nde term
sot term
afr term
xho term
tsn term
ven term
ssw term
zul term
eng term
eng definition
nso term
32 values
tso term
I-GDP yomnotho
GDP ya moruo
BBP vir die ekonomie
IGDP yezoqoqosho
KSK ya ikonomi
GDP ya Ekonomi
i-GDP yetemnotfo
i-GDP ngokwezomnotho
GDP for the economy
A production measure obtained through the sum of the gross values added of all resident institutional units, in their capacity as producers, plus the values of any taxes, less subsidies, on production or imports not already included in the values of the outputs and- values added by resident producers. (Equal to GDP at market prices.)
GDP go ta ikonomi
National Accounts
SHT ya ikhonomi
I-GDP ngesifunda
GDP ya lebatowa ka leng
BBP per streek (BBPS)
IGDP ngengingqi (iGDPR)
KSK ka dikgaolo
GDP nga dzingu (GDP)
i-GDP ngesifundza
i-GDP ngokwesifunda
GDP per region (GDPR)
The sum of gross value added by all industries at basic prices plus taxes on products minus subsidies on products in a region.
GDP ka dilete
National Accounts
SHT ku ya hi rhijini
I-akhawundi yomhlobo wengeniso
Lefehlo la akhaonte ya lekeno
Imveliso yeakhawunti yengeniso
Tlhagiso ya tshupatlotlolotseno
Vhubveledzi ha mbalelano ya mbuelo
Kwakheka kwe-akhawunti yalokungenako
I-akhawunti yemithombo yengeniso/imali engenayo
Generation of income account
The generation of income account provides for the distribution of primary incomes to the various institutional sectors. Primary incomes are incomes that accrue to institutional sectors and industries as a consequence of their involvement in processes of production or ownership of assets that may be needed for purposes of production.
tlholo ya akhaonte ya ditseno
National Accounts
Ntumbuluxo wa tinkota ta mbuyelo
I-akhawundi yepahla nezenzelwa
Akhaonte ya thepa le ditshebeletso
Iakhawunti yempahla neenkonzo
Tshupatlotlo ya dithoto le ditirelo
Mbalelano ya thundu na tshumelo
I-akhawunti yemphahla netinsita
I-akhawunti yemikhiqizo nemisebenzi
Goods and services account
The total resources (output and imports) and uses of goods and services (intermediate consumption, final consumption, gross capital formation and exports). Taxes on products (less subsidies) are also included on the resource side of the accounts.
Akhaonte ya dithoto le ditirelo
National Accounts
Nkota ya tinhundzu na vukorhokeri
Ipahla epheleleko yangekhaya(GDP)
Dihlahiswa tsohle tsa naha (GDP)
Bruto binnelandse produk (BBP)
Isambuku semveliso yelizwe
Kunoselegaekakaretso (KSK)
Zwibveledzwague zwapo (GDP)
Sambakhulu semkhicito wasekhaya
Isamba somkhiqizo wezwe
Gross domestic product (GDP)
The total value of goods and services produced within the geographic boundaries of a country for a specified period of time.
Bolengkakareto bja dithoto le ditirelo
National Accounts
Swimakiwa hinkwaswo swa tiko (SHT)
Isalela yokusebenza epheleleko/ ingeniso emvango
Phaello yohle e sebediswang/lekeno la letswaka
Bruto bedryfsurplus/gemengde inkomste
Intsalela kwingeniso yesambuku/ ingeniso exubileyo
Mufhalalague wa tshumelo / mbuelo yo vanganaho
Insalela yekusebentisa sambakhulu/inzuzo lehlangahlangene
Imali yokusebenza eyevile esambeni/imali engenayo eyingxubevange
Gross operating surplus/mixed income
The balancing item in the generation of income account, i.e. the value added minus compensation of employees payable minus taxes on production payable plus subsidies receivable.
Thelete ye e alago kgwebong morago ga ditefelo ka
National Accounts
Nsalo wa mbuyelo hinkwawo/wo pfangana lowu tirhisiwaka
Ubungako obungezelelweko obupheleleko ngeentengo ezihlaza
Boleng ka kakaretso ka ditheko tsa mantlha
Bruto waarde toegevoeg teen basiese pryse
Isambuku sexabiso elongezelelwe kumaxabiso asisiseko
Koketsoboleng kakaretso mo ditlhotlhwatheong
Ndemeguenyengedzedzwa kha mitengothangeli mutheo
Linani lesambakhulu lelengetwe kuntsengo lesisekelo
Isamba senani esengezwe entengweni yomkhiqizo
Gross value added at basic prices
Output valued at basic prices less intermediate consumption valued at purchasers prices.
Bolengkakareto go hlakanywa le ditheko ta motheo
National Accounts
Nkoka hinkwawo lowu engeteriweke ku ya hi mixavo xa xisungusungu
Ubungako obungezelelweko obupheleleko ngeentengo zokukhiqiza
Boleng ka kakaretso ka ditheko tsa bahlahisi
Bruto waarde toegevoeg teen produsentepryse
Isambuku sexabiso esongezelelwe kumaxabiso abavelisi
Koketsoboleng kakaretso ka ditlhotlhotlhwa tsa montshakuno
Ndemeguenyengedzedzwa kha mitengo ya vhabveledzi
Linani lesambakhulu lelengetiwe kuntsengo yebakhiciti
Isamba senani esengezwe entengweni yomkhiqizi
Gross value added at producers prices
Output valued at producers prices less intermediate consumption valued at purchasers prices.
Boleng kakareto go hlakanywa le ditheko ta motweleti
National Accounts
Nkoka hinkwawo lowu engeteriweke ku ya hi mixavo ya vumaki
Amanzi wangaphasi
Metsi a ka tlase ho lefatshe
Amanzi aphantsi komhlaba
Metsi a a ka fa tlase ga lefatshe
Maihavhela / tshisima
Amanzi angaphansi komhlaba
Fresh water beneath the earths surface (usually in aquifers) supplying wells and springs.
Meetse a ka fase ga mabu
National Accounts
Mati ya le hansi
Ukukhiqizwa/ukuvezwa komhlobo munye
Tlhahiso ya sehlahiswa sa mofuta o le mong
Homogene produksie
Imveliso eluhlobo olunye
Umkhicito lohlobolunye
Ukukhiqizwa kohlobo olulodwa
Homogeneous production
A unit of homogeneous production is a producer unit in which only a single (non-ancillary) productive activity is carried out.
National Accounts
Andziso wa swo fana
Isebenziso lokugcina lamambala lekhaya
Disebediswa tsohle tsa lelapa
Werklike eindverbruik deur huishouding
Iindleko ezipheleleyo zekhaya
Dijegotota tsa bofelo tsa legae
Tshumisokhunyeledzwa ya mua/haya
Tindleko ngco telikhaya letiphelele naletengetekile
Isamba esiphelele esisetshenziswa ekhaya
Household actual final consumption
Household actual final consumption, added to household final consumption expenditure plus the social transfers in kind received from general government and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH). These refer to social security benefits and social assistance benefits received in kind, and to the individual non-market goods and services provided by government and NPISH.
