“Pleasure gives freezing of the brain.”
[ "desire", "pleasure", "poetry", "time" ]
“In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes: so with time present.”
[ "life", "perspective", "time", "zen" ]
“Ο χρόνος δουλεύει στο εσωτερικό του ανθρώπινου νου. Έξω απ' αυτόν δεν υπάρχει.”
[ "time" ]
“Οι άνθρωποι - που από μόνοι τους αποτελούν μια διαδικασία εξέλιξης - φοβούνται όλα όσα είναι αεικίνητα και συνεχώς μεταβαλλόμενα, επειδή επινόησαν κάτι που δεν υπάρχει - το αμετάβλητο, αποφασίζοντας πως τέλειο είναι το αιώνιο, αυτό που δεν αλλάζει. Προσέδωσαν λοιπόν στον Θεό την ιδιότητα του αμετάβλητου. και έτσι έχασαν την ικανότητα κατανόησης του.”
[ "god", "time" ]
“Merk dies allein: nicht eine einzige Stunde kommt zweimal im Leben, Nicht ein Wort, nicht eines Blickes Ungreifbares Nichts ist je Ungeschehn zu machen, was Du getan hast, mußt du tragen, So das Lächeln wie den Mord!”
[ "brevity-of-life", "life", "life-and-death", "murder", "time" ]
“Stuck between the most confused, and least ignorant.You’d think that’d be a contradiction, yet here I am, living this way despite your preconceived notion of that kind of an oxymoron.I live in defiance of what you think – and it is torture.”
[ "contradiction", "existence", "faith", "peace-of-mind", "power", "time", "torture" ]
“The hot sun struck the backs of their close-shaven necks. It was a peaceful, uneventful, glorious Sunday afternoon. Yet, Kiyoaki remained convinced that at the bottom of this world, which was like a leather bag filled with water, there was a little hole, and it seemed to him that he could hear time leaking from it, drop by drop.”
[ "emptiness", "ennui", "nihilism", "time" ]
“Spend time ‘on’ dreams, not ‘in’.”
[ "ca-vikram-verma", "dreams", "good-books", "inspiratrional", "life", "motivational", "passion", "time", "time-spent", "vikrmn" ]
“Time has a bad habit. It's slow when you want it to move fast and fast when you want it to move slow. It is a no respecter of condition. It does what it does best; keeps moving.”
[ "time", "time-has-a-bad-habit", "time-keeps-moving", "time-moves-fast", "time-moves-slow", "time-moves-with-blazing-speed", "top-time-has-a-habit-quote", "top-time-quotes" ]
“as a general rule, women nowadays dedicate all their energy, all their attention to their appearance; they are not concerned with anything except wearing the latest fashion; they squander all their intelligence in trying to become more beautiful, and not even in any practical way, by some beneficial and hygienic method, like practicing gymnastics, exercising in the fresh air, or swimming every morning. But no, it must be done with ribbons and lace, by cutting theirbreath short from the excessive use of tight-fitting corsets. And this translates to a waste of time, health, and money.”
[ "beauty", "clothing", "exercise", "fashion", "feminism", "gymnastics", "health", "money", "time", "women" ]
“Time is the running momentum, love is the flowing of emotion, in which both are correlated. In every beat of your heart and impulses of the brain, life evolved thru a cycle. The time framed the life, and be fulfilled by love. And love gives life to all creations, in a period of time.”
[ "life-cycle", "love-quotes-and-sayings", "time" ]
“O tempo que passa e vai faz a normalidade regressar à vida. E a recordação da tempestade foi-se esvanecendo.”
[ "life", "normality", "storm", "time" ]
“Time is the running momentum, love is the flowing of emotion, in which both are correlated. In every beat of your heart and impulses of the brain, life evolved thru a cycle. The time framed the life, and fulfilled by love. Love gives life to all creations, in a period of time.”
[ "life-quotes-and-sayings", "philosophy-of-life", "time" ]
“Many people that come to Tucson develop allergies after living there for a prolonged period of time.”
[ "allergies", "come", "develop", "living", "many", "people", "period", "prolonged", "time", "tucson" ]
“I have shown a beneficial health response to lipoic acid every time I have taken it.”
[ "acid", "alpha", "beneficial", "every", "health", "lipoic", "response", "shown", "taken", "time" ]
“If your doctors are in the habit of prescribing drugs that are doing you no good, then it is time to change your doctors.”
