leo.org/\nOnline translator: http://babelfish.altavista.com/\n\nViel Glueck.
0Business & Finance
You should be able to take a good, basic business plan, and have it encompass whatever unique market opportunity you seek. I used the Normandy model.
0Business & Finance
try www.viamichelin.com
0Business & Finance
That would depend on the state laws. It would be best to contact a lawyer specializing in family law.
6Politics & Government
Are firemen wetblankets?\n\nWhat about overcoats over overalls over Under Alls???\n\nGot the picture?? \n\n:-))\n\nWhat an original mind you have!!
0Business & Finance
since it's 9 or 10 o'clock in england right now, he's probably watching the tube or at a pub.
3Entertainment & Music
:}\nWe are made in his image created for fellowship with him.
7Society & Culture
Dunno about wrestling, but in the bed, I'm a grandmaster.
5Medical Domain
many do have it. Some don't because of interest and equalizing the number of sports with girl.
Don't worry about your voice it will get deeper later on. I think the best thing you can do to court a girl is to give her flowers. A single red (or if you know her favorite color then use that) rose makes quite a statement. Have you told her you like her? Don't stress about it just be yourself and take it slow. Ask her out and when you pick her up have some flowers ready. If she likes stuffed animals you can give her little stuffed animals after you've had a couple of dates. It's really not hard. Don't buy her really expensive things untill you get very serious. Be polite and respectful and complement her on the things she wears and even her perfume if she wears any. After you get serious you can send flowers to her work or her school. Girls like public displays of affection. I hope that helps hun, and if it doesn't than there are plenty of other girls that will love it!
4Family & Relationships
Try every putter you can get your hands on. Ask if you can use the on the putting green. Heavy putter's for slow greens and light putters for fast greens. Stay away from the putter that take all day to line up. When you come across a putter that looks good and feels good. That is the one for you, it may be $19.95 or more. All putters feel different. So, make sure when you find the one you like, get that putter.
because you grounded her
4Family & Relationships
Yes. The placement of objects around us have a definite effect upon our lives. Proper placement can bring happiness, wealth and harmony. This has been proven over thousands of years of practice in China and India.
7Society & Culture
no viruses, no other crap or anything like that.\n- your browser has a problem loading the color and graphics compose area.\n- to fix this, login to your yahoo mail account, click options in the top right corner. In the middle column, click general preferences. Where it says Composing e-mails, choose plain text, then click save in the top or bottom corners. \n\nThis will fix your issue.
1Computers & Internet
You might have a worm. Simply restart your computer to flush that little bugger away or,\nrelax and quit fidgeting
1Computers & Internet
it means that you are having problems in your marriage and you live apart for a while, sometimes while you are waiting on a divorce or sometimes, just giving each other a "cooling off" period.
4Family & Relationships
You might try rateyourprofessor.com, or some variation of that name. You may get lucky and someone will be on there loving/hating them. Good luck.
2Education & Reference
1rstly, change the way you think. God is not a human, so u cant be God's child. 2ndly, I had decided to be PERFECT and I accepted everything in my life. I fought, I had harsh moments, but at last, I am really happy.
7Society & Culture
This isn't a Special Education question.
2Education & Reference
a dove is a cousin to a pigeon, that once flew the coop...
0Business & Finance
Yeah, alittle but. Shouldn't you live for yourself, or someone you love.
4Family & Relationships
You Must Test Your Sound Hardware Whether It is Working Properly Or Not. For That You Can Go To Control Panel, There\nYou Can See One Option Namely Sounds And Audio Devices,There You Have The Option To Check Your Sound Hardware.\n\nShould Be Working Fine.
1Computers & Internet
yes, buy a money tree
0Business & Finance
they do not wish to know the truth, so God allows them to believe a lie without fact. Go to http://www.halos.com/videos.htm\nto see free streaming video to refute theory of evolution lie.
2Education & Reference
this is not a question. two words / a name with a question mark does not a question make
i doubt you can find a decent free computer. however, if you go on ebay or best buy you can find cheap computers. dell also has desktops for about $400.
