class label
9 classes
http://www.pbs.org/hollywoodpresents/copenhagen/story/bohr.html\nClick on 'View animation of Bohr atom'.
2Education & Reference
You may have to trouble shoot your computer... Or it could also be the website or internet connection. It all depends on your proccessor.
1Computers & Internet
In a crowded elevator of course!\n\nHave you ever whooshed out a silent one and then cut your eyes in disgust at the person standing next to you? :-)
6Politics & Government
Like all medicines, Ziagen can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
5Medical Domain
It's not inherently doable because MIDI is a format for synthesizing musical instruments, not digital audio. Any software that claims it can do so is yanking your chain.
1Computers & Internet
6 feet * 12 inches - 72 inches, plus one is 73 inches total.
0Business & Finance
It all dependes on the context. Let me explain. We have in English the verb 'to freeze' which in Spanish would be 'congelar'. You can in English use "freezing" es in the expresion, "it's freezing", meaning 'it's very cold'. In Spanish, you would say 'Nos estamos congelando' o 'Hace mucho frio'. You can also say, "Joe's freezing the porkchops to take to the picnick." That in Spanish would be, 'Joe esta congelando las chuletas para llevar al picknick'. So one has to be very careful using words from a language to another without knowing the context of the situation. That's why is so dangerous to try to translate a document using just a dictionary: The most funny things can happen and they usually do.
7Society & Culture
It's Rock and Roll Part II by Gary Glitter
3Entertainment & Music
Start here and see what links you can get from this website if not contact your local congressman.
6Politics & Government
my friend is a pro skater and they watch skater videos or skate, thats like their life
I prefer a staff. I'm too clumsy for a lightsaber...I'd just end up hurting myself. A wand is extremely tempermental, if not handled correctly, and I suspect I'd blow things up a lot more often than not. A staff, on the other hand, has three things going for it:\n\n1. It looks cool, in a "don't mess with me, I'm a mountain man" kind of way.\n2. It can be used to beat people without killing them, even aside from its magical content.\n3. Finally, the word "Staff" sounds way cooler and tougher than "wand" (which sounds like something a magical fairy would carry) and "light saber" (which sounds a little too much like the fruity, ring-shaped pocket candy).
3Entertainment & Music
It started with Ronald Regan and is continuing with Bush helping to speed up the process.
2Education & Reference
PACs try to gain favor from particular candidates and politicians because they can contribute as a group more than individuals are allowed to.\n\nSPECIAL INTEREST !
6Politics & Government
Type in "Dave Pelzer autobiography" Yahoo Search. Gives several book sites to chose from. Any book store or library could help you also.
2Education & Reference
The Lakers are better.
harmonics are really cool--i agree--the thing i like ilike about them is that they are outside the normal range of notes normally played on guitar--so a decent guitarist can really expand on what he,s trying to do with the limited range of notes usually played on guitar---they,re really cool when bent high or low with a whammy bar!!!
3Entertainment & Music
I think everyone is mixed with something even though I just look caucasian ( I'm of Norwegian,Holland,Irish & Scottish background - I'm a redhead w/ freckles ) and my Fiance is Black,French-creole, American Indian and White and our babygirl is all that and right now she looks Hispanic or Indian but her black hair is slowly turning more red and she has a very light complexion from my side and she may get my freckles - when she was born she looked Asian or Eskimo
7Society & Culture
If you have windows media player and a re-writable drive than all you have to do is rip all the files from the CD onto media player, then create select all of them to burn to a CD.
3Entertainment & Music
I wish I could say that I'm equally versed in all of them, but to tell you the truth I'm more of a 'jack of all trades'. I love to dabble with anything that catches my interest and always strive to try something new to expand my knowledge and understanding (and, of course, trying to have as much fun as possible along the way). \n\nMy background is fairly varied and straddles both development and design: I did two years of Computer Sciences (at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich), but found it far too academic and uninspiring. After working as an assistant for a professional photographer for a few months, I upped sticks, moved to the UK, and switched to a Graphic Design course, followed by a Masters in Creative Technology. \n\nIf I had to choose one of the areas that I'm most comfortable working in, I'd have to settle for photography. I've been shooting since I was about 16 years old, and I have, in the last few years, also started collecting older cameras (I've nearly completed my collection of all of Canon's A and F series). Despite my other interests in digital technology, I still prefer to use real film - mostly black and white. There is a certain quality to the analogue medium (such as black and white film's response to light, and the very natural looking grain you get at 400 ASA and above) and the 'craft' involved in manual shooting and working around film's limitations that I'm passionate about.