Tiriophethelela ya nnete ya motse/tiriso ya mafelelo ya nnete ya lapa / Tirionnete ya mafelelo ya lapa
National Accounts
Ntirhiso wo hetelela wa xiheri wa ndyangu
Iindleko zekhaya zesebenziso lokugcina
Ditshenyehelo tsohle tsa disebediswa tsa lelapa
Eindverbruiksbesteding deur huishouding
Iindleko ezipheleleyo zenkcitho yekhaya
Ditshenyegelojego tsa bofelo tsa legae
Mbadelo ya tshumisokhunyeledzwa ya zwibviswa zwa mua/haya
Tindleko telikhaya letisetjentiswako setiphelele
Isamba esisetshenziswa ekhaya ngaphandle kosizo
Household final consumption expenditure
Includes all consumption expenditure made by households from their own cash resources (including all income in cash received), as well as all the counterpart of income in kind (except social transfers in kind) that households might have received, such as remuneration in kind and other transfers in kind. Note: It also includes the value of all consumption of output for own final use, such as those provided by second homes on own account used for tourism purposes or what it can have received through barter transactions.
Tiriotshenyagalelo ya mafelelo ya lapa
National Accounts
Ntirhiso wa nhundzu wo hetelela wa ndyangu
Ikomba yokwehlisa ezivelelako
Palo ya kakanyo; tshupane ya kakanyo ya ditheko
Gempliseerde deflator
Isalathisi soqikelelo lwamaxabiso
Sefokotsi se se kailweng
Silinganiso lesihlawumbelisiwe
Inkomba yentengo ehlawumbiselwe/esikiselwe
Implied deflator
Implied deflators are also known as variable-weighted or Paasche indices (although not strictly of the Paasche type). These price indices are by-products of the deflation procedure, obtained by dividing a series (e.g. value added) expressed at current prices by the corresponding series at constant prices.
Papetotiinywa ya phokotego ya maatla a ditheko
National Accounts
Xikombo xa mixavo leyi hungutiweke
Ingeniso ngomsebenzi
Lekeno la kgiro
Inkomste uit werk
Tuelo; mogolo
Mbuelo ya mushumo
Inkokhelo yokuqashwa
Income from employment
Any form of reward the employee received from the employer, for example, salaries and wages or income in any kind such as uniforms, food parcels, etc. (ILO).
Ditseno go twa moomong
National Accounts
Irhwebo; ibubulo; i-indastri
Indasteri (Diakhaonte tsa Naha)
Nywerheid (Nasionale Rekeninge)
Amashishini (iiakhawunti zikaZwelonke)
Nowetshumo (Mbalelano dza Lushaka)
Industry (National Accounts)
Group of establishments engaged in the same or similar kinds of activity. Note: The definition of industry is based on the 1993 SNA and is in line with that contained in the Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Fifth Edition; Report No. 09-90-02 of January 1993 (SIC).
National Accounts
Vumaki (tinkota ta rixaka)
Isilinganiso somthamo ngomnyaka
Palohare ya phallo ya metsi selemong
Gemiddelde jaarlikse afloop
Umlinganiselo wesantya samanzi
Kelokelelopalogare ka ngwaga
Nyelelotshikati ya waha
Silinganiso sekugeleta kwemanti ngemnyaka
Isilinganiso sokugeleza kwemali ngonyaka
Mean annual runoff
Average annual flow under natural conditions. (This definition is dependent on the runoff regime for each river basin).
Palogare ya tobo ka ngwaga
National Accounts
Mpimoxikarhi wa mali ya lembe
Ingeniso emvango
Lekeno le tswakaneng
Gemengde inkomste
Ingeniso exubileyo
Liholo lebhicekile
Imali engenayo eyingxubevange
Mixed income
A measure of the surplus accruing from processes of production before deducting any explicit or implicit interest charges, rents or other property incomes payable on the financial assets, land or other tangible non-produced assets required to carry on the production. Note: Mixed income is the balancing item in the generation of income account of unincorporated enterprises owned by members of households, either individually or in partnership with others, i.e. the value added minus compensation of employees payable minus taxes on production payable plus subsidies receivable (1993 SNA).
Ditseno te di hlakahlakanego
National Accounts
Ama-akhawundi welizwe
Diakhaonto tsa naha
Nasionale rekeninge
Iiakhawunti zikaZwelonke
Ditshupatlotlo tsa bosethaba
Mbalelano dza lushaka
Ema-akhawunti avelonkhe
Ama-akhawunti kazwelonke
National accounts
Serves as a framework for statistical systems. It also serves as a point of reference in establishing standards for related statistics. The internationally agreed framework that guides the compilation of national accounts is contained in the SNA (1993 SNA).
Diakhaonte ta bosethaba
National Accounts
Tinkota ta rixaka
Irhasi yemvelo
Kgase ya tlhaho
Igesi yendalo
I-gesi yemvelo
Gase ya tlholego
Igesi yemvelo
Natural gas
Consists mainly of methane occurring naturally in underground deposits. It may be associated with free gas.
Kgase/gase ya tlhago
National Accounts
Gasi/hhasi ya ntumbuluko
I-Akhawundi yaMandla yemiThombo yeMvelo (I-NRA)
Tlhophiso ya diakhaonte tsa mehlodi ya tlhaho
Natuurlikehulpbron-boekhouding (NHB)
Ubalo lwamajelo endalo (iNRA)
Palotlotlo ya metswedi ya tlholego (PMT)
Mbalelano ya zwikomupo (NRA)
Tekubalwa kwemitfombolusito yemvelo
Imidanti yengcebo yemvelo
Natural Resource Accounting (NRA)
Accounting system that deals with stocks and stock changes of natural assets, comprising biota (produced or wild), subsoil assets (proved reserves); and water and land with their aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. It is frequently used in the sense of physical accounting as distinguished from monetary (environmental) accounting.
Diakhaonte ta methopo ya tlhago
National Accounts
Vunkota bya switirhisiwa swa ntumbuluko (VSN)
Imithombo yamandla wemvelo
Mehlodi ya tlhaho
Natuurlike hulpbronne
Amajelo endalo
Metswedi ya tlholego; metswedi ya tlhago
Imitfombolusito yemvelo, tibiyo temvelo
Ingcebo yemvelo
Natural resources
Natural assets (raw materials) occurring in nature that can be used for economic production or consumption.
Methopo ya tlhago
National Accounts
Switirhisiwa swa ntumbuluko
Eminye imithelo eseleko ekukhiqizeni
Makgetho a mang a sebele a tlhahiso
Netto ander belastings op produksie
Intsalela yerhafu kwimveliso
Makgethotota a mangwe a tlhagiso
Miwe mithelotsalela ya vhubveledzi
Insalelasamba yentsela emkhicitweni
Insalelasamba nezinye izintela kokukhiqiziwe
Net other taxes on production
Other taxes on production minus other subsidies on production.
