“This is what time travel is. It’s looking at a person, and seeing them in the present and the past, concurrently. And that mode of transport only worked with those one had known a significant time.”
[ "friendship", "love", "time", "time-travel" ]
“Time was mathematically explicable; it was the heart—the part of the brain represented by the heart—that was the mystery.”
[ "heart", "love", "time" ]
“This is not an easy timeBut tell me—tell me here, with all we know upended:What has real meaning and value for you? Right now?What is worth your time and love, your self-investment,No matter what the morrow brings?”
[ "faith", "love", "meaning", "present-moment", "struggle", "the-no-new-normal-new-normal", "time", "value" ]
“Paying someone to do something on our behalf is the closest we can get to buying time.”
[ "business", "buy-time", "entrepreneurship", "hiring", "life-is-short", "life-is-too-short", "pessimism", "self-employment", "stoicism", "time" ]
“Is your integrity the highest bidder?”
[ "creativity", "determination", "earth", "future", "integrity", "legacy", "life", "living", "time", "trust" ]
“Whenever I see someone reading a book, especially if it is someone I don’t expect, I feel civilisation has become a little safer”
[ "books", "civilisation", "comfort", "reading", "safe", "safety", "time" ]
“She had plenty of leisure now, day in, day out, to survey her life as a tract of country traversed, and at last become a landscape instead of separate fields or separate years and days, so that it became a unity and she could see the whole view, and could even pick out a particular field and wander round it again in spirit, though seeing it all the while as it were from a height, fallen in its proper place, with the exact pattern drawn round it by the hedge, and the next field into which the gap in the hedge would lead. So, she thought, could she at last put circles on her life. Slowly she crossed that day, as one crosses a field by a little path through the grasses, with the sorrel and the buttercups waving on either side; she crossed it again slowly, from breakfast to bed-time, and each hour, as one hand of the clock passed over the other, regained for her its separate character: this was the hour, she thought, when I first came downstairs that day, swinging my hat by its ribbons; this was the hour when he persuaded me into the garden, and sat with me on the seat beside the lake, and told me it was not true that with one blow of its wing a swan could break the leg of a man.”
[ "nostalgia", "time" ]
“Those who attempt to go ahead of time might fall behind the times.”
[ "ahead-of-his-time", "ahead-of-the-times", "ahead-of-time", "time", "time-quotes" ]
“Time has no present or future; it is always in the past.”
[ "inscription-by-design", "life-quotes-and-sayings", "science", "time" ]
“From stone to sand and sand to silt, what grows today will one day wilt.”
[ "aging", "change", "death", "fate", "inevitability", "poetry", "time", "wilt" ]
“Time is distance, and when it is suspended, we are no longer in the world but a part of the world.”
[ "time" ]
“I'm 26," she said, as if it were bad news she had received only recently. "It isn't the age I feel like.""What age do you feel like?""Nineteen, like you."But to me, 19 still felt old and somehow alien to who I was. It occurred to me that it might take more than a year, maybe as many as seven years, to learn to feel 19.”
[ "age", "time" ]
“I have never respected chronological order. It has never existed for me.”
[ "time" ]
“The present moment is the entirety of reality.”
[ "meditation", "mindfulness", "reality", "spirituality", "stoicism", "the-future", "the-past", "the-present", "the-present-moment", "time" ]
“The passage of time is as real as the movement of an animated object.”
[ "meditation", "mindfulness", "passage-of-time", "spirituality", "stoicism", "the-future", "the-past", "the-present", "the-present-moment", "time" ]
“Time is a slow determinant”
[ "age", "climate", "determination", "earth", "future", "legacy", "life", "living", "time" ]
“Ideas are dying..Inspirations come and go.. But only actions can bring forth reActions!”
[ "actions", "death", "ideas", "inspirations", "life", "living", "reactions", "time" ]
“I was afraid of my future until I realized I was the one creating that future.”
[ "climate", "creativity", "determination", "future", "legacy", "life", "living", "time" ]
“The essence of sharing knowledge is to keep a tool ready so that whoever is ready can pick it up and continue from where one stopped.”
[ "change", "creativity", "determination", "future", "knowledge", "legacy", "life", "living", "time" ]
“If time eats the doughnut, does love eat the hole?”
