nde term
sot term
afr term
xho term
tsn term
ven term
ssw term
zul term
eng term
eng definition
nso term
32 values
tso term
Amasiso ngeembambiso ezithengisekako
Matsete diabong tse rekisehang
Belegging in bemarkbare sekuriteite
Utyalo-mali kwiimarike ezithengisekayo
Peeletso mo dithotong tse di bapatsegang
Vhubindudzi kha tsireledzazwikhala zwi vhambedzeaho
Lusiso etibambisweni letikhangisekako
Utshalomali ngezibambiso ezithengisekayo
Investment in marketable securities
Investment in marketable securities includes: Own stock; Stocks of other local government institutions; Government stock and treasury bills; Public corporation stock; and Investment in non-marketable instruments.
Dipeeleto ka go dithireleto ta go bapatega/rekiega
National, Provincial and Local Government
Vuvekisi eka timakete leti hlayisekeke
Money or securities supplied by one party (the lender) to a second party (the borrower) in a transaction in return for a promised future payment, including payment of interest as per agreed repayment schedules, by the borrower.
National, Provincial and Local Government
UkuThuthukiswa komNotho weNdawo
Ntshetsopele ya moruo wa lehae
Plaaslike Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling
UPhuhliso loQoqosho lweNgingqi/lukamasipala
Tlhabololo-seikonomi ya selegae
Mveledziso ya ekonomiyapo
Kutfutfuka kwemnotfo wasekhaya
Ukuthuthukiswa kwezomnotho wendawo
Local Economic Development
An approach towards economic development which allows and encourages local people to work together to achieve sustainable economic growth and development thereby bringing economic benefits and improved quality of life for all residents in a local municipal area.
Tlhabollo/twetopele ya ikonomi ya selegae
National, Provincial and Local Government
Nhluvukiso wa ikhonomi ya ndhawu
URhulumende weNdawo/weKhaya
Mmuso wa lehae
Plaaslike regering
Urhulumente wengingqi
Hulumende wasekhaya
Uhulumeni wendawo
Local government
Municipality that shares a municipal executive and legislative authority in its area with a district municipality within whose area it falls as described in section 155(1) of the Constitution as a category B municipality.
Mmuo wa selegae
National, Provincial and Local Government
Mfumo wa muganga/ndhawu
Iinjamiso zikaRhulumende weNdawo/weKhaya
Diinstitjushene tsa mmuso wa lehae
Plaaslike regeringsinstellings
Amaziko karhulumente wengingqi
Ditheo tsa pusoselegae
Zwiimiswa zwa muvhusowapo
Tikhungo tahulumende wasekhaya
Izikhungo zikahulumeni wendawo
Local government institutions
Local government institutions include: District municipalities; Metropolitan municipalities; and Local municipalities.
Diinstituene ta mmuo wa selegae
National, Provincial and Local Government
Swiyenge swa mifumo ya muganga/ndhawu
UMasipaladi/a weNdawo/weKhaya
Mmasepala wa lehae
Plaaslike munisipaliteit
UMasipala wengingqi
Masipala wasekhaya
uMasipala wendawo
Local municipality
Municipality that shares a municipal executive and legislative authority in its area with a district municipality within whose area it falls described in section 155(1) of the Constitution as a category B municipality.
Mmasepala wa selegae
National, Provincial and Local Government
Imalibolekiswano yesikhathi eside
Kadimo ya nako e telele
Imali-mboleko yexesha elide
Kadimo ya pakatelele
Khadzimiso ya tshifhinga tshilapfu
Imalimboleko yesikhatsi lesidze
Imalimboleko yesikhathi eside
Long-term loan
A loan with an outstanding maturity of one year or longer.
Kadimo ya pakatelele/lebaka le letelele
National, Provincial and Local Government
Xikweleti xa nkarhi wo leha
Imitjhini nepahla
Metjheni le disebediswa
Masjinerie en toerusting
Oomatshini nezixhobo zokusebenza
Methini le didiriswa
Mitshini na zwishumiswa
Imishini netisetjentiswa
Imishini nezinto/nempahla zokusebenza
Machinery and equipment
Machinery and equipment include motor vehicles, ships, aircraft, equipment and furniture. Military expenditure on machinery and equipment which could be used for civilian purposes is included.
Methene le dikgerekgere
National, Provincial and Local Government
Michini na switirhisiwa
Isikhundla sokuphatha
Maemo a botsamaisi
Izikhundla zolawulo
Maemo a botsamaisi
Tikhundla tekuphatsa
Izikhundla zobumenenja/zokuphatha
Managerial positions
For the purpose of this survey, managerial positions refer to section 57 managers, according to the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 20 November 2000) and other managers according to the organogram.
Maemo a bolaodi
National, Provincial and Local Government
Swiyimo swa vufambisi
Okubolekiswako okuthengisekako
Diabo tsa kadimo tse rekisehang
Bemarkbare leningseffekte
Imali-mboleko yempahla ethengisekayo
Thotokadimo e e bapatsegang
Khadzimiso ya mikovhevhambadzea
Sitoko semalimboleko letsengisekako
Isitokwe/impahla engadayiseka ethengwe ngemalimboleko
Marketable loan stock
Stocks, debentures and similar debt instruments that are freely marketable, i.e. securities for which transfer registers are kept and which are usually listed on the stock exchange. Discounts originating with the issue of stocks below par are included in the stock liability.
Dithoto ta kadimo ta go bapatega/rekiega
National, Provincial and Local Government
Xikweleti lexi lombekaka
Imininingwana engezelelako
Dintlha tsa memorandamo
Izinto ezingabandakanywa kwingxelo yenkcitho-mali
Dintlha tsa memorantamo
Zwitewa zwa memorandamu/iwalo
Luhlu lwetindleko lolwengetiwe
Amaphuzu ememorandamu
Memorandum items
Expenditure on maintenance included in remuneration of employees and/or other goods and services and can be found in Table 2 in the columns for memorandum items.
Dihlogwana ta memorantamo
National, Provincial and Local Government
Timhaka eka memorandamu
UMasipalada wedorobha elikhulu
Mmasepala e moholo
Metropolitaanse munisipaliteit
UMasipala ombaxa
Masipala wa orobo khulwane
Masipala welidolobhakati
uMasipala omkhulu
Metropolitan municipality
Municipality that has a municipal executive and legislative authority in an area that includes more than one Municipality, as described in section 155(1) of the Constitution as a category A municipality.
Masepala wa metheropholithene
National, Provincial and Local Government
Iintlankana zemakethe yemali
Disebediswa tsa mmaraka wa ditjhelete
Izixhobo zemali yemarike
Didiriswa tsa mmaraka wa madi
Zwishumiswa zwa mbambadzo ya masheleni/tshelede
Tindlela letehlukene tekusisa imali
Izindlela zokuhweba ngezezimali
Money market instruments
Instruments such as bankers acceptance, trade bills, promissory notes, capital project bills, bridging debentures, negotiable certificates of deposits, Land Bank bills, Land Bank and the South African Reserve Banks debentures.
