paper is a kind of tool & inventing a tool allows / enables that tool to be used
inventing paper allows paper to be used
inventing paper allows paper to be used & if something is allowed to be used then the use of that something might increase
inventing paper might increase the use of paper
using paper requires creating paper & creating paper requires cutting down trees
using paper requires cutting down trees
using paper requires cutting down trees & if something requires something else then increasing that something requires an increase in that something else
an increased use of paper requires an increase in the number of trees cut down
cutting down trees has a negative impact on an ecosystem / organisms living in an ecosystem & if something has a negative impact on something else then increasing the amount of that something has a negative impact on that something else
increasing the number of trees cut down has a negative impact on the environment
an increased use of paper requires an increase in the number of trees cut down & increasing the number of trees cut down has a negative impact on the environment
an increased use of paper has a negative effect on the environment by increasing the number of trees cut down
inventing paper might increase the use of paper & an increased use of paper has a negative effect on the environment by increasing the number of trees cut down
the invention and increased use of paper has a negative impact on the environment by increasing the number of trees cut down
the invention and increased use of paper has a negative impact on the environment by increasing the number of trees cut down & an impact means an effect
a negative effect of the invention and use of paper is an increased number of trees cut down
fallen trees are a kind of dead organism & removing dead organisms from an ecosystem causes available nutrients to be removed from that ecosystem
removing fallen trees from an ecosystem causes available nutrients to be removed from that ecosystem
a plant is a kind of organism & a plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow
organisms require nutrients to grow
if a living thing requires something then that something has a positive impact on that living thing & a living thing is an organism
if an organism requires something then that something has a positive impact on that organism
organisms require nutrients to grow & if an organism requires something then that something has a positive impact on that organism
nutrients have a positive impact on organisms
nutrients have a positive impact on organisms & organisms are a part of an environment
nutrients have a positive impact on the environment
nutrients have a positive impact on the environment & a plant is a kind of organism0
removing nutrients has a negative impact on the environment
removing nutrients has a negative impact on the environment & harming something has a negative impact on / effect on that something
removing nutrients harms the environment
removing nutrients harms the environment & an environment is a kind of ecosystem
removing nutrients harms an ecosystem
removing fallen trees from an ecosystem causes available nutrients to be removed from that ecosystem & removing nutrients harms an ecosystem
removing fallen trees harms an ecosystem by removing available nutrients
planting trees is sometimes a human activity & planting trees has a positive impact on an ecosystem
planting trees is a kind of human activity that has a positive impact on an ecosystem
planting trees is a kind of human activity that has a positive impact on an ecosystem & an impact means an effect
planting trees is a kind of human activity that has a positive effect on an ecosystem
wood is a kind of resource & frame construction requires wood
wood is a kind of resource that is required for frame construction
frame construction is a kind of industry & if an industry requires a resource then that industry predominates in areas with an abundance of that resource
if frame construction requires a resource then frame construction predominates in areas with an abundance of that resource
wood is a kind of resource that is required for frame construction & if frame construction requires a resource then frame construction predominates in areas with an abundance of that resource
frame construction predominates in areas with an abundance of wood
new england has an abundance of trees & a tree contains wood
new england has an abundance of wood
frame construction predominates in areas with an abundance of wood & new england has an abundance of wood
frame construction predominates in the new england area because that area has an abundance of wood
resources need to be managed & an example of managing / maintaining the number / the use of something is replacing that something
an example of managing the use of a resource is replacing that resource
an example of managing the use of a resource is replacing that resource & trees are a kind of natural resource
an example of managing the use of trees is replacing trees
an example of managing the use of trees is replacing trees & a tree can be replaced by planting a new tree each time one is cut down
an example of managing the use of trees is planting a new tree each time one is cut down
an example of managing / maintaining the number / the use of something is replacing that something & resources must be managed
an example of managing the number of a resource is replacing that resource
trees are a kind of resource & a forest contains lots of plants / trees
trees are a kind of resource in a forest
an example of managing the number of a resource is replacing that resource & trees are a kind of resource in a forest
an example of managing the number of trees in a forest is replacing those trees
an example of managing the number of trees in a forest is replacing those trees & a tree can be replaced by planting a new tree each time one is cut down
an example of managing the number of trees in a forest is replacing trees by planting a new tree each time one is cut down
an example of managing the number of trees in a forest is replacing trees by planting a new tree each time one is cut down & timber companies cut down trees