[ "doughnuts", "humor", "love", "philosophy", "time" ]
“Don't waste your time to create great memories, we all are made to live the current moments.”
[ "current", "don-t-waste", "life", "live", "memories", "moments", "time" ]
“Sungguh nyata; melewati satu detik ketika bersamamu seolah lebih dari seratus tahun bahagia di sisimu. Dan melewati satu detik ketika tanpamu, seolah lebih dari seratus tahun kehilanganmu. Nyatanya, semua lebih dari satu detik bersamamu dan tanpamu.”
[ "love", "love-quotes", "missing-you", "time" ]
“How to kill time is a question for those who waste it.”
[ "kill-time", "time", "waste-of-time", "wasted-time" ]
“We can change the world, but we can't change ourselves...”
[ "people", "time", "world" ]
“Help me see through the dark.”
[ "dark", "darkness", "help", "help-me", "loneliness", "lonely", "lost", "love", "time" ]
“When the Sunrise clutches my soul, I often wonder what if our souls are made in grayscale, only to soak in the colours of the day, every single day walking through every single moment of each passing day. What if every ray that paints the horizon is but a bunch of souls ornate in different shades of white only to find the different shades of black to melt away in a Sunset Sky, in a Smile of embracing a day anew or in a mellow cry of a day's passing by. Perhaps the Dawn has the answer, or perhaps there's a whisper in the Dusk! All while, let me search away for the pieces of my soul in the grayscale of Time's hue. And I know, Life will put the colours back again, one more time, at Time's cue. Love & Light, always- Debatrayee”
[ "black-and-white", "faith-quotes", "greyscale", "hope-quotes", "life-lessons", "soul-searching", "sunrise-quotes", "sunset-quotes", "time" ]
“You only have so much time to read. You could read all day, every day, and you would never come close to reading all the books and articles that are out there, so make sure what you read is worthwhile.”
[ "books", "education", "homeschooling", "learning", "lessons", "life", "parenting", "reading", "time" ]
“Ah, the faint grain of sand, the merciless hound at our heels, the spoke of the season's wheel”
[ "delays", "perspective", "time" ]
“But what if all that isn’t true?” the girl who was at that moment behind his back was to say to him two years later; an enormous span of time—Bruno thought—because it was not measured in months or even in years, but rather, as is peculiar to this class of beings, in spiritual catastrophes and days of utter loneliness and inexpressible sadness; days that lengthen and become distorted, like shadowy phantoms on the walls of time.”
[ "loneliness", "time", "years" ]
“the concept of eternity must not be grasped as if it were suspended time, or in any case not in the sense that eternity would come after time, for this would turn eternity into the future, in other words into a moment of time. And the concept of eternity must also not be understood in the sense of a negation of time, so that it would be merely an abstraction of time. For time in its concept is, like the concept itself generally, eternal, and therefore also absolute presence.”
[ "eternity", "time" ]
“Time is a chameleon. It's ever changing, cannily adapting to circumstances. It stretches out some tiny moments for an eternity. Then it shifts course and swallows up whole days, years even, as if they never existed. It's as slippery and elusive as water running through the cracks in a tightly cupped hand.”
[ "time" ]
“I'm trapped by the concept of the present, by the idea that time is moving forward and I'm witnessing it.”
[ "the-present", "time" ]
“We only have moments, but moments bring us to timelessness.”
[ "dance", "life", "living-in-the-now", "moment-by-moment", "moments", "now", "spirit", "spirituality", "time", "timelessness" ]
“In competitive swimming, you increase your time in the pool to decrease your time in the pool, and that seems like a complete waste of time to me. Why not buy a duck from me and let it do all your swimming?”
[ "duck", "duck-quote", "duck-quotes", "ducks", "pool", "swim", "swimming", "time" ]
“BearPaw Duck Farm tours are no longer at 4:00. Tours are now at 3:60, like a circle, which gives us more time to get around.”
[ "duck", "duck-quote", "duck-quotes", "ducks", "time", "tour", "touring" ]
“Patience, among other things, also means to appreciate the time we have and to create the time we don’t have.”
[ "appreciation", "creation", "endurance", "forbearance", "patience", "quotes", "time" ]
“How many times have you made a point of forgetting that person you promised to love forever?”
[ "forever", "forget", "inspirational", "life", "love", "made", "person", "point", "time" ]
“Guard your time as if it is sacred, because it is.”