Didiriwa ta mmaraka wa thelete
National, Provincial and Local Government
Switirhisiwa swa makete ya mali
Mmasepala (Dipalopalo tsa ditjhelete)
Munisipaliteit (Finansile Statistiek)
UMasipala (iiNkcukacha-manani zeMali)
Mmasepala (Dipalopalo tsa dithelete)
Masipala(Mbalombalo / Zwitatistika zwa Masheleni/Tshelede)
Masipala (Lubalo lwetetimali)
Municipality (Financial Statistics)
The area of jurisdiction of the third sphere of government, after national and provincial.
National, Provincial and Local Government
Masipala (tinhlayohlayo ta ximali)
Irhwebo lombuso elingasilo leemali
Kgwebo ya setjhaba eo eseng ya ditjhelete
Niefinansile openbare onderneming
Ushishino lukawonke-wonke olungelolwamali
Tshiimiswa tsha muvhuso tshayambuelo tsha u etshedza tshumelo
Umsebenti wesive longatsintsi tetimali
Umsebenzi kahulumeni ongenanzuzo
Non-financial public enterprise
A government-owned and/or -controlled unit which sells industrial or commercial goods and services to the public on a large scale.
Kgwebo ya mmuo ya go aba ditirelo fela sethabeng
National, Provincial and Local Government
Mabindzunyingi ya mfumo ya vukorhokeri bya vanhu
Ezinye iindleko
Ditshenyehelo tse ding
Ander besteding
Ezinye iinkcitho
Ditshenyegelo tse dingwe
Iwe tshinyalelo
Letinye tindleko
Ezinye izindleko
Other expenditure
Other expenditure includes payments by district municipalities to national and provincial government and other local government institutions for development aid.
Ditshenyagelo/ditshenyagalelo te dingwe
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ntirhiso wunwana
Eminye imitjhini nenye ipahla
Metjhini le disebediswa tse ding
Ander masjinerie en toerusting
Abanye oomatshini nezinye izixhobo ezisetyenziswa eburhulumenteni
Methini le ditlamelo tse dingwe
Miwe mitshini na zwishumiswa
Leminye imishini netisetjentiswa
Eminye imishini nezinto zokusebenza
Other machinery and equipment
Machinery and equipment not included as vehicles, computer equipment, computer software and office furniture.
Methene le dikgerekgere te dingwe
National, Provincial and Local Government
Michini na switirhisiwa swinwana
Itjhuguluko lamaphesente
Phetoho ya phesente
Ukutshintsha kwepesenti
Phetogo ya phesente
Tshanduko kha ana / tshanduko ya phesenthe
Kuntjintja kwemaphesenti
Ukuguquka ngokwamaphesenti
Percentage change
The change in an index (or other series) from one period to another expressed as a percentage of its value in the first of the two periods.
Phetogo ya peresente
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ncinco wa tiphesente
Isibekelelo; isiqalelelo
Imali yamalungiselelo ebekwe bucala
Lindzingoti, liphakelongcamu
Any amount set aside for the purpose of meeting either specific requirements where the amounts thereof can be closely estimated, and specific commitments; or known contingencies and diminutions in values of assets existing as at the date of the balance sheet, where the amounts involved cannot be determined with significant accuracy. Including bad debts, repairs and maintenance, and lossof rent.
National, Provincial and Local Government
Mali leyi vekiweke etlhelo
Iinjamiso zeemali zombuso
Diinstitjushene tsa ditjhelete tsa setjhaba
Openbare finansile instellings
Amaziko emali oluntu/ kawonke-wonke
Ditheotlotlo tsa bosethaba
Zwiimiswa zwa masheleni/tshelede zwa nnyi na nnyi muvhuso
Tikhungo tetimali tesive
Izikhungo zomphakathi zezezimali
Public financial institutions
Units primarily engaged in both incurring liabilities and acquiring financial assets in the market. Note: Financial institutions may be entirely or mainly owned and/or controlled by the government in which case they are regarded as public financial institutions. It is the prime function of public financial institutions to act as intermediaries.
Diinstituene ta dithelete ta sethaba
National, Provincial and Local Government
Tindhawu ta timali ta tiko
Itjhuguluko lamaphesente ngekota hlangana kwekota ethileko yanyakenye nekota efanako yanonyaka
Phesente ya phetoho ya kotara e ikgethileng ya selemo se fetileng papisong le ya selemo sena
Kwartaallikse persentasieverandering tussen n spesifieke kwartaal van die vorige jaar en die ooreenstemmende kwartaal van die huidige jaar
Ipesenti yekota etshintsha phakathi kwekota ethile yonyaka odlulileyo naleyo yonyaka omiyo
Phetogo ya phesente ka kotaramagareng ga kotara e e kgethegileng ya ngogola le kotara e e tshwanang ya monongwaga
Tshanduko kha ana nga kotara vhukati ha kotaratiwa ya mahoa na ya waha uno wa muvhalelano
Kuntjintja kwemaphesenti ngekotatsite yemnyaka lowengcile kanye naleyo kota yalomnyaka
Ukuguquka ngokwamaphesenti ngokwamakwata ngokuqhathanisa ikwata elithile lonyaka odlule nekwata elifanayo lanonyaka
Quarterly percentage change between a specific quarter of the previous year and the same quarter of the current year
Quarterly percentage change between the previous year and the current year for the same quarter refers to the comparison of the three months of the current quarter in the current year with that of the similar period of the previous year. The amounts shown for each quarter are not cumulative.
Phetogo ya phesente magareng ga kotara ye e itego ya ngwagola le kotara ya go swana nayo ya lenyagas/ngwaga wo
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ncinco wa tiphesente hi kotara exikarhi ka kotara yo karhi ya lembe leri hundzeke na kotara yoleyo ya lembe leri
Itjhuguluko lamaphesente ngekota hlangana kwanyakenye nanon yaka ngekota efanako
Phesente ya phetoho ya kotara ya selemo se fetileng papisong le ya selemo sena
Kwartaallikse persentasieverandering tussen die ooreenstemmende kwartaal van die vorige jaar en die huidige jaar
Ipesenti yekota etshintsha phakathi komnyaka odluleyo nalowo umi leyo ngokwekota leyo
Phetogo ya phesente ka kotara magareng ga ngogola le kotara e e tshwanang ya monongwaga
Tshanduko kha ana vhukati ha mahoa na awaha kha kotara nthihi
Kuntjintja kwemaphesenti ngekota yemnyaka lophelile kanye nekota yalomnyaka
Ukuguquka kwephesenti ngokwamakwata ngokuqhathanisa unyaka odlule nekwata elifanayo lanonyaka
Quarterly percentage change between the previous year and the current year for the same quarter
The comparison of the three months of the current quarter in the current year with that of the similar period of the previous year. The amounts shown for each quarter are not cumulative.