1Computers & Internet
Vince Carter, he isn't just a scorer he rebounds, gets assists, and plays good defense. That can't be said about Tracy McGrady.
What benefit has Vivanza shown during the studies?
5Medical Domain
the answer i came up with is 640:\nX=10\nLIV=54\n*\nX=10\n=\nC=100\nD=500\nXL=40
2Education & Reference
They are set so as to try to create equal amount of money bet on each side. This allows the casino to collect the most. The line is not set in order to try directly to predict the outcome of the game.
Who cares? Who drives around Rockeville Centre blowing their nose?
0Business & Finance
you would need a lathe and some good sanding paper.
You type in stop and send it back were it came and they will send you a text saying that you wouldn't be getting anymore messages
3Entertainment & Music
No, they turn brown, curl up and die every fall...\nDid you mean the Hockey team?
you can get an adapter to put in the ieee slot
1Computers & Internet
This one is great , have many contreversial ones and it catogorize them and it includes the ones from the newspaper\n\nhttp://www.zombietime.com/mohammed_image_archive/
6Politics & Government
Heracles married King Creon's daughter, Megara. However, Hera drove Heracles into a fit of madness during which he killed his wife and children. Upon realizing what he had done, he fled to the Oracle of Delphi. Unbeknownst to him, the Oracle was guided by Hera. He was directed to serve King Eurystheus for 12 years and perform any task which he required, resulting in The Twelve Labours of Hercules.\n\nThe Twelve Labours (Greek: dodekathlos) of Heracles (Latin: Hercules) are a series of archaic episodes connected by a later continuous narrative, concerning a penance carried out by Herakles, the greatest of the Greek heroes. The establishment of a fixed cycle of twelve labours was attributed by the Greeks to an epic poem (now lost) written by a certain Peisandros of Rhodes, perhaps to be dated about 600 BCE (Burkert).\n\nAs they survive, the Labours of Herakles are not told in any single place, but must be reassembled from many sources. Ruck and Staples (pp 169–170) assert that there is no one way to interpret the labours, but that six were sited in the Peleponnesos, culminating with the rededication of Olympia and six others, part of the same sequence, took the hero farther afield. In each case, the pattern was the same: Herakles was sent to kill or subdue, or to fetch back for Hera's representative Eurystheus a magical animal or plant. "The sites selected were all previously strongholds of Hera or the 'Goddess' and were Entrances to the Netherworld" (p 169).
2Education & Reference
Would like to help, but please rephrase the Q or retype
0Business & Finance
I do like Dr Phil, I think he offers his guests great advice and has been able to help many people. His books are quite informative and have also served to assist the wider public. I think it would be hard to have helped all of these people and somehow not got a big head over it.. of course he is arrogant, but I would be too if I had his money. \n\nBut put yourself in his shoes, how would you feel if you had to deal with and listen to all those problems everyday? He deserves every cent he has.
4Family & Relationships
Pick your battles. Does it really matter that he left the towels on the floor or that he is ten minutes late for the fifth time in a row? No it doesn't not really.\n\nOnly discuss things that are important issues.\n\nAnd start right from the beginning. Find a mutually okay time and schedule a babysitter and a date.\n\nWorking 90 hours a week is a problem so have a nice dinner ready at home if you have to and take time to get to know each other.\n\nDon't sweat the small stuff.. and don't sweat the big stuff.. life is too short.\n\nWork on being friends first and the rest will follow.\n\nAnd don't focus on the negative with him all the time even if he does with you. Teach by example not nagging as we woman are prone to do. Hold you tongue more often than you let it go. You'll be surprised by the result.
4Family & Relationships
you may wanna reword the question because it does not make sense!
2Education & Reference
"A kickoff in which the ball carries just far enough, at least ten yards, to be recovered legally by the kicking team."
Jennifer Garner\nCameron Diaz\nJulia Roberts
3Entertainment & Music
Contrary to what you may think, the term has nothing to do with the stereotypical frugal Scotsman. Actually, a "scot" or "sceot" was a municipal tax in 12th century England, and someone who went "scot-free" was one who succeeded in dodging that tax. Scot also came to mean the amount owed for entertainment in a tavern, including drinks. If you got a free drink, you drank "scot-free".
