if something is formed by being exposed to heat and pressure then that something will likely be formed in an area with heat and pressure & metamorphic rocks are formed by being exposed to great heat and pressure
metamorphic rock will likely be formed in an area with great heat and pressure
great can mean high in value0 & underground means buried deep below other rocks
as rocks are buried deeper underground, the pressure / heat on that rock will increase
as rocks are buried deeper underground, the pressure / heat on that rock will increase & deep means great in depth
if a rock is buried deep underground then the pressure / heat on that rock will be great
metamorphic rock will likely be formed in an area with great heat and pressure & if a rock is buried deep underground then the pressure / heat on that rock will be great
metamorphic rock is likely to be formed in an area deep underground
metamorphic rock is likely to be formed in an area deep underground & a site is a kind of area
metamorphic rock is likely to be formed in a site deep underground
exposure to extreme heat and pressure changes sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock & if something changes into something else then that something else is formed from that something
metamorphic rock is formed from sedimentary rock
metamorphic rock is formed from sedimentary rock & the formation of metamorphic rock is a sequential process, with stages of rock being compacted, heated, recrystallized
metamorphic rock is formed from sedimentary rock being compacted, heated, and recrystallized
metamorphic rock is formed from sedimentary rock being compacted, heated, and recrystallized & limestone is a kind of sedimentary rock
metamorphic rock is formed from limestone being compacted, heated, and recrystallized
metamorphic rock is formed from limestone being compacted, heated, and recrystallized & marble is a kind of metamorphic rock
marble is formed from limestone being compacted, heated, and recrystallized
sedimentary rock is a kind of rock & metamorphic rocks are formed by rocks being exposed to extreme heat and pressure
metamorphic rocks can be formed by sedimentary rocks being exposed to extreme heat and pressure
metamorphic rocks can be formed by sedimentary rocks being exposed to extreme heat and pressure & to be exposed to something means to be subjected to something
metamorphic rocks can be formed by sedimentary rocks being subjected to extreme heat and pressure
metamorphic rocks can be formed by sedimentary rocks being subjected to extreme heat and pressure & limestone is a kind of sedimentary rock
metamorphic rocks can be formed by limestone being subjected to extreme heat and pressure
metamorphic rocks can be formed by limestone being subjected to extreme heat and pressure & marble is a kind of metamorphic rock
marble can be formed by limestone being subjected to extreme heat and pressure
the continental crust mainly is made of granite & the continental crust mainly is made of granite1
the continental crust is mainly made of igneous rock
basalt is a kind of igneous rock & the oceanic crust mainly is made of basalt
the oceanic crust is mainly made of igneous rock
the continental crust is mainly made of igneous rock & the oceanic crust is mainly made of igneous rock
continental and oceanic crust are mainly made of igneous rock
the continental crust mainly is made of granite0 & continental crust is a kind of crust
continental and oceanic crust are kinds of crust
the crust is made of different kinds of crust & the crust is a layer of the earth
the earth's crust is made of different kinds of crust
continental and oceanic crust are kinds of crust & the earth's crust is made of different kinds of crust
the earth's crust is made of continental and oceanic crust
continental and oceanic crust are mainly made of igneous rock & the earth's crust is made of continental and oceanic crust
the earth's crust is mainly made of igneous rock
the earth's crust is mainly made of igneous rock & rock is a kind of material
the material of earth's crust is mainly igneous rock
the material of earth's crust is mainly igneous rock & exposure to extreme heat and pressure changes igneous rock into metamorphic rock
exposure to extreme heat and pressure changes the material of earth's crust into metamorphic rock
exposure to extreme heat and pressure changes the material of earth's crust into metamorphic rock & the continental crust mainly is made of granite2
the continental crust is mainly made of igneous rock0: exposure to intense heat and pressure changes the material of earth's crust into metamorphic rock
the continental crust is mainly made of igneous rock0 & two tectonic plates pushing toward each other cause intense heat and pressure in earth's crust
two tectonic plates pushing toward each other changes the earth's crust material into metamorphic rock
products are formed / are produced / are created & sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition / cementation
sedimentary rocks are produced by deposition and cementation
sedimentary rocks are produced by deposition and cementation & sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock
sandstone is produced by deposition and cementation
weathering is a kind of erosion & erosion causes deposition
weathering causes deposition
weathering causes deposition & the formation of sedimentary rock is a sequential process, with stages of weathering, erosion, deposition,burying, compaction
a stage in the formation of sedimentary rock is rock being weathered and then deposited
weathering is a kind of geologic process & deposition is a kind of natural process
weathering and deposition are kinds of processes
a stage in the formation of sedimentary rock is rock being weathered and then deposited & weathering and deposition are kinds of processes
a process in the formation of sedimentary rock is rock being weathered and then deposited
a process in the formation of sedimentary rock is rock being weathered and then deposited & weathering / mechanical weathering means breaking down rocks / surface materials from a larger whole into smaller pieces by weather / mechanical means
a process in the formation of sedimentary rock is rock being broken down and then deposited
sedimentary rocks are formed in layers & sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition
sedimentary rocks are deposited in layers
a process in the formation of sedimentary rock is rock being broken down and then deposited & sedimentary rocks are deposited in layers
