coal is used for generating heat by burning & to generate something means to produce something
coal is used for producing heat by burning
burning wood is used to produce heat & a tree contains wood
burning trees is used to produce heat
coal is used for producing heat by burning & burning trees is used to produce heat
coal and trees are both used for producing heat
burning fossil fuels is a source of air pollution & coal is a kind of fossil fuel
burning coal is a source of air pollution
coal is used for generating heat by burning & coal is used to produce electricity by burning in coal-fire power stations
using coal usually requires burning coal
burning coal is a source of air pollution & using coal usually requires burning coal
using coal causes air polluiton
burning converts chemical energy into thermal energy & coal is used for generating heat by burning
burning coal converts chemical energy to thermal energy
renewable is the opposite of nonrenewable & something cannot have two opposite properties
something cannot be renewable and nonrenewable
something cannot be renewable and nonrenewable & fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource
fossil fuels cannot be renewable
renewable is a property of resources & if something cannot have a certain property then something else with that property is not that something
if one resource cannot be renewable then another resource that is renweable is not that one resource
fossil fuels cannot be renewable & if one resource cannot be renewable then another resource that is renweable is not that one resource
if something is renewable then that something is not a fossil fuel
if something is renewable then that something is not a fossil fuel & wood is a renewable resource
wood is not a fossil fuel
fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource & nonrenewable resources will eventually be depleted
fossil fuels will eventually be depleted
remains are parts of a dead organism & fossil fuels / fossils are formed from dead organisms over time
fossil fuels are formed from the remains of organisms
fossil fuels are formed from the remains of organisms & an organism is a living thing
fossil fuels are formed from the remains of living things
how long something lasts is a measure of how long that something is available & as the use of a resource decreases , the length of time that resource being available will increases
as the use of a resource decreases, the length of time that that resource will last increases
as the use of a resource decreases, the length of time that that resource will last increases & to last longer means the length of time that something lasts increases
decreasing the use of a resource causes that resource to last longer
oil is used for producing electricity0 & fossil fuels are a kind of energy resource
a fossil fuel supply is a kind of resource
decreasing the use of a resource causes that resource to last longer & a fossil fuel supply is a kind of resource
decreasing the use of a fossil fuel supply causes that fossil fuel supply to last longer
oil is used for producing electricity & oil is a kind of fossil fuel
fossil fuel is used for producing electricity
fossil fuel is used for producing electricity & as the use of something decreases, the use of things used to produce that something decreases
as the use of electricity decreases, the use of fossil fuels decreases
oil is used for producing electricity1 & as the use of something decreases , the use of the source of that something will decrease
as the use of something decreases, the use of the supply of that something decreases
as the use of electricity decreases, the use of fossil fuels decreases & as the use of something decreases, the use of the supply of that something decreases
as the use of electricity decreases, the use of a fossil fuel supply decreases
decreasing the use of a fossil fuel supply causes that fossil fuel supply to last longer & as the use of electricity decreases, the use of a fossil fuel supply decreases
decreasing the use of electricity causes a fossil fuel supply to last longer
decreasing the use of electricity causes a fossil fuel supply to last longer & to decrease something means to reduce something
reducing the use of electricity causes the fossil fuel supply to last longer
burning something is a kind of action & if something occurs by performing an action, then that action is required for that something to occur
if something occurs by burning something else, then burning that something else is required for that something to occur
if something occurs by burning something else, then burning that something else is required for that something to occur & natural gas is used for generating electricity by burning in a power plant
using natural gas to generate electricity requires burning that natural gas
using natural gas to generate electricity requires burning that natural gas & fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource1
using fossil fuels to generate electricity requires burning fossil fuels
using fossil fuels to generate electricity requires burning fossil fuels
using fossil fuels to generate power requires burning fossil fuels
fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource2 & electrical power is a kind of power
electricity is a kind of power
using fossil fuels to generate power requires burning fossil fuels & electricity is a kind of power & fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource0
using fossil fuels to generate power produces greenhouse gasses
using fossil fuels to generate power produces greenhouse gasses & fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource
using nonrenewable resources to generate power produces greenhouse gasses
using nonrenewable resources to generate power produces greenhouse gasses & if something causes an increase in something else then that something produces that something else
using nonrenewable resources to generate power increases greenhouse gasses
using nonrenewable resources to generate power increases greenhouse gasses & if something increases something else then decreasing that something will decrease that something else
decreasing the use of nonrenewable resources to generate power will decrease greenhouse gasses
decreasing the use of nonrenewable resources to generate power will decrease greenhouse gasses & as the use of renewable resources increases , use of nonrenewable resources will decrease