[ "anxiety", "anxiety-quotes", "anxiety-recovery", "time", "time-management", "time-management-quotes" ]
“Time can be bought only figuratively.”
[ "buy-time", "delegate", "delegation", "eternity", "immortality", "mortality", "outsource", "outsourcing", "time", "waste-time" ]
“What is happening is both reality and reality in the making.”
[ "life", "meditation", "mindfulness", "now", "reality", "spirituality", "the-future", "the-present", "the-present-moment", "time" ]
“TimeHow I long for yesterdayHow I appreciate todayHow I look forward for tomorrowWithout you, There will not be me.Without you, There is no chance for me.Without you, There is no more hope for me.You have given me memories of the past.You have given me opportunities to live now.You have given me dreams to live tomorrow.”
[ "inspiration", "life", "time" ]
“Time is what keeps man imprisoned away from his future.”
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "future", "imprisoned", "paradox", "psychology", "quote-of-the-day", "the-prophet-avocatorium", "time" ]
“It’s irrational to think that a cake baked without sugar will come out of the oven tasting sweet. In life and business, bake your values in from the start. Value your time, don't time your values.”
[ "anti-time-management", "bake", "cake", "dreams", "irrational", "priorities", "sugar", "time", "time-tipping", "values" ]
“If you want freedom of time, bake freedom of time into the process from the start.”
[ "anti-time-management", "attention", "bake", "freedom", "priorities", "purpose", "time", "time-management", "time-tipping", "values" ]
“The fact is, too many people think they’ll be able to sacrifice their time now to get more later (time doesn’t work that way) only to find out that the systems they cemented over the years won’t allow them to leave without things falling apart.”
[ "anti-time-management", "cement", "exit-strategy", "fall-apart", "sacrifice", "systems", "time", "time-tipping", "values", "years" ]
“Prioritizing time is a way to prioritize what you love.”
[ "anti-time-management", "attention", "family", "happiness", "lifestyle", "love", "prioritize", "time", "time-management", "time-tipping" ]
“They supposed that, even if they melted down all the calendars and smashed all the clocks, one minute would daftly follow another until some final cure were found for the malady of Time.”
[ "failure", "rebelion", "time" ]
“Flee while there is still time and then stop to catch your last breath.”
[ "death", "flee", "time" ]
“The most precious gift that God has given to us as a family, aside from love, is TIME. It's not perfect, but with them, it's worth it. ”
[ "family", "inspirational", "love", "time" ]
“Being in a hurry gives us the illusion of doubling the length of every second.”
[ "haste", "in-a-hurry", "meditation", "mindfulness", "pessimism", "philosophy", "stoicism", "the-present", "the-present-moment", "time" ]
“Some inventions change or die; even institutions die; but the clock is definite and perpetual. The last man on earth, as he bids farewell to the cold, dead sun, is sure to have a watch in his pocket, so as to know the exact hour of his death.”
[ "death", "last-man", "time" ]
“The time to be happy is now. Time and life don't wait!”
[ "happy", "inspiration", "life", "live", "now", "time", "wait", "wise" ]
“Some of the science literature on entropy erroneously assumes that, as one goes forward in time, one moves from order to disorder. Naturally this is erroneous for the simple reason that there is no such thing as disorder; there is only complexity within simplicity.”
[ "biodiversity", "complexity", "cosmology", "disorder", "entropy", "order", "science", "simplicty", "time" ]
“I dont suppose anybody ever deliberately listens to a watch or a clock. You dont have to. You can be oblivious to the sound for a long while, then in a second of ticking it can create in the mind unbroken the long diminishing parade of time you didn’t hear.”
[ "time" ]
“Time does not heal,It makes a half-stitched scarThat can be broken and again you feelGrief as total as in its first hour”
[ "depression", "grief", "healing", "scar", "time" ]
“Time is an illusion. Sensations are an illusion. Reality, for the most part, is an illusion. The illusion is, perhaps, the most concrete and substantial thing in our existence.”
[ "concrete", "existence", "illusion", "inspirational", "life", "philosophy", "reality", "sensation", "thing", "time" ]
“This generation was richer only in illusions; in every other way it was similar to any other. It had the feeling of both lighting the fires of a new civilization and extinguishing the last flickers of another. Everything appeared as an exciting new game on that ancient bridge, which shone in the moonlight of those July nights, clean, young and unalterable, strong and lovely in its perfection, stronger than all that time might bring and man imagine or do.”
