“The second decade after first working atop the 13,797’ Mauna Kea is a very risky time in the life of professional astronomy workers.”
[ "astronomy", "atop", "decade", "kea", "mauna", "professional", "risky", "time", "workers", "working" ]
“The second decade in high altitude professional astronomy is a very risky time for the biological functioning of a summit observatory worker.”
[ "altitude", "astronomy", "biological", "functioning", "observatory", "professional", "risky", "summit", "time", "worker" ]
“Professional astronomers have been flying under the law enforcement RADAR and it is time for that to change.”
[ "astronomers", "change", "enforcement", "flying", "hypoxia", "law", "professional", "radar", "time", "under" ]
“To be aware of time is to be anxious.”
[ "time" ]
“What will you do,when it is your turn in the field with the god?”
[ "death", "destiny", "persephone", "time" ]
“Time is Everything”
[ "time" ]
“No lo sé, no sé por qué me hablas así, yo no sabía que eso iba a ocurrir y no fui capaz de pensar, sólo dejé que pasara, al igual que tú.”
[ "conformismo", "español", "flow", "passing-by", "time" ]
“And the night unwound as those days and nights do--those days and nights that hijack time. Those days and nights that hold up the car on its way home and gun down the driver and the passengers and leave the wreckage in the rain.You were moving through your days and nights and then the call came. You were thinking about supper or going to bed. You weren't thinking about death and loss. And now there's a flood and it's dark and you're trying to get there before it's too late but it's already too late because the time where there was enough time is over. You don't know how long it is until morning and in the hospital the hands on the clock crawl round like an insect walking the same pane of glass till it dies.”
[ "change", "death", "emergencies", "hospitals", "illness", "loss", "time" ]
“We’ll have our death. But what’ll we do with all this time til then? You want some of mine? I want some of yours.”
[ "death", "love", "quality-time", "time" ]
“Each day blended into the next, and the day past was blurred into the timelessness of the present.”
[ "present-moment-quotes", "time" ]
“The longest day of sunlight...comes at the beginning of Summer rather than in its midst. In consequence, all Summer long we are inclining towards Summer's end instead of building to a climax and then tapering off.”
[ "passing", "seasons", "summer", "time" ]
“Stop managing time. Start prioritizing attention.”
[ "anti-time-management", "lifestyle", "payments", "priorities", "prioritize", "productivity", "prolifics", "purpose", "time", "time-management" ]
“It used to be thought that time travel was impossible. But that was in the past, before the future went back and made its predecessor come after, rearranging The Order and causing all animals on earth to be confused except for the ducks, who predicted this event in the year 2244.”
[ "duck", "duck-quote", "duck-quotes", "ducks", "time", "time-travel" ]
“I can say confidently that the extra time we spent slowing down to uncover the necessary truths was ultimately a faster path to a large and successful business.”
[ "business", "path", "slow-down", "success", "time", "truth" ]
“Seven days is enough to achieve anything, and enough for everything that was achieved to fall apart.”
[ "achievement", "days", "destruction", "seven", "time", "wisdom" ]
“The seals are scarce and the whales are almost gone.The spirits of the animals are passing away.Amaroq, Amaroq, you are my adopted father.My feet dance because of you.My eyes see because of you.My mind thinks because of you. And it thinks, on this thundering night, That the hour of the wolf and the Eskimo is over.”
[ "nature", "time", "wolves" ]
“If from the Past, you have learnedAt present, you would be less concernedAbout how the future will be turned.”
[ "past-and-future", "past-and-present", "past-present-and-future", "past-quotes", "time", "time-passing", "time-quotes", "times" ]
“Time was when a parent had the right to offer a child's life to the gods; to sell the child into captivity; to live by a child's sweat; to do all but cook and eat a child. But long after such visible exploitation was put beyond the pale, an invisible exploitation went on unchallenged, since[sic], owing its existence to its[sic] parents, the child was held to be indentured to them for an advance of sacrifices so great that a lifetime of service could scarcely hope to repay it[sic]. This was not called exploitation; it went by the name of love. Even in your time, when it began to be the vogue to set the young free, parental authority was still equated with parental love by all but the few poets and dissecters[sic] of the psyche who voiced their doubts. Like patriotism, parental love was considered sacred. But[...] the pendulum had swung, as pendulums do, completely the other way. In my time,[...] all other forms of love[...] had come overnight to be accepted[.][...][W]hat else is love itself but awareness at its highest pitch?”
