“Time really is a circle; I can see that now. We are trapped between a past we can't return to and a future that is uncertain.”
[ "circle", "circle-of-time", "future", "past", "time" ]
“I look around me and think, there are the choices I've made. The people I've loved. No matter how fleeting this was, I need them to believe everything mattered. This life was enough.But it's not true, of course.Nothing will add up to enough. I wish someone has told me that the end of a life is a complex equation. Years dwindle into months, months into days, and you must count them. All my dreams and bedtimes with a boy in dinosaur pajamas must be squeezed into hours, minutes, seconds.How should I spend them?”
[ "grief", "illness", "life", "time" ]
“It is a mystery to me why some mere minutes transform into moments, hovering outside of time. And how they ebb and flow, stirring wonder and the ache for more. I know the love of a God who is beyond all wanting, but the more I live, the more I want and want and want.”
[ "deatg", "god", "life", "living", "love", "time" ]
“But time is merciless in its passing.”
[ "time", "time-passing" ]
“You can stop the clock, but not the time.”
[ "clock", "time" ]
“We are like that. Each one of us no more than a tiny glimmering things, a sparkling droplet on the waves of time which flow past beneath us into an unknown, misty future. We leap up, look around us and, before we know it, we vanish again. We can hardly be seen in the Great River of time. New drops keep rising to the surface. And what we call our fate is no more than our struggle in that great multitude of droplets in the rise and fall of one wave. But we must make use of that moment. It is worth the effort.”
[ "fate", "history", "moments", "time" ]
“I am uncomfortably, acutely aware of the passage of time, and have lived much of my life with a sense that the time that I have been granted is, as they say, borrowed.”
[ "time" ]
“Take it easy; success takes its own time to take shape. It can't be expedited by anxiety.”
[ "comfort", "patience", "perceiverance", "success", "time" ]
“The century was ending and he had some complaints.”
[ "time" ]
“Time for family, and, or, the people who mean the most to you, has to come first.”
[ "family", "inspirational", "time" ]
“Time is unstoppable; some things you try to move along, others you try to slow down.Knowing what’s worth attempting to influence is the key.Mudflap, Over and Out !”
[ "knwoledge", "life-lessons", "time" ]
“Men do wrong to lament the flight of time, complaining that it passes too quickly and failing to perceive that its period is sufficiently long; but a good memory, with which nature has endowed us, causes everything that is long past to appear to us to be present.”
[ "nature", "time" ]
“If the scarcity of time is the reason for not learning, we first need to learn how to manage our time.”
[ "learning", "learning-process", "reality-of-life", "time", "time-management" ]
“It's when you paint yourself into a corner that the paint dries very slowly.”
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "corner", "paint", "problems", "quote-of-the-day", "time", "veitch" ]
“We have always been, and will forever be, stood up by the future.”
[ "meditation", "mindful", "mindfulness", "spirituality", "the-future", "the-past", "the-present", "the-present-moment", "time", "yoga" ]
“The present moment is all that reality was, is, and will forever be made of.”
[ "meditation", "mindful", "mindfulness", "spirituality", "the-future", "the-past", "the-present", "the-present-moment", "time", "yoga" ]
“In order for Japan to become an equal member of the international community, the western perception of time had to be accepted. The western calendar wasadopted with much complaint in 1872, with the decision that the third day of the succeeding twelfth month would become the first day of 1873. The decree added:On this day a ceremony…will be held, and the Emperor will inform the sun goddess and the imperial ancestors of the change…. The day will be divided into 24 hours instead of twelve two-hour periods, as hitherto.”
[ "japan", "meiji", "time" ]
“Our repeated actions can change the meaning of words over time.”
[ "actions", "adaptability", "attitude", "life", "meaning", "time" ]
“Time dedicated to self improvement and development; is time well spent and wisely invested.”
[ "investment", "self-improvement", "time" ]
“They are democratic with their time—communicating with everyone equally and making sure all team members get a chance to contribute.”
[ "chance", "contribute", "democratic", "equal", "time" ]
“There was no hurry. Time was something he had as much of as he needed.”
