class label
9 classes
Is this a trick question? See the link.
2Education & Reference
In both of those studies the effectiveness of Reconcile was compared with that of placebo (a dummy treatment) for up to 8 weeks.
5Medical Domain
tell him how u feel, sit him down and tell him where he was `wrong` make him understand and tell him nobody is `perfect`, and by him pointing out all your mistakes is only going to push u further away, does he realize this?
4Family & Relationships
Apple-Newton Handwriting Recognition\nDecuma handwriting recognition\nextraordinary technologies
1Computers & Internet
Assessment of adverse reactions is based on data from three studies in adults (n=1,479) and three paediatric studies (n=169).
5Medical Domain
There are special wipes you can purchase to clean them with. They are individually wrapped, like towelettes. You can get them at any computer supply store. Walmart also has them.
1Computers & Internet
I don't know if I fully understand your question but if it is how you can improve your math skills quickly then here are some tips:\n\nFor math, practice makes perfect so doing extra problems until you get the concept really does help. I'm not sure which level math you are at but there are a great set of books that talk about math from a different perspective using wizards, trolls, kings and such -- the characters and story are really goofy but more fun than looking through a standard math book and it really does make it stick or at least it did for my son who got a 710 on the math portion of the SAT's while in 9th grade. I have included links for you to look at them below but your library might have a copy or tow you can look through. It explains the concepts to help get you through.
2Education & Reference
Be forward in this case and ask him. Tell him you would like to take your friendship to a different level, and ask if he feels the same. You can't lose. IF he says no, you can quit wasting your time. IF he says yes, you have your wish. \n\nDon't wait, act. There is nothing wrong with being the pursuer, just because you are a woman. I am a man and I think it would be hugely flattering if a woman were that bold and interested in me. At least I would be thankful and honored for the approach, even if I were NOT interested.\n\nFrom there you will have your answers. Don't be afraid. All you are doing is expediting the enevitable (whether good or bad) by being forward. Best for you both!!!\n\nGood LUCK!!!!
4Family & Relationships
It contains no antibacterial preservative.
5Medical Domain
Well, you need to upgrade to Yahoo! mail plus, and the like below will give you the rest of the info! Hope this helps!\n\n(Sorry that it's not "lengthy!") ;)
1Computers & Internet
they checked their last chance before they get trapped
4Family & Relationships
PM heads the government.\n\nThe Government is a democracy, specifically a parlimentary system.
6Politics & Government
Be upfront and honest with him. If he is truly your friend, don't hurt him by stringing him on with "maybe" because that's not fair. Tell him, "You are very dear to me as a friend, but I am just not attracted to you romantically. I hope this doesn't change our friendship, because it's very valuable to me."\n\nStraight, to the point, simple. All people need is for us to be honest with them.
4Family & Relationships
I don't like their football or baseball either!
i think from 16 to 18 months
4Family & Relationships
i do i play basket ball and just play pick up games of football and watch both.you could drop me a im just to talk
7Society & Culture
The USSR's launch of Sputnik spurred the U.S. to create the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in February 1958 to regain a technological lead. DARPA created the Information Processing Technology Office to further the research of the Semi Automatic Ground Environment program, which had networked country-wide radar systems together for the first time. J. C. R. Licklider was selected to head the IPTO, and saw universal networking as a potential unifying human revolution. Licklider recruited Lawrence Roberts to head a project to implement a network, and Roberts based the technology on the work of Paul Baran who had written an exhaustive study for the U.S. Air Force that recommended packet switching to make a network highly robust and survivable. After much work, the first node went live at UCLA on October 29, 1969 on what would be called the ARPANET, the "eve" network of today's Internet. In December of 1970, Charles A. Petrik contacted the U.S. Navy and suggested that a special communications network, that the Department of Defense had built for use in the possiblitity of a nuclear attack, could also be used during peace time. Petrik convinced the military to connect the computers of the U.S. National Laboratories for scientific research purposes, and to allow these labs to get data to other labs faster, and safer.