[ "awareness", "life", "live", "love", "parenting", "religion", "time" ]
“Time is Invasive”
[ "time" ]
“Alas, that so much of my precious time is spent with so little of God.”
[ "devotion", "god", "pain", "prayer", "time" ]
“If all of time was not possible at once, then premonition would not be possible.”
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "predictions", "quote-of-the-day", "the-prophet-avocatorium", "theory-of-relativity", "time", "time-travel", "universe" ]
“Aruna...has long decided that she will only spend what little time she has on things that make her happy.”
[ "happiness", "happiness-quotes", "time" ]
“It's Time!”
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "clocks", "doomsday-clock", "prediction", "quote-of-the-day", "the-future", "the-prophet-avocatorium", "time", "watches" ]
“But people have no idea what time is. They think it's a line, spinning out from three seconds behind them, then vanishing just as fast into the three seconds of fog just ahead. They can't see that time is one spreading ring wrapped around another, outward and outward until the thinnest skin of Now depends for its being on the enormous mass of everything that has already died.”
[ "time" ]
“Every single second of your life shows up possessing enough opportunity to transform every single second that will follow. So you might think about what you’re going to do with the ten of them that it took to read this.”
[ "change", "changes", "different", "life", "opportunity", "possibilities", "potential", "second", "time" ]
“Life is a gift consisting of time and presence not all fully unwrap this gift because we tend to have no presence when there is time and when in life we find presence then we find the limited time.”
[ "life-quotes", "present-moment", "time", "time-quotes", "wisdom-quotes" ]
“When I get back to the time we shared together it always fluctuates current feelings and mould them back to the same we shared back then.”
[ "life-lessons", "places", "time", "time-flies" ]
“Of course, it wasn't possible to account for all the time. By the time you had written down what time it was, it was already later than it had been.”
[ "time", "writing" ]
“Acceptance is good but change is better.”
[ "changes", "consequences", "life", "mental-health", "opportunity", "peak", "physical-growth", "resilience", "spritual", "time" ]
“When we see beauty, we’re seeing a part of ourselves, a reflection in time. Ask me the time, Zara.”“What time is it?”“It’s perhaps a time.”“Perhaps a time, what kind of a time is perhaps a time?” Zara asks, somewhat curiously amused.“The ‘that’ part, that’s the part of the kind of ‘perhaps a time’ we’re talking about.”“What’s the ‘that’ part?”“It’s the part found in anytime.”“Anytime?” A confused look knits on Zara’s brow.“Yes, ‘perhaps a time’ is ‘anytime’, but you need a place, ‘anyplace’ to find anytime.”“Anyplace to find anytime? Do you have any idea how mad you sound?”“Oh, it’s such a colorful thing this void of mine. It’s all sparkly, fluffy and light, twinned with the inevitability of life. Besides, I only sound mad when I’m ‘anywhere’, dear.”“Where the hell is anywhere?” Zara asks, this time very confused.“Sometimes it’s up, sometimes it’s down. Anywhere oh anywhere a place we sow confusion all around.”
[ "reality", "surreal", "time" ]
“Time is currency. Be careful how you spend it.”
[ "currency", "efficiency", "money", "time", "worth" ]
“If you waited for today, you missed your tomorrow.”
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "buddha", "enlightenment", "missed", "philosophy", "quote-of-the-day", "the-prophet-avocatorium", "time", "today", "tomorrow" ]
“English: "For the existence of time or illusion of its flow, there must exist something that is not in all possible states at the same time. In my opinion a free consciousness or protoconsciousness is that thing." Česky: „Aby mohl existovat čas či iluze jeho plynutí, musí existovat něco, co není ve všech možných stavech najednou. Dle mého tím je svobodné vědomí nebo protovědomí.”
[ "change", "consciousness", "free-will", "illusion", "metaphysics", "panprotopsychism", "panpsychism", "philosophy", "protoconsciousness", "time" ]
“English: "When something does not exist in a way we imagine it, it does not mean the thing doesn't exist at all." Česky: „To, že něco neexistuje tak, jak si to představujeme, neznamená, že by to neexistovalo vůbec.”
