nde term
sot term
afr term
xho term
tsn term
ven term
ssw term
zul term
eng term
eng definition
nso term
32 values
tso term
Isilinganiso setjhugulukontengo elipheleleko se-avareji ngomnyaka
Palohare ya sekgahla sa infleishini ka selemo
Gemiddelde jaarlikse inflasiekoers
Umyinge womlinganiselo wamandla emali ngonyaka
Palogare ya kelo ya phetogotlhotlhwa ka ngwaga
Phimotshikati kha tshanduko ya mitengo nga waha
Silinganisomkhatsi selizinga lemandlamali semnyaka
Isilinganisomvama/ i-avareji yezinga lokukhuphuka kwamandla emali ngonyaka
Average annual inflation rate
The change in the average CPI for all items of one year compared with the average CPI for all items of the previous year expressed as a percentage.
Kelokakareo ya kgolo le phokotego/infoleiene ka ngwaga
Mpimo wa inifulexini wa lembe wa mpimoxikarhi
Itjhuguluko lamaphesente we-avareji ngomnyaka
Palohare ya phetoho ya phesente ka selemo
Gemiddelde jaarlikse persentasieverandering
Umyinge wotshintsho lwepeseti ngonyaka
Phetogo ya palogare ya phesente ka ngwaga
Tshandukotshikati kha ana nga waha
Silinganisomkhatsi seluntjintjo lwemaphesenti ngemnyaka
Isilinganisomvama/ i-avareji yokuguquka kwephesenti ngonyaka
Average annual percentage change
The change in the average index of one year compared with the average index of the previous year expressed as a percentage.
Phetogokakareto ya kelothupeto ka ngwaga
Ncinco wa tiphesente ta lembe wa mpimoxikarhi
Iintengo ezinzinzileko
Theko / Poreisi tse tsitsitseng
Konstante prys
amaxabiso angaguqu-guqukiyo
Ditlhotlhwatlhomamo / Ditlhotlhwanitamo
Mitengo i sa shanduki (kha tshifhinga tsho tewaho)
Intsengo lengagucuki
Amanani angaguquki
Constant prices (GDP)
A valuation concept expressed at the prices prevailing during a fixed reference period or base period.
Ditheko te di sa fetogego
Tihakelo leti nga cinciki
Ikomba yetjhugulukontengo yabathengi enganamalinzalo yebhondi
Tshupane ya ditheko tsa basebedisi (CPI)
Verbruikersprysindeks (VPI)
Isalathiso sotshintsho lwamaxabiso (iCPI)
Tshupane ya ditlhotlhwa tsa badirisi
Tshikala- / tsumbamutengo wa vharengi (CPI)
Inkhomba yentsengo yebatsengi (i-CPI)
Inkomba yamanani abathengi (i-CPI)
Consumer price index (CPI)
An index that measures the price of a fixed basket of consumer goods and services.
Kelothupeto ya ditheko ta badirii
Xikombo xa nxavo wa vatirhisi (XNV)
Ikomba yetjhugulukontengo yabathengi enganabhondi / enganamalinzalo yebhondi
Tshupane ya ditheko tsa bareki ntle le tswala ditefellong tsa matlo
Verbruikersprysindeks uitsluitende rentekoerse op verbande (VPIX)
Isalathiso sotshintsho lwamaxabiso kungabandakanywa inzala yentengo yezindlu (iCPIX)
Tshupane ya ditlhotlhwa tsa badirisi ntle le kelomorokotso mo tshireletsodisugeng
Tshikala- / tsumbamutengo wa vharengi tshayaphimonzwalelo kha khadzimiso ya vhudzulo (CPIX)
Inkhomba luntjintjo lwentsengo yebatsengi kukhishwe lizinga lentalo kumabhondi esibambiso (i-CPIX)
Inkomba yamanani abathengi ingabalwanga inzalo yezikweletu zezindlu (i-CPIX)
Consumer price index excluding interest rates on mortgage bonds (CPIX)
The CPI excluding interest rates on mortgage bonds (CPIX) is derived by excluding the interest rates on mortgage bonds from the basket of goods and services, which is used to compile the Consumer Price Index.
Kelothupeto ya ditheko ta badirii go sa akaretwe mothelo wa tswalo go dikoloto ta meago
Xikombo xa nxavo wa vatirhisi lexi nga katsiki mpimo wa ntswalo wa tihakelo eka tibondo (XNVK)
Umthelela wemikhiqizo ethileko ye-PPI ikomba yetjhugulukontengo yokukhiqiza / yokuveza)
Seabo sa dihlahiswa tse itseng ho PPI yohle
Bydraes van spesifieke produkte tot die totale VPI
Igalelo leemveliso ezithile kwiPPI iphela
Seabe sa dikuno tse di totilweng go TDB yotlhe
Thikhedzo ya zwibveledzwatiwa kha hanganyelo ya tsumbamutengo / tshikalamutengo wa vhabveledzi (PPI)
Umtselela wemkhicitotsite ku-PPI ngalokuphelele
Iqhaza lemikhiqizo ethile esambeni senkomba yamanani abakhiqizi
Contribution of specific products to the total PPI
The monthly (annual) contribution of a specific product or group of products to the total PPI is calculated by multiplying the weight of the index with the monthly (annual) change of the index divided by the index for All Items.
Seabe sa ditweletwa te itego go PPI ka moka
Ku hoxa xandla ka swimakiwa swo kongoma eka PPI hinkwayo
Ikomba yetjhugulukontengo khulu / mbala/ qobo / qakathekileko/ eyonayona/ ezijameleko
Tshupane ya motheo
Undoqo/umongo wesalathiso
Core index
The core index is derived by exclusions from the CPI on the basis that changes in their prices are policy. Note: Exclusions from the CPI to obtain the core index, and the reasons for exclusion is as follows: Fresh and frozen meat and fish: Prices may be highly volatile, particularly during and following periods of drought. Fresh and frozen vegetables and fresh fruit and nuts: Prices may be highly volatile from month to month due to their sensitivity to climatic conditions. Interest rates on mortgage bonds and overdrafts/personal loans: These are excluded due to their perverse effect on the CPI. A tightening in monetary policy to counter inflation pressures would cause interest rates to rise and be reflected in the interest cost component of measured inflation. This, in turn, could provoke a further tightening of monetary policy resulting in excessive movements in the inflation rate. Changes in VAT (value added tax): VAT is predominantly determined by government (fiscal policy). Assessment rates: These taxes are predominantly determined by local government.
Kelothupeto ya motheo
Infleishini ya motheo
Undoqo/umongo wokunyuka kwamaxabiso
Tshandulo ya mutengothikho
Emandlamali langumsuka
Izingamnyombo lokukhuphuka kwamandla emali
Core inflation
A measure designed in relation to the specific structure of a country's economy, derived by the change in the Core index of the relevant month of the current year compared with the Core index of the same month in the previous year expressed as a percentage.
Kelo ya kgolo le phokotego/infoleiene ya motheo
See consumer price index.
See consumer price index excluding interest rates on mortgage bonds.
Irhwebo/igatja lerhwebo
Lekala (Kgiro le Ditheko)
Bedryf (Werkverskaffing en Pryse)
Ishishini (iNgqesho namaXabiso)
Tshiimiswa (Mishumo na Mutengo)
Ligatja lekuhweba
Uphiko lwenkampani (umsebenzi nenani)
Establishment (Employment and Price)
The smallest economic unit that functions as a separate entity.
Bindzu (vuthori na nxavo)
Imikhiqizo eyikomba / esitjengiso
Dihlahiswa tsa tshupo
Imikhicito leyinkhomba
Imikhiqizo eyinkomba
Indicator products
Products whose sale value represents 80% of the total value of sales (turnover) in an industrial subgroup.