Phetogo ya phesente magareng ga kotara ye e itego ya ngwagola le kotara ya go swana nayo ya lenyaga/ngwaga wo
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ncinco wa tiphesente hi kotara exikarhi ka lembe leri hundzeke na lembe leri eka kotara yo fana
Itjhuguluko lamaphesente ngekota
Phesente ya phetoho ka kotara (moputso)
Kwartaallikse persentasieverandering (besoldiging)
Ipesenti etshintsha ngekota (intlawulo)
Phetogo ya phesente ka kotara (dituelo)
Tshanduko kha ana nga kotara (muholo)
Kuntjintja kwemaphesenti ngekota (umholo)
Ukuguquka kwephesenti ngokwamakwata (umholo)
Quarterly percentage change (remuneration)
The change in the remuneration of employees (or turnover of institutions) of the given quarter compared with the remuneration of employees (or turnover of institutions) of the previous quarter expressed as a percentage.
Phetogo ya peresente ya kotara
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ncinco wa tiphesente hi kotara (muholo)
Imithelo neminye imisebenzi
Ditefello le ditshebeletso ka kakaretso
Eiendomsbelasting en algemene dienste
Iireyithi neenkonzo ngokubanzi
Dielo le ditirelokakaretso
Phimo na tshumelonyangaredzwa
Umtselotinsita netinsita jikelele
Intela nezinsizakalo ezijwayelekile
Rates and general services
Municipal services that are not economically self-supporting and are financed by imposing assessment and other rates, the receipt of subsidies and other contributions. This includes ambulance services, fire control (or fire-fighting), health services (clinics, old-age homes), roads and storm water drainage, parks and recreation (libraries, cultural activities, museums, sport administration, community halls, swimming pools, sports grounds, nature reserves, etc.), sewerage and cleansing, traffic (licensing offices) and other services (city engineers, administration, personnel, legal services, city treasurer, etc.). See trading services.
Ditekanyokelo le ditirelokakareto
National, Provincial and Local Government
Tihakelo ta ndhawu na vukorkokeri byo angarhela
Ikota eqaliweko
Kotara e boletsweng (dipatlisiso)
Verwysingskwartaal (opname)
Ikota yokungqinisisa (ukuhlola)
Kotara e e kailweng
Kotarandaula(tsedzuluso savei)
Ikota lekukhonjwe kuyo (kusaveya)
Ikwata okuthathiselwa kulo
Reference quarter (survey)
Reference quarter for the survey refers to the three months up to the end of each quarter.
Kotara ya thupeto
National, Provincial and Local Government
Kotara leyi kongomisiweke (mbalango)
Ukulungisa nokukhibelela
Ditokiso le tlhokomelo
Herstelwerk en instandhouding
Ukungciba/ukulungisa nolondolozo
Dipaakanyo le tlamelo
Ndugiso na ndondolo
Kulungisa nekugcina esimweni
Ukulungiswa nokunakekelwa
Repairs and maintenance
All construction work not included under new construction. Such repairs may be broken down into capital repairs and current repairs and maintenance.
Tokio le tlhokomelo/pabalelo
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ndzunghiso na nhlayiso
Ukulungisa nokukhibelela
Ditokiso le tlhokomelo
Herstelwerk en instandhouding
Ukungciba/ukulungisa nolondolozo
Dipaakanyo le tlamelo
Ndugiso na ndondolo
Kulungisa nekugcina esimweni
Ukulungiswa nokunakekelwa
Repairs and maintenance
Include all expenditure on repairs and maintenance of the various assets of the department or service. Where considered necessary, the cost of repairs in respect of the various types of assets, e.g. buildings, plant, may be subdivided. Where repairs and maintenance have been charged to a provision for repairs account, the actual expenditure incurred during the current year has been reflected under this subdivision and the amount chargeable to the provision for repairs is reflected as a deduction from the actual cost. Any balance of expenditure still remaining is treated as a charge against the current year.
Tokio le tlhokomelo/pabalelo
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ndzunghiso na nhlayiso
Imali ebekelwe ngeqadi
Imali egciniwe
Amounts set aside out of surpluses, which are not designed to meet any liability, contingency, commitment or diminution in the value of assets known to exist as at the date of the balance sheet. An example of a reserve would be the tariff stabilisation reserve.
National, Provincial and Local Government
Imakho yokuhlala
Meaho ya bodulo
Residensile geboue
Izakhiwo zokuhlala
Zwifhao zwa vhudzulo
Tindlu tekuhlala
Izakhiwo zokuhlala
Residential buildings
Buildings that are used primarily as residences. Inclusions: Dwelling houses; flats; holiday chalets; hostels; houses; institutions for the disabled; motels; nursing homes; old-age homes; and townhouses.
Meago ya bodulo
National, Provincial and Local Government
Miako ya vutshamo
Imirholo neembonelelo
Meputso, mekgolo le ditlhapiso
Salarisse, lone en toelaes
Imivuzo, iintlawulo nezibonelelo
Dituelo/megolo, ditefo le ditetlo
Miholo na magavhelo
Imiholo nembasha
Imiholo nemihlomulo
Salaries, wages and allowances
Salaries and wages include payments to full-time and part-time employees irrespective of whether the remuneration is paid from revenue, capital or any other account or fund. Salaries, wages and allowances include: Salaries and wages; Allowances; Contributions to other benefit funds of employees such as medical aid, group life, etc. (excluding unemployment insurance and workmens compensation); Other benefits, e.g. housing loan subsidy; Pension fund contributions; Quarters, rations and other expenditure (accommodation, food, medical expenditure, etc., whether provided in cash or in kind); and Uniform clothing and allowances (clothing, boots, overalls, etc., supplied to uniformed employees).
Meputso/megolo le diputseleto
National, Provincial and Local Government
Miholo na swiengetelo
Ithengiso (ekukhiqizeni)
Dithekiso (tlhahiso)
Verkope (vervaardiging)
Iintengiso (ukuvelisa)
Lokutsengisiwe (kukhicita)
-dayisiwe/ -thengisiwe (ukukhiqiza)
Sales (manufacturing)
Sales are the total value of sales and transfers-out of all own manufactured products/articles and the amounts received for installation, erection or assembly or other services rendered.
National, Provincial and Local Government
Mixaviso (vumaki)
Iintengiso (eemayini)
Dithekiso (merafo)
Verkope (mynbou)
Iintengiso (izimbiwa)
Thengiso (migodi)
Lokutsengisiwe (timbiwa)
-dayisiwe/ -thengisiwe (izimbiwa)
Sales (mining)
Sales are the total value of sales and transfers-out of goods mined by the mining establishments and the amounts received for installation, erection or assembly or other services rendered.