[ "hurry", "time" ]
“Time didn’t have meaning for him. Time had come to a standstill, the world stopped where it was, everything as still and immutable as the mountains and the sun in the sky.”
[ "time", "wainting" ]
“To keep on looking at one's wristwatch, just in order to convince oneself that time is passing is absurd. Time has never yet stood still just because a person is bored and stands at the window, not knowing what he is thinking.”
[ "insightful", "time" ]
“An instant is converted into a moment, minutes into hours, days pass into months, months into years, and years into centuries. This world was born and died, the universe expanded and collapsed, and sometimes I wonder if you know I am still waiting for you.”
[ "expectation", "love-quotes", "time", "waiting" ]
“The sad thing about sadness is it comes at the wrong time for the right thing.”
[ "inspirational", "life", "love", "people", "relationships", "sad", "sadness", "time", "truth", "wisdom" ]
“Time teaches all things.”
[ "inspiring", "teaches", "time" ]
“We humans like to operate in three-second bursts of emotion. A three-second greeting, a three-second wave goodbye. Infants rambling sentences and gesturing wildly: three seconds. More primally, we breath deep in three-second bursts, we chew food in three-second bursts. Same in the animal kingdom. A giraffe chews a leaf, a panda has a scratch, a kangaroo takes a dump. Three seconds. A whole world turning in three-second life-units that builds upon themselves to form a truly wondrous twenty-four-hour miracle . . .”
[ "seconds", "time" ]
“The large scale structure of the universe we observe today was formed from small quantum fluctuations which have been amplified by gravity over 13.787±0.020 billion years. But why difficult when truth is simple? The origin of self is self not wanting to be by itself and the purpose of self is companionship otherwise known as love; so love, simply love.”
[ "a-bio-genesis", "causality", "cosmology", "gravity", "origin", "quantum-fluctuations", "time" ]
“Any feature of the world at a future time can be computed from the configuration of the present. That is, the passage of time can be replaced by a computation, which means that the future is logically a consequence of the present.”
[ "physics", "time" ]
“Today went down in history because we couldn't let go of the past.”
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "future", "hincks", "let-go", "past", "quote-of-the-day", "the-prophet-avocatorium", "time", "today" ]
“All things the long and countless years first draw from darkness, then bury from light; and there is nothing for which man may not look. The dreaded oath is vanquished, and the stubborn will.”
[ "death", "time", "will" ]
“The best honor you can give to anyone is to show respect for their time.”
[ "appointment-quotes", "dont-waste-time", "honoring-people", "respect-quotes", "respecting-others", "time", "time-management", "time-quotes" ]
“We navigate by capitalism. Always had, probably always will. And one of the things about capitalism is it demands we think of our lives as in deficit. Not enough time, not enough material possessions, not enough luxuries. Not enough anything. Because contentment doesn't sell. Desire does.”
[ "capitalism", "contentment", "materialism", "time" ]
“There is only a little violence here and there in the language, at the corner where eternity clips time.”
[ "eternity", "time" ]
“Time is neither the past nor the future. It's the present moment that disappears in a microsecond. It is a spark that only exists for a moment. Are we capturing sparks or their ashes?”
[ "achievemennt", "growth", "inspirational", "life", "positivity", "success", "time" ]
“For it is so with time and memory: the seed of our deepest feeling is buried under the rush of a momentary and violent one, there is in all feeling a quality of deception and evasion, and the meanings of the spirit become evident only in the light of a dispassionate distance,”
[ "emotion", "memories", "memory", "recollection", "time" ]
“Sometimes, it’s not about right or wrong, it’s about friendship.”
[ "friend", "good", "life", "moments", "relationship", "rough", "situation", "time", "understanding" ]
“The time wasted in finding one’s self is not wasted, it is earned.”
[ "find-yourself", "time" ]
“When they are awake, the spiritually asleep—the vast majority of people—are under the illusion of stepping into, or out of, the present moment.”