0Business & Finance
There is no such file format. MMS is Microsoft Media Server (MMS) protocol which is for streaming media over the web. Microsoft says: "To play content that uses the MMS protocol, start the Player, and on the File menu, click Open URL, and then type the URL."
1Computers & Internet
4Family & Relationships
Distilled water is water that has had virtually all of its impurities removed through distillation (boiling the water and collecting the steam).\n\nBecause of its relative purity, some of the properties of distilled water are significantly different from those of the water most people consume and use in everyday life.\n\nA potentially dangerous property of distilled water is that it can be heated above its boiling point without showing the normal characteristics of boiling, called superheating. When the superheated water is disturbed or has impurities added to it, a sudden, explosive boil occurs, possibly causing serious injury to anyone near it.\n\n\nOne of the reasons why you should drink filltered, spring, or drinking water over distilled water is because they contain minerals that are important for your body.
0Business & Finance
soft-spo·ken (s�ftspkn, sft-)\nadj.\n\n 1. Speaking with a soft or gentle voice: a soft-spoken instructor.\n 2. Smooth; ingratiating:
0Business & Finance
The theme song for Half & Half is sung by the gospel singer Tonex and Shanice Wilson (married to Flex Alexander of One on One)..... Actor and comedian FLEX ALEXANDER of the UPN sitcom One on One, and his wife, R&B singer SHANICE, enjoy an outing in Los Angeles with their 1-year-old daughter, IMANI SHEKINAH, their first child. Shanice was in the studio recording the One on One theme song with gospel signer Tonex when she went into labor, and shortly after she finished recording, the baby was born. She is working on a new album.
3Entertainment & Music
Why dont you just open up the PC and touch the components inside - the static charge from yourself will blow them.
1Computers & Internet
Here are the age brackets:\n\nhttp://www.3on3basketball.com/FAQ.aspx#FAQ1
No way, Jade. You'd want to know AND you'd probably appreciate it. especially if it came with some communication.
4Family & Relationships
He didn't beat Obi Wan, there's no way he could've beat Yoda.
3Entertainment & Music
The Latest Version Of TALLY ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE will solve ur problem
1Computers & Internet
CRJ Pilot is right. In the context of the song, I'd say it's "let yourself fall."\n\nCafe Tacuba is a great group, no?
7Society & Culture
prayformetoo, stay out of this. CANADA has PRIME MINISTERS. not presidents
6Politics & Government
maroon 5 !!!! final answer....
3Entertainment & Music
probably the same percentage who voted for bush.
2Education & Reference
Me neither. I can find it on the map though.
0Business & Finance
Ελλάδα Αγίου Δημητρίου 63 GR-174 55 Άλιμος Tηλ: + 30-210 98 97 300
5Medical Domain
First when they pull the probe out I would say, "I'm sorry, but I don't go in for any of those back door shenanegans."\nThen on the ride home to their planet I'd constantly ask, "Are we there yet?"
7Society & Culture
During 2001 di scussions were held in different forums at the
5Medical Domain
~~try the links below~~
3Entertainment & Music
If I'm reading the site of the Election Commission of India correctly, it looks like the vote/poll happens on May 8th. If you go to their state page at http://www.eci.gov.in/May2006/index_st.htm and click on Tamil Nadu, it will give the schedule of events along with all the parties involved.\n\nI also found the website for the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer for the Government of Tamil Nadu (link below), they might be able to provide more information like absentee ballots (if possible). Good luck, I hope this helps!\n\nhttp://www.tn.gov.in/elections/
6Politics & Government
6Politics & Government
The second one, the room with lions. Since they havent eaten for five years, they MUST be dead. \n;]
3Entertainment & Music
Printing press (not Gutenburg), block printing, compass, clock, seismograph, gunppoweder, the best pottery skills in the world, production of silk, huge ships that could hold over a thousand people, ability to build with wood (see discovery channel regarding the higher technology required to build with wood rather than stone), repeater crossbows fired with gunpowder etc etc
0Business & Finance
Good question. Anyone that is truly filled with the Spirit has true desires to do good for other so that the Spirit will stay with them.