National, Provincial and Local Government
Mixaviso (migodi)
Imalibolekiswano yesikhathi esifitjhani
Dikadimo tsa nakwana
Imali-mboleko yexeshana
Dikadimo tsa pakakhutshwane
Khadzimiso dza tshifhinga tshipfufhi
Timalimboleko tesikhashana
Imalimboleko yesikhathi esifushane
Short-term loans
Include loans from: Local authorities loans fund; Local government institutions; Development Bank of Southern Africa; Public corporations; Banks; Insurers; Pension funds; Other domestic sources; and Foreign sources.
Dikadimo ta pakakopana
National, Provincial and Local Government
Swikweleti swa nkarhi wo koma
Izabelo ezijamileko
Dikabo tse tsepameng
Staande bewilligings
Uhlahlo-lwabiwo-mali olusigxina lukarhulumente
Dikabo tse di tlhomameng
Emaphakelo lemile
Isabelomali sikahulumeni esimisiwe
Standing appropriations
Governments expenditure obligations that do not require a vote or statutory provisions, including contractual guarantee commitments and international agreements.
Ditekanyeto ta go ikema
National, Provincial and Local Government
Mikavelo leyi tiyimelaka
Izabelo zomthetho
Dikabo tsa molao
Statutre bewilligings
Uhlahlo-lwabiwo-mali olusigxina lukarhulumente ngokusemthethweni
Tshinyalelondaedzwa nga mulayo
Emaphakelo ngekwetimiso
Isabelomali esimisiwe ngokomthetho kahulumeni
Statutory appropriations
Amounts appropriated to be spent in terms of statutes and not requiring appropriation by vote.
Ditekanyeto ta semolao
National, Provincial and Local Government
Mikavelo ku ya hi nawu
Current unrequited payments that government units pay to enterprises to assist or encourage them, on the basis of the quantities or values of the goods and services that they produce, sell or import.
Dithuo ta dithelete/ disapositi
National, Provincial and Local Government
Iimphekiso zokukhiqiza
Dithuso tlhahisong
Subsidies op produksie
Iinkxaso-mali kwimveliso
Diketleetso mo tlhagisong
Thikhedzo/mitikedzo kha vhubveledzi/sabusidi
Tibonelelo ekukhiciteni
Imixhaso ekukhiqizweni
Subsidies on production
Payments made to resident enterprises as a consequence of engaging in production.
Dithuo ta dithelete go tweleto/ disapositi go tweleto
National, Provincial and Local Government
Mipfuno eka andziso
Iimphekiso zemikhiqizo/zepahla
Dithuso ditlhahisweng
Subsidies op produkte
Inkxaso-mali kwiziqhamo zemveliso
Diketleetso mo dikunong
Thikhedzo/mitikedzo kha zwibveledzwa/sabusidi
Tibonelelo emikhicitweni
Imixhaso emikhiqizweni
Subsidies on products
Payments made per unit of good or service.
Dithuo ta dithelete go ditweletwa/ disapositi go ditweletwa
National, Provincial and Local Government
Mipfuno eka swimakiwa
Abakweleda okhunye
Bakadimi ba bang
Diverse debiteure
Amatyala angamanye
Baadimi ba bangwe
Vhakolodi vhawe
Bakweledi labayinhlanganisela
Ingxube yabakweleti/ abakweleti abanhlobinhlobo
Sundry debtors
Sundry debtors include: personal housing loans, other housing loans: mortgages, selling agreements, hire purchases and sponsored government housing loans to welfare.
Bakoloti ba bangwe
National, Provincial and Local Government
Vakoloti va swinwana na swinwana
Imisebenzi yokurhweba
Ditshebeletso tsa kgwebo
Iinkonzo zorhwebo
Tshumelo dza vhuvhambadzi/mbambadzo
Tinsita tekuhweba
Imisebenzi/ izinsizakalo zokuhweba
Trading services
Municipal services for which the tariffs are determined in such a way that the provision of the service should yield a trading profit; market-related goods and services. See rates and general services.
Tirelo ta bogwebi
National, Provincial and Local Government
Vukorhokeri bya bindzu
Isikhwama semali sokuphathelwa
Matsete (bolaodi ba lehae)
Trustfondse (plaaslike owerheid)
Iimali zetrasti (amagunya engingqi)
Matlole a terasete
Sikhwama sekuphatsela (tibuse)
Isikhwama sethrasti (uMaziphathe Wendawo)
Trust funds (local authority)
Funds which form part of the local authoritys money and which may have been donated or bequeathed to it for a specific use under its sole control. This amount is reflected in the consolidated balance sheet.
Dikhwama ta dithaba/ditherasete
National, Provincial and Local Government
Mali ya thirasiti (mfumo wa muganga/ndhawu)
Iindleko ezingakabelwa
Ditshenyehelo tse sa ajweng
Ontoewysbare uitgawes
Inkcitho engabelwanga mali
Ditshenyegelo tse di sa abegeng
Inchitfo lengabeki / inchitfo longakhoni kuyaba
Izindleko ezingaqondakali
Unallocable expenditure
Expenditure that cannot be allocated to a specific function.
Ditshenyagelo/ditshenyagalelo ta go se abege
National, Provincial and Local Government
Ntirhiso lowu nga avekiki
Ikoro eyabelweko
Ivoti yolwabiwo- mali
Isabelomali esivotelwe
An appropriation voted by national or provincial government. See statutory appropriation.
National, Provincial and Local Government
UmTlamo WezokuThuthukiswa KezaManzi
Moralo wa ntshetsopele ditshebeletsong tsa metsi
Isicwangciso soPhuhliso lweNkonzo yaManzi
Leanotlhabololo la tirelo ya metsi
Nzudzanyo ya mveledziso ya tshumelo ya mai
Luhlelo lwekutfutfukisa kusetjentiswa kwemanti
Uhlelo lokuthuthukisa ukunikezelwa kwamanzi
Water Service Development Plan
The WSDP is a sectoral plan that falls within the inter-sectoral umbrella plan of the IDP.
Thulaganyo ya tlhabollo ya ditirelo ta meetse
National, Provincial and Local Government
Pulani ya nhluvukiso wa vukorhokeri bya mati
Incwadi i-09 (isensasi; ibalopheleleko)
Buka ya 09 (palabatho)
09-boek (Sensus)
Incwadi engunombolo 9 (Ubalo-bantu)
Buka ya 09
Bugu ya 09 (Mbalavhathu / Sentsasi)
Libhuku i-09
Ibhuku i-09 (ngemininingwane yokubalwa kwabantu)
09 book (Census)
The total process of collecting, processing, analyzing and publishing or otherwise disseminating demographic, economic and social data pertaining to all persons in a country or a well-defined part of a country at a specified time.