Maaledi a methelo ye mengwe go tweleto
National Accounts
Swibaloxiheri swinwana eka andziso
Isijamiso ezingasebenzeli inzuzo
Diinstithushene tse sa etseng phaello
Instelling sonder winsoogmerk
Iziko elingenangeniso
Setheo se e seng sa lotseno
Tshiimiswa tshayambuelo
Sikhungo lesingenti inzuzo
Isikhungo esingenzi nzuzo
Non-profit institution
Legal or social entity created for the purpose of producing goods and services, which is not allowed to be a source of income, profit or other financial gain for the units that establish, control or finance it. Note: These are companies registered under section 21 of the Companies Act.
Instituene ya go se dire poelo
National Accounts
Ndhawu ya nkambhindzulo
Iinjamiso zemakhaya ezingasebenzeli inzuzo
Diinstithushene tsa tshebeletso ya malapa tse sa etseng phaello
Instellings sonder winsoogmerk wat huishoudings dien (ISWHD)
Amaziko angenangeniso anceda amakhaya (iNPISH)
Metsweditlholego e e sa nthwafatsegeng
Zwiimiswatshayambuelo tshumelamia/haya (NPISH)
Tikhungo letingenti inzuzo letisita emakhaya
Isikhungo esingenzi nzuzo esilekelela amakhaya
Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH)
Non-profit institution which is not predominantly financed and controlled by government and which provides goods or services to households free or at prices that are not economically significant.
Dinstituene ta go se dire poelo tsa go hlankela malapa
National Accounts
Tindhawu ta nkambhindzulo to korhokela mindyangu (TNKM)
Imithombo yamandla wemvelo engavuselelekiko
Mehlodi ya tlhaho e sa kolleng
Niehernubare natuurlike hulpbronne
Amajelo endalo angahlaziywayo
Metswedi ya tlholego e e sa nthwafatsegeng
Zwikomupo tshayamvusuludzo
imitfombolusito yemvelo lengavuseleleki
Ingcebo yemvelo engavuseleleki
Non-renewable natural resources
Exhaustible natural resources such as mineral resources (coal or uranium) that cannot be regenerated after exploitation.
Methopo ya thlago ya go se mpshafatege
National Accounts
Switirhisiwa swa ntumbuluko leswi nga pfuxetiwiki
Ezinye iimphekiso ekukhiqizeni
Dithuso tse ding tlhahisong
Ander subsidies op produksie
Ezinye iinkxaso kwimveliso
Dikeetletso tse dingwe mo ntshokunong
Dziwe thikhedzo kha vhubveledzi
Lokunye kwesekelwa ekukhiciteni
Eminye imixhaso ekukhiqizeni
Other subsidies on production
Subsidies are transfers from the government to the business sector toward current cost of production. These transfers represent additions to the income of producers from current production.
Dithuo te dingwe ta dithelete go tweleto
National Accounts
Mipfuneto yinwana eka andziso
Eminye imithelo ekukhiqizeni
Makgetho a mang tlhahisong
Ander belastings op produksie
Ezinye iirhafu kwimveliso
Makgetho a mangwe mo ntshokunong
Miwe mithelo kha vhubveledzi
Letinye tintsela ekukhiciteni
Ezinye izintela ekukhiqizeni
Other taxes on production
Consist of taxes on the ownership of land, buildings or other assets used in production or on labour employed, etc. Important examples of other taxes on production are taxes on payroll or work force, stamp duties, business or professional licenses, etc.
Methelo ye mengwe go tweleto
National Accounts
Swibalo swinwana eka andziso
Umkhiqizo/ umphumela
Goods or services that are produced within an establishment that become available for use outside the establishment, plus any goods and services produced for own final use.
National Accounts
Idosomali eleqileko
Kadimo ya nakwana bankeng; tjhelete e kadimilweng bankeng
Imalimboleko yesikhashana
A type of loan from a bank, used in particular to supply short-term working capital to tide over a production cycle or to finance seasonal requirements.
Molato mpeng
National Accounts
Isabelo esibhadaliweko
Phaello ya diabo tse lefilweng
Uitbetaalde dividend
Intlawulo yezabelo
Karolelo e e duetsweng
Sabelo lesikhokhelwe
Isabelo esikhokhiwe
Paid dividend
A portion of a companys profits paid to a shareholder.
Seabe se se lefetwego
National Accounts
Xiave lexi hakeriweke
Isihlukaniselo se-GDP
GDP ya motho ka mong
Per capita-BBP
IGDP yomntu ngamnye
KSK ka tlhogo ya motho
GDP ya vhubveledzitshikati
i-GDP ngemuntfu
i-GDP ngokomuntu ngamunye
Per capita GDP
The average production per person of goods and services for the reference period.
GDP go ya ka hlogo/motho ka motho/GDP hlogoka hlogo/ditseno hlogo ka hlogo
National Accounts
SHT hi munhu
Ingeniso yomuntu ngamunye
Lekeno la motho ka mong
Per capita-inkomste
Ingeniso yomntu ngamnye
Lotseno ka tlhogo ya motho
Mbuelo ya vhubveledzitshikati
Lokungenako ngemuntfu
Imali engenayo ngokomuntu ngamunye
Per capita income
The average income per person in a given time period, usually one year.
Ditseno hlogo ka hlogo
National Accounts
Mbuyelo hi nhloko
I-akhawundi yemithombo yamandla wemvelo
Palo ya thepa
Fisiese boekhouding
Ubalo ngokobume belizwe
Mbalelano nga zwibveledzwa zwa mupo
Kubalwa kwetemitfombo yemvelo
Imidanti yocwaningongqo lwezinto
Physical accounting
Natural resource and environmental accounting of stocks and changes in stocks in physical (non-monetary) units, for example, weight, area or number. Note: Qualitative measures, expressed in terms of quality classes, types of uses or ecosystem characteristics, may supplement quantitative measures.
Palo ya dithoto ta sebopego
National Accounts
Vunkota bya swa ntumbuluko na mbangu
Amabubulo wokuthoma/asisendlalelo
Diindasteri tsa motheo
Primre nywerhede
Amashishini aziziseko
Timboni letisisekelo
Izimboni eziyisisekelo
Primary industries
Include the agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining and quarrying industries.
Diintasteri ta motheo
National Accounts
Vumaki bya masungulo
Umsebenzi oyisika/omkhulu
Tlhahiso ya motheo; mesebetsi ya sehlooho (Lekala)
Hoofbedrywigheid (instansie)
Ushishino oluyintloko (umzi woshishino)
Tirokgolo (kgwebo)
Nyito ya ndeme/mushumo wa ndeme /vhuitwa ha ndeme (tshiimiswa)
Umsebenzi oyinsika (isakhiwo)
Principal activity (establishment)
The activity whose gross value added exceeds that of any other activity carried out within the same unit.
National Accounts
Nghingirikonkulu (xitumbuluxiwa)
Intengo yokukhiqiza
Theko ya bahlahisi
Ixabiso lomvelisi
Tlhotlhwa ya motlhagisi
Mutengo wa vhabveledzi
Intsengiso yemkhiciti
Inani/ intengo labakhiqizi
Producers price
The amount receivable by the producer from the purchaser for a unit of a good or service produced as output minus any value added tax (VAT), or similar deductible tax, invoiced to the purchaser. It excludes any transport charges invoiced separately by the producer.
