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Ukusetjenziswa kwevakatjhobukelo eliphumako | Ditshebediso tsa bohahlaudi bo tswang; tshebediso ya bohahlaudi bo tswang | Verbruik deur vertrekkende toerisme | Uxhamlo lokhenketho oluphumayo | Tiriso ya bojanala ba baeti | Tshumiswa ya vhuendelamashango ha vhabvelanna | Kusetjentiswa kwekuvakasha kwalabaphumako | Ukusetshenziswa kwezokuvakashela ngaphandle | Outbound tourism consumption | Comprises the consumption of resident visitors outside the economic territory of the country of reference and provided by non-residents. | Ditshenyagalelo ta boeti bja go falalela ntle | Tourism and Migration | Ntirhiso wa vupfhumba byo huma etikweni |
Isivakatjhimbukeli esiphumako | Mohahlaudi ya tswang | Vertrekkende toeris | Umkhenkethi ophumayo | Mojanala wa moeti | Muendelamashango mubvelanna | Sivakashi lesiphumako | Umvakashi ophumayo | Outbound tourist | A resident visitor who visits outside the economic territory of the country of reference. | Moeti wa go falalela ntle | Tourism and Migration | Mupfhumba wo huma etikweni |
Isivakatjhi esiphumako | Moeti ya tswang | Vertrekkende besoeker | Undwendwe oluphumayo | Moeti | Mueni-/mudalimubvelanna | Sivakashi lesiphumako | Isivakashi esiphumayo | Outbound visitor | Visitors who reside within the country of reference. | Moeng wa go falalela ntle | Tourism and Migration | Muyeni wo huma etikweni |
Isivakatjhi/isivakatjhimbukeli esilalako | Moeti/mohahlaudi ya robaletsang | Oornagbesoeker/-toeris | Undwendwe olulalisayo/ umkhenkethi olalisayo | Moeng / mojanala wa bosigo bo le bongwe | Mueni/mudali muendelamashango musiakhofhe | Sivakashi/ umvakashi se-/ webusuku bunye | Isivakashi esilalayo/umvakashi olalayo | Overnight visitor/tourist | A visitor/tourist who stays at least one night in collective or private accommodation in the place visited. | Moeng/moeti wa go lala | Tourism and Migration | Muendzi/mupfhumba wa vusiku byinwe |
Isikhambi sangaphetjheya | Motsamai wa mose (bohahlaudi le bofalli) | Oorsese besoeker (toerisme en migrasie) | Umhambi/umtyeleli waphesheya kolwandle (ukhenketho nemfuduko) | Motsamai wa moseja | Muendi wa seli ha malwanzhe (muendelamashango na mupfuluwi) | Sivakashi sangesheya | Umhambi waphesheya (ezokuvasha nofuduko) | Overseas traveller (tourism and migration) | A foreign traveller visiting South Africa (SA), excluding travellers from mainland Africa and from unspecified countries. | Mosepedi wa moe wa mawatle/moa mawatle | Tourism and Migration | Mufambi wa le ndzhandzheni wa malwandle (vupfhumba na ndzhurho) |
Umnqopho wevakatjho | Sepheo sa leeto | Doel van besoek | Injongo yokundwendwela | Maitlhomo a leeto | Ndivho ya madalo | Injongo yekuvakasha | Inhloso yokuvakasha | Purpose of visit | The major groups that are recommended for classifying the main purpose of visit (or trip) are: Leisure, recreation and holidays; Visiting friends and relatives; Business and professional; Health treatment; Religion/pilgrimages; and Other. | Lebaka/nepo ya ketelo | Tourism and Migration | Xikongomelo xa rendzo |
Indawo yokuhlala | Bodulo | Woonplek | Indawo yokuhlala | Bonno; bodulo | Vhudzulo | Indzawo yekuhlala | Indawo yokuhlala | Residence | An institutional units residence is the location where its centre of principal economic interest can be found. The residence of a household is that of all its members. | Bodulo | Tourism and Migration | Vutshamo |
Umfuduki/umthuthi obuyako | Mofalli wa kgutlang | Terugkerende migrant | Umfuduki obuyayo | Mohudugi yo o boang; mmoelagae | Mupfuluwi muvhuyi | Umzulane | Umfuduki obuyayo | Return migrant | A person who migrates from one place to another on a temporary basis. | Mofaladi wa lebakanyana | Tourism and Migration | Murhurhi wa xinkarhana |