\n\nThe first TCP/IP wide area network was operational by 1 January 1983 , when the United States' National Science Foundation (NSF) constructed a university network backbone that would later become the NSFNet. (This date is held by some to be technically that of the birth of the Internet.) It was then followed by the opening of the network to commercial interests in 1995. Important separate networks that offered gateways into, then later merged into the Internet include Usenet, Bitnet and the various commercial and educational X.25 networks such as Compuserve and JANET. The ability of TCP/IP to work over these pre-existing communication networks allowed for a great ease of growth. Use of Internet as a phrase to describe a single global TCP/IP network originated around this time.\n\nThe network gained a public face in the 1990s. In August 1991 CERN, which straddles the border between France and Switzerland publicized the new World Wide Web project, two years after Tim Berners-Lee had begun creating HTML, HTTP and the first few web pages at CERN (which was set up by international treaty and not bound by the laws of either France or Switzerland). In 1993 the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign released the Mosaic web browser version 1.0, and by late 1994 there was growing public interest in the previously academic/technical Internet. By 1996 the word "Internet" was common public currency, but it referred almost entirely to the World Wide Web.\n\nMeanwhile, over the course of the decade, the Internet successfully accommodated the majority of previously existing public computer networks (although some networks such as FidoNet have remained separate). This growth is often attributed to the lack of central administration, which allows organic growth of the network, as well as the non-proprietary open nature of the Internet protocols, which encourages vendor interoperability and prevents any one company from exerting too much control over the network.
1Computers & Internet
I would have to say Chuck Norris because if I don't, Chuck Norris is going to roundhouse kick me into the next time zone.
2Education & Reference
some things to check:\n- does the default IIS user has read/write access to the database? (for an Access database)\n- check if the database user has write access and that you comit the transaction (for oracle DB)
1Computers & Internet
Use this much unless your doctor tells you something differently.
5Medical Domain
You can make your own user defined stylesheet which will over-rule any settings any other person is trying to force you to see through their coding.\n\nTo do this with IE click 'tools', 'options', 'accessibility' then tick the 'Format documents using my style sheet' option and browse to the style sheet you have created.\n\nTo do this with Opera, click 'File', 'Preferences', 'page style' and then 'choose' the stylesheet you wish to use.
1Computers & Internet
No; the failure of a court system to convict a person does not logically imply that a person is truly innocent of the crime. By the same token, the success of a court to convice someone does not logically imply that a person is truly guilty of the crime. The courts do not seek to fully and logically prove things, only to establish them beyond reasonable doubt.\n\nSo, if the system is reasonably sure a person is guilty, they are punished. If the system is reasonably sure a person is innocent, they are not punished.\n\nThe statement "innocent until proven guilty" simply defines the algorithm the government will follow in the case that it is not possible to reasonably determine whether a person is guilty or innocent.\n\nThe law isn't about strict logic as no empirical science can be, but is rather about fair and effective implementation of the law.
2Education & Reference
bettis and parker tataly pittsburghs defense is to good for shaun to do anything on.
3Entertainment & Music
Yes, I saw the start of a relationship between two of my friends at a party. For the next several months they were inseperable. It was really quite depressing watching the whole thing unfold before my eyes. That is probably why I don't care to involve myself in my friends' relatioships. I don't want to be caught up in their drama.
4Family & Relationships
Because we're just a tool to them, they use us then throw us away. It's a lot like a teenager hating their parents but they keep coming back begging for money.
6Politics & Government
Bet is three - two horse parlays...\n1 to 2, 2 to 3 and 1 to 3.\nIf just two win, you win that two horse parlay, if three win you win on three two horse parlays.\nIf only on wins you lose, there is no second winner of the others to complete a parlay.
Make a little hisrory... I can see the headlines now. Boy ask Judge or a restraining order against a Nine year old girl. That will make her parents so proud that they might even move. It would be worth it if it cost you your allowance for a year. And you'll be famous too don't forget that.
To whom are you referring?
0Business & Finance
how do you know she is single and interested? well the answer is: you don't!! and you won't unless you ask or somehow figure out a way to get to know her better..i.e. by sparking up a conversation and taking it from there! so far you've got really vague assumptions of her age for example..so the only way to find out real hard facts is to make a move and spark up casual conversation and if she responds positively you're on the right track! good luck!