Puku ya 09/pukukakareto ya mmalobatho
Population Census
Buku ya 09 (nhlayelo wa vanhu)
Ilunga lomuzi/lekhaya elingekho(ikulumiswano)
Setho sa lelapa se siyo (boiteanyo)
Afwesige lid van huishouding (onderhoud)
Ilungu lekhaya elingekhoyo (kudliwano-ndlebe)
Tokololo ya lelapa e e seng teng (ka nako ya potsolotso)
Murao u siho wa mua / haya (mbudzisa / inthaviu)
Lilunga lemndeni lelingekho (nakubalwa)
Ilungu lekhaya ebelingekho kubalwa (i-inthaviyu)
Absent household member (interview)
A member of a household who was not present at the time of the interview. See absent household member (reference night).
Mosebegae letating la go bala batho
Population Census
Xirho xa muti lexi nga riki kona (inthavhiyu)
Ilunga lomuzi / lekhaya elingekho (ikulumiswano)
Setho sa lelapa se siyo (bosiung bo boletsweng)
Afwesige lid van huishouding (verwysingsaand)
Ilungu lekhaya elingekhoyo (ubusuku bokungqinisisa)
Tokololo ya lelapa e e seng teng (bosigo jo bo kailweng)
Murao u siho wa mua /haya (vhusiku ha mbudzisa)
Lilunga lemndeni lelingekho (lobobusuku)
Ilungu lekhaya ebelingekho (ngobusuku bokubalwa)
Absent household member (reference night)
A person who is usually part of the household but was not present in the dwelling on census night. See absent household member (interview).
Mosebegae boegong bja palo ya batho
Population Census
Xirho xa muti lexi nga riki kona (vusiku lebyi kongomisiweke)
Ilanga elibekiweko lebalopheleleko
Mohla wa palabatho
Umhla wobalo-bantu
Letlha la palobatho
Datumu ya mbalavhathu / sentsasi
Lusuku lwelubalo
Usuku olumisiwe lokubalwa kwabantu
Census date
The date officially proclaimed by the government for the population census.
Tatikgwedi ya mmalobatho/palobatho
Population Census
Siku ra nhlayelo wa vanhu
Ilanga lebalopheleleko
Letsatsi la palabatho
Usuku lobalo-bantu
Letsatsi la palobatho
uvha a mbalavhathu / sentsasi
Lilanga lelubalo
Ilanga lokubalwa kwabantu
Census day
The day of the population census date. This is the reference day for persons who were away from home during census night for work, entertainment or travel, but returned home the following day without being counted elsewhere.
Letati la mmalobatho/palobatho
Population Census
Siku ra nhlayelo wa vanhu
Ubusuku bebalopheleleko
Bosiu ba palabatho
Ubusuku bobalo-bantu
Bosigo jwa palobatho
Vhusiku ha mbalavhathu / sentsasi
Busuku belubalo
Ubusuku bokubalwa kwabantu
Census night
The night before the census day. The decisive point of time for being included in the census or not is set as midnight on that night.
Boegong bja ammalobatho/palobatho
Population Census
Vusiku bya nhlayelo wa vanhu
Iingaba zebalopheleleko
Mekgahlelo ya palabatho
Izigaba zobalo-bantu
Dikgato tsa palobatho
Nha / maga a mbalavhathu / sentsasi
Tigaba telubalo
Izigaba zokubalwa kwabantu
Census phases
The three main phases of a census are: 1) the pre-enumeration phase for all planning of the census; 2) the enumeration phase for execution of fieldwork; and 3) the post-enumeration phase for data processing, analysis and dissemination of census results.
Magato a mmalobatho/palobatho
Population Census
Swiphemu swa nhlayelo wa vanhu
Ibalopheleleko labafunyenweko
Palo ya setjhaba ho latela moo motho a leng teng
De facto-sensus
Ubalo-bantu ngokwendawo okuyo
Palobatho go ya ka kwa ba leng teng
Mbalavhathu-/ sentsasitsendekavhudzulo ha vhusiku honoho
Lubalo ngekutfolakala
Ukubalwa kwabantu lapho bekhona
De facto census
A census in which people are enumerated according to where they stay on census night.
Mmalobatho wo o theilwago boegong bja mmalobatho/palobatho
Population Census
Nhlayelo wa vanhu ku ya hi laha va kumekaka kona
Ibalopheleleko lamambala
Palo ya setjhaba ho latela moo motho a phelang teng
De jure-sensus
Ubalo-bantu ngokwendawo ohlala kuyo
Palobatho go ya ka bonno ba ka gale
Mbalavhathu- / sentsasitsendekavhudzulo tshohe
Lubalo ngekuhlala
Ukubalwa kwabantu lapho bevame ukuhlala khona
De jure census
A census in which people are enumerated according to where they usually live.
Palobatho/mmalobatho wo o theilwego bodulong bja tlwaelo
Population Census
Nhlayelo wa vanhu ku ya hi laha vanhu va tshamaka kona
Isisebenzi sekhaya (ekuhlalwa naso, esilalako)
Mosebetsi wa lelapa ya dulang
Huiswerker, inwonend [inwonende huiswerker]
Umncedisi, ohlala emsebenzini
Modiredi wa mo gae yo o robalang
Mushumi /muthusi wa muani / hayani, mudzulangeo
Sisebenti sasekhaya, lesihlala khona
Isisebenzi sasendlini/ wasekhaya ohlala khona
Domestic worker, live-in
A domestic worker who lives on the property of the employer, either in the same house or in separate domestic quarters. See domestic worker under labour.
Moomedi wa lapa wa serobalela
Population Census
Mutirhi wa le kaya, loyi a tshamaka entirhweni
Ibalo; ukubala
Ho bala
Ukubalwa kwabantu
The process of counting all the members of a given population and collecting demographic and other information about each person. See direct interview and self-enumeration.
Population Census
Isikhathi sebalo/sokubala
Nako ya ho bala
Ixesha lobalo
Paka ya palobatho
Tshifhinga tsha mbalavhathu
Sikhatsi sekubala
Isikhathi sokubalwa kwabantu
Enumeration period
The proclaimed period within which enumeration should be conducted.
Paka ya palobatho/mmalabatho
Population Census
Nkarhi wa nhlayelo
Isigaba sebalo/sokubala
Mokgahlelo wa ho bala
Isigaba sobalo
Kgato ya palobatho
Lua /iga a mbalavhathu
Sigaba sekubala
Isigaba sokubalwa kwabantu
Enumeration phase
The stage of the population census process that involves counting the people. During this phase, enumerators visit every household and all collective living quarters to administer questionnaires. See census phases.
Legatho la palobatho/mmalobatho
Population Census
Xiphemu xa nhlayelo
Umbali wabantu
Umbali wabantu
A person who visits households or individuals in a specific enumeration area for the purpose of administration of questionnaires or for self-enumeration.