[ "consciousness", "existence", "free-will", "god", "logic", "meaning-of-life", "metaphysics", "non-existence", "philosophy", "time" ]
“Letters have time, time costs nothing in these parts-let's return to the melons and peaches of Afghanistan.”
[ "afghanistan", "desert", "indolence", "letters", "time", "travel-writing", "travellers", "travelling", "weary", "women-writers" ]
“As a man of 65, I prefer tea, which takes longer to prepare, and take even longer to taste it.”
[ "dance", "reading", "taste", "tea", "time" ]
“Remember, managers are hubs of communication (see Chapter 12). The better they communicate across these sphere boundaries, the more people they can communicate with, and the more data they have. This consequently leads to better decision making. Ultimately, stronger communicators make better-informed decisions, and hopefully they are more successful because they waste less time wondering what to do.”
[ "boundary", "communication", "data", "decision", "informed", "manager", "time", "waste" ]
“Forty-five minutes after the meeting began, I did something I’d never ever done before. I walked out of a meeting where I was a key player because I simply couldn’t waste any more time on this uselessness. Stood up, walked out, and slammed the door. Yes, it’s an emotional move that is almost always a bad move in business, but near the top of my list of professional pet peeves is the following: Do not waste my time.”
[ "meeting", "player", "stand-up", "time", "useless", "walk-out", "waste" ]
“I recently got into a war of words with a coworker regarding the proper solution to a problem with one of our products. As an aside, let me say that e-mail is never ever ever never ever the right way to resolve controversy. Too much subtlety is lost when you’re YELLING IN ALL CAPS at your program manager. Don’t waste your time solving problems in e-mail. Stand up. Walk down the hall. And look the person in the eye. You’ll live longer.”
[ "controversy", "email", "time", "waste" ]
“Zeit hat man nicht, Zeit nimmt man sich!”
[ "time", "zeit" ]
“Time passes, people leave, we become alone again. If we don't accept that fact, memory erodes the present and exhausts the mind until it ages us and ails us.”
[ "grieving", "moving-on", "remembering", "time" ]
“There's only one earth, and one glorious skyOne fleeting time, quickly passing us byTo put our differences aside, and make everything alrightFor our one human raceNo matter what tongue, creed, color or faith”
[ "compassion", "human-race", "humanity", "inpirational-quotes", "kindness", "motivational", "peace", "time", "unity" ]
“But he calls down a blessing on the blossom of the may, Because it comes in beauty, and in beauty blows away.”
[ "beauty", "blessing", "blossom", "death", "irish", "life", "may", "poetry", "song", "time" ]
“Love is where you find the meaning. Those seven years I was with her contained more than anything else. Do you understand? You can take all the years before and since and weigh them next to those, and they wouldn’t stand a chance. That’s the thing with time, isn’t it? It’s not all the same. Some days – some years – some decades – are empty. There is nothing to them. It’s just flat water. And then you come across a year, or even a day, or an afternoon. And it is everything.”
[ "love", "meaning", "time" ]
“What is the nature of work? If it doesn’t involve nature, it’s work, and if you labor around ducks, then it’s more like meditation time.”
[ "duck", "duck-quote", "duck-quotes", "ducks", "labor", "nature", "time", "woek" ]
“All things do change; but nothing sure doth perish.”
[ "time" ]
“In those moments that burst alive the present lasts for ever, and I know there are many more presents to live. I understand. I understand you can be free. I understand that the way you stop time is by stopping being ruled by it.”
[ "freedom", "living", "time" ]
“This now-ness is the only reality we know; it follows the colored nothingness of the no-longer and precedes the absolute nothingness of the future. Thus, in a quite literal sense, we may say that conscious human life lasts always only one moment, for at any moment of deliberate attention to our own flow of consciousness we cannot know if that moment will be followed by another.”
[ "philosophy", "time" ]
“As time goes by we are flooded with an ever increasing sea of pseudo-science this although truth is one's purpose is simply companionship, friendship, love.”
[ "companionship", "flooding", "friendship", "love", "science", "time", "truth" ]
“Perhaps there was a time for allusions but this is the time for conclusions.”