4Family & Relationships
6Politics & Government
Redick is a much better shooter and had a much better season than Dean this year. Dean will be lucky to be drafted while Redick will be a lottery pick. Redick also is a much smarter player than Dean too.\n\n\nYOU MUST REALLY LIKE DEAN BECAUSE LOOK, TWO OF THE MOST REPUTABLE SITES BACKED ME UP! nbadraft.net says he's going to be drafted 50th and draftexpress.com says he isn't going to be drafted at all... see for yourself... Being on the All-Senior team doesn't mean that much in my opinion anyway. I think DEAN was really lucky to even get on it too.
Well, one way to prevent people calling you a boastful person is to avoid boasting. Another is to avoid anything other people can interpret as boasting, and that's a lot harder to do. A person who has integrity and strength of character, above-average intelligence, or other positive qualities, can be assumed to be stuck-up and boastful by people who believe it is better to be self-depricating. On the other hand, the people who are consistently self-depricating are usually told to "stop picking on yourself;" "don't be so hard on yourself."\n\nThe answer may be to avoid talking about yourself very much at all. Talk about the other person, or talk about impersonal things, such as your school or job, your town, the hobbies and interests you have, etc. Evaluative statements invite others to evaluate. If you rarely or never make judgmental comments about others, they may take the hint and avoid them about you. \n\nThe one I always had trouble with as a child was the challenge, "You think you're better than me!" Or even "You think you're smarter than me!" Well, fact is, these were usually true, but if I admitted it, I would be asking for trouble. If I denied it, I would be dishonest and condescending. I finally settled on, "What makes you think that?" It throws them off, and you can divert the conversation to safer channels.\n\nGood luck!
4Family & Relationships
There's actually no need to choose. Each of those three things you're choosing from may be focused on at different times. Getting too engrossed in one slows your growth as a person. You have to be able to move between different ideals. It's what makes a well-rounded individual.\nTake me for example, I love all the same things as you. I'm also really into Tolkien, Dungeons and Dragons, and the like. Yet, I am quite well-attuned to the realm of science, as I am a registered nurse and nurse educator. I am also a lover of literature as it makes me retreat to a quiet place after indulging into the intricacies of both science and fantasy.\nTry it. Focus on each one in turn. But not on all at the same time. It's easier that way.
2Education & Reference
Ephesians 4.26-27: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.\n\nEnd your anger at the end of every day, instead of nursing a long grudge.
2Education & Reference
Each browser has its own option/preference for setting it as the default browser.\n\nFOR IE:\n\n1.Start Internet Explorer. On the View menu, click Options.\n2.Click the Advanced tab and click to select the On startup, perform check for default browser check box.\n3.Click OK.\n4.Quit and re-start Internet Explorer. Then when you are prompted to make it the default browser, click Yes.\n\nin FIREFOX:\n\nGo to TOOLS > OPTIONS > GENERAL TAB
1Computers & Internet
I have visited Xinjiang, fascinating place! I loved it, especially Kashgar. Are you insinuating that it should become a country?\n\nThe most interesting thing about Kashgar was that the town was split at Renmin Road, to the left was the chinese side, and to the right is where the true locals lived. They never seemed to mix, and I applaud them for it. Regardless of my opinion, or anyone else's opinion, China will never let go of their prized western regions (XJ and TB)! In Xinjiang, too much oil, coal, and international trade with Central Asia. Tibet, too much tourism money.
7Society & Culture
You can choose yourself by checking the features and rating here.\nhttp://www.opensourcecms.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=388&Itemid=143
1Computers & Internet
99 red balloons by nena. cities in dust by siouxsie & the banshees. love is a battlefield by pat benatar. personal jesus by depeche mode. there's a hell of a lot more. you should just use limewire and type in 80s and you'll a million 80s songs. i love 80s music and i think i was born in the wrong decade
3Entertainment & Music
That would depend on the country they work in :-P
2Education & Reference
Patients and caregivers should be instructed accordingly.
5Medical Domain
Check out this link. It has some actors on there
3Entertainment & Music
Wanda is out there somewhere and Quicksilver plans to track her down and make her undo the damage she caused.
