: "Iruma was trying to decide which Battler to join." Ameri: "A little more to the right." Ameri: "Smoke, that side is sagging! Raise it up higher!" Smoke: "Yes, boss!" Ameri: "This is all because you don't train enough. You won't be going home today until we're done decorating." All: "Yes, boss!" Quiche: "The president sure is pumped this year." Johnny: "It's not surprising. Asmodeus is someone every Battler would want." Sunny: "Yeah." Ameri: "There." Ameri: "Decorations inspired by First Love Memories..." Ameri: "I wonder if Iruma will like them." Ameri: "Don't forget to visit!" Iruma: "Oh, it's from Ameri-san." Ameri: "Where are you right now? Aren't you going to come see the student council?" Iruma: "Thank you very much for the invitation. I'll stop by later." Ameri: "You'd better come." Iruma: "So you're the student council president, Ameri-san? I had no idea." Kiriwo: "Oh, no!" Iruma: "Huh? What..." Kiriwo: "Well, that was a failure..." Kiriwo: "Huh?" Iruma: "You're..." Iruma: "Are you all right?" Kiriwo: "Yeah, I'm fine..." Iruma: "S-Senpai?!" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. One day, he became the grandson of a demon called Sullivan." : "Sullivan loves to spoil Iruma to bits and is even sending him to school. But there is just one problem..." : "The school Iruma is attending is the demon school Babyls." Iruma: "I need to make sure they don't find out I'm human... Or I might get eaten!" All: ""The Magical Apparatus Battler."" Ameri: "He didn't know?!" Ameri: "I was under the impression he knew I was the student council president! Did the fact that I'm the student council president scare him? "I'm really sorry. Something came up and I won't be able to visit today." So he is scared of me!" Kiriwo: "Sorry about this." Iruma: "Ah..." Iruma: "I'm Iruma. It's a pleasure to meet you, as well." Kiriwo: "I'm sorry I can't even serve you some Hell Grey Tea. I'm the only member of this Battler, you see." Iruma: "Oh, it's fine. Please, get some rest." Kiriwo: "That's a nice breeze." Iruma: "So this is the Magical Apparatus Battler." Kiriwo: "It's a mess, ain't it?" Iruma: "Thank you." Kiriwo: "I think you know this," Iruma: "Right." Iruma: "I had no idea!" Kiriwo: "Just like the name suggests," Iruma: "You make them? Did you make that collar, too?" Kiriwo: "Er... This collar's a bit different. Oh, I know." Kiriwo: "This is a ball that shines when you store magic in it." Iruma: "Huh..." Kiriwo: "Hup!" Iruma: "A-Are you okay?" Kiriwo: "Perfectly fine. This happens all the time." Iruma: "All the time?" Kiriwo: "This is a doll that moves when you put magic into it. Hup!" Iruma: "Wow! That's amazing!" Kiriwo: "I've reached... my limit..." Iruma: "Please don't push yourself too hard!" Kiriwo: "Well, since you came by and all, I wanted to show you a few things. But I'm rather frail, and I don't have much magic." Iruma: "I thought I was the only one worried about my lack of magic, since I'm human." Iruma: "I guess that's not the case." Kiriwo: "Not to mention, I blew up a magical apparatus prototype I was working on." Iruma: "Oh, is that magical apparatus still okay?" Kiriwo: "Would you like to see it?!" Iruma: "Sure!" Kiriwo: "This is my prototype!" Iruma: "Gabu?" Kiriwo: "Just like its name suggests, it's supposed to enhance one's magic... But it's rather difficult to use." Iruma: "Huh..." Iruma: "Oh, are these parts, too? They look like puzzle pieces." Kiriwo: "Yup. You can touch them, if you'd like." Iruma: "Thanks!" Kiriwo: "That's the battery for its heart." Kiriwo: "but I can't seem to get the turbie's spin and the ancha's heat capacity to connect correctly. I guess you wouldn't know what I'm babbling about, though." Kiriwo: "No way! Wow! It's perfectly put together! You're amazing, Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "Thank—" Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun, have you ever made any magical apparatuses?" Iruma: "Huh? Um..." Kiriwo: "Hey, tell me all about—" Iruma: "Senpai?!" Kiriwo: "I got a bit too excited." Iruma: "Um, well... I've been building things ever since I was little." Iruma: "Like fixing appliances I happened to pick up, or making my own light bulbs... Lots of stuff." Iruma: "I'm going to die if I can't fix this." Kiriwo: "Appliances?" Iruma: "Um... Do you think you'll be able to use that?" Kiriwo: "Of course! Could you bring me that ball from earlier?" Iruma: "Sure." Kiriwo: "This time, for sure..." Iruma: "It's shining!" Kiriwo: "Not yet." Kiriwo: "It worked!" Iruma: "Wow! It's so pretty!" Kiriwo: "Yup. Gabuko-chan's an amazing machine. Even if you don't have much magic," Kiriwo: "It's really hard for anyone without much magic to survive in the netherworld. Currently in the netherworld, as well as in this school, rank is the most important thing. It's very clear who's above who. If possible," Kiriwo: "and help make this power gap disappear." Iruma: "Make the power gap disappear..." Kiriwo: "Well done." Iruma: "Um, I think that's a great idea!" Kiriwo: "Well, I can't talk about it too loudly," Kiriwo: "because I'm pretty sure it's the last thing high-ranked demons want to hear." Kiriwo: "But Iruma-kun, you have plenty of magic, and you're so talented. You're just amazing. You can probably choose whatever Battler you want." Iruma: "Um, Kiriwo-senpai..." Iruma: "If I happened to have no magic, would you still let me join this Battler?" Kiriwo: "If you actually didn't have any magic..." Kiriwo: "We'd be exactly alike! Even if you didn't have much magic," Kiriwo: "What this Battler needs isn't magic, but technique." Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "He got separated from us while we were at the school store. Where could he have gone? Iruma-sama!" Clara: "There he is! Hey! Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "Where have you been?" Clara: "We've been looking for you!" Clara: "Iruma-chi, did something good happen?" Iruma: "Yeah! Listen to this..." : "And then, the final day of the Battler trials..." Kiriwo: "I messed up again..." Iruma: "Are you okay?" Kiriwo: "Oh, Iruma-kun. You came to visit again? Were you interested in joining?" Kiriwo: "Huh? There's more of you?" Iruma: "When I mentioned that I was going to join, they also insisted on joining." Asmodeus: "But of course! I will accompany you anywhere, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Is this a magical apparatus? Is it yummy? Om nom nom nom nom." Iruma: "So, yeah. It's a pleasure to work with you, Kiriwo-senpai." Kiriwo: "New recruits... Three of them... Three of them!" Iruma: "Kiriwo-senpai?! Senpai!" Clara: "He's smiling so much!" : "Iruma, Asmodeus, and Clara officially joined the Magical Apparatus Battler. Thus ends the Battler trial period." : "Yes, it has ended." Sunny: "I've never seen the president so depressed." Quiche: "Well, Asmodeus never showed up." Ameri: "So Iruma didn't show up after all..." Ameri: "Come in." Iruma: "I'm so sorry I'm late." Ameri: "I-Iruma!" Ameri: "Wh-What do you want?" Iruma: "You're right. I'm really sorry." Ameri: "Honestly. What am I going to do with you? I'll pour you some Hell Grey tea, so sit down." Iruma: "Oh, thank you very much." Iruma: "So this is the student council room..." Iruma: "Oh! This is from First Love Memories!" Ameri: "Yes..." Ameri: "What do you think?" Iruma: "I think it's really great!" Ameri: "I-I see." Iruma: "I was really surprised when I found out you're the student council president, Ameri-san." Iruma: "Being the student council president as just a second-year is amazing." Ameri: "It's not a big deal. I am just doing everything I need to do to fulfill my goal." Iruma: "Goal?" Kiriwo: "And help make this power gap disappear." Iruma: "My senpai in the Battler I joined is also working hard for his goal... Huh?" Ameri: "You joined another Battler?! But you said you'd join the student council!" Iruma: "Huh?! Uh, I'm pretty sure I didn't—" Ameri: "Y-You basically said you would! Explain yourself, Iruma!" Iruma: "Huh?!" : "After this, it took Iruma two hours to explain the situation to Ameri." All: ""The Thirteen's Dinner."" Iruma: "Battler Party?" Opera: "It's a presentation held by Battlers. Really," Opera: "It's a lively event with various forms of entertainment and shops." Iruma: "Wow..." Opera: "Above all, the parents of the first-years come to the Battler Party to observe. It's a perfect opportunity for them to check up on their kids who just started school." Iruma: "So it's basically like parents' day at school. I see!" Opera: "The chair-demon insisted on getting ready for it immediately." Sullivan: "I need uncut footage from all angles of Iruma-kun getting ready for the Battler Party! Make sure you prepare everything!" Iruma: "So... where is Grandpa?" Opera: "He just left. He has a very important regularly scheduled meeting today." Iruma: "Huh? Regularly scheduled meeting?" Opera: "A meeting of the greatest heroes of the netherworld..." Belzebuth: "They had other matters to attend to." Amaymon: "Uh, it wouldn't hurt for you to starve a little." Astaroh: "Money's not flowing like it should, either. Too much illegal trading of goods going on." Amaymon: "The east is getting pretty dangerous, too. Wouldn't you say so, girlie?" Paimon: "I dunno what yer talkin' 'bout. Y'all do somethin' 'bout it." Amaymon: "There's that annoying accent again." Paimon: "What?!" Amymon: "What?" Both: "What?" Belzebuth: "Because we've been without a Demon King for so long," Belzebuth: "We have Belial-sama, Sullivan-sama, and Lady Levi. It's about time we make one of them Demon King and have them take control of the netherworld." Amaymon: "I'm all for Belial-sama. He's super sharp." Astaroh: "No, it should be Levi-sama. Her wisdom and leadership are far greater." Amaymon: "But you need to be conniving as a Demon King, too." Paimon: "Nah, Sullivan-sama would be the one who heals us all." Astaroh: "It's true that Sullivan-sama is skilled..." Amaymon: "But he's not a Yodh yet." Amyamon: "Besides, it's not healing that we need." Paimon: "Nah, but it was mentioned in the Demon King Prophecy Scroll." Paimon: ""He shall make one and all his servants. He shall form blood pacts and heal all demonkind."" Azazel: ""He shall descend from a foreign realm and wear the golden Ring of Solomon on his right hand."" Baal: "It's not like these little ripples are going to have any effect on the netherworld." Amaymon: "You've got some nerve for a brat who barely shows up to these meetings." Baal: "Meetings? Don't you mean whining competitions, old man?" Amaymon: "What? Fine, if that's how you want it! Come at me!" Baal: "Oh, shut up. What? You wanna start something?" Amaymon: "Today's the day I'll finally teach you a lesson!" Astaroh: "And there they go again." Paimon: "They always gotta get so darn messy." Azazel: "Pardon me, may I make a work call?" Belzebuth: "Yes, we should probably take a break." Belzebuth: "I truly hope we can settle on a Demon King today..." Belial: "Let's settle this once and for all." Levi: "Of course." Levi: "Let us begin." Belial: "My grandchild is the cutest! Look at his wittle hands! Nothing could be cuter!" Levi: "No, what determines the better grandchild is how proficient they are! My grandchild is the best!" Belial: "He may be smart, but his personality's twisted!" Levi: "You're the last person I want to hear talk about a twisted personality!" Belial: "Okay, you get to be the judge today as usual, Sully." Belial: "Sully?" Sullivan: "I'm not the same demon I used to be." Sullivan: "Behold! I have a grandchild now, too!" Both: "Wh-What?!" Belial: "W-Wait a second!" Levi: "How did you skip over that and get a grandchild? What happened in between there?!" Sullivan: "Oh, I used a little lifehack." Levi: "Oh, he's a cutie." Sullivan: "I know, right?! Isn't he the cutest?" Belial: "But he doesn't look at all like you." Levi: "You didn't kidnap him, did you?" Sullivan: "No comment." Belial: "But now we don't have a judge." Levi: "Should we summon Little Bel?" Sullivan: "But..." Sullivan: "They seem pretty busy." Belial: "I'm sure they're just arguing about the absence of the Demon King again." Levi: "They sure are lively." Sullivan: "Well? Should we decide on a Demon King, then?" Belial: "If we're gonna decide with cards, sure." Sullivan: "No way! You always cheat, Beli-yan!" Levi: "Oh, who cares how you decide? Just decide already." Belial: "Hey, why'd you weasel your way out of this decision?" Levi: "Well, age holds superiority in these matters, doesn't it? As a youth, I humbly remove myself from this decision." Belial: "What?! Youth, my ass! You're as old as us, you hag!" Sullivan: "How much are you wasting on that skin, you fake old hag?!" Levi: "Men should be in charge of such matters. It's quite audacious of you to force the position of Demon King upon me when I'm two years younger." Belial: "Two years?" Sullivan: "Two years?" Levi: "My choice would be you, Sully." Sullivan: "What?" Levi: "You're more than skilled enough." Belial: "I'd feel at ease if you were the boss, too, Sully." Belial: "What do you say, Sully?" Sullivan: "I have a grandson for the first time, and I'm spoiling the hell out of him." Sullivan: "I take my eye off him for a second, and he's grown so much." Sullivan: "Truly..." Sullivan: "It's so much fun watching kids grow up." Sullivan: "I have no intention of giving up being the chair-demon." Belial: "I see. I guess it would be harder now that you have a grandson." Levi: "The Demon King's going to remain absent for now. Let's wrap this up." Sullivan: "Yay! Okay, I'm going back to my beloved Iruma-kun!" Levi: "Come in." Azazel: "Please forgive our intrusion." Sullivan: "Henri-kun." Azazel: "Sullivan-sama, thank you for looking after my daughter at school." Sullivan: "Oh, it's nothing." Azazel: "However..." Sullivan: "However?" Azazel: "You've been accused of illegally crossing into the human world. Please accompany me to the station." Sullivan: "Oho, is that actually a warrant?" Azazel: "It is, sir. It's a warrant." Sullivan: "Why, though?" Belial: "The hell is Sully doing?" Iruma: "Opera-san! Dinner's really delicious today!" Opera: "Thank you very much." Sullivan: "Oh, no! Oh, no! Iruma-kun!" Clara: "Sukima!" Quiche: "A-Are you all right, President?" Ameri: "Iruma didn't join the student council." Ameri: "This just means we'll have to go on more dates." : "Ameri considers the reading sessions she has with Iruma to be "dates"..." All: "Go on more dates?!" : "But the other four student council members think dates are important patrol duty." Sunny: "Patrol!" Quiche: "Patrol!" Johnny: "Patrol!" Sunny: "Patrol!" Ameri: "They all seem more gung-ho than usual." Opera: "Good grief. What kind of trouble has the chair-demon gotten himself into now? He brought a human to the netherworld and made him his grandchild. Then he enrolled that human at school as an honor student. Yes, I'd say he's rather guilty." Opera: "Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, "The Battlers' Presentation."" Opera: "Will the chair-demon be able to return in time for the Battler Party to witness Iruma-sama's bravery?"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 13 – The Magical Apparatus Battler", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "13", "The Magical Apparatus Battler" ] }
Opera: "You can't come home?" Sullivan: "Yeah..." Sullivan: "I'm being questioned by Demon Border Control right now." Opera: "I see. So, how long is your sentence?" Sullivan: "Why are you sentencing me already?! They're just questioning me!" Opera: "Is this a false accusation?" Sullivan: "Of course it is! I mean, it's not like they'll ever find out." Opera: "You just confessed to the crime." Sullivan: "Anyway..." Sullivan: "Something is definitely off here." Sullivan: "I'm sure Iruma-kun's so worried about me that he can't even eat." Opera: "He's currently..." Opera: "playing his after-dinner games." Sullivan: "He's gaming?!" Sullivan: "No fair, no fair, no fair! I'll be home soon! I'm definitely going to the Battler Party!" Sullivan: "Make sure Iruma-kun doesn't stay up too late and keeps warm!" Sullivan: "Also, be sure to tell him that I love him very much even though we're so far apart." Opera: "Of course." Iruma: "Is Grandpa not coming home yet?" Opera: "He won't be back for a while because something came up," Iruma: "I see." Iruma: "Huh?" Game: "You lose." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. One day, he became the grandson of a demon called Sullivan. Sullivan loves to spoil Iruma to bits and is even sending him to school. But there is just one problem... The school Iruma is attending is the demon school Babyls." Iruma: "I need to make sure they don't find out I'm human... Or I might get eaten!" All: ""The Battlers' Presentation."" : "With the demon version of Parents' Day, the Battler Party, a few days away..." : "The first-years at the demon school Babyls are very nervous." Kalego: "You lot need to calm down." Lead: "But our parents are going to be here!" Goemon: "I'm very nervous." Lead: "Both of my parents are coming..." Jazz: "My big bro will be here." Elizabetta: "What about you, Keroli-chan?" Keroli: "My parents are a bit busy, but Grammy said she'd come." Elizabetta: "Oh, how lovely." Iruma: "Family, huh?" Iruma: "I never really got to go to school back in the human world." Iruma: "And it's not like my parents ever bothered to come on Parents' Day." Iruma: "I wonder what it feels like to have your family come see you at school." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "Wait. Now I'm getting nervous, too." Clara: "Hey, hey! My family's coming, too! There's Daddy, Mommy, U-chan, Keebow, Konchie, Sin Sin, Ran Ran, and..." Lead: "My older sister's supposed to come, too, but I'm not sure if she'll make it." Jazz: "What are you even worried about?" Lead: "Well, she's really lazy." Clara: "Who's coming from your place, Sabro?!" Sabro: "My little sister, Sylvia, will be coming." Kalego: "Silence. You fools should be preparing so you don't embarrass yourselves in front of your families. Also, those of you who will be staying overnight need to get permission forms." All: "Yes, sir." Momonoki: "Kalego-sensei." Momonoki: "Could you come to the chair-demon's office?" Momonoki: "Yes. We heard from the chair-demon himself." Blushenko: "What did he say?" Momonoki: "Well..." Sullivan: "I think it's going to take a while for this whole misunderstanding to blow over, so let's have Kalego-kun take over for me in my absence." Officer: "I lost!" Kalego: "What?! That stupid chair-demon! We're all busy with the Battler Party right now!" Robin: "Wow, Kalego-sensei! Of course he'd pick you to take his place! Oh, but what are they even saying the chair-demon did?" Suzie: "Yis... This must be some kind of mistake." Robin: "Right? Right?! I bet Demon Border Control did some half-assed investigation and took him on false charges!" Kalego: "No, I highly doubt that's the case." Kalego: "They're holding one of the Three Greats, Chair-Demon Sullivan." Kalego: "I'm sure they must have a valid reason." Blushenko: "They have a valid reason, but not enough evidence to arrest him." Blushenko: "Is that what you're saying?" Kalego: "But if they don't have evidence, why did they detain him right now?" Robin: "Kalego-sensei!" Kalego: "Something's not right." Momonoki: "Kalego-sensei?" Kalego: "As for where we go from here, let us prepare for the worst." All: "Yes, sir." Momonoki: "Kalego-sensei is already being so dignified as the acting chair-demon!" Robin: "Are you feeling the pressure, Acting Chair-Demon?! Don't you worry! I've got your back, Acting Chair-Demon!" Kalego: "Next time you call me that, I'll wring your neck!" Robin: "You got it, Acting Chair-Demon!" Iruma: "Who's coming from your family, Azz-kun?" Asmodeus: "Ah, yes. My mother is trying to come... So I'm doing everything I can to stop her." Iruma: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "She will be stopped." Iruma: "I-I see..." Kiriwo: "How nice. I miss the ol' Battler Party." Iruma: "Did your parents show up for yours, Kiriwo-senpai?" Kiriwo: "My parents didn't come." Kiriwo: "He's sort of... like my guardian." Iruma: "Like your guardian?" Kiriwo: "Well, you know. I don't have much magic." Kiriwo: "Apparently, that really disappointed my parents. Things haven't been going well with them, to be honest." Iruma: "Kiriwo-senpai..." Iruma Dad: "Let's sell Iruma to a demon!" Iruma Mom: "Then we can get plenty of money!" Iruma: "I knew our lack of magic was similar," Clara: "Cheer up, Kiriyan-senpai!" Asmodeus: "Stop that. You're the only one who cheers up that way." Kiriwo: "Sorry for talking about something so dreary. My senpai's such a great person, though. He still gives me advice often..." Kiriwo: "Well, speak of the devil. He's calling me right now." Iruma: "Oh, that really kind senpai of—" Voice On Phone: "I told you to answer your calls after one ring, you four-eyed dumbass!" Kiriwo: "My bad, bro. Oh, some new members have joined." Iruma: "H-He sounds really intense." Asmodeus: ""Really kind"?" Kiriwo: "You got it. Bye." Kiriwo: "Sorry 'bout that. Why don't we all go get ready?" All: "Right!" Kiriwo: "He was mad because I haven't made preparations yet. He can be pretty intense sometimes." Iruma: "Oh..." Clara: "Look! They're all getting ready!" Boy A: "Make sure you come see our presentation!" Girl A: "We have to make 666 of those today." Girl B: "Right!" Iruma: "Wow, everyone seems really pumped!" Kiriwo: "Right?" Kiriwo: "The members might even go up a rank." Beast Master: "Behold!" Asmodeus: "That's the Magic Beast Battler's circus." Kiriwo: "Looks like they're puttin' on a fun show again this year." Iruma: "Wow!" Kiriwo: "And we have the New Magic Battler over there." Iruma: "Th-They seem really suspicious, but I can't help but be curious..." Camui: "Ladies, ladies, ladies!" Clara: "The Succubus Battler!" Camui: "The sexiness exuding from them is almost suffocating!" Clara: "Noice." Iruma: "All the Battlers are so flashy." Kiriwo: "Right. We can't let them get ahead of us! Let's make ours stand out!" Both: "Yeah!" Iruma: "Senpai!" Asmodeus: "We don't even have a fifth of the space the other groups have." Kiriwo: "It's even smaller than last year's..." Student C: "Hey, Storage Battler." Student D: "Guess you're just storage space again this year." Student C: "Keep it up!" Kiriwo: "Thanks!" Asmodeus: "Senpai, they're mocking you. You should be a little angrier." Kiriwo: "Well, I'm pretty used to it by now. I'm a third-year, but my rank is Bet, so they don't give me much budget or space." Kiriwo: "I really am sorry 'bout this." Asmodeus: "Senpai..." Iruma: "I-It's totally fine! What's important is what we have to present!" Clara: "Yup, yup!" Kiriwo: "Y-You're right." Iruma: "What kind of presentation did you do last year?" Kiriwo: "Let's see... I lined up a bunch of new magical apparatuses..." Kiriwo: "Like this." Iruma: "Yup! That's definitely storage space!" Kiriwo: "But I've got new members this year," Iruma: "Well, in my case... I was really moved by the light you created with that magical apparatus, so I'd love for others to see it." Asmodeus: "If we can use my flame magic that symbolizes my family in some way, I would love to help." Clara: "I want something that goes boom, then kaboom, and then kablooey!" Kiriwo: "Jeez, you guys are all over the place." Iruma: "Yeah... So, something with light and fire that goes kaboom and then kablooey..." Iruma: "Fireworks!" Iruma: "How about fireworks?" Asmodeus: "Fire..." Kiriwo: "...works?" Iruma: "Um... We shoot a ball filled with gunpowder into the sky and make it explode..." Asmodeus: "Make gunpowder explode in the sky?" Kiriwo: "Shoot down demons in flight?" Clara: "So it's a weapon to kill lotsa things?" Iruma: "No, no, no! It's for entertainment! You shoot flowers made of light into the sky!" Kiriwo: "Ah, for entertainment." Asmodeus: "Flowers (hana) made of light..." Clara: "Noses (hana) going kablooey!" Iruma: "Is this going to work?" Iruma: "The Battler Party goes on into the night, right?" Kiriwo: "Yup." Iruma: "That's perfect, then! It'll be pretty, and we'll be sure to stand out! Everyone will know about the Magical Apparatus Battler! Not to mention... Our lack of space won't matter if we use the sky!" Both: "Ah!" Kiriwo: "Flowers in the night sky sounds like a nice idea." Clara: "Noses going kablooey!" Asmodeus: "Well done, Iruma-sama! You have such an imagination!" Kiriwo: "But usin' gunpowder may prove difficult. It'll require lots of mixin' and experiments." Asmodeus: "True. We may not have enough time." Iruma: "I also think it'll be easier to experiment at night." Kiriwo: "In that case..." Kiriwo: "Let's go do the paperwork to stay overnight." All: "S-Stay overnight?!" Clara: "Pajamas! Nightmare pillow! Et cetera! Now, let's spend the night!" Asmodeus: "Pipe down!" Iruma: "You've even got all the futons laid out..." Clara: "Nightmare pillow fight! And then demon horror stories!" Iruma: "Well, before that, we need to experiment with the fireworks..." Asmodeus And Iruma: "Kiriwo-senpai!" Kiriwo: "For starters, I tried mixin' some gunpowder..." Kiriwo: "I think I've almost got it, though." Iruma: "We need to get you fixed up first!" Kiriwo: "Don't you worry. I ain't hurt." Asmodeus: "With an explosion that big?" Kiriwo: "Well, you see... I guess it'd be easier if you just saw for yourself. Iruma-kun, let me see your hand." Iruma: "Uh, sure." Iruma: "Wait, this is..." Iruma: "A wall?" Clara: "Hi-yah!" Clara: "Hey, there's something there!" Asmodeus: "It's an invisible wall." Clara: "Yay! Knock, knock. Anyone in there?" Kiriwo: "Ain't it great?" Kiriwo: "despite my lack of magic." Iruma: "Oh, I see." Kiriwo: "Though, I'll still cough up blood due to the surprise and kickback from the fireworks." Asmodeus: "Is that so?" Kiriwo: "I guess it's pretty difficult to make something you've never seen before." Clara: "Yup, yup." Iruma: "Yeah... I guess I'm the only one who's ever seen them. If I could just show you an example..." Clara: "Yup, yup." Iruma: "An example..." Ameri: "I-It's rare for you to be the one asking to see me." Iruma: "Sorry for asking you to meet so suddenly." Ameri: "I-It's fine." Ameri: "So... This is all you needed me to bring?" Iruma: "Yes! Thank you very much!" Rin: "Badump, badump, badump... H-Hey... um... Badump, badump, badump... Kakeru-kun, I... Lik—" Kakeru: "Sorry, I couldn't quite hear you." Iruma: "Here it is! The pictures of the fireworks at the summer festival!" Ameri: "Ah, yes. The fireworks! That was excellent! Flowers that bloom in the night sky..." Ameri: "The part where he can't hear her because of the fireworks is excellent, too." Iruma: "I know! That's such a good scene!" Ameri: "Yes. Now, then..." Ameri: "Let us begin." Iruma: "Huh?! When'd you get all that stuff?!" Ameri: "You're going to read me this volume again, aren't you? Oh, you charmer." Iruma: "No, actually... I was hoping I could borrow that book today." Ameri: "Wh-What?! What are you saying?! Of course you can't!" Iruma: "C-Could you at least consider it?" Ameri: "Absolutely not!" Ameri: "These are important forbidden texts I received from my father. I can't just go lending them out!" Iruma: "Right, of course. I'm sorry for asking." Ameri: "No, don't let him get to you!" Iruma: "Okay. I'll have to figure this out. I hope we'll be able to make fireworks even without an example." Ameri: "Y-You're going to make the fireworks? Those flowers that bloom in the night sky?!" Iruma: "Y-Yes." Ameri: "I'll be able to see actual fireworks!" Iruma: "Ameri-san?" Ameri: "Oh, dear. It's rather late. I'm pretty tired. I'm so tired that I might just accidentally forget this book right here on the table. If that were to happen, I guess I could come get it tomorrow evening..." Iruma: "Thank you so much, Ameri-san!" Ameri: "I-I told you! I'm just going to accidentally forget it!" Iruma: "Still, thank you so much!" Iruma: "All right... I'm going to make this work, no matter what!" Kiriwo: "Ah, so these are fireworks." Clara: "They're super pretty!" Clara: "They're nothing like what I was imagining!" Asmodeus: "I've never seen a book like this before. Where did you find it?" Iruma: "Um... That's a secret." Kiriwo: "All right, then." All: "Right!" Iruma: "Senpai!" Kiriwo: "I-I think I've almost got it." Clara: "Next, give that screw a twisty-twist." Iruma: "Twisty-twist!" Asmodeus: "I shall fill this ball with flame magic." Asmodeus: "All right, here we go." Asmodeus: "Ignite." Iruma And Clara: "We did it!" Asmodeus: "It's absolutely stunning." Kiriwo: "It's rather small, though." Iruma: "But it's really close to what actual fireworks look like! Now we just have to make it bigger!" All: "Right!" Clara: "That bow is so cute!" Iruma: "This was all I had." Asmodeus: "The next time I order mine, I'll get a bow tie, as well." Kiriwo: "Right, then." Kiriwo: "Let's get some sleep." Iruma: "So fleeting." Asmodeus: "He's about to disappear." Clara: "He's see-through!" Kiriwo: "C'mon, I'm not see-through. I'm gonna go ahead and turn out the lights." Iruma: "This is so exciting!" Asmodeus: "Indeed!" Kiriwo: "Let's all do our best tomorrow. Night." All: "Goodnight!" Clara: "Time for demon horror stories. Did I scare y—" Kiriwo: "What? You're not going to sleep?" Asmodeus: "Wh-What's the matter?" Both: "Kiriwo-senpai!" Kiriwo: "I started coughin' up blood because your face was so scary, Clara-chan." Clara: "Kiriyan-senpai was an even scarier horror story." Asmodeus: "Hey, now!" Kiriwo: "I always got yelled at during demon horror stories. I'd end up coughin' up blood, so everyone would be more scared of me than of the horror story." Iruma: "What even are demon horror stories?" Clara: "Okay! Time for a nightmare pillow fight instead!" Iruma: "But Kiriwo-senpai's—" Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun." Kiriwo: "Have you forgotten my bloodline ability?" Clara: "Nightmare pillow fight, start! Kiriyan-senpai and Iruma-chi versus Azz-Azz and me!" Kiriwo: "We're not losin' this match." Asmodeus: "You may be our senpai, but I'm not going to hold back!" Iruma: "Senpai, run!" Asmodeus: "Let us battle, Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "As I expected, I haven't been able to hit you once. In that case..." Iruma: "I thought this was a nightmare pillow fight?!" Iruma: "Senpai!" Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun, before I reach my limit..." Iruma: "R-Right! Clara!" Clara: "That pillow's mine!" Asmodeus: "Hey, wait!" Kiriwo: "Good! Now's our—" Iruma: "Senpai!" Kiriwo: "Don't worry about me. Do it, Iruma-kun." Asmodeus: "Magnificent! Amazing as usual, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "That pillow's mine!" Clara: "That pillow's mine!" Iruma: "I'm not done yet!" Asmodeus: "V-Valac!" Clara: "That was so much fun!" Asmodeus: "It appears we got a bit too worked up." Iruma: "S-So this is what it's like to have a sleepover. I can't believe I get to have so much fun right before bed!" Kiriwo: "I wonder if I'll be able to move tomorrow..." Iruma: "L-Let's really go to sleep this time." Kiriwo: "But this is truly like a dream. I had three new students join our Battler, had a sleepover, and even made something new..." Kiriwo: "I'm sure this Battler Party will be the best one yet." Iruma: "Kiriwo-senpai..." Kiriwo: "I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "Sure!" Iruma: "This is sort of embarrassing." Kiriwo: "It is." Kiriwo: "You three can go ahead and sleep. Hello—" Voice On Phone: "I told you to answer your calls after one ring, you four-eyed dumbass!" Kiriwo: "Oh, I was just having fun working with the other members..." Voice On Phone: "Shut up! Like I care! You better be getting ready!" Kiriwo: "Of course." Voice On Phone (Baal): "Listen up." Baal: "Don't you dare mess this up." Baal: "We're gonna destroy the demon school Babyls." Baal: "Sullivan's being held after the tip I gave them." Baal: "He won't be back at the school for a while." Baal: "We've got some decent pawns now, too." Baal: "It's the perfect time to cause a storm." Baal: "Make sure we can use the machine at any time. Got it?" Kiriwo: "Yes, sir." Kiriwo: "It's ready at any time." Clara: "Su-ki-ma!" Game: "You lose." Iruma: "Aw... I lost again." Opera: "You seem to be having fun in spite of your loss." Iruma: "R-Really?" Iruma: "Well, I mean... I never got to play video games with anyone before," Iruma: "so I'm really happy!" Opera: "I see. Let's go another round, then." Iruma: "Okay!" Iruma: "Wait... You're suddenly really weak, Opera-san." Opera: "You really don't play fair, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "I don't?" Game: "You win!" Clara: "It's almost time for the Battler Party! We're all gonna have tons of fun playing together! We're gonna shoot fireworks like boom! And then shout "Hip, hip, hooray!"" Clara: "Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, "Kiriwo's Secret Room."" Clara: "What's this about Kiriyan-senpai's secret room? Secret? Sugar? Sweets? I'm gonna eat some sweets, too!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 14 – The Battlers' Presentation", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "14", "The Battlers' Presentation" ] }
Suzie: "Yis, yis! I had some first-years join our Battler again this year!" Dali: "I wouldn't get too happy." Suzie: "What's that supposed to mean?" Dali: "The first-years who joined my Battler are far superior." Suzie: "Shall we have a competition, then?" Dali: "Very well. But how do you propose we do that?" Both: "I know! Let's have a Battler Party!" Marbas: "Yay! Clappity-clap." Clara: "Looks like something's starting." Asmodeus: "It appears to be a show introducing the Battler Party to the first-years." Iruma: "Wow, that seems fun." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. One day, he became the grandson of a demon called Sullivan." : "Sullivan loves to spoil Iruma to bits and is even sending him to school. But there is just one problem... The school Iruma is attending is the demon school Babyls." Iruma: "I need to make sure they don't find out I'm human... Or I might get eaten!" All: ""Kiriwo's Secret Room."" Both: "Battler Party!" Suzie: "So what is the Battler Party? It's a chance for first-years who've just joined Battlers to do a presentation." Dali: "The event is split into three days: the Party Eve, the Party Day, and the Closing Spectacular." Suzie: "My, how lovely." Dali: "All students from all grades will be allowed to participate. However, upperclassmen will be busy with their workshops, so this festival is mostly for the lower three years." Baraki: "Good, good, yes." Suzie: "It will be held in the front garden and the central plaza." Dali: "Did you get all that, everyone?" Suzie: "You are the stars of the show! You first-years watching right now!" Dali: "Your family's going to come see you, after all!" Suzie: "It's an excellent opportunity for parents to see their kids grow." Iruma: "I wonder if Grandpa will be there, too." Suzie: "But is there something for the second- and third-year students, too?" Dali: "Have no fear, Suzie-sensei! Yes, the Battlers that put on the best presentation" Dali: "will be given fantastic prizes!" Suzie: "Fantastic prizes!" Suzie: "The You Did Your Best Award!" Dali: "The winning Battler will get this luxurious Battler room!" Iruma: "Wow, that really is nice." Iruma: "I'm sure Kiriwo-senpai would love to have a room like that." Suzie: "The Wow Award!" Dali: "The winning Battler's budget will be increased! We'll even throw in a prize of your choice!" Dali: "And now, the award that'll be given to the number one Battler..." Suzie: "For the winners of the Grand Prize... U-Unbelievable! The Battler president will go up two ranks!" Dali: "Oh, but that's not all! The rest of the members will go up a rank, as well!" Iruma: "Wow..." Suzie: "The super exciting Battler Party! The Party Eve begins tomorrow!" Student 1: "That's devi awesome!" Student 2: "It's gonna be huge!" Student 3: "I'm pumped!" Asmodeus: "We can't just sit here! Let's go!" Iruma: "Yeah." Clara: "Let's go, let's go!" Presidents: "Grand Prize!" President And Squad: "Fight!" President: "First-years, line up!" Squad: "Sir!" President: "You guys are the stars of the Battler Party! You can't embarrass yourself in front of your parents, so I'm sure you're nervous." President: "But don't worry! This is an event for all the Battlers." Squad: "Right!" President: "Therefore... If you mess up, I'll end you." Squad A: "R-Right..." President: "Let's do our sprints!" Squad: "Yeah!" Iruma: "Wow..." Iruma: "I can feel their passion all the way over here." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "The preliminary preparations for the firework launchpad are finished." Iruma: "Sorry I couldn't help out in the end." Asmodeus: "Please don't worry yourself!" Iruma: "Y-You think so?" Clara: "Doot do do doo! Now we just need to make it all devi devi and sparkly!" Clara: "Oh, no!" Iruma: "We almost didn't make it, but now—" Girl Student: "What's that supposed to be? A chimney?" Boy Student: "They're probably going to burn some garbage. I mean, they're a garbage Battler." Girl Student: "You're probably right." Iruma; Clara; Asmodeus: "Glare..." Girl Student: "L-Let's go." Boy Student: "What the heck was that?" Asmodeus: "I can just imagine their shocked faces." Clara: "It'll be all kablooey!" Iruma: "Yeah! Let's be sure to surprise them!" Iruma: "By the way... Where's Kiriwo-senpai?" Asmodeus: "Oh... He said he had to personally get ready for something and went off somewhere." Kiriwo: "My bad." Iruma: "Get ready?" Kiriwo: "There we go." Baal: "Don't you dare mess this up." Baal: "We're gonna destroy the demon school Babyls." Baal: "Sullivan's being held after the tip I gave them." Baal: "It's the perfect time to cause a storm." Baal: "The countdown at the end of the Party Eve signaling the beginning of the Party Day..." Baal: "There'll be a bunch of students in the central plaza, and they'll hear the bell." Baal: "That's our target." Kiriwo: "But that'll be a huge disaster." Baal: "The more casualties we have, the better." Baal: "What's necessary to this plan are your abilities..." Baal: "and the machine." Kiriwo: "I look forward to workin' with you tomorrow, Gabuko-san." Kiriwo: "It felt so long, yet so short... At first, I was worried if I'd actually be able to do this, but with Bro's advice and the help from my cute little juniors who are none the wiser," Kiriwo: "I think I'll be able to make it work." Kiriwo: "It must truly be fate that I met Iruma-kun." Kiriwo: "I'm sure it'll be one hell of a party." Kiriwo: "Oh, whoopsie. I should be movin' my hands. I need to hurry up and get ready." Kiriwo: "Oh, goodness. I'm missin' some parts. My talent for keeping things hidden is working against me—" Iruma: "Senpai?" Iruma: "What are you doing here?" Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun?" Iruma: "Senpai?" Iruma: "What are you doing?" Kiriwo: "Ah, it's just you." Kiriwo: "Upsy-daisy." Kiriwo: "You gave me such a scare that I couldn't even talk." Iruma: "I-I'm so sorry!" Kiriwo: "How did you get in?" Iruma: "Um..." Iruma: "I wonder where Senpai went." Iruma: "I need to talk to him about tomorrow." Student: "Hey!" Iruma: "I-I'm so sorry! P-Please stop!" Iruma: "So, yeah... My ring pulled me here." Kiriwo: "Ah, that's right. That's happened before." Kiriwo: "I remember. It was when we first met." Iruma: "I guess it still reacts, despite being so far away. So, what is this place?" Kiriwo: "It's my secret base." Iruma: "Secret base?" Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun." Kiriwo: "Come here." Kiriwo: "Welcome to MagiApp's graveyard." Kiriwo: "My senpai told me about this place." Iruma: "Your senpai?" Kiriwo: "Yup. Apparently, this Battler used to make a bunch of weird things that would get them in trouble if they were ever caught," Kiriwo: "so they were secretly workin' on things in here. But all that's left now is junk." Iruma: "What were you getting ready for in here, then?" Kiriwo: "You wanna know?" Kiriwo: "Once you know about it, there ain't no turnin' back." Kiriwo: "Ready?" Kiriwo: "Here you go." Iruma: "Wow! We're so high up!" Kiriwo: "Surprised ya, didn't I?" Kiriwo: "Take a look just below that tower right before the central plaza." Kiriwo: "That's the Bell of Ceremonies. The bell rings to mark the end of the Party Eve, and then the Party Day begins." Iruma: "Oh, there's Kalego-sensei." Iruma: "And isn't that..." Robin: "Acting Chair-Demon!" Robin: "I've been looking all over for you, Acting Chair-Demon!" Kalego: "I told you to stop calling me that." Robin: "Oh, that's right." Robin: "I'll call you Chairego-sensei, then!" Kalego: "Stop that! Don't!" Robin: "I combined the first part of (Acting) Chair-Demon with the "ego" from Kalego. Put them together and you get Chairego!" Robin: "I'm so clever!" Kalego: "Listen to me, damn it!" Robin: "Come on, I know you like it! Cha-ir-e-go-sen-sei!" Iruma: "He seems to be arguing with Robin-sensei. He seems more intense than usual." Kiriwo: "Stu-pid-head!" Iruma: "Senpai! What's gotten into you?!" Kiriwo: "Oh, don't worry about it." Kiriwo: "They can't see us from the other side, either." Kiriwo: "See? No one's noticed?" Iruma: "You're right." Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun." Kiriwo: "Do you remember what I told you before? I want to create magical apparatuses that even weaker demons can use and make a world where this power gap doesn't exist." Kiriwo: "From up here, you can't tell at all who's got a high rank or low rank." Kiriwo: "Everyone's the same. Ain't no difference at all." Kiriwo: "I'm sure it'd be beautiful." Kiriwo: "There are times I want to see that so badly." Iruma: "I've never seen Senpai so excited." Kiriwo: "Oh, no. I've excited myself too much..." Iruma: "L-Let's calm down for a sec." Kiriwo: "I just felt so happy. You're the only one I can talk to about this, Iruma-kun." Kiriwo: "There's just somethin' mysterious about ya." Kiriwo: "You're not like the other students at all. I'm so grateful I got to meet ya." Iruma: "Senpai..." Iruma: "Um, Kiriwo-senpai..." Iruma: "If I happened to have no magic, would you still let me join this Battler?" Kiriwo: "If you actually didn't have any magic..." Kiriwo: "We'd be exactly alike!" Iruma: "I'm glad I met you, too!" Iruma: "And then, someday..." Iruma: "I have a feeling I can tell Senpai the truth, and he'll just smile at me." Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun?" Iruma: "Anyway, let's just make sure the fireworks are a success. It's the first step to the world without a power gap that you wish for!" Kiriwo: "Yup." Kiriwo: "I basically came here to mentally prepare." Iruma: "Senpai!" Iruma: "Why don't we try for the Grand Prize at the Battler Party?" Kiriwo: "Grand... What?" Iruma: "Maybe that's too difficult for us, actually..." Kiriwo: "Well..." Kiriwo: "The Grand Prize is usually won by a top-class Battler with lots of powerful demons in it." Kiriwo: "That's basically just a faraway dream for weaklings like us." Iruma: "It's because we're weaklings that all the high-ranking demons will be surprised if we manage to get the Grand Prize!" Iruma: "I'm going to prove just how hard you're working to everyone at the school, Kiriwo-senpai!" Iruma: "That's..." Iruma: "That's what we need to do to take a step closer to your goal!" Iruma: "L-Let's go for it!" Kiriwo: "That's..." Kiriwo: "That's a really wonderful way of thinkin'. You sure do say some things I'd never expect you to say, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "Y-You think so?" Kiriwo: "You truly are ambitious." Kiriwo: "You and I..." Kiriwo: "We really are exactly alike..." Iruma: "Senpai?" Kiriwo: "Alrighty, let's go. We can't leave all the preparin' to those two." Asmodeus: "I told you, that's not how you do it!" Iruma: "T-True..." Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun, hurry on up." Iruma: "Wait for me!" Kiriwo: "Oh, make sure you keep this place a secret." Iruma: "Oh, right." Kiriwo: "We'd better hurry!" Clara: "Just try and catch me!" Asmodeus: "Wait, you fool!" Kiriwo: "Oh, dear..." Iruma: "They're doing exactly what I expected." Clara: "Oh, hey! Welcome back!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! Amy-senpai!" Clara: "The launchpad is all ready!" Iruma: "I can definitely tell you decorated it, Clara..." Clara: "Yeah! I worked really hard!" Asmodeus: "I tried to stop her, but..." Kiriwo: "I think it's just fine. It looks like it's sturdy enough." Asmodeus: "We're actually going to use this?!" Clara: "Yay! All done!" Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun." Kiriwo: "Let's do our best." Iruma: "Right!" : "And then..." Baraki: "All right, everyone. Tomorrow's finally the day!" Baraki: "The Battler... Party!" Students: "Yeah!" Baraka: "Are you all ready?!" Students: "Yeah!" : "Those who were excited about the festival..." : "Those who couldn't wait to see the fireworks..." Robin: "Acting Chair-Demon!" Robin: "Relax! Just relax!" : "Those who were becoming stressed out by their peers..." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun..." : "Those who were being questioned..." : "Those who weren't quite done decorating yet..." Clara: "Flowers! Flowers!" : "Everyone had different thoughts on their minds as the sun set." Asmodeus: "David," Asmodeus: "I will not be returning from school for the next three days." Asmodeus: "Watch over the house." David: "As you wish. Ah, Alice-sama." David: ""I'm definitely coming to see your Battler tomorrow!" She says." Asmodeus: "D-David..." Asmodeus: "Do whatever you can to stop her!" David: "As you wish." Clara: "Mommy, Keebow, Konchie, little ones... they aren't here, but Daddy, Urala, I'm leaving!" Babies: "Hey, hey! Hey, hey!" Clara: "Let... go..." Mommy: "You forgot something." Clara: "Mommy! Get the little ones off me!" Mommy: "They hate it when their Sissy leaves." Mommy: "We'll all come support you tomorrow, so do your best, Clara." Clara: "Roger!" Sabro: "Hm?" Sylvia: "Hi, Big Brother! Are you well?" Sabro: "Mm." Sylvia: "Tomorrow's finally the party! I'm definitely going!" Sabro: "Hm." Sylvia: "It's too bad, though..." Sabro: "Hmph! Like I care!" Sylvia: "Whoa! Don't just yell in my ear suddenly!" Iruma: "Hmm... Let's see..." Opera: "If you're looking for the chair-demon, he's not back yet." Iruma: "O-Opera-san! Er, I seem to be a bit jumpy. You know, it's a big event, so maybe I'm nervous..." Opera: "The chair-demon... is carefree, random, careless, ridiculous, doesn't ever read the room, runs off without thinking, doesn't care about rules, and is an unbelievably happy-go-lucky person." Opera: "But he always keeps his promises." Iruma: "Right!" Clara: "Party! Party!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, we've come to pick you up." Iruma: "I'll see you later." : "The biggest event at the demon school Babyls, the Battler Party..." : "Its Party Eve is finally about to begin." Kiriwo: "It's finally time," Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun." Clara: "Su-ki... ma?" Sullivan: "Jeez, could we wrap this up already? I'm going to be late to Iruma-kun's presentation!" Officer: "I-I'm so nervous! Lord Sullivan is right in front of me!" : "It just so happens that this interrogator is a huge fan of Sullivan, one of the Three Greats whom everyone thinks will be the next Demon King." Officer: "F-First question... Wh-Who was your first love? Gah! I'm so nervous, I just asked something completely ridiculous!" Sullivan: "That's going to be a long story." Officer: "I'd love to hear it!" : "This interrogator was immediately replaced."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 15 – Kiriwo's Secret Room", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "15", "Kiriwo's Secret Room" ] }
Iruma: "Senpai!" Iruma: "Why don't we try for the Grand Prize at the Battler Party?" Kiriwo: "Grand... What?" Kiriwo: "You truly are ambitious. You and I..." Kiriwo: "We really are exactly alike..." Asmodeus: "The Grand Prize?" Iruma: "Yeah." Iruma: "A-Azz-kun?" Asmodeus: "But of course! I couldn't stand that some cretins had the nerve to say your Battler was just storage space! Let us do this!" Clara: "Sounds fun! Let's go kablooey!" Iruma: "Th-Thanks..." Kiriwo: "Heya!" Iruma: "Senpai!" All: "Good morning!" Kiriwo: "Good morning." Kiriwo: "It's finally time." Iruma: "Yes." Iruma: "Let's do our best to get it!" Asmodeus: "Yes!" Clara: "Gonna, gonna do my best! Gonna, gonna do my best!" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. One day, he became the grandson of a demon called Sullivan." : "Sullivan loves to spoil Iruma to bits and is even sending him to school." : "But there is just one problem... The school Iruma is attending is the demon school Babyls." Iruma: "I need to make sure they don't find out I'm human... Or I might get eaten!" All: ""Party Eve."" Stall 1: "We've got sweet apples! Sweet apples!" Stall 2: "We've got cotton candy!" Baraki: "It's finally time to begin the Party Eve of our school's biggest event, the Battler Party! Let's all have a blast!" Students: "Yeah!" Baraki: "Let's all do our best to get the Grand Prize!" Students: "Yeah!" Iruma: "Wow..." Asmodeus: "Our show begins after sundown. Let's scout the other Battlers as we walk around the venue." Iruma: "Sure." Clara: "Let's wear disguises! I have some for all of you." Iruma: "A pink Come-Come?" Asmodeus: "That'll make us stand out even more!" Clara: "Everyone, put these on." Asmodeus: "This defeats the purpose of our scouting!" Clara: "Put them on." Come Come: "My, how fresh." Kiriwo: "Well, I'm gonna conserve my energy. I'll leave the scoutin' to you." Three: "Okay!" Yakisoba Captain: "Step right up!" Yakisoba Captain: "It's devi irresistible!" Yakisoba Member: "Step right up!" Yakisoba Captain: "Listen up!" Yakisoba Members: "Yeah!" Yakisoba Captain: "The star of the show's gonna be our ogre-sized serving!" Yakisoba Members: "Yeah!" Yakisoba Captain: "Let's make sure everyone here smells our yakisoba so we can attract challengers! This dish is our pride and joy! Just try to eat all of it!" Yakisoba Members: "Just try!" Iruma: "Pardon me." Iruma: "I'd like that." Yakisoba Captain: "You're actually going to try to eat that? Huh?" Iruma: "Thanks for the meal." Yakisoba Member 1: "C-Captain, we don't have any more ingredients!" Yakisoba Member 2: "H-He's a monster! A demon!" Asmodeus: "Too bad for you. Iruma-sama could eat twice that amount in the blink of an eye." Iruma: "That was so good!" Iruma: "Sabnock-kun." Sabro: "That was some excellent eating, my rival." Sabro: "Though I shall be taking the Grand Prize!" Asmodeus: "What are you saying? The one truly worthy of the Grand Prize is our Magical Apparatus Battler!" Iruma: "Now, now, now..." Sabro: "I shall let this slide. The Party Eve is meant to be enjoyed." Sabro: "The instructors won't be judging the Battlers until the Party Day tomorrow. The Party Eve is a festival for students to enjoy in preparation for tomorrow." Iruma: "What are you going to do for the Party Day, Sabnock-kun?" Sabro: "Excellent question! I am going to act out an action scene involving the Demon King! We will be performing an anecdote about a former Demon King! It'll be a bloodbath that will get your blood boiling! And, of course, I will be playing the Demon King!" Clara: "Yeah! Woo!" Asmodeus: "How dare you?! Iruma-sama is far better suited to play the Demon King!" Clara: "Woo! Demon King Sabnock, you're huge!" Sabro: "We shall be the ones to win the Grand Prize!" Jazz: "Oho, I'm not so sure about that." Sabro: "Oh?" Jazz: "Hey." Sabro: "Fellow classmate." Iruma: "Jazz-kun!" Jazz: "The rest of them are here, too." Goemon: "It's a festival." Schneider: "Life is a party." Elizabetta: "Hello." Camuy: "How exciting." Lead: "Heya!" Clara: "Yay, the gang's all here!" Elizabetta: "We were all just wandering around and somehow ran into each other." Lead: "Somehow." Camuy: "I believe it was fate!" Camuy: "I love you." Goemon: "Shall we all eat this dish that I acquired?" Goemon: "Hup!" Elizabetta: "Come, everyone, let's eat." All: "Let's eat!" Lead: "Yum!" Schneider: "I eat, therefore I am." Iruma: "Which Battler did you join, Jazz-kun?" Jazz: "The New Magic Battler. Just as the name suggests, we're creating new magic, but we'll be presenting something completely new." Jazz: "We're going to be producing water from a rock!" Jazz: "I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I think it'll go pretty well." Asmodeus: "I see. They will be formidable foes." Clara: "I wanna see!" Lead: "That's nothing!" Lead: "Our Game Battler is going to let you experience a game hands-on!" Lead: "You'll put on a virtual sorcery hat and go on a virtual adventure." Iruma: "Wow, that sounds fun! I wanna try!" Lead: "If you concentrate too hard, you won't be able to come back, though." Iruma: "What?" Picero: "Dreams are better anyway." Camuy: "Can I explore an island where there'll be beautiful women lusting over me?" Lead: "Nope." Lead: "But you can experience being a popular dem-dol." Elizabetta: "Wow, I think I want to try that out." Camuy: "Why don't the three of us debut together?" Elizabetta: "What?" Keroli: "I couldn't possibly..." Goemon: "The other things to look out for are the underwater circus..." Goemon: "and the Magic Beast battles." Iruma: "Wow..." Goemon: "Every Battler this year seems to have brought their work to a whole new level." Iruma: "So many powerful rivals..." Clara: "Oh, yeah!" Iruma: "That's a secret!" Clara: "Yay! We're up so high!" Iruma: "Clara, are you okay?!" Jazz: "Anyway, I'm sure you're gonna have to stand out to get the Grand Prize." Iruma: "Then we definitely have a chance!" Sabro: "Why are you smirking like that?" Iruma: "Huh? Uh..." Lead: "See ya." Asmodeus: "We, the Magical Apparatus Battler, will get the Grand Prize." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Let's go!" Iruma: "Oh, sure. Well, see you later." Sabro: "Indeed." Sabro: "Iruma! I will be the one who takes the Grand Prize," Iruma: "Yeah, you should!" Sabro: "Indeed!" Asmodeus: "Now, let us review before Amy-senpai returns. The name of our plan is "Strike Fast for Certain Victory."" Iruma: "Strike Fast..." Clara: "Certain Party." Asmodeus: "Certain Victory!" Asmodeus: "Our opportune moment will arrive at the countdown to the Party Day. After the Party Eve," Asmodeus: "The moment the bell stops ringing..." Asmodeus: "We will shoot up the fireworks, stealing everyone's attention. We will begin the show with a bang" Asmodeus: "That is the basic outline." Iruma: "We really are striking fast!" Clara: "Yay, party!" Asmodeus: "Wrong! There's a bit of distance from our location to the central plaza, but it'll be nighttime, so the lights and sound should be enough to get their attention." Clara: "Ooh, me! Pick me! I wanna shoot the fireworks!" Asmodeus: "Only Iruma-sama is qualified and worthy of handling such an important task!" Clara: "Aw, you meanie! Boo, boo!" Iruma: "I'm fine with Clara doing it..." Asmodeus: "What are you saying? You're the only one for the job, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Uh... sure." Asmodeus: "Its construction is flawless. It's set to fire ten seconds after the fuse is lit. I'll hand you the flame to set it off," Asmodeus: "and then you can light the fuse, Iruma-sama." Clara: "Like this?" Asmodeus: "Yes, exactly! Just like..." Clara: "It's lit." Asmodeus: "You fool! Quickly, put it out!" Iruma: "It won't go out!" Asmodeus: "Look out!" Asmodeus: "A misfire?" Iruma: "Thank goodness..." Asmodeus: "I-I feared the worst..." Clara: "Wait! Did I do something wrong?" Asmodeus: "You fool!" Asmodeus: "I just got done explaining that!" Clara: "Oh, yeah!" Asmodeus: "Don't "oh, yeah" me!" Clara: "I'm sorry!" Asmodeus: "That's not enough!" Iruma: "Now, now..." Asmodeus: "You should've told us the shell wasn't in there!" Clara: "Huh? I dunno anything about that." Asmodeus: "But I'm sure we put the shell in there..." Iruma: "Wait. Where did the shell go, then?" Kiriwo: "Hup..." Kiriwo: "This shell is so heavy. I can barely stand." Kiriwo: "Now, then..." Kiriwo: "Let's begin our final party." Sullivan: "Are we still continuing this interrogation?" Officer: "Investigations involving humans get pretty detailed. It'll take a while." Sullivan: "I see. In that case... There!" Sullivan: "Yay! I win!" Officer: "I lost again! One more time! One more time! Please! Please! This will be the last time, I promise!" Sullivan: "Oh, I don't know..." Henri: "Honestly..." Henri: "He seems like a peaceful fellow, but... According to our intel, he illegally entered the human world and is holding a human against his will." Henri: "Is this really true, Baal?" Baal: "Who knows?" Henri: "Baal." Baal: "Yeah, yeah." Baal: "You have your own intel, don't you?" Baal: "And that's exactly why you've got all these guards. What is this? Like, your own staff?" Henri: "This is just in case he tries to escape. We need to have everyone here until his name is cleared, but it's rather rude to keep Lord Sullivan here for too long." Henri: "So, what to do..." Baal: "There's no need to rush." Baal: "Though, I mean... This calm might very well be the calm before the storm." Ameri: "Where did Iruma go? It's already sundown. I hope he's actually prepared." Ameri: "T-To think I'll be able to see that scene from the forbidden texts in real life..." Sunny: "I believe we've patrolled this area quite a few times now." Ameri: "Y-Yes, you're right." Quiche: "Is there something bothering you?" Ameri: "No! Absolutely not! Th-There isn't," Sunny: "I see..." Quiche: "You startled me..." Ameri: "If you understand, let's go." Quiche And Sunny: "Yes, boss!" Ameri: "Honestly, what am I even doing?! I need to concentrate more on my duties. You do your best, too, Iruma." Eiko: "Want to go here next?" Gaako: "What? I don't like Magic Beasts, though." Eiko: "I wonder if Iruma-san likes Magic Beasts." Gaako: "I think most boys do." Eiko: "Then we might just run into Iruma-san there!" Iruma: "I wonder where Kiriwo-senpai went." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "He's nowhere to be found. I've checked all the obvious places like the cafeteria and the inner courtyard." Iruma: "I see." Asmodeus: "Where could he have gone?" Clara: "He's probably checking out the Party Eve all by himself! No fair!" Asmodeus: "That's what you did! Stop fooling around!" Clara: "I was looking for him while I was fooling around!" Asmodeus: "Shall we broaden our search?" Iruma: "But he couldn't have gotten that far with the fireworks." Iruma: "He doesn't exactly have that much energy." Asmodeus: "Perhaps he really did run away. Maybe he lost confidence in the fireworks succeeding and got scared at the last minute." Clara: "How dare!" Asmodeus: "If that's the case, setting them off will be..." Iruma: "Don't worry." Iruma: "We don't know for sure that it was Senpai who took it. Besides..." Iruma: "He's someone who works so hard for his goals. There's no need to worry!" Asmodeus: "Yes, you're right." Iruma: "Azz-kun, Clara, let's believe in Kiriwo-senpai and wait." Clara: "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" Asmodeus: "Indeed." Baal: "Kiriwo." Baal: "You sure hold one hell of a grudge. Or should I call it... ambition?" Kiriwo: "You think so?" Baal: "You're warped, man. It's disgusting how you're always smiling on the outside but completely rotten on the inside." Kiriwo: "You're so harsh, Big Bro." Baal: "But you're straightforward." Baal: "I mean, you're warped all to hell, yet straightforward." Baal: "You're not wrong." Baal: "Looking at you reminds me of how demons should truly be." Baal: "I'll prepare your stage for you, Kiriwo. Take all that ambition you've got packed in your throat and release it!" Kiriwo: "It's finally time, Big Bro." Kiriwo: "I'm so excited. Everything's finally comin' to an end today." Kiriwo: "The end, huh?" Kiriwo: "No, it's just the beginning." Azuki: "Somehow the boys always look cooler than usual at these events." Konatsu: "I totally get that!" Haruno: "Asmodeus-sama is the only one for me!" Come Come: "Taking too long! Pay now!" Goemon: "Keep them coming! I can slice things up as much as I want!" Schneider: "Where there's a will, there's a way!" Student: "Sensei, try one!" Robin: "Oh, cool! Thanks! They look delicious!" Robin: "I wonder if I'll be able to eat all this!" Robin: "Would you like one, Acting Chair-Demon?" Kalego: "No!" Robin: "Oh, come on!" Robin: "Jeez! Hey, wait!" Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Clara: "Hurry!" Iruma: "Sure!" Baal: "Kiriwo, you're not wrong." Baal: "Do it!" Asmodeus: "Wh-What in the world?!" Come Come: "Oh, no!" Dosanko: "My... How brave." Students: "What? What just happened?" Student A: "What's going on?" Lead: "Man, that scared me." Camuy: "Quickly, ladies! To my side!" Kalego: "Calm down! Make sure everyone's safe! All faculty should check their stations! Hurry!" Marbas: "Yes, sir!" Kalego: "You need to get going, too!" Robin: "No! I'm going to assist you in every way I can, Acting Chair-Demon!" Asmodeus: "What in the world just happened?" Iruma: "Azz-kun, Clara! Are you both all right?" Asmodeus: "Yes!" Clara: "Totally fine!" Iruma: "Thank goodness..." Iruma: "It looks like everyone else is okay, too." Asmodeus: "What in the world was that?" Iruma: "I don't know, but we should probably get outsi—" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Ow..." Asmodeus: "What happened?" Iruma: "I'm not sure, but..." Iruma: "It felt like I bumped into something." Asmodeus: "But there's nothing..." Iruma: "There's an invisible wall in the hallway?" Clara: "There's somfthing dere." Students: "What's going on?! There are invisible walls everywhere! Are we trapped inside? Wait, seriously? I can't get through! What is this? What the hell is going on?!" Iruma: "Is this..." Kiriwo: "Now, then..." Kiriwo: "The party's about to begin!" Clara: "Su-ki-ma!" Asmodeus: "There's an invisible wall between Iruma-sama and me!" Asmodeus: "He's so clearly within reach! I'm so close, yet I cannot be any use to him!" Iruma: "A-Azz-kun?" Iruma: "Clara?" Asmodeus: "I see... You must also be sad about the fact you can't get to Iruma-sama." Asmodeus: "For once, we are comrades!" Clara: "My takoyaki's gonna get cold!" Eiko: "This is Eiko. My first Battler Party's been really fun so far! It'll be so nice if I can take this opportunity to get c-closer to Iruma-san..." Eiko: "Iruma-san! I'm going to muster up my courage and call your name! Iruma-san! Ow! What is this? An invisible wall? Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, "Run, Iruma, to Kiriwo!""
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 16 – Party Eve", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "16", "Party Eve" ] }
Baal: "Kiriwo, you're not wrong. Do it!" Asmodeus: "Wh-What in the world?!" Kalego: "Calm down! Make sure everyone's safe! All faculty should check their stations! Hurry!" Iruma: "There's an invisible wall in the hallway?" Clara: "There's somfthing dere." Students: "What's going on?! There are invisible walls everywhere! Are we trapped inside? Wait, seriously?" Students: "I can't get through! What is this? What the hell is going on?!" Kiriwo: "Now, then..." Kiriwo: "The party's about to begin!" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. One day, he became the grandson of a demon called Sullivan." : "Sullivan loves to spoil Iruma to bits and is even sending him to school. But there is just one problem..." : "The school Iruma is attending is the demon school Babyls." Iruma: "I need to make sure they don't find out I'm human... Or I might get eaten!" All: ""Run, Iruma, to Kiriwo!"" Iruma: "There are walls everywhere..." Asmodeus: "It's a giant wall-like barrier..." Asmodeus: "Is there a wall there, as well?" Clara: "Nope!" Asmodeus: "Stop making things even more confusing!" Iruma: "Hey, this barrier..." Iruma: "Wait, this is..." Iruma: "A wall?" Clara: "Hi-yah!" Clara: "Hey, there's something there!" Asmodeus: "It's an invisible wall." Clara: "Yay!" Kiriwo: "Ain't it great? This is my bloodline ability, Barrier." Iruma: "Isn't this Kiriwo-senpai's?" Gaako: "That shaking earlier sure was scary." Eiko: "Right?" Eiko: "I wonder where Iruma-san is—ow!" Gaako: "What are you doin—ow!" Eiko: "A wall..." Dosanko: "Ki-ss ma-rk." Student 1: "What's going on?" Student 2: "I can't get through here!" Student 3: "Or here!" Student 4: "Acchan!" Student 5: "Bakemi!" Student A: "Take that!" Student A: "It's no use." Student B: "Does this mean we can't get in or out?" Konatsu: "I wonder what's going on." Haruno: "Apparently there are walls everywhere, inside and out." Azuki: "This sucks. I wanted to go home before the Party Day to change." Haruno: "I want to take a shower." Student C: "Someone get the teachers over here." Student D: "Wait, I think we're in deep trouble here." Come Come: "You've got this. Keep holding. Protect everyone's wares." Johnny: "President, the panic is spreading further! Apparently the invisible walls, or barriers, are all around the schoo—" Quiche: "There's one in here, too?" Johnny: "Hey, there's a gap." Quiche: "Huh? Su-ki-ma?" Johnny: "What shall we do?" Ameri: "A barrier, eh?" Ameri: "Barrier... Come to think of it," Ameri: "Kakeru had run away from the evil organization and had to hide..." Rin: "Kakeru-kun!" Kakeru: "Rin-chan!" Quiche: "President?" Ameri: "Do not panic! We, the student council, should set an example for the rest of the students. If we're panicking, the other students will panic even more. Calmly assess our current situation, and make sure the students are safe." All: "Yes, boss!" Ameri: "What in the world is going on?" Ameri: "Ow!" Robin: "Upsy-daisy! Hmm... I wonder what this barrier is. Take that! It won't even budge! It's so hard! Oh, I know! This must be some kind of surprise!" Kalego: "A surprise?" Robin: "Who do you think this surprise is from, Acting Chair-Demon Kalego?" Kalego: "Stop calling me that. Move." Kalego: "Cerberobuth." Robin: "Wow! That's so awesome!" Robin: "What?! It repaired itself?" Kalego: "What is this? How much magic is necessary to make a barrier like this?" Kalego: "Someone who's a Tet... No..." Kalego: "Is this also connected to the fact that that fool of a chair-demon is being detained?" Kalego: "Someone had him confined so he wouldn't be able to destroy this barrier?" Kalego: "Follow me, newbie." Robin: "Huh? Where are we going?" Kalego: "To the management warehouse." Robin: "But there's a barrier here. How are we..." Kalego: "Cerberobuth." Kalego: "Cerberobuth." Robin: "S-Such a powerful move!" Robin: "You're so amazing, Acting Chair-Demon!" Kalego: "Silence." Kalego: "A surprise, eh?" Kalego: "Newbie, I will use your idea." Robin: "Huh?" Kalego: "Dali-sensei." Dali: "Kalego-sensei! This seems to be an emergency. The students are panicking, and... huh?" Dali: "I see!" Dali: "Hello, students. Can you hear me?" Student: "Dali-sensei!" Dali'S Voice: "Were you surprised? Have no fear! This is a surprise event constructed by the New Magic Battler and the Game Battler." Haruno: "What? A surprise?" Azuki: "So this is a game?" Random A: "I-I see..." Dali: "The whole school is a maze!" Member: "Did we actually create a spell like this, President?" ew Magic President: "No..." Game President: "We don't know anything about this game, either." Dali: "Avoid and get past the invisible walls, and head toward the goal! The goal is the central plaza." Dosanko: "I think I can go this way." Dosanko: "A surprise... How exciting!" Dali: "We even have prizes for the winners! Look forward to them!" Come Come: "Yay, surprises! Gonna get out of this maze!" Sabro: "Hey!" Dali: "Move fast, everyone!" Dali: "And... that's it for the act." Dali: "Thanks a lot, Broadcast Battler members." Baraki: "Sure..." Baraki: "Are you sure this is okay, Dali-sensei? There's nothing about this in the program..." Dali: "Well, it's a surprise, after all! Right, Kalego-sensei?" Kalego: "Yes." Dali: "We can't let this ruin the party. I'll make sure to talk to the New Magic Battler and the Game Battler later." Kalego: "That should calm things down for a little while." Kalego: "We need to make sure there's no mass confusion among the students. However... All teachers in the central plaza," Blushenko: "Roger." Marbas: "Y-Yes, sir." Kalego: "The rest of you, try to determine why this is happening." Momonoki: "Yes, sir." Momonoki: "Go!" Kalego: "Newbie, assist me." Robin: "Yes, sir! What should I do?" Robin: "Wow, so many documents!" Kalego: "Everything there is to know about Babyls is here." Kalego: "Anyone who can create a barrier is a suspect." Kalego: "We're going to narrow them down." Robin: "From all these files? Really?" Suzie: "The goal's this way! Yis." Dosanko: "Yay! I've made it to the goal." Haruno/Azuki/Konatsu: "Dosa-chan!" Dosanko: "Oh, we finally meet again." Eiko: "I wonder what our prize will be." Gaako: "Yeah!" Blushenko: "This way. There's no need to rush." Male Student: "Oh, you made it, too!" Male Student 2: "It was super easy." emale Student: "This surprise is so much fun!" Student 4: "Acchan!" Student 5: "Bakemi!" Ameri: "Blushenko-sensei." Ameri: "We'd like to assist." Blushenko: "Thank you. Take care not to make the others nervous." Ameri: "Yes, sir." Ameri: "Hey, make sure to smile." All: "Devi!" Male Student: "I wonder what the prize is." emale Student: "I hope it's a ticket to a waterpark." Ameri: "Don't make the others nervous?" Ameri: "So something is happening." Ameri: "What could it be, though?" Ameri: "I wonder if Iruma got through safely." Momonoki: "Reporting." Momonoki: "The whole school is surrounded by a barrier." Momonoki: "Leaving and entering are impossible." Kalego: "Understood. Thank you for the report." Momonoki: "Y-Yes, sir." Dali: "Can you hear me, Kalego-sensei?" Kalego: "Yes." Baraki: "It's no use." Dali: "We can't contact anyone outside of Babyls. It appears that devi-comms are only possible within the barrier." Dali: "We'll keep trying." Haruno: "This is fun!" Azuki: "I wonder what's going to happen next." Konatsu: "I'm getting excited!" Dosanko: "Surprises are important in life and in love." All: "Yeah!" Marbas: "After a quick count, we've determined that around 80% of the students are here." Blushenko: "Yes, and rather promptly." Kalego: "80%? That's too fast." Kalego: "It's as though..." Kalego: "gathering everyone in the plaza was what they wanted..." Kiriwo: "In great shape!" Kiriwo: "Uh-oh. You're goin' the wrong way." Rando D: "Ow..." Rando E: "That was hilarious." Rando F: "Let's go this way, then." Rando D: "We're gonna get to the goal." Kiriwo: "Yup. That's the way." Kiriwo: "There you go. Good boys." Kiriwo: "This is basically a rat maze. If they go the wrong way, I just need to guide them" Kiriwo: "until they're all trapped. I'm gonna be blowin' all of you up" Kiriwo: "with some fireworks. It'll be glorious." Kiriwo: "And I'll be watchin' from the best seat in the house. I'm expectin' you to give it all you've got," Kiriwo: "Or rather..." Kiriwo: "School Destroyer." Kiriwo: "Up you go." Kiriwo: "Turn on the switch." Kiriwo: "You and I are the only two in this room." Kiriwo: "What's this?" Kiriwo: "They're not headin' to the central plaza." Kiriwo: "They're headin' to this room. Somethin's wrong. They're way too fast. They're gettin' through the gaps in the barrier with precision. Who is it, and how are they doin' this?" Iruma: "Kiriwo-senpai!" Kiriwo: "Oh, I get it. It must be Iruma-kun." Kiriwo: "He must be reactin' to my choker again." Kiriwo: "But wait." Kiriwo: "I destroyed the stone." Kiriwo: "He shouldn't be able to track me down anymore. So how is he..." : "To answer that, we need to rewind a little." Asmodeus: "Is there a wall there, as well?" Clara: "Nope!" Asmodeus: "Stop making things even more confusing!" Iruma: "Hey, this barrier..." Iruma: "Isn't this Kiriwo-senpai's?" Asmodeus: "Indeed, it does appear that this barrier is the same magic as Senpai's." Clara: "No fair, Kiriyan-senpai! I wanna do a huge surprise for the party, too!" Asmodeus: "You fool. This is not such a simple matter." Asmodeus: "I'll go over to your side immediately." Clara: "Rolling Attack!" Clara: "Owie..." Iruma: "A-Are you okay, Clara?" Asmodeus: "To think Senpai was able to put up such a powerful barrier all over the school with his limited magic... It's unbelievable. If this was all done solely by Senpai, who happened to disappear," Asmodeus: "he must've been carefully planning this commotion for years." Clara: "This locomotion?" Iruma: "Azz-kun, Clara." Iruma: "There's one place where I think Senpai might be. There's no guarantee I'll be able to get through the maze and get there, but I'm worried about Senpai," Iruma: "so I want you guys to help me get to the third-year tower. Could you?" Asmodeus: "But of course!" Clara: "Ayup!" Asmodeus: "Valac, prepare a giant piece of paper and a pen." Clara: "You got it!" Asmodeus: "All right." Asmodeus: "This is a rough diagram of this area." Clara: "Not bad." Iruma: "You actually remembered all that?" Asmodeus: "Yes! It was right on the prospectus for the school, so I made sure to memorize it. Though I doubt Valac has even seen the school's prospectus." Clara: "That's right!" Asmodeus: "If we can figure out where the barriers are on this map, you should be able to get to your goal smoothly. However..." Iruma: "However?" Asmodeus: "The problem would be our numbers." Asmodeus: "If only we could control frogs, like Momonoki-sensei..." Clara: "I've got something." Clara: "I've got soldiers!" Iruma: "Soldiers?" Clara: "The ones that were in the MagiApp room!" Asmodeus: "You can actually make those appear?" Clara: "But of course, course! I can pull out anything I've seen before." Clara: "There." Iruma: "Wow, you're amazing, Clara." Asmodeus: "Okay." Iruma: "Way to go, Azz-kun." Asmodeus: "Go. I will follow the magic of the paper soldiers I'm controlling to find the locations of the barriers, then I will properly report those locations back to you." Iruma: "Got it." Both: "Be careful!" Iruma: "I will. Thanks. Hey, is it okay for me to run in the hall?" Asmodeus: "Huh? Oh, I don't think that's an issue right now." Iruma: "Great. Off I go." Clara: "Have fun!" Asmodeus: "The path in front of the science room..." Asmodeus: "Right in front of the first-years' cafeteria..." Asmodeus: "The hallway in front of the student council room..." Asmodeus: "You can take the north stairs. Try to follow the left wall as much as possible." Asmodeus: "And on the next set of stairs, the right wall." Iruma: "Got it!" Asmodeus: "Next, go right and then straight! There's a gap on the right side. Stay close to the right, and then turn left. Next, turn right and go straight. Straight, but stay to the right." Asmodeus: "You're almost to the third-years' tower." Clara: "You've got this, Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "Turn right at the next corner." Iruma: "Thanks!" Iruma: "I'm going to find Kiriwo-senpai, no matter what." Kalego: "We're going to find Amy Kiriwo." Kalego: "He's a third-year who can use barriers. That makes him our most likely candidate." Kalego: "Capture him on sight." Kalego: "Dali-sensei, were you able to get a hold of anyone outside the school?" Dali: "It's no use." Kalego: "Understood." Kalego: "Newbie." Kalego: "Assist me." Robin: "You got it!" Blushenko: "We will investigate Amy Kiriwo." Suzie: "Yis." Marbas: "But what about the safety of the students?" Blushenko: "Fear not." Magic Beast Member: "Hup! Hup! Hup!" Magic Beast Member: "Devi!" Students: "The Magic Beast Battler is putting on a dangerous stunt show!" Students: "Yeah! Show us more!" Jazz: "Damn, there's a lot of people." Jazz: "Well, would you look at that?" Eiko: "Hey, let's get closer." Gaako: "Hey, don't push!" Gaako: "President Ameri!" Ameri: "You're unharmed, yes?" Eiko: "Y-Yes. Thank you very much." Ameri: "Be more careful next time." Ameri: "Clean up the rest." All: "Yes, boss!" Ameri: "Listen up, all of you!" Ameri: "Demons should never take the easy way out!" Ameri: "If you're going to make a fuss..." Ameri: "Fuss in a quieter manner!" Girl: "President!" Guy: "You're the best!" Students: "How are you supposed to fuss quietly? No idea, but it doesn't matter, because the president's super awesome!" Marbas: "I see." Blushenko: "Let's go!" Suzie: "Yis!" Ameri: "What is happening?" Ameri: "Is this something that only the teachers can solve? Almost all of the students are in the plaza." Ameri: "Only a few are missing." Ameri: "He's not here, either." Ameri: "Where are you? What are you doing, Iruma?" Asmodeus: "Are you there?" Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "Yeah." Clara: "Yee." Asmodeus: "I wish you luck." Clara: "Boom! Say hi to Kiriyan-senpai for me!" Iruma: "Okay, thanks!" Iruma: "Kiriwo-senpai should be behind this wall." Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun..." Clara: "Ki-su-ma." Eiko: "Hello, I'm Eiko." Gaako: "You okay, Eiko?" Eiko: "You see, something amazing just happened. The student council president just saved my life!" Eiko: "Why is my heart pounding like this? I-I want to talk to the president more..." Eiko: "But I have someone I truly admire named Iruma-san!" Eiko: "But... But, but, but!" Eiko: "Ugh, I love them both!" : "And so, Eiko delved deeper into her desires."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 17 – Run, Iruma, to Kiriwo!", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "17", "Run, Iruma, to Kiriwo!" ] }
Baal: "You'd better not mess this up, Kiriwo." Goemon: "I shall dispose of any evil that threatens this forest!" Schneider: "He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day." Sabro: "How long am I supposed to keep holding this up?" Sabro: "There's no one around... But this is not enough to bring a Demon King down!" Baraki: "All right. The Battler Party Eve is about to draw to a close." Baraki: "The Party Eve is going to end... But once that bell sounds, the Party Day officially begins!" Ameri: "Where are you, Iruma?" Iruma: "Kiriwo-senpai should be behind this wall." Iruma: "Huh? There's a barrier here, too? Senpai! Senpai!" Iruma: "You're in there, aren't you? Please let me in!" Iruma: "Ow..." Kiriwo: "Hello there. Welcome, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "Kiriwo-senpai? Why are you... Where are your glasses? What are you..." Kiriwo: "Well, it's a party, so I thought I'd go all out." Iruma: "There are barriers all over the school. That's your magic, isn't it, Senpai?" Kiriwo: "Indeed, it is. I'm glad to see everyone's enjoyin' them, though that wasn't my intention. They just called it a surprise event," Iruma: "You're also the one who took the fireworks, right?" Kiriwo: "Correct." Iruma: "Gabuko-san..." Iruma: "Then..." Iruma: "What are you planning to do with that shell?" Kiriwo: "I'm going to make it explode so I can destroy the school." Student: "I'm making lots of yakisoba." Student: "Ours is even better! We're gonna take the Grand Prize!" Student: "I'm devi psyched!" Kiriwo: "That's why Gabuko-san exists." Iruma: "Why... Why would you do such a thing?" Kiriwo: "Hmm... Let's see..." Kiriwo: "I guess I don't mind tellin' you about when I was born. My family, the Amy clan, is also known" Kiriwo: "My family is also known to have an abundance of magical power. Top tier." Kiriwo: "But..." Doctor: "This ain't good. To think a child with so little magical power was born into our family..." Relative: "How awful." Relative 2: "He'll shame our family." Relative: "Dreadful." Woman: "Unbelievable." Man: "How pathetic." Young Kiriwo: "Mother!" Kiriwo Mother: "Take him to the Garden." Kiriwo: "The place I was taken was called the Garden of Delinquents. It was a correctional elementary school where they closely monitored and nurtured young demons." emale Teacher: "Concentrate harder! You'll bring shame upon the Amy name!" Student A: "Is he really from a prestigious family?" Student B: "How embarrassing." Kiriwo: "Everyone back home and at the Garden completely lost faith in me." Kiriwo: "But even then, there was one girl who'd talk to me." gi: "Good morning, Kiriwo-kun!" Kiriwo: "She didn't have the best grades, either. We spent a lot of time together." gi: "Wow, that's amazing, Kiriwo-kun!" Young Kiriwo: "Well... it breaks if I let my guard down, though." gi: "Come on! You should be more confident!" gi: "There are plenty of good things about you." Young Kiriwo: "Like what?" gi: "The shape of your horns is so pretty!" Young Kiriwo: "What?" gi: "And you're sorta bland." Young Kiriwo: "Uh, is that a compliment?" gi: "Oh, I know. I'll let you touch my good luck charm." gi: "This earring is a memento from my late grandma. If you touch it, it'll cheer you up." Young Kiriwo: "It's so pretty!" gi: "Right? It's my treasure!" Young Kiriwo: "Are you sure I can touch it?" gi: "Yeah!" Kiriwo: "But then, one day..." gi: "Stop!" Student D: "Wow, talk about cheap." gi: "What are you doing?! Give it back!" Student D: "Shut up. What's a weakling like you going to do about it?" Student D: "You guys are at the bottom of the class, bozo and boob." gi: "We're not weaklings! You're the ones who are weak for lacking any class!" Student D: "I have to disagree. The ones who can't do anything" Student D: "are the weaklings!" Student D: "Well, go on. Catch! Wha—" gi: "Kiriwo-kun!" Kiriwo: "And then, just for a moment..." Kiriwo: "I let my guard down." Kiriwo: "She left the Garden, but I stayed behind. In the netherworld, where it's survival of the fittest, seeing how defeated she looked by how unfair things were finally made me realize..." Kiriwo: "Her expression just won't leave my head." Kiriwo: "Her face, filled with despair... I see it over and over again!" Iruma: "Senpai!" Kiriwo: "And every time I do, I keep thinkin'..." Kiriwo: "Man... I would kill to see that face again." Iruma: "Huh?" Kiriwo: "It was so strange! Every time anyone would look at me with such hopelessness..." Kiriwo: "My chest would tense up just a little." Kiriwo: "It was all so very simple. Because of her, I finally realized what that feelin' was. Back then, when I saw her defeated face, I..." Kiriwo: "I got insanely excited! It felt like my heart skipped a beat! At that moment, the new me was born!" Iruma: "Senpa—" Kiriwo: "Do you understand now? The despair of others is my reason for living!" Iruma: "Now I know for sure..." Iruma: "This is the netherworld, and I'm human." Iruma: "And..." Iruma: "He's definitely a demon." Kiriwo: "You look great, Iruma-kun." Kiriwo: "Whoopsie. Let's continue our conversation, shall we?" Kiriwo: "So you want to know why I want to destroy the school... The reason comes from a past Battler Party. That was when I met my bro in the Magical Apparatus Battler." Member 1: "Hey, what the hell do you want, you stupid little brat?" Young Kiriwo: "So this is Babyls's notorious Magical Apparatus Battler!" Young Kiriwo: "I came here after I heard about you guys." Young Kiriwo: "The school's open because of the Battler Party," Young Kiriwo: "so I figured I'd sneak in." Member 2: "Shut up. Who the hell do you think you—" Young Kiriwo: "How many demons did you cut up with this? What'd you do with them afterward? Throw them away? Use them for something?" Young Kiriwo: "Did it get you excited?" Member 1: "B-Baal-san!" Member 1: "We're sorry to wake you up!" Member 2: "We'll get rid of this kid at once!" Baal: "Who the hell is this annoying little brat?" Young Kiriwo: "I came here looking for comrades!" Member 2: "Wh-Why, you little..." Baal: "Comrades?" Young Kiriwo: "I gave her one of my horns... This girl lost something really important because of me," Young Kiriwo: "She looked so absolutely disgusted." Young Kiriwo: "I know it's a bit crazy to get so excited about someone looking so defeated. I'm a bit messed up, but..." Baal: "Hold it." Baal: "What's so crazy about that?" Baal: "That's what you call going back to basics." Young Kiriwo: "Going back to basics?" Baal: "That's how all demons used to be." Kiriwo: "All of them?" Baal: "You just have a stronger sense of that now than other demons do." Baal: "But..." Baal: "I totally get how you feel." Baal: "Sit back and listen for a sec." Baal: "You don't hear any screams or ferocious roars in the netherworld anymore. It's so warm and pleasant, it makes me want to puke. That's why I and the rest of my comrades in the Magical Apparatus Battler are trying to return the netherworld to its original state of chaos. That's my ambition." Kiriwo: "Chaos..." Baal: "This is something the demons who join the MagiApp Battler drink so they can share the common goal we all have." Baal: "Want to help me achieve my goal, brat? If you follow me, I'll make sure you see" Baal: "the ultimate despair!" Kiriwo: "From then on, I'd see Bro every now and then, and he'd give me a bunch of things," Kiriwo: "as well as knowledge. And then, after some time passed since I enrolled at the demon school Babyls, Bro said..." Baal: "We're going to get rid of the ranks that give order in the netherworld, Kiriwo." Kiriwo: "Get rid of ranks?" Kiriwo: "I got so excited. It's true. Because these stairs called ranks exist to begin with," Kiriwo: "But if we turn those stairs into cliffs..." Kiriwo: "That would truly be chaos!" Kiriwo: "And so we decided to destroy the very symbol of ranks, Babyls. Using the fireworks will be flashy, not to mention beautiful. Thanks to Gabuko-san," Kiriwo: "You truly made something amazing, Iruma-kun. It must've been fate that brought us together! Now I can see my ambition come true. Cower in fear... The students are enjoyin' this "surprise"" Kiriwo: "and can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. All those faces beamin' with excitement and anticipation..." Kiriwo: "They'll all turn to despair soon. And then all the parents who show up to the Party will see the horrible state their children are in and scream in agony and rage! Cower in fear... They'll all fall into despair! I could've stopped you from comin' here with my barriers, but I let you come. Do you know why that is?" Kiriwo: "It's because I want to watch the fireworks with you. Tremble in fear... Azz-kun and Clara-chan... You get to witness the most important people in your life shatter right before you!" Kiriwo: "I want to stuff you into a box made of barriers and watch you fall into despair. Get swallowed up by disappointment. It's okay. You can hate me all you want! You can even hit me if you want! So, please! Show me..." Kiriwo: "Your face... filled with despair!" Kiriwo: "Huh?" Iruma: "Okay, I've made up my mind. All right, excuse me a sec. Upsy-daisy." Iruma: "There we go." Kiriwo: "W-Wait a sec! Didn't you hear what I said? I'm gonna blow up the school! Why? Everything important to you will be gone! There'll be nothing left! Because of something you created yourself! Why aren't you falling into despair after all this just got dumped on you?!" Iruma: "Well, nothing good comes out of despair. I've been through a lot ever since I was born, so I'm used to it. Despairing isn't going to change the situation, and it won't make me feel fulfilled. I have to take action myself." : "All this time, Kiriwo thought he and Iruma were alike." : "He was mild-mannered and well-guarded, yet had ambition." : "But he was wrong." : "The boy who wanted others to despair and the boy who was used to despair..." : "He was Kiriwo's... natural enemy." Iruma: "I've spent my whole life avoiding danger," Iruma: "but since I came here, I've learned to challenge myself. That's why," Iruma: "even if you're evil, I won't run away. I won't despair!" Iruma: "I'm going to shatter your ambition!" Kiriwo: "He won't despair? Does someone like that actually exist? He's going to shatter my ambition?" Kiriwo: "That's impossible. Give that here. Those fireworks will go off along with the bell signaling the beginning of the Party Day. You may have gotten it away from Gabuko-san," Kiriwo: "Throw it into the courtyard and, unless I put up a barrier," Kiriwo: "we're both going to die, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "I told you, Senpai." Iruma: "I won't despair." Iruma: "I won't be able to live up to your expectations." Baraki: "All right, it's finally time to count down to the Party Day! Just 40 more seconds until the bell rings!" Iruma: "I don't want everyone getting hurt, and I don't want our fireworks being used for this. I want everyone to see these fireworks. That's why... I want to pick everything up. I won't give up on everything!" Baraki: "Just 30 more seconds!" Students: "29! 28! 27!" Iruma: "Senpai, please move!" Kiriwo: "Wait a sec! That's..." Kiriwo: "You moron! You can't be serious!" Iruma: "Ifrit mode!" Iruma: "Please reach! Libera! I-It stopp—" Baraki: "Just 20 more seconds!" Kiriwo: "That's why I called you a moron." Kriiwo: "The barrier surrounding the school is as powerful as possible to withstand the explosion." Kiriwo: "You won't be able to break through it with magic like that." Kiriwo: "All for this day... All to see everyone's faces fill with despair... It's the ultimate barrier I created just for that reason!" Kiriwo: "You ain't breaking my barrier without magic that's powerful enough to be Sullivan's!" Iruma: "I'm sorry, Grandpa..." Sullivan: "This is a spell that unleashes all the magic at once." Iruma: "I'm going to break my promise." Students: "16! 15! 14! 13! 12!" Students: "10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5!" Students: "4! 3! 2! 1! Zero!" Students: "What was that?! I've never seen that before!" Clara: "It bloomed!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Sabro: "What?!" Haruno: "S-So devi cool!" Gaako: "It's like a dream..." Dosanko: "It's like the brilliance of love I witnessed that one summer day..." Elizabetta: "That was amazing!" Ameri: "Did Iruma... I definitely saw it... I saw the fireworks bloom with my own eyes." Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Clara: "High five!" Sabro: "What was that light, and the sound?!" Goemon: "It was amazing!" Kiriwo: "What the hell..." Kiriwo: "What the hell?! What the hell?! I was so close! So why?! Everyone's smiling down there! And what was that ridiculous amount of magical power?! How dare you destroy the magical power I've been saving up for years?! Iruma-kun, you buffoon! You moron!" Kiriwo: "How dare you sleep so soundly, you little... Did you even think about how you were going to land?! You idiot!" Kiriwo: "How dare you really pick everything up, you moron?" Kiriwo: "We're not alike at all." Kiriwo: "I lose." Kiriwo: "You're definitely way more ambitious than me." Kiriwo: "You got me, Iruma-kun." Dosanko: "My name is Dosanko. I'm a preacher of love. My charm points are my big, beautiful eye and my overwhelming sexiness. Just like that flower that bloomed in the night sky, right?" Dosanko: "Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, "I Want to Pick Everything Up," and "Family Time.""
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 18 – What I Want More Than Anything", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "18", "What I Want More Than Anything" ] }
Sullivan: "Good morning, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "G-Grandpa?!" Iruma: "Huh? You're back? Wait, what happened to me? M-My body won't move!" Sullivan: "Calm down, will you?" Iruma: "You're back, huh?" Sullivan: "Yes." Iruma: "What about Kiriwo-senpai?" Sullivan: "Well, he was really calm." All: ""I Want to Pick Everything Up."" : "Let's turn the clock back to before the fireworks went off." Iruma: "Kiriwo-senpai should be behind this wall." Kalego: "Cerberobuth!" : "At the time, Kalego and Robin were on the rooftop." Robin: "All right!" Robin: "Locked on!" : "Once fired, the arrow's path cannot be blocked by anyone, and it will always hit its target." Guy: "Lord Sullivan, aren't you playing?" Sullivan: ""To the director," eh?" Sullivan: "See you." Guy: "Wait, wait, wait!" Iruma: "I'm sorry, Grandpa..." Sullivan: "This is a spell that unleashes all the magic at once." Iruma: "I'm going to break my promise." Iruma: "Pandaroola!" Students: "8! 7! 6! 5!" Students: "3! 2! 1!" Students: "What was that?! I've never seen that before!" Clara: "It bloomed!" Asmodeos: "Iruma-sama!" Konatsu: "So devi pretty." Azuki: "Devi... Devi..." Gaako: "It's like a dream..." Dosanko: "It's like the brilliance of love I witnessed that one summer day..." Raim: "Whoa, what is that?" Morax: "This is bad!" Students: "So pretty! This year's surprise is something else!" Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Clara: "High five!" Students: "Fantastic! Amazing!" Kalego: "Silence!" Kalego: "Amy Kiriwo, you're under arrest." Students: "That was awesome. What do you even call it?" Kiriwo: "No need for all this. I'm not goin' anywhere." Sullivan: "Did you really plan all that yourself?" Kiriwo: "Yes. It was my dream for years." Kiriwo: "But I don't regret anything at all. In that moment when everything I'd worked for came crashin' down," Kiriwo: "my face of despair didn't look bad at all." Kiriwo: "Wow! I love the looks on your faces!" Kiriwo: "Could you tell Iruma-kun somethin' for me?" Kiriwo: ""It's a shame the chaos will have to wait, but I truly had fun. Let's play again sometime."" Henri: "So that's Iruma." Ameri: "Father, what exactly happened? What did the third-year Amy Kiriwo do?" Henri: "I'll tell you later." Morax: "Returning to our origins, huh?" Sullivan: "Everyone! Thank you for protecting the students!" Robin: "You were really cool, Kalego-sensei! "Newbie, assist me." Remember, Former Acting Chair-Demon?" Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun, I admit defeat this time." Kiriwo: "But remember this. Malice is hidden in plain sight all around us." Kiriwo: "Watch out for folks like me who want to return to our origins." Sullivan: "Good morning, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "G-Grandpa?!" Iruma: "Huh? You're back? Wait, what happened to me? M-My body won't move!" Sullivan: "Calm down, will you?" Iruma: "You're back, huh?" Sullivan: "Yes." Iruma: "What about Kiriwo-senpai?" Sullivan: "Well, he was really calm." Iruma: "What?" Sullivan: "He was taken in by Demon Border Control. They're going to have a hard time interrogating him." Iruma: "Um, what happens when they catch you?" Sullivan: "Well, he'll be punished one way or another, but there were no casualties, so it'll probably be light. That said, a case is a case, and those who caused it must take responsibility." Iruma: "Um—" Sullivan: "You need to understand the significance of what you did." Iruma: "I-Is he going to scold me?!" Baraki: "Take a good look! The highlight of this year's surprise show, the amazing flowers of light, was planned by the honor student, Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "Wh-What's all this about?" Sullivan: "Wave at them. They're all really hyped up. Your fireworks moved them to the core." Iruma: "The fireworks did?" Ameri: "Iruma!" Iruma: "Ameri-san." Ameri: "Truly, you never cease to amaze me! Those fireworks were splendid, Iruma!" Ameri: "However! If you were going to do that, you should've said when! Didn't we promise to watch it together?" Iruma: "Huh? Did we?!" Students: "That was devi pretty. Fireworks are amazing. How do you make fireworks? That was incredible!" Sullivan: "Respond to them." Students: "What battler are you guys part of?" Iruma: "W-We are..." Students: "Whoa, he talked!" Iruma: "The Magical Apparatus Battler!" Students: "What? The Storage Battler? Seriously? That's Asmodeus's Battler." Iruma: "The ones who made it were the first-years Asmodeus, Valac Clara, and me... and third-year Amy Kiriwo. It was the four of us." Iruma: "But they ended up bigger than we expected. Sorry about the sparks!" Students: "We were fine! That was fun!" Eiko: "Iruma-san... Irum..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "Azz-kun! Clara!" Clara: "You did it, Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "That was splendid!" Iruma: "Thank you both!" Kalego: "Malice is hidden in plain sight all around us." Asmodeus: "What were those barriers? Was it Senpai?" Clara: "Where's Kiriyan-senpai?" Iruma: "Well, uh, Senpai's... gone now." Clara: "Why?" Iruma: "Even if you were a terrifying demon," Iruma: "the time I spent with you was truly fun. I-I'll tell you everything later. For now, let's enjoy the party." Clara: "Okay." Iruma: "I really do want to pick everything up, Senpai." : "The MagiApp Battler's fireworks show was a success, and the Party Day had the perfect start." Students: "Okay, you louts! It's time to party!" Baal: "We can have some more fun together sometime." All: ""Family Time."" Students: "This is delish! Come check out our Battler! Come one, come all!" : "Over both days of the party, students and teachers rate the Battler exhibits. The students can vote for the Battlers they liked, other than their own. But the most important point of all is that" : "the Party Day is attended by the students' parents." Iruma: "All done. Now we just have to launch the fireworks according to the schedule." Asmodeus: "Shall we go check out other Battlers while we wait?" Iruma: "Sounds good. We can advertise our Battler wearing these outfits Clara made, too." Iruma: "Hey, Clara, do you want to come with... us?" Iruma: "So many Claras!" Clara: "The Valac family is here! Eldest daughter, Clara!" Konchie: "Second son, Konchie!" Keebow: "Third son, Keebow! Eldest son, Urala!" Chibiz: "The youngest pipsqueaks!" Mom: "And their Mommy." Mom: "Packed with love and affection, the Valac family is on the scene!" Iruma: "Wow, they all look alike." Keebow: "Yay, we nailed it!" Clara: "Check it out!" Chibiz: "Bro, bro, bro..." Konchie: "I hear you're the top of the first-year class?" Konchie: "I challenge you! Take that and that and that!" Mom: "I'm Clara's mother. Thank you for taking care of her." Asmodeus: "We're taking care of her, all right." Mom: "Thanks for being her friends. Are you hungry? I'll put some candy in your pockets. I have toys, too, but it's one per person. Don't fight over them. When Clara was younger, she'd always sneeze candy out of her pockets. Everyone nearly drowned in a sea of candy." Both: "Huh?" Both: "Wait, what?!" Clara: "The stalls are all the rage!" Mom: "No running, okay?" All: "Yes, ma'am!" Mom: "No turning into yakisoba, okay?" Clara: "Off we go!" Clara: "We're off!" Iruma: "That was incredible." Asmodeus: "Let's look around more quietly, Iru—" Amuryllis: "Found you!" Amuryllis: "Alice-chan!" Iruma: "Alice? Wait..." Iruma: "Azz-kun?!" Amuryllis: "Sheesh, Alice-chan. How mean of you to leave me behind. I had to drop all my work to rush here!" Asmodeus: "Why are you here, Mother? Wasn't David keeping an eye on you?" Amuryllis: "Oh, I knocked him out with my Charmed Lap Pillow Ear Cleaning." Amuryllis: "Down he goes." Asmodeus: "David?!" Amuryllis: "So you're Iruma-kun?" Amuryllis: "You're all Alice-chan ever talks about. I heard that you made something called fireworks. What kind of seduction magic is it?" Asmodeus: "Stop that! Right! Raim-sensei was your student, right? Let's go say hello! I'll be back, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Okay." Amuryllis: "See you soon, Iruma-kun." Asmodeus: "Mother!" Iruma: "Everyone has their unique family circumstances, huh? But they do tend to act more natural in front of family." Iruma: "Lucky them." Sullivan: "What snack would you like?" Iruma: "Grandpa?" Iruma: "Shouldn't you be working?" Sullivan: "No problem! I promised I'd be back by Battler presentation day, didn't I?" Sullivan: "Come, now. Let's enjoy the festival together." Sabnock: "I am the lord of everything the sun shines upon, the missing Demon King, Derkila! Kneel before me!" Sylvia: "Way to go, Brother!" Iruma: "You were really cool, Sabnock-kun. Is that your sister?" Sylvia: "Yes! I'm his sister, Sabnock Sylvia. He doesn't come home often, so I'm happy to see him." Iruma: "Good for you." Sullivan: "Did you come alone?" Sylvia: "No. I was with my oldest brother, but we got separated in two seconds." Sabnock: "Tell me sooner! Let's go look for him!" Cap: "Heya, Iruma-kun. Destroy-the-target, huh?" Cap: "Those fireworks were incredible. I'm ashamed I found your abilities lacking before." Iruma: "Oh, don't be." Cap: "Play a few games, if you like." Iruma: "But..." Cap: "These metal targets are tough." Iruma: "Sorry! I'm so sorry!" Mom: "Unbelievable! An adult stealing prizes from my kid?!" Kalego: "Right..." Dad: "Do something about this!" Kalego: "I shall lock them up." Guy: "Please have mercy!" Mom: "Look! Over there... er... Kalego-sensei?!" Dad: "What's gotten into him?" Dali: "Hello, everyone! The Party Day is nearly over! Are y'all having fun?" Students: "Yeah!" Iruma: "We kinda turned into Battler challengers." Sullivan: "Opera shows no mercy." Opera: "Didn't you accept several gifts from students, as well?" Sullivan: "Well, I am a popular man. And it was my first time participating, after all. I wanted to look good for my dear grandson." Lead: "Oh, if it ain't the entire Iruma family." Lead: "Listen to this. My sister couldn't come 'cause she overslept." Jazz: "And my brother swiped my wallet when I met him earlier." Lead: "You're lucky, Iruma." Jazz: "Your family's your pride and joy." Iruma: "Yep! Aren't they great?" Sullivan: ""Pride and joy," he says." Iruma: "Oh, yeah. Let's take a picture together." Guy: "Okay, here we go." Dali: "Now, we have an important announcement from HQ. The results of the Battler Party voting are in." Dali: "I'll be announcing them now." Iruma: "Senpai! Why don't we try for the Grand Prize at the Battler Party?" Dali: "The Battler Party's" Dali: "Most Valuable Battler is..." Clara: "Su-ki-ma!" Kiriwo: "Sheesh. Look at him, fast asleep." : "Kiriwo messed with Iruma for a while."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 19 – I Want to Pick Everything Up", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "19", "I Want to Pick Everything Up" ] }
Kalego: "Today, we will begin the ritual for new students to summon their familiars. You'd better be prepared," Kalego: "Iruma." : "The netherworld. The realm where demons live. And the king that rules over the netherworld is... the Demon King." : "But the Demon King's throne has been vacant for some time." : "Who will be the next Demon King?" All: ""Familiars Summoned!"" Mom: "You're such a good boy, Iruma. You always do what we say." Dad: "Iruma, could you carry these for me?" Iruma: "Sure!" Dad: "After that, could you clean this up?" Iruma: "Sure!" Mom: "Could you clean the bathroom, too?" Iruma: "Yeah, sure!" Dad: "You're such a good boy, Iruma." Dad: "In that case..." Both: "Do you mind if we sell you off to a demon?" Iruma: "Su—" Iruma: "Of course that's not okay!" Iruma: "Huh?" Iruma: "Oh..." Sullivan: "Good morning!" Iruma: "G-Good morning, um... Grandpa?" Sullivan: "I love the sound of that!" Iruma: "I became a demon's grandson." : "This is Suzuki Iruma, fourteen years old. He's a pitiful boy who was sold off to a demon by his stupid parents." Sullivan: "Did you sleep well?" Iruma: "Yes." Sullivan: "No need to hold back. Eat as much as you'd like." Iruma: "Okay." Iruma: "It takes a little courage to try the cooking in the netherworld... But it's really good." Iruma: "To think that I can actually take the time to enjoy a meal... This might be the first time ever." Iruma: "This is delicious. I need to eat while I still can." Iruma: "Oh, thank you very much." Sullivan: "Today is your first day of classes." : "Indeed." Iruma: "I-I don't want to go... Because if they find out I'm human," Iruma: "U-Um, can I discuss something with you?" Iruma: "It's about school..." Sullivan: "Oh, before that." Opera: "Yes, sir." Sullivan: "Lookie, lookie!" Iruma: "Huh? This is for me?" Iruma: "But you already gave me so much yesterday..." Sullivan: "Oh, that was just to celebrate me getting my first grandson! This is to celebrate you starting school!" Iruma: "The epitome of a helicopter parent!" Sullivan: "Ta-da!" Iruma: "I-It's lovely..." Sullivan: "I'm not used to doing embroidery, so it was quite exhausting," Sullivan: "And this!" Sullivan: "So, what did you want to talk about?" Iruma: "Uh... Er, I..." Sullivan: "What about school?" Iruma: "W-Well... I..." Sullivan: "You?" Iruma: "I... want to go." : "Yes." Iruma: "Okay, I'm off." Sullivan: "Have a good day!" Opera: "Please be careful." Sullivan: "Okay, now we follow him. I have to get his first walk to school on video." Opera: "You'll be working from home today." Sullivan: "Hey, wait! Opera!" Song: "Suck them dry, soul, blood, flesh, and all... Tremble at the sound of..." Ameri: "Good morning." All: "Good morning, Class President." Dosanko: "The breeze feels lovely again this morning." Quiche: "Man, I don't even know what to do." Sunny: "What happened next? C'mon, you guys..." Ameri: "No idle chit-chat!" All: "Yes, ma'am!" Ameri: "Listen well. You are demons." Ameri: "Projection is the basis of intimidation! Don't slack off!" All: "Yes, ma'am! Good morning! Good morning, everyone!" Ameri: "Continue." All: "Good morning! Good morning, everyone!" Random: "Today's the familiar-summoning ritual!" Random B: "I wonder what my familiar will be..." Random C: "I'm so excited!" Iruma: "I wonder if they're from the student council." Iruma: "I need to do everything I can to not be noticed." Asmodeus: "Good morning, Iruma-sama! I've been waiting for you for six hours and six minutes!" Iruma: "Good... morning, Asmodeus-kun. Wait, six hours?!" Asmodeus: "Indeed." Iruma: "Asmodeus-kun!" Asmodeus: "Is that so? Oh, please, just call me "Azz."" Iruma: "Azz... kun?" Asmodeus: "Yes. Allow me to carry your bag for you." Iruma: "Oh, you don't need to do that!" Random D: "That's the honor student, Iruma." Random F: "Did you see the paper?" Random E: "I guess he really did make the head of the class his servant." Iruma: "I already made myself stand out..." Iruma: "So... where are we going again?" Asmodeus: "You're in the same group as me, Iruma-sama. Group? Yes! They will divide the 163 new students into a number of groups, and we'll prepare until classes begin. It can't just happen all at once." Iruma: "I see." Asmodeus: "Today, we have the familiar-summoning ritual. Let us go to the Familiars' Hall." Iruma: "Familiars?" Asmodeus: "It is a tradition here at Babyls. After entering the school," Iruma: "And that's a familiar?" Asmodeus: "The student's rank will be determined by" Asmodeus: "Climbing those ranks leads to academic success at Babyls." Iruma: "Oh, I see." Iruma: "I wonder if familiars eat humans..." Iruma: "Th-This is sort of nerve-racking." Asmodeus: "These results will also determine what class you'll be in." Iruma: "Really?" Asmodeus: "And the person who will be guiding us through this is quite famous." Asmodeus: "Although he's strict and frightening..." Eiko: "Iruma-sa—" Iruma: "It's that super scary teacher." Kalego: "Silence." Kalego: "Why?" Kalego: "I will determine whether you lot are useless trash or useful trash." Kalego: "For example... If a piece of trash used the spotlight his grandfather gave him to chant a vulgar spell and then had the nerve to cause such a ruckus right afterward on the same day..." Kalego: "That'd be immediate grounds to get rid of you. Also," Kalego: "that is also immediate grounds to get rid of you." Kalego: "I will immediately expel any failures, so be warned." Azuki: "He's so scary..." Haruno: "Right?" Dosanko: "I wonder if his sternness is what makes him so charming." Kalego: "Silence." Announcer: "Super easy! Familiar-Summoning Course! One: draw a circle in blood on some parchment. Two: head into the magic circle with said parchment. Three: hold the parchment right above the candle in the middle of the circle. Four: the smoke will take a form, and your familiar will appear!" miliar: "Yuruma." Announcer: "Okay, let's all—" Kalego: "That's enough of your explanation." Student A: "He smacked it down?" Student B: "I guess he must hate that cute little lesson guide..." Kalego: "Make sure you use the parchment with my seal on it." Kalego: "I can tell immediately if it's a fake." Gaako: "U-Um, is this going to be dangerous?" Kalego: "What a foolish question." Kalego: "You will be summoning a subordinate and making it serve you." Kalego: "That's what familiars are. And should a familiar disobey its master..." Kalego: "There will be punishment." Kalego: "Make sure you are prepared." Iruma: "He's so scary!" Kalego: "Line up in an orderly fashion!" Asmodeus: "That man isn't even trying to hide his animosity." Iruma: "Yeah..." Asmodeus: "I'll gladly charge him if you give the order!" Iruma: "Wait, no!" Asmodeus: "I see..." Kalego: "You there!" Eiko: "Gulp..." Eiko: "My... familiar!" Kalego: "Next." Dosanko: "Took you long enough." Iruma: "Wow, that's amazing!" Student: "It's Asmodeus!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Th-That's amazing, Azz-kun!" Asmodeus: "You humble us with your kindness." Kalego: "A Gorgon Snake... I guess I'm not surprised, considering Asmodeus's lineage." Asmodeus: "But this is nothing compared to the familiar you're about to summon." Kalego: "He's this powerful, and he still lost to Iruma? That's hard to believe." Iruma: "I'm not so sure about that..." Kalego: "Well, we shall find out soon enough. You're up next, Iruma." Iruma: "Y-Yes, sir!" Student A: "Hey, it's Iruma's turn!" Student B: "It's the honor student!" Student C: "I wonder what kind of familiar he'll summon." Iruma: "Everyone's watching me..." Iruma: "Wait a minute..." Iruma: "Didn't he say that if I'm a failure, I'll be expelled?" Iruma: "Expelled?!" Iruma: "That's it! If they expel me, I'll be scot-free! If I'm not able to do anything during this lesson... Hallelujah, I'll get to go back to the human world!" Random A: "He's smiling so much." Random B: "This must be a piece of cake for him." Asmodeus: "Splendid, Iruma-sama!" Kalego: "The nerve of him, smirking like that! He looks just like him! Yes, that obnoxious, unrestrained demon with no regard for others... He personifies the three things I absolutely despise... Just like Mr. Random, that dumbass chair-demon!" Sullivan: "Yay!" Kalego: "To think of all the things I went through because of him..." Kalego: "He docked my pay on a whim." Kalego: "He forced that stupid lesson guide he created on me. He even caused havoc at the entrance ceremony! But I am the one in charge of the familiar-summoning ritual! If he messes up even a little, I'll immediately expel" Kalego: "your precious little grandson!" : "Summoning." : "The ritual in which demons summon magical beasts and make them their familiars. It is also the ritual in which humans summon demons" : "The parchment had Kalego's seal on it," : "and Iruma is a human. Which means..." Iruma: "There it is." Iruma: "So this is... my..." Iruma: "famili...ar?" Both: "What?!" : "Which means the demon Kalego was summoned by the human Iruma to be his familiar." Kalego: "What the hell is this?! What the hell did you do?!" Iruma: "Uh... I-I have no idea!" Kalego: "Stop this!" Iruma: "Y-Yes, sir!" Kalego: "They're tearing! You're going to rip them off!" Iruma: "Huh?" Kalego: "You fool!" Iruma: "I-I'm sorry!" Kalego: "No, not my leg! Come over here and push my head—" Kalego: "Hey!" Iruma: "S-Sensei?" Kalego: "Huh?!" Iruma: "Sensei!" Iruma: "Are you okay, Sensei? Wait, are you even Sensei?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Azz-kun! Something terrible just—" Asmodeus: "I am moved beyond words!" Iruma: "Why?!" Asmodeus: "To think that you were able to make Kalego your familiar..." Iruma: "What?!" Student: "A demon summoned another demon?" Student B: "No way!" Student C: "That's never happened before!" Eiko: "Amazing!" Asmodeus: "I knew you were secretly enraged by Kalego's attitude toward you! This'll show him!" Iruma: "No, no, no! Th-This was an accident!" Kalego: "Inconceivable." Kalego: "Me? Me?! A familiar?!" Kalego: "You can't be serious! Nullify this contract immediately! Or I'll..." Iruma: "Sensei!" Student: "That must be the punishment! That's amazing! I guess familiars really can't disobey their masters." Asmodeus: "You slayed me once again, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Seriously, why?!" Sullivan: "Oh, boy!" Sullivan: "Nullify the contract? That's not happening. This ritual locks you in for a year. If you try to undo it forcefully," Iruma: "S-Sensei!" : "Unable to nullify the contract. Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen," : "acquired a familiar on his first day of school." Kalego: "A familiar... Me?" Kalego: "Me?!" : "Kalego became bedridden from shock," : "As a result, Iruma's notoriety spread even further" Student: "I heard he made Kalego-sensei his familiar! How do you even do that?" Mononoki: "S-So cute..." Student: "Did you hear about Kalego-sensei? This has never happened before!" Iruma: "Everyone's attention is on me... This wasn't supposed to happen." Iruma: "I need to not stand out." Asmodeus: "This way, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Oh, right... um..." Asomodeus: "Yes!" Asmodeus: "I can hardly wait!" Iruma: "Y-Yeah..." Iruma: "I need to make sure I don't stand out..." Asmodeus: "You lot!" Asmodeus: "What do you think you're doing? Make way for Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Please stop!" Asmodeus: "I told you to make way for Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "I'll turn you into ash!" All: "Save us!" Iruma: "I-It's okay!" Asmodeus: "Is that so? If that is your wish, Iruma-sama." Asmodeus: "The path is now open." Iruma: "S-Sure..." Iruma: "I'm going to become the air..." Asmodeus: "Oh, this must be it." Asmodeus: "There's something going on inside." Clara: "Rolling!" Iruma: "Hey!" Iruma: "A-Are you okay?" Clara: "Strike!" Iruma: "A girl? Um..." Asmodeus: "You mustn't speak to her, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "I'm Clara! And my right foot is Connor, and my left foot is Murf! My familiar is Falfal! See, I was trying to grab some teaching aids," Clara: "When you see a bunch of stuff piled up, don't you just wanna go "kaboom"?!" Clara: "I'm gonna do it again, so watch me, okay?!" Clara: "If it's for Daddy, I'll skip to my lou... If it's for Mommy, I'll pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake... If it's for Konchie, I'll skip to my lou... If it's for Keebow, I'll pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, yeah!" Clara: "Su-ki-ma!" Kalego: "Today," Kalego: "You'd better be prepared, Iruma." Kalego: "A black cat..." Kalego: "I have a bad feeling about this." : "Two hours before Kalego was summoned as a familiar." Asmodeus: "I am absolutely floored! You actually turned Naberius Kalego into your familiar! You are a true demon from the bottom of your..."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 2 – Familiars Summoned!", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "2", "Familiars Summoned!" ] }
Dali: "Now, we have an important announcement from HQ. The results of the Battler Party voting are in. The Battler Party's Most Valuable Battler is..." Dali: "Look forward to that announcement during the Closing Spectacular!" Iruma: "D'oh!" Dali: "Tee-hee!" All: ""Glorious Award."" : "The final event of the Battler Party, the Closing Spectacular. Here, excellent Battlers are acknowledged and given fabulous prizes." Asmodeus: "They're finally announcing it!" Clara: "We're gonna take the Grand Prize!" Iruma: "Yeah." Sabro: "The Demon King Battler will be taking the Grand Prize!" : "Because members of the Battler that's awarded the Grand Prize get to go up a rank, every Battler wants to win it." Iruma: "Senpai! Why don't we try for the Grand Prize at the Battler Party?" Quiche: "We will now begin the Excellent Battler Award Ceremony." Quiche: "And now, our presenter..." Quiche: "Our beloved president, Azazel Ameri!" Ameri: "You all did well." Ameri: "I'm very happy that this year ended up being another grand and joyous affair." Ameri: "And now, let us move on to the awards. In third place..." Ameri: "The You Did Your Best Award..." Ameri: "The Succubus Battler!" Succubi: "Badump!" Ameri: "During the Party Eve and Party Day," Ameri: "As their prize, they will be receiving a luxurious club room." Clara: "Aw, we didn't get it." Asmodeus: "This is still third place." Sabro: "When are they announcing the Grand Prize?" Jazz: "There, there." Ameri: "Next up, we have second place." Ameri: "Second place is the Wow Award!" Ameri: "The New Magic Battler!" Clara: "We didn't get it again!" Sabro: "We shall be taking the Grand Prize!" Asmodeus: "Give it a rest!" Ameri: "The New Magic Battler had a magic experience corner" Ameri: "Their new magic was a sight to behold. As a prize," Dali: "So close." Club Prez: "Shut up. We'll get the Grand Prize next time, just you wait." Azuki: "The New Magic Battler is super cool, too!" Konatsu: "This is all pretty expected so far." Haruno: "Next up is finally..." Dosanko: "The Grand Prize!" Ameri: "And now..." Ameri: "The last prize." Ameri: "Are all of you ready?" Clara: "Here it comes!" Sabnock: "The Grand Prize will be mine!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, I hope you're mentally prepared." Iruma: "S-Sure..." Ameri: "Over the two days of the Battler Party," Ameri: "this Battler garnered the most praise, putting them in the number one spot." Ameri: "The Battler that wins the Grand Prize will be able to rank up." Ameri: "Let us all give them praise together!" Ameri: "The winners of the esteemed Grand Prize..." Ameri: "...is the Broadcast Battler!" Baraki: "We did it!" Clara: "Say what?!" Sabnock: "What?!" Asmodeus: "Well, this is rather unexpected..." Sabnock: "Are you saying that the Broadcast Battler is worthy of becoming the Demon King?!" Dali: "Congratulations." Baraki: "Thank you so much!" Ameri: "They continued broadcasting with a level head through every unexpected situation. Their perseverance to continue broadcasting nonstop for two days is worthy of praise!" Mob A: "Devi, listen to that voice." Mob B: "Great job!" Sabnock: "And I was so sure we'd take the Grand Prize!" Demon King Battler Senpai: "Now, now, they all did a great job." Sabnock: "Just wait until next year!" Lead: "Wow, he's pumped." Konatsu: "But I totally thought that one Battler would've gotten first." Azuki: "Me, too!" Haruno: "Me, three!" Dosanko: "The fireworks, right?" Azuki: "Yeah." Haruno: "They were so pretty." Dosanko: "They brought me to tears." Girls: "I know, right?" Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun. I want to create magical apparatuses that'll allow weaker demons to go head-to-head with stronger demons..." Kiriwo: "and help make this power gap disappear." Iruma: "Well, considering the huge incident that happened," Iruma: "But I wish we could've taken the Grand Prize." Quiche: "Okay, everyone." Quiche: "We're going to be throwing a celebratory party after this, so I hope you'll all come by." Kalego: "Silence! This is where we'd usually end the ceremony, but I have one thing to report." Konatsu: "What's this?" Haruno: "I wonder what's going on." Kalego: "This year's Battler Party was filled with a lot more trouble than previous years. Among all the trouble," Kalego: "This would usually call for disciplinary action, but ignoring all of the overwhelming attention they received would go against everything the Battler Party is about." Kalego: "Therefore, we will be adding another award this year." Kalego: "The Tricky Award." Kalego: "This award will raise one representative a single rank." Kalego: "Let us all laugh at the fools who receive this award. Hurry up and get up here," Kalego: "Magical Apparatus Battler!" Sabro: "Ah, my rival!" Asmodeus: "We did it, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Yay! Yay!" Lead: "Good job." Iruma: "Yeah!" Cheers: "Devi awesome!" Iruma: "A-Are you really okay with me accepting it?" Asmodeus: "Of course!" Clara: "You've got this, Iruma-chi!" Kalego: "Honestly..." Kalego: "I heard that you did all you could, but one wrong move would've caused a huge disaster." Kalego: "You couldn't even make the time to report to me?" Iruma: "I-I'm really sorry. I was so panicked—" Kalego: "You're too accustomed to putting yourself in danger." Kalego: "Learn to rely on your teachers more, you fool." Kalego: "Know that this award is as much a warning." Kalego: "Iruma!" Eiko: "Both Iruma-san and the president are just so wonderful!" Come Come: "So happy! So happy!" Kalego: "That is all. Hmph." Iruma: "Th-Thank you very much!" Asmodeus: "You did it, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "We've got matching badges!" Iruma: "Y-Yeah." Iruma: "This is something he should've gotten." Iruma: "I'm still not sure if going up ranks is a good thing or not." Iruma: "But..." Iruma: "This is proof that I got to spend time with him." Iruma: "So I'm going to take good care of it." Ameri: "We will now sing the school song." Iruma: "Wait... When did I get so used to singing such a terrifying song?!" Student A: "Iruma-kun!" Student B: "Iruma-kun!" Student C: "Congratulations!" Sullivan: "Iruma-kun!" Sullivan: "Congratulations on your promotion to Gimel! Your grandpa is so proud of you!" Iruma: "Thank you." Sullivan: "You were so bold on stage! And you were so scared to stand out before!" Iruma: ""Stand out"?" Mob A: "Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "Wait..." Mob B: "Iruma!" Iruma: "It didn't really hit me because of all the commotion..." Iruma: "But am I standing out, like, a crazy amount right now?!" Sullivan: "Iruma-kun?" Press Battler A: "He's ranking up at incredible speed! Please let us interview you!" Press Battler B: "We need a picture, too!" Eiko: "I-Iruma-san!" Sullivan: "Well, aren't you popular?" Iruma: "I-I don't think I can do an interview..." Press Battler A: "Hey, that's a great face! One more!" Iruma: "Please, no pictures!" Asmodeus: "Oh, are you doing interviews, Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "A-Azz-kun!" Henri: "Iruma, eh?" Asmodeus: "You look wonderful, Iruma-sama! Yes! So refined!" Ameri: "Hey, Father!" Ameri: "Are you catching the bad guys?" Henri: "Yes. I capture the demons who have forgotten their promise to the netherworld." Ameri: "That's so cool! I'm going to catch them, too!" Henri: "Is that so?" Henri: "But we capture things other than demons, as well." Ameri: "Other than demons?" Henri: "Yes." Henri: "For example..." Henri: "Humans." Mob 1: "Hey, it's Iruma-kun!" Mob 2: "He won the Tricky Award." Mob 3: "Super tricky!" Mob 5: "He's a Gimel now. Wow." Mob Guy 1: "Iruma-kun!" Mob Girl: "I saw the special edition!" Iruma: "Thanks..." Mob: "He's so cute!" Iruma: "I-I'm standing out so much..." Clara: "Ooh, the special edition!" Clara: "Way to go, Iruma-chi." Iruma: "Thanks..." Iruma: "Er, what are you doing, Azz-kun?" Asmodeus: "This is your moment of glory, Iruma-sama. I need to make sure we save this." Laminater: "Plink. Nom, nom, gulp. Barf." Iruma: "You laminated it?!" Clara: "So cool!" Asmodeus: "Now I have to file it!" Clara: "Very well. I'll take that." Asmodeus: "You will not!" Sabro: "But I am the one who's going to become the Demon King!" Iruma: "I really am standing out..." Iruma: "This is bad. If they find out that I'm human..." Iruma: "Who knows what they'll do to me?!" Iruma: "Sorry to keep you waiting!" Ameri: "I heard what happened." Iruma: "Huh?" Ameri: "About Amy Kiriwo. I received an explanation in secret." Ameri: "Let me thank you as the student council president." Ameri: "It must've been rough, Iruma." Iruma: "Right..." Ameri: "That aside! I'm going to have you make up for all the time we missed in our readings!" Iruma: "Sure!" Sfx/Rin/Kakeru: "Boom!" Kakeru: "S-Sorry!" Kakeru: "I lost my balance..." Rin: "Badump... Badump..." Rin: "Kakeru-kun..." Kakeru: "Badump... Badump..." Ameri: "Squee! Wh-What are these palpitations I'm feeling?!" Iruma: "A-Are you all right?" Ameri: "Th-There's no need to worry. More importantly, continue reading..." Ameri: "That's..." Iruma: "Is something wrong?" Ameri: "Oh, it's nothing." Iruma: "We can continue some other time, then." Ameri: "Sorry about this, Iruma." Ameri: "What is Father doing here?" Iruma: "It's rare for Ameri-san to seem in such a hurry. She said she saw someone she knew," Henri: "You're Iruma-kun, aren't you?" Henri: "I need to speak with you." Iruma: "Huh? Huh?!" Iruma: "I came along without thinking, but..." Iruma: "I wonder who he is." Iruma: "He sorta reminds me of someone..." Henri: "Stare..." Iruma: "So much pressure..." Henri: "So he's Iruma..." Sullivan: "Well, I'm going to return to the school now." Guard: "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Henri: "Sullivan-sama." Herni: "Our interrogation isn't over yet." Henri: "We need you to remain here until you're cleared of suspicion." Sullivan: "But you don't have any proof now, do you? Sorry, but I'll be leaving this time." Henri: "Sullivan-sama!" Sullivan: "I said I'm leaving." Henri: "M-My body..." Henri: "won't move." Sullivan: "Sorry, but I promised I'd be back." Sullivan: "I promised Iruma-kun." Sullivan: "Okay, bye!" Henri: "Sullivan-sama's excessive obsession over this boy..." Henri: "So the reports were true. This boy was dragged here by Sullivan-sama against his will," Henri: "and he's human!" Iruma: "I'm pretty sure something like this happened before..." Henri: "No cuts, bruises. No problems, hey!" Henri: "My apologies!" Henri: "I couldn't hold back... But I managed to make contact with him. If he shows any signs of wanting help, I need to take him in immediately." Iruma: "U-Um...?" Henri: "This is a secret, but I've met a human before." Iruma: "Huh? A-A human? D-D-Did you happen to capture them?" Henri: "Yes, of course." Henri: "We took them in and sent their upper body to the lab for experiments. Their lower half I enjoyed in a hotpot with some of my colleagues." Henri: "Of course, I'm totally kidding." Iruma: "H-How was I supposed to tell?" Henri: "If a human were found in the netherworld, I'm honestly not sure what would happen. There are those going back to basics, so it'd be very dangerous for a human to be here." Henri: "So I took that human in and returned them safely to the human world." Henri: "I did the proper paperwork so they could return immediately." Henri: "We erased all their memories of the netherworld and sent them home." Iruma: "Erased..." Henri: "Iruma-kun... If you are seeking help..." Ameri: "Father! There you are!" Henri: "Ameri!" Iruma: "Wait, "Father"?!" Ameri: "This is my father. He works at Demon Border Patrol." Henri: "So you know Iruma-kun?" Ameri: "He's quite famous at our school." Ameri: "He's had an impressive record ever since he started school here. He even presented a magnificent display at the Battler Party." Ameri: "Iruma is..." Ameri: "Iruma is..." Ameri: "an outstanding demon." Henri: "Well, I came to see the Chair-Demon today." Henri: "I was just asking this young man for directions." Henri: "Thank you very much." Iruma: "Huh? N-No problem at all!" Henri: "But it's rather rare for you to praise someone this much." Ameri: "W-Well, the two of us have chats alone quite often..." Henri: "Alone... you say?" Ameri: "Yes... We have some tea in the audience room after school..." Both: "Tea-hee, tea-hee, tea-hee, tea-hee..." Henri: "Tea?" Rando: "Tea-yah!" Ameri: "And then we talk..." Henri: "The two of you, alone in a room together? What do you talk about?" Ameri: "W-Well, you see..." Ameri: "Manga are forbidden texts!" Ameri: "I can't tell him we're reading those!" Henri: "What are you two doing alone together?" Ameri: "W-We usually talk about love and relationships!" Henri: "L-Lo... L..." Ameri: "Oh, we also talk about our future!" Henri: "Love! Future! Marriage!" Ameri: "Father!" Ameri: "When I get older, I'm going to be your bride, Father!" Ameri: "Father..." Henri: "Not happening!" Iruma: "How do the glasses keeping breaking?!" Ameri: "Father!" Iruma: "Are you all right?!" Henri: "No one gave you permission to call me "Father!"" Iruma: "Huh?! Wait, I didn't..." Ameri: "L-Let's get you to the infirmary!" Ameri: "I'll see you later, Iruma." Iruma: "I-I feel like I just walked through a storm..." Henri: "So I took that human in and returned them safely to the human world." Clara: "Hey, Iruma-chi! Kaboom!" Asmodeus: "Why do you always insist on doing this?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama. The situation with Kiriwo-senpai involves you," Clara: "Boop." Asmodeus: "But please don't hesitate to tell us if there's anything we can do for you." Iruma: "You guys..." Iruma: "Being taken in..." Iruma: "I know that's what I wanted at one point, but..." Iruma: "Thank you." Iruma: "Okay, let's get back to class." Asmodeus: "Of course." Clara: "Yay!" Sabro: "Iruma!" Jazz: "Iruma-kun." Lead: "Iruma-kun." Iruma: "Even then, I..." Iruma: "I'm going to make sure they don't find out I'm human." Clara: "We are su-ki-ma!" Eiko: "Hey, it's Iruma-san! Photo op time!" Eiko: "You've got it all wrong!" Asmodeus: "You have a great eye!" Asmodeus: "And he's just so kind!" Eiko: "I know, right?" Iruma: "It's rare to see Azz-kun talking to a girl..."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 20 – Glorious Award⧸Treatment of Humans", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "20", "Glorious Award⧸Treatment of Humans" ] }
Kuromu: "Okay..." Kuromu: "Let's do this, Kuromu." Kuromu: "Hey, guys! How are you all doing?" Kuromu: "We're going to have a blast at this concert tonight!" Crowd: "Kuromu-chan!" All: ""Dem-dol Kuromu-chan!"" Clara: "Extra! Extra!" Iruma: "What's up?" Asmodeus: "Have a look! It's a special issue commemorating your promotion, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "What?! Th-This is..." Iruma: "That's right. Someone did take my picture." Clara: "Here! Have one! Have another one!" Asmodeus: "Why not take one home as a gift to the chair-demon?" Iruma: "Huh? Uh, thanks..." Iruma: "But I'm pretty sure he has a copy, so it's okay." Lead: "Wow." Lead: "You were really amazing, Iruma-kun. Your article's bigger than the segment on Kuromu-chan." Iruma: "Kuromu-chan?" Lead: "Wait, you don't know who Kuromu-chan is?!" Lead: "Look at the article right under yours. "The Dem-dol Kuromu-chan Holds Her Day-to-Night Concert! Her First Concert at Makubari Dome."" Iruma: "Dem... dol?" Lead: "Wait, I have to explain from there?" Asmodeus: "It cannot be helped! Iruma-sama has been sheltered by the chair-demon ever since he was young, so he doesn't know all the ways of the world! Catch a clue!" Iruma: "Oh... So that's how he rationalizes this." Asmodeus: "So, the origin of "dem-dol"... is "take evil."" Asmodeus: "It is a very important role in demon society." Asmodeus: "Demons have a stress period in which they want to do violent or sadistic things. We call this the evil cycle." Demon: "I wanna do something bad!" Asmodeus: "In order to keep that evil cycle in check, there are many forms of entertainment in the netherworld. Basically, we play sports or video games to instantly relieve our stress." Demon: "Ah, I feel so much better!" Asmodeus: "Dem-dols are one of those forms of entertainment. By gathering many demons into one venue and holding a performance, they turn those evil thoughts into excitement and relieve their stress." Asmodeus: "As such, popular dem-dols receive a warm reception in the netherworld." Iruma: "Huh..." Lead: "And among them all, Kuromu-chan is our hope for the future! Her performance is great, her singing is great, and... she's cute! That's the most important!" Kuromu: "Demons should never let their guard down" Lead: "Look! See? Isn't she amazing?" Goemon: "Cutie." Camuy: "Cutest!" Iruma: "More of them?!" Lead: "Her Day-to-Night Concert is today!" Iruma: "Huh..." Kuromu: "The noon performance is just about to start at Makubari Dome! It'll be streamed live, too, so look forward to it. I'll be waiting for you!" Boys: "So cute!" Goemon: "She's so devi cute!" Camuy: "I try to get into her concerts all the time!" Lead: "The fact that the magnification power is 666 is too much! I devi want to go!" Jazz: "Her tickets sell out instantly whenever they go on sale. They're sold via lottery, and you can meet Kuromu-chan in person." Iruma: "Huh..." Camuy: "Sometimes there's a meet-and-grate after the concert!" Iruma: "You mean a meet-and-greet?" Camuy: "No! It's written like this! Meet-and-grate! It's a dream-like event where we can grate away our stress just by holding Kuromu-chan's hand!" Kuromu: "Hello." Demon: "H-Hey." Kuromu: "Thank you for always supporting me. I'm so deeply moved! Devi!" Lead: "Yeah! And she's famous for her cuticle interactions!" Iruma: "Cute interactions?" Lead: "Cuticle interactions!" Kuromu: "If you don't come see me again, I'll curse you. Got it?" Goemon: "So cute! Devi cute!" Camuy: "I want to see her play with her hair again!" Iruma: "Oh, so it is "cuticle"..." Baraki: "Iruma-kun from the Misfit Class. Iruma-kun." Baraki: "Please come to the broadcast room immediately. I repeat. Iruma-kun from the Misfit Class. Iruma-kun. Please co—" Iruma: "I'll be right back." Clara: "Me, too! Me, too!" Asmodeus: "I shall accompany you, as well." All: "See ya!" Kuromu: "Please look forward to the upcoming live stream of the Makubari Dome concert!" Lead: "She's so devi cute! Let's listen to her new song together!" Jazz: "I'll let you borrow some good speakers... for a price." Lead: "Really?" Camuy: "Let's watch her live stream." Goemon: "Agreed!" Kuromu: "I hope you guys watch! Devi, devi!" Kurotsuno: "And we're good!" Both: "Great job!" Kurotsuno: "You did great, Kuromu-chan!" Shirotsuno: "You were perfect." Kuromu: "Thank you." Mal: "Here you go." Kuromu: "Thank you." Kurotsuno: "You know, you sure have guts, Kuromu-chan." Kurotsuno: "Makubari Dome is one of the biggest venues in the netherworld. It's a holy land where legendary concerts have been held." Shirotsuno: "You gonna be okay? Are you nervous?" Kuromu: "I'm totally fine! I'll give my all to my first dome show!" Both: "So cute! So cute!" Rando: "Cutie!" Rando 2: "Cutest!" Kuromu: "I look forward to working with you for the rest of today. Now, if you'll excuse me." Keroli: "There we go." Keroli: "I got too loose during the morning show." Keroli: "This is the most relaxing look for me." Keroli: "I mean, this is how I am at school, too. And..." Keroli: "Look at this exposed skin!" Keroli: "I'm still not used to this!" Kuromu: "I'll be waiting for you!" Keroli: "That pose might've been too calculated! I'm so embarrassed! I'm so embarrassed!" Keroli: "Maybe I should look into posing a bit more. I do still have the noon and night shows coming up. Actually, maybe I need a more calculated pose." Keroli: "I'm Kuromu-chan, devi! Everyone's dem-dol! I'll shoot you right through the heart with my impish beam!" Keroli: "Make all the bad feelings... fly away!" Keroli: "Look at that exposed skin! My brain's gonna melt!" Keroli: "This is way too calculated! Why do I keep saying "devi"? I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't!" Keroli: "But I have to do my best..." Keroli: "My job is to be a dem-dol... I mean... I mean... I'm so damn cute, after all!" Keroli Mom: "Yes, good job." Keroli Mom: "Here you go. You worked really hard. You did better than last time." Keroli: "I never stood a chance against my siblings at home. My siblings always got a "good job," but since my magic is normal and I'm so awkward... I only get "let's work harder."" Keroli: "I wanted to get back at them." Keroli: "And that was when I realized... Sound seemed to disappear whenever I walked," Keroli: "because everyone would stop walking and look in awe when I passed by." Keroli: "I didn't even need to say anything. Everyone would prioritize me." Keroli: "Even if I messed up, even if I was weak... No one made fun of me. They were actually nice to me." Demon: "Move it!" Keroli: "I-I'm sorry..." Keroli: "I have the ability to counter malice. I realized then..." Keroli: "that being cute can defeat violence! That's why I chose to be a dem-dol, where being cute matters," Keroli: "to get back at my family!" Keroli: "Even though it's embarrassing, I'm still doing my best. And yet... And yet, somehow... Why the heck are you standing out more than me, Iruma?! I-ru-ma! The ad for my concert, the announcement of my new song... You keep taking the front-page headline from me!" Keroli: "The school paper has to put the students first..." Keroli: "But there's never been anyone who got the front page over my cuteness. But if everyone knew I was a student at Babyls, I'd take the front page for sure!" Keroli: "I'm... I'm..." Mal: "Kuromu..." Mal: "What do you think you're doing?!" Mal: "I told you not to use ice, or they'll figure out who you are!" Keroli: "Mal-san! I'm so sorry!" Keroli: "Y-Yes, ma'am!" Keroli: "Get a grip, Keroli. Today's concert is really important." Keroli: "I keep myself at the lowest rank at school so I wouldn't stand out. After I graduate, I'm going to expand my horizons" Keroli: "and rise immediately to Het rank. That would exceed my mother's rank of Zayin." Keroli: "That's my goal. Who cares about Iruma? I can't let him get to me!" Keroli: "How are you guys doing?" Keroli: "Yes. I'm going to..." Keroli: "stand at the top of the dem-dol world! Hey, guys! Let's blow the roof off this place! Demons should never let their guard down One day, you'll get your heart stolen! Squee! That cutie over there is a little imp Want to touch my hair? Let's have a thrilling escape! Want to talk to me? Want to touch me? If you insist, I'll play with you Do you love me? Well, try to see through me Can you give up your soul for me? Little imp, little imp I'll be the little imp that drags you around" Keroli: "You're all great!" Keroli: "Iruma! Why the heck are you here?!" Keroli: "Why the heck are you here?!" : "A few hours earlier, Iruma and the others were summoned by the Broadcasting Battler president, Bathin Baraki." Baraki: "Oh, good. All three of you showed up. These are for you." Iruma: "Wait... These are concert tickets for Kuromu-chan, who I was just told is super popular..." Baraki: "My family is friends with one of the sponsors, so we managed to get them somehow." Iruma: "Oh..." Baraki: "But after I said we won the Grand Prize at the Battler Party, they said we could help with the concert itself! I'm so honored!" Baraki: "Thanks." Baraki: "Meaning the leftover tickets might've gone to waste. No one would've been surprised if you got the Grand Prize, so this is our way to make amends. Okay?" Iruma: "Thank you!" Ann: "Please make sure you don't forget anything when leaving." Asmodeus: "Dem-dols are rather enjoyable." Clara: "So devi devi cute, Kuromu!" Iruma: "Yeah." Clara: "I'm not done cheering yet!" Iruma: "Okay, let's go thank Baraki-san and head back." Shiro: "Um, are you Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "Huh?" Iruma: "Yes... I am." Both: "Congratulations!" Iruma: "What? Just me?" Iruma: "So that's what happened, and we ended up at the concert." Iruma: "I didn't think I'd win a ticket to meet you in person, as well." Keroli: "Y-You must be very lucky." Keroli: "Wh-Why Iruma, of all people?" Iruma: "Yeah, I was really surprised. I've never been patted down five times before." Keroli: "Wow, really?" Keroli: "I-I'm so mad... Did he just brag about being popular? Do his upperclassmen like him, too?" Keroli: "So at school... He really is..." Keroli: "more popular than me?" Iruma: "So cold!" Keroli: "Er, uh... The climate control's broken in here." Iruma: "I-Is that so?" Keroli: "That was close. There'd be a lot of panic if he found out I'm his classmate." Iruma: "So, Kuromu-san," Iruma: "you're working as a dem-dol while still going to school, right?" Keroli: "Y-Yes..." Iruma: "That's amazing, especially considering how hard your job is." Keroli: "R-Right... Of course it is! I'm super popular! I have a TV program shoot early in the morning, then after recording my songs or even in between classes, I have dance lessons, piano lessons, and voice training. After school, I have magazine interviews. Then there are rehearsals and meetings for my concerts... Plus, I have homework, memorizing my new songs, replying to fan letters, practicing my autograph, taking care of my skin..." Iruma: "Wow! I'm getting dizzy just hearing about it!" Keroli: "Right? That's what you call a pro..." Iruma: "And you go to school, too..." Keroli: "Nothing that important is written in there! Crap! I just bragged about how popular I am. My class schedule is written in here! How could I have done that? Doesn't look like he figured... it... out?!" Keroli: "Iruma-kun, would you like some tea?" Iruma: "Huh? How did you know my name?" Keroli: "Asdfjajdfaik! Iruberto von Malkundooff tea! Also known as Iruma tea! Would you like some?" Iruma: "Iru... er... Hey, how about I make the tea?" Keroli: "There's no need! I'll do it myself!" Iruma: "Um—" Keroli: "Stay out!" Iruma: "Stay out?" Keroli: "Yes, just stay out!" Iruma: "Um... I should get going now." Keroli: "Sure." Keroli: "Somehow he didn't figure it out! That was way too close..." Iruma: "Okay, well, see you at school." Keroli: "Sure. See you." Keroli: "Hold on a sec." Iruma: "I-I-It's cold..." Keroli: "I can't believe it..." Keroli: "I worked so hard... He found out instantly! If people find out who I am, there'll be a huge panic, and my popularity will plummet." Keroli: "But I can't have him getting away..." Keroli: "Um... How did you figure it out? The fact that I'm your classmate, Crocell Keroli?" Iruma: "Um... Your hands." Keroli: "My hands?" Iruma: "I thought it was strange" Iruma: "that someone as tame as you was in the Misfit Class." Iruma: "You'd always roll your hands into fists, tucking your thumbs in." Iruma: "I thought that was unique. And then you held your hand the same way on stage, so I just thought, maybe..." Iruma: "Other than that, there's what you had in your planner, and the ice... And your glasses were pretty decisive." Keroli: "I need to be more careful... But him noticing my hands is weird." Keroli: "My glasses are super detection-warding glasses. They're a special item that should conceal me from any other demon... Of course, even if I put them on, 51% of my charm still seeps through... Anyway, unless someone paid that much attention to me, they shouldn't be able to notice..." Keroli: "I see! That means..." Iruma: "I..." Keroli: "That means he..." Iruma: "I..." Keroli: "That means he's..." Keroli: "a huge fan!" Iruma: "I'm so jealous of you." Keroli: "Huh?" Iruma: "I think it's amazing that you don't stand out at all!" Iruma: "It's like you're here, but you're not. You're a pro at killing your presence! I end up standing out without meaning to... So..." Iruma: "I want to become someone like you, who doesn't stand out at all!" Keroli: "Without meaning to?" Keroli: "Without meaning to?" Keroli: "So you stand out without meaning to? So you're saying that my desperate need to stand out" Keroli: "is being defeated by you standing out without meaning to? I... I... I refuse to accept that!" Keroli: "Wh-Wh-Wh-What in the world am I?! This can't be... happening!" Iruma: "P-Please calm down!" Keroli: "I... won't lose... to you..." Iruma: "Kuromu-san? Uh... Kuromu-san!" Iruma: "She has a terrible fever!" Iruma: "S-Someone! Please wake up, Kuromu-san! Kuromu-san?" Iruma: "Someone, please!" Clara: "Sukima!" Asmodeus: "What is all this?" Clara: "You try it, too!" Asmodeus: "Huh?" Clara: "Devi, devi, so cute! Kuromu!" Asmodeus: "I will not do that!" Clara: "I'm sure if the three of us do it together, Iruma-chi will be happy." : "And then, ten minutes later, Asmodeus mastered the moves." Keroli: "Iruma! How dare you always stand out more than me? Hmph!" Keroli: "The way I got mad just now was so cute. I can't help it, though. I'm really just that cute. Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun," Keroli: ""Sparkling Shock.""