a process in the formation of sedimentary rock is rock being broken down and then deposited in layers
extreme heat and pressure compact sediments into sedimentary rocks & sedimentary rocks are formed by sediment compacting together
pressure compacting sediments causes sedimentary rock to form
pressure compacting sediments causes sedimentary rock to form & to compact means to squeeze together
pressure squeezing sediments together causes sedimentary rock to form
pressure squeezing sediments together causes sedimentary rock to form & if something causes something else then that something else is a result of that something
the formation of sedimentary rock is a result of pressure squeezing sediments together
the formation of sedimentary rock is a result of pressure squeezing sediments together & sedimentary rock is a kind of rock
the formation of a kind of rock is a result of pressure squeezing sediments together
the formation of a kind of rock is a result of pressure squeezing sediments together & formation in the rock cycle means an old class of rocks changes into a new class of rocks
the formation of a new rock is a result of pressure squeezing sediments together
compaction is a kind of process & cementation is a kind of process
compaction and cememtation are kinds of processes
compaction and cememtation are kinds of processes & sedimentary rocks are formed by sediment compacting / cementing together
sedimentary rocks are formed by sediment going through the processes of compaction and cementation
if something is a stage in a process then that something is required for that process & the formation of metamorphic rock is a sequential process, with stages of rock being compacted, heated, recrystallized
recrystallization is required for the process of the formation of metamorphic rock
recrystallization is a kind of event & if an event is required for a process then that event must occur before that process can occur
if recrystallization is required for a process then recrystalization must occur before that process can occur
recrystallization is required for the process of the formation of metamorphic rock & if recrystallization is required for a process then recrystalization must occur before that process can occur
recrystallization must occur for the formation of metamorphic rock to occur
if something changes to something else then that something else is formed from that something & exposure to extreme heat and pressure changes / metamorphoses sedimentary / igneous rock into metamorphic rock
metamorphic rock is formed from sedimentary rock
metamorphic rock is formed from sedimentary rock & sedimentary rock is made of sediment
metamorphic rock is formed from sediment
recrystallization must occur for the formation of metamorphic rock to occur & metamorphic rock is formed from sediment
recrystallization must occur for sediments to form metamorphic rock
recrystallization must occur for sediments to form metamorphic rock & formation in the rock cycle means an old class of rocks changes into a new class of rocks
recrystallization must occur for sediments to form a new rock
if something is formed from something else then that something else becomes that something & sedimentary rocks are formed by sediment compacting together
sediment becomes sedimentary rock by sediments compacting together
sediment becomes sedimentary rock by sediments compacting together & sedimentary rock is a kind of rock
sediment becomes a kind of rock by sediments compacting together
to compact something means to compress something & sedimentary rocks are formed by sediment compacting together
sedimentary rocks are formed by sediments being compressed together
sedimentary rocks are formed by sediments being compressed together & sediment is a kind of small particle
sedimentary rocks are formed by small particles being compressed together
sedimentary rocks are formed by small particles being compressed together & sedimentary rocks are formed in layers
sedimentary rocks are formed by small particles being compressed together in layers
a collision is a kind of convergence & the collision of tectonic plates changes the order of the rock layers by compressing rock layers into faults and folds
the convergence of tectonic plates changes the order of rock layers by compressing rock layers into faults and folds
if an event changes something then that event causes that change & the convergence of tectonic plates is a kind of event
if the convergence of tectonic plants changes something then it causes that change
the convergence of tectonic plates changes the order of rock layers by compressing rock layers into faults and folds & if the convergence of tectonic plants changes something then it causes that change
the convergence of tectonic plates causes the order of rock layers to change by compressing rock layers into faults and folds
sedimentary rock is a kind of rock & sedimentary rocks are formed in layers
sedimentary rock is a kind of rock with layers
the convergence of tectonic plates causes the order of rock layers to change by compressing rock layers into faults and folds & sedimentary rock is a kind of rock with layers
the convergence of tectonic plates causes the order of layers in sedimentary rock to change by compressing the layers into faults and folds
the convergence of tectonic plates causes the order of layers in sedimentary rock to change by compressing the layers into faults and folds & a fold is observed in layers of sedimentary rock
the fold observed in layers of sedimentary rock is caused by the covergence of tectonic plates
the fold observed in layers of sedimentary rock is caused by the covergence of tectonic plates & a crustal plate means a tectonic plate
the fold observed in layers of sedimentary rock is caused by the covergence of crustal plates
the fold observed in layers of sedimentary rock is caused by the covergence of crustal plates & if something is caused by something else then that something resulted from that something else
the fold observed in layers of sedimentary rock resulted from the covergence of crustal plates
the formation of something is a kind of process & if a process follows another process, then the other process begins that process
if the formation of something follows another process, then the other process begins the formation of that something
weathering is a kind of geologic process & erosion is a kind of process
weathering and erosion are kinds of processes