3Entertainment & Music
5Medical Domain
While the rest of the paper's lacking, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has pretty good coverage of the Steelers at http://www.post-gazette.com/steelers/\n\nAlso the other local daily (Tribune-Review) at http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-review/sports/steelerslive/
The letters on a keyboard are not random - they're laid out in a configuration called QWERTY (named after the 6 letters in the upper-left hand of the keyboard. If you type correctly, the keys are arranged (in theory) to make the most used letters the easiest to reach.
1Computers & Internet
The 24 years old striker belongs to Barcelona and he is currently playing on loan for Sevilla. The match schedule for Sevilla as follows:\n\nApril\nThu. 20 19:30 UK Schalke 04 v FC Sevilla\nSun. 23 20:00 UK FC Sevilla v Barcelona\nThu. 27 TBD FC Sevilla v Schalke 04\nSun. 30 16:00 UK Real Sociedad v FC Sevilla\n\nMay\nWed. 3 19:30 UK FC Sevilla v Getafe\nSun. 7 16:00 UK Málagav FC Sevilla\nSun. 14 16:00 UK FC Sevilla v Real Madrid
It most likely won't be on basic cable, you can probably order it if you have digital cable or something of the such.
Kung Fu has more than 2000 years - Judo have a little more than 100!
Well, it makes you real. I think we all want people on here to realize we are "real." I find that some people on here will just dash off anything feeling that the person on the other side is just a font without feelings. You remind us that there is a face to match the words. Questions like this are also serious enough to make us stop and think. That helps a great deal as well. We all need to approach every question realizing that no matter how odd it is, someone with a heart wrote it. We have to use tact......we have to treat all just like we would if we were all socializing at a party and discussing issues together. Yes, the avatars are 'cutsy' instead of true depictions of us. But its provided for all the various reasons we need to use them. I appreciate your candid nature, your openess and your recognition that people do treat it a bit differently. Thank you for making us think with this question.
0Business & Finance
Many people think Bush is a member of a similar organization.
6Politics & Government
The dressing should be changed at least once a day to keep the wound moist.
5Medical Domain
depends on which team it is but maybe yeah
I took a class on the Radical Republicans (Reconstruction, actually, but they played a big part in it). Simply put, the South thought of the Radical Republicans as occupants. They took over the Confederate States and ran them as territories: military governors and strict laws. The former slaves considered them saviors. They instituted laws directed at helping out their freedom, to a point. There were a lot of empty promises made by these Republicans, but it is no surprise that almost all former slaves registered as Repulbicans. The north is where most of the Republicans came from. For more information on the northern view, look for anything regarding Andrew Johnson's tenure in office. For the former slaves and southern perspectives, look for information on Reconstruction or the Hayes' election, which ended Reconstruction.
6Politics & Government
have you noticed women like oprah who has been with stedman forever.............paris hilton goes through men like g strings........Hillary has bill, and laura has george
7Society & Culture
Go on line to every newspaper, where he's been and might be.\nWrite either an editorial letter about wanting to find him, or place an ad online, directed to him or even to directed to someone who knows him. If your padre or someone who knows him sees the ad or letter, you should get a reply of some kind. Or you can go to 411.com or even the post office. You will have to pay a fee and fill out papers. But with 411.com you just have to buy a report, if the site finds him or someone of his name.
4Family & Relationships
To him you will always be that woman he fell in love with though you've long since evolved into someone who barely remembers the woman you were then. The greatest irony of life is just this: in the final analysis, all we have is what we can remember.
4Family & Relationships
Take advantage of DLAB schools. Always good to be fluent in a 2nd language. Military Intelligence would be best bet, but you should also have a college degree as well. Contact the CIA or visit their web site. Few people realize it, but they have college programs/scholarships similar to the military, but they are selective.
6Politics & Government
sarà ok
2Education & Reference
stupid brit.i think the egg. cause where would the chicken dcum from.and i maean.ya it couldve been like uhhhh......\nsome kinda odd egg of a dinosaur! :-D
7Society & Culture
click on the pencil icon and then click clear recent searches for your Yahoo search bar.