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 21 – Dem-dol Kuromu-chan!", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "21", "Dem-dol Kuromu-chan!" ] }
: "Kuromu-chan, the dem-dol who's all the rage in the netherworld right now," : "is actually Crocell Keroli from the Misfit Class." : "However..." Iruma: "S-Someone! Please wake up, Kuromu-san! Kuromu-san?" Mal: "Kuromu!" Iruma: "Are you one of the staff?" Mal: "Kuromu! Wake up!" Mal: "What an awful fever." All: ""Sparkling Shock."" Staff1: "Yes, ma'am!" Mal: "You... You didn't do anything to her, did you?" Iruma: "No! She just suddenly collapsed while we were talking..." Mal: "Did you say anything to excite her?" Mal: "She can't handle heat. If she gets too exhausted or emotional," Mal: "We've been so careful." Iruma: "Um... I-It might be my fault, after all." Mal: "Just stay put! I'll listen to what you have to say la—" Kurotsuno: "Mal-san! Kuromu-chan collapsed?!" Mal: "Yes. You can see for yourself." Kurotsuno: "How is she? What about the concert?" Mal: "She can't possibly perform like this!" Kurotsuno: "No way! We're at the Makubari Dome! All of her fans are already lined up outside," Kurotsuno: "and there are a ton of sponsors here, too. This is a huge chance for her! What about a doctor? If we get her checked right now—" Mal: "That's not possible!" Mal: "She has a unique condition." Mal: "Certain steps are required to cool down her body." Mal: "The only ones capable of doing that would be a highly skilled doctor or her family. But even if we call her family now," Mal: "They live too far away." Iruma: "Huh? Her family's not coming to see the show?" Mal: "They are not. That's the kind of family they are. So we'll just have to cancel this—" Kuromu: "No." Mal: "Kuromu!" Kuromu: "I'm... going to become the top dem-dol." Kuromu: "I can't... stop now..." Iruma: "Why are you so..." Kuromu: "I'm going to get back at my family." Mal: "Kuromu!" Kuromu: "It's fine." Kuromu: "My family is also known for wearing icy expressions and never smiling." Kuromu: "I didn't smile at all when I was little, either. But then, one day," Kuromu: "She showed me dem-dols." Kuromu: "It was a sparkling shock." Kuromu: "I never knew demons could look like this." Kuromu: "So this was "smiling"..." Kuromu: "That was what I wanted to become." Kuromu: "That way, I could get back at my family." Kuromu: "Becoming the top dem-dol is my destiny. Because I'm..." Kuromu: "super cute!" Mal: "Kuromu! Are you all right?" Mal: "You need to calm down first." Iruma: "Um... Is there anything I can—" Mal: "Don't touch her!" Mal: "There's nothing you can do." Mal: "You're only in the way, so just stay put." Mal: "Get some more ice, and keep the audience calm." Kurotsuno: "Yes, ma'am!" Mal: "Kuromu..." Iruma: "I can't just leave her alone." Baraki: "Stop pushing!" Staff A: "Please line up in single file!" Baraki: "Hey, no pushing!" Staff B: "Baraki-kun!" Baraki: "Yes?" Staff B: "The rest of the staff are busy, so could you help me over here?" Baraki: "I'm so close to the stage! I'm so honored!" Staff A: "We're letting them in!" Staff B: "Baraki-kun?!" Baraki: "This isn't what I imagined..." Ameri: "So this is it." Ameri: "What's this?" Henri: "A concert that my department will be providing security for." Henri: "Apparently, she's quite popular with young folk." Ameri: "This ticket I received from Father..." Ameri: "This is my first time seeing a dem-dol." Ameri: "Apparently, these are a necessity. I'm glad I bought them. Kuromu!" Kurotsuno: "Hey! How are things going inside the hall?" Shirotsuno: "The show hasn't even started yet, but everyone's really hyped up." Kurotsuno: "The show starts at 6:06:06..." Kurotsuno: "Is Kuromu-chan going to be okay?" Keroli Mom: "Yes, good job." Keroli Mom: "Here you go. You worked really hard." Keroli: "I'm the only one who got "let's work harder" again..." Keroli Mom: "You did better than last time." Keroli: "Someday..." Keroli: "I'm going to get a smiley face, too!" Keroli: "Look! Look at how cute I am!" Keroli: "You feel better, right? So... So... Please... Smile more." Keroli: "I..." Keroli: "Where did everyone go?" Keroli: "How long have I been asleep?" Keroli: "The concert!" Keroli: "It's past 6:06:06..." Keroli: "I didn't... make it in time." Keroli: "So many people came to see me, too." Keroli: "I couldn't make them smile..." Keroli: "I'm..." Keroli: "a failure as a professional!" Keroli: "Wh-What?" Staff 1: "Seriously?" Staff 2: "This is amazing!" Staff 3: "They're so entertaining!" Staff 4: "This is the best surprise ever!" Keroli: "Pardon me." Staff: "Kuromu-chan." Keroli: "Mal-san!" Mal: "Kuromu! Are you okay now?" Keroli: "Yes... I think so." Keroli: "Those cheers..." Mal: "It's amazing." Mal: "I couldn't have asked for better talent." Keroli: "What in the world is going on?" Keroli: "What? What?!" Iruma: "Okay! H-H... Here we go!" Keroli: "Seriously! What the hell is going on?!" Keroli: "What the?!" Iruma: "Azz-kun, Clara. Do you have a sec?" Iruma: "So, um..." Kuromu: "I'm Kuromu!" Iruma: "I can't exactly tell them that Kuromu-san is Keroli-san..." Iruma: "I can't tell you the details, but... Azz-kun, Clara..." Asmodeus: "But of course!" Clara: "Roger dodger dodger devil!" One: "I want to see Kuromu-chan!" Two: "Bring Kuromu-chan out here!" Three: "Bring her out!" Mal: "An opening act?" Iruma: "We'll do anything, from performing to doing stunts!" Mal: "I told you, it's impossible. I appreciate the sentiment, but just stay put! I'm begging you!" Iruma: "Begging?" Both: "No." Iruma: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama told us what's going on." Clara: "Yup! Yup!" Asmodeus: "We just have to help the crowd relieve some stress, right?" Clara: "I know! We should all play tag!" Asmodeus: "There must be some other way." Clara: "Boo." Mal: "No." Mal: "The audience is here to see Kuromu. The dem-dol who's cute, elegant, and still a high school student. They don't even have to be as good as Kuromu, but it's not like we can find another cute high schooler who's young and amateurish here." Clara: "Wanna make one, then?" Clara: "Hey, you two..." Clara: "I hope you're prepared for this." Iruma: "Wait, don't tell me..." Asmodeus: "Wait! I could never wear something like that!" Iruma: "Hey, wait!" Asmodeus: "Anything but that!" Crowd: "Kuromu! Kuromu! Kuromu! Kuromu!" Ameri: "It's still not starting?" Crowd 1: "How long are you going to make us wait?" Crowd 2: "We're all irritated because of our evil cycles!" Crowd 3: "Get Kuromu-chan out here!" Ann: "Sorry to keep you waiting, everyone. We will now begin our opening act." Crowd 3: "Opening act?" Crowd 4: "What's about to start?" Clara: "We are... Irumi and Her Merry Band of Friends!" Crowd 1: "Who the hell are they?" Crowd 2: "Get Kuromu-chan out here!" Crowd 3: "No one asked for an opening act!" Crowd 4: "Yeah! Get lost!" Crowd: "Get off the stage!" Ameri: "I think I've seen that blue-haired one somewhere before..." Clara: "Iruma-chi! Azz-Azz!" Clara: "I'm the forest fairy, Clarin! Gimme snacks! If you don't, I'm gonna eat you! Rawr!" Clara: "Rawr! Rawr! Rawr! Rawr!" Asomdeus: "I-I'm the slightly shy yet cool Alice..." Crowd 4: "She's fidgeting." Crowd 5: "She's so embarrassed. It's adorable!" Asmodeus: "I can't say that!" Clara: "It's for Kuromu-chan and Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "I'm going to set your heart alight with my burning flames! Kapow!" Iruma: "Azz-kun... Clara... You're both so good!" Clara: "If you give us snacks, we'll give you..." Both: "...sparkle-sparkle happy!" Iruma: "Y-Yeah, I can't do this..." Iruma: "But I..." Iruma: "I have to!" Clara: "Spinny, spinny, squishy, squishy!" Iruma: "I-I'm the shy little Irumi! My weight, height, and personal information are all top secret! I'm the mysterious dem-dol, Irumi-chan!" Crowd A: "She's pretty cute!" Crowd B: "You've got this, Irumi-chan!" Asmodeus: "Well done, Irumi-sama!" Clara: "Woo, woo!" Keroli: "Huh?" Iruma: "Okay! H-H... Here we go!" Keroli: "Seriously! What the hell is going on?!" Crowd 1: "Yeah!" Crowd 2: "Keep it up!" Asmodeus: "Irumi-sama!" Crowd C: "Whoa, that's dangerous!" Crowd 1: "Wow! She's dodging all of those!" Crowd 2: "I've never seen dancing like that!" Crowd 3: "Hey, look up there!" Crowd 1: "Devi amazing!" Crowd 2: "The blue-haired one is cute!" Crowd 3: "I want the fire hottie to incinerate me!" Crowd 4: "One of them is weird!" Ameri: "That blue-haired one..." Ameri: "looks like..." Ameri: "Wait, wait, wait. It can't be, it can't be, it can't be!" Mal: "They said they didn't want the concert to be canceled." Keroli: "They did this... for me?" Iruma: "I want to become someone like you, who doesn't stand out at all!" Keroli: "After he said he didn't want to stand out..." Keroli: "I see." Keroli: "So he ends up standing out for the sake of others." Keroli: "He ends up acting for the sake of others, and stands out." Keroli: "What the heck? I've never heard of a demon like that." Clara: "Ali-Ali!" Asmodeus: "Leave it to me!" Clara: "Go!" Keroli: "Honestly..." Keroli: "You're so interesting, Iruma." Crowd: "Irumi! Irumi! A cold wind?" Kuromu: "How long do you plan to go wild on my stage?" Crowd A: "That voice..." Kuromu: "The opening act ends now!" Kuromu: "Sorry to keep you guys waiting!" Crowd: "We've been waiting for you!" Iruma: "Kuromu-san!" Kuromu: "Thank you, everyone." Kuromu: "Thank you so much." Iruma: "All right, we'll be heading—" Kuromu: "Hold it. You're standing on a professional stage. You'd better take responsibility for that until the end!" Crowd: "Kuromu! Irumi! Kuromu! Irumi! Kuromu! Irumi!" Both: "Here we go! Demons should never let their guard down One day, you'll get your heart stolen! Squee!" Keroli: "That cutie over there is a little imp Want to touch my hair? Let's have a thrilling escape! Want to talk to me?" Iruma: "Want to touch me?" Both: "If you insist, I'll play with you" Keroli: "Do you love me? Well, try to see through me" Iruma: "Can you give up your soul for me?" Both: "Little imp, little imp" Both: "I'll be the little imp that drags you around Little imp!" Asmodeus: "You slay me!" Irumi: "Demons always make the first move to get the victory!" Kuromu: "I take one look at you, and you're all mine!" Both: "Nom! Yes, I'm a cute little imp!" Kuromu: "If I reach my hand out, I think I can reach" Irumi: "Getting impatient, aren't we? I won't let you go! I won't let you get away! I'm selfish, so I want all of you!" Both: "You like me? I know! That's obvious" Irumi: "I'm sure you'd give up your heart for me" Both: "Little imp, little imp Be the one who makes me turn around Little imp!" Kuromu: "I'm so sorry!" Kuromu: "I caused all of you so much trouble!" Shirotsuno: "Don't worry about it." Kurotsuno: "The concert was a huge success! All's well that ends well!" Asmodeus: "Well done, Iruma-sama!" Shirotsuno: "You three were amazing, too. You were really cute." Staff: "Do you want to become dem-dols?" Asmodeus: "No!" Iruma: "Nah..." Mal: "Good job, Kuromu." Kuromu: "Thank you, Mal-san! I'm really sorry about today." Mal: "It's fine. More importantly..." Mal: "This is for you." Kuromu: "Huh?" Mal: "They left as soon as they finished treating you." Mal: "They said they're watching." Kuromu: "I see..." Kuromu: "I see!" Shirotsuno: "Kuromu-chan! We're taking a photo!" Kuromu: "Okay!" Iruma: "I'm glad everything worked out." Mal: "But you see..." Kuromu Mom: "We'll be going now." Mal: "You're going to leave without talking to Kuromu?" Kuromu Mom: "Yes. I'm sure my daughter is nervous, and... If we saw the concert in person," Kuromu Mom: "So we'll be cheering her on from home, as usual." Mal: "...she said." Iruma: "I see." Mal: "Honestly... That whole family is a handful." Kuromu: "I'm glad the show was a success," Kuromu: "but I think I just helped Iruma stand out even more. But he was crossdressing... Still, I'm so frustrated!" Iruma: "Um..." Kuromu: "Y-Yes?" Iruma: "Can I have your autograph?" Kuromu: "Sure!" Clara: "That autograph is so cool!" : "Fan service over frustration." : "And so, the concert was a huge success." Clara: "Morning, everyone!" Iruma: "Good morning, Ku— Keroli-san!" Keroli: "J-Just so you know! I won't lose to your habit of standing out! You helped me out at the concert," Keroli: "So, um... Uh..." Keroli: "I hope you'll continue to be friends with me." : "Iruma ended up making a somewhat unique friend." Lead: "Hey, there's a page about yesterday's concert!" Goemon: "You're right." Jazz And Camui: "Let's see!" Asmodeus: "Th-This is..." Clara: "Irumi and Her Merry Band of Friends!" Clara: "That's such a good photo! Iru—" Asmodeus: "Stop that! This will cause a huge mess if the others find out!" Asmodeus: "As a member of the Asmodeus fam... Don't eat that!" Lead: "The mysterious trio who showed up at Kuromu-chan's concert was awesome!" Jazz: "Yeah." Camui: "So cute and beautiful... But for some reason, my heart doesn't seem to flutter..." Goemon: "I'm a fan of the blue-haired one." : "He made a somewhat unique friend... perhaps." Clara: "Su-ki-ma! Kapow!" : "Clara forced the costumes on them, so..." Iruma: "I know I said I'd figure out how to put it on myself, but..." Iruma: "How do girls' clothes even work?" Iruma: "Why is there a zipper here? Can I just put this over my head? This is really hard, isn't it, Azz-ku—" Asmodeus: "What?" : "Perfection." Asmodeus: "No! It's not!" Asmodeus: "It's not like I'm used to wearing them!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, are you listening?!" Clara: "From the left... Rolling! From the right... Rolling!" Asmodeus: "Be quiet!" Iruma: "O-Okay. Ever since I enrolled at Babyls—" Asmodeus: "Quiet! Iruma-sama is speaking!" Iruma: "It's okay. It's okay, Azz-ku—" Asmodeus: "He won't be able to say, "Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, 'You Fit Right In Now, Iruma-kun.'" He won't be able to say, "Look forward to it!" Go ahead, Iruma-sama."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 22 – Sparkling Shock", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "22", "Sparkling Shock" ] }
: "The netherworld. The realm where demons live. And the king that rules over the netherworld is..." : "the Demon King." : "But the Demon King's throne has been vacant for some time." : "Who will be the next Demon King?" Iruma Dad: "Iruma, could you carry these for me?" Iruma: "Sure!" Iruma Mom: "Could you clean the toilet, too?" Iruma: "Sure, sure!" Iruma Dad: "You're such a good boy, Iruma." Iruma Dad: "So..." Iruma Parents: "Do you mind if we sell you off to a demon?" Iruma: "Sure..." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, was sold to the demon Sullivan by his stupid parents. "The netherworld is a scary place." "I have to make sure they don't find out I'm human." Or so he thought..." Iruma: "What a peaceful morning..." : "Iruma has gotten so used to the netherworld that this feels like a peaceful morning to him." Iruma: "I have a feeling today's gonna be another great day!" All: ""You Fit Right In Now, Iruma-kun."" Iruma: "Good morning, Grandpa." Sullivan: "Good morning, Iruma-kun!" Opera: "Good morning. Here is your Hell Grey tea." Iruma: "Thank you!" Iruma: "Time to eat!" Sullivan: "We can make plenty more if that's not enough." Sullivan: "No need to hold back." Iruma: "Okay! It's so yummy!" Clara: "Iruma-chi, morning mon-mon!" Iruma: "It's already time to go?" Sullivan: "Iruma-kun! Do you want to use Grandpa's special carriage? It's been a while. Come on, let's use it! Let's do it!" Iruma: "Th-Th-That's okay... Off I go!" Sullivan: "Iruma-kun! Sadness..." Opera: "Have a good day." Asmodeus: "One, two, one, two..." Clara: "Two, one, two, one..." Asmodeus: "I will strengthen my legs with you, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Let's race!" Clara: "I get it... You must be afraid of losing to me, Azz-Azz." Asmodeus: "Wh-Who would lose to the likes of you?! I'll reduce you to tears!" Iruma: "U-Um, guys?" Both: "Ready... Go!" Iruma: "Er, uh..." Clara: "Hurry up, Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "What?!" Boy: "Morning." Girl: "Good morning!" Guy: "Good morning!" Johnny: "Good morning, everyone." Student Council: "Good morning!" Dosanko: "Oh, good morning." Konatsu; Haruno; Eiko: "Good morning." Asmodeus: "Good morning!" Johnny: "No running in the school!" Dosanko: "Oh, you mean little breeze. You're making my heart flutter... Oh?" Dosanko: "Badump..." Asmodeus: "Pardon me." Asmodeus: "Hold it, you!" Azuki: "Asmodeus-sama!" Konatsu: "He's so full of devi spirit so early in the morning." Haruno: "He's so devi charming. Please set my heart ablaze!" Dosanko: "Today's our very own anniversary of exhilaration." Kalego: "Instructor Morax will be out for a week due to back pain, so Momonoki-sensei will be in charge of first period basic magic. That is all." Kalego: "That concludes homeroom. Go to your first period class now." Kalego: "Don't cause a ruckus! Don't trouble the other students or teachers!" Kalego: "You may be demons, but..." Kalego: "Silence." Momonoki: "We will be continuing our basic magic course today, starting with page 66. Please open your textbooks." Momonoki: "All right. Please read the next part, Valac-san." Clara: "Okay! "Chapter two: Thank Goodness I Was Born a Demon."" Schneider: "Why are we alive? We're learning to find that out." Camui: "Why are girls so charming? I'm researching to find that out." Lead: "Yeah, Kuromu-chan's the best." Jazz: "Her new song was number one on the Demonicon Chart." Lead: "Seriously? That's devi cool!" Goemon: "I bought 66 copies. Would you like a snack?" Momonoki: "You three, be quiet!" Momonoki: "O-Oh, dear... I just couldn't hold back." Elizabetta: "My, what a cute little frog." g: "Ribbi-ribbit, ribbi-ribbit." Goemon: "I-I'm so sorry about this!" Camui: "That's not fair! Gaaaaarp!" Momonoki: "Th-That was an example of basic magic: transformation magic. As you can see, it doesn't last long on anyone who resists the spell." Sabro: "I see!" Iruma: "Congrats on making number one on the Demonicon Chart." Keroli: "Please don't talk about that at school! Thanks, though." Sabro: ""He shall descend from a foreign realm and wear... the golden Ring of Solomon on his right hand."" Demon King Battler Prez: "Ah, yes. Your presentations are always wonderful, Sir Sabnock." Sabro: "Of course they are, because I am going to be the Demon King!" Eiko: "I didn't get to see Iruma-san or President Ameri today." Gaako: "Eiko, I'm going on ahead." Eiko: "I'll definitely find them tomorrow!" Iruma: ""Kakeru-kun, please tell me. What happened?"" Kakeru: "I... I can't tell anyone. I can't tell you, either!" Rin: "No!" Kakeru; Rin: "Babam!" Sayo: "Everyone has secrets." Rin: "Sayo-san!" Sayo: "Secrets they can't tell anyone else." Kakeru: "Sorry!" Rin: "Kakeru-kun! It looked as though Kakeru-kun's back was crying." Rin: "Kakeru-kun, please don't cry." Rin: "Listen. The crows are laughing so gleefully." Iruma: ""To be continued in the next volume."" Ameri: "The way Kakeru must feel as he yearns to tell her the truth, but can't... It's so painful!" Iruma: "Yes!" Ameri: "And her rival Sayo's line was also excellent! "Everyone has secrets."" Ameri: "Everyone has secrets?" Ameri: "That dem-dol named Irumi truly looked like Iruma." Ameri: "Could she be his relative? No... If Iruma is human," Ameri: "Do they just look alike?" Ameri: "Iruma himself couldn't possibly have..." Ameri: "been in that frilly... fluffy dress?!" Iruma: "Um... Ameri-san?" Ameri: "I-Iruma... Do you happen to have... a secret... I mean, is anything bothering you? Are you feeling stressed?" Iruma: "Is anything bothering me?" Iruma: "I can't think of anything." Ameri: "I-I see... All right, then." Ameri: "If anything ever happens, feel free to talk to me at any time." Iruma: "Huh? Sure... Thank you very much." Ameri: "Are they different people, after all?" Iruma: "Ameri-san, mind if I have a snack?" Ameri: "Oh, have as much as you'd like." Ameri: "Badump! Badump! Badump!" Iruma: "It's yummy." Ameri: "Why is my heart pounding so? It's not as if he's using any charms!" Asmodeus: "I cannot lose, for Iruma-sama's sake as well as my own!" Iruma: "Hey, you might fall if you're not careful! And jeez, you're fast!" Iruma: "This feels so nice." Iruma: "This is so yummy!" Iruma: "Today was so much fun!" Iruma: "And my bed's so fluffy and warm, too..." Iruma: "Wait! Am I totally fitting into the netherworld now?!" : "Iruma finally realized... Yes. You fit right in now, Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "I was working on the tuna boat when Grandpa brought me here... I get to eat all I want, and I can even go to school." Asmodeus: "What is Iruma-sama thinking about?" Clara: "No idea!" Asmodeus: "I figured as much." Henri: "We erased all their memories of the netherworld and sent them home. Iruma-kun... If you are seeking help..." Iruma: "He said that, but..." Iruma: "I'm human." Iruma: "Can I really just stay here in the netherworld?" Asmodeus: "He must be tired. I can't blame him." Asmodeus: "He hashn't even had a moment to resht..." Clara: "Let's perk him all up again with yummy food!" Asmodeus: "As if Iruma-sama would feel better after a meal... Actually... A meal, eh? A meal. Iruma-sama loves to eat. You might have come up with a good idea for once, Valac." Asmodeus: "Now, listen. This must absolutely be kept secret from Iruma-sama." Clara: "Roger! We're going to make a meal for Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "We're going to make a meal for Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Yay!" Asmodeus: "Well, we've got the ingredients." Clara: "We bought them at Come-Come's place." Asmodeus: "We bought them with my Demon Star Platinum card." Clara: "Asked a chef..." Asmodeus: "With my Demon Star—" Clara: "Gonna go rolly-rolly on Mr. Cutting Board." Asmodeus: "Listen to me!" Clara: "Heya! I have recipes!" Asmodeus: "Where'd that even come from?!" Clara: "They're Mommy's very own! Nothing beats Mommy's cooking." Asmodeus: "What?" Clara: "Muffle wuffle crackle bang!" Asmodeus: "Say what?!" Clara: "What?" Clara: "You don't know what this is?" Asmodeus: "Of course not! Muffle... what?" Asmodeus: "A dish I've never heard of, despite being knowledgeable about the netherworld... But if I dare ask her, my dignity will be shattered!" Asmodeus: "I-I do..." Clara: "Right, right. Of course you do! You're in charge of step one, then, Azz-Azz!" Asmodeus: ""Step one... Cut the muffle, finely. Step two... Make sure it gets along with the faafaa and jinwarisan. Step three... Have them meet up with tanesshi." I don't understand a word of this!" Clara: "Bring the stuff over when you're done!" Asmodeus: "Think... Judging by the picture, it looks like... fried chicken? Wait, no! It's muffle! Muffle... Is it something sweet? Muffle... Waffle! Oh, they're waffles!" Asmodeus: "No, that's a trap. "Crackle" is right in the name. It has to be something harder than waffles. Hard... Are they cookies?! A noble like myself has never heard the term, but I guess commoners call their cookies "muffles"! That must be it." Asmodeus: "So, I have to cut something finely in step one... Which means... I've figured it out! This must be it!" Asmodeus: "Here you go! Finely chopped chocolate!" Clara: "Azz-Azz, you put chocolate on your fried chicken?" Asmodeus: "It was fried chicken! It was fried chicken! It was fried chi— It was fried chicken!" Clara: "That's pretty strange. Is it good, at least?" Asmodeus: "If it's fried chicken, just call it fried chicken!" Clara: "But we call it "muffle wuffle" at my house! Cute nickname, huh?" Asmodeus: "Don't assume your household rules apply elsewhere, you moron!" Clara: "But you said you knew what it was." Asmodeus: "That's enough! I'll do it! You just sit!" Clara: "But you know, Azz-Azz... You wear pretty weird clothes." Asmodeus: "Huh?" Clara: "The top part is short, the bottom part is long. It's white. And you have swirly designs on your chest. Talk about tacky." Asmodeus: "What in the world are you talking about?!" Asmodeus: "This is a custom uniform made from the best materials by the high fashion brand Akumani. I had it made for the entrance ceremony." Clara: "Custard-san? Never heard of them." Asmodeus: "Custard who?" Clara: "Give that back! If you make it, it's gonna taste all weird!" Asmodeus: "If you make the dish, it's going to taste foolish!" Both: "I can make it better!" Some Voice: "Fight!" Clara: "We'll both feed Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "Whichever dish Iruma-sama says is delicious wins!" Both: "The deadline is tomorrow morning!" Sabro: "Are you ill?" Clara: "I pretty much tried combining all of my favorite foods... I think... it's good... maybe." Asmodeus: "Don't assume your household rules apply elsewhere, you moron!" Clara: "I think it needs a little something else. Maybe this won't be enough to cheer up Iruma-chi." Mommy: "You seem troubled, my daughter." Clara: "Mommy." Mommy: "Listen well, Clara. When you're cooking, the most important ingredient is love." Clara: "Love?" Mommy: "You want Iruma-kun to cheer up, right?" Clara: "Yeah!" Mommy: "Don't worry, then! Just pour them in! All those feelings! The love!" Babies: "Wuv!" Clara: "Okay, Mommy!" Konchie/Keebow: "Yay!" Mommy: "Nom, nom, nom, the thing that everyone loves most" Kids: "Mommy's homemade cooking!" Konchie/Keebow: "Delicious!" Kids: "Munch, munch, munch, our stomachs and hearts" Mommy: "are completely full!" Clara/Babies: "We're so, so happy!" Konchie/Keebow: "Happy-py!" All: "Boil, boil, boil" Clara: "Fill it with lots of love! Om nom nom, that's the best seasoning!" Clara: "Hey, is it good? Gulp, gulp" All: "Our mouths are filled with love" Clara: "Dream-moon-moon" mily: "It's not a dream!" Mommy: "Flavor is important, but so is love!" Kids: "Try imagining their happy faces" Clara: "My chest feels hot! I want them to eat it, I want them to say it's yummy" Konchie/Keebow: "Fill it with love, love, love" Mommy/Babies: "Fill it with love, love, love" All: "Overflowing with love!" David: "Steak! Roast devibeef! Devi yakitori! Meat pie! Well done, Alice-sama. They're all perfect." Asmodeus: "Yes, they are... Just commonly perfect. That's not good enough! This is for Iruma-sama! Who knows what kind of strategy Clara will use?" Valac Family: "Overflowing—" Asmodeus: "I need to make something more special and mind-blowing!" David: "Alice-sama, please do mind your manners." Asmodeus: "Something more elegant and emotional..." David: "In that case, why not try a fish dish in addition to a meat dish?" Asmodeus: "F-Fish?" Asmodeus: "Devituna..." David: "You can stew it, grill it, steam it, or even eat it raw... Alice-sama?!" David: "Are you still scared of fish?" David: "I thought you'd be all right with it now that you've grown up." Asmodeus: "I-I can't deal with the smell. But... If it's for Iruma-sama, I, Asmodeus Alice, will overcome any hurdle!" David: "Alice-sama! You can do this!" Maids: "We believe in you, Alice-sama!" : "Asmodeus's battle continued into the morning." : "And, apparently, Clara was also dancing into the morning." Clara: "Okay, eat up!" Asmodeus: "Please, enjoy..." Iruma: "You two made these for me?" Asmodeus: "Indeed." Iruma: "My feels... You both did this for me..." Iruma: "Thank you! I'll dig in right now!" Clara: "Badump, badump..." Iruma: "Nom, nom..." Clara: "Badump, badump!" Iruma: "It's so yummy!" Asmodeus: "Badump, badump..." Iruma: "Nom." Asmodeus: "Badump, badump!" Iruma: "Gulp. It's so yummy!" Asmodeus: "Which one was better?!" Clara: "It's mine, right?" Asmodeus: "No, no, it's mine!" Clara: "It's mine!" Iruma: "Wait, which..." Clara: "Pick one!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, have a bite of this for a palate cleanser!" Clara: "No fair, Azz-Azz!" Asmodeus: "It's perfectly fair!" Clara: "Iruma-chi, you cheater!" Asmodeus: "Out of the way!" Clara: "You move, Azz-Azz!" Iruma: "So yummy!" Both: "Which?!" Iruma: "Both are really yummy." Iruma: "Like, really!" Iruma: "Here!" Asmodeus: "This is..." Clara: "...yummy." Iruma: "Right?" Iruma: "I think I like that the best. Thank you so much, you two!" Iruma: "This is the best!" Clara: "Looks like Iruma-chi is all better now." Asmodeus: "Indeed. And it did taste better when we combined them both." Clara: "Yeah." Asmodeus: "Looks like it's a draw." Clara: "Mm." Asmodeus: "You fool! Of course black would look better on Iruma-sama!" Clara: "No! Yellow is better! You have no taste, Azz-Azz! You won't be popular at all!" Asmodeus: "What?! Of course I'm popular!" Clara: "Wow, you just said you're so popular that you don't know what to do with yourself!" Asmodeus: "I did not!" Clara: "So you want to be popular!" Iruma: "Truly..." Iruma: "So much has happened since I came to the netherworld." Iruma: "I may be human, but I'm having so much fun here." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama?" Clara: "Iruma-chi?" Clara: "Let's go, Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "We have magical PE next." Iruma: "I have two people who'll do anything for me..." Iruma: "My first two friends." Asmodeus: "Is something the matter?" Iruma: "Uh, it's nothing. Let's go." Clara: "I'm gonna run like bam! And dash like vroom! Then go kaboom and explode! It's so much fun!" Iruma: "I'm going to continue my life here," Iruma: "in the netherworld." Sullivan: "Berobuppigaa zabagerrogero. Good morning, Iruma-kun! It's time for breakfast! It's a beautiful day out there! Do you want to go for a walk?" Evil Iruma: "...loud." Sullivan: "Huh? Shock..." Evil Iruma: "I said, it's the butt-crack of dawn and you're so damn loud," Evil Iruma: "you old geezer." : "Sullivan's surprising morning." : "What in the world happened to Iruma?"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 23 – You Fit Right In Now, Iruma-kun", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "23", "You Fit Right In Now, Iruma-kun" ] }
Clara: "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, rawr! I wonder who I should play with today." : "The netherworld. The realm where demons live. And the king that rules over the netherworld is... the Demon King." : "But the Demon King's throne has been vacant for some time." : "Who will be the next Demon King?" Asmodeus: "There's something going on inside." Clara: "Rolling!" Iruma: "Hey!" Iruma: "A-Are you okay?" Clara: "Strike!" Clara: "I'm Clara! And my right foot is Connor, and my left foot is Murf! My familiar is Falfal! See, I was trying to grab some teaching aids, but I got too excited and crashed! When you see a bunch of stuff piled up, don't you just wanna go "kaboom"?! You do, right?! I'm gonna do it again, so watch me, okay?!" Dali: "Hey, stop stacking those!" Asmodeus: "That's Valac Clara." Asmodeus: "She's a pain if she gets attached to you, so no one goes near her." Iruma: "A pain?" Dali: "Stop it!" Dali: "Iruma-kun..." Clara: "Iruma! Asmodeus!" Dali: "I'll leave the rest to you." Dali: "Off you go." Dali: "Oh, you forgot your textbooks." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! Are you all right, Iruma-sama?!" Clara: "Iruma-chi! Azz-Azz!" Iruma: "Iruma-chi?" Asmodeus: "Azz-Azz?" Clara: "I've got lots of things! A spiky ball!" Clara: "A broken, blood-stained family murder house set!" Asmodeus: "Let us flee." Iruma: "Huh? B-But..." Iruma: ""Please"?" Clara: "Please... Please... Please..." : "Iruma can't decline a request from anyone." Clara: "Beautiful tree!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Iruma-chi, be a really strong wind next, please. Please... Please... Please... Please... Please... Nice wind!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Iruma-chi, be my pet demon dog next. Please? Please... Please... Please... Please... Please... Please..." Iruma: "Woof!" Clara: "Good boy!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama?!" Clara: "Azz-Azz," Asmodeus: "You can't be serious!" Iruma: "Let's play together, Azz-kun!" Asmodeus: "Hurry up and divorce him! You're the worst wife ever!" Iruma: "You're amazing! A natural!" Clara: "Hi-yah!" Asmodeus: "What in the world are you doing?!" Clara: "Come on, Iruma-chi. Stop us." Iruma: "Huh? What do you want the dog to do?" Iruma: "We need someone to play the husband and the cat." Clara: "Connor and Murf can play them. Here you go!" Iruma: "Hi... Huh?!" Clara: "Azz-Azz, the husband's here." Clara: "Now, now," Clara: "Run! Run!" Iruma: "A-Are you okay?" Asmodeus: "Perfectly fine..." Clara: "Yay! Yay, yay!" Asmodeus: "You'll regret this, Valac..." Iruma: "I wonder what room that is." Clara: "Tehehetehe! Kaboom!" Iruma: "I can't... anymore... Two hours nonstop..." Clara: "Are you out of energy?" Clara: "Here, have a drink." Iruma: "Thanks." Iruma: "What's that?" Clara: "They're my family's specialty!" Clara: "I can make anything I've seen before appear!" Iruma: "Really? That's amazing!" Yocchan: "Oh, hey, Clarin." Clara: "Yocchin!" Yocchan: "There, there." Clara: "Yup!" Iruma: "Owners?" Yocchan: "Well, whatever." Clara: "'Kay." Clara: "Here." Yocchan: "Thanks." Guys: "See ya." Clara: "Bye-bye!" Iruma: "Who was that?" Clara: "Well, see," Clara: "and they even play with me sometimes!" Yocchan: "Clarin, could we get some snacks?" Clara: "Sure!" Clara: "Here." Yocchan: "Thanks. Go fetch, Clarin!" Clara: "Woof! Woof, woof, woof, woof!" Yocchan: "Give us some popsicles." Yocchan: "Thanks. Okay, time for some hide-and-seek." Yocchan: "Now, count to 50,000." Clara: "One... two... three... four... 20,158... 20,159... 20,160... 20,161... 20,162... 20,163... 20,164..." Iruma: "Isn't that..." Clara: "Oh, but..." Clara: "So, um..." Iruma: "Sure!" Asmodeus: "Let's not, Iruma-sama... We'll catch her stupidity." Clara: "Azz-Azz, you alive again?" Iruma: "Th-That's gonna give me a heart attack..." Iruma: "See you later!" Sullivan: "Have a good day!" Opera: "It appears he's gotten quite used to that school." Sullivan: "Indeed! I had no idea watching my grandson grow could make me so happy." Clara: "So high!" Asmodeus: "No peeking!" Clara: "Don't be so shy, Azz-Azz!" Asmodeus: "What are you talking about?!" Asmodeus: "Stop that! No, it's not! No, it's not! I said no, it's not!" Clara: "Here you go, Iruma-chi and Azz-Azz!" Iruma: "Thanks." Clara: "I'm gonna play with them again today!" Guy A: "Man, that honor student has weird taste." Guy A: "He's still hanging out with her." Guy B: "Why would he bother with that stupid girl?" Yocchan: "Duh, it's because she's so convenient to have around. Just put up with her once in a while" Yocchan: "I'm sure the honor student will get tired of her soon." Both: "You're so clever, Yocchan." Clara: "I already knew that." Iruma: "Clara..." Clara: "Clean hit! Hey, know what? This is my favorite snack!" Clara: "You can have them all!" Clara: "Go on!" Iruma: "I-I don't want them." Clara: "This snack is super yummy!" Clara: "Oh, actually, this one's—" Iruma: "I'm sorry. Clara, I—" Iruma: "Wait, Clara?!" Clara: "It's happening again! It always happens! Everyone gets tired of me and won't play with me anymore!" Iruma: "No! That's not it!" Clara: "You said you didn't want them!" Iruma: "Listen!" Clara: "It's no use, then! I'm stupid," Clara: "It's to make up for me being a nuisance!" Iruma: "I still want to play with you even without those things!" Clara: "Huh?" Iruma: "Because I have a lot of fun playing with you, Clara." Clara: "Really?" Iruma: "Yeah, really!" Iruma: "But I don't think you need to give me things for me to play with you. You do go a bit overboard, but I'm not the best at playing," Iruma: "So will you play with us again?" Clara: "Yeah!" Clara: "Wow!" Clara: "The first time! The first time! Someone asked me to play! What should I do, Iruma-chi?! What should I do? Wh-Wh-What should I do?!" Iruma: "I think this is the first time I've ever asked someone to play, too." Clara: "What should I do, Iruma-chi?" Yocchan: "Hey, Clarin!" Yocchan: "Could you get us some drinks again?" Iruma: "Wait... Clara..." Clara: "Just watch." Yocchan: "Can I get three cold..." Yocchan: "...ones?" Both: "Yocchan!" Clara: "You can drink all you want if you give it money. Bye-bye!" Iruma: "Yeah, you definitely go overboard." Clara: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "As you commanded," Iruma: "Th-Thanks, Azz-kun. Um..." Asmodeus: "Why, yes. Extremely peacefully." Iruma: "I-I see..." Clara: "I got a hit! You get to be my canvas, Azz-Azz, 'cause you're dressed all in white!" Asmodeus: "Why, you..." Clara: "Have some slime paint! Iruma-chi, you get blue." Iruma: "I can't. I'm terrible at throwing." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama?!" Clara: "If you lose, you owe me a drink!" Clara: "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, please run!" : "Iruma acquired a rather cheerful playmate in his high school life." Clara: "I wonder what we should play today!" Clara: "Morning, Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "Good morning, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "You're so full of energy first thing in the morning." Sullivan: "Oh, how nice, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "Huh?! Er, actually, I'm not sure if I'd call them friends. We just sort of play together and talk." Sullivan: "I thought that was what you call "friends" in the human world. Was I wrong?" Iruma: "B-But... I have no idea how they feel! And besides..." Iruma: "Is it even okay for humans and demons to be friends?" Sullian: "Hey, I have a very important faculty meeting today, so I'm heading to school." Clara: "Let's go together! Let's go to school together!" Asmodeus: "There aren't any set plans for today," Iruma: "I-Is that so? J-Just thinking of them as my friends makes me nervous! I've never even been in a situation where I could make friends before!" Eiko: "I've gained some weight recently." Gaako: "I actually lost some weight." Eiko: "I'm so jealous." Iruma: "Wow, there's so much to choose from!" Clara: "I'm getting the Peek-a-boo lunch!" Iruma: "The food in the netherworld looks awful, but it actually tastes pretty good." Iruma: "What's that?" Asmodeus: "That's a ranking crest. Your performance at Babyls is ranked," Iruma: "Ah..." Asmodeus: "We haven't been ranked yet, so that's all we can order." Iruma: "That section's so narrow and tiny!" Asmodeus: "Also, school lunches are free," Iruma: "Ah..." Asmodeus: "Of course." Asmodeus: "If there's anything you don't like, we can share it." Iruma: "Th-Thanks!" Clara: "This seat is mine!" Iruma: ""Share"... It really sounds like something a friend would say..." Asmodeus: "My apologies. I had trouble deciding what I should have you try—" Asmodeus: "Hey! What is all this?!" Waiter: "Well, someone ordered fifty servings..." Asmodeus: "Fifty servings?" Asmodeus: "Such a lowbrow prank... Iruma-sama, please allow me to dispose of—" Iruma: "Friends... Friends..." Student: "He's eating so much... That's a ton of food." Eiko: "He can really eat a lot." Gaako: "But he's so tiny..." Dosanko: "That's hot." Asmodeus: "I-Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "Oh, was I not supposed to eat this? Sh-Should I spit it back out?" Asmodeus: "No, that's not... You eat quite a lot, I see..." Iruma: "You think so?" Iruma: "I need to eat while I still can. Pardon me, may I get seconds?" Iruma: "Seconds, please. Pardon me, may I get seconds?" Waiter: "The chef's down!" Student: "That kid's amazing!" Asmodeus: "Magnificent, Iruma-sama." Clara: "He played with me! Whenever I come to the school store, he plays with me!" Come-Come: "Not play. Threaten. You not allowed at school store. Her power reproduces what she sees." Come-Come: "Must beware this demon! Will stab shoplifters with bamboo spear." Iruma: "That's way too violent!" Come-Come: "Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab!" Students: "Such violence! It's the honor student again." Kalego: "Silence." Kalego: "Honestly." Iruma: "Are you feeling better?" Kalego: "You're the last person I want worrying about me!" : "Naberius Kalego. An instructor that Iruma turned into his familiar," Kalego: "Of course it had to be the last person I wanted to see." Iruma: "Um, about the other day..." Kalego: "Shut your mouth! Listen well, Iruma." Kalego: "Don't get a big head just because you restrained me!" Iruma: "U-Understood, sir..." Kalego: "What's all this ruckus, anyway?" Kalego: "There seems to be one more..." Clara: "I'm Clara!" Clara: "Do you like chocolate, Eggie-sensei?!" : "Obnoxious plus brash plus inconsiderate of others equals" Kalego: "I'm going home." Clara: "Is it true you're Iruma-chi's familiar?" Student: "Wait, seriously?" Clara: "Wanna see! I wanna see!" Kalego: "Release me!" Clara: "Iruma-chi, grab that sticker!" Iruma: "Huh? S-Sure..." Clara: "Now stick it on your hand. Now throw your hands up!" Kalego: "Wait, no! Don't! That'll—" Iruma: "Huzzah!" Iruma: "Oh." Students: "He really is a familiar! That's him?" Clara: "That's a summoning sticker!" Iruma: "I-I'm so sorry..." Kalego: "Forget it!" Iruma: "Huh?" Kalego: "It'll undo the summoning, you fool!" Iruma: "Oh, uh..." Come-Come: "Will punish shoplifting!" Asmodeus: "Shoplifting?" Iruma: "Oh, right! This sticker was merchandise!" Come-Come: "Shoplifting! Capital punishment!" Kalego: "Hey, wait!" Come-Come: "Pay me." Iruma: "Th-That was so scary." Asmodeus: "Thank goodness there was a decoy." Iruma: "Sh-Should we have left him there?" Clara: "Hey, hey, let's have some ice cream! These were on the ground, so I picked them up!" Iruma: "Wh-What?" Iruma: "Let's go pay for them later, okay?" Clara: "Yay, there's three." Clara: "Let's cheers!" Clara: "Let's hope all three of us are in the same class!" Iruma: "Are they announcing the classes tomorrow?" Asmodeus: "Hmph." Clara: "Me, too! Me, too!" Iruma: "Yeah..." Asmodeus: "Indeed!" Clara: "It'll be lots of fun!" Iruma: "So I can call you two..." Iruma: "m-my friends, right?" Iruma: "Huh?!" Iruma: "W-Was I wrong?!" Asmodeus: "Er, Iruma-sama..." Clara: "Are they like mochi?" Iruma: "Huh? Y-You don't know?" Asmodeus: "Embarrassingly, no..." Clara: "Ooey-gooey mochi mochis?" Iruma: "I see..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! What are these "friends"?" Clara: "Mochi! What are these ooey-gooey mochi mochis?" Iruma: "W-Well... Friends are people you play with" Iruma: "So that would make you my friend number one and friend number two." Clara: "Okay! I'm number one!" Asmodeus: "Don't you try to get ahead of me! There's no doubt that I'm number one!" Iruma: "You can both be number one, okay?" Iruma: "Also, let's go pay for that stuff..." Clara: "Glomp!" Asmodeus: "Hey! Get away from Iruma-sama this instant!" Clara: "I refuse." Asmodeus: "Unhand him!" Iruma: "There's still so much I don't understand about my life at the demon school Babyls," Iruma: "But with these two, I think I might be able to enjoy my life at school. I just hope things will continue to be peaceful." Sullivan: "So, I assume there are no objections after this faculty meeting." Sullivan: "This concludes the class assignments for the new students. Valac-kun, Asmodeus-kun, and Iruma-kun will be joining the Misfit Class for problem children!" Clara: "Su-ki-ma!" All: "We're so sorry." Asmodeus: "Here's the money for the summoning stickers and the ice cream." Come-Come: "Be more careful next time." Come-Come: "I'm so unlucky today." Iruma: "Your meal?" Come-Come: "That birdie..." Come-Come: "Roasted." Come-Come: "But he turned into a demon halfway through and ran away. So close." : "The effects of the familiar-summoning stickers wear off after a short time."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 3 – Iruma and Clara ⧸ Demon Friends", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "3", "Iruma and Clara ⧸ Demon Friends" ] }
Opera: "Have some more Hell Grey tea." Iruma: "Thank you." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun! We'll be announcing classes today," Iruma: "Special?" Sullivan: "Well, you mentioned that you didn't want to stand out, so Grandpa made your wish come true!" Iruma: "Th-Thank you for going to the trouble for me." Sullivan: "Oh, think nothing of it." Clara: "Iruma-chi! Morning!" Asmodeus: "Good morning, Iruma-sama." Sullivan: "I put your friends in the same class, too! You'll be in the Misfit Class!" Iruma: "The Misfit Class?" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. One day, he became the grandson of a demon called Sullivan. Sullivan loves to spoil Iruma to bits and is even sending him to school." : "But there is just one problem... The school Iruma is attending is the demon school Babyls." Iruma: "I need to make sure they don't find out I'm human... Or I might get eaten!" All: ""The Misfit Class."" Asmodeus: "I'm in the same class as you, Iruma-sama? That makes me so happy!" Iruma: "The only problem is that it's a class called the Misfit Class," Sullivan: "I put you in a class with lots of troublemakers who'll stand out way more than you!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama. As long as I'm in the same class as you," Iruma: "R-Really?" Asmodeus: "Come to think of it, why do you walk to school, Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "Huh? Well, um..." Asmodeus: "But of course!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, could it be..." Iruma: "Did he figure out I'm human?" Asmodeus: "...that you want to strengthen your legs? Very admirable, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Huh? Uh, er..." Student 1: "We're in the same class! That's devi cool!" Student 2: "Awesome, yay! That's devi awesome!" Iruma: "It's so conspicuous!" Asmodeus: "What do you think Iruma-sama has been talking about this whole time?!" Eiko: "I'm not in Iruma-san's class..." Gaako: "Are you okay, Eiko?" Eiko: "Yeah... I'm fine..." Asmodeus: "This is the first-years' tower." Iruma: "It has a cafeteria, right? I wonder where the Misfit Class is." Asmodeus: "All new students' classes should be here." Clara: "Look right! Look left! Look right again!" Clara: "Looks like it's this way!" Asmodeus: "That must be the arrow to lead our Iruma-sama, the honor student, down the right path. Let us follow." Clara: "This way, this way! Follow me!" Iruma: "I know this is a demon school," Iruma: "I didn't really get to go to school before," Student D: "Huh?" Student E: "What?" Student D: "My necklace!" Student E: "My earrings! They're gone!" Jazz: "My bad. It's a habit." Clara: "Hold it! Hey! You're so fast!" Iruma: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "It appears we've ended up back outside." Clara: "Iruma-chi, Azz-Azz, this way!" Clara: "So exciting!" Asmodeus: "It's underground? There's a classroom in a place like this?" Clara: "I wonder how far we're going." Iruma: "It stinks!" Asmodeus: "This is a garbage dumping site." Clara: "It goes down further!" Asmodeus: "Here?" Iruma: "Wow..." Iruma: "It opened?" Clara: "Charge!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama?!" Iruma: "What the heck?!" Lead: "Well done!" Elizabetta: "Wonderful!" Camui: "No wonder he's the honor student!" Goemon: "I'd like to see that again!" Schneider: "Hardship makes a man." Clara: "You're amazing, Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "Huh?" Goemon: "But I was wrong." Lead: "Heck yeah! I win." Jazz: "All right, I'm handing out the winnings. Okay, okay, line up." Asmodeus: "Hey! What in the world are you doing?!" Jazz: "What? It was just a prank." Lead: "Yeah, we were betting on how many would hit him." Iruma: "So this is the Misfit Class..." Lead: "Man, you're the only one who's ever dodged all of them." Elizabetta: "Though we did have someone who caught all of them." Asmodeus: "Caught them?" Sabnock: "Ridiculous!" Sabnock: "I would never do anything as cowardly as dodging them!" Both: "He caught them, all right!" Clara: "You're huge!" Sabnock: "I, Sabnock Sabro," Iruma: "D-Demon King?" : "The Demon King." : "The one who rules over the netherworld and all its inhabitants." : "But the Demon King's throne has been vacant for hundreds of years." Sabnock: "Listen well, honor student! I will become Yodh first, and then become the next Demon King!" Sabnock: "Thou shalt kneel before me when I become Yodh!" Iruma: "Um..." Sabnock: ""Thou" is you. "I (unu)" is me. And Yodh is the highest demon rank!" : "A quick and easy lesson on demons. There are ten ranks of demon, and the highest of them is Yodh. The Demon King, ruler of the netherworld, is selected from among the Yodh." Sabnock: "The Demon King is the most powerful of all demons, and their ruler! And the next Demon King shall be me!" Clara: "He's so huge. He's like a mountain." Sabnock: "And for that, I need to rise up the ranks! Therefore, I despise anyone who might rank higher than me!" Lead: "That's why you picked a fight with a teacher and ended up in this class." Jazz: "Yeah, you even made the school paper." Sabnock: "I figured defeating a teacher was the quickest way to climb the ranks." Iruma: "I-I see..." Sabnock: "Don't "I see" me!" Sabnock: "You didn't even know what Yodh was?" Iruma: "Gulp." Asmodeus: "That's enough rudeness out of you, Sabnock." Sabnock: "Ah, Asmodeus." Sabnock: "The top of the class." Asmodeus: "Indeed, I did." Sabnock: "But I summoned a Kelbie!" Asmodeus: "What kind of absurd reasoning is that?!" Sabnock: "Of course, the moment you became the honor student's slave," Sabnock: "Sorry about that." Asmodeus: "Who even needs a title like that?! And I am not Iruma-sama's slave. I am Iruma-sama's... friend!" Sabnock: "F-Frie..." Elizabetta: "What's he talking about?" Goemon: "I've never heard that word before." Clara: "Yay, friends!" Asmodeus: "Then let me tell you." Iruma: "Er, you really don't have to say it so loud..." Asmodeus: "Friends spend time together, share each other's pleasure and pain, and form a blood pact of their willingness to die for one another!" Iruma: "H-He really dramatized that!" Iruma: "Friends? And it's working?!" Lead: "Who cares about that?" Picero: "What the hell?" Elizabetta: "That sounds cool." Kalego: "Silence!" Kalego: "I can hear you all the way outside. Can't you be more silent?" Iruma: "Kalego-sensei!" Clara: "Are you in charge of this class, Eggie-sensei?!" Kalego: "Yes, thanks to you. The other day," Kalego: "while I was absent, I was appointed this class's teacher." Iruma: "I-I can't look him in the eye..." Kalego: "I'm calling the roll." Kalego: "Asmodeus Alice." Asmodeus: "Yes, sir." Kalego: "Allocer Schneider." Schneider: "I am a thinking reed." Kalego: "Andro M. Jazz." Jazz: "Here." Kalego: "X Elizabetta." Elizabetta: "Here." Kalego: "Valac Clara." Clara: "I'm here, Eggie-sensei!" Kalego: "Stop calling me that." Kalego: "Caim Camui." Kalego: "Are you not here, Caim Camui?" Camui: "H-Here!" Kalego: "Garp Goemon." Goemon: "I am here." Kalego: "Crocell Keroli." Keroli: "Here..." Kalego: "Shax Lead." Lead: "Here. Here, here!" Kalego: "Sabnock Sabro." Sabnock: "Indeed!" Kalego: "Purson Soi." Kalego: "And Iruma." Iruma: "Here..." Kalego: "Now, let us begin class." Kalego: "All of you, outside. You idiotic troublemakers. We're going to determine your ranks." Iruma: "Ranks?" Kalego: "The first lesson is a race to the flag at the end of this valley. Your ranks will be determined by the familiar-summoning exam" Kalego: "The goal is the flag that sits atop a heugh covered in mist far beyond this valley." Kalego: "I will now explain the course." Announcer: "I will now explain the course! It's a bit longer," Announcer: "And then there's the Cutthroat Valley course! There are lots of dangers and traps along the way! Beware of the countless mountains and" Asmodeus: "The Cutthroat Valley course is shorter," Iruma: "Y-Yeah..." Announcer: "Okay, then! Let's g—" Lead: "He still hates it." Goemon: "I figured he still hated that cute thing." Kalego: "That's it for the explanation." Sabnock: "The only way to get through this quickly is Cutthroat Valley!" Kalego: "The only option this year is to go through Warbling Valley." Sabnock: "Huh?! Hold it! Why?!" Kalego: "For some reason, the guardian of Cutthroat Valley has been moody lately." Iruma: "The guardian of Cutthroat Valley?" Kalego: "An enormous magical beast that rules over Cutthroat Valley." Iruma: "M-Magical beast?" Kalego: "That's why no one may enter it." Kalego: "We can't guarantee your safety if you run into it." Sabnock: "I'm going through Cutthroat Valley!" Kalego: "Who cares?!" Kalego: "All of you, get ready." Kalego: "We will now begin the flying race." Kalego: "Ready... go!" Lead: "Go, go!" Goemon: "See ya." Iruma: "I won't—" Kalego: "Get moving." Kalego: "Now, then..." Tea Server: "Here's your Hell Grey tea." Demon B: "Rawr!" Picero: "So sleepy..." Lead: "Crap. I forgot to save before the boss fight." Camui: "Ahem." Elizabetta: "Are you hitting on us?" Camui: "Absolutely not!" Elizabetta: "Wow, you're so honest." Camui: "Would you say..." Elizabetta: "It's out!" Camui: "You have 26.5-centimeter feet!" Demonitor 2: "This is Demonitor 2." Jazz: "Say," Schneider: "If you boil it, do so for 8 minutes." Kalego: "I'm surrounded by idiots. Please tell me at least one of you is decent!" Demonitor 3: "This is Demonitor 3." Asmodeus: "I guess I can't just avoid them." Asmodeus: "Gorgon Snake!" Asmodeus: "Burn them to the ground!" Asmodeus: "Well done." Clara: "Wowie! One more time! One more time!" Asmodeus: "You... When did you..." Clara: "Well, see, right at the start..." Clara: "I was already on your back!" Clara: "And then..." Asmodeus: "Don't get bored of your own explanation!" Asmodeus: "That's..." Asmodeus: "Sabnock?" Asmodeus: "That direction is..." Clara: "Hey, Azz-Azz!" Clara: "Azz-Azz, help! I'm tangled and can't get free!" Asmodeus: "Stop struggling!" Cp Demon: "That way's dangerous! Danger!" Kalego: "So Sabnock went that way, after all... Every year, there's at least one idiot like you." Sabnock: "Curses!" Sabnock: "This is how it should be!" Sabnock: "And that is why everyone who dreams of being Demon King" Sabnock: "Who cares about some guardian?!" Sabnock: "I'll crush the beast myself!" Sabnock: "I will begin my military rule as Demon King from this valley!" Kalego: "Well, if we're lucky, we'll be able to at least retrieve his arm or leg." Kalego: "On the bright side... I don't mind having one less idiot to worry about. Come to think of it," Kalego: "The Demonitors must have lost him." : "Allow me to explain why Iruma is in this situation. After being thrown off the cliff," : "Iruma was caught by some rather curious demon crows as he was falling. After an intense battle, he's now being carried away." Iruma: "Wait..." Iruma: "I hope it savors every last bite, at least..." Clara: "Azz-Azz..." Clara: "Azz-Azz, you know what?" Clara: "Azz-Azz, thanks for everything. Don't forget about me, okay, Azz-Azz?" Asmodeus: "Let go of me!" Clara: "I'm back, Azz-Azz." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama hasn't arrived yet." Asmodeus: "Should we go fetch him?" Asmodeus: "No," Asmodeus: "He must've passed by as I was standing idle." Asmodeus: "Or he might've gone through Cutthroat Valley just like Sabnock." Clara: "Okay, let's regain our composure and go, Azz-Azz!" Asmodeus: "Get off of me!" Iruma: "What's this?" Iruma: "I'm finished." Iruma: "It's gonna eat me!" Iruma: "Wait, you're..." Iruma: "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! Oh, I see." Iruma: "But what can I do?" Iruma: "Maybe this will..." Iruma: "It's okay." Iruma: "So..." Iruma: "Can I?" Iruma: "Thank you! Just one second, okay? I'll rip off part of my clothes and..." Iruma: "Huh? It's all better! Huh? But how? Wow." Iruma: "So humans in the netherworld have powers like this..." Iruma: "But if just a bit of blood did that..." Iruma: "I'm so happy for you!" Iruma: "Oh, right. I was about to get eaten. I-If you could just get it over with in one gulp..." Iruma: "I'm gonna live?" Iruma: "You're giving me a ride?" Sabnock: "S-So this is..." Sabnock: "Curses..." Sabnock: "I may die." Clara: "Su-ki-ma!" Sabnock: "I will take the throne as Demon King!" Lead: "She's still going at it..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! Let's make something similar to that! That'll finally shut that moron up!" Iruma: "Sh-She looks like she's having fun." Iruma: "Oh, thank goodness. I thought the giant birdie was going to eat me. Where are you trying to take me, birdie? I don't think the goal's that way. Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, "The One Who Wants to Be Demon King." Say..."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 4 – The Misfit Class", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "4", "The Misfit Class" ] }
: "Iruma's first lesson after joining the Misfit Class was a flying race." : "But Sabnock chose the more dangerous course and..." Sabnock: "So this is... the guardian of Cutthroat Valley!" Sabnock: "At this rate... Before I even become the Demon King..." Sabnock: "I may die." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. One day, he became the grandson of a demon called Sullivan." : "Sullivan loves to spoil Iruma to bits and is even sending him to school. But there is just one problem..." : "The school Iruma is attending is the demon school Babyls." Iruma: "I need to make sure they don't find out I'm human..." Iruma: "Or I might get eaten!" All: ""The One Who Wants to Be Demon King."" Iruma: "Whoa!" : "By the way," : "is a demon bird that went through some things" : "It seems to have grown attached to Iruma." Iruma: "I wonder if it's just going to take me straight to the goal." Sabnock: "I was too careless!" Sabnock: "At this rate..." Sabnock: "I'm going to... die..." Sabnock: "The Guardian of Cutthroat Valley... Just as its name suggests, it is a formidable foe!" Sabnock: "I cannot lose here! I..." Sabnock Age 5: "The Demon King Prophecy Scroll? "He shall make one and all his servants..."" Sabnock Dad: "Listen well, Sabro. You are destined to become the Demon King. Make our family's wish come true." Sabnock Age 5: "Yes, sir!" Sabnock: "Destiny?" Sabnock Brother: "Farewell, Sabro. We will one day fight for the Demon King's throne." Sabnock Age 7: "Big brother!" Sabnock: "Fate?" Sabnock Sister: "Big brother," Sabnock Sister: "No matter what..." Sabnock: "A promise?" Sabnock: "None of that actually happened! My older brother is a pacifist," Sabnock: "The reason I want to become the Demon King..." Sabnock: "is just because that's the coolest thing you can be! Because I was born a demon," Sabnock: "Why, you..." Sabnock: "I will not..." Sabnock: "I will not become a lame demon like him" Sabnock: "I have no regrets..." Sabnock: "My ambition has brought me this far!" Sabnock: "I have seen my will through to the end!" Iruma: "Sabnock-kun!" Sabnock: "Iruma!" Sabnock: "What art thou doing here?" Iruma: "What am I doing here?" Iruma: "I saw you, so I just..." Sabnock: "Could that be..." Iruma: "Guardian?" Iruma: "The Guardian's child?" Sabnock: "This is my chance to attack!" Iruma: "Guardian!" Iruma: "You must've been upset because your child was injured!" Iruma: "Oh, we won't do anything. Right?" Sabnock: "Huh?!" Sabnock: "What art thou saying?" Iruma: "Right?" Iruma: "Put it down." Sabnock: "But..." Iruma: "Quickly." Sabnock: "The Guardian is... bowing..." Iruma: "Oh, no!" Iruma: "Really, it was no problem!" Iruma: "I'm really happy for you!" Sabnock: "So this is the honor student Iruma... What an unbelievable demon!" Iruma: "You shouldn't fly around too much yet!" Kalego: "Someone should have reached the goal by now..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "Where is Iruma-sama?" Kalego: "I guess you're first." Clara: "Yay!" Kalego: "And... she's second?" Asmodeus: "You need to go back to the start line and fly here yourself!" : "By the way, Clara spent most of the race on Asmodeus's back." Clara: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "I figured he'd have reached the goal already." Elizabetta: "Those two sure are late." Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Kalego: "There's no point in waiting." Kalego: "Silence!" Kalego: "I will now announce the ranks." Asmodeus: "Hold it!" Kalego: "Those who do not return will be abandoned." Clara: "Something's coming!" Kalego: "That's..." Asmodeus: "That's the Guardian?" Kalego: "What is it doing here? Why would it leave the valley?" Kalego: "Stay back, all of you!" Iruma: "Hey, guys!" Clara: "It's Iruma-chi and Goldie!" Asmodeus: "I-Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Thanks! Take care!" Kalego: "I will now announce your ranks." Lead: "We're sure seen a lot of birds today." Elizabetta: "It's birdy bird day." Jazz: "There's that one other bird, too..." Kalego: "Moving on. If you put your hand into the pocket on his belly," Kalego: "You filth who came in last will be last to get ranked, as well." Clara: "You suck." Kalego: "That should teach you a lesson. Enjoy having everyone laugh and throw rocks at you. Heh." Sabnock: "Just how spiteful are you?!" Kalego: "All right, line up in single file." All: "Yes, sir." Sabnock: "Such humiliation..." Iruma: "Well, I mean..." Sabnock: "Hmph." Iruma: "Yup, yup." Sabnock: "Iruma," Sabnock: "Allow me to show thee my gratitude. I am no match for thee, Iruma." Iruma: "Huh?" Sabnock: "I apologize for my rudeness toward thee. Thou art absolutely amazing!" Sabnock: "And, starting today, I dub thee my rival!" Iruma: "R-Rival?!" Sabnock: "Let us compete for the Demon King's throne!" Iruma: "Huh?" Kalego: "Hey, you pieces of trash!" Iruma: "Yes, sir." Sabnock: "Right." Lead: "No wonder he's the head of the class." Camuy: "First-years are usually Alef or Bet at best." : "Demons are ranked between 1 and 10. The lower the number, the weaker they are." Kalego: "I guess I have no arguments with that. But the others aren't doing so badly, either." Clara: "Bow down!" Asmodeus: "I'm ranked higher than you, you fool!" Kalego: "She did place second in the race." Asmodeus: "I cannot accept this!" Goemon: "Sabnock got Bet?" Elizabetta: "I thought he would've placed higher." Jazz: "Yeah, considering how much he tried to fight teachers." Lead: "But he did place last in the race." Sabnock: "Bet, eh?" Sabnock: "I came very close to dying just moments ago. This is not enough to set me back. I will simply climb the ranks and aim to become the Demon King." Kalego: "You're the last one. Get going!" Iruma: "Yes, sir!" Lead: "Hey, it's finally Iruma-kun's turn." Jazz: "I wonder what he's going to pull." Elizabetta: "Maybe he'll get He. That'd be amazing." Camuy: "And you're even more amazing!" Iruma: "Sabnock-kun's amazing..." Iruma: "He actually has a dream for the future." Iruma: "I wonder what's going to happen to me here in the netherworld." Jazz: "Maybe he'll pull out something weird again." Lead: "Like his familiar teacher?" Kalego: "Silence!" Kalego: "Hmph." Kalego: "Nothing can sway it. Not to mention," Kalego: "And now it has!" Iruma: "H-Huh? H-Hey, wait!" Iruma: "But I didn't get my badge... yet..." Asomdeus: "Iruma-sama..." Clara: "Iruma-chi, what's that?" Iruma: "Huh?" Sabnock: "Th-That's..." Sabnock Age 5: "The Demon King Prophecy Scroll?" Sabnock Dad: "Listen well, Sabro. The Demon King's throne is currently vacant, but this scroll predicts who will be the next Demon King." Sabnock Age 5: "What kind of demon is it?" Sabnock Dad: "I'll read it from the start." Sabnock Age 5: "Okay." Sabnock Dad: ""He shall make one and all his servants." Sabnock Dad: "He shall form blood pacts and heal all demonkind. He shall descend from a foreign realm" Sabnock: "D-Don't tell me that's the golden sign of the Demon King... The Ring of Solomon!" Iruma: "Huh?" Iruma: "It won't... come off?! Um, I..." Iruma: "Hello?" Elizabetta: "Well, I mean..." Asmodeus: "Please calm down, Iruma-sama." Sabnock: "No, I must be overthinking things." Iruma: "I don't want it! I don't want it! Get it off of me, Sensei!" Lead: "What the hell?" Goemon: "It's like a dying scream!" Jazz: "Ow!" Dosanko: "What is that?" Iruma: "A-Are you all okay?" Lead: "You're somehow okay, Iruma-kun?" Iruma: "Uh, I think so..." Lead: "If you're okay, then make that thing stop screaming already!" Iruma: "Right! Uh, to make it stop screaming... D-Do I go like this? There, there, it'll be okay..." Clara: "A lullaby! Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy times. Once you rolly roll into bed, you'll never wake up again." Clara: "Bye-bye, baby. Beddy bye-bye." Kalego: "Quit enjoying this, you fools!" Sabnock: "All right! Leave this to me!" Iruma: "Wait, it might be dangerous to get too close." Sabnock: "Fear not, my rival. I'll easily pull this black smoke out—" Iruma: "Sabnock-kun!" Iruma: "Why?!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, leave this to me." Iruma: "Déjà vu?! A-Are you all right?!" Asmodeus: "I'm perfectly fine, Iruma-sama. Th-Though it appears to have sucked away some of my powers... Fear not! I barely even felt a thin—" Iruma: "I think the damage is substantial, Azz-kun!" Kalego: "Hey, Iruma. Let me get a closer look—" Black Smoke: "Sensei." Iruma: "Sensei? Are you okay?" Kalego: "An illusion?" Kalego: "No..." Kalego: "It's threatening me." Kalego: "I see." Kalego: "This..." Kalego: "must be dealt with immediately!" Sullivan: "Hey, now. That's not allowed." Iruma: "Grandpa!" Sullivan: "Hi hi, your grandpa is here! Bad Kalego-kun!" Sullivan: "You were about to try to blow Iruma-kun's arm off, weren't you?" Iruma: "Huh?!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama's... That's awful!" Sullivan: "Grr!" Kalego: "I thought the other students might be in danger." Sullivan: "Bad! Haste makes waste! Sheesh! I was startled by the noise, so I came out to check, and..." Iruma: "Look out!" Sullivan: "There we go. Eat up." Iruma: "I-It went back in?" Sullivan: "You see, Iruma-kun," Iruma: "The Gluttonous Feeder Ring?" Iruma: "It eats magical powers?" Sullivan: "But it's perfectly harmless as long as you feed it enough. You poor thing." Asmodeus: "He still has so much magical power after letting that thing eat so much?" Asmodeus: "Chair-Demon Sullivan is frightening!" Kalego: "But now we won't be able to rank him!" Sullivan: "Oh, by the way, once you put that ring on, it won't come off." Iruma: "What?!" Sullivan: "Our little Rank Owl has some strange things in his pocket sometimes. Rare things tend to happen when you live a millennium." Iruma: "You're going to brush it off that easily?!" Sullivan: "Well, you're human. That's quite rare here." Asmodeus: "Is something the matter, Iruma-sama? Does your hand hurt?" Iruma: "Huh? Uh, no, I'm fine! Really!" : "So after this and that..." Sullivan: "Say "devi"!" All: "Devi!" : "Iruma and the other students' first lesson finally ended. And since Iruma's rank was not measurable," Iruma: "I think I finally got a fair assessment." Asmodeus: "Just because he didn't get a badge doesn't mean he should be an Alef! We're talking about Iruma-sama! He's obviously a Yodh!" Clara: "Iruma-chi, Iruma-chi, bow down!" Asmodeus: "You're being rude to Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "A lot happened, but if I'm at the very bottom, I won't stand out." : "Or so he thought..." Student 1: "Did you see the paper?" Student 2: "Totally." : "Everything that happened made him stand out even more." : "His notoriety was spreading, and he didn't even know it yet." Clara: "Wait up, Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, the morning assembly is next! Let us go to the auditorium together." Iruma: "Sure." Clara: "The three of us are going to go, go, let's go!" : "Of course, he had no idea this article had been posted about him." Konatsu: "Look! There's Asmodeus-sama!" Dosanko: "There's a hot guy on the ground." Haruno: "He's still gorgeous even when he's passed out." Azuki: "That's our Asmodeus-sama!" Eiko: "Iruma-san is so amazing..." Baraki: "Let us now sing our school song." Iruma: "Thank goodness I ended up an Alef. Now maybe I can enjoy my school life without standing out too much." Iruma: "But this school song is still terrifying!" : "Iruma once again swore to himself that he would never let them find out he was human." Clara: "Su-ki-ma!" Iruma: "Well, we should head toward the goal now." Sabnock: "But my wings..." Iruma: "Oh!" Iruma: "Huh?" Iruma: "What? You'll take us?" Iruma: "You're so fluffy! I didn't think its feathers would be this soft. But I wonder what I should grab on to. It'll probably hurt if I pull its fur." Sabnock: "Here we go!" Sabnock: "Now thou art secure." Iruma: "Yup..." Sabnock: "Let us go!" Iruma: "It's barely even shaking."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 5 – The One Who Wants to Be Demon King", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "5", "The One Who Wants to Be Demon King" ] }
Ameri: "The honor student, Iruma..." Sullivan: "Heigh-ho!" Sullivan: "It's finally been delivered..." Sullivan: "Go!" Boy A: "Did you see that thing yesterday?" Girl A: "I totally did!" Sullivan: "Go, go, go!" Boy A: "What the heck is that?" Girl A: "The chair-demon?" Sullivan: "Iruma-kun is on his way to school!" Iruma: "I'm already standing out on my way to school..." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun, how does the ride feel so far?" Iruma: "Oh, i-it's great! It's fantastic!" Iruma: "This... Right now, it's got plenty of Grandpa's magic in it," Iruma: "Please don't let it get hungry and go crazy again." Boy B: "I wonder if humans taste good." Boy C: "What? You still believe in humans?" Boy B: "What? They totally exist!" Iruma: "I'm going to live out of sight." Opera: "Iruma-sama..." Opera: "has arrived!" Iruma: "I'm standing out like no one else!" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. One day, he became the grandson of a demon called Sullivan. Sullivan loves to spoil Iruma to bits and is even sending him to school. But there is just one problem... The school Iruma is attending is the demon school Babyls." Iruma: "I need to make sure they don't find out I'm human..." Iruma: "Or I might get eaten!" All: ""Ameri's Theory."" Opera: "Right this way." Iruma: "Give me a break!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "Good morning!" Iruma: "Good morning, Azz-kun. Sorry I couldn't come with you today." Asmodeus: "Well done, Iruma-sama! What a splendid way to come to school! I was so impres—" Clara: "Kaboom!" Clara: "Morning, Iruma-chi." Asmodeus: "What are you doing, you fool?!" Clara: "Kaboom!" Iruma: "A-Azz-kun, Clara," Opera: "Could I have the carpet back?" Asmo: "Give back the carpet!" Sullivan: "Iruma-kun, here's your bag." Iruma: "Thank you." Boy A: "Dude, he's making the chair-demon hold his bag." Boy D: "Iruma really is amazing!" Sullivan: "Also... I still have no idea how to use it," Sullivan: "Oh? Iruma-kun? Iruma-kun?" Iruma: "I don't want to stand out any more!" Kalego: "Silence." Kalego: "Reply as soon as your name is called. Sabnock Sabro." Sabnock: "Indeed!" Kalego: "Shax Lead." Shax: "Here!" Iruma: "I'm trying so hard not to stand out, so why..." Kalego: "Iruma. Iruma!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Y-Yes, sir!" Kalego: "Starting today, you will begin classes with other teachers. Refrain from extremely insolent behavior, such as not answering when called upon, or foolish actions, such as challenging your teachers to a fight." Sabnock: "Indeed!" Kalego: "That is all." Kalego: "Get ready and head toward the class tower immediately." Iruma: "I'm saved..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "Wh-Wha... What's wrong?" Asmodeus: "Er, well..." Clara: "Rawr!" Clara: "Iruma-chi, want a piggyback ride? Like this!" Asmodeus: "Why are you on my back?!" Clara: "Successfully attached!" Asmodeus: "Again, why are you on my back?!" Clara: "Because you're shorter than Sabro!" Asmodeus: "Get off of me! We're supposed to be cheering up Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Hold me, hold me!" Asmodeus: "You fool!" Iruma: "Let's head to class." Suzie: "Yis." Suzie: "Students of the Misfit Class, it is a pleasure to meet all of you." Suzie: "Welcome to the botany tower. Here, you will be learning about diabotany." Suzie: "Yis." Suzie: "Today, let us use magic to try to make some flowers bloom, shall we? Yis!" Suzie: "Hold your hand over this special sapling, and..." Suzie: "Quan Quan." Suzie: "Yis. And just like that, the flower has bloomed." Suzie: "You can use this flower to give shape to your magic. All right, let us begin, everyone. Yis." Camui: "Quan Quan." Picero: "Quan Qua..." Camui: "Nothing seems to be happening." Suzie: "One tip is to envision what the flower should look like in your mind. Do your best, yis." Iruma: "I don't have any magic," Iruma: "But I need to take this lesson seriously so I don't stand out." Upperclassman A: "Huh..." Upperclassman B: "Looks like the head of the class is there, too." Asmodeus: "They're our upperclassmen." Asmodeus: "I'm sure they came to check on us because the first-years' ranks have been announced." Iruma: "Huh..." Lead: "Geh, look. It's the student council." Jazz: "They rarely ever come to their underclassmen's tower." Goemon: "What are they doing here?" Sabnock: "A foolish question!" Sabnock: "I am Bet-ranked and the future Demon King. Of course they came to observe me, Sabnock Sabro!" Sabnock: "Then I shall show you..." Sabnock: "Quan Quan!" Sabnock: "Behold! This is my flower!" Iruma: "What the heck is that flower?! It's destroying its own flower pot." Sabnock: "I shall call it Destructive God." Jazz: "I don't think it should be destroying its flower pot." Suzie: "I give it a B+, yis." Sabnock: "Why?!" Asmodeus: "Hmph. How crude. This is true elegance." Iruma: "A burning flower!" Suzie: "How pretty! That gets an A+." Asmodeus: "Magic requires one to hone one's artistic skills..." Sabnock: "One must never forget to water one's flowers." Asmodeus: "How dare you put out the flames that are the proof of my bloodline?! Unforgivable!" Sabnock: "Ah, thou art short-tempered. Very well!" Jazz: "Hey, a fight!" Camui: "This should be interesting." Lead: "You got this!" Iruma: "I guess everyone's magic is unique." Suzie: "Precisely." Suzie: "Yis." Suzie: "Yis. Now, let us take a look at the other flowers, shall we?" Jazz: "You think I can sell this?" Lead: "Fun, right?" Jazz: "I can't see it..." Camui: "There is nothing you cannot see with the eyes in your heart!" Schneider: "Barren flowers bear no fruit." Goemon: "Come any closer and I shall cut you down." Elizabetta: "It bloomed beautifully." Elizabetta: "Oh, how cute!" Keroli: "O-Oh, no..." Iruma: "It's so cool that everyone's flowers are so different. Clara, how did yours..." Iruma: "go?" Iruma: "D-Did something just..." Clara: "Nothing! There is nothing!" Jazz: "Hey, something weird just showed up over here!" Clara: "Wait, it really did disappear!" Jazz: "What is this?!" Lead: "Oh, man..." Asmodeus: "How in the world does that even happen?" Clara: "I went "kaboom," and then it went "eek," and then "kablooey."" Asmodeus: "I don't understand a word you said. Also, why are you embarrassed?!" Sabnock: "Are you sure it wasn't "thud"?" Clara: "Kablooey!" Asmodeus: "Explain it without using sound effects!" Asmodeus: "Do you two even understand what sound effects are?!" Iruma: "Magic, huh?" Iruma: "Sorry I can't make you any bigger." Iruma: "If I actually had magic, I'd love to see a warm-colored flower..." Iruma: "Warm and fluffy..." Iruma: "Quan Quan." Iruma: "Just kidding!" Iruma: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Sullivan: "Yoohoo! It's your grandpa! Yay! Our first phone call! I forgot to mention one thing... Remember how I stored some of my magic in that ring? That means... you can use magic." Sullivan: "Oh, but make sure you don't use it. I haven't adjusted the output." Sullivan: "Uh-oh..." Opera: "Sir, what a magnificent view." Sullivan: "My, how splendid." : "That day, in one part of the demon school Babyls..." : "Cherry blossoms bloomed." Iruma: "You should've told me earlier..." Asmodeus: "Excellent work, Iruma-sama." Clara: "Iruma-chi's flowers are so pretty!" Quiche: "President!" Quiche: "The first-year honor student created some big, pink, fluffy thing!" Ameri: "Those are flowers that only exist in the human world." Quiche: "Human?" Ameri: "Honor Student Iruma..." Ameri: "I must speak with him." Amei: "We have much to discuss." : "The demon school Babyls has six grades in total. Currently, there are 666 students enrolled." Punk A: "How'd you like my swing?!" : "In this school where so many demons mingle," : "there is a group that supervises and maintains the peace." : "Virtuous, yet cold-blooded, elite demons..." Punk C: "S-Spare me!" : "They are..." : "the student council!" Ameri: "Demons shouldn't do such foolish misdeeds. If you do..." Ameri: "At least break a wall down." Random A: "She's so cool! No wonder she's the student council president!" Random B: "She is the epitome of a demon." Johnny: "President, the honor student Iruma wasn't in his classroom." Quiche: "Also, we investigated the tree but couldn't find anything suspicious. Its unique color has made it quite popular," Johnny: "Don't they have anything better to do?" Quiche: "By the way, President," Quiche: "You don't actually believe in humans, do you, President?" Johnny: "Hey, don't be a fool." Quiche: "Of course." Ameri: "They exist..." Ameri: "Humans definitely exist! Only a few high-ranked demons know of their existence, but ever since time immemorial," Ameri: "I currently have a theory I am working on." Ameri: "The honor student Iruma..." Ameri: "The theory is that Iruma is a human." Johnny/Quiche: "Yes, boss!" Ameri: "Yes, I know..." Ameri: "Humans do exist. This is fact." Ameri: "I have reliable evidence that proves the existence of humans. These are" Ameri: "These forbidden texts have recorded the goings-on in the human world." Ameri: "All right." Rin: "Oh, no! I'm going to be late!" Rin: "I'm Hoshino Rin (16)." Rin: "I can't believe I'm late the first day of the new semester! Waaah!" Sho: "Pass..." Rin: "Eek!" Sho: "Whoa!" Rin: "Ow..." Sho: "S-Sorry!" Sho: "Are you all right?" Sho: "Are you hurt?" Rin: "Huh? Badump..." Ameri: "I can't read these letters," Ameri: "But I'm so curious!" Ameri: "I... I let myself be enchanted... This forbidden text possesses terrifying powers!" Ameri: "It appears as though this girl is in love with this boy... But he made her fall in love with him just by bumping into her?!" Ameri: "I-Is this how powerful human charms are?" Ameri: "No, no, no, no, no!" Ameri: "But..." Suzie: "Thank you very much for helping, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "Well, this was my fault to begin with." Suzie: "No, no." Suzie: "Yis." Iruma: "I'll go help them out." Suzie: "Yis." Ameri: "Oh, no! Look at the time! I'll just take this volume with me. I must wake up early tomorrow to protect Babyls once again!" Iruma: "Um..." Iruma: "I'll help you clean." Janitor A: "Are you sure?" Janitor B: "Well, then, we'll take you up on that." Janitor A: "Could you take these to the dumpster?" Janitor B: "We still have a lot of cleaning to do over there." Janitor A: "We're counting on you, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "Okay!" : "Iruma cannot refuse a request from anyone." Janitor B: "Thanks, Iruma-kun." Janitor A: "Thanks! You're a lifesaver!" Iruma: "I wonder if I'll even be able to finish today." Iruma: "Azz-kun." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! I know you ordered me to go home," Asmodeus: "But as your friend, I must stay by your side at all ti—" Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Clara: "Lookie, lookie!" Iruma: "Clara!" Asmodeus: "Look out, Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "Honestly... Why are you giving Iruma-sama even more work to do?! You can go on home!" Clara: "Boo..." Asmodeus: "Don't "boo" me!" Iruma: "Um... You can head home, too, Azz-kun." Asmodeus: "D-Did I do something to offend you, Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "No, but it's getting late," Asmodeus: "Well, if you say so, Iruma-sama..." Clara: "See ya, Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "What do you think you're doing?!" Clara: "Kaboom." Asmodeus: "No, not "kaboom"!" Iruma: "There." Iruma: "I should hurry home, too." Ameri: "I carelessly took it with me... But this is strictly for research. It's not like I want to just read it at home. Absolutely not." Ameri: "Eek!" Iruma: "Whoa!" Iruma: "S-Sorry!" Sho: "Are you all right?" Iruma: "Are you all right?" Iruma: "Are you hurt?" Iruma: "Um..." Ameri: "Tell me your name!" Iruma: "I-It's Iruma..." Ameri: "Iruma!" Ameri: "So he's..." Ameri: "the one who summoned a demon when he was supposed to summon a familiar..." Ameri: "Who got an immeasurable rank... Who made a tree that doesn't exist in the netherworld appear... And now..." Ameri: "He's bumped into me and is trying to make me fall for him! There's no doubt about it! He's..." Iruma: "Ow!" Ameri: "He's..." Ameri: "absolutely... human!" Clara: "Su-ki-ma!" Gaako: "How pretty." Eiko: "It sure is." Eiko: "Iruma-san, hopefully one day we can..." Iruma: "I choose you over flowers, Eiko-chan. Just kidding." Eiko: "Oh, Iruma-san." Eiko: "Just kidding." Iruma: "I'll take your trash for you." Eiko: "Thanks." Gaako: "Let's take some pictures." Eiko: "Yeah!" : "Pay more attention to your surroundings, Eiko-chan!" Ameri: "A forbidden text brought in from the human world..." Ameri: "For some reason, just looking at these pictures makes my heart flutter. It is truly the devil's book!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 6 – Ameri's Theory", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "6", "Ameri's Theory" ] }
Kakeru: "Are you all right?" Iruma: "Are you all right?" Iruma: "Are you hurt?" Iruma: "Um..." Ameri: "Tell me your name!" Iruma: "I-It's Iruma..." Ameri: "Iruma!" Ameri: "So he's..." Ameri: "He's bumped into me and is trying to make me fall for him! There's no doubt about it! He's..." Iruma: "Ow!" Ameri: "He's..." Ameri: "absolutely... human!" Iruma: "What even is this situation?" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. One day, he became the grandson of a demon called Sullivan. Sullivan loves to spoil Iruma to bits and is even sending him to school. But there is just one problem... The school Iruma is attending is the demon school Babyls." Iruma: "I need to make sure they don't find out I'm human... Or I might get eaten!" All: ""First Love Memories."" Ameri: "Calm down..." Ameri: "I must do what's necessary." Ameri: "There will be panic if anyone finds out there's a human in the netherworld! I'll just contact my father, the head of the Demon Security Police, and have him sent to the proper facility! As the student council president," Iruma: "I wonder if she's really that mad that I bumped into her... Um, I'm really sorr—" Ameri: "He almost got the upper hand!" Kakeru: "Whoops, my bad!" Rin: "Oh, jeez! Dang it, Kakeru-kun!" Kakeru: "Sorry!" Rin: "Badump, badump..." Kakeru: "Badump, badump..." Ameri: "It's exactly like that scene in the forbidden texts!" : "By the way, Ameri can't read human language. She just gets excited over the pictures." Ameri: "He's definitely dangerous!" Ameri: "I will not miss a single move he makes!" Iruma: "She really is mad! Um, I'm really sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Both: "What should I do?!" Ameri: "I instinctively copied his movements," Ameri: "Is he trying to hold my hands and make me fall in love with him?!" Iruma: "Why is she bowing?!" Ameri: "Oh, that's..." Iruma: "Wha?!" Iruma: "Wow, this takes me back!" Iruma: "I love this series." Iruma: "I was an assistant on this manga. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Ameri: "Huh? First Love Memories? I have no idea what he's talking about," Ameri: "So you really are..." Iruma: "The scene where they confess their feelings under the cherry blossom tree is fantastic." Iruma: "That brings Rin-chan and Kakeru-kun so much closer." Ameri: "You can read that book?" Iruma: "Of course. But what's this book doing here?" Iruma: "This is the netherworld! Er, I mean, uh..." Ameri: "So! You! Can! Read! It! Then?!" Iruma: "Y-Yes!" Ameri: "Th-Then what does this say?" Iruma: ""I-I'm the transfer student, Aozora Kakeru."" Ameri: "And this?!" Iruma: ""Badump, badump."" Ameri: "And this?!" Iruma: ""Squee, squee."" Ameri: "You're coming with me." Iruma: "O-O-O-Oh, no! Did she figure out I was human?" Iruma: "What the heck is about to happen to me?!" Iruma: "Um, is this..." Ameri: "...please." Iruma: "Huh?" Ameri: "R-Read it out loud, please." Iruma: "Read it out loud?" Ameri: "Y-Yes!" Iruma: "Of course." Iruma: "But if I read this," Ameri: "Th-This is just for confirmation! I'm just confirming that he's human! It's not like I'm actually interested in the texts! H-Hurry! Hurry up and read!" Iruma: "Okay!" : "Iruma is unable to decline requests." Iruma: "Let's see... "Oh, no! I'm going to be late!" "I'm Hoshino Rin (16)." "I'm currently running late for school!"" Ameri: "I see! So that's what that said!" Ameri: "Continue!" Iruma: "Sure! "I can't believe I'm late for the first day of the new semester!" "Could you show me around town?" "Badump! Is he asking me out on a date?!"" Ameri: "Wait." Ameri: "What is this "date" you speak of?" Iruma: "Huh? Um..." Iruma: "It's when a girl and a boy hang out together. "I always hated you!"" Ameri: "What?!" Ameri: "She wasn't cheering on Rin and Kakeru's relationship?! Is this woman a demon?!" Iruma: "Not exactly..." Iruma: ""What's going to happen to my school life from now on?!" "To be continued."" Iruma: "Um... What did you think?" Iruma: "It's dark outside!" Iruma: "This call history is insane! So many missed calls from Grandpa..." Ameri: "I put in my number. Come to me at once when I summon you!" Iruma: "Huh?" Ameri: "Don't tell anyone, and come alone!" Iruma: "Y-Yes, ma'am!" Ameri: "Farewell." Iruma: "Um... My name is Iruma." Ameri: "It's Ameri." Iruma: "What the heck was that?" Iruma: "But..." Iruma: "That was actually sorta fun." Ameri: "To think he could comprehend the forbidden texts... Now I'm certain." Ameri: "He is most definitely..." Ameri: "I must take the proper precautions. Yes, as the student council president..." Ameri: "As the student council president..." Ameri: "I need to be more careful about this! It's too soon to jump to conclusions!" Ameri: "At least until we're done reading First Love Memories!" Iruma: "It's from Azz-kun." Asmodeus: "It appears the student council is looking for you regarding that tree," Asomdeus: "and the student council president wants to talk to you." Iruma: "The student council president?" Iruma: "Am I going to get in trouble?" : "Iruma has no idea that the student council president happens to be Ameri." Opera: "Here is your bag." Iruma: "Oh, thank you very much. Oh, also!" Opera: "All right." Iruma: "Okay, I'm off." Opera: "Iruma-sama." Opera: "Don't you want to return to the human world?" Iruma: "Huh?" Iruma: "Huh?! Um, I..." Opera: "So you do want to go back?" Iruma: "Well, of course I..." : "Iruma's parents in the human world." Dad: "We'll sell Iruma to a demon!" Mom: "Then we'll be rich!" : "His grandfather in the netherworld." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun, do you need your allowance? How about some toys? I'll give you whatever you want!" : "His food, clothing, and shelter in the human world." : "Food, clothing, and shelter in the netherworld." Iruma: "It's a feast!" : "His friends in the human world." Student A: "Iruma-kun, was it?" Student B: "We haven't seen you in six months!" Student C: "Will you clean for me?" : "His friends in the netherworld." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! Iruma-sama! Please ask me to do anything!" Clara: "Iruma-chi, Iruma-chi! Let's play!" Iruma: "Do I actually want to go back?!" Opera: "Well... Should you decide you want to go back... If you graduate with a high rank," Opera: "At least, that's what I've heard." Opera: "Please do your best. If you're going to stay here, you need to strengthen your resolve." Opera: "The chair-demon is getting the carriage right now." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "Off I go!" Opera: "Have a wonderful day." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Mornin'!" Iruma: "Azz-kun! Clara!" Clara: "Are you playing tag first thing in the morning?" Asmodeus: "Always training yourself" Asmodeus: "Splendid, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Truly fantastic! Taggy-tag! Taggy-taggy-tag!" Bell: "Rawr, rawr, rawr, rawr..." Clara: "Lunchtime! And..." Clara: "The top of Sabnock Mountain! Iruma-chi!" Clara: "You should play, too, Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "No, I'm good." Sabnock: "My rival!" Sabnock: "Dost thou possess resolve enough to conquer the mountain known as Sabnock Sabro?" Clara: "Yeah!" Iruma: "Why are you so okay with being the summit? After I steel myself a bit, okay?" Sabnock: "I see!" Iruma: "Go back to the human world, huh? I've just been going with the flow in the netherworld," Ameri: ""I'll be waiting for you in the common room."" Ameri: "Perhaps it's rude of me to just send him this over and over." Ameri: "Maybe I'll try using human world customs. Come to think of it," Rin: ""To Kakeru-kun. I'll be waiting for you behind the gym after school. Rin."" Ameri: ""To Iruma-kun. I'll be waiting for you in the common room after school. Ameri."" Ameri: "I have no idea why, but this is so embarrassing!" Iruma: "I have no idea how, but this is so good!" Eiko: "Stare..." Eiko: "Iruma-san's eating so much again." Opera: "I've heard that if you graduate with a high rank," Iruma: "Me? Getting a high rank, even though I'm not even a demon? Even if that ever happened," Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama. Iruma-sama, would you like the rest of my food, as well?" Clara: "Eat up, Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "Fank you..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, is something troubling you?" Iruma: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "If there's anything I can do for you, please—" Iruma: "Sorry, one sec." Iruma: "Um, thanks for lunch. I'm gonna head out for a bit." Asmodeus: "I shall accompany you!" Clara: "Me, too! Me, too!" Iruma: "Sorry. This is something I have to do alone. I'll be right back." Sabnock: "Such a restless rival." Sabnock: "What's wrong?" Asmodeus: "Something's not right!" Clara: "Not right!" Sabnock: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "For the past few days," Asmodeus: "Where could he be going?!" Asmodeus: "I'm so curious that it's keeping me up at night!" Sabnock: "Then just follow him!" Asmodeus: "I could never do something so intrusi—" Clara: "Oh, yeah! Charge!" Asmodeus: "Valac!" Clara: "Iruma-chi, Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "I'm going with you." Clara: "You lonely, Azz-Azz?" Asmodeus: "No!" Clara: "Azz-Azz is so lonely!" Asmodeus: "I just told you I'm not!" Smoke: "Then we'll be declining the request from the disciplinary butlers." Johnny: "Are we all right having the same budget as last year, President?" Quiche: "President?" Ameri: "Ah, yes. That's fine." Ameri: "That is all. Dismissed." Sunny: "Um, where are you headed, President?" Ameri: "I'm going to make my rounds." Ameri: "What is this "date" you speak of?" Iruma: "Huh? Um..." Iruma: "It's when a girl and a boy hang out together." Ameri: "I-I'm going on a date." All: "A date?" Ameri: "Th-That's the term for an extra special patrol of the school! Don't you dare follow me!" Sunny: "President!" Ameri: "Don't even think about following me!" Clara: "Iruma-chi! Iruma-chi! Iruma-chi?" Clara: "I-ru-ma-chi!" Asmodeus: "Would you stop that?! We're supposed to be tailing him." Clara: "Like a wife trying to prove her husband is cheating?!" Asmodeus: "You really couldn't think of any other example? Anyway..." Mob: "Hey, it's the strange beast! Is she going crazy again?" Asmodeus: "You draw too much attention to yourself." Clara: "Oh!" Asmodeus: "We can't tail him if you act like this." Clara: "You're the last person I want to hear that from!" Haruno: "Asmodeus-sama! You're as gorgeous as ever!" Konatsu: "Devi noble!" Azumi: "Burn me to ash!" Dosanko: "Don't let him burn you. I'll do the burning..." Asmodeus: "Let's just go already!" Clara: "To play?!" Asmodeus: "No!" Asmodeus: "We must prepare to tail him! First, we have to go to Come-Come's store" Asmodeus: "Are these all you have?!" Come-Come: "Yup." Asmodeus: "You don't have any other variations?!" Come-Come: "Nope." Clara: "I want these ones!" Iruma: "Um... Are you all right?" Ameri: "Worry not." Iruma: "Okay..." Ameri: "Did you wait long?" Iruma: "Nope. I just got here." Ameri: "I see!" Iruma: "Perfect timing." Ameri: "I'm counting on you again today!" Asmodeus: "Did you see that?!" Clara: "No fair!" Asmodeus: "This is a grave situation! You get it, don't you?" Clara: "No fair! She's not fair! I wanna play, too! Hiss!" Asmodeus: "Hey, now!" Asmodeus: "That's the student council president!" Clara: "The student council president is not fair!" Asmodeus: "You have no idea how grave this situation is! Since Iruma-sama wants to reign over this school," Asmodeus: "the student council that currently rules this school!" Clara: "Those glasses look good on you!" Asmodeus: "Listen to me! Iruma-sama is trying to get the student council within his grasp" Clara: "Oh?" Asmodeus: "I knew he was plotting something," Asmodeus: "And he doesn't want any harm to befall us, so he's been doing this on his own..." Clara: "I'm gonna go play!" Asmodeus: "I can't just stand here! I need to observe Iruma-sama's bravery much closer!" Iruma: "Okay, here we go. We'll be starting with volume 5, since that's where we left off." Ameri: "Indeed!" Iruma: ""Did you wait long?" "Nope. I just got here." "Where should we go?" "Off you go." "You're so kind, Kakeru-kun." "Do you have a dream, Rin-chan?" "Yes. There was a dream I was pursuing for a really long time." "But it finally came true." "Huh?" "My current dream is to use that strength to protect the one I love." "So my dream right now is to be a beautiful bride." "Badump."" Ameri: "Dreams... Ah, you mean ambitions!" Iruma: "Huh? Well, I guess so..." Ameri: "So now she's going to tear apart all who get in her way and throw them aside!" Iruma: "I don't think she'll be tearing or throwing anything." Ameri: "She's not throwing anyone? Really?" Iruma: "Dreams, huh?" Sabnock: "This is not enough to set me back. I will simply climb the ranks and aim to become the Demon King." Iruma: "Ameri-san..." Iruma: "Do you have any dreams for the future?" Ameri: "Dreams? Me?" Ameri: "I am very proud to be a demon." Ameri: "I want others to be proud that they're demons, too. Which is why... I want to improve the nature of the students here" Ameri: "That is my ambition. I'll be helping with my father's work after I graduate," Iruma: "That's amazing!" Ameri: "Though, I'm interested in working at a cake shop or a flower shop, too." Ameri: "D-Don't you have any ambitions?!" Iruma: "Huh? Me?" Iruma: "Let's see... I think I'm just content having fun with everyone." Ameri: "That's only an ideal." Ameri: "I asked you about your ambitions." Ameri: "Ideals and ambitions are different." Ameri: "What I want to know is what it is you want to grasp for yourself." Ameri: "Your desire." Ameri: "I'll ask you again, Iruma." Ameri: "What is your dream?" Iruma: "My... dream?" Clara: "Can I charge in now?" Asmodeus: "Absolutely not!" Clara: "Su-ki-ma!" Iruma: "Off I go!" Opera: "Have a wonderful day." Sullivan: "Sorry to keep you waiting!" Opera: "He headed off to school." Sullivan: "What? I have to chase him down immediately!" Sullivan: "Iruma-kun! There's no need to hold back! Grandpa will give you a ride! Iruma-kun!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 7 – First Love Memories", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "7", "First Love Memories" ] }
Iruma: "Perfect timing." Ameri: "I'm counting on you again today!" Asmodeus: "Did you see that?!" Clara: "No fair!" Asmodeus: "This is a grave situation! You get it, don't you?" Clara: "No fair! She's not fair! I wanna play, too! Hiss!" Ameri: "I'll ask you again, Iruma." Ameri: "What is your dream?" Iruma: "My... dream?" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. One day, he became the grandson of a demon called Sullivan." : "Sullivan loves to spoil Iruma to bits and is even sending him to school. But there is just one problem..." : "The school Iruma is attending is the demon school Babyls." Iruma: "I need to make sure they don't find out I'm human..." Iruma: "Or I might get eaten!" All: ""Head Over Heels for Clara."" Clara: "No fair that only Lady Redhair gets to play! I wanna play, too!" Asmodeus: "What are you thinking?!" Asmodeus: "We mustn't act before we know what Iruma-sama is planning!" Asmodeus: "I wanna hear what Iruma-sama and the student council president are saying!" Asmodeus: "I wanna hear! But on the name of Asmodeus, I could never stoop to eavesdropping!" Ameri: "I'll ask you again, Iruma." Ameri: "What is your dream?" Iruma: "My dream? What I want to do?" Ameri: "Wh-What in the world?!" Clara: "No fair, Lady Redhair!" Asmodeus: "Hold it, Valac! Wait!" Clara: "I wanna play, too!" Asmodeus: "I will not allow you to get in Iruma-sama's way!" Clara: "Connor and Murf! Take this! Slipper Kick!" Asmodeus: "Hold it!" Asmodeus: "I won't let you touch this doo— Hrgh!" Iruma: "My dream?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama is probably... No, I'm certain of it! He is doing something very important beyond our comprehension right now! I will not allow you to interfere!" Clara: "Move. Iruma-chi is going to play with me." Asmodeus: "What are you talking about, you airhead?!" Ameri: "Are you all right?" Iruma: "Uh, I'm fine... It's just..." Iruma: "All this time, I've only ever thought about what others want from me." Iruma: "I'd never even thought for a second about what I want to do." Ameri: "Then do it now." Ameri: "If you don't have one, come up with one." Clara: "Clara Rolling!" Clara: "That door is in the way!" Clara: "Out of my way, Azz-Azz, or you're going to get hurt." Asmodeus: "Don't even try it." Clara: "Open, sesame!" Asmodeus: "That's enough." Ameri: "If you don't have any ambitions, create one for yourself." Iruma: "But..." Iruma: "I can't think of anything!" Ameri: "Then climb the ranks." Ameri: "A student's main duty is to climb the ranks. For now, why not try to become a Bet?" Iruma: "My rank?" Iruma: "Huh?!" Ameri: "Wh-Who goes there?!" Asmodeus: "I'm terribly sorry, Iruma-sama! I was trying not to disturb you, but the moment I blinked..." Clara: "Gimme back Iruma-chi!" Clara: "Give him back!" Ameri: "It looks like they didn't hear us." Asmodeus: "What a failure! How could I have blinked?!" Asmodeus: "And I never got to hear what they were talking about... Utter failure." Iruma: "It's that bad?" Clara: "Iruma-chi! Let's go home!" Ameri: "You may take your leave for today." Clara: "Hiss!" Ameri: "Iruma." Iruma: "Yes?" Ameri: "If you're at all serious about climbing the ranks," Ameri: "I'll wait for you to stand by my side, Iruma." Clara: "Iruma-chi! Let's hurry up and go home! Let's go, let's go, let's go!" : "Since Clara spends most of her days moving around, she actually stays quite still in bed." Iruma: "Ranks, huh?" Iruma: "But if I rise up the ranks, I'm going to stand out." Iruma: "But wait... I'm human, anyway. There's no point in me climbing up those ranks..." : "Since Iruma's daily life consists of trying to survive, he actually stays quite still in bed." Asmodeus: "What is Iruma-sama thinking? I'm sure it's something so grand that I could never even fathom it!" Asmodeus: "What could it be?" Asmodeus: "I want to know so badly! This curiosity pains me so!" : "Asmodeus is a fussy sleeper." Clara: "Ugh! All Iruma-chi does is play with Lady Redhair lately! No fair! I wonder how I can get Iruma-chi back." Clara: "How, Connor, Murf? How, Sabro?!" Sabro: "What else? Thou must charm him with thy feminine wiles. According to chapter 3, page 27, of How to Become a Demon King, "If something is taken from you, take it back. If it wasn't taken from you, take it back anyway. If something's about to be taken from you, you are a demon. Use your charms to take them back, make them yours, and wrap them around your finger."" Clara: "Make them yours and wrap them around your finger!" Clara: "Just you wait, Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "Prerequisites... Interacting with your familiar, astrology... Electives..." Iruma: "Torture, training, pharmacology, etc... I'll circle some electives. The one I'd stand out the least in is..." Asmodeus: "Ah, I see you've chosen classroom lectures." Iruma: "You just sit in a classroom and listen to lectures, right? All you have to do is sit there, so you don't stand out, right?" Asmodeus: "Indeed. Then I shall choose that, as well." Iruma: "What did you choose for your electives, Clara?" Clara: "Gulp!" : "Succubus-sensei's course in seduction!" : "Raim-sensei is a succubus. A breathtakingly sexy teacher whose classes cannot be described in words because they're so... Well, you know. She will gladly instruct you in the ways of becoming so sexy it'll make your knees buckle." Raim: "Mwah." Asmodeus: "Don't you know how to read? You poor thing." Clara: "I can read just fine!" Asmodeus: "What?! Then are you insane?! What are you plotting?!" Clara: "I'm not—" Asmodeus: "Hey!" Clara: "I'm going to seduce him, make him mine, and wrap him around my finger! Just you wait, Iruma-chi!" Clara: "I'll make you fall head over heels for me!" Raim: "Today, we'll have a secret lesson without the boys... a girls-only class on... well, you know. First off... Sexiness is something you nurture. Succubi change their appearance to fit the preferences of their prey, but the most important thing to remember is..." Raim: "Make your prey fall for you..." All: "Gulp." Raim: "...with these techniques." Gaako: "Hey! She brought Seduction II with her!" Dosanko: "Oh? And what's wrong with that?" Raim: "Non, non. You don't get to read that until you're in a higher grade." Camui: "Objection! They're bound to be able to boost their skills later by taking denser lessons earlier on!" Girls: "Ew, a boy!" Raim: "Now, then... I'll be handing out your textbooks." Raim: "Sexy Scope." : "The Sexy Scope is an ability succubi have that allows them to measure another's sexiness." Raim: "Elizabetta, you're at 89%! Amazing! You're an A." Elizabetta: "Oh, my." Raim: "What in the world?! Unbelievable!" Raim: "You've got some work to do." Eiko: "Aw, but I even studied!" Gaako: "I always make sure to freshen up!" Raim: "Both of you are Bs." Raim: "51%... That's not very high. You're also a B." Keroli: "Really? That bad?" Raim: "Don't worry. The lowest I've ever had to deal with is 21%. So there's nothing to..." Raim: "T-Two?! Two percent?! Even babies have at least 3% sexiness! You're telling me she's more innocent than a baby?! Oh my devil!" Clara: "Sensei, what percent am I? Well? A hundred?" Raim: "Little baby, you're going to read some special textbooks, understood?" Clara: "Special?" Raim: "Yes!" Clara: "Roger!" Clara: "My First Seduction..." Clara: ""Step one: Posing. Your sexiness is determined by how you stand and present yourself. Push out your hips, keep your hands cute, and open your legs just enough to still be modest."" Clara: "Ah, I see." Clara: "Gulp." Clara: "Ta-da!" Iruma: "Huh?" Clara: "That was perfect! How'd you like that?! My hip's out, my hands are cute, my legs are open..." Iruma: "Er... Is this some kind of new exercise?" Clara: "Fail!" Iruma: "What failed?!" Clara: ""Step two: Touching. A nonchalant touch will give you the maximum effect. Go in for a close-up. Beginners should start with a simple touch."" Clara: "Touch!" Iruma: "Did you want a piggyback ride?" Clara: "Touch." Iruma: "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man." Both: "Bake me a cake as fast as you can..." Clara: "I'll let you off the hook for today! "Step three: Wear something that shakes to gather their attention." Fluffering-a-ling! Ring-a-ling!" Asmodeus: "I take my eyes off you for one second and there you go doing bizarre things again!" Clara: ""Four: Use perfume to change your image."" Clara: "Hngh!" Jazz: "What is that stench?!" Schneider: "Something has come in contact with my eyeballs!" Sabro: "It stings from my nose to my head!" Lead: "The window! Open the window!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, don't breathe this in! Iruma-sama!" Clara: ""Warning: Putting on too much has the opposite effect, so be careful." "Five: Makeup."" Jazz: "You're hilarious!" Sabro: "That face could kill." Camui: "Actually, you know..." Goemon: "What?!" Clara: "Seduction is too hard..." Clara: "I'm home..." Konchie And Keebow: "Welcome home, Sis!" Sin Sin And Ran Ran: "Hey, hey..." Konchie And Keebow: "Sis, you dummy!" Clara: "What did you say?!" Sin Sin And Ran Ran: "Hey, hey! Smooch, smooch. Smooch, smooch. Smooch, smooch." Mommy: "Smooch. Welcome home, Clara." Clara: "I'm back!" Clara: "Special move: Return Kiss! Smoochy, smoochy, smoochy, smoochy, smoochy..." Konchie & Keebow: "Wh-What a lovely feeling..." mily: "Smoochy, smoochy, smooch! Who's the cutest in the whole wide world?" Other Than Clara: "It's Clara!" mily: "Smoochy, smoochy, smooch! Who's the most handsome in the whole wide world! It's Keebow!" Keebow And Konchie: "And Konchie, too!" Mommy: "Kiss, kiss, kiss!" Clara: "Rolly, rolly, so full of energy!" mily: "Smoochy, smoochy, smooch! Who's the most mischievous in the whole wide world?" Sin Sin: "Sin Sin!" Ran Ran: "Ran Ran!" mily Other Than Mommy: "Smoochy, smoochy, smooch!" mily Other Than Mommy: "Who's the most beautiful in the whole wide world?" Konchie And Keebow: "Of course, that's Mommy!" Mommy: "The storm is calling! Let's make a miracle!" Konchie And Keebow: "Throw your blues away!" Clara: "What's the number one invincible, ultimate, perfect, lovely thing in the whole wide world?" Clara And Mommy: "That's smoochy, smoochy, smooch!" Clara; Mommy; Keebow; And Konchie: "That's smoochy, smoochy, smooch!" Clara: "That's..." All: "...kissing!" Clara: "Oh, yeah!" Clara: "A kiss that'll make a miracle..." Clara: "Gulp..." Iruma: "Good morning, Clara." Clara: "Hiss! Pose!" Iruma: "Huh?" Iruma: "Huh?!" Clara: "Touch! Shaky things! Perfume!" Clara: "Makeup!" Iruma: "Wait, what?!" Clara: "Take this!" Clara: "Eggie-sensei!" Kalego: "Silence!" Kalego: "You know what's coming, don't you?" Clara: "Yup." Clara: "Respect your teachers and look out for your fellow classmates. All for demons, and demons for all. Respect your teachers..." Raim: "You're not cut out for this." Clara: "D'oh!" Raim: "If you're struggling this much as a beginner, you're never going to grow." Clara: "Oh my devil!" Raim: "But if you want this boy to fall for you no matter what..." Raim: "There's a secret weapon." Clara: "Weapon?!" Raim: "Mwah! The Succubus Brand Pheromone Perfume! One whiff of this and you can make any man yours! You tried really hard, so I'll even give it to you for... Oh?" Clara: "I don't want it." Raim: "What?" Clara: "Who would've thought I'd have no sexiness at all? Totally blindsided." Clara: "She's gonna take Iruma-chi away from me!" Asmodeus: "There you go, doing bizarre things again!" Jazz: "What is that stench?!" Sabro: "That face could kill." Raim: "You're not cut out for this." Raim: "One whiff of this and you can make any man yours!" Clara: "I don't need that stuff." Clara: "Even I can be..." Iruma: "There you are." Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "Thank goodness I found you. I was worried about you." Iruma: "You always run off somewhere the second I look away. Jeez..." Clara: "Yeah. You never know what I'm going to do." Iruma: "It's dangerous for a girl to be out here alone." Iruma: "For a girl to be out here... For a girl..." Iruma: "I mean, not many people come here..." Clara: "A girl?!" Iruma: "Huh?" Clara: "Am I a girl?! Do you think I'm a girl?!" Iruma: "Uh, yes..." Clara: "Aw, I see." Iruma: "Uh?!" Clara: "I see, I see." Clara: "One day..." Clara: "I'll make you fall head over heels for me." Iruma: "Wait... Was that a badump?" Clara: "Man! I feel so much better now! I'm sure Azz-Azz is pretty lonely, so let's go!" Iruma: "Huh? S-Sure..." Clara: "Go, go, Iruma-chi! Go, go, Iruma-chi!" Raim: "Oh?" Raim: "Oh, my. I wonder what happened." Iruma: "I'm not sure what she was doing, but Clara worked really hard." Iruma: "You're amazing, Clara." Ameri: "I'll wait for you to stand by my side, Iruma." Iruma: "There are people who believe in me, so if I just think of this as practice to come up with a goal—" Asmodeus: "You want to go up a rank?" Iruma: "Yeah." Clara: "Su-ki-ma!" Raim: "A handsome boy is lost. What do you do?" Elizabetta: "Gradually get closer to him as I lead him to his destination." Keroli: "I'm too shy to talk to him..." Clara: "I'll go kaboom! And lead him! And then we'll bam! Play at the park! And squeeze! We'll be friends!" Dosanko: "Pretending to be lost in front of me? I know exactly what you're trying to do, you weirdo." Camui: "A handsome boy? I'm going to walk right by." Camui: "Let me learn things!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama wants to go up a rank? Always so positive! He's a demon's demon! Devil is beautiful! You've slain me again, Iruma-sama! You just keep slaying me over and over! Please rise up to the highest rank, Yodh, so you can slay all the demons in the school! Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun," Asmodeus: ""Iruma's Decision and Hard Work.""
