Computer: "I repeat. 99.999999999% match. You have been identified as a clone of a registered administrator. This order cannot be executed." Mikado: "I'm sorry, Woshis." Haku: "This is why my brother tried to stop him." Woshis: "No... No! No! No! No!" Computer: "All functions and systems are operating normally." Woshis: "No! No!" Computer: "Subject is coming to life. Mass is increasing at an accelerating rate, and exceeding the strength specification of the cage." Computer: "Please redeploy the confinement barrier." Computer: "This is an extremely dangerous situation. Please redeploy the confinement barrier." Haku: "Woshis, can't you stop this?" Haku: "The Tatari are going to escape!" Haku: "Woshis! Listen to me, Woshis!" Shichirya: "Woshis... You said you wanted to know how it felt to be betrayed by someone you trusted." Shichirya: "This... is your answer." Shichirya: "I'm so tired." Shichirya: "Will you accept me even though I'm a traitor, Raiko?" Haku: "Activate the barrier! Seal the Tatari immediately!" Computer: "Confinement barrier cannot be deployed." Haku: "What?" Computer: "Internal pressure has surpassed criticality and continues to rise. Damage to cage interior confirmed." Computer: "The subject will soon escape the cage. Please evacuate immediately." Computer: "The subject has begun to escape. This will put it outside the range of the facility's particle oscillation wave emitter. Please evacuate the vicinity of its escape point immediately." Anju: "The capital... The people..." ekone: "It'll swallow up the whole town!" Haku: "System! What happens if the Tatari isn't stopped?" Computer: "Compressed Tatari is known to expand at an exponential rate by absorbing organic matter. Its final size will be an estimated 1,580 times its original size. It will then begin to wander the surface, rendering 12% of the planet uninhabitable after one orbital revolution, and 42% after ten revolutions." Haku: "Damn it!" Rulutieh: "Oshtor..." Haku: "Is there... Is there any other way?" Mikado: "Oshtor..." Mikado: "If the temple's power is not enough, then we must seek power from outside." Haku: "That's right... From the sky!" Haku: "It's the only way to destroy the Tatari. I shall gladly accept eternal shame for being the one to destroy the capital." Anju: "Destroy the capital? Wh-What are you saying, Oshtor?" Mikado: "Anju, he is not to blame. I longed for a world that will never return, and couldn't bring myself to abandon them, even in their current form." Mikado: "And I failed to notice how Woshis felt, as well." Mikado: "This was my mistake. I am to blame, and no one else. My weakness was the cause of it all." Haku: "Establish connection to Amaterasu!" Kuon: "Amaterasu?" Computer: "Authorization confirmed. Order accepted." Computer: "Initiating connection with Climate Control Satellite Amaterasu." suri: "What is that?" Jachdwalt: "Some ruin somewhere, probably." Atuy: "But I don't see the ground." Haku: "Switch from climate control mode to particle oscillation wave emitter mode!" Computer: "Authorization confirmed. Order accepted." Computer: "Amaterasu has initiated mode change." Haku: "As Tatari, they've lost even the concept of death." Haku: "There's only one way to bring their lives to an end." Haku: "I will create a sun upon the earth, and use it to destroy all the Tatari!" Kiwru: "A sun?" suri: "Yeah! How do you make a sun..." Ougi: "A power from the age of the gods?" Ougi: "To think they could even create suns." ekone: "B-But if a sun appears on the surface, the capital will..." Haku: "I don't know..." Haku: "But if we don't stop it here, the capital won't be all that suffers. Someone has to do it." Haku: "Activate the particle oscillation waves!" Haku: "It's not working?" Mikado: "Don't worry." Computer: "Level 5. Highest authorization privileges confirmed." Computer: "Now beginning the particle oscillation wave emission sequence." Mikado: "You are the only success of the True Humanity project..." Mikado: "The last to bear the name." Computer: "Particle oscillation waves are prepared to fire." Computer: "Please specify target and power level." Haku: "Target: the Tatari at the center of the capital! Maximum power!" Computer: "Wavelength will be automatically set to the inverse of the subject's eigenfrequency. Warning: after firing completes, all Amaterasu functionality will be shut down to preserve the system. At that time, the system will need to be reset." Haku: "And what happens then?" Computer: "Until the reset occurs, climate control will cease in the designated area." Computer: "This will create a long-term ice age in the area." Kuon: "Ice age?" Computer: "The average temperature in the affected area will be -15 degrees. The maximum temperature will be 3 degrees. The minimum will be -50." Haku: "That's worse than I thought. But there's no time to worry about it. Will this place survive?" Computer: "92% probability of damage. If you remain here, the probability of survival is less than 1%." Haku: "I see." Haku: "Listen to me, everyone." Anju: "No, Oshtor!" Mikado: "I'll do it." Mikado: "System, I have the authority to pull the trigger, yes?" Computer: "Only administrator privileges are required." Anju: "No! Come with me, Father!" Mikado: "I can no longer move from this spot. Even if I escaped, I wouldn't last much longer." Anju: "But you'll..." Mikado: "I made the wrong choices because I cared too much for what I built." Mikado: "The least I can do with what life I have left is to save yours." Mikado: "Please, Anju." Mikado: "This is your father's first request of you." Anju: "Father!" Mikado: "Oshtor... take care of my daughter." Haku: "I will." Mikado: "Munechika. Mikazuchi. Listen well. This is your Mikado's final order." Mikado: "There is an emergency gate behind the corridor." Mikado: "Lead everyone... Lead Anju somewhere safe." Mikazuchi: "As you wish. I will do it even if it costs my life." Munechika: "I have received your order, Mikado." Anju: "No! I'm staying here!" Mikado: "Anju." Mikado: "Your role is to protect this nation and its people." Mikado: "I know you can do it." Anju: "Father!" Mikado: "Don't cry." Mikado: "Would you let me see you smile before the end?" Mikado: "Thank you, Anju." Kuon: "Oshtor, hurry!" Haku: "Go on without me!" Kuon: "But..." Haku: "I'll be there soon. Tell them that." Haku: "System, transfer trigger authorization." Haku: "Goodbye, my brother." Haku: "I'm glad we met again." Mikado: "Woshis..." Mikado: "You there. If you will not use the gate, use the shelter at the bottom of the facility." Mikado: "I can't tell you whether it can withstand Amaterasu's full power... But take care of my fool of a son." Mikado: "Looks like it's just the two of us now." Honoka: "I think that's fine." Honoka: "We've been so busy that time like this was a luxury." Computer: "Intrusion confirmed in blocks A and B." Mikado: "It seems there's no time to be sentimental, though." Computer: "Sealing bulkheads. A serious error has occurred with bulkhead strength." Honoka: "My lord..." Mikado: "Honoka, send my voice to the people and tell them to flee." Honoka: "Right away." People: "That voice... The M-Mikado? It's dangerous here! Get out of here!" Honoka: "I hope this means fewer of our people die." Mikado: "However many die, there's nothing more we can do. We've already done all we can." Honoka: "Yes." Mikado: "Now, this will be my last chance to talk to you in this life." Mikado: "So there's one thing I have to ask before the end comes." Honoka: "What?" Mikado: "Do you resent me?" Mikado: "I created life, created you and her, just to heal my wounded heart." Mikado: "I was a prisoner of the past. I did it to avert my gaze from what I had lost." Mikado: "But you have hearts. So tell me, now that it's over. If you resent me, say so." Honoka: "Perhaps I did. But even if the feelings were implanted in me from the start, they were still the only feelings I had." Honoka: "I've let them lead my whole life. And after a long, long time, new feelings came to replace them. If there is one thing I'm unhappy with, it's that you never told me you love me." Honoka: "It makes me so sad… because I loved you so much!" Honoka: "And you still never knew..." Honoka: "If only I had told you more!" Mikado: "Honoka... I..." Mikado: "I loved you. I loved you, I did!" Mikado: "Honoka..." Honoka: "My lord..." Mikado: "Good... This is all I need. I can die happy now. I'm sorry to keep you with me until the end." Honoka: "No. We die together." Honoka: "That is my wish." Mikado: "Next time, we will be the same." Mikado: "When we next meet, you will be my wife." Honoka: "I know." Mikado: "Amaterasu. Fire." Haku: "Brother..." Anju: "F-Father... Father..." Anju: "Father!" Mikazuchi: "Your Majesty." Anju: "Mikazuchi?" Mikazuchi: "Please allow me to return to the capital." Anju: "To the capital?" Mikazuchi: "I wish to see how the people are doing. If any are alive, they'll need my help." Mikazuchi: "The order given to me by the last Mikado is still alive within me." Anju: "My father's..." Mikazuchi: "I'm a warrior. I don't understand machines." Mikazuchi: "So I'll leave that to you." Anju: "Okay. Please, help the people of Yamato." Mikazuchi: "Of course." Mikazuchi: "Oshtor, take care of Her Majesty." Haku: "Yes. Of course." Mikazuchi: "For a little while, this will be goodbye." Anju: "Yes. Let me know immediately if anything happens." Jachdwalt: "What are you doing up at this hour, boss?" Haku: "Well, you know..." Jachdwalt: "I don't think anything's around that could hurt us, but be careful." Haku: "I will." Haku: "What is this feeling?" Haku: "When I heard my brother was dead last time, I didn't feel anything." Haku: "But he's really gone now." Haku: "Oh, that's right... This is a requiem for those who died in the capital, and for my brother and Honoka." Haku: "You must be cold. Head inside." Haku: "What's wrong?" Twins: "Our song..." Twins: "May we sing just a little longer?" Twins: "We want to sing for the Mikado and our mother." Haku: "I see." Twins: "We're sorry, Master." Twins: "The mother we loved... The father we loved..." Twins: "We want to sing them a song of rest." Twins: "So just for now... Let us be alone." Haku: "Do as you wish." Twins: "Thank you, Master." Kuon: "You can't sleep?" Haku: "I was listening to a song." Kuon: "I see. I couldn't sleep, either. I went for a walk and heard the singing..." Kuon: "Um..." Kuon: "Can I stay with you?" Haku: "Yeah." Kuon: "I remember this place." Kuon: "Come with me. There's something I want you to see." Kuon: "This way." Kuon: "It's dark. Be careful." Haku: "Lights." Kuon: "The light..." Haku: "I've got this." Kuon: "Then this place is still functional, huh?" Haku: "Just barely, I'd bet." Kuon: "I see." Haku: "A dead end, huh?" Kuon: "Nope. Wait a second." Kuon: "I think you do this, and then this..." Kuon: "Huh?" Haku: "Don't worry." Kuon: "That thing's handy, huh?" Haku: "This is..." Kuon: "Just like when I was here last time." Kuon: "I told you, right?" Kuon: "That ever since I was a kid, I loved going to new places." Kuon: "That's why I crossed the ocean and came to Yamato by myself." Kuon: "I heard there were a lot of ruins left. I knew they'd already been searched thoroughly, and that it wouldn't be easy to find what I wanted." Kuon: "I came here anyway, though, because I was curious." Kuon: "To be honest, I don't know if it was just intuition, or if something guided me here." Kuon: "But I found this little gap I could travel through." Kuon: "I remember how excited I was when I stepped inside." Kuon: "It was untouched." Kuon: "But what surprised me more was that this room was still alive. I was so excited as I started to look around, and then the wall just began to move..." Kuon: "That's right. This is where you were sleeping." Kuon: "I knew then that you were different from us. You were just as the legends said." Kuon: "You had to be one of the Utawarerumono..." Kuon: "The Onvitaikayan." Kuon: "But you didn't wake up." Kuon: "You were so cold and weak. I took you outside to my tent and helped you get better." Haku: "I'm just lucky the life support systems kept working." Kuon: "I was so happy." Kuon: "I had a living witness to our lost history right in front of us." Kuon: "But when you woke up, that changed to regret." Kuon: "You were so weak... You didn't look like you could survive on your own." Kuon: "And then I realized that you were all alone in the world." Kuon: "Maybe I'd..." Haku: "Kuon..." Kuon: "Maybe I'd done something very cruel." Haku: "I was all alone... all alone, and nobody knew me." Haku: "But I wasn't lonely." Haku: "Everyone came together. We walked together, laughed together, fought together..." Haku: "And more than anything, you were there for me." Haku: "That's right..." Haku: "I was never alone." Haku: "I never felt lonely." Haku: "Thank you." Kuon: "I see. So that's... how you felt." Haku: "Kuon?" Kuon: "I'm sorry. Just let me stay like this for a while." Haku: "Oh, yeah. That's right." Haku: "I forgot something important." Haku: "No, I guess I remembered."
{ "raw_title": "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth Episode 23 – In the Land of Awakenings", "parsed": [ "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth", "23", "In the Land of Awakenings" ] }
Kuon: "Snow?" Kuon: "It wasn't snowing when we got here." Haku: "It's because Amaterasu shut down. If we can't fix it, Yamato... no, every living thing on the surface will die." umirul: "Are you okay, Shinonon?" Shinonon: "I'm c-cold!" Jachdwalt: "Yeah, it's a hell of a lot colder than it was yesterday." suri: "I thought I'd freeze to death when I woke up this morning!" Ougi: "Is it because we're nearing Kujyuri?" Rulutieh: "Kujyuri gets a lot of snow, but it doesn't just freeze like this." Munechika: "Here, Your Majesty. This will warm you up." Anju: "Thank you." Haku: "Your Majesty." Anju: "Oshtor..." Anju: "You said yesterday that Yamato would turn cold. Is this what you meant?" Haku: "Yamato was protected by a star in the heavens." Haku: "The star kept the lands warm and let bountiful crops grow. It was keeping the people alive." Haku: "But the star used up all its power and went to sleep." Anju: "A star did?" Haku: "Without the protection of the Mikado's star, eternal winter will come, and we will never see spring again." Kuon: "If that happens, a lot of people will starve or freeze to death, I think." suri: "That's really bad!" Anju: "Isn't there some way to save the people?" Haku: "If we can call out to the star and awaken it once more..." Kuon: "Call out to the star?" Haku: "Yes." Haku: "If there was a place we could use to communicate with Amaterasu..." Haku: "What is it, you two?" Twins: "We know a place. We know of a place where you can guide the star." Ozen: "I can't believe what happened to the capital..." Haku: "There's no time to waste. I'd like you to send forces from Kujyuri to keep the refugees safe and maintain order." Shis: "Of course. Leave it to us." Anju: "Good. Use my name if it will help." Anju: "The other owlos will offer to help, I'm sure." Ozen: "Your words honor me." Ozen: "But if you're leaving this to us, Oshtor, then what are you..." Haku: "A greater disaster is coming, and we must stop it before it happens. We want permission to enter the basement of this castle." Anju: "This place is in pretty bad shape. Is there really a place where we can talk to the star here?" Kuon: "There is hope, I think. Kujyuri's castle was built on an ancient ruin." suri: "But still..." Atuy: "I'm so cold..." Twins: "It seems well-preserved." Twins: "Perhaps our voices can reach the star here." Haku: "So this is the place?" Twins: "You'll need the Master Key. If the terminals are in sleep mode, you can awaken them by holding up the Master Key." Computer: "Master Key confirmed. Seals on all systems removed. Give your command." Haku: "I have but one order..." Haku: "Reactivate Amaterasu!" Computer: "Administrator privileges confirmed. Initiating communication with Climate Control Satellite Amaterasu." Computer: "Countdown until Amaterasu reboot. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five," Computer: "four, three, two, one." Computer: "Rebooting Amaterasu." Computer: "Amaterasu has rebooted successfully. Initiating warming of designated regions." Haku: "Yes! It worked!" Anju: "Oshtor, does this mean the long winter won't come?" Haku: "Its power levels are low. This is all it can do right now, huh?" Haku: "We just used its maximum power, so we can't push it too hard." Haku: "Yamato is no longer in danger of endless winter." Haku: "But the star has just awakened, and it will take time for it to recover." Haku: "Two, three months... perhaps six at the most." Anju: "Six months..." Munechika: "We may lose the year's harvest." Kuon: "But we've avoided the worst case, I think. We'll have to work with the other countries to get through the rest." Anju: "Yes, that's right. It's cold here. Let's head back upstairs." Haku: "What are you three doing here?" Shyasurika: "We're taking back the Master Key!" Liveruni: "H-He needs it!" Ravieh: "It belongs to Woshis!" Kuon: "Oshtor!" Munechika: "Weak!" Shyasurika: "Die!" Haku: "He's fast!" suri: "Th-The Master Key! Wait!" suri: "Shouldn't we go after him?" Haku: "There's no need." Haku: "That would only lead to greater disaster." Anju: "They threw away their lives." Anju: "But our enemies succeeded in their goal, didn't they?" Haku: "At least we were lucky enough that it was after we rebooted Amaterasu." Haku: "I'm sorry to lose such an important treasure like this." Kuon: "It's fine. I'm just glad you're okay, I think." Woshis: "Is someone there?" Woshis: "No one's here? Shyasurika? Liveruni? Ravieh?" Woshis: "They all betrayed me." Woshis: "I was never my father's heir." Woshis: "I was just his clone." Woshis: "I was just a fake, like Anju..." Woshis: "Shyasurika?" Woshis: "What happened?" Shyasurika: "Woshis..." Woshis: "The Master Key..." Woshis: "Why? What do I need this for now?" Woshis: "Where are the others? What happened to Liveruni and Ravieh?" Shyasurika: "Woshis... Were we of use to you?" Woshis: "Yes. You did well." Woshis: "You did very well indeed, Shyasurika." Woshis: "No! Open your eyes, Shyasurika!" Computer: "Administ... confir... give... command..." Woshis: "The records of the Onvitaikayan..." Woshis: "To a fake like me, they mean nothing." Woshis: "But..." Mikado: "What a handsome child! He looks smart, like me!" Honoka: "Yes, I'm sure he'll grow up to be a splendid young man." Woshis: "This is me?" Mikado: "How is he?" Honoka: "His fever has gone down." Woshis: "Father..." Mikado: "I think I'd rather have him follow his own path instead of being my heir." Honoka: "Yes!" Mikado: "Let's delete the system's data about his birth so it doesn't get in his way." Mikado: "He's not my clone. He's our son!" Woshis: "I was..." Woshis: "I was... That's right..." Woshis: "W-Wait!" Woshis: "What a fool I've been." Woshis: "I was so loved." Woshis: "So protected..." Woshis: "Mother... Father..." Woshis: "And the children..." Woshis: "What do I do?" Woshis: "This is the Akuruka... The last thing my father left." Woshis: "This is meant for the Onvitaikayan." Woshis: "But with this, I can live up to my father's hopes! To everyone's hopes!" Woshis: "Akuruka, give me power!" Kuon: "You're worried about Woshis?" Haku: "Sorry." Kuon: "It's okay. The Master Key is broken." Kuon: "And the Temple itself is..." Kuon: "Even with the Key, there's very little he can do, right?" Haku: "Kuon's right. But there's something more instinctive I'm feeling." Kiwru: "Brother, we're ready." Haku: "Excellent. Then we leave..." Woshis: "Comrade..." Kiwru: "What's wrong, Brother?" Shinonon: "What happened?" Atuy: "I felt a chill..." Rulutieh: "Cocopo? What's wrong?" suri: "Something's not right. They say when birds panic, it means something bad's coming." Haku: "You couldn't hear that voice?" Kiwru: "Voice?" Kiwru: "Kuon! Kuon?" Kuon: "I-I'm fine... It's nothing, I... think..." Haku: "Kuon!" ekone: "Sister!" umirul: "Ku!" Haku: "She's burning up!" Haku: "Get me an herbalist immediately!" Rulutieh: "Okay!" Anju: "So what's happened to her?" Haku: "She's calmed down a little, but she needs to be closely watched." Anju: "I see." Haku: "We'll wait till morning, and if she doesn't get better, we'll..." suri: "W-We'll leave her here?" Haku: "We don't have a choice. We need to get Her Majesty back to the capital as soon as possible to help the survivors." Haku: "You're still awake?" umirul: "Yes. I'm worried about Ku." Haku: "You should get some rest. I can't have you getting sick, too." ekone: "But..." Haku: "Don't worry. I'll stay with Kuon until tomorrow morning." umirul: "Okay. We'll get some rest, then." ekone: "Brother, watch over her, okay?" Haku: "She's through the worst of it, I see." Shis: "What is it?" Yashmah: "Sister..." Yashmah: "There's a group ahead of us." Yashmah: "Refugees from the capital?" Yashmah: "Halt!" Yashmah: "We've come here on Her Majesty's orders to protect the capital." Yashmah: "If you're refugees..." Yashmah: "Wh-What are these things?" Shis: "Yashmah, prepare for combat!" ekone: "How is she?" Haku: "Much better." Haku: "She should be fine." umirul: "Um, I'm going to stay. It's my job to take care of her." Haku: "That would help a lot." Rulutieh: "He's from my sister's unit." Soldier: "The Kujyuri forces are presently in combat with an unknown enemy! Please send reinforcements immediately!" Rulutieh: "Are my brother and sister safe?" Soldier: "They were okay when I left, but..." Rulutieh: "No..." Anju: "We leave immediately!" Haku: "Your Majesty..." Anju: "I'll see for myself what's going on." Anju: "I can't let any more lives be lost!" Haku: "We're heading out to reinforce the Kujyuri unit immediately! Take every Woptor we have! We'll take our best forces and get there as fast as we can!" Yashmah: "Circle the wagons!" Shis: "Make a wall and just hang in there!" Soldiers: "We can't! There are too many of them!" Shis: "Soon... Oshtor will be here soon! Hang in there until he arrives!" Soldiers: "Y-Yes, ma'am!" Shis: "We keep pushing them back, and they just keep coming." Shis: "We can't hold them off forever." Haku: "Shis! Yashmah!" Shis: "Oshtor!" Yashmah: "Oshtor's men are here!" Shis: "He came here so fast, and for my sake! I'm so happy!" suri: "What do we do, Oshtor?" Haku: "We charge! Take out the ones closest to the Kujyuri unit!" Jachdwalt: "On it!" Atuy: "Leave it to me!" Rulutieh: "Brother! Sister! I'm glad you're safe!" Shinonon: "There are a whole lot of weird things there!" Anju: "Charge!" Anju: "What are these things? Do they come back to life?" Haku: "Immortal monsters? And so many..." Haku: "But something feels strange..." Haku: "I recognize this feeling." Shyasurika: "You're in the way." Shyasurika: "I knew you'd come if we waited here." Haku: "You! You're alive—" suri: "Wait!" Atuy: "What? I see people we buried in a grave!" Ravieh: "We lost our lives that day, yes. But a most noble man has laid upon us a great order, and thus we have returned once more." Haku: "Woshis?" Shyasurika: "Did you enjoy your reunion with the people of the capital?" Anju: "What?!" Munechika: "No..." Liveruni: "Woshis granted their wish, that's all. He saved them from sin and suffering. They've been reborn to live forever in a world without pain." Hakuowlo: "Thus they made their wish, and it was granted." Hakuowlo: "They were given strong bodies. Immortal bodies that would never age." Hakuowlo: "They paid a heavy price, though." Haku: "No! What salvation is there in being like them?" Shyasurika: "This is what they wished for." Haku: "They did not!" Shyasurika: "But you are no longer worthy of being in Woshis's sight." Ravieh: "You're no more than a pebble." Liveruni: "But even a pebble may cause a man to stumble."
{ "raw_title": "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth Episode 24 – A Voice from the Abyss", "parsed": [ "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth", "24", "A Voice from the Abyss" ] }
Shyasurika: "It's over already?" Liveruni: "We can't expect better from them. They're incomplete. It would be cruel to compare them to us now that Woshis has given us these new forms." Haku: "There are too many!" Haku: "We won't last much longer!" Haku: "Do I have to use the Akuruka?" ekone: "Brother, no!" Anju: "Don't, Oshtor! You mustn't use any more of that power!" Haku: "I can't fall here. If I can't save the lives of the people here, what good is the Akuruka at all?" Haku: "Akuruka!" ekone: "Brother!" Shyasurika: "You used the power of the Akuruka, then?" Ravieh: "You are strong, yes." Liveruni: "But you are the only one with that power here." Shyasurika: "And we've been waiting for this moment." suri: "Wh-What?" Kiwru: "Th-There are more of them?" Shyasurika: "We are one and yet all. And all and yet one! We act in perfect harmony!" ekone: "Brother!" Munechika: "Out of the way!" Atuy: "I'm getting a little tired..." Jachdwalt: "I keep killing them, but it ain't getting us anywhere!" Shinonon: "Way to go, Kiwru!" Rulutieh: "Cocopo!" Yashmah: "Sister!" Touka: "Don't give up." Touka: "We're here to help." Karulau: "I'm amazed all of you stayed on your feet this long." Rulutieh: "They're from the Hakuroukaku Inn." Shinonon: "Karulau! Touka!" Jachdwalt: "What are they doing here?" Shyasurika: "Another one or two won't help you." Shyasurika: "Is this..." Shyasurika: "the same power of the Onkami that we possess?" Touka: "You there! Let me ask you... Why did you take their lives? Their hopes?" Shyasurika: "Take? Woshis does not take, but only gives. New lives. New hopes." Liveruni: "The form they take is a sign of their imperfection. It is their true form, the one their lives and hopes deserve." Shyasurika: "They're free from their suffering." Shyasurika: "Shouldn't you be rejoicing?" Touka: "I see. So our words can no longer reach you, then." Haku: "Take everyone and get out of here! Even if you're strong, there are too many." Karulau: "Don't worry." Karulau: "In this battle... we have the advantage in numbers, too." Kuon: "Rise, High Commander of Yamato, Oshtor!" Kuon: "Or are you going to fall to the ground and beg for your life?" Rulutieh: "Th-That's..." Kiwru: "New monsters?" Haku: "No, those are the Abh-kamu! And..." ekone: "The Princess of Tuskur!" Kuon: "Princess of Yamato, what's happened to you?" Kuon: "Your father entrusted you with the future of the capital and Yamato!" Kuon: "Or have you already forgotten the tears you shed?" Kuon: "How can an owlo, the ruler of a nation, give up before her people and soldiers? If you're a true owlo, the Mikado of Yamato, then stand up and fight!" Kuon: "Show me the might of Yamato!" Anju: "Don't tell me what to do..." Rulutieh: "Anju..." Munechika: "Your Majesty..." Anju: "I will not fall!" Anju: "I am Anju! As long as Yamato stands, so do I!" Anju: "I don't need you to tell me what to do. My father entrusted me with this nation and its people, and I will protect them with my own two hands!" Kuon: "That's the Anju I know." Kuon: "The Mikado of Yamato, I think." Anju: "Y-You're..." Rulutieh: "Kuon!" ekone: "Sister?" Kuon: "Benawi, Kurou, advance the Abh-kamu and get the enemy away from Oshtor!" Kurou: "Sure thing! I've been waiting for this." Benawi: "All troops, prepare to attack!" Benawi: "Tuskur will now aid Yamato in battle!" Kurou: "Let's go, men!" Soldiers: "Yeah!" Shyasurika: "You're wasting your time." Shyasurika: "No matter how many soldiers you bring, they're helpless before our might." Kurou: "Okay, big guys, your turn! Get 'em!" Benawi: "They may be immortal, but they're not invincible." Benawi: "Rakusharai, focus on breaking up their groups." Benawi: "Karunerai, advance alongside the Abh-kamu." Soldiers: "Yes, sir!" Karulau: "You don't seem as worried as you should be." Touka: "No matter how many of you there are..." Touka: "An enemy without a soul is no match for us!" Liveruni: "Damn you..." Camyu: "Aru!" Aruruu: "I won't let you stand in Ku's way." Anju: "Everyone, don't let Tuskur fight better than you do!" Anju: "Now show them the might of Yamato!" Soldiers: "Ma'am!" umirul: "Munechika!" Munechika: "Fumirul?" Munechika: "This is..." umirul: "Now is the time to use its power to the fullest." Munechika: "Indeed!" Munechika: "I am Munechika! Munechika, one of the Eight Pillar Generals that defends Yamato! Here I come!" Camyu: "Big Sister!" Ulthury: "Join me, Camyu!" Camyu/Ulthury: "Let us bring solace, however transient, to those who have been made to defy natural law." Shyasurika: "I didn't expect to see descendants of Mutsumi here." Shyasurika: "Who are these people?" Kuon: "Haku..." Kuon: "So you used it again, didn't you?" Haku: "I'm sorry." Kuon: "No. I know you're the type of person who'd feel like there was no other choice." Liveruni: "You are a dangerous man." Ravieh: "You must be destroyed here!" Kuon: "They still want to fight?" Liveruni: "We will sacrifice everything we have..." Ravieh: "...to blast you to dust!" Anju: "What?" Trio: "Glory to Woshis!" Kuon: "Oshtor!" Shyasurika: "We tricked you." Liveruni: "We were only after you from the start." Ravieh: "You were the only one we needed to kill!" Kuon: "Oshtor!" Woshis: "Kindred..." Woshis: "The world is filled with injustice." Woshis: "Why can I not be happy?" Woshis: "Why am I not loved?" Haku: "Woshis?" Woshis: "Why can't we all be equal?" Woshis: "Why?" Woshis: "It must be changed. This imperfect world must be corrected" Woshis: "as a gift to all living things." Haku: "What are you talking about?" Woshis: "Kindred..." Woshis: "Become a part..." Woshis: "of this world with me." Woshis: "We will fill the world together!" Anju: "Oshtor!" Haku: "Your Majesty... Everyone, I'm sorry." Haku: "Did I worry you?" ekone: "Brother..." ekone: "Brother!" ekone: "I-I'm sorry!" Atuy: "Nekoyan's always such a little girl when Oshtor's around." suri: "That's right. A good woman should be more subtle in the way she treats her man." Haku: "Oh... So I was right." Haku: "Smile, Oshtor. Don't let them find out." umirul: "I'm really glad, though. Aren't you, Ku?" umirul: "Ku?" Haku: "Kuon?" Kuon: "Oshtor, are you okay?" Haku: "Yeah. I'm just fine." Kuon: "Good. I'm glad." Haku: "I know I just woke up... but I still worried her, didn't I?" Anju: "It's horrible to look at." Anju: "There's no reason why they had to be humiliated like this." Anju: "We cannot allow this tragedy to happen again!" Anju: "We head for the capital immediately!" Benawi: "Princess, Tuskur would like to accompany you, as well." Anju: "This is Yamato's problem. There's no need for Tuskur's help." Kuon: "Anju, this problem is bigger than that now, I think." Ulthury: "The master of the shrine told us about what was happening in Yamato. That's why we brought troops." Camyu: "This doesn't just involve Yamato anymore. If we don't stop it, what happened to those people might happen to everyone in the world." Anju: "Well..." Haku: "Your Majesty, they possess a means to fight the Noroi. I believe we should form a temporary alliance." Anju: "Oshtor's the High Commander here!" Anju: "Your generals will have to listen to him!" Kuon: "That was the plan from the start, I think." Benawi: "No objections here." Kurou: "We'll keep the little guys busy. You take down their boss." Anju: "Of course we will!" Haku: "Shis, Yashmah..." Shis: "Y-Yes?" Haku: "I want you to take your troops, as well as these Rakusharai, back to Kujyuri." Shis: "Wh-Why? We'll go with you..." Haku: "If what the yatanawarabe said was true, the monsters we fought were the people of the capital. We should assume that they were not created one at a time, but instead transformed en masse by some unknown method." Haku: "Which means..." Yashmah: "The same could just as well happen to our troops." Yashmah: "Understood. We'll send them back and go with you by ourselves." Anju: "What is this?" Anju: "I knew it was coming, but..." Anju: "Part of me thought that maybe..." Haku: "Your Majesty..." Anju: "The people of the capital are all..." Mikazuchi: "Your Majesty! Oshtor!" Mikazuchi: "I'm ashamed to let you see the capital in such a state." Haku: "Mikazuchi!" Munechika: "Mikazuchi!" Mikazuchi: "I don't recognize some of you." Mikazuchi: "Who are you?" Mikazuchi: "When I got here, the capital wasn't yet in that state. But the sky suddenly changed color, and some of the citizens and soldiers started turning into those monsters. I gathered the ones that didn't transform and fought back, but there were too many of them. It was all I could do to get the people out." Anju: "So these were the only survivors?" Mikazuchi: "No." Mikazuchi: "We weren't the only ones to help the capital in its hour of need." Mikazuchi: "Irawaji, Genho, Soyankekur... They all brought their soldiers to help. And... the one at the Great Gate was broken, but what my brother left behind helped us." Haku: "The cannons?" Mikazuchi: "Yeah. It's thanks to them that we were able to drive off those monsters." Mikazuchi: "The surviving citizens were taken by Irawaji and Soyankekur to the east." Anju: "I see..." Mikazuchi: "But the strange clouds remain around the capital. Things aren't back to normal yet." Mikazuchi: "I remained to keep watch and search for survivors." Haku: "Uruuru, Saraana." Twins: "Master... We can see the faint color of a soul." Haku: "Woshis?" Twins: "An Akuruturuka. It's likely someone absorbed by their Akuruka." Mikazuchi: "Woshis? That man..." Anju: "With an Akuruka?" Haku: "Woshis has an Akuruka?" Haku: "So that was his mind entering my consciousness through the power of the Akuruka?" Haku: "But this next battle is likely our last... and I won't have a choice." Kuon: "Oshtor, I want you to let us fight Woshis in the next battle." Kuon: "I'll be straight. Your body isn't capable of surviving another use of the Akuruka." Kuon: "So please, promise me..." Kuon: "that you won't go to the front lines." Kuon: "The moment everyone's in danger, I know you'll use the power of the Akuruka." Kuon: "And when you do..." Anju: "This is a waste of time!" Anju: "I'm ordering you! You're not allowed to fight in this battle!" Haku: "But—" Anju: "Silence!" Anju: "Kamunagi of the Chains, remove him from this place!" Atuy: "Huh?" suri: "They're not here." Kiwru: "That's odd. They're always with him." Haku: "No... They're not..." Twins: "The Mikado chose Master as his heir." Twins: "And told us to serve him." Twins: "But we knew when we met him..." Twins: "That we were born from the very start to serve him." Twins: "There was a tightness in our chests..." Twins: "Our hearts were pounding like clanging bells..." Twins: "Our faces turned red... And each time we saw our master, we became more sure of these feelings. They became a part of us." Twins: "He is the Utawarerumono." Twins: "He is the one who will be the next Onkami." Twins: "We walk with our Master." Twins: "Not because we were ordered to." Twins: "Not because it's our duty." Twins: "Not because of any knowledge that was put inside us or anything that binds us." Twins: "This is our wish, which comes from deep within us." Twins: "Please..." Twins: "Let us serve you." Twins: "Let us stay with you forever!"
{ "raw_title": "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth Episode 25 – Twisted Onkami", "parsed": [ "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth", "25", "Twisted Onkami" ] }
Twins: "Woshis... Sad man, who was loved more by the Mikado than anyone, and yet suffered because he knew it not." Twins: "But we are..." Twins: "...the Kamunagi of the Chains." Twins: "For our love of our master..." Twins: "To stop him from using his power..." Twins: "We hereby seal you in defiance of natural law." Twins: "Come forth, O spirits on high. O spirits, to whom we pray. Open thy gates, and reveal the way to thy lands empyrean... Come forth, O spirits benign. O spirits, for whom we cry. Take ye this piteous soul, and let it know peace... Creation, destruction. Sacred, profane." Twins: "Let all mortals yield to the spirit's domain!" Twins: "For our master!" Twins: "What we must do..." Woshis: "How pitiful." Twins: "Master..." Twins: "Thank you." Twins: "We will go on ahead... ...and wait for you." Woshis: "My blessings upon you." Kuon: "Looks like I made it just in time!" Haku: "That was foolish..." Haku: "Did you think that would make me happy?" Twins: "Master... We will accept any punishment." Haku: "How can I punish you when you did this for me?" Ulthury: "Kuon, your illness is completely healed. You collapsed because you could not control the power of Uitsualnemetia within you." Ulthury: "Mortals are imperfect beings, and their wishes are filled with contradictions." Ulthury: "You yourself are no different. Promise me that whatever happens, however dire things get," Ulthury: "you'll never seek the power within you." Kuon: "I know..." Kuon: "But..." Kuon: "I won't let Haku use his power!" Woshis: "Kindred..." Woshis: "Why do you pretend to be mortal?" Woshis: "Come unto me, that we may make a new world!" Haku: "Ridiculous..." Woshis: "Let us cast aside our mortal shells and leave." Woshis: "Open the door and return to the abyss..." Haku: "What is he saying?" Kuon: "Shut up!" Woshis: "Oh... Are these regrets?" Haku: "Don't tell me..." Haku: "When he was calling out to his "kindred," he meant..." Woshis: "Let me bring my blessings upon you..." Woshis: "and grant your wish." Haku: "Wish?" suri: "What's this voice?" Kiwru: "I'm hearing a voice in my head." Haku: "This is..." Atuy: "I know what I want! I want..." Haku: "Stop! Don't wish for anything!" Atuy: "Huh?" Haku: "Don't listen to the voice! People changed into monsters after they answered the voice." Woshis: "I shall grant your wish." Girl: "Mom! Dad! Why did you die?" Girl: "I'm so sad... I miss you!" Girl: "Mom! Dad!" Dad: "Come this way... Come with us." Mom: "We'll always be together... For eternity." Old Woman: "It's like a dream... My body's getting younger and younger!" Woman: "We can finally become one, my beloved!" Man: "Come here..." Woshis: "Come, kindred..." Kuon: "I'm a person. I'm no kindred of yours!" Haku: "There's no time left if we want to save the people!" Haku: "Let's go!" Jachdwalt: "Yeah!" Atuy: "I can't wait!" Kiwru: "But, Brother..." Haku: "I can't retreat now!" Kiwru: "I understand. We'll support you as best we can!" Anju: "But you must not use the power of the Akuruka!" Anju: "Promise me!" Woshis: "Little ones..." Woshis: "Do not cling to life." Atuy: "What is this? I can't move..." Anju: "It'll take..." Anju: "more than that..." Woshis: "Just accept it." Haku: "Are you okay, everyone?" Jachdwalt: "I think so. But whatever this is, it's bad news." Kuon: "If I can't stop it, everyone's going to..." Ulthury: "Your wish may come true." Kuon: "If I release just a little of my power..." Ulthury: "But you may lose everything you have." Kuon: "I'll use my power to protect everyone!" Haku: "I'm sorry! I can't keep my promise!" Kuon: "Haku said it's not whether you can or can't do it... You just do it!" Kuon: "There's no time for hesitation!" umirul: "Ku, no!" Haku: "Akuruka, become the door and open!" Kuon: "No, Oshtor!" Haku: "Oh, no!" ekone: "Brother..." Anju: "You fool!" Anju: "Everyone, we're going to help Oshtor!" Haku: "I am an Akuruturuka, a bearer of the mask..." ekone: "Brother!" Haku: "Stay back!" Haku: "Not enough... It's not enough." Haku: "I need more power." Haku: "Akuruka! Devour my soul! Devour all I have, and show me a power that exists beyond the heavens! The door... The door to the origin!" Twins: "Master..." Ougi: "This is..." suri: "Its wounds are healing." Kiwru: "Amazing..." ekone: "No, it's just like before..." Munechika: "Oshtor..." Kuon: "Haku, no!" Haku: "Lead me... To the depths of power... To an even deeper abyss!" ekone: "Brother!" ekone: "Brother!" Haku: "Woshis... If we had only met in a different time, we could have been friends and drank together." Haku: "But..." Haku: "This is the end!" Kuon: "No!" Haku: "For now, just rest in peace." Haku: "Take care of him, Brother." Woshis: "Now I can see them again." Woshis: "Father... Mother..." Rulutieh: "All I can ever do is watch." Rulutieh: "But... at last, I can call your name." Rulutieh: "Haku!" Haku: "I'm back." Atuy: "I've been waiting for this moment ever since that day. Welcome home, mister." suri: "Wh-What's going on? O-Oshtor is Haku, but if Haku's here, that means..." Kiwru: "Why are you..." Haku: "Kiwru..." Kiwru: "Why?" Haku: "Take care of Ennakamuy." Kiwru: "Y-You can't just say that out of nowhere. I can't..." Haku: "Don't blame me. The job got dumped on me in the first place." Haku: "Besides, I know you can do it." Haku: "Even if it was only for a little while, I'm proud I got to be your brother." Haku: "You've become a man now." Kiwru: "Brother..." Shinonon: "Leave it to us! He's got me at his side, after all!" Haku: "Jachdwalt, you've done an awful lot for me so far." Haku: "I gotta ask you to do a bit more." Haku: "That laugh of yours always lightened my heart..." Haku: "Nosuri, I'm sure whatever happens, you'll overcome it with a smile." Haku: "Ougi, thank you for supporting me as my shadow." Haku: "Fumirul... I know we've caused an awful lot of trouble for you, even though you're our guest. Try to cheer up Kuon later." umirul: "Of course." Haku: "Munechika, sorry. I'm going on ahead of you. Take care of Her Majesty." Haku: "Atuy, I always depended on you for everything." Haku: "On the battlefield, and everywhere else." Haku: "It was warm..." Haku: "Just having you by my side, Rulutieh, warmed my heart. Uruuru, Saraana," Haku: "I free you both from the bonds laid upon you." Haku: "Live your lives as you see fit." Haku: "Repeat what I said." Twins: "As you wish." Twins: "We shall live our lives as we see fit." Anju: "Wait! I won't let you leave my side!" Haku: "Your Majesty..." Anju: "You're Oshtor! My Oshtor!" Anju: "Why aren't you saying anything?" Anju: "I won't let you go anywhere! Oshtor belongs with me!" Anju: "You... You..." Anju: "No, that's not what I want to say." Anju: "I have these dreams..." Haku: "Dreams?" Anju: "And in the dreams, I'm laughing." Anju: "My father's with me, and my mother... and you, too, Haku. It's a pinky promise! Break it and you have to swallow a thousand needles!" Anju: "Pinky swear!" Anju: "In the dream, we promised." Haku: "Yeah, we did. "It's a pinky promise. Break it and you have to swallow a thousand needles."" Anju: "That's right! We pinky swore!" Anju: "If you break it, you have to swallow the needles!" Haku: "I'm sorry." Anju: "Uncle, you liar!" Anju: "Liar! Liar!" Haku: "I'm sorry." Haku: "Nekone..." ekone: "Brother, you're going to leave me alone again?" Haku: "It's all over. The war. My duty. You don't need to call me Bro—" ekone: "No! You're my brother! That's why I don't want you to go! Don't leave me alone!" Haku: "You're not alone. You have everyone with you." ekone: "But not you!" Haku: "Nekone..." Haku: "Please... see your brother off with a smile." ekone: "You really are mean, Brother." ekone: "You're so mean..." ekone: "And I love you, Brother!" Haku: "Get along with your mother, and be happy." ekone: "Brother..." Kuon: "Why did this happen, I wonder?" Haku: "Kuon..." Kuon: "It's all my fault." Kuon: "You're a lazy slacker who always tries to get out of working." Kuon: "So why are times like these the only times..." Haku: "That's a mean thing to say when I'm actually trying to work for once." Kuon: "But..." Haku: "Thank you." Haku: "Those feelings of yours are enough." Kuon: "Don't tell me..." Kuon: "Is that why..." Haku: "I had a lot of fun with you at my side." Kuon: "Wait, Haku!" Haku: "It was thanks to you that I made it this far." Kuon: "I said wait!" Haku: "Yeah, I had a whole lot of fun." Haku: "So did you, right?" Kuon: "No, Haku!" ekone: "Brother..." Rulutieh: "Haku..." Atuy: "Mister!" suri: "Haku!" Ougi: "Haku..." Munechika: "Haku..." Kiwru: "Brother..." Shinonon: "Daddy..." Jachdwalt: "Boss..." Twins: "As you wish." Kuon: "Why?" Kuon: "It's my fault." Kuon: "I woke him up..." Kuon: "I hesitated..." Kuon: "I told myself I wasn't going to say goodbye this time..." Kuon: "All the people I care about leave me!" Kuon: "Haku..." Kuon: "That is your atonement. That is your destiny." Kuon: "The original sin, the karmic destiny of one who devoured her mother to be born..." Kuon: "Would you allow that?" Kuon: "I don't have a choice... I won't let it happen. Refuse." Kuon: "What am I?" Kuon: "Answer me. What am I?" Kuon: "I am Kuon. Princess of Tuskur, Kuon. Yes. I am Kuon." Kuon: "Divine Scion of Uitsualnemetia, Kuon." Kuon: "With the power in my body..." Kuon: "No... If you do that..." Kuon: "I can take back my mother and Haku. There'll be no going back." Kuon: "Don't you want them back?" Kuon: "Haku and your mother?" Kuon: "But... I can bend the natural laws of the mortal world to my will. Because I am the Divine Scion of Uitsualnemetia, and the daughter of the Onkami Hakuowlo." Ulthury: "No..." Camyu: "Ku..." Aruruu: "Ku, no!" ekone: "Sister..." umirul: "Ku?" Anju: "What is that?" Kuon: "This is..." Kuon: "You want me to command this vast, endless power?" Kuon: "I'm far too small..."
{ "raw_title": "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth Episode 26 – The End of a Wish", "parsed": [ "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth", "26", "The End of a Wish" ] }
suri: "Where are we?" ekone: "Look!" ekone: "Sister?" Anju: "Is that an Akuruturuka?" Twins: "No. It's not. The legendary Nugwisomkami..." Twins: "The old god that grants wishes, guidance, and destruction." Twins: "The black avatar of the Onkami Uitsualnemetia." Eruruu: "Oh, you're awake, Kuon?" Kuon: "Mother..." Eruruu: "Is naptime over?" Kuon: "Hey, I heard a voice in my dreams." Kuon: "What's a "kindred"? After that," Kuon: "my mother went away." Kuon: "It's my fault she went away..." Kuon: "And it's the same with Haku." Anju: "What's going on?" suri: "Is it Woshis again?" umirul: "No... That's Ku." Twins: "That is the vessel." Twins: "Nugwisomkami is attempting to use her as a catalyst to manifest in this world." Anju: "This is... Kuon?" Atuy: "Oh... Kuon's fallen for its spell, hasn't she?" Kiwru: "Everyone, help me!" Shinonon: "Kiwru..." Jachdwalt: "You're doing what he would've wanted you to do, right?" Kiwru: "Yes." Kiwru: "Let's save her!" Kuon: "No! Run away! I can't control it... I'll kill all of them." Kuon: "I need to at least get them away." Kuon: "Save them all... Save them..." Kuon: "The people I love..." Anju: "What's going on?" Munechika: "Copies?" Twins: "No. It created beings that are likely the exact same." umirul: "B-But then they'll help Ku..." Karulau: "You love them, don't you?" Touka: "You don't want to be apart from them, do you?" Karulau: "We will grant your wish." Karulau: "We will take them with us." Touka: "Then you'll be together forever." Touka: "Forever... for eternity." umirul: "N-No..." Ougi: "If that is the Onkami, then perhaps her wish is being granted in some twisted form." Jachdwalt: "Sheesh. Pretty useless "god," huh?" Kuon: "No, that's not what I want! I... You should have known that a wish carries a price in equal measure." Kuon: "Even I..." Kuon: "No, especially I... cannot be free of that rule." Mikazuchi: "What's going on?" Ulthury: "A barrier." Ulthury: "One of inhuman power..." Camyu: "Isn't there anything you can do, Sister?" Camyu: "If we can't stop it..." Ulthury: "If there was a powerful call from within it, perhaps." Karulau: "It's so frustrating." Touka: "All we can do is wait." Karulau: "Is that all you've got?" Touka: "It'll be easier for you if you give up now." Jachdwalt: "Yeah, that ain't happening." Kuon: "Stop!" Kuon: "Everyone, run, please! My mothers... This happened because you wished it, my mortal form. No! That's not what I wanted!" Kuon: "But this is the result." Kuon: "Look at what your wish wrought." umirul: "Ulthury... Camyu..." Kurou: "Why don't I put an end to your regrets?" Benawi: "Everything we do, we do for the princess." Kuon: "Kurou... Benawi..." Haku: "Oh, right." Haku: "I'm dead, aren't I?" Munechika: "Your Majesty!" Kurou: "Come on!" umirul: "Ulthury! Camyu!" Kuon: "Please, stop it!" Kuon: "Why... Why did this happen?" Kuon: "Someone... Father..." Kuon: "You're still making wishes?" Oboro: "If you think you can protect my daughter, then prove it with your strength!" Eruruu: "Our precious daughter..." Eruruu: "Her loneliness will be healed by becoming one with a greater being." Eruruu: "That is what will make Kuon happy." Aruruu: "Stay out of this." Aruruu: "We've always been there for Ku." Aruruu: "We won't let you have her." Kuon: "This is all because of the wish you made. No... No, I..." Ulthury: "Your soul will become a wedge that strengthens the seal." Ulthury: "But this also means that the seal will bind you, too." Ulthury: "You may never see them again." Eruruu: "She's a person. No matter what anyone says, she is." Eruruu: "And she's my... our... precious daughter." Kuon: "The more you care for someone..." Kuon: "The more you love them..." Kuon: "The more likely you'll have to say goodbye." Kuon: "Whether you want to or not." Kuon: "All the people I care about leave me." Kuon: "So I... So I... I wanted to protect them. I wanted to get them back." Kuon: "Am I not even allowed to wish for that?" Kuon: "Mother!" Haku: "How far does this go?" Haku: "I'm getting tired of walking." Hakuowlo: "This place is a rift." Hakuowlo: "The boundary line between this world and the next." Hakuowlo: "A rift between life and death." Haku: "A rift?" Haku: "Who are you?" Hakuowlo: "Now, who am I, exactly?" Hakuowlo: "A visitor. A liberator. A great criminal. In many different times, they've called me many different names, and sung of my legend." Hakuowlo: "I don't even know who I am anymore." Haku: "That voice... You were at the bottom of Onkamiyamukai." Haku: "Oh, it felt like you were barely even there. I guess that's why." Haku: "I'd assumed heaven would have better lighting." Haku: "But that's fine. It's all over, anyway." Haku: "I've done all I can." Haku: "I have no regrets." Hakuowlo: "And you're not concerned about those you've left behind?" Haku: "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't." Haku: "But they don't need me to worry about them." Haku: "No matter what happens next, they'll get through it." Oshtor: "Haku..." Maroro: "Haku..." Haku: "Oh, you came all this way for me?" Haku: "I caused a lot of trouble for them in the end." Haku: "But I'm sure they'll just laugh and forgive me." Haku: "Now, let's go! I've got a lot of stories." Haku: "Of course, you're picking up the tab, right?" Haku: "Maro..." Haku: "Are you telling me to go back?" Haku: "Oshtor?" Haku: "I was looking forward to relaxing, you know." Hakuowlo: "If you take that, you'll inherit it all." Hakuowlo: "My power. My name. My sin." Haku: "Who cares?" Haku: "Right, founder of Tuskur?" Haku: "Or rather, "He of the Origin," the Onkami Uitsualnemetia." Haku: "You gave me this so I'd have it right now, right?" Haku: "None of you ever give me a moment to rest, you know that?" Haku: "The girl I love is calling me." Haku: "So sure, I'll take it!" Haku: "The name of the ancient Utawarerumono..." Haku: "The name of Hakuowlo!" Haku: "Sorry. I'll tell you those stories some other time." Maroro: "You really are the Haku I admired." Oshtor: "Yeah, that's the man I know!" Haku: "Bye! I'll see you some other time." Hakuowlo: "Take care of my daughter." Twins: "We can't take any more." Karulau: "I'll put an end to this." Kuon: "Nekone! Please, stop! Someone, help me! Help!" Kuon: "Help..." Kuon: "Haku!" Haku: "So I don't even get a single night's rest?" Haku: "I'd better get overtime for this." ekone: "Brother..." Haku: "But anyway... I'm back!" Haku: "Thanks for hanging in there!" Haku: "Everybody's here, right?" Haku: "Your Majesty, I have returned! Your order!" Anju: "Well done!" Anju: "I, Anju, order you! Bring that fool back to me!" Haku: "By your leave..." Haku: "Charge! Bring back Kuon!" All: "Right!" Atuy: "I can feel the power within me! Is this thanks to him?" Jachdwalt: "It might be! I get to fight alongside the boss again... I couldn't be happier!" Ougi: "This was certainly unexpected!" suri: "A proper lady's always ready to risk her life to save a friend!" Kiwru: "Brother! I'll watch your back!" Anju: "Don't stop! Save Kuon no matter what!" Haku: "As you wish!" Haku: "Kuon..." Haku: "Kuon..." Haku: "Kuon!" Haku: "Kuon?" Kuon: "Haku?" Haku: "We're leaving." Kuon: "But you're..." Haku: "You probably just had a bad dream, right?" Haku: "Or did you think I'd die so easily?" Kuon: "A dream..." Kuon: "It was a dream." Kuon: "It was so scary." Kuon: "You left me..." Haku: "Just as night always turns into day, every nightmare has its end." umirul: "Ku!" suri: "Kuon!" Ougi: "Kuon!" Atuy: "Kuon!" Jachdwalt: "Miss!" Shinonon: "Miss!" ekone: "Kuon!" Munechika: "Kuon!" Anju: "Kuon!" Kiwru: "Kuon!" ekone: "Sister!" Haku: "Come on back." Kuon: "I can?" Kuon: "But I'm Uitsualnemetia's..." Haku: "Everyone's waiting." Haku: "You're the Kuon we all know." Kuon: "Yeah..." Haku: "Come back and be with everyone again." Kuon: "Haku..." Anju: "What?" Rulutieh: "Kuon! Haku!" Shinonon: "Miss!" umirul: "Ku!" Haku: "Uruuru! Saraana!" Twins: "We can't do it ourselves. The seal needs greater power." Haku: "Please!" Twins: "Onkamiyaryu! Arbiters! Answer our call!" Ulthury: "Camyu!" Camyu: "Sister!" Ulthury: "Thank you, Kamunagi of the Chains." Camyu: "Thank you for guiding us here." Twins: "We did it for our master." Twins: "That was his will!" Haku: "Arbiters, now is the hour to fulfill your duty!" Ulthury: "As you wish, Utawarerumono. Behold!" Camyu: "We are the Kamunagi of Onkamiyamukai! We will now fulfill our great duty once more!" Camyu: "Father..." Ulthury: "Camyu..." Camyu: "Yeah, I know." Twins: "We will aid you... We will offer you our power! Focus on the seal!" Ulthury: "Thank you for your help!" Camyu: "Sister, if we act now..." Ulthury: "Yes!" Camyu: "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Camyu: "You can't come here, Father." Camyu: "So... goodnight." Ulthury/Camyu: "Ohn Riyaak!" suri: "I believed in you two!" Atuy: "You're both safe!" Anju: "Oshtor! Kuon!" Kuon: "I'm back..." Kuon: "Guys!" Rulutieh: "Kuon!" Shinonon: "Miss!" Kiwru: "Kuon!" umirul: "Ku!" Shinonon: "Miss!" ekone: "Welcome back, Sister." Kuon: "I'm back, Nekone." Kuon: "I won't let the past rule me anymore." Kuon: "I'll live my life facing forward to the future." Kuon: "With everyone... And with you,"
{ "raw_title": "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth Episode 27 – Start of a Myth", "parsed": [ "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth", "27", "Start of a Myth" ] }
Kuon: "Haku?" Twins: "Our new Onkami just manifested before us." Twins: "May he watch over us from here for eternity." Kuon: "No... Haku..." Kuon: "Haku!" Ougi: "Here." Ougi: "This is the new sake for this year." Ougi: "You both loved this brand, didn't you? I didn't think they'd be able to make any this year," Ougi: "but it seems we were lucky." Kiwru: "Oh, Ougi?" Jachdwalt: "Hey, you're here already?" Shinonon: "You're here already?" Ougi: "Oh? What brings you here?" Jachdwalt: "Same thing as you." Jachdwalt: "It's a special day. We want to share it with them, right?" Jachdwalt: "Oshtor, Maroro, are you having fun where you're at?" Jachdwalt: "Things are going okay here, I guess." Jachdwalt: "The princesses are all grown up now." Jachdwalt: "Your hard work paid off. Be proud." Kiwru: "It's been a long time, Brother." Kiwru: "I've been so busy governing, I haven't had time to visit you. I'm sorry. I've taken over from my grandfather and become an official owlo—" Shinonon: "He's getting betrothed to Shinonon!" Kiwru: "Huh?! Shinonon?!" Shinonon: "We're not? Was I just a toy to you?" Kiwru: "A toy? W-W-We never even..." Jachdwalt: "Okay, that's enough gloom and seriousness. Let's toast." Ougi: "To Yamato's prosperity!" Kiwru/Jachdwalt: "To prosperity!" All: "Cheers!" Shinonon: "It's been a long time, boss. Here, have another drink." Kiwru: "What do you suppose Haku's up to?" Jachdwalt: "Knowing him, he may be here right now." Shinonon: "Wow, you drink like a real man! Don't worry, there's plenty more! Drink! Drink!" Jachdwalt: "No, I was just joking." Anju: "It's been a long time." Anju: "I heard you locked yourself away after what happened. But I guess you're finally out of your hole." Kuon: "And I heard you cried for weeks." Kuon: "Travelers from across the sea told me the story of the Mikado who burst into tears." Anju: "I lost a part of myself. Of course I'd cry. Why would I be ashamed of that?" Anju: "And even if I was crying, I never let that stop me from moving forward." Anju: "I gritted my teeth and led my people. Unlike you, who just locked yourself away!" Anju: "If you hadn't come out of hiding, I would've given up on you." Kuon: "You had time to grieve, at least." Kuon: "As heir, I didn't have any, so I envy you." Kuon: "What an arrogant little sister!" Kuon: "Looks like we need to settle things once and for all." Anju: "Even if you cry, I'm not going to stop." umirul: "Oh, my..." Rulutieh: "It's good to see you again, Fumirul." Rulutieh: "I'm glad you're doing well." umirul: "You too, Rulu!" Rulutieh: "Thank you!" umirul: "Bring everyone to Tuskur sometime! We'll throw you a huge banquet!" Rulutieh: "Thank you!" ekone: "It's time, you two." ekone: "Are you ready?" Anju: "W-Well, fine. You're the only one who can even talk to me that way now. I have an obligation to laugh and forgive you." Kuon: "That's my line." Kuon: "Let's get started, then." Anju: "Yes, let's begin." Ulthury: "Today, on this auspicious day, we stand in the presence of the Onkami." Camyu: "Onkami Uitsualnemetia." Camyu: "Onvitaikayan." Ulthury: "May you bless our choices." Camyu: "May you guide us along the path of righteousness." Kurou: "The Empress of Tuskur, the Divine Scion, Kuon!" Mikazuchi: "The Mikado of Yamato, the Divine Scion, Anju!" Kuon: "People of Tuskur!" Anju: "People of Yamato!" Kuon: "You remember the long days of war." Anju: "The terrible days of disaster." Kuon: "It was a time of suffering and many trials." Kuon: "But with the help of the Great White One, we were able to overcome them." Anju: "And now we are here!" Anju: "We were once at war, but we've put aside our swords, and we now stand side by side!" Kuon: "This is no fleeting miracle." Kuon: "My people, now is the time to take each other's hands." Anju: "We may turn our eyes from each other at times. We may argue at times." Kuon: "But still, we swear to walk alongside each other." Anju: "Because that is the wish of the one who guides us, and our wish, as well!" Kuon: "To prove to all mankind that our words are true, we call upon his name." Anju: "The name of the ancient Utawarerumono, the white owlo!" Kuon: "Listen well, everyone!" Anju: "By his name, we swear..." Kuon: "That Tuskur..." Anju: "...and Yamato..." Both: "...swear an eternal peace, here and now!" Both: "In the name of Hakuowlo!" Anju: "We've finally made it this far." Kuon: "This is just the beginning, I think." Anju: "You think he's somewhere out there, watching?" Kuon: "I'm sure he is." Kuon: "He's out there somewhere. I know it." Haku: "This place is pretty empty, y'know..." Touka: "We've finally done it." Karulau: "Yes, we can finally open for business again." Touka: "You kept disappearing for your other job, so I did all the hard work." Karulau: "Well, don't blame me. I couldn't turn that work down." Ulthury: "You two get along as well as ever, I see." Karulau: "Yes, that's right." Touka: "Ulthury." Karulau: "I had her come here in secret. She's the perfect first guest to celebrate our reopening, right?" Touka: "You did?" Touka: "Well, she certainly is." Both: "Welcome to the Hakuroukaku Inn." Soyankekur: "Atuy!" suri: "I do feel bad for Soyankekur." Atuy: "It's not my fault! Love involves sacrifices. What about you, Nosuri? You're one of the Eight Pillar Generals now. Was it okay to leave without saying anything?" suri: "I've got other priorities now." suri: "And Her Majesty ordered me to find Haku." suri: "Which means we're heading for the same place, right?" suri: "I'm worried about you going on your own. So I'll go with you!" Atuy: "Nosuri..." Atuy: "You love him too, don't you?" suri: "Wait! Wh-Where did that come from? Haku's a dear comrade! Nothing less, and nothing more!" Atuy: "Let's go, then!" suri: "Wait, wait! You don't believe me, do you?! A proper lady like me, you see..." umirul: "Ku runs off whenever she gets a chance." Rulutieh: "She does?" Shis: "What are you doing, you ruffians?" Men: "We're sorry! Sorry!" umirul: "Oh, my..." Shis: "Sheesh... Why are our men so stupid?" umirul: "Huh?" Shis: "Rulutieh?" Rulutieh: "I'm sorry... It just reminds me of old times." Shis: "Old times?" Rulutieh: "He'll come back." Rulutieh: "That's how it feels to me." umirul: "You're right." Rulutieh: "Yes." Ougi: "Fumirul is here, acting as Tuskur's goodwill ambassador. She's safely reached Kujyuri." Jachdwalt: "The capital's rebuilding project is coming along nicely, and they'll be inviting representatives from the other nations to hold a ceremony." Ougi: "That's the news, Your Majesty." Shinonon: "Very well." Shinonon: "I leave the matter in your hands." Servants: "Is Her Majesty getting smaller again?" Servants: "She sure is. But yesterday, I'd thought she'd grown so much she'd burst out of her clothes." Torikori: "Welcome back, Nekone." Torikori: "Are you sure it's all right for you to stay here, though?" ekone: "They've put me in charge of the castle's archives." ekone: "Now I can live with you!" Torikori: "Wonderful. Thank you. You were so little, and now you've grown up so much." Torikori: "I love your new outfit." ekone: "I think Ennakamuy's going to change from now on." ekone: "Your eyes have gotten better, too. I think it's time to look toward the future. I want to help with things," ekone: "so that my brother and his friends can see how his homeland's changed when they return." Torikori: "Yes... I'm sure they'd love that." ekone: "Yes." ekone: "This is their home." Mikazuchi: "Behave yourselves! Do you know whose presence you're in? You are in the presence of Anju, Mikado of Yamato!" Munechika: "Do you not see this seal?" Mikazuchi: "You stand in the presence of the Divine Scion! Now kneel! Kneel!" Anju: "You were trying to use the chaos of the rebuilding to line your own pockets! You may fool the heavens themselves, but you won't fool me!" Evil Bureaucrat: "The real Mikado wouldn't be out here in the middle of nowhere! She's a fraud! Kill her!" Soldiers: "O-Okay!" Anju: "You should've just given up..." Anju: "Mika, Mune, teach them a lesson." Munechika; Mikazuchi: "As you wish!" Anju: "Evil never triumphs!" Kiwru: "Your Majesty, this is the location of our next destination." Anju: "Thank you!" Anju: "It's fun to hide my identity and travel in secret, though." Anju: "I understand how my father felt." Anju: "And don't you think that if we keep traveling like this, we'll find him somewhere?" Anju: "I believe... that he's out there somewhere." Dorii: "You're really into this, Young Master." Guraa: "I guess it's true that when you get really into tea, you start making your own teacups." Oboro: "I've given Kuon the throne, so now I can finally relax." Oboro: "I can devote myself to my hobbies." Benawi: "My lord." Oboro: "Benawi? What do you think of this? Not bad, huh?" Benawi: "Her Majesty has fled again." Benawi: "This time, she used a shikigami as a body double. Her tricks are getting more elaborate." Dorii: "He's completely spaced out." Guraa: "Control yourself, sir." Oboro: "I can't just stand here! I've got to go after her!" Benawi: "Kurou!" Kurou: "Okay." Oboro: "You two..." Benawi: "These matters need to be dealt with immediately. In Her Majesty's absence, you'll have to resolve them." Benawi: "And Kurou..." Kurou: "Okay?" Benawi: "Later, we're going to talk about how you let Her Majesty escape." Kurou: "O-Okay." Camyu: "She's gone." Aruruu: "Yup." Camyu: "It'll be lonely without her." Aruruu: "Yup." Camyu: "What are those rucksacks for?" Aruruu: "I realized that I hadn't seen Yamato yet, and neither had you." Camyu: "You mean we're going after Ku?" Aruruu: "We're not going after her. We might run into her on our trip, maybe." Aruruu: "That's all." Camyu: "Oh, yeah, that totally happens sometimes, right?" Aruruu: "It does." Camyu: "So it's settled, then!" Hakuowlo: "I owe him my thanks." Hakuowlo: "He told me there was probably someone waiting for me, and took away all of my power." Hakuowlo: "Now I'm just an ordinary human." Eruruu: "Does that mean..." Haku: "I call bullshit! You're making it sound hard, but basically, you get to sit in paradise all day and don't have to work, right?" Haku: "That's bullshit, and I am jealous!" Haku: "Your days as an unstable god are over." Haku: "Time for you to learn the value of work." Hakuowlo: "The wind..." Hakuowlo: "The smell of the grass..." Eruruu: "Just a little longer, my love." Hakuowlo: "Yes, let's go home, Eruruu." Hakuowlo: "Where the others are..." Eruruu: "Yes." Kuon: "Okay, you're done." Kids: "A horsie! Can you make a birdie next, miss?" Kids: "Hey, come over here! This lady's amazing! She can make anything with paper!" Kuon: "Come here." Kuon: "Is there anything you'd like?" Girl: "A flower." Kuon: "A flower?" Girl: "Yeah. They all wilted in the snow. But I want one to take to my mom and dad's grave." Kuon: "Okay." Kuon: "Here you go." Girl: "Th-Thank you..." Girl: "It's beautiful..." Kuon: "Take it to them." Girl: "Okay!" Innkeeper: "The girl you saw today, the one you gave the flower to..." Innkeeper: "She lost her parents in the war." Innkeeper: "And a while ago, she just wandered away from the village." Kuon: "I didn't realize..." Innkeeper: "But after a while, she came back safe and sound." Innkeeper: "She says "Lord Mashiro" brought her back." Kuon: "Lord Mashiro?" Innkeeper: "Yes, Lord Mashiro's a legend around here." Kuon: "I'm unfamiliar with that, I think." Innkeeper: "When you've lost everything and you're all alone, a pale man in white will appear to help you." Kuon: "That's a wonderful story." Innkeeper: "Oh, speaking of strange stories... The Tatari in the cave where we go to look for herbs disappeared, and now it's filled with moss and greenery." Innkeeper: "I didn't mean to keep you up this late." Innkeeper: "I think it's time for me to get some sleep." Innkeeper: "With the world in the shape it's in, you're the only customer we've got." Innkeeper: "Use this room however you'd like." Innkeeper: "Well, goodnight." Kuon: "Goodnight." Kuon: "Lord Mashiro..." Kuon: "Nah, it couldn't be." Haku: "Wake up." Haku: "Wake up, Kuon." Haku: "Kuon..." Haku: "You'll catch a cold if you sleep on the floor." Kuon: "Haku?" Haku: "You know..." Haku: "You were the one who always complained when I didn't sleep on a proper futon." Kuon: "Haku!" Haku: "Put this on before you catch a chill, okay?" Haku: "What?" Haku: "You look like you've seen a ghost." Kuon: "You just... disappeared!" Kuon: "Where... Where have you been?" Kuon: "I've been looking for you for so long... I looked for such a long, long time..." Haku: "Don't be silly." Haku: "I was by your side the whole time." Haku: "Oh, I see." Haku: "I'm sorry. I made you feel like you were alone." Kuon: "Yeah... All the others wanted to see you, too." Kuon: "When they know you're back, they'll be so happy." Kuon: "I know. Why don't we all go to the Hakuroukaku Inn?" Kuon: "Haku, why aren't you saying anything?" Kuon: "It's too bright to see your face." Kuon: "Let me see you." Kuon: "Huh... It's strange, I think." Kuon: "I can't move..." Kuon: "Come on, Haku... Please..." Kuon: "Come closer. Please, get closer to me." Kuon: "Where am I?" Kuon: "Oh... I fell asleep." Kuon: "Haku!" Kuon: "A dream?" Innkeeper: "Kuon, come here." Innkeeper: "Come on, hurry." Innkeeper: "Amazing, right? There was snow on the ground everywhere yesterday." Kuon: "Yes... But why?" Innkeeper: "I don't know. It's a mystery." Innkeeper: "Perhaps the rumors of Lord Mashiro are true?" Kuon: "Haku..." Innkeeper: "Oh, your coat fell off." Kuon: "Oh, thanks." Kuon: "This is Haku's..." Haku: "I'll be borrowing this." Haku: "I just don't feel right without it." Kuon: "So that's it. Haku... Haku saved us all." Kuon: "You did come..." Kuon: "I finally... I finally found you."
{ "raw_title": "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth Episode 28 – Mask of Truth", "parsed": [ "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth", "28", "Mask of Truth" ] }
ekone: "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." ekone: "Brother, I'm sorry..." ekone: "I want to be alone right now." ekone: "Brother..." Haku: "Kuon." Haku: "If only you were here now..." Haku: "Be not afraid!" Haku: "No force in the world will get them past that gate!" Ougi: "They're using their numbers to good effect, though." Haku: "Yes. A soldier not used to war can't be blamed for feeling fear." Atuy: "Hey, hey, Oshtor. Can I go?" A: "I don't think I can control myself!" Haku: "It's not time yet. We need to bring them closer." ekone: "Are we really doing this, Brother?" Haku: "The plan stays the same!" Soldier: "Let's go! After us!" Soldier: "Damn it!" Jachdwalt: "Nice view from up here." J: "Okay, men! Let's get to work!" Soldiers: "Yes, sir!" Dekopompo: "What are they doing?" Bokoinante: "It doesn't look like they're going to attack us from there." J: "Hey, Dekopompo! What's wrong, huh?" J: "Aren't you supposed to be attacking us?" Soldier: "So where is this Dekopompo guy, anyway? I don't see anyone who looks like a Pillar General. Aww, you idiot. Were you expecting Dekopompo to look like Oshtor? They say he's an idiot who only got the job 'cause of his dad! From what I heard, his dad was a great general, but his son's a complete moron." J: "So you're just a loser who's nowhere near as good as his dad. How does it feel to know you got your job as a general out of pity?" J: "I bet you're too scared to lead the charge!" D: "What are you doing? All forces charge! We'll destroy them! Now!" Ougi: "I expected it to work, but it looks like it worked better than I imagined." ekone: "He's disgusting." Haku: "It's a technique that would only work on Dekopompo. He can't handle any provocation, even a simple one." Haku: "Kiwru." Kiwru: "Yes. The siege towers are on their way, as we thought." Haku: "Then let the banquet begin." Dekopompo: "I thought from all their boasting that they would be stronger. I guess not. In the end, they were all talk. No matter how sturdy their gate, once the siege towers touch it, it won't matter." Bo: "And we have thousands more troops! We've as good as won!" Maroro: "W-Wait!" Maro: "It doesn't make sense that they're not fighting back more! If they have some plan..." D: "If Oshtor's not out here fighting, it means he can't use the mask." Bo: "We have nothing to fear!" J: "Here we go, miss." J: "Can you take Shinonon?" Shinonon: "Yay! I get to play with Rulutieh!" Rulutieh: "Yes. Let's go somewhere safe." Rulutieh: "But are you sure about this?" J: "Well, we can't let Shinonon see what's about to happen." Rulutieh: "You're right." J: "Lately, he ain't been as kind as he used to be." J: "The coldness I see in his eyes sometimes..." J: "It sends chills down my spine." A: "Oshtor, they're here. It's time, right? It's time, right?" Haku: "Yes. Sorry to make you wait." Haku: "All troops, draw swords!" Soldiers: "Attack!" Haku: "Punish these traitors for daring to raise arms against the princess! Stain the road with their blood!" A: "Here I go!" A: "Next!" Haku: "Perierai! Fire your first volley!" suri: "On it!" Soldiers: "What?" Haku: "Give our guests their welcome present!" Soldiers: "What is this?" Soldiers: "Oil?" Soldiers: "F-Fire arrows! They're using fire arrows!" D: "What's that?" Bo: "Probably just dust. Our army's huge, after all. Victory is at hand, yes?" K: "Next volley! Fire!" Soldiers: "Th-The flames! We're finished!" Soldiers: "Get moving! I-It's jammed at the bottom..." Soldiers: "What is this? I can't see anything!" Haku: "Know fear. Tremble." Haku: "Drown in the terror. Trample your comrades in your haste to escape." Haku: "This place is hell. And you will soon be joining your dead comrades." Haku: "Burn it all." Soldiers: "S-Save me..." M: "What is this?" Bo: "I-Impossible..." D: "What just happened?" D: "What's going on?" Soldiers: "The fire's coming! We're doomed!" Soldiers: "Retreat! Retreat!" D: "W-Wait, men! Deserters will be executed! Counterattack already!" Haku: "Curse the day he became your general." Haku: "We need a total victory in this war." M: "Is this really how Oshtor fights?" M: "It's just... It's just a massacre!" M: "Is this one-sided slaughter really a war?" ekone: "So this is the man my brother entrusted everything to." Haku: "We will attack, as well!" Haku: "Our goal is the head of the Pillar General!" D: "Do something! Now! This is what I'm paying you for!" M: "We can't recover from this." D: "N-Nyah? Nyamo?!" M: "Our soldiers' morale is broken. No matter what we say, they aren't listening." D: "Y-You useless incompetent!" D: "I'm going back to the capital!" M: "Dekopompo, you can't mean to leave your men!" D: "Of course I do! As long as I live, I can simply recruit more troops!" Bo: "That's right. The most important thing is General Dekopompo's survival, and my own!" M: "No... You can't!" D: "Shut up! You're in charge, then." D: "Arrogant little man. Let's go!" D: "Hurry! Hurry it up!" Haku: "Traitorous Dekopompo!" D: "Oshtor!" Haku: "This is the end for you." Haku: "You took up arms against the princess. You must die." D: "W-Wait, Oshtor!" Haku: "Even now, you would beg for your life?" D: "N-No... If we combine your strength and my wisdom, we'll be unstoppable! E-Especially since you have the real princess, and I have my huge armies! The whole nation would be ours!" Haku: "Is that all you want to say?" Haku: "Then anything more would be a waste of time." D: "Nyamo?" O: "You will be sacrificed to show the whole world the cost of attacking the princess." Bo: "Dekopompo!" Bo: "I made it in time!" D: "Nyapeh-peh-peh-peh! You fell for my trap! This is my ace in the hole!" D: "Regret your mistakes in the next world!" suri: "A Gaunji?" J: "Boss, this ain't good." J: "It's a monster found deep within Uzurusha." J: "It's big, dangerous, and angry." J: "There are stories of it attacking villages and leaving behind nothing but blood." A: "Wow! If he can make that thing obey him, maybe he's not so useless!" D: "Nyeh-peh-peh! I see you can't hide your shock!" D: "After our expedition to Uzurusha, I had one captured in secret. And it paid off!" Boi: "It cost us a hundred soldiers, but its power is unstoppable!" D: "Now go, Gaunji! Devour them all!" D: "Go eat Oshtor already! Not me! Not me—" Haku: "Looks like he couldn't make it obey him." ekone: "It can sense our desire to fight..." Haku: "We can't let a dangerous animal like this run loose!" Haku: "We'll defeat it here." All: "Right!" Rulu: "Okay!" ekone: "Yes!" A: "Is that all you've got?" A: "Now it's my turn!" A: "Huh?" J: "He's pretty sturdy." J: "Not bad." Haku: "We may have problems attacking from the front." Haku: "Then... Everyone, close your eyes!" Twins: "Servant of the Source," Twins: "purge the world of all its impurities." Twins: "Master!" All: "Now!" K: "On it!" suri: "Leave it to me!" Soldier: "D-Dekopompo! They defeated that huge monster! It's over! They'll kill us all! They'll kill us all!" ekone: "Brother." ekone: "A messenger came from the gate." ekone: "Dekopompo's remaining forces have been routed. We took only minimal damage. Only the gate was destroyed." ekone: "They're beginning to put out the fire." Haku: "A total victory, you could say." Haku: "We've achieved our goal! We win!" suri: "We won!" A: "Yeah!" Haku: "Hard to believe the blinding device he gave me turned out to be useful here." Haku: "Maro!" M: "O-Oshtor?" Haku: "I'm glad you're safe..." Haku: "But right now, I'm Oshtor!" Haku: "Maroro, you are a loyal man. What are you doing?" M: "Oshtor?" Haku: "Surrender, and join the princess's forces." M: "I..." Haku: "Your talents cannot be left to go waste. Won't you use them for the princess, and for Yamato?" M: "Who are you?" M: "Who are you?" M: "Oshtor would never say something so cold." M: "And... He would never be so calm about such a cruel, terrifying battle plan. You're not Oshtor!" Haku: "Silence! I am Oshtor! Imperial Guard of the Right!" Haku: "For victory's sake, I will crawl on the ground! I will drink water filled with mud! And if someone stands in my way, I'll build a mountain of hundreds, no, thousands of corpses!" M: "What... What happened?" M: "Haku! That's right! Haku must know what happened!" Haku: "Haku is dead." M: "What? What are you saying?!" Haku: "Haku died protecting me. During the battle with Vurai, when I couldn't even move, he sacrificed himself to protect me." ekone: "Brother..." Haku: "Come with us." Haku: "It's a good deal for you, too. And we need all the forces we can get." Haku: "Someday, we will avenge Haku." M: "To you, it's the war, not the death of your friend, that matters? I..." M: "Haku! Haku!" Haku: "I'm sorry, Maro." Haku: "No one must know that I am Haku." ekone: "Shouldn't you follow him?" Haku: "No." ekone: "Brother..." M: "Haku... Haku... Why?" Haku: "We're leaving. Prepare the victory march." ekone: "O-Okay!" Shichirya: "General Raiko." Raiko: "I don't need to see it. The burutanta is dead now, yes?" Shichirya: "Yes. It's all going as you expected." Man: "General Raiko, General Mikazuchi seeks to speak with you." Man: "What shall we say?"
{ "raw_title": "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth Episode 3 – Stain the Road Crimson", "parsed": [ "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth", "3", "Stain the Road Crimson" ] }
umirul: "You're finally awake." umirul: "Good morning, sleepyhead." Kuon: "Fumi?" umirul: "That's right, Ku. It's me, Fumirul!" Kuon: "I feel like I'm back from the dead." umirul: "You really do look like you're enjoying yourself." Kuon: "Baths help cleanse your very soul, I think." umirul: "That sounds like something you'd say, Ku." umirul: "But you've been unconscious for so long. You need to rest." Kuon: "I just got up. I can't stay resting forever." umirul: "You mustn't overwork yourself." umirul: "To celebrate your waking up, I'll prepare you something soft on the stomach." umirul: "You would prefer a meal of medicinal herbs instead of mororo porridge, right?" Kuon: "Yeah. It tastes good and is gentle on the body. It's a real treat!" umirul: "Okay." Kuon: "Fumirul knows without me having to tell her. She's my dear childhood friend. My one frie—" umirul: "Ku?" Kuon: "Oh, uh, it's nothing." Kuon: "It feels like I've forgotten something important... Was I asleep for a long time?" umirul: "Ten days. Do you not remember?" Kuon: "I can't remember a thing." Kuon: "What was I..." Dorii: "Young Master!" Guraa: "Let us do it after all!" Oboro: "It's fine. It distracts me." Oboro: "What is it, Aruruu? Camyu?" Aruruu: "Oboro, Ku is awake." Oboro: "Really?" Camyu: "She's in the bath right now." umirul: "Lord Oboro, we're here." Oboro: "Kuon!" Kuon: "Wh-What?" Oboro: "Is it okay for you to be out of bed? You're feeling all right?" Oboro: "Do you not feel well? Do you feel sick at all?" Kuon: "Wh-What is it, Father?" Oboro: "Answer me!" Kuon: "Uh... I'm fine, I think. I don't feel sick and nothing hurts." Oboro: "Good. If you're not feeling sick, then I'm glad." Kuon: "Father..." Oboro: "Don't worry your father so much." umirul: "Lord Oboro was so sick with worry, he was pacing all over the place." Aruruu: "It was obnoxious." Camyu: "He tried to help care for you, and the ladies-in-waiting kicked him out." Oboro: "What's wrong with trying to take care of my daughter?" Aruruu: "Everything." Camyu: "I think it's not right for a father to try and change a girl her age, or wipe down her sweat." Kuon: "I guess I really did worry him." Oboro: "Kuon, forget that. Let me see your face." Kuon: "Huh?" Aruruu: "He tried to put some tea on and burned himself again." Oboro: "They're exaggerating. Everything's fine." Kuon: "Again?" Kuon: "Father, you should just let the others make the tea." Oboro: "Don't say that. I match the tea leaves and cups I use to my mood." Oboro: "I can relax and choose what I want to choose, without being interrupted by anyone. It's one of my few hobbies." Kuon: "It feels strange, I think, seeing my father's rough hands making delicate movements to make tea." Oboro: "Anyway, have you gotten taller?" Kuon: "M-Maybe, I think? I'm not sure..." Oboro: "You really are her daughter. You're getting even lovelier and more beautiful." Oboro: "You won't leave me, right?" Kuon: "Father?" Oboro: "I mean... you're really not feeling sick at all, right?" Kuon: "Father, you're exaggerating, I think. I was just in bed for a while." Oboro: "That's how fathers are." Oboro: "What's wrong with being worried about my only daughter?" Kuon: "I'm really home, aren't I? My homeland, the people I care about..." Kuon: "Huh?" Aruruu: "What's wrong, Ku?" Kuon: "Oh... Nothing. It's nothing, really." Aruruu: "Then let's go have a feast." Camyu: "Yup! We're celebrating your recovery!" umirul: "Let's go, Ku." Kuon: "Okay!" umirul: "Ku remembers nothing." Camyu: "Not how she met us in Yamato, or how she got home." Camyu: "Or even that she left on a journey." Oboro: "I see." umirul: "Ku, you haven't forgotten Tuskur, too, have you?" Kuon: "Of course not!" Kuon: "There are so many places I remember. For instance..." Kuon: "Yes." Kuon: "I traveled many places..." Kuon: "And then Father came to get me." Kuon: "Father came to get me? Why?" Kuon: "I can't believe how frustrating it is not to be able to remember." Kuon: "Maybe this how he felt, I think?" Kuon: "Huh?" Kuon: "Who was I thinking about?" Kuon: "Kurou and Benawi were out somewhere?" Benawi: "We've returned." Oboro: "Welcome back." Kurou: "Glad to be back. Phew, I'm tired." Kurou: "I never get used to traveling by sea." Oboro: "I'll hear your report soon. For now, get some rest." Kurou: "I'll do that. First, I'll take a bath to wash off this dirt..." Oboro: "Kuon?" Kurou: "I was worried about ya, miss! You feelin' better?" Kuon: "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Kurou: "What's wrong?" Kuon: "I guess I was on a journey? But I don't remember any of it." Kurou: "You don't remember, huh?" Kuon: "You said you were on a trip, right? Was it a military expedition?" Kurou: "More like a recon mission." Benawi: "Kurou." Kurou: "Oh, that's right. I've got confirmation of what's going on in Yamato." Kuon: "Yamato?" Kurou: "It's a mess over there!" Oboro: "We'll talk about that later." Kuon: "The continent on the other side of the sea from Tuskur. There was no diplomacy between our nations because of how hard it was to cross the ocean." Kuon: "But recently, we began to trade..." Kuon: "And I wanted to see what it was like before official relations began." umirul: "Ku!" Oboro: "Kuon?" Kuon: "I'm okay, I think." Kuon: "I think I almost remembered..." Kurou: "They're having a bad time of it right now. They attacked us out of nowhere, and then halfway through, their Mikado died and they had to withdraw." Kurou: "I feel bad for the princess he left behind, though. They say she became sick from heartbreak, but the same person who poisoned the Mikado poisoned her." Kuon: "Poison? What am I..." Kurou: "Officially, the royal guards took the princess from where she was being kept and left the capital. But by "left," I mean they were banished. I can't help but feel sympathetic." Kurou: "Not that I should be saying this to you, miss, since you were there." Kuon: "I..." Kurou: "Still, you leave on one journey, and the next thing I know, you're involved in a huge conspiracy. You've always been a real troublemaker." Kurou: "Oh, that's right. You forgot what you were doing, right?" Kuon: "That's right... I was with them. With you." Benawi: "Where do you think you're going?" Benawi: "Don't tell me you've forgotten your role. You are the heir to a great and holy bloodline, and the only one who can become an owlo. Our Highness, Princess of Tuskur! Kuon, the Divine Scion! You're not such a child that you don't know what it means for the Princess of Tuskur" Benawi: "to be involved in another nation's politics." Kuon: "But if I'm just Kuon..." Benawi: "Then that only makes it worse. What could you do if you went alone, with no help?" Oboro: "Enough." Oboro: "So you've remembered." Oboro: "Your love for your friends... I understand that." Oboro: "But you'll be seeing them soon, so there's no need to hurry." Kuon: "Do you mean..." Oboro: "As you know, the Mikado of our enemy, Yamato, has fallen." Kuon: "Enemy?" Oboro: "He has no clear heir. The nation is in chaos. With no ruler, the place is a viper's nest of plots as its people turn against each other." Oboro: "The Akuruka, the greatest threat to us, are now divided. Yamato's former glory is gone." Oboro: "Tuskur will take advantage of this state..." Oboro: "and invade Yamato." Kuon: "Why?" Oboro: "They picked this fight with us. And if they want a fight, they'll have it. We have to destroy them before they attack Tuskur again." Kuon: "But Anju wouldn't..." Benawi: "As things stand, Princess Anju cannot return to the capital." Benawi: "You should know this well, Princess." Kuon: "Benawi..." Oboro: "The invasion of Yamato has already been decided. You are a child. Nothing you say can change that." Kuon: "But..." Oboro: "Take her away." Oboro: "Take some time to cool your head." umirul: "Come on, Ku." Kuon: "Wait, I..." Benawi: "Princess, you feel something wrong within you, don't you?" Benawi: "What you feel is your disease, which you thought had healed, taking root once more." Benawi: "The physicians tell us that they fear your disease has returned." Kuon: "I don't understand what you're saying, I think." Kuon: "I'm not sick..." Benawi: "It's no surprise you don't remember. You were very young." Camyu: "When you were little, you suddenly collapsed. You had a really high fever, but then you suddenly got freezing cold." umirul: "I had no idea..." Camyu: "We knew almost immediately that it was" Camyu: "the same disease that took the life of your mother." Benawi: "If the disease comes back, your body won't be able to take it." Benawi: "You will collapse." Eruruu: "Listen to me, Kuon. Promise me you won't listen to the voice from the depths, the voice inside." Benawi: "If you focus on getting better and resting, it will go away, they say." Kurou: "You sure you don't want to tell her the truth?" Kurou: "Her illness is long healed. No, her blood..." Oboro: "I understand what you're trying to say." Oboro: "But it's not time yet." Kurou: "Got it." Oboro: "And you're in no position to talk." Kurou: "You've got me there." Camyu: "That's right! We were planning to have her take her time remembering, and then what you said woke up her memories." Kurou: "I don't know what you mean." Aruruu: "You're fooling no one." Kurou: "I get it, really." Kurou: "But what if she just remembered one day?" Kurou: "Knowing her, I can just see her vanishing without a word to the rest of us." Kurou: "Still, the way she's more worried about her friends than herself... Where'd she get that from?" Oboro: "That's only natural. She's my daughter, after all." Camyu: "What do we do? Ku's memories came back." Aruruu: "It's fine." Camyu: "But..." Kuon: "Father came for me?" Camyu: "What she's saying doesn't make sense." Camyu: "That was..." Kuon: "Father, it hurts..." Kuon: "It's like something's squeezing my heart..." Kuon: "Like my chest's going to burst... I've never felt this way..." Kuon: "It hurts! It hurts!" Kuon: "It hurts!" Oboro: "I see." Oboro: "You were in love." Kuon: "Love?" Oboro: "Yes... that feeling is love." Camyu: "I read once that when you have an experience that's too painful to bear, the mind creates new memories to replace the memories of it, to keep the heart from breaking." Oboro: "So why is there a need to wake a dozing child at all?" Oboro: "Isn't all of reality basically a dream, anyway?" Oboro: "In Kuon's mind, it's reality." Oboro: "Even if it is a dream." Kuon: "I have to get back..." Kuon: "I was so terrible to everyone." Kuon: "Why, at such an important time?" Dorii: "Young Master!" Guraa: "The princess!" Kuon: "I have to apologize to everyone..." Kuon: "I'm almost to the border." Aruruu: "Ku..." Camyu: "I knew you'd try to run." Kuon: "You're not going to let me go?" Aruruu: "No." Camyu: "You're still sick. You can't do something so reckless." Kuon: "But I..." Aruruu: "You're strong, Ku. You've broken your sickness, and now you rule it." Aruruu: "But you may not keep it down forever." Aruruu: "Someday, it will break free." Kuon: "I won't lose to my illness! I'll do my best, and if it still beats me, then I wasn't worth anything anyway—" Aruruu: "Not worth anything?" Aruruu: "Ku, when you were born, you received all the love a child could have." Aruruu: "Your life is love itself. I won't let anyone make light of that. Even you." Kuon: "I'm sorry..." Aruruu: "You use your power for everyone. Even if you get hurt, even if it takes years off your life, you fight." Aruruu: "Because you are your father's daughter." Oboro: "Do you want to save your friends so badly?" Oboro: "You are my daughter, destined at birth to inherit my position and lead the people." Oboro: "If you would abandon your people to go, then I won't try to stop you." Benawi: "Princess, if you care for your friends, then first calm yourself and look at the larger picture." Kuon: "The larger picture?" Benawi: "Think about who you are, and what only you can do." Benawi: "Haven't you forgotten those things?" Kuon: "Who I am? What I can do?" Dorii/Guraa: "Reporting!" Oboro: "So it's begun." Oboro: "They even have a fake princess?" Benawi: "That only makes things worse for Princess Anju, does it not?" Oboro: "I don't like it. Someone's plotting in the shadows." Kuon: "Everyone... What do I..." Benawi: "If you care for your friends, then first calm yourself and look at the larger picture." Kuon: "Right..." Kurou: "So what do we do?" Kurou: "It'll be a bit tougher now to take advantage of the chaos and bring down Yamato." Oboro: "It doesn't change a thing." Oboro: "It would be boring otherwise." Kuon: "I will go to Yamato." Kuon: "Father, order me to lead the attack on Yamato. I will conquer it." Kurou: "We just told you to rest." Kuon: "I will only give orders." Kuon: "I will not steal from our warriors their hard-earned glory." Kuon: "It will be fine." Aruruu: "Let her go." Camyu: "But..." Kuon: "I'm sorry, Benawi." Kuon: "As you said, I had lost sight of the bigger picture." Kuon: "I must slay those who seek to harm Tuskur. Correct?" Benawi: "You will suffer." Benawi: "Your friends will call you a traitor and hate you." Kuon: "I am Kuon. The daughter of Oboro, Lord of Tuskur, and heir to the blood of the first ruler, Hakuowlo." Kuon: "Kuon, the Divine Scion!" Oboro: "Then as Lord of Tuskur, I give you these orders!" Oboro: "Lead our finest troops and capture Yamato!" Kuon: "I humbly accept your order." Kuon: "That's... right." Kuon: "The time when I could be just plain old Kuon is over." Kuon: "Kurou! Benawi!"
{ "raw_title": "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth Episode 4 – Feelings That Won't Return", "parsed": [ "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth", "4", "Feelings That Won't Return" ] }
Haku: "Maro..." Haku: "This was for the best." Kiwru: "Brother!" Haku: "What is it?" Kiwru: "I've received word of a merchant who wishes to speak with you." Haku: "At a time like this?" Kiwru: "He says he has a letter of introduction from Kuon." Haku: "From Kuon?" Haku: "Someone who can be trusted?" Chikinaro: "It is an honor to meet you. My name is Chikinaro, yes." Haku: "So Kuon introduced you to me?" Chikinaro: "Yes. Kuon is an excellent customer of mine." Chikinaro: "I came here because I heard you might have a desire for certain things, yes. First, look at these." Shinonon: "Wow!" suri: "Look at them all..." Rulutieh: "That fabric... Is that Amatsu weaving?" ekone: "This is a fragment of an ancient history scroll. Where did you get such rare things?" Twins: "They're all real. All are worthy of being offered to the Mikado." Haku: "I figured you were from a noble family, Kuon, but I didn't expect this." Chikinaro: "I can get you almost anything you need. I deal in everything except people. That's my policy, yes." Haku: "Including weapons and provisions?" Chikinaro: "Of course, if that's what you need." Haku: "This man..." Chikinaro: "There is one particular thing Kuon mentioned." Chikinaro: "A rare medicine that heals any poison, no matter how deadly." Haku: "How much?" Chikinaro: "To be honest, it is rather pricey, yes." Haku: "I'll pay whatever you ask. But only after I see that it works." Chikinaro: "Very well, but... What collateral will you offer?" Haku: "Myself." ekone: "Brother?" Rulutieh: "Oshtor?" Haku: "Is that not enough?" Chikinaro: "Oh, dear... I fear I've lost this one." Haku: "What do you mean?" Chikinaro: "To tell the truth, this was given to me by Kuon, with strict instructions that it be given to you." Chikinaro: "But I couldn't help but play a little game, yes." Haku: "So you were testing us?" Chikinaro: "No, not at all. This may be the beginning of a long relationship, so I hope you'll forgive me, yes." Haku: "He's certainly a crafty one." Haku: "Before we go any further, I'd like to test this medicine. Please, get some rest." Chikinaro: "Of course." Rulutieh: "I hope Anju feels better..." Haku: "Kuon's the one who sent us this medicine." Haku: "I know it will work." Rulutieh: "You're right." Atuy: "Here you go..." Shinonon: "Kiwru! Kiwru! What's that?" Kiwru: "Um, it's..." Chikinaro: "Thank you for your business, yes. I'll throw this in as a little bonus, so do remember me in the future." Atuy: "You're so good at this. I look forward to what you bring next time." Chikinaro: "Oh, Oshtor! How is the princess doing?" Haku: "We still don't know." Chikinaro: "I see." Chikinaro: "But I guarantee the medicine works, yes." Haku: "I'd like to ask you something. What's your relationship to Kuon?" Chikinaro: "Um, Kuon told me to say absolutely nothing more than was necessary. Oh, please don't tell her I said that." Haku: "I see. Very well, then." ekone: "Brother, here's a list of what we'd like him to provide us." Chikinaro: "Oh, thank you!" Haku: "We'd like to know the price as soon as possible." Chikinaro: "Thank you for your business!" Chikinaro: "Yes!" Haku: "As I thought, there are holes everywhere." ekone: "The main gate is strong, but for the rest, we rely on the mountains surrounding the country." Haku: "We survived the battle with Dekopompo..." ekone: "But we can't fight battles like that every time." Haku: "I hope everyone else is too scared to attack." ekone: "We don't have enough time or materials to repair the walls. And we're not strong enough to attack anyone..." Haku: "Correct. Ennakamuy's forces alone aren't enough to defeat the court." Anju: "Oshtor! Are you here, Oshtor?" Anju: "Haku! Where is Haku?" Haku: "Princess!" Anju: "He never came to see me when I was sick, not even once! Bring him here right now!" Haku: "Princess, I'm overjoyed that you're feeling better." Anju: "Yup! Sorry for worrying you!" Haku: "But you're still not fully recovered. Please, get your rest." Anju: "I'm fine! What about Haku? I need to punish him personally! Bring him here right—" Rulutieh: "Haku... Haku is..." Anju: "Wh-What's wrong?" Haku: "Haku... Haku fought bravely against Vurai during the escape from the capital. He defeated him, but died in the battle." Anju: "Why didn't you tell me?" Haku: "I'm so sorry. If you'd heard that Haku had fallen, your sorrow would have made your illness worse." Anju: "But that makes me a fool who didn't even grieve for someone who died for my sake..." Haku: "Haku died protecting me. Any fault lies with me." Haku: "Haku's wish was that your smile would return." Haku: "If he sees that you're doing well, I'm sure he'll be happy." Haku: "Please, give him a smile." Anju: "You're right." Haku: "This is what I should be doing, right, Oshtor?" Anju: "Haku saved my life." Anju: "Without Haku, I wouldn't be here. If I spend all my time crying, he'll laugh and tell me I wasn't worth saving." Anju: "I'm sorry for worrying you all, everyone! I'm fine now!" Anju: "First, we must tell the nation..." Anju: "that I, the true heir to the Mikado, am here!" Haku: "Princess..." Anju: "What?" Haku: "I'm sorry to tell you this, but the empire is returning to peace under the banner of a fake empress. Given their superior number of troops, if you tell the nation you survived, they will simply laugh at you." Anju: "Laugh? At me?" Haku: "It would be simple for the one who set up the false princess to capture us and declare us traitors." Haku: "Without strength, even the truth can be easily crushed." Anju: "Then what are we supposed to do? Are you telling me to stay here forev—" Haku: "That is one option." suri: "Oshtor!" Haku: "If you keep your existence secret, your safety is guaranteed. Of course, even if you abandon your title, I will continue to serve you. But know that telling the world that you are the real Anju means walking a path of blood." Haku: "Many soldiers and other people will die. The war will be like none we've ever seen." Haku: "Your words will cost many their lives." Haku: "Are you ready for that, Princess?" ekone: "Why did you wave at them?" Haku: "It seemed to me that's what he would have done." Haku: "Nekone?" ekone: "It's nothing." Haku: "So that's..." ekone: "Yes. It's my home." Haku: "So it's also my..." ekone: "Yes. My brother loved his mother more than anyone." ekone: "It would make little sense for him to continue to ignore her." Haku: "That's correct." Haku: "But we should at least tell her the truth..." ekone: "If she knew the truth, it might make her condition worse." ekone: "She was never in good health to begin with." ekone: "Especially lately, her vision's been failing." Haku: "I'm going to hell for this, I'm sure." ekone: "You're not alone." Haku: "Yes, I know." ekone: "We're back." Mom: "Oh, welcome home, Nekone." ekone: "Mother, come with me." Mom: "Thank you." Mom: "Oshtor's with you, isn't he?" Haku: "It's been too long, Mother." Mom: "Oh! It really is you, Oshtor!" Mom: "You must be busy with your duties, but you still came to visit me!" Haku: "It wasn't just to visit you." Mom: "I made your favorite, kurukomamutou, today. Have some." Haku: "Yes, Mother." ekone: "I-I'll go get it!" ekone: "Brother, we should go." Haku: "Yes, that's right." Mom: "Oh, but you just got here..." Haku: "I'm sorry." Mom: "You have your duties as Imperial Guard of the Right, after all." Haku: "Yes." Mom: "Come back any time." Mom: "Next time you do, I hope you can stay longer." Haku: "Was that really okay?" ekone: "It was." ekone: "It was good enough." suri: "Hold your swords tighter!" ekone: "These two, please." Haku: "I'm still not used to doing all this work at a desk." Twins: "Rub, rub. Poke, poke. You're so stiff again." Twins: "Please, relax." Haku: "I feel so relaxed..." Haku: "N-Nekone?" : "What are you doing?" Twins: "Serving our master. Master seemed tired." ekone: "Our watchmen are telling us Yamato's forces are on their way here." ekone: "And they're carrying the banner of..." Haku: "...Mikazuchi, of all people." Anju: "Mikazuchi? Are you sure?" Kiwru: "It's definitely him!" Rulutieh: "Is he on our side?" suri: "Indeed! He came here to save his friends in their hour of need!" suri: "Mikazuchi is a pillar of loyalty!" Anju: "That's right! Mikazuchi will surely..." Anju: "I'm so glad to have him on our side!" Mikazuchi: "Is Oshtor here?" Haku: "Mikazuchi..." Kiwru: "Brother, let's go welcome him!" Haku: "Wait." Kiwru: "Brother?" Haku: "Everyone, stay here. He wants to talk to me, he says." Haku: "I'm here, Mikazuchi." Mikazuchi: "Oshtor, do you remember the day the Mikado appointed us Imperial Guards?" Mikazuchi: "Your words, your wish... I've never forgotten them." Mikazuchi: "Oshtor, stay here and live in peace." Mikazuchi: "If you do not tell the world of your survival, you're as good as dead. But if you do..." Mikazuchi: "I will destroy you all as enemies of the Imperial Capital! No matter who you are!" Mikazuchi: "Oshtor, what will you do? Ask yourself!" Atuy: "It looks like they're about to fight a duel." Jachdwalt: "This looks pretty bad." ekone: "Princess!" Anju: "Wait, Mikazuchi! Wait!" Haku: "No, Princess! Get back inside!" Anju: "I refuse! There's something I have to say from my own lips!" Mikazuchi: "It's good to see you again, Princess." Anju: "What are you thinking, Mikazuchi? There's no way a man like you would kneel before an impostor!" Anju: "Answer me, Mikazuchi!" Mikazuchi: "She wears your robes, and looks like you. But anyone who mistook her for you should probably trade their eyes for a burutanta's." Anju: "Then why do you point your sword at me?" Mikazuchi: "Because that was the command of the Mikado before his death." Mikazuchi: "In his great glory, he gave us two orders." Mikazuchi: "One was to protect his daughter, you." Mikazuchi: "The other was to protect the people of Yamato from all disasters. These were the orders he gave to us directly." Mikazuchi: "How much value is there in something gained by spilling the people's blood?" Mikazuchi: "Fortunately, with Oshtor here, you will be protected from all harm." Mikazuchi: "And I will return to the capital and fulfill my order to protect the people." Anju: "Mikazuchi, you..." Mikazuchi: "I ask that you spend the rest of your life here, in peace." Anju: "No..." Anju: "I can't do that! I'm... I'm Anju! The Princess of Yamato, and the next Mikado!" Mikazuchi: "You know that can only mean more chaos." Anju: "I don't care about the title of Mikado! But... But I have nothing left!" Anju: "This name was given to me by my father! It's the last thing I have that he left me! I'll never give up this name!" Mikazuchi: "Everyone has something they want to protect. But if you lack strength, you'll find it stolen from you as you're ground into the dust." Mikazuchi: "Even you are no exception, Princess." Mikazuchi: "I will do my duty. That is all. You will live peacefully here even if I have to force you to do so." Anju: "Am I just being selfish?" Anju: "I want to take back what my father left me. Is that selfishness?" Haku: "Please listen to me! We—" Mikazuchi: ""Please listen to me"? When did you become so weak?" Anju: "Mikazuchi..." ekone: "Brother?" Mikazuchi: "Oshtor, I challenge you! Make your stand!" Haku: "He intends to sacrifice Oshtor to break the princess's will?" Haku: "If that happens, it will end without either side's soldiers shedding blood." Haku: "He may sound harsh, but he's worried about the princess." Haku: "That's just like him. He can't say what he feels." Anju: "Oshtor!" Haku: "Princess, get back!" ekone: "Brother!" Haku: "Nekone, keep the princess safe." ekone: "B-But..." Haku: "This is a battle we cannot avoid!" ekone: "Princess, let's get further away." Anju: "Oshtor! Don't die! That's an order!" Haku: "As you wish." Haku: "I need to show Ennakamuy that I am truly Oshtor." Haku: "Otherwise..." Mikazuchi: "Good." Haku: "To be honest, I can't win. But if I can at least land a blow..." Mikazuchi: "It doesn't matter." Mikazuchi: "This brings back memories. Back then, we would battle each other with swords every day for practice. But now... We face each other for the sake of the things we must protect. It's ironic." Mikazuchi: "Now, show me your resolve, Oshtor!" Mikazuchi: "Who..." Mikazuchi: "Who are you?" Mikazuchi: "I've fought you more times than I can count. I could never be mistaken." Mikazuchi: "Who..."
