The lack of public scrutiny has been identified as the problem to be addressed.
Kot problematično je bilo ugotovljeno pomanjkanje javnega nadzora.
Bank and branch code
Številka banke in bančne podružnice
The application of the corrective allocation for the benefit of a Member State should be triggered where the number of applications for international protection for which a Member State is responsible exceeds 150% of the figure identified in the reference key.
Uporaba korektivnega dodeljevanja v korist države članice bi se morala začeti samodejno, kadar število prošenj za mednarodno zaščito, za katere je država članica odgovorna, preseže 100 % števila, ki je opredeljeno v referenčnem ključu.
land use and siting;
rabo zemljišča in lokacije;
Asset Function:
Funkcija sredstva:
Circular knives and cutting blades for kitchen appliances or for machines used by the food industry
Krožni noži in rezila za gospodinjske naprave ali stroje v prehrambeni industriji
Mortar-based installation
Vgradnja z malto
10 is already included in and .
10 je že vključen v sistema in .
Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, dried, neither crushed nor ground
Plodovi iz rodu Capsicum ali Pimenta, suhi, nezdrobljeni in nezmleti
Set Location
Nastavi lego...
keeping as low as possible the number of workers exposed or likely to be exposed;
z vzdrževanjem števila delavcev, ki so ali bi lahko bili izpostavljeni, na čim nižji ravni;
communication control
nadzor prenosa
whereas Tunisia currently faces a difficult socio-economic situation but also security challenges mostly deriving from the situation in Libya;
ker se Tunizija trenutno sooča s težkimi družbenimi in gospodarskimi razmerami, pa tudi z varnostnimi izzivi, ki so večinoma posledica razmer v Libiji;
Fish, otherwise prepared or preserved, except prepared fish dishes
Ribe, drugače pripravljene ali konzervirane, razen pripravljenih ribjih jedi
Legal, social and religious associate professionals
Strokovni sodelavci/strokovne sodelavke za pravne zadeve, socialno delo in verske skupnosti
Chassis fitted with engines, for the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705
Šasije z vdelanimi motorji, za motorna vozila iz tar.št. 8701 do 8705, prostornina nad 2500 cm3
Figure 12:The AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT screen are almost identical.
Slika 12:Zaslon v AutoCAD-u je skoraj identičen zaslonu v AutoCAD-u LT.
Thermostats for automatic regulating or controlling
And you can always jump into the discussion on the Technical Preview forum .
Seveda pa se lahko vedno pridružite razpravi na forumu za Technical Preview .
It shall explain the reason for the extension and inform the applicant accordingly.
Razlog za podaljšanje obrazloži in o tem obvesti prosilca.
technical maintenance
vzdrževanje opreme
Will there be significant impacts on national budgets and administration?
Ali bo prišlo do znatnih učinkov na nacionalne proračune in uprave?
This field indicates when the receipt is due. The program calculates the date using the Šifra placilnih pogojev and Datum knjiženja fields on the purchase header.
V polju je prikazan datum zapadlosti prevzemnice. Program izračuna datum z uporabo polj Šifra plačilnih pogojev in Datum knjiženja v glavi nabave.
Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only, containing an unfused pyrazole ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure (excl. phenazone 'antipyrin' and its derivatives)
Heterociklične spojine z nekondenziranim pirazolovim obročem, druge
Target levels and coverage of the Deposit Insurance Fund
Ciljne ravni in kritje jamstvenega sklada za vloge
'natural flavouring substance' means 'natural flavouring substance' as defined in point (c) of Article 3(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008;
„naravna aromatična snov“ pomeni „naravno aromatično snov“, kot je opredeljena v točki (c) člena 3(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 1334/2008;
With UV LED light
Z UV Led svetilko
gassy mines
zaplinjeni rudniki
Transactions shows the transactions you have made in this account in the past year.
V razdelku »Transakcije« so prikazane transakcije, ki ste jih v tem računu opravili v preteklem letu.
This versatile bag can be carried by hand or as a backpack.
Lahko ga nosite kot torbo ali kot nahrbtnik.
The average natural gas price for households in Slovenia in the fourth quarter of 2015 was 0.63 EUR/Sm 3 , which is an 8% decrease over the third quarter.
Povprečna cena zemeljskega plina za gospodinjstva se je v četrtem četrtletju 2015 znižala in je znašala 0,63 EUR/Sm 3 , to je za 8 % manj kot v tretjem četrtletju.
sales rebates
prodajni rabati
You entered an incorrect web address for your blog
Vnesli ste napačni spletni naslov svojega spletnega dnevnika
Flexible tubing of iron or steel, with or without fittings
Cevi, upogljive, iz železa in jekla
& Group similar tasks:
& Združi podobna opravila:
European Security Charter
Listina o evropski varnosti
Flemming jotter notepad
Usnjena beležka Flemming
In article 2, point c is replaced by the following:
V členu 2 se točka (c) nadomesti z naslednjim:
When replacing the battery, use only original battery, available from our online parts shop.
Pri zamenjavi baterije uporabite samo originalno baterijo, ki je na voljo v naši spletni trgovini z deli.
Producer organisations and associations and interbranch organisations
Organizacije proizvajalcev in združenja ter medpanožne organizacije
Objects to the building project presented by the Agency;
nasprotuje projektu gradnje, ki ga je predstavila agencija
The output indicators table
Preglednica kazalnikov neposrednih učinkov:
survival factor
faktor preživetja
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Dodajte sporočilo o odsotnosti
C. Under the ELV option, click on "Verify Bank Account".
C. Pod možnostjo ELV kliknite Verify Bank Account (Potrdi bančni račun).
fit content
prilagodi vsebini
Import duration
Trajanje uvoza
special laissez-passer
posebna prepustnica
At the end of 2014, 1,272 children with special needs were included in institutional care.