0Business & Finance
It depends on your field and the caliber of school you're interested in. Medical school and law school are very intense from start to finish, whereas non-professional PhD or EdD programs are not as hard on your hair color (and/or hairline for males). But highly ranked programs will be very competitive and cut-throat in any field.\n \nI'm working towards my PhD in Economics in a second-tier program. I love graduate school for lots of reasons. For one, my classmates are amped up about learning and researching. As an undergrad, I was in a small minority because I liked school. Also, my graduate education will earn me a starting salary 100% higher than what I would have got straight out of undergrad. I get a full tuition waiver and a living stipend in exchange for some mild work, so I won't have to go into debt to get this degree.\n\nThe list of disadvantages could be pretty long, too. My friends that got jobs after undergrad are making grownup money, living in grownup houses, getting married, starting families, etc. I won't be able to do that for four years (although some grad students start families while they're still in school). Also, I hear that dissertation advisors can be real pains in the a**. \n\nAll in all, grad school is right for me. It's up to you to decide if it's right for you, and getting input from other veterans is a good start.
2Education & Reference
On the average, people prefer to have things explained to them as they happened rather than in order of importance or in chance sequence. For example, if your 3rd grade son were assigned a "What did you do on your summer vacation?" paper, you would probably direct him to start his paper describing what he did on the first day of vacation leading up to the last. But, maybe he went to Disneyland in June and stayed home with the flu in August. The climax of his paper would occur at the very beginning and it would end very uneventful, falling quite short of a Pulitzer prize winning essay. Narratives are often written in this same predictable way which can take the element of surprise and mystery out of the novel. In her Love Medicine series, Louise Erdrich takes her readers out of that chronological comfort zone and forces them to meet and learn about her characters in a random, almost senseless, order which results in magically creating an experience for her non-Native American readers that is somewhat akin to Native American spirituality. \n\n \nEach chapter in each of Erdrich's books is narrated by a different character who tells the reader about themselves or an experience that he or she has encountered. Not only are the characters introduced randomly, but their experiences are also arranged in no particular order within these novels. If this isn't confusing enough, the order in which Erdrich wrote the books is in the same erratic sequence: Love Medicine, The Beet Queen, Tracks, and finally The Bingo Palace. If one were to read the books in chronological order, they would read them in the following order: Tracks, The Beet Queen, Love Medicine, and The Bingo Palace. \n\n \nAlthough I grew up in central North Dakota, seventy miles from an Indian Reservation, I have had little experience with Native American culture and beliefs. The few Native Americans in my hometown had been "Americanized," knowing little, if anything at all, about their native ancestry. The mystery and magic of Native American spirituality has been something that I have never understood or even attempted to understand. Despite my ignorance and total absorption in my own little, conformist WASP world, Erdrich was able to draw me in and make me a part of the untamed, passionate, and regrettably almost extinct lives and culture of North Dakota's Chippewa. At least for the length of time it took me to complete Erdrich's series, I felt a part of and truly believed in the magic and spirituality that these people have. \n\n \nAs I mentioned earlier, the order in which Erdrich wrote each of these books and even the order of each chapter in each book is sporadic and unpredictable. I read them in the order that Erdrich wrote them; and not unlike the average reader would, I resisted it at first. It didn't take long before I surrendered and willingly let Erdrich transport me into the wild and spiritual world of the North Dakota Native American. I strongly believe that the order in which I read her books intensified the effect. \n\n \nThe character that is most enhanced through reading Erdrich's books in this order is Fleur Pillager. Erdrich first introduced this enigmatic character to the world as an old woman in Love Medicine. In a chronological timeline, this book would be third in line. However, it was the first book of this series that Erdrich wrote. In this novel Fleur is portrayed as a legend whose name most of the other characters are afraid to even breath without consequence because she "was known for putting the twisted mouth on people, seizing up their hearts" and casting other dreadful spells on those who wronged her (Love Medicine 241). \n\n \nYoung Lipsha's Grandmother wants Lipsha to procure a love potion for her to use on her cheating, half senile husband. However, the only woman who knows the secret to "love medicines" is Fleur. Fleur is a descendent of the mo
2Education & Reference
Try Limewire: www.limewire.com.
3Entertainment & Music
Well, you could delete some things off of it or buy a new drive... DUHHHHH
1Computers & Internet
Ave Maria, Star Spangled Banner, Stairway to Heaven, American Pie
0Business & Finance
blue ones!
0Business & Finance
Other information about NeoRecormon:
5Medical Domain
You either have it or you don't. You can learn to be funny, but it never really is the same. Look at the funny people around you, they don't think about it, it just comes naturally. Now if you, who I am assuming has is a serious type person tried to do the same thing, it would not come off sounding natural. Be happy for who you are. Laugh at the things around you. This will relax you enough that you may be able to pick up on some "humor vibes". Good luck.