1Computers & Internet
there are things like catholic charities toys for tots........churches
7Society & Culture
Here's the website.\nhttp://www.waspnation.com/
3Entertainment & Music
Admission: \nAges 3 & under – free \nKids (ages 4-12) - $11 \nSeniors (65+) - $13 \nAdults - $19 \n\n:)
3Entertainment & Music
Oral anticoagulants (e. g. warfarin) Ciprofloxacin, like other quinolones, may enhance the effect of coumarin derivates including warfarin.
5Medical Domain
A Taste of Honey
3Entertainment & Music
My husband absolutely HATES it, I don't care for most of it, but there are 2-3 songs that I think are good.
3Entertainment & Music
he's probably so in to himself, that he says "Emeril" lol
3Entertainment & Music
Im over here!
4Family & Relationships
Rayleigh scattering (named after Lord Rayleigh) is the scattering of light by particles much smaller than the wavelength of the light. It occurs when light travels in transparent solids and liquids, but is most prominently seen in gases. Rayleigh scattering of sunlight from particles in the atmosphere is one reason light from the sky is blue.
0Business & Finance
it's reversible, don't worry... just cut a slit in your testicles and remove the extra marble - being careful that the other marbles don't fall out. Sew shut when done.
4Family & Relationships
There music is jarring, contrived and gratuitous.
3Entertainment & Music
Depends. Do you want to trade stocks for yourself or be a stock broker and trade for other people? \nFor yourself - http://www.etrade.com\nIf you want to be a professional you will need to get your Series 7 license. In order to even take the test you will need to get sponsored by a financial company. Talk to a bank or financial planning firm.
0Business & Finance
I do hope your brothers and mom all see this message!\nHAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHERS! ;)
4Family & Relationships
about 21000 dollars. It is hard but fun for them so that and 21000 is really good
no i love it when my men call me a freak because i know im doing it right my momma told me as well as men that a man wants a lady in the streets but a freak in the bed so i will be his freak so he wont have to go anywhere else he gets everything he needs from me so i say be a freak and enjoy he does
4Family & Relationships
To minimise any possible risk, men wishing to father a child should contact their doctor who may advise you to stop taking Arava and take certain medicines to speed up the removal of 66 Arava from your body.
5Medical Domain
I normally ignore questions that come from shallow individuals that don't have a clue, but I can't pass this one up. As a former teacher of physically challenged children, I can tell you that not all people are large by choice- some have physical limitations that do not allow them to move as well or as much as you- try sitting in a wheelchair for awhile and see what happens to your body. As a current nursing student, I can tell you that some people are not blessed with the genetics that makes one tend to be thin and they are more prone to being large. As a human being, I can tell you that I value individuals for who they are- not what they look like, their social status, or age. One of the dearest men I've ever known was badly scared due to being burned in a fire. His mobility was extremly limited and he gained some weight- he was still one of the kindest, wisest men I've had the pleasure to call my friend. I feel sorry for all those who would turn away because they didn't like the way he looked. They missed a wonderful opportunity to know a great man. How many great people have you missed the chance to get to know because of your judgemental attitude? Not everyone is a size 2. There's nothing wrong with someone because they are a size 14, 20, or 32. You should realize that these indiviuals are already hurting and they don't need others to make their pain worse. As for me, I also do occassional plus size modeling-plus size is anything over a size 12 and guess what? That's most of America's women. If a small body made you beautiful and happy, then Hollywood would never have any divorces. I am both beautiful and happy because of who I am as a person. Everyone will grow old and time will take it's toll on all of us, I hope you mature in your thinking and acceptance of others before then or you will be very unhappy.
7Society & Culture
Oh my god. "Glory days of the mid 90s"?? \n\nKid, find the following. And Fast:\n\nLED ZEPPELIN\n\nBEATLES\n\nTHE WHO\n\nPINK FLOYD\n\nHENDRIX\n\n\n\nThe mid-90s are when things were at a freakin' low!\n\n(& btw, lose the racist atittude from yr other post. "black hip hop...")