Isilinganiso sokusetjenziswa kwamakamuru | Sekgahla sa tshebediso ya phaposi | Kamerbesettingskoers | Umlinganiselo wengqesho legumbi | Kelotiriso ya marobalo | Tshikalambivhedza-/phera/rumu | Lizinga lekuhlala ekamelweni | Iphesenti lamagumbi asetshenzisiwe | Room occupancy rate | Percentage of average number of room nights sold to the average number of room nights on offer for sale during a particular month. | Kelo ya go hira phapoi | Tourism and Migration | Mpimo wa ntirhiso wa kamara |
Isivakatjhi esingalaliko | Moeti wa letsatsi | Eendagbesoeker | Undwendwe losuku | Moeng wa letsatsi le le lengwe | Mueni/mudali wa uvha | Sivakashi selusuku | Isivakashi sangalelo langa | Same-day visitor | A visitor who visits a place for less than one night. | Moeng wa mosegare o tee | Tourism and Migration | Muendzi wa siku |
Umfudukeli/umthutheli ngaphandle ozivezileko | Mofalli ya ipoletseng | Selfverklaarde emigrant | Umfuduki ophumayo ozichazayo | Mofalelaruri | Muipfulusi | Umsuki lobhalisiwe | Umshiyilizwe ozibikile | Self-declared emigrant | South African residents who, at the time of departing from South Africa, state their intention to leave the country and reside permanently elsewhere. | Mofalalelantle wa go ipega | Tourism and Migration | Murhurhelahandle wo titivisa |
Indawo yokuhlala | Yuniti ya bodulo | Verblyfeenheid | Igumbi lokuhlala | Lefelobonno, borobalo | Tshipia tsha vhudzulo | Ligumbi lekulala | Iyunithi lokuhlala | Stay unit | The unit of accommodation available to be charged out to guests, for example, a powered site in a caravan park or a room in a hotel. | Yuniti ya bodulo/marobalo | Tourism and Migration | Yuniti ya vutshamo |
Indawo yokulala ethengisiweko | Yuniti ya bodulo e rekisitsweng ka bosiu | Verblyfeenheidnagte verkoop | Igumbi lokuhlala ubusuku elithengisiweyo | Marobalo a a rekisitsweng | Tshipiavhudzulo tsha vhusikuthengiswa | Indzawo yekulala lebhukiwe | Iyunithi yokuhlala ethengiswe ngobusuku | Stay unit night sold | The total number of stay units occupied on each night during the survey period. | Yuniti ya bodulo ya boego botee | Tourism and Migration | Vusiku bya yuniti ya vutshamo lebyi xavisiweke |
Isilinganiso sokusetjenziswa kwendawo yokuhlala | Sekgahla sa tshebediso ya yuniti ya bodulo (bohahlaudi) | Verblyfeenheidbesettingskoers (toerisme) | Umlinganiselo wengqesho legumbi lokuhlala (ukhenketho) | Kelotiriso ya lefelobonno/borobalo | shikalambivhedzatshipia tsha vhudzulo (vhuendelamashango) | Lizinga lekulala egumbini | Iphesenti lamayunithi okuhlala asetshenzisiwe (ezokuvakasha) | Stay unit occupancy rate (tourism) | The number of stay unit nights sold, divided by the product of the number of stay unit nights available and the number of days in the survey period, expressed as a percentage. | Kelo ya go hira yuniti ya bodulo | Tourism and Migration | Mpimo wa ntirhiso wa yuniti ya vutshamo (vupfhumba) |
Ingeniso/imali epheleleko | Lekeno lohle (bodulo ba bohahlaudi) | Totale inkomste (toeriste-akkommodasie) | Ingeniso epheleleyo (indawo yokuhlala yokhenketho) | Lotsenolotlhe | hanganyelo ya mbuelo (vhudzulavhaendelamashango) | Inzuzo lephelele (kulala kutekuvakasha) | Isamba sengeniso/ semali engenile | Total income (tourism accommodation) | Includes income from accommodation, income from restaurant and bar sales and other income. | Palomoka ya ditseno | Tourism and Migration | Mbuyelo hinkwawo (vutshamo bya vupfhumba) |