[ "change", "doctors", "drugs", "good", "habit", "medical", "prescribing", "then", "time" ]
“[They] turn their faces upward, and from the abyss of the Prague streets gaze at the strip of sky overhead, at the clouds, to see what time it really was, according to nature and not by the clock.”
[ "clock", "nature", "prague", "time" ]
“There's no substitute for time in solving many problems,' Leto said. 'However, you can place too much reliance on it. I can accept no more delays.”
[ "patience", "problem-solving", "time" ]
“Moneo is trapped. He has learned that it is difficult to live in the present, pointless to live in the future and impossible to live in the past.”
[ "grief", "mindfulness", "time" ]
“You think that in a world without birds, men would not invent aircraft! What a fool you are! Men can invent anything!”
[ "conservatism", "creativity", "innovation", "time" ]
“there is also some deeper fear: the terror of time passing, and me with it.”
[ "fear", "time" ]
“Greed can take the whole of our intelligence and render it ‘stupid’ in a far, far shorter period of time than it took for our intelligence to become intelligent.”
[ "diminish", "diminishment", "discernment", "greed", "intelligence", "reduce", "stupid", "stupidity", "time", "wisdom" ]
“We cannot really save time. We can merely avoid wasting it.”
[ "life", "pessimism", "save-time", "saving-time", "stoicism", "time", "timesaver", "timesaving", "waste-time", "wasting-time" ]
“When you look back do you see yourself or a Mirage of your Self?”
[ "change", "life-changes", "life-lessons", "life-quotes", "love", "mirage", "questions-in-life", "soul-searching", "time" ]
“It all came together and became a single thing in his mind. After a long time of floating on the land and a short time floating in the river he knew why he must never burn again in his life.The sun burned every day. It burned time. The world rushed in a circle and turned on its axis and time was busy burning the years and the people anyway, without any help from him. So if he burned things with the firemen and the sun burned Time, that meant that everything burned!One of them had to stop burning. The sun wouldn't, certainly.”
[ "time" ]
“Without value, any activity is simply a means of passing time that has no beneficial or useful purpose whatsoever.”
[ "activity", "beneficial", "purpose", "time", "value" ]
“From measuring my life in terms of milestones, I now tried to measure it in moments—those small pockets of time that float with great radiance even though they are embedded in the minutiae of life.”
[ "joy", "milestones", "moments", "time" ]
“Here, time was his, and space was his, and every door could be shut, every window locked. He would stand before the tiny hallway closet—an alcove, really, over which they had strung a length of burlap—and admire the stores within it.”
[ "time" ]
“It doesn't matter how fast you can run when your time has run out.”
[ "time", "time-quote", "time-quotes", "time-running", "time-running-out" ]
“All these prelapsarian significances came later, though, because life is lived in one direction and understood in the other.”
[ "life", "time" ]
“Be mindful of what takes your time, as it will raze or raise your dreams.”
[ "dreams", "goals", "life", "life-lessons", "time" ]
“Ar face orice să-l aducă înapoi pe Silas, oferind până și timpul pe care s-ar putea să nu-l aibă.”
[ "cute", "demon", "love", "time" ]
“We are hurried, not by what is happening, but by what we are desiring.”
[ "hurry", "in-a-hurry", "late", "meditation", "mindful", "mindfulness", "pessimism", "stoic", "stoicism", "time" ]
“Costs come mostly in the form of irreplaceable time.”
[ "costs", "time" ]
“Life has a cost of time, that is constantly in motion and passing by at an incredible speed.”
[ "cost", "life-quotes", "time" ]
“The narrative that can stand the test of time or be dominant is what will have legitimacy as fact but not necessarily the truth.”
