“I am a Tralfamadorian, seeing all time as you might see a stretch of Rocky Mountains. All time is all time. It does not change. It does not lend itself to warnings or explanations. It simply is. Take it moment by moment, and you will find that we are all, as I've said before, bugs in amber.”
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.,
[ "so-it-goes", "time" ]
“The desire to take a moment and make it last forever. The desire to stay like this for much longer than it will really last.”
David Levithan,
[ "time" ]
“Ninguno de ellos sabía por qué estaban allí o lo que harían, pero sabían que tenían que esperar, y que la hora se acercaba”
Carson McCullers,
[ "time", "waiting" ]
“How can we turn back the years of time when all that we seem to do is move forward?”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "albert-einstein", "anthony-t-hinicks", "move-forward", "philosophy", "quote-of-the-day", "time", "veitch", "years-of-time" ]
“At midnight turn the clocks back and make the night yours again.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "albert-einstein", "anthony-t-hincks", "midnight", "night", "philosophy", "time", "time-travel" ]
“President Trump’s COVID-19 lies demonstrated what he has done for a very long time: Habitually lie.”
Steven Magee
[ "coronavirus", "covid-19", "demonstrated", "habitually", "lie", "long", "mutant", "president", "time", "trump" ]
“At midnight turn back time and you will find that the night is still young enough to enjoy.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "albert-einstein", "anthony-t-hincks", "midnight", "night", "philosophy", "time", "time-travel", "veitch" ]
“We are at a time in history where the smart will maintain a body chemistry that is distinctly different from the masses.”
Steven Magee
[ "body", "chemistry", "covid-19", "different", "distinctly", "history", "maintain", "masses", "smart", "time" ]
“My work is to inhabit the silences with which I have lived and fill them with myself until they have the sounds of brightest day and the loudest thunder. And then there will be no room left inside of me for what has been except as memory of sweetness enhancing what can and is to be.”
Audre Lorde,
[ "future", "memories", "past", "present", "self", "silences", "time" ]
“If you don’t resist it, once critical people have had their say, they’re done with it. Say “Thanks for being honest” or “Thanks for taking the time to let me know how you feel” or “Thanks for caring so much.” Simple, subtle, and sweet.”
Rick Kirschner,
[ "care", "critical", "done", "honest", "resist", "time" ]
“In the light of the bathroom, I see lines on my face. They almost look like scars except I've never been cut by anything but time.”
Laura van den Berg,
[ "aging", "injury", "time", "wrinkles" ]
“Don't hide behind the lies of prediction just because you do not agree with your future.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "agree", "anthony-t-hincks", "philosophy", "predict-the-future", "prediction", "quote-of-the-day", "time" ]
“death is a five o'clock door forever changing time.”
Sonia Sanchez,
[ "change", "death", "poem", "poetry", "time" ]
“When you look into the abyss, it's not supposed to wave back.”
Terry Pratchett,
[ "death", "space", "temporal-abnormalities", "the-abyss", "the-void", "time" ]
“Time is the same regardless of how much you pay for the watch.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough
[ "expensive", "influence", "money", "poor", "status", "time", "watch" ]
“Thoughts are what make the universe real.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "being", "psychology", "quote-of-the-day", "quote-of-the-year", "reality", "religion", "thoughts", "time", "universe" ]
“Time flies and never falls down”
Tamerlan Kuzgov
[ "time", "time-management", "time-quote", "time-quotes" ]
“Bisognerebbe avere almeno tre vitedicila prima per gli errori necessarila seconda per non sbagliare maila terza infine per sbagliare nuovamenteed essere felici”
Francesco Carofiglio,
[ "errori", "life", "mistakes", "time", "vita" ]
“Hold on to her, son. For as long as time lets you.”
Elena Armas,
[ "aaron", "aaron-blackford", "catalina", "catalina-martín", "love", "richard-blackford", "the-spanish-love-deception", "time" ]
“What’s it going to be? A life of time, or the time of your life? You decide.”
