stringlengths 0
| sl_seq
stringlengths 0
all asset/loc/CI records for the ticket | vsi zapisi sredstev/lokacij/KI (asset/loc/CI) za prijavo |
18 | 18 |
Import prices in February 2020 were on average 0.6% lower than in January 2020. | Cene uvoženih proizvodov v februarju 2020 glede na januar 2020 v povprečju nižje za 0,6 %. |
Annex XI shall be amended as follows: | Priloga XI se spremeni: |
Other personal service activities n.e.c. | Druge storitvene dejavnosti, drugje nerazvrščene |
was built to meet the needs of academic researchers. Please let us know what we can do to make it better. | Storitev je narejena za to, da zadosti potrebam znanstvenih raziskovalcev. Povejte nam, kako naj jo izboljšamo. |
raw milk | surovo mleko |
2 -- Change between map and satellite view. | 2 – za preklop med pogledom zemljevida in satelitsko sliko. |
ox-tongue in aspic garnished with pickled vegetables | jezik v aspiku obložen s fino kislo zelenjavo |
The LW starts a piston movement towards the middle and passes the ball to the LB who also makes a run to the middle. | LW naredi zalet z žogo proti sredini in poda žogo do LB, ki se prav tako zaleti proti sredini, |
We do not plan to invest | Ne načrtujete investicij |
Countries and territories not specified for commercial or military reasons | Države in ozemlja, ki niso navedena iz komercialnih ali vojaških razlogov |
Sacks and bags, of polyethylene or polypropylene strip, weighing > 120 g/m?, used for packing goods (excluding knitted or crocheted) | Razne vreče za pakiranje blaga, iz polietilena ali prolipropilena, tkane, mase > 120 g/m2 |
Create another view containing the current document | Äe je to izbrano, bo vgrajena konzola ob zagonu skoÄila (cd) v imenik aktivnega dokumenta. To se zgodi tudi ob spremembi dokumenta, Äe je ta krajevni. |
Zaprojektowany przez Sprawdzony przez Zatwierdzony przez | Zasnoval Preveril Odobril |
Retail sale of watches and jewellery in specialized stores | Trgovina na drobno v specializiranih prodajalnah z urami in nakitom |
Formic acid, its salts and esters | Mravljinčna kislina, njene soli in estri |
It should simplify citizens' and businesses’ contact with the assistance and problem solving services, established at the Union or national level making that contact more effective. | Morala bi poenostaviti stike državljanov in podjetij s službami za pomoč in reševanje težav, vzpostavljenimi na ravni Unije ali nacionalni ravni, in te stike narediti učinkovitejše. |
Allows the admin to edit partners. | Ta možnost skrbniku omogoča urejanje podatkov o partnerjih. |
When you see the Endpoint: 4’-8 1/2”<0.0000° ToolTip, click. | Ko zagledate namig Endpoint: 4'-8 1/2"<0.0000°, kliknite. |
The name of the machine | Ime računalnika |
This corporate is certificated by ISO9001:2008. | Ta družba ima certifikat ISO 9001:2008. |
Zambia (Provinces) | Italijanske provinceusa. kgm |
Steam and hot water supply services | OSKRBA S PARO IN TOPLO VODO |
The prices of vegetables were on average higher by 20.3% (higher were mostly the prices of lettuce, cucumbers and onion). | Cene zelenjadnic so se v povprečju zvišale za 20,3 % (višje so bile predvsem cene solate, kumar in čebule). |
Unspecified spondylopathy, occipito-atlanto-axial region | Spondilopatija, neopredeljena, okcipitalni–atlanto – aksialni predel področje |
4.XIV.109010 financing of terrorism - Par. 1 | 4.XIV.109010 financiranje terorizma - od. 1 |
Sprain and strain radiohumeral (joint) | Izvin in nateg radiohumeralnega sklepa komolca |
abuse the exemption from | zlorabiti izjemo od |
An internal server error has occurred. | Prišlo je do notranje napake v strežniku. |