Swimakiwa swa xikombo
Itjhugulukontengo eliphikeleleko
Utshintsho lwamaxabiso
Tshanduko ya mitengo
Ukukhuphuka kwamandla emali
The persistent change in the general level of prices. Note: Two sets of measures of inflation are most often used, namely monthly inflation and annual inflation. Monthly inflation is defined as the percentage change in the index on a month-by-month basis whereas annual inflation is calculated as the percentage change in the index over the last twelve months.
Kgolo le theogo ya ditheko
Isilinganiso setjhugulukontengo eliphikeleleko
Sekgahla sa infleishini
Umlinganiselo wotshintsho lwamaxabiso
Kelo ya phetogotlhotlhwa
Phimo ya tshanduko ya mitengo
Lizinga lemandlamali
Izinga lokukhuphuka kwezinga lamandla emali
Inflation rate
The annual percentage change in the CPI for all items of the relevant month of the current year compared with the CPI for all items of the same month in the previous year expressed as a percentage.
Kelo ya kgolo le theogo ya ditheko/kelo ya kgolo le theogo ya infoleiene
Mpimo wa inifulexini
Itjhuguluko lamaphesente ngenyanga
Phetoho ya phesente ka kgwedi
Maandelikse persentasieverandering
Utshintsho lwepesenti nyanga zonke
Phetogo ya phesente ka kgwedi
Tshanduko kha ana nga wedzi
Luntjintjo lwemaphesenti ngenyanga
Ukuguquka kwephesenti ngenyanga
Monthly percentage change
The change in the index of the relevant month compared to the index of the previous month expressed as a percentage.
Phetogo ya kelothupeto ya kgwedi
Ncinco wa tiphesente wa nhweti
Itjhuguluko elipheleleko le-avareji yamaphesente ngomnyaka
Palohare e akaretsang ya phesente ya phetoho ya selemong
Algehele gemiddelde jaarlikse persentasieverandering
Iavareji yotshintsho ngokubanzi lwepesenti yonyaka
Phetogo ya palogareyotlhe ya phesente ka ngwaga
Tshandukotshikatinyangaredzi kha ana nga wedzi
Silinganisomkhatsi seluntjintjo loluphelele lwemaphesenti ngemnyaka
Isilinganiso jikelele sokuguquka kwamaphesenti ngonyaka
Overall average annual percentage change
The change in the average index of one year compared with the average index of the previous year expressed as a percentage.
Phetogokakareto ya kelothupeto ya ngwaga
Ncinco wa tiphesente wa lembe wa mpimoxikarhi hinkwawo
Iintengo eziqintelweko
Ditheko tse laolwang
Gereguleerde pryse
Amaxabiso alawulwayo
Ditlhotlhwa tse di laolwang
Tintsengo letibekelwe imigomo
Amanani alawuliwe
Regulated prices
Administered prices that are monitored and controlled by government policy. Note: To this end, price regulation does not necessarily imply the presence of an economic regulator, but the restriction on the extent to which prices may vary, depending on governments policy objective.
Mixavo leyi lawuriwaka
Ndeme ya zwibveledzwa
The relevant importance of the indicator product in that subgroup. Note: The weight of a product is calculated by dividing the actual value of sales of the relevant indicator product by the total value of sales in that subgroup.
Izinto onazo
Impahla/ ifa
A resource controlled by an entity as a result of past events; and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.
Private Sector
Amafa wanje / wesikhatjhana
Matlotlo a jwale (lekala la poraevete)
Bedryfsbates (Private Sektor)
Izinto onazo (ihlelo labucala)
Dithoto tse di sutisegang
Thundu dza zwino (Sekhithara dza Phuraivethe)
Timphahla tanyalo
Izimpahla zangaleso sikhathi (umkhakha ozimele)
Current assets (Private Sector)
Assets including debtors, cash, other financial shares and closing values of inventories, likely to be converted to cash, or consumed within a year.
Dithoto ta bjale
Private Sector
Rifuwo ra sweswi (xiyenge xa phurayivhete)
Isikwelede sanje/ sesikhatjhana
Sekoloto sa jwale
Amatyala akhoyo
Disuga tsa gajaana
Mulandu wa zwino
Sikwelede sanyalo
Izikweletu zangaleso sikhathi
Current liability
A liability is a present obligation of the entity arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits.
Tobo ya bjale
Private Sector
Xikweleti xa sweswi
Izabelo; izahlukaniselo
Distributions of profits to holders of equity investments in propotion to their holdings of a particular class of capital.
Private Sector
Kgwebokgolo (dipalopalo tsa lekala la poraevete)
Onderneming (Privaatsektorstatistieke)
Ushishino (iiNkcukacha-manani zeHlelo laBucala)
Mbalombalo /bindu (zwitatistika zwa sekhithara ya phuraivethe)
Ibhizinisi (telubalo lwemkhakha lotimele)
Ibhizinisi; inkampani (umkhakha wezibalo ozimele)
Enterprise (private sector statistics)
A legal unit or a combination of legal units that includes and directly controls all functions necessary to carry out its activities.
Private Sector
Bindzunyingi (tinhlayohlayo ta xiyenge xa phurayivhete)
Amafa anzinzileko / wesikhathi eside
Matlotlo a tsepameng
Vaste bates
Iimpahla ezisigxina
Thundu dza tshifhingatetshelwa
Timphahla letinganyakatiseki
Izimpahla ezizinzileyo
Fixed assets
Assets other than current assets, such as land, buildings, machinery and equipment. Typically, fixed assets are valued at the market price at the end of the financial year. See current assets, intangible assets, and non-current assets.
Dithoto ta pakatelele
Private Sector
Rifuwo ra nkarhi wo leha
Amafa angathintekiko/angaphathekiko
Matlotlo a sa tshwareheng
Ontasbare bates
Iimpahla ezingaphathekiyo
Dithoto tse di sa tshwaregeng
Thundu dza ndemekhumbulelwa
Timphahla letingaphatseki
Izimpahla ezingaphatheki
Intangible assets
Identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance.
Dithoto ta go se kgwathwe/ kgomiwe
Private Sector
Amafa anzinzileko / wesikhathi eside
Matlotlo ao eseng a jwale
Izinto ezisisigxina
Dithoto tse di sa sutisegeng
Thundu dza tshifhingatetshelwa
Timphahla letingasito tanyalo
Izimpahla ezinganqunyelwe sikhathi
Non-current assets
See fixed assets, and intangible assets.
Dithoto ta pakatelele
Private Sector
Rifuwo ra nkarhi wo leha
Isitoko sebhizinisi
Manane a thepa
Uluhlu lwempahla
Sitoko lesingekhatsi
Uhlu lwempahla/ isitokwe
Stocks and work in progress, including: Outputs that are still held by the enterprise that produced them prior to their being further processed, sold, delivered to other units or used in other ways; Products acquired from other enterprises that are intended to be used for intermediate consumption or for resale without further processing (factored goods); Goods in the process of manufacturing or work that has been partially done, but which has not yet been completed at the end of the reference period; Other: Raw materials components for processing, packing materials, fuel, consumable and maintenance stores, own manufactures and factored goods that have not been sold at the end of the reference period.
Mananeo a dithoto
Private Sector
Nongonoko wa nhundzu
Inzuzo eseleko namkha ilahleko
Phaello ya sebele kapa tahlehelo
Netto wins of verlies
Ingeniso okanye ilahleko
Poelotota kgotsa tatlhegelotota
Mbuelotsalela kana ndozwo
Insalelasamba yenzuzo nobe yekulahlekelwa
Inzuzo noma ukulahlekelwa emva kwezindleko
Net profit or loss
The difference between total income and total expenditure before providing for drawings by proprietors or partners, company or dividends.
