Hu Li: "Kong Que!" Hu Li: "I'm not letting you show off anymore!" Person A: "No way, Kong Que-sama's singing?!" Person B: "It was really that person singing?!" Person C: "No way! But so nice!" Hu Li: "Finally! Finally, I can stand tall on the stage." Person A: "What's with his face?" Person B: "Ew!" Person C: "Wait, that's Hu Li!" Person B: "He was singing for Kong Que?!" Person C: "No way! This is fraud!" Manager: "Hu Li." Manager: "You've breached our contract." Manager: "You're paying 10,000,000 yen in damages." Hu Li: "But..." Person A: "He's a fraud!" Person B: "Give me back my money!" Person C: "Unbelievable!" Person A: "You aren't getting away with this!" Hu Li: "I'm sorry!" Sensei: "Come to the disciplinary office later." Hu Li: "Yes, sir." Hu Li: "Sensei's lectures take way too long. Shit." Hu Li: "It's all SKY's fault that I had that nightmare." Sky: "Doesn't it feel nice to sing on the stage?" Hu Li: "I wonder if I really want to be on the stage." Hu Li: "If only I could be showered with applause again..." Chuyun: "Don't just stand there watching. Are you a stalker?" Hu Li: "You were focused, so I couldn't talk to you." Hu Li: "It's lunch break. Why don't you take a break?" Chuyun: "Those who stand on the main stage have the duty to deliver a perfect performance." Chuyun: "There's not a moment to be wasted to make that happen." Person A: "When I was on another prank show the other day..." Ji: "No, they're all formidable opponents. I can't let my guard down." Jan: "Hey. I see you a lot. You might as well join my agency." Hu Li: "No, I'll pass." Jan: "Oh, don't say that. Come on." Hu Li: "I'm sorry!" Jan: "What the?! It's stuck! I can't see!" Jan: "Ow!" Host: "And now for round two." Host: "Kong Que versus Lin Ruijia!" Sky: "You're the one singing Kong Que's songs, aren't you?" Sky: "What a waste." Manager: "Lin Ruijia... Our strongest opponent in this competition." Su Ran: "Is he?" Manager: "He's talented enough to have become a finalist twice before." Manager: "My, I don't see you late very often." Glasses: "I'm sorry." Sky: "Don't you ever think about being on the main stage?" Hu Li: "Focus!" Sky: "Your singing is the real deal." Sky: "You deserve to be judged fairly." Sky: "Don't you want to be showered with applause again?" Ruijia: "His voice is shaking. Is he nervous?" Ruijia: "Victory... is mine!" Person A: "Kong Que-sama!" Manager: "Ruijia, I heard you voice training until just now. Are you all right?" Ruijia: "Don't worry." Chuyun: "Pathetic." Host: "Now, who will be the winner?" Host: "Winner: Kong Que!" Kong Que: "I can't believe he's under 90..." Hu Li: "W-We won..." Ruijia: "I poured my blood and sweat into winning against Ji Hetian... I can't believe my voice dried up." Chuyun: "Those who stand on the main stage have the duty to deliver a perfect performance." Chuyun: "There's not a moment to be wasted to make that happen." Hu Li: "Right... Even he is..." Hu Li: "Who's going to be more popular, him or me, huh?" Trainer: "That was amazing, Kong Que!" Trainer: "Perfect!" Kong: "It's nothing." Hu Li: "Isn't he from the photo...?" Trainer: "That's it for today. See you tomorrow." Kong: "Yeah." Kong: "Kong Que, Chuyun, Ruijia... Everyone who gets on the stage is working hard to be worthy of it." Kong: "What about me?" Kong: "What are you doing, Hu Li?!" Kong: "82 points is the lowest winning score in Star of China history!" Hu Li: "Sorry, but we won, right?" Kong Que: "Don't bullshit me! It wasn't your singing that won. It's my beauty." Hu Li: "I guess I'll let him have this one." Chuyun: "Hu Li?" Hu Li: "Chuyun?" Chuyun: "Why are you with Kong Que?" Hu Li: "Um... Oh, I'm doing deliveries." Kong Que: "Looks like Love Seasons is making its way up, too. Congrats." Chuyun: "Thanks. Hey, Kong Que, do you know of Night Fox?" Chuyun: "He's an anonymous artist releasing original music. It's a lot like your music." Kong Que: "Huh." Kong Que: "But, I'm sure mine are better." Kong Que: "Shall I write one for you sometime?" Chuyun: "Don't be wasting time here. Go home." Kim: "What a miserable way to win. But last time, it was a power outage," Kim: "and this time, the opponent wasn't feeling well." Kim: "We're lucky, I suppose." Manager: "The intro's starting!" Manager: "We're screwed!" Kim: "Good. Dismissed." Kim: "This world once rejected me." Kim: "Now, it'll be in my hands." Hu Li: "Dammit, Chuyun, the company isn't supposed to know about Night Fox." Hu Li: "Why are you trying to unnerve me?" Sky: "I'm only speaking on behalf of your true feelings." Hu Li: "Shut up! I'm not going to let you mess with my mind!" Hu Li: "I'm not going to stand on the stage!" Sky: "That's no fun. I guess... ...I'll out you."
{ "raw_title": "VOICE OF FOX Episode 4 – A Wavering Voice", "parsed": [ "VOICE OF FOX", "4", "A Wavering Voice" ] }
Hu Li: "Why are you trying to fluster me?" Sky: "I'm only speaking on behalf of your true feelings." Hu Li: "Shut up! I'm not going to let you mess with my mind!" Hu Li: "I'm not going to stand on the stage!" Sky: "That's no fun. I guess I'll out you." Hu Li: "What gives you the right to mess up my life?" Sky: "Do you not want to be outed?" Hu Li: "Of course I don't." Sky: "Then let's play a game." Hu Li: "A game?" Sky: "For the next three days, I will appear in front of you each day." Sky: "If you find me, you win. I'll speak to you no more." Hu Li: "That's insane! I don't even know what you look like. How?" Sky: "Do your best. Your life depends on it, after all." Hu Li: "Wait up!" Sky: "You have until 6 pm, three days from today." Hu Li: "Three days..." Hu Li: "That's when the Star of China semi-final is." Hu Li: "Damn it SKY... Where are you?" Person: "So what are you into right now?" Pink: "I like parfaits. I know I'll get fat, but I can't help myself." Beige: "I like romance novels. I adore love stories that tug at my heart." Red: "I'm into cycling." Red: "It feels great cycling through the wind." Person: "What about you, Chuyun?" Chuyun: "Night Fox." Chuyun: "Have you heard of them?" Chuyun: "They post original music online. All of their music is so nice. I can't help but listen when I have time." Hu Li: "There she goes again." Person A: "Did you see Entertainment Morning this morning?" Person B: "I did. Night Fox, right?" Person C: "What's that?" Person B: "Chuyun said she's listening to them all the time." Person A: "Not bad, right?" Person B: "If Chuyun listens to them, I will, too!" Hu Li: "I appreciate people listening to my music, but I can't let it get too much buzz, either." Hu Li: "The company isn't supposed to know about Night Fox." Host: "Kong Que and Love Seasons are the two surviving contestants." Host: "The winner of the semi-final next time will be facing off against Ji Hetian." Kong Que: "I'm going to take you down." Kong Que: "You need to be taken down a notch." Host: "The semi-finals are the day after tomorrow." Hu Li: "Hu Shi, are you there?" Hu Li: "I'll leave your meal here." Hu Li: "So many views on one day..." Hu Li: "I appreciate it, but it's bad. This is bad." Kim: "You're prohibited from musical activities outside of what's in the contract." Kim: "You may neither sing outside of your work for the company, nor release music." Kim: "Breach the contract, and we'll charge you an immense sum for damages." Hu Li: "I'm being taken over." Sky: "Well? Were you able to find me?" Hu Li: "How am I supposed to find you without any leads?" Sky: "True." Sky: "Then I'll give you a hint." Sky: "You met me yesterday, too." Hu Li: "What? Yesterday?" Sky: "Two more days left. Do what you can." Hu Li: "I met SKY a day before, and they showed up in front of me yesterday... That doesn't narrow it down." Person: "Now, Night Fox, who became super famous in just a day..." Hu Li: "What a nuisance." Person: "His true identity..." Person A: "What do you think Night Fox's true identity is?" Person B: "I bet it's a famous musician." Person C: "They probably can't reveal their name because they're a criminal." Hu Li: "Isn't it just Kong Que's interview today?" Hu Li: "Why do you need me there?" Manager: "Who knows when they might ask him to sing." Chuyun: "Where are you going?" Hu Li: "The TV station. Well, nearby." Chuyun: "Get in." Hu Li: "Okay." Chuyun: "You know, you're acting kind of weird lately." Chuyun: "You should tell me if you have something on your mind. I'll hear you out." Hu Li: "No, it's nothing." Hu Li: "I have tons on my mind, but half of it is your fault. I couldn't tell you." Chuyun: "Why aren't you saying anything?" Hu Li: "Um..." Hu Li: "Can you lend me some money? I don't have enough for lunch tomorrow." Hu Li: "Ow... Jeez." Hu Li: "This place..." Hu Li: "This place takes me back." Hu Li: "I was writing Kong Que's debut song. The boss just wouldn't approve it, and I was feeling down." Hu Li: "The boss didn't want a good song. He wanted one that would sell. I hated taking orders to make music, but I had to make compromises to raise money for Mom's hospital stay and living expenses." Hu Li: "That's when I found myself here singing." Hu Li: "It made me happy, but the company forbids it, so I ran away." Hu Li: "But, I couldn't forget about that applause. "As long as the company doesn't find out..." That's why I started Night Fox." Hu Li: "I thought I'd given up." Hu Li: "Do I still want to stand on the stage?" Hu Li: "No..." Hu Li: "This isn't why I started Night Fox!" Hu Li: "I just wanted people to hear my music." Hu Li: "I didn't care if no one knew my name." Sky: "You didn't sing today. Too bad." Hu Li: "Why are you doing this?" Sky: "You'll know if you find me." Hu Li: "I can't! How many people do you think I see in a day?" Sky: "I'll give you another hint, then." Sky: "You see me just about every day." Hu Li: "Every day? You're that close to me?" Sky: "Tomorrow's your last day." Hu Li: "Suran, I don't have anyone else to rely on." Suran: "Wh-What?" Hu Li: "Please, help me!" Suran: "Back off!" Suran: "What do you want me to do?" Hu Li: "Find this person!" Suran: "Why do you want to find them?" Hu Li: "I can't give you any details. But my life depends on it." Suran: "Get off me! Jeez!" Suran: "I did notice you've been acting weird lately." Chuyun: "You're acting kind of weird lately." Hu Li: "I guess people do think of me." Suran: "Did you say something?" Hu Li: "No, nothing. Have you found them yet?" Suran: "There isn't enough information. Unless they log in, there's nothing I can do." Hu Li: "But, they have a way of popping in and out. And they log out as soon as they write something." Suran: "Just let me know as soon as they log in. And keep them online for as long as you can." Hu Li: "All right." Person: "True, four straight wins is unheard of," Person: "but I believe it's in a singer's nature to always want to be heard by more people." Hu Li: "They don't come online no matter how much I contact them." Hu Li: "I have less than two hours!" Red: "I think we should exaggerate our motions and show off our dance more." Chuyun: "Excess motions will only make us less solid." Red: "What?!" Red: "Chuyun!" Pink: "Come on, let's calm down." Hu Li: "Only one more hour." Hu Li: "It's over." Hu Li: "SKY!" Hu Li: "Are they watching from near by? No, I need to contact Suran first." Hu Li: "Suran, they logged in." Suran: "It's finally my time to shine." Suran: "Keep them talking." Hu Li: "All right." Hu Li: "It's time I retaliate."
{ "raw_title": "VOICE OF FOX Episode 5 – The Three-day Game", "parsed": [ "VOICE OF FOX", "5", "The Three-day Game" ] }
Ad: "Can we get a close-up of your facial expression here?" Kong Que: "Okay." Hu Li: "Why do you keep following me? What do you like so much about me? Come on, tell me." Hu Li: "I know. If you tell me something, I might show off a love song. Don't be shy, tell me. Please." Hu Li: "Why won't you say anything?!" Hu Li: "Do you happen to really like me?" Sky: "I do. I'm infatuated with you. I want to know everything about you." Sky: "You want to know about me, too, don't you? You'd better hurry. Time's running out." Hu Li: "Give me more hints!" Sky: "I can't tell you with that kind of attitude. You'll need to talk to me better." Hu Li: "Wait! Don't be so cold!" Ji: "I can't wait to see whether it'll be Kong Que or Love Seasons that makes it with me to the finals." Hu Li: "Suran, what's taking so long? I can't hold them much longer!" Suran: "Fine, then. Show SKY this photo." Hu Li: "Here, I'll give you this, so tell me." Sky: "Nice. You look great." Hu Li: "Suran! What the hell is with this photo?!" Suran: "The maid outfit you wore for the cultural festival. It was a huge hit, remember?" Sky: "I like it. In exchange, I'll give you a hint." Hu Li: "Really?" Sky: "I've known you for a really long time." Hu Li: "A really long time?" Sky: "And you've known me, too." Sky: "One more hour. Be quick." Hu Li: "SKY, wait! Wait up!" Hu Li: "They got away." Hu Li: "Suran, any luck?" Suran: "I know where they are." Hu Li: "Really? Where?" Suran: "SKY is inside this TV station." Hu Li: "All right. They're in the TV station." Hu Li: "Wait, though, the TV station is huge." Suran: "Relax. I injected a virus in that photo I just sent. Get within twenty meters of each other, and your smartphones will react." Hu Li: "Twenty meters? Inside this huge station? I'll need to be really lucky!" Suran: "Good luck." Hu Li: "Wait, Suran? Suran! Shit." Hu Li: "I'm going to have to do it." Suran: "Why..." Guy: "What do I have to do to forget you?" Ad: "Cut! You! What the hell are you doing there?!" Hu Li: "I'm sorry!" Anchor A: "Today's stock prices..." Anchor B: "What?" Hu Li: "Sorry." Hu Li: "SKY... Where the hell are you?" Hu Li: "Where is SKY?" Hu Li: "I don't have time." Hu Li: "It responded." Hu Li: "Is that SKY?" Hu Li: "Chuyun?" Sky: "You met me yesterday, too." Sky: "You see me just about every day." Sky: "I've known you for a really long time." Sky: "And you've known me, too." Hu Li: "Was it... you?" Chuyun: "What if it was?" Hu Li: "You were SKY? Why would you do such a thing?!" Hu Li: "Do you not like the way I'm doing things? What could I do? I had to do whatever I could, including being a ghost singer, to protect my family. I couldn't live my life!" Hu Li: "It's not like I'm doing this because I want to." Hu Li: "I've been on edge every day, wondering when I'll get outed." Hu Li: "Night Fox was my one modest joy in life. You ruined that, too!" Hu Li: "Say something, SKY!" Chuyun: "SKY? What are you talking about?" Hu Li: "Don't act dumb now!" Hu Li: "It's not reacting?" Chuyun: "So you were Kong Que's ghost singer, and Night Fox." Hu Li: "Shoot!" Chuyun: "Did you honestly think I wouldn't recognize your singing voice? You thought you could fool me," Chuyun: "like you could the rest of the world?" Chuyun: "Why didn't you talk to me?" Hu Li: "What would be the point?" Chuyun: "You want to sing, don't you? Then you should sing as Hu Li, and not as a ghost singer or as Night Fox." Hu Li: "I don't deserve to stand on the main stage." Chuyun: "That's not true." Hu Li: "I'm not like you!" Chuyun: "Hu Li..." Person A: "Chuyun." Person B: "We're almost out of time. Do you even care?" Person B: "Chuyun!" Chuyun: "We're winning today. No matter what." Person B: "What's gotten into her?" Chuyun: "Hu Li's probably being forced to sing to get Kong Que to win." Chuyun: "In which case, if we win, he won't have to be his ghost singer anymore." Chuyun: "Hu Li, we're going to win so that you'll be free." Person A: "Chuyun's dance today is on point." Person B: "So cute!" Person A: "Woo!" Chuyun: "You want to sing, don't you?" Chuyun: "Then you should sing as Hu Li!" Hu Li: "Dad!" Hu Li: "Dad! Dad!" Hu Li: "This is all your fault!" Hu Li: "I have to protect my family. I can't stop being a ghost singer." Manager: "Hu Li, you're up." Hu Li: "Yeah." Jang: "It's showtime." Person A: "Who's that?" Person B: "Dunno. What's going on?" Person C: "I don't know. What?" Person D: "Hey, look." Person A: "What is that?" Person B: "I don't know." Person C: "What the heck?" Person A: "There's something showing up." Person B: "What is that?" Person C: "What is that? I'm scared." Manager: "Kong Que, what's wrong?" Person C: "Who is that?" Manager: "Why is that video showing?!" Person A: "Hey, that's Hu Li!" Person B: "No way!" Person C: "Wait, is Hu Li singing Kong Que's song?!" Hu Li: "What could I do? I had to do whatever I could, including being a ghost singer, to protect my family." Person A: "Isn't that Chuyun?" Hu Li: "I couldn't live my life!" Person B: "Y-Yeah." Hu Li: "It's not like I'm doing this because I want to." Person A: "What is this?" Person B: "What is this, Chuyun?" Chuyun: "No..." Hu Li: "I've been on edge every day, wondering when I'll get outed. Night Fox was my one modest joy in life." Manager: "Hu Li! Explain this!" Hu Li: "Everything was SKY's trap. I gave up my dream for this secret," Hu Li: "and I spilled it myself." Hu Li: "SKY..."
{ "raw_title": "VOICE OF FOX Episode 6 – Trap", "parsed": [ "VOICE OF FOX", "6", "Trap" ] }
Cop: "Please stand back for your own safety." Journalist: "Chuyun-san, a comment, please!" Cop: "Clear the way!" Journalist: "Who is that boy?!" Journalist 1: "Since when have you known about the ghost singer?" Journalist 2: "Have you been hiding this?" Journalist 3: "What is your relationship with him?" Cop: "Please clear the way." Maroon: "Stop it, we don't know anything!" Journalist: "That boy is Night Fox, isn't he?" Pink: "Stop it!" Maroon: "Do something, Chuyun!" Journalist: "You said you like Night Fox, didn't you? Are you in a relationship with that boy?" Man: "It'll only make things worse if you go." Hu Li: "I can't do anything." Man: "Kong Que has already made an escape. You're coming, too." Anchor: "Yesterday, it was discovered that the songs by popular Star of China singer Kong Que had been sung by a ghost singer." Chou Xi: "The final match is canceled. Kong Que will be disqualified." Ou Kai: "Of course. This is fraud. A crime." Anchor: "The ghost singer is a student at a famous college prep high school. This sixteen-year-old had been defrauding all of his fans and everyone involved. Social media is swamped with posts criticizing their actions." Kim: "Since it's been outed that Kong Que has a ghost singer, our company has received severe criticism." Kim: "Our stock prices have tumbled." Kim: "Our partners are all complaining, and they are voiding our contracts." Kim: "The cost of the damage is astronomical. You've let yourself be discovered as the ghost singer," Kim: "and you've pursued music in ways disallowed by your contract." Kim: "You've made many breaches of contract. We'll be asking you to pay for damages. 10 million yuan." Hu Li: "10 million yuan? There's no way I can pay that much." Kong Que: "Of course you're paying! In fact, this isn't something you can make right with money!" Kong Que: "You've screwed up everything! Stop. You're embarrassing yourself." Kim: "Hu Li, you're fired. Leave." Kong Que: "You're nothing but a disaster." Kim: "Kong Que, you, too." Kim: "You were tasked with winning, and you've failed. You share his blame." Kong Que: "W-Wait a second! I did as you told me to!" Kim: "Leave. You aren't worth a single yuan. Just like that woman." Kong Que: "What?!" Kong Que: "You're throwing me out again?" Kong Que: "Let go of me!" Kong Que: "Why?" Kong Que: "How did this happen?" Manager: "I don't think Hu Li can pay 10 million yuan." Kim: "If he can't, he'll come crying back." Kim: "And he'll continue to write music for me for the rest of his life." Maroon: "Suspended?" Manager: "That's right. None of you are to leave this hotel for a while. Love Seasons will be on hiatus for a while." Pink: "What? Why?" Blonde: "We have our one-year debut concert next week." Manager: "That's exactly why. The tickets are sold out, and we have a famous pianist performing as a special guest." Manager: "There would be hell to pay if it were to be canceled." Maroon: "This is all Chuyun's fault, isn't it?" Maroon: "So why doesn't Chuyun take responsibility by herself?" Manager: "This isn't just about Chuyun anymore. If we can't make it through this crisis, Love Seasons may not be able to continue." Pink: "No..." Manager: "This is your fault!" Chuyun: "This is awful." Maroon: "Manager? Chuyun just left her room." Chuyun: "Hu Li... The case of Kong Que's ghost singer, discovered at Star of China yesterday," Chuyun: "has exploded into a giant scandal that has shaken the entertainment industry." Commentator: "The ghost singer ought to be prosecuted firmly. He's particularly heinous." Person 1: "I wonder where this Hu Li guy lives." Person 2: "We could give him a good beating if we knew." Hu Li: "Hang on, what about Hu Shi?" Hu Li: "Hu Shi..." Chuyun: "Hu Li." Hu Li: "Chuyun." Hu Li: "Why are you here?" Chuyun: "To see you, obviously." Chuyun: "How did your secret get out, Hu Li?" Chuyun: "Does it have something to do with that SKY person? What's going on?" Hu Li: "I'm sorry for getting you mixed up in this." Chuyun: "I don't want you to apologize. I want to help you." Manager: "Chuyun!" Chuyun: "It's okay, he's my manager." Hu Li: "Hey!" Manager: "The scandal you've caused has put Love Seasons' existence at risk." Manager: "If you care about Chuyun, don't see her anymore." Manager: "Let's go." Chuyun: "Wait, I want to talk to Hu Li." Person 1: "Is someone there?" Manager: "Hurry!" Person 1: "It's him!" Chuyun: "Hu Li!" Person 1: "It's Chuyun, too!" Person 2: "He's getting away!" Person 3: "After him! Quick!" Hu Li: "Chuyun... I'm sorry." Hu Li: "Right, Hu Shi." Hu Li: "All these messages and calls... I'd left my phone in my bag." Hu Li: "So many messages from the hospital..." Hu Li: "No..." Hu Li: "Hu Shi!" Hu Li: "Doctor, how's my mom?" Doctor: "She almost didn't make it, but she managed somehow. She's not out of danger yet." Hu Li: "I see. Thank goodness." Hu Xin: "Thank goodness for what? Why are you here now?" Hu Xin: "What the hell were you doing? Mom's life is in danger!" Hu Li: "Well..." Hu Xin: "It's your fault that everyone's suffering! If only you didn't exist..." Hu Li: "Hu Shi..." Doctor: "Sir..." Hu Li: "Yes?" Doctor: "Your mother's heart is quite weak. In order to keep her alive, she'll need more advanced treatment." Hu Li: "Please! Save my mother!" Doctor: "The treatment will cost even more than it does now." Hu Li: "Ghost singer." Hu Li: "Night Fox." Hu Li: "Even if I couldn't stand on the stage, I was happy just having people hear my songs." Hu Li: "And yet..." Kong Que: "You've screwed up everything!" Manager: "If you care about Chuyun, don't see her anymore." Hu Li: "I've gotten a lot of people hurt." Hu Xin: "It's your fault that everyone's suffering!" Hu Li: "I wanted to atone for my sins." Hu Li: "Accept our terms, and we'll save you and your family." Hu Li: "I wanted to protect my family no matter what it took." Kim: "We'll be asking you to pay for damages. 10 million yuan." Doctor: "She'll need even more costly treatment." Hu Li: "And even that's become impossible." Hu Li: "I'm sorry, Hu Shi." Hu Li: "I'm sorry, Mother." Hu Li: "I don't have any way to protect you two." Hu Li: "All I can do now is..." Hu Li: "SKY..." Hu Li: "You've messed with me so much. But that's over now, too." Hu Li: "Later." Hu Li: "SKY..." Hu Li: "SKY! Come out! You're watching me somewhere, aren't you?" Hu Li: "If you have something to say, stop hiding and come out!" Hu Li: "You asshole..." Hu Li: "Web news?" Anchor: "We bring you a live broadcast of the special press release." Ji: "I have an announcement to make." Ji: "Regarding the canceled Star of China finals... It's been decided that the event will be resumed." Hu Li: "What?" Ji: "And my opponent in the competition will be..."
{ "raw_title": "VOICE OF FOX Episode 7 – Despair", "parsed": [ "VOICE OF FOX", "7", "Despair" ] }
Ji: "I have an announcement to make." Ji: "Regarding the canceled Star of China finals... It's been decided that the event will be resumed." Hu Li: "What?" Person A: "What? Really?" Person B: "Wow." Ji: "And my opponent in the competition will be..." Ji: "Kong Que's ghost singer, Hu Li." Ji: "His songs are amazing. I'd love to go up against him." Hu Li: "Ji Hetian's calling for me?" Person A: "The ghost singer? Why?" Person B: "What's going on?" Person C: "Seriously?" Ji: "Hu Li, I'll be waiting for you at the finals." Hu Li: "Me? Ji Hetian's opponent in the finals?" Hu Li: "Why is he doing this?" Hu Li: "SKY..." Hu Li: "You've already exposed me. What else are you up to?" Hu Li: "Who are you?" Hu Li: "You bastard! Let me out!" Hu Li: "Who are you? Dammit! Let me out!" Yao: "The media is after you right now. We're going to escape through the back." Hu Li: "Let me out, dammit!" Hu Li: "You aren't going to get anything out of abducting me!" Hu Li: "Suran! You're the one who abducted me?" Yao: "Come on. We only helped you, and you're treating us like criminals." Hu Li: "You!" Yao: "We protected you so you wouldn't fall prey to the media." Suran: "Yup. You're right in the middle of a scandal, after all." Hu Li: "Then couldn't you have done it a little more nicely?" Yao: "Cheer up, man. I'm the skilled manager, Jiang Yao." Yao: "Welcome to SKY Studio!" Hu Li: "SKY Studio?" Hu Li: "Are you SKY? Answer me!" Yao: "What? SKY is the boss here. Not me." Hu Li: "Then, who is this SKY person?" Yao: "Actually, I've only really messaged him. I've never seen him in person." Hu Li: "Seriously?" Yao: "Anyway, we're going to be good buddies." Hu Li: "This guy just seems really sketchy." Suran: "He does seem sketchy." Yao: "Oh, you!" Hu Li: "SKY..." Yao: "Write a new song, huh?" Hu Li: "Come on..." Text: "Your best piece ever. Your most passionate piece ever. Make your dream come true." Yao: "All right, let's do it! Let's do it now! Right now!" Hu Li: "I'm not letting SKY boss me around." Suran: "Don't get so upset." Hu Li: "I'm in the middle of being chewed up by the media right now. There's no way I could compete in the finals." Yao: "Don't worry about that." Anchor: "Discussion abounds about ghost singer Hu Li. Let's hear what everyone have to say." Person A: "We couldn't possibly have someone who'd been deceiving his fans in the finals, could we?" Person B: "I'm kind of curious." Anchor: "There are many opinions on social media as well. Though most of the opinions are negative," Anchor: "there's also an increase in supportive comments as well." Yao: "See? The tides are turning." Hu Li: "I don't know." Yao: "If you win, you win the jackpot! And it'll secure your future as a singer. It's a perfect opportunity." Hu Li: "I'm worried about Hu Shi... About my kid brother." Yao: "Go to the hospital now, and you'll be chewed up by the media for different reasons. Don't worry about him. The boss wanted him safe, so that's what we've done." Yao: "Yeah, the boss, as in SKY." Yao: "I'll make you some good coffee. Have some. It'll calm you down." Hu Li: "SKY... Are you an enemy or a friend?" Hu Li: "Or are you..." Ji: "Hu Li, I'll be waiting for you at the finals." Kong Que: "Why? Why only Hu Li? Why only Hu Li?!" Kong Que: "Dammit!" Kong Que: "Why was only Hu Li chosen?!" Other Kong Que: "You would've known why the whole time." Kong Que: "He's my ghost singer! He doesn't amount to anything without me!" Other Kong Que: "Then who were these people cheering for?" Kong Que: "F-For me, obviously." Other Kong Que: "In this darkness? How much of you could the audience have seen?" Other Kong Que: "He was the one who moved them." Other Kong Que: "It was..." Other Kong Que: "Hu Li's singing." Kong Que: "No! It's me! It was me!" Kim: "Kong Que." Kim: "I'll let you make your debut as a singer." Kong Que: "Really? I'll work even harder on my dancing then. And my voice training, too." Kim: "You don't need to sing." Kim: "This boy will sing for you." Kim: "All you need to do is to dance on the stage and win people over." Kong Que: "N-No... Why?" Kong Que: "Why is this kid singing for me?" Other Kong Que: "You get it now, don't you?" Other Kong Que: "You were the true ghost." Kong Que: "No! No!" Kim: "You aren't worth a single yuan." Other Kong Que: "You aren't needed anymore." Kong Que: "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Kong Que: "Shut up." Kong Que: "Just shut up..." Manager: "The one-year debut anniversary concert will go ahead as planned." Red: "Thank goodness. I was worried what a certain someone might have done to it." Manager: "So, in order to improve our reputation as well as for promotion, we'll be posting an interview video online between Chuyun and pianist Lee Tian Yan." Red: "Hey! I could do a marketing interview, too! You're only going to fan the flames if you get Chuyun to talk." Yellow: "She's right. You should let Hong Ye do it." Pink: "Then why don't we all do it?" Red: "In any case, I'll..." Manager: "This was decided on by the agency." Red: "B-But..." Manager: "Dismissed." Manager: "Chuyun, we have a meeting. Come." Chuyun: "O-Okay." Hu Li: "Why are you here?" Suran: "I wanted to apologize to you." Hu Li: "Apologize?" Suran: "Yeah. When you were looking for SKY using the photo I put a virus in..." Suran: "Why?" Suran: "SKY?" Hu Li: "SKY messaged you?" Suran: "Yeah." Text: "I don't know how they found me, but SKY said they wanted to free you from President Kim." Hu Li: "Free me?" Suran: "I decided to cooperate with SKY. I thought it'd be fun to take President Kim down a peg." Suran: "I was the one who leaked that video. I cooperated with SKY." Hu Li: "Why did you do that?" Suran: "I'm a hacker. Hiding in the shadows and digging up people's secrets is what I do." Suran: "I can't live in the light." Suran: "I guess I'm the same as a ghost singer in that sense." Suran: "But I've been listening to your music, and I realized..." Suran: "You could make it just fine on the main stage." Suran: "You don't need to be tied down by President Kim." Hu Li: "Suran..." Suran: "I want to free you. I'm not lying about that." Suran: "Stand on the final stage. You can do it. You have the capacity." Hu Li: "But I..." Yao: "Hey." Yao: "Good acting. Here." Suran: "Well," Suran: "I'm not so sure." Hu Li: "I don't deserve to stand on the stage." Hu Li: "You..." Ji Hetian: "What are you doing here, Hu Li?" Ji Hetian: "It doesn't look like you're preparing for the finals." Hu Li: "I'm not supposed to be chasing after my dreams."
{ "raw_title": "VOICE OF FOX Episode 8 – Under Unfamiliar Skies", "parsed": [ "VOICE OF FOX", "8", "Under Unfamiliar Skies" ] }
Ji: "What are you doing here, Hu Li?" Ji: "It doesn't look like you're preparing for the finals." Hu Li: "Why did you nominate me to be your opponent in the finals?" Ji: "You know, Hu Li, I believe in your talent." Ji: "I want to try going against an excellent singer like you." Ji: "I want to compete with you, elevate each other, and improve each other. That's my wish." Hu Li: "I don't have any intention of standing on a stage to sing." Ji: "Why not? Even if you were a ghost singer for Kong Que, you must have dreamed of being recognized as a singer." Hu Li: "I'm not supposed to be chasing my dreams." Hu Li: "My dreams make people miserable." Mom: "You want to become a singer? Don't be silly. You just need to do as we say." Hu Li: "No! I have my own dreams!" Dad: "You need to stop being selfish. Just do as—" Hu Li: "Mom! Mom! Mom!" Ji: "You got this burn from that accident, too, didn't you?" Hu Li: "Dad died, and Mom's in a coma. My relatives took our inheritance, and Hu Shi and I were left without a way forward." Hu Li: "My dream messed up everyone's lives. I don't deserve to go after my dreams." Ji: "Still, in that hopelessness, you sought a means of living through your singing." Hu Li: "That's because I had no other way." Ji: "No, it isn't." Ji: "There are plenty of ways to merely make a living. But, you chose to sing." Ji: "Singing, to you, is like breathing. It's to you as your heartbeat is to your body." Ji: "You can't give up singing. So you ought to fight for your future with your singing, even if you have to burden the guilt." Ji: "I'll be waiting for you on the final stage." Kong Que: "This is how the room used to be before, too." Kong Que: "I'm hungry." Mom: "Find something from the fridge." Mom: "That man wouldn't have left me if I hadn't given birth to you." Mom: "Wh-Who are you?" Man: "I'm here on behalf of President Kim." Mom: "That man? He's finally here for me. What did he say? I've been waiting this whole time. The president has a message for you. "Thank you for raising him so far. Take this check and go wherever you wish." What is this? What's going on?" Man: "Come. The president is calling." Mom: "Hold on. What about me? Wasn't he coming to get me?" Man: "Get up." Mom: "Take me, not that stupid kid! Please. Is he leaving me again?" Mom: "Wait, please." Mom: "Don't leave me! Don't leave me!" Kim: "If you make yourself useful to me, I'll take care of you." Kong Que: "What am I to you?" Yao: "Hu Li, get over here!" Suran: "Chuyun's in an interview with Li Qingyan." Yao: "You know him, right? The world-famous up-and-coming pianist." Yao: "He's going to be a special guest for the Love Seasons concert." Li: "I hear you've been familiar with music since you were little." Chuyun: "Yes. My parents love classical music. Also, my childhood friend had a huge influence on me." Chuyun: "His name is Hu Li." Li: "Oh, him, huh? What do you think of what happened recently?" Chuyun: "He was really good at singing. I've always been listening to his songs, so I knew right away that he was a ghost singer." Chuyun: "I don't know what put him in that situation." Chuyun: "But, I believe ghost singing is an act worth punishing." Chuyun: "And I couldn't bring it up even though I'd realized it." Chuyun: "I'm equally guilty." Chuyun: "I'm sorry. Still, I believe that the reason Hu Li's song moved so many people" Chuyun: "is because his songs come from the heart." Chuyun: "Singing — music — never lies." Chuyun: "That's what I believe." Li: "I agree." Li: "Songs bear no sin." Yao: "Chuyun's supposed to be singing solo to Li's accompaniment in the next concert." Yao: "It might finally be her solo debut." Hu Li: "Chuyun..." Hu Li: "Chuyun's making steady progress towards her dreams." Yao: "You're up next, huh?" Hu Li: "What is my passion?" Hu Li: "Is my dream to become a singer?" Hu Li: "Or..." Red: "Come on... Come on! How are people falling for that? Can't wait for the solo?" Red: "Then I'll make it even more fun." Person 1: "Hey, have you checked social media?" Person 2: "Yeah. Chuyun's leaving the group? Seriously?" Person 3: "No way, it can't be." Person 4: "I don't believe it." Person 5: "What now?" Person 6: "It looks like people are writing about it on all kinds of social media." Person 7: "This is fake news, right?" Anchor: "The agency is denying it, but there's a huge rumor making the rounds online." Anchor: "Let's see what people think." Person 1: "It's like she's using the other members as a stepping stone to go solo. I don't really like it." Person 2: "I don't get to see Chuyun anymore?" Person 3: "She got to do all she wanted, and now she's leaving? Isn't that a bit much?" Anchor: "The sentiment is one of disappointment and criticism. What's going to become of Chuyun-chan?" Yao: "Don't bother." Yao: "You're only going to make things even messier if you went out now." Person 1: "I wonder if it's true that Chuyun's retiring." Person 2: "If she is, this might be our last chance to see her." Manager: "There seems to be an odd rumor going around, but focus on the concert." Manager: "Don't think about anything else. Got it?" All: "Yes." Red: "A certain someone's causing a lot of trouble." Hu Li: "Chuyun's in trouble, and there's nothing I can do." Hu Li: "I can't." Manager: "What a mess." Manager: "President Kim is calling for you. Come." Kong Que: "What does he want now, from a man that's not even worth 1 yuan?" Manager: "Come." Kim: "Do that. Do it, and I'll make you a star again." Kong Que: "You're telling me to embarrass myself?!" Kim: "If you won't, I'll simply leave you." Mom: "Don't leave me!" Kong Que: "You always pick people up and throw them out for your own purposes." Kim: "Are you not going to do it?" Kong Que: "I'll do it!" Person 1: "I wonder if Chuyun's really quitting." Person 2: "You seriously believe that post?" Person 3: "But, maybe it's a good time for her to go solo." Suran: "It's from Chuyun." Yao: "Is she asking you out on a date?" Hu Li: "Go away. Chuyun?" Chuyun: "Hu Li! Come to the concert venue right now! Please! Hurry!" Hu Li: "Chuyun? What's wrong?" Hu Li: "Chuyun..." Hu Li: "Just what happened?"
{ "raw_title": "VOICE OF FOX Episode 9 – Permanent Wounds", "parsed": [ "VOICE OF FOX", "9", "Permanent Wounds" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" Exec: "Watch anything, for a price! I'm Nanazon!" Exec: "I'm gonna take this two-bit TV station and make it a winner! If you can't bring in the right kinda numbers, you're getting laid off!" guchi: "They showed up faster than I expected..." ka: "What's going on? Who even is that?" guchi: "It's Perry and the Black Ships. I need you to grab those papers and organize them, fast!" Exec: "Hey, hey, hey! What group is getting these sorry ratings? I'm gonna shut them down right away! Expedition crew!" Exec: "Expedition crew!" Exec: "Show me where these wage thieves who call themselves the expedition crew are! Hey, you! Hey, you, shut up!" guchi: "If he finds us, we're all gonna be laid off." Exec: "Goddamn!" ka: "That's bad!" yama: "I don't have any money." ka: "My house isn't paid off yet." mori: "I just put my kid in cram school..." ka: "I got the expensive insurance, too." guchi: "Should we send out a sacrifice?" guchi: "If you wanna get laid off, raise your hand!" ka: "Nanayama!" yama: "Why me?!" ka: "You've got a laid-off kinda face." yama: "A laid-off... face?" mori: "Yeah, man, yeah! Laid-off face!" ka: "Get out there!"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 1 – Wacky TV, Bought Out!", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "1", "Wacky TV, Bought Out!" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" Bat: "I am the ruler of this cave, the prince of bats! The name's Damon!" Bat: "TV Nanana! You thought you could just turn one of my people into bouillabaisse, huh? Well, this time we're gonna cook you up like plantains and devour you! Say your prayers! You punks! You clowns! You jerks!" 7Oka: "What is that tiny thing?" 7Mori: "He's really not intimidating at all. This is the kind of material that gets thrown out in editing." Bat: "Go ahead and do your worst! I might be small, but I'm as fierce as they come!" 7Oka: "I'm really not feeling it. Can't we figure a way to fix this?" Bat: "Hey! You listening?!" 7Mori: "Maybe we can use editing to make him scarier? Like this." Bat: "Huh?" 7Oka: "This might make him look more impressive." 7Yama: "Hey, yeah, this could work." Bat: "What is this?!" 7Oka: "Maybe we can have him breathe fire?" 7Oka: "Like a giant monster, y'know! That's cool." 7Oka: "It's still kinda lacking impact, though." 7Yama: "Can't we use CG to make him look bigger, too?" 7Mori: "We can use copy and paste to make more of him." 7Oka: "Oh, awesome! Now we're talking! It's starting to look intimidating." Bat: "Y-You can't just make more of me!" 7Oka: "Y'know, I say we go hog wild! Don't sweat the details, just fill the whole screen up! Throw it all on there!" Sign/7Oka: "Throw a bunch of text on there, too." Sign/7Yama: "Okay..." 7Oka/Sign: "Some cut-ins, too! A whole bunch!" 7Yama/Word Balloon: "Isn't this overdoing it?" 7Mori/Wb: "It's getting annoying to look at..." Sign/7Oka: "You gotta go hard if you wanna get ratings nowadays!" Sign/Bat: "Hey!" Sign/Bat: "Quit throwing so much crap on me! I wish you TV people would just stop throwing so much unnecessary info on the screen!" 7Yama/Wb: "Where'd the bat go?" 7Oka/Wb: "The bat's not important!" 7Yama/Wb: "I thought the bat was the main attraction?" 7Oka: "It doesn't matter! Forget the bat! We need more text, and more cut-ins!" 7Yama/Wb: "I think the screen's crowded enough..." 7Oka/Sign: "This is exactly what the viewers want!" 7Mori/Wb: "They're gonna change channels..." 7Oka/Sign: "No way! No way! This won't scare them off." 7Yama/Wb: "It looks like someone pressed the guide button..." 7Oka/Signs: "Y'know what? That's fine! Throw the guide menus on there, too!" 7Yama/Signs: "Like weather forecasts and traffic updates?" 7Oka/Signs: "Put it up! Do it!" 7Yama: "This is crazy." Bat: "Enough already! You can't even see me anymore!" Bat: "Ah, back to normal. What a relief!" Bat: "Now then, we're eating well tonight! Time to feast on some ripe bananas!" 7Oka: "You know these guys?"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 10 – Onslaught! A Dark, Terrifying Enemy", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "10", "Onslaught! A Dark, Terrifying Enemy" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" Bat: "Get back here, you no-budget TV station! This time we're gonna gobble you up! Say your prayers!" 7Oka: "Damn it! You'll never catch me!" Bat: "What a tasty banana! What a tasty banana! Ha-ha-ha!" 7Oka: "Screw you, you flying rat! Buzz off!" 7Mori: "Captain! We haven't gained any ground this whole time!" Bat: "Take a good look at the ground." 7Oka: "Hang on a sec..." 7Oka: "Wh-What the heck?!" Bat: "This is a frozen cave coated in slippery ice. The temperature here is a constant -40°!" Bat: "You can run all you want! It'll just be a waste of energy!" 7Oka: "Crap, they've surrounded us!" Bananas: "Slippery... So slippery... Slippy..." 7Oka: "Hurry it up, guys!" Bananas: "Okay... okay... careful..." 7Oka: "Oof, this is rough!" 7Mori: "Hup!" Bat: "All right, boys! Time to chow down! Start feasting on these ripe bananas!" 7Oka: "No! Please spare us! I'm begging you!" 7Oka: "Start with my assistant! Directors don't taste good! We're all gamy!" 7Yama: "Why?" Bat: "Well, we're short on runtime here, so without further ado, it's time to eat!" 7Oka: "Wait! No, wait! Don't! Don't do it!" 7Oka: "Don't eat me! We haven't found the buried treasure yet!" Bat: "Why are these bananas so dang hard?!" 7Oka: "H-Huh?!" Bat: "My signature fangs!" 7Mori: "Captain... I think the low temperature froze our peels solid!" 7Oka: "You're right!" 7Oka: "So this means..." 7Oka: "that we can use these, doesn't it?!" 7Oka: "Dun da-dun! In a -40° environment, you can hammer a nail with a banana!" 7Mori: "Oh, I think I've seen this before." 7Yama: "That takes me back." 7Oka: "Come on, you guys start nailing, too! It's a lot of fun!" 7Oka: "Drive them in there! Just like that!" 7Oka: "Okay, now we can get up this wall!" Expedition Team: "Four! Five! Six! Nanana!" 7Oka: "Man, I'm so glad I'm a banana!" 7Mori: "We made it!" 7Oka: "We're saved!" 7Mori: "Yay!"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 11 – Danger! The Freezing Ice Cavern", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "11", "Danger! The Freezing Ice Cavern" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "We had no idea all along that beneath the long, arduous path that led to the buried treasure," 7Oka: "there was a tunnel dug for messengers." 7Oka: "I wish we'd known about this sooner. It's so much easier!" 7Yama: "I'm kinda ticked about it. Let's just move this thing." 7Oka: "You're right. Let's find that buried treasure already! Heave-ho, heave-ho, heave-ho!" 7Yama: "Heave-ho..." 7Oka: "Too slow, Nanayama! Heave-ho! Heave-ho!" 7Yama: "You're going a little too fast. Could you slow down a—" 7Oka: "Quit slacking!" 7Yama: "I'm not slacking." 7Oka: "You're always slacking off, man." 7Yama: "Uh, look ahead." 7Yama: "The track's about to get a little wild." 7Oka: "Uh, never mind. Let's head back." 7Yama: "We can't, we're on a decline. It's too late." 7Oka: "Pump that thing! Come on!" 7Yama: "It won't help. It's even getting steeper!" 7Oka: "Come on! We need to go back!" 7Yama: "We're gaining speed!" 7Oka: "Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!" Trio: "Make it stop!" Trio: "Wow!" Trio: "Hey, I think it took our picture." 7Oka: "I'm gonna hurl..." 7Yama: "Please don't! It's gonna fly right to me!" 7Mori: "I think I am, too..." 7Yama: "Seriously, please don't! I'm gonna catch all of it!" 7Mori: "Captain, look, up ahead! The rails stop at the edge!" 7Oka: "Just like in the movies!" 7Yama: "What movie is that? Seriously, which movie? Tell me, quick!" 7Oka: "We're gonna have to go as fast as we can and try to jump it!" 7Yama: "But seriously, which movie? Which one do you mean? It's bothering me now! You gotta tell me! Before it's too late! Before it's too late!" 7Oka: "It was Indi... Indi—" 7Yama: "E.T.?" 7Oka: "Indiana Jones!" 7Yama: "Did you say E.T.?" 7Oka: "No, Indiana Jones." 7Yama: "Oh, Indiana Jones. I thought that was the one with the boulder." 7Mori: "There was a mine cart, too." 7Yama: "Oh, there was?" 7Yama: "I had no idea." 7Oka: "That was close..." 7Mori: "I guess there are rails down here, too." 7Oka: "I can't believe it. It's a miracle. I guess they do happen. Wait, what is that?! It's a subway train!" 7Yama: "Since we're so deep, I bet it's the Nanboku line." 7Oka: "Forget that, just pump it! Quick, pump it, pump it! Oh, right!" 7Yama: "It's getting closer!" 7Oka: "Hup! Hup! Hup!" 7Yama: "Go! Go! Go!" 7Oka: "Where the heck are we?!"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 12 – Out of Control! The Subterranean Railway", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "12", "Out of Control! The Subterranean Railway" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "Hey, we ended up in the Edo period somehow!" 7Oka: "We must've traveled through time..." 7Yama: "Yeah, right. This is just the Edomura theme park." 7Oka: "Edomura?" 7Oka: "Then the buried treasure is in Nikko?" 7Oka: "Huh? Y-You know these guys?" 7Mori: "Wait, look at them! That's the Banananbo Shogun along with Oshichi Kuranosuke!" 7Oka: "You're right!" 7Mori: "And that's Shichikawa Goemon with one of the Shichisengumi!" 7Oka: "I bet the Edomura people are putting on a free swordfighting show for us since we showed up to film here! I wanna thank all of you performers!" 7Yama: "Yeah, thank you." 7Oka: "All right, I'll even give you some tips on how to make it really good! I'm a director from a major television network, after all!" 7Oka: "For the opening, you've gotta have Abarenbo riding by, with Mount Fuji in the background. And a "da-dun!" sound. Could you, like, jump from that tower with no safety harness? Don't give me "I can't." You can do it! And as soon as you land, jump straight into attacking Abarenbo here. Right, right, right. Kuranosuke, just shut up and bang on that taiko drum, all right? Kondo! Don't just stand there! You gotta attack, too. What do you think the sword's for? You can actually stab him if you want. And then, when Kondo attacks, bang that taiko. The taiko! Come on, you ought to be able to ad-lib basic stuff like this, Kuranosuke. How many years have you been playing that thing? Abarenbo! Would it kill you to look at the camera like you're supposed to? That's the shot we're looking for! Okay, Kondo, you hold on to the taiko, and then, Kuranosuke, you swipe it back from him. Right, just like that! You've got it! Now, after you jump down, just... Oh, that's the boss." 7Oka: "Boss! It turns out the buried treasure is in Nikko. The swordfighting show's about to start, so I'll call you back when it's over." Boss: "Hey, idiot! That's not Edomura! It's a giant underground chamber the Bakufu dug to hide the buried treasure!" 7Oka: "A chamber?" Boss: "In order to keep intruders away from the treasure, the Banagawa Bakufu built a huge castle in that chamber, and they hid the buried treasure inside it!" 7Oka: "So we're still underground?" 7Yama: "Yet your phone's working." Boss: "You three are going to sneak into that castle and find that buried treasure, no matter what." Boss: "Got it?! I wish you luck. And just so you know, the mechanical dummies you'll see will attack without warning." Boss: "So watch yourselves."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 13 – Arrival! Phantoms of The Banagawa Shogunate", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "13", "Arrival! Phantoms of The Banagawa Shogunate" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "The crew of TV Nanana has been captured by the forces of the Bakufu." 7Oka: "Will we able to escape?" 7Oka: "Man, these just aren't coming loose. Nanayama, you're into this kinda thing, right? Hurry up and untie us." 7Yama: "This is a bit beyond me. A ball gag would be nice, though..." 7Oka: "Yeah, I guess you're more on the hardcore side... Man, come on!" 7Oka: "No good! Let's give up." 7Yama: "It seems a little too soon to do that." 7Oka: "This is the hardest kind of bondage to undo! It's hopeless!" 7Yama: "You sure you're not the more knowledgeable one here?" 7Oka: "This isn't happening... Well, dying on the scene of a shoot is an honor for a TV crewman! Let's do it with dignity!" 7Oka: "Nanayama." 7Yama: "Yeah?" 7Oka: "Do an impression." 7Yama: "What?" 7Yama: "Where'd that even come from? I don't get it..." 7Oka: "Come on, man! It's like a death poem, only an impression!" 7Yama: "A death... impression?" 7Oka: "If you work in TV, you bust out your best impression right before you die!" 7Yama: "I've never heard of that. What's the point, exactly?" 7Oka: "You've gotta really nail it so I can rest in peace! Please!" 7Yama: "I'm Ayu." 7Oka: "It's Ayu!" 7Yama: "Hey, arena, it's Ayu!" 7Oka: "It's Ayu..." 7Oka: "It's actually Ayu. I knew you could do it. Well done." 7Yama: "Good morning." 7Oka: "Here we go..." 7Yama: "I guess I'll brush my teeth. Ayu's gonna brush her teeth." 7Oka: "Yeah, that's it. That's great. More. Gimme more." 7Yama: "Toothpaste... Oh, Ayu dropped her toothpaste." 7Oka: "More. A little more." 7Yama: "Ayu's going out." 7Oka: "There you go! That's it!" 7Yama: "Ayu... only wears long... long shoes! Only boots, that's me, Ayu!" 7Oka: "She's got them on! Ayu put her boots on!" 7Yama: "But Ayu always forgets something when she puts her boots on!" 7Oka: "That sounds like her! That's totally like Ayu!" 7Yama: "I hope you'll all support me, Ayu!" 7Oka: "I do! I'm supporting you, Ayu!" 7Yama: "Ayu... is at the convenience store," 7Yama: "buying something heated up, Ayu!" 7Oka: "What're you buying?" 7Yama: "Okay, everyone, I'm buying it!" 7Yama: "Ayu's gonna also get..." 7Yama: "this yokan they sell by the register!" 7Oka: "Ayu!" Everyone: "What?! What, what the?!" 7Oka: "Who's that?" 7Yama: "A knife..." 7Oka: "That knife looks dangerous! Wh-Who are you?!" 7Ko: "I am the mole kunoichi, Shichiko, of the Banada Three Braves. I am here to save you." 7Oka: "You're gonna save us?!" 7Oka: "Kinda shady-looking, though..." 7Yama: "Yeah, that leotard..." 7Ko: "Just hold on." 7Oka: "Out of nowhere, a lady ninja appeared on the scene. But just who is she?" 7Yama: "Ayu did her best!"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 14 – Tragedy! Death of a TV Crew", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "14", "Tragedy! Death of a TV Crew" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Ko: "Everyone, follow me and stay close!" 7Oka: "Hup, hup! O-Oh!" 7Yama: "We just need to keep up?" 7Mori: "Wait up, wait, wait up..." 7Oka: "Why are you wearing a leotard if you're a kunoichi, anyway?" 7Ko: "I actually just passed the audition to become a kunoichi last week." 7Yama: "They have auditions? And you got, what, an honorable mention?" 7Ko: "Excuse me? I obviously got top billing!" 7Oka: "Maybe it was special recognition." 7Ko: "I won the audition?! I even have the mastery scroll to prove it!" 7Yama: "Mastery?" 7Oka: "What, now?" 7Ko: "Listen up. For the record, Shichiko..." 7Ko: "is still on the market." 7Yama: "Uh, no one asked. And no one cares." 7Ko: "You still don't get it?" 7Oka: "Still? What do you mean, "still"?" 7Ko: "Come on!" 7Ko: "Hup! Whoa!" 7Ko: "Ready?" 7Ko: "Ready?" 7Ko: "Are you ready?!" 7Yama: "We're listening." 7Mori: "I am. Ears wide open." 7Oka: "Yeah, go ahead..." 7Ko: "If you're ready, then say so!" 7Oka: "What do you want from us?!" 7Ko: "How am I supposed to know when to proceed?! Now, listen. I'm going to infiltrate Banagawa Castle, and then assassinate the machine shogun who oppresses the mole people. You three are going to help me kill him." 7Oka: "Whoa, hang on... We're just staff for a TV station." 7Mori: "I don't want to assassinate anyone." 7Yama: "Yeah, no one except the director." 7Ko: "Hey, come on!" 7Oka: "Now, hang on! Why do we have to do this, anyway?" 7Ko: "Isn't that who you guys are? The legendary heroes who help people in their time of need?" 7Ko: "The Banadas... Banada? Banada Three Braves. The Banada Three Braves!" 7Yama: "The Banada three... what?" 7Ko: "Look at this. Here." 7Yama: "Where?" 7Ko: "The village's historical portrait of the Three Braves. It looks exactly like you guys." 7Mori: "A portrait?" 7Oka: "How does this look like us?" 7Yama: "It's the right amount of people, but..." 7Ko: "Perfect resemblance, right? And since I went to the trouble of finding you heroes, I expect you to keep it together and do a good job, all right? Got it, Banada Three Braves?" 7Ko: "Now, who are you guys?" Trio: "The Banada Three Braves?" 7Ko: "And what're you going to do?" Trio: "An assassination?" 7Ko: "Very good. Now you're feeling it." 7Oka: "I've never assassinated anybody before." 7Mori: "And I don't want to." 7Ko: "Come on, you guys, warm up a little." 7Oka: "Warm up?" 7Ko: "I guarantee you'll be glad you did later." 7Oka: "No way." 7Mori: "Seriously? Seriously?" 7Yama: "Not happening. Too embarrassing." 7Oka: "That footage would come back to haunt us. Not happening, no way." 7Ko: "What're you talking about? This... By doing this... you could build a decent career." 7Oka: "I don't want footage of this. No way." 7Yama: "You're going on with this?" 7Oka: "Those steps while wearing a leotard... No way. It's humiliating." 7Yama: "Nope, nope. I mean, like... It's... M-My parents would be ashamed of me, so no." 7Ko: "Just do it, I said!" 7Yama: "So scary. Very scary." 7Oka: "Way, way too scary." 7Ko: "Come on..." 7Mori: "Very, very scary." 7Yama: "From both the front and the rear, it's scary."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 15 – Glorious! The Kunoichi Dances", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "15", "Glorious! The Kunoichi Dances" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "We began our infiltration of Banagawa Castle." 7Oka: "Hup! Hup! This way! Hup, hup, hup!" 7Yama: "I don't seem to be g-gaining any ground here... What is this? Why am I still in the same place? Huh?" 7Mori: "Oh, I'm gonna fall... Whoa, that was close... Careful, careful..." 7Ko: "You Three Braves are really something. That's the first time I ever made it across the moat. Now we just need to reach the main gate." 7Mori: "Oh, no! The enemy spotted us! What do we do?" 7Oka: "Damn it! Okay! For now, Nanayama will distract them while the rest of us move ahead!" 7Yama: "Again with the power harassment..." 7Ko: "Wait! I can use my specialty ninjutsu to get us through this! Gimme a second." 7Mori: "Is she okay?" 7Oka: "Can she even use ninjutsu?" 7Ko: "Mogura Ninja Arts!" 7Oka: "Oh, something's happening!" 7Oka: "Uh, she's tossing something around. What is that?" 7Mori: "Wait, caltrops?" 7Yama: "So that bag was just full of caltrops?" 7Ko: "Did you guys know that using caltrops is the ultimate ninja technique?" 7Yama: "Seriously?" 7Oka: "You gotta be kidding me." 7Ko: "Come on, you guys throw some." 7Oka: "We have to do this, too?" 7Ko: "Don't be shy." 7Oka: "I'm not being shy." 7Yama: "We toss them with spoons?" 7Ko: "Come on, dump them everywhere!" 7Oka: "Dump them?" 7Yama: "We can't dump them if we're using spoons..." 7Ko: "At the end of the day, if you spread some cal... caltorp... If you spread caltraps..." 7Yama: "She can't even say caltrops." 7Ko: "At the end of the day, if you spread some caltrops around, things will work out." 7Oka: "Like a new student." 7Ko: "My master told me that." 7Oka: "Seriously?" 7Mori: "Hey, but look, the enemies are stopped in their tracks! The caltrops are working!" 7Oka: "No way, it actually works?" 7Yama: "You're right." 7Oka: "And so, thanks to the the caltrop technique, we were able to infiltrate the castle." 7Yama: "That bag has been leaking caltrops, and my feet are really starting to hurt." 7Oka: "Aw, man, I'm bleeding." 7Mori: "Ow, ow, ow." 7Yama: "Could she maybe walk behind us for now?" 7Ko: "Come on, remember our warm-up? Use those steps to dodge them!" 7Mori: "This is what the warm-up was for?" 7Ko: "Come on! One-two, one-two, one-two!" 7Mori: "That was a one-two, huh?" 7Ko: "Come on!" 7Oka: "Are we supposed to take one step back when we do this?" 7Ko: "Go!" 7Yama: "Seems like it." 7Mori: "Ow, ow, ow!" 7Oka: "This hurts! It really hurts!"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 16 – Thrills! Stormy Clouds Over Banagawa Castle", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "16", "Thrills! Stormy Clouds Over Banagawa Castle" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "Having successfully infiltrated Banagawa Castle, we finally found the evil machine shogun." Shogun: "I am the fifth machine shogun, Banagawa Tsunayoshi!" Shogun: "You amateur kunoichi and dirt-poor TV station... I'll make short work of you with my own hands! I will defend this castle!" 7Oka: "What a cool voice." 7Yama: "He sounds like a voice actor." Shogun: "Now, face your judgment!" 7Ko: "Listen up! If we can find the power switch that's hidden somewhere, all of the mechanical dummies should shut down." 7Ko: "You Three Braves should spread out and find the switch." 7Ko: "I'll keep the shogun occupied!" Shogun: "You there. Even if you're an amateur, expect no mercy from me." 7Ko: "I was the top pick at my audition! I'm not an amateur anymore!" Shogun: "Then behold the secret techniques of three centuries of the Banagawa clan!" Shogun: "Banagawa..." Shogun: "Crash!" Shogun: "Compassion For All Living Things Spin!" Shogun: "Crisis Rice Riot!" Shogun: "Dangerous Uprising!" Shogun: "Black Ships Shock!" 7Oka: "Those are some cool moves." 7Mori: "Awesome..." 7Oka: "They're so amazing, you can't help staring. I wanna be like him." 7Oka: "And what the heck is this mess?!" 7Oka: "She's tossing caltrops again!" 7Ko: "Hey, crap shogun! Gutter punk!" 7Oka: "And she's just talking trash... Makes it hard to tell who the bad guy is." 7Yama: "I kinda don't think anyone is." 7Ko: "All right, trash shogun! Get ready for some of this!" Shogun: "Stop that! No spitting!" 7Ko: "Here's some more!" Shogun: "Then I shall, as well!" 7Yama: "You think they're trying to give each other the flu?" 7Ko: "Put a sock in it! This is how I won that audition!" 7Ko: "This is what got me the grand prize!" 7Yama: "I don't know what you want me to say to that..." 7Ko: "Go! Shut up and go!" 7Oka: "We're not exactly slacking, y'know." 7Ko: "I said go!" 7Oka: "So pushy..." 7Yama: "No, look..." 7Oka: "Come on, quit spitting." 7Ko: "Now!" 7Yama: "I'd honestly prefer the caltrops." 7Ko: "This is grand prize spit!" 7Oka: "Shut up! What kind of grand prize is that?" 7Yama: "She's gone from all caltrops to all spit." 7Ko: "It's a grand prize-class..."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 17 – Rebellion! Against the Mechanical Shogun", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "17", "Rebellion! Against the Mechanical Shogun" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "The breathtaking battle between the mole kunoichi and the mechanical shogun rages on." 7Yama: "Hey, Captain, maybe you should get in there and help." 7Oka: "I'm not really seeing any room for me to intervene." 7Yama: "Really?" 7Oka: "Wait, look!" 7Oka: "There's the power switch!" 7Oka: "If we can flip that, the shogun will lose power!" 7Mori: "Captain, let's sneak behind them and throw the switch." 7Oka: "Hang on a sec." 7Oka: "There are too many caltrops. We can't get any closer!" 7Oka: "Well, this sure was stupid. Why'd she have to toss them over here?" 7Oka: "W-Well? Can you reach it?" 7Mori: "No, not even close." 7Yama: "You couldn't tell just by watching?" 7Oka: "Go!" 7Mori: "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow..." 7Oka: "Come on, boys, go!" 7Mori: "You're not moving forward at all, Captain." 7Yama: "Though I think the way the caltrops are poking my feet is improving my circulation." 7Oka: "Then keep on moving forward!" 7Yama: "It still hurts, though..." 7Oka: "Hey, h-hang on, whoa, stop, stop. Stop shaking down there!" 7Yama: "Can you reach?" 7Mori: "Nope, nope, nope, nope!" 7Yama: "Can you reach it? Are you there?" 7Oka: "Hell no!" 7Mori: "Leaning this far is..." 7Oka: "Hey, stop shaking!" 7Yama: "This isn't happening. Let's... Let's try something else." 7Oka: "Just... just push it! Get in there and... boop!" 7Oka: "Quick." 7Yama: "Okay, what if I throw you over there with a giant swing, and then you hit the switch?" 7Oka: "Uh, no, because right after I do, I'll land in those caltrops." 7Yama: "Well, how else do we reach it? This isn't working." 7Oka: "Yeah, I guess not." Shogun: "You thieving scoundrels! For trying to plunder the buried Banagawa treasure, I, Tsunayoshi, as the fifth mechanical shogun, shall vanquish you!" 7Oka: "Let's just give up." 7Yama: "That seems a bit abrupt." 7Oka: "My feet hurt, okay? This shoot is canceled. Let's give up on the buried treasure. Nanayama, do a death impression." 7Yama: "No way. I'm not gonna go through that again." 7Oka: "Come on, man, do it." 7Yama: "Wait, hang on a second." 7Yama: "I think the poking has really helped with my circulation..." 7Oka: "Just get to the death impression." 7Yama: "Okay, so my arms are gonna stretch, and I'm gonna hit the button." 7Yama: "You know how your arms sometimes stretch?" 7Mori: "That... doesn't happen." 7Yama: "Yours don't get stretchy when you soak them in warm water?" 7Oka: "Dude, we're not slime creatures." 7Yama: "They kinda go "bwooo" and extend, all languid-like." 7Oka: "Hey, kunoichi, say something." 7Ko: "Grand prize..." 7Yama: "Thanks for that." Shogun: "TV Nanana..."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 18 – Astonishment! The AD with the Super Skill", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "18", "Astonishment! The AD with the Super Skill" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "Our crew has managed to reach the interior of the castle tower" Start Screen Sign: "Legend of the Buried Treasure" 7Oka: "where the buried treasure is located." 7Oka: "Ugh, and here we are in another place full of traps!" 7Oka: "Watch yourselves. Move carefully. Watch, I'll go first." Duo: "Okay." 7Oka: "Ready?" Both: "Okay." 7Oka: "And here I go!" 7Oka: "Got it? Now, follow me." 7Yama: "We're pretending that didn't happen?" 7Oka: "I've never been in a place like this before." 7Yama: "You're editing this one yourself, aren't you?" 7Oka: "Follow my lead." 7Oka: "Okay, here we go... ready, and..." 7Mori: "Er, wait, what?" 7Oka: "Huh?" 7Yama: "Do you suck that bad? Can you not even jump?" 7Oka: "Wait, why..." 7Yama: "Do you not know how to jump?" 7Oka: "Why didn't it..." 7Yama: "What do you mean, why?" 7Oka: "You..." 7Yama: "I think you might be trying to jump too soon." 7Oka: "Who is?" 7Oka: "Too soon? But, I mean..." 7Mori: "We want to jump past this. Hurry up." 7Yama: "I jumped, seriously." 7Yama: "What button are you pressing?" 7Oka: "You press B to dash, right?" 7Yama: "You don't have to dash! What?" 7Oka: "B is dash, right?" 7Yama: "Just watch us, okay? Here we go. We're jumping it." 7Oka: "Okay." 7Yama: "See how easy that was?" 7Oka: "Wait, but that's..." 7Mori: "It's really easy." 7Yama: "We're even carrying gear." 7Oka: "Look, I get it." 7Yama: "So come on." 7Oka: "Yeah, but... it's just... y'know..." 7Yama: "Aw, come on." 7Yama: "Huh?" 7Mori: "From the beginning again?" 7Oka: "Look, I did jump. Something's weird here. Maybe I need more forward momentum." 7Yama: "That's true. At least you get that much." 7Oka: "What am I doing wrong?" 7Oka: "Hey, there's a zombie!" 7Yama: "See?! Look what happened!" 7Mori: "It's the machine dummy! What do we do, what do we do?" 7Yama: "This happened because you were taking too long." 7Mori: "Uh, let's just take my peel off, and there! Okay!" 7Oka: "All right! He slipped and fell. Good." 7Yama: "We're going on ahead." 7Mori: "We're gonna see what things are like ahead." 7Oka: "H-Hang on, what am I supposed to do?" 7Yama: "Just hold on for a sec. Just a sec." 7Mori: "There's a rope. That should be easy. Just hop off of here, and then use this to go up..." 7Oka: "You guys gonna be okay by yourselves?" 7Mori: "Yeah, we're fine." 7Yama: "Okay, okay, okay." 7Mori: "Oh, hey, there's some bouillabaisse here. Now this is some delectable bouillabaisse..." 7Oka: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on a sec! Don't eat that bouillabaisse! Hey, stop!" 7Oka: "Look, now the bat's here, because you ate it!" 7Yama: "There's a bat where you are?" 7Oka: "There is! Who's gonna beat him?" 7Yama: "Okay, hang tight for a sec. I'll be right there." 7Oka: "Nanayama!" 7Yama: "I'm on the way." 7Oka: "Hurry! He's coming at me!" 7Yama: "Check this out. look how fast I can go." 7Oka: "The bat's almost here!" 7Yama: "Here we go. My special technique, caltrops!" 7Yama: "There! Got it!" 7Oka: "All right, nicely done, Nanayama." 7Yama: "I did it." 7Oka: "That was good work. Excellent!" 7Yama: "Thanks." 7Oka: "Nice!" 7Yama: "Right." 7Oka: "Just what I'd expect from my AD." 7Yama: "Why'd you try to walk over here?" 7Mori: "Hey, wh-what happened?" 7Yama: "Did you just get so excited that you tried to walk over to me?" 7Oka: "Well, I tried to jump..."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 19 – Infiltration! The Giant Tower", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "19", "Infiltration! The Giant Tower" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" : "TV Nanana has been bought out by the massive Nanazon corporation," : "putting us all in danger of being laid off." 7Guchi: "If that maniac finds us, we're done for." 7Oka: "Quit pushing." 7Guchi: "So don't make any noise, got it?" 7Oka: "Quit pushing!" 7Guchi: "Listen up, boys..." 7Oka: "It hurts." 7Guchi: "If you want the expedition crew to survive this..." 7Oka: "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" 7Guchi: "...then shut up and follow me!" 7Oka: "Boss! You're the one being loud!" 7Yama: "So are you, though." 7Oka: "What?!" 7Guchi: "Shh! Quiet!" 7Oka: "Who's being loud?! Is it you?!" 7Guchi: "I just told you, it's you!" 7Yama: "You're louder than the banging in the vent." 7Oka: "Is it Nanaguchi?" 7Oka: "Boss, we're getting laid off either way, right? What's the point in running?" 7Guchi: "I wouldn't give up yet. If we can net high enough ratings, they'll have to reconsider." 7Guchi: "You're heading to a site right now!" 7Oka: "Wait, now?!" 7Oka: "What's the plan here? I don't wanna deal with that weird keena thing again." 7Guchi: "The keena is ancient history!" 7Guchi: "The audience is always hungry for something new!" 7Guchi: "Here, take a look at this." 7Oka: "Let's see here..." 7Oka: "Wh-What the?! "Sure-Fire Discovery!" "Unearthing the Banagawa Buried Treasure!"" 7Oka: "Didn't I see this on another network?" 7Yama: "I think I did." 7Oka: "Right?" 7Yama: "Totally." 7Guchi: "Have you heard about the Banagawa buried treasure?" 7Oka: "Is this for real?" 7Guchi: "It's supposed to be some legendary trove that the Banagawa shogunate stashed in the mountains hundreds of years ago." 7Oka: "We're ripping someone off, aren't we?" 7Guchi: "The big networks of the day dragged their star actors and writers into the search," 7Guchi: "spending a fortune of their own in the process to make a show out of it! It garnered attention from the public and had good ratings over the years," 7Guchi: "but in the end, they never found the treasure, and it was canceled." 7Guchi: "But if they got high ratings without even finding anything..." 7Guchi: "then actually finding something would net even bigger ratings, wouldn't it?!" 7Oka: "Oh, this is bad." 7Guchi: "So you boys are going to find the actual treasure" 7Guchi: "and score the highest ratings in history!" 7Guchi: "You've got no budget, but you'll figure it out!" 7Guchi: "Four! Five! Six!" 7Oka: "What're you doing?" 7Guchi: "Go, Nanana!" 7Oka: "I knew he'd pull something like this!" 7Guchi: "And don't spend any money!" 7Yama: "We know."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 2 – Top Secret! Mission Impossible", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "2", "Top Secret! Mission Impossible" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "The TV Nanana crew finally located the legendary buried treasure!" 7Oka: "But then, the entire safe was taken away." 7Oka: "Thief! Give that buried treasure back!" 7Oka: "Who could that giant hand have belonged to?" Cyclops: "'Sup?" 7Oka: "Man, you guys again?" Cyclops: "We figured you'd come after the buried treasure, so we were waiting. When are you gonna do that special on me? I've been keeping my schedule clear, waiting." 7Oka: "I made no such promise. You wouldn't get us good ratings." Cyclops: "Of course I would. Which do you think is more rare, me or some buried treasure?" Cyclops: "Just write up the outline already." 7Oka: "Give the safe back!" Cyclops: "Yeah, right. If you want it back, just try and take it from me." 7Oka: "Nanayama, go and take the safe back by force." 7Oka: "Dealing with amateurs is one of an AD's most critical jobs." Cyclops: "I'm not an amateur." Cyclops: "I've done voiceovers." Cyclops: "And I do food segments all the time." 7Oka: "Uh, hello, Mr. Fujinami?" Cyclops: "Not listening, huh?" 7Oka: "There's this weird giant messing with us right now. Could you maybe teach us some moves to use on him? Please." ujinami: "Oh, it's the dirt-poor TV station. I'm doing this castle tour thing I've gotten into, so I'm kinda busy..." 7Oka: "Castle tour? Did you go to Himeji again?" ujinami: "Oh, Himeji Castle is great!" ujinami: "Y'know, another good one is Hikone." ujinami: "And the #%$&~ is good, too." 7Oka: "Y'know, I thought so, too. So you really like castles, huh?" ujinami: "They're great." 7Yama: "Ever stayed at a hotel that looked like a castle?" 7Mori: "What the..." ujinami: "A castle hotel? Well, a while back... There were a lot of inns in Japan that tried to do that." 7Yama: "Right." ujinami: "They were made of wood and everything. But nowadays, it's like, the hotels are more modern-style. But if you ask me, I prefer the wooden sort of— Inoki, too... Sometimes after a match, we'd go to one of the castle-esque ones..." 7Oka: "Is that Mr. Fujinami?" 7Mori: "Are you kidding me?" 7Yama: "Is that really him?" ujinami: "Those were good trips." 7Oka: "What is he... You're kidding me." 7Mori: "Huh?" ujinami: "Young guys today, you mention checking out castles to them," 7Yama: "Mr. Fujinami?" ujinami: "and they vanish into thin air." 7Yama: "That can't be him, right?" 7Oka: "No, it definitely is." ujinami: "#$%&#$%&." 7Yama: "He's not looking this way at all." 7Oka: "Look at that pink sweatshirt he's got on." 7Oka: "That's the same as the Macho Dragon jacket." 7Yama: "Oh, you're right." 7Mori: "It is." 7Oka: "Mr. Fujinami." ujinami: "Oh, it's the dirt-poor TV station." 7Oka: "There he is, the real deal." 7Mori: "It's really him." 7Yama: "He heard us, right?" 7Oka: "What the heck?" 7Mori: "He's so close..." 7Yama: "For real?" 7Oka: "S-So this is the castle you were at?" ujinami: "Yeah." 7Oka: "Listen, you can keep enjoying the view, but could you be in our corner? Just for a while." ujinami: "Sure thing." 7Oka: "Sweet! And so, with Tatsumi Fujinami in our corner, we set about removing some annoying amateurs." Cyclops: "Fujinami's got nothing to do with this. Don't drag him into it."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 20 – Intrusion! Annoying Amateurs", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "20", "Intrusion! Annoying Amateurs" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "The expedition crew has added professional wrestler Tatsumi Fujinami as our corner man and are about to battle the amateurs who are disrupting our shoot." 7Oka: "What should he start with? The textbook way is some grappling. Or maybe he should go on the offense to start and nail him with a dropkick." 7Yama: "Please decide faster." 7Oka: "A strong start would be good, but you've got to be careful early on. Make the call, Mr. Fujinami." ujinami: "You're Hirata, aren't you?" ujinami: "You're Hirata." 7Oka: "Hirata?" ujinami: "I know it's you, Hirata." Cyclops: "Excuse me?" ujinami: "You're Hirata. Hirata..." 7Oka: "Oh... Oh!" 7Oka: "He's... That's Junji Hirata! He must be here to ruin Mr. Fujinami's castle tour. Looks like it might be wise to let him take care of this personally." 7Mori: "Good idea." 7Oka: "Let's do that, Mr. Fujinami." ujinami: "I figured as much." ujinami: "Let's do this! You'd better be ready." Cyclops: "Look, I'm not the Strong Machine. I know we've got similar eyes, I'm not him. The outfit being similar is a coincidence, too, I swear. Ichimasa Wakamatsu's his manager... Does this look like Wakamatsu to you?" Cyclops: "He doesn't, right? Because he's not." 7Oka: "Quit lying, Hirata! It's too late! Mr. Fujinami's already in combat mode. He's totally going to fight you." Cyclops: "Uh, I thought he was a corner man?" 7Oka: "Check it out. He's already getting warmed up." Cyclops: "Hey, you're right. He's even doing his Dragon Calisthenics." 7Oka: "Mr. Fujinami! What will you do about the weight difference? Maybe a handicap match?" ujinami: "Nah, it's fine. I can deal with heavyweights." 7Yama: "How does that work?" 7Oka: "He's really fired up. Deal with... He says he can deal with them." 7Yama: "How's that even work? They're totally different sizes." 7Oka: "Oh, look! It's the castle-loving Fujinami's method of temporarily developing a heavyweight body by borrowing power from the shachihoko on a castle's roof!" 7Yama: "How do you even know about this?" 7Oka: "You don't see this every day. It's the Shachihoko Muscle Up!" ujinami: "So what do you think about the shachihoko on this castle? Oh, I love these shachihoko." 7Oka: "You do?" ujinami: "They're curled up just right." 7Oka: "Right." ujinami: "Just how they should be." 7Oka: "Do you usually go to Nagoya Castle when you want to look at shachihoko?" ujinami: "Oh, Nagoya, with all the gold brocade... His plants are done up with gold brocade. It works for the shachihoko, though." 7Yama: ""His"? Whose? Who's "he"? What the..." 7Oka: "Right." ujinami: "All right, heavyweight Tatsumi Fujinami is ready to go." Cyclops: "Uh, you're suddenly giant-sized." ujinami: "Thanks for the help, little shachihoko!" 7Oka: "The card has seen a sudden mix-up, but can Mr. Fujinami, heading into battle for TV Nanana, defeat these giant amateurs?" ujinami: "Let's do this, Hirata. Say your prayers."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 21 – Blaze On! Macho Dragon", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "21", "Blaze On! Macho Dragon" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "The battle between Tatsumi Fujinami and the holy beasts over the buried treasure has begun." Cyclops: "Hey! Hey, Fujinami!" Cyclops: "You're looking pretty gigantic now. You're just full of surprises, huh?" Cyclops: "I bet you're not even really Fujinami." ujinami: "Yeah, I am." Cyclops: "Nah, I bet you're Yurioka Super Special Q!" 7Oka: "Don't just laugh! Mr. Fujinami, say something back!" Cycloips: "You're Yurioka Super Special Q!" 7Oka: "No, he's Mr. Fujinami!" 7Mori: "Come on, say something back!" 7Oka: "I'm not Choshu, but I'm about to get mad. Oh, Mr. Fujinami's about to get mad." Cyclops: "Mad? You should go cut your hair or something." 7Oka: "He's talking about the Flying Dragon Revolution, Mr. Fujinami!" ujinami: "Oh, man, I don't know what to say after that one..." 7Oka: "You jerk!" 7Oka: "That was a big decision for Mr. Fujinami, y'know!" Cyclops: "Yeah!" ujinami: "Oh, crap!" 7Oka: "Oh, no! He got behind him when he wasn't looking! Now he's attacking with a weapon! It's a fork!" 7Mori: "These amateurs are playing dirty. Are they that desperate for their own TV special?" Cyclops: "How do you like that?" 7Oka: "Look, Mr. Fujinami's wearing the crimson mask! Are you going to be okay, Mr. Fujinami? That's a lot of blood!" ujinami: "Wait, really?" 7Oka: "It's as much blood as when Akira Madea kicked you that one time!" ujinami: "Oh, that. That was a rough spot!" Cyclops: "With the kick?" ujinami: "It landed on my right temple." 7Oka: "That was at Osaka-jo Hall, right?" ujinami: "Yeah, that was it." 7Oka: "That was really..." ujinami: "It was really something." 7Oka: "That was a hell of a match." 7Oka: "Oh, man, this is bad! Mr. Fujinami, we're running short on airtime, so could you go for the finish soon?" ujinami: "Got it." ujinami: "Time for something special. I'll use this to wrap things up today." 7Oka: "He's absorbing shachihoko power again!" ujinami: "Here we go!" 7Oka: "He's got him from behind! That position... is the Dragon Suplex?!" 7Mori: "No, the angle is sharper than usual! The impact is going to be devastating! It's a shachihoko version!" 7Oka: "It's the Shachihoko Suplex." 7Oka: "And that's it! He nailed it!" 7Mori: "Yes!" 7Oka: "And so, we successfully reclaimed the buried treasure." 7Oka: "Nice going, Mr. Fujinami! Thank you so much!" 7Mori: "We really appreciate it." 7Oka: "Are you not gonna go for the 1-2-3 with a pin or anything?" ujinami: "I don't really do that stuff outside the ring. It's embarrassing, y'know?" 7Oka: "Is there any kind of celebration you do after a win?" ujinami: "Well, before, I was like, "I did it!"" 7Oka: "Very normal." 7Yama: "That's really... normal." 7Mori: "Normal indeed." 7Oka: "Shockingly so." 7Yama: "I think all athletes do that." ujinami: "But it's all I've really got..." 7Oka: "Well, in that case..." 7Mori: "Fair enough." 7Oka: "You wanna go ahead?" 7Yama: "Really?" 7Oka: "Let's go ahead and do that." 7Yama: "We're just gonna do it right now?" 7Oka: "Is it too sudden?" ujinami: "It's usually a heat of the moment thing..." 7Yama: "Well, if you would, please..." 7Oka: "Go ahead, Mr. Fujinami." ujinami: "Right." 7Oka: "Match the tone of the moment." 7Yama: "Yeah." ujinami: "I did it!" 7Oka: "He did it!" 7Yama/Mori: "He did it." 7Oka: "He did it!" 7Yama: "Okay, what was that?"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 22 – Clash! Holy Beast VS Pro Wrestler", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "22", "Clash! Holy Beast VS Pro Wrestler" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "The cave suddenly began to collapse." 7Oka: "And so, with the buried treasure in our possession, we attempted a hasty escape." 7Oka: "Heave!" ujinami: "Ho." 7Oka: "Heave!" ujinami: "Ho." ujinami: "Ho. Ho. Ho." 7Yama: "That's amazing, Mr. Fujinami... so intense. I feel like my arm might pop off. Mr. Fujinami's power just got us past the Nanboku line." ujinami: "Ho." 7Mori: "Whoa..." 7Yama: "We don't really need to be here, do we? Just look at all the power he's generating by himself." 7Oka: "Man, this ice isn't budging... What do we do now?" 7Mori: "What do we do?" 7Yama: "What to do..." ujinami: "I've got this." ujinami: "Dragon Rocket!" 7Oka: "The Dragon Rocket!" 7Yama: "That's the move he uses to dive on opponents outside the ring. I'd never seen it before." 7Oka: "Mr. Fujinami, you used that one on El Canek, too, right?" ujinami: "Probably. I've used it on lots of guys." 7Yama: "He totally forgot whether or not he'd done it..." Bat: "We meet again, TV Nanana! This time I'm going to chow down!" ujinami: "Dragon Rocket." 7Oka: "What an awesome day. We got to see it twice! How's the Dragon Rocket feeling today, Mr. Fujinami?" ujinami: "Feeling good today. Nice and sharp." 7Mori: "He really is incredible." ujinami: "See, if I don't pull it off right, the other guy can get away." 7Oka: "Good point." ujinami: "So you have to be decisive about it. No hesitation." 7Oka: "Ow, ow, ow! You don't have to do it now." ujinami: "You gotta go all-in." 7Oka: "But not now." 7Yama: "Look, we get it, we get it. Okay. Okay." 7Oka: "We understood your explanation. Crap, this whole place is collapsing! We've gotta go!" 7Saka: "Hey, Shigesato!" 7Oka: "Mr. Shichisaka's still here? Mr. Shichisaka, run! The cave's collapsing!" 7Saka: "I was digging, and the ground fell in under me! Help! You've gotta help me, Shigesato!" ujinami: "Dragon Rocket." 7Oka: "Oh, Mr. Shichisaka!" 7Yama: "There he goes..." 7Oka: "Shichisaka Koji just fell... Well, whatever! Keep moving! Come on, hurry!" 7Oka: "Oh, thank goodness. We ought to be in the clear now." 7Oka: "Let's take a look at the buried treasure." 7Oka: "This is the legendary buried treasure!" ujinami: "Dragon Safe Cracker!" 7Yama: "You can just open it normally..." 7Oka: "The valuables that had been hidden away by the Bakufu were, in fact..." 7Oka: "Huh?" 7Mori: "What the..." 7Oka: "What is this?" 7Oka: "...the shogun's collection of photo books of sexy gravure models." 7Oka: "Is this for real? They said it was a buried treasure." 7Yama: "This is what they hid away?" ujinami: "Hey, that's good stuff." 7Oka: "It really isn't, Mr. Fujinami!" 7Yama: "Mr. Fujinami, don't try and spin this." 7Oka: "This is the furthest thing from the discovery of the century." ujinami: "Isn't this a treasure in its own way?" 7Oka: "Mr. Fujinami, you wanna hit these books with your Dragon Rocket?"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 23 – Collapse! In the Giant Cave", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "23", "Collapse! In the Giant Cave" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" Office Sign: "Expedition Crew" 7Oka: "Huh?" 7Oka: "I thought he was already laid off, but there's the boss." 7Mori: "Maybe he managed to hang on by the skin of his teeth." 7Oka: "Boss. Boss!" 7Guchi: "Oh, if it isn't Nanaoka!" 7Oka: "What are you doing? Don't you need to pack up and get out of here?" 7Guchi: "Didn't you hear? There won't be any layoffs." 7Oka: "Huh? What do you mean? No layoffs?" 7Guchi: "Nanazon shifted in a different direction, so they're not going to be purchasing us after all." 7Oka: "For real?" 7Guchi: "And when I say they shifted, I mean their office building literally did just that." 7Mori: "Wow, you're right! It's diagonal now." 7Guchi: "So they scrapped their plan to purchase us, and we're back to operating as we were before they came along." 