RRBN (Round Robin) | RRBN (Round Robin) |
4.XIV.114052 unlawful creation of living organisms - Par. 5 in resp. of par. 2 | 4.XIV.114052 prepovedana tvorba živih bitij - od. 5 v zvezi z od. 2 |
Leader Board Points would be awarded as follows. | Točke za najboljše igralce bi bile razdeljene tako. |
in B, paragraph 4, the introductory phrase is replaced by the following: | pod B, odstavek 4, se uvodni stavek nadomesti z naslednjim: |
The most important factor limiting the enterprises in retail trade was competition in own sector (58%), followed by low demand (37%) and high costs of labour (41%). | Največ podjetij v trgovini na drobno je kot omejitve navedlo konkurenco v sektorju (58 % podjetij), nizko povpraševanje (37 % podjetij) in visoke stroške dela (41 % podjetij). |
Next to Disk cache, click Empty now, and then click OK. | Poleg Predpomnilnik diska kliknite Počisti zdaj in nato kliknite V redu. |
1000 | 1000 |
If you are not comfortable with this amount, you are welcome to enter a lower amount in the field. | Če vam ta znesek ne ustreza, lahko v polje vnesete nižji znesek. |
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzž |
Provisions are amounts, arising from past events, that will probably have to be paid by the EU budget in the future. | Rezervacije so zneski, ki izhajajo iz preteklih dogodkov in jih bo verjetno treba plačati iz proračuna EU v prihodnosti. |
Chlorates and perchlorates, bromates and perbromates, iodates and periodates | Klorati in perklorati, bromati in perbromati, jodati in perjodati |
articles to be annotated for this purpose | v obliki za ta namen označenih člankov |
bankers' draft | bančna menica |
they shall be jointly responsible for making good any damage arising out of their action | dolžne so solidarno nadomestiti kakršno koli škodo, ki nastane zaradi njihovih zahtev |
DecimalMin constraint | Omejitev DecimalMin |
Iron or steel cold-formed helical coil compression springs | Spiralne tlačne vzmeti, hladno oblikovane, iz železa ali jekla |
vouchers | lastninski certifikati |
Select vendor | Izberite dobavitelja |
5.XV.121071 illegal abortion - Par. 7 in resp. of par. 1 | 5.XV.121071 nedovoljen poseg v nosečnost - od. 7 v zvezi z od. 1 |
apple | apple |
Sawmilling and planing of wood, impregnation of wood | Žaganje in skobljanje lesa ter impregniranje lesa |
In comparison with January 2014, in January 2015 the prices of crop products decreased on average by 16.9% and the prices of animals and animal products on average by 9.6%.. | Cene rastlinskih pridelkov so bile v januarju 2015 v povprečju za 16,9 % nižje kot v januarju 2014, cene živali in živalskih proizvodov pa za 9,6 %.. |
how do i change my password | kako spremenim moje geslo |
Most people were newly employed in manufacturing, construction, transport and trade. | Največ oseb se je v tem četrtletju zaposlilo v predelovalnih dejavnostih, v gradbeništvu, strokovnih, znanstvenih in tehničnih dejavnostih ter v dejavnosti promet in trgovina. |
Email Alerts (beta) | E-poštna opozorila (beta) |
Dominated Hands | Dominated Hands |
mineral resources | mineralni viri |
Hides and skins of equine animals, in the dry state 'crust', without hair on, whether or not split (excl. further prepared and full grains, unsplit and grain splits) | Kože, goveje, kopitarjev, strojene, suhe, druge, neobdelane, drugje nerazporejene |
Yarn containing < 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres (other than sewing thread), mixed with cotton, n.p.r.s. | Preja iz < 85 % rezanih sintetičnih vlaken, v mešanici z bombažem, nepripravljena za prodajo na drobno |
Fresh cranberries, bilberries and other fruits of the genus Vaccinium | Brusnice, borovnice in drugo sadje rodu Vaccinium, sveže |