4Family & Relationships
10 U 10 ml (1 U/ ml)
5Medical Domain
3Entertainment & Music
Yes. It's hilarious. I once had a Urologist named Dr. Hung Dong.
4Family & Relationships
your talking to the wrong ladies.
4Family & Relationships
You can study to be a lawyer, and maybe someday a judge. You can go into law enforcement and be a bailiff. You can learn to be a court reporter.
2Education & Reference
The cheapest can often depend on what you have laying around.\n\nI have often made "network servers" with old computers laying around. Simply find anything that can run LINUX or NT 4.0, and put your drives in it. The computer does not have to be very powerful, anything 200 MHz or higher should do just fine.\n\nThis is also a "Green" solution, by recycling something that would have been thrown away otherwise.
1Computers & Internet
I can't find them as a set anywhere but if you go to Amazon.com you can get most of them used for under $1. Or try ebay.
3Entertainment & Music
Ya know, I was just looking for the same thing. Contact me and we'll talk.
6Politics & Government
There are two ways to make money from home in both industries. In medical transcription you have the choice of:\n\n1) Contracting with one of the many companies that will send you the work via a secured connection (high speed internet), you do process the work, send it back to them as directed and then you will be paid for the completed work.\n\n2) You can start your own medical transcription business, find your own clients to work with, process their workload and then get paid for the services that you rendered.\n\nIn medical billing there aren’t any legitimate companies that I know of that will hire or contract you to process their medical claims for them so the only option that you have is to start your own home based medical billing business/service.\n\nI do both medical billing and transcription from home and I own the businesses. I have never contracted with other companies to process their work because to me it’s just like working as an employee and we all know that to become financially secure you have to be owner of a thriving business not the hired help.\n\nThere are two resources that you should read because they are by experts within each field: \n\n1) "Step-By-Step Guide To Medical Transcription At Home". Michele Miller wrote this book and her advice can be found on every reputable medical transcription message board and forums. She has been in the business for years and is an expert on the topic of how to get involved in this industry so visit http://stelopm.mml461.hop.clickbank.net \n\n2) “Medical Billing Book For Beginners”. This book was written by Paul Hackett and he is know in the medical billing industry as “The Medical Billing Mastermind”. His book is being deemed as the “Bible” to starting a successful medical billing business so visit http://medicalbillingbook.tripod.com/
0Business & Finance
Nelarabine is excreted by the kidney to a small extent (5 to 10% of the administered dose).
5Medical Domain
Seven Matches Found\n\nfuben\n(adj-na,n) inconvenience; inexpediency; unhandiness; (P)\n\n\nfujiyuu\n(adj-na,n) (1) discomfort; inconvenience; (2) poverty; want; destitution; (3) disability; (P)\n\n\nfukatte\n(n) inconvenience; hard living\n\n\nfutsugou\n(adj-na,n) inconvenience; inexpedience; trouble; harm; impropriety; wrongdoing; (P)\n\n\nhatameiwaku\n(adj-na,n) inconvenience to others\n\n\nkomaraseru\n(v1) to trouble with questions; to embarrass; to put out; to put on the spot; to inconvenience\n\n\ntaninmeiwaku\n(n) nuisance (annoyance, inconvenience) to people around one; social nuisance
0Business & Finance
Either its deleted and reinstalled, or just uninstalled. Elaborate if you want a better answer.\n\nOk so u elaborated. Only would they resell an item like that if it wasn't a corporation. Because if you leave something on a shelf long enough, someone will pick it up
1Computers & Internet
well how about joiing the army, get stationed there and hang around the german clubs? otherwise try the german version of yahoo personals
4Family & Relationships
My oppinion is why wouldn't they!\nTo me it isn't what you look like on the outside, it's how you are in the inside. The man I am in love with isn't my type at all in his apperance but his personallity is a perfect match!
7Society & Culture
I'm not sure if there's a site with just a list of this... but here's a similar site to what you're looking for; they have organizations add themselves to the list if their sanctioned by congress. hope it helps...
6Politics & Government
Shame on all you people who say Will Smith, is he all you know? \n\nThe Best artist in Hip-Hop hands down would be R. KELLY\nSo he's had a little legal issues, but nobody forced that young ass girl to do what she did.\n\nHe's been at for over 2 decades, he is like a fine wine, he gets better with age.