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 8 – Head Over Heels for Clara", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "8", "Head Over Heels for Clara" ] }
Ameri: "Iruma, what is your dream?" Ameri: "A student's main duty is to climb the ranks. For now, why not try to become a Bet?" Ameri: "I'll wait for you to stand by my side, Iruma." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. One day, he became the grandson of a demon called Sullivan. Sullivan loves to spoil Iruma to bits and is even sending him to school. But there is just one problem... The school Iruma is attending is the demon school Babyls." Iruma: "I need to make sure they don't find out I'm human... Or I might get eaten!" All: ""Iruma's Decision and Hard Work."" Asmodeus: "What?" Iruma: "Yeah, I do." Iruma: "For now, I just want to climb from Alef to Bet." Iruma: "So I was hoping you could show me how to raise my... Wha—" Iruma: "Azz-kun?!" Asmodeus: "I almost thought Iruma-sama had no interest in ranks, but I guess it must've been getting to him deep down." Iruma: "Huh? Um..." Asmodeus: "And he has every right to be upset! Iruma-sama did something as unprecedented as making" Asmodeus: "He obviously can't be ranked on the same scale as the rest of us demons, but that's no reason to place him at the lowest rank of Alef!" Asmodeus: "I was displeased when you were ranked as an Alef, as well! All of our foolish classmates and their lack of ambition had left me numb, but moving up the ranks is a demon's pride!" Asmodeus: "Let us move up the ranks!" Asmodeus: "We must prepare at once!" Iruma: "S-Sure..." Clara: "Prepare for what?" Asmodeus: "What else? Prepare Iruma-sama to rise to the highest rank, Yodh, and then... to reign over... all of Babyls!" Both: "What?!" Demon A: "Holy crap!" Demon B: "Did you hear that?! He's crazy!" Demon C: "Is this the birth of a new legend?!" Eiko: "I'm sure Iruma-san can do it!" Clara: "One promotion, please!" Come-Come: "Leave." Iruma: "A-Azz-kun," Asmodeus: "Huh? B-But..." Asmodeus: "Nay, this is Iruma-sama we're talking about. I'm sure he has some profound reason that I could never even fathom. I apologize for my presumptuousness." Iruma: "Er, don't worry about it!" Asmodeus: "Now, Iruma-sama is going to prepare to rise up to the rank of Bet." Asmodeus: "Make way!" Demon A: "Why Bet?" Demon B: "He suddenly brought the bar way down." Demon C: "This is still gonna be crazy." Demon D: "I'm devi looking forward to it!" Eiko: "Wh-What should I do?" Gaako: "Well, you could move up, too." Lead: "Sounds fun." Asmodeus: "Now, let us go, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "S-Sure." Clara: "Wait, wait!" Come-Come: "Take her away." Clara: "Yeah! Take me away!" Iruma: "Wh-Where are we?" Asmodeus: "This is Babyls's underground gym." Iruma: "Wow, I never knew a place like this existed under our classrooms. I'm shocked." Clara: "It's so big! Connor! Murf! You can run around all you want down here!" Clara: "Roll...ing-g-g-g-g-g-g-g!" Iruma: "They're not actually running..." Asmodeus: "Honestly, she's such a nuisance." Asmodeus: "Now, then. There is currently one way for you to raise your rank, Iruma-sama. And that is to get good marks" Iruma: "Promotion..." Clara: "...exams?" Asmodeus: "The next promotion exam is in one week. And the thing we'll be tested on..." Asmodeus: "is execution cannonball." Iruma: "Execution..." Clara: "...skip to my lou?" Asmodeus: "Cannonball! You didn't get a single part of that right! Execution cannonball was once" Asmodeus: "It is a bloody massacre! We use weapons called caimans that, once they bite down," Asmodeus: "The first to enter their enemy's castle and eliminate everyone inside is the winner." Iruma: "Th-That's horrifying!" Asmodeus: "Indeed. But due to the number of casualties..." Asmodeus: "We just use this ball now instead of caimans." Iruma: "A ball!" Asmodeus: "And, to conserve time and money," Iruma: "That's super effective!" Asmodeus: "Those who are hit by the ball must leave the field!" Iruma: "Leave the field?" Clara: "Bring it on! Hey, hey!" Asmodeus: "Those sent off the field can come back in as soon as they hit an enemy with the ball. Valac, bring out the cursed puppets so we can have enough players." Clara: "'Kay!" Doll: "Cursed... Cursed... Cursed... Cursed... Cursed..." All: "Cursed!" Asmodeus: "All right! Let us start practicing!" Iruma: "Sure!" Clara: "Yeah! Bring it!" Doll: "Cursed!" Asmodeus: "Here I go!" Iruma: "Yay!" Iruma: "This is just dodgeball!" Iruma: "I mean, I sort of figured it out during the explanation, but..." Doll: "Curse?" Asmodeus: "Is something the matter?" Iruma: "I won't be led astray again!" Iruma: "I guess the netherworld has a surprisingly laid-back side. If we're just playing dodgeball, even I can—" Iruma: "S-Sabnock-kun!" Sabro: "A battle to the death to climb the ranks... I'd expect nothing less from thee!" Jazz: "Oh, there you are. We're bored, so let us play, too!" Elizabetta And Lead: "Let's play! Let's play!" Schneider: "Harmony is the greatest of virtues." Picero: "Jeez, what a pain..." Iruma: "Guys!" Sabro: "Such merriment!" Goemon: "Special Technique..." Goemon: "Wind-Sword Kill!" Picero: "You're so loud!" Sabro: "I'm not done yet! Take this and this and this!" Jazz: "Wow..." Clara: "Want some candies?" Iruma: "This isn't laid-back at all!" Ameri: "I'll be waiting for you, Iruma." Iruma: "I'm sorry. I can't, Ameri-san. I'll never be able to climb the ranks like this. I don't think training is going to help me here..." Asmodeus: "Training, Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "Huh?!" Asmodeus: "You must want to train!" Iruma: "Huh? Um..." Asmodeus: "There is a possibility that your rank will be immeasurable again. We need to be extra careful." Asmodeus: "But I fear that I will not be a substantial opponent for your training. Why don't you discuss this matter with someone of a much higher rank?" Iruma: "A high-ranking demon?" Asmodeus: "Yes. It's someone you know as well." Iruma: "Who's that?" Sullivan: "I see..." Sullivan: "Please... Tell me more about this training." Kalego: "Where the hell did they all go?" : "The difference in strength between Iruma and the others is beyond evident." Iruma: "There's nothing I could possibly do right now. So..." Iruma: "Thank you for training me, Chair-Demon." Sullivan: "Oh, Iruma-kun... You're supposed to call me Grandpa outside of school! Why did we bother coming back home?" Iruma: "Huh? S-Sorry! It wasn't for my training?" Sullivan: "Okay, first, let's give it a light throw." Sullivan: "Throw it at that." Iruma: "I-I'm not sure I can throw that far... I'm really bad at this." Sullivan: "You'll be fine as long as you do just as I say." Sullivan: "Spread your legs just a little." Iruma: "L-Like this?" Sullivan: "Yes, perfect!" Iruma: "Okay." Sullivan: "Now, try throwing it." Iruma: "I was imagining some kind of really crazy training method," Iruma: "O-Okay, I'll give it a shot!" Sullivan: "Oh, when you throw, make sure you yell, "Libera!"" Iruma: "Wait, what? Libera!" Iruma: "Huh?" Sullivan: "Woo!" Sullivan: "Well done." Sullivan: "You'll annihilate them! Make no mistake! Training complete." Iruma: "Everything about this is a mistake!" Sullivan: "Aw, why not? It's so easy." Iruma: "Um... This power is actually your power," Iruma: "I want to be able to do this on my own. So I don't want to use magic." Sullivan: "But it's going to be difficult to do this without magic." Sullivan: "So..." Sullivan: "I just strengthened your hands so you can at least catch a ball thrown by demons. This will allow you to have a fair match, right?" Iruma: "Thank you, Grandpa!" Sullivan: "Wholesome..." Iruma: "Wh-What's wrong?" Sullivan: "I'm saving that image in my heart's memory." Iruma: "Memo... File lock?!" Iruma: "Thank you, Grandpa! Thank you, Grandpa! Thank you, Grandpa! Thank you, Grandpa!" Sullivan: "Devi, devi, devi! Well, I'll be going now." Iruma: "Huh?" Sullivan: "Don't worry. If you want to train without using magic," Opera: "I will now take over as your mentor." Iruma: "Opera-san?" Sullivan: "Okay, I'm leaving the rest to you!" Sullivan: "Do your best!" Iruma: "Thank you, Grandpa!" Opera: "Now, let us begin." Iruma: "Wait!" Iruma: "This is... too sudden!" Opera: "I will keep going." Iruma: "Wait! Seriously! Wait, wait! Opera-san? Opera-san?!" Opera: "As I thought, you are a true master at evading, Iruma-sama. But if you want to raise your rank," Iruma: "Hit... my opponent?" Opera: "Indeed." Opera: "First, let's try catching the ball. As much as this pains me," Iruma: "But... wait... this is..." Opera: "Oh, how it pains me so." Iruma: "There's no sign of any expression on your face!" Opera: "This is all so you don't get hurt in a real match. Also, if you truly wish to move up the ranks," Opera: "Please be prepared." Opera: "That is all for today." Iruma: "Okay..." Iruma: "Catch..." Iruma: "Catch?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, how goes your training? Please allow me to support you! We're friends, after all! No need to reply." Clara: "Go, go, Iruma-chi! Devi, devi, go, go!" Asmodeus: "Must you interrupt me even here, you insolent fool?!" Iruma: "Azz-kun... And Clara, too..." Iruma: "Thank you." Iruma: "Oh, yeah." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Fight, fight!" Opera: "Today, we shall continue our lessons in catching. Okay. Whenever the ball is about to hit your face," Opera: "Please catch it rather than evading it." Iruma: "Okay." Iruma: "I'm sorry!" Opera: "Please listen. It is crucial that you watch the ball and concentrate." Opera: "Here we go, Iruma-sama." Opera: "Catch the ball!" Iruma: "Keep my eyes on the... ball?!" Opera: "Now, grab it!" Iruma: "I can't!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Opera: "That's the spirit! Brace your lower body and concentrate!" Iruma: "Okay!" Ameri: "So Iruma's begun his training..." Ameri: "I guess we'll have to put the reading of the forbidden texts on hold. It must be done." Ameri: "I will wait until his exam is over." Ameri: "Do your best, Iruma." Opera: "You need to strengthen those muscles!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Fight!" Clara: "You can do it, Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "Do not interfere!" Opera: "Faster!" Iruma: "Catch..." Iruma: "Catch..." Iruma: "Catch!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama." Asmodeus: "Here's some water." Iruma: "Thanks, Azz-kun!" Clara: "Eat more! More!" Asmodeus: "I see you have a healthy appetite as usual." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "Your hand..." Asmodeus: "I-It's scraped all over!" Iruma: "Yeah!" Iruma: "Also, I can finally distinguish Opera-san's different moods. When the kitty ears are droopy, that means "bad mood." When the kitty ears are pointed up, that means "good mood."" Clara: "Huh..." Asmodeus: "I see..." Iruma: "Catch... Catch..." Clara: "Iruma-chi's amazing, huh?" Asmodeus: "Yes..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama is..." Asmodeus: "quite eccentric." Iruma: "Okay, back to training I go!" Both: "Yeah!" Clara: "Take that!" Sullivan: "Looks like he worked really hard again today. So, how is the training going? Do you think he'll make it in time?" Opera: "He still has yet to catch the ball even once." Sullivan: "What?! Is he going to be okay? Will he be able to do it?" Opera: "However..." Opera: "He seems to be having fun every day." Sullivan: "I see!" Iruma: "Just a little bit more..." Opera: "Tomorrow is the promotion exam. There's no more time." Iruma: "Just a little more!" Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Just a little more!" Iruma: "Another one, please!" Opera: "Here I go." Iruma: "Brace my lower body..." Iruma: "And..." Opera: "Keep your eyes on the ball!" Iruma: "Keep my eyes..." Iruma: "on the ball!" Iruma: "Keep my eyes..." Iruma: "on the ball!" Iruma: "I caught it!" Asmodeus: "Splendid!" Clara: "Five, five, devi five!" Both: "Yay!" Asmodeus: "Hey! Iruma-sama's hands are injured!" Iruma: "I'm fine!" Asmodeus: "M-May I?" Clara: "Devi five! Devi, devi five!" Opera: "Let us continue before you forget that feeling. Once we are finished here," Iruma: "Okay!" Sullivan: "Looks like he's ready." Opera: "Yes." Opera: "Quite ready." Clara: "Su-ki-ma! Su-ki-ma! Su-ki-ma!" Iruma: "Ameri-san!" Ameri: "It's true that I'd like to know what happens next, but I also want him to do his best with his training. That's right!" Ameri: "I'll use that same method to tell him how I'm truly feeling. Iruma!" Ameri: "About you reading to me..." Iruma: "So you are mad?" : "The wall slam ended in failure." Sullivan: "You're working so hard, Iruma-kun. Grandpa's so happy! I've been recording all of your hard work, Iruma-kun. I have the latest tech and even 666K video quality. I'll surprise you with this footage at your wedding." Sullivan: "Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, "Fierce Battle, Execution Cannonball.""
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Episode 9 – Iruma's Decision and Hard Work", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", "9", "Iruma's Decision and Hard Work" ] }
All: ""The Secret Behind the Ring."" Iruma: "Today will be another great day!" Iruma: "Good morning, Grandpa and Opera-san!" Sullivan: "Good demo-rning, Iruma-kun!" Opera: "Good morning." Iruma: "Wow, this looks great! Down the hatch!" Iruma: "So yummy." Opera: "Your Hell Grey tea." Iruma: "Thank you!" Sullivan: "So, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "Yes?" Sullivan: "It appears that your Gluttonous Feeder Ring is a bit hungry. Let's feed it some of my magical power." Iruma: "Sure." Sullivan: "The ring needs to eat its fill, too." Sullivan: "Now it should be full." Iruma: "Thank you, Grandpa." Sullivan: "Make sure you eat your fill, too, Iruma-kun!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "Let us head to school." Iruma: "I'll see you later! Azz-kun, Clara, good morning." Clara: "Iruma-chi, your cowlick is devi-devi on point." Asmodeus: "You fool. This is no cowlick. This is clearly Iruma-sama's fantastic hairstyle." Asmodeus: "Wait... Perhaps I should have the same hairstyle as..." Iruma: "Er, Azz-kun..." Iruma: "You really don't have to." Asmodeus: "Are you certain? In that case, Iruma-sama, allow me to carry your bag!" Iruma: "Oh, it's fine. I'll carry—" Clara: "I'll carry it, then!" Asomdeus: "You fool! Stay out of this!" Clara: "Please, please, please, please, please..." Iruma: "Please?" Iruma: "Here you go." : "Iruma cannot refuse when someone asks him for something. He is the ultimate pushover." Male Student 1: "Hey, it's the Iruma Corps." Male Student 2: "They sure do love walking." Male Student 1: "Looks like the strange beast is as strange as ever, too." emale Student 1: "It's the head of the class, Asmodeus-sama! He's so hot." Clara: "My right foot is Connor, and my left foot is Murf! Are you ready?" Clara: "Let's run a demonathon to school! Dash!" Asmodeus: "You're going to make a mess of Iruma-sama's belongings if you shake his bag that much! Come back here!" Iruma: "They get along so well. Wait up, you two!" : "Suzuki Iruma, age 14. He is a human, but was sold off by his moronic parents, became the demon Sullivan's grandson, and started going to the demon school Babyls in the netherworld. As the name suggests, this is a school for demons in the netherworld," : "He was worried at first, believing the demons might find out he was human and eat him, but many things happened, and he's gotten quite used to life here." School Employee: "Sheesh. This is no place to dump garbage." Janitor: "You said it." Iruma: "Oh, I'll help!" School Employee: "Iruma-kun! Thanks a lot." Janitor: "We always appreciate your help. You're such a good demon, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "Oh, this is nothing." Asmodeus: "I will also help Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Mosu!" Konatsu: "Don't inconvenience anyone." Kalego: "While you're at school, follow all the rules, respect your teachers, and strive to do your academic best. Do not forget to prepare for your upcoming end-of-the-terminus tests." Iruma: "End-of-terminus tests?" Kalego: "Though I wouldn't care if you all failed." Iruma: "I'd better study." Momonoki: "Now, for your magic basics lesson today, we'll be starting with page 80 in your textbook and practicing transformation magic." Momonoki: "You will cast a spell on the frog in this bottle to change its color. Now, then... Iruma-kun. Give it a try." Iruma: "Y-Yes, ma'am." Asmodeus: "Please do your best, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "You've got this, Iruma-chi!" Momonoki: "The spell is "Cherusil."" Clara: "Go, go, Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "Okay." Iruma: "Um..." Iruma: "I'll use devil mode." Iruma: "Cherusil!" Momonoki: "As you can see, its color has changed. It's now a lovely black." Asmodeus: "Splendid, Iruma-sama! That is the most perfect shade of black I have ever seen!" Asmodeus: "Excellent work. You slay me, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Clappy, clappy, clappy, clap." Iruma: "Th-Thanks." Iruma: "I'm starting to get used to doing magic with the ring." Iruma: "Being able to use magic could be fun if I can really master it." : "Because Iruma is a mere human being, he has no magical powers and wouldn't normally be able to use magic. He's able to use magic thanks to Sullivan's magical powers" Gaako: "I'm starving!" Eiko: "Same here!" Student: "I'll use my devi card." Comecome: "Thank you much." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, would you like to get the A lunch today? Or perhaps the D lunch?" Iruma: "Hm, they both look good." Asmodeus: "Then I shall get you both." Clara: "I'm gonna go order the W lunch!" Asmodeus: "H-Hey, wait! That lunch has funny mushrooms! It's not—" Iruma: "Wha—" Iruma: "I-It's the thing that sucked away everyone's magical powers before!" Iruma: "Wh-Wh-Why?! Begone, evil spirit!" Iruma: "Y-You're hungry? But Grandpa fed you this morning!" Iruma: "Anyway, I need to get you to Grandpa!" Shadow: "Nah, I'm not actually hungry." Iruma: "But—" Iruma: "Y-You just spoke?" Ali-San: "Huh?! Why would I ever speak? Have I ever spoken to you before?" Iruma: "Huh?" Ali-San: "Listen here." Ali-San: "Wait, you're right! I am talking!" Iruma: "You think?" Ali-San: "Wait, wait, I have a voice? Wait, why? Ah, ah... Test, test. Can you hear me?" Iruma: "C-C-C-Calm down!" Ali-San: "What? Wh-Wh-What's going on?! Huh?!" Ali-San: "Wow, the world is huge out here!" Konatsu: "What is that? A black shadow?" Dosanko: "Youth isn't always just in the light." Dosanko: "You must embrace the shadow as part of your youth, too." Konatsu: "Dosa-chan?" Ali-San: "So..." Ali-San: "I guess I'm the Gluttonous Feeder Ring's... incarnation?" Iruma: "Incarnation?" Ali-San: "As for how I'm speaking right now... I haven't the foggiest!" Iruma: "You didn't have to say that so confidently." Ali-San: "No... It must mean that my screams, my feelings... took form!" Ali-San: "That's right, Master." Iruma: "Huh? To say to me?" Ali-San: "You aren't using your magical powers properly!" Ali-San: "You lack elegance!" Iruma: "Huh?" Ali-San: "I gobble up a lot of power at once... Then I'm forced to horf it out just as fast." Ali-San: "Be kind to me!" Ali-San: "Keep mistreating me like that, and I won't let you use magical powers." Iruma: "Huh?! But what else am I supposed to do?" Ali-San: "First of all, magic is..." Ali-San: "The ability to make your thoughts come to life." Ali-San: "It's based on desire! The transformation spell you did in class" Iruma: "Desire..." Ali-San: "The basic element of magic is your imagination." Iruma: "Imagination?" Ali-San: "With that, you'll be able to pull off a far more difficult Cherusil." Iruma: "So I just have to really visualize it in my head?" Ali-San: "Right, then." Iruma: "Huh?" Ali-San: "Bring it!" Iruma: "But what kind of transformation?" Ali-San: "Well, let's see... Maybe imagine me with big eyes, curvy, and with long, skinny legs so I look hot!" Ali-San: "Go on, imagine it!" Iruma: "S-Sure... Let's see..." Iruma: "Ch-Cherusil!" Ali-San: "Ah, yes." Ali-San: "Do you have any imagination?! Simple is best, you fool!" Iruma: "I-I'm sorry!" Ali-San: "What am I going to do with you, Master?" Iruma: "U-Um... Could you not call me "Master," please?" Ali-San: "Oh? I guess I'll call you "Li'l Iru," then." Iruma: "Li'l Iru?" Ali-San: "And you can call me..." Ali-San: "Alikred." Iruma: "Alic..." Ali-San: "Nah, just call me "Ali-san."" Iruma: "Ali-san?" Ameri: "No matter how many times I look at it, they look so much alike. The more I look at it, the resemblance is uncanny... to Iruma!" Ameri: "Could it actually be him?" Ameri: "Is Iruma wearing... this frilly... f-fluffy thing?" Ameri: "No, of course not. Despite how he looks, Iruma is filled with ambition. He's always working toward a goal and overcoming any obstacles along the way. His heart is filled with a fiery passion. He would never wear something so f-frilly and fluffy..." Ameri: "It's obviously someone else." Ali-San: "Okay. Next, try casting it on yourself. You can end up all weird, too!" Iruma: "H-Huh?" Iruma: "Cherusil!" Ali-San: "That's so plain!" Ali-San: "You turned a frog black, and now you turned your uniform white? You lack imagination." Ali-San: "Go for a more dynamic transformation! Let's start this fashion show!" Ali-San: "Nice!" Ali-San: "There you go! Nice and flashy!" Ali-San: "Yeah, the outfit definitely doesn't make the man." Ali-San: "You seriously lack originality." Iruma: "I'm sorry..." Ali-San: "All right! Next, imagine something you'd never, ever wear. Make your imagination work overtime!" Iruma: "Something I'd never wear?" Iruma: "Let's see..." Ali-San: "Go on! Work it!" Iruma: "Okay! Something I'd never wear... Something I'd never wear... Never... Never, never, never, never, never, never, never! Cherusil!" Ameri: "Who's there?! Don't use vacant rooms without permission!" Girls: "All dressed up!" Ameri: "Frilly and fluffy!" Iruma: "W-Wait, Ameri-san!" Ameri: "Magic?" Iruma: "Ah, yes! I was talking with this ring, and we were practicing together!" Ameri: "Rings don't talk! On top of wearing frilly, fluffy outfits," Iruma: "Wait, Ali-san? Where did you—" Ameri: "Excuse me!" Iruma: "Hey, wait!" Iruma: "She definitely got the wrong idea... How do I explain this misunderstanding?" Ali-San: "Why don't you just tell her you're into that?" Iruma: "Ali-san! Why did you disappear?" Ali-San: "Heh. I watched it all unfold from the ring." Ali-San: "I had a good laugh." Iruma: "Show yourself to Ameri-san and help me explain!" Ali-San: "Yeah, that's not happening." Iruma: "Huh?" Ali-San: "I mean, I'm basically the unknown, right? If they find me, they might do experiments on me, and that's oh so scary! Li'l Iru, you know what it feels like to not want to stand out!" Iruma: "Well... Yeah, I do." : "Iruma tries his absolute best not to stand out. That is the only way he can survive in the netherworld as the only human resident." Iruma: "But if I don't do something, Ameri-san will have the wrong idea about me forever!" Ali-San: "W-Well, if there have been others like me before, then I guess it's okay to pop out and clear things up." Iruma: "Really?!" Ali-San: "Well, sure. If I know it's safe to come out, I'll make a flashy appearance that rivals an actress strolling down the red carpet. Though, I really like this mysterious thing I've got going—" Iruma: "Let's do this, Ali-san!" Iruma: "Let's work together!" Ali-San: "Oh, you... Wink." Iruma: "We'll discover the secret behind the ring and clear this misunderstanding with Ameri-san!" Ali-San: "So, Li'l Iru, you got any leads? You seem amped up." Iruma: "Yes!" Iruma: "I'm sure he knows all about this ring!" Sullivan: "Hmm..." Sullivan: "No, rings just don't talk." Iruma: "What?!" Sullivan: "The Gluttonous Feeder Ring is just a magical apparatus that stores magical power. It absolutely does not have a consciousness. Nope." Iruma: "B-But it started talking..." Iruma: "Er, it can't appear right now, but..." Sullivan: "You must be tired." Iruma: "Huh?" Sullivan: "Let's get you a warm cup of milk." Iruma: "N-No, really! It really..." Opera: "Please take a nice, long nap." Opera: "Sleepy time... Sleepy time... Sleepy time..." Gaako: "Eiko, what book are you looking for?" Eiko: "I thought I'd study up on cameras." Gaako: "Cameras? What are you going to shoot?" Eiko: "W-Well..." Eiko: "I'm going to sneak shots of Iruma-san and President Ameri, but... I can't say that!" Iruma: "The Gluttonous Feeder Ring... The Gluttonous Feeder Ring... Found it! "A somewhat rare magical apparatus that stores and releases magical power." "Once it runs out, a mist appears and sucks up all of the magical power in the area."" Ali-San: "Well, that sounds like trouble." Iruma: ""Sounds like"?" Iruma: "You don't remember what happened?" Ali-San: "All I really remember from that is, "Man, I was starving."" Iruma: "Huh? What about going berserk?" Ali-San: "Nope." Iruma: "U-Um..." Iruma: "What about making cherry blossoms appear?" Ali-San: "Nope." Iruma: "Doesn't remember the cherry blossoms..." Iruma: "What about the first Libera?" Ali-San: "Haven't the foggiest." Iruma: "Doesn't remember Libera. So, when did you first become aware?" Ali-San: "Oh, that was... the dragging incident." Iruma: "The what?" Ali-San: "Oh, you know." Ali-San: "The time I made you dive at the weirdo with the glasses to tell you he was dangerous." Iruma: "What?! Wait, that's why that happened with Kiriwo-senpai?!" Ali-San: "I thought it was pretty clear." Iruma: "It was not!" Ali-San: "Basically, I can't pinpoint the exact time I changed. That's about all I remember." Iruma: "I see... But if Ali-san's memories are that fuzzy," Iruma: "Which means..." Iruma: "We're stuck." Iruma: "What am I supposed to do?" Ali-San: "Fireworks! Fireworks! Fireworks, fireworks!" Iruma: "Fireworks?" Iruma: "You remember the fire..." Ali-San: "What is it, Li'l Iru?" Iruma: "I'm trying to put together everything we've been through." Iruma: "Look!" Ali-San: "Huh?" Iruma: "Look. It splits up perfectly. You don't remember the cherry blossoms or Libera, But you remember things that happened after I reached Bet rank. You remember Kiriwo-senpai and the fireworks." Ali-San: "And once you reached Gimel rank..." Ali-San: "I could talk..." Ali-San: "So basically, the reason I can talk now is..." Iruma: "Because my rank went up?!" Ali-San: "...up?!" Monitor: "Shh!" Iruma: "S-Sorry!" Ali-San: "Yeah, that makes total sense, because you and I are basically one entity!" Iruma: "If that's true, we'll be able to experiment!" Ali-San: "Oh?" Iruma: "If you keep changing as I climb the ranks..." Iruma: "Okay!" Ali-San: "Hey, hey. You sure about that, Li'l Iru? Wouldn't that bring attention to you?" Ali-San: "Now you realize that? You really are a pushover. What to do..." Ali-San: "Oh, also, Li'l Iru, no being formal with me." Iruma: "Of course... I mean... Sure." : "Thus Iruma began his life with the incarnation of the Gluttonous Feeder Ring, Ali-san." : "What will this encounter mean for Iruma?" Iruma: "Yum!" Opera: "He mentioned the ring talking, so I was a little worried..." Sullivan: "It looks like he's doing okay." Sullivan: "I'm so relieved!" Iruma: "I had so much fun today! We got a little closer to Ali-san's secret, too. That's really gre— Zzz..." Iruma: "I haven't resolved anything about the misunderstanding with Ameri-san!" : "Back to square one." : "Iruma had no way of knowing the tumultuous future that awaited him." Clara: "Su-ki-ma!" Eiko: "Hello, everyone. Eiko here. I finally got the hang of using an evil-lens camera! The AOV! Shutter speed! The aperture! The sensitivity! Exposure! Developing! And food!" Eiko: "Now I can take beautiful pictures of Iruma-san and President Ameri! All I need to do now is buy a camera! Now I just need a devi-time job! Get your demongos! Every last one's gotta go! Step right up! Twist my arm!" Gaako: "E-Eiko?!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 1 – The Secret Behind the Ring", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "1", "The Secret Behind the Ring" ] }
: "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" Balam: "Throughout our history—the history of the netherworld, that is—" Balam: "countless imaginary beasts have existed. The study of imaginary beasts involves learning via imagination. After all..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Balam: "It's a subject in which we research creatures of the imaginary kind." Balam: "And..." Balam: "There are plenty of unexplored regions in the netherworld." Asmodeus: "C-Could you perhaps stop this?" Balam: "So there must be new species out there." Iruma: "E-Excuse me..." Balam: "What's that? You want to know what imaginary beasts eat?" Iruma: "Huh?" Balam: "We believe that imaginary beasts eat other imaginary beasts!" Balam: "For example, cats in the netherworld catch demon birds and eat them... But the imaginary version of a cat does not have wings!" Iruma: "Say, Azz-kun, is the reason all the other students ran away..." Asmodeus: "Indeed." Student C: "Apparently he touches everyone to see if they're fit for his experiments." Iruma: "E-Experiments?" Student D: "Rumor has it he kidnaps the students he likes..." Student D: "and then conducts experiments on them all night!" Iruma: "Huh?!" Balam: "Now, then..." Balam: "Today, we will think about humans." Balam: "If a human were to appear in front of you, what would you do?" Student: "Well, obviously..." Male Student B: "Eat them!" Azuki: "I hear humans taste really good. I wonder if that's really true." Dosanko: "I wonder if they can truly satisfy my palate." Song: "Humans only exist to be our food..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama?!" Balam: "It is said that humans are filled with desires and serve as sustenance for us demons." Haruno: "What would you do if you encountered a human, Sensei?" Balam: "Me?" Student C: "Don't just stop talking. It's creepy." Student D: "He's totally experimenting in his mind right now." Haruno: "Is he really going to eat them?" Balam: "Well, if I ever met a human... I'd love to ask them how they managed to survive." Balam: "Imaginary beasts are ancient... And the fact that they've survived this long must mean that they live in a peaceful environment. But the netherworld's ecosystem is unforgiving. That's why we demons attained wings during our evolution. In the race for survival, wings are essential. Even if you don't have horns, as long as you have wings, you can flee..." Balam: "As long as you have... Huh?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "That looks fun!" Balam: "Pardon me! Someone!" Robin: "What's the matter, Balam-sensei?" Balam: "There's an emergency! This boy doesn't have wings!" Momonoki: "He doesn't have wings?!" Robin: "Oh, come on, now. Of course he has wings!" Momonoki: "I'm sure they're just tucked inside his body." Balam: "He doesn't even have wing bases!" Momonoki And Robin: "He doesn't?!" Balam: "You can tell by touching him." Iruma: "What should I do?" Robin: "Iruma-kun, let me see your back." Iruma: "They're gonna find out that I'm human!" Balam: "Let's pull this off!" Robin: "Right!" Robin: "This is..." Momonoki: "He does have wings." Iruma: "Huh?!" Iruma: "Ali-san!" Robin: "Aw, we just didn't notice them because they're so small." Momonoki: "It's great that you're so passionate about your research, but don't let your imagination run too wild." Iruma: "I was sure they were going to find me out." Iruma: "It might be dangerous to be around this teacher. I do want to ask him about our homework..." Iruma: "But I should probably get away. W-Well, I'll be going now." Balam: "It's no use." Balam: "The study of imaginary beasts consists of preconceptions. After touching your back, I'm convinced that either you have a severe illness" Balam: "or you're a very special creature." Balam: "I won't be satisfied until I find out for sure." Balam: "Please..." Balam: "don't hold this against me." Iruma: "If he finds out I'm human... He's going to eat—" Balam: "Are we... even now?" Iruma: "Huh?" Balam: "Whoops." Iruma: "U-Um..." Balam: "My fangs are rather savage. That's not exactly rare in the netherworld, but I got in an accident, exposing some of my fangs. I love all living creatures, but everyone runs away because they're scared of these fangs. That's why I got the habit of touching them as much as possible, given the chance." Balam: "I wear this mask so I'm not as scary." Iruma: "Why are you telling me this?" Balam: "Well, I figured you probably didn't like having people see your tiny wings. That must've startled you. I'm sorry. I wasn't sure at first, but I figured I should do this. It wouldn't have been fair if you went through something upsetting and all I did was apologize." Iruma: "I see." Iruma: "is a bit unique." Balam: "Come on in." Iruma: "Where are we?" Balam: "The netherworld history prep room." Iruma: "People might be scared of him..." Balam: "Wait here. I'll pour you some Hell Grey tea." Iruma: "But the truth is..." Balam: "Don't spill... Don't spill..." Iruma: "He's actually super nice." Balam: "It's hot, so be careful." Iruma: "Thank you very much." Balam: "Be careful not to burn yourself." Balam: "I think it tastes good." Iruma: "Sensei." Iruma: "I'm... human." Balam: "Huh?" Kid A: "Take that! And that!" Kid A: "Hey, Balam." Kid A: "You're looking at picture books again?" Student E: "He's still reading picture books?" Student F: "Gross." Student E: "Like any of those creatures actually exist." Student F: "Right?" Iruma: "I'm... human." Balam: "Huh?" Iruma: "I-I accidentally said it!" Balam: "H-Hu... Hu..." Iruma: "Er, um..." Balam: "You said "human," didn't you?!" Iruma: "No, I—" Balam: "Lying is bad! You said you're human, didn't you?!" Iruma: "Er, um..." Iruma: "Yes..." Iruma: "Balam-sensei! A-A-Are you okay?!" Balam: "No, I am not..." Iruma: "What?!" Balam: "Wait, your wings..." Iruma: "Th-They're fake." Balam: "Then what about a tail?! Do you have a tail?!" Iruma: "No, I don't. Um, Sense—" Balam: "D-Don't come any closer!" Iruma: "Wait, does he mean his appetite?" Balam: "I'm so nervous." Iruma: "Huh?" Balam: "I mean, you're a human! A real human! The real thing versus what I've been imagining!" Balam: "I wasn't wrong!" Iruma: "Y-You don't want to eat me?" Balam: "Well, sort of... But you're a precious protected species!" Iruma: "I-Is that how this works?" Balam: "If we're being honest here, I really want to touch you." Iruma: "Poke." Balam: "Good sir!" Iruma: "S-Sorry! I couldn't help myself." Balam: "You need to be aware of your position! If the others find out you're a rare and frail human, there'll be trouble!" Iruma: "Er, well..." Iruma: "But I have gone this long without the others finding out." Balam: "Listen, you! I'm the only one who'd react to a human like this! Any other demon would've devoured you in a single gulp! Do you understand that?! You don't, do you?!" Iruma: "I-I'm sorry!" Balam: "You are too naïve of a creature." Iruma: "Azz-kun and Clara are probably worried." Iruma: "I ended up getting lectured for several hours." Iruma: "But..." Balam: "What about your scent?! How are you masking it?! Is it perfume?! Put it on every day! What about your food?! Is netherworld food okay?! It's good? That's great to hear!" Iruma: "Balam-sensei is so nice." Song: "Tremble at the sound of black wings..." Iruma: "Wh-What's wrong?" Goemon: "We just can't get motivated." Lead: "We're done for!" Jazz: "We held out as long as we could..." Asmodeus: "But you just started studying yesterday. Can't you do this more efficiently?" Jazz: "Have someone tutor us?" Jazz: "All right, all of the morons, gather over here." Asmodeus: "All right... dismissed!" Lead: "We've been forsaken!" Asmodeus: "There's no way we can teach all of you! I'll be accompanying Iruma-sama, after all!" Sabro: "You shall learn by watching my back!" Schneider: "There are no shortcuts in learning." Keroli: "Yeah, I can't." Jazz: "Well, I guess that's not happening." Clara: "Sabro, I didn't know you were a goody-goody smarty-pants." Sabro: "As a future Demon King, knowledge is vital." Clara: "Good boy! Good boy!" Goemon: "Are you also an idiot, Elizabetta-dono?" Elizabetta: "Is that bad?" Camui: "No, it's exciting! But I also admire the smart, bespectacled ladies." Keroli: "I'm good." Lead: "At this rate, our end of terminus is gonna be ruined by supplementary classes!" Iruma: "By the way, do you all have plans for break—" Jazz; Lead; Goemon: "Glad you asked!" Lead: "The netherworld is filled with tons of fun stuff!" Goemon: "Amusement parks! Water parks!" Camui: "The bloody pool!" Jazz: "The kickass rock festivals!" Elizabetta: "Shopping at the Vampire's Mansion!" Lead: "There are a bunch of festivals, too." Asmodeus: "All of you cheer up when you start talking about playing around. Honestly, I..." Clara: "Iruma-chi, you're so bright." Iruma: "Er, it's just... that all sounded like fun." Iruma: "I basically only ever worked during my summer vacations!" Lead: "Iruma-kun, you've never been to a water park?" Iruma: "N-No..." Jazz: "Let's all go together, then!" Iruma: "What? Really?!" Goemon: "Let's have fun together!" Iruma: "Yeah!" Iruma: "Going out somewhere with everyone..." Kalego: "That will only happen if you pass your exams." All: "Oh, right..." Kalego: "By the way, I will be in charge of the supplementary classes." Lead: "A road to death!" Goemon: "That's awful!" Lead: "You just don't understand youth, Kalego-sensei!" Jazz: "I really don't want to, but I guess I'll study. Cheating's impossible, too." Iruma: "Impossible?" Jazz: "Well, if anyone tries to cheat on these tests, they always get caught. No idea why." Iruma: "Ah..." Lead: "What the?!" Camui: "Scary!" Picero: "Pipe down..." Asmodeus: "B-Balam-sensei?" Jazz: "Wait, the guy everyone says is experimenting on students?" Camui: "Did he come to kidnap someone?" Iruma: "Huh? No, Balam-sensei would never—" Lead: "Sensei." Kalego: "You seem well, Shichiro." Balam: "Hey there, Kalego-kun." Kalego: "Did you get even taller?" Balam: "Yes." Iruma: "Excuse me..." Iruma: "How do you two know each other?" Balam: "We're classmates. We also went to Babyls." Kalego: "We're stuck with each other." Clara: "Does that mean you're friends? You're just like me and Iruma-chi, then!" Iruma: "Y-Yeah, maybe." Kalego: "But you can't just show up unannounced." Balam: "You're right. Everyone seems surprised." Lead: "Well, yeah, we were surprised, but..." Jazz: "More importantly, Kalego-sensei..." All: "There's actually a demon you get along with?!" Lead: "Ow, ow, ow, ow! He read our minds!" Iruma: "Um, what are you doing here, Balam-sensei?" Balam: "I was worried someone might've discovered you're human, so I came to check on you. More importantly, I heard you're having trouble studying for your exams." Balam: "I'll make you something useful." Balam: "Once upon a time, there lived..." Asmodeus: "Mu-chan!" Iruma: "Ko-chan!" Clara: "Kei-chan!" Balam: "...three siblings." Balam: "Ko-chan cast a spell and used magic." Iruma: "Raffire!" Balam: "This is called verbal magic. It covers many types of spells." Iruma: "The flame's just too small." Asmodeus: "Leave this to me!" Balam: "Mu-chan can use magic without verbalizing the spell. This is called mental magic, and it requires a lot of training." Balam: "Kei-chan has special magic that only she can use. This is called bloodline magic. With enough practice, it can be made even stronger. They all have different kinds of magic," Balam: "These are the basics of magic." Iruma: "This is so easy to understand!" Balam: "Really?!" Iruma: "Did you really write this, Balam-sensei? That's so cool! It's so cute!" Balam: "I've always loved picture books. I even create some on my own as a hobby. I try to show the others, but everyone always seems to run away." Iruma: "But it must've been a lot of work to make this." Balam: "What are you talking about?! You need to know more about the netherworld to protect yourself! I'll make you picture books for the other subjects, too," Iruma: "I guess he's happy to have someone read his picture book. Okay!" Iruma: "I guess there are a lot of ways to study besides just reading textbooks." Clara: "It's easy to learn when you sing, too! With just a little bit of water, they grow like whoosh, nigi nigi greens... They love dark, dreary places, namejirooms..." Goemon: "General Andras sure is strong." Lead: "They used a real-life battle as inspiration for this game." Iruma: "Wow." Iruma: "Netherworld history is filled with dreams." Goemon; Lead: "Sure..." Iruma: "I'll work hard at my studies!" Iruma: "With just a little bit of water..." Class: "They grow like whoosh, nigi nigi greens! They love dark, dreary places, namejirooms! Spinny spin and you get Ouroboros! It'll sprout on the night of the blood moon! Hurray, hurray!" Kalego: "They've completely broken." Iruma: "I never thought there'd be such a touching story in the history of torture..." Balam: "You look like a mess." Balam: "Are your studies going well?" Iruma: "I'm still getting a lot of wrong answers..." Iruma: "I basically feel a new me coming through, I guess. So it hasn't been rough. Actually..." Iruma: "Wait, why are you taking notes?" Balam: "Oh, I just find you fascinating." Balam: "Here's your next picture book." Iruma: "Oh, thank you very much!" Balam: "No, thank you." Asmodeus: "And stop!" Iruma: "I-I got more right answers than wrong ones!" Asmodeus: "Though this is a mock exam, you've scored above a failing grade of 40! Next, we should shoot for 100!" Iruma: "Huh?" Clara: "Hrm... Well done improving so much. You've made this professor proud." Iruma: "Thank you." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! Don't let her fool you! The professor only got a 58! She's not better than you!" Iruma: "Huh?" Asmodeus And Iruma: "They're actually studying!" Lead: "Yeah, well..." Goemon: "We're suddenly interested in studying now." Elizabetta: "We feel like we can do this." Jazz: "I put together all the ways to figure out the calculations." Lead: "Nice! I got some hints from Orias-sensei about the exams. Let's trade." Goemon: "I'd like to see, too." Sabro: "Let us all compare notes, then." Iruma: "Balam-sensei's picture books are so easy to understand. Azz-kun is great at teaching. Clara's always cheerful, even when she's studying." Iruma: "We're all studying together as a class and sharing our thoughts. I never had any idea" Iruma: "that studying could be so much fun." Iruma: "Thanks to them, studying has been fun. This must be something amazing." Iruma: "And this is... This is just a tiny little thought. Maybe I'm actually..." Iruma: "really smart." : "Studying high. This happens when you get a big head after scoring well on a test." Iruma: "With just a little bit of water..." : "And so, everyone's preparations continued." Balam: "I guess it's about time." Kalego: "Now..." Kalego: "The end-of-terminus exams..." Kalego: "will begin!" Clara: "Sukima, Sukima!" : "The first day." Iruma: "Balam-sensei." Balam: "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! What if I accidentally hurt you? Stay back! Back!" Iruma: "I'll be fine." : "The second day." Balam: "Okay, I'm used to this now." Iruma: "This is a bit extreme." : "Balam's research on humans was going well."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 10 – Balam's Lesson", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "10", "Balam's Lesson" ] }
: "The end-of-terminus exams have finally begun." : "Will Iruma and the rest of the Misfit Class be able to avoid failing grades?" Kalego: "I will now return the end-of-terminus exams you took the other day." Class: "Hold up!" Elizabetta: "W-Wait!" Camui: "It's too soon!" Jazz: "I'm not mentally prepared!" Goemon: "At least give us time to pray!" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""End-of-Terminus Exams."" Lead: "I don't want to take supplementary classes!" Elizabetta: "I worked so hard!" Camui: "I'm going to fly away!" Goemon: "Regret..." Lead: "Just tell us tomorrow! It's too soon now!" Kalego: "So, your results..." All: "Hey!" Kalego: "It is extremely unfortunate." Kalego: "The number of students who failed and must take supplementary classes..." Kalego: "is zero. Tch." All: "Yeah! We're all safe!" Asmodeus: "We've done it, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Iruma-chi, we did it!" Iruma: "Yeah! Thank you both for your help!" Iruma: "I did it, Ali-san." Lead: "I'm gonna play! Games! Parties!" Camui: "Onward to the beach to meet new ladies!" Kalego: "Silence!" Kalego: "You three! Line up!" Kalego: "Any Alefs who scored above average will be moving up to Bet." Jazz: "Seriously?" Elizabetta: "That's amazing!" Clara: "Yay! Good job, better Bets!" Iruma: "Congrats on ranking up!" Kalego: "Alocer has gone from Alef to Gimel. He scored the highest in his grade." Lead: "Wait, even higher than Azz-Azz?" Jazz: "Devi cool!" Schneider: "Cream rises to the top." Iruma: "Everyone's amazing!" Asmodeus: "Yes! Well done, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Huh? Me?" Asmodeus: "I have to admit," Asmodeus: "Seeing you study inspired them all to pick up their pens and concentrate on their learning." Asmodeus: "You have the power to change those around you, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Change those around me?" Iruma: "I do?" Asmodeus: "Yes!" Asmodeus: "And that..." Asmodeus: "is most definitely..." Asmodeus: "a trait of a king!" Kalego: "Iruma." Iruma: "Y-Yes, sir?" Kalego: "The one whose score improved the most on this last exam..." Kalego: "is you." Sabro: "It appears that I cannot slack off." Kalego: "You didn't quite reach a new rank, though." Iruma: "Thank you so much." Iruma: "Um, Sensei..." Iruma: "I'm going out for a bit!" Kalego: "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Iruma: "The power to change those around me, huh?" Iruma: "I want to hurry and tell Balam-sensei how I did. Wh-Whoa. I-I'm sorr—" Iruma: "Y-Y... Your hair's gone! Is that my fault?!" Balam: "No, I have hair." Iruma: "Y-Yes, of course." Balam: "Hmm... I just wanted a change of pace? Anyway, how did your exams go?" Balam: "You ranked 81st out of 163 first-years!" Balam: "You're right in the middle!" Iruma: "I sure am!" Balam: "That's amazing! You improved so much!" Iruma: "Thank you very much! It's all thanks to you, Balam-sensei!" Balam: "No, this is due to your hard work. Since you worked so hard, here's a little gift from me." Iruma: "That's... a salamander flower!" Balam: "Correct! You really have improved." Iruma: "Huh?" Balam: "The knowledge you gained from your exams will surely help you protect yourself. You've grown so much. By the way, I've removed the fire source from this one, so you'll be fine." Iruma: "Oh, I see..." Balam: "You influence each other, learn, and evolve. That's something unique to living creatures." Balam: "You even said yourself that you updated. That's why I thought I'd try a little harder to be more approachable, rather than just concentrate on approaching others. I thought I might look a bit scary since my hair was so long." Iruma: "So it is my fault?" Balam: "It's thanks to you. Just like a single drop of water is enough to cause ripples," Balam: "your casual words gave me courage." Balam: "Especially because your words don't lie, but go straight to the heart." Iruma: "Huh?" Balam: "Anyway, I'm glad you were able to avoid a failing score." Balam: "Great job." Iruma: "Thanks!" Male Student 1: "The list of people who failed and have to take supplementary classes is out!" Dosanko: "Wow, not a single student from the Misfit Class." Eiko: "Iruma-san! I knew you could do it!" Dosanko: "No one wants to waste even a single page of their youth, right?" Kalego: "Shichiro?!" Kalego: "Wait... Your hair..." Kalego: "Wait just a moment..." Balam: "Kalego-kun," Kalego: "Well, I admit you seem bolder than before, and that's a good thing. Because you're... the only one at Babyls other than myself" Kalego: "who's ranked Khet." : "The Balam family bloodline ability: Buzzer. He can immediately detect lies or falsehoods in whoever he is observing." Kalego: "You're the only one who can spread their mana throughout the whole school and detect the behaviors of every student." Schenell: "Oh?" Kalego: "I'm sure there isn't a single student you can't handle." Balam: "Actually, there is a student I couldn't read at all." Kalego: "What?" Balam: "This is exactly why living creatures are so amusing." Kalego: "Huh?" Balam: "Oh, nothing." Kalego: "Just so you're aware," Balam: "What?!" Clara: "Yay, yay! Great job on your tests!" Asmodeus: "Now, let us celebrate!" Clara: "We've got plenty of snacks! Yay!" Iruma: "Um... Where's Schenell-senpai?" Asmodeus: "He was caught red-handed trying to use a potion that made him smarter and is in supplementary hell." Iruma: "Huh?!" Ameri: "So he managed to avoid a failing grade. Good for you, Iruma." All: ""Girls' Talk."" Ameri: "There." Ameri: "We're celebrating our test results along with our usual reading session. I wasn't able to contact him during the end-of-terminus exams, so this was rather sudden. But I bought us a popular herbal tea that's great for relaxation, so I'm sure Iruma will be pleased... Thank you for coming, Iru..." Ameri: "...ma?" Clara: "Iruma-chi won't be coming!" Ameri: "Huh?!" Goemon: "Yeah! We're just getting started!" Goemon: "Yeah! Let's babi babi babi babi babi babi babiru!" All: "Yeah! Let's babi babi babi babi babi babi babiru!" All: "Yeah! Let's babi babi babi babi babi babi babiru!" Asmodeus: "So this is the screeching room. Who knew the Game Battler had such a place." Iruma: "I sort of got dragged here to celebrate the end of the end-of-terminus exams." Iruma: "I had plans with Ameri-san, too..." Iruma: "Ameri-san, I'm sorry." Ameri: "Aw... Iruma's not coming." Ameri: "I see." Ameri: "Actually, why did you come to tell me?" Clara: "That's easy! Because..." Clara: "I wanted to talk to you, Lady Redhair!" Ameri: "Lady Redhair?!" Clara: "Here we go!" Ameri: "Huh? What?!" Clara: "Heh! Girls' time!" Elizabetta: "It's not fair that only the boys are having fun. Let's enjoy ourselves, too." Ameri: "Why am I here?" Keroli: "Why's the student council president here?" Elizabetta: "This is our first girls' time together." Elizabetta: "First, let us introduce ourselves." Clara: "Hi, hi! I'm Valac Clara!" Elizabetta: "I'm X Elizabetta." Keroli: "I'm... Crocell Keroli." Ameri: "Azazel Ameri... The student council president." Keroli And Clara: "We know!" Elizabetta: "You're our special guest!" Ameri: "They opened up the herbal tea I prepared especially for Iruma..." Clara: "Okay, are you all ready? Misfit Class Girl Squad! With Lady Redhair!" Clara: "Here we go!" Clara And Elizabetta: "Cheers!" Keroli And Ameri: "Cheers..." Clara: "I've never had anything like this before!" Ameri: "Yes, it is good." Elizabetta: "Miss President!" Elizabetta: "I've always wanted to talk to you. The way your hair curls is absolutely stunning." Ameri: "Oh, thank you..." Elizabetta: "What's your routine? What shampoo do you use?" Ameri: "Shampoo... Um, it's Devian..." Elizabetta: "Wow, that's top-shelf!" Clara: "Ooh... Your hair's so shiny and soft!" Ameri: "H-Hey!" Clara: "Mustache!" Clara: "Kerolin, yours is so flowy and sparkly." Keroli: "Huh? "Kerolin"?" Elizabetta: "What do you use, Keroli-chan?" Keroli: "I-I use Lovelica..." Kuromu: "Do you want to know?" Kuromu: "I'll tell you." Kuromu: "Your heart is all mine! Devi!" Kuromi: "Lovelica shampoo and conditioner, now on sale!" Kuromu: "Devi!" Keroli: "I made that entirely too obnoxious. I'm so embarrassed!" : "Though she hides her identity at school, Keroli is actually the extremely popular dem-dol Kuromu." Elizabetta: "What about you, Clara-chan?" Clara: "Soap!" Ameri; Keroli; Elizabetta: "S-Soap?!" Elizabetta: "U-Um... What about your conditioner?" Clara: "Soap!" Keroli: "And your body?" Clara: "Soap!" Ameri: "And your face..." Clara: "Soap!" Ameri: "That's..." Clara: "The pink one! Soapy bubbles, bubbles. Soapy bubbles, bubbles. From head to toe, soapy bubbles, bubbles. Hello there, soapy monster!" Ameri: "I'll bring you my shampoo sometime. Feel free to use it." Keroli: "And I have plenty of Lovelica at home..." Elizabetta: "Yes, you might become even lovelier." Schneider: "One order of deviled eggs, one medium tapioca mango soda, a demonly appetizer spread..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, is there a song you'd like to sing?" Iruma: "Hmm... I don't know any netherworld songs at all." Jazz: "Pick the next song, Iruma." Iruma: "Huh?! Uh, sure..." Iruma: "What should I do? I have to sing something..." Iruma: "Hey, wait a sec. There is a song I can sing! The only one!" Iruma: "Do you love me? Well, try to see through me Can you give up your soul for me? Little imp, little imp I'll be the little imp that drags you around Little imp!" Iruma: "Yay!" : "Everyone in the Misfit Class concluded that Iruma was a huge fan of Kuromu." Elizabetta: "Now, let's get down to business." Keroli: "Huh? Business?" Elizabetta: "Well, if we're having girls' time..." Ameri: "Where did these lights come from?" Elizabetta: "Let's talk about relationships." Ameri And Keroli: "Relationships?!" Clara: "I ship bananas." Elizabetta: "Do you ladies have a gentleman you fancy?" Keroli: "Huh?!" Clara: "Yup! Iruma-chi!" Keroli: "Huh?!" Elizabetta: "Miss President?" Keroli: "Are you okay?" Ameri: "I-I'm perfectly fine!" Ameri: "I let my guard down! I knew this creature was always hanging around Iruma... But she's..." Ameri: "She's a girl! She's a girl! She's a girl! She's a girl!" Ameri: "A-A-And she's saying that she l-l-l-likes... She likes Iruma?!" Clara: "Iruma-chi is super nice! And, and! He plays with me and eats lots!" Elizabetta: "I will agree that it was lovely how Iruma-kun made such an impact during his evil cycle." Keroli: "I-I don't... really feel any way..." Keroli: "Though... he is pretty dependable." Elizabetta: "He was quite sensational." Keroli: "N-Not really..." Ameri: "Curse that womanizer!" Rin: "Wait!" Sayo: "Stay away from Kakeru-kun!" Ameri: "Now I understand how Sayo felt." Elizabetta: "Do you have anyone you fancy, Miss President?" Ameri: "Huh?!" Elizabetta: "You seem very experienced with relationships. Is there some trick to making them work?" Ameri: "Um, but I..." Elizabetta: "How does love start? Teach us!" Clara: "What's the secret that makes them fall for you?! G-Gulp." Iruma: "Are you all right?" Ameri: "Run into someone around a corner." Three: "A corner?!" Ameri: "I-I mean, to make contact with them!" Elizabetta: "Oh, I see!" Elizabetta: "Raim-sensei did say that making contact was an excellent technique!" Clara: "Kapow!" Elizabetta: "My, how forward." Elizabetta: "Keroli-chan, are you more of a late bloomer?" Keroli: "Huh? Me? I don't know if I'm a late bloomer..." Keroli: "I have no idea!" : "A reminder that Crocell Keroli's true identity" Elizabetta: "So you're saying that touching is the most effective, Miss President?" Clara: "Touch!" Clara: "I touch lots by climbing Sabro! I like that!" Clara: "I like Iruma-chi! I like everyone in class, too!" Ameri: "Wh-What brought this on?" Elizabetta: "My, you're much more forward than usual." Elizabetta: "I like everyone in our class, too." Clara: "I like fluffy Eggy-sensei, too! Come-come-san! Iruma-chi! I like them all! Likey, likey, su-ki-ma!" Ameri: "Since you like everyone, when you say "like," you don't mean love, right?" Clara: "Love?" Elizabetta: "For example, do you want to marry Iruma-kun?" Clara: "I-I guess I wouldn't mind... that..." Elizabetta: "Oh, my." Ameri: "I knew it!" Elizabetta: "Do you agree, Miss President?" Elizabetta: "That Iruma-kun would make a wonderful husband?" Ameri: "A wonderful husband?!" Keroli: "You're still students! It's too early to get married!" Elizabetta: "Oh, I think it's fine." Keroli: "A-A-A-Anyway! It's indecent!" Elizabetta: "You're free to love!" Elizabetta: "I think it's lovely." Keroli: "But you don't know what's going to happen in the future!" Elizabetta: "But true love is precious and beautiful! No matter what form it may take!" Keroli: "But that's so scandalous! You should plan out your future and then decide!" Ameri: "In that case, you just need to get engaged first rather than marry immediately... A betrothed? "Fiancée" has such a nice ring to it... Wait, no!" Clara: "If you love each other, get married! Ring-a-ling! Ring-a-ling-a-ling and score!" Keroli: "No, no! At least wait until after you graduate!" Elizabetta: "If you have a fateful encounter, is there any reason to wait?" Ameri: "Wait! What's wrong with fully enjoying your engagement?" Keroli: "Acting on impulses in your youth might end in mistakes later!" Elizabetta: "What's wrong with mistakes?!" Ameri: "First, the proposal! Then comes enjoying your engagement! Fiancé and fiancée! Yes, fiancée!" Keroli: "Marriage is a very important decision! Wait, why am I getting so upset about this?! If you don't toil over this, what will you toil over?!" Elizabetta: "There might be some pain, I'm speaking so much today! but I want to try to grasp the happiness that lies beyond! With my own hands!" : "The relaxation tea helps you relieve stress by saying everything you want to say." Keroli: "Laaaaaze I feel like I let it all out..." Elizabetta: "I feel so much better!" Clara: "You talk a lot, Kerolin." Keroli: "Huh?" Elizabetta: "I thought you were much scarier, Miss President." Ameri: "Oh..." Keroli: "Ameri-san." Elizabetta: "Ame-chan!" Clara: "Reddy Lovely Locks!" Ameri: "Wait, wait, we're moving too fast." Elizabetta: "Say, let's trade contact information." Ameri: "Indeed." Keroli: "Yes." Clara: "Let's all get together again!" Keroli: "Yeah." Elizabetta: "This was so much fun." Ameri: "Yes." Iruma: "Oh, there you are, Ameri-san! I finally managed to slip away for a bit... Er, uh... huh?" Ameri: "Get out!" Clara: "You can't come in!" Elizabetta: "We're enjoying girls' time!" Keroli: "No boys allowed!" Iruma: "Huh? Wh-What?! Why?!" Clara: "Ring-a-ling! Ring-a-ling! Su-ki-ma!" : "Asmodeus happened to tell Eiko that Iruma was studying." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama is absolutely superb when he's studying!" Eiko: "I wonder if I can help somehow." Eiko: "Maybe I can make a study guide for him with formulas." Eiko: "I'll make every subject easy to understand! Which means I need to understand everything fully myself!" : "Asmodeus gave Iruma that study guide later. As a result, Eiko placed in the top ten. The one who improved their score the most thanks to Iruma was actually Eiko." : "Naberius Kalego is a stern teacher who loves cacti. He dislikes the chair-demon Sullivan's wishy-washy attitude, but his orders are absolute. Sullivan orders him to do something. For Kalego, this would be"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 11 – End-of-Terminus Exams ⧸ Girls' Talk", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "11", "End-of-Terminus Exams ⧸ Girls' Talk" ] }
Sullivan: "Yay! End of terminus! End of terminus! Where the devil should I go with Iruma-kun?" Opera: "Isn't there something you need to do before the extended break?" Sullivan: "Huh?" Sullivan: "I know, I know. I'll go through all the school documents I've got piled up in a jiffy." Opera: "There is that. But you owe me one, sir, so I was hoping you could grant my request." Sullivan: "I owe you?" Opera: "Oh? Have you forgotten?" Opera: "I assisted you in looking like a cool grandpa to Iruma-sama and his friends." Sullivan: "Ah... Yes, you were very helpful. So what do you want me to do?" Opera: "Well..." Opera: "Whisper, whisper, whisper, whisper..." Sullivan: "Huh? Mm, mm." Sullivan: "That does sound interesting." Opera: "Indeed." Kalego: "I'm finally free of those troublemakers for a while. Finally, I can relax." Kalego: "I have a bad feeling." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""Kalego-sensei's Home Visit."" Kalego: "H-Home visits?" Robin: "That sounds like fun!" Sullivan: "You can look as annoyed as you want. The day before the end of terminus, as these kids' mentor..." Sullivan: "you'll be conducting visits to all of the homes of the Misfit Class." Kalego: "But everything I need to tell their parents is on their report cards—" Sullivan: "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Frankly speaking, as the chair-demon..." Sullivan: "There are some things you can only learn by meeting a child's parents face to face." Sullivan: "Well, I'll be counting on you." Momonoki: "I wish Kalego-sensei would visit my home." Robin: "Aw, man! I'm so jealous! Home visits are the best! I'm sure you're super excited, Kalego-sensei! Right, right, right, right?" Robin: "Hngh." Kalego: "Silence!" Kalego: "That stupid chair-demon! I just know he thought of this on a whim!" : "But the hierarchy in the netherworld is very strict, so he couldn't say no." Kalego: "All I'm doing is telling their guardians about their daily school activities. I'm going to get this over with quick and go home!" Asmodeus: "Welcome to my home, Lord Kalego." David: "I shall be attending this session." Kalego: "Are your parents at work?" Asmodeus: "They are." Amuryllis: "Alice-chan!" Asmodeus: "I can't let that mother of mine attend something like this." Kalego: "He definitely didn't tell his parents about the home visit. No matter." Asmodeus: "Yes. Iruma-sama has been magnificent lately." Kalego: "Who told you to talk about Iruma?" Kalego: "I meant about you." Asmodeus: "About me?" Kalego: "How does that even work? Talk about yourself!" Asmodeus: "But then, all I have to say is that I'm extremely efficient." Kalego: "You're so..." Violet: "Yes!" Violet: "Alice-niisama is amazing!" Lily: "Yeah..." Asmodeus: "Violet! Lily!" Violet And Lily: "Nii-tama!" David: "They are relatives." Asmodeus: "I told you that you mustn't intrude." Violet: "But you're so cool and strong, and we look up to you!" Lily: "Yeah..." Violet: "But..." Violet: "Lately, you've just been playing with Iruma-sama... and not with us..." Lily: "Y-Yeah..." Violet: "Iruma-sama, you dummy!" Asmodeus: "You two... I'm sorry." Asmodeus: "But Iruma-sama is my top priority." David: "A-Alice-sama!" Asmodeus: "That's non-negotiable." Violet: "But you're way more amazing, Alice-niitama!" Lily: "Yeah!" Asmodeus: "No, Iruma-sama is far more amazing." Violet And Lily: "You are, Alice-niitama!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama is!" Violet And Lily: "Nii-tama!" Violet: "Iruma-sama's not amazing at all!" Violet And Lily: "Nyah!" Asmodeus: "Hey! Take that back at once!" Violet: "You're more amazing, Nii-tama!" David: "I do apologize." Kalego: "Er, it's all right." Kalego: "Don't mind me." David: "Alice-sama has changed since he enrolled at Babyls. Ever since he was small," David: "and minded his manners. But because he was so talented, he became somewhat unapproachable, though that was not his intention. But since he met Iruma-sama, he has prepared fish cuisine for him despite his own dislike for it, and when Iruma-sama passed his end-of-terminus exams, he was as delighted as if the success had been his own." David: "He seems to be having so much fun every day." Kalego: "So you're saying..." Kalego: "that he only thinks about Iruma, both at school and home." David: "Well, that's, er..." Kalego: "I won't judge him for that." Kalego: "It is only right for a demon to swear fealty to the one who defeated them. But if he becomes more aware of his surroundings, he should be able to become even more powerful." Kalego: "And..." Kalego: "I hope he realizes that someday." David: "I-Indeed." Kalego: "Now, as for his Battler activi—" David: "So, I was wondering..." Kalego: "Well, I think..." Kalego: "Immediately might prove to be difficult." David: "Then I shall now tell you everything" David: "You might find a hint!" Kalego: "No, wait..." David: "Please!" Kalego: "That ended up taking a whole hour..." Kalego: "This time..." Clara Family: "Welcome, my teacher!" Babies: "Ah!" Clara: "Yay!" Kalego: "Well, that ends my visit." Clara: "Wait, wait, wait!" Konchie And Keebow: "One moment!" Kalego: "I'm going hom—" Mommy: "Clara's teacher is our teacher. Let's have him teach us lots!" Kids: "Okay!" Kalego: "Wha—" Clara: "There's so much we want to ask you" mily: "My, my, my, my, my teacher!" Konchie; Keebow: "Teach us, teach us!" Konchie: "Why the heck" Konchie Keebow: "are we even singing?" Clara Family: "Tell us!" Kalego: "How would I know?!" Mommy: "And why are we dancing?" Kalego: "Again, how would I know?!" Clara: "Why are we doing this? We don't know But we still have so much to ask you" Mommy: "Do you have siblings?" Kalego: "A-An older brother." Mommy: "Are you married?" Kalego: "I'm single." Mommy: "What are your hobbies?" Kalego: "Collecting cacti..." Clara: "Ah, my teacher is everyone's teacher! We just want to ask him everything we can" Clara Family: "Ah, my teacher may seem slow, but he knows lots! Lots and lots More than anyone! He's gloomy but a fountain of knowledge And he's got lotsa wrinkles between his brows!" Kalego: "I'm going home." Clara: "Wait, wait, wait!" Kalego: "What?!" Konchie; Keebow: "You're so impatient." Kalego: "Stop that!" Mommy: "Don't worry. We'll be nice." Keebow: "Hey! He's got lots of sketchpads!" Kalego: "Wait, no! That's not—" Konchie: "What should we draw?" Keebow: "What else?" Konchie; Keebow: "A pointy genbow!" Kalego: "A what?!" Urara: "Hey! You're clearly troubling the teacher," Clara: "Urara!" Urara: "I'm terribly sorry about that. I'll make sure that my siblings behave, so please take your time with the meeting." Kalego: "Ahem." Kalego: "Did you kidnap him from somewhere?" Mommy: "He's my son." Mommy: "Kids like him are born into our family once in a blue moon." Kalego: "The genetic struggle is clearly real." Mommy: "So how is my girl doing? Is she causing you trouble?" Kalego: "Yes." Mommy: "Oh, dear." Clara: "Boo." Kalego: "But to put it another way, your daughter is very unique and quite generous. The downside is that she can be a bit inconsiderate sometimes." Clara: "D'oh!" Mommy: "Oh, dear." Kalego: "But the fact that she can influence those around her to match her level means she is just that powerful. If she can be more aware of her own powers and be more considerate, she will have a bright future." Clara And Mommy: "A bright future!" Kalego: "If she can be more considerate, that is!" Mommy: "Now, everyone!" Clara Family: "What the heck is "considerate"?" Kalego: "Wha—" Kalego: "Stop!" : "Two hours later..." Clara Family: "Bye-bye!" Kalego: "Good grief..." Kalego: "This time..." : "But because he was visiting the homes of the students from the Misfit Class, none of them went as smoothly as he hoped." Kalego: "Let's begin this meeting." Goemon: "Before we start, you should spar with my father." Kalego: "What?!" Rock: "Thanks for always looking after my little bro." Rock: "JK..." Kalego: "If you touch my wallet, I will break your fingers." Rock: "Right." Lead: "Run, Sensei!" Shaky: "Marry me! A real winner!" Lead: "Nee-chan, stop!" Camui: "Clinky. Cheers, good sir." Kalego: "Wake up!" Elizabetta: "What do you think? Oh, dear! Oh, my!" Kalego: "Just one more home..." Kalego: "But..." Kalego: "That home is going to be a problem." Iruma: "Welcome, Kalego-sensei!" Iruma: "Right this way, Kalego-sensei." Iruma: "Huh? U-Um..." Kalego: "Where's the chair-demon? Lead me to him immediately. I don't want to deal with—" Opera: "Hello there, Kalego-kun." Kalego: "Opera-senpai!" Opera: "Indeed, it is I, Opera-senpai. The very same Opera-senpai you had so much fun with at school." Kalego: "Why, you..." Kalego: "You have some nerve!" Iruma: "S-So..." Opera: "Why, yes. We're very close." Kalego: "You are insane!" Opera: "Are you being shy?" Kalego: "Absolutely not!" Opera: "Oh, come, now." Kalego: "Stay back!" Sullivan: "Oh?" Iruma: "Grandpa." Sullivan: "You all seem to be having fun." Kalego: "We are not having fun!" Sullivan: "Look!" Iruma: "Wow, his face hasn't changed at all!" Sullivan: "Ah, this takes me back. He's always looked so grouchy." Kalego: "S-Silence! Let's stop wasting time and start this meeting!" Sullivan: "Kalego-kun has been saying "Silence!" ever since he was a student. He always hated anything rowdy." Kalego: "Silence." Kalego: "That's the eighth time. In the month since I transferred to Babyls, older students keep wanting to start fights with me." Kalego: "On top of that, most of them seem to have bizarre grudges against me. It's deplorable and unpleasant!" Student A: "Wow!" Student B: "Is he the shadow leader who's said to have cut down 666?" Student C: "The shadow leader at Babyls! I wonder if they actually exist!" Walla: "Wait, is that him?" Kalego: "My blood is boiling!" Balam: "Hmm... Well, you do stand out, Kalego-kun. You take really loud steps." Balam: "And you look mean." Kalego: "Hey!" Balam: "You have no idea why? Did you bite any of them out of rage?" Kalego: "I'm not so bored that I'd go starting trouble myself. Which must mean that I'm being mistaken for someone else. According to the older students," Kalego: "Two horns. An androgynous look." Balam: "That's totally you." Kalego: "And I'm telling you that it's not!" Balam: "So someone else is causing all this trouble, and you're getting blamed for it?" Kalego: "That's the only possible answer." Sullivan: "We still didn't have a student council back then," Opera: "Yes." Iruma: "Oh, I see." Kalego: "I kept wondering who they'd mistaken me for, and..." Kalego: "Unkempt black hair, and two horns. An androgynous look." Balam: "Ah." Kalego: "So... So it was you! That student happened to be Opera-senpai." Iruma: "What?! But that person's hair is black, just like Kalego-sensei's!" Opera: "No, I'm older," Opera: "Ah, if I close my eyes, it all feels like yesterday. From that moment on, I'd summon you to buy me bread, have you carry my things..." Kalego: "Close your eyes first!" Sullivan: "Hey, hey! Let's stop reminiscing and get this meeting started!" Opera: "I shall attend this meeting, as well." Kalego: "Stop! Let go!" Sullivan: "Sensei." Sullivan: "Has my boy been behaving himself? He's not being bullied, is he? Has he been eating properly?" Kalego: "This is what you wanted to do? You're a teacher yourself!" Opera: "Come, now. His guardian has questions for you. You should answer him." Iruma: "Um, I'm so sorry!" Kalego: "So about Iruma-kun..." Kalego: "His grades improved significantly on the end-of-terminus exams. At school," Kalego: "But he's gained a lot of experience and connections from them. I'm sure they will prove to be important to him. His activities with the Magical Apparatus Battler mainly consist of repairing and sorting magical apparatuses. He also trained with the student council and is always up for new challenges..." Sullivan: "Wow, this is impressive." Kalego: "Hey! Give that—" Sullivan: "Lookie here, Iruma-kun!" Kalego: "Hey! This is exactly what I hate about you!" Iruma: "Huh?" Iruma: "This whole notebook is all about me? It's just for me? Does that mean..." Iruma: "He made something similar for..." Iruma: "everyone?" Sullivan: "I'm so relieved that I made Kalego-kun your teacher." Kalego: "Iruma...-kun has the ability to overcome anything." Kalego: "It's a talent he should treasure well. But..." Kalego: "He needs to stop equating responsibility with self-sacrifice." Kalego: "Be extremely careful about that." Iruma: "Yes, sir!" Iruma: "Kalego-sensei!" Iruma And Sullivan: "Thank you very much." Kalego: "I will now be taking my leave." Opera: "What?" Opera: "You're not spending the night?" Kalego: "What?! Absolutely not!" Opera: "You'd like for him to spend the night, too, right, Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "Huh? Uh, sure." Kalego: "Hey! Stop that, you little—" Opera: ""You little"?" Opera: "I'm rather fond of your fluffy version." Kalego: "Wha—" Opera: "What's this? A summoning sticker suddenly appeared." Kalego: "I'm never making home visits ever again!" : "Naberius Kalego." : "He is a very serious instructor." Kalego: "I appreciate you and your families taking time to meet with me. To properly thank all of you..." Kalego: "I decided to give you all more homework during your break." Class: "What?!" Clara: "But why, my teacher?!" Asmodeus: "I might have to re-adjust my schedule with Iruma-sama..." Lead: "Y-You're the worst teacher!" Jazz: "Do you love tormenting us that much?!" Kalego: "I do." : "And he's rather spiteful." Iruma: "Now that I'm on break, I have no idea what to do..." Asmodeus: "Good morning!" Clara: "Morning!" Class: "Good morning!" Iruma: "Azz-kun? Clara? And everyone else? What are you all doing here?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, you should come with us..." Asmodeus And Clara: "...to Walter Park!" Iruma: "Walter... Park?" Iruma: "You mean an amusement park?!" Clara And Asmodeus: "Yes!" Asmodeus: "Oh, we did plan this without your input. Did you already have plans?" Iruma: "Nope! Thank you! I'm so happy!" Goemon: "We need to figure out which attractions to go to!" Jazz: "Your house is huge, Iruma-kun!" Lead: "It's the chair-demon's house, so I wore my uniform." Asmodeus: "Let's just go to all the places Iruma-sama wants to go to." Iruma: "It's so strange..." Iruma: "At first, I dreaded coming to school. But after meeting everyone," Iruma: "I fell in love with Babyls." : "At this time," Iruma And Sullivan: "All set." Opera: "You are not. Do you plan to travel across the entire netherworld? You can't take all that with you." Sullivan: "But... This is the first time Iruma-kun's going somewhere for something besides school. I'm so worried!" Sullivan: "Contact me immediately if anything happens." Sullivan: "This is a promise between you and me." Iruma: "O-Okay..." Sullivan: "Also, I'm getting you bodyguards!" Iruma: "B-Bodyguards?" Sullivan: "Yes. The absolute best." Clara: "The Sukima between his brows!" Opera: "Now, then. I will be dividing up all of these things you're taking to Walter Park." Sullivan: "But that's Iruma-kun's 66th favorite snack! And that's his 96th favorite! Wait, that toy is the one I gave to commemorate him being here for 13 days!" Iruma: "Yeah, maybe I don't need to take that to an amusement park..." Sullivan: "In that case, I'll just go with you!" Opera: "Unnecessary." Iruma: "Grandpa!" : "Sullivan was sorted out immediately." Opera: "I must say that Kalego-kun's visit was rather fun."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 12 – Kalego-sensei's Home Visit", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "12", "Kalego-sensei's Home Visit" ] }
: "What is the end of terminus? The story goes that the previous Demon King could not relieve the stress he was feeling" : "which turned into this extended break for everyone to relieve their stress." : "When Babyls's end of terminus came, Iruma had a lot of time to kill, until..." Asmodeus And Clara: "Let's go to Walter Park!" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""Walter Park."" Iruma: "So this is Walter Park!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, just look at all these demons waiting for the park to open already!" Jazz: "Oh, there they are." Jazz: "Iruma-kun!" Goemon: "Good morning." Lead: "We've been waiting for you." Sabro: "So you've come, my rival!" Iruma: "You're all here early!" Jazz: "Oh, this is..." Clara: "Hey! You're all in regular clothes!" Elizabetta: "Well, this is a rare opportunity, so we wanted to dress up." Keroli: "Y-Yes..." Camui: "Since it's a rare opportunity, I will have a very close look. Oh, yes!" Goemon: "I get it, but you're staring too hard." Lead: "It's the end of terminus!" Goemon: "We're at the amusement park!" Jazz: "Let's let loose today!" Lead: "Is what we wanted to say..." Jazz: "But that might not be happening." Iruma: "Oh, uh..." Iruma: "Grandpa insisted they come as bodyguards." Jazz: "Bodyguards?!" Iruma: "This is my first time traveling so far away, and he was worried, so..." Jazz: "Wait, Iruma-kun, this is your first time traveling far away?" Iruma: "Huh? Yeah..." Clara: "Make sure you don't get lost, Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "You need to worry about that!" Kalego: "Why must I do this?" Balam: "Chair-demon's orders, you know. Oh, come on. This will be fun." Kalego: "What?! How?!" Opera: "I see you still dislike busy, crowded places." Opera: "Let's use this opportunity to get over that. Don't worry." Kalego: "You! Are! Exactly! Who I don't want to be with!" Opera: "But there's no need to be shy." Kalego: "I'm not being shy!" Lead: "You seem so different, Balam-sensei!" Balam: "Oh, really?" Goemon: "But now you seem scarier in a different way." Balam: "Huh?" Elizabetta: "But that hairstyle looks lovely on you!" Goemon: "Yes, yes, it's quite nice!" Iruma: "Hey, where's Allocer-kun?" Asmodeus: "Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him." Jazz: "Ah..." Jazz: "He had some conference with Furcas-sensei. Those two seemed to really hit it off." Iruma: "I see." Sabro: "Well, it appears that we're all here." Iruma: "Oh, there's one more." Ameri: "Iruma..." Iruma: "You came, Ameri-san!" Iruma: "I'm glad you could make it!" Ameri: "Yes, I came. I'm here, but... You said it would just be the two of us! Why are so many people here?!" Iruma: "Huh? I didn't say it'd just be the two of us..." Ameri: "What?!" Ameri: "You're right... That's not in the message at all! But I thought it was a d-date," Ameri: "I went to bed, but couldn't sleep a wink..." Ameri: "When I was about to leave, my father tried to interrogate me..." Ameri: "I was so nervous that I thought my heart was going to pop out of my mouth!" Iruma: "Ameri-san." Iruma: "I'm just really glad you could make it. Really glad... Really glad... Really glad..." Ameri: "V-Very well." Ameri: "It doesn't change the fact that Iruma invited me." Bird: "Walter Park is about to open!" Lead: "Woo-hoo! They're opening!" Iruma: "The clouds are clearing." Bird: "Good morning, everyone!" Bird: "Now!" Bird: "Gleeful! Delightful! The fool who has the most fun is on top! The one who doesn't have fun is the biggest fool! Think of nothing but playing! This is the city of fantasy!" Staff: "Walter Park!" Snake: "Welcome to the highest form of entertainment!" Crown: "Have a wonderful day!" Clara: "Wow! Lovely, lovely!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, I will accompany you wherever you go." Snake: "There'll also be dem-dol concerts today and tomorrow!" Lead: "Kuromu-chan's going to be here, too? Awesome!" Jazz: "Maybe that mysterious trio will show up again." Iruma: "Th-They probably won't." Clara: "Huh? We won't?" Asmodeus: "Hey! Put that away!" Kalego: "Silence!" Goemon: "I'm going to check out the rest area." Elizabetta: "I want to go shopping." Sabro: "The wait time's way too long." Balam: "Where shall we go first?" Lead: "Where else? The Scream-o Coaster!" Sabro: "The King's Manor!" Goemon: "No, no, first we should go on the Hellspin Swings!" Clara: "I wanna go on the Scream-o Spinny Spinny Iruma-chi." Asmodeus: "That doesn't exist!" Ameri: "Wh-Where do you want to go, Iruma?" Iruma: "Um... Everything looks like a lot of fun." Jazz: "Let's just all go where we want." Lead: "All right, break!" Kalego; Balam;Opera: "Hold it." Kalego: "We can't watch over you if you all scatter." Lead: "What? Can't we just go where we want?" Balam: "No. How about we split up into three teams?" Clara: "Okay! Let's have a competition, then!" Iruma: "A competition?" Clara: "The team who has the most fun wins!" Lead: "And the teachers will treat the winning team to something!" Kalego: "Don't make your own rules, you fools!" Balam: "Why not?" Opera: "We adults need to show that we can still have fun, too." Kalego: "How did I end up the unreasonable one here?" Kalego: "Very well. I will allow a prize..." Kalego: "And the losing team will get double homework during their end of terminus." Goemon: "No!" Sabro: "Not a problem. We just need to have more fun than anyone else." Clara: "Yeah! We just need to win!" Asmodeus: "Before we start, I must be on Iruma-sama's team, no matter what." Ameri: "Is it always like this?" Elizabetta: "Yes, always." Opera: "Okay, let's draw lots." Clara: "Okay!" Asmodeus: "Let me be on the same team as Iruma-sama, the same team as Iruma-sama..." Balam: "Okay." Balam: "You're the Balam team." Asmodeus: "Lots will never be enough to tear Iruma-sama and me apart!" Lead: "The K-Kalego-sensei team..." Jazz: "Kalego... Kalego..." Lread: "Hey." Jazz: "Yeah... You're right." Lead: "We totally lost!" Camui: "Not a single lady on our team!" Goemon: "I want a different team!" Jazz: "How the heck are we supposed to have fun with Emperor Doom and Gloom?!" Kalego: "All right." Balam: "Kalego-kun, you're so close with all of them." Iruma: "Y-You think so?" Balam: "I'm so jealous..." Opera: "All right, take your marks." All: "Break!" Opera: "Now, where shall we go?" Clara: "To be with Iruma-chi!" Ameri: "Then it won't be a competition." Clara: "Oh, yeah... But I still wanna be with him." Ameri: "I see she's as honest as ever!" Ameri: "I didn't want to be on a separate team from Iruma, either. But I could never say that..." Clara: "Lady Redhair! Your outfit's super cute!" Opera: "It does look lovely on you." Ameri: "Well... I couldn't decide what to wear, so I called Elizabetta for advice." Keroli: "You'd probably look nice in a dress, too." Ameri: "Huh?" Elizabetta: "Definitely." Clara: "Okay! Let's go get you a dress!" Ameri: "Hey, wait! I, er, I could never wear a dress..." Clara: "Dress-up time!" Lead: "What should we do?" Jazz: "What can we do?" Camui: "Why don't we just go all-out at this point?" Goemon: "Go all-out?" Camui: "We'll just have him turn that frown upside-down." Kalego: "Hey, what are you whispering abou—" Lead: "We're just going to..." Goemon: "...have you..." Camui And Jazz: "...come along quietly and have fun!" Lead: "A park-exclusive T-shirt!" Goemon: "Park-exclusive ears headband." Jazz: "You've gotta get the popcorn bucket!" Camui: "Let's enjoy this to the fullest! Yes, indeed!" Lead: "Let's play..." Goemon: "Walter Park!" Jazz And Camui: "Go, go!" Kalego: "H-Hey... You can't..." Kalego: "No..." Kalego: "Stop!" Sabro: "What are you saying? We go to the King's Manor first!" Asmodeus: "And I'm telling you we must ask for Iruma-sama's opinion first!" Picero: "Shut up already." Sabro: "The King's Manor!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! Wait, where is Iruma-sama?" Balam: "He's over there." Sabro: "He's so excited." Asmodeus: "I-Iruma-sama..." Iruma: "Wow! Wow!" Iruma: "I wonder what that is. It's really drawing me in." Iruma: "Something fun that I've never even imagined must be over here!" Ronove: "It is I! It's been a while, my brothers! My brothers... brothers..." Ronote: "I am Ronove Romiere!" Iruma: "I definitely... remember." Ronove: "Now, rejoice, commoners!" Ronove: "Feast upon the destino that led to our encounter, and buon appetito! Come play with me, amore!" Asmodeus: "Ronove-senpai!" Ronove: "Ro?" Ronove: "I remember you." Ronove: "Commoners, commoners, commoners... You are... Illuminati-kun, correct?" Asmodeus: "Who in the world is that?" Iruma: "I'm Iruma." Picero: "Who's that?" Balam: "Um..." Iruma: "What are you doing in the parade, Ronove-senpai?" Ronove: "A foolish question." Ronove: "I have nothing to hide. This is my legendaddy! As you commoners say, my "father" built this amusement park!" Iruma: "What?! Th-That's amazing! He made this incredible place?" Ronove: "Yes!" Wetoto: "Yes, but..." Wetoto: "Today, you're supposed to be observing." Ronove: "A man touched me!" Iruma: "S-Senpai!" Wetoto: "Are you friends with the young master?" Iruma: "Uh, yes. And, um... who are you?" Wetoto: "My name is Wetoto. I'm a member of the staff. The owner asked me to help the young master observe the park, because he has aspirations to open his own amusement park at school. But... The moment I look away, he's off riding all the rides, buying up whole shops," Wetoto: "and then crashing one of the parades." Wetoto: "So that's been my day." Iruma: "You're doing great." Ronove: "This is basically my yard," Ronove: "and yards are meant to frolic in!" Wetoto: "Again, you're supposed to be observing!" Sabro: "You must know a lot about this park." Balam: "That's perfect, then." Ronove: "Ro, Ro, Ro?" Ronove: "I see!" Ronove: "A competition to see who can have the most fun is delightful! I, Ronove, shall help you navigate the park!" Sabro: "Onward, then, to the King's Manor!" Asmodeus: "No, we're going wherever Iruma-sama wants to go first!" Ronove: "Let me lead you to my personal favorite. It's a super secret dangerous tour" Wetoto: "Young Master, no! Not the basement!" Iruma: "The basement?" Ronove: "As you can see, there are all sorts of attractions here. It all functions thanks to a massive amount of mana, and the source of that power lives in the basement." Iruma: "Lives?" Ronove: "Yes!" Ronove: "The basement of Walter Park is a prison fortress! ...tress! ...tress!" Ronove: "So many fun demon friends! It's worth seeing!" Wetoto: "Again, no! There aren't any "fun" demon friends! They're all a bunch of loonies!" Iruma: "Prison fortress..." Sabro: "A rather surprising secret." Balam: "As your chaperone, I can't allow that." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, let's not go there." Iruma: "Yeah, we probably shouldn't." Ronove: "I've returned, olé!" Guard: "What is it, No. 1313?" Kiriwo: "Nothing." Kiriwo: "It just sounds so lively up there again today." : "Every prison demon's duties include hard labor and contribution of mana. Their mana is what runs Walter Park." Crown: "Okay, everyone!" Snake: "Let's play!" Staff: "Walter Park!" Imp: "You know, all the happy voices we can hear from the amusement park piss me off. The fact that our hatred is the source of the mana that powers that park is pretty twisted." Mob A: "You're telling me, newbie." Mob B: "Though there are some weirdos who volunteered to come here." Kiriwo: "Hey, I wouldn't say that." : "He plotted to destroy Babyls during the Battler Party, but was thwarted by Iruma and is now held in this prison." Imp: "You volunteered to be here?! Why?!" Kiriwo: "Well, I—" Imp: "Hello?!" Guard B: "You're out of mana already, No. 1313? Someone take him to the infirmary." Imp: "Uh, hello?!" Imp: "Why am I going, too?!" Guard B: "You'd better take him to the infirmary!" Guard B: "He's bad news when he loses it." Imp: "U-Um..." Imp: "This isn't the way to the infirmary, is it?" Imp: "Th-This is..." Imp: "This is..." Imp: "I knew it!" Imp: "The fighting room specifically for prison demons going through their evil cycles! Oh, crap! Oh, crap! Oh, crap!" Imp: "The one in the back is super bad news!" Imp: "A-Are we..." Imp: "gonna end up as punching bags?" Batsu: "You okay, Kiriwo-kun?" Imp: "Huh?" Load: "Did you cough up blood again, Kiriwo-kun?" Batsu: "Take care of him, Dotty!" Load: "Dotty sure is a pro." Baljio: "At first, he kept accidentally hitting Kiriwo in the face." Batsu: "Hey, newbie. Come have a seat over here." Imp: "T-To be a punching bag?" Batsu: "Nah." Batsu: "We only brought you here because we wanted to talk." Load: "Guards won't come in here, so it's a perfect place for meetings." Baljio: "You're lucky, newbie. You made it just in time for the plan." Imp: "P-Plan?" Batsu: "What else could it be?" Batsu: "If we're talking about plans in a prison..." Batsu: "We're talking about a prison break." Imp: "P-Prison break?!" Batsu: "Not so loud!" One Eye: "I'll tear out your tongue." Imp: "Sorry!" Imp: "But how?" Imp: "The really scary vice chief guard Triton is on the upper level." Batsu: "We've got some people helping from outside." Batsu: "I'm sure you've at least heard of them." Batsu: "They're known to be behind every evil deed..." Batsu: "The Six Fingers." Imp: "The Six Fingers?!" Load: "I told you, not so loud!" One Eye: "I'll kick you in the throat!" Imp: "But they're a famous organization that wants to go back to the basics! They've got nothing but legends surrounding them!" Batsu: "And their next target is Walter Park. Isn't that right, Kiriwo-kun?" Kiriwo: "Yes." Batsu: "He's the one who contacted the Six Fingers." Kiriwo: "There we go." Kiriwo: "Well, I just happened to know someone. They said they'd let us go if we helped out with one of the Six Fingers's "parties."" Imp: "Parties?" Batsu: "You want to know?" Batsu: "Destroying the hell out of Walter Park." Batsu: "That's what they call a party." Imp: "That's..." Imp: "That's so awesome!" Imp: "We're gonna destroy it?" Baljio: "We've got our escape all figured out, too." Batsu: "That's why we let you in on this. Any wrong moves, and this could go south." Imp: "I'm getting super excited! So when are we doing this?" Kriwo: "Today." Imp: "Huh?" Batsu: "Today, Walter Park will go down in flames, and we're getting the hell outta here." Kiriwo: "It's a little... destructive revenge." Kiriwo: "All that laughter..." Kiriwo: "will turn into screams." Kiriwo: "The time of despair is nigh." Kiriwo: "I'm so excited right now!" Iruma: "Wow!" Clara: "Su-ki-ma... ma... ma..." Ameri: "I-I just can't make up my mind! Picking a d-d-d-d-date outfit is just... I have no choice. I need to request backup!" Thing: "Phone's ringing!" Elizabetta: "Devivil, Flaya, and Armlong are all in at the moment. Poison purple and brandy are colors that are all the rage right now. Also..." Ameri: "Is this a spell?" : "Ameri gazed off into the distance as her mind was blown by how amazing girls are."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 13 – Walter Park", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "13", "Walter Park" ] }
: "The end of terminus: Babyls's summer vacation. Iruma and his friends split up into three teams and are competing to see" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" Everyone: ""Everyone's Playmates."" Elizabetta: "Oh my gosh! You look so cute!" Keroli: "Y-Yeah." Mikii: "You look lovely, miss!" Ameri: "Y-You think so?" Clara: "Everyone!" Clara: "Mermaidoo." Clara: "Well? Do I seem like a mermaid?" Elizabetta: "Sort of. But your lower half..." Keroli: "Y-You shouldn't drag the merchandise around like that!" Mikii: "Oh, don't worry." Mikii: "Hyu!" Hyudarin: "Pardon!" Hyudarin: "Every lady's body is different." Hyudarin: "Each has materials, colors, and lengths that fit her. Knowing what fits you best" Hyudarin: "is the ultimate shortcut to emphasizing your charms." Clara: "Wow!" Ameri: "What a tiny gentleman." Clara: "Thank you, tiny grandpa." Elizabetta: "A miniature dandy!" Keroli: "Hey, come on, now..." Opera: "I apologize for the trouble." Hyudarin: "No, no." Mikii: "Yes, we have nothing to hide! We will always be there to be your playmates!" Mikii And Hyudarin: "We are the Walter staff!" Hyudarin: "Indeed." Clara: "Wow, they've got the pose down." Clara: "Let's also pose and take a picture!" Camui; Lead; Jazz; Goemon: "They look like they're having fun!" Lead: "Meanwhile, here we are..." Lead: "It's no use!" Jazz: "He doesn't look like he's having fun at all!" Kalego: "Just wait until we're all done with this." : "Remember, the team that has the most fun wins this competition. Kalego is unable to say no, in order to keep things fair between the teams." Lead: "I mean, it definitely leaves an impression." Goemon: "If only he actually looked like he was having fun." Atori: "Hey there, boys." Atori: "Got any cash?" Lead: "Crap, they're definitely bad news." Jazz: "No, we'll be fine!" Lead: "I'm sure Sensei will protect us." Kalego: "Sorry, my hands are full right now." Lead And Jazz: "You malicious teacher!" Camui: "W-We don't have any money! See? See?" Atori: "Hey, that's not what we're after. Look over there." Lead: "A shooting game?" Goemon: "The special prize is a Smatch!" Atori: "Whoever gets the most prizes can take their opponent's prizes, too! You're free to use magic, as well." Goemon: "That looks fun." Lead: "Show 'em what you've got, Jazzy!" Jazz: "You got it!" Jazz: "Pit!" Jazz: "Sixty degrees to the right, then straight!" Goemon: "Understood!" Maemaro: "Hi-yah!" Lead; Jazz; Goemon; Camui: "Hey!" Atori: "No one ever said we wouldn't interfere." Lead; Goemon; Camui: "What?!" Jazz: "That's low!" Atori: "I guess we're up next." Lead: "Let's get in their way, too!" Jazz: "Go, bird!" Camui: "Why me?!" Atori: "We got a prize!" Lead: "Don't give up!" Jazz: "We look like we're having fun here." Lead: "It's all thanks to you guys." Atori: "Well, of course." Atori: "We will always be there to be your playmates!" Atori And Maemaro: "We are the Walter staff!" Lead; Jazz; Camui; Goemon: "What?!" Lead: "You guys work here? You don't look like it." Goemon: "They've got that pose down." Camui: "Which means... The ladies also have a cute go-to pose!" Jazz: "Could you do that pose one more time, bro?" Jazz: "Whoa, what the heck?" Lead: "We're getting a bunch of pictures from the Balam team..." Goemon: "Th-They look like they're having fun!" Atori: "Hey. What's up?" Lead: "Bro, could you tell us the best place to have fun here? Please?" Goemon: "At this rate, we're going to lose!" Lead: "Somewhere the other teams haven't gone." Lead: "How about here? Kararagi Street!" Kalego: "Don't." Kalego: "Walter Park was created to relieve demons' stress during their evil cycles. Therefore, some of it still remains..." Kalego: "The remnants of a bloody feud..." Kalego: "If you want to keep your wings, don't go near there." Kalego: "Understood?" Lead: "Yeah, but..." Jazz: "We keep looking at the flower on your head, so you're not scary at—" Lead And Jazz: "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Ronove: "Ronove! Ronove!" Uetoto: "How much energy do those two have?" Sabro: "Well done, my rival! Such vigor!" Asmodeus: "I'm so happy that Iruma-sama is having so much fun!" Ronove: "Well done keeping up with me... Ilbert-kun!" Iruma: "It's Iruma." Iruma: "Everything looks so fun, I don't know where to look!" Ronove: "Yes, yes! Don't get left behind!" Ronove: "Ro, Ro, Ro, Ro!" Iruma: "Ah..." Iruma: "So this is an amusement park!" Iruma: "It's so much fun!" Iruma: "It's so entertaining!" Iruma: "Amusement parks..." Iruma: "are the best!" Iruma: "I got separated from everyone!" Iruma: "Oh, wait. It's fine." Iruma: "The battery's dead?" Iruma: "Wait, does this mean..." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen..." : "is lost." Asmodeus: "Again... The King's Manor is the farthest away from here!" Sabro: "We just need to go straight down this path!" Asmodeus: "There is no path there, you fool!" Picero: "Shut up already!" Sabro: "We'll just make one, then!" Ronove: "I'm back!" Balam: "Wait, where's Iruma-kun?" All: "Huh?" Ronove: "Huh? Ro?" Balam: "Huh?" Sabro And Asmodeus: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "D-Don't tell me..." All: "He's lost?!" Iruma: "Wh-What... What should I do?" Suspicious Demon: "Are you lost?" Suspicious Demon: "Come this way..." Iruma: "U-Um, I..." Suspicious Demon: "Don't worry, don't worry, don't worry, don't worry, don't worry!" Iruma: "Um, um!" Iruma: "Huh? Something... soft?" Suspicious Demon: "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Shiida: "You have business... with my little brother?" Iruma: "U-Um..." Shiida: "This way." Iruma: "W-We made it out!" Shiida: "That way... is really... dangerous." Shiida: "You can't go in... just because you're curious." Iruma: "I-I'm sorry..." Shiida: "The lost child center is over there. It's a little far, but..." Iruma: "Thank you very much." Shiida: "Be... careful." Iruma: "I guess I got too excited over my first trip to an amusement park." Iruma: "I caused everyone trouble. I just wanted to make great memories with everyone..." Shiida: "Want... some ice... cream?" Iruma: "Whoa! Y-You're... the nice lady from earlier? H-Huh? But why?" Shiida: "Because... I accidentally... bought some... ice cream." Iruma: "You accidentally... bought a quintuple scoop of ice cream?" Shiida: "And..." Shiida: "You shouldn't... look down... at the amusement park." Shiida: "You'll get lost again... maybe." Iruma: "Yes, you're right." Iruma: "Yum..." Shiida: "Is that... fun?" Iruma: "Yes! But didn't we come here because you wanted to ride this?" Shiida: "Actually, if..." Shiida: "I try to touch them... the animals... run... so..." Iruma: "Animals get nervous when you try to touch them from above, so it's best to reach from below. That's what Balam-sensei told me." Birb: "Tweet, tweet." Shiida: "What... should I do now?" Iruma: "Gently... Gently let them down." Shiida: "This is... the first time... I took a picture... with an animal..." Iruma: "It's a great picture!" Iruma: "Okay, I guess I'll head over to the lost child center." Iruma: "Well, shall we?" Iruma: "Um..." Shiida: "The lost child center is far... and... It might be better to look down from above... maybe." Iruma: "This is my first time on a Ferris wheel!" Shiida: "Once we get to the top... the gondolas spin... apparently." Iruma: "Huh? R-Really?" Iruma: "Um... Thank you so much." Iruma: "I was a little sad and confused when I got lost... But since you've been so nice to me," Shiida: "Good." Shiida: "Oh... I was supposed to reach from below." Iruma: "Er, no. I'm fine." Iruma: "It's Azz-kun and the others!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama..." Iruma: "I'm sorry!" Asmodeus: "I'm so glad you're safe!" Balam: "Thank goodness..." Iruma: "I'm so sorry for worrying you!" Sabro: "You can barely stand." Iruma: "Um..." Iruma: "But this really nice lady helped me!" Asmodeus: "I see!" Iruma: "I'll introduce you to—" Sabro: "Where is she?" Iruma: "Sh-She was just with me..." Asmodeus: "Did you eat something bad?" Iruma: "Uh, no... Huh? Where..." Staff A: "Oh, there you are! Shiida-kun, don't go leaving your post! We may work behind the scenes, but we're still everyone's playmates!" Shiida: "Yes." Shiida: "Because we're... the Walter staff." Ameri: "Honestly." Lead: "I'm glad you're okay, though." Iruma: "Um..." Kids 1: "We're the Six Fingers!" Iruma: "I'm currently..." Kids 2: "Defeat the dragon!" Kids 3: "Yeah!" Iruma: "...playing a monster." Lead: "Uh, what?" Iruma: "I'm being punished in the kids' area." Ronove: "Ro, Ro, Ro, Ro, Ro! What a fun little punishment!" Asmodeus: "Those children... How dare they attack Iruma-sama?!" Balam: "Now, now. Iruma wanted to do this." Kids 1: "Go, Fluffy Wuffy!" Picero: "Hey... Stop that!" Wetoto: "Now, now. Play nicely." Kids 1: "Hi-yah!" Wetoto: "Ow!" Kids 1: "We're the Six Fingers! We're scary!" Iruma: "The Six Fingers?" Asmodeus: "They're a famous criminal organization." Asmodeus: "Their evil deeds are countless. They're an organization filled with villainous demons who want to go back to the old ways." Asmodeus: "They're rather mysterious, which makes them popular." Picero: "I've had enough... Ro?" Ronove: "It's because you have that stupid mask on! I will let you wear mine instead." Picero: "Hey..." Picero: "Wow, it's bright out..." Ronove: "Ro, Ro! Ro, Ro! Ro, Ro!" Wetoto: "O-Oh, my." Sabro: "He's so blindingly beautiful!" Asmodeus: "Agares, I had no idea you looked like that." Iruma: "S-So bright!" Iruma: "Wha..." Ronove: "No, Ronove! His blinding aura!" Ronove: "He's copying me!" Three: "Uh, no, he's not." Wetoto: "I mean, he's rather dashing, as well." Ronove: "He's a different type!" Ronove: "These big, bright eyes! These long lashes! His curly hair and his sparkly aura!" Ronove: "No! Absolutely not!" Ronove: "I cannot let this stand!" Picero: "What?" Ronove: "You can be handsome in a different way than me. I will change you into a wild and nice Ronove with my own two hands!" Ronove: "Now, let us go, Ronove!" Picero: "Just let me sleep! Stop!" Iruma: "Wh-What should we do?" Asmodeus: "Let's get you changed as well, Iruma-sama." Balam: "They're all so lively." Wetoto: "Oh, Sensei. They'll probably be here for a while, so I'd like to go back and report to headquarters for now." Balam: "Oh, sure. I'll keep a better eye on them." Wetoto: "Thank you." Staff A: "Good work out there. Must be rough, babysitting the young master." Wetoto: "Yes, quite." Staff A: "But all the new staff members we've gained lately have been excellent. They're quick with their work and fast learners. Though I guess you're just mediocre." Wetoto: "Ouch, Senpai." Staff A: "Well, the warden is currently on a business trip. Let's just keep doing our best. See ya." Wetoto: "Yes." Wetoto: "How'd it go?" Shiida: "Just... fine." Shiida: "Everyone's... waiting for... your orders." Wetoto: "We will now put our plan in motion." Wetoto: "From this moment on, we are not part of the Walter staff." Wetoto: "We will instead attack this park as the Six Fingers." Miki And Atori: "Yes, Brother!" Miki: "We've been getting our work done." Wetoto: "We've been lying in wait," Wetoto: "all for this day. During the pandemonium that's about to occur, we will head toward the underground prison" Wetoto: "and free our target." Wetoto: "We are the Six Fingers." Wetoto: "The Six Fingers that bring about chaos." Wetoto: "The days we spent here at Walter Park were fun." Wetoto: "And that's why..." Wetoto: "we will destroy it with utmost care." Wetoto: "Now, let the festivities begin." Clara: "Su... ki... ma." Iruma: "Apparently, these chicks are up for adoption." Shiida: "I think... adopting one... is too..." Iruma: "Well, if you were to adopt one, what would you name it?" Shiida: "Name?" Chick: "Tweet..." Shiida: "Captain Ponchom." Iruma: "Huh? Po..." Iruma: "Ponchom?" Chick: "Ponchom!" Shiida: "Sounds strong... right?" Iruma: "Huh? Uh, s-sure!" Iruma: "Ponchom... Hm... Hmm..." : "Iruma pondered what strength actually meant." Chick: "Tweet." Clara: "Something huge just showed up! Is it a new attraction? Or maybe a show? Wow!" Clara: "Woo! They're so realistic! Iruma-chi, did you know?"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 14 – Everyone's Playmates", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "14", "Everyone's Playmates" ] }
Wetoto: "The days we spent here at Walter Park were fun." Wetoto: "And that's why..." Wetoto: "we will destroy it with utmost care." Wetoto: "Now, let the festivities begin." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""Magical Beasts Attack."" : "Let's rewind a bit." : "A few minutes before the Six Fingers' attack on Walter Park..." Ronove: "Each and every outfit looks fabulous! Just fabulous! They look so perfect, I even scare myself, Ronove!" Balam: "I wonder if creatures like this exist in the human world, too." Asmodeus: "I think this would look quite nice on Iruma-sama. No, this might be better." Sabro: "Ah, this is fitting for a demon king!" Ronove: "Dance the samba!" Iruma: "Huh?! What happened?!" Asmodeus: "Hey, you really shouldn't sleep on the floor." Picero: "It's warm. It's weird." Asmodeus: "It's warm?" Sabro: "What do you mean?" Picero: "The floor at Walter Park has three places where there's an excessive amount of mana accumulating. Almost as if it's a bird's nest, with a mama bird keeping them warm." : "Agares Picero. Bloodline ability: My Area. He can manipulate any ground surface." Sabro: "Keeping them warm?" Ronove: "Ro, Ro, Ro?" Picero: "To hatch eggs." Asmodeus: "To hatch..." Iruma: "...eggs?" Picero: "Surround us!" Iruma: "Huh?!" Balam: "What's..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "That's... a magical beast?" Asmodeus: "It's gigantic." Staff A: "Everyone, please gather over here!" Staff A: "The Walter staff will guide you to safety!" Balam: "Is everyone all right?" Ronove: "Ro, Ro, Ro..." Sabro: "We're fine." Asmodeus: "All thanks to Agares turning the floor into walls." Picero: "I told you the ground was weird." Ronove: "Thank you, Ronove!" Picero: "So annoying!" Balam: "For now, let's get to safety." Iruma: "Wait." Music Note Staff: "R-Reporting!" Music Note Staff: "We've confirmed magical beasts in multiple areas in Walter Park." Music Note Staff: "There are a total of three. Three magical beasts!" Jazz: "The hell is that?" Lead: "O-O-Oh, crap!" Goemon: "We need to retreat! It's too dangerous!" Camui: "Let us hurry!" Lead: "Did we get a hold of the others?" Camui: "I can't get through!" Jazz: "Are we going to hide or run?" Jazz: "Either way, hurry!" Jazz: "Kalego-sensei!" Lead: "What should we do?" Kalego: "I gave it some thought, and..." All: "Yes?!" Kalego: "I'm not having fun yet." All: "What?" Kalego: "The Babyls Teachers' Handbook: Always put your students first." Kalego: "I see." Kalego: "We shall not let this opportunity slip by." Kalego: "There are four of you here." Kalego: "This is the perfect opportunity for you to practice combination attacks." Kalego: "It's not every day you get to concentrate all of your mana on a target that big." Jazz: "Y-You're kidding, right?!" Lead: "Uh, what's he saying?! What the hell is he saying?!" Camuy: "You're kidding, right?!" Goemon: "It sounds like you're suggesting we fight that thing!" Kalego: "Time to steel your resolve! Now, let's enjoy this attraction to our heart's content." Kalego: "As respectfully as possible." Iruma: "Cherusil!" : "In the magic classes for the first-years at Babyls, they mostly learn simple spells dealing with transformation or the senses. They learn the basics so they can master the magic most suited to them, and start to practice and apply these skills more once they're in their second year." : "Meaning..." All: "We haven't learned any attack spells yet!" Lead: "Nope, nope, nope, nope!" Jazz: "What're we supposed to do against that magical beast?!" Camui: "Look out!" Lead: "Thanks, Camui." Camui: "'Twas nothing." Camui: ""You're in the way, you scuttling pests," apparently. It seems quite angry." : "Caim Camui. Bloodline ability: Friendship. He can translate any creature's language and speak to them." Jazz: "Camui! Lead!" : "Garp Goemon. Bloodline ability: Wind Blade. He can control an invisible blade made of wind however he likes." Lead And Camui: "Goemon!" Goemon: "That was a close one." Lead: "Thanks! You're a lifesaver!" Camui: "Bless you." Goemon: "It was nothing." Jazz: "Wind Blade..." Jazz: "This is the only ability any of us has that can be used for attacks." Lead: "The only one?" Jazz: "Yeah." Jazz: "We all have sensory abilities that are useless in battle." Jazz: "But we can use simple spells." Jazz: "Hey, could you steal that thing's sight?" Lead: "Huh?!" Lead: "Uh, from which eye?" Jazz: "Hmm... Any of them." Lead: "Controller!" Jazz: "We'll take some of that thing's sight using Lead's Controller." Camui: "Nyah! Nyah! Over here! Yes, right over here!" Jazz: "Then we'll use Camui's Friendship to get its attention." Jazz: "And then..." Jazz: "We'll get in its blind spot..." Jazz: "Raffire!" Jazz: "Go! Flaming Wind Blade!" Jazz: "Heck yeah!" Goemon: "That was a clean hit!" Lead: "It might've been super effective!" Camui: "We did it!" All: "We just pissed it off more." Lead: "Sensei! Sensei!" Jazz: "Help us!" Goemon: "We're going to die!" Camui: "H-Help me!" Kalego: "Honestly..." Goemon: "You're our teacher!" Jazz: "Chaperone!" Camui: "Coach!" Lead: "Instructor!" Kalego: "You're wasting such a fun attraction." Kalego: "But if I must say something... Use everything you've learned the best that you can." Kalego: "Then even you fools may have a chance at defeating that thing." Lead: "Sensei..." All: "Could you be any more abstract?" Jazz: "That's right." Jazz: "There aren't any adults we can rely on." Lead: "The only ones who will protect us are ourselves." Goemon: "Indeed." Camui: "Quite." Lead: "They suck! Adults suck!" Jazz: "Adults protecting children is just an illusion!" Goemon: "We lived such short lives!" : "What will become of the Kalego team?" Guard A: "Just what... do you want?" Wetoto: "A rescue..." Wetoto: "of some prisoners." Head Guard: "Get more men up to the surface! Where's the Demon Border Control?! The Magical Beast Elimination Squad isn't here yet?!" Reporting Guard: "There's trouble!" Head Guard: "What?!" Reporting Guard: "Th-The prison locks have been opened..." Reporting Guard: "The prisoners are out of their cells." Prisoner 2: "We'll hit them with our superior numbers before bothering with any magic!" Head Guard: "The prisoners have escaped their cells! Close all of the exits! Do not let them escape into the park!" Load: "Everything's going according to plan! We made it out of our cells! We're gonna join the Six Fingers, who will bring chaos to the netherworld! First, we're gonna attack Walter Park!" Load: "Hey, what's up?" Imp: "A-Are we really going up there?" Imp: "I mean... he's up there." Load: ""He"?" Load: "You mean Triton?" : "The higher you go in Uraboras Prison," : "And the one that all of the prisoners fear the most is..." : "The vice chief guard, Triton the Handshaker." Triton: "There we go." Imp: "I-I know we're talking about the Six Fingers here," Load: "Yeah." Load: "What kind of intense battle's going on up there?" Triton: "That's impossible!" Triton: "Th-There's no way it wouldn't work against this tiny old geezer!" Hyudarin: "Pardon." Hyudarin: "This is the difference between our strengths." Hyudarin: "There's quite a difference." Hyudarin: "Perhaps you should've been a bit more aware of how big you actually are, like I am..." Hyudarin: "You little whelp." Atori: "Whoo, you go, Hyu-sama." Atori: "Looks like our little magic beasties up top are rampaging like they're supposed to, as well." Wetoto: "They're summoned beasts that grew up on our mana." Wetoto: "They're not going to stop until they completely flatten Walter Park. The staff and patrons should be completely helpless." Wetoto: "If there was a demon who'd actually try to face those magical beasts..." Atori: "Okay, if there was?" Wetoto: "They'd be quite the hero." Atori: "A hero, eh?" Jazz: "Don't push, don't push! Stop pushing, damn it!" Lead: "Now, now..." Jazz: "Don't "now, now" me!" Lead: "Don't hold back!" Jazz: "I'm not, you jerk! I'm not! Stop pushing me!" Jazz: "Oh... Oh, crap!" Jazz: "That was close... That was just..." Lead: "Scary! Insanely scary!" Jazz: "And hey!" Lead: "Well, you're our leader!" Jazz: "Huh?! Since when?!" Lead: "Jazzy! Your rank is Gimel!" Jazz: "Oh." Camui: "Take 'em down!" Goemon: "Leader!" Lead: "Bro!" Jazz: "You've got some nerve, acting like that now! Whenever we're messing around like always, you don't—" Lead: "You're the one we can rely on, Jazz!" Goemon: "We beg of you." Camui: "Please assist us!" Jazz: "Oh, come on... Give me a break. Why are you begging me?" Jazz: "Just stop! I... I..." Rock: "Hey, brat. Doing good?" Rock: "Great. See ya." Jazz: "The hell?" Jazz: "My wallet's gone! And my watch?! He got me again! Damn it! My family's basically a meritocracy." Jazz: "The one who has their stuff taken is at fault, not the one who took it." Jazz: "My older brother's always been like that." Rock: "Hey, brat. Welcome home. You're back pretty late." Jazz: "My room..." Rock: "Hm?" Jazz: "He was an awful drunk and womanizer, and he never gave a crap about personal boundaries. No matter how much he pisses me off," Rock: "Still got your training wheels on, brat?" Rock: "I wonder when they're gonna come off." Jazz: "is because he is actually better than me." Jazz: "Damn it!" Jazz: "If I had a younger brother or sister, I totally would've been nice to them!" Jazz: "But... please stop..." Jazz: "Don't say you're counting on me... or call me "Bro"... If you look at me with those puppy dog eyes, I'll..." Jazz: "I'll..." Jazz: "get so happy that I don't know what to do with myself!" Lead: "Jazzy!" Jazz: "Look at their pure faces, expecting the world from me!" Goemon: "I don't want to be up front, I don't want to be up front, I don't want to be up fro—" Lead: "I'm gonna die if I end up in the front." Camui: "I cannot die anywhere but in the arms of a lady!" Jazz: "All right!" Jazz: "Your big br—I mean, I'll figure something out!" Jazz: "Damn it, this is so embarrassing!" Lead: "Way to go, Bro!" Jazz: "But what can we do?" Jazz: "What the hell is that thing trying to do, anyway?! How much is it going to destroy?!" Jazz: "Our abilities..." Jazz: "Wind Blade." Jazz: "Friendship." Jazz: "Controller." Jazz: "How can we effectively use them together?" Kalego: "Jazz." Jazz: "Kalego-sensei." Kalego: "Is that thing around your neck just for decoration?" Jazz: "Huh?" Jazz: "Oh, right!" Jazz: "We might actually have a chance." Staff B: "We'll guide you to safety!" Mob 1: "I hope my little sisters are okay." Mob 2: "Can you get through?" Mob 3: "What's going on?" Picero: "So loud!" Ronove: "Ro-Ro-Ronove!" Balam: "Any luck contacting the others?" Asmodeus: "No." Balam: "What's the matter?" Iruma: "Um... I just..." Iruma: "I..." Mob Guy 1: "You know, since three magical beasts came, someone must've plotted this." Mob Guy 2: "Yeah, you're right." Iruma: "Huh?" Iruma: "Is that true?" Balam: "Yes. Those are summoned beasts." Balam: "Someone summoned them. Given their sizes, there are multiple people involved." Balam: "So what's been bothering you? Are you all right?" Iruma: "I'm not sure. But..." Iruma: "I just feel really uneasy." Blackhorns: "Help!" Black Horns: "Please! Someone help!" Mob Woman: "A child?" Mob Guy: "Are you all alone?" Black Horns: "The other kids I was playing with are still in here!" Black Horns: "Please! Help me!" Iruma: "Oh, no!" Iruma: "We've got to go help him!" Mob 3: "It'll never work." Mob 4: "I don't wanna get hurt." Mob 3: "It's probably too late, anyway." Crowd 3: "Like we'd help." Crowd 4: "I know, right?" Iruma: "Wh-Why..." Balam: "Well, they're demons." Balam: "Their own desires come first, and their empathy for others is almost nonexistent." Balam: "They won't act unless it benefits them." Balam: "Iruma-kun, are you all right?" Staff A: "Everyone! Please stay clear of the buildings! Follow me!" Iruma: "Aren't you going to help that child?" Iruma: "I mean... he's right in front of you!" Staff A: "We just don't have enough hands to help. Come, now. Step back a little. We're going to get to safety. This way, everyone! Follow me!" Staff A: "Don't go near the buildings. This way." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, are you all right?!" Iruma: "Azz-kun..." Iruma: "I'm going to borrow your phone!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "I see." Iruma: "This uneasiness is getting stronger." Iruma: "This feeling..." Iruma: "This whole time, I..." Iruma: "...mad." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "This whole time... I was mad!" Clara: "Su-ki-ma! Rawr!" Iruma: "Rawr! Rawr!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama looks truly magnificent in his monster cosplay. Behold how valiant he looks! Rawr! Rawr! I have no choice but to say... You've slain me once again, Iruma-sama! And... sent." Asmodeus: "What's this? "Thank you, kindred spirit. I made this my phone background."" : "Good for you, Eiko-chan." Sabro: "What's the matter, Iruma? We must flee before the magical beast comes! What? You're mad? You're going to save the children? I see! Fascinating! If that's what my rival is going to do, then I, Sabnock Sabro, must do the same!" Sabro: "Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun,"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 15 – Magical Beasts Attack", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "15", "Magical Beasts Attack" ] }