[ "dominant", "legitimacy", "narrative", "necessary", "time", "truth" ]
“In a crystalline corner of your heart, keep a Smile for the days gone by. To every soul, who is wondering how is Life passing by, and somehow feel suffocated in a long lost world of words and thoughts, Remember every flower blooms at its own time.Whatever it is that you wish to accomplish, remember that it takes Time and an immense amount of energy and will power to make that happen. Most people don't even find it conducive to dream, let alone following it. Some settle down with what Life throws at them, while some opt for the lesser options that suit their needs. But the ones, who burn with their dreams, who hold on to that invisible yet palpable string of Faith, eventually always finds what they seek, because the truth is what you're seeking is already yours. Until then, don't mind about the Time, because Time has a way of Smiling back in a garland of moments and memories.And if you're ever faced with a question on losing Time and not settling down (in love or career or anything of Life) like the majority of folk around, remind yourself what you seek, embrace your Soul and walk on to rise in your chosen path. You haven't lost Time, you have just not found your Season yet. Until then, water the root of your Soul with the Sunshine of Kindness & Grace. Love & Light, always- Debatrayee”
[ "aging-gracefully", "dream", "faith", "life-lessons", "life-quotes", "love", "soul-searching", "time", "time-passing" ]
“In a crystalline corner of your heart, keep a Smile for the days gone by. To every soul, who is wondering how is Life passing by, and somehow feel suffocated in a long lost world of words and thoughts, Remember every flower blooms at its own time.Whatever it is that you wish to accomplish, remember that it takes Time and an immense amount of energy and will power to make that happen. Most people don't even find it conducive to dream, let alone following it. Some settle down with what Life throws at them, while some opt for the lesser options that suit their needs. But the ones, who burn with their dreams, who hold on to that invisible yet palpable string of Faith, eventually always find what they seek, because the truth is what you're seeking is already yours. Until then, don't mind about the Time, because Time has a way of Smiling back in a garland of moments and memories.And if you're ever faced with a question on losing Time and not settling down (in love or career or anything of Life) like the majority of folk around, remind yourself what you seek, embrace your Soul and walk on to rise in your chosen path. You haven't lost Time, you have just not found your Season yet. Until then, water the root of your Soul with the Sunshine of Kindness & Grace. Love & Light, always- Debatrayee”
[ "aging-gracefully", "dreams-quotes", "kindness", "life", "life-lessons", "love", "soul-searching", "time", "time-passing" ]
“It could be said, abstractly speaking, that the purpose of time is Love, or, to be more precise, that the purpose of Self is Love which is why there is time. Yes, that sounds pretty much correct. Time is correctly so relative as it is based on the founding principle of One* wanting to be in a Relationship; of One not wanting to be alone. It is not good for One to be alone. One's very own purpose Companionship, Friendship, Love. In conclusion. It's all about Love really so Love simply Love. (* Self)”
[ "love", "origins-of-life", "physics", "relativity", "science", "time" ]
“The essence of every moment is to find the reason or purpose for being in a particular place at a specific point in time.”
[ "essence", "purpose", "reason", "specific", "time" ]
“Whatever you are experiencing presently is governed by the accumulation of all your thoughts, expectations, and desires that you put in motion up to this point in time.”
[ "accumulation", "desires", "expectations", "experiencing", "governed", "thoughts", "time" ]
“We had both accepted the unwritten rule of arranged marriage: love, if it arrived at all, would bloom with time.”
[ "arranged-marriage", "love", "marriage", "relationships", "time" ]
“Each beat of your heart is marking the passing of time, the passage of your life.”
[ "heart", "life", "time" ]
“Anything that can be conceived in enough detail will come true or can be achieved in its own time.”
[ "achieved", "time", "true" ]
“You are only bound and controlled by time if you subject yourself to time's demands, if you are subservient to time then it surely will rule every single aspect of your life.”
[ "controlled", "demand", "life", "time" ]
“There is no logical sense of holding onto someone or something whose time together has passed; spare yourself the heartbreak and simply let go, and move on.”
[ "heartbreak", "logical", "time" ]
“Undeniably, a worthwhile exercise to pursue is by spending time to extract positives from any situation, immaterial of how dire things may seem in the present.”
[ "dire", "exercise", "immaterial", "positives", "pursue", "situation", "time", "worthwhile" ]
“Neither yesterday nor tomorrow holds the key to our future. We have to act today, in this very present moment, to design our destiny.”
[ "action", "inspirational", "motivational-quotes", "present", "time" ]
“experience is long, but life is short”
[ "experience", "struggle", "suffering", "time", "value" ]
“Ο χρόνος σ΄ένα μοναστήρι περνά με ανησυχητική ταχύτητα. Εκτός από τις μεγάλες γιορτές της Εκκλησίας, δεν υπάρχουν άλλα ορόσημα που να τον χωρίζουν πέραν του κύκλου των εποχών. Και διαπίστωσα ότι οι μέρες, και σύντομα οι εβδομάδες, περνούσαν σχεδόν απαρατήρητες. Η ταχύτητα της παρέλευσης του χρόνου είναι ένα φαινόμενο που το προσέχει κάθε μοναχός: έξι μήνες, ένα χρόνος, δεκαπέντε χρόνια, μια ζωή, σύντομα τελειώνουν.”
