class label
9 classes
This puzzle is so cool. My Grandpa used to give it to me:\n7 days of the week\n7 wonders of the world\n52 cards in a pack without jokers\n13 stripes in the US flag\n365 days in a year\n52 weeks in a year\n60 mins. in an hour\n1000 years in a millenium\n12 symbols of the zodiac\n15 players in a rugby team\n11 players on a soccer team\n12 months in a year\n29 days in february in a leap year\n66 books of the bible\n39 books in the old testament\n27 books in the new testament\n18 holes on a golf course\n5 toes on a foot\n90 degrees in a right angle\n3 blind mice (see how they run)\n3 wheels on a tricycle\n8 tentacles on an octopus\n13 loaves in a bakers dozen\n6 balls to an overs in cricket\n15 men on a dead man's chest\n\nI have no clue what 64 S on a C B, 32 is the T in DF at which WF, 13= UFS - 13, * L of a C, or 23 P of C in the HB is.\nHeh..I tried, but this was fun!
3Entertainment & Music
i remember part of it. She was angrry and worried that he might leave her like he did sarah-jane.\nhe says something along the lines of:\nDoctor:"Timelords dont age, we regenerate. You humans wither and fail. Imagine seeing that happen to someone you (pause)"\nRose:"What?"\nDoctor:"You could spend the rest of your life with me. But i cant spend the rest of my life with you. I have to go on alone. Thats the curse of the Timelords"\n-a Krillitane swoops down, narrowly missing the Doctor and Rose, and ruining a moment between them-\n\nmay have missed some, but that was generally it
3Entertainment & Music
Crikey, look at the amount of interest this question is having.\n\nNah, he's probably too overcome by pleasure, that he's dumb struck. \n\nIt's working well, ain't it? Why fix it? At least you have an unsual thing in your sex life. Many people don't even have half as good sex as you do. \nHe says he enjoys, good, do you? If yes, count your lucky stars.\n\nOne day when you're old, you can tell your grand-daughters of "The Adventures of The Silent Sex Partner".
4Family & Relationships
Wayne Rooney has no chance of figuring in England's group matches at the World Cup but could be ready for the knockout stages, according to sports injury expert Roger Roberton.\n\nRooney broke the fourth metatarsal in his right foot during Manchester United's 3-0 defeat by Chelsea on Saturday, sparking fears he could miss the entire tournament which begins in 40 days.\n\n"Wayne is young and has a good team around him. The main thing is he mustn't do any hard-impact exercise," Roberton told BBC Radio Five Live's Sportsweek programme.\n\n"It's better for him to swim. Being young it can take between four and six weeks for this injury to repair properly.\n\n"He must build up gradually the amount of exercise he does and have rest days between sessions. When running 40 or 50% of the body's weight is put on the metatarsal's head.\n\n"He should rest and not do much exercise and should be back to normal in four to six weeks.\n\n"I would doubt very much if he could make the first game, or even the second, of the group stages. I would say he can be back in seven weeks. I would build up between four and five weeks."\n\nSPORTINGLIFE>COM
just don't check it anymore
1Computers & Internet
There might be something to that. We have no idea what that gene would be like. Interesting thought to ponder.
7Society & Culture
The CHMP considered the data submitted in support of the bladder cancer indication and noted that all the submitted studies were conducted in patients with locally advanced or metastatic bladder cancer.
5Medical Domain
5Medical Domain
Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Horse The Band, Underoath, Fall of Troy, Fear Before the March of Flames, Senses Fail, My favorite"Drop Dead, Gorgeous"\n\nLet me know if ya need some more ;-)
3Entertainment & Music
I would recommend a firewall such as zone alarm. When installed it lets you know that a program is requesting access. You can choose to allow it to access the net or refuse.
1Computers & Internet
it's egreetings.com now. but if you type beatgreets.com you will still get there. but you have to spell it right.
3Entertainment & Music
millions maybe even a billion around the globe.\n\nI'll be watching and supporting two teams - england where i was born and raised and ghana where my mum comes from.