3Entertainment & Music
turn off the computer, go to somewhere where there are girls, talk to them, ask them questions, \npeople who talk about stuff find the other person interesting\n\ni usually try and figure out what a person is really interested in or an expert in, and ask them questions about that, after a while a girl will take off her clothes for me\n\nyou wont get that here on yahoo answers
4Family & Relationships
Edith Wilson wife of Woodrow Wilson. She carefully screen the documents he was shown and the people he could see after his stroke. Therefore she was running the country. He had a stroke after unsuccessfully campaigning for United States entry into the League Of Nations following World War 1
6Politics & Government
use headphones
0Business & Finance
i know what your id is alredy, just check it!!!!!!!!!\nlove from amanda\nx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
0Business & Finance
I have felt that (more when I was a kid - sometimes still... this is a VERY good question and I hope you ask more at this level!) \n\nHehehe, if that were true, than this question was there to shake me from these feelings, and make me feel like someone esle feels the same. I don't know what to believe. Either you are real, and we are all real, or only you and I are real, or I'm real and you asked the question as some part of a divine plan to throw me off course... (begins to doubt every thought he has ever had... mind slipping away). YOU KNOW TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!\n\n: )
7Society & Culture
It depends on what type of business idea you have. \n\nIf it is a service related business then you may be able to start it with cash on hand to build. \n\nIf it is manufaturing or a product idea then you would probably need capital. \n\nReview your cash on hand, available resources (credit cards, equity, mom), your credit rating...and then contact your local small business council listed in your yellow pages. \n\ngood luck!
0Business & Finance
I feel bad for you because I have read your other questions and answers. You sound like a very nice person. Let me tell you what I know....\n\nFor Washington State, the Statute of Limitations (SOL) to enforce a written contract is 6 years. You are too late to sue him. Your best shot would be if he had made any payments on the contract anytime during the 7 years. Each payment makes the 6 year SOL start over. SO if he made a payment during the 4th year, you have 6 years from that point to sue him. In that case, you have a good, enforceable case. Or, if he didnt make a payment but at least acknowledged the debt in some form of writing to you, that may also trigger the 6 year SOL to start over from the date he made written acknowledgement of the debt. \n\nLastly, you could just sue him anyway even with no payments or written acknowledment of the debt from him. Once you sue and state your case in your court papers (dont mention anything about the SOL in your papers) the burden woulb be on him to raise the defense of the 6 year SOL applying to teh case. If he did, you'd lose. If he is not aware of the 6 year SOL, you can just act like it doesnt exist and move forward to slam dunk him in court. GOOD LUCK!!!
6Politics & Government
try this www.wirleworld.com or http://ispbusiness.com
1Computers & Internet
the best gifts always come from the heart. you can make things cook a nice candle light dinner for two or if you have kids let them join also. i always try to give my husband something special we are always broke and dont have the money to spend on things i just make him a card cook his favorite dinner and we watch a movie together. as long as it comes from the heart he/she should love it. you dont always have to buy material things make something special just for him/her. love isnt about what you buy for you special someone its about how you feel about that special person.
7Society & Culture
Each hard capsule contains: efavirenz 100 mg.
5Medical Domain
Vale la pena
7Society & Culture
I can not garantee that you would get a perfect score. However, since you would be practicing the ACT for 2 months, your score will improve. Just do not stress over the test. A 23 can get you into college too. Keep your studing to one hour each day, because then you will remember less about the ACT. \n\nGood Luck,\n\nAlex
2Education & Reference
blood pressure dropping heart beating fast
5Medical Domain
you should go to the Federal Court or Federal Jurisdication that handles your area and request to seek the public records--well I know in NYC we have to pay a fee for what we request out of public records but I hope that this has provided you with some assistance
6Politics & Government
well, if you're not sure that he loved you before he left then it may be hard to tell really. absance does make the heart grow fonder in many cases i think though.
4Family & Relationships
Probably because of the Hippocratic oath to do no harm. The medical person who puts in the needle isn't the person who "throws the switch" to turn on the chemicals they are injecting. This gives them a measure of mental "distance", i.e. "I didn't kill that guy, the executioner did."\n\nBut I'm just guessing.
7Society & Culture
Actually, the year was 1996 (they were playing for the Asian Cup), and the one who scored 4 goals was Ali Daei.
If you have been told by your doctor that you have an intolerance to some sugars (lactose), contact your doctor before taking this medicine.
