class label
9 classes
You have to contact an attorney and yes you must take it in front of a judge. I believe there are measures that have to be looked at such as what type of felony it was. Rather than trying to guess start with that. If you can't afford an attorney try legal aid. good luck.
6Politics & Government
campfire girls
3Entertainment & Music
UPS has a web site that tells you how to become an employee. \nhttps://ups.managehr.com/
0Business & Finance
i don't have a problem with legal immagration. i mean, if someone wants to live in american that's cool, but i don't think they should do so by sneaking into the country and ducking taxes.\nand as far as 'we the people' goes, try to find out the names of your congressmen and contact them. find other people who care and rally them to call and write a gazillion messages. quite a few bills have been changed, stopped or written because a bunch of people were bugging the congressmen. \ni'm not sure if this is what you were asking, but i think it was.
6Politics & Government
Ok, so you have posted 5 anti-Christian messages so far. Dont you have anything better to do with your time than try and bash on other people's religions which is what you are accusing Christians of doing? It isnt like you posting vacuous observations on Yahoo is going to change anyone's opinion. Maybe you should just hop back on the broomstick and go turn someone into a newt.
7Society & Culture
Hepatic impairment No data are available in patients with severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh class C).
5Medical Domain
Hey, just bringing this old question up for a vote. \n\nIf you have not found the answer you are looking for, please, feel free to use one of the following links from my personal collection:\n\nhttp://www.findlaw.com\nhttp://www.webmd.com/diseases_and_conditions/symptom_checker.htm\nhttp://www.dogpile.com\nhttp://www.itools.com/\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page\nhttp://www.dictionary.com\nhttp://www.thefreedictionary.com/\nhttp://www.medterms.com/script/main/hp.asp\nhttp://www.alexa.com\nhttp://www.searchtools.com/tools/tools.html\nhttp://www.infopeople.org/search/chart.html\nhttp://www.brbpub.com/pubrecsites.asp\nhttp://www.searchsystems.net/\nhttp://library.albany.edu/internet/choose.html\nhttp://www.archive.org/\nhttp://www.publicnoticeads.com/\nhttp://www.samspade.org\nhttp://www.free-ed.net/free-ed/ \nhttp://www.hplearningcenter.com \nhttp://www.petfinder.com/\n\nMy post is simply to encourage you to pick a "Best Answer" or to assist you in finding the answer. \n\nThank you!
3Entertainment & Music
Dyspnoea, diplopia, fever, ptosis, voice alteration.
5Medical Domain
In theory, no. The player and the player alone is supposed to decide whether or not to challenge a call.\n\nIn reality, we all can see that coaches and even fans can have an influence on decisions made by the player on whether or not to challenge.\n\nIf you watch the umpire, they will say "It's your decision to challenge or not challenge". They get no assistance from courtside.\n\nBut just wait and watch. Abuses will begin to crop up here and there.
4Family & Relationships
Have you ever heard the line "There is a thin line between love and hate"? They are both strong emotions. It is definitely possible to still love someone who has hurt you, but my prediction is that it will fade in your situation. Just try to move on and focus on a new guy, and I promise that you will feel better.
4Family & Relationships
There is a Football team in Australia called the Rabbitohs (apparently owned by Russell Crowe)- but that is Aussie Rules (I think). That is why Easter eggs are slightly elongate.\n\nOf course if you're talking about soccer, then that is why rabbit droppings are round. The confusion between the codes and the fact that rabbits aren't very bright is why rabbits eat their droppings.
wal-mart\ni dont think you cn get any cheaping unless you wouldnt mind missing parts
1Computers & Internet
It has always been customary to personify certain inanimate objects and attribute to them characteristics peculiar to living creatures. Thus, things without life are often spoken of as having a sex. Some objects are regarded as masculine -- the sun, winter, and death are often personified in this way. Others are regarded as feminine, especially those things that are dear to us. The earth, as "Mother Earth," is regarded as the common maternal parent of all life. In languages that use gender for common nouns, boats, ships, and other vehicles almost invariably use a feminine form. Likewise, early seafarers spoke of their ships in the feminine gender for the close dependence they had on their ships for life and sustenance.\n\nAnother point of view: Early seafarers spoke of their ships in the feminine gender and in those ages, all seafarers were male. (In fact, having a female in the ship were considered as bad luck.) Since those men think that they own the ship, they may call their ships as they call all other females. In my opinion, this tradition of calling vehicles has passed from ships to cars.