{ "raw_title": "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth Episode 5 – Opposing Pair", "parsed": [ "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth", "5", "Opposing Pair" ] }
Mikazuchi: "That iron fan..." Mikazuchi: "So that's what's going on!" Mikazuchi: "How dare you lie to me?!" Anju: "What's wrong, Oshtor? Why don't you fight back?" ekone: "If he can't do something..." Mikazuchi: "Why... Why do you have the Akuruka?" Mikazuchi: "Why do you call yourself Oshtor?" Mikazuchi: "Answer me!" Mikazuchi: "Answer me!" Haku: "I can't keep this up anymore..." Haku: "The princess is cured." Haku: "I could leave it to him from now on..." ekone: "Wait, please!" Kiwru: "Nekone!" Atuy: "Nekoyan?!" Mikazuchi: "Move, girl!" ekone: "No! I won't!" ekone: "My brother can't fight anymore! Put your sword away, please!" Mikazuchi: "Did you say brother? You would lie to me, too?!" ekone: "Listen to me, Mikazuchi!" Mikazuchi: "Don't get in my way!" Haku: "Nekone!" Haku: "Oshtor?" Oshtor: "The rest, I leave to you." ekone: "If you insist, then kill me first!" Mikazuchi: "What?" ekone: "Yamato needs my brother!" Mikazuchi: "You..." Haku: "If you say that you will protect the Mikado's people... Then I will protect his soul! I will protect the princess!" Haku: "That's right... I can't rest that easy." Mikazuchi: "Bullshit! You're—" Haku: "Silence!" Haku: "I am Oshtor! Do I look like anyone else?" Haku: "That's right. I am Oshtor! Oshtor!" Haku: "I have inherited his power... his hopes!" ekone: "The... Akuruturuka..." Mikazuchi: "So the Akuruka chose you as well, then?" Haku: "Nekone, get back. I will not lose." Mikazuchi: "I am the god that roars like thunder! Akuruka, grant me thy infinite power, and I shall fly clad in the storm!" Soldiers: "Lord Mikazuchi became an Akuruturuka? Oshtor! So that's the power of the Akuruka?" ekone: "Brother!" Mikazuchi: "I'll leave for today." Mikazuchi: "Rest yourself and heal your wounds for the next time we meet." Mikazuchi: "Until then, your life is mine." Mikazuchi: "I have felt for myself the strength of your will." Mikazuchi: "We meet next on the battlefield, Oshtor." Mikazuchi: "All forces, retreat!" Soldiers: "Yamato's army is retreating! We've won! Hooray for Oshtor!" Anju: "Oshtor! I believed in you!" Haku: "Princess..." Anju: "I've made my choice!" Anju: "Tell the whole world that I am Anju, the Divine Scion!" ekone: "Princess, that's..." Haku: "As you wish." Haku: "Where am I?" ekone: "You can't get up yet, Brother." Haku: "Nekone?" ekone: "Mikazuchi's army crossed the border. Even if they're coming back, it won't be for a while." Haku: "I see." ekone: "Why?" ekone: "How can you do all this?" Haku: "Lately, I feel like I've started to understand..." Haku: "What he was thinking. What he was trying to do. I am Osht—" ekone: "No!" Haku: "Nekone?" ekone: "You can't... keep doing this." ekone: "You even used the power of the Akuruka." ekone: "If you keep that up..." ekone: "Brother... I'll lose my brother again." ekone: "Without am I supposed to do without my brother?" ekone: "Unable to keep his last words... Left behind alone, powerless... But the more you try to be like my brother," ekone: "the more my memory of my real brother vanishes..." ekone: "And as that happens, everyone else's memory of Haku will start vanishing, too." Haku: "I still owe him a favor, I guess. Most people have to work their whole life to be Imperial Guard of the Right, but not me! I'm going to have a lot of fun with my new job, I think." Haku: "He was a fool, trusting me so easily and asking me to take over for him!" ekone: "That does... sound like you." Haku: "I know I'm putting you through a lot. Please, keep watching over me." ekone: "Of course." Raiko: "Mikazuchi, you fool. Only an idiot would try to take Ennakamuy by force right now. Tell him he will not be allowed to launch another attack." Shichirya: "The people of the capital are on edge after the declaration made by the princess in Ennakamuy." Raiko: "It doesn't matter. Oshtor made two blunders in his last battle." Raiko: "In any era, only a select few ever find the truth." Raiko: "Fools see only what they want to see, and hear what they want to hear. Dekopompo was deeply moved by the princess's words, and led a secret diplomatic mission to Ennakamuy to discover the truth." Raiko: "But Ennakamuy released a Gaunji that killed him. Imperial Guard of the Left, Mikazuchi, led a punitive force, but..." Woshis: "...was driven away when Oshtor used his power as an Akuruturuka. With this awful news being spread everywhere, it will be difficult for the other nations to support him." Woshis: ""The Tragedy of Ennakamuy." A perfect name." Haku: "Supporting Ennakamuy proves you're an enemy of the Imperial Court." Haku: "So we're cut off from the other nations entirely." Haku: "We'll run out of supplies quickly at this point." Haku: "We've been outsmarted. First the false princess, and now this. They're clever, I'll give them that." Haku: "Raiko the Sage..." Haku: "Is he the one behind this?" Kiwru: "Brother?" Haku: "What is it?" Kiwru: "S-Someone's here to see you." Guraa: "This is for you." Haku: "This list... These supplies could feed a huge army for months!" Dorii: "Tuskur is prepared to offer you these supplies." Haku: "They'll provide support to Ennakamuy, then?" ekone: "Brother, what are they... What is Tuskur after?" ekone: "If Sister is..." Haku: "Kuon may have connections in their upper ranks." Haku: "But we don't know that yet." ekone: "Yes." Haku: "The die's been cast. Now we'll just have to see how it lands..." ekone: "Tuskur's help has solved our problem with supplies." Haku: "Yes, which gives us more time to prepare our defenses." ekone: "Her Highness..." Anju: "Well?" Jachdwalt: "Not bad." K: "Well done, Your Highness!" Atuy: "Well done!" Rulutieh: "You're doing much better!" Anju: "Yes! Don't worry! I'm as good as ever!" Haku: "Wow, the princess was that strong?" Haku: "What?" Haku: "All those wounds..." Haku: "Is this part of the Akuruka's power, too?" Haku: "Ow! Ow, ow, ow!" Twins: "Do not try to force it off. It will tear the flesh off your face." Haku: "Seriously?" Haku: "Well, I guess it doesn't matter." ekone: "Brother!" Haku: "Nekone? What is it?" ekone: "Ambassadors from Tuskur are here!" Haku: "Some kind of trade, or negotiations? They gave us far too much for it to have really been for free. I assumed they'd come eventually. This was sooner than expected." Haku: "And? Is there a problem?" ekone: "Well..." ekone: "Brother..." Haku: "I didn't expect one of them to call herself a princess." Haku: "I apologize for keeping you waiting." Haku: "Thank you for coming all this way." Kuon: "It doesn't matter." Kuon: "I spent the time watching your people." Kuon: "This seems like a nice country." Haku: "Everything we have, we owe to Her Highness. I'm afraid I can't hide my surprise at seeing the Princess of Tuskur come here personally. What brings you here?" Kuon: "Benawi." Benawi: "Yes, ma'am." Benawi: "Please examine this list." Kirwu: "Right!" Haku: "I saw him during the Tuskur expedition." Haku: "Kurou, was that his name?" Haku: "He was a personal aide to their princess?" Kuon: "Take it." Haku: "Excuse me." Haku: "More than double the last one?" ekone: "U-Um..." Kuon: "No, it's nothing." Kuon: "You reminded me of someone I knew. Forgive me." ekone: "No, please forgive me." Haku: "We thank you." Haku: "We're in no danger of running out of supplies for quite some time." Kuon: "You'll need it." Anju: "Hey there!" Haku: "What are you doing here, Princess?" Anju: "So you're the Princess of Tuskur? I am Anju, the rightful heir to Yamato!" Anju: "As a fellow princess, I felt the need to thank you personally!" Haku: "She's put some thought into it, in her own way. I guess I don't need to say anything, then." Anju: "Rulutieh." Rulutieh: "Yes, of course!" ekone: "Your Highness, this is impolite to bring during a meeting." Anju: "Don't be ridiculous! I'm thanking her from the bottom of my heart! How could it be rude?" Kuon: "It's fine." Anju: "Well? Great, aren't they?" Anju: "My loyal retainer, Rulutieh, baked them all!" Anju: "And these two are Nosuri and Atuy." Anju: "My right hand and left hand, you could say!" Anju: "I'm very proud of them all!" Anju: "Your aid has been such a huge help. I'd like to hold a banquet to thank—" Kuon: "There's no need." Kuon: "This is a fair price we're paying. I don't need thanks." Anju: "Wh-What do you mean?" Kuon: "A fellow princess? I find it upsetting to hear that from someone whose weakness cost them everything they had." suri: "I'll ask you to take that back! Even for the Princess of Tuskur, that's rude!" Kuon: "Listen to me, everyone." Kuon: "Tuskur will now declare war on Yamato." Haku: "Wait! Do you know what that means?" Kuon: "Of course. We will attack with all our armies," Kuon: "slaughtering any enemies who stand in our way, until we have conquered all of Yamato." Kuon: "You will stay here in this border region and watch." Haku: "So that's what the support was for? To make us their slaves?" Anju: "Never!" Anju: "You would have us trade our country for supplies? Never!" Kuon: "But why? I've heard that you're raising an army to take back the capital and your power." Anju: "Of... Of course I'm going to try and take back what's mine." Kuon: "You are not worthy of speaking to." Kuon: "You involved the people in an unwanted war for the sake of your own greed." Anju: "N-No! I'm doing this for my people!" Kuon: "The people don't care who rules, as long as they're left in peace. Power struggles between the nobles are not just an unwanted burden, they're a disaster!" Kuon: "I must do my duty as Princess of Tuskur and destroy a potential threat to my nation." Kuon: "If they call me a thief for that, then very well." Haku: "A potential threat?" Haku: "Yes, the last Mikado attacked Tuskur." Haku: "But Her Highness has no such intention. There's no need—" Kuon: "You misunderstand. The longer the civil war in Yamato lasts, the more the rage and sorrow of the weak will fill the land," Kuon: "and the blood that is shed shall become flames that spread to Tuskur itself." Kuon: "That is the great threat of which I speak." Kuon: "And I cannot let it happen." Anju: "I will not allow this." Anju: "I will not allow you to enter my nation of Yamato!" Kuon: "I'm curious as to how you intend to stop me." Anju: "If you refuse to stop, I'll force you to stop!" Kuon: "Try it if you can." Haku: "No, Your Highness." Kurou: "Why not let her try?" Kurou: "Adults shouldn't get involved in a quarrel between children." Benawi: "An adult's job is merely to calm them down if things get out of hand." Haku: "They knew this would happen? What are they thinking?" Haku: "But there's no stopping her now..." Anju: "Don't blame me if you regret this." Kuon: "Enough talk." Haku: "The princess's power is incredible. No normal human could handle her." Haku: "But that girl..." Haku: "The one thing we have to avoid is fighting Tuskur." Anju: "This is your fault!" Kuon: "Did you think that was an attack? Ridiculous." Haku: "She overpowered the princess?" Haku: "Your Highness!" Rulutieh: "Anju!" suri: "Your Highness! How dare you?!" Anju: "Do not interfere!" Kuon: "That's what I wanted to see." Kuon: "I was concerned it might be over already." Kuon: "But do I have to hold back?" Anju: "Are you mocking me?" Kuon: "You are simply weightless." Kuon: "A gentle breeze can't defeat me." Anju: "Then see for yourself!" Kuon: "See for myself?" Kuon: "Oh, look at that. It would be perfect." Kuon: "Why not use it?" Anju: "Very well! This time... you'll really regret it!" Kuon: "Don't make me repeat myself!" Kuon: "You're finally willing to kill?" ekone: "Brother, we have to—" Anju: "Don't stop me!" Anju: "This is a matter of pride!" Anju: "As the Princess of Yamato, I can't back down!" Anju: "The burdens you and I bear are totally different! Know that this is the weight of Yamato!" Anju: "H-How? How can you stop my most powerful attack? I'm the descendant of a god!" Kuon: "What a coincidence." Kuon: "I bear the same burdens you do." Anju: "The same... as me?" Kuon: "If you in Yamato claim to be descendants of Onvitaikayan..." Kuon: "Then I am the Princess of Tuskur, and she who bears the same fate as you." Kuon: "The heir to the divine Uitsualnemetia!"
{ "raw_title": "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth Episode 6 – Conquering Princess", "parsed": [ "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth", "6", "Conquering Princess" ] }
Kuon: "I've been trying to be nice here." Kuon: "Most countries don't announce their wars. They just invade. And most countries wouldn't provide support for someone who invaded them. This was because even if you'd fallen from power," Kuon: "I still respected you as the princess of Yamato." Kuon: "But you didn't understand how kind I was being. And now you've proven your unworthiness." Anju: "No!" Anju: "No! No! No! I'm... I'm taking them back! Those days... That warmth! The place we all shared..." suri: "Your Highness..." Rulutieh: "Princess Anju..." Kuon: "How sad." Kuon: "Words without power are meaningless." Kuon: "Especially if they're lies that don't even deceive the one who speaks them." Anju: "Do you... Do you know what it's like to have what you love stolen from you?! To lose that warmth?!" Haku: "Princess..." Anju: "M-My body..." Kuon: "I shook your brain just a little." Kuon: "Even as strong as you are, you won't be able to stand for a moment." Kuon: "You're going to go to sleep for a while." Haku: "That's enough. I cannot allow this insult to proceed any further, even if you are the Princess of Tuskur." Kuon: "Stay out of this. It doesn't involve you." Twins: "Master! We'll join you..." Kuon: "Didn't you hear me? You're interfering—" Kuon: "Why..." Kuon: "Why do you have that fan?" Haku: "It belonged to a fallen friend." Kuon: "Friend?" Kuon: "Friend?!" Haku: "Her power is incredible..." Kuon: "How dare you call him a friend?! You're not worthy to hold that fan! Friends always stand together, always have each other's backs, and always support each other." Kuon: "You failed to do that." Kuon: "You don't have the right to call him a friend!" ekone: "Brother!" suri: "Damn you!" suri: "Don't try to stop me, Ougi!" Ougi: "Sister, we aren't the ones who decide if we're going to strike back." Ougi: "For now, let's believe in Oshtor." Haku: "The princess just went crazy!" Kuon: "I respected you as a warrior." Kuon: "I thought that you were a true man of Yamato." Kuon: "But it seems I was wrong." Anju: "No..." Anju: "Oshtor is..." Haku: "Princess!" Anju: "Why? Why can't I move?" Kuon: "Enough. When you wake up next, it will all be over." Kuon: "Move. This is the end. Get out of the—" Haku: "Nonsense. The "end"? Ridiculous. This hasn't ended at all." Kuon: "You're wasting your time. She's not hurt so badly that she can't stand up. Her spirit is broken, and she's stopped trying." Haku: "No, Her Highness will stand." Haku: "Yes, she is weak." Haku: "The Mikado's love spoiled her. She neglected her studies and her training. She may seem a worthless fool to you. But we know that no matter how dire things may be, she cares for her nation and her people more than anyone. That she wants to become stronger." Haku: "She will never abandon that desire. Her heart is true." Haku: "And before too much longer, she will achieve her goal. So until she does, I will be her sword and shield." Kuon: "And that's your answer?" Kuon: "Fine words, but look at the reality." Anju: "I can't move... My body won't move... I'm shaming myself in front of everyone." Anju: "I'm not worthy to lead them..." suri: "Your Highness..." Rulutieh: "Princess Anju..." Kuon: "Your loyalties lie with the Mikado of Yamato." Kuon: "Not with this girl." Haku: "You wouldn't understand. You don't need anyone's help." Haku: ""Not worthy," huh?" Haku: "I know exactly what he'd say. "So what?"" Anju: "Osh...tor?" Haku: "This is nothing new. We've all known for a long time that you're a wimp. And since we all know, why should you care?" Kuon: "Ukon?" Haku: "And what's wrong with that? Nobody's perfect. A little bit of helplessness just makes us love you more." Anju: "But then I can't..." Haku: "Princess." Haku: "Everyone here loves you. They're worried about you. They stayed here for your sake." Haku: "So what does it matter if you stumbled and fell?" Haku: "You're not alone. All of us are with you. It'll be fine." Haku: "And if it turns out it's not..." Haku: "We'll all just laugh and forget it." Haku: "Come on, tell me. What do you want to do?" Anju: "I... I want to take them back. Those happy memories..." Anju: "The people who looked up to me!" Haku: "So start by standing up!" Haku: "Yes, that's what he... What Haku would say." Kuon: "You..." Benawi: "Kurou..." Kurou: "Yup." Anju: "That's right." Anju: "He left me all alone... and went away... Just you watch!" Anju: "I won't cry over you! Never! Never!" Haku: "That's the princess that Oshtor loved." Kuon: "No more." Kuon: "You've mocked him long enough." Kuon: "You're ready for what comes next, right?" Haku: "You seem to be under a misapprehension." Haku: "It won't be me that fights you." Kuon: "You..." Anju: "I'm ready, Oshtor!" Anju: "You will fight me!" Kuon: "Very well... I'm tired of talking to you." Haku: "Sheesh..." Haku: "I'd better be getting extra pay for this." Kuon: "What did he say?" Kuon: "It can't be... It can't be!" ekone: "Amazing..." Atuy: "I'm jealous... I'm so jealous..." Haku: "She was losing because she was intimidated and emotionally beaten." Haku: "With her heart unclouded, she can't lose." Haku: "My brother chose her to stand at the top of his empire." Haku: "There's no way she could lose to another person." Kuon: "Don't think you can beat me!" suri: "Your Highness!" Anju: "Well? Can you still say what you were saying?" Kuon: "Get out..." Kuon: "Get out of my way!" Rulutieh: "Princess Anju!" Kuon: "Now you can't stand up anymore..." Haku: "What do you think you're looking at? Or did you think you've got time to look away?" Anju: "Is this all you've got, heir to Uitsualnemetia? You're not as strong as I thought." Haku: "Those who've overcome failure once can no longer be broken." Haku: "That's why she can't be defeated! She made a promise to me. She will be victorious!" Kuon: "Why?" Kuon: "No... I... Why... an Akuruka?" Anju: "From the heavens?" Kuon: "That's..." Kuon: "Mother Karulau?" Kuon: "Don't you know who I am? I am Anju, Princess of Yamato! Why do you have that sword?" Haku: "That's enough, both of you." Haku: "You've both shown each other the full extent of your powers. That's enough." Anju: "B-But I'm still..." Kurou: "Sheesh. I guess I should've expected that from the Princess of Yamato. I didn't think any of you could keep up with our princess." Kuon: "Kurou..." Kurou: "You're both satisfied now, right? There's nothing wrong with a little brawl now and then. You can fight again later." Benawi: "Kurou, you're overstepping." Kurou: "Sorry." Benawi: "Can we call this a tie?" Haku: "We're fine with that. But, people of Tuskur, while I appreciate your coming all this way, I'm afraid it would be difficult to accept your plan. I ask you to leave." Benawi: "So you'll fight the court of Yamato without our help?" Haku: "It is our princess who will rule the land of Yamato." Haku: "If you wish to steal it, then we cannot fight on the same side." Benawi: "And you really think, even as things stand, that you can take the capital?" Haku: "No foe can defeat us, no matter how strong." Haku: "Her Highness just proved that herself." Kurou: "You really think that, don't you? I'm afraid we can't just pack up and leave, though." Haku: "There's no need for Tuskur to join the fight now, is there? When the wars run on and Yamato is at its weakest point, that's when it would be easiest to defeat us. When Yamato is no longer a threat, you can come to destroy both of us." Haku: "I think that's the most logical strategy." Kurou: "Should you really be telling us that?" Kuon: "Very well." Kuon: "Tuskur will not invade Yamato for the duration of the war." Kuon: "As long as you survive, we will stay our hand." Haku: "We're happy to hear that." Kuon: "This is only until you're defeated. You're okay with that, right, Benawi? Kurou?" Benawi: "Indeed." Kurou: "If that's your decision, it's not my place to complain." Kuon: "We'll leave the supplies we brought. Consider them an apology for all the damage we caused. Take them." Anju: "You're not a bad person after all, are you?" Kuon: "We're going home." Kurou: "Okay, guys, see you all again someday!" Benawi: "Farewell." Karulau: "Those children really are a handful." Touka: "You sure about this?" Karulau: "Yes. A sword's much happier being used than serving as a pretty decoration. I'm sure it's overjoyed." Touka: "I see." Karulau: "Such lovable, courageous children." Karulau: "Even during war, the flowers still bloom in brilliant colors." Touka: "Yes... It reminds me of something I saw before. Something I remember well." suri: "You did it, Your Highness! You fought to the end!" suri: "I was worried for a moment." Anju: "That was a trick to deceive my opponent! I could've whomped her right at the start, but if I did, it would've been a really dull fight, right?" Ougi: "I see. So that was why." Anju: "Indeed! As a princess, I have a duty not to humiliate my opponents!" Rulutieh: "Don't move, Princess Anju. I can't put the salve on..." Anju: "I-It stings! Be more gentle!" Atuy: "I'm so jealous. I wanted to fight. It's not fair that only the princesses get to." Anju: "Don't be ridiculous! Do you have any idea how hard I—" Atuy: "I didn't know you were hiding so much strength, though." Atuy: "Want to fight me? With real weapons?" Kurou: "So many days by carriage to get here, and now we're heading home. Yamato's just too damn big." Benawi: "Its size is the source of its power." Kurou: "Sure, but... it's a hard place to visit." Kurou: "Was all this part of your plan, Princess?" Kuon: "I don't know what you're talking about." Kurou: "Deliberately anger them, to inspire them to fight and bring them together. Am I wrong?" Kuon: "Absurd." Kurou: "Sure, if you say so." Kurou: "Either way, you've kept your feelings bottled up long enough." Kurou: "It's scary, seeing you cry with no expression on your face." Kuon: "Cry?" Kuon: "Huh?" Kuon: "I-I'm not crying..." Kuon: "Some dust got in my eye. That's all..." Kuon: "Oshtor, are you, perhaps..." Kuon: "He's just pretending to sleep, I think." Kuon: "But I..." Kuon: "I thought I was ready, but... now..." Kuon: "I can never see them again." Kuon: "It stinks! My eyes! My eyes hurt so much!" Kuon: "Wh-What the heck are you doing, Kurou?!" Benawi: "Princess." Kuon: "Benawi... Is this..." Benawi: "Your things. Fumirul gave them to me." Kuon: "Fumirul gave them to you?" Benawi: "Never stop going forward. And when you doubt the path, listen to the voice in your heart." Benawi: "Those were their words." Kuon: "So you planned this from the start?" Kuon: "Benawi..." Kuon: "I'm sorry." Kuon: "But... thank you!" Kuon: "I'll be going, then!" Kuon: "This is the right choice, isn't it, Your Highness?" Kurou: "Sheesh. She's finally gone, huh?" Kurou: "She's grown up, but she's still a handful. This stinks, though! Did I eat something spoiled? I need to get some air in here..." Kurou: "Hey, Warmaster! Open the window! Warmaster! Warmaster!" Benawi: "You can stay in there for a while. Consider it your punishment for the stunts you pulled." Kuon: "Warmaster!"
{ "raw_title": "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth Episode 7 – Speaking to a Princess", "parsed": [ "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth", "7", "Speaking to a Princess" ] }
umirul: "Excuse me." umirul: "Is Munechika in?" Munechika: "What is it?" umirul: "I have a very important request for you." Townspeople: "Did you hear how Her Highness drove off a princess from another country?" Townspeople: "Princess Anju's amazing! She knows how to fight, too! Ennakamuy's future... no, Yamato's future is bright!" Kuon: "Everyone..." Kuon: "I'm sorry!" Rulutieh: "Kuon!" Kuon: "When you were all in terrible danger, I went home by myself..." Kuon: "No, I abandoned you." Kuon: "I won't make excuses for that." Kuon: "But let me say this." Kuon: "This time, I want to see this through with you to the end." Anju: "The medicine you helped bring me has cured me up just fine! Thank you!" Atuy: "Welcome back, Kuon. Did you have fun on your trip home?" suri: "I'm so glad you're back! We're even stronger now that you're here." Ougi: "Sister, I believe you mean, "It's a relief to have you here."" Shinonon: "Welcome back!" Rulutieh: "Kuon!" Kuon: "I'm sorry." Rulutieh: "It's enough that you're back." Rulutieh: "That's... That's enough for me." Kuon: "I'm back, everyone!" Anju: "I've been waiting for you!" Atuy: "Welcome back!" Shinonon: "Shinonon was a good girl!" Anju: "It was really rough!" Shinonon: "How was your village?" Haku: "Nekone?" Atuy: "I'll go talk to Nekoyan." Rulutieh/Nosuri: "Okay!" Haku: "Kuon..." Haku: "I'm glad you're back." Kuon: "Oshtor..." Haku: "What do I even say?" Twins: "Master, it's time." Kuon: ""Master"?" Twins: "Greetings. I'm glad to see you're doing well." Kuon: "Why are they calling you..." Haku: "Well, you see..." Twins: "His last words. We were told to serve Oshtor." Kuon: "Oh?" suri: "It's a shame you weren't just a little faster! You could've seen our bold and gallant princess fighting! It's a real shame!" Anju: "I wish you could've seen me! I was unstoppable!" Kuon: "Unstoppable?" Kuon: "You mean Tuskur's..." Anju: "Yeah! I crushed 'er!" Kuon: "You did, huh?" Jachdwalt: "She probably doesn't want to hear about how her own country's princess lost." Anju: "We can talk about things more later! First, a feast!" Anju: "I must welcome the person who saved me properly! We'll throw a huge party tonight!" Atuy: "So soft!" Atuy: "So pokeable!" ekone: "Um, Atuy?" Atuy: "Yes, Nekoyan?" ekone: "Why are you poking me?" Atuy: "Because your cheeks are so soft and pokeable!" ekone: "Can't you see I'm working? Not now..." ekone: "That tickles... You're tickling me!" Atuy: "You finally smiled." ekone: "Anyone would smile if you tickled them!" Twins: "Please leave. Master is resting." Kuon: "I just want to talk a little." Twins: "You shall not pass. We cannot let you through." Haku: "What are you doing there?" Kuon: "O-Oshtor?" Haku: "I heard what sounded like arguing outside." Haku: "Is something wrong?" Twins: "Nothing. We were just talking." Haku: "You wanted to speak to me, Kuon?" Kuon: "Um, I..." Twins: "We'll make tea. Please go inside, Master." Haku: "But..." Haku: "Kuon, why don't you join me?" Kuon: "S-So, actually, I've known you for a long time, but we've never really talked, I think." Haku: "I suppose that's true." Haku: "I thought they got along well enough..." Haku: "Is this about Nekone?" Kuon: "Oh, um... I'm sorry." Haku: "No, I'm sure you had your reasons. It can't be helped." Kuon: "Is everyone doing okay?" Haku: "What? You just spoke to them all." Kuon: "I mean, not that... Were they all doing okay when I was gone?" Haku: "She's not usually this nervous." Haku: "I suppose, yes." Kuon: "I see..." Haku: "May I say something?" Haku: "I'm glad you're back with us." Kuon: "Yeah, I think." Kuon: "I'll be going. Thank you for the tea." Haku: "You're sure?" Kuon: "Yeah. It's not like today's the only day we can talk." Kuon: "I'll see you later... Haku." Haku: "O-Of course." Anju: "Tonight, we hold a banquet to celebrate the return of Kuon, the woman who saved my life! Enjoy yourselves!" suri: "Time to get drunk!" Rulutieh: "Welcome back, Kuon!" Kuon: "You're exaggerating, I think." Ougi: "Here you go." Jachdwalt: "Whoa, whoa..." suri: "You and I are one body, one soul!" Ougi: "I think you mean, "We're all in this together," my sister." Kiwru: "Huh? Where's Nekone?" Shinonon: "Are you lonely, Kiwru?" Kiwru: "No, um..." Shinonon: "Don't worry! I'll keep you company!" Anju: "What's wrong?" ekone: "Oh, it's nothing." Atuy: "Hey, hey, Oshtor." Atuy: "Can you come with me in a bit?" Atuy: "With Kuon, too." Atuy: "Sorry." Kuon: "No, it's fine." Kuon: "But what are we doing out here?" Atuy: "I thought we could have a brawl." Haku: "A brawl?" Atuy: "Oshtor, you can be the judge." Kuon: "Can I ask why?" Atuy: "I guess to settle things, kind of?" Atuy: "You still feel like you're not really welcome, don't you?" Kuon: "Th-That's not true..." Atuy: "You're not feeling guilty for leaving without saying anything?" Atuy: "A fist is worth a hundred words! When you're feeling lost, have a fistfight!" Atuy: "This really isn't my thing, you know." Atuy: "But I want to have fun drinking like we did before!" Kuon: "Well, I kind of forced you to do this, I think." Atuy: "Don't let it bother you!" Kuon: "Looks like you're serious." Atuy: "To tell the truth... I've always wanted to fight you, Kuon! My body's been aching for it!" Atuy: "And after what I saw, I can't hold back anymore!" Kuon: "What did you see?" Atuy: "I'm so jealous! I can't believe you were hiding that kind of strength!" Atuy: "That was really mean!" Kuon: "If you're that insistent, I can show you a little." Kuon: "But I'm not responsible for the consequences, I think!" Haku: "That's strange... Atuy's spear, Kuon's movements..." Haku: "Were they always this slow?" Haku: "Is this the power of the Akuruka?" Atuy: "Great... You really are the best." Atuy: "I feel so good." Atuy: "So do you, right?" Kuon: "I suggest you focus, I think!" Atuy: "I wanted to fight more..." Kuon: "I don't think I ever want to fight you again." Kuon: "Thank you, Atuy." Kuon: "Nekone, can we talk?" ekone: "Sister..." Kuon: "It's been so long since I've done this. Since we were at the Hakuroukaku Inn, I think?" Kuon: "Before, the two of us and Rulutieh used to do this all the time, right?" ekone: "Yes." Kuon: "You have such pretty hair. We need to keep it looking nice." ekone: "Yes." Kuon: "Oh, I brought a present. A beautiful hair decoration that I think would look great on you." ekone: "A hair decoration?" Kuon: "Um... huh? Where did I put it?" Kuon: "Maybe I left it in my room. I'll go get it." Kuon: "What's wrong?" ekone: "Um, nothing..." Kuon: "Nekone?" ekone: "Will you always stay with me? Or will you leave me?" Kuon: "If you want me to be here, I'll be here forever." Kuon: "I'll never disappear again." ekone: "Okay..." Kuon: "I'm sorry it took so long." ekone: "Sister!" Kuon: "I'm sorry for just disappearing." ekone: "Sister!" ekone: "My gentle sister..." ekone: "But I stole what was precious to her." Mikazuchi: "It's a beautiful moon tonight." Mikazuchi: "Haku... No, you abandoned that name." Mikazuchi: "Oshtor..." Mikazuchi: "I'll never fight you again, will I?" Mikazuchi: "Life's harsh sometimes." Maroro: "Haku, we always used to drink on nights like this." Maroro: "I don't want to take anyone else's life..." Shichirya: "Raiko, you're reading the reports from Ennakamuy?" Raiko: "Yes. I don't know how they pulled it off, but they got aid from Tuskur." Shichirya: "From Tuskur? But does that mean..." Raiko: "I can't see Oshtor of all people betraying his nation. But this may give them more breathing room than we thought they had." Raiko: "Don't worry. I'll take care of it." Shichirya: "What's wrong?" Raiko: "I thought he would've died in that burutanta's service." Shichirya: "Is he the one who you admired as a commander?" Raiko: "His household needed money, and sold him to the burutanta as a plaything." Shichirya: "I see." Raiko: "But it's a general who determines the success of his talented men." Raiko: "Let's put him to good use." Haku: "Thanks to the aid from Tuskur, and all of your help, our drills are going well. We're finally ready." Haku: "We'll advance our main forces here." Kuon: "Rumoy Pass." ekone: "Yes. The artery of Yamato's trade network." ekone: "It's critical that Ennakamuy possess it." Rulutieh: "Merchants have to pass through it, right?" suri: "So it's bad if they have it?" ekone: "The flow of goods to Ennakamuy would stop, and it would be harder for us to get reinforcements." suri: "Okay, so it's important. Got it." Haku: "Which also means that if we hold Rumoy, we can't be attacked from the rear. So we'll gather our forces here, and have Her Highness lead our forces into the surrounding nations herself. By making sure all of Yamato knows that she's alive, and that Yamato has a strong military," Haku: "we can put pressure on nobles who would prefer to stay out of this." Anju: "I see! I see!" Ougi: "It seems we won't have the time." Haku: "What is it?" Ougi: "A smoke signal from Rumoy." Rulutieh: "No..." Haku: "Kiwru, do we have messengers from Rumoy yet?" Kiwru: "They haven't reached us yet." Jachdwalt: "If they haven't had time to send messengers, things must be pretty bad." Haku: "Hurry, everyone!" Kiwru: "We didn't make it in time?" Kuon: "Something's not right, I think." suri: "Yeah, they don't look like battle wounds." ekone: "And soldiers from both Yamato and Ennakamuy were killed." Jachdwalt: "Something attacked them while they fought?" Twins: "Master. We sense someone up ahead." Munechika: "It's been a long time. I haven't seen you since the capital, Oshtor." Haku: "Munechika!" Soldiers: "There's another one over here." Soldiers: "You okay?" Haku: "A Gaunji?" Munechika: "Yes. It appears to have shown up while the court's troops were fighting Ennakamuy. I joined the fight, but you can see how little I accomplished." Haku: "I see." Haku: "Are you all right?" Munechika: "It'd take more than that to stop me." Atuy: "Poke, poke... How boring. She killed it herself." Ougi: "But we were able to avoid being wiped out. We were lucky." Haku: "Those are from... Tuskur?" Munechika: "Indeed. I was asked to serve as bodyguard for her journey into Yamato." Kuon: "Don't tell me..." Kuon: "No, that's impossible, I think." Kiwru: "She's beautiful..." umirul: "Oh..." umirul: "Ku?" Haku: ""Ku"?" Kuon: "Is that you, Fumirul?" umirul: "Ku!" Kuon: "What are you doing all the way out here?" umirul: "I'm here to see to your needs!" Kuon: "Listen. Here, I'm just Kuon. Do you understand?" umirul: "I do! Nobody can know who you really are." Soldiers: "Work! Work!" Soldiers: "Good work. You okay?" Anju: "Munechika! Munechika!" Anju: "If you were safe, why didn't you tell me sooner?" Munechika: "Your Highness..." Anju: "I was so worried!" Munechika: "I'm... sorry." Rulutieh: "I'm so glad..." Munechika: "I'm afraid there's something I must tell you." Anju: "What?" Munechika: "I am still a prisoner of war, and cannot return to your side." Kuon: "Anju, can I interrupt?" Munechika: "She allowed me to stay by her side after I was defeated in battle and became a prisoner." Munechika: "A warrior must repay a kindness done to them. Please understand." Anju: "I see." umirul: "Oh, you don't need to worry about that." umirul: "You're free as of this moment." Munechika: "Wait, but then..." umirul: "No, this was the plan from the start! In exchange... Let me stay here, please!" Anju: "Of course!" Munechika: "By my name as a Pillar General, I, Munechika, shall serve Your Highness." Haku: "Our plan was to advance our forces and pressure the surrounding nations, but we'll need to change it." Kiwru: "What do you mean?" Haku: "We can't move forces from Rumoy." Haku: "That attack was a threat to Ennakamuy." ekone: "If we moved our forces, it would be easy for them to take Rumoy Pass, and all of Ennakamuy." Haku: "But if you simply look at the outcome of the battle, we were able to push back the court forces attacking Rumoy." Ougi: "Which means when it comes to military might, at least, Ennakamuy has regained its honor." Atuy: "So now what?" Ougi: "We can engage in foreign diplomacy without moving our army." Ougi: "We'll maintain our forces here while heading to other nations to make alliances." Jachdwalt: "That'll be a dangerous journey, right?" Haku: "But we have no choice." Kuon: "We need to decide where we're going first, then." Haku: "Rulutieh..." Rulutieh: "Y-Yes?" Haku: "How about a long-overdue return home..."
{ "raw_title": "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth Episode 8 – Return", "parsed": [ "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth", "8", "Return" ] }
Raiko: "So this is it?" Woshis: "Yes. It's unfinished, though, so I'm not sure if it will work." Raiko: "As always, you have the most disgusting taste." Woshis: "I'll take that as a compliment." Woshis: "I'll do everything I can, but I can't promise the effects will stabilize." Raiko: "That's fine. The more powerful pawns I have, the better." Kuon: "That shape... So the rumors that they used the old ruins were true, I think." ekone: "I've never seen the real thing before!" Haku: "What's wrong?" Rulutieh: "N-Nothing... I'm just a little nervous." Haku: "It's been a long time since you've been reunited with your family. Enjoy your time with them." Rulutieh: "Um, after this, I..." Rulutieh: "Nothing." Villagers: "Princess Rulutieh! It's Princess Rulutieh! Welcome home, Princess Rulutieh!" Rulutieh: "Um, everyone... It's good to see you again." Villagers: "Welcome home! Welcome home!" Kiwru: "She's popular." Kuon: "She's a princess. That's expected, I think." Rulutieh: "That's Kujyuri Castle!" Haku: "Well, they were quick to let us in, but..." Kuon: "Worst case, we might end up surrounded, I think." Haku: "If that happens, protect Her Highness." Ozen: "Rulutieh!" Rulutieh: "Father!" Ozen: "Come, Rulutieh! Sit on Daddy's lap like you always do!" Ozen: "What's wrong? Do you have a fever? This is awful! An herbalist! Someone call an herbalist! Oh, no! Oh, no!" Yashmah: "Calm yourself, Father. Rulutieh's face is flushed because you're embarrassing yourself!" Ozen: "R-Really?" Yashmah: "How've you been, Rulutieh?" Rulutieh: "Brother!" Yashmah: "I am Yashmah of Kujyuri." Yashmah: "I see you've been taking good care of my sister Rulutieh." Ozen: "Ahem! Ahem!" Ozen: "Welcome, Oshtor!" Haku: "I'm glad to see you well, Ozen." Haku: "Your Highness..." Anju: "Yes." Anju: "It's good to see you again, Ozen!" Ozen: "Could it be..." Anju: "I'm told that someone is spreading silly rumors that I'm a fake." Anju: "But I'm sure you won't say you've forgotten me." Ozen: "Your eyes, your voice..." Ozen: "We could never mistake you for anyone else! You are the true princess! No, the only person fit to rule Yamato!" Anju: "Indeed." Ozen: "B-By the way..." Ozen: "Is Rulutieh proving of use to you?" Haku: "Of course. It's no exaggeration to say that Rulutieh's support is what keeps us going." Haku: "Ozen, I'm sure you now understand that my cause is righteous." Haku: "I ask you once more to bring Kujyuri to stand under Her Highness's banner." Ozen: "W-Well..." Anju: "Ozen!" Anju: "Don't tell me that you'll still refuse, even knowing who I am?" Ozen: "O-Of course not!" Yashmah: "We all want to help you!" Ozen: "B-But... there's a problem." Anju: "A problem?" Shis: "Rulutieh! Rulutieh! Rulutieh! Rulutieh! Rulutieh! Rulutieh! Rulutieh! Rulu! Welcome back!" Rulutieh: "No, not here!" Haku: "Don't tell me she's..." Yashmah: "This piece of garbage... Ahem, this woman is..." Shis: "Rulutieh's sister, Shis!" Kuon: "Rulutieh's sister, huh?" ekone: "They kind of look similar..." Kiwru: "But their personalities are total opposites." Rulutieh: "I thought you went off to get married!" Shis: "Oh, him? He was a total loser. No way. I'd be happier marrying Cocopo!" Shis: "So from now on, you and I will be together forever!" Rulutieh: "U-Um, are you coming with us, Sister?" Shis: "Of course not! You're staying with me in this castle forever!" Rulutieh: "But I have to stay with Anju as her lady-in-waiting." Shis: "Lady-in-waiting?" Shis: "I was a fool to believe the words of my idiot father and brother." Shis: "Fine, I'll tell her." Shis: "Your Highness, I have a request regarding our alliance." Anju: "A request?" Shis: "Would you return Rulutieh to me—no, to us?" Anju: "What?" Shis: "Please, allow her to return home." Rulutieh: "S-Sister, I'm not the old Rulutieh who just cried all the time! I want to go with Princess Anju." Shis: "Rulutieh..." Ozen: "Well said!" Yashmah: "That's my sister!" Shis: "Rulutieh, it's wonderful that you want to do that." Shis: "Gentle Rulutieh... You truly are so kind. But even sadder things await you." Shis: "Your heart will be deeply wounded." Shis: "Will you be able to handle that?" Rulutieh: "I..." Kuon: "May I speak?" Haku: "Kuon?" Kuon: "Um, is this going to take a while?" Shis: "I'm sorry?" Kuon: "If it is, I was hoping I could get some tea, I think..." ekone: "Th-That's right! I'm really thirsty!" Kiwru: "And I was just thinking about how hungry I am..." Twins: "Good tea leaves. I've heard that Kujyuri has good tea leaves." Anju: "Y-Yeah. I'm tired from my long journey. I'd love to have some tea and relax..." Ozen: "Oh, my! How rude of us, to not properly welcome the princess!" Yashmah: "I-I'm so sorry! We'll prepare a feast immediately!" Anju: "Excellent. I'll be staying for a while." Rulutieh: "U-Um..." Haku: "I'm sure you can't think with everyone gawking at you. Get some rest." Rulutieh: "Okay..." : "Wow!" Anju: "Well done!" Kiwru: "I was really hungry, so this is delicious!" Yashmah: "Oshtor," Yashmah: "would you please persuade Rulutieh to remain with your liege?" Yashmah: "I understand my sister's concerns." Yashmah: "But I don't think she should stay here!" Yashmah: "Rulutieh is a truly kind girl. But if my sister is always around her, she'll end up never being able to do anything herself." Yashmah: "I don't know why my sister doesn't understand that." Rulutieh: "Sister?" Shis: "Come closer." Shis: "Remember this?" Rulutieh: "Mother's flute!" Shis: "When you were young, you'd get a cold from the slightest draft, and if you ran even a little, you'd trip and scrape your knee. When you had that terrible fever, I was worried you wouldn't survive." Rulutieh: "Sister..." Shis: "Oshtor." Shis: "First, have a drink." Shis: "I apologize for letting you see me like that earlier." Haku: "No, family is important to everyone." Shis: "She's a kind girl. I know she's forcing herself to stay for the sake of the princess and Yamato." Shis: "If you need another warrior, I will go to the battlefield in her stead." Shis: "So please, let Rulutieh remain here." Haku: "I understand how you feel." Haku: "But..." Rulutieh: "Oshtor?" Rulutieh: "Here, this will warm you up." Haku: "I'm sorry. You were about to sleep, right?" Rulutieh: "N-No..." Rulutieh: "And I'm the one who should be apologizing for my sister." Haku: "No, you're lucky to have such a wonderful family." Rulutieh: "Yes." Rulutieh: "Um..." Haku: "Hm?" Rulutieh: "Wh-What do you think?" Rulutieh: "If I'm a burden to you, then I..." Haku: "I said this to Shis as well, but I believe your feelings are what matter most here." Rulutieh: "You do?" Haku: "Which is why I want to ask you... What do you want to do?" Rulutieh: "What do I want?" Haku: "You said you're a burden, but I've never felt that way. Nor has Her Highness, nor Kuon, nor Nekone, nor anyone. We all count on you." Rulutieh: "N-No, I'm not..." Haku: "If there's one thing we would ask you, it's what's in your heart." Rulutieh: "In my heart?" Haku: "What is it you want to do? Why are you here with us? Loyalty to the princess? Or pity for us in our plight?" Rulutieh: "It's..." Haku: "Why have you come this far?" Rulutieh: "I... I..." Rulutieh: "That iron fan..." Rulutieh: "It's Haku's, right?" Rulutieh: "You're not here out of loyalty, or for a cause. It's because of your love for him, isn't it?" Haku: "Perhaps it is." Haku: "No, I hope it is." Rulutieh: "I think I finally understand. Maybe it's because of my feelings for Haku that I'm here. The things he was willing to sacrifice his life to protect, the friends he treasured, this place... I want to protect them!" Rulutieh: "Maybe I'm just doing it for my own sake." Rulutieh: "Maybe it's just because I never got a chance to tell him how I feel." Rulutieh: "But now, it's my turn to protect the things he wanted to protect." Rulutieh: "Is that not enough of a reason to stay with everyone?" Haku: "It's more than enough. I'm sure Haku would be happy to hear that." Rulutieh: "Yes." Rulutieh: "I... I'd like to go with Anju!" Ozen: "Oh... Oh!" Yashmah: "Wonderful! You make our family proud!" Ozen: "Oshtor, Your Highness, please take good care of Rulutieh!" Anju: "Of course! You can count on us!" Shis: "Why?" Shis: "Why? Why?" Rulutieh: "Sister?" Shis: "Why? Tell me why..." Shis: "Why are you leaving me?" Shis: "Do you not like me anymore?" Rulutieh: "No... No, Sister! I want to go with them! That's all! I think you're right. A lot of horrible things will happen from now on. But they need me, even as I am! They told me they needed me! And I want to help them..." Rulutieh: "So Sister, I want you to help me, too!" Shis: "Rulutieh..." Shis: "Rulutieh, you don't understand anything." Rulutieh: "S-Sister..." Shis: "Not about war, or the pressures of being a lady-in-waiting!" Shis: "That's why I won't let you go! If there's anyone who would make you suffer, I'll..." Haku: "What about you?" Haku: "What do you know about Rulutieh?" Haku: "Rulutieh isn't weak. She's just kind and compassionate toward everyone." Rulutieh: "Oshtor..." Shis: "So it's you..." Shis: "You're the one who deceived her!" Yashmah: "Oshtor!" Anju: "Wait!" Anju: "I believe in Oshtor!" Haku: "Shis, you said you wanted to protect Rulutieh, right?" Anju: "That's my job as her older sister! What's wrong with that?" Haku: "A noble thought. But can a weak girl like you protect her?" Shis: "Very well. If you insist, then I won't hold back!" Shis: "Imperial Guard of the Right, Oshtor! A worthy opponent!" Anju: "Begin!" Shis: "Can you dodge this?" Haku: "Now it's my turn." Kuon: "So this is Oshtor..." Kiwru: "Amazing, Brother!" Anju: "Indeed! Wonderful!" Shis: "I won't let you have Rulutieh!" Shis: "Don't blame me if you don't survive this." Haku: "I'll keep Rulutieh safe myself, no matter what danger may come!" Rulutieh: "Oshtor!" Anju: "The battle is over!" Rulutieh: "Sister!" Shis: "I'm sorry, Rulutieh." Rulutieh: "Thank you, Sister." Rulutieh: "I'm so grateful for all the love and protection you've given me." Rulutieh: "It's because of you that I am the person I am today. Please be proud that all your love turned me from a little crybaby girl into who I am now." Shis: "Rulutieh..." Haku: "I must apologize for insulting and provoking you, even if I did it to put an end to this." Haku: "You aren't weak. Your strength is worth a thousand warriors." Haku: "No normal man could fight you and win." Shis: "It's too late for flattery..." Haku: "No, it's the unshakable truth. If you'll forgive my rudeness, I'd like to ask once again that you fight by our side." Haku: "Her Highness needs you, and the rest of Kujyuri." Shis: "Oshtor..." Haku: "Shis, I want to say this again. Anything can happen in war. So when I make this promise, you may not believe me. But as long as I live, I will protect Rulutieh. I promise this." Rulutieh: "Oshtor..." Shis: "Yes..." Shis: "I'll believe in Rulutieh." Shis: "And in you, too." Shis: "Take this." Rulutieh: "But this is..." Shis: "Take it and use it, and know that Mother and I are always with you." Haku: "Do you wish you could've stayed longer?" Rulutieh: "No, that's not it." Rulutieh: "Everything looks different now than it did the first day I left my home." Haku: "That's probably because the fog in your heart has lifted."
{ "raw_title": "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth Episode 9 – The One Who Bears the Flute", "parsed": [ "Utawarerumono Mask of Truth", "9", "The One Who Bears the Flute" ] }
Misha: "Mommy, hurry!" Mom: "Why are you in such a hurry, Misha?" Mom: "There we go. I'm done. Here you are." R: "Kamoi Tsubame-san, is there a job you had in mind?" Tsubame: "Yes! Is there a job where I get to have a tiny, young white girl wear a bunch of clothes that I made?" R: "No." Tsubame: "What?!" Tsubame: "The world's a difficult place. Mom's going to tell me, "Food tastes better when you work for it," again." Tsubame: "I think it's time to make another visit." Tsubame: "She's not there." Tsubame: "It happened when I came back during New Year's the year before last." Mom: "Misha, you'll hurt yourself if you run." Tsubame: "Russian?" Misha: "Okay, Mommy." Mom: "Misha!" Mom: "Are you okay?" Misha: "I'm fine!" Mom: "Let's go inside. There's some hot milk with lots of honey waiting for you." Misha: "Yeah!" Tsubame: "I come back here to take a look every time I come back, but I haven't seen her since." Tsubame: "Maybe the winter was just playing tricks on me when it showed me that snow angel. Or maybe it was some sort of near death experience." Tsubame: ""We need a maid"? "Meals, laundry, cleaning..." "Babysitting"?!" Tsubame: "Are you saying that angel wasn't an illusion?! Then I... Then I..." Tsubame: "Look at how dirty you've gotten. You shouldn't run around so much." Tsubame: "Anyway, let's get you changed." Tsubame: "That looks wonderful on you." Tsubame: "Good. That's good. Real good." Tsubame: "Yes, being a maid would be great!" Tsubame: "It might not be that snow angel, though." Tsubame: "If they want someone tough and strong... It could be some young, male prankster. I don't want to do that! I need to check!" Misha: "What's wrong, Kumagoro?" Misha: "Is something going on outside?" Tsubame: "Hey, there!" Misha: "Yasuhiro!" Yasuhiro: "Hm?" Misha: "There's a weird girl outside my window! Come here!" Yasuhiro: "Misha, you came to my room, and you even invited me to yours." Yasuhiro: "All right! I'll get some sushi! Some good stuff." Misha: "Just come already!" Yasuhiro: "There isn't anyone there." Misha: "She was there..." Yasuhiro: "Don't tell me you wanted a reason to talk to your old man, so you made that story up. You're such a "tsundere."" Misha: "That's not it!" Misha: "It might be that girl." Tsubame: "I saw the ad for a maid that you had outside." Yasuhiro: "Oh, it's just someone asking about the maid position." Yasuhiro: "Hey, there. Huh?" Yasuhiro: "Sorry about that. My wife passed away, and she handled all the cleaning." Tsubame: "Please leave all the cooking, laundry, and cleaning to me." Tsubame: "But the sign also said something about babysitting?" Yasuhiro: "Just spend time with her." Tsubame: "That's it?" Yasuhiro: "I can't spend much time at home." Tsubame: "There's one thing I was curious about. You said you wanted someone tough and strong?" Tsubame: "She looks like a lovely little girl." Yasuhiro: "That's right. She is lovely!" Yasuhiro: "She's a bit aggressive. I mean, more of a tomboy." Yasuhiro: "I think it's because she wants attention. She'll put banana peels in the hallway..." Yasuhiro: "Set the laundry on fire..." Yasuhiro: "All of the other maids have left because of that." Yasuhiro: "Oh, I forgot the most important thing." Yasuhiro: "No matter what happens, please don't go in that room." Yasuhiro: "That room is very important to my daughter." Yasuhiro: "Sorry for asking so much of you." Tsubame: "No problem. Please leave it to me. I'm confident in how tough I am." Tsubame: "Huh?" Yasuhiro: "Misha!" Misha: "Leave! We don't need a maid!" Yasuhiro: "What are you doing?! I'm sorry. Really sorry. I'll get you a towel right away." Tsubame: "I'm fine." Yasuhiro/Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "I got in my share of muddy water during my combat drills. This is no big deal." Yasuhiro: "Combat drills?" Tsubame: "The name's Kamoi Tsubame. Former Master Sergeant." Yasuhiro: "You were in the JSDF?!" Tsubame: "And I'm currently unemployed." Tsubame: "Milady." Misha: "Sh-She's going to kill me..." Misha: "What?!" Tsubame: "Excuse me for a second." Tsubame: "I see... Hm?" Tsubame: "I'm sorry. I got you all muddy." Tsubame: "How about we take a bath together?" Misha: "No, Yasuhiro!" Misha: "Help me!" Yasuhiro: "Misha asked me for help?!" Yasuhiro: "That sushi won't be enough. I'm going to call a chef." Misha: "Dummy!" Misha: "This sucks. I'm going to get that girl out of here." Misha: "Hm? What's wro—" Tsubame: "You didn't want to take a bath together, so I got in first. I can hold my breath for quite a long time." Misha: "She's got crazy abs!" Misha: "There's no way I can beat her. This isn't going to work." Tsubame: "Hold on a second." Tsubame: "You need to a better job washing your hair. You've got such pretty hair." Mom: "Misha..." Mom: "A girl has to keep her hair pretty." Misha: "Shut up! Don't touch me!" Tsubame: "The fair skin of a young girl..." Tsubame: "How precious." Tsubame: "Milady..." Misha: "What is it?" Tsubame: "Could I get something to wear? My clothes haven't dried yet. In any event, I grabbed what I could from the wash area, but they don't really fit." Tsubame: "But I suppose it does feel like you're holding me close." Misha: "Y-Y-You... pervert! Stalker! Deviant! Take those off!" Misha: "Die!" Yasuhiro: "Misha's so happy." Yasuhiro: "I'll take a California roll next. Kids love those." Chef: "One California roll coming up." Chef: "I found a job where I can play with a tiny, young white girl!" R: "Are you serious?!" R: "That's wonderful." Yasuhiro: "You came dressed like that?" Tsubame: "Yes, I walked from home." Yasuhiro: "The neighbors are going to think you're a weirdo. You shouldn't do that." Tsubame: "This is my combat gear. Well, I have heard that it's embarrassing to the girl if you call a whore over early in the morning, but there's no need to be embarrassed if you're not doing something you feel guilty about!" Yasuhiro: "Oh, sorry. I have to leave." Yasuhiro: "Please do everything I emailed you yesterday." Tsubame: "Roger. See you later." Tsubame: "Now, then..." Tsubame: "First, the laundry." Misha: "That woman came..." Misha: "She's completely different from the other maids so far." Misha: "I need to see how she acts and come up with a plan. But..." Misha: "If I get close to her, I'm finished..." Misha: "That's when I'll need you!" Misha: "I want you to secretly record her... I mean do reconnaissance." Misha: "I knew she was weird, but I guess there are female lolicons out there! That's so disgusting!" Misha: "If I show hard proof to Yasuhiro, I can get him to fire her. All right, put them on your head! I'll get a crazy picture!" Misha: "Now do it! Put them on!" Misha: "Put them on!" Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "Good morning, milady." Tsubame: "This'll be my first day here." Tsubame: "Also, it might be best if you'd wipe better after using the restroom. I scrubbed them by hand, so I think they'll come out perfectly clean after the wash. See you later." Misha: "I can't beat her." Misha: "She's too strong." Misha: "No! I have to protect this house!" Misha: "I guess there's no easy way to get rid of her." Tsubame: "Coming in." Tsubame: "Huh?" Misha: "She won't break the door to get in, I'm sure." Tsubame: "Lunch is ready." Misha: "I don't want it. Who'd eat your food? I knew this would happen, so I brought my own food up." Tsubame: "It's really good." Misha: "Shut up! I told you I don't want it. You're so annoying." Misha: "This smell..." Misha: "It's curry." Tsubame: "The apples and honey are making love. And there's pork that's been cooked to perfection." Misha: "Pork!" Misha: "I hate her, but... There's nothing wrong with curry!" Misha: "Leave it there!" Tsubame: "Let's eat together downstairs." Misha: "No!" Tsubame: "Don't be so stubborn." Tsubame: "It tastes better when you eat with someone." Misha: "This is good, Mommy." Misha: "I hate you." Tsubame: "Mila—" Misha: "Shut up! It'll taste worse if I eat with you!" Tsubame: "What?!" Tsubame: "I wanted to see her mouth get all dirty with curry." Misha: "You perv!" Tsubame: "I'll leave it here, then." Misha: "All right!" Tsubame: "You fell for it." Misha: "Huh?!" Tsubame: "I'm up here." Misha: "No!" Tsubame: "It's good to see you today, milady!" Misha: "Get away!" Tsubame: "Okay." Misha: "Huh?" Misha: "Why do you care so much about me?" Tsubame: "You're cute. I want to be closer to you. That's all." Misha: "What?" Misha: "So she likes the way I look, then?" Misha: "It's all about how I look..." Misha: "It's the same." Misha: "You don't know anything about me." Tsubame: "That's right. That's exactly why" Tsubame: "I want to learn more about you." Misha: "I'm not interested in you at all." Tsubame: "Really?! You're not interested in me?" R: "Senpai, I like you! Please go out with me." Tsubame: "I'm sorry." Tsubame: "I'm not interested in girls who've begun to menstruate." Tsubame: "Don't tell me you don't like girls who've begun to menstruate either!" Misha: "What are you saying?!" Tsubame: "Of course, I treat girls who've begun to menstruate with respect. But the clothes I like look best on girls who haven't developed secondary sexual characteristics. You know, before development of secondary sexual characteristics, you can't reproduce, right? You're basically an angel!" Tsubame: "When a girl becomes a woman, an angel transforms into an ordinary lady. That period is a special time! A flower is most beautiful right before its petals fall!" Tsubame: "Huh?" Misha: "What's wrong with her?" Misha: "Yeah, let's eat." Misha: "So good! She's crazy, but her food's good!" Tsubame: "Really? I'm glad!" Tsubame: "Milady!" Tsubame: "Suddenly, an obstacle stands in the way of our love!" Misha: "She's so weird!" Misha: "This is so good! But she's so weird." Misha: "But it's so good!" Tsubame: "Now she won't let me into her room..." Tsubame: "She leaves her curtains closed, too." Tsubame: "It's summer break... How wonderful. And yet milady stays at home..." Tsubame: "Maybe she doesn't have any friends!" Tsubame: "A maid must provide her mistress with a healthy and happy life." Yasuhiro: "I'm home!" Yasuhiro: "Oh, Misha. You got along with the maid, I hear." Misha: "What?" Misha: "It was terrible." Misha: "I hate her." Misha: "I hope she doesn't come tomorrow." Yasuhiro: "Huh? That's completely different from the email." Yasuhiro: "But..." Yasuhiro: "I think this maid isn't going to get chased off by Misha." Yasuhiro: "That's how you dressed today?" Tsubame: "Yes. The neighbors looked at me as if I was garbage." Yasuhiro: "Yes, they would." Tsubame: "But this is for milady." Tsubame: "She needs friends her own age." Yasuhiro: "Yeah, but you didn't have to come here dressed like that. Wait. Friends her age?" Tsubame: "It's important to look the part first! In any event, excuse me. Mi-i-sha-chan! Let's play!" Misha: "Stay away!" Tsubame: "Don't be so stubborn." Misha: "She busted the door down!" Tsubame: "I'll fix it later!" Yasuhiro: "You can do it, Misha." Misha: "S-S-Stay away, dummy!" Tsubame: "Don't be like that." Misha: "Leave! Be gone!" Tsubame: "Now, let's learn more about each other." Misha: "I don't want to know anything about you!"
{ "raw_title": "UzaMaid! Episode 1 – Our Maid Is Too Annoying!", "parsed": [ "UzaMaid!", "1", "Our Maid Is Too Annoying!" ] }
Yasuhiro: "Misha. I managed to get some time off work," Misha: "Too much trouble to go." Yasuhiro: "But you get to have good food, and relax in the hot water." Misha: "I don't really need to relax, and I can take a bath here at home. Also, the food that woman makes is pretty good. There's no real reason to go anywhere." Yasuhiro: "It's a hot spring where you can take a bath with capybaras." Misha: "You mean the capybaras hot spring in Hokkaido?! They said their reservation book was full on TV!" Yasuhiro: "Your dad worked his magic!" Misha: "Wow!" Yasuhiro: "Misha is looking at me with sparkles in her eyes!" Yasuhiro: "We're starting at 12 o'clock." A: "Right!" B: "Understood." Yasuhiro: "I'm glad I worked so hard to get the reservation." Misha: "Are we going, just the two of us?" Yasuhiro: "Of course." Misha: "That means, for once in a long time," Misha: "Yasuhiro! Thank you!" Yasuhiro: "I didn't expect her to be that overjoyed." Misha: "Don't tell that woman about this at all!" Yasuhiro: "That woman?" Yasuhiro: "Oh, you mean the maid?" Misha: "If the information manages to get to her somehow," Yasuhiro: "That wouldn't happen..." Misha: "You don't know her ability to persevere." Misha: "She'll chase me to the ends of this earth. We can say I'm staying at Washiwashi's house," Yasuhiro: "That's fine," Yasuhiro: "She's always working hard for us." Misha: "She doesn't need one!" Yasuhiro: "R-Really?" Misha: "Let's make this vacation a success, no matter what! Without that woman around." Yasuhiro: "S-Sure." Yasuhiro: "This'll be the first time that Misha and I go on a trip alone since you've left us." Yasuhiro: "I'll try to make sure she has a good time." Mom: "Misha." Mom: "This is Yasuhiro." Yasuhiro: "Hi, there." Mom: "I'm sorry. She gets shy around new people." Yasuhiro: "Can't expect her to accept me out of nowhere." Yasuhiro: "Nice to meet you, Misha-chan. Hope we can get along." Misha: "Do you want to marry Mommy?" Yasuhiro: "Yep. If you allow me." Misha: "I don't mind living with you..." Misha: "But any more than that..." Yasuhiro: "That's fine." Yasuhiro: "Let's spend enough time together to become real friends. I think we're a lot closer compared to back then, but I don't think she's called me "Daddy" once." Yasuhiro: "Sorry for being such a weak husband." Misha: "Let's meet at the station at 9 o'clock." Yasuhiro: "You're being rather careful about this." Misha: "We already had our luggage sent to the inn." Misha: "I asked Midorin to take care of Kumagoro and the others, too. I didn't tell her where we're going." Misha: "She can't find us." Misha: "I'm here, Yasuhiro." Misha: "She's not here." Yasuhiro: "Misha, take a—" Misha: "She's not there." Misha: "Not there." Yasuhiro: "Misha." Misha: "Not over there." Misha: "She's not here!" Tsubame: "Excuse me. Excuse me." Tsubame: "Excuse me." Misha: "She is here!" Tsubame: "I would like to welcome you to our inn. My name is Kamoi. I'll be assigned to help you during your stay. That is my real name, too." Misha: "We know that!" Yasuhiro: "Why is our maid here?" Tsubame: "I was free, so I was hoping to do a short term part-time job, and when I went looking, I found this place. This is quite the coincidence. Feels like fate to me. In reality," Misha: "I want to go home." Yasuhiro: "We just got here! Also, we already know our maid, and she's serving us, so... Oh, yeah." Yasuhiro: "Sorry for not telling you." Tsubame: "Don't worry about it at all." Tsubame: "I'm sure Milady just didn't want me to feel jealous. An inn such as this one flooded with a deluge of reservations—" Tsubame: "of course I'd want to come along, too." Tsubame: "I'm plenty happy, though. I get to be here with you as one of the waitstaff." Yasuhiro: "I'm glad you feel that way. Don't say you want to go home, Misha." Yasuhiro: "We came all the way here to the capybara hot spring, so..." Misha: "Oh, yeah! There're capybaras!" Misha: "This woman's annoying, but..." Misha: "I do want to swim with those capybaras!" Misha: "We might not get another chance to get a reservation, too." Misha: "I'll just have to live with this." Tsubame: "In any event, if you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to call me." Tsubame: "I'll be there to help you, twenty-four hours a day, anytime, anywhere." Misha: "That was scary!" Misha: "This is it!" Yasuhiro: "Misha," Yasuhiro: "Don't go off by yourself." Misha: "Okay!" Misha: "It's time..." Misha: "Capybara! Capybara! Capyba—" Misha: "Huh? Why is she here?" Misha: "What should I do? Head back to the room? But..." Misha: "I'm sure that was just an illusion I saw due to immense fear." Misha: "All right... She's not here. And time for the capy... baras?" Misha: "They're so far!" R: "Mommy, the capybaras are so small!" Rm: "I thought we'd be taking a bath with them, but I guess they're behind a one-way mirror." Misha: "Come forth." R: "The capybaras are here!" Rm: "You're right." Rm: "Why are so many of them collecting there? It's almost like that girl asked them to come." Misha: "They're so cute!" Tsubame: "Khorosho! Amazing!" Tsubame: "You're great, Milady! You're a capybara fairy!" Misha: "That doesn't sound like you're trying to say something good about me... Aren't you supposed to be attending the rooms?!" Tsubame: "I took a lunch break. I only need a small sliver of chocolate for food, so I decided to ambush you." Misha: "You shouldn't basically announce you're stalking people, you know?!" Tsubame: "I haven't brought any cameras or anything like that in here, so there's no problem." Misha: "Why would you?!" Tsubame: "I'll never forget that scene!" Misha: "No! Forget right now!" Tsubame: "Huh? You're getting out?" Tsubame: "You haven't soaked in the water at all." Misha: "Because you're here!" Misha: "Plus if I head out to the yard, I'll get to pet the capybaras!" Tsubame: "You don't have to get so embarrassed—" Misha: "Stay in there forever!" Misha: "I was told not to walk around, but I'm just headed to the yard. I'm sure Yasuhiro's still in the bath, so there's no real problem, right?" Misha: "Capybaras in the flesh!" Misha: "I get to touch their fur!" Misha: "Huh?" Misha: "A-A panda?" Yasuhiro: "A wild panda?" Misha: "I saw it behind the petting area." Yasuhiro: "Misha, you went out alone?" Misha: "Just for a little bit. Anyway, there was a panda! Isn't that cool?" Yasuhiro: "Misha." Misha: "Really excited, right?!" Yasuhiro: "I don't think there are any wild pandas in Japan." Misha: "I know that, but I saw what I saw." Yasuhiro: "You're just trying to put one over on me." Misha: "No." Misha: "There was a panda. On the mountain behind the petting area." Yasuhiro: "Okay, okay." Misha: "You don't believe me, do you?" Misha: "That panda's bugging me. Yasuhiro..." Misha: "Oh, he's asleep." Misha: "Then this gives me a chance to get evidence!" Misha: "Actually, I just want to see the panda." Misha: "Pandas at the zoo basically are just sleeping all the time." Yasuhiro: "On no, I fell asleep!" Yasuhiro: "Great... Misha, sorry—" Yasuhiro: "Misha?" Tsubame: "Excuse me." Tsubame: "Dinner has been prepared." Yasuhiro: "Maid-san!" Yasuhiro: "Misha isn't here! I can't get a hold of her on her cell, either. I'm not getting any GPS data, either." Tsubame: "Milady has gone missing? Please tell me every detail of the events" Yasuhiro: "I'm sure she went to the mountain out back. She was saying that there was a panda at the mountain behind the capybara petting area!" Tsubame: "Please calm down." Tsubame: "We do not know if that's where she's gone yet." Tsubame: "I want you to ask the other workers here, and have them search the inn." Yasuhiro: "What about you?" Tsubame: "I'll go to the mountain to search for Milady." Yasuhiro: "Then I should go, too—" Tsubame: "No." Tsubame: "The sun has already set. It's dangerous to head to the mountain." Yasuhiro: "Then it's no different from you going." Tsubame: "Did you forget? I was previously a Self Defense Force member." Yasuhiro: "Yes, but I'm her father..." Tsubame: "And that's why you can't go." Tsubame: "You're the only parent she has left. If something happened to you out there on that mountain, what would Milady do? Isn't it also important for you to be here, safe and sound," Yasuhiro: "I understand." Tsubame: "I apologize for speaking out of turn." Yasuhiro: "This is my fault." Yasuhiro: "If I only punished her properly for not coming straight back to the room." Yasuhiro: "This wouldn't have happened." Tsubame: "She's a smart girl. I'm sure she's fine, even if she did make her way onto the mountain. If you don't find her after generally searching the inn," Tsubame: "It's possible she was kidnapped, as well. I talked up myself a second ago," Tsubame: "After sunset, the temperature drops below freezing. I need to hurry." Tsubame: "Milady, please be safe." Misha: "I'm hungry. Maybe I should just give up and go back. Um... Which way did I take to get here again?" Misha: "I can just use the GPS on my phone and an app to figure out where I am." Misha: "Huh?" Misha: "What?! I lost my smartphone!" Misha: "Where is it?!" Misha: "No..." Misha: "I'm sure I'll be able to see the inn if I just get somewhere high enough." Misha: "Jump." Misha: "I'm not stranded here in the mountains, am I?" Misha: "No, I'm just a kid. I'm sure I couldn't have walked far. I'm sure the inn is close by. I'll make it back if I just start walking. Yep, I'm sure I'll be fine." Misha: "The path forward has gotten harder to deal with." Misha: "It's cold." Misha: "And it's dark now." Misha: "I'm hungry." Yasuhiro: "Don't go off by yourself." Misha: "This happened because I didn't listen to Yasuhiro." Misha: "Maybe I'll die here, if I can't make it back..." Misha: "I guess that's fine, too." Misha: "I'll get to see Mommy again." Misha: "Kumagoro..." Misha: "There's the hamsters, Big, Medium, and Small..." Misha: "Yasuhiro..." Misha: "Washizaki..." Misha: "And even Morikawa-san." Misha: "School was just getting fun, too..." Misha: "I want to go home." Misha: "Actually, maybe I'd rather die here. I won't have to see that woman again." Misha: "The panda!" Misha: "I knew you were here, Panda!" Misha: "So cute..." Misha: "Huh?" Misha: "You seem sorta skinny." Misha: "Maybe because you're a wild panda." Misha: "I lost my smartphone, so I can't take a picture. Too bad." Misha: "Hey, do you know where the inn is? You were there this afternoon, right?" Misha: "So cute! That's not what I should be doing. Um... Maybe we can't communicate because you're not used to humans." Misha: "But I might be able to get back to the inn if I just follow you." Misha: "A river. I get the feeling we're getting further away from the inn." Misha: "No, I can't eat that raw..." Misha: "You're so cute, you know that?! What? Blood?!" Misha: "Do pandas eat fish?" Misha: "I read that they were originally carnivorous​ in this encyclopedia..." Misha: "The panda's eating fish, and we're currently in Hokkaido... Could this actually be a..." Misha: "A brown bear?!" Misha: "A-Are you a brown bear with panda-patterned fur?!" Misha: "Stop being so cute! Your mouth has blood all over it, though. I don't feel like I'm about to be attacked, but will I be okay? It's still pretty small, too..." Misha: "But if it's small then does that mean the mother's around here somewhere?" Misha: "No! I'm not causing any trouble!" Misha: "I'm not getting through to her because of her rage." Misha: "I-I'm going to be killed! I'm dead this time!" Misha: "M-Mommy!" Tsubame: "Milady!" Tsubame: "Don't move! You can't show your back to a bear!" Tsubame: "I'll head to you." Tsubame: "I'm here now. Kamoi Tsubame is here to rescue you." Misha: "Don't use the chaos of the situation to try to hug me!" Tsubame: "I didn't expect you to refuse me in a situation like this. This didn't go as I imagined." Misha: "I'll refuse you all year long, every single day!" Tsubame: "I feel better now that I see you're a lot more energetic than I expected." Tsubame: "I'm going to return you to your father, no matter what it takes." Misha: "Is she planning on fighting?" Misha: "She's strong, but up against a bear... She'll die! Stop it!" Tsubame: "My name is Kamoi Tsubame, twenty-eight years of age, and I love Milady with all my body and mind!" Tsubame: "I met the her on a chilling day, when it was snowing! I didn't need anyone and took care of myself," Tsubame: "My eyes found themselves looking in the direction of her voice, and there I saw, but what for a moment, looked like a snow fairy with silver hair, eyes of jade, skin like white porcelain, and a sparkling smile! A pure, young, and beautiful Russian girl lay before me! At that moment, a bolt of lightning pieced through me. Oh! For how even if this little girl, as ephemeral as the snow itself," Tsubame: "and that I would protect her, even in exchange for my own life! And if you try to get in the way of that," Misha: "The mother got so disgusted listening to that story, she lost the will to fight." Tsubame: "Looks like that worked out somehow. I was betting that would make her lose the will to fight," Tsubame: "I'm glad no blood was spilled." Tsubame: "Milady?" Misha: "You're such a freak. I can't deal with you." Tsubame: "Even though I risked my life to save yours? Shouldn't you have fallen in love with me and asked for my hand in marriage?" Misha: "Yeah, but that was a disgusting way to save someone." Misha: "That'd never happen." A: "There she is!" B: "She's safe!" Misha: "I'm safe! Thank you for finding me!" Tsubame: "But I'm the one who saved you..." Yasuhiro: "Misha!" Misha: "Yasuhiro!" Yasuhiro: "Misha, I told you not to go off by yourself, right? I want you to keep your word." Misha: "I'm sorry." Yasuhiro: "Good girl." Yasuhiro: "Everyone, thank you for finding my girl." Yasuhiro: "My lack of supervision caused this ordeal." Yasuhiro: "I apologize for the trouble this has caused." Misha: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." A: "No, we're just glad she's safe." Yasuhiro: "Kamoi-san, thank you for finding my daughter." Tsubame: "No, I just was doing my duty as your maid." Misha: "Sorry for causing you trouble." Tsubame: "Milady..." Misha: "And... thank you..." Tsubame: "Let's get married!" Misha: "Never happening." Yasuhiro: "Married?" Ra: "I'm sure it was cold out there, everyone. I made some nice salmon and miso stew. Please come in and eat." Tsubame: "Let's at least get engaged!" Misha: "I want to eat the stew!" Tsubame: "Bleh..." Yasuhiro: "It was my first time..." Tsubame: "Huh?" Yasuhiro: "My first time scolding her." Tsubame: "You did it in a pretty soft way, though." Misha: "It's cold..." Yasuhiro: "Did you catch a cold?! You were out in the cold this whole time." Yasuhiro: "I'll turn up the temp." Yasuhiro: "Maybe I saw a blanket somewhere. Huh?" Yasuhiro: "You don't have a fever..." Yasuhiro: "You don't have a fever, but you're still pretty warm, Misha." Yasuhiro: "I'm really glad you're okay." Yasuhiro: "I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you, too." Yasuhiro: "Misha, your mom left you to me, and you're precious to me. I can't go and save you like our maid, or maybe do that much at all, but I'd like you to call me your Dad—" Yasuhiro: "Well, I guess there's no point in rushing it."
{ "raw_title": "UzaMaid! Episode 10 – My Maid And Yasuhiro", "parsed": [ "UzaMaid!", "10", "My Maid And Yasuhiro" ] }
Misha: "Roar! What are you doing? Roar! How long are you going to stay in this room? Roar!" Mom: "I'm working right now. Roar. I'm going to buy fresh king salmon with my paycheck. Roar." Misha: "I want medovik with lots of honey instead! Roar!" Mom: "Roar! Roar! You shouldn't be so picky..." Mom: "This is what you get!" Mom: "This is your punishment!" Yasuhiro: "Hey." Yasuhiro: "I brought cake and tea for the both of you." Yasuhiro: "Want to take a break?" Misha: "What are you drawing, Mommy?" Mom: "Tada!" Misha: "It's me and Yasuhiro!" Misha: "But you're not with us, Mommy." Mom: "Well, I just drew this looking at the both of you." Misha: "I don't want to be alone with Yasuhiro!" Yasuhiro: "Misha!" Mom: "You don't? Okay, then." Mom: "Now we're together as a family." Misha: "Mommy!" Mom: "Silly, what would you do without your Mom?" Misha: "I love you, Mommy!" Mom: "It's finally time." Mom: "Now that I think about it, I play games all day and surf the net. I had all the fun a girl could have. And now I'm focused on school, have friends, and you could even say I'm a normal girl!" Mom: "And today..." Mom: "I have a sleepover with Washiwashi!" Mom: "A sleepover... A pajama party in English. A legend that only the most popular girls get to do, and now it's finally fallen into my hands." Tsubame: "Congratulations, Milady. I feel your happiness as my own." Misha: "We can have fun without worrying about when one of us has to leave. We get to eat together. We can play games after the lights go out, pretending we're asleep," Misha: "We can eat all the candy and snacks, and have fun talking!" Tsubame: "Yes, this is paradise: two active young girls get to spend" Tsubame: "However, I can't allow you to stay up late eating snacks or playing games in the dark." Misha: "What?! That's what you do at sleepovers!" Tsubame: "No, there's no way I could allow something that hurt the eyesight" Tsubame: "It's also important for a maid to try to protect her employer" Misha: "You're such a weirdo. Why do you have to be so strict?" Misha: "So how long have you been standing there?" Tsubame: "I am always by your side. Yes, from when I say "good morning," to the next "good morning."" Misha: "So 24 hours a day, then. You've got to be kidding me." Misha: "So what do you want?" Tsubame: "Well, I wanted to ask your opinion." Tsubame: "The allure of a young Russian girl... To put it into words, it would be her platinum hair." Misha: "What's this about?!" Tsubame: "I guess this wasn't fancy enough, given your reaction." Misha: "No, I think it's obvious what I think!" Tsubame: "I see... Well, I guess could also use a..." Tsubame: "...party ball, I bet. I'll go collect some pigeons from the park." Misha: "What about the wildlife protection laws?! Stop it! I'd feel bad for the pigeons!" Tsubame: "Don't worry about it. I won't do anything against the law." Tsubame: "I'll allow them to act of their own free will." Misha: "I guess you can just do anything." Tsubame: "This is all so we can give a warm welcome to Washizaki-sama. I can't allow you any embarrassment with me acting as your maid." Misha: "You existing in the first place brings me embarrassment." Misha: "Don't do anything you don't have to." Tsubame: "Milady?! If you just make good food and snacks like you always do, Washiwashi and I will be plenty happy. Milady!" Misha: "If you understand, then clean this up right now!" Tsubame: "Yes, Ma'am!" Tsubame: "Oh, yeah, Milady." Misha: "Hmm?" Tsubame: "This is a good chance, so if you would allow me, I would also like to clean that room." Misha: "Don't!" Tsubame: "But..." Misha: "Never go in there." Misha: "Yasuhiro or I will handle that room. Don't involve yourself." Tsubame: "Milady... Ever since we went on that trip, she's gotten a little bit nicer to me," Tsubame: "but I guess it's still not enough to let me into this room." Tsubame: "Right now, I'm happy enough that you've let me into your heart and welcomed me." Misha: "I'm pretty sure I haven't done that." Misha: "It's pretty dirty." Misha: "Yasuhiro's been pretty busy with work lately, too. Hmm? Not too long ago, whenever I'd get lonely," Misha: "I'd stay in this room by myself." Misha: "I wonder why I haven't been in here lately." Misha: "I guess when that woman started coming." Misha: "Now that I think about it, she never does anything right." Misha: "Anyway, I need to clean. A long time ago, someone important said, "Always put off until tomorrow what you can do tomorrow."" Tsubame: "Coming!" Misha: "I'll get it! You stay there!" Mimika: "Misha-chan, your maid is watching us." Misha: "Who cares? Let's show her, then." Misha: "Take this!" Misha: "Washiwashi!" Tsubame: "How mean, Milady! You have me..." Misha: "I wanted to see your reaction!" Misha: "You're always calm under pressure, cool, and a perfect maid... that's why." Misha: "Show me what you're really like." Tsubame: "Milady!" Misha: "Now let's all have fun together!" Misha: "Take this!" Misha: "Yay!" Tsubame: "You're going to have fun playing with Washizaki-sama and then take me, as well! You've really grown!" Misha: "Defamation of character, huh?" Tsubame: "What?!" Misha: "Welcome, Washiwashi!" Yui: "Let's have a contest!" Yui: "Wait!" Misha: "Uh..." Yui: "U-Uh, well..." Misha: "You're freezing up again after just doing things without thinking them through." Mimika: "Yeah, maybe she's just a collection of nerves without thought." Misha: "Washiwashi, you went further with that than I thought you would. Anyway, why is Morikawa-san here?" Mimika: "I ran into her when I was coming here. When I said I was going over to your house, she just kind of decided to come with me." Misha: "Why does she care so much about me?" Mimika: "I'm sure she wants to be friends with you." Misha: "Wants to be friends, huh?" Misha: "Makes sense." Misha: "In that case..." Yui: "Takanashi, why are you here?" Misha: "Well, this is my house. Anyway, would you like to sleepover here with us today?" Yui: "Sleepover..." Yui: "That's what you're up to... Sure! We're going to have a sleepover battle!" Misha: "You can stop saying that, already." Yui: "" Yui: "Everyone, it's not that cold out today, so I've set up a teatime outside. Washizaki, that's enough!" Misha: "I-I hate to admit it, but you're really good at cooking." Tsubame: "Thank you." Yui: "You have such a nice house and yard, and then a wonderful maid like the Master. Is this what it's like to have a lot of money?" Misha: "I keep saying that's not it." Yui: "Then are you doing something illegal on the side?" Misha: "The man of the house is currently so busy at work, he can't come home on the weekends." Misha: "That's why I asked Washiwashi to sleep over." Yui: "Sorry about that." Tsubame: "That's why I will also be staying here to take care of everything, so please ask me if you need anything." Yui: "I'm sure you'll be able to take care of anything possible, Master!" Misha: "Then protect us all night. But not from inside the house... From this yard." Tsubame: "But, Milady..." Misha: "I heard that there have been suspicious individuals around here lately, and I'm so scared. But I think you can protect us." Tsubame: "Please leave it to me, Milady!" Misha: "I see. Thank you." Tsubame: "Milady, please don't bow!" Misha: "She's so easy." Mimika: "Misha-chan, by "suspicious individual", do you mean that" Misha: "Huh? What?" R: "You, again!" Midori: "No, I was just getting off on the fact that I wanted to be" Midori: "and Kamoi was completely ignoring me the whole time!" R: "Yeah, I'll listen to your story down at the station." Midori: "Hey, let go!" Midori: "Those eyes, like they're looking at someone crazy... That really gets me going. This is why everyone says the Japanese police are so good!" Misha: "Uh, that girl isn't suspicious. At least, probably not..." Misha: "This is our neighbor, Midorin." Midorin: "Hello there. My name is Midorin." Both: "She's 33 years old..." Midori: "Those little girls are looking at me like," Misha: "Stop it, Midorin!" Tsubame: "Why are you acting like you're supposed to be here, First Lieutenant? I can only imagine that you being here would be an impediment" Midori: "My being here is an impediment..." Tsubame: "Well, it's gotten cold out." Misha: "Yeah. We should head in." Yui: "We can head in right through here, right?" Misha: "We can't go in there." Tsubame: "Let's warm ourselves up first." Yui: "The bath's nice." Mimika: "I'm all warm now. It's big enough for the three of us." Misha: "Don't let your guard down." Tsubame: "I'm your maid, so I've come to wash your little hair, little back, and little butts!" Misha: "There's no way she could let this chance go." Mimika: "Misha-chan, your hair is nice, but your skin is nice, too. It's nice and smooth and shiny." Misha: "Huh?" Misha: "Th-Thank you." Yui: "Takanashi! My hair and skin are nice, too! Let's fight!" Misha: "Again?" Yui: "I think I was in too long." Misha: "That's your fault." Mimika: "Time to change... Huh?" Misha: "What's wrong, Washiwashi?! I know! Your underwear is gone, isn't it? All right, time to put her to death!" Mimika: "Uh, that's not it. Look at this." Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "Can't sit still." Midori: "What's wrong, Kamoi?" Tsubame: "Well, I was just thinking it's about time for the" Midori: "If you want to secretly videotape something, then record me doing something embarrassing. Then that video could get leaked, and people will see me from all over the world." Tsubame: "I don't feel like scaring the world with any images of you, and I wouldn't do anything to little girls that would be immoral." Midori: "And how do you record someone secretly without it being immoral?" Tsubame: "I just want Milady to..." Tsubame: "The two of you look really good!" Mimika: "Did you make these pajamas?" Tsubame: "Yes, I made them myself! I hope you like them!" Yui: "They're great." Mimika: "Yeah, they're wonderful." Tsubame: "Where's Milady?" Misha: "Changing out someone's clothes without asking... You perv." Tsubame: "Milady!" Misha: "But, well... I hate to admit it, but I do owe you a little bit lately. I'll wear your stuff, for today." Tsubame: "This is the first time Milady is adorning her body with my clothes..." Misha: "You don't have to say it so weirdly!" Misha: "Huh?" Midorin: "I see." Midorin: "Her pulse has stopped." Misha: "We're not over yet!" Mimika: "Dinner was good." Yui: "I didn't know that there was food in this world that got close to my mom's curry." Misha: "That's one of her only good points." Mimika: "I'm not so sure. I think your maid is wonderful." Yui: "Yeah, you've got it nice here." Misha: "What?!" Mimika: "She's beautiful, nice, and considerate." Yui: "She's got great fashion sense, too! She's a perfect woman, on the top of the list." Both: "I'd love to be her." Misha: "They haven't seen her bad side, that's why." Misha: "I mean, she can do anything, but... Huh?" Misha: "Why did someone that perfect quit the JSDF without becoming a pilot?" Misha: "Midorin didn't tell me the reason, either." Mimika: "Misha-san, you really care about your maid, don't you?" Misha: "Huh?" Yui: "Are you a "tsundere"? I bet you are." Misha: "Wh-What are you saying? I don't care about her, at all. She's so annoying, too. Anyway, that's not it!" Yui: "How dare you!" Misha: "Washiwashi!" Mimika: "You two! I'll show you what pillow fights are really about, having lived through fights with my younger brothers!" Yui: "I'm sorry!" Misha: "Washiwashi, your personality just changed!" Midori: "Sounds fun, but they might be a bit too loud for the neighbors, Kamoi." Tsubame: "So wonderful..." Midori: "Wait! Don't go, Kamoi! You haven't even burned their pajama party into your retinas yet." Tsubame: "I was about to be purified and go to Heaven." Tsubame: "But I can't stop. Even if I'm not physically with the little girls, it's something you can venerate. Yes, even if you can't see it, you can use your mind's eye." Midori: "I do love you, but I also find those parts of you a turn off." Yui: "Gotta pee." Mimika: "The bathroom is right over there." Yui: "Just come with me." Mimika: "Are you scared?" Yui: "I-I'm not scared!" Yui: "Stay there. Don't leave, no matter what, okay?" Mimika: "Fine..." Mimika: "What was that sound just now?" Yui: "I'm going to try opening it up..." Yui: "What is that girl doing?!" Mimika: "I don't know!" Yui: "I'm too scared! Mommy! Yuina!" Mimika: "Morikawa-san, are you okay?" Mimika: "D-Did you pee yourself?" Yui: "A little bit. Hey! What are you making me say?!" Misha: "They're sure close." Misha: "It's early. Oh, I know." Misha: "Kuma! Oh," Misha: "Sorry about last night. I had three people total in there, so there wasn't enough room." Misha: "It's kind of nice and refreshing to wake up early every once in a while." Misha: "I guess I need to clean up my Mom's room and make it nice, too. Huh?" Misha: "What's going on?" Tsubame: "Oh, Milady, you're up early." Misha: "Who went in here?!" Tsubame: "Milady..." Misha: "Who went in here?!" Misha: "This is where we... It's our memories..." Yui: "We can head in right through here, right?" Misha: "Wait..." Misha: "Morikawa-san." Tsubame: "I'm sorry. As you know last night, I was watching the house from outside, but it was so cold, so I thought that you wouldn't notice if" Misha: "It was you?!" Tsubame: "I apologize." Misha: "You're the maid," Misha: "and you ignored my orders..." Tsubame: "Yes, it was me." Misha: "This is a place for my family." Misha: "Not some place you can enter!" Misha: "You dummy!" Tsubame: "Milady..." Misha: "Mommy..."
{ "raw_title": "UzaMaid! Episode 11 – My Maid And The Forbidden Room", "parsed": [ "UzaMaid!", "11", "My Maid And The Forbidden Room" ] }
Tsubame: "Milady..." Misha: "Who went in here?!" Misha: "It was you?!" Tsubame: "I apologize." Mimika: "What should we do, Morikawa-san? I didn't think Misha-chan would get so mad." Yui: "I should be the one crying! I didn't think this would happen, either." Mimika: "But this is our fault, in the end..." Mimika: "We should apologize and tell the truth, Morikawa-san." Yui: "Yeah. We can't let the Master take all the blame." Both: "Yeah." Mimika: "Misha!" Yui: "Takanashi—" Midorin: "Stop it." Mimika: "The weirdo!" Yui: "Toilet ghost!" Midorin: "Little girls nowadays are quite adept. Even if what you say is the truth," Midorin: "Take Kamoi's feelings into account, and just go with it for now." Mimika: "The maid's feelings?" Midorin: "I'm saying not to destroy what she's done here: She's put herself on the line so that Misha's temporary anger" Tsubame: "Washizaki-sama, Morikawa-sama, I apologize for us not being able to be appropriately cordial to you both." Tsubame: "All of this falls upon me, the maid." Mimika: "Not at all. It's our fault, too." Yui: "Master..." Tsubame: "Please keep being friends with Milady." Tsubame: "I imagine those two won't have any issues after this." Tsubame: "I didn't expect you to help me out though, First Lieutenant." Midorin: "Hmm? Made your heart skip a beat again, huh?" Tsubame: "Considering you've never made my heart skip a beat in the first place," Yasuhiro: "Where's Misha?!" Yasuhiro: "So that's what happened..." Yasuhiro: "It seems you've had to go through a lot..." Yasuhiro: "Oh, excuse me a second." Tsubame: "No, you'll have to excuse me, as well. I called you out here while you were busy at work. I apologize." Yasuhiro: "No, there's nothing more important than Misha. It's okay." Tsubame: "I'm ashamed to be your maid." Yasuhiro: "You've done well here." Yasuhiro: "I'm the one who hasn't been working hard enough with her. I think Misha will always be fixated on that room." Midorin: "So what's up with that room, if Misha cares so much about it?" Tsubame: "First Lieutenant, try to read the atmosphere better than that." Yasuhiro: "No, I should have explained it properly from the beginning." Yasuhiro: "That room is, well, holy to Misha, I suppose." Midorin: "Holy?" Tsubame: "In other words, Milady feels a connection to her late mother through it?" Yasuhiro: "Yes." Yasuhiro: "That room was my wife's studio." Yasuhiro: "She would always do her design work from home in there. Misha would almost always find her way into the studio, and spend time there with her mother. I would sometimes join them, and well, you could say we were a happy family." Yasuhiro: "I'm sure Misha had her happiest moments back then." Yasuhiro: "And maybe that's why everything turned out the way it did..." Yasuhiro: "Once my wife had left us, Misha kept herself in that studio almost every day." Yasuhiro: "I'm sure she thought that she might be able to see her mom again if she stayed in there. No, maybe she still believes that she will." Yasuhiro: "She might think that her mom is somewhere in that room." Yasuhiro: "Now, as of late, she hasn't really been like that, but..." Midorin: "Kamoi?" Yasuhiro: "Maid-san?" Tsubame: "I'm sure you've already noticed, Milady, as you're quite intelligent, but I will say this anyway..." Tsubame: "Your mother isn't in that room!" Tsubame: "I apologize." Tsubame: "My intent was not to force her into this." Yasuhiro: "No, it's okay." Yasuhiro: "I'm Misha's father—I should have been the one telling her that." Midorin: "I'm quite surprised, however." Midorin: "I didn't think you'd say that to Misha." Tsubame: "I couldn't stand seeing her like that." Midorin: "Kamoi... You..." Tsubame: "In any event, we can't just sit here like this." Tsubame: "I'm sorry, I have something to ask of you, First Lieutenant." Midorin: "Not happening." Tsubame: "Well, it's true if you consider how I've treated you so far, it'd be somewhat unfair of me to ask you for a favor." Midorin: "I don't want you to ask me... I-I want you to order me." Tsubame: "You know, the fact that you're completely acting the same way you always do, kind of makes me feel better today." Misha: "Hello? Washiwashi?" Mimika: "Misha-chan? I'm so glad. I'm... sorry!" Mimika: "It was really us who went in that room." Mimika: "Your maid just was trying to protect us." Yui: "Yeah, that's what happened. I'm sorry, Takanashi. The Master isn't at fault, at all." Mimika: "We're really sorry." Misha: "I'm sorry that our fun sleepover had to end like that, too, Washiwashi." Mimika: "Misha-chan..." Misha: "Also, you too, I guess, Morikawa-san." Yui: "What do you mean, "I guess"?!" Misha: "Also, I knew that, anyway. Even if that woman makes me mad all the time, she would never do anything to hurt me. She's annoying and a pervert, though." Mimika: "R-Right. So then you'll leave that room now, right?" Misha: "Well..." Midorin: "Don't feel like coming out yet?" Misha: "M-Midorin?!" Midorin: "If I don't put my feet on the floor," Midorin: "I'm just barely in the green." Misha: "I'm... not sure about that." Misha: "Um... Well... Where's Yasuhiro?" Midorin: "He's gone back to work. Or more like we made him go back." Misha: "I see." Midorin: "Have you calmed down a little bit? In that case..." Midorin: "You haven't had anything to eat today. "I'm sure you needed something to eat, so I went ahead and prepared something," that's what Kamoi said." Misha: "I don't like when she does things like that." Midorin: "Also, she said that it must have been hard being in there so long, so..." Misha: "I..." Misha: "...really hate it when she does stuff like that!" Midorin: "It's not good to hold it in, so just let me know, and I'll deal with it." Midorin: "Are you really mad at Kamoi?" Midorin: "That's what I thought." Misha: "What is that woman doing?" Midorin: "Kamoi is cleaning the entire house, for some reason." Misha: "Right now? Why?" Midorin: "I don't know." Midorin: "Anyway, why don't you come out?" Midorin: "I haven't seen her look that lonely since she left the Force." Misha: "Hey, Midorin." Midorin: "Hmm?" Misha: "I asked before, but why did that woman quit being a JSDF pilot?" Misha: "I'm sure it was important to her, but she still..." Misha: "Why?" Midorin: "Sorry, I can't say." Misha: "Yeah, I understand. You can't just tell private stories about her, even if she is weird." Midorin: "Well, I don't really know either." Misha: "Hey!" Midorin: "Then I can't tell you." Midorin: "It's a secret between Kamoi and me." Misha: "You made it sound like you knew!" Midorin: "Well, I was just trying to make myself look better. I'd lurv it if'n we had a secret together." Misha: "Why are you talking with an accent all of a sudden?" Misha: "You're always you, Midorin." Misha: "Can I tell you something, Midorin?" Midorin: "Need to use the bathroom?" Misha: "No!" Misha: "I..." Tsubame: "This is the end." Tsubame: "I'm only still just 28, but I think of today as my best one." Tsubame: "Thank you very much." Midorin: "Finishing up, I see." Tsubame: "First Lieutenant." Midorin: "Want to make a dignified exit, huh?" Midorin: "So you plan on leaving Misha?" Tsubame: "I..." Tsubame: "Your mother isn't in that room!" Tsubame: "Milady no longer enjoys my company." Midorin: ""You just figured that out?" That's what I'd love to say," Midorin: "Sometimes, a maid has to warn them that they're on the wrong path." Tsubame: "I'm surprised. I never would have thought that you would talk about being a maid." Midorin: "That's right, I'm the type of maid that yields to her master's every will!" Tsubame: "Give me back the respect for you I had three seconds ago." Tsubame: "But there are some things a maid must never touch upon. Like Milady's late mother." Midorin: "Holy, huh?" Tsubame: "That is why I can no longer be by her side." Midorin: "I see! Then you can be my maid next!" Tsubame: "No, thank you." Midorin: "What? Again?!" Tsubame: "I will only serve Milady, and her alone. That hasn't changed." Midorin: "Then why are you trying to run?" Tsubame: "Like I said, I..." Midorin: "Is your love for Misha that thin?" Midorin: "Don't use word games to try to protect yourself. What is the most important thing to you in the world, even more than yourself?" Tsubame: "The most important..." Tsubame: "That should go without saying." Tsubame: "I swore. That even when Milady has her first period, I would serve her for the rest of my life." Midorin: "The complete creepiness of what you just said..." Midorin: "That's my Kamoi Tsubame." Midorin: "You're always so much trouble." Midorin: "You two handle the rest on your own." Tsubame: "Milady, I wish to speak to you." Tsubame: "I guess she's asleep." Tsubame: "Will you watch over us? The child you loved so much, and me, the woman who cares so much for her." Misha: "I fell asleep." Misha: "The sun isn't out yet. That'd explain why it's so cold." Tsubame: "Milady, are you awake?" Tsubame: "I would like to speak with you." Misha: "I have nothing to talk to you about." Tsubame: "Well, all you have to do is listen. This is an old story of a normal girl" Tsubame: "My father was in the JASDF, as well. He thought that there was true strength in working out, and he'd always rush to exercise. If I said I wanted a doll," Tsubame: "Honestly, the reason why I ended up liking frilly dresses and beautiful young girls" Tsubame: "But I really loved my father. That's why when we were suddenly separated," Tsubame: "I'm sure that was just a white lie my mother told me" Tsubame: "and so I..." Misha: "So is that why you wanted to fly through the sky?" Tsubame: "Yes." Tsubame: "I just wanted to see him one more time. I loved my father." Tsubame: "I learned a lot, trained a lot, and worked out a lot. I entered the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. I became a pilot candidate. And then the day came when I went to go see my father." Tsubame: "He wasn't there, of course. I was already pretty old at the time, and I had realized quite a while ago that the words my mother said to me were a lie, but... I still wanted him to be there," Tsubame: "Or more like, I had lost sight of anything else. That's why I..." Tsubame: "...remembered myself in you, and said what I did. I really apologize—" Misha: "No." Misha: "I'm not angry about that." Misha: "I mean..." Misha: "I know that my mother isn't in here." Tsubame: "Milady..." Misha: "When I found out someone came into this room... I didn't feel anything." Misha: "I was shocked. Someone entered a place so important to me," Misha: "and I didn't feel anything. And maybe that means I've forgotten about her," Misha: "I started to really hate myself for feeling that way." Misha: "That's why none of you are in the wrong! Not Washiwashi, Morikawa-san, or even you! I'm just getting mad at everyone when I'm really mad at myself!" Tsubame: "You're quite the wonderful person, Milady." Misha: "How am I wonderful if I've forgotten my mother?!" Tsubame: "Children will always eventually leave their parents, and gain things on their own." Tsubame: "Whether it be friends, or dreams for the future... Or even coming in third place in the school sports day." Tsubame: "I'm sure your mother is actually quite pleased at your progress." Misha: "My mother is happy?" Tsubame: "Yes. I couldn't find anything until the age I am now— you're doing far better than I am." Tsubame: "Milady, I've lost sight in my right eye. I knew that my father wasn't up in the skies, and yet I continued with the JSDF, and then one day, I became ill. My eyesight drastically became worse, I couldn't fly anymore, and still, I transferred to another section, and continued my time in the Force. Eventually I lost my eyesight completely," Tsubame: "I kept clinging to my late father," Tsubame: "I had just continued with that this whole time." Misha: "You haven't found anything..." Misha: "You've just lost everything!" Tsubame: "No, that's not right, Milady. I did find something." Misha: "What did you find?" Tsubame: "My light in the darkness I see. Even if I weigh everything I lost," Tsubame: "That is what you mean to me, Milady. You are my light. You show me the way forward." Misha: "I see. That make sense." Misha: "This is just how it is, Mommy. I couldn't think about you all the time," Misha: "I know she said that I was her light, but then, that means..." Misha: "She's my..." Tsubame: "You're my..." Misha: "I'm going to clean up, so help me!" Misha: "You're my... maid, right?" Tsubame: "Yes!" Misha/Yasuhiro: "See you later!" Tsubame: "Goodbye." Yasuhiro: "Okay, Misha. Be careful." Misha: "I know, already." R: "See you later, Daddy!" D: "Yeah, see you later." Misha: "See you later, Yasuhiro!" Yasuhiro: "Yeah, see you later..." Tsubame: "Time for a 3-problem multiple choice." Misha: "You just do what you want." Tsubame: "1. I will marry you, after all. 2. I'll take a bath with you. 3. I'll sleep with you. 4. I'll bear your child. If you refuse to answer," Misha: "You're terrible! Don't hold my dinner hostage! At least allow me to get out of this! Also, there are more than three choices! There's too many problems!" Tsubame: "Say anything you want! I'll accept anything you have to say!"
{ "raw_title": "UzaMaid! Episode 12 – My Maid Now And Forever", "parsed": [ "UzaMaid!", "12", "My Maid Now And Forever" ] }
All: "Great Cormorant Spaland!" All: "We're here!" Misha: "I got too excited." Yui: "This is a popular spot with fashionistas, too." Yui: "The most high tech hot springs theme park that everyone's talking about. It's the perfect place for us to battle!" Mimi: "Let's not do that, Morikawa-san... Misha-chan was kind enough to invite us here." Yui: "Good point." Misha: "I-I got the tickets from someone, so don't worry about it too much. So," Misha: "why in the world are you here when I'm pretty sure I never invited you?" Tsub: "So," Tsub: "what are you doing here, First Lieutenant?" Misha: "I was asking you that!" Mido: "So you're saying that I don't deserve to be in this world after all." Misha: "You can stay, Midorin! Thank you for the tickets!" Both: "Thank you, weird lady." Mid: "You're as brutal as ever, little girls." Tsub: "You're too kind to the First Lieutenant, Milady." Tsub: "But that's another thing that's so precious about you." Misha: "Shut up and leave. Or die." Tsub: "Those options are a bit harsh, but I can't go home." Tsub: "Because..." Tsub: "When you think of voyeurs, you think of hot springs! I must stop any loathsome, filthy lolicon" Tsub: "That is my duty as a maid!" Misha: "Everything you just said was creepy, so stop. Not to mention you have to wear bathing suits at this hot springs," Tsub: "Oh, is that so?" Tsub: "Which means..." Tsub: "By the way, I pulverized the voyeurs." All: "Yay!" Tsub: "Are you ignoring me, Milady?!" Misha: "First, the hotel in Yotaka and now this." Mimi: "It's warm! It really is like a bath!" Yui: "Takanashi!" Misha: "Jeez, you startled me." Yui: "We definitely need to battle!" Misha: "Seriously, again?" Misha: "I guess I'll bite, but what kind of battle?" Yui: "Let's see how many minds we can blow with our fancy bathing suits." Misha: "Blow people's minds?" Tsub: "There you are. Sorry to keep you waiting." Yui: "Master! You're way too beautiful! You, too, weird lady!" Mimi: "Your maid is so pretty! And the weird lady, too." Mido: "Ah, so you're bringing me up just so you can send me crashing back down, precious little girls." Tsub: "Thank you. All of you look lovely, as well." Lady: "She's so amazing!" Lady 2: "Onee-sama!" Tsub: "It appears as though seeing three little girls in bathing suits in the flesh" Misha: "You look a bit more mature today, Midorin." Mido: "You think so? For some reason, I got my school bathing suit that I loved" Misha: "Good job, suit guy." Mido: "But I love how much it squeezes me so!" Tsub: "Lolitas are one thing," Misha: "You're the last person that has the right to say that" Mimi: "Oh, no! Her bathing suit is going to get covered in blood." Yui: "Master, you need to hurry up and take this off." Tsub: "Huh? I-I'm fine! Please, pay no mind." Misha: "Uh oh. We should take that off immediately." Tsub: "You, too, Milady?!" All: "Heave ho! Heave ho! Heave ho!" Tsub: "I have little girls hanging off of me..." All: "Heave ho! Heave ho! Heave ho!" Tsub: "Please stop!" Misha: "Crap! Did it backfire and make her even happier?" Both: "Take that!" Mimi: "You're so amazing, Miss Maid!" Yui: "You're rock solid!" Guy: "So beautiful!" Guy 2: "Bro..." Tsub: "I may be almost thirty, but I still see myself as a woman. I do not regret how much I've trained my body," Misha: "You..." Tsub: "The only way to resolve this is for you to take responsibility and marry me, Milady." Misha: "Go dig your own societal grave." Misha: "This is so much fun!" Tsub: "Rawr! I'm going to eat you little girls!" Misha: "Guards, there's a creeper." Tsub: "Huh? What?" Tsub: "Wait! Milady!" Mimi: "Your skin is so smooth, Misha-chan!" Misha: "That tickles, Washiwashi!" Yui: "The mud bath is nowhere to play. I'm going to use the beauty benefits from this mud" Yui: "Nothing beats having a nice cold, glass of milk after a bath." Misha: "No, you mean coffee milk!" Mimi: "Fruits milk, and nothing else." Mimi: "This is something I can't even let my little brother have." Misha: "Wait." Misha: "What's wrong, Midorin?!" Mido: "The hot springs are so cozy that my body is rejecting it." Mido: "I'm sorry. I'm going home." Misha: "There are so many different kinds of hot springs!" Mimi: "We went in so many that I'm starting to feel dizzy." Yui: "I can still handle this!" Misha: "It's getting a bit late, though." Mimi: "Thanks for everything today, Misha-chan. I had a lot of fun." Yui: "W-Well, I guess it wasn't too bad. You leave me no choice but to call this a draw." Misha: "Morikawa-san..." Misha: "Did we actually compete in anything?" Misha: "Let's all play together again. Wait..." Tsub: "How precious... How precious..." Misha: "Hello? The creeper showed up again." Tsub: "Wait. Again?!" Misha: "Huh?" Tsub: "What's the matter, Milady?" Misha: "Wh-Wh-What do you want?!" Tsub: "Nothing. You seem to be walking awkwardly." Misha: "Er, I'm just a little tired." Tsub: "I see. In that case, please rest against my back." Misha: "A piggyback ride, huh?" Tsub: "The Tsubame Taxi is about to take off, Milady!" Misha: "At a time like this?! You perverted, lolicon, groper!" Tsub: "Huh?!" Tsub: "That reaction... Could it be, Milady, that within that skirt..." Misha: "I left the house wearing my bathing suit underneath my clothes," Misha: "and I ended up forgetting... my panties to change into..." Tsub: "So faithful to basics... I expect nothing less of you, Milady!" Misha: "Don't compliment me in such a creepy way!" Tsub: "But please, have no fear." Tsub: "I shall protect your secret garden, Milady!" Misha: "Don't call it a "secret garden"." Tsub: "Look out, Milady!" Tsub: "Oh, no!" Misha: "So annoying!" Misha: "Whoa! Wait!" Misha: "H-Hey! Stop that!" Tsub: "Are you not ashamed of yourself, being so interested" Misha: "Did that just come out of your mouth?" Tsub: "Milady! This will prevent the water reflecting what's under your skirt!" Misha: "Or, I mean, I could just walk past it." Misha: "We finally made it home." Tsub: "But we don't know what trouble may still lie ahead! I shall not let my guard down and will protect you to the end, Milady! Come typhoon, come hurricane!" Misha: "You fool!" Tsub: "This is my fault? This must mean... the heavens want to see what's underneath your skirt!" Misha: "It's no use! Humans are no match for Mother Nature!" Tsub: "Nay, we are not that weak, Milady." Tsub: "If you have heart, hear me!" Tsub: "Even be it the heavens, I will not allow anyone or anything to threaten Milady!" Misha: "Did she... just move the heavens?" Misha: "All for me?" Misha: "I feel so much better now. Underwear is the best thing mankind ever created." Mido: "After you left, you had something that exciting..." Tsub: "Excellent work enduring that ordeal, Milady." Misha: "You, too. Well..." Misha: "You did good." Mido: "Say, there's just one thing I don't understand." Misha: "What's that?" Mido: "Why didn't you just go buy panties on your way home?" Both: "Oh." Maid: "S-Someone save me!" Maid: "I fell yet again!" Maids: "Maid!" Maid: "Eek! The laundry!" Maids: "Maid!" Maid: "Eek! The food!" Maids: "Maid!" Maid: "Eek!" Maid: "Eek! That's so cold!" Maids: "Maid!" Maid: "Eek! I destroyed the mansion! I'm so sorry that I'm such a klutzy maid, Master!" Tsub: "Milady." Tsub: "I just received word that your father will be home soon. As hard as it is for me to part with you, please excuse me." Misha: "Hey." Tsub: "Yes?! Would you like me to work longer?" Tsub: "Would you like me to spend the night?! Have a roll in the hay?" Misha: "Apparently, anyone can be a maid." Tsub: "Huh?" Misha: "Wh-What's with that reaction?" Tsub: "Love should not be blind." Tsub: "What I'm about to say may be harsh, but I'm saying this out of love." Tsub: "Do you really think reality and fiction are the same?" Misha: "Did she just ruthlessly slap me with common sense?!" Tsub: "Milady, you, and the rest of society, don't take maids seriously." Tsub: "That maid in that anime a moment ago..." Tsub: "Because we're human, it's natural that we all make mistakes." Tsub: "But all she does is whine rather than try to better her faults." Tsub: "Then she has the nerve to have her master pay for her mistakes. How preposterous!" Misha: "Why does she have to go off on me so much just because I made a slightly snarky remark?" Tsub: "Not to mention flashing panties" Misha: "Okay, fine. I get it." Tsub: "Do you?" Misha: "Yeah, sure, whatever." Tsub: "But you've never been a maid." Misha: "Would you stop?! Fine! I'll prove it to you, then!" Tsub: "Oh? And how do you propose to do that?" Misha: "What else? I'm going to become a maid!" Misha: "You tricked me!" Misha: "The humiliation is real." Tsub: "To think I'd be able to see the day where Milady wore a maid outfit that I made for her." Tsub: "This is just so... How precious... How precious... How precious..." Mid: "That looks good on you, Misha." Misha: "You're welcome." Misha: "I mean, it's fine, but..." Mido: "A maid's uniform is a sign of subordination. Meaning, they will turn whatever their master does to them into joy." Mido: "It is truly the legendary attire that only a chosen few may wear!" Mido: "Welcome, Misha!" Misha: "I can basically figure out what you're thinking," Mido: "Then why are you wearing that without any hesitation?" Misha: "Because... If I complain now, I feel like I'll have lost against her!" Mido: "It looks pretty obvious that Kamoi has already lost." Misha: "Whatever. I just have to make it through today." Dad: "Good morning, Misha." Misha: "Y-Yasuhiro! You've got the wrong idea!" Misha: "Y-Yasuhiro!" Misha: "Delete it! Delete that picture right now!" Dad: "I beg of you, Misha!" Tsub: "Have a wonderful day. Please repeat after me, Milady." Misha: "H-Have a wonder— Like I could say that!" Mido: "You rose from the ashes just to see him off." Misha: "I'll do this! I'll do this, damn it! Maid work is a piece of cake!" Tsub: "That's the spirit, Milady! Now, allow me to go over our duties and the proper steps to execute them." Misha: "You don't need to! I'll do it myself!" Tsub: "B-But..." Misha: "If you show me how to do things," Misha: "Just shut up and watch! Maid!" Misha: "This book goes over here..." Misha: "This one goes..." Misha: "Over here." Misha: "Oh, no." Misha: "Maid!" Misha: "There... we go!" Misha: "But I loved this sweater..." Misha: "Maid!" Misha: "Maid!" Mido: "Excellent work, Misha. To think you'd ignore me!" Misha: "Maid!" Misha: "This is the last spot." Misha: "Okay. What is this awkward sense of immorality that I'm feeling" Misha: "Somehow, it's sort of exciting." Mido: "That's some high-level stuff there, Misha." Misha: "Don't treat me like I'm your comrade." Mido: "What's the matter?" Misha: "I guess I should've realized this sooner, but I guess housework is pretty hard." Misha: "But all the moms and dads of the world, as well as maids, do this every day, don't they?" Misha: "All for their precious families..." Mido: "Misha..." Mido: "That can't be said for everyone." Mido: "There are those out there who might find pleasure in hardships, like me." Misha: "I was saying something really nice right now, wasn't I?" Misha: "Okay." Tsub: "Milady! You shouldn't put so much force into it!" Misha: "Ugh, shut up already." Tsub: "Please keep an eye on your hands!" Misha: "Let's see, next I..." Tsub: "I can't bear to watch!" Misha: "There we go!" Misha: "Ugh. Just shut up and watch. This is part of being a maid, isn't it?" Tsub: "Yes, but..." Mido: "To think she's able to aggressively attack Kamoi like this... She's a prodigy!" Misha: "I feel like someone just said some baseless slander about me." Misha: "And it's done!" Tsub: "Congratulations, Milady." Tsub: "You made good on your promise. I admire the fact that you were able to carry out your duties as a maid." Tsub: "Please forgive me for my rudeness earlier." Misha: "I-It's fine. Just sit." Misha: "It'll get cold if you don't hurry up and eat it." Tsub: "Are you sure?" Misha: "Yeah." Misha: "L-Leave it there!" Tsub: "It tastes better when you eat with someone." Misha: "Come on. Sit down, Midorin." Mido: "No. Don't mind me." Mido: "As you can see, I've brought my own dish." Misha: "Let's all eat at the table together." Tsub: "Come on. Join us, First Lieutenant." Mido: "Kamoi's being nice?!" Mido: "This must be the thing where you raise me up just so you can send me crashing back down!" All: "Let's eat." Misha: "It's good! It's not bad for my first time, if I do say so myself!" Tsub: "It really is delicious." Mido: "Indeed. This curry doesn't taste like vomit or excrement." Misha: "I wouldn't exactly call that a compliment, Midorin." Tsub: "Milady." Tsub: "I love you." Misha: "Wh-Where the heck did that come from?!" Tsub: "Ever since the first day I met you," Tsub: "you continue growing up every day, showing me different sides of yourself." Tsub: "My love for you just keeps getting deeper." Misha: "You..." Tsub: "I nailed it. I definitely sounded like a charming woman," Misha: "I see. So you're watching me grow." Misha: "You mean like this?" Tsub: "Th-That's... My smartphone?!" Misha: "Kumagoro and the little ones" Misha: "apparently realized that a certain someone was sneaking around." Tsub: "I was too enamored by Milady in a maid outfit... How could I blunder so?" Misha: "Is this why you wanted me to become a maid?" Tsub: "O-Of course not! I was just observing how you were growing..." Mido: "Pretty sure that's a crime." Tsub: "I was just watching over her!" Tsub: "At first, I just wanted you to wear the maid outfit I had made for you. But you were so precious in the outfit that I knew I must show" Tsub: "Yes! To the children you and I shall have together!" Misha: "Is that all you have to say?" Misha: "I'm deleting all of them." Tsub: "No! Anything but that, Milady!"