[ "andric", "civilization", "history", "illusions", "ivo-andrić", "time" ]
“We leave so much in time behind us. Old worlds, glasses full of whiskey & wine & memories. As children we dreamed of being, becoming. In this twilight we merely dream and sometimes wish for the magnificence of lost moments & days. How could it be that we once lived through these times and never realized that these were the sacred days of magic? Now all we have left are songs & photographs wherein our present being attempts to discover it's own rebirth. Therefore, 'to be' is the only answer.”
[ "magic", "memories", "music", "nostalgia", "poetry", "time", "to-be-or-not-to-be" ]
“What if every dream you ever dreamt was a part of a dream that you're living?To my Smiling Soul, If there is one thing I have learnt over Time that stands solid and can pass the test of Time in every Universe then that is the Strength of our Soul when we live through the Smile of our Heart. It doesn't matter, how much time goes by, how many detours or losses fell on your path, as long as you stand your ground, as long as you don't let regret or failure to get the better of you, you win, you walk with slow but steady steps knowing there is someone watching over you, holding onto integrity and grace. You remember to bury your pain, your loss, your sorrow and plant a seed of Love instead with a Hope that someday, Somewhere in some corner of this Universe you will find your due, something that only He alone can give you, something that is yours, entirely yours. Until then, keep reminding the world that a Unicorn doesn't need to be a lion or a wolf in the wilderness of Life. - your Smiling Dream To every Dreamer, keep weaving that halo of dream for you never know where you might end up in the Smile of Time, because Life knows exactly the Dream that Life weaves around us. Love & Light, always- Debatrayee”
[ "dreams", "dreams-quotes", "faith", "hope", "life", "life-lessons", "life-philosophy", "love", "smile", "time" ]
“I'm not separate from this world, nor is this world separate from me; time had not taken hold of me yet and distances are nothing but ripples on the water”
[ "distance", "identity", "journey", "outside-of-self", "self", "time" ]
“Time flies, it's true. But what kind of wings does it have, butterfly wings, bat wings, or eagle wings? None. It has the wings of a duck, which is why I'm surprised nobody in history has noticed that time also swims.”
[ "bat", "butterfly", "duck", "duck-quote", "duck-quotes", "ducks", "eagle", "swimming", "time", "time-flies" ]
“Duck farming has taught me that my day-to-day thinking changes in a gradient that's subtle and unnoticeable when observed in 24-hour blocks, but becomes obvious when seen in longer time frames. In the past two years I've changed from pink to blue, but it was all purple to me.”
[ "blue", "change", "duck", "duck-farming", "duck-quote", "duck-quotes", "ducks", "pink", "purple", "time" ]
“I just talked to an old duck farmer who told me he remembers me from when I was three months old. I replied, “Oh, I recall that. That was June of ’82. I told you the stock market would crash in five years, around October, and you scoffed and called me a pessimist.”
[ "absurd", "duck", "duck-quote", "duck-quotes", "ducks", "economy", "life", "time" ]
“Time would tell how much he would remember, if anything at all. She hoped to high heaven that it was the latter.”
[ "amnesia", "memory", "memory-loss", "time" ]
“Beginnings commence the sure end.”
[ "beginnings", "beginnings-and-endings", "david-benedict-zumbo", "inspirational-quotes", "life-lessons", "life-quotes", "quotes", "quotes-on-life", "reflection", "time" ]
“These days long lost too late.We see the changes for the best or worst. Hold onto memory wrapped up like a blanket around us.Live without fear. Do not let the sun set one day without showing orexperiencing true gratitude or love. Do not walk in the shadows of the past.”
[ "fear", "gratitude", "hope", "inner-light", "inner-strength", "love", "r-m-engelhardt", "sorrow", "time", "wisdom" ]
“But here's the thing: you already have a terminal diagnosis--we all do...every person is born with a death sentence; each second that passes by is one you'll never get back.”
[ "death", "memento-mori", "time" ]
“I’m writing long letters to GodFor bringing the light in my heartWhile waltzing the shadows of mindAlone on the square of my time.”