Maaledi a poelo goba tobo
Private Sector
Mbhindzuloxiheri kumbe ndzahlekelo
Inzuzo eseleko namkha ilahleko ngemva komthelo
Phaello ya sebele kapa tahlehelo ka mora lekgetho
Netto wins of verlies n belasting
Ingeniso okanye ilahleko emva kwerhafu
Poelotota kgotsa tatlhegelotota morago ga lekgetho
Mbuelotsalela kana ndozwo thevhelalutho /- muthelo
Insalelasamba yenzuzo nobe yekulahlekelwa emuva kwentsela
Inzuzo noma ukulahlekelwa sekukhokhwe intela
Net profit or loss after tax
Net profit or loss less company tax paid or provided for during the reference period.
Maaledi a poelo goba tobo ka morago ga mothelo
Private Sector
Mbhidzuloxiheri kumbe ndzahlekelo endzhaku ka xibalo
Tangible items purchased by an entity primarily with the intention of selling them to customers. Note: Purchases include: Raw materials, components used in production; Fuels for off-road vehicles; Spare parts and building materials; Purchases and transfers-in of factored goods, intermediate products and partially completed goods from related enterprises.
Private Sector
Umthelo wokusebenza wesigodi
Lekgetho la ditshebeletso tsa lebatowa
Intlawulo yenkonzo ngokwengingqi
Lekgetho la ditirelokgaolo
Tshumeloyapo with tshumelo ya dzingu
Umtselo wetinsita tesifundza
Intela yezinsizakalo zesifunda
Regional service levy
Payroll tax paid by registered levy payers on the total remuneration of their employees, in terms of the Local Government Transition Act (LGTA) of 1993.
Lekgethotirelo la selete
Private Sector
Xibalo xa vukorhokeri bya rhijini
Imisebenzi yokwelusa/yokugada
Ditshebeletso tsa tshireletso
Iinkonzo zokhuseleko
Tshumelo dza tsireledzo
Tinsita tekuvikela
Imisebenzi yokuqapha
Security services
Services undertaken to protect an entitys assets. Note: Security services includes: Fees paid to contracted security companies; Electronic security systems such as alarms and surveillance cameras; IT security systems.
Ditirelo ta thireleto/ ditirelothireleto
Private Sector
Vukorhokeri bya vuhlayiseki
Umthelo nomthelo wekhamphani otjhejiweko
Lekgetho le lekgetho la khamphani le etsweng hloko
Belasting en maatskappybelasting in berekening geneem
Irhafu kunye nerhafu yenkampani eqwalaselwayo
Lekgetho le lekgetho la ditlamo le le tsentsweng mo tshupatlotlong
Lutho/muthelo na lutho/muthelo wa tshiimiswa /khamphani nga vhuifhinduleli
Intsela nentsela yenkapani lefakwa ku-akhawunti
Intela nentela yezinkampani esemabhukwini
Tax and company tax brought into account
Taxes on incomes, profits and capital gains, excluding value added tax (VAT). They are assessed on the actual or presumed incomes of enterprises or other units and exclude the employees taxes and compulsory loan levies.
Mothelo le mothelo wa khamphane wa go tliwa ka gare ga akhaonte
Private Sector
Xibalo na xibalo xa khamphani leswi nghenisiweke eka nkota
Ingeniso epheleleko
Kuno (dipalopalo tsa ditjhelete)
Omset (Finansile Statistieke)
Ingeniso (iiNkcukacha-manani zezeMali)
Mbuelo(mbalombalo/zwitatistika zwa masheleni/ tshelede)
Imali lengenile (lubalo lwetetimali)
Isamba semali engenile (izibalo zezezimali)
Turnover (financial statistics)
The total value of sales in a business during the reference period, including: The value of sales; Amounts received for work done; amounts received for services rendered; rent and lease payments received for land and buildings, and other equipment; and excluding value-added tax (VAT); net profit or loss on sales or reevaluation of fixed assets (including profit or loss or foreign exchange); export freight charges; interest received; and excise duty.
Private Sector
Mbuyelo (tinhlayohlayo ta swa mali)
Ubungako benani lepahla ngokweencwadi
Boleng ba thepa ho ya ka buka/mebaraka
Boekwaarde van eiendom, aanleg en toerusting, en ontasbare bates
ixabiso lepropati ngokwencwadi yoqingqo-maxabiso, iplanti, nezinto zexabiso ezingaphathekiyo
Tlhotlhwakemo ya thoto, bobeelo, didiriswa le disaangweng
Mutengo wa tshifhinga tshenetsho (wa thundu kana ndaka, imaga, tshomedzo, na thundu dza ndemekhumbulelwa)
Linanimphahla letakhiwo, imishini, tintfomsebenti nemphahla lengaphatseki
Isilinganisomali sempahla
Book value of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
The value of a property at a specific time after deducting depreciation from the original cost. Inclusions: Land Residential and non-residential buildings Construction works, roads and parking areas Computers and other information technology equipment Motor vehicles and other transport equipment Plant, machinery and other equipment Intangible assets and non-produced assets
Boleng bja bjale bja thoto, polante, didiriwa le dithoto ta go se swarege
Public Finance
Nxavo wa nhundzu ku ya hi makete, ndhawu, switirhisiwa na nhundzu ya swianakanyiwa
Imali yokuraga ibhizinisi / Ikhephithali
Khepitlele / Khaphithale / Khapitale
Letlotlo / Khapetlele
Lupfumo (zwi katela tshelede, zwifhao na mabindu) / Ndaka
Linanimcebo lemuntfu / Lizinga lemcebo wemuntfu
Izinsizakuqhuba ibhizinisi
Value of wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value.
Public Finance
Iindleko zemisebenzi emitjha yokwakha
Ditjeo tsa khepitlele / khaphithale / Khapitale mesebetsing e metjha ya kaho
Kapitaalbesteding aan nuwe konstruksiewerk
inkcitho yeentengo ezinkulu kwimisebenzi yolwakhiwo emitsha
Tshenyegeloletlotlo la ditiro tsa dikagonthwa
Mbadelo ya tshelede kha mushumo muswa wa u fhaa
Incitfomali yetakhiwo letinsha
Izindleko zokuqala umsebenzi omusha
Capital expenditure on new construction works
Capital expenditure on new construction is regarded as capital expenditure on new assets as well as capital expenditure on existing assets which leads to improvements of assets. New construction works consist of: Fees payable to architects, engineers and other professional firms Renovations of existing constructions Expenditure on works under construction Expenditure on improvements
Ditshenyegelo ta khepetlele go meomo ye meswa ya kago
Public Finance
Matirhisele ya mali eka mitirho yintshwa ya xikontiraka
Imali yebhizinisi ebulungiweko / Ebekelwe ngeqadi / Ikhephithali ebulungiweko
Resefe ya kaho ya letlotlo
utyalo-mali lwemali eyimfihlo
Peelotlotlo / Tshalelotlotlo
Mbetshelo ya lupfumo / tshelede
Imali esele
Capitalisation reserve
On the implementation of GAMAP / GRAP, the balance on certain funds, created in terms of the various Provincial Ordinances applicable at the time, that had historically been utilised for the acquisition of items of property, plant and equipment, have been transferred to a capitalisation reserve instead of the accumulated surplus / deficit in terms of a directive (budget circular) issued by National Treasury.