Why do you want to do this...you can use a sledge hammer instead.
it's just a pointless answer and it doesn't go IN THIS CATEGORIE HELLO!!!!!
Hey, I am not too sure if you are in the US planning to study abroad or the other way. In any case, if you plan to study abroad and you are US resident, then it can be very cheap to study in most countries excluding UK, Australia and Japan. Universities on these parts of the world can be expensive but less expensive than the US.\nNow if you want to study abroad and follow the country of your choice system of higher education, you actually can study for free in many places like France or next to nothing like Spain (around $2000 tuition a year). You add to that the cost of living but that should be less than the US anyways. The downside is, first you need to pass entry exams which are not easy in most countries. In addition to that you will need a high school degree. The second negativo of studying abroad if you are from the US is that you can't work in most countries, which means you need to somehow come up with money to survive yourself. There is still a good news in most countries $600/month should do it.\nIf you are not in the US then the same applies for other countries, but the US can be very expensive even if you choose public universities because you will have to pay out-state tuition. One thing you can do though is start in a good community college that accepts forgeiners, then finish your bachelor in another school. VISAs for these kind of plans are a bit tough.\nI know alot about this and you can ask me for more information anytime. Good luck
2Education & Reference
RANDY FERBY, who has been champion four of the past five years.
Other information about Mycamine:
5Medical Domain
http://www.jimmyr.com/midi_to_music_scores.php\n\nnoteworthy composer or finale
3Entertainment & Music
Oh church lady, you adorable sweet grandma, don't they have a law forbidding the taking of blood (can't take blood transfusion either); or maybe I'm mixing them up with someone else. I am newly reborn and don't know much about things of a religious nature yet. Before I found Jesus on Sunday night, I was a witch. Yep, dear lady, a witch. So don't faint. Now I love Jesus, he loves me and all his righteous followers, amen.
7Society & Culture
The issue of Iran is a complicated one.\n\nOh, to answer the nationality question, I'm an American. But I'm also a political scientist, so I look at this a bit differently.\n\nIran's nuclear enrichment program is really a diversion. You have to understand that Iran, along with Iraq and North Korea, were labeled members of an "axis of evil." Now, the United States invaded Iraq. And the Iranians know that the United States could overrun North Korea in about six weeks. Add to that the fact that we have troops in Pakistan and Afghanistan, as well as Turkey, and what do you have?\n\nA surrounded and very nervous Iran.\n\nThey see that as soon as North Korea starts tossing around nuclear weaponry as a potential, the United States quickly backed off any sort of war footing and started talking negotiation. In reality, nuclear weapons (or the perception therein) give the Iranian government a big bargaining chip.\n\nPlus, the United States is much less likely to invade Iran if they have a suspicion that the minute they step over the boarder, New York vanishes in a cloud of radioactive dust.\n\nAs for nuclear experiements, I'm assuming you mean testing a bomb. They won't, at least if they're smart. THhey'll give the impression that they have one, maybe even parade one down main street of Theran. But to test one would make it clear that they have a nuclear weapon, and that makes them a target.\n\nMy biggest fear about Iran having a weapon of mass destruction is not that the Iranian government would use it. Indeed, they have no system for delivering it, even to Israel. What the fear is for me is that they will lose the bomb - that is, some scientist who feels like the West screwed him might give one to a terrorist.\n\nIn reality, the fewer nuclear weapons on the planet, the safer we all are.
6Politics & Government
Pretty effective according to some people I know that have participated.
4Family & Relationships
KINGS is a pair of books that continues the history\nof Israel from the reign of King Solomon,\nthrough the period of the divided kingdom, and\ninto the exile of both kingdoms. It covers a period\nof about 425 years. The first book contains twentytwo\nchapters and the second twenty-five.
2Education & Reference
i am listing to(the taste of ink by the used).
3Entertainment & Music
You are wrong. Completely. How were you created if you are all powerful? Did you create yourself? I don't think so. Enjoy Hell, my friend.