7Oka: "They've got a proper-looking building, unlike ours. I wonder why it suddenly started leaning." 7Mori: "I guess nothing is truly stable." ujinami: "Shachihoko Suplex." zon Exec: "God damn!" 7Guchi: "That being the case, we can continue to make all the programming we want, or at least as much as our tiny production budget allows. Isn't that great?" 7Mori: "Um, we didn't find the buried treasure, so what should we do with the footage we shot?"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 24 – Dismissed! The TV Nanana Expedition Crew", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "24", "Dismissed! The TV Nanana Expedition Crew" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" : "Here at Mount Nanagi, there is a legend that the Banagawa shogunate once buried 3,600,000 ryo worth of gold. And now, TV Nanana will be the one to unearth that treasure!" : "Sure-Fire Discovery! The Banagawa Buried Treasure Excavation! Long ago, a major TV network failed to discover the buried treasure, despite its vast expenditure of money and manpower. Learning from their mistakes, we will be intentionally using as small a budget as possible, and the smallest team possible, in our excavation." ka: "All right, this oughta do." mori: "Right." ka: "This is good, right?" : "Our initial dig spot was blocked by some unexpectedly heavy-duty bedrock. Still, Nanayama's shovel struck the earth repeatedly, even as it warped under the effort!" yama: "Okay..." yama: "Uh, aren't these for gardening?" ka: "Smaller shovels means you can do more delicate work." yama: "But this is tiny. Tiny like what you use to bury your dead goldfish." ka: "Would you get a move on already? All ADs do these days is complain." : "At that moment, we discovered a mysterious hole in a totally different location!" mori: "Hey, over here! Look at this!" : "It was clearly a tunnel dug out by someone. It's safe to assume that the treasure is somewhere down there!" yama: "What was I even digging for?" : "After descending into the shaft, it became clear that this was a tunnel the other network had dug 30 years ago." ka: "This must be a uniform the staff wore while working!" ka: "It's gotta suck to die unfulfilled. I'll find this treasure, and then you can rest in peace." : "And just then..." Shichisaka: "Who is it? Who's there?" : "A strange voice echoed from within the darkness." Shichisaka: "Is someone there?" : "The voice seemed to be getting closer." Shichisaka: "Hey! You listening?" : "Could it be a ghost of the Banagawa clan? The crew is struck with tension!" mori: "W-W-W-Well..." ka: "This... is bad, right? I'm freaking out." yama: "Let's go home." Shichisaka: "Would you answer me already?" : "Just whose voice is that?" Shichisaka: "Is it really that hard to answer someone? I'm busy down here." ka: "Th-That's... One of the actors who participated in the old excavation show, Shichizaka Koji!" Shichisaka: "Who the heck are you guys?" : "Shockingly, he has continued to dig this entire time!" ka: "Shichizaka-san, you were still digging?" Shichisaka: "I sure was. You got a problem with my dig, huh, Shigesato-kun?" ka: "Uh, th-that's not me." mori: "Wrong guy." yama: "I'm not Shigesato, either." Shichisaka: "Wait, so which one of you is Shigesato?" ka: "Sir, none of us. None of us is him." Shichisaka: "Huh? Shigesato-kun." ka: "Wrong again, sir." Shichi: "Shigesato—" ka: "Sir, no."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 3 – Excavation! The Mountain with Legendary Gold", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "3", "Excavation! The Mountain with Legendary Gold" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "As we were filming our search for the Banagawa buried treasure, we encountered the actor Shichizaka Koji." 7Saka: "You boys can't just barge in here without permission. What station are you from, anyway?" 7Oka: "TV Nanana, sir." 7Saka: "Wow, talk about the minor leagues." 7Saka: "Well, just don't get in the way of my dig." 7Oka: "I had no idea you were still looking for the treasure down here." 7Saka: "I bet you didn't! It's been thirty years, after all." 7Oka: "Thirty years?! How much have you managed to dig in all that time?" 7Saka: "Enough to amount to half the volume of the Tokyo Dome, I'd say." Crew: "Really? That much?!" 7Saka: "Well, it's a big mountain, y'know! And I didn't find any gold, but I did find a little hot spring." 7Oka: "A hot spring, really?!" 7Saka: "Just a little one, really." Crew: "Wow..." 7Oka: "I guess I've always had what you might call an addictive personality. Even after the show was canceled, I found myself still at it down here with my partner." 7Oka: "He used to come out here just about every day, too. But lately things at his company have been picking up, so he's been too busy to come by, even though he was the one most excited about the dig! It's a real shame." 7Oka: "Not that it matters, because I've learned... that up ahead, there's a secret door that leads to the buried treasure. That's awesome!" 7Saka: "That's the culmination of thirty years of effort! And when I find it, I get to keep it all for myself! That's 3,600,000 ryo worth of gold, all for me! Kind of a greedy guy, aren't you?" 7Saka: "That's not sanitary." 7Yama: "I wish I hadn't seen that." 7Saka: "That's gonna be some sweet cash..." 7Saka: "What're you doing?" 7Oka: "Well, let's find it quick, and we can split it 50/50!" 7Saka: "What are you talking about? You trying to capitalize on the tunnels that I dug? Your station really must be cheap. Just get out of here already! Come on, get a move on. You're in the way." 7Oka: "No, no, no, no! No way!" 7Saka: "Buzz off! I don't need help from some no-budget TV network." 7Oka: "Okay, how about a 80/20 split, then?" 7Saka: "I said no! Now get lost! Go away!" 7Oka: "90/10, then! 90/10!" 7Saka: "Even that's too much. Nope." 7Oka: "100/0, then! How about that?" 7Mori: "Chief! I found that secret door!" Both: "No way!" 7Saka: "Seriously?" 7Saka: "It's real!" 7Yama: "Well, I was just poking around, and there it was." 7Saka: "Poking?!" 7Yama: "Yeah, I just blew away some dirt, and it was underneath." 7Saka: "Blew?!" 7Oka: "Shichisaka-san, how did you miss that?!" 7Saka: "I mean, who would think..." 7Oka: "Look how easy it was to find!" 7Saka: "What in the hell were those bakufu people thinking?! Damn it all!" : "And so, we discovered the secret door leading to the buried treasure." 7Saka: "So, hey! Let's find it together and split it 50/50, okay? Come on, pretty please?" 7Oka: "Get over it already, would you?!" 7Saka: "Look, I've been doing this for thirty years, y'know!" 7Oka: "No means no!" 7Saka: "What about a 60/40 split?" 7Oka: "Not happening." 7Saka: "No? What about 80/80? I'm offering 80/80—" 7Oka: "What does that even mean? How does an 80/80 split work? That's not math!" 7Saka: "90/90, then." 7Oka: "We're not doing 90/90, either." 7Saka: "100/100!"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 4 – Obsession! The Actor Who Didn't Know When to Stop", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "4", "Obsession! The Actor Who Didn't Know When to Stop" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" : "TV Nanana takes their first steps beyond the hidden door that leads to the Banagawa buried treasure." 7Mori: "There's a whole different vibe down here..." 7Oka: "I bet this place is haunted. It feels that way, right?" 7Mori: "It does." 7Oka: "Or is a ghost already here?" 7Yama: "I'm not a ghost." 7Oka: "It's just you! You spooked me." 7Yama: "Of course it's me." 7Oka: "Man, that was scary." 7Saka: "This is no place for a bunch of amateurs to be going alone. Right? It might be dangerous." 7Oka: "Shichizaka-san, you can't be down here!" 7Saka: "Now, wait a sec—" 7Oka: "Authorized personnel only! Go on, get out!" 7Saka: "There's a bunch of traps down here. Think you can handle that?" 7Saka: "I could go with you... I'll even appraise the treasure for you!" 7Oka: "Enough already!" 7Saka: "And all I ask is half!" 7Oka: "Yeah, thanks, but no! I appreciate the offer. Now go away!" 7Saka: "But you boys can't... I doubt you know how to appraise..." 7Oka: "That hurts!" 7Saka: "Hey, watch it!" 7Oka: "Shut up and go home!" 7Oka: "Man, he doesn't know when to quit." 7Mori: "But what're we gonna do if there really are traps?" 7Yama: "Maybe we could use Shichizaka-san's help." 7Oka: "He's just bluffing so he can hog the treasure!" 7Mori: "Yeah, but what if there really are traps?" 7Oka: "There are no traps!" 7Yama: "We could probably use Shichizaka-san's help." 7Oka: "There are no traps! Crap, it's the boss!" 7Oka: "Yeah, Boss? Oh, really? Understood." 7Oka: "So it turns out... there are traps." 7Yama: "See?" 7Mori: "This is what I was worried about! Well, I'll go get Shichizaka-san." 7Oka: "Come on, there's need for that." 7Mori: "You still think so? If there are traps, it'll be dangerous without an expert!" 7Oka: "I said it's fine!" 7Mori: "I'm gonna get him." 7Oka: "Don't bother!" 7Mori: "I don't wanna walk into a trap!" 7Oka: "Yeah, but we don't need him!" 7Mori: "But I'm scared of traps! I'm gonna get him. I'm gonna—" 7Oka: "You dumbass!" 7Oka: "Listen, man. You know what'll happen if he becomes a part of this shoot?" 7Oka: "What'll happen? You mean... like him taking half the treasure?" 7Oka: "It means we have to pay him!" 7Yama: "Well, that's cheap." 7Oka: "Our station doesn't have that kind of leeway! We have to move on! Just us!" 7Mori: "That's easy for you to say, but how are we gonna find the traps?" 7Oka: "Who do you think you're talking to?! With the razor-sharp senses I have that have guided us through countless dangers, in spite of our tiny budget... I will detect all the cunning traps that the bakufu set!" 7Oka: "Follow me!" 7Oka: "Huh? Wha..." 7Yama: "What happened to those razor-sharp senses?" 7Oka: "Hey, what do we do now?" 7Yama: "Want me to go get Shichizaka-san now?" 7Oka: "Maybe... Wait, hang on a sec. But if we have to pay him... I bet he's not cheap. What should we do?"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 5 – Cunning? Traps Set by the Bakufu", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "5", "Cunning? Traps Set by the Bakufu" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "Hey, Nanayama! You all right?" 7Yama: "I'm okay." 7Oka: "Cool, we're gonna go on ahead." 7Yama: "Please do— Wait, you're leaving?" 7Yama: "Holy crap, they really did it." Mouse: "What're you doing?" 7Yama: "I don't know how to answer that..." Mouse: "You..." 7Yama: "I'm kind of dangling." Mouse: "Oh, is this one of those pitfall things?" 7Yama: "It is... one of those "things," yes." Mouse: "Boy, you sure fell for a basic trap, huh?" 7Yama: "Could you maybe stop staring and help me? Is there anything I can do?" Mouse: "Oh, I know how to get you out. There's a secret trick to it." 7Yama: "A secret trick?" Mouse: "Yep." 7Yama: "Look, it can be a well-known trick. Could you just use it to help me?" Mouse: "Wait, mister, are you in showbiz?" 7Yama: "I guess, yeah, but could you—" Mouse: "That's so cool!" 7Yama: "No, it's—" Mouse: "You're in showbiz!" 7Yama: "Just behind the scenes." Mouse: "Do you use, like, showbiz jargon?" 7Yama: "Sure, sometimes..." Mouse: "Say something." 7Yama: "Well, there's "Giroppon."" Mouse: "What's that?" 7Yama: "It's what we call Roppongi." Mouse: "Wow, that's real TV stuff!" 7Yama: "And there's "headlights on full-blast."" Mouse: "Oh, what's that one?" 7Yama: "It means big boobs." Mouse: "That's so cool!" 7Yama: "So could you maybe help me now?" Mouse: "I can do that, sure. Okay... Tell a joke first, then I'll save you." 7Yama: "A joke? Look, I'm not a comedian..." Mouse: "Tell one." 7Yama: "I can't just... What do you—" Mouse: "Yeah, but you've probably seen that kind of thing in the studio lots of times, right?" 7Yama: "Well, yeah, while I'm working, but that's just watching—" Mouse: "If you don't have one of your own, just tell me one you've heard." 7Yama: "Are you really gonna help me if I do?" Mouse: "I've helped a bunch of people who did." 7Yama: "People told you jokes?" Mouse: "Sure!" 7Yama: "Wait, they just... told you jokes?" Mouse: "They did!" Mouse: "So, what've you got?" 7Yama: "I mean..." Mouse: "Do you have anything?" 7Yama: "You... You ever open your fridge, even when you know there's nothing in it?" Mouse: "Nah, not like that." 7Yama: "What, what do you mean?" Mouse: "I do know what that's like because I've opened a fridge." Mouse: "But do you have, like, a funny joke?" 7Yama: "So sometimes, when the train is crowded, it'll stop at a station, and you get off just so you don't block the door, but then no one gets off. Talk about embarrassing! You ever put on new shoes in the house and just walk around, before you start really wearing them?" Mouse: "I've never done that before." 7Yama: "No, you don't answer! It's a rhetorical question!" Mouse: "Oh, it is?" 7Yama: "You're not gonna help me at all, are you?" Mouse: "Oh, my bad! I guess that was pretty TV of you. Sorry."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 6 – Salvation! Meeting Someone in Showbiz", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "6", "Salvation! Meeting Someone in Showbiz" ] }
7Yama: "You really know where the buried treasure is?" Mouse: "Of course I do! It's right this way." 7Yama: "Why are you riding me, anyway? Walk yourself." Mouse: "Nah. Hey, hit me with some more of that showbiz lingo." 7Yama: "You're really into that stuff, huh?" Mouse: "It must be so cool, though... I mean, you work at a TV station. That means you're probably friends with all kinds of celebrities, right?" 7Yama: "I definitely wouldn't go that far." Mouse: "So cool... So are celeb girls really cute?" 7Yama: "Well, sure, they are." Mouse: "What about the news ladies?" 7Yama: "Yeah, they're cute." Mouse: "They're cute, huh?" 7Yama: "I'm not really in a position to judge or anything..." Mouse: "So cool!" 7Yama: "We're heading this way, right?" Mouse: "Y'know, I heard something a while ago... They got these, like, v-vouchers? Like, you get these vouchers so you can ride in taxis for free?" 7Yama: "That was the old days. Not anymore. That's a thing of the past." Mouse: "Must be nice... Working in TV must be so awesome." Mouse: "Hey!" Mouse: "Hang on a sec. I know her." Mouse: "Hey! Nezumi! Nezumi!" 7Yama: "Nezumi?" ezumi: "Hey, Nezuo!" 7Yama: "Her name is literally just "mouse"?" ezumi: "Whatcha doing?" ezuo: "This dude works at a TV station! He's in show business!" 7Yama: "Come on, man..." Mouse: "Come hang out with me and the showbiz guy." 7Yama: "Quit saying it like that!" ezumi: "No, thanks." Mouse: "Don't be shy!" ezumi: "Nah, it's fine. I'll pass." Mouse: "C'mon, why?" ezumi: "It's fine." 7Yama: "Hey, she said it's fine." Mouse: "You don't meet a showbiz pro every day!" 7Yama: "She said she doesn't want to! It's fine!" Mouse: "This dude works at a TV station!" 7Yama: "Don't bother her, and don't act like I'm not here!" ezumi: "But TV Nanana is terrestrial, right? That's not really my thing." 7Yama: "See, some people feel that way, so don't try and force it." ezumi: "Anyway, I'm about to binge-watch a bunch of foreign TV all at once. Wanna join me? It's a fixed price, and on-demand! I bet it'll be way more fun than hanging out with the guy from the dirt-poor TV station. Come on!" Mouse: "Wait, it's on-demand?" ezumi: "On-demand." Mouse: "And they have foreign TV?" 7Yama: "Look..." ezumi: "Yeah. It's all on there." 7Yama: "Y'know..." Mouse: "You serious? Are you serious?" 7Yama: "This might sound weird coming from me, but I wouldn't get involved with shallow girls, man." 7Yama: "They're always getting swept up in the next big thing. There's a lot of them out there! The whole "Oh, I don't even watch regular TV anymore" type. They're like, "I'm enjoying my work so much, I don't even have time for guys!" More like they don't want you! Right? I know the type. They're nothing but trouble." 7Yama: "Huh? What?" Mouse: "I'm heading over to her place now, so... see ya!" 7Yama: "Wait, where's the buried treasure, though?" Mouse: "The what?" 7Yama: "The wha... the buried treasure you said—" ezumi: "Come on, let's go." 7Yama: "Hey, come on! What the hell, man? Get back here! I'll even get you some taxi vouchers! What's so good about foreign shows, anyway? They say it has all those seasons, but they just keep repeating the same material." 7Oka: "Is he okay?" 7Yama: "Like, people constantly breaking out of prison," 7Oka: "Let's pretend we didn't see anything."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 7 – A Fixed Price! On-Demand Foreign TV", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "7", "A Fixed Price! On-Demand Foreign TV" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Yama: "Aw, more instant food today." 7Saka: "And the station can only afford the cheap stuff. Kind of kills your motivation." 7Oka: "Okay, I'm gonna whip up something tasty today. You two relax!" 7Saka: "Oh, wow!" 7Saka: "Wait... Can the captain actually cook?" 7Yama: "Can't say I've seen him do it before." 7Oka: "Well, this won't open, so the whole box can go in." 7Yama: "The box, too?" 7Oka: "What is this, a knight piece? Sure, that can go in." 7Yama: "What the..." 7Oka: "All right, that does it! Now I just add the Expedition Team's secret sauce and let it simmer until it's done!" 7Saka: "So this is Cave Bouillabaisse. It looks a little weird, but I guess I'll start with the broth." 7Saka: "The robust seasoning sends a wave throughout my exhausted body." 7Saka: "Tender." 7Saka: "This meat is so tender, it melts." 7Saka: "So tender, I could eat the bone." 7Saka: "And the pieces are large, which makes it so satisfying." 7Saka: "There's a treasure trove of different flavors buried within this soup." 7Saka: "Right now, I'm discovering one valuable artifact after another..." 7Saka: "The treasure hunter of eating on a shoot." 7Saka: "But staring at the soup like this makes me crave something else..." 7Saka: "That's it!" 7Saka: "A white angel has descended." 7Saka: "Soup and rice..." 7Saka: "It's so good. It's warming me right to the core." 7Saka: "Cave soup is a true treasure." 7Saka: "I'll be able to handle tomorrow's shoot with no problems now." 7Yama: "I gotta say, this soup turned out really good." 7Oka: "I know, right? It's 'cause I used fresh, local ingredients!" 7Yama: "What's this meat?"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season Episode 8 – Lonely! The Cave Gourmet", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana 2nd season", "8", "Lonely! The Cave Gourmet" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "A new what?" 7Mori: "We're really doing this?" 7Oka: "I don't wanna do that." 7Mori: "That's the last thing I wanna do." 7Oka: "Sounds scary!" 7Oka: "Man, if people don't like self-mocking jokes... That's bad news for us." 7Yama: "That's basically our whole shtick." 7Mori: "Right." 7Oka: "I guess ratings are all that matter, huh?" 7Yama: "So... when do you think Mr. Fujinami will show up this time?" 7Oka: "The thing is, he's not exactly bringing in the numbers." 7Yama: "He's not?! He's not getting our numbers up? But he's had two guest appearances already." 7Oka: "It's mostly just because we like having him on." 7Oka: ""A real bargain"?" 7Mori: "What the?" 7Oka: "Is the bargain... our lives?" 7Yama: "That's asking for a whole lot." 7Yama: "Not many..." 7Yama: ""Mini-runtime"?" 7Oka: "Boss? Boss!" Vending Machine Sign: "Food Selection" 7Oka: "What's this stuff about an octopus?" 7Guchi: "Remember how public broadcasting did that special on the giant squid, and it got good ratings? Well, if they're doing a squid, we'll do an octopus! We'll use the octopus to grab higher ratings and reinvigorate this mess of a company!" 7Oka: "That's pretty simplistic thinking..." 7Guchi: "I don't care how small your budget is! Get me that Kraken footage! Four! Five! Six! Go, Nanana!"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 1 – Wacky TV Ships Out!", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "1", "Wacky TV Ships Out!" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" Boss: "Time's up. Your company read the ransom demand, but didn't respond. Off to the deep with you all, as agreed." 7Oka: "Employee lives are on the line, and they cheaped out on the freaking ransom!" 7Mori: "They shrank the cafeteria menu," Eye Sign: "Cheapo" 7Mori: "banned color printing, stopped comping taxis, and now they won't even pay our ransom?! Unbelievable!" 7Oka: "Doesn't one of you have a pocket knife or something?!" 7Mori: "Not me." Captain: "Hey, I got me one of these!" 7Oka: "Oh, Captain, you're still here? What's the button for?" Captain: "Time for this little gizmo to shine! It's gonna activate a fancy feature I got hooked up on my boat!" 7Oka: "Y'know, I was wondering what that weird arm was supposed to be for." 7Oka: "You're gonna maneuver that thing to save us, huh?" 7Oka: "Sounds good, Captain! Hit that thing!" 7Mori: "Quick, please!" Captain: "All right, here we go! And a boop!" 7Oka: "Oh, here it comes, here it comes! Our trusted vessel's here to save us!" Captain: "That switched on the lights! That oughta make being dunked a little less gloomy." 7Oka: "Who the hell asked for that?! Would you look below us?!" 7Oka: "Now that we stand out more, all the sharks are eyeing us! What were you thinking?! Who chartered this useless boat in the first place?!" 7Oka: "Oh, come on, here come the sharks! This is bad, real bad! Prez! Prez, save us! Please!" 7Mori: "Mr. President, please! Hurry!" 7Oka: "Prez, you gotta save us!" 7Mori: "Help!" 7Yama: "Mommy!" 7Oka: "Hang on... just wait..." 7Mori: "We're doomed!" 7Oka: "Oh, man! Oh, man, this is it! This is it!" Boss: "Your president finally replied. Ain't you lot lucky?" 7Mori: "That was a close one... I bet the president sold his stocks in the company to raise the ransom money! And in this economy, too! Thank you so much, sir!" Eye Sign: "Love" 7Oka: "We're going to get that scoop for you, I swear!" 7Yama: "Prez..." 7Oka: "I love you, Mr. President!" 7Oka: "So, how much is he willing to pay?" 7Oka: "Is that it?!" Stamp Sign: "Thanks a bunch! Thanks a bunch!" Boss (Dialog): "I kept trying to negotiate, but he just wasn't biting." Stamp Sign: "Thanks a bunch! Thanks a bunch! Thanks a bunch!" Boss (Dialog): "You'd think a major network would have some pride..." Boss (Dialog): "Don't look at me. It's your company's fault. Got it?"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 10 – President! A Hard Cash Negotiation", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "10", "President! A Hard Cash Negotiation" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "We are TV Nanana's expedition crew! And at long last, we've tracked down the legendary creature of the deep!" 7Oka: "That... is the giant octopus known as the Kraken!" Pirate: "I don't wanna die!" 7Oka: "Hold on, cut, cut!" Pirate: "Mommy!" 7Oka: "Stay out of the shot! Get it rolling." 7Oka: "Okay, here we go! That is the giant octopus—" Boss: "What in blue blazes is that abomination?!" 7Oka: "Hey! You're messing up the shot! Could you move?!" 7Oka: "We're filming here. You need to back off." 7Mori: "Ow, ow, ow... Captain, I can't move." 7Oka: "Come on, guys, don't bunch up like this! We're chasing the ratings triple crown here! Just let us shoot!" 7Oka: "Wait, aren't these guys struggling 7Tubers?" 7Oka: "Hey, listen up, people! Did you know that giant octopus is supposed to be super rare?! So instead of bunching up like this, you should try and get closer! I bet if you can upload a video of it, it'll generate so much buzz that you'll be inducted into the ranks of the top 7Tubers!" Pirates: "A top 7Tuber..." Pirates: "Kraken! Look this way! Wow! It touched my leg! It caught me! Catch me, too!" 7Yama: "That's ambition for you." 7Oka: "Some people will do anything for views." 7Oka: "Okay, if we can get this footage, it'll mean the ratings triple crown for TV Nanana! Get that camera rolling!" 7Oka: "We are TV Nanana's expedition crew! And that... is the giant octopus known as the Kraken!" 7Oka: "We're gonna get the ratings triple crown! We've done it!" 7Oka: "Wait... That's not an octopus. It's a squid." Captain: "Oh, that ain't the Kraken. That's just one of them giant squids." 7Oka: "Giant squid?" Captain: "I reckon it was drawn to the boat's special lights for squid fishing! I ain't seen one this big in a while!" Boss: "Wait, this is a squid?!" 7Oka: "What the hell?! Everybody's seen the reruns of the giant squid on public broadcasting already! This won't get us ratings!" 7Oka: "Sorry, Mr. Pirate. This thing isn't actually the Kraken." Boss: "Wait, what about my views?!" 7Oka: "I wouldn't get my hopes up." Boss: "And I thought I'd finally be able to make my living off of 7Tube... I was gonna call myself the the pirate king, or "pirakin" for short!" 7Oka: "It seems our journey to find the Kraken will continue. Aren't 7Tubers super popular anyway?"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 11 – Arrival! A Rampaging Giant Lifeform", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "11", "Arrival! A Rampaging Giant Lifeform" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "The fishing boat the expedition crew was using has washed up on a small island after malfunctioning. "Welcome to Nanagashima, the island where the Kraken lurks." Say what?!" 7Oka: "So the Kraken was hiding on this island?!" 7Oka: "Let's leave the captain to repair the boat and start scouting the island! Hold on tight, boys!" 7Mori: "Sorry, I'm just so hungry since we haven't been catching a lot of squid lately..." 7Yama: "Should we catch some fish first? There's a bunch over there." 7Oka: "Well, they all look tasty! Just leave this to me, the number one survival show director in the industry!" 7Oka: "Huh, I'm not catching any. Feels like I'm about to nail it, and then I miss. Kinda like my career in TV." 7Yama: "Oh, I got another one. It's like I get one every time I try. Every time I try, I get one. I can even manage with my eyes closed! This is pretty easy." su: "Hey, hold it! What're you guys doing?!" su: "Those fish are mine! Get your paws off! Seriously, those aren't for you! Give them back." 7Oka: "What's your problem?! I caught it, so it's mine! Let go!" 7Yama: "I actually caught it, though." su: "I caught these fish in the ocean, and have been breeding them in this pond!" 7Oka: "You can't do that! Who said you could do that?!" su: "Give my fish back!" 7Oka: "Let go!" su: "Fine. I'll just have to resort to force." 7Oka: "Yeah, you want some?" su: "I'm serious here, man! I'll stab you!" 7Oka: "Bring it on, then!" 7Mori: "Hey, Captain!" 7Oka: "What now?" 7Mori: "This is a famous director from one of our rival networks! They call him Nasubi D!" 7Oka: "Nasubi D?" 7Mori: "He's famous for pulling huge ratings with survival shows! He put his skills on display during filming and caught huge fish with ease!" su: "Got 'em!" 7Mori: "He did stuff like biting into raw snails and eating a bucket full of huge grubs! He's an unrivaled director in the industry when it comes to survival shows!" 7Oka: "Kinda feels like he's copying me..." 7Mori: "There's no way a normal director like you can compare!" 7Yama: "For one thing, we're both major networks, but look at the size of his staff." 7Oka: "One, two, three, four... fifteen?! That's too many! It's easier to get around with a smaller team!" 7Mori: "Yuhi TV is a big company. They've got 24 affiliate stations, too!" 7Oka: "Are you kidding?!" 7Yama: "By the way, we've got six." 7Oka: "Do you think they could spare a few?" 7Oka: "But hang on! We've got our pride to uphold as a rival major network! And I am not letting you have this fish!" 7Oka: "I will not cave to you!" Sign/7Oka: "This is a battle we cannot afford to lose."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 12 – Eggplant! The Unrivaled Director", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "12", "Eggplant! The Unrivaled Director" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "The expedition team has ended up clashing with Yuhi TV." su: "Wait, do you work for TV Nanana?" 7Oka: "That was when his attitude suddenly changed, and we were invited to where his group lived." 7Mori: "We love all your shows on Yuhi TV, Director Nasubi. Are you here on the island for an on-location shoot?" su: "Who's this Director Nasubi guy? We're just fifteen regular kids who washed up on this island after our ship sank." 7Oka: "Kinda haggard-looking, for kids." su: "Well, we've been surviving out here for over twenty years!" 7Mori: "Twenty years?!" su: "When it first happened, we were all really young and fought constantly... But then one day, we found a way to blow off steam, which stopped all the bickering. And that... was this!" su: "TV Nanana's marquee sexy show, Bananamesh Night!" 7Yama: "There it is, our network's dirty laundry." su: "We owe this old recording a lot! We'd all watch it every night, and it helped develop our solidarity and put an end to our fighting!" 7Oka: "That was a show that boys of a certain age couldn't get enough of." 7Yama: "But they kept it a secret from their parents." Young Nasu: "Ready and... Bananamesh!" su: "This tape is priceless to us! TV Nanana practically saved our lives! We'd love to repay you with our best hospitality!" 7Oka: "Sweet!" su: "I gotta ask, could you guys leave a new tape of Bananamesh Night for us? We've rewatched this one to the point that the tape's all worn out." 7Oka: "We don't have one, sadly." su: "Aw, come on..." 7Oka: "Look, if I could, I would, okay? But we don't have it." su: "Wouldn't it be kinda messed up to enjoy all this and then not show any gratitude?" 7Oka: "The show itself isn't even on the air anymore." su: "It's not?" 7Oka: "We haven't done sexy stuff like that in the past twenty years! Our whole gig now is straight-laced financial programs and unique variety shows. I mean, we're listed on the stock exchange now, and that means all kinds of legal restrictions... I doubt we could even rerun it, at this point." su: "What the hell, man?!" su: "TV Nanana would never make a straight-laced financial show! They must strip, right?!" 7Oka: "Why would they do that? That'd be kinda weird, right? Nude financial news?" su: "What's happened to you, TV Nanana?! This isn't like you at all! After making nothing but shows with stripping and overeating, you think we're gonna buy this new act?! It's not too late! Bring Bananamesh Night back! Give us our show back!" 7Oka: "I know how you feel, man. Let's write a proposal for reviving the show when we get back." 7Yama: "With how desperate they are for ratings, it might just get approved." 7Oka: "It's worth a shot! Ready and..." 7Oka: "Gilga..." Mori/Yama: "Banana..." 7Oka: "I was about to say "Gilgamesh." It's supposed to be "Bananamesh"..." 7Mori: "You must miss the real deal." 7Oka: "I do miss it. These are my real feelings coming out."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 13 – Survival! Twenty Years' Vacation", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "13", "Survival! Twenty Years' Vacation" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "In our pursuit of the monstrous octopus known as the Kraken, we decided to split up to search the island." 7Mori: "Huh? There's an abandoned building out in the middle of nowhere." 7Mori: "Excuse me? Anybody there? Excuse me?" Bibirin: "Who're you?" 7Mori: "I'm looking for a giant octopus. Have you ever seen one?" Bibirin: "Who are you? Seriously, who are you?" 8Mori: "Whoa, put the knife down, please! I'm sorry I bothered you! I'll go now." Bibirin: "Wait, are you the new cast member? Is that you?" 7Mori: "No, no..." Bibirin: "Man, don't scare me like that. I thought you were some kind of weirdo." Bibirin: "Hey, we've got a guest. Try to look presentable." Tsubuyan: "Wait, seriously? Who the hell are you?" 7Mori: "He's our new member." Tsubuyan: "He is? It's been so long, I was starting to wonder if it was just gonna be us. So you're finally here!" 7Mori: "New member of what?" 7Oka: "This is a shared house known as Meetings Manor. This is where the curtain will now rise on a reality show about men and women who will be living together, after meeting for the first time!" Bibirin: "Hey, hey, there's a pool over there! Let's go for a swim." Tsubuyan: "It'd be way more fun to check out the mall. Let's hit the mall. Come on, come on." Bibirin: "Can't you go by yourself?" Tsubuyan: "Y'know, the thing about a mall is, the food court is always super noisy!" Bibirin: "What are you talking about?" Tsubuyan: "Food courts are super noisy!" Bibirin: "Noisy how?" Tsubuyan: "Let's go! It'll be so noisy!" 7Mori: "So... about the Kraken..." Bibirin: "I don't care!" Tsubuyan: "Like, have you seen the loud families that show up? Let's check it out!" Bibirin: "You should seriously just go yourself." Tsubuyan: "What kind of loser goes to the mall by herself? It's a mall!" Bibirin: "Wait, Nanamon, you work in TV?" 7Mori: "Yes, I'm a cameraman, actually." Bibirin: "Oh, wow, are you for real?" Tsubuyan: "What kind of shows did you work on, then?" 7Mori: "I'm actually on a shoot for an exploration show right now. We're trying to get the first footage ever of the Kraken, a legendary creature no one has ever caught on film." Bibirin: "Oh, the Kraken, huh? I know about that. I've seen it." 7Mori: "You've seen the Kraken? Really?" Bibirin: "We basically know all the secrets of the Kraken." Tsubuyan: "I saw it, too. I think it was last week?" Bibirin: "What's with you? It was the day before yesterday." Tsubuyan: "The day before yesterday was last week! The "day before yesterday" can be last week!" Bibirin: "No, really, it was the day before yesterday." Tsubuyan: "I'm saying it was also last week!" Bibirin: "But it wasn't last week. It was the day before yesterday." 7Mori: "I actually don't care when it was, but did you really see the Kraken? Could you tell me about it? If we manage to film it, we might be able to land the ratings Triple Crown. Where did you see it?" Bibirin: "Simmer down there, Nanamon. You're not supposed to learn a lady's secrets until after you become a couple!" 7Mori: "What about the Kraken?" Bibirin: "Again with this Kraken thing?" Tsubuyan: "Oh my God, seriously? Nanamon, you just don't understand true love. That's why you keep going on about the Kraken." 7Oka: "Will our intrepid staff member be able to drag the Kraken's secret out of these ladies?" Tsubuyan: "The thing about a mall, you see, is that the food court is noisy."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 15 – Romance! The Mysterious Shared House", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "15", "Romance! The Mysterious Shared House" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Mori: "So, since we have no budget, we end up making shows where we change buses along a route or follow people home, but then other stations try to mimic our style while using actual money and real celebrities!" Bibirin: "What the heck? That is super ironic!" 7Mori: "Tell me about it!" Bibirin: "Seriously." 7Mori: "Splash, splash!" Bibirin: "Hey, stop that! Here, I'll get you next. Splash, splash, splash!" 7Mori: "Ooh, that's so cold!" Bibirin: "Splashy, splashy, splashy!" Tsubuyan: "Uh, Nanamon promised to go to the mall with me! Stop hogging him." Bibirin: "What's the big deal? I got in the pool already, so it's settled." Tsubuyan: "But I made the first move." Bibirin: "You didn't move anything. What is with you?" 7Mori: "Huh? Are they fighting over me? This has never happened before. Could this be..." 7Mori: "one of those "popular phases" people talk about?" 7Mori: "This is great! Maybe I'll end up as a couple with one of these ladies, and be able to find out the Kraken's secrets, too! Two birds with one stone! But which would be better? Which should I choose? Eh, either one would be fine! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!" Tsubuyan: "Who're you?" Pbs: "I'm going to be joining you all today as a new member of the cast. It's a pleasure to meet you." Tsubuyan: "He's the new cast member?" Bibirin: "Kinda dull-looking." Tsubuyan: "He has an underbite. I bet he has bad breath, too." Bibirin: "Ew, scary." Pbs: "I happen to be employed with public broadcasting." Bibirin: "Public broadcasting?" Tsubuyan: "Here we go! It's the new big shot!" Bibirin: "What kind of shows do you work on?" Pbs: "Lately, I've been producing morning soap operas and singing competitions." Bibirin: "Wow! That's awesome!" Tsubuyan: "This is what I've been waiting for." Bibirin: "Hey, would you like to join me in the pool? Bet you worked up a sweat getting here." Tsubuyan: "Let's head to the mall and hang out all day." Bibirin: "Get in the pool!" Tsubuyan: "Let's go to the mall! The food courts are so noisy. Come on!" Bibirin: "What's so noisy about the food court?" Tsubuyan: "Let's go! Me first!" Bibirin: "I asked him first!" Tsubuyan: "It was me, I'm telling you." 7Mori: "The pool and the mall both sound good. Let's enjoy both! We can all have a good time! Right?" Tsubuyan: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Buzz off, commercial broadcasting! Go bust your butt working for ratings!" 7Mori: "Aw, come on!" Bibirin: "Things are rough right now with young people watching less TV, right? Nothing beats the stability of public broadcasting. He's obviously the better choice to date." Both: "Right?" Pbs: "Rest assured. We will never go out of business!" Pbs: "Public broadcasting..." Trio: "...is invincible!" 7Mori: "Damn it! I can't argue with that!" 7Mori: "Please, if you could just tell me the Kraken's secret! I'm begging you!" Bibirin: "You're starting to become an eyesore, so could you just go? Time for you to "graduate"!"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 16 – Arrival! His First Popular Phase", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "16", "Arrival! His First Popular Phase" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "Oh, crap, I'm getting hungry." 7Mori: "Should we order lunch with these guys?" 7Oka: "The Nuber Eats delivery service? Nanayama, use them get us some lunch." 7Yama: "How am I ordering anything without a smartphone?" 7Oka: "Ain't it your job as an AD to figure that out? So figure it out, and get us lunch!" 7Yama: "It'll be a miracle if this works, but... Go for it!" Saru: "Hey there! Your Nuber Eats is here!" 7Yama: "It worked! And really quickly!" Saru: "Got a lunch order right here. Sorry about the delay. Here!" 7Yama: "Aren't you the monkey who was an AD with us, but quit right away?" Saru: "Oh, Senpai! Good to see you again." 7Yama: "I knew it." Saru: "Yeah, I figured since I was getting a new job, I'd start over. Like, from childhood." 7Yama: "I don't know what that means." Saru: "Here!" 7Yama: "Here's the money. Can I get a receipt?" Saru: "Senpai..." 7Yama: "What? Is it not enough?" Saru: "See, we accept mobile payment only. Gonna have to pass on the cash! Well, then, 'scuse me!" 7Yama: "Wait, what happens now? If I don't have a phone." Saru: "In that case, the order gets canceled, and I scarf it down instead." 7Yama: "Don't scarf anything, okay? Is there any other way I can pay?" Saru: "I guess we technically take mobile messenger pigeon payment." 7Yama: "What exactly is "mobile messenger pigeon payment"?" Saru: "You gotta tie the cash to the pigeon." 7Yama: "All right, all right." Saru: "Then you let it go." 7Yama: "Okay, I send it off, right." Saru: "And then, once it gets back, you're all set." 7Yama: "Uh, that chirp sounded suspiciously like "PayPay." Is "mobile messenger pigeon payment" even a real thing?" Saru: "You bet. We added it this year." 7Yama: "Well, whatever. The captain's waiting, so I gotta get a move on." Saru: "Hey, if it's a rush, you can use this baby. I tricked it out, so it's fast as hell." 7Yama: "Oh. Thanks." 7Yama: "Exactly how did you trick this thing out? It seems like a regular old tricycle." Saru: "The black paint is aftermarket." 7Yama: "I don't think that counts. Honestly, I think the extra paint makes it a little heavier. And aren't I technically delivering it now? Do I work for Nuber Eats?" Saru: "Bro, you are hilarious!" 7Yama: "I wasn't joking, though." 7Yama: "Whatever, at least we're here. Time to hand over these lunches." Saru: "Sure thing." 7Yama: "Whoa, what is this?" 7Yama: "What is in these lunches?" Saru: "They're our specialty. "Miscellaneous all-banana lunch."" Saru: "I could kill for some of this. Mind if I grab a bite? Seriously, looks so good." 7Yama: "Whoa, whoa, whoa... We can't eat these." Saru: "Wait, why not?" 7Yama: "You seriously can't tell? We're bananas. So we're not eating these." Saru: "Oh, so it's, like, not allowed?" 7Yama: "Exactly! Man, this sucks. What am I gonna do about lunch now? The captain's already mad. He's so hungry. How many times do I have to tell you to not try to eat me?" Saru: "Oh, my bad!" 7Yama: "Come on... Don't spit it out! What is with you?" Saru: "You taste worse than you look!" 7Yama: "The lunches are right here! Not that you're allowed to eat them, either."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 17 – Order In! Popular Lunch Delivery", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "17", "Order In! Popular Lunch Delivery" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "The expedition team has come across a pub." 7Yama: "I'm amazed they've got one on this island." 7Oka: "Man, where the hell is that Kraken? The shoot isn't making any progress at all." Hachiro: "Here you go! I'm impressed you folks found our little establishment. It's been twenty years since someone from off the island came by!" Hachiro: "I wonder what became of those fifteen boys..." 7Oka: "They grew up to be fifteen middle-aged dudes." Hachiro: "Here you go! Octopus with wasabi, deep-fried octopus, octopus tempura, and your order of takoyaki." 7Oka: "Whoa, who ordered this stuff? It's nothing but octopus! Mister, do you have any recommendations? Or maybe a menu?" 7Oka: "The owner looks like an octopus, too! I thought he actually was one for a sec!" 7Yama: "His name's even Hachiro." 7Oka: ""Hachi," like "eight."" 7Oka: "All this egregious octopus foot wiring... Even the cushions have a suction cup pattern! What's with this place? It's all-you-can-octopus!" Hachiro: "Our special today is right over there!" 7Mori: "Looks like the specials today are the octopus-cut wieners and octopus rice." 7Oka: "It's like they've got octopus on the brain." Register Octopus: "Two, four, six, octopus... Two, four, six, octopus..." Hachiro: "The fact of the matter is, Nanagashima happens to be globally famous as a top octopus-catching spot! That's why we opened a pub that's got a laser focus on all our octopus dishes!" 7Oka: "You sure this isn't overkill? Because it's honestly on the verge of being annoying." 7Mori: "I'd agree." Hachiro: "It's not annoying at all! We take pride in our octopi! We can serve any kind of octopus you can think up!" Hachiro: "We've even got the hookup for the giant octopus itself, the Kraken!" 7Oka: "Wait, you know the Kraken?!" Hachiro: "Of course we do! With 140 years in the business, we've bet it all on the noble octopus! When it comes to octopi..." Hachiro: "We're octoperfectionists!" 7Oka: "We've finally got a lead! I knew we could count on a guy who cares this much about octopus! Let's get to work on the shoot!" Phone: "Ika-san? Ika-san! Phone for you!" Trio: "Ika? Ika means squid, though. This is an all-octopus place." 7Oka: "Who the heck is Ika?" Hachiro: "I am this pub's owner:" Hachiro: "Ika Hachiro!" 7Oka: "After all that octopus talk, your name is basically Mister Squid?" 7Yama: "It really ought to be "Tako.""
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 18 – Octopus! Hachiro's Pub", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "18", "Octopus! Hachiro's Pub" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 8: "The legendary octopus-hunting master should know where the Kraken is." 7Oka: "With that clue, we sought out the dojo where the master was said to train." 7Oka: "How are we supposed to know which one is the master?" Takohashi: "Octopus Snatching, Nagoya-Style!" Takohashi: "Octopus Hunting, 16 Taps-Per-Second!" Takohashi: "Yes!" 7Oka: "There he is! That's gotta be our legendary octopus hunter," 7Oka: "Master Takohashi!" Takohashi: "You should only hunt octopus for one hour a day! Hey there. I'm the master, Takohashi." 7Oka: "He really is a master!" 7Mori: "Y'know, that urban legend said he died, but he's looking as spry as ever." 7Oka: "Master Takohashi, could you tell us where to find the Kraken?" Takohashi: "I'm honestly kind of busy with my lessons right now." 7Oka: "What's that for?" Takohashi: "Asking for my fee, my man. You guys are a TV crew, so you're ready to pay, right? And with a major station, that means a little juicier than average." Takohashi: "No fee means no interview." 7Oka: "Damn it, he's got experience with TV. Man, our budget is blown already. What do we do?" 7Mori: "Captain, Captain! What if instead of cash, we offer him this?" 7Mori: "It's a grab bag of TV Nanana novelty merchandise." 7Mori: "Really rare stuff, the kind fans go nuts for!" 7Oka: "Wait, isn't this stuff that was cluttering storage at the office?" 7Oka: "Look, he's just staring! I think you actually offended him! He's gonna get mad." Takohashi: "What is this?! Oh, awesome! I can seriously have this?!" 7Oka: "And that'll cover your fee?" Takohashi: "You bet it will! I mean, this is one of those special Bananamesh Night see-through thongs! Man, I always wanted a pair! I was gonna give them to my girlfriend as a gift, so I entered the contest to win a pair, but the show ended before I could get them." Takohashi: "I swear, these used to be harder to get a hold of than a new DQ release." 7Oka: "I see." Takohashi: "This is the best fee I could ask for. As thanks, I'll be glad to take you to the spot the Kraken... appears... at." 7Oka: "Oh, okay. You'll take us to where the Kraken appears?" Takohashi: "Hang on, can I do that again?" Trio: "Oh, no, no, it's fine, don't worry. As long as you get the idea across." Takohashi: "Let's go to the Kraken!" 7Oka: "Thank you so much, Master Takohashi." Takohashi: "All right, let's have a quick snack and then get a move on!" Takohashi: "16 Taps-Per-Second octopus chopping!" Takohashi: "Yes!"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 19 – Direct Hit! The Octopus Hunter", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "19", "Direct Hit! The Octopus Hunter" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "This boat apparently has three lavish meals a day, open-air bathing," Brochure Signs: "Three meals a day Open air-bathing All you can drink" 7Oka: "and all the free drinks you want." 7Oka: "But that's a load of crap! The three meals are all squid, and the bath is a vinyl kiddie pool with a bucket of seawater!" 7Yama: "Smells gross." 7Oka: "Plus the captain is drunk 24/7..." 7Yama: "So the captain is the one who can drink as much as he wants?" 7Oka: "Man, the station screwed us over again! Let's cancel and head back." 7Yama: "Nah, I doubt that'd work. It's too late." 7Oka: "What makes you say that?" 7Yama: "I mean, do you see any way out of this?" 7Oka: "Huh?" 7Oka: "Hey, Nanayama. Go get eaten. Act as bait." 7Yama: "What are you talking about?" 7Oka: "I mean, they should mellow out a little after eating one of us, right? Just... jump in its mouth!" 7Yama: "But... But why?" 7Oka: "We can use that chance to escape. Go on." 7Yama: "So you'd just be running away?" Captain: "Y'all leave them boys to me!" Captain: "I'm fixin' to show you boys what a real sailor can do! Keep them eyes peeled—" 7Oka: "He's totally red-faced." Captain: "I'm bros with Nanakawa Yutaka, and he was was bros with Toba Shichiro! So we're gonna be... okay!" 7Oka: "Wait, what? Brothers in what sense?" Captain: "Okay, left! And right! And left... is a fake-out for a right! And then up we go!" 7Yama: "It's like drunken kung fu." 7Oka: "Wait, was he getting hammered on purpose?" 7Mori: "I guess the station wasn't just looking at the price. They knew the captain had serious skills when they chartered this boat!" 7Oka: "That has to be it! With this guy as our captain, we should be able to make it through anything!" 7Yama: "Man, he's really picking up the pace. These are some tricky moves." 7Oka: "Maybe the captain's on a roll." Captain: "A little wave like this ain't nothin'!" 7Oka: "Whoa, whoa, close one!" 7Mori: "Careful now!" 7Oka: "Cutting it close, Captain!" Captain: "Nah, nah, nah!" 7Yama: "Hey, it's that thing from the Titanic!" 7Oka: "Wait, is he gonna..." Captain: "Upsy-daisy!" 7Oka: "He dodged it!" 7Oka: "This is is an amazing cost-performance ratio. With this boat, we should be able to get to the Banana Triangle even with no budget!" 7Oka: "All right! Ready and... Four! Five! Six!" 7Yama: "Four... Five... Six..." 7Mori: "Four? Five? Six?" 7Oka: "Go, Nana—" 7Oka: "Huh?" 7Oka: "Captain?" Captain: "Y'all leave this to me! I'm bros with Nanakawa Yutaka, and he's bros with Toba Shichiro! So this'll be no—" 7Yama: "So... second episode's the last episode?"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 2 – Voyage! On the Good Ship Cost Performance", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "2", "Voyage! On the Good Ship Cost Performance" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" Title Screen: "Master Takohashi's Adventure Island" 7Oka: "With Master Takohashi joining us, we headed for Octopus Pot Bay." Takahashi: "Hey there!" 7Yama: "Thanks for joining us!" Takahashi: "You'll need to jump onto the clouds here. Careful, one of them is going to fall." 7Oka: "Whoa, scary!" 7Oka: "Huh, what's that? A black octopus." 7Oka: "This is scary!" 7Oka: "Aw, man!" 7Yama: "Can you jump on that octopus?" Takahashi: "You can." 7Oka: "You could've said something sooner!" Takahashi: "Wait, you need that level of help?" 7Oka: "I told you as much!" Takahashi: "Well, you can. You can jump on it. Next." 7Oka: "No, you can't!" Takahashi: "Not the octopus, no! But the clouds." 7Oka: "You said we could jump on the octopus!" Takahashi: "I did not say "the octopus."" 7Oka: "Pretty sure you said we could jump on the octopus! That's why I asked!" Takahashi: "I seriously thought you meant the cloud." 7Yama: "Are you really a master?" 7Oka: "You take over, Master. Here. In that case..." 7Yama: "Whoa, fast!" 7Oka: "He's already blazing through." 7Yama: "What is this? How's he so fast? Is he always holding B to dash?" Takohashi: "Okay!" 7Yama: "You can tell he's done this before." 7Oka: "Huh, what's that? Master, what's that stuff you're throwing?" Takohashi: "Those would be fireballs." 7Oka: "There are fireballs?!" Takohashi: "Yep. They can destroy rocks, too." 7Oka: "You could've mentioned that, y'know. I had no idea before..." Takohashi: "Stop! Here, you knock the coconut onto the coconut crab, and then you can continue." 7Oka: "It's 16 Taps-Per-Second!" 7Mori: "Amazing!" 7Oka: "Attaboy, Master!" Takohashi: "I don't think 16 Taps-Per-Second is gonna be enough here!" 7Oka: "Master!" Takohashi: "Yeah?" 7Oka: "Look at this thong, and let it give you strength!" Takohashi: "That's kind of exciting, but I could use something more!" 7Oka: "You want more?" 7Oka: "These thongs!" 7Oka: "How's that?" Master: "I can feel the power surging!" Master: "32 Taps-Per-Second!" 7Oka: "32 Taps-Per-Second!! There it is! 32 Taps-Per-Second!" Takohashi: "Okay, we're in the clear." 7Oka: "We made it to Octopus Pot Bay!" Takohashi: "Now we just input the code here, and the Kraken should show up." 7Oka: "Code? Code?" Takoashi: "Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A." 7Mori: "Hey, that's the same as in Gradius." Takohashi: "Then duck twice, jump once... And press against the wall three times—" 7Oka: "Master!" 7Yama: "Huh? What?" 7Oka: "Master! Master?!" 7Mori: "Huh?" 7Oka: "Wha...?" 7Yama: "I think he's gone." 7Oka: "Whoa..." 7Oka: "That's a hell of a self-destruct!" 7Yama: "All this is gonna do is cause another rumor that he died. He'll be back." 7Oka: "He will?" Both: "Master! Master! Master?" Takohashi: "Hey, a thong! I'm back!"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 20 – Turbo! Master Takohashi's Adventure Island", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "20", "Turbo! Master Takohashi's Adventure Island" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" Takohashi: "See, the Kraken's a real horndog, so this trick should allow you to lure it out." 7Oka: "It's time to sacrifice a beautiful woman! That should lure that horndog Kraken out as he tries to kidnap her!" 7Yama: "I have a hard time believing this is gonna work. For one thing, this is way too much blush." 7Oka: "Sing something, Nanayama!" 7Oka: "Remember how those girls sang to summon Mothra? Just try it!" 7Yama: "That's a lot of pressure..." 7Oka: "Come on, man, just try it!" 7Yama: "Octo, octo..." 7Yama: "Octo, squid, squid, are you squidding me?" 7Yama: "Do you prefer squid or octopus? Squid's honestly pretty tasty, to be honest... Personally, I prefer crab..." 7Oka: "Hey, what is that?!" 7Yama: "Some people prefer octopus or squid... Look! It's a huge octopus!" 7Mori: "Is that the Kraken?" 7Oka: "It's gotta be, right?! Don't you think?!" 7Mori: "I think so!" 7Oka: "Nanayama actually did it..." 7Yama: "...their mouths are actually where their legs are connected..." 7Oka: "Do an impression! Come on!" 7Yama: "An impression?" 7Oka: "I think that should lure it closer. Probably." 7Yama: "An impression of the octopus?" 7Oka: "Not the octopus! A singer or something!" 7Yama: "I'm Ayu." 7Oka: "Who's that supposed to be?" 7Yama: "What? I literally said her name! It's me, Ayu. I show up in every season of this show." 7Oka: "He really loves Ayu, doesn't he?" 7Oka: "Wait, look! The Kraken's backing away. Do something quick! Hurry! Rola here! Rola here! That's actually pretty close!" 7Yama: "I am Lupin Sanpei!" 7Oka: "Sanpei?" 7Oka: "Who became a chef and then came back to showbiz?" 7Yama: "I wanna eat pancakes! I wanna eat pancakes! On second thought, no, I don't!" 7Oka: "Do more, Nanayama!" 7Yama: "Y'know how..." 7Yama: "sometimes you don't know whether to say good evening... or goodnight?" 7Oka: "Who's that supposed to be?" 7Yama: "Mori. Masako's Mori." 7Oka: "You could've just said Mori Shinichi!" 7Yama: "Y'know, you can look at the forest, but miss the trees..." 7Oka: "Okay, now you might as well do one of Mrs. Mori Masako." 7Yama: "And this forest is Mori." 7Yama: "Sensei?" 7Yama: "Sensei, it's me, Mori. I'm going to retire." 7Oka: "That's spot-on." 7Yama: "I love crab." 7Oka: "Uh... what? What the... Huh?" 7Oka: "His last words before he was taken away were "I love crab"!"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 21 – Sacrifice! The Siren That Tempts the Monster", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "21", "Sacrifice! The Siren That Tempts the Monster" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "With the sacrificial maiden in hand, the Kraken has vanished. Where'd that Kraken go?!" 7Mori: "Which way did it go?" 7Oka: "Hey, Kraken!" 7Mori: "Hey! Where are you?!" 7Oka: "Look, over there!" 7Oka: "Nanayama's in a wedding dress! What the heck is he doing?!" 7Yama: "Help!" 7Mori: "I have a feeling the Kraken is planning to have their wedding ceremony here." 7Oka: "What? An octopus and an AD getting married?!" 7Mori: "Well, there's a chapel, and there's even a minister!" 7Oka: "True, it definitely looks like a wedding." 7Mori: "Those are probably the Kraken's parents, and I bet those five are his kids." 7Oka: "A married family of eight?! That's gonna be pretty rough." 7Yama: "Hurry up and help me! They're gonna make me get married! I don't wanna get married!" 7Oka: "This is kinda interesting." 7Mori: "An octopus and an AD getting married is a pretty fresh premise for a show." 7Oka: "We could make it a documentary about a newlywed bride marrying into a huge family." 7Mori: "Oh, that sounds good!" 7Oka: "Maybe make it so that the husband won't stand up to his wife?" Kraken: ""If that's what you think, just do it!" That's what I'll say. That's the kinda octopus I am. Oh, I'm so sorry!" 7Yama: "I feel like I've seen this before." 7Mori: "Maybe we should change the title from Hunt the Kraken! to The Wacky Kraken Family: A New Blushing Bride Joins the Bunch. I bet that will get better ratings." 7Yama: "Wait, am I the new blushing bride?" 7Oka: "Reality shows with big families are popular and tend to get good ratings, on top of being relatively cheap to produce." 7Mori: "And when you consider it's a family of Krakens, that's bound to get extra buzz." 7Oka: "If this goes well, forget about the ratings triple crown... We might just get..." 7Oka: "the ratings Octuple Crown! Which would be appropriate." 7Mori: "And if we get really good ratings, that'll mean a lot of new sponsors, and maybe the company will get to expand. I bet we end up with thirty affiliate stations!" 7Oka: "We're the perennial runners-up, but this'll make us number one among the major networks!" 7Oka: "I like it!" 7Oka: "Nanayama, marry that Kraken!" 7Yama: "Uh, why? Please don't make calls like that for me! I haven't even sorted my feelings out yet!" 7Oka: "No, I'm making the call! That's what I'll say. From here on out, you're the Big Mommy of a big family!" 7Yama: "Big Mommy?" 7Oka: "Get that camera rolling! Our new family reality TV show is about to launch!" 7Oka: "Nanayama, we wish you happiness!" 7Yama: "Seriously, these things have crazy suction."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 22 – Entertainment! The Kraken Family", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "22", "Entertainment! The Kraken Family" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "We are TV Nanana's Expedition Crew, and we've finally tracked down a legendary monster!" 7Oka: "Those are the massive, and also numerous, members of the Kraken family!" Cyclops: "Yeah, no! No filming without permission!" 7Oka: "You guys again?! We're trying to film a show here! Butt out!" Cyclops: "We're part of an organization that was founded last year to protect the likeness rights of supernatural creatures. It's called the Natural Society for the Likeness Rights of Anomalous Creatures, or for short..." Cyclops: "NASLAC." 7Oka: "NASLAC?" Cyclops: "Kraken here is protected under NASLAC, so if you want to film him, you've gotta fork over the fee for his likeness." 7Oka: "You can't just make up rules like that! Nobody told us about them!" Cyclops: "He's a big name, too, so it's not gonna be cheap." Cyclops: "And for the record, the fee only covers a single TV appearance. That means no reruns, no DVD releases, and no Internet streaming! You can't play it on a TV in a restaurant or bar, or use it for educational purposes in schools, either! Any of that will come with an additional charge, so keep that in mind. If you want your scoop, you're gonna have to agree to these terms before you get that camera rolling, got it?" 7Oka: "All right, we're not doing the shoot, then. Thanks anyway!" Cyclops: "Wait, you're not?" 7Oka: "Well, we can't pay for all that." Cyclops: "Wait... hang on a sec. You guys are just the crew. Don't you, like, need to talk to your bosses?" 7Oka: "Our bosses wouldn't even pay for our ransom! It'd be a waste of breath." Cyclops: "Uh, w-well... in that case, why not film me? I've waived my likeness rights, so it's all-you-can-film, for free! You can even do reruns and whatnot!" 7Oka: "You guys aren't gonna get us any ratings! You're boring." Cyclops: "How can you look at me and use that word?! I'm photogenic as all get out! I look a lot better on TV than any of those one-hit wonder comedians you always see!" 7Mori: "Captain, I've never even heard of this committee of his. I don't think we have to worry about this likeness stuff. Let's just get Mr. Fujinami to kick their butts, and keep filming!" 7Oka: "I had the same idea, which is why I've been sending out messenger pigeons to him, but I've gotten no response at all!" 7Mor: "Maybe he's out on tour?" 7Oka: "Hey! We'll never agree to respect these likeness rights conditions! We're gonna film the Kraken whether you like it or not!" Cyclops: "Go ahead and try it. Without Mr. Fujinami, you guys are nothing."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 23 – Likeness Rights! The Mysterious Giant Organization", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "23", "Likeness Rights! The Mysterious Giant Organization" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "Will we be able to defeat the mysterious organization known as NASLAC and obtain footage of the Kraken?" 7Oka: "This size difference is a little too much. What am I supposed to do here?" 7Mori: "I have something that might work. Want to try it?" 7Oka: "What is it?" Label Sign: "Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival" 7Mori: "It's a shakudama fireworks ball from from the Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival. I was working on the live broadcast of the festivities and got it as a memento. Let's toss it at him and blow their whole organization up!" 7Oka: "It's worth a shot." 7Mori: "I'll get the camera rolling. You throw it, Captain." 7Oka: "I've gotta do it?" 7Mori: "Yes." 7Oka: "Seems dangerous..." 7Mori: "Come on, the fuse is already lit! Go! Hurry, hurry, hurry! Throw it fast!" 7Oka: "Hey, NASLAC! We're gonna wipe you guys out right now!" Cyclops: "What could you possibly do without Mr. Fujinami's help?" 7Oka: "We may not have him, but you can have this!" 7Oka: "We might have no budget, but with a fireworks explosion, we'll manage!" Both: "Four, five, six— Go, Nanana!" Cyclops: "Hey, i-it's headed this way! Whoa, s-stop it!" Cyclops: "Huh?" 7Oka: "Hey, what happened?" 7Mori: "I don't see the firework." 7Oka: "Where'd it go?" 7Yama: "What kind of aim was that?" 7Mori: "Looks like... the Kraken's gone." 7Oka: "I probably should have warmed up first." 7Yama: "You didn't go through that Maeda Kenta routine first?" 7Oka: "Can't say I did. That's where you do this, right?" 7Oka: "And so, our attempt to score big ratings ended with nothing to show for it. But as long as mysterious creatures lurk in this world, TV Nanana's expedition will continue!" 7Yama: "Let's go cryptid-hunting again someday." Cyclops: "Hey!" Cyclops: "You guys know I'm rarer than most cryptids, right? Why won't you put me on your show?! I already waived my likeness rights and everything!" 7Oka: "You just don't look like you'd get any ratings!" Cyclops: "What about if, after you drain one of those lakes, you find me in there?" 7Oka: "You've got no impact." Cyclops: "I'm very impactful! You could use a bunch of me." 7Oka: "For starters, drop this freelance thing and get some representation." Cyclops: "In that case, let me join Watanabe Productions." 7Oka: "If you join, you'd better pay your respects to Matsumoto Golgo. All the new talent has to go through his workshop first." Cyclops: "Never mind, then. That sounds like a drag." 7Oka: "The end! The End"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 24 – Exclusive! The Wacky TV Fireworks Festival", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "24", "Exclusive! The Wacky TV Fireworks Festival" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "What is up with the insides of whales? Where's the exit?" ukuda: "Hey, welcome to the inside of the whale! Wait a minute... You guys are from TV Nanana! You filming on location or what?" 7Yama: "Who are you?" 7Mori: "Wait, look closer! Isn't that Dafuku-senpai, who went missing?" ukuda: "Yeah, to tell you the truth, we were trying to film a new Hero Shichihiko season, but we ended up getting swallowed by this whale. And we just kept getting delayed. The inside of a whale is pretty complex, so there's no way we're getting out. So instead of filming the new season, we decided to live in here." 7Yama: "That's adapting fast." ukuda: "You boys oughta move in, too. It's pretty cool!" 7Oka: "You can live inside a whale?" ukuda: "Of course! You wanna see my awesome pad? Come along, check it out." ukuda: "Here we are. This is where I live." 7Oka: "You live here?" ukuda: "I figured I might as well enjoy my life inside a whale, so after a few renovations with the design team," ukuda: "it ended up turning into a health spa." 7Mori: "A health spa?!" 7Oka: "Wouldn't that piss the whale off?" ukuda: "We've got all kinds of different saunas inside." Signs; Left To Right: "Finnish Dry Mist Foot Massage Deep Scrub Hot Stone Massage" ukuda: "We offer a large group bath and a cold bath, too, along with foot massages, deep scrubs, hot stone massages, and a break room you can nap in." 7Oka: "Damn, he actually gets music acts to perform in this place." 7Yama: "Here's hoping no one goes missing." ukuda: "Fresh food is constantly floating in, so we never have to worry about what to eat. Not only that, but lately, TVs, game systems, cell phones, and Wi-Fi routers end up in here, too, so there's plenty of entertainment. In the whale, you leisurely relax at the sauna, eat something tasty, knock back a few drinks, play some games, and go to bed. And every day is like that! No commuting, no quotas to hit, no overtime, and no harassment from your bosses!" 7Oka: "Sounds nice." ukuda: "I have absolutely no desire to go back to working in television. If you like, you guys can hit up the sauna. Heck, you can live in here with us! You can live here... live here... live here..." 7Oka: "Thank you for having us!" 7Yama: "Aw, come on, let's get back to the shoot. The boss is gonna be mad if we don't land that scoop." 7Oka: "Who cares if he gets mad or not? I'm done being a slave to ratings. From now on, I'm living at this spa!" 7Oka: "All right, which sauna to use? It'd be dumb to start with the cold one and be all like, "Brrr!"" 7Yama: "Um, Captain, could you at least cover up with a towel first? You keep slipping into my line of sight." 7Oka: "So look at it." 7Mori: "No, no. None of that, please." 7Oka: "Really, look." 7Yama: "No one wants to see a banana's banana."
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 3 – Staying Healthy! With the Unmotivated Adventurers", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "3", "Staying Healthy! With the Unmotivated Adventurers" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "Inside the body of a sperm whale," 7Oka: "we find a place of healing for TV production staff: the Whale Land Health Center. This time around, we'll be recovering from the exhaustion of location scouting in this particular sauna." ukuda: "It's time to begin the Löyly." 7Oka: "Löyly refers to a type of Finnish sauna treatment. The heated breeze generated by a skilled technician creates a refreshing type of perspiration." 7Yama: "This Löyly stuff is kind of a pain on the face." 7Oka: "After the sauna, it's time for a dip in the mineral-rich seawater bath to cool off our heated bodies." 7Oka: "I had no idea a trip to the sauna could feel so good! Down here, there's no need for filming on location," {Sign: "no worrying about ratings," {Sign: "no complaints from viewers, no overnight editing marathons, and no power harassment from the boss!" 7Oka: "It's pure bliss." 7Oka: "What is this feeling of ecstasy? This feeling of satisfaction? Is this what they mean" 7Oka: "when they say saunas can take you to a state of supreme bliss?" 7Oka: "Here we go... Here it comes..." 7Oka: "This is it! This is it! Here we go!" 7Oka: "I'm blissing out!" 7Oka: "Boss, thanks for everything. Good luck with the low ratings until your job wraps up. Because I'm spending the rest of my life..." 7Oka: "enjoying my life!" 7Guchi: "Damn it, Nanaoka! What are you talking about?" 7Oka: "M-My imaginary boss just talked!" 7Guchi: "A sauna feels good because you visit it after doing your job and working up a good sweat! You've barely done squat so far!" 7Oka: "S-Sorry, sir!" 7Guchi: "Until you get us that scoop and win the ratings Triple Crown, you're banned from the sauna!" 7Guchi: "Now, get back to work!" 7Oka: "Y-Yessir!" 7Guchi: "I've always got my eye on you!" 7Oka: "That's rough!" 7Oka: "Huh?"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 4 – A Slice of Heaven! Blissing Out Inside a Whale", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "4", "A Slice of Heaven! Blissing Out Inside a Whale" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "Having blissed out in the sauna, we then sought our escape from the inside of the whale." 7Oka: "Hey, there it is!" 7Oka: "That must be the blowhole! We'll do it old-school and ride out when the whale shoots its water spout." 7Oka: "All right! There you go! Have some of that! Come on, come on! Got one huge sneeze coming right up!" 7Oka: "You guys aren't the ones who are supposed to sneeze..." 7Mori: "Captain, send it up there, please. Up there!" 7Mori: "Oh, no! The pepper got into the engine, and now the boat won't move. If we don't do something, we're gonna be digested," 7Mori: "and we'll be exiting through the anus." 7Oka: "If we go out through the anus," 7Oka: "wouldn't that make us whale... y'know? Damn!" 7Yama: "If that happens, I don't know if they'll want to air this during dinnertime." 7Mori: "And after we landed a time slot in Golden Time... It'd be such a shame if we got taken off the air." 7Oka: "Come on, come on, come on, come on!" 7Yama: "What's he doing now?" 7Mori: "Oh, that's Löyly from the sauna! He's trying to move the air to send the pepper flying!" 7Yama: "Oh, so that's it." 7Oka: "I don't care if we're only on for five minutes! We got this slot during Golden Time, and I'm going to defend it! Golden Time! Golden Time! No one's taking our spot!" 7Yama: "The pepper's starting to drift upwards!" 7Oka: "How's that?! That's Nanalöyly— the Nanaoka method of heat dispersion!" 7Oka: "Pepper, rise high!" 7Mori: "Captain, spin it faster. Get the air going." 7Yama: "Come on, Captain, swing that thing! Get it going!" 7Oka: "Come on, come on, come on, come on!" 7Yama: "That's nowhere near enough air." 7Oka: "Look, I'm working on it!" 7Yama: "Still not looking good." 7Oka: "Up we go, come on, come on, come on!" 7Yama: "That's not gonna get the pepper high enough." 7Oka: "Here we go, here we go, here we go, here we go!" 7Yama: "Damn, man, you suck. That's way too slow." 7Oka: "Hey, shut up! No one asked you, Nanayama!" 7Yama: "This is why you never get promoted." 7Oka: "All right, I've had enough of you. Gimme your peel, then. I'm gonna start up a Double Löyly." 7Oka: "Round and round and round! Go, go, pepper, fly!" 7Yama: "Gently, please. You're gonna rip it otherwise." 7Yama: "Hey, we're out." 7Oka: "Hell yeah! My Double Löyly did the trick! We've successfully defended our time slot in Golden Time!" 7Mori: "That's a relief!" 7Oka: "And no one is ever taking this spot over!" 7Oka: "Let's do it! Ready and..." 7Yama: "Here we go." 7Mori: "All righty..." 7Oka: "Budget or not, we'll manage!" 7Mori: "Budget... or not? We'll... manage?" 7Yama: "Budget or not... we'll manage." 7Oka: "Four, five, six—" 7Yama: "Four, five, six—" 7Mori: "Four... five... six—"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 5 – Defend With Your Lives! The Mini Golden Time Slot", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "5", "Defend With Your Lives! The Mini Golden Time Slot" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "The boat's engine is busted! We'd better call for a rescue team to save us! Gimme your cell phone!" 7Yama: "The network's been doing so poorly that they canceled service for all the employee phones, remember?" 7Oka: "You'd think that'd be one of the last things they'd get rid of! How are we supposed to contact anyone?" Sign/7Guchi: "You guys doing well? That chartered ship I arranged is pretty good, right? I made a point to get one with a good cost/performance ratio. From Nanaguchi You guys doing well?" 7Oka: "It's from the boss!" Sign/7Guchi: "That chartered ship I arranged is pretty good, right? I made a point to get one with a good cost/performance ratio." 7Oka: "Doesn't seem like a good choice to me." 7Mori: "Especially considering the engine trouble." 7Guchi: "What? There's engine trouble?" 7Yama: "He responded already." 7Guchi: "Don't you dare do anything dumb like call for a rescue team! You boys don't have any kind of accident insurance, so if you call a rescue chopper, it's gonna cost an arm and a leg... which will mean instant bankruptcy for a tiny TV station like ours!" 7Oka: "He could've at least gotten us some insurance..." 7Guchi: "By the way, you have no international travel insurance either, so if you get sick or injured, you'll have to tough it out! My throat hurts." 7Mori: "I think I'm coming down with something." 7Guchi: "Now, then..." 7Mori: "Gotta feel sorry for the pigeon that was made to deliver this one." 7Guchi: "Due to the business difficulty that TV Nanana is experiencing, we will be using these messenger pigeons instead of cell phones for communications," 7Guchi: "in order to cut back on expenditures." 7Oka: "Can we seriously get a hold of anyone with these things?" 7Guchi: "And you fools better not take these pigeons lightly! They're an elite flock of service animals, given top-level training by first-in-field breeders!" 7Guchi: "We're talking real brand-name birds, and each one costs 50,000 yen, so be careful with them." 7Mori: "50,000 a pigeon?!" 7Yama: "That'd pay for a phone." 7Yama: "Man, reading these is kind of a drag." 7Guchi: "Aw, damn it! Damn it, damn it, damn it!" 7Mori: "Whoa, what the?" 7Oka: "His tone changed all of a sudden." 7Guchi: "Things really suck when business is bad! No cell phones, no taxi fare, can't produce documents with color, and no entertainment budget at all!" 7Guchi: "I've been forced to drink at home because of it!" 7Guchi: "Damn it!" 7Oka: "He's just mad he has to pay for his own booze." 7Mori: "Seriously." 7Guchi: "That being the case... you boys need to get footage of this giant kraken, no matter what. If we get some decent ratings, it'll mean better business for the company, and that'll mean taxi fare and entertainment expenses will flow like wine! That is all. I'll be praying for your success!" 7Oka: "And so, we started using messenger pigeons." 7Mori: "It costs a ton to feed these guys, huh?"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 6 – Super Deluxe! -5G Communications", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "6", "Super Deluxe! -5G Communications" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "With the boat's engine stopped, we were left adrift on the sea." 7Oka: "If this boat doesn't get moving, we're not gonna get anywhere with the shoot." 7Mori: "You want to try hitching a ride? First, we'll send up a smoke signal so any nearby ships will notice us." 7Mori: "Burning this smoked squid should make for good smoke." 7Oka: "All right, let's burn it all! Keep throwing stuff on there! We need smoke!" 7Oka: "There! Hey, this is pretty greasy. I bet it'll burn great." 7Yama: "Captain. Captain." 7Oka: "What now?" 7Yama: "Are you gonna burn that?" 7Oka: "Well, we have to burn it, or we won't have enough smoke." 7Yama: "Do you know what it is?" 7Oka: "Quit interrupting me! You're such a pest." 7Yama: "Yeah, but..." 7Oka: "Here we go!" 7Yama: "No, no, it's... my peel." 7Oka: "Let go already!" 7Yama: "Absolutely not. I only brought one with me." 7Oka: "It's yours, so it can go in the fire! Now give it!" 7Yama: "No, no... It's the only one I have..." 7Oka: "Give it!" 7Yama: "But it's good for all the warmer seasons..." 7Oka: "Look, think of the situation. Get a clue." 7Yama: "I don't wanna." 7Mori: "Hey, Captain, there are a few ships that noticed our signal!" 7Oka: "Okay, looks like the smoke signals did the job. Now we use these to send out a message requesting a rescue! Ta-da! Niinuma-brand messenger pigeons! They're the only method of communication the company saw fit to give us. Time to see what super fancy messenger pigeons can really do! Take our message to those boats! We're counting on you!" 7Yama: "Go, Niinuma!" 7Oka: "Where the heck are they flying? They're fighting instead of going anywhere!" 7Mori: "I think all that squid smoke must've upset them..." 7Oka: "If they don't deliver our messages, the boats are gonna ignore us and sail away!" 7Mori: "Captain, look! One of them is actually heading toward a boat!" 7Oka: "Hey, you're right! It's a bit shaky, but it's using its unique strengths to charge ahead!" 7Oka: "That bird is just like TV Nanana! There you go, TV Nanana! You can do it! Come on!" 7Mori: "The ship that got our message is headed this way. Looks like we'll be able to hitch a ride after all! Yay!" 7Oka: "You did a good job! Even without cell phones..." Everybody: "We can manage with smoke signals and pigeons! Four, five, six, go Nanana!" 7Oka: "Okay, let's score us a free ride." 7Oka: "Huh? What's with this boat?" 7Mori: "Wait... Those are the pirates that have been on the news lately." 7Oka: "Pirates?!" 7Mori: "Why did you have to fly to the pirates?"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 7 – Rescue! Sea-Sent SOS", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "7", "Rescue! Sea-Sent SOS" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" Boss: "We're the terrifying Redbeard Pirates. We're just in this for the money, so as long as your ransom gets paid, you can go free." 7Oka: "How much do you have on you?" 7Mori: "I think my Pasmo card has about 2,000 yen on it. And I've got my QUO and T Cards, too." 7Yama: "Do you think they'll accept the beef bowl coupon I have?" Boss: "You lot won't be paying. We're gonna negotiate with your employer. And if they don't offer up a decent ransom, you're all fish food." Boss: "You're from a TV station, eh? Come to think of it, those folks who were filming the giant squid were a big deal. Got plenty of ransom money for them." 7Oka: "That's because they're actually well-funded!" Boss: "Never even heard of TV Nanana. Must be some rinky-dink operation." Boss: "Explains why you're out in a rusty squid-fishing boat." 7Oka: "But did you know that it has three complimentary meals a day and open-air bathing?" Boss: "You poor saps probably aren't worth the trouble. Into the sea you go." 7Oka: "N-Now, hold on a second! It's true that we aren't a big organization, but we're still a major, Tokyo-based network with terrestrial broadcasts! So could you maybe negotiate with the home office?" Boss: "Don't lie to me, boy!" 7Mori: "He's telling the truth, though." 7Oka: "Y'know that show where they drain the lake? Or where they follow people home? Those are ours!" Boss: "Never heard of them. What the hell's entertaining about draining a lake? And if you follow somebody home, that just makes you a stalker. Let's be rid of you, then. Right now." 7Oka: "You gotta spare us. Please." 7Mori: "We're begging you." 7Oka: "We're seriously a major network! We broadcast ping pong and judo matches! Come on!" 7Mori: "Please." 7Yama: "Niinuma, save us." Lackey: "Boss! I did a search, and it looks like they really are a major network." Boss: "You gotta be kidding me. TV Nanana a national TV network Giroppon 1-Chome "TV Nanana, a national TV network located in Giroppon 1-Chome." It's true!" Boss: "Says you've only got six affiliates, though. That ain't much." 7Oka: "Wait, only six?" 7Mori: "The smaller number helps keep us flexible, though." 7Oka: "Looks like you were doing well for a bit, but your stock value's pretty low. Must've been a drop in ratings causing a lack of growth through ad revenue. Plus, kids these days don't bother with TV much, so all the ad money's going to the Internet. It's rough times for the TV biz." 7Yama: "You're oddly well-informed." Boss: "Guess I'll fire off a message to your president." Boss: "We've got your precious employees. Prepare the ransom ASAP! From the pirates. There." 7Mori: "I'm glad we technically qualify as a major network." 7Oka: "This is all thanks to our regional affiliates." 7Oka: "Thank you all for saving our lives! We hope we can continue to work together as affiliates of TV Nanana! Thank you!"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 8 – Captured! Terror Aboard the Pirate Ship", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "8", "Captured! Terror Aboard the Pirate Ship" ] }
ka: "We are Wacky TV Nanana!" 7Oka: "The expedition crew are being held hostage aboard a pirate ship." 7Mori: "All of the crew on this ship are doing weird stuff." 7Oka: "I bet they've gone nuts from a little too much time at sea." Boss: "They ain't actually that crazy. Most of them are 7tubers on the side." Oka/Mori: "7tubers?" Boss: "They upload their videos to the video sharing service "7tube" to earn a bit of extra cash. If any of the videos go viral, that'll mean more views, and more pay. I've got a channel of my own. Dun-dun! Hello, 7tube. It's me, the Pirate 7tuber, pirate boss!" Boss: "These days, all pirates are churning out content. 7tube's too big a source of revenue to ignore!" 7Yama: "Everyone has two jobs nowadays..." Boss: "You lot are just sitting around being hostages, so cook up some decent videos and stick them on my channel. You're TV pros, so it oughta be simple enough, right? And if you can boost my subscriber count, I'll even lower your ransom." 7Mori: "Oh, nice! Captain, let's do it!" 7Oka: "You're on! Time to show you amateurs what professional production looks like." 7Yama: "Uh, Captain, what the heck is all this? Who wants to watch this kind of stuff?" 7Oka: "Look, I don't really get it either, but if you do crazy stunts, people will watch your videos, right? So we gotta do crazy stunts. That oughta do it, right?" 7Yama: "Yeah, but why am I the one doing them?" 7Oka: "I mean, you look kinda like Hikakin, right?" 7Yama: "I'll admit we have a similar type of face, but... Whoa, hey, stop lowering me! Stop that!" 7Oka: "We continued to upload challenge videos." 7Yama: "Is this seriously good enough?" Boss: "Hold it right there!" Boss: "My subscriber count capsized after you lot started uploading videos! What's the meaning of this?!" Boss: "And you boys actually work at a major network?" 7Oka: "Well, that's weird! What's up with that?" 7Mori: "Uh, I think this is going to make our ransom price go up." 7Oka: "Maybe we needed more extreme challenges?" 7Yama: "It doesn't have to be all meme-y challenges, y'know. There are easier things, like "let's play" videos." 7Oka: "We're out of options! I guess Nanayama has to be shark food!"