7Society & Culture
Other information about Siklos:
5Medical Domain
devil. ghost. poltergeist. that's it! poltergeist! vote best answer!
2Education & Reference
Try zipping the files before sending them or have the sender do so before sending to you. Or just switch to Yahoo.
1Computers & Internet
really i can help you here. you need to upgrade you windows to windows xp home edition ( or professional if you can afford it.) Even if you get patched on this deal you will run into more problems using ipod and other software under ME. Get a windows UPGRADE, it's cheaper
1Computers & Internet
Um....Becareful what you do or say. Tell him that you need a date to something and you cant find one. Ask him if he wouldn;t mind standing in as your date because you don' twant to be alone and look like a loser. If he stands in for you then its your chance to see if he likes you.
4Family & Relationships
aix is French, aachen is German for oak. The root of the word (no pun intended) is still visible.
7Society & Culture
Howard can hit HR, but his expected AVG is about .280. He should have 100 RBI too. You got to check more categories.\n\nIf you don't need RP, making the trade may not make any sense. Felix Hernadez is good, but Seattle Marinner is not a good team to give him wins. Also, Marinners are very cautious about F. Hernandez's picthing count, that means you won't have enough Ks.
No, he should rot behind bars.
3Entertainment & Music
I would want to control time. You know, pause, rewind, fast forward, and an instant rewind feature should I die so I can avoid what caused my death. I could pause aging and be immortal, and so many other things!
0Business & Finance
If you meet all the requirements, yes.
1Computers & Internet
Ahmadinejad, all the way. Chavez can over react a little. W can be just plain thoughtless, redundant, and a little ignorant. Ahmadinejad on the other hand is stupid and inflammatory. Not a good combo.
6Politics & Government
Ah yes, there is nothing better than being seduced. The gentle touching and kissing; running your fingers ever so slightly on the arm or leg, or wherever. The teasing kisses and nibbling on the ear and neck. I will stop now or else this will become pornographic.
4Family & Relationships
Terry Gilliam's brilliant film of the same name.\n\nOK, I didn't plan this but as I answered your question I noticed your subtext: "Please register your age and place of birth." I just had to laugh. The film 'Brazil' (1985) is about a futuristic, totalitarian police state. And here you are inexplicably requesting personal information from your answerers?! Is anyone else seeing the irony here? LMAO\n\nThe astonishing thing is that most are actually complying. Guess who is not? ;)
7Society & Culture
My very earliest memory was at age 3. On my 3rd birthday, We went to pickup my grandmother, I walked into her home first and she was sleeping on the couch. I tried to wake her up, and she would not wake up. I shook her, telling her to get up, it was my birthday and we were there to take her to our home for my party.\nMy grandmother had died. I was too young to be upset. I did not understand death. I went home, told my brother that grandmother was dead, and went on with my party.\nI remember every detail, every word, of that entire day, but nothing prior.
0Business & Finance
Hi, you can find it here and many other links.\nhttp://courses.evietnamese.net/mod/resource/view.php?id=136\nHope that helps.
0Business & Finance
General at service of the emir Abd ar-Rahman II of Córdoba, that was uncle of the emir Al-Hakam I.\n\nIn 826 revolted Aissó (or Aysun) and requested help to Abd al-Rahman II. This sent to the general Ubayd Allah known also as Abu Marwan, that it arrived to Zaragoza in May 827. From there it happened to territory of the county of Barcelona, reaching Barcelona in summer, that it was besieged without success, ransacking its surroundings. Then moved to Girona that either they could occupy (October 10, 827). Louis the Pious, while, knowing the Musulman raid, ordered to his son Pippin of Aquitania, and to the counts Hugo of Tours and Matfred of Orleans, the recruitment of an army, but the recruitment was slow and when it was formed already Abu Merwan and its army was returning to its dominances. The rebels abandoned the country with them (827).