Announcer: "Breaking news! Disaster-level magical beasts have appeared at Walter Park. A carmine dragon, a panther rat," Announcer: "and a mountain bull are the three that have appeared. We are currently seeking more details. We will follow up when we can." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""The Name of This Feeling."" Iruma: "I..." Iruma: "This whole time, I..." Iruma: "This whole time... I was mad!" Iruma: "Azz-kun, here's your phone back." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama?!" Staff A: "Hey! It's dangerous over there!" Balam: "Iruma-kun!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Balam: "He dodged all of it?!" : "Overwhelming Crisis Evasion Capability. Ever since he was little, Iruma had to overcome various hardships, which gave him the superhuman ability to avoid danger." Patron 1: "Are you serious?!" Patron 3: "Wow!" Black Horns: "Thank you, mister!" Iruma: "There are still more kids, right?" Black Horns: "Y-Yeah." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Balam: "Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "The ice cream was really good!" Iruma: "The rides were super fun, too! There were so many fun things, and I even got lost," Iruma: "but I had some great encounters, too." Iruma: "I had so much fun with all of you!" Iruma: "I really, really had a lot of fun!" Iruma: "Then, suddenly, it was all destroyed... It's so unfair." Iruma: "I'm pretty sure... that I'm angry." Iruma: "So..." Iruma: "I'm going to take that out on this unfairness!" Iruma: "All of you can take cover." Iruma: "You go join everyone else." Black Horns: "O-Okay!" Iruma: "Um, well, here I go!" Sabro: "Did you hear that? Apparently he's angry." Asmodeus: "My failure to realize that is my greatest mistake." Picero: "Move!" Asmodeus: "As you wish, Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Guys..." Asmodeus: "We shall accompany you." Sabro: "It is only natural that I stand in the ring with my rival." Picero: "I'm down with beating the crap out of whatever's causing all this noise." Balam: "Oh, jeez. Well, I guess you are the Misfit Class." Balam: "All right, let's go save those kids." Picero: "Yeah!" Iruma: "O-Okay!" Ronove: "Ronove is fine staying here." Opera: "Ameri-san, take everyone and get somewhere safe." Ameri: "Huh? What will you do, Opera-san?" Opera: "Leave this to me." Opera: "Protecting everyone important to Iruma-sama is part of my job." Clara; Keroli; Elizabetta: "A-Adults are so reliable!" Opera: "Hurry!" Ameri: "Right!" Opera: "Now, then..." Opera: "You really..." Opera: "must learn to read the room better." Opera: "Oh, your body is rather soft." Opera: "Well, in that case... I guess..." Opera: "I can get a little serious." Opera: "Ameri-san." Ameri: "I had Valac and the others take shelter with the rest." Ameri: "As the Babyls student council president, I cannot run from this situation." Opera: "Well, well..." Opera: "It's rather reassuring to have you at my back." Opera And Ameri: "What in the world..." Ameri: "...is she doing?!" Camui: "My ability is Friendship. Its true nature is the power to control animals! Thank goodness there were flocks of demon birds nearby." Camui: "Since they are birds, like myself... Up!" Camui: "Good. Its attention is on the decoy. Hurry! My spell won't last long with this many! Left!" Jazz: "All right, let's go!" Lead: "Y-Yeah..." Camui: "I'm counting on you!" Lead: "I took away... your ears. Or rather, your hearing!" : "The Shax family bloodline ability, Controller," Lead: "It's so loud!" Goemon: "A-Are you all right?" Lead: "That thing's overwhelming sense of hearing is rattling my brain. Why the hell are we even fighting this damn thing? But after Jazzy told us his plan, I figured we could win." Lead: "And then I got the irresistible urge to win. As a true competitor, what else am I supposed to do?" Goemon: "Are—" Lead: "I'm fine! Just hurry!" Jazz: "Right!" Jazz: "Just a little more! You've got this!" Goemon: "I can't block all of these attacks! In that case... I'll deflect!" Goemon: "I was able to deflect!" Goemon: "We were able to get Jazz-dono where he needs to be." Jazz: "Wow..." Jazz: "I really made it this far." Jazz: "All that's left is..." Rock: "Here." Jazz: "What's this?" Rock: "It's an earpiercer whistle." Rock: "The more mana you put into it," Rock: "Use it whenever you're about to get caught. Though, if you ever mess up a heist and blow the whistle, you might as well shatter your pride along with some eardrums." Jazz: "Like hell, you dumbass." Lead: "Jazzy! I'm restoring its hearing!" Jazz: "As soon as it gets its hearing back," Jazz: "the volume's gonna go from 0 to 11!" Goemon: "It's not moving, right?" Jazz: "That means..." Jazz: "We... We actually..." Lead: "...won!" Jazz: "For real?!" Lead: "That was awesome, Jazzy!" Goemon: "That plan was perfect!" Camui: "It's nothing like the excitement I feel toward the ladies, but it was rather exciting." Jazz: "N-Nah, you guys were awesome, too." Lead: "Like, we're so strong! We're awesome! That's all I can think of! All right! Now for some victory high fives! Yeah!" Jazz And Goemon: "Yeah!" Jazz: "We win!" Kalego: "Honestly..." Kalego: "Clearly you're all still wet behind the ears." Kalego: "Not only were your methods bad, but you can't even defend yourselves. As for your scores, Jazz, 40 points. Lead, 30 points." Kalego: "Well... I guess you pass." Kalego: "Cerbereon." Kalego: "Shake." Lead: "No way..." Camui: "Wh-Wh-Wha..." Goemon: "I'm speechless." Jazz: "Adults are amazing..." Kalego: "Wasn't that fun?" Kalego: "We're taking a picture." : "A huge victory for the Kalego team!" Dome Staff: "We will lead everyone out of the park in an orderly fashion. Please wait just a little longer." Crowd 1: "In an orderly fashion? How long's that gonna take?" Crowd 2: "This is awful." Crowd 3: "I'm hungry..." Elizabetta: "Oh, dear. Are you all right? Come on! Tickle, tickle..." Crowd Mob: "If a magical beast comes in here..." Crowd Mob: "I wanna go home." Crowd Mob: "Should we run for it?" Crowd Mob: "There's no guarantee this place is safe." Keroli: "I'm sorry, Eliza-san! I'm going for a bit!" Elizabetta: "Huh?" Keroli: "Please look after the children!" Elizabetta: "U-Um... Oh, dear... Ame-chan and Clara-chan aren't here, either. Whatever shall I do?" Elizabetta: "There, there! It'll be okay." Crowd Mob: "A-A magical beast! We have to get out of here! No!" Elizabetta: "What should I do? Someone, please..." Kuromu: "Don't worry." Elizabetta: "Huh? Oh..." Elizabetta: "You're..." Elizabetta: "The dem-dol... Kuromu-chan?" Crowd Mob: "What? Kuromu-chan? It's really her! She's so cute! She's super cute!" Kuromu: "Yes... I am a dem-dol. And it's a dem-dol's job to make people smile." Kuromu: "I'm going to..." Kuromu: "stand out for someone else's sake!" Kuromu: "Listen, everyone!" Kuromu: "There are magical beasts outside. I know you're scared and nervous." Mob: "She's so cute." Kuromu: "But stay calm, everyone!" Mob: "She's so cute!" Kuromu: "Are magical beasts really that scary? Well, everyone?" Mob: "She's so cute!" Kuromu: "The magical beasts' scariness or my cuteness..." Kuromu: "Which one is more powerful?" Mob: "She's so cute!" Elizabetta: "Wow... She just took away everyone's awful, scary feelings." Kuromu: "Okay! Here we go!" Song: "Girls in love are totally invincible! Are you ready now? I'm going to make you fall for me Even if you have big fangs or sharp claws I'm not scared at all, don't underestimate me My heart burns with a fiery passion" Kuromu: "I'm going to make you all fall for me." Song: "And I'm still undefeated" Kuromu: "So I'll leave the magical beasts outside" Kuromu: "to you two!" Ameri: "I'll take care of things here. Opera-san, please grab Valac while it's distracted." Opera: "But..." Ameri: "Cherusil!" Ameri: "I'll be all right." Opera: "Oh?" Opera: "Its forehead." Opera: "Its body is soft, but that one part is harder and protected. That's probably its weak point." Ameri: "Right!" Opera: "She was able to use a spell instantly without speaking it out loud." Opera: "No wonder she's Waw rank and the Babyls student council president." Ameri: "Spered!" Clara: "Thanks, Pera-sama! Way to go, Lady Redhair!" Opera: "I'd like to observe this for a while." Opera: "Let's see what she can do." Ameri: "I guess I should start fighting back. I swear on the name of the Azazel family that I shall crush you, insolent vermin!" Ameri: "Behold!" Ameri: "This is my bloodline ability!" Opera: "Ameri-san, prepare yourself! It's about to jump!" Ameri: "I shall not be crushed." Ameri: "And... I am... powerful!" Opera: "I see. So this is..." : "The Azazel family bloodline ability: Romantista. By believing she is strong, she can bring out the best of her abilities. The ultimate support spell that was inherited by the Azazel family, who are strong-willed and have imaginations that tend to run wild." Opera: "Interesting." Opera: "Romantista is the ultimate self-suggestion spell." Song: "Even if you have big fangs or sharp claws" Opera: "Therefore, it is a double-edged sword if they are at all intimidated by their enemy." Song: "I'm not scared at all, don't underestimate me" Opera: "Yet she's using that spell against a giant magical beast at her age." Song: "My heart burns with a fiery passion" Opera: "She truly..." Song: "And I'm still undefeated" Opera: "has an ironclad mind." Song: "Your heart will be beating at 100% Girls in love are totally invincible!" Clara: "Did she win?" Opera: "No, it's still kicking." Song: "I'm in love, so I'm super cute" Opera: "Gas? Is it poison?" Song: "Lock on to my eyes" Opera: "Ameri-san!" Song: "I'm not going to let you go Even if you bite me, I'm going to make you mine" Ameri: "I'm fine!" Song: "Girls in love are totally invincible!" Clara: "Whoa." Opera: "Well, this was a surprise. She's even immune to poison." Song: "Are you ready now?" Opera: "Her will is truly unbreakable." Song And Ameri: "I'm going to make you fall for me I'm going to make you fall for me!" Ameri: "Even if you have big fangs or sharp claws" Opera: "She's... singing something?" Ameri Nar: "This song that I once heard at a dem-dol concert" Ameri: "I'm not scared at all, don't underestimate me" Ameri Nar: "just keeps playing in my head." Ameri: "My heart burns with a fiery passion And I'm still undefeated This song is strengthening my heart! Your heart will be beating at 100%" Song: "Girls in love are totally invincible!" Ameri: "...are totally invincible!" Ameri And Song: "I'm in love, so I'm super cute Lock on to my eyes" Song: "I'm not going to let you go Even if you bite me, I'm going to make you mine" Clara: "Lady Redhair! Wowie! You beat it, like, bam! You were super cool, like, bam! Bam!" Clara: "What's wrong?" Opera: "She fought quite dramatically, so her body is screaming in pain." Opera: "Romantista is a spell that removes limits on all abilities. Of course it takes a lot out of you." Clara: "She's all jello-y." Opera: "Stop that." Ameri: "I'm so pathetic..." Opera: "That is not true. If you lack experience, that just means you have potential to grow. You did marvelously. You will continue to grow." Ameri: "Right..." Opera: "What do you think? Perhaps, after graduation, you can work under me for the chair-demon." Ameri: "Huh?" Opera: "I will make sure you grow the way you need to." Ameri: "I am honored that you think I will grow more. But after I graduate, I will be helping my father with his work." Opera: "Oh, I see. I was excited by the prospect of our household becoming even more chaotic. How unfortunate." Ameri: "Oh, I just..." Ameri: "Household? Wait, working at the chair-demon's house would mean..." Iruma: "I'm home!" Ameri: "I'd get to live with Iruma?!" Ameri: "Would you like dinner or a bath first?" Iruma: "Huh? Um, dinner!" Ameri: "Then we'd... practically be married!" Opera: "But let's forget it and go on our merry little way." Ameri: "My career has indeed been decided for me. However! It would be rude of me to decline your offer. Who knows when changes will happen in life? I will have to ask you to put that offer on hold!" Opera: "Uh, right." Ameri: "M-Marriage..." Opera: "She still has that much strength..." Clara: "You're all jello-y." Opera: "What are you even doing here?" Clara: "I figured you might need some weapons, so I came to help." Ameri: "Hey! It's extremely dangerous here!" Clara: "Sorry!" Opera: "May I request a weapon?" Clara: "Ooh, whatcha want, Pera-sama?" Opera: "A secret weapon." Mohawk Boy: "Someone's going to save us." Green Hair Boy: "But..." Picero: "Open!" Iruma: "I found you! You'll be okay now!" Asmodeus: "What a whiny little lizard." Sabro: "What? Are you frightened? Feel free to run away." Asmodeus: "Don't be ridiculous! You may also run if you're scared." Sabro: "Ridiculous! I will be the Demon King one day! Fleeing is not in my vocabulary." Asmodeus: "Give it all you've got, then." Sabro And Asmodeus: "Don't get in my way!" Clara: "Su-ki-ma in love!" Rock: "Here, an earpiercer whistle. Don't drop it." Jazz: "I won't drop it." Rock: "What? Like I'd ever use that. I'm not a little brat. It's totally new." Jazz: "Huh?! Like I'd ever use it, either!" Rock: "Okay, you can pay a fine whenever you use it, then." Jazz: "Okay, then!" : "Eventually, Jazz would remember this deal and cry."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 16 – The Name of This Feeling", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "16", "The Name of This Feeling" ] }
Sabro: "I will be the Demon King one day! Fleeing is not in my vocabulary." Asmodeus: "Give it all you've got, then." Sabro And Asmodeus: "Don't get in my way!" All: ""The Ultimate Halberd."" Iruma: "Let's hurry and get to safety." Iruma: "Huh?" Iruma: "I wonder if Azz-kun and Sabnock-kun are okay." Balam: "Well, even as decoys to draw its attention," Sabro: "I will take care of that lizard!" Asmodeus: "I cannot let someone as sloppy as you handle this!" Balam: "So I'm sure they wouldn't attack—" Balam: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "Razoro..." Sabro: "Create..." Asmodeus: "...Flame!" Sabro: "...Axe!" Asmodeus: "I was clearly faster!" Sabro: "Well, my attack was deeper!" Both: "What?!" Asmodeus: "My attack was deeper!" Sabro: "Nay! My attack was heavier!" Iruma: "Th-They're fighting?" Balam: "I told them not to... Maybe I'm not dignified enough to be a teacher..." Iruma: "That's not true..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! I see that you've successfully rescued the children!" Sabro: "Hey, you! I'm not done talk—" Asmodeus: "If Iruma-sama is angry..." Asmodeus: "El Blast!" Sabro: "Hey! You almost hit me!" Asmodeus: "Too bad I missed." Sabro: "What's that supposed to mean?! I'm clearly burned!" Asmodeus: "It's your fault for being inside the range of my attack." Asmodeus: "You're in my way. Step back." Sabro: "Create..." Sabro: "Many Lances!" Asmodeus: "Why, you..." Sabro: "Whoops, my hand slipped." Asmodeus: "I am..." Asmodeus: "going to dedicate this victory to Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "You just shut your mouth and watch! Go, Gorgon Snake!" Asmodeus: "Huh?" Sabro: "I refuse!" Sabro: "That's a nice look on you, honor student." Iruma: "Wow..." Balam: "Yes." Iruma: "They're fighting again." Balam: "Those two are actually overwhelming the Carmine Dragon." Balam: "It's terrifying to think that they're just first-years at Babyls." Balam: "But we can't let our guard down. I should probably join in..." Sabro: "What?!" Balam: "That's not good!" Sabro: "What an incredible release of mana." Asmodeus: "I-Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "B-Balam-sensei..." Asmodeus: "Balam-sensei managed to hold it back. Thank good—" Asmodeus: "He's yelling something..." Sabro: "Honor student! Step back!" Iruma: "Azz-kun! Run!" Asmodeus: "Huh?" Iruma: "Azz-kun! At that moment," Iruma: "the words I recalled were..." Kalego: "You're too accustomed to putting yourself in danger." Iruma: "No matter what kind of danger I put myself in," Iruma: "But I'm not alone anymore." Iruma: "That's so obvious... but I didn't even realize it!" Balam: "...kun! ...ma-kun! Iruma-kun!" Balam: "Look." Iruma: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "Y-You..." Iruma: "Sabnock-kun!" Balam: "He shielded him at the last second and managed to endure it." Sabro: "I created a shield, but it melted..." Asmodeus: "Why did you save me? You could've just used me as a decoy and attacked it! You didn't have to get yourself hurt... Why would you?!" Sabro: "Hmph. Isn't it obvious? If I saved you in this situation, in that crisis..." Sabro: "I would look magnificently awesome!" Asmodeus: "Huh? Awes— What?!" Sabro: "Now, there's no need to thank me. It is only natural that a future Demon King is awesome." Asmodeus: "Huh?!" Asmodeus: "Over here!" Asmodeus: "So it can use fire, as well." Sabro: "What a talented little lizard. Well? Can you still move?" Asmodeus: "But of course." Asmodeus: "I still have mana left. I can still fight." Sabro: "All right. In that case..." Sabro: "We're retreating." Asmodeus: "Wha... What are you saying?! After everything we just did?! What did you just say about being awesome?! If you're not going, I'll just do this myself!" Sabro: "Is that your ambition?" Asmodeus: "Ambition?" Sabro: "If winning this battle is your ambition, I will not stop you. But you will most likely... perish." Sabro: "I have learned from my past." Sabro: "I've learned how to prepare for death, and I've learned of my own inexperience." Sabro: "I am serious about becoming the Demon King, so I've reconsidered my actions. I am proud of how much I have grown! But despite how skilled you are, you are always so concerned about Iruma that you haven't grown even a millimeter." Sabro: "What is your ambition? To win here? It's not, is it?" Sabro: "Is it not to be Iruma's halberd that will never break against any foe?!" Sabro: "Do not mistake your own ambition, you great fool!" Asmodeus: "Move." Asmodeus: "I used up all the mana I had left." Asmodeus: "Just this once... you were right. I was a fool!" Sabro: "Good!" Sabro: "We're running!" Sabro: "It appears it can't find us because of the flames!" Asmodeus: "Hey, can't you use your familiar, Kelbie, to flee?" Sabro: "That's not happening. I lack the mana to summon him. You can't fly, either?" Asmodeus: "I don't have any stamina left!" Sabro: "Looks like we're both running on empty!" Asmodeus: "So..." Asmodeus: "Your back... You know..." Asmodeus: "I thank you for saving me." Sabro: "You felt pressured to say that, didn't you?" Asmodeus: "Shut up! I'd never say it otherwise! I already feel pathetic enough right now." Sabro: "What are you talking about? We are currently... magnificently awesome!" Sabro: "That's not good! It's preparing a beam!" Asmodeus: "If it shoots our way, we won't be able to dodge it!" Asmodeus: "Balam-sensei!" Balam: "I'm so thankful that you two survived." Balam: "I'll take care of the rest." Iruma: "Sabnock-kun! Azz-kun!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama... I—" Iruma: "You're alive!" Iruma: "Thank... Thank goodness!" Asmodeus: "I'm terribly sorry." Iruma: "No, I'm sorry! I didn't think this through at all! I need to be aware of how dangerous things are." Asmodeus: "Wh-What are you saying?! I did this on my own!" Iruma: "No, I dragged you all into this!" Asmodeus: "No, no!" Iruma: "It was me!" Sabro: "Oh, shut up! We're getting out of here! If we stay here..." Sabro: "We'll be dragged into that!" Balam: "A cousin of the nigi nigi greens. The more mana you store in their tiny seeds, the faster they grow." Balam: "Your ankles, neck, and the bases of your horns." Balam: "I am an instructor of biology. I know your strengths and weaknesses." Balam: "Yes." Balam: "But... not good enough!" Balam: "This wooden dragon is made with my mana." Balam: "The sheer concentration of my mana compared to yours is..." Balam: "incomparable!" Balam: "You dared to harm my precious students." Balam: "I'll make you regret getting me to take off my restraints." Iruma: "Sensei!" Balam: "Kids..." Iruma: "That was amazing!" Balam: "Are you all right? Did any of the debris come this way?" Asmodeus: "The power to overwhelm a magical beast like that..." Asmodeus: "Truly, an unbreakable halberd." Balam: "This little one was a huge help." Asmodeus: "Um, Balam-sensei!" Sabro: "Hey, that's not fair!" Asmodeus: "I'm doing this for Iruma-sama's sake!" Sabro: "And I'm doing this to become the Demon King!" Balam: "Wait... Am I being looked up to right now?" Jazz: "What the?!" Iruma; Asmodeus; Sabro; Balam: "What?!" Balam: "Everyone, get behind me!" Iruma: "Ameri-san! Opera-san!" Ameri: "What power..." Ameri: "Are you all right?" Opera: "Is everyone safe?" Iruma: "How did you get here?" Opera: "I followed your scent." Opera: "The cologne you're using has a unique aroma." Opera: "Though, now that we're here, I must ask..." Opera: "What exactly are we looking at?" Balam: "The light from earlier seemed to be a concentration of mana. Would you be willing to" Balam: "assist me like you used to, Opera-senpai?" Opera: "But of course." Opera: "Oh, but this might be a bit much for the two of us. Hmmmm..." Opera: "What's this?" Opera: "A familiar-summoning sticker." Lead: "Sensei." Lead: "That magical beast turned into light and disappeared." Jazz: "Is this really okay?" Kalego: "Hmph." Jazz: "What?" Lead: "Seriously?" Kalego: "Enough! I am not moving an inch from this spot!" Kalego: "Huh? Hey, Iru—" Opera: "Now, Kalego-kun!" Kalego: "Hey! I-Is this your doing?!" Balam: "We're in real trouble because the magical beasts combined, fluff! Kalego-kun! We have to do something immediately, fluff! You're so fluffy!" Kalego: "Hey! Calm down, Shichiro!" Balam And Opera: "Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy, fluffy..." Kalego: "Stop fluffing me! Hey, Iruma! Undo the summoning!" Opera: "No. If he does that, you'll go back to where you were. Come, now. We're going to defeat that creature." Kalego: "Huh?! Why me?!" Balam: "Now, now." Kalego: "Hey!" Opera: "The rest of you, make sure you're behind us." Iruma: "Right." Sabro: "This will be a sight to see." Asmodeus: "Yes. And we have a front-row seat..." Asmodeus: "to this cooperative battle with such high-ranking demons!" Opera: "I can't get over it. You're so cute." Kalego: "And whose fault is that?" Asmodeus: "But they're dealing with three magical beasts combined into one." Sabro: "Even those three will be putting their lives on the line." Balam: "Let's go, you two." Sabro: "This battle... will be a long one." Opera: "Kick of..." Balam: "Nigiuul..." Kalego: "Ceber..." Opera: "...Rage!" Balam: "...Hug!" Kalego: "...Byute!" Iruma: "It..." Iruma: "It ended in an instant!" Ameri: "I'm not sure if it's a cooperative battle..." Picero: "More like..." Sabro: "They individually beat it senseless." Kalego: "Ce..." Kalego: "Cerberus... turned into a puppy." Asmodeus: "Adults..." Picero: "...really don't hold back." Iruma: "But now, we're finally..." Iruma: "Sensei!" Wetoto: "The magical beasts have been wiped out?" Wetoto: "There appears to be a number of high-ranking demons?" Atori: "Hey, this sounds like bad news. Weren't they supposed to completely destroy Walter Park according to the plan?" Wetoto: "We'll just have to speed up the plan a bit. There'll be no more issues." Atori: "You sure? What about up there?" Wetoto: "Yeah." Wetoto: "In the end, they'll put up one last fight." Ameri: "It's still alive!" Balam: "No, this is..." Balam: "It's concentrating all of its mana. It's going to spit it out in order to destroy itself!" Kalego: "Agares!" Picero: "Collapse!" Kalego: "Get in." Kalego: "If we're beneath the surface, the damage should be minimal." Iruma: "If that much mana is unleashed..." Opera: "At least half of Walter Park will be reduced to ashes." Ameri: "Wait! In that direction is..." Ameri: "The emergency shelter!" Asmodeus: "If we can somehow turn it another direction..." Sabro: "I shall pummel its face!" Kalego: "Don't, you fools!" Kalego: "That thing is now a bomb made of mana. If you attack it, that'll make it explode!" Asmodeus: "But then..." Iruma: "Is there any way to contact the shelter?" Balam: "It's too far away." Iruma: "But... There has to be something we can do." Balam: "No. We won't make it in time." Asmodeus: "It's..." Asmodeus: "going to fire!" Ronove: "That's enough! You stupid vermin!" Ronove: "How dare you..." Ronove: "How dare you do this to my home?! And now you want to hurt the masses?!" Ronove: "Y-You villain! Anyone who dares stomp on our fun..." Ronove: "will have to deal with me, Ronove Romiere!" Ronove: "Now, look... look..." Ronove: "Now..." Ronove: "Look at me!" : "Bloodline ability: Charisma. He can immediately draw all attention in the vicinity to him." Sabro: "Well done! It looked away from the shelter!" Asmodeus: "But now Ronove-senpai is..." Ronove: "Ronove did not think this all the way through..." Ronove: "Ro, Ro, Ro, Ro..." Ronove: "Ro, Ro, Ro..." Kalego: "That fool!" Ameri: "Iruma!" Sabro: "Iruma!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Su-ki-ma... Watch it!" Kids: "Find Kalego-sensei!" Kids: "There he is!" Kalego: "Stop that!" Kids: "Round 2! Find Kalego-sensei!" Kids: "There he is!" Kalego: "I said stop that!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 17 – The Ultimate Halberd", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "17", "The Ultimate Halberd" ] }
Ronove: "Look at me!" Ronove: "Ronove did not think this all the way through..." Ronove: "Ro?!" Kalego: "That fool!" Ameri: "Iruma!" Sabro: "Iruma!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Can you do this, Ali-san?" Ali-San: "Sure thing, partner!" All: ""My Desire."" Iruma: "Ifrit mode!" Iruma: "We need to gobble up all of that thing's mana, Ali-san!" Ali-San: "Sure thing!" Ali-San: "Wait! Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Iruma: "Huh?" Ali-San: "Uh, I'm supposed to take in that much?!" Ali-San: "I just said, "Sure thing!" But, uh..." Iruma: "W-Well... Since the Gluttonous Feeder Ring can suck up mana," Ronove: "H-He's talking to himself, Ronove?" Ali-San: "That's asking me to do a lot." Iruma: "B-But you're amazing enough to be able to gobble up my grandpa's mana, so I figured you could do this, too." Iruma: "N-No?" Ali-San: "Well... Yeah, I can." Iruma: "Ali-san!" Ali-San: "But I'm gonna need a bunch of your strength, too, Li'l Iru!" Ali-San: "Okay, think back on when you made me this form." Iruma: "Okay." Ali-San: "Now imagine me gobbling up that thing's mana. Got it, Li'l Iru? Magic's all about what's in your mind!" Iruma: "My mind..." Iruma: "Imagine gobbling..." Both: "...him up!" Iruma: "Cherusil!" Asmodeus: "I-It ate up..." Ameri: "...its mana!" Iruma: "Thank you... for the meal." Elizabetta: "The sky is back to normal." Elizabetta: "Oh, where have you been?" Keroli: "Yeah, that's too bad." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Ameri: "Iruma!" Ameri: "Why are you always like this?! You scared me!" Picero: "You're suffocating me. Shut up." Balam: "Thank goodness he's safe." Kalego: "Iruma!" Kalego: "You pushed yourself too hard again." Iruma: "I haven't forgotten when you told me not to put myself in harm's way!" Iruma: "I put myself in danger all the time, so I started thinking nothing of it. But when so many people close to me were about to be harmed because of that," Iruma: "I finally remembered what it feels like to actually be in danger." Iruma: "It was... terrifying." Iruma: "I..." Iruma: "I thought I might die when I stood before the magical beast." Iruma: "I thought I might worry everyone." Iruma: "That I might not be able to save anyone." Iruma: "I thought about it, made up my mind... And as soon as I made up my mind," Iruma: "I don't want to give up on my ideals." Iruma: "Because... that's my desire!" Kalego: "Both of your hands and your voice are shaking, you fool." Kalego: "That still doesn't excuse you acting on your own!" Iruma: "Right. I'm sorry." Girl: "That teacher's scary!" Kid: "He's getting yelled at by his teacher!" Sabro: "I shall be taking the spotlight next time!" Asmodeus: "There's no reason for you to apologize, Iruma-sama!" Ameri: "You always shock me so much that you give me chills, Iruma." Balam: "Indeed, we never know what you'll do, Iruma-kun." Girl: "Thanks, mister." Opera: "I see." Opera: "I think I might understand why you chose him, sir." Imp: "Yeah! We made it!" Batsu: "Okay, let's destroy those bars!" Imp: "Wh-What the hell?" Load: "It's a spell!" Baljio: "We can't get out!" Batsu: "Someone's there." Kiriwo: "Hey there." Batsu: "Kiriwo-kun?!" Imp: "Hey! Over here!" Batsu: "Hey, wait! The ones around him..." Six Fingers: "Welcome back, Kiriwo-sama." Wetoto: "The Six Fingers have come to escort you, sir." Batsu: "The Six Fingers?!" Kiriwo: "Say... How's this plan supposed to go again?" Wetoto: "Yes." Wetoto: "to destroy all of Walter Park and retrieve you, Kiriwo-sama." All: "Huh?!" Batsu: "What's that supposed to mean, Kiriwo?" Imp: "You betrayed us? You're just gonna abandon us?!" Kiriwo: "Abandon? That makes me sound so awful." Kiriwo: "I mean, I... never said a single word about freeing you." Kiriwo: "Right?" Imp: "Oh... I get it now." Imp: "I'm just a bad guy, plain and simple." Imp: "This scrawny guy is truly..." Imp: "evil!" Kiriwo: "Good work, boys." Atori: "Those poor guys." Atori: "That'd send Walter Park into even more chaos." Kiriwo: "Now, now." Kiriwo: "You heard my plan, decided to believe me, and helped me out. Now that you've been clobbered," Kiriwo: "That ultimate despair... That face you're making is what I wanted to see." Kiriwo: "Though you would've been caught instantly even if you escaped." Atori: "Right... I was wondering why this scrawny guy was one of the brass... I see now." Atori: "I haven't seen anyone go so neatly back to the old ways before." Kiriwo: "Now..." Kiriwo: "Let's skedaddle." Ronove: "Ronove... Ronove... Because something so terrifying happened, we're going to have fun now!" Roosevelt: "Everyone! These are the heroes who saved Walter Park." Ronove: "Ronove!" Ronove: "Legendaddy, you're copying me!" Iruma: "Sh-Should we have gotten a parade?" Roosevelt: "Once again..." Roosevelt: "Thank you so much for saving my beloved Walter Park, Hero Iruma-kun." Roosevelt: "It is I, Legendaddy." Ronove: "Woo, Legendaddy!" Iruma: "N-No, I'm not a hero—" Roosevelt: "So heroic! Everyone should know about your heroics! Now, my boy, wave." Clara: "Yay! I approve!" Kiriwo: "What are you doing here?" Kiriwo: "He... defeated the magical beasts?" Kiriwo: "You got in my way once again?" Kiriwo: "But that... That means... It's fate!" Kiriwo: "Iruma-kun... You are..." Kiriwo: "You truly are..." Kiriwo: "my..." Baal: "Kiriwo, you there?" Baal: "Were you able to get out? Report." Baal: "Kiriwo." Kiriwo: "I'm back, Nii-san. Sigh." Baal: "Don't sigh at me! I'll crush you, you stupid four-eyes!" Baal: "So Walter Park's in one piece, eh?" Baal: "Ideally, I did want it destroyed. Walter Park is where people relieve their stress during their evil cycles. There's no place for it in the netherworld I'm creating." Baal: "But the Demon Border Control will eventually show up... and that's gonna be a pain in the ass." Baal: "Get back here as soon as you can, Kiriwo." Kiriwo: "Right." Baal: "In order to see our ambition..." Baal: "I need that messed-up head of yours." Kiriwo: "I guess that's another rain check." Kiriwo: "But we'll meet again. Iruma-kun," Kiriwo: "you and I are mortal enemies." Opera: "Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Oh, uh..." Opera: "I picked this up for you." Iruma: "Oh, my bag." Iruma: "Thank goodness. My phone and..." Iruma: "This is..." Sullivan: "28. Don't eat too many snacks! 29. Call Grandpa if you get lonely!" Iruma: "30..." Sullivan: "30!" Sullivan: "Promise your dear old grandpa that." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! Iruma!" Sabro: "Iruma!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "A lot of rough things happened..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Lead: "Wave at everyone!" Ronove: "Ronove! Romiere!" Kalego: "Honestly..." Iruma: "Grandpa, I think I had a lot of fun today!" Sullivan: "Iruma-kun!" Sullivan: "Oh, thank goodness you're safe!" Iruma: "S-Sorry. We were supposed to come back sooner..." Roosevelt: "It's the least I could do! You are the heroes who saved Walter Park! And, most importantly..." Roosevelt: "Of course I would welcome you with open arms!" Sullivan: "Thank you, Roose-kun. Is your park okay?" Roosevelt: "We've already started the plans for repairs." Sullivan: "But I really was worried! You okay?" Iruma: "Wait, no. I had a lot of fun at the amusement park, and Opera-san and our teachers protected us," Iruma: "so I was totally fine." Sullivan: "Iru... Iruma-kun! You've grown up so much! Well done, Opera." Opera: "It was nothing. You're going to get dehydrated." Sullivan: "All right." Balam: "What's the matter?" Kalego: "I just got a terrible chill..." Balam: "So who's behind this attack?" Kalego: "Right." Kalego: "However... Not only can no one remember their names," Kalego: "This might be due to some kind of spell." Kalego: "We've received some documents from the Demon Border Control. We can have a nice, long chat in our roo—" Jazz: "You pass." Goemon: "Cebereon!" Lead: "You guys sound just like him!" Camuy: "I haven't had any fun yet." Kalego: "What do you fools think you're doing?!" Lead: "Crap! It's actually him! Put everything away!" Kalego: "Your rooms are down below! Begone!" Goemon: "Well, we heard the rooms up here are nicer." Jazz: "So we wanted to pillage... er, visit." Lead: "You know, we wanted to reflect on our actions today." Kalego: "Stop eating things on my bed!" Jazz: "There are so many expensive things here!" Kalego: "Stop rummaging through everything!" Camuy: "The view from this room is absolutely exquisite!" Kalego: "Get out!" Jazz: "What the heck, you spoilsport?!" Goemon: "Spoiling all the sports." Jazz: "Run away! Run away!" Balam: "Aw, they like you so much." Kalego: "You mean they mock me so much. This is... the worst!" Elizabetta: "This is... the best!" Elizabetta: "Every girl dreams of this!" Eliszbetta: "We can really have any clothes we want?" Staff A: "Yes. A gift from our owner." Clara: "Lady Redhair was super cool!" Elizabetta: "And Kuromu-chan's concert was amazing, too." Keroli: "Oh, really?" Ameri: "But most importantly... I'm glad you're all safe." Elizabetta: "Indeed." Clara: "Hey! Let's go to the buffet!" Iruma: "Buffet!" Ronove: "Stuff your face, Ronove!" Picero: "I don't want any..." Goemon: "You two get along so well." Lead: "What's this?" Jazz: "Dunno, but it's good." Opera: "Don't be a picky eater." Kalego: "I told you, I don't want any of this!" Elizabetta: "This is so dreamy." Camuy: "Cheers to you both, miladies." Asmodeus: "Here you are, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Thanks, Azz-kun! Time to eat!" Sabro: "Eat the meat! More meat!" Asmodeus: "Vegetables are essential, too!" Iruma: "That was great." Clara: "Yay!" Lead: "Clarin's in the fondue!" Goemon: "We need to save her!" Ameri: "Iruma?" Ameri: "It's rare for Iruma to be alone. Hey, Iru—" Ameri: "Now, hang on..." Ameri: "Does this mean... it's just the two of us?!" Ameri: "In this quiet place... we're alone together... at night! Isn't this what they call a romantic situation in the forbidden texts?!" Ameri: "I-Iruma!" Iruma: "Ameri-san. Oh, that outfit..." Ameri: "I-It was a thank-you gift from Ronove's father." Ameri: "M-My clothes got dirty, so I had no other choice." Iruma: "You look lovely!" Ameri: "D-Do I?" Iruma: "Yes." Ameri: "S-Stop smirking to yourself." Iruma: "But this is perfect timing." Iruma: "I have something I need to tell you." Ameri: "To tell me?" Iruma: "Remember when you talked to me about ideals and ambitions?" Iruma: "My ideal is still just to continue having fun with everyone. But in order to protect that ideal..." Iruma: "I'm still lacking something." Iruma: "So I'm going to protect that ideal." Iruma: "I'm going to change so I can see that ambition come true. Just watch me, Ameri-san!" Ameri: "Iruma, you..." Ameri: "Every time I take my eyes off of you, you come back sparkling..." Ameri: "and grow even stronger and more courageous each time." Ameri: "Pick up all the pieces..." Ameri: "In that case, for my own ideals..." Ameri: "You're greedy, you know that?" Iruma: "Huh? B-But I was just..." Ameri: "Say, Iruma." Ameri: "Why don't we go somewhere soon? Just the two of us..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Ooh, Lady Redhair spotted!" Clara: "Hey, listen, Iruma-chi!" Clara: "And it's super yummy, so you gotta come now!" Asmodeus: "Apparently, Balam-sensei is going to teach us magic! You should join us, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Sure." Iruma: "Um, Ameri-san..." Ameri: "Oh, never mind. Just go." Iruma: "No, wait." Iruma: "Let's go somewhere together soon. Just the two of us." Iruma: "Ameri-san?!" Asmodeus: "She's unconscious!" Clara: "Lady Redhair!" Reporter: "So the ones who saved Walter Park are Iruma-kun and his friends?" Roosevelt: "The students of Babyls and Romiere! As well as..." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun is the true hero!" Iruma: "Wh..." Iruma: "Wh-Wha..." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun is a hero." Iruma: "What the heck are you doing?!" Demon: "The next day." Reporter B: "This is where Iruma-kun is staying?" Reporter C: "We want to interview him!" Reporter D: "Can we at least get a photo?!" Reporter E: "Are the other students here?" Opera: "You're quite popular." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama..." Clara: "There, there, there." Iruma: "I didn't think it'd blow up like this..." Sullivan: "Must be rough." Opera: "Sir..." Opera: "that he is the hero who saved Walter Park." Lead: "Iruma-kun." Lead: "We're gonna leave through the back door. What are you guys gonna do?" Iruma: "Um..." Asmodeus: "Considering all this," Iruma: "What?" Opera: "If only there was somewhere we could hide..." Clara: "I know!" Clara: "Wanna come over to my place?" Both: "Huh?" Both: "Your place?" Clara: "Su-ki-ma... Wanna come over?" Balam: "The buffet looks delicious... But sadly, I may look scary when I'm eating. Maybe I'll order some room service." Balam: "K-Kalego-kun! You're not at the buffet?" Kalego: "Those fools are loud, and that pest won't leave me alone. I didn't even get to enjoy my meal." Balam: "What about dinner, then?" Kalego: "Sit." Balam: "Okay." Balam: "It's delicious. Thank you." Kalego: "What's so funny?" Balam: "Oh, nothing." Sullivan: "That's right." Sullivan: "The heroes! By the way, Iruma-kun is my grandson. He's the most adorable grandson in the world! He is my... no, the pride and joy of the netherworld!" Sullivan: "Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun," Sullivan: ""Clara's House." I repeat."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 18 – My Desire", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "18", "My Desire" ] }
ppy: "Yesterday..." Clara: "I know! Wanna come over to my place?" Both: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "Valac... You actually live in a house?" Clara: "Of course I do!" Iruma: "Clara's house?" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""Clara's House."" Iruma: "So this forest is called "Hubbub Forest"?" Clara: "Yup!" Clara: "Only my family knows the way through this forest." Asmodeus: "What in the world are you?!" Clara: "Bye-bye!" Asmodeus: "Truly a land of mystery." Clara: "Isn't it a lovely forest?" Iruma: "Yeah. It's a perfect match for you, Clara." Asmodeus: "What in the world are those? Butterflies?" Butterflies: "Rainbow!" Clara: "That's my house." Iruma: "Wow, what a fun shape." All: "Welcome to my home!" Iruma And Asmodeus: "Th-Thank you." Valacs: "Welcome to my home! Welcome to my home!" Asmodeus: "We've only been here six seconds, and they're so loud." Iruma: "What an interesting way to welcome guests!" Asmodeus: "I'm sure this is very unique to them." Iruma: "Huh?" Clara: "You guys sure put a lot of work into that one!" Mommy: "I worked up a nice sweat." Iruma: "Hello! Thank you for having us over!" Asmodeus: "I thank you for your hospita—" Mommy: "Welcome! Just relax and make yourselves at home! You came through Hubbub Forest, right? Isn't it interesting? Now, now, now. When Clara mentioned that she was going to bring over... What did she call them? Friends? This is a first for our family. Classmates are so lovely. All of you looking out for each other is beautiful. Would you like some candy? Maybe lunch already? Perhaps a bath? Would you like to dance with us?" Mommy: "Now, now." Mommy: "Sin Sin, Ran Ran, no climbing on our guests." Keebow: "Mommy's going all-out!" Konchie: "This is the first time Nee-chan's had friends over!" Mommy: "Keebow, Konchie, make sure you greet them." Konchie: "Konchie!" Keebow: "Keebow!" Sin Sin: "Shii Shii!" Ran Ran: "Raa Raa!" Mommy: "Mommy!" Clara: "And Clara and Urara makes..." All: "The Valac family!" Asmodeus And Iruma: "Thank you for having us over!" Mommy: "Yes, welcome." Valacs: "Welcome home!" Asmodeus: "We're getting a round two?!" Iruma: "Here's a gift from Walter Park." Mommy: "Why, thank you." Asmodeus: "Here's a replica of Walter Castle. It's made of chocolate." Mommy: "My, my, you shouldn't have." Mommy: "Now, now. Mind your manners." All: "Yes, ma'am!" Iruma: "Azz-kun!" Clara: "Now, come on inside!" Iruma: "I finally get to go to a friend's house!" Asmodeus: "We're finally going inside Valac's house..." Clara: "I'm home! I'm home... I'm home..." Keebow: "Now, take off your shoes." Iruma And Asmodeus: "Thanks for having us over." Keebow: "Stepping in with the left foot is the Valac way." Konchie: "When you come in, make sure you say, "I'm home," even if it's your first time here." Asmodeus And Iruma: "I'm home!" Keebow: "And always end your sentences with "The Valacs are the best."" Asmodeus: "You can't be serious." Iruma: "I'm home! The Valacs are the best!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Konchie: "Hey, which one of you is Nee-chan's boyfriend?" Asmodeus And Iruma: "Boyfriend?!" Iruma: "B-Boyfriend?!" Keebow: "If it's the sparkly one, well done, Sis. Well done indeed." Asmodeus: "Sparkle, sparkle." Konchie: "But the one she's always talking about is Irum—" Clara: "Yes, yes, come right this way." Iruma: "Th-They sure are lively." Konchie: "Hi-yah! Bone Crusher!" Keebow: "Now I get extra time!" Mommy: "Please make yourselves at home." Iruma: "What a warm, loving family." Asmodeus: "I can't relax." Iruma: "There are so many mysterious things." Mommy: "Well, Daddy is an adventurer. He always sends things from his travels." Keebow: "We have a field, too!" Konchie: "And a tiny lake, and Hit-and-Miss Hill." Clara: "Also machom pekepoms." Asmodeus: "What are you even saying?" Mommy: "By the way, would you two like some mokkos dokkos?" Mommy: "Here you go!" Iruma: "These are..." Clara: "They're sweet buns!" Clara: "We call them "mokkos dokkos" at home!" Asmodeus: "You're asking for nothing but misunderstandings!" Clara: "I'm gonna bring some tea!" Asmodeus: "On top of that, you called fried chicken "muffle wuffle crackle bang."" Iruma: "I guess every household has a unique way of naming dishes." Asmodeus: "Please do not fall for this, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "You want to read them?" Mommy: "Oh, then I highly recommend this book." Iruma: "Is this Clara?" Asmodeus: "Th-They all have the same face..." Iruma: "She's eating a block." Mommy: "She had a habit of biting everything." Asmodeus: "They're the same on the inside, too." Mommy: "Oh, look at this one." Clara: "Hey! No looking! Out of the way! Mommy! No!" Mommy: "See this one?" Clara: "Stop showing him!" Clara: "R-Really?" Iruma: "Yeah. You're super cute." Clara: "O-Oh..." Iruma: "Hey, you're a monster." Mommy: "My finest creation. Paper Bag Monster Clargon." Mommy: "Sadly, she was defeated after her brothers were born." Iruma: "What a great sister." Clara: "No more!" Iruma: "Aw, but it was just getting good." Mommy: "Let's start with part 2, then." Clara: "Mommy!" Iruma: "Clara's so flustered." Asmodeus: "Mothers truly are the most powerful in every household." Clara: "Mommy! Aren't you supposed to go shopping?! Oh, that's right." Asmodeus: "Shopping? Out here?" Mommy: "All right, everyone!" Valac Kids: "Yes, ma'am!" Asmodeus: "Is there a shopping plaza somewhere around here?" Clara: "There sure is! We have an amazing supermarket! They have plenty of things you'd find at your fancy cityfolk shops, too!" Iruma: "Actually, I am getting a little hungry." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama should be exhausted from Walter Park. This is my chance to make the best dish with the best ingredients to heal his soul. Yes!" Clara: "Yes! We'll make our best dish for Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "Don't copy me!" Clara: "You're the one copying me, Azz-Azz." Asmodeus: "I would never copy you in ten million years!" Clara: "What did you say?" fal: "Falfal. Fight!" Asmodeus: "What? This is just an ordinary hill and an ordinary forest!" Clara: "You're such a country bumpkin, Azz-Azz." Asmodeus: "You're the last one I want to hear that from!" Mommy: "Okay, let's get going." All: "Yeah!" Mommy: ""Hubbub Forest Is a Demoncatessen."" Song: "Hubbub Forest is a demoncatessen" Song/Clara: "(A giant suburbia of supermarkets!)" Song/Mommy: "(It's far too big!)" Song: "Tonight's meal is full of fun surprises" Song/Clara: "There's meat" Song/Mommy: "(My, how convenient)" Song/Keebow/Konchie: "And even more meat" Song/Clara: "We weren't done with the meat" Song/Mommy: "Animal proteins are essential, yes" Song: "This grassy knoll is a salad bar So many varieties of greenery Broccoli" Song/Mommy: "(That's cauliflower, my sweets)" Song/Sinsin/Ranran: "(Flowers?)" Song/Mommy: "Just beware of the demondragoras" Song: "This tiny lake is an exhibition of products Come one, come all to the special event space! Hit-and-Miss Hill is our basement supermarket" Song/Mommy: "They have all the desserts" Song: "(Try the samples!)" Song/Clara: "The pudding wiggle-jiggles" Song/Clara: "Thank you for the meal!" Song: "Ah, you'll find a complete menu at Hubbub Forest Even muffle wuffle crackle bang Ah, come to Hubbub Forest for all of your munchy needs You'll find slimy wimies And the super macho Boingy woingy hodgey podgey We're all full now" fal: "Fal." All: "Bye-bye!" Asmodeus: "I clearly win, to no one's surprise." Clara: "I clearly win." Asmodeus: "How?! Is this a sea... cucumber?" Clara: "I've got meat, too!" Asmodeus: "Something's sticking out!" Asmodeus: "Behold this luxurious lineup. I even have hell truffles and hell caviar." Clara: "Talk about gross and yikes. Those are famous in Hubbub Forest because even the demon pigs won't eat them." Asmodeus: "What?!" Asmodeus: "They're tart and bitter." Mommy: "We're not done yet." Mommy: "Here in Hubbub Forest..." Mommy: "You can find the ultimate ingredient." All: "The ultimate ingredient?" Asmodeus: "Ultimate?" Asmodeus: "The ultimate ingredient?" Mommy: "Why, it's shabu shabu from Collateral Cave." Konchie/Keebow: "Shabu shabu?" Mommy: "It's a fish beast that's a thousand times more delicious" Mommy: "and super healthy for you, too." Asmodeus: "A fish..." Clara: "...beast?" Iruma: "A thousand times more delicious..." Asmodeus: "Just you wait, Iruma-sama! I will definitely find it and present you with the ultimate dish!" Clara: "Iruma-chi, leave it to me!" Iruma: "Huh? Uh, sure..." Konchie: "I didn't know something like that existed." Mommy: "I've never seen it, either." Keebow: "Any ingredient will bow down to me!" Asmodeus: "No matter what hardships await, I shall get this ingredient. I will catch it, no matter what!" Asmodeus And Clara: "Onward!" Konchie: "Do you even know where you're going?" Mommy: "Oh, dear. They fell asleep." Mommy: "We're going home for naptime." Mommy: "You can find Collateral Cave on this map." Mommy: "Don't push yourselves, all right?" Asmodeus: "I will absolutely..." Clara: "...get the ultimate ingredient!" Konchie: "The ultimate dish!" Keebow: "Yeah!" Asmodeus: "Hold it right there!" Keebow: "We're really deep!" Konchie: "I've never been this far!" Iruma: "So this is Collateral Cave?" Asmodeus: "Yes, according to the map." Clara: "There's fog." Konchie: "Are you scared, Nee-chan?" Clara: "Wha—" Keebow: "Just hide behind me." Clara: "Who do you think you are?" Keebow: "B-Bring on the last boss!" Konchie: "You can take a step back, guests." Iruma: "Uh, sure..." Clara: "What are you talking about? Iruma-chi is the hero of Walter Park!" Asmodeus: "Indeed!" Iruma: "It's because we all worked really hard!" Keebow: "What did you do, Azz-Azz?" Asmodeus: "I..." Asmodeus: "I..." Keebow/Konchie: "So excited." Keebow: "It's finally shown itself!" Asmodeus: "It's behind us!" Keebow/Konchie: "What?!" Keebow: "This is the ultimate ingredient?" Asmodeus: "I-It's gigantic!" Iruma: "Its legs are a tomato and a carrot!" Asmodeus/Clara: "Lycopene and beta carotene!" Asmodeus: "Its back legs are just pig feet!" Keebow/Konchie: "Collagen!" Clara: "It's got banana scales!" Asmodeus/Iruma: "Dietary fiber!" Iruma: "Its mane is Chinese cabbage!" Keebow/Konchie: "A must-have for hotpot!" Clara: "Its whiskers are kelp!" Keebow/Konchie: "Yeah, hotpot." Asmodeus: "Meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, and stock..." Iruma: "There's no doubt about it." Clara: "This ingredient..." All: "...is super healthy!" Clara: "And you get super valuable shark fin to boot!" Clara: "Konchie! Keebow!" Iruma: "Clara!" Keebow: "It smells so good." Konchie: "In the end, it's all about the broth." Asmodeus: "Even though I despise fish, I feel myself getting hungry." Clara: "Falfal!" Konchie/Keebow: "Nee-chan, please don't." fal: "Falfal." Clara: "Yeah." Iruma: "We have to save them!" Asmodeus: "You needn't waste your time, Iruma-sama." Asmodeus: "What?!" Iruma: "It's got a wok barrier?!" Asmodeus: "Curse you!" Asmodeus: "A home run..." Clara: "Konchie! Keebow!" Clara: "Over here!" Clara: "The shabu shabu's preoccupied with the meat!" Asmodeus: "Well done!" Clara/Iruma: "Caught!" Clara: "Konchie! Keebow!" Iruma: "Are you okay?" Asmodeus: "Wait, what do I do?" Asmodeus: "There are children here. The enemy is massive." Asmodeus: "But Iruma-sama is exhausted..." Asmodeus: "So I must take this thing down." Sabro: "What is your ambition? You haven't grown even a millimeter. You great fool!" Asmodeus: "I..." Asmodeus: "I..." Asmodeus: "Gorgon Snake!" Asmodeus: "I'm still not powerful enough. I must receive Balam-sensei's special training immediately." Mommy: "I got worried, so here I am." Mommy: "Don't go scaring my children, now." Mommy: "When you're fighting a shark, always go for the nose!" fal: "Falfal." Weird Things: "It's nighttime!" Asmodeus: "Children have so much energy." Iruma: "Azz-kun, that's..." Asmodeus: "We're matching, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "You really wore it." Clara: "Pillow fight time!" Asmodeus: "Who has time for that?" Clara: "Are you tired?" Asmodeus: "Of course I am!" Clara: "In that case, I'll do the very special sleepy time ritual." Iruma: "Ritual?" Clara: "Come here." Clara: "My brothers are knocked out in an instant with this." Asmodeus: "Unhand me! There's no way I'd get sleepy... from this... zzz..." Song: "Sleepy time on branches" Iruma: "What?!" Clara: "Okay, you're next, Iruma-chi." Song: "Loose-eared owls and river swallows" Iruma: "Huh?! Er, I... I'm—" Clara: "Sleepy time in the shade Serene mice and scuttle lizards Sleepy time underground Giant moles, mari bear cubs, and water cicada babies Even the moon closes its eyes" Iruma: "A song?" Iruma: "I don't know what it is..." Iruma: "But all my stress and tension seem to be melting away..." Clara: "All the stars closes their eyes, too" Iruma: "It feels so warm and cozy..." Clara: "Goodnight" Iruma: "It's like..." Iruma: "I can smell the sun." Clara: "Goodnight" Clara: "Good work." Mommy: "All right! Let's get digging! Those who don't work have to wait to eat! You must procure your own breakfast!" All: "Yes, ma'am!" Iruma: "Isn't this fun? All my exhaustion went away, too." Asmodeus: "Indeed." Clara: "Let's race, you two!" Clara: "Whoever gets the biggest pekepom wins!" Iruma: "It's crying?!" Clara: "Whoa, it's huge!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Mommy: "And there we go. Good." Mommy: "I guess I got to update the records on how much she's grown." Asmodeus: "You mustn't, Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "Stop that, Valac!" Clara: "Su! Ki! Ma!" : "The eldest brother of the Valac family, Urara, was missing today." Iruma: "So what's Urara-kun like?" Clara: "Well, U-chan..." Keebow: "He gets mad really easily... and is super loud!" Konchie: "He studies all the time... and is weird!" Iruma And Asmodeus: "These brothers actually consider him loud and weird?!" Asmodeus: "He must be at least this crazy." Iruma: "Th-That's pretty intense." : "And the misinformation spreads..." Clara: "Iruma-chi is gone!" Asmodeus: "Where did Iruma-sama go?!" Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "You fool! Of course he's not under your slippers!" Clara: "He's gone! I want to play with Iruma-chi! Right now!" Asmodeus: "Stop throwing a tantrum!" Clara: "And you should throw a tantrum, Azz-Azz!" Asmodeus: "What?" Clara: "You're acting like a baby, Azz-Azz." Asmodeus: "How dare you?!" Clara: "Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, "Dream Date."" Asmodeus: "What is this "date" you speak of?" Clara: "A nickname for a potato?"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 19 – Clara's House", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "19", "Clara's House" ] }
Iruma: "Ameri-san, I've decided what my ambition is. It's all thanks to you." Iruma: "Thank you so much!" Ameri: "I see. Tell me, what is your ambition?" Iruma: "Sure. My ambition is..." Iruma: "to go up on stage wearing frilly, fluffy outfits! Tee-hee!" Ameri: "How did it come to this?!" Ameri: "I've had this dream three nights in a row..." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""Ameri's Decision."" Henri: "Are you all right, Ameri? You look a bit pale." Ameri: "I-I'm perfectly fine, Father. I've just been having a little trouble sleeping." Henri: "I'm hoping this won't be the case, but is the reason..." Henri: "Iruma?" Henri: "So it is Iruma..." Ameri: "No, no, no! It's not! I—" Henri: "Just so we're clear... I will not..." Henri: "allow you two to date!" Ameri: "O-Okay, bye!" Quiche: "Well, President, what would you like to do?" Ameri: "If I remember correctly, it was in First Love Memories volume 14." Rin: "Splash..." Kakeru: "Splash..." Rin: "Do you think we escaped, Kakeru-kun?" Kakeru: "No. They won't give up that easily!" Kakeru: "They absolutely will not!" Both: "Splash..." Ameri: "Maybe there's some profound reason why Iruma's wearing frilly, fluffy clothes." Ameri: "No, of course there isn't!" Quiche: "President? President!" Ameri: "I... I apologize. I was deep in thought. So, what is it?" Quiche: "About the plan to scout for a new—" Ameri: "Why are you talking about skirts?!" Quiche: "Huh?! Um... My mind's been filled with good ideas—" Ameri: "What about frills?!" Quiche: "J-Just so the newbie doesn't get flustered..." Ameri: "What about fluff?!" Quiche: "I'm sorry!" Ameri: "I'm going to do my after-school rounds." Ameri: "This is no good." Ameri: "I can't help but think about Iruma's, uh, v-very particular interests..." Ameri: "A-And Father also has some strange misconception about our relationship. First of all, Iruma is my..." Ameri: "Iruma is my... what, exactly?" Ameri: "He's not my junior..." Ameri: "The human who reads me First Love Memories... At least, I think he's human." Ameri: "That's right." Ameri: "Yes. Iruma is reckless, unexpected, and..." Ameri: "a wonderful person." Ameri: "Iruma is just Iruma." Keroli: "Put it on." Iruma: "I'm sorry?" Keroli: "Put it on." Iruma: "Wh-Wh-Wh-Why, though?!" Keroli: "Look, I don't want this, either! But..." Keroli: "I've got so many people asking who that mysterious dem-dol was! I'm going to need a photo, at the very least!" Iruma: "B-But..." Keroli: "Look, it'll be over before you know it." Iruma: "Hrgh!" Keroli: "Just stay still!" Keroli: "Ow..." Iruma: "A-Are you okay?!" Iruma: "You didn't hit your head, did you?" Iruma: "Wait..." Iruma: "Staring!" Ameri: "I-Iruma... How could you?" Ameri: "Apparently, the frilly, fluffy dress wasn't enough. You had to resort to..." Iruma: "Wait, no! Ameri-san! You've got the—" Ameri: "Silence!" Ameri: "Come with me!" Ameri: "Yes. Do it immediately." Ameri: "Bring those two in. No excuses." Ameri: "Yes. I'm counting on you." Iruma: "Oh, no..." Iruma: "She seems really mad for some reason!" Ameri: "Iruma." Iruma: "Yesh?!" Ameri: "I don't plan to judge you on your preferences." Iruma: "Th-This isn't a preference—" Ameri: "I want to talk to you about Battlers." Iruma: "Huh? Battlers?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama is taking quite a while." Clara: "Wanna go look for him? Or you wanna eat that instead?" Asmodeus: "Don't just stuff things into my mouth!" Clara: "I got it at Come-Come-san's place!" Asmodeus: "Actually, it's quite good." Clara: "I got it at Come-Come-san's place!" Clara: "Hey, what's going on?" Clara: "Oh, snap! Oh, no!" Iruma: "You wanted to speak to me about Battlers?" Ameri: "Yes." Ameri: "Is it still active?" Ameri: "The only third-year member, Amy Kiriwo, has taken a voluntary leave of absence." Ameri: "A Battler must have at least one third-year, or at least three Dalet-ranked members." Ameri: "This Battler does not meet either requirement." Ameri: "Therefore, I am officially putting it on hiatus." Iruma: "What? W-Wait! Please—" Ameri: "Just hear me out." Ameri: "But for that to happen, you will have to undergo training" Iruma: "T-Training?" Ameri: "Yes." Iruma: "All of us?" Ameri: "Yes. As for Asmodeus Alice..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Ameri: "Because he's so versatile, he will join the New Magic Battler." Garoo: "Welcome, Asmodeus-kun!" Jazz: "Let's make stuff together!" Asmodeus: "I'll never join a Battler that Iruma-sama's not in! I'm leaving!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Ameri: "As for Valac Clara..." Ameri: "Because she's so creative, I had her join the Game Battler. This may seem sudden and forceful, but it's the student council's responsibility to manage the Battlers. And it wouldn't be a bad idea to observe other Battlers." Iruma: "Ah... So... what about me, then?" Ameri: "You should feel honored. No matter how many applicants we receive," Ameri: "I will whip you back into shape, Iruma!" Walla 1: "The honor student?" Walla 2: "He's joining the student council?" Walla 3: "Iruma-kun is?" Walla 4: "No way!" Ameri: "Welcome to our esteemed student council!" miliar: "Tweet, tweet." Johnny: "Rise and shine!" Johnny: "Make your beds! Change into your uniforms! Quit dawdling! Hurry!" Iruma: "Wait, what?!" Iruma: "Huh?" Johnny: "130 seconds remaining!" Iruma: "That's right. Starting today..." Iruma: "I'm a member of the student council." Ameri: "Who are you?!" Sunquismojohn: "We are the Babyls Student Council!" Iruma: "Council!" Ameri: "You took too long to line up! Push-ups, now!" All: "Yessir!" Ameri: "There's still dust! Clean everything all over again!" All: "Yessir!" Quiche: "We have an application from the Disciplinary Battler." Ameri: "Declined!" Quiche: "These documents have scribbles all over them." Johnny: "This format is all wrong!" Johnny: "Newbie, make copies of these!" Iruma: "Y-Yessir!" Quiche: "That goes over here." Iruma: "Y-Yessir!" Ameri: "Quit dawdling, or we won't finish before classes start!" Iruma: "Wait, we're supposed to go through all these before school starts?" Johnny: "You're supposed to say, "Yessir!"" Iruma: "Y-Yessir!" Ameri: "It's hardly training if you're not truly running for your lives. If you don't want to die, run like your lives depend on it! Start!" Quiche: "If they catch you, they'll gobble you up." Iruma: "Y-Yessir!" Ameri: "We worked up quite a sweat. All right, next." Marbas: "Iruma-kun, the student council uniform looks great on you." Iruma: "Th-Thank you very much." Blushenko: "They say clothes make the demon." Dali: "Well, he is the chair-demon's grandson." Iruma: "I can definitely feel that "Why are you here?" aura..." Student Council: "Good morning! Good morning, everyone!" Azuki: "Here, Dosa-chan. I'll get it for you." Dosanko: "If you pull too hard, my eyeball will pop out!" Lead: "Hey, it's Iruma-kun." Jazz: "Wow, you really did join the student council." Camui: "Ah, I'm so jealous. You get to feel the warmth generated by President Ameri's body up close." Gaako: "Eiko?" Eiko: "Iruma-san and the president?" Eiko: "How am I supposed to handle this?!" Gaako: "Must be rough being you." Chime: "Lunchtime, grr, rawr, rawr, rawr!" Ameri: "Today starts the Red Moon, when true demons refrain from gluttonous behavior, become one, and reevaluate the desires that lie in the pit of our stomachs." Johnny: "That's all you get today." Ameri: "Looks like he's feeling it." Sunny: "He's crying." Johnny: "Sit up straight." Johnny: "If you're like this from day one, you're not going to last." Iruma: "I'm sorry..." Ameri: "Listen well, Iruma. We are meant to set an example for the rest of the students." Walla 1: "President!" Walla 2: "Ameri-sama!" Walla 3: "You're so devi-lovely!" Ameri: "Even if you are tired, you must never..." Ameri: "ever show it. Understood?" Quiche; Johnny: "President!" Ameri: "Tie him down." Iruma: "Evil cycle?" Asmodeus: "Demons have a stress period in which they want to do violent or sadistic things. We call this the evil cycle." Ameri: "He was about to eat this other student." Iruma: "I didn't notice at all..." Iruma: "That's amazing!" Ameri: "There's nothing amazing about it." Iruma: "Huh?" Ameri: "I am the student council president." Iruma: "She's just so..." Iruma: "So cool..." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun! I brought you some goodies!" Sullivan: "Iruma-kun?" Ameri: "Iruma is currently training. I will not allow you to spoil him." Sullivan: "But I'm the chair-demon." Ameri: "I am in charge here." Sullivan: "Food?" Ameri: "No." Sullivan: "A picture?" Ameri: "Absolutely not." Sullivan: "You bully! I wanted to see my precious Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "I've never seen anyone other than Opera-san tame my Grandpa." Ameri: "Now then, Iruma." Ameri: "Undress." Iruma: "Huh?!" Ameri: "N-No! I don't mean anything weird! Today, well..." Ameri: "It's the day we do "that"... and that uniform is not fit for it." Iruma: "Okay, we'll start with volume 15 today." Rin: "So the time has finally come." Kakeru: "Yes. The notice from the organization... They said they're going to come for me tomorrow in the dead of night." Rin: "I won't let that happen! I'm going to protect you, Kakeru-kun!" Sayo: "Oh, how hilarious! What can you possibly do? Step. Fwoosh! Only I can protect him! You can just disappear!" Sayo: "It appears the time has come for us to battle." Rin: "Bring it!" Both: "Fabam!" Kakeru: "P-Please don't fight over me!" Ameri: "Magnificent! I'm so moved! I look forward to the next volume! First Love Memories is such a lovely series!" Iruma: "This is so much more relaxing. You were basically the student council president all day today, so I missed this side of you..." Ameri: "You can call me Ameri here." Ameri: "I see. So I'm scary as the president..." Iruma: "Are you okay?!" Ameri: "Th-The handle broke off my cup, that's all." Ameri: "That's rather ominous." Sullivan: "A-i..." Opera: "...ma." Sullivan: "Weep, weep..." Opera: "Sullivan-sama. Let's have some Hell Grey tea to calm our nerves." Sullivan: "O-Opera!" Opera: "There, all better." Sullivan: "Wait, that was for you?" Johnny: "Rise and shine!" Johnny: "Make your beds! Change into your uniforms!" Johnny: "130 seconds remaining!" Johnny: "Line up!" Ameri: "Who are you?!" Sunquismojohniru: "We are the Babyls Student Council!" Ameri: "Do you have document 2?" Iruma: "Yessir!" Smoke: "Do you have the calculation graphs?" Iruma: "Yessir!" Johnny: "We'll go with this announcement for lunch!" Iruma: "Yessir!" Quiche: "Iruma, bring the copies!" Iruma: "Yessir!" Sunny: "Goal!" Dali: "As for the schedule of school days..." Blushenko: "What were they last year?" Marbas: "Um..." Iruma: "Here are the documents!" Marbas: "Thanks." Quiche: "I guess this is still rough on him." Johnny: "At least he's sitting up straight. You'll get used to it. Buck up." Iruma: "Y-Yessir." Quiche: "You're so nice, Senpai." Johnny: "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that? We're in the same grade." Quiche: "Aw, but you joined the student council before me," Quiche: "How many times do I have to tell you that?" Johnny: "And I'm saying it sounds like I failed a grade, so knock it off!" Quiche: "That tone, though..." Iruma: "Um..." Iruma: "Why did you two join the student council?" Johnny; Quiche: "Classified." Iruma: "Huh?" Johnny: "Why are you surprised?" Quiche: "It'd take forever to explain." Iruma: "A-Ah..." Quiche: "Well... If I had to give you one reason, I guess it'd be the president." Quiche: "The symbol of Babyls." Johnny: "Who knows how trying her position and responsibilities actually are? But she's so distinguished, she'd never even show it. Having someone like her by our side is rewarding enough." Johnny: "That's why, when the president scouted you, I was filled with jealou-slay urges." Iruma: "Jealou-what?!" Johnny: "I'm telling you that you should feel honored." Quiche: "Right?" Iruma: "Y-Yessir..." Smoke: "He's starting to fit right in." Sunny: "He's a gutsy one. He's definitely got nerve." Smoke: "This takes me back." Smoke: "You always find us some real weirdos." Ameri: "You're not weirdos. You're interesting." Smoke; Sunny: "Interesting?" Ameri: "Indeed." Schenell: "Student Council President, please come to prep room #3 immediately." Sunny: "Why does it sound like that?" Smoke: "Is it broken?" Ameri: "I'll go." Sunny; Smoke: "Yes, boss!" Ameri: "Iruma's working so hard." Sunny: "He's a gutsy one." Ameri: "Maybe I'll just... recruit him into the student council for real." Ameri: "I'll run it by him later." Ameri: "Is anyone here?" Ameri: "What's wrong? Did something happen?" Johnny: "The president is taking a while." Johnny: "Lunch break is almost over." Baraki: "I'm with the Broadcast Battler. Um, is the president here?" Sunny: "She left after hearing your announcement..." Baraki: "No one from the Broadcast Battler summoned the student council president!" Johnny: "President!" Johnny: "President!" Johnny: "Are you all right?!" Ameri: "I-I'm all right..." Smoke: "Are you hurt at all?" Ameri: "I am not." Lead: "Thank goodness." Ameri: "Pardon me..." Ameri: "These clothes are r-rather embarrassing." All: "What? What?" All: "What? What?!" Clara: "Su... Su-ki-ma!" Henri: "I heard you recruited Iruma into the student council." Ameri: "W-Well, Iruma has potential." Henri: "Potential?" Ameri: "Um... I think... he'll mature into someone dependable in the future!" Henri: "Mature? Dependable?" miliar: "Lovey-dovey." Both: "Flirty flirt." Henri: "I can't wait to see my grandchild all grown up." Sullivan: "Goo-goo?" Henri: "Grandfather?!" Ameri: "Father?!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 2 – Ameri's Decision", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "2", "Ameri's Decision" ] }
Clara: "The pekepom was so yummy." Iruma: "Yeah, it was." Clara: "Hello, who is it?" Henri: "I beg your pardon. I'm from the Demon Border Control." Henri: "Is Iruma-kun here? I'm sorry for coming to your classmate's house just to speak to you," Henri: "but there's something I wanted to talk to you about immediately." Iruma: "Immediately?" Henri: "The Demon Border Control has put out a restraining order against all of the press for you." Iruma: "Huh?" Henri: "That turned into a huge mess." Henri: "We gave Sullivan-sama a warning about this, as well." Iruma: "Thank you very much!" Iruma: "I can finally go home..." Henri: "Yes, you can now just stay put at home. Now, if you'll excuse me." Iruma: "Um, how is Ameri-san doing?" Henri: "She's studying. Yes, studying." Iruma: "I-I see..." Ameri: "Okay." Ameri: "I'm finished! Yes." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""Dream Date."" Ameri: "I came up with this perfect date plan using First Love Memories and tourist guides! We'll have a lot of fun, and it'll even be romantic! Or it should be, at least!" Ameri: "Okay, now I just need to contact Iruma." Ameri: "Wh-Why am I so nervous? This is no different than inviting him to one of our reading sessions! And yet..." Ameri: "Do not falter. Be brave, Ameri! You made a promise with Iruma to finally spend some time together! It's simple. You just need to contact him—" Ameri: "He's messaging me!" Iruma: "Good evening! I wanted to talk to you about our plans. Would you like to go somewhere during the end of terminus? I should be free at any time." Ameri: "I-It's from Iruma!" Ameri: "Okay!" Ameri: "I'll be waiting at this location tomorrow at noon, then. Make sure you come alone! This time, it'll just be the two of us! It's just going to be the two of us!" Ameri: "Top secret date plan part one: a super exciting surprise." Rin: "Uh, wait. Where are you planning to take me?" Kakeru: "Where do you think?" Rin: "Huh? I have no ide—" Kakeru: "Whoosh." Rin: "Whoa! A taekwondo dojo!" Ameri: "Surprises are absolutely essential to dates! I won't tell him where we're going beforehand, so it can be a surprise the day of!" Ameri: "Though, perhaps I should've sent him a cuter message... Is this map hard to understand? Is tomorrow too soon— Hngh?!" Iruma: "Sure! I'm looking forward to it!" Ameri: "I'm really, really going on a date with Iruma tomorrow! It's just going to be Iruma and me..." Ameri: "I can't get lost in my happiness just yet!" Henri: "What are you doing, Ameri? Do you have a moment?" Henri: "Ameri?" Ameri: "I already showed him this outfit at Walter Park... Perhaps I should pick a different outfit... Hmm..." Henri: "Is she getting ready to go out?" Henri: "Are you going out with Iruma?!" Ameri: "Father?!" Henri: "I apologize. I knocked, but you didn't answer..." Ameri: "I-I was busy changing out my wardrobe." Henri: "Changing out your wardrobe? Ah, I see! So you were just changing out your wardrobe! Why don't we go buy you some new clothes tomorrow, then?" Ameri: "U-Um... I'm sort of busy tomorrow..." Ameri: "Father, which do you think is better?" Henri: "Hmm?" Henri: "You look cute in either." Ameri: "It can't be both! It has to be the cutest one! Because... I'm going out with you, Father!" Ameri: "I can't go out with you." Henri: "Denied?!" Ameri: "F-Father? What's the matter? Father!" Iruma: "Wow! It's huge!" Ameri: "Okay!" Iruma: "This should be the place I'm meeting Ameri-san..." Iruma: "Let's see... Where's Ameri-san?" Iruma: "Wow!" Iruma: "I guess there are aquariums in the netherworld, too." Ameri: "Iruma!" Iruma: "Ameri-sa— Huh?" Ameri: "Sorry, did I keep you waiting?" Iruma: "N-No, I just got here! Ameri-san, if you're in a bathing suit..." Iruma: "Is this place a pool?!" Ameri: "Yes!" Ameri: "The Aqua Case is a place of recreation that combines an aquarium and a pool!" Iruma: "What? Wow! That sounds like so much fun!" Ameri: "He's surprised! The surprise is a success! Things are going well!" Iruma: "Oh, but I didn't bring swimming trunks." Ameri: "Ah, but there's a rental!" Iruma: "Okay. I'll go check it out, then." Ameri: "All right, now's my chance to go over today's dating plan." Iruma: "I rented a pair!" Ameri: "Th-That was fast!" Ameri: "They look great on you." Iruma: "Thank you! Um... I was so surprised earlier that I forgot to say this, but..." Iruma: "You look lovely, too, Ameri-san!" Ameri: "D-Do I?" Iruma: "Yes!" Ameri: "A date with just the two of us is the best!" Ameri: "Don't get too excited, Ameri! The date has only just begun! The first part of the plan was a success!" Ameri: "Next is plan part two: holding hands!" Ameri: "The classic first step for any date, which was even in First Love Memories! I'm going to make it work! And once all the steps in the dating plan are a success, Iruma and I will grow even closer and..." Ameri: "Perhaps I could even try being carried like a princess." Ameri: "And then, maybe even... We could maybe even do that one thing... you know. Even that would be possible." Ameri: "I'm going to make this date a success no matter what! All to make my ambition come true!" Iruma: "Wow!" Iruma: "It's like we're walking underwater!" Ameri: "Y-Yes, it is. It's beautiful!" Ameri: "It's all right. Calm down and... go!" Ameri: "Iruma! Let's hold..." Iruma: "Um..." Ameri: "Oh, no! It's nothing! D-Don't worry about it!" Ameri: "Why is Iruma's hand so far away? I know Iruma is on the smaller side, but to think he's so far away... Far away..." Ameri: "Wait, am I just big?! I didn't even think of that! I had no idea I was so b-big that I can't even reach his hand!" Iruma: "Oh, it looks like they have a slide. Let's go check it out!" Ameri: "R-Right..." Employee A: "Make sure you hold on tight!" Employee A: "You can go all the way to the bottom while riding on Bow-kun here." Iruma: "Let's ride it together, Ameri-san!" Ameri: "Indeed! Yes, yes, yes! Plan part three: the slide! A boy holding a girl from behind. Now that's an exciting date!" Employee A: "Make sure you hold him tight." Iruma: "It's great to meet you, Bow-kun." Ameri: "Isn't this... backwards?! W-Wait, no, he's still close! Even if our roles are reversed, maybe Iruma will feel at least a little excited, since we're touching..." Employee A: "Next person in line!" Iruma: "What?!" Woman Demon: "You're the best, Bow-kun!" Ameri: "That was much faster than I expected." Iruma: "Yes..." Iruma: "Thanks, Bow-kun! Bye-bye!" Ameri: "This exciting event ended with our hearts racing out of fear rather than excitement..." Ameri: "H-However! There's still much more to my plan!" Ameri: "Let's go, Iruma!" Iruma: "Sure!" Iruma: "Wow!" Ameri: "This is Aqua Case's pride and joy, the recreational area." Iruma: "Wow! It looks like the actual ocean!" Ameri: "Plan part four: water splashy time! This is a ritual that happens on every date involving the water! One could hardly call this a date at the pool without partaking in thi—" Ameri: "Iruma!" Ameri: "Now you've done it!" Ameri: "I'm going to get you back! Take that!" Ameri: "I-I'm so sorry, Iruma!" Ameri: "I assume you know the rules." Iruma: "Of course!" Ameri: "Here I go, Iruma!" Iruma: "Right!" Ameri: "Plan part five: beach volleyball. We'll have fun together, and I'll show off my innocence." Ameri: "I will not mess up again! This time, I'll hold back, and then Iruma and I will... have fun." Ameri: "Here I go! Take that!" Ameri: "I-Iruma! I-I'm so sorry!" Iruma: "No, it's fine." Ameri: "I've never held back in my life, so I have no idea how to go about it!" Iruma: "I'm ready for the next one!" Ameri: "Huh?" Iruma: "I promise to get the next one!" Ameri: "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this isn't what I was going for!" Random Guy: "Apparently the parfaits here are hella crazy." Iruma: "What a lovely place." Ameri: "Y-Yes." Iruma: "It's nice that we've got a view of all of Aqua Case." Ameri: "Yes, it is. This fancy setting should do the trick. Plan part six: say "Ahh." Excellent! I definitely want to do this!" emale Employee: "Thank you for waiting." emale Employee: "Here's your Filled to the Brine Seafood Parfait. Enjoy!" Iruma: "Th-Thanks..." Ameri: "Th-This isn't exactly what I had envisioned, but I am going to feed Iruma—" Iruma: "Ahh..." Ameri: "Why did it end up like this? My date plan is... finished." Girl One: "Let's go!" Girl Two: "Wait!" Ameri: "We're finally on a date, but the way it's going, there's hardly anything exciting, let alone romantic." Iruma: "Ameri-san." Iruma: "There was some cream in your hair." Ameri: "Ah, thank you..." Girl A: "Wow, it's so cute!" Girl B: "This one's cute, too, isn't it?" Girl A: "Yeah!" Ameri: "Shall we go see, Iruma?" Iruma: "Yes!" Iruma: "Wow, look at all those souvenirs! Hey, this is great." Ameri: "He's so cute... I want to excite him, but he's just so relaxing to watch..." Ameri: "No, no! Shopping is another classic date thing! There should be something exciting somewhere..." Iruma: "I wonder which one I should get. This one is great, but..." Iruma: "Maybe I should get this one." Ameri: "A gift for Valac..." Ameri: "That doesn't sit right with me." Iruma: "I got it." Iruma: "I'll get this." Ameri: "She's a girl! Get her this one!" Iruma: "Huh?! O-Okay..." Ameri: "Why am I helping out my rival?!" Ameri: "Isn't there something exciting here?" Ameri: "What in the world is this?" Iruma: "I wonder if Ameri-san's actually having fun." Iruma: "She's always keeping all of the students in line as the student council president. I always see her working so hard, so I was hoping she'd be able to relax today. I hope I can help her out." Iruma: "Say, Ameri-san." Iruma: "Aren't there a lot of great things here?" Ameri: "Yes!" Iruma: "M-Maybe I'll buy some things for the other kids in my class!" Ameri: "Hmm... I'm having fun, but this isn't enough! Because my ambition is..." Ameri: "My ambition is to have a r-r-r-romantic partner!" Ameri: "I messed up holding his hand. I couldn't feed him, either. At this rate, being carried like a princess is just a dream! In that case, I need to excite Iruma at least a little bit!" Male Employee: "Thank you very much!" Iruma: "I couldn't decide what to get, so I ended up getting all of it." Ameri: "Iruma!" Ameri: "Erm... There's a place I'd like to go." Iruma: "Let's go, then, Ameri-san." Iruma: "A fortune-telling show? That seems fun!" Ameri: "Yes. Mako-chan's Antennae Fortune-Telling is all I've got left! If things can somehow turn romantic here..." Iruma: "Isn't this exciting, Ameri-san?" Ameri: "R-Right... This is my last chance. I need to make it a success!" emale Caretaker: "Thank you for waiting, everyone! Welcome to Bowwow Mako-chan's Antennae Fortune-Telling Show!" emale Caretaker B: "Now, let's call her to the stage! Mako-chan!" Ameri: "According to my research, Mako-chan's specialty is compatibility fortune-telling." emale Caretaker: "Mako-chan is able to pick out compatible couples!" emale Caretaker: "Oh, dear. Mako-chan's always hungry." emale Caretaker B: "She's actually on a diet right now!" Ameri: "Ah, so she loves to eat. She's just like you, Iru... ...ma." Iruma: "Huh?" Ameri: "Iruma!" emale Caretaker: "Wait, what are you doing, Mako-chan?! Put him down this instant!" emale Caretaker B: "Is she retaliating because of her diet?" emale Caretaker: "But she doesn't eat demons!" Iruma: "I got pretty drenched, so maybe the cologne to mask my human smell weakened." Iruma: "Oh, no... At this rate... I'll be eaten!" Ameri: "What do you..." Ameri: "What do you think you're doing to Iruma?!" Ameri: "Are you all right, Iruma?" Iruma: "Y-Yes. Thank you." Ameri: "Now I've done it..." emale Caretakers: "We're terribly sorry for this!" Iruma: "N-No, it's all right. Don't worry about it." emale Caretaker: "Here are some annual passes for your troubles!" emale Caretaker B: "We hope you two will come visit again!" Iruma: "Th-Thank you very much!" emale Caretaker: "Well, we have to start cleaning up." emale Caretaker B: "Please excuse us." Iruma: "Don't dwell on it, Mako-chan. We'll come see your fortune-telling show again." Iruma: "Bye-bye!" Iruma: "They gave us annual passes, Ameri-san!" Ameri: "I just couldn't hold back. I'm sure Iruma thinks I'm just some giant, strong woman." Ameri: "Everything I spent all night planning has ended in failure." Ameri: "This is the worst date ever..." Iruma: "Ameri-san?" Iruma: "Are you all right?" Ameri: "Y-Yes! I train all the time! I'm perfectly fine!" Iruma: "Wait, Ameri-san. Your leg! See? You are hurt." Ameri: "You're right. Maybe one of Mako-chan's scales snagged me earlier." Iruma: "You're bleeding! We need to get this treated." Iruma: "Can you walk?" Ameri: "Huh? Um..." Ameri: "If I say I can't... will you carry me?" Ameri: "Wait, what did I just... Just look at the difference in our sizes! Of course he—" Iruma: "Sure!" Ameri: "Huh?" Iruma: "I'm so glad I practiced this." Ameri: "I-I was just kiddi—" Iruma: "L-Leave this to me!" Ameri: "Huh?" Iruma: "E-Envision it... Envision it..." Ameri: "Huh? Huh?!" Iruma: "This might be a little embarrassing, but I've got you." Iruma: "U-Um, Ameri-san..." Iruma: "Bow-kun's Slide, playing beach volleyball..." Iruma: "The Filled to the Brine Seafood Parfait and shopping..." Iruma: "We did a lot today..." Iruma: "And it was all so much fun!" Ameri: "Honestly, this man is just..." Ameri: "This means..." Ameri: "that this was the best date ever!" Ameri: "Yes, you're right!" Iruma: "Huh? Ameri-san?" Ameri: "My leg hurts..." Iruma: "Huh?! A-Are you okay?" Ameri: "C-Carry me... to the bench on the third floor." Iruma: "Th-The third floor?! Th-That's so far..." Rin And Kakeru: "Ta-da! A fiendish success." Clara: "And now... Su! Ki! Ma!" Ameri: "No! I don't wanna go out unless it's with you, Father! It's no fun!" Henri: "Oh, dear..." Henri: "It's no fun without me, eh?" Ameri: "I have returned!" Henri: "Welcome home, Ameri!" Ameri: "I bought you some souvenirs, Father!" Ameri: "Father?" Henri: "It looks like... you had... a lot of... fun..." : "Hang in there, Dad." Iruma: "I'm so happy that it seemed like Ameri-san had a lot of fun. It's only been a few months since I came to the netherworld, but so many good things have happened. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 20 – Dream Date", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "20", "Dream Date" ] }
: "The netherworld." : "The realm where demons live." : "And the king that rules over the netherworld is... the Demon King. But ever since the previous Demon King, Derkila, disappeared, the Demon King's throne has been vacant." : "Who will be the next Demon King?" All: ""The One Who Rules Over the Netherworld."" Iruma: "I'm done!" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. He is a human, but he goes to the demon school Babyls in the netherworld." Opera: "Well done, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Thanks, Opera-san." : "Babyls is currently on end of terminus. End of terminus is similar to what we call "summer vacation" in the human world." : "Iruma was doing everything he could to finish his homework toward the end." Iruma: "I was worried about all the extra homework we got, but..." Opera: "That truly seemed like something Kalego-kun would do." Iruma: "Yeah..." : "Why did he get so much extra homework during the end of terminus? Let's rewind a bit." Iruma: "A competition?" Clara: "The team who has the most fun wins!" Lead: "And the teachers will treat the winning team to something!" Kalego: "Don't make your own rules, you fools! Very well. I will allow a prize..." Kalego: "And the losing team will get double homework during their end of terminus." : "And then, at a certain restaurant in town..." Sullivan: "In my eyes, the winner of the team fun times competition at Walter Park is..." Sullivan: "All of the teams!" Sullivan: "And, by the way, this is your treat, Kalego-kun." Jazz: "Hell yeah!" Lead: "Let's eat!" Goemon: "I will definitely not hold back!" Elizabetta: "Thank you, Sensei." Clara: "Eggie-sensei's got deep pockets!" Iruma: "This is so good!" Asmodeus: "I'm so happy for you, Iruma-sama." Jazz: "Excuse me! I'd like to get another order of everything from here to here!" Balam: "Are you sure you're going to pay for everything, Kalego-kun? I'll be happy to pitch in." Kalego: "Oh, I don't mind. If all of them won..." Kalego: "that also means they're all in last place, too. The teams in last place get double the homework, if I remember correctly." Abnormal Class: "Huh?" Lead: "H-He pulled one over on us!" Elizabetta: "Th-Th-That's awful!" Goemon: "We've been deceived!" Opera: "Wow..." Balam: "Kalego-kun..." Iruma: "I'm so happy I finished in time." Opera: "Yes. The end of terminus is coming to a close, so you will need to get ready for the new term soon." Sullivan: "Precisely! I'm pretty much done with all my work, and now you're done with your homework. We finally have time!" Sullivan: "Okay, let's go." Iruma: "Huh?" Iruma: "W-Wait! Go where?" Iruma: "Wh-Where exactly are we going?" Sullivan: "You're going shopping with your grandpa for things you'll need for the new term." Iruma: "Shopping?" Sullivan: "Oh, right. Iruma-kun, you'll need a disguise." Iruma: "Huh?" Sullivan: "Well, you're a celebrity, so you're going to stand out!" Sullivan: "Detection-warding glasses!" Sullivan: "Oh, you look so good in glasses! Now you won't be recognized, and you won't have the press hounding you. We'll be able to shop in peace." Iruma: "Yeah." Iruma: "I'm going shopping with Grandpa... This is my first time. I wonder where we're going." : "Sullivan's mansion is near Babyls. Nearby, there's the dormitory where the teachers live, a park, and a shopping district where you can find all kinds of goods..." : "Magical Street." Iruma: "Wow! There are so many shops here!" Opera: "This is Magical Street." Shop Demon: "Sullivan-sama!" Demon Walla: "Sullivan-sama!" Sullivan: "Hello, everyone. How have you all been?" Iruma: "Grandpa sure is popular..." Demon A: "Sullivan-sama! I saw your press conference on TV!" Demon B: "Your grandson is amazing." Demon C: "Your grandson isn't with you today?" Sullivan: "My grandson's such a wonderful lad." Sullivan: "I couldn't be prouder." Demon D: "Are you one of his attendants?" Iruma: "Y-Yes. These detection-warding glasses sure work wonders." Opera: "That looks very good on you, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Y-You think so?" Sullivan: "We'll probably need to get you a few winter coats." Employee A: "I'd recommend some Devia ones. They're very well made, and you can get your wings in and out so easily." Sullivan: "I'll take everything to the left of this." Employee A: "Oh, thank you so much!" Iruma: "Wait, wait, wait! That's way too many!" Sullivan: "You can have one for every day of the week." Hat Shop Employee: "Hats and horn ornaments are in right now!" Opera: "Iruma-sama, how about this?" Opera: "It's a collar that makes your familiar even more obedient." Iruma: "Huh?!" Opera: "Shall we get it?" Iruma: "I-I don't..." Kalego: "Hey. Hey!" Kalego: "Hey! He—" Iruma: "That's okay." Opera: "I see." Iruma: "There are so many books." Sullivan: "I'll need The Basics of Magic, Camiden's Biography, The Secrets of Magic..." Cyclops Bookkeeper: "How about a copy of The Demon Lord's Prophecies for Dummies?" Sullivan: "I'll take it!" Cyclops Bookkeeper: "Thank you very much." Iruma: "That many?" Sullivan: "Once your new term begins, you'll have more spells to learn and more opportunities to use them. We'll have to practice magic a bit more." Sullivan: "You learned Fractal in class, right? Well? Can you use it now?" Iruma: "Y-Yeah." Iruma: "S-Somewhat— Huh?!" Sullivan: "If you master it a little better, you might be able to fly." Sullivan: "I'm sure you'll need to practice quite a bit, though." Iruma: "Oh, right. My senpai in the student council also told me to practice magic. I'm gonna practice more!" Sullivan: "You just have to get used to it. Once you can modify it a bit better..." Shoplifter: "Whoa, wh-what?" Sullivan: "It comes in very handy." Sullivan: "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Shoplifting is bad, my friend." Cyclops Bookkeeper: "Hey! He made the books smaller!" Two-Eyed Bookkeeper: "We're handing you over to the Demon Border Control!" Iruma: "Grandpa, you're amazing!" Sullivan: "Really?" Cyclops Bookkeeper: "Thank you so much, Sullivan-sama! As a token of our gratitude, we'll give you a discount!" Customer B: "But I wonder why Sullivan-sama still hasn't become the Demon King." Customer A: "Yeah, he's a Tet and the top candidate for the next Demon King." Customer B: "Yeah." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun. Come on, we're off to the next shop." Iruma: "Oh, sure." Iruma: "It's so cute." : "Mogurin. It usually lives underground, but loves snuggling in clothes, too." Iruma: "Hey, that tickles!" : "The Black Goat Notebook. Very durable." Opera: "This is an anti-drowsy pen." Iruma: "How does this keep you from getting drowsy?" Opera: "If you seem drowsy, it bites you." Pen: "Rawr!" Sullivan: "Infinipop! You can lick and lick and it'll never go away." Sullivan: "Whew, what a haul. Right?" Iruma: "Yeah. Thanks, Grandpa. I had so much fun!" Sullivan: "Now you're all set for the new term." Iruma: "Everything was so new that I didn't know where to look." Opera: "I'll go get the carriage." Sullivan: "Thanks." Sullivan: "You've gotten pretty used to the netherworld." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun." Sullivan: "Are you having fun at school?" Iruma: "Yeah, I'm having lots of fun!" Sullivan: "I see." Sullivan: "The new term should be a lot of fun, too." Sullivan: "There are a lot of events, so it'll be exciting. The first term was basically like an orientation." Iruma: "Huh? I-I remember my days being rather intense..." Sullivan: "I guess they were for you and your friends, for some reason." Iruma: "So there's going to be even more?" Sullivan: "Your new term might end up a bit chaotic, too." Iruma: "Oh, yeah. Grandpa..." Sullivan: "Yes?" Iruma: "How do you become the Demon King?" Sullivan: "Pardon?" : "Long ago..." Minion A: "Such an intense aura..." Minion B: "The Thirteen Crowns are here, and yet... Where did our master go? The Demon King has disappeared." Sullivan: "Derkila-sama." Sullivan: "Derkila-sama." Sullivan: "This is no good." Sullivan: "I told you today was the Thirteen's Dinner with all Thirteen Crowns present." Delkiller: "Yeah, yeah. I know." Sullivan: "Well, if you knew, that's even worse. Derkila-sama, you could at least—" Delkiller: "Shut up." Delkiller: "All of them just lining up there together... Do they really think they can run the netherworld from some desks? It's right here!" Delkiller: "This is the netherworld I created." Delkiller: "All right. Summon those Thirteen Crown fools here. We're going to have our meeting here." Sullivan: "Are you sure it's not because you just don't want to move?" Delkiller: "You're ruthless, Sacchan." Delkiller: "Just look at this view! This is the netherworld I created! Am I right," Delkiller: "Sacchan?" Delkiller: "Sacchan." Iruma: "Are you okay?" Sullivan: "Er, you just startled me a bit." Iruma: "Startled you?" Sullivan: "But..." Sullivan: "To think that you want to become the Demon King!" Iruma: "Huh?" Sullivan: "You should've said so earlier!" Iruma: "Wait, wait, wait! No! It's not that I want to be the Demon King!" Iruma: "It's just that I heard some demons talking about the Demon King when we were in town. They were saying you could become the Demon King, but you haven't." Iruma: "So I just wondered why... and what exactly it takes to become the Demon King." Sullivan: "Ah... I see." Sullivan: "You know about the Thirteen Crowns, don't you?" Iruma: "Y-Yeah. Opera-san said they are the heroes who represent the netherworld." Iruma: "You're one of them, too. Right, Grandpa?" Sullivan: "Indeed. Each of the Thirteen Crowns has been around since the age of the Demon King and each has important responsibilities." Sullivan: "Peace exists in this world because the Thirteen Crowns are at its center." Sullivan: "In order to become the Demon King, you would need the trust of all thirteen." Iruma: "All of them?" Sullivan: "Basically, it's a devi-important responsibility. The Demon King is the pinnacle who rules over all of them, after all." Iruma: "Wow... So the Demon King is in charge of most of the netherworld." Iruma: "That seems like a lot of work." Sullivan: "No, no. Not "most."" Sullivan: "It's all of it." Sullivan: "Because the Demon King is the netherworld itself. Even if the demons of the netherworld talked for decades and decided to go right," Sullivan: "if the Demon King said..." Delkiller: "Go straight." Sullivan: "They would then" Sullivan: "create a path that didn't exist." Sullivan: "And... They would create a river in the sky, create a flower field out of magma, and create the netherworld in his vision." Sullivan: "The Demon King is the world. Sublime and absolute." Sullivan: "So, yes..." Sullivan: "Looking at the current netherworld... you can probably imagine what kind of demon the previous Demon King," Sullivan: "Derkila, was." Iruma: "He must have been a very fun demon." Sullivan: "Mm. So I may eventually be able to become the Demon King. Even if I become the Demon King, I'm not sure if I could live up to the title, but... It would probably look like this!" Iruma: "What?!" Sullivan: "Of course, I would personally love to see what kind of netherworld you would create." Sullivan: "And I would support you with everything I have! I would do anything necessary! Hurray! Hurray! Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "No, wait! I don't..." Sullivan: "Well, let's head on home." Iruma: "Oh, sure." Opera: "Sorry to keep you waiting." Iruma: "If I were the Demon King..." Sullivan: "And so, we're all prepared for the new term! You're going to laze around the house with your dear old grandpa for the rest of end of terminus!" Opera: "You still have quite of few of your usual duties to tend to, sir." Sullivan: "And that's why Gramps is going to laze around and spoil Iruma-kun to death and play while doing my duties!" Opera: "You just said you were going to play. You may not." Sullivan: "Opera, you meanie! Once the new term starts, there are going to be more events, and I'll be busy!" Sullivan: "I don't want to be apart from Iruma-kun! I want to stay with him forever!" Sullivan: "You want to laze around with your dear old grandpa until the last day, too, don't you?" Iruma: "Huh? Uh, sure..." Iruma: "The new term... He did say there are going to be a lot of events. I'm excited!" Iruma: "The Demon King Prophecy Scroll..." Iruma: ""He shall make one and all his servants... He shall form blood pacts and heal all demonkind. He shall descend from a foreign realm and wear the golden Ring of Solomon on his right hand."" Iruma: "The Demon King..." Iruma: "The Demon King, huh?" Iruma: "If... If I were to become the Demon King..." Iruma: "I wonder what kind... of netherworld..." Alisan: "I'm Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. I'm a human. I drew a lot of attention to myself after the mess at Walter Park, so I'm going to spend the rest of my break quietly." Alisan: "Good work." Alisan: "Spend my break quietly..." Alisan: "I've got you!" Alisan: "Spend my break quietly..." Alisan: "Sit down now. You made me horf all of that mana," Alisan: "and you sure seemed to be enjoying yourself afterwards, L'il Iru! You sure were getting cozy with someone!" Iruma: "Cozy?!" Alisan: "You have some nerve! After all the suffering I've been through! When did you turn into such a rotten child?! Honestly, what do you want me to do?!" Iruma: "I-I really am doing my best!" Alisan: "Oh? Oh, really?" Iruma: "Yeah..." Iruma: "Today's the first day of the new term!" Iruma: "Grandpa! Opera-san! I'm heading out!" Sullivan: "You look great in your new outfit, Iruma-kun!" Opera: "You'll be going, too, sir." Sullivan: "I know!" Asmodeus: "Good morning, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Iruma-chi, good morning!" Iruma: "Good morning, Azz-kun and Clara! Let's go!" Clara: "Yeah! Our homework sure is heavy. Vroom, vroom." Iruma: "I'm Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. I'm a human." Iruma: "I go to the demon school Babyls." Iruma: "Today's our first day of the new term! Humans only exist to be our food Suck them dry, soul, blood, flesh, and all Tremble at the sound of black wings as we take flight For we are demons As this song pours forth from our red lips Scream for us, for we are demons We strive to strengthen our evil tendencies in our fortress Its name is Babyls A school in a league of its own Give your soul, blood, flesh, and all May we strive to achieve the pinnacle of the demons" Kalego: "Today is the first day of your new term." Lead: "Right." Students: "Right." Clara: "Right." Scroll: "Babyls special class order!" Lead: "It's so loud!" Scroll: "The Misfit Class must all become Dalet rank before becoming second-years!" : "Dalet is the borderline rank right before graduation." : "To require first-years to achieve that rank is abnormal indeed." Scroll: "If you fail this order, you will immediately be ejected from the Royal One!" All: "What?!" : "Will Iruma and his friends be able to avoid being thrown out of the Royal One?"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 21 – The One Who Rules Over the Netherworld", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "21", "The One Who Rules Over the Netherworld" ] }
: "The demon school Babyls. Six grade levels and 666 total students. At this school, where many demons coexist, there is a group of students who maintain order and monitor the other students. The noble yet cruel demon elite..." Delinquents: "Gulp!" : "They are the student coun—" Ameri: "Good day!" : "Well, that used to be the student council, maybe..." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""A Lovely Demoness."" Student 1: "Did you hear about the president?" Student 4: "But... what happened?" Student 2: "She's totally different." Student 3: "And cute." Johnny: "So, Baraki from the Broadcast Battler didn't realize someone suspicious was in the PA room." Sunny: "If only the PA room had been locked..." Quiche: "He felt so bad, he was ready to chop his own horns off." Johnny: "I should've gone with her." Iruma: "But who would do such a thing, and why?" Smoke: "What's the matter?" Iruma: "Oh, nothing, just..." Smoke: "Well, all things considered..." Asmodeus: "It's true. I never dreamed the student council president would..." Asmodeus: "Of course she's not!" Clara: "Maybe she's a triplet, then? Quadruplet? Quintuplet? Sextuplet? Septuplet?" Asmodeus: "Ah, Iruma-sama! He must be so troubled by this! We haven't been able to go to school together, or have lunch together... But the time for me to be useful to him is now! If I don't act now, when will I?!" Garoo: "All right, we're gonna start morning practice!" Camuy: "My eyes have been blessed! Yes!" Smoke: "Let's just keep an eye on her for now. The teacher said she should return to normal if she keeps up her usual routine." Iruma: "Right." Momonoki: "What's your name?" Ameri: "Azazel Ameri." Momonoki: "What grade are you in?" Ameri: "I'm a second-year." Momonoki: "Do you remember the fact that you're the student council president?" Ameri: "Yes, I do remember my past self. I was... a bit violent." Kalego: "Her case is rather serious." Kalego: "Thankfully, her memory seems intact. It's probably correct to assume a psychological spell was cast on her." Student Council: "Right..." Momonoki: "She mentioned that she was hit by a mysterious smoke, but I've never heard of one that makes someone more ladylike." Iruma: "Will this be hard to break?" Momonoki: "The spell is very tangled. Imagine a sweater knitted by an amateur. Azazel-san's usual personality, emotions, and memories are all" Momonoki: "It'd be impossible to undo it by force, but the spell itself is rather simple. So as long as she follows her usual routine, given some time," Momonoki: "We'll just have to keep an eye on her." Student Council: "Gloom..." Momonoki: "Straighten up, you four!" Student Council: "Y-Yes, ma'am!" Johnny: "We will track down the one responsible!" Quiche: "And capture them!" Quiche: "All right, let's go." Iruma: "Yessir!" Kalego: "The student council members are the role models of Babyls. The student council president, who stands atop the student body, being in this state doesn't set a good example." Kalego: "I will consider shutting down the student council as an option." : "Thus President Ameri returned to her daily routine while in dainty mode." Student Council: "Greetings!" Ameri: "Pardon me. I brought some sweets today. Would you like some?" Ameri: "Let's enjoy some tea." Johnny: "I want to stand... I want to work." Sunny: "I feel like I might break the cup." Quiche: "But I'm so happy..." : "A day in the life of Dainty Ameri." : "Morning meetings." Smoke: "President, here's a request from the Disciplinary Battler." Ameri: "Okay." Ameri: "There." Ameri: "There." Sunny: "She's unbelievably slow... but so cute!" Johnny: "We'll never be done in time, but she's cute." Quiche: "Man, she's cute..." : "Running." Ameri: "This feels so refreshing." Student Council: "Yeah..." : "Meeting with the teachers." : "Patrols." : "Carrying documents." Ameri: "Excuse me." Ameri: "Is this all right?" Ameri: "Am I... getting in the way?" Smoke: "No..." Ameri: "I'm trying to do what I usually do." Johnny: "And you absolutely are!" Quiche: "No problems at all, President!" Ameri: "Oh, good." Iruma: "This is killing me." Johnny: "Don't say it out loud." Smoke: "The work's five times tougher than usual." Quiche: "Because the work that the president usually does is coming down to us." Iruma: "Even splitting it up between the five of us, it's so much. The president really is amazing." Quiche: "She's just too dependable." Sunny: "Now's our time to support her." Johnny: "Toughen up! We are the student council!" Quiche: "We won't let things end this way!" Smoke: "We must find the one behind this at once!" Iruma: "Yessir!" Iruma: "Do any of you have any idea who that might be?" Quiche: "There are way too many possibilities." Quiche: "It's not surprising that people would hate or envy her. But if there's one person I'd consider a top suspect..." Iruma: "A top suspect?" Sunny: "The door to the student council office is open!" Johnny: "What is..." Johnny: "What are you doing?!" Ronove: "Well, hello, student council peasants! Peasants! Took you long enough! Enough!" Migi; Dari: "Viva, viva, bravo, Romi-sama!" Johnny: "Of course. It had to be you..." Ronove: "Yes, it is I! I am Ronove Romiere! Romiere... Romiere... Romiere..." Ronove: "It is I! I am Ronove Romiere!" Migi; Dari: "Viva, viva, bravo, Romi-sama!" Iruma: "Who is that?" Quiche: "Er, that's the top suspect we mentioned earlier." Iruma: "That's him?" Sunny: "He's the president of the Disciplinary Battler, and he's been after our president's spot." Iruma: "What?!" Ronove: "Hey! Let's talk about me a little louder, please!" Ronove: "Ronove Romiere! My name is so fabulous, even I can't help but call it out!" Migi; Dari: "Yes, Romi-sama!" Ronove: "I've been ignored by the student council all this time! So now, allow me to declare loudly... We, the Babyls Disciplinary Battler, have come to take over the student council!" Migi Dari: "¡Te amo!" Ronove: "I, Ronove Romiere, will become the new student council president! President!" Student Council: "D'oh!" Ronove: "¡Olé! Ah, I see there's someone I haven't met yet" Ronove: "Open those eyes wide and take a look at me! I came from a delightful castle deep within the Bougainvillea Forest Sole! I am the Prince of the Sun Amore! It appears, it appears, it appears that you have been taken By my noble and charming appearance ¡Enhorabuena! I was born to cause a scene! I was born to shine! I'll give you a fiery kiss I'm a sensational matador! Ti amo!" Johnny: "All right, enough of that! There's the door!" Ronove: "Yes! My name, my name, my name is!" Ronove: "Ronove, Ronove, yes, Ronove! My name, my name, my name is Ronove! It's Ronove Romiere!" Ronove: "¡Olé!" Iruma: "So... what's the Disciplinary Battler?" Quiche: "The self-proclaimed rivals of the student council." Sunny: "They do similar activities to the student council and are nothing but a bunch of showoffs who want to start trouble with us." Johnny: "Which means..." Johnny: "He's someone who would benefit from the president's downfall. Are you the one who went after the president?" Ronove: "I have no idea what you're talking about! M-More importantly, unhand me..." Ronove: "Such a brutal wave..." Ronove: "A man touched me for 6.6 seconds... Ronove is at his limit." Quiche: "They have a lot of their own personal rules like that, so they rarely step outside." Ronove: "Now that the president is weakened... I declare the one-on-one battle known as the dissolution election!" : "The dissolution election. A declaration of war from a Battler to the student council. If a number of students take issue with the student council, they will choose a Battler to represent them and vote for either the student council or that Battler. The Battler that loses..." : "will immediately be dissolved. Also, once declared, this one-on-one battle cannot be declined." Johnny: "This is exactly what he had planned," Johnny: "Our hands are tied right now." Ronove: "As you can see, I've got signatures." Migi; Dari: "Well done, Romi-sama! You are the voice of the demons!" Quiche: "They're all the Battlers we cracked down on!" Ronove: "The reason I hadn't requested this duel earlier is because... Miss Azazel's authority was absolute." Ronove: "But now she's nothing more than a dainty flower." Ronove: "I suppose I don't mind inviting you to be my secretary in the new student council." Johnny: "How dare you?!" Ronove: "A-A man touched me for 0.6 seconds! Who are you?" Iruma: "Oh, s-sorry. B-But..." Iruma: "I thought it was rude to touch a girl's hair without permission." Ronove: "Rude, eh?" Dari: "You fiend! How dare you lecture Romi-sama?!" Migi: "That's mean!" Ronove: "Hmph. Very well. I shall accept your malice!" Ronove: "Just you wait! I, Ronove, Ronove, Ronove..." Johnny: "Shut up!" Ronove: "Ronove shall make you all retire!" Johnny: "At least clean up your stupid flowers! The nerve..." Iruma: "U-Um, did I do something I shouldn't have?" Johnny: "Well said!" Iruma: "Ow!" Quiche: "You beat me to it, jeez." Sunny: "Your alarm clock sounds great." Iruma: "Thank you very much!" Iruma: "Wow, Azz-kun and Clara contacted me so many times." Johnny: "By the look of things, Ronove is going to make his move soon." Quiche: "We should definitely get ready." Iruma: "Make his move?" Ronove: "Hello, commoners! Commoners!" Ronove: "It is I!" Ronove: "Ronove Romiere! Romiere!" Student One: "It's Ronove." Student 2: "Huh? What's going on?" Student 3: "Is he doing something flashy again?" : "But drawing people's attention is all his ability does." Ronove: "I, the Disciplinary Battler president, Ronove, Ronove Romiere, have declared a one-on-one battle with the student council!" Student 4: "A dissolution election?" Student 5: "Really? A dissolution election?" Lead: "Sounds fun. You wanna make a bet?" Ronove: "Once I become your student council president, I will cut class days in half, and we will go on vacation instead! I'll have more recreational areas on school grounds, and there'll be no more tests! They'll all be eliminated!" Ronove: "We'll have a juice fountain, a tree that grows meat, and so much fun!" Student: "Say, Ronove." Ronove: "Yes, I am he." Student: "Can you actually do any of that?" Ronove: "I will not make any promises!" Students: "What?" Ronove: "I've never made a promise!" Student: "A-All right, then." Ronove: "But!" Ronove: "But I, Ronove Romiere, will give his all to be the best Ronove he can be!" Students: "The best Ronove... The best Ronove... The best Ronove..." Ronove: "I am, I am, I am... I am willing to take a chance to see if any of these actually stick! I will strive to make Babyls as fun as it can be! Which means..." Ronove: "I will promise you way more fun than the current student council ever allowed." Student 1: "That might be fun!" Student 2: "I have no idea what he's talking about!" Student 3: "He's stupid!" Student 4: "It's sorta refreshing!" Iruma: "He's getting everyone riled up." Quiche: "Well, he puts his life on the line to stand out." Smoke: "We can't lose." Ameri: "Um, I... I will review... the budget for this scho—" Student: "Y-You've got this. You can do it. We believe in you." Sunny: "She's also doing her best to reach the students." Quiche: "I'm not sure if she's gathering support or pity..." Johnny: "We're definitely at a disadvantage. Demons are drawn to fun things." Johnny: "You are at a clear advantage if you can attract their interest." Ronove: "Ro-Ro-Ro-Ro-Ro-Ro-Ro-Ro-Ro-Ronove!" Girl: "But you know, we can't really rely on the president as she is right now." Guy: "She's super cute, but I don't know if she's fit to be the president..." Ameri: "I'm sorry." Iruma: "I-It's okay! There are plenty of students who support you!" Quiche: "Let's just do what we can for now." Ameri: "Okay..." Johnny: "Let's get you new cue cards." Smoke: "I'll bring you something to drink!" Iruma: "Okay. The thing I can help with is..." Jazz: "So yesterday, Gyao had a hole in one of his wings. I said we should use glue to fix it," Jazz: "What do you think?" Asmodeus: "What does that have to do with me?" Jazz: "Huh? Uh..." Jazz: "J-Just trying to have a conversation." Jazz: "Jeez." Asmodeus: "Hello, Iruma-sama! Yes! Yes! But of course! Leave it to me!" Jazz: "Damn, Iruma-kun's amazing." Lead: "Uh... Clara-chan. I know we're the Game Battler and you're supposed to play..." Lead: "Hey, wait! Those cords..." Clara: "Oh, it snapped." Clara: "On its own." Lead: "My data..." Clara: "Hey, Fluffy-kun, what's this?" Lead: "Oh, that's a Flatty Egg. You pass it back and forth with someone, and when it breaks, you lose—" Lead: "You're not supposed to pull that cord! Don't touch that lever! What's that in your mouth?! Spit it out right now!" Lead: "Is this what it feels like to be a mom?" Game Battler Pres: "You need a lot of guts to raise children." Lead: "The fact that Azz-Azz and Iruma-kun were playing with her every day is insane." Clara: "Aw, it's Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Thanks." Iruma: "Well, I managed to ask those two..." Iruma: "I wonder if Kalego-sensei would get mad if I asked him for help." Kalego: "You fool! What do you want?! Who do you think you're summoning?!" Iruma: "Yeah, he'd definitely get mad..." Iruma: "A-Ameri-sa... President. Is something wrong?" Ameri: "Um, Iruma... san." Ameri: "I'd like to speak with you." Iruma: "O...kay..." Iruma: "She asked me to wait here, but..." Iruma: "I wonder where the president went." Ali-San: "Isn't it obvious? She's a girl. It takes her a while to get ready." Iruma: "Ali-san! Thank goodness." Ali-San: "Now, now, now." Ali-San: "I'm finally able to go outside, and you abandoned me just so you could go flirt with Little Miss President here, didn't you, huh?" Iruma: "I didn't... I'm sorry. But I've been really busy with work." Ali-San: "I mean, you know, I wouldn't say something ugly like "choose me or your work"... But honesty is important, you know?" Iruma: "I'm sorry I left you alone." Iruma: "I'd like your opinion on the spell that's been cast on the president." Iruma: "Please." Ali-San: "Oh, you're just hopeless without me, Li'l Iru. As far as I can tell, the spell on Little Miss President is mostly undone." Iruma: "Huh? It is?" Ali-San: "There's just one problem. Spells affect every person differently. Ice works well against demons who use flame magic." Ali-San: "Curses that are supposed to calm someone won't work on those who are already gloomy." Ali-San: "Apparently there's something inside her that has her affected by this spell. That's why she can't turn back." Iruma: "Something inside Ameri-san?" Ali-San: "The magical thread is still stuck on something!" Ali-San: "It won't come undone without a trigger." Iruma: "Like what?" Ali-San: "Uh-oh!" Iruma: "Pres... Ameri-san! You're back to..." Ameri: "Iruma!" Clara: "Su-ki-ma! ...ki-ma!" Garoo: "Asmodeus-kun, let's have a chat!" Asmodeus: "Let's not." Jazz: "Asmodeus is generally pretty cold to anyone who's not Iruma-kun." Garoo: "Iruma! I see!" Garoo: "Hey, Azz-kun! Let's talk about Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "Oh, Iruma-sama is just so Iruma-sama! He's just oh so Iruma-sama! He's so insanely Iruma-sama, he slays me every time! How many Iruma-samas can an Iruma-sama slay if an Iruma-sama keeps on slaying?" Asomodeus: "And Iruma-sama is always so Iruma-sama to himself..." Ronove: "Hello, it is I! It is I! Who am I? Yes, it is I! I am me! Therefore, I am me! To be more specific, I am me! Me! Voting day is finally here! I haz come! I have arrived! The roses dance! I dance! I am going to be the shiniest me that I could ever possibly be! Next time on LOL to Demon School! Ronove-kun, "The Student Council President's Gaze!""