7Society & Culture
If this is a book, try sparknotes.com
2Education & Reference
I'm not sure who owns it now, but it used to be owned by George Steinbrenner who had bought it from Sam Davis.
Hey, just bringing this old question up for a vote.
2Education & Reference
right click on 2 blue computers on your active bar (right bottom of screen) and click disconnect, to disconnect from the internet.
1Computers & Internet
better now than never... believe me.
7Society & Culture
choose best answer to your questions that you post.
0Business & Finance
No definitely not! One of my best friends is a guy, we hang out all time! My boyfriend is totally cool about it (But that is because he is the greatest guy on earth! teehee)\nJust don't lie to your boyfriend about it, or he may get the wrong idea, and make sure you still spend more time with your boyfriend, and make sure he knows he is more important to you!
4Family & Relationships
As the previous answerer mentioned, sublime comes from the Latin word subliminis, which we can see from the related word subliminal. This word was formed by joining "sub," below or in some cases, at the foot of or at, with the word "limen," which means limit, threshold or door. Thus sublime means "at the limit" and subliminal means "below the threshold" or something like that. You were completely on the right track by noticing that since there is a prefix "sub," you should be able to take it off and get an un-modified word, but in this case, the word changed so much that it became meaningless in English.
2Education & Reference
it happens all the time \n\ntiming 15 seconds not enough
0Business & Finance
Vince Young that's all i can say he is so cool out there and he did not panic they were down 38-26 with 6 minutes left and you see how he march them down scored the TD and held USC on 4th down and got the ball back and marched down to score the winning TD he and his team mates deserved this championship
Apidra 100 Units/ ml, solution for injection in a cartridge.
5Medical Domain
who the hell cares?
7Society & Culture
A priest (e.g., in Roman Catholicism) tends to be an intermediary between God and humans. Hence confession of sins to a priest; Mass by a priest; Exreme Unction by a Priest etc.\n\nA Pastor (e.g., in Protestantism) is more of a shepherd, or a leader, who leads and guides the people in their search for God.\n\nCordially,\nJohn\nhttp://www.GodSci.org
7Society & Culture
Courage is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation. As a virtue, courage is covered extensively in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, its vice of deficiency being cowardice, and its vice of excess being recklessness.\n\nThe precise view of what constitutes courage not only varies among cultures, but among individuals. For instance, some define courage as lacking fear in a situation that would normally generate it. Others, in contrast, hold that courage requires one to have fear and then overcome it.\n\nThere are also more subtle distinctions in the definition of courage. For example, some distinguish between courage and foolhardiness in that a courageous person overcomes a justifiable fear for an even more noble purpose. If the fear is not justifiable or the purpose not noble, then the courage is either false, or foolhardy.
7Society & Culture
so drive to the address you just posted and ask them for the number..\nor maybe try the PHONE BOOK!!!!
6Politics & Government
Well to start off, the bands name, if I'm not mistaking, means His Infernal Majesty, if you look at my sources dictionary.com states the meaning of infernal as "Of or relating to a lower world of the dead." So the name alone refers to the "Majesty" or king of the "underworld". That alone would lead you to believe it so, but it is all about how you interpret things, "Wings of a Butterfly" , a song by H.I.M. and a personaly favorite of mine, refers to sacrafices and rituals, and ripping the wings off of a butterfly as if to save a soul, and refers to many gods, which isn't quite Christian, but theres constant talk of love and the bands symbol is the "Heartogram" dare I mind you it resembols the symbol of "witchcraft", "satanism", "wicken" or what have you it is more or less a symbol of a heart, which can be taken as love or loyalty to the devil. Another aspect to concider is these guys are Finnish (as in they are from Finland) their culture is much different from America I imagine. All in all I don't find their lyrics satanic or offencive, and personaly like H.I.M. But you should read up on a couple songs and make your own judgement, I provided the partial lyrics to WoaB below and a link to its full lyrics, and you can search yahoo for the rest.\n\n"Wings of a Butterfly" - H.I.M.\nHeaven ablaze in our eyes \nWe're standing still in time \nThe blood on our hands is the wine\nWe offer as sacrifice \n\n[Chorus]\nCome on, and show them your love \nRip out the wings of a butterfly\nFor your soul, my love\nRip out the wings of a butterfly\nFor your soul\n\nThis endless mercy mile \nWe're crawling side by side \nWith hell freezing over in our eyes \nGods kneel before our crime\n\nBest of Luck,\nBrad D.