[ "monasteries", "time" ]
“You cannot fell a hillFrom force of willOnly time.You cannot dissipateHate with righteous hateOnly love.Only time, only love,Only time and love.”
[ "love", "peace", "prayer-for-peace", "time", "ukraine", "will" ]
“Isn’t it strange how – again and again, as if to humiliate themselves – people fool themselves into thinking they can get time back somehow? How time only becomes important once it has passed?”
[ "time" ]
“Matter, how tiny my share.Time, how brief my allotment.Fate, how small my roll to play.Self, All that can be mastered.”
[ "dark-age", "fate", "mastery", "matter", "pierce-brown", "red-rising", "self", "time" ]
“Clocks are everywhere if you know how to recognize them. A dandelion is a clock, obviously. Rice pouring into a bowl is a clock, each grain marking the passage of time. A school assignment, an apple as it withers, a tree waiting for spring. Each of these things measures living moments, what remains before death. Tick, tock.”
[ "passing-of-time", "quotidian-pleasures", "time", "timekeeping" ]
“Your relationship served a purpose at the time and just because it no longer exists doesn’t mean it was a waste of time.”
[ "boundaries", "friendship", "relationship", "time" ]
“How to survive when you're asked to do the impossible? Buy Time!”
[ "impossible", "survive", "time" ]
“The truth has a divine voice and it speaks louder than any other voice. The truth will defend itself at the right time. Watch and see the truth coming out.”
[ "defend", "divine", "speaks", "time", "truth", "voice" ]
“Love shows up by how you spend your time.”
[ "anti-time-management", "entrepreneurship", "family", "leadership", "love", "self-help", "self-love", "time", "time-management" ]
“Life is like a river and time is like its water. If you have little time for yourself, you can't live your life to the fullest.”
[ "fullest", "life", "live-life", "river", "time", "water" ]
“Unemployment was one of the best experiences of my life!”
[ "best", "discover", "experiences", "explore", "free", "life", "relaxation", "rest", "time", "unemployment" ]
“I lived in Tucson for fifteen years and was sickly the entire time!”
[ "altitude", "arizona", "entire", "hypersensitivity", "hypoxia", "lived", "sickly", "sickness", "time", "tucson" ]
“What does it cost to lose these weeks, that light, the very nights in the year preferred over all others?Can you evade the dying of the brightness?Or do you evade only its warning?Where are you left if you miss the message the blue nights bring?'Have you ever had a moment where everything in your life just stopped?' This was the way that this question was raised by Kris Jenkins, a three-hundred-and-sixty-pound Jets defensive tackle, after he tore, six plays into his tenth NFL season, both his meniscus and his anterior cruciate ligament. 'So fast, but in slow motion? Like all your senses shut down? Like you're watching yourself?”
[ "time" ]
“Time is a human invention,You can slow down or you can speed it up.”
[ "invention", "inventions-quotes", "motivation", "productivity", "time", "time-management", "time-quotes" ]
“The sin of knowledge is time.”
[ "knowledge", "sin", "time" ]
“There once was an age when all was naught,though the sands of time did fall.One, after one, each grain did wrought, but no one was there to recall.”
[ "illusion", "perception", "relativity", "time" ]
“There once was an age when all was naught, though the sands of time did fall.One, after one, each grain did wrought, but no one was there to recall.”
[ "illusion", "perception", "relativity", "time" ]
“After some point, it becomes too late to be early.”
[ "appointment", "early", "late", "meeting", "pessimism", "time", "time-management", "too-early", "too-late", "wisdom" ]
“Steal your own time before others steal it away.”
[ "time", "time-quote", "time-quotes" ]
“A flower clock?" "Yeah. Mum was... is a florist, so I'm using her books on flowers to try to re-create or, well, create Carl Linnaeus's flower clock. He was a guy from the eighteenth century. Basically, each flower in the clock opens at a different time of day.""Its petals open?""Yeah, so flowers have circadian rhythms," Ben says. He's blushing. "I don't know. Sounds stupid now I'm saying it. And it hasn't actually worked yet either. I thought, though, that with climate change and everything, the flowers will start opening at weird times, so it kind of goes beyond everything with, you know... my mum. It'll be, like, the more we damage the world, the more we damage the clock, and time, and, yeah, the future.""That sounds beautiful, Ben," I say."Yeah, I don't know. I mean, what am I going to do with it? What's the point of it, really? Will it go in a gallery and then be, like, sold as prints of photographs of it or something? And then the time element of it will be gone.""Hmm.""Sorry," Ben says, and he shakes his head. "I guess I'm in a bit of a crap mood." He looks at me sideways, and nervously laughs to himself. "I mean, I don't know why I just told you all that."I shake my head. "It's fine. So, what flower's time is it now?" I ask.Ben looks at his phone. "Ugh, yeah, so that's the other thing. There actually doesn't seem to be a flower for each hour, which is kind of problematic. But the closest to now is the meadow goat's beard. It opens at three.""Oh, cool," I say. "So right now doesn't exist in flower time?""Yeah, I guess it doesn't. I've never thought of it like that.”