{ "raw_title": "UzaMaid! Episode 13 – My Maid Is Still Seriously Way Too Annoying...", "parsed": [ "UzaMaid!", "13", "My Maid Is Still Seriously Way Too Annoying..." ] }
Tsubame: "The absolutely beautiful and sweet young Russian girl I serve, Misha-sama," Tsubame: "It's summer break," Tsubame: "I, Kamoi Tsubame, twenty-eight years of age, do not believe this is right. I was in the Japan Air Self-Defense Force up until three months ago, and three days ago, I started as a maid here at Misha-sama's house. I've tried various methods to become Misha-sama's friend, but..." Misha: "Go away!" Tsubame: "They've all failed." Tsubame: "But I will not give up. I will become her friend!" Misha: "I made a friend online. I have a lot of fun everyday." Misha: "I want to meet her someday." Tsubame: "Milady, that friend is actually me!" Misha: "It was you!" Tsubame: "And then I tell her who I really am when we get close!" Misha: "I never knew I had such a great friend so close to me." Tsubame: "Now we can "cooperate" 24 hours a day. That's good! This can work!" Tsubame: "I forgot to breathe while working out!" Tsubame: "I don't think I'll be able to show my legs this summer." Tsubame: "But Milady will wear cute clothes for me... or at least I hope so." Tsubame: "Let's make a character first." {Name: "I've made the perfect little girl!" {Name: "Let's start." {Name: "First, I need to become friends with Milady. The Internet is like an ocean," R: ""Are you really in second grade?"" R2: ""You're in second grade, so 7 or 8, right?"" R2: ""I don't have a ferret, but I wouldn't mind—"" Tsubame: "A pedophile!" Tsubame: "Destroy them! Destroy them!" Tsubame: "The world is frightening." Tsubame: "I need to protect Milady!" {From: "Kumagoro? That's Milady's ferret!" {From: "But it could be some big old dude named Kumagoro, too..." {From: "It's Milady!" {From: "It's fate for us to meet in this vast sea!" {From: "I'm not pretending to be a girl." {From: "Let's be friends. It's cute how ferrets wiggle around." {From: "Send." {From: "Milady and I are friends! Now we..." {From: "It looks good on you." {From: "Open up." Misha: "I love you." Tsubame: "We could be friends like that!" Tsubame: "Milady is so nice... Let's play then!" Kinue: "I think this is where I'm supposed to meet." Kumagoro: "Kinue-chan?" Kinue: "Yeah!" Kumagoro: "It's Kumagoro." Kinue: "N-Nice to meet you." Kinue: "The clothes were cute, so I used my severance... I mean New Year's money." Kumagoro: "I did that at first, too, but all these weird people kept messaging me. I changed my profile to say I'm a 42 year old housewife." Kumagoro: "You should be careful, too." Kinue: "If she likes cute clothes," Misha: "The clothes you made are cute!" Tsubame: "That might just happen!" Kumagoro: "What weapons do you have?" Kinue: "This." Kumagoro: "That's the default gun." Kinue: "I ran out of money after buying the clothes..." Kumagoro: "Right." Kumagoro: "Well, that's fine." Kumagoro: "You can clear the initial areas with the basic gun." Kinue: "Okay!" Tsubame: "Milady is so nice!" Kinue: "Clean up? What do you do with the gun?" R: "You're got a nice rack." R2: "Get away." R: "You're leaving?" Kumagoro: "Shoot him." Kinue: "He's a person! A normal citizen!" Kumagoro: "That's the type of game this is." Kinue: "Huh?" Tsubame: "I didn't know the game would be like this..." Kumagoro: "Hurry up." Kinue: "R-Right." Kinue: "I'm sorry, old man!" Kinue: "He's been purified!" R: "Good morning. It feels nice out today." Kinue: "What's up with this game?" Kumagoro: "You're good." Kinue: "Yes." Kinue: "I practiced with the 9mm..." Kumagoro: "Huh?" Kinue: "I practiced a lot before I came here." Kumagoro: "Let's do the next mission." Kinue: "Okay!" Kinue: "Thank you for today." Kumagoro: "Feel free to ask for me again." Kinue: "Sure. Bye." Misha: "That's it!" Misha: "That's good." Tsubame: "Looks like you're having fun." Misha: "I told you not to come in without asking." Tsubame: "You're taking pictures?" Misha: "Yes, I made a friend that likes ferrets." Misha: "A friend that likes me for more than just my appearance, unlike you." Misha: "Kumagoro, try sticking your head out from the blankets." Misha: "You're so smart!" Misha: "Kinue-chan is going to be happy." Tsubame: "I want to say something! I want to tell her I was watching her taking pictures for me." Tsubame: "But I'm going to have fun keeping this secret a bit longer." Tsubame: "I'll be leaving you for today." Misha: "She goes home right after she finishes lately." Misha: "She isn't trying to do anything with me." Misha: "I guess it doesn't matter. I need to send Kinue-chan pictures." Kumagoro: "I wonder if Kinue-chan is going to log in soon. I want to show her pictures of Kumagoro." Kumagoro: "A guerrilla mission!" Kumagoro: "It's a raid boss!" Misha: "I can't take care of this on my own!" Kinue: "I'm here!" Kumagoro: "Kinue-chan!" Kinue: "It was cute, so I bought it." Kumagoro: "Th-That's expensive." Kinue: "Let's do this together!" Kumagoro: "Yeah!" Both: "Love Shine Attack!" R: "There we go." Kumagoro: "We did it." Kinue: "Yes, we did, Milady!" Tsubame: "I got so excited, I..." Kinue: "I..." Kumagoro: "I knew something was strange." Kumagoro: "The way you use your emoticons felt like you're trying to be younger than you actually are..." Kinue: "T-Trying to be younger?!" Kumagoro: "Liar! Idiot! Lolicon!" Kinue: "Milady! Milady!" Kinue: "Milady!" Tsubame: "Milady..." Misha: "It's warm..." Misha: "It's not like being tucked in..." Misha: "This is..." Misha: "But..." Misha: "I'm shaking a lot." Misha: "Huh?" Misha: "What?!" Tsubame: "So I was thinking of camping out here today." Misha: "What?! What are you talking about?" Misha: "Actually, I was sleeping in my bed..." Misha: "Where am I? A mountain?" Tsubame: "Yes, that's right." Tsubame: "I carried you while you were sleeping all the way here." Misha: "Wh-Why?" Tsubame: "Well..." Tsubame: "You wouldn't listen to anything I had to say after what happened in that MMO. I wanted to make up..." Misha: "Did you think I'd be all happy and make up with you?" Tsubame: "You know, there's Stockholm syndrome and everything." Misha: "Stockholm syndrome?" Tsubame: "Stockholm syndrome is when someone that has been kidnapped or confined" Misha: "That's a serious crime! You kidnapped me!" Tsubame: "No, I got your father's permission." Misha: "Yasuhiro, you idiot!" Misha: "Also, why am I dressed like this?" Tsubame: "Well, the mountains get cold, even in the summer. But I thought it would be a bit early for me to" Misha: "I don't think that should happen early or late." Misha: "I'm wearing normal clothes underneath." Tsubame: "I brought you on my back all the way here in daylight. Everyone said you were cute." Tsubame: "They said we looked like mother and child." Misha: "You're..." Misha: "You're not my mom!" Tsubame: "Of course not." Tsubame: "You've got that platinum hair, and those green eyes. That white skin..." Tsubame: "A miracle that is a pure young Russian beauty." Misha: "Disgusting!" Misha: "If you want to go camping, do it by yourself. I'm going home." Tsubame: "One hundred percent, you'll get lost." Tsubame: "A non-standard route up the mountain not for beginners. You don't have a map, equipment, stamina, or experience. Do you really think you can get down safely? The sun is going to set soon, too." Misha: "It's because you dragged me up here!" Tsubame: "We'll head home tomorrow." Tsubame: "Let's have fun until then, the two of us." Tsubame: "Now how about we get dinner ready?" Tsubame: "Can you peel the carrots and onions?" Misha: "Why do I have to?" Misha: "You're the maid. You do it all." Tsubame: "What?" Misha: "She's going to kill me if I didn't listen." Misha: "This is easier than I thought. It's kind of fun." Misha: "No, this is a pain!" Tsubame: "All done!" Tsubame: "Starting from the right..." Tsubame: "A soup I made from some weird foliage I found while carrying you. And white rice." Misha: "I'm not eating anything other than the rice." Tsubame: "I'm just kidding. They're all okay to eat." Misha: "Really?" Tsubame: "The vegetables you peeled..." Tsubame: "Try dipping them in this Camembert cheese." Misha: "That looks good!" Tsubame: "Is it good?" Tsubame: "Is the food we made, a product of our love working together, good?" Misha: "You're way too intense." Tsubame: "But we're having fun, right?" Tsubame: "Eating the food we made outside like this..." Misha: "It's not fun being with you at all." Tsubame: "Milady, I'm very sorry." Tsubame: "I wanted to become friends with you, so I did something stupid." Tsubame: "I didn't think about how your innocent pure, pure heart could easily be hurt." Misha: "The way you said that was gross." Tsubame: "I'm ready to not leave this mountain until you forgive me!" Misha: "I forgive you!" Tsubame: "Really?" Misha: "I can't get home by myself, right?" Misha: "And it's not like we're friends now." Tsubame: "That's just fine! I'm going to spend time, step-by-step, and open the door to your heart! And eventually I'll reach my goal!" Misha: "She really does word things badly..." Tsubame: "It's nine now, so let's go to sleep." Misha: "That's early!" Tsubame: "But we gotta get to sleep." Misha: "I'm not tired yet." Tsubame: "We have to get up at five tomorrow." Misha: "That's early!" Tsubame: "Even just laying down and closing your eyes will help you get energy back. Get in." Misha: "If you do anything weird, I'll bite you." Tsubame: "I won't do anything weird." Tsubame: "I'll just record your sleeping face and what you sound like breathing until my cell explodes." Misha: "That's what I mean by weird!" Misha: "I'll get into the tent after I'm sure you've fallen asleep." Tsubame: "Understood. Don't leave the area." Tsubame: "You'll end up falling and dying." Misha: "I'm so bored. She didn't bring my phone! There isn't anything to do!" Misha: "What does everyone normally do camping? What's so fun about camping?" Misha: "It was a little fun cooking and eating." Misha: "Maybe it's because she's here." Misha: "If I was with friends..." Misha: "If my mom was here..." M: "Misha..." M: "My cute little cub." M: "I chose the name Misha from this cartoon bear I really loved." M: "I'm going to become stardust soon." M: "I'll make sure I become a star near Ursa Minor." M: "When that happens, look for me, Misha." Misha: "Mom..." Misha: "There're so many more stars than I can see from my window." Misha: "But..." Misha: "I don't know where she is." Tsubame: "Milady." Tsubame: "If you can't sleep, let's talk." Misha: "No." Tsubame: "I thought this would be a perfect chance since you were so bored and lonely." Misha: "I don't care about you at all!" Tsubame: "But it's cold out. It's warm inside." Misha: "I'm just getting in the tent. That's all." Misha: "It's warm..." Tsubame: "There's many different clothes that I think are cute. There's as many as the stars themselves. It's not a simple question of increasing the number of frills and ribbons," Tsubame: "Bur rather it is the reduction of something to its absolute limit..." Misha: "It's really loud here, though..." Tsubame: "If I were to put what I'm trying to say simply, a basic white one piece and a straw hat is the ultimate look for a young beauty." Misha: "I don't care so much, that it might actually help me sleep instead..." Tsubame: "I lost my father when I was about your age." Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "And that's when I decided I wanted to fly through the sky." Misha: "What are you talking about? Tell me more..." Tsubame: "Good morning!" Tsubame: "It's a nice day today!" Misha: "It's morning..." Misha: "I got a lot of sleep." Misha: "She was going on about something before I fell asleep, but..." Misha: "It doesn't matter. It's not like I care." Tsubame: "We're going to make bread from a mix today." Misha: "A mix? You can do that outside?" Tsubame: "You can." Tsubame: "We're going to wrap it on these sticks and bake it." Misha: "Sticks?!" Misha: "I don't really care, though." Tsubame: "We're going to go up to the observation area after we eat, and we can get some of this area's famous super-milky soft serve." Misha: "Super milky soft serve!" Tsubame: "Then we're going to the zoo at the base of the mountain." Misha: "Zoo!" Tsubame: "There's a petting area," Misha: "Chicks!" Tsubame: "How about we make some breakfast now?" Tsubame: "Anyway, that's it for me. It was fun going camping with you, Milady." Misha: "I had a terrible time with you." Tsubame: "Really?" Misha: "What do you want?" Tsubame: "I'll see you again tomorrow." Misha: "I'm home!" Yasuhiro: "Welcome back. Hmm?" Misha: "I brought this back for you, Yasuhiro!" Misha: "Did you know you can make bread outside?! Chicks are really soft, too!" Yasuhiro: "Misha, you had a lot of fun, huh?" Misha: "Huh?" Misha: "I-I didn't! You idiot, Yasuhiro!" Yasuhiro: "Misha, no biting."
{ "raw_title": "UzaMaid! Episode 2 – My Maid Kidnapped Me", "parsed": [ "UzaMaid!", "2", "My Maid Kidnapped Me" ] }
Tsubame: "I'm so happy. I get to see Milady." Tsubame: "Milady... She's all I care about." Tsubame: "Little girls! Little girls! Little girls!" Tsubame: "There're so many little girls!" Tsubame: "But Milady is the only one I really care about seeing." Tsubame: "Actually, shouldn't she..." Misha: "Leave it there." Tsubame: "I made an ice cream dessert from scratch. I'd like for you to eat it in the kitchen," Misha: "Ice cream..." Misha: "Guess I'll have to eat it, then." Tsubame: "She comes down now a lot easier than before. I think we're a lot closer now!" Tsubame: "Just a little bit more, and..." Tsubame: "Milady, this is pudding a la mode. I ordered it in from England." Misha: "Very good." Tsubame: "Here is your tiramisu. I got this from Italy." Misha: "Very good." Tsubame: "Here're our marriage papers. I got them from France." Misha: "Very good." Tsubame: "Not too much longer before she'd sign off on marriage!" Tsubame: "I promise to love you, even after your first period. That's too much! I can't get too far ahead of myself. I'm back to normal." Misha: "She's acting pretty weird today, too." Tsubame: "Oh, yeah... Don't you have school?" Misha: "She finally realized!" Misha: "I..." Misha: "I-I..." Misha: "I'm Russian, so I don't have to go to school." Tsubame: "Oh, I see! You're exempt from local laws, right?" Misha: "I'm glad she's so stupid." Yasuhiro: "I'm back." Tsubame: "Is Milady not going to school?" Yasuhiro: "You noticed?" Tsubame: "I did." Yasuhiro: "She never really got used to it. Her Japanese is fine, so I put her into a public school," Yasuhiro: "but her appearance attracts attention, as you might imagine. She didn't like everyone staring at her all the time." Yasuhiro: "But when her mother was alive, she did her best to make it to school." Yasuhiro: "When she passed away..." Misha: "You lied, Yasuhiro!" Misha: "I was a good girl, and Mommy didn't get better! I'm not going to be a good girl anymore!" Yasuhiro: "You could say that I'm trying to avoid dealing with Misha." Yasuhiro: "I want to let her be until her wounds heal from this ordeal." Tsubame: "I see. Leave it to me." Yasuhiro: "Huh?" Tsubame: "I will go to school with Milady!" Tsubame: "Everyone can have their eyes on me, instead!" Yasuhiro: "You'll get arrested in five minutes." Tsubame: "I'll try talking to Milady a little bit, then." Yasuhiro: "Are you sure?" Tsubame: "Yes! We understand each other!" Yasuhiro: "I mean, I guess that's fine..." Misha: "I'm not going to school!" Tsubame: "What?" Misha: "What does this have to do with you, anyway? You're just our maid." Tsubame: "Oh?" Tsubame: "You were happy when you got a friend in that game, right?" Tsubame: "Even though that was me." Misha: "I don't want to be friends with anyone at school." A: "Her skin's so white!" B: "Her hair's so smooth!" Misha: "All they care about is how I look." Tsubame: "Well, you're so young and cute it's like a miracle," Tsubame: "Everyone's gonna look." Misha: "I don't like that. My eyes are green, and my hair is blonde. That's just how I was born." Tsubame: "Say there was a normal second grade boy that came to your class," Tsubame: "a boy named Handa-kun, but he looked like a panda on the outside." Misha: "That would never happen, right?" Tsubame: "It's just an example." Tsubame: "You'd look at Handa-kun too, right?" Misha: "I wouldn't, because I would understand how he feels." Tsubame: "I see." Tsubame: "In that case..." Tsubame: "Handa-kun is just a normal second grader." Tsubame: "And now it's lunch time. Everyone's eating soba." Tsubame: "Handa-kun is the only one who brought his own lunch." Misha: "Is he going to eat bamboo?!" Tsubame: "Handa-kun opens his lunch..." Tsubame: "It was a normal salmon lunch. Handa-kun has an allergy to soba," Misha: "I see... It was an allergy." Tsubame: "And you looked, right?" Misha: "I did." Tsubame: "And that's just how it is. Things you've never seen before, cute things: they attract attention." A: "So pretty." B: "So cute." Tsubame: "It's not like you mean any harm." Tsubame: "Milady." Tsubame: "You can only judge someone by their appearance before you get to know them." Tsubame: "It takes time for someone to know what you're like." Misha: "Time..." Misha: "I see. I ran away before they were even able to tell what I was like." Tsubame: "I make sure I watch you every day to learn what you're like." Misha: "Watch?" Tsubame: "For example," Misha: "What?!" Tsubame: "That's easy." Tsubame: "I prepare a roll of toilet paper that doesn't have much left of the roll." Tsubame: "Then I install that roll the second floor restroom of the Takanashi household." Misha: "What a second... You dressed up like a ninja and broke in every night?!" Tsubame: "I'm just kidding. I can do all of that during work hours." Misha: "Why are you doing that?" Tsubame: "Isn't it normal to want to know more about the person you like?" Misha: "So gross..." Tsubame: "Gross..." Tsubame: "I don't watch you while you're in the restroom, though." Misha: "Of course you shouldn't!" Misha: "And how would you even learn more about me through toilet paper?!" Tsubame: "The average usage of toilet paper in Japan is 80 cm." Tsubame: "And you're 40 cm over that. Could it be that because I told you that you should wipe better the other day," Tsubame: "you're actually doing what I said?" Tsubame: "And doesn't that make you super cute?!" Tsubame: "Also you chew a different amount of times for the things you like and don't like! You make sure you chew the things you like well, and the things you don't like you gulp down. It's how cute and childish you are. And then it's cute how earnest you are that you don't leave any leftovers. Also, it's cute how carefully and well you use your chopsticks," Tsubame: "You naturally smile when you play with Kumagoro-sama, and that tells me just how much of a nice girl you really are. And your toenails are even super well shaped." Tsubame: "Also, also..." Misha: "I-I'll..." Misha: "...go to school." Tsubame: "Huh?" Misha: "I'll go to school!" Tsubame: "Really?" Tsubame: "She understands my feelings! You could call this love!" Misha: "I'd rather be at school then have this annoying and disgusting person" Tsubame: "Oh, yeah. This is a print out from school. It seems someone brought it by." Misha: "I wonder if it was the person who was assigned to taking care of the hamsters with me." Misha: "I think it was something that sounded like alligator..." Misha: "...or armpits..." Misha: "She didn't really stand out much, so I can't remember." Misha: "I guess I'll figure it out if I go tomorrow." Misha: "I'm... a little excited." Misha: "I'm going to school now." Misha: "That woman will have full control over the house." Misha: "However, this is not a defeat." Misha: "It's time for me to build up my power!" Misha: "Listen up, Kumagoro. You protect this room." Yasuhiro: "You can do it, Misha." Tsubame: "Misha-chan, good morning." Tsubame: "Let's go to school together!" Misha: "Why are you dressed like that?!" Tsubame: "I think if I tell them I got sick and stopped going to school for three years, and now I'm in the 6th grade at 15, I'll be able to pull it off." Misha: "No one who was sick is going to be this ripped!" Yasuhiro: "Fifteen..." Misha: "I can go to school just fine!" Misha: "Don't follow me!" Tsubame: "Okay, Milady..." Yasuhiro: "Fifteen?" Misha: "I can go by myself." Misha: "I feel better without her around." R: "Hasn't it been a while since she was around?" R2: "She's cute." Misha: "I'm fine." Mimika: "Takanashi-san!" Mimika: "It's the girl who helped with the hamsters. She brought the printout... I can't remember her name." Mimika: "Good morning." Misha: "G-Good morning. I'll take a look at her notebook or something for her name later." Mimika: "You're not sick anymore!" Misha: "Huh? Oh, yeah. I guess everyone thinks I was out sick. Yeah, I'm fine now." Mimika: "I see!" Mimika: "Let's go!" Misha: "Um..." Misha: "Thanks for the message and the printout." Mimika: "We can take care of the hamsters together again! I'm happy!" Misha: "So how are the hamsters doing?" Mimika: "Y-Yeah, super good..." Misha: "Huh?" Misha: "There's more of them. There was only one of them per cage last time, right?" Mimika: "Yeah, but..." Mimika: "Please take care of them during summer break." T: "There won't be any kids around," T: "They get along well, and I'll only have to clean one cage. Two birds with one stone!" T: "The babies are cute!" T: "They had more kids!" Mimika: "So that's what happened..." Misha: "How dumb can that teacher be?!" Mimika: "You can't say that..." 4: "Takanashi-san?" 4: "It's been a while." 3: "You're doing okay now!" Tsubame: "This room is..." Yasuhiro: "That room is very important to my daughter." Tsubame: "It's most likely her now deceased mother's room." Tsubame: "In other words, the room for the person who will be my future mother-in-law. I want to see what's in here," Tsubame: "I'll be true to Milady's feelings for right now." Tsubame: "And someday..." Tsubame: "Milady." Misha: "Tsubame." Misha: "Let's go." Tsubame: "Milady!" Misha: "Mommy! There's someone I want you to meet!" Tsubame: "There will be a day when Milady opens this door for me." Tsubame: "I'm sure there will!" Tsubame: "In any event, we're done cleaning now." Tsubame: "And just take a look at this. I'm so good at this. I got everything ready for her going back party." Tsubame: "I don't have anything to do until Milady gets back." Tsubame: "She told me not to follow her, but... She didn't say not to go after her." Tsubame: "That worked." Tsubame: "There's a guard at the front gate. There're cameras around the school, as well." Tsubame: "But the skies are safe." Tsubame: "And I have my grade school (15 years old) cosplay all ready to go, just in case." Tsubame: "And now..." Tsubame: "This isn't put together too well..." Tsubame: "I'll come back and fix it later." Tsubame: "I'm in grade school right now!" Tsubame: "Just strolling in here is the best way not to get caught!" A: "She's huge!" Tsubame: "Second year, class two. This is it." Tsubame: "Milady!" Misha: "We're going to have an emergency class meeting." Misha: "We're here to talk about the massive increase in hamsters." 3: "You weren't even here until today. Why are you in charge?" Misha: "Quiet!" Misha: "I learned what I needed to when I was put in charge of the pets. I the know most about the hamsters in this class." Misha: "Also, the hamsters lives are in danger." 1: "Are the hamsters going to die?" Misha: "The mother has had a lot of children and is exhausted. If we stress out the mother any further," All: "What?!" 6: "Hamsters eat their own..." 7: "Wh-What should we do?" Mimika: "First, we'll move the mother to a quiet room" Misha: "And then we'll separate her from the father so that more children aren't born. We've separated the children out into different cages" Misha: "When they get a bit bigger, we'll find families to give them away to." 5: "I want one." 8: "If I can get one for free, I'll take it." Misha: "It's not that easy!" Misha: "You need to study, and talk to your family at home." Misha: "If you don't pay attention and they die, it's very sad." Mimika: "We've created a printout showing how to take care of them and what you'll need." 4: "We helped, too." 3: "Yeah." Misha: "Please help!" 4: "And..." Mom: "Honey!" Dad: "Dear!" 4: "We moved the male hamsters to one cage." 3: "During lunch, we researched on the internet" 4: "and in the library on how to take care of hamsters. Then we all made this printout." Mimika: "Takanashi-san was really cool the way she led everyone." 3: "We thought she was a quiet girl, but she's really cool." Misha: "I was just worried about the hamsters..." Misha: "This is the first time they've seen something other than my appearance." Tsubame: "You can only judge someone by their appearance before you get to know them." Tsubame: "It takes time for someone to know what you're like." Misha: "She was right." Misha: "Not that I like her." Tsubame: "Milady, you've done wonderfully!" Misha: "Thank you for today... Um..." Misha: "Alligator? Armpits?" Mimika: "Oh, you can use this. I have notes from when you were out." Misha: "Th-Thank you." Misha: "I'll remember it now!" Misha: "I'll ask Yasuhiro if we can get a hamster." Misha: "I'm back. Oh, Yasuhiro's shoes." Misha: "Kumagoro!" Misha: "Yasuhiro, are you done with work... What's going on with this room?!" Yasuhiro: "Yes, she is our maid..." Yasuhiro: "Yes." Yasuhiro: "Yes. Sorry about that... I'll tell her to be careful in the future." Misha: "What's wrong, Yasuhiro? What's up with this room?" Yasuhiro: "The maid said she wanted to throw you a surprise "going back to school" party." Misha: "I don't need a surprise party like that!" Yasuhiro: "I heard she kind of snuck into your school and got caught." Misha: "What a terrible person..." Tsubame: "I'm sorry." Tsubame: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Tsubame: "I'm sorry!"
{ "raw_title": "UzaMaid! Episode 3 – My Maid Is Sneaking Up On Me", "parsed": [ "UzaMaid!", "3", "My Maid Is Sneaking Up On Me" ] }
Misha: "Roll call!" Misha: "All right. You're all here! Tonight, Yasuhiro is stuck at work and won't be home!" Yasuhiro: "I'm gonna die." Misha: "And she..." Tsubame: "Milady! Milady!" Misha: "...doesn't come on the weekends!" Misha: "That means..." Misha: "I'm free! Yay! Yay! If only I didn't have that report to write for homework..." Tsubame: "Milady! Your bath is ready!" Misha: "Why are you here? It's Saturday, right?!" Tsubame: "Yes, your father has asked me to come over the weekend for the time being." Misha: "You can't mean..." Tsubame: "Yes. I'll be staying here overnight, as well. Don't worry. No matter what evil tries to attack you tonight, I will protect you!" Misha: "You're the most evil of them all!" Tsubame: "I'll have some cold dessert waiting for you after your bath." Misha: "Listen to me!" Misha: "I can't believe her..." Misha: "Hey, don't just try to walk in here, too!" Tsubame: "I'll wash your back." Misha: "I can do that on my own!" Tsubame: "Um... If I can't wash your back, how about your hair—" Tsubame: "I'm sorry." Tsubame: "I see." Tsubame: "It doesn't matter how many of you come together..." Tsubame: "You don't even register for me." Tsubame: "I'll leave though, seeing how much you're trying." Tsubame: "If I push too hard, she'll end up running. You push when you need to push, and leave when the time's right. If I do that..." Misha: "She hasn't tried to take a bath with me lately..." Misha: "Did she lose interest in me?" Misha: "Tsubame..." Misha: "You know..." Misha: "You can take a bath with me, if you want." Tsubame: "Milady!" Misha: "Tsubame!" Tsubame: "Just maybe! I know just how to make someone love me!" Misha: "Go away already!" Misha: "I mean I know she gives me anything I need, but..." Misha: "At the same time, I can't let my guard down at all. I have homework to do, too." T: "The theme for your report will be... Your dreams for the future." Misha: "And for any dreams..." T: "I want to stay at home, play games all day, and be lazy." Misha: "I'm sure the teacher would get mad at me, if I wrote that." Misha: "Why do people have to work? I could eat meagerly off the insurance money once Yasuhiro dies, I bet." Tsubame: "I lost my father when I was about your age." Tsubame: "And that's when I decided I wanted to fly through the sky." Misha: "I wonder why she joined the JSDF..." Tsubame: "You want to know why I joined the JSDF?" Misha: "Yes." Tsubame: "Milady..." Tsubame: "Once you sign and stamp these marriage papers, I'll file them!" Misha: "What a pain! I'm not asking her!" Misha: "I couldn't think of anything for my report... I have until tomorrow night, anyway!" Tsubame: "Milady." Misha: "Hmm?" Tsubame: "I'm going to take a bath, too." Misha: "Sure." Tsubame: "I'll leave the door open a little bit." Misha: "I'm not going to look!" Tsubame: "The water's nice." Tsubame: "Everything that Milady left behind is soaking into my pores." Tsubame: "Water from a pure Russian little girl... That could become the most famous hot spring in the world!" Misha: "I should get to bed..." Misha: "I haven't seen her since..." Tsubame: "I've warmed your bed for you!" Misha: "Stop doing weird stuff!" Misha: "When did you get in here, anyway?" Tsubame: "Well, you were paying so much attention to your game..." Misha: "No, you die!" Misha: "Yeah!" Tsubame: "I'm good at being sneaky." Tsubame: "Anyway, I'm going to turn off the lights." Misha: "Get out!" Tsubame: "I can sleep on the floor!" Misha: "Jeez..." Tsubame: "I wanted to breathe the same breaths while you slept." Misha: "Perv!" Misha: "It's morning..." Misha: "She's not here." Misha: "The weather's nice." Misha: "Time to play some games." Tsubame: "Milady, would you like to try this on?" Misha: "No." Tsubame: "Want to have a picnic?" Misha: "No." Tsubame: "Milady!" Misha: "Shut up." Misha: "I've gotten to the 11th chapter. I wonder if I'm almost to the end." Misha: "Anyway, I guess I'll get ready for tomorrow and go to sleep." Tsubame: "I've got you evil!" Tsubame: "Where's the enemy? Are they using optical camouflage?!" Misha: "There's no one here! Stop destroying the door!" Tsubame: "I'll fix it later!" Tsubame: "So what was that scream about?" Misha: "It's nothing..." Tsubame: "Hmm?" Tsubame: "Here you are." Tsubame: "I see. Your homework, huh? And from that scream just now, you have to do it by tomorrow, I bet." Tsubame: "Then let's hurry up and finish it." Misha: "I would have finished it up, if I could have." Tsubame: "Then let's do this." Misha: "Hmm?" Tsubame: "I'll interview you, so answer my questions." Tsubame: "Then we just have to take those answers and turn them into a report." Misha: "I see!" Tsubame: "What dreams do you have for the future?" Misha: "Hmm... Keeping things the way they are?" Tsubame: "So basically you want someone to support you, have all your chores done, and play games everyday." Misha: "Yeah, that's right!" Tsubame: "Then why not marry someone with a lot of money?" Misha: "So that's how I'd do that, I guess... I see." Tsubame: "I have quite a bit of money." Misha: "Huh? Is Yasuhiro paying that much?" Tsubame: "No, I'm getting paid a reasonable amount from your father. However, my side job is doing quite well." Misha: "Side job?" Tsubame: "I hand make doll clothes as a hobby. They fetch pretty decent prices at auction." Misha: "I see." Tsubame: "About 500,000 yen a month." Misha: "Wow!" Tsubame: "Let's get married." Misha: "Not happening." Tsubame: "Huh?" Misha: "You know, I want things like the way they are— but peaceful, and without you around!" Tsubame: "Even though I do so much for you and have so much money?" Misha: "That's still not enough to help your case." Tsubame: "I understand." Misha: "You understand?!" Tsubame: "Some missions are worth accomplishing because of their sheer difficult. I'm going to get you to like me. No matter what." Misha: "You don't get it! Actually, if you're making that money, then why work here?" Tsubame: "What are you saying? What better work is there in this world than taking care of a cute Russian girl?" Tsubame: "I'm doing my side job so I can keep doing my primary one. That being said... I like clothing, and I have customers that have a lot of money. Both of my jobs fulfill me in a way, and I have a lot of fun doing them." Misha: "I think I know how to write my paper now." Misha: "You can leave now." Tsubame: "Huh?" Misha: "Have something worth doing that you like..." Misha: "And money!" Misha: "My future dream is work with something to do with the animals that I love. A vet, a caretaker, a groomer— there are a lot of jobs out there. But I want to figure out what job is best for me. Also, I'll consider the various incomes, how much time each job requires, and how fulfilling they will be. Then I'll make my decision." Misha: "Also, I'd like to figure out other ways to increase my assets." Misha: "I want to be independent as fast as possible, and live in an extremely secure house. A place where that woman can't get close. A house extremely well-guarded!" T: "That's a rather realistic dream for a second grader. Everyone applaud." Misha: "If I become independent," Misha: "I'll be able to protect my Mom's space, too." T: "I think I need to call Misha-chan's father after this." Tsubame: "I knew it was here. "My future dreams." "Kamoi Tsubame." "My future dream is to become a pilot." "The reason why I want to become a pilot is..."" Misha: "Do doll clothes really make that much money?" Misha: "These are worth more than 30,000 yen. Wow." Mimika: "So cute!" Mimika: "My apartment doesn't let me have any pets, so I'm really jealous." Mimika: "Hey! Can I go over to your house and see?" Misha: "Huh?! A classmate is going to come over to my house to play?" Misha: "That's like an event popular people have!" Mimika: "S-Sorry." Mimika: "Guess I shouldn't have invited myself over like that..." Misha: "It's fine. You better come!" Mimika: "O-Okay. Th-Thanks..." Mimika: "Anyway, I'm going to ask my mom at home if I can go." Misha: "Okay, see you later! "See you later..."" Misha: "It's like what popular people would say!" Misha: "I'll show her the hamsters and Kumagoro... We'll eat snacks together. Then we'll play a fighting game of some sort." Misha: "I've never played with a real person, except for Yasuhiro." Misha: "I'm home!" Tsubame: "Welcome back, Milady." Misha: "I forgot! No, I made myself forget, so I wouldn't feel bad all the time! I completely forgot about her! What should I do... If Washizaki-san ends up meeting her..." Mimika: "Hello." Tsubame: "Little girl..." Mimika: "Hello—" Mimika: "Huh?" Tsubame: "You insolent fool, trying to get between Milady and me!" Misha: "Either one would be bad." Misha: "Get out of here, or die! Somewhere your corpse won't get in the way!" Tsubame: "What's wrong all of a sudden? I haven't finished preparing dinner, so I can't die... I'm letting the Salisbury steak patties rest right now..." Misha: "Salisbury steak... In that case, don't set one foot outside the kitchen!" Tsubame: "Why? I won't listen to you, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation." Misha: "I can't let her know about Washizaki-san..." Misha: "That was fast!" Tsubame: "Coming!" Misha: "Don't open it!" Mimika: "H-Hello." Tsubame: "Welcome." Tsubame: "You're Washizaki Mimika-sama, a friend from Milady's school, yes? I am the maid here, Kamoi Tsubame." Tsubame: "Please come in." Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "I guess she can act proper, if she wants." Tsubame: "But I haven't told her Washizaki-san's name, so why does she know? Collecting data on the Milady is my hobby— No, my job. I've memorized my rivals— I mean— the faces and names of your school friends. May my feelings for you reach you!" Misha: "Come on!" Mimika: "Huh?" Mimika: "It's Kumagoro! How cute!" Misha: "Kumagoro, say hi!" Mimika: "He's smart!" Misha: "This is the big one, the middle one, and the small one." Mimika: "The hamsters, too?" Mimika: "They really like you." Misha: "You think so?" Mimika: "Yeah. I always thought that hamsters were something you'd" Misha: "That wouldn't happen. You guys will come if I call for you, right?" Mimika: "Takanashi-san, wait. Can you talk to animals?" Misha: "Huh? You can't?" Mimika: "You normally can't!" Misha: "I-I see... Maybe it's because I've had so few friends that all I do is talk to animals." Misha: "So that means Washizaki-san must think I'm weird!" Mimika: "Wow! You could easily take care of animals!" Mimika: "Sh-She gave me a compliment." Tsubame: "I've brought you some tea and snacks." Mimika: "That smells good." Tsubame: "They're freshly baked." Mimika: "This is really good! It's nice and flaky." Mimika: "I brought some snacks, too." Mimika: "Sorry, they don't really work with this meal." Misha: "It's fine! I like lightly salted stuff, too!" Tsubame: "When you eat something sweet, you want to eat something salty. Not only did you make me realize something that I had missed, you also covered for me. I thank you, Washizaki-sama." Mimika: "S-Sure..." Misha: "What's going on? She's acting perfectly." Tsubame: "By the way, Washizaki-sama... Could you try this on?" Misha: "I knew she wouldn't work out. You know—" Mimika: "Wow, that's pretty!" Misha: "Huh?" Mimika: "I have two little brothers, and they always get me dirty. I can't wear pretty clothes like that." Tsubame: "Will you wear them?!" Misha: "Why not try it on, Washizaki-san?" Mimika: "Are you sure?" Tsubame: "Here you are." Misha: "I'll be looking over there." Tsubame: "I'll help you put it on." Misha: "You look over there, too!" Tsubame: "Huh?" Mimika: "Wh-What do you think?" Misha: "You're such a lolicon." Tsubame: "It looks great on you!" Misha: "Yeah." Mimika: "But I wear glasses." Both: "Huh?" Mimika: "My hair is thick and it goes all over the place, unless I braid it. It would have worked better if I had nice flowing blonde hair like you, Takanashi-san." Misha: "I-I like black hair." Misha: "Everyone looks at you if you have blonde hair." Mimika: "Sorry! I always look, too." Mimika: "I mean your hair glows in the sun. It's really pretty." Mimika: "You don't like your hair, Takanashi-san?" Misha: "I do..." Misha: "It's the same color as my mom's." Misha: "But your hair has shine to it, and it's really pretty, too!" Tsubame: "Two little girls are having fun talking to each other... How precious... How precious..." Misha: "She's being taken away!" Tsubame: "I almost went to Heaven just now." Misha: "You should have." Tsubame: "Washizaki-sama." Mimika: "Y-Yes?" Tsubame: "It seems that you're worried about your glasses, but..." Tsubame: "Glasses are great! They can actually be a weapon! Viva glasses girls!" Misha: "Hey, that's not right!" Tsubame: "If you're that worried," Misha: "That's cute!" Mimika: "Really?" Misha: "Yeah, it's really cute with the temples as flowers." Mimika: "You should try it on, too." Tsubame: "That's right, Milady! You put it on, too! Why won't you ever wear my clothes?!" Misha: "Pressure!" Misha: "I'm fine. It'd be hard to move in. Makes it hard to laze about." Mimika: "But you wore stuff like that before you took time off of school, right?" Misha: "Well, my mom liked stuff like that. She'd do my hair, too." Tsubame: "Right here! Me! Me! I'll do your hair!" Misha: "I'd rather shave off all my hair than let you touch it!" Tsubame: "No way!" Mimika: "Huh? They don't get along?" Mimika: "Thank you for today. It was fun." Misha: "Me, too." Mimika: "I always hated my hair and glasses. But today, I was able to like those parts of me. It's all thanks to your maid, and you, Misha-chan." Mimika: "Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I shouldn't have called you by your name." Misha: "N-No." Misha: "She's calling me by my name! It's like we're friends!" Misha: "I-I'll do the same, then..." Misha: "Can I call you Washiwashi?!" Mimika: "W-Washiwashi? Sure... No one else calls me that." Misha: "A special nickname! It's like we're friends!" Misha: "See you tomorrow at school, Washiwashi!" Mimika: "Y-Yeah, see you later." Misha: "Washiwashi! Washiwashi! Washiwashi, huh?" Tsubame: "So precious..." Tsubame: "So precious..." Tsubame: "So precious..." Tsubame: "So precious..." Misha: "Hey!" Misha: "My hair..." Misha: "Maybe I'll..." Misha: "Do it right for once..."
{ "raw_title": "UzaMaid! Episode 4 – My Maid Reveres Young Girls", "parsed": [ "UzaMaid!", "4", "My Maid Reveres Young Girls" ] }
A: "Yui-chan, your hair looks good again today!" B: "Your ribbon is big and cute." Yui: "I know, right? I uploaded a pic to Meowstagram and now my phone's blowing up. Come on, right? Gonna drain my battery." Yui: "This guy always comments first." R: ""The pics you post everyday are so cute!" "Do you have anything from a lower angle?"" Yui: "What does he mean "low angle"?" A: "Takanashi-san is so cute today," B: "I guess this is what it feels like to be in front of a dime." Yui: "This always happens when Takanashi comes. She didn't even come to school... And everyone says she's cuter than me!" Yui: "You've got to be kidding me!" Misha: "I want to go home and play games." Yui: "Takanashi Misha, I'm going to take you down one of these days! I just need to make myself even cuter. This is where elementary school girls get their picture taken," Yui: "If I keep walking around here, I'm sure I'll get tons of pics taken of me." Yui: "And I've walked back and forth 100 times, so now my feet hurt a lot..." Yui: "But being popular is about guts and endurance." R: "You over there, could I get your picture?" Yui: "Finally!" Yui: "Her again! Why does she keep getting in my way?" Misha: "Sorry, I'm not really interested." Yui: "And she turned them down!" Yui: "I won't forgive her for this..." Yui: "Takanashi..." Yui: "I challenge you!" Misha: "Huh? It's a fashonista. She's scary." Mimika: "Morikawa-san?" Misha: "Huh? You know her?" Mimika: "She's in our class. Her name is Morikawa Yui-san." Yui: "I'm never going to forgive you for forgetting me!" Misha: "Sorry. What do you mean "challenge"?" Yui: "Isn't it obvious? We're going to see who twinkles more!" Misha: "You should go to the bathroom if you have to..." Yui: "I'm not talking about peeing myself! I'm talking about being cute! We're going to find out who's cuter once and for all!" Misha: "What a pain." Misha: "Anyway, you're a lot cuter. All done." Yui: "Huh?" Yui: "You're making fun of me!" Misha: "Huh?" Mimika: "Misha-chan, I think it's better if you accept her challenge. She probably won't give up until you do. She's in our class, too." Misha: "What a pain..." Misha: "I was having a nice time finally going shopping with a friend. I don't want her to ruin that!" Misha: "Fine, I accept." Misha: "And let's finish this fast." Yui: "You should have just said that first." Tsubame: "I'll watch that challenge." Misha: "That voice... And those legs!" Tsubame: "I would expect nothing less from you, Milady. You're absolutely correct." Misha: "I never said I'd be here today!" Tsubame: "I just happen to come here to give out these balloons... I followed you when you left!" Misha: "That's not what the voice in your head was saying!" Yui: "Who's this?" Mimika: "Misha-chan's maid." Yui: "Maid?!" Yui: "You have tons of money? You're cute and have tons of money?" Misha: "She just follows me around." Tsubame: "You make it sound like I'm some sort of criminal..." Tsubame: "Hmm?" R: "Give me a balloon!" Tsubame: "I've got a lolita!" Tsubame: "Here's a balloon, along with my LIME messenger info and phone number." Misha: "Yeah, a criminal." Tsubame: "It's not a crime to hand over a piece of paper." Yui: "What's up with you, anyway?" Tsubame: "I'm sorry about that, Morikawa-sama. I rather I'm out of place to say this, but have you thought of the rules for this cuteness contest?" Yui: "Of course I have. Within an hour, and using the money we currently have," Yui: "we find the best clothes we can from the stores in this area." Yui: "The person who ends up cuter wins." Yui: "The judge will be Washizaki!" Mimika: "Me?" Yui: "Judge us fairly." Mimika: "Okay..." Mimika: "Misha-chan, how much did you bring?" Misha: "Um... 12,000 yen, I think." Yui: "12,000 yen?!" Yui: "You have tons of money? You're cute and have tons of money?" Misha: "When I said I was going out with a friend, Yasuhiro..." Yasuhiro: "I see... Get something to eat with this." Misha: "So he gave me some money. My normal allowance is 2000 yen." Yui: "I-I just got my allowance, too." Yui: "This is a normal allowance for someone in second grade, right?" Mimika: "Yeah, I get about that much, too. Are you sure about this challenge?" Misha: "Do you want me to limit myself to 512 yen, too?" Yui: "I don't need your pity! I have good clothes on right now." Yui: "You need to start from scratch with that." Tsubame: "It is true the Miss has level 1 starting equipment on... And Morikawa-sama has on level 50 equipment." Yui: "It'll give me a chance to show you how good I am when I add 512 yen to this outfit." Yui: "Though, make sure you take into account everyone's financial situation when you judge." Mimika: "R-Right." Tsubame: "Very well. Then everyone should meet here an hour from now?" Yui: "That's right!" Misha: "And now she's acting like she's in charge." Tsubame: "Let's go!" Yui: "I already have clothes, shoes, and a bag. I couldn't handle that with 512 yen, anyway. That means there's only one thing..." Misha: "This has gotten pretty annoying." Mimika: "But it sounds fun, right?" Misha: "Well, I was planning on buying clothes to begin with." Misha: "It's just, I'm not sure what to buy. What does it mean to be cute?" Tsubame: "The shop on the other side has more girly clothes," Misha: "Hmm?" Tsubame: "You want to know who I am? I'm a passing fashion critic." Misha: "You're not embarrassed? That disguise wouldn't take more than 0.2 seconds to figure out." Tsubame: "What?!" Tsubame: "Good work, Milady. You've got a good eye." Misha: "I could tell even if I had glass eyes." Misha: "Anyway, that girl's trying really hard on this challenge. It would be mean to accept someone else's help on this." Mimika: "Misha-chan!" Tsubame: "Milady!" Misha: "This is that sea urchin game collaboration T-shirt! I think I'll get this." Both: "No!" Tsubame: "Now, the two of you, step forward!" Misha: "I wasn't sure what to pair together," Yui: "That doesn't really show any cute skill." Yui: "And now look at all the work I put in buying these flowers at a 100-yen store. This'll let me win!" Mimika: "Misha-chan wins!" Yui: "What?!" Yui: "Why? Takanashi just threw on some clothes and that's it." Mimika: "But they look good on her, and yours kind of are too forced..." Yui: "Is there something wrong with standing out? It's better to have lots of cute things!" Tsubame: "Morikawa-sama." Tsubame: "Excuse me for this." Misha: "And she commits crimes without a problem." Yui: "What are you doing?!" Yui: "Huh?" Mimika: "She looks a lot nicer now." Tsubame: "You added so much that it was disorganized. You don't know where to focus your attention." Tsubame: "By taking off your knee socks, your eyes naturally go to the upper body. Also, people can see how nice your legs are. Then I took those flowers and tied them up in your ribbon, and put the remaining flowers on the left. I reduced the number of bracelet and scrunchie," Tsubame: "What do you think, Morikawa-sama?" Mimika: "It's a lot better now!" Misha: "Yeah, it's not as forced now." Tsubame: "In war, you win by numbers. It's better to have sheer force on your side. However, if you do not attack in an orderly fashion," Tsubame: "A commander uses the right units in the correct place" Yui: "M... Master!" Misha: "This is going to be an annoying relationship." Yui: "I was mistaken, Master." Tsubame: "I had a time where I thought" Tsubame: "However, reduction is what's important to cuteness." Misha: "What are they talking about?" R: "Could I take your picture?" Yui: "It's "Charisma Elementary School Magazine!"" Yui: "Of course! "Today I met my Master of Cuteness and had the magazine take my picture." "I had the happiest day ever!"" Mimika: "Glad you had fun, Morikawa-san." R: "Meow." Yui: "It's Uncle Low-Angle." Both: "Huh?" R: ""Congratulations, you're one step closer to your dream." "Do you have any lower angle pictures?"" Yui: "This person really likes my pictures. He always comments right away." Mimika: "I see. That's pretty cool." Yui: "He's like Yui's number one fan. But I wonder what low angle means. It's a mystery." Tsubame: "Morikawa-sama, a low angel is taking a picture from below, looking up. He's asking you to display the contents of your skirt, in this case." Yui: "Disgusting. Block. Block." R: "Bye bye, meow. The man who sent dozens of underage girls the message," Tsubame: "I'm happy for you, Morikawa-sama. You're only supposed to gaze upon and admire young girls. It's blasphemy to bug them annoyingly." Misha: "I hope she gets arrested, too..." Misha: "The day has finally come." Mimika: "Misha-chan." Mimika: "Good morning." Misha: "Why do you look like that?!" Mimika: "They say you'll catch a cold if you drink a sink's worth of iced coffee, right?" Misha: "I don't think so." Mimika: "I'm not very athletic, and so I did that cause I wanted to skip this." Mimika: "Not only did I not catch a cold, but I couldn't sleep at all." Misha: "Darker reason than I thought." Mimika: "Oh yeah, is your maid here today?" Misha: "Yeah..." Misha: "She's over there." Yasuhiro: "Misha!" Mimika: "She's actually blending in today, so I didn't notice. She's not wearing a maid outfit or anything else today, huh?" Misha: "The day after tomorrow is my sports tournament." Misha: "You're going to come, even if I tell you not to, right?" Misha: "So you can come." Misha: "You can come, but only in normal clothes. Nothing that stands out! And you don't say a word!" Tsubame: "I really practice, though... Let's go, Milady!" Misha: "Do you want me to add "no breathing" to that list? I'm not going to listen to you anymore if you don't do this." Tsubame: "What?!" Misha: "Please, just stay quiet..." Mimika: "Misha-chan, the 50-meter dash is about to begin. Let's go." Misha: "Yeah." Misha: "I've finally gotten used to my classmates. I don't want to stand out." R: "On your marks..." Tsubame: "So beautiful; so much so that I can't look away, even from afar." R: "Go!" Tsubame: "Huh?" Misha: "Was I this slow?" Misha: "Was it because I didn't leave the house?" Mimika: "Misha-chan, good work." Misha: "Yeah, I..." Misha: "She looks like she finally found someone that understands her!" Yui: "Washizaki! Takanashi! You've both done well." Yui: "I'll get revenge for you!" Yui: "Morale is what's important in fighting! Let's all do our best, and win it for the red team!" Both: "This is going to be annoying." Yui: "Is the Master here?" Misha: "Over there." Yui: "Master— Shi—" R: "Let's get you to the nurse's office right away." Yui: "It's not a big deal... I can run! Leave it to me!" Yui: "I won't fall for the same trick twice!" Yui: "Ow!" Mimika: "She hurt the same spot..." Misha: "That's gotta hurt." Yui: "I want to go on, but I think I'm done. Takanashi, I have a request for you." Misha: "Request?" Yui: "I want Master to fill in for me." Misha: "Huh? Why?" Yui: "The Master knows how to fight. The Master can win!" A: "Who's this "Master"?" B: "I don't know, but I guess someone Takanashi-san knows?" C: "With Morikawa-san gone, we don't have anyone fast for the rely." T: "Yeah, Morikawa-san basically is as strong as ten people put together." T: "If we don't have a replacement, the red team is never going to win." Misha: "And you can't say "no" in Japan..." Misha: "Okay, I'll try asking her." Yui: "Master, you came!" Misha: "You can talk! This is a pain!" A: "She's an adult." B: "Is that okay?" T: "Morikawa-san is faster than a normal adult," Misha: "Not sure this constitutes normal." Tsubame: "I will accept Morikawa-sama's last will." Misha: "She's not dead!" Yui: "Please, Master." Yui: "I can die without any regrets now." Misha: "It's too early to die!" Tsubame: "I can take of this!" Misha: "You changed way too fast!" D: "She's so muscular!" A: "You're strong!" C: "I wanna go next!" Misha: "She's standing out after all." : "Program #6." Tsubame: "Let's do this, Milady!" Tsubame: "Take that!" Misha: "So fast!" R: "The red team is fast! She's throwing like a broken pitching machine!" B: "There's nothing to pick up..." R: "The red team wins easily." E: "Master, you're amazing!" C: "We don't need Morikawa-san anymore." Tsubame: "Children can be cruel sometimes." Misha: "Idiot! You're going too far!" Tsubame: "But I can't go easy in order to avenge Morikawa-sama." Misha: "Again, she's not dead." T: "We've got a complaint from the white team." Tsubame: "What?" T: "They say this isn't fair." Misha: "Yeah." Tsubame: "Well, I'll take a handicap, then." Tsubame: "Tie up both my hands." All: "What?!" T: "It's true that you need to swing both of your arms to run well. I guess if we do that, it'll be a proper handicap." Misha: "But the next thing Morikawa-san would have entered was..." Misha: "Her legs?!" Misha: "I managed to win somehow by forcing myself to breathe through my nose..." Misha: "Tsubame!" Tsubame: "Milady!" Misha: "Here's a towel." Tsubame: "Thank you." Misha: "You were great. I think more of you now." Misha: "Actually, I've fallen in love with you." Tsubame: "Oh, Milady!" Misha: "Not very adult like." Tsubame: "She likes me less." Misha: "What do you want to do? You want to give her a bigger handicap by breaking her neck?" Tsubame: "That would kill me." Tsubame: "But only the three-legged race is left. I can't handle that on my own." Misha: "I see. The three-legged race..." Misha: "Three-legged race..." Misha: "Morikawa-san's partner was me!" Misha: "I'm going to drink a sink's worth of iced coffee..." Mimika: "Misha-chan, that doesn't work." Misha: "Then I'll sprain my ankle with a black cat!" Mimika: "It's long gone." Misha: "What should I do?" Tsubame: "Then let's go." Misha: "Already?!" Misha: "How'd you do that with your hands tied?!" Tsubame: "Nothing's impossible with love." R: "Program #19. The second graders will have a three-legged race. We have the red team's pinch hitter" R: "What miracle will she create this time?" Misha: "She doesn't even know how I feel..." R: "And they're off..." R: "Hmm? The pinch hitter isn't running as fast as I thought... Actually, she's going slow." Misha: "Darn it..." B: "Run faster! Get worked up!" Misha: "I really hate to do this," Misha: "but I'll just cling to your leg, so you just run." Tsubame: "Then it wouldn't be a three-legged race. It'd be a two-personed two-legged race." Misha: "But I'll come in last again like this..." Tsubame: "That's okay, too." Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "I'm going to get one step closer at a time to that finish line, running along with you." Tsubame: "That's something even harder to get than victory." Misha: "I don't need that! I want victory, instead!" R: "The pair from Class 1 that had been ahead has fallen!" Tsubame: "Luck is on your side, Milady." Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "I'll match you." Tsubame: "You run as fast as you can." Misha: "I've been doing that..." R: "The pair from Class 1 has caught up to Class 2." R: "They've fallen too! Class 2 is going to... They've come in third!" T: "Good work." T: "Here's the third place ribbon." Misha: "This is my first time." Tsubame: "We have the same one, Milady." Misha: "Are you a spider, or something?! I'm throwing this away!" Tsubame: "Hold on." Tsubame: "That's your speed, huh?" Misha: "You trying to call me slow?" Tsubame: "No, I was able to run the same speed as you, and I saw what you saw." Tsubame: "I'm happy I now have more information about you!" Misha: "Disgusting." Misha: "And the white team won anyway." Misha: "I'd feel like I would need to apologize to everyone if we won because of her antics." Misha: "I'm glad things worked out this way. I don't really want to think about it," Yasuhiro: "It was a nice race, really!" Tsubame: "Look how cool we look, Milady! It's paused on the screen! Please burn this scene in to your eyes." Misha: "I'm not looking!" Yasuhiro: "All right, your dad is going to get an 8K TV!" Misha: "Stop wasting money, Yasuhiro!"
{ "raw_title": "UzaMaid! Episode 5 – My Maid Is Everywhere", "parsed": [ "UzaMaid!", "5", "My Maid Is Everywhere" ] }
Mimika: "Okay, Misha-chan. See you tomorrow." Misha: "Yeah, talk to you later." Midori: "Oh? So, you're..." Midori: "Pure white skin... Sparkling blonde hair... Eyes like jade..." Midori: "And lips the color of peach blossoms." Midori: "I see. I can see why she'd be obsessed—" Misha: "A strange girl approached me! I'm concerned!" R: "Why not take a seat right over there?" Midori: "Huh? What? Wait! I still need to talk to her! Hey! Stop!" R: "Stop right there!" R: "Damn it! Where did she go?" Midori: "Damn it. They won't even listen to what a girl's trying to say..." Midori: "You there." Midori: "I saw you." Midori: "You were with that other young girl." Midori: "There's something I want to ask you." Mimika: "Somebody save me!" Midori: "H-Hey..." R: "Over there!" R: "Get her!" R: "N-No, I haven't done anything. Listen to me!" Misha: "I guess there are more female lolicons than I thought." Misha: "The world sucks." Tsubame: "Welcome back, Milady. Is there something wrong?" Misha: "And now you show up. You're like the embodiment of all female lolicons crammed into one monster!" Tsubame: "What are you talking about?" Misha: "Nothing. What is my snack today?" Tsubame: "Well, it's fall now, so I have some Japanese sweet potato and cream pancakes." Misha: "That sounds really good!" Tsubame: "I'll bring them to your room." Misha: "Very well!" Misha: "And you have no clue what I'm doing while I'm eating the goodies you made." Misha: "The fact that I'm trying to get rid of you!" Misha: "Hold on a second... I feel like I'm being watched through the window again." Misha: "She's doing it again. Hey, stop wasting time and get me my food—" Tsubame: "Milady!" Misha: "How many times do I have to tell you to stop breaking down the door?!" Tsubame: "I'll fix it later." Tsubame: "In any event..." Tsubame: "It's been a while, First Lieutenant Ukai." Midori: "I am no longer part of the Self-Defense Force. You do not have to address me as "First Lieutenant."" Tsubame: "Then what would you prefer?" Midori: "Please call me M-Midorin." Both: "What?" Midori: "My name is Ukai Midori, so..." Midori: "Midorin." Tsubame: "We don't really have that sort of relationship, though." Misha: "That was cold." Midori: "Yeah, you're being cold!" Tsubame: "I made lunch." All: "Wow!" Midori: "We all ate the same lunch back on the force." Tsubame: "We just all went to have lunch together." Midori: "Your food is extremely good. I want to eat your food once agai—" Tsubame: "No." Midori: "Then how about twice—" Tsubame: "No." Midori: "Three times!" Tsubame: "No." Misha: "Why do you keep asking for more?" Midori: "Then every day!" Tsubame: "Never." Tsubame: "I have decided that the person I will serve forever... is Milady, and her alone." Misha: "Don't decide that!" Tsubame: "Please leave." Midori: "I'll pay you three times as much as they do." Tsubame: "Money isn't the issue. If you don't leave... Hello, is this the police? There's a strange person outside of our window..." Misha: "You're one to talk!" Tsubame: "I didn't call." Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "Call it pity for my former SO." Misha: "And you didn't ask to take that picture!" Misha: "Jeez, when did you take so many pictures... Oh, yeah. You said she was your SO?" Misha: "Air Self-Defense Force, First Lieutenant Ukai Midori. Thirty-three years of age. She had black hair back in the day." Misha: "I didn't know she had left the force, however. Is the JSDF full of perverts?" Misha: "Wait a second." Misha: "If she came to try to get our maid..." Misha: "Maybe I'll be able to push her away from me and onto Midorin." Misha: "I'm going to find Midorin!" Misha: "These are good." Misha: "Hmm?" Tsubame: "In any event, I'm going to go out to buy things for dinner. Please watch the house for me." Misha: "Oh, I'm going to head out, too." Tsubame: "You mean you want to go with me—" Misha: "No, not with you!" Misha: "I have no clue where Midorin might be." Misha: "But she did say one thing..." Midori: "Your food is extremely good." Midori: "I want to eat your food once..." Misha: "That means Midorin craves that woman's food. In that case... I'll use her Japanese pancake pastry!" Misha: "This should get Midorin to come!" Misha: "This plan is kind of..." Misha: "That woman's stupidity must be rubbing off on me. I need to get to Midorin as fast as possible." Misha: "Midorin!" Misha: "I didn't think I'd really get her like this." Misha: "What are you doing?" Midori: "You, huh?" Midori: "I'm garbage, so I'm waiting to be picked up with the other garbage. What's so strange about that?" Misha: "What a pain... Not very adult, either." Midori: "I came here to chase after the person I love." Midori: "I was completely rejected." Misha: "Huh? Person you love?" Misha: "She's crying?" Misha: "Midorin must really like..." Misha: "Huh?!" Midori: "I was completely rejected." Midori: "Completely..." Midori: "Th-This is great!" Misha: "Huh?" Midori: "I was rejected again! I knew there could be no one else for me!" Midori: "And just like that, Ukai Midori has recovered!" Midori: "Is there something you want from me, little girl?" Misha: "Hold on, my brain can't keep up with all of this." Midori: "Just say what's on your mind one thing at a time." Misha: "And now she's acting normal." Misha: "Well..." Misha: "What do you mean, "the person you love"?" Midori: "Your maid." Misha: "Why?" Midori: "Well, that's a foolish question. She's like the embodiment of Venus—" Midori: "Could anyone not like her?" Misha: "I don't want to live on this planet anymore." Midori: "Don't say that!" Midori: "I'll explain this simply for you. I'll explain just how our love started." Misha: "This is going to be a waste of time." Midori: "We first met when Kamoi was transferred from her fighter unit" Misha: "Military working... dog handler...?" Midori: "It's a place where we train the military dogs that guard bases." Misha: "But aren't you in the Japan Air Self-Defense Force? Don't you fly around in fighter jets? I mean..." Tsubame: "And that's when I decided I wanted to fly through the sky." Midori: "It's true that many think of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force" Midori: "but there's approximately thirty different jobs that make up the Force." Misha: "What?!" Midori: "Pilots only make up a small portion of one of those groups." Misha: "I wonder if that woman didn't get the job she wanted." Midori: "And back in those days... I believed that gaining the trust of the dogs was essential to their training," Midori: "and tried my hardest to make my way into their hearts." Midori: "Good work, Meteor! And when Meteor obeyed me," Midori: "And that's when..." Midori: "...that woman was assigned to us." Midori: "What's up with you guys?" Midori: "Meteor, you too?!" Midori: "It was her... Kamoi Tsubame." Misha: "Why did the dogs act like that?" Midori: "The animals could feel it inside of them." Midori: "They could instinctively feel her overwhelming aura." Midori: "My year of work was made light of in a second." Misha: "That's terrible." Midori: "I felt embarrassed, having my connection with the dogs taken away like that." Misha: "Gulp." Misha: "Wait!" Misha: "Why would that happen?!" Midori: "And that's when I fell in love." Misha: "I don't get it." Midori: "I got as close to the dogs' hearts as I could, and as a result, I was attracted to the concept of someone that is the leader of a pack." Misha: "I don't get it at all." Midori: "And from that day forward," Misha: "She's not listening to me at all." Midori: "And one day in the kennel..." Tsubame: "First Lieutenant, what are you doing? Are you bored? Please get back to work." Midori: "And another time during training..." Tsubame: "Go!" Tsubame: "First Lieutenant, what are you doing? You're on duty. Please stop playing around." Midori: "And another time during feeding..." Tsubame: "First Lieutenant, what are you trying to pull? Why do you have this bowl? I'm not giving you food." Midori: "I was her superior, but she got angry and yelled at me anyway." Midori: "I was so happy." Misha: "I know I keep saying this, but I don't understand you." Midori: "The reason why these ribbons on my head look like dog ears is because" Misha: "I don't care." Midori: "I forgot to tell you," Misha: "You're talking to a child over here." Midori: "The reason why I requested security after joining the force was because" Misha: "I would think anything military is..." Midori: "It turns out it was the training that was difficult. The training was so hard," Midori: "But... Kamoi is just as female as I am," Midori: "and she had a wonderful six-pack —much better than I could do." Midori: "By the way, you call a pack of six eggs a six-pack, as well." Misha: "Why would you think I care?" Midori: "I felt frustrated having to see Kamoi's trained body everyday." Misha: "Huh?" Midori: "But that frustration felt so good!" Misha: "I knew it'd be something like that." Midori: "Hand-to-hand combat training was also essential." Midori: "I was rather good myself, but..." Midori: "Kamoi went to a whole other domain." Midori: "However, while I couldn't beat her in stamina or power..." Midori: "I was a tiny bit better than her at strategy." Midori: "I strategically made Kamoi hurt me constantly." Midori: "She fell right into my trap." Misha: "And I'm going to keep saying this, but I don't get you at all." Midori: "But an end came to those wonderful days." Midori: "Kamoi suddenly left the force." Midori: "That day, I..." Midori: "Wait, Kamoi!" Tsubame: "Why are you so focused on me?" Midori: "W-Well, I... ...love you." Midori: "I didn't mean to say that!" Midori: "But it feels kind of nice to have screwed up like this." Tsubame: "First Lieutenant... I have absolutely no interest in anyone" Midori: "I was so happy." Midori: "I was rejected the hardest I had ever been." Misha: "Hey." Midori: "Hmm?" Misha: "Why did she leave the JSDF?" Midori: "You haven't heard?" Misha: "Yeah." Midori: "I see." Midori: "Then I can't tell you." Midori: "It's a secret between Kamoi and me." Misha: "I don't really care." Midori: "And then it was like my life had lost all vibrancy. The dogs started getting upset" Midori: "I did the same." Misha: "You, too?!" Midori: "When Kamoi came," Midori: "and because of that, the dogs stopped obeying me," Midori: "and my subordinates would frown at me. And while I did think what was happening" Midori: "I was left with a hole ripped in my heart." Midori: "I decided to chase after Kamoi, and leave the force." Misha: "So that means..." Midori: "I have no job!" Misha: "I'm surprised you said you'd hire her" Midori: "My circumstances are special." Misha: "What's that?" Midori: "My family is rich!" Misha: "She's not a very good grownup!" Misha: "I want to be lazy every day." Misha: "I think I was about to become a similar grownup myself, but... I'm going to work at a proper place in the future. If I don't, I'm going to end up like Midori and that woman." Misha: "Oh yeah, that woman... I forgot because of your super long story, but now I remembered why I tried to find you." Midori: "Huh?" Misha: "I want you to hire that woman." Misha: "I want to get her out of my house." Midori: "Our goals align." Misha: "Help me." Tsubame: "This'll be fun." Tsubame: "I'll make curry udon for dinner tonight!" Tsubame: "And when Milady's lovely lips slurp up those small white noodles..." Misha: "The curry splashed out." Misha: "My clothes are going to stain." Tsubame: "Do not worry." Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "Please wear these clothes I've spent countless nights" Tsubame: "And then I'll gobble up the clothes stained with curry and her juices." Misha: "So wonderful!" Tsubame: "Milady." Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "Wear this so you don't get messy again." Misha: "Thank you, Tsubame!" Tsubame: "Here you go." Tsubame: "That'd be crazy!" Tsubame: "Curry udon can be used for everything!" Tsubame: "Now I'm going to work hard for Milady's future together with me! Welcome back, Milady—" Tsubame: "Wh-What's going on..." Midori: "I see. So I just have to become a maid at your place, then." Misha: "Yep." Midori: "Then I need to change into a maid outfit." Misha: "You can just do that later." Midori: "No, I can't. You're going to introduce me as a maid in front of Kamoi," Midori: "Then I'd be a maid that's not a maid." Misha: "I knew this was going to be a pain." Midori: "Hold on." Midori: "I'll be done in a second." Midori: "I found a maid's uniform." Misha: "That's good. I'm curious why you put a maid outfit in there," Misha: "but asking would be a huge pain, so I'm not." Midori: "You never know when your things will be taken away from you. The thrill is awesome. You should totally try it." Misha: "I don't think that's something I need." Misha: "But now..." Midori: "Anyway, I'll start changing now." Misha: "Hey! Don't just change in the middle of the street! The police are going to come again!" Midori: "You're the one who brought them in the first place." Midori: "The police are so uptight." Midori: "This reminds me of that one time... I was trying to get Kamoi to like me," Misha: "I know what's going to happen." Midori: "I knew there'd be tons of little girls at the park on a weekend. Now, let's see..." R: "The swings are crazy." Midori: "That's not Kamoi's type." Midori: "There we go!" R: "Kanko-chan, over here!" Midori: "Little girl..." R: "Huh?" Midori: "Come here for a second." Midori: "What's with this texture? It's a lot finer than an adult's." Midori: "A silhouette that runs flat straight down, without any curves. Her head is large for her body, but the way her face is shaped makes her look very young and adorable. All of the parts of her body are tiny, but her eyes are about the same size as an adult's, so they actually look larger on her." Midori: "The way they look makes you want to protect them." Midori: "The way her body is put together is completely different than mine." Midori: "They should listen to people's stories a bit better." A: "Then how about you tell me?" Midori: "Huh?" B: "We found the suspicious person that was fleeing. She was in the street taking off her clothes and approaching a young girl. We will take her into custody." Midori: "Wait! You've got it all wrong!" A: "We'll listen to your excuses." Midori: "I've said you've got it wrong!" Misha: "I knew this would happen. Wait, we spent too much time on flashbacks!" Misha: "A-And that's why, I'm going to have Midorin work here from now on." Tsubame: "That's why... what?"
{ "raw_title": "UzaMaid! Episode 6 – Our Maid's Girl From The Past?", "parsed": [ "UzaMaid!", "6", "Our Maid's Girl From The Past?" ] }
Misha: "I'm going to have Midorin work here from now on." Misha: "Basically, you're fired!" Misha: "Actually... I've never needed you at all." Misha: "Very well." Both: "Huh?" Tsubame: "Thank you for everything." Midorin: "She accepted that quite readily." Misha: "Now I feel like the bad person here." Midorin: "Well, of course you are." Midorin: "Normally, you'd notify someone that they're being let go a month ahead of time. The Labor Standards Act sets forth certain stipulations." Misha: "Tell me that first!" Midorin: "Well, if she has no problem with it, I doubt it'll be an issue." Tsubame: "Milady!" Misha: "Stop being so annoying!" Misha: "I guess she really wasn't that serious after all." Misha: "Well, whatever. Oh, but she might try to spy on us for a bit. I'm going to have you work here for a little bit" Midorin: "Right." Misha: "Anyway, make me some dinner. I'm hungry." Midorin: "Leave it to me!" Misha: "What is this?! Vomit?!" Midorin: "It's curry." Midorin: "The ingredients to make curry were already there." Tsubame: "In any event, I'm going out to buy things for dinner. Please watch the house for me." Misha: "She had curry planned for me tonight..." Misha: "Maybe it just looks bad. I'm sure it won't taste that..." Misha: "No, it tastes like vomit, too." Midorin: "It's Midorin's special curry: a curry that mimics real vomit." Misha: "Why are you making weird philosophical curries?" Midorin: "Are you disappointed?" Misha: "I guess you could say I've lost all hope." Midorin: "Yes, those are exactly the words I was looking for." Misha: "I forgot! Midorin is a huge masochist!" Misha: "Make food properly! This is your job, you know? You're wasting food!" Midorin: "An elementary schooler is yelling at me!" Misha: "Everything's a pain with you." Midorin: "Don't worry about anything." Midorin: "I'll take responsibility and eat it all." Midorin: "Th-This is bad." Misha: "Jeez!" Midorin: "Yes, this is how it felt... That look of disappointment on everyone's face," Midorin: "This is the feeling that got me addicted to, and good at making, bad food." Midorin: "I wonder if I could even make something that tasted good..." Misha: "Well, just try!" Midorin: "I'll do what I can." Midorin: "In any event, I'll get some top-shelf sushi with the pocket money I have on me." Misha: "This maid didn't even have a job until a moment ago. How much "pocket money" could she have?" Midorin: "Oh, hello. I'd like to place an order." Misha: "" Yasuhiro: "I'm home." Misha: "Yasuhiro, I, uh..." Yasuhiro: "I got an email about our maid, if that's what you want to talk about. She told me not to get mad at you." Yasuhiro: "But I mean the situation's really unfortunate. Her food was really great. It was always good. The new maid cooked for you today, right?" Misha: "There's some good sushi over there." Yasuhiro: "She made it?" Misha: "What's going on? I should feel a lot better now that she's gone, but instead now I just don't know how to feel. It's like I'm the one who did something wrong." Misha: "She did all sorts of things to me I didn't like, too. It's only fair." Tsubame: "Milady, I'm really sorry." Misha: "I-I'm not apologizing!" Misha: "What's this about?" Midorin: "It's breakfast. It doesn't taste great, but it'll get you the calories you need." Misha: "I want something that tastes good, too!" Misha: "Actually, where's Yasuhiro?" Midorin: "It sounds like he has a meeting today. He left without eating." Misha: "You could just have toasted some bread." Midorin: "I did." Misha: "Huh?" Midorin: "I could only watch the bread as it kept burning..." Midorin: "It's burning..." Midorin: "I could open the door and save it!" Midorin: "Am I just going to sit here and do nothing?!" Midorin: "The guilt was overwhelming." Misha: "I think you should see a shrink." Midorin: "This was a lot of effort for me," Midorin: "but in the end, my body just wants to make bad food." Midorin: "This tastes terrible." Misha: "But you said that woman's food was good and that you want to eat it again." Midorin: "I still like to eat good-tasting food." Misha: "Well, this is an issue." Midorin: "Which is why I have provided pre-made food." Misha: "Then at least buy pre-made stuff that tastes good!" Mimika: "Misha-chan, are you feeling sick?" Misha: "I think I'm getting a stomachache..." Yui: "Well, that's just pathetic." Mimika: "Morikawa-san!" Yui: "I licked up the curry I had leftover from last night this morning." Misha: "Why are you trying to brag about that?" A: "I guess really pretty girls get sick really easily." B: "Well, she was out sick for a long time." Yui: "Yui's stomach's starting to hurt, too..." Yui: "Peek." A: "Maybe the curry went bad." B: "There's a lot of parasites going around." Yui: "You're treating me completely differently!" Misha: "I'm tired... I'm back—" Midorin: "You're home, huh?" Misha: "It's spotless." Midorin: "I know, right?" Midorin: "I learned how to clean and do the laundry while with the force." Misha: "Then why can't you cook?" Midorin: "It's the supply staff's job to provide the food." Midorin: "But do not fret." Misha: "Hmm?" Midorin: "Our dessert today is a cake made by a professional." Misha: "Yay!" Misha: "Well, I guess we didn't need that woman after all." Misha: "Hmm?" Misha: "Where did you get this cake?" Midorin: "A cake shop near the station. I heard it was the best in this area." Misha: "Yeah, that place is popular." Misha: "Was this is how it tasted? I think that woman makes it better—" Misha: "No, this is just fine!" Midorin: "Oh, yeah..." Misha: "Hmm?" Midorin: "Pick what you want to eat tonight." Misha: "Wow!" Misha: "Then I want pizza! The one with cheese in the crust!" Midorin: "No problem." Misha: "I keep eating pizza and sushi everyday... I'd like to go back to eating normally..." Misha: "Hmm?" Misha: "Midorin?" Misha: "What's wrong? What are you looking—" Midorin: "Wh— Wh-Wh-Wh-What should I do?!" Misha: "Huh?" Midorin: "Kamoi is standing next to a river! What a beautiful sight!" Misha: "Right. I don't really get it." Midorin: "I-I can't!" Midorin: "I ain't prepared ta do somethin' like that!" Misha: "Why are you talking like that?" Midorin: "Ya go fer me!" Misha: "Huh? Wait—" Misha: "Ow... Jeez..." Tsubame: "It's been a while, Milady. No, I should say "Misha-san."" Misha: "What are you talking about?" Misha: "You wouldn't leave me alone, and now..." Tsubame: "You're the one who rejected me." Tsubame: "I am someone you do not need in your life. That's all there is to it." Misha: "Someone that I don't need? I don't really feel that strongly..." Misha: "There were a few... minor things... that you did help me with." Misha: "For example..." Misha: "Food? I apologize for firing you, so please..." Misha: "I want you to make me food and snacks again!" Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "I got that on film!" Tsubame: "You can't go back on your word now!" Misha: "What?!" Tsubame: "Ukai-san's cooking is atrocious. I knew that, sooner or later, this would happen." Tsubame: "My strategy succeeded!" Misha: "Hey! So you were planning this from the beginning?" Tsubame: "That's right." Misha: "I really hate you, you know that?! I want you to make me food and snacks again! I hate you," Tsubame: "Winning over someone's stomach is always the best tactic." Tsubame: "Kamoi Tsubame will return to her post!" Midorin: "Hold on a second!" Midorin: "What are you going to do with me?" Misha: "Oh, I forgot." Midorin: "She forgot me! Wait, no. If you're going to fire me, then you need to notify me a month beforehand. In other words..." Midorin: "Everything will be solved if you allow Kamoi and I to work simultaneously." Misha: "O-Okay." Misha: "I don't know if Yasuhiro has that much money..." Tsubame: "Well, I can stomach it for a month. However, do not get in my way." Midorin: "I'll be a good girl." Misha: "Will this even work? But..." Misha: "I'm looking forward to dinner tonight." Tsubame: "Good morning." Midorin: "Oh, Kamoi. I've been waiting for you." Tsubame: "Since when?" Midorin: "I've been waiting since last night to ensure I was not late. It's only October, but it sure freezes you to the bone at night." Tsubame: "The neighbors will see you, so just come at a normal time." A: "That woman has been crouched down in front of that house since last night." B: "Was she locked out? I feel bad for her." C: "They both aren't the wife, right?" Midorin: "I can't really hear them, but I know they're looking at me like I'm trash. I'm a crazy masochist, so it's making me shake with pleasure." Tsubame: "You just caught cold. In any event, let's get inside." Tsubame: "The two of them always wake up around 7." Tsubame: "So we make breakfast in that time." Midorin: "We don't even have 30 minutes left." Tsubame: "That's... More than enough time!" Tsubame: "Everything's finished." Midorin: "That was wonderful work. I was so taken aback, I couldn't even move." Tsubame: "Yeah, and it's probably better that way." Midorin: "At least allow me to add this shiokara and sea cucumber as a topping!" Tsubame: "Put that on your own portion." Tsubame: "In any event, I need to handle the most important assignment this morning. First Lieutenant, don't do anything you don't need to, and just get some coffee ready." Midorin: "The most important assignment?" Tsubame: "Waking up Milady, obviously. I enter her room five minutes before she's to wake, take pleasure in watching her sleep, and then gently wake her up." Tsubame: "It's something that gives me a little comfort every morning!" Misha: "Good morning." Tsubame: "Why?!" Misha: "It's always so freaky how you try to wake me up." Misha: "So I woke up earlier than when you normally come." Tsubame: "But you never can wake up by yourself, and yet..." Misha: "I realized that it'd feel much better waking up on my own than waking up with you there." Yasuhiro: "Good morning. It's rather lively with three women around now—" Yasuhiro: "Uh..." Yasuhiro: "Maybe I'll start on my breakfast." Both: "Time to eat." Misha: "Handmade bread with tons of butter. This is good!" Misha: "The only real reason why she's here is to provide me with this single moment." Midorin: "Would you like some shiokara as a topping? It smells like seafood." Misha: "No, thanks." Tsubame: "See you two later." Tsubame: "Now, then..." Tsubame: "Let's finish our work. Cleaning, doing the laundry, making snacks, and getting ready for dinner." Midorin: "Leave the cleaning and laundry to me." Tsubame: "Well, that's about the only thing I could let you do, First Lieutenant." Midorin: "I'm not in the force anymore." Midorin: "Don't call me that." Tsubame: "That's what I'm used to calling you." Tsubame: "Do you mind?" Midorin: "What you're used to?" Midorin: "Well, if you insist! However, you can still call me "Midorin" whenever you feel like it." Tsubame: "It's just easier than calling you "Ukai-san," really." Midorin: "In any event, I'll get started on cleaning immediately—" Tsubame: "But!" Tsubame: "Cleaning Milady's room is my duty and my duty alone!" Tsubame: "I take Milady's hair that has stuck to her pillow..." Tsubame: "Collect every single strand... And then someday, I'll add that hair to a doll that looks just like her, and give it to her as a present!" Tsubame: "Milady." Misha: "Hmm?" Tsubame: "Please take this." Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "It's a doll using your own real hair." Tsubame: "I made the clothing myself, of course." Misha: "You made this by hand?" Tsubame: "Yes." Misha: "Thank you. This is the most thoughtful present I've ever received." Tsubame: "Let's get married." Tsubame: "That'd be great!" Midorin: "That's pretty disgusting." Tsubame: "What?!" Midorin: "Calm down and think about it for a second. What if I secretly collected your hair" Tsubame: "I'd throw it on the ground immediately. It'd be disgusting." Midorin: "What a wonderful reward." Midorin: "Maybe I should do it." Tsubame: "You should take into account how much Milady cares for me." Midorin: "I think that if you tried to quantify that value, it'd end up negative." Tsubame: "You wouldn't understand our bond. You just got here a week ago." Midorin: "It's pretty obvious she tries to avoid you." Tsubame: "That can't be true!" Tsubame: "Well, I'll at least take your opinion into consideration. Maybe I'll just keep the doll I make of her to admire on my own." Midorin: "That's pretty creepy in its own right." Tsubame: "I could dress it up with all sorts of frilly clothes she hasn't worn for me yet." Midorin: "Hey, Kamoi." Tsubame: "Yes?" Midorin: "What do you think?" Tsubame: "What do you mean?" Midorin: "These are the type of frilly clothes you like..." Tsubame: "You don't mean you completely changed your look to match what I'm into?" Midorin: "Y-Yeah." Tsubame: "It's so frustrating that you still just don't understand." Tsubame: "Listen up." Tsubame: "What I like is pure, elegant, fleeting, and slightly sweet. Similar to a fairy. If you want to try to classify it, it'd be classical lolita. It doesn't matter how many frills you add, the black loli thing you have going on with your look is a complete antithesis to that." Midorin: "I had a feeling that'd be the case. But it just didn't look good on me at all." Midorin: "I-I can't wear this." Midorin: "I mean I'd love people talking behind my back about this, but..." Midorin: "If Kamoi doesn't like it, then there's no point. And then, after some trial and error," Midorin: "but I didn't know the first thing about makeup or whatever, so I got to learn about that," Midorin: "I have you to thank for opening up a new world to me, Kamoi." Tsubame: "I told you this before," Tsubame: "but since you've already had your period, you're not even my type. However," Midorin: "She's rewarding that masochistic part of me by telling me I'm not her type, but at the same time she's trying to make me feel better!" Midorin: "I love you." Tsubame: "Well, I don't." Midorin: "I was rejected!" Tsubame: "You're really difficult to deal with, you know that?" Midorin: "I heard this was the most important assignment we have in the afternoon," Midorin: "but I didn't think it'd be walking the dog." Midorin: "Plus, I'm in this disguise..." Midorin: "And what's up with you, Kamoi." Tsubame: "Shh. Be quiet." Mimika: "So you got another maid?" Tsubame: "There she is!" Misha: "Well, a maid that wants to put shiokara on bread." Mimika: "Sounds like a pretty fun maid." Midorin: "I see. This was your true goal." Tsubame: "Milady commonly sees through my disguises, but she has yet to see through this one." Tsubame: "I'm wearing traditionally Japanese clothes, and covering up my muscles." Tsubame: "Also, I can use this camera to candidly record Milady growing up." Midorin: "Illegal, however." Tsubame: "I'm just watching over her." Midorin: "It's better than the doll using her hair, but even with how much I like you, stalking her like this is kind of creepy." Misha: "And then... Oh, it's a Samoyed!" Mimika: "How cute!" Tsubame: "This is bad." Tsubame: "First Lieutenant, you hide, just in case." Midorin: "R-Right." Misha: "Your dog is cute. Could I pet it?" Tsubame: "S-She'll notice if I say something." Tsubame: "What?" Misha: "Could I pet your..." Tsubame: "What?" Misha: "It's fine." Tsubame: "What?" Misha: "I guess she's hard of hearing. Too bad." Mimika: "The Samoyed looked all fluffy." Tsubame: "I got past that!" Midorin: "She got through that hurdle." Midorin: "That's why she was dressed up as an old woman, huh? Kamoi's pretty good." Mimika: "Anyway, Misha-chan, I'll see you tomorrow." Misha: "Yeah, bye!" Tsubame: "Milady and Washizaki-sama have gone on their own ways. We have to get Gon home as fast as possible," Tsubame: "Go, Gon!" A: "What's up with that old lady?" B: "She's really fast!" C: "She's amazing!" Midorin: "An old lady running through a residential area with a large dog. That stands out quite a bit." Tsubame: "Good work today. This is all of our work for now." Midorin: "It was fun getting to work with you after so long." Midorin: "I've fallen in love with you even more." Tsubame: "That will only be for the remainder of the month." Tsubame: "Wouldn't it be better for you use that time to find your next job?" Midorin: "Yeah." Midorin: "Thinking about how this little honeymoon of ours is bound to come to an end..." Midorin: "It gives me the chills!" Tsubame: "You just caught a cold." Tsubame: "You really cramp my style, you know that?" Tsubame: "Honestly, I have no clue how to handle you." Midorin: "You're letting me have a reward!" Tsubame: "What a pain." Misha: "In the end, as long as I'm depending on that woman for food, I can't get rid of her." Misha: "She's going to get more and more brazen at this rate! If I knew something that she didn't like then I might be able to come out on top." Misha: "I doubt that even exists." Midorin: "I'll be leaving now. See you later." Tsubame: "Goodbye." Midorin: "See you tomorrow." Midorin: "Kamoi, see you tomorrow!" Tsubame: "I get it!"
{ "raw_title": "UzaMaid! Episode 7 – My Maid Doesn’t Come Anymore", "parsed": [ "UzaMaid!", "7", "My Maid Doesn’t Come Anymore" ] }
Tsubame: "In any event, we shall be taking our leave." Midori: "Excuse me." Midori: "Hello?" Midori: "I told you that wasn't necessary." Midori: "What?" Midori: "Fine. Only for today." Misha: "What's going on?" Midori: "They want to drive me home." Midori: "I said I'd walk, but..." Misha: "They? You mean your rich family?" Tsubame: "They run a hotel or something, right?" Misha: "What?! A hotel?!" Yasuhiro: "Wow." Midori: "I said I'd be fine camping out somewhere," Midori: "I'm staying at my parent's hotel currently." Misha: "What hotel?" Midori: "I think it was called the Great Cormorant Bayside." Yasuhiro: "What?!" Yasuhiro: "That's a super high-end hotel, isn't it?!" Misha: "It is?" Yasuhiro: "You know, it's that high-rise connected to Yotaka Station!" Misha: "You mean the place with the planetarium and the aquarium?" Yasuhiro: "Yeah, that entire building is the Great Cormorant!" Misha: "Wow!" Misha: "I want to stay at your place tonight!" Both: "What?" Misha: "If you're the daughter of the people who own the hotel," Midori: "Yeah. I said I'd be fine with the garbage room, but you know..." Tsubame: "Hey! I live on the top floor, too! It's just the second floor of an old wooden building." Misha: "And what made you think that'd make me want to visit you?" Tsubame: "I don't have a planetarium," Misha: "Then I'll go and burn it all up." Tsubame: "No!" Misha: "Hey, Yasuhiro..." Misha: "I don't have anything to do tomorrow, so..." Yasuhiro: "Then I'm going to sleep over, too!" Midori: "Kamoi's going to be in my room..." Midori: "Sh-She's going to sleep there..." Tsubame: "You don't mind, do you?" Midori: "You don't mind, right?" Yasuhiro: "I-It's fine..." Yasuhiro: "I guess I get to sit here." Misha: "Let's go! Let's right now!" Midori: "Sure. They're waiting outside, too." Yasuhiro: "I'm stuck at home..." R: "Good evening, ma'am." R: "Will I be taking the two ladies with you, as well?" Midori: "Yes, they'll be staying at my place." R: "Understood." R: "Please get in." Misha: "See you later!" Yasuhiro: "Bye..." A: "There's a thug-looking guy that came to pick up those girls in a black car..." B: "It must be their pimp, or something." C: "His daughter went with them." Yasuhiro: "Ever since those maids showed up," R: "Bayside!" Misha: "Wow!" Misha: "The TV's so big!" Misha: "The bath area's so big!" Misha: "The bed's so big!" Misha: "There's a tent next to the bed?!" Midori: "Yes, this is where I sleep. In a sleeping bag inside." Misha: "Why?" Midori: "I mean this room just feels way too nice." Misha: "It's the best room, so..." Midori: "It's too luxurious, I feel like I can't breathe." Midori: "I set the AC to 16 degrees C and shiver myself to sleep." Misha: "You're weird." Midori: "Now that I think about it, ever since I was young," Tsubame: "So you're saying that your current personality was created" Midori: "Possibly. I kind of kept myself sane by thinking that" Misha: "Sounds like something a shrink needs to handle." Midori: "And then, when the pressure of having to take everything over" Midori: "My younger brother was born. A sixteen year difference. So cute! Since I've convinced myself that I was switched at birth," Mom: "Instead of having this troubled girl succeed us..." Dad: "...we should just raise our son to take over instead." Both: "You go and do whatever you want." Midori: "And that's how I came to the decision to join the force. Specifically because I thought it'd be hard on me." Misha: "I see..." Midori: "That being said, I'm still their only daughter. If I try to go too far off the rails," Midori: "they trap me in a place like this." Misha: "I wish someone would trap me in a place like this." Misha: "Such a waste of a nice soft bed." Midori: "You can sleep there." Tsubame: "Then I'll have to sleep in this bed, too. I mean it's a suite, but there's only this one king-sized bed here." Misha: "You sleep on the floor." Tsubame: "You mean without so much as a sleeping bag even?!" Misha: "I'm sure the floor's made out of a good material. It'll improve your blood circulation, kind of like a stone sauna." Tsubame: "Don't just make stuff up!" Midori: "I'll sleep on the floor, so you can have the sleeping bag." Tsubame: "That's not the problem here!" Misha: "What a pain..." Misha: "Okay, then. Midorin, you sleep next to me." Misha: "And then you can sleep next to Midorin." Misha: "If you climb over Midorin to get to me..." Tsubame: "She fell asleep like she ran out of batteries! So cute!" Midori: "Wh-What do you want to do?" Tsubame: "Isn't it obvious?" Tsubame: "Maids follow their master's orders!" Tsubame: "What's the problem with sleeping in a luxurious bed every once in a while?" Midori: "I-I see." Tsubame: "First Lieutenant, you're in the way." Midori: "So mean!" Tsubame: "Though, I'll make sure I get a suite" Tsubame: "This really is a good bed, though." Midori: "Yes, there's no pain to the back or hips. It's soft, and it smells good." Midori: "Also, your face is so close to mine." Midori: "Oh, crap. Everything's so nice, my body's rejecting it." Tsubame: "Your body is weird." Tsubame: "How about you sleep in your sleeping bag, then? Then I'll just have to sleep directly next to Milady." Midori: "No, I'm fine. Yay." Tsubame: "It doesn't look that way." Midori: "A maid must listen to their master's orders." Tsubame: "Well, as long as you're not dead when I wake up. It'd be a pain to deal with that." Tsubame: "Good night." Midori: "Yeah." Midori: "Good night." Misha: "I slept well." Misha: "Huh?" Midori: "Oh, is morning already?" Midori: "I knew it wouldn't be good to sleep in a bed that felt this good." Misha: "A-Are you okay?" Midori: "My hands and feet feel like ice, but I'm fine." Misha: "Sounds like there's a problem to me." Misha: "Where's that woman, anyway?" Tsubame: "You told me not to come near you," Misha: "You think you're so smart!" Misha: "Don't worry, we'll be right back after a short break." Tsubame: "In any event, under normal circumstances, I'd start making breakfast, but... I assume you would like to eat something from the hotel today." Misha: "You do all this crazy stuff then go back to acting like a normal maid." Misha: "But I would like to eat breakfast here." Midori: "Then we can either order room service or eat at the buffet downstairs." Midori: "I'll eat some cold canned goods here." Misha: "Come with us!" Midori: "Previously I tried using some solid fuel, things caught on fire," Midori: "So I can't eat anything warm here." Midori: "They got really mad at me. Yay." Misha: "Then come with us." Misha: "Also, there are emperor penguins at this aquarium, right? I want to see them after we eat." Midori: "I have some free passes, so you should go." Misha: "You come with us, Midorin." Midori: "But..." Tsubame: "You should follow her orders." Midori: "Fine." Misha: "Wow! This is good!" Midori: "My nose is bleeding again." Misha: "Come on... Emperor penguins are strong, and when they hit you with their wings," Tsubame: "You know so much!" Midori: "I see!" Midori: "Bring it on!" Misha: "Midorin!" Misha: "So pretty!" Tsubame: "Yeah, you really are." Misha: "Look at the stars." Misha: "And you sit normally!" Misha: "This is..." Misha: "...great!" Tsubame: "Milady, you should run around like an elementary schooler." Tsubame: "Let's ride the orca!" Misha: "Where's Midorin?" Tsubame: "She went to the pool over there a minute ago..." Tsubame: "Why are you doing special forces water training?!" R: "Someone drowned!" Misha: "Just be normal!" Misha: "It wasn't perfect, but I had fun." Misha: "Thank you for today, Midorin." Midori: "I'm glad you had fun." Tsubame: "First Lieutenant, what's that?" Midorin: "Well, I have to look for a job soon." Misha: "Oh, yeah. It's almost been a month," Misha: "I'd like to keep you on," Midori: "Don't worry about it. Just the way it is." Tsubame: "Do you have something you'd like to do?" Midori: "Something as hard as possible, where you get yelled at for no reason. Something where no one is grateful for what you do. Something with extremely low pay that doesn't match the job description or hours worked." Misha: "I think there's tons of those." Tsubame: "I think there are plenty of places who'd love to hire you for something like that, but I think it'd be better if you took care of yourself." Midorin: "That's true." Midorin: "My parents get mad at me when I say things like this." Mom: "I know we told you to do whatever you want," Midori: "Also..." Midori: "It'd be nice if it was someplace close to where you work." Misha: "So our neighborhood? It's a residential area, so there's not going to be anything there. Actually..." Misha: "Why don't you marry Midorin? You'd be a housewife and never have to work again." Tsubame: "What?!" Misha: "She seems to really like you. Besides you can legally marry overseas" Midori: "Guess we'll have to if our master ordered it." Tsubame: "Of course not! In terms of how strong our respective loves are, my love for Milady is much stronger than yours!" Tsubame: "Let's get married." Misha: "No." Tsubame: "Even though I love you so much?" Misha: "I don't like you at all." Tsubame: "And if you're going to be that way, then why say what you did when I don't like you at all?!" Midori: "So mean!" Misha: "Don't be so mean to her!" Tsubame: "Completely contradictory!" Tsubame: "Aren't you being overly nice to the Lieutenant? I mean, it's a wonderful sentiment, but..." Misha: "I mean, she can't really do much— just feel bad for her." Misha: "I've seen a bird tear off its own feathers before." Misha: "Midorin feels like the bird I saw, in a way." Misha: "That's why I think you should marry her. I'm sure she needs you." Tsubame: "The logic doesn't work!" Midorin: "I guess even a little kid is that worried about me." Midorin: "But I am an adult, and I want to live my life. I'll make do on my own." Midorin: "I'll be a parasite to my parents and slowly take their money until I find a job." Misha: "Midorin..." Tsubame: "Lieutenant..." Midori: "I know I don't have much time left working for you, but I hope we have fun until the end." Tsubame: "Milady!" Misha: "Shut up!" Midori: "The sadness and anxiety of my maid work ending here... I'd normally get excited over that," Midori: "but I wonder why I'm just feeling sad instead." Midori: "Thank you for everything." Tsubame: "Be well, Lieutenant." Midorin: "We'll get to see each other soon." Tsubame: "No, that's okay. Seriously." Misha: "Sorry, I asked Yasuhiro again, but he can't hire you both." Midorin: "Your feelings are enough." Midorin: "Thank you." Midorin: "See you later." Misha: "Midorin..." Misha: "Midorin!" Misha: "Midorin!" Misha: "It's been a week since Midorin left... So boring." Tsubame: "Milady likes the First Lieutenant!" Misha: "I wonder if she found a new job yet." Tsubame: "The Lieutenant said herself that she's an adult," Misha: "Life is hard." Tsubame: "Yes?" Midorin: "My name is Ukai. I've moved in next door." Midorin: "Nice to meet you." Both: "What?" Midori: "I've made some soba." Midori: "I'm here to say hello." Tsubame: "But why?" Midori: "I used my severance to do forex," Midori: "but instead I made tons of money off it. I just was messing around, so I have no clue why I made that much money." Midori: "So I decided to buy the house next to yours, and start my own business. I'm still getting everything ready, though." Misha: "Your own business?" Midorin: "I want to do house cleaning." Midorin: "I figured out that I'm good at cleaning having worked here." Midorin: "I have you two to thank. I wanted to say thank you, Kamoi, Misha." Misha: "That's great!" Tsubame: "We haven't really done anything for you to thank us, but I think you're rather suited to that." Midorin: "Yes, I'll get to work in houses that are dumps, and take care of places where people died alone..." Midorin: "It'll be lots of fun!" Misha: "Th-That's great..." Midori: "What's wrong, Kamoi?" Tsubame: "Don't jump over from your roof..." Misha: "Shut up! You'll annoy the neighbors." Tsubame: "Sorry..." Tsubame: "A-Actually, this is a problem! Your underwear is missing!" Misha: "What?!" Misha: "Midorin, call the police immediately." Midorin: "Roger that." Tsubame: "You're treating me as the suspect already! It wasn't me!" Tsubame: "I mean, think about what I did before." Misha: "You probably just wanted to convince us that" Midori: "It was premeditated." Tsubame: "I'm telling you that's wrong!" Tsubame: "Besides, if I stole them..." Misha: "Stop!" Tsubame: "Huh?" Recording: "I stole them..." Misha: "I have your confession." Tsubame: "Don't just take that one part of my sentence!" Midorin: "Well, hold on a second, Misha." Tsubame: "Your hand! Your hand!" Midorin: "Even if Kamoi was the perpetrator, it would be strange for her to scream and have us look to see what was up." Misha: "That's true! You're smart, Midorin!" Tsubame: "That's what I've been trying to say..." Midorin: "Besides, why did you think that Misha's panties were stolen?" Tsubame: "I had noticed that one pair of Milady's panties were missing" Midorin: "And what about the possibility that you're mistaken?" Tsubame: "There isn't any!" Tsubame: "I know all of Milady's panties!" Misha: "Creepy!" Midori: "Wow..." Tsubame: "In any event, there's no doubt that Milady's panties have been stolen! We need to find who did this immediately! There's no evidence a ladder was placed against, or rope tied to the railing—" Midorin: "What about fingerprints?" Tsubame: "There were some." Misha: "Whose were they?" Tsubame: "Mine." Misha: "What about those footprints?" Tsubame: "They're mine." Misha: "Midorin, call the police." Midorin: "The circumstantial evidence speaks for itself." Tsubame: "I'm telling you it wasn't me!" Misha: "Why steal panties, anyway?" Midorin: "Maybe someone really wanted that pair?" Tsubame: "That doesn't make sense." Misha: "So why, then?" Tsubame: "Well, the typical panty thief..." Tsubame: "...wear the panties they steal on their hand." Tsubame: "They smell them..." Tsubame: "They spread them all out over the floor and roll over them. And roll over them. That's how it goes." Midori: "You sure know a lot about that." Misha: "I bet you did it." Tsubame: "I didn't!" Tsubame: "It's not me, honestly." Tsubame: "Huh?" Tsubame: "I remember everything, now!" Tsubame: "That's right..." Tsubame: "I was hanging the clothes to dry..." R: "Delivery!" Tsubame: "Coming!" Tsubame: "I couldn't just leave Milady's precious panties just sitting there on the deck." Tsubame: "So I just had to put them in a safe location, temporarily." Misha: "Safe location?" Tsubame: "Right here!" Tsubame: "And while I was carrying the package we got... I completely forgot! Tee-hee." Misha: "Midorin, call the police. Seriously." Midori: "Goodbye, Kamoi." Tsubame: "Please don't!" Midori: "What's wrong, Kamoi?!" Tsubame: "Don't just come in here like you belong here!" Misha: "I told you to stop being so loud!" Tsubame: "I'm sorry. B-But this is terrible! My underwear has gone missing this time!" Both: "What?!" Tsubame: "My clothes got a bit dirty while cleaning, so I decided to borrow your shower, but when I returned to the changing area, my underwear was..." Tsubame: "Did you take them?" Misha: "That'd never happen!" Misha: "Actually, wouldn't Midorin have plenty of motive?" Midori: "No, I wouldn't..." Tsubame: "The First Lieutenant would never do something like that." Misha: "Really?" Tsubame: "Yes, she'd wear the same panties as me, and get off on that." Tsubame: "She's a lot worse than your average panty thief." Midori: "I'm so happy you understand me, and then you're also degrading me—makes me even happier." Misha: "You can just go home and get another pair. Just go home like that. You're wearing a long skirt, too." Tsubame: "Milady, you're not treating this properly." Tsubame: "I can't go home without panties..." Tsubame: "I'd be embarrassed." Misha: "What are you talking about? You wear so many worse things." Midori: "You want mine?" Tsubame: "No, that's okay." Misha: "The only other thing we have would be Yasuhiro's."