timber companies can manage the number of trees in a forest by planting trees to replace what they cut down
if something is required to create something else then that something is needed to make that something else & creating paper requires cutting down trees
cut trees are needed to make paper
cut trees are needed to make paper & trees are a kind of resource
cut trees are a kind of resource that are needed to make paper
cut trees are a kind of resource that are needed to make paper & recycling reduces the resources needed to make something
recycling paper reduces the amount of trees that need to be cut
recycling paper reduces the amount of trees that need to be cut & fewer means a reduced amount
recycling paper causes fewer trees to be cut
cutting down trees has a negative impact on an ecosystem / organisms living in an ecosystem & decreasing something negative has a positive impact on a thing
decreasing the amount of trees cut has a postive impact on an ecosystem
decreasing the amount of trees cut has a postive impact on an ecosystem & fewer means a decreased amount
cutting fewer trees has a positive impact on the environment
recycling paper causes fewer trees to be cut & cutting fewer trees has a positive impact on the environment
recycling paper has a positive impact on an ecosystem by causing fewer trees to be cut
recycling paper has a positive impact on an ecosystem by causing fewer trees to be cut & an impact is a kind of effect
a positive effect of recycling paper is that it causes fewer trees to be cut
if something is required to create something else then that something is needed to make that something else & creating paper requires cutting down trees
cut trees are needed to make paper
cut trees are needed to make paper & trees are a kind of natural resource
cut trees are a kind of resource that is needed to make paper
cut trees are a kind of resource that is needed to make paper & recycling reduces the resources needed to make something
recycling paper reduces the cutting of trees
as the deforestation increases , the soil fertility will decrease & topsoil is a kind of soil
as the deforestation increases, the topsoil fertility will decrease
clearing forests means cutting down a large amount of trees in a forest & cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
clearing a forest causes the number of trees to greatly decrease in that forest
clearing a forest causes the number of trees to greatly decrease in that forest & deforestation is when the number of trees / organisms in a forest decreases
clearing a forest causes deforestation to increase
clearing a forest causes deforestation to increase & as the deforestation increases , the soil erosion will increase
clearing a forest causes increased soil erosion
a lot means large in amount / quantity & a forest contains lots of plants / trees
a forest contains a large amount of trees
a forest contains a large amount of trees & a tree contains wood
a forest contains a large amount of wood
if something contains something else then that something else is a part of that something & if something is a part of something then that something can be found in that something
if something contains something else then that something else can be found in that something
a forest contains a large amount of wood & if something contains something else then that something else can be found in that something
large amounts of wood can be found in a forest
large amounts of wood can be found in a forest & wood is a kind of resource
wood is a kind of resource that can be found in large amounts in a forest
water is a kind of natural resource & water is a part of an environment
water is a kind of natural resource from an environment
animals / living things require water for survival & if a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing depends on that something
animals / living things depend on water
animals / living things depend on water & a human is a kind of animal
humans depend on water
water is a kind of natural resource from an environment & humans depend on water
water is a kind of natural resource from the environment that humans depend on
pumping is a kind of method for transporting water & a well is a vehicle for removing water from an aquifer
pumping from wells is a kind of method for removing water from aquifers
pumping from wells is a kind of method for removing water from aquifers & if too much water is removed from a location then the water may become used up
if too much water is pumped from a well then the water in that aquifer may become used up
if too much water is pumped from a well then the water in that aquifer may become used up & excessive means too much in quantity
excessive pumping from wells may cause the water in that aquifer to become used up
water is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c & a glacier is made of ice
a glacier is made of water in a solid state
oceans contain liquid water & water is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 273 / 32 / 0 and 373 / 212 / 100 k / f / c
oceans contain water in a liquid state
a glacier is made of water in a solid state & oceans contain water in a liquid state
a glacier is made of water in a solid state and an ocean contains water in a liquid state
a glacier is made of water in a solid state and an ocean contains water in a liquid state & a state of something is a form of something
a glacier is made of water in a solid form and an ocean contains water in a liquid form
irrigation causes water levels to decrease & as the amount of water in a body of water decreases , the water levels will decrease
irrigation causes the amount of water in a body of water to decrease
irrigation causes the amount of water in a body of water to decrease & a lake is a kind of body of water
irrigation can cause the amount of water in a lake to decrease
the volume of a substance describes the amount of that substance & matter is a kind of substance
the volume of matter describes the amount of that matter
the volume of matter describes the amount of that matter & volume is a property of matter
volume is a property of matter that describes the amount of that matter
a body of water contains water & a lake is a kind of body of water