Broms The Poet,
[ "broms-the-poet", "good", "good-life", "life", "life-quotes", "live", "living", "philosophy", "time", "time-quote" ]
“So what if we would have forfeited money on a vacation? In the grand scheme of things, losing dollars is nothing compared to losing time.”
Jodi Picoult,
[ "money", "time" ]
“TIME is an acronym I created for Today Is My Everything.”
Richie Norton
[ "acronym", "action-quotes", "everything", "life-lessons", "life-philosophy-inspirational", "living-in-the-present", "now", "time", "today" ]
“People waste time for the right moment and we don't have that luxury...because we're about to die, I want to say it as many times as I want-I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you" (Rufus 343).”
Adam Silvera,
[ "life", "love", "time" ]
“Timing is everything, if you wait for the right time, time will leave you at the same place.”
Anuj Jasani
[ "actions", "entrepreneurship", "failures", "inspirational", "life", "startups", "success", "time", "timing", "truth" ]
“Instead of doing a hundred things, do one thing a hundred times.”
Anuj Jasani
[ "actions", "consistency", "entrepreneurs", "entrepreneurship", "focus", "goals", "inspirational", "motivational", "startups", "time" ]
“If the entire history of the Earth were condensed into a single day, one hour would equate to 200 million years, one minute to 3.3 million years and one second to 55,000 years. Life would appear as early as eight or nine o'clock in the morning, but human civilisation would not emergeuntil the last tenth of the last second of the day. From the morning that philosophers held the first ever debate on the steps of a temple in Ancient Greece... from the day slaves laid the first foundation stone of the Great Pyramid…… from the minute that Confucius welcomed his first disciple into the candlelit gloom of his thatched hut... right up until the moment you turned the first page of this book, only one tenth of the tick of the clock would have elapsed.”
Liu Cixin,
[ "earth", "time" ]
“That’s because at the Flow Genome Project10 we study the relationship between altered states and peak performance, focused primarily on the experience known as flow. Defined as an “optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best,” flow refers to those “in the zone” moments where focus gets so intense that everything else disappears. Action and awareness start to merge. Our sense of self vanishes.Our sense of time as well. And all aspects of performance, both mental and physical, go through the roof.”
Steven Kotler,
[ "best", "flow", "focus", "performance", "self", "time", "zone" ]
“The words of the Bible are sources of spirit. They carry fire to the soul and evoke our lost dignity out of our hidden origins. Illumined, we suddenly remember, we suddenly recover the strength of endless longing to sense eternity in time.”
Abraham Joshua Heschel,
[ "bible", "eternity", "illumination", "judaism", "longing", "revelation", "scripture", "spirit", "time" ]
“FACT!: Time goes slower on a Friday afternoon.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "friday", "quote-of-the-day", "slower", "time", "veitch", "weekend" ]
“Imagine if their wasn't really an afterlife, but instead a multitude of lives living simultaneously at once. So that when we dreamt, it was connected to our other lives.That means, when one life dies out, the rest keep on going on until there is only one left.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "afterlife", "anthony-t-hincks", "dreams", "life", "multiverse", "philosophy", "time", "universe" ]
“The weekend will always be hidden between days.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "days", "fun", "happiness", "hidden", "point-cook", "saturday-and-sunday", "time", "veitch", "weekend" ]
“What we spend our time on will determine the course of our life. Who cares what other people think of us when we are busy living a brief life to the best of our ability? ”
Donna Goddard,
[ "choice", "choices", "growth", "life", "soul", "spiritual-path", "talent", "time", "what-others-think", "what-others-think-about-you" ]
“When you choose output value over time put in, you increase your available time and your value.”
Richie Norton
[ "autonomy", "availability", "choose", "flexibility", "freedom", "output", "time", "time-for-money", "values" ]
“Two people can get the same result while one has all the time in the world and the other doesn’t.”