Risefe ya go aga khepetlele
Public Finance
Mali leyi hlayisiweke
Imali yebhizinisi yokujamiselela ebulungiweko / Ebekelwe ngeqadi / Ikhephithali ebulungiweko yokujamiselela
Resefe ya khepitlele / Khaphithale / Khapitale ya peho sebakeng sa ho hong
imali ebekelwe bucala ukuze isetyenziselwe ukutshintsha i-asethi
Tshalelokemisetsotlotlo / Peelokemisetsotlotlo
Mbetshelo ya u vhuyedzedza lupfumo/tshelede
Imali lebekelwe kuvala incitfomali
Ukuphindiselwa kwemali ebisele
Capital replacement reserve
In order to finance the provision of infrastructure and other items of property, plant and equipment from internal sources, amounts are transferred from the accumulated surplus / deficit to the CRR in terms of a council resolution. The cash in the designated CRR bank account can only be utilised to finance items of property, plant and equipment. The CRR is reduced and the accumulated surplus / deficit is credited by a corresponding amount when the amounts in the CRR are utilised. The amount transferred to the CRR is based on the municipalitys need to finance future capital projects included in the Integrated Development Plan.
Risefekemalegato ya letlotlo
Public Finance
Mali leyihlayisiweke ku pfuneta switirhwana swa nkoka
Ubungako benani lepahla obudluliswako
Boleng ba jwale ba thepa, polante le disebediswa tse sa tshwareheng
Drawaarde van eiendom / Aanleg en toerusting, en ontasbare bates
ixabiso lepropati, iplanti nezixhobo nee-asethi ezingaphathekiyo
Tlhotlhwaphetisothoto, bobeelo, didiriswa le disaangweng
Mutengo wa tshifhinga tshenetsho (wa ndaka, imaga na tshomedzo, na ndaka kana thundu dza ndemekhumbulelwa)
lizingamali ngemva kweluhlolo lwetakhiwo, imishini, tintfomsebenti kanye netimphahla letingasebenti
Isilinganisomali sempahla
Carrying value of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
The value of assets at a specific time after deducting depreciation and adjustments from the original cost. Inclusions: Land Residential and non-residential buildings Network equipment, construction works, roads and parking areas Computers and other information technology equipment Motor vehicles and other transport equipment Intangible assets and non-produced assets; and other assets
Boleng bja bjale bja thoto, polante, didiriwa le dithoto ta go se swarege
Public Finance
Nxavo wa nhundzu ku ya hi makete, ndhawu, switirhisiwa na nhundzuswianakanyiwa
Ipahla yomphakathi
Thepa ya setjhaba
ii-asethi zoluntu
Dithoto tsa sethaba
Ndaka ya vhadzulapo / Ndaka ya tshitshavha
Imphahla / Timphahlaye / Temmango ye / Temphakatsi
Izimpahla zomphakathi
Community assets
Assets that are placed within reasonable distance of a specific community and are intended to be the service point for responding to the various socio-economic needs of such a community.
Dithoto ta sethaba
Public Finance
Switirhisiwa swa muganga / Switirhisiwa swa vaakandzhawu
Isitatimende esihlanganisiweko sobujamo bezeemali
Pehelo e bokelletsweng / Pharalletseng ya boemo ba tjhelete
Gekonsolideerde staat van finansile posisie
ingxelo ehlanganisiweyo yezemali
Kanegothulaganyo ya maemo a matlole
Tshitatamennde tsho anganyiswaho tsha nyimele ya tshelede
Sitatimende lesihlanganisiwe sesimo setetimali
Isitatimende sesimomali esihlanganisiwe
Consolidated statement of financial position
The aggregate financial position of an institution at a specific point in time, usually at the end of the reporting period. Note: This statement covers all assets, net assets and liabilities at the end of the financial year.
Setatamente se se kopantwego sa seemo sa dithelete
Public Finance
Xitatimende lexi hlanganisiweke xa xiyimo xa swa timali
Ukusetjenziswa kwepahla enzinzileko
Tshebediso ya thepa e tsitsitseng
Verbruik van vaste bate
ukusetyenziswa kwee-asethi ezingahambisekiyo (ezingatunculekiyo)
Phokotsegoboleng ya dithototlhomamo
Tshumiso ya ndaka i sa shandukisei
Kuguga / Kukhahlateka kwemphahla
Ukwehla kwenani lempahla engagudluki
Consumption of fixed assets
Reduction in the value of fixed assets used in production during the accounting period, resulting from deterioration, normal obsolescence, or normal accidental damage. Note: The amounts in the column for depreciation represent amounts written off on assets by extra-budgetary accounts and funds and universities and technikons. The accounts of national and provincial governments are kept on a cash basis. No provision is made for depreciation in the accounts of municipalities.
Thomio ya dithoto te di sa fetogego
Public Finance
Ntirhiso wa tinhundzu ta nkarhi wo leha
Lekhanselara / Molekgotla
Molekgotla / Mokhanselara
A member of the municipal council as determined by the Local Government Municipal Structures Act (Act No. 117 of 1998).
Public Finance
Iindleko zanje / Zakhathesi
Ditjeo tsa hajwale
inkcitho yomhla nezolo, inkcitho yangoku
Tirisomatlolegajaana / Ditshenyegelo tsa gajaana / Tirisomatlolengwagaisong
Tshelede yo shumiswaho uno waha / Mbadelo dza uno waha
Tindleko talonyaka / Talomnyaka
Izindleko zamanje
Current expenditure
Expenditure of goods and services consumed during the current year. Inclusions: Interest paid Compensation of employees Grants Subsidies paid Exclusions: Consumption of fixed capital. (excluding the surplus and non-cash expenditure items) Total expenditure on housing and trading services (excluding the surplus and non-cash expenditure items)
Ditshenyagalelo ta bjale
Public Finance
Malihuma ya sweswi
Izahlukaniselo ezibhadelweko
Karolo ya phaello e lefilweng
Uitbetaalde dividend
izabelo ezihlawuliweyo
Mukovhe wo badelwaho
Tabelo letikhokhelwe
Inzuzosabelo ekhokhiwe
Dividends paid
Part of the profit of a company that is paid to its shareholders. It includes cash dividends and other dividends such as capitalisation issues or scrip dividends or capitalisation shares.
Maokoto a a lefiwago
Public Finance
Mivuyelo leyi hakeriweke
Zeemali nokuphatha
Tjhelete le tsamaiso
Finansies en administrasie
ezemali nolawulo
Matlotlo le tsamaiso
Gwama na ndaulo
Tetimali netekuphatsa
Ezezimali nokuphatha
Finance and administration
Finance, corporate services, human resources, information technology, property services, and other administration.
Dithelete le tshepedio
Public Finance
Timali na malawulele
Ama-asede / Amafa ayimali / Ipahlamali
Thepa ya tjhelete
Finansile bate
ii-asethi eziyimali
Thundu kana ndaka ya gwama / Thundu kana ndaka ya tshelede
Financial assets
Financial assets consist mainly of monetary gold, financial claims, and Special Drawing Rights, allocated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Dithoto ta dithelete
Public Finance
Tinhundzu ta swatimali
Isibizo sembadelo
Ditleleime tsa tjhelete / Ditseko tsa tjhelete
Finansile eis
amabango emali
Mbilo dza tshelede / Masheleni
Tibitomali / Ticelonkhokhelo tetetimali
Ukufaka isicelo semali
Financial claims
Assets that entitle the creditor to receive payment from the debtor, according to the terms and conditions specified in a contract between them.