{ "raw_title": "UzaMaid! Episode 8 – My Former Maid Is From A Good Family", "parsed": [ "UzaMaid!", "8", "My Former Maid Is From A Good Family" ] }
Misha: "Kuma!" Misha: "Kumagoro!" Misha: "Kumagoro, where are you?" Misha: "We're going to the doctor's!" Misha: "Kumagoro... Where are you hiding?" Tsubame: "Milady, is there an issue?" Misha: "Nothing really." Tsubame: "You're so wonderfully modest. You can ask me for anything you need, you know?" Misha: "I don't think there exists someone in this world who would be modest with you." Misha: "You guys." Misha: "Do you know where Kumagoro is?" Misha: "Really?" Misha: "He jumped off the patio?" Misha: "This isn't good..." Misha: "We have to go find him!" Misha: "I need to inform the police and post on the lost pet forums online... O-Oh, yeah! I need to make fliers!" Tsubame: "Milady, please calm down." Misha: "I can't remain calm! Huh?" Tsubame: "In an situation where every moment matters," Tsubame: "do you plan on doing everything on your own?" Misha: "I see..." Tsubame: "Now, ask me for help!" Misha: "I'm gonna call Washiwashi." Tsubame: "Huh?" Misha: "Hello?" Mimika: "Sure, no problem. Leave the fliers to me." Mimika: "My mother's into those detective shows as of late. I think she'd really want to help." Tsubame: "I'll head to the police. You look for Kumagoro-sama. We'll meet up later. Watch out for any cars." Misha: "Thanks..." Tsubame: "Yes." Tsubame: "Let's go get married right after we find Kumagoro-sama." Misha: "Or you could go get cremated alive, instead. Alone." Misha: "Kumagoro!" Misha: "Kumagoro!" Misha: "Kuma!" Misha: "This isn't going to work. Ferrets like hiding in small places and nooks and crannies. They also dig holes in the ground." Misha: "I won't find him just by looking in random places." Misha: "But without Kumagoro..." Misha: "Mommy..." Misha: "Don't leave me alone, Mommy." Yasuhiro: "Misha, I'm going to come in." Yasuhiro: "Misha." Yasuhiro: "T-Tada." Misha: "Huh?" Yasuhiro: "Open it up, Misha." Yasuhiro: "He'll be part of our family from now on." Yasuhiro: "You think you can take care of him?" Misha: "Y-Yeah!" Misha: "Kumagoro..." Tsubame: "Milady!" Tsubame: "Did you find him?" Misha: "No. Not even a hint about where he is." Misha: "Maybe I just won't be able to find him." Misha: "If Kumagoro leaves me, I'll be all alone again..." Tsubame: "Do you really think you're alone?" Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "I'm not going to lie and say we're definitely going to find him. But if you give up," Tsubame: "Let's do our best to find him." Misha: "I-I'm not going to give up! I just got a little disheartened." Tsubame: "That's the spirit." Tsubame: "Besides, you have me, don't you?" Misha: "Kuma!" Tsubame: "No!" Misha: "A police dog would be able to sniff him out." Tsubame: "We don't have enough manpower. I didn't want to depend on her," Midori: "It's time for food." Midori: "You wait until I say it's okay." Midori: "You didn't wait at all! You're looking down on me." Misha: "Oh, it's a German Shepherd!" Tsubame: "Hmm?" Tsubame: "Isn't that Meteor?" Midori: "It looks like him, but it isn't. This is Meteor's older brother, Racing Cloud." Tsubame: "I see. They look the same." Midori: "I took him in when he retired as a police dog." Tsubame: "Oh, I see. When a military working dog retires," Misha: "Now we have a police dog!" Misha: "Find Kumagoro for me." Misha: "Wow! That's a former police dog, for you!" Misha: "What?!" Midori: "Well, I'm sure this place does smell of him." Misha: "Not here!" Misha: "Find a place other than here that has the same smell! Understand?" Midori: "Seems like he wants to play." Tsubame: "Racing Cloud." Tsubame: "Find him." Midori: "He listens to her immediately when he just met Kamoi, but he doesn't listen to me!" Tsubame: "Let's go." Misha: "Th-This is the place?" Yui: "It's Takanashi and the Master." Yui: "What are you doing?" Misha: "Morikawa-san! Why are you here?" Yui: "Why? This is my house." Misha: "Huh? So you kidnapped him, then?!" Yui: "What are you talking about?" Misha: "Well..." Yui: "So you're searching for your ferret that ran away. But he's not here." Misha: "But Racing Cloud is saying that his smell is coming from your house." Yui: "If you don't trust me that much, then go ahead and take a look. In exchange... If you can't find him," Misha: "That's a weird condition." Yui: "No way he's here, though." Misha: "There he is! Kumagoro!" Tsubame: "A good lolita!" Midori: "Kamoi?!" Yui: "That's terrible. Anyway, Yuina! Why do you have that?!" Yuina: "It's a muffler! It's cool! The latest fashion!" Yui: "You can't have that. He's Takanashi's pet." Misha: "Give him back! Kumagoro isn't a muffler!" Yuina: "No, I picked him up! He's my muffler!" Misha: "No, Kumagoro is my pet!" Misha: "He's my family!" Tsubame: "Look, there's a cute little girl right here in the street." Tsubame: "I picked you up, so now I guess that makes you mine. I'm going to take you back to my house, and make you into my doll." Misha: "Lolicon punishment!" Misha: "My body reacted instinctively." Yuina: "Let me down!" Tsubame: "Then will you give Kumagoro-sama back?" Yuina: "I will..." Yuina: "Here." Misha: "Kumagoro!" Yui: "Takanashi, I'm sorry. My sister caused you all this trouble." Misha: "Morikawa-san..." Yui: "Now you apologize, too! You can't take other people's stuff!" Yuina: "I'm sorry." Misha: "It's okay. You're still a kid, anyway." Midori: "You, too." Tsubame: "In any event, all's well that ends well." Misha: "Yeah! I need to call Washiwashi." Misha: "Kumagoro!" Misha: "Now let's go to the doctor's." Misha: "I-It's cold." Misha: "I can't get up... I don't want to get out of bed." Tsubame: "Good morning!" Misha: "Darn it... I wasted time not getting out of bed, and now she got here before I got up! I normally head down before she makes it up here." Tsubame: "Milady, excuse me." Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "It snowed!" Misha: "There's a lot of it out there." Tsubame: "Yes, indeed." Misha: "Does that mean school's out today?" Tsubame: "Huh?" Misha: "You know, the traffic infrastructure of the Kanto area in Japan" Misha: "I'm sure school's out." Tsubame: "You walk to school, don't you?" Tsubame: "Wake up! Children should be outside!" Misha: "My parents never treated me like this!" Misha: "I don't want to go... The snow's going to get in through the top of my boots," Misha: "Then my feet are going to get all cold from the snow that melts." Tsubame: "Milady..." Tsubame: "You used to run around outside in the snow." Misha: "Well, my mom liked the snow, so I was just kind of making my mom happy." Tsubame: "She's an adult." Misha: "I don't like the snow." Tsubame: "Then I'll carry you on my back all the way to school! If you want, I can lift you up off your feet like a princess and carry you that way!" Misha: "Talk to you later!" Tsubame: "No!" Misha: "Huh?" Misha: "There's no snow." Misha: "Oh, Midorin!" Midorin: "Oh, good morning." Misha: "You're the one who shoveled all the snow?" Midorin: "Yeah." Midorin: "I would shovel, and then more snow would just pile up. Humans pale in comparison to the force that is nature." Misha: "What a waste of time." Tsubame: "But it started snowing in the middle of the night." Midorin: "And I've been up all night, of course!" Misha: "Midorin, try not to die too early." Midorin: "I couldn't shovel all the way to your school, but some of the other residents have cleared their snow. I'm sure you can get quite far without getting wet." Misha: "Thank you!" Misha: "See you later!" Tsubame: "Goodbye! First Lieutenant," Tsubame: "please use this tissue." Tsubame: "Thanks for your hard work." Midorin: "Y-You're giving these to me?" Midorin: "I'll treasure them forever!" Tsubame: "Use them and throw them away." Mimika: "Misha-chan, good morning." Misha: "Good morning!" Mimika: "The second semester is going to end today." Misha: "Washiwashi." Mimika: "Hmm?" Misha: "Did you get fatter?" Mimika: "Y-You can tell?" Misha: "I guess." Mimika: "You know in the winter," Mimika: "If I don't pay attention, my little brothers will eat all of them. Hey!" Mimika: "You guys are eating them without telling me again!" Misha: "That's what it's like to have siblings, huh?" Mimika: "Also, it's cold, so you know, you don't want to move around much." Misha: "Oh, I understand that. I don't want to get all wet from the snow." Mimika: "Huh?" Mimika: "You look good out in the snow, though." Misha: "Huh?" Misha: "It reminds me of my mother, who died." Misha: "U-Uh..." Misha: "Want to run? It'll warm us up." Mimika: "Yeah. It'll help me lose weight." Misha: "Yeah." Mimika: "Let's go." Misha: "Start!" A: "Yui-chan, aren't you cold dressed like that?" Yui: "I'm not going to dress up unfashionably by adding all these layers just because it's cold. That's not happening for someone as hip as me. I'll fend off the cold with pure will." Misha: "I'm tired." Misha: "I don't usually exercise." Mimika: "I'm glad all we have to do is have our semester ending ceremony and clean today." A: "Huh? Did Takanashi-san get a new coat?" B: "You're right. I guess because it's so cold." A: "I guess if a truly cute little girl dresses up in layers and gets all puffed up," Yui: "Takanashi!" Misha: "Huh?" Yui: "Let's fight!" Misha: "Huh? Why?" A: "She challenged her, but really hadn't thought of any challenge." B: "I guess she just lives in the moment?" Yui: "Uh... I..." Yui: "We're going to have a snowball fight since it just snowed!" Misha: "Huh?" A: "That's like saying "because it's sunny out."" B: "And she's just picking something she's good at." Misha: "There's no real reason for me to accept." Yui: "I'm good at snowball fights, so you and Washizaki can team up. I'll give you a handicap." Misha: "Why are you acting like I'm going to do this?" Mimika: "Misha-chan, let's do this challenge." Misha: "Huh? What?" Misha: "Well, I guess it's fine." Yui: "Then it's decided. We're doing it in the schoolyard after school!" Misha: "Washiwashi, you're acting all different." Yui: "The time limit is ten minutes. The person team that lands the most hit with snowballs wins." Misha: "Who's going to count?" A: "Right here! My grandfather is a birdwatcher!" Misha: "And why would that matter to you, his granddaughter..." B: "Okay, going to start!" B: "Ready... Go! Take this!" Misha: "It's fast!" Misha: "In any event, we should put some distance between us." Mimika: "Yeah!" Mimika: "Misha-chan!" Mimika: "Hey!" Mimika: "Take this!" Yui: "Take this! You suck! You suck! You suck!" Misha: "What should we do?" Tsubame: "You should split up your roles." Misha: "Huh?" Misha: "What?" Tsubame: "I'm a snowman, passing by." Misha: "Snowmen can't pass by anything!" Tsubame: "Washizaki-sama has trouble controlling her throws, so she can make the snowballs." Tsubame: "And then you distract Morikawa-sama and attack her!" Misha: "I-I see." Yui: "What are you talking about over there?!" Misha: "Wait, if I leave the snowball making to Washiwashi, then I can focus on running, and we might just win this thing!" Misha: "Washiwashi!" Mimika: "Misha-chan!" Misha: "Washiwashi, I want you to move around and make lots of snowballs. I'll do the attacking." Mimika: "Got it!" Misha: "Morikawa-san, over here!" Yui: "You've got guts! Take this!" Yui: "Hey!" Yui: "Take that!" Misha: "Now Morikawa-san is only attacking me!" Yui: "Stop moving around so much!" Mimika: "Misha-chan, use the snowballs over there!" Misha: "Okay!" Misha: "Take this!" Yui: "What?!" Both: "Yeah, we got her!" Yui: "I see... So you split up, and only one of you is making the snowballs." Yui: "In that case..." Misha: "I'm not going to let you do that! I'm going to protect you, Washiwashi!" Mimika: "Misha-chan..." Tsubame: "Washizaki-sama." Mimika: "What?!" Mimika: "A snowman? I thought you were over there a second ago... Actually, did you just talk? Take off your gloves, and make the snowballs as hard as you can. Huh? Are you Misha-chan's maid?" Tsubame: "Hurry!" Mimika: "Right!" Tsubame: "Milady, throw as many snowballs as you possibly can, and get Morikawa-sama to back away." Misha: "Got it." Yui: "Now I can't get close!" Yui: "In that case, all I have to do is throw from far away. I can handle this much better than you two can with my arm and my throwing control!" Mimika: "Misha-chan!" Misha: "I can't get away!" Yui: "Darn it! I guess I didn't pack it hard enough!" Tsubame: "Milady, now!" Misha: "But at this distance..." Tsubame: "Believe in yourself and Washizaki-sama!" Mimika: "Misha-chan..." Misha: "Got it!" Misha: "Take this!" Yui: "Ow! That was hard!" Misha: "I got her..." Tsubame: "Because you directly formed the snowballs with your hands, the outer snow melted with from the temperature of your body, and then when you compacted them, they got even harder. That's how you make super strong snowballs that won't break," Mimika: "I see! Misha-chan, I'll make even more!" Misha: "Yeah!" Yui: "I can't make snowballs when I'm running! This isn't fair!" Misha: "No, you set these terms!" Misha: "Take this!" Yui: "Hasn't ten minutes passed already?!" A: "I can't wait to see what I get in my New Year's gift mystery bags." B: "Just get stuff off the Internet." Yui: "Ref, ten minutes is up!" A: "Huh?" B: "Time!" Misha: "Come on." Yui: "Now, who won?" Both: "Huh?" A: "Sorry." B: "I stopped watching halfway through." Yui: "Darn it!" A: "I mean everything went by so fast, it was hard to tell." Misha: "What happened to being the granddaughter of a birdwatcher?" Mimika: "Then let's call it a tie." Yui: "I'll let you get off with that just for today!" B: "Well, if we counted, you might have lost." Yui: "That's not true!" Mimika: "Good work, Misha-chan!" Misha: "Washiwashi, your hands are all red." Mimika: "Well, I was directly touching the snow." Mimika: "Misha-chan!" Misha: "We were able to fight back because you made snowballs for me." Misha: "Thank your." Mimika: "Misha-chan, do you like it more now?" Misha: "Huh?" Mimika: "The snow." Misha: "Yeah." Misha: "I was able to have fun!" Tsubame: "So precious... So precious..." Misha: "Huh?" Tsubame: "So precious... So precious..." Misha: "Hey!" Misha: "Why are you here, anyway?!" Tsubame: "When I look at snow, I remember the first day I met you. I couldn't let a chance to see a young Russian girl playing around in the snow go by!" Misha: "I was just about to remember this day as something fun that happened, and now..." Misha: "Don't overwrite my fun memory with one of some pervert spying on me!"
{ "raw_title": "UzaMaid! Episode 9 – My Maid And The Day We Met", "parsed": [ "UzaMaid!", "9", "My Maid And The Day We Met" ] }
Text: "—Men Who Sparkle Like Gemstones—" : "VAZZY and..." : "ROCK DOWN!" : "This program will give you an insider look into the lives of these hot artists. We'll learn everything about VAZZROCK as they approach a huge milestone... their fourth anniversary concert!" : "Today, we've brought everyone together for a special roundtable discussion. Let's get started!" Text: "Joyous • Part One" Takaaki: "All right, is everyone here?" Everyone: "Yes! - All here!" Someone: "Ready to go." Takaaki: "Then let's get to it. This is VAZZY and..." Shou: "ROCK DOWN's special roundtable, starting now!" Takaaki: "Good evening. I'm the leader of VAZZY, Takaaki Mamiya, and tonight, we'd like to introduce you to each of us twelve enchantingly handsome guys." Shou: "I'm the leader of ROCK DOWN, Shou Onoda, and it's my pleasure to play emcee tonight alongside Takaaki. Let's have a wonderful time!" Takaaki: "Well then, let's start with introductions from VAZZY." Ouka: "I'm Ouka Kira of VAZZY. Thanks for watching." Issa: "Issa Kiduku. A pleasure." utaba: "And I'm his younger brother, Futaba. Good evening. We're thrilled to be here tonight!" suke: "Okay! I'm Nao! Naosuke Oyama. The crown jewel of VAZZY!" Issa: "Huh?" suke: "Er, I try to be! Thanks for watching. You're up, Yuma." Yuma: "I'm Yuma Shirase from VAZZY. Whether you're new or you already know us, we hope this program will show you more about us." Shou: "Let's hear from the ROCK DOWN guys next." Haruto: "All right. I'm ROCK DOWN's youngest shining star and number two samurai, Haruto Kujikawa. I'm here to add some hot spice to your quiet life." Haruto: "Very pleased to meet you." Reiji: "Man, you dug yourself into a hole with that one. Don't worry, folks. Some of us guys are a lot easier to understand." Reiji: "I'm with ROCK DOWN too. The name's Reiji Amaha." Ayumu: "You're a hard enough act to follow yourself. I'm Ayumu Tachibana, ROCK DOWN's number one samurai, I guess? Thank you for watching." Gaku: "Ayumu, I can't believe you actually went along with that. I'm Gaku Oguro of ROCK DOWN. Hi, everyone! Let's have a great time!" Ruka: "Yo! And I'm Ruka Nadumi from ROCK DOWN! Ruka-sama in the house! Glad to be here!" Takaaki: "That's the twelve of us from VAZZY and ROCK DOWN. Together, we're VAZZROCK! Glad to be here!" Shou: "Let's move on to our next segment. First up is..." suke: "Which should I pick?" Text: "Naosuke Oyama" suke: "Aah! There's so many, I can't decide!" Yuma: "They said to pick two ultra-rare pictures, one for the segment and one for the credit roll, right? This is hard." utaba: "They also said the pictures are supposed to be a total surprise, and that we can't spoil each other. It's kind of exciting!" Issa: "Hmm, okay. So something meme-worthy." utaba: "Hey, bro, don't pick anything weird, okay?" Ouka: "This one... No, maybe this one's a better shot?" Issa: "You can't be serious." Ouka: "About what?" Issa: "I mean, whatever. Suit yourself." utaba: "Okay, I've found mine. You find yours yet?" Issa: "Just pick for me." utaba: "Yeah? How about the sexy straight-out-of-bed look?" Issa: "What?! You took that without my permission! Fine. I'll pick for myself." Takaaki: "Guys, have you sent your pictures to the staff yet?" suke: "Hmm... Okay, then this one and this one. That does it! How about you, Takaaki-san?" Takaaki: "I think I'll..." Ad: "We're ready for you on set!" Text: "Ruka-sama" Takaaki: "Whoa! A twofer of the Kiduku brothers." utaba: "Yeah. That was taken right after we met everyone, way back at the start. Pictures of just me and my brother are surprisingly rare." suke: "Ours is from around then too." Yuma: "Sure takes me back. That was right after our debut." Shou: "You both have great smiles." Reiji: "Oh boy, now we've got the frowny twins. That one's ancient too, right?" Ouka: "Yeah, it's probably from right after we met." Issa: "It was a photo shoot for something... but I didn't pick this one." Yuma: "That was me! You aren't smiling, but I thought you both looked cool." Takaaki: "It's just like Yuma to pick someone else's picture." Gaku: "These bring back so many memories! They're all from when we formed our groups." Reiji: "So about five years ago? I remember the company president calling us out of the blue." Takaaki: "Saying, "Want to go on an adventure for a year?"" Reiji: "Exactly." Ouka: "And somehow we've made it this far. We're already at our fourth anniversary. That's a long time." Ayumu: "Definitely. We all have such different personalities, but we've gotten along all the while. It's pretty impressive." suke: "Oh, hey, this is also the fourth anniversary of me and Yuma's debuts." Yuma: "That's right. VAZZY was our start in the entertainment world. You too, right, Futaba-san?" utaba: "Yup, same here. But Issa was already modeling, playing in bands, and doing other stuff." Issa: "The band wasn't my real debut, though. Compared to guys like Takaaki, I've got basically no history in the industry." Reiji: "Yeah, Takaaki and Ouka started solo ages ago. Just like me. How long have you guys been in the biz now?" Takaaki: "Let's see... I started when I was six, so 23 years? More than half my life." Ouka: "For me, it's more like my whole life." Ayumu: "Your whole life, huh?" utaba: "You were a baby model, right?" Ouka: "Yeah." Ruka: "Whoa! You really have been in it for life!" suke: "You're like our super-senpai!" utaba: "Ah, this one's from our concert in '18." Shou: "Wow, you can tell? When did you even take this, Haruto?" Haruto: "During rehearsals. You looked so happy, I had to." Yuma: "It's cool that you could tell Haruto-san took the photo." Ayumu: "I was so nervous back then, I probably looked like a mess. I'm glad no one photoed me then." Takaaki: "Oh, wow! These are from the legendary four-day VAZZROCK Festival, right after Yuma made a surprise appearance during the last show. What a memorable shot." suke: "You got that right! It was so fun!" Yuma: "It was close, but I'm glad I made it in time." Ouka: "Each day had different performers, but you were all together at the end." Haruto: "We were snapping pictures like crazy every day backstage. We got to perform with different people, so there were some rare ops indeed. I'm glad we have these mementos." Reiji: "Hey, that's a nice shot. Who took this one?" Takaaki: "That would be me!" Gaku: "Everyone looks so happy." utaba: "Except my brother, making a face again. You should try smiling sometime." Issa: "Oh, shut up. Ouka wasn't smiling either." Ouka: "Stop comparing me to you. And I was smiling." Ruka: "What? You were?" Gaku: "If you look close, the corners of his mouth are raised a couple millimeters... I guess?" Yuma: "He's right next to Takaaki-san's giant grin. Maybe that's why it's hard to tell. Just goes to show what a charming smile Takaaki-san has." suke: "Yeah, I totally feel that! It's so warm and big, and it's always there when you need it. Kind of like the sun!" Yuma: "I know, right? He brightens us all up with his smile. It's always so comforting." Takaaki: "Seriously? Wow, I'm flattered! You've made my day. Hi, I'm Takaaki Mamiya, and I have a charming smile." Issa: "We get it already." Shou: "If Takaaki is the sun, then Ouka must be the moon." Ouka: "I'm the moon?" Ayumu: "I think I can see that. You shine brightly, but quietly. Just like the moon." Ruka: "Ouka-kun is so cool. I don't think I've ever seen him bust out laughing." Ouka: "That's because..." Takaaki: "That's just his personality. But he's started to learn more expressions recently." Ouka: "Don't talk like I'm some infant! Next picture!" suke: "Why is there a cat picture in here?!" Ouka: "Vazz and Rock are important members too, you know." Issa: "But it's just the cats. Why aren't you in the picture?" Ouka: "Look closer. I'm right here." Issa: "It's just your hand!" utaba: "Y-You should've shown your face too." Takaaki: "Okay, so that was your intro to VAZZROCK in pictures." Takaaki: "Now, we all have other activities outside of our groups too. Why don't we talk about what we've been up to recently?" suke: "Yeah! To get ready for the VAZZROCK Live Flawless concert in two months, I've been taking dance and singing lessons!" utaba: "I did a live recording session for VAZZ Radio the other day. Hopefully I'll start getting invited to different shows as a regular guest." Reiji: "Weren't those both jobs with your group, though?" suke: "Oh, he's right." utaba: "I guess so." Takaaki: "I meant in addition to your regular jobs. How about everyone else?" Issa: "I'm in a TV drama. I can't say much yet, but there should be an announcement soon." Ruka: "I'm doing theater, of course! My agency is collaborating on a spin-off of "Tsukihana Kagura." Gaku-kun and I are costarring. I know you'll all love it!" Shou: "I can't wait to see those gorgeous costumes again." Haruto: "The fabrics sure look great. I'd love to try on a cut... while trying not to get cut. In a sword fight." Reiji: "Spoken like a true... Okay, not quite a true samurai. Oh, right. Takaaki, aren't you doing another historical drama?" Takaaki: "Yeah. Ouka, Yuma, and I are going to be in a TV spin-off of Sokai, the movie we did together." Ayumu: "Wow, that's great." Text: "Sokai" Mikazuki (As Shoin): "Never has there been one possessed of complete sincerity who did not move others!" Text: "Yuzuru Mikaduki as Shoin Yoshida" Mikazuki (As Shoin): "Will you help build the future of this country with me?" Text: "Yusho Toi as Shinsaku Takasugi" Toi (As Takasugi): "I swore to Shoin-sensei that I would transform this nation!" Text: "Takaaki Mamiya as Genzui Kusaka" Takaaki (As Kusaka): "When I was just a poor physician, Shoin-sensei showed me the way!" Yuma (As Ito): "Now I too have a dream... to save the peasants' way of life." Text: "Yuma Shirase as Hirobumi Ito Ouka Kira as Kuichi Irie" Ouka (As Kuichi): "The students here are quite passionate, with their own dreams and ideals." Haruto: "It was a film about the life of Shoin Yoshida." suke: "That's right! Mikaduki-san looked so cool playing Shoin Yoshida!" utaba: "What is the spin-off going to be about?" Takaaki: "It's a story centered on Genzui Kusaka, the supporting character I played in Sokai, and Shinsaku Takasugi, who's being played by Toi-san. It starts when they were kids." Yuma: "So that means you're the star, Takaaki-san?" Takaaki: "Strictly speaking, I'm costarring with Toi-san." Gaku: "Yusho Toi is a really talented actor. Haven't you acted with him before, Ruka?" Ruka: "Just a tiny bit." Shou: "The staff and cast from the movie are returning for the show, right?" Takaaki: "They are. So that's going to be a lot of fun too. Right, Ouka-chan? Yuma?" Yuma: "It's a lot of pressure, but I'll do my best." Ouka: "Quit calling me "Ouka-chan." But, yeah, I guess. It should be fun. In a lot of ways." Takaaki: "Yup, Ouka is thrilled too." Yuma: "And on that note..." Text: "Shuten A TV spin-off of the film Sokai, currently in production" Yuma: "The TV drama Shuten!" suke: "Be sure to watch, everyone!" Takatsuki: "About Shuten, shooting will start tomorrow as scheduled." Takaaki: "Okay. What time?" Takatsuki: "I'll come get you at 6 in the morning." Yuma: "So no sleeping in." Takaaki: "We'd better go to bed early tonight. Our characters are 18, so we need to do some skincare too." Takatsuki: "No need to worry about that. You always look quite young, Takaaki-san." Takaaki: "Takatsuki-kun, do I sense a little jealousy?" Ouka: "But you ended up costarring with your archenemy, of all people." Yuma: "Let's make it work, Ouka-san." Takaaki: "Oh, come on. My archenemy?" Ouka: "Yusho Toi. Have you already forgotten? He was picking fights with you on the last set too." Takaaki: "He wasn't picking fights. That's just the way he communicates." Ouka: "That guy... He only got pissed off because you get along with everyone. Honestly, I get that. But bringing that attitude to the job is another thing. After a point, it's just too much." Yuma: "B-But you do get him, don't you?" Takaaki: "I actually don't hate him. But lucky for you, Ouka. This is your chance." Ouka: "My chance for what?" Takaaki: "You want a rematch with Toi-san, right?" Ouka: "Wh— No, not really." Yuma: "That's funny. A second ago, Ouka-san looked like he was ready to rumble." Takaaki: "You thought so too, Yuma?" Ouka: "Are you seriously okay with this? Do you remember how gloomy you were before the Sokai shoot started?" Takaaki: "Huh? Was I?" Ouka: "You can't fool me." Takaaki: "Sorry. You're right. It does take some effort and energy to deal with Toi-san, but he's an interesting person at heart. Even if he takes his roles a little too seriously sometimes." Yuma: "I think I know what you mean." Yuma: "But now I'm starting to worry." Takaaki: "It's fine. It's fine. We're both grown adults." Crew: "Camera test all clear!" Takaaki: "Good morning!" Male Crew: "- Coming through." Takaaki: "I'm so glad to be working with you again. Thank you for the opportunity!" Ouka: "Thank you for having us." Yuma: "It's a pleasure." Ad: "Good morning! You sure are early. You're the first cast members here." Takaaki: "I got so excited about working with this crew again, I woke up bright and early." Ad: "A charmer too!" Takaaki: "I'm serious, though. Right, guys?" Yuma: "Yeah. I woke up before my alarm even went off." Ouka: "Definitely. I couldn't wait to get here." Takaaki: "See what I mean? It's rare to hear Yuma and Ouka talk like that." Mikazuki: "Hey, it's the VAZZY trio." Takaaki: "Oh, Mikaduki-san. Good morning. We get to watch and learn from you again." Ouka: "It's been a while." Yuma: "Glad to be working with you." Mikazuki: "What are you talking about? I'm practically a guest this time. I'm basically just here for the fun of it. The stars are Mamiya and..." Mikazuki: "Well, look who's here." Toi: "Hey, Mamiya." Takaaki: "Toi-san! It's great to be working with you again. Let's make something good together, okay?" Toi: "You sure haven't changed." Takaaki: "You mean I'm still good-looking? Oh, stop! You're making me blush, Toi-san." Toi: "Still an airhead too." Takaaki: "We've got a lot of scenes together this time, so let's give them a good show." Toi: "I can't wait to wipe that moronic grin off your face." Takaaki: "Use a light touch, okay?" Ad: "Mamiya-san..." Takaaki: "Okay, now that we're all warmed up, let's have a good time!" Ad: "You're a lifesaver." Takaaki: "What are you talking about?" Ad: "As long as you keep smiling, I think it'll be a fun shoot." Takaaki: "Really? Well, I'm glad to hear that. I guess I'll just keep smiling, then." Toi: "Dude, you're giving me the creeps." Mikazuki: "Yeah? You sure seem like you're enjoying yourself." Toi: "The hell are you talking about? No way." Mikazuki: "Is that so? I've got an easy role this time, so I'll just stay on the sidelines and watch you and Mamiya play nice." Toi: "Suit yourself." Takaaki (As Kusaka): "Takasugi-kun, you seem quite eccentric, but you're actually a very loyal man." Takaaki (As Kusaka): "I'm a little jealous. It's hard being so cut off from everyone." Toi (As Takasugi): "Kusaka..." Takaaki (As Kusaka): "Do you remember when we first met?" Toi (As Takasugi): "Of course I remember. I was eight then, and you were seven." Takaaki (As Kusaka): "That's right. We've been close rivals ever since we started studying at the temple together." Takaaki (As Kusaka): "That isn't going to change now, is it?" Toi (As Takasugi): "No. I'm sure we'll meet again soon." Director: "Cut. Good take." Toi: "Ugh." Ouka: "Wow, off like a switch..." Yuma: "Well, at least he isn't pretending." Takaaki: "Hmm... No, I think that means he was satisfied. It's all good." Ouka: "Is it?" Takaaki: "Yeah. He's actually pretty easy to read." Ouka: "Easy to read?" Takaaki: "Come on, now. You guys are up next. I'll keep an eye on you, so go on." Yuma: "- Okay! We're going!" Ouka: "See you later." Text: "Shokasonjuku Academy" Yuma (As Ito): "Are you an applicant as well?" Toi (As Takasugi): "What if I am?" Yuma (As Ito): "We are too! Say, my name's Risuke Ito. And this here is Kuichi Irie. We're both applying to enroll too. Right?" Ouka (As Irie): "Ah, no, I'm only requesting an audience with Yoshida-sensei." Yuma (As Ito): "Oh, don't say that. Even the brilliant and distinguished Kusaka-sensei has..." Toi (As Takasugi): "Kusaka?" Yuma (As Ito): "Do you know of him?" Toi (As Takasugi): "Irie." Ouka (As Irie): "Yes?" Toi (As Takasugi): "You know Kusaka too?" Ouka (As Irie): "Huh? Y-Yes, I do." Toi (As Takasugi): "That so? Then if you truly want to learn, why are you hesitating? What are you afraid of? I don't know what's holding you back, but throw off your chains!" Director: "Cut! Good take, Toi-san. Spot on!" Toi: "Hmph!" Takaaki: "Good job. You both looked great." Yuma: "Did we really? Thank you!" Ouka: "This isn't a joke!" Takaaki: "Wait, why are you mad at me?" Ouka: "He laughed at us." Takaaki: "Huh? You sure he wasn't chuckling because you did so well?" Ouka: "No, he wasn't. I hate to say it, but we couldn't keep up with his acting. And he saw right through that." Takaaki: "Oh well. Still, I think Toi-san respects your acting a lot more than before." Yuma: "Oh, I did feel that a little. Like he was pushing us to do even better." Takaaki: "That's right." Ouka: "Really?" Takaaki: "Don't worry. I'm sure it'll be a great show. So..." Takaaki: "Let's take care of the promos. ...and that's why I think playing Kusaka gives me a chance to really engage with the other actors." Reporter: "Thank you very much. I think we have what we need now, but there's just one last thing. The big theme for this issue is smiles. Mind if we talk a bit about that?" Takaaki: "Of course! Go right ahead. I think I'm probably something of an expert in that area." Reporter: "Of course you are, Mamiya-san! You ranked third for "best smile."" Text: "The Most Wonderful Smile Men's Category RD Takaaki Mamiya" Takaaki: "Huh?" Ouka: "Wow." Yuma: "I'm not surprised to see you made it." Takaaki: "Hold on. There's still first and second place, so I've got a long way to go. My smile needs perfecting." Takaaki: "Personally, I think Yuma has a memorable smile too." Reporter: "Definitely. Shirase-san has a very princely smile." Yuma: "Do you think so? I've never really thought about it myself, but I'm flattered to hear that." Reporter: "Kira-san? What's wrong?" Ouka: "Honestly, I don't have a lot of confidence in my smile. Are you sure you want me?" Reporter: "Sure! You're great a great fit. You actually made this list." Text: "Shiki Takamura ST Men We'd Love to See Smile Ranking ND Ouka Kira" Takaaki: "Whoa!" Ouka: "Smiles people want to see, huh?" Text: "Shiki Takamura" Yuma: "That's how much they want you. See?" Text: "Shiki Takamura" Yuma: "Your hidden smile is like a good luck charm." Ouka: "So, what, my teeth are like tea leaves?" Ouka: "Hey." Reporter: "So I hope you won't mind a few questions. First, have you laughed recently?" Takaaki: "Like right now?" Reporter: "That's true!" Takaaki: "I'm just kidding. Let me think..." Reporter: "I see. Thank you very much. Now, one final thing... Do you have any stories about when smiling meant something special to you?" Takaaki: "There must be something..." Reporter: "Oh, it doesn't have to be recent. How about an anecdote from your school years or childhood?" Text: "The Most Wonderful Smile Men's Category RD Takaaki Mamiya" Reporter: "I'm sure your fans would love that." Takaaki: "An old story..." Ouka: "Takaaki?" Takaaki: "When it comes to smiling, I guess what I remember most is how happy we all look at concerts and events when we get to meet our fans." suke: "Oh, welcome home! Hope the shoot went well." Takaaki: "Hey, Naosuke. Thanks for the warm welcome. We're back." Ouka: "Finally home. You're sure up late, though." Yuma: "Hi, Nao. Good to see you. You're still up?" suke: "Yeah. I was waiting for you, Yuma. I've got something I wanna ask you." Yuma: "Oh yeah? In that case, we'll see you guys later." Takaaki: "All right. Good night. See you tomorrow." Yuma: "Yeah. Good night." suke: "Night!" Takaaki: "Well then, I guess we should call it a night too. But before that, would you care for a snack, Ouka?" Takaaki: "We didn't have much, but dig in. Oh, I'll make tea too. Good work today, by the way." Ouka: "That interview..." Takaaki: "I knew it." Ouka: "You knew what?" Takaaki: "You want to talk about something, Ouka." Ouka: "You can tell?" Takaaki: "Of course I can. I've known you long enough for that. All right, I'm all ears." Ouka: "If you say so. During the interview today, you spaced out for a minute." Takaaki: "I did?" Ouka: "You did. When she asked for a story about smiling." Takaaki: "Ah, so you noticed. You've got a good eye, Ouka-chan." Ouka: "Don't dodge the question. Did something happen?" Takaaki: "Okay, but keep it between us. You really want to know?" Ouka: "Of course I do." Takaaki: "This was around the time I made my debut. For a while back then, I didn't have anything to smile about at all."
{ "raw_title": "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION Episode 1 – Joyous • Part One", "parsed": [ "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION", "1", "Joyous • Part One" ] }
Ruka: "Hey! Lookin' good, lookin' good!" Ruka: "It's starting to feel like a festival! I'm getting pumped!" Gaku: "Yeah, but you know, the more people who show up, the more trouble we'll have to deal with." Boy A: "Oh, Patrolman Ruka! Thanks for working so hard!" Ruka: "Yeah, right back atcha." Courtesan: "Sir Gaku, have you been avoiding me?" Gaku: "Sorry, I'm busy with work. Another time." Courtesan: "Oh, you're simply heartless. But that's what makes you so lovable." Text: "Tenbaya" Reiji: "I'm heading out. Hold down the fort, okay?" Reiji: "I see why you're the top dancer in Botan, Ayumu-kun. You sure put in the hours." Ayumu: "Of course I do. The festival's coming up. And you're going to play around all night again? Come on." Reiji: "Playing is my job, so it's okay. Don't work so hard you pass out, okay?" Ayumu: "Mind your own business." Reiji: "Hey. How's it going, you two?" Gaku: "Reiji? Did Shou ask you to come as well?" Reiji: "Well, yeah. Does that mean he asked you guys too?" Shou: "Hey." Shou: "Hello, patrolmen of Botan, the largest pleasure district in the west. Are festival preparations coming along?" Ruka: "Yeah! Right on schedule!" Reiji: "The inns are all booked up. It's bound to be a success." Shou: "That's good to hear." Gaku: "Has something happened?" Shou: "Hmm... Has it happened, or is it going to happen?" Reiji: "Huh?" Ruka: "There it is! Shou-kun's sixth sense!" Haruto: "Shou... I mean Boss! Something's happened!" Shou: "See what I mean?" Text: "Lucida • Part Two" Shou: "What a handsome young man. He clearly isn't from the city." suke: "Huh... What?" suke: "Yuma!" Haruto: "Don't move." Haruto: "I mean, if you want to, I won't stop you, but it'll be painful." Haruto: "I mean, if you like pain, go right ahead." suke: "Um..." Shou: "He's right. You shouldn't overdo it. Why don't you just relax and tell us what happened?" suke: "Uh, o-okay." suke: "Um, where should I start?" Shou: "Take your time." Haruto: "In that case, Shou, should I cancel your dinner plans?" Shou: "Ah, that's right. Please do." suke: "Shou..." suke: "Could you possibly be... Shou Onoda of House Botan?" Haruto: "How do you know his name?" suke: "Wait, does that mean this is Botan?" suke: "What should I do? Yuma still has it... Oh yeah! Where are the others?" Shou: "My... It seems you know who I am, but who might you be?" suke: "Um, thank you very much for saving me." suke: "My name is Naosuke Oyama. I've come from Kikyo. Takaaki-san asked me to deliver a document to you." Shou: "Takaaki? Ah, Taka-chan the astrologist!" All: ""Taka-chan"?" Shou: "Is he well?" suke: "Yes!" Reiji: "From Kikyo, huh? There's a district chairman there named Oyama..." Gaku: "Hmm, so he isn't lying." Haruto: "Then where's the document?" suke: "Well... my companion and I got separated..." Shou: "I see." Shou: "So this companion of yours, Yuma, has the document?" suke: "Yes! I must go look for him as soon as possible." Ruka: "You were attacked by assassins. No wonder you're so worried." Shou: "Don't worry. Finding people is our specialty. Right, guys?" Haruto: "Yeah. Just leave it all to us patrolmen." Gaku; Reiji; Ruka: "Yeah." Yuma: "Where is Nao-sama? I hope he's all right." Issa: "Just calm down. Where there's people, there's information. Coming to town here is our best option." utaba: "Considering the direction of the river, he probably washed up around here." Yuma: "I really hope so." Text: "Tenbaya " Reiji: "Yo, welcome! Huh? You guys..." utaba: "Huh? Erm, can we help you...?" Reiji: "A beautiful blond boy, a friendly-looking gentle giant, and a sinister, black-haired babe with a beauty mark!" Issa: "Huh? You trying to pick a fight?" Reiji: "Welcome to the famed pleasure district of the west, Botan!" Text: "Tenbaya " Reiji: "I'm sure we have what you're looking for!" Haruto: "Shou. About that matter..." Shou: "It sounds like they found your companion. Isn't that great?" suke: "Huh? Already?! Amazing. Thank you very m— Ouch!" Haruto: "There's no rush. Reiji-san is bringing him here now." Yuma: "Truly?! Is it really Nao-sama, though?" Reiji: "Enough already. Come see him for yourself." utaba: "Please excuse him. The boy is devoted to his master." Reiji: "Oh yeah, I heard you were attacked by assassins. Were you able to catch them?" utaba: "Well, in the confusion after Nao-kun fell in the river..." Issa: "They got away." Reiji: "If that's the case, there's a good chance they've made their way to the city too." Issa: "Yeah, very unfortunately." Reiji: "Watch your backs. This place attracts all kinds. They'll let anyone in here." Yuma: "Huh? I'm worried about Nao-sama. Let's hurry!" Reiji: "Fine, fine. Want to take a shortcut, then?" Reiji: "Oh, man. Looks like I spoke too soon." Issa: "Of course they're after..." utaba: "Yuma-kun, right?" Issa: "Damn it. Don't you ever give up?" utaba: "I won't go easy on you!" Reiji: "Watch the face, pal!" Yuma: "Th-This is bad." Reiji: "You said it." suke: "Thank you for this, um..." Ayumu: "It's Ayumu." Ayumu: "It's always important to look your best when you meet someone dear." Ayumu: "There. That's better." Ayumu: "Rock?" Issa: "Before we get surrounded, take Yuma and run!" utaba: "Okay." suke: "Yuma!" Yuma: "Nao-sama!" Warlock: "You again?" Warlock: "Get out of my way." Yuma: "Nao-sama!" Yuma: "Nao-sama!" Yuma: "Nao-sama, are you all right?" suke: "Yuma..." suke: "Yeah, I'm okay." Reiji: "Oh, whoops. Ayumu? You... What are you doing here?" Ruka: "Time for Ruka-sama's glorious entrance! Sorry for the wait!" Haruto: "Followed by Haruto-kun!" Gaku: "Hey, you left us patrolmen out of it, and now look at the mess you made." Warlock: "Damn it... We'll have to retreat." Shou: "Oh yeah? Where to?" Warlock: "Who are you?!" Shou: "You're not going anywhere." Shou: "Good work, everyone!" suke: "Yuma!" Yuma: "Nao-sama!" suke: "Wow, amazing!" Yuma: "Ayumu-san looks beautiful." Shou: "Now I understand." Shou: "Yuma, this document contains information about your past." Shou: "He read it in the stars." Yuma: "Takaaki-sama did? He read my stars?" Shou: "Shall I read it to you?" Yuma: "Please let me think about it first." Shou: "All right. Let's talk about it tomorrow." Yuma: "A long time ago, I lived out of a wagon with a troupe of traveling actors." suke: "Huh?" Yuma: "My father and mother died in an epidemic when I was young, and the troupe took me in. They were all such good people. Life was a joy." Yuma: "Until that day..." Assassin: "Find the blond brat!" Assassin: "There you are." Assassin: "You brat!" Assassin: "End of the line!" Warrior: "Don't worry. You're safe now." Yuma (Kid): "I survived!" Yuma (Kid): "But if I stay, everyone will..." Yuma: "You found and rescued me right after that happened." suke: "They've been after you for that long? That must have been terrible, Yuma." Yuma: "Nao-sama..." Yuma: "But now I'm afraid to learn the truth. There's a chance I'll find out that I'm not fit to be by your side." suke: "That'll never happen!" Yuma: "But... Issa-san's reading said that I bring misfortune." suke: "Astrology isn't infallible! No matter where you're from, you're still you! You're my best friend and brother!" suke: "I've stood by you, Yuma Shirase, all this time. I promise I'll never abandon you, no matter what it says!" Yuma: "Nao-sama... Thank you so much." Shou: "Hey. Did you sleep well last night?" Yuma: "Yes. I think I'm ready now." Shou: "Then I'll tell you. When Takaaki read your stars, he saw an image of a flower with a horse that was white." Yuma: "A flower and horse that's white?" suke: "Yuma, could that be..." Yuma: "A horse and a flower... White Horse Merchandise?" Ruka: "Like, the famous White Horse clan?" Reiji: "The White Horse clan of Geppaku, eh? Originally, they were peddlers who traveled from country to country." Ayumu: "Right. But now they're a distinguished house with a mansion in the capital of Geppaku." Yuma: "But what connection could I possibly have to White Horse Merchandise?" suke: "Now that I think about it, could this have something to do with what happened before?" Shou: "What happened before?" Yuma: "Yes. Actually..." Shou: "I see. Back in Kikyo..." Shou: "That might be when they realized who you are, Yuma." Yuma: "Huh?" Haruto: "Botan gets information from all around the continent. In truth, we heard long ago that the elder of the White Horse clan," Haruto: "Ro Hakuba, was searching for his long-lost grandson." suke: "Huh? Do you mean his grandson is..." Shou: "Yes. It's probably Yuma." Yuma: "Me? But how could I be?" Shou: "We have one other reason to think so. We made the assassins talk, and they told us something crucial—" Shou: "who's behind these attempts on your life." Yuma: "What? Who is it?" Shou: "Shumei Hakuba, your father's younger brother." Yuma: "My father's brother? Then..." Shou: "That would make him your uncle." Shou: "It seems he was able to identify you and sent the assassins after you. Your injured eye was the proof they needed." Yuma: "My injured eye? Don't tell me they're who attacked me back then..." Reiji: "So we've got a blood feud on our hands. He must be after the White Horse clan's fortune." Yuma: "That's it? It was all for that?" Yuma: "And not only me... They went after the people around me, too." Yuma: "How could they?" Shou: "So, Yuma, what are you going to do now?" Yuma: "I want to face my uncle and ask him directly. I need to know the truth. If I don't, then I'll never be able to move on." Shou: "Very well. But first, I have one thing to ask." Shou: "Are you prepared to take center stage?" Yuma: "Nao-sama." Yuma: "All right. I'll take the stage." Shou: "Good. In that case, let's go all out. For the honor of Botan, Flower of the West, we'll prepare a once-in-a-lifetime production that shall not be forgotten!" Yuma: "A once-in-a-lifetime production?" Shou: "Don't worry. Just leave everything to us. Haruto, would you run an errand for me?" Haruto: "Yes, sir!" Shumei: "Why did Father suddenly decide to come to Botan?" Shumei: "Does he know something? No, there's no way he has proof..." Ruka: "Hello, everyone! May I have your attention? Thanks for waiting! The main event of this year's Botan Festival is about to begin!" Yuma: "Y-You didn't say anything about an audience!" Shou: "Oh, dear. The audience is what makes it all work. If people are watching, your enemy can't make any reckless moves." Yuma: "But turning it into a festival performance... Is this really okay?" Reiji: "Sure it is. Botan is a city of fun and entertainment, where everything gets turned into an attraction or a show." Reiji: "Everyone here is used to it." Ayumu: "I know how you feel, but that's just how things are here." Yuma: "What...?" suke: "Yuma, break a leg!" Yuma: "Nao-sama... A-All right. Here I go!" Ruka: "Our first guest of the evening is this gentleman!" Yuma: "I'm Yuma Shirase. I'm here today to meet my grandfather." Ruka: "Yuma-kun here is the long-lost grandson of Ro Hakuba, the head of the one and only White Horse Merchandise!" Ruka: "After years apart, they'll finally be reunited! But first, allow me to introduce a surprise guest!" Shumei: "Huh? What?" Ruka: "Hello there, Yuma-kun's uncle!" Ruka: "How does it feel to see your long-lost nephew again?" Yuma: "You are my uncle, aren't you?" Shumei: "Oh! Yes, I am! I wanted to see you, my darling nephew!" Audience Member: "What corny acting! Get off the stage, stooge!" Shumei: "Why, how dare you?!" Yuma: "I wanted to see you again too." Yuma: "Please tell me this." Yuma: "Are you truly the one who has, time and again, tried to take my life?" Shumei: "Wh-What? That's ridiculous! Wh-Where's your proof? Show me the proof!" Haruto: "Here's the proof you ordered!" Shumei: "Th-They can't have... Oh no!" Yuma: "How could you?" Shumei: "Shut up, shut up! Everyone's always making a mockery of me! "Your brother is better!" "Be more like your brother!" I was always compared to him!" Shumei: "And then one day he ran off with some floozy of a traveling actress! The world should have been my oyster, but Father kept going on about "Shuei this, Shuei that!" This was supposed to be my time!" Yuma: "You poor, pathetic man. You were blessed with so much in life, but instead of being grateful, instead of being the best person you can, you do nothing but whine like a child, "Give me this! Give me that!"" Shumei: "Why, you dirty little brat!" Ro: "Imbecile!" Shumei: "F-Father?!" Ro: "What have you gone and done?" Shumei: "N-No, wait! I haven't done anything. I was set up!" Ro: "It's too late for that. You're a disgrace!" Yuma: "Are you... my grandfather?" Ro: "And you must be Yuma. You look just like your father, Shuei. I'm relieved that you survived. Yuma, I can't apologize enough about Shumei." Ro: "Please forgive me." Yuma: "Please! You don't need to bow to me!" Ro: "It's partly my fault that he turned out this way. Back then, if I had allowed your father and mother to marry, this probably never would have happened to you." Yuma: "Grandfather, I have never been unfortunate in life." Yuma: "My father, mother, and the actors in the troupe were all kind to me. I did lose everything once," Yuma: "but thanks to that, I met Nao-sama and the wonderful people of the Oyama clan." suke: "It's true! Yuma's like a brother to me. My parents even treat him like a son." Ro: "Oh, how can I ever thank you and the Oyama family enough, young man?" suke: "You needn't! Yuma has always been a great help. Truly, he's a brother and best friend to me." Ro: "Is that right?" Ro: "However, as his grandfather, I wish he would let me look after him too. I want to make up for everything I couldn't do for him in the past." Yuma: "Actually, about that..." Yuma: "Um, am I really supposed to become the head of the family?" Ro: "What?" Yuma: "I'm still very inexperienced." Yuma: "I know nothing about the world." Yuma: "I don't even know what I want to do in life." Yuma: "That's why, well..." Yuma: "In order to broaden my horizons, I want to travel the continent. Together. With Nao." Yuma: "And during my travels, I'll think carefully about my future." Ro: "Very well. Yes. It is good to broaden one's horizons." Yuma: "But I will return someday, Grandfather." suke: "Okay, let's go on a journey!" Yuma: "Botan sure was an interesting country. I'm even more excited to see the rest of the world now. But I never thought you guys would be joining us." Takaaki: "Well, I wanted to show Ouka-chan the outside world." Ouka: "You just wanted to skip work. It was perfect timing, so I went ahead and accepted a diplomatic job for you." Takaaki: "Huh?! Ouka-san, why do you have to be so darn virtuous?" Issa: "Tough luck! Gotta work, work, work. But Takaaki, this time we get good food and lodging, right?" utaba: "I kind of doubt that." Issa: "Huh? Again, seriously? I'm so sick of camping." suke: "All right, where should we go first?" Yuma: "I'll go anywhere, as long as it's with you, Nao!"
{ "raw_title": "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION Episode 10 – Lucida • Part Two", "parsed": [ "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION", "10", "Lucida • Part Two" ] }
Gaku (Kid): "Wow, is elementary school that much fun?" Ruka (Kid): "Yeah! You and Yuya should come too!" Eita (Kid): "They can't until next year." Gaku (Kid): "I can't wait to go!" Yuya (Kid): "I want one of those school backpacks!" Ruka (Kid): "They're so cool, right? Oh, yeah! We even got homework today." Eita (Kid): "To write about what we want to be when we grow up." Ruka (Kid): "Yeah. I wanna be a super cool hero! I'll transform in a flash and turn into a really strong magician and a cook that can make anything!" Gaku (Kid): "Wow!" Yuya (Kid): "That's awesome! What about you, Eita?" Eita (Kid): "I think I'll be a businessman. Like my dad." Yuya (Kid): "Me? I'm gonna be a space policeman!" Ruka (Kid): "What about you, Gaku-kun? What do you want to be when you grow up?" Gaku (Kid): "Huh?" Gaku (Kid): "Um... I don't know yet." Gaku (Kid): "I wanna watch you become a superhero so I can say you're awesome!" Ruka (Kid): "Huh? That's not the same thing. But I like it!" Gaku (Kid): "I knew you would!" Text: "Rival • Part One" : "Sing of the Moon, Dance in the Flowers. The otherworldly Japanese fantasy series, Tsukihana Kagura, is putting on a new stage show!" Text: "Sing of the Moon, Dance in the Flowers Tsukihana Kagura" : "Advance tickets are on sale now!" Gaku & Ruka: "Hello, everyone!" Text: "Sing of the Moon, Dance in the Flowers Tsukihana Kagura " Ruka: "I'm Ruka Nadumi." Gaku: "And I'm Gaku Oguro." Ruka: "The curtain is about to open on the Botan chapter of Tsukihana Kagura!" Gaku: "We're reprising our roles as members of the Botan crew that was introduced in the Kikyo chapter. This one is about our backgrounds and how we first met." Ruka: "You'll learn how that happened and what went down before we became sworn brothers. You'll want to see it with your own eyes! Especially because Gaku-kun and I are starring in it! The show is full of dance scenes and lives up to the Tsukihana Kagura name. We know you're going to love it!" Gaku: "It's a big responsibility to be the stars this time. Honestly, I'm a little nervous, but with Ru and everyone's help, I'll do my best to bring you all a wonderful show." Ruka: "And I'll do my best to surprise you and take your breath away! We're bringing dance and action and all sorts of stuff to the stage! It's gonna be great!" Gaku & Ruka: "We'll see you at the theater!" Text: "Sing of the Moon, Dance in the Flowers Tsukihana Kagura" Yuya: "Wow! Gaku and Ruka are costarring?!" Eita: "There's no way I'd miss our old pals' show!" Yuya: "It sounds like they're here. The door's open!" Gaku: "Hi, guys!" Ruka: "It's been so long, Yuya-kun, Eita-kun!" Eita: "Hey, guys!" Yuya: "Come on in! Don't be strangers. Not that I think you would." Ruka: "Yeah, already got my shoes off." Gaku: "Thanks for having us!" Ruka: "Here's the book I borrowed, Eita-kun." Ruka: "Just like you said, it was really good!" Eita: "I know, right?" Eita: "Here. This is the spin-off." Ruka: "Thanks!" Gaku: "Say, you sure keep this place clean." Yuya: "I finally put everything away after moving." Ruka: "So this is your new pad, Yuya-kun?" Ruka: "It's my first time here, but it feels so familiar!" Gaku: "Yeah, I remember the layout." Eita: "I thought the same thing. I never imagined any of us would return to this apartment complex." Yuya: "When I was apartment hunting, the guy said, "I know a place that has everything you want." And this was it! I said yes on the spot." Ruka: "You made the right choice! I'm so happy the four of us can party where we first met." Gaku: "We'll be up all night talking about old times!" Yuya: "I know! So I wanted to invite you over before the place got messy." Eita: "You're planning to make a mess?" Gaku: "Okay, I'll get the food going so we can hurry up and make a toast." Eita: "Ooh! Izakaya Gaku-kun, open for business!" Yuya: "I've been waiting for this! My kitchen will be happy to be used for once." Gaku: "Before I get started, any requests?" Yuya: "Hamburg steak!" Ruka & Eita: "Croquettes!" Gaku: "Got it. The usual it is." Yuya: "All right. In honor of us old pals hanging out again!" Ruka: "To everlasting friendship!" Gaku; Ruka; Yuya; Eita: "Cheers!" Eita: "Man, it really has been too long. We last met up a year ago, right?" Gaku: "Yeah. The timing didn't work out for a New Year's party, and then Yuya was busy getting ready to move." Ruka: "Before that, we were doing this, like, every month." Yuya: "With you two in ROCK DOWN, of course it's hard to find time. You're killing it. You're super popular!" Ruka: "Thanks, man! They sure do keep us busy." Gaku: "Not to brag, but I feel pretty lucky. And we've got VAZZROCK Live coming up, so we're about as busy as it gets now." Eita: "You've hit real stardom." Yuya: "Yeah. It's insane! For you, Ruka, it's like your childhood dream came true." Eita: "Ah, that's right! A super something hero?" Ruka: "A super cool hero!" Eita: "Yeah, yeah, that was it!" Gaku: "You said you'd transform into a really strong magician and cook!" Ruka: "I later added Olympic athlete and pro fisherman too!" Eita: "That's way too much!" Yuya: "It was such a wild dream, but then you became a 2.5D actor and really made it all happen on stage. I guess that's one way to do it!" Ruka: "And it's all so fun. The 2.5D productions let you try out all sorts of characters. Nothing beats it!" Eita: "So you scored the ideal job, huh?" Yuya: "Yeah, he totally earned it. But I never thought Gaku would make it this far too." Gaku: "Huh?" Eita: "Me either. I mean, remember your debut?" Gaku: "Yeah." Yuya: "You asked Ruka to take you on set so you could try acting as an extra, but then he begged the director and got you a spot as a regular." Ruka: "That shoot was so much fun!" Ruka: "Director, didn't you say you wanted to give the scene impact? Why don't you just give him a chance? I mean, I totally vouch for him!" Director: "But he doesn't have any experience, does he?" Ruka: "Gaku-kun! He said okay!" Gaku: "I just wanted to try something different. You didn't need to beg him to put me in." Ruka: "No, no, no!" Ruka: "I want to act together with you, Gaku-kun! So, about the role..." Gaku: "Yeah. You get into a brawl, right? When the lead hoodlums start fighting, I run into the school building." Gaku: "How fast should I run?" Ruka: "Oh, scrap that." Gaku: "Huh?" Ruka: "Forget all about it. Change of plans." Gaku: "Forget it? What do you mean?" Ruka: "You and me are gonna fight!" Gaku: "You mean I'm part of the brawl now?" Ruka: "Bingo! I knew you'd catch on, Gaku-kun. You and I play students from rival schools. We'll be right behind the leads during the fight." Ruka: "Like, right over there. So now we just have to keep brawling until he yells "cut."" Gaku: "Dude, was this your plan all along?" Ruka: "You could tell?" Gaku: "I was wondering why I got a different costume than the other extras." Ruka: "And you look great in it!" Ruka: "Ow! Gaku-kun, don't flick me so hard!" Gaku: "I was holding back. A hoodlum, huh? Jeez... If I do this, I'm gonna do it right." Gaku: "You'd better not wimp out, Ru. Give it all you got." Ruka: "Okay!" Ruka: "And voila! We nailed it on the first take!" Yuya: "Every time I hear that story, it sounds like a manga." Eita: "I remember thinking, "Man, Gaku's such a good actor!" But knowing how it all went down, I never expected he'd go this far." Gaku: "I didn't either. But I still find ways to keep it fun. It's actually very satisfying work." Yuya: "And you've made it to where you can say that. That's just like you, Gaku." Gaku: "You think so?" Yuya: "For sure. You've always been kind of special, Gaku. You have a strong personality, but you never swim against the current. Or, I mean, you're willing to go with the flow." Ruka & Eita: "Yeah, yeah." Yuya: "But then, wherever you wash up, you make it your own, you know?" Eita: "Oh, totally. And after doing that over and over, he's gained all kinds of skills and experiences." Yuya: "Yeah, that's what I mean! He's a real talented guy." Gaku: "Hmm..." Ruka: "I hear you! Even with tons of people around, Gaku-kun's always like, "Here's what's up." He always figures it out." Ruka: "He shines a special light on things, I guess." Ruka: "But it's always just the right light. He doesn't try to blind anyone else." Ruka: "Not a lot of people can pull that off." Gaku: "I don't really get what you mean." Yuya: "Well, you made it this far without noticing." Eita: "Still broadening your horizons, too. First TV shows, then movies, then music with ROCK DOWN, and all that. And now you're the star of a play!" Yuya: "Yeah, that's right! You're both costarring this time, right?" Gaku: "Yeah." Ruka: "It's so cool that you knew! We'll introduce you to everyone, so come see it!" Yuya: "Yeah, I'll totally go!" Eita: "Me too! I can't wait to see you as rivals!" Ruka: "Huh?" Yuya: "Idiot! Costarring doesn't mean they're rivals. It means they're both lead actors." Eita: "But doesn't that make them rivals? Like, fighting over who's the best lead." Yuya: "Oh." Ruka: "Rivals? Huh... I guess you could think about costarring that way." Yuya: "How's it feel to be Ruka's rival or whatever?" Gaku: "What are you talking about? I don't see it like that." Ruka: "Huh?" Gaku: "Anyway, I just gotta do the best I can to try and keep up with Ru." Yuya: "Yeah, I get that. He's got more stage experience, after all." Ruka: "Th-That doesn't mean anything. Don't worry about keeping up. Just shine like you always do, Gaku-kun!" Gaku: "Okay, sure." Actor 1: "Outta my way!" Ruka: "I don't think so. If you want to fight, you'll have to go through me first!" Actor 1: "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Ruka: "Had enough yet?" Ruka: "I'll take on anyone in Botan who wants to fight!" Actor 3: "Man, he sure can move fast." Director: "You're next, youngsters. Get ready!" Gaku; Actor 2; Actor 3: "Okay!" Gaku: "You're putting me in a real tough spot here." Actor 2: "Shut up!" Gaku: "Hyah!" Director: "Stop!" Actor 1: "What a cool finish with a high kick!" Ruka: "Wow..." Ruka: "I still can't do it like Gaku-kun. If only I was built more like him, I'd look good for the camera and could do more stuff." Ruka: "I wish." Gaku: "Good work, Ru!" Ruka: "Oh, right back at you." Ruka: "I was watching earlier. Your stage fighting really is awesome, Gaku-kun." Gaku: "Yeah?" Ruka: "Yeah! I don't have nearly that much power." Ruka: "I'm jealous, but you're so cool! You showed me that I gotta work at it more." Gaku: "I think your fighting's already solid, Ru. You looked great!" Ruka: "Gaku-kun, you always just compliment me." Gaku: "Huh?" Ruka: "Ah, sorry. That didn't come out right." Gaku: "Oh, that's okay. Did I do something wrong?" Ruka: "Nah, you're just being yourself. It only just hit me that this is normal for you, I guess." Gaku: "The heck do you mean?" Ruka: "Yeah, I know, right? I do, but..." Ruka: "I don't know how to say it!" Gaku: "Ru?" Text: "The cake's expiration date is tomorrow. -Ayumu STAGE REHEARSAL! Gaku Ayumu Magazine shoot Should be home by 2:00 10:00~ recording 1:00~ shoot 8:00 home Haruto Kujikawa Cheers! Shou ~6:00 Studio A November 14" Ruka: "I'm back, sweet home of mine!" Gaku: "We're home!" Gaku: "Ru, you wanna eat together again? What do you feel like?" Ruka: "Uh, I think I'll pass tonight." Gaku: "Huh?" Ruka: "I love your cooking, Gaku-kun, but I kinda feel like eating alone tonight." Gaku: "I-Is that so?" Ruka: "Sorry! Thanks for the invite. I'll catch you later." Gaku: "Yeah, see you later." Ruka: "H-Hey, how's it going?" Shou: "Good to see you too, Ruka." Haruto: "Catch you later." Shou: "Welcome home, Gaku." Gaku: "Thanks." Shou: "We caught the end of that. Did something happen?" Haruto: "It's unusual for Ruka-san to turn you down like that." Gaku: "Yeah, you're telling me." Haruto: "Are you fighting?" Gaku: "Er, we aren't fighting, but things are a little awkward right now." Gaku: "Have you guys had dinner? If you want, I'll make something. Hungry?" Shou & Haruto: "Yes, thank you, sir!" Gaku: "Well, that was quick." Gaku: "What are you talking about? I don't see it like that." Gaku: "I think your fighting's already solid, Ru. You looked great!" Ruka: "Gaku-kun's always gonna be the coolest rival I have nearby." Ruka: "But he never really wants to face off. Or is he trying to dodge me? Why can't he at least notice how I feel?" Ruka: "Yes, who is it? Ruka-kun is preoccupied with some well-deserved gloom at the moment. Oh!" Ruka: "Hello, Eita-kun? Long time no cheers!" Eita: "Long time no cheers. Can you talk?" Ruka: "Yeah, I'm free. I was just chilling in my room." Eita: "Oh, good. So, hey, you know the book I lent you when we were drinking?" Ruka: "Yeah. I'm not far into it yet, but I did start it." Eita: "Was there a picture stuck inside?" Ruka: "Oh? I'm not sure. Just a sec." Ruka: "Hey, I found one. Oops." Ruka: "Wow, this brings back memories!" Text: "Nadumi Oguro" Eita: "So it was in there!" Text: "Eita In call" Eita: "I was looking at it while reading, so I thought it might be." Ruka: "But what's it doing in your book? You're not even in the picture, Eita-kun." Eita: "Hmm, I have no clue." Eita: "A while ago, I was searching through childhood photos to use for a profile pic. Must've happened then." Ruka: "That's gotta be it. But this sure takes me back. Gaku-kun and Yuya-kun were a year behind, but we got to compete together because we were all in class 3." Eita: "I remember when you and Gaku got picked for the class relay race." Ruka: "Uh-huh, that's right!" Vazzcats: "Meow!" Ruka (Kid): "I think Gaku-kun should be the anchor." Gaku (Kid): "Huh? Not you, Ru?" Ruka (Kid): "Yeah. I'll run second to last. The leg before the anchor is gonna be a crazy close race," Ruka (Kid): "but I'll shake them off and get ahead." Ruka (Kid): "And you're about as fast as me, so if I pass to you, I know we'll take first place!" Gaku (Kid): "So that's the plan." Ruka (Kid): "Yeah. What do you think?" 1St-4Th Graders: "Let's do it!" Ruka (Kid): "Then it's settled. Be sure to win at the end, Gaku-kun!" Gaku (Kid): "All right. I'll finish first with the baton you give me!" Kids In Background: "Go for it! Hurry up! Run!" 2Nd Grader: "Ruka-kun's so fast! Go!" Ruka (Kid): "Damn it!" Gaku (Kid): "Ru!" Ruka (Kid): "Gaku-kun!" Gaku (Kid): "I got this!" 3Rd Grader: "They're in the last corner!" Ruka (Kid): "Go for it, Gaku-kun!" Ruka: "At the time, Gaku-kun and everyone praised me for catching up and not giving up, but I thought Gaku-kun was the awesome one." Eita: "Huh." Ruka: "I was sprinting hard, but he matched me for the pass. You could see how determined he was to win in that last stretch!" Eita: "Yeah." Ruka: "Most of all, when I passed him the baton, I was so relieved!" Text: "Nadumi Oguro" Ruka: "Whenever Gaku-kun says he'll do something, he makes it happen!" Eita: "For sure." Ruka: "I wonder where he gets that power from." Ruka: "I've got my dreams, but Gaku-kun has..." Gaku (Kid): "I wanna watch you become a superhero so I can say you're awesome!" Gaku (Kid): "All right. I'll finish first with the baton you give me!" Gaku: "Anyway, I just gotta do the best I can to try and keep up with Ru." Ruka: "I get it now." Text: "Eita In call" Eita: "Hmm?" Ruka: "It's me." Eita: "Huh? What is?" Ruka: "The reason Gaku-kun is so awesome!" Eita: "Huh?" Ruka: "I mean... it's me!" Eita: "Huh?" Ruka: "It's me. Or, I mean, the time we're together. That's what Gaku-kun is focused on. I put all my energy into flying straight toward my dreams, and Gaku-kun puts that same kind of energy into the current moment." Eita: "Ah, so that's what you meant. Gaku really does shine when he's with you." Ruka: "Right? Maybe it was fate that brought us together, but Gaku lives for the now, and I live for the future! We look at different things, but we're facing the same way! Because the future always follows the present." Eita: "The present and future, huh? You guys sound like a good match." Ruka: "Right?" Ruka: "That must be why it never feels like we're competing." Ruka: "What a relief! Now I'll be able to put all my energy into the play." Text: "Nadumi Oguro 11/27 Costume fitting ~11/29 Stage rehearsal 12/1 Dress rehearsal 12/2~12/18 Theater performances 12/18 Join the VAZZROCK Live rehearsal 12/27 Venue rehearsal 12/28 VAZZROCK Live Concert" Gaku: "Good." Gaku: "Ru?" Ruka: "Morning, Gaku-kun!" Gaku: "Morning, Ru. You're sure in a good mood." Ruka: "Heh heh heh. Now that I figured it all out, I'm not scared of anything!" Ruka: "I'll be the best costar I can!" Gaku: "I'm not sure what happened, but great." Gaku: "That's the Ru I know!"
{ "raw_title": "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION Episode 11 – Rival • Part One", "parsed": [ "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION", "11", "Rival • Part One" ] }
Actor 2: "Even the way his yukata flows is beautiful. It'll be amazing to see this in full costume." Actor 1: "Tsukihana Kagura really is all about the dance. It brings the costumes to life. Of course, Ruka's performance adds to it." Actor 2: "Man, it's going to be hard to match that." Gaku: "Yeah." Gaku: "I'm gonna have to work extra hard too." Text: "Rival • Part Two" Choreographer: "That's it. Keep your back straight." Choreographer: "Be careful not to lean back." Gaku: "Ouch... This part is tough." Choreographer: "You've got the moves down. Now you just need to limber up some." Gaku: "Limber up some, huh?" Gaku: "That'll be hard since I'm so stiff." Actors: "Oh!" Actor 1: "Is that your dance from the last scene? You've already perfected it!" Ruka: "Heck yeah! Thanks." Gaku: "I'm really impressed, Ru." Gaku: "When did you get so good at dancing?" Ruka: "A few shows back, I did classical Japanese dance on stage, so probably then." Gaku: "Oh, that's right. That one had a lot of dance scenes too." Actor 1: "Wow, I didn't realize you'd done roles like that, Ruka." Ruka: "Yeah. The Japanese dance instructor really put me through the wringer. He was terrifying!" Ruka: "I still had fun, though. I've studied with a lot of teachers before, but he's in the top three." Actor 2: "You mean teachers you worked with for stage rehearsals, right?" Ruka: "Yeah. All 2.5D productions are set in anime and manga worlds, so I usually have to play characters who have unique quirks and skills." Gaku: "Didn't you once learn rakugo so you could play a rakugo storyteller? I remember hearing you practicing in your room. That sure surprised me!" Gaku: "And you were good at it, too." Actor 1: "I can't picture that at all." Actor 2: "What else have you picked up?" Ruka: "Hmm... Equestrian, ice skating, parkour, and the koto! Also..." Gaku: "Speaking of, didn't you also learn to play sax while you were doing parkour?" Ruka: "Sure did! I was practicing it on a break once," Ruka: "and the other actors whipped out instruments to form an impromptu band." Ruka: "We still pass down the legendary tale!" Actor 2: "Do you try to pick up the skills of every character you play, Ruka-san?" Gaku: "He sure does. And he really tries to perfect them. You should hear the audience react when he uses them on stage." Actor 1 & 2: "He's a prodigy!" Ruka: "Isn't it great that we get to learn all this new stuff?" Gaku: "Well, for you, yeah. But most people can't master everything as easily as you do, Ru." Ruka: "You really think so?" Actor 1 & 2: "Mm-hmm." Ruka: "But it's tons of fun. With every new skill, I feel more like I can transform into that character." Ruka: "It's kinda like grinding experience to get a transformation belt! Or something." Gaku: "So your dream to transform has come true. You see why this is your ideal job?" Gaku: "That's why this isn't just work to him. He actually really enjoys it. That makes the audience get into it too." Actor 1: "Whoa..." Actor 2: "Incredible." Gaku: "It truly is incredible." Ruka: "It's almost time for sword practice. We'd better go get warmed up!" Gaku: "Yeah." Actor 1: "Hey, did you hear how much Gaku was praising Ruka?" Actor 2: "Yeah." Ruka: "Gaku-kun is such a cool fighter!" Actor 1: "Gaku's got some moves too... From where I stand, they're both great." Actor 2: "I couldn't agree more." Ruka: "Good job today, Gaku-kun." Gaku: "You too." Ruka: "I'm ready to get going." Gaku: "Ah, about that..." Gaku: "I've gotta hit the office for something. Go on home without me." Ruka: "Oh, really? Well, I'll go with you." Gaku: "Nah, it isn't a big deal. I'd rather go alone." Ruka: "I mean, you sure? Then I guess we aren't eating together..." Gaku: "Sorry, I hope that's okay." Gaku: "See you." Ruka: "Sure." Ruka: "See you later." Gaku: "Now then..." Gaku: "Back to work." Ruka: "Gaku-kun seemed kinda strange today. Is it my fault?" Reiji: "Oh, Ruka. You just get back?" Reiji & Ayumu: "Welcome home." Koduki: "Welcome home." Ruka: "Welcome home, guys. How are the VAZZROCK Live rehearsals?" Reiji: "We're really starting to get somewhere!" Ayumu: "There are a few overall changes we need to make. I'll send you all the details later." Ruka: "Great! Thanks as always." Koduki: "You and Gaku-kun came home together, right? Is he in his room?" Ruka: "No, he had other plans today. He isn't back yet." Koduki: "Oh, really? I came to deliver the materials he asked for." Ruka: "Want me to give them to him, then?" Koduki: "You don't mind? Thanks so much." Ayumu: "You were on set together but left separately? I guess it happens." Ruka: "He said he had something to do at the office." Koduki: "Huh?" Reiji: "But when he does, don't you always go with him?" Ruka: "He said it wasn't a big deal and went alone." Reiji: "Hmm." Koduki: "That's odd." Ayumu: "What is?" Koduki: "Oh, well... He told me he couldn't get to the office for a while because of rehearsals. That's why I brought the materials here." Ruka: "Huh?" Koduki: "If he was coming, why didn't he—" Koduki: "We must have just missed each other! I'm headed back there anyway, so I'll get in touch with him. I'll be off now!" Reiji: "Nice job." Ayumu: "Take care." Ruka: "S-See you later!" Ruka: "Huh? Was Gaku-kun lying about going to the office?" Reiji: "Nah, I'm sure he just forgot to mention it." Ayumu: "But still, maybe..." Ayumu: "Ruka, has Gaku been avoiding you?" Ruka: "I knew it!" Reiji: "Oh, come on! Why can't you take a hint?" Ayumu: "It's better to be open about these things. It'd be worse if he figured it out later." Ruka: "Oh no! It's because I was acting so frustrated and awkward!" Ayumu: "Frustrated?" Reiji: "Awkward?" Ayumu: "Mind telling us the whole story?" Ruka: "All right." Reiji: "So, to summarize... your childhood friend said that costars are like rivals, so you decided to treat Gaku like a rival for the play." Ruka: "Yeah." Ayumu: "But Gaku wouldn't compete with you like that, which frustrated you and things grew awkward between you two." Ruka: "Yeah..." Ayumu: "I don't get what happened." Ruka: "I wanted him to come straight out and challenge me! "You'll never beat me! Just watch, punk!" Like that!" Reiji: "Why would you expect Gaku to act that way? It's so out of character." Ruka: "I know, but still! I tried to push him... But not anymore!" Ayumu: "You said you overcame your frustration?" Ruka: "Yeah. Gaku-kun and I have different ways of doing things," Ruka: "but I realized we're still always facing the same direction!" Ruka: "Except Gaku-kun started avoiding me when I was acting weird..." Ruka: "And now here we are." Reiji: "So just tell Gaku what you told us now." Ruka: "You think?" Ayumu: "Yeah. To clear up the confusion." Ruka: "Yeah, you're right... I'll try that!" Ayumu: "When things get awkward, get ramen!" Ruka & Reiji: "Huh?" Ayumu: "It'll bring you closer together." Reiji: "Ah, well, I guess. He'll probably come back hungry, so maybe you can talk it out over a bowl of ramen or something." Reiji: "Gaku might have something on his mind too." Ruka: "All right." Ruka: "Ramen it is! I'll make some." Gaku: "Phew. Hmm? That smells like..." Ruka: "Welcome home, Gaku-kun." Ruka: "Ta-da!" Gaku: "It's been ages since I had your signature stir-fry-everything-and-toss-it-in ramen." Ruka: "I haven't made it in a while. You hungry?" Gaku: "Yeah." Ruka: "Then come and take a seat, sir." Gaku & Ruka: "Let's dig in!" Gaku: "Delicious!" Ruka: "Oh, good. Today's secret ingredient is dried scallop." Gaku: "Yeah. It makes a great soup." Ruka: "Gaku-kun, I'm sorry." Gaku: "Hmm?" Ruka: "It's my fault that you're avoiding me, isn't it?" Gaku: "Huh?" Ruka: "Because I got so frustrated when you wouldn't act like my rival." Ruka: "But I'm over it now and back to normal! I won't be a downer anymore! So please come home and eat dinner with me like you always used to!" Gaku: "H-Hey, hold on, Ru! That isn't it." Ruka: "What isn't?" Gaku: "Well, I guess I have a few things to explain. But first, what's this about me not being your rival? What are you talking about?" Ruka: "I mean, you always compliment whatever I do, but you never try to challenge me." Gaku: "That isn't true at all." Ruka: "Oh, yes, it is!" Gaku: "It might seem that way to you," Gaku: "but ever since the start of rehearsals, I've totally been trying to compete with you." Ruka: "What?!" Gaku: "Why are you so surprised? You eclipsed me in the dance scene. How could I not care about that?" Ruka: "I didn't even notice." Gaku: "That's why today, I..." Gaku: "I'll say it because I think you already know." Gaku: "I lied about heading to the office. I was practicing the whole time." Ruka: "Is that what you were up to?" Gaku: "Yeah. Since we're costars, I didn't want to tell you I was rehearsing by myself." Gaku: "I'm sorry." Ruka: "No, there's no reason for you to apologize!" Ruka: "I see... So that's what it was." Gaku: "And on top of that, this dish has always rivaled my own "Izakaya Gaku" menu." Ruka: "Huh?" Gaku: "You just throw things together, but it still turns out delicious. I've always been so jealous." Ruka: "Even though your cooking is so much better?" Gaku: "I learned to cook by trial and error, but you always cook from the heart and still come up with genius recipes. That's what I mean." Gaku: "Get it? I do see you as a rival." Ruka: "Yeah. I've discovered my secret rival!" Gaku: "I never meant to tell you that, though." Ruka: "It's all thanks to the power of ramen." Gaku: "Yeah, maybe so." Ruka: "Okay, okay. It all makes sense now. You and I really are the same, Gaku-kun." Gaku: "Hmm?" Ruka: "Actually, I..." Gaku: "Now I get it. I'm the present and you're the future, right? I think that's about the size of it." Ruka: "Right? And you know what I think? Since you live in the moment, you tend to be really hard on your current self." Gaku: "Oh?" Ruka: "Instead of thinking long term, you try to finish things right away and overwork yourself." Gaku: "Maybe so. Even with things I should take my time on, I don't feel right unless I can wrap it all up in a day's work. I do that all the time." Ruka: "You're dang right. So what's happening here is that you're seeing your "rival" dance, and it's stirring a competitive urge that you're desperate to shake, right?" Gaku: "I really hate it when you make that face." Ruka: "Don't worry, Gaku-kun." Ruka: "You've gotten this far by always finishing your day's work, even when it's hard. You'll get your dancing to where you want it, too." Gaku: "I feel like my enemy is showing me mercy." Ruka: "Rivals are also your most dependable allies, you know?" Gaku: "Ain't that the truth." Ruka: "So, anyway..." Ruka: "I suggest we practice together instead of alone!" Gaku: "That figures." Ruka: "We'll push each other, help each other," Ruka: "and turn this into the best show ever!" Gaku: "Yeah. I'm sure we will." Yuya: "They said they're rehearsing right now." Eita: "Should I message to ask if they need anything?" Yuya: "Yeah, good idea." Yuya: "It's so crazy. They said they had today off, but they're still practicing this late?" Yuya: "They sure are working hard." Eita: "No kidding. They've always been like that." Eita: "Always challenging each other, giving it all they've got, and getting the best results." Yuya: "Yeah, they always made a great team." Text: "Nadumi Oguro" Ruka: "That one was great!" Gaku: "Yeah, I finally feel like we got through the whole thing okay. Just in time, too." Ruka: "Maybe so, but we sure cleaned house today!" Gaku: "We sure did." Ruka: "The show opens tomorrow. Let's do this thing!" Gaku: "Yeah! We've got this!" Eita: "I'm starting to get nervous." Yuya: "Why are you getting nervous?" Ruka: "So, you're all that's left now." Actor 1: "We can't do this! He's too tough! Let's go!" Ruka: "Halt!" Gaku: "You there." Gaku: "The road ahead is dangerous. I wouldn't risk it." Ruka: "Huh? There's only one person in this world who can stop me, and that's me." Gaku: "Dear me. He's the skilled fighter from the other side that I've heard about?" Gaku: "I'd rather not take him on." Ruka: "Hey! Did you do this?" Gaku: "No. They were like this when I got here. While the factions that you and I are assisting were busy fighting each other, another gang must have swooped in to take advantage of the confusion." Ruka: "Are you serious?" Gaku: "I think they've worn out their welcome here." Ruka: "Hey, I know!" Gaku: "Huh?" Ruka: "In that case, let's join forces." Gaku: "What?" Ruka: "You and I call our groups together, but then corner the scoundrels and squeeze them out!" Ruka: "Well?" Gaku: "Not a bad idea." Gaku: "I'm Gaku Oguro. What about you?" Ruka: "I'm Ruka Nadumi. Call me Ru. Nice to meet you, partner!" Ruka: "Oh no!" Gaku: "Hyah!" Gaku: "Sorry I was late!" Ruka: "No kidding. But... now that you're here, victory is ours. I'll cut a path through them! You deal the final blow!" Gaku: "Okay. Leave it to me." Ruka: "Hey, would you be my brother?" Gaku: "Are you always so direct?" Ruka: "I like the city of Botan. I want to protect it." Ruka: "I'm prepared to take on any fight to do that." Ruka: "But I can only do so much alone. For a partner, I'd need someone tough and trustworthy who can watch my back like you do." Ruka: "Let's protect Botan together, Gaku-kun!" Gaku: "You sure don't waste time." Gaku: "But okay." Gaku: "You want to protect Botan together, Ru?" Gaku: "Not a bad idea." Ruka: "And the curtain has risen. Let's keep up the momentum, brother!" Gaku: "Ru, come back to Earth! We need to get some rest while we can." Ruka: "Oh!" Ruka: "I guess it's started." Gaku: "Yeah. The battle isn't over yet." Ruka: "And I'm not gonna lose." Gaku: "I'm playing to win, too." Ruka: "Oh yeah? When the play's over, for other jobs and even VAZZROCK Live, I'll put you in your place!" Gaku: "We'll see about that!" Ruka: "Gaku-kun, my friend and immortal rival! It's great working with you." Gaku: "Likewise. Let's do this, Ru!" utaba: "The play was great." Ayumu: "Yes, very moving." Yuma: "I could feel the bond between Gaku-san and Ruka-san even more than before." Ouka: "We've got to work at that, too." suke: "Yeah, I'm really fired up now!" Issa: "Once the play concludes, they'll finally be able to join us in rehearsals." Reiji: "Yeah, they said they'd run right over." Takaaki: "Without missing a beat? They sure are motivated." Haruto: "I'm sure they'll bring more energy to rehearsals than we can imagine. I bet they'll catch up in no time." Takaaki: "That'll be inspiring for us, too. I think it'll get us off to a good start for the concert." Shou: "Yeah. It isn't just them, either. All twelve of us, in ROCK DOWN and VAZZY, have bonds that connect each other. I want everyone to see that power!"
{ "raw_title": "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION Episode 12 – Rival • Part Two", "parsed": [ "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION", "12", "Rival • Part Two" ] }
Takaaki: "Good evening! I'm the leader of VAZZY, Takaaki Mamiya." Takaaki: "At last, it's the event we've all been dreaming of..." Takaaki: "VAZZROCK Live: Flawless! Let's get this show on the road!" Shou: "Welcome to VAZZROCK Live!" Shou: "I'm the leader of ROCK DOWN, Shou Onoda. I've waited so long to see you all!" Shou: "All of us here have worked very hard to bring this to you today." Takaaki: "So, on that note, let's get introductions out of the way. Take it away, VAZZY." Ouka: "I'm Ouka Kira of VAZZY." Ouka: "I put everything I have into my songs." Ouka: "Let's have fun!" Issa: "Issa Kiduku. Are you guys ready to make some noise?" Issa: "Sounds like it. Now keep that up until the end!" utaba: "Yeah!" utaba: "Let's go wild!" utaba: "Hi, everyone! I'm Futaba Kiduku from VAZZY. It's great to see you all." suke: "I'm VAZZY's Naosuke Oyama. I'm psyched to be here with you all today. Get ready for some nonstop excitement!" Yuma: "I'm Yuma Shirase of VAZZY." Yuma: "You'll never forget this special night. Let's have a great time!" Takaaki: "The six of us together are VAZZY. And next up is..." Haruto: "Right!" Haruto: "I'm Haruto Kujikawa from ROCK DOWN. I'm totally pumped up and ready to go. Thank you for coming today!" Reiji: "Hello, everyone! I'm Reiji Amaha. I have some stiff competition, but I'll show you who shines the brightest here." Reiji: "Don't even blink!" Ayumu: "I'm Ayumu Tachibana of ROCK DOWN. ROCK DOWN and VAZZY are sharing the stage..." Ayumu: "This is your chance to watch and see who we really are." Gaku: "Welcome to VAZZROCK Live! I'm Gaku Oguro." Gaku: "It feels like we're working with you to turn this into a festival." Gaku: "Let's make it something special!" Ruka: "Heyo!" Ruka: "I'm Ruka Nadumi from ROCK DOWN. VAZZROCK! Live on stage! It's our festival!" Ruka: "Let's enjoy this magical time together!" Ruka: "Raise those lights and feel the music in your body, okay?" Takaaki: "The twelve of us are here to shine for you. I think we're all ready..." Takaaki: "to have some fun!" Shou: "Let's go!" Shou: "Follow your heart to the music!" Takaaki: "Yeah!" Takaaki: "Man, we just blazed through that, Shou!" Shou: "We sure did, Taka-chan." Shou: "Did you enjoy our twelve-part medley?" Ouka: "Even with twelve people, it went by in a flash." Takaaki: "Did you have fun, Ouka-chan?" Ouka: "You don't even need to ask." Issa: "Just answer him and say you did." utaba: "You did too, right, bro?" Issa: "Yeah, it was fun." Issa: "You guys were great, too." Issa: "Nice job!" utaba: "Well, that was a little condescending, but you all earned the compliment!" Yuma: "Issa-san, you were having the time of your life, too. You could have waited backstage, but you watched from the wings the whole time." suke: "Mm-hmm." Issa: "Hey!" Ayumu: "You were watching." Haruto: "You definitely were." Gaku: "Yeah, you were watching." Takaaki: "Watching over us all." Issa: "Shut—" Ruka: "To be fair, all of us kept watching!" suke: "Yeah, that's right. You waited behind the curtain and when I came off stage, you greeted me with a big "job well done!"" Yuma: "You gave me quite a start when you jumped at me like that." suke: "Er, I mean... I was just so excited!" Takaaki: "When Yuma caught him and then immediately switched gears to march out on stage, he looked so cool." Yuma: "What? I..." Gaku: "I guess there was drama offstage, too." Ruka: "And cameras!" Ruka: "Don't worry, everyone! They got lots of shots of me." utaba: "I don't think the cameras stopped rolling for even a single second." utaba: "So you can look forward to all the backstage footage, everyone!" Haruto: "Hmm. I guess I should have expressed more bubbling enthusiasm when I was off the stage, too." Reiji: "Don't even start with that! This isn't a comedy routine." Shou: "Shut down by a Reiji Block!" Reiji: "You make it sound like a fight move. That said, this was kind of like a relay race." Reiji: ""Okay, I'm done. You're up. Go for it!" And all that." Ayumu: "I guess so. Your high five slapped the stage fright right out of me. I could suddenly see everything clearly," Ayumu: "and this wave of light came flooding toward me." Ayumu: "It was really powerful." Reiji: "Oh yeah? Well, I'm glad." Ouka: "Ayumu, I know what you mean." Ouka: "I was really moved, too. It felt so good to sing in that ocean of light." Shou: "Because each one of those lights glows with feelings for us." Takaaki: "All right, then. To cap off this wonderful night, we've got one more song, Shou." Shou: "That's right, Takaaki." Takaaki: "This journey we've taken with you was also a chance for us take another look at ourselves and try to grow. I am who I am because you're here." Shou: "Your confusion, your worries, your weakness... I'll embrace every part of you." Shou: "I want to brighten your days with the light you've brought into my life." Shou: "So, all together..." Takaaki & Shou: "To a brighter tomorrow!"
{ "raw_title": "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION Episode 13 – Your Jewelry", "parsed": [ "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION", "13", "Your Jewelry" ] }
Text: "#02 Joyous • Part Two" Ouka: "Takaaki... stopped smiling?" Takaaki: "Okay, sorry for the wait." Takaaki: "This was a gift, but it's pretty good tea." Ouka: "Thanks." Takaaki: "Here we are." Ouka: "Can I... ask you why?" Takaaki: "Sure. It's a little embarrassing, but for you... Back when I was trying to decide whether or not to make my group debut," Takaaki: "I was going to the office every day for lessons." Takaaki: "It was tough, but I had so much fun. I was constantly smiling." Boy A: "Man, my legs are done!" Choreographer: "All right, then let's take a break." Takaaki: "Oh, good! I was starting to feel it as well." Boy B: "Me too, me too!" Choreographer: "I tell you, it's rare to find someone who looks as happy dancing as you do." Takaaki: "Oh, really?" Choreographer: "You must be destined to be an idol." Takaaki: "Thank you very much. I actually think so too." Choreographer: "Don't get carried away now." Boy A: "Mamiya's a natural-born idol. He practically shines!" Boy B: "Yeah. He's got mad skills. Good at singing, dancing, even talking." Boy A: "Yeah, yeah." Boy C: "Isn't that what they call a "jack of all trades"?" Takaaki: "All right! Let's do it again from the top. Who's with me?" Boy A: "Let's go, man!" Text: "Takaaki Mamiya" Boy C: "Thank you for everything." Takaaki: "Huh?" Takaaki: "Hi there. I didn't know you were here today!" Boy C: "You make me sick." Takaaki: "Huh?" Boy C: "Quit grinning like an idiot!" Employee: "Ah, Takaaki-kun... I'm sorry." Takaaki: "Um, is he..." Employee: "Yes. He's quitting the group." Takaaki: "The kid who quit was a great dancer. He went around bragging that he'd be next to debut." Ouka: "I hear stories like that all the time in this industry." Ouka: "It must've been tough for him, though." Takaaki: "Yeah, that's what everyone told me. I tried not to worry about it." Takaaki: "But that was a first for me." Takaaki: "I'd heard "I hate you" and "you piss me off." But "you make me sick"?" Ouka: "Takaaki..." Takaaki: "For a while, I think it really stuck with me. To the point that I was scared to smile." Ouka: "I had no idea." Takaaki: "Thinking back, it didn't last too long. Maybe two or three months." Ouka: "But right when you're starting out, that's forever. And if you still think about it to this day..." Takaaki: "Yeah. It was the first time anyone said something that affected me so much. I guess it was a real shock." Ouka: "How did you get over it?" Takaaki: "Well, that's..." Takaaki: "a secret!" Ouka: "Huh?" Takaaki: "Come now. If I keep talking, the tea will get cold." Ouka: "Hey, you can't just leave me hanging." Takaaki: "I guess sharing secrets is more taxing than I thought. I'll tell you the rest later." Text: "Irregular Militia" Ouka (As Irie): "I wish to join you." Toi (As Takasugi): "Do you? I'm glad to hear it. Serve beside me as an officer and lead the troops." Ouka (As Irie): "Understood. Ito-kun, what will you do?" Yuma (As Ito): "I-I'm not confident that I would be of much help. I can't even ride a horse properly." Ouka (As Irie): "I know. But the future of our country is at stake. As the inheritors of Shoin-sensei's ideals, we must take action." Director: "Cut!" Director: "Shirase-san, you have to put up more of a fight! And Kira-san, more passion! Okay, one more time." Yuma: "All right! I understand." Ouka: "I understand. I'm sorry. We don't mean to hold you back." Toi: "You don't need to worry about holding me back. I'll do as many takes as we need. That's my job." Ouka: "Toi-san..." Yuma: "Thank you so much!" Toi: "Hey! Wipe that disgusting grin off your face!" Takaaki: "Oh, sorry about that! I was so happy to see you encouraging my boys, I guess I let my guard down." Takaaki: "Hmm?" Ad: "We're rolling!" Text: "Ouka Kira" Ouka: "How did he get over it?" Cameraman A: "Okay, that's a wrap! You really never smile, do you?" Ouka: "It wouldn't fit the theme of the shoot. But do I have to? If so..." Cameraman A: "Ah, no, you're fine. The request was for a cool and chilly look, anyway. You nailed it. Got some good shots." Ouka: "That's good." Cameraman A: "This sure is different from that other shoot, though." Ouka: "What other one?" Cameraman A: "I did a session with a kid idol about your age. He was really expressive. He had such a wholesome smile, it would take your breath away. See? This is him. His name's Takaaki Mamiya. Do you know him?" Ouka: "No, I don't." Cameraman A: "Oh?" Ouka: "Thank you. I'll be going." Manager: "Good work today. Oh, right. Do you want to continue the image character work for White Ice?" Ouka: "Oh, that commercial?" Manager: "It was really popular, so they're talking about doing a series. Isn't that great?" Manager: "Um, is something bothering you?" Ouka: "No. I'll take any offer I get." Mc: "We're bringing you Music Time! I'm your emcee, Tamaru." Text: "Fun with fashion!" Mc: "Now, let's introduce our next guest." Text: "A Living Bisque Doll A Glasswork Ann" Ouka: "A doll, huh?" Mc: "Hello there!" Takaaki: "Hello! I'm Takaaki Mamiya." Mc: "So, Takaaki-kun, I hear you still believe in Santa Claus. Is that true?" Takaaki: "It really is the truth! I even saw him!" Mc: "Oh, come on." Takaaki: "Give me a break! Jeez." Ouka: "Takaaki Mamiya, huh?" Takaaki: "What's this? I didn't know you were here, Ouka." Ouka: "Takaaki?" Takaaki: "Oh, that? I have a copy too!" Ouka: "Huh?" Text: "Ouka Kira New Group Ouka Kira" Takaaki: "Man, this takes me back." Text: "New Group" Ouka: "I never would've guessed you'd kept it too." Takaaki: "You sure have gotten big, Ouka-chan." Ouka: "Quit calling me that. How old do you think I am?" Takaaki: "Right, right. You're all grown up now. And it seems you'll make it through filming without getting in any fights. What a good boy!" Ouka: "Don't treat me like a child." Takaaki: "Sorry, sorry." Ouka: "So?" Text: "Ouka Kira New Group" Takaaki: "Hmm?" Ouka: "If you're going to treat me like a child, you could at least give me a reward." Ouka: "Like the secret you wouldn't tell me before." Takaaki: "Before? Oh... You don't give up, do you?" Ouka: "You're the one who won't give it up! It's bugging the heck out of me. Spit it out!" Takaaki: "Ah..." Takaaki: "If you insist, detective. I'll talk. It was actually right around the time this magazine came out." Cameraman B: "Okay, smile! Smile!" Cameraman B: "No, put more into it. Like you always do." Cameraman B: "What's wrong, Takaaki-kun?" Takaaki: "I'm sorry." Cameraman B: "Is it trendy to not smile now, like Ouka-kun?" Takaaki: "Hmm?" Cameraman B: "This guy." Cameraman B: "Ouka-kun is only a kid, but he's really cool." Takaaki: "It really left an impression. I'd never seen anyone captivate so many people with just a gaze." Takaaki: "Without smiling, without really showing emotion at all, you were still so expressive." Takaaki: "And you were just a few years younger than me. I thought you'd outdone me. So I..." Takaaki: "Hmm?" Ouka: "You can't mean..." Takaaki: "Huh? What's wrong?" Ouka: "Uh... Oh, no, it's nothing. Keep going." Takaaki: "So I answered my own question then. "Do I really need to smile to do this kind of work?" Nope. There were kids like you doing great work without smiling at all. So then why did I keep smiling? The truth is..." Ouka: "Is what?" Takaaki: "Because I want to." Ouka: "Huh?" Takaaki: "I know it's not a satisfying answer, but that's really all there is to it. I just wanted to be honest with myself. When I'm having fun, I smile. When I'm sad, I cry. That's it! Once I made up my mind, it became easy to smile again. I think people complimented me for my smile" Takaaki: "because I smiled out of genuine joy. I'm the same way now. It's still fun for me." Ouka: "I always knew you were strong, Takaaki." Takaaki: "Am I? I really wish I was. But I also really admire people like you who can pull off a totally different look." Ouka: "I'm just a doll with a pretty face. Cold, robotic, aloof..." Takaaki: "Ouka?" Ouka: "I got that a lot when I was a child actor. "But he has such good looks," and so on. Everyone wants the same thing from child models. That ideal young face. That innocent smile." Ouka: "But I couldn't give it to them." Ouka: "The other child actors knew what the adults wanted, and they did it." Ouka: "Yet I still couldn't. But even so, I didn't want to admit it, so I convinced myself that I was choosing not to." Ouka: "I realize now that was just childish arrogance." Takaaki: "I see." Ouka: "I decided to use my looks as a weapon, to take jobs where I didn't need to smile," Ouka: "so nobody would complain about me. That was my strategy." Takaaki: "That sounds like the Ouka I know!" Ouka: "Well, it's easy to talk about in hindsight, but it was luck that got me here. I really didn't know how to smile. I'm still the same way now." Takaaki: "Huh? No way. You can smile, Ouka!" Ouka: "That's easy for you to say." Takaaki: "Now you're smiling, Ouka." Ouka: "Takaaki..." Takaaki: "Oh, see? That's it right there!" Ouka: "This?" Takaaki: "Yeah! You should let other people see you smile too." Ouka: "If I could do it on a whim, things would've been a lot easier." Takaaki: "Maybe you're right. Anyway, that's the story of how little Ouka-kun helped pull young Mamiya out of a dark place. I owe you a lot, Ouka. Thanks." Ouka: "I owe you too..." Takaaki: "Huh?" Ouka: "No, never mind. It's a secret." Takaaki: "What?!" Ouka: "You kept yours, didn't you?" Takaaki: "Huh? Not fair!" Yuma: "Takaaki-san, Ouka-san." suke: "What are you two doing?" Ouka: "Nothing. Don't worry about it." Issa: "I heard someone's not being fair." Yuma: "Or were you rehearsing your lines?" Takaaki: "Uh, yeah. That's right." Yuma: "Will you practice with me later too?" Takaaki: "Of course." utaba: "Good luck on your show, okay? Oh, I almost forgot these." Takaaki: "Wow, they look delicious!" utaba: "We baked too much, so I'm passing them out to everyone." utaba: "That's okay, right, bro?" Issa: "We can't eat it all ourselves." Takaaki: "Awesome! I was just starting to get hungry." utaba: "Here you go." Takaaki: "Thanks." Takaaki: "They're still warm!" utaba: "Straight from the oven!" Text: "Shokasonjuku Academy" Toi (As Takasugi): "What's so funny?" Takaaki (As Kusaka): "Oh, my apologies. I didn't realize you were still waiting for a reply. I was very busy though, and..." Toi (As Takasugi): "What is it?" Takaaki (As Kusaka): "Well, I think you already know that I can't write well. You saw that when we studied together. So I didn't write back. Cut me some slack this time?" Toi (As Takasugi): "Your handwriting, huh? Yeah, it was terrible..." Director: "Cut!" Director: "Toi-san, in this scene, we know that Takasugi secretly yearns for Kusaka. Can you play it more like you're struggling to hold those emotions back?" Toi: "But feelings like that between two adult men? Wouldn't they just keep it a secret?" Director: "But we already know Takasugi basically wrote a love letter to Kusaka. So can you be a little more bashful? Show a little more attraction toward him." Toi: "All right." Director: "Okay, let's start over. One more time." Yuma: "Toi-san's really struggling." Mikaduki: "How unusual. He never gets stuck like this." Ouka: "I wonder..." Toi (As Takasugi): "Your handwriting, huh? Yeah, it was terrible..." Director: "Cut! Cut!" Director: "It just isn't hitting the right notes. Okay, let's take a break." Ad: "Mamiya-san, excuse me. Do you have a moment?" Takaaki: "Oh, sure." Ad: "It's about this line..." Takaaki: "Sure. What is it?" Toi: "Damn it." Ouka: "Toi-san, do you have a minute?" Toi: "What do you want?" Ouka: "I noticed while watching you on set." Ouka: "Toi-san, when you're acting, you don't look directly at Takaaki, do you?" Ouka: "Are you afraid he'll make you start smiling too?" Toi: "What did you say?" Ouka: "You're trying so hard to avoid it, it's affecting your performance." Ouka: "At least that's what it looked like to me." Ouka: "I'm sorry to be so blunt. I just think that..." Toi: "No, you don't need to apologize. You're absolutely right." Ouka: "Huh?" Toi: "But I'm surprised you noticed. That smile of his is..." Ouka: "Obnoxious, you mean?" Ouka: "I get it." Toi: "That's right." Toi: "Even when I know he's acting, it always looks genuine to me." Ouka: "I get that too. I've known him a long time, after all." Ouka: "I always wondered... Why does Takaaki always smile like that?" Ouka: "But I think I've started to understand." Ouka: "He simply smiles because he wants to." Toi: "Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Ouka: "Exactly what I said. In his free time, and even when he's working or acting, he just likes smiling. That's all there is to it." Ouka: "He isn't trying to mess with anyone. There's no hidden motive. He doesn't think like that at all." Ouka: "That's just the kind of guy he is. It comes naturally to him. And that's why Takaaki's smile is so powerful... Powerful enough to infect everyone around him." Toi: "I see. So you felt it too." Ouka: "Huh?" Yuma: "You're starting to sound like each other." Ouka: "Yuma?" Yuma: "Hello again. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop." Yuma: "I can tell that Takaaki-san means something special to both of you." Ouka & Toi: "Wha—" Mikaduki: "What's all this? Discussing your evil plans?" Takaaki: "What secret are you keeping? Let me in on it too!" Ouka: "Shut up." Toi: "Quit grinning." Takaaki: "What? You're angry at me again?" Mikaduki: "Well, it's a tough job leading the cast." Mikaduki: "Just one last push. Do your best, Kusaka-kun." Takaaki: "Okay, Shoin-sensei. Thank you for the encouragement!" Takaaki (As Kusaka): "So I didn't write back. Cut me some slack this time?" Toi (As Takasugi): "Yeah, your handwriting was pretty terrible." Director: "Cut! That one's good!" Ad: "That's a wrap for Shuten! Great work, everybody!" Takaaki: "Thank you so much, Toi-san. I enjoyed this, really and truly." Toi: "Yeah, so did I." Takaaki: "There's still more to come! And we'd love to keep going, but this is farewell for now. Next week's episode will be all about ROCK DOWN. Right, Shou?" Shou: "Yup. Next it'll be ROCK DOWN's turn to shine. Don't forget to tune in!" Takaaki: "Well then, we'll see you all again next week! Ready, set..." Takaaki & Shou: "Bye-bye!" Issa: "I took this one for fun during the magazine shoot. I kind of like it." utaba: "Bro's the fallen angel, and I'm just an angel. Oh, I didn't come up with that. It was the photographer's idea." suke: "Takaaki-san took this for me a few years ago. It's a little embarrassing, I guess. But it's one of my faves." Takaaki: "I love how natural this photo looks. See? Everyone's got such a great smile. These are the twelve members of the VAZZROCK project! Keep your eyes on us!"
{ "raw_title": "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION Episode 2 – Joyous • Part Two", "parsed": [ "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION", "2", "Joyous • Part Two" ] }
Shou: "Is that bird a friend of yours?" Shou: "Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I scared it away." Haruto: "That's okay. Are you Shou Onoda?" Haruto: "I'm Haruto Kujikawa. Thank you very much for meeting me today." Shou: "What excellent manners. Indeed, I'm Shou Onoda." Shou: "It's a pleasure to meet you." Text: "Effulgent • Part One" Takaaki: "So, last week we showed you all what the guys from VAZZY are like. And now that you know us, this week..." Shou: "Let's introduce ROCK DOWN, or RD for short. We hope you'll learn more and more about us on this show." Shou: "Oh, that's the picture I chose." Yuma: "It's a promo photo we took for our first CD release that paired me, from the bottom of VAZZY, with Shou from the top of RD." Shou: "That's right." Shou: "It was the first job you and I did together, Yuma." Yuma: "Yes. I remember being nervous at the time, but also thrilled to work on a project that brought our groups together." Ayumu: "I picked a photo from that promo, too." Shou: "Doesn't it take you back to when we first got started?" Ayumu: "Yeah. Looking back on it now, I can see how much I've grown since then. It's kind of encouraging." Reiji: "I guess you have grown." Reiji: "You sure were fun to mess with back then, though." Ayumu: "You still mess with me now, don't you?" Text: "Congrats, Gaku-kun!" Gaku: "I picked a photo from that time too. This was just a test shot. We posed differently for the real deal." Ruka: "That's right! We got so excited when it was our turn, the photographer played along and let us have our fun." Gaku: "Yeah. And we got the perfect shot." Text: "Congrats, Gaku-kun!" Ayumu: "That sounds just like you two." Ruka: "I picked the next one. It's from the 2019 VAZZROCK Festival." Ruka: "I was so happy to join in on the third day!" suke: "I got to be in all the shows, and it was so awesome to see everyone participate over four days." Issa: "Yeah, you guys made a racket every time we took a picture." suke: "Huh?" Ruka: "Huh?" Issa: "Yelling "get closer" and huddle up" and stuff. You kept giving instructions even when the camera was right up in our faces." Takaaki: "Yeah, they really got into it." Ruka: "I guess I got carried away." Haruto: "I did too, but check out this killer shot." Gaku: "I remember that. You got us." Ruka: "We had so much fun backstage. But Haru-kun, didn't you pick any pictures of yourself?" Takaaki: "Oh, the staff found a picture with Haruto in it." Ouka: "That's what they sent?" Haruto: "It's from Tsukipro Sentai All Red." Ouka: "The April Fools' project where everyone played a Red Ranger." Ouka: "You got totally into that, didn't you, Haruto?" Haruto: "Yes! And I was really happy I got to take that picture with you." Ouka: "Oh yeah?" utaba: "Huh? Is that me?" Haruto: "This is from when we were really becoming friends and began trading clothes." Haruto: "We have similar builds and wear the same sizes. People thought I looked good, so I wanted to share something from then, but I never took a selfie..." utaba: "So you shared a picture of me wearing your clothes instead?" utaba: "Well, Haruto-kun did look pretty cool too." Issa: "Dude, just use your own picture." Reiji: "Hey, what's with all these pictures of Haruto wearing shades, swapping with Futaba and wearing silly costumes? They're all weird!" Text: "REINDEER" Shou: "Here's a Christmas photo I picked. Haruto makes a cute reindeer, doesn't he?" Reiji: "You picked a weird one too? I swear, you're all trying to be different..." Reiji: "Here's mine!" Yuma: "What a lovely picture. I've actually got a copy on my phone." Ouka: "I do too. Takaaki sent it to me." Takaaki: "I sure did. Shou shared it with me and said everyone should see it." Shou: "I thought it was a pretty miraculous shot." Reiji: "Darn right. I'm sure we'll keep seeing it for years for its cultural significance." Shou: "Next up are pictures from the VAZZROCK concert in 2020." Cats: "Meow!" Takaaki: "Last episode, we talked about other projects VAZZY members have been working on. What about RD?" Shou: "As usual, we're involved in lots of different things too." Shou: "We're even shining in some very different ways from VAZZY." Takaaki: "Oh? And how have you been shining?" Shou: "We all debuted before we formed our group, right?" Takaaki: "Yeah, that's one difference between VAZZY and ROCK DOWN." utaba: "Right. For three of us, the VAZZROCK project was our debut. Myself included." suke & Yuma: "Same." Shou: "Ruka was mainly a stage actor, while Gaku was doing stage and video work. Reiji started out as a child actor," Shou: "and Haruto and Ayumu had been working as models forever." Shou: "As for me, I was a violinist." Shou: "We were all entertainers in some sense, but we were each doing our own thing." Takaaki: "If you think about it, it's pretty surprising you're all here together now." Shou: "Yeah. But that's what makes ROCK DOWN so interesting. Everyone in ROCK DOWN has their own special talents that shine a light on everyone else and reflect brilliantly on the group as a whole. In order to share that light with as many people as possible, we want to keep pushing ahead with new challenges." Takaaki: "No kidding. I guess your upcoming concert is one of those new challenges, huh?" Shou: "Exactly." Ruka: "That's our cue!" Text: "Violinist Shou Onoda" Takaaki: "Where were you hiding that?" Text: "Shou Onoda Violin Concert" Gaku: "On that note, time for our plug! Shou is performing his first solo concert in a while." Ruka: "A word from our leader, Shou-kun, if you please!" Shou: "Thrilled!" Reiji: "Heh. Literally one word?" Shou: "I'm thrilled to perform for my ROCK DOWN fans as well as for fans of classical music." Shou: "I'd like to make it enjoyable for everyone." Ruka: "It'd be great if people go to your concert and it gets them hyped to see our upcoming VAZZROCK show." Gaku: "I bet you hope it'll turn some VAZZROCK fans on to classical music too, don't you, Shou?" Shou: "Yes. I'd love it if my performance could bring those two groups together." Shou: "Even if you think classical is out of reach, give it a try!" Haruto: "Yes, definitely please do." Ayumu: "Oh. Haruto, didn't you get into classical music after being invited to one of Shou's concerts?" Reiji: "Don't you go to a lot of them?" Haruto: "Yes. Once I learned how moving live classical music is, I had to hear more. I always look forward to it now." Shou: "Haruto even invites me to concerts these days." Ayumu: "It really changed you, huh?" Haruto: "I think it did in a very positive way. I'd love for you all to experience it too." Haruto: "Please come see Shou in concert!" Shou: "I hope to see you there." Text: "Alarm Snooze" Haruto: "Shou, I'm coming in." Haruto: "Hey, Shou." Haruto: "Shou, wake up." Haruto: "Shou, you and I have to go shoot the visuals today." Haruto: "Don't you always want to get to the set early?" Text: "Snooze Alarm" Shou: "Good morning, Haruto." Haruto: "Good morning." Haruto: "H-Hey!" Haruto: "Come on. We have to leave in an hour. Wake up, Shou. Shou!" Photographer: "Yes, just like that. Okay! Let's go for one more." Photographer: "Can you smile a little more? Yeah, that's it! Looking good!" Photographer: "Okay, eyes over here. Ah! Perfectamundo! Okay." Haruto: "You said you were going to practice for your concert after this?" Shou: "Yeah. I reserved a room at a studio nearby." Haruto: "Mind if I come with?" Shou: "Huh?" Haruto: "I haven't heard you play the violin in a while." Shou: "Sure. Be my guest." Haruto: "Huh. I never noticed this place." Shou: "It's hard to find if you aren't looking for it." Ejima: "Onoda-kun?" Shou: "Ejima-san? It's been a long time." Ejima: "How have you been? I'm pleased to see you here." Shou: "Haruto, this is the America-based violinist Kodai Ejima." Haruto: "Haruto Kujikawa. I'm an entertainer working with Shou in the band ROCK DOWN. Very pleased to meet you." Ejima: "Nice to meet you too." Ejima: "I've heard about ROCK DOWN from Onoda-kun. I even saw that TV show the other day." Haruto: "We appreciate your support." Ejima: "You're really polite, aren't you?" Shou: "Ejima-san, when did you arrive in Japan?" Ejima: "Last weekend, for a concert with my orchestra. I'll be here for about a month." Shou: "Oh, is that right?" Ejima: "ROCK DOWN sure is making waves. It must be keeping you on your toes." Shou: "It is. Thanks for noticing." Ejima: "I hear you're doing a solo concert too." Shou: "That's right. Ejima-san, if you're available, I'd love it if you came. I'll reserve a seat for you." Ejima: "Thanks. I'll try to make it." Shou: "Good. I hope to see you there." Ejima: "Are you going to continue playing concerts? How about performing with an orchestra?" Shou: "I don't have any plans as of yet." Ejima: "Is that so? Too bad." Shou: "But I'd love to have the opportunity." Ejima: "If you say as much, I'm sure invitations will pour in." Ejima: "Our orchestra wants you back again too." Shou: "Ejima-san and I first met when I was a guest player in his orchestra." Haruto: "Oh, is that when?" Ejima: "Onoda-kun's performance was fabulous. His playing was so confident, so free, and so light, like a bird soaring through the sky." Ejima: "Shou Onoda's violin lures listeners into a new musical world. Our orchestra still talks about how amazing he was." Haruto: "I can believe that." Haruto: "Shou's playing really is amazing, isn't it?" Ejima: "Yes. Absolutely." Ejima: "I wish he was still playing at the front of our orchestra." Haruto: "Ejima-san really likes your playing." Shou: "Yeah. He has always respected my violin. After we played together, he came back to Japan to see me perform" Shou: "and even followed me to other shows overseas." Haruto: "Huh. I wonder why he didn't jump at the chance to attend your solo concert." Shou: "I'm sure he's busy, but I don't think Ejima-san really knows how to deal with me right now. He and I are both violinists, yet our musical senses and mindsets are moving in different directions. When he invited me to the symphony orchestra in America, I was the soloist" Shou: "and he played second violin." Haruto: "Second violin?" Shou: "In an orchestra, violinists are separated into first and second violins." Haruto: "I had no idea." Shou: "To put it simply, first violin generally plays the main melody, and second plays a supporting role rhythmically and harmonically." Shou: "Maybe I can compare it to a rose." Haruto: "A rose?" Shou: "Think of a bouquet. The roses blossoming at the center are first," Shou: "and the baby's breath decorating the arrangement is second." Haruto: "Ah. So they don't stand out as much, but their presence still adds to the overall beauty?" Shou: "Yes." Shou: "They're both important, and when they work together, they complete the world. What's also interesting is that most players experience both parts." Haruto: "Huh." Shou: "While the first violinist or soloist plays freely and with personality," Shou: "the second is more like a dutiful artisan." Haruto: "So it's about personality... I see." Shou: "I'm a soloist." Shou: "The same is true for Ejima-san. He's an ideal second. A dutiful artisan who deeply loves classical." Haruto: "That's the feeling I got when I met him today." Shou: "Yeah. So I think he was sad to see me move away from devoting myself to classical." Haruto: "Is that because..." Shou: "To him, when I joined the VAZZROCK project," Shou: "it was like I was quitting violin completely." Haruto: "That's how he took it? But he's wrong." Shou: "Yeah, I don't agree at all. The violin is something I'll study all my life." Shou: "But I want to see and feel all sorts of things and expand my musical world." Shou: "I really love classical. I think it's absolutely wonderful, but..." Haruto: "But classical isn't all there is to music." Shou: "I want to have a lot of fun too... with all different kinds of music and people." Haruto: "And that's one reason you joined the project." Shou: "Exactly. It's really too bad if he doesn't understand. But I still want him to hear how I play now." Shou: "Sorry for running my mouth." Haruto: "No, it was all really interesting." Shou: "Thanks. All right, now I have to concentrate. I think the best thing I can do for Ejima-san right now is to commit to being Shou Onoda of ROCK DOWN" Shou: "and evolve into the best performer I can be." Text: "RECORDING" Shou: "Haruto, do you think classical music is difficult too?" Haruto: "I suppose. Honestly, all I know of it is what I learned from music class in school." Shou: "Oh, music class... That would leave an impression." Shou: "But you know, classical can become a very comfortable, personal thing." Haruto: "Hmm." Shou: "Shall I play you something?" Haruto: "Right now?" Shou: "Just follow your heart and enjoy the sound." Shou: "See? There isn't anything difficult about it." Haruto: "Wow, I see what you mean!" Shou: "How was it?" Haruto: "I'm sorry for such an amateurish review, but I really enjoyed listening to it." Shou: "To me, that's the best review I can get." Haruto: "So just follow my heart and enjoy it?" Shou: "Yes, follow your heart!" Haruto: "All right." Shou: "Haruto?"