Ingeniso/imali epheleleko ngendawo | Lekeno lohle le tswang bodulong (bodulo ba bohahlaudi) | Totale inkomste uit akkommodasie (toeriste-akkommodasie) | Ingeniso iyonke kwindawo yokuhlala (indawo yokuhlala yokhenketho) | Lotsenolotlhe lwa marobalo | hanganyelo ya mbuelo ya vhudzulo (vhudzulavhaendelamashango). | Inzuzo lephelele yekulala (kulala kutekuvakasha) | Isamba sengeniso/semali engenile ngokulalisa(indawo yokuhlala yezivakashi) | Total income from accommodation (tourism accommodation) | Amounts charged for stay units. | Palomoka ya ditseno go twa marobalong | Tourism and Migration | Mbuyelo hinkwawo wo huma eka vutshamo (vutshamo bya vupfhumba |
Ivakatjhobukelo | Bohahlaudi | Toerisme | Ukhenketho | Bojanala | Vhuendelamashango | Tekuvakasha | Ezokuvakasha | Tourism | The activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited. | Boeti | Tourism and Migration | Vupfhumba |
Umsebenzi osime ngezevakatjhobukelo | Mosebetsi o nang le matshwao a bohahlaudi | Aktiwiteit van toerismeaard | Okwenzekayo okubonisa ukhenketho | Tiro e e supang bojanala; tirotshupabojanala | Tshialulamushumo/vhuitwa ha vhuendelamashangonyito | Timphawu temisebenti yekuvakasha | Imisebenzi enezimpawu zokuvakasha | Tourism characteristic activity | Those productive activities that have tourism characteristic products as their principal output. | Moongwananepiwaboeti | Tourism and Migration | Nghingiriko wa swihlawulekisi swa vupfhumba |
Ibubulo/ i-indastri esime ngezevakatjhobukelo | Indasteri e nang le matshwao a bohahlaudi | Bedryf van toerismeaard | Ushishino olubonisa iimpawu zokhenketho | Madirelotshupabojanala | Tshialulanowetshumo ya vhuendelamashango | Timphawu temboni yetekuvakasha | Imboni enezimpawu zokuvakasha | Tourism characteristic industry | A group of establishments whose principal productive activity is a tourism characteristic activity. | Intaseterinepiwaboeti | Tourism and Migration | Vumaki bya swihlawulekisi swa vupfhumba |
Imikhiqizo esime ngezevakatjhobukelo | Ditlhahiso tse nang le matshwao a bohahlaudi | Produkte van toerismeaard | Iimveliso ezibonisa iimpawu zokhenketho | Dikunotshupabojanala | Tshialulazwibveledzwa zwa vhuendelamashango | Timphawu temikhicito yetekuvakasha | Imikhiqizo enezimpawu zokuvakasha | Tourism characteristic products | Products which, in the absence of visitors, in most countries would probably cease to exist in meaningful quantity or of which the level of consumption would be significantly reduced, and of which it seems possible to obtain statistical information. | Ditweletwanepiwaboeti | Tourism and Migration | Swimakiwa swa swihlawulekisi swa vupfhumba |
Isebenzisobuthelelo lezevakatjhobukelo | Tshebediso ya tsohle tsa bohahlaudi | Kollektiewe toerismeverbruik | Uxhamlo oluqukayo kukhenketho | Tirisotsotlhe tsa bojanala | Tshumiswahanganelwa ya vhuendelamashango | Kusetjentiswa kwetekuvakasha lokubumbene | Ukusebenzisa ezokuvakasha ngokuhlanganyela | Tourism collective consumption | It includes government expenditures on certain non-market collective services used by visitors and the productive activities that serve them. | Ditshenyagalelomoka ta boeti | Tourism and Migration | Ntirhiso wa nhlengelo wa vupfhumba |
Imisebenzi elumathene nezevakatjhobukelo | Mesebetsi e amanang le bohahlaudi | Toerismeverwante aktiwiteite | Imisebenzi eqhagamshelene nokhenketho | Ditiro tse di amanang le bojanala | Mishumo-/vhuitwahumekanywa na vhuendelamashangonyito | Imisebenti yetekuvakasha lechumene | Imisebenzi exhumene nezokuvakasha | Tourism connected activities | Those productive activities that have tourism connected products as their principal output. | Meongwana ye e kgokaganthitwego le boeti | Tourism and Migration | Migingiriko leyi hlanganeke ya vupfhumba |