Theko ya batweleti
National Accounts
Nxavo wa vamaki
A process, carried out under the responsibility, control and management of an institutional unit, in which labour and assets are used to transform inputs of goods and services into outputs of other goods and services. All goods and services produced as outputs must be such that they can be sold on markets, or at least be capable of being provided by one unit to another, with or without charge.
National Accounts
I-akhawundi yokukhiqiza yomnotho opheleleko
Akhaonto ya tlhahiso ya moruo ohle
Produksierekening vir die totale ekonomie
Iakhawunti yemveliso yoqoqosho olupheleleyo
Tshupatlotlo ya tlhagisodikuno ya ikonomigotlhe
Mbalelano ya vhubveledzi ha ekonomigue
I-akhawunti yekukhicita umnotfo wonkhe
i-akhawunti yomkhiqizo womnotho wonke
Production account for the total economy
The production account is the first in the sequence of accounts compiled for institutional sectors, industries and the total economy. The production account contains three items apart from the balancing item, namely output, intermediate consumption and taxes less subsidies on products. The output is recorded under 'resources' on the right-hand side of the account. Intermediate consumption and taxes less subsidies on products is recorded under 'uses' on the left-hand side of the account.
Akhaonte ya tweleto ya ikonomi ka kakareto
National Accounts
Nkota ya andziso ya ikhonomi hinkwayo
Umkhawulo wokukhiqiza
Moedi wa tlhahiso
Umda wemveliso
Molelwane wa tlhagisodikuno
Mukano wa vhubveledzi
Sibaya sekukhicita
Umngcele wokukhiqiza
Production boundary
An economic activity (or production) carried out under the control and responsibility of an institutional unit that uses inputs of labour, capital, and goods and services to produce output of goods and services. Note: The production boundary in the 1993 SNA is more restricted than the general production boundary due to the production accounts not being compiled for household activities that produce domestic or personal services for own final consumption within the same household, except for services produced by paid domestic staff.
Mollwane wa tweleto
National Accounts
Ndzelekano wa andziso
Intengo yokuthenga/ yabathengi
Theko ya moreki
Ixabiso lomthengi
Tlhwatlhwa ya moreki
Mutengo wa murengi
Intsengo yemtsengi
Inani lomthengi
Purchasers price
The amount paid by the purchaser, excluding any deductible value added tax (VAT) or similar deductible tax, in order to take delivery of a unit of a good or service at the time and place required by the purchaser. The purchasers' price of a good includes any transport charges paid separately by the purchaser to take delivery at the required time and place.
Theko ya moreki
National Accounts
Nxavo wa muxavi
Iindleko ezizibuyelelako
Ditshenyehelo tse iphetang
Herhalende uitgawe
Inkcitho esoloko iqhubeka
Ditshenyegelo tse di ipoeletsang
Mbadelo ya misi yohe
Tindleko letichubekako
Izindleko eziqhubekayo
Recurrent expenditure
Expenditure incurred in the day-to-day running of an organisation or the state in line with its budget.
Tshenyagalelo ya letati ka letati
National Accounts
Ntirhiso wa mali wa siku na siku
A region for GDP estimates per region is defined as a province.
National Accounts
I-GDP yesifunda
GDP ya lebatowa
IGDP ngokwengingqi
KSK ya kgaolo
GDP ya dzingu
I-GDP yesifundza
I-GDP yesifunda
Regional GDP
See GDP per region.
GDP ya selete
National Accounts
SHT ya rhijini
Okugodlelwe ingomuso
Phaello e bolokilweng
Teruggehoue reserwes
Imfihlo yoovimba
Inzuzo legciniwe
Okugodlelwe ingomuso
Retained reserves
Sums set aside out of the profits of a company that are not distributed as dividends. They are created for the purpose of meeting future capital needs of the company.
Ditsheketo tse di lotilwego
National Accounts
Swihlayisiwa leswi vekiweke
Itjhuguluko lobungako
Phetoho ya boleng
Uhlaziyo lwamaxabiso
Vhukalandeme hafhu
Kugucugucuka kwelinani
Ukuhlaziywa kabusha kwesilinganisonani
Increase or decrease in the value of a currency or of fixed assets, typically freehold land and buildings.
National Accounts
Ukubuyekezwa kweenlinganiso
Tekolo ya dikakanyo
Hersiening van ramings
Uhlaziyo lweentelekelelo
Poeletso ya ditekanyetso
Ndovhololo ya migaganyo
Kubuyeketa imicombelelo
Ukubuyekezwa kwezilinganisomanani
Revision of estimates
Revision of the estimates for all components of the national accounts is usually done every five years in conjunction with the rebasing of the estimates at constant prices apart from the revision of estimates for the latest quarters. At such a time, the results of censuses that have become available in the meantime and any other additional information sources are incorporated in the estimates.
Poeleto ya ditekanyeto
National Accounts
Mpfuxeto wa miringanyeto
See Social Accounting Matrix.
National Accounts
Ukutjhugulula ngokweenkhathi zomnyaka
Tokisetso ya dihla; ditlhophisetso tsa dinako tsa selemo
Seisoenale aanpassing
Uhlengahlengiso ngokwamaxesha onyaka
Tolamiso ka paka
Ndivhanyiso ya khalawaha
Kubuyeketwa ngekwetikhatsi
Ukubuyekezwa kwamanani ngokwezinkathi zonyaka
Seasonal adjustment
A statistical technique to remove the effects of seasonal calendar influences operating on a series.
Peakanyolefsa ya sehla ka sehla
National Accounts
Ndzulamiso hi nguva
Umsebenzi wangeqadi
Mesebetsi ya tsheketso (Diakhaonte tsa Naha)
Sekondre bedrywigheid (Nasionale Rekeninge)
Ushishino olongezelelweyo (iiakhawunti zikaZwelonke)
Nyito zwayo /vhuitwa zwaho/mushumo zwawo (Mbalelano dza Lushaka)
Ibhizinisi lechakele, lichakela
Umsebenzi ongumxhantela
Secondary activity (National Accounts)
An activity carried out within a single establishment in addition to the principal activity.
Tiro/ moongwana wa tlaleleto
National Accounts
Nghingirikotsongo (tinkota ta rixaka)
Amabubulo atjhugululako
Diindasteri tsa tlatsetso
Sekondre nywerhede
Amashishini ongezelelweyo
Nowetshumo zwadzo
Timboni letikhicita lokwehlukene, timbonimagalagala
Izimboni ezikhiqizayo
Secondary industries
The secondary industries include the manufacturing, electricity, water and construction industries.
Diintaseteri ta tlaleleto legatong la bobedi
National Accounts
See System of Environmental and Economic Accounting.
National Accounts
IThebula ye-Akhawundi ngezomPhakathi
Sehokanyi sa tlhophiso ya diakhaonte tsa setjhaba
Matriks van sosiaal-ekonomiese boekhouding
Isikhokelo sobalo kwezentlalo
Lenaneopalotlotloloago; palotlotlo ya loago ya materisi
Mbalelanogumofulu ya matshilisano
Kubala i-metriksi yetenhlalo
Ithebula lokubalwa kwama-akhawunti ezomphakathi
Social Accounting Matrix
Presentation of an SNA account in a matrix form, which elaborates on the linkages between SU-tables and institutional sectors accounts (1993 SNA).