Richie Norton
[ "ability", "agility", "autonomy", "availability", "flexibility", "project-management", "result", "time", "work-life-balance", "work-life-flexibility" ]
“A bad day doesn't mean a bad week or a bad month or a bad year.”
Anuj Jasani
[ "bad-day", "experience", "faith", "hope", "month", "motivational", "relationships", "time", "week", "year" ]
“When you have a choice, take your time and make the right choice because if you make the wrong choice, you will have no choice.”
Anuj Jasani
[ "choice", "employee", "entrepreneurship", "inspirational", "knowledge", "partners", "relationships", "right-choice", "success", "time" ]
“The story begins with your actions.”
Anuj Jasani
[ "actions", "entrepreneurship", "failures", "journey", "life", "relationships", "story", "success", "time", "wisdom" ]
“No time? If you do one thing a day, you will have done thirty things in a month.”
Deryn van der Tang
[ "achivement", "goals-and-plans", "motivation", "time" ]
“Time is the substance I am made of. Time is a river that carries me away, but I am the river”
Jorge Luis Borges
[ "consciousness", "life", "time" ]
“Goals are dreams with time lines. Turn your vision into action with goal setting. Seek progress rather than perfection.”
Gary Mack,
[ "action", "dream", "goal", "perfect", "progress", "time", "vision" ]
“This Christmas, make it next Christmas.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "christmas", "christmas-quotes", "holidays", "quote-of-the-day", "time", "vacation", "yuletide", "zmas" ]
“It is impossible to waste time prolonging your life.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
[ "death", "exercise", "health", "life", "long-life", "mortality", "survival", "time", "waste", "waste-time" ]
“Look at all three levels: relaxing, resting and sleeping, and keep a diary for one week to check on how much time you are allowing for each on a daily basis.”
Ben Bergeron,
[ "daily", "diary", "relax", "rest", "sleep", "time" ]
“These include some of our most common New Year’s resolutions: exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, and focusing on self-care activities like getting sufficient sleep and dedicating time to rest and relax.”
Noel Brick,
[ "exercise", "health", "relax", "self-care", "sleep", "time" ]
“Time never stops for anyone. It is slipping out of your hands every moment. Every moment is precious so make sure you use it wisely”
[ "bethebestversionofyourself", "inspirational", "inspirationalquotes", "life", "lifelessons", "quotes", "srinivart", "time", "words", "wordsofwisdom" ]
“Time will always be invested and spent by anything that is living. It is impossible to be saved.”
Tim Storrs,
[ "life", "philosophy-of-life", "thoughts", "time" ]
“My father would work 6 days a week. He lived for his family, got his kids in college retired then passed away before he was able to enjoy it. That had a profound effect on how I viewed time, life and work.”
Tim Storrs,
[ "death", "life", "time" ]
“Life eats away at out future.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "eats-away", "future", "life", "philosophy", "time", "veitch" ]
“I watch the coffee drip, thinking of not just how fleeting time is but how the truly magical moments in our lives are the simplest, and how we let them pass without a thought. We foolishly believe that somehow they will all last forever, that destiny will not show up at our door unannounced and knock when we least expect it.”
Viola Shipman,
[ "destiny", "destiny-quotes", "life", "life-quotes", "time" ]
“This morning I stopped to watch the geese fly, even though I didn’t have the time to do so. And I realized that not having the time to do something might be the very reason why I need to do it.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough
[ "flying", "geese", "important", "pause", "reflect", "stop", "time", "time-management", "valuable" ]
“With time the world is getting smarter and if you are not keeping up with the times you will just live and die for no reason”
Anuj Jasani
[ "digitalisation", "entrepreneurship", "life", "metaverse", "mindset", "people", "smart", "technology", "time", "virtual-world" ]
“Let the moon teach you the art of being beautiful and lonely at the same time.”