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 3 – A Lovely Demoness", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "3", "A Lovely Demoness" ] }
Ameri: "I see. So I'm scary as the president..." Ameri: "Pardon me... May I ask one of you to get me something so I can cover up?" Ronove: "We, the Babyls Disciplinary Battler, have come to take over the student council!" Migi Dari: "Ti amo!" Student Council: "D'oh!" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""The Student Council President's Gaze."" Ali-San: "Apparently there's something inside her that has her affected by this spell." That's why she can't turn back." Iruma: "Something inside Ameri-san?" Ali-San: "The magical thread is still stuck on something! It won't come undone without a trigger." Iruma: "Like what?" Ali-San: "Uh-oh!" Iruma: "Pres... Ameri-san! You're back to..." Ameri: "Iruma!" Ameri: "...-san. Please don't stare at me for so long! This outfit is just too embarrassing!" Iruma: "What the?!" Iruma: "What's the matter? Why are you back in your original outfit?" Ameri: "Well..." Ameri: "At this rate, we're going to lose the election." Ameri: "I will cause trouble for all of you. I figured the least I could do would be... t-to look the part..." Iruma: "Trouble? But you're doing your best. You're doing your duties for the student coun—" Ameri: "But I'm not!" Ameri: "I'm very aware that you've all been filling in for me." Ameri: "You're the only one I can tell this to, Iruma-san." Ameri: "I love everyone in the student council. They're so proud, so sincere, and they care so much about me." Ameri: "It made me so happy." Ameri: "Their precious loyalty... Everything they said and did was so kind." Ameri: "But that was all for my former self." Ameri: "She's the one you all admire so much." Iruma: "That's—" Ameri: "That's why I'm scared! I want nothing but the best for this school," Ameri: "I'm scared I'm going to fail!" Ameri: "I'm scared that everyone's going to speak ill of you all because of me!" Ameri: "I'm scared... of not living up to everyone's expectations... So maybe I could run away and give up being the president, and attend classes as a normal student. I could read books and have tea with you... I could enjoy such peaceful days." Ameri: "If you... If you accept me for who I am right now, I will stay by your side forever..." Iruma: "That's an ideal, not an ambition." Ameri: "Ideals and ambitions are different." Iruma: "That's what you told me, President. You always worked so hard for your ambitions, had so much confidence," Iruma: "and got through any hardship for the sake of your ambitions. I think that's why everyone looks up to you so much." Iruma: "You should do whatever you want to do. And if you can do that outside of the student council, I think it's fine if you quit. After all, they all said it wasn't the president they were following," Iruma: "but you, Ameri-san." Ameri: "But I'm so timid right now..." Iruma: "And that's all right!" Ameri: "I'm clumsy and can't even give out orders." Iruma: "We'll back you up!" Iruma: "It's okay. Please keep your head up. Regardless of your appearance and personality, chasing your dreams makes you a lovely lady." Iruma: "I-I'm so sorry for touching your face!" Ameri: "I-I'm... I-I'm okay..." Ameri: "Iruma-san." Iruma: "Yes?" Ameri: "I'm going to give this my all." Iruma: "Of course!" : "And so the day of the dissolution election, the one-on-one, draws near." Asmodeus: "What in the world are you doing?" Clara: "Hi! I'm searching!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama asked her to do that, too?" Clara: "Also, I'm doing some Battler work while I'm at it. I'm gonna get someone to return the game they borrowed, chop-chop!" Asomodeus: "You're doing that, too?!" Clara: "You, too?" Asmodeus: "Yes... The president asked me to retrieve some research data that was lent out." Clara: "I'm looking for some weird game, too!" Clara: "Different Personality Dating Sim: The Prim and Proper Arc." Asmodeus: "I've been asked to look for matter-altering magic data..." Asmodeus: "Prim and proper?" Clara: "Altering magic?" : "And then..." : "The day of the battle arrived." Demons: "Alef! Bet! Gimel! Dalet! He! Waw! Zayin! Het! Tet! Yodh!" Baraki: "The one-on-one that will determine our new leader is about to begin!" Ronove: "Ti amo!" Baraki: "I am your host, Bathin Baraki! Who will we be leaving the future of Babyls to? After each candidate has said their piece, we will begin voting. Each candidate has three minutes." Ali-San: "The magical thread is still stuck on something! It won't come undone without a trigger." Baraki: "We will start off with Ronove Romiere!" Ronove: "It is I! Ronove Romiere!" Ronove: "What I'm going to propose to all of you, in short, is..." Ronove: "Pleasure." Ronove: "Let us turn this academy into a paradise!" Ronove: "¡Olé! A student should enjoy their studies (Yes, of course) What I'm shooting for is an amusement park (Paradise!) Even if they call it just a dream (No, no, it's just a dream) I will not give up I have never given up once in life, Ronove (Not even once, no, no, no, no, no, no) Romiere!" Ronove: "Yes! My name, my name, my name is! Ronove, Ronove, yes, Ronove! My name, my name, my name is Ronove! It's Ronove Romiere!" Ronove: "¡Olé!" Ronove: "Being bored is absolutely worthless! Worthless! Do not revere suffering! Praise fun! And now... let us frolic in this ideal paradise! Paradise..." Iruma: "So much cheering..." Johnny: "Changing the president's personality so he can become more popular... Everything's going according to Ronove's plan." Quiche: "If only we had some proof..." Sunny: "For now, we'll just have to believe in the president." Baraki: "Next up, we have Azazel Ameri!" Ameri: "Yes?!" Ameri: "I... I..." Ameri: "want to..." Ameri: "My voice just isn't enough... to reach them..." Iruma: "Please keep your head up." Ameri: "Oh, this all looks so..." Ameri: "familiar." Ameri: "I..." Ameri: "am weak." Ameri: "I can't do anything without the help of those around me." Ameri: "I am pathetic, cowardly, and I tried to run away." Ameri: "But... someone still believed in me!" Ameri: "And what that person believed in..." Ameri: "was my desire!" Ameri: "What do I want to do?" Ameri: "why I still wanted the position of president even though I am weak." Ameri: "Because of the expectations around me." Ameri: "But more importantly... more than anything..." Ameri: "Because I desired to make this school the best there ever was!" Ameri: "You are all demons before you are students! And demons are made of desire!" Ameri: "Do not settle for the pleasure given to you! Be proud of your desires!" Ameri: "What is your desire?" Demon 1: "Desire..." Demon 2: "My..." Demon 3: "My desire..." Demon 4: "Desire..." Ameri: "Is it within your reach right now?" Ameri: "If it is not, then find out how to attain it! Babyls is a place to nurture a demon's aspirations!" Ameri: "So if you want to grasp your desires with your own hands..." Ameri: "Shut up and follow me to see my ambition through!" Demon: "It's President Ameri! Our president is back! I'll follow you forever! President Ameri! Hooray for desires!" Eiko: "President!" Gaako: "Eiko!" Demons: "Ameri! Ameri! Ameri! Ameri! Ameri! Ameri!" Ameri: "It appears as though the fog in my head has cleared." Ameri: "Am I back to normal?" Student Council: "President!" Ameri: "Everyone's crying... This is rare." Migi Dari: "Romi-sama! Romi-sama!" Ameri: "I feel like I'm about to lose heart. But I must apologize to my precious student body for all the trouble I caused, and tell them I'll—" Ameri: "Oh, wait... Am I supposed to realize it like this, at such an important time?" Ameri: "All my thanks, my apologies, my touch and my laughter..." Ameri: "I want you to be the first to receive all of them." Ameri: "Iruma..." Ameri: "It seems I'm in love with you." Johnny: "Our president had a landslide victory in this election. I hope you're prepared, Ronove." Ronove: "Rono... Rononono..." Ronove: "I will dissolve my Battler, of course. Ronove is crushed... Ronononono..." Johnny: "That's not what I'm talking about! I meant the spell you cast on the president! How dare you?!" Ronove: "Rororo... What are you talking about? I would never do anything that's not flashy..." Iruma: "Excuse me, everyone. We caught the culprit." Clara: "We sure did!" Student Council: "What?!" Clara: "Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey!" Smoke: "You're the second-year..." Asmodeus: "Second-year Eligoth Schenell." Clara: "...and the Game Battler!" Asmodeus: "And we apprehended him while he was creating his original perfume with them." Eligoth: "Everything went perfectly! I need to make the next batch of perfume before this one wears off!" Clara: "What kind of perfume?" Eligoth: "Why, one to make President Ameri ladylike—" Eligoth: "Huh?!" Asmodeus: "You can tell us the rest in detail somewhere else." Clara: "And give me back the game, you jerk." Sunny: "So it was you..." Ronove: "Can you apologize to me first, Rororo?" Johnny: "How dare you plot to bring about the president's downfall?!" Eligoth: "Downfall?" Eligoth: "You fool." Eligoth: "It is something far grander... Yes! My ambition..." Eligoth: "is to burn the vision of a ladylike President Ameri into my eyes!" Quiche: "Schenell is one of the president's groupies?!" Eligoth: "President for life!" Eligoth: "I admired the president for a long time." Eligoth: "She was always so bold and confident..." Eligoth: "So I wanted to see the rare dainty and ladylike version of the president, as well... And the want became a need!" Eligoth: "Er..." Ameri: "Very well, then. If you want to admire me that much, let me lead you to a VIP seat." Ameri: "Give him the "student council duties times 50" course!" Sunny And Smoke: "Yessir!" Eligoth: "No!" Ameri: "You have my humble gratitude for everything you've done." Asmodeus: "I'm honored that we were able to be of service to you." Clara: "It was nothing!" Ameri: "Now, as for what to do with Ronove..." Ronove: "Ro?" Ameri: "Why not join the student council?" Ronove: "Nove?" Ronove: "Say what?!" Ameri: "I must say I quite enjoyed being pushed to the brink like that." Ronove: "Will people pay attention to me?" Ameri: "The work will be difficult, but if you do well, I'll let you do the more elegant duties." Ronove: "Very well!" Migi Dari: "Romi-sama!" Johnny And Quiche: "What?!" Ronove: "Don't blame me if I end up taking over." Ameri: "That's the spirit." Iruma: "Thanks, you two!" Ameri: "Iruma." Iruma: "Yessir!" Ameri: "Choose." Ameri: "You have passed your training with flying colors. You are free to reinstate the Magical Apparatus Battler," Ameri: "but the student council would like to officially welcome you." Ameri: "Will you stay?" Iruma: "No." Iruma: "The student council trained my body and soul. I had so many priceless experiences and so much fun. That's why" Iruma: "I don't want to just go along with the student council's ambitions." Iruma: "I want to work toward my own ambition." Iruma: "And..." Iruma: "someone else might come back to our Battler." Ameri: "I see." Ameri: "I must say, that probably suits you better." Ameri: "I permit the Magical Apparatus Battler to resume their activities!" Asmodeus: "We did it, Iruma-sama! We can finally go back to our own Battler!" Clara: "Yay, yay! We're together again!" Smoke: "Let's all take a photo together." Ronove: "I get to be up front! Ronove!" Migi Dari: "Bravo!" : "Thus their time in different Battlers came to an end, and the new student council was also on the right track." Student 1: "President." Student 2: "Good morning!" Ameri: "Good morning. The buttons on your uniform are off." Student E: "Oh, I'm sorry!" Ameri: "You're slouching! Stand up straight!" Student F: "Yes, ma'am!" Student 3: "You're lovely!" Student Council: "Good morning, President!" Ameri: "Louder!" Student Council: "Good morning!" Iruma: "When I went back home from the dorms yesterday, my grandpa and Opera had a welcome-back party for me. I ate way too much." Ameri: "Sounds like you've been slacking. Would you like to run with us again?" Iruma: "Oh, that's all right! I haven't been slacking!" Iruma: "How's everyone in the student council doing?" Ameri: "They're working as hard as ever." Iruma: "Huh? Really?" Iruma: "How are you, Ameri-san?" Ameri: "I'm fine. Things are going as usual." Iruma: "I'm glad you seem to be well. Well, I'll see you at our next reading session. Well, I'll see you at our next reading session." Ali-San: "So they all lived happily ever after!" Iruma: "Ali-san!" Ali-San: "After being up on that podium," Ali-San: "That finally released the last thread. Your girlfriend's quite the superstar, Li'l Iru!" Iruma: "Girl— Sh-She's not!" Ali-San: "Is it the weirdo girl, then?" Iruma: "It's not like that! Would you just stop?" Ali-San: "Yeah, I guess you don't see them that way." Iruma: "M-More importantly, if what changed her back was the scenery..." Ali-San: "Wow, he changed the subject." Iruma: "I wonder what in her heart was holding on to the spell." Ali-San: "It could be that she just wanted to stay cute." Iruma: "Huh?" Ali-San: "Maybe she wanted you to think she was cute." Iruma: "That can't be it! Jeez!" Ameri: "I was so nervous! W-Was I able to talk to him like I usually do? My face might've been red! Thank goodness it was just the phone! No, wait! Did he hear it in my voice?" Ameri: "Oh, no... Is this what they call love?" Ameri: "I try to look at his face, and he dazzles me! Just standing next to him distracts me, and he's cute and hot and argh, I have no idea what's going on!" Ameri: "I guess I am quite bold. Why can't I be cuter? No." Iruma: "Regardless of your appearance, you're a lovely lady." Ameri: "This is how it should be." Ameri: "Now I have another ambition. I hope Iruma is prepared," Ameri: "because I fully devote myself to my ambitions." Clara: "Su-Ki-Ma, it is!" Eiko: "Hello. It's me, Eiko. Is there something wrong with me?" Gaako: "That's very likely..." Eiko: "The kind Iruma-san! The cool president! The cute president! Who is it that your heart desires, Eiko? I just can't decide! I like them both!" Gaako: "Eiko!" : "Thus Eiko plunged in even deeper."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 4 – The Student Council President's Gaze", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "4", "The Student Council President's Gaze" ] }
Iruma: "Grandpa, Opera-san! I'm hom—" Sullivan: "Welcome home, Iruma-kun!" Opera: "Welcome home, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Th-Thanks..." Iruma: "Wait, we're having another party?" : "The first day Iruma came home." Sullivan: "Great job with your student council work!" : "The second day Iruma came home." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun!" : "The third day Iruma came home." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun! Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "It's been like this every day for a week." Sullivan: "Well... I'm just so happy you came home from the student council!" Sullivan: "But your last welcome home party was yesterday." Iruma: "Huh? What's this, then?" Sullivan: "It's your welcome home party's after-party!" Iruma: "So it's an after-party..." Sullivan: "Yup. While we're at it, invite some people over." Iruma: "Huh? Who?" Sullivan: "Why, your friends, of course." Iruma: "Okay!" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""Invite Your Friends!"" Iruma: "I know he said I could invite them, but..." Iruma: "My whole life, I've never invited friends... Scratch that. I've never invited anyone over to my house. I'm so nervous." Iruma: "Okay." Iruma: "Azz-kun, Clara. Grandpa is holding a party for me. Can you come over? It's probably too sudden, huh?" Iruma: "Whew. I wonder if Azz-kun and Clara will come. This is pretty sudden." Ali-San: "Li'l Iru!" Iruma: "Oh, no! I-I sent it! Don't just show up out of nowhere and scare me like that, Ali-san!" Ali-San: "Well, you typed it so you could send it. What's the problem?" Iruma: "Oh, it's from Azz-kun. He said he's coming right over. And Clara, too. "Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga..."" Iruma: "So... building steam?" Ali-San: "That's great, Li'l Iru. Looks like they're both coming." Ali-San: "Jeez, will you calm down?" Iruma: "But I've never had friends come over." Ali-San: "Maybe you should clean." Ali-San: "Iruma-chi, your room is so dusty! I'm so disappointed!" Ali-San: "You're going to disappoint your girlfriend." Iruma: "G-Girlfriend? It's not like that! And Azz-kun is coming, too..." Iruma: "But I guess I should clean." Iruma: "Wow, it's so powerful!" Ali-San: "Well done, Iruma-sama! You look so domesticated." Iruma: "Would you stop?" Ali-San: "Sounds like they're here." Asmodeus: "Thank you for inviting me to your home." Clara: "Fanks!" Iruma: "H-Hey." Asmodeus: "Er, my mother wanted me to give you her regards." Clara: "Mommy, U-chan, Keebow, Konchie, Sin Sin, and Ran Ran all say hi, Iruma-chi." All: "Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!" Asmodeus: "Oh. This is but a humble offering, but please take it." Clara: "This is a humungo offering! Let's go, demango!" Clara: "Freshly picked from Hubbub Forest. Pichi-pichi! Kito-kito! Ngo-ngo!" Iruma: "Th-Thanks... Come in, you two." Asmodeus: "Thank you kindly." Sullivan: "Once again, well done on your work with the student council. And... Welcome home, Iruma-kun!" Asmodeus: "You did splendidly." Clara: "Welcome home, Iruma-chi!" Opera: "We're grateful you came home safely." Iruma: "Th-Thanks, everyone." Sullivan: "Okay, eat up, eat up! That goes for you two as well, Asmodeus-kun and Valac-kun!" Clara: "Thanks for the noms!" Asmodeus: "Yes, thank you." Iruma: "Let's dig in!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama was kind enough to invite me to this banquet. I cannot be rude! Of course, my etiquette is perfect..." Asmodeus: "What are you doing?" Clara: "If you mix this all up, it's super yummy." Asmodeus: "Stop that!" Iruma: "I'm so full!" Asmodeus: "Yes, thank you for the wonderful meal." Clara: "Those rolly-rolly whatsits were so crispy and yummy." Asmodeus: "You and your moronic names! Just call them spring rolls!" Opera: "Everyone." Opera: "We have purchased a new gaming console, so let's all play together." Iruma: "I wonder what kind of game it is." Asmodeus: "Is this a dancing game?" Clara: "Let's dance!" Assi: "Hey, guys! Are you devi'n ready? Let's get started!" Assi: "Blammo!" Iruma: "Wow! Is this some kind of 3D projection?" Opera: "Well, it is the latest tech." Assi: "You think you're devi to my level? Let's see if you can keep up! I'll judge your performances! You better be grateful!" Asmodeus: "He's rather confrontational. Shall I reduce him to ashes?" Iruma: "D-Don't, Azz-kun! It's just a game, okay? It's just a game." Asmodeus: "Very well." Assi: "Let's go, everybody!" Assi: "One, two... One, two, three, four!" Sullivan: "Heave-ho... Heave-ho..." Assi: "Whoo! That was devi'n awesome! Now, let's see those scores!" Sullivan: "Aw, last place?" Iruma: "Aw, I did my best." Clara: "Sweet. I win." Asmodeus: "You're in third place, you fool!" Asmodeus: "As to be expected." Clara: "Way to go, Pera-sama. You're devi'n lit." Iruma: "You're amazing, Opera-san!" Asmodeus: "You are clearly unmatched." Opera: "It's not such a big deal." Assi: "You all did a devi'n good job." Asmodeus: "I'm not sure how I feel, though, only beating Valac by 6 points." Clara: "Meerkat 6 points! Monkey 6 points! I'll win next time!" Iruma: "You're all so amazing. That was a great workout." Asmodeus: "You did splendidly yourself, Iruma-sama!" Assi: "Dangerous ladies and gentlemen! Till next time! See ya!" Sullivan: "What a miserable last place. This wouldn't have happened with classical dancing!" Opera: "Now, let us enjoy some dessert." Clara: "Dessert! Dessert!" Sullivan: "At this rate, my reputation as grandpa and chair-demon are compromised." Sullivan: "I have to show my grandson who finally came home and my students how amazing I am." Clara: "Dessert! Dessert!" Sullivan: "Hold on a minute! Iruma-kun, I think we need to aid our digestion just a little more before dessert!" Iruma: "Huh? Actually, I feel fine..." Sullivan: "Let us play Dark Parade!" Iruma: "D-Dark Parade?" Asmodeus: "In Dark Parade, we go to dark, uninhabited places like this and wander around aimlessly." Iruma: "Ah, it's like a test of courage we do in the human world." Iruma: "I never knew this place existed in our basement." Iruma: "Grandpa is trying so hard." Asmodeus: "Isn't this exciting, Iruma-sama? I wonder what lies deep in the depths of this mansion." Iruma: "I'm honestly not sure myself." Clara: "I wonder what we'll find. I wonder what we'll find." Iruma: "Wow. This place is huge." Asmodeus: "As to be expected of the chair-demon's home." Opera: "What do you intend to do?" Sullivan: "Hm?" Opera: "This mansion has no tricks or traps." Opera: "Even if we go all the way to the bottom, only a closet awaits." Sullivan: "Don't you worry. I've thought this all out." Sullivan: "There's something that'll make me look amazingly cool to Iruma-kun and the others." Clara: "Hey, there's like, zip, zilch, nada, not even a water flea down here." Iruma: "Er, Grandpa?" Sullivan: "Shh!" Iruma: "Huh?" Sullivan: "I sense something there." Iruma: "Huh?" Clara: "Ooh, what is it? Where is it?" Asmodeus: "I don't sense anything..." Sullivan: "All of you, wait here. I'll go check it out." Clara: "Okay!" Iruma: "Grandpa?" Sullivan: "Just wait right there!" Iruma: "Grandpa..." Clara: "Ye...?" Iruma: "Grandpa!" Sullivan: "So you've shown yourself." Iruma: "G-Grandpa!" Sullivan: "Everyone, stay back!" Iruma: "But—" Sullivan: "Stay back!" Sullivan: "Yes. This is my pet magic beast." Sullivan: "Okay, let's do this like we planned." Beast: "Neigh?" Sullivan: "Just pretend you're fighting me and then run away whenever." Beast: "Grr, neigh." Sullivan: "I'm going to show Iruma-kun and his friends how amazing I am and gain their respect. My plan is perfect!" Opera: "Your farce is perfect, sir." Sullivan: "Great Grandfather Atta—" Asmodeus: "Sir..." Clara: "Leave this to me!" Sullivan: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "Gorgon Snake!" Clara: "S-S-S-Summon!" fal: "Fal." Clara: "Falfal!" Asmodeus: "Go!" Clara: "Heya." Asmodeus: "Weakling." fal: "Fal." Clara: "Yup." Asmodeus: "What in the world are you two doing?! Are you all right, Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "Yeah! You were great, Azz-kun." Sullivan: "U-Um... But my plan..." Sullivan: "O-Opera..." Sullivan: "Hey!" Sullivan: "My gloomy face!" Opera: "There." Sullivan: "Delete that! Please, delete that!" Iruma: "Hey, Grandpa. Let's keep going." Sullivan: "Huh?" Iruma: "Let's continue this Dark Parade. We're going all the way to the end, right?" Sullivan: "Y-Yeah, I guess." Clara: "Let's a-go-gone!" Iruma: "I wonder if this is the end." Asmodeus: "Let's find out, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Wow! I wonder what's down here." Asmodeus: "It seems rather ancient." Clara: "Maybe we'll find a treasure chest!" Iruma: "A treasure chest, huh? That would be fun." Sullivan: "Wh-What should I do? This is just a closet... All you'll find here are albums filled with my adorable childhood pictures." Sullivan: "As it stands, we just took a really long walk. My reputation is going down the drain! Opera, can't you do something? Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please." Sullivan: "Opera!" Opera: "You owe me one, sir." Iruma: "I think this is the end." Clara: "Hey, where's the treasure chest?" Iruma: "Wha— Whoa!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! Gorgon Snake!" Clara: "Whut?! It didn't work!" Asmodeus: "B-But how? Does fire not work against it?" Sullivan: "What's going on?" Sullivan: "It's a projection from the game!" Opera: "Now, sir." Sullivan: "Got it!" Asmodeus: "How do we..." Sullivan: "Sorry to keep you kids waiting." Sullivan: "I'm afraid you're no match for that thing." Sullivan: "You will not lay a finger or fang on my grandson and his friends." Sullivan: "You'll have to tread over my dead body to get to them!" Iruma: "Grandpa!" Asmodeus: "Sir!" Clara: "Sweet!" Sullivan: "Great..." Iruma: "Grandpa!" Sullivan: "Greatest Grandfather... Attack!" Sullivan: "Are you all right?" Iruma: "Grandpa!" Asmodeus: "That was superb, sir!" Clara: "Devi'n cool!" Opera: "Oh? I wonder what that is." Iruma; Clara; Asmodeus: "A treasure chest?!" Sullivan: "What?!" Iruma: "Wow, there really was a treasure chest." Asmodeus: "I wonder if that magic beast happened to drop it." Clara: "Hurry up and open it, Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "Sure. You ready? Here we go. There!" Iruma: "Hey, these are the fruits and demango you two brought!" Clara: "Yeah!" Sullivan: "You did all that?" Opera: "Indeed." Sullivan: "Well done, Opera. Ahem." Clara: "Dessert! Dessert!" Iruma: "Thanks!" Sullivan: "Oh, gosh!" Iruma: "Opera-san!" Iruma: "You must've prepared this for us, Opera-san!" Asmodeus: "I see. The magic beast also must've been one of your tricks, then." Clara: "Way to go, Pera-sama!" Iruma: "Yeah! That was so much fun!" Opera: "Oh, it was nothing." Clara: "You're so cool!" Sullivan: "No! But... But I..." Sullivan: "...did absolutely nothing yet again!" Asmodeus: "It's very sweet." Clara: "Happy times!" Sullivan: "This isn't fair, Opera. Not at all." Opera: "Now, now." Clara: "Seconds, please!" Asmodeus: "You've had more than enough!" Clara: "What about you, Iruma-chi?" Clara: "Iruma-chi?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "Um, Azz-kun, Clara..." Asmodeus: "W-Well, yes, I suppose..." Iruma: "Well, I was wondering..." Iruma: "Maybe you could hang out for a bit longer?" Asmodeus: "I'd love to!" Clara: "To!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, this is your..." Iruma: "They came to my room!" Iruma: "B-But what exactly do you do when hanging out with friends?" Asmodeus: "It's so beautiful! Not a single speck of dust!" Iruma: "Thank goodness I cleaned!" Asmodeus: "This must be the alarm clock you use, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Oh, yeah! It was a gift from my grandpa." Asmodeus: "I, Asmodeus Alice," Iruma: "You really don't have to, okay?" Clara: "Boingy! Boingy! So fluffy! Floofy!" Asmodeus: "You fool! That bed is not a trampoline! Get down at once!" Clara: "Come on, Iruma-chi, Azz-Azz! Join me!" Iruma: "S-Sure! Whee! Come on, Azz-kun!" Asmodeus: "If you insist, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "I see. This is what it's like to hang out with friends." Iruma: "I don't need to think too hard about it. Just being with them and having fun with them... That's all that matters." Iruma: "Are you sure I don't need to take you two home? We can take Grandpa's carriage..." Asmodeus: "Have no fear. David is here to fetch me." Clara: "And for me..." Mommy: "Clara!" Keebow And Konchie: "Nee-chan!" Sin Sin; Ran Ran: "Nee-nee!" Clara: "Mommy, Keebow, Konchie, Sin Sin, and Ran Ran are here to get me! I'll be okay!" Iruma: "I see." Asmodeus: "We will take our leave now, Iruma-sama." Clara: "Bye-bye! See you tomorrow!" Iruma: "H-Hey!" Iruma: "Come over again sometime, okay?" Asmodeus: "Of course!" Iruma: "Grandpa, Opera-san." Iruma: "I had so much fun today because of you two! Thank you so much for letting me invite my friends over!" Iruma: "Goodnight!" Sullivan: "I-Iruma-kun..." Opera: "Good for you, sir." Sullivan: "Yes, yes. Iruma-kun is such an honest and good boy. I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful grandson." Sullilvan: "Oh, I'm sorry. That must have hurt." Ali-San: "Well, you seemed to have fun." Iruma: "Yeah, I did. I had so much going on that I haven't had time to relax at home, so this was great." Ali-San: "Yeah, a lot did happen. But being a dem-dol, being part of the student council, and that election were all great experiences, weren't they?" Iruma: "Yeah, I guess. But I wasn't able to figure out why Ameri-san's personality changed. And there's the whole evil cycle thing." Iruma: "I guess I have a lot more to learn about everyone and demons in general." Iruma: "So I'm going to learn... even more about..." Ali-San: "Oh, dear." Ali-San: "I guess I'll give him a little nudge!" Ali-San: "The evil cycle or the personality change... Which should I..." Ali-San: "Let's just do both at once!" Ali-San: "Turn into a bad boy, turn into a bad boy..." Ali-San: "Turn into a bad boy... Turn into a bad boy..." Sullivan: "Last night sure was fun!" Sullivan: "Berobuppigaa zabagerrogero. Good morning, Iruma-kun! It's time for breakfast! It's a beautiful day out there! Do you want to go for a walk?" Evil Iruma: "...loud." Sullivan: "Huh? Shock..." Evil Iruma: "I said, it's the butt-crack of dawn and you're so damn loud, you old geezer." : "Sullivan's surprising morning." : "What in the world happened to Iruma?" : "It appears the time has finally come to tell you that story." Clara: "Su-ki-ma!" Assi: "You there, in front of the TV! Dance with me! It's the Su-ki-ma dance! Think you can keep up? Three, two, one, here we go! Su!" Assi: "Ki!" Assi: "Ma!" Iruma: "No one can do that." Assi: "Just give it a try! Do this for ASSI, please! Please! Please! Please! Please!" Iruma: "Please?!" : "Sadly, Iruma is still just a human, and devinitely could not do the Su-ki-ma dance." Assi: "See ya!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 5 – Invite Your Friends!", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "5", "Invite Your Friends!" ] }
: "Due to Alikred's spell, Iruma goes through his evil cycle." Sullivan: "Good morning, Iruma-kun! It's time for breakfast! It's a beautiful day out there! Do you want to go for a walk?" Evil Iruma: "...loud." Sullivan: "Huh?" Sullivan: "Shock..." Evil Iruma: "I said, it's the butt-crack of dawn and you're so damn loud, you old geezer." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""Royal One."" Iruma: "Man, all these articles suck. "The Legacy of the Netherworld: Royal One."" Iruma: "Get me more." Opera: "Yes, of course..." Opera: "What... What could have happened?" Sullivan: "He was such a good boy up until yesterday." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun turned bad after joining the student council!" Sullivan: "He must be acting out from being so overworked! I'm going to give the student council a piece of my mind!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Iruma-chi! Morning!" Asmodeus: "We've come to pick you up." Iruma: "You wanted to carry that, right? Go for it." Asmodeus: "Y-Yes! This is the first time Iruma-sama personally handed his bag to me. Oh, I am so blessed!" Iruma: "Hey. You seem cheerful, as usual." Clara: "Yup! I'll be cheerful tomorrow and forever!" Iruma: "As you should be, Clara." Clara: "Uh, yeah!" Iruma: "Gramps, get my carriage." Sullivan: "As you wish!" Sullivan: "It's a bit chilly today, so I made sure the seats were warmed up for you." Iruma: "Thanks, old man." Sullivan: "Devi!" Clara: "Iruma-chi seems different. He's a bit... edgier?" Asmodeus: "Could this mean..." Iruma: "You getting in?" Asmodeus: "Yes, right away!" Clara: "Hup, hup, hup." Sullivan: "Yay! Yippee! Iruma-kun used the carriage!" Opera: "Sir..." Student 1: "Wh-What the..." Student 2: "Hey, it's Iruma-kun." Student 4: "It's Iruma-kun." Student 3: "Wow, he's actually using a carriage." Student 5: "Asmodeus-sama is as lovely as ever!" Konatsu: "Morning, Iruma-kun." Dosanko: "Ooh, I smell danger... and it's making me dizzy." Eiko: "H-He's so cool, omigosh!" Gaako: "Eiko!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, how does that feel?" Clara: "Want some snacks?" Iruma: "Hmm... Alice, get me some tea." Asmodeus: "Ali— Right away!" Lead: "The hell's up with that?" Jazz: "That's... Iruma-kun, right?" Elizabetta: "He seems different today." Schneider: "He's as different as night and day." Sabro: "His absolute presence! Well done, my rival!" Clara: "Iruma-chi! Snackies!" Lead: "Clarin, Clarin." Lead: "What's going on?" Clara: "Um..." Asmodeus: "There's no doubt about it." Asmoedus: "Iruma-sama has entered his evil cycle." All: "What?" Lead: "Oh!" : "The evil cycle. It is a stress period in which a demon's violent and extreme tendencies are magnified. Usually, this wouldn't affect humans like Iruma, but he's going through something similar due to a spell." Lead: "I see. So it's his evil cycle." Clara: "Guess so. And this morning—" Iruma: "Clara." Iruma: "I'm cold. Come here." Clara: "Huh?!" Clara: "Um..." Lead: "Whoa, seriously?" Camui: "That... is a situation I've always dreamed about!" Iruma: "The hell? This isn't a show." Jazz: "Yeah, it clearly is." Asmodeus: "Your tea, sir." Iruma: "Thanks." Jazz: "Damn, Iruma-kun's evil cycle sure is something." Lead: "He usually has flowers flying around him, but now I'm pretty sure I see black feathers floating down." Goemon: "Yes, I think I see that, as well." Asmodeus: "Well done, Iruma-sama! You are truly fit to be king!" Jazz: "Anyway, let's try to leave him be and not provoke him." Lead: "Yup." Asmoedus: "Iruma-sama." Asmodeus: "Here is a blanket. It can get quite drafty in here." Iruma: "It's cold... and it sort of smells in here." Guy A: "Hup." Guy A: "Glad this place is so close by." Guy B: "Let's just let them handle the rest." Guy A: "Hey, looks like the Misfit Class is actually here." Guy B: "Just take care of this crap however you usually do." Asmodeus: "Who do you think you're talking to?" Guy A: "Crap, it's Asmodeus!" Guy B: "S-See ya!" Jazz: "Yikes, looks like another huge haul." Lead: "Honestly... They always leave stuff here because it's too much of a hassle to go all the way to the dump." Scheinder: "Neglecting one's duties." Goemon: "The janitor won't be coming by for a while." Jazz: "All the graffiti that Iruma-kun got rid of is starting to show up again, too." Lead: "Well, we're so used to it by now, I don't even notice it." Iruma: "Raffire." Sabro: "Now that's grand!" Iruma: "This isn't gonna cut it." Iruma: "This is my class, my territory." Iruma: "Ranks mean everything to demons. There are high-ranking demons in this class." Iruma: "And yet, they have the nerve to do this." Iruma: "They're clearly mocking us." Iruma: "That's it. I'm transferring from this crummy classroom to a castle." All: "Huh?" Clara: "A castle? Castella cakes?!" Sabro: "Excellent!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! You're finally taking over the school!" Guy C: "What? Iruma's going through his evil cycle?" Guy D: "Cerberously?!" Guy E: "That was fast." Guy F: "Apparently he was super weak and useless." Guy G: "Man, what a wimp." Guy C: "Well, the Misfit Class is just filled with losers like that. Ow! Watch where you're—" Guy C: "Th-The Misfit Class!" Guy F: "What are they all doing out here?" Guy: "Dude, look at the size of Sabnock!" Girl A: "Oh my gosh! Is that really Asmodeus-sama?" Guy: "Hey, that's the Gimel-ranked Jazz." Girl B: "Is that Iruma-kun up... front?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, shall I get rid of this vermin?" Iruma: "Nah, don't worry about it. Sorry for bumping into you." Guy C: "Oh, it's fine." Iruma: "Next time, just say whatever you're thinking to my face." Guy C: "Uh, I... Y-Yes, sir!" Iruma: "See ya." Goemon: "Farewell." Clara: "Tuck and roll outta the way! Iruma-chi's comin' through!" Guy E: "You call that weak?" Guy C: "I called him "sir"..." Robin: "The Misfit Class is all here!" Marbas: "Wh-What's going on?" Dali: "Looks like something fun's about to begin." Iruma: "Kalego-sensei, I thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to see us." Kalego: "Enough with the meaningless pleasantries. Get to the point." Iruma: "In that case..." Iruma: "The Misfit Class requests a classroom change." Kalego: "Fools. You have the nerve to waltz in here unannounced," Kalego: "Also, what's with your attitude?" Iruma: "I've been too complacent up until now. I'm sure you're very aware, Kalego-sensei, that our classroom is truly horrendous! A mountain of garbage nearby," Iruma: "the inside in shambles. Drafts blow in through the cracks in the windows." Iruma: "Isn't it the school's responsibility to provide a suitable learning environment?" Kalego: "What? Learning?" Iruma: "Why are we separated from everyone else in the first place?" Iruma: "Why are we considered misfits? Considered abnormal?" Kalego: "The honor student, Iruma," Kalego: "committed an act of violence and destroyed school property the day of the entrance ceremony." Kalego: "Then there's your accomplice, Asmodeus Alice!" Asmodeus: "Indeed, you are recounting my glorious first encounter with Iruma-sama!" Kalego: "None of this is a compliment!" Kalego: "Sabnock Sabro." Kalego: "Committed an act of violence against an instructor and destroyed school property." Sabro: "Hmm..." Kalego: "Andro M. Jazz." Jazz: "Oh?" Kalego: "Constantly eyeing and taking other students' and teachers' valuables." Jazz: "My hands have a mind of their own." Kalego: "Crocell Keroli... is perfectly fine." Kalego: "Shax Lead. Six other students went to the hospital after they played a game that went too far with him." Lead: "Yeah, things went a bit overboard." Kalego: "Caim Camui. Known to harass female students and faculty members." Camui: "I regret nothing." Kalego: "And Valac is just Valac." Clara: "Yup! I'm good!" Kalego: "There's also general destruction of property, trespassing into dangerous areas, taking prohibited materials..." Kalego: "or so I've heard." Marbas: "This class really is nothing but trouble." Momonoki: "If Kalego-sensei wasn't in charge of it, this academy would be finished." Iruma: "Again, how are we abnormal?!" Kalego: "Everything about you is abnormal!" Iruma: "Good grief." Iruma: "but I still say you're treating us unfairly." Iruma: "Clara, could you get me a map?" Clara: "Yup, yup!" Clara: "Rolly." Iruma: "The Misfit Class is here. The garbage dump is too close, and the classroom itself is underground and run-down. Both the cold and the heat are unbearable." Kalego: "Well, there's no other classroom we can put you in, so what do you want from us?" Iruma: "Now, wait. But there is one." Iruma: "Open up the king's classroom, the Royal One." Marbas: "The R-Royal One?" Robin: "Hey, what's that? Tell me!" Clara: "Rolly Polly One?" Asmodeus: "It's "Royal One."" : "The king's classroom, the Royal One. The classroom that was used by the lost Demon King, Derkila, when he attended Babyls. Ever since, it has been completely closed off and preserved, and has not been used." Iruma: "Sounds like the perfect learning environment to me, considering the Demon King used it." Sabro: "Indeed!" Kalego: "That is our most honorable classroom within this school. You believe yourselves worthy to use such a classroom?" Kalego: "Know your place." Lead: "Uh, Iruma-kun, I think..." Momonoki: "Just look at how he stands his ground. Magnificent." Iruma: "Worthy, huh? Let me show you, then, that we're students worthy of using the Royal One. I will get permission slips signed within the next week" Iruma: "How does that sound?" Kalego: "You will get permission slips signed by all faculty members within three days, as well as be prepared for the risks of using such an honored legacy at this sch—" Iruma: "Looks like we have a deal." Iruma: "Make sure you keep your promise, Sensei..." Iruma: "Silently and respectfully." Lead: "Silence!" All: "Silence!" Camui: "Silence in my gentlemanly presence!" Clara: "Bye-bye!" Iruma: "Trying to peek in? Nice." Guy C: "Er, we..." Iruma: "You wouldn't dare leave garbage in front of the Royal One, would you?" Guy C: "Wh-What if they really transfer to the Royal One?" Guy F: "No way. It'll never happen." Guy D: "Y-Yeah..." Robin: "Wow, you actually promised him." Dali: "Man, your class is always such a hoot, Kalego-sensei." Kalego: "They are nothing more than fools." Robin: "Hey, you okay with this? Huh? How could you promise them that? I'm totally going to give them my seal of approval immediately. I mean, teaching in the Royal One sounds like a blast! I feel even more motivated as a teacher!" Kalego: "Know your place, you fool!" Kalego: "Those foolish menaces..." Lead: "Yeah, it's not happening." Goemon: "Getting permission from all the faculty members in that time is just..." Iruma: "That demand was within my expectations." Lead: "What? But how?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama is capable of anything!" Clara: "Easy-peasy!" Sabro: "Don't you all want the Royal One? It is the king's classroom!" Lead: "Yeah, that's amazing and all..." Jazz: "I don't mind our current classroom all that much. And being treated as outsiders has its perks." Goemon: "Indeed." Elizabetta: "Yes." Iruma: "And that's exactly why." All: "Huh?" Iruma: "Follow me." Jazz: "Whoa!" Lead: "That's definitely impressive!" Elizabetta: "I've never seen the Royal One this close." Camui: "What a coincidence. Neither have I." Sabro: "I come here whenever I have a free moment. My heart races every single time!" Clara: "Knock, knock! Is anyone in there?" Asmodeus: "Stop that! No trespassing!" Lead: "I really doubt we're going to get taught in there." Goemon: "Indeed." Iruma: "So that dissolution election the other day..." Iruma: "I need whoever voted for Ronove to raise their hand." Asmodeus: "Wha—" Lead: "Eh, it just seemed like it'd be fun." Jazz: "It was fun watching him sing and dance like that." Elizabetta/ Schneider: "Yup, yup." Clara: "Hi! I voted for Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "What?!" Clara: "Huh? Was I not supposed to? But I wanted Iruma-chi." Asmodeus: "Er, it's not exactly wrong... I also would have loved to vote for Iruma-sama, but since he wasn't a candidate, I swallowed my tears and—" Clara: "Lookie." Asmodeus: "You never even put your ballot in the box?" Clara: "Well, then it'd be gone forever." Asmodeus: "What in the world do you actually want to accomplish? First of all, everyone is supposed to cast a single vote!" Iruma: "What about you guys?" Camui: "I voted for the president, of course! A gentleman always puts ladies first." Sabro: "Vote? Why would I ever vote to make someone more superior than I?" Picero: "What election? I was asleep." Iruma: "Yes." Iruma: "stay true to your desires, and sometimes have no interest in others whatsoever." Iruma: "And you have a sense of pride that you're different from others." Iruma: "Almost as if... you're egotistical and dangerous demons." Iruma: "You're prime candidates for the return to demon origins." Iruma: "Because of that, the Royal One should be appealing to all of you. I mean, isn't it?" Iruma: "It's the one place in this school no one's been in for several centuries, because it's locked." Iruma: "The most prized classroom that should never be sullied..." Iruma: "And all of you, who could care less about any of this, will be the ones to use it." Iruma: "Isn't that fun?" Sabro: "How dare you?! My desire for it is unrivaled!" Iruma: "And apparently, it's just plain well-equipped." Iruma: "There's a rec room filled with hardcore games and books..." Iruma: "Then there's the training room." Iruma: "Oh, and there's even a nap room." Iruma: "It's filled with priceless valuables..." Iruma: "A fancy dressing room..." Elizabetta: "Oh, my!" Iruma: "A completely soundproof room..." Iruma: "And we'd probably be super popular." Camui: "Excellente!" Iruma: "If we're gonna stand out, let's cause as much mischief as possible." Asmodeus: "I will follow you to the ends of the world, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Let's all go, go, go!" Iruma: "This all means something because it's so impossible. This is our chance to get back at Babyls. Let's show them just what the Misfit Class can do." : "They have three days to get signed permission slips. Iruma and the others thus set their plan in motion to win the rights to the Royal One." Iruma: "You're going to be our vanguard, Andro M. Jazz." Clara: "Su... Su-ki-ma!" Clara: "Lunchy time! Lunchy time!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, have you decided what you're going to get?" Gaako: "Wow, he really is different." Eiko: "I wonder what Iruma-san's gonna eat now that he's going through his evil cycle." Gaako: "Well, I see that hasn't changed." Eiko: "This surprising twist is wonderful, too!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 6 – Royal One", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "6", "Royal One" ] }
Iruma: "Let's show them just what the Misfit Class can do." Iruma: "You're going to be our vanguard, Andro M. Jazz." Iruma: "Got it?" Jazz: "What?!" All: ""The Teachers at Babyls."" Robin: "Are they here yet?" Marbas: "Robin-sensei, what's the matter?" Robin: "But of course, I'm waiting for the Misfit Class to visit me so they can get my seal on their permission slip." Robin: "Maybe I'll just stamp Kalego-sensei's for them, too." Marbas: "O-Oh, I see." Marbas: "He just never learns... If Kalego-sensei saw him doing thi— And there he is!" Robin: "Oh, hey, Kalego-sen—" Kalego: "Silence." Jazz: "Kalego-sensei's belongings?" Iruma: "Yeah." Asmodeus: "Wh-What?" Goemon: "Th-That is just asking for it..." Lead: "We're gonna end up in the hospital rather than the Royal One." Keroli: "No..." Camuy: "Hello, Nurse." Schneider: "A matter of life or death!" Iruma: "We're starting off with a big job right off the bat. But that's what we do, and..." Iruma: "Doesn't it sound exciting?" Jazz: "Okay, troublemaker." Jazz: "So... what am I taking?" Kalego: "Honestly..." Kalego: "I'm surrounded by fools." Iruma: "Kalego-sensei." Kalego: "What? Giving up already?" Jazz: "Nah, we just had a favor to ask." Iruma: "You see... I wanted you to be my familiar." Kalego: "What?" Iruma: "Well, it'd be difficult to get a stamp from you as an instructor, so I thought I'd get one from my familiar, Eggie-chan." Kalego: "You fool! How dare you?! Give me that familiar seal, you!" Kalego: "That's not the problem here!" Iruma: "Come on, please?" Jazz: "I've only got a moment." : "The Andro family's bloodline ability: Pit." : "It allows him to see what his target is hiding and the quickest way to take it. The rings on each of his fingers clack more loudly the more he moves them, making his target notice him. He's third-rate if he's heard. This is a self-imposed limitation... rather, a collar. His fingers, spread as far apart as they will go, move as freely as if they were snakes," : "giving them the nickname..." : "Serpent Thieves." Jazz: "The motto of the Andro family:" Jazz: "Quietly... Without stirring up the wind." Jazz: "My snakes are always smirking." Kalego: "You hear me? My bird feet will not be stamping that form!" Kalego: "Absolutely not!" Iruma: "Boo." Iruma: "Well, see you tomorrow." Jazz: "Bye, now." Kalego: "Hey, wait." Kalego: "Hand over the familiar seal." Iruma: "Jeez, can't get one past you." Iruma: "Well done." Jazz: "Thanks. That was fun." Jazz: "So, what are we gonna do with this?" Momonoki: "Th-Th-Th-Th-This couldn't possibly be..." Iruma: "It sure is. It's Kalego-sensei's planner." Jazz: "We just happened to pick it up earlier. We took a peek before returning it, and... It mentioned his hobbies..." : "Hobby: collecting cacti." Momonoki: "H-Hobbies?!" Iruma: "And how he feels about his fellow instructors." : "Mostly his rage towards Robin-sensei." Momonoki: "H-How he feels?!" Jazz And Iruma: "So many things we're sure you'd love to read, Momonoki-sensei." Momonoki: "E-Er, I'm not exactly curious... I just admire him as an instructor, and..." Jazz: "If you stamp our permission slip, it's all yours." Momonoki: "O-Of course, I'll make sure this gets back to him, but I need to make absolutely sure this is indeed Kalego-sensei's." Iruma: "Now, let's move on to the others." urcas: "Is it Emenel's Law or the studies of Benzoe?" Clara: "Furcas-sensei, stampy please." urcas: "Something is missing. I must try another approach." Schneider: "How about the Damascus Theory of Evolution?" urcas: "What a curious suggestion." Schneider: "A good general makes good men." urcas: "Ah, I see you're a man of intelligence." Schneider: "We can enjoy a conversation through the night if we can get your seal." urcas: "Looks like I'm going to have a sleepless night." Morax: "What? That old hag Furcas stamped the form?" Teacher B: "Yes..." Morax: "Inconceivable." Morax: "Academia is like a mountain whose summit you can never see. You continuously strive to climb higher and higher all alone. The very idea of seeking help from students! It appears that I am the wisest among the instructors, after all." Teacher A: "Magnificent, Morax-sama! You've dedicated your life to academia. A gentleman of elegance and class! Truly a master of your work!" Camui: "Demonesses are whisper, whisper, whisper..." Teacher A And B: "Morax-sama!" Camui: "True gentlemen cannot exist without the presence of ladies." Camui: "If you would like to continue our discussion..." Teacher A: "He didn't even hesitate?!" Teacher B: "What the devil did he hear?" Goemon: "Special Technique: Wind-Sword Kill." Picero: "And... break!" : "Agares Picero. Bloodline ability: "My Area."" Picero: "Now, be fluffy." : "He can manipulate any ground surface." Susie: "Yis, yis." Susie: "Oh, will you take care of the area over there, too?" Goemon: "Certainly. I hope you'll take care of the permission slip for us." Susie: "Yis. I'll give you all the ones from the faculty in my Battler. Would you like some Hell Grey tea?" Picero: "Yes, please." Garoo: "For real?" Asmodeus: "For real." Garoo: "You'll seriously show me some flames? For free? And regularly?" Asmodeus: "Yes." Jazz: "Sadly, our intel's a bit limited." Garoo: "But... Come on, please? Give me some quality flames!" Garoo: "You were always so unwilling to give me flames before." Asmodeus: "Indeed. However... If I can be of some use to Iruma-sama," Garoo: "Damn, Iruma-kun sure is something." Jazz: "Right? He totally is." Garoo: "How am I supposed to say no to my precious juniors?" Janitor: "Suzie-sensei was so happy to see her fields became spotless." Iruma: "Thanks for the info." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "We've gathered intel on the instructors, as well!" Clara: "Iruma-chi! I got a stampy!" Iruma: "Not bad for our first day." Janitor: "By the way, Iruma-kun," Iruma: "For real? I'm kinda busy right now." Janitor: "Also, maybe help me plant a few more flowers in the garden." Iruma: "Again? But there's no space left. Jeez... Let's get this over with." Clara: "Iruma-chi! I'm gonna help!" Jazz: "Yet he still won't say no." Asmodeus: "Another excellent quality of Iruma-sama." Sullivan: "I was so shocked this morning that I couldn't say anything, but I'm going to set Iruma-kun back down the right path and make him a good boy again." Opera: "Yes, sir." Sullivan: "That is my duty as his grandfather. Iruma-kun! I'm coming in!" Iruma: "Oh, Grandpa... I was hoping you'd stamp this permission form for me." Sullivan: "Sure thing! Bam!" Iruma: "Yay!" Opera: "Sir..." Iruma: "Now that I've got this information, I need to figure out how to get through to them." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun." Sullivan: "Um... May I take a photo of you now that you've become a bad boy?" Iruma: "Huh?" Sullivan: "Of course not." Opera: "Sir..." Iruma: "Here you go." Opera: "Impressive." Sullivan: "Th-Thank you very much." Keroli: "I-Iruma-san... I have more permission sl—" Keroli: "Wh-Wh-What happened?" Iruma: "I fell asleep." Iruma: "Now we've got 21 forms." Iruma: "Not counting Kalego, we have 15 more to go. Setting aside the ones who'll agree out of amusement," Iruma: "there are some instructors who'll refuse to give us their seal due to Kalego's opposition." Iruma: "We need another push." Keroli: "Excuse me. I think... some of the instructors will give us their seal if I show them my true identity..." Keroli: "You don't want to be Kuromu here, do you?" Iruma: "I mean, it is do-or-die time." Iruma: "These two will be the hardest ones to convince." Orias: "Lead-chan... You really think you stand a chance against me?" Lead: "Well, it's not like you'd agree to any form of negotiation other than a game. What an annoying instructor." Orias: "Says the boy who brought a girl to the game. Hi!" Elizabetta: "Hi!" Orias: "Lucky you, though. She can cheer you up after you lose." Buer: "Sabnock Sabro... Just seeing your face infuriates me. You suddenly attacked me at the entrance ceremony and damaged school property." Buer: "I'm sure you haven't forgotten those crimes!" Buer: "I will never give you my seal. If you want my seal, you'll have to defeat me first!" Iruma: "I'm gonna make my move." Keroli: "Your move?" Iruma: "The student council has quite an influence on the faculty." Iruma: "So if I can get the student council president's recommendation..." Iruma: "There's no greater power play than this." Ameri: "Who's messaging me?" Ameri: "I-Iruma? H-H-He's heading here now?" Orias: "What kind of crummy game is this?" Clara: "I thought of it! I call it Doot-do-do." Clara: "The rules are simple. The grumpies are stronger than the softies. The honor students won't fight with the dainties. Whoever has the most pieces at the end wins!" Orias: "There are 1,056 pieces altogether. I guess it's fine that there are more pieces than you'll ever need... But the pieces randomly move on their own and suddenly evolve, too. And the worst part..." Clara: "Doot-do-do, doot-do-do, doot-do-do, hey!" Elizabetta: "Yay!" Clara: "Doot-do-do, doot-do-do, doot-do-do, hey!" Orias: "Every thirty minutes, we have this bizarre dance break. Clearly, only an idiot could think up such a game." Clara: "I thought of it!" : "The Shax family bloodline ability: Controller. He can take control of his opponent's senses for a short time, and the sense he takes over turns black." Orias: "Well, that was quite a move. And you took my sight." Lead: "Well, I have no chance of winning if I fight you fair and square." Orias: "I think you're underestimating me a bit. This isn't enough to defeat me. Don't a group of grumpies get together" : "Bloodline ability: Lucky Happy." Orias: "Lady Luck is always on my side." Orias: "You cannot defeat me." Buer: "You cannot defeat me. Any attack against me is futile." : "Buer Blushenko. Bloodline ability: Heal. An invincible healing ability that can" : "This power is immense and can heal even the worst of wounds... But they still hurt." Buer: "I absolutely despise pain." Buer: "If you dare try to make me submit by force again... I will show you just how terrifying pain can be, with something so painful, you'll flee with your tail between your legs!" Iruma: "Pardon me." Ameri: "Fank— Thank you for coming, Iruma. M-My voice went up an octave. Keep calm, keep calm!" Iruma: "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule." Ameri: "No, no, it's nothing!" Ameri: "It appears he really is going through his evil cycle, though." Ameri: "He seems more confident than usual... Or maybe it's..." Ameri: "I guess I don't mind!" Ameri: "Well, let's hear it." Iruma: "I'm sure you are aware of what we're trying to do, so I'll get right to the point." Iruma: "We request a letter of recommendation that will allow us to transfer to the Royal One." Iruma: "Is that unreasonable to ask?" Ameri: "Of course you can have one! As much as I'd like to say that, I must remain rational." Iruma: "I know you can't make any exceptions as the student council president. So if there's something you need me to do, I'll do anything!" Ameri: "Anything?! Anything... Anything..." Ameri: "Why?" Ameri: "Why are you so insistent on obtaining the Royal One? Unless I know your true intentions," Iruma: "I guess I can't hide anything from you. I just can't accept how the Misfit Class is currently being treated. I want Babyls to acknowledge" Iruma: "that they're all brilliant demons." Orias: "How did I lose? I was just about to win. Why?" Orias: "Why did I let my guard down? It's like I lost on purpose." Orias: "Did he do something?" Orias: "No... Wait... Is it her?!" : "X Elizabetta. Bloodline ability: Full Love Gauge. All things show her favoritism, giving her the upper hand." Elizabetta: "Hi!" Orias: "Hi..." Orias: "So it's my sense of smell." Lead: "Now that you've been affected by her scent, you'll move in our favor. Meaning you'll use your luck to give us victory. The reason I first took your sight was so you wouldn't notice my nose was black when I took away your sense of smell. Honestly, stealing your sight and smell takes a brutal amount of mana, so it was a race against the clock." Lead: "The pleasure of deceiving you and the thrill of being on the brink of exhausting my mana..." Lead: "It doesn't really matter which senses I steal. Nothing beats this thrill. This is why I can't stop playing these games." Orias: "Honestly, you guys are pretty amazing." Orias: "I'm looking forward to seeing what else you can do." Sabro: "I humbly apologize for my disgraceful actions in attacking you the first day of school. Back then, power meant everything to me, and I believed I could get closer to becoming the Demon King by getting stronger." Sabro: "But I was wrong." Sabro: "No matter how powerful I am, or how strong my will is... None of that matters if I lack consideration. One cannot call themselves a king if they cannot show compassion for others." Sabro: "My rival taught me that." Sabro: "I was truly wrong for attacking you. You may never be able to forgive me, but I will still express my regret and beg for your forgiveness." Buer: "A demon only exposes the roots of their wings to express the utmost respect and atonement." Buer: "I never would've imagined you'd be capable of this." Buer: "Well, this is rather unfair. I'm so shocked, my rage has left me. It appears you've found a worthy rival." Buer: "Use that passion to surpass all logic." Iruma: "The Misfit Class..." Iruma: "is indeed an unusual gathering of demons." Iruma: "But I admire how uninhibited they are. I'm even envious of them." Iruma: "Everyone around us should know just how amazing they are." Ameri: "I-Iruma..." Iruma: "I know how important the Royal One is. That's exactly why everyone's opinions should change if we're able to obtain it." Ameri: "H-He's so close..." Iruma: "I want everyone to truly see them!" Ameri: "Close, close, too close!" Iruma: "I want you to believe in the potential of the Misfit Class and help us out," Iruma: "Ameri!" Ameri: "You'd better see this through!" Iruma: "Please excuse me." Ameri: "I-I don't remember a thing after his face came so close to mine. I thought my heart was going to stop! Why is love so troublesome?!" Iruma: "Man, that was nerve-racking." Iruma: "It was all or nothing, but now there's a light at the end of the tunnel." Lead: "I seriously didn't think we could pull it off." Iruma: "But this is the 36th one." Misfit Class: "We got them!" Jazz: "The student council's recommendation turned the tables." Goemon: "We just need one more!" Clara: "Woo-hoo! One more for the mother lode!" Lead: "Your ability sure is amazing. Having everyone love you to the max is OP." Elizabetta: "Well, there are rules that come with it." Elizabetta: "Like, I don't use it on boys I actually like." Lead: "You're the best! You don't even need that ability!" Camui: "You're the bee's knees!" Asmodeus: "We did it, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Yeah." Asmodeus: "I was able to aid you in such a grand achievement... I'm just... I'm just so..." Clara: "Here you go, Azz-Azz." Asmodeus: "And what am I supposed to do with that?" Iruma: "We couldn't have pulled this off without everyone here. You guys really are the best." Jazz: "When you just come out and say it like that..." Lead: "I feel all warm and fuzzy inside." Sabro: "You are absolutely correct, my rival!" : "Iruma and the Misfit Class can finally call checkmate in obtaining the Royal One. But there is still one great obstacle standing their way." Iruma: "We just need one more..." Iruma: "from Kalego!" Clara: "It's Su-ki-ma! It's Su-ki-ma! Time for Su-ki-ma!" Momonoki: "I-I received something from my students. I really shouldn't take this. I should return it at once." Momonoki: "U-Um... Some students found this." Kalego: "They "found" that, eh? Those lying little fools." Kalego: "Well, thank you." Momonoki: "H-He smiled! I'm so happy I returned it to him!" Momonoki: "So Kalego-sensei loves cacti? Maybe I should gift him one soon. I totally should. And then he'd say, all Kalego-sensei-like, "Thank you, Momonoki-sensei." Oh my gosh! What if he really did?!" Clara: "Momo-chan-sensei, what about cacti?" Momonoki: "Yikes! N-Nothing! More importantly, Valac-san, I'm doing the next episode preview, so stop needling me!" Clara: "Needle, cactus... I get it."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 7 – The Teachers at Babyls", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "7", "The Teachers at Babyls" ] }
Ameri: "You'd better see this through!" Buer: "Use that passion to surpass all logic." Orias: "Honestly, you guys are pretty amazing. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you can do." Iruma: "We just need one more..." Iruma: "from Kalego!" Dali: "I heard that Iruma-kun and the others" Robin: "Hey, hey! Whatcha gonna do?" Robin: "They'll say, "This is why adults suck," and the students will hate your guts! So, whatcha gonna do? Well? Well? Well? Well? Well? We—" Kalego: "I will simply approach this in a dignified manner." Dali: "So you're going to allow their transfer to the Royal One?" Kalego: "No." Kalego: "I doubt that I will." Janitor: "It'll be exciting to see how the seedlings Iruma-kun planted turn out." Janitor: "Truly exciting." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""The Miracle of Some Fools."" Male Student F: "Apparently they got a recommendation letter from the student council!" Male Student G: "Cerberously?" Male Student E: "I didn't think it was possible, but that's devi awesome." Iruma: "Here are the permission slips from all the teachers." Iruma: "Go ahead and check." Kalego: "Yes, you do indeed have 36 approved permission slips." Asmodeus: "But of course! Iruma-sama is never less than perfect!" Clara: "Iruma-chi is the bee's knees!" Iruma: "You're the only one left. There's no way you won't give your stamp, if you look at this in a dignified manner." Iruma: "Right?" Kalego: "Yes. I will give my stamp if all of the others did." Lead: "Wait, seriously? We get to move to the Royal One?" Picero: "Yay, nap room." Goemon: "Yay, indeed." Elizabetta: "Yay!" Camui: "Let us make a toast to their brilliant smiles!" Clara: "We did it, Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "We truly did!" Iruma: "In that case—" Kalego: "No." Kalego: "I will only give my stamp once you've collected all of them. Therefore..." Kalego: "I will not give my stamp." Kalego: "These are permission slips from the other 36 teachers." Kalego: "I'm very certain I said I need permission slips from every faculty member." Elizabetta: "Every..." Keroli: "...faculty member?" Kalego: "When I say every faculty member, that goes beyond the teachers. For example, the cafeteria staff, student store staff, the janitorial staff, the librarian, etc." Kalego: "Everyone who works at Babyls is included in that number." Sabro: "What are you saying?!" Lead: "But that's impossible!" Asmodeus: "So you never intended to approve this transfer at all" Asmoedus: "and gave us an impossible task!" Clara: "Whut?! Eggie-sensei's a meaniehead! Boo!" Kalego: "You clearly misunderstood my instructions." Kids: "No way! That's not fair!" Iruma: "Lord Kalego, this is clearly—" Kalego: "Silence." Kalego: "You're always like this." Kalego: "You never think things through thoroughly. You're trying to play with an inferno. If you intend to touch the flames that were left behind by the one who laid down the foundation of the netherworld and protected this school... As the gatekeeper of this school," Kalego: "it is my duty to bite off your heads. Those who lack critical thinking are nothing but fools," Kalego: "and they will be burned in the ring of fire. However," Kalego: "I commend all of you for getting all of these permission slips. I wouldn't mind letting you use any of the other classrooms," Kalego: "but I will not approve your transfer to the Royal One. This matter has now been officially settled, Iruma." Janitor: "Are you here, Iruma-kun?" Iruma: "The janitor?" Iruma: "What's the matter? Sorry, I can't help out right now..." Janitor: "I heard you were collecting these, so I brought you this, uh, permission slip. Here you go." Iruma: "Thank you." Lead: "And that's another one... But that won't change the outcome." Jazz: "That is pretty great, though." Janitor: "What? That's not enough? Hey! Seems they really do need more!" Cow/Janitor 2: "I figured." Come-Come: "Pardon." Lady: "Pardon us." Clara: "Ooh, what's going on?" Staff: "You needed this document?" Chef: "I've never been in the faculty room before." Janitor 2: "This is the permission slip you needed, right? There should be one from all of us." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, what's..." Iruma: "Wait, how did all of you..." Maintenance Guy: "Hm? Well, you're in a bind, right?" Maintenance Guy: "You're always helping me fix up the school." Come-Come: "You've also filled in at the store." Chef: "The cafeteria staff just loves the way you eat all of our food." Janitor 2: "Teach me some more cleaning life hacks again sometime." Janitor Lady: "I'm going to win the next weed-pulling contest." Staff: "Thanks for helping me carry stuff." Staff 2: "Thanks for always helping us out." Hairball Staff: "Let us know if you ever need anything." Maintenance Guy: "We're all huge fans of yours, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "I see. So you're my fans." Iruma: "Thank you all." Maintenance Guy: "Sure thing!" Iruma: "Now, then..." Iruma: "Lord Kalego. Everything you said was correct. We are still inexperienced and naïve." Iruma: "Everyone laughs at us, mocks us... The members of the Misfit Class may be nothing but fools." Iruma: "But regarding this matter, just for today..." Iruma: "Everyone at Babyls seems to agree." Iruma: "Fools are indeed naïve, but can move the hearts of the masses." Iruma: "Everyone wants to see the Misfit Class make it into the Royal One." Iruma: "Curiosity has won this round. Now that we've collected all the forms, you'll give us your stamp, right?" Iruma: "Misfit Class!" Iruma: "We're moving to the Royal One!" Elizabetta: "We did it!" Come-Come: "A joyous occasion." Dali: "Looks like they got you." Kalego: "Honestly..." Kalego: "Things never go as I expect them to." Kalego: "Curse those Misfit Class troublemakers." : "The Royal One." : "The day after Iruma and the Misfit Class obtained their classroom..." : "Many students gathered to witness the historical event of the Royal One opening." Jazz: "Dang, look at that crowd." Keroli: "They even have little stalls up." Lead: "Well, it's the day that the Royal One is going to be opened!" Orias: "I don't think that's the only reason." Goemon: "It's Orias-sensei, the guy who lost to Lead." Orias: "You didn't need that last part." Orias: "They're all here to see the Royal One open, but they're also here to see all of you." Jazz: "Us?" Keroli: "Huh? What?" Orias: "Well, this is worthy of applause. Just think about it. Kalego-sensei gave you an impossible task, and yet... All of you were victorious and managed" Orias: "Which means you've gone from being the weird class to the weird but amazing class. So you should be more exci— Huh?" Orias: "Wait, what's wrong?" Jazz: "I feel all antsy..." Elizabetta: "I'm not used to anyone actually complimenting my ability." Goemon: "Indeed!" Lead: "Wait, are we allowed to wave back?" Orias: "You guys are actually embarrassed! By the way, where's Iruma-kun? He's the mastermind of this whole operation." Lead: "Oh, he said he was hungry." Orias: "He's quite the strategist." Lead: "Nah, I don't think that's happening." Orias: "Huh?" President: "Step right up!" Members: "Right up!" President: "Listen up! We're gonna draw attention by making an ogre-sized Royale that even Iruma can't finish eating, and then establish a stall in the Royal One during all the chaos!" Member 1: "Yessir!" Member 2: "H-Here he comes, sir!" President: "Iruma." President: "It's all right! This is three times more than last time! Just try to finish it!" Iruma: "Thanks for the grub." All: "What?!" Iruma: "It was great... It was great... It was great..." Eyeball: "Squirmy squirm." All: "Squee! H-He's so cool!" Asmodeus: "I will at least acknowledge your courage in taking on Iruma-sama." Clara: "Iruma-chi's tummy is bottomless! Woo-hoo!" Student 1: "So that's Iruma-kun during his evil cycle." Student 2: "He stands out so much." Student 3: "He's so devi cool." Eiko: "Photo op!" Gaako: "You're going to fall, Eiko." Clara: "Everyone's staring real hard." Asmodeus: "But of course!" Iruma: "That wasn't me." Iruma: "We won that classroom." Buer: "You all pulled off something tremendous." Sabro: "Indeed! And it is thanks to your help!" Camui: "A gentleman's path is never-ending." Morax: "And I am just beginning this journey." Schneider: "A virtuous man will never remain alone." Asmodeus: "Fools are indeed naïve, but can move the hearts of the masses. It is just as you said, Iruma-sama!" Kalego: "Are you satisfied?" Iruma: "Kalego-sensei." Kalego: "Your goal was to get the other students to notice you, was it not?" Iruma: "It was." Iruma: "Did you finish your final confirmation with the chair-demon?" Kalego: "I did." Sullivan: "They all worked so hard, so why don't we just open it?" Kalego: "We should use everything we have available, apparently." Iruma: "Way to go, Gramps." Jazz: "Hey, there you are." Lead: "Kalego-sensei, where's the key?" Camui And Elizabetta: "Open it! Open it!" Kalego: "Silence. The Royal One is not something that should be opened amidst all this ruck—" Clara: "Hey, everyone! It's gonna open!" Kalego: "Listen to me!" Chime: "Ceremony time!" Kalego: "Silence. This place was created for a single student who went to this school." Kalego: "This student's abilities were unparalleled. The netherworld has never seen another like him. And he would eventually become the missing Demon King, Derkila-sama." Kalego: "Ever since, these doors have been sealed tight for many years." Kalego: "But as of this moment... The area that has been closed off to everyone at this school, the Royal One, shall be opened!" Kalego: "The Royal One has been opened! Beyond this point lies the pride of this school, the legacy of the king, and now, your classr—" All: "It's a castle!" Asmodeus: "This is just..." Lead: "This is insane!" Elizabetta: "The ceiling's so high." Jazz: "So's the price on this baby." Clara: "So clean! So shiny! Connor and Murf are also super excited!" Goemon: "The second floor is all sparkly, too!" Schneider: "Luxurious and gorgeous! Majestic and splendid!" Lead: "Hey, Sabro's crying." Jazz: "Yeah, I'm sure he's happy. He just loves the Demon King." Keroli: "There are so many rooms." Picero: "Where's the nap room?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama?" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama." Lead: "Hey, the blackboard!" Elizabetta: "This must be the classroom." Jazz: "It's so pretty. I guess they weren't kidding when they said Derkila-sama cast a spell" Asmodeus: "It's as though we're being enveloped by the Demon King's magic, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "When all's said and done, there's the real winner, right there." Clara: "That's a big chair!" Asmodeus: "That's... the Demon King's..." Asmodeus: "At that moment, no one could move a muscle." Asmodeus: "He looked so much like..." Asmodeus: "Like..." Asmodeus: "Like..." Ali-San: "Morning, Li'l Iru! Man, you finally turned back to normal!" Ali-San: "That spell worked way better than I expected! I'm impressed at my own powers, and maybe a little frightened of them. You were so scawwy, I couldn't even come out! What is it, the Royal One?" Iruma: "How could you do that to me?! I did such awful things to everyone because of you!" Iruma: "I want to find a hole and bury myself in it! What should I do?!" Sullivan: "He'll turn back into a good boy... He'll stay rebellious. He'll turn back into a good boy... He'll stay rebellious." Sullivan: "That's ten in a row for staying rebellious!" Opera: "Never give up, Sullivan-sama." Iruma: "G-Good morning." Iruma: "Grandpa, Opera-san." Iruma: "I'm so sorry for all the trouble, and for making you worry..." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun!" Sullivan: "Oh, thank goodness! Welcome back!" Opera: "Indeed..." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun! All right, I'll get your carriage ready." Iruma: "D-Don't worry about that." Asmodeus: "I-Iruma-sama! You're back!" Iruma: "I'm so sorry." Asmodeus: "Ah, you were so proud during your evil cycle," Clara: "Yay, the usual Iruma-chi! This is much better!" Iruma: "I-I'm so sorry about before..." Ameri: "D-D-D-Don't worry about it!" Iruma: "But not only did I ask you for something unreasonable, I even did that." Ameri: "W-Well, that was just, um, y-you know, I didn't mind, I-I mean, um..." Iruma: "I'm so sorry I spoke to you harshly when you're my senior!" Ameri: "Huh?" Ameri: "Th-That's what you meant?!" Lead: "H-Hey..." Jazz: "You really don't have to apologize that much." Iruma: "But I caused all of you so much trouble! I'm so sorry!" Lead: "Come on, we're not mad." Jazz: "It was honestly pretty fun." Elizabetta: "And we got this wonderful classroom." Sabro: "Indeed!" Lead: "So it's all good." Jazz: "Yeah!" Jazz: "Don't even worry about it." Iruma: "Okay..." : "And so the chaos came to an end." Iruma: "I feel like I'm closer to everyone in the class now." Lead: "Way to go, King!" Goemon: "Mr. Royal One!" Schneider: "Our hero!" Sabro: "I get to sit there tomorrow!" Jazz: "All right, try smiling as smugly as you did yesterday." Iruma: "I-I'm so embarrassed..." : "After that, Iruma was constantly teased by his classmates." Kalego: "Silence, you fools." Lead: "Come on, Sensei! Get in the picture with us!" Clara: "Okay, everyone! Pose!" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, after his change in personality," : "obtained the Royal One." Janitor: "The seedling that Iruma-kun planted bloomed into a beautiful flower." Kalego: "Su-ki-ma!" Sullivan: "Yay! Iruma-kun's a good boy again!" : "Iruma turned back to normal, and Sullivan and Opera were ecstatic." Sullivan: "May I take a picture to commemorate this moment?" Iruma: "Sure!" Iruma: "What a great picture!" Sullivan: "Yes!" Sullivan: "That other one was really good, too." Opera: "Yes." Iruma: "Really?" : "In the end, Sullivan and Opera loved both Irumas."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 8 – The Miracle of Some Fools", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "8", "The Miracle of Some Fools" ] }
Iruma: "I was sold off by my stupid parents and became my grandpa's grandson. So much has happened since then." Iruma: "Life-or-death situations... Though they're my grandpa's powers, I've been able to use magic more, and I somehow managed to make it this far." Iruma: "But now... I'm facing my greatest enemy! And that's..." Iruma: "studying." : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" All: ""Studying in the Netherworld."" : "As for why Iruma was working hard on his studies... Let's rewind a bit." Clara: "Iruma-chi, look! There's a kitty! A kitty-cat!" Iruma: "Y-Yeah." Asmodeus: "Stop pulling on Iruma-sama, Valac!" Asmodeus: "More importantly, Iruma-sama, I heard the cafeteria is getting new items!" Iruma: "Yeah... So, hey..." Iruma: "What's up with you two?" Asmodeus: "Pay no mind." Clara: "Pay every mind." Iruma: "R-Right..." Asmodeus: "Now, let us proceed to the Misfit Class's new classroom, which Iruma-sama secured for us!" Asmodeus: "The Royal One!" Lead: "Get a room, you guys." Elizabetta: "My, how passionate." Goemon: "They're like sardines." Lead: "So who's babysitting who here?" Iruma: "Clara's anxious that I might go through my evil cycle again." Lead: "Anxious, eh?" Jazz: "She looks like a kid who just had a nightmare." Lead: "What about Azz-kun, then?" Asmodeus: "As Iruma-sama's attendant, I am keeping my distance so I can observe any changes!" Jazz: "Uh, keeping your distance?" Goemon: "You're clearly latched on to him." Lead: "Looks like you're loved, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "Y-Yeah..." Elizabetta: "They must have missed you very much." Sabro: "She just won't let go. Come now, you strange beast. Hop on. It's your favorite pastime. Climbing onto Sabro." Goemon: "We've got some tasty treats for you, too." Elizabetta: "See? Look at this delicious macaron cake." Clara: "Harumph." Lead: "Lookie, Azz-Azz, I have some treats for you." Lead: "Er, my bad." Jazz: "Come on. If you latch on that hard, you're just going to trouble Iruma-kun." Jazz: "You're just going to trouble Iruma-kun..." Iruma: "Sorry..." Lead: "Yeah, it's no use. Which means we should all cling, too!" Iruma: "Huh?" Sabro: "Brilliant idea!" Elizabetta: "Let me squeeze you!" Keroli: "Huh? M-Me, too!" Camui: "Let's get nice and cozy." Kalego: "Silence." Kalego: "What in the world are you all doing? How unsightly." Kalego: "As your handouts say, your classes will be shortened starting tomorrow. That doesn't mean you get to slack off. Because they're shorter, you'll need to concentrate even harder." Lead: "Jeez, talk about a bad attitude. He's leaning on his elbow." Goemon: "That's his own chair." Jazz: "Wonder if he finally gave up and decided to do whatever." Kalego: "It's almost the end of the terminus. Make sure you are all prepared." : "The end of the terminus." Iruma: "It's a long break, right?" Asmodeus: "Yes. Some leave Babyls and go back home, and others concentrate more on their Battlers." Lead: "Woo! Vacation!" Jazz: "Playtime!" Goemon: "Let's play!" Clara: "Yeah, yeah!" Kalego: "Though, of course, you have your classroom exams before that." Lead: "Classroom exams?! Wait, wait, what?" Kalego: "Yes. You've already done your flying and magic exams. Of course, if you fail, you'll take supplementary classes." Camui: "But that's insane!" Kalego: "This was all written on your syllabus. Read those, you fools." Kalego: "Make sure you get scores worthy of the Royal One." Lead: "That teacher's smirking at us!" Sabro: "Fear not!" Schneider: "Ars longa, vita brevis." Keroli: "I-I'll do my best." Clara: "What's a classroom exam?" Keroli: "Y-You don't even know that?" Clara: "I... have heard of them!" Asmodeus: "Honestly. Look at all of these fools who weren't prepared, Iruma-sa—" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama?!" Asmodeus: "You're bad at studying?" Iruma: "I wouldn't say that. I'm just not used to it... I mean... I haven't had the opportunity to properly study before." Asmodeus: "Ah, I see. But you'll be just fine, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Y-You think so?" Clara: "Yup, yup! Tests are easy as..." Iruma: "...pie..." Clara: "5, 0, 2, 3, and 6!" Iruma: "I'm so sorry." Asmodeus: "Huh? No, no, I'm sorry! I had no idea our pop quizzes gave you this much trouble." Clara: "This is bad. Can you even read, Iruma-chi?" Iruma: "I can..." Asmodeus: "Valac, you fiend! How dare you be so rude to Iruma-sama?!" Clara: "But if he can read, this is just devi ba—" Iruma: "Right." Iruma: "But..." : "Question. When you're in a battle using verbal magic and a taboo spell other than those assigned is used, what is the range of those powers?" Iruma: "Just because I can read what it says" Clara: "Wow, uggo Iruma-chi." Asmodeus: "Hey!" Clara: "You're so hopeless." Iruma: "Huh?" Clara: "Ta-da! Behold!" Iruma: "12, 10, 15, 18, and 21!" Clara: "You are dumber than me." Iruma: "I'm at a loss for words." Clara: "Go on, call me "Instructor." Instructor Clara!" Iruma: "I wonder if Azz-kun's finally lost all hope for me, too." Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Clara: "Now, let us begin." Iruma: "Huh? Begin what?" Clara: "Angy called Smiley dumb." Asmodeus: "He's such a mysterious person. He's managed to overcome so many hardships, but he's naïve in the ways of the world." Asmodeus: "His kindness is truly rare among demons." Asmodeus: "But that's also why I've always felt that he is truly gracious." Asmodeus: "And the moment he took his place upon the Demon King's throne..." Asmodeus: "I saw the future." Iruma: "Azz-kun? Wh-What's the ma—" Asmodeus: "You'll be able to get a perfect score, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "Let us have study sessions here after school! I will do everything I can to help you with the parts you do not understand!" Iruma: "Huh? Wait, what?" Iruma: "Azz-kun hasn't lost all hope for me?" Asmodeus: "And those who score highly on their exams will be able to move up in rank!" Iruma: "You can move up that way, too?" Asmodeus: "Yes!" Asmodeus: "This is your chance to go from Gimel to Dalet!" Clara: "Dalet! With the three of us fighting together," Asmodeus: "Let's do this, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Yeah!" Iruma: "Okay, let's all work together to get perfect scores!" All: "Yeah!" Schenell: "Lo! I have arrived!" All: "Huh?" Schenell: "I will be joining you starting today. Pleased to meet you, comrades!" All: "Huh?" Ameri: "Er, I'm sorry this is so sudden, but it's already been decided." Iruma: "I see..." Ameri: "Student council work was just too much for Schenell." Schenell: "Sublime, sublime, truly sublime..." Schenell: "Precious, precious, truly precious!" Schenell: "Desirable, desirable, truly desirable!" Ameri: "But he's too dangerous to let loose, so I figured we'd put him in a Battler that I can trust and keep an eye on." Iruma: "And that's why you put him in ours..." Ameri: "Schenell learned how to create magic to change personalities all on his own, so he has talent." Schenell: "I proclaim this desk my own!" Ameri: "So, well... please keep an eye on him for a while." Iruma: "Sure!" : "Iruma can never say no to a request." Schenell: "My waifu is here." Schenell: "So yes, it is a pleasure to be with all of you." Asmodeus And Clara: "Leave!" Schenell: "What?! But I am older than you! I am your senior!" Iruma: "Y-You guys..." Clara: "We were having..." Asmodeus: "...a moment with the three of us!" : "And so a new member, Eligoth Schenell, joined the Magical Apparatus Battler." Asmodeus: "I guess our hands are tied. This was a request from the president." Asmodeus: "Oh, I forgot to mention this earlier, Iruma-sama." Asmodeus: "About the end-of-terminus exams..." Asmodeus: "If you score too low, you may go down in rank." Iruma: "Huh?!" : "And now, back to the present day." : "How will the end-of-terminus exams turn out?" Sullivan: "It looks like you're studying hard, Iruma-kun. But don't work too hard." Iruma: "Right..." Sullivan: "You pulled an all-nighter yesterday, didn't you? Hmph, hmph. Grampy is worried. Hmph, hmph." Opera: "Here is your Hell Grey tea." Iruma: "Thank you very much." Sullivan: "Maybe I should show you some favoritism." Sullivan: "Or I could just make all of your questions easy." Opera: "Sir... That will not help Iruma-sama in the end." Iruma: "Opera-san..." Opera: "Not to mention, Iruma-sama is very earnest. I'm sure he will score very high on his exams." Iruma: "Hngh?!" Sullivan: "Yeah, you're right. I'll get ready for our celebration, then. Yahoo! Yahoo!" Iruma: "I didn't have the heart to ask for seconds..." Ali-San: "Thank you for taking such good care of me." Iruma: "Huh?! Huh?! Wh-What now?!" Ali-San: "Well, I got this body because you went up a rank, Li'l Iru. Which means... You fail your tests because you're dumb! You lose a rank!" Ali-San: "All because you're dumb! Because you're so dumb!" Iruma: "Stop already! You're totally enjoying this!" Ali-San: "No, I'm quite worried, if we're being completely honest here." Iruma: "I-It'll be okay." Ali-San: "Oh, really? You'll get a high score?" Iruma: "I-I probably won't fail... at least..." Ali-San: "You don't seem very confident." Iruma: "But he's right." Iruma: "Okay! I'm going to at least avoid failing!" Ali-San: "Oh, my! I have high hopes for you!" Asmodeus: "What in the world is this?" Lead: "What does it look like?!" Clara: "Your butt's on fire, but you're trying to hold it in." All: "No! We're studying!" Iruma: "S-Studying?" Asmodeus: "You're actually studying?" Lead: "We are!" Goemon: "We decided that we'd actually try! Yes!" Lead: "So we can play!" Clara: "Yeah!" Camui: "We will not be able to survive supplementary classes!" Jazz: "We decided we'd spend our extended break being degenerates!" Lead: "Which means..." All: "We're gonna actually try, so we can play!" Asmodeus: "Oh, I knew it..." Iruma: "I sorta feel at ease now." Clara: "You guys aren't gonna be all like, "Raaaawr!" like them?" Schneider: "Haste makes waste." Keroli: "I'm better at classroom studies than using my skills practically." Keroli: "I'm actually doing amazing with both my studies and my dem-dol work!" Sabro: "One who is to be Demon King must always train! They cannot panic and wave around their swords during a battle!" Asmodeus: "I never thought I'd agree with you." Asmodeus: "Let's leave these fools be and study over there." Lead: "Do you know the answer to this?" Jazz: "No!" Asmodeus: "There are five subjects we'll be tested on. What is your best subject, Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "I-I'm not really sure." Asmodeus: "Let's see what subjects you excel at and what needs work with a little quiz, then." Iruma: "S-Sure!" Clara: "Sure!" Asmodeus: "Question 1." Asmodeus: "The answer is Belzebuth." Clara: "Yay, I got it right!" Asmodeus: "You absolutely did not! Iruma-sama! You were so close!" Asmodeus: "Blammo! True or False Mud Quiz! Magic basics!" Asmodeus: "Question. The rule stating that you cannot use verbal and mental spells at the same time" Asmodeus: "True or false?" Clara: "Absolutely correct!" Asmodeus: "Iru... Iruma-sama, you've got this! If the blood moon was three days ago," Iruma: "I-I'd like to phone a friend." Clara: "Hiya! I was waiting for you to call, Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "So hey, Clara, if the blood moon..." Clara: "Hey, Iruma-chi. I'm green! Yay!" Iruma: "Clara? Cla—" Iruma: "I have no idea." Asmodeus: "Is that your devi answer?" Iruma: "It is." Asmodeus: "Too bad! The answer is D: 9 days." Asmodeus: "And now, pharmaceutics. Here's the question." Iruma: "I have no idea..." Clara: "Five minutes." Asmodeus: "Correct!" Clara: "Yay!" Clara/Chiko: "Heh. I'm gonna ask the fifth question." Iruma: "Uh, what?" Clara: "Say, Iruma-chi." Asmodeus: "I-I have no idea, and you're scaring me." Clara: "Take that and that!" Keroli: "Are they actually studying?" Iruma: "I-I got every answer wrong..." Asmodeus: "H-Have no fear! Let's just take our time." Clara: "S'all good." Asmodeus: "You only got two out of five correct yourself!" Clara: "Yay! I got half of them right!" Asmodeus: "Two out of five is less than half!" Iruma: "Maybe I'm just not cut out for studyi—" Iruma: "Huh?" Book: "Question!" Iruma: "Huh?!" Book: "How many wings do humans have?" Iruma: "U-Um... n-none?" Book: "What food do cats love the most?" Iruma: "Fish?" Book: "Is a dog an animal or a plant?" Iruma: "A-An animal." Book: "What do chickens lay?" Iruma: "Eggs." Book: "Do humans have tails?" Iruma: "They do not!" Book: "You got all the questions right! 100 points!" Book: "Congratulations! You've completed chapter one of the basic questions in this book!" Asmodeus: "A-A hundred! You got a perfect score, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Yay, Iruma-chi! Smarty pants!" Lead: "That was awesome, Iruma-kun!" Goemon: "Well done." Elizabetta: "That was perfect." Camui: "You are also perfect, milady." Sabnock: "You've gotten stronger, my rival." Iruma: "Th-That was really easy." Asmodeus: "So this is Mythical Zoology in Netherworld History. I never knew you had such a talent!" Iruma: "Huh?" Lead: "Wow, 100 points." Elizabetta: "Intelligent gentlemen are wonderful." Keroli: "Damn it, you're standing out with studying, too." Jazz: "So you are actually smart, Iruma-kun." : "Normally, Iruma would be like..." Iruma: "Really? Th-Thanks." : "Or the like, but..." Asmodeus: "Well done, Iruma-sama!" Lead: "You're so smart!" Goemon: "You're a genius!" : "Because he got a perfect score in his studies, which he's terrible at, he acted a bit differently." Iruma: "You... think so?" : "He was experiencing a studying high." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, why don't we try to strengthen your netherworld history? Your next elective class should be netherworld history!" Iruma: "N-Netherworld history..." : "The excitement from getting a perfect score made him slightly stupid." Iruma: "Okay, let's go!" All: "Yeah!" Clara: "We're here!" Iruma: "So this is the netherworld history class." Asmodeus: "The instructor of this class is Dali-sensei." Clara: "Ah, Delicatessen-sensei!" Iruma: "So if I don't understand something, I don't have to be afraid to ask..." Students: "Run away!" Asmodeus: "Hey, what's the meaning of this?" Student B: "D-Dali-sensei is out because of his evil cycle." Student C: "And B-B-Balam-sensei is subbing for him!" Asmodeus: "B-Balam?" Clara: "Blah-lah-lam?" Iruma: "I've heard that name before. Oh! Balam Shichiro." Asmodeus: "Well, Balam-sensei is... rather unique. M-Maybe we should come back another time." Iruma: "It's fine! I need to get better at my netherworld history, like you said!" Asmodeus: "If you insist, Iruma-sama..." Clara: "No one's here." Iruma: "I wonder if something happened." Asmodeus: "Oh, drat. Well, if there's no one else here... Let's leave, Iruma-sa—" Iruma: "What? But if we're already here," Asmodeus: "Wha—" Iruma: "Huh?" Balam: "Well, isn't that nice?" Balam: "I love enthusiastic students like you." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Spinny, spinny, spinny, wrappy, wrappy!" Balam: "Now, then..." Clara: "Oh?" Clara: "Quit living your life in the Sukima!" Schnell: "Dun du-dun!" Schenell: "I've created a potion to make you smarter!" Clara: "Om." Asmodeus: "Hey! Spit that out this instant!" Clara: "Gulpies." Clara: "Don't worry. It was just a drop." Iruma: "Thank goodness." Clara: "I'm so sorry for worrying both of you, but apparently, that amount didn't have any effect. Now, Iruma-kun. Let's not rely on any strange potions, and study properly." Both: "You're not okay at all!" Schenell: "The experiment was a huge success!" Asmodeus: "Hurry up and do something!" : "She turned back to normal about five minutes later."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 Episode 9 – Studying in the Netherworld", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2", "9", "Studying in the Netherworld" ] }
: "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, is the only human living in the netherworld. As he receives continuous praise while going to the demon school Babyls, he discovers his ambition and goal as a student. And that is... to raise his rank." : "What could be awaiting him in the future?" Iruma; Asmodeus; Clara: ""The Misfit Class's New Term."" Song: "Humans only exist to be our food" Iruma: "I'm Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen. I'm a human," Iruma: "but I attend the demon school Babyls." Clara: "Boing!" Song: "Suck them dry, soul, blood, flesh, and all" Asmodeus: "What exactly are you doing, Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "Our morning—" Clara: "Our morning giddy-giddy grooming!" Song: "Tremble at the sound of black wings..." Students: "Morning! Morning! Our new term's starting. What did you do over break?" Smoke: "Good morning!" Dosanko: "Good day." Konatsu; Haruno; Azuki: "Good morning!" Smoke: "I can't hear you!" Konatsu; Haruno; Azuki: "Good morning!" Iruma (Narration): "At Babyls, all the students and teachers are demons." Iruma (Narration): "There's no telling what would happen if they found out I was human." Two Male Students: "Good morning." Blushenko: "Good morning." Ronove: "Yes! My name, my name, my name is... Ronove, Ronove..." Iruma (Narration): "And that's why I can't stand out whatsoever." Boy A: "It's Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "But..." : "Iruma and the rest of the members of the Misfit Class managed to take down a magical beast that suddenly appeared at the amusement park, Walter Park, and were now considered heroes of the netherworld." : "Iruma played an especially huge role." Students: "Iruma-kun! Asmodeus-sama! Hey, weirdo!" Students: "It's the heroes from Walter Park! I saw you on the news!" Iruma: "It might just be impossible to not stand out after that." Clara: "This is devi bad! Emergency evac, pronto!" Asmodeus: "Get off me!" Eiko: "Iruma-san! I want to see your lovely face! Look over here! Iruma-san! Iruma-san!" Gaako: "Eiko..." Dosanko: "Oh, my chest hurts. But it's not because it's being physically squished." Dosanko: "It's because my heart is pounding!" Dosanko: "Oh, my... What a gentleman." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! To the classroom, quickly!" Iruma: "Right..." Asmodeus: "Get off!" Iruma: "Is everyone from my class okay?" Iruma: "Wh-What are you..." Male Student: "Hey, it's Iruma-kun!" emale Student: "It's Asmodeus-sama!" Lead: "What do you mean?" Jazz: "We were just acknowledging our adoring fans, and now it's just so much fun." Elizabetta: "We're providing fan service." Goemon: "We've been asked for photos and autographs all morning. It's amazing." Sabro: "It is only natural for them to admire me, the next Demon King!" Camui: "So this must be the garden of... ecstasy!" Asmodeus: "They've really let this go to their heads." Clara: "Looks fun!" Boy B: "This means..." Boy C: "All the members of the Misfit Class are finally here!" Students: "Yeah! Heroes!" Lead: "The Walter Park effect sure is something." Jazz: "And we're using the Royal One." Lead: "But looking back on it now, I think we were worthy of this classroom. So, yeah. Considering how amazing we are, that Emperor Doom and Gloom is pretty twisted for trying to give us more homework—" Kalego: "Today is the first day of your new term. A lot happened during your end-of-terminus," Kalego: "so get over your lax attitudes from break and prepare for your studies." Lead: "Yes, sir." All: "Yes, sir!" Kalego: "The new term will bring the Harvest Festival, the Music Festival... There are many events this term, and you will also take the rank-advancement exams." Class: "Huh..." Lead: "I finally made it down." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama, it sounds like there will be many opportunities to rise in the ranks!" Iruma: "Y-Yeah! Let's do our best." Clara: "Rank up! Upsy-daisy!" Kalego: "But..." Iruma And Asmodeus: "But?" Jazz: "But?" Clara: "Butts?" Kalego: "That would be the case if you were normal first-years." Kalego: "Listen well, Misfit Class. You are all "special."" Iruma: "Headphones?" Asmodeus: "No, I believe those are ear protectors..." Scroll: "Babyls special class order!" Scroll: "The Misfit Class must all reach Dalet rank before becoming second-years!" : "Dalet is the borderline rank right before graduation." : "To require first-years to achieve that rank is abnormal indeed." Scroll: "If you fail this order, you will immediately be ejected from the Royal One!" All: "What?!" Kalego: "A class of first-years all achieving Dalet rank... That will be quite the feat. Hey, are any of you listening?!" Elizabetta: "No!" Lead: "Don't wanna!" Goemon: "This is too cruel after experiencing how fun this classroom is..." Schneider: "Anguish." Sabro: "Absolutely not!" Lead: "No!" Goemon: "But going up to Dalet rank is impossible!" Kalego: "However, this is just a part of your classes. You will not be given impossible tasks." Kalego: "In order to help you all advance to Dalet, our school has prepared..." Raim: "Kyuba!" Kalego: "...special tutors for all of you." Jazz: "Furfur?!" Schneider: "Bewilderment." Elizabetta: "Oh, my." Clara: "Lovelyn-sensei!" Camui: "Here we go!" Lead: "Furfur? As in one of the families of the Three Heroes of the Great War in Demon Valley?! Seriously?!" Keroli: "W-Wait a second!" Sabnock: "I'm ready!" Iruma: "Which means..." Lead: "The only one left is..." Kalego: "Not me. I'm just in charge of assigning all of your instructors." Kalego: "Don't act so relieved right in front of me. How annoying." Iruma: "Who's our tutor going to be, then?" Kalego: "What? He's right there." Robin: "Aw, shucks! I'm still a newbie, and now I'm being trusted to mentor them? But don't worry! If you leave everything to me, your rank will go up in no time!" Robin: "You can just call me Master!" Chime Beast: "After school!" Momonoki: "So..." Momonoki: "That's all for your lesson today. Make sure you review it well." Momonoki: "Especially you lot! Are you even listening to me?!" Lead: "None of the lesson is fitting in my brain right now." Iruma: "That stuff this morning kinda came out of nowhere." Clara: "I wonder what we're gonna do for our special lessons." Jazz: "Nah, it's terrifying. They're gonna work us to the bone. What if they just suddenly drag us onto the battlefield?" Iruma: "Oh, I'm sure they'll explain it all soon—" urfur: "Are you done with class? We came to pick you up!" Iruma: "They're here!" urfur: "Now it's time for your special lessons!" Jazz: "Where are we going?!" Raim: "Let's go have some fun." Clara: "'Kay!" Elizabetta: "U-Um..." Vepar: "Please excuse us." Momonoki: "Er, right... I heard that you'd come by... But this was rather sudden." Jazz: "No! Wh-Wh-Where are we going?!" urfur: "Now, now, now, now." Clara: "You okay, Iruma-chi? You lonesome? Want some gum, chum?" Iruma: "I'm all right. Let's all do our best." Asmodeus: "I, Asmodeus Alice, swear that my loyalty to you will never wane, Iruma-sama." Clara: "I'm gonna grow lots by the next time we see each other!" Iruma: "Clara! Azz-kun!" Sabro: "Hey, Honor Student! You done with your tearful goodbyes yet?" Clara: "See you tomorrow, Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "I will be going now, Iruma-sama." Jazz: "Our special lesson's taking place outside school grounds?!" Jazz: "Hello?!" Jazz: "Hello? Where the heck are we going?!" urfur: "A place for adults." Jazz: "For adults?!" urfur: "But let's talk first." urfur: "Don't you worry! I have a very adult plan to help you rise up the ranks!" Jazz: "Adult?" Schneider: "The imagination has infinite potential." urfur: "Are you listening?" Vepar: "I'm sorry... I am Vepar. I will be your instructor—" Goemon: "Er... Are you all right?" Picero: "I'm really tired." Vepar: "I'm sorry!" Vepar: "Young people are scary... But I have to do my best! Yes, I can do this. I can do it if I try!" Goemon: "She is quite unique." Picero: "Can you even give lessons like that?" Vepar: "Y-Yes, I can!" Vepar: "I-I'm..." Vepar: "clumsy and a crybaby. But..." Vepar: "But there are things only crybabies can do, too!" Vepar: "Are you willing to listen to my plan?" Picero: "Wha—" Keroli: "Wha... Wh-Wh-What are you doing in this studio?" Mr. Hat: "What am I doing here? Why, it's time for your lesson. G. Camui has gone home to change." Keroli: "G?" Mr. Hat: "It stands for "Gentleman," Lady Keroli." Mr. Hat: "I have not informed G. Camui that you are a dem-dol." Keroli: "P-Please leave! I'm very bus—" Mr. Hat: "M. Manager Maru has already agreed to this." Mr. Hat: "This training will allow you to grow as a dem-dol, as well." Mr. Hat: "Now, L. Keroli, have a seat. That is the form you should take to listen to my plan." Raim: "Raise your femininity, raise your rank. Under my wing, you two baby-chans will become exquisite lady demons. But women must be ruthless. This training will be cool and extremely difficult. So... Are you still willing to enact the plan that'll transform you into the ultimate demonesses?" Clara And Elizabetta: "Teach us everything you know!" Balam: "Down for the count already?" Balam: "With the strength you two have, you should be able to stand up. Today's only the first day, and you're still full of energy, so you'll have to meet your quotas. Each of us tutors has a unique plan for each of you, to help you awaken your true powers. As for me..." urfur: "As for me..." Vepar: "As for me..." Raim: "As for me..." Mr. Hat: "As for me..." Balam; Furfur; Vepar; Raim; Mr. Hat: "...among all of the first-years at Babyls..." urfur: "...I will make you the craftiest first-years who'll never lose." Vepar: "...I will make you the first-years with the most advanced bloodline abilities." Balam: "...I will make you the most powerful first-year fighters." Raim: "...I will make you the most charming and sexy first-years." Balam; Furfur; Vepar; Raim; Mr. Hat: "That is why I am here." Robin: "Yes, and... The rank-advancement plan I've come up with for you two is... It is..." Robin: "...all about fighting spirit!" Robin: "All together now!" Robin; Iruma; Lead: "Yah! Yah!" Robin: "Louder now!" Robin; Iruma; Lead: "Yah!" Robin: "Very good!" Iruma; Lead: "I have my doubts..." Lead: "I'm not sure why, but even though we haven't seen everyone else's training, I feel like we're way behind..." Iruma: "Yeah." Robin: "Let's hurry! Don't forget that fighting spirit!" Iruma: "Er, Robin-sensei... Please wait!" Ameri: "During end-of-terminus, I went on a date with Iruma," Ameri: "and it was so much fun." Ameri: "I'm sure Iruma also somewhat enjoyed himself..." Ameri: "Or so I hope. That's why, when the new term started, I was planning to a-assertively interact with Iruma more, but..." Ameri: "He's become so popular because of his heroism at Walter Park." Ameri: "N-No! Iruma becoming popular is a good thing. It's good, but..." Iruma: "I'm sorry, Ameri-san. I have to train for the Harvest Festival now, so I don't think I'll be able to go to our reading sessions for a while. I'm so sorry!" Ameri: "I think this happened in First Love Memories, too." Kakeru: "I have to go now." Rin: "I guess we won't see each other for a while." Kakeru: "This is a really important time for me." Kakeru: "Even if we can't see each other, make sure you wash your gi." Rin: "I will! Even if we're far apart, our hearts are together." Kakeru: "I feel the same way!" Ameri: "That was a wonderful scene, too. Though I didn't really understand that poem... But in order to allow Kakeru to grow, Rin agrees to their short farewell." Ameri: "The Harvest Festival is a very important event. Do your best, Iruma." Robin: "Hurry, hurry!" Iruma: "Okay!" Lead: "Why are we in such a hurry?" Robin: "Nee-chan is waiting! We have to hurry!" Iruma; Lead: "Nee-chan?!" Robin: "I was a little uneasy about the thought of having to train you two, so I called up one of my relatives to help. She's really amazing! I mean, she's super strong and super reliable—" Iruma And Lead: "What?!" Iruma: "Robin-sensei?!" Bachiko: "For crying out loud... How long were you bastards gonna make me wait? Looks like you need to work on that fighting spirit! Well?!" Bachiko: "I can't believe you had the nerve..." Bachiko: "to make me wait five minutes." Bachiko: "Man, talk about a total bummer." Bachiko: "Just so you know... I only came here because Sullivan-sama asked me to. I haven't agreed to be your mentor." Iruma: "Grandpa asked her to be here?" Lead: "Doesn't that mean she's really amazing?!" Bachiko: "Honestly, I can't wait to go home right now." Iruma And Lead: "No way!" Iruma: "Please wait!" Lead: "We can't rely on Robin-sensei alone!" Bachiko: "Man, they clearly don't trust you, Robi." Robin: "The Royal One is so cool..." Bachiko: "Though I can't say I blame 'em." Bachiko: "So, hey..." Bachiko: "If you want me to be your mentor, you're gonna have to treat me like one." Bachiko: "Make me feel like I'm a mentor." Bachiko: "You're too damn slow. Get them legs movin'." Dosanko: "Oh? I wonder what that's all about." Azuki: "A festival?" Eiko: "Blink, blink! Blink, blink!" Gaako: "What animal are you supposed to be?" Eiko: "A wearable evil-lens camera!" Bachiko: "Now, head to the garden out back! Oh, and go buy me a drink... and some sweets! Damn it! Not this! I said Ultra Sweet! Go buy another one!" Iruma And Lead: "Y-Yes, ma'am!" Bachiko: "Seriously..." Bachiko: "This wall's not cute. Okay, let's repaint it!" Iruma And Lead: "What?!" Random Teachers A And B: "Hey!" Iruma And Lead: "We're sorry!" Lead: "Man, we got whipped into shape..." Bachiko: "Jeez, you guys are weak." Lead: "Um... Do you feel like a mentor now?" Bachiko: "Nah, not yet. I think I need to get hyped up more by looking at something cute." Iruma And Lead: "Something cute?" Bg Female Voices: "So cute!" Bachiko: "Iruminati." Iruma: "Y-Yes, ma'am." Bachiko: "Lindy." Lead: "Y-Yes, ma'am." Bachiko: "Well, look at you two. You turned out surprisingly cute. Don't you think so, Iruminati-chan? Okay, put this on, too." Iruma: "Huh?!" Bachiko: "You, too, Lindy-chan." Iruma: "We have to do that, too?!" Lead: "Have mercy!" Bachiko: "Quit strugglin'!" Bachiko: "Looks great on you two." Bachiko: "So cute! Now you're starting to match this room!" : "Bachiko ended up training Iruma and Lead per Sullivan's request." : "Just what kind of training will come of dressing them as maids? To be continued!" Clara: "Su-Ki-Ma!" Lead: "I'm really wearing this? Seriously?!" Lead: "It's so complicated, I don't understand it at all! This is too confusing, don't you think, Iruma-kun?" Iruma: "Whoosh! Whoosh-whoosh!" Iruma: "W-Wait! Um..." Lead: "Stare..." Iruma: "Grandpa gives me so many clothes!" Lead: "Stare..." Iruma: "I'm used to wearing complicated clothes, too! Um, Lead-kun? Lead-kun?! What's with that look?!" Ameri: "Something frilly and fluffy again?!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 1 – The Misfit Class's New Term", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "1", "The Misfit Class's New Term" ] }
: "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire." : "Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" Ameri And Eiko: ""The Iruma I Know."" : "The first day of the Harvest Festival... The points the Misfit Class has earned are as follows. Team Iruma and Lead: 0 points. Team Picero and Goemon: 8,200 points plus an unknown sum. Team Elizabetta and Clara: 9,400 points. Team Jazz and Schneider: 12,800 points. Team Keroli and Camui: 14,200 points." : "Team Asmodeus and Sabnock: 15,100 points." : "Team Asmodeus and Sabnock is in the lead!" Ichiro: "You managed to take the Flapple from us on top of all our points." Ichiro: "We lose this battle!" Sabro: "Oho, you're surprisingly cooperative." : "Believe me, we don't want to be!" Asmodeus: "You call this cooperative?" Ichiro: "It sucks, but you two were stronger than us! Proper warriors have to admit when someone's stronger than them!" Asmodeus: "We can't attack other participants in the Harvest Festival. Who knows how this would've turned out if the rules were different?" Sabro: "Indeed. We did end up struggling. As fellow students of the same master," Sabro: "it was an honor to fight you." Ichiro: "You guys..." Ichiro: "Hell yeah! In that case, I demand a rematch!" : "We're definitely not losing next time!" Asmodeus: "We're doing this again?" Ichiro: "Hell yeah, we are! Losing and giving up are two different things!" Ichiro: "We're taking back our master no matter what! We'll fight you two until we're satisfied! Right?" : "Yup!" : "By the way, these two still are dealing with a colossal case of mistaken identity." Grandpa Eye Demon: "Asmodeus and Sabnock's master is Balam-sensei... But the Dorodoro Brothers think it's actually Sergeant Furfur." Ichiro: "Next, let's head to a swamp! So we can drown you!" Sabro: "Gator hunting, eh? Very well!" Asmodeus: "Hey! Don't let them provoke you!" : "Oh, we're not using our bloodline ability right now." Suzie: "Good morning, everyone!" Suzie: "Yis!" Suzie: "Yis. Today's another day... to help each other and get along" Eiko: "It's already morning?" Suzie: "and enjoy hunting!" : "On the second day of the festival, the students largely fall into two groups." Student: "I could barely sleep a wink." : "There are those who are already exhausted..." Iruma: "All right." : "And the lively ones who are raring to go." Iruma: "Let's do our best again today!" Lead: "Okay, now that we've eaten breakfast," Lead: "we've got all our energy back! We need to start earning back those points!" Iruma: "Yup. But I'm gonna have a little more first." Iruma: "You seem really motivated, Lead-kun." Lead: "Of course I am. We only have three days left, so we can't just sit around! Especially since we have zero points after day one." Iruma: "Zero... points?" Lead: "Yup, zero points. We've gotta do our best!" Iruma: "This looks yummy!" Iruma And Lead: "Yum, yum..." Iruma: "So good... Huh?" Iruma: "Wait, does that mean I..." Iruma: "Nom. Nom. Nom. ...ate way too much?! O-Oh, no! I was supposed to leave us with some points! My habits from my survival days got the better of me!" Lead: "But man, Iruma-kun, this was a great plan! Don't worry! I'm all in!" Iruma: "Huh?" Lead: "You know... You're going for it, aren't you? The Legend Leaf." : "The Legend Leaf. Everything about it is a mystery. It has never once successfully been hunted. It's a definite winner worth 100,000 points. As its name suggests, it's truly a legend." Lead: "It's the only way to turn this around!" Lead: "It's basically the dream. This'll be a huge gamble, but if we snag the Legend Leaf, we're sure to shoot up the ranks!" Lead: "Right? That's your big plan, right, Iruma-kun?" Iruma: "Yeah!" : "He just went with it." Lead: "All right. Now that that's settled, we gotta gather some info. But none of the students would know anything." Iruma: "The ones who'd know the most about the forest are the magical plants and magical beasts." Iruma: "It'd be great if we could have a nice chat with them." Lead: "Yeah, that's not happening." Iruma: "Camui-kun!" Lead: "Camui!" Camui: "What, really? The housewife next door? Salacious indeed." : "Caim Camui. Bloodline ability: Friendship." Camui: "Have no fear. I'll take care of this for you." Lead: "He can talk to magical beasts!" Iruma: "Yeah!" Lead: "All right! Controller!" : "Shax Lead. Bloodline ability: Controller." Eiko: "By the way, Gaako, have you heard?" Rando Boy: "They mentioned there was a weird kingdom in a forest in the second block..." Camui: "Beautiful!" Lead: "Found him!" Lead: "I'll let you choose the best path, Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "Got it!" Iruma: "We're going to meet up with Keroli and Camui." Iruma: "I wonder... if they'll help us out." Iruma: "No, it'll be fine!" Iruma: "I'm sure they'll lend us a hand." Iruma: "We can catch up with each other and talk about how the first day went. And then..." Iruma: "Um... We wanted to talk..." Cosmo: "Her Majesty!" ck: "The true definition of beauty!" Cosmo And Nick: "Bow down and freeze before our queen!" Camui: "The absolute queen of flawless beauty, Queen Crocell Keroli, is here to grace you with her presence!" Magical Beast E: "Whisper, whisper, whisper..." Camui: "Yes, I see. Trespassers Iruma and Lead!" Iruma And Lead: "Y-Yes, sir?" Camui: "You two are after the Legend Leaf. And you've come seeking my counsel to set you in the right direction for intel, have you not?" Iruma: "Yes!" Lead: "Hey, have these two always been like this?" Lead: "They're super imposing." Iruma: "Y-Yeah..." Lead: "And they've somehow managed to build a kingdom in the middle of the forest..." Camui: "But of course! The Harvest Festival is traditionally every demon for themselves, hence the advantage of a pack! This is the ultimate strategy. Queen Keroli, who has command over the magical beasts, is as beautiful as she is unparalleled!" Magical Beasts: "We stand by our queen!" ck: "You're so devi beautiful today!" Cosmo: "And she'll be devi beautiful tomorrow!" Lead And Iruma: "Wow." Camui: "Honestly... Carelessly wandering into enemy territory is dangerous. I'm surprised you found this place." Lead: "I used my Controller," Lead: "then followed the rumors and your mana to find you." Camui: "Hmm... He sensed our mana in the vast area between here and block four, then kept listening in..." Camui: "His concentration is extraordinary!" Camui: "What shall we do, my queen? They entered our land unlawfully, so shall we throw them out?" Iruma And Lead: "Huh?!" Keroli: "Did you bring me tribute?" Iruma: "Huh?" Lead: "Tribute?" Keroli: "You want information on the Legend Leaf, don't you? Did you think it would be free?" Iruma: "Okay! I can share which magical plants are edib—" Keroli: "My beasts can tell me that." Lead: "Oh, we ran into Eliza-neesan and Clarin's team on the first day!" Lead: "And they charmed us out of all our points..." Keroli: "Charmed?" Camui: "Hoho! Intel on an enemy team! I am quite interested in learning about those two!" Iruma: "Then..." Keroli: "Fine. Hand over that information..." Keroli: "and dance for me. Then we'll call it a deal." Iruma: "S-So frilly and fluffy!" Lead: "W-We have to wear... these?!" Keroli: "You see, Mar-sa— I know someone who'd like pictures." Lead: "Who?! This is kinda..." Keroli: "I don't see the issue." Iruma: "Can we do something else?" Keroli: "Nope." ck: "Our queen is enjoying herself!" Cosmo: "She's quite pleased." Keroli: "Are you going to do it or not?" Iruma: "But—" Iruma: "This is all so sudden..." Lead: "We can't..." Lead And Iruma: "We couldn't possibly..." Iruma: "I mean..." Lead: "I guess we could..." Iruma And Lead: "We are Bachiko's personal maids!" Lead: "Lindy!" Iruma: "Irumanati!" Song: "Demons should never let their guard down! One day, you'll get your heart stolen! Squee! That cutie over there is a little imp" Cosmo: "Squee!" ck: "Squee!" Song: "Want to touch my hair? I'm going to escape just like that Want to talk to me? Want to touch me? If you insist, I'll play with you Do you love me? Well, try to see through me" : "Did she make them dance just to be mean? Nay. All of the stress she built up during her training put her right on the verge of her evil cycle." : "She was longing for release." : "She may be a dem-dol now, but she was first a fan." : "Just what was it that made this unsmiling girl grin?" : "Indeed, she's..." Keroli: "Wave some more! Yes! You're so cute!" : "...a huge dem-dol fan!" Keroli: "Now turn! Wink! Yes, so cute!" Magical Beast G: "Our queen is happy!" Cosmo: "So devi beautiful!" ck: "The Beast Queen!" Song: "Be the one who makes me turn around Little imp!" ck And Cosmo: "That was awesome!" Keroli: "Not bad!" Lead: "Did we pull it off?" Iruma: "I-I think so!" Iruma: "Master!" Lead: "Our training paid off!" Camui: "Ahem. The magical beasts moved by your song are saying that they would like to thank you." Iruma And Lead: "Huh?" Song: "The Legendary Leaf does not exist yet, so let's grow one Get a seed and a vase, too The divorced wife takes a hundred steps on a walk And then they spin around the mother-in-law Bend down a little And if you dive into the ground A mouth will open up And greet you What lies in its belly is The seed... The seed... The seed of beginnings!" Iruma And Lead: "Wow!" Camui: "I've written down the lyrics for you." Camui: "This is about all the information we have on the Legend Leaf." Iruma: "Thanks, Camui-kun." Camui: "It was my pleasure. Our queen is quite pleased!" Keroli: "The second day of the Harvest Festival is when things start to get really intense, so we need to be in tip-top shape." Keroli: "Besides, we need to prepare." Keroli: "Anyway..." Keroli: "This time was special. Next time, you'll be dancing on a real stage. You'd better be ready!" Lead: "See ya!" Iruma: "Thanks! Bye-bye!" Lead: "Thank you!" : "And so, the pair obtained information concerning the Legend Leaf. But just as Keroli said, the second day would be intense. A team from the Misfit Class would be disappearing from the forest..." Iruma: "These lyrics are a hint?" Lead: "A wife and a mother-in-law?" Suzie: "Yis! It appears Iruma-kun and Lead-kun have discovered the existence of the seed of beginnings and the vase of endings." Dali: "Those two things are the keys to the Legend Leaf! Will someone finally get it this year?" Suzie: "Oh, how exciting!" Suzie: "Now then... On day two of the Harvest Festival, we will be seeing more students forfeit. Looks like many of them are suffering from exhaustion. However, some teachers are also exhausted from rescuing students on the first day." Dali: "Oh, no! At this rate, those students are in trouble!" Suzie: "But now our saviors have arrived!" Dali: "Our saviors have arrived!" Dali And Suzie: "The Babyls student council!" Johnny: "I've retrieved two students who forfeit in block one." Sunny: "One in block two." Quiche: "Four in block three." Ameri: "Roger. Excellent work." Smoke: "We've retrieved most of the students we needed to." Ameri: "Indeed." Eye Demon: "Retrieved!" Smoke: "But President, you could've just left the retrieval to us and taken it easy at HQ." Smoke: "I admire your dedication!" Ameri: "R-Right..." Ameri: "I really just thought I might run into Iruma..." Iruma: "Ameri-san!" Ameri: "I never imagined I wouldn't see hide nor hair of him yet!" Smoke: "Still, this takes me back. Your performance at last year's Harvest Festival was truly superb. You wouldn't allow anyone to get the better of you, and after the 6,666-minute battle, you boldly came out on top!" Boy Student: "Young King!" Smoke: "That's when they started calling you the Young King!" Girl Student: "Ameri-sama!" Ameri: "S-Stop! It's embarrassing! Don't bring it up!" Smoke: "I wonder who will win this year. I think the favorites are Asmodeus and Orobas." Smoke: "I saw that Iruma-kun had zero points." Smoke: "I think the only chance he has to turn the tables now is to get the Legend Leaf." Ameri: "The Legend Leaf... I searched for it last year myself, but I couldn't find a trace of it anywhere. I later found out how it worked, and it turned out to be a dirty trick by the administrators. It's basically impossible to obtain." Smoke: "Which means the odds of Iruma-kun making a comeback..." Ameri: "Are highly unlikely." Smoke: "I see. Well, you're probably right." Ameri: "That said..." Ameri: "All of my predictions about Iruma have been wrong." Ameri: "He always pulls off the unexpected. He always overcomes impossible tasks and achieves results far greater than anyone imagines. He is capable of unbelievable feats. After this tournament, the Misfit Class must all be promoted to Dalet, so I'm sure he's quite motivated." Smoke: "President..." Smoke: "Is that what you like about him?" Red Eye Demon: "A heart?" Eye Demon: "A spade?" Ameri: "That's a hoe!" Smoke: "I mean, you fancy him, don't you?" Ameri: "Y-Yes..." Smoke: "Well, Iruma-kun does always do the unexpected. So maybe he'll bring you a Legend Leaf bouquet." Kakeru: "Rin!" Sfx: "Ba-bam!" Kakeru: "Congratulations on your victory! Sorry I'm late." Rin: "You got these for me? But it's winter right now!" Kakeru: "I really wanted to give these to you." Rin: "Huh?" Sfx: "Ba-dump!" Kakeru: "Do you know what sunflowers mean in floriography?" Sunflower: "I only have eyes for you!" Rin: "I'm so happy!" Kakeru; Sunflowers; Rin: "So blessed!" Ameri: "It's totally possible!" Iruma: "Ameri-san... I just wanted to see you smile." Ameri: "I-Isn't that basically a p-proposal?!" Smoke: "Hello?" Quiche: "We've got trouble, President! Things are getting crazy in the forfeiters' tent!" Students: "Yeah! Go for it! You're hilarious, Garp! Get 'em, Asmodeus! Get wild!" Johnny: "What's going on here?" Quiche: "Isn't that—" Bobo: "Hey, everyone! Have you decided your favorite teams? All right, it's betting time!" Quiche: "They're placing bets?" Sunny: "They've got the students' data and win rates... They've definitely done this before. I think I'm rooting for Iruma." Johnny: "Hey! Now's not the time for that! We need to stop—" Ameri: "Keep it down! Celebrate quieter!" Students: "I-It's the president! She's so cool... President Ameri!" Ameri: "Who's behind this?" Bobo: "Thanks, friend!" Ameri: "It must be you." Bobo: "Huh?! No, you've got the wrong demon! I'm just the help! Some student who just forfeited started this!" Ameri: "A student who forfeited?" Bobo: "Y-Yes! Um, over there... Look!" Bobo: "That's him." Ameri: "What?" : "At last, we have our first fallen students from the Misfit Class. Whatever could have happened? To be continued as they enjoy their demon noodles..." Magical Beasts: "Su-ki-ma!" Quiche: "As I figured, the Misfit Class is the most popular. Alrighty." Johnny: "Don't you go placing a bet, too!" Smoke: "Who's the dark horse?" Sunny: "I think her." Eiko: "I need to move fast so no one sees me. Once I'm done here, I'm out!" Sunny: "She's extremely nimble, and her movements are precise." Ameri: "Oho... How elegant." : "Eiko's day-to-day skills were praised by Ameri at the most unexpected time." Ameri: "Oh, Iruma... You want to give me the Legend Leaf? I look forward to it." Iruma: "Ameri-san! Let us become a married couple just as legendary as this Legend Leaf!" Ameri: "W-W-W-W-Well said! Let us reserve a wedding venue this instant! Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, "Toto the Genie." Oh, I do hope he'll finally propose! I need my own genie!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 10 – The Iruma I Know", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "10", "The Iruma I Know" ] }
: "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire." : "Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" Iruma & Naphula: ""Toto the Genie."" : "At last, we have our first fallen students from the Misfit Class. Whatever could have happened?" Ameri: "Hey! What are you two doing here?!" Jazz: "Oh, hey, Prez. We're having dinner." Schneider: "We're having demon noodles." Jazz: "Now that we've had to forfeit, all we can do is eat or place bets." Ameri: "You forfeited? When did that happen?" Jazz: "You're willing to hear us out?" Johnny: "What the..." Sunny: "What happened?" Jazz: "Even just thinking back on it is horrifying. It was... hell..." Jazz: "Our faces have been seen now in block 3, so let's switch over to another one." Schneider: "Indeed." Jazz: "Currently, the two of us have 12,800 points. So that's 6,400 points each. We've still got a long way to go." Schneider: "Our only goal is to win." Jazz: "Well, we need to get more points for that to happen." Jazz: "He's... Sergeant Furfur is going to make fun of us!" Schneider: "A most regrettable death." Jazz: "He's just like my big bro! Those types just never quit, either!" Schneider: "Is this filth you're related to... that awful?" Jazz: "He's the epitome of selfishness! He's walking evil! In the end, he will inconvenience you in every possible way... and you'll die!" Schneider: "Ah... How terrifying." Jazz: "Well, for me, he's the last demon I wanna se—" Schneider: "What happened?" Jazz: "Whoa, I just got dizzy. Maybe because I slept for the first time in— Wha—" Jazz: "Huh?" Rock'S Illusion A: "Heya, brat." Jazz: "Huh?! Wh-Wh-What the hell are you doing here?! What are you doing?!" Rock'S Illusion B: "Jeez, pipe down, will ya?" Rock'S Illusion C: "Hey, it's the brat." Rock'S Illusion D: "Hey, wittle brat." Rock'S Illusion E: "Hey, brat." Rock'S Illusion F: "It's your big bro." Rock'S Illusion G: "Bring me some booze. Hurry it up!" Rocks' Illusion H: "Hey!" Schneider: "H-Hey..." Jazz: "Wha... huh?! What?! Is this hell?!" Jazz: "C-Calm down! This isn't possible! It's gotta be some weird effect from a plant!" Rock'S Illusion I: "Hey, brat. I see you're as dumb as ever." Jazz: "This can't be happening..." Rock'S Illusion J: "Hey, bring me booze!" Rock'S Illusion L: "Still stupid?" Jazz: "R-Remain calm..." Rock'S Illusion M: "You need to study more." Jazz: "Stay calm..." Rock'S Illusion N: "I pawned off your watch, but it was super cheap. It was trash." Rock'S Illusion P: "You've still got a long way to go, brat." Jazz: "Stay... calm..." Rock'S Illusion Q: "Well, what can you do? After all, you're just..." Rock'S Illusion Q: "a watered-down version of me." Jazz: "Who are you calling..." Jazz: "watered down?! You piece-of-shit brother!" Jazz: "Huh?" Orobas: "I believe that direct attacks against other students are a violation, Andro M. Jazz." Jazz: "Wha— Shit!" Jazz: "It wasn't some illusion from a plant." Jazz: "It was... this guy's magic!" : "The Orobas family. Bloodline ability: Trauma. An illusionary ability that makes the target see a traumatic hallucination they'd never want to see." Jazz: "Shit!" Judge Demon: "Devi! Andro M. Jazz! Violation confirmed! Violation confirmed! You are to forfeit this instant! You will be taken to the retirees' tent!" Judge Demon: "Taking him away! Taking him away! Taking him away!" Jazz: "Huh? Wai—" Schneider: "W-Wait!" Jazz: "No!" Jazz: "I totally let my guard down." Jazz: "But, I mean... of course I was going to kick him." Schneider: "I didn't see it." Sunny: "Yikes... That guy sounds like trouble." Jazz: "Damn it!" Johnny: "So he was a victim of student hunting. Though it was coincidence, that was rather unlucky." Schneider: "No." Schneider: "It was not coincidence." Orobas: "Now there are only five teams left from the Misfit Class." Schneider: "He might be targeting students from the Misfit Class..." Johnny: "Hello?" Sunny: "This is pretty bad." Schneider: "Are you okay?" Ameri: "Trauma... If he happened to use that ability..." Ameri: "on Iruma... will he be all right?" Iruma: "Let's see... " The divorced wife..."" Iruma: "Divorced?" Lead: "It must be these. Husband and wife stones." Iruma: "Yeah! And they're at a crossroad. According to this song, a clue for the Legend Leaf should be right up ahead." Lead: "Ooh! Well, that's great and all... But aren't the lyrics way too long?" Lead: "It's gonna take forever to check each place mentioned in the lyrics." Iruma: "Then, let's do this." Lead: "Huh? Wait... Iruma-kun?!" Iruma: "Well, the path splits up, too, so I thought splitting up to look around might be faster." Lead: "You're pretty audacious sometimes, you know that?" Iruma: "Okay, I'll investigate the first half of the lyrics." Lead: "And I'll look into the second half." Iruma: "We'll meet back up at the husband and wife stones." Lead: "Okay! See you later!" Iruma: "The divorced wife takes... a hundred steps on a walk And then they circle around the mother-in-law Bend down a little" Iruma: "And dive into the ground, and then... A mouth will open up And greet you Lying in its belly is" Iruma: "The Seed of Beginnings!" Ali-San: "Super exciting treasure!" Iruma: "Ali-san!" Ali-San: "Looking for the legendary seed... Well, Li'l Iru, having fun?" Iruma: "Yes! It's so exciting looking for treasure underground." Ali-San: "I've gotta say, I'm a bit worried." Iruma: "About what?" Ali-San: "What are you gonna do if a magical beast attacks you, huh? Are you gonna be able to survive on your own? You've already lost mana due to a certain someone getting all exhausted and daydreamy. They're all going to be pissed when they find out!" Iruma: "Well, um... I'm sorry." Ali-San: "But the deeper we go, the darker it gets... And something smells pretty awful." Iruma: "You're right." Ali-San: "Keep your danger radar set on high, and remain calm in all situations." Iruma: "You're right. It's important to stay calm in times like—" Iruma: "Oh, God, it reeks! It reeks so much!" Iruma: "I'm pretty sure that's a first-year..." Iruma: "Naphula-san the Silent?" Iruma: "I guess there was another student trying to find the Legend Leaf." Ali-San: "Looks like they're in a trap. Those are nigi nigi greens. It's set up so that if you fiddled with something, water would get on the plant, and it'd grow." : "Nigi nigi greens. They grow 30 meters when even a single splash of water gets on them. They then grab onto whatever is nearby." Ali-San: "And once it gets you, you're doomed! You're just gonna be attacked by a magical beast, and it'll all be over." Iruma: "That's terrifying..." Ali-San: "Although, apparently this one reeks so bad that no magical beasts are coming near it." Ali-San: "I can't say they're gonna stay safe, but they'll probably forfeit at this rate. Let's leave them here and get going. Li'l Ir—" Iruma: "Are you all right? Let's get these off..." Ali-San: "Wh-Wh-Wh-What... What the heck are you doin'?!" Ali-San: "They're after the Legend Leaf, too, aren't they?! They're an enemy! Why are you setting them free?" Iruma: "B-But, um... They don't seem dangerous. And... I think they're asking for... help." Iruma: "And two heads are better than one..." Ali-San: "Okay, fine, whatever! You're such a softie." Iruma: "There, it came off." Iruma: "Hey... O-Okay, okay, I get it. Th-Thanks..." Iruma: "Yes, okay. P-Please let me go." Ali-San: "They're following you." Iruma: "W-Well, it might be safer if there are two of us..." Ali-San: "You're not pushing yourself?" Iruma: "Nope... Nope." Iruma: "A temple? Is this the final stop?" Iruma: "It might be because of the smell, but we didn't run into any magical beasts. Thanks. I'm glad we came here together." Iruma: "That's..." Iruma: "Is this... the Seed of Beginnings? Wow! That's amazing!" Iruma: "It actually exists!" Iruma: "Okay, let's grab it and get back outside." Toto: "Oho... You were able to dodge that. You have good eyes." Toto: "I am Toto." Toto: "I am a genie and the protector of that seed. I congratulate you for making it this far, challenger." Iruma: "G-Genie?" Toto: "There are only two ways to obtain the seed. First, defeat me and take it by force." Toto: "And the other method..." Iruma: "Th-The other method?" Toto: "...is to tell me something interesting." Iruma: "Huh?" Iruma: "Something... i-interesting?" Toto: "You seem troubled, boy." Iruma: "I-I can't think of anything on the spot..." Toto: "Anything is fine as long as I've never heard it before." Toto: "And that story just needs to move my heart and make me smile or impress me. That's all." Iruma: "That's a lot!" Toto: "As the guardian of the Seed of Beginnings, which can make the Legendary Leaf bloom, I must find one worthy of the seed. The one with significant knowledge that can satisfy me has value equal to the seed itself." Iruma: "Um, then... A touching story, A Lone Torturer." Toto: "I have read all of the books in the netherworld." Iruma: "Survival Techniques to Stay Alive!" Toto: "I am well-versed in all forms of studies regarding plants and animals, as well as pharmacology." Iruma: "Bread may be bread, but what's a kind of bread you can't eat?" Toto: "No one gave you permission to start asking riddles instead." Iruma: "This is hard... I mean... I just recently started learning the fundamentals of netherworld knowledge." Toto: "Are you done already?" Iruma: "Naphula-san?" Iruma: "I-I don't get it!" Toto: "Ah, yes. That is a classic joke." Iruma: "Th-That actually got through to him?! You understand what Naphula-san is saying?" Toto: "It can be found in Jokes of the Netherworld 666." Iruma: "I guess you even know all the jokes." Toto: "But I've recalled them too many times, so I cannot laugh at them anymore. That's what happens when you know all of the stories and jokes. If I could encounter a new wind during the Harvest Festival, I thought I could encounter new knowledge, as well..." Toto: "Oh, how sad... Is it truly possible that there's nothing left for me to learn in the netherworld?" Iruma: "A story that's unknown in the netherworld?" Iruma: "Toto-san... Have you heard of First Love Memories?" Toto: "First..." Toto: "What is that? Is it a story?" Iruma: "You haven't heard of it? All right! Naphula-san, can you help me out?" Iruma: "You, too, Ali-san." Ali-San: "Dang it. I already told you I'm exhausted." Iruma: "Okay! Ahem. And now, let our story begin." Iruma: "First Love Memories..." Iruma: "Episode 1: The Exciting Traffic Accident!" Iruma (Rin): "Oh, no! I'm so late!" Iruma (Rin): "I'm Hoshino Rin (16). And I'm definitely late for school right now! I can't believe I'm late the first day of the new term! Ugh, this is the worst!" Iruma (Rin): "Ow..." Iruma (Kakeru): "S-Sorry!" Iruma (Kakeru): "Are you okay?" Iruma (Kakeru): "Are you hurt?" Iruma (Rin): "Huh? What's this thrill I'm feeling? I've never felt like this before!" Iruma (Rin) And Toto: "What in the world is this?!" Iruma (Sayo): "I won't let you have Kakeru-kun! We're settling this with tug-of-war, you homewrecker!" Iruma (Rin): "Let's... stop this." Iruma (Rin): "There is a future where we can come to understand each other." Iruma (Sayo): "Shut up!" Iruma (Sayo): "Heave-ho!" Iruma (Rin): "Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Heave-ho!" Iruma (Sayo): "Heave-ho! Heave-ho!" Toto: "Ah... It's been so long since my heart's been so moved." Iruma (Rin): "If only I could use my taekwondo, I could take them down with one blow! If I'm this weak, there's no way I can protect Kakeru-kun from the evil organization." Toto: "It hurts..." Iruma (Kakeru): "Stop this! Your right arm can't take any more! I'm throwing in the towel!" Iruma (Rin): "No! My feelings for you, Kakeru-kun... are unparalleled!" Toto: "And yet, it feels so warm..." Iruma (Rin): "I'm going to become even stronger so I can protect your smile. And maybe even this planet!" Toto: "And it's so much fun." Toto: "That was magnificent! Kakeru and Rin's love... The sports! The battle against the evil organization that's after Kakeru! I couldn't take my eyes away, even for a second!" Iruma: "I'm glad... I was able to convey how great First Love Memories is." Toto: "Do you know how excited I was during the scene where Rin hit them with that right straight for Kakeru, Iruma?! I could barely breathe!" Iruma: "I totally understand! It's just so passionate, isn't it?" Toto: "Knowledge is the seed of friendship." Toto: "My beloved challenger, Iruma. As a token of my respect for your magnificent knowledge, I shall give you the Seed of Beginnings. Within my new knowledge, I look forward to adding "Iruma wins the Harvest Festival."" Iruma: "Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wanted to tell you the story up to the latest volume, if I could." Toto: "There's... more?! Give me the seed back! I want to hear the entire story!" Iruma: "But you just gave it to me!" Toto: "Don't dodge!" Iruma: "B-But I don't have time..." Toto: "In that case! Give me your phone number!" Iruma: "Toto-san, you have a hellphone?!" : "With his passionate interpretation of First Love Memories, Iruma was able to successfully obtain the Seed of Beginnings!" Toto: "Su-ki-ma!" Iruma: "Who would've thought I'd exchange phone numbers with Toto-san?" Iruma: "Huh? Toto-san? He's calling me already?" Iruma: "Hello?" Toto: "Iruma, continue to tell me the tales of First Love Memories as you make your way back to the surface." Iruma: "Huh? Uh, sure..." Toto: "Oho. And then what happens?" Toto: "What?! Unbelievable! I can't take it!" : "Iruma continued his enthusiastic retelling, while fearing the cave might collapse on top of them, until his Hellphone's battery was drained." Toto: "First Love Memories... What happened to Rin and Kakeru after they were separated due to the earth opening up between them? Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, "Wish Upon Your Bow." I'm curious as to what happens to Rin and Kakeru, so I might just have to write the rest on my own." Toto: "What, Iruma?"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 11 – Toto the Genie", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "11", "Toto the Genie" ] }
Iruma: "Okay, let's go." : "The second night of the Harvest Festival. Iruma obtained the Seed of Beginnings and is now looking for an underground cave so he can meet back up with Lead." Iruma: "Thank goodness Toto-san told us the way back." Iruma: "It did take quite a while for us to complete the trial... Episode 1: The Exciting Traffic Accident!" Iruma (Rin): "I'm Hoshino Rin (16). Oh, no! I'm so late! I'm going to become even stronger so I can protect your smile. Heave-ho! Heave-ho!" Iruma (Rin): "And maybe even this planet!" Iruma: "I need to get out of here and meet back up with Lead-kun..." Iruma: "What should I say about Naphula-san?" Iruma: "I mean... we're supposed to be rivals, but they did help me get this seed." Iruma: "Maybe we can split up our points three ways? Um... hmm... Or maybe I'll split my points in half with Lead-kun, and then split my half in half with Naphula-san... Hmm..." Iruma: "I'll figure it out after I meet back up with him." : "He put it off for now." : "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire. Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" Iruma; Asmodeus; Clara: ""Wish Upon Your Bow."" Iruma: "Come to think of it... Naphula-san's smell isn't bothering me anymore." Iruma: "Maybe I just got used to it, like adapting to my surroundings." Iruma: "The Harvest Festival is reminding me a lot of how I used to be." Iruma: "Back then..." Iruma: "I did everything I could just to survive. Ever since I came to the netherworld, I've been surrounded by new and mysterious things," Iruma: "and there have been some rough spots. At first, I was pretty scared of everyone," Iruma: "but I mean... I really thought they were going to eat me." Iruma: "All the teachers and students just looked really intimidating." Iruma: "But they all ended up being great people... er, great demons. I even made some friends, finally got some good sleep, and got to eat until I was full," Iruma: "and my life at school's been super fun." Iruma: "Yeah, I am human... But I'm working hard in the netherworld because I want to." Iruma: "That's why..." Iruma: "It's always super exciting..." Iruma: "and exhilarating!" Iruma: "Let's go." Iruma: "Up you go." Iruma: "Huh? I'm okay." Iruma: "That's why... while I'm here in the netherworld, I want to..." Iruma'S Father: "Iruma!" Iruma'S Mother: "Found you!" Iruma: "What?!" Iruma'S Mother: "How've you been?!" Iruma'S Father: "Your mother and father are living their best lives!" Iruma: "Huh? Wait, why?! Or rather, how did you..." Iruma'S Father: "How?" Iruma'S Mother: "We walked." Iruma: "Wait, wait! But we're in the nether—" Iruma: "This is the netherworld..." Iruma: "But I can somehow see these two pulling it off! They'd find a way here!" Iruma Father And Mother: "Iruma! Yay, yay, happy-go-lucky! Happy-go-lucky! Yay, yay-yay, yay!" Iruma'S Father: "Your mom and dad are broke again! So we're trying to figure out our next get-rich-quick scheme!" Iruma'S Mother: "Doesn't that sound fun, Iruma?" Iruma: "Seriously?" Iruma: "No, wait! I have to say it!" Iruma: "I need to scold them! I need to scold them for selling me off!" Iruma'S Mother: "Why don't we try to get rich in the desert next? I'm sick of the North Pole." Iruma'S Father: "Hey, great idea! We'll just look for treasure in the pyramids and take it for ourselves!" Iruma: "They're not listening at all!" Iruma: "This is how they've always been." Iruma: "Now things are just going to end up like they always do..." Iruma'S Father: "And that's where we're at." Iruma'S Mother: "So let's go home, Iruma." Iruma: "Um, er, no, I don't..." Iruma'S Father: "Huh? But why? You always said..." Iruma: "Okay!" Iruma'S Mother: "...and went along with us." Iruma'S Father: "You've always been a good boy who listens to his parents. Am I right?" Iruma'S Mother: "That's right! And that's why we love you, Iruma!" Iruma'S Father: "Of course we do!" Iruma'S Father: "Come on, let's go, Iruma! It'll be a blast!" Iruma'S Mother: "Yes! Let's go, Iruma! Come on! Well..." Iruma'S Mother: "Come on, Iruma..." Iruma'S Mother: "Please!" Iruma'S Mother And Father: "Iruma!" Ocho: "Welp, down he goes." Ocho: "Your ability that makes your opponents see illusions of what traumatizes them! Splendid work, Orobas-sama! He went so brilliantly upside-down. I, Ocho, am in awe of your greatness!" Orobas: "Him falling was a coincidence. I went pretty hard on the spell with him. Even if he survived, Iruma will continue to suffer from illusions of his trauma throughout the Harvest Festival." Ocho: "Well done, Orobas-sama—" Ocho: "Huh? Who the heck are you? Yikes, you stink! What the hell?!" Ocho: "Ugh! You reek! Uh, Orobas-sama! Could you get rid of this freak, too?" Orobas: "We're only after the Misfit Class. Nobody else matters." Ocho: "Yes, of course, Orobas-sama!" Orobas: "Let's go." Ocho: "Yes, sir!" Iruma: "Where am I?" Iruma: "I remember... seeing my mom and dad, and then I fell—ow!" Iruma: "My leg... I guess I'm hurt. What should I do? I need to get back up there, quick." Iruma: "Azz-kun? Clara? Huh? But why? Wait, did you two fall—" Asmodeus: "Stay away from me, human." Iruma: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "Your magic and mana were all a lie." Asmodeus: "An illusion." Iruma: "B-But that's—" Clara: "You liar. I hate you." Asmodeus: "Don't bother us anymore." Asmodeus: "You traitor." Iruma: "Wai—" Iruma: "Please wait! That's not... That's not true!" Ameri: "What's not true?" Iruma: "Ameri-san..." Ameri: "To think that you were lying this whole time... I'm so disappointed in you." Kalego: "What did you expect?" Kalego: "It's impossible for humans and demons to coexist." Kalego: "You should not be allowed in the netherworld." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun!" Opera: "Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Grandpa! Opera-san!" Sullivan: "It's okay. Don't worry." Sullivan: "Come here." Iruma: "Gran— I—" Sullivan: "Now..." Sullivan: "Now you'll be able to go home, because your parents are here to get you." Iruma'S Mother And Father: "Iruma!" Iruma'S Mother: "Iruma!" Opera: "Now, please hurry and go back where you belong, Iruma-sama." Iruma'S Mother And Father: "Iruma!" Iruma'S Mother: "Come now, Iruma. We're going home..." Iruma'S Father: "...together!" Iruma: "They wouldn't say that... None of them would ever" Iruma: "say things like that." Iruma: "They had to be illusions." Iruma: "I know for a fact... that they're illusions..." Iruma: "But my body won't move..." Iruma: "And it's not because my leg hurts." Iruma: "I was always okay..." Iruma: "Even if I was by myself. I always expected to get left behind, and I wasn't even that troubled by it." Iruma: "Falling into despair was pointless." Iruma: "It didn't fill my belly, and nothing good came of it." Iruma: "But now..." Iruma: "I have so many precious people around me." Iruma: "I have a place of my very own that's warm and that I love." Iruma: "But if..." Iruma: "If they all leave me behind, too..." Iruma: "I'll be all alone again." Iruma: "There's..." Iruma: "There's a word I've avoided saying this whole time." Iruma: "I don't want to say it." Iruma: "I shouldn't say it." Iruma: "But..." Iruma: "But..." Iruma: "I'm lonely!" Iruma: "No!" Iruma: "Don't... leave me behind." Bachiko: "Seriously." Bachiko: "You're such an idiot, you know that?" Bachiko: "Did you forget what I taught you?" Iruma: "M-Master?" Bachiko: "Did you forget what I taught you?" Iruma: "That's right. She's right!" Iruma: "Don't falter." Iruma: "I'm..." Iruma: "an archer! I'm going to shoot through this fear!" Bachiko: "Lame! It went "sploosh!" What is it, water?! Sploosh!" Iruma: "I think I shot it... exactly how you taught me..." Bachiko: "Correct. You ain't wrong." Bachiko: "First, take a step." Bachiko: "Second, aim. Third, fire. Bang! Yeah!" Iruma: "Bang! Yeah!" Bachiko: "However... Your orders aren't getting through to this." Bachiko: "The most basic part of magic is imagining exactly what you wanna do." Bachiko: "You should've poured your desires into the feathers and produced an arrow." Iruma: "That's the kind of hero I want to be!" Bachiko: "Back then, was your desire to shoot the enemy?" Iruma: "No!" Bachiko: "Yeah, this arrow's way scrawnier than the one I saw before. What you've gotta do is concentrate harder, visualize your ideal arrow, and then teach your partner there how to shoot." Bachiko: "Now, then... What's the kind of situation where you'd be concentrating the most?" Iruma: "Huh? Hmm... When it's quiet?" Bachiko: "No, it's the opposite! When you're in the ultimate danger! When you're faced with life or death, your concentration skyrockets! And that's why..." Bachiko: "You need to get the wrong idea. This ain't no can. It's a lion-shaped magical beast. It's totally a bluff, but convince yourself that you'll die if you touch it!" Iruma: "Die?!" Bachiko: "This field is a forest! And go!" Bachiko: "Don't falter! Did you forget what I taught you? Concentrate!" Bachiko: "A shot like that ain't gonna defeat this thing! Communicate your vision of shooting it better!" Iruma: "Yes, ma'am!" Bachiko: "Don't get distracted! You just died, you dummy!" Iruma: "It's so hard... My mind's a mess." Iruma: "I need to remember how it felt surviving back then. Don't look away from the enemy. Take a step." Iruma: "Aim." Iruma: "And shoot!" Bachiko: "Visualize simply but realistically." Bachiko: "The sound of the arrow piercing through its flesh! The beast roaring! Its smell! And then... Tell it your desire." Iruma: "Tell it your desire." Iruma: "Pierce through!" Bachiko: "You pierced through it. All right. Not bad!" Bachiko: "Now..." Bachiko: "We can move on to the next step." Iruma: "Huh?!" Bachiko: "Imagine being in life-or-death situations 99 more times." Iruma: "D-Did you say 99 more times?!" Bachiko: "Just because you managed to get through to your bow once ain't gonna make you partners." Bachiko: "You need a total of a hundred times. You give up?" Iruma: "No. Because my parents put me in life-or-death situations way more times than that!" Bachiko: "Oh? Actually... That just means your parents are pretty messed up!" Iruma: "Huh?! I'll get through it." Iruma: "The life-or-death situation I visualize with this bow and arrow..." Bachiko: "Hey! I keep telling you not to falter!" Iruma: "A hundred patterns..." Iruma: "No. Maybe even more." Iruma: "Whoa, whoa, whoa..." Bachiko: "Aim carefully, now." Bachiko: "Aim carefully! Aim carefully!" Iruma: "More... More!" Bachiko: "Make sure you concentrate in any situation!" Iruma: "Yes, ma'am!" Bachiko: "Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!" Iruma: "More..." Bachiko: "How many... times have you done this now?" Iruma: "I have no idea..." Bachiko: "Most people get tired of this and just give up... Seriously..." Bachiko: "If you don't win after you put me through all this trouble..." Bachiko: "You're gonna be my errand boy for life. You hear me?" Iruma: "Uh, hello?!" Bachiko: "I'm looking forward to it..." Bachiko: "my dumb student." Bachiko: "Listen up, Iruma. Preparing your bow and arrow is the same as preparing your heart." Iruma: "I'm not scared of my parents." Iruma: "I'm not scared of this monster." Iruma: "What I'm scared of... to the point that my body doesn't want to move..." Iruma: "is..." Iruma: "is the thought of not being able to be with everyone anymore!" Iruma: "Remember... what Master told you." Iruma: "Visualize shooting through the fear!" Iruma: "Communicate my desire to the bow and arrow!" Ameri: "You're a liar." Clara: "Why are you still here?" Sullivan: "Go home." Iruma: "Protect the place you belong! Shoot through it, Suzuki Iruma!" Iruma: "I'm... gonna live in the netherworld!" Iruma: "Ow... Did the bow make me do that? Or did I just... feel relieved?" Iruma: "So this magical beast... made itself look like that monster?" Iruma: "I see. So it really was all an illusion. That must mean my parents up there were also... I see. Okay!" Iruma: "I'm in the middle of the Harvest Festival! I gotta head back!" Iruma: "To where everyone else is!" Iruma: "So, yeah... This is my chance to prove that I can stand shoulder to shoulder with everyone even if I'm human." Iruma: "Mm... I guess I should make this sound as demon-like as possible." Iruma: "Ahem." Iruma: "I'm human... So in this festival that'll decide the best demon..." Iruma: "I'm gonna win, no matter what!" phura: "Gyu-gyo-gaa." : "Right around the time Iruma got used to Naphula's smell..." Iruma: "We're almost to the surface!" Iruma: "That was close! Thank you!" Iruma: "Nice and slow... Nice and slow..." Iruma: "Uh, right. You, too, Naphula-san." Iruma: "We got across! Let's go!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 12 – Wish Upon Your Bow", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "12", "Wish Upon Your Bow" ] }
: "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire." : "Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" Iruma; Clara; Asmodeus: ""My Very Own Magic."" : "The third day of the Harvest Festival. In this extreme game of survival, there are many students who no longer have the energy to hunt down any more magical beasts... Or perhaps not." Asmodeus: "El Blast!" : "The students surviving the third day have found the most efficient ways of hunting down their prey." Sabro: "This makes five!" : "For example, the strategy of aggressively attacking." Ichiro: "What?! Well, we've got six!" Sabro: "Well, two of those are puny, so you've only got 0.5." Ichiro: "Huh?! Quit using hard words!" Sabro: "Are you stupid?!" : "Let's go to a rocky place next." Sabro: "You know..." Sabro: "It's been difficult finding other boss-class beasts like that Hundred Flapple." Asmodeus: "But we're not going to let anyone get ahead of our victory. We'll be hunting down any high-value magical beast on sight." Sabro: "I want to knock, too!" Asmodeus: "Stop that!" : "Those who can't rely on their strength..." Students: "It's the real deal!" : "...rely on working in great numbers." Students: "We might just win this thing!" Azuki: "This is our first boss-class beast!" Konatsu: "Yay, yay!" : "Meanwhile, a certain student was standing out..." Beasts: "Team A was defeated in the hot springs area! Team B has returned!" Beast A: "We retrieved some ingredients!" Beast C: "Your Majesty!" Beast D: "You're so beautiful!" : "...by using her charms to control magical beasts." Beasts: "Your Majesty! We'll give you anything!" : "Other strategies include..." One-Eyed Student: "You traitor!" : "Deception!" Male Student A: "Heh! Now the points..." Male Student A: "go to you, my beloved!" Elizabetta: "Oh, how lovely." : "Seduction!" Clara: "I played lots with these doggos!" Clara: "Perfect 10!" Elizabetta: "Well, let's head to the Reporting Tower." : "Everyone used the best of their abilities in the first half." Kalego: "There are now less than two days left in the Harvest Festival. I will announce the interim results." Kalego: "Asmodeus: 21,800 points. Sabnock: 18,600 points." Kalego: "Ichiro: 16,500 points. Niro: 16,500 points." Kalego: "Crocell: 19,200 points. Caim: 12,400 points." Kalego: "Valac: 9,800 points. X: 13,200 points." Kalego: "Orobas: 15,400 points." Kalego: "Agares: 9,500 points. Garp: 9,500 points. Keem: 7,600 points. Tokel: 6,800 points. Those are the ones who are above the threshold to win." Kalego: "Why is the Harvest Festival your final training for the year?" Kalego: "Because it's that important." Kalego: "The festival is a test of survival. This forest is a miniature version of the netherworld." Kalego: "Encounters with chance or dilemma come in equal measure. It's filled with excitement, thrills, despair, and inspiration." Kalego: "This is where you discover whether you can survive the netherworld. The one who ends up on top" Kalego: "will receive the most renowned title." Kalego: "The same title given to every victor in the event's history. And that title is..." Kalego: "The Young Demon King Candidate..." Kalego: "The Young King!" Kalego: "The names of the students I called out earlier with the most points... You are all currently closest to becoming the Young King." Kalego: "Make sure you're all aware of each other. That is all." Dali: "You're quite the instigator..." Kalego: "There is currently... one fool of a student with zero points, who has somehow survived but is nowhere to be found. I don't know where you are or what you're doing, but if you're going to forfeit, go on and do it. But if you plan on winning... Hurry up and claw your way to the top, you fool!" Kalego: "That is all from me." Dali And Suzie: "Oh?" Dali: "What's this? Kalego-sensei, are you actually playing favorites?" Kalego: "What? I only issued a warning because it'd be a pain to have to retrieve him." Dali: "Really? Really?" Kalego: "Please stop." Ichiro: "Hey, so is the Young King or whatever number one?" : "Yup, number one." Ichiro: "Guess they mean me, then." Sabro: "Nonsense! The title of Young King was made for me! Isn't that right, Honor Student?" Elizabetta: "How worrisome..." Sabro: "Hm? Is the one who's missing..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama..." Asmodeus: "Curse you! Stop following me! I'm going to tell Iruma-sama how I did with my training first!" Clara: "Non, non, you are wrong. I'm seeing him first! I can't be away from Iruma-chi any longer! Today's the day I have him give me head pats and tell me I'm a good girl!" Asmodeus: "Well, I've been getting by with Iruma-sama's face on my hellphone's lock screen! I get priority!" Clara: "No, I get to go first! Because I'm his super-greatest BFF!" Asmodeus: "And I'm his number one friend!" Clara: "Being his super-greatest BFF is better!" Asmodeus: "No, being his number one friend means I am closest to him! I mean, I'm sure he'll compliment me, at least." Clara: "Oh, we'll see about that!" Asmodeus: "I'm going to see Iruma-sama as soon as possible..." Clara: "I'm going to see Iruma-chi as soon as possible..." Asmodeus And Clara: "...and have him praise me!" Bachiko: "Concentrate!" Bachiko: "You can't shoot the enemy like that!" Iruma: "Right!" Bachiko: "It's because you aren't aiming properly! You lack resolve! Does that frustrate you?" Iruma: "Yes!" Bachiko: "Then get up! One more time!" Iruma: "Right!" Asmodeus: "You're not going to go see him?" Clara: "Nope. What about you, Azz-Azz?" Asmodeus: "I suddenly have something to do." Clara: "Me, too." Asmodeus And Clara: "I'm going to train even more!" Asmodeus: "We saw just how much Iruma-sama was training." Clara: "It's okay..." Asmodeus And Clara: "I'll have faith and wait for you!" Asmodeus: "First off, we encouraged each other, saying we'd both do our best! I'm going to show him just how well I've done and have him praise me." Sabro: "I see." Sabro: "You seem to be having a rough time, though..." Ichiro: "What's up? He's trying to act all tough." : "We'd probably win if we provoked him now." Asmodeus: "There's nothing to fear! Iruma-sama will be back! Though I want to run to his side immediately, I will... I will endure this!" Sabro: "Yes. Don't push yourself too hard." Clara: "Hold back. Hold back." Elizabetta: "Are you sure?" Clara: "Tsk, tsk. A proper woman doesn't chase after men. She lets men chase after her! If I can become a proper woman and have Iruma-chi praise me, I can endure this! I can!" Elizabetta: "My, how lovely." Clara: "But..." Clara: "The truth is, I wanna see you really bad, so hurry back! Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "I miss Azz-kun and Clara..." Ali-San: "I miss Azz-kun and Clara..." Iruma: "Ali-san!" Ali-San: "Jeez! How many times are you gonna mutter that?" Iruma: "Well... It's keeping me sane. I got out of the ruins, but fell right in front of the exit, so I think I can get out if I keep climbing up." Ali-San: "You sure did fall." Iruma: "Hup." Ali-San: "You lost consciousness from the illusion, and I protected you!" Ali-San: "I even picked up the Seed of Beginnings for you." Iruma: "Oh, great one! I'm sorry to have troubled you!" Ali-San: "That was a nasty spell they used on you." Ali-San: "Who knows what would've happened if that illusion didn't wear off? Li'l Iru! Wake up already!" Iruma: "Yeah, thanks." Iruma: "And because of that, I'm even more determined. I know exactly where I belong now, so I need to hurry up and get back." Ali-San: "Right. But how do you plan on doing that? At the rate we're going, we'll reach the surface in... a year? Three years? Ten years?" Iruma: "What? Naphula-san?! Huh? Wait, you came down here to get me?" Iruma: "Were you worried about me? Thank yo—" Iruma: "Huh? Why don't I fly? Um... I'm not very good at flying." Iruma: "Sorry..." Iruma: "Actually, I hurt my leg, too. Naphula-san, you don't need to worry about me. Go on and head up..." Iruma: "Nigi nigi greens! You had some?" : "Nigi nigi greens. If even one drop of water falls on them, they grow 30 meters." Iruma: "I learned about these in my books!" Song: "With just a little bit of water, they grow like whoosh, nigi nigi greens... They love dark, dreary places..." Iruma: "Huh? But we need water for nigi nigi greens." phura: "Tsk, tsk, tsk." Iruma: "A watering pot? Why do you have one of those?" Iruma: "Okay, we just need to climb this." Iruma: "Can I... climb this?" Iruma: "If only my leg wasn't hurt..." Iruma: "My hurt... leg?" Iruma: "It's all better! Huh?" Iruma: "So humans in the netherworld have powers like this..." Iruma: "I just got a great idea!" Iruma: "Sorry about this! I'm a human in the netherworld. So..." Iruma: "I'm gonna climb right up... with my own magic." Suzie: "Yis..." Dali: "This Hell Grey tea is quite exquisite." Students: "What the?!" Iruma: "I'm going to get through..." Iruma: "this hardship!" Male Student B: "Huh?!" Students: "What the hell is that?!" Sabro: "Well, now, I think I've seen that before!" Asmodeus: "Yes... The only one who can do something like this..." Asmodeus: "is him!" Iruma: "Oh. Hi, camera demon." Iruma: "Iruma has come back alive!" Iruma: "Lead-kun! I got the Seed of Beginnings!" Suzie And Dali: "Oh, my..." Kalego: "Pardon... You fool! What in the world is this ruckus?! Can't you come back out quietly?!" Iruma: "Kalego-sensei?! Sorry!" Iruma: "I didn't mean to make this much of a scene. Oh, this is called nigi nigi greens, and—" Kalego: "I don't care about that. Are you hurt? Are you going to report what you've collected?! Are you going to forfeit?" Iruma: "Huh? Oh, no..." Iruma: "I'm going to win!" Suzie: "Oho, that's quite the declaration!" Dali: "I wonder if something happened." Kalego: "Well, in that case..." Kalego: "Hurry up and get back to hunting, you zero-point-last-place fool!" Iruma: "That's right... I have zero points. I need to meet back up with him quick! Okay." Iruma: "I'm going to meet back up with Lead-kun." : "Let's go back in time a bit to the second day of the Harvest Festival." : "Lead parted ways with Iruma to search for the Vase of Endings..." : "and came face to face with a genie." Genie: "Do you seek the Vase of Endings, demon child?" Lead: "Let's battle! A hundred obstacles... This is basically a game!" Genie: "Fear death, demon child." Lead: "My courage is put to the test." emale Genie: "Wake up..." Lead: "Unexpected encounters..." Lead: "Life's a game... Might as well have fun with it." Lead: "Sorry, but... I'm an expert at games." Lead: "I'm gonna say goodbye to my old self... and seize the light! Go!" Lead: "Devi!" Lead: "So yeah, I worked myself to the bone and finally got it. The Vase of Endings!" Lead: "I was totally an awesome protagonist." : "Apparently." Lead: "All we need now is the Seed of Beginnings that Iruma-kun's looking for, I think? If the two of us manage to make the Legend Leaf bloom with these two key items..." Woman A: "Your Majesty!" Woman B: "Look over here!" Lead: "Winner. The Young King Lead." Lead: "Not bad... Not bad at all! Guess it's time to start my fan club... Wait, now's not the time for that! I need to figure out my autograph. Let's see... Lead... Le... Shaxstar..." Suzie: "Here are some more interim results!" Suzie: "Yis. Before we announce how many points the rest of the students have..." Dali: "Let's go back over some tips!" Suzie: "The points that we're announcing are based on everything you've turned in to the Reporting Tower." Dali: "Make sure you get to the Reporting Tower as soon as possible! Oh, by the way... Shax Lead-kun from the Misfit Class!" Lead: "Huh? Wait, me?" Dali: "That vase in your hand! It's not exactly an ingredient, but that alone is worth 20,000 points! Did you know that?" Lead: "Huh? What?!" Dali: "You should probably turn that in immediately, or things may get a bit risky... Be careful now!" Lead: "Ah, so this vase is worth 20,000 points. I had no idea! Yikes, that was close." Lead: "Why would you announce that?" Students: "20,000 points? Did you hear that? Someone has 20,000 points. Where is he?" Suzie: "What? Why is that vase worth so many points, you ask? Believe or not, it happens to be for the Legend Lea—" Dali: "Oh! Hey, now! That's a secret!" Lead: "Why announce that?!" Students: "The Vase of Endings? Hey, did he say Legend Leaf?" Lead: "Hey! Now everyone knows I have 20,000 points! And you even mentioned the Legend Leaf!" Suzie And Dali: "Yay!" Lead: "You're totally enjoying every second of this! It's so on purpose! Damn you demons! I'm gonna keep a low profile. I can't stand out at all. I'm the air. I'm the air. I'm the air. I'm grass. Just grass. A rock?!" Iruma: "Iruma has come back alive!" Iruma: "Lead-kun! I got the Seed of Beginnings! Let's meet back up at the husband and wife stones!" Lead: "Oh, way to go, Iruma-kun! You got the seed, too! Way to go! But you know... Why announce that?!" Lead: "The vase that was once sparkly is emitting a stench of death..." Lead: "Oh no, oh no, oh no. This is really bad." Lead: "I'm pretty sure everyone knows now..." Lead: "The Iruma and Lead team has the Legend Leaf... Meaning we're the students closest to getting 100,000 points. If someone steals these, they'll immediately turn everything around and win with 100,000 points." Lead: "Of course they're gonna come after us!" Students: "Lead. Where are you? Shax... Lead..." Lead: "They're totally after me." Lead: "I'm doomed if they find me! I have no chance of fighting them off. But this vase is our lifeline! I'm still a man! I'm not gonna let anyone take it!" Elizabetta: "Oh?" Lead: "No matter what..." Elizabetta: "Hello there." Lead: "No matter what... Nope!" Clara: "It's been a while, Su-ki-ma!" Ichiro: "Come to think of it, you guys are wearing weird clothes!" : "What the heck?" Sabro: "These are our noble battle outfits." Asmodeus: "Our master recommended them to us!" Ichiro: "What?! Master recommended those?!" Ichiro: "I'm so jealous, damn it!" : "O-Ooh! Suddenly they look way cooler!" : "The Dorodoro Brothers continue to have the wrong idea about who the master is."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 13 – My Very Own Magic", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "13", "My Very Own Magic" ] }
: "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire." : "Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" Iruma And Lead: ""Lead's Distress."" Dosanko: "Bow." Dosanko: "I'm everyone's sweetheart, Dosanko." Dosanko: "Let's review what's happened. In a certain place in Block 2 of the Harvest Festival stood a lovely castle. There lived an exquisitely beautiful young man, the beautiful Dosanko, and some randos. But one day, Dosanko realized something... When the beautiful young man" Dosanko: "was together with his comrade Goemon... I'm overflowing with emotions! And I can't get enough Hell Gray tea!" Azuki: "Dosa-chan, you call that a review?" Haruno: "That just won't do." Konatsu: "So much has happened!" Keroli: "I will be the one who wins!" Azuki: "Yup, yup!" Clara: "Head over heels! I love you the most." Picero: "Don't do it." Goemon: "I'll be back." Asmodeus: "Knock..." Toto: "I shall give you the Seed of Beginnings." Iruma: "Thank you very much!" Iruma: "I'm lonely! Pierce through! Iruma has come back alive!" Lead: "The Vase of Endings!" Azuki: "Let's do our best to win, too!" Dosanko: "Endymion-sama!" : "And after a grand adventure, Lead was able to get the Vase of Endings..." Iruma: "What about you, Lead-kun? Did you find the vase?" Lead: "I did find the Vase of Endings." Lead: "And..." Lead: "She stole it from me!" Iruma: "Huh?!" Lead: "Nee-san was so mean!" Iruma: "Nee-san? You mean Eliza-san?" Lead: "That was... That was..." Lead: "just too cruel!" Lead: "N-N-N-Nee-san! What are you doing here?!" Elizabetta: "Lead-kun... Is that the vase?" Lead: "If I get too close, she'll charm me, and it'll all be over! I sorta want that to happen, but I'll protect this vase with my life! I-I won't let you have it this time, even if you say you love me!" Elizabetta: "I'm sorry." Elizabetta: "I thought about some things after we last met. After telling you that I loved you, I took everything you had collected" Elizabetta: "and that was awful of me." Elizabetta: "I was wrong when I said I loved you like everyone else." Lead: "Nee..." Elizabetta: "Lead-kun, I... don't actually love you that much!" Lead: "Huh?" Elizabetta: "I mean, you're not that strong!" Elizabetta: "You're aloof and gaudy!" Elizabetta: "And you're smaller than me!" Demon: "KO." Lead: "And I'm always trying to stand with my tail so no one can tell my height!" Elizabetta: "And... You're always looking at me in a perverted way, aren't you?" Lead: "I'm... not!" Elizabetta: "No way! You've been ogling me this whole time." Elizabetta: "I don't like gentlemen like that. Actually..." Elizabetta: "I hate them." Lead: "A girl told me that she hates me... No man could survive that!" Lead: "And when I woke up... She had taken the vase from me!" Lead: "It's not fair! It's just too cruel! That wasn't... the usual Nee-san!" Iruma: "You're right..." Iruma: "You know, that might've been an illusion." Iruma: "I was shown something awful while I was underground, too." Lead: "Wait, so that Nee-san..." Iruma: "I thought some plant or monster could be behind all this," Iruma: "but if they took the vase, it must be..." Iruma: "a student's magic." Ocho: "Wow, he was a total pushover, Orobas-sama. It was an insta-kill! And he had no idea it was your magic." Orobas: "I don't know what kind of illusion he saw," Orobas: "but now they have zero points. But to think the other one made it back to the surface..." Ocho: "Yes, indeed. The nerve!" Orobas: "Iruma..." Iruma: "Anyway, let's meet up with Eliza-san and confirm!" Lead: "Y-You're right!" Lead: "There's no way Nee-san would hate me! It had to be an illusion... I think! All right. Now that that's settled, leave this to me." Lead: "What's all this?" Robin: "Your training! Apparently, your concentration goes up when you feel cornered. So let's have you multitask!" Robin: "A book in your right hand!" Robin: "A video game in your left! Music playing in your ears! While you're concentrating on all those, steal away my five senses!" : "The range of Lead's bloodline ability, Controller, can change depending on his mana and concentration." Lead: "This is killing me!" Robin: "I'm sure you won't get used to it immediately, but it's okay! I'll be right next to you, cheering you on!" Lead: "Shut up! This is hell! "Ten Secrets to Becoming Popular with Girls!"" Lead: "If my concentration breaks even a little..." Lead: "I'll miss out on some information." Lead: "This is so intense! But because of all this, my concentration is automatically maxed!" Lead: "I'm so worked up right now!" Lead: "Come on, pick it up! Find information on Nee-san!" Students: "I still only have 250 points!" Some Student: "Elizabetta... took my points!" Rando 1: "They got me!" Rando 2: "That's totally cheating!" Lead: "There! Okay! Where is she? I'll locate her by what they're saying!" Clara: "So soft!" Clara: "Your skin's so smooth, Nee-san!" Elizabetta: "So is yours, Clara-chan." Lead: "Wait, is this... Could it be?!" Elizabetta: "This is paradise!" Clara: "The bath feels so nice!" Lead: "Is this on the devil?!" Iruma: "Lead-kun?! Are you okay?!" Lead: "Wait, shh!" phura: "Tsk, tsk, tsk." Elizabetta: "I can feel all my exhaustion melting away." Clara: "This really is paradise!" Keroli: "Since we keep getting dirty during the Harvest Festival, aren't these hot springs lovely? Are you enjoying yourselves?" Clara And Elizabetta: "Very much!" Elizabetta: "I never thought I'd be able to enjoy a bath out here in the wilderness." Clara: "This side's warm! This side's hot!" Elizabetta: "I must say, it's a bit exhilarating doing this right out in the open." Keroli: "Don't worry. We're the only ones here." Keroli: "I have my magical beasts standing guard over my kingdom." Keroli: "We can talk here without anyone hearing us." Lead: "I'm definitely hearing you! I never thought trying to scout Nee-san's location would lead to such a lucky— I had no idea she'd be so unguarded!" Lead: "But to think Nee-san and Clara met up with Queen Keroli..." Keroli: "But you know..." Keroli: "It's still very apparent that... you have an amazing figure." Elizabetta: "Why, thank you." Elizabetta: "But Clara-chan's not so bad herself." Clara: "Nee-san's so soft..." Keroli: "O-Oh, really? Well... I'm still growing, so..." Clara: "Kerolin, your skin's so smooth!" Elizabetta: "No fair! I want to touch, too." Clara: "Kerolin's skin is cold and bouncy!" Elizabetta: "You're right!" Keroli: "Hey, wait!" Iruma: "L-Lead-kun?" Lead: "I'm so happy I was born with this power!" Iruma: "Y-You're crying?! A-Are you okay?!" Lead: "Yeah, now shut up." Clara: "So soft." Keroli: "H-Hey..." Elizabetta: "Okay, now let's get down to business. You went to the trouble of sending one of your magical beasts to invite us to these lovely hot springs. Is it safe to assume that you want to work with us, Kero-chan?" Keroli: "Yes. Since I invited you to these hot springs... In return, I'd like you both to participate in our plan." Lead: "Plan?! So they are after someone? I can't miss out on this!" Lead: "But there's just one problem. All I'm hearing is their voices. I'm almost completely sure this is Nee-san and the other girls talking. But if I can't see them, I can't be completely sure it's them. Which means... I guess I'll just have to take their sight, too. Oh, I have no ill intentions. This process is necessary to obtain this information. Which means..." Lead: "I have a damn good excuse now! Let's go, Lead! Time to climb the stairs to adulthood!" Keroli: "But..." Keroli: "I'm a bit worried that someone might be watching us. I feel an uncomfortable presence." Clara: "Eek!" Elizabetta: "Oh, no! Someone's watching us? Would someone actually do something so perverted? Perverted... Perverted..." Elizabetta: "Pervert." Lead: "I'm not a pervert, dang it!" Iruma: "L-Lead-kun?!" Lead: "Oh, crap! I cut off my powers!" Iruma: "Huh? Wait, what?" Lead: "But I know where Nee-san is, which means... I'm going to go see her in person, fair and square! Oh, wait. I mean, I'm going to go confirm if Nee-san has the vase or not!" Iruma: "Huh? U-Uh, sure." Lead: "Wait, hold up! Who the heck is that?! What?!" Iruma: "Um, Naphula-san is, uh..." Lead: "They stink! Wait, they stink! What's going on?! Wait, they sti—" Camui: "Welcome back..." Camui: "I see that you're wearing clothes..." Keroli: "We'd be weirdos if we weren't." Camui: "You smell freshly bathed! I'm so glad to be alive in this moment!" Keroli: "Well, let's get going." Keroli: "I'd like you two to charm our enemies so we can score high points. Of course, we'll split our earnings evenly." Elizabetta: "Enemies? Oh, are we going to go after the Legend Leaf?" Keroli: "No. Nothing uncertain is going to make my heart quiver." Keroli: "The Legend Leaf? I'm far more excited thinking about all the points amassed over there." Keroli: "An exquisite location much closer that'll guarantee us a mountain of points to steal." Keroli: "Let's go ahead and take that castle." Demon Z: "I come with a message!" Azuki: "Pipe down! You're in the presence of our lord!" Demon Z: "We're being attacked! Numbers unknown!" Picero: "What?" Goemon: "Mm?" Camui: "Fight! Advance!" Camui: "Take the castle! Take it for Queen Keroli!" Student 1: "They're trying to get into the castle!" Student 2: "Stop them!" Student 3: "Protect the gates!" Messenger: "I come with a message, my lord!" Messenger: "The magical beasts are formidable opponents! We currently have five injured, and two have forfeited!" Haruno: "Some finally forfeited..." Student 4: "Curse those magical beasts... There's no end to them!" Picero: "Damn you, Crocell..." Konatsu: ""Warning. You'd best hand over your points and castle, or else we will destroy your castle and everything with it. The Queen of the Magical Beasts Kingdom, Crocell Keroli."" Picero: "Warning, my ass!" Haruno: "The Magical Beasts Kingdom is demanding we hand over our points and our castle." Dosanko: "Hmph. They've got good taste, coming after this castle." Cyclops: "They said we'd be unharmed if we obey, but..." Konatsu: "We're not going to give in!" Konatsu: "We all joined forces and created this space together! This is our home!" Konatsu: "You all feel the same way, don't you? We were invited in right when we were all going to give up and forfeit. This is our precious home filled with so many wonderful memories!" Konatsu: "There's no way we could just hand it over!" Student 4: "Yes!" Student 5: "That's right! Let's chase off the magical beasts together!" Student 6: "We'll fight to the very last!" Students: "Yeah!" Konatsu: "Everyone..." Student 4: "Let's protect it! Let's protect our castle!" Student 5: "Yeah!" Student 6: "Yes." Konatsu: "Yeah!" Azuki; Haruno; Dosanko: "Yeah!" All: "Yeah!" Picero: "I'm the one who made this castle! It doesn't belong to any of you!" Picero: "What are you jerks getting all riled up for?" Goemon: "Well, they're all very determined." Picero: "I already told them to just take the points in this castle and leave." Konatsu: "Not a chance." Konatsu: "Because we love this place." Goemon: "Everyone likes this castle. Not to mention, you were planning to use yourself and this castle as decoys and let everyone flee, weren't you, Agares-dono? Everyone's caught on already." Goemon: "We're all together until the Harvest Festival ends." Picero: "Seriously..." Picero: "You guys are so weird." Magical Beasts: "Hand over! The castle! To our queen!" Demon: "Don't let them through!" Demon: "We're going to protect our home!" Camui: "Hmm... To think they've been able to resist our attacks this well... But we've only just begun." Camui: "Let's see how much longer you can withstand our ferocious attacks." Mr. Hat: "Gentleman Camui. Unlike Lady Keroli, your talent as a summoner is low," Mr. Hat: "but you are a true gentleman. There is only one way for you to earn that title, then," Mr. Hat: "and that is for you to win an argument against me." Camui: "An argument?" Mr. Hat: "You may call yourself a gentleman, but where were your clothes tailored? Before we even talk about that, you can't even stand like a proper gentleman." Mr. Hat: "Your upbringing is quite telling through your actions. You don't even know how to present yourself properly?" Camui: "H-How dare..." Mr. Hat: "Do you have a handkerchief, a hat, a watch? You reek of cheap cologne, and it insults my olfactory system." Mr. Hat Bg: "The other day at lunch, you used the wrong cutlery." Mr. Hat Fg: "You need to learn to fight like a gentleman." Mr. Hat Bg: "How unnerving." Mr. Hat: "With eloquence!" Camui: "Hear me, my brethren! The inhabitants of this castle hunt magical beasts for points," Camui: "but our queen is different! She loves beasts and treats us as noble warriors who fight alongside her! Let us return her kindness and deep love with gratitude!" Camui: "Those who have a strong command over words..." Camui And Mr. Hat: "...have command over others." Camui: "Let us present this castle to our beautiful queen!" Beasts: "For our queen! For our queen!" Student B: "They're even more aggressive?!" Cyclops: "Oh, no! They broke through—" Goemon: "Winds that blow through the trees..." Goemon: "I implore you to lend me your strength!" Vepar: "You mustn't think of others as objects just because you can control them with your powers." Vepar: "Even if they do not reply, if you talk to them... They'll answer you with their actions!" Vepar: "Make sure you get along with your wind friends." Goemon: "Yes, ma'am! I'm very skilled in having one-sided conversations!" Goemon: "And now for my new technique..." Goemon: "Wind-Sword Save!" Goemon: "I thank you for your assistance." Cyclops: "Just the beasts..." Student 4: "...were blown away?!" Camui: "Hmm... Not bad," Camui: "Gar...p?!" Haruno: "Thank you for saving us!" Konatsu: "That was amazing! How did you do that?" Azuki: "That was so cool!" Dosanko: "Well, you've definitely got my attention now. You can tell me all about your new technique later... When we're all alone." Goemon: "Y-You're too close!" Beast 1: "Sir Camui! He's flirting with those girls!" Beast 2: "He's flirting!" Beast 3: "Hey, calm down! We have our queen!" Beast 4: "Isn't that right, Sir Camui?" Camui: "Yes, you are correct." Camui: "But that's that! Frolicking with ladies in my presence is unacceptable! They shall be punished with death!" Camui: "Come forth, our most powerful reinforcements!" Student: "Those are boss-class magical beasts!" Camui: "Now it's an all-out war!" Camui: "We will give this castle to Queen Keroli." Goemon: "You will not take a step further!" Keroli: "Yes!" Keroli: "Take that whole castle for me! Then I will become the Young King!" Clara And Elizabetta: "Oh, my..." Goemon: "Wind-Sword Save!" Iruma: "Wha?" Lead: "What the heck is this?" Camui: "All forces, advance!" Goemon: "Let us go forth!" Camui: "Trample them!" Clara: "Chuu churu pura poppe!" Clara: "Hey, hey, when we get out of the bath, let's play Pinpokoporoncho!" Elizabetta: "Th-That sounds like a great idea." Elizabetta: "Pinpokoporoncho?" Keroli: "O-Of course..." Keroli: "Pinpokoporoncho?" Keroli And Elizabetta: "Pinpokoporoncho..." Keroli: "Oh, I know. It must be this." Elizabetta: "No, it's this!" Clara: "Non, non!" Clara: "Pinpokoporoncho!" Elizabetta And Keroli: "Fire dancing?!" Keroli: "Yes, I am Queen Crocell Keroli. There is one other way to properly address me. The title bestowed upon the winner of the Harvest Festival, yes, the Young King! The Young King has a high chance of becoming the next Demon King." Keroli: "That's wonderful. A queen and a king. And a dem-dol in secret! Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, "The True Worth of the Archer.""