Imikhiqizo/ipahla elumathene nezevakatjhobukelo | Ditlhahiswa tse amanang le bohahlaudi | Toerismeverwante produkte | Limveliso eziqhagamshelene nokhenketho | Dikuno tse di amanang le bojanala | Zwibveledzwahumekanywa na vhuendelamashango | Imikhicito yetekuvakasha lechumene | Imikhiqizo exhumene nezokuvaksaha | Tourism connected products | Those products which are consumed by visitors in volumes which are significant for the visitor and/or the provider, but which are not included in the list of tourism characteristic products. | Ditweletwa teo di kgokaganthitwego le boeti | Tourism and Migration | Swimakiwa leswi hlanganeke swa vupfhumba |
Ukusetjenziswa kwevakatjhobukelo | Tshebediso ya bohahlaudi | Toerismeverbruik | Uxhamlo kukhenketho | Tiriso tsa bojanala | Tshumiswa ya vhuendelamashango | Lokusetjentiswako kutekuvakasha | Ukusetshenziswa kwezokuvakasha | Tourism consumption | The total consumption expenditure made by a visitor or on behalf of a visitor for and during his/her trip and stay at a destination. | Ditshenyagalelo ta boeti | Tourism and Migration | Ntirhiso wa vupfhumba |
Ifuneko yevakatjhobukelo | Ditlhoko tsa bohahlaudi | Toerismevraag | Iimfuno zokhenketho | Ditlhoko tsa bojanala | hoea ya vhuendelamashango | Tidzingo tetekuvakasha | Ukudingeka kwezokuvakasha | Tourism demand | Is the sum of tourism consumption, tourism collective consumption and tourism gross fixed capital formation? | Dinyakwa ta boeti | Tourism and Migration | Ndzaveko wa vupfhumba |
Ipahla epheleleko yangekhaya kezevakatjhobukelo | Tlhahisokakaretso ya selehae ya bohahlaudi | Bruto binnelandse produk van toerisme | Imveliso yelizwe jikelele kukhenketho | Kunoselegaekakaretso ya bojanala | Zwibveledzwaguezwapo zwa vhuendelamashango | Sambakhulu semkhicito wasekhaya wetekuvakasha | Isamba somkhiqizo wezwe kwezokuvakasha | Tourism gross domestic product | The gross domestic product generated in the economy by the tourism industries and other industries in response to tourism internal consumption. | Bolengkakareto bja dithoto le ditirelo ta boeti | Tourism and Migration | Swimakiwa hinkwaswo swa tiko swa vupfhumba |
Amasiso anzinzileko kezevakatjhobukelo | Popokakaretso ya matlotlo a tsepameng le bohahlaudi | Bruto vastekapitaalvorming deur toerisme | Uyilo lwemveliso yenkunzi ezinzileyo kukhenketho | Kago ya letlotlotsepamolotlhe ya bojanala | Mbumbo ya thunduguetehwa ya vhuendelamashango | Sambakhulu lesimisiwe kusakhiwo setemnotfo kutekuvakasha | Isamba semikhiqizo engegudluke yezokuvakasha | Tourism gross fixed capital formation | Is the sum of the gross fixed capital formation in specific tourism fixed produced assets by all economic productive activities and the gross fixed capital formation of tourism industries in non-specific tourism fixed assets? | Tlhamegokakareto ya dithoto ta go se uthe/ute ta boeti | Tourism and Migration | Nhlengeleto hinkwawo wa nhundzu ya nkarhi wo leha ya vupfhumba |
Umsebenzi wezevakatjhobukelo; zevakatjhobukelo | Indasteri ya bohahlaudi | Toerismebedryf | Ushishino lokhenketho | Madirelo a bojanala; bojanala | Nowetshumo ya vhuendelamashango | Imboni yetekuvakasha | Imboni yezokuvakasha | Tourism industry | All establishments whose principal productive activity is a tourism characteristic activity, i.e. the sum of all tourism characteristic activities. | Intaseteri ya boeti | Tourism and Migration | Vumaki bya vupfhumba |
Ukusetjenziswa kwevakatjhobukelo langaphakathi | Tshebediso ya ka hare ya bohahlaudi | Verbruik deur interne toerisme | Uxhamlo lwangaphakathi kukhenketho | Tiriso ya bojanala mo nageng | Tshumiswa ya muno ya vhuendelamashango | Kusetjentiswa kwetekuvakasha ngekhatsi | Ukusetshenziswa kwezokuvakasha ngaphakathi | Tourism internal consumption | Comprises all tourism consumption expenditure that takes place within the given country.