{ "raw_title": "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION Episode 3 – Effulgent • Part One", "parsed": [ "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION", "3", "Effulgent • Part One" ] }
Shou: "It doesn't matter if it's classical or the latest pop song. The essence of music is the same. Just follow your heart and enjoy the sound." Shou: "See? There isn't anything difficult about it." Text: "Effulgent • Part Two" Reiji: "Hmm?" Ayumu: "Was that one yours?" Reiji: "Yeah. And what a shot, right? It's rare to see you practicing winking. I figured the fans would love it." Reiji: "So how's it going? Can you wink yet?" Ayumu: "N-Not yet." Reiji: "I could help you practice again." Ayumu: "I'm not opposed to it..." Reiji: "Oh? Heading out?" Haruto: "Yes. I have an important appointment today." Reiji: "Meaning it'll just be us and Shou here at the dorm." Haruto: "Shou?" Ayumu: "He said he'd be in the music room. I think he's practicing for his concert." Reiji: "I bet. He's spent every free moment he has in there recently." Haruto: "That's true. All right, well then, samurai number two is off." Ayumu: "See you... later?" Reiji: "Take care, okay? So, samurai number one, where is number two deploying?" Ayumu: "I don't know. I could only tell he's worked up about something." Reiji: "No kidding." Text: "Novel Cuisine Moon Stone" Haruto: "Good afternoon." Haruto: "I appreciate you meeting me on such short notice today. Thank you very much." Ejima: "Oh, it's fine." Haruto: "What would you like to drink? It looks like today's special is umeshu made with aged sake. Or should we..." Haruto & Ejima: "Start with a pint?" Haruto: "Very well. Two draft beers, please." Employee: "Two beers!" Ejima: "Th-Thanks." Haruto: "I'd like to ask you to attend Shou's concert. Please." Ejima: "I knew that's what it would be." Haruto: "Do you feel Shou has abandoned music?" Haruto: "He hasn't strayed from his path as a violinist. In fact, he's participating in the VAZZROCK project to become a better musician." Ejima: "You didn't start out in music, did you?" Haruto: "That's correct. I debuted as a model." Ejima: "But you can understand how wonderful Onoda-kun's playing is?" Haruto: "Yes, it touches me deeply." Ejima: "I'm sure it does." Ejima: "Onoda-kun's violin enchants all who hear it." Ejima: "He plays so freely and vibrantly, as if the world of music is his playground." Haruto: "Yes." Ejima: "The first time I heard him play, it made me realize there is such a thing as perfect music. It startled me." Haruto: "It did?" Haruto: "I can understand, though. The first time I heard him, it was overwhelming." Ejima: "I knew it! Once you experienced it, you wanted the rest of the world to hear him too, right?" Haruto: "Yes, definitely." Ejima: "If that was all I felt, I'd probably be going to the concert." Ejima: "As second violin, I play background support and keeping the melody going. It suits me and I'm proud of it." Haruto: "Shou said the same thing." Ejima: "But I still wish I had the things I lack. Like the ability of a soloist, like Onoda-kun, to play freely like a bird in flight." Ejima: "It exacerbates my jealousy and disappointment. Onoda-kun is at a point in his career where he can play perfectly, but it feels like he abandoned that to explore new ground. I know it's selfish of me, and I know I'm forcing my ideals onto him," Ejima: "but that's just how much violin means to me." Haruto: "You're very passionate about it." Reiji: "Oh? Welcome home." Haruto: "I just got back." Reiji: "Hey, welcome home to you guys too!" utaba & Gaku: "Thanks!" Haruto: "Welcome back. Were you both at a job?" Gaku: "Yeah, we were at the same station. We decided to head back together." utaba: "Yeah." Haruto: "I hope it went well." utaba: "Did you just get back too, Haruto-kun?" Haruto: "Yes." Reiji: "You said you had an important appointment." Reiji: "How'd it go?" Haruto: "Like moving mountains." Reiji & Gaku: "Huh?" utaba: "Haruto-kun, what happened?" utaba: "Oh, so that's what you were doing." Reiji: "You went to talk to him yourself? You're always so on the ball." Haruto: "I wanted him to understand how Shou feels about music." utaba: "I know what you mean, especially if he loves Shou-san's violin that much." Haruto: "Yeah." Haruto: "But, ultimately, I couldn't convince him." Haruto: "I probably could have pushed further..." Gaku: "But you didn't?" Haruto: "That's right." Haruto: "Ejima-san is a lot like Shou. He's a proud and passionate artist. He's worked hard to get where he is." utaba: "Mm-hmm." Haruto: "He's performed for so many people and filled their hearts with song. I've always longed for that kind of inspiration myself," Haruto: "so I couldn't bring myself to argue with him." Reiji: "Inspiration?" Haruto: "Yes." Kid 1: "How's that?" Kid 2: "Ooh!" Haruto (Kid): "Whoa." Kid 3: "Look, look! I made a huge one. Pretty cool, right?" Kid 1: "But mine is cooler!" Kid 3: "No, mine is!" Kid 1: "No way! You wanna fight?" Kid 3: "Shut up!" Crowd: "Go for it!" Boy Classmate: "Hooray!" Haruto'S Classmates: "Wow!" Boy Classmate 2: "Now the win is in the bag!" Haruto (Kid): "Whoa." Male Student: "Dang it!" Girl Student: "Don't worry. You'll get it next time!" Upperclassman Boy: "Pull! We've gotta win!" Other Upperclassmen: "Yeah!" Baseball Team: "Nice throw! Concentrate! Make some noise! Go for it!" Text: "Aim for Koshien!" Baseball Player 1: "Nice hit!" Baseball Player 2: "Go, go, go!" Haruto: "I've always wanted to be passionate about something." Reiji: "Huh..." Haruto: "Before I joined ROCK DOWN, I wasn't truly invested in anything." Haruto: "Shou and Ejima-san are different, and I think that's incredible." utaba: "I think I know what you mean. People tend to admire what they don't have. So when someone does have it, you want them to stay that way." Haruto: "Yes. Just like how Ejima-san wants Shou to stay as he once was, I realized I didn't want Ejima-san to compromise his principles." Reiji: "But you still want him to go to the concert, right?" Haruto: "Yes. He loves Shou's violin dearly. I really want him to hear how Shou plays now." Gaku: "Yeah, makes sense." Haruto: "Shou wants that too and hopes he'll come." Haruto: "But I don't know what else I can do to help." utaba: "You want to give him a little push?" Haruto: "I do." Haruto: "Gaku-san?" Gaku: "Ah, sorry. You said you wanted to be passionate about something, but the way you're talking, it sounds like you've already found it." Reiji: "Yeah. You're full of passion, man." utaba: "Yeah. I think there's a burning passion inside you too." Haruto: "Burning passion... inside me?" Ruka: "Man, you've really been going at it! You're usually falling asleep by now." Ayumu: "We're rooting for you, but don't push too hard, okay?" Shou: "Thanks. But I know some of the guests coming are upset that I stopped playing violin exclusively." Shou: "I can't give a performance that makes them think I've lost my touch." Shou: "This is a battle for me." Ruka: "That's so cool!" Ayumu: "I can't wait for the concert. We're gonna go too." Shou: "I'm sure I'll put on a show that you'll enjoy. Come and listen!" Ruka: "Okay, let's get to the next message." Gaku: ""I once heard a story about how everyone in ROCK DOWN went to a foot bath together." "I'd love it if you could share memories of other trips you've taken." "They can even be trips you took alone or with people outside the group." That's it." Ruka: "Thanks for your message!" Reiji: "I bet Shou has lots of vacation stories." Reiji: "He's traveled all around the world." Shou: "I've visited many countries to play violin. Which should I share? I haven't done much sightseeing, though." Haruto: "Didn't you take a lot of pictures?" Shou: "Oh, that's right. Whenever I came across sights I wanted to share with someone else, I'd take a picture and send it to Haruto." Reiji: "Oh yeah? Like what?" Haruto: "A cat near the Arc de Triomphe." Haruto: "Dark clouds covering Big Ben." Haruto: "The skeleton of an umbrella he bought on the German Fairy Tale Route, et cetera." Reiji: "An umbrella skeleton? Shoot the landscape, dude!" Shou: "It was bent in such a unique way." Haruto: "Anyway, if I hadn't read the attached messages, I never would've known they were photos of tourist attractions." Reiji: "Shou's so free-spirited. Even his pictures are!" Haruto: "Truly." Reiji: "Come on, Haruto! You're like that too." Haruto: "Huh?" Reiji: "Huh?" Haruto: "I'm free-spirited?" Reiji; Ayumu; Gaku; Ruka: "You just realized?!" Gaku: "Um, Haruto, when you get caught up in something, you sort of go into your own world." Ruka: "You do things your own way. I think I'd call that a free spirit." Reiji: "You seriously never noticed?" Ayumu: "That's Haruto for you." Reiji: "For sure. It's just like Shou, too." Ayumu: "Yeah, they're alike in more ways than you'd think." Haruto: "Someone said that to me yesterday, too." Haruto: "Are Shou and I really so similar?" Gaku; Ruka; Reiji; Ayumu: "Mm-hmm!" Ayumu: "Well, I can't say I noticed until after we'd been in the group awhile." Ruka: "Once you see how alike they are, you can't see them any other way." Gaku: "You wouldn't notice at first, though." Haruto: "Is that so?" Reiji: "Hey, listeners, if any of you agree that Shou and Haruto are alike, send us a message! Oh, and send one if you disagree too!" Haruto: "Please! We'll be waiting." Reiji: "You're going along with it?" Ruka: "Okay, on to the next message!" Rock Down Members: "Good work today! Thank you very much." Shou: "Haruto." Haruto: "What's up?" Shou: "The weather today is really lovely. Would you like to go on a picnic with me later?" Haruto: "Yes, let's." Gaku; Ruka; Reiji; Ayumu: "See what we mean?" Shou: "Tea time under a blue sky sure is something else." Haruto: "Yeah." Haruto: "Actually, the other day, I met with Ejima-san to talk." Haruto: "I wanted him to hear your new music." Shou: "I see." Haruto: "But he didn't agree like I'd hoped. For him, your violin playing is just too precious, and he has complicated feelings about you being in ROCK DOWN." Haruto: "He wants to go, but he can't." Haruto: "That's how it seemed to me." Haruto: "He's so passionate. For someone like me, with no passion at all... I don't think I had a right to berate him." Shou: "Now, I doubt that." Shou: "I've always sensed a passion deep inside of you." Haruto: "I've heard that elsewhere too. I know I do things my own way," Haruto: "but I don't have the passion to soar freely like you do. How is it that people think we're similar?" Shou: "The way I see it, Haruto, your freedom is like the solid earth." Haruto: "Free... like the earth?" Shou: "Like the earth, you hold true to your core. You know, and remain, exactly where you want to be." Shou: "I admire people like that, like you and Ejima-san." Haruto: "Do you really?" Shou: "People like me have a habit of getting carried off on flights of fancy. Sometimes we get so lost that we start to wonder, "Where in the world am I?"" Shou: "When that happens, it's always a relief to have someone like you by my side." Shou: "Even the birds can't keep flying forever. They always need somewhere to rest their wings, like trees that are deeply rooted in the ground." Shou: "But you know what lies below the earth?" Shou: "There's hot magma sleeping deep down." Shou: "You have your own passions, Haruto. Desires that burn silent and strong." Shou: "I know that you do." Shou: "Remember when you told me the story of how you were scouted to become a model?" Haruto: "Before I became a model, I went through a phase where I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life." Shou: "Hmm." Haruto: "I couldn't play music. I wasn't into sports. I just felt..." Haruto: "I wanted to find something with meaning." Haruto: "It's embarrassing to think back on." Shou: "I don't think so. Everyone goes through that." Haruto: "I really doubt that you did. Anyway, when I didn't know what to do and was just wandering around the city looking for a job, that's when I was scouted." Haruto: "When I started, it surprised me. I went in treating it like a part-time job, but the people around me were of course quite serious about it. That impressed me, so I thought about it more," Haruto: "and I started to get serious about living up to their expectations." Haruto: "Then I realized..." Shou: "The work felt satisfying?" Haruto: "Yeah. And one other thing. People might see me and think "I want those clothes," "how cool," or "wow, that's awesome." I realized I could affect how people felt." Haruto: "You know, I'm not very good with words. If I lived a normal life, I don't think I'd ever be able to touch people that way. But with modeling, I realized that even I could influence others' emotions. It made me so happy." Haruto: "And I think that's why I keep doing it today." Shou: "Appreciating and responding to others' expectations and feelings... Being able to accept and respect the things you lack... I think that's what it means to have a free heart." Haruto: "And you think... that's my freedom?" Shou: "Yeah." Haruto: "I see. It is a kind of freedom." Shou: "That's right!" Shou: "It is indeed. It might seem different, but it's the same thing." Haruto: "Yeah." Shou: "You know, as group leader, I want people to learn about ROCK DOWN. As a violinist, I want people to develop a relationship with classical music." Shou: "Those might seem different too, but they're also the same." Haruto: "You're right." Shou: "I always feel like..." Shou: "I want to touch somebody's heart. I want them to be moved by my work." Shou: "Ejima-san is the same way." Haruto: "So am I. So are the guys." Shou: "Yeah. I want to put these heartfelt feelings to music and continue playing violin." Haruto: ""Follow your heart," was it?" Shou: "Yes! Follow your heart!" Haruto: "That's how I want to live too." Text: "Reserved Seating Title Date of Show (Thurs.)" Haruto: "Welcome to the world of heart music!" Ejima: "Wha— What's going on?" Haruto: "Let's go. I want you to hear what Shou sounds like now." Ejima: "I-I know, but right now, I... Just look at how I'm dressed." Haruto: "You'll be fine like that. Classical doesn't have to be stuffy. You don't need to dress up. You can be casual and still enjoy it. That's what Shou always says." Ejima: "But..." Haruto: "If you want to hear it, you should just come!" Haruto: "Come on. Follow your heart!" Ejima: "Onoda-kun's really playing a concert..." Haruto: "Yeah. The one and only Shou Onoda from ROCK DOWN." Ejima: "I still do love it. He's amazing!"
{ "raw_title": "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION Episode 4 – Effulgent • Part Two", "parsed": [ "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION", "4", "Effulgent • Part Two" ] }
utaba: "Big brother? Big brother, where'd you go?" : "Brothers Ryo and Itsuki are different in every way." : "Older Ryo is a down-to-earth city hall employee. Younger Itsuki lives day to day and works in nightlife." : "While Ryo worries for his reckless little brother, he also envies him. And while Itsuki mocks his uptight big brother, he also idolizes him as the last decent person in his life. One day, after Ryo witnesses a police officer commit murder, he gets framed for the crime. When his life turns into a nightmare, he asks for Itsuki's help running from the police. The brothers then seek to uncover the truth behind the murder." utaba: "Huh? I'm the older brother?" Text: "Wonder • Part One" Issa: "And I'm the younger one?" utaba: "Um, but here it says I play the younger Itsuki," Text: "Younger Brother "Itsuki" Futaba Kiduku Tsukino Productions Management Older Brother "Ryo" Issa Kiduku Tsukino Productions Management Project Proposal" utaba: "and my big brother is playing the older Ryo." Orihara: "Yes, that was the plan when we sent you the offer the other day. Since you're brothers playing brothers. However, for the roles, the older Ryo is gentle and down-to-earth, and the younger Itsuki is a reckless loner who's headed down the wrong path in life. We thought if we switched the parts, your characters would suit you better." utaba: "O-Oh, I see." Producer: "Mm-hmm. Itsuki is like the flower of evil, which fits Issa-san's image." Takatsuki: "Yes, that makes sense." Issa: "Hey." Orihara: "That's right, that's right!" Director: "I see, I see. Switching roles is a good idea. I can picture it now. This is great! Orihara-san always has a plan!" Producer: "Great! The director's on board. I'm sure this will get more buzz, too." Orihara: "How about it? Wouldn't it be refreshing to trade places for a change? Don't you think the fans would like this casting too?" utaba: "Hmm. When you put it that way, you have a point..." Issa: "It's not my style to switch things up with work, but I'll consider it if that's what the fans want." Orihara: "Then you'll think it over, won't you, Futaba-san, Issa-san?" Issa: "Who the heck are you guys calling "evil"?" utaba: "H-Hey, come on now..." Issa: "An original late-night drama costarring me and Futaba... I thought it sounded too good to be true. This is why." Takatsuki: "At the end of the day, even if there are some changes to the proposal, it's still a good offer. It's not in your best interest to decline." utaba: "Well, of course! I don't want to lose a chance to costar with my brother." Takatsuki: "You seem to be having second thoughts, Issa-san. Isn't Orihara-san an old school friend of yours?" Issa: "Yeah, "friend" is going a little far." utaba: "They were bandmates. Right, bro? But... a lot happened." Takatsuki: "I see. I suppose you must have something against him. So think of this as your chance for revenge. All the more reason to accept." Issa: "Huh? What do you mean?" Takatsuki: "The sudden casting change was their idea. We could use it as a bargaining chip to ask for more press in exchange. For free, of course." Issa: "Man, I'd hate to get on your bad side." Takaaki: "Ah, there you are. Issa, Futaba. And hello, Takatsuki-san." Issa: "Takaaki? What are you doing here?" Takaaki: "Huh? Is that how you treat a guest?" utaba: "A guest?" Takatsuki: "Yes. Actually, Takaaki-san received" Takatsuki: "an offer to appear on Rise & Set as well." utaba: "What? Really?" Issa: "Huh." Takaaki: "It puts a smile on my face to see my boys so happy for me." utaba: "It'll be an honor to perform with you, Takaaki-san!" Issa: "I ain't happy at all." Takaaki: "Now then, I'm looking forward to working with you for a bit." utaba: "This'll make it even harder to turn down. Right, bro?" Takaaki: "Huh? Turn it down? What do you mean?" Text: "Project Proposal Older Brother "Ryo" Issa Kiduku Tsukino Productions Management Younger Brother "Itsuki" Futaba Kiduku Tsukino Productions Management" Takaaki: "Ah, okay. So that's what's going on. So it's Issa who's getting cold feet." Takaaki: "Why not just give it a shot? Or are you too chicken, Issa-kun?" Issa: "Think you can bait me that easily? Idiot. I don't have cold feet. It's fine by me. I'll take this on." Takaaki: "That settles it then." utaba: "All right!" Text: "Cast Issa Kiduku Futaba Kiduku" utaba: "Oh, your name's listed first!" Issa: "So what? Read the actual script, will ya?" utaba: "Oh, of course. Let's see..." utaba: "My character, Ryo, is a pretty chill guy at the start. He's a good-natured civil servant. But then I'm wanted for murder and end up a fugitive... Hmm, looks like there's a lot of running." Issa: "So run, then. Gotta keep the little brother on his feet." utaba: "I've got no problem with the action, but I can't imagine acting while running and jumping around." Issa: "Now that you've accepted, you aren't up to it? It'll be a test of stamina either way." utaba: "What about you, Issa? Can you handle it?" Issa: "Who do you think you're talking to?" Issa: "Anyway, wanna try a reading?" utaba: ""Itsuki! What the hell are you doing?"" Issa: ""You're the one who shouldn't be here... Ryo, my stupid big brother."" Issa: "Hey. Line." Issa: "What the hell are you doing?" utaba: "S-Sorry. Hearing you call me your big brother was more of a shock than I expected." Issa: "Come on. Get over it already." Issa: "Well, the dialogue feels right. Unfortunately." utaba: "You've always been kind of arrogant." Issa: "And it's like you were born to play a goody two-shoes. This might just work." utaba: "I agree. But..." Issa: "But what?" utaba: "No, it's nothing. I'll do my best." Issa: "I'm Issa Kiduku. Nice to meet you." utaba: "I'm Futaba Kiduku. Um, I may still have a lot to learn, but we're very happy to be working with you." Director: "This'll be interesting with your ages reversed. Let's see what you've got." Issa: "It's our pleasure." utaba: "Thank you very much! We'll do our best!" utaba (As Ryo): "Itsuki! Have you gotten yourself into trouble again?" utaba (As Ryo): "I'm your older brother. You can tell me anything." Issa (As Itsuki): "You're as naïve as ever. I've got nothing to say to you. We live in totally different worlds." utaba (As Ryo): "Itsuki..." Director: "Cut! Futaba-kun, listen up." utaba: "Okay!" Director: "You're trying a little too hard. Can you follow Issa-kun's lead and play it a little more natural?" utaba: "Okay, I understand." Ad: "Next, Futaba-san, let's go for scene 5." utaba (As Ryo): "Huh? Was that Itsuki—" utaba (As Ryo): "What in the... Blood?!" utaba (As Ryo): "U-Uh, hey, are you all right? Hold on!" utaba (As Ryo): "H-He's dead..." Director: "Cut! Futaba-kun." utaba: "Y-Yes?" Director: "Could you try to be a little less stiff?" utaba: "Okay. Sorry about that." Ad: "All right, Issa-san. Take it away." Customer: "There's no frickin' way!" Issa (As Itsuki): "Sir." Customer: "Guys like you are all the same..." Issa (As Itsuki): "You're disturbing the other customers." Customer: "Shut the hell up! I'm your damn customer too!" Issa (As Itsuki): "I must ask you to leave." Customer: "You son of a...!" Customer: "Ow, ow, ow!" Issa (As Itsuki): "You realize anything I do to you is self-defense now?" Director: "Yeah. Good, Issa-kun. You're perfect as Itsuki." Issa: "Thank you very much." Ad: "Let's take a break!" Director: "Issa-kun sure is on the ball. He's bringing out and owning the role. What great acting. That's what you call genius." Takatsuki: "Kind of you to say so." Director: "As for Futaba-kun, well, I'm sure you can give us more." Text: "Orange" Issa: "Black coffee." utaba: "Okay, okay." Issa: "You're sticking out like a sore thumb. Do you have to force it that much?" utaba: "Th-That cuts a little too close to be funny." Issa: "Don't force your facial expressions so much." utaba: "Huh?" Issa: "You put on an affectation before you say each line." utaba: "Uh, i-is that what I'm doing?" Issa: "Yeah, it is. It makes your emotions seem mannered and forced." utaba: "Does it?" Issa: "You practically are Ryo. You don't need to try so hard to play a character." utaba: "So I should just be myself?" Issa: "For now, yeah." utaba: "Got it. I'll try that." Issa: "I know you can do it." Takaaki: "Okay, it isn't final, but these lines should be about right." Takatsuki: "Should we take a short break?" Takatsuki: "Oh, excuse me." Takatsuki: "Hello, this is Takatsuki." Takatsuki: "Yes, thank you very much. Just give me one moment." Issa: "I'm gonna get something to drink." suke: "Oh, I'll go with you." Yuma: "In the show, Futaba-san plays the older brother and Issa-san plays the younger one, right?" Takaaki: "Yup, yup. And I'm a guest star." Ouka: "So you switched roles? That must be a challenge to play." utaba: "Tell me about it. Honestly, I don't think I've really figured out my character yet." Yuma: "How'd it end up like this, though?" Ouka: "Usually, when brothers are cast together, the older one plays the older role and the younger one plays the younger role." utaba: "That was the plan at first, but the older brother is a mild-mannered civil servant, and the younger one is a reckless part-timer." Ouka: "Oh, no wonder." Yuma: "In that case, you definitely should've switched." Takaaki: "That's pretty blunt, guys." utaba: "If my brother heard you, he'd be mad." Ouka: "So what parts are you having trouble with?" utaba: "Well, I guess Ryo and I are a lot alike. Maybe I'm having trouble getting in character because we're too similar. Or maybe I'm stuck on being the big brother." Ouka: "His personality resembles yours, but the relationship is the opposite of what you're used to." Yuma: "That would be difficult." utaba: "Yeah. So I might need to rethink the way I approach the role." Takaaki: "I'm gonna get a drink too." Takatsuki: "Yes, that is what I understand. All right, we'll work on it tomorrow. Oh, Takaaki-san. Regarding next week's promo..." Takaaki: "Actually, I have a little request about that." Takatsuki: "Huh?" Takaaki: "All right. The brothers of VAZZY, Issa and Futaba Kiduku, are costarring in a new drama called Rise & Set. Since production has just started, Issa-san, can you tell us about the show?" Issa: "Well, it's... Hey, how'd you slip into the emcee spot?" Takaaki: "Oh, good question! Actually, it's because I'm a guest star on the show too! It's a really juicy role, so look forward to it, everyone!" utaba: "We're spoiled to have you as emcee, Takaaki-san. What an honor!" Takaaki: "It's fine, it's fine. Now, tell us about the show." Issa: "It's a mystery about two very different brothers and their love-hate relationship." Takaaki: "That isn't wrong, but aren't you leaving a lot out?" utaba: "Well, yes. I can add to that. The show is an action-filled suspense mystery and..." Takaaki: "Let me take this moment to introduce our special guests!" utaba: "Huh? Guests?" Issa: "A surprise, huh?" Takaaki: "Come on in!" utaba: "Huh?! Why are you guys..." Issa: "What's with this lineup?" Haru: "Good afternoon! Together, we're known as... TsukiPro Sentai: The Oniichans!" Text: "Brothers" Issa: "Nuh-uh. What the heck is this supposed to be?" Haru: "Basically, we've assembled to teach Futaba what it feels like to be a big brother for his role." Takaaki: "I've got a little sister and brother, so I'm one." Gaku: "Same here. I have a little brother and sister too." Haru: "I have two adorably cute little sisters." Shiki: "And I have an adorably cute little brother." Issa: "And you needed to assemble for this?" Text: "Across Time and Place Things All Big Brothers Experience" Shiki: "Across Time and Place: Things All Big Brothers Experience." Takaaki: "Shiki, you're from Nagano, right? I bet eldest sons still get special treatment in the country. Does that come with its own pressure?" Shiki: "That is typical over there." Haru: "It's enough to bother even you, Shiki-san?" Shiki: "I'm more bothered by the way you said "even you." Fortunately, my parents encouraged independence." Shiki: "I wasn't held back by tradition and was allowed to grow up freely, as you can see." Takaaki: "Yeah, I can totally see that. But when you have a little brother, don't you start putting pressure on yourself? You don't want to screw up. You can't afford to." Haru: "That's good because it sets an example for the younger kids to look up to." Gaku: "Big brothers get scolded, like, "You're supposed to be the oldest." We don't get away with much." Takaaki: "Haru's got two little sisters at home. I bet they're both cute as a button." Haru: "They sure are, but sometimes they can be even more trouble than brothers. They know how to get their way, and if they gang up with my mom, they're overpowering." Takaaki: "I've got a little sister, so I feel that. But that strength is cute too, right?" Haru: "Indeed it is." Gaku: "Ditto that." Takaaki: "Yeah, yeah. And sometimes we get so overprotective that they get annoyed with us." Gaku: "Yup. When she brings a boyfriend home, I'll lay down the law and keep an eye on him." Haru: "I might cry when that happens..." Takaaki: "Isn't it a little too soon?" Shiki: "I wonder if it's the same with older sisters. It's pretty complicated between brothers, too. In a sense, they're our closest rivals." Gaku: "I know what you mean. They're just as dear to us as sisters, but I guess that's the dilemma." Takaaki: "Rivals, dilemmas... I know what you mean. I want my little brother to surpass me, but I still want him to depend on me. That kind of feeling." Takaaki: "What do you think, Issa-kun?" Issa: "I've never thought of mine as a rival." Takaaki: "Huh?" Issa: "He's who's been closest to me all my life. That's it." utaba: "Well, I guess that's true. I might be too much of a wimp for him to see me as a rival." utaba (Kid): "Big brother! Wait up, big brother!" Issa (Kid): "Quit following me!" utaba: "Back then, all I did was follow him around and copy everything he did." utaba: "Thinking back on it now, I must've been a real pain." Takaaki: "Yeah, we all go through that stage." utaba: "But when Issa heard me crying and came back to look for me, I think that was the first time I ever cried tears of joy." Gaku: "What a nice story. Nice job, li'l Issa." Issa: "Put a sock in it." Takaaki: "You never forget childhood memories like that." Shiki: "You're right." Haru: "They stick with you even after you grow up." utaba: "Do you think so too? Do you remember what I was like as a kid?" Issa: "Well, yeah. Am I supposed to forget?" Issa: "You were such a little punk, but then you got bigger than me. If I had to say, it seriously pisses me off." utaba: "Huh? That's how you remember me?" Gaku: "Well, Futaba does look like the big brother." Issa: "Shut up." Takaaki: "So, how is the shoot going? All good?" Issa: "Of course." utaba: "Honestly, I'm struggling a little bit. I got a lot of good advice today, but I still can't get a feel for playing my big brother's big brother." Takaaki: "Okay, then why don't you imagine Issa as a little kid and pretend to be his older brother?" Issa: "Huh?" utaba: "My brother as a little kid..." utaba: "How cute! Yeah, that might actually work!" Issa: "Man, you've got a sick imagination." Takaaki: "All right. Unfortunately, we're almost out of time. What did you all think of Rise & Set episode 0?" Issa: "The guests were such a surprise, it felt like they stole the whole show." Takaaki: "The Oniichans are the pride and joy of Tsukino Productions, after all. Futaba-kun, what did you think?" utaba: "Yeah! Of course it was very helpful." Haru: "Glad we could help you out." Gaku: "If you ever need anything, come talk to us." Shiki: "Leave it to the Oniichans!" utaba: "Thank you very much, guys. I'll do my best to show Issa that I can be his rival." Police: "Freeze! If you don't stop, we'll shoot!" utaba (As Ryo): "How did this happen? Wha—" Issa (As Itsuki): "Idiot! It's me." utaba (As Ryo): "Huh? Oh..." utaba (As Ryo): "Itsuki? How..." Issa (As Itsuki): "The hell do you think you're doing?" utaba (As Ryo): "You already knew?" Issa (As Itsuki): "I saw it on the news." utaba (As Ryo): "Do you believe me then?" Issa (As Itsuki): "There's no way you could kill anybody. Don't be stupid." utaba (As Ryo): "Itsuki..." Issa (As Itsuki): "Come on, let's beat it." utaba (As Ryo): "No, you aren't coming with me." Issa (As Itsuki): "Huh?" utaba (As Ryo): "I can't let you get caught up in this." Issa (As Itsuki): "Shut up. Let's go." utaba (As Ryo): "What? Hey! Wait a—" Ad: "Okay, that's good!" utaba: "Thank you very much." Director: "That was great, Futaba-kun. You really nailed the "big brother" vibe." utaba: "Wha... I did? I'm so glad! I'll keep doing my best to get it right." Director: "You're so modest too." Issa: "I guess things are finally starting to take shape." utaba: "Yeah, and it's all thanks to your advice, Issa. Thank you. Ever since we were kids, you've told me not to follow you, but thinking about it, I've followed you all the way here." Issa: "Yeah, no kidding." utaba: "Speaking of, I guess that's another case." Issa: "Huh?" utaba: "I bet the reason you started playing music was because you thought I'd never be able to make it into your band, right?" Issa: "I guess." utaba: "Sorry. You're just so cool that I always want to follow wherever you go." Issa: "You bet I am." utaba: "It's cool the way you say "you bet I am" to that too." Issa: "It's not to show off." utaba: "I know." utaba: "But you know, this show we're doing... The characters are so much like us, it's almost like it was written for us." Issa: "You think so?" utaba: "Of course! Don't tell me you didn't notice." Issa: "What do you mean?" utaba: "Come on. Self-centered, arrogant, always causing trouble... Doesn't that describe both you and Itsuki perfectly?" Issa: "Hey." utaba: "And Ryo gets pushed around, and he's super serious and down-to-earth. That matches me perfectly too." Issa: "I guess." utaba: "So you don't disagree with that part." Issa: "Do you want me to?" utaba: "Hmm, no, I guess not really. Honestly, even when you pushed me around, I still looked up to you. I've always really admired you." Issa: "That so?" utaba: "The Oniichans guys said we have our childhood memories, and then we have who we are today. I agree with that. I can't let myself be satisfied just chasing you around all the time like when I was a kid." utaba: "I think this show is my chance. In the story, Ryo learns a lot from Itsuki and starts to grow as a person. Then by the end, he's so dependable that he can even save Itsuki. I want to be like that too. This might sound cocky, but I want to be my own person so I can stand shoulder to shoulder with you. And then someday... even be your rival." Issa: "Oh yeah?" utaba: "I'll do my best. You just watch, big bro."
{ "raw_title": "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION Episode 5 – Wonder • Part One", "parsed": [ "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION", "5", "Wonder • Part One" ] }
utaba: "I'm home! And gosh, I'm hungry." utaba: "What are you making, bro? Oh, omurice? Nice!" Issa: "You'd better help if you want any." utaba: "Okay, okay." utaba: "Ow! Wh-What?" Issa: "Damn it. I overfed you." utaba: "Heck yeah!" Issa: "Wipe that grin off your face!" utaba: "Ow!" Text: "Wonder • Part Two" Issa: "Are you afraid of heights now?" utaba: "I mean..." utaba: "We've got to jump over this." Issa: "The net will catch you if you fall, so don't worry." utaba: "That isn't really the issue." Issa (As Itsuki): "Keep going without me, Ryo!" utaba (As Ryo): "But..." Issa (As Itsuki): "Just go! Hurry up!" utaba (As Ryo): "A-All right." utaba (As Ryo): "Itsuki, you gotta hurry!" Issa (As Itsuki): "You don't have to tell me!" utaba (As Ryo): "Itsuki!" utaba (As Ryo): "That was close, Itsuki." Issa (As Itsuki): "Whatever. Let's go." Director: "Cut!" Issa: "You punk, trying to improvise like that." utaba: "S-Sorry. I wasn't really thinking. But that reminds me..." utaba: "Director. I'm sorry. My hand just moved on its own." Director: "Oh, don't worry. It added to the scene. Issa-kun rolled with it, too." utaba: "You think so?" Orihara: "Huh. Futaba-san is starting to look like a real actor." Director: "Sure." utaba: "Thank you so much." Takatsuki: "Futaba-san always seems one step removed from the rest of the group." Takatsuki: "Maybe his people-watching skills helped him develop the character." Orihara: "I see. I suppose he spends a lot of time watching Issa in particular." Orihara: "But it's more than that." Takatsuki: "Meaning what?" Orihara: "I think he has a lot of potential to begin with." Orihara: "He can actually pull his weight." Issa: "Of course he can. Whose brother do you think he is anyway?" utaba: "Great work today." utaba: "The show airs tomorrow. I'm starting to get nervous about it." Issa: "What are you freaking out for? This isn't your first TV show." Text: "Starring Issa & Futaba Kiduku" utaba: "Yeah, but we're costarring this time. I have so many scenes..." Issa: "Just chill. I'm the lead." utaba: "All right, all right." utaba: "Anyway, I've finally started to feel like I'm owning Ryo's character." Issa: "Huh." utaba: "It's a bit of a relief. I'm just concerned my acting will look bad compared to yours." Issa: "I wanna say you've got a long way to go before you start comparing yourself to me, but I'd give your acting a passing grade." utaba: "Really?" Issa: "For today, I mean. Don't let it go to your head." utaba: "Of course not. Don't worry." Text: "Starring Issa & Futaba Kiduku Mirisa @K-candy Issa's so cool! He's the best!! #RISESET #VAZZY Shikano @dear-deer I'll be setting my alarm every week just to watch Issa! #RISESET" Issa: "I guess that's about par." Text: "Tama @ok-28uno Futaba-kun's acting has gotten so much better since that other show! Can't wait to see more! #RISESET Acupuncture" Director: "Cut!" Text: "Meat Country" Director: "Great job! Perfect. Let's go with that." utaba: "Huh." Takatsuki: "Wow. It's only the second episode and Futaba-san is getting a lot of attention." Orihara: "Definitely. Things are looking good." Takatsuki: "Yes. I think I'll start laying on the promotional offers too." utaba: "Huh? An interview with a women's magazine? With me? Not my brother?" Takatsuki: "It will still serve as advertisement for the show, but yes, the offer is for you, Futaba-san." Issa: "Huh." utaba: "Just me? Is that okay?" Takatsuki: "It is. According to our data, social media searches after each episode show more hits for you than for Issa-san." Takatsuki: "You're our dark horse. This is an extremely good development." utaba: "A-All right. I'll do my best." Text: "Men of the Season Futaba Kiduku" Comment 1: "Futaba-kun is so cool in the action scenes! So different from his usual!" Text: "Trending \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hNew \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hUsers \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hImages\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hVideo" Comment 2: "I was seriously into Issa-sama, but Futaba-kun's so good as the big brother!" Text: "Chiharu" Comment 3: "These days, I find myself watching Futaba-kun more. I used to be all for Issa!" Ad: "Cut! Good work, everyone." utaba: "Thank you very much!" utaba: "Wanna get something to eat on the way home?" Issa: "No, I have somewhere to be." utaba: "Oh, I didn't know. Okay." Orihara: "Good work today." Issa: "Why, hello." Orihara: "The show's numbers are looking good." Orihara: "Thanks to your brother, I guess." Issa: "Well, isn't that nice?" Orihara: "Don't see that every day." Takaaki: "Oops." Text: "Original Drama Final Draft" Takaaki: "Did I distract you?" suke: "Huh? Takaaki-san?" Takaaki: "Oh, Naosuke and Yuma. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the roof is closed tonight. Now then, I'm about to make a snack downstairs. Wanna come?" suke: "Huh? I do, I do! I'm definitely in!" Yuma: "You don't mind?" Takaaki: "All righty, what do you feel like?" suke: "I want meat! Meat!" Yuma: "Nao, be careful not to eat too much." Takenaka: "I'm at the usual place. Wanna catch up over a drink?" Text: "Takenaka Today T" Takenaka: "I didn't expect you to actually show." Issa: "I needed a breath of fresh air anyway." Takenaka: "So, I hear you're working with your old rival." Issa: "How'd you know?" Takenaka: "I'll give you a hint: the show credits. But really, you and Taiga? It's hard to believe, thinking back on things." Issa: "Oh yeah?" Takenaka: "Yeah." Takenaka: "When we were in the band, you were always at each other's throats." Issa: "He was always the one coming at me." Takenaka: "I guess. But it looks like you have a more productive relationship now, so that's good." Takenaka: "I'm watching Rise and Set. It's honestly pretty good." Issa: "Well, thanks." Takenaka: "Futaba-kun has turned into a pretty good actor, too. I guess this show gave him a push." Issa: "Do you think?" Takenaka: "Yeah. He's really starting to act like your big brother." Issa: "Hmph." Takenaka: "Pretty impressive, especially given how he's trailed behind his big brother every step of the way." Issa: "So, what, it's my fault?" Takenaka: "Whose else would it be? At the very least, you're the one who brought out Futaba-kun's full potential." Issa: "That so?" utaba: "Oh, Issa. Welcome home. You sure are late." Issa: "Why are you still up?" utaba: "Well, you know. I just wanted to study the script more and... Wait, were you drinking?" Issa: "Water." utaba: "Right, right." utaba: "You know, Issa..." utaba: "Issa?" utaba: "Ouch!" utaba: "What?" Issa: "Tired. Gonna sleep." utaba: "Seriously, what?" Issa (As Itsuki): "Damn it! And we were so close..." utaba (As Ryo): "What are you so upset about, Itsuki?" utaba (As Ryo): "Is it my fault? Did I push you away?" Issa (As Itsuki): "Wha—" utaba (As Ryo): "That's what you said, but it wasn't my intention at all." Issa (As Itsuki): "That... Enough! Just shut up, Ryo!" Director: "Cut! Yeah, Ryo was good. Itsuki might work, but..." Issa: "Please let me try it again." utaba: "Issa..." Director: "All right. Take it away." Takaaki: "It's good to see you, Takatsuki-san." Takatsuki: "Takaaki-san. You sure are early." Takaaki: "Yeah. I thought I'd observe the two leads and see what I could learn from them." Ad: "Okay, good!" Takaaki: "Good afternoon, everyone!" Takaaki: "I'm Takaaki Mamiya, playing Katsuragi. I'm happy to work with you all!" Takaaki (As Katsuragi): "Took you long enough. I was getting tired of waiting." Issa (As Itsuki): "Katsuragi... What the hell are you doing here?" Takaaki (As Katsuragi): "It's the perfect spot for a hideout, isn't it?" Issa (As Itsuki): "Cut the crap. Get the hell out!" Takaaki (As Katsuragi): "Are you sure about that?" Takaaki (As Katsuragi): "Pets aren't allowed here. What if there turns out to be a rat?" Issa (As Itsuki): "Tch..." utaba (As Ryo): "I-I'm sorry, Itsuki. I just..." Takaaki (As Katsuragi): "It's a pleasure, Big Brother Itsuki. I'm Itsuki-kun's good friend Katsuragi." Takaaki (As Katsuragi): "Nice to meet you." Director: "Okay, cut!" Orihara: "Mamiya-san always has such a great aura. He seems nice, but you can't read his character. This tricky part suits him." Takatsuki: "Thank you very much." Orihara: "Even if he doesn't have many scenes, he'll make a big impact." utaba: "Even when he only appears for a second, Takaaki-san has an amazing presence." Issa: "Well, he used to be a nationally famous idol." Takaaki: "All righty, I'm heading out for today. Thank you very much!" utaba: "Great work today. I'm looking forward to the next time, Takaaki-san." Takaaki: "Yeah! See you." Takaaki: "It's sure tough being a big brother." Issa: "What a jerk." utaba: "Issa, why don't we..." Issa: "Nah, I got something to do. You can go home without me." utaba: "Oh... Okay then." suke: "Oh, Futaba-san, welcome home!" utaba: "I'm back, Nao-kun." suke: "Issa isn't with you, huh?" utaba: "Er, no." suke: "Well, if you're always together on set, I guess you'd want some time alone." utaba: "Alone? Yeah, you're probably right." suke: "Meow meow?" suke: "Futaba-san, did something happen with you and Issa?" utaba: "U-Uh... um, actually..." suke: "Really? Issa's avoiding you? But aren't you working together on set right now?" utaba: "Yeah. Everything's normal on set, but outside of that... I wonder if I did something wrong." suke: "I know Issa can have an attitude, but he's got a big heart, right? I guess he does get annoyed by the little things, though." utaba: "Yeah, I know, but..." suke & Futaba: "Hmm." suke: "Oh. If he's troubled over the show," suke: "I bet I know what it is!" utaba: "What?" Issa: "Why on earth are these guys here?" suke: "In the footsteps of the Oniichans, it's the kid bros' time to shine!" Text: "Little Brothers" suke: "We're the Ototo Rangers!" Issa: "Huh?" suke: "I've got a big sis. I'm Ototo Orange!" Ayumu: "I-I've got a big sis too. Ototo Blue!" Rui: "I love my big bro. I'm Ototo Green." zomu: "Brotherly love! Ototo Red!" Issa: "Is this a joke?" suke: "Issa, you're having trouble getting into character, right? You can totally rely on us!" Ayumu: "If I can help out even a little, I'll be happy." zomu: "Ask us anything about what it's like to be a little brother." Rui: "Count on us, brother!" Issa: "The hell are you doing? I'm out." Takaaki: "Oh, come on. It sounds like fun." zomu: "Top hits of the li'l bro experience! I'm Nozomu Nanase, and I'll go first!" Ototos: "Mm-hmm!" zomu: "First up... Everything we got for school were hand-me-downs." suke: "Oh, for sure! Like gym clothes." Text: "Naosuke Oyama" suke: "They always had the name label crossed out or covered with a patch." Ayumu: "That is a common experience. Mine were the same way." utaba: "Huh? But I thought you had a big sister, Ayumu..." zomu: "Oh, cool! I bet she was nice to you." Ayumu: "Yeah, she was nice enough," Ayumu: "but I was always a weakling, so I depended on her a lot. And now I can absolutely..." Ayumu: "not stand up to her." Rui: "You've got a lot bottled up." zomu: "Oh, that reminds me. My brother said he knows you, Issa-san." Issa: "Oh, Izuru? How's he doing?" zomu: "Great! We played bass together a while back and he treated me to dinner." Issa: "Huh, so that's how he is around his brother. I didn't know he was the supportive type." zomu: "Totally! Both as a bassist and a big brother, he's the best!" Rui: "I know what you mean. My big brother is a doctor now, but to me, he's still the best pianist in the world." suke: "Yeah, yeah. They're the closest role model you have. An inspiration you can never compete with." Issa: "I get the feeling you guys idealize your big brothers a little too much." Rui: "Huh?" Issa: "The only difference is that they were born a few years before you. There's no reason you can't compete." utaba: "Issa..." zomu: "I don't know. Even if he's only ahead because he was born first, those "few years" can feel pretty huge." suke: "Yeah, yeah. Do big bros not see it that way?" Issa: "Anyway, are we done here?" Takaaki: ""What are you so upset about, Itsuki?" "Is it my fault?"" Issa: "Huh?" Takaaki: ""Did I push you away? That's what you said, but it wasn't my intention at all."" Issa: ""Enough. Just shut up, Ryo."" Issa: "Quit memorizing other people's lines." Takaaki: "People always said I was good at it." Issa: "Yeah, well, I'm having trouble with it." Takaaki: "You know, I'm jealous. You get to work with your brother on set." Issa: "Would you drop it?" Takaaki: "The hardest part about being a big brother" Takaaki: "is when you start thinking you need to be a kind of impassable barrier." Takaaki: "I can't tell you how hard that is for me. I mean, I have to try to play big brother to all eleven of you in the group." Issa: "Don't you think that's setting the bar just a little too high?" Takaaki: "Yeah, maybe. And all my little brothers are growing up like crazy. I try to be the reliable one, but sometimes I feel the pressure too." Issa: "Pressure? You?" Takaaki: "Well, yeah. But just think about it a minute. As long as I keep moving, the gap between us stays the same. There's nothing worse than losing my cool and getting stuck. I've got to keep my chin up and keep going forward. I do kind of like the challenge, though." Issa: "Is this some kind of confession?" Takaaki: "Little brothers try to better themselves by emulating their big brothers, and big brothers try to better themselves to live up to that." Takaaki: "Isn't it all just part of what it means to be siblings?" Issa: "I guess." Issa: "Thanks..." Issa: "Big Brother Takaaki." Takaaki: "Ah, my cute little bro... Be ambitious, boy!" Issa: "Get over yourself, you big dork." utaba: "Issa, you're making dinner for us? It's been a while! Anything I can help with?" utaba: "What's wrong? I haven't done anything yet." Issa: "Think I was gonna hit you again?" utaba: "Oh, wow, is it omurice?" Issa: "Chop this up." utaba: "Roger!" Issa: "Back then..." utaba: "Huh?" Issa: "When you got taller than me, I was so pissed. I thought, "The nerve of this punk, thinking he can look down on me..."" utaba: "I know." Issa: "But it wasn't just that. Honestly, I started to feel pressure. At least a little." Issa: "Hey, you aren't done chopping." utaba: "Wait, you did? No way!" Issa: "Yes way. Imagine getting outgrown by the guy who always admired and looked up to you. You'd feel the pressure too. And it's happening again now... This time with your acting." Issa: "I'm not gonna lose, though." utaba: "Huh? You mean..." Issa: "Enough about that. Conversation over." Issa: "Got it?" utaba: "Yeah!" Issa: "Wipe that grin off your face!" utaba: "Ow!" utaba: "Here. One more dish." Issa: "You're helping out more than you used to." utaba: "It's called growing up." utaba: "Now then, let's eat!" Issa: "Let's." utaba: "The shoot is going to wrap pretty soon." Issa: "Yeah." utaba: "I'll keep working hard. I'm not going to lose either." Issa: "Oh yeah?" utaba (As Ryo): "Wha—?" utaba (As Ryo): "Itsuki!" Takaaki (As Katsuragi): "Hey, put it down." Issa (As Itsuki): "What we've been through..." Issa (As Itsuki): "It's all his fault." Criminal: "What's wrong? Can't pull the trigger?" Issa (As Itsuki): "Shut up." Criminal: "Shoot! Come on! You're no different from me!" utaba (As Ryo): "Don't do it, Itsuki!" Criminal: "Go ahead! Show us who you really are!" Issa: "Sorry to disappoint. I'll never be that person again." Issa: "I've got someone who needs me here." Director: "Cut! Okay. Good work, everyone!" Staff: "Good work!" utaba: "I can't compete with you after all." Issa: "Of course not. You'll never get the better of your big brother."
{ "raw_title": "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION Episode 6 – Wonder • Part Two", "parsed": [ "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION", "6", "Wonder • Part Two" ] }
Rikka: "You don't need miracles or magic anymore." Dai: "Take off your glass slippers." Rikka & Dai: "Draw in your destiny." Text: "Enchant • Part One" Koduki: "So as you can see, with commercials like this, Myth Kiss cosmetics are hot right now. The company is planning to start a second line brand of products aimed at younger customers." Ayumu: "A second line?" Reiji: "Like those so-called budget cosmetics? The kind you can get at convenience stores?" Koduki: "Yes, a budget cosmetics line. The brand name is Illusion Kiss. They're reviewing potential brand ambassadors, and you two made the shortlist!" Reiji: "I figured that's what was up." Ayumu: "We might become representatives for a brand?" Reiji: "If we're getting offers like this, it must mean people are finally starting to see us as partners." Ayumu: "You're probably right. But don't get carried away. We've only made the shortlist." Reiji: "Yeah, fair. But aren't you happy?" Ayumu: "I am. Even if it's just a chance to try something new, I'm extremely pleased." Reiji: "Me too." Koduki: "Later on, there will be a camera test using the actual script and wardrobe for the commercial. That will be the final screening." Ayumu: "In costume and everything? Sounds like they're serious." Koduki: "The theme for the brand is "enchant," as in to captivate or charm, and they want to make sure they get the right look on screen." Koduki: "Here's the script for the commercial. For your roles, Reiji-kun will be the wizard and Ayumu-kun will be the person he casts a spell on." Ayumu: ""Living alone in an apartment, she..." It's a woman? "She's been feeling under the weather." "But then one day, a handsome and stylish wizard appears to her."" Reiji: ""He uses Illusion Kiss magic to grant the woman an exquisite makeover, transforming her into a beautiful lady who enchants everyone around her." "Things are looking up for tomorrow."" Ayumu: "Except... she's being played by a man." Reiji: "Hah! So that's the twist." Ayumu: "It definitely has a touch of humor." Ayumu: "A handsome and stylish wizard, huh?" Ayumu: "That suits you perfectly." Ayumu: "And I guess mine's because of my androgynous look." Reiji: "You'd better give a performance that really makes me mistake you for a woman." Ayumu: "That's easy for you to say. Of course I'll try, though." Koduki: "Incidentally, even if the job goes to two women or a male-female pair, the roles will stay the same." Reiji: "Huh. It'll be interesting whichever way it goes, then." Ayumu: "Considering the content and the talent, it sounds like they want something that won't be overshadowed by Myth Kiss." Koduki: "They don't want to rely on its popularity. They're trying to create something completely new. That's what the person in charge told me." Reiji: "But haven't all of the Myth Kiss reps been TsukiPro members so far?" Text: "Won't you kiss me like in a myth? Won't you kiss me like in a myth? Won't you kiss me like in a myth?" Ayumu: "Huh." Reiji: "If they wanted something different, why did they come to us?" Koduki: "It did sound like they were on the fence for a while, but I convinced them to not disqualify you over that." Ayumu: "Oh, no kidding." Koduki: "That's right. "TsukiPro members will always find a way to surprise you," I said." Ayumu: "So that's what we're up against." Reiji: "Now we've got to land this job." Koduki: "Yeah, let's get this one! If we do, we might bag an offer for a series later on too." Ayumu: "We've got to think about those who've carried the Myth Kiss brand this far. They're pinning their hopes on us. We don't want to disgrace our senior members." Reiji: "Don't need to tell me twice." Ayumu: "Well, as long as you understand. It's just that you never take things seriously." Reiji: "Oh? Do you doubt me, Ayumu-kun?" Ayumu: "That's not what I'm saying. It's a big responsibility, but if I go in, I'm in all the way." Reiji: "I thought so. See? We're both on board, so feel free to get your hopes up, Manager." Ayumu: "You can look forward to a job well done." Koduki: "Okay!" Cameraman: "All right, we're going to do some quick tests. Just relax and make yourself comfortable." Cameraman: "Yeah, that's good. Like that." Gaku: "So you and Ayumu are trying out for a makeup commercial?" Ruka: "I can't wait to see how it turns out! I'm really curious. I hope you get it." Reiji: "Yeah. I'm not going to let this chance slip by. Ayumu's really motivated, too." Gaku: "You say that, but I bet he's really feeling the pressure internally." Reiji: "Probably." Gaku: "When do they make a decision?" Reiji: "They said next week." Ruka: "Does this mean you and Ayumu-kun will be working together, like, every day?" Reiji: "Yeah, I guess it does." Cameraman: "Okay, good!" Ayumu: "Thank you very much." Staff: "Next, let's get Amaha-san and Tachibana-san together, please." Reiji: "Okay." Reiji: "All right, here I go." Ruka & Gaku: "See you later!" Reiji: "I'm sorry, but it's a little chilly. Could you adjust the air conditioning?" Staff: "Right away!" Ruka: "Didja see that? Reiji-kun wasn't cold, but he noticed that Ayumu-kun was." Gaku: "Yeah. That's what makes him a closet care creature." Ruka: "Huh? What's that?" Gaku: "That's what Ayumu called Reiji." Koduki: "Hello." Ruka: "Oh, Satoshi-kun!" Koduki: "How's it going?" Koduki: "Looks like they're shooting Reiji-kun and Ayumu-kun together now." Gaku: "They might even finish early today." Cameraman: "Nice! I was hoping for something like that." Reiji: "I thought so. When you told us about the vibe you wanted, I figured that's what you were going for." Cameraman: "You sure know what you're doing!" Reiji: "Only because your directions were spot-on." Reiji: "Come on, Ayumu. You make a heart too." Ayumu: "R-Right." Reiji: "That's it, that's it." Ayumu: "Huh? Oh..." Cameraman: "That works too! Tachibana-kun, could you make it a little easier to see?" Ayumu: "Ah, certainly." Ayumu: "Is this what he means?" Reiji: "Sure. Like two cute little foxes." Reiji: "Hah! That's how you do it?" Ayumu: "A heart is a heart." Koduki: "I never thought I'd see these two like this." Gaku: "Come to think of it, Koduki-san, didn't you work with them a long time ago?" Ruka: "Before you were ROCK DOWN's hero, when you were still playing a sentai hero, right?" Koduki: "Yes. Back then, there were always sparks flying between them, and I don't mean in a good way." Koduki: "Reiji-kun wasn't very good at working with others yet. He was always trying to stand out by himself." Koduki: "It really rubbed Ayumu-kun the wrong way. He tried to talk to Reiji-kun about it but could never find the right way to say it." Koduki: "Things got pretty tense." Gaku: "I can imagine. Reiji was even more hungry for attention back then, and he was too insecure to be conscientious of others." Ruka: "And if Reiji-kun was always showing off, Ayumu-kun's basically the opposite, so I bet they really clashed." Koduki: "Yeah. I didn't fully understand what was happening at the time. It wasn't until I became ROCK DOWN's manager that I put two and two together. And now, not only do they lean on each other, but they genuinely seem to enjoy being in the band together." Gaku: "Well, sure. They get to work with us." Ruka: "And you, Satoshi-kun." Koduki: "Right." Ayumu: "Sounds like you're having fun." Ayumu: "What are you talking about?" Ruka: "How you and Reiji-kun are getting along so well." Ayumu: "What does that mean?" Ayumu: "Well, I suppose we're getting along well enough..." Gaku: "Ayumu, I can tell you really admire Reiji, so maybe saying you "get along" isn't quite right." Ayumu: "Wh-What makes you say I admire him? Well, in a way, I guess I do." Koduki: "You make great partners." Ayumu: "You too, Koduki-san?" Koduki: "I really think you do. Actually, Reiji-kun's the one who gave me the idea for the brand ambassador job. That's what made me recommend you." Ayumu; Gaku; Ruka: "Huh?" Koduki: "He said something to me." Koduki: ""Ayumu has been making suggestions and working on his weaknesses. He's really starting to show a positive, proactive attitude. I bet if he takes on more new challenges, he'll grow so quickly it'll blow us away."" Ruka: "Wow!" Gaku: "Reiji's always got a close eye on Ayumu, so that means something coming from him." Koduki: "He added, "And as my partner matures, I'll get more job offers too!"" Ayumu: "Reiji actually said all that?" Ayumu: "I can't afford to mess this up now." Cm Staff 1: "Wow!" Cm Staff 2: "Classic Amaha-san! You look fantastic in anything!" Reiji: "Don't I just? Is Ayumu still changing?" Koduki: "Yes." Reiji: "I can't believe we're doing a camera test with him made up like a woman. He was freaking out about it." Koduki: "It's the last day of tests, so he's been nervous since this morning. I bet this makes it even worse." Reiji: "Well, it'll work out. He knows I'm here for him." Koduki: "Yup. That's one thing I'm not worried about." Reiji: "You didn't miss a beat there!" Koduki: "Oh, Ayumu-kun. Looks like he's ready." Ayumu: "My apologies. Sorry to keep you waiting." Ayumu: "How do I look?" Cm Staff 1: "Oh my gosh, you're so pretty!" Cm Staff 2: "What a transformation." Makeup Artist: "Isn't he lovely? The makeup went on well because you have such great skin. I enjoyed painting you!" Ayumu: "Th-Thank you very much." Ayumu: "I feel like a different person. I'm really impressed with your work." Ayumu: "I'll put my best face forward so it doesn't go to waste." Ayumu: "Reiji." Reiji: "Huh?" Ayumu: "Is it okay?" Reiji: "Ah... Jeez." Reiji: "Yeah, looks about right." Ayumu: "Does it? What a relief." Reiji: "Huh?" Ayumu: "If I'm up to your standards, we're in good shape. At least I know I don't look trashy." Reiji: "Yeah, that's about the last word I'd use..." Cm Staff 2: "All right, let's start the camera test." Reiji & Ayumu: "Okay!" Shou: "Mm-hmm. Let's go with that episode." Haruto: "Sure." Shou: "Welcome home, guys." Haruto: "I hope work went well." Reiji: "We're back." Ayumu: "We're back." Shou: "So, how did today's camera test go?" Ayumu: "I guess we got through it okay. Right, Reiji?" Reiji: "Yeah, sure we did." Shou: "Then why do you both look so down right now?" Haruto: "He's right. Normally, you'd say something like "hell yeah!" Right, Reiji-san?" Reiji: "Well, it's just..." Ayumu: "Reiji was perfect like always," Ayumu: "but my mind went totally blank." Reiji: "Listen, I already told you that's just because you were concentrating so hard. Your performance was just fine." Ayumu: "I hope you're right, but if we fail, I'll think it was my fault." Reiji: "Yeah, it was totally me..." Reiji: "Anyway, we both gave it our best shot. Don't waste any time imagining the worst. Got it?" Ayumu: "Y-Yeah." Reiji: "What about you guys? Rehearsing something?" Haruto: "Yes. We have a guest spot on a radio program." Reiji: "Wow! You two on as guests? The host better be great at witty comebacks." Shou: "He's the goofball half of a comedy duo." Reiji: "So who's gonna be the straight man?!" Ayumu: "Oh, speaking of, Reiji... Do you want to rehearse too? We're on set tomorrow again." Reiji: "Huh? Oh, sure..." Reiji: "Actually, tonight's no good." Ayumu: "Huh?" Reiji: "Sorry, man. Let's do it tomorrow." Ayumu: "O-Oh, okay." Reiji: "See ya." lm Staff: "Great work today, Reiji! Another job well done." Reiji: "Thanks so much! Wha—" Reiji: "What's wrong, man? You sick?" Ayumu: "I feel fine." Reiji: "So, what? Are you depressed or something? You did screw up a lot." Reiji: "Whatever. Don't worry about it. You eventually got it." Ayumu: "Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Reiji: "What gives?" Reiji: "It's not like you to screw up like that. Ah... Or did my perfect performance right beforehand put too much pressure on you?" Reiji: "Wait, seriously?" Reiji: "Okay, I get it. But I can't help it. I'm just that good." Reiji: "You honestly did great at the end, though." Reiji: "Just try harder next time." Reiji: "Or do you want me to give you a few pointers?" Ayumu: "Would you?!" Ayumu: "Er, I mean..." Reiji: "How the tables have turned..." Reiji: "What the hell is wrong with me? If we lose this job, it'll be all my fault." Reiji: "No, this isn't like me." Reiji: "Pull yourself together, Reiji Amaha!" Vazzcats: "Meow!" Vazzcats: "Meow!" Reiji: "Thanks so much!" Radio Staff: "Great work! You were in top form today." Reiji: "Appreciate it." Reiji: "Yeah, this is more my style." Haruto: "What's your assessment of Reiji-san?" Shou: "He doesn't seem as laid-back as usual, I guess." Reiji: "By the way, when will we hear back about the Illusion Kiss commercial?" Koduki: "I'm expecting a call anytime now." Ayumu: "I'm nervous about it, but it's kind of exciting too." Reiji: "Oh, uh, yeah. If we get it, let's make a commercial we can be proud of..." Reiji: "for a change." Ayumu: "Let's." Cameraman: "Mm-hmm. Perfect again today. Looking great!" Reiji: "Thank you very much." Ayumu: "Recently, it feels like our renowned Amaha has been closing himself off." Koduki: "Huh?" Ayumu: "Outside of work, Reiji has hardly been speaking to me." Koduki: "Is that right?" Staff: "Thank you for waiting. Right this way, Tachibana-san." Ayumu: "Sure." Cameraman: "Um, could you squeeze in a little closer, please?" Ayumu: "Sure." Reiji: "Like this?" Cameraman: "Yes, that's good." Cameraman: "Uh... Tachibana-san, could you smile a little more? And Amaha-san, take it down a notch?" Reiji: "Oh, sure." Ayumu: "All right." Koduki: "What's going on? It's like they're out of sync or they're in different places." Koduki: "Like they're back to their old selves again." Staff: "Let's stop the shoot for now. Please head inside." Koduki: "The rain won't stop anytime soon, so the rest of the shoot is delayed until next time." Ayumu: "I'm sorry. I always bring black clouds." Koduki: "You don't need to apologize. I reserved an extra day just in case of something like this." Koduki: "So let's give it another shot." Ayumu: "Okay." Reiji: "Are you all right? I really hope you don't catch a cold." Staff: "I appreciate it." Koduki: "Please excuse me." Ayumu: "Sure." Koduki: "Yes, this is Koduki." Koduki: "Ah, thank you for your time. Yes. Yes!" Koduki: "Thank you so much!" Ruka: "You got the brand ambassador job? Congrats!" Ayumu: "Thanks." Ruka: "Aren't you happy?" Ayumu: "Yeah. I'll give the shoot everything I've got." Shou: "What a relief, right, Reiji?" Reiji: "Yeah. Oh... Um, I mean, I always knew we'd get it." Ruka: "We gotta celebrate! How about some sweets and matcha?" Ayumu: "No, we haven't finished our shoot yet. Don't go out of your way." Reiji: "Ayumu, your face is pretty red." Reiji: "Hey!" Ruka: "Ayumu-kun!" Shou: "Ayumu?" Reiji: "Are you okay, Ayumu?!"
{ "raw_title": "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION Episode 7 – Enchant • Part One", "parsed": [ "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION", "7", "Enchant • Part One" ] }
Koduki: "The doctor said the fever should go down with a couple days' rest." Koduki: "I'll check on him as often as I can." Reiji: "Manager." Reiji: "Most of Ayumu's jobs are going to need a substitute, right?" Koduki: "Oh... Yes." Reiji: "Give me as many as you can." Koduki: "Huh?" Reiji: "Just this once... let me cover for him." Text: "Enchant • Part Two" Ouka: "Still high." Yuma: "Did he get medicine for the fever?" Ruka: "Yeah. Gaku-kun is making him rice porridge. He can take it after eating." Ouka: "Do you think you can eat?" Ayumu: "Yeah, probably." Ouka: "I brought you some lychees too. You can have them later." Ayumu: "Thanks. I know you're all busy, so I appreciate this." Ouka: "Don't worry about it. The other members said they'd come check on you too." Yuma: "We were able to shift our schedules around today, so somebody should always be home." Yuma: "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, okay?" Ayumu: "Thank you." Ayumu: "Come in." Shou: "Morning, everyone." Haruto: "How are you doing, Ayumu-san?" Ayumu: "Good morning. I still have a fever, but everyone's helping out, so I'm okay." Shou: "It looks like it." Haruto: "We should be back by evening, so please take care of him until then." Shou & Haruto: "See you later." Ouka; Yuma; Ruka; Ayumu: "See you." Haruto: "So it looks like we'll all be taking turns watching him today." Koduki: "I'm glad. I should be able to drop by around noon too." Shou: "Are you sure? You don't have to." Koduki: "Oh, it's totally fine. I have it a lot easier than some people." Haruto: "Reiji-san picked up most of Ayumu-san's jobs, didn't he?" Koduki: "Yes. He took everything that didn't conflict with his schedule, but it hasn't left him time for any breaks." Koduki: "He'll also be working until late at night." Haruto: "That sounds really rough." Shou: "He insisted on that?" Koduki: "He did." Shou: "I see..." Koduki: "I've actually been a little worried about Reiji-kun for a while now." Haruto: "You have?" Koduki: "Yes. You know how he's been working with Ayumu-kun a lot, right? They're usually so in step, but they've seemed out of sync lately." Koduki: "And Ayumu-kun says they haven't been talking outside of work." Haruto: "Huh?" Koduki: "When that photo shoot got rained out, something didn't seem right. Normally, Reiji-kun is always the first to check on Ayumu-kun and I feel bad for being slow on the draw. Usually, anyway. But that didn't happen." Koduki: "And then he volunteered to fill in for all of Ayumu-kun's jobs." Haruto: "I can see why you're worried." Shou: "Me too." Ruka: "This one... and then this?" Yuma: "Yes. One of each." Gaku: "By the way, have you heard from Reiji?" Ayumu: "Uh, no, not yet today." Gaku: "But he's usually the first to check on you..." Gaku: "Ah, never mind." Ouka: "I finished peeling the lychees." Ruka: "Once you eat those, it's time for your medicine." Yuma: "It sounds like you can stop taking the fever reducer once your temperature goes down, so you should check before you take it." Ayumu: "Okay. Thank you." Ayumu: "Are these all get-well gifts?" Ayumu: "You guys came to visit too? Thanks." Ayumu: "Everyone here is so good to me." Ayumu: "I bet the guys are busy covering for the jobs I'm missing too." Ayumu: "Sorry. I'm feeling a little down." Ayumu: "How did I even end up like this?" Ayumu: "It's always been this way." Ayumu: "I was never strong enough, physically or emotionally." Ayumu: "When I pushed myself even a little, I'd start feeling ill. I tried to take things seriously, but sometimes it just made me so nervous I'd get sick." Classmate 1: "He's going home early again?" Classmate 2: "I bet he's faking it. He's always skipping." Classmate 1: "They spoil him because he's an actor." Ayumu: "In elementary school," Ayumu: "I was already missing class for work too. It made it hard to fit in." Colleague 1: "Is he sick again? Staying healthy is part of the job too." Colleague 2: "No kidding. It's totally irresponsible to get sick like that before work." Ayumu: "When I got a little older, people started talking about me on sets." Ayumu: "And I did feel responsible. I wanted to do something about it." Ayumu: "It was embarrassing being that weak. I hated it!" Reiji (At 13): "Get over it." Ayumu: "Then I met a guy named Reiji," Ayumu: "and more than ever before, I realized I couldn't stay that way." Ayumu: "So I've tried to take good care of myself." Ayumu: "What a joke." Ruka: "Ayumu-kun, can we come in?" Ayumu: "Yeah, come in." Gaku: "Hope we aren't bothering you." Ruka: "Ta-dah!" Ruka: "A special fruit tray delivery from Gaku's Fruit Parlor." Gaku: "With lychee from Ouka-kun too." Ayumu: "Thanks." Ruka: "Ouka-kun has lychee for every occasion." Gaku: "I know." Gaku: "He started sharing them for some reason, and now it's become a habit. Or something like that." Ruka: "I'll leave this here." Ruka: "Vazz and Rock were worried about you too, Ayumu-kun." Gaku: "Yeah. They're all over him." Ayumu: "I guess they're trying to cheer me up." Ruka & Gaku: "Huh?" Ayumu: "Ah, shoot, I didn't mean to say that out loud. I was just wishing I wasn't always such a weakling." Gaku: "What? You aren't that weak, though." Ruka: "Yeah. I know you said you used to be frail, but this is just a cold. Even I catch colds!" Ayumu: "But no one gets them more than me." Gaku: "Well, yeah, compared to the guys who never get sick, that might be true." Ruka: "But only by a little. Especially recently." Ayumu: "Now that you mention it, maybe I am getting sick less often than I used to." Ayumu: "After joining ROCKDOWN, I've become a lot more physically active, right?" Ruka: "Yeah. We go pretty hard with all the dance lessons and voice training and stuff. But you're making it work." Ruka: "Even prepping for VAZZROCK Live." Gaku: "You do some really physically demanding variety shows too." Ayumu: "Yeah. The old me probably would've passed out in rehearsals. But that hasn't happened." Ayumu: "Instead of getting sick, I've actually been feeling a lot more energetic." Ruka & Gaku: "Huh." Ruka: "Maybe all the hard going was good for him." Gaku: "Dorm life might be helping too." Ayumu: "I bet it's all of those things." Ayumu: "It's all thanks to you guys." Ayumu: "I was really anxious, but after you guys opened up to me, that all vanished." Ayumu: "But you did more than just accept me." Text: "Throat Drops" Ayumu: "You always watch out for me. You've had my back all this time." Ayumu: "That's why, even when work is exhausting, I can give my best." Ayumu: "Thank you." Gaku: "You're very welcome. But I kinda think it goes both ways." Ayumu: "Huh?" Ruka: "We can't really complain about stuff when we see you working so hard. You inspire us to hang in there." Gaku: "He's right." Ayumu: "Do you really think so? I'm glad to hear it." Ayumu: "But I still think I owe you all big-time." Gaku: "You're so sincere." Ayumu: "Most of all, I feel like I'm always burdening Reiji." Ayumu: "Even now. I hear he's covering my jobs." Ruka: "Yeah. Reiji-kun stepped up and volunteered." Ayumu: "I need to thank him." Gaku: "Then you'd better get well so you can." Ayumu: "Yeah, you're right." Text: "Throat Drop Soothing Relief!" Ayumu: "I'm sure Reiji can handle the work, but I hope he doesn't overdo it." Koduki: "Thanks for working so late." Reiji: "You too, manager." Koduki: "You know..." Reiji: "Huh?" Koduki: "Should we pass some of Ayumu-kun's jobs to the others after all?" Reiji: "No, this is a breeze. Sorry to be so greedy." Koduki: "You aren't being greedy. You're saving my neck, so I don't think that at all." Reiji: "This is all my fault anyway." Koduki: "Huh?" Reiji: "I'm not surprised they're all asleep." Reiji: "I could use a snack." Haruto: "Hmm." Reiji: "Wha—?!" Haruto: "Good evening, sir. Surprise! Attack of the midnight dinner." Reiji: "That gag is so old! Are you seriously in your twenties?" Shou: "Welcome home, Reiji." Reiji: "Thank you. Now would you do something about this guy, Shou?" Haruto: "You don't need to tell me to back off." Reiji: "Jeez. What the heck are you guys even up to?" Haruto: "I think that's our line. I almost mistook you for an ally in darkness." Reiji: "I want no part of that." Shou: "We heard you'd be late, so we decided to wait up." Reiji: "Why?" Shou: "We wanted to talk about something." Shou: "Were you preparing some late-night tea?" Reiji: "No, not tea. I was hungry, so I was gonna make instant ramen or something." Haruto: "So you're making your move!" Reiji: "I'm really getting tired of this bit. Can we not right now?" Haruto: "All right, so be it. At least let me make the ramen for you." Reiji: "Why would I do that?! I've heard the legends about your nightmare ramen!" Haruto: "Oh, you're too kind." Reiji: "Quit grinning! That wasn't a compliment!" Shou: "Ramen sure is delicious." Shou: "Now I'm hungry for some too." Reiji: "Okay, fine. I get it. Fine. Whatever! Just quit bothering me. I'll do it, okay? I'll make enough for three." Haruto: "Oh. Really, let me make it." Reiji: "You go prep cabbage or something!" Shou: "Is there anything I can help with?" Reiji: "No. Sit down." Shou: "All right. I just wanted to ask. I thought it would be polite." Reiji: "Of course you did." Reiji: "So, didn't you say you wanted to talk about something?" Shou: "Yeah." Shou: "You and Ayumu have been avoiding each other recently." Shou: "Why is that?" Reiji: "You always go straight for the jugular without warning." Shou: "If I don't catch you by surprise, you put up your guard and I can't break through. So? What exactly happened?" Reiji: "What? Nothing happened." Shou: "Come on, that's not true. It's written all over your face. See?" Haruto: "It is. I can see it brewing behind your eyes. Our poor, troubled Amaha. Now, free yourself of your troubles by sharing them with us." Reiji: "Fine, fine, fine, fine! Okay! I'll talk! I'll talk! Just give me some space!" Reiji: "It happened at the camera test for Illusion Kiss." Haruto: "Oh, that's when it started?" Haruto: "But you got the brand ambassador job, so I thought it turned out okay." Reiji: "Well, yeah. All thanks to Ayumu." Haruto: "Huh?" Reiji: "He was super popular with the staff on that set." Reiji: "I thought he was going to upstage me." Haruto: "I can't believe I'm hearing this from our world-renowned Amaha." Reiji: "I'm saying that's how it felt. There's no way he'd really upstage me. It's just..." Shou: "Just what?" Reiji: "It really startled me. He was mesmerizing." Reiji: "Honestly, I felt like I'd lost to him, so I was kind of pissed." Shou & Haruto: "Huh." Reiji: "That doesn't faze you?! You two might not get it, but I'm a sensitive guy, so that stuff matters to me!" Shou: "Sorry, sorry. What happened next?" Reiji: "I just couldn't get back into it." Reiji: "When I realized I'd been holding Ayumu back, I couldn't forgive myself." Shou: "So you tried to get your groove back but lost your rhythm?" Haruto: "You panicked and tried to race ahead again all by yourself." Reiji: "Yeah, yeah. That's exactly what happened." Text: "Powdered Soup Shoyu Flavor" Reiji: "So, as I grew more desperate, I guess I started avoiding Ayumu. And when I didn't check on him after the photo shoot, he ended up catching a cold." Shou: "You feel guilty, and that's why you're covering for him now." Reiji: "That's right. Are you satisfied now?" Shou: "I suppose so." Haruto: "It looks like the ramen is ready now too." Haruto: "Instant ramen made by the world-renowned Amaha himself!" Reiji: "That's right. Brace yourselves!" Haruto: "Okay. Thanks for the food." Haruto: "How about you, Ayumu-san?" Shou: "It looks delicious. Come on over." Reiji: "Huh? What?!" Reiji: "You... What are you doing? Get back in bed! What if you get worse?" Shou: "That's your issue?" Haruto: "Ayumu-san wanted to wait up for you too, so we let him sleep on the sofa." Shou: "But it's fine. He kept warm with all the blankets we gave him." Reiji: "If you were on the sofa this whole time..." Ayumu: "I heard everything." Haruto: "Well then, it seems you two have a lot to discuss, so Shou and I will be on our way." Reiji: "Huh?! What about the ramen?" Haruto: "We'll have it in our rooms!" Reiji: "Yeah, I should've known!" Shou: "We'll give you two some privacy." Haruto: "Take care, Ayumu-san." Ayumu: "Thanks." Reiji: "Anyway, wanna eat?" Ayumu: "Yeah. I'll have some." Ayumu: "Thanks for the food." Reiji: "Did you have enough?" Ayumu: "It was plenty. I already had dinner." Reiji: "You sure you didn't lose your appetite because of the cold?" Ayumu: "Yeah. My fever is down too." Reiji: "Is it? That's good." Ayumu: "Were you really..." Ayumu: "that worried about me?" Reiji: "Well, yeah, I guess." Reiji: "You heard everything earlier, right?" Ayumu: "Yeah. I didn't realize you felt that way during the camera test." Ayumu: "And the reason you were avoiding me..." Reiji: "That was my bad. I'm sorry." Ayumu: "No, don't apologize. I'm flattered." Ayumu: "I thought that I would always be trailing behind you. But if you of all people got jealous of me, if I've really grown that much," Ayumu: "I'm honestly happy." Reiji: "You aren't mad?" Ayumu: "That's right. I'm not bothered at all. And the reason I got sick was because I didn't take care of myself. Not because of anything you did." Ayumu: "Get over it." Reiji: "Huh?" Reiji (At 13): "Get over it." Ayumu: "That's what you used to tell me when I got sick. I'd always think, "Do I have to take that from this jerk?"" Reiji: "Yeah, that sounds like the old you." Ayumu: "These days, we're so close that we split late-night ramen together. And now I realize you meant, "Don't worry. You'll have a chance to make it up." You were trying to encourage me." Reiji: "Ayumu..." Ayumu: "I'm sure we'll both still do things we regret in the future," Ayumu: "but let's work through them and keep going." Ayumu: "I'm sorry I let myself get sick." Ayumu: "I'll be more careful, so I hope you'll still put up with me." Reiji: "I didn't expect that." Reiji: "Man, you just keep finding ways to make me look bad." Reiji: "Anyway, my attitude really sucked, and I'm sorry." Reiji: "I'll watch myself too, so let's try to get along." Ayumu: "Yeah." Reiji: "First things first! Let's nail that commercial, partner!" Ayumu: "Yeah, absolutely." Ayumu: "Ugh, I'm so worn out." Reiji: "That doesn't look like you." Ayumu: "Huh?" Reiji: "Let me use my special magic!" Ayumu: "Whoa!" Ayumu: "I-Is this the man I am?" Reiji: "See? Now you're a beautiful lady who will enchant everyone you meet! Things are looking up for tomorrow!" Reiji: "Huh? "Man"?" Ayumu: ""Lady"?" Reiji: "See? Now you're a beautiful gentleman who will enchant everyone you meet!" Ayumu: "You said it differently!" Ayumu: "But, hey, this isn't bad." Reiji: "Cast a spell on everyone around you." Ayumu: "A magic that will make the you of tomorrow sparkle." Reiji & Ayumu: "Just for you. Illusion Kiss."
{ "raw_title": "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION Episode 8 – Enchant • Part Two", "parsed": [ "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION", "8", "Enchant • Part Two" ] }
Yuma: "It's all my fault. It's my fault that everyone—" suke: "What happened?" suke: "Hey, are you okay?" Yuma: "Are you... a star spirit?" suke: "Help! Father! Mother!" Text: "Lucida • Part One" Servant: "Young Master?" Servant: "Young Master Naosuke?" Servant: "Oh, Yuma. Where's the young master?" Yuma: "Oh, I think I know where." Servant: "Yuma is always so dependable." suke'S Dad: "Is Naosuke off hiding somewhere again? My goodness. The moment I look away, he gets into trouble." suke'S Mom: "That's right. He's just like his father. We're lucky we have Yuma to look after him." suke'S Dad: "We sure are. I was a little worried when we first took him in." suke'S Mom: "But his injuries healed up and he grew into such a nice boy." suke'S Mom: "It must have been fate. Those two are just like real brothers now." suke: "Tch... It's too foggy to see anything." suke: "Hey, Vazz, cut it out! That's dangerous. Hey!" Yuma: "I thought you'd be here, Nao—" Brat A: "Hey. You finish choppin' the wood?" Brat B: "You better get it done!" Yuma: "I was looking for Nao-sama..." Brat C: ""Nao-sama"? Don't you mean Young Master Naosuke? Watch your tongue." Yuma: "But Nao-sama said it was okay." Brat A: "You liar! You've got a lot of nerve for an orphan." Yuma: "G-Give that back!" Brat A: "Take it back. If you can." suke: "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Brat B: "Y-Young Master?" suke: "Give it back!" Brat A: "W-We didn't mean anything! We just..." suke: "Hand it over." suke: "Here, Yuma." Yuma: "Th-Thank you very much... Nao-sama." suke: "I told you not to be so formal. You're my brother and best friend, Yuma." Text: "Mushiki Shikkoku Momo Akane Kikyo Asahanada Tsuyukusa Geppaku Kikuchinashi Seiran Botan Asagi Mokuran North" Ouka (Narrator): "Far from here is another world" Ouka (Narrator): "where twelve island countries float in the sea like flower petals. These countries, known as Flowers, bloom with their own unique cultures." Text: "Asagi Mokuran Shikkoku Momo Akane" Ouka (Narrator): "One values the strength and austerity of martial arts." Text: "Asahanada Tsuyukusa Geppaku Kikuchinashi Seiran" Ouka (Narrator): "Another specializes in mystery and the arts of the unknown." Text: "Seiran" Ouka (Narrator): "There's a capital of scholarship." Text: "Akane" Ouka (Narrator): "A country of industry." Text: "Botan" Ouka (Narrator): "A city of pleasure." Ouka (Narrator): "A land of commerce." Text: "Mushiki Shikkoku Momo Akane Kikyo Asahanada Tsuyukusa Geppaku Kikuchinashi Seiran Botan Asagi Mokuran North" Ouka (Narrator): "Twelve Flowers, twelve cultures. After a long age of war that inflamed the world, the people put aside conflict and instead compete with beauty once every several years." Text: "Kikyo" Ouka (Narrator): "This is a story that begins in the Flower of Kikyo, one petal of that peaceful world." Text: "Mushiki Shikkoku Momo Akane Kikyo Asahanada Tsuyukusa Geppaku Seiran Botan Asagi Mokuran North" suke: "And this is the center of the world! The island of Mushiki, where the Tsukihana Matsuri is held every four years." Yuma: "Oh, the Moonflower Festival, where people dance for the honor of their country." Yuma: "Nao-sama, will you one day become a dancer for our land?" suke: "Uh-uh. I don't want to be a dancer. I want this! I want to become a warrior for Shikkoku!" Text: "Asagi Mokuran Shikkoku Momo Mushiki" suke: "When I went to the Tsukihana Matsuri as a kid and almost got into a fight, warriors saved me, and they were so cool! That's when I decided it was my dream." Yuma: "Warriors..." suke: "Warriors train by traveling the land and helping people in need. They carry a special seal and... Oh. Sorry, I was talking too much." Yuma: "No, not at all! I think warriors are cool too." suke: "You do?" suke: "Wanna practice sword fighting with me?" Yuma: "Yes, of course!" Text: "Ten Years Later" suke: "All right. Time for a break." Yuma: "Certainly, Nao-sama." suke'S Mom: "Oh my, what perfect timing." suke'S Mom: "The astrologer from the capital is visiting." suke: "Oh, Takaaki-san is here? All right! Let's go, Yuma." Yuma: "Sure." suke: "It's been so long!" Takaaki: "Phew! All done with work. I suppose all's right with the world, then." Takaaki: "Thanks for waiting, Ouka-chan." Ouka: "I wasn't waiting for you." Takaaki: "There you go again. Since we don't get out on trips often, shall we visit home?" Ouka: "Huh? Home?" Takaaki: "Yeah. The cave where destiny threw us together." Takaaki: "It's practically where you grew up, right?" Ouka: "Don't be stupid. I was trapped in there. I don't want to go anywhere near it." Takaaki: "I was just kidding." suke: "Excuse us!" suke: "Hello, Takaaki-san." Takaaki: "Oh, I'm glad you came, youngsters!" Yuma: "Takaaki-sama, it's good to see you again." Takaaki: "Just call me Takaaki-san. Didn't I tell you to drop the formalities?" Yuma: "I can't do that to you. You're the capital's official astrologer, after all." suke: "Takaaki-san, is it true you went to Shikkoku and returned with warriors?" Takaaki: "Yes, it sure is." suke: "Wow! I wish I could meet them!" Takaaki: "You never change, Naosuke. You've been asking me about warriors since you were only this tall." suke: "Of course! I've never given up on my dream of becoming one." Takaaki: "That's your dream, is it?" Takaaki: "But does a peaceful country like this have any use for warriors?" suke: "I want to see more of the world with my own eyes. I want to become a warrior, travel around, and become strong enough to help the weak and unfortunate." Takaaki: "I see. It is true that the valiant warriors of Shikkoku travel the continent trying to make the world a better place." Takaaki: "But the path to becoming one is anything but easy." suke: "I'm prepared for that." suke: "I know, Takaaki-san! Will you do a reading to see if I'll become a warrior or not?" Takaaki: "Hmm." suke: "Oh!" suke: "You surprised me." Ouka: "Humans say the strangest things." Ouka: "The stars cannot tell your fate; only your destiny. If you truly have the will, you shouldn't need our prediction to follow that path." suke: "B-But that's..." Takaaki: "It's exactly as Ouka says. Your destiny is not necessarily your future. It can change completely depending on your willpower and efforts." suke: "Can it? Maybe you're right." suke: "Very well. I will find my path by myself." Takaaki: "And what about you, Yuma? What do you want to be in the future?" Yuma: "All I want is to stay with Nao-sama." suke: "Yuma!" Takaaki: "You are both still young. Take care of your responsibilities while you search out your path in life." suke & Yuma: "Okay!" suke: "Takaaki-san and Ouka-san never change, do they?" Yuma: "You're right." Coachman: "Move it! Move it! Clear the road!" Yuma: "Look out!" suke: "Huh?" Coachman: "Outta my way! This is a rush delivery!" Text: "White Horse Merchandise" Boy'S Mother: "Junior! Junior!" Yuma: "Nao-sama! Are you all right?" suke: "I'm totally fine. Are you hurt, Yuma?" Yuma: "I must apologize. My thoughtless actions put you directly in harm's way." suke: "What are you talking about? Your quick action saved that kid. Either way, we're both unscathed." Courier A: "Hey, you! What are you gonna do about this? Our cargo is ruined!" suke: "That's because of your reckless driving! Didn't you see that child?" Courier B: "You've got some mouth on you, punk. You wanna get hurt?" Courier B: "You'd better run while you can." suke: "That's our line! Do you think we'll let brutes like you get away with this? I'll be a warrior someday, so watch it!" Courier C: "A warrior? A shrimp like you?" Courier C: "Don't make me laugh!" Yuma: "Nao-sama!" utaba: "Adults shouldn't pick fights with children." Courier A: "Who the hell are you?" Issa: "Jeez, what a pain." Merchant: "What's all the ruckus? Wh-What in the..." Courier B: "W-We were just moving our cargo. But these two blocked our carriage and tried to start a fight." Merchant: "What? Is that right?" Issa: "Come on, Futaba. Let's go." Courier C: "You damn thief! How dare you steal our goods?!" Issa: "Huh? Here." Merchant: "Whoa!" Issa: "I wouldn't eat fruit that rotten if you begged me." Courier A: "What'd you say, punk?!" utaba: "Hey, Brother! Jeez..." suke: "Wow, they're pretty tough." Yuma: "Who in the world are they?" Issa: "Heh. You picked a fight with the wrong people." utaba: "You can never just let it go, can you? Oh?" Courier A: "You're gonna wish you hadn't said that." Issa: "Tch. Looks like the odds are against us." utaba: "What should we do, Brother?" Text: "White Horse Merchandise" Hajime: "And what's going on over here?" Courier B: "Huh? Keep out of this, stranger." Hajime: "Seeing as you outnumber them, I can't do that. Koi! Kakeru!" Kakeru: "Yes!" Koi: "Yes!" Hajime: "Hup!" Koi: "Take that!" Kakeru: "Hyah!" suke: "They're tough! And those black outfits... Could these guys be..." Hajime: "That's enough." Courier C: "Damn it! Let me go!" utaba: "Phew. We're saved, brother." Issa: "Hmph. Didn't need their help." Courier A: "Damn it! If that's how it is, the rest of us will..." Takaaki: "What's this? I thought it seemed lively over here. Everyone's gathered together." Ouka: "What a mess of humans. Is today a festival?" suke: "Takaaki-san?!" Merchant: "You... You're the astrologer from the capital!" Takaaki: "Ah, it's White Horse Merchandise." Takaaki: "What's the matter?" Merchant: "Oh, well, some cargo was spilled and things got a little messy." Issa: "Ugh, that guy? Come on. We're outta here." utaba: "Huh? Wait, Brother..." Koi: "Are you their employer?" Kakeru: "Isn't it bad for your reputation to be starting trouble in the street like this? If this should continue..." Merchant: "I-I understand. Hey, guys! That's enough! I said that's enough!" suke: "They really are warriors!" Hajime: "Are these acquaintances of yours, Takaaki-san?" Takaaki: "Yes, the son of the district chairman and his escort. I'm sorry if they caused any trouble." Hajime: "It's fine. This country is so peaceful, we were starting to get soft anyway. This was just what we needed." Koi: "Definitely. It felt good to let loose for once." Kakeru: "Yeah. We needed the exercise." suke: "Thank you very much for coming to our aid!" suke: "Um, is it all right if I shake your hand?" suke: "Whoa!" Text: "White Horse Merchandise" Merchant: "That man. Could he be...?" suke: "Hajime-san, Koi-san, and Kakeru-san were so cool! Real warriors sure are awesome." Yuma: "They sure are." Yuma: "They're wonderful people. Strong but kind." suke: "I've made up my mind. I'm definitely going to become a warrior! What do you think, Yuma?" Yuma: "I'm sure you'll succeed, Nao-sama." suke: "Thanks, Yuma. I think so too." suke: "Even if people laugh at me, I won't care." suke: "I'll train harder than anyone." Yuma: "Your eyes look like that star, Nao-sama." suke: "Huh?" Yuma: "Forever sparkling. I think it's because you believe in yourself." Yuma: "I admire that." suke: "Your eyes sparkle too, Yuma." Yuma: "Do they really?" Takaaki: "Hey, Yuma." Takaaki: "Trouble sleeping?" Yuma: "Takaaki-sama..." Yuma: "Do you think it's all right if I stay with Nao-sama like this?" Takaaki: "Why do you ask?" Yuma: "I feel like there's something dark coiled around me." Yuma: "When I'm with people who are dear to me, I feel like I'm putting them in danger." Takaaki: "Hmm. If you're having that much trouble believing in yourself, shall I read the stars for you?" Yuma: "No, I couldn't possibly ask you to do that for me." Takaaki: "Hmm. Could it be that Yuma is..." Ouka: "Did you get the sign for Geppaku?" Takaaki: "Oh. Had you already realized, Ouka?" Ouka: "Yeah, I could smell it on him." Ouka: "Everything about that country is isolated, so I knew immediately." Takaaki: "Even among the twelve nations, it's powerful and has a long history." Takaaki: "A Geppaku connection, huh? That might be a problem. What is to be done?" suke: "Father, Mother, please let me go to Shikkoku." suke: "I want to become a warrior!" suke'S Dad: "W-Wait a minute. You're supposed to be our heir." suke'S Mom: "He's right. But you want to become a warrior instead of a dancer? There's no need to go into such a dangerous profession." suke: "Of course I love this family and respect you, Father. But I want to follow my own path in life! And Yuma will be with me. Right, Yuma?" suke: "Yuma?" Yuma: "Oh. Y-Yes." suke: "Say... do you actually not want to go with me?" Yuma: "No, that's not it. I just don't know if I'll be of any use." suke: "Huh? Why? You're gentle and sincere, and you have a strong sense of justice. You even saved that kid from the runaway carriage before." Yuma: "My body just moved on its own." suke: "That's what I mean!" suke: "My father and mother and the workers here always praise you." Yuma: "Do they really?" suke: "Yes, they do!" suke: "I like you a lot too. I respect you. And I believe in your future more than anyone." suke: "How can you be the only one who doesn't believe in you?" Yuma: "Nao-sama..." suke: "So let's go together, Yuma!" suke'S Dad: "I can't argue with that. I grant my permission." suke: "Do you mean it, Father? Yes! I can go to Shikkoku!" suke'S Dad: "Wait, wait, calm down! First listen to what Lord Takaaki has to say." suke: "Takaaki-san?" Takaaki: "Yes, I have a suggestion to make. If you want to become a warrior and fight for good, don't you think you should become a little more accustomed to traveling first?" suke: "Huh?" Takaaki: "Shikkoku is far away. Instead of such distance, why not venture to a slightly easier destination first?" Yuma: "You must mean..." Takaaki: "Botan." Text: "Kikyo" Takaaki: "There's a ship that regularly sails there from here in Kikyo." Text: "Mushiki" Takaaki: "Going by boat will make the journey much easier, too." Text: "Botan" Takaaki: "Also, I have a document I'd like you to deliver to an acquaintance there." Text: "Onoda" suke: "Oh, is that right? In that case, I'll go. I'm happy to deliver it for you." Takaaki: "Well then, here it is." Text: "To Lord Shou Onoda" suke: "Okay! I'll make sure it gets there. Yuma, will you carry it?" Yuma: "Yes." suke'S Mom: "Please take care of Naosuke for us, Yuma." Yuma: "I will protect him with my life." Takaaki: "You don't need to worry." Takaaki: "I will send two reliable bodyguards with them as well." Yuma & Naosuke: "Huh?" suke'S Mom: "Bodyguards?" suke: "Oh! It's you guys!" Yuma: "From before..." Takaaki: "Issa-kun here is one of the very best astrologers in our country. Futaba-kun is his brother. They're both experienced travelers, so they should be very helpful." Issa: "Why am I stuck babysitting?" utaba: "Oh, come on now. Why not? They said they'll even put us up in a nice inn." Takaaki: "We're counting on you both." suke & Yuma: "We're going!" Shumei: "Father. Please don't strain yourself. Let me take care of everything." Ro: "You? Don't be stupid." Ro: "If only Shuei were still alive..." Shumei: "You're always like this, Father! It's always Shuei this, Shuei that! My older brother is gone! Shuei is dead!" Merchant: "Actually..." Ro: "Are you certain of that?" Underling: "Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. He was the spitting image of Shuei-sama." Ro: "Oh! Could it be that Shuei's son survived?!" Ro: "All right. Take whatever steps necessary to find him." Shumei: "Damn it!" Shumei: "All this time I thought he was lying in a ditch somewhere, but he's alive?! Listen well. You'd better finish the job this time." Warlock: "Consider it done." Shumei: "This way, Father will have to give up and realize that I am his only successor." Text: "The Country of Botan" Yuma: "Futaba-san." Yuma: "How does this look?" utaba: "Sure, that should make a good enough bed." Issa: "Dang it. Botan is just a little farther. Why are we camping?" suke: "Isn't camping great? Makes it feel like a real journey. I made up my mind that when I travel, I'm going to camp out." Yuma: "Who goes there?!" Yuma: "Oh." suke: "Jeez, Yuma. You're too overprotective! I'm not a child, you know?" Yuma: "I-I'm sorry." utaba: "Yuma-kun sure is a worrywart." Issa: "It isn't sake. It's tea." Yuma: "Oh, of course it is." Yuma: "Th-Then I don't mind if I do." Issa: "You drank it?" Yuma: "Wh-What's this about?" Issa: "My astrology technique uses tea leaves. I read the leaves left on the bottom as if they're stars." Yuma: "Huh? Then my destiny..." Issa: "Swallowing up a red star, I see... a black shadow?" Yuma: "That doesn't sound like a good omen." Issa: "It isn't necessarily determined yet. At times, darkness can transform into light." Yuma: "A red star." Yuma: "That must mean..." Yuma: "Please forgive me, Nao-sama." Yuma: "It seems I was born under a star that brings misfortune to those I care about." Yuma: "I must take my leave..." Issa: "Hey, wake up!" utaba: "Huh? What?" suke: "What's happening?" Yuma: "Nao-sama!" Issa: "You guys stay back!" Issa: "Futaba, we're on!" utaba: "Okay." suke: "What the heck is happening?" Yuma: "Nao-sama! Over here!" Yuma: "Wait!" Warlock: "Ignore the redhead." suke: "Are these guys after Yuma?" suke: "Why, you..." Warlock: "Finish him." Yuma: "Nao-sama!" suke: "Not on my watch!" Yuma: "Nao-sama!" Yuma: "Nao-sama!"
{ "raw_title": "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION Episode 9 – Lucida • Part One", "parsed": [ "VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION", "9", "Lucida • Part One" ] }
Alicia: "Wow!" Alicia: "So many people and carriages!" Alicia: "Let's see... The Royal Academy is..." Alicia: "Excuse me. Are you all right?" Old Lady: "I suddenly started feeling ill..." Alicia: "Huh?!" Old Lady: "Thank you. I feel better now." Alicia: "I'm glad. You'll be all right now." Daughter: "Thank you so much. How can I ever repay you?" Alicia: "You don't need to thank me." Alicia: "It took a long time since I'm only level 1." Daughter: "Oh, no. Who knows what would have happened to my mother if not for you?" Daughter: "Wait, by any chance..." Daughter: "Were you on your way to the Royal Academy?" Alicia: "Yes, I'm moving into the dorm today." Daughter: "Oh, then you'd better hurry!" Alicia: "Huh?" Daughter: "I believe the academy's gates close at 6 o'clock." Alicia: "What?!" Alicia: "Wait! Wait!" Alicia: "You're kidding..." Oswald: "It's time to lock the gate." Oswald: "It's the rule that the Royal Academy's main gate closes at 6 o'clock." Alicia: "But the bell hasn't even finished ringing..." Alicia: "And now it has." Oswald: "Your name and grade?" Alicia: "Alicia Ehnleit. I'm a new first-year. Wait, the color of your necktie... Aren't you a first-year, too?" Oswald: "Yes. I've been helping with the weekly duties to get myself accustomed to the school." Oswald: "In any case, the rules are absolute." Oswald: "You'll have to find lodging in town for tonight." Alicia: "But the entrance ceremony is tomorrow." Alicia: "I need to get into the dorm today." Alicia: "Besides, um... I don't have that much money." Oswald: "Oh, so you're the one commoner who was admitted here this year." Oswald: "Not that I don't sympathize..." Oswald: "But rules are rules. Just give up." Alicia: "What?! But you're a first-year, too! Meanie!" Oswald: "Now, what I'm about to say is just me talking to myself." Alicia: "Huh?" Oswald: "There's a part of the wall on the eastern side that's crumbling. Students who break curfew often enter and leave through there. You're unlikely to be seen at this hour." Alicia: "What's your name?" Oswald: "Oh, I hadn't introduced myself yet. How rude of me. I'm Oswald Grimsarde." Alicia: "Grimsarde? I've heard that name somewhere before..." Oswald: "Probably my father. He's a cabinet minister, after all." Alicia: "You're the son of a minister?!" Oswald: "My father is my father, and I am me. Please call me by my name." Alicia: "Sure. I'll call you Oz, then." Oswald: "O-Oz?" Alicia: "Thanks, Oz! You're a nice guy!" Alicia: "I hope we'll be friends!" William: "Hand." Alicia: "Huh?" William: "You broke curfew too, right? I'll help you in. Give me your hand. C'mon." Alicia: "Thanks." William: "Here we go. Ready, and... up!" Alicia: "You're really strong!" William: "Just follow me." William: "I'm William Ares. You?" Alicia: "Alicia Ehnleit. Are you a new first-year, too?" William: "Yeah. The older guys in the dorm sent me to buy drinks for a party." William: "See?" Alicia: "Oh..." William: "It's sort of a ritual for new kids entering the dorm. Whoops..." William: "Watch your step there." Alicia: "Thanks. You really are strong, huh?" William: "My dad's a general. He's been training me since I was a kid." Alicia: "A minister and a general..." Alicia: "All the people here are from such impressive families." William: "Don't space out. If you're not paying attention—" Alicia: "I-I... I can't!" Boys: "What the?! They just fell through the roof! You okay?!" Alicia: "That... didn't hurt? What?" Edwin: "I'm the one who's hurting. Would you mind getting off of me?" Alicia: "I'm so sorry! Are you all right?" Edwin: "Who are you?" Alicia: "My name is Alicia." William: "Hey, Ed. That had to hurt." Alicia: "Ed? Are you two friends?" Edwin: "Yeah. I've known Will since we were kids. I'm Edwin Valschein, the second prince of the Kingdom of Valschein." Alicia: "A prince?!" Principal: "We haven't even had the entrance ceremony yet, and you're already causing a commotion. You don't waste time, do you? As the principal, I feel that makes you worth teaching." William: "This is all your fault." Alicia: "What? Why me?" William: "I got distracted 'cause you talked to me." Alicia: "Excuse me?!" Principal: "Quiet." Principal: "William Ares..." Principal: "I'll be confiscating this." Principal: "And Alicia Ehnleit..." Alicia: "Y-Yes?" Principal: "You have a rare and precious talent for light magic." Principal: "That is why you were the one and only commoner admitted here on a scholarship. Always be aware of that, and mind your behavior going forward." Alicia: "I'm sorry." Principal: "You will both be given extra duties for one week as punishment. You are to work together, and no fighting. You may go." Alicia/William: "Pardon us." Principal: "I see. So that's Alicia Ehnleit." Principal: "She's our kingdom's last hope of salvation from the Demon Lord..." Alicia: "I screwed up on my first day. I showed up late, broke a window, and even got punished with extra duties." Teachera: "Intruder!" Teacherb: "There's an intruder! Capture him!" Teachera: "Where'd he go?" Teacherb: "He may have climbed the wall to get outside." Teachera: "Go and look. I'll check the dorm." Teacherb: "Right!" Teachera: "There's been an intruder on school grounds! All of you, stay inside!" Girla: "Okay!" Girlb: "Got it!" Alicia: "Scary... I guess bad guys target this school since it's full of nobles?" Alicia: "But I'm safe on that front, considering I'm a commoner." Alicia: "Take that! Someone—" Edwin: "Be quiet. I'm not a bad guy." Edwin: "It's you!" Edwin: "Your name was... Alicia?" Edwin: "It's me. Remember, the guy who broke your fall?" Alicia: "Edwin... Your Highness?!" Edwin: "Yeah, there's some stuff going on..." Alicia: ""Stuff"?" Edwin: "There's something I want to look into..." Edwin: "But when I tried to sneak into the school building, they spotted me." Edwin: "I can't tell you the details, but..." Teachera: "Find him?" Teacherb: "I didn't see him anywhere." Teachera: "I see. Stay on guard, though." Teacherb: "Got it." Edwin: "I can't go out there yet. Please, let me hide here for a while." Alicia: "What?!" Edwin: "Sorry about this. I know a gentleman shouldn't just dive into a lady's room, but..." Alicia: "Oh, it's fine. This almost feels like a dream." Alicia: "I've never talked to a member of the royal family before." Edwin: "It's the same for me. I'm always surrounded by royalty and nobles." Edwin: "Are all commoner women as violent as you?" Alicia: "Don't be mean! I did that because I thought you were a robber!" Edwin: "I'm just kidding. Please don't hit me again." Edwin: "I suppose I owe you one now." Edwin: "About what happened tonight..." Alicia: "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone." Edwin: "I appreciate it." Edwin: "I think the coast is clear now. I don't want to trouble you by staying too long." Edwin: "See you at the entrance ceremony tomorrow. Goodnight, Alicia." Alicia: "Be careful, Prince Edwin." Sword Teachera: "The new students will now enter." Alicia: "Oh, I'm sorry..." Yumiella: "Is something the matter, Alicia Ehnleit?" Alicia: "H-How do you know my name?" Yumiella: "I... just do. More importantly, are you feeling ill?" Alicia: "I-I'm all right." Sword Teachera: "The Royal Academy Entrance Ceremony will now commence." Principal: "Having the privilege to welcome you first-years to our school today gives all of us at the academy the greatest pleasure. As you are already aware..." Ed: "That's enough, Yumiella!" William: "That devil's luck of yours is finally about to run out!" Oswald: "Now, Alicia!" Alicia: "Right! Sacred light magic, banish the darkness and grant me strength!" Edwin: "Alicia..." Past Life Yumiella: "It's morning..." Yumiella: "This game is called Light Magic and the Hero," Yumiella: "or Light and Hero for short." Yumiella: "It takes place in a world of swords and magic. The heroine enrolls in the Royal Academy, where she deepens her relationships with the conquerable characters as she levels up and, eventually, defeats the Demon Lord. It's a fairly cliché story. But after the ending in which the Demon Lord is defeated, the hidden boss, the game's strongest foe, appears. She is Yumiella Dolkness, the villainess who uses dark magic and bullies the heroine, Alicia, throughout the game." Yumiella: "And that's me. At age fifteen, I'm on my way to enter the Royal Academy in the capital." Yumiella: "I was five years old when I regained my memories from my previous life. While I was attending college, I got hit by a truck and reincarnated in this world. Some research confirmed that this was, in fact, the world of Light and Hero, the game I played." Yumiella: "Pondering why it happened won't do any good. All I know is that that's what happened." Yumiella: "This kingdom was founded by the hero and saint who defeated the Demon Lord. Because that Demon Lord was black-haired, black hair is seen as unlucky, and even as a symbol of evil." Yumiella: "That must be one of the things that makes the villainess what she is." Yumiella: "Even my servants keep me at arm's length." Yumiella: "Also, I have no memory of ever meeting my parents, who live in the capital. The Demon Lord can be defeated at level 70 or so, but once Yumiella becomes the hidden boss, one's level has to be maxed out to defeat her." Yumiella: "She is truly the embodiment of unfairness." Yumiella: "But she still gets defeated in the end." Yumiella: "So does my existence really have any meaning?" Yumiella: "Still, I thought... I have the potential to surpass even the final boss, I'm stronger than anyone in the heroine's party, and I can use dark magic, which only enemy characters can use." Yumiella: "Isn't that... actually awesome?!" Yumiella: "Of course! There's no need to recreate the story of Light and Hero to the letter!" Yumiella: "I had no interest in the dating sim aspect of the game." Yumiella: "I had no emotional attachment to the three conquerable characters, either. So instead of living out the story of Light and Hero," Yumiella: "I could just lay low and enjoy a peaceful school life." Yumiella: "I'd have nothing to do with Alicia or the male leads. That way, I could avoid all risk of becoming the hidden boss, and in the spring of our third year, Alicia and the boys would defeat the resurrected Demon Lord, and we'd all live happily ever after." Yumiella Age 5: "But I should still raise my level as much as I can." Yumiella Age 5: "I need to be strong enough to beat the Demon Lord myself if it comes to that." Yumiella Age 5: "Yah." Yumiella Age 5: "It comes so naturally." Yumiella Age 5: "When you kill a monster, you get a magic stone." Yumiella Age 5: "I should be able to sell these for money." Yumiella Age 5: "I think my movements are a little faster now." Yumiella Age 5: "Is this what leveling up feels like?" Yumiella Age 5: "The gamer blood in me is boiling!" Yumiella: "I was always the type to get absorbed in what I was doing, so I'd sneak out of the mansion essentially every day" Yumiella: "and get engrossed in leveling up. On top of that, I made money off of magic stones and bought all kinds of items." Yumiella: "The first thing I bought was the Amulet of Growth. The Amulet of Protection would be better for keeping me safe, but wearing this would allow me to level up much faster." Yumiella: "Then, I entered the dungeon." Yumiella Age 5: "I'll be fine by myself." Yumiella Age 5: "I can regenerate an arm with my magic if I need to." Yumiella Age 5: "I conquered it." Yumiella: "I also acquired the Monster-Calling Flute." Yumiella: "And day..." Yumiella: "after day..." Yumiella: "after day... Until today, at age fifteen, I've focused only on leveling up efficiently. I've been through the same dungeon from start to end countless times." Yumiella: "I hope I'll be able to continue leveling up after I start school." Yumiella: "Even the building looks just like it did in the game." Yumiella: "I'm exhausted." her: "Attend the Royal Academy." her: "While there, befriend as many sons of high-ranking noblemen as you can." her: "They don't need to be eldest sons, as I'll have one marry you and become my heir." Yumiella: "And this is my first interaction with my parents?" Yumiella: "I should..." Oswald: "It's time to lock the gate. It's the rule that the Royal Academy's main gate closes at 6 o'clock." Alicia: "But the bell hasn't even finished ringing..." Yumiella: "It's really playing out just like it did in Light and Hero." Alicia: "Wait, the color of your necktie... Aren't you a first-year, too?" Yumiella: "Avoid getting involved with those four." Yumiella: "That's the key to having a peaceful life." Sword Teachera: "The new students will now enter." Sword Teachera: "The Royal Academy Entrance Ceremony will now commence." Principal: "Having the privilege to welcome you first-years to our school today gives all of us at the academy the greatest pleasure. As you are already aware..." Yumiella: "I feel eyes on me." Yumiella: "Oh, right. It must be my hair." Sword Teachera: "We will now assess your levels." Yumiella: "What? Assess our levels?" Magic Teacher: "Alicia Ehnleit: level 1." Principal: "Work your hardest going forward." Alicia: "I will." Yumiella: "What is my level, anyway? Come to think of it, I've never checked..." Magic Teacher: "William Ares: level 10." Students: "Whoa! Incredible!" William: "Yeah, I guess!" Yumiella: "They're that excited over level 10? Then if I don't want to stand out, I hope I'm... around level 5?" Yumiella: "Level 5..." Yumiella: "wouldn't be enough to beat a boss character." Principal: "Miss Yumiella Dolkness." Yumiella: "Yes, sir." Principal: "Are you nervous?" Principal: "Don't worry. There's nothing embarrassing about being level 1 when you start school." Yumiella: "No, that's not why I'm nervous." Magic Teacher: "Eldest daughter of Count Dolkness, Yumiella Dolkness... L-Level 99?!" Students: "What?! For real?!" Studenta: "Level 99?!"