Thanks for being a loyal Hotmail customer. | Zahvaljujemo se vam, ker ste zvest uporabnik storitve Hotmail. |
To finish your report, provide the following in the 'Templates, Scheduling and Email' section | Preden končate poročilo, vnesite naslednje podatke v razdelek »Predloge, razporejanje in elektronska sporočila«: |
6,05 | 6,05 |
valenci%%amp;#224; | valenci%%amp;#224; |
Saved Carts | Shranjeni vozički |
resolved | odločilen |
Instruments and appliances used in geodesy, topography surveying or levelling and hydrographic instruments (excl. compasses, rangefinders, theodolites, tachymeters 'tacheometers', levels and photogrammetrical surveying instruments and appliances) | Instrumenti in aparati, ki se uporabljajo v geodeziji, topografiji, terenskem merjenju ali niveliranju, hidrografski instrumenti |
Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, pelvic region and thigh | Druge vrste streptokokni artritis in poliartritis, medenični predel in stegno |
Domestic sewing machines (excluding furniture, bases and covers) | Gospodinjski šivalni stroji |
Monitoring: | Spremljanje: |
enforcement of ruling | izvršitev sodne odločbe |
Product and garment designers | Industrijske in modne oblikovalke ipd. |
Is it because you didn't find the right case? | Je tako, ker niste našli pravega etuija? |
5.XXXII.337050 tainting of foodstuffs or fodder - Par. 5 | 5.XXXII.337050 onesnaženje živil ali krme - od. 5 |
WPC Participant Release Form | Pogodba za odvezo odgovornosti???, ki jo prejmejo sodelujoči na WPC. |
Flat knitting machines (excl. warp knitting machines, incl. Raschel type) | Stroji za ravno pletenje, šivalni prepletilnik, drugi |
military presence | vojaška prisotnost |
hospitalized patient | hospitaliziran bolnik |
02 Thermostat valve R1/2” or R3/4”, angular | 02 Termostatski ventil R1/2”, R3/4”, kotni |
You will return to the Change Password screen. | Vrnile se boste na zaslon Spremeni geslo. |
You can enter other values for the line width by typing in a number in the Width field. | Debelino črte lahko spremenite tako, da v polje Debelina vnesete številko. |
VAT Base | Osnova DDV |
Recreational vehicle park and trailer park services | Storitve počitniških taborov |
cauliflower mosaic virus | cvetačni mozaični virus |
Your addressee will be saved in the . | Vaš naslovnik bo shranjen v . |
LibreOffice | LibreOffice |
6-12 | 6-12 |
Apple juice, unfermented, Brix value > 20 but <= 67 at 20°C, value of > 18 EUR per 100 kg, containing added sugar (excl. containing spirit) | Sok, jabolčni, nefermentiran, brez dodanega alkohola, drug, z Brix št. več kot 20 do vključno 67, katerega vrednost presega 18 EUR za 100 kg neto mase, z dodanim sladkorjem |
More details on the prize are available on the Europarl webpage on prizes, as well as on the websites of the EP Information Offices. | Več informacij o nagradi je na voljo na spletni strani Evropskega parlamenta v razdelku o nagradah ter na spletnih mestih informacijskih pisarn Evropskega parlamenta. |
Insurance corporations (IC) | Zavarovalne družbe (IC) |
awareness, compliance and simplification. | ozaveščenost, skladnost in poenostavitev. |
Prepared pigments, opacifiers and colours, vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes, liquid lustres and the like, glass frit | Steklasti emajli, sredstva za motnenje, , pripravljeni pigmenti, glazure, lošči ipd. |
2885 | 2885 |
Chartered public institutions | Zavod s pravico javnosti |
Container handling services | Prekladanje zabojnikov (kontejnerjev) |
Bachelor of General Linguistics and Sociology | univ. dipl. spl. jez. in prof. soc. |