Mokgwakelo wa diakhaonte ta leago
National Accounts
Matirikisi ya vunkota bya vanhu
Ithebula elisikwere
Sehokanyi se kgutlonne
Vierkantige matriks
Isikhokelo esimacala alinganayo
Lenaneo la sekwere; materisi wa sekwere
Gumofulu a tshikwea
Imetriksi lesikwele
Ithebhula lemigqa namakholomu alinganayo
Square matrix
A matrix is square when it has an equal number of columns and rows.
Mokgwakelo wa khutlonne/sekwere
National Accounts
Matirikisi ya xikwere
Iimphekiso zemikhiqizo
Dithuso tsa dihlahiswa
Subsidies op produkte
Inkxaso-mali kwezemveliso
Thikhedzo kha zwibveledzwa
Tibonelelo emikhicitweni
Ukuxhaswa kwemikhiqizo
Subsidies on products
Subsidies on products are payable per unit of a good or service.
Dithuo ta dithelete go ditweletwa
National Accounts
Mpfuneto eka swimakiwa
Amathebula wokusabalalisa nokusetjenziswa
Ditheibole tsa phepelo le tshebediso
Aanbod- en gebruikstabelle
Iitheyibhile/izikhokelo zomthamo wemveliso nezokusetyenziswa
Mananeo a theleso le tiriso
Mbekanya dza nisedzo na tshumiso
Emathebula ekuniketa nekusebentisa
Amathebhula emikhiqizo nokusetshenzisiwe kwayo
Supply and use tables
Are sometimes referred to as rectangular input-output tables, make and use tables, supply and disposition of commodities tables.
Mananeo a kabo le tirio
National Accounts
Matafula ya mphakelo na ntirhiso
Ithebula yokusabalalisa
Theibole ya phepelo
Isikhokelo/itheyibhile yomthamo wemveliso
Mbekanya ya nisedzo
Lithebula lekuniketa
Ithebhula lemikhiqizo
Supply table
table that gives information about the resources of goods and services.
Lenaneo la kabo
National Accounts
Tafula ra mphakelo
Amathebula we-SU
Ditheibole tsa SU
Isikhokelo seSU
Mananeo a TT; M-TT
Mbekanya dza SU
Emathebula lakhombisa kunika nekusebentisa
Ithebhula le-SU
See Supply and use tables.
Mananeo a SU
National Accounts
Matafula ya MN
Ithebula elibandeke bulingana
Isikhokelo esimacala alinganayo
Mananeo a dikunotshwano
Vhulingana huvhili
Emathebula lafanako
Ithebhula lokuhambisanayo
Symmetric tables use similar classifications or units, i.e. same groups of products for both the rows and the columns.
Mananeo a go lekalekanela
National Accounts
IHlelo le-Akhawundi yeBhoduluko nomNotho
Tlhophiso ya diakhaonte tsa tikoloho le moruo
Stelsel van Omgewings- en Ekonomiese Boekhouding (SOEB)
Inkqubo yokubala ezisingqongileyo nezoqoqosho (iSEEA)
Thulaganyo ya Palotlotlo ya Tikologo le Ikonomi (TPTI)
Sisieme ya mbalelano ya mupo na ekonomi (SEEA)
Indlelanchubo yetemvelo netekubala temnotfo
Uhlelo lokubalwa kwemikhiqizo yemvelo nomnotho
System of Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA)
A satellite system to the System of National Accounts (SNA) developed by the United Nations Statistical Division, for the incorporation of environmental concerns (environmental costs, benefits and assets) in the national accounts. The SEEA is intended to be a system with global application and standards, suitable for all countries and all aspects of the environment.
Mokgwatiriano wa diakhaonte ta ikonomi le tikologo
National Accounts
Sisiteme ya vunkota bya mbangu na bya ikhonomi (SVMI)
IHlelo lama-Amakhawundi weliZwe
Tlhophiso ya diakhaonte tsa naha
Stelsel van Nasionale Rekeninge
Inkqubo yobalo kwiiakhawunti zikaZwelonke
Thulaganyo ya Ditshupatlotlo tsa Sethaba
Sisieme ya Mbalelano dza Lushaka
Indlelanchubo Yema-akhawunti Avelonkhe
Uhlelo lwama-akhawunti kazwenke
System of National Accounts
An internationally agreed standard system for macro-economic accounts. Note: The latest version is described in the 1993 System of National Accounts (1993 SNA).
Mokgwatiriano wa diakhaonte ta bosethaba
National Accounts
Sisiteme ya tinkota ta rixaka
Imithelo yengeniso
Lekgetho lekenong
Belastings op inkomste
Iirhafu zengeniso
Makgetho ka lotseno
Mithelo/lutho kha mbuelo
Tintsela kulokungenako
Intela emalini engenayo
Taxes on income
Consist of taxes on incomes, profits and capital gains. Note: They are assessed on the actual or presumed incomes of individuals, households, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) or corporations. They include taxes assessed on holdings of property, land or real estate when these holdings are used as a basis for estimating the income of their owners.
Mothelo go ditseno
National Accounts
Swibalo eka mbuyelo
Imithelo ekukhiqizeni nemingenisweni
Makgetho tlhahisong le ditswantleng
Belastings op produksie en invoer
Iirhafu zemveliso nakwimpahla evela ngaphandle kwemida yeli
Makgetho mo ntshokunong le diromelwateng
Mithelo/lutho kha vhubveledzi na zwiundwa
Tintsela kumikhicito nalokungenako
Izintela emkhiqizweni nasezimpahleni ezivela kwamanye amazwe
Taxes on production and imports
Taxes which add to the cost of production and are likely to be reflected in market prices paid by the purchaser, such as sales and excise taxes, import duties and property taxes. Taxes on production and imports include taxes on products and tourism.
Methelo go tweleto le diromelwakagare
National Accounts
Swibalo eka andziso na switundziwa
Imithelo yemikhiqizo
Makgetho dihlahisweng
Belasting op produkte
Iirhafu zemveliso
Makgetho mo dikunong
Mithelo/lutho kha zwibveledzwa
Tintsela kumikhicito
Izintela emkhiqizweni
Taxes on products
Taxes payable on goods and services when they are produced, delivered, sold or otherwise disposed of by their producers. Furthermore, they are payable per unit of a good or service produced. Important examples of tourism are excise and import duties and value added tax (VAT).
Methelo go ditweletwa
National Accounts
Swibalo eka swimakiwa
Amabubulo wemisebenzi/wezenzelwa
Diindasteri tsa phethelo
Tersire nywerhede
Amaziko oshishino
Madirelo a thekisodikuno le ditirelo
Nowetshumo dza tshumelo
Timboni letitsengisako
Izimboni zokuhweba/ zemisebenzi
Tertiary industries
Include wholesale, retail and motor trade; catering and accommodation, transport, storage and communication, finance, real estate and business services, community, social and personal services, general government services, and other producers.