{ "raw_title": "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord Episode 1 – The Hidden Boss Enrolls in the Academy", "parsed": [ "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord", "1", "The Hidden Boss Enrolls in the Academy" ] }
Students: "Level 99? That can't be right..." Students: "99? I've never heard of anyone that high." Yumiella: "Shoot... I had no idea my level was that high." Principal: "It must be an error. Bring us the backup magic tool." Magic Teacher: "Y-Yes, sir." Principal: "Miss Yumiella Dolkness, try it one more time." Magic Teacher: "It's still level 99." Students: "For real? What's going on?" Magic Teacher: "Miss Yumiella, did you have any idea your level was this high?" Yumiella: "I can't hide it any longer. I guess I'll have to run with it." Yumiella: "Yes, I believe the reading is correct." Sword Teacher: "There's no problem with the magic tool itself. You tampered with it somehow, didn't you?" Yumiella: "No, I believe level 99 is correct." Sword Teacher: "You might not know this, but levels only go up when you kill monsters! We know you're lying. Just tell us the truth." Yumiella: "I have been killing them, though..." Students: "She can kill monsters?" Students: "No way." Principal: "Quiet!" Principal: "Everyone, just calm down. We'll see whether she's telling the truth or not once classes begin. Miss Yumiella, please give your greeting and return to your seat." Yumiella: "Oh? Looks like the principal doubts me, too." Yumiella: "I am Yumiella Dolkness. Pleased to meet all of you." Girl1: "She must have cheated somehow, right?" Girl2: "She's a fraud." Yumiella: "Worst case, I'll have to flee the country alone." Yumiella: "Even out in the sticks, I'm sure I can get by with just my strength." Magic Teacher: "We will continue to assess your levels." Magic Teacher: "Patrick Ashbatten." Patrick: "Yes, ma'am." Yumiella: "I expected Alicia to stand out due to being the only commoner here," Yumiella: "but in the end, she never drew any particular attention to herself." Yumiella: "Sorry for stealing the show, protagonist." Yumiella: "So the entrance ceremony is followed by a buffet party? Not that there's anyone I know here, nor anyone who'd want to hang out with me." Yumiella: "And I don't want to stand out, so I'll just leave early." William: "Hey, you with the black hair!" William: "You're name's Yumiella Dolkness, right? What trick did you use back there?" Yumiella: "Now I've got this pain in the neck on my case." Yumiella: "Um... Are you talking about the level assessment?" William: "Obviously!" William: "I get wanting to stand out, but have you no pride as a noble?" Edwin: "Relax, Will." Edwin: "I understand how you feel, but this isn't the place to make a fuss." Yumiella: "A pleasure to meet you, Prince Edwin. I am Yumiella Dolkness." Edwin: "The daughter of Count Dolkness..." Edwin: "Central wannabe. Miss Yumiella, I know that Will has worked harder than anyone else at sword training since he was a child." Edwin: "That's how he reached level 10 before he entered this school." Edwin: "And what you did trampled all over his hard-earned achievement." Yumiella: "Ah..." Yumiella: "Why does everyone just assume that I cheated?" Yumiella: "Not that I can blame them for being suspicious, I guess." Yumiella: "It's true that I'm level 99. As the principal said, I'm confident you'll see that once classes begin." Edwin: "Hmph. Still keeping up the innocent act, are you?" William: "Are you saying you're stronger than me? You'd better be glad I don't have my gloves right now!" Oswald: "Honestly, level 99? That's not realistic at all." Oswald: "Couldn't you come up with a more believable lie?" Yumiella: "All three of the conquerable characters are here." Yumiella: "Edwin Valschein. This kingdom's second prince, and the game's main hero. A magic swordsman, user of both blades and spells." Yumiella: "William Ares." Yumiella: "A musclehead with a strong sense of justice and a short temper." Yumiella: "Oswald Grimsarde. A magic prodigy, and the "cool-headed glasses guy" type." Yumiella: "The three of them are friends, as well. I never had any interest in them. For the sake of avoiding any connection to the game's story, I'd rather avoid contact with them." William: "Well? Got anything to say for yourself?" Yumiella: "It seems as if you wouldn't believe anything I said, anyway." William: "You're still talking like that?!" Oswald: "If you're going to lie, be better at it." Edwin: "If you insist it's true, why don't you show us your level 99 magic right here and now?" Yumiella: "He clearly didn't think this through. I don't mind showing them, but I don't want to create an even bigger commotion." Yumiella: "Uh... Speaking of magic, I understand there's a commoner here who uses light magic. Right there, in fact." Yumiella: "She seems to be struggling, being in a new, unfamiliar place with no friends." Yumiella: "Why don't you go and talk to her?" Oswald: "True. There's no need for us to listen to your nonsense." William: "And we'll see the truth once classes start, right?" Edwin: "I look forward to seeing how the school deals with you." Alicia: "Prince Edwin! Oz! William!" Edwin: "Hi, Alicia." William: "What, you guys know her?" Yumiella: "I'm so exhausted." Rita: "You're home quite early, Miss Yumiella. The party isn't over yet, is it?" Yumiella: "It's fine. There's no one I can see myself becoming friends with. This is Rita, the maid sent by my father to look after me while he's in the capital." Rita: "You'll never find a good partner that way. That will trouble the master, as well." Yumiella: "It seems she's also here as an overseer to ensure that I don't act out of line and that I find a marriage partner quickly, as well as to report back to Father about me." Rita: "I hear the second prince, Edwin, is among your classmates." Yumiella: "Yes, and said second prince seems to have a very negative impression of me." Yumiella: "Wait, she doesn't know about the commotion my level caused, then? What kind of overseer are you?" Yumiella: "Say, do you know what "central wannabe" means?" Rita: "Someone called you that, I take it? It's nothing you need to concern yourself with." Yumiella: "I never said anyone called me that." Yumiella: "So it does refer to the Dolkness family." Rita: "You are familiar with the "central nobles" and "regional nobles," yes?" Yumiella: "Yes. We're regional nobles, right? Since we don't hold any special position in the capital." Rita: "Yes. "Central wannabe" refers to regional nobles who spend all their time in the capital, even though they hold no position there." Yumiella: "Ah. So it refers to useless nobles who spend all their time goofing off in the capital, but doing no real work there, while leaving their domains in the hands of local governors?" Rita: "U-Um..." Yumiella: "Classes began the next day." Yumiella: "I'm completely isolated in the classroom. But, you know, this might actually make things easier." Yumiella: "It might not be so bad to be part of the decor for the next three years." Classmates: "Look, it's that black-haired girl. She claims she's level 99. She might be not quite right in the head." Yumiella: "My hearing has leveled up significantly as well, so I can hear every word." Yumiella: "They want me to prove that I'm level 99 that badly?" William: "Wow, so light magic can heal people who are sick or hurt, too?" William: "We might be needing your help, then." Oswald: "The old lady you helped out came to the school to thank you. I would have opened the gate for if you'd told me what happened." Edwin: "So, do you think you'll get along okay at the academy?" Alicia: "To be honest, I'm a little worried. I'm a commoner, after all." Edwin: "If anything happens, come straight to us, all right? We'll help you out." Yumiella: "Today's the first day of classes. If this was playing out like the game, Alicia wouldn't be close to those three yet." Yumiella: "Yet they're already such good friends." Yumiella: "Did the story change because I sent them to her?" Yumiella: "Alicia Ehnleit. A very rare user of light magic." Yumiella: "That's why she was allowed to enter the academy, even though she's a commoner. Light magic is dark magic's only weakness, so she could be a trump card against the Demon Lord." Yumiella: "Although no one has told her about that yet." Yumiella: "That same reaction again..." Yumiella: "Afternoon." Yumiella: "Our first class was practical swordsmanship." Yumiella: "This sword..." Yumiella: "It's made of wood, but it's real. The first one I've ever held..." Yumiella: "This reminds me of the souvenir toy sword I saw during a field trip. It was an item any gamer would want to have, but I couldn't afford it at the time." Sword Teacher: "You'll take turns fighting mock battles so that we can assess your skill levels. Up first is our level 99 student... you." William: "I'll be her opponent, then." Girls: "Master William! Good luck!" Yumiella: "So... how should I hold back against him?" Girls: "Master William! Get her!" Yumiella: "When I was killing monsters to level up, I mainly used magic," Yumiella: "but my physical attacks are also incredibly strong." William: "What's wrong, you fraud? If you wanna back out, now's the time." Yumiella: "Whether you live or die rides on my sense of subtlety, you know." Sword Teacher: "Both of you, take your positions!" Students: "What kind of stance is that? Pathetic!" William: "C'mon, get into position already! Or are you gonna surrender without fighting?" Yumiella: "I'm sorry. It's my first time using a sword. We can begin just like this." William: "How long are you gonna keep mocking me?! I won't go easy on you just 'cause you're a girl! Expect a broken bone or two!" Yumiella: "He's slow." Yumiella: "Sorry. I wasn't expecting you to take such a dramatic fall." Yumiella: "Sir, are we finished? Should I continue to attack?" Sword Teacher: "Th-The winner is Yumiella Dolkness." William: "I'm not done!" William: "Pretending to be a beginner?! Could you be any more of a coward?!" Yumiella: "These are tougher than I thought. Wait, I mean..." Yumiella: "Is he okay? If anything happens to him," Yumiella: "I'll pursue the teacher's responsibility as our supervisor." Yumiella: "Looks like I'm safe." Yumiella: "Uh... Shall I carry him to the nurse's office?" Sword Teacher: "No, that's fine. I'll take him." Sword Teacher: "All of you, do practice swings on your own until I come back. And no matches! Understand?!" Yumiella: "If Alicia were here, she could heal him with light magic," Yumiella: "but she was placed in another group." Yumiella: "There's no need to be that scared." Yumiella: "I held back quite a bit against William." Yumiella: "The fact that he's not mincemeat right now proves it." Yumiella: "Practice swings, eh?" Yumiella: "The teacher didn't return before the class period ended." Yumiella: "Our next class was practical magic. We joined up with another group of students," Yumiella: "but Edwin isn't among them. Which is fine with me. I want nothing to do with him." Magic Teacher: "First, let's have you all demonstrate your magic abilities. Since this is our first lesson, just hitting the target is good enough." Yumiella: "The four basic magic attributes are fire, wind, water, and earth." Yumiella: "And then there are the very rare users of light and dark magic." Students: "Wow, amazing! This is the first time I've ever seen light magic!" Alicia: "Th-Thank you." Magic Teacher: "I expected no less from you, Oswald Grimsarde! You've mastered all four magic attributes. It's no wonder they call you a prodigy." Oswald: "Really, this is nothing." Oswald: "You're up next. What incredible magic will you show us?" Yumiella: "He wasn't part of the previous class, so I guess he doesn't know I kicked William's butt." Yumiella: "The truth is, I can't use the four basic attributes all that well. Yes, I am..." Yumiella: "a woman who's maxed out her talents in muscle and darkness." Yumiella: "Um, is it all right if we break the target?" Oswald: "It's been specially made. And even I couldn't break it. There's no way you can." Magic Teacher: "You'd have to be as powerful as a palace mage to break that." Magic Teacher: "Of course, you're welcome to break it if you can." Yumiella: "Thank you." Yumiella: "As powerful as a palace mage, huh?" Yumiella: "Easy." Yumiella: "Dark Flame." Oswald: "I wondered what she'd use. It's just a peashooter." Magic Teacher: "That's..." Yumiella: "Dark Flame. It looks like fire, but it's not hot at all," Yumiella: "and it easily melts both stone and metal. It's similar to sulfuric or nitrohydrochloric acid, so when used on monsters, it's rather grotesque." Oswald: "Was that really..." Yumiella: "Yes, it was dark magic." Yumiella: "I can't use the other attributes at all." Magic Teacher: "Th-That was brilliant. Everyone, dark magic is not evil. There have been palace mages in the past who used it." Magic Teacher: "Try not to adopt any negative prejudices about it." Oswald: "This can't be..." Oswald: "I'm a magic prodigy." Oswald: "So how... How can there be a better magic user than me?!" Oswald: "I refuse to accept this!" Magic Teacher: "Oswald!" Edwin: "Yumiella Dolkness." Edwin: "Your expulsion paperwork is complete." Edwin: "You are not fit to attend the Royal Academy." Yumiella: "That's what he was doing instead of attending class?" Principal: "Those who lie about their own level are not fit for this academy... no, unfit for the nobility of the Kingdom of Valschein." Principal: "You will find it difficult to live in this kingdom if you are expelled." Yumiella: "I will?" Yumiella: "Well, it might not be so bad to move to another country." Magic Teacher: "P-Please wait, Your Highness! Principal!" Magic Teacher: "She is a rare and precious user of dark magic. She destroyed a target that even palace mages have difficulty breaking. She might truly be level 99 after all! Her expulsion would be a great loss to this kingdom!" Principal: "But a palace mage can break it, right? So it doesn't prove that she's level 99. If you want this expulsion revoked, you'll need to convince me." Yumiella: "It looks like they really want to expel me, but wouldn't giving someone as powerful as a palace mage to another country create problems for the royal family, Prince Edwin?" Magic Teacher: "Miss Yumiella, that spell you used wasn't your full strength, was it? Show them your magic at full strength now! Please!" Yumiella: "It's hard to refuse when she begs like that." Yumiella: "Very well. I'll unleash this spell into the sky." Yumiella: "Prince Edwin, may I use magic?" Edwin: "Do whatever you want." Yumiella: "Are you sure about that?" Edwin: "Just do it already." Yumiella: "But if something happens, who'll be held responsible?" Edwin: "Shooting some magic into the sky isn't going to do anything. I'll assume responsibility." Yumiella: "All right. I got his word. I'll use the strongest dark magic spell that only the Demon Lord and I could use in the game." Yumiella: "But... it's probably a bad idea to actually use my full strength." Yumiella: "I'll hold back just enough." Yumiella: "Black Hole." Students/Teachers: "What is that?! That darkness in the sky! The sun disappeared!" Yumiella: "Black Hole. A spell that unconditionally erases all matter within a given range by controlling the gravitational field. In other words, as the spell expands, even the air within its range is being eliminated, and now it's become a perfect vacuum as the air surrounding it sucks everything in with tremendous power."
{ "raw_title": "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord Episode 2 – The Hidden Boss Shows Her True Strength", "parsed": [ "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord", "2", "The Hidden Boss Shows Her True Strength" ] }
Yumiella: "Black Hole. The day after I made a black hole appear over the academy," Yumiella: "I was at the royal castle for an audience with the king." Guard: "Your Royal Majesty," Guard: "Miss Yumiella Dolkness has arrived." bleman: "Dolkness? That central wannabe. Is it true that she's level 99? It seems she really did summon a black hole, though." blewoman: "How spooky..." Guard: "Yumiella Dolkness, raise your head." King: "Miss Yumiella Dolkness." Yumiella: "Yes." King: "I'm aware of what happened at the academy." King: "It seems my son and the teachers behaved quite ungraciously. I apologize." blewoman: "The king just..." bleman: "...bowed his head?!" Yumiella: "N-Not at all. I did something that was blatantly foolhardy and caused a great deal of trouble to everyone." King: "No, denouncing you based on one-sided assumptions without first ascertaining your abilities was unreasonable." King: "That said... It certainly is difficult to believe a dainty young lady such as yourself could be level 99." King: "Which is why..." King: "I would like to have my knight captain, Adolf, judge your authenticity." King: "There is no one who would not accept his decision." Yumiella: "Knight Captain Adolf. He's said to be the strongest knight in the kingdom." Yumiella: "I think his level is around 60. Considering you had to be at level 60 or 70 to fight the Demon Lord in the game, it's clear he's strong." Adolf: "Out of respect to one who has reached the highest level man can attain, I will unleash an attack with all my strength." Yumiella: "Wait, right here and now? Would counterattacking be the right choice here?" Yumiella: "The king didn't say I should either fight him or evade his attack." Yumiella: "So I'll..." Yumiella: "get out of it with a bow!" Adolf: "There aren't even any knights who can evade that attack. And she appeared calm enough to think about how she should react." Adolf: "I believe it is true that she is level 99." Adolf: "I apologize, Miss Yumiella." Adolf: "But I cannot defy His Majesty's orders." King: "Brilliantly done, Miss Yumiella. Would you mind showing me your magic, as well?" Yumiella: "Of course." Yumiella: "Please excuse me, then." Yumiella: "Shadow Lance." King: "Ah, dark magic? How unusual." King: "What do you think, Head Palace Mage? There are some who say that evil monsters use dark magic." Head Palace Mage: "Allow me to answer your question. Dark magic, like the four main attributes and light magic," Head Palace Mage: "is no better or worse than another magical attribute. Like light magic, it's extremely powerful, but its up to the user to decide how it's used, just like any other attribute." Head Palace Mage: "Users of dark magic are quite rare. Perhaps this, along with their appearance, led people to imagine they were evil." King: "Hmm... So people fear things that they do not know or understand." King: "Perhaps black hair is abhorred for the same reason." Yumiella: "Oh... Is he saying all this for my sake?" Yumiella: "I should be very grateful." King: "Miss Yumiella, well done reaching heights that none in this world have reached before." King: "Now, I would love to know just how you achieved such a level." Yumiella: "Of course. I didn't do anything particularly special. After earning money by killing monsters in our domain, I acquired an Amulet of Growth, entered a dungeon alone, played a Monster-Calling Flute, and just kept killing monsters." bleman: "Without an Amulet of Protection? A dungeon? Alone?!" Guard1: "And she even used a Monster-Calling Flute?!" Guard2: "Most people would die!" King: "Adolf, could you do the same thing?" Adolf: "Only one amulet can be equipped at once. That's why I never remove my Amulet of Protection, which protects me from fatal wounds." Adolf: "I would be too terrified to call monsters to me if I were alone." Yumiella: "Wait, isn't this normal, though?" King: "Yumiella Dolkness, I would like you to wield your strength as a sword for our kingdom." Yumiella: "Of course. As one of Your Majesty's loyal subjects, I have every intention of serving as the Kingdom of Valschein's shield." King: "Very well. Wield your strength for this kingdom when it is in peril." King: "Now, I would like to reward your unprecedented accomplishment. If there is anything you desire, simply ask." King: "Be it a peerage, a domain, or even a royal treasure, it is yours. I'm even willing to welcome you into the royal family." Yumiella: "Is he talking about letting me marry someone in the royal family? It's a very generous offer, but..." Yumiella: "He probably just wants to come up with a way to chain me to the kingdom." Yumiella: "But what I want is absolute peace." Yumiella: "While I didn't expect such a kind offer, I am most grateful. So long as I and the kingdom may live in peace, with all the necessities for survival, there is nothing else I wish for." King: "I see. Then I give you my word that I will do my utmost to grant you a life of peace." Yumiella: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I fully intend to flee the kingdom if anything happens that I don't like. After that, for some reason," Yumiella: "I was invited to the queen's chambers." Queen: "Miss Yumiella." Queen: "Thank you for coming. This is not a place of official business, so there's no need for formalities." Yumiella: "All right. Thank you for inviting me here." Queen: "Nothing said within this room will ever be known to those outside." Queen: "I have discussions in here that I don't want others knowing about, after all." Yumiella: "I want to go home right now!" Queen: "Please, don't be so wary. Both His Majesty and I are quite taken with you." Yumiella: "Thank you very much." Queen: "You seem to think having any kind of authority is troublesome. But you seem intelligent. If you were a woman of ambition..." Queen: "The thought gives me chills." Yumiella: "Um, why do you trust me so much?" Queen: "There are many nobles who pretend to be free of avarice to get close to the royal family." Queen: "Knowing the difference comes naturally to me now." Queen: "Now, shall we cut to the chase? This is information that only the royal family and a precious few nobles are privy to." Queen: "The Demon Lord will return in two years. Yumiella, I want you to assist us in defeating the Demon Lord." Yumiella: "The Demon Lord? You mean the one spoken of in the legends?" Queen: "Yes. The first king, who defeated the Demon Lord, prophesied that the enemy would return, including when it would happen." Yumiella: "So the royal family knew the Demon Lord was coming back?" Queen: "We are formulating a plan to defeat the Demon Lord with a small, elite force centered around Edwin. As the leaders of the people, the royal family has an obligation to defeat the Demon Lord." Queen: "There are other talented students at the Royal Academy, as well. Provided they are nurtured well, it may be possible to assemble a force of students to take on the Demon Lord." Yumiella: "So they admitted Alicia, a user of light magic, in anticipation of having her fight the Demon Lord." Yumiella: "I understand. Of course, I would be happy to help." Yumiella: "I'd planned to take out the Demon Lord myself if it came to that, anyway." Queen: "Thank you, Miss Yumiella. However, I am sorry to say this, but having you defeat the Demon Lord would not be the best thing for this kingdom." Yumiella: "You mean because it would bring the legitimacy of the royal family into question?" Queen: "Yes. As I said a moment ago, it must be the royal family that defeats the Demon Lord." Queen: "Otherwise, our right to rule the kingdom would come under suspicion." Queen: "Oh, I know, Miss Yumiella! Why don't you become a saint and marry Edwin?" Yumiella: "No, thank you." Yumiella: "Oops! That was pure reflex!" Yumiella: "I'm sorry... That was rude of me." Queen: "It's quite all right. But we have two years before we must fight the Demon Lord. Please take your time, and think about it. The problem we face now is all the nobles trying to drag you into their own factions." Yumiella: "Their factions?" Queen: "Yes. There are two factions in this kingdom, the king's faction and the anti-king faction. It may become the spark that ignites a war." Queen: "The anti-king faction is also known as the extremist faction. It is composed of various nobles led by Duke Hillrose. They are all nobles who are dissatisfied with the current state of the kingdom, and they have proposed wars of conquest against other countries as a means of taking out their frustrations. And the "central wannabes," regional nobles who spend all their time in the capital despite holding no position there, are almost all anti-king, in other words, extremists." Queen: "The head of the Dolkness family is no exception." Yumiella: "Which means... my parents are probably at Duke Hillrose's beck and call." Yumiella: "What should I do if my parents order me to marry into the Hillrose family?" Queen: "I will send a royal order to the Dolkness household forbidding your relocation. But I believe three years is the most I can buy you." Yumiella: "Thank you. That's more than enough." Yumiella: "I need to do something about my family relations by the time I graduate." Queen: "Try to avoid the anti-king faction and the Hillroses in particular. Also, other countries are as unlikely as our own to overlook the emergence of someone who's reached level 99, so do be careful." Yumiella: "I understand." Queen: "I will also send one of His Majesty's men to the academy. If you need anything, feel free to talk to him." Rita: "Welcome home." Rita: "Um..." Rita: "I heard you met with the king over your level 99 status?" Yumiella: "Yes, and I had tea with the queen." Rita: "The master has sent photos of potential marriage partners for you. They're all reputable men of central nobility." Yumiella: "That aside, could you put on some tea? This was a gift from the queen." Yumiella: "I can't eat it all on my own. Would you join me?" Rita: "Th-These are..." Rita: "sweets from a first-class pâtisserie! I'll prepare tea right away!" King: "She's a brilliant girl." King: "I can't believe she reached level 99 by the age of 15." Queen: "I didn't even know there was a limit to how high one's level could be." King: "The head mage seems to think it's only an assumption that hasn't been verified yet. But if Miss Yumiella's level won't go any higher, then there's no doubt about it." Queen: "I believe she had no choice but to get stronger. She seems to be estranged from her parents, and I'm sure her black hair has caused her to be shunned by many. She was loved by no one and had no one to depend on, yet she holds no grudge against those who surround her. She truly is strong." King: "I'm sure other nobles will be maneuvering to win her over." King: "We'll need to get things in order for her at the academy." Queen: "Yes. Miss Yumiella wishes for nothing but peace. Though it would be nice if she made friends her age and developed an attachment to the kingdom..." King: "Yes..." Yumiella: "One week after I was summoned to the castle, the way people looked at me had changed drastically. Even the classmates who had kept me at a distance gradually began to talk to me more." Alice: "Good morning, Miss Yumiella." Becky: "You're here early again, I see." Yumiella: "Good morning." Yumiella: "Until now, they thought I was too dangerous to even try to talk to." Cyrille: "Have you received any more invitations from the king since then?" Diva: "I heard the queen gave you a gift. Is that true?" Yumiella: "Y-Yes." Alice/Becky: "How amazing!" Yumiella: "Things are still the same as always between me and Alicia." Yumiella: "As for the prince and his friends..." Edwin: "I apologize." Edwin: "Let's go." Yumiella: "That sums it up. The royal couple probably gave him a good scolding." Yumiella: "And the most significant change of all is..." Yumiella: "I'm suddenly being called upon by all manner of noble boys." Boy Student: "And thus, we will rule over all the surrounding nations as our colonies!" Boy Student: "All you need to do is destroy the enemy nations' armies. You can leave all the political stuff to me, your husband!" Yumiella: "I'm getting hit on like this every day. Most of the people who align with the king's faction are easy to get along with." Yumiella: "They're content with a bit of small talk. There's no formal political conversation with them. Those of the extremist anti-king faction, on the other hand, are aggressive in their efforts to win me over. Like this guy." Boy Student: "And ultimately, we will rule over this entire continent! Doesn't that sound fantastic?" Yumiella: "He's the most intense of all the anti-king people who've approached me in the past week." Boy Student: "I think this is quite a good deal for you! You, a black-haired girl, would become my wife! And I'll buy you all the dresses and jewelry you want." Yumiella: "I decline. I only like people who are stronger than me. This is the surefire method for refusing marriage proposals that I've come up with in the past few days." Boy Student: "Physical strength isn't enough to keep one going in this day and age. What's important is how smart you are. And that is where I excel!" Yumiella: "He didn't get the hint. Then you'll make sure I don't have to do violent things like fighting armies and putting down rebellions?" Boy Student: "N-No! A girl whose only talent is fighting need not think about anything else! All you need to do is listen to those who are superior! Namely, me!" Yumiella: "You call yourself superior, but are you the top of our grade?" Boy Student: "One's superiority is not determined by test scores." Yumiella: "You say you'll rule the continent. So who will manage its affairs?" Boy Student: "Me, of course! I'm confident in my ability to rule!" Yumiella: "If you intend to unify the entire continent, that means you'll bring this kingdom's royal family under your rule, yes?" Boy Student: "Eh?" Yumiella: "Meaning you'll be committing insurrection against the royal family of Valschein." Boy Student: "N-No... I..." Yumiella: "In this kingdom, the punishment for insurrection is death." Yumiella: "I'll pretend this conversation never happened. But someone else may have overheard us. You might want to avoid coming in contact with me again." Yumiella: "Just being around me may invite unwanted suspicion." Boy Student: "D-Don't you tell anyone about this!" Yumiella: "I should head back to my room. Nothing good will come of me wandering around." Eleonora: "Miss Yumiella! Good timing. I was just looking for you." Yumiella: "Miss Eleonora Hillrose..." Yumiella: "It's finally happened. The lone daughter of the only duke in Valschein, and part of the anti-king faction, Eleonora. Though she's a new student, she already reigns supreme over all the girls in the academy. It's rumored that she orders them around like a tyrant. In the game, Yumiella tries to earn Eleonora's acceptance by doing mean things to Alicia, and that's what causes her to turn evil." Yumiella: "The queen did warn me about this. I was hoping to avoid getting involved with her..." Eleonora: "I'm glad I found you. I was simply dying to talk to you." Yumiella: "She's the type I absolutely can't stand." Eleonora: "You're free right now, aren't you? Please come to my tea party!" Yumiella: "If I turn her down flat, that itself will invite all kinds of trouble." Yumiella: "Yes, I am free. Too free, in fact." Yumiella: "I've never really had a social life, so I know nothing about fashion or trends. Can I even manage girl talk?" Yumiella: "I cannot! But even I'm capable of some idle chatter. Behold! The three sacred implements of idle chatter!" Eleonora: "Miss Yumiella." Yumiella: "Here it comes!" Eleonora: "Parfeu is the only perfume for me." Yumiella: "I see." Eleonora: "I was deeply moved by the ideology of the brand's founder." Yumiella: "That's amazing." Eleonora: "The story of the first time he ever made perfume is just so romantic." Yumiella: "Please tell me more." Yumiella: "By the way, I'm not listening to a word she's saying. In the game, she was always busy being the queen of the academy, so she didn't show up all that often. I didn't expect her to be such a chatterbox." Yumiella: "She looks way more like a villainess than I do. I really want to raise a big stink about this casting error." Yumiella: "But did she invite me here just to talk to me about stuff like this?" Yumiella: "Finally getting to the point now?" Eleonora: "Miss Yumiella Dolkness..." Eleonora: "I want you to give up on Prince Edwin!" Yumiella: "Huh?" Yumiella: "On Prince Edwin?" Eleonora: "Yes. If you'll do that, I'm willing to allow you to join my group." Yumiella: "Um..." Eleonora: "Don't play dumb with me! I know the king suggested that you marry Prince Edwin! You are not fit to be Prince Edwin's wife! If you don't want to make an enemy of me, give up and stay away from him!" Yumiella: "Am I the one you should be saying that to? Not Alicia, the one he's with all the time?" Yumiella: "I informed His Majesty that I had no desire to wed Prince Edwin." Eleonora: "You're lying! You met the queen after that and told her you wanted to marry Prince Edwin, didn't you?!" Yumiella: "No, I did not. The fact that there's been no announcement after a whole week proves it." Eleonora: "You do have a point. You seem to be aware of your place. That's good. If you'll swear to stay away from Prince Edwin, I'll allow you to be my friend." Yumiella: "I appreciate the invitation, but I must turn it down, as well." Eleonora: "What?! Why— Don't tell me you're only pretending to be disinterested, but you really are after Prince Edwin!" Yumiella: "God, she's a pain." Yumiella: "There is someone far more worthy of Prince Edwin than I am." Eleonora: "Huh?" Yumiella: "That would be you. I believe you and His Highness would make a fine couple." Eleonora: "Oh, my!" Eleonora: "You have a very good eye! I've danced with Prince Edwin many times, you know! Prince Edwin is so wonderful when he dances! He's such a gentleman!" Yumiella: "She's so easy. So the reason she approached me was actually the prince?" Alice: "Excuse me, Miss Yumiella." Becky: "Would you mind if we sat with you?" Yumiella: "Oh... Please." Alicia: "May I sit here?" Yumiella: "Of course." Alicia: "Miss Yumiella..." Alicia: "Are you the Demon Lord?"
{ "raw_title": "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord Episode 3 – The Hidden Boss Is Summoned to the Castle", "parsed": [ "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord", "3", "The Hidden Boss Is Summoned to the Castle" ] }
Alicia: "Miss Yumiella..." Alicia: "Are you the Demon Lord?" Yumiella: "Huh?" Jessica: "The Demon Lord?" Alice: "Miss Yumiella? Really?" Becky: "I know she uses dark magic, but..." Yumiella: "How does Alicia know that the Demon Lord is coming back? Me? The Demon Lord? What are you talking about?" Alice: "Ed was saying that the Demon Lord is coming back in two years." Yumiella: ""Ed"?" Yumiella: "She's calling the prince by a nickname barely a week after they first met? Well, her communication skills are level 99, if nothing else." Yumiella: "But anyway..." Yumiella: "That stupid prince. Did he really blab top-secret information to Alicia?" Yumiella: "Did Prince Edwin say that I'm the Demon Lord?" Alicia: "He only said that the Demon Lord would be coming back in two years. But you're... well..." Alicia: "The black..." Yumiella: "Black? Oh... Yes, I do have black hair, but do you have any basis for assuming I'm the Demon Lord because of that?" Yumiella: "And didn't we learn in magic class that dark magic isn't evil?" William: "Yumiella Dolkness!" Edwin: "What have you done to Alicia?!" Oswald: "We're here now. Everything's all right." Yumiella: "If anyone's had something done to her, it's me. Miss Alicia was saying strange things about the Demon Lord returning and about me being the Demon Lord, so I denied it. Nothing more." Yumiella: "The Demon Lord's return needs to be kept secret." Yumiella: "A member of the royalty should know that. Hurry up and tell her that stuff about the Demon Lord was just gossip." Edwin: "It's true that the Demon Lord is going to return in two years." Edwin: "Only a few people know that, though." Yumiella: "This stupid prince!" William: "I get it! So you're the Demon Lord!" Yumiella: "I'm not." Yumiella: "I may be the hidden boss, but I'm not the Demon Lord." Yumiella: "They're unfazed after hearing about the Demon Lord." Yumiella: "So William and Oswald must have already heard about it. The Demon Lord isn't coming back for two years, right? But I'm here right now. What does that make me?" William: "Y-You're gonna start doing evil stuff, aren't you?!" William: "I'll punish you myself!" Yumiella: "This meathead..." Yumiella: "Uh..." Yumiella: "You think you can beat me?" Yumiella: "Do you really think I'm the Demon Lord, as well?" Oswald: "If that's what Alicia says." Yumiella: "He's an idiot, too." Oswald: "Besides, you being the Demon Lord would explain that strength of yours." Yumiella: "I can't deny that." Yumiella: "Yes, I am indeed strong. As strong as the Demon Lord, perhaps." Yumiella: "But you three are too weak." Yumiella: "If you intend to defeat me, you need to get stronger." Yumiella: "I need them to get stronger so they can defeat the actual Demon Lord, anyway." Yumiella: "No, wait." Yumiella: "Maybe this is my chance to teach them how to level up?" Yumiella: "It might improve their opinion of me a bit, too." Yumiella: "I'd like to teach all of you the basics of leveling up." Edwin: "Huh? What are you..." Yumiella: "The fundamental way to level up is defeating monsters. Delve into dungeons whenever you have time, and kill as many as you can. Don't use Amulets of Protection. Wear Amulets of Growth, which double the experience you receive. Use a Monster-Calling Flute to defeat as many monsters as possible. And to maximize efficiency, you'll need to fight solo rather than forming a party. I recommend going for monsters that specialize not in defense, but in offense, because you spend less time fighting them. Obviously, stronger monsters are the most efficient for raising your level, so go as deep into the dungeon as you can. Leveling up is basically a form of occupational performance, so setting daily goals and doing your best to meet them is crucial. Especially you, Miss Alicia." Yumiella: "Since you can use light magic, the responsibility on you is immense. Please do your leveling up in a dark-type dungeon." Alicia: "H-Huh?" Yumiella: "Yep. Nailed it." Yumiella: "Looks like that was so amazing, they're all speechless." Edwin: "Are... Are you trying to kill us?!" Yumiella: "Huh?" Yumiella: "Was it a little too difficult for them?" Edwin: "Let's go." Yumiella: "I know all of you can handle it." Yumiella: "If you're afraid, shall I tag along with you?" Edwin: "No need!" Edwin: "I'll get stronger in my own way." Yumiella: "Guess I didn't get through to them." Yumiella: "But everyone else here must be thrilled to get all that useful information..." Boy1: "Use a Monster-Calling Flute? Is she nuts?" Boy3: "And going into a dungeon without an Amulet of Protection?" Girl1: "Did you know there were dark-type dungeons?" Girl2: "I never dreamed a place that scary existed." Boy4: "Maybe that's where she came from..." Yumiella: "Well, this was a flop." Yumiella: "But all that aside..." Yumiella: "Why is Alicia so wary of me?" Yumiella: "Could it be... she was reincarnated, like me?" Yumiella: "I'll have to look into it. If Alicia only vaguely remembers what happened in the game," Yumiella: "I could understand her mistaking me for the Demon Lord, but..." Alicia: "I'll bake some cookies next time." Edwin: "I can't wait." Oswald: "Doing okay in your classes?" Alicia: "Yeah, I think so." William: "Wow, you live near the ocean, huh?" Alicia: "Yep." Yumiella: "I tried observing Alicia for a day," Yumiella: "but she's just... a nice girl." Yumiella: "In the game, she's the cheerful, innocent type. She enrolls in the academy so she can use her magic to help others. At first, she doesn't understand noble customs, so she doesn't fit in. Then the conquerable characters help her out, and she opens up to them." Yumiella: "Good kitty." Yumiella: "In this world, too..." Alicia: "Meow, meow." Yumiella: "She's kind to everyone, and she's very cheerful." Yumiella: "It's only her reactions to me that are strange." Yumiella: "Also, I feel like I don't see her with other girls very often... But I guess having those three guys with her all the time makes it hard to approach her." Alicia: "Bye, kitty." Yumiella: "Gotta follow her..." Yumiella: "But first, there's something I need to do." Yumiella: "Kitty!" Yumiella: "Meow, meow." Yumiella: "I figured that would happen. Ever since I reincarnated as Yumiella, animals seem terrified of me." Yumiella: "He's one of my classmates. I think his name is..." Yumiella: "No, more importantly..." Yumiella: "Were you watching?" Patrick: "No, I didn't see anything." Yumiella: "He definitely saw." Yumiella: "It's not that it ran away from me." Yumiella: "I could've caught that cat, but it would have taken the use of force. So I suppose it would be more correct to say I let it get away." Yumiella: "Pardon me. I have things to do." Yumiella: "Where did she go?" Yumiella: "There!" Alicia: "Um, I've never heard this incantation before." Edwin: "Oh, right, you might not be familiar with that one. It's something that nobles in Valschein know." Alicia: "I see!" Yumiella: "She's getting Edwin to help her study. It's like an otome game. I mean, it is an otome game, but..." Yumiella: "Does this mean Alicia has started on Edwin's route?" Edwin: "By the way, Alicia..." Edwin: "Why did you think Yumiella Dolkness was the Demon Lord?" Edwin: "She isn't the Demon Lord. My father said as much." Alicia: "But..." Edwin: "It's true that she uses dark magic, has black hair, and is level 99. But it's not right to assume she's the Demon Lord just because of that." Edwin: "What... is that?" Alicia: "It's Miss Yumiella." Alicia: "This is how Miss Yumiella looks to me. Frightening." Alicia: "It may have something to do with my light magic." Yumiella: "Ah..." Yumiella: "What does that mean? The compatibility of attributes?" Edwin: "Yumiella Dolkness is indeed abnormally strong. It can't be such an easy thing to reach level 99." Edwin: "Even if she's not the Demon Lord, I won't let my guard down around her." Edwin: "Although it seems my father wants her to join the force that battles the Demon Lord." Alicia: "He does?" Edwin: "I suppose it only makes sense, given her strength, but..." Edwin: "With your light magic, you're also a valuable asset to the battle. In other words, we'll all work together to face the Demon Lord one day." Edwin: "Alicia..." Edwin: "I'm sorry for getting you involved in such a dangerous thing as fighting the Demon Lord." Alicia: "You didn't! If the world is in danger, it's my business! If I can be of use with my magic, I want to do whatever I can." Alicia: "So let's do our best together, Ed!" Edwin: "Yeah. Let's defeat the Demon Lord together." Yumiella: "In any case, it doesn't seem like Alicia was reincarnated." Alicia: "Right!" Yumiella: "Principal, I heard you wanted to see me." Ronald: "Come in." Yumiella: "Someone else's voice?" Ronald: "Pleased to meet you, Miss Yumiella." Ronald: "I'm Ronald. I've been appointed as the new principal." Yumiella: "I am Yumiella Dolkness. Um, where is the former principal?" Ronald: "He resigned. You needn't worry about it." Yumiella: "His smile looks so fake. Like the very model of a smile meant to put one at ease." Ronald: "I've come to the academy on the king's orders. I'm also aware of the Demon Lord's impending return, so you can relax." Ronald: "Please, sit." Yumiella: "Yes, sir." Ronald: "Here you go." Yumiella: "Thank you." Yumiella: "He's been informed about the Demon Lord's return. That must mean the king trusts him." Ronald: "What a troublemaker Prince Edwin is." Ronald: "To think he spoke of a state secret in public like that. I'm sure you had it rough, too." Yumiella: "Eh. I've been an object of curiosity ever since the entrance ceremony." Ronald: "His Highness wasn't always the type to behave so rashly, but recently, he's been... unstable." Ronald: "Even his two supporters have been acting the same way." Yumiella: "Did something happen to the three of them?" Ronald: "You're really asking that?" Yumiella: "Yeah, of course." Ronald: "All three of them had been exceptionally brilliant since childhood, but then someone suddenly showed up and shattered their pride." Ronald: "I can't blame them for being shaken by that. As for the matter of the Demon Lord's return, we will be denying it in an official address from the kingdom." Ronald: "But it's practically impossible to extinguish a rumor once it's spread. Of course, the king understands that there's no way you can be the Demon Lord, so you can relax." Yumiella: "How much information does the royal family have about the Demon Lord?" Ronald: "I don't know that myself." Yumiella: "It's no use. I can't tell what he's thinking." Yumiella: "I can't say why, but this guy just irks me." Ronald: "Anyway, I didn't just want to say hello to you. I have a favor to ask." Yumiella: "A favor? Of me?" Ronald: "Yes. When our field lessons begin in the near future, I want you on the administrative side." Yumiella: "Field lessons?" Students: "Coming your way! I got 'em! Surround it! No! Stay away!" Yumiella: "Here, a "field lesson" basically means leveling up. The academy sends students to hunt monsters, while keeping their safety in mind." Yumiella: "It's true that there's no need for me to participate, since I'm level 99. And if I accidentally wiped out all the monsters, I'd ruin it for all the other students." Ronald: "Field lessons are divided up between central nobles and regional nobles." Ronald: "You'll be in charge of the regional nobles." Yumiella: "That's a very broad method of dividing them up." Ronald: "Regional nobles fight monsters in their domains more often than city-dwelling central nobles. That inevitably creates a clear difference in their motivation to level up." Ronald: "Separating them is more efficient." Yumiella: "Will Prince Edwin and his companions attend the field lesson with the central nobles?" Ronald: "I've arranged a supplementary lesson for special training for them." Yumiella: "Special training?!" Yumiella: "I'm dying to know how they get to level up!" Ronald: "The goal is to get them to level 40 by the time they graduate." Yumiella: "I'd like it if they could get closer to level 60." Ronald: "Captain Adolf is level 60. They can't get that far in two years." Yumiella: "I think it's plenty possible, myself..." Magic Teacher: "Okay, time for a break. Those of you who are out of magic or injured," Yumiella: "What a peaceful field lesson this is. There are too few. And they're throwing way too much power at some low-level monsters. It's obviously overkill." Yumiella: "And with the teachers' protection, too." Yumiella: "I know they can't afford to endanger the son of royalty, but this..." Yumiella/Ronald: "Too inefficient." Yumiella: "The guy who saw me with the cat..." Yumiella: "Um..." Patrick: "I'm Patrick Ashbatten." Yumiella: "You also think this is inefficient? I think they could handle a larger number of monsters." Patrick: "Yeah. If they split into a vanguard and rear guard and work together, it's more than possible." Yumiella: "I haven't spoken with a classmate like this in ages. Do they split into vanguard and rear guard to level up in the Ashbattens' domain?" Patrick: "Yeah. The vanguard holds the monsters in place, and the rear guard attacks them. That's basic." Yumiella: "Doesn't that result in differing amounts of experience for the vanguard and rear guard?" Patrick: "We reverse it, too. The rear guard uses magic to stop the monsters' movements, while the vanguard attacks." Patrick: "It does bring down the balance, though." Yumiella: "I guess working as one group does reduce efficiency. Meaning..." Yumiella: "My idea of how to level up wasn't wrong!" Yumiella: "Could we use that method here, right now?" Patrick: "I think we have enough people," Patrick: "but with so few monsters, I don't think it would matter." Yumiella: "I have something useful." Patrick: "A Monster-Calling Flute?!" Patrick: "Wait, don't!" Students: "What?" Magic Teacher: "Miss Yumiella! What are you—" Students: "Wh-What? What is that?" Patrick: "Everyone with a shield and spear to the front!" Students: "G-Got it! Hurry!" Patrick: "Vanguard, focus on stopping the monsters! Rear guard, use ranged magic attacks!" Patrick: "If you run out of magic, attack whatever's left with weapons!" Boy Student: "Got it!" Patrick: "If you get hurt, fall back and heal with a potion!" Girl Student: "Right!" Patrick: "Attack!" Patrick: "Follow up the attack!" Pardont: "You all right?!" Ian: "Yeah..." Patrick: "Vanguard, regroup right away!" Boy Students: "Right!" Patrick: "Don't panic! Finish them all!" Yumiella: "Wow..." Patrick: "Yumiella! How could you do that without warning?!" Yumiella: "Why is he so angry?" Yumiella: "Oh, I know. Because the rear guard exhausted themselves to the point that the vanguard couldn't level up." Yumiella: "There's no need to worry. I know some of them have exhausted their magic, so I'll hold the monsters in place next time." Patrick: "Huh? Next time?" Patrick: "No!" Beth: "Not again!" David: "We're really gonna die this time!" Yumiella: "I'll stop the monsters' movements. Those of you in the vanguard can take your time killing them." Yumiella: "Dark Bind." Yumiella: "Go ahead and attack them." Ian: "Um, was that..." Yumiella: "It was my magic. It's called Dark Bind. It renders the target unable to move." Ian: "And we won't get attacked?" Yumiella: "You'll be fine. The monsters are firmly restrained." Ian: "Uh, I don't mean by the monsters..." Patrick: "There's no problem. This method is safe." Students: "Seems like it's okay... maybe?" David: "Well, in that case..." Silk: "Yeah..." Yumiella: "Was he talking about my magic? Is it that scary?" Yumiella: "Your leadership was brilliant." Patrick: "I am the son of a margrave, after all." Patrick: "I was involved in some combat before I enrolled..." Patrick: "I guess you meant no harm." Yumiella: "What are you talking about?" Patrick: "Nothing." Yumiella: "I'll heal you." Patrick: "Huh?" Yumiella: "Dark magic also has healing and recovery spells." Yumiella: "There's one downside, however." Yumiella: "It's super grotesque." Patrick: "Yikes..." Yumiella: "You should be all right now. Do you feel any pain?" Patrick: "No. I'm fine. Thanks." Yumiella: "Oh, good. I didn't know what I'd do if it had side effects on people of other attributes." Yumiella: "Why did you jump in front of me?" Patrick: "Sorry. I thought you were in danger." Yumiella: "In danger? At level 99?" Patrick: "You need to take better care of yourself. It'll be too late once something happens." Yumiella: "Did he really just try to protect me because he was worried about me?" Yumiella: "Th-Thank you. This has never happened before. I feel kind of embarrassed." Patrick: "Yumiella..." Patrick: "Next time you're going to use the Monster-Calling Flute, say so first." Yumiella: "All right. In that case, I'm going to use it again now." Patrick: "Huh? Wait, Yumiella!" Cede: "You're kidding!" Eren: "No more!" Magic Teacher: "Miss Yumiella!" Yumiella: "Dark Bind." Yumiella: "Dark Bind." Students: "Again?!"
{ "raw_title": "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord Episode 4 – The Hidden Boss Attends Field Lessons", "parsed": [ "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord", "4", "The Hidden Boss Attends Field Lessons" ] }
Yumiella: "The day after our field lesson, the principal gave me a warning for using the Monster-Calling Flute." Ronald: "Really? I didn't know the dark attribute also had healing magic." Yumiella: "Yes. It can regrow an arm, at least." Ronald: "Regrow an arm? Are you... speaking from experience?" Yumiella: "Yes." Yumiella: "When I was a child, my arm was sliced off, right here." Ronald: "Ah..." Yumiella: "That sure was a close call. If that slice had been off by just a hair, it might've been my head that got severed. And no healing magic can regrow a head..." Yumiella: "Can it?" Yumiella: "Anyway, enough of my childhood stories." Yumiella: "How did the central nobles' lesson go?" Ronald: "Prince Edwin and his friends are leveling up well, I think. The reports told me that William charged in as the vanguard, while His Highness and Oswald took out any monsters he missed." Ronald: "The only problem is that they killed all the monsters themselves. The other students can't gain any levels that way." Ronald: "All they do is lavish the three of them with praise." Yumiella: "What about Miss Alicia?" Ronald: "Same as the other students. She didn't kill a single monster." Yumiella: "Did she seem like she wanted to do more?" Ronald: "The written report doesn't tell me that. Even if she wanted to do more, I suppose there was just nothing she could do this time." Ronald: "Those three boys probably wanted to show off for the girl they like, too." Yumiella: "Ah..." Ronald: "Since Miss Alicia can use light magic, we need her to grow stronger." Ronald: "I may end up asking for your help on that front." Yumiella: "I understand. You can count on me." Yumiella: "When he asks, I'll take her to a dark-type dungeon." Yumiella: "Alicia will have an advantage against all the monsters there. She'll be thrilled!" Alicia: "No!" Ronald: "On another subject... We've received a request from the castle's magic tool development team to test the endurance of some magic tools." Yumiella: "I'll do it." Yumiella: "Magic tools are items that have been imbued with magic. Aside from things like armor and weapons, they also include my favorite items, the Amulet of Growth and Monster-Calling Flute." Ronald: "This is what they want us to test. They want to use it to make armor. It's passed Knight Captain Adolf's endurance test, but they want to know how it fares against stronger—" Yumiella: "Uh." Ronald: "Can you describe how much strength that took?" Yumiella: "I'll be more careful to take note of that next time." Yumiella: "This might be good practice for controlling how much strength I use." Ronald: "I can't even budge it." Patrick: "Yumiella!" Yumiella: "Master Patrick." Patrick: "Did the principal want to see you about yesterday's field lesson?" Yumiella: "Yes. He scolded me for using the Monster-Calling Flute." Patrick: "Well, that's to be expected." Beth: "Patrick!" Beth: "Can you come to the classroom for a minute? Everyone wants you to take command during the next field lesson." Patrick: "Sure." Patrick: "Well, see you later." Yumiella: "They really trust him." Yumiella: "My life of solitude has changed a bit since the field lesson ended." Yumiella: "Patrick comes by to talk to me every now and then." Sword Teacher: "Now, we're going to do some practical exercises. Everyone, pair up." Patrick: "Yumiella." Patrick: "If you don't have anyone to pair up with, how about me?" Yumiella: "Are you sure?" Patrick: "What do you mean?" Yumiella: "You must have plenty of friends who want to pair up with you." Patrick: "Don't worry about them. I owe you one, remember?" Yumiella: "You mean because I healed you? Please, don't worry about that. If I hadn't been there, you could have used a potion to heal yourself." Patrick: "Really? I guess I'll pair up with someone else, then." Yumiella: "Uh, actually, please do worry about it. I'm the one who healed your injury." Patrick: "You're also the one who caused it, you know." Yumiella: "He might be the closest thing to a friend I've found since I reincarnated here." Yumiella: "It must be his natural virtue that made everyone else follow his orders, too." Yumiella: "That and, for some reason, his voice seems to carry really well." Patrick: "Let's do this!" Yumiella: "Patrick's swordsmanship is beautiful. Nothing like me and my reliance on sheer power and reflexes." Beth: "Patrick!" Patrick: "Ow..." Yumiella: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll heal you right now." Patrick: "Th-Thanks. I'm okay." Yumiella: "I'm sorry. Thank you for pairing up with me." Patrick: "Nah, I should apologize to you." Patrick: "Maybe I'm not a worthy partner for you." Yumiella: "No, I don't think that's true. I could learn a great deal from your sword skills." Patrick: "You want to get even stronger by learning how to use a sword?" Patrick: "Just what are you thinking about fighting?" Yumiella: "Um... the Demon Lord, I suppose?" Patrick: "The Demon Lord?" Patrick: "So the rumors about him coming back in two years are true?" Patrick: "Did you hear something about it from the king?" Yumiella: "No, nothing." Yumiella: "I lied. Yes, I have heard about it. Either Prince Edwin was just making things up or the king is hiding something, I suppose." Patrick: "I could easily believe either of those." Yumiella: "There have been so many unsavory rumors about Prince Edwin lately that if I said his claims about the Demon Lord's return weren't true, it would be difficult to prove I was lying. And since he's been flirting with Alicia all over the place, his popularity's dropping. Many are already saying his claims about the Demon Lord are a nasty joke or just made up." Yumiella: "On the other hand, the rumor that I'm the Demon Lord hasn't died out, either. It may have even been revived after what happened during the field lesson." Yumiella: "You don't think I'm the Demon Lord, Master Patrick?" Patrick: "If you were the Demon Lord, the world would've been wiped out by now." Yumiella: "True." Patrick: "Of course, I'm just joking," Patrick: "but it bugs me that your black hair is one of the reasons people believe it. When I was little," Patrick: "my hair was almost black, and it always bothered me." Patrick: "It started when a relative said my hair looked blackish. My family said I didn't need to worry about it," Patrick: "but I hated my hair after that." Yumiella: "I think it looks whitish, personally." Patrick: "Whitish?" Patrick: "Compared to yours, yeah, I guess it would." Patrick: "But that's why I admire the way you wear your black hair so confidently." Patrick: "I promise I'll never look down on you or dislike you because of your hair color." Yumiella: "Th-Thank you." Yumiella: "I think your gray hair is quite lovely." Patrick: "Thanks. I think your black hair's pretty, too." Yumiella: "Um, shall we have another match?" Patrick: "Sure, I'd love to." Patrick: "Let's do this!" Yumiella: "I'm sorry!" Yumiella: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Patrick: "I'm fine. It doesn't hurt anymore." Patrick: "I realized it before, but... your healing magic feels pretty nice." Yumiella: "It looks disgusting, though." Patrick: "You're amazing, Yumiella. You use dark magic with such confidence." Yumiella: "I just got lucky. Magic affinity is just something we're born with." Patrick: "It's not just that. Even if I could use dark magic," Patrick: "I'd probably just try to keep it hidden." Patrick: "Just like with your hair, you don't deny who you are." Patrick: "I think that's something not many people can pull off." Yumiella: "Thank you... Looking back now, I never gave much thought to Yumiella as a character in the game." Patrick: "Even if I could use dark magic, I'd probably just try to keep it hidden." Yumiella: "Was the Yumiella in the game born with her dark magic, too? The game's explanation was that Yumiella obtained her dark magic because she gave in to the darkness," Yumiella: "but none of the story scenes were clear about it." Yumiella: "Maybe the truth is actually different. It's just a theory, but what if the game's Yumiella could use dark magic all along," Yumiella: "and she just kept it hidden from everyone? She must have really hated the heroine, who used light magic with total confidence and was loved by everyone." Yumiella: "I guess there's no point in thinking about it." Yumiella: "This world is just this world. It's not the game. A few days later," Yumiella: "we had our second field lesson." Patrick: "I'm sure you know this by now, but don't you dare use your Monster-Calling Flute again." Yumiella: "I won't. The principal yelled at me about it, too." Patrick: "And no burning down the forest just because you're bored, either." Yumiella: "I know. Today, I'm the battlefield medic." Patrick: "It's a lesson, not a war..." Magic Teacher: "The monsters you face today are of a different type than the last ones. Be careful not to let your guard down at any time." Yumiella: "So bored..." Yumiella: "Dark Bind." Yumiella: "Rock, paper, scissors. Rock, paper, scissors." Yumiella: "I'm a supervisor... a supervisor... It looks like they're steadily getting good results," Yumiella: "but the atmosphere feels much more lax than last time." Yumiella: "Times like these are when the danger is greatest." Yumiella: "Yes, I'm coming to heal you." Magic Teacher: "You don't need to do that, Miss Yumiella..." Yumiella: "Well, I had nothing else to do." Yumiella: "Would you like a potion or healing magic?" Miles/Diva/Cede: "Potion, please!" Yumiella: "But if I heal you with magic, there's no need to waste potions, is there?" Miles: "Why even ask us, then?" Yumiella: "I'll heal you." Yumiella: "Everything's fine. You're as good as new." Yumiella: "Funny... Healers are usually pretty popular..." Magic Teacher: "Okay, we're going to take a break for a bit." Yumiella: "This lax attitude they all have is definitely a problem. When you're trying to raise your level," Yumiella: "you need to be right on the brink at all times." Yumiella: "Which means..." Patrick: "I told you not to use this. You shouldn't have even brought it. It's too dangerous." Yumiella: "The current scenario is more dangerous. Isn't it important to feel some degree of urgency? And I believe all of these students are skilled enough to handle it." Yumiella: "The difficulty of the lesson should be raised in proportion to their levels." Patrick: "You have a point, but..." Yumiella: "We could even send each one of them into their own dungeon." Patrick: "That's the one thing we can't do!" Patrick: "You'd have to be crazy to go into a dungeon alone!" Yumiella: "Are you denying my entire past?" Patrick: "Uh, no, I didn't mean to..." Yumiella: "The method we're using now is too inefficient, anyway. Making people kill low-level monsters in groups is wasteful." Yumiella: "Couldn't they face monsters of a slightly higher level? Even you said the lesson was too inefficient last time." Patrick: "Yeah, but..." Yumiella: "Even if I don't use the flute, I'd be fine with it if everyone would just take this more seriously." Yumiella: "I know!" Yumiella: "A different method would be fine, right?" Yumiella: "What if I injured everyone with my magic and then healed them?" Yumiella: "Knowing how much an injury hurts should tighten their focus more." Yumiella: "Oh, don't worry. I'm pretty sure I can hurt them without killing them." Patrick: "Do you hear yourself?!" Yumiella: "The flute or an injury? Choose one." Students: "Flute, please..." Yumiella: "That settles it. It's okay, right, Patrick?" Patrick: "Assume formation! Prepare to engage!" Yumiella: "Oh, shoot. I forgot to be polite. And I just called him "Patrick"..." Patrick: "Don't break formation! Stay calm!" Yumiella: "I always get a little overzealous when it comes to leveling up. I'm a count's daughter," Yumiella: "and Patrick is a margrave's son. He ranks higher than me, and I... If I draw the ire of the Ashbatten family, the entire Dolkness family's reputation as nobility will drop." Yumiella: "I guess that's no problem. My family's problematic as it is." Yumiella: "But..." Yumiella: "The idea of Patrick hating me... might make me a little sad..." Patrick: "Maintain formation!" Patrick: "Just do this the way you've practiced, and you can win!" Yumiella: "Is he using wind magic to make his voice carry?" Patrick: "Now! Rear guard, attack with magic!" Yumiella: "So it's magic that makes his voice resonate like that." Yumiella: "And he's using earth magic to keep his feet planted at the same time." Yumiella: "That's something I could never do myself." Yumiella: "Patrick might be a genius when it comes to group combat." Yumiella: "How should I interact with him after this?" Patrick: "Looks like things have calmed down." Yumiella: "Good work." Beth: "Patrick! Thanks so much!" Becky: "You saved us again!" Yumiella: "I returned to the academy without exchanging any further words with Patrick. Even if he does end up hating me and stops talking to me, if I just think of it as going back to how things where when school started, it's nothing I need to stress over too much..." Yumiella: "Or it shouldn't be..." Alicia: "Miss Yumiella!" Yumiella: "Yes? What is it, Miss Alicia?" Alicia: "Um..." Alicia: "I'm sorry for just assuming you were the Demon Lord the other day." Alicia: "I know I caused trouble for you by carelessly blurting that out." Yumiella: "Just standing in front of me now must be terrifying for her. Yet she still came to apologize..." Yumiella: "She really is a nice girl." Edwin: "Stay away from Alicia!" Edwin: "I heard what you did during the field lesson. You used a Monster-Calling Flute to force the students to fight a whole horde of monsters." Edwin: "Were you trying to kill someone and make it look like an accident?" Alicia: "H-Huh?!" Yumiella: "Sounds like he heard an exaggerated version of the story." Edwin: "Or was it a plot to injure students and then heal them, as if it were a favor, to make yourself more popular? You might not be the Demon Lord, but you're still a danger to the Kingdom of Valschein." Yumiella: "I suppose I really am a maverick in this academy... no, in this world." Yumiella: "Is it even necessary to go through all this to stay here?" Yumiella: "I don't even have any friends. But even if I run away from this academy," Yumiella: "is there a place for me anywhere else in this world?" Patrick: "Please wait a moment, Your Highness!" Edwin: "Patrick Ashbatten?" Patrick: "It's true that Yumiella used a Monster-Calling Flute. But she did it to make the students take the lesson seriously." Patrick: "She wasn't in the wrong... Well, maybe she was, but..." Yumiella: "Truth." Patrick: "But her methods are relatively popular among the regional nobles!" Patrick: "Her method truly is the most efficient for leveling up. And she didn't violate any school rules or kingdom laws." Patrick: "I would like you to stay out of this matter." Edwin: "I'll back down for now. Let's go, Alicia." Yumiella: "Something tells me he's furious." Patrick: "That must've been really rough for you." Yumiella: "Huh? Uh... Th-Thank you... Um, are you sure it was wise to say that to the prince?" Patrick: "Well, I'm still the son of a margrave. Being detested by the second prince is nothing to me." Yumiella: "Also... are you angry?" Patrick: "I'm not so much angry as exasperated. Maybe he just lacks awareness of his own royal standing." Yumiella: "Uh, I wasn't talking about Edwin. Um... I'm sorry. I know I got a bit excited, but I spoke too casually to you during the lesson." Patrick: "Huh? That's what you were worried about? It's not like I'm some big-headed central noble. It doesn't bother me. Talk to me however you feel the most comfortable." Yumiella: "That's it? But the hierarchy is supposed to be very important in noble society. Is it really all right to just wrap it up like that?" Patrick: "I don't care much for formalities. There are way too many other things you should be more worried about." Yumiella: "I do agree there." Yumiella: "Oh, right. Did you want to see me for something?" Patrick: "Yeah. You seemed a bit down after the field lesson, so I was worried. Did something happen?" Yumiella: "I was just having a little bit of depression time. I'm fine now." Patrick: "Okay, then. Glad to hear it." Patrick: "Ready to go back to class?" Yumiella: "Master Patrick..." Patrick: "Just "Patrick" is fine." Yumiella: "Patrick..." Yumiella: "Thanks." Patrick: "It's unusual to see you smile like that." Yumiella: "Was I smiling?" Patrick: "Let's go." Yumiella: "Sure." Yumiella: "I think I'd like to be friends with him, if I can."
{ "raw_title": "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord Episode 5 – The Hidden Boss Finds a Conversation Partner", "parsed": [ "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord", "5", "The Hidden Boss Finds a Conversation Partner" ] }
Yumiella: "The summer recess." Yumiella: "Also known as summer break. Most students return to their family homes, but there are a few who stay at school." Yumiella: "Patrick and I are among those who remain." Patrick: "The tip of your sword is drifting again!" Yumiella: "Sorry! I used too much strength." Patrick: "It's okay. I'm used to it by now." Yumiella: "Sorry to have you spar with me every day, even over break." Patrick: "I'm the one who asked you to do it. I don't want you sending me airborne during class again." Yumiella: "I've been practicing controlling my strength. Using this magic slab meant for people at level 60." Patrick: "What is that?" Yumiella: "I'm practicing using just enough force on this without bending it." Yumiella: "Oh..." Yumiella: "It still goes wrong sometimes." Patrick: "Is it that brittle?" Yumiella: "It was going so well during my solo practice sessions..." Yumiella: "Afternoons are for studying on our own in the classroom. There's nothing to do back at the dorms, anyway." Yumiella: "And besides, lately..." Alice: "M-Miss Yumiella..." Yumiella: "Yes?" Alice: "There's a part of this assignment that we don't understand." Becky: "Would you mind giving us some advice?" Yumiella: "Of course. Which part is it?" Alice/Becky: "Thank you!" Yumiella: "People have been approaching me more frequently, just like this." Alice: "So, um, you and Master Patrick..." Yumiella: "Huh?" Becky: "What is it you two are always doing together?" Yumiella: "Training to level up." Alice/Becky: "Huh?" Yumiella: "Could it be that you two are interested in leveling up, as well?" Yumiella: "Just ask me at any time. I can recommend dungeons for you, and I can even help by using the Monster-Calling Flute." Alice: "Oh, no, um..." Patrick: "Why do you always jump straight to that? You're scaring them!" Yumiella: "I was only talking about leveling up." Patrick: "Watch how people are reacting to you before you say that!" Yumiella: "How they're reacting, huh?" Students: "Master Patrick and Miss Yumiella are like... A beast tamer and a wild beast. I can see it!" Yumiella: "I can hear you." Students: "But don't they look a bit like siblings, too? I can see it!" Yumiella: "I don't think he and I are quite that close..." Yumiella: "There's something I've realized recently. Is it possible that my knowledge..." Yumiella: "is too biased toward magic? Watching Patrick made me realize the importance" Yumiella: "of the techniques involved in combat, as well as strategy and leadership." Yumiella: "What I need in order to become even stronger is..." Yumiella: "Yes! Combat techniques!" Yumiella: "Maybe I should just read every military-related book I see." Yumiella: "Alicia?!" Yumiella: "Is she alone? Her usual trio is back home with their families, so I guess she's the one who's all alone now." Alicia: "Miss Yumiella." Yumiella: "What is it, Miss Alicia?" Alicia: "I have a favor to ask." Yumiella: "Huh?" Alicia: "Would you please teach me how to use magic?" Yumiella: "I see. So you don't understand light magic all that well." Alicia: "Right. Since light magic is such a rare attribute, even the teachers seem to be unsure how to teach me about it." Alicia: "There aren't many books about it at the castle, either." Alicia: "I've been trying to find something here, but..." Yumiella: "If the castle doesn't have any, the school library isn't likely to, either." Alicia: "I've heard that your dark magic is just as uncommon as light magic. I was hoping there might be something you could teach me." Yumiella: "All right. If there's anything I can help with, I'd be glad to." Alicia: "Thank you so much!" Yumiella: "That heroine smile!" Alicia: "Let's get right to it! How did you learn about your dark magic?" Yumiella: "I can't tell her I saw it in the game." Yumiella: "Naturally, I know about light magic because I played the game. But it wouldn't make sense for me to know things there are no books about." Yumiella: "How do I explain it?" Yumiella: "For starters, why don't you try envisioning a finishing move? Something like this." Alicia: "Finishing...?" Yumiella: "Oh, I guess she doesn't have a finishing move." Yumiella: "Well, then, do you have any strong memories that involve light?" Alicia: "Memories, huh?" Yumiella: "Yes. Maybe you could recall them when you want to use light magic." Alicia: "Light..." Alicia: "It reminds me of seeing the starry sky with my grandma back in the country." Yumiella: "Stars... I see." Alicia: "The place where I lived was very rural. It didn't have tall buildings or anything." Alicia: "But because of that, the whole sky was filled with stars, and it was so beautiful. When I think about those days, the thought that I'm here at this academy now seems like a dream." Alicia: "Thanks, Miss Yumiella!" Alicia: "I think this has helped me figure something out. I hope you'll let me come to you for advice again if I need it!" Yumiella: "Uh, sure. Anytime." Alicia: "Well, bye, then!" Yumiella: "Patrick." Patrick: "This is from the queen." Yumiella: "You went to the castle?" Patrick: "Well, yeah." Yumiella: "I guess the sons of margraves are pretty busy people, huh?" Patrick: "Yeah, pretty much." Yumiella: "These are pastries. Do you want to eat them with me in my room?" Patrick: "Wha—" Yumiella: "Rita... er, my maid will prepare some good tea for us." Patrick: "Don't invite a man into a lady's room like it's no big deal!" Yumiella: "I'm sorry." Patrick: "No... I'm sorry, too." Patrick: "Why don't we eat in the cafeteria?" Yumiella: "Yes, let's." Patrick: "This is good." Yumiella: "Isn't it?" Patrick: "Why do you sound so proud?" Alice: "Master Patrick and Miss Yumiella..." Becky: "They really are close." Yumiella: "Summer break ended, and the season of the martial arts competition arrived. The martial arts competition is a schoolwide event consisting of a sword fighting portion conducted in one-on-one tournament format and an individually scored magic portion. In the game, Alicia stirs up the crowd with her light magic, but I don't participate. Powerful nobles come to watch this competition, so it's a chance for students striving to be military officers to show what they can do." Yumiella: "I don't think it'd be right to interfere with that." Patrick: "Ah, the martial arts competition. Are you participating?" Yumiella: "Of course not. What about you?" Patrick: "I'll pass, too." Patrick: "I have no interest in joining the military." Patrick: "Anyway, who would even want the prize they're offering the winner this year?" Yumiella: "Prize?" Yumiella: "The winners in each portion will receive... an amulet that enhances dark magic?" Yumiella: "Is that a rare item I don't know about?" Patrick: "But you're the only one who can use dark magic, and if you get any stronger than you already are... Huh?" Yumiella: "I really want it! I want it so bad! I'm gonna get it, whatever it takes!" Patrick: "Hey! Take it easy, Yumiella!" Yumiella: "I'm entering the martial arts competition." Ronald: "You're scaring me." Yumiella: "If I hadn't learned what the prize was, the winners would have unknowingly become targets for robbery." Ronald: "You're so scary." Yumiella: "So please see that I am entered in both portions of the competition." Ronald: "Sure, sure." Yumiella: "Event rewards must be obtained by legitimately winning the event. That's my motto." Ronald: "I didn't think she'd actually take the bait." Yumiella: "This is an even bigger deal than I thought it'd be." Patrick: "I heard that those amulets were given to the principal by the king himself, to be passed along to you." Patrick: "Yet they decided to offer them as prizes, which must mean..." Yumiella: "The principal set me up." Patrick: "He's probably trying to use this as a chance to show you off to the nobles." Yumiella: "Are these nobles seeing this as a trip to a zoo to see the lions or a viewing of the military's latest weapon?" Yumiella: "It's tough being popular." Sword Teacher2: "We will now determine the match-ups for the sword fighting portion. Participants, to the center of the arena." Yumiella: "Well, off I go. I'll do my best." Patrick: "Yeah, good luck. Uh, maybe don't do your "best," though! "Good enough" is good enough! In fact, do your best to hold back!" Yumiella: "He's asking a lot." Yumiella: "The sword fighting match-ups are determined by lottery." Yumiella: "Edwin and William... are both in the left block." Yumiella: "Number three on the right." William: "I hear you stayed at school all through the summer recess." Yumiella: "Huh? Yes..." William: "I spent the whole time training. Don't think this'll end like it did last time." William: "I'm level 20 now!" Yumiella: "I don't know if that's impressive or not..." Yumiella: "But I'm curious to know what he did to level up." Yumiella: "Take this! The three sacred implements of idle chatter!" Yumiella: "I see. That's amazing. Please tell me more." William: "Are you mocking me?" Yumiella: "It didn't work." William: "Look... I'm sorry." Yumiella: "What?" William: "I heard from Captain Adolf that you're level 99." William: "And if he says so, it must be true." Yumiella: "I'm just glad the misunderstanding is cleared up." William: "My dream is to surpass Captain Adolf. In other words..." William: "Beating you would bring me closer to achieving my dream." Yumiella: "You're actually getting closer to your own death." Sword Teacher2: "The winner: Miles Clory!" Yumiella: "I'm up next." Sword Teacher2: "Second match: Yumiella Dolkness versus Lewis Lexam!" Yumiella: "There's no way I'm going to lose, but he's seeing this as a part of job-hunting." Yumiella: "I'll give him a chance to shine." Yumiella: "I need to hold back enough to let the audience see his strength." Yumiella: "The only concern is the durability of these swords. A broken weapon is instant disqualification, so I went to some pains to get this sword." Yumiella: "Most swords snap right in two when I use them at full strength." Yumiella: "Okay. That should be enough to keep my sword intact." Lewis: "I withdraw!" Yumiella: "Huh?" Sword Teacher2: "The winner... is Yumiella Dolkness." Yumiella: "Did he suddenly start to feel ill?" Yumiella: "From there, I advanced to the final round..." Student2: "I withdraw." Yumiella: "without even having to fight anyone." Student3: "I-I withdraw!" Sword Teacher2: "The winner: William Ares!" Yumiella: "Edwin is a magic swordsman. When he fights with only a sword, he's at a disadvantage against William." Sword Teacher2: "The final round: Yumiella Dolkness versus William Ares!" William: "I won't withdraw. I'm gonna fight you fair and square." Yumiella: "The final round, and I finally get to fight." Yumiella: "Thank goodness. Winning the whole thing by default would've left a bad taste in my mouth." William: "My weapon is the Greatsword of Strodo! It won't be like that wooden sword!" Yumiella: "I remember that from the game. It's supposed to be a sword you get near the end of the story." Yumiella: "How did he get it?" Yumiella: "Guess he has connections." Sword Teacher2: "Final round! Begin!" William: "Damn you!" Yumiella: "He's already out of breath. That's what happens when you use a weapon that's above your level." William: "All you're doing is evading." Yumiella: "He's right. Just evading the whole time would be boring. It's the final. I should make it climactic and contribute to the excitement of the event." Yumiella: "If I deflect his attacks like Patrick does, I won't have to dodge." Yumiella: "No! It's about to break! If my sword breaks, I'm disqualified! Yumiella Punch!" Yumiella: "Allow me to explain. Yumiella Punch is an ultra high-speed punch that I can use. People at low levels can't even see it." William: "My sword... got shattered by a dull blade like that?" Yumiella: "Good. He didn't notice." Sword Teacher2: "The winner: Yumiella Dolkness!" Yumiella: "My hand kind of moved of its own accord, but I'm glad nobody seemed to notice." Adolf: "She broke a greatsword with her bare hand?" Yumiella: "The latter half of the competition is the magic portion. Participants display their magic in order by level, and they're scored by academy teachers and palace mages." Yumiella: "I'm up last, so I have some free time." Oswald: "Impressive showing in the sword fighting portion." Yumiella: "Thank you." Oswald: "But the magic portion won't be so easy. You'll be scored not only on the strength of your magic, but on the type you use and your accuracy, as well. My level may be lower, but since I can use all four major elements, I should have an advantage." Yumiella: "Really?" Yumiella: "What did you do to level up during the summer recess?" Oswald: "I didn't go into dungeons alone or use a Monster-Calling Flute. I did it the right way." Yumiella: "The right way?" Oswald: "There's one thing I wanted to tell you." Yumiella: "What is it?" Oswald: "I guess it's really true that you're level 99." Oswald: "I apologize for doubting you." Yumiella: "I'm just glad the misunderstanding is cleared up." Oswald: "But I'm sorry to say... it doesn't change the fact that I'll never like you. I'm going to be the top mage in this kingdom," Oswald: "and as the first step toward achieving that, I'm going to win this competition." Yumiella: "I'll be applying my full strength, as well." Oswald: "Just the way I want it. Goodbye." Magic Teacher2: "First-year, Alicia Ehnleit." Alicia: "Sun Rain!" Yumiella: "This is..." Alicia: "It reminds me of seeing the starry sky with my grandma..." Yumiella: "The same magic she used in the game." Yumiella: "See? You can do it if you try." Yumiella: "I guess that's to be expected. She's the heroine, after all." Yumiella: "It's only natural that things would go just the way they did in the game." Magic Teacher2: "Alicia Ehnleit: 88 points!" Alicia: "I never knew I could do that..." Magic Teacher1: "Above all, the rarity of her light magic and the beauty of her spell were the key to her score." Yumiella: "If rarity counts, I might have a chance, too." Yumiella: "In magic alone, he might win in the same way William did." Magic Teacher2: "Edwin Valschein: 90 points!" Magic Teacher2: "First-year, Oswald Grimsarde." Magic Teacher1: "Oh, my!" Yumiella: "He has not only accuracy, but also a combination of multiple types of magic." Yumiella: "He was right. He's a genius." Magic Teacher2: "Oswald Grimsarde: 100 points!" Magic Teacher2: "Remarkable! A perfect score!" Yumiella: "A perfect score?" Oswald: "I've won. You can't beat 100 points, no matter what you do." Yumiella: "But if I get 100 points, it'll be a draw." Yumiella: "So I said, but I haven't decided which spell to use yet." Magic Teacher2: "The final competitor: first-year, Yumiella Dolkness!" Yumiella: "Patrick?" Yumiella: "Why is he so far away?" Yumiella: "It's my turn, and he's not in the front row?" Yumiella: "Oh, well." Yumiella: "Just watch. I'll do my best so you can see it from there." Yumiella: "Why did he back away? I'm not confident in my control," Yumiella: "so I'll have to go with a display of power." Yumiella: "Take a good look at the power of level 99!" Yumiella: "Black Hole!" Yumiella: "Ah... How long has it been since I cast a spell at full strength?" Yumiella: "Oh..." Yumiella: "I had no idea I could use such beautiful magic, too..." Yumiella: "I forgot that this spell always causes a miniature typhoon." Students: "We're doomed! We're all gonna die! She really is the Demon Lord!" Yumiella: "Shoot! I've only used one spell so far! I need to rack up points with variety!" Yumiella: "Dark Bind? Or maybe a healing spell like Turbid Flow?" Magic Teacher2: "That's it! Stop! We're done!" Yumiella: "Wait, please! Save the scoring until after you've seen one more spell!" Magic Teacher2: "300 points!" Yumiella: "Huh?" Yumiella: "Isn't 100 points a perfect score?" Magic Teacher2: "Don't worry about that! You can have 300 points! Just stop this! You win!" Ronald: "Congratulations on your victory, Miss Yumiella." Yumiella: "Thank you." Yumiella: "Now my magic will be stronger." Ronald: "Is that really necessary, though?" Yumiella: "There are too many people in this world who don't understand the value of things." Yumiella: "But Patrick will..." Patrick: "Do you really even need that amulet?" Yumiella: "Maybe I should show him how much stronger this amulet makes my dark magic, right here and now."
{ "raw_title": "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord Episode 6 – The Hidden Boss Participates in the Martial Arts Competition", "parsed": [ "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord", "6", "The Hidden Boss Participates in the Martial Arts Competition" ] }
Yumiella: "It's winter, and my first year at the academy is nearing its end. People have only grown more scared of me since the martial arts competition, putting my loner status on full display." Patrick: "Morning, Yumiella." Yumiella: "Good morning." Yumiella: "I can't remember the last time I spoke to anyone but Patrick. But I haven't had to deal with Alicia or the conquerable characters for a while, so life is peaceful." Yumiella: "Or so I thought..." Edwin: "Alicia's belongings have been going missing lately. Do you know anything?" Yumiella: "So long, my brief moment of peace." Yumiella: "I don't." Edwin: "Are you sure? You'd be better off confessing now than getting exposed later." Patrick: "Your Highness!" Patrick: "I don't think it's right to assume someone is guilty without any evidence." Edwin: "There's someone else I have my doubts about. I'll look into them first." Patrick: "You're not going to ask me?" Edwin: "I know you couldn't have done it, Ashbatten." Yumiella: "In the game, I'm the one who bullies Alicia." Yumiella: "But of course, I didn't do this." Yumiella: "Which means it must have been someone else." Yumiella: "There are many at the academy who dislike Alicia. Because she's a commoner," Yumiella: "because she's close to the prince and his buddies... If the bullying escalates and Alicia stops coming to school..." Yumiella: "It could have a negative impact on my leveling progress." Yumiella: "This calls for a stakeout." Yumiella: "What are you doing?" Girlx: "U-Um... You've got it all wrong! I was just worried about... Miss... Alicia..." Girlx: "M-Miss Yumiella..." Girlx: "P-Please don't kill me!" Yumiella: "I'm forever asking myself... Just what do people think I am?" Girlx: "I was only doing it for Miss Eleonora!" Eleonora: "And you think I ordered her to do that?" Yumiella: "No, I only came to inform you that your friend was doing something bad." Yumiella: "She did admit that she did it of her own accord." Yumiella: "But... If Prince Edwin hears about this," Yumiella: "he might think she was acting on your orders." Yumiella: "I don't think you should punish her. It would make others suspicious. I intend to keep quiet about it, as well." Eleonora: "U-Um..." Eleonora: "But then Miss Alicia and Prince Edwin will..." Yumiella: "I doubt anything will happen." Yumiella: "A commoner can't marry into the royal family." Eleonora: "Y-Yes, that's a good point!" Yumiella: "I lied. If Alicia defeats the Demon Lord, the king will regard her as the second coming of the saint and have her marry the prince." Yumiella: "Which is why I recommend ignoring Miss Alicia. You wouldn't want to suffer a setback over something as silly as this." Eleonora: "Of course! But why did you tell me all this?" Yumiella: "Because I'm praying that you and Prince Edwin find happiness." Eleonora: "Oh!" Eleonora: "You really do have good judgment! Anyone can see that I'm the one who's best suited for Prince Edwin!" Yumiella: "She's too easy. Stop the bullying of Alicia," Eleonora: "I guess you feel the same way!" Yumiella: "and protect the responsible party... I've achieved both of those goals." Patrick: "That's kind of unusual for you." Yumiella: "How so?" Patrick: "Normally, I would've expected you to turn in the culprit." Patrick: "Wouldn't getting Prince Edwin to scold Miss Eleonora resolve everything?" Yumiella: "Well..." Yumiella: "She might have been me..." Patrick: "What does that mean?" Yumiella: "If a version of me that kept her dark magic secret and never did any leveling up lived in some other world... If the parents I'd never even met told me to befriend other nobles, I might have been desperate to get Miss Eleonora to let me join her clique. I would have been her number one underling," Yumiella: "the one she'd force to do things no one else wanted to do." Yumiella: "and I'd have no one on my side." Yumiella: "I'd hate my parents, I'd hate Eleonora, I'd hate Alicia..." Yumiella: "Alicia Ehnleit." Yumiella: "She has light magic, and I have dark magic." Yumiella: "She is loved by all, and I am loved by none." Yumiella: "Maybe the Yumiella in the game is actually the victim in this world..." Yumiella: "Then I'd start leveling up in order to get revenge. But dark is weak against light, I started thinking about what-ifs like that, and it made me want to help her." Yumiella: "What? I was only speaking hypothetically about a world like that existing." Patrick: "There's no difference." Yumiella: "Huh?" Patrick: "The only difference between the you here and the hypothetical you is your level." Yumiella: "That's a big difference, though." Patrick: "Do you have anyone on your side now?" Patrick: "Do you hate this world?" Patrick: "If you do, I..." Yumiella: "It's all right. Just having an acquaintance to talk to every now and then is enough." Patrick: "I see..." Yumiella: "I should head back to the dorm now. See you." Patrick: "Okay... See you tomorrow." Yumiella: "Just getting a conversation partner was hard enough. I don't know if I'll ever make a friend," Yumiella: "and I can't even imagine getting a romantic partner." Patrick: "An acquaintance, huh?" Yumiella: "A few days later..." Eleonora: "Miss Yumiella! We meet again!" Yumiella: "Ever since the bullying incident, Eleonora's been following me around. What a coincidence." Eleonora: "I was just about to have tea! I'll invite you as a special exception!" Yumiella: "These "special exceptions" have been going on for three days now." Yumiella: "I'm sorry. I have things I need to do." Yumiella: "I'm genuinely scared. I have no idea what Eleonora is thinking. According to the queen, the leader of the anti-king faction is Duke Hillrose." Yumiella: "And Eleonora's his daughter. I'd rather not get close to her." Yumiella: "All right, I need to just turn her down flat. If it makes her hate me, I'll just have to deal with it. Miss Eleonora, I would appreciate it if you'd stop inviting me." Eleonora: "But why?" Eleonora: "I have delicious sweets, too." Yumiella: "Level 99 craftiness! If you're friendly with me, Prince Edwin won't like you." Eleonora: "I don't want that! Could you help me out?" Yumiella: "She's not making sense at all." Yumiella: "Fine, I'll go. Will that make you happy?" Eleonora: "Terribly happy!" Yumiella: "I can't take her anymore." Eleonora: "Here, Miss Yumiella. Eat some of these." Yumiella: "Very well." Eleonora: "What do you think?" Yumiella: "I'm... not sure. It doesn't taste like much. It certainly doesn't taste bad, but..." Yumiella: "It doesn't taste that good, either." Eleonora: "I'm the one who made those, you know!" Yumiella: "Now's my chance to make her hate me!" Yumiella: "Ah, no wonder. I thought it tasted kind of disgusting." Yumiella: "If I say they taste good, she'll get clingy again." Yumiella: "Come on! Get mad!" Eleonora: "Yes, you're right! This was a failed batch, if I'm being honest!" Yumiella: "Huh?" Eleonora: "But my friends all say they're the most delicious things in the world. You're the only one who tells me the truth!" Yumiella: "Wait... Did I make the wrong choice?" Yumiella: "Um... Why did you suddenly decide to start baking?" Eleonora: "I heard that Miss Alicia gave Prince Edwin homemade sweets." Eleonora: "So I thought I would, too." Yumiella: "Homemade sweets, huh? Ever the skilled communicator. Wait, no! What I need now is the resolve to make her hate me!" Yumiella: "I don't think you need to do that. In fact, I don't think it's possible for you." Eleonora: "Yes, of course! I did it because all my friends said I should, but it's not at all like me, is it?" Yumiella: "Huh?" Eleonora: "You understand me so well, Miss Yumiella!" Yumiella: "There's some bug happening that makes her like me more the harder I try to make her hate me." Eleonora: "All my friends think I could never make a mistake because I'm so perfect. If our opinions differ, they decide that I must be right and they must be wrong." Yumiella: "They're just scared they'll get on your bad side." Eleonora: "I'm such a terrible woman!" Yumiella: "And she's so stupidly gullible," Yumiella: "I actually worry someone might manipulate her for evil purposes." Yumiella: "Maybe someone already is manipulating her?" Yumiella: "Like, what if someone's ordered her to get rid of Alicia?" Yumiella: "I wanted to ask about when that girl hid Miss Alicia's things the other day." Eleonora: "I-I wasn't the one who ordered her to do that... I, um..." Yumiella: "No, it's obvious the final order came from Eleonora. The question is, who put her up to it, and why?" Yumiella: "What did you think about it, then? About hiding Miss Alicia's things." Eleonora: "I-I..." Eleonora: "I didn't think it was a very good thing." Eleonora: "But they said it was the best thing to do..." Yumiella: "The idea to bully Alicia came from one of her followers. The rest of them fell in line, and Eleonora was just convinced that they had to do it." Yumiella: "So it doesn't seem like it's part of some bigger conspiracy. I was misled by her bloodline, but Eleonora isn't a bad girl... I don't think." Yumiella: "You shouldn't trust your friends too much." Eleonora: "Oh! It won't be a problem at all if you become my friend!" Yumiella: "Not happening." Eleonora: "I want to get all kinds of advice from you about my relationship with Prince Edwin!" Yumiella: "I don't know much about that sort of thing..." Eleonora: "But..." Eleonora: "You said there was no question that Prince Edwin and I would marry, didn't you?" Yumiella: "I can't tell her I was lying..." Yumiella: "How did it come to this?" Yumiella: "Then, a few days later..." Eleonora: "Miss Yumiella! I've come to visit you!" Yumiella: "Wow, you're actually inviting yourself over to my room now?" Yumiella: "Why did you let her in?" Rita: "I couldn't refuse the daughter of Duke Hillrose." Yumiella: "Huh? This isn't the tea we usually have." Rita: "I can't serve cheap tea to the daughter of Duke Hillrose." Eleonora: "It's delicious!" Yumiella: "What is that girl's deal?" Patrick: "I tried talking to her a bit, too. She doesn't seem like a bad person." Patrick: "Maybe you could try approaching her yourself." Yumiella: "I'll think about it." Yumiella: "Well, see you." Patrick: "Hang on a sec." Patrick: "Are you going to the party for the end of the school year?" Yumiella: "No. I'm not interested." Patrick: "Oh... Okay." Patrick: "If you change your mind, feel free to come by." Yumiella: "The year-end party..." Yumiella: "I hear it's an actual soirée meant to help us practice for joining high society." Yumiella: "It has nothing to do with me, so I think I can skip it. But in the game, it includes an event where the heroine leaves the party with the character who has the highest affection rating." Yumiella: "It'd be my chance to make sure Alicia is actually following Edwin's route." Yumiella: "Maybe I will drop by." Eleonora: "Miss Yumiella! Have you picked out a dress for the party?" Yumiella: "There she is!" Yumiella: "We can't just wear our uniforms?" Eleonora: "Absolutely not! You wear a beautiful dress and dance!" Yumiella: "But I don't have a partner." Eleonora: "Huh?" Eleonora: "What about Master Patrick?" Yumiella: "Why did Patrick's name come up in this scenario?" Yumiella: "I've learned how to dance in class. And with the physical abilities I have thanks to being level 99, I imagine I'd make a pretty slick dancer, but..." Yumiella: "Patrick has nothing to do with me. Also, I don't have a dress." Eleonora: "Then I'll let you borrow one of mine!" Eleonora: "Let's choose one together!" Yumiella: "Actually, I might have one after all, so that's okay." Eleonora: "Your room it is, then!" Yumiella: "Why?!" Rita: "You want a dress?!" Yumiella: "Does she have to be that shocked?" Eleonora: "I'm here to visit!" Yumiella: "I need one for the year-end party." Yumiella: "Do I have any dresses?" Yumiella: "If not, I'm fine with wearing my uniform." Rita: "Absolutely not! This is a party!" Eleonora: "Exactly!" Rita: "Let's do your makeup, as well!" Eleonora: "Let's!" Yumiella: "Makeup isn't necessary..." Rita: "Worry not! I practiced on my younger sister back home, so I know I can handle hair and makeup!" Yumiella: "So once again..." Yumiella: "Do I have any dresses?" Rita: "You do have some, but..." Yumiella: "How lovely. I just adore how extravagant all these frills and ribbons are." Eleonora: "It looks like you have a solid collection of children's dresses." Rita: "The lady of the house ordered them." Yumiella: "I know I've never met my mother, but just how old does she think I am?" Maid: "Miss Dolkness, delivery for you." Rita: "I'll get that." Eleonora: "This one is cute, though!" Yumiella: "Sorry to say it, but I'll skip the party after all." Eleonora: "Wait, no! We still have my dresses!" Yumiella: ""Sorry to say it"? It's not as if I was looking forward to it..." Yumiella: "So why did I feel sorry for saying that?" Rita: "It's from the queen." Eleonora: "Huh? The queen?" Yumiella: "She does send me sweets every now and then." Rita: "This one is bigger than usual, though." Yumiella: "Don't tell me... Could she time it that well?" Eleonora: "Miss Yumiella, you look lovely!" Yumiella: "Thank you." Yumiella: "There she is." Yumiella: "Looks like the event hasn't been triggered yet." Eleonora: "Didn't you ask Master Patrick to escort you?" Yumiella: "Why would you bring up Patrick?" Eleonora: "What? I mean, aren't you..." Patrick: "Yumiella!" Eleonora: "I-I wouldn't want to get in your way! I'll just be over there!" Yumiella: "No one asked you to be considerate." Yumiella: "Patrick and I are only acquaintances." Yumiella: "That's how he feels, too..." Patrick: "So you came." Yumiella: "I decided I might as well participate." Yumiella: "I was just thinking I should leave after all, though." Yumiella: "I just feel kind of embarrassed in this dress..." Yumiella: "What is it?" Patrick: "N-Nothing." Yumiella: "It's obviously not nothing." Yumiella: "Really, what's wrong? Were you looking for someone?" Patrick: "It's nothing." William: "Where's Alicia?" Oswald: "I can't find Ed, either!" William: "Did the two of them slip out?!" Oswald: "Let's go look for them!" Yumiella: "Well, I've achieved my goal in coming here." Edwin: "I can't believe we went through with that. Will and Oz must be flipping out right now." Alicia: "I found a place where the stars look just amazing. I really wanted to show it to you." Edwin: "I never would have guessed you could be so bold." Alicia: "Yeah. I'm a little surprised myself." Yumiella: "Well, I think I'll go now." Patrick: "Wait!" Patrick: "Um... Just for one song..." Patrick: "Would you dance with me?" Yumiella: "He looks like such a noble right now. I should probably say, "With pleasure," or something." Yumiella: "Sure..." Yumiella: "Well, that came out sounding awfully curt." Patrick: "That's so like you." Yumiella: "But he laughed it off, so I guess it's okay. In my head, I'm pretty sure I'm dancing perfectly, so why do we feel so mismatched?" Yumiella: "I envy Patrick for taking the lead so flawlessly." Patrick: "Relax a little. It's okay if you step on my toes." Yumiella: "Even if I crush them?" Patrick: "Don't! Stepping on and stomping on aren't the same!" Yumiella: "My body's starting to move." Yumiella: "This might be fun." Yumiella: "I wonder why..." Yumiella: "Oh, well." Yumiella: "They're staring too much." Patrick: "Huh? Are they?" Yumiella: "Like they think this dress is stained with the blood of my enemies, or like they're shocked to see a battle robot dancing." Patrick: "Robo... huh?" Yumiella: "I'm saying that's what they're talking about. I can tell without even hearing them." Patrick: "No." Patrick: "It's because you look beautiful." Yumiella: "Wha—" Yumiella: "Calm down. I'm not the type to swing between giddy and depressed over empty compliments." Yumiella: "But..." Yumiella: "My palms are getting sweaty! What do I do?" Yumiella: "Saying that to just anyone will make people lose trust in you." Patrick: "Well, I mean, you are kind of dense..." Yumiella: "You know I can't come up with clever responses to empty compliments." Patrick: "Or maybe I'm the one who's dense." Patrick: "I finally realized today... that I..." Yumiella: "Um... what? Oh! It's not that I didn't want to hold hands... I just got sweaty..." Patrick: "I know. It's nothing." Yumiella: "He looks a little unhappy." Yumiella: "I'm sorry I suck at dancing." Yumiella: "Patrick..." Yumiella: "If you don't mind... maybe for the next song, too..." Boya: "Miss Yumiella." Boya: "Would you dance with me?" Yumiella: "Huh?" Yumiella: "Sorry, but I won't dance with anyone other than Patrick. Time for my finishing shut-down line!" Yumiella: "I'm only into people who are stronger than me." Boya: "Uh... R-Right... I'm so sorry!" Yumiella: "Good. I turned him away." Patrick: "Into... people who are... stronger..."
{ "raw_title": "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord Episode 7 – The Hidden Boss Attempts Dancing", "parsed": [ "Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord", "7", "The Hidden Boss Attempts Dancing" ] }
: "Carve it." : "Carve it into your flesh." : "Carve it into the land." : "Carve it into the sea." : "Carve it into your enemies." : "Carve it into your spoils." : "Carve it." : "Carve it." : "Carve what you feel into me." Emma: "Einar!" Einar: "What are you doing?" Emma: "I could ask you the same thing!" Emma: "Why're you attackin' that tree? You tryna crush the house?" Lotta: "Are you gonna be a woodcutter, Einar?" Einar: "No." Einar: "I'm training for battle. Behold my power." Emma: "You're a big lad, but you'd be useless in battle. Get ready for lunch." Lotta: "I'm so hungry..." Einar: "You don't have to throw a knife at me. You're holding dishes and spoons." Emma: "You wouldn't mind a dish?" Lotta: "They say bears have to eat lots before winter." Emma: "Huh." Emma: "So, why are you trainin' again all of a sudden?" Einar: "Well, because I gotta protect this place." Einar: "After it was all burnt to ashes, it's finally been rebuilt." Einar: "I'm not letting that happen again. I'm sure Dad would—" Lotta: "Mister Guthmur's milk is so good." Emma: "Right? That man knows his way around a teat." Lotta: "What are you doin' with your hands? It's so creepy." Einar: "Hey, listen to me." Emma: "Don't bother. Don't poke your nose into warrior stuff." Einar: "Doesn't it frustrate you, always being on the losing side?" Einar: "Dad died protecting us." Emma: "That's right. And you're alive. You've rebuilt this village, and you're eating a delicious meal with two beautiful ladies." Emma: "We haven't lost at all." Old Man On Cart: "Hey." Old Man Villager: "Hey, how are you?" Child Villager: "Hurry up." Emma: "Listen closely. Once we enter the woods, I want you to run. Follow the river, and..." Einar: "Lotta." Einar: "Mom." Emma: "Don't think. Just run straight ahead." Emma: "Your brother and I will be with you." Einar: "Mom!" Einar: "You ready? Let's get you up." Einar: "Mom!" Emma: "Einar, run. Leave me." Einar: "I'm not..." Einar: "Come on. Stand, damn it." Lotta: "Mom?" Lotta: "Mom!" Lotta: "Mom..." Emma: "Silly girl..." Viking B: "There are still people over there." Viking C: "Hey, they've got women, too!" Viking B: "We're on our way, girls!" Emma: "Stand up, Einar." Emma: "Take Lotta and go. Hurry!" Einar: "Mom..." Emma: "Even a dying old hag can still manage." Emma: "Live." Emma: "As long as you're alive, you can..." Emma: "Ei...nar..." Emma: "Lotta..." Viking B: "Why aren't they running?" Viking C: "Hey, she's pretty cute." Viking D: "Your mom's dead, isn't she?" Einar: "Lotta!" Lotta: "Let go! Einar!" Einar: "Lotta!" Einar: "Let go of her!" Lotta: "Einar!" Lotta: "How dare you!" Lotta: "Einar! Einar! You'll pay for—" Viking C: "What the hell are you doing?" Viking B: "She freakin' stabbed me!" Viking C: "Aw, man. What a waste." Viking D: "Nothing we can do about it. Let's sell the kid for beer money." Viking C: "You're such a dumbass." Viking B: "I'm sorry, okay?" Viking C: "Come on. Let's go, beer money." Merchant A: "How is she?" Merchant B: "She's not gonna make it." Merchant A: "Shit. Fine, let's move her." Merchants: "Heave-ho!" Einar: "Hey!" Einar: "Hey, what the hell was that for? You didn't need to throw her overboard!" Merchant A: "All right, you're not swollen." Merchant B: "We're handing out blankets. Keep yourselves warm." Merchant B: "We paid a fortune for you lot. Don't go getting sick without our say so." Merchant B: "At the very least, stay healthy until we find a buyer for you. Got it?" Merchant B: "Come on, hurry up! Take in that sail!" Einar: "That's right. I have to live." Merchant D: "Don't skip the liquor. It'll improve your color." Merchant C: "Clean every nook and cranny, especially your heads." Merchant C: "Check each other for lice." Woman B: "How's this?" Merchant A: "Hair's good. Could you do her makeup so she looks a little younger?" Merchant A: "Well? Pretty good selection this time, don't you think?" Customer A: "All second-rate crap." Merchant A: "There you go again. You won't find anything better than ours!" Einar: "That's right. I can't stay there." Einar: "I'll run away. As long as I survive, I can try again." Woman C: "Hup..." Woman C: "Thief!" Einar: "Sorry!" Merchant A: "Hey, Einar." Merchant A: "You still don't get it." Merchant A: "Listen closely, slaves." Merchant A: "Your homes are far, far away. No matter how much you struggle, you're never getting back to them. And naturally, nobody's gonna help you escape." Merchant A: "Because you're outsiders and penniless slaves." Merchant A: "Find a good master and serve him as best you can." Merchant A: "You'll eat way better than if you run away and end up a beggar." Merchant A: "Before you go running off on adventures, think real hard about which is better." Merchant A: "You got that, Einar?" Einar: "I have to live..." Customer B: "Well, he's not bad, but have you got any boys with a cuter face?" Merchant D: "Ah, I see. In that case, we've got some special products for you to look at." Customer B: "Oh, really? How exciting." Merchant D: "I'm sure you'll find them satisfactory." Einar: "They're right." Einar: "Even if I blindly ran away, I wouldn't know where I was going." Einar: "And besides..." Einar: "I don't have anywhere to go back to." Einar: "As long as I obediently serve some master somewhere..." Merchant A: "I'm telling you, you sure are lucky. We just got a huge batch in. Look, that's him." Merchant A: "Isn't he the one you're looking for?" Leif: "He looks nothing like him! He's not blond or small!" Merchant A: "Huh? Now that I get a better look, I guess that's not him." Merchant A: "That aside, what do you think? He's strong and tough. If you buy him now—" Leif: "I told you, I'm not here to buy a worker." Leif: "All I want is to free my relative. I'm certain he came to this town." Leif: "Blond and small... His name is Thorfinn. You really have no idea where he is?" Leif: "I'm sorry." Leif: "And sorry to have bothered you." Merchant A: "No problem. Come again soon." Merchant A: "He's never gonna find him." Einar: "So he's walking around looking for his relative." Einar: "Whoever he's looking for is one lucky guy." Ketil: "You there." Ketil: "Can you speak? Let me see your teeth." Ketil: "What's your name?" Einar: "Einar." Ketil: "Where are you from? What did you do before?" Einar: "I was a farmer in Northern England." Ketil: "Oh?" Ketil: "What do you say, Einar? Would you like to help out on my farm?" Einar: "A farm..." Ketil: "Einar, over here." Ketil: "All of my people are at work now. I'll introduce you to them at dinner." Einar: "Yes, sir." Ketil: "But first, take a look at my farm." Einar: "Hey, Mom. Was that really true?" Einar: "Live or die, I'll never be free again." Einar: "You still think I haven't lost?" Einar: "My family was taken from me." Einar: "I lost my home. I lost everything." Einar: "I didn't even know what the point of living was anymore." Ketil: "Thorfinn, it's me. Come here." Einar: ""I'll be bought by a good master and do my best to serve him." "As long as I'm an obedient slave, I won't starve."" Einar: "I was beginning to think that way." Einar: "Thorfinn..." Einar: "That was..." Einar: "how Thorfinn and I met."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 1 – Slave", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "1", "Slave" ] }
Einar: "Okay, here we go." Both: "Ready, push!" Both: "Yes! That's the last one!" Einar: "I don't believe it." Einar: "It really was possible. Together, we turned an entire forest into a farm." Thorfinn: "Yeah, I think it took more than three years." Einar: "If only all this land were ours." Thorfinn: "That's one thing a slave can't have." Thorfinn: "We worked hard. We're nearly there." Einar: "Yeah. The other day, Pater told me something." Einar: "We'll be able to buy our freedom with the next harvest from this cleared land." Einar: "We'll get some change back, too." Thorfinn: "I see." Thorfinn: "Einar, what are you going to do once you're a free man?" Einar: "I don't know. Even if I went back to my homeland, there's no family waiting for me." Einar: "And besides..." Thorfinn: "You're worried about Arnheid." Einar: "Yeah, I feel awkward about it." Einar: "If only Arnheid could be free, too." Einar: "Then I'd feel better." Thorfinn: "The master has no intention of letting her go." Einar: "What about you, Thorfinn?" Einar: "Will you go back to Iceland?" Thorfinn: "Yeah. I think so. Probably." Einar: "Seriously? You don't seem sure about your plans." Thorfinn: "Neither do you." Einar: "Good grief. It's strange, isn't it?" Einar: "Freedom's just around the corner, and we're acting like this." Thorfinn: "There is something I'd like to try to do." Einar: "Really? What is it?" Thorfinn: "Well, there's a lot I'm still not sure about." Thorfinn: "What do you think, Einar?" Thorfinn: "Would it be possible to rid the world of war and slavery?" Einar: "Well... that would be like a dream." Ketil: "Ah, you've finally felled the last tree. Well done, both of you." Einar: "Master!" Ketil: "Well? Do you think you'll be able to till the soil in time for planting?" Einar: "Yes, probably, if we hurry." Ketil: "I see, I see. All right. Then I'll give you a little discount." Ketil: "Once you're done sowing the seeds, the two of you will be free." Ketil: "You've worked hard, Thorfinn, Einar." Ketil: "What? You don't seem that happy." Einar: "Huh? What? No! Wait, no! All right!" Einar: "Thorfinn, we finally did it!" Thorfinn: "Y-Yeah!" Ketil: "Wait, sorry. Don't celebrate yet." Both: "What?" Ketil: "You'll have to wait until after I return." Einar: "You're going somewhere?" Ketil: "Yes. By the way, have you seen the old master?" Einar: "He hasn't been this way." Ketil: "I see. Maybe he's on his farm." Ketil: "Well, you'll do. If you see him, give him this message." Ketil: "Tell him I've gone to the palace in Jelling to visit King Harald." Ketil: "I'm sure I'll be back in time for planting, though." Ketil: "Make sure you till the soil by then." Both: "Yes, sir." Einar: "Safe travels." Ketil: "Oh, right." Ketil: "How would you like to continue working for me as my retainers once you're free?" Ketil: "I'd gladly welcome a couple of hard workers like you." Ketil: "Give it some thought." Gunnar: "Excuse me, Your Majesty." Gunnar: "Our ship will be arriving in Jelling shortly." Gunnar: "Please wake up, King Canute." Gunnar: "Your Majesty, what are you doing out here? Our horses will be ready soon. Please wait inside your cabin." Canute: "Here is fine." Canute: "I haven't been back home in a while." Canute: "I want to feel the breeze." Wulf: "Your Majesty." Wulf: "I am delighted to see you've safely returned from England." Canute: "Thank you. Wulf, how is my brother doing?" Wulf: "My liege." Wulf: "King Harald is not well." Wulf: "His pain has worsened over the past month. He's no longer capable of speaking." Canute: "I see. How much longer does he have?" Wulf: "According to those treating him, these next few days will be critical." Canute: "Very well. Thank you for watching over him in my place." Wulf: "Yes, Your Majesty." Canute: "That ball game they're playing..." Canute: "My brother was quite good at it when we were children." Canute: "He occasionally played with me." Young Canute: "Harald, hit it again." Harald: "Okay. Watch the ball closely, Canute." Canute: "Those within the palace feuded amongst themselves over which of us would succeed our father," Canute: "but my brother never paid any heed to it himself." Harald: "Ready?" Harald: "Here it comes." Ragnar: "Your Highness!" Harald: "Ragnar..." Young Canute: "I'm okay." Ragnar: "I don't believe it." Harald: "See? He's tougher than you think. You're a little too overprotective, you know. You should—" Ragnar: "Impressive, Your Highness." Ragnar: "I knew you could do it. Are you certain you're not hurt?" Young Canute: "Yeah. Thanks, Ragnar." Young Canute: "But it's hard to move when I'm wearing so many layers. I'm hot, too. Can I take these off?" Ragnar: "No." Ragnar: "A warrior must be properly equipped. Are you listening, Your Highness? Letting your guard down for even a moment can prove fatal." Canute: "He was a strong, kind man." Ragnar: "Even I once..." Canute: "My brother helped me often." Canute: "I must thank him." Wulf: "Play somewhere else, children." Child A: "Sorry." Wulf: "Unbelievable. Children are so carefree." Wulf: "What is the matter, Your Majesty?" Canute: "It's nothing." : "Sweyn's sons inherited their own respective territories from their father. The older brother Harald inherited Denmark," : "and the younger brother Canute inherited England." : "Their relationship was good. During Canute's conquest of England, his brother Harald directly supported him by sending a fleet of ships." : "However..." : "Shortly after Canute became King of England, Harald fell ill." : "Harald had no heirs." Estrid: "Brother Canute! You really did come to Jelling." Canute: "Address me as "Your Majesty," Estrid." Estrid: "Your visit is so sudden. I was surprised." Canute: "It's good to see you again, King Harald." Estrid: "Brother Harald, Brother Canute has come to visit you." Estrid: "Can you tell he's here?" Canute: "It's fine. You don't have to wake him." Canute: "I'll be staying here a while." Canute: "I'll speak to His Majesty when he's feeling better." Harald: "Canute..." Canute: "King Harald, I am here." Canute: "Please rest." Canute: "You needn't worry about your kingdom." Harald: "I've been waiting for you." Harald: "Denmark..." Harald: "Denmark is yours." Canute: "Don't be absurd, King Harald." Canute: "Get well soon so we can play ball again." Sweyn: "You've got some guts, Canute." Sweyn: "I'm impressed you can lie about that like you don't know what's going on." Estrid: "Brother?" Sweyn: "You're visiting the man you poisoned yourself? What a farce. What will you accomplish by doing that?" Sweyn: "Harald was friendly to you. Why did you need to kill him? You could've ruled the world together." Sweyn: "You didn't do it for the sake of peace and prosperity." Sweyn: "Ambition now rests within your heart." Sweyn: "The ambition to rule as king of all the North Sea." Sweyn: "That is the curse. The crown's curse." Sweyn: "None can escape it. By donning the two crowns of Denmark and England, you will suffer twice as much as I did." Estrid: "Brother!" Estrid: "What's wrong? You suddenly went into a daze." Estrid: "Have you fallen ill, too?" Canute: "I'm fine. I just felt a little dizzy." Wulf: "Prepare a bedchamber." Wulf: "His Majesty is tired from his long voyage at sea." Canute: "What is it?" Maid: "Lady Estrid instructed me to bring you something to drink." Canute: "Where did it come from?" Maid: "What? Where is it from?" Canute: "I don't need any. I'm not thirsty." Sweyn: "You fear being poisoned because you poison others." Sweyn: "Isn't that right, Canute?" Canute: "It was rather mischievous of you to appear in the middle of the afternoon, King Sweyn." Sweyn: "If you can see me during the day, then the curse must be growing stronger." Maid: "Is he talking to himself?" Canute: "How long are you going to keep standing there? I need nothing from you. Leave." Maid: "Y-Yes, Your Majesty!" Canute: "Uniting the nation is essential to creating a utopia." Canute: "Two kings would eventually cause trouble." Canute: "King Harald's death is necessary." Sweyn: "I'm surprised." Sweyn: "You've come to think like a real king, Canute." Sweyn: "What are you laughing about?" Canute: "King Sweyn, I once hated you and wished for your death." Canute: "But now?" Canute: "You're the only one I can speak to frankly. Let us be friends," Canute: "as befits two cursed men." Young Canute: "Brother, again!" Harald: "Okay." Harald: "Here it comes, Canute." Young Canute: "Okay." Sweyn: "Harald." Sweyn: "We're holding a war council. Join us." Harald: "Yes, Father." Harald: "Sorry, Canute." Harald: "We'll continue another time." Young Canute: "Thank you, Brother." Harald: "Grow up strong, Canute." Harald: "Stronger than me and father." Harald: "Got it?" Young Canute: "Yes." Ragnar: "Come, Your Highness. I'll be your next opponent." Young Canute: "What? Can you even play, Ragnar?" Ragnar: "How dare you. I was once feared as Gullinbursti of the Lake, and for seven consecutive years..." Canute: "Is this all there is to it?"