[ "allusions", "conclusions", "science", "time" ]
“Yo pienso que en esto radica el sentido de la creación literaria: en la descripción de objetos ordinarios tal y como quedarán reflejados en los espejos amables de los tiempos futuros; en encontrar en los objetos que nos rodean la ternura fragante que sólo la posteridad podrá discernir y apreciar en los lejanos tiempos venideros en los que cada minucia de nuestra aburrida vida cotidiana se convertirá en algo exquisito y festivo por derecho propio”
[ "creation", "literature", "time", "writing-inspiration" ]
“Time moves like a mountain. It comes so slowly that most don't even notice its passing. It will, however, crush thise who don't move before it.”
[ "time" ]
“But memory and time aren't friends. They reject each other, they hurry in opposite directions, pulling the binding taut between them, threatening to snap. They fight, and we inexplicably lose. Memory and time. Always losing one as you go on with the other.”
[ "life", "memory", "time" ]
“Xin Ming, Origin is the present moment.”
[ "buddhism", "chan", "eternal", "mindfulness", "time", "timeless", "zen" ]
“While it's true you don't have all THE time in the world, you do have all YOUR time in the world. You have literally your entire life to live with yourself, to adapt, and to accomplish goals.”
[ "accomplish", "adapt", "live", "time" ]
“Ilf Time Never Flew by Stewart StaffordIf a horologist froze time at dusk,And there was no day or night,Or days, months, and years,What then for Earth’s masters?Winged time stilled in a bell jar,A castaway preserved in aspic,Or stickily-entombed in amber,Statuesque life an infinite daymare.Boredom creeping up slowly,A lockdown without progress,The horologist would thaw time,Freeing reality’s ebb and flow.© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
[ "daymare", "frozen-in-time", "horologist", "lockdown", "lockdown-life", "poetry", "time", "time-flies", "wings-of-time" ]
“If Time Never Flew by Stewart StaffordIf a horologist froze time at dusk,And there was no day or night,Or days, months, and years,What then for Earth’s masters?Winged time stilled in a bell jar,A castaway preserved in aspic,Or stickily-entombed in amber,Statuesque life an infinite daymare.Boredom creeping up slowly,A lockdown without progress,The horologist would thaw time,Freeing reality’s ebb and flow.© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
[ "chronology", "daymare", "frozen-in-time", "horologist", "lockdown", "lockdown-life", "poetry", "time", "time-flies", "wings-of-time" ]
“It was at the moment of the fall of day when every man may pass as handsome and every woman as comely.”
[ "beauty", "men", "time", "women" ]
“Life could be so wonderful; if only we knew what to do with it.”
[ "life", "meaning-of-life", "planning", "purpose", "self-discovery", "time", "time-management", "wisdom" ]
“A year doesn't matter; ten years are nothing. To be an artist means not to compute or count; it means to ripen as the tree, which does not force its sap, but stands unshaken in the storms of spring with no fear that summer might not follow. It will come regardless. But it comes only to those who live as though eternity stretches before them, carefree, silent, and endless.”
[ "artist", "patience", "time" ]
“Value your time and don't waste it on the people that don't value yours. Time is precious.”
[ "life-quotes", "moment", "time", "value" ]
“But you have to believe that eventually life will sort all of it out, and it might not be what you imagined, but it'll be right at the time.”
[ "belief", "life", "time" ]
“Nostalgia is possibly the greatest of the lies that we all tell ourselves. It is the glossing of the past to fit the sensibilities of the present. For some, it brings a measure of comfort, a sense of self and of source, but others I fear take these altered memories too far, and because of that paralyze themselves to the realities about them.How many people wonder for that past, simpler and better world, I wonder? Without ever recognizing that truth that perhaps it was they who were simpler and better, and not the world about them.”
[ "attitude", "life", "nostalgia", "perspective", "philosophizing", "time", "truth" ]
“It is about pausing constantly to ask, “Am I investing in the right activities?” There are far more activities and opportunities in the world than we have time and resources to invest in.”
[ "activity", "invest", "opportunity", "resource", "time" ]
“I have enormous affection that grows rather than diminishes with time, for the I that I painfully cose from the many, my I. How we love—all of us—our chatty little imp. The toil begins when we toss him into the world so that he’s loved as much as we love him. An impossible thing. Disappointment follows the toil.”
[ "acceptance", "death", "disappointment", "growth", "love", "reflections", "regret", "self", "time" ]
“As to time and space? Time for love and space to embrace.”