Diintaseteri ta tlaleleto legatong la boraro
National Accounts
A transaction in which one institutional unit provides goods, service or assets to another unit without receiving from the latter any goods, service or assets in return as counterpart.
National Accounts
Phetisetso ka ntle ho tefello
Oordrag in natura
Ukunikezela okungengokwemali
Tshutiso ka thoto
Tsudzuluso tshayamasheleni/tshelede
Kwedlulisela ngelutfo
Ukwedlulisa ngesihle
Transfer in kind
The transfer of the ownership of a good or an asset, other than cash, or the provision of a service.
Thutio ya go se be ya thelete
National Accounts
Isitlankanamali senzuzo
Bili ya ramatlotlo
Unaniselwano noVimba weSizwe
Tshupamonato ya taolomatlotlo
Tsumbamulandu ya vhufaragwama
Lithikithi lelibhangengodla
Isithikithana semali sebhange lombuso
Treasury bill
A short-term obligation that is not interest-bearing because it is purchased at a discount from the South African Reserve Bank and can be traded on a discount basis for 91 days.
Molaokakanywa wa seegotlotlo
National Accounts
Bili ya swa timali
Ithebula yokusentjenziswa
Theibole ya tshebediso ya bahahlaodi
Isikhokelo esibonisa usetyenziso lwempahla neenkonzo
Lenaneotiriso la bojanala
Mbekanyatshumiswa ya vhuendelamashango
Lithebula lelinika lwati ngemkhicito
Ithebhula lokusetshenziswa komkhiqizo
Use tourism table
A table that gives information on the uses of goods and services, and also on cost structures of the industries.
Lenaneo la tirio
National Accounts
Tafula ra ntirhiso ra swa vupfhumba
Ubungako obungezelelweko
Boleng bo atolositsweng
Waarde toegevoeg (Nasionale Rekeninge)
Ixabiso elongezelelweyo (iiakhawunti zikaZwelonke)
Ndemenyengedzedzwa (Mbalelano dza Lushaka)
Linani lelengetiwe
Inani elengeziwe
Value added (National Accounts)
The difference between the value of goods and services produced and the value of the intermediate goods and services consumed in the course of production.
Boleng bjo bo tlaleleditwego
National Accounts
Nkoka lowu engeteriweke (tinkota ta rixaka)
Ubungako obungezelelwe lirhwebo/libubulo/yi-indastri
Boleng bo atolositsweng ke indasteri
Waarde toegevoeg deur die nywerheid
Ixabiso elongezelelwe ngeshishini
Koketsoboleng ya madirelo
Ndemenyengedzedzwa nga nowetshumo
Linani lelengetwe bemboni
Inani elengezwe ngokwezimboni
Value added by industry
Value added measures the value created by production and may be calculated either before or after deducting the consumption of fixed capital on the fixed assets used. Gross value added is defined as the value of output less the value of intermediate consumption. Value added is the balancing item in the production account for an institutional unit or sector, or establishment or industry.
Boleng bjo bo tlaleleditwego ke intaseteri
National Accounts
Nkoka lowu engeteriweke hi vumaki
Imihlobo yobungako obungezelelweko
Dikarolwana tsa boleng bo atolositsweng
Izintlu ezongezelelweyo zexabiso
Zwipia zwa ndemenyengedzedzwa
Linani lelengetwe ngetincenye
Izingxenye zamanani engeziwe
Value added components
The use table distinguishes three different components of value added, i.e. compensation of employees, other taxes less subsidies on production, and gross operating surplus/mixed income.
Dikarolwana ta boleng bjo bo tlaleleditwego
National Accounts
Swiphemu leswi engeteriweke nkoka
Indawo yelawulo lamanzi
Sebaka sa taolo ya metsi
Ummandla wolawulo lwamanzi
Kgaolo ya taolometsi
Vhupo ha ndangulamai
Indzawo yekulawulwa kwemanti
Indawo yokusingathwa kwamanzi
Water management area
An area defined for specific water management purposes.
Tikologo ya taolo ya meetse
National Accounts
Ndhawu ya vulawuri bya mati
Iretjhiyo yehlolo ye-esidi
Kabo ka teko ya asiti; tlhahlobo ya botsitso/tekanyo
Umlinganiselo wovavanyo lobume benkampani
Tekokabo ya mmatota
Ndivhanele ya ndingo yo khwahaho ya esidi
Sicatsanisosibalo sekuphila kwenkampani
Isilinganiso sokuhlola ubunjalo benkampani
Acid test ratio
The acid test ratio is calculated as current assets minus inventory divided by current liabilities. Note: The accepted acid test ratio is considered to be 1:1; in other words, the institution is able to meet its current credit obligations without disposing of its inventory.
Tekanyoteko ya esiti
National, Provincial and Local Government
Mpimoxiave wa xikambelwana xa asidi
Ukutholakala kwamafa anzinzileko/ wesikhathi eside
Phumano ya matlotlo a tsepameng
Verkryging van vaste bates
Ixabiso lezinto ezikhoyo
Thekothoto ya pakatotilweng
Ngwano ya thundu dza tshifhingatetshelwa
Kutfolwa kwemphahla lenganyakatiseki
Ukuthengwa kwempahla engasetshenziswa isikhathi esingaphezu konyaka
Acquisition of fixed assets
The aggregate capital statement (or acquisition of fixed assets statement) shows the total capital expenditure incurred by each service during the year. Details of purchases and sales of assets are reflected in the aggregate capital statement, but appear in the consolidated balance sheet as a single amount (normally the item in the consolidated balance sheet is referred to as fixed assets).
Khweto ya dithoto te di sa uthego/ ta go se uthe
National, Provincial and Local Government
Nkumo wa nhundzu ya nkarhi wo leha
Iindleko ezipheleleko zamafa
Kakaretso ya ditshenyehelo tsa matlotlo
Staat van totale kapitaalbesteding
Inkcitho epheleleyo
Palogotlhe ya tshenyegelotlotlo
Tshinyalelohanganyiswa ya thundu
Tindleko tesilinganisomkhatsi temalisisekelo
Isamba sezindleko zokuthengwa kwempahla engasetshenziswa isikhathi esingaphezu konyaka
Aggregate capital statement
Total capital expenditure incurred by each service during the year.
Tshenyagalelomoka ya dithoto/ tshenyagalelokakareto ya dithoto
National, Provincial and Local Government
Xitatimendhe xa nhundzu lexi katsakanyiweke
Umtlolo weenlinganiso ezipheleleko/ezihlanganisiweko
Kakaretso ya matlotlo le mekitlane
Totale of gekonsolideerde balansstaat
Uxwebhu lwenkcazelo lobume bezemali
Palogotlhe ya lenaneotshalelo
hanganyiswa ya tshitatamenndendinganyiso
Ibhalansishidi lehlanganisiwe nobe yesilinganisomkhatsi
Inhlanganisela yemibiko yezezimali
Aggregate or consolidated balance sheet
A statement of the financial position reflecting all assets and liabilities.