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 10 – The Cursed Head", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "10", "The Cursed Head" ] }
Maid: "Yup, they're going at it." Maid: "Over here, Your Highness. It's His Majesty and Wulf." Estrid: "You're right." Estrid: "I can't believe my brother's..." Soldier B: "He actually dodged that." Soldier C: "I'm impressed. His Majesty moves well for someone so heavily armed." Estrid: "Aren't those real swords?" Maid: "Probably, yes." Estrid: "Can this really be considered practice? If either gets hit, they'll be badly hurt." Gunnar: "Ah, I see he's making quite the effort." Estrid: "Gunnar." Gunnar: "Princess Estrid, how do you do?" Estrid: "Terribly! I'm so frightened, I'm on pins and needles." Gunnar: "Don't worry. Wulf is a skilled swordsman." Gunnar: "He's surely holding back so as not to seriously injure His Majesty." Estrid: "It doesn't look that way to me." Estrid: "I can't believe this. My brother used to hate even touching swords." Gunnar: "His Majesty's royal blood has awakened in England. It's a very good thing." Gunnar: "Above all else, a king must be strong." Gunnar: "After all, Norse men don't listen to weaklings." Estrid: "But my brother..." Estrid: "seems like he's in a lot of pain." Wulf: "Retreating when you're tired is a bad habit of yours." Wulf: "Retreating will draw out the fight." Wulf: "A king fights by advancing and cutting his way through his enemies." Wulf: "Both your enemies and subjects are watching to see how you fight." Canute: "Estrid is watching as well." Canute: "I'm sure you've noticed." Canute: "I see. That must be why you started attacking more aggressively." Wulf: "There... There you go again! I'm not falling for that." Canute: "Forget what I said. Just a slip of the tongue." Canute: "Besides, she seems lost in conversation with the man beside her." Wulf: "I... concede." Soldier: "Nicely done, Your Majesty." Soldier D: "I'm amazed. He may have only won one in five bouts, but he made Wulf admit defeat." Soldier E: "Didn't Wulf look away at the end?" Wulf: "Your Majesty, I've told you that you mustn't throw your sword." Gunnar: "Your Majesty, that was an impressive fight." Canute: "What do you want, Gunnar?" Gunnar: "I've finished preparing the documents about the matter you asked me to investigate. We can review them in your room later." Gunnar: "Anyway, there aren't too many wealthy men. Even if we were to squeeze any of the men listed, we'd get at most 3,000 pounds a year. Besides that, our only option is to raise taxes on the overall population." Gunnar: "Ah, I'd recommend that one." Gunnar: "Ketil, son of Sverkel. He's a wealthy farmer who owns a large swath of land in the south." Canute: "I don't see the families' military forces listed here." Gunnar: "Yes, but without visiting them in person, it's hard to say." Canute: "We need those numbers. Look into it and report back to me." Gunnar: "Yes, Your Majesty. Either way, we'd be raising taxes significantly, right after you've been crowned King of Denmark. I'm concerned there will be backlash from the people of Denmark." Canute: "Part of governing is making sure that doesn't happen." Canute: "We have options." : "After being crowned King of England, Canute faced an urgent problem:" : "securing a new source of funds. Even after conquering England, Canute kept a Danish force directly under his control stationed there. But the cost of maintaining such a force was being paid with English taxes, which contributed to the discontent of the English. Unless he could squeeze funds from Denmark, his other territory," : "he would be forced to downsize his stationed army." Gunnar: "You said we have options, but what are they exactly?" Canute: "Bringing more land under our control." Gunnar: "By developing it? But it would take some time for that to yield a profit." Canute: "We'll acquire more farmland without developing virgin land." Gunnar: "You mean... by requisitioning land? Your Majesty, surely you're not considering that?" Canute: "We need the money. We've no choice but to be somewhat heavy-handed in our approach." Canute: "It's better than sowing discontent among the people by raising taxes." Canute: "If you've got a better suggestion, I'm all ears." Gunnar: "Well... what about drawing down the army?" Canute: "That's out of the question." Canute: "I'm their conqueror and a Dane. The English will never look favorably upon me." Canute: "An army under my direct control is what allows me to govern the region." Canute: "Kings are like swords." Canute: "What can a king without military might accomplish in this world?" Ketil: "What?" Ketil: "King Harald has passed away?" Thorgil: "A week ago. You're too late, Dad." Ketil: "But... Then by the time I left the farm, he was already...." Thorgil: "That's exactly what it means." Ketil: "I had no idea he was in such poor health." Ketil: "I don't believe it." Ketil: "I even brought him a mountain of gifts." Thorgil: "Enough to fill three knerrir, huh?" Thorgil: "What a lavish offering." Ketil: "Wait a minute. Thorgil, if you came to meet me, does that mean His Majesty Canute is here as well?" Thorgil: "Well, yeah. I do serve him directly as his guard." Thorgil: "Currently he's acting as the king. He's at the palace." Ketil: "I see. That's my silver lining, then." Ketil: "I've lost King Harald's backing. I must build a good relationship with the next King of Denmark." Ketil: "Could you arrange a meeting between me and His Majesty?" Thorgil: "You're a tough old man. All right. I'll make something happen." Ketil: "I'm counting on it." Ketil: "Olmar! Olmar!" Ketil: "Hey, where did Olmar go?" Sailor: "The young master headed off into town alone." Ketil: "And you let him go? I told you not to take your eyes off of him." Thorgil: "Now, now, Dad." Thorgil: "He's 20 years old. He's not a child." Ketil: "He is a child." Ketil: "That idiot son of mine has never grown up." Ketil: "You watch what happens while he's town alone. By now, he's surely bumped into someone and gotten into a fight over who should apologize to whom." Olmar: "You're the one who bumped into me." Olmar: "Don't screw with me. You should be apologizing to me." Bug-Eyes: "What was that? What are you talking about?" Bug-Eyes: "What are you gonna do about this? I was going to trade this cloth." Olmar: "That's not my problem. Don't think you can use this as an excuse to force me to buy it off of you." Bug-Eyes: "What the hell? Don't insult me. I do expect to be compensated, though." Olmar: "Now you've shown your true colors. That's what you intended from the start, isn't it? You're just a sleazy swindler." Bug-Eyes: "You bastard... How does someone grow up to be an asshole like you?" Bug-Eyes: "I'm an honest businessman, just like my dad. I won't allow you to continue to insult me." Olmar: "What are you gonna do about it, huh? You wanna go, huh? I'm ready to go anytime," Olmar: "you clumsy oaf." Bug-Eyes: "Now I'm pissed off, you ignoramus!" Mob: "He drew his sword." Olmar: "What's wrong, you oaf? Bring it on." Olmar: "Are you scared?" Bug-Eyes: "Th-This isn't fair." Olmar: "Not fair? When men fight, it's to the death. If you're walking around unarmed," Olmar: "then it just means you're not a real Norseman." Ketil: "Then let me ask you this: who do you think bought you that?" Ketil: "You idiot son of mine! Why are you always starting fights?" Olmar: "Wh-What the hell is your problem, Dad? Stay out of my fight!" Ketil: "I'm sorry." Ketil: "Allow me to compensate you for the cloth. Is this enough?" Bug-Eyes: "Whoa..." Bug-Eyes: "W-Well, in that case, I've got no problem with you." Leif: "Hold it, Bug-Eyes." Leif: "Give him his change." Bug-Eyes: "Oh, Dad, you were watching?" Leif: "I saw the whole thing. I was watching to see how you'd settle the fight, but I'm disappointed." Leif: "You still can't be trusted with big deals." Bug-Eyes: "Sorry." Leif: "Allow me to apologize for my son. My name is Leif Ericson." Ketil: "So he's your adopted son?" Leif: "Yes, something like that. It was a stroke of fate that brought him to me." Leif: "Come on, introduce yourself." Bug-Eyes: "My name is Thorfinn. Thank you for earlier." Bug-Eyes: "But call me Bug-Eyes. That's what everyone calls me." Ketil: "Thorfinn..." Ketil: "Oh, excuse me. One of my people goes by the same name." Ketil: "He's quiet and hardworking. Perhaps I should've named this boy Thorfinn as well." Leif: "You've got a rather spirited boy there." Leif: "Ketil, forgive me for asking, but..." Leif: "That Thorfinn... Is he by any chance a slave?" Ketil: "What? Yes, I'm surprised you figured that out." Ketil: "I didn't mention his status because I didn't want to offend you." Leif: "Is he a Nord with blond hair and brown eyes?" Leif: "About the same age as this boy?" Ketil: "I'm surprised. It's exactly as you say. He's shorter than him, though." Bug-Eyes: "This again, Dad?" Leif: "Is he from Iceland and a former warrior?" Ketil: "Now, what did he say? I remember seeing numerous scars clearly left by blades all over his body..." Bug-Eyes: "Don't get your hopes up. It's probably just like what happened with me." Leif: "I know. I know that, but he matches the description so far." Ketil: "You seem very interested in him for some reason, Leif." Ketil: "Would you be willing to tell me about it?" Leif: "Yes." Leif: "I've been looking for him." Leif: "He's my friend's son, who was enslaved." Leif: "It's been years now." Mors: "What?" Mors: "W-We're going where, Pops?" Leif: "I was just thinking we could take a little detour and make a quick stop at Ketil's farm." Leif: "It's not that far away, really. Ketil came here by boat, too. He said we could follow him back." Mors: "How far is it from here?" Leif: "He said with favorable winds, it takes about five days." Mors: "Then we'd lose more than ten days. That's not what you call a little detour." Leif: "Listen to me, Mors. This Thorfinn is different. I think it's really him this time." Mors: "It's already fall, Pops. If we don't get back soon, the Greenland Sea will freeze over. What are we gonna do if the winds and tides don't favor us after a ten-day delay?" Mors: "Sorry, but I can't go along with you this time." Mors: "You gotta understand that." Ketil: "I'm surprised I'm getting an audience with His Majesty after requesting one just yesterday." Ketil: "You must have a lot of influence, Thorgil. I've changed my mind about you." Thorgil: "Huh? Oh..." Thorgil: "Honestly, I'm surprised, too. He's a busy man." Thorgil: "Maybe he liked your gifts." Ketil: "Yes, I'm sure he did." Ketil: "Our crops are the best and most plentiful in the south. He only stands to gain from making a deal with us." Guard A: "Ketil and family, you may enter." Ketil: "Let's go." Ketil: "Olmar..." Ketil: "Be polite." Canute: "Ketil, I saw your gifts as well. They are all high quality. I accept them." Ketil: "Y-Yes, Your Majesty. I'm honored." Canute: "Were all those crops grown on your land?" Ketil: "Yes, they were." Ketil: "The late King Harald was also pleased by my family's products." Canute: "I have no intention of unnecessarily changing the way my father and brother did things. Don't worry." Canute: "Strong farmers like you are the treasure of Denmark." Canute: "You should continue serving as the foundation of our nation's strength with pride." Ketil: "I appreciate your words, Your Majesty." Ketil: "I hope to have the throne's continued support." Gunnar: "You are in the presence of the king. Kneel." Ketil: "What are you doing? I'm t-terribly sorry for—" Olmar: "Your Majesty, I have a request! Please allow me to join your forces. Ideally, serving as your guard alongside my brother." Olmar: "I've trained a lot. I promise I'll be useful to you. I'd even be willing to demonstrate my skills for you—" Ketil: "Enough, you idiot! Who draws a sword in the presence of a king?" Olmar: "Let go of me, Dad! I wanna fight!" Ketil: "You've really outdone yourself today, you idiot!" Gunnar: "Well, well..." Gunnar: "What shall we do, Your Majesty?" Canute: "It's fine, Ketil. Let's see how he handles a sword." Olmar: "What?" Thorgil: "Huh?" Canute: "That pig is the soldiers' dinner. Imagine it is a man and cleave it." Olmar: "Y-Yes, Your Majesty. I'll take a whack at it, then." Soldier: "Hey, what's going on? What's happening? I heard screaming. What's all this screaming?" Canute: "Enough. That's enough. I understand." Olmar: "Bones are... so hard..." Canute: "Olmar, was it? I'll consult with the captain regarding your request to join my guard and notify you of my decision tomorrow. Stay in town near the castle until then." Thorgil: "Aw, man." Thorgil: "You really screwed the pooch this time, Olmar. The other soldiers will be teasing me about this for a while." Thorgil: "Unbelievable. The more cowardly a man is, the less predictable his behavior." Thorgil: "In any case, what's done is done." Thorgil: "Be careful not to do anything to embarrass our family further." Wulf: "Men like him are common." Wulf: "All pride, no skill." Wulf: "And no understanding of their own abilities." Wulf: "Men like him are the first to die on the battlefield." Wulf: "I wouldn't want him serving under me." Canute: "I understand your thoughts as Captain of the Guard." Canute: "Let me hear your thoughts from another perspective." Wulf: "That young man could be incredibly useful." Canute: "You're right. He could be useful to us." Canute: "He's a typical young Nord. A foolish one, at that." Canute: "He'd surely act as we expect him to." Gunnar: "Shall we proceed with the plan, then?" Canute: "Yes. The coronation hasn't happened yet, but we shouldn't let this opportunity pass us by." Canute: "It's so the people can live in peace. I feel for them, but they must pay the price."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 11 – Kings and Swords", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "11", "Kings and Swords" ] }
Brodd: "Who is he? Where?" Brodd: "Which one? That guy?" Brodd: "Okay, okay. I see." Helm: "He looks like someone who'd do that." Long Hair: "He's the guy who lost to a pig." Helm: "Guys like him really do exist." Brodd: "I'm amazed he had the balls to say he wanted to join the king's guard." Brodd: "So, what did you want? All we have to do is tell him he's been rejected?" Hooded Man: "That's right. All you need to do is convey the message." Brodd: "Fine, I guess." Brodd: "Aw, damn." Brodd: "I'm not sure I can keep myself from doing more." Hooded Man: "You want to mock him?" Brodd: "I mean, just look at his stupid face." Hooded Man: "Go on. I'll buy you drinks later." All: "Okay." All: "Quit laughing so much. Yeah, but..." Hooded Man: "You lot look just as stupid as he does." Brodd: "Olmar?" Brodd: "Olmar, do you have a minute?" Brodd: "My name is Brodd. I'm a member of the king's guard." Olmar: "And?" Brodd: "I've brought a message from Wulf, captain of His Majesty's guard." Olmar: "You're here to tell me I've been rejected." Brodd: "Now, now. I'm here on a job. Allow me to deliver my message. Olmar, regarding your request to join the king's guard, the captain spoke highly of your determination to offer your life in service of His Majesty. However, upon seeing your skill with a sword, he remarked that your skills "need improvement."" Brodd: "Therefore, we regret to inform you that..." Brodd: "Regret to inform you that..." Brodd: "Th-There's nothing regrettable about it. You lost to a pig!" Helm: "Don't say that." Hat: "I-I can't breathe." Brodd: "I heard... I heard you couldn't even cut a pig. Why not? Was the pig wearing chain mail? A hauberk perhaps?" Brodd: "Oh, but on a pig, I guess you'd call it a hogberk." Brodd: "Forgive me. I shouldn't laugh." Brodd: "He failed to get a job. Do you guys know anyone who's hiring?" Helm: "Come to think of it, the castle was looking for a new cook." Hat: "That won't work. He can't chop up pigs!" Brodd: "I'm dying!" Olmar: "A warrior answers insults with his sword!" Olmar: "Draw your weapon!" Hat: "But you couldn't even cut a pig." Helm: "I'm dying! I'm gonna die laughing!" Brodd: "Whoa!" Brodd: "What's your problem?" Brodd: "You'll hurt someone doing that, you weakling." Child: "Come on, let's go. Wait for me." Mob: "It's a fight! There's a five-on-one happening by the stalls!" Mob: "They've got swords! Someone's gonna bleed!" Mob A: "Get him!" Mob B: "Kill him!" Mob C: "You've got this, young one!" Brodd: "I'll take him on myself. We'd dishonor ourselves as warriors if we ganged up on a guy who can't even cut a pig." Helm: "You'd better not lose." Brodd: "Look at you, all excited to fight." Brodd: "I'll help you train, Olmar." Brodd: "Come on, stand up. You can do it." Hooded Man: "He's as pathetic as I was told." Thorgil: "Stand up, Olmar." Thorgil: "Don't lie on the ground during a duel." Olmar: "Thorgil..." Olmar: "Thorgil, they... they humiliated me." Thorgil: "I know. I can see that." Thorgil: "Get back on your feet and kill him." Thorgil: "Stand up." Thorgil: "Stand up, Olmar!" Olmar: "Th-Thorgil, I..." Thorgil: "Listen to me, Olmar." Thorgil: "There are only two options for a warrior who has been insulted." Thorgil: "Kill or die." Thorgil: "If you can't kill him, then you'll die here." Thorgil: "I won't allow you to go on living without addressing this insult." Thorgil: "Fight and become a man." Thorgil: "Today is the day." Olmar: "Thor..." Thorgil: "Go on." Brodd: "What the hell was that?" Thorgil: "Imagine it, Olmar. Imagine the moment you cut off your enemy's head." Olmar: "Y-Yeah..." Thorgil: "Let me hear you. Say it from your stomach." Olmar: "Yeah." Thorgil: "Louder." Olmar: "Yeah!" Thorgil: "Imagine it. Imagine your enemy crying with remorse in a pool of blood with his guts strewn about him." Olmar: "Yeah!" Thorgil: "Show some spirit, Olmar!" Olmar: "Yeah!" Thorgil: "Kill the bastard! Kill him!" Olmar: "Yeah!" Thorgil: "Go!" Brodd: "Uh-oh. Provoke him, and all of a sudden, he's raring to go." Brodd: "The time for practice is over." Helm: "Seriously?" Long Hair: "Hey!" Helm: "You bastard!" Helm: "Don't let him escape alive. We'll reclaim our honor here and now." Both: "Yeah." Thorgil: "Well done, Olmar. That's my little brother." Thorgil: "Leave the rest to me." Olmar: "He's dead..." Olmar: "Did I kill him?" Olmar: "I killed a man..." Thorgil: "So it was his eye." Thorgil: "It was damaged by a rock or something." Ketil: "Olmar! Thorgil!" Ketil: "Move. Get out of the way." Ketil: "Wh-Wh-What is this?" Ketil: "What happened?" Ketil: "Y-You..." Thorgil: "Calm down, Dad." Ketil: "Calm down? You want me to calm down?" Ketil: "You... You killed the king's men!" Ketil: "What are you going to do about this?" Thorgil: "We did nothing wrong." Ketil: "What?" Thorgil: "Olmar was insulted, so he fought a duel. He defended his honor." Ketil: "But..." Thorgil: "There were five of them. No one could object to me joining the fight." Thorgil: "You're his father. You should be praising him." Ketil: "Duels are forbidden by law!" Thorgil: "Nobody cares about that law." Thorgil: "They had swords. They must've known insulting him would be costly." Thorgil: "They knew that, and insulted him regardless. The churls deserved to die." Subordinate A: "Move. Clear the way." Ketil: "It's... It's the guards." Thorgil: "We did nothing wrong. Duels happen all the time. Normally we wouldn't be punished." Captain: "Who dared to start a commotion just outside His Majesty's castle?" Captain: "Step forward and present yourselves." Captain: "What's going on here? Olmar is alive." Captain: "Ketil's here, too. Who's the other one?" Subordinate A: "I don't know. Probably a family member." Thorgil: "I am Thorgil, son of Ketil, member of the king's guard." Thorgil: "This is my father, Ketil, and my younger brother, Olmar." Thorgil: "This was a fair duel." Thorgil: "We have done nothing wrong." Captain: "Silence. The king has forbidden duels." Captain: "You've disrespected the king. You're all under arrest." Ketil: "I-I knew it. See? I told you so, Thorgil!" Subordinate B: "Come on, hands behind your back." Subordinate C: "Stop resisting." Ketil: "W-W-Wait a minute. I didn't—" Subordinate A: "Hand over your sword and put your hands behind your back." Subordinate A: "Hey, are you deaf?" Captain: "What?" Subordinate D: "You... You asshole!" Captain: "Bastard!" Ketil: "H-Have you actually lost your mind this time, Thorgil?" Ketil: "It's over. There's no coming back from this." Thorgil: "There's something I want to ask you." Thorgil: "I'm not a patient man. Be careful how you answer my question." Thorgil: "If you tell me, I'll spare your life." Thorgil: "Why did you allow Olmar to win?" Ketil: "What?" Olmar: "They... let me win?" Thorgil: "Tell me." Captain: "I-I don't know—" Thorgil: "You should heed people's warnings." Thorgil: "Tell me. Why did you set up Olmar?" Captain: "To... To arrest Ketil. We had Olmar kill the king's men so Ketil would be held responsible" Captain: "for his son's disrespect to the king." Ketil: "Wh-What did I do to deserve that?" Captain: "I-I simply followed Captain Wulf's orders." Captain: "Please, let me tend to my wounds." Captain: "The blood... It won't stop!" Ketil: "It's over. King Canute has set his sights on us." Thorgil: "No, Dad." Olmar: "Thorgil..." Thorgil: "This is the beginning." Thorgil: "Our enemy is strong." Canute: "I see. So Ketil's family escaped." Wulf: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty." Wulf: "I sent men to secure their ships and lodgings, but they haven't been found." Wulf: "We're currently searching for them." Wulf: "It's my fault that we failed to capture Thorgil." Canute: "He sounds like a skilled warrior." Wulf: "Yes. He was a good subordinate." Canute: "It doesn't affect our plans." Canute: "We have our excuse to punish them." Canute: "As planned, we'll head to Ketil's farm." Canute: "If Ketil isn't there, then that's fine." Canute: "If he is and resists us, then we'll simply overwhelm him." Wulf: "Yes, Your Majesty. I'll mobilize 32 of your guard." Wulf: "With 70 of Floki's Jomsvikings, we'll have 102 men altogether." Canute: "That should be enough. When will Floki arrive?" Wulf: "Within three days, from Jomsborg." Canute: "Then we'll leave at dawn three days from now." Canute: "Leave me." Wulf: "Yes, Your Majesty." Canute: "What are you laughing about, King Sweyn?" Sweyn: "Don't be so angry." Sweyn: "Why shouldn't a father be pleased his son is beginning to resemble himself?" Sweyn: "Keep going." Sweyn: "You'll need to pile up plenty of bodies to reach the top." Leif: "All right, gentlemen. You can come out now." Thorgil: "These barrels reek of salt." Thorgil: "You saved us, Leif. I appreciate your kindness." Leif: "This isn't an act of kindness. It's a deal." Leif: "Don't forget the promise you made me." Leif: "I wouldn't smuggle criminals out of mere kindness." Leif: "Do you have any idea how difficult it was to convince my men?" Thorgil: "Don't worry. A warrior never goes back on his word." Thorgil: "Ketil's farm will buy all your cargo for triple its value." Leif: "Don't forget about Thorfinn, too." Thorgil: "Of course. You can have the slave, too." Thorgil: "Right, Dad?" Thorgil: "Dad, you can come out now." Ketil: "Shut up! Don't talk to me. Leave me alone." Thorgil: "He's in a bad mood." Leif: "Don't forget our promise." Einar: "All right. That's enough for today." Thorfinn: "Yeah." Einar: "Good work today." Einar: "What's the matter, Thorfinn?" Einar: "Is the sunset that captivating?" Thorfinn: "No..." Canute: "Mock me if you wish." Canute: "Curse me if you must." Canute: "I do all of this to create my utopia." Canute: "All for lost love."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 12 – For Lost Love", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "12", "For Lost Love" ] }
Kjallakr: "I'm sorry. I was wrong!" Kjallakr: "I'll apologize for everything! Forgive me." Kjallakr: "I'll release you. I swear to Odin, I will. Money! I'll even give you money. I'll give you as much as you want." Gardar: "That's not enough." Gardar: "It'll take more than that to wipe away the insults I've suffered until today." Gardar: "You try being a slave for once. You won't understand the depths of my rage otherwise." Kjallakr: "Okay!" Kjallakr: "I'll become your slave. I'll serve you." Kjallakr: "As of today, you'll be the master, and I'll be the slave. Please, just spare my life, master." Gardar: "I see. So you'll become my slave." Kjallakr: "Yes, gladly." Gardar: "Then whether you live or die..." Gardar: "is up to me." Gardar: "It's been a long time." Gardar: "Now I must go get her." Einar: "I guess we won't be visiting Mister Sverkel to borrow his horse anymore." Einar: "Why do you look so sullen?" Thorfinn: "I, um..." Thorfinn: "Have you already made your decision?" Einar: "Huh? About what?" Thorfinn: "What you're going to do once you're free." Einar: "Oh, that." Ketil: "How would you like to continue working for me as my retainers once you're free?" Ketil: "I'd gladly welcome a couple of hard workers like you." Einar: "I know what the master said, but I don't know." Einar: "I've lived too long as a slave. I can't make a decision now that I'm free to choose whatever I want." Thorfinn: "That's odd." Thorfinn: "Does that mean you'd consider staying here?" Einar: "It's true that we don't have a good relationship with the retainers." Einar: "But if I stay here, I might eventually get a chance to free Arnheid." Thorfinn: "I'm surprised." Thorfinn: "You're that in love with her?" Einar: "Don't. It's not like that." Einar: "I just..." Snake: "You're taking forever, Gramps! Are you trying to kill me?" Snake: "Where's the old man? He's not with you?" Thorfinn: "Huh? Oh..." Thorfinn: "The old master isn't back yet?" Snake: "Not since he left for his farm this morning." Snake: "Damn it. It's already time for dinner." Thorfinn: "He asked us to chop wood for him." Einar: "That's odd. Normally he'd be home by now." Snake: "I skipped lunch, too. Damn it, Gramps! Are you trying to kill..." Einar: "Huh?" Einar: "Where... Where are you going?" Snake: "To the farm. Follow me." Einar: "The farm?" Snake: "Gramps..." Snake: "Hey, Gramps. Hang in there. Gramps!" Sverkel: "So I'm going to die in bed and not on my farm." Sverkel: "It's open. Let yourself in." Arnheid: "Excuse me." Arnheid: "The mistress instructed me to come." Einar: "W-Wow..." Einar: "I-Is there enough here for us, too, Arnheid?" Arnheid: "Yes." Arnheid: "The old master said it would be all right for me to cook for you as well. I'm not sure if you'll like it, though." Arnheid: "Oh, I see none of you pray first..." Arnheid: "Master, please have something to eat." Arnheid: "Starting today, I'll be taking care of you." Arnheid: "I'll do anything you ask." Sverkel: "Will you be staying at my house?" Arnheid: "Yes, that's what the mistress told me to do." Arnheid: "Now eat." Arnheid: "Let me know if you don't like how it tastes." Sverkel: "I don't need any. I'll eat later. I'm not hungry right now." Arnheid: "Oh, I see." Snake: "Don't mind him. Just shove the spoon in his mouth." Arnheid: "What?" Snake: "Gramps is just embarrassed about being fed. Get used to it, Gramps. Until you've recovered, you're going to be fed for a while." Sverkel: "Did you just laugh?" Thorfinn: "N-No." Sverkel: "I'm really not hungry. I'll eat later—" Sverkel: "Get out of here!" Arnheid: "I'll wash the dishes." Einar: "No, I'll do it." Arnheid: "I'm glad the old master seems to be doing better than I'd heard." Arnheid: "And he doesn't seem as scary as they say." Einar: "Yeah. He's actually a kind man at heart. He can be scary sometimes, though." Arnheid: "I think I know what you mean." Sverkel: "Hmph." Arnheid: "But..." Arnheid: "I haven't had so much fun at a meal in a long time." Einar: "Neither have I." Arnheid: "It was like I was free again." Einar: "You're right. It did feel like that." x: "Hey, slaves. Is Snake around?" Snake: "A runaway slave?" x: "Yeah. He escaped from Kjallakr's farm three days ago." Snake: "That Kjallakr, huh?" Snake: "He's always treated his slaves poorly. He got what he deserved." x: "Actually, it's not that simple. The slave killed Kjallakr and his sons and set his house on fire." x: "He's a violent man and a skilled fighter." x: "Kjallakr's uncle said he'd give three horses to whoever catches him." x: "What should we do, boss?" Snake: "The three horses aside, we should probably take precautions." Snake: "Keep watch in groups of three for a while." Snake: "Even if you spot him, don't try too hard to catch him." Snake: "Call for reinforcements first." Snake: "There's no telling what a cornered man will do." x: "Look. That's him." Lizard: "That's his hilt catching the sun." Badger: "Is he sleeping?" x: "Looks like it. Just based on appearances, he looks like a beggar or pilgrim." Lizard: "He looks pretty suspicious, right?" Badger: "Yeah, sure does." x: "Hey, keep your voices down." Lizard: "Does that mean it's him? The guy worth three horses..." Badger: "Yeah, it's gotta be." x: "Hey." Badger: "It's our lucky day." Lizard: "You idiot, you can't assume that." Badger: "Huh?" Lizard: "Isn't he supposed to be pretty tough?" Badger: "We'll be fine. We'll bag him easily while he's still asleep." Lizard: "We should call for help, like the boss said." Badger: "Don't be a wuss, Lizard. If we call for help, we'll get smaller shares." x: "I told you to keep your voices down." Lizard: "How are you so confident when we don't even know how strong he is?" Badger: "The reward is horses. If we catch him now, each of us gets a whole horse." Lizard: "It's not gonna go that well." Lizard: "There's nothing wrong with butchering a horse and cooking a leg or two to eat, fatty." Badger: "What was that, you shrimp?" Lizard: "If you're so desperate to die, go die by yourself." Badger: "I'll kill you first." Lizard: "Not if I kill you first." Badger: "Bring it on." Einar: "Man, it's hot." Arnheid: "Okay." Einar: "Thorfinn, I've got a lot of chopped wood waiting here." Einar: "Keep 'em moving." Einar: "Hey, Thorfinn." Thorfinn: "S-Sorry, one second." Einar: "Sure thing." Arnheid: "What is Thorfinn doing?" Einar: "Snake is reading the Bible inside." Einar: "The old master can't read himself. Thorfinn's eavesdropping on them." Arnheid: "I see. So Thorfinn is a Christian, too." Einar: "No, but he says it's interesting." Snake: ""You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'" "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," "so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven;" "for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good," "and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." "For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have?" "Do not even the tax collectors do the same?" "If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others?" "Do not even the Gentiles do the same?" "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."" Snake: "Good grief, that's ridiculous." Snake: "Gramps, I'm sick of the Gospel. Let's read the first bit again. It's more interesting than this, at least." Snake: "Hey, Gramps, what are you doing? Going for a piss?" Sverkel: "The... The wheat..." Sverkel: "I must harvest the wheat." Snake: "I told you, they finished the harvest a while ago. Stay in bed." Snake: "Arnheid!" Snake: "Gramps pissed himself. Do you mind?" Arnheid: "Got it." Einar: "I'll help, too." Snake: "He's gone senile." Snake: "He probably doesn't have much longer to live." Einar: "What?" Thorfinn: "What?" Einar: "But he's well enough to go out on the farm every day." Thorfinn: "Yeah, and he always goes fishing a couple times a day." Snake: "But he's old enough to have great-grandkids. Old folks suddenly lose all their strength once their legs start to go." Snake: "But it won't be right away." Snake: "You guys should repay his kindness while you still have the chance." Thorfinn: "There's something I've been wondering." Thorfinn: "What's your relationship with the old master?" Snake: "Huh? It's nothing special." Snake: "I'm just planning to inherit and sell that book once Gramps kicks the bucket." Snake: "Get back to work. The sun's setting." Both: "Right." Arnheid: "Ow!" Arnheid: "Ouch..." Snake: "He's riding fast. Is it one of my men?" Snake: "No..." Snake: "Hey, you on the horse. Stop!" x: "Boss!" x: "That's him! The runaway slave!" x: "He killed Lizard! Get him!" Snake: "Seriously? Damn it." Snake: "My sword's inside the house." Arnheid: "It can't be..." Arnheid: "Gardar!" Gardar: "Arnheid! I've finally found you," Gardar: "my wife!"
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 13 – Dark Clouds", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "13", "Dark Clouds" ] }
Gardar: "Arnheid." Gardar: "Which means this is Ketil's farm." Gardar: "I don't believe it. The two of you were just a few days' walk away." Gardar: "You look a little haggard..." Gardar: "But you're even more beautiful than before." Thorfinn: "What? Is he Arnheid's husband?" Gardar: "Is Hjalti doing well?" Gardar: "He must be so big by now." Arnheid: "Gardar..." Arnheid: "Hjalti is..." Gardar: "Come." Gardar: "Let's return to our home together. All three of us." Arnheid: "Our home?" Snake: "Don't take his hand, Arnheid." Snake: "If you do, I'll kill him." Arnheid: "Gardar!" Snake: "Fox!" Snake: "Take Arnheid and get out of here." x: "Yes, boss." x: "There's something wrong with him, boss. Did he forget he's being chased?" Snake: "Is it true that he killed Lizard?" x: "Yes. Split his head wide open." Snake: "I see." Snake: "He's here to kidnap Arnheid. Protect her with your life." x: "Yes, boss." Gardar: "Are you Ketil?" Snake: "What if I am?" Gardar: "I'll kill you!" Arnheid: "Stop, Gardar! This is reckless! Gardar!" Thorfinn: "Don't, Einar. We don't even know what's going on. What are you going to do?" Thorfinn: "Are you going to attack Snake?" Einar: "I know exactly what's going on here!" Einar: "Arnheid's husband is here to rescue her." Einar: "Don't you want her to be free?" Thorfinn: "I do, but look at what you're dealing with. You'd have to kill three men to get away." Einar: "I know I'm not strong enough, but..." Thorfinn: "Einar, that's not what I'm trying to say." Thorfinn: "Can you kill a man? Whether it's a guest or anyone else, could you use this axe to kill a man?" Einar: "Then... what am I supposed to do?" Snake: "Smart choice, Thorfinn." Snake: "You guys watch quietly from over there." Snake: "I'll capture him alive." Snake: "I still need to question him and confirm his identity." Badger: "Be careful, boss. He's strong." Snake: "Who do you think you're talking to, dumbass?" Snake: "Whoa." x: "You can't take him alive, boss. Kill him." Snake: "Shut up. That was just a warm-up." Snake: "Were you guys able to land a single blow on him?" x: "What? Well, embarrassingly..." Snake: "He's injured. How'd the three of you lose to an injured man?" Snake: "So that's where it was after all." Snake: "Badger, tie him up." x: "Wow, you beat him in an instant." Arnheid: "Gardar!" Gardar: "Arnheid!" Gardar: "Arnheid!" Gardar: "Arnheid!" Badger: "Come on, walk." Snake: "Don't let your guard down. Always keep five guys watching him. And tell Kjallakr's uncle that we've apprehended the suspect." x: "Got it." Snake: "Now then..." Snake: "You look like you've got something to say. But a slave's opinion doesn't matter." Einar: "Can't you let him off the hook?" Einar: "This is too much to bear." Snake: "He killed one of my men. He's suspected of killing others, too. Not only that, but he wants to kill the master, and he intends to kidnap the master's darling Arnheid." Snake: "We can't let someone like that off the hook." Snake: "Forget about him, Arnheid." Snake: "That's not your husband." Snake: "He's just a runaway slave who's lost his mind." Snake: "Stay out of this matter. Look after Gramps for me." Thorfinn: "Einar, wait." Arnheid: "Einar." Arnheid: "Please have a seat." Arnheid: "It's almost time for dinner." Einar: "At night, under cover of darkness, we might be able to sneak into the fort and rescue Gardar." Einar: "If we don't do something, your husband will be executed." Arnheid: "Thank you, but it's all right." Arnheid: "Sometimes, things can't be changed." Arnheid: "And it's better not to do anything in those situations." Arnheid: "It's better to sit still and wait for the storm to pass." Arnheid: "I don't want you to get caught in the storm, Einar." Einar: "Don't you love Gardar?" Arnheid: "I do." Arnheid: "Our parents arranged our marriage, but he was kind to me and our son." Einar: "Then we should go. Even if we end up having to fight Snake and his men, it's better than doing nothing." Einar: "Isn't that right, Thorfinn?" Einar: "Please, Thorfinn. Lend me your strength. I'll draw the guards to me, so you..." Arnheid: "I lost my son because of pots." Arnheid: "Could I tell you a little about myself?" Arnheid: "About the past." Arnheid: "Our family lived in a village in Sweden." Arnheid: "Neither wealthy nor poor, we lived a quiet life. When our son was one year old, deep in a distant forest, a marsh containing iron was found." Arnheid: "Fighting broke out between several groups competing for ownership of the marsh. Gardar's friend was among those involved in the conflict," Arnheid: "and he asked for his help." Arnheid: "Gardar told the rest of the village about it, and the men gathered to discuss it." Arnheid: "Should we join the fighting or not?" Arnheid: "If we won, we'd acquire iron." Arnheid: "So the men decided to join the fight." Arnheid: "The women were shocked when we heard this." Arnheid: "After all, our village had all the pots and sickle blades we needed." Arnheid: "But women can't overturn a decision made by men." Arnheid: "Please reconsider, Gardar. It's not as though we're currently suffering from a lack of iron." Arnheid: "Why are you risking your life for something we don't need?" Gardar: "Arnheid." Gardar: "We do need it." Gardar: "Yngve of the West is an ambitious man." Gardar: "If his clan acquires the iron, it'll upset the balance of power in the area." Gardar: "And our village will become wealthy." Gardar: "So will the two of you." Gardar: "Hjalti, your father is going to fight to protect you." Arnheid: "I couldn't understand it." Gardar: "Ow, that hurts." Arnheid: "He could've protected us better by staying with us. All the young men went off to battle," Arnheid: "while the women and children were left behind to defend our homes. Several weeks passed." Arnheid: "And then..." Woman: "Look." Arnheid: "When we saw the ships, we thought the men had returned." Arnheid: "But instead..." Arnheid: "They attacked while the men were gone." Arnheid: "Our homes were burned. The elderly were killed." Arnheid: "The women were put on ships and taken away." Arnheid: "And I... lost Hjalti..." Arnheid: "Hjalti! No! Hjalti!" Arnheid: "When I met Gardar today, I was afraid of him." Arnheid: "I'm sure all the suffering he's experienced has changed him." Arnheid: "He is the storm itself now." Arnheid: "This time, I must protect my child, from the men's storm." Einar: "Your child?" Arnheid: "I just learned the other day" Arnheid: "that I'm pregnant with Master Ketil's child." Arnheid: "I'm sure he'll welcome this child." Arnheid: "After all, he's been wanting one." Arnheid: "On this farm, I could peacefully raise a healthy child. So Einar," Arnheid: "stay here until the storm passes." Arnheid: "Stay here." Sverkel: "I thought you were waiting for the storm to pass, Arnheid." Arnheid: "You were listening, sir?" Sverkel: "You seem to think I've gone completely senile," Sverkel: "but I haven't lost my senses yet. Don't underestimate me." Arnheid: "I thought I could at least tend his wounds. I know I shouldn't see him again," Arnheid: "so why?" Sverkel: "I once patiently waited for a storm to pass, too." Sverkel: "No, I trembled as I hid." Sverkel: "It was more than 20 years ago." Sverkel: "My son Ketil and a beautiful girl from our village were in love back then. But one day, a man from a nearby village named Ebbe who'd been growing his power fell in love with her, and I was forced to make a painful decision." Sverkel: "Ketil was prepared to fight to protect her." Sverkel: "But at the time, we were still weak. Many were afraid of Ebbe." Sverkel: "They thought we'd be wiped out if we defied him." Sverkel: "So we made the decision to submit." Sverkel: "Norse men would be disgusted to hear that." Sverkel: "I offered up a young woman to protect myself." Sverkel: "And yet, on the day of her wedding..." Sverkel: "It was the work of a man who envied and resented Ebbe's wealth. By the time I heard the news and rushed there," Sverkel: "everything had already burned to ashes." Arnheid: "Why? Why does this always happen?" Sverkel: "The only thing I can say is..." Sverkel: "Even if you can wait out the storm, it leaves scars behind." Sverkel: "I'm sorry I can't help you." Arnheid: "I'll be back soon."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 14 – Freedom", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "14", "Freedom" ] }
Snake: "What the hell?" Snake: "That can wait until tomorrow." x: "I-It's not my decision." x: "In any case, the mistress insisted." Snake: "Damn hag." Snake: "Normally, they leave security up to us." x: "Maybe it's about the three horses being offered as a reward." Snake: "You mean she wants a share? That greedy hag..." Snake: "Aw, man." Arnheid: "Mr. Snake, will you allow me to see my husband—Gardar?" Sanek: "No." Arnheid: "He's injured, isn't he? How..." Arnheid: "How are his wounds?" Snake: "I don't give a shit." Snake: "Why should I tend to someone who killed one of my men?" Guest A: "Boss, your horse." Snake: "Right. I'm going to see the mistress. You guys take Arnheid back to Gramps' house." Guest A: "Hey, wait. We don't have any more horses left." Guest A: "Does he seriously expect me to walk you back?" Arnheid: "Please let me see my husband." Arnheid: "I swear I'm not planning to help him escape. I simply want to tend his wounds." Guest A: "What? But..." Guest A: "But the boss said..." Guest B: "Whoa, whoa." Guest B: "What the hell is going on here?" Guest B: "That's Ketil's precious girl." Guest A: "Uh, the boss gave her permission to treat Gardar's wounds. It's true." Arnheid: "Gardar..." Gardar: "Arnheid." Arnheid: "They beat you." Gardar: "Cut the ropes, Arnheid." Gardar: "Let's go home." Guest B: "Hey." Guest A: "It's all right. She doesn't have anything to cut the ropes with." Guest B: "That's fine, then." Guest B: "Hey, Arnheid. Your husband traveled all the way here to get you." Guest B: "Why don't you tend to more than just his wounds?" Arnheid: "I can't treat him when he's bound like this." Arnheid: "Could you temporarily untie him?" Guest B: "No way. Besides, his junk isn't tied up. You can still take care of that." Guest C: "Yeah." Gardar: "Arnheid." Gardar: "I'm sorry." Gardar: "I'll never leave your side or Hjalti's again." Gardar: "Never again." Gardar: "I was wrong." Gardar: "Forgive me, Arnheid." Gardar: "I put you through so much pain." Gardar: "Let's start over. It'll be like it was before." Gardar: "Release my bonds." Arnheid: "I'm sorry, Gardar. I'm sorry." Gardar: "What are you talking about? I should be begging for your forgiveness." Gardar: "Come on, Arnheid. Pull yourself together." Guest B: "Well, that spoiled the mood." Guest B: "It's starting to come down hard. I'm gonna go rest indoors." Guest A: "Hey, we were told to keep watch." Guest B: "One man's enough. You're the one who brought her here." Guest B: "It's your responsibility to watch her." Guest A: "Seriously?" Guest A: "Hey." Guest A: "Hey, Arnheid. You done over there? You got what you came for, right?" Guest A: "Aw, man. My only flaw is that I can't say no to women." Guest A: "Time's up." Guest A: "Come on, stand up." Gardar: "Arnheid, there's a knife on that man's hip. Use that to cut my ropes." Gardar: "Quickly, Arnheid!" Guest D: "Hey, this is fucked! He's dead!" Gardar: "Pull yourself together!" Gardar: "Quickly, the ropes!" Gardar: "They're going to kill us." Gardar: "Arnheid!" x: "Bad news, boss. They're all dead." Snake: "Those idiots..." Snake: "I told them so many times not to let their guard down." Spider: "Boss, come look at this." Spider: "It's his sword." Spider: "Look at the tip." Spider: "The rain's washed the blood away, but there's grease on it." Spider: "He stabbed the enemy." Snake: "It must've been deep." Spider: "Yeah." Snake: "He's got a new injury on top of his existing one." Snake: "There weren't any horses here." Snake: "After him!" Snake: "He can't have made it far!" Snake: "We're going to settle this while he's still on the farm! As soon as we find him," Snake: "we'll kill him." Thorfinn: "Couldn't sleep, Einar?" Einar: "You can't have slept either." Einar: "You didn't groan in your sleep, and you came to wake me." Thorfinn: "Yeah, I guess." Einar: "Were you watching me?" Einar: "Did you think I'd do something reckless during the night?" Einar: "I wouldn't do that." Einar: "I don't want to cause trouble for Arnheid." Einar: "It doesn't make sense." Einar: "All we were doing was living quietly." Einar: "It's wrong for freedom to be taken away by violence." Einar: "It's wrong." Thorfinn: "I've spent most of my life at war, so I have no right to say anything." Thorfinn: "But it's wrong. I was wrong." Einar: "I don't think Arnheid knows you were a warrior." Thorfinn: "It's pathetic." Thorfinn: "I'm afraid of someone like her finding out about my past." Thorfinn: "How was I not bothered by hurting all those people?" Einar: "I can't even imagine you acting like that." Einar: "Thorfinn, what you told me the other day..." Einar: "Were you being serious?" Thorfinn: "What?" Einar: "You asked if it was possible to eliminate war and slavery from the world. It sounds like a fantastical dream to me," Einar: "but as someone who's experienced both, you must have some ideas." Einar: "What should we do?" Einar: "How can we eliminate war and slavery?" Thorfinn: "I can only speak about my own experience," Thorfinn: "but war always produces lots of slaves." Thorfinn: "Those defeated in battle become slaves." Thorfinn: "Like you and Arnheid." Thorfinn: "The line between warrior and slave trader is blurry." Thorfinn: "Slaves come from other places too, but I think war is the number one source." Thorfinn: "If the number of wars decreased, so would the number of slaves." Thorfinn: "But Norse men don't think war is a bad thing." Thorfinn: "A Norse man's worth is determined by his valor and wealth." Thorfinn: "The more enemies you kill and wealth you bring back home, the more you're respected." Thorfinn: "So fathers teach sons to fight, arm them, and send them off on warships." Thorfinn: "It's what the Nords have done since ancient times, without questioning it." Thorfinn: "It's always difficult to stop doing what you think is natural." Einar: "But there are men like you, too." Einar: "Is it really so strange for someone to swear not to hurt people?" Thorfinn: "In Norse society, cowards can't survive." Thorfinn: "But that's fine." Thorfinn: "I'd much rather be an outcast than be burdened by any more of them." Einar: ""Them"?" Thorfinn: "The dead." Thorfinn: "The people I killed." Thorfinn: "Their ghosts appear every night to torment me. "Why did you kill us?" "You felt so much anger and hate when your own father was killed," "and yet you killed so many fathers, brothers, and sons."" Thorfinn: "I need to atone for these people." Thorfinn: "I need to take them someplace they can rest peacefully." Thorfinn: "I can't take on any more." Thorfinn: "I can't take on a single additional person." Thorfinn: "I've been thinking about what I can do to make it up to them." Thorfinn: "You couldn't call simply not killing or destroying anymore atonement." Thorfinn: "I need to grow more wheat than I trampled underfoot." Thorfinn: "I need to rebuild more houses than I burnt down." Thorfinn: "I still don't know how to eliminate war from the entire world." Thorfinn: "But just a single village would do." Thorfinn: "I want to create a place where people don't need swords." Einar: "But how are you going to defend that land?" Einar: "I don't like war, either." Einar: "But Vikings eventually show up everywhere." Einar: "Sometimes you have to fight to defend peace and freedom." Thorfinn: "But that's not good enough." Thorfinn: "There's no point if you fight for peace." Thorfinn: "You'll never escape from that bloodthirsty hell that way." Einar: "So it'll never be more than just a dream." Einar: "You'd have to travel beyond the ends of the earth." Einar: "Somewhere even the Vikings can't reach." Einar: "A land for the outcasts." Hordaland: "If I run away to the other side of the ocean, then what's there?" Hordaland: "There's probably nothing there, right?" Hordaland: "No matter how far I go, it'd be the same as here." Hordaland: "Just filled with wars, and slave traders." Thorfinn: "Far to the west, beyond the sea... Beyond the reach of any authority, unknown to slave traders," Thorfinn: "there is a land far beyond the horizon." Einar: "Does a place like that exist?" Thorfinn: "There is. I'd forgotten." Thorfinn: "When I was a child, a sailor named Leif told me about it." Thorfinn: "On the other side of the sea to the west, there's an untouched, fertile land." Einar: "That's amazing." Einar: "Then... Then if we go there..." Thorfinn: "No." Thorfinn: "He said it was incredibly far away, and I don't even know its exact location." Thorfinn: "And we'd be establishing a nation." Thorfinn: "We'd have to take lots of outcasts with us." Thorfinn: "It'd be a huge undertaking." Einar: "I see." Einar: "But..." Einar: "That's the first bit of good news I've heard in a while." x: "Be careful. He's strong." Mole: "Got it." Einar: "Wh-What's going on? It's still so early." Mole: "He doesn't seem to be here." Wild Dog: "There's so much crap, it's hard to tell." x: "Throw it all out." Einar: "What the hell are they doing?" Thorfinn: "He escaped." Einar: "What?" Thorfinn: "Gardar escaped." Thorfinn: "What other reason would they have to search our shed?" Einar: "Arnheid!"
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 15 – Storm", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "15", "Storm" ] }
x: "Be careful. He's strong." Mole: "Got it." Einar: "Wh-What's going on? It's still so early." Mole: "He doesn't seem to be here." Wild Dog: "There's so much crap, it's hard to tell." x: "Throw it all out." Einar: "What the hell are they doing?" Thorfinn: "He escaped." Einar: "What?" Thorfinn: "Gardar escaped." Thorfinn: "What other reason would they have to search our shed?" Einar: "Arnheid!" Thorfinn: "Wait, Einar!" Thorfinn: "Stop, Einar!" Einar: "If Gardar escaped, he'll look for Arnheid again." Thorfinn: "What will you accomplish by going to Arnheid?" Thorfinn: "Will you drive back Gardar?" Einar: "I don't know, but..." Einar: "There must be something I can do for Arnheid." Einar: "Arnheid!" Badger: "It's not him. It's not Gardar. Just two slaves." Badger: "What are their names again?" Spider: "You mean the master's slaves." Snake: "Thorfinn and Einar, huh?" Badger: "Yeah, those guys. What are they doing here?" Badger: "What should we do, boss? Should we chase them off?" Snake: "No, leave them alone. Let them do what they want." Einar: "Um, Arnheid..." Arnheid: "Yes. You're here about Gardar." Einar: "You know?" Arnheid: "Yes." Arnheid: "I helped him escape." Arnheid: "I cut the ropes binding him." Arnheid: "Gardar, he... the man watching him...." Arnheid: "I thought we'd both be killed, so I..." Arnheid: "Then Gardar killed all the other guests who came to see what was happening." Thorfinn: "More dead guests..." Thorfinn: "The situation couldn't be worse." Thorfinn: "Einar..." Thorfinn: "We're being watched by guests. Kneel next to Arnheid and pretend to wash dishes." Einar: "Stay calm, and tell us what's happening." Arnheid: "Gardar was badly injured in the f-fight." Arnheid: "We fled here in the rain, to the old master's house." Arnheid: "But Gardar lost consciousness while I was tending his wounds." Arnheid: "He was too heavy to carry." Arnheid: "I was barely able to hide him." Thorfinn: "So Gardar is here." Arnheid: "Yes. The old master helped me." Arnheid: "Snake and his men arrived soon after." Arnheid: "They seem to think Gardar fled and is hiding somewhere." Arnheid: "They're waiting for Gardar to come for me at the house." Arnheid: "Mister Snake and two other men are inside." Einar: "Why... Why would you do something so reckless by yourself?" Einar: "And after you said we'd wait out the storm for the sake of the child inside you." Arnheid: "Why?" Arnheid: "Perhaps..." Arnheid: "Perhaps I was dreaming." Arnheid: "Dreaming of a life as part of a family with Gardar and the child inside me." Arnheid: "I thought that perhaps he had returned..." Arnheid: "I thought he'd returned." Arnheid: "Those eyes that used to be so full of confidence..." Arnheid: "They looked so miserable." Arnheid: "We've lived so miserably since we lost Hjalti." Arnheid: "But I still dream..." Thorfinn: "How are Gardar's injuries? Has the bleeding stopped?" Arnheid: "He was bleeding badly from the right side of his chest." Arnheid: "He was still bleeding when I hid him." Thorfinn: "Every moment counts." Einar: "Arnheid..." Einar: "Are you prepared to cast your lot with Gardar?" Einar: "If you want to live with Gardar, then you'll have to flee together." Einar: "But you're pregnant." Einar: "The road ahead will be difficult. But if you still want to try," Einar: "then I will help you." Einar: "It's the only option left." Thorfinn: "The only option, huh?" Thorfinn: "I'll help, too. Together, we may be able to do something." Einar: "Thorfinn..." Badger: "Ow! What—" Snake: "Don't sleep. If you take your eyes off Arnheid again, I'll break your nose." Badger: "Y-Yes, boss. Sorry." Badger: "Who's there?" Arnheid: "I'd like to begin preparing lunch." Snake: "Take the tools you need and cook in the yard. You're the bait. Stay where you'll be seen." Arnheid: "Very well. I understand." Sverkel: "What a pitiful bunch." Sverkel: "Right, Snake?" Sverkel: "They say inferior people can't help but become slaves." Sverkel: "That it's where they belong." Sverkel: "But I don't think so." Sverkel: "Slaves were just unlucky. That's all." Sverkel: "If you and I had been unlucky, we might've ended up as slaves, too." Snake: "So what? That's got nothing to do with this." Snake: "He killed five of my men." Snake: "I won't be satisfied until he's dead. I can't walk around wearing this sword when I'm crying myself to sleep over my unavenged men." Sverkel: "Then throw away your sword." Sverkel: "Even I can tell that sword isn't from around here." Sverkel: "There was a reason you ended up here." Sverkel: "But I doubt throwing away your sword would allow you to escape whatever it was." Snake: "Enough talking, Gramps. It's time for your nap." Sverkel: "You can have my farm." Sverkel: "Work the land. Produce life. That's better than swinging around a sword." Sverkel: "I can no longer stand and walk. Soon I will die." Sverkel: "It's a good opportunity for you to straighten out your life." Sverkel: "I owe you for reading the Bible to me." Snake: "Don't talk about that nonsense now. I'm not doing no stinking field work." Spider: "Boss." Snake: "Huh?" Spider: "There's someone out there." Spider: "Over there. Third tree from the back." Spider: "That's probably him in its shadow." Snake: "All right." Thorfinn: "They're coming out." Thorfinn: "One, two, three..." Thorfinn: "That's all of them." Thorfinn: "I'm counting on you, Einar." Snake: "Spread out." Snake: "We'll follow him from different positions and vantages." Thorfinn: "Sir, I'm sorry, but I need to borrow your horse and cart. I promise I'll pay you back by working for you." Sverkel: "Don't worry about that. More importantly, load me into the cart. If I'm there, we'll be able to travel around the farm unquestioned." Thorfinn: "But we can't involve you in this..." Sverkel: "I'm already involved." Sverkel: "Now quit arguing and help me." Thorfinn: "Y-Yes, sir. Thank you." Spider: "Damn that Gardar..." Spider: "He's trying to flee into the woods." Badger: "We won't be able to use the horses in the woods. Catch him. Don't let him enter the woods." Einar: "Damn it! It's so far away..." Thorfinn: "He's alive. His wounds were treated well." Thorfinn: "But he's as cold as a stone." Thorfinn: "He lost too much blood." Thorfinn: "Please hang in there." Snake: "He's fast." Snake: "A gravely injured man could never run that fast." Snake: "Spider! Badger! Stay on him." Snake: "Don't force a confrontation. If that's Gardar, you won't stand a chance against him." Snake: "I'll send reinforcements later. Keep following him until then." Snake: "You got that?" Snake: "I'm counting on you guys." Badger: "What? Wait, where are you going, boss?" Thorfinn: "The cart is ready. We'll hurry toward the border to the south." Thorfinn: "Once you're out of the country, it'll be difficult for the guests to pursue you." Thorfinn: "I'll leave you partway to distract them. I'll draw as many pursuers to me as I can." Thorfinn: "Sir, could you accompany them to the edge of the farm?" Sverkel: "Got it." Thorfinn: "I didn't hear horses." Thorfinn: "Did he dismount and run here?" Snake: "I see." Snake: "So he's unconscious." Snake: "No wonder I couldn't sense him." Arnheid: "Thorfinn..." Snake: "Just so you know, Thorfinn, I'm not here to negotiate." Snake: "Hand over Gardar. Otherwise," Snake: "I'll kill you." Thorfinn: "There were three pursuers." Thorfinn: "But only Snake is here. I don't sense the others." Thorfinn: "If I can subdue him somehow, we can still escape." Thorfinn: "I'll slip past his sword and deal a single blow to his chin." Askeladd: "You gonna fight him, Thorfinn? Good grief. I guess you can't help it this time." Askeladd: "You're helping someone. You've got a good reason to raise your fists. But, you know," Askeladd: "I'm sure he's got a good reason, too." Askeladd: "What will you do, Thorfinn?" Askeladd: "Will you remain a pacifist, or will you fight him in order to help someone else?" Askeladd: "Which road leads to becoming a true warrior?" Askeladd: "There's no time to think about it." Askeladd: "Look. He's right in front of you." Askeladd: "Do you think you can beat him while you're still half-asleep?" Snake: "That's an odd stance." Snake: "Not right for a spear or an ax..." Snake: "A sword?" Snake: "No..."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 16 – Great Purpose", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "16", "Great Purpose" ] }
Thorfinn: "He's fast!" Thorfinn: "Faster than anyone I've fought before." Thorfinn: "And that sword..." Thorfinn: "He uses the curve of the blade. He's handling a dagger's range well, too." Snake: "Are you serious? He's unarmed." Snake: "I'm a warrior of Miklagard." Snake: "He hasn't experienced a single good thing, huh?" Snake: "No kidding." Snake: "What kind of monsters surrounded him?" Thorfinn: "I'll overwhelm him with a flurry of blows." Snake: "Dodge this!" Both: "He's strong." Thorfinn: "What's a warrior this skilled doing defending a farm?" Snake: "How'd a man this skilled end up a slave?" Snake: "No, don't get worked up. Don't follow his lead." Snake: "The important thing is..." Thorfinn: "He can strike even faster?" Thorfinn: "But..." Thorfinn: "I see it." Thorfinn: "He got me." Thorfinn: "He's next to Gardar..." Thorfinn: "Snake!" Arnheid: "Please don't, Mister Snake!" Arnheid: "Please don't kill Gardar." Arnheid: "Please let this go." Snake: "Don't be so self-centered, Arnheid." Snake: "He killed five of my men. I can't overlook that." Sverkel: "Snake! I'll do whatever I can to express my condolences for the loss of your men. I'll even sell my farm to—" Snake: "Shut up, Gramps! This isn't about money!" Snake: "Both me and my men are a bunch of stupid, nasty scumbags." Snake: "We're drifters who can't use our real names because of what we've done elsewhere." Snake: "But does that mean it doesn't matter if we die, huh?" Snake: "Is Gardar's life worth that much? More than the lives of five of my men?" Snake: "Tell me, Thorfinn! Arnheid!" Snake: "Tell me how much more he's worth." Snake: "They're not that different, huh?" Snake: "In that case..." Thorfinn: "Don't—" Snake: "The cost of life..." Snake: "...can only be paid with life!" Snake: "You still want to fight?" Snake: "Will you avenge Gardar?" Snake: "Arnheid, you're the one who cut Gardar's bonds, aren't you?" Snake: "You two will be punished accordingly. Until the master returns, you'll be bound—" Thorfinn: "Enough, Gardar!" Thorfinn: "If you keep choking him, he'll die!" Thorfinn: "Gardar!" Thorfin: "Damn! He's so strong..." Thorfinn: "Gardar!" Thorfinn: "Let go!" Thorfinn: "Gardar!" Arnheid: "Gardar." Arnheid: "Let's go home, Gardar." Arnheid: "That's enough." Arnheid: "There's no one to get in our way anymore." Arnheid: "Hjalti is waiting for us." Gardar: "Hjalti..." Gardar: "Where is he now?" Arnheid: "He's with your brother in Birka." Arnheid: "I sent him to safety before the fighting started." Gardar: "I see. My brother's always done so much for me." Gardar: "I'll need to bring something to thank him when we go to get Hjalti." Gardar: "You there..." Gardar: "Is this your cart?" Gardar: "I'd like to borrow it." Thorfinn: "Uh, actually..." Sverkel: "It's mine." Sverkel: "You can have it, Gardar." Gardar: "Ah!" Gardar: "Sorry for talking down to you from up here. Old man, what's your name?" Sverkel: "It's Sverkel." Sverkel: "Go on. Return to your home." Gardar: "Thank you, Mister Sverkel." Arnheid: "Thorfinn..." Arnheid: "And Einar." Arnheid: "I can't thank you enough." Thorfinn: "This is reckless, Arnheid." Thorfinn: "Gardar is already..." Arnheid: "It's fine." Arnheid: "Please send us off." Gardar: "I feel cold..." Gardar: "Cold to my core." Gardar: "How miserable." Gardar: "Such unfortunate men, abandoned by the gods." Gardar: "You..." Gardar: "You are my new pride." Gardar: "Hjalti..." Gardar: "Hjalti, son of Gardar." Gardar: "Father shall fight for you." Gardar: "For honor, so you can be proud of him." Gardar: "For wealth that will someday be yours." Gardar: "Wait!" Gardar: "For honor and wealth..." Arnheid: "Gardar?" Gardar: "How old is Hjalti now?" Gardar: "Eight? Nine?" Arnheid: "He's six." Gardar: "Ah, forgive me." Gardar: "I lost track of time since being enslaved." Gardar: "Six. I see. That's a shame." Gardar: "I missed his cute years." Gardar: "He was still only one when I last saw him." Gardar: "Good grief. He's probably forgotten about us." Gardar: "He's my son. He's surely grown into a prankster." Gardar: "I bet he lights horses' tails on fire." Arnheid: "You did that as a child?" Gardar: "Yeah. I got in a lot of trouble with my father." Gardar: "Once he's old enough, he'll probably say he wants to go adventuring." Gardar: "All boys do." Gardar: "But I won't allow it." Arnheid: "Gardar." Gardar: "I'm all right. I'm just a little tired." Gardar: "Let me rest." Gardar: "We're really doing this?" Man A: "Yeah. We've made up our minds." Man B: "The villagers' lives will be easier if we acquire iron. So will your family's." Gardar: "Fine. Let's go." Man A: "All right." Man B: "Everyone's already gathered in the square." Man A: "Hurry." Gardar: "Arnheid..." Gardar: "Hjalti..." Gardar: "I'll never leave your sides again." Gardar: "I'm home." Arnheid: "Welcome home."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 17 – The Road Home", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "17", "The Road Home" ] }
Ulf: "The wind favors us, Your Majesty. If we continue to be blessed by the wind, we should arrive at Ketil's farm within two or three days." ki: "I can't believe the king himself is going to face a mere backcountry clan." ki: "The Jomsvikings could've handled this." Ulf: "His Majesty has a well thought-out plan, Floki." Ulf: "A good liegeman doesn't question his king's decisions." ki: "Jomsborg is an ally. I am not quite his liegeman." ki: "Don't forget that, Ulf." Canute: "Do you suppose Ketil and his family will oppose the king?" Ulf: "I'm not sure." Ulf: "I've heard Ketil is a mighty warrior who used to be known as the Iron Fist on the battlefield." Ulf: "We mustn't underestimate him." Canute: "He didn't seem that way to me." Canute: "People are assets. I'd hate to waste them." Canute: "It would be best if Ketil's family submitted to the king's authority." ki: "Is that why you're going there in person?" ki: "But they've committed an outrage against you. Shouldn't we make an example out of them by punishing them harshly?" Canute: "I intend to show no mercy if they defy me." Canute: "A tailwind..." Canute: "But the waves are tall, and the land we seek is far ahead." Retainer A: "Oh, my. I thought Master Ketil had returned, but it's Mister Thorgil." Retainer B: "Welcome back, Mister Thorgil." Thorgil: "Thanks. I brought you a gift. Take this." Thorgil: "Yah!" Retainer: "Master!" Thorgil: "Get him a stiff drink and let him sleep. What a hopeless old man. Come on, retainers. This is no time to be hanging fish to dry. We're preparing for battle." Thorgil: "Enemy forces will be arriving soon to take this entire farm. Gather all the men and weapons you can find." Retainer: "Wh-What? Enemy? Who? How soon is soon? What's wrong with the master?" Mors: "Hey, wait. Mister Thorgil..." Mors: "Let us conclude our deal before the battle. We don't want to get caught up in the fighting." Thorgil: "Talk to my dad about that. I'm busy." Thorgil: "Olmar, hurry up." Thorgil: "This is your first battle. Stick by me and learn to fight." Thorgil: "Though considering who we're up against, this might be our last battle." Thorgil: "Aren't you pleased, Olmar? You're finally getting to fight, just like you wanted." Mors: "Mister Ketil, pull yourself together." Mors: "Didn't you say you'd buy our cargo at triple market price?" Mors: "That's why we transported your family all the way here." Ketil: "Arnheid..." Mors: "What?" Mors: "H-Hey, wait. Ketil." Mors: "Wait a minute, Ketil." Mors: "Please, Ketil!" Bug-Eyes: "I'm sure it'll be fine." Bug-Eyes: "You've got a good feeling about this, right?" Bug-Eyes: "This time, it'll be the real Thorfinn." Leif: "You're right." Leif: "I'll choose to believe that's true." Sparrow: "A battle? Here?" Rat: "In a few days, apparently. Mister Thorgil said to repair the fortress walls." Sparrow: "Repair the walls? But... This can't be fixed in just a few days. Who are we fighting, anyway?" Rat: "He wouldn't say. He said he'd tell us once the soldiers were gathered." x: "Doesn't matter who we're fighting. We can't win." x: "There aren't enough experienced soldiers on this farm." x: "Just the other day, we lost five valuable fighters." Einar: "The guests look unsettled about something." Einar: "Has the master returned?" Einar: "I wonder what he's going to do when he learns Arnheid tried to escape." Einar: "You think he'll punish her?" Thorfinn: "A lot of people died." Einar: "But the master adores Arnheid." Einar: "He won't go too hard on her, will he?" Thorfinn: "Maybe. She's pregnant with his child, too." Einar: "I'm worried. I hope she's all right." Thorfinn: "I'm sorry." Einar: "You fought Snake and his men for Arnheid and Gardar, right?" Einar: "You even broke your oath." Einar: "Sometimes you have to fight." Einar: "Thank you, Thorfinn." Thorfinn: "I like Snake." Thorfinn: "He's a kind and principled man." Thorfinn: "I didn't want to fight him." Thorfinn: "And in the end, I let Gardar die." Thorfinn: "I'm stupid, so I'm not sure how to say it." Thorfinn: "But I wonder if there wasn't a better way." Thorfinn: "Did so many people have to get hurt? Did people have to lose their lives?" Thorfinn: "Did I try to find a way to avoid that?" Einar: "There wasn't one." Einar: "After all the guests that died, Snake couldn't back down, either." Thorfinn: "But violence should be a last resort." Thorfinn: "I wonder what the best option was, though." Thorfinn: "What should've been tried first?" Thorfinn: "I want to learn to find that first method." Thorfinn: "There is no person who deserves to be hurt." Einar: "You're right." Einar: "That's exactly right." Ketil: "Arnheid, where are you? Arnheid..." Ketil: "Where are you?" Mistress: "My, what a surprise. You're back early, dear husband." Mistress: "I heard King Harald passed away." Mistress: "Dear?" Ketil: "A-Arnheid..." Mistress: "That shameless slave has been tied up and thrown in the stable. She caused quite a lot of trouble while you were gone." Mistress: "She was plotting to escape. What a truly ungrateful slave." Ketil: "Escape?" Ketil: "Arnheid tried to..." Mistress: "Her old flame came to the farm and led her away. Many of the guests died." Mistress: "Two of our male slaves even helped them." Mistress: "What an unbelievable woman." Mistress: "You'll have to address this matter properly, dear." Ketil: "Escape..." Ketil: "Why?" Ketil: "Why does everything keep slipping from my grasp?" Ketil: "Escape?" Ketil: "Why?" Snake: "Nobody told me anything about that." Snake: "I can't let you see him." Leif: "But it's true. Ketil promised to free Thorfinn." Leif: "In any case, I'd like to at least see his face. I want to know if the man you've got here is the Thorfinn I'm looking for." Snake: "Not until I've gotten confirmation from the master." Snake: "Otherwise I can't allow anyone to meet with someone who's locked up." Leif: "Fine. I understand." Leif: "Come with me. Let's go talk to Ketil." Leif: "I'm sorry to bother you when you're so busy, Pater." Pater: "I don't mind showing you around, but..." Leif: "Is there a problem?" Pater: "As an outsider, you're the only one I can turn to for help with this matter." Pater: "Forgive me, Mister Leif, but can you spare the funds to purchase a slave?" Leif: "Some, I suppose. I was promised I could have Thorfinn for free." Pater: "The master keeps his promises." Pater: "Thorfinn and Einar will be fine." Pater: "But Arnheid is a more challenging matter. I know I'm asking for a lot, Mister Leif," Pater: "but would you be willing to purchase two slaves besides Thorfinn?" Einar: "Arnheid..." Wild Dog: "Man, I'm bored. I've got a woman right in front of me, and I can't even do anything with her." Wild Dog: "You act all meek, but you actually know what you're doing, don't you? The master will spank you a few times and forgive you for everything." Wild Dog: "He's too easy on you." Wild Dog: "You're lucky your punishment wasn't up to us guests. By now you'd have been stripped naked and raped by all of us" Wild Dog: "for our brothers who were killed." Wild Dog: "Our dead brothers wouldn't be able to rest in peace otherwise." Wild Dog: "Don't you agree?" Ketil: "What are you doing?" Wild Dog: "S-Sir, you're back." Ketil: "Leave. I have business with Arnheid." Wild Dog: "But sir, I, uh..." Ketil: "Leave." Wild Dog: "Y-Yes, sir." Ketil: "You tried to escape from me?" Ketil: "Why, Arnheid?" Ketil: "Why?" Ketil: "Why?" Ketil: "Why don't you understand?" Ketil: "Why would you do that?" Ketil: "Do you despise me?" Ketil: "I won't allow anyone to take my pride from me." Ketil: "Not even you, Arnheid." Arnheid: "Stop... N-Not my stomach..." Arnheid: "I have a child inside me..." Anrheid: "I have a child inside me. Please, no more." Ketil: "Whose child is it?" Arnheid: "I s-s-swear it's yours, Master. It's true. Please believe me." Ketil: "Believe you?" Ketil: "You... You were the only one I trusted." Ketil: "What am I supposed to believe, huh?" Ketil: "What does it mean to trust someone?" Ketil: "It's true? It's real?" Ketil: "I won't suffer losing something I never doubted!" Ketil: "You'll pay for this, you thieves!" Ketil: "With this hand, I will punish you!" Pater: "Arnheid!" Snake: "Given the weight of Arnheid's crimes, it makes sense to flog her." Snake: "But if you keep hitting her, you'll be executing her." Snake: "Arnheid is your slave, sir." Snake: "You have the right to kill her." Snake: "You want to execute her, right?" Snake: "Then I'll let go of the rod." Ketil: "Tend her wounds, Pater." Bug-Eyes: "Scary..." Leif: "K-Ketil, if you don't want that slave girl, would you sell her to me?" Leif: "I heard you have two other slaves besides Thorfinn. That they're Thorfinn's friends." Leif: "I'll pay." Leif: "I'd like to buy them from you." Ketil: "Who said I don't want her?" Ketil: "Take Thorfinn and Einar wherever you want." Ketil: "But I'm not selling Arnheid." Ketil: "That woman belongs to me." Pater: "She's alive, but she's still unconscious." Pater: "I don't know if she'll make it." Pater: "Don't touch her, Einar. You mustn't move her." Ketil: "They won't get away with this." Ketil: "They're all thieves." Ketil: "I raised it up with such care. I take such good care of it. And they're trying to take it all from me." Thorgil: "Dad, where have you been? We've got a mountain of things to do." Thorgil: "Also, a suit of armor would be..." Thorgil: "Hey, Dad." Ketil: "Those thieves won't get away with this." Ketil: "I'll punish them."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 18 – The First Method", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "18", "The First Method" ] }
x: "Only around 100 of them will be any good in a fight." Snake: "Get an exact head count later." x: "Are we really doing this, boss?" Snake: "The master insists on fighting. We have no choice." x: "They're out of their minds." x: "Do they think they stand a chance against the king's forces?" Snake: "They all owe money to the master. They were told he'd cancel their debts if they fought in the battle." Snake: "If they'd known they'd be fighting the king, they probably wouldn't have shown up. But now that they're here, their vanity as Norse men won't allow them to leave." Snake: "And the more of them there are, the bolder they get." Snake: "They start feeling like they could actually win. Waiting until they were gathered to tell them they'd be fighting the king was a smart choice." Snake: "Thorgil's a better strategist than I expected." Thorfinn: "The master intends to fight." Thorfinn: "The soldiers have gathered." Thorfinn: "This place will become a battlefield." Mors: "See? It's just like we told you. We need to leave this farm right away, or we'll get caught up in it, Thorfinn." Thorfinn: "I know, but..." Thorfinn: "Mister Leif." Thorfinn: "We can't leave the farm with Arnheid in this condition, sir." Thorfinn: "Thank you for caring about me." Leif: "You've changed, Thorfinn." Leif: "When I first saw you, I thought you were someone else." Leif: "The look on your face is better these days, Thorfinn." Leif: "I finally got to see you. I can't leave without you." Einar: "Mr. Pater, she's coughing again." Pater: "Roll her onto her side. Don't let her choke on anything she spits up." Leif: "Pater, would it be possible to move Arnheid?" Pater: "We should be cautious with her now. We'd know how she's doing if she'd wake up," Pater: "but honestly, not even I can tell her condition right now." Pater: "There's also the child inside her to consider. Rest is what she needs most right now, at least until she regains consciousness." Leif: "One day. Let's wait and see how things go for just one more day." Mors: "Are you serious? What about after that?" Spider: "Boss, hurry." Snake: "North?" Spider: "Yes." Spider: "Where I'm pointing." Snake: "They're here sooner than expected." Snake: "Notify the master! Ships have been spotted in the sea to the north!" Snake: "The king's forces have arrived." Badger: "Idiot, don't shoot unless you're told to!" Badger: "You'll never reach them at this range. Once they're closer, we'll fire off a—" Badger: "Crap! Retreat, retreat!" Badger: "Damn it!" Badger: "How are they reaching us from so far away?" ki: "Fan out and take control of the area! Aid His Majesty's landing!" Canute: "It seems Ketil intends to fight me." Canute: "Send a messenger, Ulf. We'll take up position here and await Ketil's response." Ulf: "Yes, Your Majesty." Canute: "This is good land." Canute: "It'd be a shame to stain it with blood." Messenger: "For the aforementioned reasons, His Majesty, King Canute, has sentenced the insurrectionist Ketil and his clan to ten years of outlawry. Though normally they would be executed for their crimes, Ketil's clan shall be allowed to live thanks to His Majesty's kindness. Humbly accept your punishment." Messenger: "That's all. If you don't want to die, then get out of the country. We'll wait until tomorrow morning for your response." Ketil: "How could you useless lot let them land without a fight?" Ketil: "Insurrectionist? Outlawry? Don't push your luck, boy." Thorgil: "I'm back." Ketil: "Ah, Thorgil. How did Canute's forces look?" Thorgil: "They were cooking and eating their lunch at leisure." Thorgil: "Two warships, two cargo ships. They've pitched tents right next to their landing site. There are about 100 of them." Ketil: "100?" Thorgil: "Yeah, excluding slaves and servants." Ketil: "That's less than a third of our numbers." Ketil: "Did Canute think we'd kneel if the king himself came?" Ketil: "This land is full of reckless men who won't yield to the king." Ketil: "Muster your courage, men! Whoever brings me the king's head will receive whatever he wants!" Thorgil: "What fools." Snake: "That's not just any 100 men." Snake: "The guys around the big tent are thegns." x: "Y-You mean the king's really here?" Snake: "And if they're the king's guard, they're among the strongest men in Denmark." Snake: "They're Thorgil's former brothers-in-arms." x: "I-In other words," x: "they're all about as strong as Thorgil?" x: "Wh-What about the guys in white capes? Are they weaker than the king's guard?" Snake: "You mean you've never seen them before?" Snake: "Those are Jomsvikings." Snake: "I've never seen you open your eyes so wide before." Snake: "We can't beat them." Snake: "They far outclass our ragtag group of peasant soldiers. They're the kind of guys who think about war and nothing else from morning 'til night." Snake: "The master won't understand that until we fight them once." Snake: "If you want to run, then run. King Canute has given us time to flee." x: "B-Boss, what are you going to do?" Snake: "I'm the commander. I can't run." Snake: "I'll do my best to keep as many of those 350 cocky idiots alive as I can." x: "Th-Then let's tie up Ketil's clan and hand them over." Badger: "Yeah, then we won't have to fight." Rat: "Are we going to tie up Thorgil, too?" x: "Don't be a wuss. I bet eight of us could take him." Mole: "Thorgil isn't the only problem." Mole: "There's also the renowned Iron Fist Ketil. You heard he beat a bear to death with his bare hands, right?" x: "Run away with us, boss. There's no point in being stubborn." Snake: "Iron Fist, huh?" Snake: "I know all about the Iron Fist." Snake: "I met him when I was around 15 or 16." Snake: "He taught me how to fight on the battlefield. He was insanely strong." Snake: "He was like an older brother or boss to me." Snake: "Years ago, I screwed up. I ended up on the run." Snake: "I thought Ketil would shelter me. I followed the rumors to this farm." Snake: "But when I finally arrived..." Ketil: "Who are you? Do you have business with me?" Snake: "...I found a completely different person." x: "Wh-What? Seriously?" Snake: "The master's full of shit. He's taking advantage of the fact that they share the same name." x: "That's appalling." Wild Dog: "I'm amazed he's never been exposed before now." Snake: "With nowhere else to go, I've stayed here as his guard dog." Snake: "I've been getting a free ride for long enough." Snake: "It's time to pay my tab." Snake: "You boys do what you want. All I meant is that the master is a con artist not worth dying for." Snake: "Take care." Snake: "Don't try to show off, idiots. You'll die before you get the chance to pay off your tabs." x: "Sh-Sh-Shut up!" x: "Dine-and-dashing on a con artist would make us absolute scumbags. We'll work to earn our board." Snake: "Don't go telling anyone else what I just told you." Thorgil: "Their backs are to the sea. The king's forces have formed two lines here." Thorgil: "This circle is King Canute. They've beached their ships, and their backs are completely undefended." Thorgil: "They know we don't have proper forces." Thorgil: "The terrain provides good visibility. Surprise attacks won't work. Olmar, how would you attack?" Olmar: "What? U-Uh, at night?" Thorgil: "Wrong. Only first-class soldiers attack at night. Amateurs can't pull that off." Thorgil: "They're useless pieces of shit. They'll all be dead by the time you count to 100." Olmar: "Wh-What? Then why did we bother gathering them?" Thorgil: "You amateur." Thorgil: "Isn't it obvious?" Thorgil: "They'll draw the king's attention while you're counting to 100." Ketil: "Thorgil! Where are you, Thorgil?" Ketil: "This is an important moment." Snake: "Master, everyone's ready." Ketil: "All right. Fire on my command." Ketil: "Draw!" Snake: "Master, this is my final warning." Snake: "If we fight, we'll lose." Ketil: "Enough, Snake." Ketil: "The great Iron Fist Ketil is a match for that youngster in every way." Ketil: "Fire!" Thorfinn: "It's started." Thorfinn: "Stay safe, Mister Pater." Thorfinn: "Damn it!" Thorfinn: "It's all right. Let's keep going." Thorfinn: "Both forces are locked in combat." Einar: "Slowly. Try not to shake the wagon." Bug-Eyes: "Don't blame me for whatever happens. This is theft, isn't it? I'm a thief now..." Leif: "Don't worry about it. We left behind enough to pay for her." Bug-Eyes: "You get things done when you need to, huh?" Leif: "She's Thorfinn's friend. We can't abandon her. If she stays here, she'll be killed." Thorfinn: "We didn't get to say goodbye to the old master." Gardar: "Are the children asleep?" Arnheid: "Yes." Arnheid: "The rocking of the cart puts them to sleep so quickly." Gardar: "Are you afraid?" Gardar: "Don't worry. We'll be out of these dark woods soon." Gardar: "This place is a heap of pain and despair. A forest of beasts who thirst for blood." Gardar: "Not a place to foster life." Gardar: "We have a warm home waiting for us." Gardar: "It's been a long and difficult road." Gardar: "But that pain will end soon." Arnheid: "Yes." Arnheid: "You're right." Arnheid: "But..." Arnheid: "They're still here." Arnheid: "Lives still try to survive here." Arnheid: "Gardar?" Gardar: "Tell them—the ones who looked after you—farewell." Gardar: "I'll be waiting for you here with the children." Arnheid: "You're right." Arnheid: "I need to thank Einar and the others." Einar: "S-Stop! Stop the cart!" Einar: "It's me. Do you recognize me? How are you feeling?" Arnheid: "Einar..." ki: "Advance 50 paces! Be thorough. Show them your superiority." Ulf: "The Jomsvikings certainly are impressive. Not even a single thin line of 70 men crumbles." Canute: "We won't need the rearguard." Canute: "Use the second line of thegns to capture Ketil." Ulf: "Yes, Your Majesty." Ketil: "Don't retreat! Charge in there! Show some backbone!" Ketil: "Damn it. Where are my sons?" Olmar: "I c-can't swim with a sword on my back." Olmar: "I can't do it, Brother." Olmar: "I can't be like you." Thorgil: "I'm behind you, King Canute."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 19 – The Battle of Ketil's Farm", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "19", "The Battle of Ketil's Farm" ] }
Ketil: "Go on, say hello. I'll be assigning the two of you the same job. You're to work together." Einar: "Nice to meet you, Thorfinn." Thorfinn: "Hello." Ketil: "Good. Let me explain what you'll be doing." Ketil: "Einar, what does this place look like to you?" Einar: "What? Uh..." Einar: "A forest?" Ketil: "Wrong." Ketil: "This is a future wheat farm." Ketil: "I own these woods. I'm going to let the two of you borrow them." Einar: "Borrow?" Ketil: "Yes. I'll leave everything up to you. You'll clear this land, work it, and reap the harvest. I'll buy it from you for a fair price." Ketil: "Once that amount exceeds your price, you'll buy yourselves back." Einar: "Buy ourselves? In other words, we'll... we'll be free?" Ketil: "That's right. Earn your freedom yourselves, the right way." Ketil: "Depending on how hard you work, you may be able to accomplish that within three years." Ketil: "I'll wait to collect your lease payment until after your first harvest." Ketil: "What's the matter? Is there a problem?" Einar: "N-No. Thank you. I'll do my best." Ketil: "Good." Ketil: "If you have any problems or questions, ask Pater here. He knows this farm well." Pater: "Nice to meet you. I became a free man by the same means. I know it'll be tough working in an unfamiliar land, but do your best." Einar: "I w-will!" Ketil: "For today, observe Thorfinn's work." Ketil: "You must be exhausted from the long journey." Ketil: "Thorfinn, be good to Einar. Got it?" Thorfinn: "Yes, sir." Einar: "Hey, our master... Huh?" Einar: "Hey, wait up." Einar: "What kind of man is our master?" Einar: "Is this normal in Denmark?" Einar: "We had slaves back in my homeland, but they were slaves for life." Einar: "I'm from Northern England. What about you?" Thorfinn: "Iceland." Einar: "Iceland, huh?" Einar: "Iceland..." Einar: "Where's that?" Einar: "Wow, you've already cut down a ton of trees." Einar: "How much is left?" Thorfinn: "Everything on this side." Einar: "This side?" Thorfinn: "See that river over there?" Thorfinn: "Everything on this side of the river." Einar: "This side of the river?" Einar: "You mean..." Einar: "There's still a lot left to clear?" Einar: "Huh? What?" Einar: "Hup!" Einar: "Huh?" Einar: "What do you want?" Thorfinn: "He told you to observe." Einar: "I want to free myself as soon as possible. What's wrong with that?" Thorfinn: "In that case, could you work a little farther away?" Thorfinn: "And cut them so they fall perpendicular to the river." Einar: "I see. So we float them down the river, huh?" Einar: "Ow..." Einar: "Man, I'm hungry. Hey, how does lunch work around here?" Thorfinn: "We get lunch." Einar: "That's good. Do we go pick it up somewhere?" Thorfinn: "No, the retainers should be bringing it soon." Einar: "Really? This place leaves nothing to be desired." Mustache: "No way. Seriously?" Chubby: "Seriously." Einar: "Hey, lunch is here. Right, Thorfinn?" Chubby: "I'm telling you, seriously. You're the only one who hasn't." Mustache: "Man, I had no idea. I guess I'll go see her tonight." Chubby: "Yeah, you should. Go and get rejected." Mustache: "That's not gonna happen." Chubby: "Hey, that must be the newbie." Mustache: "Yeah, looks like it." Chubby: "Look at that stupid face. The face of a slave." Einar: "H-Hello, I..." Chubby: "Yeah, we know. We've heard." Einar: "Um..." Einar: "What is this?" Middle Part: "Your lunch." Chubby: "Let's all go tonight." Einar: "Um, what is this?" Middle Part: "I said it's your lunch." Einar: "What?" Einar: "Th-This is all?" Middle Part: "What? You got a problem with that, huh?" Einar: "Not a problem, exactly..." Einar: "This is for both of us?" Middle Part: "You heard him." Mustache: "Good grief." Middle Part: "Is this your first time being a slave?" Einar: "What? Well, yes." Middle Part: "Then remember this. You're lucky you're getting fed at all. Not only that, but us free men came all the way here to bring you lunch." Middle Part: "You should start by thanking us." Einar: "These jerks..." Middle Part: "Go on, say it. Say, "Thank you."" Middle Part: "Why are you looking at me like that, asshole?" Thorfinn: "We'll take it. Thank you." Middle Part: "Thorfinn, you'd better teach him some manners." Middle Part: "And don't injure the horse." Thorfinn: "Yes, sir." Einar: "Those assholes are napping." Einar: "They just came here to shirk their duties." Einar: "And you shouldn't be so obedient just because you're a slave." Thorfinn: "Einar, push from the back." Thorfinn: "I'll pull from the front." Thorfinn: "Once we get it to the river, we'll use it to build a raft." Einar: "Shouldn't we cut this tree a little shorter? That old horse won't be able to drag it by itself." Thorfinn: "The trees belong to our master." Thorfinn: "We can't cut them shorter without his permission." Einar: "Hey, isn't this their job? Normally you wouldn't let a slave use a horse." Einar: "And this miserable horse alone won't be enough." Thorfinn: "Don't worry about it. Let's go." Thorfinn: "Einar." Einar: "O-Okay!" Thorfinn: "Einar, lift the front." Einar: "Got it." Thorfinn: "Let's go." Einar: "I'm so hungry, I feel sick." Einar: "They won't get away with this." Einar: "They ate my lunch." Einar: "Retainers don't have their own farms, so they have to serve a master, right?" Thorfinn: "Yeah." Einar: "Then they're halfway to being slaves themselves. They're just making sure there's someone beneath them by bullying us." Einar: "Don't you agree, Thorfinn?" Thorfinn: "I don't know. It doesn't matter." Einar: "It does matter. We're our master's property. His retainers can't push us around. I'm going to tell our master about this." Thorfinn: "Don't. They'll just harass us more." Einar: "And you're okay with that?" Ketil: "Einar, Thorfinn..." Einar: "Master." Ketil: "Well, Einar? How was your first day?" Einar: "Actually, I have something to report." Thorfinn: "Don't." Einar: "Shut up." Einar: "I have something to report. Today, those retainers of yours..." Ketil: "What is it, Einar? What do you have to report?" Ketil: "What a strange fellow. If you've got nothing to say, then I'm leaving." Thorfinn: "Einar." Einar: "Huh?" Thorfinn: "Weren't you going to report them?" Einar: "Shut up." Woman: "Hup." Ketil: "It's hot today." Girl: "We've got water." Girl: "We just got it from the spring. It's cold." Ketil: "Bring me a cup." Boy: "High-speed turn!" Girl: "Here you go." Pater: "Thank you." Boy: "We went to the deep spring." Ketil: "I feel rejuvenated. Thank you." Boy: "You're welcome." Ketil: "Come on, everyone." Ketil: "We're almost done. Let's finish this patch by noon." All: "Yes, sir." Einar: "The master's pitching in, too, huh? I thought rich people didn't work." Einar: "Danish or English, we all look the same when we're working." Ketil: "Hey, not like that. Don't make me say it again, Olmar." Olmar: "What? I'm just doing what you told me to do." Ketil: "Use a hand sickle. And cut it to below the knee. I showed you how to do this." Olmar: "Who cares as long as it gets cut?" Ketil: "What? You fool. After the harvest comes the grazing. We leave long stumps so the livestock can eat them. You're 17, and you still haven't learned the order of things. That's why you don't understand the purpose of each individual task." Olmar: "Shut up. I know. I've got the order down pat." Ketil: "Get this into that thick skull. If you're going to lead others, then—" Olmar: "Yeah, yeah. Below the knee, right?" Olmar: "I got it." Ketil: "Whoa! You fool! Don't swing your scythe like that. You'll crush the ears of the wheat." Einar: "What's going on over there? He's getting an earful." Thorfinn: "That's the master's son, Olmar." Einar: "Father and son, huh?" Olmar: "Ah, I can't take this!" Olmar: "I thought I'd help out for once, and you won't stop complaining about stupid shit. I'm out. I thought I'd help, but forget it." Ketil: "Hey, where are you going, Olmar?" Olmar: "Somewhere you ain't, shithead." Ketil: "You'll be taking over this farm before long. You need to accept that." Olmar: "When did I say I wanted to take over this place? A grown man shouldn't be doing this dull, boring, tedious farm work! I'm gonna use this to..." Olmar: "Huh?" Girl: "What's he doing?" Olmar: "What?" Einar: "I'm not sure." Olmar: "I'm gonna make a name for myself with a sword, damn it!" Olmar: "I'm going to England soon. I'll make sure of it." Olmar: "I'm not spending my whole life here in the middle of nowhere." Olmar: "I'm gonna join Prince Canute's army and achieve greatness." Daughter: "Um... Sir, when is soon?" Olmar: "Soon means soon." Olmar: "King Harald should be calling for reinforcements soon." Daughter: "I think you should take over the farm." Olmar: "What? You, too? What do you know?" Daughter: "That's not what I meant. I'm just worried about you." Olmar: "Huh? Oh..." Daughter: "Hey..." Daughter: "Come here. Let's go again." her: "Good, daughter of mine. That's it." Mother: "How are things going?" Mother: "I brought food for the young master. What?" her: "N-Not now. They're getting round two started." Mother: "Oh, my!" Mother: "Oh, my." her: "With this, our family's future will be secure." Mother: "Exactly. As long as the young master keeps coming here..." her: "Wh-Wh-Wh-What's the matter, sir?" Mother: "Did our daughter commit some kind of blunder?" Olmar: "Shut up, idiots! I know what you're up to, you penniless tenant farmers. You're after my dad's fortune." Olmar: "You think you'll get to live a life of luxury if you join Ketil's family?" her: "W-We'd never dream of that." Olmar: "Women are rotten, every last one of them!" her: "Sir, that wasn't our intention! Sir, wait!" Olmar: "Damn it. What's wrong with everyone? I'm my own person, not my father's tagalong. Damn it! I feel like shit!" x: "Hey, it's the young master." Badger: "Huh? The young master?" x: "Hello, sir!" Badger: "Hey!" x: "What are you doing? It's dangerous to race around at night." Badger: "So dangerous." Olmar: "What are you guys doing?" x: "We're coming over to you. Come on. Walk straight." x: "We went to see a woman, but the retainers beat us to her." Olmar: "Hey, the wheat..." x: "But if we start a fight with them, we'll get in trouble with our boss again. Screw that, right?" Badger: "Screw that." x: "You're lucky. You can do whatever you want on this farm." Olmar: "Shut up. You guys don't know how I feel." x: "What? Are you mad? You got something on your mind?" Badger: "Don't be mad." Olmar: "I don't have time for you idiots." Olmar: "Go back to your fort and go to sleep." x: "Now, now, now, now, now, now... Don't be so irritable. You're young." Olmar: "H-Hey, don't try to lead my horse." x: "Don't worry about it. Let's drink another round, okay?" x: "Let's stay up all night chatting, young master. Tell us all about your youthful troubles." Olmar: "You're hoping I'll entertain you while you drink, aren't you? Screw this. I'm going home. Let go." Einar: "He should just take over the farm." Einar: "He doesn't know war." Einar: "He probably thinks warriors are cool." Einar: "Everyone who goes to war is a beast." Thorfinn: "Go to sleep. We have an early morning." Einar: "Soldiers came to my village twice." Einar: "First came the King of England's soldiers. They burned down every single house." Einar: "My dad fought against them, but he was killed." Einar: "All I could do was watch." Einar: "After them came the Danes. They claimed they were saving us from the tyranny of the King of England," Einar: "but they pillaged everything they could." Einar: "They're beasts wearing human skin." Einar: "Hey, Thorfinn. Are you asleep?"
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 2 – Ketil's Farm", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "2", "Ketil's Farm" ] }
x: "In my life, I've killed 13 people." x: "Compared to the average idiot, I think I'm pretty strong." x: "Killing is fun." x: "The look on the face of that posturing jarl's brat..." x: "That's how I know." x: "This row of enemies in front of me..." x: "I'm scared! I'm scared, I'm scared... But damn it... they're enjoying this." Badger: "Fuck!" x: "Gudmund!" x: "M-My legs..." x: "Ah, they're going to kill Badger." x: "I don't believe it. How's he able to get so close to the Jomsvikings?" x: "Boss?" Snake: "Fox, take Badger and fall back to the fort!" Snake: "All forces, retreat!" Badger: "Re—?! You can't be serious! I can still fight!" Snake: "Enough, Badger! Look around you!" Snake: "Damn it. Did all these men have to die for him to know how much stronger the enemy is?" x: "Retreat!" Retainers: "What? Retreat? All right!" Retainer A: "Don't bunch up! Spread out and flee!" Retainer B: "Wait for me! My legs..." Ketil: "Retreat? I didn't order a retreat! Where's your honor? And you call yourself Norse men!" Retainers: "W-Wait up!" Ketil: "I told you not to run." Ketil: "You think I'll forgive your debt after this?" Retainer C: "Debt? Either way, you're finished, Mister Ketil." Retainer C: "Do you understand what it's like to be poor like us now?" Retainer C: "No matter how unfair it may be, you shouldn't defy the king." Retainer C: "It's the same reason we've always listened to you!" Retainer C: "Might makes right, Mister Ketil." Retainer C: "The world exists for people stronger than you." Retainer C: "They're here!" Canute: "What is it, Wulf?" Wulf: "Ah, Your Majesty." Wulf: "Someone who may have been Ketil was just defeated by one of my men." Canute: "How inept. My orders were to capture him." Wulf: "Yes, Your Majesty. I apologize. I'll go confirm what happened." Canute: "The Jomsvikings are attacking the backs of the fleeing soldiers. That goes against my orders as well." Canute: "Tell Floki not to pursue them." Wulf: "Yes, Your Majesty." Thorgil: "I'm not sure why, but his guard captain left his side." Thorgil: "This is my chance." Canute: "Treat the bodies with care. We'll return them to their families—" Thorgil: "King Canute, your head is mine!" Guard: "Th-Thorgil! Where'd you come from?" Thorgil: "From Helheim." Thorgil: "I'm surprised. I didn't think you could block my swing. Your skills have improved, Your Majesty." Canute: "My right hand feels weak." Canute: "Did that single blow sprain it?" Thorgil: "Good." Thorgil: "You're a commander worth killing." Thorgil: "I wish we had time to play, but I'm in a hurry." Thorgil: "Your head is mine." Wulf: "Bastard! How dare you kick the king!" Wulf: "Die!" Wulf: "Your Majesty, give your sword to me. Please stand back." Thorgil: "Damn it." Guard: "King's guard, fall back! Defend the king!" Thorgil: "Damn it!" Wulf: "Stop, Thorgil!" Canute: "Don't pursue him too far, Wulf. You're seriously injured as well." Canute: "I let my guard down, but more than that, he's a bold man." Canute: "I wish he'd serve me again." Guard A: "King's guard, fall back!" Guard A: "His Majesty is under attack! All forces, fall back!" Guards: "Run! Hurry!" Guards: "Your Majesty!" Snake: "Wh-What's going on?" Snake: "Who would do something like that? Was it Thorgil?" Snake: "That was close." Snake: "Master, are you alive?" Snake: "Okay." Snake: "Looks like those soldiers didn't recognize you. You're a lucky man." Snake: "Damn heavy, too." Snake: "Don't think you can get off easy by dying." Snake: "You have responsibilities as the losing force's leader, Iron Fist Ketil." Arnheid: "I hear it..." Arnheid: "The sound I heard when my village burned." Arnheid: "The sound of the world falling apart." Arnheid: "They're fighting, aren't they?" Einar: "It's all right. Don't worry." Einar: "We aren't slaves anymore." Einar: "We're leaving this farm." Einar: "That battle has nothing to do with us." Arnheid: "Where will we go once we leave this place?" Leif: "We can go to my village." Leif: "It's a bit cold, but it's a nice place." Arnheid: "Do you have slaves there?" Arnheid: "Do you have wars?" Leif: "Yes. Battles were fought there once." Leif: "I'd be lying if I said it would never happen again." Arnheid: "I'm not going." Arnheid: "I'm going somewhere else." Arnheid: "Gardar and the children..." Arnheid: "are waiting for me." Arnheid: "I just wanted to express my gratitude." Arnheid: "Thank you, Einar and Thorfinn." Arnheid: "Thank you." Arnheid: "I felt like I was wandering through a terrible nightmare all alone." Arnheid: "But..." Arnheid: "Our morning chats..." Arnheid: "I enjoyed your stories, Einar..." Einar: "No, Arnheid!" Einar: "Hang in there, Arnheid!" Einar: "Arnheid!" Einar: "Didn't you say you'd protect the child inside you?" Einar: "Arnheid!" Arnheid: "The child has already gone to the other side." Arnheid: "They're all dead." Arnheid: "All of my loved ones." Arnheid: "What point is there in going on living?" Arnheid: "There's nothing left for me here." Arnheid: "Why do I have to live?" Einar: "I... Because... Because I..." Einar: "Arnheid? Arnheid?" Einar: "Arnheid!" Thorfinn: "Move, Einar!" Thorfinn: "My father taught me this technique to bring someone back from the dead." Thorfinn: "Einar, speak to her as loudly as you can." Einar: "Arnheid, don't go!" Einar: "I... I love you! I need you!" Einar: "I want you to laugh at my stories again! Please live!" Einar: "Live with me again!" Einar: "Please live!" Thorfinn: "Einar, that's enough." Thorfinn: "Far to the west..." Thorfinn: "and across the sea, there's a place called Vinland. Warm and bountiful, it is a distant land," Thorfinn: "beyond the reach of slave-traders and the flames of war." Thorfinn: "You would be able to live without suffering there." Thorfinn: "Arnheid..." Thorfinn: "Let's go there together." Thorfinn: "Let's build a peaceful nation in Vinland." Snake: "It's you guys. What are you still doing here?" Thorfinn: "Don't, Einar!" Einar: "Ketil!" Einar: "You! You killed Arnheid!" Einar: "I'll kill you. I'll fucking kill you!" Thorfinn: "Don't, Einar! Killing the master won't help anything!" Snake: "I see. Arnheid is dead." Thorfinn: "Open your eyes, Einar!" Thorfinn: "Please!" Thorfinn: "Einar!" Thorfinn: "Einar, killing the master won't quell your rage." Thorfinn: "Anger begets more anger." Thorfinn: "It just results in deaths, one after another." Thorfinn: "I was stuck in that hell for a long time." Thorfinn: "Please, Einar." Thorfinn: "Don't fall under the same curse that afflicted me." Bug-Eyes: "Dad..." Leif: "I know. Get the ship ready to depart." Canute: "God... must be watching us, even as we stand here now." Canute: "People losing friends, and parents and children killing each other..." Canute: "He must be looking down on everything from up high in heaven." Leif: "Thorfinn..." Leif: "Wait. Where are you going?" Leif: "Wait! What do you intend to do?" Thorfinn: "I'm going to see Canute." Leif: "What?" Thorfinn: "The master is still alive. He hasn't been captured." Thorfinn: "The battle isn't over." Thorfinn: "I may be able to prevent more deaths." Leif: "That's ridiculous. We need to leave this place immediately." Leif: "Why do you have to do this?" Leif: "Thorfinn!" Leif: "This time... This time, please let me take you back to Iceland." Leif: "Please." Thorfinn: "Long ago, you once told me..." Thorfinn: "that our ancestors fled from war and ended up in Iceland. At the time, I thought it was lame," Thorfinn: "but now, I'm really proud of them." Leif: "Thorfinn..." Thorfinn: "I'd estimate Canute only brought around 100 men. No matter how badly it turns out," Thorfinn: "I should be able to make it back alive." Leif: "We'll have the ship ready to depart at any time." Leif: "Don't push yourself too hard!" Leif: "We're going back to Iceland, no matter what, Thorfinn!"