Population Census
Incwadi yeenrhunyezo yombali (IBalopheleleko LabaNtu)
Buka ya kgutsufatso ya mmadi (Palasetjhaba)
Opnemer se opsommingsboek (Bevolkingsensus)
Incwadi yombali yokushwankathela (UBalo lwaBantu)
Bukatshobokanyo ya mmalabatho
Bugunweledzi ya muvhalavhathu (Mbalavhathu/ Sentsasi)
Libhuku lelifishanisiwe lekubala (lubalo lwebantfu)
Incwadi/ibhuku lemininingwane yokubalwa kwabantu
Enumerators summary book (Population Census)
A register of demarcation and listing information pertaining to a particular EA, known colloquially as the 09 book, which identifies an EA by province, local authority, main place name and subplace name, and by means of maps and/or aerial photographs. Used during enumeration to record key information such as visits or attempted visits, and total households and people counted.
Pukukakareto ya mmalabatho
Population Census
Buku ya nkatsakanyo wa muhlayeri wa vanhu (nhlayelo wa vanhu)
Isitetjhi somsebenzi wangaphandle
Ofisi e nnyane
Indawo /isitishi sokusebenzela
Lihhovisi lekusebentela ngaphandle
Isikhungo sababali babantu
Fieldwork station
An office or other place from where fieldwork is controlled. At the fieldwork station the boxes of questionnaires are distributed, collected, checked and registered.
Seteiene sa moomobaleng
Population Census
Xitichi xo tirhela
Umuzi; ikhaya
A group of persons who live together and provide themselves jointly with food and/or other essentials for living, or a single person who lives alone.
Population Census
Ihloko yekhaya /yomuzi
Hlooho ya lelapa
Intloko yomzi/umninimzi
Tlhogo ya lelapa
hoho ya mua/haya
Inhloko yelikhaya
Inhloko yekhaya/yomuzi
Head of the household
The main decision-maker, or the person who owns or rents the dwelling, or the person who is the main breadwinner.
Hlogo ya lapa
Population Census
Nhloko ya ndyangu
Umjaphethe wehloko yekhaya /yomuzi
Hlooho ya lelapa; motshwaredi
Huishoudingshoof, waarnemend [waarnemende huishoudingshoof]
Ibambela-ntloko yomzi
Kemedi ya tlhogo ya lelapa
hohopfareli ya mua/haya
Inhloko yelikhaya, libambela
Ibambanhloko yekhaya/yomuzi
Acting head of household
Any member of the household acting on behalf of the head of the household.
Moswarelahlogo wa lapa
Population Census
Nhloko ya ndyangu, mukhomeri
Ingeniso / imali yekhaya (ibalopheleleko)
Lekeno la lelapa (Palabatho)
Huishoudelike inkomste (sensus)
Ingeniso yomzi (uBalo-bantu)
Lotseno lwa lelapa
Mbuelo ya mua/haya (Mbalavhathu / Sentsasi)
Lokungenako kwelikhaya (lubalo)
Ingeniso/imali engenayo yekhaya (ukubalwa kwabantu)
Household income (Census)
Compare household income (household income and expenditure).
Ditseno ta lapa
Population Census
Mbuyelo wa ndyangu (nhlayelo wa vanhu)
Ukulimala / uthinteleko
Loss or deviation of physiological, neurological or anatomical structure or function of an organ or body part. See handicap.
Population Census
Muamurahu ha mbalavhathu
Umuntu ofike sekwabalwa
A person who was living in the household at the time of the post-enumeration survey but was not living in the household at the time of the census.
Motlamorago ga mmalobatho/palobatho, mofihli
Population Census
Isisebenzi sekhaya ekuhlalwa naso/esilalako
Mosebetsi wa lelapa ya dulang moo
Inwonende huiswerker
Umncedisi ohlala apho asebenza khona
Modiredi wa mo gae yo o robalang
Mushumi / muthusi wa mua /haya mudzulangeo
Sisebenti sasekhaya lesihlala khona
Isisebenzi/umsebenzi wasendlini/wasekhaya ohlala khona
Live-in domestic worker
See domestic worker, live-in.
Moomedi wa lapa wa serobalela
Population Census
Mutirhi wa le kaya loyi a tshamaka entirhweni
An operation whereby households and individuals enumerated during a census and a post-enumeration survey are compared for similarities and differences.
Population Census
Ba sa fumanwang
Geen kontak
Go sa fitlhelege
Kungatsintsani, kungachumani
Ukungaficwa kwabantu abazobalwa
A situation where data collection is incomplete as the enumerator fails to make contact with a household at an address, or an individual in collective living quarters.
Go hloka badudi
Population Census
Ku nga tihlanganisangi na ndyangu
Ya teng ka mehla
Losolo akhona
A person who was living in the household at the time of the census and at the time of the post-enumeration survey.
Population Census
Ya tsamaileng
Muaphana ha mbalavhathu
Umuntu ohambe sekwabalwa
A person who was living in the household at the time of the census but was not living in the household at the time of the post-enumeration survey.
Population Census
Loyi a fambeke
Ya/ba badilweng hangata
Ukugqithisa ukubala
Ukukubalwa kaningi
The number of persons or households inadvertently counted twice in a census.
Population Census
NTO (natellingopname)
See post-enumeration survey.
Population Census
Indawo yamabeletho
Sebaka sa tswalo
Indawo yokuzalwa
Flua/hethu ha mabebo
Indzawo lotalelwe kuyo, lawutalelwe khona
Indawo yokuzalwa
Place of birth
For persons born in South Africa, the province where the person was born, according to the present geography. For foreign-born persons, the country where the person was born.
Lefelo la tswalo
Population Census
Ndhawu ya ku velekiwa
Indawo yokubalela
Sebaka sa ho bala
Indawo yobalo
Lefelo la palobatho
Fhethu ha mbalavhathu
Indzawo lobalelwe kuyo
Indawo umuntu abalelwe kuyo
Place of enumeration
The place where the person was on census night (in a de facto census), whether or not this is his/her usual place of residence.
Lefelo la mmalobatho/palobatho
Population Census
Ndhawu ya nhlayelo
Indawo ohlala kiyo
Sebaka sa tlwaetso
Gewone woonplek
Indawo yokuhlala yesiqhelo
Bonno ba ka gale
Vhudzulo ha misi
Indzawo lovamisa kuhlala kuyo
Indawo avame ukuhlala kuyo
Place of usual residence
The geographical place where the person resides four nights a week on average. Usually collected at subplace level.
Lefelo la bodulo la tlwaelo/la ka mehla
Population Census
Ndhawu laha munhu a talaka ku tshama kona
Ibalopheleleko labantu
Ubalo lwabantu/ubalo-bantu
Palobatho ya baagi
Mbalavhathu / sentsasi
Lubalo lwebantfu
Ukubalwa kwabantu
Population census
A survey conducted on the whole population.