2Education & Reference
Mike is king
3-Iron = 23-24 deg\n4-Iron = 26-28 deg\nhttp://www.clubmaker.net/golf_club_loft_angle.htm
Strangers at a Church gave my family an awesome Christmas one year.We had moved to a differnt state and didn't have much money,we had been there for around 3 months.They gave food,also a gift card for grocies.Needless to say I cried and still thank God for his help though those people.We had a 6ft.tree it was covered over half way up with gifts for our children.To this day i still wonder how thay knew.
0Business & Finance
If she is truely in love with another, the best you can do is be her friend. If something happens within her relationship with the other guy, don't push yourself on her. Just be there and be a friend to her. If she wants to take things further, it will happen. If not, just be grateful that you have a true friend to confide in.
4Family & Relationships
Sounds like you know what you want already, so check out the various brands, and find out what they have in your price range, then go to the shops and test ride the ones you are interested in.\n\nIf you want to ride off road make sure your tyres aren't too slick.\n\nI wouldn't think that a road bike is particularly comfortable by the way, since it's primary concern is speed, it's designed for a riding posture that minimises air resistance, with your spine leant a long way forward, for comfort you need a bike that allows an upright spine.\n\nAlso if your thinking of riding down anything particularly steep off road, I would reccomend making sure the frame shape allows the seet to be lowered quite a lot. So that you can shift your weight back a lot, and also so you can jump off the back easily if you need to\n\nAlso tell the people at the bike shop what sort of riding you intend to do they would be able to give you further advice.
1 mg).
5Medical Domain
Friendship is seeing their faults and loving them in spite of those faults. It's being there any time, day or night if they need you. It's when they call and say "I need a favor" and you say "Sure, how can I help?" It's laughing and crying together. It's standing beside them whether they are right or wrong and helping them get through things. It's honesty, trust, respect, love and loyalty. \n\nA.H.
4Family & Relationships
Learn HTML. It's a simple language and only takes about a half hour to learn the basics. HTML is the language that all websites are written in. A good place to start learning is www.w3schools.com. You can host your HTML files on any free host you can find, just do a search on them.
1Computers & Internet
Don't rush into anything.. and don't go to bars to meet nice people. Expect to meet good people in unusual places.
4Family & Relationships
The lysosomes have sometimes been likened to "The Police Force of the Cell". Even in a place as small as a cell, we need someone to keep things in order. But unlike the police, these lysosomes literally eat things which disturb the natural order of the cell. Lysosomes pick up foreign invaders such as bacteria, food and old organelles and break them into small pieces that can hopefully be used again. If they pick up a really harmful invader, they will eat it up and expel what is left of it out of the cell so that the debris can be removed from the body. \n\nThe lysosome is able to do this because it is filled with enzymes. These enzymes are specially made for the lysosome by the rough endoplasmic reticulum and work only at low pH (highly acidic) levels. The reason for this is that the enzymes are so strong that they could eat the whole cell if the lysosome ever let them out. However because they can only work at low pH levels and the rest of the cell has a neutral pH level, they can be neutralized if they accidentally escape from the lysosome. \n\nElectron micrograph of lysosomes. \n\nLysosomes are produced in the Golgi apparatus \n\nFrom here they are dispersed throughout the cytosol. Despite the fact that the range of enzymes found in lysosomes are fairly uniform throughout many types of cells they take many forms. For example some are comparatively large (up to 1 um in diameter) whereas other present as small vesicles (25 to 50 nm in diameter). This variation is most evident in macrophages which are cells specialised in ingesting particles and organisms which have invaded the body. Along with similar organelles called peroxisomes they form what is known as the acid vesicle system . \n\nWithin the human acid vesicle system there are more than 30 defined acid hydrolases present in various types of lysosome. \n\nAnother function of lysosome in the human occurs during fertilization of the egg by the sperm. The head of the sperm cell contains a package of lysosomal material called the acrosome. The enzymes from this are released when the sperm makes contact with an egg and they effectively bore a hole through the cell membrane of the egg allowing the sperm to enter. \n\nLysosomes also play a key role in destroying old organelles within the cell and thus allow them to be replaced with fresher, more effective ones. \nThis process is known as autophagy and is accomplished in two stages. Firstly a membrane is donated by the endoplasmic reticulum. This membrane then surrounds the old organelle. Secondly a lysosome fuses with this membrane to form an autophagic vacuole. The lysosome can safely enter it's deadly enzyme contents into this vacuole and destroy the old organelle. \nIn human liver cells it is calculated that at least one mitochondria undergoes autophagy every 10 minutes. This reflects the highly active nature of the liver as an organ and it's need for a constant supply of fresh organelles. \nThe electron micrograph below shows a lysosome in the process of destroying a membrane bound mitochondria.