if something occurs by burning something else, then burning that something else is required for that something to occur0: increasing the use of renewable resources to generate power will decrease greenhouse gasses
if something occurs by burning something else, then burning that something else is required for that something to occur0 & to decrease something means to reduce that something
using renewable resources to generate power reduces greenhouse gases
to produce something means to form something & a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
a source of something forms that something
a source of something forms that something & sulfur dioxide is formed by the combustion of fossil fuels
the combustion of fossil fuels is a source of sulfur dioxide
energy formed by magma heating earth's crust is emitted along fault lines & geothermal energy is formed by magma heating earth 's crust
geothermal energy is emitted along fault lines
geothermal energy is emitted along fault lines & a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
fault lines are a source of geothermal energy
nevada contains many active fault lines & if something contains many of something else then that something else is common in that something
active fault lines are common in nevada
fault lines are a source of geothermal energy & active fault lines are common in nevada
geothermal energy is common in nevada
geothermal energy is common in nevada & geothermal energy is a renewable resource
geothermal energy is a common renewable resource in nevada
if something is emitted at a location then that something can be found at that location & energy formed by magma heating earth's crust is emitted along fault lines
energy formed by magma heating earth's crust can be found along fault lines
energy formed by magma heating earth's crust can be found along fault lines & geothermal energy is formed by magma heating earth 's crust
geothermal energy can be found along fault lines
geothermal energy can be found along fault lines & nevada contains many active fault lines
geothermal energy can be found in nevada
geothermal energy can be found in nevada & geothermal energy is a renewable resource
geothermal energy is a renewable resource that can be found in nevada
metal is a nonrenewable resource & copper is a kind of metal
copper is a kind of nonrenewable resource
an example of heating something is heating a building & a source of heat can be used to heat something
a source of heat can be used to heat a building
a source of heat can be used to heat a building & natural gas is a source of heat by burning
natural gas is used for heating building by burning
natural gas is used for heating building by burning & a home is a kind of building
natural gas is used for heating homes by burning
fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource & natural gas is a kind of fossil fuel
natural gas is a nonrenewable resource
natural gas is used for heating homes by burning & natural gas is a nonrenewable resource
natural gas is a nonrenewable resource that is used for heating homes
gasoline is a kind of fuel & fuel is a kind of resource
gasoline is a kind of resource
gasoline is a kind of resource & as the use of a resource decreases , the length of time that resource being available will increases
as the use of gasoline decreases, the length of time that gasoline is available will increase
as the use of gasoline decreases, the length of time that gasoline is available will increase & as mileage per gallon of gasoline increases , the amount of gasoline used will decrease
as mileage per gallon of gasoline increases, the length of time that gasoline is available will increase
as mileage per gallon of gasoline increases, the length of time that gasoline is available will increase & oil is a source of gasoline
as mileage per gallon of oil increases, the amount of time that oil is available will increase
as mileage per gallon of oil increases, the amount of time that oil is available will increase & to increase something can mean to extend somthing
as mileage per gallon of oil increases, the amount of time that oil is available will be extended
as the use of alternative fuels increases , the use of gasoline will decrease & if a certain something decreases the use of a resource then that certain something uses less of that resource than a regular something
something that uses alternative fuels uses less gasoline than a regular something
electricity is a kind of alternative fuel & electricity is a kind of alternative fuel3
an electrical device uses alternative fuel to operate
an electrical device uses alternative fuel to operate & an electric motor is a kind of electrical device
an electric motor uses alternative fuel to operate
something that uses alternative fuels uses less gasoline than a regular something & an electric motor uses alternative fuel to operate
a something that uses an electric motor uses less gasoline than a regular something
electricity is a kind of alternative fuel0 & an electric car is a kind of machine
an electric car is a kind of machine that contains an electric motor
electricity is a kind of alternative fuel1 & if a machine contains a part then that machine uses that part
if a machine contains an electrical device then that machine uses that electrical device
if a machine contains an electrical device then that machine uses that electrical device & an electric motor is a kind of electrical device
if a machine contains an electric motor then that machine uses that electric motor
an electric car is a kind of machine that contains an electric motor & if a machine contains an electric motor then that machine uses that electric motor
an electric car uses an electric motor
a something that uses an electric motor uses less gasoline than a regular something & an electric car uses an electric motor
electric car uses less gasoline than a regular car
electricity is a kind of alternative fuel2 & using a gasoline engine requires burning gasoline
something that uses alternative fuels uses less gasoline than a regular something0: using gasoline is a source of pollution
something that uses alternative fuels uses less gasoline than a regular something0 & pollution has a negative impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society