Anand Thakur
[ "art", "healing", "inspirational", "lonely", "moon", "positive", "time" ]
“After you achieve a goal or complete a project, the first thing to do is celebrate. Take time to congratulate yourself on your accomplishment, thank and be grateful for the people who helped you reach it, and indulge in areas of pleasure you might have had to set aside while focusing on your just-completed goal. Spend time on other important areas of your life, like self-care, family, and friends, that you may have neglected during your goal-striving efforts.”
Noel Brick,
[ "achieve", "celebrate", "family", "friend", "goal", "grateful", "life", "pleasure", "self-care", "time" ]
“Life is the circle from which we never escape.”
Anthony T. HIncks
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "circle", "life", "philosophy", "psychology", "time", "veitch", "wheel" ]
“When you stop using social media you will realise how much time you have wasted using social media”
Anuj Jasani
[ "addiction", "inspirational", "knowledge", "life", "philosophy", "social-media", "time", "truth", "wisdom" ]
“Time keeps us awake while dreaming.”
Laura Chouette,
[ "awake", "childhood", "dreaming", "dreams", "dreams-quotes", "everyday-life", "job", "reality", "reality-of-life", "time" ]
“Time to me is a renewable resource that pays infinite dividends when invested in purposed priorities.”
Richie Norton
[ "dividends", "invest", "live", "priority", "purpose", "renewable-resource", "time", "value", "values" ]
“One of the best things you can do for a relationship is become the best and most complete YOU that you can possibly be. Second best thing? Unconditionally love and support your friend/partner/child/spouse in prioritizing the same work in their own life—but not necessarily in the same way.⁣”
Richie Norton
[ "flexibility", "life", "marriage", "partner", "priorities", "relationship", "support", "time", "unconditional-love", "work" ]
“It’s the little things that keep us going.”
Richie Norton
[ "fear", "happiness", "human-flourishing", "keep-going", "little-things", "pride", "procrastination", "richie-norton-quotes", "time", "time-management" ]
“Take your decision at the right time and you will realise the value of both your time and decision”
Anuj Jasani
[ "actions", "decision", "dreams", "entrepreneurs", "entrepreneurship", "goals", "inspirational", "life", "startups", "time" ]
“Life never gives you a chance to say goodbye so always sleep without regrets”
Anuj Jasani
[ "entrepreneurs", "entrepreneurship", "family", "inspirational", "life", "people", "regrets", "relationships", "spirituality", "time" ]
“The most important thing in life is how and for what you use your time”
Anuj Jasani
[ "entrepreneurs", "entrepreneurship", "goals", "inspirational", "life", "success", "time", "value", "vision", "wisdom" ]
“الزمن هو أساس الوجود وأساس وجود كل شيء.”
Mahmoud Ayman,
[ "existence", "life", "philosophy", "time" ]
“Potato is still a potato but with time this world has changed so make sure you are not a potato.”
Anuj Jasani
[ "change", "entrepreneurship", "inspirational", "life", "lifestyle", "mindset", "motivational", "success", "time", "truth" ]
“Bad choices will always give you a good lesson”
Anuj Jasani
[ "choice", "decisions", "entrepreneurship", "life", "love", "mistakes", "priority", "relationships", "startups", "time" ]
“You have to figure out a way to make the time you spend with your family and the time you spend at work both extremely efficient and effective.”
Bob Rotella,
[ "effective", "efficient", "family", "time", "work" ]
“If a man has something that is the least and most, it is time.”
Anuj Jasani
[ "actions", "entrepreneurship", "happiness", "inspirational", "knowledge", "life", "motivational", "time", "truth", "value" ]
“We are so fortunate that we have everything to achieve everything.”
Anuj Jasani
[ "actions", "entrepreneurs", "entrepreneurship", "fortunate", "goals", "inspirational", "resource", "startups", "success", "time" ]
“If you really want to know how you can build a successful company, go and see how workers are building homes in your town.”