{ "raw_title": "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster! Episode 9 – Streaming! Shipboard Side Hustle Habits", "parsed": [ "Wacky TV Nanana Chase the Kraken Monster!", "9", "Streaming! Shipboard Side Hustle Habits" ] }
Ashe: "It's hot!" Toa: "I can't take it. I'm going to the library to cool off." Mihiro: "I won't let you get away, Toa! We have to get all these documents sorted out today!" Ashe: "But our efficiency won't improve in these conditions." Ashe: "In that case..." Mihiro: "Ooh! Very daring, Ashe-san!" Kaoruko: "That's right! It's just us girls here today!" Kaoruko: "Mihiro-chan, we'll strip down, too!" Mihiro: "I see..." Kaoruko: "Mihiro-chan, you know how to strip with style!" Mihiro: "Wow! Whoo, whoo!" Kaoruko: "Toa-chan..." Kaoruko: "You're not trying to run away, are you?" Toa: "Gulp..." Mihiro: "Take it off, Toa!" Toa: "Stop!" Ashe: "It's no use arguing!" Kaoruko: "What's the problem?" Mihiro: "Yeah, you have such a nice body!" Toa: "No!" Ashe: "Just one more layer!" Toa: "You're dirty old men all of a sudden!" All: "Yay!" Mihiro: "Whoa, hot! It's blowing hot air?!" Kaoruko: "It's switched to heat?" Ashe: "I can't take any more. I'm dying." Kaoruko: "H-Hold it right there, Ashe-chan." Mihiro: "If you go out there like that, you'll be labeled a pervert." Ashe: "I don't even care anymore!" Mihiro: "It was some time later before we realized that we could just unplug the A/C." Mihiro: "Wait, there's no outlet!" Text/All: "How To Sort Of Understand WagaHai!" Kaoruko: "In this segment, we'll sort of explain the world of WagaHai." Ashe: "Today we'll talk about Ousui Academy's student council president," Toa: "Despite how she looks, she's secretly an illustrator for a popular erotic manga." Mihiro: "She's quite a pervert behind that pretty face." Kaoruko: "It's embarrassing when you put it that way." Ashe: "You're supposed to get mad!" Mihiro: "By the way, that manga is written by Kouki Narumi-senpai." Toa: "Kouki Narumi... Who's that?" Ashe: "He's your brother!"
{ "raw_title": "Wagamama High Spec Episode 1 – Glaring Summer Days", "parsed": [ "Wagamama High Spec", "1", "Glaring Summer Days" ] }
Kaoruko: "Let's film a movie!" Both: "Huh?" Kaoruko: "You know how we can upload videos on the school website now?" Mihiro: "Yeah." Kaoruko: "One of the teachers asked me to upload something from the student council." Mihiro: "That's why you suggested a movie?" Mihiro: "A school love story?" Kaoruko: "How about a horror film?" Ashe: "Or maybe sci-fi, like the one Narumi-kun rented before?" Kaoruko: "The kind with robots? One where they use ESP. Oh!" Mihiro: "What about a gourmet film?" Ashe: "Or a period drama?" Kaoruko: "There's so much to choose from... Let's just start filming something." Both: "Okay!" Kaoruko: "Toa-chan..." Kaoruko: "Could you edit the video for us? Video data isn't really my specialty..." Toa: "I'll play the video." Robot: "The winner is Mihiron." Mihiro: "Yay!" Mihiro: "N-No!" Kaoruko: "Yeah! It looks great!" Both: "No, we can't show this!" Text: "How To Sort Of Understand KakoTama!" Kaoruko: "In this segment, we'll sort of explain KakoTama." Ashe: "We're continuing from last time, right?" Mihiro: "Do spirits eat people?" Ears: "I think it depends on the time and situation." Kaoruko: "Yohaku-san, you're an exorcist, right?" Toa: "She looks kinda cool..." Yohaku: "Oh, I'm not really..." Ears: "It's true! My master is a cheapskate who ran away from home!" Yohaku: "Hey! You didn't have to say that..." Kaoruko: "Heheh! Look forward to the next episode!"
{ "raw_title": "Wagamama High Spec Episode 10 – This-and-That Slapstick", "parsed": [ "Wagamama High Spec", "10", "This-and-That Slapstick" ] }
Kaoruko: "Why does this taste so delicious after I've finished a big job?" Mihiro: "That's all well and good, Kaoruko-san, but you've got a serious mess around your desk." Kaoruko: "Now that you mention it, I've been so absorbed in work," Ashe: "And we've been busy with student council work, too." Toa: "It's okay. The janitor will come in over the weekend." All: "WagaHai!" Mihiro: "You're so hopeless. Come on, let's clean up." Kaoruko: "Sorry." Ashe: "What's wrong?" Kaoruko: "A c-c-c-c-c—" Mihiro: "Is it that time of year already? How audacious of you to show yourself in front of me." Kaoruko: "Th-Th-That was..." Toa: "A black devil..." Ashe: "Mihiro, you can handle being around that thing?" Mihiro: "They're the archenemy of the food service industry." Mihiro: "To kill them on sight is our rule." Kaoruko: "I... I see..." Mihiro: "You there!" Ashe: "You got it!" Toa: "Mihiro, you're awesome!" Kaoruko: "Thanks, Mihiro-chan! I can always count on you!" Mihiro: "You're too naïve, Kaoruko-san. For every one you see, you should assume there are ten others. To wipe them out at the root, the first thing you need to do is clean up this trash heap." Mihiro: "Understand?" Both: "Y-Yes!" Toa: "Mihiro, you're not your usual self..." Mihiro: "Kaoruko-san, you put all the paper wads in the waste can! Ashe-san, mop the floor! Toa, straighten up these scattered parts!" Mihiro: "Where's your response?" Three: "Sir, yes sir!" All: "WagaHai!" Mihiro: "It feels so much nicer in here now that it's clean." Toa: "Yeah. Nothing beats being clean." Kaoruko: "We should always try to clean up, no matter how busy we are." Ashe: "Yeah." Toa: "In this segment, we'll sort of explain the world of WagaHai." Kaoruko: "Today we'll talk about the Ousui Academy" Ashe: "She's lazy and finds most things bothersome, but she has first-rate programming skills." Mihiro: "And she uses them to help with a lot of our computer work." Toa: "Honestly, first-rate or not, I'd still rather not work..." Kaoruko: "Even breathing is a chore for you, huh?" Toa: "You got that right. I'll stop for a whi—" Ashe: "Uh... Toa? Hey, Toa?! Toa!"
{ "raw_title": "Wagamama High Spec Episode 4 – Frantic Hunting", "parsed": [ "Wagamama High Spec", "4", "Frantic Hunting" ] }
Mihiro: "Whoa..." Mihiro: "Are you okay, Kaoruko-san?" Kaoruko: "I guess I've pulled too many all-nighters to finish my manuscript lately..." Ashe: "How long has it been since you slept?" Kaoruko: "About a week?" Mihiro: "That'll kill you!" Ashe: "We can take care of the paperwork ourselves. Please go take a nap, Kaoruko-senpai!" Kaoruko: "Okay, I'm not that sleepy, but I guess I'll lie down..." All: "WagaHai!" Mihiro: "Sleep... Sleep..." Ashe: "Then what if we try this?" Ashe: "Look, Kaoruko-senpai. You're getting very sleepy... Very, very sleepy..." Kaoruko: "Ashe-chan, you're going cross-eyed. You look so funny." Ashe: "You're one tough customer..." Mihiro: "Kaoruko-san, we'll do whatever it takes to help you get some good sleep." Kaoruko: "O-Okay..." Ashe: "Well, Kaoruko-senpai? Are you sleepy yet?" Mihiro: "Guess not..." Toa: "How about this? I bought it online a while back." All: "WagaHai!" Ashe: "This just might work!" Toa: "Oh..." Mihiro: "Shh, quiet!" Ashe: "Thank goodness. It looks like she's asleep." Mihiro: "Well, shall we get to work?" Both: "Yeah." Kaoruko: "Oh, my..." Kaoruko: "There!" Kaoruko: "All done!" Kaoruko: "They sure are..." Kaoruko: "sound asleep." Text: "How To Sort Of Understand KakoTama!" Kaoruko: "In this segment, we'll sort of explain KakoTama, the game we mentioned in the previous episode." Ashe: "So, what is KakoTama?" Toa: "I told you, it's a smartphone game." Mihiro: "What sort of game is it?" Kaoruko: "I expected this, so I brought some guests!" Kitty: "Master, where exactly are we?" Miko: "Sheesh... I don't want any annoyances." Toa: "It's a girl with kitty ears..." Mihiro: "So it is!" Kaoruko: "On that note, look forward to the next episode!"
{ "raw_title": "Wagamama High Spec Episode 7 – Mumbly Sleeping", "parsed": [ "Wagamama High Spec", "7", "Mumbly Sleeping" ] }
Waka: "That was a good sweat." Waka: "Others have no idea... The reason for my walking clothes today..." Waka: "Is so I can have a drink within all of the smoke." Waka: "Excuse me, could I get tsukune, bonjiri, and wings? Also, an order of skins, pork belly, oh, and liver." Guy: "R-Right." Waka: "Nothing beats a beer after exercise." Waka: "Aah, it's grilling up nicely." Guy: "Here's the combination. Let's add this." Waka: "Ahh, I guess that's what happens when you share." Guy: "Here's our recommendation, the liver." Waka: "The best way to eat food on skewers, is to go for it on the skewer while it's still piping hot. So good. So soft." Waka: "You should keep going that way to the end." Guy: "Here you are." Waka: "How do you like this all-you-can-eat for one? This is all mine! This is..." Mom: "Wakako, you have to finish your first skewer first." Waka: "This is when I get to unleash the Nagashima Way of eating." Waka: "Eating a bit of this, then a bit of that, and then drinking beer." Waka: "It's cold..." Guy: "Let's see, next I'll have the heart and the gizzard." Waka: "So much leeway, it's like he's at a sushi place. He's definitely got the proper way of eating yakitori down." Waka: "I still have a lot to learn."
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Episode 5 – 5th Night: Yakitori", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake", "5", "5th Night: Yakitori" ] }
Wakako: "It's been a while since I've come back to Hiroshima." Aya: "Wakako! It's been so long!" Wakako: "It really has!" Aya: "You haven't changed at all!" Wakako: "I'm meeting up with my best friend." {@ 1.05}: "You look a lot more mature!" Aya: "Really? Thanks! Let's eat lots of tasty stuff today!" Aya: "Okay, let's go." Wakako: "Wow, cool!" Aya: "This is the train that started running last year. Cute, huh?" Aya: "Since it's been a while, I figured I could take you around to all the new places." Wakako: "Wanna get on? Aya hasn't changed. Sure." Wakako: "She's always been in the know." Aya: "How've you been?" Wakako: "Well, I'm finally getting used to my job." Aya: "Really? That's a relief." Wakako: "What about you, Aya?" Aya: "I'm doing okay, I guess. I'm trying hard." Wakako: "I see. You got a boyfriend, right?" Aya: "Yeah, pretty recently!" Wakako: "What's he like?" Aya: "Well... a nice guy?" Wakako: "A nice guy?" A: "Yeah." W: "Is he older?" A: "Not saying." A: "I'll tell you later. It hasn't changed at all around here, huh?" W: "Yeah, not at all." A: "The trains and buses are still always running." W: "Yeah..." A: "What, you didn't know?" W: "I heard a rumor, but..." A: "Seriously? She's got a two-year-old daughter." W: "Two years old?!" {@2.21}: "I haven't been here in three years myself." W: "I've been friends with Aya since high school." {@2.21}: "Wow, that long?" A: "Seems fast!" W: "Yeah!" A: "It doesn't feel that long." A: "There are a bunch of new businesses around here." W: "Yeah. But we used to go to that karaoke place a lot!" A: "Oh, we did!" W: "Right?" A: "That takes me back. Oh, yeah, this is the place I wanted to go." W: "What is it?" A: "They have lots of stuff you'll love." W: "I've never been here before." A: "Right?" A: "They've got a meat market and a fish market together." W: "They really do!" A: "See?" W: "They're alive!" A: "Yeah, they are!" W: "Wow! I know this would go great with some drinks!" A: "That's my Wakako." A: "She's got her drinks on her mind." W: "Yeah!" A: "That's another thing that hasn't changed." W: "Since we both love delicious food, we naturally got along." W: "We always used to stop at this arcade on our way from school." W: "We have a lot of memories around here." A: "You know everything, huh, Wakako?" W: "You bet." A: "Hey, you wanna try that?" W: "Yeah!" A: "Come on." Guy: "Hello." Guy: "Here, try one." A: "All right, thanks." W: "Let's eat." A: "Let's eat." W: "That's good!" A: "Yeah!" W: "Now I want a drink." A: "Well, we walked a lot, so let's have a drink somewhere quiet." W: "Oh, I'm so hungry!" A: "Yeah! But I want to drink lots, too!" W: "What're you going to have?" A: "Let's see..." W: "They have horumon tempura!" W: "The taste of Hiroshima..." A: "Horumon tempura is good, huh?" W: "It's a common dish here in Hiroshima. They don't really eat it much in Tokyo." A: "Really?" W: "It's a genuine local specialty!" A: "I love it, too. Let's get that!" A: "Excuse me!" Staff: "Yes?" A: "Let's get beers right now and..." W: ""Right now"! That takes me back!" A: "Really? They don't say that?" W: "In Hiroshima, instead of saying you'll "start with a beer,"" W: "it's that you'll have a beer "right now."" Staff: "Right, beers and horumon tempura. Coming right up." A: "Thank you." A: "I can't wait!" A: "I wonder how much longer..." Staff: "Here you go! Your horumon tempura." Staff: "Please enjoy." Wakako: "Thank you." A: "Well, then..." A: "Let's toast our reunion." Both: "Cheers!" A: "It's good, huh?" Wakako: "Fatty food fried in oil!" Wakako: "The ultimate fried food!" Wakako: "Add plenty of lemon and..." A: "You can start." A: "You haven't had Hiroshima food in a while, right?" W: "Yeah. I'll have some now." W: "The fatty richness of the horumon... So good!" W: "...harmonizes so refreshingly with the lemon juice and ponzu sauce..." W: "It's just stimulating my appetite even more!" W: "A new type of Hiroshima casual specialty." A: "It's great!" W: "Here's hoping its popularity spreads." Staff: "This is a Hiroshima sake, Kirei Dry Pure Rice Wine 80%." Staff: "It goes wonderfully with oysters." W: "Aya, did you..." A: "I called ahead. I figured you'd like it!" W: "Well, I'll have some, then." A: "Go right ahead." W: "It all makes me so nostalgic..." W: "Pshuuu..." W: "Well?" W: "Good, huh?" W: "Right?" A: "Yummy!" W: "It just makes me want more." A: "Did you try the gansu?" W: "I hate to admit it... But I think it's been two years since I had any." A: "Really?" W: "This takes me back!" A: "Right?" W: "Pshuuu..." A: "You must be happy, huh?" A: "I'm stuffed." W: "Thank you!" A: "You're welcome. Since we've still got time, wanna hit one more place?" W: "Yeah!" A: "Okay!" W: "Wow, it's like we're back in high school!" A: "Yeah!" A: "Come on!" A: "Oh, what should we get next? Can you still eat?" W: "Yeah! I can eat plenty still. You can, right?" A: "I bet you can!" W: "You bet I can!" W: "I can keep eating, and drinking, and having fun!" A: "This place is famous for their sea urchin watercress." W: "Sea urchin watercress... I've heard of it before." W: "It's quietly becoming a Hiroshima classic." W: "I've never had it before, though." W: "A bunch of watercress wilted in butter..." W: "And sea urchin! What in the world?" A: "Amazing, right?" W: "It looks really tasty!" W: "The butter and the urchin's aroma... The usual bitterness of the watercress is gone," W: "and you get the aroma of urchin without the fishy smell." Staff: "Here you go." W: "Thank you." Staff: "Enjoy." W: "Thanks." A: "Go ahead." W: "I will." A: "Wait! First, try it without the baguette." W: "I thought it'd just be unusual ingredients randomly thrown together..." W: "But the hidden deliciousness of everything fits together perfectly." W: "Even though it's the first time I'm trying it, I know this deliciousness!" W: "Pshuuu!" A: "Next, try it with the baguette." W: "Thanks. It's an extravagant use of urchin," W: "yet a part of a humble side dish menu! It's great with the baguette, too!" A: "Isn't it?" W: "The sauce is awesome, too!" A: "Right?" A: "Hey, when are you going home tomorrow?" W: "I think I'll take the 1 PM shinkansen." A: "Okay..." A: "Let's do lunch, then. I know a great place." W: "Where?" A: "I'm not telling!" W: "I was the shy type, but Aya would always pull me out of my shell." W: "The reason I've been able to discover so many things is because of her." W: "Tomorrow will be my last day of Hiroshima dining." W: "Where will she take me next?" W: "My second day of dining in Hiroshima, with my knowledgeable best friend, Aya. I wonder where she'll take me next? I'm looking forward to it!" A: "Wakako, you're going too fast!" W: "Fuchuyaki?!" A: "You said you've had okonomiyaki lately, right? But you can only have this in Hiroshima!" W: "She went with Fuchuyaki? Well done, Aya. Nice choice." W: "Hiroshima style, and Osaka style... There are many different types of okonomiyaki," Wakako: "But Fuchuyaki is cooked slowly in the fat from ground meat." Wakako: "That gives it a savory aroma and crisp taste that even Hiroshima style doesn't have! You can be seated at a table, but I like sitting at the counter where you can feel the heat." A: "What do you want to order?" W: "Let's see... I'll have one with roasted onions and mayonnaise." A: "Then I'll have the uncooked, plain soba noodles." W: "And a beer. A big glass, please." A: "Starting early, huh? Then I'll take a big one, too!" W: "As long as we're here to eat, we may as well get a big beer." Staff: "Here you go. Thanks for waiting. Here are your beers." W: "Thank you so much!" W: "It's so heavy." A: "You can really feel the weight in a big glass." A: "Okay, a toast to our continued good health." Both: "Cheers!" W: "Pshuuu." W: "That's it, use plenty of cabbage..." W: "And then add the egg, soba, and meat!" W: "I wonder which is mine." A: "I bet it's that one?" W: "I never get tired of this sight." W: "The way the fat from the meat melts into cooking oil." W: "It's looking nice and browned now, like okonomiyaki should!" Staff: "Here we go! The pile of green onions!" Staff: "And the plain soba. Enjoy." W: "Clichéd as it might be, the saying "the moment I've been waiting for" is meant for times like this!" W: "It's easier to eat with chopsticks..." W: "But Hiroshima custom dictates you use the spatulas!" W: "Pile it on the corner and..." W: "Time to eat." A: "Careful, it's still hot!" W: "The crunchy soba and surface..." A: "Time to eat." W: "The aroma of the roasted onions and mayonnaise..." W: "The scent of the cooked fat and sauce are rushing my nostrils! Pshuuu!" W: "Oh, just keep the beer coming!" A: "I think a glass this big will be enough, though!" A: "It's good, huh?" Lady: "I'll have a beer and grilled edamame." Staff: "Okay." Lady: "And then the Nikutama-Soba... And make it spicy." Staff: "Right." Lady: "And fresh squid for a topping." Staff: "You got it." W: "I never thought about eating it that way." A: "She must be a regular." Staff: "Here you go." Lady: "Thanks." Lady: "Thank you." W: "That looks so good..." W: "This last piece is always the hardest..." A: "The last piece is always the hardest, huh?" W: "Drinking alone is fun... But drinking with a good friend is nice, too." A: "Here you go, a souvenir. Share it with your co-workers." W: "Nama Momiji from Nishiki-Do!" A: "That's the classic Hiroshima souvenir!" W: "Well, thanks for all this!" A: "I notice your Hiroshima accent just kicked back in." A: "Oh, and this, too." A: "These boxed lunches are really good. And they go great with alcohol." A: "You still love to drink, after all." W: "I'm even in the drinking car on the shinkansen." A: "And after you were feeling at home again... Too bad you have to go." A: "Well, take care!" W: "You, too, Aya." A: "See ya then!" W: "See ya!" A: "Have a safe trip!" A: "Bye!" W: "To me, Hiroshima is my birthplace," W: "and a place I cherish, where my best friend waits for me." W: "Enjoying flavors and friendship I can only find in my hometown..." W: "I can take a good look at myself in the valuable time I spend here." : "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old, rekindling an old friendship in her hometown." : "Along with enjoying some Hiroshima cuisine..." A: "It's good, isn't it?" : "This time, she enjoys her drinks with a friend." Wakako: "The first of today's restaurants is on Hiroshima's busiest street, Nagarekawa, the Japanese pub, Sake Shichisai. They have oysters from Kure, lemons from Hiroshima," Wakako: "conger eel from Toyoshima, and much more!" W: "Their menu built around local ingredients is sublime!" W: "Why not stop by for a drink with some Hiroshima sake?" W: "Our second stop was the overnight restaurant, Naka-chan. You'd be amazed at the variety of delicious grilled dishes available at such a humble looking place. There's gansu and urchin watercress, of course, but the okonomiyaki and teppanyaki are great, too." W: "And a chat with the owner across the grill can make your drinks taste even better." Staff: "Welcome!" Wakako: "Thank you for another great meal today. Pshuuu!" Wakako: "Next time on Wakakozake... Today we're drinking to celebrate. It's all about sharing the joy. That was a nice wedding." Wakako: "Please look forward to it!"
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 1 Episode 10 – Okonomiyaki", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 1", "10", "Okonomiyaki" ] }
Wakako: "I want gyoza." Wakako: "Why? Because I have no plans to meet anyone today or tomorrow." Text: "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old. Born with a taste for liquor, I wander the night yet again in search of a place to be. A woman, drinking by myself." A: "I'm starving." B: "What should we have?" B: "Hey, how about this shop?" A: "Somewhere tasty, but not crowded." B: "You have such high demands." B: "Where should we go?" A: "Let's try this way." B: "This way? Is there something this way?" A: "Who knows?" B: "Come on." A: "We're never going to be able to decide. What do we do?" Wakako: "I'm turned on." Wakako: "I want gyoza. So much." Wakako: "Time to eat." A: "I want gyoza!" B: "No way. We have a meeting afterwards." A: "The meeting. I forgot about that. I guess we should hold off on gyoza until we're free." A: "So what should we have?" Wakako: "Gyoza. Gyoza." Dorkboss: "Listen up, everyone! May I have your attention? I hate to do this to you on a weekend, but Sales has called for our backup tomorrow. I'll let you take Monday off. Who wants to come to work with me?" Dorkboss: "I see." Dorkboss: "Okay, I'll choose someone, then. Let's start with the "M"s. Ma, Mi, Mu, Me... Mu... Murasaki-kun!" A: "I'm up for it." Dorkboss: "Oh, really? Thanks so much, I owe you for last time, too." A: "But you'll at least buy me lunch, right?" Dorkboss: "Of course I will." Dorkboss: "Up to 500 yen." Wakako: "Thank you, Mii-san." Wakako: "Now I can have all the gyoza I want tonight." Wakako: "I can't let Mii-san's courtesy go to waste. I have to enjoy gyoza to the best of my ability." A: "Welcome." B: "Welcome." Wakako: "This restaurant starts cooking after it takes an order, huh?" A: "Welcome." B: "Welcome. Over here, please. You can leave your bag over there." B: "Your menu." Wakako: "Thank you." Wakako: "I feel like I'd be missing out if I didn't have garlic now." Wakako: "Excuse me." Wakako: "Two servings of garlic gyoza, and a beer." A: "Two garlic gyozas and a beer. Understood." Wakako: "Could you bring the gyoza and beer together?" A: "Gyoza and beer together, got it. Two garlic gyozas, please." Wakako: "I'm counting on you, ma'am." A: "Here you are." Wakako: "I'm not here for Chinese food today." Wakako: "I'm here for gyoza." A: "Hey, this is cute. It's cute." B: "No it isn't." A: "You should make it your lock screen." B: "No way." A: "Why not?" Wakako: "Meeting the boyfriend after a week of work is nice, but I need time to myself, too." Wakako: "I have no plans to meet anyone." Wakako: "So I'm going to enjoy gyoza to my fullest." A: "Here you are." Wakako: "The gyoza's going to be done soon." A: "Thanks for waiting." Wakako: "Time to eat." Wakako: "I want to do single-bite, but... Let's dab just a little, and take a bite," Wakako: "and savor the garlic." Wakako: "Pshuuu." Wakako: "It tastes more like garlic than like sauce." Wakako: "And a taste of beer while the garlic's still there." Wakako: "Pshuuu." Wakako: "And a taste of garlic while the beer's still there." Wakako: "Barley." Wakako: "Garlic." Wakako: "Garlic, while the barley's still there." Wakako: "Barley." Wakako: "Garlic." Wakako: "Barley." Wakako: "Garlic." Wakako: "No one's forcing me to do it, but I just can't figure out when to stop." Wakako: "It's an infinite loop gyoza world." Wakako: "Beer, while the gyoza's still there." Wakako: "Garlic." Wakako: "Barley." Wakako: "Garlic." Wakako: "Barley." Wakako: "Garlic." Wakako: "Barley. Garlic." Wakako: "What now? It was just getting good." Wakako: "I said I'm not meeting anyone today or tomorrow..." Wakako: "to no one in particular." A: "I'm so happy." B: "Because it's yummy?" A: "No." B: "Because we're finally close enough to eat gyoza together." A: "Takashi-kun." B: "What?" A: "Takashi-kun." B: "Let me drink." A: "Takashi-kun." B: "Be careful." Wakako: "I can still have fun." Wakako: "Garlic." Wakako: "Beer. Having gyoza together with your partner on a weekend is nice, too," Wakako: "but I cherish my time alone, eating and drinking without a care in the world." Wakako: "Tonight, I'm on a date with myself." A: "All right, let's go eat." B: "Where should we go?" A: "Wakako-san, sorry, I can't go for lunch today." Wakako: "Did you make your own?" A: "Yes. I want to get better at cooking." A: "My boyfriend wanted nimono this weekend, so I made some for the first time." Wakako: "It looks good." A: "I know, right? My boyfriend said he loved every bite of it. But the truth is, it was gross. I couldn't finish it." A: "I felt bad, so I decided to make lunch every day and study up." A: "So, sorry." Wakako: "Her boyfriend must be nice. Abe-chan's nice, too. It's okay, I'll go eat with Mii-san." A: "Mii-san has the day off." Wakako: "Oh, right. It's all right, though, don't worry." A: "Sorry." Wakako: "See you." Wakako: "Simmered food, huh?" Wakako: "I feel like having something relaxing tonight." A: "Here you are." A: "Excuse my reach." Wakako: "Time to eat." Wakako: "Simmered food is so good." Wakako: "Nikkorogashi: Squid and taro in perfect harmony." Wakako: "I like the texture of octopus more, but the flavor of squid is what makes it." Wakako: "Lukewarm sake adds an insatiable sense of everyday luxury." Wakako: "Pshuuu." Wakako: "A romance between squid and taro." Wakako: "The squid is the girlfriend, and the taro is the boyfriend. It's the girlfriend that's producing most of the flavor, but with the boyfriend in your mouth," Wakako: "you still know the girlfriend's there. It's all seeped in—" Wakako: "the flavor of the squid and the sliminess of the taro." Wakako: "They must have been precooked well and simmered for a long time." A: "Thanks." B: "You're right, it's delicious." A: "Right?" B: "I wish you'd make something like this for me for once." A: "You're right." A: "I think I'll give it a try." B: "Really?" A: "Hey, mister." A: "Do you think I can make flavoring like this?" B: "Don't worry, I'm sure you can." B: "It's the precooking that's important. And then you simmer sake, soy sauce, mirin and broth together at seven-parts-to-one." B: "And then..." B: "Got this?" B: "Ready? First, precooking." B: "Two, sake, soy sauce, mirin and broth seven-to-one." A: "What kind of broth?" B: "Bonito and konbu kelp." A: "Bonito and konbu." B: "And when you simmer it, there's going to be a layer of scum, so remove that carefully. It takes about two hours." Wakako: "I don't make much nimono at home." Wakako: "I keep eating out." B: "And then let it sit overnight." A: "Overnight." B: "Overnight." C: "It takes that long?" A: "Wow, huh?" A: "You'll have to wait." C: "Sure, I'll wait." B: "One last thing I forgot to mention." A: "Yes?" B: "Make it with love." B: "That's the hard part." Wakako: "Good food is even better with company." A: "That's so true, that's the hardest part." Wakako: "But eating alone's fine, too." C: "Can you do it?" A: "Of course, I can." C: "Really?" Wakako: "Never mind that, I have to focus on the yumminess of the nimono in front of me. Excuse me," Wakako: "may I have another?" : "In search of an oasis for her heart made weary by the city," : "Murasaki Wakako, 26-years-old, drinks alone again." Wakako: "Hey, do you like nimono? The first restaurant of the day is the prestigious gyoza shop, Gyozasou Muro, on its sixtieth year this year. The original chef, a former jazz drummer, recreated six exquisite gyozas based on what he'd tasted during his travels worldwide. The irresistible dumplings, made from scratch, skin and all, is crisp on the outside and juicy on the inside. Also on the menu are deep fried pork on the bone, liver and garlic chive stir-fry, an original drink called Horseneck, among other great items. They ask that you make your orders all at once, so that they can serve as many customers as possible." A: "Welcome." Wakako: "The next shop was a popular, foxhole-like restaurant in Ikebukuro, Daruma." Wakako: "The standard menu is a daily, but they also take requests for arrangements. The chef finds the freshest fish around and makes the most delightful dishes for you to enjoy. And the chef, the son of a butcher, will sometimes offer excellent meats if you ask." A: "Welcome." Wakako: "Come visit him and his beautiful wife for a meal made with plenty of love." Wakako: "The Japanese sake Wakako had tonight was pure rice wine Yuho of Ishikawa prefecture. It has flavor, but it goes down easy, and it was great with squid and taro nimono." Wakako: "We recommend serving it at room temperature or at a warmer 60 degrees. Thank you for the food." Wakako: "Pshuuu." Wakako: "On the next Wakakozake... Another, please. I go for a slightly classier monkfish liver in ponzu. Sometimes I want to relax with a warm Japanese sake. Wakakozake: "Monkfish Liver in Ponzu.""
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 1 Episode 2 – Fried Gyoza", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 1", "2", "Fried Gyoza" ] }
Text: "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old. Born with a taste for liquor," Text: "I wander the night yet again in search of a place to be. A woman, drinking by myself." A: "Here you are." B: "It's here! Konbumori burikama." A: "It's huge." C: "It's amberjack kama." B: "It looks so oily." C: "It looks delicious." A: "Let's eat." B: "Let's toast first." C: "Oh, right, sorry. Here we go. To our huge reunion!" C: "Cheers!" A: "Can I squeeze some lemon on to this?" B: "Yeah, go ahead." C: "Oh, man! Oh, man! Looks so good!" A: "Time to eat." B: "Time to eat." C: "Time to eat." A: "It's so good!" B: "I need some daikon oroshi." C: "Yum." A: "This is so reinvigorating after work." B: "You say that like some office worker." C: "You're an office worker, too." A: "Yup. I want to quit work." B: "Wait, you, too, Moe?" C: "Me, too." A: "Why? What happened?" B: "I know, right?" Blurface: "What are you looking for?" Wakiko: "Market surveys by age group." Blurface: "Last year's documents are on that shelf over there." Murderous Smile: "I told you yesterday that it's due at 3 PM today, didn't I?" Wakiko: "Yes." Murderous Smile: "How's that coming along?" Wakiko: "I had a hard time finding the references." Murderous Smile: "Are you telling me that it's my fault, because I was the one that suggested sorting the shelves?" Wakiko: "That's not what I meant." Blurface: "Don't let it get to you." Blurface: "I got behind on sending a document to a client, trying to find it." Sawako: "Boss wanted us to organize the shelves, but I think it's gotten even harder to find stuff now, huh?" Blurface: "It's inefficient. It was better the way it was before. Someone should tell him." Wakiko: "I agree." A: "It's so pretty." B: "I'll have this." C: "Wait, seriously? You're unbelievable." C: "Speaking of unbelievable, the boss wasted my lunch break complaining." B: "He wasted your lunch complaining to you?" A: "Poor you." C: "Why do bosses yell at people without even letting us explain?" A: "I know, right? It's not like we don't have our reasons, too." C: "But, like, I wonder if we're going to end up like that someday." A: "No way." B: "Oh, I know. Why don't we all just go and quit work tomorrow?" C: "Sounds good." A: "Right?" C: "Let's quit." B: "Let's write resignation letters." Wakiko: "He didn't have to say it like that." Wakiko: "Everyone's upset about it, after all." Wakiko: "I have to tell him about the shelves." Wakiko: "I need to get it together." Wakiko: "Huh?" Wakiko: "Where am I?" Wakiko: "Wait, at my age? Lost?" Wakiko: "How could I run out of juice now?" A: "It's so huge." B: "It looks so good." C: "You know, though, I'm having second thoughts about stuff." Wakiko: "I have no idea where I am." A: "Yeah, well, not immediately, of course." B: "I know, right? We haven't even gotten our bonuses yet." C: "That's your reason?" B: "That's my reason." B: "It's important." A: "You're right." B: "There's a faint glimmer of hope, though." Wakiko: "It's a shop in the middle of nowhere." A: "What? You found one?" B: "What?" C: "Come on, tell me." A: "What?" C: "Come on, seriously." C: "Say it." B: "Guess what, I have..." B: "A new boyfriend!" C: "Congratulations." B: "And get this: he's a higher-up at work." A: "No way." C: "Yay." A: "Wait, so you broke up with Ryota?" B: "Yeah, a long time ago." B: "You never knew, Nami?" A: "I had no idea." C: "Sorry, I never had a chance to tell you." B: "You could have told me." A: "Ryota's awful, he was cheating on her." A: "Seriously?" B: "I can't believe it." D: "Welcome. For one?" D: "Please have a seat at the counter." Wakiko: "I'm starving." Wakiko: "Let's start with a drink." Wakiko: "I'm exhausted." Wakiko: "My mind's blank." A: "Thanks for your hard work." A: "This is your first time here, is it not?" Wakiko: "Yes." A: "Thank you for coming." A: "If you're having trouble choosing from the menu, how about this zaru tofu?" A: "It's homemade using organic soybeans. I recommend it." Wakiko: "I'd like this, then. Zaru tofu." A: "Thank you." Wakiko: "Also, a warm sake." A: "Got it." C: "So, is he hot?" B: "I guess you could say he's cute. But I guess you could say he's not cute." C: "Which is it?" A: "But he's hot, though." B: "Is he?" C: "Is he hot?" A: "Ryota was cute, though." A: "He seriously sucks, though." C: "There's no forgiving him. Well, that just means..." B: "That's all he ever was worth." A: "You're right." C: "He wasn't compatible." B: "Yeah." A: "Yeah, compatibility matters. He wasn't compatible." B: "Like, you think you know someone, but you go out with them," B: "and something's not right." A: "Yeah." B: "He might be nice to you while you're just friends, but then you go out with him, and he's totally different." A: "But my new boyfriend's nothing like that." A: "He isn't." C: "Yeah? Tell me." A: "Thank you for waiting." A: "Zaru tofu." A: "Please use whichever topping you prefer. There are plenty to try." A: "And your warm sake." Wakiko: "Hot." Wakiko: "Pshuuu." A: "You're right." A: "It's jiggly." B: "The ocean scent is so satisfying." C: "Hey, is he really nothing like Ryota?" A: "Yeah, he's totally different. He's completely, totally, and utterly different." B: "That's what you always say at first, Ayano." C: "No kidding. Are you being careful about who you date?" A: "I am." Wakiko: "I choose carefully. What sides I have, that is." Wakiko: "First, salt." Wakiko: "Just salt." Wakiko: "Time to eat." Wakiko: "I can totally taste the tofu." Wakiko: "Pshuuu." Wakiko: "It's made of soybeans." A: "Like, I never got in a fight with Ryota." B: "No way, not even once?" A: "Not even once. And I thought not fighting means we get along." B: "That's probably not true." A: "Yeah, that's the thing." A: "I think I couldn't get angry because I wasn't serious." A: "That's what I think." Wakiko: "Next, yuzu pepper." A: "You know how there are some things you never realize until you butt heads?" B: "Yeah, that's so true. You have to fight until you figure it out." A: "Yeah, I finally understand that now." Wakiko: "Yup, yup. The tofu and yuzu pepper are clashing in my mouth." Wakiko: "The spiciness makes the tofu seem soft." Wakiko: "Shuto." Wakiko: "Nibbles and more nibbles." Wakiko: "This is pretty lavish." Wakiko: "Pshuuu." Wakiko: "I can't get enough sake." Wakiko: "It's getting me excited." A: "I fight with my new boyfriend all the time." A: "But I know that's because he cares about me. That's how we get along." A: "So I feel like, the more we fight, the closer we get." B: "It's important how much fun you can have together, but in the end..." B: "In the end, it's got to be someone you can feel at home with." B: "Right?" A: "You're right." Wakiko: "In the end, it's got to be..." Wakiko: "Yup." Wakiko: "That's the stuff." Wakiko: "The warm sake really sits well." A: "A lot of people end with soy sauce." Wakiko: "It's the first taste of tofu you learn in life." Wakiko: "Speaking of which..." Wakiko: "They're both made of soybeans." Wakiko: "No wonder they work together." Wakiko: "I love this orthodox combination more than anything." Wakiko: "You have to try a few things out before you realize." Murderous Smile: "Let's try to use the space more effectively." A: "You're right." B: "I'll start here." Murderous Smile: "Hold it, left, left." A: "This goes right, then." Murderous Smile: "Crap, no good, other way. Other way." Wakiko: "I had a hard time finding the references." Murderous Smile: "Are you telling me that it's my fault, because I was the one that suggested sorting the shelves?" Wakiko: "That's not what I meant." Wakiko: "Thanks to what happened..." Wakiko: "It's a shop in the middle of nowhere." Wakiko: "I ended up here." A: "If you're having trouble choosing from the menu, how about this zaru tofu?" A: "It's homemade using organic soybeans." Wakiko: "And I'm united with this delicious food and delicious sake." Wakiko: "Pshuuu." A: "So, like, my current boyfriend makes me feel so at home." A: "Come to think of it, I got to meet him because of my job now. So I thought maybe I made the right choice." B: "Someone who makes you feel at home, huh?" C: "Maybe it's because you took a long route that you feel that way." A: "I'm getting old, aren't I?" B: "No way." C: "We're old." C: "Maybe I'll hold off a little more, too. I might meet someone, after all." B: "You're right." A: "You will. Trust me, you will." B: "I'm glad we got to talk today." B: "We should do this sometimes." C: "I want to hear about Moe's boyfriend next time." A: "It'll be a while, then." B: "What? Why? That's so mean." A: "How many years ahead should we plan?" C: "That's so awful. It's not like I'm not worried, either." Wakiko: "And a fun conversation." Wakiko: "I think I'll talk to Assistant Manager Okada tomorrow about sorting the shelves." : "In search of an oasis for her heart made weary by the city, Murasaki Wakako, 26-years-old, drinks alone again." Wakako: "Where am I? Today's restaurant has the motto "We want you to enjoy fresh fish in a relaxed environment."" Wakako: "Creative Japanese food restaurant, Hidamariya. A bright interior with white walls and wooden furniture," Wakako: "the light flooding out of the large glass windows is like sunlight in the night. The creative Japanese dishes by the chef, who studied tea-ceremony dishes, and a selection of over thirty Japanese sakes will have you going "pshuuu."" Wakako: "Today's sake was Senkin, of Tochigi prefecture. With its smooth taste and well-balanced sweetness and sourness, it was perfect with zaru tofu. Thank you for the food. Pshuuu." Wakako: "Next time, on Wakakozake..." A: "She must be about my daughter's age." Wakako: "Still fighting?" A: "Messed up?" Wakako: "Not honest?"
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 1 Episode 4 – Zaru Tofu", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 1", "4", "Zaru Tofu" ] }
Boss: "Can you take care of these three things?" Wakiko: "Okay." Boss: "Quickly." Huge Ears: "Wakako, the additions to yesterday's report." Wakiko: "Got it. Come accounting time, the office turns into a war zone." Wakiko: "Jeez, I don't have time right now." A: "Wakako-san, these are the documents for Saito-san." Wakiko: "Okay." B: "Murasaki-san can you check this over?" Wakiko: "Got it." Wakiko: "I'm so late for lunch." Wakiko: ""How are you? Are you eating properly? You never call. Let me know how you're doing."" Wakiko: "Eat properly, huh?" Text: "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old. Born with a taste for liquor, I wander the night yet again in search of a place to be. A woman, drinking by myself." Wakiko: "I was so busy, I ended up having lunch at a weird time." Wakiko: "I want a light snack to sip a drink with, rather than an actual meal." Wakiko: "Let's go here." Wakiko: "Good evening." Wakiko: "Take any seat you like." Wakiko: "Ray fins." Wakiko: "Seared fish always smells so good." Wakiko: "I'll have that." Wakiko: "On a cold night like tonight..." Wakiko: "Excuse me." A: "Yes?" Wakiko: "What warm sake would you recommend with ray fins?" A: "Warm sake, huh?" A: "Kanemasu Red is good." Wakiko: "I'll have that, then." A: "Ray fins and warm Kanemasu Red" Wakiko: "Maybe ray fins with warm sake is a bit pretentious." A: "Here you are." A: "Kanemasu Red." Wakiko: "Chug, chug, chug..." Wakiko: "Pshuuu..." Wakiko: "I feel it sinking into my cold body." A: "Here you are, ray fins." Wakiko: "Here we go, ray fins!" Wakiko: "I've never heard of lemon on ray fins." Wakiko: "Hot!" Wakiko: "It's soft while it's still warm." Wakiko: "The scent and taste of ray fins spreads through my mouth as I chew." Wakiko: "Tasty dried fish." Wakiko: "Some mayonnaise for a little bit of tang." Wakiko: "How did they even come up with this?" Wakiko: "Shichimi peppers on mayo." Wakiko: "Despicable!" Wakiko: "Whomever first came up with it must have been a drinker. Fried ray fins become a bit hard when they cool, but the more you chew, the tastier it gets." Wakiko: "I'm addicted!" Wakiko: "I'm savoring happiness right now." Wakiko: "Pshuuu..." A: "You're allowed to sear them yourself?" B: "That's the best part." A: "Huh..." Wakiko: "I wonder if that makes them soft again." Wakiko: "I remember Dad doing it at home all the time. I'd ask if I could do it, but he'd always say, "It's dangerous; it's not for kids."" Wakiko: ""I'd never let a woman hold a lighter." Wakiko: "If there's ever a man who makes you hold a lighter, I'll smack them," he'd say." Wakiko: "He was so stubborn." Wakiko: "Like, why did he have to say it like that?" Wakiko: "Oh yeah, I haven't responded to his email." Wakiko: "Let him know what, though? "I'm doing great. I get up early tomorrow, so I'm back at home..."" Wakiko: "I guess I'm stubborn, too." Wakiko: "Excuse me..." A: "Yes?" Wakiko: "I'd like what he's having." A: "Roasted ginkgo nuts? Sure." Wakiko: "Also, do you have a good shochu to go with it?" A: "Kanehachi is tasty, and it goes down smooth." Wakiko: "Could I have that with water?" A: "Okay, Kanehachi with water." A: "Here you are. Kanehachi with water." B: "Here you are, roasted ginkgo nuts." Wakiko: "It smells so good, freshly roasted." Wakiko: "It's salted just right." Wakiko: "I guess salt gets through the shell." Wakiko: "Of course it'd be quicker to eat them if they're already shelled, but..." Wakiko: "Crack one, eat one..." Wakiko: "Crack one, eat one..." Wakiko: "That process makes them even more fun to eat." Wakiko: "Focusing on cracking them gives me time to drink up." Wakiko: "Distilled barley shochu with water." Wakiko: "The stuff inside these hard shells is so soft." Wakiko: "They're slightly bitter, but the subtle sweetness is really noticeable." Wakiko: "Pshuuu..." Wakiko: "At times, I mess up." Wakiko: "At times, they're all wrinkly and inedible." Wakiko: "But the nice part of cracking them myself is that I don't feel like I'm missing out." A: "Boss." B: "Yes?" A: "Delivery." B: "Thanks." A: "Could you sign here?" B: "Okay. Thanks as always." Wakiko: "Does that girl have a crush on that cook?" Wakiko: "I bet he doesn't have a clue." Wakiko: "That brings back memories of way back when." A: "Kuma-san, you haven't seen your daughter in a while, have you?" B: "She left the nest. Of course she's not going to contact me often." B: "She's really stubborn. Obstinate, I guess." A: "So she's just like her dad, huh?" Wakiko: "Nah, I am planning to call." Wakiko: "I am, but..." Wakiko: "I'm so busy every day." Wakiko: "Oh yeah, I got in a fight with him the last time we met." Wakiko: "I'm sorry." A: "That scared me." Wakiko: "I'm sorry." A: "No problem at all." A: "You're allowed to sear them yourself?" B: "That's the best part." A: "I bet she wants to try it out." A: "I wonder if she's about my daughter's age." A: "Yeah, I suppose that's normal." A: "Of course you can't be honest." A: "I lied about coming home late because of overtime, too." A: "My daughter probably knows I was lying." A: "Someone she wants me to meet, huh?" A: "I don't want to bother." Wakiko: "Excuse me," A: "Yes?" Wakiko: "I'd like what he's having." A: "Roasted ginkgo nuts? Sure." Wakiko: "Also, do you have a good shochu to go with it?" A: "Kanehachi is tasty, and it goes down smooth." Wakiko: "Could I have that with water?" A: "Okay." A: "Boss." B: "Yes?" A: "Delivery." B: "Thanks." A: "Could you sign here?" B: "Okay. Thanks as always." B: "Here." A: "Thanks." A: "Thank you." B: "Thank you." A: "I think Boss knows that girl's got a crush." B: "Kuma-san, you haven't seen your daughter in a while, have you?" A: "She left the nest. Of course she's not going to contact me often." A: "She's really stubborn. Obstinate, I guess." B: "So she's just like her dad, huh?" A: "I wonder if it's normal for girls to come drinking by themselves these days." A: "Come to think of it, I've never shared a drink with my daughter." A: "I wonder if this girl's had a drink with her dad." A: "It's gotten a bit awkward between us after I opposed her moving out." Wakiko: "I'm sorry." A: "No problem at all." Wakiko: "I'm sorry." A: "Wow, huh?" B: "Strange, isn't it?" B: "People don't have any trouble being honest to strangers." B: "Here." A: "Here, a lighter." Wakiko: "Huh?" Wakiko: "Thank you." Wakiko: "Hey, here." A: "Thanks." A: "Yum." A: "Man, that was delicious. Thanks for the food." B: "Thank you." A: "You can keep that lighter." Wakiko: "Thank you." A: "My bag!" B: "Take care of yourself." A: "My bad." A: "Thank you." C: "Kuma-san was wasted today." D: "I'm sure he's nervous. I heard his daughter's bringing her fiancé home tomorrow." C: "So that's why." C: "That's good news." D: "Yup, it's great." Wakiko: ""I got praised at work the other day." Nah. "My roof leaked. It was a huge mess." Nope. "My diet was a success." "I rebounded." Nope. "I seared ray fins for the first time today."" Wakiko: "That's not it. "We should go drinking together someday." "Today, Kuma-san gave me a lighter."" : "In search of an oasis for her heart made weary by the city," : "Murasaki Wakako, 26-years-old, will find another place to drink tomorrow." Wakiko: "Today's restaurant is Sakurachika, famous for their kushiyaki. A minute by foot from Sakurajosui Station," Wakiko: "with the jazz playing in the background, it's a relaxation spot for grown-ups. They have a variety of à la carte dishes made with fresh ingredients," Wakiko: "including Kenbidori brand chicken from Yamanashi." Wakiko: "By the way, the head chef, Ijuin-san, made an appearance in the drama as a cook." A: "We hope to see you here." Wakiko: "The alcohol Wakako had tonight was Kanemasu Red by Kanemasu Brewery of Niigata. It's dry, and it goes perfectly with ray fins." Wakiko: "Thank you again for the food." Text: "On the next episode of Wakakozake..." Text: "A girls' night out!" A: "She's letting it bother her again." Wakiko: "Wakakozake: "Girls' Night Out."" Wakiko: "See you then."
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 1 Episode 5 – Manta Ray Fins", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 1", "5", "Manta Ray Fins" ] }
Wakako: "Tonight's tale should never be told. For it is truly scary..." Wakako: "what happens when a bunch of girls get together." Miki: "Coming!" Honami: "Did we scare you?" Eriko: "Oh, Miki-san, your reactions are always so cute!" Miki: "Come on..." Honami: "Even that "Come on" was cute too, darling!" Miki: "Come on, stop it. And come in." Girls: "Thanks for having us." Honami: "It's nice to drink with just girls every once in a while." Eriko: "Seriously!" Miki: "What's with that wig?" Eriko: "I won it at a party the other day." Honami: "You love that kind of stuff, don't you, Eriko?" Eriko: "Looks great, right?" Honami: "Mii-san said she'd be late again." Miki: "She called me." Honami: "Oh, okay." Eriko: "Hey, are you listening?" Miki: "Nope, I am not." Honami: "Here you go, a present." Miki: "Oh, thanks." Eriko: "They're totally not listening..." Honami: "It's from that place in Jiyugaoka." Miki: "Wow, really?" Yuuko: "What about your husband? Where's he?" Miki: "He said he'd be out late drinking." Eriko: "Wakako-san... is that all...?" Honami: "No way!" Honami: "All booze?" Wakako: "It's girls' night, after all!" Wakako: "Pshuuu." Miki: "Here." Eriko: "Oh, that's okay. It's fine where it is." Eriko: "Takoyaki!" Wakako: "Yes indeed, takoyaki. It's been a while." Wakako: "I brought my own." Miki: "That's a Hiroshima native for you." Honami: "You're not using Worcestershire sauce?" Honami: "Really?" Honami: "But..." Honami: "What about aonori?" Honami: "None of that right?" Eriko: "It's more girly that way, right?" Girls: "Right?" Honami: "I'll help." Miki: "Oh, it's fine, just sit." Eriko: "That looks good." Wakako: "Wow, she really is all set!" Wakako: "The takoyaki flour looks nice and smooth... Putting aside the aonori... There's some flaky bonito flakes, and pickled red ginger... With finely diced green onions. And you need tenkasu. And of course, the octopus!" Eriko: "Right..." Wakako: "Tonight is girls' night, with takoyaki!" Wakako: "Which means..." Wakako: "Let's start with beer." Honami: "That's Wakako for you!" Honami: "Just how much did you bring, anyway?" Wakako: "Just the basics..." Honami: "The basics?" Honami: "How much are you gonna drink, Wakako?" Eriko: "Wakako-san does like her drinks, after all." Miki: "Thanks." Miki: "Okay, let's get baking." Honami: "Yeah, come on." Wakako: "And now, the game begins!" Wakako: "Common sense dictates you start by applying oil liberally." Miki: "I haven't taken out the takoyaki pan in a while," Miki: "I hope this goes well..." Wakako: "The first step is getting the right amount of silky smooth batter." Honami: "That smells nice." Eriko: "I can't wait to eat it." Wakako: "There we go, leaving just enough room for the other ingredients is the best way." Wakako: "Good work, Micchan." Honami: "We can start putting stuff in, right?" Eriko: "Oh, I'll do the tenkasu. Wakako-san, you do the octopus." Wakako: "Okay." Miki: "Can you do this?" Honami: "Sure." Miki: "Okay." Wakako: "And from here, the way each of us adds our touch to it will create it's flavor." Eriko: "You're putting in two at a time, Wakako-san." Wakako: "I guess my personality is shining through." Girls: "I like it! A little extra." Wakako: "Or is it just the allure of takoyaki?" Miki: "That's just like you, Wakako." Honami: "Is there enough tenkasu?" Eriko: "Should I put in more?" Miki: "Is there enough room?" Wakako: "Okay..." Wakako: "It's too much! Even the smell is too much to resist!" Wakako: "Hey..." Honami: "Oh, right, we should toast!" Eriko: "That's right!" Honami: "Ready and..." Everyone: "Cheers!" Wakako: "Tonight is girls' night." Eriko: "So, Okada-san is head clerk right now?" Honami: "Yep. And he's been dropping weight ever since." Eriko: "Maybe he has digestion problems." Honami: "Maybe!" Eriko: "His hair was looking bad, too!" Honami: "It's not thinning." Eriko: "No, it totally is." Miki: "But don't you think..." Wakako: "People usually talk about takoyaki like it's a baked good, but when it's freshly made, it's like something else entirely." Wakako: "So mysterious." Eriko: "It's still raw, Wakako-san." Miki: "Takoyaki actually takes a while to cook." Eriko: "You've got a point..." Wakako: "Well until it's done, I've also got my treasure trove with me." Wakako: "My green gems... Pistachios! Anyone want some?" Honami: "Nice, Wakako! Pistachios, huh?" Miki: "Oh, I'll get something for the shells." Wakako: "Okay." Wakako: "Micchan... you're my hero. Here." Miki: "There we go." Miki: "Thanks." Miki: "These are good." Honami: "Yeah." Wakako: "At times like these, even cracking pistachio shells can be fun. So good." Wakako: "Yummy!" Wakako: "They're both made from flour..." Wakako: "So I wonder, what the difference is between takoyaki and okonomiyaki flour?" Wakako: "Oh, well." Miki: "Oh, right." Miki: "I tried making some avocado caprese." Honami: "All right, avocados!" Wakako: "The word caprese even sounds feminine." Eriko: "You really know what you're doing, Miki-san!" Miki: "Here." Wakako: "Most girls love avocados." Wakako: "Slightly salted, and the way it sticks in your mouth..." Wakako: "Fantastic." Miki: "I came across some really good olive oil." Wakako: "That's Micchan! Her girl power is tops!" Honami: "Now... let's flip 'em." Wakako: "The main event of cooking takoyaki..." Wakako: "It's time to flip them over." Wakako: "From front, to back." Honami: "You're pretty good! Nice..." Wakko: "From front, to back." Wakko: "Round and around... Around they go!" Eriko: "This way, this way." Someone: "Well done! If anything is sticking out, you push it in. That's the only trick." Someone: "Anyone can enjoy it..." Miki: "Oh, careful." Wakako: "But if you don't rotate them carefully... I want to eat them already..." Wakako: "They can look like this." Eriko: "That one's kind of weird looking." Honami: "It's nicely cooked, though." Eriko: "Oh, yeah." Miki: "Eh, it's fine." Honami: "Okay, here we go." Wakako: "Making takoyaki is entertaining on its own." Wakako: "You finish by applying the sauce..." Wakako: "And then the mayo." Wakako: "A sprinkling of bonito flakes... The aroma comes to life!" Wakako: "That explains it..." Girls: "It looks good." Wakako: "All done." Miki: "Here." Wakako: "It's not the fanciest looking food, but with enough oil," Wakako: "the outside is crunchy, and the inside is juicy." Wakako: "That's takoyaki." Wakako: "You can really taste the octopus..." Girls: "So good!" Wakako: "A bit of beer after eating a piping hot bite..." Wakako: "Ha! Pshuuu." Wakako: "Delicious!" Wakako: "This is happiness. After fighting hard in the first round," Eriko: "Pi-pi-pi-pistachio." Wakako: "I tried the shochu." Wakako: "It goes great with the takoyaki." Wakako: "So good." Honami: "Looks like Mii-san can't make it just yet." Eriko: "Same as usual." Eriko: "What the...?" Honami: "What should we do until she shows up?" Eriko: "It'd be nice to change up the flavor." Wakako: "A change...?" Wakako: "Here." Eriko: "You want to make takoyaki with cheese in it?" Honami: "What then?" Miki: "What're you gonna do?" Miki: "What a savory smell..." Wakako: "For round 2, I'm going to mix it up a little." Girls: "Wow..." Girls: "Look at that." Wakako: "That color's great." Girls: "I bet it's good..." Wakako: "Once the melted cheese has a browned a bit..." Honami: "Whoa, that surprised me." Wakako: "You cook it until it's nice and crunchy." Eriko: "Looking good." Eriko: "That looks nice." Wakako: "Girls can't help but get excited by the smell of baked cheese." Honami: "Almost done..." Wakako: "For the finishing touch, add a bit of salsa." Wakako: "And you have pizza-style takoyaki." Girls: "So good!" Miki: "What is this?!" Miki: "It's nice and crispy and melty!" Wakako: "I didn't think it'd work this well!" Honami: "It kind of tastes Italian." Honami: "Wakako, this is amazing. I never thought of eating it like this." Miki: "Well done, Wakako." Wakako: "The fruits of being a girl who likes to go out and drink." Miki: "Here!" Wakako: "That's wine, isn't it?" Miki: "Hey!" Miki: "Honestly... Goofing around all the time." Miki: "What a waste of food." Honami: "You got yelled at!" Wakako: "As I've pointed out, tonight is girls' night." Miki: "It's fine, sit down." Wakako: "I'll take you up on your offer, Micchan." Wakako: "I want a wife like her." Wakako: "Even though I'm a girl." Wakako: "I end up drinking too much..." Honami: "Huh?" Honami: "Where...?" Eriko: "It's inside." Honami: "Inside?" Honami: "Dummy!" Eriko: "Yep." Honami: "Mii-san is finally on her way here." Eriko: "Finally! Mii-san's coming!" Eriko: "Come on! First comes rock, rock paper scissors! Aw, one more time! Rock paper scissors!" Wakako: "The spoiled Eriko." Eriko: "I did it!" Honami: "How much were the ingredients?" Wakako: "The always-considerate Hosshi." Honami: "Let's split the cost." Miki: "Oh, don't worry about it." Wakako: "Micchan is usually so buttoned up, so seeing her happy makes me happy." Miki: "Let's cook the rest of them." Honami: "Oh, right. You need to clean up, too." Honami: "Got it." Honami: "Come on, clean up." Eriko: "Okay." Eriko: "My boyfriend never cleans up after himself..." Wakako: "Being able to drink in this relaxed atmosphere with all of us..." Eriko: "But listen to this!" Wakako: "It's so much fun." Eriko: "He never puts his dishes away. Honestly." Eriko: "Soon as he's done eating, he just lets it sit where it is." Honami: "So do you." Eriko: "Even Yasushi cleans up after himself." Eriko: "Here." Miki: "Yasushi?" Eriko: "The Shiba at my parents' house." Honami: "What do we do with the leftovers?" Miki: "Good question..." Wakako: "They're cold now." Wakako: "Deep-fried takoyaki...?" Wakako: "When you have cold takoyaki..." Wakako: "What about frying them up?" Wakako: "But the oil would be a mess to clean up..." Miki: "I like it." Girls: "We like it!" Miki: "I was wanting to break out the deep fryer!" Honami: "Let's do it!" Eriko: "Yeah!" Wakako: "And so, round 3 began unexpectedly." Miki: "How about green onions and ponzu to lighten it up?" Wakako: "In that case..." Wakako: "What about some sake to polish it off?" Wakako: "This is the best way to wrap things up..." Wakako: "Deep-fried takoyaki with green onions and ponzu." Wakako: "My stomach is already full, but this is just so..." Wakako: "A cleansing acidity, and..." Wakako: "Oh, my chopsticks won't stop." Wakako: "Now, this is adult dining." Wakako: "And the sake really does the trick." Wakako: "Pshuuu." Miki: "What's this? Still got room for more?" Miki: "Oh, it's Mii-san." Honami: "What, again?" Eriko: "Hurry!" Eriko: "You come late, you get punished!" Wakako: "The drink called laughter goes perfect with a girls night." Wakako: "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old, enjoying girls night." Wakako: "We all had some nice drinks tonight." Wakako: "Wakakozake's Oil Lesson! Today's dish, fried takoyaki, was fried up nice and crispy and then eaten with a refreshing topping of green onions and ponzu. For the frying, we used a honey-colored sesame oil," Wakako: "to make some really aromatic and flavorful takoyaki. When you want to whip up some takoyaki, you can use some salad oil to make sure you end up with delicious takoyaki where the outside is crispy but the inside is juicy." Wakako: "Clear salad oil is an all-purpose oil that can be used with all kinds of cooking. That brings us to the olive oil Micchan used for her caprese," Wakako: "a fruity oil that is a must-have for Italian cuisine." Wakako: "The beautiful green oil contains plenty of oleic acid! It's an antioxidant, and said to be good for beauty treatment, so it's an oil that no girl can resist!" Wakako: "It can be fun to choose the right oil for your meal."
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 1 Episode 6 – Girls' Night", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 1", "6", "Girls' Night" ] }
Wakako: "Today I left as soon as I finished work." Shop Guy: "Step right up and see what we have!" Wakako: "I found a lovely market," Wakako: "so I guess I'll drink around here today." Randos: "That's great!" Wakako: "The reason being, if a neighborhood seems nice, they're bound to have a nice place to drink." Wakako: "That looks delicious!" Lady: "Out running errands?" Guy: "And getting a snack." Shop Guy: "How can I help you?" Wakako: "Can I get a menchi-katsu?" Guy: "Sure. Are you going to eat it now?" Wakako: "Yes." Guy: "Okay, that'll be 200 yen." Wakako: "Okay..." Guy: "It's open on the side there, so be careful." Wakako: "Right." Guy: "Here you are." Wakako: "Thank you!" Guy: "Thanks for dropping by." Wakako: "All right, time for work!" Boss: "Murasaki-kun, you can head home early today." Wakako: "Okay." Lady: "Does Wakako have a date today? She's really focused." Guy: "I doubt it." Wakako: "Oh, it's much better than that! I want to finish all my work, so I can enjoy myself without any worries." Wakako: "Every time I come by here, the string of taverns catches my interest. I would've never come somewhere like this by myself when I was younger, but out-of-the-way places like this tend to have the best places to eat." Wakako: "They all look so good..." Wakako: "That looks great!" Wakako: "I'm so hungry..." Wakako: "It's a little intimidating when you can't see inside..." Wakako: "But you just have to dive in." Cook: "Didn't come again, huh? Welcome!" Server: "Welcome!" Customer: "It's fine! Really." Cook: "No one likes being kept waiting, though." [email protected]: "I tried putting some creamer in it..." Sever: "Welcome!" [email protected]: "I was surprised by how good it was." Server: "Have a seat anywhere that's open." Wakako: "Okay. Family-run businesses Thank you. tend to be good places." Chef: "You were the same when you were young, Gen-san..." Wakako: "Once I'm inside, there's an air of excitement!" Wakako: "It seems like they'll have something affordable but tasty... A very attractive place to eat." Wakako: "They've got a lot of my favorites... I'd love to have a little bit of everything, and having a selection like this makes it hard to choose..." Guy: "Kind of a distant acquaintance." Chef: "Distant acquaintance?" Guy: "And I just happened to run into him," Guy: "when I was singing." Wakako: "The regulars are probably..." Dad: "I'll have tempura and..." Server: "Tempura." Dad: "And fried tofu." Wakako: "Not likely to eat the house specialties." Dad: "And then... do you have saury stewed with plums?" Sever: "Sure. It'll take a bit, though." Dad: "That's fine! We're not in a rush, right?" Dad: "That'll be fine." Server: "Thank you." Server: "It'll be just a moment." Server: "Here." Server: "Tempura, fried tofu, yellowtail with daikon, and saury stewed with plums." Chef: "Right." Chef: "May I take your order?" Wakako: "I need a little more time to think." Chef: "Sure." Guy: "Have you been there before? It's North Nakagusuku. Near the middle of Okinawa. There's a castle in the northern part of town," Guy: "and when I went there..." Wakako: "What should I get?" Wakako: "Excuse me!" Chef: "Yes? Can I get dashimaki-tamago and some warm Ichinokura?" Chef: "Sure. It'll just be a moment." Wakako: "Thank you." Dude: "That was near the end of winter, I think. We were saying "Demons out, cluck in!" and cracking up." Chef: "Here you go." Guy @7.48: ""Cluck" instead of "luck," get it?" Wakako: "Wow, even the edamame are good." Wakako: "Pshuuu..." Wakako: "I'm waiting for you, dashimaki-chan." Wakako: "Oh, when will you be ready, dashimaki-chan?" Wakako: "It smells so good..." Wakako: "The wait is killing me." Chef: "Here you go." Wakako: "I can make dashimaki myself, but this is nothing like the kind I make." Wakako: "I've always thought I was bad at making them look nice, for one thing." Wakako: "It's trickier than it looks." Wakako: "Oh... That's right..." Wakako: "The harmony created by the multiple layers..." Wakako: "They're not mushed together, but not completely separate, either." Wakako: "The arrangement benefits all parts perfectly! And the flavor of the dashi" Wakako: "is enhanced by a warm drink." Wakako: "Pshuuu!" Dad: "Don't just eat the fried stuff. Have some fish, too." Girlfriend: "Can you get me the mayonnaise?" Boyfriend: "Here you go." Boyfriend: "You really love that stuff, huh?" Wakako: "Huh?" Girlfriend: "This looks good!" Boyfriend: "Time to eat!" Girlfriend: "Time to eat!" Girlfriend: "Well?" Boyfriend: "S'good!" Wakako: "Ah, the young..." Wakako: "You're always in pursuit of it, aren't you?" Boyfriend: "This is really good!" Wakako: "For the rich flavor of liquor with fish." Wakako: "For the glistening shine of greasy food." Wakako: "But, you see... not everything exciting glistens." Wakako: "The lack of added flavor is flavor in and of itself. That's the world of dashimaki." Wakako: "The breaks in the music are a part of the composition." Kid: "No way! It's not salty enough." Dad: "This isn't our house, y'know." Kid: "I don't want it..." Dad: "Quit griping and eat." Kid: "I like salty stuff better." Dad: "It's good, though. You're not a picky eater, are you?" Kid: "Can I put some soy sauce on it?" Dad: "Just a little." Kid: "Okay." Dad: "Not too much." Dad: "Here..." Kid: "Everyone loves dashimaki-tamago." Kid: "It's always there for you." Kid: "It goes beyond personal taste." Kid: "Its presence is fundamental; its absence, unthinkable. That's the kind of food it is." Kid: "People crave dashimaki on a cellular level." Kid: "Oh, it's so yummy." Guy: "See you." Chef: "Thank you for coming by!" Guy: "There we go..." Chef: "Come see us again." Dude: "Honey..." Dude: "Je t'aime!" Chef: "Thanks, kids." Server: "Thanks for coming!" Guy: "See you! I'm off!" Chef: "Later." Chef: "Have a safe trip!" Wakako: "Dashimaki is kind of like a mother..." Wakako: "Maybe happiness is always right nearby." Wakako: "Thank you for the meal!" Server: "Thanks for coming by!" Chefs: "Thank you!" Wakako: "Shaking up the usual routine..." Wakako: "That's one of the joys of drinking." {Starting @20.34}: "Tamagoyaki, oh how I really love thee! Tamagoyaki, yaki, yaki! Tamagoyaki, I even love the whites! Tamagoyaki, yaki, yaki! Love me, kiss me, yolk me and white me! Love me, kiss me, yolk me and white me!" Wakako: "Tonight, Wakako was drinking The Ichinokura brewery in Miyagi's Ichinokura special dry pure rice wine." Wakako-Zake: "Please look forward to it!"
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 1 Episode 7 – Dashimaki-tamago", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 1", "7", "Dashimaki-tamago" ] }
Lady: "Huh? Wakako-san, did you lose some weight?" Wakako: "You think so?" Lady: "Yeah." Lady: "You look smaller." Wakako: "Maybe I did?" Lady: "Yeah." Wakako: "Wow." Lady: "Here's what you needed." Wakako: "Oh, thank you." Lady: "Huh... Wakako, did you lose some weight?" Wakako: "Oh, I don't think so." Lady: "Really?" Wakako: "Two people said it..." Wakako: "Which means I really must have lost some weight!" Wakako: "So, today..." Wakako: "I'll have something high in calories for a change with my drinks!" Guy: "Welcome." Wakako: "I'll start with a beer and..." Wakako: "Maybe salt and black vinegar first." Wakako: "The white sesame chicken sounds good, too! Uh, excuse—" Chef: "Yes?" Wakako: "Can I get a beer, and some salted and black vinegar fried chicken?" Chef: "Sure, coming right up." Wakako: "The sweet sound of bubbling oil..." Wakako: "Fried chicken!" Wakako: "Perfect for how thin I'm feeling now!" Wakako: "I can't stand the wait!" Wakako: "Beer, beer, beer, beer!" Chef: "Here you go. Your fried chicken and beer." Chef: "Please enjoy." Wakako: "Now this is fried chicken!" Wakako: "First a sip of beer..." Wakako: "Fried chicken just doesn't play fair." Wakako: "Despite sucking up all that oil..." Wakako: "Despite being being some of the highest-calorie meat out there..." Wakako: "And despite being really fatty food..." Wakako: "Time to eat." Wakako: "It's no fair!" Wakako: "I just can't go too long without it! You can get fried chicken in a lunch box or from a deli, but having it freshly fried is something else entirely!" Wakako: "And why does beer go so well with it?" Wakako: "Pshuuu!" Wakako: "Fried chicken seriously doesn't play fair. It's chicken seasoned with soy sauce, or alcohol, or garlic," Wakako: "and then fried in oil!" Wakako: "How could it not be delicious?!" Wakako: "I'm curious about the sesame chicken, too... Maybe I should order that." Chef: "Here you go are." Guy: "Thanks. Your order's here, chief." Guy: "Here you go." Wakako: "Wow, that bone-in chicken looks fantastic, too!" Wakako: "Which should I get?" Wakako: "Maybe both..." Wakako: "After all, I have some lost some weight!" Wakako: "Excuse me!" Chef: "Here you go!" Wakako: "Oh, so, so nice!" Wakako: "It's so good! And the sesame is so aromatic!" Wakako: "The way the juice just drips from the meat..." Wakako: "I've noticed this with sushi, too..." Wakako: "Why does food taste so good when you eat it with your hands?" Wakako: "The tastiest foods tend to be greasy." Wakako: "I do feel a little guilty..." Wakako: "But I have lost some weight, after all!" Wakako: "Oh, man, fried chicken is so unfair!" Guy: "Huh? Murasaki-kun, have you put on some weight?" Wakako: "Aw, cut it out!" Guy: "I'm telling you, you have!" Wakako: "That was a good workout..." Wakako: "I bet I burned quite a few calories." Wakako: "Still, Okada-san, did you have to put it that way? Do you not understand grown-up etiquette at all? Honestly." Wakako: "Now, then, this bit of walking was not just for the sake of my diet." Wakako: "None realize the truth..." Wakako: "The grand agenda behind my outdoorsy look today." Wakako: "All so that I can have a drink amid the smoky haze." Staff: "Welcome! Welcome! Come on in! Here." Staff: "Have a seat." Wakako: "Today it's time for a healthier chicken alternative... yakitori!" Wakako: "It's not fried in oil, after all." Staff: "Here you go." Wakako: "Thank you." Staff: "If you'll excuse me." Wakako: "Normally this place is too crowded to visit," Wakako: "so I came by right after it opened, when it's not so busy." Wakako: "And... I'm in my exercising clothes, which I can wash right away, even if they get smoky." Wakako: "I'm all set." Wakako: "For starters..." Wakako: "Excuse me." Staff: "Yes?" Wakako: "I'd like to start with a draft beer." Staff: "Right! One draft, coming up!" Other Staff: "Coming up!" Wakako: "Now, then, what do I pick? With yakitori," Wakako: "part of the fun is being able to select from all this variety." Wakako: "Excuse me." Staff: "Yes?" Wakako: "Can I get hearts, chicken and scallions..." Staff: "Okay." Wakako: "Shiso cheese wrapped in pork belly..." Staff: "Okay." Wakako: "And then... skin and livers." Staff: "Chicken skin and livers, you got it. Order's up!" Other Staff: "Got it." Staff: "Got it." Staff: "Here's your beer." Wakako: "Nothing beats that first beer after a workout..." Wakako: "It's even fun to watch them make it." Wakako: "Go ahead and get cooked away, Mr. Fat." Wakako: "Just look at it go..." Wakako: "It's grilling up nicely!" Wakako: "Soon the yakitori will be mine..." Staff: "This one's ready." Other Staff: "Right." Other Staff: "Here you go, thanks for waiting." Wakako: "That was theirs?!" Customer: "Oh, thanks." Staff: "Thank you." Salarymen: "Should I take it off the skewer? Yeah, go ahead." Wakako: "That makes sense if you're sharing..." Wakako: "Even though it's better to eat skewered stuff while it's on the skewer." Staff: "Here you go. One order of liver. Thanks! Enjoy!" Wakako: "Here it is!" Wakako: "Time to eat." Wakako: "It's all mine, so it stays on the skewer." Wakako: "This liver is amazing!" Wakako: "It's nothing like any liver I've had before!" Wakako: "Maybe I should take it off..." Wakako: "Eating off the skewer isn't very girly..." Wakako: "No, no. Wakako, eating it as-is is the whole point of food on a skewer!" Wakako: "Just keep going!" Wakako: "I bet even people who don't normally like liver would like this..." Wakako: "Pshuuu!" Staff: "Here you go, thanks for waiting. Your hearts, chicken skin," Staff: "shiso cheese wrapped in pork belly, and chicken with scallops. Enjoy." Wakako: "Now then, which should I start with?" Wakako: "Look at this! It's like a one-person buffet!" Wakako: "And it's all for me!" Wakako: "Now I can do what I always dreamed of..." Wakako: "The Nagashima style of eating!" Wakako: "What's with these hearts? They're so tender! I have a bit of this, a bit of that," Wakako: "and a bit of beer!" Wakako: "I just can't stop. This is bliss." Wakako: "Pshuuu." Wakako: "It's cold..." Guy: "Let's see... What next..." Guy: "How about hearts and gizzard?" Staff: "Hearts and gizzards, sure thing. We need hearts and gizzards over here. Right! Coming up!" Wakako: "He hasn't ordered much..." Wakako: "He's taking it easy, like he's in a sushi restaurant." Wakako: "How embarrassing..." Wakako: "I guess I don't have my grown-up etiquette down, after all." Wakako: "You've got a lot to learn, Wakako." Wakako: "Grown-up etiquette... That means being able to drink so that you and your companion both have a good time." Wakako: "When I thought of it that way, my spirits felt lighter." Wakako: "You're kidding me!" Wakako: "Even though my body ended up getting heavier... In search of an oasis for her heart made weary by the city," Wakako: "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old, drinks alone again." Wakako: "The first of today's restaurants is Mantendo, which is famous for its fried chicken." Wakako: "And it really was delicious! They have white sesame, black vinegar, and chili pepper oil fried chicken, and a single bite of any one is sublimely juicy! And the juicy bone-in chicken goes perfectly with beer. The owner who appeared on the show, Inamoto-san, might look scary, but he's friendly and really nice!" Wakako: "They do takeout, too, so please drop by!" Wakako: "Our second restaurant, Miyazaki Shoten, is famous for its yakitori." Wakako: "I've never tasted such soft liver before! They've got a menu packed with variety, like chicken skin, chicken and scallions, and gizzards." Wakako: "There's no way it won't go great with beer!" Wakako: "Come by and try eating Nagashima-style yourself!" Wakako: "Thank you for another great meal today. Pshuuu!"