3Entertainment & Music
Check out the services offering MP3's without DRM restrictions\nhttp://www.eff.org/IP/DRM/guide/\nOr use free and legal services, as described on this page\nhttp://baseportal.com/baseportal/goodsounds/howto
3Entertainment & Music
soccer.why?its the greatest,simplest to understand and fun attached game in the whole world.and the most popular too.no other event like the world cup will hold billions bound come june ths year so go for soccer.even ladies can play and love the game look at mia hamm
Smart girl - move on to someone who treats you like you should be treated. How do you see your life? Do you really want him in it? If he really wants you, he will let you know. ..sooner or later!
4Family & Relationships
The Navy will handle the details on where his P O will be located
6Politics & Government
How not to get called would be to never register to vote, do not get a drivers license, do not register a vehicle, do not own property. If you do happen to get called you can always say that you believe that our system is so fair that anyone who comes to trial has to be guilty or they would not be there. That works every time.
6Politics & Government
The first time I tried an*al sex. It didn't feel awesome but the fact that I did it was such a turn on. I was with my husband and it was a first for him too. We only do it on special occasions.
4Family & Relationships
It's supposed to be bad luck to do so, however, IF there is a really good reason to open one, then I think it should be done. Example: DNA samples for court cases. As technology gets better, people are finding better clues to unsolved mysteries and murders by sampling DNA of the deceased. Also, some people who originally were convicted of murder who were actually innocent are given a chance to prove their cases, and find the real perpetrater.
7Society & Culture
Your answer is found in link below.\nI recommend closing this "open" question.\nIt probably won't get much attention being this old. \nPutting this one to vote will let others search it as a closed issue, and see what has already been said about it.\nIf you want more info, it would be a good time to pose a brand new question.
7Society & Culture
At Lloyds Gym in Roseville, 702 Atlantic Street - \nAnd Sierra COllege has a capoeria club as well
IS THIS WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR?\n\nUncommon Ground ^ Stephanie Fletcher Visit the Stephanie Fletcher web-site. \nhttp://www.uncommonground.com/artist_profile/artist_id/224
4Family & Relationships
if you still have contact info try calling (but block ID in case their screening your call.)This'll catch em off guard and ha no choice but to talk to u.
4Family & Relationships
any DJ for hire will have any type of music in his collection, i have yet to meet a DJ who didn't
3Entertainment & Music
u should use limewire. u can download nething
3Entertainment & Music
There are jobs for game testers (see link below), but it's a lot less fun than it sounds. If you'd like to be in the game industry, your best bet is to either learn to program or make 3-D art. But keep in mind, the game industry is not all fun & games--it's really, really hard work.
Large answer. 4 more infotmation go to http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/transcendentalism/#2
7Society & Culture
Depends on where in the relationship you are...\n\nIf you don't know him, then just go to him and start with hello and talk casually and if you're up to it, flirt...\n\nbut if know him, then tease him/flirt with him crazily so that you BOTH enjoy it and laugh happily. I'm sure he will get the idea that you might be interested in him but would still hesitate. Look for signs he might like you like seeing if he talks abt you w/his friends or if he behaves differently w/u than with other girls and all... Then I suggest you just talk with him about your feelings or if you're shy, etc give him like romantic card or love letter and all...