a lake contains water
a lake contains water & water is a kind of matter
water in a lake is a kind of matter
volume is a property of matter that describes the amount of that matter & water in a lake is a kind of matter
the volume of a lake describes the amount of water in that lake
irrigation can cause the amount of water in a lake to decrease & the volume of a lake describes the amount of water in that lake
irrigation can cause the volume of a lake to decrease
living thing is a kind of organism & as a population of organisms increases , the resources used by those organisms will decrease
as a population of living things increases, the resources used by those living things will decrease
as a population of living things increases, the resources used by those living things will decrease & living things require water for survival & water is a kind of natural resource
as a population of living things increases, the water used by those living things will decrease
as a population of living things increases, the water used by those living things will decrease & if the amount of something decreases then that something might be depleted
as a population of a living thing increases the water used by those living things might be depleted
a desert environment is low in availability of water / availability of food & if a resource is low in availability then it is more likely to be depleted
water is more likely to be depleted in a desert environment
as a population of a living thing increases the water used by those living things might be depleted & water is more likely to be depleted in a desert environment
increased populations are likely to cause water to be depleted in a desert environment
an example of managing the use of something is using less of that something & resources must be managed
an example of managing the use of a resource is useing less of that resource
an example of managing the use of a resource is useing less of that resource & water is a kind of natural resource
an example of managing the use of water is using less water
an example of managing the use of water is using less water & an example of using less water is turning off the faucet when brushing teeth
an example of managing the use of water is turning off the faucet when brushing teeth
if a resource is not replaced then the resource has low availability & groundwater is a nonrenewable resource
if groundwater if not replaced then groundwater will have low availability
ground water is a kind of water & a desert environment is low in availability of water / availability of food
a desert environment is low in availability of groundwater
if groundwater if not replaced then groundwater will have low availability & a desert environment is low in availability of groundwater
if groundwater is not replaced in an environment then that environment will become a desert
groundwater is a kind of water & groundwater is located under ground / underground
groundwater is a kind of water that is located underground
if groundwater is not replaced in an environment then that environment will become a desert & groundwater is a kind of water that is located underground
if water from underground is not replaced in an environment then that environment will become a desert
glaciers are a kind of major reservoir & a water reservoir stores water
glaciers are a kind of water reservoir
glaciers are a kind of water reservoir & glaciers are a source of freshwater
glaciers are a kind of freshwater reservoir
glaciers are a kind of freshwater reservoir & antarctic polar ice contains glaciers
antarctic polar ice is a kind of freshwater reservoir
a rainforest is a kind of forest & cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
cutting down trees in a rainforest causes the number of trees to decrease in that rainforest
cutting down trees in a rainforest causes the number of trees to decrease in that rainforest & a decrease of something is a kind of change
cutting down trees in a rainforest changes that rainforest
rainforests contain many species0 & a rainforest is a kind of forest
a rain forest is a kind of environment
cutting down trees in a rainforest changes that rainforest & a rain forest is a kind of environment & humans changing an environment sometimes causes that environment to be destroyed
humans cutting down trees in a rainforest can cause that rainforest to be destroyed
humans cutting down trees in a rainforest can cause that rainforest to be destroyed & rainforests contain many species1
humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to that rainforest
humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to that rainforest & harming an environment causes harm to the living things / to the organisms in that environment
humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to the organisms in that rainforest
rainforests contain many species & species means a group of a certain kind of organism
rainforests contain many kinds of organisms
humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to the organisms in that rainforest & rainforests contain many kinds of organisms
humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to many kinds of organisms
humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to many kinds of organisms & organisms are a part of an environment
humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to much of the environment
humans cutting down trees in a rainforest causes harm to much of the environment & to cut down a rainforest means to cut down trees in a rainforest
humans cutting down a rainforest causes harm to much of the environment
cutting down trees has a negative impact on an ecosystem / organisms living in an ecosystem & logging is when humans cut down trees / forests for wood
logging has a negative impact on the ecosystem
logging has a negative impact on the ecosystem & surface mining has a negative impact on the lithosphere / the biosphere / the ecosystem
surface mining and logging have negative impacts on the ecosystem
killing means harming something causing death & harming an animal species has a negative impact on the population size of that species
killing an animal has a negative impact on that animal's population