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 1 Episode 9 – Yakitori", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 1", "9", "Yakitori" ] }
Text: "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old. Born with a taste for liquor," Text: "I wander the night yet again in search of a place to be. A woman, drinking by myself." Wakkawakka: "Pshuuu." A: "Are you looking for something in specific?" Wakkawakka: "Yes, I'm looking for something for a baby shower." A: "Thank you." Wakkawakka: "My sister just had a baby." A: "Congratulations..." Wakkawakka: "Thank you." A: "We have gift sets over there; how about those?" Wakkawakka: "Gift sets." A: "We have a few prepared here." Wakkawakka: "It's so cute." Wakkawakka: "It's tiny." A: "It is, isn't it?" Wakkawakka: "Oh, yeah." Wakkawakka: "It's cute." Wakkawakka: "I wonder if it looks good." Wakkawakka: "I'm sorry." A: "It's all right." Wakkawakka: "I'd like this set, then." A: "This one?" Wakkawakka: "Yes." A: "Thank you, just a second." Wakkawakka: "I hope my sister likes it." Wakkawakka: "I should enjoy some of this festive spirit, too." Wakkawakka: "What could be better than red snapper for a celebration?" Wakkawakka: "Seven gods of fortune, huh?" Wakkawakka: "That sounds lucky." Shiny: "Welcome. For one?" Wakkawakka: "Yes." Shiny: "Have a seat here." Wakkawakka: "Thank you." Shiny: "Welcome." Shiny: "Thank you." Shiny: "Here's your hand towel." Shiny: "Over here, please." Wakkawakka: "What kind of red snapper dishes should I have?" Wakkawakka: "Sashimi is good, too." Wakkawakka: "But I might as well have it boiled whole." Wakkawakka: "Yeah, I'll splurge on simmered kinmedai today." Wakkawakka: "And for drinks..." Wakkawakka: "I'll have Japanese sake. Excuse me." Shiny: "Yes?" Wakkawakka: "May I have simmered kinmedai?" Shiny: "Kinmedai." Wakkawakka: "And Japanese sake?" Shiny: "Japanese sake. Got it, thank you. What would you like for sake?" Wakkawakka: "Is there anything good for celebrations?" Shiny: "For celebrations? I have just the thing." Shiny: "Shichifukujin. What do you say?" Wakkawakka: "Okay, I'd like this, then." Shiny: "Thank you." Shiny: "Here you are, matsuba." Wakkawakka: "More good luck charms here, too." Wakkawakka: "That's a red snapper that Ebisu-sama is holding, isn't it?" Wakkawakka: "So it's a lucky fish after all." Wakkawakka: "Although he's the god of commerce, if I remember correctly." Shiny: "Here you are, Shichifukujin served hiya. Thanks for waiting." Wakkawakka: "Thank you." Senbei: "Excuse me." Shiny: "Yes?" Senbei: "May I have some sake? Sorry, give me a minute." Wakkawakka: "So they serve it hiya if you don't specify. Hiya means "room temperature." It's not chilled." Wakkawakka: "Time to drink." Wakkawakka: "I see. First it seems a bit lukewarm," Wakkawakka: "but then you realize this is the right temperature for this sake." Wakkawakka: "I can totally taste the rice." Wakkawakka: "This is going to go well with the simmered fish." Shiny: "Here you are. Boiled kinmedai." Wakkawakka: "So lavish." Wakkawakka: "It's so lavish." Shiny: "Thank you. It's quite filling. Take your time." Wakkawakka: "Okay." Wakkawakka: "First, I'll start with the soft belly." Wakkawakka: "It's so meaty!" Wakkawakka: "Time to eat." Wakkawakka: "The well-flavored fish fills my sake-primed mouth." Wakkawakka: "It's so soft and flavorful." Wakkawakka: "This is the true taste of Japan." Wakkawakka: "Pshuuu." Wakkawakka: "It's filling not just for my belly but for my soul, too." Wakkawakka: "It's perfect for taking small sips." Wakkawakka: "Red snapper sure is the... king of fish?" Wakkawakka: "No, it's the lord." Wakkawakka: "Sorry." A: "Taka-chan, one more, please." Shiny: "Coming." Wakkawakka: "There's so much meat around the head, too." Wakkawakka: "The meat's good, too, but the stuff around the bones are really tasty." Wakkawakka: "It's so good." Wakkawakka: "And the jiggly stuff around the eyes." Wakkawakka: "DHA. DHA!" Wakkawakka: "I'm going to eat every part that I can." Wakkawakka: "And now it's the sake's turn." Wakkawakka: "Yum." Shiny: "Oh, you noticed?" Shiny: "That's a piece of bone, shaped like a red snapper. There's a red snapper inside a red snapper, which is already good luck. So it's called the red snapper of the red snapper." Wakkawakka: "Red snapper of the red snapper." Shiny: "Yes." Shiny: "It's really good luck." Wakkawakka: "It's cute." Wakkawakka: "I hope the baby grows up well." Wakkawakka: "I'm getting a nice buzz." Wakkawakka: "I think I'll have another." Wakkawakka: "Excuse me." Posture Problems: "Excuse me!" Shiny: "Yes?" Wakkawakka: "Sorry." Posture Problems: "Go ahead." Wakkawakka: "May I?" Shiny: "Go ahead." Wakkawakka: "I'd like another Shichifukujin." Shiny: "Gladly." Hear On Food: "What's the point of this if you don't follow the instructions? Understand? What's the point of writing it down if you don't remember?" A: "Yes." Hear On Food: "Right?" Boss From Office Space: "Can you fill this up later?" B: "No way." Boss From Office Space: "Come on, Hasegawa-kun." Hear On Food: "You're done early today, Okada-san. For once." Boss From Office Space: "My oldest kid's having a birthday today. I have to go buy cake." Wakkawakka: "Congratulations." Sadako: "Are you partying today? Nice." Hear On Food: "Your kids must be happy, too." Boss From Office Space: "Yeah, well, y'know, I want to make time to go home at least for their birthday, right? See you all. Good work." All: "Good work." Sadako: "Okada-san's finally turning human." Wakkawakka: "Family is nice." Wakkawakka: "I have a place to go home to, too, but my family's in Hiroshima." Wakkawakka: "The only people who would greet me are far away." Wakkawakka: "Oh, yeah." Wakkawakka: "I know where to go on a day like this." Wakkawakka: "I know both the staff and the customers here." George Bush: "Come in." Wakkawakka: "Good evening." A: "Wakako-chan. Welcome." Wakkawakka: "They smile, as if to say "Thanks for coming back."" Wakkawakka: "Thank you." Wakkawakka: "There." Wakkawakka: "Good evening." Wakkawakka: "Huh? Where's your wife today?" B: "She'll get here eventually." Wakkawakka: "This is so relaxing." Wakkawakka: "It's cozy." A: "Here's your hand towel." A: "What can I get you to drink?" Wakkawakka: "I'd like cold sake. Do you have any recommendations?" A: "Hey, Boss," George Bush: "Yeah?" A: "What's that new, um... Uh... What was it?" George Bush: "What? Oh, Chikuha Notojunmai?" George Bush: "Yeah, that one goes down easy and it has a firm taste. I think you'd like it, Waka-chan." Wakkawakka: "I'll have that one, then." George Bush: "Sure." Wakkawakka: "It makes me happy when they recommend something that's right for me." Wakkawakka: "Boss..." George Bush: "Yeah?" Wakkawakka: "What's good on the menu today?" George Bush: "Today, we have buri sashimi and shimesaba. There's also deep-fried oysters and beef tofu." Wakkawakka: "Beef tofu. Yes! I'd like beef tofu." George Bush: "Sure thing." George Bush: "One beef tofu." A: "Yes, sir." Wakkawakka: "It must be really flavorful and tasty." George Bush: "Here. Your appetizer." Wakkawakka: "Komochi konbu?" George Bush: "Yeah. It's a good luck thing to bring your descendants good luck." Wakkawakka: "My sister just had a baby. She's in Hiroshima." George Bush: "That's great news. That's a perfect appetizer for you, then." Wakkawakka: "Yes." A: "Oh, yeah?" A: "So you're finally an auntie too, huh?" Wakkawakka: "I'll make sure they call me Onee-san." A: "Here you are. Notojunmai by Chikuha." A: "Just a little more. Just for you." Wakkawakka: "Thank you." A: "Enjoy." Wakkawakka: "Time to drink." Wakkawakka: "First, a sip of the cold sake." Wakkawakka: "It goes down smooth, and it's delicious. It has a firm taste. I bet it's going to make the fish taste really good." Wakkawakka: "Time to eat." Wakkawakka: "Herring roe and kelp." Wakkawakka: "Two good luck foods in one. Amazing." Wakkawakka: "Crunch, crunch, crunch. It feels strangely nice. The ripe herring roe and the kelp combine" Wakkawakka: "to make an indescribable flavor." Wakkawakka: "Pshuuu." Wakkawakka: "I got to have some tasty good luck food on my sister's behalf." Wakkawakka: "So good." George Bush: "Here you are, beef tofu." George Bush: "Careful." Wakkawakka: "Okay. For me, beef tofu is what takes me back home. Right." Wakkawakka: "Thank you." Wakkawakka: "Egg makes it twice as enjoyable." Wakkawakka: "Mom and Grandma would always drop an egg into all kinds of things for me." Wakkawakka: "Miso soup." Wakkawakka: "Soba. I love how they're like, "If it tastes good, it'll go with egg!"" Wakkawakka: "Sweet and spicy soup." Wakkawakka: "What a nostalgic taste." Wakkawakka: "Break the egg, and..." Wakkawakka: "Such soft ribs." Wakkawakka: "Well-flavored tofu." Wakkawakka: "This takes me back." Mom: "Here, beef tofu." Grandpa: "You need to drink more, Wakako." Wakkawakka: "Okay." Wakkawakka: "Those were good times." Wakkawakka: "But there's beef tofu in front of me now, too." Wakkawakka: "And I have Japanese sake." Wakkawakka: "I feel like I'm back at home." Wakkawakka: "Pshuuu." A: "Boss, a beef tofu for me, too." George Bush: "Sure." Wakkawakka: "It's delicious." B: "Tama-chan..." A: "Yes?" B: "I'll have one, too." C: "Oh, I should ask for one, too, then." D: "Me, too." E: "Make that four." Wakkawakka: "It's spreading." B: "Cancel mine, then." Wakkawakka: "Boss..." George Bush: "Yeah?" Wakkawakka: "That's a nice picture, huh? Has that always been there?" George Bush: "Oh, that?" George Bush: "Well, it's..." A: "Your beef tofu." A: "That's his daughter's piece. His daughter just won an award in her high school art class for that painting." Wakkawakka: "That's amazing." George Bush: "It's nothing." Wakkawakka: "It's a nice painting. It has a gentle color scheme." George Bush: "I tried to talk her out of it, but she insisted on framing it here at the shop." A: "You're actually happy, aren't you?" George Bush: "Shut up, kid." A: "Sorry." A: "I got yelled at." George Bush: "Waka-chan, want another drink?" Wakkawakka: "What should I do?" Wakkawakka: "You have Isomi, too." A: "That's the Boss's favorite." George Bush: "I make a point to drink it only on special occasions." George Bush: "I can give you a share, if you want." Wakkawakka: "Really?" Wakkawakka: "I'd like that." George Bush: "Sure thing. Yagi." A: "Sir." A: "He stocked up on that sake after his daughter won that award." A: "He's so, so happy." George Bush: "Hurry up!" A: "Sorry, sir. Isami coming right up." Wakkawakka: "I'm glad I can even have conversations like this. Living on my own outside of Hiroshima," Wakkawakka: "I'm slowly gathering things to cherish in this town, too." Wakkawakka: "I'm so grateful." A: "Here you are." A: "Isami." Wakkawakka: "Thank you." A: "Yup, enjoy." Wakkawakka: "Cheers." Wakkawakka: "Pshuuu." Wakkawakka: "The sake is so warm today." Wakkawakka: "Even though it's on the rocks." Text: "Today's restaurant was wife-approved Shichifukujin Iwateya, by Yushima Station. The regulars began calling it "wife-approved" because the customers would bring their wives here to drink right after they get married." Text: "Odettekudanse." Wakkawakka: "The Iwate-born head chef and his son, who appeared on the show, provide a taste of home with their delicious Iwate food like ittsumi, as well as original dishes, like ahokitsune and Sansho peppered chicken." Text: "The first sake was Seisui Shichifukujin pure rice wine by Kiku no Tsukasa Brewery, Iwate's top brewery. It has a smooth, refreshing, soothing taste that goes well with anything." Wakkawakka: "The second sake was Chikuha Notojunmai by Kazuma Brewery of Ishikawa. You'll never get bored of its well-balanced flavor. It was great with the komochi konbu and beef tofu." Wakkawakka: "Finally, Isami by Kaishoten of Kagoshima. It's refreshing and goes down smooth. It's the original premium shochu that revolutionized potato shochu. Pshuuu." Wakkawakka: "Shish-kebabs have to be eaten hot off the stick. Beer and meat. Unbeatable." Wakkawakka: "Wakakozake Season 2: Yakiton. See you then."
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 2 Episode 10 – Simmered Kinmedai", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 2", "10", "Simmered Kinmedai" ] }
Text: "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old. Born with a taste for liquor," Text: "I wander the night yet again in search of a place to be. A woman, drinking by myself." A: "Here you are. Seared mentaiko and" A: "warm Hakutsuru." Whackagoat: "Thank you." Whackagoat: "It's so nicely browned." Whackagoat: "Thank you, boss." George Bush: "Yeah." Whackagoat: "Oh, yeah. At work today..." Sudo Genki: "Still not read." Bowl: "What's up?" Sudo Genki: "I messaged my girlfriend yesterday, but it still doesn't say "read."" Bowl: "Really?" Sudo Genki: "I don't know what's going through her mind lately." Whackagoat: "Really?" Bowl: "You're kinda like that, too, aren't you, Murasaki-san? You're kind of hard to read." Bowl: "I mean that in a good way. In a good way." Sudo Genki: "A good way..." Sudo Genki: "You have a point." A: "Waka-chan." A: "Waka-chan." A: "Is something wrong? You seem out of it." Whackagoat: "Um..." Whackagoat: "Am I hard to read?" A: "What?" Whackagoat: "What?" A: "What?" Whackagoat: "No, nothing. Don't worry about it." Whackagoat: "I guess I'm not that open." Whackagoat: "Considering I'm sitting here drinking Japanese sake alone." Whackagoat: "And I'm having seared mentaiko today." Whackagoat: "What a gorgeous side view." Whackagoat: "Let's take a bite." Whackagoat: "It's cooked just right." Whackagoat: "Crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside." Whackagoat: "The thin skin is tasty, and the inside is medium rare." Whackagoat: "The grains really stand out." Whackagoat: "Now..." Whackagoat: "A sip of not-too-hot sake." Whackagoat: "Pshuuu." Whackagoat: "It being double-layered makes it so appetizing." Whackagoat: "That's why I love searing." Whackagoat: "People can have a tough exterior and a soft inside, too." A: "Thank you." Whackagoat: "Considering how delicious seared mentaiko is, I guess that's not a bad way to go, either." Whackagoat: "I might be hard to judge at first sight, but I have good qualities inside." Office Space: "Murasaki-kun," Whackagoat: "Yes?" Office Space: "About the get-together that's coming up, with the marketing department..." Whackagoat: "Yes?" Office Space: "We need to book a restaurant. I was thinking maybe you could organize it." Whackagoat: "Me?" Office Space: "I hear you know some good places." Office Space: "Find a nice place for us. We had fish last time, so maybe meat this time." Whackagoat: "Understood." Office Space: "I'm counting on your good taste. Find me a good shop." Ears: "Wakako, are you okay?" Sadako: "You've got a huge responsibility." Whackagoat: "I think so." Whackagoat: "Meat, huh?" Whackagoat: "It'd be casual if it were just my department." Whackagoat: "But people from the other department's coming, too." Whackagoat: "Meat..." Whackagoat: "Meat..." Whackagoat: "What kind of place should we go to?" Whackagoat: "Steak? Fried chicken?" Whackagoat: "Barbecue?" Whackagoat: "I don't know." Whackagoat: "Yakitori might be good." Whackagoat: "I wonder what that shop is." Whackagoat: "Good evening." Guy From Doom: "Welcome." Whackagoat: "Um, what's this?" Guy From Doom: "It's yakiton." Whackagoat: "Yakiton?" Whackagoat: "That's an idea." Whackagoat: "All right, I think I'll check it out." A: "Welcome." A: "For one?" Whackagoat: "Yes." A: "Have a seat." Whackagoat: "Wow." Whackagoat: "It's like a cabin." Whackagoat: "It has a nice mood." Christopher Walken: "Here's your menu." Christopher Walken: "Let me know when you've decided." Whackagoat: "Okay." Whackagoat: "For drinks..." Whackagoat: "Beer and Japanese sake. Plum wine. Whiskey. Vodka. Wine. Shochu." Whackagoat: "They've got all kinds." Whackagoat: "Nikomi, okara, pickled..." Whackagoat: "The snacks look good, too." Whackagoat: "Excuse me." Christopher Walken: "Yes?" Whackagoat: "I'd like a draft beer, heart, and tongue with salt." Christopher Walken: "Would you like that with salt or sauce?" Whackagoat: "Salt." Christopher Walken: "Understood, coming right up." Christopher Walken: "Draft beer, heart, and tongue." A: "Okay." Whackagoat: "I'll start with two." Whackagoat: "I learned not to order too much at once when I had yakitori." Whackagoat: "I ordered way too much at once and scoffed it down, and..." Whackagoat: "It's gone cold." Whackagoat: "Darn." Whackagoat: "I won't make that mistake again." Whackagoat: "I have to take it slow when I order." Whackagoat: "I have to savor one at a time." Christopher Walken: "Here's your draft beer." Whackagoat: "First, let's start with the beer." Whackagoat: "Delicious." Whackagoat: "Now... I wonder how the yakiton is coming along. At times," Whackagoat: "even hot flames add to the taste of liquor." Christopher Walken: "Here you are. Heart and tongue." Whackagoat: "It's cooked to just the right color." Whackagoat: "Let's start with the tongue." Whackagoat: "Time to eat." Whackagoat: "It's so hot." Whackagoat: "Fantastic. This chewy, chewy texture. The thin-cut salted tongue at barbecue shops is good, too, but so is the thick, skewered, tongue." Whackagoat: "Now for the heart." Whackagoat: "I love this texture." Whackagoat: "Crunch, crunch." Whackagoat: "The salt is perfect for the taste of protein." Whackagoat: "Delicious." Whackagoat: "All right, let's go for more." A: "One moment, please. Peanuts, please." Whackagoat: "Excuse me." Christopher Walken: "Yes?" Whackagoat: "Cheek and liver, please. With sauce." Christopher Walken: "Right. With sauce." Christopher Walken: "Cheek and live with sauce." Whackagoat: "Oh, and..." Whackagoat: "Another beer." Christopher Walken: "Coming right up." Whackagoat: "It's not too early." Whackagoat: "Kushiyaki takes a while. The trick is to order before you finish your drink." Whackagoat: "What else should I order?" Whackagoat: "Come to think of it, I'm here to find a place for the drinking party." Whackagoat: "It's pretty big here." Whackagoat: "It seems good for a party." Whackagoat: "We'd have to order an assorted dish if there're a lot of people." Whackagoat: "I guess that might be nice, too. I'll get to try all kinds of kushiyaki." Christopher Walken: "Here you are. Cheek and liver." Whackagoat: "Here comes the sauce. Thank you." Christopher Walken: "Here's your draft beer." Whackagoat: "Time to eat." Whackagoat: "Sauce after salt." Whackagoat: "It's even better." Whackagoat: "High-quality liver dipped in rich sauce." Whackagoat: "This is unbeatable." Whackagoat: "Pshuuu." Whackagoat: "Beer and meat." Whackagoat: "I'm in heaven." Whackagoat: "Okay, I choose this shop." Sadako: "Wakako-san," Whackagoat: "Have you chosen a restaurant?" Ears: "Don't worry about it. It can just be one of the places you always go to." Whackagoat: "I have it under control." Ears: "Is that a smile of confidence?" Whackagoat: "I've got a great choice." Office Space: "Here?" Whackagoat: "Yes." Office Space: "Are you sure this is the right place?" Whackagoat: "Yes. The yakiton here is delicious." Office Space: "Shouldn't meat be more, like, "bam, pow"?" Whackagoat: "Was yakiton a bad choice?" Office Space: "I mean it's not bad, but... I wonder what the boss will think of a place like this." Office Space: "Boss. Over here." A: "Hello." 7-3: "Here?" Office Space: "Yes." Whackagoat: "Yes." 7-3: "Here?" Whackagoat: "Yes. We've been waiting." Office Space: "Here, Murasaki-kun. Please." Office Space: "Good work today." A: "Good work." Office Space: "We're going overseas this year." A: "Really?" Office Space: "Boss, your comments at the meeting the other day were very insightful." 7-3: "Nah, you're overstating it." 7-3: "Were they?" Office Space: "You scared me." A: "You're so funny." Office Space: "Please, drink up." 7-3: "Should I?" Office Space: "That's your favorite trick, huh?" 7-3: "Say, Masuda-kun," Office Space: "Yes? I'm Okada." 7-3: "Ah, Okada-kun. Okada-kun, are you free this Sunday?" Office Space: "Sunday?" Office Space: "Yes, I'm free." 7-3: "Really? How about we..." Office Space: "Golf?" 7-3: "Gateball." Office Space: "That's a classy hobby." Sadako: "This might be the first time I've had yakiton." Bowl: "Me, too. What's the difference between yakitori and yakiton?" Office Space: "Seriously? You don't know?" Ears: "It's not even the same kind of meat. Yakiton is pork." Ears: "Ton as in tonkatsu or tonjiru. From the Chinese word for "pig."" Bowl: "Ah, I see." Christopher Walken: "Here you are, assorted yakiton." Whackagoat: "These are with salt, and these are with sauce." Office Space: "I can see that." Whackagoat: "Eat up while it's still hot." Office Space: "All right, let's go." Office Space: "This is good. It's delicious!" Whackagoat: "Right?" Ears: "It's so tasty." Whackagoat: "Right?" Sadako: "You guys are so fast. What should I have? It's a race." Sadako: "Time to eat." Whackagoat: "Wait!" Whackagoat: "Kushiyaki shall be had hot from the skewer." A: "Shall?" B: "Shall." Sadako: "Yes, ma'am." Sadako: "Yum." Ears: "Did Wakako just say "shall be had"?" Sadako: "Yes." Ears: "She's so commanding when it comes to food." Office Space: "All that matters now is what the boss thinks." 7-3: "Where's Okada-kun?" Office Space: "Yes, well, boss, today's failure was due to my inadequate..." 7-3: "This place is delicious!" Office Space: "Huh?" 7-3: "Everyone from my department's happy; they've never been to such a solid place." A: "It's amazing." 7-3: "Is Hirahara-san here?" 7-3: "Oh, organizer." Whackagoat: "Oh, yes." 7-3: "Thanks for choosing such a nice place for us." Whackagoat: "Yes." Office Space: "I know, right, Boss?" Office Space: "May I pour you some beer?" Office Space: "May I pour you some beer? Excuse my reach." 7-3: "Thanks." Sadako: "He's such a suck-up." Ears: "I know. Eat up while it's still warm, Wakako." Sadako: "Yeah." Whackagoat: "Time to eat." Bowl: "You make it look so delicious, Murasaki-san." Death Glare: "No kidding, you look happy as hell." Whackagoat: "Do I?" Ears: "You're always like that, Wakako." Sadako: "Yeah, you always eat with the most blissful look on your face." Bowl: "I had you wrong." Bowl: "I thought you were really hard to read." Bowl: "But you're actually really easy to understand." Death Glare: "You're gung-ho when it comes to things you're passionate about." Bowl: "In a good way. I swear, in a good way." Ears: "What a convenient phrase, huh? "In a good way."" Bowl: "What? What? What do you mean by that?" Sadako: "In a good way." Bowl: "Yeah, in a good way." Sadako: "In a good way." Ears: "You're such a suck-up, in a good way." Bowl: "Give me a break." Office Space: "Sounds like you're all having fun. I'm thinking we should have shochu now." Office Space: "Do you have any recommendations, Murasaki-kun?" Whackagoat: "Let's see..." Whackagoat: "How about Yaemaru, from Kagoshima? The barley's so strong. It's perfect with yakiton." Office Space: "Oh, yeah? Yeah, let's go with that, then." Death Glare: "Shall I? Hello. A bottle of Yaemaru, please." A: "Understood." Office Space: "You ordered a bottle?" Office Space: "This place is amazing, though. I'm impressed. Thanks, you're a life saver." Whackagoat: "Here you are." Office Space: "Good work." A: "Good work." Whackagoat: "Thank you." Office Space: "So about yakiton, what's the right way to go? Salt or sauce?" Ears: "You'd go there? You'll never hear the end of that debate." Sadako: "It's got to be sauce." Office Space: "I'd say salt." Death Glare: "Salt." Whackagoat: "Sometimes it's hard to know what people like about you." Whackagoat: "But I guess I have at least a little bit going for me, too." Whackagoat: "Having yakiton with my buddies is the best." Whackagoat: "Today's restaurant is Boruga, two minutes walk from Shinjuku west gate." Whackagoat: "You can enjoy all kinds of food there, not just yakiton." Whackagoat: "Today's sake was Josen Hakutsuru Kiritto Karakuchi. A long-standing classic of dry sake, it's great served warm or cold. Thank you for the meal. Pshuuu." Whackagoat: "The next episode of Wakakozake is the final episode. The happiness of having good sake and good food. I love this moment."
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 2 Episode 11 – Party Organizer, Yakiton", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 2", "11", "Party Organizer, Yakiton" ] }
Text: "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old. Born with a taste for liquor, I wander the night yet again in search of a place to be. A woman, drinking by myself." Hackathon: "I'm so tired." A: "Here's your beer." Hackathon: "Thank you." A: "I'll take this away." A: "You seem busy lately." Hackathon: "Yeah, it's accounting season. I'm working overtime every day." A: "Yeah?" Gwb: "Here's your appetizer, then." Hackathon: "Sunomono." Gwb: "It'll give you a good boost." Hackathon: "Thank you." Hackathon: "What should I have?" Hackathon: "I'm so hungry, I can't decide." Hackathon: "At times like these, I should be adventurous." Hackathon: "Order something off the menu." Hackathon: "Excuse me, could you make kakiage?" Gwb: "Sure." Gwb: "Mind if I choose the ingredients?" Hackathon: "Sure." Gwb: "One kakiage." Hackathon: "Kakiage, just for me." Hackathon: "I wonder what they're going to make it out of." A: "Here you are, kakiage." Hackathon: "There's so much." Hackathon: "Onions, sakura shrimp, mitsuba, and..." Hackathon: "Scallops?" Hackathon: "What are you?" Hackathon: "Shiso?" Hackathon: "Whatever you are, fresh out of the fryer, first, some salt." Hackathon: "Time to eat." Hackathon: "It's so crisp and crunchy." Hackathon: "I can taste scallops." Hackathon: "I can't get enough of this delicious sweetness." Hackathon: "The ingredients are giving it plenty of flavor, so all it needs is salt." Hackathon: "No, in fact, it's the salt that makes it." Hackathon: "And throw in some cold beer..." Hackathon: "Pshuuu." Hackathon: "It needs only salt." Hackathon: "Still, let's try with tempura sauce. Tempura is classic Japanese food, but I wonder if, in the tempura hierarchy, where ebi and anago are at the top, kakiage is classified as junk food." Hackathon: "But it's because it's junky that it's great with beer." Hackathon: "What should I have next?" Hackathon: "Excuse me." A: "Yes?" Hackathon: "I'd like a bottle of shochu." A: "Sure. What would you like it with? Cold water? Hot water?" Hackathon: "I'll have it with hot water, then." A: "Got it, I'll bring it in a second." Hackathon: "Okay." A: "Here you are. I'll take this away." A: "Here, Wakakozake 2, with hot water." Hackathon: "Thank you." A: "How was the kakiage? It's a Waka-chan special, only available today." Hackathon: "It was super good." A: "Right?" Hackathon: "Come to think of it, it's rather lavish, isn't it? It's a kakiage made from a choice of all kinds of vegetables and seafood." A: "It wouldn't taste the same if even one of those things were missing." Hackathon: "It's just kakiage." Hackathon: "But still, it's kakiage." Hackathon: "It has within it infinite combinations and infinite possibilities." Office Space: "Murasaki-kun!" Office Space: "Murasaki, sorry, would you mind making ten copies of this?" Hackathon: "Okay." Office Space: "Abe-chan, can you get me the new client files? One through Five." Sadako: "Understood." Office Space: "Oh, and Mii-san, can you do the new pricing plans?" Ears: "Already on it." Office Space: "Oh, you are? Great, you're terrific." Sadako: "I want to go home." Hackathon: "It'll be over soon. Hang in there." Sadako: "But..." Hackathon: "We couldn't make good kakiage if even one of us were missing." Sadako: "Kakiage?" Sadako: "What do you mean, kakiage?" Hackathon: "Never mind that." Sadako: "Kakiage?" Sadako: "Kakiage?" Office Space: "Good work, it's done!" Office Space: "Really, it's all thanks to your help. I'm sorry to work you so hard lately. Thanks so much. Good work." Hackathon: "Good work." Hackathon: "Thank goodness." Hackathon: "Good things happen when we work together." Hackathon: "There's something I've been meaning to eat once I got a break." Hackathon: "That day's finally come." A: "Welcome." A: "For how many?" Hackathon: "Just one." A: "Have a seat at the counter." Hackathon: "A treat for myself, for working really hard." Hackathon: "I'm finally going to order one." Hackathon: "I've never had the guts to do it." Hackathon: "A kawahagi sugatazukuri." A: "Here's your hand towel." Hackathon: "Thank you." A: "Are you ready to order?" Hackathon: "Yes." Hackathon: "A kawahagi sugatazukuri." A: "Thank you." A: "What would you like to drink?" Hackathon: "A warm sake." A: "We have this sake from Ishikawa, Judaime. It's a full-tasting sake with a bite. I think it would be perfect with sashimi." Hackathon: "I'll have that, then." A: "Okay." Hackathon: "A kawahagi sugatazukuri for lowly me?" Hackathon: "I hope he doesn't think I'm in over my head." Hackathon: "But more than that, I'm really happy." Hackathon: "I finally get to have a whole kawahagi." Hackathon: "I'm excited." A: "Here you are, your warm sake." Hackathon: "Thank you." A: "Judaime." Hackathon: "Now, then..." Hackathon: "Chug, chug, chug." Hackathon: "Time to drink." Hackathon: "It's rich, yet crisp and delicious." Dude: "Nope, wrong, wrong, wrong. When you're mixing shochu and hot water, the water goes first." Dudess: "Really?" Hackathon: "Really?" Dude: "Unlike cold water, when it's hot water, the hot water goes first. Four parts hot water," Dude: "six parts shochu. That way, it mixes well." Dudess: "I never knew." Hackathon: "I never knew." Hackathon: "Who would have known?" Hackathon: "I should try it next time." Hackathon: "Now, then..." Hackathon: "I wonder how the kawahagi is coming along. I heard that kawahagi meat is delicious during the summer, and the liver is good during the winter." Hackathon: "Which means..." Hackathon: "it's also good all year round, in the spring and fall, too." Hackathon: "From what I've read, this restaurant minces liver and serves it with soy sauce." Hackathon: "Could that be it?" Hackathon: "That's it, right?" A: "Here you are." A: "Natural kawahagi sugatazukuri." Hackathon: "Here we go!" A: "Here's your ponzu." A: "Please coat the liver with soy sauce, and use it for the sashimi. Use the ponzu as it is with the meat." Hackathon: "Okay." Hackathon: "Kawahagi!" Hackathon: "It was swimming along until just a minute ago." Hackathon: "Look at what it's become, just for my sake." Hackathon: "Thank you." Hackathon: "I'll be sure none of you goes to waste." Hackathon: "I'm having warm sake so that the cold sashimi tastes even better." Hackathon: "Slowly warm my throat with warm sake, as I observe the kawahagi." Hackathon: "Now that I'm relaxed..." Hackathon: "Dip the sashimi in ponzu, so that it takes up the flavor well." Hackathon: "The very definition of freshness." Hackathon: "Nom, nom." Hackathon: "What a great texture." Hackathon: "Yum." Hackathon: "And..." Hackathon: "N-N-Next..." Hackathon: "Should I try the liver?" Hackathon: "Should I do it?" Hackathon: "Have the sashimi with the liver." Hackathon: "Bliss." Hackathon: "It's so sweet and tasty." Hackathon: "The fatty liver is so exquisite." Hackathon: "Pshu-Pshuuu." Hackathon: "This dish holds all the happiness in the world." Hackathon: "It's a grand masterpiece, made from an entire fish." Hackathon: "It wouldn't be complete if it didn't have all of it." Hackathon: "Of course." Hackathon: "It's a job that we managed to do because we came together as a team." A: "This arajiru comes with the kawahagi sugatazukuri. Enjoy." Hackathon: "My." Hackathon: "They leave nothing to be desired." Hackathon: "Even as bones, you're delicious." Hackathon: "I'll eat all of you, like I promised." Hackathon: "Thank you." A: "Thank you. Take care." Hackathon: "That was delicious." Hackathon: "I finally had kawahagi. I'm satisfied." Hackathon: "It's still early." Hackathon: "I think I'll swing by Araku." A: "Welcome." A: "Wakako-chan, welcome. This way." Gwb: "Welcome." Hackathon: "Good evening." Hackathon: "Shochu, please. With hot water." A: "The same bottle from last time?" Hackathon: "Yes." A: "Hang on." A: "We're almost out." Hackathon: "Looks like you'll have to order more." A: "Thank you." Hackathon: "Not at all." A: "Hang on, I'll go get a glass and hot water." Gwb: "Done with work?" Hackathon: "Yes, I finally got a break." Gwb: "That's great." Hackathon: "We all worked hard, like kakiage." Gwb: "What?" Hackathon: "No, nothing." A: "Here you are." Hackathon: "Thank you." A: "Enjoy." Hackathon: "First, four parts hot water." Hackathon: "And then about six parts of shochu." Hackathon: "Yum." A: "You're becoming a good drinker, Waka-chan." Hackathon: "Am I? I'm still nothing." A: "You learn about all the good sake. And how to drink like a veteran." A: "Remember, the first time you were here, you were kind of shy? You were really timid when you came into the shop." Hackathon: "Um..." Hackathon: "Thank you." Hackathon: "You make it sound like I'm a diva now." A: "No, I mean—" Gwb: "Get Waka-chan a hand towel." A: "No." Gwb: "Hurry up!" A: "Yes, sir." A: "Hand towel, coming right up." Hackathon: "The happiness of having good drinks and good food." Hackathon: "I love this moment. Excuse me," Gwb: "Yeah?" Hackathon: "I'd like a Wakakozake 3 next." Gwb: "All right." Gwb: "Wakakozake 3." A: "Wakakozake 3, coming right up." Gwb: "Pshuuu." Gwb: "Today's restaurant was Ryoshigoya, seven minutes by foot from Numabe Station. The kawahagi and the other fresh fish are affordable and delicious." Hackathon: "Today's first alcohol was Judaime of Ishikawa. You can really taste the rice when it's served warm. The second was Sato Mugi shochu of Kagoshima. Thank you for the season!"
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 2 Episode 12 – A Glass of Happiness, Kawahagi Otsukuri", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 2", "12", "A Glass of Happiness, Kawahagi Otsukuri" ] }
A: "" Text: "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old. Born with a taste for liquor," Text: "I wander the night yet again in search of a place to be. A woman, drinking by myself." A: "It's so red." B: "What kind of lunch box is this?" C: "It's yellow, green, and red." eenee: "Hey, are you free on Saturday?" Sadako: "I'm free during the day." eenee: "Let's go to this, then." Wakiko: "Tai Chi?" eenee: "Yup, they're teaching for free." Sadako: "Why Tai Chi, though?" eenee: "I tried a few things, but I could never keep it up. Yoga, hot yoga, bedrock bathing, rock salt bathing, fasting, and..." Sadako: "Okay, I got it. So you're having a hard time dieting." eenee: "Yeah. So I thought maybe we should try Tai Chi." Wakiko: "I'm not too athletic, though." eenee: "Don't worry, I don't think there's anything too exhausting." Sadako: "They're teaching at a training hall, huh?" eenee: "Yeah. Legit, right?" Sadako: "Maybe I'll go. You should come with us, Wakako-san." Wakiko: "I don't know." Wakiko: "Tai Chi, huh?" Wakiko: "I had Chinese for lunch, but for some reason, I feel like having Chinese for dinner." Wakiko: "Found one." Wakiko: "Lunch is lunch, but Chinese dinners are great, too." Wakiko: "Why is there so much variety on Chinese menus?" Wakiko: "It's making me happy." Wakiko: "Fried gyoza, boiled gyoza, shao mai, xiaolongbao, leek buns." Wakiko: "I want warm spring rolls. Excuse me." A: "Yes?" Wakiko: "I'd like spring rolls and beer." A: "Coming right up." A: "Here you are." A: "Enjoy." Wakiko: "Thank you." Wakiko: "Draft beer is nice, but so is bottled beer." Wakiko: "The sound it makes when you poor it..." Wakiko: "Beer is meant to be enjoyed with the sound it makes." Wakiko: "Here we go." Wakiko: "A perfect start to dinner!" Wakiko: "Now, I've had my beer. I'm good to go." A: "Here you are." A: "Your spring rolls." Wakiko: "It's a delicious-looking gold color." Wakiko: "I can't help but look into the cut." Wakiko: "Time to eat." Wakiko: "Hot." Wakiko: "But that's what makes it good." Wakiko: "It's so crunchy." Wakiko: "A crunchy skin with a warm, juicy inside." Wakiko: "It's tasty enough without any seasoning." Wakiko: "The crunch is fun." Wakiko: "Pork, bamboo shoots, shiitake, and maybe green onions?" Wakiko: "All the textures are enjoyable by themselves, but they're great as a whole." Wakiko: "Good job, spring roll!" Wakiko: "Of course it goes together well." Wakiko: "Pshuuu." Wakiko: "Hot again." Wakiko: "I should know better, but I can't stop myself. You don't really get an opportunity to eat fresh from the fryer unless you're at a restaurant." Wakiko: "Gyoza is nice, and so is shao mai, but spring rolls are nice in their own way." Wakiko: "And all of it goes great with beer." Wakiko: "Yum." Wakiko: "A cold drink and warm food duet." Wakiko: "An endless banquet." Wakiko: "I shall show my respect to the 4,000 years of Chinese history." George Takei: "Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese martial art. Today, we shall work on the basic forms" George Takei: "so that first-time participants will have no trouble." George Takei: "I look forward to working with you." All: "I look forward to it." Old Michael Cera: "Slowly raise your arms while gently bending your wrists. Now bend your legs, and as you lower yourself, face your palm forwards, as if to lightly push away." Old Michael Cera: "Now go to the right, up diagonally." Old Michael Cera: "Right arm forward, left arm down, and continue towards the other direction." George Takei: "Breathe slowly, with your motion." George Takei: "Keep your posture straight." George Takei: "Slowly." George Takei: "Okay, stop." George Takei: "You sure are stiff. Also, don't go from your toes; step in from your heel." George Takei: "Good. Continue." George Takei: "Push forward." George Takei: "You've got a good form." George Takei: "You should take the advanced martial arts classes." George Takei: "You have talent." Wakiko: "Thank you." eenee: "I never knew Wakako had such talent." Sadako: "No kidding, can you believe it?" Sadako: "You had talent this whole time. Were you hiding it?" eenee: "That felt good." Sadako: "I feel refreshed. My body's loosened up." Wakiko: "I broke a good sweat. I bet it's good for you. Thanks for inviting me." Sadako: "We should come again." eenee: "For sure." eenee: "Okay, let's call it a day." Sadako: "Okay. See you at work on Monday." eenee: "Good work." Sadako: "Good work." eenee: "Good work." eenee: "Bye, see you." Sadako: "Good work." Wakiko: "That was fun." Wakiko: "Apparently I even have talent." Wakiko: "I guess exercising once in a while isn't bad." Wakiko: "I have to have Chinese today." A: "Welcome. For one?" Wakiko: "Yes." A: "This way, please." A: "Have a seat, please." Wakiko: "What should I have today?" Wakiko: "Black vinegar sweet and sour pork would be good." Wakiko: "Twice-cooked pork would be good, too." Wakiko: "Mapo tofu, huh?" Wakiko: "I could break another sweat with something spicy." Wakiko: "As for drinks..." Wakiko: "Should I play it safe and get beer?" Wakiko: "No, I should go legit and have Shaoxing wine." Wakiko: "They have turtle Shaoxing wine." Wakiko: "That's not something I'll get to drink often. I think I'll have it. Excuse me." A: "Would you like to order?" Wakiko: "Yes. I'll have mapo tofu and turtle Shaoxing wine." A: "Understood. Our turtle Shaoxing wine has a lot of flavor. It'll go well with the mapo tofu." Wakiko: "Great. I'll have that." A: "Got it." Wakiko: "Also, can I have the turtle Shaoxing wine at room temperature?" A: "Understood." A: "Here you are." Wakiko: "Thank you." Wakiko: "It's such a pretty color." Wakiko: "Here I go." Wakiko: "The aftertaste is so nice." Wakiko: "I used to hate the smell, but now I think it's nice." Wakiko: "There are all kinds of spiciness to Chinese food." Wakiko: "Mapo tofu isn't made spicy with chili peppers, but with Chinese peppers." A: "Here you are." Wakiko: "Here it comes." Wakiko: "It looks spicy. And hot. And delicious." Wakiko: "Real mapo tofu has an insane amount of Chinese peppers." Wakiko: "It smells so good." Wakiko: "Time to eat." Wakiko: "As soon as it goes in your mouth..." Wakiko: "Here we go—it's getting numb!" Wakiko: "But it feels so good." Wakiko: "I can't stop." Wakiko: "Have one bite, and there's no escape." Wakiko: "They use soft tofu here." Wakiko: "I like the firm texture of hard tofu, but I like the jiggle of soft tofu, too. The amazing thing about mapo tofu is that" Wakiko: "it goes well with rice, as well as with sake." Wakiko: "Speaking of which, when I was a kid..." Wakiko: "That mapo tofu had mild, Japanese-style flavoring." Wakiko: "I remember eating it with rice. I really liked that, too, but as I've gotten older, my taste has become more complex, and now I like both the Japanese style and the actual Chinese style." Wakiko: "The spiciness." Wakiko: "Growing up is so fun." Wakiko: "I'm glad I'm grown up." Wakiko: "What a nice weekend." Wakiko: "Pshuuu." Rudolph: "Drunken Fist." Rudolph: "A Chinese martial art fought skillfully with drunken motions." Rudolph: "Seeming drunk, but in fact sober." Rudolph: "Freedom and discipline, truth and deceit in full command." Rudolph: "Seeking victory in defeat." Wakiko: "Sensei." George Takei: "Hello." George Takei: "I'm the head chef here." Wakiko: "You are?" George Takei: "How are you enjoying the food?" Wakiko: "It's very delicious. The Chinese peppers, especially." George Takei: "I'm glad." George Takei: "I hope you come for Tai Chi again." George Takei: "Xièxie." Wakiko: "Wow, that scared me." Wakiko: "Thank you." Wakiko: "Well-seasoned tofu. Strong-flavored ground meat." Wakiko: "A golden balance of spices." Wakiko: "It's a killer." Wakiko: "The strong aroma is well-matched." Wakiko: "Unbelievable." Wakiko: "Beware, 4,000 years of Chinese history." Wakiko: "Togoshi Ginza, Tokyo's longest shopping district. Right in the middle is Hyakuban Chinese Restaurant." Wakiko: "The over two hundred dishes are all well-priced and filling. The spring rolls, made from pork, bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, green onions," Wakiko: "go perfectly with beer." Text: "The second restaurant was Azabu Choko Kofukuen in Nishi-Azabu. You can enjoy real Chinese food with a focus on natural tastes and select ingredients." Wakiko: "Have the awesome mapo tofu, served in a steaming-hot earthen pot, and you'll be back for more. Enjoy some of the studious chef's new Chinese dishes, too." Text: "Today's sake was non-blend turtle Shaoxing wine." Text: "Enjoy real Chinese flavor, heated specially to lock in its flavor." Text: "It's flavorful but refreshing, and it was great with the mapo tofu." Wakiko: "Try everything once." Wakiko: "Who would have thought such happiness could exist?" A: "Aren't you glad you came here?" Wakiko: ""Food Stand Oden.""
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 2 Episode 5 – Drunken Fist! Grown-up Mapo", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 2", "5", "Drunken Fist! Grown-up Mapo" ] }
Text: "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old. Born with a taste for liquor," Text: "I wander the night yet again in search of a place to be. A woman, drinking by myself." Murderous Smile: "I walked past the curtain, and whoosh, the steam was in my face. It was like being in a pot. With the chikuwabu, and the... It was so good." A: "An oden stand? That sounds awesome." Wakiko: "Food stand oden." B: "Where about is it?" Murderous Smile: "It was the third place I went to drunk, so I don't remember." Murderous Smile: "Where was it, anyway?" Wakiko: "Ow." Murderous Smile: "Y'know, it's um..." Murderous Smile: "That thing, um..." Murderous Smile: "Brain fart! Oh, no!" Murderous Smile: "It was, um... Oh, you know, like..." Murderous Smile: "You know, crap, brain fart!" Murderous Smile: "Don't you hate it when that happens?" Wakiko: "Try to remember. Try to remember." Murderous Smile: "You know that thing? Y'know, that station with the steam engine." Wakiko: "Shinbashi!" Wakiko: "Sorry." Murderous Smile: "What, Murasaki-kun, are you interested in this stuff?" Wakiko: "Yes. I've never been to food stands before." Murderous Smile: "You gotta try the food stand experience at least once. There's something unique about them, right?" Wakiko: "Really?" Wakiko: "Food stands, huh?" Wakiko: "It should be around here somewhere..." Wakiko: "Where is it?" Wakiko: "Maybe it moves move day to day." Wakiko: "Found it! That's it!" Wakiko: "I can't see inside." Wakiko: "I don't feel comfortable going in." Wakiko: "Scary!" Wakiko: "I think I'll come another time." Wakiko: "I think I'll have something to drink before I go home." Wakiko: "Looks good." Wakiko: "Let's go here." Chef: "Welcome." Chef: "Have a seat over here." A: "Delicious." Wakiko: "She's dazzling. Every time I see a charming older lady, I think to myself, "I hope I can be like that someday."" Wakiko: "Nah, give me time, I can do it, too." Wakiko: "Let's take it slow." Wakiko: "Now, then..." Wakiko: "What should I have?" Wakiko: "Otsukuri? Nizuke? Yakimono?" Wakiko: "I don't know." Wakiko: "I can't decide." Wakiko: "Excuse me." A: "Yes?" Wakiko: "What's this?" A: "Sawara saikyoyaki pickled in homemade miso." Wakiko: "A beautiful dish that becomes even more delicious with plenty of time. Sawara saikyoyaki." Wakiko: "This is it." Wakiko: "Hi, I'd like sawara saikyoyaki and a cold sake." Chef: "Got it. What would you like for the cold sake?" Wakiko: "Let's see..." Wakiko: "Is there anything you recommend?" Chef: "How about Fukui's local sake, Koshinoiso? I like the pure rice wine." Chef: "It goes well with Japanese food." Wakiko: "I'll have that, then." Chef: "Understood." Chef: "Here you are." Chef: "Koshinoiso pure rice wine from Fukui." Wakiko: "Nice." Chef: "Enjoy." Wakiko: "Thank you." Chef: "Pardon my reach." Wakiko: "It comes with a chaser." Wakiko: "It's easy to forget that cold sake hits you after. It helps to have a chaser." Wakiko: "Here I go." Wakiko: "It's important to take it slow and savor it." Wakiko: "It has a classy taste and it goes down smooth." Wakiko: "All right." Wakiko: "I'll sip on the cold sake while I wait for the sawara to finish grilling." Wakiko: "I see." Wakiko: "It's this. This is a grown-up gesture." Chef: "Here you are. Sawara saikyoyaki." Wakiko: "Thank you." Wakiko: "It smells good." Wakiko: "Time to eat." Wakiko: "The scent of the miso is filling the room." Wakiko: "It's so plump and juicy." Wakiko: "The fish is so pleasant, just the right firmness. And the round taste of the saikyo miso embellish each other." Wakiko: "That makes sense. Sawara normally has a protein taste," Wakiko: "but it's the fat hidden within it that the saikyo miso brings out." Wakiko: "Saikyo miso is an awesome team player, helping to put the lead role in the spotlight. The miso is still a supporting character, but without it, this dish would never get off the ground, and it would never get anywhere." Wakiko: "Beware, saikyo miso." Wakiko: "Beware, fermented foods." Wakiko: "Now, then... Time to eat the well-cooked skin. There's no way the skin's not going to be delicious after it's been cooked so patiently." Wakiko: "That's the stuff. The charred parts of the skin are irresistible." Wakiko: "And then I greet it with a slow stream of cold sake." Wakiko: "Pshuuu." Wakiko: "The first sip after a bite of fish has to be sake, not water." Wakiko: "And cold sake hits you after, so don't forget the water." Wakiko: "Yup." Wakiko: "First you have some sake, then some fish, then some sake again, and then the chaser." Wakiko: "In other words, with the chaser in between, you begin with sake and end with sake." Wakiko: "That way, you have a reset for every bite you take." Wakiko: "And then you enjoy the bliss of another morsel of fish. It's made possible by sawara" Wakiko: "aged in a tub of miso made with plenty of research and time." Wakiko: "Yeah." Wakiko: "It takes more than just waiting to make it delicious." Wakiko: "It's only because of the saikyo miso preparation that they can make saikyo pickling." Wakiko: "Preparation, huh?" Wakiko: "I need to do more than just wait. I need to polish and invest in myself." Sadako: "I'm thinking this one." Wakiko: "Penmanship class?" Sadako: "Yeah, I thought I'd study. I was writing New Year's cards, and I got bummed out seeing my own handwriting." Huge Ears: "I wish I could learn French, too." Huge Ears: "I guess I should learn English first, though." Huge Ears: "What about you, Wakako? Aren't you going to learn anything?" Wakiko: "I was thinking of starting something, actually." Sadako: "Why don't you go for a certification or something?" Wakiko: "Certification?" Wakiko: "I would go for... Let's see... A sommelier? Wine taster?" Huge Ears: "Why don't you try something you're interested in? I guess it'd have to be something to do with liquor for you." Wakiko: "That's what you'd expect, huh?" Wakiko: "I'm going to go for it tonight." Wakiko: "Try everything once, right?" George Bush With Less Hair: "Welcome." Wakiko: "Good evening." Wakiko: "It's warm." Wakiko: "Uh, where should I sit?" A: "Hey, man. Scooch in for her." B: "What?" Wakiko: "Thank you." George Bush With Less Hair: "Thanks, guys." Wakiko: "Everyone's so kind." Wakiko: "It's so fun, once I'm inside." George Bush With Less Hair: "What would you like?" Wakiko: "A warm sake, please." Wakiko: "And..." Wakiko: "So much stuff that I love." Wakiko: "I want all of it, but it'll get cold, so I'll start with three pieces." Wakiko: "And I'll have Japanese radish, beef tendon and egg." George Bush With Less Hair: "You got it." Wakiko: "That was fast." George Bush With Less Hair: "Here you are." Wakiko: "This is so exciting." Wakiko: "Oden and sake in a cup. This is what I've wanted to see." Wakiko: "It's this heartiness that makes food stands so great." Wakiko: "That hits hard." A: "Hey, pops, thick-fried tofu, and hiraten. Also, konjac noodles, octopus, cabbage roll, and..." George Bush With Less Hair: "You sure you can eat all that, guy?" A: "Totally. And a hanpen." George Bush With Less Hair: "Fine." Wakiko: "Now, let's have the oden." Wakiko: "Japanese daikon radish, tendons and egg are killer products for me." B: "You should have ordered a wrap, like last time." Wakiko: "It's so thick but so soft." Wakiko: "It's well-flavored." Wakiko: "Radish is the best." Wakiko: "Next up, my favorite, tendons. Let's go." Wakiko: "As a girl, eating off the stick is a little..." Wakiko: "No, Wakako, just go for it." Wakiko: "The mustard's too strong!" Wakiko: "Gotta be careful not to use too much." Wakiko: "And then... break the egg, put on some mustard," Wakiko: "and take a bite." Wakiko: "You can't go wrong with it." Wakiko: "And eating the yolk with more broth is just as great." Wakiko: "Yup, yup." Wakiko: "Sip some hot sake." Wakiko: "Pshuuu." Wakiko: "To think such happiness could exist..." Wakiko: "Next, the octopus looks good, too." A: "How much is it, pops?" George Bush With Less Hair: "1,800 yen." A: "1,800." Wakiko: "You're leaving?" Wakiko: "You left so much." A: "Guess I couldn't finish it after all." George Bush With Less Hair: "What did I tell you?" B: "That's what happens when you show off." Wakiko: "That's such a waste." B: "That's what happens when you show off." A: "You guys finish this for me." B: "Really? Thank you." A: "Yeah, please." B: "Thanks a lot." George Bush With Less Hair: "Take care." B: "All right, let's split it." A: "Take care, Yoshida-san." A: "Here, you can have first pick." Wakiko: "Thank you." A: "Go for it" Wakiko: "All right, I'll have the octopus, then." Wakiko: "Thank you." B: "Come on, have another one at least." Wakiko: "Really?" A: "The hanpen here is insanely good." Wakiko: "Okay, I'll have the hanpen." A: "Go ahead." B: "The other stuff's good, too, of course." Wakiko: "I have so much." B: "It's so huge, it doesn't even look like hanpen at first sight, does it?" Wakiko: "You're right." Wakiko: "This space..." Wakiko: "I'm on the same piece of land, but it's like a different world in here." Wakiko: "I don't want to leave." Wakiko: "I should have come sooner. Excuse me," Wakiko: "May I have another hot sake?" George Bush With Less Hair: "Sure." George Bush With Less Hair: "I bet you're glad you took the plunge." Wakiko: "Yes." Wakiko: "I should try more things going forward." Wakiko: "Today's first restaurant is Salaryman Cuisine Senju." Wakiko: "They serve fresh fish brought in from Tsukiji each morning at a good price." Wakiko: "Come try it out with Fukui's national sake." Chef: "I hope to see you here." Wakiko: "Today's first sake was Koshinoiso of Fukui Prefecture." Wakiko: "With a clean taste, it really brings out the taste of sashimi. The second sake was special selection, Masumi, by Miyasaka Brewery of Nagano Prefecture." Wakiko: "Its strong scent makes it a perfect hot sake. It's just really delicious." Wakiko: "Thank you for all the food." Wakiko: "It's cilantro." Wakiko: "The scent is enough to get my heart going." Wakiko: "Wakakozake Season 2. Asian Food." Wakiko: "See you then."
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 2 Episode 6 – Attack! Food Stand Oden", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 2", "6", "Attack! Food Stand Oden" ] }
Text: "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old. Born with a taste for liquor," Text: "I wander the night yet again in search of a place to be. A woman, drinking by myself. "Perfect Match! Asian Food."" Male Ballet: "Morning. Morning." Huge Ears: "Morning, Wakako." Wakiko: "Good morning." Huge Ears: "What's wrong? You look gloomy." Wakiko: "Do I?" Huge Ears: "Are you tired?" Wakiko: "Why do you say that?" Huge Ears: "Your skin's not looking that great." Sadako: "You're right." Sadako: "She's wearing makeup." Wakiko: "Good thing Mii-san told me." Huge Ears: "It's pretty dry these days." Wakiko: "I had slight bags under my eyes." Sudo Genki: "Murasaki-kun." Wakiko: "Yes?" Sudo Genki: "This isn't a makeup room." Wakiko: "Sorry." Wakiko: "Maybe it's because I've been up late these past few days." Wakiko: "I feel like having a pick-me-up." Wakiko: "Then again, I'm not in the mood for meat." Passion Yara: "Mensore. This way." Passion Yara: "Over here." Passion Yara: "Are you alone?" Wakiko: "Yes." Wakiko: "Just myself." Passion Yara: "Dejurakagidane." Wakiko: "I have no idea what he's saying." Passion Yara: ""You sure are pretty."" Passion Yara: "Here's today's menu. The Hija sashimi is really good. You should try it." Text: "Call me when you're ready." Wakiko: "This restaurant's perfect for me. I think it'll lighten my dull mood." Wakiko: "Now, what should I have?" Wakiko: "Since I'm here, I have to have..." Passion Yara: "Here's your goya champloo." Passion Yara: "First, your Orion Beer. And this is your achikoko goya champloo." Wakiko: "Nothing beats Orion beer with Okinawan food." Passion Yara: "Draft beer is the best." Passion Yara: "This creamy head really gets your appetite going." Passion Yara: "Also, sis, since you're so pretty, have some sea grapes on the house." Passion Yara: "Yo, Noboru, she's super cute, huh? Yeah, totally, super cute. I forgot the dipping sauce, hang on." Wakiko: "Okay. Make yourself at home." Wakiko: "This stuff..." Wakiko: "I like pork, too, but... This stuff!" Wakiko: "Spam!" Passion Yara: "Here's your dipping sauce." Wakiko: "This odd aroma... This excessive salt." Wakiko: "It's perfect with the light taste of Orion beer." Wakiko: "This stir fry has so much stuff in it. I'm going to scarf it down." Wakiko: "Apparently, "champloo" means "mixed" in Okinawa dialect." Wakiko: "Ryukyu, Asia, US, Japan." Wakiko: "It's the culmination of a plethora of cultures." Wakiko: "And this..." Wakiko: "I've been craving this bitter taste." Wakiko: "It'd just be ordinary stir fry without the goya." Wakiko: "It's full of vitamin C, so it's good for my skin." Wakiko: "This bitterness really gives me a sense that I'm eating something healthy." Wakiko: "Some people can't handle this. What a shame." Wakiko: "I'm so glad I like goya." Wakiko: "Pshuuusaa." Wakiko: "I love Okinawa. I want to go there someday." Passion Yara: "No problem, dude. Nankurunaisa." Wakiko: ""Nankurunaisa," huh?" Wakiko: "It's a magic word that makes all my troubles seem trivial." Wakiko: "I feel good." Wakiko: "Excuse me." Passion Yara: "'Sup?" Wakiko: "I'd like awamori." Passion Yara: "Awamori?" Wakiko: "What would you recommend for drinking on the rocks?" Passion Yara: "I'd say Kusu. Old sake. The year under the brand name is the number of years it was aged. The longer it's matured, the sweeter and rounder it becomes. So take it straight or on the rocks." Wakiko: "On the rocks, then." Passion Yara: "On the rocks. Got it. Hang on." Passion Yara: "Hang on, I'll be right back." Wakiko: "I love the mood here." Wakiko: "The words that the people in the store speak are like comforting music." Passion Yara: "Here you are. Sis." Passion Yara: "Sis!" Wakiko: "Sorry, sorry." Passion Yara: "This stuff's great, huh? Drink up. It's good." Wakiko: "Isn't this..." Wakiko: "It's Ryukyu glass!" Passion Yara: "Gettu no Hana. It's delicious." Wakiko: "This breezy-looking Ryukyu glass is perfect for the awamori." Wakiko: "It sounds flowery and it has a smooth taste." Wakiko: "This stuff is perfect with the awamori." Passion Yara: "I know, right? It's the best. She loves it." Wakiko: "Why does food always match its local alcohol?" Wakiko: "Climate?" Wakiko: "The mood or something?" Wakiko: "Or..." Wakiko: "I'm in no shape to meet him right now, though." Wakiko: "Matching, huh?" Wakiko: "I wonder if we are any match." Hear No Evil: "Looks like you got your skin back, Wakako." See No Evil: "You're right, she's pretty." Hear No Evil: "What did you do?" Eat No Evil: "I had a lot of yummy food." Hear No Evil: "Like what?" Eat No Evil: "I can't tell you." See No Evil: "Oh, yeah, Mii-san, how was that mixer you went to the other day?" Hear No Evil: "Oh, that?" Hear No Evil: "Total waste of time. I had my hopes up, too. One guy I clicked with, but he was younger." Eat No Evil: "You don't like younger guys?" Hear No Evil: "I have to be able to respect the person. I just can't respect younger guys." See No Evil: "Then how about, like, Konno-san? He's pretty funny, and he's older." Hear No Evil: "Nope. No way." See No Evil: "Hell no." Poor Guy: "What's so funny, guys?" See No Evil: "I guess it's not so much about conditions as about the feel and about whether or not you match." Hear No Evil: "Match, huh?" Eat No Evil: "Match." Eat No Evil: "Shaoxing wine goes with Chinese food." Eat No Evil: "Japanese sake goes with sushi." Eat No Evil: "Makgeolli goes with barbecue." Eat No Evil: "Matching liquor and food..." Eat No Evil: "Come to think of it, every country has its own pairings." Wakiko: "Asian food." Wakiko: "What goes well with Asian food?" Wakiko: "Let's go find out." Wakiko: "First, something with a lot of veggies, for my skin. Excuse me." A: "Yes?" Wakiko: "Raw spring rolls." A: "Got it." Wakiko: "And for drinks..." Wakiko: "They have all kinds of wines and cocktails." Wakiko: "But what I'm looking for is... Singha beer." A: "Got it. Coming right up." Wakiko: "Thailand's representative beer, Singha. I totally forgot about it." A: "Here you are." A: "Raw spring rolls." A: "And your beer." Wakiko: "Time to eat." Wakiko: "Raw spring rolls are such a mystery." Wakiko: "Shrimp." Wakiko: "Noodles." Wakiko: "Carrots. Cucumbers." Wakiko: "Leafy greens." Wakiko: "What's the protagonist among all this stuff?" Wakiko: "I guess it must be the shrimp." Wakiko: "But there isn't much of it." Wakiko: "Add a dab of sweet-and-spicy sauce." Wakiko: "The sweet and hot sauce matches the chaotic filling perfectly." Wakiko: "What a strange food." Wakiko: "And..." Wakiko: "Their local beer, with just a little bit of head." Wakiko: "It's so exquisitely perfect." Wakiko: "Pshuuu." Wakiko: "I can't get enough beer." Wakiko: "It sure is a perfect match." Wakiko: "I wonder if it's because there's beer like this that they have food like this." Wakiko: "Or maybe they made the liquor to match the food." Wakiko: "Did the egg come first?" Wakiko: "Or did the chicken?" Wakiko: "Did the food come first?" Wakiko: "Or did the liquor?" Wakiko: "Excuse me." Wakiko: "May I have some more Singha, as well as some tom yam kung?" A: "Okay." B: "It's good. Is it okay?" C: "It's good." B: "I'm glad." B: "Oh, did you know?" Megaslouch: "What?" Megaslouch: "Cilantro has a detoxifying effect. Dedog?" Wakiko: "She must be from abroad." Impossibru Asian Guy: "Detox. Detox." Wakiko: "It must be hard, with the language barrier and stuff." Impossibru Asian Guy: "You know how it's really hot in Thailand? Hot." Wakiko: "Hot, hot." Impossibru Asian Guy: "So you get food poisoning... Tummy aches!" Impossibru Asian Guy: "So they serve cilantro along with food to avoid food poisoning." Megaslouch: "Really?" Impossibru Asian Guy: "Really. Got that?" Megaslouch: "Yeah." Impossibru Asian Guy: "They're really clever, huh?" Impossibru Asian Guy: "There's a lot of seafood in Thai food. They must really have to watch out for food poisoning." Impossibru Asian Guy: "Oh, and apparently, it's good for your skin." Megaslouch: "Bihada?" Impossibru Asian Guy: "Nice skin. Beautiful skin. Like you, Alice-san." Wakiko: "They're so lovey-dovey." Wakiko: "Here you are. Your Tom yam kung." Wakiko: "Cilantro, it's you." Wakiko: "The scent is enough to get my heart racing. This unique smell." Wakiko: "Nothing is as loved and hated as this." Wakiko: "I love it, of course." Wakiko: "It has a strong, addictive taste. I have really strong cravings for it every now and then." Wakiko: "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Wakiko: "And yet it's good for your skin." Wakiko: "I'm going to be missing out if I don't get my fill." Wakiko: "Hot." Wakiko: "The rich, acidic, spiciness really fills your body." Wakiko: "The aroma of the mushrooms and shrimp really add to the soup. They each have their part, but it all comes together as a single dish." Wakiko: "And in my spiced-up, tingling mouth comes a smooth glass of Singha." Wakiko: "My mouth is refreshed, but I keep wanting more." Wakiko: "And then I reset it again with Singha." Wakiko: "But then I miss the sour spiciness." Wakiko: "There's no stopping it." Wakiko: "The spiciness of the food and the smooth taste of the beer. It's another perfect match." Wakiko: "What on Earth?!" Megaslouch: "It's so good. I want more." Impossibru Asian Guy: "Really? Can you do more?" Megaslouch: "Yeah." Impossibru Asian Guy: "What should we have more of?" Impossibru Asian Guy: "How about something with rice?" Impossibru Asian Guy: "I don't like Thai rice. It's so flaky." Megaslouch: "I think the rice here is pretty fluffy." Impossibru Asian Guy: "Sure, then." Megaslouch: "Choose whatever you like." Impossibru Asian Guy: "Oh, yeah, didn't you have awamori when we were in Okinawa?" Megaslouch: "Yes, I love Kumesen and Zuisen." Impossibru Asian Guy: "What do you think it's made from?" Megaslouch: "It's not Okinawa rice?" Impossibru Asian Guy: "Nope. It's actually Thai Indica rice." Megaslouch: "What? Even though it's from Okinawa?" Impossibru Asian Guy: "Yeah. There are a few theories, but back when Okinawa used to be called Ryukyu, there was a lot of trade with Southeast Asia, especially Thailand. That's how they got access to distillation technology, and came up with awamori. At first they were using Chinese and Korean rice, but ever since they started importing Thai rice, they began mainly using that, because it's easy to manage and process." Megaslouch: "Wow. I have no idea what you're talking about, but you know everything, Hiroshi." Impossibru Asian Guy: "That's not true." Megaslouch: "Yes, it is." Impossibru Asian Guy: "Thanks." Wakiko: "Awamori's made from Thai rice, huh?" Wakiko: "Food culture sure is interesting." Wakiko: "And alongside the local food, there's always the local drinkers." Impossibru Asian Guy: "Singha beer was..." Wakiko: "The liquor-lovers of each nation must have wracked their brains and tried out all kinds of things to come up with the best-matching drinks for their food. Between peoples, too: at first, we might have differing values, but soon we come to understand each other, and we begin to match." Wakiko: "My skin's glowing." Wakiko: "Maybe it really worked on my skin." Wakiko: "Maybe I should contact him today." Wakiko: "The first restaurant was Unjami Okinawa Cuisine." Wakiko: "They use fresh fish and ingredients to serve new original dishes each week. Of course, they have a lot of Okinawa classics. It's a great, 100% Okinawa restaurant for women and couples alike." Passion Yara: "Come hang out with us at Unjami!" Passion Yara: "We'll be waiting!" Wakiko: "The second restaurant was Maenam no Hotori, Terrace Square, Jinbocho." Wakiko: "They serve authentic Thai food at an affordable price. Filled with Asian scents and sounds, it's a popular store with women. You can talk to the Thai chefs while you enjoy their food." A: "Please come to Maenam no Hotori, Terrace Square. Welcome." Wakiko: "Today's first drink was Orion Beer. It's the Okinawa beer." Wakiko: "It's the perfect beer for the Okinawa climate." Wakiko: "The second was Getto no Hana by Okinohikari Brewery. With a mellow scent and smooth taste, its 25% alcohol content makes it a nice drink for women, too." Wakiko: "The third was Singha Beer." Wakiko: "A lager beer with a spicy flavor, beloved for its ability to lift your mood." Wakiko: "A canned food bar, huh? The mayo is perfectly browned." A: "What a perfect match." Wakiko: "Wakakozake Season 2: "Canned Tuna Fried with Mayo."" Wakiko: "See you then."
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 2 Episode 7 – Perfect Match! Asian Food", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 2", "7", "Perfect Match! Asian Food" ] }
Sadako: "I'm getting hungry." Ears: "What should we have?" Ears: "Nope, I can't think of anything." Sadako: "Then..." Sadako: "How about fish?" Ears: "Fish?" Sadako: "Yeah. There's a new seafood izakaya nearby. Their lunches are supposed to be really good." Ears: "Like sashimi?" Sadako: "They have sashimi, too, of course. And they have daily grilled fish, boiled fish. They have lots of daily menus." Ears: "Sounds good." Sadako: "What about you, Wakako-san?" Wakako: "Sorry, not today." Ears: "Why?" Wakako: "I made lunch." Sadako: "That's a twist. What's the occasion?" Wakako: "I figured I should save some money." Ears: "Until pay day, huh?" Sadako: "Good for you, Wakako-san. I should learn from you." Ears: "My lunch bills are adding up, too." That Boss From Office Space: "Hi, if you could go ahead with these, that would be terrific." That Boss From Office Space: "If you could get them to me ASAP, that would be great." Text: "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old. Born with a taste for liquor," Text: "I wander the night yet again in search of a place to be. A woman, drinking by myself." Wakako: "Pshuuu." Wakako: "I'm hungry. I'm starving. I might have to make some more lunch from now on." Wakako: "Saving money is one thing, but I still want a drink." Wakako: "Look, a fancy shop. Let's see, how is it?" Wakako: "Wow, it's pricey." Wakako: "Let's try another one." Wakako: "Red lanterns." Wakako: "I might be able to drink for cheap here." Wakako: "All right." A: "Ma'am? Come in, if you'd please." A: "It's cold, huh?" A: "Come in. Do your work, Kisshie." A: "There you are." Wakako: "I promise I'm going to go home after one drink today." Wakako: "I'll have shochu. Rice? Barley? Potato?" Wakako: "Potato salad!" Wakako: "That's it!" Wakako: "Classic izakaya food. What liquor would go well with potato salad?" Wakako: "Oolong high!" Wakako: "It's cheap." Wakako: "How wallet-friendly. It'll only cost me 650 yen with snacks." A: "Thanks for waiting. Here you are." A: "What would you like?" Wakako: "Oolong high and potato salad, please." A: "Coming right up. One oolong high and potato salad." A: "Thanks for waiting." Wakako: "That was fast." A: "Oolong high and potato salad. What a great pairing." Wakako: "I make it at home, too, but I get odd cravings for izakaya potato salad." Wakako: "First, the oolong high." Wakako: "The sensation as it slides down my throat..." Wakako: "Awesome." Wakako: "Time to have the potato salad." Wakako: "It's arranged like a dessert." Wakako: "It's already made with mayonnaise, but they add even more to it." Wakako: "Good thinking." Wakako: "They keep blocks of potato in it." Wakako: "Nice." Wakako: "It's easy to make it too soft when you make it at home." Wakako: "The potatoes are nice and chunky." Wakako: "It's yummy for my tummy." Wakako: "Cucumbers, carrots and ham add color to the white potatoes." Wakako: "And it's the sweetness of the boiled eggs that bring it all together." Wakako: "It adds such an accent. It's just delicious. A simple drink made of shochu and tea," Wakako: "but it's first-class satisfaction." Wakako: "Pshuuu." Wakako: "Yum." A: "Welcome." B: "Long time no see! I missed you." A: "What's this? What's going on?" Wakako: "Huh?" A: "I'm sorry, would you mind scooching over? Who? What?" Wakako: "Sure." A: "A bird?" A: "A bird?" Total Tempos: "Hoppy." A: "Hoppy?" Total Tempos: "Black and white, sanrei." Birdman: "Black and white, sanrei." A: "I can't hear you." Wakako: "He talked." Birdman: "Black and white, sanrei!" A: "Can't hear." Birdman: "Black and white, sanrei!" Wakako: "Black? White? Sanrei?" Total Tempos: "Huh, are you drinking, miss?" Total Tempos: "I'm drinking!" Baldman: "Don't harass her, Harass-san." Total Tempos: "Come on." Baldman: "I'm sorry." Wakako: "It's all right. I'm drinking." Total Tempos: "We come here all the time. You can drink a ton here just on Daddy's meager allowances. Right, Macho?" Wakako: "H-Harass? Macho?" Text: "It's money that I earned." Total Tempos: "Why can't I use it how I want?" Baldman: "No kidding." Baldman: "If only these things would take off." Total Tempos: "I know." Wakako: "That scared me." A: "Excuse my reach." Wakako: "That scared me, too." A: "Excuse my reach." A: "Guys, please stop hustling and harassing, okay?" Total Tempos: "This isn't hustling, Deko-chan." Wakako: "Deko-chan." Text: "I was trying to get some real feedback from a customer." A: "You think this would sell? There's no way this would sell, right? It's never going to sell." Total Tempos: "Over here." A: "What?" Total Tempos: "Dude, what do you mean, "never"? Excuse my reach!" Wakako: "Her shirt's tucked in!" Wakako: "Ow. Ow, ow." Baldman: "That felt good." Wakako: "It's so fun and friendly here, though." Wakako: "So that's Hoppy." Wakako: "And there's a white and black." Total Tempos: "Ice just gets in the way when it comes to Hoppy." Baldman: "I know that. You cool the shochu, Hoppy and glass without ice. That's what makes it awesome." Total Tempos: "Exactly, that's why it's "sanrei."" Wakako: "Sanrei." Wakako: "Oh, really?" Total Tempos: "Oh, you never knew?" Total Tempos: "By the way, the golden ratio of Hoppy and shochu is one-to-three." A: "Nope." A: "It's not three, it's one-to-five." Wakako: "One-to-five." Wakako: "They're so friendly." Total Tempos: "And never mix them. Pour quickly so that it bubbles. This is key." Baldman: "Otherwise it loses its zest." Total Tempos: "Want to try some? On me." Wakako: "It's all right." Total Tempos: "Hideko-chan, one naka." Wakako: "Naka?" Total Tempos: "The shochu is called the "naka." And this is called the "soto."" A: "Here you are." Wakako: "I see." Wakako: "A kettle?" A: "Yup. There's shochu inside." A: "Right?" Total Tempos: "Kinmiya." Wakako: "It's so deep." A: "I'm sorry they're so noisy. Hoppy is a drink of dreams. You have to catch my rhythm and tell me when to stop." Birdman: "Yup." Total Tempos: "Otherwise I'll pour too much." Birdman: "Yup." Wakako: "Okay." A: "Ready?" Wakako: "Stop!" Total Tempos: "That's some perfect timing!" A: "You're good at this." Total Tempos: "Excuse my rea—" A: "I'll pour this on you." Total Tempos: "I'm good. I'm good. Here you are." Wakako: "Thank you." Total Tempos: "You see these bubbles?" Total Tempos: "All right, let's go. Cheers." Wakako: "Hoppy is so fun, even just preparing to drink." Wakako: "It's close to beer, but it's smooth and delicious. Pshuuu." Wakako: "Hoppy is happy." Wakako: "I've never had someone pay for my drink." Total Tempos: "More naka, please." Wakako: "Strange things happen, huh?" Wakako: "I think I'm getting good at talking with strangers." Total Tempos: "What's this thing used for?" Birdman: "Seriously, though." Total Tempos: "This is cool, huh?" Total Tempos: "Nice." A: "Bad." A: "Sit." A: "Thank you. Take care." Total Tempos: "You all right, dude?" A: "Thank you. Watch the stairs." Wakako: "Thank you." Wakako: "Thank you." A: "I'm so sorry." Wakako: "It was delicious. I'll be back." A: "Yes, please. See you." Wakako: "Drinking out is fun. I'm in the mood for more." Wakako: "A canned food bar." Wakako: "I've only spent 650 yen so far. Just one more." A: "Welcome." A: "This seat's open." Wakako: "Okay. It's pretty lively in here." A: "Welcome." Wakako: "Amateur baseball players." Wakako: "So many cans." Wakako: "This is exciting." Wakako: "There are so many." Wakako: "Fuji Sanroku Highball." Wakako: "I've never tried this before." Wakako: "Good, good. It's not expensive. Let's have this. Excuse me." A: "Yup." Wakako: "Fuji Sanroku Highball, please." A: "Fuji Sanroku. Got it." Wakako: "There are even more here." Wakako: "What should I have?" Wakako: "So many options." Wakako: "Fried canned tuna mayo?" Wakako: "What the heck?" Wakako: "I wonder..." Wakako: "It's that canned tuna there, right?" Wakako: "Do they prepare it? This is so exciting." Skin And Bones: "Here you are, Fuji Sanroku Highball." Wakako: "Thank you." Wakako: "This is going to be good." Wakako: "All right." Wakako: "Time to drink." Wakako: "It's really rich." Wakako: "A grown-up's drink." Skin And Bones: "Would you like a snack with that?" Skin And Bones: "Um..." Wakako: "I'd like Fried Canned Tuna Mayo." Skin And Bones: "Got it." Wakako: "So he is using it." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "I tried that thing you taught me at home." Skin And Bones: "With the sanma?" You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "Yeah. My kid absolutely loved it. They were, like, "Wow, Dad!"" Skin And Bones: "That's great." Wakako: "There's more to canned food than you'd think." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "It's incredibly easy." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "I heated the canned spitchcock and put it on rice, with mayonnaise and green onion. That's it." Wakako: "That sounds delicious." Skin And Bones: "Cooking is about adding a little effort and a little thought. Just like pitching." Skin And Bones: "Remember that." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "Yes, indeed. Hear that?" Kid: "It's the same." Wakako: "Dad's home cooking. That's nice." Wakako: "A burner." Wakako: "This is bound to be good." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "Seriously, though, I was sold. I never thought canned food would make him so happy. Right?" Wakako: "There's more to canned food than you'd think. There's a lot of high-end ones now, but even the old ones can be delicious if you prepare them right." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "My wife loved it so much, she says, "You have to cook for me once a week from now on."" Skin And Bones: "Once a week, huh?" You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "So I told her, "Fine, I'll become a canned food master, then."" Wakako: "Mom wants a break, too." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "Guess what she said then: "No thanks, that's like a drinkery snack." How could she, right?" Mom: "Is he talking behind Mom's back?" You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "No." Skin And Bones: "Did you say something, Su-chan?" Mom: "What?" You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "I said I love you." Mom: "Sure, sure." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "I swear." Wakako: "They're such a close-knit family." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "So I decided that I'm going to cook with canned food specifically so that I can impress her even more." Skin And Bones: "I'll give you a hand. On a drinkery's pride." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "Yes, sir." Skin And Bones: "Here you are, Fried Canned Tuna Mayo." Skin And Bones: "Careful, the can's hot." Wakako: "Okay." Wakako: "It's cute, it's like a snack." Wakako: "Canned tuna, onions and mayonnaise." Wakako: "It's got to be good." Wakako: "I've always had canned tuna on salad and sandwiches. But I've always wanted to try having a whole can by itself." Wakako: "The mayo is perfectly browned. And the reheated tuna has a light aroma." Wakako: "I can't wait. Time to eat." Wakako: "What makes it even better is that it's still in the can." Wakako: "The layered ingredients. This is going to be so good." Wakako: "Yum." Wakako: "The richness of the mayo and the oiliness of the tuna..." Wakako: "The onions are indescribably refreshing." Wakako: "Crunchy onions." Wakako: "The highball makes it even more refreshing." Wakako: "Pshuuu." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "Home run!" Skin And Bones: "Home run, my ass." Wakako: "A whole can of tuna: an incredibly modest splurge." Wakako: "Tuna. Mayo. Onions." Wakako: "It's all easily accessible." Wakako: "I should try it at home." Mom: "Let's go. Sora says he's sleepy." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "All right. Naga-san, check, please." Skin And Bones: "Okay. 2,500." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "So little." Wakako: "2,500 for a family meal?" Wakako: "That's so cheap." A: "You good?" You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "Yeah, I'm good." Mom: "I'll leave 2,500 here, Naga-san." Skin And Bones: "Thanks." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "See you next week. Thanks for the food. Thanks, I'm off, everyone. Good work." Skin And Bones: "Take care." Kid: "I hope you win next week." You Should Try Blinking Sometime: "Yeah, I got this. See you." Wakako: "The Fried Canned Tuna Mayo is delicious." Skin And Bones: "It's surprisingly refreshing, isn't it?" Wakako: "Yes." Skin And Bones: "Try it with basil and cheese. It'll turn Italian. It goes well with wine." Wakako: "Really? I'll try that sometime." Skin And Bones: "Welcome. Have a seat here." h Korean Tv Anchor: "I've never been to such a place." eeds A Haircut As Bad As I Do: "I know. It has a mood, right? You can feel safe having three drinks here." h Korean Tv Anchor: "You know a lot of places." eeds A Haircut As Bad As I Do: "Yeah?" Wakako: "Nice." Wakako: "High-class food is nice, too, but it's great to enjoy some good, cheap food, too." Wakako: "I'm sure everyone feels the same." Wakako: "It's an everyday thing, after all." eeds A Haircut As Bad As I Do: "Hot with water?" h Korean Tv Anchor: "Yeah." eeds A Haircut As Bad As I Do: "Two of those, then." Dorama: "Huh, Ryo-kun?" h Korean Tv Anchor: "Huh?" You'Re Screwed: "Heh?" Wakako: "I could have more, but I'm done for now. Thank you." Skin And Bones: "All right, 800 yen." Wakako: "1,500 yen over two shops." Dorama: "But we had Turkish food together." Wakako: "What revolutionary affordability." You'Re Screwed: "No, no, no." Wakako: "I'm knocked out by the spice of reasonable pricing. I'll be back. It's more satisfying than what it cost." Wakako: "I'm glad I came." Wakako: "This must be the correct way to drink before pay day." Wakako: "I should come back." Wakako: "The first restaurant, was Gokurakuya, Drinkery for the Masses. They serve fresh food at a reasonable price. It really is a drinkery for the people." Wakako: "Their Hoppy refills are fun, straight out of a kettle. It's perfect for the day before pay day." Wakako: "The second shop was Can Bar Kinkonkan. With over eighty kinds of canned food, including both the classics and rare items, they serve prepared single-dish style." A: "Come visit us." Wakako: "My first drink was Hoppy. Low-calorie, low-carb, purine-free. You can have as many as you want. Happy with Hoppy." Wakako: "My second drink was Fuji Sanroku Highball. A whiskey made from Fuji water, it has a rich aroma and a deep flavor." Wakako: "Morning drinks are the best."