Population Census
Nhlayelo wa vanhu
Isigaba sangemva kwebalo/kokubala
Mokgahlelo ka mora ho bala
Isigaba esisemva kobalo
Kgato ya morago ga palobatho
Lua/iga thevhelambalavhathu
Sigaba emva kwekubala
Isigaba esilandela ukubalwa kwabantu
Post- enumeration phase
The stage of the census after all questionnaires have been administered and collected.
Legato la ka morago ga palobatho/mmalobatho
Population Census
Nkarhi endzhaku ka nhlayelo wa vanhu
Ihlolo yangemva kwebalo/kokubala
Dipatlisiso ka mora ho bala
Natellingopname (NTO)
Uhlolo emva kobalo
Tlhotlhomiso ya morago ga palobatho
Tsedzuluso savei thevhelambavhathu
Isaveyi emuva kwekubala
Ucwaningo olulandela ukubalwa kwabantu
Post-enumeration survey
A sample survey conducted immediately after the census to evaluate the census. Adjustments for undercount or overcount are then made to the census results based on the results of the PES.
Tekolo ya ka morago ga palobatho/tekolo ya ka morago ga mmalobatho
Population Census
Mbalango endzhaku ka nhlayelo wa vanhu
Isigaba sangaphambi kwebalo/kokubala
Mokgahlelo wa pele ho balwa
Isigaba esandulela ubalo
Kgato ya pele ga palobatho
Lua/iga thangelambalavhathu
Sigaba ngembikwekubala
Isigaba esandulela ukubalwa kwabantu
Pre-enumeration phase
The stage of the census during which all preparatory work is carried out.
Legato la pele ga palobatho/legato la pele ga mmalobatho
Population Census
Nkarhi wo rhangela nhlayelo wa vanhu
Ubuhlobo nehloko yomuzi namkha nomjaphethe wehloko yomuzi
Dikamano le hlooho kapa motshwaredi wa hlooho ya lelapa
Verwantskap met huishoudingshoof of waarnemende huishoudingshoof
Ubudlelwane nentloko yomzi okanye nebambela-ntloko yomzi
Kamano le tlhogo/kemeditlhogo ya lelapa
Vhushaka kha hoho kana hohopfareli ya mua / haya
Kuhlobana nenhloko nobe libambelanhloko lelikhaya
Ubuhlobo nenhloko noma ibambanhloko yekhaya
Relationship to the head or acting head of the household
Relationship through blood, marriage, adoption or other circumstance.
Kamano le hlogo goba moswarelahlogo wa lapa
Population Census
Vuxaka exikarhi ka muhlayiwa na nhloko ya ndyangu kumbe mukhomeri wa nhloko ya ndyangu
Umraro orarululiweko
Nyewe e rarolotsweng
Opgeloste geval
Umba osonjululweyo
Kgetse e e rarabolotsweng
Kuvumelana kwelubalo
Ukuhambelana kokubala
Resolved case
A case, of a person, household or a questionnaire, where matching between the census and the post-enumeration survey is successful.
Papeto ye e atlegilego
Population Census
Mhaka leyi lulamisiweke
Ba sa balellwang
Ukubala nganeno
Ukubalela nganeno
The number of people or households that were not counted in the census.
Population Census
Umraro ongakararululwa
Nyewe e sa rarabollwang
Onopgeloste geval
Umba ongasonjululwanga
Kgetse e e sa rarabololwang
Fhungo tshayandadzwa
Kungavumelani kwelubalo
Ukungavumelani kobalo
Unresolved case
A case, of a person, household or questionnaire, where matching between the census and the post-enumeration survey fails because of a lack of adequate information or because responses differ.
Palo ye e sa atlegago
Population Census
Mhaka leyi nga lulamisiwangiki
Izinga lobuchaka bokugcina
Moedi wa bofutsanafutse
Absolute armoedegrens
Iqondo lendlala eligqithisileyo
Kemo ya lehumatota; boikaparitota
Tshikalavhushai tsha vhukuma
Labaphuye mbamba
Izinga eliphezulu lobuphofu/lobubha
Absolute poverty line
That level of the standard of living measure below which a household is unable to meet its basic needs.
Legatokgao la bodiididiidi
Mpimo wa vusweti wa xiheri
Ikomba yokutjhiyana kobuchaka(i-DPI namkha i-P2)
Tshupane ya maemo a bofutsana (DPI kapa P2)
Ontbindbare armoede-indeks (OAI)
Isalathiso sokwaphula amandla endlala (iDPI okanye i P2)
Tshupakemo ya lehuma
Tshikala tshayandinganelo ya vhushai (DPI kana P2)
Kulinganisa lizinga lekungalingani lebuphuya
Inkomba yezinga eliphezulu lobuphofu/lobubha (i-DPI nomaP2)
Decomposable poverty index (DPI or P)
Measure of the degree of inequality among the poor. Note: The DPI is considered conventional and measures the incidence of poverty and the degree of inequality among the poor using an aversion parameter and determines the proportionate decrease from the poverty line. It also shows the living standards and relates them to the population at large.
Legatokgao la bodiididiidi
Xikombo xa vusweti xa nkandzingano
Iretjhiyo yokutjhiyana kweendleko (i-EGR)
Tekanyo ya sekgeo sa ditshenyehelo
Bestedingsgaping-verhouding (BGV)
Umlinganiselo womsantsa wenkcitho (iEGR)
Sekgalakabo sa ditshenyegelo
Tshikhala tsha ndivhanele ya tshinyalelo (EGR)
Sichatsanisosibalo seligebe lenchitfo
Isilinganiso segebe lezindleko (i-EGR)
Expenditure gap ratio (EGR)
Measure that considers the degree of poverty and the extent to which expenditure of the poor lies below the poverty line.
Tekanyokelo ya magato a ditshenyagalelo
Mpimoxiave wa vangwa ra ntirhiso (MVN)
Ikomba ka-Gini
Tshupane ya Gini
Isalathiso seGini
Tshupane ya ga Gini
Inkhomba yaGini
Inkomba kaGini
Gini index
Index that shows how close a given distribution of income is to absolute equality or inequality. Note: The Gini coefficient is the ratio of the area between the 45-degree line and the Lorenz curve and the area of the entire triangle. As the coefficient approaches zero, the distribution of income or consumption approaches absolute equality, and absolute inequality if it approaches 1.
Kelothupeto ya Gini
Xikombo xa Gini
Iretjhiyo yokubala ihloko(i-HCR namkha i-P0)
Karolo ya mafutsana setjhabeng; palo ya motho ka mong
Armes: bevolking-verhouding
Umlinganiselo wobalo lwabantu abakhoyo (iHCR okanye iPO)
Kabopalelo ya tlhogo ka tlhogo
Ndivhanele ya muthu nga muthu ya vhushai (HCR kana P0)
Sichatsanisosibalo sekubala umuntfu ngamunye(i-HCR noma i-PO)
Isilinganiso sokubala umuntu ngamunye
Head-count ratio (HCR or P0)
The percentage or proportion of persons taken to be poor, in relation to the total population in a given country, region, etc. In other words, it is the proportion of the population whose standard of living is lower than the country-specific poverty line (usually measured in terms of income or consumption).