something that uses alternative fuels uses less gasoline than a regular something1: using gasoline has a negative impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society
something that uses alternative fuels uses less gasoline than a regular something1 & using less of something negative has a positive impact
something that uses alternative fuels uses less gasoline than a regular something2: using less gasoline has a positive impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society
something that uses alternative fuels uses less gasoline than a regular something2 & electric car uses less gasoline than a regular car
an electric car has a positive impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society by using less gasoline
fossil fuels / fossils forming occurs over a period of 300000000 years which is considered a very long time to a human & fossil fuels / fossils are formed from dead organisms over time
fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms over a very long period of time
fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms over a very long period of time & if something formed from something else over a very long period of time then that something else existed a very long time ago
fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms from a very long time ago
fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms from a very long time ago & prehistoric means a very long time ago
fossil fuels are formed from dead prehistoric organisms
if a living thing dies then that living thing is dead & a living thing is an organism
if an organism dies then that organism is dead
if an organism dies then that organism is dead & dead organisms decay
if an organism dies then that organism is dead and decays
fossil fuels are formed from dead prehistoric organisms & if an organism dies then that organism is dead and decays
fossil fuels are formed from prehistoric organisms dying and decaying
fossil fuels are formed from prehistoric organisms dying and decaying & an animal is a kind of organism
fossil fuels are formed from prehistoric animals dying and decaying
fossil fuels are formed from prehistoric animals dying and decaying & oil is a kind of fossil fuel
oil is formed from prehistoric animals dying and decaying
if something comes from something else then that something else is a source of that something & oil is a source of gasoline
gasoline comes from oil
gasoline comes from oil & oil is a nonrenewable resource
gasoline comes from a nonrenewable resource
gasoline comes from a nonrenewable resource & a nonrenewable resource is limited in supply
gasoline comes from a resource that is limited in supply
for something to be replaced means for something else to be used instead of that something & if a resource is limited in supply then that resource needs to be replaced
if a resource is limited in supply then something else needs to be used instead of that resource
gasoline comes from a resource that is limited in supply & if a resource is limited in supply then something else needs to be used instead of that resource & an automobile is a kind of vehicle0
something else must be used instead of gasoline because gasoline comes from a limited resource
an automobile is a kind of vehicle & vehicles usually require gasoline to operate
automobiles usually require gasoline to operate
automobiles usually require gasoline to operate & alternative fuels are being used in some automobiles
alternative fuels are being used in some automobiles instead of gasoline
something else must be used instead of gasoline because gasoline comes from a limited resource & alternative fuels are being used in some automobiles instead of gasoline
alternative fuels are being used instead of gasoline in automobiles because gasoline comes from a limited resource
fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource & fossil fuels / fossils forming occurs over a period of 300000000 years which is considered a very long time to a human
nonrenewable resources forming occurs over a period of 300000000 years which is considered a very long time to a human
two million or more years means millions of years & 300000000 years equals three hundred million years
300000000 years means millions of years
nonrenewable resources forming occurs over a period of 300000000 years which is considered a very long time to a human & 300000000 years means millions of years
nonrenewable resources forming occurs over a period of millions of years
years are a kind of unit for measuring time & how long something takes is a kind of measurement of time
how many years something takes is a kind of measurement of time
how many years something takes is a kind of measurement of time & a period is a kind of measurement of time
how many years something takes is a kind of period
nonrenewable resources forming occurs over a period of millions of years & how many years something takes is a kind of period
nonrenewable resources forming can take millions of years
a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something & using biomass to produce energy is a source of pollution
using biomass to produce energy emits pollution
using biomass to produce energy emits pollution & if something emits something else then that something increases the amount of that something else
using biomass to produce energy increases the amount of pollution
using biomass to produce energy increases the amount of pollution & biomass is a renewable resource
biomass is a kind of renewable resource that increases pollution when used to produce energy
a solar panel is a kind of object & if an object converts something into something else, then that object uses that something to produce that something else
if a solar panel converts something into something else, then that solar panel uses that something to produce that something else
if a solar panel converts something into something else, then that solar panel uses that something to produce that something else & a solar panel converts sunlight / solar energy into electrical energy / electricity
a solar panel uses solar energy to produce electrical energy
a solar panel uses solar energy to produce electrical energy & solar energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
a solar panel uses a renewable resource to produce electrical energy
a solar panel uses a renewable resource to produce electrical energy & electrical energy is a kind of energy
a solar panel uses a renewable resource to produce energy