2Education & Reference
John William Schlitt (born February 3, 1950 in Lincoln, Illinois) has been the lead singer of legendary Christian Rock band Petra since 1986. Before that, he was the singer of the band Head East during the 1970s.\n\nHe joined Petra on 1986 after Greg X. Volz, left for a solo career. Since he had left Head East in 1979, recovered from substance abuse, and become a Christian, he took the lead singing duties of the band.\n\nHe has been married to wife Dorla since 1971, and they have four kids together (Kari, John Kyle, Kris and Krey). They currently live in Franklin, Tennessee.\n\nHe graduated from the University of Illinois in 1973 with a degree in Civil Engineering.\n\nAside of his work with Petra, he has released two solo albums, Shake (1995) and Unfit For Swine (1996).
3Entertainment & Music
Like many activities, you make new friends, show off your self-confidence (among other things), and show school spirit. It's tough to be a wallflower when you're a cheerleader.
Yes, in the 17 of August 2004\nsee http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/06/en/040818/11/20kw.html\nBrazil routs Haiti 6-0 in 'Match for Peace'\nBrazil routed a weak Haitian team 6-0 Wednesday in an exhibition soccer game aimed at promoting peace in the Caribbean country.\nRonaldinho scored three times and Roger twice as goals by the World Cup champions went flying past Haitian goalkeeper Fenelon Gabart. Nilmar had the other goal, and Brazilian star Ronaldo assisted twice.\n\nThe highlight was Ronaldinho's first goal in the 32nd minute. He dribbled up the middle around and through four defenders, then jumped over the goalkeeper and tapped the ball into an empty net.\n\nThe sellout crowd of about 15,000 chanted "Haiti, Haiti," but many also cheered when Brazil scored --` at least for the first few goals. After that they cheered the home side.\n\nThe game was billed as a "Match for Peace" nearly six months after a rebellion culminated in the ouster of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Brazil is heading a U.N. peacekeeping force meant to bring stability to Haiti.
EMEA Annual Report 2002
5Medical Domain
An egg is afterall shaped like a hump...\nAnd egg is also dumpty when u roll it.\n\nMaybe that's y they called it an egg?\n\nI'm not sure myself...\nGood question...
2Education & Reference
Are you talking about Isaac Singer?
7Society & Culture
Being dumped means that your ex thinks someone else is better than you. You need to look in the mirror and decide if it's objectively true, or whether your ex is mentally ill.\n\nIf it's true, then work on being a more desirable man. If it's false, then smile, because your ex has screwed up and she will eventually regret her decision -- only it will be too late, because you will find someone better than her.\n\nThe actual feeling of love sickness is a biological condition which is the product of hormonal secretions which you cannot easily control. Eventually it wears off, and it will wear off faster if you stay away from your ex, and put away any memories of her (especially things that smell from her scent -- odors will cause the hormone levels to rise quicker than anything else, and it will make you miserable).\n\nSo, there's both a mental and a physiological component to the situation. You have to decide without any question on the mental part, because until you do, you will be unhappy. The physical part will take care of itself if you just stay away.