[ "space", "time" ]
“To be impatient means never really living, being always in the future, in what will happen, but which is after all not yet here. Do not impatient people resemble spirits who are never here in this place, and now, in this very moment, but rather sticking their heads out of life like those wanderers who supposedly, when they found themselves at the end of the world, just looked onward, beyond the horizon? What did they see there? What is it that an impatient person hopes to glimpse?”
[ "future", "impatience", "patience", "time" ]
“Why one Thursday's child doesn't look at the other? Cause it was already a Friday.”
[ "hate", "love", "philosophical", "time" ]
“Time, through it's unavoidable accumulation clogs our painful memories provided there are no regrets to oppose this process.”
[ "memory", "motivational", "time" ]
“We all have limited time onthis planet”
[ "limited-time", "short-time", "time" ]
“Past the azure mist, out into the deep sky pierced with stars. They who watch our path as surely as they did our ancestors, as surely as they shall our descendants: watching all the small stories weaving across the vast journey of time.”
[ "ancestors", "cosmos", "earth", "planets", "stars", "stories", "time" ]
“Being with you or without you is how I measure my time.”
[ "love", "poetry", "time" ]
“She needs you to help her calm herself, and one important aspect of that is giving her space and time.”
[ "calm", "space", "time" ]
“Easy choices aren't always easy and hard ones can be easier. It's only with time.”
[ "abstractions-of-the-mind", "choices", "choices-and-attitude", "easy", "goitsemang-mvula", "hard", "mindsetcoach", "time" ]
“Be ready to walk away. Remember, you only want this deal, you do not need this deal.”
[ "deal", "need", "time", "walk-away", "want" ]
“O Time, consumer of all things! O envious age, thou destroyest all things and devourest all things with the hard teeth of the years little by little, in slow death. Helen, when she looked in her mirror and saw the withered wrinkles which old age had made in her face wept and wondered why she had twice been carried away.”
[ "ageing", "death", "time" ]
“They live in the opposite of the past. I said, You mean the future? No, Ry. The opposite of the past is the present. Anyone can live in a past that is gone or a future that does not exist. The opposite of either position is the present.”
[ "being-present", "future", "past", "present", "time" ]
“Everything is in existence.”
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "existence", "faith", "hincks", "quote-of-the-day", "religion", "the-prophet-avocatorium", "time", "universe" ]
“What happened a second ago is not any less a thought than what happened a thousand years ago.”
[ "illusion", "meditation", "mindfulness", "non-duality", "spirituality", "the-future", "the-past", "the-present", "time", "yoga" ]
“Fluidity is our ability to jump between two comfort zones without challenging our comforts.”
[ "comfort", "patience", "perceiverance", "success", "time" ]
“We need comfort zones, but remaining static in a comfort zone is stagnancy.”
[ "change", "comfort", "patience", "perceiverance", "stagnancy", "success", "time" ]
“The greatest waste of time is the time that we spend trying to convince ourselves that we’re not wasting it.”
[ "calendar", "days", "hours", "minutes", "squander", "thoughtful", "time", "waste-of-time", "wasting", "years" ]
“Our actions derive their direction from our dreams.”
[ "actions", "adaptability", "attitude", "life", "meaning", "time" ]
“The cycle is king in the domain of time.”
[ "time" ]
“Do what is right at the right time,To make it right at the right time”
[ "time" ]
“What are you doing?''What we should all be doing,' Clover closed his eyes. 'Biding my time.''What's the difference between biding it and wasting it?'Clover saw no need to open his eyes. 'Results, woman. Results.”
[ "results", "time" ]
“जिन्हें उगना होता है वे तो पत्थर का सीना फाड़ के भी उग जाते हैं और जिन्हें नही, वे अत्यन्त उपजाऊ भूमि में प्रयाप्त संसाधनों के बावजूद भी नहीं उग पाते हैं।आप भी आसानी से कंही भी किसी भी परिस्थिति में उग (सफल) सकते हैं। आप सम्पूर्ण हैं और आप मे प्रकृति को नियन्त्रित करने और चलाने वाली ईश्वर की असीम शक्ति निहित है। यदि आप सक्रिय इच्छाशक्ति के साथ किसी विचार को पकड़ लेते हैं, एक राह चुन लेते हैं और उस पर दृढ़ता से चलना शुरू कर देते हैं तो आपके लिए नए मार्ग अपने आप खुलते चले जाते हैं और आपकी सभी प्रार्थनाएँ, सपने, इच्छाएँ अन्ततः साकार रूप धारण कर लेती हैं।मैं परमेश्वर से प्रार्थना करता हूं कि आपकी जो भी चुनौतियां हैं, उन्हें पूरा करने में आप सफल हों। मैं उन से आपके उत्तम स्वास्थ्य, सुदीर्घ और मंगलमय जीवन के लिए भी प्रार्थना करता हूं।”
[ "dreams-come-true", "hindi", "life-quotes-and-sayings", "manifestation-of-your-dream", "overcoming-challenges-quotes", "quotes", "rajesh-goyal", "time" ]
“We would rarely waste time if our existence were earned.”