[ "illusion", "spirituality", "the-future", "the-past", "the-present", "the-present-moment", "time", "today", "tomorrow", "yesterday" ]
“Seasons Fore by Stewart StaffordWinter elbows its way to prominence,Placid Spring gradually lays on the land,To presage Summer’s teeming exuberance,Before Autumn messily rents all asunder.Niveous shroud, promising blossom,Roaring greenery and russet capitulation,Four seasons and their intricate combinations,Alighting passengers in another year of life.Nature’s window dressing encircles,Time’s passing at the grandfather clock,As heartbeats throb and ebb eternally,The closing of an eyelid, our pacemaker.© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
[ "autumn", "fall", "four-seasons", "seasons", "spring", "summer", "time", "time-of-year", "weather", "winter" ]
“Everything loses relevance in the rapidly changing world, including time.”
[ "aspiration", "change", "growth", "inspiration", "positivity", "success", "time" ]
“Time dims everything, even the worst horrors, it interposes itself, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, month by month, and it is so immense that ultimately what happens completely dissolves and is gone. It is there, but so much time, so many minutes, hours, days and months lie in between that it can no longer be felt. And it is feelings that count, not thoughts, not memories.”
[ "feelings", "memory", "time", "time-passing" ]
“Vive la vida como si fuese un segundo, porque el tiempo que te queda puede ser solo eso.”
[ "live", "tiempo", "time", "time-quotes", "vida", "vive" ]
“I have all this empty time in front of me. Tonight and tomorrow and the week after and the next month and all down through the years as I never marry and become a dried-up woman. Evenings spent folding paper. Days cleaning someone else's house. Free afternoons spent shopping a bit, stopping in tea shops because my feet hurt. That is what lives are, aren't they? Attempts to fill our time with activity designed to prevent us from realizing that there is no meaning?”
[ "boredom", "filling-time", "life", "lives", "meaning", "mothers-and-other-monsters", "spare-time", "time" ]
“Time was as thin as hope.”
[ "short-time", "time" ]
“It takes time to have a friend, but no matter how long it takes; try and make one.”
[ "friends-quotes", "friendship-and-love-quotes", "friendship-is-quotes", "friendship-quote", "friendship-quotes", "john-arthur", "john-arthur-quotes", "time", "true-friends-quotes", "true-friendship-quote" ]
“There is no time between lives.”
[ "afterlife", "anthony-t-hincks", "being", "death", "hereafter", "quote-of-the-day", "religion", "ross-veitch", "time", "universe" ]
“Time is movement.”
[ "albert-einstein", "anthony-t-hincks", "movement", "quote-of-the-day", "ross-veitch", "thoughts", "time", "time-travel", "universe" ]
“There is no time, only movement which gives us a perception of time.”
[ "albert-einstein", "anthony-t-hincks", "movement", "perception", "quote-of-the-day", "ross-veitch", "thoughts", "time", "time-travel" ]
“Teleportation and Time Travel are possible without using vast amounts of energy. They are as easy as just a single thought, but to understand how it works, we have to first understand ourselves, the universe within and our place within both.”
[ "albert-einstein", "anthony-t-hincks", "knowledge", "quote-of-the-day", "science", "teleportation", "time", "time-travel", "universe", "wisdom" ]
“Life stops when my universe ends.”
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "ends", "knowledge", "quote-of-the-day", "ross-veitch", "thoughts", "time", "universe", "wisdom" ]
“Time is made up of movements.”
[ "albert-einstein", "anthony-t-hincks", "energy", "movements", "quote-of-the-day", "ross-veitch", "science", "time", "universe" ]
“Monday gives me the winter chills in summer.So have a great day!”
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "calendar", "days", "monday", "quote-of-the-day", "ross-veitch", "summer", "time", "winter" ]
“I am increasingly unsure of the division we put between the past and the present. It seems, the more time I spend wandering the land, seeing the things my parents saw, and feeling the same things, almost as if I am, at times, them-as if our biological progress has been so infinitesimal that there's no significant difference between us-that there is no true fence, no stone wall, between the present and the past: that we construct (out of fear, or hunger for the future, gluttony, these fences behind us; that we turn our backs on who and what we really are-who and what we still are.”