4Family & Relationships
Ok you need to study in small sessions, and anything most important right before you go to bed. Study for 20-30 minutes, take a 10 minutes break, 20-30 minutes, 10 minute break. Studies show this helps the brain most. Also, study actively. For example, don't just read over something, make a game out of it, or have someone quiz you on it. Always get 8 hours of sleep, eat healthy foods and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and make sure you start studying at least 1.5-2 weeks before your exams. Make little notecards so you can quiz yourself in those odd moments like on the bus or in line at the store or where ever. If you also re-write key concepts, that helps your brain remember them better. Even if you have a scantron test, know the concept well enough to write an essay so that you are more prepared than you need to be.
2Education & Reference
you WONT get Keira's cell number bro sorry. As for email, try her website or contact her agent.
3Entertainment & Music
Batista is the coolest guy. Man he gives very good spinebuster. He beats the person in very good style. cena isn't very good like batista.
If it is used for business you can write off any business mileage. IT is 48 cents per mile for 2006 you also can depreicate it. Also if it is a hybrid you get speical tax breaks.
0Business & Finance
even i dont remember ....but i read in 1880s.....niether author nor book ......newayz ....was quite boring
3Entertainment & Music
Try using a product called 5 Star Shine. It worked wonders on my car.
men in black
0Business & Finance
Use the "symbols" font and type a "D"
1Computers & Internet
Muppet Babies. Smurfs. Woody Woodpecker. I guess you can tell people's age from their answers!
3Entertainment & Music
move on, if he can't make up his mind there is no need for you to put your life on hold till he figures out what he wants, plus if you start dating again it might speed up his decision....good luck
4Family & Relationships
The .NET framework created by Microsoft is a software development platform focused on rapid application development, platform independence and network transparency. .NET is Microsoft's strategic initiative for server and desktop development for the next decade. According to Microsoft, .NET includes many technologies that are designed to facilitate rapid development of Internet and intranet applications.\n\n(Basically it's like an online platform (hence the .net passport). think of it as the equivalent of Sun's Java.)
1Computers & Internet
Johnny Mercer and Margaret Whiting
3Entertainment & Music
Im in the same boat. Mine is due on friday, and that is fast approaching!!!\n good luck.
2Education & Reference
You've got it backwards...\n\nThis is about a teacher who lusts after one of his students. Sting denied this came from any personal experience.\nIf there is some question as to who persued who...I can let the lyrics do the talking?
3Entertainment & Music
According to a survey carried out by the Economist in the autumn of 2004, the top ten countries to live in are the followings: \n\n1 Ireland\n2 Switzerland\n3 Norway\n4 Luxembourg\n5 Sweden\n6 Australia\n7 Iceland\n8 Italy\n9 Denmark\n10 Spain\n\nThe US was in 13th, while Britain was 29th.
6Politics & Government
Oh ... in their hands ... Whew!
7Society & Culture
i really liked it.
3Entertainment & Music
Strange! 123greeting.com is quite popular and should not have any limitations based on the location you are currently. Your card is on internet end-of-the-day.\n\n1) Check if you are connected to internet.\n2) Check if you are able to access 123greeting.com home page.\n3) If not, check with your ISP why? (ISPs at times block few sites)\n4) Check if the card requires flash player. If yes, download and install it.\n\nThese steps should help you to open the card. If it works, pl rate this as best answer. Thanks.
1Computers & Internet
No, holly is a bush. Mistletoe is a kind of parasite plant that grows in the tops of trees.\n\nMy uncle used to make extra money by shooting mistletoe clumps out of his oak trees and selling them at Christmastime. They're basically a weed that grows up high.
2Education & Reference
Guangzhou, China.
It's how he enjoys himself. He's addicted to his work ethic. Just practice accepting him, loving him anyway, and keep a sense of humor about it.\n"Mama's all right, dady's all right, they just seem a little weird. Surrender, surrender! But don't give yourself away." Cheap trick.
0Business & Finance
search results are not in order of most recent but in order of best fit. be happy of this, earlier it was a real mess as you got results that had absolutely nothing to do with what you've asked.
1Computers & Internet
6Politics & Government
Most services can text from their website (verizon, cingular, etc) for free to the sender. It will always cost the person with the phone on receiving and sending.\n\nmight save money by going to YM or AOL or MSN messenger and having the person with the phone (internet enabled) login to the phone version of those services. Then you are just connected, not paying per message.