Ditleleimi ta dithelete
Public Finance
Swikoxo swa timali
Iziko lezeemali
Setheo sa tjhelete / Institjhushene ya tjhelete
Finansile instelling
iziko lezemali
Tshiimiswa tsha tshelede/masheleni
Sikhungo setetetimali
Isikhungo sezimali
Financial institution
Unit primarily engaged in both incurring liabilities and acquiring financial assets in the market. Note: Financial institutions may be entirely or mainly owned and / or controlled by government in which case they are regarded as public financial institutions. It is the prime function of financial institutions to act as intermediaries.
Setheo / Sehlongwa sa dithelete
Public Finance
Ndhawu ya swatimali
Isilulu seembonelelo sa / Sikarhulumende
Resefe ya neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya mmuso
uvimba wezibonelelo-mali zikarhulumente
Tshalelothusotlole ya puso / Tshalelokabelotlole ya puso
Mbetshelo ya gavhelo ya muvhuso / Mbetshelo ya mphomali ya muvhuso
Silulu setibonelelo / Setabelo sahulumende
Imali kahulumeni egcinelwe umxhaso
Government grant reserve
When items of property, plant and equipment are financed from government grants, a transfer is made from the accumulated surplus / deficit to the Government Grants Reserve equal to the Government Grant recorded as revenue in the Statement of Financial Performance in accordance with a directive (budget circular) issued by National Treasury. When such items of property, plant and equipment are depreciated, a transfer is made from the Government Grant Reserve to the accumulated surplus / deficit. The purpose of this policy is to promote community equity by ensuring that the future depreciation expenses that will be incurred over the useful lives of government grant funded items of property, plant and equipment are offset by transfers from this reserve to the accumulated surplus / deficit. When an item of property, plant and equipment financed from government grants is disposed, the balance in the Government Grant Reserve relating to such item is transferred to the accumulated surplus / deficit.
Risefe ya kerante ya mmuo
Public Finance
Vuhlayiselo bya malimpfuneto ya mfumo
Iimbonelelo ezibhadelweko
Dineelo / Dinehelo / Ditsiane / Krante tse lefilweng
Uitbetaalde toelaag
izibonelelo-mali ezihlawuliweyo
Tuelwadithusotlole / Tuelwakabelotlole
Magavhelo o badelwaho / Mphomali dzo badelwaho
Tibonelelo / Tabelo tahulumende letikhokhelwe
Imixhaso ekhokhiwe
Grants paid
Non-compulsory current or capital transfers paid by one government unit from another general government unit or an international organisation.
Dikerante te di lefelwago
Public Finance
Malimpfuneto leyi hakeriweke
Imbonelelo ezamukelweko
Dineelo / Dinehelo / Ditsiane / Krante tse amohetsweng
Toelaag ontvang
izibonelelo-mali ezamkelweyo
Dithusotlolekamogelwa / Kabelotlolekamogelwa
Magavhelo o anganedzwaho / Mphomali dzo anganedzwaho
Tibonelelo / Tabelo tahulumende letemukelwe
Imixhaso etholiwe
Grants received
Non-compulsory current or capital transfers received by one government unit from another general government unit or an international organisation.
Dikerante te di amogelwego
Public Finance
Malimpfuneto leyi amukeriweke
Isikhwama seemali ngezindlu
Letlole la ntshetsopele ya matlo
ingxowa-mali yophuhliso lwezindlu
Tshikwama tsha mveledziso ya dzinnu
Sikhwama sekutfutfukiswa kwetindlu
Isikhwama sokwakha izindlu
Housing development fund
Fund into which all proceeds from housing developments, which include rental income and sales of houses, are paid, as per the Housing Act (Act No. 107 of 1997). Note: Loans from national and provincial government used to finance housing selling schemes undertaken by the municipality were extinguished on 1 April 1998 and transferred to a housing development fund. Housing selling schemes both complete and in progress as at 1 April 1998, were also transferred to the housing development fund. Monies outstanding to the credit of the housing development fund can be used only to finance housing developments within the municipal area subject to the approval of the Provincial MEC responsible for housing.
Sekhwama sa ta tlhabollo ya mengwako / Dintlo
Public Finance
Nkwama wa nhluvukiso wa swatiyindlu
Imisebenzi yezezindlu
Ditshebeletso tsa matlo
iinkonzo zezindlu
Ditirelo tsa matlo
Tshumelo ya dzinnu
Tinsita tetetindlui
Imisebenzi yezezindlu
Housing services
Housing services include approved housing projects and can be subdivided in respect of various economic, subeconomic, complexes or other types of housing. Where dwellings form part of the general organisation of a particular department, and are normally occupied by employees of the department, they are included in the relative statement and not under housing services. Likewise, where properties are purchased for a specific purpose, such as a street widening, and existing houses are demolished; the annual expenditure and income in respect of these dwellings do not appear in the housing service. See individual services.
Ditirelo ta mengwako / Dintlo
Public Finance
Vukorhokeri bya swatiyindlu
I-asede / Ipahla engaphathekiko
Thepa e sa tshwareheng
Ontasbare bate
iimpahla zexabiso ezingaphathekiyo
Dithotosaangweng / Dithotokgopolo
Thundu dza ndemekhumbulelwa
Timphahla letingaphatseki
Impahla engathinteki / Engaphatheki / Engabambeki
Intangible assets
Identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance.
Dithoto te di sa swaregego
Public Finance
Morokotso / Dinamane
Nzwalelo / Nyingalupfumo
The price paid for the use of borrowed money, or money earned by deposited funds.
Public Finance
AmaZinga weenTjhabatjhaba wokuBika ngeeMali
Boemo ba Matjhaba ba Tlaleho / Pehelo ya Ditjhelete
Internasionale Finansile Verslagdoeningstandaarde (IFVS)
imigangatho yokunika ingxelo yezemali yamazwe ngamazwe
Maemopegelotlotlo a Bodithaba (MPTB)
Tshiimo tsha kuvhigele kwa masheleni tsha dzitshakatshaka / Tshiimo tsha kuvhigele kwa tshelede tsha dzitshakatshaka
Emacophelo / Emazinga embikotimali emhlaba
Amazingengaa Okubika Ngezimali Ngokwamazwe Omhlaba (i-IFRS)
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Accounting standards adopted by the International Accounting Standard Board, stating how particular types of transactions and other events should be reported in financial statements.
Maemo a go bega ta Dithelete a Bodithabathaba
Public Finance
Mimpimo ya Mavikelo ya Matiko ya Swatimali
Ukuzibekela eemakethe ezivikelekileko
Peheletso / Letsete diabong
Belegging in bemarkbare sekuriteite
utyalo-mali lwezabelo ezinokuthengiswa
Peeletso mo dithotopapatsegong
U vhulunga tshelede kha zwa maragani / Vhubindudzi kha tsireledzazwikhala zwi vhambadzeaho
Lutalisomali ngemasheya latsengiswako
Utshalomali oluphephile
Investment in marketable securities
Investment in marketable securities includes: Own stock Stocks of other local government institutions Government stock and treasury bills Public corporation stock Investment in non-marketable instruments
Peeleto ka go dithoto ta go bapatega
Public Finance
Vuvekisi eka tinhundzu leti xavisekaka
Ipahla yenzuzo
Thepa ya peheletso/letsete
ipropati yotyalo-mali
Ndaka kana thundu ya vhubindudzi/u vhulunga tshelede nga u renga zwifhao
Lutalisomali ngetakhiwo
Impahla ewutshalomali
Investment property
The property that is held by the owner for renting or for capital appreciation.
Thoto ya peeleto
Public Finance
Umthelo / Ilevi
Lekgetho / Levi
A tax collected or financial contribution by households relating to the costs associated with a common good.