[ "family", "past", "present", "time" ]
“Everything is temporary here so don't make permanent statements about anything or anyone in this world.”
[ "failures", "inspirational", "life", "people", "spirituality", "statements", "success", "temporary", "time", "wisdom" ]
“The light moved within itself and flared up. A pillar of light tore into the darkness and there it found matter that had been immobile forever. It struck it with full force, until it awoke God in it. Still unconscious, still unsure what He was, God looked around Him, and as He saw no one apart from Himself, He realised that He was God. And unnamed for Himself, incomprehensible to Himself, He felt the desire to know Himself. When He looked closely at Himself for the first time, the Word came forth –it seemed to God that knowing was naming.”
[ "creation", "existence", "god", "knowing", "light", "naming", "self", "time" ]
“Re-runs are a way of life.”
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "life", "psychology", "quote-of-the-day", "reruns", "television", "time", "tv", "veitch" ]
“Saturday your day away today!”
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "days", "family-relationships", "quote-of-the-day", "saturday", "time", "today", "veitch", "weekend" ]
“Is it time to dump the change management approach and work on the evolution attitude?”
[ "attitude", "change", "change-management", "evolution", "organization", "organizational-culture", "time" ]
“Every human is sitting on a time bomb. Technological explosions can happen anytime and will change everyone’s life forever.”
[ "change", "change-your-life", "growth", "human", "life", "technology", "time" ]
“I'm flummoxed by this unraveling of time, I'm losing my grip on myself. I know that nothing awful will happen on the other side of the door. If anything, I'm about to have a perfectly forgettable day: a class to teach, a meeting with colleagues, maybe a movie. But I'm afraid of forgetting something crucial—my cell phone or my identity card, my health insurance or my keys. And I'm afraid of running into trouble.”
[ "doom", "fate", "impending-doom", "mental-health", "neurosis", "neurotic", "premonition", "time", "unraveling" ]
“Thinking about this cage he lived in, this prison where it felt like he'd spend the entirety of his life, cradle to grave, measuring the distance between his most modest hopes and all the cheap regret he actually ended up living. You passed your time in the cage, he figured, by clinging pointlessly and desperately to an endless series of unfinished sorrows.”
[ "aspirations", "cynicism", "death", "hope", "life", "nihilism", "regret", "time" ]
“There is a limit circumscribed to your time - if you do not use it to clear away your clouds, it will be gone, and you will be gone, and the opportunity will not return.”
[ "finitude", "time" ]
“To achieve something big in this world gather your energy and throw it forcefully in only one right direction.”
[ "desire", "direction", "energy", "faith", "goal", "life", "spirituality", "success", "time", "vision" ]
“You don't walk to kill time but to welcome it, to pick off its leaves and petals one by one, second by second.”
[ "time", "walking" ]
“In good times and bad, it’s wisdom to know that neither lasts forever.”
[ "adaptability", "change", "good-times-and-bad-times", "impermanence", "impermanent", "nature", "rotation", "time", "wisdom" ]
“You are the past that your future wants to forget.”
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "being", "future", "past", "psychology", "quote-of-the-day", "time", "veitch", "you" ]
“How to juggle training and family, as well how to find a few moments of "me time" in your schedule.”
[ "family", "juggle", "me-time", "schedule", "time", "training" ]
“Training, doing something for myself, makes me happier and more appreciative of the time I have with my son. Being a runner makes me a better mother, and being a mother makes my running better.”
[ "appreciate", "happy", "mother", "runner", "son", "time", "training" ]
“Balance mom time and me time.”
Alysia Montano
[ "balance", "me-time", "mom", "time" ]
“Goucher is writing above about her goals for her upcoming race in Houston and how her priorities have shifted. “It’s not about the time. It’s about the love of putting in the work and then putting one foot in front of another.”
Kara Goucher
[ "goal", "priority", "shift", "time", "work" ]
“Balancing parenthood with the lifestyle of a professional climber is tricky and it certainly helps to have a supportive partner. For me it has been quite a juggling act to manage all the demands on my time in both my personal and public life. But like climbing itself, the most challenging experiences are usually the most satisfying. Motherhood is certainly more challenging than any climb I’ve done, but there’s nothing greater than the sense of love I feel for my child.”