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 2 Episode 8 – Pre-Payday Fried Canned Tuna Mayo", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 2", "8", "Pre-Payday Fried Canned Tuna Mayo" ] }
Camera Shy: "Here you are, your phone." Whackacoat: "Thank you very much." Whackacoat: "Sorry." Whackacoat: "I drank a little too much last night. I messed up, left my phone in the taxi," Whackacoat: "and it ended up at a station in a city I'd never been to before." Whackacoat: "And now I have to go to work." Whackacoat: "Sorry." Whackacoat: "What's this?" Whackacoat: "Could this be..." Whackacoat: "A place that you can drink early in the day!" Whackacoat: "I'd heard rumors, but I've never been to such a place. I didn't even know such a place would really exist." Whackacoat: "It must be a pretty fun place." Whackacoat: "Now that I've decided what to do on my break tomorrow, I have to prepare my body." Dude'S Shorter Than Me: "Wakako-chan." Dude'S Shorter Than Me: "We have some good buri today. Buri!" Whackacoat: "I have an early day tomorrow." Dude'S Shorter Than Me: "Work on a weekend? Good work." A: "Waka-chan." Whackacoat: "I'm not letting temptation get me." Text: "Murasaki Wakako, 26 years old. Born with a taste for liquor," Text: "I wander the night yet again in search of a place to be. A woman, drinking by myself." Whackacoat: "All for this morning drink." Whackacoat: "All the customers must be here after graveyard shifts." Whackacoat: "I hope I won't be out-of-place." Whackacoat: "Wow, it's busy." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Welcome. Find a place to sit." Whackacoat: "Okay." Whackacoat: "Let's see..." Whackacoat: "Should I sit here?" Whackacoat: "Some people definitely seem like night shifts. Others seem to be here just for an early drink. There's all kinds of people here." Whackacoat: "What an odd space." Whackacoat: "Why is everyone drinking so early in the day, anyway?" Whackacoat: "It's still 9:30 AM." Sars Mask: "Ooana, please." A: "Sure thing." Whackacoat: "Huh? Owana?" Whackacoat: "Ah, it's the name of a drink." Whackacoat: "So many mouth-watering menu items." Whackacoat: "I can't fall behind." Whackacoat: "I have to make up my mind." Whackacoat: "It's cold today, so I'll have a warm sake, and..." Whackacoat: "Fried unagi liver sounds good." Sars Mask: "Ham katsu, please." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Okay, one ham katsu." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "You sure love ham katsu, man." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Your check? Give me a second." Almost Tamaki Hiroshi: "Kinpira." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Kinpira. Okay." Almost Tamaki Hiroshi: "And..." Almost Tamaki Hiroshi: "Chicken skin, please." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Chicken skin, all right." Almost Tamaki Hiroshi: "With sauce." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "With sauce. A'ight." Whackacoat: "Excuse me." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Yeah?" Whackacoat: "Warm sake and fried unagi liver, please." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Sorry, we're out of fried liver today." Whackacoat: "I'll think it over, then." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "I'll get your warm sake for now, then." Whackacoat: "I knew I didn't belong here." Whackacoat: "Maguro nuta." Whackacoat: "To be honest, I don't like it too much." Whackacoat: "That slippery sliminess of vinegar miso..." ce Watch: "It's not good to be prejudiced. That's not good." Whackacoat: "Prejudice?" ce Watch: "Believe it or not, I'm popular with the young kids at work." Whackacoat: "What's he talking about?" ce Watch: "So anyway, would you go out with me, just once?" Whackacoat: "He's desperate." Heart Breaker: "We meet after work all the time. This is good enough." Heart Breaker: "We have to keep it professional." ce Watch: "You're so proper, Michiko-chan." Heart Breaker: "I have two little ones." Heart Breaker: "I can't lose my job right now." ce Watch: "Michiko-chan," ce Watch: "I'll take care of them, too." Whackacoat: "This is some early-day drama." ce Watch: "Please." ce Watch: "I'm going to the bathroom." Whackacoat: "Prejudice, huh?" Whackacoat: "All right. I guess I'll give it a shot." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Thanks for waiting." Whackacoat: "Excuse me." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Yeah?" Whackacoat: "Maguro nuta." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Maguro nuta, sure. Coming." Whackacoat: "Thank goodness. I made an order." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Enjoy." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Maguro nuta." Whackacoat: "First, let's try some morning sake." Whackacoat: "Forget the shame of drinking so early in the morning; this is refreshing." Whackacoat: "The warmth fills my body." Whackacoat: "Yum." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Maguro nuta." Whackacoat: "That was fast." Whackacoat: "So this is maguro nuta." Whackacoat: "I don't know why I ordered this." Whackacoat: "But I can't have issues with food forever." Whackacoat: "Time to eat." Whackacoat: "The texture of the green onions matches the miso." Whackacoat: "It's creating a unique rhythm." Whackacoat: "The guest of honor, the maguro, mixes well with the miso, too. It makes for a lasting flavor." Whackacoat: "I like the sweet-sour flavor of it, too." Whackacoat: "And... Back to the warm sake." Whackacoat: "Maguro chunks and vinegar miso." Whackacoat: "Right." Whackacoat: "Of course it would go well with sake." Whackacoat: "Pshuuu." Whackacoat: "I was missing out, being prejudiced against it." Whackacoat: "It's thanks to those two." ce Watch: "Thank you." Whackacoat: "I think I've gotten over my aversion to it." ce Watch: "Thanks. Thanks." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Come in." Driver: "Can I sit here?" The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Yeah, I'll be right there, have a seat. Thanks for waiting." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "What can I get you?" A: "I'd like a large bottle and a stew." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "One large bottle and a stew." Driver: "Two stews." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Two? All right. Hey, you're here pretty late today." Driver: "Hear me out, man, my last customer... They called me saying they forgot their phone in the car. So I was looking for it all over." Whackacoat: "Right." Whackacoat: "There's a shop nearby." Driver: "So I looked, and there was only 1,000 yen in there." A: "Dude, don't peek." Driver: "So anyway, did you find that phone?" A: "Yeah, between the seats." A: "They must have gotten drunk and dropped it." Whackacoat: "I'm really sorry about the other day." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Here you are." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "All right, let's drink. Let's drink." Whackacoat: "Good work, Driver-san." Whackacoat: "Offal stew." Whackacoat: "It's the scent that draws everyone near." Whackacoat: "That's it. You have to start it off with a lot." Whackacoat: "Whoops." Whackacoat: "Shoot. I have to focus on my own fish." Whackacoat: "My maguro nuta's running out, though." Whackacoat: "Yeah." Whackacoat: "And I'm warm, now, too. I should have another sake with water." Whackacoat: "Excuse me." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "What's up?" Whackacoat: "I'd like a sake with water, and an offal stew." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Sake with water and offal stew. Okay." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Like curry or secret sauces, stewed in a huge pot for hours—maybe even days." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Here. Sake with water." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "And offal stew." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Can I take this?" Whackacoat: "Okay." Whackacoat: "The water comes in a sake bottle. That's odd." Whackacoat: "And now, without further ado, let's eat." Whackacoat: "I use shichimi peppers before I even give it a taste. Why do I do this?" Whackacoat: "The tofu, and the konjac..." Whackacoat: "Full of flavor." Whackacoat: "Jiggly offals." Whackacoat: "The chewy texture." Whackacoat: "The more you chew, the better it tastes." Whackacoat: "The longer it's stewed for, the softer it gets, and the tastier it gets." Whackacoat: "Along with green onions and soup..." Whackacoat: "A refreshing shochu with water to complement the rich taste." Whackacoat: "It's too good. Pshuuu." Whackacoat: "Drinking in the morning is the best." A: "I'm out." B: "Thank you." C: "Here you are, offal stew." D: "Draft, please." C: "Draft. One draft." Whackacoat: "That man's not using shichimi." Whackacoat: "And that man's the type who drinks the stew with the meat." Whackacoat: "That man must have always hated green onions, since he was little." Whackacoat: "That driver looks like a comedic storyteller." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Welcome." Whackacoat: "Everyone has their own ways of eating offal stew." Whackacoat: "It's really a taste of life." Whackacoat: "Or you could say... It's weird that all these people who share nothing in common show up this early in the morning to have offal stew." A: "Sorry, could I have you sit over there in the middle? Thanks." Whackacoat: "Well, it's cold. It's only natural that you'd want to order offal stew here." A: "Beer and offal stew." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Welcome." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Miss, could you move this?" Whackacoat: "Sorry." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Here." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Here. What can I get you?" Whackacoat: "Cold sake." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "All right." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Here you are." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Enjoy." Clooney: "Hey." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Come on, Pops, you should have something to eat first. You'll get sick. You always do this." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Take care of yourself, will you? There." Clooney: "I've never seen you here, miss." Clooney: "Hey, what do you do for work?" Whackacoat: "Uh oh, could this be bad? I work for a cell phone vendor." Clooney: "A what?" Clooney: "Cell phones?" Clooney: "We never had that junk back in my day." Clooney: "You kids with your trends or whatever. Young ones these days keep going after posh stuff. You don't know anything about inconvenience." Clooney: "When I was your age, we never had portable telephones or Internets." Whackacoat: "Really?" Clooney: "It was so cumbersome." Clooney: "Do you work around here?" Having Any Of It: "My site's nearby." Clooney: "You married?" Having Any Of It: "Nope." Clooney: "Huh?" Having Any Of It: "Nope." Clooney: "Of course. Right? I knew it." Having Any Of It: "Piss off." Having Any Of It: "I'm tired from working through the night." Clooney: "Tired? Your job doesn't even mean anything." Having Any Of It: "Old man. Old man!" Having Any Of It: "You don't know jack." Having Any Of It: "My job doesn't mean anything? What gives you the right?" Clooney: "Relax, kid. I thought you're tired. You've got some life in you." Having Any Of It: "Shut up, ass." Having Any Of It: "You're just a drunk." Clooney: "Everyone's drunk. What do you expect? Back in—" Clooney: "Listen up. Back in my day, I was a miner in Kyushu coal mine." Clooney: "Coal. Know what that is?" Having Any Of It: "Of course I do." Having Any Of It: "My gramps was a coal miner in Yuubari, too." Clooney: "So you're from Hokkaido, then?" Having Any Of It: "Yeah." Clooney: "I'm from Iizuka." Having Any Of It: "Kyushu, huh?" Clooney: "Kyushu, baby." Whackacoat: "I let it slide because I didn't want it to get out of hand." Having Any Of It: "Oh, yeah, huh?" Whackacoat: "But they're both alike." Clooney: "Your gramps is the same way." Whackacoat: "It's this depth of character that makes public drinkeries so fun." Having Any Of It: "He says that all the time." Whackacoat: "I thought the people here had nothing in common." Whackacoat: "But everyone here drinks." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Yeah. Thanks." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Miss." Whackacoat: "Yes?" The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Want to switch seats?" Whackacoat: "I'm fine." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Yeah?" The Most Generic Guy In The World: "What's up?" The Most Generic Guy In The World: "One?" Whackacoat: "It's a common scene in a pub." Clooney: "Who do you think you're talking to?" Whackacoat: "Drinkers are generous to drinkers." Clooney: "Hurry up and get married and start a family." Whackacoat: "Excuse me." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Yes?" Whackacoat: "More water, please." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Sure thing." Having Any Of It: "Excuse me." Pointy Tie: "Two offal stews." Whackacoat: "Thank you." Whackacoat: "I think I drank too much." Whackacoat: "But it's still the start of the day." Whackacoat: "All kinds of people show up to enjoy the pure joy of liquor. A morning drinkery." Whackacoat: "It was like a theme park." Whackacoat: "For the second time today, drinking in the morning is the best." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Miss. Miss." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "You forgot your phone." Whackacoat: "Thank you." The Most Generic Guy In The World: "Have a nice day." Whackacoat: "Thank you." Whackacoat: "Today's restaurant was Izumiya Honten, by the east gate of Omiya Station." Whackacoat: "They have a broad menu and morning liquor service. Their maguro nuta, made from fresh maguro and homemade miso, and the 170 yen offal stew that almost everyone orders. Just as popular is ham katsu and chopped octopus." Actors: "Please come visit." Whackacoat: "My first drink was Izumiya's original Japanese sake, Ooana. They also have Sakimakuri, Makuri Ippatsu, and Daihonmei... All named after bike racing terms." Whackacoat: "My second drink was potato shochu by Hamada Brewery, Kaido Iwai no Aka. Its rich, round flavor is great with all kinds of food. Pshuuu." A: "It's Thai tai." Whackacoat: "Thai tai." A: "Yes." Whackacoat: "It's so soft and rich in flavor from the broth. Wakakozake Season 2: Simmered Kinmedai." Whackacoat: "See you then."
{ "raw_title": "Wakakozake Season 2 Episode 9 – My First Morning Drink, Offal Stew", "parsed": [ "Wakakozake Season 2", "9", "My First Morning Drink, Offal Stew" ] }
Mayu: "This is a small zoo on the edge of Sendai. Due to the curator's careless management, the zoo is in a crisis." Tange: "At this rate, we'll be absorbed by the I-1 Park!" Tange: "Then I won't be the curator, anymore. Handle it, Matsuda!" Matsuda: "Handle it? But we only have one animal right now..." Matsuda: "Our last animal! President, without any animals, this isn't a zoo! It's just a park!" Tange: "I guess I don't need you to be my zookeeper, then." Matsuda: "I can't have that!" Tange: "Then hurry up and find some other animals!" Minami: "I heard we could eat here for free." Yoshino: "I heard they're making over the zoo and wanted to help." Miyu: "Receiving attention from guests sounds fun." Airi: "I-I hope I can become a zoo idol." mi: "Becoming an idol is just a checkpoint on my path." Kaya: "I'm trying to change myself." Matsuda: "What do you think? I got all of these girls from my posters." Tange: "They're all savage beasts. There's something lacking in them." mi: "Say what? How rude!" Kaya: "Now, now." Tange: "Matsuda, you have to find an animal to act as our centerpiece." Matsuda: "What kind of animal would that be?" Tange: "Come up with something yourself." Matsuda: "An animal to act as the centerpiece, huh? Huh? That animal over there..." Matsuda: "Hey, you. Would you like to work at a zoo?" Mayu: "Are you asking me to put myself on display?" Matsuda: "Well, yes, but..." Mayu: "I'm not interested." Matsuda: "Couldn't you do it, anyway?" Mayu: "Please don't! Roar!" Airi: "Mayu, wait." Airi: "If you join the zoo, they'll feed you just for sleeping all day." Mayu: "What? I don't have to leap through rings of fire or balance on balls?" Airi: "Yeah." Mayu: "My name is Mayu! Please let me be an animal!" Tange: "Looks like all the players are here. Now that that's settled, starting tomorrow, the Wake Up, Girl ZOO! will open its doors!" All: "Wake Up, Girl ZOO?"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girl ZOO! Episode 1 – Wake Up, Girls! ZOO", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girl ZOO!", "1", "Wake Up, Girls! ZOO" ] }
: "The members of Wake Up, Girl ZOO begin to realize that the zoo is in serious danger of closing. At Mayushi's suggestion, the girls decide to participate in the Animal Festival, which will determine the nation's best animal idol group, but..." Tange: "Listen up, everyone! Your next performance is the finals! Wait! What? Where's Mayu?" Mayu: "Sorry! I overslept!" Mayu: "Let's do our best today, everyone." Mayu: "Huh? Yoppi? Where's Yoppi?" Mayu: "Yoppi..." Kaya: "That looks painful." Minami: "Yoppi, are you okay?" Matsuda: "That doesn't look good." Matsuda: "Can you stand?" Yoshino: "Ouch..." Mayu: "Yoppi, it's okay. You can go on, right?" Yoshino: "What?" Mayu: "We made it this far. I know you don't want to drop out." Yoshino: "What?" Airi: "Way to go, leader." Miyu: "Oh, Yoppi." mi: "That's the spirit." Mayu: "You don't have to jump." Yoshino: "O-Okay..." Mayu: "Great. Okay, everyone. Let's go!" Kaya: "Let's do our best!" All: "Wake Up, Girl ZOO!" Yoshino: "W-Wait! Ouch..." Matsuda: "Yoshino!" Matsuda: "You can't go onstage like this. I'm sorry, everyone, but this won't be our only opportunity." Matsuda: "It takes courage to back down!" Mayu: "Roar!" Mayu: "It's okay. You're not the only one in pain." Mayu: "Look at these bags under my eyes. I'm in terrible condition. I skipped breakfast, too." Miyu: "My shoulders are actually stiff from flying too much." Kaya: "I feel kind of listless." Airi: "This came off." Minami: "I'm hungry." mi: "Y-Y-You're all s-so s-sloppy." Mayu: "That's that." Yoshino: "What? I-Is everyone okay with this?" Mayu: "All right, it's time! Let's win and get something good to eat!" All: "Yeah!" Yoshino: "Uh..." T: "Tons of, tons of Tons of, tons of This is tons of trouble It's a mysterious zoo at the edge of town 1 2 maniac It's super niche The sun 3 3 Might be taking a nap In that regard by all means Make yourselves at home Even if your gloomy feelings Are piled high like a monkey's mountain Try to smile! Everybody,everywhere Is a super cute and loose character Listen! Take a look Even the swans Paddle hard under the surface of the lake" T: "Tons of, tons of Tons of, tons of This is tons of trouble Tons of, tons of Tons of, tons of WUG ZOO ZOO" Tange: "What does the future hold in store..." All: "...for the Wake Up, Girl ZOO?"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girl ZOO! Episode 10 – Final Episode GO!", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girl ZOO!", "10", "Final Episode GO!" ] }
: "This is a small zoo on the edge of Sendai. The zoo is currently in danger of disappearing." : "The members of WUG decided to put on a ninja show to bring in guests. While training to become ninjas, the seven girls got caught up in the spectacular conflict between the Iga and Koga. What does the future have in store for the girls this week?" Minami: "I wonder if a lot of guests will come." Airi: "Glub, glub." mi: "They will come. After all, these places are a standard location for dates." Miyu: "That's right. They're far more romantic than the zoo." Kaya: "Glub, glub." Miyu: "I call it our plan to bring in guests to the aquarium and make tons of money!" Minami: "I'm so glad we have Airi and Kaya-tan." mi: "Everyone should have fish and reptile friends." Minami: "Do you think we'll get paid more once we get more guests?" Miyu: "I'm sure we will. When we do, I'm going to buy a new dress." Minami: "I'm going to buy meat. There's Maesawa beef and Sendai beef and..." mi: "Minyami, you're practically a cow yourself." Miyu: "What about you, Nanamin? Is there anything you want?" mi: "I'll probably get tickets to a Hikarizuka performance." Miyu: "You're so serious, Nanamin." Minami: "Then there's Yonezawa beef and Yamagata beef and..." mi: "Minyami, you care more about food than seduction." Miyu: "Do you think you're sexy, Nanamin?" mi: "What do you mean?" Miyu: "I'm asking about your love life. Your love life." mi: "Wh-What are you talking about, Miyu? W-We're idols!" Miyu: "Come on. I won't tell anyone else." mi: "But scandals are strictly prohibited!" Miyu: "What kind of men do you like, Nanamin? I like men with clear eyes and aquiline noses..." mi: "You just want to talk about yourself." Miyu: "That's not true. I'll guess what kind of men you like." mi: "What? Th-There's no way you know what... H-Hey. Minyami, say something." Minami: "Just a little farther south, there's Fukushima beef. At that point, I might as well go all the way for Kobe beef..." mi: "She's hopeless." Miyu: "Nanamin, your type is wild and carnivorous men." mi: "What? Wh-What are you talking about?" Miyu: "In other words, you're into werewolves. Am I right?" mi: "N-No!" Miyu: "You're playing dumb again."
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girl ZOO! Episode 2 – Aquarium GO!", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girl ZOO!", "2", "Aquarium GO!" ] }
: "This is a small zoo on the edge of Sendai. The zoo is currently in danger of disappearing." : "Because of leaks and power outages, we've been gathered inside one room today. At first, it was fun, like a sleepover... But for some reason, Minami hasn't returned from going to the restroom." Yoshino: "Minami's taking a long time, isn't she? It's been quite a while." Kaya: "Maybe she got lost on her way back." Yoshino: "Maybe. It seems dark in the hallway." Mayu: "I need to go the restroom, too. Does anyone want to come with me?" Mayu: "What about you, Kaya and Yoppi?" Kaya: "I'm fine." Yoshino: "I'm fine, too." Mayu: "We'll come back once we find Minami." Kaya: "Okay, thanks." Kayo: "You're one of those, Yoppi." Yoshino: "Huh? What?" Kayo: "You're a scaredy-cat." Yoshino: "N-No, I'm not." Kaya: "Don't pretend you're not. You didn't go to the restroom because you were scared, weren't you?" Yoshino: "I-I'm not that scared of—" Yoshino: "What are you doing?" Kaya: "Sorry, sorry. Jeez." Yoshino: "Kaya. Ow, ow." Kaya: "The girls are taking a long time." Yoshino: "Yeah." Kaya: "All right. I'm going to go look for them." Yoshino: "What? Don't leave me alone." Kaya: "Do you want to come with me, then?" Yoshino: "O-Okay..." Kaya: "Yoppi, I can't walk. You're too close." Yoshino: "B-But..." Yoshino: "What is this? It's red." Kaya: "How disgusting." Kaya: "It leads down the stairs." Yoshino: "Let's go back." Kaya: "We can't. Something may have happened to them. Let's go." Yoshino: "What? Hey, are you really going?" Kaya: "It leads into this room." Yoshino: "L-Let's turn back." Kaya: "But everyone may be inside." Yoshino: "Maybe, but..." Yoshino: "Let's go back." Kaya: "I'm opening the door." Kaya: "Minami?" Yoshino: "Minami. Oh, good. Everyone's missing. We've been so worried." Minami: "It's really tasty, meow." Yoshino: "Minami?" Minami: "It's really tasty, meow!" Minami: "Do you girls want some, too?" Minami: "They're cream yakisoba rolls with strawberry jam on top!" Yoshino: "What are you eating?!"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girl ZOO! Episode 3 – Scary Story GO!", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girl ZOO!", "3", "Scary Story GO!" ] }
: "This is a small zoo on the edge of Sendai." : "The zoo is currently in danger of disappearing." Matsuda: "There." Matsuda: "Can the three of you go hand these out?" : "Zookeeper Matsuda asked us to work in the city," : "but we were met with a harsh response: no one would accept our fliers." mi: "Ugh. I can't do this anymore! No one's accepting our fliers!" Minami: "We still have this many to hand out. No one accepts fliers these days, unless they come with tissues." Minami: "I'm hungry." mi: "No one would accept a flier from a wild beast." Minami: "I'm hungry." Miyu: "Don't say that. Let's do our best. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Our steady efforts will eventually come to fruition." mi: "Yeah, but everyone's gone now." Minami: "What?" Minami: "Hey, isn't that a TV station helicopter?" mi: "Are they filming us?" Miyu: "This is a great opportunity for us to greatly increase the effectiveness of our advertising!" Miyu: "Hello! We're from the zoo!" mi: "These are our fliers!" Minami: "Our fliers!" Minami: "They're leaving!" mi: "What are you, blind? Make sure you're filming us!" Miyu: "Wait!" mi: "Miyu, are you an eagle who can't fly?" Miyu: "I won't give up. I'll do anything to become a zoo idol!" Miyu: "Hello! I'm Miyu-Miyu, the zoo's shining star!" mi: "That's the supreme technique exhibited by ambitious animals who have solidified their resolve!" Minami: "I'll hand out fliers, too!" mi: "I-I can do it, too!" Miyu: "We're here in Sendai today to distribute fliers!" mi: "These are our fliers!" Minami: "Our fliers!" mi: "Don't eat it! You'll upset your stomach!" Miyu: "Have some fliers!" Caster: "The giant beasts seem to be desperately trying to advertise something. The city of Sendai is unable to conceal its bewilderment as it hurries to deal with the creatures." Matsuda: "Amazing. Wait! You can't see the fliers when you're that big!" T: "Tons of, tons of Tons of, tons of This is tons of trouble It's a mysterious zoo at the edge of town 1 2 maniac It's super niche The sun 3 3 Might be taking a nap In that regard by all means Make yourselves at home Even if your gloomy feelings Are piled high like a monkey's mountain Try to smile! Everybody, everywhere Is a super cute and loose character Listen! Take a look Even the swans Paddle hard under the surface of the lake Tons of, tons of Tons of, tons of This is tons of trouble Tons of, tons of Tons of, tons of WUG ZOO ZOO"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girl ZOO! Episode 6 – Distributing Fliers GO!", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girl ZOO!", "6", "Distributing Fliers GO!" ] }
: "This is a small zoo on the edge of Sendai. The zoo is currently in danger of disappearing. In this time of crisis, Nanami, WUG ZOO's number one entertainer, suggests bringing in guests with a single, grand attraction if the zoo is short on funds. Will her plan go well?" mi: "The first phase of the plan is "grand scenery!"" Yoshino: "Amazing! This might actually work! Wh-What is this?" mi: "I used all our budget on the scenery." Yoshino: "Nanamin, our guests come to see us. Shouldn't we focus on strengthening our characters instead of improving our backdrops?" mi: "You're right. The quality of the art is important, too." Yoshino: "Umm... What are you talking about?" mi: "Don't worry about it. Phase two of the plan is "smooth animation!"" mi: "How's this?" Yoshino: "It's amazing! It's so cool!" mi: "How's this?" Yoshino: "Yeah, I like it." mi: "How's this?" Yoshino: "I told you. I like it. Nanamin, you've just been doing the same thing over and over." mi: "Yeah, I used our whole budget on this single cut." Yoshino: "What?" mi: "But fans gratefully watch transformation scenes over and over, right?" Yoshino: "Won't our guests get tired of watching only this?" mi: "Then let's move onto phase three, "super CGI strategy!"" mi: "We're entering the age of CGI!" Yoshino: "But even an amateur like myself can tell how weird it looks. You definitely hired the wrong studio." mi: "You've got a lot of complaints, don't you? Fine, I got it. How about this?" Yoshino: "Amazing! These visuals will definitely draw in guests." Yoshino: "Huh? Nanamin, what about your face?" mi: "That's none of your business." Yoshino: "R-Really? In any case, I'm sure this quality will be a huge success. Our anime is sure to get a second season!" mi: "Of course." Yoshino: "Nanamin, come to think of it, you haven't been moving at all, have you?" mi: "I used the entire budget on the art. All I can do is move my mouth." Yoshino: "What?" mi: "Who cares? People are only interested in pretty pin-ups." Yoshino: "N-Nanamin, don't you think you're being too harsh?" mi: "Now, let's go get guests with my beautiful dancing!" Yoshino: "What? You're going out like that?"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girl ZOO! Episode 7 – Single Grand Attraction GO!", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girl ZOO!", "7", "Single Grand Attraction GO!" ] }
: "This is a small zoo on the edge of Sendai. The zoo is currently in danger of disappearing. In order to save the zoo, the members of WUG ZOO formed WUG, a new pro wrestling organization. Will the girls be able to put on an exciting match?" Announce: "In the red corner is WUG wrestler, Lionel Shimada!" Mayu: "Yo, brah! You're not going to beat me today, brah!" Announce: "In the blue corner is WUG wrestler, Bear Nanase!" Yoshino: "Don't think you can beat me, brah!" Announce: "Your referee is Shark Hayashi." Matsuda: "As usual, your commentators are Matsuda and Tiger Katayama." Mayu: "What's wrong? Your voice is trembling." Yoshino: "M-My voice isn't trembling, brah." Mayu: "What a weak comeback. And you call yourself an idol?" Yoshino: "Now you've said it. I never liked you from the moment we met!" Mayu: "What don't you like about me?" Yoshino: "We're too similar. We have nearly the same hair color. Because of you, our fans never remember what I look like!" Mayu: "That's just because you lack personality. The rest of our members are so lax because we have you for a leader. Especially Airi." Yoshino: "Wait. Airi's always been terrible." Mayu: "That's not true. With the right leadership, Airi wouldn't be so... No, she would be terrible." Yoshino: "Right?" Matsuda: "This is an unexpected development. Katayama-san, how do you think this match will go?" Minami: "It's really tasty, meow." Matsuda: ""Tasty, meow." I see." Yoshino: "It takes seconds for her to forget the choreography and lyrics she's learned. She's practically a human goldfish." Mayu: "Wait. Her memory may be bad, but Airi's greatest strength is her incompetence. You have to agree." Yoshino: "You're right. The way she turns every dance into awkward flailing may be some kind of skill." Mayu: "Also, she always holds her left hand like she's holding a bowl." Yoshino: "That's incredible, too. Airi's dancing sense is god-like." Matsuda: "They're on fire. What do you think of this development, Katayama-san?" Minami: "It's really tasty, meow." Matsuda: ""Tasty, meow." There it is again." Mayu: "But even Airi has improved under your leadership." Yoshino: "What?" Mayu: "Not many people could lift Airi from water flea level to paramecium level." Yoshino: "Mayushi..." Mayu: "Let's begin!" Yoshino: "Let's do it!" T: "Tons of, tons of" Announce: "The winner is Shark Hayashi!" T: "Tons of, tons of This is tons of trouble It's a mysterious zoo at the edge of town 1 2 maniac It's super niche The sun 3 3 Might be taking a nap In that regard by all means Make yourselves at home Even if your gloomy feelings Are piled high like a monkey's mountain Try to smile! Everybody, everywhere Is a super cute and loose character Listen! Take a look Even the swans Paddle hard under the surface of the lake Tons of, tons of" Airi: "Brah! Brah!" T: "Tons of, tons of This is tons of trouble" Airi: "You want some of this, brah?" T: "Tons of, tons of" Airi: "Bring it on, brah!" T: "Tons of, tons of WUG ZOO ZOO"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girl ZOO! Episode 8 – Absolute Champion VS The True Leader", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girl ZOO!", "8", "Absolute Champion VS The True Leader" ] }
: "This is a small zoo on the edge of Sendai. The zoo is currently in danger of disappearing." : "Suddenly, a band of righteous heroes known as the WUG Zoo Rangers appears! They rise to defeat the evil organization I-1 Park which plans to conquer the whole world!" : "Don't miss the first and only performance of this grand, all-star lineup! What does the future have in store for the WUG ZOO members this week?" Mayu: "I am Lion Red!" Minami: "Tiger Yellow!" Airi: "Shark Navy!" Miyu: "Eagle Orange!" Kaya: "C-Crocodile Green!" mi: "Wolf Purple!" Yoshino: "And I am Bear Blue! Together, the seven of us are..." All: "...the WUG ZOO Rangers!" Yoshino: "G-Good girls and boys, is everyone doing well?" Yoshino: "You're the evil organization that opposes us, I-1... something!" Kaya: "It's not fair for a bunch of you to suddenly appear!" Yoshino: "We won't let you hurt the animators. Let's go, girls!" Kaya: "Adult Circumstances Kick!" Yoshino: "Super Energy Chop!" Yoshino: "They keep coming. There's no end to them." Kaya: "What should we do?" Yoshino: "Y-You're the Twinkle Duo!" Yoshino: "I'm sorry, but we can't afford any more characters." Kaya: "Thanks for sacrificing yourselves for the final episode." Yoshino: "You're... who?" Kaya: "Whoever they are, we just have to defeat all unnecessary characters!" Yoshino: "We managed to stop them." Kaya: "Leader, look!" Yoshino: "You're kidding, right? You think we can afford a giant robot now? Keep it together, Kaya. It's not too late. Girls, let's give it everything we have!" Yoshino: "Low Budget Beam!" Kaya: "We did it!" Matsuda: "Hey, girls! Good job—" Matsuda: "But I was already part of the cast..." Kaya: "Justice..." All: "...prevails!"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girl ZOO! Episode 9 – WUG ZOO Ranger Show", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girl ZOO!", "9", "WUG ZOO Ranger Show" ] }
Mayu: "Christmas 2013. On a small outdoor stage in Kotodai Park, we performed our debut concert. The audience was small, and we had only one song," Mayu: "but we were still trying to take one small step." Site: "Kuromaru Channel" Mayu: "I wanted to find what I had once lost here." Matsuda: "The new year's just begun, and I'm already having nightmares?!" Airi: "I wonder if this ever falls on anyone's head from being pulled too much." Mayu: "What?" Mayu: "No way." Matsuda: "I dreamed the shrine's bell fell on my head on my first visit of the year. What's that supposed to mean?" Airi: "Good luck." Airi: "What'd you get, Mayu?" Mayu: "Good luck, too. But my wish..." Airi: "Will come true." Mayu: "Mine, too." Airi: "It looks like it's about to snow even though it's New Year's." Mayu: ""It's always sunny above the clouds."" Airi: "Huh? What's that?" Mayu: "I found it in a collection of witticisms. Even if the sky is covered in clouds, it's not as though the sun is gone." Mayu: "It means once the clouds leave, the sun will come out." Airi: "Huh. Hey, could you say it again?" Mayu: "Huh? "It's always sunny above the clouds."" Mayu: "Who are you texting?" Airi: "Matsuda-san. I think it'll really resonate with him right now." Airi: "And send." Matsuda: "What gloomy weather." Airi: "I want to keep doing Wake Up, Girls!" Mayu: "Yeah." Airi: "Matsuda-san said he'd be in touch, but..." Airi: "I wonder what happened." Yoshino: "Kaya." Kaya: "Yoppi. You came, too?" Yoshino: "N-No. I had some free time, so I thought I'd see a movie." Kaya: "Huh." Kaya: "So austere!" Kaya: "I really like this song." Yoshino: "I was actually kind of curious." Kaya: "I thought so." Kaya: "Matsuda-san's not here." Yoshino: "It's New Year's Day. Maybe he went home." Kaya: "Where does he live?" Yoshino: "I don't know." Kaya: "Right. We don't know anything about him." Announcer: "President Sakamaki is believed to have fled with the company's funds. Miyagi police are searching the premises regarding charges of embezzlement. The proprietor named his eldest son his guarantor without notice, and under the strain of debt, the family was forced to commit suicide." Matsuda: "What am I supposed to do about these bills? Damn it, boss..." Matsuda: "I'll think about it tomorrow. I don't want to think on New Year's Day." Yoshino: "During the concert, I was so concerned with what was in front of me, I didn't have time to think about the future. I thought it might be our first and last concert. Now that it's over, I feel like it's a waste. But keeping up with it seems like it would be difficult, too..." Kaya: "Basically, you want to keep doing it, don't you?" Kaya: "Didn't you come to talk to Matsuda-san today?" Yoshino: "Huh? I didn't..." Kaya: "The truth is I've been thinking about it, too. It was straightforward of Mayu to demand to do it because she wanted to." Yoshino: "Yeah, that..." Yoshino: "She's faced more challenges than us." Kaya: "Well, yeah." Miyu: "Huh? Yoppi and Kayatan." Yoshino: "Miyu!" Miyu: "Happy New Year! What are you two doing?" Yoshino: "What are you doing on New Year's Day?" Miyu: "I came to ask Matsuda-san about the future... of Wake Up, Girls! of course." Kaya: "He's not here." Miyu: "What? Aww..." Matsuda: "Hello?" Matsuda: "What?" Miyu: "Doubts?" Miyu: "I don't have any. I finally made it into an idol group." Miyu: "What? Do you still have doubts?" Yoshino: "I wouldn't call them doubts. The way things ended..." Miyu: "You mean the president running away? Lamenting the past won't do any good." Kaya: "You're right." Yoshino: "But the agency might shut down!" Miyu: "I think that depends on our efforts." Kaya: "What?" Miyu: "I believe talent agencies are just like stores." Miyu: "You know I worked at a maid café, right?" Kaya: "I didn't know." Yoshino: "Me, neither." Miyu: "Anyway, when the store isn't doing well, sometimes all it takes to get back on our feet is for the employees to work super hard." Yoshino: "What does that have to do with this?" Miyu: "Huh? The agency might not have any money right now, but if we work hard, we can get it back on its feet!" Kaya: "A maid café isn't the same as the entertainment industry, and it's not that easy." Yoshino: "Besides, Matsuda-san doesn't even know if he wants to keep the agency open." Miyu: "I think inspiring the boss is up to us, too..." Kaya: "He's not our boss." Both: "What?" Matsuda: "Wh-What?" All: "Matsuda-san!" Miyu: "Boss!" Matsuda: "What crazy timing." her: "Thank you very much." Mayu: "Sorry for bothering you on New Year's Day." Mother: "It's all right. We always work on the first day of the year." Mayu: "I see." Mother: "Make yourself at home." Mayu: "It's so good." Airi: "Really? That's great." Mayu: "I'm jealous." Airi: "Really? I wish my family ran a bakery instead." Mayu: "You're asking for too much." Airi: "You're right." Airi: "I really do want to be an idol..." Mayu: "Do you want to go to the agency?" Airi: "It's nearby. Let's check it out." Airi: "It's from Matsuda-san." Mayu: "What?" Airi: "Yes." Isokawa: "Is this you, Minami-chan?" Minami: "I'm over here. It's dark, and Matsuda-san—oh, he's our manager—was flustered, so it's blurry." Isokawa: "You have a manager? You're like a celebrity." Woman: "Like a celebrity? She is a celebrity, Isokawa-san." Isokawa: "When are you going to perform next?" Minami: "I don't know yet." Isokawa: "What was that?" Minami: "I don't know yet." Isokawa: "I see." Minami: "I'm sure I'll hear something soon." Isokawa: "We'll all go see you next time." Minami: "Yeah, you should come!" Isokawa: "Minami-chan!" Isokawa: "Here!" Minami: "Hello?" Minami: "Matsuda-san?" Minami: "Huh?" mi: "Yes, you are yourself and not yourself." mi: "I have fallen in love with both you and not you." mi: "A phone call? Who could it be?" mi: "Yes, this is Hisami Nanami. I am currently busy. Who art thou?" Matsuda: "Thou?" Matsuda: "In any case, I need everyone to come to the agency!" All: "What?!" Matsuda: "Their name's Sudo-san. They're a famous producer who started a lot of projects. They saw your Christmas concert. They loved Wake Up, Girls! and said they'd help us manage the group." Matsuda: "After hearing about Sudo-san's background, I was shaking." Miyu: "That's amazing." Airi: "I think my fortune was right." Minami: "This must be a really lucky year if we're getting work already." Yoshino: "What does helping with management mean, practically speaking?" mi: "Maybe it means getting work for us." Kaya: "So, what should we do?" Matsuda: "Sudo-san will give you the details when they come to the agency this weekend." Matsuda: "They want to speak with all of you then, too. About your direction going forward." Yoshino: "I understand." mi: "Matsuda-san, how do you feel?" Matsuda: "Huh?" Kaya: "If they're helping with management, that means you'll be working together, right? Are you going to be okay?" Matsuda: "Huh? Well, yeah." Matsuda: "Until now, I simply obeyed President Tange. President Tange was rough and irresponsible and ended up running away with our money. For some reason, though, she had major connections and found work for us." Matsuda: "Compared to her, I..." Matsuda: "I don't have connections, money, or confidence. I'm an all-around loser." Miyu: "Are you bragging?" Matsuda: "But I finally have a chance. I can't afford to turn down working with Sudo-san. I believe I have to do it. What do you think? Will you work on Wake Up, Girls! with me again?" Kaya: "I already intended to." Miyu: "All right! I'll do it!" mi: "Well, I'll see how it goes." Yoshino: "It depends on the work we get." Airi: "You're right. I'm glad we're working again, though." Airi: "Right, Mayu?" Mayu: "Yeah." Minami: "All that relief made me hungry." Miyu: "Do you want to get waffles at Bijou?" Minami: "Yeah." Matsuda: "See you this weekend. I'll text you the time." All: "Okay. Good work today." Matsuda: "I've experienced nothing but bad luck since the day I was born, but I finally have a chance. I'll do everything I can for tomorrow!" Minami: "Matsuda-san's so passionate." Miyu: "It's cute." Yoshino: "I hope it's not for nothing." Kaya: "You're right." mi: "People unaccustomed to happiness lose their cool when confronted with great happiness." Airi: "Nanamin, you're so mature." Yoshino: "Anyway, he doesn't have a plan, right?" Kaya: "He can't help it. President Tange's the one who decided to form an idol group." Miyu: "Matsuda-san said it himself. He was just doing as he was told." mi: "I can't believe President Tange ran off with the money, though." Miyu: "I heard she was taken in by a man." Kaya: "Where did you hear that?" Miyu: "Oh. A lot of well-informed people come to my work." Airi: "What a crazy information network..." Hoshino: "Maybe we really do have to rely on this Sudo person." mi: "If we don't get along, we can quit." Miyu: "You're going to quit?" mi: "Yeah." Minami: "But it's good news. We can work again." Airi: "I agree." Mayu: "Are you watching that again?" Miyu: "Hey, is that..." Airi: "Yeah, the Christmas concert." Miyu: "If we ever make it big, that'll be one valuable video." mi: "If we make it big. If we don't, you'll wish you could forget." Kaya: "Don't say that." Airi: "I think it'd be a fun experience from our youth." Yoshino: "Hey, Mayu." Yoshino: "Do you ever look at videos from when you worked with I-1?" Airi: "Yoppi." Yoshino: "Sorry." Mayu: "No." Yoshino: "I see." Miyu: "Okay, okay. Let's come up with introductions." mi: "Introductions?" Kaya: "Good idea." Miyu: "Will you listen to mine first?" Kaya: "You've already made one! That was quick!" Miyu: "I have a few ideas, but I haven't chosen one yet. I want to hear your opinions." Miyu: "Here I go. Welcome home, master. I will hack into your heart." Miyu: "The Miyu Virus is spreading like wildfire!" Miyu: "I'm the twin-tailed and incompetent angel of Wake Up, Girls! Okamoto Miyu!" All: "Huh. That's great. It's cute. It's good." mi: "What's hacking?" All: "Hello, Sendai! We're the I-1 Club!" Shiho: "Today, we have good news for you." Mai: "The I-1 Club National 47 Prefecture Love Connection Project begins today." Ai: "For this project, the I-1 Club will go to see you." ka: "Here in Miyagi Prefecture's Sendai, we'll be building a theater." Shiho: "We're so excited to see you." Mai: "Look forward to it." All: "This has been a message from the I-1 Club!" Man 1: "Seriously? I-1's finally building a theater in Sendai." Man 2: "Who's your favorite?" Man 1: "Shiho of course." Man 2: "Me, too." Man 1: "When I see her smile, I just..." Man 2: "Yeah." Man 1: "I wish she were my girlfriend." Mayu: "I'm home." Grandmother: "Welcome back." Grandmother: "I see... A job?" Grandmother: "Does this mean you're going to keep working?" Mayu: "Yeah." Grandmother: "Mayu-chan, you really do enjoy it." Mayu: "Huh?" Grandmother: "I mean... you seemed so happy when you were singing and dancing." Grandmother: "I think it's a good thing. It means you have something you enjoy." May: "Yeah." Grandmother: "That's great." Grandmother: "Have you told your mother?" Grandmother: "I see." Grandmother: "It'll take time." Mayu: "We're the Sendai-based group, Wake Up, Girls! Um... This is our debut concert." Mayu: "We were allowed to participate in today's concert at the last minute. We still only have one song, but, um..." Mayu: "We'll sing our hearts out." Mayu: "Please listen to our song." Man: "That's Shimada Mayu!" Translation: "Believing I could not dream I protected my small, quiet self Badly hurt, to the harsh sea Afraid, I quickly turned my back But I am who I am No tricks will work against me I decided I could only move forward without giving up WAKE UP bathed in bright sunlight The hope in my heart overlaps with you STAND UP there is no night that does not end Believe in tomorrow's smile Shine MY ONLY ONE" Matsuda: "I didn't order anything." Matsuda: "Su..." Matsuda: "I'm telling you. I didn't order any delivery." Matsuda: "I'm telling you. I didn't..." Sudo: "Is this Green Leaves?" Matsuda: "S-S-Sudo-san?!" Sudo: "First off... Why don't you try this on?" Text: "To be continued" Miyu: "Being seen is my purpose in life." Kaya: "I don't know what you're talking about." Miyu: "Showing my face in the preview excites me." Kaya: "I see." Miyu: "Look forward to hearing more of my sexy voice." Kaya: "That's not what this is for."
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! (Series) Episode 1 – A Quiet Beginning", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! (Series)", "1", "A Quiet Beginning" ] }
Matsuda: "We passed the initial screening of the Idol Festival!" Matsuda: "These are the groups participating in the Tohoku preliminaries." Tange: "It's finally starting." Matsuda: "Only the group that scores highest based on on-line and off-line fan votes and the judge's scores will make it to the I-1 Arena." Miyu: "Everyone's so cute." Yoshino: "Hey, look at this." Miyu: "Are they entertainers?" Kaya: "They're so unique." Airi: "They've got an incredible aura in more than one way..." mi: "But don't they seem more like comedians than idols?" Matsuda: "You're right. I don't think we'll lose to them." Tange: "Don't be stupid." Tange: "You'll run into trouble if you underestimate them." Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "You don't understand, do you? These comedic groups are the real danger." Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "Plenty of idol groups are good at singing and dancing. The groups that make the strongest impact in the judges' eyes control the game. In that respect, the Demons of Oga are doing better than us." Matsuda: "Yes, but..." Tange: "What is the essence of Wake Up, Girls!?" Tange: "Think about it." Yoshino: "What is WUG's essence, huh?" Yoshino: "I wonder what it is." Mayu: "It's a difficult question. We've been working so hard overcoming the challenges we've encountered. I don't know what makes us unique." Miyu: "I've never seen such excited fans before." Miyu: "They've certainly captured the interest of their fans." Minami: "The president's right." mi: "The preliminaries will be streamed lived and fans will vote in real time, right?" Airi: "We can't win if we don't make an impression." Yoshino: "We still have time. Let's come up with something." Kaya: "But I haven't thought about it before." Producer: "Do you have any questions?" Minami: "Yes!" Minami: "What do you think is the appeal of Wake Up, Girls!?" Producer: "What?" Director: "The appeal of Wake Up, Girls!?" Kaya: "Yes." Yoshino: "This is our 50th concert at MACANA." Airi: "Oh, right. There's something we want to ask you today." A: "Ask us anything!" B: "We'll answer your question!" Minami: "Anyway, when I asked..." Producer: "Maybe it's the way you eat, Minami-chan." Kaya: "That's only your appeal." Director: "Oh, I know. We've heard positive things about your biting comments, Kaya-chan." Yoshino: "That only applies to you." A: "Your naiveté!" B: "Your energy!" C: "Your shakiness!" Airi: "We got a lot of nonsense answers after that, such as how we're like dogs or plastic bags." Miyu: "We didn't get any helpful answers." Yoshino: "Anyway, let's focus on our lessons. I doubled our training time and content." Minami: "What? We're doing even more?" Yoshino: "Mayushi, can you watch us dance before the instructor gets here?" Mayu: "Okay." Yoshino: "It'd be great if you could take note of anything that sticks out." Mayu: "Got it." Airi: "I'm glad everything worked out." Airi: "Nanamin?" mi: "Airi, try dancing the steps for the second Melody A section." Airi: "What?" mi: "I told you. My goal is to place first in the Idol Festival. I always meet my goals." mi: "In order to do that, I need you to work harder." Airi: "What?!" Yoshino: "It's finally the weekend." Mayu: "Yeah." Yoshino: "I hope we make it through this stage to the finals." Mayu: "Yeah. I want to win, too." Yoshino: "You just wait, Tokyo!" Mayu: "Yeah!" Saki: "Hey, you gals." Saki: "Y'all are Wake Up, Girls!, right?" Mayu: "Um, I don't understand what you're saying..." Yoshino: "Yeah, we are." Mayu: "What?" Yoshino: "Are you from Demons of Oga?" Saki: "Oh, so you know about us?" Yoko: "'Course she does. We're famous." Yui: "'Course." Saki: "Guess we don't need to introduce ourselves, then." Yoshino: "Do you need something?" Saki: "We thought we'd check out the girls we're gonna beat in the preliminaries." Yoshino: "I see." Saki: "We eat cute little idol groups like you for breakfast. Prepare yourselves!" Yoshino: "You're the ones who need to watch out for us." Mayu: "Y-Yoppi..." Saki: "Really? You've got some guts there. Are you the head of Wake Up, Girls!?" Yoshino: "Not the head. The leader." Saki: "They're the same thing. I'm head of the Demons of Oga, Kinumiya Saki. These are our members: Rokudai Yoko and Kazayama Yui." Saki: "We look forward to meeting you again!" Saki: "I know we'll cream you in the preliminaries." Mayu: "What was that? A threat?" Yoshino: "How terrifying." Mayu: "What? It was?" Yoshino: "The president was right. They're strong." Mayu: "I'm home." Mother: "Why are you starting this again?" Mayu: "I..." Mother: "How much more do you have to make me suffer?" Mayu: "Um..." Mayu: "Wait, Mom! I'm sorry I haven't talked to you about what I'm doing with Wake Up, Girls!" Mother: "I don't care about that anymore." Mayu: "Please! I want you to listen." Mayu: "I want to tell you how I feel today. I know apologizing for hurting you over I-1 isn't enough," Mayu: "but..." Mayu: "I couldn't stay there." Mayu: "It's hard to explain, but I wasn't happy there. I'm just sorry I hurt you and Dad because" Mayu: "of my selfishness. My new agency is small, but the president, the manager, and all the members are doing their best." Mayu: "Everyone's so considerate of everyone else. Because of that, we fight sometimes, but I finally think this is where I belong." Mayu: "You may not understand, but I feel like I could be happy there." Mayu: "So, Mom..." Mother: "I told you before, but why don't you do whatever you want?" Mayu: "Mom, this weekend, the Idol Festival" Mayu: "regional preliminaries are happening." Mayu: "I'd like you to come watch. If you see me on stage, I think you'll understand." Ota: "The Idol Festival symbolizes this age of warring idols. This event, planned and produced by head of the I-1 Club, Shiraki Tooru, has begun." Ota: "The favorite of the highly contested Tohoku Block is Crescent Moon. Gathering sudden attention with the addition of former I-1 member, Shimada Mayu, the one-year-old Wake Up, Girls! is also a formidable contender. At first, only former I-1 member Mayu received attention, but through local broadcasts and concerts, the hard work of the other members has captured the attention of fans, and they have distinguished themselves." Ota: "Hey!" Asazu: "Hey! Sorry we're late!" Shiromoto: "The war council will now begin!" All: "Yeah!" Yazawa: "Today's subject: How can we show WUG fans are in the audience and support the girls on the day of the event?" Ota: "I've already thought of something! Why don't we make matching sweatshirts? These will not only unite our hearts, but also declare our presence to idol fans across the nation!" Asazu: "They'll be black, right?" Shiromoto: "And they'll say, "You can do it! Wake Up, Girls!", right?" Ota: "All right! Let's keep our spirits high!" All: "Yeah!" Employee: "Please keep your voices down." Ota: "Oh, excuse us..." Both: "Hello." Tange: "Oh, it's been a while." Anna: "It's good to see you again." Yoshino: "So flashy." Kaya: "Hayasaka-san wants us to wear these?" Miyu: "But they're so cute. We can win with these alone." Anna: "Everyone seems so excited." Tange: "I suppose. It would've been better if we'd had this solidarity earlier, though. But if we make it through the Tohoku preliminaries, maybe I'll treat those girls to something." Mastuda: "You're going to jinx them." Tange: "How rude." Karina: "Hayasaka-san wrote you a new song, didn't he?" Miyu: "Yes. It's so hard, he must have done it to spite us." Anna: "You should be glad it's worth learning." Yoshino: "Well, yes." Mayu: "Oh, right. Could we ask you something?" mi: "Pork buns?" Minami: "No, bean buns. I found them in the convenience store the other day." Anna: "The essence of Wake Up, Girls!, huh?" Mayu: "Yes." Karina: "Maybe you don't need to decide for yourselves what that is." Airi: "What?" Anna: "You're right. I think the people who see you perform will decide for you." Anna: "Well, we'd better get going." Karina: "Make sure you win those preliminaries." All: "Okay!" Yoshino: "Excuse me." Yoshino: "I think I finally understand what you told us before." Yoshino: "About fighting." Karina: "Are you guys fighting enough?" Karina: "You should tell each other what you want to say." Karina: "You're part of the same group." Yoshino: "It took me long enough, though." Anna: "I see." Karina: "That's great." Yoshino: "Yes." Minami: "Leader, everyone's calling you." Yoshino: "Oh, sorry. I'll be right there." Anna: "Hey, Leader!" Karina: "You can do it." Grandmother: "Mayu-chan, you need to leave soon." Grandmother: "I hope you do well. I'll make your favorite tonight." Mayu: "Okay." Mayu: "See you later." Ota: "Good morning!" All: "Hey!" Ota: "We should show our support, too!" Ota: "Let's start with a Minami chant!" All: "Yeah!" Ota: "Ready, and..." All: "Everyone's little sister, Minami!" Woman 1: "Minami-chan's so popular." Woman 2: "She certainly is." Mother: "We should do our best, too. I made these for today." Tange: "Why are you so nervous?" Matsuda: "What about you, President? Also, you can't smoke here." Airi: "Okay, okay." Miyu: "I can do it. I can do it if I try. I'm a shining star." Kaya: "What are you talking about? We're just entering the ready room." mi: "The battle has already begun." Yoshino: "You're right." Mayu: "Yoppi?" Saki: "Come to get crushed by us?" Kaya: "What? Say that again." Minami: "Don't fight." Yoshino: "Let's settle this on the stage." Saki: "Bring it on." mi: "Was that..." Mayu: "Yeah, the Demons of Oga." Announce: "Thank you for coming to the Idol Festival today. The idol group that wins will be officially recognized as the I-1 Club's rival." Announce: "This group will become the second most popular idol group in Japan." Shiraki: "Hello, everyone. I'm general manager of the I-1 Club, Shiraki Tooru." Shiraki: "The day of the Tohoku Regional Preliminaries has finally arrived. Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Miyagi, Yamagata, and Fukushima. Today, the top ten teams chosen via document screening and on-line polls will compete in the I-1 Sendai theater." Shiraki: "Ten idol groups born from this region will battle here today. Only one group will make it to the finals, but let's show support for every idol group appearing here today. I'd now like to announce the opening of the Idol Festival Tohoku Regional Preliminaries." A: "Saki-chan!" B: "Yoko!" C: "Yui-Yui!" D: "Demons!" Yoshino: "Let's go, girls." All: "Yeah." Announce: "Next up is Wake Up, Girls!!" Yoshino: "Let's go!" Kaya: "Let's do it!" All: "Wake Up, Girls!!" Yoshino: "We are Wake Up, Girls!! Thank you for your support!" Ota: "WUG-chan!" Yoshino: "This is "First-Rate Smile!"" Translation: "A schedule written in the clouds Filling an empty weekend With anything you can isn't right It's not right Only truly plain and ordinary days I film videos of my cat Maybe I'll try redecorating my room sometime I made a slideshow of my friends Full of smiles, full-on smiles everywhere Smiles, so many smiles I end up smiling, I have energy now I'll never give up, not in spring, summer, fall, or winter Because we've known painful seasons I appreciate unchanging smiles The smiles of Japan overwrite Even during hard times The smiles of Japan make things cuter The overflowing color of cherry blossoms Because we've known painful seasons First-rate smile Smile" Yoshino: "Thank you very much!" All: "Thank you!" mi: "It's over." Miyu: "Now we just have to wait for the results." Announce: "We will now announce the results." Ota: "Wake Up, Girls!, please!" : "We will now announce the results of the Tohoku Block." Yoshino: "This is it." : "The idol group with the highest score based on the off-line and on-line votes and the judge's scores will advance to the finals." : "The winner of the Tohoku Block is..." : "Wake Up, Girls!!" Kaya: "Did we win?" Airi: "No way..." mi: "All right!" Yoshino: "We did it!" All: "All right!" All: "Amazing!" Miyu: "I'm so happy!" Minami: "We're advancing to the finals!" Mayu: "We did it! We really did it!" Yoshino: "Yeah, we did it." Matsuda: "All right!" : "We will now hand the Tohoku Block trophy to Wake Up, Girls!." Saki: "Hey." Yoshino: "What?" Saki: "Your performance was amazing. Go win the finals for us." Yoshino: "We will. Thanks." Saki: "We visited all the Tohoku idol groups, but yours had the most backbone." Yoshino: "I see." Yoko: "Starting tomorrow, we're going back to working every day." Yui: "We haven't given up." Saki: "You can do it. If you lose the finals, we'll make you regret it." Yoshino: "Thanks." Saki: "You were great." Mayu: "What?" Mayu: "Good morning." Mayu: "Um, what did you want to talk about?" Tange: "It's your contract with us. You didn't join through the audition, so you hadn't formally signed on with us." Mayu: "This is..." Tange: "Your mother came to the agency yesterday. She asked us to look after her daughter." Tange: "It's great news." Mayu: "Yes." Matsuda: "Good morning. I-1 should be appearing on a talk show today. I wonder if they'll mention the Idol Festival." Mai: "This is our new song that goes on sale today. It's by Hayasaka-san." Manami: "It's a very difficult song. The choreography is incredibly challenging." ka: "But that's what makes it worth doing." Shiho: "This is "First-Rate Smile"!" Matsuda: "What? This song title..." Mayu: "Isn't that our song?" Tange: "It can't be!" Text: "To be continued" mi: "Ai-chan, what are you good at?" Airi: "Making sweets, I guess." mi: "That doesn't help you with your idol work." Airi: "What? But sweets would be a great present for fans." mi: "I'm not into that kind of flattery." Airi: "What?"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! (Series) Episode 10 – Gateway to Success", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! (Series)", "10", "Gateway to Success" ] }
Mai: "This is our new song that goes on sale today. It's by Hayasaka-san." Manami: "It's a very difficult song. The choreography is incredibly challenging." ka: "But that's what makes it worth doing." Shiho: "This is "First-Rate Smile"!" Tange: "That's that." Yoshino: "I-1 released our song on CD?" Kaya: "I can't believe him. That's pretty messed up." Miyu: "Could he have been a spy for I-1?" Mayu: "If I-1 releases that song on CD, does that mean we can't sing it anymore?" Matsuda: "Good point. There'd be copyright issues. President, do we have a contract?" Tange: "Of course not. That eccentric really got us this time." Kaya: "Let's have him take responsibility for this." Tange: "You're right." Kaya: "How do you want to do this?" Matsuda: "Huh? What?" Tange: "Well, in my day..." Matsuda: "Seriously, what are we going to do?" Yoshino: "I'm not sure we have enough time to learn a new song." mi: "But if we sing that at the finals, we'll be singing in front of the I-1 Club. I definitely don't want to do that." Minami: "Yeah, neither do I." Hayasaka: "Congratulations. I don't know what miracle happened, but I heard you made it through the preliminaries." Both: "Bastard!" Matsuda: "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Tange: "Get out of the way, Matsuda!" Hayasaka: "I thought of an even better song, so I gave that one to I-1." Tange: "What?" Matsuda: "I don't understand your thinking at all." Hayasaka: "You can't help that. You're an ordinary person." Hayasaka: "See? Isn't this one way better?" Tange: "This time, I'm going to have you sign a contract first." Hayasaka: "When I heard you made it through the preliminaries, I had a thought, too. It's time to really do this." Tange: "Does this mean you've just been doing this for fun until now?" Hayasaka: "No, I've been serious the whole time. But now I guess I'm mega-serious." Yoshino: "You expect us to perform a new song at the finals with so little time to prepare?" Hayasaka: "That's right. I told you, I'm tera-serious." Matsuda: "He's getting more serious..." Hayasaka: "If you win the Idol Festival, you'll be officially recognized as I-1's rival." Hayasaka: "You could even say it would make you a top idol group. Top idols can learn new songs and choreography in a day. If you can't do that, you won't last long in this industry." Yoshino: "Are you saying we'll win if we can do this?" Hayasaka: "That's up to you girls." Hayasaka: "Oh, by the way..." Hayasaka: "This song's center is Nanase Yoshino." Yoshino: "What?" Hayasaka: "It's you." Yoshino: "Me?" Miyu: "That's great, Yoppi." mi: "It's your first time being the center." Kaya: "We're counting on you." Yoshino: "Okay." Hayasaka: "Do your best to put something together." Kaya: "That's easier said than done." mi: "It's so high pitched. It's up-tempo, too. The choreography's probably difficult." Minami: "You're right." Airi: "I just learned a new song, and now I have to start all over. I don't know if I can do this." Yoshino: "But we have to do it." Miyu: "There's less than a month before the finals. Are we going to be okay?" Yoshino: "We'll make it okay." Matsuda: "That's the spirit! A lot has happened until now, but we managed to overcome all obstacles!" Matsuda: "All that's left to do is overcome the walls before us! If we can't go over it, we'll break through! If we can make it through this test, I'm sure we'll find something new on the other side!" Kaya: "What's gotten into you? I'm going to start calling you Shuzo." Tange: "You're smothering us, Matsuda." Matsuda: "But it's the finals! I feel like I can almost see the top..." Yoshino: "We'll be in Tokyo this time next month." Instructor: "Hayasaka-sensei gave us another tough song." Instructor: "I wonder if you'll be all right." Yoshino: "We'll make it all right." Mayu: "It's even harder than I thought." Yoshino: "And it uses so much stamina. If we're this beat just from dancing, we'll be in trouble when we add singing." Mayu: "We need to be stronger." Yoshino: "We need more endurance." Yoshino: "If we can't sing while running for four or five minutes, we won't last." Yoshino: "Let's stretch harder, too. You're more prone to injury if your body's not flexible." Kaya: "She's so inflexible..." Mayu: "Let's return to basics." Yoshino: "Three more weeks." Mai: "Honestly, I think this song is really difficult, but don't tell me you can't sing or dance this." Mai: "Moeka, focus." Moeka: "Who? Me? I'm focusing." Shiho: "Mai-Mai's saying something because that's not what it looks like. If you're going to make excuses or you really can't do it, just get out of here." Mai: "Let's do it one more time." Moeka: "She doesn't need to be so angry." Reina: "There must be a lot of pressure on the center. She's got a lot riding on her shoulders." Tina: "You say that, but you want her position." Reina: "Don't say that." Moeka: "You can't, because I'm going to be the next center. I won't let anyone else have it!" Both: "Okay, okay." Mai: "Wake Up, Girls! made it through the preliminaries, right?" Megumi: "Yeah. I texted Mayushi, and she said she'll do her best at the finals." Shiho: "If she didn't, we couldn't crush her." Megumi: "Crush her? You don't have to put it like that." Shiho: "It won't be much of a contest if they don't try to crush us, too." Megumi: "But we're not competing directly." Shiho: "If we're standing on the same stage, we'll be compared. People will judge which of us did better." Mai: "You have a point." ka: "Besides, have you heard about the new song?" Megumi: "What?" ka: "Hayasaka-san originally wrote that for Wake Up, Girls!. They sang it at the regional preliminaries." Megumi: "Which means people who heard it will be forced to compare us to them." Shiho: "That's right." Megumi: "Let's try to be friends. There's no reason for us to fight." Shiho: "You're so naïve, Megu." Megumi: "Don't you think you're worrying about it too much?" ka: "Who cares about that? Anyway, did Hayasaka-san take their song away from them? That'd be so sad for them." Shiho: "Isn't it the other way around?" ka: "What?" Shiho: "They don't need it anymore. I'm sure they'll bring something even more amazing to the finals." Shiho: "I don't want to lose." Shiraki: "Fortune and misfortune exist in this world, but they don't apply when accomplishing something with your own strength." Shiraki: "Misfortune is simply an excuse." Shiraki: "How high will their strength take them?" Ota: "I got tickets!" Ota: "Seats 51 to 65 in Block A2! I was able to acquire some other good seats, as well! You can't get any closer than front row seats! This is great start for fans of WUG like us!" All: "Yeah!" Asazu: "I propose we display a level of restraint appropriate to WUG fans so as not to cause discomfort for other audience members or the members of WUG themselves due to these excellent seats!" All: "Yeah!" Yasawa: "A display of support is expected to take place in front of the stadium the day of the event! I believe we should control ourselves there, as well!" All: "Yeah!" Shiromoto: "Also, don't bring perishable gifts. Let's discuss our plans beforehand, so we don't bring the same thing!" All: "Yeah!" Ota: "We can't compete with I-1 fans when it comes to numbers, but no can beat our passion for Wake Up, Girls!! Let's give it everything we have!" All: "Yeah!" Employee: "Could you please be quiet?" All: "S-Sorry..." Matsuda: "What's wrong, President?" Tange: "The god of chance only has bangs, huh?" Matsuda: "What's with the dusky mood? It's not like you." Tange: "Matsuda." Matsuda: "Yes?" Tange: "This idol group I formed on a whim seems to have taken on a life of its own." Matsuda: "Well, I suppose so." Matsuda: "This may be a long shot, but..." Tange: "No, don't. Pride and peace. These are the words that ruin creators. Don't let down your guard." Tange: "Anyway..." Matsuda: "A contract for a new office? When?" Tange: "Time to sign." Matsuda: "Wait, wait, wait! Are you sure you should do that?" Minami: "I'm sure you all know, but we're going to the finals of the Idol Festival! Yeah!" Yoshino: "A lot has happened, but we only made it this far because of you." Miyu: "Thank you so, so much." Airi: "Miyu, don't you think it's too early for that?" Kaya: "That's right. Let's not shed tears until we win. Just kidding." Asazu: "Yeah, yeah!" mi: "Since we've made it this far, we'll definitely win." Yasawa: "You can do it!" Mayu: "Thank you. We'll bring back that big trophy." Shiromoto: "We'll be waiting for you!" Airi: "Mayushi, have you been getting enough sleep?" Mayu: "Not really." Airi: "We've been so busy lately." Girl 1: "Hey, listen..." Girl 1: "Could I get your autograph?" Airi: "What?" Girl 2: "You advanced to the finals of the Idol Festival, right?" Girl 1: "Does this mean you're being recruited for work?" Girl 3: "My brother's really into it." Hayasaka: "For better or for worse or for giggles, today is your last lesson." All: "Yes, sir!" Hayasaka: "Show me the result of your practice." Translation: "Here we go We can do it Wake Up, Girls! Leave it up to us, everyone We'll eat up your problems, no matter how heavy" Hayasaka: "Two points, three points, three points, four points." Matsuda: "Shouldn't you boost their confidence with good scores?" Tange: "No, this is for real now." Hayasaka: "Two points for your singing. Three points for your dancing. Three points for teamwork. Four points for stamina. That's 12 points total." Hayasaka: "You barely pass." Hayasaka: "Oh, each category is out of five points. By the way, this is the first time I've awarded four points. Clap, clap." mi: "We scored four points for stamina?" Hayasaka: "In just a few months, my lumpy potatoes have become piping hot potatoes parmentier or a chilled vichyssoise. At a star-less restaurant, of course." Miyu: "There's the malice." Kaya: "I'm going to call you Ariyoshi." Hayasaka: "The score I gave you isn't your true score, of course. Now it's up to you to entertain as many fans as possible at the I-1 Arena at the finals, from the ones in the very front to the ones in the very back to the fans on the second and third" Hayasaka: "floor seats who think you look this big. In that respect, there's no such thing as a passing score. The truth is, no matter how hard you try, there's no such thing as a perfect score. Pursuing that perfect score is what it means to be an idol." Hayasaka: "Also..." Hayasaka: "I'm not the one whose recognition you need. It's the audience." Airi: "I-I'll make you acknowledge me someday." Hayasaka: "My acknowledgment won't do you any good." Airi: "Yes, sir!" Matsuda: "Huh? I think Hayasaka-san's words moved me. What is this strange feeling?" Tange: "He's no ordinary man." All: "Thank you very much!" Hayasaka: "Anyway, I'm going to get some beef tongue. Who's coming with me?" Matsuda: "I'll go! I'll go! Are you paying, Hayasaka-san?" Hayasaka: "What? Why would I pay for you?" Tange: "Because you're the wealthiest one here." Hayasakak: "No, no. Don't be such hyenas." Tange: "What? They say money makes the world go round. If you don't make it turn, we'll never get ours." Mayu: "It's finally tomorrow." Yoshino: "Let's do our best." Kaya: "You just wait, Tokyo." Yoshino: "Anyway..." Yoshino: "I brought these." Mayu: "Scrunchies? Did you make them?" Yoshino: "Yeah." Mayu: "Thanks, Yoppi." All: "How cute. They're so cute. Way to go, leader." Mother: "Mayu." Mother: "Here." Mayu: "Huh?" Mother: "The weather report said it's cold in Tokyo this year." Mayu: "Thanks." Mother: "Do your best." Mayu: "I will." Kaya: "Yeah, I know. That's my plan." Kaya: "What? Medicine? I'll take what you sent me." Kaya: "Um, listen..." Kaya: "Thanks for everything, Auntie." Brother: "I'm coming in." Airi: "Okay." Brother: "Mom said you should take these." Airi: "What? All of these?" Brother: "You're so cool, Nee-chan." Airi: "Really?" Brother: "Yeah. I bragged to everyone about you." Miyu: "Maybe Harajuku and Akiba." Miyu: "I hope I have time." Woman: "Let's toast to Minami-chan advancing to the finals." All: "Cheers!" Woman: "I wish we could go to Tokyo to support you." Minami: "It's okay. Matsuda-san's going to film it. I'll show you when I get back." Woman: "I hope you win." Minami: "I will win. That's why I've been practicing." Yoshino: "I need to keep it together." Tange: "Are you running away from home?" Matsuda: "You're one to talk." Miyu: "Huh?" Yoshino: "Your luggage is impressive." Miyu: "What? But I need clothes for Harajuku, Shibuya, and Akiba." Kaya: "We're not going to have fun." Miyu: "You're right." Kaya: "Give that back!" Airi: "Tokyo's so crowded." Miyu: "And scary." mi: "I'm already exhausted." Kaya: "Don't let them underestimate you." Minami: "Underestimate who?" Matsuda: "We've got rehearsal at the arena this afternoon. We'll leave as soon as we drop off our luggage." Matsuda: "What's wrong?" Tange: "Why are you so scared? Half of all people in Tokyo are from the countryside." Matsuda: "What? You're worried about that?" Tange: "Not only that, but hardly anyone's a third generation Tokyo resident." Airi: "Half?" Miyu: "Really?" Matsuda: "What? You're happy with that?" Mayu: "What's wrong?" Yoshino: "I think I'm a little nervous." Matsuda: "This is it." Tange: "Let's head inside. Follow me." Matsuda: "First, there's an explanation of the arena. After that, it's the sound and light rehearsal. The performance starts at 6 PM." Asazu: "It's huge!" Yasawa: "How many people does this place hold?" Ota: "27,000!" Man: "That's a hundred Macanas!" Asazu: "Don't get swallowed up, WUG!" Ota: "All right! Let's practice our cheer!" All: "Yeah!" Miyu: "Maybe it's ten... no, a hundred times bigger than Macana." mi: "Yeah." Minami: "A bunch of people are coming in here." Kaya: "It's amazing." Airi: "I wonder if they'll hear us in such a big place." mi: "We'll be using mics, so don't worry about that. But we might want to make our dancing more dynamic." Mayu: "Yeah." Mayu: "Yoppi?" Yoshino: "I'm fine. We just have to do what we've been doing." Man: "Please get off the stage. The I-1 Club's coming in." Staff: "Watch out!" Yoshino: "Sorry." Minami: "Are you okay?" Yoshino: "Yeah, I'm fine." Airi: "You sure?" Yoshino: "Yeah." Man: "Excuse me. I believe it's written on the schedule, but the I-1 Club has a live TV appearance. They'll be doing their tech rehearsal first." Megumi: "Mayu!" Mayu: "Megumi!" Megumi: "Are you leaving right after this? If you have time, do you want to get something to eat?" Mayu: "Sure, yeah." Shiho: "You came." Shiho: "I told you before, but come at us with everything you have." Mayu: "I know." Kaya: "That center never changes." All: "Thanks for working with us!" Translation: "A schedule written in the clouds Filling an empty weekend With anything you can isn't right Only truly plain and ordinary days I film videos of my cat" Matsuda: "They're amazing." Translation: "Maybe I'll try redecorating my room sometime" Tange: "They're the best." Translation: "I made a slideshow..." Hayasaka: "I wouldn't expect any less from I-1." Shiraki: "That doesn't sound like a compliment." Hayasaka: "It is. But if you're asking if I think it's interesting..." Man: "Lights and sound. Does everything look okay?" Man: "Good work, everyone." All: "Thank you!" Man: "Finalists, gather back here in 30 minutes." All: "Yes, sir!" Kaya: "It's finally here." Miyu: "It's almost time. I'm so nervous, I feel like my heart's going to leap out of my chest." Kaya: "Show me." Miyu: "It's just an expression!" Text: "To be continued" Mayu: "The next episode is the last one." Minami: "You're kidding. How sad." Mayu: "One season's surprisingly short." Minami: "I hope I didn't forget to do anything." Mayu: "I hope we get a second season." Minami: "I'll do this! The last episode's really tasty, meow!"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! (Series) Episode 11 – Idol Rhapsody", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! (Series)", "11", "Idol Rhapsody" ] }
Ota: "Give it everything you've got, Wake Up, Girls!!" Mayu: "Yoppi?" Yoshino: "I'm fine. We just have to do what we've been doing." Man: "Please get off the stage. The I-1 Club's coming in." Yoshino: "What am I going to do? What should I do? Why now? Why did this have to happen now?" Wug: "Yoppi, are you in there?" Yoshino: "Yeah." Wug: "It's time to go." Yoshino: "I'll be right there." Wug: "What's wrong?" Yoshino: "Nothing. I was just pumping myself up." Wug: "Really?" mi: "Yoppi, we're rehearsing next." Yoshino: "Sorry." Mayu: "We only have ten minutes." Yoshino: "Really?" mi: "Huh? Aren't we going to form a circle?" Kaya: "Keep it together, leader." Yoshino: "Sorry." Yoshino: "Here we go!" Wug: "We can do it!" All: "Wake Up, Girls!!" Man: "We're going to start the music." Airi: "Yoppi, you're standing in the wrong place." Yoshino: "Sorry." Translation: "Here we go We can do it Wake Up, Girls! Leave it up to us, everyone We'll eat up your problems, no matter how heavy" I-1: "What's wrong with that center? She's off-tempo." Yoshino: "Thank you!" All: "Thank you!" Mayu: "Yoppi, is something wrong?" Yoshino: "What?" Kaya: "Something's wrong with your leg." Mayu: "Did you hurt yourself when you tripped earlier?" Miyu: "Huh? What? What's going on?" Matsuda: "This is..." Yoshino: "I'm fine. It's not a problem." Minami: "But it looks really painful." Airi: "Yoppi, maybe you shouldn't strain yourself." Miyu: "It'll get worse." Yoshino: "I just need to last five minutes. If I can handle that, I can still perform." Matsuda: "That's impossible." Yoshino: "No! I refuse!" Yoshino: "Then... Then perform without me!" Miyu: "What?" Yoshino: "Perform without me! Please!" Matsuda: "But without the center... We can't train a substitute now." Matsuda: "President." Yoshino: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Mayu: "Let's withdraw." Wug: "What?" Yoshino: "You can't withdraw. You have to perform." Yoshino: "Please, perform." Mayu: "No, let's withdraw." Mayu: "We may be able to perform without you. But a performance without you isn't good enough." Yoshino: "What?" Mayu: "After all, I can't accept it." Yoshino: "Mayushi." Kaya: "I think it's meaningless without you, too." Miyu: "The seven of us are Wake Up, Girls!." Airi: "That's right." Minami: "Yeah." Yoshino: "But..." Yoshino: "I'm so sorry, everyone." Matsuda: "What should we do, President?" Tange: "Well..." Shiho: "Playing at friendship again?" Shiho: "You haven't changed at all, Mayu." Kaya: "Were you eavesdropping? What poor taste." Mayu: "Shiho, sorry. Today we're..." Shiho: "I won't let you quit." Mayu: "What?" urse: "There." urse: "The bandages will only last you a few more hours today." urse: "Once your performance is over, make sure you go to the hospital." Yoshino: "I will. Thank you." Mayu: "Shiho." Mayu: "Thanks." Shiho: "Whatever." Kaya: "She's actually pretty nice." Miyu: "Hold on. We shouldn't let our guard down. Yoppi, did they put thumbtacks under your bandages?" mi: "If that were the case, she'd need surgery." Airi: "Think you'll be okay?" Yoshino: "Yeah. I feel a lot better." Airi: "That's great." Tange: "Just to be sure, let's change our formation." Tange: "Can you do it, girls?" mi: "We should reduce any further risks. We should change the jump during the last hook." Mayu: "Yeah." Yoshino: "I'm sorry." Kaya: "Leave it to us." Miyu: "Don't be so rough with it. It'd be bad luck if it broke." Airi: "What? Didn't you say it'd be good if it broke like a good luck bracelet?" Miyu: "It'd be more like the bad luck you get when the straps on your clogs break." Minami: "Leader." Minami: "Cheer up, leader." Yoshino: "Okay." mi: "I'll do this instead of Yoppi here." Minami: "Next, I'll come in and do this, right?" Mayu: "Yeah." mi: "Make sure it looks like this is how it always was." Minami: "Okay." Mayu: "How are you feeling, Yoppi?" Yoshino: "Okay." Mayu: "Are you okay?" Yoshino: "Yeah." Matsuda: "The seven of them together make Wake Up, Girls!, huh?" Tange: "That's right. No one can replace any of them." Tange: "Wake Up, Girls! doesn't exist without all seven of them." Matsuda: "Yes, ma'am." Mayu: "What do you think?" mi: "We'll be okay. I think it's coming together." Kaya: "Yeah." Mayu: "Let's go, then." All: "Yeah." Announce: "The performance will begin in five minutes. Please return to your seats." Matsuda: "Are you ready?" All: "Yes." Tange: "It's starting." Shiraki: "Thank you for coming. I am I-1's general manager, Shiraki." Shiraki: "The finals of the Idol Festival are finally here. Today, in this I-1 Arena, in order to be officially recognized as I-1's rivals, the six groups from across the nation that made it through grueling preliminaries will compete." Shiraki: "What is entertainment? What does it mean to be an idol?" Shiraki: "There is only one answer in my heart. The story begins on September 11, 2001, the day of the tragedy that occurred in New York. The opening of a new musical on Broadway had been planned for that day. However, immediately following the incident, a mood of self-restraint had spread throughout New York, and the opening was postponed. But in response to the hurt citizens of New York, the producer of the show felt now was the time for entertainment and raised the curtains as soon as possible." I-1: "What is he talking about? 9/11." Shiraki: "I believe this is the essence of entertainment, and I believe idols are a part of that. All the idols performing today are at the edges of this entertainment." Shiraki: "Aiming for the top, they will compete here." Shiraki: "Please show your support for all the idols appearing here today." Shiraki: "The finals of the Idol Festival will now begin." Ota: "The entire arena's full of I-1 fans!" Man 1: "It's red everywhere you look!" Man 2: "No one can beat our spirit and passion!" Man 3: "It's time! Let's get this party started!" Ota: "Okay! Let's cheer! Here we go! You can do it!" All: "Wake Up, Girls!!" Idol: "We're the Akamiso All Stars!" Idol: "Thank you very much!" Matsuda: "Can you go on, Yoshino?" Yoshino: "Yes." Minami: "Are you okay, Yoppi?" Airi: "If it hurts, don't force yourself to perform." mi: "We'll cover you." Miyu: "Yoppi!" Kaya: "Why are you crying now?" Mayu: "Yoppi." Yoshino: "It's been a year since then." Mayu: "What?" Yoshino: "Since our debut concert in Kotodai Park." Yoshino: "I never imagined then that we'd be standing here now." Mayu: "But we really are here." Yoshino: "Yeah." Kaya: "Let's give it our best. That's good enough for me." Miyu: "Yeah." Yoshino: "Here we go!" Mayu: "We can do it!" All: "Wake Up, Girls!! Good evening!" Man 1: "It's Shimada." Man 2: "Shimada Mayu, huh?" Man 3: "I can't believe she's back." Man 4: "What does she think she's doing now?" Ota: "WUG's fired up! Let's show them what we can do!" All: "Yeah!" s: "Wake Up, Girls!! Wake Up, Girls!! Wake Up, Girls!!" Yoshino: "Good evening, everyone! We are..." All: "Wake Up, Girls!!" s: "You can do it! WUG-chan!" Yoshino: "We're an idol unit based in Sendai. We're still not great at singing or dancing, but we'll do our best today. We hope you enjoy the show! This is "7 Girls War!"" Ota: "You can do it!" s: "You can do it, WUG-chan!" Translation: "Here we go We can do it Wake Up, Girls! Leave it up to us, everyone We'll eat up your problems, no matter how heavy (You eat too much) (What) Normally we don't have much confidence" Matsuda: "Not bad." Tange: "Matsuda. Do you remember what I told you at the audition?" Translation: "But we'll become anything to see you" Matsuda: "What? No." Tange: "About idols being a story." Matsuda: "Oh." Translation: "We won't let you call us naïve" Tange: "They've written tons of stories in this past year." Translation: "We're waking up" Tange: "And today will become a new story." Translation: "In order to find happiness Take Off!" Tange: "I know I shouldn't be saying this, but these girls are idols." Translation: "3, 2, 1, Go! Largely largely Changing (Changing) It's not easy But you're by our side We find the courage to take a step (All right, let's go) Our dreams are still far away (So Far) It's not that we're in a hurry" Man 1: "Hey." Man 2: "They're surprisingly good." Translation: "With even stronger feelings" Man 1: "Yeah." Translation: "Tomorrow we'll surely be Shining Star" Ota: "Yeah!" Audience: "WUG! WUG! WUG! WUG! WUG! WUG! WUG! WUG!" Translation: "At times we must bear disappointment At times we shed tears But the tears we shed together Become seven stars" Yoshino: "Mayu, I'm jumping." Translation: "Shine shine" Mayu: "What?" Translation: "3, 2, 1, Go! We are reborn Changing (Changing) It's not easy But you're by our side We find the courage to take a step (All right, let's go) Our dreams are still far away (So Far) It's not that we're in a hurry With even stronger feelings Tomorrow we'll surely be Shining Star" I-1: "The audience is fired up. This is amazing. You were right, Shihocchi. It must be because Hayasaka's song is so good." Megumi: "It's not that. The song has nothing to do with it. The hard work of the members is coming through." I-1: "Let's get ready. We'd better do our best, too. Yeah." Shiho: "I won't lose." Shiho: "Harder than anyone! More beautiful than anyone! More precise than anyone! I-1 Club, let's go!" All: "Yeah!" Ota: "You're the best, WUG-chan!" Yoshino: "Thank you very much!" All: "Thank you very much!" s: "Wake Up, Girls!! Wake Up, Girls!! Wake Up, Girls!!" Shiraki: "Your scores, please." Judge 1: "Who should we choose?" Judge 2: "It's a difficult choice." Hayasaka: "Shiraki-san. I wonder if the guerrilla concerts you used to put on at Azuma Bridge smelled like this. Not that I ever saw one." Announce: "Thank you for waiting, everyone! Before the results, we have a special guest appearance! I-1 Club!" Tange: "Yoshino, are you okay?" Yoshino: "Yes." Matsuda: "Good job." Shiho: "Good evening, everyone!" All: "We're the I-1 Club!" Shiho: "Are you enjoying the 2014 Idol Festival?" Mayu: "I believe there are three ways to make people happy." Mayu: "There are those who make many people happy throughout the world." Shiho: "This is "First-Rate Smile!"" Mayu: "Those who make those around themselves happy." Miyu: "That's where you used to be standing, Mayushi." Mayu: "No. I belong with Wake Up, Girls!." Miyu: "Yeah." Mayu: "And those who make themselves happy." Announce: "It's time to announce the results. The winner of the 2014 Idol Festival is..." Announce: "From Chubu, the Akamiso All Stars!" Shiraki: "They won." Announce: "Let's have another round of applause for all the idols who participated today!" Mayu: "There's one other thing I learned about happiness." Mayu: "It's that you can't make anyone happy if you're not happy yourself." Mayu: "That's why I think I might be able to make someone happy now." Matsuda: "Shouldn't you answer the phone?" Tange: "You answer it. If it's the real estate agency, tell them I'm not here." Matsuda: "It's your fault for rashly signing a contract. Just tell them you can't sign it because the situation has changed." Tange: "No way. That's too much work." Minami: "There she goes again." Tange: "I paid the deposit. I'm too injured to go on. Draw, even, safe." Matsuda: "What?" Matsuda: "You're unbelievable. This is Green Leaves." Matsuda: "What? Yes." Matsuda: "Um... One moment, please. I'll connect you to our president, Tange." Tange: "I told you to tell them I'm not here!" Kaya: "They can hear you." mi: "Oh, well." Matsuda: "It's not them. It's from a Tokyo record company named Bivex." Miyu: "Bivex? They're a major label." Yoshino: "Why are they calling us?" Mayu: "Who knows?" Tange: "Yes, I'm Tange, the president." Tange: "A mainstream debut?" Tange: "Bivex wants to sign Wake Up, Girls!!" Matsuda: "What? You're kidding!" All: "You're lying!" Tange: "I wouldn't lie about this! They liked you after seeing you at the Idol Festival! We're going to take it to the top this time!" All: "What?" Tange: "Green Leaves and Wake Up, Girls! are..." All: "What's going to happen?"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! (Series) Episode 12 – No Regrets in this Moment", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! (Series)", "12", "No Regrets in this Moment" ] }