[ "alone", "god", "letters", "square", "time", "waltzing" ]
“Seconds passed. If there’d been an old clock in here, its ticks would have sounded slow and menacing.”
[ "clock", "time" ]
“We often delay and sometimes even abandon the commencement of things entirely, primary because of the foreseeable end we have in mind.”
[ "beginnings", "beginnings-and-endings", "david-benedict-zumbo", "inspirational-quotes", "life-lessons", "life-quotes", "quotes", "quotes-on-life", "reflection", "time" ]
“Time dulls the most exquisite emotions and softens the most heart-rending grief;”
[ "time" ]
“He knows our time. He knows our weakness and where our breaking point is. Jesus never said it would be easy. He did say we would have trials and tribulations and that the pain we bore would be great.”
[ "breaking-point", "jesus", "pain", "time", "trails-and-tribulations", "trials", "weakness", "weaknesses" ]
“Time is the result of One not wanting to be alone.”
[ "absolute-truth", "cosmology", "god", "love", "meaning-of-life", "origin-of-species", "quantum-physics", "relativity", "science", "time" ]
“It could be said that 'time is the result of self not wanting to be by itself'. That is to say. 'Time is the result of self wanting to experience itself as self differentiated for companionship i.e. love'.”
[ "love", "meaning-of-life", "theoretical-physics", "time" ]
“Fate rushes down upon us! The time drags and the days plod past, lulling us into thinking that the doom we fear will always so delay. Then, abruptly, the dark days we have all predicted are upon us, and the time when we could have turned dire fate aside has passed. How old must I be before I learn? There is no time; there is never any time. Tomorrow may never come, but todays are inexorably linked in a chain, and now is always the only time we have to divert disaster.”
[ "dark", "dramatic", "fate", "time" ]
“Time is our friend in trouble,” she said, “because it tells us that the sorrow cannot last for ever.”
[ "friend", "sadness", "sorrow", "time" ]
“A seed blown on the wind could be tomorrow's willow tree.”
[ "growth", "potential", "time" ]
“In all of my universe I have seen no law of nature, unchanging and inexorable. This universe presents only changing relationships which are sometimes seen as laws by short-lived awareness. These fleshly sensoria which we call self are ephemera withering in the blaze of infinity, fleetingly aware of temporary conditions which confine our activities and change as our activities change. If you must label the absolute, use it's proper name: Temporary.”
[ "change", "life", "subjectivity", "time" ]
“IF.' 'If you had only . . . If we had but. . .' He wanted to shout them into silence. 'Only fools prefer the past!”
[ "hindsight", "memory", "time" ]
“Time always moves forward but it is only when you have something to look forward to, life moves forward.”
[ "life-quotes", "time" ]
“Time does not diminish friendships; it just beautifies it.”
[ "friends", "friends-forever", "friendship", "friendship-quotes", "john-arthur-quotes", "love", "marriage", "relationships", "time", "true-friendship" ]
“I will find out where she has gone,And kiss her lips and take her hands;And walk among long dappled grass,And pluck till time and times are doneThe silver apples of the moonThe golden apples of the sun.”
[ "beauty", "eternity", "love", "moon", "poetry", "sun", "time" ]
“There was never sufficient time for restorative sleep during the really long winter astronomy night shifts.”
[ "altitude", "astronomy", "long", "night", "restorative", "shifts", "sleep", "sufficient", "time", "winter" ]
“When we understand the fragility of life, we live consciously. People generally live as if they have all the time in the world. They don’t. They have the time of one lifetime, however long that will be. It’s not a lot. We don’t have enough time to procrastinate and waste large chunks of our lives. It is a valuable offering when we give our attention and love to anything in life. What we spend our time on will determine the course of our life. If we know that we are here for a short time, our choices will become more meaningful and satisfying. We don’t have to be told to be brave and follow our inner leanings when we are aware of our limited time. Who cares what other people think of us when we are busy living a brief life to the best of our ability? We will want to use it every day to better ourselves and the world we live in. ”
[ "brief-life", "dont-waste-time", "inner-guidance", "leanings", "life", "make-the-most-of-life", "spiritual-path", "time", "wasting-time" ]
“The aging chose the years of their youth, yet the young, who were not even born then, would have to live in those years. There was a certain injustice in that - choosing the time the next generation would live in. As happens in all elections, actually.”