Public Finance
Iinkwelede / Iinkolodo
Sekoloto / Molato / Mokitlane
Zwikolodo / Milandu / Khwalo
Tikwenedi / Tikwelede
Obligations to provide economic benefits to the units holding the corresponding financial claims.
Public Finance
Isikwelede / Isikolodo
Sekoloto / Molato / Mokitlane
isikweliti / ityala
Tshikolodo / Mulandu / Khwalo
Sikwenedi / Sikwelede
A present obligation of the entity arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits.
Public Finance
Imali yegolide
Kgauta e botjhelete / Kgauta e ka fetolelwang tjheleteng
Monetre goud
igolide yemali / ingqekembe yegolide
Musuku nyimelatshelede
Igolide elihluziwe
Monetary gold
Gold coins, ingots, and bars with a purity of at least 995 / 1000 that are owned by units that undertake monetary authority functions.
Thelete ya gauta
Public Finance
Xingwece xa nsuku
Iimbonelelo zakamasipala / Zakamasipalada / Zakamasipaladi
Dineelo / Dinehelo / Ditsiane / Krante tsa masepala
Munisipale toelae
izibonelelo-mali zikamasipala
Dithusotlole tsa mmasepala / Dikabelotlole tsa mmasepala
Magavhelo a masipala / Mphomali dza masipala
Tibonelelo / Tabelo tamasipalati
Imixhaso kamasipala
Municipal grants
Non-compulsory current or capital transfers received by a government unit from either another government unit or an international organisation.
Dikerante ta mmasepala
Public Finance
Malimpfuneto ya masipala
Inzuzo esalako ngaphambi kokuqalelela umthelo wekhamphani nezahlukaniselo / Nezabelo
Phaello pele ho lekgetho la khampani le karolo e lefshwang ya phahello
Netto wins voor maatskappybelasting en dividende
intsalela iyonke phambi kokutsalwa kwerhafu nokukhutshwa kwezabelo
Morokotsopoelwa pele ga neelo ya lekgetho le dikarolelo tsa setlamo
Masalela kha mbuelo (hu sa athu u bviswa muthelo na mukovhe
Inzuzo lesalako ngembi kwekukhishwa kwentsela yenkapani netabelo
Inzuzongqo ngaphambi kwentela nenzuzosabelo
Net profit before providing for company tax and dividends
The net profit or loss of an enterprise prior to providing for tax and dividends. Calculation: Total income less total expenditure less opening value of inventories plus closing value of inventories.
Poelomoka ya pele ga go aba mothelo le maokoto a khamphani
Public Finance
Mbuyelontsongo ku nga si hakeriwa xibalo xa khampani na mivuyelo
Isikwelede esingasiso sanje / Sakhathesi / Sagadesi
Sekoloto/molato/mokitlane o e seng wa hajwale
isikweliti esinokuhlawulwa kwixesha elizayo
Mulandu u sa badeliwiho zwino / Zwikolodo zwi sa badeliwiho zwino
Sikwenedi / Sikwelede lesitawukhokhwa ngalokutako
Isikweletu sesikhathi eside
Non-current liability
Liability that is not required to be paid within the next year. Compare: current liabilities
Sekoloto sa lebaka le letelele
Public Finance
Xikweleti xa nkarhi wo leha
Ama-asede / Impahla zemvelo ezingakenziwa
Thepa e sa hlahiswang
Niegeproduseerde bate
ii-asethi ezingaveliswanga
Ndaka i songo tou bveledzwaho
Imphahla lengakhicitwa
Impahla engenakukhiqizwa
Non-produced assets
Assets needed for production that have not themselves been produced, such as land, sub-soil assets, and certain intangible assets.
Dithoto ta tlhago
Public Finance
Switirhisiwa swa ntumbuluko na swa swianakanyiwa
Isabelo / Isahlukaniselo somnikazi
Se o sallang ka mora ho lefa dikoloto/melato/mokitlane
intsalela yomnini emva kweentlawulo zamatyala
Mukovhe wa vhae
Emasheya ebaniyo
Inzuzo ngemuva kokukhokha izindleko
Owners' equity
Residual interest in the entitys assets after deduction of liabilities.
Setseka sa beng
Public Finance
Ndzingano wa vinyi
Ipahla / Indawo neensetjenziswa
Thepa, polante le disebediswa
Eiendom, aanleg en toerusting
ipropati, ifektri nezixhobo
Thoto, bobeelo le didiriswa
Ndaka, imaga na tshomedzo
Takhiwo, umshini netintfomsebenti
Impahla engadayiseki ngokushesha
Property, plant and equipment
Assets other than current assets, which cannot easily be converted into cash, such as land, buildings, vehicles, plant, machinery and equipment.
Thoto, polante le didiriwa
Public Finance
Nhundzu, ndhawu na switirhisiwa
Ihlangano enganyelwe mbuso
Koporasi ya setjhaba
Openbare korporasie
iqumrhu loluntu
Setlamo sa botlhe
Koporasi ya muvhuso
Lubambiswano / Inhlangano / Ikoporasi yesive
Inhlangano yomphakathi
Public corporation
A public organisation which has a substantial degree of financial independence from the public authority that created them. A public authority (i.e. central or local government) normally appoints the whole of or a majority of the board of management.
Koporase ya sethaba
Public Finance
Vandla ra vaakatiko
Ihlangano enganyelwe mbuso engangenisi imali
Dikoporasi tseo e seng tsa ditjhelete tsa setjhaba
Niefinansile openbare korporasie
amaqumrhu oluntu angenzi ngeniso yemali
Ditlamotlhokamatlotlo tsa botlhe
Koporasi ya muvhuso i si ya tshelede/masheleni
Lubambiswano / Tinhlangano / Emakoporasi esive / Ebantfu langasiti ngetimali
Inhlangano yomphakathi engenanzuzo
Public non-financial corporations
Residential non-financial corporations and quasi-corporations that are controlled by government units and which sell industrial or commercial goods and services to the public on a large scale. Note: Public non-financial corporations in South Africa include all corporations, quasi-corporations, and non-profit institutions (NPIs) principally engaged in financial intermediation or in auxiliary financial activities closely related to financial intermediation.
Dikoporase te e sego ta dithelete ta sethaba
Public Finance
Vandla ro ke mbhindzuriso ra vaakatiko
I-akhawundi yokulinganisa
Resefe ya ho phethwa ha tekolo ya boleng
uvimba wengeniso yokuxatyiswa ngokutsha kwee-asethi
Mbetshelo ya vhukalandemehafhu
Umtfombomali lotfolakala ngemuva kweluhlolo lwetimphahla
i-Akhawunti yemali esele
Revaluation reserve
Reserve account that records the surplus created when assets are revalued.
Risefe ya keloleswa
Public Finance
Akhawunti ya nsalo
I-akhawundi yetjhorensi kamasipala / Kamasipalada / Kamasipaladi
Resefe bakeng la ho itshirelletsa ho tse kekeng tsa tleleimuwa-/tsekwa inshorenseng
ingxowa-mali ebekelwe izinto ezingenakufakwa kwi-inshorensi
Mbetshelo ya ndindakhombo ya vhue
Imali legcinelwe kucaphela simo setetimali
Umshuwalense obekwe eceleni
Self-insurance reserve
Reserve account set aside by the municipality to offset potential losses or claims that cannot be insured externally. Note: The balance of the self-insurance reserve is determined based on 5% of the insurance risk carried by the municipality.