Lynn Hill
[ "balance", "challenge", "child", "demand", "juggle", "love", "motherhood", "parent", "satisfy", "time" ]
“Despite the inherent risks of climbing, I still love to climb and I never plan to give it up just because I’m a mother. However, I am much more selective about the risks I take. …One of the biggest challenges of motherhood has to do with juggling my time between work, climbing, and the daily responsibilities of raising a child. But whatever climbs and travels I might have missed during the formative years of my son’s life are small sacrifices compared to the love and richness Owen brings, and hopefully will contribute to others as part of the future generation.”
Lynn Hill
[ "challenge", "future", "give-up", "juggle", "love", "mother", "rich", "risk", "sacrifice", "time" ]
“Time returns with the blood of Eternity.”
L. Krauch,
[ "eternity", "love", "romance", "time" ]
“Mogelijk als wij zo wat oudachtig worden, wil dat zo goed niet meer. Alles, zegt de wijze man, heeft zijn tijd. En 't is ook zo; ik ondervind het zelf wel.”
Betje Wolff en Aagje Deken
[ "time" ]
“What would happen if we took the time each day to quietly celebrate our accomplishments and focus on the positive?”
Kara Goucher,
[ "accomplish", "celebrate", "focus", "positive", "time" ]
“New Year is a perfect time for new adventure.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
[ "adventure", "new-year", "time" ]
“We don't have time, okay? Don't be stupid," I snapped, frustrated. He leaned in, his eyes searching mine. "All we have is time.”
Bianca Viola,
[ "friendship", "friendship-quotes", "inspiration", "life", "love", "loyalty", "romance", "time", "tolerance", "young-adult" ]
“When I listen to that distant call [of the cuckoo], I become freshly aware of a sense of oneness with everything that exists. At such moments I come to see that everything is flowing together like a timeless river, and I become thoroughly convinced of this reality. The invisible becomes clearer than the visible, and the eternal becomes closer than the present. ,,, One of the tragedies of modernity is that artificial sounds are making it impossible to hear the sounds of eternity. They are cutting off the sounds that come from within the deepest part of us.”
Zen Master Bopjong,
[ "buddhism", "eternity", "modernity", "nature", "revelation", "sounds-of-life", "time", "zen", "zen-buddhism" ]
“The right place at the right time never comes to people standing still.”
Kresley Cole
[ "perseverance", "time" ]
“Difficult times help us understand who is a good friend and who is just a friend.”
Sukant Ratnakar,
[ "friendship", "good", "life", "moments", "rough", "situation", "time", "understanding" ]
“While I lay there in the cave, another vision came to me. Someone with one black and one white wing wielded the Spear of Stars. But it was not the same Fate I knew. They stood over the bloody body of Time. The end of Time is in the hands of Fate.”
L. Krauch,
[ "fate", "time" ]
“There is something called destiny which is above all our desires. Only time can tell if the decision was indeed good”
Neelam Saxena Chandra,
[ "decision-making", "destiny", "destiny-and-chance", "neelam-saxena-chandra-quotes", "time" ]
“Start working on your dreams Before anyone else starts working on your dreams.”
Anuj Jasani
[ "dreams", "entrepreneurship", "goals", "inspirational", "opportunity", "startups", "success", "time", "vision", "work" ]
“I wish him luck fitting in my tight...schedule.”
Aleksandra Ninković
[ "life", "love", "luck", "romance", "schedule", "time", "timing" ]
“Spending time with friends, being able to laugh, and encouraging each other while pushing our own personal abilities highlighted my experiences in the sport. We bonded through this shared appreciation for being out in nature and attempting climbs together. No matter the age or background of the participants, climbing was a unifying undertone tone that created instant friendships.”
Chris Noble,
[ "appreciation", "bond", "encourage", "experience", "friend", "laugh", "push", "time" ]
“Generation after generation, my family’s old people sat at this window to watch the year. There are beds in this house where babies were born, where the same babies died eighty years later.”