[ "carl-linnaeus", "clocks", "flowers", "time" ]
“It is your strength to endure pain over a long period of time and your subsequent response will lead to success over pain.”
[ "endure", "pain", "response", "strength", "success", "time" ]
“For her heart, I know that cannot grow old; and while the heart is young, man may laugh Old Time in the face, and dare him to do his worse.”
[ "time", "young-at-heart" ]
“Every face has expression of a far more interesting and enduring kind than these momentary disturbances of its form occasioned by laughter or some passing thought, &c. And it must never be forgotten that a portrait is a panel painted to remain for centuries without movement. So that a large amount of the quality of repose must enter into its composition.”
[ "art", "painting", "portrait", "time" ]
“The COVID-19 pandemic was a great time to be researching hypoxia because so many people were developing Long COVID.”
[ "covid", "covid-19", "developing", "great", "hypoxia", "long", "pandemic", "people", "researching", "time" ]
“Gender issues can affect anyone at any time.”
[ "affect", "anyone", "female", "gender", "hormones", "issues", "lgbt", "lgbtq", "male", "time" ]
“Anti-time management is the new time management.”
[ "anti-time-management", "anti-time-management-lifestyle", "entrepreneurship", "flexibility", "management", "richie-norton-quotes", "time", "time-management", "work-life-balance" ]
“My violin connects my present and my past, my dreams and my reality. My fingers move nimbly over the strings, my mind forgetting all I’ve lost or forgotten. There is only the music that is my constant companion. Nothing but the music. Not Stuart. Not Max. Not now. Not the past, either.”
[ "loss", "music", "time" ]
“The Spaniards are good at many things, but not at making war. All foreigners alike are appalled by their inefficiency, above all their maddening unpunctuality. The one Spanish word that no foreigner can avoid learning is mañana — ‘tomorrow’ (literally, ‘the morning’). Whenever it is conceivably possible, the business of today is put off until mañana. This is so notorious that even the Spaniards themselves make jokes about it. In Spain nothing, from a meal to a battle, ever happens at the appointed time. As a general rule things happen too late, but just occasionally — just so that you shan't even be able to depend on their happening late — they happen too early. A train which is due to leave at eight will normally leave at any time between nine and ten, but perhaps once a week, thanks to some private whim of the engine-driver, it leaves at half past seven. Such things can be a little trying. In theory I rather admire the Spaniards for not sharing our Northern time-neurosis; but unfortunately I share it myself.”
[ "catalonia", "mañana", "orwell", "spanish", "time", "war" ]
“The pulse of intention does not move so that one Can see it, and moral machinery is not labelled, butThe future of time is determined by the power of volition.”
[ "free-will", "intention", "morality", "poem", "poetry", "time", "volition" ]
“And as I stood there in the whipping wind and rain, I wondered if indeed it was that simple, if time was so free with memory, so generous with pardons, that writing well could come to stand in the place of an ethical life.”
[ "memory", "time", "writing" ]
“We are confined to the present, but this moment we're living now has, for all of history, been the future. And now, forever more, it will be past.”
[ "future", "life", "past", "time" ]
“Time management was never designed to give people time, but to control others.”
[ "leadership", "leadership-quotes", "management-and-leadership", "management-quotes", "time", "time-management", "time-quote", "time-quote-inspirational", "time-quotes" ]
“In due time we are bornAnd in time, we are grownThe time of distress...followed by times of happiness.”
[ "time", "time-gots-us-all", "time-passing", "time-quote", "timeless", "times" ]
“She grasps for the ends of this elastic moment, but they disappear into the past and the future.”