Anuj Jasani
[ "company", "entrepreneurs", "entrepreneurship", "goals", "inspirational", "process", "startups", "success", "time", "vision" ]
“Create a list of all the important areas of your life right now. The list might include sport, study, work, family, and friends. Next, rank each of these spheres in terms of personal importance, time spent on each.”
Noel Brick,
[ "family", "friend", "important", "life", "sport", "study", "time", "work" ]
“One who loses a million times in life definitely wins once.”
Anuj Jasani
[ "dreams", "entrepreneurs", "entrepreneurship", "goals", "losing", "process", "success", "time", "vision", "winning" ]
“I want you to have success and still have time for family and friends and relaxation and fun. I want you to be there for your kids, they need you. I want you to have a happy relationship with a partner who wants the same things you do.”
Tim S Grover
[ "family", "friend", "fun", "happy", "kid", "partner", "relationship", "relax", "success", "time" ]
“Start getting rid of everything that’s dragging you down, everything you’re doing to meet other people’s expectations and demands. Those things have to go. Handle that, and you already have more time for the meaningful, important elements in your life: family, kids, health… yourself.”
Tim S Grover
[ "demand", "expectation", "family", "get-rid", "health", "important", "kid", "life", "meaningful", "time" ]
“When you understand the value of time you will realise what you have lost in this world.”
Anuj Jasani
[ "actions", "entrepreneurship", "inspirational", "knowledge", "life", "motivational", "success", "time", "truth", "value" ]
“Those who do not know the value of freedom or who think that something is more important than their freedom, they commit crimes.”
Anuj Jasani
[ "crime", "ethics", "freedom", "inspirational", "life", "motivational", "success", "time", "truth", "wisdom" ]
“O tempo é um juiz rigoroso.”
Victor Bello Accioly
[ "judge", "juiz", "justiça", "pensamento", "rigor", "rigorous", "tempo", "time" ]
“I try to prepare my athletes for how fast time flies in competition. I tell them that it’s going to be over in a flash, with the hope that they’ll take the time to appreciate moments along the way. Like a parent sending kids off to college, I implore them to cherish every single moment and make memories. It doesn’t stop the competition from flying by, but they enjoy it more.”
Ben Bergeron,
[ "appreciate", "cherish", "competition", "enjoy", "fast", "kid", "memory", "moment", "parent", "time" ]
“We break down our day and laugh about which of us fucked up the worst. There is no greater superpower than the ability to say “This is who I am.” Most people push that away, because they don’t want to be judged. Winners don’t care. They judge themselves, and live with the verdict. Think about how much energy and time go into trying to be someone or something you’re not. How much further along would you be if you put that same effort into being yourself?”
Tim S. Grover,
[ "effort", "energy", "fuck-up", "judge", "laugh", "time", "winner" ]
“In this digital age if you are not smart enough to take your steps then you can go to jail for anything”
Anuj Jasani
[ "actions", "awareness", "digital-life", "intelligence", "knowledge", "skills", "technology", "time", "truth", "wisdom" ]
“Monday lets me look forward to the weekend.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "daily-quotes", "days", "happiness", "monday", "philosophy", "point-cook", "psychology", "time", "veitch" ]
“Some books recognize good things take time, and that there's a time for all things.”
[ "notes", "philosophy", "time" ]
“Omicron is the time that the universe listened to life. It's just a shame that man didn't.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "b11529", "covid", "life", "omicron", "pandemic", "time", "universe", "veitch" ]
“Why ways to brew coffee, when tea may be healthier.”
[ "energy", "exhausted", "green", "health", "longevity", "nutrition", "philosophy", "plantation", "time", "value" ]
“He fled, not from his past, but to escape his future. It took him twelve years to learn you cannot escape either of them.”