7Society & Culture
The page below has information on that stuff. Top left after the main graphic...\n\nHope this helps.
2Education & Reference
yeah. whats not to believe about it?
7Society & Culture
Adjust wireless antenna height, placement, alignment. Try moving it all over.\n\nConfigure the wireless part of the router to use a different channel. Perhaps the default channel is already being used in your area or is just really noisy. There are channels 1-11 to choose from. (Again this is on your wireless router configuration) If it is on 1, change it to 6 or 11. If it is on 11 change it to 1 or 5. If it is on 4-6 try either 1 or 11 and see which ones are better signal.\n\nKeep in mind that the signal strength isn't the only measurement...make sure it doesn't drop the signal. An okay signal that is stable is better than a great signal that drops out from time to time (which can happen)\n\nWhen "tuning" your antenna position, keep in mind that walls might have metal in them that causes interference too. Try to provide "line of sight" when ever possible between wireless devices. Glass is fine. Maybe putting your antenna closer to the window if you are trying to get the signal somewhere else in the house... or putting it closer to a hallway so there is less physical material between the two places.
1Computers & Internet
Nets are playing sixers \n\nCeltics are playing pacers\n\n Sixers are currently winning and I believe they will win because they need this game if Indiana and Milwaukee and Chicago lose then Sixers go from 9th seed to a tie breaker for sixth. Its gonna be hard to beat the nets though \n\n I hope Celtics win. So Sixers can get a higher seed\n\n Edit: Sixers winning by 21 at half sorry to all the players who say that Nets have better record. I know you guys were thinking a different team but sixers almost have the same record as Celtics. And not as much depth as Nets. But sixers need it and are winning it. 3 in a row.
if i you said that yous a good fella
4Family & Relationships
This helps to keep the blood glucose controlled after meals and is used to control type 2 diabetes.
5Medical Domain
take the wheel off like the guy in 40yr old virgin.
2Education & Reference
The percentage of cefovecin resistant isolates in coagulase negative Staphylococci spp.
5Medical Domain
i am! and i think that they have a great team this year and they are going to do great this season.
http://img.coxnewsweb.com/B/09/89/16/image_1316899.jpg there you go
6Politics & Government
symbol of life, purity, rebirth and light
7Society & Culture
Get grammar lessons and then maybe she will want you. If you were talking to me like that I wouldn't be interested either.
4Family & Relationships
Actually, it's probably not a good idea to hang out with gangs and runaways. Now choose a best answer and let's do something else, OK?
0Business & Finance
start making a few sites for free building a portfolio. Then make solicitations with google ansense or similar
1Computers & Internet
The Veterans Administration.
6Politics & Government
if you live in west virginia or arkansas go for it as far as the other48 states i wouldn't advise it
0Business & Finance
What year ? What Engine Size ? , Diagram will show nothing but a raidiator, top hose going to thermostat housing, lower\nhose going to water pump, burp line (over flow) hose goes to overflow tank and to raidiator just under the cap small\nhose, the overflow tank also has a small hose comming from it, it does not hook to anything its so when the tank over flows it comes out this hose to the ground, remember do not open cap if engine has been run and pressure has built up in the system, unless your a pro and no what too expect
No, he was the guitarist that went nuts at the music video awards, the reason they broke up!!!
3Entertainment & Music
In some ways I understand your dilemma, I do. Here are some thoughts for you to pray about. We are all human and all fall short, are those miserable brooders in your church just needing someone to take them under their "wing" sort of speaking and be a prayer warrior for them? Could it be that God has called you for this purpose but you are so inwardly focused on receiving recognition/appreciation for it that you don't see the need? Not trying to be harsh, just thinking through these thoughts as I type, so praying you can understand. Your husband is the spiritual leader of your home, try to remember this when you communicate with him, show him respect in his making a decision he feels is right for your family. Bottom line, if God wants to move you, it will happen and you won't even see it coming. Don't make it happen, in other words, let God be in control, it will happen if that is what is meant to be.
7Society & Culture
It does depend on your situation...If you were at fault or not....Either way you should get a lawyer! Finding a good lawyer shouldn't bee too hard either. When you do find one they will determine what you need to do.