1Computers & Internet
2Education & Reference
Its because they are your friends and you want them to be happy. Just make sure that you aren't getting pressured into doing things that are dangerous or that you really just don't want to do. In that case, they are the ones who should be feeling guilty and maybe arn't such great friends after all.
4Family & Relationships
As a former geek, with contacts, I found out that the stereotype comes from the rough and tumble "old days." Back when physically rough jobs were the only option for many destitute people (who couldn't afford glasses) and NOT for the academics and rich (who could.) The stigma stuck.\n\nGood Luck.
2Education & Reference
Skin reactions such as redness, swelling and/ or pain at the infusion site may occur.
5Medical Domain
Yes, "confidence" is a derivative of "confide"; both go back to Latin "fis, fides", which means "trust"; "con" actually means "with", and here it acts as an affirmative.
7Society & Culture
SBC - now AT&T - does.
2Education & Reference
In India we had a great actress called Smita Patil, worked in great Hindi and Marathi movies and won many awards. She died of brain stroke in young age.
3Entertainment & Music
Yeah, the above answer is close: To "wax poetic" means to become increasingly verbose and romantic in speech. To become more and more like a poem.\n\n"Wax" = increase, "wane" = decrease.\n\ni.e., "Not to wax poetic, but your eyes glimmer like the ocean on a summer evening..."
2Education & Reference
IT's the true cost of obtaining the loan in terms of interest rate.\nThe APR will typically be the same or higher than the note rate. The note rate is the actual rate/payment you pay against the loan. \nThe fees involved directly raise the rate by virtue of being added to (sometimes subtracted from in the case of a "no fees" loan)the loan balance, after which the APR is calculated.\n\nIn most cases , the lower the APR (compared to the note rate), the better. But not always. This is a complex issue, and depends on many factors, such as how long you plan to keep the property, etc..\n\nA good loan agent can help you make the choice.
0Business & Finance
well u already got the meaning of the word....\njust that its spelt Diario..meaning daily..in spanish\n\nBesides theres another meaning to it...in one of the Indian languages meaning ......limit!
2Education & Reference
I have put a damp washcloth in the microwave before. It didn't burn. It was steaming hot when I took it out after 5 minutes.
0Business & Finance
because emo is the worst thing to hit since the macarena.
3Entertainment & Music
tell me your ssn and credit card info and I will be able to help you out (Just kidding)
1Computers & Internet
Moreover, in case of withdrawal of glucocorticoids progressive dose reduction may be required over a longer period.
5Medical Domain
Design Patterns are nothing but the solution for the common occurring problems in the Enterprise applications.There are different patterns that will fit in different tiers of the application like Presentation Tier,Business Tier and also the Integration Tier.Eg: are single ton pattern,Business delegate,session Facade, Service Locater ....etc.Look at the blue prints in java.sun.com to get more information on the Design patterns.
1Computers & Internet
Many times. Windsurfing, kayaking, and even surfing. \nThey will even slide against you, it's a pretty terrifying thing, something you never forget. My scariest was paddling out and seeing a black tip, around 7 ft. i was shaking so hard i could hardly paddle. It just swam around me and went back out, but still, you realize, your in THEIR territory.
ive never heard of this type of paper, but one thing that helped my son, who by the way has an autistic disorder, i would buy him the tablets from dollar general or familydollar and take one page at a time and take black marker and run it across the top and bottom line, it seemed to help him see the lines much better. also i have to make him use a pencil grip still. it really helps him write better.
2Education & Reference
It doesn't prevent foreigners, in general. It prevents a person whose name is on the OLFAC list (a list of known terrorists)
6Politics & Government
Box of 1 blister card of 3 x 0.80 ml pipettes Box of 2 blister cards of 3 x 0.80 ml pipettes
5Medical Domain
I would, even though I don't have a lot of money.
7Society & Culture