Matsuda: "Uh, um..." Sudo: "Huh? What's wrong with all of you?" Sudoi: "I told you to try them on." Matsuda: "Excuse me, Sudo-san..." Sudo: "What is it, Matsuda-chan? Aren't these great? Nothing beats white swimsuits." Matsudo: "Well..." Sudo: "Don't they look nice? It's standard for idols these days." Yoshino: "Standard? Those swimsuits?" Sudo: "Of course they are. You need to put yourself out there to make it big." Sudo: "You showed off your panties at your end-of-the-year concert." Kaya: "That wasn't..." Sudo: "It was great! It was amazing! It was passionate! Here! Now try these on." Matsuda: "You're still not done changing?" Airi: "U-Um..." Yoshino: "Not yet." Matsuda: "Sudo-san said he wanted to check before the job." Matsuda: "Do you think you could hurry up?" Kaya: "What job?" Matsuda: "Sudo-san has found a stage for you already." Miyu: "What?" Miyu: "A stage?" Miyu: "Is this the stage?!" Matsuda: "Um, are they supposed to sing here?" Sudo: "Of course." Manager: "Sudo-san!" Manager: "I've been waiting for you. Oh, this must be Worked Up Girl." Yoshino: "We're Wake Up, Girls!" Manager: "Oh, sorry." Sudo: "This is the manager who invited you here today. Come on. Say hello." Wug: "We're Wake Up, Girls! Thank you for having us!" Manager: "This is my first time seeing idols in person." Sudo: "Thank you for having us today." Matsuda: "Thank you!" Manager: "Let's get started, then." Airi: "Why are we wearing swimsuits?" Yoshino: "Probably because they're skimpy." mi: "No way! Why do we have to sing like this? I'm so distracted, I don't think I can sing." Airi: "I don't think it's unreasonable to wear swimsuits at a health spa..." Kaya: "I'm glad we have work, but singing here?" Minami: "I didn't think we'd get to stand on a stage so soon, though." Airi: "You're right, but..." Mayu: "We accepted the job. Let's do it." Yoshino: "What? You're doing what that Sudo man wants?" Mayu: "No. I don't know what he meant by "putting ourselves out there," but I think he's right." Kaya: "Huh." Airi: "You're right. We just have to do our best." Minami: "All right! Let's go!" Matsuda: "Ow!" Manager: "Uh..." Manager: "Thank you for waiting. Allow me to introduce today's guest." Man A: "We've been waiting!" Man B: "Yeah!" Manager: "Um, this is Working Girl." Yoshino: "We're Wake Up, Girls!" Manager: "Oh, I got it wrong again. Sorry." Man C: "Hey, working girls!" Manager: "Um, Wake Up, Girls! is apparently a Sendai-based idol group." Man D: "Who cares?" Man: "Yeah!" Manager: "On Christmas last year, they performed their debut concert in Kotodai Park." Man D: "Nice ass, girls!" Manager: "Today, they will sing their debut song for us." Man E: "Forget the song! Give us something extra!" Manager: "Um, the name of the song is..." Yoshino: "It's "Stand Up!" We only have one song, but we'll sing our hearts out. Please listen." Manager: "Give them a hand!" Man: "St-Stand Up?" Matsuda: "This doesn't feel right..." Translation: "Believing..." Wug: "Thank you very much!" Man: "That was hot! Take the rest off! Man, hot girls are great!" Matsuda: "Can't you do something about it?" Sudo: "About what?" Matsuda: "Well, you know..." Matsuda: "Their outfits..." Sudo: "What? You think you're in any position to complain? Learn your place. You're a bunch of nameless country idol wannabes." Sudo: "Look." Sudo: "Even the super popular I-1 Club's Iwazaki Shiho's doing it." Matsuda: "But gravure photo shoots and today's stage aren't..." Sudo: "They are the same." Matsuda: "What?" Sudo: "They both take resolve." Matsuda: "I see." Sudo: "Without resolve, you'll never make it big." Matsuda: "Yes, well... but..." Sudo: "Anyway... They'll never make it with you as their manager." Matsuda: "What?" Sudo: "A manager's job is putting his idols onstage. Whether or not they'll take that one opportunity is up to the girls. Turning one into five into ten won't happen for a while." Matsuda: "Right..." Sudo: "You don't even try to put them on the stage of opportunity. In fact, are you trying to take them off it?" Matsuda: "No." Sudo: "Then quit complaining." Matsuda: "Okay." Kaya: "He completely lost that argument." Woman: "You're quite stiff." Tange: "Really? Must be troubles of life. Just thinking about returning..." Woman: "Huh?" Tange: "Nothing." Matsuda: "In any case, let's complete your remaining performances." mi: "We're the ones who have to put on those embarrassing performances, not you." Matsuda: "Yeah, but..." Yoshino: "I think there's something fishy about that Sudo man." Kaya: "I agree." Miyu: "How much are we getting paid?" Matsuda: "I left that up to Sudo-san." Mayu: "Did you sign a contract?" Matsuda: "A contract..." Matsuda: "Outfits must be highly exposing swimsuits..." Matsuda: "A swimsuit photo shoot?" Man B: "Take some bolder poses!" Man B: "Like a panther! Pose like a panther!" Minami: "A panther?" Minami: "Like this? Meow." Man B: "Not quite... But whatever... It's cute!" Miyu: "This isn't right." Miyu: "This isn't what we should be doing for our fans." Matsuda: "Waiting on customers?" Mayu: "Here you are." Man: "One beer. I'd like some beer, too. Why don't you sit with us?" Drunk: "Your tits and ass are huge, girl." Miyu: "No." Miyu: "This isn't right." Matsuda: "Participating in various attractions... Attractions?" Manager: "They'll be playing games with the customers. People love it." Manager: "Let's get the games started!" Man: "Yeah! We've been waiting for this!" Manager: "Who wants to play the King's Game?" Manager: "Number 2, you get a kiss from Miyu-chan!" 2: "Yeah!" Manager: "Please come forward." 2: "Okay." 2: "Please excuse me." Men: "Kiss, kiss, kiss!" Miyu: "This can't be right." Airi: "Miyu?" 2: "Yeah!" Miyu: "No!" Airi: "Miyu!" Tange: "Is that..." Miyu: "I'd rather quit than do this!" Matsuda: "I get it!" Matsuda: "I'm terribly sorry, but would it be possible to cancel this job?" Manager: "What?!" Manager: "But so many customers are here to see them..." Matsuda: "I know, but I don't think it's good for the girls." Manager: "You'll have to return the money." Matsuda: "Return?" Manager: "I paid Sudo-san beforehand." Manager: "They're great, though. The Woof and Meow Girls." Yoshino: "Are you doing that on purpose?" Kaya: "I knew it." Miyu: "Excuse me." Airi: "Miyu." Manager: "What about the last performance?" Matsuda: "What?" Kaya: "We have to do it, don't we?" Airi: "I think I could handle one more." Minami: "I don't want to do it." mi: "I'm not performing anymore. The people who want to can do it." Kaya: "What do you mean, the people who want to?" mi: "You seemed pretty into it, Kaya." Kaya: "How?" Yoshino: "Stop. It's a job. We can't say we don't want to do it." All: "Huh?" Matsuda: "Hey, wait! What?" Tange: "Are you stupid?!" All: "President Tange!" Tange: "What are you doing, Matsuda?" Matsuda: "I-I'm sorry!" Matsuda: "Wait, you! How dare you call me stupid?!" Tange: "We'll talk about that later! First, I have to deal with this trash!" Matsuda: "I'm not sure you can call anyone trash..." Tange: "Sudo-san, was it? You're that thug producer I've heard about! How dare you take advantage of stupid Matsuda's kindness?! Listen up! While I'm alive, don't even think about approaching Matsuda or Wake Up, Girls! again!" Tange: "If you break that promise and try to lure them in again... I'll pay you back double! I'll give you a watery grave!" Tange: "Also, I'm sure you haven't spent much of your earnings yet. You'll be paying them back for the canceled show. Got it? If you understand, say so!" Sudo: "I-I understand!" Tange: "Get out of here!" Matsuda: "What have you been doing until now?" Tange: "Searching for myself, I guess." Matsuda: "Don't be ridiculous! I can't believe you ran off with the agency's money! We couldn't perform our debut concert, and the agency's future was in jeopardy!" Tange: "So you were deceived by a thug producer." Yoshino: "You haven't uttered a word of apology yet." Tange: "What?" Kaya: "She's right." Airi: "Well, um... We decided to continue working with Matsuda-san, and he did his best to get the job, and..." Minami: "This is how it turned out, but you know how Matsuda-san is." Minami: "Huh?" Airi: "Don't worry about it." Matsuda: "President, what happened to the money?" Tange: "My darling needed money, so I thought I'd make some. I gambled it, and now it's gone. Man, I'm beat. I'm really sorry." Yoshino: "What? You're an adult! Take responsibility for your actions!" Tange: "I know. I don't need an angry little girl to tell me." Yoshino: "Little girl?" Tange: "Who do you think I am?" Tange: "Huh? One of you is missing." Mayu: "What?" Tange: "I can't believe you lost one already. I went to the trouble of gathering seven of you. Why are you just standing there? Bring her back!" Mayu: "Um..." Tange: "Go on!" Minami: "I wonder where Miyu went." mi: "Probably home." Airi: "She's not answering her phone." Kaya: "Maybe..." Yoshino: "Could she be there?" Miyu: "You know I work at a maid café, right?" Yoshino: "I'll check it out." Airi: "I'll go with you." Mayu: "Okay." Matsuda: "Let's split up." Matsuda: "We'll check her home." Matsuda: "You'll check her job." Airi: "It's so cute in here." Yoshino: "It's so like Miyu." Maids: "Welcome back, Mistress." Miyu: "I'm starting to think this store is the right level for me." Yoshino: "What? Didn't you say you had no doubts?" Miyu: "I did say that, but like Sudo-san said," Miyu: "maybe I lacked resolve." Airi: "What do you mean?" Miyu: "I sang and danced every day on the little stage in this store." Miyu: "I feel so comfortable around the customers here." Miyu: "Anyway, being surrounded by those fans made me want more." Miyu: "If only I could stand on a larger stage and have even more fans... But I realized something after yesterday's performance." Miyu: "I was naïve." Airi: "About what?" Miyu: "Ultimately, what I enjoyed was being coddled by the fans of this familiar store. Besides, they would never force me to do anything I didn't want to do. Becoming an idol means interacting" Miyu: "with complete strangers and overcoming the unimaginable. It feels like a blow to the head." Miyu: "It's time for my show." Airi: "Um, President Tange came back and..." Miyu: "President Tange came back? She's not going to trick us again, is she?" Yoshino: "I don't think she will this time." Yoshino: "Miyu, you'll come back, won't you?" Miyu: "Will you watch me perform?" Maid: "Miyu has returned to participate in today's performance!" Audience: "Miyu!" Miyu: "I'm home, everyone!" Audience: "We missed you! Welcome home!" Miyu: "How has everyone been?" Audience: "We're great!" Airi: "She's so popular." Audience: "We missed you!" Mayu: "Yeah." Audience: "We were lonely!" Miyu: "Let's get started! "Burn Chaos, According to the Sun." We! (Ooh!) Are gonna break! (Nya!) The world is Dark! (Cosmic!)" All: "Let's Nya!" Airi: "Miyu's amazing." Yoshino: "She seems like a professional." Airi: "She's so friendly with her fans." Translation: "You and I can enjoy a date under the burning sun Isn't this fun? We'll burn and we'll melt We're not alive!" Audience: "That was great! You're the best!" Miyu: "That was so fun! Maid in Sendai is the best!" Audience: "What about Wake Up, Girls!?" Miyu: "I haven't decided yet." s: "What?" Miyu: "It's harder than I thought. As you all know, I'm not very good at anything." s: "You can do it! I'm excited to see what you can do with Wake Up, Girls! Leave this place and make it big! We'll support you even more!" Miyu: "What?" s: "I saw your Christmas concert in Kotodai Park!" Miyu: "Really?" s: "I just happened to be in the area, but it was great! Wake Up, Girls! will make it big! Your work inspires us!" s: "Miyu, what's wrong?" Miyu: "Um, I..." Miyu: "I'm not good at anything..." s: "That's not true!" Miyu: "I always run from anything I don't like. The fans here are always so nice and supportive." Miyu: "But today, after seeing everyone again, I realized something." Miyu: "It's my turn." s: "That's right! You can do it! Yeah! Miyu!" Miyu: "In order to inspire you, I'll work up the courage to participate in Wake Up, Girls!" Miyu: "I hope you'll continue to support me." Airi: "That's great." Yoshino: "Yeah." Airi: "They really love Miyu. I didn't know fans could be so nice." Mayu: "They're all so warm." Yoshino: "Huh?" Mayu: "Nothing." Tange: "Girls, you have a new job!" Matsuda: "Sendai Television... Local news program It's 4 o'clock!" Tange: "You'll be regulars on the show! Just as part of a small segment, though." Matsuda: "What?" Matsuda: "What?! That's amazing!" Wug: "What? We're going to be on TV? That's amazing! Regulars?" Matsuda: "President, just who are you?" Wug: "That's crazy!" Tange: "I told you I'd take responsibility." Tange: "You don't have any complaints, do you?" Yoshino: "No." Tange: "You know what they say about me! "A sea squirt is a sea squirt!"" Matsuda: "Don't you mean "caviar is caviar, even if it's off"?" Tange: "It doesn't matter!" Matsuda: "It does." Tange: "Let's give it everything we have, Wake Up, Girls!" Shiraki: "I will now announce the members participating in the opening performance of the Sendai Theater." Text: "To be continued" Girl A: "Minami, you eat so much." Girl B: "You think so?" Girl A: "Why don't you gain weight?" Girl B: "Maybe it's just how I am. I have a lot in the morning." Girl A: "I'm not asking about that!" Girl B: "What? I have a lot of energy." Girl A: "Oh, that's what you meant?"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! (Series) Episode 2 – Girls Standing Onstage", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! (Series)", "2", "Girls Standing Onstage" ] }
Tange: "Let's go! We can do it! Wake Up, Girls!" Tange: "Let's give it all we have, Wake Up, Girls!" Tange: "Huh?" Matsuda: "It's not that easy... We can't shift gears that quickly." Tange: "What?" Matsuda: "You and Sudo-san both treated us poorly." Tange: "Shut up! There's nothing wrong with me." Tange: "You're in for a surprise this time." Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "This really is a huge surprise! Listen up, girls. You're going to be doing a three-minute corner on a variety program. You'll split into two groups. The gourmet report will be Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The scalding weather report will be Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays." Mayu: "Question." Tange: "What?" Mayu: "What exactly is a "scalding" weather report?" Tange: "I can't believe you're asking that." Mayu: "What?" Tange: "You're not new to this business. There's something you need to know before I explain." Tange: "In the beginning, idols just needed to be cute. That only lasted until the mid '70s. Since then, in order to survive, idols have taken pies in the face, worn bald wigs, and thrown themselves into scalding water." mi: "So, what?" Tange: "Have you even been listening?! In other words, only those who undergo these trials will become true idols. Giving a weather report in scalding water is an appealing proposal for idols. Who wouldn't want to do it?" Matsuda: "This plan was unsolicited, wasn't it? Your thinking is a little ridiculous. Are you trying to trip us up?" Tange: "We'll decide who's doing what." Matsuda: "Are you listening?" Tange: "Who wants to do the gourmet show? Who wants to do the scalding water? Are you stupid?" mi: "Of course no one wants to sit in scalding water." Mayu: "Yeah." Tange: "Fine, then. We'll draw straws." All: "Straws?" Minami: "I hope I get what I want." Man: "You girls are the scalding water group, and you girls are the gourmet group." Man: "Let's start rehearsing." Miyu: "Don't push me." Miyu: "You'd better not push me." Miyu: "Hot! It's so hot!" Miyu: "Ice, ice. It's so hot." Kaya: "Sorry. When you told us not to push you, I couldn't help myself." Airi: "Are you okay?" Yoshino: "This isn't possible." Matsuda: "What? Don't complain to me." Yoshino: "Isn't a manager's job protecting his clients?" Matsuda: "Good grief." Matsuda: "Man, you girls sure got lucky." Matsuda: "You're not hot anymore, right?" Kaya: "I'm not hot, but my head is so heavy..." Man: "An animal weather report is a great idea. It's refreshing." Minami: "This is so good!" Minami: "So good!" Minami: "Cream yakisoba bread is so good!" Minami: "Mind if I have these?" Mayu: "Go ahead." Minami: "Thanks for the food!" Minami: "It's so good!" Man: "You sure are a big eater. As long as we have you, I don't need to worry about this group." Minami: "Thank you." Man: "Keep up the good work, girls." Man 2: "Make sure you memorize the script." All: "Okay, we will." mi: "Huh? We don't have any lines." Mayu: "We probably have to ad lib." Minami: "Ad lib?" Mayu: "We can say whatever we want." mi: "Yeah, but..." Airi: "Animal idol, Hayashida Airi, will bring you tomorrow's weather, as well. First, Miyagi-ken..." Yoshino: "She stuttered." Kaya: "Look at the camera." Airi: "Um... What? What's going on?" Girls: "Hey! Calm down!" mi: "They're experiencing a different kind of freedom." Mayu: "Yeah." Minami: "Our first episode is seafood specialties. I wonder what we'll get to eat." Mayu: "Hello!" Both: "Hello!" Mayu: "We're members of the Sendai-based group, Wake Up, Girls!" Both: "Thanks for watching!" Matsuda: "You're so stiff. Relax your shoulders. It's raining really hard, though. I guess they can't help it." Mayu: "Uh, um..." Matsuda: "Come on. Say something." mi: "What is this? It's so gross." Matsuda: "Nanami, no!" Matsuda: "This isn't good." Minami: "It's so good!" Minami: "Ascidians are an Ishinomaki specialty. As someone originally from Ishinomaki, I love them." Man 2: "Amazing! Amazing! That was really great." All: "Thank you." Man 2: "You're especially great." Minami: "Thank you." Man 2: "Is there anything you don't like?" Minami: "Nope." Man 2: "It's just, you know..." Minami: "What?" Man 2: "Instead of just saying everything's good, it'd be better if you expanded your vocabulary." Minami: "I understand." Man 2: "Well, see you next time." All: "Yes. We look forward to working with you." Matsuda: "I was worried for a minute there, but Minami, nice work." Minami: "Huh?" mi: "Minami, thanks." Minami: "What? I really did think it was good..." Matsuda: "What's wrong?" Minami: "The director told me just saying good isn't good enough." Mayu: "Hello, everyone." All: "We are Wake Up, Girls!" Mayu: "Today, we're at a Sendai beef tongue restaurant." mi: "At this restaurant, if you finish one kilogram of beef tongue in thirty minutes, it's free. We'd like to accept that challenge." Minami: "Thanks for the food!" Mayu: "This is a lot of food." mi: "Yeah. Minami, can you still eat more?" Minami: "Huh? Yeah. After all, it's goo— I mean, um..." Matsuda: "What's wrong, Minami? Saying it's good is fine." Minami: "It's really tasty, meow!" Minami: "It's really tasty, meow!" Minami: "It's really tasty, meow!" Minami: "It's really tasty, meow!" Man 2: "Amazing, amazing! You're super amazing! This corner's rating is skyrocketing. Let's keep up the good work. Let's keep eating." Minami: "E-Excuse me..." Man 2: "Huh? Oh, "it's really tasty, meow!" That's great." Minami: "Really?" Man 2: "Why would I lie?" mi: "Good job." Mayu: "That's great." Minami: "Yeah." Kaya: "Miyagi's weather tomorrow is rain. There's a 100% chance of rain. Rain is so depressing." Yoshino: "I went to the zoo the other day. A lot of animals don't seem to like the rain, either." Miyu: "That's right. The lesser pandas came outside, but they looked bored staring at the sky." Airi: "Did you know lesser pandas are also known as red pandas? Whenever I hear it, I think there might be other colors of pandas." Yoshino: "I don't." Tange: "That's great news." Tange: "The gourmet show and weather report both received good reviews." Matsuda: "Yeah. I wasn't sure about it at first, but everyone's getting used to it." Tange: "There, there." Matsuda: "Minami's gourmet report is especially popular." Tange: "You're right. I always thought Minami was a strong eater. And that's exactly why I scouted her." Matsuda: "What? I thought you saw her singing a folk song and scouted her for her voice." Tange: "There's that, too." Matsuda: "No way. You just made that up. You're always making things up." Tange: "Don't worry about the details." Matsuda: "There it is again." Tange: "Either way... She was like an idol to the folk song club that was formed by the people who live in the Ishinomaki temporary homes." Tange: "She was shining." Tange: "She smelled like money." Matsuda: "Is that your reason?" Tange: "Anyway... What did you want to talk about?" Matsuda: "Oh, right. In reward for their improving ratings, they're doing a concert at the Sendai TV Thanksgiving Festival." Tange: "Really? That's great, Matsuda!" Matsuda: "Yeah..." Tange: "That's it! One step at a time! One step in one day, three steps in three... Three steps forward and four steps back! That's how it goes." Matsuda: "Huh? That doesn't move you forward." Minami: "Thanks for the food!" Minami: "It's really tasty, meow!" Woman: "That's just like Minami-chan." Woman: "She really looks like she's enjoying her food. This job is perfect for her. It really is. Seeing Minami-chan makes us want to eat, too. You're right. You're drooling. It's because of Minami-chan." Minami: "Today, we have a message for our viewers." Mayu: "As you know, we're the Sendai-based idol group, Wake Up, Girls! We have a total of seven members, including the three of us and the four on the animal weather report." mi: "On the special stage of this Sunday's Sendai TV Thanksgiving Festival, we'll be performing a concert." Minami: "It's a heart-pounding and exciting live performance. If you live in the area, come check us out." All: "We hope to see you there!" Woman: "Why don't we go? What? Let's go to Sendai together next Sunday. Yes, let's go. Let's all crash the concert. That's a great idea. Should we make something? Like lunches? No, not that. They're idols. Young people have those fans, coats, and glowing things. Oh, right. Let's make those. There are all kinds of colors these days. What color does Minami-chan prefer? Do you know? I wonder." All: "Thank you!" Minami: "We got to eat good food again today!" Mayu: "I think your smile inspired me to eat a lot. My stomach has been getting bigger." Minami: "Really?" Mayu: "Yeah." Minami: "I'm excited for our next shoot." Mayu: "Minami." Minami: "Thanks." Minami: "It would have been terrible if I lost this." Mayu: "Is that your protective charm?" Minami: "Yeah. Grandma Isokawa in my folk song club" Minami: "made it for me when I auditioned for Wake Up, Girls! I have stage fright, so this would protect me from making mistakes." Mayu: "You have stage fright?" Minami: "Yeah. I get nervous so easily." Mayu: "You don't seem that way." Minami: "That must be because of this charm. When I passed the audition, Grandma Isokawa celebrated like she was the one who got in." Minami: "They've been supporting me ever since then." Mayu: "I see." Minami: "They even watch our gourmet corner every day." Mayu: "Really." Minami: "I'm going to invite them to our concert. Actually, since they saw today's broadcast, I'm sure they'll say they're going when I get home." Mayu: "I'm home." Grandmother: "Mayu-chan." Mother: "Mayu, isn't there something you want to tell me?" Mayu: "What?" Mother: "Why are you starting this again?" Mayu: "I..." Mother: "How much more do you have to make me suffer?" Mayu: "I'm not trying to do that. I just want to try again." Grandmother: "Wait! Why don't you listen to what Mayu-chan has to say?" Woman: "By the way, Minami-chan, what's your color?" Minami: "What? Color?" Woman: "Yeah, we forgot to ask. We just assumed it was yellow." Woman: "They say big eaters are yellow." Minami: "Huh?" Woman: "Minami-chan doesn't know what you're talking about." Minami: "We haven't been assigned colors yet, but why yellow?" Woman: "Because you're like the sun." Minami: "Huh?" Woman: "If we're flowers, you are the sun that illuminates us." Woman: "Right? Yeah. Yes, that's right." Minami: "You think so?" Woman: "Okay, then. Tada!" Tange: "The concert is tomorrow. Matsuda, where's the set list?" Matsuda: "Here." Tange: "They still only have one song. The rest are covers." Matsuda: "Do you think we could ask Twinkle for another song?" Tange: "You're right. Have the costumes arrived?" Matsuda: "All seven have arrived." Tange: "The costumes we've been waiting for are ready. Let's get to it, girls." All: "Yes." Tange: "Go rehearse your hearts out. It's a local show, but it's a live broadcast. Let's show them what we've got!" All: "Yes!" Tange: "Let's bring back the head of Sendai!" All: "The head?" Tange: "Come on! Show some spirit!" All: "Good work today. Bye." Minami: "I'm excited to perform again." Mayu: "Are the members of the folk song club coming?" Minami: "Yeah. They made a huge banner." Mayu: "Really?" Minami: "The banner's a beautiful yellow color." Mayu: "Yellow, huh?" Minami: "They said I'm like the sun that illuminates them. That's why it's yellow." Mayu: "Yeah, you just might be the sun." Minami: "What? You're kidding." Woman: "She suddenly said her chest hurt last night. We called an ambulance, and she went to the hospital." Minami: "Is she okay?" Woman: "Kisaragi-san will stay with her. On the way to the hospital, Isokawa-san asked us to wish you luck at your concert." Minami: "I can't..." Woman: "What?" Minami: "I can't leave her to go to a concert when she's in the hospital." Woman: "Minami-chan." Minami: "I can't do it! Where is she? Which hospital is she at? Take me there! Minami-chan... Take me there!" Matsuda: "Is everyone here?" Yoshino: "Minami's still not here." Matsuda: "What?" Airi: "Minami's never late. Maybe something happened." Mayu: "Yeah." mi: "She answered her phone. Minami? Where are you?" Tange: "Are you girls ready? What? What's wrong?" Matsuda: "It's Minami." mi: "What?" Minami: "Grandma Isokawa is in the hospital..." mi: "Hold on." mi: "I'm giving the phone to the president. It's Minami." Tange: "Hello? What's going on?" Tange: "Yes." Tange: "I see." Tange: "So, you can't come here?" mi: "Minami's friend is hospitalized. She can't come." Mayu: "What?" Miyu: "What are we going to do?" mi: "Don't ask me. I don't know." Tange: "We'll perform without Minami." Mayu: "Without her?" Matsuda: "But you said we'd promote Minami in the concert." Tange: "I'll explain the situation to the TV station." Tange: "Someone important to Minami is in the hospital. You should understand the desire to help her." Tange: "We'll cover for her." Tange: "Figure out the performance between the six of you." Girls: "Okay." Tange: "Matsuda, let's go see the producer." Matsuda: "Huh?" Tange: "You can never be too sorry." Matsuda: "Okay." Minami: "Grandma..." Woman: "Minami-chan, what are you doing here?" Minami: "Because... because... You're in the hospital!" Minami: "Should you be taking that off?" Woman: "I'm fine. I don't need this." Woman: "Will you make it in time for your concert?" Minami: "I'm not going. I'm staying here." Woman: "You have to go." Minami: "But..." Woman: "No. If you came here for me, go to the concert instead." Woman: "The best medicine for me is to see you dancing." Woman: "Didn't I tell you? You're like the sun." Woman: "You illuminated us as we were wilting." Woman: "You need to keep being the sun that illuminates us." Woman: "Go on. I'll be fine. I've been through a lot. It'll take more than this to take me out. Okay?" Miyu: "Can we practice our positions for "Stand Up" again?" mi: "We just did it." Miyu: "I'm sorry." Mayu: "Let's do it one more time." Man: "It's almost time." Yoshino: "Okay." mi: "Don't make that sound. You're making me nervous." Airi: "Minami." mi: "Is it okay for you to be here?" Minami: "Yeah. Sorry I'm late." Minami: "I'm sorry." Tange: "It's fine. Are you sure you should be here, though?" Minami: "Yes. This will make Grandma Isokawa happier." Tange: "I see. You'd better hurry, then. There's no time." Minami: "Okay. Oh, Matsuda-san." Matsuda: "What is it?" Minami: "I'd like to change. Could you take me to the waiting room?" Matsuda: "Roger that." Translation: "...without giving up WAKE UP bathed in bright sunlight The hope in my heart overlaps with you STAND UP There is no night that does not end Believe in tomorrow's smile" Tange: "Minami is a ray of hope that illuminates everything around her." Text: "Shine" Translation: "Shine MY ONLY ONE" Woman: "Isn't she great?" Mayu: "Thank you very much." All: "Thank you very much!" Man: "Mayushi? Shimada Mayu, huh? Yes. She's working with Sendai's Wake Up, Girls!" Man: "The rumors were true." Text: "To be continued" Girl: "Yoppi, you've been acting since you were little, right? Yeah, I've been doing it since I was four. What kind of roles have you performed? I've done all kinds of things. Oh, but I did one thing better than anyone else. Really? What was it? Corpses!" Both: "The next episode is "Scandal!""
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! (Series) Episode 3 – Kindest", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! (Series)", "3", "Kindest" ] }
Ota: "Why?" Ota: "Why is everyone taking it so badly?" Ota: "In the end, isn't this a good thing?" Miyu: ""In the end, isn't this a good thing?"" Miyu: "What is this?" Man: "Mayushi? Shimada Mayu, huh? Yes. She's working with Sendai's Wake Up, Girls!" Man: "The rumors were true." Man: "Our next project has been decided." Man: "You're going to cover Mayushi? Yeah." Tange: "Yes, yes. Thank you." Matsuda: "Boss?" Airi: "Um..." Airi: "Like this?" mi: "No, no. A signature should look like this." Kaya: "No way." mi: "What? You think so?" Minami: "Hey, isn't this cute?" Yoshino: "Is that a paper doll?" Minami: "No." Miyu: "Airi, where's Mayushi?" Airi: "I haven't heard. I wonder what's going on with her. She's not usually late." Tange: "Listen up, girls." Tange: "I found your next job. Dance with joy. After your TV performance, you're going to be regulars on a radio show." All: "What?!" Tange: "You're going to be regulars on a daily program. On top of that, it's a title show. It's a one-minute segment from 11:59 pm to midnight." Kaya: "So short." Minami: "Daily and title?" Airi: "Um..." Yoshino: "Daily means it's every day. Title means our name appears in the title of the show." Minami: "That's amazing." Tange: "No, no, no. This is a small step. We're aiming for the Red vs. White Concert. A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. By the way, how many miles away is the Red vs. White Concert Hall from here?" Matsuda: "I don't know." Tange: "We definitely have good things coming our way. We'll fearlessly move forward." Girls: "Yes!" Tange: "You know what they say. The god of chance only has bangs." Tange: "Honestly, what does that mean?" Both: "Good morning." Tange: "Anna, Karina." Karina: "It's been a while, everyone." All: "Good morning." Anna: "You seem excited." Tange: "We are. Let me tell you all about it." Mom: "Why is she doing this again?" Mom: "If she wanted to do it, she never should have given up!" Grandmother: "If you say that, there's no hope. You should consider how Mayu-chan feels." Mom: "Isn't this the result of respecting her thoughts?" Mayu: "I'm leaving now." Tange: "In any case, I'm having Twinkle write a second original song for us. The condition for the first song was that it be one total amateurs could look good singing and dancing..." Matsuda: "You've gone too far." Tange: "But we need another one like that." Kaya: "What does that mean?" mi: "Does that mean we haven't grown?" Tange: "That's exactly right." Mayu: "Sorry I'm late." Mayu: "I-I'm sorry!" Karina: "Don't worry about it." Anna: "We just suddenly dropped in." Yoshino: "Anyway, this is how long a minute is." Kaya: "What are we supposed to do in that time?" Minami: "Really? I think it's pretty long." mi: "But if we divide 60 seconds among seven people, each person gets just over eight seconds. How long is that?" Yoshino: "Let's give it a try. Good evening. It's time for the Wake Up, Girls! "Sorry It's So Short!" program. I'm Nanase Yoshino. Is it too conventional to say my hobbies are reading and watching films?" Yoshino: "That's it, I guess." Miyu: "I'm Miyu. Hello. What's everyone's favorite type of omu-rice?" Kaya: "Omu-rice is omu-rice." Miyu: "I'm talking about the words you write on top. Oh! It's over. Kayatan, you interrupted me." Kaya: "I'm next. I'm Kikuma Kaya. Looking at the sea makes me feel kind of sad." mi: "So gloomy." Minami: "Ready, go! I love cream yakisoba bread. People ask me if I ever get sick of it, but I never do." Yoshino: "You didn't say your name, Minami." Minami: "Huh?" Airi: "Uh, um..." Airi: "Japanese sweets..." Yoshino: "It's over." Airi: "You're kidding! I didn't get to say anything, Mayushi. Mayushi?" Mayu: "Oh, sorry." Airi: "Is something wrong? Are you not feeling well?" Mayu: "No, nothing like that." Kaya: "Is there anything we can say that will express our individuality in a word?" Mayu: "Oh! What about weird faces?" Kaya: "But it's radio." Mayu: "You're right." Tange: "That should do it. I made a lot of requests for this song, but I basically trust your musical sense." Matsuda: "If anything, you should forget what the president said." Karina: "That girl who was late..." Tange: "Oh, Shimada Mayu?" Anna: "She's a member now." Tange: "Yes, she joined partway through." Mayu: "Please let me be an idol!" Matsuda: "She'd been turning us down, but ultimately, she came to us." Anna: "She quit once, and now she's starting again." Tange: "There's something cloudy about the color of her aura, though." Karina: "When she quit the I-1 Club, it was pretty sensational." Tange: "She may have a lot weighing on her." Miyu: "The god of chance, huh? Everyone does experience good luck at least once. They say what's important is whether or not you grab that opportunity." Tange: "Work, lambs!" Miyu: "First, a TV show, and now a radio program. The pressure's building. Mayushi, what do you think? Did you ever get nervous when you were part of the I-1 Club? Well, yes..." Miyu: "Um... The reason you quit the I-1 Club..." Miyu: "I'm sorry." Mayu: "I was a little tired then." Mayu: "Maybe I shouldn't have come back." Miyu: "What?" Announce: "A Izumi Chuo train is arriving at Platform Two." Announce: "For your safety, please stand behind the white line." Mayu: "Never mind. It's nothing." Tange: "What? You want to pick us up for a documentary program?" Tange: "Is this on a national network?" Suzuki: "Yes. We heard Wake Up, Girls! has been working hard in Sendai, and we'd like to cover you." Suzuki: "What do you think?" Tange: "You must be sharp to set your sights on us, TTX." Suzuki: "Thank you." Yamada: "Did she go for it?" Suzuki: "I'll e-mail you the details. Could I have your address? Okay." Matsuda: "President?" Tange: "Yes! Tokyo's finally moving!" Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "With former I-1 member Mayu in our group, I expected this to happen sooner or later..." Tange: "but this is sooner than I expected. The title of the program is On the Brink of Their Break! Country Idols to Keep Your Eye On!" Yoshino: "A Tokyo TV station?" Airi: "Really?" Kaya: "Huh..." mi: "Is it on a national network?" Minami: "That's amazing." Miyu: "But why us?" Tange: "Because you're shining. You know... like a diamond in the rough." Miyu: "Does that mean we've been found?" Tange: "I suppose that's what it means." Airi: "Amazing... This is really amazing." Girls: "Wow! This is so amazing!" Shiraki: "Hello." Shiraki: "Good work on your lessons. You seem to be working hard. All you can do is work hard. We don't need girls who can't work hard. I hope you'll keep working hard." Girls: "Yes, sir!" Shiraki: "With the "I-1 Club National 47 Prefecture Love Connection Project" progressing well, the Sendai Theater's opening concert will be held next month. The participating members will be the names I announced yesterday." Girls: "Yes, sir!" Shiraki: "The I-1 members going to Sendai are the very best. I hope the I-2 and I-3 members who will cover them in the event anything should occur are doing their very best, as well." Girls: "Yes, sir!" Shiraki: "Now, quickly shifting gears, I'd like to announce this month's rejects." Shiraki: "134, 170, 209, 511. Good-bye, the four of you. Starting tomorrow, you don't need to come. I will now announce their new replacements. Ten girls numbered 1120 through 1129 are joining the I-1 Club today. Let us conclude this day by singing the necessary attributes of a popular idol together." Girls: "Yes, sir!" Shiraki: "Don't rest! Don't complain! Don't think!" Girls: "Don't rest! Don't complain! Don't think!" Shiraki: "Gratitude, always!" Girls: "Gratitude, always!" Megumi: "Sendai's next month." Mai: "Sendai, huh? Last month was Nara. The month before that was Niigata. We're traveling all across Japan." ka: "Anyway... Do you know about this?" Megumi: "What?" Megumi: "You're kidding! Mayu?" ka: "It's her." Mai: "I can't believe she's working in Sendai. I'm kind of surprised. It seemed like she would never work again." Shiho: "Why is she coming back now? She gave up on being an idol. Why would she bother working in the countryside, anyway?" Megumi: "Isn't it obvious?" Megumi: "Because she loves it." Shiho: "But we're going to go crush her next month." Megumi: "It's been a while! I saw a Wake Up, Girls! video today. You've starting working again in Sendai. You should have told me." Megumi: "I'm glad you returned to this business, though. I hope we can stand on the same stage together. I'll be on the I-1 Sendai stage next month." Megumi: "Come see us." Megumi: "I'm going to talk to the president!" Mayu: "It's no use. But this... This isn't fair!" Megumi: "Don't cry, Mayu." Mayu: "It's been a while. Sorry about Wake Up, Girls! I didn't mean to keep it a secret." Mayu: "I meant to tell you when I had set things right." Mayu: "I want to stand on the same stage with you, too. Good luck with your performance in Sendai." Tange: "I'm Green Leaves' representative, Tange Junko. This blockhead is our manager, Matsuda." Matsuda: "I'm Matsuda Kohei." Suzuki: "I'm Suzuki. Thank you for meeting us today." Yamada: "I'm his assistant, Yamada. It's nice to meet you." Tange: "The pleasure is ours." Matsuda: "We've spoken with representatives of our regular TV and radio programs, and they've approved an interview." Suzuki: "I see." Matsuda: "How long will this take?" Suzuki: "Let's get to it, then. I was hoping to talk to the members." Matsuda: "I see." Suzuki: "Let's get started. I'd like to ask each member some simple questions in turn and have them answer." Suzuki: "Start rolling whenever." Suzuki: "Let's start with your reason for joining. Nanase-san, you're first." Yoshino: "Okay." Suzuki: "Why did you become an idol?" Yoshino: "I'm Nanase Yoshino. I'm originally from Sendai, and I've been a child talent star since I was four years old. At one point, I wanted to be a model, but I decided to pursue a career as an idol." Suzuki: "I see. Thank you. Next, Kikuma Kaya-san." Kaya: "Okay." Suzuki: "Same question." Kaya: "I'm Kikuma Kaya. I'd been working a lot of jobs, and I found out about this audition at one of them. I wanted some proof of my accomplishments, so I decided to try out." Suzuki: "I see. Next person, please." Suzuki: "Um... Shimada Mayu-san." Mayu: "Yes." Mayu: "I'm Shimada Mayu." Suzuki: "You're former I-1 Club member, Mayushi, aren't you?" Mayu: "Yes." Suzuki: "Sorry to be direct, but the real reason you were made to quit the I-1 Club was different from what the media covered, isn't it? The official story is that you lost a center battle, but according to my research, you were involved in a lot of internal conflicts. What happened?" Suzuki: "Come on! You quit. Why don't you tell the truth?" Matsuda: "Hey!" Suzuki: "Was the reason this picture that everyone was talking about? There are rumors of power struggles within the group and suspiciously large money transfers, aren't there?" Suzuki: "What's Shiraki-san like? Did something happen between you and Shiraki-san?" Suzuki: "Oh? Am I right?" Suzuki: "Whoa!" Tange: "That's enough!" Matsuda: "Wasn't the purpose of today's interview to cover Wake Up, Girls!? Shimada Mayu's history has nothing to do with this." Suzuki: "You must be confused. Wake Up, Girls! doesn't exist without Shimada Mayu, does it? Isn't it better for you if people make a fuss over Shimada Mayu on the internet?" Tange: "That's enough!" Suzuki: "I'll sue!" Tange: "Go ahead and try!" Matsuda: "Today was rough." Airi: "Where's Mayu?" Matsuda: "The president wanted to talk to her." Airi: "But..." Matsuda: "Let's leave it up to the president today. You've got work tomorrow." All: "Okay..." Tange: "I'm not sure I can say anything to cheer you up now. Without having experienced what you've gone through, nothing I say is very convincing." Tange: "But let me tell you this." Tange: "Everyone has emotional scars. However, you can't leave those wounds untreated." Tange: "I'm sure you know how to heal those wounds." Tange: "Isn't that why you came here?" Minami: "I wonder if Mayushi's okay." Yoshino: "We don't exist without Shimada Mayu, huh?" Yoshino: "He was pretty harsh, wasn't he?" mi: "If we don't want people to think that way, we have to improve our skills to be on par with Mayushi's. Anyway..." Yoshino: "The reason Mayu quit I-1?" mi: "Yeah. I know people were making quite a fuss, but something seems pretty malicious about it." mi: "Have you heard anything, Ai-chan?" Airi: "I try not to ask her about it." Airi: "It seems like Mayu doesn't want me to ask." Miyu: "I understand." Kaya: "Who cares about the past?" Miyu: "It doesn't seem to be over yet." Yoshino: "What do you mean?" Airi: "I wonder if Mayushi saw this." Minami: "It's so mean." mi: "She probably ended up seeing this." Yoshino: "Is this true?" Miyu: "According to the customers at the maid café, they're mostly lies, but there are some they can't be sure of." Kaya: "Does that mean only Mayu knows the truth?" Miyu: "Actually, I tried asking Mayushi directly before, but she wouldn't tell me." Airi: "She should talk to someone about it, instead of handling it on her own." Kaya: "Maybe she can't do that right now." Yoshino: "Are you saying she doesn't trust us?" Kaya: "That's not what I meant." Minami: "Maybe it's not easy for her to say." Yoshino: "That just means she's not ready to talk about it." Miyu: "Is this what it's like to live in the entertainment industry?" Ota: "Taking back a dream you've lost must be harder than achieving it the first time." Ota: "That's why I want to support Shimada Mayu's desire to try again." Mayu: "Shiho?" Shiho: "Mayu?" Text: "To be continued" Miyu: "Mayushi's a very mysterious girl." Airi: "Yeah." Miyu: "Ai-chan, you're her friend. You must know a lot about her." Airi: "Not at all. Oh, but I do know one thing." Miyu: "What?" Airi: "The number of moles on her body." Miyu: "What a maniac."
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! (Series) Episode 4 – Scandal", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! (Series)", "4", "Scandal" ] }
Shiho: "You're working in Sendai now, aren't you?" Mayu: "Yes." Shiho: "I saw some pictures. You stood out in them just like you always do. Of course, it's only natural since you were surrounded by amateurs." All: "Hello, Sendai. We're the I-1 Club." Shiho: "Today, we have good news for you." Mai: "The I-1 Club's National 47 Prefecture Love Connection Project begins today." Ai: "For this project, the I-1 Club will go to see you." Shiho: "I came here to check things out for our project." Mayu: "I see." ka: "Here in Miyagi Prefecture's Sendai, we'll be building a theater." Shiho: "We're so excited to see you." Mai: "Look forward to it." All: "This has been a message from the I-1 Club!" Mayu: "Good luck." Shiho: "Even Shiraki-san is prioritizing this project. If we don't work hard, we'll be kicked out." Shiho: "Can I ask you something?" Mayu: "What?" Shiho: "I'm impressed you decided to come back." Shiho: "Why did you do it?" Shiho: "Well, you can do whatever you want." Shiho: "But don't forget the trouble you caused us." Tange: "It's ready. It's piping hot and ready." Tange: "As expected of Twinkle. Their work is fast, good, and cheap." Matsuda: "I think it's only cheap because you haggled them down." Tange: "Read these divine lyrics, girls." Kaya: "So hot." Tange: "I told you it's piping hot." Tange: "Now that we have a second song, I thought we could make a splash." Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "And so, we'll be performing a concert on May 25th at MACANA with our new song." Matsuda: "Huh? I'm getting a sense of déjà vu..." Matsuda: "Oh, right. At the end of last year, this person said the same thing and ran off with all our money. I've been traumatized by live concerts." Matsuda: "I'm breaking out in hives!" Tange: "Shut up already. In any case, we're putting on a concert." Yoshino: "I understand how Matsuda-san feels." mi: "I know. I hope you're not planning to deceive us again." Airi: "Deceive us?" Tange: "You're still carrying on about that? You're such small people." Matsuda: "It's not a matter of size." Tange: "Well, let's get cracking." Miyu: "NFW!" Minami: "What does that mean?" Miyu: "No freaking way." Minami: "What?" Miyu: "Our concert is scheduled for the same day as the I-1 Club's Sendai Theater opening concert!" Matsuda: "What?!" Matsuda: "This isn't good. Won't we lose customers to them?" Yoshino: "We'll start practicing the new song tomorrow." All: "Okay." Yoshino: "Later." Airi: "Okay." Minami: "See you later." Miyu: "Bye bye." Minami: "What kind of snacks will we get to eat today?" Miyu: "You're such a glutton, Minami." Kaya: "Everywhere you look, it's I-1." Miyu: "Their marketing campaign is crazy." Yoshino: "They're just abusing their wealth." Miyu: "But it's amazing that they can do that." Tange: "It's always money, money, money. There are things in this world you can't buy with money! Spending money on advertising will help your sales, but it won't last forever. After all, it costs money!" Matsuda: "Is that right?" Tange: "Nothing's most important than making an honest living. Even the I-1 Club was built by the passion of Shiraki, who had nothing going for him except his love of idols. The I-1 Club started as a local "no money, no connections, no name" group from Oshiage." Tange: "That was before Oshiage built its Skytree. Now it's something of a tourist spot." Matsuda: "President, are you familiar with that era?" Tange: "Of course I am! I've been in this business for forty-five years!" Matsuda: "Huh? How old are you?" Tange: "I've been doing this since a past life!" Matsuda: "I see." Tange: "They didn't have any theaters back then. They held guerrilla concerts in Azumabashi, but there's no audience there. I'm saying there aren't any young people there." Matsuda: "Yeah." Tange: "But idols become popular through word of mouth. There were rumors of interesting girls in Azumabashi." Tange: "Those rumors spread like wildfire, giving us the I-1 we have today. Their honest work moved people's hearts and gave birth to money." Tange: "That's how it works." Matsuda: "You're sounding strangely reasonable today. It's scaring me." Tange: "I'll do it this time." Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "Nothing! I was talking to myself!" mi: "The I-1 Club is really amazing." Yoshino: "Yeah." Kaya: "Their choreography is so well coordinated." Miyu: "Mayushi used to be part of that." Suzuki: "You must be confused. Wake Up, Girls! doesn't exist without Shimada Mayu, does it?" Yoshino: "I won't lose." mi: "To who? I-1? Don't you think that will take some time? I think we just have to do the best we can." Miyu: "You're right. Let's first think of how we can gather as large an audience for our concert as possible." Kaya: "Yeah. Maybe I'll reach out to my friends this time." Miyu: "That's not good enough. You can't approach this like you're trying to fill some small theater." Kaya: "What do you mean?" Miyu: "We need to increase our number of fans." Kaya: "Yeah, but..." mi: "Yoppi, let's go." Dance: "Okay, let's take a break!" All: "Yes, ma'am!" Yoshino: "Airi, you're always behind." Airi: "Huh? Sorry. Where?" Yoshino: "This part. Give it a try." Yoshino: "There it is. That's not right." Airi: "What? It's not?" Mayu: "Isn't it like this?" Airi: "Like this, Yoppi? Huh?" Airi: "What's wrong with Yoppi?" Yoshino: "Since our new song is coming together, I thought we could decide what we're singing at the concert today. First, I think it goes without saying that we'll use "Stand Up!" and "16-Year-Old Agape." I'm sure you all know, that's not nearly enough. So I want to choose a few more songs today." Miyu: "I know! I know! What about anime songs? I'm sure our fans will enjoy them." mi: "Anime songs? Don't you think that's too commonplace? Other groups sing them quite a bit. I want to do something unexpected. What about "Hikarizuka"?" Miyu: "Would anyone enjoy that?" Minami: "I'd prefer folk songs like "Ishinomaki Chatsumi-uta" or "Ishinomaki Sendou-uta."" Yoshino: "I don't know about that, either." Minami: "I think the members of the folk song club would enjoy it." Yoshino: "What should we do?" Yoshino: "Maybe anime songs." Miyu: "I know! I know!" Miyu: "In that case, I have something I've danced to at work." Kaya: "This concert isn't just for you." Miyu: "What? But it's really cute." Minami: "Folk songs are cute, too." mi: "And Hikarizuka's not so much cute as cool." Miyu: "Anime songs!" Minami: "Folk songs!" mi: ""Hikarizuka"!" Yoshino: "H-Hey!" Matsuda: "Are you sure you don't need to step in? They're getting out of hand." Tange: "It's fine. Now that they can say what they want, they're taking another step forward. Let them fight." Matsuda: "But we don't have many days to prepare." Yoshino: "If we're doing hit songs, maybe we should do I-1 Club songs?" Yoshino: "Sorry." Mayu: "It's fine. You don't need to apologize. But with the I-1 Theater coming to Sendai, I don't think there's any need for us to sing their songs." Mayu: "Don't you think we should show our own colors?" Kaya: "Yeah. Mayu's right." Miyu: "In that case, anime songs!" mi: "Folk songs! "Hikarizuka"!" Yoshino: "I told you..." Man: "Let's go, I-1! Run! There are tears of joy, but there's no such thing as smiling while running! But we always smile! All the time, we smile!" Man: "Smile while eating! Smile while sleeping!" Man: "Smile while dancing! Smile while singing!" Man: "Attention!" Man: "Number 456, you're out. Leave." Both: "15, 16, 17..." Both: "18, 19, 20..." Kaya: "I think things are coming together." Airi: "Yoppi, how was my choreography?" Yoshino: "It's gotten a lot better." Airi: "Really? Great." Minami: "I'm hungry. Can I have a snack?" Miyu: "I baked some cookies." Mayu: "Did you make these yourself?" Miyu: "Yes." Minami: "Thanks for the food!" mi: "But I'll get fat if I have too many." mi: "I'm jealous of Minami in more than one way." mi: "Do you think they'll take all our customers?" Miyu: "I don't think we can beat them." Kaya: "What good will saying that now do?" Airi: "By the way, have you seen the members they're bringing to the Sendai theater?" Minami: "Yeah, I did! All the most popular members of I-1 are coming, right?" Miyu: "Yeah. Shihocchi, Yoshimegu, Maimai, and Nanokasu." Miyu: "They're all top-class girls." Kaya: "They're really giving it everything they have." Mayu: "Beating them seems all the more hopeless." Yoshino: "Don't get too worked up." Mayu: "Let's get back to our lessons. There's no time to spare." Airi: "You're right. Let's do it." All: "Yeah. All right, let's do it. Let's go." Translation: "My hair freshly shampooed on Sunday I met you on the way to the station Believing in coincidences that seem like fate I will call your name..." Yoshino: "1, 2, 3, 4... 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3..." Anna: " Working hard?" All: "Good morning." Katarina: "Could we watch you practice?" All: "Okay." Matsuda: "You want me to check on them?" Matsuda: "If you're curious, you should go yourself." Tange: "It's too much work." Yoshino: "1, 2, 3, 4... 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4..." Airi: "Sorry." Yoshino: "5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4." Yoshino: "What did you think?" mi: "If you could tell us what we did wrong, we'd appreciate it." Anna: "It was kind of a mess." All: "What?" Anna: "First, you." Airi: "Yes." Anna: "You almost ran into someone and apologized." Airi: "Yes." Anna: "You need to make sure your audience doesn't notice that. In fact, you probably almost ran into each other because you held your position." mi: "Yes." Anna: "When that happens, gauge your distance. It's okay if you step out of line a little, but make sure you get out of her way." mi: "Okay." Anna: "The final step of leveling up is compassion." mi: "Okay." Karina: "How do you imagine yourselves dancing right now?" Yoshino: "First, we must synchronize our choreography... Oh, and rhythm." Karina: "Yeah. I got that feeling, but that's not what I meant." Yoshino: "Huh?" Karina: "I was asking what it means to be Wake Up, Girls!" Karina: "Are you guys fighting enough?" Karina: "You should tell each other what you want to say." Karina: "You're part of the same group." Anna: "Of course, sometimes you say too much to me." Karina: "You should tell each other what you want to say. You're part of the same group." Yoshino: "It's not easy for me to say. I need her to talk to me first." Kaya: "How did it look?" Miyu: "There's no one there." mi: "My nightmare became reality." Miyu: "And this is the wallpaper of the Sendai theater my shikigami returned to me." Minami: "What is this?" Airi: "Is it packed?" Miyu: "That's right. It's so unbelievably crowded, you can't even see the stage." Yoshino: "I knew it would be like this, but seeing the difference is depressing." Minami: "We practiced hard. Let's have fun at our own concert." Airi: "Yeah, you're right. That's all we can do." s: "We've been waiting for you! Miyu-chan!" Ota: "You can do it, WUG-chan!" Translation: "Believing I could not dream" Shiho: "Good evening, everyone!" All: "We're the I-1 Club!" Shiho: "Today is the first day of the glorious Sendai Theater opening concert! We'll be giving it everything we have, so stick with us until the very end!" Yoshino: "Um... We're Wake Up, Girls! We're based in Sendai. The song you just heard was written by our seniors in the industry..." Mayu: "It was written by Twinkle." Megumi: "Shihocchi and I turned pale, but for some reason, Maimai ate the ramen in silence." Mai: "Don't tell them that!" Megumi: "I guess I saw a demonstration of Maimai's nerves of steel." Mai: "If you keep talking, I'll strangle you!" Shiho: "Lastly, please listen to our new song." Yoshino: "Lastly, please listen to our new song." Translation: "Larger than love, a 16-Year-Old Agape" Kaya: "Oh, well." Miyu: "We practiced so much, too." Minami: "We failed completely." mi: "We kept making mistakes." Airi: "I'm sorry." Yoshino: "You don't need to keep blaming yourself." Yoshino: "I made plenty of mistakes in my emceeing, too." mi: "I'm sure the I-1 concert was a blast." Yoshino: "Thank you." Mayu: "Sure." Tange: "Thanks for your hard work!" All: "Thank you..." Tange: "What's wrong? You seem down." Kaya: "You know how it went." Tange: "What? Did you think you could take on I-1? You're not ready for that." Tange: "Oh, come on. What? After only one concert? You're pathetic. You'd ruin a celebration with those despondent faces. Let's disperse for today." Matsuda: "The president told me to come, and she's not here." Minami: "Is she the one who told us to come?" Matsuda: "That's right. She suddenly said, "Let's go to the I-1 Sendai Theater!"" Kaya: "Just how mean is she?" Matsuda: "No, it's not like that. Tange-san's a little strange and irresponsible, but she's not mean." Matsuda: "I think she wants you to take it one honest step at a time." Matsuda: "That's what this was about." Tange: "What are you waiting for?" Tange: "Let's go." Matsuda: "We were waiting for you!" Yoshino: "It's no wonder we lost." mi: "I feel stupid for being depressed." Girls: "Thank you. Thank you." Kaya: "They're beyond our reach." Miyu: "But we'll beat them someday." Minami: "We'll start over tomorrow." Airi: "Huh? Where's the president?" Mayu: "She told us to go on ahead." Megumi: "Come back soon! We'll be waiting for you!" Megumi: "Mayu..." Airi: "Mayu?" Megumi: "You came." Mayu: "Yeah." Megumi: "I'll text you later." Mayu: "Okay." Shiho: "Thank you." Mayu: "This may not answer your question, but..." Shiho: "What?" Shiho: "I'm impressed you decided to come back." Shiho: "Why did you do it?" Mayu: "I think I can finally like idols." Tange: "What are you trying to say?" Man: "Exactly what it sounds like. You should let me handle it." mi: "No one's getting any better." Kaya: "Are you saying you are?" mi: "Of course I am. I grow every day." Kaya: "Really?" mi: "Even my body. Even my breasts! Look!" Kaya: "I wonder if I should say something..."
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! (Series) Episode 5 – Heaven or Hell", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! (Series)", "5", "Heaven or Hell" ] }
Tange: "What are you trying to say?" Man: "Exactly what it sounds like. You should let me handle it." Tange: "Handle it?" Hayasaka: "They're poorly formed. I want to display my skill as a chef by testing myself with such rough ingredients." Tange: "Explain it to me so I can understand." Hayasaka: "I'm saying with my skills, I can turn any potato into a dish worthy of a three-star restaurant." Tange: "What?" Hayasaka: "Sheesh." Tange: "Music producer Hayasaka Tasuku." Tange: "Isn't the I-1 Club one of your clients?" Hayasaka: "No one can constrain me. Besides... The I-1 Club doesn't inspire me anymore." Man: "Today, we'd like to welcome to the studio the man responsible for the I-1 Club's sudden success and now known throughout the world as a genius producer, Hayasaka Tasuku-san." Hayasaka: "Thank you." Man: "We heard you recently have been receiving work not only from the I-1 Club but also from abroad. How do you feel about that?" Hayasaka: "I don't know how to answer that. I don't care if the work is domestic or international. Besides, my work isn't about money. It's about passion." Matsuda: "Not about money? That's what rich people say." Matsuda: "President, look at this. This Hayasaka guy's an obvious nouveau riche and unlikeable guy..." Miyu: "The rainy season has finally come to Sendai. Things are about to get really, really wet." Kaya: "Try to stay dry." Yoshino: "It may be dry and sunny right now, but it should rain tonight." Airi: "Don't forget your portable umbrella." Minami: "Good evening! It's time for "Sorry It's So Short" with Wake Up, Girls!" Minami: "Recently, I've been really into impersonations. I'd like to perform a few for you. First up is my school's PE teacher." Tange: "Is that true?" Hayasaka: "Why would I lie?" Tange: "We're going to write this down, so we can't fight about it later. Matsuda!" Matsuda: "Yes!" Hayasaka: "I don't mind signing something, but why are you so suspicious?" Tange: "Because not only will you give us a ton of money, but you don't want any in return. It's far too suspicious." Hayasaka: "I told you that I don't want money." Tange: "Then, what do you want?" Hayasaka: "I just want to cook some dirty and rough potatoes that can capture my interest." Hayasaka: "You'll understand eventually. When I return to Sendai next week, I'll be taking those little potatoes." Tange: "Sure. That's fine." Hayasaka: "See you later, then." Tange: "There's one thing I want to make clear." Hayasaka: "What might that be?" Tange: "Does I-1 know about this?" Hayasaka: "I haven't told them anything." Matsuda: "What? You haven't asked for their permission?" Hayasaka: "Why should I worry about what he thinks?" Matsuda: "But..." Hayasaka: "Isn't everyone forever under I-1's control because we're constantly worried about how he feels? I think he'd have more purpose if someone who could catch him off guard were to appear." Matsuda: "I see..." Hayasaka: "Besides, he doesn't own me, and I'll work with whoever I want. That's all." Tange: "You may be fine with that, but we don't want to pick pointless fights with I-1. You understand that, don't you?" Hayasaka: "I'm sure Shiraki-san knows Green Leaves can't draw me away from him. It'll be fine. After all, I'm the one who approached you this time." Hayasaka: "Is that all? See you next week." Matsuda: "This is getting crazy, President." Matsuda: "Are you shaking?" Tange: "I can't help it!" Hayasaka: "What a bunch of country bumpkins." Hayasaka: "But that's what makes you so great." Hayasaka: "First, I'd like to hear each one of your voices. Say, "ah."" Mayu: "Ah." Hayasaka: "That voice. It sounds just like an idol's." Hayasaka: "Throw away everything you've been holding onto. Start from there." Miyu: "What?! Hayasaka-san is?" Airi: "He's going to give us lessons?" Kaya: "Why so suddenly?" Tange: "I'd like to know, too." Matsuda: "And he's doing it free of charge." mi: "Seriously?" Yoshino: "They say there's nothing more expensive than free." Tange: "You're right." Matsuda: "He gave us a few conditions, too." Kaya: "Conditions?" Tange: "Yes, conditions." Matsuda: "Let's see... Hayasaka-san will be coming to Sendai every Saturday for your lessons." Hayasaka: "You're terrible. You're not producing your voices from your stomach." Hayasaka: "Listen up. Improving your physical fitness before you get onstage is fundamental." Hayasaka: "One hundred more times." Airi: "Long lessons every weekend, huh?" Miyu: "We've got school and recordings on weekdays, so we have hardly any time to rest. I feel like a celebrity." Yoshino: "You're not like a celebrity, you are one. Have some more self-awareness." Minami: "I don't know if I can keep up." Matsuda: "That's not all. Every second and fourth Saturday, you'll perform three concerts in one day." All: "What?!" Hayasaka: "Next pose. Okay, next pose. Next." Hayasaka: "Okay, now listen like that. First, as I told you before, next Saturday, you'll perform three concerts." Hayasaka: "Are you listening?" Yoshino: "We're listening..." Hayasaka: "Then respond." All: "Y-Yes!" Hayasaka: "I saw your performance the other day, but honestly, no. That wasn't enough. It was unprofessional." Hayasaka: "It's not unreasonable, though. You don't have much experience. That's why I've planned for you to perform more concerts and learn through experience." Hayasaka: "Your first concert, well... You don't have many songs, so we'll call it an hour. I was thinking we'd plan for concerts at 2 PM, 4 PM, and 6 PM. Hey, are you listening?" All: "Yes!" Miyu: "Um... My legs are exhausted." Minami: "Yeah. I should be hungry, but I'm so tired, I don't have the energy to eat." Airi: "What? You lost your appetite?" Yoshino: "We're training like this again tomorrow, right? I might die." Kaya: "Yeah. This is harder than my job at the gas station." mi: "How long do we have to keep doing this brutal training?" Matsuda: "Finally, Hayasaka-san will have full power over Wake Up, Girls! for a period of time." Yoshino: "What does that mean?" Matsuda: "In other words, we can't complain about anything Hayasaka-san does." All: "What?" Yoshino: "What should we do? Do you want to stop by the agency?" mi: "I want to go home." Miyu: "I agree." Kaya: "Me, too." mi: "Mayushi, has Hayasaka-san always been so strict?" Mayu: "Huh? Oh. We weren't there at the same time, so this is my first time experiencing his lessons." mi: "I see." Airi: "But don't you feel like you're really working hard?" Miyu: "You think so? I think I'm going to be depressed." Minami: "Me, too." Airi: "Don't worry about it on your own." Airi: "You can talk to us about anything. We're a group. Let's come up with something together." Hayasaka: "Shimada Mayu, Nanase Yoshino, Katayama Minami, Hisami Nanami. These four are fine." Hayasaka: "Then there's Okamoto Miyu and Kikuma Kaya. Despite both being amateurs, they'll manage somehow." Hayasaka: "The bottleneck is Hayashida Airi." Hayasaka: "I'm thinking of cutting her." Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "Wait..." Hayasaka: "Whoa, there. You said you wouldn't question me." Airi: "Mayushi's dancing is so on point. Minami is cute, and Yoppi is cool. Kayatan's kind of sexy, too. Miyu seems to know how to draw people to her, and Nanami has this magnificence, too." Airi: "Compared to them, what is this?" Airi: "I need to work harder... But I'm so glad to be working with everyone!" Mother: "Airi, time for dinner!" Airi: "Okay!" Mother: "Airi, you haven't had any breaks recently. Are you okay?" Airi: "Yeah. My lessons are tough." Airi: "It's kind of fun, though." Brother: "You sure you're not dragging everyone down with you?" Airi: "Maybe." Airi: "But everyone has their own personality. Everyone in WUG is so talented." Airi: "I think they're so cool." Brother: "Then you're just a fan." Airi: "I am. I'm a huge fan. Oh, yeah. You should come to one of our concerts." Brother: "I'd be too embarrassed to watch you perform!" Kaya: "We're right in the middle of the rainy season. It's been raining every day, I never get the chance to hang my laundry. It's so sad." Miyu: "I hate hanging my clothes up indoors. Laundry needs to receive the sun's rays." Yoshino: "Tomorrow, it will rain first thing in the morning, but from afternoon to evening, the skies should be clear." Yoshino: "Right, Ai-chan?" Airi: "Yes? Oh, um... Y-Your laundry might get some sun if you hang it then." Ad: "We're in commercial!" Wug: "Thank you very much!" Airi: "Uh, um... I-I'm so sorry!" Director: "What's wrong? Did you let your guard down now that you're used to the show?" Airi: "I-It's not like that! I was just spacing out. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Director: "You've all been seeming a little tired lately. Are you okay?" Director: "You're professionals. No matter how hard things get, you need to bring the energy. Good work today." All: "Thank you." Airi: "I'm sorry. It's my fault..." Kaya: "Don't worry about it." Miyu: "Bring the energy, huh? It's not that easy." Yoshino: "With all the energy we've been burning, we may have unconsciously been less energetic." Kaya: "And on days we have three concerts..." Hayasaka: "That's all for today." Wug: "Thank you very much." Hayasaka: "Hayashida Airi." Airi: "Yes." Hayasaka: "You stay." Airi: "Y-Yes." Kaya: "Are you waiting for Airi?" Mayu: "Yeah." Kaya: "It might take a while." mi: "Sorry, but I'm at my limit. I want to go home." Miyu: "Me, too." mi: "Can we let our leader handle this one?" Yoshino: "Huh? Me?" Mayu: "I'll be fine by myself. You can go." All: "Thanks for staying. Thanks." Hayasaka: "So... Hayashida Airi, why did you audition for Wake Up, Girls!?" Hayasaka: "In fact, why do you want to be an idol?" Airi: "Um... I guess I wanted to change myself. That's why I decided to apply." Hayasaka: "How do you feel now that you're doing it?" Airi: "It's far more fun than I imagined." Hayasaka: "Why are you having fun?" Hayasaka: "Do you not understand what I'm saying? Which one are you?" Airi: "Which what?" Hayasaka: "We're creators. We're the ones entertaining the audience. You may be better suited to being a member of the audience." Hayasaka: "Honestly speaking, I don't think you have any talent. If you're going to reconsider, now is the time." Hayasaka: "That's all I have to say." Hayasaka: "Good work today." Airi: "Th-Thank you!" Airi: "You waited for me?" Mayu: "I had everyone else leave. They seemed to be at their limit." Airi: "I see." Mayu: "Let's go home. I'm starving." Airi: "Sorry. I'm going to stop by the convenience store." Mayu: "Oh... Okay..." Shiraki: "It seems the Sendai opening concert ended the other day without any problems." Shiraki: "Good work, participating members. Thanks to you, it was a huge success. Is what I'd like to say, but... The tickets were sold out, but there were three people who didn't come that day." Shiraki: "Were they sick? Were they unable to come because their grandfather fell ill? Did they swallow their tears due to work or studies? We don't know the reason. This is the first time it's happened during the I-1 Club's National 47 Prefecture Love Connection Project. I've analyzed the data myself, and it seems local idol group Wake Up, Girls! had a concert on the same day." Shiho: "This..." ka: "It's Wake Up, Girls!..." Shiraki: "I suppose you could call them an unrefined or unaffected product of only Sendai. They're just a little countryside idol group." Shiraki: "If you're laughing right now, you're wrong." Shiraki: "I suspect they will catch up to you in the near future. When they do, let's break them down!" Shiho: "Yes!" All: "Yes!" Shiraki: "Let us conclude this day by singing the necessary attributes of a popular idol together." Shiraki: "Don't rest! Don't complain! Don't think!" Girls: "Don't rest! Don't complain! Don't think!" Shiraki: "Always gratitude!" Girls: "Always gratitude!" Hayasaka: "Today's your first day of back-to-back concerts." Hayasaka: "Honestly, we have a lot of tickets leftover. It's a fight to see how large of an audience we can gather for the 2 o'clock show. Doing so will increase the number of repeat customers for the 4 and 6 o'clock shows." All: "Yes, sir!" s: "Miyu-chan, you've got us! You can do it!" Translation: "Believing I could not dream I protected my small, qui—" Hayasaka: "You should hammer into your brains that this is the best you can do right now. You're off key. You can't dance properly. I'm pretty sure kindergarten plays are a little better these days." Hayasaka: "Are you frustrated? Then show me a performance that will even impress me." Hayasaka: "If you can't, there's still time in a lot of ways." Hayasaka: "Well, see you next week." Miyu: "I can't take it anymore." Kaya: "What? You're done eating?" Miyu: "No, not that. I'm talking about Hayasaka-san." Kaya: "Oh..." Miyu: "You know I'm someone who grows with praise." Kaya: "I don't know anything about that." Miyu: "Well, when someone keeps telling me I'm bad, I lose all my energy." Kaya: "Yeah, I might have thought about that, too." Miyu: "What?" Kaya: "Being abused like that really pisses me off. If this were one of my jobs, I'd have quit a long time ago." Miyu: "Yeah..." Kaya: "Like why are we even doing this?" Hayasaka: "There's still time in a lot of ways." Mother: "Airi, it's time for dinner!" Mother: "Airi!" Airi: "Okay..." Mai: "People often ask me what a captain does, and I think I have the strength to support my team from the shadows. For example, when someone looks like they're about to mentally fall from the stage, I support them, so they don't fall. It can be hard, but because it's for the team, I've never disliked doing it." Yoshino: "Mayu, where's Airi?" Mayu: "Huh? She's not here?" Minami: "She's usually the first or second one here." Kaya: "She's never been late." Miyu: "She didn't get in an accident, did she?" mi: "Don't be so negative!" Yoshino: "This isn't good. He said he wouldn't hold lessons if anyone was late." Mayu: "It's no use. She's not answering." Yoshino: "Um, Airi's still not here." Minami: "Ai-chan's never been late before. We thought something might have happened to her." Hayasaka: "I did some of my own thinking after last week's performance." Hayasaka: "In my opinion, Wake Up, Girls! doesn't need Hayashida Airi. As you all know, I am currently responsible for managing Wake Up, Girls!. Let me cut to the chase. I'm thinking of cutting Hayashida Airi from the group." Kaya: "Hold on! You can't just..." Hayasaka: "I just told you. You're currently under my control. If you're willing to cut Hayashida Airi now, I will continue your lessons. If you can't, you're all fired." Hayasaka: "Give me your decision in ten minutes." Text: "To be continued" Minami: "Yoppi, what does "thanx" mean?" Yoshino: "I think it's a different way of saying "thank you"." Minami: "What about "fishing it up with a girl in Ginza"?" Yoshino: "Minami, where did you learn these words?" Minami: "Maybe I can turn "it's really tasty" into "meow, it's tasty for real real"!" Yoshino: "I don't think that's what it's about..."
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! (Series) Episode 6 – Not Yet", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! (Series)", "6", "Not Yet" ] }
Hayasaka: "In my opinion, Wake Up, Girls! doesn't need Hayashida Airi. As you all know, I am currently responsible for managing Wake Up, Girls!. Let me cut to the chase. I'm thinking of cutting Hayashida Airi from the group." Kaya: "Hold on! You can't just..." Hayasaka: "I just told you. You're currently under my control. If you're willing to cut Hayashida Airi now, I will continue your lessons. If you can't, you're all fired." Hayasaka: "Give me your decision in ten minutes." Matsuda: "Why did you say that?!" Hayasaka: "I simply cast a stone." Matsuda: "What? I'm not interested in discussing Zen riddles with you!" Hayasaka: "Neither am I." Matsuda: "Considering you work with I-1, it's no wonder you think Wake Up, Girls! is terrible. They're hardly professionals," Matsuda: "but they're working through it at their own pace." Matsuda: "If you shake them now when their teamwork isn't solid yet, they..." Tange: "If that's all it takes to crush them, they're not good enough." Matsuda: "President!" Hayasaka: "Lions push their cubs off cliffs and raise only those who climb back up." Hayasaka: "Those who can't climb back up the cliff can't survive in the jungle. But don't expect me to say something so hot-blooded." Hayasaka: "Potatoes can't come climbing back up if you roll them down a hill." Matsuda: "President! Say something!" Miyu: "What should we do?" mi: "There's nothing we can do." Miyu: "Huh? Are you saying we should cut Ai-chan?" mi: "That's not what I said." Kaya: "What should we do, leader?" Yoshino: "What?" mi: "We only have seven minutes left." Miyu: "Should we take a vote?" Kaya: "Without even talking about it?" mi: "But time keeps passing while we talk about it." Miyu: "Yoppi!" Yoshino: "Stop forcing me to make every decision!" Miyu: "Huh? But you're our leader..." Yoshino: "Yeah, but why do I have to make the decision?" Miyu: "We're not asking you to do that." Kaya: "We won't get anywhere like this." mi: "We're running out of time!" Kaya: "You shut up." mi: "But..." Yoshino: "What should I do, then?! Should I decide if we're voting or not?!" Kaya: "It's not like that." Hayasaka: "Honestly speaking, I don't think you have any talent." Hayasaka: "Why are you having fun?" Mayu: "It's almost time." Mayu: "I want Airi to stay." Yoshino: "Does that mean you're okay with everyone being fired?" Miyu: "What?!" Kaya: "Are you saying you'd cut her?" Yoshino: "This must be the difference between us and I-1." mi: "What do you mean?" Yoshino: "We're not sure if we're just playing with our friends or not." mi: "I don't get it." Yoshino: "Because we get upset so easily, we'll be treated like amateurs forever!" Miyu: "Treated like amateurs?" Yoshino: "Isn't it true, though?" Yoshino: "That's why people say Wake Up, Girls! doesn't exist without Shimada Mayu!" Kaya: "You're bringing that up now?" Yoshino: "After all, we're not here to make friends. We're here to become idols." Miyu: "Yoppi's right." mi: "I'm sick of fighting like this!" mi: "I quit. I wanted to go to Hikarizuka in the first place. I was just doing this to improve my skills until then." Miyu: "What? This was just a stepping stone for you?" Kaya: "Your dream or delusion has nothing to do with this." mi: "What are you calling a delusion? Don't call it that!" Miyu: "We're getting off track." Minami: "Stop!" All: "What?" Minami: "I'm so hungry!" mi: "Minami." Kaya: "Here." Mayu: "Yoppi." Mayu: "I'm not sure how to put this, but is that what we're doing?" Yoshino: "What?" Mayu: "You're right that we're here to become idols, but is that what being an idol is about?" Mayu: "I don't think it's Wake Up, Girls! without Airi." Minami: "Yeah. Even the president said the seven of us together make Wake Up, Girls!." Miyu: "You're right. When I ran away, Airi came to get me." Mayu: "I'll bring her back." Mayu: "I'll bring Airi back." Minami: "I'll go with you." Kaya: "So will I." Miyu: "I'll go, too." mi: "Me, too." Yoshino: "No, I'll go. After all, I'm the leader." Yoshino: "Mayushi." Kaya: "This is our decision, right?" All: "What?" Kaya: "We're not abandoning Airi." Miyu: "Yes." Kaya: "Don't you think we're being messed with? I feel like we're being thrown out of order." Kaya: "Besides, he has no right to fire us." Miyu: "But even the president said he had total control over us." Kaya: "Then let's try talking to the president." Miyu: "Yeah." Yoshino: "I can't believe Ai-chan skipped practice without saying anything." Mayu: "Yeah." Yoshino: "Hayasaka-san must have been pretty hard on her." Mayu: "Probably." Yoshino: "You waited for her that day, didn't you? Have you heard anything?" Mayu: "She didn't tell me anything." Yoshino: "She didn't tell you, huh?" Yoshino: "I understand how that feels." Mayu: "Huh?" Announce: "The next stop is Kita-Yobancho." Tange: "I heard." Miyu: "Then you understand what's wrong with what Hayasaka-san is saying, right?" Tange: "What's so wrong about it?" Miyu: "We belong to Green Leaves, don't we? You're the only one who can decide if we're fired." Tange: "Didn't I tell you? I'm leaving it up to Hayasaka-san this time." mi: "I knew this would happen." Kaya: "But we want to keep working as a group of seven with Airi." Matsuda: "You can't smoke in here." Tange: "Aren't you talking to the wrong person?" Kaya: "What?" Tange: "Go confront Hayasaka-san." mi: "So that's your answer." Miyu: "This is getting crazy." Kaya: "I understand. Where is he?" Dad: "What do you want?" Airi: "Huh? I thought I'd help out." Dad: "What brings you here?" Airi: "Huh? The daughter of a confectioner doesn't need a reason to make sweets." Airi: "So this is how you make them." Dad: "You're in the way." Airi: "Isn't there anything I can do to help?" Dad: "No." Dad: "Don't you have your thing today?" Airi: "What?" Dad: "You're always going to your lessons." Dad: "Go line up those sweets." Airi: "Okay." Mom: "Huh?" Mom: "Airi, you're helping around the shop? How unusual." Airi: "Yeah." Mom: "You must be so happy, Dad." Miyu: "Is he really here?" Minami: "Matsuda-san doesn't lie." Minami: "There he is!" Hayasaka: "You won't cut Hayashida Airi, but you want to continue your lessons?" Hayasaka: "Don't you think you're pushing your luck?" Miyu: "You're right." Kaya: "But this is the conclusion we reached after discussing it together. Even the president told us to come talk to you." Hayasaka: "I see." Hayasaka: "You can start by doing what I tell you to do." Minami: "All right!" Hayasaka: "It's still too early to celebrate. Could you go get three of those for me?" Mayu: "Airi..." Airi: "Well? Don't I look good?" Kaya: "Okay, just like that. That was close. We'll get it next time." Miyu: "You've been saying "we'll get it next time" since three tries ago." Kaya: "Shut up!" Miyu: "Stop, stop!" Miyu: "You're too slow!" Kaya: "I told you to shut up!" Mayu: "Um..." Mom: "Here you go." Mom: "Sorry all we ever have is our sweets." Mom: "Oh, Airi made these." Mom: "That's why they look a little funny." Airi: "That's enough, Mom." Mom: "Okay, okay. I'm sorry for bothering you." Mayu: "Listen..." Airi: "I'm thinking of quitting WUG." Airi: "Unlike everyone else, I don't have any talent." Airi: "Even if I keep practicing, I..." Yoshino: "Did Hayasaka-san tell you that?" Airi: "Yeah." Hayasaka: "You're not having any luck." Hayasaka: "What are you going to do?" Kaya: "I'm going to get more change." Minami: "I'll give it a try." Both: "What?" Airi: "I thought I could get somewhere with enough practice, but I can't." Yoshino: "I feel the same way about myself." Airi: "You and I are on different levels." Airi: "I love Wake Up, Girls!." Airi: "When I'm with everyone, I can't help how much fun I'm having." Airi: "Since the audition, I've always thought everyone's so cute. I felt elated." Airi: "I wrongly assumed just being with you made me part of the group." Mayu: "Wrongly assumed?" Airi: "Yeah, I was wrong. Now that I think about it, there's something wrong with me being in the same group as a former I-1 center and someone who's been in magazines." Yoshino: "I don't think that's true." Airi: "It is." Yoshino: "What?" Airi: "It is true." Airi: "After all, I'm the only one who's different." Yoshino: "What?" Airi: "I'm the only one with no presence." Yoshino: "That's not..." Airi: "You don't need to force yourself, Yoppi." Yoshino: "I'm not forcing anything." Airi: "I understand who I am." Mayu: "Why would you say that?" Mayu: "I decided to join WUG and try being an idol again because of you." Airi: "What?" Mayu: "When I heard you were auditioning and we sang and danced together, I realized something." Mayu: "I like doing this kind of thing." Airi: "Because the night is cold, tomorrow... The mic is bothering me, and I can't sing!" Mayu: "Let me see that. Remember this distance between your mouth and the mic." Airi: "Huh." Mayu: "Give it a try." Mayu: "When I was depressed, you appeared blindingly bright." Mayu: "You were shining then." Mayu: "That's how it looked to me." Mayu: "You made me decide to return." Mayu: "So don't say you're quitting." Kaya: "You've got it!" mi: "You can do it!" Miyu: "Just like that!" Minami: "All right!" Miyu: "I got one! Okay, let's get another!" Kaya: "Let's keep up our energy!" All: "Yeah!" Airi: "I'm sorry. I can't do it. I may have been shining then," Airi: "but now I'm just holding everyone back." Yoshino: "So, what?" Airi: "Huh?" Yoshino: "Then let's make sure you don't!" Yoshino: "I'll even help you! At the very least, it's not too late to quit until..." Yoshino: "until after you've tried everything!" Airi: "Yoppi..." Yoshino: "I don't know how I ended up as our leader," Yoshino: "but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do!" Yoshino: "I don't know what I'm doing. Everyone keeps telling me things, and they seem really worried. I even tried organizing everyone's thoughts, but I couldn't even organize my own. When Hayasaka-san told us to decide whether we'd continue our lessons or cut you from the group... everyone kept saying leader, leader, but..." Airi: "So that's what happened." Yoshino: "What?" Airi: "Don't worry about me anymore. I don't want to cause any more trouble." Yoshino: "You said we shouldn't worry on our own!" Yoshino: "You're the one who said we shouldn't worry on our own. Worry with the rest of us, then. Let's think together. If we don't do that, what's the purpose of this group?" Airi: "You can talk to us about anything. We're a group. Let's come up with something together." mi: "You're amazing, Minami!" Miyu: "Airi! Airi!" Both: "Airi! Airi!" All: "Airi! Airi!" Chanting: "Airi!" Hayasaka: "Your time's almost up." Minami: "Hayasaka-san, give us one more chance." Minami: "Prepare yourself, Musubimaru!" Yoshino: "After discussing it, we decided we'd do anything to bring you back! That's why Mayushi and I came here!" Yoshino: "This is my first command as a leader." Yoshino: "Come back, Airi!" All: "All right!" Miyu: "Yes, yes!" Minami: "Yeah!" Minami: "Here." Airi: "Thank you." Yoshino: "It's okay." Airi: "Why are you crying, Yoppi?" Yoshino: "I don't know." Kaya: "Hayasaka has fallen. How are you guys doing?" Mayu: "Fallen?" Mayu: "We're on our way with Airi." Tange: "What?" Tange: "They completed their Musubimaru task, so you changed your mind? Airi's staying on board? Can't you explain so I'll understand?" Matsuda: "What did Hayasaka-san say?" Tange: "As usual, I had no idea what he was saying... In any case, Airi has returned to WUG, and he's going to continue his lessons." Matsuda: "Really?" Tange: "He says he's sick of watching amateur potatoes pretend to be friends, but it seems that's what that weirdo likes about them." Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "It must be because he's worked with I-1 for so long." Airi: "Dad." Airi: "I know I'm in the middle of helping you, but something came up." Airi: "See you later." Dad: "Persistence pays off." Airi: "Huh?" Dad: "I'm saying you can't give up on everything." Dad: "Go do it." Airi: "See you later." Airi: "I'm sorry." Miyu: "Ai-chan..." mi: "Sheesh." Kaya: "Welcome back." Yoshino: "I finally got to say what I wanted to say." Mayu: "Huh?" Yoshino: "I think I understand what Karina-san meant when she said we should fight." Mayu: "Yeah." Yoshino: "Mayushi, if there's anything you want to say..." Airi: "Excuse me..." Hayasaka: "Huh?" Airi: "I-I'll make you acknowledge me someday." Hayasaka: "My acknowledgment won't do you any good." Hayasaka: "You need ordinary people to recognize you. In other words, your audience. Anyway, here." Hayasaka: "It's an application form for the idol festival. You will be entering this." All: "What?!" Text: "To be continued" Airi: "Mayushi, are you friends with Yoppi?" Mayu: "Huh? Where did that come from?" Airi: "It just always seems that way." Mayu: "You think so? We're just ordinary friends." Airi: "I see. That's fine, then." Mayu: "What? That sounded really significant..."