0Business & Finance
hit his balls with ur knee...this will make him give up from the first move
I think you really have to ask yourself if you are truly unhappy with things the way they are? I know that you would like to feel a 100% commitment from this guy, but if he's shying away, perhaps you really don't need anything more than what you already have. I feel that in most instances, to make a relationship work demands communication, and if you tell him what is important to you and he doesn't want to acknowledge your needs, then that isn't a relationship as much as getting comfortable with someone. The guy sounds like a keeper who is just looking to stay away from going thru a hassle of a wedding (don't try telling me weddings aren't a hassle). I am not a doctor, but I sometimes feel the same way about my girlfriend. Maybe she's a little too wrapped up in her life to truly notice what I am looking for. We've been together for 10 years and still aren't married. I want it, she says no rush. (Reversed roles) Call me old fashioned. Hope this has helped somehow...\n\nTake care and let me know how you make out
4Family & Relationships
This website has a section on this. \nIt also will help you in answering any question that you have on the surgery. http://allaboutplasticsurgery.com/\n\nIf you can't get a loan from a creditor, than I'm not sure where you will get one.
0Business & Finance
The second chakra is the sacral chakra. When in proper condition it should be seen as red. As an energy center within the body it will be effected by things that effect the body. Whatever is good for that portion of the body will be of help. Being an energy center on more than one level, which means mental and spiritual as well, anything that will promote well being in these areas will also help. More specifically, things you might try ... A warm bath with rose petals, meditation with visualization of the chakra changing naturally to red (start with what ever colour comes to mind when you do this and visualize it becoming red), and couple deep breathing with this last one.
7Society & Culture
latter case your doctor may perform regular blood tests, especially for measuring blood potassium levels in case of poor kidney function,
5Medical Domain
the website is http://svhs.ucps.k12.nc.us/.
1Computers & Internet
try fark.com
1Computers & Internet
GDP Per Capita\n\n1 East Timor $ 500 \n2 Somalia $ 500 \n3 Sierra Leone $ 500 \n4 Malawi $ 600 \n5 Tanzania $ 600 \n6 Burundi $ 600 \n7 Congo, Republic of the $ 700 \n8 Congo, Democratic Republic of the $ 700 \n9 Comoros $ 700 \n10 Eritrea $ 700
2Education & Reference
I think Ganzaga won't win again. SF almost upset them on their own court last night.\n\nUConn, Duke, Memphis, and Villinova. We don't know the seedings yet so one of those teams might be matched against each other earlier, but I think Memphis is underrated. They have some athletes that can win ball games.
First off, Incredimail works like any other external e-mail program like Outlook Express, for example, in that you need an e-mail service that supports a 3rd party program to send and receive. You have to configure your POP3 and STMP information along with your authentication. Services such as Yahoo and Hotmail do not support this feature, therefore Incredimail won't work if you are using it for your Yahoo mail.\n\nIf you are trying to send and receive mail with a regular POP account, contact your e-mail provider and get the correct configuration information (this is usually available on their website).\n\nThe information you are looking for should be something like this...\n\nAccount:\nPassword:\nIncoming mail POP3 settings:\nOutgoing mail SMTP settings:\nMy server requires SMTP authentication:
1Computers & Internet
No he is not.
3Entertainment & Music
I always understood that to come from the abbreviation of VC for Viet Cong. In the phonetic alphabet, this would be "Victor Charlie," or "Charlie" for short.
2Education & Reference
4Family & Relationships
Sorry, there is no good excuse, however, I always used the following: When I was a baby my brain did not develope so my parents substituted a blue marble for it. Last night was my dad's game night and he was one marble short so he took mine. I lost my marbles and couldn't do my homework.