5Medical Domain
The previous answer mentioned Gross Deutchland, which was a regular army Wehrmacht elite division, not SS. The answer is either the 1st SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, 2nd SS Das Reich or the 3rd SS Totenkopf divisions, always given the best men and not necessarily the newest equipment by the ReichsFurher or Furher. Of these 3 classic SS divisions, i'd pick the 1st at the most proficient, only because they bore their leader's name. I couldn't name the battles they were in, but they were all used as the 'fire brigade' on the eastern front against the massive Red Army onslought.
6Politics & Government
I am not sure what question you are really asking...\nThe American English morphed from British English, just ask in any language there a handful of dialects many times seperated by geographic regions and social class. (Chicago has 6 accents). So that is how Europeans can tell the difference, because your accent is not British. \n\nYou DO have an accent- even as one poster said, it could be the "non-regional"/media accent. People with a good ear for languages and dialects (usually people who are multilingual) can detect accents easier than others who are monolingual. \n\nIt also could be that you developed more of your accent of your native region since you left. For some reason, I have noticed this phenomenon with a lot of Americans after living abroad for some years. For example, I grew up in the midwest, but nobody ever believed me because they said I didn't sound like it- but the longer I have lived away from the midwest I have noticed that I sound REALLY midwestern without hearing it at all!\n\nAlso, Europeans can spot Americans a mile away... it's the way we carry ourselves-- we smile a lot more and speak louder in public and often all they have to do is look at your clothes or your feet to know.
7Society & Culture
It defently wasnt so called terrorist.\n\nWatch these two videos below then come up with your own conclusions.\n\nhttp://video.google.com/videoplay?do...20890224991194\n\nhttp://video.google.com/videoplay?do...+video+footage
6Politics & Government
Did the jar hold in unwanted moisture ?
2Education & Reference
I suppose you are having only one drive, that is DVD Burner. When you burn a DVD, an image file of the whole DVD is created on your hard drive, and the contents are burnt from that image file to the blank DVD. Once the burning is completed (in the blank disc), the image file is automatically deleted from your hard-drive. So, just wait until the DVD is burnt for your image file to be deleted.
1Computers & Internet
Both Socrates and Julio Cesar missed their penalty shots.\nMiss 0-0 Socrates (BRA)\nGoal 0-1 Yannick Stopyra (FRA)\nGoal 1-1 Alemao (BRA)\nGoal 1-2 Manuel Amoros (FRA)\nGoal 2-2 Zico (BRA)\nGoal 2-3 Bruno Bellone (FRA)\nGoal 3-3 Branco (BRA)\nMiss 3-3 Michel Platini (FRA)\nMiss 3-3 Julio Cesar (BRA)\nGoal 3-4 Luis Fernandez (FRA)
I suppose, the availability of A PERIODICAL, or SOS COUNSELLING SERVICE, after all that, WOULD COMPLETE "THE GUIDANCE".Maybe Further RESEARCH, into The JOB-MARKET...etc.
2Education & Reference
Lets resolve this overdue question by bringing it to a vote.
6Politics & Government
1. Graphics card and video card are the same thing. Back in the day (before they used video cards for games) they referred to the component that controlled the display on your system at the video card. Now that graphics developing and games are popular, the name video card has nearly been replaced by graphics card. Although many companies still use the term "video card" till this day.\n\n2. The Geforce 7300LE is a good card. Since it's the Geforce 7 series you'll get great performance out of it. However, depending on your budget, you may want to go with the 6800GT on the low end (because the 7300 isn't that much of a difference) or the 7800 on the high end (Amazing performance boost from the 7300). If your not concerned about a budget, for all the graphics developing and photoshoping you might want to consider an Nvidia Quadro card. For your type of work they are 10000 times better than a gaming graphics card (Geforce series). But if you want to do both and don't need a card to perform ubberly like the Quadro, then go with the Geforce. Hope your going SLI, cause it's way better than AGP. Below are some links to great deals on NVidia cards:
1Computers & Internet
Yes, he doe's. And I wish he would take more vacations like Reagan and the rest did. You don't want him to make mistakes but you want him to work non-stop. Some people are nuts not wanting to stand behind their President. He's in for 3 more years, why do you want him to fail, that hurts us more. Yes, Thanks to our beloved troops. And to the Iranian guy, we love Iranians, just not your leader, he's scary.
6Politics & Government
Try strongnumbers.com if they ever get back on line.
0Business & Finance
hot topic\n\ngo to www.hottopic.com\nit will help
3Entertainment & Music