Note: It includes all domestic tourism consumption, inbound tourism consumption, and the part of outbound tourism consumption which corresponds to goods and services provided by residents. It might include goods and services imported into the economy and domestically sold to visitors. It differs from internal tourism consumption by the part of outbound tourism consumption which corresponds to goods and services provided by residents. | Ditshenyagalelo ta boeti ta ka nageng | Tourism and Migration | Ntirhiso wa le tikweni wa vupfhumba |
Ipahla engasi yevakatjhobukelo | Ditlhahiswa tse sa qollehang tsa bohahlaudi | Niespesifieke toerismeprodukte | Iimveliso zokhenketho ezingabalulwanga | Dikuno tse di sa totang bojanala | Zwibveledzwa tshayandivhiswa zwa vhuendelamashango | Imikhicito lengahambelani netekuvakasha | Imikhiqizo yezokuvakasha engabaluliwe ngqo | Tourism non-specific products | All other products that are not tourism specific. | Ditweletwa ta go se nepiwe boeti | Tourism and Migration | Swimakiwa swo kala swi nga kongomisiwangi eka vupfhumba |
Ikoro yevakatjhobukelo | Karolo ya bohahlaudi; lekala la tsa bohahlaudi | Toerismesektor | Icandelo lokhenketho | Lephata la bojanala | Sia/sekithara ya vhuendelamashango | Umkhakha wetekuvakasha | Umkhakha wezokuvakasha | Tourism sector | Consists of a set of institutional units whose principal economic activity is a tourism characteristic activity. | Lefapa la boeti | Tourism and Migration | Xiyenge xa vupfhumba |
Ipahla enzinzileko yevakatjhobukelo | Matlotlo a tsepameng a hlahisetsang bohahlaudi ka ho toba | Toerismespesifieke geproduseerde vaste bates | Iimveliso ezithile ezizinzileyo zokhenketho | Dithototsepamotota tsa bojanala | Thundumveledzwatehwa ndivhiswa dza vhuendelamashango | Timphahla letikhicitwako letimisiwe tetekuvakasha | Izimpahla ezingegudluke ekhiqizelwe ngqo ezokuvakasha | Tourism specific produced fixed assets | Those assets specifically designed to produce tourism goods and services. If tourism did not exist, such assets would be severely impacted in terms of their utility and value. | Dithoto ta go se uthe/ute ta go tweleleta boeti | Tourism and Migration | Rifuwo ra nkarhi wo leha leri endliweke ri kongomile vupfhumba |
Ipahla yevakatjhobukelo | Dihlahiswa tsa bohahlaudi ka ho toba | Toerismespesifieke produkte | Iimveliso ezinxulumene nokhenketho | Dikunotota tsa bojanala | Zwibveledzwandivhiswa zwa vhuendelamashango | Imikhicito lehambelana netekuvakasha | Imikhiqizo eqondene ngqo nezokuvakasha | Tourism specific products | The sum of tourism characteristic products and tourism connected products. | Ditweletwa ta boeti | Tourism and Migration | Swimakiwa swo kongoma vupfhumba |
Ubungako obungezelelweko bevakatjhobukelo | Boleng bo atolositsweng ba bohahlaudi | Toerismewaarde toegevoeg | Ixabiso elongezelelweyo lokhenketho | Koketsaboleng ya bojanala | Ndeme-/nyingwa/nyengedzedzwa ya vhuendelamashango | Linani lelengetwako letekuvakasha | Izinga elengeziwe lezokuvakasha | Tourism value added | The value added generated by tourism industries and other industries of the economy in response to internal tourism consumption. | Bolengkakaretwa bja boeti | Tourism and Migration | Nkoka lowu engeteriweke wa vupfhumba |
Isivakatjhimbukeli | Mohahlaudi | Toeris | Umkhenkethi | Mojanala | Muendelamashango | Sivakashi | Umvakashi | Tourist | A visitor who stays at least one night in the place visited. | Moeti | Tourism and Migration | Mupfhumba |
Indawo yokuhlalisa iimvakatjhimbukeli | Bodulo ba mohahlaudi | Toeriste-akkommodasie | Indawo yokuhlala yabakhenkethi | Marobalo a mojanala/bonno | Vhudzulavhaendelamashango | Indzawo yekulala yetivakashi | Indawo yokulala yabavakashi | Tourist accommodation | Any facility that regularly (or occasionally) provides paid or unpaid overnight accommodation for tourists. | Borobalelo bja baeti | Tourism and Migration | Vutshamo bya vupfhumba |
Isikhambi samazwe ngamazwe | Motsamai | Reisiger | Umhambi/ umtyeleli | Motsamai; mosepedi | Muendi | Sivakashi | Umhambi | Traveller | Any person on a trip between two or more countries or between two or more localities within his/her country of residence. | Mosepedi | Tourism and Migration | Mufambi |