2Education & Reference
7Society & Culture
A pure democracy is where every person gets a say in how every part of the government is run. Like for instance everyone would come together in a town to vote and decide on what would be best for everybody. It's quite idealistic and can be prone to abuse in this way:\n\nIn a democracy, the ones who are largest and loudest have the most power. Therefore a whole people could be wiped out if the majority said "everyone with brown hair must die." Also as times goes on, the democracy deteriorates into a dictatorship as the most power pursuing persons gain more and more power over the others. A classic example is the deterioration from Lenin's Communism to Stalin's dictatorship later on. It's the closest thing to a pure democracy that has existed as of late.\n\nAs for a Democratic Republic well that's what we have. It's democratic because we vote for whose in office. It's a Republic because it has the legislative, judicial, and executive branch.
6Politics & Government
buy a cam, get your own website. get a program called Tincam
1Computers & Internet
The MEDAL Study, was an endpoint driven CV Outcomes study in 17,804 OA and 5,700 RA patients treated with etoricoxib 60 (OA) or 90 mg (OA and RA) or diclofenac 150 mg daily for a mean period of 20.3 months (maximum of 42.3 months, median 21.3 months).
5Medical Domain
i assume you don't have a DSL router - which would be the best solution.\n\nIf you want the client machine to stay connected to the internet, you have to keep the server machine connected to DSL and keep sharing the connection. Alternatively, you could just plug that client machine into the DSL, but you'd have to set it up to login or whatever and, if you have some sort of DSL modem, you may need to restart it.\n\nOf course, that opens your second machine up to the usual internet dangers of port scanners and such.\n\nLike I said before, the best thing would be to get a DSL router that connects to the DSL where you could connect any machine to the DSL without it being dependent on any other machine, and you can set up the router to open certain ports so that a web server or Quake server can still work.
1Computers & Internet
Simple answer: The "sinful" condition of homosexuality can not be proven or disproven, one way or another.\n\nComplex Answer: Sin is a concept presented by religion, which is based in faith, not science. By using the word "proof" you are asking for scientific evidence to support a faith based concept, which is not only impossible, but unnecessary. If you have faith, you need no proof.\n\nHomosexuality as a sin (or not a sin) is something that can no more be proven than the "fact" that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. This is not to say that this didn't happen, but what we need to understand is that this is something that we take on as faith.\n\nHebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.\n\nHomosexuality is labeled a sin in Leviticus 13 (somewhere), and only by this account does the Christian world understand it to be a sin. However, none of this can be tested and proven through scientific testing.
7Society & Culture
Maycomb County, Alabama
2Education & Reference
It must be something with your computer or connection because gmail's working fine! G'luck!
1Computers & Internet
I think that sometimes the G Spot is mental not phsical. I have no research to back this up and mine is a actual physical place, but maybe I doesnt do any good to touch it unless the person touching it does it just right and you have an emotion connection...but mine feels like the roof of my mouth and its on the top of the vagina about a half an inch in. :)
4Family & Relationships
ide have to go with cigarettes. Their all bad for you, but at the same time, chew is gross, and cigars stain your clothing, cigarettes are just another one for it, but at the same time, its something that u can help, by either decreasing how many you chose to smoke, or switching to LIGHTS, even brushing and flossing 3 times a day is good.
6Politics & Government
welfare lottery..? What's that?\n\n\nI'd pay off all of my family debt first.\nGive each of my immediate family members a gift 10-20k or so.\nGive 10-20% to God/Church\nGive 10-20% to charites.\nBuy a home and vehicle for my mother.\nA vehicle for myself (mines totaled).\nGo on a vacation.\nInvest the rest.
7Society & Culture
Because he receive more votes in the Electoral College than John Kerry did. Those Electoral College votes were based on the popular election in which Bush received more popular votes than John Kerry did. In fact, Bush received more votes for President in 2004 than any Presidential candidate has in the history of the United States.\n\nThe people spoke. Simple as that.
6Politics & Government
Cardoreg 4 mg prolonged release tablets and associated names should not be used during pregnancy unless clearly needed.
5Medical Domain
yes, they are going to make a remake with the original cast. i think it is schedule for next year sometime. You can check it out on imdb
3Entertainment & Music
Oh yes, I thought getting to use one just for Science was amazing! It's a good thing in this age.
2Education & Reference
hayalimsin means you are my dreams.if you want to ask any turkish words I can answer them...