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! (Series) Episode 7 – Wonderful Friends", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! (Series)", "7", "Wonderful Friends" ] }
Hayasaka: "It's an application form for the Idol Festival. You will be entering this." All: "What?!" Hayasaka: "Anyway, master this song. It's your new song, "First Rate Smile." I wrote it for you. If you're going to be singing my songs, the school festival feel you've been bringing won't cut it." Hayasaka: "See you later. Make sure you learn the song by the next time I see you." Matsuda: "An idol festival?" ewbies: "G-Good morning." Shiraki: "Good work on your daily lessons. As you all know, the I-1 Club National 47 Prefecture Love Connection Project will meet its goal of opening a theater in every prefecture by the end of the year." Shiraki: "But it's far too early to relax. The battle is only just beginning. The Idol Festival! This year, you'll face the idol groups across the country you've been" Shiraki: "competing with on I-1's home turf, Tokyo. Those who make it through their local preliminaries will challenge us at the end of the year. Of course, you won't compete with them directly. However, standing on the same stage with them is the same as battling them." Shiraki: "You will engage them, take them down, and crush them to smithereens!" Shiraki: "Oh, and numbers 1135, 1136, and 1137." Girls: "Y-Yes!" Shiraki: "You greeted me just now when I entered the room." Girls: "Yes!" Shiraki: "Are you stupid?" Shiraki: "Listen carefully. The battlefield extends beyond the stage. It even applies to your lessons. Let your guard down even a little, and you're finished. Once you stand here, pay no attention to anything else. Focus solely on your singing and dancing. Nothing captures the hearts of fans more than focus." Girls: "We're sorry!" Shiraki: "There are no second chances." Shiraki: "Anyway, it's time for the usual announcements. 189, 490, 795, 864, 1003, and 1129. Good bye to the six of you. Don't come back, starting tomorrow." Shiraki: "In this age of warring idols, we must protect our position of power. Let us conclude this day by singing the necessary attributes of a popular idol together." Shiraki: "Don't rest! Don't complain! Don't think!" Girls: "Don't rest! Don't complain! Don't think!" Shiraki: "Always gratitude!" Girls: "Always gratitude!" Mayu: "I think I can finally like idols." Shiho: "Mai, let's do it one more time." Mai: "Okay." Mai: "Let's practice our basics one more time!" All: "Yes!" Shiho: "What? Hayasaka-san is?" Reina: "Yeah. I heard he's producing that Sendai group Shimada Mayu's in." Moeka: "They must be amazing if Hayasaka-san has his eye on them. But isn't Wake Up, Girls! from a really small and weak agency? I'm surprised they could afford him." Tina: "It's not like that. Hayasaka-san is the one who was interested in them." Moeka: "Really? Go figure." Mai: "Should you be impressed?" Tina: "During our opening concert in Sendai, he went to see a Wake Up, Girls! concert and asked to produce them... For free, if you'd believe it." Reina: "You're kidding! That money-grubber?" Mai: "It must not be about the money." Mai: "But what's Shiraki-san going to do?" Shiraki: "There are some parts that bother me, but it's mostly okay." Hayasaka: "I see." Shiraki: "Anyway, how is Wake Up, Girls! doing?" Hayasaka: "Oh? You already heard about that?" Shiraki: "Long ago. Even my girls know about it." Hayasaka: "How terrifying. The walls have ears, and the doors have eyes." Shiraki: "Well, you can't have too many rivals. If you're always leading the pack, your times will never improve. It's the blues of being the top runner." Hayasaka: "I thought you'd say that." Shiraki: "Shimada Mayu is good, isn't she?" Hayasaka: "What? Oh, it's certainly no wonder she was I-1's first center." Shiraki: "If she pulls the other amateur members along, Wake Up, Girls! might end up being an interesting group." Hayasaka: "I don't know about that. Do you really think she can do that? Anyway, the Idol Festival is excited by the simple fact of Shimada Mayu's participation. Isn't that good news for you?" Shiraki: "I suppose." Shiraki: "Let's just say I'm doing Wake Up, Girls! a favor by sending you." Hayasaka: "A favor? That's some favor you're doing for them." Miyu: "Is this for real? It's amazing!" Matsuda: "Yeah. Apparently, idols from all over Japan gather and compete to be the best." Matsuda: "It started three years ago." Minami: "It's like the Local Mascot Contest." Miyu: "Don't compare this to that." Minami: "Don't make fun of local mascots." Matsuda: "The winners of each region get to participate in the finals held at the end of the year in the I-1 Arena!" Yoshino: "What? You mean that I-1 Arena?" Kaya: "Isn't that amazing?" Miyu: "It's like a super version of the most amazing thing you can think of. It's super-duper amazing. It's the holy ground of idols." Kaya: "What?" Matsuda: "And the winner gets a contract with Queen Records!" Airi: "You mean that Queen Records?" Miyu: "It's practically a Cinderella story! I'm so excited!" Matsuda: "If we can make our break here, we'll be able to pay off the rest of our debts!" Tange: "I found the perfect place. It'd be just right for our new office building. I'm going to go check it out." Matsuda: "Huh? What? President?" Miyu: "She's being a little hasty." Matsuda: "I was just speaking hypothetically if we won." Airi: "We can do it." Airi: "Only if I do my best, though." Airi: "But I will do my best." Mayu: "Let's give it a try." Kaya: "Yeah." Miyu: "They do say participating bears great significance." Kaya: "That's what they say about the Olympics." Minami: "Tokyo has hosted the Olympics before." Kaya: "Yeah, sure. Whatever." Matsuda: "Hayasaka-san's busy with I-1 performances for a few weeks, so he won't be able to come here." Matsuda: "The official word is you should master this song by your next lesson. He gave us the choreography, too. I spoke with your dance instructor so you can begin practicing right away. Learn the choreography by tomorrow." All: "Okay!" Yoshino: "Do you girls have a minute?" All: "What?" Yoshino: "Do you want to go get something to eat?" Miyu: "Sure, but you don't usually invite everyone out." Yoshino: "You think so? Deepening our friendship isn't so bad once in a while, right? If you still don't want to go, I'd be willing to pay." Minami: "Let's go. Where do you want to go?" Miyu: "Should we go to my workplace?" Kaya: "That place is too expensive." Miyu: "But you have my discount." Kaya: "I don't know what you're talking about." Minami: "What about the pancake house we covered before?" Mayu: "Oh, "Honeybee"?" Minami: "Yeah. They've even got ten-layer pancakes. They're really good." Yoshino: "Let's go there, then." mi: "I need to talk to Matsuda-san. I'll catch up later." Matsuda: "What? With me?" mi: "Yes." Yoshino: "We'll go on ahead, then, Nanami." Minami: "We'll be waiting for you, Nanami." mi: "Okay." Yoshino: "Anyway, this song seems difficult." Yoshino: "We'll be practicing like crazy, starting tomorrow." Kaya: "We need to put something together by the time he comes back." Miyu: "That's right. Let's surprise him with our progress." Matsuda: "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Matsuda: "This is..." Matsuda: "Now that I think of it, you mentioned this during your audition." mi: "Yes. They're the entrance requirements for Hikarizuka. I'm thinking I should start focusing on studying for the entrance exam soon." Matsuda: "What? But..." mi: "The entrance exam is next spring. I had always intended to stop working with WUG by then." Matsuda: "Huh? What? What?!" mi: "Anyway, I won't be able to participate in the Idol Festival." Matsuda: "What? What?!" mi: "I'm sorry. Anyway, I hope you understand." Matsuda: "What?" mi: "Excuse me." Matsuda: "Hey, wait..." Matsuda: "Um..." Matsuda: "What am I going to do?" Matsuda: "Nanami!" Matsuda: "President?" Tange: "What? What's with the slack expression?" Matsuda: "That's not important! It's an emergency!" Tange: "What?" Boss: "Minami-chan, it's been a while." Boss: "After you came, we were covered by a bunch of other places. It's all because you made the food look so good." Minami: "But the food really is good." Boss: "Today, we even have people from I-1 coming to cover the place." Minami: "What?" Boss: "They should be arriving soon." Both: "Hello!" Boss: "Welcome." Manager: "Thank you for having us today. I'm their manager, Machida." ka: "What are you doing here, Mayu?" Manager: "Nice to meet you." Boss: "It's nice to meet you, too." ka: "Should we address it to Honeybee?" Minami: "Oh, well. Just when I thought we'd established a place for WUG fans..." Kaya: "It feels like I-1 stole it right out from under us." Miyu: "We can't help it. They have theaters operating all over the country." Minami: "But we're the ones who get to live in the area and come here all the time." Miyu: "Whoa! The I-1 center is coming this way!" Shiho: "Hayasaka-san is strict, isn't he?" Mayu: "Huh?" Mayu: "Yeah, he is." Shiho: "But he's not interested in hopeless individuals." mi: "Thanks for waiting." Miyu: "Look at that." mi: "What's going on?" Kaya: "She wanted to talk about something and dragged her away." Miyu: "What are they talking about?" Airi: "Their past, maybe?" Miyu: "Mayushi, you're as cute as ever. But, Shihocchi, your skin is so smooth. Like that?" Kaya: "No way." Minami: "I wonder if Mayushi's okay." Kaya: "I'll handle it, if I have to." Miyu: "What are you? A hit man?" Shiho: "I heard you're participating in the Idol Festival, too." Mayu: "Yeah." Shiho: "Don't forget you used to be part of I-1." Mayu: "What?" Shiho: "If you're just going to produce embarrassing results, it's better not to participate at all. You'll damage I-1's reputation." Shiho: "If you're coming, bring everything you have. I'll crush you will all I've got." Shiho: "Thank you for today." Boss: "No. Thank you. Please come again." Miyu: "Are you all right?" Airi: "Did she say anything mean?" Yoshino: "What did she say to you?" Mayu: "It wasn't anything special." Minami: "Our pancakes are getting cold over there. Poor pancakes." Mayu: "You're right. Sorry." Ota: "I can't help that WUG is compared to I-1 and criticized with Mayushi in their roster. However, I hope WUG ignores such comments and grows in their own way at their own pace." Kaya: "Regional preliminary idol predictions?" Miyu: "Hokkaido's Puchi Marimo, Nagoya's Akamiso All-stars, and Osaka's Team Cheetah are sure things. However, everyone's focused on the dark horse, former I-1 center's Wake Up, Girls!..." Miyu: "It wouldn't be impossible for us to win!" Minami: "To win? Let me see that!" Airi: "Me, too!" Miyu: "If we win, we'll make our mainstream debut. It'll be our big break." Airi: "We'll be on the covers of all kinds of magazines." Minami: "We might even appear on music shows on Tokyo TV stations." All: "And at the end of the year, the Red vs. White Concert..." Miyu: "We've got to do it! WUG's time is coming!" Dance: "You have a basic grasp of the choreography, right?" All: "Yes!" Dance: "Give it a try, then." All: "Okay!" Dance: "That's all for today. Fix your problem areas by tomorrow." All: "Okay! Thank you very much!" Airi: "1, 2, 3, 4... 5, 6, 7, 8." Mayu: "You're not accenting your movements. It's like this. 1, 2, 3, 4... 5, 6, 7, 8." Airi: "Okay." Mayu: "Give it another try." Airi: "Okay." Airi: "1, 2, 3, 4... Huh?" Mayu: "That's not it. Watch carefully. 1, 2, 3, 4... 5, 6, 7, 8." Airi: "Okay. 1, 2, 3, 4..." Mayu: "That's not right!" Airi: "I'm sorry." Minami: "I'm out." Kaya: "I'm thirsty, too. Do you want me to get some for you?" Minami: "Sure." Minami: "Why don't you two take a break, too?" Mayu: "But we need to practice a little more." Yoshino: "Don't you think you're working too hard?" Mayu: "When I was part of I-1, we practiced more." Yoshino: "Why would you say that?" Airi: "It's okay. I asked Mayu to teach me." Yoshino: "It's late. Why don't you stop for today and pick things up tomorrow?" Airi: "I'm going to stay and keep practicing. You girls can go ahead." Airi: "Mayushi, I hope you'll teach me again tomorrow." mi: "I'll stay, too." Airi: "Huh?" Yoshino: "Do you want to stop by Honeybee again today?" Miyu: "Sounds good." Minami: "I'm hungry. What about you, Mayushi." Mayu: "I'm going home." Airi: "1, 2, 3, 4... 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4... 5, 6, 7, 8." Airi: "1, 2, 3, 4... 1, 2, 3, 4... 5, 6, 7, 8." Airi: "What do you think?" mi: "You're most of the way there. But you need to stick your heel out farther for the last part, like this." Airi: "Okay. Like this?" mi: "Yeah, that's it." Airi: "You know, you don't usually stay late." mi: "Huh? Oh, yeah..." Airi: "What a difficult song. I need to practice more. You're lucky you can do it properly. I need to work even harder." Airi: "I don't want to hold everyone back anymore." mi: "Can I ask you something?" Airi: "What?" mi: "How can you work so hard?" Airi: "Huh?" Airi: "Because I've been given this chance." Yoshino: "After discussing it, we decided we'd do anything to bring you back!" Airi: "I don't want to let them down, and I don't want to run away." mi: "Huh..." Airi: "Since I was little I've never been good at anything I've tried. I could never keep anything up. I always ended up quitting right away." Airi: "But after everything that happened, I gave it some thought. I decided I wanted to change who I am. That's why I auditioned for WUG. I decided that if I got in, I'd do my best instead of running, for once in my life, but..." Airi: "But nothing changed." Airi: "I was still holding everyone back." Airi: "I ran away." Airi: "I knew that wasn't good enough, but my feelings were half-hearted." mi: "Half-hearted..." Airi: "I'm a huge WUG fan. I really love them. I don't think I could love anything more." Airi: "That's why I wanted to be a proper member instead of just a fan." Airi: "Right now, my head's full of thoughts about the Idol Festival. I'll do anything to win." mi: "I see." Hayasaka: "Okay, stop." Hayasaka: "You're barely scoring twenty points." Kaya: "But we're doing our best." Hayasaka: "Doing your best? What?" Hayasaka: "That's normal! Everyone's working hard! What's important is producing results! In order to do that, you need to work two, three, four, ten, a hundred times harder than everyone else! How many hours did you practice this week?" Yoshino: "A little more than twenty, I think." Hayasaka: "So few! That's not nearly enough! That's not even half the time I-1 practiced!" Hayasaka: "Well, it's not as though just practicing for more hours is enough. You have to work a hundred times as hard and produce a thousand times the results. See you next week." Hayasaka: "At this rate, you won't make it out of the preliminaries." Kaya: "He didn't have to put it that way." Miyu: "Do you think it's impossible, after all?" Yoshino: "That can't be true." Minami: "He said we didn't practice half as much as I-1." Minami: "That means we're not practicing nearly enough." Yoshino: "Let's call it quits for today and..." Mayu: "Wait, Yoppi." Mayu: "I do think we don't practice enough." Mayu: "Like Hayasaka-san said, I-1's lessons aren't nearly this easy." Mayu: "We should practice more effectively and more earnestly. At this rate, I really do think our chances in the preliminaries are shady. We should review everything from our lesson plans to the time we spend." Yoshino: "Mayushi, you're just flustered." Mayu: "Of course I am!" Mayu: "I'm saying these half-hearted practices aren't good enough." Mayu: "We can't beat the I-1 Club like this!" Yoshino: "What?" Yoshino: "Why do you keep bringing them up? The I-1 Club has nothing to do with us! I don't know what the I-1 center said to you, but you said you were working with WUG to make yourself happy. Does that mean beating the I-1 Club? I don't know why you quit I-1, but why do you have to drag us into it?" Mayu: "That's not what I meant." Yoshino: "What, then? You're always dodging our questions when it comes to this!" Matsuda: "Huh? What's going on?" Yoshino: "Why did you quit? Why don't you just tell us the truth already?" Kaya: "Hey!" Mayu: "That has nothing to do with this!" Yoshino: "It does!" Kaya: "Stop!" Airi: "Mayu!" Matsuda: "Mayu?" Tange: "An overnight trip?" Matsuda: "Yes, Kaya suggested it." Matsuda: "But is it really all right to go under those conditions?" Tange: "It'd be good for them to let off some steam. For real, this time." Matsuda: "President, the group is in danger of collapsing!" Text: "To be continued" Minami: "Kayatan, you're the sub-leader, right?" Kaya: "That's right." Minami: "What does the sub-leader do?" Kaya: "What do I do? I guess I support Yoppi." Manami: "It doesn't mean you're the leader of the sub, right?" Kaya: "Yeah, I don't know what that means."
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! (Series) Episode 8 – Commotion", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! (Series)", "8", "Commotion" ] }
Tange: "An overnight trip, huh?" Matsuda: "Yes." Tv: "VSP's stock price is..." Tange: "How unusual for Kaya to make a suggestion." Tv: "What huge mushrooms!" Matsuda: "Apparently, they want to eat from the same pot," Tv: "Those look delicious! By the way, I haven't had these mushrooms in five years!" Matsuda: "have fried saury, raw saury, and saury dumplings," Tv: "After all, they're expensive!" Matsuda: "and have an honest talk with each other." Matsuda: "That's why they want to go to Kesennuma." Tv: "Hey, Catherine. I can't have you featuring just the mushrooms. I've got lots of delicious things besides mushrooms like bonito," Tange: "Do they want to go to Kesennuma for the saury?" Matsuda: "Yes." Tv: "salmon, chestnuts, and persimmons." Matsuda: "Also, Kaya's aunt runs an inn in Kesennuma" Tv: "I know that, Steven." Matsuda: "and will let them stay for cheap." Tv: "Which is your favorite? What's my favorite?" Tange: "Oh, really? That sounds good." Tv: "You, of course." Matsuda: "But President, don't you understand?" Tv: "Oh, you're always so crazy." Tange: "What perfect timing. Saury's in season." Tv: "Anyway, the king of fall flavors is saury." Matsuda: "That's not what I meant." Tange: "Matsuda, we'll go with them. Find some tickets." Matsuda: "Understood." Tange: "Oh, and you'll pay for your own." Matsuda: "What?!" Tange: "By the way, what happened with Nanami?" Matsuda: "I haven't talked to her since then." Tange: "Sheesh... We need to do something about her, too." Kazuko: "Kaya-chan, welcome home." Kaya: "I'm back." Kazuko: "I'm so glad you're here." Kaya: "Sorry." Kazuko: "Are these them?" Kaya: "Yeah." Wug: "Nice to meet you!" Tange: "Thank you for having us." Matsuda: "Thank you for accommodating so many." Kazuko: "No, thank you for looking after Kaya-chan. Come on in." Kazuko: "Hasn't the city become beautiful?" Kaya: "Yeah." Kazuko: "This year's saury is really good." Kaya: "I look forward to it." Minami: "Saury!" Miyu: "Minami, you're drooling!" Matsuda: "But we're not here to play! Let's go jogging before dinner!" Wug: "What?" Miyu: "You're so mean..." Kazuko: "But won't it make dinner taste even better?" Mayu: "Kaya, are you okay?" Kaya: "My shoelace..." Kaya: "It really has improved." Mayu: "What?" Kaya: "My aunt's right. The city has gotten a lot better." Mayu: "Has it been a while since you were last here?" Kaya: "Yeah. It's my first time since then." Mayu: "I see. I was in Tokyo then, so..." Kaya: "Right." Kaya: "When I was little, I lost my parents. My aunt was my mother." Mayu: "I see." Kaya: "I caused her a lot of worry." Minami: "Hey! Are you guys okay?" Kaya: "Sorry! We'll be right there!" All: "Thanks for the food!" Minami: "Saury!" Minami: "It's really tasty, meow!" Minami: "Kayatan, that's amazing." Kazuko: "Kaya-chan has loved saury since she was little." Minami: "Really? Lucky." Miyu: "Yoppi, don't tell me you don't like saury." Kaya: "I can't believe you don't like saury." Airi: "Have you even tried it?" Miyu: "You're such a little kid." Yoshino: "I just have to eat it, right?" Kaya: "You're supposed to squeeze some citrus and put grated white radish on it." Yoshino: "I know that." Yoshino: "It's good." Kaya: "Isn't it?" Minami: "Does saury make your breasts bigger?" Miyu: "Oh, I see. Kayatan, you've liked saury since you were little, right?" Minami: "It must be." Kaya: "Saury has nothing to do with it." Minami: "By the way, where's the president?" Manager: "This is on the house." Tange: "Oh, don't worry about me. Just because I'm a woman traveling through the north, it doesn't necessarily mean that." Manager: "Well, but..." Tange: "Anyway, it's the opposite. Lately, coming north gives me energy." Tange: "Thanks for the food. Here's your money. Keep the change." Manager: "You're a thousand yen short." Tange: "Oh..." Manager: "Thank you very much." Tange: "Now, let's see how these girls will get themselves out of this predicament." Mayu: "What's wrong?" Kaya: "Nothing. You're really into this." Mayu: "Yeah, I run every day." Kaya: "I see." Mayu: "I wasn't sure what would happen then," Mayu: "but everyone's stronger than I expected." Kaya: "Can I tell you a secret?" Mayu: "What?" Mayu: "Can I read it?" Kaya: "Yeah." Mayu: "Kaya-chan, how are you? A buoy with a Shoutoumaru mark washed up in Alaska. We decided to take it. Anyway, Kaya-chan, why don't you come home?" Mayu: "What is this?" Kaya: "I got that letter from my aunt last year." Kaya: "Three years ago, I lost many important things." Kaya: "Living here became really difficult." Kaya: "I ran away to Sendai." Kaya: "Anyway, I still couldn't go home, even after receiving that letter." Kaya: "I couldn't make the decision to return for so long." Kaya: "In the end, I idled around in Sendai. I didn't know what to do. Then I happened to see it." Kaya: "I thought I'd apply." Kaya: "I started on a whim. I thought I'd work and have fun, and if it got boring, I'd quit on a whim." Kaya: "But it slowly stopped being that way. With everything that's happened, it's just not fun, anymore." Kaya: "I've had frustrating and difficult experiences, too. And then I remembered something from my past." Kaya: "I lost again!" Boy: "You're so weak!" Kaya: "Why are you so strong?" Boy: "I was sick of losing to my grandpa and dad all the time. While trying over and over, I gradually got stronger. These days, I can almost beat my dad." Kaya: "Really?" Boy: "You should keep challenging people stronger than yourself, too. It'll make you stronger." Kaya: "Okay! Let's do it again!" Boy: "Sure!" Kaya: "I kept trying after that. By the end, I had improved enough to beat him a lot of the time." Kaya: "That's why I can't walk away after losing to strong opponents." Kaya: "I don't think Wake Up, Girls! can end like this, either." Kaya: "I feel like I finally found something I can work toward. That's why I felt like I could return to the city I'd been running from." Kaya: "But I couldn't do it alone, so I had everyone come with me." Mayu: "I see." Kaya: "I don't know how that little buoy made its way to Alaska, but I felt like it was telling me to keep trying." Kaya: "I want to work hard for those who can't." Kaya: "That's how I feel now." Kaya: "This is my secret. Sorry. I know that wasn't like me." Mayu: "It's okay." Miyu: "I can't hear what they're saying. Let's get a little closer." Minami: "They'll notice." Airi: "Quiet." Kaya: "Now it's your turn." Mayu: "What?" Kaya: "Don't you think it's time to tell us?" Kaya: "Remember what you said?" Mayu: "Huh?" Mayu: "I want to make myself happy." Kaya: "What did that mean?" Mayu: "There's something I've always thought." Mayu: "There are three different ways to make someone happy." Kaya: "What?" Mayu: "Yeah... First, there are those who can make lots of people around the world happy." Mayu: "Then there are people who can make the people around them happy. Finally," Mayu: "there are those who can make themselves happy. I haven't made the people of the world or the ones around me happy," Mayu: "so I, at least, want to make myself happy." Kaya: "I want to make myself happy, too." Kaya: "For those who couldn't do it themselves." Kaya: "So, did you do it?" Kaya: "Does that have something to do with the reason you quit I-1?" Kaya: "Everyone's worried about you." Mayu: "It's a long story." Kaya: "Okay." Mayu: "I joined I-1 when I was 12." Mayu: "For two years after that, I worked desperately hard." Shiraki: "You are the first generation of the I-1 Club." Shiraki: "You are the elite who were accepted out of ten thousand applicants. Don't forget. Starting today, you are an idol first and a human being second." Shiraki: "Make sure you understand that." All: "Yes, sir!" Mayu: "At first, it was fun." Mayu: "Everything I saw and heard was so new." Mayu: "I made new discoveries every day." Mayu: "But eventually..." Mayu: "I felt restricted by the harsh rules. It became harder and harder to breathe. I felt restricted and constrained." Mayu: "But because becoming an idol was my dream, I kept working hard." Shiraki: "Starting tomorrow, the following individuals do not need to come." Shiraki: "Number 16." Mai: "I heard some pictures she took with a male friend got out." Shiraki: "Number 23." Shiraki: "Starting tomorrow, you don't need to come." Shiraki: "Number 37." Shiraki: "Starting tomorrow, you don't need to come." Shiraki: "Number 5, starting tomorrow, you don't need to come." Mayu: "Serika?" Serika: "I don't want to quit!" Shiraki: "What?" Serika: "I don't want to quit!" Shiraki: "Why did you break the rules, then? I'm always telling you romantic relationships are forbidden." Serika: "Why can't we love?" Serika: "I've never neglected my work because of love!" Serika: "I'm practicing my singing and dancing!" Shiraki: "That doesn't matter." Mayu: "Um... We worked hard together to get here. I think it was wrong of Serika to break the rules, but please." Mayu: "Please don't make her quit!" Shiraki: "Number 3... Your name is Shimada-kun, isn't it? You don't understand at all." Mayu: "What?" Shiraki: "You're only allowed to love your fans. If you show even a hint of love with someone else, in that moment, you stop being an idol." Shiraki: "In other words, you're a piece of subhuman trash." Shiraki: "Such an existence is not necessary in I-1." Mayu: "Don't talk about Serika like that!" Shiraki: "I am very familiar with how good you are." Shiraki: "That's why I chose you to be I-1's center. Fortunately, all the singles we've produced since you became the center have reached the top of weekly charts." Shiraki: "Are you sure you don't mistakenly believe you did that all yourself?" Shiraki: "Learn your place." Shiraki: "We will be releasing two singles simultaneously next. You will be the center of one. Number 2 will be the center of the other." Mayu: "Shihocchi?" Shiraki: "If your sales are better, I will overlook this. However, if number 2's sales are better, you will be fired." Mayu: "You can't..." Shiraki: "Shouldn't you be prepared for such consequences when you complain to your employer?" Mayu: "I understand." Shiraki: "I'm always telling you girls. You're an idol first and a human being second." Mayu: "No... We are people first." Shiraki: "We will be releasing two singles simultaneously next." Mother: "What do you mean? Why? Aren't you the one who said you wanted to do it? Why would you go and do that?" Mayu: "But Serika..." Mother: "Who cares about anyone else? What are you going to do if you get fired?" Mayu: "I'll do my best to place first." Mother: "Do you really think you can do it?" Mother: "I can't believe you made Shiraki-san angry... There are some things you can't accomplish with hard work alone!" Mayu: "Mom?" Mother: "I sacrificed everything for you... This is all your fault!" Kaya: "I don't believe it. Didn't..." Mayu: "Shiho's single topped the weekly charts." Kaya: "They did it to trap you." Mayu: "Yeah. I caused trouble for my dad, too." Kaya: "That's rough." Mayu: "In the end, because of my work in the entertainment industry, my parents got divorced. I was fired from I-1." Mayu: "I returned to my mother's home in Sendai." Mayu: "I've been running, too." Mayu: "But I can't give up singing and dancing." Mayu: "That's why I wanted to give it another try." Kaya: "I see." Mayu: "I'd be lying if I said I didn't hold a grudge against I-1." Mayu: "I've been traumatized by the entertainment industry, too. But since meeting President Tange, Matsuda-san, and everyone in Wake Up, Girls!..." Mayu: "I want to overcome that. No, I believe I can overcome that. After all, I've learned a lot of things I didn't know when I was in I-1." Mayu: "I hope you'll support us!" Minami: "This will make Grandma Isokawa happier." Kaya: "You looked like you wanted to join us. Come on, then. Let's do it." mi: "If you could tell us what we did wrong, we'd appreciate it." Airi: "I'll do my best." Yoshino: "Come back, Airi!" Mayu: "That's why I wanted to stand on the stage again with everyone from Green Leaves." Mayu: "I felt like I was going nowhere." Kaya: "I see how it is now." Mayu: "I finally believe I'm here to make myself happy." Kaya: "You should tell everyone that. They're really worried about you." Mayu: "What?" Mayu: "Yoppi..." Mayu: "I'm sorry for not telling you." Mayu: "My stubbornness must have been a nuisance." Mayu: "I'm really sorry." Yoshino: "It's okay. I'm sorry." Yoshino: "I said too much." Yoshino: "I may not be much of a leader, but I'm doing my best, too." Yoshino: "So talk to me." Yoshino: "I want you to talk to me." Mayu: "Yeah, I understand." Mayu: "I know." mi: "Oh, come on!" Mayu: "What's gotten into you?" mi: "This perfect two-shot! I can't have you speaking so honestly with each other!" mi: "I'm going to stop with the half-measures, too!" Minami: "Nanami, I've been wondering for a while now, but what is that?" Miyu: "Huh? What?" Miyu: "What?!" mi: "I, Hisami Nanami, declare my intention to work wholeheartedly for Wake Up, Girls!" Minami: "Hikari... Music... What is this?" Miyu: "Huh? The Hikarizuka entrance requirements? Does this mean you're not applying?" mi: "Not this time. In any case, I'm going to focus on the Idol Festival." Airi: "What? You are?" mi: "I made my decision." Minami: "You're on fire, Nanami." mi: "Now that that's decided, Ai-chan, you'll have to train hard." Airi: "Who? Me?" mi: "Your dancing. Honestly speaking, what you showed me the other day was completely wrong." Airi: "What?!" Minami: "You shouldn't litter." Airi: "Nanami, why did you have to scatter the pieces?" mi: "Sorry about that. I couldn't help myself." Minami: "Nanami, you got some in the ocean." mi: "Oh, fine. I'll pick it up..." Yoshino: "Watch out!" Matsdua: "Why are you making so much noise so early in the morning?" Matsuda: "You can't be serious..." Minami: "It's so cramped!" Yoshino: "You need to warm up." Matsuda: "Sheesh..." Tange: "Well, who cares?" Matsuda: "What are they going to do if they catch a cold? They have no self-awareness!" Tange: "I suppose... But I'm glad we came." Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "People who didn't know each other until the group formed are somehow moving towards a common goal. They're a group of people with different styles of thinking, past experiences, and dreams for the future." Tange: "But now they have to face the wall that's in front of them together." Tange: "Idols truly are mysterious..." Text: "To be continued" Miyu: "I think I'm too ambitious." Yoshino: "Is that right?" Miyu: "I want to be the best idol I can be." Yoshino: "The best, huh?" Miyu: "Send your encouragement to me, Miyu, the top idol candidate!" Yoshino: "Don't use our broadcast to make personal announcements!"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! (Series) Episode 9 – Living Here", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! (Series)", "9", "Living Here" ] }
Mayu: "I believe there are three ways to make people happy." Mc: "This is the I-1 Club!" Audience: "I! I! I-1 Club! I! I! I-1 Club! I! I!" Mayu: "There are those who make many people happy throughout the world." Audience: "I-1 Club!" Mayu: "Those who make those around themselves happy. And those" Mayu: "who make themselves happy." Mai: "Harder than anyone! More beautiful than anyone! More precise than anyone! I-1 Club, let's go!" All: "Yeah!" Text: "It is the Age of Warring Idols July 2013 Sendai" Tange: "What?!" Tange: "You can't come, starting tomorrow?!" Tange: "Are you betraying me? How do you think you became so successful?" Tange: "That's enough! I don't want to hear it! Go wherever you want, bitch!" Matsuda: "Is Sapphire Reiko-san quitting?" Tange: "I fired her! For crying out loud... Everyone's going to Tokyo! It makes me laugh that they think they can make money in that disgusting city! I hope they face reality and sell their bodies!" Matsuda: "What are we going to do now?" Tange: "What do you mean, "What are we going to do now?" We just have to find the next one!" Tange: "This..." Matsuda: "The I-1 Club is great, isn't it? Not only are they idols that represent Japan, they're supporting the Japanese entertainment industry." Matsuda: "Even though we're in a recession, they draw crowds. All their singles sell in the millions. People line up for their concerts, hoping someone else will cancel. Given how well they sell, I wonder how much President Shiraki makes in royalties." Tange: "It stinks." Tange: "It freaking stinks." Matsuda: "Huh? President, do you not like coffee?" Tange: "What are you talking about? This is it!" Tange: "It freaking stinks of money!" Matsuda: "I see..." Tange: "Matsuda, we'll do it! We're going to make idols!" Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "This'll definitely work! We're experiencing an idol boom! It's sure to work!" Matsuda: "It won't work in Sendai." Tange: "Shut up! Nothing ventured, nothing gained! You're a disgrace to the Date Clan!" Matsuda: "But I'm not a warrior..." Tange: "If I say we're doing something, we're doing it! Go find some pretty girls, you insect!" Matsuda: "What? Now?" Tange: "Yes! Find some golden eggs... No, some golden girls! Got it?" Matsuda: "This again." Matsuda: "She always decides things on a whim and is irresponsible and pushy." Matsuda: "This is why our clients quit." Matsuda: "Maybe I'll quit soon..." Girls: "I wanted to watch, too. You weren't watching? No. What a waste." Matsuda: "In any case..." Matsuda: "Hey, you." Matsuda: "Do you girls want to be idols? I'm a manager at a talent agency." Matsuda: "My name's..." Matsuda: "Right." Kaya: "Sorry to keep you waiting." Matsuda: "Excuse me." Kaya: "Huh?" Matsuda: "Do you want to be an..." Matsuda: "Never mind. Nothing." Matsuda: "This isn't how I imagine idols." Tange: "It's important that they're sexy, too. Go on." Matsuda: "Excuse me..." Woman: "Welcome!" Matsuda: "Um... Are you interested in becoming an idol?" Woman: "Huh? What?" Matsuda: "I work for a talent agency called Green Leaves..." Man: "Hey, buddy. You've got some guts. Are you trying to steal my girls right outside my store?" Matsuda: "No, that's not what I'm..." Man: "Why don't we talk inside?" Matsuda: "No, it's not like that!" Man: "I know what I saw!" Man: "Hey, stop!" Matsuda: "It's not like that!" Tange: "What an idiot." Girl A: "You're Shimada Mayu?" Girl B: "You were an idol until recently, right? A lot of girls in our class know who you are." Girl C: "Why did you quit? Did you have trouble with boys?" Girl A: "Did you know you're known as the "Fallen Idol" at school? If you don't explain yourself, the rumors will only escalate." Girl B: "Tell us. We'll protect you." Girl B: "She can't tell us." Girl C: "What a shame." Matsuda: "You promise?" Miyu: "Yes." Matsuda: "You can't change your mind later." Miyu: "It's okay. Anyway, why would I quit? I'd never do that. You have to believe me." Matsuda: "Here's your entry sheet." Miyu: "Here, you can have this." Matsuda: "Huh?" Miyu: "Come to our store. Make sure you ask for me. Twenty more points, and I'll get a raise." Matsuda: "I see..." Miyu: "I've always wanted to be an idol. I even thought about leaving Sendai and auditioning for the I-1 Club... but I can't save enough money to go to Tokyo." Miyu: "I don't have a winning personality, either." Matsuda: "You're right." Miyu: "Huh? What?! You really think so? You don't think I can be an idol?" Matsuda: "No, it's not like that." m: "Name Hisami Nanami" Tange: "Hisami Nanami, 13 years old." mi: "I've been interested in performing since I was young. I've taken singing, dancing, and acting lessons. I would like to audition to test my abilities." Tange: "Hayashida Airi, 16 years old." Airi: "I don't have any confidence, but... See you later." Mother: "Huh? You're going out?" Airi: "I wanted to give it a try. Yeah, to a friend's. I've never sung or danced before," m: "Name Hayashida Airi" Airi: "but thank you for letting me audition." Tange: "Kikuma Kaya, 18 years old." Boss: "You're kidding, right? I can't believe you slapped a customer for touching your ass a little." Kaya: "I decided to audition after seeing a magazine at work." Boss: "Hey! Those are my boots!" Kaya: "I want to change who I am, so I want to give it a shot." m: "Name Kikuma Kaya" Kaya: "That's all." Matsuda: "Here's the girl I scouted." Tange: "Okamoto Miyu, 17 years old." Miyu: "I'll snatch everyone's hearts with my pretty aura!" Miyu: "I'll put a stomach hold on your heart!" Miyu: "I'm the nurturing, crybaby angel, Okamoto Miyu! Moe! Moe! Pretty! Pretty!" m: "Name Okamoto Miyu" Miyu: "I will become an idol!" Matsuda: "What do you think?" Tange: "Her use of "stomach hold" is weird." Matsuda: "Right..." Tange: "Well, whatever. Let's include her. I scouted two other girls, too." Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "Nanase Yoshino, 16 years old." m: "Name Nanase Yoshino" Matsuda: "She looks familiar." Tange: "You still don't have the eye for this. She's well-known locally. She used to be a child actor, and now she's a model. She's even on local commercials. You know, "Yan-yan-ya-yan, Yanagiyama"..." Matsuda: "Oh, that." Tange: "She made it to the end of the regional group in last year's Japan Girls' Collection, but didn't make it all the way. Despite her confidence, she fell flat on her face. It must have been disappointing for her. Everyone wants to go to Tokyo, but there's no way someone who can't win in Sendai will make it nationally." Tange: "You have to win here first." Tange: "It's not too late to try after that." Cameraman: "Excuse me..." Tange: "Well? What do you think?" Yoshino: "Do I have to respond now?" Cameraman: "Excuse me." Tange: "I think you already know your answer." Cameraman: "Excuse me!" Tange: "What?!" Cameraman: "You can't smoke here!" m: "Name Nanase Yoshino" Matsuda: "She failed? Just how competitive is the Japan Girls' Collection?" Tange: "Regret and defeat make people grow." Tange: "There's one more girl... Katayama Minami, 14 years old." Announcer: "The winner is Number 8, Katayama Minami-san!" Tange: "I found her at a singing competition. She's a pretty good singer. We need at least one of these." m: "Name Katayama Minami" Tange: "There's no core." Matsuda: "Core?" Tange: "A center... Someone to stand in the center. Someone with a greater aura." Matsuda: "An aura, huh?" Tange: "How's your scouting going?" Matsuda: "What? But I already found one..." Tange: "Don't be stupid! Don't think you've accomplished anything by bringing me one girl!" Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "Bring me a diamond in the rough! Otherwise, I'll hold back your pay to cut costs next month!" Matsuda: "You're killing me..." Child A: "Cream puffs!" Child B: "Soft serve ice cream!" Child A: "Caterpillars!" Child B: "Maggots!" Tange: "You maggots!" Matsuda: "What was that about?" Matsuda: "Hello? Yeah, I can talk." Matsuda: "Oh, sorry. I want to go see your concert, but I'm busy with work." Matsuda: "Sorry. Do your best." Matsuda: "Me? I gave up on that long ago." Matsuda: "I haven't touched my guitar." Matsuda: "Yeah, thanks. Later." Matsuda: "Dreams, huh?" Matsuda: "Maybe I can dream." Translation: "The prism of the sky points to the location of happiness If you find it, please, wait for me there I'll go as soon as I wake from my slumber I'll go right away" Matsuda: "This girl..." Matsuda: "Crap!" Mayu: "I-I'm sorry." Matsuda: "Your aura..." Mayu: "What?" Matsuda: "Would you like to become an idol?" Mayu: "I'm sorry." Matsuda: "Wait! I'm a manager for the Green Leaves Talent Agency." Mayu: "What?" Matsuda: "We're currently searching for girls to become idols, so..." Mayu: "I'm sorry!" Matsuda: "Wait! Will you at least take my card? If you're interested, call—" Mayu: "I'm sorry. I'm not interested in that kind of thing." Matsuda: "Was that..." Airi: "Mayu!" Airi: "Sorry I'm late. Did you wait long?" Mayu: "No, not at all." Airi: "Anyway, about this..." Mayu: "Yeah." Airi: "I passed the first test." Mayu: "Congratulations." Airi: "Sorry. Was that inconsiderate?" Mayu: "Not at all. Definitely not." Airi: "You sure?" Mayu: "Yeah." Airi: "In that case, as long as I'm being inconsiderate, I need a favor..." Mayu: "What?" Airi: "You're the only one I can ask." Mayu: "Huh?" Matsuda: "President." Tange: "What?" Matsuda: "I found a fantastic girl." Tange: "Really? Where's her resume?" Matsuda: "I don't have it." Tange: "What?" Matsuda: "I ran into her at the park the other day. I tried talking to her, but she ran away." Tange: "Why did you let her run away?! You're always like this! You're a weakling who can't get it up when it counts!" Matsuda: "Can't get it... But from her uniform's design, I determined her school..." Tange: "You did?! Where is it?!" Tange: "Yes!" Mayu: "Excuse me. Are you holding auditions here?" Matsuda: "You..." Tange: "Why, if it isn't Shimada Mayu!" Matsuda: "What? You know her?" Tange: "Did you come to audition?" Mayu: "No, I'm just accompanying my friend." Mayu: "I can go home now, right?" Airi: "What? But..." Mayu: "You'll be fine. You practiced so much." Airi: "Okay..." Mayu: "You can do it." Matsuda: "That's her! The one who ran away from me..." Tange: "What did you say?! Go after her! Bring her back here!" Matsuda: "Yes, ma'am!" Yoshino: "Is that..." Matsuda: "Wait." Matsuda: "Listen..." Matsuda: "You understand now, don't you? I really am a manager at a talent agency, and I was really trying to scout—" Mayu: "I told you I'm not interested." Matsuda: "Listen to me. If I let you leave, the president will..." Mayu: "That's not my problem." Mayu: "Enough already!" Matsuda: "Will you at least audition?" Mayu: "No." Matsuda: "She escaped again." Tange: "Shimada Mayu... She's grown." Matsuda: "Um... Do you know her?" Tange: "What? You don't know who she is?" Matsuda: "Nope." Tange: "How long have you been in the entertainment business?!" Matsuda: "One year and three months." Tange: "You may be an insect on the bottom rung of the entertainment industry, but you still need to know!" Matsuda: "You don't need to be so harsh..." Tange: "She's a first generation member of the I-1 Club and former center, Shimada Mayu!" Matsuda: "What?!" Tange: "To say that she pushed the originally lackluster I-1 Club to the top of the world of idols... no, to the top of the world of entertainment, wouldn't be an exaggeration." Tange: "They had finally made it big. It was immediately after that..." Tange: "She lost a center battle or something and suddenly graduated. Her fans and the media had a field day with it." Tange: "She disappeared, shrouded in mystery, but I had no idea she was here." Tange: "If you had your eye on her, you're not completely blind." Matsuda: "Is that right?" Tange: "That's not a compliment. Until you catch her, you're still less than a maggot." Matsuda: "I see..." Yoshino: "What was she doing here?" Tange: "The audition will now begin." Tange: "Good work." Tange: "Before you go, I have one more question." Tange: "Are you virgins?" Matsuda: "So, what do you think? Who are you going to pass?" Tange: "They all pass." Matsuda: "What?!" Tange: "After all, we can't form a group without at least this many girls." Matsuda: "Yes, but..." Tange: "That's not the only reason. As a parasite, though, I'm sure you don't understand." Matsuda: "I see..." Tange: "Matsuda, what do you think an idol is?" Matsuda: "What? Who knows?" Tange: "They're stories." Matsuda: "Stories?" Tange: "Stories represent possibility." Tange: "Those girls are full of possibility." Matsuda: "Is that right?" Tange: "But we're missing one." Tange: "These six girls don't smell like money." Tange: "I need her after all." Attendant: "Excuse me, but it's time to leave. Hey! You can't smoke in here!" Tange: "I told you!" Matsuda: "Huh?" Tange: "I'm sorry. I'll scold him later." Matsuda: "What?!" Matsuda: "This is it..." Employee: "Thank you." Oda: "Well? Did "I-1 Club: We'll Show You Everything!!" come in?" Employee: "Yeah. That customer just bought it." Oda: "What?!" Airi: "Mayu." Mayu: "How did it go?" Airi: "I passed!" Mayu: "All right! That's great!" Airi: "Thanks!" Mayu: "I'm really happy for you. You seem so happy." Airi: "It's all thanks to you. If you hadn't helped me train, I wouldn't have passed." Mayu: "That's not true." Airi: "It is true." Mayu: "No, you need to hold your mic in front of your mouth." Airi: "O-Okay." Mayu: "One more time." Airi: "Okay." Airi: "Because the night is cold, tomorrow... The mic is bothering me, and I can't sing!" Mayu: "Let me see that. Remember this distance between your mouth and the mic." Airi: "Huh." Mayu: "Give it a try." Airi: "Because the night is cold..." Airi: "I didn't actually sing very well, though." Mayu: "I see..." Airi: "But thanks, really." Mayu: "It's fine." Airi: "Anyway, I was thinking..." Mayu: "What?" Airi: "Well..." Airi: "You should audition, too." Airi: "Sorry." Mayu: "Huh? Don't worry about it." Airi: "But..." Airi: "Let me thank you by treating you to something. Let's go to Large Boy." Mayu: "Okay." Tange: "Once again, I'm the company's president and producer, Tange Junko. And this is your manager..." Matsuda: "I'm Matsuda Kohei." Tange: "Feel free to use him like a dirty, old rag." Tange: "Moving on..." Minami: "Wake... up..." Tange: ""Wake Up, Girls!" This is your group name." Minami: "What does it mean?" mi: ""Rise and shine, little girls?"" Tange: "It's "WUG" for short. There once was an English duo called Wham!" Tange: "Well, whatever." Tange: "We'll ambitiously aim for the Red vs. White Concert! Until then, you'll be working your butts off. Let's celebrate the formation of Wake Up, Girls! with a drink." All: "Cheers!" Matsuda: "Hayashida-san." Airi: "Yes?" Matsuda: "How's Shimada-san doing?" Airi: "What?" Tange: "Hey, bring Shimada Mayu here. Do whatever it takes." Matsuda: "President, I'll do something about her." Tange: "Will you be okay?" Miyu: "Shimada Mayu? Do you mean that Shimada Mayu?" Tange: "That's right." Miyu: "Wow." Minami: "Shimada Mayu?" Tange: "She was an idol in the I-1 Club." Airi: "Is it because she was in the I-1 Club?" Tange: "Of course. She's the last piece of the group." Yoshino: "Does this mean we're not fully formed yet?" Tange: "Well... We'll start with this and wait for her." Airi: "But..." Yoshino: "Hey, give me one." Airi: "You shouldn't get your hopes up." Yange: "What do you mean?" Airi: "I invited Mayu to the audition, but she refused." Minami: "What is this?" Yoshino: "This is good." Matsuda: "Will you let us see her? This is great. What flavor is this?" Airi: "Sure, but it won't work." Airi: "For Mayu, idols are a source of pain." Matsuda: "I'm prepared to be rejected." Airi: "What?" Matsuda: "I have nothing to lose. I just want to ask her one more time." Airi: "What should I do?" All: "Good work today!" Miyu: "I'm finally an idol!" Miyu: "I can't stop shaking!" Minami: "I hope we'll get to sing a lot." Yoshino: "You'll be made to sing until your throat collapses." Miyu: "Wow..." Minami: "I don't want that..." mi: "In that case, you should train, so that doesn't happen." Kaya: "You're confident in yourself?" mi: "Of course I am. Becoming an idol is simply a stepping stone for me. I have an even more impressive goal." Kaya: "You're awfully ambitious." Miyu: "Anyway, leader, I look forward to working with you." Yoshino: "Why me?" Miyu: "You have experience in the entertainment industry. You're dependable." Yoshino: "I haven't made it past the local scene, though." Miyu: "If Shimada Mayu joined us, that would be amazing. We might end up being pretty popular." Yoshino: "You think so?" Miyu: "I hope she'll join." Airi: "Huh?" Airi: "This is..." mi: "Huh? What, what, what?" All: "What?!" Matsuda: "Thanks for meeting me." Mayu: "I only came because Airi insisted I come. I refuse to become a member." Mayu: "Are you harassing me?" Matsuda: "No, I'm not. You're shining in this video." Matsuda: "Listen. I've never managed idols before, so maybe I don't understand... but I don't think many people can make others happy like this." Mayu: "So, what?" Matsuda: "You're definitely one of them. Seeing this video, and watching you dance, encourages me to work harder. I don't know how to say this, but idols have the power to encourage and embolden people. At least, I think they do. We want to make that kind of idol group, and we need you to do that." Mayu: "That's irrelevant." Mayu: "I know I don't have the power to make others happy." Mayu: "I can't even make the people around me or myself happy. Encouraging or emboldening others is unthinkable." Mayu: "Excuse me." Matsuda: "Wait!" Matsuda: "See for yourself." Airi: "Mayu." Airi: "Sorry, Mayu. I thought it would make you more positive, but I shouldn't have interfered. I'm really sorry." Mayu: "I'm not mad." Airi: "But Matsuda-san... I mean, that manager..." Airi: "I don't think he's wrong." Airi: "And, um..." Airi: "I wish you would sing again, too." Mayu: "Sorry, but I can't." Megumi: "Mayu! We're finally going to the Tokyo Dome! Our dream has come true! I'm sorry we couldn't go together, but I'll sing for you! Megumi." Megumi: "I'm going to talk to the President!" Mayu: "It's no use. But this... This isn't fair!" Megumi: "Don't cry, Mayu." Mai: "We will finally stand in the place of our dreams. However, instead of getting carried away, we will focus on granting the many wishes of our fans and work hard in preparation for the first day of the concert." Shiho: "I am deeply honored to stand in the middle of the idol world, the Tokyo Dome, in the center position." ka: "I promise it will be our best performance yet." Shiroki: "The Tokyo Dome has been a big goal for the I-1 Club. However, now that it has become reality, that goal becomes a stepping stone. The I-1 Club will set their sights even higher..." Grandmother: "Grandpa." Mayu: "Huh? Where's Mom?" Grandmother: "She said she'd be late today." Grandfather: "Is she working late? She's been working late a lot recently." Grandmother: "You're right." Mayu: "Maybe she's trying not to be too much of a sponge." Grandfather: "Mayu..." Grandmother: "She's not a sponge." Mayu: "Thanks for the food." Grandmother: "Welcome home." Mother: "I'm home." Grandmother: "You're early. I'll make you some dinner." Mother: "I don't need any. I already ate." Mother: "I told you I'd be late." Mayu: "You don't have to put it like that. Don't be so selfish." Grandmother: "Mayu-chan..." Mother: "Selfish?" Mother: "Are you one to talk?" Tange: "What a difficult world we live in. Everyone's always talking about money." Matsuda: "So, how was it?" Tange: "Well, I finally found someone. I decided to hire a local composer. I wanted to ask a successful idol songwriter, but I couldn't afford it." Matsuda: "Isn't this how most ventures start?" Tange: "So, how are the girls doing?" Matsuda: "They do voice and dance training twice a week, but..." Voice Coach: "They lack unity. Their singing abilities are all over the place, and they feel nothing like a group." Dance Coach: "They lack cooperation. They're only thinking of themselves. Like each one only cares about standing out on her own." Matsuda: "They don't seem to be coming together." Tange: "I see. I knew it." Matsuda: "You knew it? Are you okay with this?" Tange: "When they encounter an obstacle they can't overcome separately, they'll come together." Matsuda: "When is that going to happen?" Tange: "It's already begun." Matsuda: "Huh?" Tange: "Leave it to me, kid. This is what we prepared for." Tange: "Trials bring people together." Employee: "Sorry. We usually use this place for storage. I forgot to tell the delivery men about your concert today." Yoshino: "Can you do something about this?" Employee: "We don't have enough people right now." Yoshino: "Kaya?" Kaya: "There. So, where should I put this?" Employee: "Oh, thanks. Over here." Minami: "Okay." Airi: "I'll help, too." mi: "What? We're doing this?" Kaya: "Let's get this stuff out of the way." Miyu: "And now that we have..." Miyu: "Is this how we're performing, leader?" Yoshino: "Well, it's a job..." Minami: "But even if we sing..." Yoshino: "Hello! We're Wake Up, Girls! Feel free to listen to our song! Uh... Please listen!" mi: "I can't do this anymore! It's a waste of singing and dancing!" Yoshino: "It's our first performance. We don't have our own songs, and we haven't even debuted properly." Airi: "Matsuda-san's still not here?" Yoshino: "He's getting the car now." Minami: "What? We haven't debuted yet? But we have a group name." Miyu: "It's not a group name. It's the name of a love hotel." Yoshino: "Normally, your debut happens when you release a song." Mianmi: "Really?" Airi: "They said we'd have a debut song soon, but it's taking a while." Minami: "I want to sing soon." mi: "I'm exhausted. If it's going to be like this, there's no reason to continue." Miyu: "What? Nanami, you're going to quit?" mi: "You're annoying." Yoshino: "It can even be an indie label. If we don't debut, we won't get anywhere." mi: "Yeah, but I'm a little disappointed. You're not as good as I thought." Yoshino: "What do you mean, we're not good?" Kaya: "Who cares?" Minami: "I'm hungry." Yoshino: "Is the song ready?" Tange: "Of course it is." Tange: "Would you like to hear it?" All: "Yes!" mi: "This song..." Miyu: "It's enka..." Minami: "A man's life!" Yoshino: "Why is it an enka song?" Tange: "Because it was cheap. You don't like it? I made a new one. How's this?" mi: "This song..." Miyu: "What is this?" Minami: "Die covered in blood! Kill!" Yoshino: "Please take this seriously!" Tange: "You don't like it?" Airi: "We haven't come together yet. Everyone's got a strong sense of individuality." Mayu: "Individuality is important." Airi: "You're right. In that respect, they're all interesting girls." Mayu: "Sounds fun." Airi: "Huh?" Airi: "I guess." Airi: "Actually... It's supposed to be a secret, but maybe I'll tell you." Mayu: "Huh? What is it?" Airi: "At the end of the year, we're going to release our debut CD." Mayu: "What? Really?" Airi: "It's an indie label, though." Mayu: "That's great, Airi! You're finally making your debut!" Airi: "Yeah!" Tange: "Good work, Twinkle. You wrote a good song." Anna: "You should've asked us in the first place." Karina: "You made a group? They're cute." Tange: "I suppose." mi: "Why did Twinkle write a song for us?" Matsuda: "The President is on good terms with them." Minami: "Good terms?" Yoshino: "It means they're friends." Anna: "Tange-san helped us so much during our debut." Karina: "We had to thank her somehow." Matsuda: "With this debut song, we'll hold your debut event on December 20th at MACANA!" Yoshino: "We don't have much time." Matsuda: "You're right." Miyu: "What about our costumes?" Matsuda: "We haven't talked about that yet. President?" Matsuda: "President?" Tange: "Huh? What?" Girl: "Stop that!" Miyu: "We're putting on our debut concert!" Miyu: "Come check it out!" Airi: "I'm so nervous with the concert coming up." Mayu: "If you start getting nervous now, you'll be in big trouble." Airi: "I've been working pretty hard." Mayu: "I know." Airi: "I'm going to go practice." Mayu: "You can do it." Airi: "Yeah! Later." Matsuda: "It's so cold." Matsuda: "Good morning." Matsuda: "I wonder if they'll sell. We made so many..." Matsuda: "Huh? The president's desk..." e: "My beloved darling is having an emergency. I'm leaving Sendai for a while. My beloved darling is having an emergency. I'm leaving Sendai for a while." Matsuda: "What?" Matsuda: "Yes." Matsuda: "Yes." Matsuda: "I'm still confirming the receipts. I'm sorry." Matsuda: "She didn't deposit the money." Yoshino: "You're kidding, right? The president would never do that, right?" Kaya: "In other words, she disappeared, right? With all of our funds?" Airi: "Um... How are we going to..." Miyu: "Is our concert going to be canceled?" Matsuda: "The CDs and concert hall haven't been paid for. If we can't pay, we can't work." Miyu: "But..." Matsuda: "In any case, we don't have money." Kaya: "We're being disbanded before our debut." mi: "This is a blow to my pride." Miyu: "I want to do the concert." Minami: "Me, too." Yoshino: "Isn't there something we can do?" Matsuda: "I wish we could!" Matsuda: "Sorry." mi: "What have we been doing? I want the time I wasted returned." Mayu: "You're kidding." Airi: "We worked so hard, but it was all for nothing." Airi: "I don't want to think we were deceived. After all, we worked so hard." Airi: "But..." Airi: "This..." Airi: "This isn't fair!" Mayu: "This isn't fair!" Airi: "I wonder if there's really no way." Translation: "I love you (I love you) I really love you (I really love you) I love that I can tell you I love you I love you (I love you) I really love you (I really love you) I am here, so I can say that We always make dreams come true" Grandmother: "Mayu-chan, where are you going?" Translation: "Yes! Yes! No one can stop us" Minami: "Aw... what a waste." Kaya: "There's nothing we can do." Yoshino: "But we have outstanding payments." Miyu: "Should we sell them ourselves?" mi: "Who would buy the CD of a group that disbanded before it debuted?" Matsuda: "I had you come today to discuss the CDs and what we should do going forward." Matsuda: "Don't worry about the overstocked CDs or other outstanding payments. I'll handle it... probably." Yoshino: "Really?" Matsuda: "Uh... I really will handle it. Don't worry about it." Matsuda: "But you've worked so hard on the debut concert..." mi: "Is there any point? We can't debut anymore. A concert would be a waste of time." Airi: "Um..." Yoshino: "I agree. Instead of continuing to struggle, we should think about our futures." Airi: "Listen..." Minami: "Is this the end? We worked so hard." Airi: "Listen... Listen!" Matsuda: "What?" Airi: "We've made all kinds of preparations and worked really hard." Airi: "Even if it's our last performance, I want to do it. I want to be an idol. Didn't you all want to become idols?" Airi: "Let's make our dreams come true!" Miyu: "I want to do it! It was my dream! I want to do it!" Minami: "You're right." Yoshino: "But..." Kaya: "Why not? It's just once. I'll do it." mi: "What?" Miyu: "Leader, let's do it!" Yoshino: "Yeah, but..." Airi: "Mayu!" Matsuda: "Shimada Mayu..." Mayu: "Um..." Mayu: "Are you giving up on your concert?" Matsuda: "What?" Matsuda: "Well, we were just talking about it..." Mayu: "Don't give up!" Mayu: "If you give up, you'll regret it." Mayu: "I finally understand." Mayu: "I was lying to myself." Matsuda: "Um... What are you talking about?" Mayu: "I gave up on being an idol once." Mayu: "Since then, I've been suppressing my feelings." Mayu: "I rejected my love of singing and dancing." Mayu: "I was afraid of getting hurt again. But since this audition and my friend becoming an idol, watching her work made me realize I wanted to be an idol." Airi: "Mayu..." Mayu: "I decided to believe in myself again and become an idol once more." Mayu: "Please let me be an idol!" Mayu: "I'm Shimada Mayu. Unlike everyone else, I haven't auditioned. But I came here because I wanted to join the group" Mayu: "Please let me join Wake Up, Girls! Please!" Miyu: "You're kidding... Shimada Mayu wants to join? All right!" Yoshino: "Wait!" Miyu: "Huh?" Yoshino: "What do you think you're doing?" Yoshino: "I know something of your past. You have my sympathy. But I don't think it's right to accept you into the group so easily. We haven't even decided if we're going to keep working. I want to know if you're prepared to handle that." Mayu: "I want to make myself happy." Yoshino: "What?" Mayu: "Everyone wants to make themselves happy. That's why you're here." Mayu: "No matter what challenges await you, that feeling doesn't change. I realized that." Mayu: "I don't want to give up anymore. That's all." Yoshino: "I see." Kaya: "You'll catch a cold." Kaya: "Come on! Let's do it. With you on our side, I feel like it'll work out." Kaya: "You've been watching us practice, haven't you?" Mayu: "What?" Kaya: "You looked like you wanted to join us. Come on, then. Let's do it. This may be our last performance, but let's go out with a bang." Miyu: "Yeah! We're going to do it!" Minami: "All right!" Airi: "That's great!" mi: "Huh? What's going on? Are we really doing it?" Minami: "Come on." Yoshino: "We need a practical plan." Matsuda: "I'll somehow find a location for the concert!" Yoshino: "What? Really?" Matsuda: "Leave it to me! If I can't handle that, I'll be a disgrace to the Date Clan!" Minami: "It's so cold!" Yoshino: "The Date Clan must be rolling in their graves." mi: "We signed up at the last minute, and we only have one song. I don't know about this." Miyu: "But we're the only ones here that can score moe points!" mi: "Moe?" Minami: "Moe!" Kaya: "In any case, we get to perform." Airi: "Let's do our best." Matsuda: "Wake Up, Girls! We're holding our debut concert at 7:45 pm! Check it out." Oda: "This is..." Miyu: "I'm shaking with cold and anxiety." Minami: "Look, my breath is so white." Airi: "No one's here. Maybe it's too cold." Yoshino: "Even if there's no one here or it's cold, we'll give it everything we have. Isn't that what it means to be a pro? Right, Nanami?" Yoshino: "Huh?" Kaya: "Are you cold? Nervous? Are you okay?" mi: "I'm... fine..." Matsuda: "It's almost your turn. Get ready." Matsuda: "You're all over the place." Matsuda: "Sorry I couldn't get you costumes." Mayu: "That's fine." Matsuda: "Oh, right. You need show-off panties. I'll go buy some." Kaya: "Who cares?" Matsuda: "What?" Kaya: "It doesn't cost us anything to show our underwear. Besides, there's no time. Let's get ready." Yoshino: "Well, this is our first and last concert. We don't want to be stingy." Miyu: "It's a little extra for the audience." Mayu: "Nanami, can you do it?" mi: "Yeah..." Minami: "I'm nervous, too. Relax, relax." Mayu: "Nanase-san." Yoshino: "Come on, everyone." Yoshino: "Um..." Miyu: "Leader, lead the cheer." Yoshino: "But I haven't thought of anything." Kaya: "How about "Let's do this"?" Yoshino: "When I say "Let's do this," you say "Wake Up, Girls!"" Mayu: "Okay." Miyu: "Sure." Minami: "Okay." Airi: "All right." mi: "Go ahead." Yoshino: "Let's do it." All: "Wake Up, Girls!" Oda: "What?!" Oda: "Is that..." Yoshino: "We're the Sendai-based group, Wake Up, Girls! Um... This is our debut concert." Yoshino: "We were allowed to participate in today's concert at the last minute. We still only have one song, but, um..." Yoshino: "We'll sing our hearts out." Yoshino: "Please listen to our song." Oda: "That's Shimada Mayu!" Translation: "Believing I could not dream I protected my small, quiet self Badly hurt, to the harsh sea Afraid, I quickly turned my back But I am who I am No tricks will work against me I decided I could only move forward without giving up WAKE UP bathed in bright sunlight The hope in my heart overlaps with you STAND UP there is no night that does not end Believe in tomorrow's smile Shine MY ONLY ONE I cried forever, I shouted forever I searched for my lost love forever The moment I stood on the edge of despair I heard the sound of a kind wind Then I found it This is my stage I fly into that sky once again WAKE UP it opened my eyes Because you don't want to cry anymore STAND UP the future lies ahead That's why we now depart Watch me MY ONLY ONE More, more I want to tell you how I feel There is something I can't give up no matter how much I'm hurt Listen, listen I'll sing my heart out I don't care if they laugh at me I won't lose Stand up! WAKE UP bathed in bright sunlight The hope in my heart overlaps with you STAND UP there is no night that does not end Believe in tomorrow's smile WAKE UP may my wish come true I'm heading towards my dream now, hands outstretched STAND UP let's run without doubts To live in this world With you MY ONLY ONE" Mai: "We're finally here at the Tokyo Dome of our dreams! Thank you!" Shiho: "Everyone, do you love the I-1 Club?" Shiho: "Thank you very much!" All: "Thank you very much!" Oda: "Encore! Encore!" Oda: "Encore! Encore!" Yoshino: "Um, uh... We only have this one song, though..." Oda: "Okay!" Matsuda: "What? An encore?! What are we supposed to do? What is the future of Wake Up, Girls! and me?!"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! - Seven Idols (Movie) – Movie", "parsed": [] }
Mayu: "I believe there are three ways to make people happy." Mayu: "Some make many people in the world happy." Mayu: "Others make the people around themselves happy." Mayu: "And..." Miyu: "There's finally three of us." Kaya: "I can't believe this is happening." Minami: "From now on, the three of us will be delicious together!" Kaya: "Don't you mean "working together," Minyami?" Matsuda: "Hey!" Matsuda: "Don't dub videos with your own dialogue!" Kaya: "Matsuda-san, don't scare us like that." Matsuda: "Don't mess around during work hours." Miyu: "We're not messing around." Miyu: "Researching our WUGners is part of our job." Matsuda: "Is that a fan dance video?" Kaya: "Yeah." Kaya: "This girl's really good." Matsuda: "Huh. Are they middle school students?" Minami: "Matsuda-san. I'm hungry." Matsuda: "Hey! Calm down, Minami!" Ayano: "In the next corner, those characters you know and love will be making an appearance." Director: "Cut!" Director: "Stand by, everyone!" Minami: "I'm starving." Matsuda: "You're going on, too. Get ready." All: "Okay." Director: "We're going on the air. Ready..." Ayano: "Hey, guys." All: "Hello, every-WUG!" Ayano: "We are..." All: "Wake Up, Girls!" Ayano: "Thank you for today." All: "Thank you! Good work, everyone!" Mayu: "At the 2015 Idol Festival, we beat the national idol group I-1 Club to take first place." Mayu: "In one fell swoop, we became top idols." Mayu: "...Is what I'd like to say, but the reality was things weren't so easy." Mayu: "At last year's Idol Festival, I-1 Club lived up to their reputation and won." Mayu: "And we..." Minami: "This is heavy. I'm hungry." Ayano: "Carrying a whole costume by yourself is hard." Airi: "I think I smell. What do you think?" Mayu: "It's okay. We all do." Miyu: "It's hard being a costume idol." mi: "The Idol Festival feels like ages ago." Matsuda: "Sorry you still have to do this kind of thing." Kaya: "It's only a local program, but our name's in the show name. That's great." Producer: "Sorry it's only local." Matsuda: "Huh?" Matsuda: "Mr. Producer, good evening." Producer: "In this day and age, not even idols can get the numbers. The budget's tight." Matsuda: "Of course. We're just grateful you're even producing our show." Producer: "Between you and me, even the I-1 Club is in trouble. Apparently, they'll be shutting down their Sendai theater soon." All: "What?" Matsuda: "We're back." Tange: "Welcome back. I'm sick of hearing about the bad economy from everyone." Mayu: "They're closing the theater? Even the one in Hakata?" Tange: "Hakata's staying open for now." Mayu: "I see." Ayano: "Shihocchi? The girl from Next Storm?" Mayu: "Yeah, she's working in Hakata." Tange: "Next Storm, huh? They're another local idol group, but they're better known than we are. They're still I-1." Matsuda: "But we beat I-1 once." Tange: "Naive! The world has only just realized that Wake Up, Girls! exists." Matsuda: "But, ma'am, look at this." Tange: "What is this?" Matsuda: "A fan video. These are a barometer of popularity." Tange: "Are these girls from Sendai?" Matsuda: "Yes." Tange: "You idiot! What are we going through right now? Say it!" Matsuda: "W-We're releasing our first album in six months?" Tange: "Why is that a question, idiot? So, what do we need to do to sell records?" Matsuda: "P-Promote it." Tange: "If you know the answer, then get off your butt and find some media work! These girls are barely known in living rooms across the country!" Ayano: "You always speak your mind, President." mi: "But it's true." Mayu: "She's right. I'm sure most people don't know our individual full names." Tange: "Well, it wasn't easy for Date Masamune to go from ruling Oshu to ruling the nation, either. We're just getting started." Otome: "Hey, Hayamaru. Did you see yesterday's WUG Show?" Ayumi: "I saw it, Mocchi. WUG is so cute." Otome: "Acchan, what's wrong?" Ayumi: "Well, I-1 is..." Itsuka: "Their Sendai theater closed." Itsuka: "It's over." Ayumi: "Calm down, Acchan." Otome: "Yeah. We still have WUG." Itsuka: "But I wanted to dance for I-1." Otome: "Oh, right. That dancing video we uploaded the other day got a bunch more views." Ayumi: "Stop talking about that. It's embarrassing." Otome: "Why? Hayamaru, you're a good dancer." Itsuka: "You're way better than Mocchi." Otome: "Yeah, I know I'm terrible." Ayumi: "But my face is red." Otome: "Do you have stage fright?" Otome: "You just have to get used to it. Keep it up, and you will." Otome: "So let's do it again." Ayumi: "What? We're doing more?" Tange: "Girls, we got our first big job in a while! You'll be performing on the national program, Song Stage!" mi: "Song..." Miyu: "Song Stage?" Miyu: "That's amazing!" Ayano: "I-1's appearing, too." Miyu: "I'm so excited we'll be performing together." Tange: "We need to get ready." Airi: "Minyami, you have a torn seam here." Minami: "Huh? I had no idea." Miyu: "Kayatan, is something wrong?" Kaya: "It feels a little tight." Miyu: "Huh? Does that mean you gained—" Kaya: "Don't say another word, Miyu." Ayano: "Ma'am, I think these outfits have passed their expiration date." Tange: "Really? We can buy new ones, then." Matsuda: "But the budget..." Tange: "You idiot! What would an idol spend money on if not her costumes? We have to give this music show everything we've got." Matsuda: "Ow! Oh, come on!" Matsuda: "Fine! You want me to get new ones, right?" All: "All right!" Matsuda: "Sheesh. The president doesn't understand how hard it is to be out working." Ayano: "Matsuda-san, do you have a minute?" Otome: "WUG! is going to be on next week's Song Stage." Ayumi: "Really? I'm so excited." Itsuka: "Huh. They haven't been on a music show in a while." Otome: "I-1's going to be there, too." Ayumi: "Really? I wonder what they're going to sing." Matsuda: "Okay, everyone's—" Ayano: "Wait. There's only six of us." Matsuda: "What? Who's missing?" Miyu: "Sorry!" Miyu: "I accidentally set my alarm an hour late." Matsuda: "Get it together." Miyu: "I'm really sorry." Kaya: "Now, now. I'm glad you made it in time." Matsuda: "Okay, now everyone's—" Mayu: "Not yet." Matsuda: "What? But one, two, three... There's seven of you here." mi: "The president's not here yet." Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "What? You still haven't boarded?" Tange: "Quit wasting time, and get a move on." Matsuda: "Oh, come on." mi: "It's delicious." Kaya: "You're already eating?" Airi: "Hey, Mayushi. Look at this." Mayu: "Huh." Ayano: "They're so good." Ayano: "Oh, right. These are for everyone." Ayano: "Here." Mayu: "Huh? Is this..." Ayano: "I made new ones. The old ones were getting worn out, right?" Airi: "Thanks, Yoppi." Minami: "Yoppi, they're so cute." mi: "Thanks. I love new things." Kaya: "Huh? Is this cloth..." Ayano: "Yeah. I made them from those costumes." Miyu: "Yoppi, you're amazing. No wonder you're our leader." Ayano: "It was nothing special." Kaya: "This is nice, isn't it? It's better than just throwing them away." Airi: "Yeah. Those costumes were a part of the group forever." Mayu: "Thanks, Yoppi." Minami: "All right! Let's wear these on Song Stage, and do our best!" All: "Yeah!" All: "Good morning!" Minami: "Why are we saying "good morning" when it's nighttime?" Ayano: "You're asking now?" Miyu: "Why not? It makes me feel like a professional." Ad: "Thank you!" All: "Thank you!" Ad: "I-1 Club, you're on." Kaya: "I don't think their center likes us." Ayano: "It's probably hard to stay the center without being so competitive." Mayu: "She's probably not actually a bad person." Airi: "Here. The AC in here's too cold, isn't it?" mi: "Ai-chan, thanks." Airi: "Minyami, are you okay? Here's a cough drop." Minami: "Thanks, Ai-chan." Miyu: "I spilled my tea. I'm sorry." Airi: "It's okay." Miyu: "Thank you." Miyu: "Ai-chan, you're like a mom." Airi: "What? Y-You think so?" Mayu: "Airi, you need to do your makeup." Airi: "Oh, right." Ad: "Wake Up, Girls! You're on." All: "Okay!" Airi: "O-Okay." Ayano: "Oh, right. Should we do that?" All: "Yeah!" Ayano: "Okay, here we go. Huh?" Minami: "Ai-chan, where's your scrunchy?" Airi: "Huh? What? No way. Huh? Why?" Mayu: "Airi?" Airi: "I'm going to go get it." Ayano: "Airi, wait." Airi: "Why do I always act like this during important moments?" Airi: "Found it." Ayano: "Airi's still not here?" Minami: "She's not coming." Kaya: "What should we do? We could go on without her." Miyu: "We can't do that." Miyu: "We can't go on as six." mi: "Don't we have to?" Mayu: "Excuse me, but could we wait a little longer?" Moka: "What are you talking about?" Airi: "Sorry I'm late." Mayu: "Airi." Minami: "Ai-chan." Ad: "Just go onstage." All: "Okay." Ad: "I-1 Club, you're on." Announcer: "Next up is Wake Up, Girls!" Ayano: "Hello, every-WUG. We are..." All: "Wake Up, Girls! Thanks for having us!" Hamori: "You took your time coming onstage. Did something happen?" Ayano: "Oh, uh..." Mayu: "Actually..." Airi: "I'm sorry. It's my fault. I forgot something." Hamori: "Forgot something? Was it that important?" Airi: "Well, uh..." Mayu: "It was this." Announcer: "A scrunchy?" Minami: "We're all matching." Miyu: "Our leader made them for us." Ayano: "I made them out of our old costumes." Hamori: "Really?" Announcer: "You seem like great friends." All: "Yeah!" Announcer: "Please go to the stage and get ready. Wearing their matching scrunchies, Wake Up, Girls! will be performing "7 Girls War."" Announcer: "Thank you. Next up is I-1 Club." Mai: "Good evening. We're I-1 Club." Ayano: "Um... I'm really sorry about earlier." Airi: "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused." Moka: "Seriously. How long are you going to keep acting like newbies?" Mai: "Moka." Moka: "You're not fit to be professionals." Ai: "Sorry. Don't worry about it." Minami: "I was so worried." Airi: "I'm really sorry." Kaya: "It wasn't just your fault." Ayano: "But I can't blame them for saying that. As professionals, we shouldn't be late for live performances." Kaya: "I-1 is amazing that way. They seem so professional." Airi: "I'm sorry." Airi: "I panicked. I thought I had to have mine." Miyu: "But Ai-chan, your performance today was great." Ayano: "Airi, does that mean you felt relieved because you had your scrunchy?" Airi: "Yeah. I think I would've messed up without it." Kaya: "Even sports players take jinxes seriously." Mayu: "I believe being an idol means being true to who you are. It's not a bad thing to place importance on the things you need to do that." Mayu: "You shouldn't be late, though." mi: "Well, that's fine, then." mami: "It all worked out." Minami: "Ai-chan, don't worry about it." Airi: "Thanks, everyone." Ota: "Gentlemen, the Oga Namahagez have disbanded." Asazu: "What?" Yazawa: "Is that true, Ota-san?" Ota: "It came from a reliable source. Furthermore, the Akamiso Allstars may be in danger of disbanding, as well." Jomoto: "Unbelievable!" Asazu: "I can't believe this is happening..." Ota: "The idol industry is currently in chaos. While the reigning champions, I-1 Club, are in decline, our WUG still aren't nearly as successful." Yazawa: "WUG's marketing isn't very strong since they're an indie group." Ota: "But that's all the more reason for us WUGners to act! We must do everything we can to support WUG!" Ota: "Got it?" All: "Yeah!" Customer: "Those guys again?" Ota: "S-Sorry..." Matsuda: "What was that for?" Tange: "So, Matsuda." Matsuda: "What?" Tange: "We're doing a national tour!" Matsuda: "Huh? What do you mean, "so?" So, what?" Tange: "I already got us the Sendai stadium." Matsuda: "What?" Ayumi: "I'm Hayamaru, also known as Hayashi Ayumi." Otome: "I'm Mocchi, also known as Morishima Otome." Itsuki: "I'm Acchan, also known as Atsugi Itsuka." Otome: "Let's do next episode's preview, too." Ayumi: "What? Y-You're making me nervous." Itsuki: "Next time: "This—"" Otome: "Acchan, don't say your line early!"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter Episode 1 – We Are Wake Up, Girls!", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter", "1", "We Are Wake Up, Girls!" ] }