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 14 – Lead's Distress", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "14", "Lead's Distress" ] }
Ocho: "Now you're definitely going to win for sure!" Reporter (Schneider): "Th-This is the Vase of Endings!" Reporter (Schenider): "Orobas Coco, it is now safely in my custody. You are definitely in the running to win!" : "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire." : "Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" Iruma And Clara: ""The True Worth of the Archer."" Camui: "And go!" Camui: "My brethren! The castle keep is right before us!" Goemon: "I will protect my friends in the castle, no matter what!" Demon: "Save me!" Goemon: "Wind-Sword Save!" x: "It's not coming down, even with boss-class monsters charging at it!" Rabbit: "This castle is so well-built." Camui: "Our only way into the castle is through the front..." Camui: "A castle created from magic is truly a formidable foe." Camui: "The proficiency of this magic is truly the work of a master craftsman." : "The Agares family bloodline ability: My Area. They are able to control anything they consider the "ground."" Picero: "Looks like the guys attacking around the castle have backed off." Konatsu: "We'd expect nothing less from a castle you built, my lord!" Cyclops: "Work together and take shifts protecting the entrance." Konatsu: "And take care of the wounded immediately." Konatsu: "It's been rough, but we're holding up!" Cyclops: "Our bonds won't be broken that easily!" Demon: "You said it!" Konatsu: "Yeah!" Demon 2: "Th-There's trouble!" Dosanko: "What is the meaning of this? You're supposed to go through me to see our lord!" Demon 3: "There's trouble... Six of the soldiers in the east have been defeated. We're sorry..." Konatsu: "Six, so suddenly? Did more magical beasts show up?" Cyclops: "Damn it." Picero: "What are we facing?" Demon 3: "She was sexy..." Demons: "Sexy?!" Konatsu; Cyclops; Blond Demon: "Sexy?!" Demon 3: "They all just... keep getting charmed by her." Picero: "Charmed? Don't tell me..." : "Affection 60% released." Demons: "She smells so nice!" : "The X family bloodline ability: Full Love Gauge. She releases a scent that makes anyone in the vicinity fall for her. She can control how much of the scent is released by opening and closing her zipper." Elizabetta: "It's rather unrefined of me to use this power on men... But this is war, so I don't have much of a choice!" Elizabetta: "Do you mind lowering your weapons?" Demon 3: "We men were powerless..." Konatsu: "You're such scum!" Haruno: "This is the problem with men." Azuki: "Disgusting." Dosanko: "Women are the sea... and men are boats, powerless against the waves. You're all powerless. Splishy splash." Picero: "So where are the other soldiers?" Demon 3: "Oh! They were taken away!" Elizabetta: "Okay, follow me." Demons: "Okay!" Konatsu: "Imagining this stupidity hurts." Haruno: "What a huge haul..." Konatsu: "Should we save them?" Haruno: "No, let's leave them." Cyclops: "Uh, what about our bonds?!" Picero: "We don't have enough demons for a rescue squad..." Picero: "They'll probably be fine, though." Picero: "But the idea that she managed to get the seduction team on her side... You're really not holding back, Magical Beast Kingdom." Elizabetta: "I'm sorry. I'm sure it's cramped in there, but this is war, after all." Demon A: "Let us out!" Demon B: "This is cheating!" Elizabetta: "Oh, what to do? Clara-chan..." Clara: "I'm going on an adventure! I mean... I'll go scout out the area and get some points!" Elizabetta: "She just ran off on her own somewhere." Elizabetta: "I guess I don't mind going back out on the battlefield... If I use my spell too much, it'll cause me and whoever I used it on to lose control, so Master told me to use it sparingly. But... I wonder what would happen..." Elizabetta: "if I used the full power of my spell... on someone—" Lead: "There she is! Nee-san!" Lead: "We finally found you!" Elizabetta: "Iruma-kun and Lead-kun? What's the matter?" Iruma: "Oh, thank goodness. You see, we're—" Lead: "How do you actually feel about me, Nee-san?! How do you actually feel about me?! How do you actually feel about me?! How do you actually feel about me?!" Elizabetta: "What? I love you." Lead: "Hell yeah!" Iruma: "Huh?!" Lead: "Yes!" Elizabetta: "Lead-kun, I... don't actually love you that much!" Elizabetta: "I hate them." Elizabetta: "Did that really happen? That doesn't sound familiar at all. I've never seen a vase like that, either." Lead: "So that means the Nee-san I saw earlier really was..." Iruma: "Yeah, an illusion." Elizabetta: "An illusion?" Lead: "Well, there was this Nee-san that's not Nee-san, who was pretty and..." Elizabetta: "Prettier than me?" Lead: "Huh?" Iruma: "Whoa, wha?! Naphula-san? What's the matter?" Elizabetta: "My, what a peculiar scent." Lead: "I wonder if they're trying to tell us something." Iruma: "A pompadour?" Elizabetta: "A shark?" Lead: "Crawl?" Iruma: "Binoculars?" Elizabetta: "Peeping?" Lead: "Wait, no. M-Maybe it's a curse dance." Iruma; Elizabetta; Lead: "That's it! A shark with a pompadour was peeping as it danced!" Iruma: "Apparently not." Elizabetta: "Oh! Why don't we get Camui-kun to translate—" Camui: "Yes, ma'am!" Camui: "I believe that I, Gentleman Camui, have been summoned." Camui: "Hm? What a rather unique aroma..." Camui: "A ponytail?" Camui: "And they have glasses!" Lead: "That's what all that meant?!" Camui: "Hm, hm... Ah, I see... They have a ponytail and hooves. It would seem the culprit is a student named Orobas Coco. He is apparently using illusion magic, and only attacking the students of the Misfit Class." Lead And Elizabetta: "What?!" Iruma: "Only the Misfit Class?" Clara: "Zoom! Pachow! Doom-doo-doo-doom! I'm gonna score a bunch of points! Boom, boom! Magical beasts and other stuff's just gonna end up in my tumtums, yay! Check it out!" : "The religion that loves and reveres the number 2... The Second Faith. Details about this faith remain in the dark, and there's no record to prove its existence... But rumors circulate as if it does truly exist." Student A: "Doesn't he belong to the family that reveres the number 2?" Student B: "What the hell? That's creepy." Student C: "He gets second place on every single test." : "Yes, Orobas Coco. He is indeed a demon who loves the number 2 and believes in the Second Faith." : "Or actually, not at all." Orobas: "I got second place yet again! But I wanted to be first!" Student A: "I hear he purposely gets second place." Student B: "I guess he loves the number 2." Student C: "Yeesh." Orobas: "Like hell that's true, you morons! Not in the least!" Warb: "So he belongs to the family that always comes second..." Orobas: "No, I don't! What the hell kind of family is that?! It's creepy!" Orobas: "The Orobas family is always straightforward, and always intensely honest and true! Second place is just a coincidence! I just randomly place second, no matter what!" Student: "Allocer from the Misfit Class took first again! Wow!" Orobas: "The Misfit Class... The number one students in both book and practical learning are in it, and they're always the topic of conversation. With the most popular honor student, Iruma, at their head, their popularity just continues to rise. I'm so jealous!" Student F: "What the hell?" Orobas: "I need to calm down." Orobas: "I still lack skill. I need to improve even more, and then..." Orobas: "I will finally take first place!" Orobas: "I will win at the Harvest Festival! I will become this year's Young King!" Orobas: "No matter what! This time for sure!" Iruma: "Why is he only going after the Misfit Class?" Camui: "If that is true, that's deeply alarming! I cannot waste any more time here! I must report this to the queen at once! Be on your guard, my brothers!" Lead: "I see. He might be targeting someone from our class, then." Elizabetta: "Oh, no! Clara-chan went off all alone into the forest!" Iruma: "What?!" Orobas: "My bloodline ability, Trauma... If you fall victim to my ability, the swaying of the trees..." Orobas: "Even a small pebble will become an agonizing illusion. Unless you receive a powerful shock or have willpower strong enough to fight them off, my horrifying mental illusions will keep haunting you." Orobas: "But for the Harvest Festival, I'm not going to use these powers." Orobas: "I'm going to take first place fair and square! Then, finally..." Orobas: "Everyone will stop fearing and misunderstanding me. Yes, fair and square..." Orobas: "Huh?" Orobas: "Was I being fair and square? Why did I use my spell on the Misfit Class?" Ocho: "It's all right. This is how it should be. You've done nothing wrong." Orobas: "I've done nothing wrong... This is how it should be, right, Ocho?" Ocho: "Oh, yes. But of course, Orobas Coco-sama! Believe in your dear Ocho!" Ocho: "Now, a new enemy has appeared. It's Valac Clara from the Misfit Class. The Misfit Class stands in the way of you becoming the Young King, so they must all be eliminated. We must crush the Misfit Class." Orobas: "Crush her soul, Trauma!" Clara: "I fell?" Clara: "Did the ground shake?" Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Clara: "Iruma-chi! It's Iruma-chi! That tree went bazoom! It was amazing! I totally saw it! Iruma-chi! Iruma-chi! Hey, listen to this! You know what? I believed in you and waited for you, Iruma-chi! The truth is I really wanted to see you, but we're in a competition, so I held back! So... praise me!" Iruma: "Clara." Clara: "Huh?" Iruma: "Give me a drink." Clara: "Huh?" Iruma: "I'll play with you, so you can give me a drink, can't you?" Clara: "U-Um, I—" Iruma: "I'm super thirsty." Clara: "B-But you said you wouldn't need anything like that, Iruma-chi..." Clara: "You did, right?" Iruma: "I did, but..." Iruma: "You know... Being with you is really troublesome and exhausting. So I don't think it's really fair." Clara: "Huh? I..." Iruma: "Azz-kun and the others think so, too. That you're such a nuisance." Clara: "Iruma-chi... No..." Iruma: "Your ability is really convenient." Iruma: "So let's just continue to use each other. You don't want to be alone again, do you? I mean... If we couldn't get anything out of it, who would ever want to..." Iruma: "play with you?" Iruma: "Clara!" : "Let's rewind a bit." Elizabetta: "Clara-chan went off all alone into the forest!" Iruma: "What?!" Demon: "It appears that the wall west of the castle has fallen!" Demon: "Oh, no! I got bit by a mosquito!" Orobas: "I've done nothing wrong... This is how it should be, right, Ocho?" Ocho: "Oh, yes. But of course, Orobas Coco-sama! Believe in your dear Ocho!" Lead: "Found them!" Ocho: "It's Valac Clara from the Misfit Class." Ocho: "We must crush the Misfit Class." Lead: "I found them! But she's in trouble. Orobas was really close to Clarin!" Iruma: "If Clara..." Iruma: "fell under that illusion spell..." Iruma: "I have to go now!" Elizabetta: "You can't. Not with that leg." Camui: "The queen has arrived!" Lead: "Queen!" Keroli: "I will lend you my bodyguards." Elizabetta: "Keroli-chan!" Keroli: "Get to her quickly!" Iruma: "Thank you! Hurry, Blizzard Wolf!" Camui: "Are you certain about this?" Keroli: "Yes... Because now they owe me." Camui: "So terrifyingly beautiful!" Keroli: "Honestly... I swear, we're such pushovers." Lead: "Yeah! Keep going straight!" Lead: "Huh?" Lead: "Crap, I'm not getting good reception." Iruma: "Are you okay?!" Lead: "It should be this way, but... Damn it. I barely have any mana left. I've used too much." Iruma: "Lead-kun..." Lead: "Whenever it's hard or I'm suffering..." Lead: "I need to concentrate on one target!" Lead: "This way!" Iruma: "Got it!" Lead: "But there seemed to be something wrong with Clarin." Iruma: "We have to hurry!" Lead: "I see her! Over there!" Iruma: "She's being attacked by a magical beast?" Lead: "Oh, no!" Iruma: "I have to save her!" Lead: "But we're too far away! We won't make it there in time!" Iruma: "We won't make it in time?" Iruma: "We're too far! It might not reach..." Iruma: "I'll miss. What should I do? I need to save her! I only have one chance. What should I do? This is the only feather I've got. But what if I hit Clara? What should I do?" Iruma: "I need to save her. I only have one chance. This is the only feather I've got. What should I do? Hurry. What should I do? What do I do?!" Iruma: "Stop thinking so much!" Iruma: "If I'm a true archer..." Bachiko: "Make up your mind!" Iruma: "Perfect... shot!" Iruma: "I... made it in time..." Iruma: "Master..." Iruma: "I'm glad you taught me..." Iruma: "how to be an archer." Clara: "Iruma-chi... Iruma-chi!" Clara: "You said you were a drink and that you'd play with me, but I was a nuisance..." Iruma: "I'm a drink?" Orobas: "You again, Iruma?" Orobas: "One after another... You all just keep getting in my way." Orobas: "Unacceptable!" Iruma: "A demon with a ponytail and glasses..." Iruma: "Orobas Coco!" Orobas: "I am the one who will become the Young King! The Misfit Class stands in my way! You will all be eliminated!" Orobas: "It doesn't matter if you've broken through Trauma once or twice! Very well... I'll make sure you're never able to fight again! Not just during the Harvest Festival! Never!" Iruma: "Clara!" Orobas: "I'll sink you into the depths of your trauma!" Asmodeus: "You will not..." Asmodeus: "lay a single finger on my friends!" Clara: "Kyu-ki-mya!" Iruma: "You were walking..." Lead: "And you tripped on a rock and fell." Iruma And Lead: "You hit your knee and it really hurt." Iruma And Lead: "Wait, we're wrong?" Camui: ""While I was doing situps... I ran into praying demons that took good care of me before, so I got really happy and hugged them. Then they playfully gnawed on my knee, so I performed the gyogatty dance for them."" Lead: "Like we'd ever get that!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 15 – The True Worth of the Archer", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "15", "The True Worth of the Archer" ] }
: "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire. Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" Orobas: "I'll sink you into the depths of your trauma!" Asmodeus: "You will not..." Asmodeus: "lay a single finger on my friends!" Asmodeus: "I'm sorry I'm late, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Azz-kun!" Camera Demon: "Devi! Devi! Asmodeus Alice is disqualified!" Camera Demon: "Devi! Devi!" Clara: "What?!" Iruma: "Azz-kun's disqualified? No way!" Iruma; Asmodeus; Clara: ""The End of the Harvest Festival."" Camera Demon: "Asmodeus Alice is disqualified! Devi!" Orobas: "Looks like you messed up, Asmodeus. A direct attack on another student is against the rules. Now you have no chance of winning. Your Harvest Festival ends here!" Iruma: "No!" Orobas: "And you were the closest to becoming the Young King. You absolute fool!" Asmodeus: "That's fine." Asmodeus: "I have no regrets. My ambition... is to become Iruma-sama's halberd!" Asmodeus: "I care not if I have to forfeit. If you dare try to lay a finger on Iruma-sama or any member of the Misfit Class ever again... I'll track you down immediately from the forfeiters' tent and lop off your head." Asmodeus: "Remember that." Balam: "Asmodeus Alice, head to the forfeiters' tent immediately." Asmodeus: "Yes, sir." Camera Demon: "This way!" Clara: "Azz-Azz!" Clara: "You can't go, Azz-Azz!" Iruma: "Y-Yeah!" Clara: "Harumph!" Iruma: "You were only trying to protect us, Azz-kun! If we just tell them that..." Asmodeus: "No, I am satisfied." Asmodeus: "I did what I was supposed to do." Asmodeus: "Please carry on my wishes, Iruma-sama." Asmodeus: "You are the one worthy of wearing the Young King's crown." Asmodeus: "Not to mention... I'm already at Dalet." Iruma And Clara: "Oh, right!" Clara: "Right..." Clara: "The three of us are finally back together." Iruma: "Yeah! It's the first time since the Harvest Festival started." Asmodeus: "We didn't get to see each other during the training that took place right before, either." Clara: "I was devi holding back so I wouldn't get in the way of Iruma-chi's training." Iruma: "I see. You two must've worked really hard." Clara: "Heh. It was easy as pie and cake!" Asmodeus: "But Iruma-sama, you were injured..." Iruma: "Maybe it's because I got to see you two again, but it seems like the pain is gone." Clara: "Really? It must be because you got to see my face! Here, have a closer look!" Asmodeus: "Stop that! What kind of positive effect could your foolish face have?" Clara: "Devi lots! See? Look!" Camera Demon: "Devi! Asmodeus Alice! Hurry to the forfeiters' tent!" Asmodeus: "Once the festival is over, we can finally..." Asmodeus: "get together and celebrate! At my house!" Clara: "What? At your place, Azz-Azz?" Iruma: "Sure!" Iruma: "It's a promise!" Clara And Asmodeus: "Yeah!" : "Asmodeus Alice, on the fourth and final day of the Harvest Festival, has forfeited." Iruma: "Azz-kun..." Lead: "You're so damn cool, Azz-Azz!" Iruma: "Lead-kun? You've been there the whole time?" Lead: "How was I supposed to interrupt that moment?" Clara: "Floaty-kun!" Lead: "Clarin! I'm so glad you're okay!" Iruma: "Thank you! Please give Keroli-san my regards!" Lead: "But now... We finally gotta go win this thing!" Iruma: "Yeah." Lead: "All right! Let's go get the vase back from Orobas, and—" Iruma; Clara; Lead: "He disappeared?" Ocho: "Have no fear, Orobas-sama. You will be the winner. We will be the ones laughing in the end! Because... The Vase of Endings we stole from them has already been turned in to HQ!" Ocho: "They have no way of turning this around!" Orobas: "But... I won't be able to get any more points with my body in this state..." Ocho: "Fear not. Leave this to Ocho." Orobas: "What are these?" Ocho: "These are all rare items that I quietly gathered. They're all worth a lot of points! Each one is comparable to a boss-class ingredient. With these, we'll win for sure!" Orobas: "But these belong to you—" Ocho: "Oh, it matters not! I don't need to win! As long as I can provide you some support." Orobas: "Ocho..." Ocho: "They won't be able to win, no matter what!" Lead: "Does this mean someone helped Orobas and took him away? This isn't good. Without the vase, we can't make the Legend Leaf bloom." Iruma: "Right." Lead: "We won't be able to win!" Iruma: "Lead-kun, can you use Controller to find out where Orobas-kun is?" Lead: "I can't. I don't have any mana left. I won't be able to find him. You're pretty beat up, too, and there's not much time left in the Harvest Festival. We won't be able to turn things around." Iruma: "Even so..." Iruma: "Even so, let's keep going." Iruma: "We'll find Orobas-kun." Iruma: "So many helped us get to this point and entrusted us with their hopes." Iruma: "We don't have time to lose hope. We can't just—" Iruma: "We can't just give up here." Lead: "You can't move with that leg!" Iruma: "That's not... I'm so frustrat—" Reporter: "Precisely!" Iruma: "Huh?" Lead: "Who's that?!" Iruma: "Huh? Are you a teacher?" All: "No, no, no, no!" Iruma: "We're not going to forfeit yet!" Lead: "We're still full of energy!" Clara: "Hiss! Hiss!" Reporter: "Frustration..." Reporter: "We were also frustrated." Reporter (Schneider): "And that's why we thought, and thought, and came up with a plan." Reporter (Schneider): "The more someone thinks they have the advantage," Reporter (Schneider): "the easier they are to trick." Schneider: "When you've been tricked," Schneider: "you just have to trick them right back." Clara: "Devi?!" Schneider: "The most cunning are the ones who'll win in the end." Jazz: "Hell yeah!" Schneider: "The most cunning are the ones who'll win in the end." Jazz: "Hell yeah!" Man A: "Yeah!" Man B: "They tricked them back!" Woman A: "Trickery at its finest!" Woman B: "That's how a demon should be!" Johnny: "Not bad." Jazz: "Way to go, Allocer!" : "Let's go back to day two of the Harvest Festival, right after Jazz forfeited." Camera Demon: "Obediently! Obediently! This way!" Jazz: "Sorry, Allocer. I lost my cool and ended up having to forfeit." Schneider: "No, this is fine." Schneider: "Actually, this is better. We'll be able to enter the forfeiters' tent..." st-Years: "So we're just stuck here? That demon ramen is the best. Can't we have a revenge match?" st Years: "It's pretty nice in here. If only I'd turned right back there..." Schneider: "We'll get a better idea of what's going on in the forest from here, and there's no rule saying people who haven't forfeited can't enter." Jazz: "Nice..." : "Yes. They may be a team, but in the end, the Harvest Festival is an individual sport. The only one who forfeited was Jazz. Allocer was still in the game. There was no way they wouldn't use this to their advantage." Jazz: "But first, we should have some food." Ameri: "Hey! What are you two doing here?!" Warb: "What? Info? Sure. I forfeited and I'm bored, so ask me whatever." Jazz: "Thanks!" Schneider: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Male Student A: "What? You wanna know about Orobas? Did something bad happen to you?" Jazz: "Hm? Not really. I just need to return a favor..." : "They gathered information at the forfeiters' tent and came up with a plan," : "all so they could get back at Orobas." : "Schneider headed into the forest." Jazz: "He did it again." Jazz: "It's the same thing he did to me when he put my stupid brother in front of me. He's such a one-trick pony, it's boring me." Jazz: "Also, Orobas is planning to turn in the vase he stole to the reporting tower. Then it'll be game over for him." Jazz: "And that's why..." Ocho: "Now you're definitely going to win for sure!" Jazz: "He'll let down his guard momentarily..." Jazz: "And that's the moment when we'll get him!" Jazz: "That'll piss him off the most." Jazz: "Way to go, Allocer!" Schneider: "And then, we figured out that the next thing Orobas would target would be the Seed of Beginnings that Iruma-kun had." Ameri: "Iruma..." Schneider: "I made sure to let Asmodeus know." Schneider: "And now I have the Vase of Endings in my hands." Schneider: "This..." Schneider: "belongs to you." Iruma And Lead: "What?!" Iruma: "Are you sure?!" Schneider: "There is no problem." Schneider: "The Harvest Festival is almost over." Schneider: "There's no point to me keeping it." Schneider: "And... If we're going to win," Schneider: "there's no point if it's not the two of us." Schneider: "Faith will move mountains." Schneider: "We're leaving the victory of the Misfit Class in your hands." Lead And Iruma: "Right!" Johnny: "Don't cry." Jazz: "I'm not crying!" Johnny: "Just so you know, you're just barely safe." Jazz: "What the hell?! We didn't break any rules!" Ameri: "Quick wit and tenacity..." Ameri: "To think they'd make a move to win from the forfeiters' tent..." Ameri: "They all hate losing so much..." Ameri: "and are such a wonderful team. The ones who grew the most and showed the most passion during the Harvest Festival" Ameri: "are undoubtedly the members of the Misfit Class." Ameri: "It wouldn't be surprising if any of them ended up the Young King." Ameri: "Now, their individual Harvest Festivals are ending." Sabro: "I'm sure no one has ever gathered this many things since this competition began!" Ichiro: "Same here." Ichiro; Niro; Sabro: "One, two, three, tower!" : "No more ingredients." Ichiro: "No, look closer." Sabro: "Don't give up." Ichiro: "Hey, so. About that flamey on-fire guy..." Sabro: "Huh?" : "You mean Asmodeus." Ichiro: "You okay with letting him go?" Sabro: "He merely rushed toward his ambition! I have no reason to stop him! Even if he left me all alone! I will continue forward! And! I will become..." : "He's asleep?" Ichiro: "He must've run out of energy. What an idiot." : "Sabnock Sabro. Final point count: 45,500." : "Androalphus Ichiro, 37,100. Androalphus Niro, 37,100." Demon Tiger: "Reporting!" Demon Tiger: "We're unable to take the enemy castle, and our brothers keep falling. We're doomed..." Keroli: "The offerings the magical beasts brought me will not be enough points to win." Keroli: "Since we were unable to take that castle, we have no chance of winning." Demon Tiger: "If all else fails..." Magical Beasts: "Queen Keroli! Please offer us up for points!" Magical Beast A: "You did not treat us as ingredients, but welcomed us as your brethren!" Magical Beast B: "We want to repay you for welcoming us as your brethren!" Demon Tiger: "If this helps you win, we are happy to serve you, my queen!" Keroli: "You're right." Keroli: "But I can't. No matter how bright I shine, there's no point if I don't have my loyal fans." Demon Tiger: "My queen!" Keroli: "Good work, everyone." : "Crocell Keroli, 36,800 points." : "Caim Camui, 22,500 points." : "X Elizabetta, 20,700 points." end A: "The beasts retreated..." end B: "That means..." ends: "We survived!" Haruno; Konatsu; Azuki: "Everyone! It's time to eat!" ends: "Food!" end: "So good!" Picero: "You guys are so dumb and carefree..." Goemon: "This is one kind of victory! We should go celebrate, too..." Picero: "Wha... Wh-Wha... Hey! What the heck's all this?" Konatsu: "Well... We're gonna give you all our points, my lord!" Cyclops: "We all decided." Goemon: "But then... all of your points..." Haruno: "It's fine." Dosanko: "We ended up with memories a bit more bittersweet than the blues." end C: "We were just about to forfeit originally, anyway." end D: "We didn't think we'd last until the final day at all." Azuki: "We want you two to be happy! I mean, you're basically family to us now!" Azuki: "So please, take it. As a token of our gratitude." Haruno: "Thank you for protecting us." end E: "Thanks!" end F: "You saved us!" end G: "Thanks for real!" ends: "Thanks! Thank you!" Picero: "Seriously, you're all so..." Picero: "You're all so weird..." Goemon: "All right! Let's take the leftover ingredients and... have some hot pot!" Goemon: "There's still plenty to go around!" : "Agares Picero, 32,300 points. Garp Goemon, 32,300 points. Their friends, 0 points." : "Allocer Schneider, 12,800 points." Lead: "This is finally the end!" Iruma: "Yeah!" Clara: "Devi end!" Lead And Iruma: "And now! Let's make the Legend Leaf bloom!" Clara: "Suki! Suki! Sukima!" : "Asmodeus is on his way to the forfeiters' tent." Camera Demon: "You okay?" Asmodeus: "I wanna go back! I finally got to meet up with them!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! I-I want to stay by your side..." Camera Demon: "But you were so cool when you left..." Asmodeus: "I've got a brilliant idea! Since I'm technically Iruma-sama's halberd, doesn't that mean I can go back as a weapon?!" Camera Demon: "No." Asmodeus: "What if I make myself smaller and cutely accompany Iruma-sama inside his pocket?" Asmodeus: "Yay!" Camera Demon: "How would you even do that?" Asmodeus: "Maybe I can disguise myself as a magical beast." Camera Demon: "Don't." Asmodeus: "Then maybe I can conceal myself within some flames!" Camera Demon: "You'd stand out too much." Asmodeus: "Anyway, please just let me return to Iruma-sama's side! Back to Iruma-sama's side!" Camera Demon: "Shut it." : "He continued to fuss the whole way."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 16 – The End of the Harvest Festival", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "16", "The End of the Harvest Festival" ] }
: "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire. Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" All: ""Legend Leaf."" Suzie: "Okay, the Harvest Festival's coming to an end!" Dali: "Wow! Isn't it exciting?! Whatever you have in your possession when the Harvest Festival ends will be added to your final point total, but no more harvesting after time expires!" Balam: "Bzzt!" Suzie: "And Balam-sensei will definitely be checking!" Dali: "Well? Do you all have your final goods?" Iruma: "We did combine them, but... I don't think it turned out quite right." Lead: "It's kind of surreal." Iruma: "I felt sure that just bringing them together would make the Legend Leaf bloom. How do we actually get it to?" Lead: "I know!" Clara: "Know what?" Lead: "Think about it! The person overseeing the Harvest Festival... The one who created this forest was Suzie-sensei, right?!" Suzie: "Yis!" Lead: "And this festival is the first-years' final evaluation," Lead: "where we put to use everything we learned all year!" Lead: "Based on all that, I know what we have to remember..." Lead: "Suzie-sensei's first class!" Suzie: "Today, let us use magic to try to make some flowers bloom, shall we? Yis!" Suzie: "Hold your hand over this special sapling, and... Quan Quan." Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "Right!" Lead: "The answer was inside us all along." Clara: "Gulp!" Lead: "I'm going to make you bloom, Legend Leaf!" Lead: "Quan Quan!" Lead: "Guess I was wrong!" Iruma: "Huh?! Y-Yeah, guess you were!" Lead: "What's the key, then?! The Harvest Festival's almost over!" Clara: "S'all good!" Iruma: "There's nothing in the song about it... What do we do?" Iruma: "Naphula-san! What are you doing?!" Iruma: "The seed..." Lead: "Now?! Do it now, you mean?" Iruma: "P-Probably!" Iruma/Lead: "Quan Quan!" Iruma: "So close!" Lead: "We're missing something." Lead: "Not enough mana?! I just don't get it!" Iruma: "What about Ifrit mode?" Ali: "Not happening!" Iruma: "Ali-san?!" Ali: "I'm at my limit. Totally out of mana. I'll disappear if you use me any more!" Iruma: "No way!" Lead: "At my limit..." phula: "Keep it up!" Ali: "There's a demon nearby with lots and lots of magic power... If I could borrow a little from them..." Iruma: "Y-You think they'll just let us..." Clara: "Iruma-chi, you okay?" Ali: "Oh, there they are." : "Over the course of the Harvest Festival, Clara has played merrily with many magical beasts, allowing her to absorb a great deal of mana." Ali: "Li'l Iru! Take Clara-rin's hand!" Iruma: "Clara! Lend me your power!" Clara: "Okay!" Lead: "Here we go! One, two... Quan Quan!" Derkila: "Is it you?" Lead: "...ruma-kun! Iruma-kun!" Lead: "Iruma-kun?!" Iruma: "L-Lead-kun?" Lead: "What's with all the smoke? Actually, though... Where's the Legend Leaf?!" Suzie: "Time is up! The 6,666 minutes have expired! The Harvest Festival is officially over!" Suzie: "Everyone gather back at the starting point!" Student 1: "So tired!" Student 2: "It's finally over!" Student 3: "Four days is a long time!" Student 4: "I bet that's worth a ton of points!" Gaako: "Finally over." Eiko: "I can't move another muscle." Azuki: "It was hard, but lots of fun!" Dali: "Great work, all! We're tallying up the points right now!" Baram: "Great work out there! There, there, kiddo." Mob A: "Hey! Look at that!" Mob A: "It's the Misfit Class!" Mob B: "Dang, they look intense!" : "He's too heavy..." Keroli: "Do you think those two will be here?" Asmodeus: "You know the answer to that." Asmodeus: "It's in clutch moments like these when they exceed expectations. As expected, he's going to harvest the Legend Leaf and return." Mob D: "It's Iruma and Lead!" Mob A: "They've got something! Can it be..." Eiko: "Iruma-san?!" Eiko: "I'm so glad you're safe!" Gaako: "I thought you couldn't move." Mob E: "It's worth 100,000 points... The Legend Leaf!" Asmodeus/Keroli: "Not what I expected!" Student 1: "That's the Legend Leaf?" Student 3: "That thing?" Student 4: "No way!" Student 2: "What the heck?" Lead: "We definitely returned with confidence, but... There's no hiding it." Iruma: "Lots of gossip, yes. But..." Iruma: "We just have to submit it!" Baram: "Clear the way, clear the way!" Suzie: "Just as documented!" Baram: "That doofy shape and irritating expression... There's no question!" Suzie: "It's a genuine Legend Leaf!" Crowd: "What?!" Iruma: "B-But if it's real..." Lead: "Yeah." Lead: "That's 100,000 points for us!" Iruma: "Yeah!" Students: "Yeah!" Lead: "We did it!" Clara: "That's so awesome!" Asmodeus: "Impressive as ever! You've slain me yet again, Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Azz-kun! Thank you!" Baram: "I like how it feels." Suzie: "I never thought I'd really get to see one! What a historic achievement!" Dali: "How are you going to split up the points?" Iruma: "Um..." Lead: "We didn't think about that." Clara: "Hello! We don't need points!" Iruma/Lead: "Huh?!" Lead: "Y-You're sure?" Clara: "We want you guys to win! Besides, all I did was go "bwah!" at the end." Clara: "Gyo-chan agrees! I think!" Iruma: "Clara, Naphula-san, thank you!" Dali: "It's decided, then! Iruma and Lead both get 50,000 points!" Azuki: "Incredible! They'll win it for sure, then!" Eiko: "Iruma-san!" Gaako: "You can cry or take pictures. Not both." Dali: "Okay, all! Let's announce the placements!" Student F: "The winners are Iruma and Lead!" Raim: "They all worked very hard, didn't they?" Momonoki: "Yes, it was impressive." Smoke: "President, I believe it's time." Sunny: "Who will be the Young King this year?" Quiche: "I can't wait to find out!" Ameri: "Indeed." Opera: "The Harvest Festival's ranking ceremony is about to commence." Opera: "Don't you want to see it?" Sullivan: "Yes, but... I'm so devi excited..." Opera: "As am I." Sullivan: "Yes, yes! I'm sure you are!" Suzie: "Okay, let's get announcing! The winner of this year's Harvest Festival is..." Lead: "Please..." Suzie: "The winner is... Orobas Coco!" Dali: "He scored 58,000 points!" Iruma: "58,000?!" Azuki: "Orobas-kun..." Gaako: "Eiko..." Students: "No way... But he's always second..." Suzie: "That's devi amazing! So many rare food items! Yis!" Schneider: "What a pity." Smoke: "President..." Johnny: "He is this year's Young King." Orobas: "First. I'm first. I've only ever dreamed about it..." Orobas: "To win." Orobas: "And yet... why does it feel so unsatisfying?" Orobas: "I won fair and square..." Orobas: "Didn't I?" Orobas: "But did I?" Orobas: "Something feels wrong." Orobas: "Is this the feeling I was seeking? It feels like a haze over my heart." Orobas: "Is this truly acceptable?" Orobas: "Me? The Young King?" Iruma: "At first, I just wanted Master's approval." Iruma: "That's why I worked hard. I managed to do well at archery," Iruma: "and I made the Legend Leaf bloom, but..." Iruma: "Is this what it feels like you're just not good enough?" Iruma: "I wanted... to win!" Jazz: "Objection!" Jazz: "You know, I've been thinking about this carefully... And the calculation's gotta be off." Dali/Suzie: "The calculation?" Jazz: "Yeah. The Legend Leaf splits to 50,000 each, but didn't you forget something?" Dali/Suzie: "Ah." Azuki: "That's right! We all heard that announcement!" Smoke: "President." Ameri: "Which means..." Suzie: "D-Do excuse me!" Dali: "It's our first Legend Leaf, so we just assumed it was 100,000!" Gaako: "Eiko." Gaako: "She's bawling!" Dali: "20,000 split in half... That's 10,000 each." Iruma/Lead: "Which means..." Dali/Suzie: "With 60,000 points, Iruma and Lead come back for the win!" Iruma: "W-We win?" Clara: "Iruma-chi! Congrats!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! Congratulations to you!" Iruma: "Thanks a bunch, Clara! Azz-kun!" Lead: "Jazzy! You rock!" Jazz: "H-Hey, cut it out!" Schneider: "Jumping for joy!" Keroli: "Isn't that nice?" Goemon: "Something amazing has happened!" Picero: "Shut up already!" Eiko: "I'm so glad Iruma-san won! C-Congratulations!" Orobas: "Third place. I didn't win." Orobas: "I'm not second, either." Orobas: "I didn't win." Orobas: "Yet I feel so refreshed!" Orobas: "I see now why I was so fixated on the Misfit Class." Orobas: "As I'm always second place... I always envied and resented those who always took first." Orobas: "But more than that..." Orobas: "I admired them!" Orobas: "Those absurd, amazing demons..." Lead: "Thanks! Yahoo!" Iruma: "Thank you all!" Orobas: "Allow me to apologize for everything." Iruma/Lead: "Huh?" Orobas: "My obsession with victory caused me to forget everything and lose touch with myself. I lost sight of all reason. I truly am sorry." Iruma: "It's okay." Iruma: "It's a sign you were really giving it your all, right? We gave it our all, too." Lead: "Yeah, yeah! And it's not like you broke any rules. And Jazzy got revenge for us, so..." Iruma: "Your illusion magic was incredible! So strong!" Clara: "No regrets!" Asmodeus: "Stop that!" Mob G: "Hey, Orobas!" Mob H: "Third place is amazing!" Mob A: "My heart was pounding the whole time!" Mob I: "You almost got there!" Mob: "And you didn't get second. Too bad." Orobas: "Well, I don't have to be second..." Mob G: "Aw, c'mon. Don't hold it in." Orobas: "But I mean it..." Mobs: "What, really?!" Mob G: "What, he's just that amazing, then?" Mob H: "Sorry we were scared of you!" Mob I: "Let's hit up the after-party together!" Orobas: "R-Right..." Mob D: "Who was it that said he was part of the Second Faith?" Mob E: "Orobas-kun, you're awesome!" Someone: "It was devi amazing, though!" Lead: "Hey, we're the Young Kings." Ameri: "Iruma." Iruma: "Ameri-san!" Clara: "Lady Redhair!" Smoke: "Come on now, President." Ameri: "R-Right." Ameri: "You've exceeded my expectations once more. You're incredible, Iruma. You truly are ama—" Ameri: "Very impressive. But, you know... Well, that is... Do you have anything for me?" Smoke: "So maybe he'll bring you a Legend Leaf bouquet." Ameri: "It's totally possible!" Iruma: "Ameri-san... I just wanted to see you smile." Iruma: "Naphu?" Ameri: "Indeed. Well done, Naphula." Iruma: "You know each other?" Ameri: "Yes. You didn't know?" Ameri: "Ampsy Naphula. The first-year student council official I recently scouted." Iruma/Lead: "S-Student council?!" Suzie: "Yis. We had Naphula-san participate in the Harvest Festival on the administration side! Of course, we didn't tell you about it!" : "Yes, Naphula was one of the requirements for getting the Leaf. If you don't save Naphula and get the Rainbow Watering Can, you can't make the Leaf bloom." Suzie: "It's a secret rule the school decided on! We have one person help every year!" phula: "Mission complete!" Lead: "I had no idea." Legend Leaf: "What a pain. A real nasty condition, right?" Iruma/Lead: "Yeah, true." Legend Leaf: "Oh, hello there!" Iruma: "The Leaf is talking!" Students: "What? It's talking?" Legend Leaf: "Allow me to explain! Could the winners come up to me?" Lead: "S-So casual..." Iruma: "But it's a "Legend"..." Clara: "He's actually kinda cute!" Asmodeus: "Cute?" Legend Leaf: "Well, I didn't think anyone would ever harvest me, so I'm kinda made of vibes..." Iruma/Lead: "Vibes?" Legend Leaf: "The conditions for making me bloom: Decipher the song, the seed trial," Legend Leaf: "save Naphula, the vase trial, the combination, and then the Quan Quan with super amounts of mana!" Legend Leaf: "It's all pretty stupid, right?" Iruma: "Don't laugh!" Iruma/Lead: "I can't believe we made this thing bloom..." Legend Leaf: "But the feelings put into this process are truly simple." Legend Leaf: "To not be led astray by easy gain. To care about others. To enjoy the absurd. To follow one's own desires. To continue to try tirelessly and never give up. It is... I want to meet the least demonish demon of them all." Derkila: "Is it you?" Iruma: "H-Hey. Was that..." Legend Leaf: "Welp, that's the whole explanation, so I guess I'd better put on the finishing touch!" Suzie: "Yis!" Clara: "He's flying!" Iruma: "F-Finishing touch?!" Legend Leaf: "Well fought, my young demons! In celebration of the new Young King, I bestow upon you all a great reward!" Legend Leaf: "Behold! The flower never before seen in the demon world!" Clara: "Su-ki-ma!" Eiko: "Iruma-san! I'm so glad you won!" Eiko: "Congrats!" Gaako: "She's devi bawling!" Asmodeus: "The "Congrats on Surviving the Harvest Festival List," eh?" Asmodeus: "Well done..." : "Eiko cunningly managed to survive to the last day." Eiko: "Iruma-san won! I'm super devi devi happy! I also got lots of amazing pictures of Iruma-san, and I'm gonna have a devi hard time choosing the best pictures for my Harvest Festival photobook!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 17 – Legend Leaf", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "17", "Legend Leaf" ] }
: "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire. Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" Legend Leaf: "Well fought, my young demons! In celebration of the new Young King, I bestow upon you all a great reward!" Legend Leaf: "Behold! The flower never before seen in the demon world!" Ameri: "Wh-What the..." Students: "That's devi huge! It's so devi pretty!" Eiko: "Th-This is..." Clara: "Pretty! So pretty!" Suzie: "Yis, yis." : "Nii-san, this is..." Ichiro: "Yeah... It's super pretty." Iruma: "It's so warm and..." Lead: "...fluffy. This is—" Iruma And Lead: "...something we've totally seen before." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun! Congrats on your victory!" Iruma: "G-Grandpa?" Sullivan: "Your grandpa was watching! I was so moved!" Opera: "I was also quite moved." Iruma: "Opera-san!" Sullivan: "So this is the Legend Leaf." Iruma: "Y-Yes." Sullivan: "Perhaps the one who created the Harvest Festival wanted everyone to see these flowers." Iruma: "Say, Grandpa. Aren't these flowers—" Sullivan: "Yes. What an amazing situation." Iruma: "Hello?" Sullivan: "My beloved students, who have finished fighting and have welcomed these beautiful flowers..." Sullivan: "All right, you two. Line up, line up." Iruma And Lead: "Huh?" Sullivan: "We're going to move right into the award ceremony and announce the ranks!" Sullivan: "All right..." Sullivan: "We will now begin the Harvest Festival award ceremony!" Warb: "Go, Chair-demon!" Haruno: "So cool!" Sullivan: "The winners..." Sullivan: "Iruma and Shax Lead, come forward!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Goemon: "They are the pride of the whole Misfit Class!" Elizabetta: "Yes." Sullivan: "During this Harvest Festival, you have displayed unbreakable spirit and unbelievable determination, and brilliantly won 120,000 points. Making the Legend Leaf bloom is a glorious feat! And considering all these things..." Sullivan: "Iruma and Lead, I will now..." Sullivan: "raise both of your ranks to Dalet." Iruma: "We're Dalet!" Eiko: "You're amazing, Iruma-san!" Gaako: "Dalet?" Azuki: "The Young Kings..." Dosanko: "I like the look in their eyes." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama..." Clara: "Iruma-chi, congrats!" Jazz: "Way to go, Lead!" Elizabetta: "Congratulations!" Scheneider: "Two new Young Kings are born." Opera: "Congratulations." Ameri: "Iruma..." Smoke: "Isn't this great, President?" Ameri: "Yes." Ameri: "Not because Iruma became the Young King! I just mean it's great that the Harvest Festival ended safely again this year! Yes! That's it! That's it!" Smoke: "Yes, I know." Sullivan: "Yes, yes. I'm so proud of you, my students. Oh, my mic..." Kalego: "Silence." Kalego: "Next, we will announce the highest-placing students. First, in third place..." Kalego: "Orobas Coco." Kalego: "You have been promoted to Gimmel." Students: "He's Gimmel! Way to go, Orobas!" Kalego: "I have something to ask you later." Kalego: "Got it?" Orobas: "Yes, sir." Mob A: "You're devi awesome, Orobas!" Mob B: "You're Gimmel!" Warb: "Now you're gonna be a three guy." Orobas: "No, I'm not." Kalego: "Next... He's probably fast asleep and won't hear this, but..." Kalego: "In fourth place, Sabnock Sabro. He has been promoted from Bet rank to Gimmel rank." Ichiro: "I hate to acknowledge the guy, but I will. Even if he's an idiot. Right? Right?" : "He is pretty impressive. Even if he's an idiot." Kalego: "Asmodeus had to forfeit, so he will not be promoted. Technically, he could probably be at He rank, but he seems pretty satisfied where he is." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama is Dalet rank! Just like me! We're a pair!" Clara: "Mrr. No fair, Azz-Azz!" Asmodeus: "If you're mad about it, you can become Dalet yourself." Calra: "I will! I'll do just that!" Kalego: "In fifth place, the Dorodoro Brothers." Kalego: "You've been promoted from Alef rank to Gimmel rank." Ichiro: "Three?! We're not one anymore?!" : "Nii-san, we don't need to be one here." Ichiro: "Really?!" Kalego: "Next..." Dali: "Next, we'll be honoring those who did great work and earned points during the Harvest Festival." Dali: "First up, Agares Picero and Garp Goemon. They established a powerful stronghold during the Harvest Festival and saved a number of other students. Because of their hard work, we had the least amount of students forfeit compared to all the festivals before. With that in mind, both of them will be promoted to Gimmel rank." Goemon: "We did it!" Azuki: "Yay!" Goemon: "This is devi!" Jazz: "You did it!" Clara: "Congrats!" Dosnako: "And now, a congratulatory kiss." Haruno: "Congratulations, my lord!" Picero: "You did it, my lord! Hey! Get off me! It's hot!" Dsonako: "Oh, but youth is always passionate and hot." Suzie: "Next up, let's honor competitiveness." ck; Cosmo: "My queen!" Suzie: "She took the magical beasts under her command and built a kingdom. This has never been seen before. Their charisma and control was something to behold. Therefore, we will be promoting Crocell Keroli and Caim Camuy to Rank Gimmel." Camui: "Gi..." Keroli: "Gimmel!" ck And Cosmo: "Congratulations, my queen!" Student A: "Howls from the forest?" Clara: "Kerolin, congrats!" Keroli: "Th-Thanks..." Camui: "My queen, congratulations!" Suzie: "Yis. X Elizabetta fought alongside them and showed her true potential, as well. She will be promoted to Rank Bet." Elizabetta: "Oh, my!" Clara: "Congrats, Sis!" Sullivan: "Those are the eleven who have been promoted. Let us applaud all of their hard work!" Song: "You ran through and made it this far Even if we're out of breath, covered in mud, and can't go on No one will blame us for it Even so, you were able to stand at the top What reflects upon your eyes right now? I want to be by your side and see the same sights as you Congratulations, congratulations Rest your wings next to me, at least for tonight Once you wake, you'll fly off again I will keep following you forever The cherry blossoms dance so pure Congratulations, congratulations" Lead: "Hey, what the heck? Where'd Robin-sensei go?" Iruma: "And Master Bachiko, too." Lead: "Uh, hello?! Your pupil won here! Robin-sensei! Your precious pupil—" Iruma: "Whoa! M-Master?" Bachiko: "Hey. Iruma, you bastard. You jerk. What were you thinking on day one? Why would you eat all your points?!" Iruma: "Um, uh..." Bachiko: "I told you to think! How dare you ignore all my advice?!" Iruma: "Er, I didn't ignore all of—" Bachiko: "Seriously, you're such..." Bachiko: "a dumb student." Bachiko: "Great job, Iruma!" Iruma: "Thanks!" Bachiko: "Iruma, where's your crown?" Iruma: "Oh, Lead-kun took it." Bachiko: "Well, get it back!" Iruma: "Y-Yes, ma'am!" Bachiko: "Come on, let's go!" : "Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen." Bachiko: "Right, right, right, right!" : "Winner of the Harvest Festival, and promoted to Dalet rank." Bachiko: "That way, that way! Left, left, left!" Iruma: "W-W-Wait! M-Master!" : "The four days of the Harvest Festival are finally over." : "That night, the first-years were gathered in a hall..." Ameri: "All right, everyone. It's time for an after-party!" : "Anything goes at the after-party. Everyone is here to have a good time and commend each other on a job well done." Sabro: "This is Balam-sensei. He is my master, as well as the honor student's." Balam: "Oh, hello." : "These two had the wrong master in mind." Warb: "What's up, three guy?" Orobas: "I'd prefer if you didn't call me that. Er, well... I can't shake the feeling that I was working with someone during the Harvest Festival. Kalego-sensei asked me about it as well, but my memory seems to be quite fuzzy." Warb: "Were you? When I was watching the broadcast, it looked like you were off on your own." Orobas: "Really?" Warb: "More importantly, this is really good. Try some." Orobas: "Uh..." Warb: "Let the Broadcast Battler interview you later. Let me know how it feels to be the three guy now. See ya." Orobas: "Again, could you not—" Ameri: "I'm leaving the rest to you." Smoke: "Of course." Ameri: "I'd like to congratulate Iruma, but the first-years are the stars today, so I'll choose another time." Ameri: "I know... I'll get him something to congratulate him." Demon A: "Come on! Bring out more stuff!" Demon A: "Whoa, so many demons." Demon B: "Look over there! It's this year's Young Kings!" Demon A: "Oh, they're this year's Young Kings, Iruma and Lead!" Demon A: "Uh... which two are the Young Kings?" Demon B: "There seem to be four of them..." Lead: "Uh, Iruma-kun... What's with this lineup?" Iruma: "Well, you see... After the deadly battle of the Harvest Festival, I reaffirmed where I truly belong, and..." Iruma: "I just can't let them go!" Lead: "What are you, a lonely baby? You're the exact opposite of how you were during your evil cycle." Asmodeus: "You will have to go through us to seek an audience with the Young King Iruma-sama." Clara: "Bow down!" Lead: "And these two are way too into their roles." Clara And Asmodeus: "Yeah!" Lead: "I'm a Young King, too, you know..." Asmodeus: "Huh?" Lead: "Uh, don't get mad! Ow." Jazz: "You lack dignity, my friend. What's with this hairdo?" Asmodeus: "Weren't you talking with the Dorodoro Brothers?" Jazz: "Well, I was, but..." Ichiro: "So you're the master's real students?! Isn't our master awesome?!" : "He is, isn't he?" Jazz: "Uh, I have no clue what you're talking about." Schneider: "Inconceivable." Jazz: "We had nothing in common at all." Asmodeus: "Why, though?" Sabro: "Indeed. Those brothers came to me yet again, as well." Sabro: "Then they went to find Sergeant Furfur." Sabro: "I used that opportunity to lose Master Balam. His lectures are so long..." Iruma: "I-I see..." Sabro: "I picked this one up along the way, too." Iruma: "Huh?!" Sabro: "She won't leave my side." Lead: "What the heck, my queen?!" Keroli: "Hey, don't shout like that." Camui: "My queen!" ck: "My queen!" Cosmo: "My queen! We'd like to enter your country!" Keroli: "Stop calling me that!" Keroli: "I mean, I did make a kingdom, but... When I stop to think about it, it's just so embarrassing!" Lead: "Ah, she returned to her senses." Lead: "I mean, right now, Nee-san seems way more like a queen." Elizabetta: "Oh, my. My, my." Iruma: "Whoa, that's amazing!" Azuki: "Yeah, and then..." Haruno: "Hey, are you listening, my lord?" Picero: "Just let me sleep already. Hey! There's Crocell!" Picero: "I'm gonna go complain!" Goemon: "See you later." Azuki; Konatsu; Haruno: "Okay! Have a good time!" Dosanko: "Ah, he's leaving... But your ship will eventually return to my harbor." Robin: "Mission complete!" Kalego: "I see. I'll listen to your report later." Robin: "No, no, no. Do you realize how much trouble that was? In that deep forest, finding their presence was..." Kalego: "I'll hear you out later." Robin: "Whoopsie." Balam: "Did you find them?" Kalego: "Yeah. Thanks to you narrowing our search radius." Kalego: "Orobas didn't remember anything." Kalego: "He probably had his memories wiped. More importantly..." Kalego: "Do they really feel the need to make such a racket?" Balam: "They're so full of energy. Oh, there's Sabro-kun. You're not going to shout "Silence!" at them today?" Kalego: "They didn't hold back, but showed their full potential from their training." Kalego: "They get a passing grade. Therefore, they're allowed to have a little fun." Balam: "You're so strict. Why don't you tell them in person?" Kalego: "They'll just let it go to their heads. There's plenty to lecture them on, as well. After this, they'll have plenty to reflect on and..." Clara: "Ooh, there he is!" Jazz; Goemon; Lead: "Fluffyego-sensei!" Asmodeus: "Splendid work, Iruma-sama." Sabro: "I haven't seen that in a while." Schenider: "This is rare." Keroli: "So fluffy..." Camui: "Now he's brethren." Kalego: "Iruma!" Iruma: "I-I'm sorry! But they all said they wanted to see you." Iruma: "I couldn't refuse!" Students: "They look like they're having fun. They're causing a fuss again." Warb: "Yeah..." Warb: "It sure is always lively around Iruma-kun." Iruma: "U-Um... Um..." Kalego: "Y-You damned bunch of troublemakers!" Clara: "Iruma-chi! Send me a message if you get lonely!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! You can call me or message me at any time or any place!" Iruma: "Sure! Thanks. You two get plenty of rest. Well, goodnight!" Asmodeus: "Well then, let us head home." Clara: "Yes. Yes, indeed." Keebow; Konchie: "Nee-chan! Welcome back!" Asmodeus: "David, thank you for coming to get me." David: "Welcome back." Clara: "Mommy! Konchie! Keebow!" Mommy: "Good work out there." Clara: "Sin-Sin! Ran-Ran! It's been four berry berry berry long days. I missed you!" Mommy: "Welcome back, Clara." Konchie: "Okay, let's head home." Keebow: "We've got a huge feast waiting!" Konchie: "Norimaki! Maguro sashimi!" Keebow: "Even macadamia nuts!" Clara: "Yay! Yay!" Mommy: "Shh." Clara; Konchie; Keebow: "Yay, yay, yay..." Iruma: "Man, that was so much fun. I got to talk to everyone so much, though it ended up like it usually does in the end." Iruma: "Like it usually does... Like it usually does, huh?" Opera: "You're going to get cold if you stand there like that." Opera: "Did you have fun at the after-party?" Iruma: "Yes! Very much so!" Opera: "That's good to hear." Iruma: "It's only been four days, but it feels like it's been forever!" Opera: "We were also getting ready for a par—" Sullivan: "Iruma-kun!" Sullivan: "We've been waiting for you! There's so much food! I did all the decorations! They're so sparkly! And, and..." Opera: "Sullivan-sama." Sullivan: "Oh, right." Sullivan: "There's a lot I'd like to talk to you about... But first, we need to say this." Sullivan: "The Harvest Festival..." Opera: "Well done during those four days." Sullivan: "Welcome back, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "Yeah! I'm home!" Clara: "Congratulations, Su-ki-ma!" Kalego: "Many unexpected things happened during this Harvest Festival, the biggest being the fact that Iruma and Lead won. Why are you looking at me like that, Shichiro? I didn't think for a second that they were going to win. That's why I'm not even happy." Sabro: "Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun," Kalego: ""The Instructors' Banquet.""
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 18 – Welcome Back", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "18", "Welcome Back" ] }
: "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire. Due to their work during the Harvest Festival, Iruma and Lead, happily, were promoted to Dalet. Will the rest of their classmates be able to reach Dalet before their limited days as first-years are over?" : "The night after the Harvest Festival ended..." : "There was an "Iruma-kun, Great Job at the Harvest Festival" party at the Sullivan house..." : "an "Alice-chan, Great Job at the Harvest Festival" party at the Asmodeus house..." : "and a "Clara, Great Job at the Harvest Festival" party at Clara's house." Mommy: "Welcome home, Clara." Konchie: "Welcome home, Nee-chan!" Keebow: "Eat plenty today!" Mommy: "Make sure you get plenty of rest tonight in a warm futon." Clara: "Yessir, Mommy, Konchie, and Keebow! Sin Sin, Ran Ran, I'm home!" : "Meanwhile, the instructors of Babyls were also having their own party for a job well done." Robin: "Attention, everyone! Great job at the Harvest Festival this year!" Instructors: "Devil..." Robin: "Cheers!" Instructors: "Cheers! "The Instructors' Banquet."" Suzie: "Yis!" Robin: "It looks so good!" Suzie: "Yis! Make sure you eat plenty of salad." Blushenko: "My class never listens to a word I say..." Murmur: "Blushenko-sensei, you seem to get drunk fast." Robin: "Let's see... Furcas-sensei and Raim-sensei are out because they're on duty... So the ones who aren't here yet are Orias-sensei, Kalego-sensei, and Balam-sensei." Murmur: "Orias-sensei can't drink alcohol, so he might not show up." Blushenko: "Kalego-sensei never shows up, even if we invite him. Each and every single time!" Employee: "Welcome! Service from our hearts!" Employees: "Service from our hearts!" Balam: "Oh, hello." Teachers: "Sensei!" Murmur: "Kalego-sensei?!" Random Teacher 4: "Seriously?! Is that really him?!" Murmur: "But he never comes out to drink with us!" Random Teacher 4: "He doesn't look like he belongs in a pub!" Blushenko: "It's a miracle! A miracle!" Balam: "Here we go. He was trying to leave, so I caught him." Dali: "Thank goodness we asked Balam-sensei to take care of this." Robin: "Hey! I'm the host today!" Murmur: "So they're behind this." Blushenko: "Well done, Balam-sensei and Robin-sensei!" Robin: "Come on, praise me!" Kalego: "And just what am I expected to praise you for?" Robin: "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Dali: "Aw, you're such good friends." Dali: "What're you drinking?" Kalego: "Anything is fine." Murmur: "They even have wine!" Dali: "Also, the chair-demon is covering the tab—" Kalego: "I'll have the Daikoku Makyo from 6,666. The Pearl of Evil." Murmur: "H-He didn't even hesitate to order the most expensive alcohol..." Murmur: "Uh, that's really strong alcohol..." Balam: "Oh, I'll be the one drinking it." Murmur: "You can really hold your liquor, Balam-sensei." Balam: "Somewhat." Robin: "Hi, hi! I want some, too!" Balam: "You might not be ready for this just yet, Robin-sensei." Robin: "What?!" Marbas: "What kind of bar snacks would you like? They have fried chicken, pickled vegetables, barbecued chicken... Bird, bird, bird, bird... Sorry about that..." Kalego: "Why are you apologizing?" Robin: "You don't like barbecued chicken, Jimmy-sensei?" Balam: "This is Marbas-sensei. And you teach...?" : "Marbas March. Teaches the art of torture." Robin: "How surprising! You totally seem like a Jimmy 'cause you look so dull!" Marbas: "You don't hold back, do you? My family is pretty artistic." Balam: "Do you have any siblings?" Marbas: "Well, I have an older sister who's a manager for a dem-dol." Robin: "What?! Wow, that's amazing! Which dem-dol?!" Marbas: "I can't tell you." Robin: "Come on, tell me!" Marbas: "Nope." Murmur: "Speaking of relatives..." Morax Elder: "Come, now, have some kobucha." Momonoki: "Er, Grandfather... I'm going to have some alcohol, as well..." Morax Elder: "Absolutely not! Not when all these men are around, free to do as they please!" Morax Elder: "Ow, ow, ow!" Momonoki: "Grandfather!" Marbas: "He's creating a barricade." Dali: "A grandpa guard... Must be rough working with your relatives." Robin: "Momonoki-sensei!" Robin: "Come over here!" Robin: "There's a seat over here!" Momonoki: "I'm right next to him! R-Right next to him, right next to him, right next to him, right next to him..." Robin: "Tonight, we're all equals!" Kalego: "The loud one came back..." Momonoki: "R-Right next to him, right next to him, right next to him, right next to him..." Robin: "So, hey. What were you like as a new teacher, Momonoki-sensei?" Momonoki: "Wh-When I was a new teacher..." Momonoki: "Kalego-sensei was my mentor, a-and he took really good care..." Robin: "You're just like me!" Kalego: "Huh?" Robin: "Then, hey, who was your mentor, Kalego-sensei?" Kalego: "W-Well..." Robin: "Who was it? Who was it?!" Dali: "It was me!" : "The instructor supervisor, Dantalion Dali." All: "Huh?!" Marbas: "I say he's lying." Murmur: "I say he's joking." Blushenko: "I say that he's drunk." Murmur: "That's you right now." Dali: "Jeez, no trust at all in what I say. Well, we definitely didn't get along at first." Kalego: "Please..." Balam: "It's true." Robin; Marbas; Murmur: "What?! It is?!" Suzie: "Yis! It's totally true!" Momonoki: "Wow, I had no idea." Dali: "He wasn't very nice. He was cold and harsh... Well, I guess he still is." Dali: "Pleasure." Kalego: "Right." Dali: "Man, you're gloomy." Kalego: "Right." Dali: "When I said the new instructors usually host the mixers, he ended up getting a reservation at a super classy restaurant, and it was super expensive." Kalego: "It's the place I always go to." Dali: "He always did his work perfectly, but he was so hard to approach." Momonoki: "Really?" Dali: "But to think that Kalego-sensei... is now BFFs with the members of the Misfit Class." Kalego: "What?!" Dali: "Wait, was I wrong?" Suzie: "Yis. But they're all amazing students. Especially Iruma-kun." Murmur: "There's the kid everyone's talking about!" Dali: "I was devi surprised when I heard he was the chair-demon's grandson." Iruma: "Aberuhauke..." Iruma: "Sutoumanu..." Iruma: "Aberuge..." Iruma: "Uru..." Iruma: "Tsurezaza." Students: "No way! Seriously?! Holy crap!" Dali: "It all makes sense now." Murmur: "It sure does." Suzie: "Yis. Ever since the entrance ceremony, he's had command over the honor student." Clara: "Something's coming!" Suzie: "During the race, he brought over the Guardian of Cutthroat Valley." Iruma: "Quan Quan." Suzie: "Then he made those pink flowers bloom, yis!" Suzie: "And then, at the Battler Party..." Students: "One! Zero!" Clara: "It bloomed!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Murmur: "Those sure were devi beautiful." Dali: "And, most importantly, he's Kalego-sensei's maste—" Dali: "Whoops, my bad." Marbas: "And he opened up the Royal One." Suzie: "Yis. That was totally unexpected." Kalego: "The area that has been closed off to everyone at this school, the Royal One, shall be opened!" Kalego: "The Royal One has been opened!" Momonoki: "And then the incident at Walter Park." Momonoki: "That certainly was terrifying." Blushenko: "You took on such a troublesome class, Kalego-sensei." Murmur: "Yes! Talk about flashy!" Robin: "Yeah, we just can't let them out of our sight." Robin: "Students and teachers are like family, after all!" Kalego: "No." Robin: "Huh? Huh? What?" Dali: "Robin-sensei." Dali: "The young talent at Babyls will breathe new life into the netherworld. The Misfit Class, as well as all of the other students, are a treasure to the netherworld. And... we are their guardians." Dali: "We only have one goal." Dali: "Our utmost priority is to protect our precious students. This is our pledge. Any enemy that goes after our treasure shall receive the gruesome "discipline."" Robin: "All right! Cheers, everyone!" Instructors: "Devil!" Balam: "Ooh, right on cue." Kalego: "The nerve of using our historical motto as a toast." Kalego: "Does he really..." Kalego: "do this every time?" Kalego: "Anyway, that is our oath." Robin: "Right!" Kalego: "New instructor." Robin: "Yes?" Kalego: "Make sure you carve that motto into your heart. Any enemy that goes after our treasure shall receive the gruesome "discipline."" Kalego: "Your actions today were also based on our motto." Robin: "Right!" : "Let's rewind a few hours back." : "Right around when Iruma and Lead were given the title of Young King..." Lead: "Hey, what the heck? Where'd Robin-sensei go? Uh, hello?! Your pupil won here! Robin-sensei!" Ocho: "Yay! I got all the data I wanted. The Harvest Festival was so much fun! Doot doo-doo! I got into the school pretty easily, and if I just tinker with Orobas-kun's memories a little, there'll be no evidence left!" Ocho: "Yes, indeed... I was truly number two again today. The joy of supporting the false number one is the greatest joy for a believer of the Second Faith." : "Yes. Orobas had no idea, but the netherworld religion that loves and reveres the number two, the family of the Second Faith," : "actually existed." Ocho: "Now, I must hurry back to the revered one. I have so much information! Easy-peasy!" Robin: "I've spotted our target." Kalego: "All right." Kalego: "Two days with Shichiro's Buzzer... Another day after the new instructor's investigation. It took quite a while to find them, but we finally got them by the tail." Kalego: "Babyls will accept every demon. But any fool that infiltrates our school without permission will not get away unscathed." Robin: "Right!" : "The Balse family bloodline ability, Bullseye Shot." Robin: "Concentrate on one target!" : "Once unleashed, the arrow will not slow down until it reaches its target," : "and it'll always be a perfect shot." Ocho: "An arrow?!" Ocho: "I've been found? That's impossible! They placed a spell on me so I couldn't be recognized!" Robin: "I missed his vitals, just like I was asked, but are you sure that was okay?" Kalego: "I don't know who's pulling the strings here," Kalego: "but this time was just a warning. If something like this happens again," Kalego: "we won't hold back." Kalego: "We'll give them some gruesome discipline." Robin: "I see." Kalego: "Well done disciplining the enemy today, newbie." Kalego: "What are you smiling about?" Robin: "Well, you know. You rarely ever compliment me, so I was just happy." Robin: "All right! Reward time!" Robin: "This stuff's great! One more!" Kalego: "Don't get a big head just because you were complimented once! You're six years... no, 666 years too young for the Daikoku Makyo!" Dali: "Jeez, they're so close." Momonoki: "Yes..." Dali: "All right! Let's get the bingo tournament started!" Teachers: "Yay!" Blushenko: "Yay!" Dali: "Number 6." Suzie: "Yis! I'm just one away!" Dali: "66!" Robin: "Man, I'm not getting any in a row." Suzie: "Yis! Now I've got two lines that are one away!" Blushenko: "I've never gotten a bingo in my life!" Murmur: "That's just how life is sometimes." Balam: "Hey, Kalego-kun. I think you have bingo." Kalego: "Hey, shut your—" Balam: "Hey! He's got a bingo over here!" Kalego: "Hey, damn it!" Dali: "Here you go, Kalego-sensei! Here's the first prize!" Ocho: "Reporting... Among the first-years at Babyls, there are a number who may be inclined to return to our origins." Ocho: "I believe..." Ocho: "there are quite of few in the Misfit Class who may have true potential, er..." Ocho: "Baal-sama." Baal: "So... why do you look so pathetic, Ocho?" Ocho: "Damn it! Stupid dogs of Babyls! You won't get away with this! I'll return this favor twofold! Damn it! You hear me?! I'll crush you!" Baal: "Shut up. Stop dirtying my floor." Ocho: "I'm sorry..." Baal: "So, what did you learn about Iruma?" Ocho: "Yes, sir. Here." Ocho: "From the mic I stuck on his clothes..." Dali And Suzie: "Three! Two! One! Start!" Iruma: "Let's go, Lead-kun." Lead: "Yeah!" Ocho: "I must say, it was quite a sight, seeing him fall into the depths of despair. His face when he was suffering in agony was quite—" Amy: "Quite what?" Ocho: "Amy Kiriwo-kun..." Amy: "You met Iruma-kun, Ocho-kun?" Ocho: "Yes..." Amy: "What'd you do?" Ocho: "What'd I do? Just my mission. I gathered information." Amy: "Yes, and what exactly did that entail?" Amy: "Don't interfere just out of curiosity." Amy: "He's my..." Iruma: "I'm human..." Iruma: "I'm human..." Iruma: "I'm human..." Amy: "Human?" Baal: "I knew it." Baal: "The child that appeared right after Sullivan illegally entered the human world..." Baal: "I had a feeling... but this is definitely gonna be interesting." Amy: "Human... Iruma-kun is human?" Amy: "Iruma-kun is..." Baal: "Hey, I told you to stop dirtying my floor." Amy: "Huh?" Amy: "I was... I was thinking this whole time... You said you would never be in despair... So I was trying to figure out how to put you into despair. Tell me, Iruma-kun... Will you be able to hold back your despair when I eat you, too?" Amy: "I wanna see it. Oh, how I wanna see it! I want to see your face writhing in despair!" Baal: "Things are gonna get a bit rowdy in the netherworld. We're not talking about some kids' game like the Harvest Festival. What we're about to start is something that'll get you tingling with excitement." Baal: "A hunt." Marbas: "Chokehold!" Kalego: "Well, why don't we take our leave?" Balam: "Great work." Momonoki: "Y-You, too." Kalego: "Make sure you see everyone home safely, host." Robin: "Huh? Huh?!" Employee: "Thanks very much! Thanks very much! We served you with all our hearts! Yeah!" Robin: "Hey, wake up! Hello?" Morax Elder: "Absolute chaos... Unacceptable. Unaccept..." Suzie: "Yis, yis..." Marbas: "Yes, next up, let us talk about tying bulls to your limbs and..." : "And so, the instructors' banquet ended without issue, and the new instructor was ready to be officially welcomed in." Robin: "What the heck?!" Carla: "Suki suki su-ki-ma!" Kalego: "My utmost priority is to protect this precious room. This is my pledge. Any enemy that goes after our treasure shall receive the gruesome "discipline." Cerberobuth!" Kalego: "What?!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 19 – The Instructors' Banquet", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "19", "The Instructors' Banquet" ] }
: "The rank-advancement exam: a special event held by the school to determine the students' ranks. It is the duty of all the students of the demon school Babyls to advance their ranks through this exam. The first-years get seven chances to raise their ranks: the summoning ritual, the flying race, execution cannonball, the Battler Party, the end-of-terminus exams, and in addition to these... the first-years' final battle, the Harvest Festival, and the last chance for them to show off their appeal, the Music Festival. In these two events where the students shine the most, the Misfit Class students will strive to climb to the rank of Dalet. If they don't all reach this rank..." Scroll: "If you fail this order, you will immediately be ejected from the Royal One!" : "In order to get through this trial, the students of the Misfit Class began training with tutors." Iruma; Clara; Asmodeus: ""Master Bachiko."" Robin: "No entry!" Lead: "Sniffle, sniffle, sniffle..." Lead: "I can't believe she's working me to the bone while I'm wearing this frilly, fluffy outfit." Iruma: "N-Now, now... Don't worry about it. Let's do our best, Lead-kun." Lead: "Iruma-kun, you really do seem used to this." Iruma: "Huh?! Frilly and fluffy. Th-That's not true..." Lead: "Really?" Iruma: "Y-Yes, really." Bachiko: "Hey, Iruminati-chan and Lindy-chan. Quit yer yappin' and get to workin'." Iruma: "Y-Yes, ma'am." Lead: "Lindy-chan? Me?!" Bachiko: "Next, I think I'd like to eat some homemade sweets made by my precious little minions." Bachiko: "I'll get all the ingredients ready for you, so snap to it and chop chop." Iruma: "Snap to it and..." Lead: "...chop chop?" Iruma: "Snap to it and..." Lead: "...chop chop?!" : "The Fruity Ground Dragon." Sullivan: "The strawberries growing on its head are super sweet and delicious!" Iruma: "W-We somehow got them..." Iruma And Lead: "Sorry to keep you waiting!" Bachiko: "Hey, took you long enough. So long that I now feel like eating meat instead. Burp. I don't need those anymore." Bachiko: "Anyway, you two can go home now." Bachiko: "Man, I'm stuffed." Little Maid Demon: "Training!" Opera: "Welcome home, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Hey, thanks." Sullivan: "Welcome home, Iruma-kun! Did you have another fun day?" Iruma: "Yup." Bachiko: "You fools! I told you I wanted Ultra Sweet today!" : "Super Sweet is not Ultra Sweet." Opera: "Welcome home, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Oh. Hey, thanks." Sullivan: "Welcome home, Iruma-kun! I've been waiting all day for you!" Iruma: "Yup." Bachiko: "You gotta do it harder, or it's not gonna do any good!" Iruma And Lead: "S-Sorry." Bachiko: "For cryin' out loud..." Clock: "Cuckoo. Cuckoo." Bachiko: "Oh, look at the time. Okay, you guys can go home now." Lead: ""You guys can go home," my ass! Day in, day out, she's just making selfish demands! This has nothing to do with advancing our ranks!" Lead: "We're just errand boys! I'm done with this!" Lead: "I'll still be worried, but I'm gonna ask Robin-sensei to tutor me." Lead: "You should come with me, Iruma-kun. Yeah?" Iruma: "Um... I'm okay here for a bit longer." Lead: "What? Why, though?" Iruma: "Well... I'm used to things being unfair. And I think maybe Master Bachiko has some kind of plan, so I think I'll be okay with her a little longer." Lead: "That can't be good for your health." Iruma: "Nah, I'll be fine!" Lead: "In that case, I'm gonna head over to Robin-sensei. You should come, too, when you feel like it." Iruma: "Sure, thanks!" Bachiko: "Hey." Iruma: "Master! I'm sorry! I'll get these up to dry immediately!" Bachiko: "To be honest, I'm surprised." Bachiko: "It's quite impressive. No one's lasted this long dealing with my orders." Bachiko: "That willpower you possess when it comes to helping others out..." Bachiko: "Your drive to take action..." Bachiko: "You know, you're really..." Bachiko: "the biggest moron I've ever met." Opera: "Welcome home, Iruma-sama." Iruma: "Mm." Opera: "Iruma-sama?" Sullivan: "Welcome home, Iruma-kun! Let's eat! Make sure you have plenty to eat, Iruma-kun! And eat tomorrow's dinner's worth in the morning. And tomorrow night, eat the next day's breakfast's worth. And two mornings from now..." Iruma: "Huh? That's strange." Bachiko: "You idiot! Dumbass! Moron! Pfft, you're too slow!" Iruma: "Master's face just won't leave my mind." Iruma: "My chest feels really tight, and it feels like there's something in my throat." Iruma: "For some reason, I feel..." Bachiko: "...the biggest moron I've ever met." Iruma: "I feel... insanely frustrated!" Iruma: "I'm so insanely frustrated..." Iruma: "that I can't sleep!" Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! How glorious it is to have you call me! Is something the matter?" Iruma: "S-Sorry for calling so late." Asmodeus: "Oh, it's perfectly fine! I'm still in the middle of training." Iruma: "Wait, this late?!" Asmodeus: "It's an assignment from Balam-sensei, and it's an impossible amount of work..." Asmodeus: "So I feel... incredibly motivated!" Iruma: "I-I see. Sorry to bother you, Azz-kun. Do your best." Asmodeus: "Thank you! I shall!" Asmoedus: "I want to show you how much I've grown as soon as possible!" Asmodeus: "Please feel free to contact me at any time! Goodnight!" Clara: "The girls' meeting is starting now." Iruma: "Girls' meeting? I guess Clara's training this late, too." Iruma: "I see." Iruma: "Everyone's working hard." Iruma: "I can't just let her call me a moron like that." Iruma: "Which means I need to..." Monster Bird: "Moron, moron." Iruma: "I won't just be a moron who only does what he's told." Bachiko: "Huh?" Iruma: "I will willingly..." Iruma: "become the most perfect errand boy! It is an honor to serve you! Now, Master! Have some tea!" Bachiko: "How did you come to this conclusion?" Iruma: "Wait, you're laughing?" : "Will this perfect errand boy be able to reach the Dalet rank?" Chime Monster: "After school..." Kalego: "This concludes our lessons for the day." Kalego: "Make sure you don't forget your homework for each class." Kalego: "Now, all of you, head to your training." Kalego: "You do understand, don't you? If you do not advance to Dalet, you will be thrown out of the Royal One." Kalego: "Enjoy your struggles." : "These are statements from the actual parties involved." Lead: "Come on, let's be honest here." Lead: "I know we're all curious. It's been two weeks since we met these tutors." Lead: "Just what kind of horrifying training has everyone else been going through?" Lead: "Let's start... with the two who are dripping wet!" Goemon: "Thank you for noticing!" Goemon: "It's truly horrifying just thinking back on it. Master Vepar said that she wants to strengthen our bloodline abilities..." Vepar: "Your bloodline abilities are truly powerful, but that's only on the surface. Making you unable to use your bloodline abilities and then making you get them back... That is the training I've thought of. And that's why... you'll be spending some time underwater." Lead: "Wait, that's just torture!" Goemon: "And that's why Agares-dono has been sleeping constantly when not training." Iruma: "Yikes! But he's always asleep!" Goemon: "Day after day, we're spending our time in the water." Lead: "I'm sorta in the same boat. Robin-sensei asked me to bring him my favorite things, so I brought him all of my games and..." Robin: "Okay, let's beat them all in six days." Lead: "Huh?" Robin: "This is training to increase your concentration! You'll be playing the ones you've already beaten, too." Lead: "I mean... I do like video games..." Robin: "I'll be playing, too." Lead: "Let's take a break." Robin: "Not yet. Put your back into it!" Lead: "Um, it's morning..." Robin: "Okay, we can continue tomorrow. Make sure you go to your usual classes. Bye now!" Lead: "You're friggin' bugging out my brain! And "tomorrow" isn't tomorrow anymore when it's morning already!" Iruma: "Oh..." Asmodeus: "But that's your training, isn't it?" Lead: "There's gotta be limits! I can't be out until the sun rises every night! Ugh!" Sabro: "We haven't even gone home yet." Lead: "Huh?" Sabro: "We can't go home until we get one hit in." Balam: "You've still got a ways to go." Asmodeus: "You're mine!" Sabro: "Curses..." Balam: "You're completely obvious." Asmodeus: "He does actually retaliate, so we've been getting roughed up." Sabro: "We're constantly training other than when we're in our classes." Lead: "Simple yet terrifying..." Iruma: "Um, speaking of not being able to go home, two of us..." Goemon: "Jazz-dono and Allocer-dono are not here." Lead: "Yeah, about that..." Lead: "I sent a message asking how training's going." Lead: "At first, it sounded like they were having fun." Iruma: ""He took us somewhere amazing! Sergeant Furfur seems like such an awesome adult!"" Lead: "But the messages gradually got shorter and shorter..." Iruma: ""Huh? Uh... Hm? Something's going on." "Lead, could you come over here?"" Lead: "The last reply I got was..." Lead: "Okay, next." Goemon: "Oh, how about you two, Clara-dono and Eliza-dono?!" Iruma: "Um... What are those poses? I did see you guys doing those in class, but..." Clara: "We're practicing making you keep your eyes on us!" Raim: "The important thing is to control their eyes." Raim: "Women improve the more they're looked at." Clara: "And that's why we must always strike beautiful poses! Yes! It is extremely brutal!" Lead: "So, what happened to you?" Camui: "Allow me to explain in her stead. As summoners, we were told it'd be best to be in the same environment as the beasts we communicate with." Keroli: "No! It stinks! It's gross! Let me out!" Keroli: "Spending the whole day in a cage with a wild beast..." Keroli: "It was just so filthy." Camui: "Truly! I want to get closer to Lady Keroli! Not some smelly beast! So why was I put in a different cage?!" Asmodeus: "You never change, do you?" Asmodeus: "Now, you're the only one left, Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus: "What kind of training have you been doing?!" Clara: "Waterfall meditation, waterfall meditation?! Waterstand meditation, waterjump meditation?!" Iruma: "Well, I..." Iruma: "First, I have to boil water." Iruma: "And then..." Iruma: "I prepare my master's breakfast and tea..." Bachiko: "Not bad." Iruma: "Yes, ma'am!" Iruma: "Then, sometimes, I go clothes shopping with her..." Iruma Bg: "How about this one?" Bachiko: "Not bad." Iruma: "Then we have a discussion over sweets." Iruma Bg: "Hm... That's very deep." Bachiko: "Right?" Iruma: "I dry her futons, do her laundry, draw her bath, prepare her dinner, and then go home. That's basically how my training's been going every day!" Elizabetta; Goemon; Lead; Camui; Keroli: "That's not training." Iruma: "Wait, what? B-But Master is slowly starting to acknowledge me..." Keroli: "You're basically her servant." Iruma: "She can just say "this" or "that," and I can understand what she wants." Clara: "Oh, Iruma-chi is being bullied..." Asmodeus: "Are you all right?! Should I report this to Lord Kalego?!" Lead: "I guess we've all got it rough." Goemon: "There is no end in sight right now." Keroli: "Maybe they're just messing with us..." Elizabetta: "I just want to relax." Sabro: "I would like to sleep." Lead: "We still don't even know the point of this training." Camui: "Truly, I am quite done with this." Tutors Other Than Bachiko: "Assemble!" Students Other Than Iruma: "Roger!" Asmodeus: "What? Are all of you going?" Keroli: "Well..." Lead: "I really don't wanna get kicked out. Not to mention, the last thing I wanna do is lose to adults being so unreasonable." Lead: "We are the Misfit Class, after all." Iruma: "Everyone..." Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Clara: "Fall for me!" Iruma: "Everyone's serious about reaching Dalet rank. I need to train hard, too," Iruma: "so that all of us can protect the Royal One." Bachiko: "Damn it, he's late. It's long past sweets time. Is he still in class?" Sullivan: "Aw, I've spotted a Bachiko-chan!" Sullivan: "It's been a while! You really did come!" Sullivan: "Have you been well?" Bachiko: "Y-Yes..." Sullivan: "I see. Thank you for responding to such an abrupt summons." Bachiko: "Oh, it's nothing." Sullivan: "Well, you are quite strong. I'm very happy." Bachiko: "A-Anything for you, Sullivan-sama." Sullivan: "It seems like you're getting along well with Iruma-kun, too. I hope you'll continue helping Iruma-kun with his training." Iruma: "Oh, it's from Master Bachiko. Let's see..." Iruma: "Food shopping, laundry, and..." Iruma: "creating a new weapon?" Iruma: "A new weapon?" Bachiko: "Yup! We'll be making one for your training." Iruma: "Master?!" Bachiko: "A brand new weapon for you." Iruma: "A weapon..." Iruma: "Um... What do you mean by "Alrighty then"?" Bachiko: "I was enjoying the good life so much that I forgot about your training. My bad." Iruma: "You forgot?! Um... I thought running errands for you was my training..." Bachiko: "Huh? How the hell would that be training? You were just my errand boy." Iruma: "That was really blunt!" Iruma: "So it wasn't training?" Bachiko: "Upsy-daisy. Though, to be perfectly honest, there's really no point in training." Iruma: "Huh?!" Bachiko: "Don't come over here." Bachiko: "There's only one thing I can teach you." Bachiko: "You heard that I'm related to Robi, right?" Bachiko: "Robi's from a branch family, and I'm from the main family. We pretty much have the same abilities." Bachiko: "My partner in crime is this uber, super, duper cute..." Bachiko: "baby." Bachiko: "Hundred Bullseyes!" Bachiko: "Gotcha. So, with the Barbatos family bloodline ability, Hundred Bullseyes, as long as you can keep concentrating, you can continue shooting arrows that will hit their targets without fail." Bachiko: "It's the evolved version of Robi's Bullseye Shot, which he can only use once a day. The only ones who can actually hit the mark 100% of the time are me, the chief, and the president." Iruma: "The chief and the president?" Bachiko: "President Barbatos is one of the Three Heroes of the Great War in Demon Valley, along with Furfur and Vepar." Iruma: "Heroes?" Bachiko: "I've had plenty of demons come to me to learn how to shoot" Bahciko: "because they admire my Hundred Bullseyes." Bachiko: "But demons naturally get bored easily, so they lack concentration and patience. Striking down any enemy, no matter how far, and helping their allies survive... People fear this weapon because a single archer can turn the battle around. If you manage to learn it, you'll advance far beyond Dalet, but..." Bachiko: "It's impossible." Bachiko: "Demons just ain't cut out to use this." Bachiko: "Uh... What's with that face?" Iruma: "Huh?! M-My face? Was there something weird about it? But, um... You were amazingly cool, Master! You were on fire!" Iruma: "Are you really going to teach me that super cool thing?!" Bachiko: "W-Well, if you're willing to try, I'll help you out. Come on, let's go." Iruma: "Huh?" Bachiko: "I said we're gonna make your weapon, didn't I?" Iruma: "Let's go? But where are we going?" Bachiko: "Here." Iruma: "Huh? What? But this is..." Bachiko: "This place is famous for making all kinds of insane things. The Magical Apparatus Battler!" Iruma: "U-Uh-huh..." Clara: "Su-Ki-Ma! Gotcha!" Iruma: "Iruminati!" Lead: "Lindy!" Iruma And Lead: "The two of us... are Master Bachiko's personal maids!" Iruma: "Iru and Li!" Lead: "Li and Iru!" Lead: "Iruminati-chan, I'm pretty sure my name goes first. It should be Li and Iru." Iruma: "Lindy-chan, I should be first. It's Iru and Li. I won't compromise on this." Lead: "Well, neither will I!" Iruma: "Fine! Let's just see who happens to be..." Iruma And Lead: "...the better maid!" Bachiko: "Who the hell cares?" Lead: "Iruminati-chan sure is working hard. Lindy needs to do her best, too! No, wait! I need to do my best. If everyone other than me is able to make it to Dalet, I'm sure Robin-sensei will laugh at me." Iruma: "Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, "Iruma's True Feelings.""
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 2 – Master Bachiko", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "2", "Master Bachiko" ] }
Sullivan: "Yay! Yay! Yay! Hello, boys and girls! Iruma-kun is about to begin! Wasn't the Harvest Festival just amazing?" Sullivan: "...raise both of your ranks to Dalet." Iruma: "We're Dalet!" Sullivan: "Grandpa is so proud that Iruma-kun became the Young King!" Sullivan: "The ultimate grandson! The ultimate student! The other kids were amazing, too!" Sullivan: "And, and, and then this week, Iruma-kun will be... Would you believe it?" Opera: "Please watch and find out for yourselves." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun!" : "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire. Due to their work during the Harvest Festival, Iruma and Lead, happily, were promoted to Dalet. Will the rest of their classmates be able to reach Dalet before their limited days as first-years are over?" Iruma And Lead: ""Bad Company."" Sullivan: "What?!" Sullivan: "There's... something you want?" Iruma: "Grandpa?!" Sullivan: "Iruma-kun is asking me for something for the first time!" Opera: "We must celebrate, then. So, what do you want?" Iruma: "Well... Well, you see..." Lead: "Be right there!" Lead: "Hey! You're here, Iruma-kun!" Lead: "And? And?! How'd it go?!" Iruma: "Well..." Iruma: "It's all mine!" Lead: "He actually bought it for you! Hell yeah!" Iruma: "Yeah! Grandpa bought it for me!" Sullivan: "We'd like 666 handheld gaming consoles." Employee: "666?!" Opera: "Yes." Iruma: "I just need one! One is fine!" Lead: "You're so spoiled... Okay! Let's get playing! Come on in!" Iruma: "Th-Thanks for having me over." Lead: "You want some Screamy Soda?" Iruma: "Sure!" Lead: "What about snacks?" Iruma: "Anything's fine." Lead: "This should work. Walk by here quietly... Don't make a sound." Iruma: "O-Okay..." Lead: "And we're here!" Lead: "Have a seat anywhere you want." Iruma: "Wow! You have so many things." Lead: "Iruma-kun's in my room. It's so weird. But anyway..." Lead: "Once again..." Lead And Iruma: "We're Young Kings! Cheers! Yay!" Iruma: "That hits the spot!" Lead: "Painful and refreshing! So, this is the newest hunting game where you can make your own gear to fight strong monsters, raise and harvest all kinds of crops, or make your village grow." Iruma: "Wow... That sounds like the Harvest Festival." Lead: "Yeah! And then you push this..." Iruma: "Oh, it started. Name... "Iruma." Male... and first-person pronoun is..." Iruma: "Boku (I)." Lead: "Now, hang on." Lead: "I don't know. You should probably... Go for "ore (I)."" Iruma: "Y-You think I should?" Lead: "Hell yeah! We're the Young Kings! We can sound more powerful!" Lead: "Honestly, isn't it pretty hard to figure out when the right time to switch to "ore" is?" Iruma: "Yeah, totally." Lead: "We're basically the only two who still use "boku."" Iruma: "Oh, right. I guess we're boku brethren." Lead: "You should just go for it now." Iruma: "Okay. I-I'll go with "ore."" Lead: "Next, you choose your partner." Iruma: "A Neko..." Iruma: "A demon rabbit..." Iruma: "I guess I'll go with a Neko. It seems really reliable, somehow." Lead: "I always choose a dragon because they're devi strong. By the way..." Lead: "You can even get married in this game." Iruma: "Wow, it lets you do all sorts of things." Lead: "Right? So... what's your type, Iruma-kun?" Iruma: "Wh-Wh-Wh-Why ask me that so suddenly?!" Lead: "It's not sudden! We were just talking about marriage!" Iruma: "What?!" Lead: "By the way, according to my own personal research... Girls with long tails are super sexy." Iruma: "I've never heard this!" Lead: "I know you're interested, Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "No, I'm not..." Lead: "Yeah, you're lying. Stop acting all innocent! I know the truth!" Iruma: "Uh..." Lead: "All right, then. I guess I'll just have to use my secret weapon." Iruma: "S-Secret weapon?" Lead: "A slightly pervy book!" Iruma: "No! You can put that away!" Lead: "Why?! I'm letting you borrow it! I'm sure you've at least seen these before!" Iruma: "I have... But I always just set them on fire. So warm..." Lead: "Why would you burn them?! Go on, take it!" Iruma: "But Grandpa will get mad at me!" Lead: "What are you, a sheltered girl?" Iruma: "I-I'm not a girl..." Lead: "Then you're a sheltered Iruma. You need to crawl out of your shell and open the doors to adulthood! This is also from my personal research... When girls have huge, round horns..." Iruma: "Wh-What?" Lead: "See? You are interested!" Shakky: "Quit yer yappin', you dumbass Lead! I'm still hungover from the devi mixer!" Lead: "N-Nee-chan!" Iruma: "Sh-She's your sister?" Shakky: "Why are you having so much fun when your sister didn't manage to get a date again?! Don't make me literally hang you out to dry!" Shakky: "Classmate?" Iruma: "Oh, I'm Iruma. Thanks for letting me come over. Bow." Shakky: "Hang on one sec!" Iruma: "Huh?" Lead: "Get out already!" Shakky: "What? Let me talk to the cute boy!" Lead: "You talked to him enough!" Lead: "Sorry about that, Iruma-kun." Iruma: "It's okay. You and your sister... look alike." Lead: "Don't say that!" Shakky: "Iruma is the chair-demon's grandson!" Lead: "Gah! She came back! Go back to your room already!" Shakky: "No way! Would you like some snacks, Iruma-kun?" Iruma: "Sure!" Lead: "Don't fall for it, Iruma-kun!" Shakky: "Hey! I'm gonna sit, so move. Oh, dear! That book..." Lead: "W-Wait just a second!" Shakky: "No fair leaving me out!" Lead: "You weren't invited! Don't go trying to sink your poison fangs into Iruma-kun just 'cause he's so spacey." Shakky: "What poison fangs?! You're way too protective of him!" Lead: "Well, that's because Iruma-kun is... like my little brother." Iruma: "Lead-kun!" Lead: "He'd be in all kinds of trouble if I didn't look out for him." Shakky: "Hey, didn't you say something like that before, too? Something about when your classmate joined the Game Battler." Lead: "I have to watch over Clarin!" Shakky: "You've changed." Shakky: "Before, you kept to yourself and didn't cling to others." Shakky: "Oh, stop trying to act so cool! And you keep getting more games that are multiplayer!" Shakky: "Well... You must really love your classmates now, huh?" Lead: "Yeah, actually." Lead: "Now stay out of my room! Here's some water! Drink that and go to sleep!" Shakky: "Huh..." Shakky: "And all you'd ever say before was how bored you were..." Lead: "I'm devi exhausted..." Iruma: "Oh, Lead-kun! Take a look at this!" Iruma: "I made my character." Lead: "And you're fully equipped." Iruma: "Thanks for helping me out, Lead-kun!" Iruma: "You see... I truly think I only won the Harvest Festival because everyone in our class helped me out. Especially you. You helped me out so much when we teamed up. I'm really grateful." Iruma: "You're super funny, and you teach me all kinds of things." Iruma: "That's why I think of you..." Iruma: "I think of you as a really reliable... little brother!" Lead: "Now, hang on a second! You're the little brother here!" Iruma: "No, you're the little brother." Lead: "Why, though?!" Iruma: "Little brother." Lead: "Why are you suddenly being stubborn?!" Iruma: "Because... you're the little brother." Lead: "You're still being stubborn!" Shakky: "Lead, I want some udon!" Lead: "Oh, for crying out loud!" Iruma: "Lead-kun, you're the little brother." Opera; Ameri; Iruma: ""Heartfelt Cooking Class."" Rin: "Sweets! Sweet! Baking!" Rin: "I'm going to make some delicious cookies for Kakeru-kun!" Rin: "You've got this, Rin! Now's the time! Now's the time..." Iruma: ""...to unleash my right arm that has struck down countless enemies!" "I'll work my hips into this Screw Punch to make some super chewy dough!" "Hi-yah! Hi-yah!" "Smack, smack!"" Iruma: "Will she be able to complete the cookies to give to Kakeru-kun?! To be continued!" Ameri: "The realism in today's reading was superb!" Iruma: "It's been a long time, so I put my all into it. Also, my performance back at the ruins is still pretty fresh in my mind..." Ameri: "I'd like to congratulate Iruma," Ameri: "but the first-years are the stars today, so I'll choose another time." Ameri: "I know... I'll get him something to congratulate him." Ameri: "Hmm... Sweets, eh? That's not a bad idea." Iruma: "Huh?" Ameri: "Huh?! I mean, I'm interested in baking sweets, but I've been told that I'm strictly prohibited from using our kitchen." Iruma: "Strictly prohibited? Why is that?" Ameri: "I'm not quite sure. My father's never told me." Iruma: "Oh, then, Ameri-san... would you like to come over? Would you like to come over? Would you like to come over? Would you like to come over?" Rin: "Hi-yah! Smack, smack!" Iruma: "And now..." Iruma And Ameri: "Let's... do some cooking! Yeah!" Ameri: "I... I'm actually in Iruma's house! I-Is this..." Ameri: "P-P-P-P-P-Practice for when we get married?!" Iruma: "Thanks for preparing all this, Opera-san!" Opera: "No problem at all." Ameri: "Excuse me! Should I go greet your grandfather, as well?!" Opera: "Grandfather?" Ameri: "Oh, well, I mean my future— I mean, the chair-demon!" Opera: "Oh. Surprisingly, the chair-demon is away at work today, so he's not here." Ameri: "O-Oh, I see." Opera: "Well, I'll be over there, so please go ahead and use anything you need." Iruma And Ameri: "Okay! Thank you very much!" Ameri: "W-We're all alone!" Ameri: "This is our first time working together! Actually, I'm not sure if it's our first time, but..." Iruma: "Well, why don't we get started?" Ameri: "R-Right! Er, sorry to have to borrow so much." Iruma: "Oh, no problem. I'm the one who invited you over. And... This is my first time making sweets, so I'm happy to be making them with you!" Ameri: "I-I see. Okay, first up..." Ameri And Iruma: "Handwashing!" Opera: "Hmm... I should probably keep an eye on them. Well, they have a recipe, so they should be all right..." Iruma: "Let's see... According to the recipe from Opera-san..." Pekepon A: "Heartfelt Cooking Class!" : "How to make Opera's personal special cookies." Pekepon B: "They're delicious!" Pekepon C: "A top secret luxurious taste!" Pekepons: "Pekepon!" Iruma: "Step one: Knead 120 grams of butter, then add 50 grams of sugar and mix well." Iruma: "Okay, first, take the butter and... There! Now for some sugar." Opera: "Iruma-sama! Why did he put all the butter in?! The recipe clearly states how many grams!" Ameri: "Hey, Iruma!" Opera: "Yes, exactly, Ameri-san. Tell him to look at the actual recipe." Ameri: "I think we need more sugar." Iruma: "Ah..." Opera: "Sugar?!" Ameri: "I've heard that sweets require a ridiculous amount of sugar." Iruma: "How pretty." Opera: "Wait, there are limits! Limits!" Opera: "Could it be that these two have absolutely no knowledge of cooking?!" Iruma: "What do you think this is?" Ameri: "Who knows? Let's chop it up and put it in." Opera: "That's a spatula!" : "Indeed! Opera's suspicions were correct. Iruma spent most of his life trying to survive, so his philosophy" Young Iruma: "There! Now! It should be ready to eat." : "was to throw everything into a pot, cook it, and eat it." Iruma: "Do you have any experience making sweets, Ameri-san?" Ameri: "Yes. I made a cake once." Iruma: "Oh, you did?" Ameri: "I gave it to my father, but..." Young Ameri: "Enjoy every bite, Father! There's plenty more where that came from." : "The reason she was prohibited from using the kitchen was because she was fundamentally a terrible cook." Ameri: "It was just so delicious that his heart was literally burning, so he told me not to make it again for a while!" Opera: "Is she actually confident in her cooking skills?" Iruma: "Okay, next up is the eggs. Hi-yah!" Opera: "Why would you throw them in whole?!" : "He doesn't throw away the shells because it would be wasteful." Ameri: "Now to gently mix the dough!" Opera: "She cut through the counter?!" Ameri: "What's this powder?" Iruma: "Let's just put it all in." Ameri: "There's smoke coming out." Iruma: "Oh, it ran away!" Ameri: "Which one of these is the oven? Will using Raffire directly work?" Opera: "U-Um..." Iruma: "Let's do it!" Iruma And Ameri: "We did it!" Opera: "No, you didn't." Opera: "Listen carefully. You clearly do not understand cooking on a fundamental level." Opera: "Don't look so confused." Opera: "Listen carefully. Cooking is all about precisely following the recipe, the correct method, working carefully... and heart." Iruma And Ameri: "Heart?" Opera: "Think about the smiles and happy faces of those who will eat your cooking, and put your heart into it." Opera: "Do you understand?" Iruma And Ameri: "Y-Yes!" Opera: "Again..." Opera: "You need to measure out the amount listed in the recipe." Iruma: "Oh, right." Opera: "Wait. You need to measure that properly." Ameri: "Oh, right." Iruma: "Is that about right?" Opera: "Yes. Quickly and broadly mix in a circle, following the curve of the bowl." Opera: "Hold it. What do you think you're doing?" Opera: "Stop looking so confused." Iruma: "No! I can't throw them away!" Opera: "Iruma-sama, egg shells are combustible trash." Iruma: "No!" Monsters: "Strawberries!" Ameri: "H-Hey! Don't run away from me!" Opera: "Let's capture them." Iruma: "I wonder what this is." Iruma: "I'll just open it." Iruma: "Huh?" Opera: "Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Opera-san!" Opera: "Begone!" Opera: "Seal!" Opera: "There we go." Opera: "Wait, why?!" Iruma: "I'm sorry, Opera-san! We're surrounded!" Opera: "Wait, why?!" Iruma And Ameri: "We did it!" Iruma: "Grandpa and Opera-san! This one's Azz-kun, and this one's Clara!" Ameri: "Yes, well done." Iruma: "This must be Henri-san." Ameri: "Yes!" Iruma: "They look really good!" Ameri: "We did it! You're amazing, Opera-san!" Opera: "Er, thanks. I'm going to get some fresh air. Everything you'll need for wrapping them is over there." Iruma And Ameri: "Right!" Iruma: "Hmm... I don't know what to choose. What should I choose? The people I'm going to give these to are the ones who always help me out, like Grandpa, Opera-san, Master Bachiko... Azz-kun, and Clara..." Iruma: "By the way, who are you giving yours to, Ameri-san?" Ameri: "Er, I..." Iruma: "Ameri-san?" Iruma: "Huh? Ameri-sa—" Ameri: "Y-You're not supposed to look down when you're giving these to someone." Ameri: "I didn't get to properly congratulate you earlier, so..." Ameri: "Allow me to say..." Ameri: "Congratulations on your victory at the Harvest Festival, Iruma!" Iruma: "Wow! These are for me?! Oh my goodness! I'm so happy!" : "And so, they finished their cooking without incident..." Iruma And Ameri: "Instructor! We'd like to make Hamburg steak next!" Opera: "Please, no." Iruma And Ameri: "Huh?" Sullivan: "Ad-demon-dum. Cookies that Iruma-kun made..." Iruma: "Yeah! If you want—" Iruma: "You're crying?!" Sullivan: "Iruma-kun's cookies! Opera! We must prepare for a party!" Opera: "Right. An "Iruma-sama has given me cookies and we must celebrate" party, yes?" Iruma: "We really don't need to, okay?!" Opera: "Su-ki-ma." Birds: "Tweet, tweet, tweet... Tweet, tweet, tweet... Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet..." Ameri: "H-Here you go, Father." Opera: "Cleaning the kitchen after that was a lot of work, but the one cookie Iruma-sama gave me made it all worth it. I wonder how much more happiness Iruma-sama is going to give to me, the chair-demon, and his friends. Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, "Words for My Friends.""