[ "life", "on-the-shortness-of-life", "pessimism", "philosophy", "stoicism", "time", "waste", "waste-time", "wisdom", "words-to-remember" ]
“Optimal's logo reads: The Future Is Now. That annoys me because if the future is now, where is the present?”
[ "future", "present", "time" ]
“Part of what makes things better in time is that you yourself get better. You grow into your own. You hone your skills. You learn to embrace who you are and find strength in that identity.”
[ "identity", "self-improvement", "time" ]
“Being rich is having time. The less stuff you own the more time you have for what truly matters.”
[ "life", "materialism", "money", "rich", "simplicity", "stuff", "time", "wisdom" ]
“The wealthiest have health, time and inner peace. They know the rest is optional.”
[ "health", "inner-peace", "materialism", "peace", "time", "wealth", "wisdom" ]
“I am not suggesting that a bird, say, with her fleet heart, experiences more in a short life of three years than we do in that same period but that her actual perceived life may be longer than three years. The measure is mysterious; the time of the bird's life expands beyond our typical calculation in ways that we cannot understand, at least not yet. is it possible that some people, too, experience this time/space portal, allowing more experience to billow within and around them?”
[ "chronology", "portal-birds", "time" ]
“You got to remember that you don't own time, it's time that owns you.”
[ "time" ]
“I'm not totally engaged with the man, rather, the clock on the wall behind him. About six, but ticking slow and tocking even slower.”
[ "clocks", "tick-tock", "time" ]
“...my head full of that winter's notions, with that winter's flavor: because each season of each year - could it be each day, each morning and evening? - has its own taste, distinct, entirely forgotten, till you taste it again.”
[ "seasons", "senses", "taste", "time", "winter" ]
“Heute habe ich nur noch zu wenigen meiner Cousins Kontakt. Von den anderen weiß ich kaum, wo sie wohnen. Wenn ich oder meine Eltern Verwandte treffen, dann nur, weil man sich aus Versehen bei den Großeltern über den Weg läuft, nie, weil man es will. Die Familie gibt es nicht mehr.”
[ "family-drama", "family-relationships", "time" ]
“What do I mean by “locked in time”? I mean, first of all, that we characteristically view mobile phenomena in immobile terms. We see processes like love and education as established circumstances rather than as complex temporal organisms whose lives depend on regular nourishment and renewal. Conversely, we tend to accept our own fear, weakness and ignorance as chronic disabilities rather than facing them, as we should, with the awareness that they are temporary and surmountable. Like still cameras, our minds consistently convert motion into stasis. In our language about time we resort to rocklike absolutisms – creation, completion, means, end, permanence, annihilation – terms whose static and extreme implications make them poor approximations of history and experience… We have little use at all for that most subtle and suggestive of words, renewal.”
[ "growth", "liberation", "liberty", "time", "time-management" ]
“To those of us who spend entire days, if not lifetimes, concentrating on a series of brief and insignificant things, the present has barely any meaning at all; we become tiny timorous things, caught in the inch of space between the “in” box and the “out” box. While we may share the common illusions about a mobile present and a free future, we spend most of our lives housecleaning the past – maintaining commitments, counterbalancing errors, living up to expectations, mopping up our own postponements. In this sense, as in others, we shuffle backward into the future, unaware of our enslavement to time or of the simple freedom of new beginnings.”
[ "liberty", "time", "time-management" ]
“You can try to organize your experience but you can not actually control time itself. Try to enjoy moments of rest when they come. The waiting is part of it.”
[ "rest", "time", "waiting" ]