Tekanyokelo hlogo ka hlogo
Mpimoxiave wo hlayela hi nhloko
Ubuncani bezinga lepilo obulungileko/obamukelekako
Maemo a tlase a amohelehang a bophelo
Minimum aanvaarbare lewenstandaard
Ubuncinane obamkelekileyo bomgangatho wokuphila
Maemotlase a a amogelesegang a botshelo
Tshiimohanganedzwa tsha fhasisa tsha kutshilele
Lizingancane lemphilo lelemukelekile
Izinga elamukelekile lokuphila
Minimum acceptable standard of living
The ability for an individual or household to meet their basic needs, namely minimum accommodation, water, food, health care, education and sanitation.
Minimamo ya maemo a bophelo a a amogelegago
Mahanyelo ya vutomi lama amukelekaka ya le hansi
Ukutjhiyana kobuchaka
Sekgeo sa bofutsana
Umsantsa wendlala
Sekgala sa lehuma
Tshikhala tsha vhushai
Ligebe lebuphuya
Igebe lobuphofu/ lobubha
Poverty gap
The difference between the poverty line and mean income of the poor, expressed as a ratio of the poverty line.
Magato a bodiidi
Vangwa ra vusweti
Ikomba yendima yokutjhiyana kobuchaka(i-P1)
Tshupo ya sekgeo sa bofutsana; tshupane ya sekgeo sa bofutsana (P1)
Isalathiso somsantsa wendlala (iPI)
Tshupanesekgala ya lehuma
Tshikalatshikhala tsha vhushai (P1)
Inkhomba yeligebe lebuphuya
Inkomba yegebe lobuphofu/lobubha
Poverty gap index (P1)
The proportion by which an individual or a household is below the poverty line. Note: The poverty gap multiplied by the headcount index, gives the poverty gap index.
Kelothupeto ya magato a bodiidi
Xikombo xa vangwa ra vusweti
Izinga lobuchaka
Moedi wa bofutsana
Iqondo lendlala
Sehlukaniso sebuphuya
Umudwazinga wobuphofu/wobubha
Poverty line
Line drawn at a particular level of income or consumption. Households/individuals whose incomes fall below a given level of the poverty line or whose consumption level is valued at less than the value of the poverty line are classified as poor. See relative poverty line and absolute poverty line.
Legatokgao la bodiidi
Mpimo wa vusweti
Ihlathululobunjalo yobuchaka
Matshwao a phapano ya bofutsana
Ubume bendlala
Tshedimosetsotsenelelo ka ga lehuma/porofaele
Simolwati sebuphuya
Umumo wobuphofu/ wobubha
Poverty profile
A description of how the extent of poverty varies across subgroups of a given population, characterised by, for example, their gender, region of residence, type of economic activity, source of income, etc.
Tlhalooseemo ya bodiidi
Xiyimo xa vusweti
Iinkomba zeqalontanzi lobuchaka
Ditshupane tsa sehlooho tsa bofutsana
Izalathiso zendlala eziphambili
Ditlapele tsa tshupalehuma
Tsumbandivhiswa dza vhushai
Tinkhomba tebuphuya letisembili
Izinkomba eziqavile zobuphofu/ zobubha
Priority poverty indicators
Country-specific indicators that, taken together, provide an overview of the state of poverty in that country.
Dithupetohlokwa ta bodiidi
Swikombiso swa vusweti swa xirhangana
Ubuchaka obulingeneko
Bofutsana bo amanngwang le naha
Relatiewe armoede
Indlala eqikelelwayo
Lizinga lebuphuya ngekwesimo
Ubuphofu obubalulekayo/obuqhathanisekayo
Relative poverty
The position of an individual or household compared with the average income in a given country.
Maemo a bodiidi ka papio
Vusweti hi yelaniso
Izinga lobuchaka obulingeneko
Moedi wa bofutsana bo amanngwang le naha
Relatiewe armoedegrens
Iqondo lendlala eliqikelelwayo
Papiso kemolehuma
Sehlukaniso sebuphuya ngekwesimo
Umudwazinga wobuphofu obubalulekayo/ obuqhathanisekayo
Relative poverty line
Under the relative poverty line approach, a household can be defined as poor relative to others in the same society or economy. Thus a relative poverty line varies as the average of total population consumption varies. It involves drawing an arbitrary line by identifying the proportions (such as mean, median, or even a fraction of the mean) and establishing a poverty line(s) from expenditure or income data. See poverty line.
Legatokgao la bodiidi ka papio
Mpimo wa vusweti wa xiheri
Iintengo eziphakanyisiweko
Ditheko tse laolwang
Geadministreerde pryse
Amaxabiso aqingqiweyo
Ditlhotlhwa tse di beetsweng seelo
Tintsengo letincunyiwe
Intengo/amanani alawuliwe
Administered prices
The price of a product, which is set consciously by an individual producer or group of producers, and/or any price which can be determined or influenced by government, either directly, or through one or other government agencies/institutions without reference to market forces.
Mixavo leyi lawuriwaka
Isilinganiso setjhugulukontengo elipheleleko ngomnyaka
Sekgahla sa phetoho ya ditheko ka selemo; infleishini
Jaarlikse inflasiekoers
Umlinganiselo wamandla emali ngonyaka
Kelo ya phetogotlhotlhwa ka ngwaga
Phimo ya tshanduko ya mitengo ya waha
Lizinga lemandlamali lemnyaka
Izinga lokukhuphuka kwamandla emali ngonyaka
Annual inflation rate
The change in the CPI for all items of the relevant month of the current year compared with the CPI for all items of the same month in the previous year expressed as a percentage.
Kelo ya kgolo le theogo ya ditheko/kelo ya kgolo le theogo ya infoleiene
Mpimo wa inifulexini wa lembe
Itjhuguluko lamaphesente ngomnyaka
Phesente ya phetoho ka selemo (tshupane)
Jaarlikse persentasieverandering (indeks)
Utshintsho lwepesenti ngonyaka ngamnye (isalathiso)
Phetogo ya phesente ka ngwaga
Tshanduko kha ana nga waha(tshikali)
Luntjintjo lwemaphesenti ngemnyaka
Ukuguquka kwephesenti ngonyaka (inkomba)
Annual percentage change (index)
The change in the index of the relevant month of the current year compared with the index of the same month in the previous year expressed as a percentage.
Phetogo ya kelothupeto ka ngwaga
Ncinco wa tiphesente hi lembe (xikombo)