[ "elections", "time" ]
“time is timeless.”
[ "better", "life", "live-world", "planet", "time", "timeless", "tomorrow" ]
“There’s nothing much better than now.”
[ "better", "change", "life", "living", "now", "time", "today", "tomorrow", "world" ]
“I work 72 hours a day, everyone can do it.”
[ "entrepreneur", "freelance", "life", "media", "time", "work" ]
“I told mom, even if there was a million worlds I will always choose you to be my mom.”
[ "broken", "family", "life", "love", "mother", "time" ]
“What goes on inside us during these nights, as we lie there on our backs, drifting downstream through time and listening for the far-off roar of the mighty waterfall that one day is going to engulf us? We know that miracles don't happen, that no one to date has ever escaped the waterfall, and that we are separated from those who have already reached it by only a tiny little span of time. One day - three years, ten years, twenty years. Sometimes it doesn't seem so terrible. I need to make no effort, don't even need to move my hands in the black water; it carries me along with it of its own accord. A gentle dizziness comes over me, and I know for certain: this one goal I will reach, even if I should fail all others. Probably because it is a goal I never set myself.”
[ "death", "time" ]
“Nobody has enough money to buy time.”
[ "buy", "life", "life-lessons", "living", "money", "quotes", "time", "time-travel", "world" ]
“Time speaks for itself”
[ "speaks", "time" ]
“One day we are looking at the Magnum photograph of Sophia Loren at the Christian Dior show in Paris in 1968 and thinking yes, it could be me, I could wear that dress, I was in Paris that year; a blink of the eye later we are in one or another doctor's office being told what has already gone wrong, why we will never again wear the red suede sandals with the four-inch heels, never again wear the gold hoop earrings, the enameled beads, never now wear the dress Sophia Loren is wearing.”
[ "aging", "fashion", "mortality", "time" ]
“It ended a few feet from where he sat. The sea, broad and vast, with all its mighty force, ended right there before his eyes. Be it the edge of time or space, there is nothing so awe-inspiring as a border. To be here at this place with his three companions, at this marvellous border between land and sea, struck him as being very similar to being alive as one age ending and another beginning, like being part of a great moment in history. And then too the tide of their own era, in which he and Kiyoaki lived, also had to have an appointed time and ebb, a shore on which to break, a limit beyond which it could not go.The sea ended right there before his eyes. As he watched the final surge of each wave as it drained into the sand, the final thrust of mighty power that had come down the countless centuries, he was struck by the pathos of it all. At that very point, a grand pan-oceanic enterprise that spanned the world went awry and ended in annihilation.”
[ "the-sea", "time" ]
“The whole future–I thought–will be that way, life lives together with the damp odor of the land of the dead, attention with inattention, passionate leaps of the heart along with abrupt losses of meaning. But it won’t be worse that the past.”
[ "elena-ferrante", "moving-on-letting-go", "pg176", "time" ]
“Time flies and flies time. I know, because I sold them a tiny stopwatch. They love to race. But they aren't quite fast enough to avoid being snacks for my ducks.”
[ "absurd", "duck", "duck-quote", "duck-quotes", "ducks", "flies", "fly", "humor", "sales", "time" ]
“Why can't you free him?''Because he thinks my memories are his key to freedom. He thinks I am building our future out of our past.''Isn't that always the way of it, Leto?''No, dear Hwi.''Then how is it?' 'Most believe that a satisfactory future requires a return to an idealized past, a past which never in fact existed.”
[ "conservatism", "fundamentalism", "mindfulness", "time" ]
“What I liked so much was their freedom from the constraint on time,” he says. “When I went back to Morocco it occurred to me that [in the United States] we don’t have this wonderful calm. They are daydreaming, what we would call in the west, ‘wasting time.’(From 2004 in berkeleydailyplanet)”
[ "freedom", "morocco", "time", "united-states" ]
“I’m old school, I still cry for love.”
[ "cry", "friends", "life", "love", "old-school", "romantic", "time", "world" ]
“It is far better to say nothing than to utter a thousand words that say the same thing that silence would have said. For in the end, you will have saved a ton of time and a whole lot of credibility.”
[ "credibility", "discernment", "foolish", "politics", "silence", "thoughtful", "time", "verbal" ]