Donald Hall,
[ "aging", "birth", "death", "dying", "life", "time" ]
“You can't cram a week into one day, but you can cram a lifetime of happiness into one.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "days", "deb-and-murray-veitch", "eternity", "happiness", "lifetime", "love", "philosophy", "quote-of-the-day", "time" ]
“Celebrate, respect and worship Time…because...we all rise, fall, grow, evolve, learn and unlearn through Time. We are all a product of the Time we go through. Eventually, of course, everyone and everything passes on with Time! So, Time is the greatest teacher and healer!”
AVIS Viswanathan
[ "avis-on-happyness", "avis-viswanathan", "fall-like-a-rose-petal", "happiness", "life-lessons", "spirituality", "the-happynesswala", "time" ]
“To waste time is to waste your life.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
[ "death", "distraction", "distractions", "focus", "life", "mortality", "productivity", "time", "waste-time", "wasting-time" ]
“You put the, 'Sun' into my day.Happy Sunday!”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "friends", "marriage", "point-cook", "sun", "sunday", "time", "valentine-s-day", "weekend" ]
“The most important thing I learned on Tralfamadore was that when a person dies heonly appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people tocry at his funeral. All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always willexist. The Tralfamadorians can look at all the different moments just that way we canlook at a stretch of the Rocky Mountains, for instance. They can see how permanent allthe moments are, and they can look at any moment that interests them. It is just anillusion we have here on Earth that one moment follows another one, like beads on astring, and that once a moment is gone it is gone forever.When a Tralfamadorian sees a corpse, all he thinks is that the dead person is in a badcondition in that particular moment, but that the same person is just fine in plenty of othermoments. Now, when I myself hear that somebody is dead, I simply shrug and say whatthe Tralfamadorians say about dead people, which is 'So it goes.”
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.,
[ "death", "future", "past", "present", "so-it-goes", "time" ]
“Under a certain state of being, when the rational mind shuts down, Time and Space as our minds perceive them, change. So, if we are conscious enough, we can expand Time and compress Space.”
Diana-Maria Georgescu,
[ "conscious", "counsciousness", "losing-time", "rational-mind", "rationalism", "rationality", "space", "time" ]
“In the sea, perhaps, time itself is slowed by the water's weight and viscosity. Even with just my hands in Kali's or Octavia's tank, time proceeds at a different pace. Perhaps, I muse, this is the pace at which the Creator thinks, in this weighty, graceful, liquid manner-like blood flows, not like synapses fire. Above the surface, we move and think like wiggly children, or like teens who twitch away at their computer-phones, multitasking but never focusing. But the ocean forces you to move more slowly, more purposefully, and yet more pliantly. By entering it, you are bathed in a grace and power you don't experience in air. To dive beneath the surface feels like entering the Earth's vast, dreaming subconscious. Submitting to its depth, its currents, its pressure, is both humbling and freeing.”
Sy Montgomery,
[ "god", "ocean", "octopus", "time" ]
“Daisy empezó a cantar, a acompañar la música con un susurro rítmico y ronco, y de cada palabra extraía un significado que nunca había tenido y que jamás volvería a tener.”
Scott Fitzgerald,
[ "meaning", "music", "singing", "time" ]
“There is no more obvious indicator of the passage of time than children growing in your absence.”
Hazel Hayes,
[ "absence", "children", "growth", "time" ]
“You believe you have Time - You do not have Time, you have Life;What you do with it is up to you.”
Affinity Soul
[ "healthy-living", "life", "life-lessons", "life-quotes", "life-quotes-and-sayings", "perception", "perspective", "reality", "time", "time-quote" ]
“Kostbare tijd, die niet meer te achterhalen is, heb ik vermorst.”
Gerard Reve,
[ "time" ]
“And they lived Happily Ever After for Eternity-----which 'GRAMPs' would say: "Is a Right Smart Piece of Time.”
[ "eternity", "living-happily-ever-after", "time" ]
“Monday makes me feel like the week is only just beginning.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "beginning", "calendar", "monday", "quote-of-the-day", "time", "veitch", "week" ]