Isikhambi samazwe ngamazwe | Motsamai, selehae | Reisiger, binnelands [binnelandse reisiger] | Umhambi/umtyeleli,ekhaya | Motsamai; mosepedi wa selegae | Muendi wa muno | Sivakashi sasekhaya | Umhambi wangaphakathi | Traveller, domestic | Person on a trip between two to more localities in his/her country of residence. | Mosepedi wa ka nageng | Tourism and Migration | Mufambi, etikweni |
Isikhambi sangaphandle | Motsamai, moditjhaba | Reisiger, buitelands [buitelandse reisiger] | Umhambi/umtyeleli ngaphandle/emzini/ welinye ilizwe | Motsamai; mosepedi wa bodithaba | Muendi wa mashangoavha | Sivakashi sangaphandle | Umhambi wangaphandle | Traveller, foreign | See foreign traveller. | Mosepedi wa motwantle | Tourism and Migration | Mufambi, mumbe |
Isikhambi samazwengamazwe | Motsamai, matjhaba | Reisiger, internasionaal [internasionale reisiger] | Umhambi/umtyeleli wamazwe ngamazwe | Motsamai; mosepedi wa bodithabathaba | Muendi wa dzitshaka | Sivakashi, semave ngemave | Umhambi wamazwe ngamazwe | Traveller, international | See international traveller. | Mosepedi wa bodithabathaba | Tourism and Migration | Mufambi, misava hinkwayo |
Isikhambi sangaphetjheya | Motsamai, mose | Reisiger, oorsee [oorsese reisiger] | Umhambi/umtyeleli waphesheya kolwandle | Motsamai; mosepedi wa moseja | Muendi wa seli ha malwanzhe | Sivakashi, sangesheya | Umhambi waphesheya | Traveller, overseas | See overseas traveller. | Mosepedi wa moe wa mawatle/moa mawatle | Tourism and Migration | Mufambi, endzhandzheni wa malwandle |
Ikhambo | Leeto (GHS) | Reis | Uhambo | Leeto | Lwendo (GHS) | Luhambo | Uhambo | Trip | A journey undertaken by one or more members of the household for at least one night away from home, where a person did not receive any remuneration (did not make any profit) at that destination. It is important to note that a trip must be complete. That means a trip is only applicable when a person returns to his/her place of residence. | Leeto | Tourism and Migration | Riendzo |
Ibhoduluko elijayelekileko | Tikoloho e tlwaelehileng | Gebruiklike omgewing | Imeko-bume yesiqhelo | Tikologotlwaelo | Vhuponowelwa | Indzawo yangakini | Indawo ejwayelekile | Usual environment | To be outside the usual environment' the person should travel more than 40 kilometres from his/her place of residence (one way) AND the place should NOT be visited more than once a week. This includes place of work and place of study. Leisure and recreational trips are included irrespective of frequency. | Tikologotlwaelo/tikologo ya ka mehla | Tourism and Migration | Mbangu wa ntolovelo |
Ubungako obungezelelweko | Boleng bo atolositsweng | Waarde toegevoeg (Gesondheids- en bevolkingstatistieke) | Ixabiso elongezelelweyo (Iinkcukacha-manani zobom nezempilo) | Koketsaboleng | Ndeme-/nyingwa/nyengedzedzwa (Mbalombalo/Zwitatistika zwa Mutakalo na ndeme) | Linani lelengetiwe | Izinga elengeziwe (Ezempilo nezibalo ezisemqoka) | Value added (Health and Vital Statistics) | A measure of the value created by production. | Bolengkoketwa/bolengtlhakanywa | Tourism and Migration | Nkoka lowu engeteriweke (tinhlayohlayo ta rihanyu na swa nkoka) |
Ubungako obungezelelweko bamabubulo kwezevakatjhobukelo | Boleng bo atolositsweng ba diindasteri tsa bohahlaudi | Waarde toegevoeg deur die toerismebedrywe | Ixabiso elongezelelweyo lamashishini okhenketho | Koketsaboleng ya madirelo a bojanala | Ndeme-/nyingwa/nyengedzedzwa dza nowetshumo dza vhuendelamashango | Linani lelengetiwe etimbonini tekuvakasha | Izinga elengeziwe lezimboni zezokuvakasha | Value added of the tourism industries | Sums the value added of all characteristic producers regardless of the buyers of their output; it excludes non-characteristic producers. | Bolengkakaretwa go diintaseteri ta boeti | Tourism and Migration | Nkoka lowu engeteriweke wa vumaki bya vupfhumba |
