stringlengths 0
| sl_seq
stringlengths 0
Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates | Ekstrakti in sokovi iz mesa, rib, rakov, mehkužcev in drugih vodnih nevretenčarjev |
Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified, other site | Tujkov granulom mehkega tkiva, ki ni uvrščen drugje, drugo |
Write down: | Odgovorite na naslednja vprašanja. |
Tara: | Tia: |
Emphasises the need for renewed upward convergence in wages throughout the EU; | poudarja, da je v celotni EU ponovno potrebna konvergenca plač navzgor; |
Unleashing Your Child’s Creativity | Čudovita tabla za spodbujanje ustvarjalnosti vaših otrok |
Light metal castings for machinery and mechanical appliances excl. for piston engines, turbojets, gas turbines, lifting/handling equipt., construction industry machinery/vehicles | Deli za druge stroje, liti iz lahkih kovin |
A Coruna | A Coruna |
Your files are be available for download for 7 days. | Vaše datoteke bodo za prenos na voljo 7 dni. |
List of equivalent practices referred to in Article 43(3) | Seznam enakvorednih praks iz člena 43(3) |
New & Tab | Nov zavihek |
Notes that the average share of beneficiaries aged 55 or over was 15 % and of beneficiaries aged 15-24 was 5 %; | ugotavlja, da je bil povprečni delež prejemnikov, starih 55 let ali več, 15 %, prejemnikov, starih od 15 do 24 let, pa 5 %; |
tilted in the direction of the slope | (potek slojev) v smeri pobočja |
hydroxymethylfurfural | hidroksimetilfurfural |
7.XVI.145010 obstruction or disruption of public meeting - Par. 1 | 7.XVI.145010 preprečitev ali oviranje javnega shoda - od. 1 |
8 | 8 |
5V/1A | 5V/1A |
fire area | območje ognjenega delovanja |
Anterograde amnesia | Anterogradna amnezija |
FedEx Next Day \* | FedEx Next Day \* |
gender equality policy | politika enakosti spolov |
Six out of ten immigrants from abroad have Slovenian citizenship and among those who immigrated before 2004 (when Slovenia joined the EU) the share is as high as 94%. | Državljanstvo Slovenije ima namreč šest od desetih priseljencev; med tistimi, ki so se v Slovenijo priselili pred njenim vstopom v EU (2004), pa je takih kar 94 %. |
Such tools are also used in scientific research and private study activities. | Ta orodja se uporabljajo tudi pri dejavnostih znanstvenega raziskovanja in zasebnega študija. |
Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared (excl. rough-cut wood for walking sticks, umbrellas, tool shafts and the like, wood in the form of railway sleepers, wood cut into boards or beams, etc.) | Les, neobdelan, z lubjem ali brez lubja ali beljavine, ali grobo obdelan (obtesan) |
common use areas | skupni prostori |
quotum band | razpon kvot |
Machinery for cleaning, filling, packing or wrapping bottles or other containers | Strojne naprave za čiščenje, polnenje, zapiranje steklenic ali drugih posod |
A light, beautiful and functional microblogging client | Lahek, lep in uporaben odjemalec za mikrobloganje |
When you conduct a warehouse physical inventory, you also create quantities in the adjustment bin for all the differences between the calculated and physical inventory quantities. If you want to post the results of the particular warehouse physical inventory in the physical inventory ledger, however, and you want the posted results to be identifiable as the results of the particular count, you need to do two things: | Količine v regalu popravkov se ustvarijo tudi takrat, ko izvajate popis zaloge. Zabeležijo se razlike med izračunanimi in popisanimi količinami zaloge. Če pa želite rezultate popisa zaloge knjižiti v postavke popisa zaloge, in če želite, da so knjiženi rezultati jasno razpoznavni kot rezultat tega popisa, morate storiti tole: |
Maddalena Sisto | Maddalena Sisto |
Cardan shafts | Kardanske prenosne gredi |
Supergroup of Accounts | nadskupina kontov |
Park View | Park ViewCity name (optional, probably does not need a translation) |
Stainless steel, Acrylic. | Material: nerjaveče jeklo, akril. |
Click the General tab in the Acc. Schedule Overview window. | Kliknite jeziček Splošno v oknu Pregled kontne preglednice. |
4.XXIV.229020 fraud to the detriment of the European communities - Par. 2 | 4.XXIV.229020 goljufija na škodo Evropskih skupnosti - od. 2 |
Nitrile-function compounds, other, n.e.s. | Spojine z nitrilno funkcijo, druge, drugo |
The EPA Council shall be composed of the representatives of the Parties at ministerial level and will be assisted by a Committee of Senior Officials. | Odbor SGP sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic na ministrski ravni, pomagal pa mu bo Odbor visokih uradnikov. |
Andrea P. | Inja P. |
seamless padding (4 cm) select your color on pages 14 and 15 | brezšivno oblazinjenje (4 cm) izberite svojo barvo na str. 14 in 15 |
Offset printing machinery, reel fed | Tiskarski stroji, stroji za ofsetni tisk na papirju v zvitku (rotacija) |
Compose email in browser | Sestavite elektronsko pošto v brskalniku |
Community company | družba Skupnosti |
The monthly base interest rate in April 2018 remains at 0.1%, while the annual base interest rate grew to 1.22%.. | Mesečna temeljna obrestna mera v aprilu 2018 ostaja 0,1 %, medtem ko se je letna temeljna obrestna mera zvišala na 1,22 %.. |
interim financing | premostitveno financiranje |