Yoshino: "Is this everyone for today?" Airi: "Mayushi and Minyami said they have work." Kaya: "What about Myu and Nanamin?" Miyu: "You're already here." Yoshino: "Myu, you're late. I told you we were meeting at 8:00." Miyu: "Work ran late." Kaya: "Okay, okay." Airi: "Nanamin's late, too." Yoshino: "Yeah. She's supposed to be coming today." mi: "I-It's an emergency!" Miyu: "She's here." Yoshino: "If you're going to be late, you could tell—" mi: "It's an emergency! Listen to this!" Kaya: "What? What happened?" mi: "W-Well, I... I..." Airi: "Nanamin, are you okay?" Miyu: "Try to calm down first, Nanamin." mi: "I got the job!" Miyu: "At Hikarizuka?" mi: "No, the Singer Sister job!" Yoshino: "That's it?" mi: "What does that mean?" Airi: "Congratulations, Nanamin. That's great." Airi: "Right, guys?" Yoshino: "Yeah, of course." mi: "Thanks..." Kaya: "But that'll make it even harder for all of us to get together." mi: "Seriously? Come on!" Miyu: "We'll make our message heard." Yoshino: "I know this is obvious, but I'd like a theme that's very "us."" Kaya: "Yeah. So, what does WUG make you think of?" Airi: "Um... Sendai." Minami: "And Sendai reminds me of... beef tongue." Kaya: "That's not what I meant." Minami: "Mashed soybeans, then." Yoshino: "No, no." Minami: "I know. Sea squirts." Kaya: "Minyami, let's move away from foods." Miyu: "Sendai reminds me of... Date Masamune?" Airi: "Aoba Castle?" Yoshino: "You're just playing a word association game." Minami: "I know, but it's hard." Airi: "I wonder why Hayasaka-san suddenly left for America, though." Yoshino: "We already know he's impossible to understand." Miyu: "And it was selfish of him to demand we write the lyrics." Minami: "Will he really give us that song?" Kaya: "Maybe he's given it to someone else too like he did with "Ultimate Smile."" Miyu: "What? No way!" Mayu: "I'm home." Minami: "Mayushi, welcome back." Airi: "We were just discussing the lyrics." Mayu: "Okay. I'll go get changed." Minami: "So, are we going with friendship?" Yoshino: "I'd prefer positive lyrics." Kaya: "Of course. We can't sing about the end of the world." Airi: "Mayushi, what do you... Huh?" Kaya: "Mayushi's asleep." Yoshino: "What? Hey, Mayushi." Kaya: "Let her sleep." Yoshino: "Fine." Recording D: "Let's try harmonizing here. Minami and Nanami." Recording D: "Minami, can you handle the lower harmony?" Minami: "Okay." mi: "I can do it, too." Recording D: "But Minami's voice is steadier." mi: "What?" Recording D: "Minami, that's the score. Try singing some." Minami: "As we move forward..." Recording D: "Excellent as always. Okay, now together." Both: "As we move forward..." Minami: "Thanks for the food." Minami: "That's tasty, meow!" Show D: "Okay, good." Minami: "Thank you." Show D: "Oh, right. About next week's guest..." Minami: "Yes?" Show D: "It's going to be Sorami Yuri-san." Minami: "Sorami-san? Uh..." Show D: "She's a former Hikarizuka star." Minami: "Oh, right." Show D: "She's a big deal, so try not to offend her." Minami: "Okay." mi: "Gather round, everyone." mi: "H-Hey, don't do that." Kid A: "Underpants!" mi: "Hey!" mi: "Are you okay?" mi: "Jeez!" Minami: "Nanamin, is that the script for With Big Sister?" mi: "Yeah." Minami: "Lucky. Playing with little kids for work sounds fun." mi: "What are you talking about? It's a job." Minami: "Y-You don't have to get so mad... Nanamin, do you know Sorami Yuri-san?" mi: "Sorami-san the former Hikarizuka star?" Minami: "Yeah, she's next week's guest. I was hoping you could tell me what she's like." mi: "Are you bragging?" Minami: "What? I'm not bragging." mi: "You know, you're lucky all you have to do is eat at your job." Minami: "I-It's hard for me, too. I have to practice harmonizing." mi: "You're bragging again? Why? I said I'm not bragging!" Yoshino: "Is that someone from Hikarizuka? In that case—" Minami: "I'm not asking Nanamin!" Kaya: "They haven't been getting along lately." Yoshino: "Yeah. The tour's coming up, too." Kaya: "Yoppi, you're scowling. Are you okay?" Yoshino: "Huh? Is it that bad?" Yoshino: "Let's start by confirming our priorities." Kaya: "Come to think of it, there used to be a lot more written on here. Now all that's on it is when garbage day is." Yoshino: "You're right." Yoshino: "A board, huh?" Yoshino: "I understand everyone's busy, but the tour is soon. We need to get our RCD together." Minami: "RCD? Recordable compact disk?" Kaya: "No. Report, communicate, discuss. Together, they're RCD." Yoshino: "That's right. You know the white board in the kitchen? Why don't we write our plans for the day on that? Even just the approximate time we'll be home." Airi: "Good idea." Mayu: "Yeah. I'm all for it." Yoshino: "Then we'll adjust our rehearsal times, so everyone can attend." Kaya: "We have to discuss the lyrics, too. We need to manage our time well." Miyu: "But couldn't we use these for our meetings?" Yoshino: "It's not that we can't, but I think it'd be better for us to work on it together in person." All: "Yeah." Yoshino: "In any case, we have to make this concert one that won't embarrass us. We all have this Saturday night off, right? Let's rehearse together then." All: "Yeah!" Airi: "Sorry to be a downer, but I have work now." Yoshino: "Huh?" Mayu: "I actually do, too." Yoshino: "Okay. But we'll definitely rehearse on Saturday." Both: "Got it." Shiraki: "Instead of at the Idol Festival, this year I-1 club will be making a major announcement at the final concert of their tour." Shiraki: "All I can say is we will be bringing you the ultimate I-1 Club." Moka: "What? My name's missing." Moka: "Why? You can't expect me to accept not even getting a chance!" Shiraki: "The reality is they're closer to being centers than you are." Shiraki: "That's all." Ota: "It's unfortunate the Idol Festival won't be held this year. But there's the WUG tour! There's nothing to be sad about!" Tange: "I need a hundred copies of this." Ayumi: "Yes, ma'am." Both: "We're back." Otome: "Welcome back." Ayumi: "Good work today." Miyu: "I'm exhausted." Tange: "You're slovenly, aren't you? You're still young." Miyu: "Ma'am, I have a suggestion. How would you feel about hiring a housekeeper?" Tange: "What? You can't be serious. Don't be a baby." Miyu: "But at this rate, Ai-chan will collapse. Lately, everyone's been so busy that they fall asleep as soon as they get home. Since Ai-chan's at home the most, we've been relying on her for everything." Airi: "I-It's fine. I have a lot of work in Sendai, so you're right that I'm home the most. I'm not as busy as everyone else." Miyu: "Th-That's not what I meant." Ayumi: "Excuse me, ma'am." Otome: "An idol dorm, huh? I bet their house and rooms are so cute." Ayumi: "What should I do? I'm so nervous." Itsuka: "I'm excited." Airi: "Mayushi, do you have work?" Mayu: "Yeah. I'm going to Tokyo." Airi: "I see. Work hard." Mayu: "I will. Thanks." Airi: "Mayushi?" Ayumi: "Huh? Here?" Otome: "I'm pretty sure." Itsuka: "In that case..." Both: "Coming." Airi: "Welcome." Kaya: "Welcome to the Stand Up Dorm." Otome: "Myu-san, can we clean everything in this area?" Miyu: "Yeah. Everything that can be wiped off is grime, so could you wipe it all away?" Otome: "Got it." Ayumi: "Where's Mayushi-san today?" Airi: "She has work in Tokyo. She'll be back around... When was it?" Airi: "I think it's written on the board." Ayumi: "I'll go check." Ayumi: "Huh?" Otome: "Hayamaru, a cat. There's a cat." Ayumi: "What? Where? You're right." Ayumi: "There's so much stuff." Mayu: "I love the line "dreaming the same dream." I feel like there's a lot of meaning behind it." Murashita: "And you, Iwasaki-san?" Shiho: "Oh, right. My character, Mitsuki, falls in love with Igarashi-kun, and..." Matsuda: "Yes. Understood. I'll head there now." Mayu: "Matsuda-san?" Matsuda: "Sorry. I need to stop by somewhere. Can we meet at Tokyo Station later?" Mayu: "Sure, that's fine." Matsuda: "Sorry." Mayu: "Shiho?" Mayu: "I heard you're in Tokyo now." Shiho: "You know." Mayu: "Megumi told me." Shiho: "I see." Mayu: "Did something happen?" Mayu: "It's okay. I won't tell anyone." Shiho: "Shiraki-san's telling me to quit Next Storm." Mayu: "What?" Shiho: "I know I can't stop I-1 from changing." Shiho: "But... I don't want to lose it." Mayu: "Shiho." Shiho: "They're important to me. We build it up from nothing. We're just getting started, but..." Mayu: "I understand." Shiho: "I know it took me long enough, but I think I finally understand how you felt when you quit I-1." Kaya: "What did Matsuda-san say?" Yoshino: "She still hasn't shown up yet." Minami: "I wonder what happened to Mayushi." Airi: "I think she was supposed to be done by 6:30." mi: "Really? Are you sure?" Miyu: "Well, the evidence has been erased now." Kaya: "That's your fault." Airi: "I'm pretty sure. Besides, it wasn't just her plans..." Airi: "Mayushi." Mayu: "Sorry I'm late." Yoshino: "Could you tell us why?" Mayu: "Um, I was careless." Yoshino: "Careless? Didn't we say we'd rehearse today?" Mayu: "I'm sorry." Yoshino: "We're wasting time. Let's get started." Yoshino: "That's enough for today." Kaya: "Yeah." All: "Good work. Good work." Airi: "Mayushi, where's your scrunchy?" Mayu: "Huh? What? Where is it?" Mayu: "It's not here. Huh?" Mayu: "It's missing. Why?" Airi: "I didn't see it around here." Mayu: "I'll try searching the lesson room tomorrow." Airi: "Want me to go with you?" Mayu: "Thanks, but don't you have work in the afternoon? I'll be fine." Ayumi: "Mayushi-san. What are you doing here?" Mayu: "Have you seen a scrunchy?" Otome: "You mean that scrunchy?" Mayu: "Yeah, the same one everyone else has." Itsuka: "I didn't see it when we were cleaning." Mayu: "I see." Ayumi: "Um..." Mayu: "It was my fault. I'm sorry for what I did." Ayumi: "Mayushi-san." Ayumi: "Why don't you let us handle it?" Cameraman: "Could you face this way and look into the camera?" Cameraman: "Nanase-san, are you tired?" Yoshino: "Sorry." Cameraman: "Yoshikawa-san, let's go." Megumi: "Yes. Thank you." Cameraman: "Nice expression. Hold that and look into the lens." Megumi: "Thanks for today. This is our first time having a proper conversation, isn't it?" Yoshino: "Yeah." Megumi: "Mayu calls me sometimes." Yoshino: "I see." Megumi: "Come to think of it, last time she was in Tokyo, I heard she talked to Shiho." Yoshino: "Huh?" Airi: "What? The scrunchy?" Ayumi: "Yeah. Mayushi-san said it must be here." Otome: "We'd like to look for it." Itsuka: "Please." Airi: "Thanks. Please do." Otome: "I can't find it anywhere." Itsuka: "Maybe she dropped it somewhere else." Ayumi: "But..." Ayumi: "Is that...?" Ayumi: "It's not it. It's a handkerchief." Ayumi: "Maybe..." Yoshino: "You know I hate it when people keep secrets from me, don't you?" Mayu: "Huh?" Yoshino: "Why didn't you explain why you were late?" Yoshino: "Is I-1 more important to you?" Mayu: "No. It's not like that." Airi: "Yoppi, calm down." Yoshino: "Where's your scrunchy?" Mayu: "Huh?" Yoshino: "You haven't been wearing it." Mayu: "Sorry, I—" Yoshino: "This is an important time for WUG." Yoshino: "Why?" Mayu: "Yoppi." Kaya: "I'll go." Yoshino: "Sorry. I'm supposed to be the leader." Kaya: "You can't help it. I didn't know how to take it either." Yoshino: "Kaya." Kaya: "Mayushi seems strong, but she actually depends on us." Yoshino: "Depends on us? Mayushi does?" Kaya: "But I think it means she trusts us." Kaya: "And we rely on her, too. We all do it." Yoshino: "You're right." Ayumi: "I found it. I found it!" Kaya: "What happened to your face?" Ayumi: "Well, actually..." Yoshino: "What? The cat?" Ayumi: "Yeah. He scratched me." Kaya: "I see. So Zunda was the scrunchy thief." Airi: "That must've been difficult." Mayu: "Thanks for finding it, though. I'm glad." Mayu: "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Yoshino: "Huh? Mayushi, don't cry." Yoshino: "I'm sorry, too." Mayu: "Shiho is me." Yoshino: "What?" Mayu: "Before I met you, I didn't have anyone on my side. She's like me when I didn't have anyone to ask for help" Mayu: "and couldn't protect the people I wanted to protect." Airi: "Mayushi." Yoshino: "I see." Airi: "Yoppi, Mayushi does everything she can for WUG." Yoshino: "Ai-chan." Airi: "She wasn't just writing her schedule on the board. She also wrote stuff about singing parts and lyrics." Airi: "Right?" Mayu: "It was the least I could do." Yoshino: "What? I'd like to see that." Airi: "Well, Ayumi-chan and her friends erased it while they were cleaning." Itsuka: "I'm sorry. I erased it." Miyu: "But I'm the one who told them to do it. I'm sorry." Airi: "I've been thinking. From now on, why don't we write in a shared journal instead?" Miyu: "Like an exchange diary?" Airi: "Yeah. If we write down our thoughts, then we can go back and read them anytime." Yoshino: "You're right. It'd be good for noting down lyrics." Minami: "I'm home." mi: "Sorry we're late." Minami: "We stopped by Bijou." Miyu: "Just the two of you? No fair." mi: "What's going on?" Kaya: "What's going on with you? When did you two make up?" mi: "Oh, you know. Thanks to her, my work went well." Minami: "Yeah." Miyu: "What does that mean?" mi: "I tried copying Minyami on With Big Sister. I smiled like she does." Minami: "Me, too. Nanamin taught me how to talk to someone from Hikarizuka, and my job went well." mi: "So we got each other something." Both: "Yeah." Kaya: "Really? You've matured." Airi: "Yoppi?" Yoshino: "Isn't this what WUG is about?" Mayu: "The theme of our lyrics?" Yoshino: "Yeah. Individually we're weak and lacking, but we become stronger through influencing each other." Mayu: "Influencing each other... I like that." Airi: "Mayushi, aren't you and Shiho-san the same way?" Mayu: "Huh? Oh. Yeah, maybe." Kaya: "I wish we could be that way with everyone we've met." Miyu: "It's... it's so wonderful." mi: "We haven't even finished the lyrics yet. It's too soon to cry." Minami: "In other words, we should all be friends." Yoshino: "You're right. Let's do our best to prepare for the tour." All: "Yeah!" Right: "Let's play a word association game. What does Sendai make you think of? Your turn, Hayamaru." Middle: "WUG! You're next, Acchan. What does WUG make you think of?" Left: "Sendai. Mocchi, what does Sendai make you think of?" Right: "WUG! Wait! We're stuck in a loop!"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter Episode 10 – WUG! Makes Me Think Of...?", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter", "10", "WUG! Makes Me Think Of...?" ] }
Caster: "Take a look at this. This is the well-known Vdol, a popular app captivating the minds of young people. We've just received word that the Vdol app is partnering with American software company, Heinlein Co. They'll be holding a Vdol concert, using the world's first virtual concert system. Furthermore, the concert will be preceded by the app's American debut. And unbelievably, the debut song was written by..." Heinlein: "Incredible. She's perfect. Vdol—or I should call her Machina? Miss Machina is also perfect. This is extreme perfection." Hayasaka: "Thank you." Hayasaka: "Perfect, huh?" Heinlein: "Now I become so close to get my hands even on idol industry! Thanks to all of my friends and foes around the world!" Yoshino: "What?" Yoshino: "The Vdol is making its American debut?" mi: "With Hayasaka-san's song?" Minami: "So that's why he went to America." Airi: "Hayasaka-san really is amazing." Kaya: "This is such big news, I don't know what's going on." Miyu: "They live in a world so far away from ours." Mayu: "An e-mail." Kaya: "Whoa! Speak of the devil." Mayu: "It's from Hayasaka-san." All: "What?" Airi: "It's about the lyrics, isn't it?" mi: "What else could it be?" Miyu: "I'm really nervous." mi: "I'm scared." Yoshino: "My heart hurts. Kayatan, please." Kaya: "Okay. Ready? I'm opening it." Kaya: "That's short. Is this all?" mi: "Don't you think he calls us potatoes too much?" Mayu: "New buds?" Airi: "What does that mean?" Miyu: "More hints, please!" Tange: "What? Try again?" Yoshino: "Yes..." Tange: "What day is it today?" Kaya: "Uh, November 2nd?" Tange: "That's right. Now look at this!" Tange: "The album goes on sale November 10th. The first day of the tour is the 12th. Do you know what that means?" Yoshino: "It's just over a week away?" Tange: "You don't have a whole week. We need to finish the song as soon as possible, so it's ready for the tour. Your deadline is the 7th. Got it?" All: "Okay..." Matsuda: "By the way, you'll be even busier starting tomorrow with work relating to the album." Airi: "Relating to the album?" Matsuda: "Yeah. First, there's learning the new chorus, then the jacket photo shoot, discussing the liner notes, and your second S Stage appearance." Miyu: "What? We're going on S Stage again?" Matsuda: "Yeah. The president's still working on it, but it's as good as done." Minami: "All right! I'm excited!" mi: "This time, I'll do a good job talking to Hamori-san!" Yoshino: "Good morning. Thanks for having me to—" Cameraman: "Hey. Good to see you." Yoshino: "I-It's good to see you again. Are you—" Cameraman: "Yeah. I look forward to working with you." Mayu: "Yoppi, do you know him?" Yoshino: "Yeah. He's the cameraman who shot my swimsuit gravure photos." Minami: "Really? Those cute photos?" Cameraman: "I got an offer from your president. I became interested in WUG after working with Yoshino-chan, so I agreed to do the job." Yoshino: "Really? Thank you." Matsuda: "That concludes this meeting." Matsuda: "We'll write up what we discussed and send the manuscript over to you to check." Tagami P: "Got it. Thank you." Mayu: "Thank you so much for today." Murashita D: "No, thank you. We had fun." Mayu: "Thanks for meeting with us even though I-1 Club did the theme song." Wada: "I became interested in Wake Up, Girls! after the drama. I've been following your progress." Mayu: "What? Really?" Wada: "Yes. Shimada-san introduced me to the group, but I wanted to learn more about all of you. I'm glad you could meet with us today." All: "Thank you." Mayu: "We hope you come see our tour." Wada: "I will." Heinlein: "Great job, Tasuku. You're the fourth best on the US chart." Hayasaka: "Thanks." Heinlein: "You've done great." Hayasaka: "I just made something new to the people. It doesn't really matter if I did good or not." Heinlein: "Tasuku, you're way too realistic. Does everyone in Japan act like you?" Hayasaka: "I don't care." Heinlein: "Oh, there's someone I want to introduce to you." Hayasaka: "To me?" Heinlein: "Yes. Our honored patron." Daruma: "This is our first time speaking directly to each other, Hayasaka-kun." Airi: "Wow! This looks great." Minami: "The album's really coming together." Yoshino: "Yeah. I'm happy about that, but..." mi: "Now we just have to write lyrics for Hayasaka-san's song." Miyu: "Ugh, the pressure..." Matsuda: "What? Wait a minute. What does that mean? But why so suddenly?" Tange: "What's going on?" Matsuda: "One moment, please." Matsuda: "They're asking us not to appear on S Stage..." Tange: "What's the meaning of this? What? Don't mess with me!" Matsuda: "Ow!" Tange: "But why did they suddenly change their minds?" Matsuda: "Why do you have to be so violent all the time?" Tange: "It's because of that." Matsuda: "Huh?" Matsuda: "Vdol?" Tange: "Looks like they're actually sponsoring S Stage." Mayu: "We won't get to be on S Stage?" Matsuda: "I know you were looking forward to it. Sorry." Kaya: "That's fine, but is everything okay?" Tange: "It'll work out. But honestly, not getting to appear on a key station before the release of our album will be tough." Hayasaka: "It's been a while." Shiraki: "What do you want? Make it quick. You must be busy, too." Hayasaka: "You're no fun. Anyway, it's no big deal." Hayasaka: "I just had a question for you." Shiraki: "What is it?" Hayasaka: "You don't know anything about a daruma, do you?" Coach: "Focus! You're spacing out!" Yoshino: "Sorry." Coach: "Make your movements bigger! How far away do you think the seats in the back are?" All: "Yes, ma'am!" Coach: "It's hard to tell your positions when all seven of you aren't here. Ayumi, you're Mayu. Otome, you're Nanami. Itsuka, you're Miyu." Otome: "What?" Ayumi: "What? You want us to do it?" Kaya: "Good idea." Minami: "Come on." Airi: "Help us." Yoshino: "Please." Coach: "Come on. Hurry up, you two." Both: "O-Okay." Otome: "Th-Thanks for having us." Airi: "Thanks for helping." Kaya: "Do you know the choreography?" Ayumi: "I think so." Kaya: "Then let's start." Coach: "Okay, good. How was that?" Yoshino: "Perfect. It feels way better with all seven parts." Airi: "Thanks, Ayumi-chan, Otome-chan, and Itsuka-chan." Otome: "No problem." Ayumi: "I'm just glad we were able to help." Itsuka: "We appreciate the chance to learn." Otome: "Anyway, I'm sorry. I made a ton of mistakes." Ayumi: "I'm sorry I was too nervous to move properly, too." Airi: "It's okay. I was even worse when we debuted." Yoshino: "Ai-chan, you've really improved. Your hard work has paid off." Airi: "You think? I'm glad. I was desperate to catch up to the others." Kaya: "When we started, we were nervous just standing in front of strangers." Minami: "Those street concerts were tough training, but they were fun." Airi: "Yeah. I feel like they made us bolder." Kaya: "And little by little, people learned who we were." Yoshino: "Oh, right." Yoshino: "If we can't appear on TV, then..." Tange: "A guerrilla concert?" Yoshino: "Yes. We can do it during our free time with whoever's available, even if it's just one of us." Kaya: "With the tour coming up, it'll be hard to get all of us together." mi: "We thought performing in front of an audience as much as possible could help." Mayu: "We could perform at parks, parking lots, or roofs near wherever we're working." Matsuda: "Don't be ridiculous. It made sense when you were unknown, but you've started to make a name for yourselves." Yoshino: "We know it'll be hard, but we want to do anything we can to promote the tour. Will you let us do it?" Matsuda: "Ma'am, say something." Tange: "Why not?" Matsuda: "You hear that? Why— What?" Tange: "It'll be a chance to test your strength before the tour. Oh, but I can't pay for anything. You'll have to do it without a budget." All: "All right! Thank you!" Matsuda: "What? You're making me handle it?" Mayu: "We're really sorry for springing this on you." Employee: "It's fine. We didn't have any events today, so we don't mind." Mayu: "Thank you." Mayu: "Nanamin..." Mayu: "Got it. No problem." Makina: "The solar system's ultimate perfect idol, Machina X, will be coming to the nation's stadiums on Christmas! All you need is Makki!" Mayu: "No..." mi: "Mayushi, thanks for waiting." Mayu: "It's fine. Let's get started." mi: "Okay. I'm nervous, though. It's been a while." Mayu: "Me, too." mi: "You, too? Really?" Both: "Hello, every-WUG! We're the Wake Up, Girls! traveling group!" Mob A: "What? WUG?" Mob B: "Real idols?" Mob C: "Wow! Look at them dance." Mob D: "They're not bad for idols." Mob E: "I kinda want to see what they're like as a group." Miyu: "I'll put a stomach hold on your heart. I'm WUG's soothing crybaby angel Myu, also known as Okamoto Miyu. Normally, we operate as seven, but today I've been sent here on my own." Miyu: "Thank you. Wow! This atmosphere is so nostalgic. I'm accepting all your requests today." Manager: "Good work, Myu-chan." Miyu: "Oh, sir. Sorry for asking to perform on such short notice." Manager: "It's fine. We're happy to have an actual working idol perform anytime." Miyu: "Thank you. Oh, could I leave these fliers here?" Manager: "Of course." Miyu: "Huh? Is this..." Yoshino: "They're talking about us." Matsuda: "Ticket sales are turning around, too. Little by little, anyway." Yoshino: "Really?" Matsuda: "Yeah." Kaya: "Welcome back, ma'am." Tange: "You girls are here? Welcome back. How did the guerrilla concerts go?" Airi: "They seem to be working." Yoshino: "Look at this." Tange: "Really? That's great." Tange: "So, have you finished writing the lyrics?" Yoshino: "N-Not yet..." Tange: "Do understand that you have a deadline? At this rate, we might have to cut the song." Yoshino: "We can't do that." Tange: "What? It's not about can or can't." Yoshino: "Ma'am." Tange: "What?" Yoshino: "Please." Yoshino: "Can't we have a little more time?" Yoshino: "We nearly have it. We're almost there." Tange: "And you're confident you'll come up with something you like if we wait?" Yoshino: "Yes. I promise we'll write good lyrics." Tange: "Two days. That's the most I can extend it." Matsuda: "President, can we do—" Tange: "Shut up! If it comes down to it, I'll barge into the factory and stop the presses!" Matsuda: "What? You shouldn't bother them like that." Yoshino: "Thank you, ma'am." Tange: "I'm expecting great lyrics from you." Airi: "Yoppi, that was so cool of you earlier." Kaya: "Yeah. Way to go, leader. So, what kind of lyrics are they?" Yoshino: "Huh?" Kaya: "You told the president you nearly had it." Yoshino: "Oh, that? That was a bluff." Both: "What?" Yoshino: "I thought the president wouldn't listen unless I said something like that." Airi: "Yeah, but will we be okay?" Yoshino: "We'll be fine. Even if it comes down to wire, we just have to write good lyrics that Hayasaka-san will approve of." Kaya: ""Just," huh? Way to go, our incompetent leader." Yoshino: "Did you say something?" Kaya: "No, nothing." Airi: "What did Hayasaka-san mean when he told us to sprout new buds?" Mayu: "Maybe he simply meant we should create something new." Kaya: "In other words, we can't stay the way we are." Yoshino: "You're right. Those lyrics were the current WUG. A new us, huh?" Minami: "I know. Maybe we could be reincarnated as potato salad." Yoshino: "Let's move away from potatoes. But reincarnating might be a good idea." Miyu: "What? Does that mean we have to die first?" Kaya: "Oh, right. We shouldn't die." mi: "But stars shine the brightest when they die." Minami: "What? Really?" Mayu: "Yeah. They're called supernovas." Yoshino: "Ugh! I don't know!" Mayu: "Yoppi, calm down." Kaya: "You really were bluffing to the president." Yoshino: "No, I wasn't. Well, I was bluffing, but it's true that I feel like I've almost got it. My head feels so foggy." Minami: "Potatoes, potatoes... I want fries!" Kaya: "I haven't had a day off in a while." Miyu: "I forgot!" Kaya: "What?" Miyu: "Where is it?" Kaya: "Myu, what are you shouting about?" Miyu: "This. Look at this." Kaya: "Huh? Is that..." Miyu: "Good evening." Kaya: "It's been a while." Yoko: "You're from WUG." Yui: "Wow! You came?" Saki: "Thanks." Kaya: "You didn't disband." Yoko: "Yeah. Our agency shut down. We didn't have a choice." Miyu: "What? Your agency?" Saki: "Yeah. We're freelance now." Yui: "We work part time and book concerts and rent practice spaces all on our own." Kaya: "Really? That must be hard." Miyu: "I'm glad you're back, though." Saki: "Thanks to you." Miyu: "Huh?" Saki: "Seeing you guys work so hard made us want to sing." Yui: "We wanted to give it another try." Yoko: "Yeah." Yoshino: "What is this?" mi: "Namahagez?" Both: "We're back." Yoshino: "A Namahagez concert?" mi: "Really? At a maid cafe?" Miyu: "Yeah, where we held our guerrilla concert." Mayu: "I heard they disbanded." Miyu: "They did for a time, but came back as freelancers." Yoshino: "I see. They're still singing." Airi: "I'm happy for them." Mayu: "Yeah." Miyu: "Anyway, I had an idea." Miyu: "Hello, every-WUG. Today's guest on Myu's SMKM is Namahagez, an idol group from Akita." All: "Good evening." Miyu: "The Namahagez' next concert is on December 24th, the same day as the last performance of our tour. I-1 Club is also performing at the Tokyo Dome on that day, so it'll be a day of idols. Get pumped, everyone." Miyu: "And that's the Namahagez done." Kaya: "Nice one, Myu. I can't believe you invited the Namahagez onto your show." Miyu: "I'm just getting started. I've already made an offer to the Akamiso All Stars. I'm going to conquer the nation." mi: "That's not what that means." Yoshino: "Myu, you're surprisingly proactive. I respect that." Miyu: "Keep the compliments coming." Kaya: "Don't get ahead of yourself." Mayu: "This is kind of nice." Airi: "Huh?" Mayu: "The Namahagez invited us to be a guest artist at their concert before, remember?" Airi: "Yeah." Mayu: "And this time, Myu invited them to be a guest on her show. It's nice that we can make each other happy." Airi: "You're right. We help each other out." Airi: "Huh? That sounds familiar." Yoshino: "Yeah. Individually we're weak and lacking, but we become stronger through influencing each other." Yoshino: "You're right. We're not the only ones helping each other." mi: "Is this the newness Hayasaka-san was talking about?" Minami: "Don't you think this will look like a constellation once I have more stars?" Yoshino: "That's it." Minami: "Huh?" Yoshino: "What do you think about making the theme stars?" All: "Great idea. They're so sparkly and cute." Yoshino: "It's done." Yoshino: "An international call? Hayasaka-san?" All: "What?" Yoshino: "Hello?" Hayasaka: "Passing marks. You can have the song." Yoshino: "Thank you. We passed!" All: "All right!" Airi: "We get to sing that song." mi: "Let's make it perfect." Matsuda: "Ma'am, it's an emergency!" Tange: "What's with all the noise?" Matsuda: "Look at this!" Tange: "Christmas? That's the day of our concert! What's going on?" Right: "Let's practice being understudies for WUG. I'm your incompetent idol." Middle: "Let me be an idol." Left: "It's tasty, meow." Right: "Let's try a little harder." Middle: "We're just practicing our impressions, aren't we?"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter Episode 11 – Sprout New Buds!", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter", "11", "Sprout New Buds!" ] }
Yoshino: "Let's go!" Kaya: "We can do it!" All: "Wake Up, Girls!" Tange: "The first day's tickets didn't sell out." Matsuda: "Maybe it's because of the guerrilla concerts, but they were selling until the very end." Tange: "Really?" Matsuda: "How did your negotiations with the stadium go?" Tange: "Not well. They said they'd give us our money back if we'd cancel." Matsuda: "But we reserved it first. We even had a contract." Tange: "They said they'd compensate us. I told them it wasn't about the money, though." Matsuda: "What? But you love money." Tange: "In any case, it can't be helped now. We'll find another venue, no matter what." Matsuda: "Yes, ma'am." Tange: "We're not off to a good start." Yoshino: "Next up is our new fresh-out- of-the-oven song, "Polaris."" Ota: ""Due to certain circumstances, we have been forced to change the location of our final performance." "Please contact the agency by 11/20 if you would like to have your tickets refunded."" Ota: "So the tour has started without a final concert venue." Asazu: "We have until the 20th to refund our tickets." Ota: "We must believe in WUG!" All: "Yeah!" Asazu: "Ota-san, it's an emergency! Look at this!" Ota: "Machina X is performing in Japan? So it's not just at Sendai Stadium." Shiromoto: "I heard Vdol was being funded by a foreign company, but I can't believe they've expanded this much." Ota: "Impossible. What's happening in the world of idols?" Tina: "I heard Vdol's having a concert on Christmas Eve, too." ka: "Maybe they created a scheduling conflict on purpose." Shiraki: "The only thing you need to work on until the final tour performance in Tokyo is becoming perfect. In particular, for those of you trying to become the center of centers, you can't let anyone beat you. You must not lose." Shiraki: "Work hard, so you can provide the ultimate entertainment the day of the concert." All: "Yes, sir!" Shiraki: "Very good. Now repeat after me. Don't rest! Don't complain! Don't think!" All: "Don't rest! Don't complain! Don't think!" Shiraki: "Gratitude, always!" All: "Gratitude, always!" Shiho: "What did you just say?" Shiraki: "The Hakata Theater is closing. Next Storm will be disbanded, as well. You'll focus on the center unit." Shiho: "No..." Shiraki: "This conversation is over. Go back to your lesson." Shiho: "Wait. I—" Shiraki: "I've granted you another chance to become a center. Are you still unhappy?" Shiraki: "You should think carefully on what's really best for I-1." Shiho: "I have a request." Shiho: "At least let me go back to Hakata just once." Rika: "Shiho-san, are you okay? You look pale." Shiho: "I'm fine. Thanks." Shiraki: "Regarding the Vdol performance, are you involved in the forced partnership with Heinlein?" Daruma: "I've contributed money, too." Shiraki: "That's news to me." Daruma: "Really? I didn't tell you?" Shiraki: "Is that why you didn't oppose demoting #151 from center?" Daruma: "I'm busy. The rest is up to you." Shiraki: "Understood." Aya: "Disbanded?" Hinako: "No..." : "No way..." Shiho: "I'll ask Shiraki-san to let the three of you keep performing without—" : "I don't want that! The four of us finally got back together." Hinako: "I don't want that, either." Shiho: "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Hinako: "Shiho-san, are you sure this is what you want?" Shiho: "I..." Aya: "Shiho-san, you'll become the true center of I-1." : "You're right. If that's what's best for Shiho-san." Hinako: "Yeah. I'm sure Shiho-san will be fine." Aya: "Good luck." Yoshino: "Well? Were there any parts you didn't like?" Kaya: "Let's fix everything we can." mi: "The choreography before the chorus is a little bland, isn't it?" Miyu: "Yeah, that did bother me." Mayu: "Ai-chan." Airi: "What, Mayushi?" Mayu: "Can I talk to you for a second?" Mayu: "Are you okay?" Airi: "Yeah. I'm almost there." Yoshino: "We know you can do it now." Kaya: "Yeah. And it'll look awesome if you can pull it off." Airi: "Thanks. After all, Hayasaka-san gave us this song. By the final concert, I..." Airi: "We'll have a final concert, right?" Mayu: "It's about a month away." Kaya: "No one's refunded their tickets." mi: "Maybe everyone believes in us." Minami: "I hope we can perform in Sendai for our final concert." Mayu: "Yeah." Both: "Millions of years in the future..." Yoshino: "Hey, sounds nice." Minami: "We tried assigning parts between us." mi: "Watching the others made us want to try something." Miyu: "Yeah. Let's all work to make it better." Mayu: "Hello, Megumi?" Mayu: "What? Is that true?" Yoshino: "Did something happen?" Mayu: "Yeah." Mayu: "Shiho might quit I-1." Yoshino: "That can't be true. Why?" Mayu: "Apparently, it's to keep Next Storm together." Yoshino: "I see. That's rough." Mayu: "Yeah. Shiho's proud to be a member of I-1. It must've been a tough decision." Mayu: "She might still..." Yoshino: "We're performing in Tokyo soon, right?" Mayu: "Yeah." Yoshino: "Great. Then you can meet and talk to her in person." Mayu: "Yoppi..." Yoshino: "But I have a condition." Mayu: "Huh? What is it?" Yoshino: "Can I go with you? I'm still the leader. I might be able to help." Yoshino: "But they might not like it." Mayu: "No, I'm sure it'll be fine. Thanks, Yoppi." Kaya: "What? Shiho-san and Megumi-san?" Miyu: "They're coming here?" Yoshino: "Yeah. They need to talk to Mayushi. We'll be using the room for a while." Kaya: "Sure, but..." Yoshino: "Coming." Mayu: "Shiho, are you quitting I-1 no matter what?" Shiho: "It's the only way I can protect Next Storm." Mayu: "You won't regret it?" Shiho: "Well..." Mayu: "If you have doubts, why don't you think on it a little more?" Mayu: "I wasn't even allowed to choose." Megumi: "Mayu..." Yoshino: "Why don't you try talking to Shiraki-san again?" Megumi: "That's right. If you're prepared to quit, at least talk to him again." Shiho: "But Shiraki-san never changes his mind. No matter what I say, it's too late." Mayu: "Okay. In that case..." Shiho: "Mayu?" Shiho: "Mayu, what are you doing?" Tange: "I can afford this luxury." Mayu: "Ma'am!" Tange: "What's wrong with you? Can't you see I'm relaxing here?" Mayu: "But your door was open." Mayu: "I want to talk to Shiraki-san." Tange: "Do you have any idea what's going on now? You're in the middle of your tour." Mayu: "I know, but this is something only I can do." Tange: "Why?" Mayu: "It's for Shiho. No, for me." Tange: "In other words, you're being selfish." Mayu: "Please." Yoshino: "Why not, ma'am?" Kaya: "You could arrange it, couldn't you?" Tange: "How did you get in?" Minami: "Your door was open." mi: "Please call Shiraki-san." Miyu: "Are you saying that was all talk?" Tange: "Oh, shut up! Fine, fine." Shiraki: "How unusual. Did something happen?" Tange: "It's been a while. The truth is..." Shiraki: "You mean Shimada Mayu as an individual?" Mayu: "It's been a while, Shiraki-san. I was told you'd meet if it was just me." Shiraki: "Let's cut to the chase. Fifteen minutes. That's all the time I can give you." Mayu: "Shiho is prepared to quit I-1. Are you sure you're okay with that?" Shiraki: "That's none of your business. I don't chase after people who leave. She'll just be treated as a dropout." Mayu: "A dropout? Is that how you see me, too?" Shiraki: "Idols don't need friendship. You won't reach the top by relying on others or being swayed by your feelings." Mayu: "Are you sure? At Wake Up, Girls!, we're still inexperienced individually, but we put on the best performances as seven. We can do it because we believe in each other." Shiraki: "Believe in each other? Wrong. The best performances come from working hard every day, backed by a strong mentality." Mayu: "No, I'm not wrong. Next Storm is—" Shiraki: "Don't compare yourselves to them. They're on a different level from you." Mayu: "We're not just dolls who sing and dance. We're people first." Shiraki: "I-1 doesn't need friends." Shiraki: "It's time. Excuse me." Mayu: "Wait. What about Shiho?" Ota: "That's..." Mai: "Why was Mayu talking to Shiraki-san?" Rena: "He's not seriously thinking about taking her back, is he?" Tina: "You can't be serious. Why now?" Rika: "People would certainly talk if she joined the center unit." ka: "Does this mean I-1 is willing to do whatever it takes now? That's rough." Mai: "Surely this isn't happening. She's part of WUG now." Moka: "But Shiraki-san has always been particular about her. Doesn't that mean Shimada Mayu is his perfect center?" Megumi: "Gather round, everyone. We're starting." Rika: "But captain..." Megumi: "Let's do what we have to do. I'm sure it'll be fine." Tange: "That fox has really done it now." Mayu: "Why is this happening?" Yoshino: "She wants to go back?" mi: "Betrayal?" Airi: "Mayushi, are you okay?" Yoshino: "Shiraki-san never learns." mi: "I know. This is so stupid." Miyu: "It's kind of funny." Kaya: "I can't believe that old man." Minami: "Mayushi would never quit WUG." Mayu: "Guys..." Tange: "Well, I doubt it'll have much effect. But if it affects our ticket sales, I'll hate him until the end of time." Matsuda: "But I'm Matsuda!" Shiraki: "There's a vacancy in the center selection unit. We must choose a replacement immediately." Employee: "What's the meaning of this?" Shiraki: "#3 has dropped out." Employee: "What? Iwasaki Shiho did?" Shiraki: "Her replacement could be her understudy, or..." Employee: "Wait. What happened to her?" Shiraki: "She'll be working in Hakata from now on." Employee: "What? Then what about Next Storm?" Shiraki: "I gave them the name as a parting gift." Shiho: "Yeah, I'm heading back to Hakata now." Shiho: "I'm going to work freelance from now on." Mayu: "Shiho, I couldn't help you. I'm sorry." Shiho: "It's okay. Thanks to you, I got over it." Mayu: "I see. That's good, then." Shiho: "Are you okay? How about your final concert venue?" Mayu: "We haven't found one yet." Shiho: "I see." Shiho: "I heard your new song. It's good." Mayu: "Thanks. Hayasaka-san provided it." Shiho: "Really?" Shiho: "Mayu, thank you. I'm really grateful. I'll repay the favor." Mayu: "You don't owe me anything." Shiho: "We'll probably see each other even less from now on, but you won't beat me." Mayu: "That's okay, Mitsuki. We're dreaming the same dream." Shiho: "Thanks, Yoko." Rika: "Shiho-san!" Rika: "I made it. Um, I—" Shiho: "Take care of I-1." Rika: "Shiho-san." Shiraki: "What's wrong? You're in the center selection unit, just like you wanted." Moka: "I didn't want to take Shihocchi's place." Shiraki: "A chance is a chance. Am I wrong?" Moka: "I promise I'll become a true center!" Yoshino: "We still haven't found a venue for the final concert." Airi: "What should we do? Do we have to cancel it?" Minami: "What? We won't get to sing "Polaris" in Sendai?" mi: "But there's nothing we can do." Miyu: "Why are you giving up?" Miyu: "We can put on a concert anywhere." Yoshino: "Yeah, but..." Miyu: "At this rate, the Namahagez will laugh at us. They started performing again after seeing us, and..." Yoko: "It felt like you were telling us we didn't have to give up." Miyu: "Mayushi, you said Shiho-san was you before. The Namahagez are me. And they see us as them, too." Miyu: "Huh? I'm confused now." Airi: "Myu, calm down." Yoshino: "You're right. It's still too soon to give up." mi: "No matter where we perform, as long as we're together, we can put on a concert." Miyu: "Yeah." Shiho: "Hayasaka-san, it's been a while. It's Iwasaki Shiho." Hayasaka: "You. What do you want? I heard you left I-1." Shisho: "Yes, but I'm not calling about me." Hayasaka: "Really?" Shiho: "It's about WUG." Shiho: "Do you know what's happening to them right now?" Yoshino: "Why did you suddenly call a meeting?" mi: "We're trying to get as much practice in as possible right now." Miyu: "Has there been an emergency?" Tange: "Well, it is urgent. Urgent news." Matsuda: "We found a venue for your final concert!" mi: "Oh, that's all?" All: "What?" Matsuda: "What do you think? The old Sendai Airport. Big, right?" Kaya: "It's certainly big." Minami: "There's nothing here." Matsuda: "Building the stage from scratch will be hard work." Tange: "Ugh! This is costing more than necessary. You'd better help in every way you can." All: "Yes, ma'am!" Mayu: "Since there's nothing here, we have that much more freedom." Yoshino: "You're right. We can arrange the seats however we want." Airi: "Hey, it's like when we did Nyaon." Mayu: "Yeah." Yoshino: "You came to help?" Otome: "We'll handle this." Ayumi: "You go ahead and rehearse." Kaya: "Did you just leave school?" Otome: "No, we went home and changed." mi: "Working while going to school must be hard." Itsuka: "It's okay. We just want to help WUG." Mayu: "Thanks." Airi: "Wow. Tickets are really selling." Miyu: "Come to think of it, the Namahagez are struggling to sell tickets, too." Mayu: "Next Storm has a concert on Christmas Eve, too. They said it's tough." Minami: "You think everyone wants to see the Vdol?" Yoshino: "I wish we could help." Mayu: "I've thought of something we can do." Kaya: "A plan to have all the nation's idols perform on the 24th? That could be interesting." mi: "It'd be like a national Idol Festival." Miyu: "The Namahagez, Next Storm, and Akamiso said they're in." Airi: "This map is serving us well." Yoshino: "A lot of idols perform on Christmas Eve. Let's reach out to more groups." Miyu: "Why don't we make a promotional video? I could play it on my show." Kaya: "Good idea. Let's do it." Minami: "I hope it'll generate as much excitement as the Idol Festival." mi: "I'm sure it will." Airi: "But will it work?" Mayu: "I think it's worth trying. I think being able to help someone else is happiness." Airi: "I see. You're right. Idols can support other idols." Hayasaka: "Hello, Shiraki-san? It's Hayasaka." Shiraki: "You? Calling all the way from America? There must be some reason for this." Hayasaka: "I just wanted to propose a little mischievousness." mi: "Sorry we're late." Mayu: "Sorry." Yoshino: "Good work. Thanks for everything." Otome: "No problem. Thank you." Kaya: "They look pretty tired." Mayu: "They cleaned up the venue again today." Airi: "They're working hard." Yoshino: "There's something I want to discuss." Tange: "You want to include them in the final concert?" Yoshino: "Yes." Tange: "No." Miyu: "What?" Mayu: "Why not?" Tange: "This isn't like handing out fliers. I can't take people's money and have amateurs perform for them." Matsuda: "You're right. Maybe it's too soon." Airi: "But they've been acting as our understudies lately. They've grown so much." Miyu: "Ma'am, here. Look at this." Tange: "Wake Up, Idols?" Yoshino: "It's a plan for idols across the country to perform on Christmas Eve." mi: "We're hoping it can be like the Idol Festival." Minami: "So we want to sing with them." Yoshino: "Please." Tange: "Fine, fine." Yoshino: "Really?" Tange: "But they're only opening for you." Tange: "I can't believe I'm bringing this out so soon." Matsuda: "Huh? Ma'am?" Ayumi: "We're going to sing this song?" Yoshino: "Yeah. Twinkle wrote it for you girls." Otome: "What? Twinkle did?" Itsuka: "I'm awed." Minami: "It's so cool." mi: "I know. Is Twinkle exploring new frontiers?" Kaya: "Yeah. It's kind of rock." Miyu: "I bet it'll be fun at the concert." Airi: "A-Are you okay?" Mayu: "They've suddenly been told to perform. Of course they feel pressured." Ayumi: "I'm happy, but I guess you could say I'm not okay." Otome: "I'm already over capacity from opening for WUG." Itsuka: "And now we're performing a new song." Yoshino: "It's okay. There's about a month until the final concert. Let's do our best together." Ayumi: "O-Okay." Otome: "Thank you." Itsuka: "Thank you." Mayu: "Be more conscious of yourself all the way to your fingertips." Miyu: "Your pose will look cooler if you make it slightly imperfect." mi: "And look at this." Otome: "Wow! We're all over the place." Kaya: "Now, now. We were terrible at first, too." Itsuka: "I can't get this part right." Mayu: "How's this?" Ayumi: "Wow! Impressive." Mayu: "You'll fall behind if you listen for the music, so one of you should give a signal for the others to follow." Itsuka: "I see. Thank you." Yoshino: "The president said to choose a unit name." Kaya: "What? Seriously? Well, since we're Wake Up, Girls!..." Mayu: "What comes after waking up?" Minami: "Washing your face?" Yoshino: "We can't call them Wash Face, Girls!" Minami: "Stand up, then." mi: "That's too similar to ours." Airi: "After standing you... walk?" Miyu: "Walking Girls?" Kaya: "That's not quite right." Otome: "We're going to run home. Excuse us." Yoshino: "What? After that workout?" Ayumi: "We need to build our stamina." Kaya: "Middle school students are full of energy." Miyu: "They're so young." Yoshino: "They're always running around." Miyu: "That's it." Airi: "Huh? What?" Tange: "Run Girls, Run, huh?" Miyu: "Yeah. The two runs make it cute, right?" Tange: "It's not very snappy." Yoshino: "What?" Kaya: "Ma'am, hold your complaints until after you've seen this. Come on, girls." Otome: "On your marks." Itsuka: "Ready, go." Ayumi: "We are Run Girls, Run!" All: "Thanks for having us." Minami: "That was awesome." Tange: "Fine, I guess. Okay. Starting today, you're Run Girls, Run." Airi: "It's great that you have a name now." Minami: "All right! We're performing together!" Mayu: "Let's do our best." All: "Y-Yeah." Right: "What's your favorite WUG song? Mine is..." All: "" Right: "Huh? One more time." All: "" Right: "I can't hear what you're saying." Middle: "Why don't we say they're all our favorite?" Both: "That's it!"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter Episode 12 – What We Can Do!", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter", "12", "What We Can Do!" ] }
Caster: "With the arrival of a record-breaking cold wave, this year's Christmas will be particularly cold. Here in Sendai, today is the day of the idol concert everyone's been talking about. And for the first time ever, concerts will be held not just in Sendai, but in stadiums all across japan. It will be a day of Vdols in Japan." Mayu: "It's the day of the final concert of WUG's first national tour. We're not performing where we thought we'd be, but this is our stage." Mayu: "We'll be singing here today." Mayu: "I'm glad." Mayu: "Really, truly glad." Ota: "Let's cheer our hearts out!" All: "Yeah!" Minami: "Hey, it's the seniors. Hey!" Yoshino: "Minyami, don't." Yoshino: "I came up with a cheer for our concert." Minami: "What is it?" Yoshino: ""Is everyone ready to get high?" What do you think?" Airi: "What does that mean?" Yoshino: "It's a play on burning up and turning into "hai" (ash) and feeling elated or high." All: "Oh, I see." Yoshino: "Anyway, Mayushi, I'm counting on you." Mayu: "Huh?" Mayu: "You want me to say it? Really?" Yoshino: "You're the center." Ayumi: "Um, excuse me..." Ayumi: "What do you think?" Otome: "Do we look weird?" Miyu: "You look super cute." Ayumi: "Wow! Look at all those people." Otome: "Acchan, are you cold? Nervous? Are you okay?" Itsuka: "I'm... fine..." mi: "You guys were fine during rehearsal." Ayumi: "But..." Kaya: "Write the character for person on your hand and swallow it." Otome: "What? You want me to swallow my hand?" Kaya: "No, just pretend to." Airi: "Here." Otome: "This is..." Mayu: "Airi." Ayumi: "Are you sure?" Yoshino: "Think of them as lucky charms. You can do it." Miyu: "Good luck." Kaya: "I don't think having more of them makes it better." mi: "I feel like it actually reduces their value." Kaya: "Feel relaxed now?" All: "Yeah." Megumi: "A surprise guest?" Tina: "Machina is the presenter? What is Shiraki-san thinking?" ka: "What if she steals our thunder?" Moka: "I won't let that thing beat me!" Megumi: "Moka..." Rika: "Look at this." Megumi: "Shihocchi." Mai: "Oh, right. Next Storm is performing in Fukuoka today." Rena: "It's for Wake Up, Idols! right?" Tina: "Yeah. WUG's sponsoring it." Moka: "They won't beat me. Not Shihocchi or anyone else." Megumi: "Let's give our 120%. Just like we always do." Megumi: "More intensely, more beautifully, and more precisely than anyone else! I-1 club, let's go!" All: "Yeah!" Shiho: "Today's performance is the new Next Storm's first step." Shiho: "Together, I believe we'll see the greatest sights." : "I'd like to see that, too." Hinako: "Yeah. Together, with Shiho-san." Aya: "Let's make today's performance the best ever." Shiho: "Yeah. I'm counting on you." All: "Shiho-san." Shiho: "Mayu..." Shiho: "Okay. Next Storm, let's make our own storm!" All: "Yeah!" Airi: "Come on. Do your cheer." Ayumi: "O-Okay." Otome: "With a smile!" Itsuka: "Shine!" Ayumi: "And run!" All: "Run Girls, Run!" Ayumi: "Okay, we'll start by introducing ourselves. When I say "on your marks"..." Itsuka: "Ready, go!" Ayumi: "Huh?" Otome: "Acchan?" Itsuki: "Huh?" Itsuka: "Uh, I..." Otome: "Calm down, Acchan." Ayumi: "What should we do?" Ayumi: "It's okay. WUG is with us." Ayumi: "Come on, Acchan." Ayumi: "Person, person." Ayumi: "Now swallow it." A: "You've got this!" B: "You're cute!" Itsuka: "Huh?" Ayumi: "What?" Otome: "Let's try that one more time." Otome: "Sorry, we made a mistake. We're going to start over." Otome: "On your marks!" Itsuka: "Ready, go!" Ayumi: "We are..." All: "...Run Girls, Run!" Otome: "This is our song "Run X Run!"" Kaya: "They had me on edge." Yoshino: "It's their first performance. It can't be helped." Airi: "Looks like they're okay." Mayu: "Yeah." Miyu: "It's our turn to go on." mi: "Minyami, let's give everything we've got." Minami: "Okay, Nanamin." Yoshino: "Let's go!" Kaya: "We can do this!" All: "Wake Up, Girls!" Miyu: "You were cute." Yoshino: "Good work." Ayumi: "Thank you for these." Itsuka: "Thank you." Mayu: "Good work." Yoshino: "Hello, every-WUG!" Kaya: "We are..." All: "Wake Up, Girls!" Airi: "How was the first performance of our juniors, Run Girls, Run?" Minami: "We appreciate your continued support." mi: "Now it's time for us to pump up the crowd." Mayu: "For the next two hours..." Mayu: "Is everyone ready to get high?" Yoshino: "Until recently, we lacked the confidence to say you can count on us. But now we can say it with our heads held high." Airi: "We achieved our dream of becoming idols, but what does it mean to be an idol? What can we do? Those thoughts nearly stopped us dead in our tracks." Kaya: "You can't try too hard to do something well." Kaya: "Even if it makes you look pathetic or lame, you have to show your true self. After all, that's all we can do." Miyu: "By doing our best at what we can, have we managed to grow a little? Is each of us capable of being the star now?" mi: "We fought and worried, but we'll be okay." mi: "The time we've spent together hasn't been a waste." Minami: "Now we understand each other as much as—no, better than family. We know each other's strengths and weaknesses. And we'll keep supporting each other as we move forward." Mayu: "And all the important people we've met, all the people who have made us feel, all the people we remain connected to even when we're far away... I thought it would take way longer for us to become the light illuminating someone's way. But we've actually been illuminating each other all along as we moved forward." mahage Fan: "Namahagez are the best!" s Fan: "Shihocchi, welcome back! Thanks for coming back!" Hayasaka: "Wake Up, Idols!... Honestly, I wasn't expecting those potatoes to go this far." Shiraki: "Why do you help them so much when you're on the Vdol's side?" Shiraki: "Providing them with a venue seems more than a little mischievous to me." Hayasaka: "The only thing I act on is whether or not I think something will be interesting." Hayasaka: "By the way, Iwasaki Shiho fell into that category this time." Shiraki: "What?" Hayasaka: "She contacted me. She asked me to provide a venue for WUG's final performance." Makinax1: "Don't you want to go to a world of only Machina?" Makina Fan: "Yeah!" Makinax2: "Then I'll take you there!" Makinax3: "This is "Glossy World!"" Yoshino: "This is our last song." : "What? But we just got here!" Wug: "We know!" Yoshino: "We worked together to write the lyrics for this song. It's about how we feel now, the message we want to convey, and all the important feelings we have. This is "Polaris."" Tange: "It's really starting to come down." Matsuda: "Will the stage be okay?" Ayumi: "WUG..." Hayasaka: "Shiraki-san, what do you think the difference is between Vdols and human idols?" Shiraki: "Idols are an image. There's no difference between them." Hayasaka: "Indeed. But in the case of humans, they have ups and downs. They can't move exactly how you want them to." Hayasaka: "But sometimes, they easily overcome our expectations. Don't you think that's fascinating?" Yoshino: "Minami's mic..." Operator A: "The snow is causing a system error!" Operator B: "It's happening in Tokyo, too!" Tange: "You still haven't fixed it?" Staff: "It'll take some time. The cold is affecting the system." Matsuda: "Ma'am, we have to shut it down." Tange: "Wait. Let them handle it." Mayu: "All we can do right now is sing so our voices reach as many people as possible." Hayasaka: "Letting an idol with perfect skills debut with my songs. I thought there would be no better way to maximize the potential of my music." Hayasaka: "But I was wrong." Shiraki: "Did they teach you that, too?" Hayasaka: "Are you sure you don't actually understand?" Shiraki: "What do you mean?" Mc: "I-1 club's true center is..." Hayasaka: "It's not Vdols or me or you who will change the idol industry." Mc: "Suzuki Moka! She has impressively reclaimed her title! Congratulations!" Mc: "And now we have the perfect surprise guest for this moment! Take a look at the screens!" Moka: "This couldn't be worse." Megumi: "Shihocchi..." Moka: "Shimada Mayu?" Shiraki: "Did you do this? How dare you interfere." Hayasaka: "But it's exciting, isn't it?" Hayasaka: "This is the correct answer for the fans as well." Shiraki: "I-1 must stand at the pinnacle, not just internally, but of all idols in the center position." Shiraki: "So I'd like to announce the return of a new idol festival." Shiraki: "This is my answer." Mayu: "No matter how many times we fall, we won't give up. We won't hesitate. As long as we're together, we can keep walking towards the light." Mayu: "I believe there are three ways to make someone happy." Mayu: "First, there are people who can make lots of people around the world happy." Mayu: "People who can make those around them happy." Mayu: "And finally, people who can make themselves happy." Mayu: "But now I understand." Mayu: "By making others happy, we make ourselves happy." Staff: "Tasuku, what did you think of the US? Boring?" Hayasaka: "It wasn't that bad. But soon Japan will become a much more fun place to be." Kaya: "Let's go to our lesson, Myu." Miyu: "KMH? Is this for real?" Minami: "What?" Airi: "She's quitting? Why?" Miyu: "Apparently, "the real battle is postponed until the new idol festival."" Yoshino: "What does that mean?" Miyu: "This." Ayumi: "What? The Vdol, too?" Yoshino: "Oh, hey. Good morning." All: "Good morning." Mayu: "I see. I-1 club's participating in the preliminaries, too." Otome: "WUG will be in this, too, right?" Kaya: "Don't act like this doesn't affect you." mi: "Yeah. We're rivals now." Ayumi: "What? We are?" Otome: "Rivals?" Itsuka: "I'm honored." Yoshino: "I look forward to working with all of you." All: "Yeah!" All: "I'm leaving you behind! Hurry up!"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter Episode 13 – Towards The Light", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter", "13", "Towards The Light" ] }
Matsuda: "Hey, girls. Don't just stand there. Start moving boxes." Mayu: "Here?" All: "We're moving?" Tange: "That's right. Miyu and Kaya, you two live alone, right? Mayu, Airi, Ayano, and Minami have graduated from high school, too. Nanami's the only one who needs her parents' permission." Ayano: "What? I'm not following." Mayu: "What are you talking about?" Tange: "I'm saying you should all live together in a dorm." Airi: "What? All of us together?" mi: "Isn't this too sudden?" Manami: "But it sounds fun." Tange: "It's for the future of your careers. You won't be late as often, and you have the national tour coming up. Living together will be convenient." mi: "Huh?" Mayu: "What did you just say?" Tange: "That living together will be convenient." Kaya: "Before that." Ayano: "You just casually slipped something in, didn't you?" Tange: "Huh? Oh, you mean the national tour?" All: "A national tour?!" Kaya: "Is that something you'd mention as an afterthought?" Tange: "Huh? I hadn't told you yet?" Ayano: "No." Tange: "What are you doing, Matsuda?" Matsuda: "What? It's my fault?" Tange: "By the way, your final performance will be at the Sendai Stadium." All: "What?" Ayano: "The Stadium? This is insane." Kaya: "There's no way we can sell that many tickets under current conditions." Tange: "It's okay. Don't worry about it. I'm planning to get you more solo work to increase your exposure." Minami: "Solo?" mi: "It means working independently." Tange: "Which means you won't be spending as much time together, right? That's why you should live together." Ayano: "You even considered that?" Tange: "That's right. I think. Feel free to look up to me." Airi: "Heave ho." Kaya: "My back hurt." Manami: "I'm hungry." Mayu: "We've made three trips in the van since this morning. Matsuda-san's been working hard, too. Why don't we take a break?" Ayano: "Hey, let's look around inside." mami: "Yeah." Miyu: "It's old-fashioned and cute." Kaya: "Cute?" Miyu: "Our cute home sweet home." Mayu: "Should we grow vegetables?" Ayano: "Let's plant tomatoes." mi: "Wouldn't fruit be better?" Minami: "I don't care what we grow as long as we can eat soon." Miyu: "Who is it?" Ayano: "Maybe it's Matsuda-san. He could've forgotten something. Come in. It's open." Manager: "My, my. Hello there. I'm the building manager." Ayano: "What? The manager?" Ayano: "Hello. Thank you for having us." Mayu: "Nice to meet you." All: "Nice to meet you." Manager: "Yes, yes. Hello. You're all so cute." Manager: "These are the keys. There are only two, so don't lose them." Ayano: "Thank you." Manager: "Oh, right. This place has a freeloader." mi: "Hey, look." Airi: "That's him, right?" Ayano: "Yeah, that must be the freeloader." Kaya: "Hey, Minyami. Don't scare him." Kaya: "You made him angry." Mayu: "You're Zunda? Nice to meet you." Miyu: "But why is his name Zunda? Waffle or Macaron would be cuter food names." Airi: "Maybe that's why." Ayano: "The eight-mat room on the first floor will be me, Mayushi, and Ai-chan's room. The two six-mat rooms on the second floor will be Kayatan and Myu's and Nanamin and Minyami's rooms, respectively." mi: "Okay." Kaya: "Got it." Ayano: "We'll combine these six-mat rooms on the first floor into a living/bedroom for everyone." Miyu: "Okay." Minami: "It's so spacious." Ayano: "That's how we'll assign rooms, then. We also need to set rules since we'll be living together." Mayu: "Right, like taking out the garbage and cleaning." Airi: "Why don't we take turns?" Kaya: "The agency paying for our housing will help out a lot, though." Miyu: "I know. It's an old place, but it's pretty spacious. It's more than big enough for the seven of us." Kaya: "I'm surprised everyone's families gave them permission." Minami: "My parents were totally fine with it." Ayano: "Nanamin, did you have any trouble?" mi: "My parents suggested I wait until I graduate from high school." Ayano: "Oh, really?" mi: "But I said I wanted to." Minami: "Why?" mi: "Because... I'd be..." Kaya: "Huh? Why?" mi: "Because I'd feel sad if I were the only one living separately!" Miyu: "Nanamin, you're so cute!" mi: "Myu, stop!" mi: "That tickles!" Tange: "Matsuda, we're holding a meeting." Matsuda: "Wh-Why? Really?" Tange: "Now let's go." Matsuda: "W-Wait! I get it, so stop pulling!" Matsuda: "What? We're meeting here?" Tange: "Sometimes you come up with better ideas while drinking. Today's topic is how to sell out the Sendai Stadium." Matsuda: "Ma'am, you said it yourself. We'll have the members get more exposure by doing solo TV jobs to increase their visibility." Tange: "You idiot. Normal methods aren't enough for those plain potato girls to become known throughout the country's living rooms." Matsuda: "That's awfully blunt of you." Tange: "Let's go for impact. For example..." Employee: "Thanks for waiting." Tange: "We'll promote Minami as a sea squirt lover." Matsuda: "What? Sea squirts?" Tange: "That's right. An idol who simply does food reports is too weak. That's why we have to sell her as someone who likes sea squirts." Minami: "I'm gonna eat sea squirts." Matsuda: "Sea squirts?" Tange: "I found solo work for you on a national network!" Airi: "The Local Presenta-show?" Minami: "I know that one. That's the one where they eat lots of tasty food." Tange: "That's the one. They're giving us two guest spots on the Sendai episode." Ayano: "Two spots, huh? Since it's a food report, does that mean Minyami's one of them?" Mayu: "Nanamin, you've done food reports before, right?" mi: "I don't mind doing it." Tange: "Minami and Kaya." Kaya: "Who? Me?" mi: "Why Kaya?" Tange: "It's obviously just a hunch." Matsuda: "It's obvious, is it?" Mayu: "It might be a good idea, though." Ayano: "She did work at Tenpari." Matsuda: "That's the plan, so help out Minami in whatever way you can." Kaya: "If you're okay with me doing it, I'll give it a shot." Tange: "Okay, then let's start ordering." Matsuda: "Ordering what?" Matsuda: "That's enough of that..." Miyu: "Mayushi, did you finish peeling the potatoes?" Mayu: "Huh? Not yet." Miyu: "Yikes..." Miyu: "I'll do the potatoes. Mayushi, could you set the table?" Mayu: "Got it." Minami: "Ai-chan, I'll taste it." Airi: "Oh, Minyami." Minami: "It's tasty, meow." Ayano: "Minyami, you're an eating specialist." mi: "The way you eat is going to be broadcast on national TV." Airi: "National TV, huh? Are you okay, Minyami? Are you nervous?" Minami: "A little, but Kayatan will be with me, and I'm excited about eating good food." Mayu: "What about you, Kayatan?" Kaya: "It'll be my first time, so I guess I'm a little nervous." Ayano: "You'll be fine." Kaya: "Thanks. I'll do my best." Mayu: "Airi!" Both: "Good morning." Kaya: "Minyami, don't wander around so much." Minami: "Good morning. Good morning." Minami: "Good morning. You're those funny people I've seen on TV who eats a lot of—" Kaya: "E-Excuse us." Matsuda: "Thank you for having us." Ad: "We'll be having the Wake Up, Girls! eat this sea squirt dish." Minami: "Okay." Kaya: "Understood." Matsuda: "It really is a sea squirt dish. The president's hunches are weirdly accurate sometimes." Ad: "We're filming in three, two, one." Mc: "Hello! It's time for the Local Presenta-show." Announcer: "Today, we're covering Sendai in the northeast. And our guests are Wake Up, Girls!..." Kaya: "I'm Kikuma Kaya. Good evening, every-WUG." Minami: "I'm Katayama Minami. Good evening, every-WUG." Both: "Thanks for having us." Mc: "Let's have the local Sendai team eat these fresh sea squirt dishes." Minami: "Thanks for the food." Minami: "It's tasty, meow!" Mc: "What's that? A local expression?" Kaya: "It's her catch phrase. It means it's supremely delicious." Mc: "Really? So, that's it?" Minami: "Huh? Uh, um..." Minami: "It's super tasty, meow?" Mc: "No, I mean..." Minami: "It's super duper tasty, meow!" Announcer: "Himemaro-san and Nishi-chan, have some. There's plenty more." Himemaro: "What is this? It's as delicious as a close encounter of the third kind. It's so full of unidentified umami, it's turning my stomach into a black hole." Kaya: "A-Are you all right?" shi: "It was so delicious, I lost consciousness. Sorry, sorry. It just made me so hot." Himemaro: "You mean it gave you chills." Mc: "Impressive as always, Nishi-chan and Himemaro-kun. You two should learn to be as loquacious." shi: "If I let some idols beat me, my stomach would be ashamed of me. An idol's career is over if she gets fat, right? Want me to eat yours for you?" Kaya: "This isn't enough to make me fat! Don't underestimate how many calories an idol burns!" Kaya: "Thank you." Minami: "Excuse us." Kaya: "I can't believe I did that." Matsuda: "Well, the show was lively, so it turned out all right. Don't worry about it too much, Kaya." Minami: "Kayatan, you were awesome." Kaya: "No, that was awful." Kaya: "Anyway, the other entertainers were amazing." Minami: "Yeah, their spirit or whatever was incredible. "It's tasty, meow" wasn't enough to beat them." Matsuda: "Well, you're just getting started. Do your best." Hayasaka: "For me, music isn't simply an IV I absorb through my ear." Matsuda: "I'm back. Huh?" Hayasaka: "The philosophy born through listening is an illusion." Matsuda: "It's Hayasaka-san." Tange: "What should we do for a new song?" : "Hayasaka Tasuku. A music producer and composer at the pinnacle of popularity. In recent memory, his musical offerings to national idol group I-1 Club have broken a million in sales." Interviewer: "Hayasaka-san, what are idols to you?" Hayaka: "People aren't born idols." Interviewer: "What?" Hayasaka: "What do you think comes next?" Interviewer: "Huh? Uh..." Hayasaka: "The answer to my question is the answer to your question." Ayumi: "It's Kayatan and Minyami!" Mom: "Ayumi, we're eating." Ayumi: "It's Mocchi. "I'm watching."" Ayumi: "Acchan." Ayumi: ""They're too cu"—ow!" Dad: "That's enough." Mom: "That's right." Ayumi: "Okay." Girl A: "Hey, did you watch yesterday's Local Presenta-show?" Girl B: "Yeah, it was the Sendai episode." Girl A: "But Sendai has more to offer than just sea squirts. Like zunda and beef tongue." Ayumi: "More importantly, did you see WUG's Kayatan and Minyami?" Girl A: "G-Good morning, Hayashi-san." Girl B: "WUG? You mean the girls eating the sea squirt dish?" Ayumi: "Yeah. They're Sendai idols." Girl A: "Sorry, I'm not really interested." Girl B: "Don't walk and text, Adachi." Boy A: "I'm not walking." Boy B: "Speaking of idols, these are more popular right now." Girl A: "Huh? What is this?" Boy A: "V-dols." Girl B: "V-dols?" Boy B: "It's a virtual idol app." Ayumi: "Idols? They're idols?" Matsuda: "You two got another food report job. The other day's episode of Local Presenta-show got pretty decent ratings." Kaya: "What? Seriously?" Minami: "All right!" Matsuda: "Yeah. People thought your interactions were interesting." Tange: "I was right to put Minami and Kaya together." Matsuda: "Yes, yes. So... Next, you'll be appearing on the afternoon information program Dowsing, the quiz show What Do You Think of Sendai? and..." Kaya: "We're home." Airi: "Welcome back." Mayu: "Good work today." Minami: "I'm so full that I'm exhausted." Airi: "Kayatan, are you okay?" Airi: "Want dinner?" Kaya: "Sorry, no. We had to re-shoot so much today. I ate too much." Airi: "Want some stomach medicine?" Miyu: "Huh? Kayatan? And Minyami, welcome back. The bath's ready for you." Minami: "Kayatan, you go ahead." Kaya: "Thanks. Maybe I will." Mayu: "Minyami, you can't sleep here." Minami: "But I can't eat anymore." Ayano: "Mayushi, what do you think?" Mayu: "Myu and Ai-chan might be a little close in our formation before the chorus." Miyu: "Oh, I might be tending that way." Airi: "I'll watch out for it, too." Ayano: "That should do it for today." Mayu: "Yeah. It's a good time to stop." Minami: "I'm hungry." Minami: "Kayatan?" Kaya: "I'm going to practice a while longer. I'm not confident in my choreography during the chorus." Ayano: "Really? Want some company?" Kaya: "It's fine. I know you're all hungry. You can leave without me." mi: "Okay, we're leaving." Miyu: "Don't push yourself too hard." Kaya: "I'm home." Minami: "Kayatan, welcome back." mi: "Welcome back. You're eating after your bath?" Minami: "I got hungry." Minami: "Kayatan, what about dinner?" Kaya: "I ate on the way." Mayu: "Kayatan, did you go out?" Kaya: "Yeah, before Okazaki closed. I bought dinner for Zunda." Mayu: "But we still have more cat food." Kaya: "R-Really? I had no idea." Kaya: "Huh? What?" Kaya: "Mayushi?" Mayu: "You haven't taken a bath yet, right? Go ahead." Kaya: "Y-You're right. Thanks." Minami: "Hooray! Thanks for the food." Minami: "Kayatan, you're not eating?" Kaya: "Huh? Uh, no." Minami: "Why not? We're having pork cutlets. Don't you like them?" Kaya: "Why not?" Minami: "They're really good." Kaya: "I..." Minami: "You?" Kaya: "I feel bad for the pigs!" Ayaon: "Kayatan, are you going to Okazaki again?" Kaya: "Uh, yeah." Ayano: "Maybe I'll go with you. I want to get some magazines." Kaya: "Oh, I'll get them for you." Miyu: "You're going out by yourselves? No fair." Ayano: "We're just going to Okazaki." Miyu: "Then I'll go with you. I need to get their new fried chicken." Ayano: "At this hour? You'll get fat." Airi: "What's going on?" Minami: "I'll go with you." Miyu: "They have zunda fried chicken." Minami: "The new Lucky Turn is out. It's beef-tongue-flavored." Airi: "Maybe I'll get some ice cream." Minami: "Huh? Where's Kayatan?" Miyu: "Kayatan, it's not fair for you to run off by yourself." Airi: "Kayatan?" Miyu: "You gained weight?" Ayano: "Three kilos?" Ayano: "So that's why you've been avoiding eating with everyone else." Mayu: "I knew it." Airi: "Mayushi?" Minami: "I'm so glad!" mi: "Minyami?" Minami: "I thought Kayatan hated me!" Kaya: "What? Why?" Minami: "Because we've been working together lately. I thought I was annoying you." Kaya: "No, no, no. That would never happen. Sorry for making you worry." Ayano: "You didn't need to hide it from us." Kaya: "After what I said on that show, it would be lame to admit I gained weight." Miyu: "You mean "don't underestimate how many calories an idol burns?"" Ayano: "Yeah, that was a bit much." Airi: "But it's not good to eat so little. You'll collapse." mi: "Yeah. Dance lessons really do burn a lot of calories." Kaya: "Y-You're right. I'm going to eat dinner today." Miyu: "Kayatan, you're raring to go. Okay, let's not stand on ceremony today." Ayano: "I don't think that's right." Miyu: "Let's eat a whole bunch." Minami: "I'm Katayama Minami. Good evening, every-WUG." Both: "Thanks for watching." Shiraki: "How is I-1's new song coming along?" Hayasaka: "I haven't felt like writing." Shiraki: "You're sure that's the only reason?" Hayasaki: "What other reason would there be?" Tange: "That wraps up Kaya and Minami. Let's keep it up. You're next!" Right: "Hey, what's your favorite Sendai specialty?" Middle: "Probably zunda." Left: "Beef tongue's the best." Right: "What about sea squirts?" Middle: "Zunda's delicious!" Left: "Beef tongue is the treasure of Sendai." Right: "But what about sea squirts?"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter Episode 2 – This Is Our Home", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter", "2", "This Is Our Home" ] }
Matsuda: "Miyu and Nanami's recording for Iwashi Palace is on the 6th. Yoshino's shoot for fanfan is on the 8th. Got it?" Both: "Yeah." Yoshino: "Yeah." mi: "Iwashi Palace, huh? That's a talk show about ghosts, right?" Yoshino: "fanfan is amazing, too. Ma'am, what kind of connections do you have?" Tange: "I've known Iwashi-chan for a long time. The editor of fanfan, too." Kaya: "You've got nothing if not connections." Matsuda: "Also, I got you girls another job." Tange: "Oh, how unusual." Matsuda: "What do you mean unusual? It's a regular appearance on a mini corner after Sendai TV's It's Four O'clock." Tange: "Airi, you do it." Airi: "Who? Me? By myself?" Tange: "Minami and Kaya still have a few food reports left. Make sure you adjust your schedule." Matsuda: "Got it. Things are starting to get busy around here. Oh, no." Matsuda: "I have a lot of office work piling up, too." All: "Thank you." Matsuda: "Oh, thanks for coming. Let's see. Where's the fan club bulletin?" Mayu: "Want some help, Matsuda-san?" Matsuda: "Huh?" Matsuda: "Are you sure?" Mayu: "Sure. I'm pretty good at this kind of thing." Mayu: "It's all I did when I started at I-1." Matsuda: "Really? Thanks, then." Mayu: "Sure." Tange: "Where's Mayu?" Matsuda: "She just left." Tange: "Really?" Matsuda: "Ma'am, we should talk about Mayu's work." Tange: "I know." Tange: "I'm thinking about it." Tange: "But..." Tange: "I wonder what's going on with her." Matsuda: "Maybe being a former I-1 is more of a hindrance that we expected." Tange: "I don't think Shiraki-san minds, but the people around him..." Mayu: "I'm home." Airi: "Red leather, yellow letter." Airi: "Wrist watch, wrist watch. Unique New York." Mayu: "Airi?" Airi: "Since I got a TV job, I thought I should practice my articulation." Mayu: "I see. Good luck." Miyu: "Today, I'm HKM." mi: "You're what?" Mayu: "What are you guys doing?" Miyu: "Practicing our jokes." Mayu: "You're both really into it." mi: "Well, yeah. We're gonna be on Iwashi Palace." Miyu: "Of course, HKM is raring to go." Airi: "That's amazing. I don't think I could manage working with Iwashi-san." mi: "What are you talking about? This is a huge chance to promote WUG on a national network." Miyu: "We'll be sure to make a splash." Itsuka: "Look." Ayumi: "Huh? What? Iwashi Palace?" Otome: "WUG's going to be on it?" Itsuka: "I-1's Nanokasu is gonna be there, too." Otome: "Seriously? I'd love to see that." Ayumi: "But it's in Tokyo." Otome: "Tokyo, huh?" Otome: "I can't believe we haven't seen WUG live yet." Ayumi: "Even though we live in Sendai." Otome: "If only we'd gotten into WUG sooner." Itsuka: "We were one year late. They've moved onto Tokyo since then." Ayumi: "Our timing was a little off." Otome: "I wish I could've gone to the MACANA concert, too." Otome: "I want to meet WUG!" Miyu: "I'm nervous." mi: "P-Pull yourself together. We're professionals." Matsuda: "Now, now. Try to relax your shoulders. You can let Iwashi-san handle the..." Miyu: "H-Hello." mi: "We look forward to working with you today." ka: "I look forward to working with you, too." : "Iwashi Palace begins now. Today's topic is "times I thought there might be something wrong with me."" Iwashi: "You, go." ka: "Okay. I'm I-1 Club's incompetent leader Nanokasu, also known as Aizawa Nanoka." ka: "I'm a glasses character, right? I love glasses so much, I wish I could marry them." Iwashi: "Why? Should I break your glasses for you?" ka: "Please don't. I'll die. I actually am my glasses." Iwashi: "You two. You're idols, right?" Miyu: "Y-Yes. I'm Okamoto Miyu." mi: "A-And I'm Hisami Nanami." Miyu: "We're Wake Up, Girls!" mi: "G-Good evening, every-WUG." Iwashi: "You girls are a mess." Iwashi: "So, what makes you girls crazy? We'll start with you with the pigtails." Miyu: "Huh?" Miyu: "Oh, my twin tails?" Iwashi: "Yeah, you with the twin tails." Miyu: "Um, I love anime and manga." Miyu: "Right now, I recommend a series with tons of characters and lots of funny jokes. The protagonists are septuplets who all have the same face." Iwashi: "Enough. Should I pull out your twin tails?" Miyu: "What? Wh-Why?" Iwashi: "You're supposed to say "I am my twin tails."" Iwashi: "Forget it. What about you, Ponytail?" mi: "I-I, uh, um..." Iwashi: "Oh, come on. Should I pull out your ponytail?" mi: "B-But I am my ponytail!" Iwashi: "That's it. That's the line. Don't forget it." Matsuda: "Yoshino, are you okay? This place is pretty fashionable." Yoshino: "Matsuda-san, pull yourself together. I'm fine. I used to be a model." Yoshino: "Thank you for having me today." Camera A: "Sure. Nice to meet you." Yoshino: "I used to model in Sendai, and—" Camera A: "Okay, let's give this a shot." Yoshino: "Okay." Camera A: "Move some more." Camera A: "Smile." Camera A: "Something's not right. Can't you look a little more like an idol? You are an idol, right?" Yoshino: "What?" Camera A: "I guess that'll do." Yoshino: "Excuse me..." Models: "Good morning." Camera A: "Hey, Reira-chan. Thanks for coming." Reira: "Thanks for having us." Camera A: "Nice. That expression's mine. Okay, good. Impressive as always." Reira: "Thank you." P: "It's just the local news. Try to act like a newscaster." P: "Here's the script." P: "You can read off it, but try to memorize it if you can." Airi: "Okay." Lady Announcer: "We have a new corner starting today. Hayashida Airi-san of Wake Up, Girls!" Airi: "G-Good evening, every-WUG. I'm Hayashida Airi of Wake Up, Girls! Um, I-I'm here to bring you heartwarming news from around Sendai. Thank you for watching." Airi: "Everyone's talking about the unusual animal that appeared in a parking lot in Sendai." Airi: "This is a photo of the animal. Do you know what it is?" Ad: "Okay!" P: "Thanks. You were great. I'm impressed you memorized your lines." Airi: "Th-Thank you." P: "I just wish you could've been a little more entertaining." Airi: "Huh?" P: "You know, since we're having this segment done by an idol. Could you act more like one?" Airi: "Okay, got it." P: "Great. Keep it up." Airi: "How can I act more like an idol?" Otome: "Hayamaru, did you buy a copy of "fanfan?"" Ayumi: "Yeah, I did." Otome: "Yoppi was so cute." Ayumi: "I know. She seemed different than usual." Itsuka: "Cool and cute." Ayumi: "Yeah, that." Girl A: "Yoppi? You mean that idol named Nanase Yoshino?" Girl B: "She is an idol. She doesn't fit fanfan's image." Otome: "What does that mean? Yoppi has a nice body." Girl A: "What? That's nice?" Iwashi: "Should I break your glasses for you?" ka: "Please don't. I am my glasses." Miyu: "We're on next." Minami: "Huh? Really?" mi: "I'm scared to watch." Iwashi: "Okay, next." Miyu: "Huh?" Miyu: "Why?!" Ota: "Why?!" Ota: "They were definitely onstage, but..." Yazawa: "Captain, according to my research, neither of them said a word." Asazu: "Captain, nobody online is talking about it." Jomoto: "Captain, people are saying I-1's Nanokasu left a mark on the show." Ota: "How mortifying." Tange: "Well, you may not have been ready for Iwashi Palace yet." Miyu: "You're telling us now?" Tange: "I'm saying you weren't fit for a variety talk show. Do you know what the most important part of solo work is?" mi: "Doing your best?" Tange: "That's a given." Tange: "You need to start by knowing what your strengths are." Miyu: "Our strengths?" Tange: "Yeah. And don't try to do a good job." Miyu: "What?" mi: "What does that mean?" Tange: "Oh, no." Tange: "I have plans after this. Matsuda, can you handle the rest?" Matsuda: "Okay." mi: "I don't understand what the president's talking about." Yoshino: "I never do." Kaya: "Your strength is your uniqueness, right? Like the way Minyami eats." Minami: "Yeah. It's tasty, meow!" mi: "And being fit for a show means being at a professional level, right?" Yoshino: "I don't think that's all. Maybe it's entertaining the fans. Mayushi, what do you think?" Mayu: "Honestly, I don't know either. But I think trying to do a good job might make you less unique." Airi: "Now that you mention it..." Mayu: "Airi?" Airi: "During my TV job, I did my best not to stutter, but I was told to act more like an idol." Yoshino: "Me, too. I was told the same thing at my photo shoot." mi: "But what does acting like an idol mean?" Kaya: "Being cute?" Miyu: "Cheerful?" Yoshino: "Let's start by doing the things we can do." Kaya: "There." Miyu: "Kayatan, what are you doing?" Kaya: "Keeping a diet journal. I thought I could write one as I keep records." Miyu: "Huh?" Kaya: "I also write about low-calorie meals I've made recently." Miyu: "Should you be doing that?" Kaya: "Yeah. I got the president's permission." Miyu: "That's not what I meant. I meant as an idol. Isn't that not good?" Kaya: "I actually thought it'd be fine since I'm an idol. Today, I had a waffle for the first time in a while. My caloric intake might be a little high." Miyu: "Myu's, also known as Okamoto Miyu's, talk and chat show, or SMKM, for short, begins now! In this episode, I, Okamoto Miyu of Wake Up, Girls!, will be telling you all about the anime and manga I recommend." Miyu: "First, there's the popular Septuplets. Who's your favorite character? Mine is..." Yoshino: "Myu, you started a show?" Miyu: "Yeah. After watching Kayatan, I thought I could do something." Mastuda: "A web show, huh?" Miyu: "Yeah, once a week. I thought it'd be good practice for talk shows." Miyu: "Right? Right?" Matsuda: "I'll tell the president." Miyu: "All right!" Airi: "I see. That's amazing, you two." Miyu: "I'm working hard, so I can appear on a talk show again." Yoshino: "Good on you for being optimistic. I'll do my best, too." Mayu: "Yoppi, how's your modeling work going?" Yoshino: "Honestly, fanfan was a little tough for me." Mayu: "It's okay. You'll have other chances." Yoshino: "Thanks. Minami, your food reports seem to be going well." Minami: "Not really. They said "It's tasty, meow!" isn't good enough. Everyone else talks about the mouthfeel or that it's like paradise in their mouth, but I don't know anything about that." Minami: "Is it really not good enough to say something's tasty if it's tasty?" Kaya: "Well, it is TV." Shiraki: "What is this?" Employee: "I'm sorry. Our media expansion has been staying the course." Shiraki: "Staying the course?" Shiraki: "We're in this situation because staying the course doesn't work." Shiraki: "What's the reason?" Employee: "Well, uh..." Shiraki: "Maybe you're being naive." Employee: "I promise we'll make up for it with the upcoming drama tie-up." Yoshino: "Swimsuit gravure?" Tange: "Yeah. You got another modeling offer. It's a little cold for swimsuits, though." Yoshino: "I don't mind the cold, but..." Tange: "But?" Yoshino: "My body isn't that nice." Tange: "Should we say no, then? If we say no, an I-1 member will take our place." Yoshino: "What?" Tange: "They weighed us against I-1 and offered the job to us, too." Yoshino: "I'll do it. Please let me do it." Tange: "Good." Yoshino: "It's kind of cold after all." Yoshino: "Ouch..." Yoshino: "I'm sorry." Camera B: "Stay there." Yoshino: "Huh?" Camera B: "It's fine. It's funny." Yoshino: "Huh?" Camera B: "Warm up your body by running around. Okay, run." Yoshino: "What?" Minami: "Is this you, Yoppi?" Yoshino: "Yeah." Yoshino: "What do you think?" Airi: "It looks great. It really feels like you." Minami: "Yeah. I like this one better than fanfan." Yoshino: "Thanks. You're right. I look like I'm having fun. Maybe this is who I am." Airi: "Having fun?" Minami: "Who you are?" P: "Airi-chan, are you serious?" Airi: "Yes. I'll feel more relaxed this way. Please let me wear it." Airi: "Good evening." Airi: "I'm Hayashida Shark. Today in Sendai, a giant rainbow was seen in the skies after the rain stopped." Otome: "Ai-chan went all out." Ayumi: "Yeah, but I thought it was cute." Itsuka: "I liked how realistic the shark is." Girl A: "Hey." Girl A: "Hayashida Shark was a WUG girl, right?" Girl B: "That was hilarious." Ayumi: "Yeah. Her name's Ai-chan." Girl A: "It's funny how she's serious and weird at the same time." Otome: "Right?" mi: "Thanks for the food." shi: "Is she gonna say it? "It's tasty, meow?"" Himemaro: "She always does." Minami: "My tongue and heart are dancing. Oh, it's tasty, meow!" Minami: "I tried expressing the deliciousness in song." Himemaro: "You're way too good at singing." shi: "What's that? A new version?" Minami: "Ai-chan, I saw your Hayashida Shark. It was great. It was just like you." Airi: "Really? You think so?" Kaya: "You're embarrassed about that?" Yoshino: "Minyami, everyone's loving your new version of "It's tasty, meow!"" Minami: "Yeah. I figured I'm pretty good at singing, so I combined it with "It's tasty, meow!"" Kaya: "Really? You used your head for once. Good job." Minami: "Did I do good?" Kaya: "Good girl." Kaya: "You're so cute." Minami: "All right." mi: "You're lucky your job let you sing." Minami: "Nanamin, you should sing with me." mi: "Huh?" Minami: "Let's do a food report together." mi: "But I'm not interested in food reports!" Tange: "What? You want to do a food report?" mi: "No, I just want a singing job." Tange: "Singing, huh?" Tange: "If you're not busy, why don't you go to this?" mi: "Huh?" Minami: "That's perfect for you." mi: "I'm done with this kind of thing." Tange: "Why?" mi: "Because I decided I'd stick to being an idol." Tange: "Is there a law that forbids idols from appearing in musicals?" mi: "That's not the problem." Tange: "What? Have you still not gotten over Hikarizuka?" mi: "That's not it." Tange: "Oh, really? Then why don't you go?" mi: "I will." Judge: "Next person, please." mi: "I'm Hisami Nanami, 17 years old. Thank you for having me." mi: "I'm home." Minami: "Nanamin, welcome back." Kaya: "How did the audition go?" mi: "Terrible. Professionals are way too good." Yoshino: "I know what you mean." Airi: "We're still learning." mi: "But I had fun singing. Someday, I'll appear in a musical." Miyu: "Now that's the real Nanamin." Mayu: "Uniqueness, huh?" Matsuda: "Hello, this is Green Leaves." Matsuda: "What? For Shimada?" Mayu: "I got a drama offer?" Tange: "That's right. And you'll be co-starring with I-1's Iwasaki Shiho. What do you think?" Mayu: "What?" All: "What?" Right: "What's your favorite animal?" Middle: "I like cats." Left: "I like penguins. Mocchi, how about you?" Right: "You like birds, too? I like parakeets." Middle: "Mayushi loves baby chickens, too." Right: "By the way, what's the city bird of Sendai?"
{ "raw_title": "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter Episode 3 – I Am My Ponytail", "parsed": [ "Wake Up, Girls! New Chapter", "3", "I Am My Ponytail" ] }