Letlakalakakareto la maemo a dithelete
National, Provincial and Local Government
Papila ra ndzingano leri katsakanyiweke
Imalinzalo kokubolekiweko
Ditefello tsa ditjhelete
Koste van kapitaal
Inzala kwimali-mboleko
Merokotso; dinamane
Nyingapfuma ya khadzimiso
Tindleko temalisisekelo
Inzalo yemalimboleko
Capital charges
Interest paid on redemption payments for loaned funds.
Ditefio ta matlotlo
National, Provincial and Local Government
Tihakeriso ta nhundzu
Iindleko zamafa
Ditshenyehelo tsa ditjhelete
Inkcitho yokuthenga nokuphucula impahla yenkampani
Tshinyalelo ya thundu
Inchitfo yemalisisekelo
Izindleko zokuthengwa kwempahla engasetshenziswa isikhathi esingaphezu konyaka
Capital expenditure
Any expenditure incurred or incidental to the acquisition or improvement of land, buildings, engineering structures and machinery and equipment. Note: The expenditure normally confers a lasting benefit and results in the acquisition of, or extends the life of a fixed or long-term work, irrespective of whether payments were made to outside contractors or concerns, or the work was done by the enterprise itself. Capital expenditure includes vehicles, office furniture and equipment, but excludes minor items that are generally regarded as being expendable even though in some instances their useful lives may extend beyond one year.
Tshenyagalelo ya dithoto
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ntirhiso wa nhundzu
Iindleko zamafa amatjha
Ditshenyehelo matlotlong a matjha
Kapitaalbesteding aan nuwe bates
Inkcitho yokuthenga iimpahla ezintsha zenkampani
Tshenyegelotlotlo mo dithotong tse dinthwa
Tshinyalelo ya thundu ntswa
Inchitfo yemalisisekelo yemphahla lensha
Izindleko zokuthengwa kwempahla entsha engasetshenziswa isikhathi esingaphezu konyaka
Capital expenditure on new assets
Capital expenditure on new assets includes: The erection of new buildings and works, additions to and alterations of existing buildings and works; Capital work in progress capitalised; New plant and machinery, vehicles and equipment; and Used plant and machinery, which was imported by or on behalf of the enterprise whether paid to outside contractors/ concerns, or which was done by the enterprise itself.
Tshenyagalelo go dithoto te mpsha
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ntirhiso wa nhundzu eka rifuwo lerintshwa
Diphetisetso tsa matlotlo
Utshintshelo lobunini- mpahla
Mbadelo nga thundu/tshelede/masheleni
Kwedlulisela imalisisekelo
Ukwedluliswa kwempahla
Capital transfers
Transactions, either in cash or in kind, in which the ownership of an asset (other than cash and inventories) is transferred from one institutional unit to another, or in which cash is transferred to enable the recipient to acquire another asset, or in which the funds realised by the disposal of another asset are transferred.
Dithutio ta dithoto le matlotlo
National, Provincial and Local Government
Mihundziso ya nhundzu
Izenzelwa zomuntu woke
Ditshebeletso tse tsamaiswang mmoho
Kollektiewe dienste
Iinkonzo eziqukanisiweyo/ezihlanganisiweyo
Lusito loluhlanganyele
Imisebenzi ethulwa ngokuhlanganyelwe
Collective services
Services provided collectively to the community, particularly applicable to services such as general administration, public order or safety and economic services.
Ditirelo ta mohlakanelwa/ ditirelotlhakanelwa
National, Provincial and Local Government
Vukorhokeri bya nhlanganelo
Ukuthokozwa nokubonelelwa kweensebenzi
Meputso le dihlapiso tsa bahiruwa
Werknemersvergoeding en -toelaes
Imbuyekezo yabasebenzi nezibonelelo
Ditshuiso le ditetlo tsa badiredi
Ndiliso ya vhashumi na magavhelo
Kuholelwa kwebacashwa netengetomali (imbasha)
Ukunxeshezelwa kwezisebenzi/kwabasebenzi kanye nemihlomulo/nensonyama
Compensation of employees
The total remuneration, in cash or kind, payable by an employer to an employee in return for work done by the latter during the accounting period. Note: It is recorded on a gross basis, i.e. before any deduction for income taxes, pensions, unemployment insurance and other social insurance schemes. It also includes other forms of compensation, namely commissions, tips, bonuses, directors fees and allowances such as those for holidays and sick leave, as well as military pay and allowances. It excludes employers social contributions.
Ditefelo le diputseleto ta baomi
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ndziriso wa vatirhi na swiengetelo
Amafa wanje / wesikhatjhana
Matlotlo a jwale ( dipalopalo tsa ditjhelete)
Bedryfsbates (Finansile Statistiek)
Izinto onazo okwangoku (iinkcukacha- manani zemali)
Dithoto tsa gajaana (Dipalopalotlotlo)
Thundu dza zwino(Mbalombalo/Zwitatistika zwa Masheleni)
Imphahla yanyalo
Impahla esetshenziswa ngaleso sikhathi
Current assets (Financial Statistics)
Assets including debtors, cash, other financial shares and closing values of inventories, likely to be converted to cash, or consumed within a year.
Matlotlo le dithoto ta bjale
National, Provincial and Local Government
Rifuwo ra sweswi (tinhlayohlayo ta swa timali)
Iretjhiyo yanje/ yesikhatjhana
Palo ya tekanyo ya jwale
Umlinganiselo wangoku
Dikabo tsa gajaana
Ndivhanele ya zwino
Sichatsanisosibalo sanyalo
Ireshiyo/ isilinganiso sangaleso sikhathi
Current ratio
A measure of the ability of an entity to meet its short-term obligations using the most liquid short-term assets; current assets divided by current liabilities.
Tekanyokelo ya bjale
National, Provincial and Local Government
Mpimoxiave wa sweswi
Kadimo ya tjhelete setjhabeng
Uxwebhu olungqinisisa imboleko kutyalo-mali
Dibentha; lokwalotshupamolato
Khadzimiso ya tshifhinga tshilapfu
Idibhensha (imali lebolekwa yinkampani kubasebenti)
Incwadi yesivumelwano sesikweletu
Long-term securities that give owners the unconditional right to fixed money income or contractually determined variable money incomes, normally referred to as interest. Note: Most debentures also give owners the unconditional right to a fixed sum(s) as repayment of principal on a specified date(s).
Kadimo ya dikhamphani/tipentha
National, Provincial and Local Government
Xikweleti xa nkarhi wo leha
Ukwehla kobungako
Ditjeo tsa sesebediswa; ho theoha ha boleng ba sesebediswa
Ukuhla kwexabiso
Phokotsegoboleng; kwelotlaseboleng
Tsuufhalo u tsa ha ndeme
Kwehla kwebungakomali
Ukwehla kwenani lempahla
The systematic allocation of the cost of an asset over its useful life. Note: The amounts in the column for depreciation represent amounts written off on assets by extra-budgetary accounts and funds and universities and technikons. The accounts of national and provincial governments are kept on a cash basis. No provision is made for depreciation in the accounts of municipalities.