William Faulkner,
[ "future", "past", "time" ]
“He fled, not from his past, but to escape his future. It took him twelve years to learn you cannot escape either of them....He had been a Kansas wheat-hand, he had herded sheep in New Mexico, he was again with a construction gang in Arizona and west Texas and then a longshoreman on the Galveston docks; if he were still fleeing, he did not know it because it had been years now since he had even remembered that he had forgotten the face. And when he proved that at least you cannot escape either past or future with nothing better than geography, he did not know that. (Geography: that paucity of invention, that fatuous faith in distance of man, who can invent no better means than geography for escaping; himself of all, to whom, so he believed he believed, geography had never been merely something to walk upon but was the very medium which the fetterless to- and fro-going required to breathe in.)”
William Faulkner,
[ "escape", "freedom", "future", "geography", "past", "time" ]
“Fly, fly, fly little winged airy thoughts upon space and time.”
Jazz Feylynn
[ "airy", "feylynn", "fly", "jazz", "jazz-feylynn", "little", "space", "thought", "time", "winged" ]
“If you can be Kind and Intelligent at the same time, you will be able to see the complete perspective, normally people are either too kind or too intelligent and that's when they miss the point !”
Jaya Bhateja
[ "complete", "intelligent", "kind", "miss", "people", "point", "prespective", "same", "see", "time" ]
“And the curve in her lips paused time!”
Avijeet Das
[ "curve", "life-quotes-and-sayings", "lips", "lips-touch", "love", "lovers-quotes", "pause", "romance", "time", "women-and-men" ]
“Sometimes, he said, you feel the irreplaceability of a moment in time—its perfect ephemeral uniqueness. Yes? You know?”
Vince Passaro,
[ "art", "gone", "life", "loss", "nostalgia", "time" ]
“Why don't one Thursday's child look at the other? Cause it was already a Friday.”
Abhik Gulati
[ "hate", "love", "philosophical", "time" ]
“But political passions are like all the rest, they do not last. New generations arise which no longer understand them; even the generation that experienced them changes, experiences new political passions which, not being modelled exactly upon their predecessors, rehabilitate some of the excluded, the reason for exclusion having altered.”
Marcel Proust,
[ "causes", "passions", "politics", "priorities", "public-opinion", "time" ]
“Time​ is​ only​ relative when​ you're​ man.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "albert-einstein", "anthony-t-hincks", "man", "philosophy", "relative", "time", "universe", "veitch" ]
“Time only becomes relevant when you add in a destination.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "albert-einstein", "anthony-t-hincks", "detination", "quote-of-the-day", "time", "time-quote", "travel", "veitch" ]
“Firing the arrow through the 4th, target through the 5th.”
[ "clarification", "contemplation", "development", "intention", "observation", "pathway", "philosophy", "space", "time", "wall" ]
“Shedding a tear [alone] is to see what others do not see.”
[ "curiosity", "hope", "loss", "night-to-day", "potential", "purpose", "strength", "suffering", "time", "winter-to-summer" ]
“If the ants were our size they would replace land with ocean, and ocean with land.Grasshopper. Ant.”
[ "book", "curiosity", "efficiency", "foresight", "fresh", "goal", "insight", "reach", "story", "time" ]
“Tomorrow is but a thought of today.”
Anthony T. Hincks
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "days", "psychology", "quote-of-the-day", "thought", "time", "today", "tomorrow", "veitch" ]
“They say that “time is of the essence.” But what if time is the “essence” and the urgency is not in using it quickly before it’s gone, but in using it wisely while it’s going?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough
[ "brevity", "clock", "time", "time-management", "time-passing", "twenty-four-hours", "wisdom" ]
“Time is the greatest asset in the world, you are blessed if you still have time to do something you really love to do”
Anuj Jasani
[ "asset", "dreams", "entrepreneur", "entrepreneurship", "money", "philosophy", "time", "truth", "vision", "wisdom" ]
“Being alone and spending time with yourself is the most beautiful time you can live on this planet”
Anuj Jasani
[ "alone", "great-minds", "happiness", "innovation", "inspirational", "life", "self-talk", "spirituality", "time", "truth" ]