3Entertainment & Music
One of the benefits of a relationship is that we will have someone in our corner to support us and to affirm our existence. This support adds to the trust that is needed in any relationship. Without mutual support, a trusting relationship will not develop. Each member must have its emotional needs met in order to continue to invest in the relationship. The continued support and the being there for the other person emotionally is the way in which trust is developed.
4Family & Relationships
Not from Canada, but I'm in Kentucky! Moved here a few yrs ago from California
7Society & Culture
Be confident, yourself and don't call them "Babe"or any other pet name unless your actually dating them.
3Entertainment & Music
you should be able to do it on the irs website. If you look to the left youll see a group of catergories and you would obviously ant theone that says previous years taxes.\n\nGood Luck
0Business & Finance
it opens new horizans for researchers to get market knowledge from the local market to international market & its really make them more powerfull in their researches.
0Business & Finance
Oh they SO should! cruelly ironic punishments...I love it!
3Entertainment & Music
Over time it probably won't matter as much. He'll also likely become less skinny as he ages (metabolism slows down).\n\nIf you're not attracted to him now though, maybe you should just see him as a friend. Then, if you start feeling attracted to him later, your friendship may just naturally evolve into a relationship.
4Family & Relationships
Go here...\n\nhttp://www.unclaimed.org/mainframe.asp?VisitorType=owner\n\nYou can search any state.
6Politics & Government
bare naked ladies
3Entertainment & Music
suicide is never the answer...i see you're a beatles fan. whenever i'm feeling down i always listen to cry baby cry, it always cheers me up. if you need someone to talk to send me an email through my contact link-seriously if you need someone to talk to
7Society & Culture
I am .... lol
4Family & Relationships
Their Terms of Servis says:\n------\nOpt-Out\nWe provide users the opportunity to opt out of receiving future communications from Tagged by visiting http://www.Tagged.com/no_more.html. Any person receiving an email message from Tagged has the opportunity to opt out of receiving future messages, simply by entering their email address and clicking the "Unsubscribe" button. If a user has an active Tagged.com account, choosing to opt-out (unsubscribe) will not cancel the account -- it will still be active, but the user will not receive any more email from Tagged. Users can manage their mailing preferences to specify which type of email to opt out of on their Update Account Info page when they are logged in, simply by un-checking the boxes indicating which type of email they would not like to receive. Users can also cancel their account by emailing Tagged customer support at [email protected]. Canceling one's account will also prevent a user from receiving future communications from Tagged, and Tagged will not share the user's information with third parties for marketing purposes. Keep in mind, users may still receive postal mailings from third parties to whom Tagged had previously provided contact information, and users must opt-out directly with those third parties.\nTagged cannot opt-out users from third parties that independently collect information about users from the viewing of links or ads on Tagged. Users should contact those third parties directly if they do not wish to receive communications from them, or do not want those third parties to collect information about them.\n---------\n\nSo, just e-mail to [email protected] for account deletion.
1Computers & Internet
I would have to say that my favorite would have to be righteousbabe.com. I really have not found a single political ideal of Ani DiFranco's that I have not agreed with. She has been one of the main forces that has inspired me to get involed in politics and try to make a difference. Vote Ani in 2008!!!
6Politics & Government
sounds nice! but then they should have avatar backgrounds of all churches and temples of all kinds of religions.
7Society & Culture
send me a pic and i will decide
4Family & Relationships
Fontaine(13 goals)of France in 1958 World cup, Sweden.
I suppose some day. Right now-no. It will probably be at least another five years before they talk about. I hope they don't because I enjoy the priveledge to go to vote. The action itself gives me great pride to live in the US
6Politics & Government
That refers to the operation mode of the memory. \n\nThere are two modes, single-channel and dual-channel.\n\nWhat this means is how the computer access the memory to retreive information, if the Main Board only has single-channel operation, then the data of the memory only can be accessed sequentialy no matter how many memory chips you have.\n\nWhen the operation is double-channel, then the memory slots on the main board has two different colors, one for channel A and one for channel B. This allows the computer to access two differents memory locations at one time, of course, if you have at least one chip on channel A and one chip en channel B.\n\nFor more information see the reference:
1Computers & Internet