4Family & Relationships
3Entertainment & Music
Philosopher deals with meaning of life and there is no unanimty in the answers regarding Philosophy. So answer will vary from person to person.
7Society & Culture
you cant trust someone you are chatting with
4Family & Relationships
the thought of dying.. like when you reach it..\nthink about it... lets say you are 20..10 years gone by, fast.\n10\n10\n10\n10\n10\n10 die... too fast.. and think about death and forever darkness and if we do go to heaven... think about the hate of immortailty and staying FOREVER!!! think about how horrible it would be\n\nthis thought reached my last night listening to music and sent a chill through my bones... beauty of world is gonna end in only 70 years.... darkness forever in dark and immortailty ...\n\n\n\n\ni have loved to thought of reborn without any memory, that thought helped me alot
3Entertainment & Music
If you are referring to Matthew F. Christopher that wrote sport fiction novels, he died in 1997 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
2Education & Reference
One thing to keep in mind is that the "mainstream media" whether FOX, MSNBC, CNN, and the TV networks ABC, NBC, CBS, etc., are all owned by about 6 mega-corporations...\n\nand all these corporations are "for profit" - which means that their main goal is to keep you watching - watching and hopefully buying what they are selling via commercials. Trust me, their main goal is NOT to inform you about what you need to know WHEN you need to know it...\n\nSo my point here is that there is no real "liberal" or "conservative" media per se. Yes, the reporters may tend to be more liberal, but the EDITING decisions are made by the "suits", and there are way more conservatives in control at this level. \n\nWhat you may not realize are the ties the media has to government - and how they work hand in hand to censor the important news you really need to know.\n\nSo the short answer is: Check out the internet but pay close attention to the source - after a while you will be able to tell when you have reached a credible source or not. European media has some of the same problems (propagana via corporate control) but they are way ahead of the U.S. when it comes to telling more of the truth - especially about us! \n\nAn admittedly liberal site http://www.buzzflash.com will give you links to stories all over the world. But, while they *are* liberal, they are actually linking to the original story in whatever media it was originally reported - so you can read the original story and decide for yourself. http://www.truthout.org is another similar type site without all the added commentary (editoralizing)...\n\nDo some searches on the web for WHO OWNS THE MEDIA and you'll see for yourself why the media censors your news.\n\nThink about this: GE makes bombs for the military. GE also owns NBC. Now, if you PROFIT from making bombs, what is your motivation to tell the American public the WHOLE truth in advance of a "war"? Better to let some of the truth out about fake wars AFTER they have begun. They aren't going to admit to being war profiteers, but the fact of the matter is that they DO profit from war. Do the math.
6Politics & Government
If you need to dissolve more than one freeze-dried cake, then repeat the actions described under points c. and d. until the required number of freeze-dried cakes is dissolved.
5Medical Domain
Buying power of the unemployed is low, so having a large number of unemployed people is bad for the economy. The unemployed get assistance in most systems from their government which comes from taxpayers. So the people who are employed, are paying for those who aren't.
2Education & Reference
I think LimeWire would be the best program to dowload from...It's much much faster than Kazaa and even Ares!\nHope i've helped!
3Entertainment & Music
Maybe if you give it a little time, people will have a chance to answer them? I don't know. Just be patient. I read your questions and I'm sure there will be people who will answer them. \n\nI hope this helps.\n\nHave a great day. =]
0Business & Finance
Stuff older than 75 years can probably be found on Project Gutenberg. http://www.gutenberg.org/\n\nIf you want something recent, it's against copyright law to download it for free. You can purchse them on online bookstores, such as amazon.com
1Computers & Internet
How has Sifrol been studied?
5Medical Domain
I know he has a home and a garage for his personal plaine in Arizona...around Poenix I think.
3Entertainment & Music
5Medical Domain
One should go downtown to Queen st.....there you sould find some intresting action lol!
4Family & Relationships
With prolonged treatment, the safety profile did not change in these patients either.
5Medical Domain
Choose company engage in developing energy from sources other than oil. Certainly you'll get the highest profit but the realization will take years.
0Business & Finance