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 20 – Bad Company ⧸ Heartfelt Cooking Class", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "20", "Bad Company ⧸ Heartfelt Cooking Class" ] }
Iruma; Clara; Asmodeus: ""Words for My Friends."" Imaginary Bachidemon: "Invited!" Bachiko: "I-I h-humbly th-thank you for inviting me over for brea—" Sullivan: "Now, no need to be so formal. Bachiko-chan, great job on the training." Bachiko: "Th-Thanks..." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun won and was promoted to rank Dalet, so this is the least I can do to thank you." Bachiko: "Oh, no!" Sullivan: "I'm devi glad that I asked you to do this, Bachiko-chan. You're on par with the Thirteen Crowns, too." Bachiko: "N-Not at all! The members of the Thirteen Crowns are far stronger than I am! I'm nothing at all in comparison..." Paimon: "What?!" Paimon: "Ya still eatin' that kiddy crap? Ya even smell sugary sweet!" Bachiko: "Yeah, well, you smell so country bumpkin, mushrooms are gonna grow on me if you get too close!" Paimon: "Huh?! Whaddaya say to me?!" Bachiko: "You want a piece of me, huh?!" Bachiko: "You havin' fun, huh?!" Paimon: "You best believe I am, damn it! I'm gonna sing until I lose my voice, damn it!" Bachiko: "I'm puttin' in a song, damn it!" Bachiko And Paimon: "Got a perfect score, damn it!" Paimon: "Barrier, damn it!" Bachiko: "Gonna nullify your barrier, damn it!" Paimon: "Well, I'm nullifying your nullification, damn it!" Bachiko: "Well, I'm gonna nullify you nullifying my nullification, damn it!" Bachiko: "Other than that really annoying woman and her lame clothes!" Sullivan: "Aw, you're so close." Bachiko: "Not at all!" Sullivan: "Well... You have a hard time being around others, so I was worried you wouldn't accept tutoring Iruma-kun." Bachiko: "Right. At first, I thought I'd just get a look at his face and then leave. Looks like you need to work on that fighting spirit! Well?!" Bachiko: "But..." Bachiko: "But..." Bachiko: "Now, I proudly consider him my number one student!" Sullivan: "I see. Well, eat to your heart's content." Bachiko: "Yes, sir!" Bachiko: "Sullivan-sama is pleased. He's complimenting me! I..." Bachiko: "I... Really..." Sullivan: "Now, then..." Sullivan: "Are you full?" Bachiko: "Yes! Thank you very much for the meal!" Opera: "I'm glad you liked it." Sullivan: "Well, we'll get this all out of the way..." Sullivan: "and let's discuss our next topic." Bachiko: "Perfect Speak!" Bachiko: "I, Barbatos Bachiko, humbly accept." Sullivan: "Mm." Sullivan: "First, the next Thirteens' Dinner has been canceled." Bachiko: "Huh?" Sullivan: "Because of the growing number of capable demons who have gone missing in the past few days." Sullivan: "Devilam. The battlefield." Sullivan: "High-ranked demons are disappearing everywhere. The motive is unknown, but we know who's responsible." Bachiko: "You do?" Sullivan: "Yes." Sullivan: "They've been suspects in the most evil deeds..." Sullivan: "The Musashino Crew." Sullivan: "Because they haven't left any signs behind, we know it's them." Bachiko: "I see." Bachiko: "Which means..." Bahciko: "It's time for the thing I'm proudest of." Bachiko: "My ultimate bow. That's what this means, right?" Sullivan: "Oh, sorry! No, no." Bachiko: "Huh? I-It's not?" Sullivan: "No, it's not. You can put that down. When things are uneasy in the netherworld," Sullivans: "instructors should concentrate on education." Sullivan: "We provide the students with the best knowledge, nurture them, and protect them." Sullivan: "We adults need to make sure we guide them so we can ensure peace in the netherworld." Sullivan: "Right?" Bachiko: "Yes, sir!" Baschiko: "This..." Bachiko: "This is Lord Sullivan, one of the Three Greats and next in line to become the Demon King! His words are far greater than others'!" Sullivan: "So, Bachiko-chan..." Bachiko: "Uh, yes!" Sullivan: "Please continue to be my grandson's special tutor." Bachiko: "Yes, sir!" Sullivan: "Especially since Iruma-kun's human." Bachiko: "Right!" Bachiko: "Huh?" Bachiko: "Hm?" Bachiko: "What?!" Imaginary Bachidemon: "A human?!" Bachiko: "A human?!" Opera: "The only ones who know of this truth are myself, the chairdemon, and Instructor Balam." Sullivan: "Bachiko-chan." Sullivan: "I will respect your wishes. Would you like me to erase \your memory of this conversation," Sullivan: "or will you protect Iruma-kun with us?" Bachiko: "I—" Iruma: "Good morning. Opera-san, what's for breakfast toda— Wait... Master?! Why, though?!" Sullivan: "Iruma-kun! Good morning!" Iruma: "G-Good, uh..." Opera: "We're serving omelets for breakfast today." Iruma: "Uh, yay! Uh, but, Master... why? Huh?" Bachiko: "A human..." Bachiko: "Suddenly, everything makes perfect sense." Bachiko: "I mean..." Bachiko: "I mean, if he's not a demon..." Bachiko: "That just means... he's the only student for me!" Bachiko: "For crying out loud... I don't care if you're human or whatever. I'll continue..." Bachiko: "lookin' after ya!" Sullivan: "Bachiko-chan? You've been using Iruma-kun as your errand boy?" Bachiko: "No!" Opera: "I don't think I can let that go." Bachiko: "Er, no! You've got the wrong idea! This is just part of his training, and—" Iruma: "I even clean and do her laundry!" Bachiko: "You stupid student of mine!" Iruma: "I'm so full! I don't know exactly what's going on, but Master yelled at me again. I was just doing what I usually do..." Iruma: "Ali-san? Hm, I wonder if he's asleep." Iruma: "I need to see how much mana we have left later." Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Clara: "Heya!" Iruma: "Okay, I'm going." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun, come back soon, okay?" Opera: "He'll be back tonight." Iruma: "Isn't going to Azz-kun's place exciting?" Bachiko: "He's human, huh..." Clara: "I wonder if he has Pekepon." Iruma: "Good morning, David-san!" David: "Good morning. Now, let us get going..." David: "to the Asmodeus household." David: "We have arrived." Iruma: "Grandpa's house is big, but..." Iruma: "Azz-kun's home is amazing, too!" Clara: "Devi! Devier! Deviest! And it's huge!" Asmodeus: "Welcome! I have been waiting for you!" Iruma: "Th-Thanks for inviting us over." Asmodeus: "Yes, please, come in! We have prepared everything for you!" Iruma: "I'm so excited. I brought you a gift." Clara: "Ooh." Asmodeus: "A gift from Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "I have one for you, too, Clara." Iruma: "C-Clara?" Clara: "Conner and Murf! Ready, and..." Clara: "Charge!" Iruma: "Clara!" Clara: "Hiyah! Ooh!" Clara: "A super frilly room!" Clara: "A super sparkly room!" Clara: "Summit reached! Where there is a pot, it shall be climbed!" Iruma: "Don't go climbing on any pots!" Clara: "Climb up here with me, Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "That's dangerous! Azz-kun's going to yell at you, too." Asmodeus: "Nay, Iruma-sama. This isn't enough for me to get angry." Iruma: "Huh?" Asmodeus: "And that's because... Iruma-sama and I are both... Rank Dalet, after all." Asmodeus: "Cause some commotion if you must! Whatever a mere rank Gimel like yourself does cannot faze me! Because Iruma-sama and I are both rank Dalet!" Asmodeus: "You are a mere Gimel. I am a Dalet! The one on the same level as Iruma-sama..." Asmodeus: "is me!" Clara: "Bwah!" Asmodeus: "Hmph. Now you can have a taste of my pain!" Iruma: "Clara, it's fine that you're rank Gimel..." Clara: "Iruma-chi, let me see your badge!" Iruma: "Huh?!" Clara: "I'm gonna write "Gimel" on it! Right now!" Asmodeus: "Stop that! Let's leave that fool behind and have some tea." Clara: "But I'm close with him, too! Because I... got to do devi lots with small Iruma-chi!" Asmodeus: "A small Iruma-sama?!" Iruma And Clara: "Yay!" Asmodeus: "Hang on! What kind of Iruma-sama is that?!" Clara: "Heh! Step! I'm not gonna tell you, Azz-Azz!" Asmodeus: "Why, you little...!" Asmodeus: "Tell me!" Clara: "Nuh-uh!" Iruma: "C-Come on, you two..." David: "Everyone, the tea is ready." Asmodeus: "These are cakes I ordered specially for our party! Please, help yourselves!" Iruma And Clara: "L-Let's eat!" Iruma And Clara: "So good!" Asmodeus: "Please eat as much as you'd like." Iruma: "I can eat all of it!" Asmodeus: "Well met, Iruma-sama!" Clara: "Yay! They all look yummy!" Asmodeus: "Ahem. This is my room." Iruma: "Oh, this is your room, Azz-kun?" Clara: "Ooh!" Iruma: "Azz-kun's room... I wonder what it's like." Iruma: "A-Azz-kun? What is all this?" Clara: "Lotsa Iruma-chis!" Asmodeus: "Why, yes! Various commemorative school papers and my treasured scrapbook with your various amazing deeds recorded!" Iruma: "A-Azz-kun!" Clara: "Go! Gorgon Snake!" Iruma: "You think this is okay?" Asmodeus: "Well, they're very well-behaved." Clara: "Hey, hey, Iruma-chi!" Clara: "You should summon Eggy-sensei, Iruma-chi." Iruma: "Huh?! Yeah... maybe not today." Momonoki: "Are you all right, Kalego-sensei?" Asmodeus: "Valac! Stop climbing on top of me!" Clara: "Heh, the piggy-back technique I learned from the Game Battler!" Iruma: "Aw, I lost again." Clara: "Azz-Azz, you're protecting Iruma-chi too much. Iruma-chi hasn't moved a step." Iruma: "Oh, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Asmodeus: "Oh, right. Very well?!" Game: "K.O.!" Iruma: "I'm having so much fun! I'm playing so much with Azz-kun and Clara, talking a bunch..." Iruma: "Those two... are my friends..." Iruma: "But..." Iruma: "There's... still something that I haven't told them. I decided that I'm going to live in the netherworld and they're my precious friends." Iruma: "So..." Iruma: "I have to tell them." Iruma: "But..." Iruma: "If they end up rejecting me..." Iruma: "Or... even worse..." Iruma: "If they give in to their demonic instincts, and..." Amuryllis: "Chomp! Who's the little imp behind you?" Iruma: "Amu—" Amuryllis: "Why, yes! It's Amu-chan! I'm Alice-chan's mama! Oh, Alice-chan is just so mean! Hear me out! He left me out again!" Iruma: "Huh?!" Amuryllis: "I just got the feeling that Alice-chan had called you two over to the house, so I flew the coop at work and zoomed right over! I'll be right there!" Maids: "Amu-sama?!" Iruma: "Is she an esper?!" : "A woman's intuition!" Amuryllis: "So... What exactly did you have to say?" Amuryllis: "Hm... So you're keeping a secret from those two... huh." Amuryllis: "I think it's fine... if you don't tell them." Iruma: "Huh? But they're my really important friends—" Amuryllis: "Oh, my. Are these... "friends" someone you have to tell everything?" Amuryllis: "Love..." Amuryllis: "doesn't work out unless all parties are happy." Amuryllis: "You sounded so pained when you said you had to tell them. You're not obligated to do that. We demons must be much freer and sexier." Amuryllis: "Or can you really not be "friends" if you have a secret?" Game: "You lose!" Clara: "Heh. I win again!" Asmodeus: "Why, you little— Oh! Welcome back, Iruma-sa—" Asmodeus: "Mother! What are you doing here?! More importantly..." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama! Why are you dressed like that?!" Amuryllis: "Lookie look! Isn't he adorable? I put him in a bunch of your old clothes, Alice-chan! One sec! I'll go get some other outfits, too!" Clara: "Can I put on the ribbon?" Iruma: "Sure." Clara: "Yay!" Asmodeus: "I'm so sorry, Iruma-sama! I'll go stop her!" Iruma: "Oh, just a sec, you two... Have a seat." Iruma: "I have something to tell you." Iruma: "First, Azz-kun." Asmodeus: "Yes!" Iruma: "At the end of the Harvest Festival... When you came to us..." Iruma: "I was so relieved." Iruma: "You were so cool." Iruma: "Thank you so much for protecting us!" Asmodeus: "Y-You bless me with your words!" Iruma: "And, Clara..." Clara: "Yes?" Iruma: "The reason I was able to make the Legend Leaf bloom..." Iruma: "is because of you, Clara. You went through something scary, but you helped me out and believed in me..." Iruma: "Thank you so much!" Iruma: "You two are so important to me and I always want to be with you..." Iruma: "So..." Iruma: "So I..." Iruma: "I... I'm so happy..." Iruma: "that you're both my friends." Asmodeus: "Iruma-sama!" Iruma: "Whoa! This is what... I want to tell you two right now from the bottom of my heart." Iruma: "One day, I want to tell you everything... as the three of us laugh." Amuryllis: "Amu-chan's back!" Iruma: "And... After I tell you the truth..." Iruma: "if we can remain unchanged and continue walking together forever..." : "After the Harvest Festival, Iruma and Lead were successfully promoted to Dalet. But, unless the rest of their classmates all reach rank Dalet, they'll all be kicked out of the Royal One. Iruma and the others" : "are about to take on the final rank-advancement exam for first-years... The Music Festival!" Lead: "Alrighty! We're gonna concentrate most on how to get Nee-san up two ranks," Lead: "and make sure the guys at Gimel also get to shine in whatever performance we do." Asmodeus: "What's the matter, Iruma-sama?" Iruma: "Er... I think we're forgetting something really important." Kalego: "Hey, what are you going to do about the other one?" Lead: "Th-The other one?" Kalego: "There's clearly one more in rank Bet." Clara: "Huh? But who? And where?!" Kalego: "Again. Right there." : "Perhaps some of our wise viewers remember... Purson Soi. Rank Bet. He is another member of the Misfit Class." Kalego: "Purson Soi." Misfit Class: "Huh?" Misfit Class: "What?!" : "What has he been doing this whole time? Why hasn't he shown himself?" : "What kind of drama awaits us at the Music Festival?"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 21 – Words for My Friends", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "21", "Words for My Friends" ] }
Chime Demon: "After school!" Marbas: "Wait! What's with this lineup of tutors?! They're all demons who are super famous and, uh... very unique!" Momonoki: "Truly, I'm quite impressed." Blushenko: "I'm amazed we managed to get them all." Dali: "I mean... I know we're putting a lot of hope in the Misfit Class, but I think we might be a tad bit harsh." Dali: "You chose the tutors, didn't you, Kalego-sensei? You're not actually trying to..." Dali: "have the school reclaim the Royal One by giving them impossible tasks, are you? Are you making this personal?" Kalego: "Well... I do quite enjoy seeing them suffer." Dali: "Wow... That's dark." Momonoki: "That's part of what makes him so great!" Kalego: "However... I simply chose the perfect tutors who will whip them into shape," Kalego: "in a dignified manner." Iruma; Asmodeus; Clara: ""Iruma's True Feelings."" Vepar: "You poor things..." Goemon: "We can't get out..." Picero: "Damn her..." Keroli: "How long are you going to keep me in here?!" Mr. Hat: "That all depends... on you, my dear." Tv: "You win!" Robin: "Yay! I win again!" Lead: "How am I supposed to win against him?" Balam: "What's the matter? Are you done already?" Asmodeus: "No... Not yet!" Sabro: "Not yet!" Asmodeus: "Hey, if we continue to fight him separately, we're never going to stand a chance." Sabro: "I was just thinking the same thing. Which means..." Sabro: "As much as I hate to do this, we're going to have to fight together." Asmodeus: "As much as I hate to do it, as well." Balam: "Oho?" Raim: "Come on, my baby-chans, sparkle even more." Clara And Elizabetta: "Right!" Raim: "More." Clara And Elizabetta: "Right!" Raim: "Even more!" Clara And Elizabetta: "Right!" Bachiko: "Here." Iruma: "Huh? What? But this is..." Bachiko: "This place is famous for making all kinds of insane things. The Magical Apparatus Battler! Your first assignment will be to get these crazy guys to make you your bow, which'll be your partner!" Iruma: "So, uh... I'm actually a member here." Bachiko: "Wha—" Iruma: "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Bachiko: "What the hell? Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Iruma: "I had no idea we were coming here!" Bachiko: "Now I'm embarrassed for bringing you here, acting like a know-it-all!" Bachiko: "Wouldn't have thought you'd be a member of this crazy bunch, though." Iruma: "Well, it's not too crazy now. It was basically acting as a storage space for magical apparatuses, but we've all been working hard to clean it up. Come in." Iruma And Bachiko: "That's crazy!" Schenell: "Oho, is that you, Mr. Iruma?!" Schenell: "Welcome! Welcome, I say! I'm the unrivaled genius inventor! The reliable senpai in the Magical Apparatus Battler whom everyone loves! Eligoth Schenell is alive and well!" Schenell (Doll): "Oh, how rude, Mr. Iruma! And after I returned to this Battler during end-of-terminus and am working hard to get it moving forward again! You didn't even come to say hi once!" Schenell(Doll): "Harumph! Harumph!" Bachiko: "Seriously, I'm amazed you've managed to gather all this weird stuff." Schenell: "Well, I am a rather progressive inventor." Bachiko: "Hey, look around already." Bachiko: "Come on, don't be so glum. With all this stuff here, I'm sure we'll be able to find your bow's core." Bachiko: "Hmm..." Bachiko: "Hmm... Guess this'll do." Bachiko: "Quartz, Quartz! I'm able to make magical bows due to my bloodline ability, but normal demons need a core to store their mana in. With wood, you get a wooden bow. With flowers, you get a flower bow. With iron, you get an iron bow. By using Evolve: Quartz, Quartz, it's basically like we're making the bow grow into the shape we want it to." Schenell: "Oho! May I try that, as well?!" Schenell: "Quartz, Quartz!" Bachiko: "H-He's..." Schenell: "My family heirloom!" Bachiko: "I mean... That thing ain't gonna function as a bow, but... As you can see, Quartz, Quartz shows us the user's personality." Bachiko: "You need to be compatible with your core, too. So choose wisely." Iruma: "That's easy to say, but..." Schenell: "I highly recommend this one!" Bachiko: "Shut up. I'll shoot you." Schenell: "No! This is my precious waifu!" Iruma: "These are..." Schenell: "Those are feathers from the guardian of Cutthroat Valley." Iruma: "Huh?!" Iruma: "They're from the guardian?" Bachiko: "All right, give it a whirl!" Iruma: "Y-Yes, ma'am!" Iruma: "Ifrit mode!" Iruma: "Quartz, Quartz!" Iruma: "I did it! Did you see that? I made my bo—" Bachiko: "Hi-yah." Iruma: "What?!" Iruma: "Wh-What was that for?" Bachiko: "Don't give me that. That's some impressive mana, but you were just copying me with that one. It didn't fit you at all!" Bachiko: "You need to visualize the bow that you actually want." Iruma: "The bow that I actually want..." Iruma: "A bow that can protect everyone... Quartz, Quartz!" Bachiko: "Nope, totally off! Next!" Iruma: "Quartz, Quartz!" Iruma: "I-It looks so powerful!" Bachiko: "Not a chance. Next!" Bachiko: "Are you mocking me?" Iruma: "I-I'm sorry..." Bachiko: "You get one more chance." Iruma: "Huh? But there are still plenty of feathers left..." Bachiko: "You don't get a second chance on the battlefield. The next school event, the Harvest Festival," Bachiko: "is an exam where you'll be fighting for your survival. It's basically a battlefield. An archer who can't use opportunities to their advantage in the battlefield won't survive. If you're gonna become an archer, you have to be able to make decisions when it counts!" Bachiko: "Anyway..." Bachiko: "I'm gonna go shopping. You... can concentrate on making that bow of yours!" Schenell: "Wait, Master! Are you sure about this?" Bachiko: "If he's gonna give up, the sooner the better." Bachiko: "Yeah! Good! Give it your all! I know you can do it!" Demon A: "Quartz, Quartz!" Bachiko: "So close!" Bachiko: "Don't sweat it! You'll get it next time!" Demon A: "R-Right..." Bachiko: "Don't worry! Leave it to me! I'll be right by your side until you get it down!" Demon A: "Thank you very much." Bachiko: "You... did it. You did it! You did it!" Demon A: "I-I did it!" Bachiko: "You did it! You did it! Way to go!" Bachiko: "Listen to this, Robin! It took a little while, but he finally made a great bow!" Robin: "Wow, that's great, Nee-chan." Bachiko: "That kid's got talent!" Bachiko: "Why..." Bachiko: "The next one..." Bachiko: "I'm sure the next one will..." Robin: "Don't worry, Nee-chan! I'm sure there'll eventually be an archer like you've never seen before!" Bachiko: "There won't be." Bachiko: "That's right." Bachiko: "So what if he survived being my errand boy?" Bachiko: "So what if he's a little different from the others?" Bachiko: "I'm never..." Bachiko: "getting my hopes up again." Vepar: "You poor dears..." Vepar: "I should let them out... But, oh!" Vepar: "I mustn't! This is their training! Oh, but they seem to be suffering so... I knew it. My training is far too extreme." Vepar: "Sniffle... An additional 50 seconds. My family told me, as well... "There's no way you could be a tutor!" Because I don't understand limits!" Vepar: "I'm just not cut out to do this." Vepar: "I should cancel this." Vepar: "I'll resign as their tutor—huh?" Picero: "Ugh, damn it..." : "Bloodline ability: Wind Blade. He is able to freely control blades of wind." : "Bloodline ability: Bed (My Area). He is able to manipulate the ground or any spot he sees as his bed." Goemon: "We were finally able to escape!" Picero: "I'm so tired, ugh!" Goemon: "But I figured something out! Water and wind actually flow quite similarly!" Picero: "I was also finally able to recognize the water as the ground. But come on! You need to be clearer in your instructions! Jeez!" Goemon: "Master! Do we pass now?" Vepar: "Wah! You were able to think on your own and come up with solutions! Well done! You are truly worthy of being my students! Thank you!" Picero: "Hey! That's cold!" Goemon: "You're too close! You've got snot coming out!" Goemon: "Wait! We're gonna drown again!" Mr. Hat: "In order to establish proper relations with a magical beast, the key is contact. You must hold them in high regard and respect them. That is love! If you find creatures filthy and smelly and despise them, that is a critical flaw for a summoner." Mr. Hat: "Hence your training..." Mr. Hat: "But this sight is truly... inconceivable!" Keroli: "Listen well. Don't you dare cross that line." Mr. Hat: "Her spirit and elegance won't allow them to argue... She is truly... a lady." Mr. Hat: "Nay! She has the potential to become a queen!" Mr. Hat: "And... I see that you are also a true gentleman, G. Camui." Camui: "You are quite right, Master. Though they are different species, they are ladies." Mr. Hat: "Indeed, Divi." Keroli: "Hello?! Could you let me out already?!" Tv: "You win!" Lead: "Ugh, not again! Damn it!" Robin: "I guess I win again." Robin: "You okay? Want to take a break and check up on Iruma-kun?" Lead: "No! We're doing best out of five! I haven't lost yet!" Robin: "He's been playing non-stop, so his concentration probably won't last much longer." Robin: "Oh, fine. I guess I don't mind holding back a tiny bit. I read in some book that positive reinforcement does wonders." Robin: "Huh?" Tv: "You lose!" Robin: "Huh? I lost?! But I hadn't started holding back!" Lead: "Come on, Sensei. You can't hold back like that." Robin: "Huh?" Robin: "This was on purpose?!" Robin: "He lost on purpose at first so I'd let my guard down?" Robin: "We just need to play these games, but he's seriously trying to win?" Robin: "His concentration's gone up!" Asmodeus: "Here we go, you fool!" Sabro: "I know, you moron!" Asmodeus: "That was a hit! We got a hit in, didn't we?!" Balam: "Um, yes." Sabro: "Then we pass?!" Balam: "Yes." Asmodeus And Sabro: "Yes!" Balam: "How surprising... At first, they were just attacking recklessly, but their movements improved as soon as they started working together. I said they only needed to get one hit in, but to think I'd receive a calculated attack... Truly... What wonderful students." Raim: "Magnificent! You truly are a natural at this!" Elizabetta: "Oh, I'm so happy!" Raim: "Come, now. Don't let your guard down!" Raim: "I guess the only problem left is..." Clara: "Ta-da!" Raim: "Baby-chan, listen... Oh?" Raim: "Huh? She's gone?" Clara: "I'm right here!" Clara: "Did I surprise you?" Raim: "Wait, did my heart just skip a beat? Mine?!" Clara: "I call it Rolly, Rolly, Into Your Pocket." Elizabetta: "Wow!" Raim: "Her purity itself makes her sexiness shine through?! The element of surprise!" Clara: "Ooh, it's all frilly!" Elizabetta: "Come, now..." Raim: "How interesting!" Bachiko: "What the heck are you shopping for?" Schenell: "Well, I haven't been to the city in ages!" Bachiko: "Jeez... I don't care that he tagged along, but man, he's annoying." Bachiko: "I wonder what happened with that kid's bow." Iruma: "It's finished." Bachiko: "He doesn't seem to have any desires..." Bachiko: "Even if he's able to make one, it'll probably be harmless." Bachiko: "He honestly might've just given up and gone home." Iruma: "A bow that can protect isn't right, either... And a powerful bow is wrong, too? What's the answer?" Iruma: "A winning bow? A macho bow? A charming bow? No! A cute one? No!" Iruma: "It's no use... This is too hard. I have no idea." Iruma: "What kind of bow do I really want? Bow... that I want..." Iruma: "Desire..." Iruma: "A delicious... bow?" Ali-San: "Hey, you glutton." Iruma: "Ali-san!" Ali-San: "Don't gasp at me like that." Ali-San: "You're thinking way too hard about this. Soften that stone head of yours. Ugh, you're so stubborn!" Iruma: "Soften..." Ali-San: "You do have the choice of changing tutors, you know. No one said you have to use a bow." Iruma: "No! That's just infuriating!" Iruma: "This is the first time I've wanted to prove someone wrong!" Bachiko: "...the biggest moron I've ever met." Iruma: "Even if I end up her errand boy or get yelled at a lot, I don't want to give up. I don't care what she says... But just a simple phrase..." Iruma: "I want Master to compliment me!" Ali-San: "Jeez, you're hopeless. In that case, I guess it's time to show that shrimpy master who's boss. Tell me, Li'l Iru! What's your most embarrassing desire that you never want anyone to learn about?" Iruma: "Huh? Embarrassing? Why?!" Ali-San: "Listen up, Li'l Iru. Desires aren't about pretty things like being strong or protecting others. It's all about the true feelings that you're hiding! I know you have them!" Iruma: "Huh?" Ali-San: "Come on, show me!" Iruma: "Huh?!" Ali-San: "Go on!" Iruma: "But I'm human... and not like the rest of you... But... I want to stay with everyone, so... um..." Ali-San: "Huh?! What was that?! Speak up, son!" Iruma: "I want to stay together with everyone and boldly advance to Dalet! That's the kind of hero I want to be!" Ali-San: "Man, that's embarrassing! Okay, now say the words!" Iruma: "Quartz, Quartz!" Schenell: "We've finally returned to Babyls." Bachiko: "Seriously, though. Your bag reeks. Those meds or whatever you've got. Hurry up and toss that stuff somewhere." Schenell: "Okay!" Bachiko: "Sheesh. What kind of meds did he even get?" Bachiko: "What the... What's the matter, Creepy Glasses?" Schenell: "Iru... Iru... Mr. Iruma..." Robin: "Don't worry." Robin: "I'm sure there'll eventually..." Robin: "be an archer like you've never seen before!" Bachiko: "I'm never..." Bachiko: "getting my hopes up again." Bachiko: "I'll never..." : "The truth is, if any of the tutors had determined that any of the members of the Misfit Class had no potential to advance to Dalet, they would have left immediately. But the students possessed natural talent and the element of surprise, and they worked their hardest, so they all far surpassed their expectations." : "The members of the Misfit Class were acknowledged." : "Yes... They had truly been acknowledged." Raim: "Oh, you're just so... All of you children are so worth..." Mr. Hat: "...working to the bone." Balam: "I guess we can be a bit stricter." Raim; Mr. Hat; Vepar; Balam: "Let's keep pushing further and further... Further and further." : "For the next several weeks, the members of the Misfit Class..." : "saw what Hell was like." Dali: "Hello! Can you believe it? The Harvest Festival is finally tomorrow!" Dali: "How are the lovely members of the Misfit Class doing?" Kalego: "How are they, indeed?" Dali: "Jeez, you're so cold. Aha, that expression..." Dali: "He's definitely excited about this." : "Now, we will see the survival of the fittest play out at the Harvest Festival." Clara: "Su-Ki-Ma, indeed!" : "Ameri has come to see how Iruma's training is going." Ameri: "I'm going to give him some encouragement. It's not like I just want to see his face... But as his senpai and winner of each year... I'm just going to give him advice for the Harvest Festival! Yes! That is all! Right!" Ameri: "Pardon me!" Ameri: "Wh-What in the world is this?!" Ameri: "D-Don't tell me Iruma made this!" Iruma: "Tap, tap, tap... whew. It's my masterpiece!" Ameri: "W-Well, if that's the case... B-But, oh, this is so bold!" Schenell: "My family heirloom... The Eternal Venus. Sculpted by Eligoth Schenell." Ameri: "Removed. I have determined this was inappropriate to have on school grounds. The sculptor should go see the student council immediately." Schenell: "My family heirloom! Wh-Why has this tragedy befallen me?!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 3 – Iruma's True Feelings", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "3", "Iruma's True Feelings" ] }
Bachiko: "We did everything we could." Iruma: "Right, Master." Bachiko: "Your gloves aren't loose, right?" Iruma: "Right." Bachiko: "You've got all your equipment, right? And you're feeling okay?" Iruma: "Right." Bachiko: "Now, remember, you can only use two arrows." Bachiko: "Only use them when you have no other choice." Iruma: "Right!" Bachiko: "All right." Bachiko: "In that case..." Bachiko: "Bachi-go!" Iruma: "Whoa!" Bachiko: "Go knock their socks off!" Iruma: "I'm off!" : "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire." : "Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams. First up... The Harvest Festival!" Iruma; Asmodeus; Clara: ""The Signal That the Harvest Festival Has Begun."" Dali: "Hello! It sure is getting cold out there, which means it's time for... Hot pot! Don't you think?" Suzie: "Yis." Dali: "All the ingredients around this time of year are filled with nutrients, and you just keep finding yourself wanting to eat more." Suzie: "Oh, it's so good! I'd love to feed this to the students, too." Dali: "Hey, great idea!" Suzie And Dali: "In that case..." Dali: "Let's have them go and get these!" Suzie: "On their own!" : "The final practical training event for the first-years, the Harvest Festival. In the netherworld, where it's survival of the fittest, being able to acquire food is the utmost priority. This event brings out the hunting instincts in demons, and the way they devour life is beautiful." Dali And Suzie: "Hello!" Dali: "It's that time of year once again! The Harvest Festival!" Suzie: "Yis! I've prepared the field again this year." Dali: "Oho, that's our diabotany instructor for you! The mother of all plants!" Suzie: "Yis!" Suzie: "I've placed a giant jungle behind Babyls. In this battlefield surrounded by a fence and vines, you will find swamps, rocks, caves, and much more!" Dali: "You will all be doing this exam on your own. Your rank in this event will be decided by how many points you accumulate from everything you gather!" Suzie: "Working together with fellow students at times but then tricking them and getting ahead of them is the charm of this event!" Dali: "Everyone, let your talents shine through to victory!" Suzie: "Now, then..." Dali: "First-year rookies!" Suzie: "Are you ready?!" st-Years: "Yeah!" Dali: "They sure are excited." Suzie: "Yis." Suzie: "Winning at the Harvest Festival is a huge honor. Last year's winner is our very own student council president, Azazel Ameri-san! Our past winners continued to advance in rank after winning, and became prominent figures of the netherworld! This means the Harvest Festival is the gateway to successfully becoming famous demons!" Suzie: "There are four entrances to glory!" Dali: "Make sure you're all hyped up to advance those ranks!" st-Years: "Yeah!" ck: "Check this out. I bought some armor! Now I'm as strong as a hundred demons!" Warb: "No..." Warb: "According to my data, the first-years this year are the cream of the crop. They're all formidable foes." Rando: "What?" ck: "Isn't he from the Broadcast Battler?" Cosmo: "Even President Baraki has acknowledged how amazing this first-year cohort is!" Cosmo: "First-year student from the Broadcast Battler, Warb!" Warb: "Keem Svario, Tokel Fallin, and John Varno." ck: "Huh... So, hey. Where's your equipment?" Warb: "I didn't buy any because I was gathering data!" Cosmo: "Uh..." ck: "Hey, tell us more." Warb: "Well..." Random Background 1: "That devi reeks!" Random Background 2: "What is that awful smell?" Random Background 3: "My nose is all messed up!" Azuki: "You must be fine because you don't have a nose, Dosa-chan." Warb: "Everyone, stay back! That's Naphula! The smell is awful, but apparently demons faint if they get too close—" ck: "They're looking at entrance number two..." Cosmo: "Nope, no way. Definitely avoiding entrance number two." Ichiro: "Number one, right? It must be number one! Because I'm number one!" : "Sure." ck: "The Dorodoro Brothers!" Cosmo: "But aren't they second-years?" Warb: "They flunked out" Warb: "because they're always skipping classes to hang out in the northern battlefield!" Warb: "So the rumor that they were going to participate in the Harvest Festival was true." Ichiro: "First means first place, right?" : "I'm surprised you knew." Ichiro: "Let's go to entrance number one! Those who aren't first place on the battlefield die." : "Yup." ck: "Guess number one's out of the question, too..." Cosmo: "Seriously?" ck: "Why are they participating, anyway?" Cosmo: "They probably need more course credits." Orobas: "You there." Orobas: "Could you be a bit quieter? I'm trying to concentrate on my books." Warb: "Um... S-Sorry." Orobas: "A proper apology. I accept." Warb: "He's another favorite to win. The most second-place first-year ever, Orobas—" Cosmo: "Hey, I know him! The guy who always places second!" Cosmo: "In the practical and written parts of the entrance exam, he got second! And then he placed second on every other exam that followed! There's even speculation that he could probably get first, but he's purposely placing second! The unknown talent!" ck: "Wow... I'm starting to think we're doomed no matter what entrance we use." Cosmo: "We would've been better off not knowing." Warb: "But you know... There's Asmodeus, who placed first in the practical exam, and Allocer, who placed first on the written. The ones I have the most hope for are the students of the Misfit Class." Warb: "Wh-What the?!" Cosmo: "M-Maybe they have some feelings about the Misfit Class..." Warb: "But if we're being honest, they're the stars of the first-years. They obtained the classroom that the Demon King Derkila used, the Royal One. Then there's also Walter Park..." Cosmo: "And because they're so amazing, it's only natural that other talented students are jealous." ck: "But you know... They all seem so cozy somehow." Cosmo: "They're so wild and carefree." Cosmo: "It feels like even we'd stand a chance." Warb: "Yeah, exactly." ck: "Speak of the devil. That's probably the Misfit Class." Cosmo: "Hey!" ck: "We're not gonna lose this... time..." ck: "Huh? Is that really them?" Cosmo: "They seem different... Or just all beat up." urfur: "Whew! Looks like we made it in time. Though we weren't done working them to the bone yet." Raim: "They're a little rough around the edges, but this is the debut of our students after going through our training. I'm so excited!" Lead: "Guys... I almost didn't recognize you." Lead: "I'm sure we all survived some insane training." Goemon: "It was so long..." Camui: "It hurt so much..." Picero: "I don't want to remember it." Schneider: "Days filled with despair!" Sabro: "I've gotten another step closer to being the Demon King." Elizabetta: "You all look so wonderful." Elizabetta: "How exciting." Camui: "I cannot die just yet!" Asmodeus: "So how in the world did you end up like that?" Asmodeus: "Why aren't you answering me?" Lead: "Anyway, I'm just glad everyone seems... to be okay?" Goemon And Camui: "Yes, yes." Jazz: "Yeah, those days filled with suffering..." Misfit Class: "Though I'm pretty sure we had it the hardest." Misfit Class: "What?" Lead: "Hello? I had it the hardest!" Camui: "No, we indeed experienced the ultimate hell." Jazz: "Please, don't make me laugh." Schneider: "The absurdity!" Goemon: "You just played games, Lead-dono!" Lead: "What? Nuh-uh. My training was way harder than playing around in some water." Goemon: "I cannot let that slide!" Picero: "I'm surprised y'all are still alive." Jazz: "Barely! All of you jerks who ignored my messages, come here!" Schneider: "Every day was despair!" Keroli: "Did you two have a fun girls' party?" Elizabetta: "More like girls' parting." Elizabetta: "Did you play circus with some magical beasts?" Keroli: "Oh, how amusing." Warb: "What the heck's going on?" ck: "Are they breaking up?" Lead: "Okay, let's figure this out, once and for all." Lead: "Which team trained the hardest and matured the most? We'll settle this with our results from the Harvest Festival!" Misfit Class: "Yeah!" Iruma: "Everyone, sorry I'm la— What?!" Asmodeus: "Everyone seems quite confident in their training." Iruma: "Azz-kun." Iruma: "Azz-kun!" Iruma: "Azz-kun!" Asmodeus: "H-Hello!" Iruma: "Hi!" Asmodeus: "I haven't seen him in so long, I got flustered. At first, I was worried whether Iruma-sama had a tutor who could properly train him. But splendid, Iruma-sama! It appears your training went well." Asmodeus: "You've become even more magnificent! No wonder you're the Demon King's vessel!" Iruma: "Azz-kun? Now that I look closer, his clothes are torn apart, and so is he." Iruma: "His training must've been really intense. So intense that even Azz-kun had a hard time." Iruma: "That goes for everyone! In order for us to all go up in rank, they all did their best with training over the past few weeks and have gotten stronger." Iruma: "Well, I..." Iruma: "I won't lose, either." Asmodeus: "Right..." Iruma: "Let's all do our absolute best and give it our all!" Iruma: "Okay, let's do this!" Asmodeus: "He cheered me on..." Asmodeus: "Just as Iruma-sama has said! We all..." Asmodeus: "We all? I swallowed my tears and parted from Iruma-sama for the sake of my training, and now is the time to show those results... But we're going to be separated again?!" Asmodeus: "I hadn't anticipated that! I thought I was done being separated from Iruma-sama!" : "Asmodeus Alice." : "All of his hard work was for the sake of standing next to Iruma. It was not to raise his rank, because he's already Dalet rank anyway. He's already met the requirement to stay in the Royal One." Asmodeus: "But if Iruma-sama insists on all of us splitting up... But then again..." Sabro: "Hm? What is the matter?" Sabro: "If you need to go to the bathroom, take care of that now!" Asmodeus: "That's not it!" Lead: "Hey, Iruma-kun. They're underestimating us." Iruma: "Um... I can't seem to find Clara." Lead: "Huh? Clarin? Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen her." Dali: "All right, everyone. It's about time to take off!" Suzie: "Yis." Dali: "The time limit is 6,666 minutes." Suzie: "This grand event will last about four days." Dali: "Gather at the entrance you plan to use!" All: "Yeah!" Smoke: "It's about to start." Smoke: "I heard that the students are phenomenal this year." Gray: "I wonder who's coming up." Lead: "All right! Before we all split up, Misfit Class, gather round!" Lead: "I'm sure everyone has plenty they want to say... But let's all agree on something right now. Okay, let's hear the cheer. Here, Iruma-kun. Whisper, whisper, whisper..." Iruma: "Huh?! I-I have to say that?! What?!" Lead: "We're all able to take this rank-advancement exam together." Lead: "We all endured our training for this day!" Lead: "Let's give it our all and get through this challenge!" Lead: "To achieve our goal!" Lead: "All right, tell them, Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "If you hold us back, I'll kick your ass!" Misfit Class: "Bring it on, jackass!" Dali: "All right! Who will be the one to signal the start of the Harvest Festival?" Suzie: "Three!" Dali: "Two!" Suzie: "One!" Dali And Suzie: "Start!" Rando 1: "Yeah! Hunting time!" Rando 2: "Go, go, go!" Rando 3: "It's all about speed! Got it!" : "Lightspeed mushroom. It runs stupidly fast. No poison. Ten points." Dali: "The Harvest Festival is all about points. You get more points depending on how hard each ingredient is to get. Try to get ingredients worth the most points and hand them in." Dali: "By the way, any counterfeits will get you disqualified. Balam-sensei will be checking." Suzie: "No more counterfeits." Dali: "Also, no fighting between students. If you directly attack them, you'll be disqualified on the spot." Dali: "The instructors will be wandering around to make sure you're all safe." Robin: "I got one!" Robin: "These are amazingly delicious, Orias-sensei." Orias: "Come on, now..." Robin: "Let's all eat some together." Orias: "We're not on a field trip." Robin: "They're great grilled, or even cooked with rice. Ugh, what should I do?" Orias: "Sheesh." Rando A: "I guess entrance one was a huge winner. They aren't worth big points, but there are tons of things to catch." Rando B: "In the end, the one who catches the most ingredients wins." Rando C: "We're not out of the running to win this thing!" Rando A: "We take back..." Rando B And C: "...what we said." Rando A: "Run away!" Rando B: "We're gonna die! We're gonna die! We're gonna die!" Rando C: "Why is there a huge monster like this right at the start?!" Rando A: "We don't stand a chance—" Asmodeus: "Out of the way, you fools!" Randos A; B; C: "What?!" Asmodeus: "I am... in an awful mood right now." Suzi And Dali: "Wow!" Dali: "I know I mentioned a signal, but..." Suzie: "It's definitely burning." Bala: "Hey, that's my student. Mine..." Asmodeus: "That should do it." Rando A: "That is the most devi intense." Rando B: "Dang, Asmodeus. He caught almost all the ingredients around these parts." Rando C: "Yeah, he basically won. But wait..." Rando C: "Is he crying?" Asmodeus: "To think I have to work separately from Iruma-sama! In that case, I'll have everyone see how much I've grown, and..." Asmodeus: "My goal is victory! Any less is inconceivable!" Asmodeus: "My goal is crystal clear. But there must be a better way..." Asmodeus: "To think... I'd get stuck with you again." Sabro: "What can you do? Eventually, only our class remains, so our class is now competing against each other." Asmodeus: "I have to go along with this since Iruma-san wishes it..." Asmodeus: "But now there are only the big ones left to hunt for. If this is going to be a team battle, we absolutely need to split up our points." Sabro: "Right." Asmodeus: "The lowest score we can get and still win is 50,000 points. At the last Harvest Festival, President Ameri won with 59,000 points, but there are two of us, so we'll have to get twice that much. That means we'll need at least 100,000 points." Asmodeus: "Which means..." Asmodeus: "We're going after boss-class targets." : "Most of the targets in the Harvest Festival are worth 10 to 150 points. If you were hunting alone, you'd get as many of these as possible to score your points. This is the option most students would choose. Meanwhile, in rare cases, there are boss-class targets that cannot be hunted alone. They are all giant ingredients worth over 3,000 points, and team formations are necessary to take them down." Sabro: "Boss-class, eh? I can hardly wait." Asmodeus: "But there is a rarer ingredient that surpasses even that." Asmodeus: "And that is the legendary ingredient... legend leaf." Asmodeus: "Is it a fruit or other greenery? It's a completely unknown and secret ingredient. Apparently it exists somewhere in the field, but it seems to be extremely hard to get. If you can get it, you receive 100,000 points!" Sabro: "Interesting..." Asmodeus: "But throughout history, no one has ever found it. It's basically a rumor right now, and we're unsure if it actually exists." Asmodeus: "If we hunt down boss-class targets while looking for the legend leaf... We're currently here. Any suspicious areas where the boss-class targets may exist—" Ichiro: "The cave in the east is your best bet!" Sabro: "When did they..." Asmodeus: "I didn't sense them at all." Asmodeus: "Aren't these two second-years?" Sabro: "The Dorodoro Brothers!" Ichiro: "What? I was just giving you my thoughts. Right?" : "Right?" : "We overheard what you were talking about." : "Asmodeus Alice. Sabnock Sabro." : "How about a little competition?" Asmodeus: "I can't help but be curious. Why are you dressed like that?" Asmodeus: "Two balls?" Asmodeus: "Two orbs... Are you saying it's orbviously by chance?" Asmodeus: "I guess not..." Asmodeus: "You're skipping... and being cautious? That's it! You're wearing a disguise so that the ingredients won't be as cautious!" Asmodeus: "That's it, isn't it?" Asmodeus: "It's not?!" Asmodeus: "Those moves..." Elizabetta: "I'm pretty sure she's just playing around!" Asmodeus: "The Harvest Festival has finally begun! Through his training, Iruma-sama has become even more magnificent. I'm sure he'll play a huge part in this event, and I will bow down saying, "You've slain me yet again, Iruma-sama!" Just how shall I bow down? Like this? Should I pose like this? Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, "Cunning Demons.""
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 4 – The Signal That the Harvest Festival Has Begun", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "4", "The Signal That the Harvest Festival Has Begun" ] }
Sabro: "The Dorodoro Brothers!" : "We overheard what you were talking about." : "Asmodeus Alice. Sabnock Sabro." : "How about a little competition?" : "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire. Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" Asmodeus And Sabro: ""Cunning Demons."" Asmodeus: "Competition?" : "More specifically, a race. Let's see who hunts down the boss-class magical beast in the cave first. If you two win, we'll give you all of the points we've earned. I believe there's at least 1,200 points in there." Sabro: "And? If we lose, you want us to hand over all of our points?" Ichiro: "Nah! We don't want anything like that. Right? Right?!" : "Right." : "The reason we came here from the battlefield is to take him back." Asmodeus: ""Him"?" Ichiro: "We've been looking for him everywhere! Right? Right?!" : "We finally found him, and it turned out he was instructing some sheltered demon babies at Babyls." Ichiro: "Yeah! It's a total waste that such a powerful demon's stuck at school! We're gonna become his number one disciples! Once we win, we'll be taking our master back!" Asmodeus: "Our master..." Sabro: "...is your master?" Dali: "What's this?! Looks like there's an argument going on in block one! The Asmodeus and Sabnock duo have encountered the Dorodoro Brothers!" Dali: "Both pairs are this year's favorites to win!" Suzie: "Oh, my!" Dali: "Are they going to join up, or are they declaring a battle?! Are we going to see a winner this early?" Suzie: "Wait a moment!" Dali And Balam: "Huh?" Suzie: "Something is going on in block two." ck: "Wh-What the hell? I've never seen anything like this!" ck: "The magical beasts are willingly giving them food offerings!" Camui: "Stay in line and present your offerings in order." : "Caim Camui. Bloodline ability: Translation (Friendship). He is able to speak to any species." Camui: "This area is already under Lady Keroli's dominion." Beasts: "Yup, yup, we know." Camui: "Have no fear. As long as you make an offering, you will not be harmed." Keroli: "You there." Cosmo: "It's so cold!" Keroli: "I do not enjoy quarrels. Violence is the weapon of the weak." Keroli: "And so..." Keroli: "Do not eat them, my little ones." Cosmo: "A Blizzard Wolf and a Snow-King Fox?!" ck: "They're both magical beasts that shouldn't exist in this region. Which means a first-year has them both as familiars?! Who the heck is that student?!" Beasts: "We love you! You're dazzling!" Keroli: "I'm standing out..." Keroli: "I can keep the fact I'm a cute dem-dol a secret, and I'm still standing out." Keroli: "The days I spent training were pure hell." Keroli: "It was dirty and smelly, and I had to summon, summon, summon... I continued my work as a dem-dol, but my soul was screaming. The magical beasts don't understand just how cute I am, despite how cute I am!" Keroli: "I slowly started to lose my confidence." Keroli: "But then I faced the weakness of having my long-honed cuteness taken from me..." Keroli: "And now, finally, I've found the weapon I was given." Keroli: "I've found out... Yes." Keroli: "Since I sealed away my cuteness, the only... the only..." Keroli: "thing I have left is my beauty!" ck And Cosmo: "She's so beautiful!" ck: "Queen!" Cosmo: "Beast Queen!" Camui: "My queen! I will follow you to the ends of the netherworld!" Keroli: "I will be the one who wins this performance!" : "There are three important skills necessary to ensure survival over the four days of the Harvest Festival." : "First is brute strength." : "Using one's own power to take prey. There are some exceptions, but in block one and block two, the most powerful are standing out." : "And the second skill..." : "The skill one must possess other than combat... is knowledge." : "The ones taking the lead in block three are the members of the Diabotany Battler. Not all of the ingredients move. Among the ones that don't move, there are some rarities that are hard to find. Those who have knowledge about the various plants have a huge advantage in searching for ingredients in the Harvest Festival." Bobo: "Don't touch the plants if you don't need to! Your hand might rot off!" Bobo'S Friends: "Okay." Bobo: "Don't gather anything I didn't tell you to gather! Don't take off your gloves! Bring the ingredients over here!" Bobo'S Friend 2: "Man, gathering ingredients goes super fast with someone from the Diabotany Battler here." Bobo'S Friend 3: "Yup." Bobo'S Friend 2: "And if that wasn't enough..." Schneider: "It's hardest to see right under your nose." Bobo'S Friend 2: "The King of Wisdom, Allocer Schneider." Bobo: "Your knowledge is equal to mine. And because of that, we've been able to collect ingredients at an outstanding rate." Bobo: "We've got around 1,500 points." Bobo: "We're going to the reporting tower. Don't touch anything but the things we told you about." Bobo'S Friends: "Okay." Bobo'S Friend 3: "They're devi reliable." Bobo'S Friend 2: "I'm glad we decided to work together." : "The reporting tower is where students turn in their ingredients and get them changed into points," : "and there's one in each block. There, the collector will fill out their name and turn in their ingredients. The amount of points they've accumulated will be announced when half the time has elapsed." e Marbas: "Welcome!" Bobo: "Now, then... Why don't we strike a deal, Allocer? I'm sure you've also realized that I said there's about 1,500 points there, but it's actually closer to 2,000. Meaning, even if we split that 1,500 with everyone, there'll still be an extra 500 left over." Bobo: "Let's split that between the two of us." Schneider: "No objections here." : "And this is the third skill you need in the Harvest Festival... Scheming." : "To pull one over others. To be eloquent and skilled. To be a smooth talker. To truly be a devilish strategist." Marbas: "Yup, I've confirmed your contribution." Bobo: "Reporting complete. We'll be fine if we split off from the team before they announce the results." Bobo: "Well, I'm gonna head back." Schneider: "I'm curious about the area over there." Bobo: "Okay. Hurry back, though. I think you and I make a great team." : "Yes." : "Fooling each other is always heartless." Bobo: "Hey, I'm back." Bobo'S Friend 3: "Huh? Didn't you go turn in our collection so far?" Bobo: "Yeah. I just finished..." Bobo'S Friend 4: "Huh? But the reporting tower is in the east. Why'd you just come back from the west?" Bobo: "Huh?" : "And fooling each other means..." Schneider: "The smell of this flower throws off one's sense of direction." e Marbas: "If he'd only taken a closer look, he could've figured out that the reporting tower, the form," e Marbas: "and the official... were all fake." : "...the craftier side wins!" Jazz And Schneider: "That 2,000 points is ours!" Bobo: "N-No way! This doesn't count! There's no way that should be allowed!" : "After this, he went to HQ to argue that stealing is wrong... But nay! It is not wrong or against the rules. The only thing against the rules is using an unreasonable amount of violence. Stealing points or ingredients is not against the rules." Jazz: "It's always the ones who think they have the upper hand who are the easiest to fool. Talk about naïve." Schneider: "I completely agree." Jazz: "But compared to our days in hell..." : "Yes! We now go back several weeks..." : "These two were taken by special tutor Furfur..." urfur And Jazz: "Yahoo!" Schneider: "Deeply moved." : "...to paradise." : "A club in the netherworld, Valballa. A playground for adult demons." Waitor: "Ah, Sergeant. Are those newbies?" urfur: "Just look at my adorable students." Waitress: "Here you go. Another serving of 100% demon juice." Jazz: "Uh, thanks." Waitress: "And you wanted demonically strong fizzy water over ice, right?" Schneider: "Indeed." urfur: "This little one has an amazing talent! He can take anything without the other noticing." Jazz: "Huh?" Waitress: "I see." Patron 1: "That's great! Hey, try that on me." urfur: "Jazzy, give it a try." Jazz: "Okay..." Patron 1: "My wallet!" Waitress: "Wow!" urfur: "And Allocer is super smart. I'm super proud of him." Manager: "Hey, could you calculate the bar tabs for me, then? Just kidding—" Schneider: "Done." Patron 1: "So fast!" Manager: "Wow, they're all correct. That's amazing!" Jazz: "Er... Don't we need to be training?" urfur: "What are you talking about? Creating connections with adults. There's no better way." urfur: "This is also training to be sneaky." Jazz: "I-I see." Manager: "Hey, newbie! Over here!" : "A place for adults. Experiencing new conversations and forms of leisure. There is nothing more thrilling for students. They get to play to their hearts' content." Schneider: "This is Shangri-La." Jazz: "I need to message everyone." : "These two got to enjoy a bit of paradise." : "And..." : "Once they woke up, it was hell." Thug 1: "Now, now, boys. We can't have you try to dine and dash." Jazz: "Dine..." Schneider: "...and dash?!" Jazz: "Wh-What are you talking about? Wasn't Sergeant paying..." urfur: "What? I never said I was going to pay for anything." Manager: "You'll get some change for handing over these boys. Thanks." urfur: "Hey, great to hear." Jazz: "Wha... What are you saying?" Schneider: "Incomprehensible." urfur: "You see, I worked up a tab at this place. So instead of paying cash, I'm offering you two up for hard labor. They're great talents, aren't they? They're intelligent and good with their hands." : "It was at that moment that they realized... Being brought here for "training,"" : "and being asked to show off so they could be sold for a high price... It was all a trap." urfur: "Enjoy being sacrificed, suckers." : "This man had been lying all along." : "Question. What happened to these two who were tricked by a bad adult?" : "Answer: part-timer hell." Jazz: "Here we go!" Schneider: "Let us go into battle." Jazz: "Rock, paper, scissors!" Both: "And again! And again! And again!" Schneider: "Good luck with the guests." Drunk Patron 1: "What the hell?! You gonna come at me or not?!" Drunk Patrons 2 And 3: "Humans only exist to be our food..." Jazz: "I'mma die." : "The amount of time they had to spend working was three weeks." Drunk Patron 4: "Huh?! Huh?!" : "One chore after another. One step forward, and they had patrons trying to fight with them." Manager: "Take care of the calculations, thanks." : "One step back, and their boss overloaded them. These two got to experience just how unfair the adult world is. But meanwhile..." : "They were also seeing just how adults worked." Jazz: "He just hid a card." : "How to greet them, how they drink their beverages... Everything is a calculated negotiation between adults. Because of that, they obtained the ability to figure out what others are thinking." Jazz: "Man... The game of impish roulette between the conman and the fortuneteller was great." Schneider: "The tables were turned." Jazz: "I guess you're the most gullible when you think you're about to win." Manager: "Right?" Jazz: "But seriously..." urfur: "Heya!" Jazz: "Whatever this guy is thinking is..." Schneider: "Incomprehensible." Jazz: "You have some nerve showing up when we're here..." urfur: "Okay, let's do the usual!" urfur: "Which hand?" Jazz And Schneider: "Right." urfur: "It's left." Manager: "It's okay." urfur: "I win again! Too bad for you." : "A game to guess which hand the coin was in. If they guessed correctly, they'd be freed on the spot." urfur: "Yay!" : "Furfur came to the bar daily to play this game." Jazz: "That dude is totally messing with us!" Jazz: "He's definitely cheating somehow, but I can't figure it out." Schneider: "It's a mystery." Jazz: "There's this really garbage guy in my family, and I'm completely helpless against him. Because of that, I thought I was really good at identifying trash," Jazz: "but I couldn't sense how shady this guy was at all. Actually, he was shady, but it's more that he was really good at tricking us. I think that's why I'm so frustrated. Because I couldn't tell. Actually, that's not the part I should be frustrated about." Schneider: "I get it. He's infuriating." Jazz: "Really?" Schneider: "He's insanely infuriating." Jazz: "That's surprising. You actually get mad?" Schneider: "I'm also surprised. I talked about my weaknesses." Jazz: "You're right. You've never mentioned them before. We've been completely off our game because of him." Schneider: "Infuriating, for real for real." Jazz: "That's hilarious." Schneider: "There are many things you can't understand with knowledge alone. That's why I now have a goal. Whisper, whisper." Jazz: "Awesome. That's the same goal as me." Jazz: "Heya!" Manager: "You're late, you two." Jazz: "My bad." Schneider: "For real." : "The world of adults. New and unknown games." Thug 1: "In my line of business, masking your expression is expected." Jazz: "Thanks." : "Everything they learned stimulated them..." Waitress: "My makeup skills." : "And then, three weeks later..." urfur: "You boys sure are working hard." Jazz: "Shut up. Just do the thing already." Schneider: "You bastard." urfur: "Ooh, scary. Man, you both sure got foul-mouthed." urfur: "All right, here we go." urfur: "The rules are the same as usual." urfur: "Guess which hand the coin's in..." Jazz: "Hell yeah! It's the right!" Manager: "Of course! Furfur never said it had to be in his hand, so this is also correct!" Jazz: "It took us a while, but the two of us figured it out. Rather than finding out how you were tricking us, we just needed to trick you right back." Schneider: "We flipped the idea around." Jazz: "But this is just our first step. One day, eventually..." Jazz: "We'll pull one over on you hard enough to make you wail." urfur: "That's amazing! I'm so surprised!" urfur: "You two worked so hard! I'm so moved! But..." urfur: "Too bad. The correct answer is the left." Jazz: "Wha?!" urfur: "Trying to trick me is a great idea, but that's even more reason to figure out my trick. The moment you think you have the upper hand is the moment you need to be the most careful, remember? Morons!" urfur: "But if you just happen to win at the next Harvest Festival... I'll take you up on that challenge." Jazz: "We're gonna win, damn it!" Schneider: "No objections!" Jazz: "We're going to win, no matter what." Schneider: "Don't stop believin'." Dali: "My goodness! The kids in the Misfit Class sure are capable. They're all doing great in blocks one, two, and three." Balam: "It's probably due to all their experiences." Suzie: "All that remains is block four... And that block has Iruma-kun, of course! Yis!" Dali: "Ooh, will he be able to keep up with the rest of his classmates? So, how are things going in block four?" Dali: "Oh, what's this?! The students have surrounded something." Balam: "Perhaps there's some giant prey." Dali: "Camera demon, could we get a closer look?" Dali: "Hm? There seems to be a lone student over there." Balam: "Ah, so they're hunting a student." Dali: "They're free to steal another student's stash as long as they don't hurt them." Suzie: "Yis!" Dali: "Now, who's the poor student they're targeting?" Dali: "It's Iruma-kun! They're targeting Iruma-kun! Are they trying to crush any formidable adversaries first? He's in trouble! What's Iruma-kun going to do?!" Jazz: "Su-ki-ma." Jazz: "The day's finally here. Tomorrow, we're going to use the plan we thought up and battle Sergeant Furfur. To be honest, if I were alone in this, I would've given up a long time ago. I couldn't defeat him." Jazz: "But your dumb words lit something up inside me. I'm only gonna say this once... I'm super happy I got to do this with you. Let's win this thing tomorrow, all right?" Jazz: "Wait, were you asleep this whole time?!" : "Schneider is the type to sleep with his eyes open."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 5 – Cunning Demons", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "5", "Cunning Demons" ] }
Dali: "Oh, what's this?!" Dali: "Hm? There seems to be a lone student over there." Dali: "It's Iruma-kun! They're targeting Iruma-kun! He's in trouble!" Dali: "What's Iruma-kun going to do?!" Balam: "No... I believe this is a trap." Suzie And Dali: "Huh?" Dali: "What do you mean?" Balam: "Iruma-kun has experienced many things." Balam: "He might be one step ahead of them and lying in ambush..." Balam: "to take out all of his pursuers at once." Dali: "Ooh, I see! This is very exciting! I can't wait to see it! How is this going to turn out? What's your next move, Iruma-kun?!" Iruma: "Time to eat!" Suzie; Dali: "What?!" Dali: "He's eating?!" Suzie: "What?!" Balam: "I guess I was wrong." Iruma: "I need to eat all I can right now while there are still plenty of ingredients! Yup, yup." Dali: "He's eating in this situation?! What are you thinking, Iruma-kun?!" Suzie: "Yis..." Iruma: "The Harvest Festival is so yummy." : "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire. Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" Clara And Elizabetta: ""Devilishly Pure."" : "Let's go back in time a bit to the beginning of the Harvest Festival." Dali And Suzie: "Three! Two! One! Start!" Iruma: "Let's go, Lead-kun." Lead: "Yeah!" Iruma: "Master Bachiko..." Iruma: "Just watch me!" Gaako: "Hey, which entrance do you want to pick?" Iruma: "Eiko-chan! Over here! Over here!" Eiko: "Block two!" Gaako: "Okay!" Iruma: "It's a jungle!" Lead: "It's so high up." Iruma: "A flower I've never seen before. It's so cute." Iruma: "I'd love to show Grandpa and Opera-san." Lead: "Hey, hey, Iruma-kun!" Iruma: "Huh?" Lead: "It's dangerous to just wander around. There might be some weird plants about." Iruma: "Oh, right. Sorry. We're not exactly camping, huh?" Lead: "Jeez... Iruma-kun's such a spoiled little rich boy. I'm sure he's never had to fight for his survival before," Lead: "so I need to take the lead here." Iruma: "When I see it like this, I can definitely tell I'm in the netherworld. Suspicious-looking trees," Iruma: "dense thickets..." Iruma: "Beast trails where you never know what'll stroll by." Iruma: "It's all just so..." Lead: "Okay, what should we do first?" Lead: "By the looks of it, I don't think there'll be many ingredients around here. We'll have to investigate further, or go to a different location..." Lead: "Hey, Iruma-kun. Why don't we look somewhere else?" Lead: "Iruma-kun?" Iruma: "The first thing we should do is..." Dali: "Balam-sensei! As one of the previous winners, if you had any advice for these students, what would it be?" Balam: "Well... There are actually a few things, but you shouldn't hunt too much. That's very important." Dali: "Oh? Don't hunt too much? What do you mean by that?" Balam: "Well... Of course it's important to get as many points as you can, but, um... Basically, how you use your time is important." Dali: "Time?" Balam: "The time limit on the Harvest Festival is 6,666 minutes. Which means you have to survive for about four days. And in order to survive, the most important thing is to get to know your surroundings. There were many demons who used up too much strength for hunting and didn't survive all four days. They all have to be self-sufficient, so very carefully deciding which ingredients to turn in for points and which ones to eat is most important." Dali: "I see! So the last thing you should do is panic!" Balam: "Exactly. But it still takes time to adjust. Anyone who can adapt quickly definitely has an advantage. I wonder how everyone will overcome this tough obstacle." Lead: "Iruma-kun, what did you just say?" Iruma: "The first thing we should do to survive..." Iruma: "is trick ourselves." Lead: "What?" Iruma: "Yes..." Iruma: "We need to believe we were born in this forest." Iruma: "Lead-kun!" Lead: "Huh?" Iruma: "What's that at your feet?!" Lead: "Huh?! Roots?" Iruma: "So close! It's a pillow!" Lead: "A pillow?!" Iruma: "These vines are ropes. This rock is a chair." Lead: "A-And this grass?" Iruma: "A plate!" Lead: "A plate?!" : "Let's review a bit. Suzuki Iruma, age fourteen, had lived a very grueling fourteen years. Because his parents were absolute idiots, he experienced all kinds of harsh situations and ended up surviving however he had to. But this all turned around after his soul was sold to a demon and he became Sullivan's grandson! Ever since then, his days have been filled with nothing but happiness." Iruma: "Yay!" : "But now, his forgotten memories... The Iruma from his survival days..." : "is back!" Iruma: "Water! Sleep! We'll use grass to make a bed! Oh, and food!" Lead: "Food?! We're going to eat the ingredients we got? What about the points?" Iruma: "Points come later! First, we have to make our home!" : "Iruma is already experiencing a survival high." Lead: "O-Okay!" : "Lead is being dragged into this by Iruma's enthusiasm." : "And in order for the two of them to become one with the forest..." : "They frolicked in the forest." : "They spent their time without the slightest bit of fear... And now, here we are." Iruma: "Lead-kun, food's ready! Come on, hurry up!" Lead: "Ooh, that looks great!" Lead: "Don't go eating the whole thing when you taste it." Demon A: "This is the Harvest Festival, right?" Demon B: "Yeah..." Demon A: "We came to steal Iruma's ingredient points, right?" Demon B: "Yeah." Iruma: "I wonder if the yummy food's ready yet." Lead: "The yummy food is now ready to eat." Iruma And Lead: "Now it's time to eat!" Iruma And Lead: "Let's dig in." Iruma And Lead: "Yummy!" Iruma: "So good!" Demon A: "But they're eating all their points, right?" Demon B: "Yeah..." Dali: "Wow, this is incredible! The students who came to steal their points are going away!" Demon A: "This is dumb. Let's go." Demon B: "Yeah." Dali: "I can't blame them! I mean, all the points are currently being eaten. I'm not sure if I've ever seen such a strategy before!" Lead: "Okay, this is good. The desire and panic for more points..." Lead: "The anxiety about the night that'll soon come and steal away all our calmness." Lead: "Exhaustion is survival's biggest enemy." Lead: "For the first day, we need to amass stamina and knowledge." Lead: "We don't have any points, so no one comes after us! This actually makes sense! I get you now, Iruma-kun. You're a strategist! At first, I had no idea what he was talking about, but who knows who we'll be up against next? We need to chill while we can." Iruma: "Maybe I'll have another helping..." Lead: "You're eating too much." Lead: "Though, I mean, we've got some ingredients hidden away just in case." Lead: "We might be the only ones enjoying the Harvest Festival this much." Iruma: "Yeah." Lead: "All we need is for some girls to come by. Then it'd be even more fun." Iruma: "Girls?" Lead: "You know, Iruma-kun. Don't you remember the devi-mixer? The thing I hosted during end-of-terminus." Iruma: "Oh, yeah. That was a lot of fun." : "The devi-mixer. A devilish gathering for demons. However, they're slightly different now. There are many instances in which boy and girl demons hold them to get to know one another better." Haruno: "I'm Haruno!" Azuki: "I'm Azuki." Konatsu: "I'm Konatsu." Dosanko: "I'm Dosanko." Lead: "It's a pleasure to meet you! You're all so cute! Let's all have a lot of fun once our intros are done." Girls: "Okay!" Iruma: "Lead-kun went through so much trouble to hold this gathering. I need to do my best." Sabro: "As the Demon King, one must get to know the masses." Jazz: "Well, there are fewer girl demons than guys. It wouldn't hurt to get to know some girls outside of our class." Lead: "You guys better get this! This is so the girls don't get a lead on us!" : "Before this began, Lead had been giving Iruma and the other boys advice on how to act around girls. Because..." Lead: "Devi-mixers are all about teamwork." Lead: "Nay! Devi-mixers are battlefields! Sorry, but I've got a plan! I call it... The "You snooze, you lose! I steal the spotlight and all the girls" plan!" Lead: "I get to be the superstar today!" Konatsu: "Hey, Sabro-kun, you're so big!" Konatsu: "You basically seem like the Demon King." Lead: "You need to behave, Sabro! No rambling about Demon Kings! Don't talk too much!" Sabro: "Mm." Sabro: "I see." Konatsu: "Oh, how manly!" Azuki: "You're wonderful!" Dosanko: "So mysterious." Lead: "He's way more popular than I thought!" Haruno: "Hey, I saw the news!" Iruma: "Huh?" Haruno: "You defeated the magical beasts at Walter Park, right?" Iruma: "Um..." Lead: "Iruma-kun, you just need to act all harmless as usual!" Haruno: "That was amazing for someone so small!" Iruma: "Uh, thanks..." Haruno: "Look! Your hands are so small, too! So cute!" Iruma: "Really?" Iruma: "But your hands are much prettier and cuter, Haruno-san." Haruno: "Oh, you're so cute." Lead: "This is how he usually is?! He might be tougher than I thought! As for Jazzy..." Jazz: "And they're all gone." Azuki: "Wow! How did you do that?" Jazz: "It's a secret." Azuki: "What? Tell us!" Jazz: "It's a secret." Lead: "Et tu, Jazzy?!" Lead: "I'm gonna end up a straggler?!" Lead: "Hey, hey! Do you know about my power?" Lead: "It's called Controller. I can steal people's senses." Dosanko: "I think I might be interested." Lead: "Yes!" Dosanko: "I guess I wouldn't mind letting you steal away my sense of smell..." Lead: "Where even is your nose?!" Lead: "Maybe that was my punishment for being selfish..." Lead: "I was definitely off my game..." Iruma: "Thanks, Lead-kun." Iruma: "Everyone was saying how much fun it ended up being because you hosted it. Of course, I totally agree!" Lead: "Then..." Lead: "Let's have a lot of fun again this time." Iruma: "Huh?" Lead: "Winning the Harvest Festival! It's up to us to win the whole thing!" Iruma: "Yeah!" Lead: "Did the students from earlier come back? Or could it be... a magical beast?" Both: "Wha?!" Lead: "What is that?" Iruma: "Hey, wait! Wait!" Lead: "Huh?" Iruma: "That's Clara!" Lead: "Huh?" Lead: "What?! That's Clarin?" Elizabetta: "I guess you figured it out." Lead: "Nee-san!" Lead: "Wait, did you come to take our ingredients?" Lead: "Iruma-kun, look out..." Iruma: "Ah... What?!" Lead: "Iruma-kun! Whoa, wait..." Elizabetta: "Nope." Lead: "Huh?" Elizabetta: "Girls and boys should be together..." Elizabetta: "Don't you think?" Lead: "I'm so happy... No, no, no, no! Don't let her trick you!" Elizabetta: "So you see... We weren't able to get many ingredients, so we wanted you to spare us some." Lead: "So close! Er, we don't... have any." Elizabetta: "Really?" Lead: "She smells so nice! She smells so friggin' nice! Oh, no! Nee-san's using her bloodline ability, Full Love Gauge! If I keep smelling this, I'm gonna be charmed into giving her some ingredients!" Elizabetta: "Really?" Lead: "We don't have any." Elizabetta: "Really?" Lead: "We really don't!" Lead: "These ingredients are keeping us alive! I can't give them away now!" Lead: "Keep hiding it! Hold your breath! I'm gonna resist! I swear on my pride as a man..." Elizabetta: "Pardon me." Elizabetta: "Where? Here? Right around here?" Lead: "Hey, wait! Wait, no, that's..." Elizabetta: "Found it!" Lead: "I didn't stand a chance! There was no way I could resist! Oh, you can have it! Thank you very much!" Elizabetta: "Yay, yay!" Lead: "That's no fair, Nee-san. How the heck am I supposed to resist if you use your Full Love Gauge?" Elizabetta: "What? But I'm not using it." Lead: "Huh?" Lead: "Th-Then you're just naturally this charming? But why aren't you using—" Elizabetta: "Oh, didn't I mention it earlier?" Elizabetta: "Well, there are rules that come with it." Elizabetta: "Like, I don't use it on boys I actually like." Lead: "Does that mean Nee-san... Wait, so basically..." Lead: "Nee-san likes me?!" Elizabetta: "Squee!" Lead: "For real, for real, for real, for real, for real?! Has my time finally arrived?!" Elizabetta: "Hm, but I'm surprised. Knowing you, I thought you'd have a mountain of ingredients. I guess it really is hard." Lead: "Wha—" Lead: "I have some!" Elizabetta: "Oh?" Lead: "As insurance when our insurance runs out, I put them in a hidden pocket. They're all yours." Elizabetta: "Oh, my! Well done, Lead-kun." Lead: "Aw, shucks... U-Um, why don't we enjoy some hotpot together? I want to know more about what you like about me." Elizabetta: "Why, yes. I love you very much, just like everyone else." Lead: "Huh?" Lead: "What?" Elizabetta: "I love everyone in the Misfit Class very much!" Lead: "Every—" Elizabetta: "Everyone! Everyone... Everyone! I love everyone very much!" Lead: "Oh, so that's what you meant..." Elizabetta: "Oh, dear." : "Right. X Elizabetta does not discriminate between men. She was born with the power Full Love Gauge, which makes everyone fall in love with her." : "That's why she thought being able to love someone freely was beautiful." : "Passionate love." : "Tragic love." : "Stolen love." : "She purely admired any kind of love." : "And then she pondered... "Is that the gentleman I'm destined to be with?" "Will we be able to have a fiery romance even without my powers?"" : "At that moment, Lead was..." Lead: "So it's not a romantic kind of love at all?" : "...dying inside." : "But nay! He was wrong! Because for her..." : "Every man is a potential romantic interest! Every man is a prince to her." : "On the first day of training, Raim asked..." Raim: "You, the Baby-chan over there." Elizabetta: "Yes, ma'am." Raim: "What is your ambition?" Elizabetta: "To live happily ever after with a wonderful gentleman." Clara: "Wh-Wha?! So mature!" Raim: "I see." : "And the first training Raim conducted was to teach her every possible seduction technique." Clara: "Oh?" Raim: "Listen well. The hardest part of seducing someone is determining if you can love them or not." Raim: "You see every man as a potential romantic interest." Raim: "If you master all the techniques..." : "You'll get the purest, most devilishly charming woman." Elizabetta: "Your expressions change so much." Elizabetta: "You're so adorable, Lead-kun." Elizabetta: "Anyway, thanks for the ingredients." Lead: "I love her..." Iruma: "Um..." Iruma: "Clara's not saying anything." Iruma: "I haven't been able to play with her because of all the training lately. I wonder if she's mad." Iruma: "Hey, Clara. I..." Iruma: "Clara?" Iruma: "Huh? What?! It's dark... Huh?" Clara: "Boo!" Iruma: "Huh?" Clara: "Iruma-chi captured!" Clara: "Su-ki-ma. Tee-hee!" Haruno: "Lead-kun invited us to a devi-mixer." Haruno: "Four of us are going for sure..." Haruno: "But maybe we should get one more." Haruno: "Hey! Want to go to a devi-mixer?" Eiko: "Huh?" Eiko: "I'm not really interested in that kind of thing. I'm too busy sorting through photos of Iruma-san anyway. I might get a chance to snap a pic at any time!" Haruno: "I see. I guess that's that, then. See you later!" Eiko: "Sorry!" : "Eiko may have regretted that choice."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 6 – Devilishly Pure", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "6", "Devilishly Pure" ] }
: "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire." : "Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" Elizabetta: "I love everyone in the Misfit Class very much! I love everyone very much!" Elizabetta: "Anyway, thanks for the ingredients." Lead: "I love her..." Elizabetta: "Lead-kun gave us some ingredients. Everything is going well. Now, then..." Elizabetta: "I wonder if everything's going well for Clara-chan." Iruma: "Um..." Clara: "Boo!" Iruma: "Huh?" Clara: "Iruma-chi captured!" Iruma And Clara: ""Clara's Toy Box."" Iruma: "C-Clara?" Clara: "Got you, Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "You startled me!" Clara: "I know, right? I did chomp you! I haven't seen you in forever, Iruma-chi. There, there." Iruma: "I-It's so cramped..." Clara: "You know what?" Clara: "I learned lots in training. So, Iruma-chi..." Iruma: "Huh?" Clara: "I'm gonna show you." Iruma: "Huh? Hey, wai—" Iruma: "Huh?" Iruma: "What? What?!" Iruma: "Wha— I-Is this place..." Iruma: "Huh?" Clara: "Iruma-chi!" Clara: "Okay! Let's play!" Iruma: "What?!" Clara: "Welcome!" Clara: "This is Clara's Toy Box, where anything I like can appear!" : "Clara's Toy Box. This combines the Valac family's bloodline ability, Toy Toy," : "and the art of illusion that she learned from Raim. The only catch is Clara must drag her target into her clothes... which means they've basically been dragged into Clara's magical pocket." Clara: "And I turn whoever comes here into a child so they enjoy it to the fullest!" Iruma: "Wow!" Clara: "Yeah, so let's play, Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "Huh?" Clara: "There's lots to do!" Clara: "A spiky ball! New and improved!" Clara: "A chomp-and-nom picture book!" Clara: "A blood-bath wife versus mother-in-law war house set." Clara: "There's also..." Clara: "A giant mosquito coil maze! Tag with a caiman! That one has 66 courses!" Iruma: "Um, b-but right now, we're in the middle of the Harvest Festival and—" Clara: "My personal recommendation is this! You play reversi while playing hide-and-seek! You can even attack! The hide-and-flip game!" Iruma: "What the heck?! That sounds super fun!" Clara: "Right?" Iruma: "I wanna play!" Clara: "Orararara! Clararara!" Iruma: "Hup!" Iruma: "Go!" Iruma: "Go!" Clara: "Say your prayers, Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "Hup!" Clara: "Wh-Wha?!" Iruma: "Hup!" Clara: "Hey, wait!" Iruma: "Go!" Iruma: "Yay!" Clara: "No fair!" Raim: "Listen, Baby-chan. I'll teach you something very important." Clara: "Something important!" Raim: "Your charms..." Clara: "My charms..." Raim: "...are that you're unrestrained and surprising." Clara: "Unrestrained and surprising?" Raim: "If you can use those two things in your favor, any demon will fall..." Clara: "Any demon will fall?" Raim: "...head over heels for you." Clara: "Head over heely heely heels!" Clara: "One day..." Clara: "I'll make you fall head over heels for me!" Clara: "Here we go! Whee!" Iruma: "Bring it!" Clara: "Wh-Wha?! Now you've done it!" : "Even Iruma knew deep down that this was no time to be playing around." : "But this space was filled with so many fun things that he..." : "couldn't help but want to play!" Clara: "Raim-sensei told me I am Clara I'm the Venus of the Land of Toys The always childlike Venus That's me, Clara" Clara: "Shall we play? Maybe not? Let's play while you're here and play some more I wanna play some more Let's play! Fun toys and games come pouring out of my pockets Clara clamor clamor Claara Claran Head head heady over heely heels That's what you'll be for me, you'll see I'll be waiting inside my toy box I am Clara I'm the Venus of the Land of Toys (Venus) The always childlike Venus (Venus) Clacky-clacky toys But make sure you don't play too much (Wanna come play?) But make sure you don't play too much (Wanna come play?) But make sure you don't play too much (Wanna come play?)" Clara: "You just keep having fun, Iruma-chi. So far, it's all going according to Master's plan!" Clara: "Head over heels!" : "It was Raim who instructed her to create this space that's so fun, you can't stop. The toy box that makes her targets play until they collapse." : "This spell also has a terrifying side effect: it sucks out the mana of the one who's playing." Clara: "Head over heels!" : "Clara doesn't understand this very well. Even when she was training with Raim-sensei..." Clara: "Head over heels!" Raim: "Oh?" Raim: "Yay! So cute!" Clara: "Head over heels! Head over heels! Head over heels! Head over heels! Head over heels! Head over heels! Head over heels! Head over heels!" Raim: "What a terrifying technique...." Clara: "Head over heels?" Raim: "Yes, I am..." Clara: "Devi-yeah!" Clara: "This is my chance with Iruma-chi!" Iruma: "I did it!" Iruma: "Hi-yah!" Clara: "Heely heels!" Iruma: "Hup!" Clara: "Paim!" Iruma: "Hup!" Clara: "Banaynay!" Iruma: "Hup!" Clara: "Something!" Iruma: "Hup!" Clara: "Falfal!" fal: "Falfal!" Clara: "I'll make him head over heels... head over heels..." Clara: "Head over heels... head over heels..." Clara: "Head over heels!" Clara: "I collapsed, too. Wait, when did that happen?! Why?!" Clara: "I was able to maintain my energy just fine with Nee-san and Master. Yay! Oh, no! If we play too much, Iruma-chi will lose too much mana? Iruma-chi! Iruma-chi, are you o— Huh?!" Iruma: "Wow! We fell down! I've never played so hard that I fell down before! Clara, you're amazing! Yay!" Clara: "Uh... eh? He's totally fine!" Iruma: "Um, you know... I'm really bad at playing," Iruma: "but it's so much fun playing with you! I feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and happy..." Iruma: "You know... I really love playing with you, Clara!" Clara: "I see... Iruma-chi really is head over heels for me." Clara: "And... since I also collapsed..." Clara: "That means I'm head over heels for him, too. Mrr... That means it's a tie!" Clara: "Boo. Oh well, I guess." Clara: "You know, I really love playing with you, too, Iruma-chi. It's so much fun..." Clara: "I love you the most." Elizabetta: "Good morning!" Elizabetta: "Oh, thank goodness! You two finally woke up." Iruma: "Huh? Huh?! What?! It's already nighttime?!" Iruma: "What would've happened if we'd kept playing?" Lead: "Iruma-ku..." Iruma: "Lead-kun?!" Lead: "Hiruma-fun..." Iruma: "Are you okay?! Hang in there!" Clara: "Oh, fine." Clara: "I guess I'll let you off the hook for today." Iruma: "Girl demons are..." Iruma And Lead: "...terrifying." : "The Charming Team gained 5,400 points. The Feral Team now has zero." Dosanko: ""A Night Filled with Screams."" Dali: "It's a dark, creepy, anxious, lonely night..." Dali: "But we're extremely busy!" Dali: "The first night always leads to a ton of injuries!" Weak Rando: "I'm so tired." Weak Rando: "Hey, this grass is nice and soft. Sweet. I found a soft place to sleep." : "Nest Squirrels. Their big, round eyes see extremely well in the night, and they come to steal their enemies' place of rest." : "Steak Bats. They lure their prey in with their delicious smell and suck their blood." Rando A: "Run away!" Bird-Head Grass: "Over here!" Randos A And B: "Huh?" Rando B: "I don't know who you are, but you saved us." Rando A: "Yeah... Wait, where are we?" Bird-Head Grass: "Over here..." Bird-Head Grass: "Over here..." : "Bird-Head Grass. Its bird head mimics a person's voice to lure over its prey. Because they are physically weaker and their judgment is clouded from moving around so much during the day, the night does not let the weakened students escape." Dali: "Panic brings even more panic, and they become disheartened. And when that happens..." Rando A: "I forfeit!" Kalego: "Cerberobuth!" Kalego: "This should be obvious, but you two won't be getting points for this magical beast." Randos A And B: "Okay!" Kalego: "Cerberobuth! Cerberobuth!" Robin: "Kalego-sensei! Where are you? You're so mean, leaving me behind!" Bird-Head Grass: "Over here!" Robin: "Oh, thank goodness! There you are! Jeez..." Robin: "Huh?" Robin: "Kalego-sensei! Sensei! I forfeit!" Kalego: "For crying out loud..." Kalego: "I can't believe even I have to go out into the field." Blushenko: "Now, don't be like that..." Kalego: "Cerberobuth!" : "Buer Blushenko of the rescue squad. His ability is Heal." Blushenko: "That's how it goes on the first day. Students forfeit one after another." Rando C: "Ow, ow, ow!" Rescue Squad A: "You'll just have to stick it out." Instructor A: "All of you who've been treated, head back to school in an orderly fashion." Rando D: "Damn it! I couldn't get through day one." Rando E: "So dumb..." Blushenko: "This is where a fifth of the students forfeit every year." Instructor A: "I'm sure we'll start seeing the hallucination victims soon." Rando F: "Wow..." Rando F: "Such pretty flowers. Is this cotton candy? This feels so nice. It must be paradise!" Instructor B: "Hey!" Instructor B: "Get a grip!" : "Trippy Vine. It surrounds its victims by making them hallucinate and devours them slowly." Instructor C: "There's one over here, too!" Instructor C: "Get a grip already!" Instructor B: "Thank goodness we made it in time." Butterflies: "You have such pretty eyes. I love you." Dosanko: "I'm surrounded by good-looking men! Over here! Over there! Flowers and butterflies! This world is nothing but springtime!" Haruno: "Dosa-chan, snap out of it!" Konatsu: "Wake up!" Azuki: "Dosa-chan!" Dosanko: "Oh, girls..." Haruno: "Jeez, Dosa-chan. You're daydreaming again." Konatsu: "We can't leave you alone for a second." Azuki: "Right?" Dosanko: "Sorry, my bad. Tee-hee." Instructor B: "We definitely need his help for those who can't forfeit on their own." Orias: "Now, then... Which student do I need to save next?" Orias: "Hmm... I think that way." Rando Teachers: "Roger!" Orias: "Thanks, buds." : "Orias. Bloodline ability: Lucky Happy." : "He has absolute luck that causes everything to work in his favor." Rando Teacher A: "Found them!" Orias: "Oh, lucky us. Let's go for the next one." Rando Teacher A: "Yes, sir." : "Ever since Orias was named director, the number of casualties during the Harvest Festival has dropped tremendously." Orias: "Heya." Instructor B: "Ah, Orias-sensei." Orias: "How's it going?" Instructor B: "Well, we don't have to worry as long as we have you and Kalego-sensei." Orias: "You can't let your guard down like that." Instructor B: "Huh?" Orias: "There are things that even my luck can't cover." Kalego: "The nights of the Harvest Festival are far noisier than the mornings." Marbas: "Yes." Kalego: "The screams echo, and beasts search for their prey with gleaming eyes. Once you lose your footing, you fall. That is part of the Harvest Festival." Marbas: "I wonder how many students will forfeit tonight." Haruno: "I'm so tired." Azuki: "I'm sticky with sweat." Konatsu: "I'm starving." Dosanko: "I can't... go on..." Haruno: "Do you want to forfeit?" Azuki: "I might be at my limit." Konatsu: "But..." Konatsu: "We might end up in different classes once we're second-years. Let's try a little harder together." Haruno: "Yeah. Just a little more." Azuki: "Let's do our best—" Azuki; Haruno; Konatsu; Dosanko: "Let's forfeit after all!" Azuki: "What's that light?" Haruno: "It's a castle..." Azuki; Haruno; Konatsu; Dosanko: "Pardon us!" Konatsu: "No one's here..." Haruno: "What is this castle?" Picero: "Who's there? Who dares enter my castle with their shoes on" Picero: "and wake me from my slumber?" Picero: "Who the heck are you guys?" Haruno And Azuki: "He's..." Dosanko And Konatsu: "...so..." Azuki; Haruno; Konatsu; Dosanko: "...hot!" Picero: "Huh?" Dosanko: "He's truly the beautiful lad from the ancient myths of the netherworld! The one who was so beautiful that he was put to sleep forever!" Dosanko: "Endymion-sama!" Picero: "Seriously, who are you people?" Konatsu; Haruno; Azuki: "Endymion-sama!" Picero: "Who the hell is that?!" Clara: "Su-ki-ma, yes, su-ki-ma." Iruma And Clara: "Rock, paper..." Iruma And Clara: "scissors!" Iruma: "Yay! I won, I won! Paper covers rock, so paper wins!" Clara: "Rock can make rock-grilled sweet potatoes, so rock wins! Yay, yay! Woohoo!" Iruma: "Huh? Wha...?" : "Clara's Toy Box is meant to be nonsensical." Dosanko: "Oh... Everyone is filled with bloodlust. Come now, here are some eyedrops. Close your eyes. You feel the love overwhelming your body, don't you?"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 7 – Clara's Toy Box ⧸ A Night Filled with Screams", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "7", "Clara's Toy Box ⧸ A Night Filled with Screams" ] }
Haruno And Azuki: "He's..." Dosanko And Konatsu: "...so..." Azuki; Haruno; Konatsu: "...hot!" Picero: "Huh?" Dosanko: "He's truly the beautiful lad from the ancient myths of the netherworld! The one who was so beautiful that he was put to sleep forever!" Dosanko: "Endymion-sama!" : "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire." : "Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" Picero And Goemon: ""Can We Make 100 Friends?"" Pekepon: "Pekepon!" Demon Cabbage: "Hakupon!" Demon Beans: "Make sure you eat your veggies!" Goemon: "What a haul!" Goemon: "All right, time to head back." Goemon: "Having a castle makes hunting feel so much safer. I have returned, Agares-dono!" Goemon: "Do you prefer rice porridge or rice with veggies?" Haruno: "So cute!" Konatsu: "Are your eyelashes natural?!" Azuki: "You're all disheveled!" Goemon: "A raid?!" Konatsu: "Wow! You can stack ten matches on his eyelashes!" Picero: "Stop that!" Haruno: "He looks great with flowers!" Picero: "Stop that!" Azuki: "Why's the top of your head so pointy?" Picero: "Stop, damn it!" Dosanko: "Endymion!" Dosanko: "Endymi—oh!" Haruno; Konatsu; Azuki: "Dosa-chan!" Dosanko: "Love hurts so much sometimes..." Haruno; Konatsu; Azuki: "D-Dosa-chan!" Picero: "Shut up!" Goemon: "Now, now, now, now..." Goemon: "I see. So you were attacked by magical beasts. That must have been rough." Haruno: "No, we're sorry." Konatsu: "Sorry." Azuki: "He was just so beautiful that we lost our minds." Goemon: "I guess there are some hunter instincts at play here." Haruno: "Sorry." Konatsu: "We're really sorry." Azuki: "Truly." Haruno: "But wow... We didn't expect to find such an amazing castle in the forest." Goemon: "Ah, yes. This is Agares-dono's bloodline ability. Right?" Picero: "I build by acknowledging that the earth and trees are all a part of the ground." Picero: "It's a practical usage of My Area." Picero: "This isn't exactly a castle. We're on top of my bed." Haruno And Konatsu: "On his bed!" Azuki: "Oh, my!" Picero: "Why do you all seem so happy?" Azuki: "W-Wow. Your magic level is so high. Agares-kun, you're rank Alef, right?" Picero: "Well, since that hardcore lady trained me..." Picero: "Anyway! How dare you come into my bed without permission? Hurry up and drink that... and leave!" Goemon: "Please, enjoy your stay." Eye Demon: "Gyo! Gyo! Gyo!" Picero: "Why?!" Goemon: "We can't just throw them into that forest filled with magical beasts!" Azuki: "It's scary outside." Haruno: "And we're hungry." Konatsu: "We have no lives left." Haruno; Konatsu; Azuki: "Sigh..." Goemon: "I'll go get us some more tea." Haruno; Konatsu; Azuki: "Thank you!" Picero: "That stupid busybody! Does he realize we're in the middle of the Harvest Festival?" Azuki: "Um..." Azuki: "Are you and Garp-kun good friends?" Picero: "What?!" Konatsu: "I'd love to hear about your private lives!" Haruno: "Yeah, yeah!" Picero: "Not really." Picero: "He's just... some stupid busybody." Goemon: "Agares-dono! It's time to go to school!" Picero: "Shut up." Goemon: "Good morning!" Picero: "You come here every frickin' day... Listen, I want to sleep. I only care about hitting the minimum required attendance for school, got it? So—" Goemon: "Have no fear! We are on our way! I'll properly deliver you to school!" Goemon: "I've even got breakfast for you!" Letters: "Off we go!" Picero: "Listen to me, damn it. Here!" Picero: "This is good." Picero: "Seriously, I don't get it. You don't benefit at all from taking care of me." Goemon: "That's not true!" Goemon: "Because my ambition... is to make 100 friends!" Picero: "Huh?" Goemon: "I just can't leave those who are left out alone! Though... I'm such a busybody that they all end up leaving..." Picero: "You make no sense." Goemon: "But I won't give up!" Picero: "Ugh, okay already. Do your best, I guess?" Goemon: "Indeed! I will do my best!" Goemon: "Let's go!" Picero: "Shut up! Stop running!" Eye Demon: "Gyo, gyo!" Picero: "Ever since then, he keeps trying to take care of me at every opportunity, and he drags me everywhere. He's so persistent, and I'm so tired I can't even bother," Picero: "so I was letting him do what he wanted for a while, but..." Picero: "I'm so annoyed. I don't know if my evil cycle's coming up or what..." Picero: "Whatever. Goodnight." Goemon: "Agares-dono! I found a very entertaining-looking spot! Let's go!" Picero: "No." Goemon: "What? But it'll be so much fun! We'll go fishing for oglepoles! Let's go!" Picero: "I said no." Goemon: "It's okay! I'll carry you there!" Picero: "I said no! Leave me alone!" Picero: "So, yeah... I got super pissed. Even I couldn't hold in my irritation anymore, and he went home looking super sad. But from my point of view, I should've yelled at him sooner! He carries me around while I'm asleep! That's basically kidnapping! Jeez!" Haruno: "He actually talks quite a bit. Yeah, he does..." Picero: "Ugh, I'm honestly so sick of him." Haruno: "S-So they don't... actually get along?" Konatsu: "Hard to say." Azuki: "But they hang out together..." Dosanko: "I totally understand." Dosanko: "They're basically like a couple living together while carrying a timebomb. Eventually, a disagreement will cause an explosion, which will lead to a catastrophe, and one of them will... Endymion!" Goemon: "Here's your Hell Grey tea! What were you talking—" Azuki: "What are those screams?" Konatsu: "Outside?!" Haruno: "S-Someone's being attacked outside?" Picero: "Garp..." Picero: "Don't do it." Picero: "Just give it a rest! This is the Harvest Festival! Those four are already a handful, and you're going to save even more? This doesn't benefit us at all!" Goemon: "But you understand, don't you, Agares-dono?" Goemon: "I'll be back." Picero: "Ugh..." Picero: "Damn it!" Picero: "I can't sleep." Picero: "I can't sleep at all! This sucks! Damn it, what the hell?" Picero: "And it's because... I said no! Leave me alone!" Picero: "I really lashed out at him. He probably won't be back." Goemon: "Agares-dono! Time for school!" Picero: "D-Do you not remember what happened yesterday?" Goemon: "Huh? You yelled at me... right?" Goemon: "But I figured you might be hungry." Picero: "Oh... He's..." Picero: "He's..." Picero: "a swordsman, but he's completely oblivious." Picero: "This is so stupid." Goemon: "Agares-dono? Agares-dono! Did you fall asleep? Don't you want any rice balls?" Picero: "Seriously." Picero: "I'm done..." Picero: "with your meddling!" Goemon: "Wind-Sword Kill!" Picero: "He doesn't have any damn brakes..." Goemon: "M-My apologies..." Picero: "Whatever." Azuki: "Oh, thank goodness! They are good friends, after all." Dosanko: "Friendship is beautiful." Dosanko: "They definitely get a spot on my list of favorites." Dosanko: "I just can't get enough!" Picero: "Hurry up and get inside. Bring in whoever's outside, too." Goemon: "Agares-dono... Thank you!" Goemon: "Come in, everyone!" Picero: "Why, you..." Picero: "Garp, you moron! What am I supposed to do with all these guys?!" Goemon: "Huh? Wha?" Konatsu: "Are they friends?" Azuki: "Yup!" Haruno; Konatsu; Azuki; Dosanko: "They totally are!" Students: ""The Students I'm Proud Of."" Raim: "Kyuba!" Mr. Hat: "Now, then..." urfur; Raim; Vepar; Mr. Hat: "Cheers!" urfur: "Who got all these drinking snacks together? They're great!" Vepar: "Liquid is just superb, supreme, and divine..." Mr. Hat: "Delving a little further, the best kind of liquid is black tea." Raim: "Oh, I don't know about that." Eye Demon: "Ding dong." Teacher A: "What's going on in that tent?" urfur: "Raimu-chan, sit over here!" Raim: "What? As long as you don't get all clingy." Vepar: "U-Um, would you like some alcohol?" Mr. Hat: "No, I am fine with black tea." urfur: "Vepar-chan, did you cut yours with water?" Vepar: "It's on the rocks." urfur: "Seriously?! I guess you can handle your alcohol, Vepar-chan." Opera: "Excuse us." Sullivan: "We're coming in! Let us join your little party!" urfur: "Sure thing!" Sullivan: "Come on. You're coming, too, Bachiko-chan." Sullivan: "She was watching all alone, so I dragged her with me." Bachiko: "Damn it, Iruma! Damn it! You're still at zero points, damn it!" Bachiko: "I-I'm very happy to be surrounded b-by such... famous demons. Yes." urfur: "Heya! You're from one of the Three Great Heroes' families, too. Come on, let's hang out!" Bachiko: "Okay!" Vepar: "Alcohol?" Bachiko: "Nah, I'm not gonna drink." Opera: "So, what kind of conversation were you having?" Raim: "Why, we were talking about the Harvest Festival, of course. Here's where everyone's at right now." Mr. Hat: "Now, then..." Sullivan: "Are you going to show me Iruma-kun?" Sullivan: "Devi..." Mr. Hat: "Speaking as the taming instructor..." Mr. Hat: "Lady Keroli and Gentleman Camui's beast-commanding team is extremely talented. Even in all the Harvest Festival's history, there have never been students who commanded magical beasts like they do! Behold their nobility! Their beauty!" : "The Keroli and Camui pair: 14,200 points." urfur: "Ooh!" Raim: "There was someone who won before without really harming the magical beasts, too." Sullivan: "Ah, Balam-sensei." : "This is Balam Shichiro when he was a student. He won the Harvest Festival by acquiring 55,000 points on his own. He did not unnecessarily harm any plants or beasts." Sullivan: "He fully used his knowledge of magical plants and scored an insane amount of points. That sure takes me back." Sullivan: "Though he also had quite the talented advisor." Raim: "Hmm, but you know..." Sullivan: "Ooh! Is Iruma-kun next?" Sullivan: "Devi..." Raim: "If you're taming anyone... It should be the opposite sex! In terms of sexiness, my girls are on top." : "The Clara and Elizabetta pair: 9,400 points." Raim: "Nothing is harder than fighting back against your desires." urfur: "Ah, the technique you used at the Harvest Festival before... It's pretty amazing." Sullivan: "Yes, indeed." Raim: "Well, there was one man I couldn't seduce, so I couldn't win..." Vepar: "Um! There are other students trying their best to get to the top over here, too!" Sullivan: "Oh, Iruma-kun!" Sullivan: "Devi..." Vepar: "They created a sturdy castle and are hunting magical beasts with incredible speed! These boys are using their bloodline abilities the most skillfully of everyone in this Harvest Festival!" Mr. Hat: "It seems quite crowded, but having a base does give them an advantage." Vepar: "I know, right?" Sullivan: "Oho..." urfur: "But still, making such a good showing regardless of fighting or defensive skills... That's the easiest and best." Sullivan: "Is this finally Iruma-kun?!" Sullivan: "Devi..." urfur: "They sneak right in..." urfur: "Use their heads..." urfur: "Set their sights on their prey..." urfur: "And steal it all away." Sullivan And Raim: "So shameless!" Mr. Hat: "I see... Still, judging overall, the ones closest to winning are..." Raim; Mr. Hat; Vepar: "My students, obviously." Raim; Mr. Hat; Vepar: "Hm?" : "Right now..." : "The mentors' sense of rivalry has become clear." Raim: "Wait, wait. Nothing beats sexiness!" Vepar: "W-Well, my boys are amazing, too!" Mr. Hat: "Beast tamers are the ones who should stand at the top!" Raim: "But you can't score high if you can't attack beasts!" Vepar: "B-Bloodline abilities are the best!" urfur: "Now, calm down. This is turning into a game of one-upsmanship." Vepar: "Deceivers should be quiet right now!" Sullivan: "Hey, hello?" Sullivan: "Ugh! You just keep bragging about your students! There's Iruma-kun's team, too!" Vepar: "Iruma..." Raim: "...kun?" Sullivan: "To me, he's the best grandson! The best choice to win the whole festival! And push the button." Sullivan: "Iruma-kun!" Raim: "They're talking about romance!" Mr. Hat: "At a time like this..." Sullivan: "How adorable!" urfur: "They've totally forgotten about the Harvest Festival! They're sitting at zero points after the first night. That team doesn't stand a chance." Iruma: "Um... Well, in that case... I-If a girl... um, tells you that she l-l-likes you.... What does that..." Lead: "...love you..." Lead: "Just as much as everyone else." Iruma: "Huh?" Lead: "Don't get your hopes up! You'll die! You'll die... You'll die... You'll die...!" Raim: "How adorable! I was like that once, too." urfur: "Jeez, they're way too relaxed." urfur: "No one's ever won when they had no points after the first day." urfur: "At this rate, they'll probably have to forfeit. Forget winning." Opera: "That's not—" Bachiko: "Huh? Who do you think you are, jackass?! Don't go underestimatin' my Iruma!" Bachiko: "All right." Bachiko: "Bring me some liquor! We're about to have a meeting!" Raim: "What? You can drink?" urfur: "Ooh, nice! I'm a fan of this turn of events. All right, let's drink! Drink all you want!" Raim: "Let's try this again, shall we?" All: "Cheers!" Bachiko: "And do you know what Iruma said then?" Sullivan: "What did he say? What did he say?" Bachiko: "Whisper, whisper, whisper..." Sullivan: "Wow! So adorable! So adorable that my head's spinning! My head's spinning..." urfur: "What was that?" Bachiko: "I ain't telling you!" Raim: "My girls are going to acquire everything with their beauty!" urfur: "Hopefully no one tricks them out of everything they have." Mr. Hat: "Your charms and cunning won't work on magical beasts." Bachiko: "Anyway, Iruma's gonna win!" Robin: "I believe in you, Lead-kun!" Sullivan: "So cute! So adorable! So cute!" : "And so, the night continued..." : "Everyone got through the first day..." : "To prepare for the next day, they slowly went to sleep." : "However..." : "There were some who didn't sleep at all!" Lead: "Su-ki-ma!" Eye Demon: "Nighttime." Lead: "I need to go to the bathroom, but I don't wanna go alone..." Lead: "Oh, you're awake, Iruma-kun? Let's go take a piss togeth—huh?!" Iruma: "Oh, it's you, Lead-kun." Iruma: "Sorry! I heard a noise, so I used my intimidation pose out of habit!" Lead: "I almost peed myself."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 8 – Can We Make 100 Friends? ⧸ The Students I'm Proud Of", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "8", "Can We Make 100 Friends? ⧸ The Students I'm Proud Of" ] }
: "The Harvest Festival. As the first day came to a close and everyone was going to sleep in preparation for the next day..." : "There were some who didn't sleep at all." : "The students of the Misfit Class were given a task. If they do not all advance to the Dalet rank before their second year, they will be kicked out of the Royal One, which they worked so hard to acquire." : "Iruma and his friends must attempt the rank-advancement exams." : "First up... The Harvest Festival!" Ichiro And Niro: ""The Dorodoro Brothers' Provocation."" : "Now's our chance!" Sabro: "Whoa, there. Not so fast. You're mine!" Sabro: "Seventy-nine! So hard!" Ichiro: "Pretty lively, ain't ya?!" Asmodeus: "We're quite accustomed to fighting through the night." Sabro: "Indeed!" : "Why are they fighting even during the nighttime?" : "Let us go back in time a bit." Asmodeus: "Competition?" : "If you two win, we'll give you all of the points we've earned. I believe there's at least 1,200 points in there." Sabro: "And? If we lose, you want us to hand over all of our points?" Ichiro: "Nah! We don't want anything like that." : "The reason we came here from the battlefield is to take him back." Asmodeus: ""Him"?" Ichiro: "We're gonna become his number one disciples! Once we win, we'll be taking our master back!" Asmodeus: "Our master..." Sabro: "...is your master?" Ichiro: "The winners will get all the stuff we've hunted and our master back. Got it?" Asmodeus: "No, not at all." Ichiro: "Huh?!" Asmodeus: "Could you not decide these things by yourself?" Asmodeus: "Sorry, but we'll have to decline this competition. It would be far more effective for us to hunt on our own than duke it out with you two. If you want your master back, you should go speak with him yourselves. We have to win this, after all." Asmodeus: "So that Iruma-sama will praise me." Ichiro: "You runnin' away?" Ichiro: "They're scared. They're scared, aren't they?" : "They're a couple of spoiled, pampered rich boys, so they must be afraid of competition." Ichiro: "Weaklings!" Ichiro: "Elite cowards! Chickens! You ain't got no muscles! Aren't you embarrassed?" : "You may be huge, but I guess your heart's no bigger than a water flea. Do you two actually have horns?" Ichiro: "Better not walk in the middle of the road anymore." : "Get down on all fours with snot hanging from your noses..." Ichiro: "You have to walk along the side with these on your backs." Asmodeus And Sabro: "Bring it on, you fools!" : "The boss prey found in the eastern cave, the Hundred Flapple. Worth 10,800 points. The delicious fruit that hangs from the neck of this boss-class ingredient is exquisite..." : "But, as its name suggests, it won't fall off unless you hit it about a hundred times." Sabro: "Seventy-nine!" Ichiro: "Pretty lively, ain't ya?!" Asmodeus: "We're quite accustomed to fighting through the night." Sabro: "Indeed!" Sabro: "Eighty!" Sabro: "It still won't fall off!" Asmodeus: "Hey!" : "Beware of the Flappy Kick. If you attack its fruit, it attacks with this incredibly powerful kick." Ichiro: "Heh. He actually got hit by an attack." : "Yeah, he sure did!" Sabro: "Why, you—" Asmodeus: "Stop reacting!" Asmodeus: "There's no need to rush." Asmodeus: "Because of Balam-sensei's training, we aren't behind in this battle at all." Ichiro: "Watch carefully, No-Muscles!" Asmodeus: "But he's quite troublesome. His reach is unbelievable, and he's very proficient with that spear." Asmodeus: "The elder of the brothers is skilled physically..." Asmodeus: "And the younger is the brains. His directions are precise, and the elder is physically capable of carrying them out." : "Next, over here!" Ichiro: "Got it." Asmodeus: "They're precise, and there's nothing wasted in their teamwork." Ichiro: "Wake up!" Asmodeus: "Razoro Flame! Meanwhile..." Sabro: "Hey, Honor Student! I can't see ahead of us because of your flames! Keep them down!" Asmodeus: "This one... And I told you to stand back a little!" Sabro: "We're in a cave! I can only go back so far!" Ichiro: "Aw, they're fighting." : "Oh, how unsightly." Sabro: "Silence!" Asmodeus: "Calm down! You're getting too upset and attacking too easily. We need to be more careful—" : "You sure are spineless for an honor student." Asmodeus: "Eighty-five!" Sabro: "Hey! You're the one who's blindly attacking!" Asmodeus: "I'm allowed to because I'm powerful!" Sabro: "I'm more powerful than you!" Asmodeus: "I'm telling you to use your head more!" Sabro: "You're one to talk after what you just pulled!" Asmodeus: "And I pulled it off brilliantly!" : "They're so stupid. I didn't think they'd fall for it this easily." : "We survive on reasoning." : "Our monstrous bird, Andro Alphus, the peacock of provocation..." : "And our bloodline ability: Wrath (Switch)." : "It lets out a cry that forcefully heightens our opponent's emotions." : "Sound reasoning is key in any competition." : "Nothing is easier to control than a beast that's lost its senses. We just continue piling on one insult after another, without letting them realize they're being affected. Just one more push... We'll pick just the right insults to drive them even further into an enraged stupor." : "The power of words is essentially the power of magic itself." : "I've researched everything I need about you two." : "Now... Time to flip the Switch." : "Aw, jeez. At this rate, not only will you fail at becoming the Demon King, you're won't even be suited to be his right-hand demon!" : "Hook, line, and sinker!" : "Attacking other students is forbidden." : "The moment his attack hits us, they'll have to forfeit! Nii-san!" Ichiro: "Got it!" : "Once he finds out these two fools aren't worthy of being his disciples, our master will come back to us!" : "Our Switch will come out victorious!" Ichiro And Niro: "Wha?!" Sabro: "Hey! What are you doing?! I almost got burned! You've clearly singed this part!" Asmodeus: "Quiet, fool. You should be thanking me. I returned you to your senses." Asmodeus: "You're using some kind of magic..." Asmodeus: "It's probably some form of mind control. But you've picked the wrong subjects." Asmodeus: "When it comes to ambitions..." Asmodeus: "I've already been thoroughly scolded over that! I finally realized something was wrong when I saw this fool's face. He looked twice as moronic as usual." Sabro: "Hey! Who are you calling a moron?!" Asmodeus: "That spell won't work anymore. You'll have to figure something else out." Sabro: "Hey! Who are you calling a mor—" Asmodeus: "We'll make you regret making fools of—" Ichiro: "Damn it..." : "Damn it... They figured us out!" Ichiro: "We almost had you! Damn it! Damn it!" : "This isn't fair, damn it! Ugh, this is so annoying!" Ichiro: "Damn it!" Sabro: "They're so frustrated, it's actually refreshing." Ichiro: "What?! Of course we're frustrated! Our bloodline ability, Switch, is special! Our master praised us for it!" Asmodeus: "Your master?" Ichiro: "Our master..." Ichiro: "helped us like our voices that we hated so much!" Ichiro: "Master saved us!" : "The Peacock of Provocation. The bloodline ability of the Androalphus family. Switch is a spell that forcibly causes the blood to rush to one's head. They'd secretly played a part in so many negotiations that there's now a saying: "No knives or peacocks at the table."" Ichiro: "Ever since we were little, we were forced to learn how to negotiate." Ichiro: "But what we aspired to be was heroes on the battlefield. We enrolled in Babyls, but we couldn't give up our aspirations," Ichiro: "and we escaped right after we enrolled! Without any connections or anything to rely on, we raided the battle up north, which was said to be the worst..." Ichiro: "and immediately found ourselves on the brink of death. The one who took us in despite our pathetic state was our master." Beak Master: "Are you all right?" Ichiro: "Master let us join his squad and trained us!" Ichiro: "He taught us martial arts, tactics, and a whole bunch of other things!" Ichiro: "Master! Why do you have a mask on?" Beak Master: "Hmm... There are plenty of reasons, but..." Beak Master: "Mostly to cover my expressions." Ichiro And Niro: "Huh..." Ichiro: "Our master's just the coolest! Right? Right?!" : "Yeah. He's an expert in martial arts and magic, too." : "I mean... the only thing we're good at is..." : "Morning, everyone." : "...making others mad." : "No one's exactly going to praise a bloodline ability like this." : "Everyone around us hates us." : "They say we're underhanded, that we work in the shadows." Beak Master: "Hey, that's great." And Ichiro: "Huh?" Beak Master: "Switch, was it? Being able to take away the enemy's ability to stay rational during a battle gives you an advantage. Confusion and diversions... You might even be able to raise your allies' morale." Ichiro: "D-Diversions?" : "We've never even thought about that..." Ichiro: "Yeah." Beak Master: "Your voices can become a weapon." Beak Master: "Use everything you have to the fullest extent, even if it's underhanded. That's what it means to be in battle. But if you still feel like your family name is tying you down," Beak Master: "then I will give you new names." Ichiro: "Ever since that day, we've been the Dorodoro Brothers. As older brother Ichiro and younger brother Niro, we used our voices to make a name for ourselves on the battlefield!" Ichiro: "We can finally be of use to our master. We can finally repay him! Right when we thought that..." Ichiro: "You're going to become a teacher?!" Beak Master: "There was an urgent request." Ichiro: "B-But you don't wanna go, do you, Master? Right? Right?!" : "Yeah!" Beak Master: "Well..." : "Then..." Ichiro: "M-Master!" Beak Master: "I have to go. I'm very sorry." : "W-Wait!" Ichiro: "Master!" : "Master!" Ichiro: "Ugh, I still remember it clear as day..." Both: "Master!" Ichiro: "Master..." Ichiro: "just looked so sad!" urfur: "I'll be counting on you guys while I'm gone! Bye now!" Ichiro And Niro: "Sergeant Furfur!" Ichiro: "After Master left, we completed all the work he asked us to do immediately and gathered all the information we could. This must be it! It's a list of the special tutors for the Misfit Class at Babyls." : "Who's Master in charge of?" Ichiro: "Are you kidding? He's our master! It's gotta be the ones with the highest ranks and the look of fighters." Ichiro: "Must be this Asmodeus Alice and Sabnock Sabro pair!" Ichiro: "These are the guys who stole our master!" : "Yes. As I'm sure you've noticed, Team Asmodeus's master was not Sergeant Furfur..." : "It was Balam. Which means these brothers..." : "were in the middle of a massive case of mistaken identity." : "Unforgivable!" Ichiro: "Give us back our master! Master never wanted to go! He never wanted to train some kids at some school!" Sabro: "He actually seemed happy about it." Asmodeus: "He told us it was very fun to teach us." Ichiro: "Nuh-uh! Master always hated all that formal crap! He wanted to fight freely, mess around with girls, and then fight some more!" : "Maybe he was a slight sucker for girls and didn't handle his alcohol that well, but he was the best fighter!" Asmodeus: "He's a sucker for girls and doesn't handle his alcohol well?" Sabro: "Surprising." Asmodeus: "I can't believe Balam-sensei could be that way." : "But the fact that he was still popular is what made Master so amazing! He definitely knew how to lead us in a battle." Ichiro: "He must be really popular and feared at your school, too, huh?" Asmodeus: "Popular? Well, he does like to be overly affectionate at times, so some find that creepy and fear him..." Ichiro And Niro: "F-Find him creepy?!" Ichiro: "Hey, that's rude! That guy's a hero!" Sabro: "I mean, he's strong..." Asmodeus: "He doesn't have much of a presence, though." Ichiro: "What? He's the epitome of presence! He's a walking presence!" Asmodeus: "And truly, I really wish he wouldn't suddenly give us head pats." Sabro: "Yes, those can be surprising." Ichiro And Niro: "Wha—" Ichiro: "W-We never even got head pats!" : "And you want him to stop?!" : "Yeah, you two aren't deserving of our master. We'll crush you with our Full Volume (Wailing)!" Ichiro: "Don't think that our voices..." Ichiro: "only work on demons!" Asmodeus: "The magical beast's lost its mind!" Ichiro: "This is how we learned to fight on the battlefield!" : "We'll show you that the only ones going to school are grunt demons!" Asmodeus: "Did you... just insult Iruma-sama? How dare you?" Asmodeus: "Hey, I think you've yelped quite enough." Asmodeus: "Very well." Asmodeus: "I'll take it upon myself to lose any sense of reason." Sabro: "Hey! Stop that!" Asmodeus: "By using the Balam-style surefire way of winning a fight..." Asmodeus: "Evil Cycle Unleashed!" Asmodeus: "Black smoke rises up from my feet..." Asmodeus: "and consumes me..." : "Evil cycles are essentially a demon's instinct. A stress cycle during which their desire to do evil deeds skyrockets." : "Their mana increases, but their sense of reason disappears." Ichiro: "There were plenty of demons going through their evil cycles on the battlefield, so I thought we were pretty used to seeing this. Which is exactly why this makes no sense!" Ichiro: "How are you able..." Ichiro: "to dance around so elegantly..." Ichiro: "and completely go berserk?" Asmodeus: "Vino! Vino! Vino!" Ichiro: "Hey, what kind of insane evil cycle is that? I've never seen anything like it!" : "And how did he deliberately trigger his evil cycle?" Sabro: "That fool... He let himself be consumed." Balam: "This is the medicine that'll activate your evil cycle, and this is the inhibitor." Balam: "I know they look really suspicious! But I definitely supervised their production! They're extremely rare!" Asmodeus And Sabro: "Uh-huh..." Balam: "What I'm about to show you is a trump card you can use in battle. It's really special! I'm going to have you two repeatedly go through evil cycles and regular cycles." Balam: "Then, in an emergency, you'll be able to willingly unleash your evil cycle." : "The main trigger that sets off an evil cycle is stress. When you forcefully unleash that, the stress doubles. They also end up using a lot of mana, but this allows them to fight full-throttle." : "Their form resembles how demons originally were..." : "The demon Asmodeus is the demon of virtue and destruction." : "The apple!" : "So fast! Crap!" : "But if his attacks hit us, he'll be disqualified!" : "At the same time, that amount of power... will kill us." Asmodeus: "Knock, knock..." Asmodeus: "Knock..." Asmodeus: "Knock." : "Those flames are bad news!" Ichiro: "Stop! Can't you hear us?!" Asmodeus: "Knock... knock..." : "Nii-chan!" Asmodeus: "Codeword?" Balam: "Yes." Balam: "Let's set a codeword to bring you back from your evil cycle. We'll train your bodies so that you can snap out of it when you hear that word." Balam: "And that's exactly why you always need two demons. Once your partner is consumed, you need to use the codeword to bring him back..." Balam: "by using a word that'll powerfully resonate in his heart." Sabro: "Iruma!" Asmodeus: "Iruma?" Asmodeus: "Iruma..." Asmodeus: "Iruma..." Asmodeus: "Iruma..." Sabro: "What is your ambition?" Asmodeus: "To serve as Iruma-sama's weapon, of course!" Sabro: "Good!" Asmodeus: "I-I..." Sabro: "You went pretty wild." Asmodeus: "I see. I somehow feel quite refreshed." Sabro: "That's what you say after all that?! I'll be taking more of the points as an annoyance fee!" Asmodeus: "What?! That's absurd! I'm the one who hunted it!" : "Wh-What's with those two?" Ichiro: "I've never seen anything like that on the battlefield..." Asmodeus: "Su... ki... ma..." Asmodeus: "Su-ki-ma." Sabro: "Iruma!" Asmodeus: "Su-ki-ma!" Sabro: "Master Balam's medicine!" Asmodeus: "Su-ki-ma..." Sabro: "Iruma!" Asmodeus: "Su-ki-ma!" Sabro: "Master Balam's medicine!" Asmodeus: "Su-ki-ma..." Sabro: "Iruma!" Asmodeus: "Su-ki-ma!" Sabro: "Master Balam's medicine!" Asmodeus: "Su-ki-ma..." Sabro: "Iru—"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3 Episode 9 – The Dorodoro Brothers' Provocation", "parsed": [ "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3", "9", "The Dorodoro Brothers' Provocation" ] }
Lucky: "Registration number 2021LB-1, starting up." Mirai: "Welcome to Japari Park! Though it's in the middle of reconstruction right now..." Serval: "Hey, what's this?" Mirai: "Oh, Serval-san. Well, you see, we recorded what the park director did last time, and now we're about to show it to all the guests who've come to visit Japari Park." Serval: "Wow, really? That sounds fun!" Mirai: "Doesn't it? Now, then..." Mirai: "I'm your guide, Mirai." Serval: "And I'm Serval!" Mirai: "Do you... like animals?" Mirai: "This is Japari Park. It was a large theme park that brought together lots of different animals for tourism and research, but one day, a miracle happened..." Mirai: "Animal girls started to appear, one after another! From then on, Japari Park became a mysterious paradise filled with lots of animal girls!" Serval: "Uh, our guide loves animals more than just about anyone, so she gets like this sometimes, but don't worry about it." Mirai: "I-I'm sorry! I got a little too excited... But at some point, the Ceruleans started to show up and attack the animal girls." Serval: "Yeah! And one day, while I was taking a nap, I was attacked by a Cerulean! The person that the guide brought along had a protective charm, and it started shining!" Serval: "Then all this power poured into me and..." Serval: "It was my first time ker-popping a Cerulean all by myself. I was so happy!" Mirai: "The person who was holding that charm is the current park director." Mirai: "It's an object with a mysterious power." Serval: "It's also the secret to how the director got here, right?" Mirai: "It led them here, I'm sure. Honestly, I'm still not really sure why it brought the director here." Serval: "And... that's when we met her, right?" Serval: "Who are you?" Serval: "You look... You look... a little like me?" Cerval: "I must go..." Serval: "Wait! Anyway, after that, she—" Mirai: "All right, that's it for today!" Serval: "Huh? It's over already? But there's still so much more!" Mirai: "There's too much. That's exactly why. How would you feel if you were told that whole story all at once?" Serval: "My head would explode like, "Boom!"" Mirai: "On that note, we'll continue next time!" : "Class Mammalia, order Carnivora, family Felidae, genus Leptailurus: the serval. Characterized by its large ears and slim body, it is said to be the best jumper in the cat family."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 1 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "1", "Untitled" ] }
Lucky: "Registration number 2021LB-1, starting up." Mirai: "I'm Mirai, the park guide." Serval: "I'm Serval!" Caracal: "Last time, Ruru the Thomson's Gazelle tried to fix the water shortage by herself, and ended up in a pretty sticky situation." Ibis: "She seemed to be surrounded by Ceruleans." Ruru: "Hey, you! The Friend over there! Help me!" e: "Huh?" Ruru: "Yes! You, right there!" e: ""You"?" Ruru: "Yes, you! Please get help! Go find... someone... to help... please!" e: "Help?" Ruru: "Yes! Help!" e: "Help?" Ruru: "H-e-l-p! Oh, it's no use! She doesn't understand what "help" means! Look, I need to borrow your strength!" e: "Strength?" e: "I know strength." Ruru: "Help me!" Ruru: "Wh-What?!" Oryx: "Ruru... I really should have gone with her, like always. What was I thinking?" Caracal: "Don't worry. We'll be at Oasis 1 soon, right? I'm sure Ruru's okay." Mirai: "Yes, Thomson's Gazelle-san is very quick-witted. On top of running as fast as 90 kilometers per hour, she runs in a zigzag pattern to confuse her pursuers!" Ibis: "What she said. So try not to dwell on it too much." Serval: "Um, hey... I was just thinking... Why did Ruru-chan try to fix the problem by herself? She must have known you'd worry so much about her. If I made you and everyone else worry like that, I'd be like..." Serval: "That's just me, though. Oh, I get it! That's why!" Ruru: "W-Wow... You're a really strong Friend!" e: "That was... help?" e: "I must go." Ruru: "Huh?! Wait! You're not done helping me!" Ruru: "She really left..." Ruru: "What am I supposed to do now?!" Caracal: "Looks like Ruru's still in trouble." Ibis: "We'll see what happened to Ruru next time." Caracal: "By the way, Serval... So that's what you were talking to the director about, huh?" Serval: "I've talked to the director lots of other times, too, about lots of things! You guys have done that too, right?" Ibis: "Yes, I have." Ibis: "Such good memories..." Caracal: "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's fun talking to people, huh? That includes the park guide here." Mirai: "On that note, everyone..." All: "See you next time!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 10 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "10", "Untitled" ] }