if the formation of something follows another process, then the other process begins the formation of that something & weathering and erosion are kinds of processes
if the formation of something follows weathering and erosion, then weathering and erosion begin the formation of that something
if the formation of something follows weathering and erosion, then weathering and erosion begin the formation of that something & in the rock cycle , formation of sediments follows weathering and erosion
weathering and erosion begin the formation of sediments
weathering is a kind of erosion & sediment is formed by rocks weathering
sediment is formed by weathering / erosion
weathering is a kind of geologic process & erosion is a kind of process
weathering and erosion are kinds of processes
weathering and erosion are kinds of processes & if something is formed by a process then that something is formed as a result of that process
if something is formed by weathering and erosion then that something is formed as a result of weathering and erosion
sediment is formed by weathering / erosion & if something is formed by weathering and erosion then that something is formed as a result of weathering and erosion
sediment is formed as a result of weathering / erosion
if something can be used to determine a property of something else then that something can likely be used to determine that property of a part of that something else & age is a property of rocks
if something can be used to determine the age of a rock then that something can likely be used to determine the age of a part of a rock
if something can be used to determine the age of a rock then that something can likely be used to determine the age of a part of a rock & the law of superposition can be used to determine the relative age of the rock
the law of superposition can be used to determine the relative age of part of a rock
the law of superposition can be used to determine the relative age of part of a rock & sedimentary rock is a kind of rock
the law of superposition can be used to determine the relative age of a part of sedimentary rock
the law of superposition can be used to determine the relative age of a part of sedimentary rock & layers are a part of sedimentary rock
the law of superposition can be used to determine the age of sedimentary rock layers
plastic is a kind of material made by humans & a plastic spoon is made of plastic
a plastic spoon is made of a material that is made by humans
natural means grown in nature & made by humans / artificial is the opposite of natural
if something is made by humans then that something is not grown in nature
a plastic spoon is made of a material that is made by humans & if something is made by humans then that something is not grown in nature
a plastic spoon is made of material that is not grown in nature
a mine produces minerals & a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
a mine is a source of minerals
a mine is a source of minerals & mining is when humans take rocks and minerals from the ground
if a mine is a source of something then that something can be mined
if a mine is a source of something then that something can be mined & a coal mine is a kind of mine
if a coal mine is a source of something then that something can be mined
if a coal mine is a source of something then that something can be mined & a coal mine is a source of coal under the ground
coal can be mined from under the ground
coal can be mined from under the ground & the ground is part of the earth
coal can be mined from the earth
fossil fuel is a kind of fuel & coal is a kind of fossil fuel
coal is a kind of fuel
coal is a kind of fuel & fuel is a kind of energy source
coal is a kind of energy source
coal can be mined from the earth & coal is a kind of energy source
coal can be mined from the earth and used as an energy source
burning coal is a source of air pollution & using coal requires burning coal
using coal is a source of air pollution
using coal is a source of air pollution & pollution has a negative impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society
using coal has a negative impact on an ecosystem
using coal has a negative impact on an ecosystem & a problem has a possible negative impact on a thing
a problem with using coal is that it has a negative impact on an ecosystem
a problem with using coal is that it has a negative impact on an ecosystem & damage has a negative impact on a thing
a problem with using coal is that it damages an ecosystem
coal is a kind of fossil fuel & fossil fuels are acquired by mining the lithosphere
coal is acquired by mining the lithosphere
coal is acquired by mining the lithosphere & uranium is acquired by mining the lithosphere
uranium and coal are both acquired by mining the lithosphere
once means one time & if an organism is dead then that organism was living at one time
if an organism is dead then that organism is once-living
if an organism is dead then that organism is once-living & fossil fuels / fossils are formed from dead organisms over time
fossil fuels are formed from once-living organisms over time
to produce something can mean to form something & a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
a source of something forms that something
fossil fuels are formed from once-living organisms over time & a source of something forms that something
once-living organisms are a source of fossil fuels
a fossil fuel is a kind of natural resource & coal is a kind of fossil fuel
coal is a kind of natural resource
coal is a kind of natural resource & coal is a nonrenewable resource
coal is a kind of nonrenewable natural resource
coal is used to produce electricity by burning in coal-fire power stations & electricity is a kind of electrical energy
coal is used to produce electrical energy by burning in coal-fire power stations
coal is used to produce electrical energy by burning in coal-fire power stations & to produce something means to make something
coal is used to make electrical energy by burning in coal-fire power stations
coal is a kind of nonrenewable natural resource & coal is used to make electrical energy by burning in coal-fire power stations
coal is a kind of nonrenewable natural resource that is used to make electrical energy
the sun is the source of solar energy called sunlight & solar energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
the sun is a renewable resource
the sun is a renewable resource & coal is a nonrenewable resource
coal is nonrenewable and the sun is renewable