Iindleko zesivakatjhi | Ditshebediso tsa baeti | Besoekersverbruik | Uxhamlo londwendwe | Bodirisi jwa moeng | Tshumiswa nga mueni/mudali | Lokusetjentiswe tivakashi | Okusetshenziswa yizivakashi | Visitor consumption | The total consumption expenditure made by a visitor or on behalf of a visitor during his/her trip and stay at a destination. | Tshenyegelo ya moeng | Tourism and Migration | Ntirhiso wa muendzi |
Isivakatjhi sangekhaya | Moeti, selehae | Besoeker, binnelands [binnelandse besoeker] | Undwendwe, ekhaya | Moeng wa selegae | Mueni/mudali wa muno | Sivakashi sasekhaya | Isivakashi sangaphakathi | Visitor, domestic | See domestic visitor. | Moeng wa ka nageng | Tourism and Migration | Muendzi, etikweni |
Isivakatjhi samazwe ngamazwe | Moeti, matjhaba | Besoeker, internasionaal [internasionale besoeker] | Undwendwe, lwamazwe ngamazwe | Moeng wa bodithabathaba | Mueni/mudali wa dzitshaka | Sivakashi, semave ngemave | Isivakashi samazwe ngamazwe | Visitor, international | See international visitor. | Moeng wa bodithabathaba | Tourism and Migration | Muendzi, misava hinkwayo |
Iindleko zeemvakatjhi | Ditshenyehelo tsa baeti | Besoekersuitgawes | Inkcitho yeendwendwe | Ditshenyegelo tsa baeng | Tshinyalelo dza vhaeni/vhadalli | Tincitfo tetivakashi | Izindleko zezivakashi | Visitors expenditures | Are traditionally used in the analysis of the tourism economy. They include expenditures on goods and services consumed by visitors for and during their trips and stay at a destination. It corresponds with the monetary transactions component of tourism consumption. | Ditshenyagalelo ta baeng | Tourism and Migration | Mitirhiso ya vaendzi |
isivakatjhi | Moeti (Bohahlaudi) | Besoeker (toerisme) | Undwendwe (ukhenketho) | Moeng | Mueni/mudali (vhuendelamashango) | Sivakashi | Isivakashi (ezokuvakasha) | Visitor (tourism) | Any person travelling to a place other than that of his/her usual environment for less than 12 months, and whose main purpose of the trip is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited. See international visitor and domestic visitor. Compare visitor (household). | Moeng/moeti | Tourism and Migration | Muendzi (vupfhumba) |
Indlela yokuzuza | Mokgwa wa phumaneho | Verkrygingsbenadering / Verwerwingsbenadering / Aanskaffingsbenadering | inkqubo yeentengo | Mokgwakgobokanyo | Nila ya kuwanele kwa zwithu | Indlela yekutfola linani lemphahlamali nemisebenti ngesikhatsi lesitsite | Ukuthenga ngokuphelele ngokwesikhathi | Acquisition approach | An approach taking into account the total value of goods and services actually acquired during a given period, whether fully paid for or not during the period. | Mokgwatshepeto wa khweto / Khumano | Trade | Endlelo ro kuma |
Indlela yokusebenzisa | Mokgwa wa tshebediso | Verbruikbenadering | inkqubo yosetyenziso | Mokgwatiriso | Nila ya kushumisele | Indlela yekusebentisa | Ukusetshenziswa kwempahla ngokwesikhathi | Consumption approach | An approach that takes into account the total value of all goods and services consumed (or used) during a given period. | Mokgwatshepeto wa tirio | Trade | Endlelo ra ntirhiso |
Iindleko zetuthopahla ezingathinti umthumeli | Ditjeo tsa free-on-board (f.o.b) / Lekgetho la thekiso le sa leshweng ke moreki wa naha e nngwe | Vry-aan-boord-prys (vab-prys) | ixabiso lokungenisa intengo evela kumazwe angaphandle | Tlhotlhwatuelelopele | Mutengonyangaredzwa wa zwiunwa | Imali lekhokhelwa ngumngenisimphahla wakulelinye live | Inani elikhokhwa umngenisimpahla | Free-on-board (f.o.b.) price | The purchasers' price paid by an importer taking delivery of goods at the exporters frontier after loading on to a carrier and after payment of any export taxes or the receipt of any tax rebates. | Poreisi / Tefokakareto ya moamogeladithoto | Trade | Nxavo wa mutundzi |
Izenzelwa zomuntu ngamunye | Ditshebeletso tsa batho ka bomong | Individuele diens | iinkonzo zomntu ngamnye | Ditirelo go batho ka bongwe/ka nosi / Ditirelabatho | Tshumelo i etshedzwaho muthu/tshigwada tshiuku | Tinsitamuntfu / Tinsita licembu | Izinsizakalo kumuntu | Individual services | Services rendered to individuals or a small group of persons.