Ob koncu leta 2014 je bilo v domsko oskrbovključenih 1.272 otrok s posebnimi potrebami, to je 4,5 % manjkot v prejšnjem letu.
The integrated USB port ensures that you are able to charge your phone while on the go.
Vgrajen USB izhod omogoča polnjenje vašega mobilnega telefona na poti.
GL Account component 02.
Komponenta konta 02.
At the bottom of the page, in the Remote Access section, click the computer that you want to access.
Na dnu strani v razdelku Oddaljen dostop kliknite računalnik, do katerega želite dostopiti.
Welcomes that commitment appropriations for the EAFRD basically remain at the same level as in the 2017 budget, while the requested payment appropriations are actually increasing;
pozdravlja dejstvo, da odobritve za prevzem obveznosti za EKSRP v osnovi ostajajo na enaki ravni kot v proračunu za leto 2017, zahtevane odobritve plačil pa se dejansko povečujejo;
Air conditioning machines comprising a motor-driven fan, not incorporating a refrigerating unit but incorporating elements for changing the temperature and humidity, n.e.s.
Klimatske naprave z ventilatorji, brez vgrajene hladilne enote
metalled (surface)
z gramozom posuta (površina)
Make a hole In the wall or ceiling of 100 mm dia.
V steno ali strop naredite luknjo s premerom 100 mm.
If you want to have a default setup for each user, click the AssistButton in the User ID field to see the Users window.
Če želite vsakemu uporabniku dodeliti privzete nastavitve, kliknite AssistButton v polju ID uporabnika, prikaže se okno Uporabniki.
Choose this option if you want to make custom music CDs that you can play in your car, on your stereo, or on your PC.
To možnost izberite, če želite ustvariti CD-je z glasbo po meri, ki jo lahko predvajate v avtu, na radiu ali v računalniku.
pravnik- lingvist
the instruments are clearly and separately disclosed on the balance sheet in the financial statements of the institution;
instrumenti so jasno in ločeno izkazani v bilanci stanja v računovodskih izkazih institucije;
Other refrigerating or freezing equipment
Druge naprave za hlajenje ali zamrzovanje
A check mark in this field indicates that the job scheduler will run this job on Sundays.
Potrditvena oznaka v tem polju označuje, da razporejevalnik poslov zažene ta posel ob nedeljah.
Jack Reacher
Jack Reacher
In December 2018 SURS completed the second pilot project in the field of forest accounts, in which it supplemented and methodologically upgraded the first pilot project on statistical monitoring of the economic and environmental values of forests and forest resources, completed in 2016..
SURS je v decembru 2018 zaključil drugi pilotni projekt na področju gozdnih računov, v katerem je dopolnil in metodološko nadgradil v 2016 končani prvi pilotni projekt o statističnem spremljanju ekonomske in okoljske vrednosti gozdov in gozdnih virov..
Choose a file to add to the list of files to install.
Nastavi veznik adresarja za KPilot
excellent quality,
odlična kakovost,
As regards goods, durable and non-durable goods prices decreased by 1.5% and 1.1%, respectively, while semi-durablegoods prices increased by 0.3%.
Od blaga se je trajno blago pocenilo (za 1,5 %), cenejše je bilo tudi blago dnevne porabe (za 1,1 %), medtem ko se je poltrajno blago podražilo (za 0,3 %).
Articles of iron or steel, open-die forged, n.e.s.
Izdelki, železni ali jekleni, drugi, neomenjeni, kovani v odprti matici
Sending a photo email from Photo Gallery
Pošiljanje e-pošte s sliko iz Fotogalerije
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N astavitve Shrani k ot...
On average, each has 16 beehives. With almost 5 beekeepers per 1,000 population, Slovenia is at the top of the EU-28.
Po številu čebelarjev na 1.000 prebivalcev je Slovenija s skoraj 5 čebelarji na 1.000 prebivalcev v samem vrhu držav članic EU-28.
You can invite your contacts to receive automatic updates when you change your profile information.
Svojim stikom lahko ponudite možnost, da prejmejo samodejne posodobitve, ko spremenite informacije o profilu.
interconnected provider
medomrežni ponudnik
calls on the Commission to:
poziva Komisijo, naj:
Already have account?
Ali že imate račun?
On average the highest earnings were paid in financial and insurance activities..
V povprečju najvišjo plačo so imeli v finančnih in zavarovalniških dejavnostih..
II.5 Others
II.5 Razno
Traditional international trade in goods is the most important aspect of Slovenian cross-border integration In 2013, Slovenias share of exports of goods and services amounted to 74.7% of gross domestic product (GDP) and the share of imports of goods and services to 68.7% of GDP.
Mednarodna menjava blaga je najpomembnejša oblika slovenskega čezmejnega ekonomskega povezovanja Vrednost izvoza blaga in storitev je v Sloveniji v letu 2013 predstavljala 74,7%, vrednost uvoza blaga in storitev pa 68,7% vrednosti bruto domačega proizvoda (BDP).
Active ageing and subsequent retirement also depend on good health.
Za aktivno staranje in poznejše upokojevanje je med drugim pomembno tudi dobro zdravstveno stanje.
Relationship to the Contract table used to find all approved child Contract records for a given master contract (masterview.contractnum=contract.masternum and masterview.orgid=contract.orgid and contract.status=APPR)
Razmerje do tabele Contract, uporabljeno za iskanje vseh zapisov odobrenih podrejenih pogodb za dano krovno pogodbo (masterview.contractnum=contract.masternum and masterview.orgid=contract.orgid and contract.status=APPR)
Sunglasses in microfiber pouch Malibu
Sončna očala z vrečko za shranjevanje iz mikrovlaken Malibu