[ "past-life-experiences", "time" ]
“And when you and I talk about history we don't mean what actually happened, do we? The cosmic chaos of everywhere, all time? We mean the tidying up of this into books, the concentration of the benign historical eye upon years and places and persons. History unravels; circumstances, following their natural inclination, prefer to remain ravelled.”
[ "circumstances", "history", "time" ]
“I just mark days in my teal blue planner.Black ink pouring onto the pages without deep attachment,I think they lied, time is not a medication.”
[ "healing", "poem-quotes", "poems", "poetry", "poetry-quotes", "time", "time-heals", "time-quote", "time-quote-inspirational", "time-quotes" ]
“When I have fears that I may cease to be Before my pen has glean’d my teeming brain, Before high piled books, in charact’ry, Hold like rich garners the full-ripen’d grain …When I Have Fears that I May Cease to Be”
[ "mortality", "time" ]
“Time flies so fast for those who can't fly.”
[ "time", "time-flies", "time-flies-quotes", "time-quote", "time-quotes" ]
“Rural culture is marked by a different sense of time, a different cosmology. At the core of rural culture, he says, is a belief that the universe is already perfect as it is, and that our duty as humans is to maintain that harmony. This was a sentiment I heard often from farmers as I traveled throughout the countryside . One farmer told me that the future is a created concept, and that in the fields, in the long dark of winters, there is no future, because every day depends on tending to the present moment. An act of care. In contrast, urban culture is centered on the belief that the universe must be constantly corrected on its course, and that life is defined by the pleasure of overcoming future challenges.”
[ "china", "cosmology", "future", "harmony", "present", "rural", "time", "urban" ]
“Time is only one of the mysterious things that humans has created so far.”
[ "amazing-quotes", "humans", "life", "minds", "mystery", "time" ]
“Our future waits for us to reach its presence in the most glorious way. And it is mutual. We wait to meet the future too. Indeed it's all about the future...it IS all about the FUTURE. And one day in future we will return to him.”
[ "afterlife", "future", "future-quotes", "god", "life", "religious-quote", "time", "transitory" ]
“Philosophers of freedom were mainly, and understandably, concerned with how humans would escape the injustice, oppression, inequality, or even uniformity foisted on them by other humans or human-made systems. Geological time and the chronology of human histories remained unrelated. This distance between the two calendars, as we have seen, is what climate scientists now claim has collapsed. The period I have mentioned, from 1750 to now, is also the time when human beings switched from wood and other renewable fuels to large-scale use of fossil fuel—first coal and then oil and gas. The mansion of modern freedoms stands on an ever-expanding base of fossil-fuel use.”
[ "climate-change", "climate-crisis", "danger", "ecology", "environment", "freedom", "global-warming", "humans", "philosophy", "time" ]
“When you stand at the edge of the desert, you think it can be broad. You think that crossing it can take a month at most. But two months pass, and three, and four, and every day means a step further in the dust.”
[ "desert", "time" ]
“Time and space, he thought. What a hodgepodge.”
[ "space", "time", "time-and-space" ]
“How was it that people were so obsessed with the passing of time? So far, she’d lived at least three lifetimes, and human count insisted on saying that she was 28. Human count had nothing on life. It had nothing on living.”
[ "lifetime", "time" ]
“I worked at three high altitude astronomical observatories and I ended up sick at all of them, so sick that I had to leave every time.”
[ "altitude", "astronomical", "astronomy", "every", "high", "leave", "observatories", "sick", "time", "worked" ]
“By the time I left Kitt Peak National Observatory, I had formed the opinion there was a cover-up culture there.”
[ "cover-up", "culture", "formed", "kitt", "national", "observatory", "opinion", "osha", "peak", "time" ]
“In my free time I am changing the world.”
[ "author", "campaign", "changing", "free", "protest", "publish", "quotes", "time", "truth", "world" ]
“Sixty-seven-year-old Claudia, on a pavement awash with packaged American matrons, crying not in grief but in wonder that nothing is ever lost, that everything can be retrieved, that a lifetime is not linear but instant. That, inside the head, everything happens at once.”
[ "memory", "nature-of-time", "time" ]
“It is time to publicly acknowledge the biological toxicity of the Mauna Kea Observatories and to demolish them.”
[ "acknowledge", "astronomy", "biological", "demolish", "kea", "mauna", "observatories", "publicly", "time", "toxicity" ]
“It is only a matter of time before the Space program kills a civilian with a piece of rocket or satellite debris.”
[ "civilian", "debris", "kills", "matter", "piece", "program", "rocket", "satellite", "space", "time" ]