Risefe ya inorentshe ya boithireleto
Public Finance
Vuhlayisela ndzindzakhombonwini
Umenzeli / Umenzi womsebenzi
Mofani wa tshebeletso
umboneleli ngeenkonzo
Motlamelatirelo / Moneelatirelo / Motlameditirelo
Muisedzi wa tshumelo / Muetshedzi wa tshumelo
Service provider
An agent (person or institution or any combination of persons and institutions) which provides municipal service(s) on behalf of the Municipality.
Moabi wa ditirelo
Public Finance
AmaLungelo aKhethekileko wokuDosa / WokuKhupha (LKD)
Ditshwanelokgethegokgogo (DKK)
Spesiale Trekkingsregte (STR)
amalungelo orhwebelwano namazwe angaphandle (i-SDR)
Ditshwanelokgethegokgogo (DKK)
Pfanelo dza u irowa dza tshipentshela / Pfanelo dza u wana tshelede dza tshipentshela
Emalungelo langenamibandzela ngetekuhwebelana ngekuntjintjiselana ngetimali
Amalungelo Okukhipha Imali Akhethekile
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)
SDR represents an unconditional right to obtain foreign exchange or other reserve assets from other IMF members.
Ditokelo ta go ntha te di ikgethilego
Public Finance
Timfanelo to Hlawuleka to Teka Mali
Ingenisomthelo (yomphakathi)
Kuno / Lekeno ka lekgetho
Belastingsinkomste (maatskaplik)
ingeniso/imali yerhafu (yoluntu)
Mbuelo ya muthelo
Umtselo / Intsela letsatfwa nguhulumende
Intela emalini engenile
Tax revenue (social)
Government income due to taxation.
Ditseno / Letseno ka mothelo
Public Finance
Xibalo xa tiko (vanhu)
Isisetjenziswa sethungelelwano lomtjhiningqondo / Lekhomphyutha
Thepa ya marangrang a khompuyutha
izixhobo zothungelwano lwekhompyutha
Didiriswa tsa mafaratlhatlha a khomphiutha
Tshomedzo ya netiweke ya khomphyutha
Intfomsebenti yenethiwekhi yangcondvomshini yekuchumanisa
Izixhumanisi zamakhompyutha
Computer network equipment
Components of the computer that connect and convey data between one or more computers through various electronic media.
Didiriwa ta mararankodi a dikhomphutha
Science and Technology
Switirhisiwa swa vuhlanganisi swa khomphyutara
Ihlelo lomtjhiningqondo / Lekhomphyutha
Diprokreme tsa khompuyutha
Rekenaarsagteware, progammatuur
isoftiwe yekhompyutha/iimpokwe zekhompyutha/amathumbu ekhompyutha
Sereboleta sa khomphiutha
Softiwee ya khomphyutha
Luhlelo lwangcondvomshini
Isofthiwe / Izibilini zekhompyutha
Computer software
The physical electronics device that is capable of instructing the computer to execute various electronic functions.
Sofotewere / Lenaneo la khomphutha
Science and Technology
Switirhisiwa swa khomphyutara
Ama-asede / Amafa amagugu
Thepa ya botjhaba
iiasethi ezililifa / lemveli nendalo
Ndaka dza vhufa
Timphahla temagugu esive
Impahla eyifa
Heritage assets
Historical, environmental cultural, natural assets that have sentimental value to a specific community or to the country as a whole.
Dithoto ta bohwa
Science and Technology
Nhundzu ya ndzhaka
Iqothelo lobuchwephetjhe
Thekenoloji e tobisitsweng ditshebeletsong
Tegniese teikenstelling
ukusebenzisa iteknoloji ekulawuleni unikezelo lweenkonzo zasimahla
Nisedzo nga thekhinikhi
Indlela yekusabalalisa tinsita ngebuchwepheshe
Ukulawula ngobuchwepheshe uxhaso kwabantulayo
Technical targeting
The process whereby technology is used to regulate the provision of free basic services.
Nepio ya sethekeniki
Science and Technology
Ndzawulo wa xithekiniki
Imbelekelo / Itholomntwana / Ilamukelomntwana
ubuzali obunikwe ngumthetho/ubuzali ukukhulisa umntwana ongamzalanga ngqo
Botsadikatsholo / Botsadikakgodiso
Kufaka esiswini
Ukunikezelwa (isib. komntwana)
A legal process which places a child in the care of a parent or parents other than his / her biological parents and transfers the rights and responsibilities of the biological parents to the adoptive parents.
Atopoene / Botswadikgodii
Social conditions/Personal services
Indlela ebanzi yokwethulwa kwezenzelwa zakamasipala / Zakamasipalada / Zakamasipaladi
Tshebediso ya mokgwa o batsi
Breedgebaseerde benadering
inkqubo ephangaleleyo
Nilahanavhuwi/ Ndila ya u wana tshumelo dza masipala dzi sa badelwi
Tinsita tamasipala tamahhala
Indlela yokuxhasa evulelekile
Broad-based approach
An approach whereby all consumer units in the municipality receive free basic services on the current billing system of the municipality.
Mokgwa wa kakareto
Social conditions/Personal services
Irherho lokuzithumela emathungeni
Mabakete/Matlwana a diemere
Emmersanitasiestelsel / Emmerstelsel
inkqubo yezindlu zangasese zamabhakethi
Thulaganyomatlwanaboithusetso a dikgamelo
Mabunga a mabakete
Kutfutfwa kwembube / Indle ngemabhakede
Uhlelo lokuthuthwa kwendle ngamabhakede
Bucket sanitation system
A toilet system with a pail or other removable receptacle placed directly under the toilet seats, and where no water or chemicals is used.
Tsela ya kelelathila ya dipakete
Social conditions/Personal services
Isibonelelo sokutjheja / Sokutlhogomela / Sokondla umntwana
Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya tlhokomelo
isibonelelo-mali sokukhathalela umntwana obandezeleke ngokwamalungu omzimba
Thusotlole ikaegotlhokomelo / Kabelotlole ikaegotlhokomelo
Gavhelo a vhuuni / Mphomali ya vhuuni
Sibonelelo salabadzinga lusitonchanti / Sibonelelo selusitonchati / Sabelo sahulumende kubantfu labagadze labanye
Isibonelelomali sokubhekelela / Uxhasomali lokubhekelela
Care dependency grant
A monthly grant from government to parent / guardian / foster parent of a child with disability and in need of full-time special care.
Mphiwafela / Motlaodute wa tlhokomelo ya bana bao ba nago le bogolofadi
Social conditions/Personal services
Malimpfuneto ya nhlayiso
Isondlo sabantwana
Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya tshehetso ya ngwana
Kinderonderhoudstoelaag / Kinderondersteuningstoelaag / Kindersteuntoelaag / Kindertoelaag
isibonelelo-mali sabantwana
Thusotlole ya ngwana / Kabelotlole ya ngwana
Gavhelo a vhana
Sabelo / Sibonelelo sesondlo sebantfwana
Uxhasomali lwezingane / Isibonelelomali sezingane
Child support grant
Government grant received on behalf of a child of a specific age as determined by legislation, in underprivileged families.
Mphiwafela / Motlaodute wa phepo ya ngwana
Social conditions/Personal services
Malimpfuneto ya nhlayiso wa vana
Imisebenzi yomphakathi nehlalakuhle
Ditshebeletso tsa setjhaba
Gemeenskaps- en maatskaplike dienste
inkonzo yoluntu
Tirelomorafe le loago / Tirelobaagi le loago
Tshumelo ya tshitshavha na matshilisano
Tinsitanchanti temmango / Temphakatsi netenhlalakahle
Izinsizakalo zomphakathi
Community and social service
Libraries and archives, museums and art galleries, community halls and facilities, cemeteries and crematoria, Child-care, Aged-care, and other community services.