Note: This category applies particularly to community and social services such as education, health and welfare. | Ditirelo te di fapafapanego | Trade | Vukorhokeri bya vanhu |
Amafa anzinzileko angathintekiko | Thepa e sa tshwareheng | Ontasbare vaste bate | iiasethi zexabiso ezingaphathekiyo nasisigxina | Dithototlhomamosaangweng / Dithototllhomamokgopolo | Ndaka kana thundu dza ndemekhumbulelwa dzo tewaho | Timphahla letingaphatseki letinganyakati | Izimpahla ezinganyakazi nezingaphatheki | Intangible fixed assets | Assets that cannot be seen, touched or physically measured.
Mineral exploration
Computer software
Entertainment, literary, and artistic originals
Miscellaneous other intangible fixed assets. | Dithoto ta go se fetoge te di sa swaregego | Trade | Tinhundzuswianakanyiwa ta nkarhi wo leha |
Amanye amafa anzinzileko | Thepa e nngwe e tsitsitseng | Ander vaste bate | ezinye zee-asethi zexabiso asisigxina | Dithototlhomamo tse dingwe | Dziwe ndaka kana thundu dza ndemekhumbulelwa dzo tewaho | Letinye timphahla letinganyakati | Ezinye izimpahla ezinganyakazi | Other fixed assets | Cultivated assets and intangible fixed assets. | Dithoto te dingwe te di sa fetogego | Trade | Tinhundzu tinwana ta nkarhi wo leha |
Ipahla eligugu | Tse bohlokwa | Waardevolle artikels | izinto ezinexabiso | Dibotlhokwa | Ndaka kana thundu dza ndeme | Timphahla letiligugu / Letibalulekile | Okuyigugu / Okubalulekile | Valuables | Goods of considerable value acquired and held as stores of value; and not used for purposes of production or consumption. | Dithoto ta bohlokwa | Trade | Switirhisiwa swa nkoka |
Iinthuthi zendlela | Transporoto ya tsela | Padvervoer | izithuthi zendlela | Dipalangwa tsa tsela / Diroritsela | Vhuendi ha badani | Sitfutsi semgwaco | Izithuthi zomgwaqo | Road transport | Roads, public buses, parking garages, and vehicle licensing and testing. | Dinamelwa ta mebileng / Ditseleng | Transport and Communication | Vutleketli bya le magondzweni |
Iinkoloyi ezikhethekileko | Dipalangwang tse kgethehileng | Spesiaal toegeruste voertuig | izithuthi ezikhethekileyo | Dirorikgethegileng | Zwiendedzi zwa tshipentshela | Titfutsi letakhelwe lokutsite/letisipeshali | Izithuthi ezikhethekile | Specialised vehicles | Vehicles that have special functions and features to carry out normal tasks under special or extraordinary circumstances. | Dinamelwa te di ikgethilego | Transport and Communication | Xifambo xo hlawuleka |
Iinthuthi | Disebediswa tsa transporoto | Vervoertoerusting | izixhobo , ezisetyenziselwa kwizithutho | Didiriswa tsa dipalangwa | Zwiendedzi | Tintfo msembenti wetekutfutsa | Okusetshenziselwa ukuthutha | Transport equipment | Equipment for moving people and objects.
Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, ships, railway locomotives and rolling stock, aircraft, motorcycles, and bicycles. | Didiriwa ta dinamelwa | Transport and Communication | Switirhisiwa swa vutleketli |