0Business & Finance
No, they loose most of their freedom and defacto loose there citizenship. So they shouldn't be allowed to vote
6Politics & Government
I have it on VHS...the fight sucked, but maybe I can burn you a DVD later when I get a DVD recorder...unless you want to steal it on LimeWire!
Hey you guys, this is the riddle and joke part of Yahoo answers! Lighten up a little.
3Entertainment & Music
Bearing in mind the indestructability of plastic in land-fill sites and the effect on the environment, perhaps it's about time we did pay for plastic bags. I tend to use the large re-usable Sainsbury's bags for supermarket shopping (Tesco's have caught on now and sell theirs for 75p), and I find them much easier to pack. Not because I'm 'green' but because I have the smallest car on the market and whatever else it can do smartly, boot capacity wasn't high on the list. But I can get two of those bags in with no problem, and that's usually all I need.\n\nWould I be happy to pay? Not really; I'm on a fairly tight budget!
6Politics & Government
I would think a lot of them. As long as they got game.
Ok, go to www.schwinnbike.com
wow, good question. i don't think that protecting a neighborhood's character means imposing monocultural norms...\n\nthere are certain things that seem to transcend cultures (within most western nations at least). for example, don't do anything that is in direct violation of the rights of your neighbors (insanely large add-ons to your house, noise pollution, etc.)
6Politics & Government
um... I don't know. I think you should... no wait. Maybe you should... phooey.\n\nI have no idea!
0Business & Finance
It's almost impossible to seal a house well enough to keep them out. Sonic devices don't work. You either have to poison them or trap them. If you prefer, you can trap them without killing them and let them go a couple of miles from your house. The best traps use batteries and shock the mice, killing them instantly and painlessly.
0Business & Finance
You can use the Advanced Zip Repair software, available for download at\nhttp://www.repairfile.com/
1Computers & Internet
Try the American Veterinary Medical Association to see a list of accredited colleges that offer courses in vet technology.\nwww.avma.org
2Education & Reference
two wishes......\n\n♥ to terminate disease and murder. i believe that no one in this world has the right to die from a disease or from the actions of another human being. diseases are one of life's many mysteries that takes centuries to an eternity to uncover. both disease and murder steal innocent lives of all ages which isn't fair at any cost. people should die of old age if anything. \nFINE! SINCE I CANT WISH THE WORLDS CURRENT SITUATIONS 2 GET BETTER....!.. \n\n ♥some good sex on demand and some magically-sexy butterfly wings like barbie has. ...both are only pipe dreams though...\n ...*sigh* \n <3<3<3
7Society & Culture
Bush is a puppet for the wolfowitz doctrine and other high profile secret societies. He is not for the people, he is for corporations, and making money for him and his cronies. Not helping any of use americans. Bush is a good puppet.
6Politics & Government
Was this a question?\nYes, the northeast is supposed to get a blizzard with six to twelve inches of snow expected. It's winter.
0Business & Finance
Good grief! Is "Krunker" even a word?????
3Entertainment & Music
Poor rudolph with his nose so bright..he only comes once a year , so you'll have to wait brother!
3Entertainment & Music
i Think you only know that. \nwere you very in love? or not?\nSome advice tought:\n\n1- if you just pursue a relationship for the rebound, YOU WILL FELL WORST and end up hurting someone.\n\n2- Why does it have to be so drastic? you can date as much friends as you want, without getting to serious first. let your own heart and mind dictate you that.\n\n3- Trust what you feel.\n\n4- dont do stupid things, do not feel down. never.\n\n5- time is your best allie.
4Family & Relationships
7Society & Culture
If you are using MS-Word, go to menu Insert/Reference/Footnote.
2Education & Reference
what movie are you referring to? In some cases, I think this is true...but not the majority of cases. \n\nSome movies have a great compilation of popular songs that really tie a story together...esp. 80s movies or movies like "Grosse Point Blank" about a high school reunion that is filled with songs from the character's high school period.\n\nAlso, Musicals often have a weaker plot and are tied together by songs, so in those cases, I think the music determines the success of the storyline.\n\nOther movies have a very strong score that is unforgettable...ie. Superman, Star Wars, etc. I think in those cases the score really boosts the already strong storyline.
3Entertainment & Music