Ditirelo ta leago le sethaba
Social conditions/Personal services
Vukorhokeri bya vanhu
Ihlangano yomphakathi (HP)
Mokgatlo o thehilweng ka setjhaba
Gemeenskapsgebaseerde organisasie (GBO)
imibutho yasekuhlaleni yemali (CBO)
Mokgatlho wa baagi (MWB) / Mokgatlhosemorafe (MSM)
Dzangano i shumaho zwitshavhani
Inhlangano yetemmango/yemphakatsi
Inhlangano ezinze emphakathini
Community-based organisation (CBO)
A private, charitable, non-profit organisation based in and working in one or more local communities, and normally run by and for the community.
Mekgatlo ye e theilwego sethabeng
Social conditions/Personal services
Nhlangano wa vaakandhawu
Isibonelelo sabakhubazekileko
Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya boqhwala/bokowa/kgolofalo
Ongeskiktheidstoelaag / Gestremdheidstoelaag
isibonelelo-mali sokubandezeleka ngokwamalungu omzimba
Thusotlolebogole / Dikabelotlolebogole / Tlamelobogole
Gavhelo a vhuholefhali / Mphomali ya vhuholefhali
Sabelo / Sibonelelo salabakhubatekile
Isibonelelomali sokukhubazeka / Uxhasomali lokukhubazeka
Disability grant
Government grant received by adults, who are certified to have mental or physical disability, which lasts six months or longer and renders them unfit to work.
Mphiwafela / Motlaodute wa bogolofadi
Social conditions/Personal services
Malimpfuneto ya vutsoniwa
Itjhejo lokujamela umbelethi
Ho otlwa/hodiswa ka molao ke eo e seng motswadi
ukukhathalela umntwana njengomzali phantsi kwamagunya anikezwe ngokusemthethweni
Ukunakekela njengomzali ngokusemthethweni
Foster care
A system by which a certified adult acts as stand-in 'parent' and temporarily cares for a minor child or a young person who has been removed from the custody of their birth parent(s)or other custodial adult by the State Authority.
Kgodio / Tlhokomelo ya bana
Social conditions/Personal services
Nhlayiso wo yimela
Umtjheji ojamele umbelethi
Mootli/Mohodisi eo e seng motswadi
umntu okhulisa umntwana njengomzali phantsi kwemiqathangoesemthethweni
Umtali wekufunelwa/wekunikwa
Umzali ogunyaziwe / Ophiwe
Foster parent
An individual who has foster care of a child by order of the State Authority.
Social conditions/Personal services
Mutswari wo yimela
Izenzelwa ezisisekelo zasimahla / Zamahala
Ditshebeletso tsa mantlha tsa mahala
Gratis basiese dienste
iinkonzo ezisisiseko zasimahla
Ditirelotheo tsa mahala / Ditirelotheotlhokatuelelo
Tshumelo ya mutheo ya mahala
Tibonelelonchanti tamahhala / Tinsitakalo letisisekelo tamahhala
Izinsikalongqangi zamahhala
Free basic services
A basic amount of a basket of four basic services: water, electricity, sewerage and sanitation, and refuse removal that poor households get for free.
Ditirelo ta motheo ta go se lefelwe
Social conditions/Personal services
Vukorhokerixidzi bya mahala
imali yesibonelelo / isibonelelo-mali
Madiketleetso / Madithuso / Kabelo
Gavhelo / Mphomali
Sabelo / Sibonelelo
Uxhasomali / Isibonelelomali
Financial assistance provided by government, a public fund or private institution to a person or organisation for a specific purpose.
Social conditions/Personal services
Isibonelelo sokusiza esikhethekileko
Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya tlatsetso
imali yesibonelelo eyongeziweyo, isibonelelo-mali soncedo
Madithusotlaleletso / Kabelothusotlaleletso / Ketleetsothusotlaleletso
Gavhelo a thusedzo/pfariso / Mphomali ya thusedzo/pfariso
Sabelo / Tibonelelo letengetiwe
Isibonelelomali esengeziwe / Uxhasomali olengeziwe
Grant in aid
An additional grant awarded to persons who are already in receipt of an old-age grant, disability grant or war veterans grant, and who need full-time care from someone else.
Mphiwafela / Motlaodute wa tlaleleto
Social conditions/Personal services
Umuntu onganakhaya
Hlahlasolle / Mohlokalehae / Moleleri
Hawelose persoon / Daklose persoon
umntu ongenakhaya elisisigxina, udingindawo
Umhambuma / Ongenakhaya
Homeless person
A person with no form of shelter and no known residential address.
Mohlokalegae / Moneneri / Hopo
Social conditions/Personal services
Ikhaya elitlhogako
Lelapa la bofuma / Lelapa le futsanehileng
Hulpbehoewende huishouding / Behoeftige huishouding / Armlastige huishouding
ikhaya elingathath intweni, ikhaya elihlwempuzekileyo nelineemfanelo zokubonelelwa ngazo zonke izinto ezifunekayo ebomini
Legae/lelapa la baikapari / Legae/lelapa la baikgonari / Legae/lelapa la batlhoki
Mua u shayaho
Likhaya leliphuyile / lelihlubulile / lelichakile / lelichagile
Umndeni ohlwempu / Ompofu
Indigent household
A household that qualifies to receive some or all basic services for free because they have no income or low income. These households must have been identified by the municipality and appear on the indigent register, in line with the municipal indigent policy.
Lapa la go hloka / Sokola / Boiwana
Social conditions/Personal services
Muti lowu sweleke / Munti lowu pfumalaka
Setheho / Institjushene
A communal place of residence for people with common characteristics. Compare: special dwelling Examples: hospital, school hostel, prison, defence force barracks or convent. Such sets of living quarters usually have certain common facilities shared by the occupants, i.e. baths, lounges, dormitories, etc.
Setheo / Sehlongwa / Instituene
Social conditions/Personal services
Umuzi omkhulu / Ikoponi
Bodulo ba diyuniting
Veelvoudige huishoudings
iintsapho ezihlala ndawonye
Mita nuni nthihi
Imindeni lehlukahlukene lehlala ndzawonye
Imindeni ehlala ndawonye
Multiple households
Two or more households living in one dwelling unit.
Malapa a go dula mmogo
Social conditions/Personal services
Mindyangunyingi emutini
IHlangano engaSiyo yomBuso
Mokgatlo oo e seng wa mmuso
Nieregeringsorganisasie (NRO)
iqumrhu elingekho ngaphantsi kukarhulumente
Mokgatlhosengpuso (MSP)
Dzangano i si a muvhuso
Inhlangano letimele yangasese
iNhlangano engekho ngaphansi kukahulumeni
Non-government Organisation (NGO)
A wide range of institutions which are not established by or operated by government. NGOs are usually private, non-profit entities which are run by their members.
Mokgatlo wo e sego wa Mmuo
Social conditions/Personal services
Nhlangano wo ka wu nga ri wa mfumo
Umndende / Umrholo wobudala
Neelo/nehelo/ditsiane/krante ya boqheku/bojanala
isibonelelo-mali sabadala
Madiketleetsabagodi / Kabelo ya bogodi / Madithuso a bogodi / Thusotlole ya bogodi
Gavhelo a vhaaluwa
Sabelo / sibonelelo salabadzala
Isibonelelomali / Uxhasomali lwabadala
Old-age grant
Financial assistance provided by the government to elderly people who comply with the means test.
Mphiwafela / Motlaodute wa botofadi
Social conditions/Personal services
Malimpfuneto ya vadyuhari