Take 1 teaspoon of crushed seeds twice a day. | Na dan zaužij 2-krat po 1 čajno žličko zdrobljenih semen. |
Your ads will be approved if the URL of your landing page domain matches that of your display URL domain. | Vaši oglasi bodo odobreni, če se naslov URL domene ciljne strani ujema z domeno prikaznega URL-ja. |
Leather, of bovine animals, without hair, whole | Strojene goveje kože, brez dlake, cele |
Head in the Clouds, 14th Street, Atlanta, Georgia | Glava v oblakih, 14th Street, Atlanta, Georgia |
If you select View, the action will only be visible when the line is visible but not editable. | Če izberete možnost Pogled, je dejanje vidno samo, kadar je vrstica vidna, vendar je ni mogoče urejati. |
tanning of hides and skins | strojenje kož |
5.XXXII.337021 tainting of foodstuffs or fodder - Par. 2 in resp. of par. 1 | 5.XXXII.337021 onesnaženje živil ali krme - od. 2 v zvezi z od. 1 |
siding | stranski tir |
248.4 | 248,4 |
5.XV.121062 illegal abortion - Par. 6 in resp. of par. 2 | 5.XV.121062 nedovoljen poseg v nosečnost - od. 6 v zvezi z od. 2 |
Use the arrow buttons to go to the setup menu and then press; | Uporabite puščična gumba , da se pomaknete do menija Nastavitve in nato pritisnite ; |
Page last checked: | Stran nazadnje preverjena: |
Other procreative management | Druge vrste obravnavanje oploditve |
1702 | 1702 |
Other antiprotozoal drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use | Drugi antiparazitiki |
Piggy coin bank. | Hranilnik v obliki prašička Piggy. |
(including, without limitation, by way of reducing future payments which might otherwise be due to you from us | (med drugim preko zmanjšanja prihodnjih plačil, ki vam bodo morda občasno pripadala |
It just works | Preprosto deluje |
Aircraft building, maintenance and repairing | Izdelovanje, vzdrževanje in popravila letal in drugih zrakoletnih naprav |
Energy consumption in households, Slovenia, 2014 | Poraba energije in goriv v gospodinjstvih, Slovenija, 2014 |
Legislative Opinions | Zakonodajna mnenja |
log files | dnevniki |
Unit construction machines (single station) | Stroji,izdelani na principu standard.enot |
Application status | Stanje programov |
9,90 | 9,90 |
Matthias Welwarsky | Matthias Welwarsky |
is strongly against any use of development aid for non-development objectives; | zavrača vsakršno uporabo razvojne pomoči za cilje, ki niso povezani z razvojem; |
call | sprejeti stavo |
160 | 160 |
Imitation jewellery, of base metal, whether or not plated with precious metal (excl. cuff links and studs) | Imitacija nakita iz navadnih kovin, vključno s tistimi, ki so prevlečene s plemenitimi kovinami, druga |
operational control authority | organ operativne kontrole |
Cleaning and basic maintenance of the machines. | Čiščenje in osnovno vzdrževanje strojev. |
deprecated | neprimeren |
the impact on developing countries, | učinkom na države v razvoju, |
It amounted to EUR 1,658.2 million or 8.8% of GDP (second quarter 2015: EUR 909.1 million or 9.2% of GDP). | Znašal je 1658,2 mio. EUR ali 8,8 % BDP (drugo četrtletje 2015: 909,1 mio. EUR ali 9,2 % BDP). |
civil society initiative | civilna iniciativa |
The report shall be transmitted to the Member State concerned. | Poročilo se posreduje zadevni državi članici. |
Please carefully read the following Terms and Conditions, then select the checkbox to accept. | Pozorno preberite naslednja Pravila in pogoje in nato označite potrditveno polje, da jih sprejmete. |
Play Rate: | Pogostost predvajanja: |
altnav_system_configuration_utility | altnav_system_configuration_utility |
European Consumer Centres Network | Mreža evropskih potrošniških centrov |
agency contract | pogodba o trgovskem zastopanju |
Considers that draft Commission implementing decision is not consistent with Union law; | meni, da osnutek izvedbenega sklepa Komisije ni v skladu s pravom Unije; |
Act Regulating the Guarantee of the Republic of Slovenia for Bonds Issued for the Rehabilitation of Slovenske železarne | Zakon o jamstvu Republike Slovenije za obveznice, izdane zaradi sanacije Slovenskih železarn |
Slag and ash, n.e.s., including seaweed ash (kelp) | Žlindre,druge in pepeli,vštevši pepel morskih alg |
Rated Energy, kWh | Nazivna energija, kWh |
the nature of other risks including liquidity risk inherent in securitised assets; | naravo drugih tveganj, vključno z likvidnostnim tveganjem, povezanim z listinjenimi sredstvi; |
4.XXXIII.353 violence against the highest representatives of the state | 4.XXXIII.353 nasilje zoper najvišje predstavnike države |
Stamping services of metal | Utopno kovanje kovin |
Hydrometers, thermometers, pyrometers, barometers, hygrometers and psychrometers | Hidrometri, termometri, pirometri, higrometri, barometri, psihrometri |
Vote on the motions for resolution included in the reports submitted by the standing committees | Glasovanje o predlogih resolucij, vključenih v poročila, ki so jih predložili stalni odbori |
he or she shall be replaced in his or her function as a national member, deputy or Assistant, by the Member State; | zamenjavo na njegovem mestu nacionalnega člana, namestnika ali pomočnika opravi država članica; |
Annex XIV – Part II – point f a (new) | Priloga XIV – Del II – točka f a (novo) |