Phokotego ya boleng
National, Provincial and Local Government
Umasipalada wesiyingi
Mmasepala wa lebatowa
UMasipala wesithili
Mmasepala wa sedika
Masipala wa tshiiriki
Masipala wesifundza
uMasipala wesifunda
District municipality
Municipality that has a municipal executive and legislative authority in an area that includes more than one municipality, and which is described in section 155(1) of the Constitution as a category C municipality.
Masepala wa selete
National, Provincial and Local Government
Masipala wa xifundza
Indlu; indawo yokuhlala
Ntlo; bodulo
Woning, huis
Moago (ntlo)
Vhudzulo / vhukhudo, nndu
Likhaya, indlu
Indawo yokuhlala, indlu
Dwelling house
A freestanding, complete structure on a separate stand or a self-contained dwelling unit, granny flat, outbuildings and garages, on the same premises as an existing residence.
Bodulo, ntlo
National, Provincial and Local Government
Vutshamo, yindlu
Ukuhlukanisa ngezomnotho
Tlhophiso ya moruo
Ekonomiese klassifikasie
Uhlelo ngokwezoqoqosho
Khethekanyo ya ekonomi
Kuhlelembisa ngetemnotfo
Ukwehlukanisa ngokwezomnotho
Economic classification
A measure of the nature and economic effect of government operations on the economy of the country.
Tlhopho ya ikonomi
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ntlawahato wa xiikhonomi
Consumption, which includes all cash expenditure on goods and services, incurred by the household, business, government, etc. for consumption purposes. It also includes imputed value for own produced items consumed.
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ama-akhawundi wangeqadi
Diakhaonto tsa bajete ya tlatsetso
Iiakhawunti zohlahlo- lwabiwo-mali ezongezelelweyo
Ditshupatlotlo tsa kabotlaleletso
Mbalelano dza mugaganyoingwa
Ema-akhawunti eliphakelo lelengatiwe
Ama-akhawunti ezindleko ezingahlinzekelwe
Extra-budgetary accounts
Accounts and funds of national and provincial governments not included in normal budget totals and which do not operate through normal budgetary procedures, e.g. trading accounts and general government accounts.
Diakhaonte ta ditekanyetotlaleleto
National, Provincial and Local Government
Tinkota ta mpimanyeto wo engetela
Isijamiso sezeemali
Institjushene ya ditjhelete
Finansile instelling
Iziko lezemali
Setheo sa madi/dithelete
Tshiimiswa tsha masheleni/tshelede
Sikhungo setetimali
Isikhungo sezezimali
Financial institution
Unit primarily engaged in both incurring liabilities and acquiring financial assets in the market. Note: Financial institutions may be entirely or mainly owned and/or controlled by government in which case they are regarded as public financial institutions. It is the prime function of financial institutions to act as intermediaries.
Instituene ya matlotlo
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ndhawu ya timali
Ukuhlukanisa ngomsebenzi
Tlhophiso ka tshebetso
Funksionele klassifikasie
Uhlelo ngokomsebenzi
Karoganyetso ka ditirelo
Khethekanyo ya tshinyalelo
Kuhlelembisa ngekwemisebenti
Ukwehlukanisa ngokwemisebenzi
Functional classification
Classification of expenditure according to the purpose for which transactions are undertaken. It is generally used to measure the allocation of resources by government in order to promote various services and objectives rendered to the community.
Tlhopho go ya ka tirio
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ntlawahato ku ya hi ntirho
Iindleko zoke
Ditshenyehelo ka kakaretso
Algemene besteding
Inkcitho ngokubanzi
Tshinyalelogue tshinyalelonyangaredzwa
Inchitfo jikelele
Izindleko ezijwayelekile
General expenditure
All amounts of money paid out by a government during its fiscal year net of recoveries and other correcting transactions other than for retirement of debt, purchase of investment securities, extension of loans, and agency or private trust transactions. Note: Under this definition, expenditure relates to external payments of a government and excludes amounts transferred to funds or agencies of the same government (other than payments to intragovernmental service funds.
National, Provincial and Local Government
URhulumende zombelele
Mmuso ka kakaretso
Algemene regering
Urhulumente ngokubanzi
Hulumende jikelele
Uhulumeni jikelele
General government
Government units whose primary activity is to assume responsibility for the provision of goods and services to the community or to individual households free of charge or at prices that are not economically significant and to redistribute income and wealth by means of transfers. Note: A defining characteristic of general government is the ability to impose, directly or indirectly, taxes and other compulsory levies for which there is no direct quid pro quo on other sectors of the economy.
National, Provincial and Local Government
Imisebenzi yezindlu
Ditshebeletso tsa matlo
Iinkonzo zezindlu
Ditirelo tsa kagomatlo
Tshumelo dza vhudzulo
Lusito lwetetindlu
Izinsizakalo zezezindlu
Housing services
Housing services include approved housing projects and can be subdivided in respect of various economic, subeconomic, complexes or other types of housing. Where dwellings form part of the general organisation of a particular department, and are normally occupied by employees of the department, they are included in the relative statement and not under housing services. Likewise, where properties are purchased for a specific purpose, such as a street widening, and existing houses are demolished; the annual expenditure and income in respect of these dwellings do not appear in the housing service. See individual services.
Ditirelo ta mengwako/ dintlo
National, Provincial and Local Government
Vukorhokeri bya tiyindlu
Izenzelwa zomuntu ngamunye
Ditshebeletso mothong ka mong
Individuele dienste
Iinkonzo zomntu ngamnye
Ditirelo tsa mothoesi
Lusito lwemuntfu ngamunye
Izinsizakalo ngazinye
Individual services
Community and social services, such as education, health and welfare, rendered to- individuals or a small group of persons. See housing services.
Ditirelo ta motho o tee
National, Provincial and Local Government
Vukorhokeri bya munhu
Moralo wa motheo
Iziseko ezingundoqo
Dithulaganyetso tsa popegotheo
Physical structures used for the delivery of services (e.g. power lines, pipes, roads and assets such as trucks and equipment to unblock sewerage, pay-point offices and computers).
Sebopego kgoparara/ inforaseterakethara
National, Provincial and Local Government
UmTlamo oLungelelweko wezokuThuthukisa
Moralo o kopaneng wa ntshetsopele
Gentegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan
IsiCwangciso soPhuhliso esiDibeneyo
Ndzudzanyahanganyelwa dza mveledziso /IDP
Luhlelo lwekutfutfukisa loluhlanganisiwe
Uhlelo lwezentuthuko oludidiyele
Integrated Development Plan
A process by which municipalities prepare 5-year strategic plans that are reviewed annually in consultation with communities and stakeholders.
Thulaganyotlhabollo ye e kopantwego
National, Provincial and Local Government
Pulani ya nhluvukiso leyi hlanganisiweke
Imalibolekiswano yangekhaya/yangaphakathi
Dikadimano tsa ka hare
Interne lenings
Imali-mboleko yangaphakathi
Khadzimiso dza ngomu
Imalimboleko yangekhatsi
Imalimboleko yangaphakathi
Internal loans
Loans to any fund or account within the local government institution are treated as internal loans. Total internal interest received and/or capitalised must correspond with the total internal interest paid. Also see note above for capital charges.
Dikadimio ta ka gare
National, Provincial and Local Government
Swikweleti swa xiyenge xexo