Lucky: "Registration number 2021LB-1, starting up." Mirai: "I'm Mirai." Serval: "I'm Serval!" Caracal: "This time, what happened to Ruru, the Thomson's Gazelle who was surrounded by Ceruleans..." Ibis: "...is what we'll find out." Ibis: "Look." Ibis: "Someone's on top of that big rock." Ibis: "She's... bouncing around a lot." Rabi: "Ruru! I finally found you!" Mirai: "Wait! There are Ceruleans all around the rock!" Ruru: "Ra... Rabirabi!" Rabi: "Just wait there! We'll save you!" Ruru: "Help me!" Ibis: "We're coming now! We'll be right there!" Rabi: "Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?" Ruru: "I was so scared!" Rabi: "I'm glad you're all right!" Serval: "I'm so glad Rabirabi found Ruru-chan. And they all lived happily ever after!" Caracal: "No, we still haven't fixed the water shortage." Serval: "Oh, yeah." Lulu: "Um... Who are these girls?" Rabi: "They came here to fix the water shortage and to help me look for you." Serval: "By the way, Ruru-chan, you were trying to find what caused the shortage, right?" Ruru: "Oh, that's right! It's terrible! There's a Cerulean this big, and it's stopping the water!" Rabi: "Ruru, were you trying to take care of it by yourself?" Ruru: "Yeah..." Rabi: "Why?" Ruru: "Well... I'm always making you worry, right? So... I thought I'd take care of it myself and put your mind at ease." Rabi: "I see... So it was true." Ruru: "What was?" Rabi: "That's what Serval said." Rabi: "I hope Ruru's okay..." Serval: "Hey, Rabirabi... Maybe Ruru-chan did this because she was worried about you." Rabi: "Ruru... was worried about me?" Serval: "I was just thinking, if I were Ruru-chan, I'd feel like I made Caracal and everyone else worry a lot. And then my chest started to feel all tight, and I wanted to apologize to them." Rabi: "Apologize?" Serval: "Yeah. So, I mean... Try not to worry too much. Just trust her." Serval: "Yeah! I think you should just trust Ruru-chan!" Rabi: "I'm sorry, Ruru. I got too worried because I wanted to protect you. That made you feel bad, didn't it?" Ruru: "Yeah... Just a little. But I knew that it was because you really cared about me." Ruru: "So I was happy." Rabi: "Thanks. From now on, instead of worrying," Rabi: "I'll try to have more faith in you, Ruru." Ruru: "Thank you." Caracal: "Looks like those two will be even closer now." Ibis: "That aside... Sometimes Serval says things that can somehow move other Friends' hearts." Ibis: "Just like with me..." Caracal: "She's always been honest and straightforward, but since we met you-know-who and started this journey, she's even more like that." Caracal: "It's a little strange, huh?" Serval: "Hey, what's wrong, Guide-san?" Mirai: "There's a powerful signal coming from Oasis 1, just up ahead." Serval: "D-Do you think it's..." Mirai: "That's it for this time." Caracal: "I'm glad the two of them made up." Ibis: "Next time, we'll finally face the Cerulean that's stopping the water." Serval: "Oh! I think... I think it was gulping it all down!" Mirai: "Well, everyone..." All: "See you next time!" : "Class Mammalia, order Carnivora, family Canidae, genus Vulpes: the fennec fox." : "The smallest species of canid, it lives in dry areas like deserts. Its large ears allow body heat to escape, and they are also thought to help it find prey under the sand. It has many natural enemies in the desert, so those ears also help it detect approaching predators."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 11 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "11", "Untitled" ] }
Mirai: "Hello, everyone! I'm Mirai, the park guide." Serval: "I'm Serval!" Caracal: "We're finally about to come face-to-face with the cause of the water shortage!" Caracal: "This is Oasis 1? Wait, what's that?" Ruru: "That's the cause of the water shortage!" Serval: "Look at how much water it's gulping down!" Mirai: "Looks like there's no doubt that this Cerulean is causing the water shortage." Mirai: "Although there's no record of a Cerulean like this ever being seen before..." Caracal: "Well, anyway, this means we need to defeat that thing, right?" Serval: "All right! Let's defeat this water-guzzling Cerulean together!" Ibis: "Water-guzzling Cerulean?" Ibis: "Yeah, okay." Rabi: "Ruru, let's do this!" Ruru: "Right, Rabirabi! All of us!" Serval: "Meow, meow, meow, meow!" All: "Ouch..." Ibis: "Are you all okay? Keep your spirits up!" All: "All right!" Ibis: "Did we get it?" Mirai: "Yes! I've confirmed the demise of the Cerulean! You've all scored a great victory!" Serval: "Yay! We did it!" Caracal: "Hey, look!" Mirai: "Now the water in this area will return to normal in no time." Ruru: "We did it, Rabirabi!" Rabi: "Yeah, we did." Ibis: "Everyone here has been without water for so long. I hope they're okay." Mirai: "No need to worry about that! Most animals that live in deserts have fantastic traits that allow them to survive with very little water! For example, camels can store more water in their blood than other mammals, and the collared peccary can skillfully eat cacti and ingest the water in them! And several other animals conserve water through adaptive means of waste expulsion..." Ibis: "Guide-san." Mirai: "Yes?" Ibis: "You've been holding off on the commentary because of" Ibis: "the serious situation we were in, haven't you?" Mirai: "Yes..." Serval: "Well, we've fixed the water shortage, and we brought Ruru-chan and Rabirabi together. This time, we've really solved everything!" Caracal: "That's right! Or so I'd like to say, but we still don't know where the fake Serval is." Ruru: "Fake Serval? Are you talking about the one who tried to save me before?" Mirai: "Ruru-san, you met the fake Serval-san?" Ruru: "Yeah... Right before you all saved me, the fake Serval tried to help me." Ruru: "Then she... took off in that direction!" Mirai: "Meaning... She headed toward the Nakabe Region?" Caracal: "Well, either way, all we can do is go there." Ruru: "Hey..." Ruru: "Do you think... I could go with you? You see... It's my dream to go to all kinds of different places and just run around." Ruru: "I couldn't bring it up before because I didn't want to worry Rabirabi..." Rabi: "But it's okay now." Rabi: "I trust you, Ruru. And..." Rabi: "I like the way you smile when you're running freely around the land." Ruru: "Rabirabi..." Rabi: "So, Ruru..." Rabi: "Go." Mirai: "That's it for this time!" Caracal: "Looking back on it this way..." Serval: "Lots of bad stuff happened, but there were lots of fun times, too!" Caracal: "Come to think of it... It was right after that when you got into trouble, wasn't it, Serval?" Serval: "Huh? Was it?" Mirai: "On that note, everyone..." All: "See you next time!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 12 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "12", "Untitled" ] }
Ruru: "It's all splashy!" Mirai: "Our pursuit of the fake Serval brought us to the Waterfront Area of the Nakabe Region." Serval: "I started trying to catch fish with my tail right away, but..." Serval: "Why did I catch a Cerulean?!" Caracal: "The moment we arrive in a new area... That's our troublemaking klutz for you." Ibis: "Shouldn't we hurry and help her?" Ruru: "I'm coming to save you now!" Serval: "Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow!" Ruru: "Get away from Serval!" Serval: "Meow!" Caracal: "Serval?! Are you okay?! Serval!" Mirai: "It's said that the greater flamingo stands on one leg to prevent the water from bringing its body temperature down." Serval: "The greater flamingo here at the park likes to be punctual in all things! I love her special-made Flamingo Milk!" Ruru: "Serval, are you okay?" Serval: "Meow? Meow..." Caracal: "Come on, speak properly." Serval: "Meow... Meow?! Meow!" Ibis: "Serval? What's the matter?" Mirai: "Serval-san?" Mirai: "Could it be... that you've lost the ability to speak?" Serval: "Meow? Meow..." Three: "Huh?!" Mirai: "So after that, Serval-san could only speak in meows." Ibis: "That was actually normal before, though." Caracal: "Of course, even before she could speak, Serval was always friendly." Mirai: "Come to think of it, there was even a story on the news about it once." Mirai: "Anyway, next time, a new Friend appears in our story! Look forward to it!" Ruru: "So..." All: "See you next time!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 13 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "13", "Untitled" ] }
Mirai: "We were at a loss when Serval lost the ability to speak." Caracal: "But that was when we met two new Friends." Brhino: "I see." Brhino: "It seems Serval-dono has contracted the roaring sickness." Ruru: "The roaring sickness?" Wrhino: "It's a mysterious illness that's been going around in this area." Brhino: "The rumors say that someone resembling Serval-dono has been working with the Ceruleans to spread the illness." Ibis: "Resembling Serval..." Caracal: "It's the fake Serval." Ibis: "I wish we knew where it was headed." Wrhino: "In that case, we'll take you to see someone who saw it." Mirai: "The main difference between these two lies in their mouths. The white rhino has a wide, flat upper lip, while the black rhino's upper lip is pointy." Caracal: "They're a tough duo that can protect us from Ceruleans. We all depend on them." Mirai: "We heard some interesting stories, but we couldn't find out where the fake Serval went." Ibis: "But it seems certain that the fake Serval is working with the Ceruleans." Ruru: "The fake Serval saved me from Ceruleans, though..." Caracal: "Why don't we take a break and eat some Japari buns?" Ruru: "You two should eat with us!" Wrhino: "May we? Then—" Brhino: "Princess, please wait!" Brhino: "As your knight, I must first ensure that they are safe for you. I'll cut them up so that they won't get stuck in your throat, then feed them to you, one bite at a time..." Wrhino: "Let's eat over there." Brhino: "Carefully, bit by bit... Princess! Please, wait!" Wrhino: "I don't think Black Rhino has the right idea of what knighthood is." Caracal: "Now that you mention it, why is she a knight, and why does she call you a princess?" Wrhino: "It's just a game of pretend." Caracal: "A game of pretend, huh?" Wrhino: "Yes." Wrhino: "Are you curious as to why we would do such a thing?" Wrhino: "Black Rhino is acting as the knight who protects me, the cowardly warrior princess." Ibis: "There's one left over." e: "Japari bun... Happy." All: "The fake Serval!" Mirai: "And that's how we encountered the fake Serval, who was drawn to the Japari buns." Caracal: "Leave it to a fake Serval..." Serval: "What does that mean?" Mirai: "Now, everyone..."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 14 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "14", "Untitled" ] }
Mirai: "Last time, the fake Serval-san suddenly appeared." Mirai: "After much commotion, we managed to catch it, but..." White: "We know you're the one who's been spreading the roaring sickness." Black: "Give it up and tell us how to cure it!" e: "Roaring...?" White: "You choose to feign ignorance, then?" e: "Right. Don't know." Ibis: "Everyone, look at this." Mirai: "Crested Ibis-san, did you find something?" Ibis: "Look." Ibis: "It's what we saw when Serval contracted the roaring sickness." Mirai: "This gooey stuff?" Mirai: "I'll have the management center investigate it. A wild platypus's bill can detect the faint electric fields emitted by other creatures." Ibis: "The park's Platypus Friend is a highly competitive athlete." Ibis: "She practices her swing by hitting balls against walls every day." Mirai: "The management center finished investigating that goo, and they concluded that it was the cause of the roaring sickness." Ibis: "So we headed toward the place they said the goo was spreading from, the Forest of Silence." Mirai: "Everyone! We'll soon see this area's most famous landmark," Mirai: "the Amatatsu Falls!" Ruru: "A waterfall! A waterfall!" e: "Waterfall... Want to see..." Ruru: "Yay!" Caracal: "Hey, hey! You want to see it too, right? It's a waterfall!" e: "Waterfall..." White: "The fake Serval-sama and the rest of them..." Black: "It's almost as if they're all friends." Mirai: "They all seem to be having a good time." e: "Must go..." Mirai: "We had finally caught the fake Serval, and then..." Caracal: "You'll see what happened after that in the next episode!" Mirai: "So, everyone..." All: "See you next time!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 15 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "15", "Untitled" ] }
e: "Must go..." White: "Hold it!" Mirai: "The fake Serval headed for the Forest of Silence, the place where the Cerulean that was spreading the roaring sickness could be found. And then..." Mirai: "What in the world is that?" e: "All... is for the queen." White: "We must defeat that Cerulean quickly and go after her!" Mirai: "It's too dangerous! That Cerulean has been energized!" White: "Energized?" Mirai: "If it touches you, you could become so ravaged by the roaring sickness that you lose all reason!" Ruru: "There's nothing we can do, then!" x: "You seem to be troubled." Caracal: "Hey! It's that weird girl we met in the forest!" x: "Y-You must be thinking of someone else! I told you to just forget..." Caracal: "Are those glasses supposed to be a disguise?" x: "Whatever do you mean? I am, uh... Yes! Just a passing girl who happens to wear glasses! Pleased to meet you!" Caracal: "Same to you... though I don't think it's the first time..." x: "Anyway! If you use this medicine I made, No-Roar Q, you can fight that Cerulean. Now, hurry and—" Ruru: "The passing girl who just happens to wear glasses!" Mirai: "Everyone! If you use this, you won't be infected!" Caracal: "Okay, Serval! "Everyone! Let's beat that Cerulean and save her, quickly!" That's what you said, right?" Mirai: "It's said that wild capybaras can stay underwater for over five minutes." White: "The capybara here at the park loves hot springs." White: "She's very easygoing, and being around her is calming." Mirai: "After the Cerulean was defeated, the medicine cured the Friends afflicted by the roaring sickness so that they could speak again." Mirai: "And then..." Black: "Princess... You intend to leave with them, don't you?" White: "Yes. I can't allow that fake Serval to roam free. Black Rhino, I need you to stay and protect this area." Black: "Princess!" White: "And I..." White: "will become even stronger, Black Rhino." Black: "I know you'll be all right, Princess." Black: "I wish you the best!" Serval: "Looking at this this way, I guess not being able to speak wasn't such a hardship, after all." Mirai: "You might be right." Mirai: "Anyway, next time, we'll tell you about the snowy Hokkai Region! So..."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 16 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "16", "Untitled" ] }
Mirai: "In the Nakabe Region, Silver Fox-san was sent flying by a Cerulean, causing her to lose all her memories." Serval: "So we headed to the Hokkai Region, which has lots of unique hot springs, to find a hot spring that could cure her amnesia!" Ruru: "A hot spring!" Ibis: "What benefits does this hot spring have?" White: "The temperature is perfect." White: "But... it feels strange somehow." Caracal: "You're right. It's sort of like I'm floating..." Caracal: "What do you think, Serval?" Serval: "Huh? I haven't gotten in the water yet." e: "Laze..." Caracal: "The fake Serval?!" Mirai: "Wild polar bears can swim in icy seawater for many hours." Ruru: "The one in the park is a really chill Friend! But she also gets very passionate! That's what makes her so cute!" White: "F-Fake Serval! Your time has finally come!" Mirai: "This seems to be the Lazy Hot Spring, a hot spring that makes Friends listless and lazy." Serval: "We have to get them out!" Ibis: "Thank you for coming to hear my song today." Serval: "Sounds like Crested Ibis is having a fun dream!" Mirai: "Silver Fox-san, have your memories returned?" x: "Ugh..." x: "I don't think so. I just feel dizzy." Mirai: "We'll have to find a different hot spring." e: "Everyone... leave?" Serval: "Huh?" Serval: "Hey! Can we take her with us?" Serval: "And not all tied up like this. I want to be her friend! Okay? Please?" Mirai: "But we've already seen her energize a Cerulean. This fake Serval is too dangerous to—" Serval: "Hey, let's stop saying that!" Mirai: "Huh?" Serval: "She needs a name! A new name we can call her! There's one that I've had in mind." e: "Name?" Serval: "Your name will be..." Serval: "Ceval!" e: "Ceval?" Serval: "Yeah! You're a Cerulean Serval, so Ceval!" e: "I'm... Ceval?" Caracal: "Oh, yeah... That was when she got the name "Ceval."" Serval: "Isn't it a great name?" x: "As I recall, something awful happened after that." Mirai: "You can look forward to hearing what happened next time! So, everyone..." All: "See you next time!" Staff: "Serval log, third day after surgery." Staff: "According to our medical team, her progress has been satisfactory. But she still has no appetite," Staff: "and at times, she seems to be in terrible pain." Staff: "This is hopeless. I can't be like this. It'll be all right, Serval."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 17 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "17", "Untitled" ] }
Mirai: "Along with the fake Serval, now known as Ceval-san, we made our way toward an extremely secluded hot spring that was said to have remarkable health benefits." Caracal: "And when we thought we'd finally found it..." Serval: "Is that the secluded hot spring? Silver Fox, let's dive right in!" x: "Huh?!" Caracal: "It turned out to be just a regular spring. But Serval dragged Silver Fox and the park director right into it!" x: "That was awful." Serval: "I'm sorry, both of you! It was all my fault!" Caracal: "Honestly, you're such a clumsy troublemaker." Ceval: "Serval is... clumsy..." Ruru: "Are you okay?" x: "I'm fine. In fact, I remember everything now." White: "Your memories have returned?" x: "At the request of a fox deity who possesses a special power, I've been protecting this human." Serval: "Fox deity?" x: "Yes, a remarkable one with a very special power." x: "She's at Park Central now..." Serval: "Park Central?! Isn't that the most amazing place? It's a big amusement park with an animal castle, and lots of shops, too! It's so glittery and exciting!" x: "Unfortunately, all of Park Central's shine was taken away by Ceruleans." Ibis: "Its shine was taken away?" Ibis: "What do you mean?" Mirai: "I'll explain that. It's said that Ceruleans take the shine away from everything." Mirai: "That "shine" is something difficult for modern science to define. But it could mean a kind of allure, ability, or just the atmosphere..." Mirai: "It's just... something that shines." x: "Now that it's lost its shine, Park Central has fallen to ruin." x: "It's not an exciting place at all anymore." Serval: "Oh, no..." Mirai: "Wild foxes communicate using a variety of behaviors and vocalizations." Ibis: "The park's silver fox has created many inventions that help us out." Ibis: "It seems she's quite fond of some fox deity." x: "The fox deity can't leave Park Central because she has an important duty to fulfill." x: "That's why I was asked to protect this human in secret." Ibis: "Does that mean this human is special?" Ibis: "Because of that protective charm?" x: "It's possible, but I'm not sure." x: "The fox deity didn't tell me everything." Ceval: "Fox deity..." Ceval: "That name... gives me a chill..." Ceval: "Must go..." Serval: "Wait! You can't go, Ceval!" Ceval: "Serval... Don't worry. Serval is... frie—" Ceval: "Clumsy troublemaker." Ceval: "I remember." Serval: "Why'd you go with that?! You got as far as "frie"!" Serval: "Ceval!" White: "After that, we followed Ceval to the Hotoku Region." Ruru: "Yeah, yeah! That's where..." Ruru: "I ended up with really sore muscles." Mirai: "You'll find out why that happened in the next episode. So, everyone..."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 18 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "18", "Untitled" ] }
Ibis: "This is the story of when we went to the Hotoku Region." White: "The Sky Race, where participants fly around in the sky, was going on." Caracal: "And we took part in it, too! The Professor and Assistant used Sandstar to do something to some playthings from the park to make pedal-powered planes." Serval: "And Silver Fox modified a Japari bus so it could fly using pedal power!" Ruru: "Hey... Doesn't that mean the Professor and Assistant and Silver Fox are really incredible?" Rock: "Oh? The Sky Race has now begun. I'm your commentator, Rock Dove. The racers compete in teams of three. Flying in first is Star Impulse. The fastest bird, Peregrine Falcon, the strategist, Northern Goshawk, and the charismatic Bald Eagle make the perfect team. They're off to a great start. Behind them are the Sky Divers, the Professor and Assistant Team, and Minimum Tours, followed by the teams on pedal-powered planes, the Arai-san Team and the Caracal Team, all putting up a good fight. Behind them is the Japari Bus Team, which got off to a late start, but are making a strong comeback." All: "Heave-ho... Heave-ho... Heave-ho..." Serval: "Whoa! Wait! Is that... Northern Goshawk?!" x: "What's she doing there?" White: "Something doesn't seem right." Serval: "Northern Goshawk! What happened?" Goshawk: "I was attacked by a Cerulean." Serval: "What?!" Goshawk: "The Cerulean that attacked me was shaped like a big bird, and it had a Cerulean that looked like you on its back. They're gone now." x: "That's Ceval." White: "Northern Goshawk-sama, are you hurt? Are the other members of Sky Impulse safe?" Goshawk: "We're all fine. No one got hurt. But... I sent the other two ahead without me." Serval: "Huh? Why? You're not hurt, right?" Goshawk: "I just... got tired of it." Serval: "Huh?" Goshawk: "Frankly, I just got sick and tired of it! I didn't want to do it anymore!" White: "Northern Goshawk-sama... has turned into a broken Friend." x: "It's like something took her shine away." Serval: "W-Well, we can't leave her like this! Let's take her with us!" Mirai: "The Northern Goshawk's Japanese name, "ootaka," is derived from "aotaka," from the blue color in its feathers." Caracal: "She's her team's strategist, able to pull them through any trouble in a calm and collected manner. She and her teammates, Bald Eagle and Peregrine Falcon, have a strong bond." Caracal: "Or so we thought..." Rock: "Oh? This is your commentator, Rock Dove. So... the Japari Bus Team is quickly moving up from last place." Rock: "Oh? The Arai-san Team is coming up behind them." Rock: "Oh? And Arai-san is doing the pedaling by herself! That's amazing!" Arai: "Arai-san has no limits!" Ruru: "Arai-san is so amazing!" Caracal: "As I recall, she asked Cheetah for help, but Cheetah tired out quickly." Ibis: "And Fennec was just slacking off." Mirai: "You'll find out how the race ended in the next episode! On that note, everyone..." All: "See you next time!" Prof: "This concludes my report." Prof: "So Ceruleans steal their target's shine and copy their form..." Prof: "I wonder what that means..." Prof: "Preservation, reenactment... If it's done to perfection... No, best not to think about that."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 19 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "19", "Untitled" ] }
Lucky: "Registration number 2021LB-1, starting up." Mirai: "I'm Mirai." Serval: "I'm Serval!" Mirai: "Today's story begins with the day we and the park director set off to begin our adventures in Japari Park." Mirai: "We started our travels here in the Kyoshu Region, which is the Savanna Area." Mirai: "Now, off we go!" Serval: "Wait! It's dangerous for you to go alone! I'll come along and help you out. I'm really strong, so I'll be a big help!" Mirai: "Really?" Mirai: "Ah, to think I get to act as a guide with such a cute serval by my side..." Mirai: "It just makes me... drool!" Mirai: "Oh! Whoops! I'd like to travel all around Japari Park, meet lots of animal girls, get to know them all, and make lots of new Friends..." Mirai: "But it's a bit dangerous here in the park right now." Serval: "Guide-san, isn't that..." Mirai: "Yes, it's a Cerulean. Let's go around it. Even if you defeated the Cerulean that attacked you before, there's no need for us to put ourselves in direct danger." Serval: "Guide-san, what are they, anyway? The Ceruleans weren't in the park before we all got these new forms, were they?" Mirai: "Since the day one first appeared, they've shown up throughout the park, attacking everyone they see." Mirai: "There are many things we don't know about them." Mirai: "Look there! It's Barbary Lion-san! Japari Park isn't just about keeping unusual animals. We also researched extinct species like Barbary Lion-san. And those species have miraculously come back to life as animal girls!" Serval: "Hey, Guide-san! Want to go with me to see Caracal?" Mirai: "Caracal-san, you say?!" Serval: "You startled me!" Mirai: "Forgive me. I just got so excited to meet Caracal-san... You see, this is actually my first time serving as a park guide, so I would love to meet Caracal-san..." Serval: "You sure seem happy." Serval: "Okay, then, off to see Caracal! Let's go... Huh?" Mirai: "What is it, Serval-san?" Serval: "Uh, sorry... I just picked up a really nostalgic scent from that protective charm... Maybe the person who gave us this charm was someone I've met here in the park before." Mirai: "Serval-san, are you and this Caracal-san we're going to meet good friends?" Serval: "Yeah! We're really close! She's a very dear friend! We always eat Japabu— Japari buns together!" Caracal: "Ah, I slept so well." Caracal: "Nothing beats an afternoon nap." Caracal: "Huh? Serval? Wait, something's weird about you... But then again, you're always weird." Cerval: "Is that... a Japari bun? I know... what those are." Caracal: "Huh? Is that... A Japari bun?" Caracal: "Hey... W-Wait! What are you doing?!" Mirai: "And that's it for today!" Serval: "What?!" Mirai: "I'm sorry. We're out of time." Serval: "I'm dying to know what happens next!" Mirai: "But you already know what happened after that." Serval: "Oh, yeah." Mirai: "On that note, we'll continue next time!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 2 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "2", "Untitled" ] }
Both: "Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Heave-ho!" ennec: "I see..." Both: "Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Heave-ho!" ennec: "So a Cerulean took Northern Goshawk's shine away, huh?" Serval: "Hey, how do you think we can get her shine back? Maybe by swallowing up the Cerulean?" ennec: "I'm not really sure..." ennec: "Come to think of it, they stole your shine, too, didn't they?" Serval: "Huh? Me?" ennec: "That... Ceval, was it? That Cerulean took your shine away. That's why it took that form." ennec: "What kind of shine did it take?" ennec: "Oh, looks like Arai-san's hit her limit." ennec: "Well, good luck in the race. See ya." Serval: "My shine was taken away?" Mirai: "Wild bald eagles have sharp eyesight. It's said that they can see objects over five kilometers away." Caracal: "The bald eagle in the park is on the side of justice!" Caracal: "Her favorite saying is..." Bald: "Let's justice!" Mirai: "And so the race went on. But the leading teams, including Sky Impulse, ended up surrounded by an army of Ceruleans!" Ibis: "We needed one of Northern Goshawk's strategies to save everyone." Ruru: "But Northern Goshawk's confidence, her shine, had been taken by the Ceruleans." White: "Losing your confidence has left you in fear of making a mistake." White: "That's why you pretended to stop caring and left your team." Goshawk: "That's right." x: "But your strategies are the only thing that can save them now." Goshawk: "I'm afraid! If my strategy fails, they'll all..." Serval: "It'll be fine!" Goshawk: "What do you mean?" Serval: "I'm not afraid!" Three: "Huh?" Goshawk: "Um, what are you talking about? What does my being afraid have to do with you not being afraid?" Serval: "We'll worry about whether you mess up when the time comes! But we're all here, so it'll work out in the end! If we fail, you'll just come up with our next strategy, right? So it'll be fine! Even if you're afraid, I'm not afraid at all. I'm sure the others feel the same." Goshawk: "Even if I'm afraid... the others aren't?" Goshawk: "Yeah... You may be right." Goshawk: "I'll go tell them my strategy." Mirai: "And so, thanks to Northern Goshawk-san's strategy, Sky Impulse safely made it out of harm's way." Caracal: "And as for how the race ended..." Rock: "In first place is Sky Impulse!" Rock: "They overcame all sorts of difficulties to claim victory!" Bald: "We successfully overcame a major obstacle. That means we'll be even stronger and faster! Right, Northern Goshawk?" Goshawk: "Yeah. I feel the same way." Serval: "I'm so happy for Northern Goshawk! She seems to feel a lot better now." Serval: "But... the shine that I lost?" Mirai: "Oh? What's the matter?" Mirai: "What? You remember something that happened long ago?" Mirai: "Oh, you once saved a young fox and took care of it in secret?" Caracal: "Huh? Serval? Why are you crying?" Serval: "Huh? Wh-What? I'm not sure..." Serval: "I just suddenly felt really nostalgic... and happy..."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 20 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "20", "Untitled" ] }
Mirai: "There are many rumors swirling about the ocean of the Gokoku Region. They say that a pirate treasure is hidden on an island somewhere, that ghost ships can be seen, and that the mysterious giant beast Gossy lives here. And in the Gokoku Region, preparations were being made for the Art Festival, where Friends from all regions come to show off their art." Serval: "Our friend Margay loves that kind of thing, so she planned to make her own movie to show at the festival... but..." Margay: "A Cerulean stole my movie script!" Margay: "We haven't even started filming yet! And there's no time left!" White: "You haven't memorized the script?" Margay: "Well... I can't remember what was in it. Also, I could normally come up with a new idea right away, but nothing's coming to me at all now." Ruru: "Wh-What could have happened?" Ibis: "I think her shine's been taken away." Margay: "What am I supposed to do?!" Serval: "Hey, let's find the Cerulean that stole her script and get it back for her! Okay?" Ibis: "What was the Cerulean that took your script like?" Margay: "Um, well... it looked sort of like this." Ruru: "It's all black! I've never seen a Cerulean like that before." Caracal: "We should be able to find that easily." Serval: "Okay! Let's start looking right now!" Mirai: "It's said that wild margays can mimic the voices of other animals." Serval: "But she says she'd rather watch others acting than act herself." Mirai: "Look! It's Japanese River Otter-san!" Caracal: "Oh, is she going to be in the Art Festival?" Caracal: "Whoa! Guide-san, what's with you?!" Mirai: "Oh... I lost myself... They can't be found outside the park anymore, you know... The fact that we can meet animal girls who have gone extinct is said to be a miracle made possible by the Sandstar. I think it's proof that Professor Kako's wish came true." Serval: "Professor Kako?" Mirai: "She's a professor who studies extinct animals. A long time ago, she taught me a lot about animals. She's someone I respect a lot." Ruru: "Everyone! Big news!" Ibis: "We found the black Cerulean." Serval: "All right!" White: "We'll get that script back at once!" Caracal: "Wait, you two!" White: "It was a trap?!" Serval: "No way! They usually just charge straight at us!" White: "We're in trouble, aren't we?" Caracal: "See? That's what happens when you just rush in. You'd better learn from this!" Serval: "We will." White: "We shall." Mirai: "So, what happened to the two of them? You'll find out next time!" Mirai: "So, everyone..." All: "See you next time!" Kako: "At the moment, there is no denying that Ceruleans may pose a great threat to both humans and animals. Though we currently have them contained within a limited range, that could easily be undone. It could even happen tomorrow... so..." Kako: "No, that's too gloomy. I'm starting over."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 21 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "21", "Untitled" ] }
White: "They've surrounded us." Ruru: "Serval and White Rhino are in trouble!" Ibis: "I'll sing to draw the Ceruleans this way." Caracal: "Huh? Er... Please do!" Ibis: "I—" Caracal: "Margay, I got your script back." Caracal: "But..." Margay: "It's no use." Margay: "I can't even work up the drive to write again. It's all over." Margay: "Thank you, everyone." Margay: "I'm going home." Serval: "It's too soon to give up!" Margay: "Serval?" Serval: "Some parts of the script are still readable! If you put those parts together, maybe you can figure out what it was about!" Margay: "It's hopeless." Margay: "I don't have the time or the will to do all that." Serval: "Then... the people acting it out can just wing it right there on the spot!" Margay: "There's no way that'll work. It would never come across as a proper story. Besides, who could I ask to put on that kind of act?" Serval: "Well..." Serval: "We'll do it! Just leave it all to us!" Mirai: "Mated raccoon dogs in the wild are very strongly bonded. They work together to raise their young." Caracal: "The park's raccoon dog is really pure-hearted, too." Caracal: "Once she decides she likes someone, she becomes totally committed to them." ennec: "So you all decided to make the movie together. I see." Serval: "Yeah! It's a story about pirates searching for treasure on a ghost ship. We're super busy preparing for— Wait! You're Fennec!" ennec: "Heya." Serval: "But where's Arai-san?" ennec: "Arai-san is..." Arai: "My muscles are so sore! I'm in hell!" ennec: "She overdid it during the Sky Race." Serval: "I think you were the one who made her work so hard, though..." ennec: "Anyway, there's something that's been bothering me." Serval: "Bothering you?" ennec: "Serval, weren't you admitted to the animal hospital once?" Serval: "Yeah, I was. It was a while ago. Before I took this form, I broke my front leg." ennec: "Ah, I knew it. I was hospitalized, too, and I saw you there. It was when the big break-out happened, even." Serval: "The big break-out?" ennec: "Huh? Yeah, when the Cerulean attacked, and everyone had to run away. But we all had injuries that hadn't healed yet, so it was really rough." ennec: "And then there was an unbelievable miracle." Serval: "Did that really happen? Wait... when was I released from the hospital, anyway?" Ruru: "Serval! Everything's ready!" Serval: "I gotta go! Oh! Fennec, do you want to be in the movie, too?" ennec: "Nah, I'll pass. It would just make Arai-san jealous." Serval: "Okay! See you later, then!" x: "Now, for the next scene... let's see... The protagonist, Captain Serval, and her pirate crew have just settled the score with their rivals, Caracal's crew—" White: "Everyone, something's happening! Look!" Margay: "It's moving even though there's no wind... Could that be the ghost ship from the rumors?" Ibis: "I was told not to sing while the filming is in progress." Ibis: ""It's not a horror film," she said." Caracal: "Ah... I guess you still haven't gotten over the shock..." Ibis: "No, that just means when it is a horror film, I can sing all I want." Ruru: "You're very optimistic, aren't you, Crested Ibis?" Mirai: "So, what is the true nature of that ghost ship?" Mirai: "You'll find out next time." Mirai: "So, everyone..."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 22 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "22", "Untitled" ] }
Margay: "That's the ghost ship from the rumors? It really exists?" Serval: "It's real?! This is a great opportunity! Let's film on it!" Margay: "Wh-What?! Are you insane?!" Serval: "Come, Serval's crew! Board the ghost ship!" Serval: "It's full of black Ceruleans!" Ibis: "Everyone, look over there." Serval: "Ceval!" Ceval: "Serval... There you are." Serval: "It's been so long since we saw you! But what are you doing here?" Ceval: "Pretending... to be a pirate." Caracal: "Huh? Why would you be doing that?" Ceval: "The... script?" White: "What does that mean?" x: "I assume she's been acting out what was in Margay's script." Margay: "H-Hey! Who is that?" x: "A Cerulean." Margay: "A-Are we safe, then?!" x: "Frankly, I'm not sure. But at the moment, we appear to be in no danger." Serval: "Hey, since she's here, let's put Ceval in the movie, too!" Margay: "But isn't she a Cerulean?! Now, listen! This is crazy enough as it is! If we do anything to make it any crazier... If it gets any crazier..." Caracal: "M-Margay... Are you okay?" Margay: "Jeez... Just when I thought Ceruleans had ruined my script, I see them playing pirates with it. Now there's a Cerulean that looks like a Friend. And she wants it in the movie? This reality is even weirder and messier than any fictional film!" Ruru: "What... was that sound?" Serval: "M-M-Margay?!" Margay: "Sure! I don't know you, "Ceval," but come be in my movie! Bring your Ceruleans, too!" x: "Wait! Have you gone insane? To ask black Ceruleans to be in the movie—" Margay: "You can't film a movie if you're not insane!" White: "M-Movies must be quite challenging." Margay: "A certain someone made it clear to me with their crazy idea." Margay: "Now I know why I wanted to film this movie." Margay: "Yes... Nothing and no one can stand in my way! I'll use everything at my disposal to make my imagination burst into life!" Mirai: "Wild dolphins can rest half of their brains at one time, which allows them to keep swimming while asleep." Ibis: "The three dolphins at the park are very close friends." Ibis: "We often see them jumping around together in the ocean." Margay: "Captain Serval found a ghost ship while searching for treasure! But when she boarded the ghost ship, she found her old friend, Ceval! Ceval was being controlled by the ghost ship to protect the treasure! Let's go with that! Action!" Serval: "Ceval, it's me, Serval!" Ceval: "Wrong." Ceval: "You are... enemy." Ceval: "Go." Serval: "H-Huh? Wait a minute! Um... no, wait... C-Ceval! Go easy on me!" Ceval: "Don't worry." Ceval: "Captain Serval... is very... strong." Ceval: "Invincible." Serval: "That's just the Captain Serval in the story!" Caracal: "Was this supposed to be a story about Captain Serval losing?" Serval: "N-No, it wasn't! I... I think..." Mirai: "You'll find out what happened to Captain Serval next time. So, everyone..." All: "See you next time!" Kako: "Ceruleans copy a target based on the shine they take from it. At times, they even mimic the target's behavior. This can make them appear to have their own will and intelligence," Kako: "but it's similar to seeing unique shapes in clouds or typhoon trajectories. They only exist in the observer's imagination."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 23 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "23", "Untitled" ] }
Serval: "Come on, Ceval... We're friends!" Ceval: "Wrong. We are enemies." Margay: "Now, Serval, you shake off the Ceruleans and attack Ceval! Ceval, you're slowly being cornered!" Serval: "Ceval... here I come! Yah!" Margay: "Now! Unleash your best attack!" Serval: "Ceval, please, return to your senses!" Ceval: "Serval..." Serval: "Ceval? Are you back to normal? My voice got through to you?" Ceval: "Yes. I always hear your voice." Ceval: "Serval... is Ceval's... friend." Margay: "Yes! That ad lib is fantastic! Keep it going!" Serval: "Ceval..." Serval: "That's the first time you've actually said "friend"..." Serval: "That's right! I'm your friend, Ceval!" Margay: "Cut! Okay! That was great!" Ruru: "Margay, you're having fun, huh?" Margay: "Yeah! Thanks to all of you! Thank you for all your help! You too, Ceval!" Serval: "Ceval, what's wrong?" Ceval: "No... No... Will not... attack... Serval... and friends..." Ceval: "I do not want... to do... what the Queen says!" White: "Wh-What's going on?" Mirai: "It's below the boat!" Mirai: "This signal is..." Ruru: "I-It's Gossy! Gossy really exists!" Mirai: "No, that's not what it is! It's a giant Cerulean! This giant Cerulean is most likely what's been moving the ghost ship!" Serval: "I-It ate Ceval?! Ceval!" Caracal: "Calm down! It's all right! Everyone, let's help her!" Mirai: "Wild narwhals are excellent divers. They can dive a thousand meters in just ten minutes." Ruru: "The park's narwhal is very proud of her spear. She protects the peace in the oceans with her friends, the dolphins." Serval: "Give Ceval back!" Serval: "Ceval!" Ibis: "She was waving." x: "I get the feeling she's just fine. That direction is... the Riukiu Region." Margay: "Thanks for everything. It's too late to enter it in the Art Festival, but I'll still finish the movie." Serval: "Margay..." Margay: "The title is "Pirate Friends: Go Go Serval." Look forward to it!" Margay: "Well... I'll be all right now. You should hurry and go after Ceval." Margay: "She's a precious friend to you too, right?" Serval: "Yeah, that's right! She's our friend! Okay, everyone! Let's head for the Riukiu Region!" Mirai: "So we headed toward the Riukiu Region in pursuit of Ceval-san." Serval: "But that'll be..." Mirai: "Yes, that'll be in the next episode!" Mirai: "So, everyone..." All: "See you next time!" Kako: "Serval record. Progress is steady. She has had an appetite recently. She seems to perk up when she sees the children who visit on special tours." Kako: "Maybe she's picking up on the pure feelings of the children." Kako: "Though some children were too shy and just gave me a gift to pass along to her."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 24 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "24", "Untitled" ] }
Arai: "It just suddenly stopped. It won't move. It won't move!" Lb: "LB Type-1, rebooting." Arai: "There we go! And, and, and... How about now?! Huh?" Both: "We're... the Shisa of hospitality!" Both: "Welcome to the Riukiu Region!" Ruru: "The welcome wagon's here already?" Ibis: "And... who are they, anyway?" x: "They're two of the guardian beasts that protect the Riukiu Region." Right: "That's right! Anyway, we heard all about you from Oinari-sama, and we know just about everything!" Lefty: "For example... We know you're after Ceval, and we even know where Ceval landed." Right: "We know what the Cerulean Queen is trying to use Ceval for, too!" White: "The Cerulean Queen?" Lefty: "That's right. The Queen is in Park Central, and from there, she controls Ceval and the Ceruleans in every region." Serval: "Now that you mention it, Ceval said something like..." Ceval: "No... No... Will not... attack... Serval... and friends..." Ceval: "I do not want... to do... what the Queen says!" Serval: "We have to get to Ceval right away!" Caracal: "Hey, why don't we hear what they have to say on the way to the island?" Mirai: "Wild blue whales are the largest animals in the world. There are records of some that were as long as 34 meters." White: "The blue whale at the park has a powerful maternal instinct. The dolphins even call her "Mom."" ennec: "They crossed the ocean on the Japari bus. It looks like they're trying to get to Ceval." Arai: "Then we just need to sneak onto the Japari bus!" Right: "It's dangerous to just sail straight to the island. There are black Ceruleans swarming all around the place!" Mirai: "I see. In that case... We'll use the Japari bus's submarine mode." ennec: "Oh, dear..." Mirai: "And so we headed for the island that we were told Ceval was on. But what happened to Arai-san and Fennec, who were in deep trouble unbeknownst to us? You'll find out in the next episode." Serval: "Ceval, what'cha doing? Hey! That's my diary!" Ceval: "Diary?" Serval: "Everyone in the park keeps a diary."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 25 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "25", "Untitled" ] }
Mirai: "After we noticed Arai-san and Fennec-san sinking into the sea, we rushed to pull them out before they drowned." Lefty: "They even tried to follow us into the middle of the ocean? Talk about spunk!" Right: "You really do have good relationships with all the Friends, huh?" Lefty: "And you seem to be enjoying the park a lot, too!" Right: "But I think..." Right: "you should leave Japari Park now." Serval: "Why? Why? Why do we have to say goodbye?" Caracal: "You need to explain that comment." Lefty: "The park is about to become a very dangerous place." Lefty: "Even the power of that protective charm won't help you when that happens." Right: "The Cerulean Queen is really strong. Even we guardian beasts are no match for her. The only way to defeat her is to activate KemoHarmony." Ruru: "KemoHarmony?" Right: "It's a miracle that occurs when something resonates in the hearts of us Kemono." Serval: "Something in our hearts?" Serval: "I'm not sure I understand." ennec: "Oh!" ennec: "I know what that is. When the Ceruleans attacked the animal hospital, Serval made a miracle occur and healed all of our wounds." ennec: "That's why we were all able to escape." ennec: "I bet that was KemoHarmony." Lefty: "Yes. At that time, so she could save everyone in the hospital, Oinari-sama gave a special shine to Serval, because her feelings were the strongest." Right: "And Serval used that special shine to make everyone's hearts resonate. That created the miracle of KemoHarmony." Serval: "But... I don't remember any of that." ennec: "What I think is... Your memories must have been taken, along with your special shine... by Ceval." Serval: "My special shine... was taken by Ceval?" Mirai: "Wild Okinawa rails are endemic to the Yanbaru region of Okinawa. They spend most of their lives on the ground and rarely fly, but they go up into the treetops to sleep." Serval: "The Okinawa rail at the park is very laid-back, but when there's danger, she lets us all know with a very loud cry!" Lefty: "The Queen is working on using all the Ceruleans that Ceval has awakened with Ceval's special shine to create not KemoHarmony, but CeruHarmony." White: "CeruHarmony... And what happens when she uses that?" Right: "All Ceruleans will simultaneously evolve, and all the shine everywhere will disappear." Right: "No one will escape unharmed." Ibis: "Freaky."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 26 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "26", "Untitled" ] }
x: "We can't get her special shine back from Ceval?" Lefty: "Well..." Right: "Oh, it's certainly possible. But because of that special shine, Ceval now has an ego, something Ceruleans normally don't have." Serval: "So what will happen if we take it back from her?" Right: "Ceval will probably be... destroyed." Serval: "Then we'll try to find another way!" ennec: "But—" Serval: "We'll try to find another way!" ennec: "I'm telling you, you'd be better off taking your special shine back. I guarantee it. I guarantee it... I guarantee it... I guarantee it..." Serval: "She keeps muttering it right into my ear!" Ibis: "You really love the park and everyone in it, don't you, Fennec?" ennec: "If all of the shine is lost, we'll lose everything. I love doing silly things with Arai-san and everyone else and having fun here in the park." ennec: "I don't want to lose that, no matter what." Serval: "I don't want to lose it, either! But Ceval would be..." Arai: "If you don't want to lose either one, then that's all you need to do!" Ruru: "Arai-san, do you have a good idea in mind?" Arai: "If I just send Ceval and the Cerulean Queen flying with my Arai-san Punch, it'll solve everything!" Ruru: "Is it really necessary to send Ceval flying, too?" Mirai: "Wild Iriomote cats are known locally by many nicknames, such as "yamapikaryaa" and "meepisukaryaa." They're very good at swimming, too." Caracal: "The Iriomote cat at the park helps out at the café. She gets super nervous when she" White: "Did Ceval-sama do this?" x: "Looks like she's not in this area anymore." Right: "She's already awakened the target Ceruleans and headed for Park Central." Lefty: "Are you going to follow her?" Serval: "Yeah." Right: "Then we'll give you this." Serval: "What is it?" Lefty: "It contains salt that's been imbued with our Shisa power." Right: "If you use this salt, you can get your special shine back from Ceval." Serval: "But if I do that, she'll..." Right: "If CeruHarmony is activated, you'll suffer, too!" Lefty: "That's why it's best if you leave the park."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 27 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "27", "Untitled" ] }
Caracal: "We'll reach Park Central soon." x: "There's something we need to do before we get there." White: "You're right." x: "We're heading to Park Central, but what about you?" White: "As the Shisa Friends said, there's no need for you to get involved in the danger ahead." Ruru: "That's true..." Ruru: "You should leave now." Caracal: "We'll be just fine. Right, Serval?" Serval: "Of course!" Serval: "But... m-meow..." Mirai: "The situation in the park is far too dangerous right now. And if your protective charm won't work anymore..." Mirai: "You should leave the park now. Wha... W-Wait..." Ibis: "You want... to go with us?" Mirai: "But as park staff, I can't let you accompany us into danger..." Serval: "It'll be okay! We're all together!" Caracal: "Serval..." Serval: "You know, a lot has happened to us, but we've been fine because we were together!" Serval: "Not just because of the protective charm's power. Because we were together, no matter what happened, it was... sort of fun, and... well, things always worked out! That's why I think the best thing to do isn't saying goodbye." Mirai: "Wild Okinawa habu have a pit organ that can detect infrared light, so even in darkness, they can locate things by the heat they radiate." Ibis: "The Okinawa habu at the park loves biting others." Ibis: "If you get close to her, she'll chomp on you." Ibis: "But don't worry. She doesn't inject any venom." Caracal: "Things worked out because we were together..." Caracal: "Yeah, that might be true." Ibis: "I know I was saved that way, at least." Ruru: "So was I! And everyone else, too!" White: "Now that you mention it, it seems like the bad times that worked out in our favor were the times when we were together." x: "All right. We'll go to Park Central together." Caracal: "I'm surprised. I thought you would be more opposed." x: "It might not make any difference if the director leaves the park." x: "The situation has already surpassed Oinari-sama's expectations." x: "So I'm sure... the best thing to do isn't saying goodbye." Mirai: "Well, if you're certain... And if that's how the rest of you feel," Mirai: "then maybe it's best if we all stay together." Serval: "That settles it, then! Off to Park Central we go!" Mirai: "Thus, we all decided to head to Park Central together." Mirai: "Something unbelievable was happening there..."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 28 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "28", "Untitled" ] }
Mirai: "I grew to like animals so much after I met Kako-san." Mirai: "Kako-san told me about all kinds of animals. Kako-san lost her parents in an accident when she was young, so she endured many struggles." Mirai: "But now she's fulfilled her dream of researching extinct animals at the park." Mirai: "I see her as a role model I respect and admire, as well as a dear friend." Ruru: "Park Central..." Ruru: "It's the first time I've ever come here, but..." White: "I'm not sure what to say..." Caracal: "It's quite a lonely-looking place." x: "The Ceruleans have taken all the shine out of it." Serval: "It used to be a really fun place, you know. Seeing all the shine taken from a place I used to love so much just makes me really sad..." Mirai: "Wild mammoths' tusks could grow more than five meters long." Ruru: "The mammoth at the park is a calm, easygoing girl who likes to take it slow. And her scarf is so nice and warm!" Ruru: "Hey, where's Guide-san?" x: "She's contacting the administration center to report the current status of Park Central." Serval: "Guide-san, what's the matter? Did the people at the administration center say anything?" Mirai: "They told me about Kako-san." White: "Kako-sama?" Mirai: "When the Ceruleans attacked Park Central, Kako-san was found unconscious. They took her to a hospital outside the park, but she still hasn't regained consciousness." x: "So the Ceruleans attacked her." Mirai: "I... had no idea this had happened..." Mirai: "If she never wakes up..." Mirai: "What am I going to do?" Serval: "I don't know what I can say at a time like this..." Ruru: "Crested Ibis, do you have an idea?" Ibis: "No, not that." Ibis: "Over there." All: "Ceval!" White: "Ceval-san!" Ceval: "Must go..." Ceval: "Don't want to go..." Ceval: "Must go." Mirai: "The building Ceval-san went into was an indoor theme park built on the grounds," Mirai: "Kemono Castle." Mirai: "We rushed in after her, but..."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 29 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "29", "Untitled" ] }
Lucky: "Registration number 2021LB-1, starting up." Mirai: "I'm Mirai." Serval: "I'm Serval!" Mirai: "Today, you'll hear all about how I met Caracal-san." Serval: "Caracal is usually right around here... Oh, there she is! Hey, Caracal!" Caracal: "Serval!" Caracal: "You had the nerve to show up here again? Don't you have something you need to say to me?" Mirai: "Sh-She seems to be angry about something..." Mirai: "Serval-san, do you remember doing anything to anger Caracal-san?" Serval: "Huh? I... I don't know! What did she find out?" Mirai: "I guess you've done lots of things..." Caracal: "You're so shameless. After doing a thing like that..." Serval: "Which thing do you mean?" Caracal: "You just attacked me moments ago, Serval!" Both: "Huh? What?!" Caracal: "I was just enjoying a blissful time of relaxation up in this tree." Mirai: "That's right! Because Serval-san and Caracal-san are nocturnal, they often spend the daytime hours napping in places like treetops." Caracal: "This lady's kinda hard to comprehend..." Serval: "Well, she's the park guide. Don't mind her. What were you saying?" Caracal: "Well, um... I was saying you attacked me, Serval!" Caracal: "On top of that, you stole the Japari bun I'd been looking forward to eating!" Serval: "Wh-What?! I didn't do anything like that!" Mirai: "Maybe it was a fake Serval-san that attacked you, Caracal-san?" Serval: "Fake Serval? You mean the Cerulean that looked just like me, the one we met after that other Cerulean attacked me?" Mirai: "I believe so." Mirai: "I'll analyze the tracks in this vicinity. Wait here for a bit." Mirai: "Ah! These footprints..." Mirai: "They're similar to yours, Serval-san." Mirai: "They're heading that way." Serval: "This direction leads to the Forest Area, which is the An'in Region." Serval: "The footprints are coming from this way." Serval: "There she is!" Caracal: "There really is a Cerulean that looks just like you!" Mirai: "Look!" Mirai: "There's red bean paste around the fake Serval's mouth!" Serval: "Was it delicious? Did you enjoy the Japari bun that you framed me to eat?! At least tell me what you thought of it! I won't be satisfied until I know!" Cerval: "Japari bun... was... delicious?" Serval: "Huh? Listen, I'm the one asking you!" Cerval: "I'm... the one... asking you..." Cerval: "I must go... Eliminate... all obstacles." Caracal: "Is it gonna attack us with those guys?" Serval: "Hey, you fake! I don't know why you're doing this, but I won't let you hurt my dear friend!" Cerval: "Queen..." Serval: "Queen, huh? Um..." Serval: "What is your name, anyway? It's awkward having nothing to call you!" Cerval: "Name?" Serval: "You don't have one?" Serval: "She left..." Mirai: "I'm sorry. I couldn't get a complete analysis." Caracal: "Serval, I'm sorry. I don't know how to apologize for not believing you." Serval: "It's okay. I'm just glad you understand. As long as you'll still be my friend, that's enough for me!" Caracal: "Okay... But that fake Serval might do other bad things that you'll get blamed for." Serval: "I sure hope not. I don't think she's a bad girl, but..." Caracal: "The fake Serval headed toward the Forest Area, the An'in Region." Mirai: "I was just thinking of showing everyone the An'in Region next." Serval: "Oh, then I'll go with you!" Caracal: "Hey, mind if I tag along, too?" Mirai: "Of course! You're more than welcome! And that's how a new Friend joined us early in our travels." Serval: "I'm so glad Caracal didn't end up hating me!" Mirai: "So we met some different types of animals in the Forest Area, but we'll get to those next time." Serval: "See you then!" : "Class Mammalia, order Carnivora, family Felidae, genus Caracal: the caracal. It has large, triangular, black ears, but what stands out even more is the black tufts at their tips."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 3 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "3", "Untitled" ] }
Mirai: "In our pursuit of Ceval-san, we all tried to enter Kemono Castle together..." All: "Charge!" Ruru: "What is this?! What is this?! It's... It's... kind of... fun!" Ibis: "This light is forming a wall." Konoha: "They seem to be troubled." Mimi: "Yes, they are troubled." Ibis: "Those voices..." Mimi: "Yes, it's Mimi-chan, the genius assistant..." Konoha: "...and Konoha-chan, the genius profesher." All: "She goofed..." Serval: "Meow, meow, meow! Wait! Wait!" Mirai: "The name "saber-toothed cat" refers to a group of felines with long, saber-shaped canines. They flourished over 10,000 years ago, and there were many different species." White: "The saber-toothed cat at the park is a very mild-mannered girl who prefers to avoid fighting." White: "Her hobby is cooking with a saber." Konoha: "It's a good thing we rushed here when we heard the park was in danger." Mimi: "This is a barrier created by Ceruleans. I saw it when playing with the Ceruleans before." Caracal: "Wait... did she just say "playing with" them?" Konoha: "This barrier is being kept up by many Ceruleans," Konoha: "though this one seems far more powerful." Mirai: "There do seem to be several signals all over Park Central from Ceruleans like that." x: "We don't have time. Let's split up and find the Ceruleans that are keeping up this barrier." x: "You, Serval, and Guide-san should stay here. We'll rush inside as soon as the barrier is gone." Serval: "No! You'll all be in danger!" Caracal: "It's our only choice, though." Caracal: "Serval, I think it's best if we let you deal with Ceval." Serval: "Caracal... But I..." Caracal: "Don't worry. As long as you're with our friend here, you'll find the best way to handle it..." Caracal: "I think." Serval: "You think?!" Ibis: "Let's hurry." All: "Right!" Ruru: "Gotta hurry! Gotta hurry!" Rabi: "Rushing into danger by yourself again?" Ruru: "Rabirabi!" Rabi: "Let's go together this time, Ruru." Mirai: "What happened to everyone when they all headed out to get rid of the Ceruleans all over Park Central?"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 30 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "30", "Untitled" ] }
White: "You've come to help us?" Black: "I see no hesitation in your eyes." Black: "You have grown stronger, Princess." Black: "No... White Rhino." White: "Only because you had faith in me." White: "I've made many new friends." White: "Now, let us go, Black Rhino!" White: "Are all the others at Park Central, as well?" Black: "Yes. I'm not the only one who came here." Black: "The plain..." Black: "The forest..." Black: "The desert..." Black: "The waterfront..." Black: "The snowy mountains..." Black: "The sky..." Black: "The sea..." Black: "Friends from all over the Park have come here." Mirai: "Wild Tibetan foxes live at high altitudes, and they have very humanlike faces." x: "The Tibetan fox at the park considers herself a very inconspicuous Friend." x: "I don't think that's true, though." Arai: "So there!" Arai: "Fennec, are you sure you should've come this way?" ennec: "Well... Actually, I'm... still... not so sure..." ennec: "Gosh, why do I overthink everything like this?" ennec: "I just can't handle things like the others do." ennec: "It's so weird." Arai: "What's weird about it?" ennec: "Huh?" Arai: "You love Japari Park, Fennec. But you love Serval and the rest of them, too. So there's nothing weird about overthinking things!" ennec: "You... really think so?" Arai: "And anyway, you don't have to worry about a thing, Fennec! No matter how crazy things get, Arai-san here will take care of every last bit of it!" Arai: "So don't worry about a thing, and just follow me! Yeah!" ennec: "I just can't compare to you, Arai-san." Mirai: "And so, thanks to all the Friends gathering at Park Central, the Ceruleans keeping up the barrier were defeated, one by one." Mirai: "Finally, it was time for us to enter Kemono Castle..."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 31 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "31", "Untitled" ] }
Margay: "I want to cheer Serval on, but how do I get this to her? Oh! I know!" Arai: "So there!" ennec: "Margay, what brings you here?" Margay: "Fennec, Arai-san, I need your help! Please help me take the broadcasting station back from the Ceruleans." Arai: "Got it! I don't know what's going on, but if someone's counting on me, I'll give it my all! That's what Arai-san does!" Mirai: "Look! It seems the barrier has disappeared. We can go in now!" Serval: "Yeah! Let's go! I'm still not sure what we should do, but we have to get to Ceval, and fast!" Mirai: "Wild water deer are related to other deer species, but rather than antlers, both males and females have tusks, which grow as long as five to eight centimeters in males." White: "The water deer at the park is a fun, cheerful sort. However, she tends to panic over even the slightest occurrences." Ceval: "Move. You are in the way." Oinari: "Pitiful child." Oinari: "You wish to possess your own shine." Oinari: "But even if you do, it is destined to disappear." Serval: "Ceval!" Oinari: "Everyone..." Mirai: "Are you... Oinari-sama?" Ceval: "Serval..." Mirai: "Ceval-san's reaction has grown stronger?" Serval: "Oinari-sama!" Ceval: "Now I can... go to the... Queen." Ceval: "I can... go..." Ceval: "Bye-bye, Serval." Serval: "Wait! You can't!" Queen: "It is no use." Serval: "That voice... What is it?" Oinari: "It is... the Cerulean Queen." Queen: "The one you call "Ceval" will disappear." Queen: "However, this is only natural." Queen: "All shine will disappear in time." Queen: "Once it is lost, no matter how much you wish for it, it can never again be reclaimed." Queen: "But we, the Ceruleans, can preserve and recreate it for eternity." Mirai: "Preserve? Recreate? That was the first time we heard the Queen's voice," Mirai: "but the sound reminded me of a certain someone." Mirai: "As for who it was..."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 32 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "32", "Untitled" ] }
Queen: "The ultimate CeruHarmony... For a Cerulean that has completed its evolution, even lost shine can be fully reproduced." Mirai: "Just who in the world are you? I have no idea what you're saying... When Oinari-sama entrusted the park's future to us after her own power was exhausted," Mirai: "we rushed to find the Queen." Serval: "So the Queen is inside there?" Mirai: "It may be that the Queen is the Cerulean that stole Kako-san's shine." Serval: "Huh? What do you mean?" Mirai: "The storage and reproduction of information..." Mirai: "Kako-san once told me about all that. Kako-san lost her parents when she was very young," Mirai: "and she always wished that she could see them one more time." Mirai: "The Queen may be trying to grant that wish for her, in a warped way." Serval: "But..." Mirai: "Yes, there's no way Kako-san would be willing to lose this place and everyone she loved just to have that wish granted." Mirai: "We must stop the Queen at all costs! Wild binturongs grow as long as 90 centimeters, and they have long, thick tails." Mirai: "Those tails give them the ability to hang from trees." Ruru: "The binturong at the park is a very cautious Friend whose motto is, "Approach everything with caution." She's good friends with Ermine!" Queen: "Initiating retrieval of special shine." Serval: "Let Ceval go! Saber..." Serval: "Meow?! D-Darn you!" Serval: "Meow!" Serval: "Ceval's gonna be... She's gonna be..." Ibis: "Leave this to me." Ibis: "I'll sing." Serval: "C-Crested Ibis, wait—" Ibis: "I am Crested Ibis! Give Ceval back! Here I come! I'm coming for you!" Serval: "Everyone!" Caracal: "Now, then... Charge!" Serval: "Ceval! Are you okay?" Ceval: "Eliminate... obstacles." Serval: "Huh?" Mirai: "The Queen had already taken nearly all of Ceval-san's special shine." Mirai: "So what decision did Serval-san make?"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 33 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "33", "Untitled" ] }
Ceval: "My friends... all keep... a diary." Ceval: "So... I will also... keep a diary. If I have a diary, then even if I go away," Ceval: "all of... my thoughts... will stay." Ceval: "Isn't that... great?" Mirai: "It looks like..." Mirai: "the Queen has already taken more than half of her special shine." Mirai: "I don't think she can be..." Serval: "But... But..." Ceval: "Serval..." Serval: "Ceval?!" Ceval: "Thank you... for thinking of me... so much. Do not worry about me." Ceval: "It is... already gone." Ceval: "I have lost it. It was not enough for me," Ceval: "so I can no longer be your friend." Ceval: "So, Serval..." Ceval: "Let's say goodbye." Serval: "Ceval..." Serval: "What can I do?" Margay: "Is this thing actually working?" Mirai: "The floating display we used as an attraction?" Margay: "Serval! Can you see this? I heard you were having a tough time, so I'll show you something you're gonna love! The movie we made is finished!" Arai: "What's this?" Margay: "Hey, Arai-san! Don't mess with that! Wait, no! That'll cut the—" Ceval: "Serval..." Serval: "Ceval? Are you back to normal? My voice got through to you?" Ceval: "Yes. I always hear your voice." Ceval: "Serval... is Ceval's... friend." Serval: "Ceval... That's the first time you've actually said "friend"..." Serval: "That's right... Yeah. I can... I can hear your voice, Ceval! I can still hear it! Ceval... Ceval, you're my friend!" Ruru: "She ate it! Serval ate the salt that the Shisa gave us!" Serval: "It's so salty!" Caracal: "W-W-Well, what did you expect?! Wait, that salt was supposed to bring back your special shine, right? Should you have eaten that?! Really?!" Serval: "I'm getting dizzy..." Serval: "Can't..." White: "S-Serval-sama! Are you all right?!" x: "You took in too much salt at once!" Mirai: "That's bad! You shouldn't eat too much salt!" Ibis: "Serval made up her mind that she'd save Ceval, no matter what." Ibis: "But..." Ibis: "Was it necessary... to eat that?" Ceval: "Serval..." Ceval: "Serval..." Ceval: "Serval!" Mirai: "What became of Serval-san and Ceval-san after that?"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 34 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "34", "Untitled" ] }
Queen: "This is... shine?" Queen: "No, impossible." Queen: "A Cerulean cannot have its own shine." Ceval: "Queen, I am not a Cerulean. That's why I have my own shine, and I won't listen to you anymore!" Ceval: "Pretty nice, huh?" Queen: "I have absorbed nearly all of what makes you special." Queen: "You have only added the step of eliminating a mutant to the process." Mirai: "A mutant... Mutation?" Mirai: "Are you talking about Ceval-san?" Ceval: "Serval, and all of you, did so much to save me." Ceval: "Now I'll do everything I can for all of you, in place of the fallen Serval." Ibis: "She hasn't fallen yet." Ruru: "She just flopped over from the saltiness." White: "I think she only needed to toss that salt, not eat it..." Caracal: "Well, that's Serval for you." x: "Still..." x: "It's just like us to make a miracle happen this way, huh?" Queen: "Evolution. Resonance." Mirai: "It's too dangerous! Your form is still incomplete!" Queen: "Resonate, CeruHarmony," Queen: "throughout all of Japari Park." Queen: "Wrong. Impossible. Error. Incomprehensible." x: "What's happening?" White: "CeruHarmony's light is being repelled!" Mirai: "It was a miracle that everyone forgot completely," Mirai: "but one that was bound to happen. Everyone who had come to Park Central just couldn't resist playing when faced with its facilities and attractions." Mirai: "So of course they all played, had fun, and..." Serval: "Park Central looks like so much fun!" Ruru: "It just looks so..." Ibis: "It's shining." Mirai: "A new shine... repelled the CeruHarmony?" Mirai: "Is that what happened?" Queen: "Error. E-Error." Mirai: "What happened to Japari Park after that?"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 35 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "35", "Untitled" ] }
Mirai: "It appears she's trying to use the CeruHarmony that reflected back at her to superevolve!" Serval: "Look! Now that Park Central is so cheerful, it feels like it's giving us lots of power! It must be because you made friends with so many of us around the park, and because we all made so many new friends, too!" Serval: "It's kind of... amazing, isn't it?" Serval: "Okay, let's do this, Queen! We're gonna show you the power of the Kemono Friends!" x: "She's turned into one crazy Cerulean." Ruru: "It'll be okay! I know it will!" White: "We have the power of everyone in the park on our side!" Ibis: "Is this... KemoHarmony?" Caracal: "Even better! It's the power of Friends!" Ceval: "I'll try my best." Serval: "Here we go!" Ibis: "I am Crested Ibis..." Mirai: "And that's how, thanks to everyone's power," Mirai: "the Cerulean Queen was defeated. And after that, the one who saved the park along with us earned the title of Park Director from all its residents." Ceval: "Everyone worked hard." Caracal: "And after we beat her, the Queen turned into a tiny Cerulean and ran away." White: "That must mean she was originally just an ordinary Cerulean." Ruru: "Come to think of it, that protective charm... It wasn't the one Oinari-sama gave the park director, was it?" x: "Indeed. That protective charm came from the guardian beasts, but others say they didn't give it away. It's a mystery." Arai: "It's fine staying a mystery! Whoever gave that charm to the park director was obviously a nice person!" ennec: "Yeah, and everything did work out for the park." Ibis: "I got to go on an adventure with everyone and save the park." Ibis: "I'm happy." Serval: "It sure was a big adventure, huh? It was so much fun!" Mirai: "And now that Japari Park has been saved as a result of that adventure, everyone's working to repair the areas damaged by Ceruleans, forming an expedition team to do safety inspections, making improvements around its areas and facilities, and giving their all to bring the park back to life. We know it'll be an even more wonderful place in the future, so please look forward to the day we open to the public! Now, our stories about all of the Friends" Mirai: "and all the visitors who come to see us at the park..." Mirai: "will continue next time!" Mirai: "So, everyone..." All: "See you next time!" Serval: "Welcome to Japari Park! My name's Serval!" Serval: "Hey, do you like humans?"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 36 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "36", "Untitled" ] }
Lucky: "Registration number 2021LB-1, starting up." Mirai: "I'm Mirai." Serval: "I'm Serval!" Caracal: "And I'm Caracal! Today, we'll tell you about the time we chased the fake Serval to the Forest Area of the An'in Region. To go after the fake Serval, we traveled from the Kyoshu Region to the An'in Region's Forest Area. Then, to find out where the fake Serval had gone, we decided to visit a duo that everyone called the Sages." Caracal: "But then we met another animal with a voice said to attract Ceruleans." Ibis: "Sometimes, I feel sad... My name is Crested Ibis... This is not a scam..." Caracal: "What is that repulsive sound?!" Caracal: "Hey, doesn't it bother you? What? It sounds like singing? That sound? Are you serious?!" Ibis: "I guess... my song doesn't really sound like a song, does it?" Mirai: "You're... Crested Ibis-san!" Mirai: "This is a very, very rare species that we don't often get to see anymore!" Ibis: "I just want to sing my heart out." Ibis: "I want to make people happy with my song. If only my song didn't attract Ceruleans," Ibis: "I know that dream would come true." Ibis: "Why did you both avert your eyes at the same time?" Caracal: "I'd like to help you so your song won't attract Ceruleans." Serval: "I wish there was a way, somehow..." Ibis: "Thank you both." Ibis: "But why do you look like there's more you want to say?" Mirai: "We're on our way to visit the Sages. Why don't you ask them for help?" Ibis: "The Sages? I haven't met them yet." Ibis: "Because of the Ceruleans, it's difficult to go deep into the forest." Serval: "Then you should come with us! The Ceruleans won't be a problem if you're with us!" Ibis: ""Us"?" Serval: "Yeah! Anyway, you'll be fine, so don't worry! Now, off we go to see the Forest Sages!" Mirai: "And so we set off to meet the Sages, but..." Caracal: "That was when things started to get crazy. Honestly, those Sages..." Serval: "Caracal! Stop, stop! Guide-san, we'll continue the story next time, right?" Mirai: "Yes, that's right." Mirai: "So, look forward to hearing the rest!" Both: "See you then!" : "Class Aves, order Pelecaniformes, family Threskiornithidae, genus Nipponia: the crested ibis. Also known as "Nipponia nippon." The scarlet color of its wings is so beautiful that the Japanese name of the hue, "toki," was named for the bird, "toki.""
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 4 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "4", "Untitled" ] }
Lucky: "Registration number 2021LB-1, starting up." Mirai: "So, in search of a way to fix Crested Ibis-san's voice so it wouldn't attract Ceruleans anymore..." Serval: "...we set off to meet the Friends known as the Forest Sages." Caracal: "Those two Friends were a real pain..." Mirai: "We headed to the An'in Region's..." Professor: "Good day. I am Professor Northern White-faced Owl." Assistant: "I am her assistant, Eurasian Eagle Owl." Serval: "There they are already! You're early!" Assistant: "Also, we are geniuses." Ibis: "You're the Sages?" Professor: "Some call us that, yes. Anyway... A voice that attracts Ceruleans sounds very interesting." Assistant: "Please sing for us." Ibis: "Okay." Both: "What?! W-Wait a—" Ibis: "Ah, I love to sing. Ah, singing..." Ibis: "Huh?" Mirai: "I'm detecting Ceruleans. Let's fight them off with these Friends!" Serval: "Here we go!" Caracal: "I feel power rising in me! Is it because of that protective charm?" Both: "Right!" Professor: "There is a bigger issue here than the Ceruleans." Assistant: "You are extremely tone-deaf." Caracal: "She actually said it... Hey, could you teach this professor and her assistant the basic kindness of choosing words more carefully?" Ibis: "That aside..." Serval: "She's surprisingly resilient." Ibis: "Whether you're a Sage or a professor, could you teach me how to fix my song?" Professor: "The sap of the copaiba tree can soothe a crested ibis's throat." Mirai: "The copaiba tree? They grow in the Amazon, where they're known as sacred trees. I've heard that their sap has many uses." Professor: "The copaiba tree in Japari Park is special." Professor: "I assume it's because of the Sandstar." Professor: "We will take you to the copaiba tree." Serval: "There are a lot of Ceruleans around here, huh? Crested Ibis, you're not hurt, are you?" Ibis: "No, I'm all right. But..." Serval: "What's wrong?" Ibis: "Why are you two, and that person there, doing all this for me? I could always just stay deep in the forest and sing in solitude..." Serval: "Crested Ibis, that's because..." Serval: "Why is it?" Caracal: "Serval... Oh, forget it! Don't worry about that, Crested Ibis! You've gotta learn to just let others help you out." Ibis: "Is that how it works?" Professor: "This is the sap of the copaiba tree." Ibis: "So if I drink this sap, my song won't attract Ceruleans anymore?" Ibis: "I'll drink it." Ibis: "I drank it." Ibis: "How strange... I feel as if I've been reborn." Caracal: "Your song might sound better now, too!" Assistant: "Go on. Try and sing." Ibis: "All right, then..." Caracal: "And that's it for today! Right?" Serval: "What? I wanna know what happens! Did Crested Ibis's voice get better? What happened?!" Mirai: "Serval-san, you were there with us... How do I put it... You're a very good audience. But that aside, look forward to seeing how it turned out next time!" Both: "See you then!"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 5 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "5", "Untitled" ] }
Lucky: "Registration number 2021LB-1, starting up." Mirai: "So, to fix Crested Ibis-san's voice so it wouldn't attract Ceruleans anymore..." Serval: "We got some sap from the copaiba tree!" Caracal: "And as for what happened when Crested Ibis drank the sap..." Ibis: "I drank it." Assistant: "Go on. Try and sing." Ibis: "All right, then..." Caracal: "Your song certainly hasn't lost its impact. In fact, I think it's even more powerful." Mirai: "B-But maybe it won't attract Ceruleans anymore..." Caracal: "Uh, is that the ground rumbling?" Serval: "A bunch of Ceruleans are coming this way!" Caracal: "What?!" Professor: "Hmm... It seems that the sap has made your voice carry farther, causing it to attract even more Ceruleans." Caracal: "So it just got worse!" Mirai: "L-Let's run!" Silver Fox: "Wh-Whoa! That's an insane number of Ceruleans!" Silver Fox: "I guess I have no choice. I'll have to be a decoy and draw as many Ceruleans to me as I can so that the rest of them can get away." Caracal: "The Ceruleans will have us surrounded at this rate! What should we do?" Professor: "Change your direction." Professor: "Deep in the forest, there is a vast gorge." Assistant: "Cross the log bridge spanning the gorge, and when you reach the other side, push the log down." Professor: "Then, the momentum of the Ceruleans will carry them straight to the bottom of the gorge." Caracal: "That plan sounds great!" Mirai: "Then it's settled. Let's turn back and head for the gorge." Silver Fox: "I managed to act as a decoy, but it's pretty tough..." Silver Fox: "Wait, isn't that Serval and her friends? Why are they coming back this way?" Serval: "Huh? Who are you?" Silver Fox: "Fo..." Serval: "Fo?" Silver Fox: "Forget you saw me!" Serval: "Huh?!" Serval: "Sh-She ran off..." Serval: "What was she up to?" Serval: "The Ceruleans that were chasing her are coming toward us!" Professor: "Hurry to the gorge." Silver Fox: "I really blew it. I tried to help them in secret, and not only did they see me, but I also put them in danger." Silver Fox: "I have no choice." Silver Fox: "and draw as many Ceruleans away as I can." Mirai: "We're all safely across the gorge now." Serval: "All right! Time to... drop the log!" Caracal: "That actually worked perfectly." Ibis: "Everyone..." Ibis: "I'm sorry." Ibis: "You did so much for me, and then this happened..." Ibis: "I'll never sing again." Serval: "No! Don't say that! You can't let it end that way!" Ibis: "Serval..." Mirai: "We've got trouble! A large Cerulean is climbing up from the bottom of the gorge!" Professor: "Its tenacity..." Caracal: ""It must be" what?" Professor: "I've figured out why the Ceruleans are drawn to Crested Ibis's voice." All: "What?!" Professor: "The reason..." Assistant: "...will have to wait for next time." Mirai: "Huh? Um..." Both: "See you again. Adieu." : "Class Aves, order Strigiformes, family Strigidae, genus Bubo: the Eurasian eagle owl. It's the largest owl in the world, with some individuals reaching 80 centimeters in length. Like the Northern white-faced owl, it has feathery tufts on its head that resemble ears. The purpose of the tufts is unclear, but in Japan, minus a few exceptions,"
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 6 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "6", "Untitled" ] }
Lucky: "Registration number 2021LB-1, starting up." Mirai: "After drinking the copaiba sap, Crested Ibis-san's singing attracted even more Ceruleans." Serval: "But the professor and her assistant said they figured out why Crested Ibis's voice attracts Ceruleans!" Professor: "I've figured out why the Ceruleans are drawn to Crested Ibis's voice. To the Ceruleans, Crested Ibis's singing is as great a threat as we are." Assistant: "And the Ceruleans are trying to physically stop that threat." Ibis: "Oh..." Ibis: "So even the Ceruleans can't stand my singing..." Mirai: "Um... Crested Ibis-san?" Ibis: "I should just never sing again." Serval: "Don't worry, Crested Ibis!" Ibis: "Serval?" Serval: "To be honest, your singing is still kinda hard for me to listen to, and it makes me feel like my ears are being torn off... But I know how much you love to sing! Your feelings come across in your song!" Serval: "So it's okay. You can sing with pride. And if any Ceruleans attack, we'll take care of them for you!" Ibis: "Serval..." Caracal: "Okay, then, I guess we should start by taking care of that big one." Mirai: "Everyone, that's an extremely powerful Cerulean. Be careful." Serval: "I'm gonna finish this here!" Serval: "Owie... That one sure was tough." Ibis: "Serval, you're hurt!" Ibis: "All because of me..." Mirai: "Is this..." Mirai: "the charm's light?" Ibis: "I'm sorry, everyone." Ibis: "I can't stop myself from putting this feeling into song." Serval: "Crested Ibis..." Ibis: "Thank you all! I'm so full of gratitude!" Professor: "That song still packs an incredible punch." Assistant: "It seems that strange light didn't cause any miracles like making her voice sound pretty." Professor: "Hm? Wait a moment. Serval's injuries..." Serval: "Huh? What?" Serval: "I'm healed! My injuries are healed! Did Crested Ibis's song do that? Wow! You're amazing, Crested Ibis! Thanks!" Mirai: "Perhaps..." Mirai: "The charm's power reacted to your feelings as well as Crested Ibis-san's?" Ibis: "Your feelings... The charm's power..." Ibis: "I don't quite understand, but... This means as long as I'm with you, I can sing to my heart's content, right?" Caracal: "Well... yeah, I guess it does mean that." Ibis: "I see..." Ibis: "Listen, would you mind if I accompanied you?" Mirai: "Of course you can! You're more than welcome!" Serval: "We gained another new friend!" Serval: "I wonder if that fake me has any friends..." Mirai: "And so, Crested Ibis-san joined us in our travels around the park." Ibis: "I remember that day well. I was so happy that the director and all of you tried to save me..." Caracal: "Whoa, whoa! So are we talking about our visit to the Desert Area of the Sankai Region next?" Mirai: "Yes. After that, the professor and her assistant told us the fake Serval had been spotted there, so we headed to the Sankai Region, which features a vast desert. But..." Serval: "We'll hear all about that next time! Right?" Mirai: "Right! So, everyone... See you soon!" : "Class Mammalia, order Carnivora, family Canidae, genus Vulpes, subspecies: V. v. vulpes: the silver fox. A genetic polymorphism, or mutation, of the red fox, with naturally gray fur. Silver foxes are also known for having keen memories. Like other carnivores, foxes have oblong pupils, and they can run as fast as 50 kilometers per hour."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 7 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "7", "Untitled" ] }
Lucky: "Registration number 2021LB-1, starting up." Mirai: "Hello, everyone. I'm Mirai, the park guide." Serval: "I'm Serval!" Ibis: "I'm Crested Ibis. Today's story is about the time we went to the Sankai Region. I joined the park director and the others to follow the fake Serval into the Sankai Region, where the Desert Area is." Mirai: "The Sankai Region is an area for desert-dwelling animals. There are several water sources within this vast desert, providing them with vital oases. The environment is well-maintained with the latest facilities, but..." Serval: "All the water in the oases was gone!" Ibis: "So we looked into what might have caused this and tried to find a way to bring the water back." Mirai: "That's when we met..." Oryx: "I'm Arabian Oryx. I live here in the Desert Area." Serval: "Wow! That's a great spear! And you're all white!" Mirai: "It's said that Arabian Oryx-san might have been the basis of the unicorn. Also, it's said that its body is white to help reflect the hot sunlight, and the black parts of its legs help absorb heat when it's cold." Caracal: "Stop! We'll listen to your commentary later, okay?" Caracal: "So... what were you saying?" Oryx: "Um..." Oryx: "If you're investigating the water shortage, do you mind if I join you?" Serval: "Really? Thanks!" Oryx: "The thing is... my friend has gone missing." Oryx: "I'd appreciate it if you could help me look for her." Caracal: "Missing, huh? The water shortage is a problem, but that's troubling, too." Serval: "Come on, let's help her search!" Oryx: "Thank you. I appreciate it." Serval: "Sure! It's nice to meet you, Rabirabi!" Caracal: "Rabirabi? Should you really be giving cute nicknames to Friends you've just met?" Oryx: "Rabirabi, huh? No one but Ruru has ever called me that." Serval: "Nice to meet you, Rabirabi! By the way, what is this Friend you're searching for like?" Oryx: "She's a Thomson's Gazelle." Oryz: "I call her Ruru." Oryx: "Ruru..." Gazelle: "Oh, Rabirabi!" Oryx: "What's wrong?" Gazelle: "I'm going to find out what caused the water shortage." Oryx: "Wait! If you're going, I'll go with you. It's dangerous to be alone. There are more Ceruleans around than before. In fact, I should go by myself first—" Gazelle: "Um, listen... You can wait here for me." Oryx: "Ruru?" Gazelle: "I'll be okay on my own, really! So don't follow me, okay? I'm going now!" Oryx: "Wait!" Gazelle: "Dash!" Oryx: "She's gone... So she went to find out what happened to the water, and she hasn't come back." Caracal: "She sounds like the type we should worry about..." Oryx: "Yeah. I'm pretty sure she went to Oasis 1." Ibis: "Hey... I asked those two Camels sleeping over there about your friend." Ibis: "They say they found something at Oasis 1, but..." Gazelle: "This is terrible! Terrible!" Gazelle: "I have to tell Rabirabi..." Gazelle: "No... I can't. I have to do something about this myself." Oryx: "So she went back to Oasis 1?" Ibis: "Yes, it seems so." Oryx: "Why would Ruru go alone?" Mirai: "Oasis 1 is a waterworks facility that supplies water to all the oases nearby. Under normal circumstances, if anything happened there, the management center should be able to deal with it..." Oryx: "Normal circumstances?" Serval: "I hope Ruru-chan is all right. Is this something she can handle by herself?" Oryx: "Let's hurry to Oasis 1!" Serval: "Yeah, you're right!" Raccoon: "I don't think so!" Serval: "Huh?" Raccoon: "I can't let you do that!" All: "Huh?!" Mirai: "That's it for today!" Caracal: "Who was that?! I'm curious... I'm so curious!" Serval: "Aw, did you forget, Caracal? That was..." Caracal: "Stop! I was pretending, okay? Pretending! Get a clue!" Ibis: "Who stood in our path, and what happened next? I can't wait to find out." Mirai: "On that note..." All: "See you next time!" : "Class Mammalia, order Artiodactyla, family Bovidae, genus Oryx: the Arabian oryx."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 8 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "8", "Untitled" ] }
Lucky: "Registration number 2021LB-1, starting up." Mirai: "Hello, everyone! I'm Mirai, the park guide." Serval: "I'm Serval!" Caracal: "We learned that Ruru, the Thomson's Gazelle, left to resolve the water shortage by heading to Oasis 1, which controls the Desert Area's water supply, so we followed her, but then..." Ibis: "A Friend stood in our way." Serval: "And that Friend was..." Oryx: "Let's hurry to Oasis 1 and find Ruru!" Raccoon: "I can't let you do that!" Serval: "Wh-What?!" Raccoon: "We meet at last, cat Friend with the big ears!" Serval: "Um... Are you talking about me?" Raccoon: "Yes! I'm gonna capture you and become famous throughout Japari Park!" Serval: "Why do I have to be captured?! I didn't do anything!" Oryx: "I'm not really sure, but this is getting troublesome." Caracal: "What should we do?" Oryx: "I'm worried about Ruru... Let's run!" Raccoon: "Hey, you! You can't run away!" ennec: "I mean... pretty much anyone would be running away, Arai-san." Ibis: "There's another Friend chasing us now." Serval: "Darn it! Why are they after me? I want to know why!" Mirai: "Maybe they were asked to catch the fake Serval?" Caracal: "Oh... So they mistook Serval for the fake Serval, like I did?" Mirai: "Right. Oh, by the way... The one called "Arai-san" is Raccoon-san, and the one next to her is Fennec-san. Fennec-san's large ears allow heat to escape and help her hear prey in the sand—" Serval: "Do we need to hear this right now?" Raccoon: "Hold up, you!" Serval: "If she's mistaking me for the fake Serval, we have to clear that up!" Raccoon: "You won't get away..." Raccoon: "from me!" Raccoon: "You shall not pass! Now, just be quiet and let me catch you!" Serval: "Listen to me! I'm—" ennec: "Yeah, uh, Arai-san? You probably shouldn't be standing right there." Raccoon: "What are you talking about? This is the best position to catch Serval and her— ...buddies!" ennec: "Yeah, but there's a huge Cerulean there..." ennec: "Oh..." ennec: "Guess it sent her flying before I could tell her. I don't see the fake Serval we were told about," ennec: "so I guess I'm outta here, too." ennec: "See ya." Serval: "Um... What the heck was that?" Caracal: "I guess she just made a scene on her own and got herself knocked into orbit." Caracal: "And the other one just... left." Oryx: "Anyway, we should do something about this huge Cerulean, or we'll be the ones it sends flying next!" Mirai: "At that size, it's a very dangerous Cerulean." Oryx: "That light..." Oryx: "I get it. With you here, I think I can handle this." Oryx: "I managed to defeat it." Oryx: "Because of your protective charm, I guess." Caracal: "You seem pretty strong on your own, though. I bet Ruru would've felt safer if she'd taken you along." Oryx: "Yeah... You're right." Oryx: "Ruru..." Ruru: "Why... did this... have to... happen?!" Ruru: "Someone help me!" Ibis: "That's it for today." Caracal: "So Arai-san and Fennec finally showed up." Serval: "That Cerulean really sent her flying, but I'm sure she's totally fine, right?" Caracal: "Maybe she's just made tough." Mirai: "Well, everyone..." All: "See you next time!" : "Class Mammalia, order Carnivora, family Procyonidae, genus Procyon: the raccoon. It looks similar to raccoon dogs and civets, but the black rings on its tail set it apart from other species. Its habit of placing its hands in water to search for food makes it appear to be washing its hands, giving it the nickname "washing bear." It is nocturnal, but it is often active during the day, as well. It can both swim and climb trees, making it very versatile."
{ "raw_title": "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK Episode 9 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "Welcome to the JAPARI PARK", "9", "Untitled" ] }
Tomoyo: "Hatoko, you're on cleaning duty today?" Hatoko: "Yeah, I am." Tomoyo: "Sure, got it." Tomoyo: "That day was honestly just an ordinary day like any other. So, at the time," Andou: "Stay back, Kanzaki Tomoyo! You have to get away, while I'm still able to remain myself!" Andou: "You really kill the mood, Tomoyo..." Tomoyo: "Hold on. I won't let that one slide." Andou: "No, all the others generally go with it." Tomoyo: "Then let's try it and see." Andou: "Interesting." Hatoko: "Yoo-hoo! Whew, I ran late since I had to clean up. Huh? Ju-kun? Wh-What's wrong?" Hatoko: "Are you all right? Hold on, I'll call an ambulance!" Andou: "Hatoko, don't do that! This won't be funny anymore!" Hatoko: "Hello? We need an ambulance. We're at..." Andou: "I'm sorry, it's already better." Tomoyo: "See? Told you." Andou: "Damn it! Next time for sure! Hey, wait a minute!" Tomoyo: "Um, isn't that a totally different goal?" Andou: "Ah! Chifuyu-chan?" Andou: "I wasn't expecting you to come again today!" Andou: "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" Sayumi: "I didn't know you made a hobby of terrorizing little girls until they cried, Andou-kun." Andou: "Ow... Sayumi-san, that's not it! It's a misunderstanding!" Hatoko: "Chifuyu-chan, we're sorry." Chifuyu: "It's okay. Andou acting weird is normal." Hatoko: "Ju-kun, it's okay to play make-believe," Andou: "Call it a "simulation," not "make-believe"! How do you plan to fight your inner self" Tomoyo: "I won't be fighting, and it won't be aching." Andou: "Hold on, Tomoyo." Tomoyo: "Well, if you use common sense..." Andou: "Common sense?" Andou: "Can your common sense explain" Hatoko: "And there he goes..." Andou: "To believe you can comprehend everything in existence" Sayumi: "This isn't good." Andou: "With what evidence do you presume" Chifuyu: "Andou chuuni..." Andou: "Kanzaki Tomoyo, can you swear with certainty to God" Andou: "Huh?" Hatoko: "Whoa! Ju-kun, amazing!" Chifuyu: "Pretty." Tomoyo: "Huh? What's this? Andou, how are you doing that?" Andou: "Huh? I don't... Eh? Me?" Tomoyo: "That's enough, Andou. You're scaring me." Andou: "I'm not doing—" Tomoyo: "Andou?" Sayumi: "Andou-kun?" Hatoko: "Ju-kun?" Hatoko: "Tomoyo-chan?" Tomoyo: "Yeah? What is it, Hatoko?" Hatoko: "I'm on cleaning duty today, so I'll meet you in the club room later." Tomoyo: "Sure, got it." Andou: "Stay back, Kanzaki Tomo—" Tomoyo: "Be quiet." Andou: "Huh? We're getting complaints?" Tomoyo: "Of course we are, with you shouting like that every time." Tomoyo: "We're actually a part of that world now." Andou: "You really kill the mood..." Tomoyo: "I told you, all the others are fed up" Hatoko: "Yoo-hoo!" Andou: "I told you, an ambulance is a bad idea!" Hatoko: "Huh? Then what should I do?" Andou: "It's hot! My body's burning up!" Hatoko: "I see! You're hot, right? Got it!" Andou: "Huh? No, hold on, Hato—" Tomoyo: "A-Andou?" Andou: "Tomoyo, thank you! I was so scared!" Tomoyo: "Hey, don't cling to me when you're soaking wet!" Hatoko: "I still can't get used to you showing up like that." Chifuyu: "I'm already used to it." Sayumi: "You all seem louder than usual today." Sayumi: "Andou-kun, please keep the commotions in this room to a minimum." Andou: "M-Me?" Andou: "Th-Thanks." Sayumi: "The student council warned us that" Chifuyu: "Andou, you shouldn't cause trouble for other people." Andou: "I'm sorry." Sayumi: "Well, now that we're all here," Sayumi: "On our monthly superpower checkup." Chifuyu: "Here I go, Hatoko." Hatoko: "I actually wanted to burn them all up." Chifuyu: "But after you burned them all up last time," Andou: "Chifuyu-chan's power, World Create, is the very power of creation." Tomoyo: "Huh?" Andou: "In contrast is Hatoko's power," Andou: "To be blunt, they're both invincible. They're cheating, cheating!" Hatoko: "Here I go, Chifuyu-chan." Chifuyu: "Come on." Hatoko: "Now, I suppose it's about time to reveal what I've been saving." Sayumi: "It looks like their battle's entered a new stage." Andou: "I see!" Hatoko: "Not bad, Chifuyu-chan." Chifuyu: "I'm not done yet." Hatoko: "What? I'm not done yet, either." Chifuyu: "Not yet, not yet, not yet!" Tomoyo: "Incredible hostility... I can feel it from here." Andou: "They're both getting a little too into this." Sayumi: "Tomoyo-san..." Tomoyo: "Yes." Hatoko: "Hmm? H-Huh?" Tomoyo: "You were both trying too hard." Hatoko: "Tomoyo-chan..." Chifuyu: "I got a bit carried away, too." Andou: "Tomoyo's power, Closed Clock, is the power to manipulate time. While she can't turn back time," Tomoyo: "Who have you been explaining this to?" Andou: "Good job, Hatoko, Chifuyu-chan." Tomoyo: "Huh? Why me?" Andou: "Because you worked hard to carry them both" Hatoko: "Ah, I see! You also worked hard, Tomoyo-chan." Chifuyu: "Tomoyo, good work." Tomoyo: "O-Oh, no... Not really. I wasn't trying that hard at all!" Hatoko: "But still, you didn't have to go to all that trouble." Andou: "Stupid Hatoko! You shouldn't point that out." Hatoko: "Performance?" Andou: "A performance to fully showcase her ability to stop time." Hatoko: "Huh? Why do that?" Andou: "Because it looks cool!" Tomoyo: "You've already said everything!" Chifuyu: "I get it! Tomoyo's a chuuni!" Tomoyo: "I'm never using my superpower again." Andou: "You're up next, Tomoyo, but..." Sayumi: "My superpower hasn't changed much. As you can see," Andou: "Sayumi-san's power, Route of Origin," Sayumi: "Now, that's it for everyone's checkup, right?" Andou: "We'll see you again at the seventh!" Sayumi: "But your power's just... Right?" Hatoko: "Yeah." Chifuyu: "There's no need to see your power." Andou: "Damn it! You're all making fun of me!" Andou: "I am the Conqueror of Chaos—" Kudou: "Excuse me!" Sayumi: "K-Kudou-san?" Kudou: "I'm here to inspect the literature club today." Sayumi: "Inspect?" Kudou: "Club President Takanashi-san, we have warned you several times already. We're getting overwhelmed with complaints of screams" Kudou: "Also, what is this burning smell?" Andou: "Why don't you call it "surveillance" instead of "inspection," Student Council President?" Kudou: "Hmm?" Tomoyo: "Andou?" Chifuyu: "Ju-kun?" Andou: "How long will you continue to act as this false you?" Tomoyo: "Shut up, Chuuni!" Hatoko: "Ju-kun, get a clue!" Sayumi: "I'm sorry, Kudou-san. His mental age is on par with a five-year-old's..." Kudou: "How?" Both: "Hmm?" Kudou: "How did you figure out what I am?" All: "Huh?" Kudou: "Don't play dumb! You're right about everything." Andou: "Huh? You have superpowers, too?" Kudou: "Stop acting surprised." Andou: "Y-Yeah... Th-That's right!" Sayumi: "Did Andou-kun's chuuni power just help us in exactly the wrong way?" Andou: "So, Kudou-san... No, Kudou Mirei." Kudou: "If you can beat me, I'll tell you." Andou: "Beat you?" Kudou: "Relax. I'm not requesting a fight to the death." Tomoyo: "Wh-What should we do, Andou?" Sayumi: "What should we do, Andou-kun?" Andou: "I'll go!" Tomoyo: "Y-You idiot! What are you saying, Andou?" Hatoko: "That's right, Ju-kun! Your power can only..." Andou: "Don't worry about me." Andou: "I'm more than a match for you on my own." Andou: "Do you know why I wear this blazer to school every day?" Kudou: "Because those are the regulations?" Andou: "Not for regulations..." Andou: "This blazer is embedded with various magic seals." Hatoko: "It isn't that heavy..." Andou: "Way to go, Hatoko. You can manipulate gravity, too!" Hatoko: "R-Really?" Sayumi: "He's making it all up." Hatoko: "Ju-kun is so focused." Tomoyo: "But no matter how much he focuses, Andou's superpower is..." Sayumi: "Let's believe in him." Chifuyu: "Tomoyo, it's all right." Tomoyo: "Chifuyu-chan..." Chifuyu: "Andou is the kind of man who comes through at times like this." Tomoyo: "Yeah." Andou: "I am the Conqueror of Ch-Ch-Chaos!" Tomoyo: "He stuttered." Hatoko: "He stuttered!" Sayumi: "He stuttered..." Andou: "F-Forget the invocation! Dark and Dark!" Tomoyo: "He left it out!" Andou: "Now, let the beginning of the end begin!" Kudou: "You showed me! You showed me your power!" Kudou: "Your power is mine now!" Andou: "Huh?" Andou: "D-Dark and Dark..." Kudou: "That's right. My power is to steal the powers of others!" Andou: "N-No way! Not the Dark and Dark that's been with me for" Andou: "Every day, I woke up and said, "Good morning, Dark and Dark."" Tomoyo: "You really did something that creepy?" Andou: "Give it back! Give it back to me!" Kudou: "Hmm, so this is Andou Jurai's superpower?" Kudou: "This couldn't be used in combat..." Tomoyo: "Exactly." Kudou: "This superpower doesn't have any use at all." Sayumi: "None." Kudou: "Maybe it has some hidden power?" Hatoko: "It doesn't." Kudou: "So, it really is a meaningless superpower?" Chifuyu: "Exactly." Kudou: "Oh, well." Kudou: "Oh? You're next, Kanzaki Tomoyo?" Tomoyo: "There's no need." Kudou: "Huh? Er... What?" Tomoyo: "Well, if I show you, you'll steal it, right?" Tomoyo: "When you stole Andou's power just now, you said," Kudou: "Th-That's..." Tomoyo: "Looks like I'm right." Kudou: "H-However, I still have Andou Jurai's power—" Tomoyo: "Naïve! You're being naïve, Kudou-san." Sayumi: "I won't even ask you to fight five-on-one." Kudou: "Takanashi-san? B-But you're..." Sayumi: "I have a black belt in both judo and karate. What of it?" Sayumi: "You gave me quite the awful scare, so I might forget to hold back a bit." Kudou: "No! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Hatoko: "What was all that with Kudou-san about?" Sayumi: "Who knows?" Tomoyo: "We heard that Kudou-san awakened to her superpowers about a month ago." Tomoyo: "That day, Kudou-san began her surveillance of us." Kudou: "I was s-scared!" Kudou: "I thought I'd be finished if you put me down, so I started the fight myself!" Tomoyo: "Well, she gave Andou his Dark and Dark back immediately," Tomoyo: "But Kudou-san aside, our biggest problem is whoever sent that message." Andou: "Right." Sayumi: "Do you think our superpowers were actually awoken by someone else?" Hatoko: "Ju-kun, what's going to happen to us?" Tomoyo: "Were we just lucky that nothing's happened these past six months?" Kiryuu: "So they defeated Kudou Mirei easily, did they?" Kiryuu: "I decided to pay a visit since I was a bit worried, but yes." Andou: "When one speaks of youth, one speaks of mistakes." Tomoyo: "And when we speak of mistakes, we speak of misunderstandings." Andou: "It's rather hard to point out painful misunderstandings, isn't it?"
{ "raw_title": "When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace Episode 1 – Change (Alpha Episode)", "parsed": [ "When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace", "1", "Change (Alpha Episode)" ] }
Tomoyo: "I failed!" Tomoyo: "Sorry, body pillow." Tomoyo: "I guess I don't have any talent." Tomoyo: "I need to tell Andou the results. He congratulated me, so I owe him that." Tomoyo: "Oh, come on!" Tomoyo: "And back then, why did I..." Kuki: "It's nice weather, isn't it, Chi-chan?" Kuki: "A perfect day for the pool!" Chifuyu: "Yeah." Kuki: "Hey, Chi-chan, that reminds me, have you been doing your homework?" Chifuyu: "Cookie, I hate you." Kuki: "Why?" Chifuyu: "I hate people with no common sense." Kuki: "N-No common sense?" Chifuyu: "Listen up, Cookie." Chifuyu: "Summer break is a break. We forget about homework. That's common sense. Understand?" Kuki: "I get it, Chi-chan." Kuki: "Sorry, I was lacking common sense." Chifuyu: "As long as you understand." Andou: "Chifuyu-chan, Kuki-chan..." Kuki: "Andou-san," Andou: "Y-Yeah." Andou: "Haven't seen you in a while, either, Chifuyu-chan. About a week?" Chifuyu: "R-Really? I didn't notice because I've been enjoying summer break." Andou: "I see. That's good. I was a little worried you might be lonely" Chifuyu: "Andou, you're a worrywart." Chifuyu: "Andou, are you all right?" Kuki: "Andou-san, I just can't let a lolicon pervert stay near Chi-chan any longer. Today, I'll thoroughly prove how awful you are," Kuki: "Number one! Operation: Everyone Hates Stingy Men!" Kuki: "Andou-san, I'm hungry." Chifuyu: "Me, too." Andou: "Then I'll buy you something. What would you like to eat?" Chifuyu: "Jumbo yakisoba!" Andou: "Okay." Kuki: "If we order something from each of these stalls, Andou-san's wallet will reach its limit in a flash." Andou: "Sorry for the wait." Chifuyu: "Yay!" Andou: "You don't want to eat any more? No dessert?" Kuki: "No, I'm honestly full now." Kuki: "I messed up. But next time, I'll win for sure... With my plan to expose what a loser Andou-san is by frightening him with a scary older man!" Kuki: "Number two! Operation: Everyone Hates a Loser!" Kuki: "The way he keeps everyone at least three meters away makes him perfect for this operation." Kuki: "But that reminds me... I'm a wimp! I'm a shy, easily frightened coward. Pulling a prank on such an intimidating person... I-I can't do it! I'm scared!" Man: "What is it, young lady? Are you lost?" Kuki: "U-Uh..." Man: "Did you get separated from your mommy and daddy?" Man: "Would you like me to escort you to the lost child center?" Andou: "Kuki-chan!" Andou: "So that's where you were. Sorry we got separated." Kuki: "Andou-san!" Man: "Keep a closer eye on her. Leaving her alone is mean." Andou: "Yes, I'm sorry. I'll be careful." Kuki: "What a dreadful turn." Kuki: "At this rate, I won't disillusion Chi-chan with Andou-san. I'll only raise his value. I have to do something..." Kuki: "Th-This is it! Once Chi-chan learns that Andou-san is a hollow, empty-headed person," Kuki: "she'll wake up from her transient love!" Kuki: "Final mission! Operation: Everyone Hates Dumb Men!" Kuki: "Andou-san, they're having a quiz competition! A quiz competition! You have to compete!" Andou: "O-Okay." Announcer: "It's the final round of the summer break Kids' Animal Quiz Competition! All of our remaining contestants are here! And to the one who answers all the final round's questions correctly... We'll present this prize!" Andou: "Seriously? That's too extravagant for a pool sideshow!" Andou: "Oh, Chifuyu-chan's after the whale, huh? All right! Let's do our best to win that whale!" Assistant: "The correct answer is the lesser pygmy shrew." Andou: "Wow, Chifuyu-chan! You got seven questions right in a row!" Kuki: "And you haven't contributed a single one, Andou-san." Andou: "Sorry." Kuki: "Now Andou-san's showing his true colors! By now, Chi-chan should be quite disillusioned with him." Andou: "All right, Chifuyu-chan, one more question, and we'll get that stuffed whale!" Chifuyu: "Yeah." Announce: "Now we're down to three teams that have answered each question right! Will any of them be able to answer them all?" Announce: "We're finally down to the last three questions!" Assistant: "Question eight..." Assistant: "A European physicist proposed a thought experiment regarding quantum theory. This was proposed to address the issue of quantum superposition, and it stated that if a certain animal were placed in a box with lethal gas, the animal would simultaneously be alive and dead. What is the name of the animal used as the thought experiment's name?" Chifuyu: "Huh?" Kuki: "That's not a question about an animal!" Kuki: "You never intended to let anyone get them all right, did you? This is the problem with grown-ups!" Andou: "Chifuyu-chan," Assistant: "The correct answer is" Assistant: "Schrödinger's cat!" Assistant: "C-Correct." Announcer: "Huh?" Andou: "Winning by the rules is my style, no matter how heretical my opponent. No matter how the peasants use wisdom to plot," Andou: "it cannot succeed on a king!" Announcer: "But it isn't over yet!" Assistant: "Y-Yes! Question nine..." Assistant: "Question ten..." Assistant: "C-Correct." Announcer: "They answered all of them correctly? H-Hey! Wait a— Huh?" Andou: "We don't need the car. Just give us the stuffed whale. That's what we wanted from the start. If you've learned your lesson, do it fairly next time." Andou: "We did it, Chifuyu-chan!" Chifuyu: "Andou, thank you." Kuki: "A-Are you sure? Andou-san, you could've taken the car, too." Andou: "I'm fine, because I've already won the grandest prize of all." Kuki: "Huh?" Andou: "That is" Kuki: "What? What is this? Is Andou-san actually really cool?" Andou: "Huh? Chifuyu-chan's fast asleep?" Kuki: "Oh, yeah." Andou: "Then let's let her sleep a bit longer." Kuki: "Yeah." Andou: "Here, have an orange juice." Kuki: "Oh, thank you." Andou: "Are you all right, too, Kuki-chan? Your face is a little red." Kuki: "I-It's nothing! J-Just sunburn! Sunburn!" Andou: "Oh, yeah... I guess I'm a little burned, too." Kuki: "Wh-Why am I turning red?" Kuki: "Don't tell me I'm also in..." Andou: "Hey, Kuki-chan..." Kuki: "Y-Yes?" Kuki: "Huh? Why does Andou-san look serious? What's with this serious mood? Huh? Huh? What? That reminds me... Isn't Andou-san a lolicon? Then I'm in his strike zone, too? Don't tell me Andou-san is in..." Andou: "Please continue to be Chifuyu-chan's friend forever." Kuki: "Oh. That's right." Kuki: "Andou-san's worried about Chi-chan." Kuki: "O-Of course!" Andou: "Yeah, thanks." Kuki: "There's no need to thank me." Andou: "Okay." Andou: "Chifuyu-chan isn't doing all this just for me now. The others see her as one of our comrades in the literature club, too." Kuki: "I already know about that." Andou: "But you know, we'll all graduate from high school eventually, and the literature club will go its separate ways." Andou: "I don't think I can be by Chifuyu-chan's side forever." Andou: "But I'd like for you to always stay with her." Kuki: "Chi-chan will always be my best friend." Kuki: "You don't even have to ask, Andou-san!" Andou: "Good." Andou: "Oh, this is the one Tomoyo wanted. They got it in, huh?" Andou: "I wonder if she's bought it yet." Andou: "S-Sorry to make you wait." Sayumi: "Andou-kun, you're late. I'm not sure about your keeping a lady waiting in this hot weather." Andou: "Huh?! But, Sayumi-san, you called me out on short notice. I got ready and came as fast as I could." Sayumi: "Excuses are unsightly." Andou: "I-I'm sorry!" Sayumi: "I'm joking. It's Maiya's fault for canceling on me at the last minute." Sayumi: "Sorry for asking you at the last minute to come with me. Using a pair ticket alone would've felt awkward." Andou: "So where are we going?" Sayumi: "What's wrong? Let's go." Andou: "Right." Sayumi: "Then, Andou-kun, let's meet inside." Andou: "Okay." Sagami: "Nice..." Sagami: "So far, everything is going as planned." Sagami: "It was worth investigating Andou's schedule." Sagami: "Now then, the main part comes next. First, please wear the swimsuit I've prepared." Sayumi: "No." Sagami: "Hmm?" Sayumi: "I'm grateful for your advice, but I will decide whether or not to follow it." Sagami: "I see. How right you are. However, I already asked your sister to switch them ahead of time, so most likely, the only swimsuit you have is the one I prepared." Sayumi: "Huh?" Sagami: "Now, please get changed. You wouldn't want to keep Andou waiting." Sayumi: "Hmm... Well, a bikini might be a bit bold, but this one doesn't seem that strange." Sayumi: "Sorry for the wait, Andou-kun." Andou: "Wow, Sayumi-san, way to go! You're rocking that!" Sayumi: "I don't need your clichéd praise." Sayumi: "But thank you." Andou: "No, it honestly looks good on you. Come on, let's swim." Sayumi: "Right." Sagami: "Good for you. He liked it." Sagami: "Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention one thing. That swimsuit becomes see-through when wet, so please be careful. If you don't hurry, Andou will get suspicious. Or do you plan on knocking him out right here?" Andou: "Knowing you, I bet you're a perfect swimmer, too. Can you teach me how to swim later?" Andou: "Sayumi-san?" Sayumi: "Huh? Oh, sorry. I was so focused on warming up, I didn't hear you." Andou: "Well, warm-ups are important." Andou: "Now, where should we start?" Andou: "Should we just dive in?" Sayumi: "U-Uh, not at first..." Andou: "Then..." Lifeguard: "Hey! No diving!" Andou: "Are you okay?" Sayumi: "Yes." Andou: "Sayumi-san, that looks fun! Let's do that first!" Sayumi: "Huh?" Andou: "It's your turn next, Sayumi-san!" Andou: "Sayumi-san, that was awesome! Okay, let's do that next!" Sayumi: "Huh?" Andou: "We can't skip this one, can we?" Sayumi: "Huh?" Andou: "Sayumi-san, you're too incredible! I'm impressed!" Sayumi: "No, it's nothing that special." Sayumi: "Wh-What is it?" Andou: "Oh, just... You have such a nice figure, Sayumi-san." Sayumi: "P-Please don't look! Please! Please!" Andou: "Huh?" Andou: "Sayumi-san?" Sayumi: "I-It's nothing. Please forget that." Andou: "Huh?" Sayumi: "I'm sorry. I'll be in the restroom for a bit." Sagami: "Man, that was a fun show. Takanashi-sempai, you were really cute. I'm sure your number of fans is skyrocketing." Sayumi: "Thank you very much for all you've done. As of today, I'm through being your puppet." Sagami: "Are you trying to play fair?" Sagami: "You're definitely the type to finish last in love, aren't you? You need to become more egotistical, or you'll lose in love forever." Sayumi: "Even if that were the case, I don't believe there's any point in devaluing myself to win. I'd like to be as fair as possible." Sayumi: "Farewell, Sagami-kun." Sagami: "Good grief, I guess I failed on the everyday end. I wonder how the superpowered end is going." Sagami: "Hello, is this Hagiura Naoe-san, former F member?" Hagiura: "Who are you?" Andou: "How was that?" Sayumi: "Yes, that was better than last time." Andou: "All right!" Sayumi: "Don't get overjoyed so easily. You were awful to start with." Andou: "Huh? I was? I thought I had decent form, though." Sayumi: "Positive thinking isn't normally a bad thing," Sayumi: "but occasionally, your positivity is so carefree, it's irritating." Andou: "Good, you're the same old Sayumi-san." Sayumi: "Huh?" Andou: "Well, I thought you were acting a bit different today. But you're still the same Sayumi-san." Sayumi: "O-Of course I am! Please don't say such weird things." Andou: "I know, but I" Andou: "like you best this way, Sayumi-san." Sayumi: "I like you as you are now, too, Andou-kun." Andou: "Guiltia Sin Jurai here." Tomoyo: "Hey, Andou?" Andou: "Yeah, what's up?" Tomoyo: "Andou, are you doing anything tomorrow?" Andou: "Oh, actually, our family is going on vacation tomorrow." Tomoyo: "O-Oh, I see. Wow..." Andou: "It's one of those things we do every year. It's a vacation with both my family and Hatoko's." Andou: "We'll only be gone for one night, so I'll be back the day after. Is something up?" Tomoyo: "Huh? No, nothing in particular. I was just wondering if you might be free." Andou: "I'll probably be free starting the day after tomorrow." Tomoyo: "Oh..." Andou: "You know, it feels weird going on a family vacation, now that we're in high school. But my sister's actually excited about it." Tomoyo: "Oh, and you can't argue with your sister, can you?" Andou: "Jeez, I wish she'd hurry and find a boyfriend to take trips with." Tomoyo: "Well, I'll call you again later." Andou: "Hmm? S-Sure." Andou: "Huh? That's it?" Tomoyo: "Y-Yeah, that's it. It really wasn't anything important. Be careful on your trip." Andou: "Okay. I'll see you later." Tomoyo: "Yeah, later." Tomoyo: "Hey, Hatoko... What do you think of the love equation, where (time spent together) times (speed you grow intimate) equals (distance between you and your partner)?" Hatoko: "I'd rather compute how much I mean to them than how close I am to them, I guess?"
{ "raw_title": "When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace Episode 10 – Fool's Labyrinth", "parsed": [ "When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace", "10", "Fool's Labyrinth" ] }
Tomoyo: "What can you see in the depths of blackness, criminal?" Tomoyo: ""Melda de gotohro bal jin tehnogaga delpa merlo ionarbegi to do no te..." Ugh, this isn't right..." Tomoyo: "I can't. I can't do it. What should I do? Anija's Kishihime is..." Tomoyo: "Now it's even more caught." Tomoyo: "I've had it with this. I want to go home!" Andou: "Let me see it." Tomoyo: "Huh? B-But Anija said no one outside our family can touch Kishihime—" Andou: "That doesn't matter. Just give me room." Andou: "Here." Andou: "It's fixed." Andou: "Here. The ground is frozen and slippery, so don't ride it. Push it home." Tomoyo: "Yeah. Th-Tha—" Tomoyo: "Hear me! I commend you, son of man." Andou: "You know, you should really stop that." Tomoyo: "Huh?" Andou: "Don't you know? They call people like you "chuunibyou." The settings you made up" Andou: "Someday, you're likely to regret it and wonder, "Did I really do something that embarrassing?"" Tomoyo: "Climax Blade White!" Andou: "What are you doing?!" Tomoyo: "Shut up! Idiot!" Andou: "Huh?" Tomoyo: "Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Quit spouting nonsense! Fiction definitely exists!" Andou: "How can it exist? It's fiction because it doesn't exist anywhere." Tomoyo: "It does!" Andou: "It doesn't." Tomoyo: "It does." Andou: "Doesn't!" Tomoyo: "Does!" Andou: "It does not!" Tomoyo: "Yes, it does!" Andou: "Then tell me... Where is this fiction, exactly?" Tomoyo: "Here!" Tomoyo: "Fiction lies here!" Hatoko: "I understand." Hatoko: "I can definitely do this!" Andou: "The sea. It is the origin of life, and the foundation for all kinds of myths and legends." Machi: "Hey, Jurai! Quit slacking off and help us!" Andou: "Why are you so fired up? Aren't you worn out from driving? Shouldn't you be resting in the room with Dad and the others?" Machi: "No way. Not when we're at the beach." Hatoko: "Ju-kun!" Hatoko: "Jeez, you're a man, so catch me." Andou: "Huh?" Hatoko: "But it's such nice weather! All right! We're gonna play a lot today!" Andou: "You seem pretty excited today, Hatoko." Hatoko: "Huh? You're just not excited enough, Ju-kun." Hatoko: "If you say such mean things, I'll cry." Andou: "Uh... Did you buy a new swimsuit?" Hatoko: "H-How did you know?" Andou: "Well, I see it every year." Hatoko: "Is it strange?" Andou: "No, it looks like something out of a magazine for high school girls." Hatoko: "Th-That's... You praise me too much." Andou: "To be more precise, it looks like you bought the exact set featured in a magazine for high school girls." Hatoko: "How could you tell?!" Andou: "I was right?" Andou: "Well, it looks good on you, though." Hatoko: "Huh?" Machi: "Hey, Jurai! Hurry up and help me!" Andou: "Okay, okay! Jeez, you still run people ragged, even at the beach." Hatoko: "I-I was so nervous..." Hatoko: "Does everyone really do this? It's too incredible. But I can... I can do this, right?" Hatoko: "Wait for me, Ju-kun." Hatoko: "I'm going to make you choose me!" Tomoyo: "It would be a shame to waste it, right? I'll go for a change of pace, a change of pace..." Tomoyo: "Going to the pool by yourself really is sad..." Tomoyo: "Hey!" Tomoyo: "Hey!" Kids: "Sorry!" Tomoyo: "What the heck?!" Hatoko: "Ju-kun!" Hatoko: "Ju-kun! Ju-kun!" Hatoko: "Smile..." Hatoko: "Then look up at him." Hatoko: "Oh, sorry..." Hatoko: "But it wasn't my fault, you know." Andou: "Where's the random tsundere coming from?" Hatoko: "It wasn't tsundere. I was being selfish and clumsy." Andou: "Oh." Hatoko: "Good, good! Step one, clear. It's just about time for the next phase. "Step 2 involves a more direct approach."" Hatoko: "Ju-kun!" Andou: "Yeah?" Hatoko: "Please rub this on me! Here!" Andou: "Hey, are you sure?" Hatoko: "I'm sure! I'm sure, so hurry!" Andou: "Why do you sound so panicked?" Hatoko: "Just do it! Quick!" Andou: "Huh? This is empty." Hatoko: "Huh? No way!" Hatoko: "Ah, it really is! Then on to Plan B." Girl: "Come over here!" Guy: "Wait!" Hatoko: "Yeah!" Andou: "Ow... What was that all about, Hatoko?" Hatoko: "Do you want to catch me?" Andou: "Huh?" Hatoko: "Do you want to catch me?" Andou: "What are you saying?" Hatoko: "Huh? Catch me!" Andou: "No way. We're too old to play tag. And now my nose hurts." Hatoko: "D-Don't say that. I won't know what to do, then." Andou: "About what?" Hatoko: "Ju-kun..." Andou: "Okay, fine..." Andou: "You just want me to catch you, right?" Hatoko: "Yeah!" Machi: "What are they doing?" Andou: "I can't keep going. Let me rest a bit..." Hatoko: "Yeah, okay." Andou: "What in the world were you trying to accomplish?" Hatoko: "Uh... I'm not really sure anymore myself..." Andou: "All right. Then let's go under the shade of those rocks." Andou: "H-Hatoko?" Hatoko: "Ju-kun, listen..." Hatoko: "I..." Andou: "Hatoko?" Andou: "Y-You're close!" Hatoko: "Ju-kun..." Andou: "H-Hatoko?" Hatoko: "Ju-kun, I... I..." Hatoko: "Right now..." Andou: "Hatoko? Right now, I feel really..." Andou: "dizzy." Andou: "Hatoko? Hey, Hatoko!" Tomoyo: "Guess I'll go home." Tomoyo: "I shouldn't have gone to the pool by myself." Andou: "Are you okay now?" Hatoko: "Yeah, I'm fine." Hatoko: "I've been acting weird today, haven't I?" Andou: "Sort of." Hatoko: "Sorry." Andou: "It's nothing to apologize for." Hatoko: "I've been mean to Tomoyo-chan." Andou: "You have?" Andou: "Are you sure you aren't just imagining it?" Hatoko: "No, I'm not." Andou: "What, exactly, did you do?" Andou: "Is that why you've been a bit strange today?" Andou: "Well, you're human, too. Everyone has times when they're a little unkind." Hatoko: "Ju-kun..." Hatoko: "Listen, I... had something I wanted to ask you." Hatoko: "We've always been friends, right?" Hatoko: "For a long time now..." Andou: "Yeah." Hatoko: "But if we attend different colleges or get different jobs," Hatoko: "or end up not being able to see each other as often, once we're adults..." Hatoko: "Then..." Andou: "Hey, Hatoko," Hatoko: "Huh?" Andou: "Wasn't there a time I stood in front of your house on a rainy day? I may not have said it then," Andou: "but having you by my side has really saved me." Hatoko: "Ju-kun..." Andou: "Don't be creeped out, okay? In other words, what I'm trying to say is that, to me, you aren't just a friend." Andou: "I owe you a lot." Hatoko: "Huh?" Andou: "At any rate, you're special to me, Hatoko. Even when we're adults, that'll never change." Hatoko: "Oh." Andou: "Yep." Hatoko: "Hey, Ju-kun..." Andou: "Hmm?" Hatoko: "Oh... Never mind, it's nothing." Hatoko: "I see... I'm special." Andou: "Yeah." Hatoko: "Hey, Jurai..." Andou: "Wh-Where'd that come from?" Hatoko: "Ju-ra-i..." Andou: "S-Stop it. That feels really weird. It makes me edgy." Hatoko: "Then... Then can I keep being the only one who calls you "Ju-kun"?" Andou: "If you want." Hatoko: "Only me?" Andou: "Yeah." Hatoko: "Yay! It's official! Ju-kun!" Andou: "Yeah..." Hatoko: "Ju-kun." Andou: "Well, I suppose if you repeat such a silly name, it may distract them..." Hatoko: "Ju-kun." Andou: "Listen when I'm talking!" Hatoko: "Ju-kun!" Andou: "Yes, yes?" Hatoko: "Ju-kun!" Hatoko: "Ju-kun." Tomoyo: "Hello?" Tomoyo: "A-Andou? Huh? I was awake. What are you saying? Of course I was. It's still early..." Tomoyo: "Huh? Oh, you didn't need to worry about what happened the other day... It was really nothing. Hmm? The day after tomorrow? I'm free then, but..." Tomoyo: "Huh?" Andou: "Hey, Tomoyo!" Andou: "Hey, it's been a while." Tomoyo: "Yeah, it's been a while." Tomoyo: "H-Hey, don't stare so much... I'm not used to wearing stuff like this." Andou: "Oh, I was just thinking you look good in a yukata." Tomoyo: "Huh? Wh-What are you saying? I mean, yukatas... Yukatas... They look good on everyone." Andou: "Really? But of all I've seen today, I think yours looks the best." Tomoyo: "Wh-What do you mean?" Andou: "I'm complimenting you, okay? Let's go." Tomoyo: "S-Sure." Andou: "Tomoyo, is there anything you want to eat?" Tomoyo: "Huh? Me?" Andou: "It's my treat. I invited you, after all." Tomoyo: "I-I'd feel bad about that." Tomoyo: "You treated me last time, too." Andou: "Don't worry about it." Tomoyo: "Hmm..." Tomoyo: "How about whoever wins that gets treated by the other?" Andou: "Oh? Sounds fun." Tomoyo: "Then it's settled. No grudges, okay?" Andou: "This sensation is nostalgic." Andou: "It's time to show off my skill as a battle-hardened sniper." Tomoyo: "You're the one who should bow before my talent, said to be one in a thousand." Andou: "What do we knock down to determine the winner?" Tomoyo: "It doesn't matter, as long as you knock something down." Andou: "All right..." Andou: "Argh, damn. These things are totally rigged not to fall—" Tomoyo: "Whew, thanks for the treat!" Andou: "Damn, I wasn't up to speed today. Let's do it again sometime." Tomoyo: "The result will be the same, no matter how many times we do." Tomoyo: "There's nothing this way, is there?" Andou: "Yeah. I wanted to go somewhere less crowded for a bit." Tomoyo: "Huh?" Andou: "This looks like a good spot." Andou: "It's harder to talk when it's noisy." Tomoyo: "T-Talk? Wh-What's this about?" Andou: "Tomoyo..." Tomoyo: "Yes?" Andou: "Is there anything you want to tell me?" Tomoyo: "Huh? Wait, what? Me?" Tomoyo: "Didn't you want to say something to me?" Andou: "No, I'm not the one with something to say. I figured you might have something you wanted to tell me." Tomoyo: "Huh? Wh-Why?" Andou: "You called me, right?" Tomoyo: "Oh, th-that..." Tomoyo: "That wasn't really..." Andou: "Actually, I heard this from Hatoko..." Tomoyo: "H-Hatoko?" Andou: "She said she'd done something mean to you. I was wondering if something happened between you two." Andou: "Maybe it isn't something I should get involved in, but..." Tomoyo: "O-Oh... So that's why." Andou: "Huh?" Tomoyo: "No, it's nothing." Tomoyo: "I see. So that's what Hatoko said." Andou: "She did do something?" Tomoyo: "It wasn't mean. I wouldn't say nothing happened, but it's an issue between us girls, so I don't think it's right to tell you." Andou: "Okay. If I went too far, I apologize." Tomoyo: "But this is just like you. Besides, there really was something I wanted to tell you." Andou: "Hmm?" Tomoyo: "I failed the second round of the Light Novel New Author Contest." Andou: "Huh? You failed? What? Really?" Tomoyo: "I came to you for all that advice, and you even cheered me on, too. So I thought I should tell you..." Andou: "I see. It didn't pass round two, huh?" Tomoyo: "Sorry! I just couldn't bring it up." Andou: "It's nothing to apologize for. In fact, thanks. You went out of your way to tell me something hard to say." Tomoyo: "Wh-Why are you thanking me?" Tomoyo: "Aren't there other things you should say? L-Like, I'm disappointed, so you should console me!" Andou: "I won't console you." Tomoyo: "Huh?" Andou: "I know you tried your hardest on it. So that hard work and frustration belong to you alone." Andou: "I definitely don't want to give you any half-hearted empathy." Andou: "You didn't tell me because you wanted encouragement or comfort, right?" Andou: "You were just fulfilling your duty and obligations properly. So, thank you." Tomoyo: "Jeez, why are you always so..." Andou: "Whoa!" Andou: "Does that make this a secret spot?" Tomoyo: "I see. I do love Andou." Tomoyo: "All outcomes are predetermined, huh?" Andou: "Huh?" Tomoyo: "No," Tomoyo: "I love this." Andou: "Me, too." Andou: "Summer has to have fireworks." Tomoyo: "Yeah, I love this." Kudou: "Yes?" Tomoyo: "This weather kind of sucks." Hatoko: "I wonder what Kudou-san wanted? Calling us all in the middle of summer break..." Andou: "Sayumi-san, have you heard anything?" Sayumi: "No, I was just summoned to the club room by e-mail, just like all of you." Andou: "Kudou-san?" Kudou: "My arm! My arm burns!" Hatoko: "Oh, no!" Sayumi: "Kudou-san?" Andou: "Hatoko!" Tomoyo: "All things that begin must end." Hatoko: "And we do our best because they end." Sayumi: "And because we do our best, there are new beginnings." Chifuyu: "For things to begin, there must be endings." Andou: "Now, let's start the end of the beginning!"
{ "raw_title": "When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace Episode 11 – Cupid Error", "parsed": [ "When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace", "11", "Cupid Error" ] }