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 20 – Pain", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "20", "Pain" ] }
Ulf: "Is that the last one?" Thegn A: "Yes." Ulf: "I doubt Ketil's forces have any will to fight left. I'll send a messenger recommending they surrender." ki: "Your Majesty." ki: "Would it be all right if we requisitioned some homes on the farm?" ki: "My men are tired of camping out in tents." Canute: "No." Canute: "All forces are forbidden from entering the farm." Canute: "If the soldiers enter the village, they'll begin pillaging." ki: "Pillaging is the victor's right." Vanute: "The goal of this battle is to requisition the entire farm, not pillage it." Canute: "I shall provide the Jomsvikings with an adequate reward." ki: "As you command." Sweyn: "You're showing them mercy now, Canute?" Sweyn: "You are right. This is what a king does. To achieve his grand purpose, he spares those who should live, and slays those he must kill." Sweyn: "The masses could never bear such a heavy responsibility." Sweyn: "This world is still far from being a paradise. It's hell. And hell has its own laws." Sweyn: "Canute, you killed your father and your brother. Keep killing until your corpse-lined road reaches paradise." Arnheid: "Thank you, Einar and Thorfinn." Arnheid: "Thank you." Woman A: "Hold him still." Man B: "It's no use. He's already dead." Woman B: "I need hot water over here." Retainer A: "Kill me!" Odoni: "Young master..." Odoni: "Young master..." Odoni: "My father's hands are gone." her: "Y-Y-Young master, please look after my daughter and family." Brodd: "You can't even cut a pig." Odoni: "Young master?" Odoni: "Young master!" Odoni: "Are you all right?" Odoni: "Are you injured as well?" Odoni: "Is it your stomach? Does your stomach hurt?" Odoni: "You should lie down." Snake: "They have advised us to surrender a second time." Snake: "The entire clan surrendering is their condition for a truce." Snake: "You'll still be subjected to outlawry." Snake: "You need to decide if we'll continue fighting or surrender." Mistress: "Y-You can't be serious!" Mistress: "I refuse to be banished from the country. What do they expect us to do? Leave this land and become beggars? Snake, this happened because you're a spineless coward." Mistress: "You freeloader!" x: "Boss! You hag!" Snake: "Don't, Fox." Thorgil: "If we say we'll keep fighting, what will you do, Snake?" Snake: "Fight along with you." Thorgil: "That's what I wanted to hear." Thorgil: "Don't worry, Mom. I'll handle this. Twenty men is enough to take the king's head." Thorgil: "Defeating a larger force with only a handful of men is a glorious way for a man to go out." Sverkel: "Calm down, Thorgil. That's not your decision to make." Thorgil: "What? No, it's gotta be me." Thorgil: "Dad's out of it." Thorgil: "Are you saying you want to decide, Grandpa?" Sverkel: "It's not my decision, either." Sverkel: "There's someone Ketil named as his successor." Olmar: "We'll surrender." Mistress: "What? How could you say that? Doesn't that embarrass you as a Norse man?" Olmar: "It's embarrassing." Olmar: "It's embarrassing, but..." Olmar: "I'm scared." Olmar: "I'm scared of people dying. I'm scared I might die." Olmar: "They can banish me or do whatever else they want with me." Olmar: "I just want this to be over." Thorgil: "You can't be serious, Olmar. You wanted so badly to fight. You're the one who started this war." Olmar: "That's right. It's my fault." Olmar: "They mocked me for screwing up." Olmar: "I got mad and tried to show off." Olmar: "I'm sorry to Mom and everyone else." Olmar: "But because I started this, I want to end this." Thorgil: "Sorry, I misspoke." Thorgil: "The king wanted this farm from the start." Olmar: "But I gave them an excuse to start a war." Thorgil: "People will always find a reason to fight. If it wasn't you, it would've been me or Dad." Thorgil: "You defended your honor then." Thorgil: "Right, Olmar? You did good. Your honor is more important than your life." Thorgil: "Show us the courage of a Norse warrior one more time." Olmar: "No!" Olmar: "That's not courage!" Olmar: "I screwed up in the presence of the king." Olmar: "I'm an incompetent man who deserves to be mocked." Olmar: "But..." Olmar: "But..." Olmar: "I didn't have the courage to silently accept their mockery." Olmar: "I can't be like you, Brother." Olmar: "I don't care about the honor of Norse warriors." Olmar: "I'm going to surrender." Olmar: "Mock me if you want." Sverkel: "The acting head of the family has made his decision." Sverkel: "Olmar, go tell King Canute your decision." Snake: "I'll go with you." Snake: "I won't mock you, young master." Thorgil: "I don't have time for this crap." Thorgil: "Move. You're in the way." Snake: "Wait. Where are you going, Thorgil?" Thorgil: "Shut up." Thorgil: "Later, cowards." Sverkel: "It's true that many have been supported by your strength." Sverkel: "But I know you've seen it, too." Sverkel: "How those possessed by wealth and power end up." Sverkel: "But you haven't lost all of this for nothing." Sverkel: "In exchange for your farm, your son has become a man." Einar: "Why?" Einar: "Why did you let him go?" Einar: "Haven't you been looking for Thorfinn all this time? Didn't you come here to take Thorfinn back home?" Leif: "You're right. That oath has kept me going all this time." Leif: "No matter how many times I lost him, I kept looking for him." Leif: "I won't break my oath to my friend." Leif: "But Thorfinn is being moved by something bigger than that now." Leif: "Thorfinn said he'd come back." Leif: "I trust what I saw in those eyes." Einar: "Thorfinn..." Drott: "So, what? You're not part of Ketil's clan, shorty?" Thorfinn: "My name is Thorfinn, son of Thors." Thorfinn: "I'm a retainer on this farm." Thorfinn: "I've come representing Ketil, the owner of the farm." Thorfinn: "Please inform His Majesty that I'm here to see him." Drott: "A retainer? You're a slave, aren't you?" Drott: "You can always tell when someone's a slave." Drott: "They stink like livestock." Drott: "You're not good enough. We'll just keep fighting until someone from Ketil's clan shows up." Thorfinn: "I've met His Majesty before." Thorfinn: "He should know who I am if you tell him my name. Please let him know Thorfinn, son of Thors, is here." Drott: "You and King Canute know each other?" Thorfinn: "About four years ago, I served as his guard for a short while." Drott: "Did that wake you up, shorty?" Drott: "I've never seen a guard as stinky and small as you." Thorfinn: "If I offended you, then I apologize. But it's true." Thorfinn: "Please tell His Majesty my name." Thorfinn: "Please." Thegn B: "What's the matter, Drott? He's still talking nonsense." Thegn C: "Apparently your punch was too weak." Drott: "You don't wake easily. You must want me to get you up gently like your mommy did, huh?" Thegns: "Get him! You've got this, shorty! Come on!" Canute: "Did you determine what the commotion is about?" Ulf: "Yes, Your Majesty. Ketil sent a messenger. Since Ketil himself hasn't come to surrender, my men are attempting to send him away, but he seems to be rather stubborn." Canute: "Did you get his name and status?" Ulf: "Yes, Your Majesty." Ulf: "He identified himself as a retainer on the farm named Thorfinn, son of Thors." Canute: "Is he a young and small man?" Ulf: "Yes, indeed." Ulf: "Do you know him?" Thegns: "Get him!" Ulf: "What would you like to do, Your Majesty? Will you see him?" Canute: "No, that won't be necessary." ki: "Son of Thors..." ki: "Yeah, right." Thegns: "Kill him! Hit him back, shorty! The eyes! Go for the eyes!" Thorfinn: "Wait. I don't want to fight." Thegn D: "Oh? He's got some moves." Thegn F: "What's the matter, Drott? You haven't hit him yet." Thorfinn: "Damn. I underestimated them. In any case, I need to change the situation." Thegn I: "Hit him already, Drott. We can't settle our wagers like this." Thegn J: "All right!" Thegn K: "That's the first one!" Thegns: "Get him!" Thegns: "Kill him!" Einar: "Damn it." Einar: "Thorfinn!" Einar: "Are you all right?" Thorfinn: "Einar, what are you doing here?" Einar: "You idiot. I came here to stop you, obviously." Thorfinn: "Sorry." Einar: "Just get up. We're getting out of here. There's no point in talking to these guys." Thegn A: "Come on, pay up." Thegn: "Thank you." Einar: "Thorfinn?" Thorfinn: "What are you betting on?" Thegn L: "We're betting on how many punches it'll take for you to run away crying." Thegn M: "Including unconsciousness or death." Thegn L: "The most popular bet is fewer than ten. A few have bet on more than 20." Thegn N: "Come on, you've got this." Thegn O: "One more hit, and you can go to sleep." Einar: "They're unbelievable." Thorfinn: "I'd like in on that bet, too." Thorfinn: "I'll bet on myself." Thorfinn: "I don't need money if I win. Instead..." Thorfinn: "I'd just like to talk to His Majesty." Thegn L: "Did you guys hear that? Shorty just proposed something real interesting." Thegn L: "All right, fine. I like your guts. But we're not letting you get away with betting on fewer than ten." Thegn L: "What has no one bet on yet?" Thegn I: "Well, at least one person's bet on everything up to the nineties." Thegn L: "100, then. If you can withstand 100 blows, you win." Thegn L: "If you lose, we'll take your life." Thorfinn: "Fine." Einar: "What? You..." Einar: "Thorfinn!" Einar: "Do you have to risk that much for Ketil?" Einar: "This is war. There's nothing one man can do about it. Leave this fight to the ones who want it." Thorfinn: "I'm glad I ended up on this farm." Thorfinn: "I only knew war, but the master, Pater, and the old master..." Thorfinn: "They didn't forsake me. They were kind to me." Thorfinn: "I got to meet you, too." Thorfinn: "You understand that, don't you?" Thorfinn: "Are you okay with not returning the kindness we received?" Einar: "Thorfinn..." Thorfinn: "It's all right, Einar." Thorfinn: "There's a trick to getting hit." Thorfinn: "And I'm used to getting hit." Thegns: "Seriously? That's it, shorty! Get that big idiot!" Thegns: "He thinks you're a wimp, Drott!" Thegns: "Is your size just for show?" Thegns: "Beat him already!" Drott: "The great Drott the Bear Killer has never been mocked like this before." Drott: "I'll kill you."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 21 – Courage", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "21", "Courage" ] }
Thegns: "Sixteen!" Eptitle: "THE KING OF REBELLION" Thegns: "Seventeen!" Thegns: "Eighteen!" Thegns: "Nineteen!" Thegns: "Twenty! Crap, I lost!" Thegns: "Wow, but he's so small!" Thegns: "He's still holding on!" Thegns: "Way to go, shorty!" Thegn A (Alphabet): "I lost a ton of money because of you, Drott!" Thegn A (Kana): "What the hell are you doing? Break this shrimp's skull already!" Drott: "Something's not right." Drott: "I feel hardly any resistance when I hit him." Drott: "Damn it." Ulf: "I see. That messenger certainly is used to taking a beating. He's twisting his neck and hips just before Drott's fists hit him, thereby dispersing the impact away from the core of his body. His movements are subtle, too," Ulf: "so no one's noticed that he's avoiding direct hits." Ulf: "But Drott is a strong man." Ulf: "At this rate, he can't last long." Thegns: "Twenty-three!" Thegns: "Twenty-four!" Einar: "Thorfinn..." Thorfinn: "But violence should be a last resort." Thorfinn: "I want to learn to find that first method." Einar: "Is this the "first method" you were talking about?" Einar: "Not hitting him back. Simply enduring." Einar: "Is that how you're going to live from now on?" Snake: "What's going on? Is there a fight?" Snake: "Hey, you." Snake: "Thorfinn?" Snake: "Hey, stop!" Thegns: "What's this about?" Snake: "He's got nothing to do with the farm!" Thorfinn: "Crap." Drott: "All right! That was a solid hit!" Thegns: "Thirty-two!" Thegn: "That made a crazy sound." Thegn: "Is he dead?" Einar: "Thorfinn!" Snake: "What are you two doing? I thought you left the farm already." Snake: "How did this happen?" Einar: "If he can endure 100 of his punches, he'll be allowed to speak directly to the king." Einar: "That's the promise they made." Snake: "That's ridiculous." Snake: "He's doing this for the farm?" Snake: "Enough of this. No more." Snake: "The farm will surrender. The decision's been made." Snake: "You idiot. You're unbelievably softhearted." Snake: "If talking could've resolved this, we'd have done that already." Thorfinn: "Are you sure about that? Did you really put in the effort" Thorfinn: "to resolve this through conversation? Once they drew their swords," Thorfinn: "you merely answered with your own blades without thinking." Thegn B: "That's 32 hits. We're handing out winnings." Thegn C: "Hey, wait a second." Thorfinn: "Why are you just standing there, middle-part?" Thorfinn: "Your fists hurt less than being bitten by a bug!" Thorfinn: "Sixty-eight more. Get it over with." Thorfinn: "I'm a busy man." Thorfinn: "People are waiting for me!" Snake: "Don't! This battle is already—" Snake: "Einar, if he keeps this up, he'll die." Drott: "Ninety-eight..." Drott: "Ninety-nine..." Drott: "One hundred." Drott: "Thorfinn, son of Thors." Drott: "I'm sorry I doubted you." Drott: "You..." Drott: "You are a true warrior." Drott: "Chief Thegn..." Drott: "This man once guarded His Majesty as we do." Drott: "Please permit Thorfinn an audience with the king." Ulf: "You're small, but you're well-trained, Thorfinn." Ulf: "Why didn't you strike back?" Ulf: "Beating Drott would have proven that you are a former guard." Thorfinn: "What kind of question is that?" Thorfinn: "I can't hit someone when I'm trying to negotiate for peace." Thorfinn: "I just met all of you today." Thorfinn: "We don't know anything about each other." Thorfinn: "We have no reason to hate each other." Thorfinn: "So why do we have to hit each other? It's stupid." Thorfinn: "It's just Canute and Ketil who are feuding with each other." Thorfinn: "The two leaders could settle this over a game of hnefatafl." Thorfinn: "There's no need to gather all these men and shed all this blood." Thorfinn: "We just met today." Thorfinn: "You are not my enemies." Thorfinn: "I don't have any enemies." Ulf: "You're a bold man to reject war while surrounded by this many professional soldiers." Ulf: "But..." Ulf: "Ketil and His Majesty should play hnefatafl, huh?" Thorfinn: "What's so funny?" Ulf: "Sorry. You should try suggesting that to His Majesty yourself." Ulf: "He doesn't go to war because he wants to." Ulf: "Once you see him and hear what he has to say, you'll realize what's in his heart." Ulf: "Clear the way. I'm permitting this messenger an audience with His Majesty." Thorfinn: "Come on, Einar." Thorfinn: "We're going to see the man who starts wars." Thorfinn: "Don't you have things you want to say to him, too?" Einar: "Y-Yeah." Einar: "You bet I do. A whole mountain of them." Einar: "Are all of them casualties of this battle?" Thorfinn: "Don't look, Einar." Einar: "Pater..." Thorfinn: "Don't look." Thorfinn: "If you find Pater among the dead, you won't be able to remain calm." Canute: "Very well. I'll see him." Canute: "I'll respect the feelings of yourself and the men." Ulf: "Thank you." Ulf: "Messenger, approach." Canute: "So you're still alive." Canute: "It's been a while, Thorfinn." Canute: "You must hate me for making you a slave..." Canute: "No... for what happened to Askeladd." Thorfinn: "I'm still alive after drawing a blade against Danish royalty." Thorfinn: "I appreciate the consideration you showed me." Thorfinn: "I'm sorry about the scar on your face." Ulf: "He's the man who scarred His Majesty's face?" Ulf: "Thorfinn Karlsefni..." Ulf: "The man said to have been an even match for Thorkell in combat." Ulf: "I had no idea he was so small and young." Einar: "You drew a blade against the king?" Canute: "It's impossible to tell who you are with that face," Canute: "but you seem to be the Thorfinn I know." Canute: "You've come to say some commendable things." Canute: "Four years, huh?" Canute: "It's already been four years since then." Canute: "That's enough time for a person to change." Thorfinn: "Canute, I'd like you to leave the farm." Canute: "I can't do that." Canute: "Ketil's clan started this dispute." Canute: "Ketil's son Olmar killed ten of my men because I wouldn't make him one of my thegns." Thorfinn: "I've heard about that." Thorfinn: "But you've made your point." Thorfinn: "More than 100 of the farm's men have died." Thorfinn: "This region may not be able to recover now that so many of its workers are dead." Canute: "I advised them to surrender." Canute: "It's Ketil's fault for miscalculating the difference in the strength of our forces." Canute: "This battle cannot end until Ketil's clan has been dealt with." Einar: "In other words, it won't end until you've captured this farm." Einar: "Make all the excuses you want. You can't hide it." Einar: "You call yourself a king, but you're actually just a thief." Einar: "How are you any different from the average Viking chief?" Einar: "If you want a farm that badly, then start one yourself." Einar: "Till the land, watch over it, and raise your own crops. Then you'll understand firsthand" Einar: "what a terrible thing it is to take that from someone else." Thorfinn: "Canute." Thorfinn: "You once told me at Gainsborough..." Thorfinn: "that you'd build a paradise in this place." Thorfinn: "A utopia for those who suffer." Thorfinn: "Do you still believe that?" Canute: "A chief, huh?" Canute: "Indeed. I am the chief of Viking chiefs." Canute: "I am the sovereign king..." Canute: "The most powerful Viking on the North Sea." Canute: "The ruler of the largest territory in Northern Europe." Canute: "The commander who leads a thousand ships and ten thousand men." Canute: "My power exceeds human understanding and makes the impossible possible." Canute: "Behold." Canute: "With my power, I shall stop those waves." Canute: "In the name of King Canute, waves, I command you to stop." Canute: "Did you bear witness to my strength?" Canute: "I am powerless to stop even the approaching waves." Canute: "Do you know who drives those waves?" Canute: "God does." Canute: "Building a paradise on Earth means defying His logic." Canute: "It's an act of rebellion against God." Canute: "Humankind cannot find happiness under God's rule." Thorfinn: "Rebellion..." Canute: "Look at us, Thorfinn." Canute: "Look at us Vikings." Canute: "We're responsible for this chaos and destruction." Canute: "We're fearsome raiders." Canute: "Do you think we deserve to live in paradise?" Canute: "But that is what humans are." Canute: "Committing sins as we wander lost is precisely what humans do." Canute: "Unless I save these people abandoned by God, I'll never be able to build a paradise." Einar: "Save the Vikings?" Canute: "Yes. I am the only one capable of conquering them, ruling them, unifying their strength, and directing them towards paradise." Canute: "I need strength." Canute: "I will unify the strength of all humankind to fight God." Thorfinn: "Canute is an incredible man." Thorfinn: "It never even occurred to me to save the Vikings." Einar: "I'm gonna knock this guy on his ass." Einar: "You're free to pursue whatever huge goals you want." Einar: "But who's gonna save all the people you kill today for your goals? Will you let the Vikings live because they can help you, while killing and stealing from people who aren't useful to you?" Einar: "Building a paradise, my ass!" Einar: "King Ethelred burned down my village, and King Sweyn killed my family." Einar: "I don't care what their ideals were." Einar: "I've had enough." Einar: "I refuse to suffer any more because of you." Canute: "Hate me if you must." Canute: "I won't seek your forgiveness." Einar: "What did you say?" Thorfinn: "Don't, Einar." Thorfinn: "Canute, I'll ask you again." Thorfinn: "You really have no intention of leaving this farm?" Canute: "No. I need Ketil's wealth for my undertaking." Canute: "What will you do, Thorfinn?" Canute: "Will you kill me here?" Canute: "For you cannot stop me unless you kill me."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 22 – The King of Rebellion", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "22", "The King of Rebellion" ] }
Canute: "Can you stop me..." Canute: "as Askeladd did back then?" Guard A: "Please leave, Thorfinn." Guard A: "You're a strange man, but it'd be a shame to kill you." Einar: "This is how the world works." Einar: "In the end, might makes right." Einar: "Damn Vikings." Sweyn: "My foolish son." Sweyn: "You're still not yet a king." Sweyn: "Why did you reveal your true feelings to such lowly men?" Sweyn: "Surely you don't expect that you will understand each other." Sweyn: "They're a poor flock of sheep." Sweyn: "You are an aloof shepherd." Sweyn: "You raise them, cull them, and skin them." Sweyn: "How could the sheep understand the work of a shepherd?" Sweyn: "There is only control." Sweyn: "It is what's best for the sheep." Thorfinn: "Canute." Thorfinn: "If you intended to use your authority to force your way..." Sweyn: "Kill him." Sweyn: "He's dangerous." Sweyn: "A single sheep can lead the entire flock astray and towards a cliff." Thorfinn: "I will..." Sweyn: "Kill him." Sverkel: "Do your job as king." Thorfinn: "I will..." Thorfinn: "run." Canute: "You'll simply... run?" Canute: "That's all?" Thorfinn: "What else can I do?" Thorfinn: "Do you want us to kill each other here?" Thorfinn: "The paradise you describe helps many people while oppressing few." Thorfinn: "That's how it works, right? I don't know if that's a good or bad thing," Thorfinn: "and I don't have the right to criticize your crazy ideas." Thorfinn: "So the only option left is to run." Thorfinn: "Einar, let's go." Canute: "You're an exceptional warrior." Einar: "What?" Canute: "There are other ways." Canute: "Did you..." Canute: "Did you let that happen to your face merely so you could admonish me?" Thorfinn: "I wasted my time." Thorfinn: "Goodbye, Your Majesty." Canute: "There are..." Canute: "There are many who wish to bargain with me." Canute: "Some try to ensnare me, too." Canute: "But..." Canute: "But you're unbelievable!" Canute: "You absolute fool!" Canute: "You don't have anything up your sleeve? Completely unarmed and thoroughly beaten, you simply came to tell me not to seize this farm?" Thorfinn: "Is it really that funny?" Canute: "It is. I've never participated in such ridiculous peace talks before." Canute: "You'll run, huh?" Thorfinn: "Yeah." Canute: "So the Vikings are capable of producing someone like you." Canute: "You're a beautiful man." Canute: "Where will you go to escape war?" Thorfinn: "Somewhere other than here." Thorfinn: "I can't tell you where." Canute: "My territory continues to grow." Canute: "My power may eventually reach that place." Thorfinn: "I'll run as far as I can." Thorfinn: "As long as I've got someplace to run, I won't fight." Thorfinn: "I'll create a peaceful place beyond the king's reach using methods different from yours." Thorfinn: "For the people who can't live in the world you create." Thorfinn: "For you and for me." Canute: "So you'll fill the hole my work cannot." Canute: "Are you capable of that?" Thorfinn: "My power is so much smaller than yours." Thorfinn: "I can't fill a very large hole." Thorfinn: "If you keep oppressing people, eventually no one will be able to save you." Thorfinn: "You need to try harder. Don't make more work for me." Canute: "You've become rather eloquent." Canute: "Who did you take after?" Canute: "Interesting. I've never participated in such challenging peace talks before." Thorgil: "What... is this?" Thorgil: "The ships are gone." Thorgil: "Where did you go, King Canute? You can't be serious!" Thorgil: "Our battle hasn't been settled yet!" Wulf: "Floki was dissatisfied." Wulf: "He said he doesn't understand why we're withdrawing from the farm." Canute: "Are you dissatisfied as well, Wulf?" Wulf: "No." Canute: "I'm canceling our plans to seize other farms as well." Canute: "I wouldn't want to create more work for Thorfinn." Canute: "Until now, I thought you were the only one fighting with me." Canute: "But today, I gained new allies." : "Later, Canute ordered the disbandment of the Danish army stationed in England that had been pressuring English finances." : "In the end, Canute's Danish forces dwindled to a mere 16 ships." : "However, the English uprising people feared would occur never happened. The English nobility realized the trust Canute had placed in them when he relinquished his military forces," : "and the relationship between conqueror and conquered began to change." Canute: "I feel good." Emma: "As long as you're alive, you can..." Arnheid: "Why do I have to live?" Einar: "Thorfinn..." Einar: "Are you good now?" Thorfinn: "Yeah. I still feel a little dizzy, but I'm fine." Einar: "Don't do crazy stuff like that." Thorfinn: "Sorry." Einar: "Are we going, Thorfinn?" Einar: "To the land beyond the sea." Thorfinn: "You mean Vinland." Einar: "Vinland." Thorfinn: "When Arnheid drew her last breath," Thorfinn: "I couldn't answer her right away." Thorfinn: "I couldn't tell her why she had to live. What am I supposed to say to a soul that's been through hell" Thorfinn: "and yearns for the peace of death?" Thorfinn: "I want a world where I can tell people to live." Thorfinn: "One I can proudly describe to people whose only salvation is death." Thorfinn: "A place more appealing than death." Thorfinn: "That's all we ever wanted in this world we live in." Thorfinn: "I won't accept it." Thorfinn: "If a place like that doesn't exist..." Thorfinn: "then I'll make one." Thorfinn: "Einar." Thorfinn: "Brother, come with me." Thorfinn: "We'll build a peaceful land in Vinland." Thorfinn: "One we can proudly tell Arnheid about." Einar: "Let's do it, brother." Einar: "Beyond the sea, let's create a country without slavery or war." Both: "For Arnheid." Snake: "Are you sure you're okay with this?" Thorfinn: "It was presumptuous of me to do that." Snake: "I've told the master and everyone on the farm that the young master convinced the king to withdraw." Thorfinn: "Thank you." Pater: "You can count on me to protect Arnheid's grave." Olmar: "Truly, thank you." Thorfinn: "Oh, it was..." Olmar: "Thorfinn, I want to be like you." Olmar: "Strong and kind like you. A real man." Thorfinn: "Olmar, I heard you made the decision to stop fighting." Thorfinn: "That's amazing." Thorfinn: "It took me fifteen years to do that." Thorfinn: "But..." Thorfinn: "I've finally figured out what I should do." Thorfinn: "This is a wonderful farm." Thorfinn: "I hope you'll rebuild and protect it. Old Master," Thorfinn: "thank you for always helping us." Sverkel: "I told you, it was just a deal we made." Sverkel: "You shouldn't be thanking me." Olmar: "I wish he would've taken at least a single silver mark." Snake: "Thorfinn, Einar!" Snake: "My name is Roald, Son of Grim!" Einar: "Thank you, Roald!" Thorfinn: "Take care, everyone!" Odoni: "Come here." Odoni: "Good boy." x: "Hup!" Badger: "Boss, when are you going to start working? Come on." Snake: "Shut up. I was just taking a little break." Snake: "I'll show you what farm work really looks like." x: "Oh, yeah? Let's see it, then." Snake: "I'll get this done in a snap." Pater: "In my life, I've always endured." Pater: "I thought that pain was the way of the world." Pater: "I never thought I'd meet men like them. Right, Arnheid?" Pater: "They're headed toward a world we never even imagined." Pater: "Someplace that's not here."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 23 – Two Paths", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "23", "Two Paths" ] }
Einar: "Wow..." Einar: "The rumors don't do it justice." Einar: "Iceland is a harsh land." Einar: "There are no trees at all." Einar: "The sun's so low in the sky." Einar: "I get it now. A land without farms, huh?" Einar: "You can't grow anything when the days are so short." Leif: "It's winter, after all." Leif: "During the summer, the days are long. Some people grow wheat where conditions are better, but it's not nearly enough to fill the stomachs of the island-dwellers." Einar: "Are all the island-dwellers shepherds and ranchers, then?" Leif: "No, there are craftsmen and fishermen, too. There isn't enough pastureland for everyone to raise livestock, so some people live together and fish instead." Leif: "Thorfinn's village is one of those." Thorfinn: "Huh." Einar: "What does that mean? Didn't you live here?" Thorfinn: "But I was just a child." Thorfinn: "I left home when I was around six years old." Thorfinn: "Since then, it's been a good... uh, at least..." Thorfinn: "Wait, how old am I?" Bug-Eyes: "Thorfinn, Einar, the village is coming into view." Thorfinn: "Whoa... I suddenly feel scared. How am I supposed to face my mother and sister?" Leif: "You'd better prepare for the worst, my "prodigal son."" Leif: "You're finally returning home." Leif: "Okay, that's it." Kid: "There!" Leif: "Thorfinn..." Leif: "The villagers are waiting for you." Villager B: "Who's he?" Villager C: "No idea." Villager A: "Did Ylva have a little brother?" Villager B: "What's my name, then?" Thorfinn: "What?" Villager B: "If you used to live here, then you should know." Thorfinn: "F... Faxi?" Villager B: "He got it wrong." Villager D: "He's suspicious." Villager C: "Should we tie him up?" Thorfinn: "No, wait. I can't help it. It's been years." Thorfinn: "Mister Leif..." Villager A: "Fine. I guess we'll let him see Ylva." Villager B: "Yeah." Villager D: "Ylva's over there, arguing with the Norwegian merchant." Ylva: "I warned you not to be so greedy here, Berge." Berge: "S-Sorry, Ylva. I w-won't do it again." Ylva: "Huh? What was that? I didn't hear you." end A: "Th-That's enough, Ylva. He returned our money." Leif: "Hey, Ylva." Leif: "I finally brought him back." Leif: "This is Thorfinn." Ylva: "Thorfinn..." Ylva: "Thorfinn." Thorfinn: "Sister." Thorfinn: "Sister!" Ylva: "I don't know a Thorfinn!" Leif: "Come on, Ylva. It's your little brother, Thorfinn." Ylva: "Little brother?" Ylva: "Come to think of it, that might've been his name. My little brother died when he was a kid." Leif: "He's actually alive. I told you I met him in York before." Ylva: "Then why didn't you bring him back then?" Leif: "Well, you know, there was a lot going on..." Ylva: "You made that story up to cheer up my mother and me, didn't you?" Ylva: "Thank you, Mister Leif." Leif: "No, actually..." Ylva: "More importantly..." Thorfinn: "Huh?" Ylva: "Hey, shorty. You've got some balls to trick Mister Leif like this." Leif: "No, wait!" Ylva: "If you've got something to say, spit it out." Bug-Eyes: "Man, this has gotten really complicated." Bug-Eyes: "It's surprisingly difficult to prove who you are." Leif: "Let's go to your home, Thorfinn. Helga will know who you are." Thorfinn: "Thorfinn... Who's that?" Bug-Eyes: "He's taking this hard." Thorfinn: "I can't blame them." Thorfinn: "I'd nearly forgotten the faces of my sister and mother, too." Thorfinn: "It's no surprise they've forgotten me." Bug-Eyes: "Who cares if they have?" Bug-Eyes: "You get to see your mother's face after wandering for over a decade. If you don't consider yourself lucky, the gods will smite you." Bug-Eyes: "I was separated from my parents as a kid. I don't even know where they are now." Bug-Eyes: "I'm jealous of you." Bug-Eyes: "Or shall I go play the devoted son for you?" Thorfinn: "No. I'm sorry, Bug-Eyes." Thorfinn: "Thank you." Kids: "Grandma, who's Thorfinn? Tor-fin..." Helfa: "Thorfinn..." Bug-Eyes: "Ma!" Einar: "What are you doing? Stop making things more complicated." Bug-Eyes: "Aw, c'mon. Who cares?" Leif: "No, Helga. This one is..." Helga: "Thorfinn..." Thorfinn: "Mother..." Helga: "You've grown so much." Helga: "You look just like him." Helga: "You really are your father's son." Thorfinn: "Mother..." Thorfinn: "I'm sorry for everything." Helga: "Welcome home, Thorfinn." Ari: "Mother, I heard Thorfinn's back." Eldest Daughter: "Welcome back, Dad." Second Son: "Welcome back." Ari: "Thorfinn..." Thorfinn: "Ari..." Ari: "Thorfinn." Ari: "Thorfinn, I'm sorry." Ari: "Because of us, Mister Thors..." Thorfinn: "Ari, I was an idiot." Einar: "Well, then..." Helga: "Where are you going, Mister Einar?" Einar: "I should be leaving for the night." Einar: "Mister Leif's crew is staying at the gothi's house. I'll join them there." Helga: "You should stay here. It's a bit cramped, but we'll figure it out." Einar: "But..." Helga: "If you're Thorfinn's brother, that makes you my son." Helga: "This is your home. Don't be shy." Ylva: "Listen to this, Mother. That stingy merchant raised the price of salt again." Ylva: "Hey, it's you again! How dare you come into our home?" Thorfinn: "Oh, uh... excuse the intrusion?" Ari: "Ylva, you haven't heard the—" Ylva: "Is this an inheritance scam, huh? Go find a rich family to trick." Helga: "Ylva, wait." Ylva: "Huh?" Helga: "It's really him. Thorfinn's really come home." Ylva: "It's really him?" Ylva: "What? I-It can't be. No way. Mister Leif didn't make it up?" Ylva: "What? Really?" Ylva: "He's the real Thorfinn?" Thorfinn: "I'm home, Sister." Ylva: "Thorfinn..." Thorfinn: "Sister!" Ylva: "Where have you been until now?" Einar: "Hey... Are you okay, Thorfinn?" Thorfinn: "I'm fine, Einar." Thorfinn: "I'm used to getting hit." Einar: "That..." Einar: "That was just one hit..." Kids: "Ma's so strong. You're amazing, Ma. Ma's the strongest." : "That night," : "Thorfinn told his family about everything he'd experienced over the past 16 years." : "From Thor's death to his departure from Ketil's farm. Though he spoke matter-of-factly and covered only the key points, his story of hatred and strife, death and destruction, despair and regret, sadness and rebirth" : "left everyone who heard it at a loss for words." Thorfinn: "The people I killed," Thorfinn: "the slaves who died in despair..." Thorfinn: "They might've had warm families like this one." Thorfinn: "My sins are heavy." Thorfinn: "I have to go to Vinland to create a peaceful land." Helga: "Do it." Ylva: "Mother..." Helga: "There are many people who wish they could flee from this world." Helga: "Thors and I fled Jomsborg, the land of warriors, and came to this island. For those fleeing from war and slavery, far beyond the horizon," Helga: "you will build a peaceful land where you'll wait to welcome those people there." Helga: "You must live to do that, Thorfinn, son of Thors." Thorfinn: "Thank you, Mother." Ari: "So basically, you're going to establish a country in Vinland?" Eldest Son: "Sounds like a large-scale endeavor." Leif: "He's right." Leif: "I can tell you're determined." Leif: "But you'll need people, livestock, materials..." Leif: "You'll need to buy more boats, too." Leif: "It all comes down to money." Leif: "It won't be easy pulling together that much money." Leif: "Without my help, that is." Leif: "Thank you, Mister Leif." Ari: "You're not quitting sailing yet?" Eldest Son: "I figured you'd say that, Mister Leif." Ylva: "Will it really be that easy?" Helga: "They'll be fine." Leif: "Don't worry. There are plenty of ways to do it." Bug-Eyes: "Don't push yourself too hard, Dad." Leif: "I'm not pushing myself. You still don't understand the kind of man I am." Ylva: "I can't believe you actually went with him." Thorfinn: "Sister..." Thorfinn: "I'm sorry." Thorfinn: "Our father was a truly amazing man." Thorfinn: "He was strong and kind." Thorfinn: "He was looking far ahead at something I couldn't see." Ylva: "Well, he was a strange man." Einar: "Whose grave is that?" Thorfinn: "Someone Father once tried to protect." Einar: "Were they important?" Thorfinn: "He was a slave." Thorfinn: "He ran away from his master. My father saved him when he lay dying on the ground." Thorfinn: "My father apparently traded eight sheep for him." Einar: "Eight sheep?" Einar: "I guess you get your good nature from your dad." Einar: "Man, it's cold. It's even colder around here at night. I'm heading back, Thorfinn." Young Thorfinn: "Hey." Young Thorfinn: "Where do the people who want to run away from here go?"
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 24 – Home", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "24", "Home" ] }
x: "Let's stay up all night chatting, young master. Tell us all about your youthful troubles." Olmar: "You're hoping I'll entertain you while you drink, aren't you? Screw this. I'm going home. Let go." x: "Oh, come on. Tell us everything that's on your mind. We're such good friends, aren't we?" Olmar: "Like hell we are. Let go." Guest D: "What's wrong with you? Hit him back." Guest E: "All right! Right there." Guest F: "Seriously? Again?" Mob I: "Those morons." Mob A: "They fell." Bg Character: "Does that make it a tie?" Olmar: "Nobody knows what they're talking about." Olmar: "They don't get it. They don't even know what they don't know." Olmar: "There's no way they can understand me when they don't know what they don't know." x: "Actually, I understand, young master. After all, 17 is a weird age. Not quite an adult, but no longer a kid." Olmar: "More." x: "Sure thing. Here you go. Whoops." x: "Look at you drink!" Olmar: "Fox, Badger... You're actually laughing at me on the inside, aren't you?" Badger: "He's not a fun drunk today." x: "I'm starting to sober up. We shouldn't have invited him." Olmar: "I can hear you!" Olmar: "You think bodyguards like you have the right to mock me?" Olmar: "You serve my dad for a pittance. Don't you have any pride as warriors?" x: "Please, call us guests. Even men like us are useful in a fight." Olmar: "Oh?" Olmar: "You guys actually work sometimes? I've never seen you do your job, Fox." x: "This village is so peaceful, we're bored out of our minds." Olmar: "Draw your sword. I'll test your skills to make sure you haven't lost your touch." x: "See?" x: "We're your father's guests, and this is what he pays us to do." Olmar: "Damn it! Just kill me!" Badger: "What should we do, Fox?" x: "That's odd. We were supposed to have fun drinking together so Ketil's family would like us." Olmar: "I'm a nobody!" x: "In other words, young master, you don't like being treated like a child by respectable folk." Olmar: "You guys treat me like one, too." x: "What do you expect? You really are half a man. But for you to become a real man—" Badger: "Hey, you should be cheering him up." x: "Quiet, you. I'm going somewhere with this. Just shut up and listen." x: "You know, young master..." x: "Becoming a real man isn't actually that difficult." x: "All you gotta do is complete a... rite of passage, I think it's called." x: "You need to kill a person." x: "Killing a person will make you feel really confident." x: "You oughta try it." x: "Once you know how fragile human bodies are, you won't be afraid of others anymore." x: "It'll grow you right up." x: "It's how all boys become men." Olmar: "B-But... who?" x: "Well, that's obvious. I know of the perfect target for a beginner." x: "You've even got some right here on this farm." x: "People you're allowed to kill." Einar: "Boy, I slept well." Einar: "I'm hungry." Einar: "One, two, three, four." Einar: "There's still a lot more wheat to harvest today. This farm is way too big." Einar: "At this rate, we'll have hardly any time to clear the woods for next spring." Einar: "I'd like to get it done in time for the fall planting season." Einar: "But first, we've gotta dig up the roots and rocks, till the soil, and let it rest." Einar: "I wonder if they'll let us borrow a heavy plow." Einar: "Th-Thorfinn, what's wrong?" Einar: "Are you still asleep? Hey, Thorfinn." Einar: "Are you okay? You were screaming like crazy." Einar: "What kind of dream makes a man scream like that?" Thorfinn: "I was dreaming?" Thorfinn: "I wonder what it was. I can't remember." Einar: "Go wash your face and let's get started on our morning tasks." Einar: "Dreams you forget are better left forgotten." Arnheid: "Good morning. It's a nice morning, isn't it?" Einar: "Uh, yes. Good morning." Arnheid: "Would you like to wash your faces? Go ahead. I'm already finished." Einar: "Oh, no. I mean, yes. Uh, sorry. Take your time." Einar: "Washing this face won't make it any better." Arnheid: "Oh, I wouldn't say that." Arnheid: "I think you have a wonderful face." Arnheid: "Are you all right? Are you not feeling well?" Einar: "It's my heart..." Arnheid: "That's terrible. Does it hurt?" Einar: "No, I'm fine. I'm not sick or anything." Arnheid: "Then are you injured?" Thorfinn: "What is this? I feel so uneasy." Thorfinn: "I must have been dreaming about something I mustn't forget." Arnheid: "My name is Arnheid. You came here recently, didn't you?" Einar: "Y-Yes. I'm Einar. I'm from England." Arnheid: "England? You speak the language so well, I thought you were Norse." Einar: "Everyone in my village, including me, is descended from Nords. We all speak English and Norse. Though I'm sure it's hard for a lady like you to understand me, since my accent is so thick." Arnheid: "Oh, that's right. Excuse me. I hadn't mentioned my status here on the farm." Einar: "What? Aren't you the master's daughter?" Arnheid: "No, I'm not." Arnheid: "Like you, I'm a slave." Arnheid: "I'm the master's personal attendant." Einar: "What?" x: "Good morning, gentlemen. Have you slaves gotten together this morning to plot your escape?" Arnheid: "Good morning." x: "You, what's your name?" Thorfinn: "Thorfinn." Badger: "Are you a slave, too? I don't recognize you." Einar: "I'm E-Einar. I arrived this summer." x: "Thorfinn and Einar, come with me." Einar: "We're having a busy morning." Einar: "Who are those guys?" Einar: "They've got swords." Einar: "They aren't respectable folk, are they?" Thorfinn: "They're "guests." They're the resident defensive force at the farm." Thorfinn: "Basically bodyguards." Einar: "Whatever business they've got with us can't be good." Arnheid: "I think you have a wonderful face." x: "What is it? You're in a good mood, Einar." Einar: "Oh, sorry." x: "No problem at all. You seem like a lively one." x: "Go on, young master. Make a nice clean cut." Einar: "A clean cut? You mean..." x: "Very perceptive of you, big man." Einar: "What?" x: "This ritual will allow the young master to become a man." x: "Die for us." x: "This ritual will allow the young master to become a man. Die for us." Einar: "Y-You can't be serious! What have we done to deserve this?" x: "You've done nothing wrong! But your lives aren't your own. That's all there is to it. Your rightful owner is free to do whatever he pleases with his possessions. You're a slave that belongs to Olmar's family. He's going to cut you down himself. You should be honored." Guest: "Lucky you." Guest: "Just give up already." Olmar: "Th-These guys belong to my dad. They're not mine." Olmar: "If I cut them down, I'll have to pay him back for them." x: "Pathetic, young master. You've made it this far, and you're still making excuses?" x: "Are you afraid of your father? Are you afraid to kill? Or are you afraid of both?" Olmar: "Shut up! I'm not scared of anything." x: "Then do it. Make a nice clean cut." Einar: "Thorfinn, run." x: "It'll be fine." Einar: "Damn you..." Einar: "What are you doing? Go, Thorfinn! Tell the master!" x: "You can do it, sir! Your opponent is raring to go!" Guest 1: "Don't move, shorty." Guest 2: "Shut up and watch." Thorfinn: "What a pain." Thorfinn: "He can cut me down." x: "You've got this, sir." Thorfinn: "You only need one of us, don't you?" Thorfinn: "Let him return to work." Thorfinn: "He can cut me down." Snake: "Ow..." Snake: "Oh, it's morning." Snake: "Hey, Gramps." Snake: "Gramps, are you there?" Snake: "Gramps, where's my breakfast? Gramps!" Sverkel: "You're asking about breakfast after waking up at this hour? If you want to eat, help me with the harvest every once in a while." Snake: "No way." Sverkel: "Then I'm not cooking for you. Figure something out yourself." Snake: "That old fart. I'm not cooking for myself. What a pain in the butt." Snake: "I guess I'll head home." Thorfinn: "I'll allow Master Olmar to cut me down." Thorfinn: "Please let Einar return to work." Thorfinn: "We have another busy day." Einar: "Wh-What did you just say?" x: "Sorry, what's your name again?" Thorfinn: "It's Thorfinn." x: "All right, Thorfinn. Do you understand what you just said? Being cut down means dying." Thorfinn: "Yes, it certainly does." Einar: "You idiot! What are you—" Badger: "Keep your mouth shut. Stay out of this." x: "Did you hear that, boys? You run into guys like him every once in a while." x: "I can't overlook what you just said. Letting a remark like that slide reduces the value of our product." x: "Hey, Thorfinn. Do you know what product we warriors sell?" Thorfinn: "No." x: "It's death." x: "Everyone is afraid to die. I can tell you for certain that everyone fears it." x: "Look at the young master. He's even afraid of someone else dying." Olmar: "Shut up. I'm not s-scared." x: "You should be. Death has value because we fear it." x: "Otherwise we wouldn't be able to use our swords to make a living." x: "You should be scared, too." x: "Go on. Be afraid." Snake: "Aw, man. I'm hungry." Snake: "Hey, you punks." Einar: "Stop!" Snake: "Those idiots. They're up to no good again." Einar: "Stop!" Einar: "Damn it! You monsters!" x: "Come on." x: "Beg for your life." x: "Don't hide your true feelings, Thorfinn." Olmar: "Ouch." x: "If you don't hurry up, your tiny little body will end up even smaller." Snake: "Huh, he didn't even blink. Impressive." Snake: "Isn't that one of the master's slaves?" Thorfinn: "Why do we have to fear death?" Thorfinn: "Do we live because we don't want to die?" Thorfinn: "Does anything good come from being alive?" Thorfinn: "Not for me." Thorfinn: "Not a single good thing has happened to me in my entire life." x: "Your eye is next." x: "Show me that you're afraid." Snake: "Don't, Fox!" Olmar: "S-Snake..." Snake: "Aw, man. He's in rough shape." x: "B-Boss, welcome back. Wh-Wh-When did you get here?" Snake: "Fox." x: "Yes, sir." Snake: "Come closer." x: "Y-Yes, sir." Snake: "Badger." Badger: "Yes, sir!" Snake: "Explain."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 3 – Snake", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "3", "Snake" ] }
x: "Your eye is next." x: "Show me you're afraid." Snake: "Don't, Fox!" Olmar: "Snake..." Snake: "Aw, man. He's in rough shape." x: "B-Boss, welcome back. Wh-Wh-When did you get here?" Snake: "Fox." x: "Yes, sir." Snake: "Come closer." x: "Y-Yes, sir." Snake: "Badger." Badger: "Yes, sir!" Snake: "Explain." Badger: "Yes, sir." Snake: "Idiots." Snake: "You're a bunch of idiots." Badger: "Yeah, b-but he... H-He... got cheeky with us, so..." Snake: "Sorry. These guys are idiots." Snake: "I'm Snake." Thorfinn: "I'm Thorfinn." Snake: "See that, Thorfinn?" Snake: "Your body says it wants to live." Snake: "I'm going to sleep. You guys had better graciously see them back home." Snake: "I know I don't have to tell you... that the day you cause any more trouble over this matter," Snake: "you won't be able to chew your own food anymore. I didn't hear a "Yes, sir."" All: "Yes, sir!" Einar: "Thorfinn, you..." Thorfinn: "Do I want to live?" Thorfinn: "Live..." Thorfinn: "Live, and do what?" Pater: "I see." Pater: "Besides your ear, none of your injuries are very deep." Pater: "Once they're healed, you'll be good as new." Pater: "I'm sorry you two had to go through that. The master doesn't know what to do about his guests' misbehavior either." Einar: ""Misbehavior?"" Einar: "Their "misbehavior" nearly got us killed." Pater: "It's not as though they'd actually kill you." Einar: "You're wrong." Einar: "If their boss Snake hadn't shown up, they really would've killed us." Einar: "Guys like them think our lives are worth less than those of insects." Thorfinn: "Either way, we couldn't help it." Thorfinn: "The strong kill the weak." Thorfinn: "It's only natural." Einar: "What did you just say?" Pater: "Now, now, Einar." Pater: "If they try to mess with you again, come talk to me instead of going with them." Pater: "More importantly, we can't allow your wounds to fester. I'll put some medicine on them." Einar: "Medicine?" Einar: "U-Uh, Pater, we don't..." Pater: "Don't worry about paying me for the medicine." Pater: "It's my responsibility to look after you two." Pater: "I'm sorry I struck a nerve." Einar: "No, it's fine. Thank you." Pater: "You'd better thank Arnheid, too." Pater: "She ran all around the farm to tell me what happened." Pater: "Rest for today. I'll talk to the master about it. Also... It's one of my old shirts, so it's probably a bit large for you, but Thorfinn, you can have this." Pater: "After all, yours is full of holes after what they did." Einar: "Don't you have anything to say to Pater?" Einar: "Listen, you. You're supposed to say "thank you" in these situations. Go on." Einar: "Say it." Einar: "Why haven't you been saying anything, anyway? It's not nice, when everyone's being kind to you." Pater: "It's fine. I know Thorfinn doesn't say much." Einar: "Thank you." Einar: "Hey, where are you going?" Einar: "He said we don't have to harvest wheat today." Thorfinn: "I'm going to the woods." Thorfinn: "These injuries are nothing." Einar: "Wait up. I'll go with you." Einar: "The way he moved when Snake attacked him..." Einar: "He's no ordinary man." Einar: "And..." Thorfinn: "The strong kill the weak." Thorfinn: "It's only natural." Einar: "Thorfinn." Einar: "Have you ever been to war?" Thorfinn: "Yes." Einar: "Have you killed people?" Thorfinn: "Yes." Einar: "How many?" Einar: "Five men? Ten?" Thorfinn: "Why do you want to know?" Thorfinn: "I thought you didn't like war." Thorfinn: "Timber." Thorfinn: "I don't remember how many." Thorfinn: "I've killed a lot of people." Thorfinn: "I was on the battlefield since around the time I was five or six." Thorfinn: "I joined the Danish army's invasion of England." Thorfinn: "I was a warrior." Thorfinn: "Do you hate me now, Einar?" Thorfinn: "I was a warrior." Thorfinn: "Do you hate me now, Einar?" Thorfinn: "I don't remember how many." Thorfinn: "I've killed a lot of people." English Ghost A: "Found you." English Ghost A: "Damn kid. Die!" English Ghost B: "You brat." English Ghosts: "Kill. Kill him. Die!" Einar: "Damn it!" Thorfinn: "Einar..." Thorfinn: "Why do you wake me every time I cry out in my sleep?" Thorfinn: "I've killed people. I've killed a lot of people." Thorfinn: "From battle to battle, I've attacked villages and killed a lot of people. I'm no different from the people" Thorfinn: "who killed your family." Einar: "Do you..." Thorfinn: "Does anything good come from being alive?" Thorfinn: "Not for me." Thorfinn: "Not a single good thing has happened to me in my entire life." Einar: "Do you want to die?" Einar: "I don't know what kind of terrible fate you've suffered. I don't want to know what kind of hell you've lived through, either." Einar: "But we're able to chit-chat, eat, shit, and sleep in this hell..." Einar: "because someone kept us alive." Einar: "How can you say nothing good's ever happened to you?" Einar: "You're wrong." Einar: "You're wrong!" Einar: "Asshole." Einar: "Don't act so spoiled." Einar: "Besides..." Einar: "It's not like you killed my family." Einar: "Don't be so arrogant." Thorfinn: "Thank you, Einar." Thorfinn: "Thank you for waking me." Einar: "Jeez..." Einar: "I can't get enough sleep because you won't stop talking in yours." Thorfinn: "I see." Thorfinn: "I'm sorry, Einar." Einar: "Just go to sleep already."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 4 – Awakening", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "4", "Awakening" ] }
Askeladd: "Are you deaf too, you old man?" Askleadd: "Don't move, guards." Askeladd: "The king is within reach of my sword." Chiefs: "Is he serious? Oh, dear." Canute: "Askeladd." Thorkell: "You bastard! King Sweyn is mine." Canute: "Don't move, Thorkell! Askeladd's not acting normal. Don't provoke him. The king mustn't be harmed." Thorkell: "What?" Sweyn: "Put away your sword, then I'll forgive you for this offense." Askeladd: "Forgive me? Don't push your luck, you savage." Askeladd: "As punishment for mocking my family and my people, you deserve to die!" Sweyn: "This is my last warning." Sweyn: "Put away your sword, Askeladd." Askeladd: "That's my nickname." Askeladd: "I'll tell you the name my mother gave me. My real name." Askeladd: "Lucius Artorius Castus." Askeladd: "I am the rightful king of the land of Britannia." Askeladd: "I feel better now." : "For a period of time, the Danes held dominion over England. But in the year 1014, the situation changed rapidly with the death of King Sweyn of Denmark." : "Denmark and England crossed swords once again. Canute succeeded his father Sweyn and took command of the Danish viking army in England. Upon hearing news of Sweyn's death, Ethelred II returned from his exile to Normandy and was reinstated. Both men proclaimed themselves King of England, and the fate of the throne was uncertain once more." : "England was exhausted by never-ending battles." Subordinate A: "Your Highness, stand back." Ethelred: "I'm fine. I didn't drink any." Server: "Y-Your Highness, have mercy!" Server: "I swear to our Lord Jesus Christ that I didn't know. I had no idea the drink was poisoned." Server: "Your Highness, have mercy! Please, King Ethelred!" Ethelred: "Bastard..." Ethelred: "Such underhanded means..." Gunnar: "The situation here is even worse than we were told, Your Highness. It will take a long time for Mercia," Gunnar: "once called the Jewel of the Fields, to recover from this." Canute: "Gunnar, don't speak as though we had nothing to do with this." Canute: "We laid waste to this region." Canute: "What is that?" Gunnar: "Huh?" Gunnar: "Oh, right." Gunnar: "This is the advance force of our army, which conquered this region." Canute: "That's not what I meant. I'm asking what it is that they're doing." Gunnar: "Why, pillaging the land, of course. They're looking for girls to sell from among the beggars." Canute: "I thought I forbade that." Canute: "Have them beheaded and display their heads on the road." Gunnar: "What?" Gunnar: "B-But collecting the spoils of war is a military custom. Cracking down on it harshly would be..." Canute: "Men who can't maintain discipline are no soldiers of mine." Canute: "Behead them and display their heads on the road." Gunnar: "Y-Yes, Your Highness. Hey, you!" Solider A: "What? Seriously?" ki: "I appreciate you coming all the way here, Your Highness." Canute: "Floki, have the arrangements been made?" ki: "Yes, Your Highness, they await your command. They can move out immediately." ki: "But you need not have met them yourself. You could have allowed us to handle the matter." Canute: "It's fine. I was already here observing the military situation. I shall meet with them." ki: "Earl Eadric of Mercia is a coward. He is hardly a man worth meeting." Canute: "A person's character and their usefulness are two different things. Either way, I shall meet him and judge for myself." Canute: "And besides, there is another reason for my visit." ki: "What do you mean?" Thorkell: "Hey! Canute! You're here, you bastard! Canute!" Canute: "I must appease that. I imagine it was too great a task for you and your men." ki: "Yes, indeed." Thorkell: "You little brat! Let me hit him! Get outta my way and let me hit him once!" Canute: "Calm yourself, Thorkell." Thorkell: "Why, you friggin' fraggin' little..." Thorkell: "I hate when someone stops my battles more than I hate frogs!" Soldiers: "What? Frogs?" Canute: "Mercia has requested a truce." Canute: "Our victory here is as good as certain." Canute: "You did well, Thorkell." Thorkell: "Shut up!" Thorkell: "Battles don't stop until you've taken the opposing leader's head. I was about to lop off Eadric's head." Canute: "Don't make such a fuss. Earl Eadric of Mercia is merely the leader of this region." Canute: "Look at the bigger picture." Thorkell: "I don't care about that crap. I just want to enjoy a fulfilling life of warfare." ki: "In the lands to the east, Ethelred's son, Edmund, is making some disquieting moves. I ask that you help us pacify the east. Your overwhelming strength in battle is—" Thorkell: "I'll decide where I go and who I fight, Dicehead." Thorkell: "Canute!" Thorkell: "You'd better not have forgotten what I said to you then. "I'm going to watch what you do from now on, and who you'll become."" Thorkell: "You're still a nobody. You aren't even the King of England." Thorkell: "You're just a kid." Thorkell: "So listen up, kid. No matter what you do, you won't be able to avoid war." Thorkell: "You have no choice but to carve your path with blood and iron." Thorkell: "Just like Askeladd did. Don't forget that." Thorkell: "From the start, the path you walk has been covered in blood." Thorkell: "How long are you going to keep doing that? It's annoying! Get outta here!" Thorkell: "Boy, I'm pissed." Thorkell: "I'll back down for today, but there won't be a second time. And don't you forget it." Gunnar: "H-How dare he insult you like that in front of the soldiers. Your Highness, you mustn't overlook this offense." Canute: "Why not? It makes sense. He offered a valuable warning." Canute: "He's an honest man." Canute: "It would surely be a pleasure to live like him." Canute: "Let's go." Eadric: "4,000 pounds of silver." Eadric: "This is everything we were able to gather at this time." Eadric: "Please accept this offering. If you'll withdraw your forces from Mercia," Eadric: "we'll provide you with an additional 4,000 pounds. It's not a bad deal, Canute." Canute: "You offer me Danegeld, Eadric?" Eadric: "What is your answer, Canute?" Canute: "This is nothing." Soldier B: "Okay, lift 'em." Man: "Hup." Canute: "Let me ask you something." Canute: "You're paying me this silver so I'll leave Mercia, aren't you, Eadric?" Eadric: "I-I'm offering you 8,000 pounds. That should be more than enough for you to withdraw." Canute: "It's not." Canute: "Think carefully about what you're saying. You're telling Canute, Bretwalda of England," Canute: "to take this money and leave his own territory." Canute: "And the price you set on such an insult against a king is this paltry sum?" Canute: "I am your king. I came to this land to quell the rebellion taking place within my domain," Canute: "not for wealth." Eadric'S Son: "This is nonsense! Our king is Ethelred of the honorable House of Wessex, not you." Eadric: "Silence." Eadric'S Son: "But Father..." Eadric: "Enough. This is neither the time nor place." Canute: "You're right. There is another who calls himself the King of England." Canute: "So, did you offer me this deal with Ethelred's permission?" Eadric: "I-I'm sure His Highness would understand if we explained the situation to him." Canute: "Ah, how open-minded of him. So Ethelred would forgive one of his own vassals for deserting in order to protect his own land." Gunnar: "Now, that's not nice." ki: "He's got a nasty streak." Canute: "The world is in chaos because there are two kings." Canute: "One must die. Ethelred is a coward who abandoned his people and throne to flee into exile during the previous war." Canute: "Don't you think it's foolish to trust the future of England to such a man?" Eadric: "You're telling me to betray him?" Canute: "You've already betrayed him." Canute: "I'd like you to assist me, Eadric." Canute: "I'd like to make Ethelred go away." Canute: "You've served him for many years as his vassal. I'm sure you would know of a good method." Eadric: "Do you intend to strip me of every last shred of loyalty, boy?" Canute: "In exchange, I'll allow you to keep Mercia." Canute: "Ethelred's head is my price." Canute: "A good deal, don't you think?" Eadric: "I refuse. A truce is off the table. I'll keep fighting a foul man like you until the bitter end." Canute: "Floki, this man doesn't seem to be a coward. He's got some backbone." ki: "In that case, shall we test it, Your Highness?" Canute: "Come outside, Eadric." Canute: "I have something to show you." Canute: "Are you ready?" Soldier C: "Yes, Your Highness." Canute: "Light it." Eadric: "Signal fires? What are they signaling?" Eadric: "What is this?" Eadric: "What are you doing, Canute?" Eadric'S Son: "Father." Eadric'S Son: "L-Look..." Subordinate B: "Th-There are more over there." Eadric: "C-Canute, what are they signaling?" Canute: "This is what it means to go to war against me." Canute: "Imagine it, Eadric." Canute: "Mercia has been reduced to ash." Canute: "Do you understand now?" Canute: "If I will it, reducing you to ash would be no trouble at all." Eadric'S Son: "Father!" Canute: "Buy peace by offering me Ethelred's head." Canute: "It's the smart choice." : "The next year, in April of 1016, King Ethelred II of England would die." Subordinate C: "Your Highness!" : "It is said he died of an illness." : "After Ethelred's death, his son Edmund assumed the throne. As his father's successor, Edmund caused great trouble for Canute's forces in a hard-fought war, but..." : "Seven months later in that same year, he unsurprisingly also died of an illness." Asgeir: "Died of an illness, huh? It took King Sweyn ten years to conquer the nation," Asgeir: "and this time, it ended in less than three." Asgeir: "The Witanagemot will recognize Canute as Bretwalda." Asgeir: "The coronation will be held first thing next year." Thorkell: "Don't talk to me about Canute." Thorkell: "You're ruining my beer." Asgeir: "Fine, fine."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 5 – Path of Blood", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "5", "Path of Blood" ] }
Einar: "Come on, you bastard!" Thorfinn: "Einar! Einar, stop." Thorfinn: "Let's dig it out a little more and cut the roots." Thorfinn: "We won't get it out like this." Einar: "Piece of shit!" Thorfinn: "It still won't budge." Einar: "Come on!" Einar: "We need a horse. We won't get anywhere without a horse." Einar: "They lent us one to move the lumber, so why don't we have one to prepare the soil? It doesn't make sense." Thorfinn: "They didn't lend us a horse." Thorfinn: "The retainers just made us do their job for them." Thorfinn: "What do you want to do, Einar? Should we save preparing the fields for later and chop down more trees first?" Einar: "No, I'll try talking to them again. It might be a waste of time, though." Retainer A: "You guys don't know when to quit. No means no." Einar: "But we have Pater's permission." Retainer A: "Pater?" Retainer A: "You mean the former slave? In any case, no. We're using all the horses for other work. We don't have any to spare for you." Middle Part: "Come on, slaves. You're wasting your time. Quit slacking off and head back to your woods." Thorfinn: "Hello." Middle Part: "What's this? I only heard one "hello." I see the big lad is as rude as ever." Chubby: "Hey, we're taking a horse." Retainer A: "Sure." Middle Part: "Now that I think about it, you slaves are no different from livestock." Middle Part: "Just borrowing a plot of land and running a farm is insolent enough." Middle Part: "Use your own bodies to do the work." Einar: "That jerk. Our only choice is to talk to the master. We need a horse. Not just for removing stumps, but for tilling the soil, too." Einar: "I'm not gonna let their bullying stop me." Thorfinn: "But even if the master's influence allows us to borrow a horse, we'd just be upsetting the retainers." Thorfinn: "They'll hate us even more." Einar: "What are we gonna do, then? Do all the work ourselves? Who knows how many years it'll take for us to finally start farming?" Thorfinn: "The woods are vast. Couldn't we wait to start farming until we've cleared more land?" Thorfinn: "It's impossible for us to level the land and start growing crops." Einar: "Thorfinn!" Einar: "Why are you so unmotivated? Don't you want to be free?" Einar: "We're gonna grow crops, no matter what. Then we'll sell them to the master and buy back our freedom. And to do that, we need a horse!" Thorfinn: "For a guy who never eats a square meal, you've sure got a lot of energy." Einar: "You just don't have enough energy, asshole!" Sverkel: "I think I get the picture." Sverkel: "Hup, and... Ow, ow, ow..." Sverkel: "What are you doing? Over here. Come on." Sverkel: "Can't have a conversation standing this far apart." Sverkel: "Don't step on the ridges." Einar: "Hello. Um, can we help you?" Sverkel: "What are your names?" Einar: "Oh, right. I'm Einar." Thorfinn: "I'm Thorfinn." Sverkel: "Shall I lend you one?" Einar: "What?" Sverkel: "A horse. You need a horse, don't you?" Both: "What?" Einar: "Y-Yes, we need a horse! Wait, for real? That'd be a huge help." Einar: "Uh, actually..." Einar: "I'm sorry, but who are you?" Einar: "My back is killing me." Einar: "Uh, um... Gramps?" Sverkel: "It's Sverkel. Mister Sverkel to you." Einar: "Mister Sverkel, how long do we have to keep picking out these rocks?" Sverkel: "Until the rocks are gone. Come on. I don't see your hands moving." Einar: "Oh, s-sorry." Thorfinn: "Ow..." Einar: "Ow..." Sverkel: "Good." Einar: "So, um, Mister Sverkel!" Einar: "About you lending us a horse... Carry the basket, would you?" Sverkel: "Once you're done chopping firewood, draw up some water. Be quick." Einar: "Yes, sir." Einar: "He's totally taking advantage of us. We don't have time for this." Einar: "Does that old man live in this house all alone?" Thorfinn: "Who knows? I've never met him before, either." Einar: "Is he really going to lend us a horse? What if he's just making us work for him for free?" Thorfinn: "Either way, this is a typical day for us." Thorfinn: "After all, we're slaves." Einar: "We're the master's slaves." Sverkel: "I don't care what your circumstances are." Sverkel: "This is our agreement. In exchange for borrowing a horse, you'll do chores at my house" Sverkel: "when you pick it up and when you drop it off." Sverkel: "Got it?" Einar: "All right. Let's get the next one." Einar: "Pull!" Einar: "Boy, that was easy. I feel amazing." Einar: "I can't believe he actually let us borrow a horse. That old man is a good guy." Einar: "Hup!" Einar: "Come on, you can do it. That's it. Just like that. You're such a cute horsey." Einar: "All right. Next stump." Einar: "At this rate, we might actually be ready in time for sowing season in the fall." Einar: "Maybe the old man will even lend us a plow. I hope he'll lend us a heavy one with wheels." Thorfinn: "What do we plant in fall?" Einar: "What?" Einar: "Wheat, obviously." Thorfinn: "Really? You plant wheat in the fall, huh?" Einar: "What?" Einar: "Hey, hey, wait a minute. Have you ever worked on a farm before?" Thorfinn: "No." Thorfinn: "Nobody in my homeland farmed." Thorfinn: "And since I was a kid, I worked on the battlefield." Einar: "A land without farms..." Einar: "I don't believe it." Einar: "My mom and sister would be shocked to hear that." Einar: "Well, don't worry. Leave all the farming stuff to me. After all, I'm a professional." Thorfinn: "Sure." Middle Part: "Hey, slaves." Middle Part: "Who gave you permission to take that horse?" Einar: "Ugh, these guys..." Thorfinn: "Hello." Einar: "We didn't take this without permission. Mister Sverkel lent it to us." Middle Part: "What? Who?" Einar: "Mister Sverkel. He lives way down this road." Middle Part: "Liar! There's no Sverkel around here. So you finally resorted to theft." Bandanna: "Huh? Does our farm have a horse like this?" Middle Part: "Hey, slaves. Who'd you say you borrowed this horse from?" Einar: "I told you, Mister Sverkel! You don't know him? He's a short bald old man." Middle Part: "Short... bald... old man..." Bandanna: "Oh, the old master." Middle Part: "Oh, right. Come to think of it, that might've been his name." Einar: "The old master?" Bandanna: "You're actually lying, aren't you?" Bandanna: "He's a real crabby old man. There's no way he lent you a horse." Bandanna: "He's Ketil's father." Bandanna: "He's the most important man on this farm." Einar: "Looks like rain." Einar: "Thorfinn, let's stop for the day once we finish this row." Thorfinn: "Got it." Einar: "Stop, stop." Einar: "More roots. Even though we pulled out the stumps, the deepest roots still got left behind." Einar: "We don't have a choice. This year, we'll till shallowly. We wouldn't want to break the plow we borrowed by overdoing it." Thorfinn: "It's amazing." Thorfinn: "In one day, we've turned that wasteland into this." Einar: "Look. There's one over there." Einar: "And there." Einar: "And there. Look, they've got two. They've got a total of ten heavy plows after buying four more this year." Einar: "Our master is unbelievably wealthy." Thorfinn: "Are they that expensive?" Einar: "You bet they are. Back in my village, eight families shared a single plow." Einar: "I'm glad the old master had one. The retainers definitely wouldn't have let us borrow one." Thorfinn: "It must be difficult to do the same work by hand, with hoes." Einar: "Having one of these and a horse makes a world of difference." Thorfinn: "What an incredible invention..." Thorfinn: "It must've been invented by a farmer." Thorfinn: "Someone unfamiliar with how difficult farming is couldn't have made this." Einar: "You really don't know the first thing about farming. Everything's new to you. You're like an overgrown baby." Einar: "Aw, man. It's starting to rain. Let's hurry, Thorfinn." Sverkel: "Have you prepared for the rain?" Ketil: "Don't change the subject. I'm worried about your health, Dad." Ketil: "You're getting too old to push yourself. When you collapsed on your farm the other day, you got lucky because Snake happened to be around." Sverkel: "It's my wish to die on my farm." Ketil: "Living by yourself at your age is ridiculous enough. You're not capable of physical labor." Sverkel: "Mind your own business. I'm managing just fine." Ketil: "Don't be stubborn, Dad." Sverkel: "Ketil, you and I think too differently. If we lived together, we'd just end up arguing again." Ketil: "Because you're so stubborn, Dad." Einar: "We can't go in there right now." Ketil: "Think about what I said." Ketil: "What are you boys doing here?" Einar: "Hello." Ketil: "Dad, you can't just do whatever you want. These are my slaves." Sverkel: "You're wet. While you're here, wash your clothes." Einar: "Those two must not get along." Einar: "Now then, where's the washtub?" Thorfinn: "What is it?" Einar: "It's Snake. Snake's here." Thorfinn: "A snake?" Thorfinn: "What's he doing here?" Einar: "Did he sleep through that argument?" Einar: "What's wrong with him?" Thorfinn: "He's sprawled out all over the place." Snake: "Gramps, you're cooking, aren't you? I'm not letting you eat by yourself again." Sverkel: "Damn it. I see you're awake." Snake: "What are you guys doing here? Did you come to sneak into my bed?" Thorfinn: "Good morning." Sverkel: "You're a hopeless man." Sverkel: "You're only awake during mealtimes." Sverkel: "Don't you think that's embarrassing? How can a grown man like you brazenly eat when he doesn't even work?" Snake: "Shut up, Gramps." Snake: "Thieves come at night. This farm is peaceful because we patrol it every night. That's why I've got no problem eating." Sverkel: "How are you guarding anything when all you do is sneak into young women's homes?" Snake: "We're guarding the young women so they don't get stolen." Sverkel: "You've always got a comeback." Snake: "So do you, Gramps." Snake: "What are you guys doing? Come over here and eat. You haven't eaten yet, right?" Einar: "Are you sure?" Snake: "Eat, eat. The food ain't so fancy that you need to be shy." Sverkel: "How dare you." Sverkel: "Have a seat. If you worked today, then you've earned the right to eat." Einar: "Is it true that thieves come to the farm?" Snake: "They do. All the time. They come for unharvested wheat, pigs, that kind of thing." Einar: "Huh." Snake: "Some of them are armed, too. Beating up those guys and capturing them is our job. We really do work around here." Sverkel: "What we'd lose to thieves is equal to what we pay you." Snake: "You really know how to piss someone off, don't you?" Sverkel: "We could chase off thieves without your help." Sverkel: "We're Nordic men. We know how to use swords and spears." Snake: "Oh? You're saying you can still fight at your age?" Sverkel: "Don't flatter yourself, Snake. There are plenty of fighters more skilled than you." Snake: "I'm just worried about your health, old man." Sverkel: "I'm not so decrepit that I need your concern." Snake: "Don't be so angry. You'll collapse again, Grandpa." Snake: "In reality, despite what you say, this farm's fighting force is too small for its scale. The 13 men I've got have their hands full chasing down thieves." Snake: "You could easily take over this farm with 50 to 60 men." Snake: "Right, Thorfinn?" Thorfinn: "Huh?" Thorfinn: "Oh, um... I'm not sure." Sverkel: "Nothing tougher than thieves ever comes to this place." Snake: "You don't know that. It'll be too late once it's already happening." Sverkel: "Don't worry. Regardless of what happens, I won't ever come crying to your lot." Einar: "Why don't you get anything tougher than thieves here?" Einar: "S-Sorry." Sverkel: "Because of King Harald's influence." Sverkel: "Twice a year, Ketil sends an absurd amount of tribute to him. Because the king accepts his tribute, he's obligated to protect Ketil." Sverkel: "It's foolishness. Buying peace with money is foolishness. What need is there to hold so much land a single farmer can't defend it himself?" Snake: "How many days do you think it takes to get here from Jelling? We're the ones actually defending the farm." Sverkel: "Too much wealth brings about misfortune." Snake: "You're ignoring me now?" Sverkel: "Increasing your wealth makes you fear losing it. You spend money to assuage your fears and then have to earn more." Sverkel: "And my idiot son hasn't realized yet how pointless it is." Snake: "I've had enough. Old men love giving lectures." Snake: "Hey, it stopped raining." Snake: "Now then, it's time to go out patrolling again." Sverkel: "Don't come back here." Snake: "But you miss me when I don't." Sverkel: "Get out of here!" Einar: "Those two were weird. They get along better than the actual father and son." Thorfinn: "Yeah." Thorfinn: "I feel like I learned a lot of things today." Einar: "Good for you, you overgrown baby." Thorfinn: "Don't call me that." Thorfinn: "Too much wealth, huh?" Einar: "You can spread more seed than that." Thorfinn: "What?" Thorfinn: "But isn't this all we have?" Einar: "It'll be fine. Grab huge handfuls." Einar: "I'm your friend. Trust me." Thorfinn: "Friend?" Einar: "What? No way." Einar: "Why would you question that? We're friends, aren't we?" Einar: "What? We're not?" Thorfinn: "No..."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 6 – We Need a Horse", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "6", "We Need a Horse" ] }
Badger: "There were two of them." Guest A: "It must be them again." Snake: "What's the damage?" Guest B: "One bag of flour and some dried meat." x: "It's no use, boss. They're all mixed up with other footprints. I can't track them." Snake: "No matter." Snake: "They don't steal much, but they've developed a taste for it." Badger: "Do they think we don't know, Snake?" Snake: "Fine, then. Sounds like they need to be punished." Arnheid: "What? That's incredible. That means the old master likes you." Einar: "Does he?" Arnheid: "Yes, he does. Not only does he lend you his tools and horse, but he invited you to eat at the same table with him." Einar: "He's just paying us back for doing his chores." Arnheid: "We're slaves. Normally, people don't pay us back." Einar: "Oh, right." Einar: "Now that you mention it, I guess you're right." Arnheid: "That's right." Einar: "But why does he like us, then?" Einar: "Huh? U-Uh..." Arnheid: "I'm sorry." Arnheid: "Einar, you're a good person. You just don't realize it yourself." Einar: "What? No, wait, but..." Thorfinn: "Einar, I'm heading out." Einar: "Huh? Oh, sure." Einar: "Is he trying to be considerate?" Einar: "He's a good guy, too. Doesn't talk much, though." Arnheid: "I know." Mistress: "Arnheid!" Arnheid: "Oh, no. It's the mistress." Einar: "Sorry for keeping you tied up." Arnheid: "Not at all. I look forward to every morning now that I have someone to talk to." Arnheid: "See you later." Einar: "See you tomorrow morning." Einar: "Yahoo!" Einar: "She called me a good person." Einar: "I'm a good person!" Mistress: "How dare you stay out there chatting when breakfast isn't even ready yet." Arnheid: "I'm sorry, mistress." Mistress: "We don't keep you around for fun, you know. You have to earn your keep." Arnheid: "Yes, mistress." Mistress: "The master will be returning from the thing today. He might be bringing guests back with him, so prepare accordingly." Mistress: "I suppose an enslaved man would be a good match for an enslaved woman." Einar: "Hey, they're sprouting. These are wheat seedlings, Thorfinn." Thorfinn: "They look so... feeble." Thorfinn: "Do they always look like this?" Einar: "Yup, they sure do." Thorfinn: "How strange. So these become bread?" Einar: "Surprised?" Thorfinn: "Yeah." Einar: "Impressive, isn't it?" Thorfinn: "Yeah, it's amazing." Einar: "We'll grow and sell, grow and sell, and eventually buy ourselves back." Einar: "It might takes years, but someday..." Einar: "All right. I'm feeling motivated. This is our first step toward freedom. Let's clear these woods, so we can plant double next year." Einar: "Oh... We can eventually buy our freedom by farming," Einar: "but I wonder if Arnheid has a similar deal." Thorfinn: "I don't know. Why don't you ask her?" Einar: "You think it'd be okay to ask that?" Thorfinn: "More importantly, what are we doing with these today? Oh, the wheat? We won't have anything to do for a while." Thorfinn: "I see. So we should keep clearing the woods." Einar: "So we'll pray." Thorfinn: "What? Pray?" Einar: "Almighty God! Make our crops grow! Make them ripen and grow! Keep insects and mold away! Send the rain our way!" Einar: "Join me." Thorfinn: "What?" Thorfinn: "Who am I supposed to p-pray to?" Einar: "Anyone. Yahweh, Freya... Pray to everyone and everything." Einar: "Get down here." Einar: "If we want a successful harvest, all we can do is pray to God. We have nothing to offer. But we'll pray extra hard to make up for it." Einar: "Make our crops grow! Come on. Put your hands together and pray with me." Thorfinn: "What? O-Okay..." Thorfinn: "M-Make our crops grow..." Einar: "I can't hear you!" Thorfinn: "Okay! Make our crops grow!" Einar: "Don't be so embarrassed. Nothing's more embarrassing than doing it half-assed." Thorfinn: "O-Okay!" Einar: "Ready, and..." Einar/Thorfinn: "Keep insects and mold away! Send the rain our way!" Thorgil: "Wow, the farm hasn't changed at all." Thorgil: "Are Mom and Olmar doing well, Dad?" Ketil: "Yeah. Olmar is so full of energy, he's a pain in my ass. He's anxious to head off to battle like you." Thorgil: "He hasn't changed since he was little either, even though he's a coward." Ketil: "Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, Thorgil. He's not fit for battle. People should stay where they belong." Thorgil: "I wouldn't be so sure. Sometimes the battlefield changes a man, like King Canute." Ketil: ""King"?" Thorgil: "Nobody calls him a prince anymore. He changed quite a lot in this war. He's a proper general now." Thorgil: "Why not send Olmar to the battlefield and see how he fares?" Ketil: "You can't be serious. He'd never survive with his skills." Badger: "Isn't that the master?" Snake: "Perfect timing." Snake: "Isn't that..." Snake: "It really is you, Thorgil." Snake: "When did you get back?" Thorgil: "Five or six days ago." Thorgil: "I ran into Dad at the thing, so I thought I'd stop by." Snake: "You're a tough one. You haven't died yet?" Thorgil: "Thanks to the training you put me through, Snake." Ketil: "Snake, what have you got trailing behind you?" Snake: "Oh, right. Hey." Badger: "Come on, hurry up." Snake: "They're thieves. I was going to hand them over to you." Ketil: "Thieves?" Snake: "We'd been experiencing a rash of similar burglaries recently. I've got a hunch they're behind all of them." Snake: "They may be kids, but theft is theft." Snake: "They need to be punished, master." Thora: "Sture, my hands hurt." Thora: "What's going to happen to us?" Thora: "Are we going to die?" Sture: "It's okay. It's all right." Sture: "I'm right here with you." Thorgil: "In other words... people talk about military units, but nobody really cares who their allies or enemies are supposed to be." Thorgil: "Once the fighting starts, you and your clansmen pick your targets and attack." Thorgil: "Everyone's desperate to prove they're the greatest daredevil on the North Sea." Thorgil: "After the battle, you enjoy plundering the spoils. Guys kill each other all the time over women they can sell." Thorgil: "Olmar." Olmar: "Huh?" Thorgil: "What do you say? Do you want to go to England?" Olmar: "Uh, I..." Thorgil: "What? You don't want to?" Olmar: "Oh, o-o-of course I'll go to war! I'd love a chance to prove myself!" Thorgil: "That's my little brother! Maybe I'll give you a souvenir. Bring me my necklace." Subordinate: "Yes, sir." Olmar: "What is this, jerky? Can I eat it?" Thorgil: "Sure, but ears don't taste very good." Olmar: "Huh?" Thorgil: "They're the ears of Englishmen." Olmar: "Ears?" Olmar: "Oh, uh..." Thorgil: "You really are a scaredy-cat. How are you going to fight like that?" Thorgil: "We're sons of Iron Fist Ketil." Olmar: "Iron..." Olmar: "Iron Fist?" Thorgil: "You don't know? Our dad was a legend when he was young. As soon as the fighting started, his weapon would shatter under his own strength," Thorgil: "so he'd fight the rest of the battle bare-handed. He accomplished more than anyone fighting like that." Olmar: "What? Our dad?" Thorgil: "When I talk to the veterans, the name Iron Fist comes up a lot. You should show more respect to Dad." Ketil: "Thorgil, you must be tired from your journey. Why don't you rest inside?" Thorgil: "I'm not that weak." Ketil: "Thorgil." Thorgil: "If the great Iron Fist Ketil commands it." Snake: "Master." Snake: "I'm sorry, but could you take care of those two before you go off to rest?" Ketil: "First, why don't you tell me your names?" Guest: "Come on, tell him your names." Ketil: "Don't do that. They can't speak because they're frightened." Guest: "Sorry." Ketil: "Tell me your names." Sture: "I-I'm Sture. My younger sister's name is Thora." Ketil: "I see, I see. Sture and Thora. Do you have anyone who could speak in your defense?" Snake: "Besides them, their family consists of their mother and a baby." Snake: "Their mother was sick in bed, so I didn't bring her here. Their father is missing." Ketil: "What's your father's name? Is he well?" Snake: "Answer him." Sture: "My d-dad is Snorri." Sture: "Last fall, he went out to sell vegetables and never came back." Pater: "Is your grandfather's name by any chance Bo?" Sture: "Yes." Pater: "Their father is Snorri, son of Bo. He owes money on the land he rents from you." Ketil: "Ah, that Snorri. I knew I hadn't seen him recently." Thorgil: "He must be dead. He hasn't come back in a year. He's not coming back. A thief probably killed—" Sture: "You're wrong! Dad's just out on an errand!" Ketil: "Traditionally, families that have lost their breadwinner are hired by other families to do work." Ketil: "These children may be healthy, but they have a sick mother and a baby. Nobody would take them in." Mistress: "What's the matter, honey?" Ketil: "J-Just got a bit of dust in my eye." Ketil: "So, what did these two steal?" Snake: "Their crimes are numerous, but they confessed to stealing one bag of flour. My men and I can attest to that." Ketil: "You didn't threaten them into saying that, did you?" Snake: "No, of course not. Though I did convince them to talk." Snake: "I'll wait until this bag is empty." Snake: "You'll get off easy as long as you're honest." Snake: "I told them your name's written on the bottom of our bags." Ketil: "That's practically threatening them!" Snake: "What? That wouldn't have been enough to make them confess if they weren't guilty." Thorgil: "Then it's simple. One arm." Sture: "M-My sister's still little! Please go easy on her!" Thorgil: "Oh? Then you'll accept your sister's punishment, too. We'll cut off both your arms." Thora: "No... Sture..." Snake: "Well... I know what I said, but I'd like to ask you to go easy on them, too." Thorgil: "Then it's decided. Right, Dad?" Ketil: "He's horrifying." Ketil: "I can hardly believe he's my son." Ketil: "Why did you have to steal from me?" Ketil: "I have no choice but to punish you." Pater: "I'm against it. You'd be practically executing him. It's too great a punishment for theft." Ketil: "Pater..." Pater: "May I offer my opinion, master?" Ketil: "Yes. Yes, speak, Pater." Pater: "As one who helps run this farm, I don't think it's right to harshly punish such a young boy. Cutting off both his arms would make him useless." Pater: "Sture, how old are you?" Sture: "Twelve." Pater: "Good. That's old enough to start working with the adults." Pater: "You must be compensated for their theft, and their father's debt must be repaid. They can pay you back by working. I recommend that you hire these children and their mother to work on your farm." Pater: "They can grow crops on the land you lent to their father. I'll teach Sture what to do. If he grows into a good worker, you'll be fully compensated for this matter." Pater: "They won't need to steal anymore, either. It solves the problem." Ketil: "Yes, yes. I couldn't agree more. I must be compensated for the loss, yes. In that case—" Pater: "For the aforementioned reasons, I believe a beating would be an appropriate punishment." Ketil: "What?" Thorgil: "Well, I understand your argument." Ketil: "No. No, wait. They can pay back what they stole by working for me. Paying off their debt can be their punishment." Snake: "They can't get off with no punishment at all, master." Snake: "If you don't, people won't take us seriously." Snake: "And nobody likes a kid with sticky fingers." Snake: "Punishing them is for their own good." Snake: "How many strokes will it be?" Ketil: "Five... Ten. Ten strokes." Snake: "That's ten strokes each." Snake: "You're first, boy. Bite down hard." Thora: "Sture..." Sture: "Stay back!" Thora: "Sture!" Sture: "Twenty! Hit me 20 times! Just please, please don't hit my sister!" Thorgil: "Oh? Now this is interesting. You've got some guts." Thorgil: "Dad, let me do it." Snake: "What? But you don't know how to hold back. Don't kill him." Thorgil: "Yeah, yeah." Snake: "Be gentle." Thorgil: "Yeah, yeah." Snake: "Don't hit his head or anything." Thorgil: "Okay, okay. Gentle, right? Here we go, kid." Thora: "Sture!" Thorgil: "One." Ketil: "W-Wait. Stop, Thorgil. I'll do it. I'll do it myself." Thorgil: "Where's Dad?" Olmar: "He went to bed." Thorgil: "Good grief. Iron Fist Ketil must be getting old." Ketil: "All that Iron Fist stuff is a lie." Ketil: "A Norse man can't be a coward and make it in this world." Ketil: "Everyone expects me to be brave." Ketil: "Nobody suspects a "great man" like me would lie about that." Ketil: "I'm afraid of Thorgil, my own son." Ketil: "I'm afraid of war. I'm afraid of violence." Arnheid: "Being kind can't possibly be a bad thing." Arnheid: "I know your pain." Ketil: "You're the only one who'd say that to me." Ketil: "You're the only one I can tell everything." Ketil: "Stay with me."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 7 – Iron Fist Ketil", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "7", "Iron Fist Ketil" ] }
Thorfinn: "Einar..." Thorfinn: "No, wait. Wait! Wait!" Thorfinn: "Damn it..." Thorfinn: "Why am I here?" Thorfinn: "I mustn't fall." Thorfinn: "If I fall down there..." Thorfinn: "No! Please, don't!" Thorfinn: "I'm begging you!" Einar: "Good morning, Thorfinn." Einar: "You were screaming even more than usual this morning." Thorfinn: "I dreamed about falling down a cliff." Einar: "You remember your dream this morning?" Thorfinn: "A little." Einar: "You were saying all kinds of things in your sleep, like "Father" and "Askeladd."" Einar: "Is "Askeladd" someone's name?" Thorfinn: "No matter what..." Thorfinn: "No matter what I do, I can't fully remember my dreams." Thorfinn: "I know only that they're horrifying." Thorfinn: "And I feel like..." Thorfinn: "I feel like I've forgotten something really important." Thorfinn: "It's like a fish bone stuck in my throat." Thorfinn: "It scares me. I wish I could truly forget." Thorfinn: "But I get the sense it's something I mustn't forget." Thorfinn: "I wonder what it is..." Einar: "Pull!" Chubby: "Hey, look at how much their wheat has grown already." Chubby: "Maybe the land's fertile because they just cleared it." Chubby: "No, it's Einar." Chubby: "They suddenly made a bunch of progress clearing the land since he showed up." Einar: "Push!" Isvar: "The master's out of his mind. Farm work is for free men, and he's allowing slaves to do it." Isvar: "This isn't right, even if it's on his orders. The world will fall into chaos if slaves are treated the same as retainers. Right, guys?" Thorfinn: "Askeladd is the man who killed my father." Thorfinn: "He was a Danish warmonger." Thorfinn: "He was a strong and cruel man." Thorfinn: "Catch." Einar: "Oh, right." Einar: "So, he showed up in your dream?" Thorfinn: "I'm not sure. I followed Askeladd onto the battlefield," Thorfinn: "so I could avenge my father." Thorfinn: "I fought for ten—no, 11 years." Thorfinn: "I hated him so much." Thorfinn: "I wanted to kill him." Einar: "So, did you get revenge?" Thorfinn: "No." Thorfinn: "Askeladd was killed by another man right before my eyes." Einar: "Thorfinn, throw me the next one." Thorfinn: "Oh, right." Thorfinn: "Hup." Einar: "Well, I don't know the details, but I'm starting to understand why you're always so listless." Einar: "If you're dreaming about him, then you must not be over it yet." Thorfinn: "You're right. Maybe you're right, but..." Thorfinn: "That's not all. There's something else." Thorfinn: "I feel like I've forgotten something more important." Thorfinn: "Something very important." Einar: "Well, it's not the kind of thing you can get over just because someone tells you to." Einar: "But your quest for revenge is over now." Einar: "And besides, hating a dead man won't get you anywhere." Einar: "Isn't that right?" Askeladd: "Stay back, Thorfinn! Become a true warrior, son of Thors..." Thorfinn: "I don't hate him anymore," Thorfinn: "which is exactly my problem. Without my hate," Thorfinn: "I'm empty." Thorfinn: "I survived on my hatred alone." Thorfinn: "I don't know anything besides the battlefield." Thorfinn: "I don't know the first thing about fixing a roof." Thorfinn: "I can't do anything." Thorfinn: "I don't even know what I should be doing." Thorfinn: "I'm empty." Sverkel: "Work." Einar: "Sir!" Sverkel: "If you've got time to flap your gums, then work. That's not the only job I've got for you today." Sverkel: "You ready? Watch this." Sverkel: "Give it a try." Sverkel: "Catch some big, fleshy ones." Einar: "Huh? It's not spreading." Sverkel: "Pull yourself together. We can't eat meat right now because it's Lent. Are you trying to force this old man to eat nothing but wheat?" Einar: "Hey, looking good." Thorfinn: "It's no use. I didn't catch a single one." Sverkel: "Put more spin on it, like this. Don't keep throwing in the same area." Thorfinn: "Okay." Sverkel: "You can start learning things one at a time." Sverkel: "If you're empty, then you can fit anything inside you. In fact, it's better to be empty if you want to be reborn." Einar: "What? Were you eavesdropping?" Sverkel: "I just happened to overhear." Thorfinn: "Can I be reborn?" Sverkel: "Work. Your hands aren't moving." Einar: "It's so cold. It's definitely gonna snow. Catching fish will be rough in this cold." Einar: "I'd like to redeem myself, though. Yesterday, between the two of us, all we caught were three little fish and a bunch of clams." Einar: "Right, Thorfinn?" Thorfinn: "Huh? Oh, sorry. I wasn't listening." Einar: "Were you lost in thought again?" Thorfinn: "Do you think people can change?" Thorfinn: "What does it take for someone to change?" Einar: "Thorfinn, you used to be a warrior, right?" Thorfinn: "Huh? Yeah." Einar: "Warriors are, you know... "Life's all about carrying axes into battle, plundering the spoils, and drinking beer!" "Hardy har har!" Those guys, right?" Thorfinn: "M-More or less. I didn't carry an axe, though." Einar: "Looking at you now, there isn't anyone who'd think you're a former warrior." Thorfinn: "You think so?" Einar: ""You think so?"" Einar: "Take a look at your own face in the water." Einar: "I'm really glad I didn't meet you back when you were still a warrior." Einar: "Worst case, you might've killed me." Einar: "People can change, Thorfinn." Einar: "You're probably on your way to becoming a better person right now." Thorfinn: "You think so?" Einar: "I do." Thorfinn: "Thank you, Einar. What's wrong? Einar—" Thorfinn: "The wheat..." Thorfinn: "It's all..." Thorfinn: "Did people do this? Why?" Einar: "Wheat is a hardy crop." Einar: "It gets back up on its own even if the wind blows it down." Einar: "They knew exactly what they were doing." Einar: "They dug up the roots." Thorfinn: "Hey, where are you going?" Einar: "It was the retainers." Einar: "They're the only ones who would've done this." Thorfinn: "Wait. What are you planning to do? Einar..." Thorfinn: "Don't you get it? If slaves attack free men..." Einar: "I don't care. I'll kill them." Thorfinn: "Calm down. We don't have proof they did it. Even if we question them, they're bound to deny it. Stop, Einar. Let's talk to Pater first." Einar: "You're awfully calm, Thorfinn." Einar: "Do you not understand this situation?" Einar: "We used up the soil's fertility, but we'll have no harvest." Einar: "We'll have to borrow seeds for the next planting, too." Einar: "But more than that, they... they..." Einar: "They should know the difficulty and joy of growing wheat." Einar: "They're farmers, too!" Einar: "How could they do this?" Einar: "You should be angry, Thorfinn. Our wheat has been ruined!" Thorfinn: "I..." Thorfinn: "Until now, I've been someone who took and destroyed." Thorfinn: "Unlike you, I have no right to be angry at the retainers. If you want to kill the retainers," Thorfinn: "then I deserve to die by your hand a hundred times over, too." Thorfinn: "First, let's calm down. Please, Einar." Pater: "I see... This certainly is awful." Pater: "Neither of you saw it happen?" Thorfinn: "No." Pater: "Leave this field the way it is until I'm finished with my investigation. They may have left some clues behind." Pater: "So, do you have any idea who might have done it?" Einar: "The retainers." Pater: "I see... All right. I'll report all of this to the master. Leave the rest to me." Pater: "I suffered a lot as a slave, too." Pater: "I wondered why my bullies would do something that didn't benefit them in any way. People who love to discriminate can be found everywhere, but not everyone is like that." Pater: "Don't lose hope, you two." Einar: "Apparently..." Einar: "the master has really taken a liking to Arnheid." Einar: "She doesn't have a deal like ours that allows her to earn her freedom by working." Einar: "It seems like she's given up on ever being free again." Einar: "Even if they like you, you become bound to them. If they hate you, this is how they treat you." Einar: "What kind of lives are we living?" Retainer: "That was more work than I expected. I'm exhausted. What are you talking about? You were just watching. Yeah." Thorfinn: "Let's go another way, Einar." Thorfinn: "Don't, Einar." Einar: "There's no reason for us to sneak around." Isvar: "Well, speak of the devil." Isvar: "What's wrong? Why the long faces?" Thorfinn: "Restrain yourself, Einar. Don't listen to them." Isvar: "What's your problem? Move." Einar: "You're the one who ravaged our farm, aren't you?" Isvar: "What? Farm?" Isvar: "I have no idea what you're talking about." Thorfinn: "Einar!" Isvar: "I see, I see. So your farm was ravaged. I'm sorry to hear that." Isvar: "But don't let it get you down." Isvar: "It was wheat grown by slaves." Isvar: "It would've been too putrid for anyone to eat." Thorfinn: "Crap..." Einar: "His jaw looks broken." Einar: "What a punch!" Chubby: "You brat!" Braids: "How dare you, slave! I'll kill you!" Einar: "Slave this, slave that... Shut up already! Quit crying and come at me." Thorfinn: "Y-You idiot, don't—" Einar: "Thorfinn. Are you okay?" Einar: "Let go, damn it." Einar: "Damn you!" Thorfinn: "D-Don't..." Thorfinn: "H-Huh?" Thorfinn: "What are you..." Thorfinn: "F-Father?" Thorfinn: "He's telling me something..." Thorfinn: "It's no use."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 8 – An Empty Man", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "8", "An Empty Man" ] }
Thorfinn: "Huh?" Thorfinn: "Oh, whew." Thorfinn: "It was just a dream." Thorfinn: "Boy, that was scary. Father had been killed. I wandered across battlefields fighting men who were like monsters." Thorfinn: "And in the end, I became a slave." Thorfinn: "I'm glad I'm here." Thorfinn: "It's so peaceful." Braids: "What's with this guy?" Towel: "H-He's so persistent." Braids: "Stay down already!" Towel: "Damn it." Einar: "What's wrong? I'll keep fighting." Einar: "Let's find out if we're beneath you or not!" Towel: "I don't have time for this." Towel: "Aw, man. I've had enough." Towel: "You'd better prepare yourselves." Towel: "You slaves have got some serious punishment waiting for you after going this wild." Einar: "We won." Thorfinn: "Father!" Thorfinn: "Listen to this. I just had a crazy dream. A bunch of arrows came flying, and you—" Thors: "I smell blood." Thorfinn: "Huh?" Thors: "Who did you kill..." Thors: "with that knife?" Thorfinn: "What?" Thors: "It was to protect you." Thors: "That strength was for protecting you." Thors: "I'm sorry, Thorfinn." Thors: "I still had things to tell you." Thors: "There was still so much I needed to teach you." Thorfinn: "No. Father..." Thorfinn: "I... This is..." Thorfinn: "I did this!" Thors: "...for leaving you alone." Thorfinn: "Father, wait! Wait! Father!" Thors: "You understand now." Thors: "You don't have any enemies." Thors: "Nobody has any enemies." Thors: "There's no one who it's okay to hurt." Thors: "There never was." Thorfinn: "What is this place? Valhalla?" Thorfinn: "They're laughing..." Thorfinn: "Bjorn?" Askeladd: "Still stuck up there, huh, Thorfinn?" Askeladd: "Hey. It's been a while." Thorfinn: "Askeladd..." Askeladd: "You never learn, do you? You're already back here again?" Thorfinn: "Is this Valhalla?" Askeladd: "What? Valhalla?" Askeladd: "You think this is the afterlife?" Askeladd: "You can't be serious." Askeladd: "The afterlife is a much nicer place than this." Askeladd: "Look carefully." Askeladd: "This place is no different from the world of the living." Askeladd: "It's where all the shit gets dumped..." Askeladd: "Where all warriors wind up." Askeladd: "It's the purest form of war." Askeladd: "There is no victory. There is no end." Askeladd: "In this place, everyone besides yourself is your enemy." Thorfinn: "Everyone... is your enemy..." Askeladd: "Do you remember, Thorfinn?" Askeladd: "You used to live here with us." Askeladd: "But for better or for worse, you became empty." Askeladd: "That's why you were able to escape this place." Askeladd: "I shouldn't be saying this as the man who dragged you here, but you're lucky." Askeladd: "Not many men ever manage to escape." Askeladd: "Just look at Bjorn." Askeladd: "You were once filled with the idea of being a warrior, but then you were emptied out." Askeladd: "What's inside you now?" Thorfinn: "I'm... still a warrior." Thorfinn: "I struck someone in a fit of rage." Thorfinn: "That's why I'm back here." Thorfinn: "I still reside in this place." Thorfinn: "My hands are about to give out, too." Thorfinn: "I'm pathetic. I never grow." Askeladd: "Me, me, me. Good grief. A little soul-searching is all well and good, but try to keep your eyes open." Askeladd: "Something terrifying's right beneath your feet." Askeladd: "You're kicking them? How cruel." Askeladd: "Shouldn't you lend an ear to their complaints?" Thorfinn: "Complaints?" Askeladd: "That's right. Look closely. I'm sure you recognize some of those faces." Askeladd: "They're all of the people you killed." Thorfinn: "What?" Thorfinn: "I..." Thorfinn: "You... All of you..." Thorfinn: "I don't know who you are or where you're from." Thorfinn: "I can't remember where or when I killed you." Thorfinn: "I'm sorry." Askeladd: "Unbelievable. What an uncouth lot." Askeladd: "Come on! You don't have time to cry. You don't want to fall back down here, do you?" Askeladd: "Even if they're hanging off you, keep climbing!" Askeladd: "Climb!" Askeladd: "That's your battle." Askeladd: "Go!" Askeladd: "Take the people you killed with you!" Askeladd: "Fight your true battle! Become a true warrior," Askeladd: "Thorfinn!" Thorfinn: "A dream?" Thorfinn: "A true..." Thorfinn: "Einar. Einar!" Thorfinn: "Hey! Are you alive?" Einar: "Yeah." Einar: "We won the fight." Einar: "Man, we've hit rock bottom." Einar: "We're drowning in debt, our wheat has been ruined, and I'm a mess." Einar: "On top of that, we'll be punished for getting into that fight." Einar: "But seeing you punch that guy sure was satisfying." Einar: "Ow..." Einar: "What's wrong? Are you in pain, too?" Thorfinn: "Einar, I've used these hands to kill so many people." Thorfinn: "People no different from your family..." Thorfinn: "People whose names I didn't even know." Thorfinn: "People who I bore no grudge against." Thorfinn: "And today, I struck another person." Thorfinn: "But it ends now." Thorfinn: "I'll never hurt anyone again." Thorfinn: "As of today, I'm swearing off violence." Thorfinn: "I'm going to be reborn." Thorfinn: "I need to be reborn and start atoning for what I've done." Thorfinn: "I'm going to fight my true battle." Einar: "I see. All right." Einar: "I don't really get it, but I hear you loud and clear." Thorfinn: "I'm going to be reborn." Towel: "They're not going to be punished? That's ridiculous!" Towel: "Master, this matter concerns order and discipline on the farm!" Ketil: "Pater found this on the ravaged farm this morning." Ketil: "By the way, Trygve, where's that coat you always wear?" Trygve: "Huh? What? Uh..." Ketil: "The farm was ravaged by wild boars. There was no fight. That's the story we're going with. Got it?" Pater: "Thank you, master." Ketil: "You're a strong man, Pater. You're not the slightest bit afraid of being ostracized by the people you work with?" Pater: "I've been through a lot." Pater: "After all, I used to be a slave." Sverkel: "Loosen up or you'll wear yourself out." Sverkel: "Let the weight of the hoe do the work."
{ "raw_title": "VINLAND SAGA Season 2 Episode 9 – Oath", "parsed": [ "VINLAND SAGA Season 2", "9", "Oath" ] }
Uma: "This is Virtual Town." Uma: "I'm Uma. A humanoid horse. Or maybe an equine human? Either way, I'm a horse that talks a lot." Uma: "In this virtual world, there are lots of special people like me. For example, there's a peanut that talks a lot, a guy who pretends to be a beautiful girl, and this dude who's always shooting off missiles. Grandmas, gorillas, raccoon dog ninjas, Hello **** and a st****— Actually, I had better leave it at that, before we get in trouble. Yep!" Uma: "She's a sexy, upbeat older girl who's constantly sexually harassing her juniors." Akari: "Puberty, yeah!" Uma: "An intensely cute, classy idol." Siro: "Oh boy, fresh prey!" : "A chortling girl who never stops talking." Hime: "Time for the rumbly crab shuffle!" Hina: "Hime! You're flashing your panties! Cover that up!" Hinata: "Ow..." Hinata: "That really hurt... but I've got video games waiting for me." Mito: "Now, everyone, you mustn't run like that. You must elegantly walk like I do, with your knees knocked. Like this!" Uma: "Looks like it's going to be another fun day in the virtual world today! Yep!" Akari: "Okay girls, gather around! Meeting time! We've got a meeting!" Hinata: "A meeting?" Hime: "What kind of meeting? Where we show off our underwear?" Akari: "No, Tanaka!" Shiro: "I know! I bet it's a meeting where Akari-chan shares her lust with all of us!" Hime: "That's great!" Akari/Hina: "Would that be great?" Mito: "It's true that in the virtual world I am treated as the classiest of the classy, in respect for my overwhelming classiness, but if by interacting with the incarnation of libido" Mito: "Then I can hardly see how a love scene or two wouldn't be worth the cost—" Hime: "It's true that in the virtual world, I am treated as the leggiest of the leggy," Hime: "so interacting with the incarnation of libido that is Akari-san isn't the worst thing." Shiro: "It's true that in the virtual world I am treated as the queen of killers," Akari: "Oh, never mind, then!" Akari: "Look, I get it, everybody, but let's calm down. Because I actually have a huge announcement! It turns out that we're..." Shiro: "Oh, is this about the anime?" Hina: "Oh, I heard about that." Hinata: "Akari-chan, you're lagging real bad." Hime: "Seriously, we're already on the air. See, the camera's over there, right?" Mito: "Hello, everyone! Are you watching?" Hina: "Hey, I think it's almost time!" Shiro: "Oh, already? Gather around, gather around!" Hime: "Go, go!" Girls: "Okay, okay, okay! Hang on, hang on!" Shiro: "Okay, here we go! Ready and..." All: "Virtual-san is looking!" Akari: "V-V-V-V... Virtual-san is looking!" Haruto: "It is a time of inter-galactic war in the virtual world. We will invade other virtual nations, and in time, unify the galaxy... Under our Game Club Empire!" Miria: "Shut it, Harutrash! Or do you want to go out the airlock?" Haruto: "Do you want me to kill you, pink fool?" Chief: "Okay you two, no fighting!" Ryo: "Chief, are we really going to try and conquer the galaxy like Haru-kun says?" Chief: "Yep! We have to improve our ratings in different virtual nations" Ryo: "Wow, ratings still apply here?" Miria: "Hey Kaede-chan, I came up with a plan!" Chief: "Well, what is it? Tell me!" Miria: "I call it "The Titanic Game Club Conquers the Galaxy!"" Ryo: "It's the direct approach where we become titans who overwhelm our enemies, right?" Haruto: "I see you understand something, pink fool! Power is everything! With enough power, your enemies will never outdo you!" Chief: "How do we become titans, though?" Miria: "I found out the other day! Apparently in space, if you bite your own thumb, you can turn into a titan!" Haruto: "To think it was so simple! Then let's begin!" Haruto: "I actually grew!" Chief: "I'll do it, too!" Ryo: "I wonder if it'll work for me!" Ryo: "I grew!" Miria: "You all did it! I had better go, too!" Voice: "Congratulations to you." Miria: "Right, this is how it worked last time." Chief: "Looks like we're all set to go. Time to invade some enemy nations!" : "Thank you for riding with us." Haruto: "What?! Something's happening to my body..." Chief: "Huh? Why'd you all shrink? Is this treachery?!" Miria: "That's weird. I think it must be hereditary. You have good genetics, Kaede-chan!" Chief: "How could you all be so mean and leave me like this?!" Miria: "Kaede-chan!" Voice: "Congratulations to you." Ryo: "Miria-chan!" Haruto: "Pink fool!" Chief: "I don't want to be stuck like this! I want to turn back!" Ryo: "Chief, wait a second—" Voice: "Congratulations to you." Haruto: "Impossible... To obliterate us after a mere two blows... Ch-Chief, calm down for a second." Chief: "They're all gone... You want to be with them, don't you, Haruto?" Haruto: "S-Stop, please! Stay away, no!" Voice: "Happy New Year." Chief: "Everybody's gone... The road to the Game Club's conquest is still a long one." All: "Virtual Grandmother!" Granny: "Ryugen Higo." Granny: "It's a term for baseless rumors." Granny: "It naturally refers to rumors that are being spread that have no basis in reality. In 1973, there was a toilet paper panic. Because of the oil shock at the time," Granny: "And because of that, people started to fear they would run out of toilet paper," Granny: "At the time, I..." Granny: "You'd go to the bathroom in a department store or use a public bathroom," Granny: "Can you imagine the kind of shock that'd be? If you went to a public restroom," Mito: "What is with you?! It's not like virtual-san is looking all the time, y'know!" Akari: "I wish spring vacation would get here already." Hime: "We just got done with winter vacation! In a rush much?" Shiro: "But you always tend to wonder when the next vacation is after you finish one, don't you?" Akari: "I know what you mean! Even if you got plenty of rest! You still end up wondering when the next one is." Hinata: "It's so easy to start slacking off during vacation, too." Hina: "I'm pretty sure you're always slacking off, Hinata-chan." Hinata: "You're wrong, Hina-chan. I'm just practicing for video games in my head." Mito: "Well, during vacation I continue my proper, disciplined lifestyle," Hime: "The classy life?" Mito: "Precisely." Shiro: "Ah, the sound of class." Akari: "That's impressive! Erotic, even!" Mito: "I-Is it? I think it's quite normal." Hinata: "What? What was that?" Akari: "What was that shaking?! And is it suddenly hot—" Shiro: "Hey, look outside! Is that a volcano?" Hinata: "It's so hot! I hate the heat. Can't stand it..." Hime: "Why's there a volcano outside the classroom?! The heat's gonna kill us! We better evacuate!" Hina: "Where do we evacuate? There's lava everywhere outside! If we leave the building, we're dead!" Akari: "What should we do?" Akari: "Huh? Class Prez?" Akari: "Do you realize what's going on?!" Mito: "This is nothing remarkable. It's no different than every day life." Hime: "Uh, no, it's not! There usually aren't volcanoes!" Mito: "What are a few volcanoes? If you watch movies, there are bound to be volcanoes showing up." Hinata: "So hot! Dying!" Mito: "It's totally normal, if you think of it as a sauna." Hina: "The volcano's erupting!" Mito: "Well, of course a volcano would erupt! Honestly, you're all making far too much fuss. Just think of this as our usual classroom." Akari: "Okay. The usual classroom..." Akari: "Hello! Good morning!" Others: "Good morning!" Akari: "Let's do our best today again, okay? Okay, this isn't working! It's so hot! I'm gonna die!" Mito: "You can't even manage that, Akari-san?" Shiro: "Uh, hey... is that... magma headed this way?" Mito: "That's right, Siro-san, the volcano exploded and the magma shot forth," Peanut{Same As Text}: "I'm gonna bring the heat!" Hinata: "This is bad! If we don't do something... It's gonna hit us! We'll be killed!" Mito: "Oh, be quiet! A volcano explodes, shooting magma about, and it's headed right for us! Of course we'd die! It's totally normal! Wait, is it normal to die like that? N-No, it's not! No!" Peanut: "Here it comes!" Granny: "Grandmother is watching." Aoi: "One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two..." Gori: "Hello... Hello... Hello..." Aoi: "Gori-chan, you've got a spring in your step today!" Gori: "Hello!" Aoi: "Something good happen?" Gori: "Hello." Aoi: "Did you win a lottery?" Gori: "Hello..." Aoi: "Did the total at checkout turn out to be 777 yen?" Gori: "Hello?" Aoi: "I know! You lost some weight, right? You seem lighter!" Gori: "Yesterday, I was peeling a banana, right? Since I'm on a diet." Aoi: "Damn, Gori-chan, you're such a lady! Fuji Aoi!" Gori: "Hello." Hime: "Big trouble, big trouble!" Sign/Hime: "Big trouble, Akari-chan!" Hime: "Akari-chan, there's big trouble!" Akari: "What is it, Hime?!" Hime: "Mirai-san! We've got really big trouble!" Akari: "What, what is it?!" Hime: "Someone with the pen name "Takeru-kun" is in trouble! Here, read it already!" Akari: ""Akari-san, hello." Hello. "The other day, I had a meeting with my friend," "but I overslept and was an hour late, and they were furious." "They haven't talked to me since. What should I do?"" Hime: "Such a hot voice!" Hime: "But y'know, people get so mad when you oversleep and miss stuff!" Akari: "You've got a point there. Maybe he should buy some snacks." Hime: "Snacks?!" Hime: "A peace offering?" Akari: "But what kind of snacks should it be, what would be best?" Hime: "Maybe bales of rice?" Akari: "I get it! Just one bale, maybe!" Hime: "Just one!" Akari: "But in your case, Takeru, maybe take two." Hime: "Good point." Akari: "I get it, though. Takeru-kun wants to make amends." Hime: "Yeah, he wants to patch things up." Akari: "I wonder what'd be best, then?" Hime: "Mirai-san?" Hikari: "Oh, come on, there's only one real answer! Since it was his fault, he should apologize!" Yami: "Who cares? What are you getting so worked up for, Hikari?" Hikari: "Oh, stop that! Be quiet!" Yami: "Just ignore them." Hikari: "You can't! Please, don't say things that'll only make it worse!" Yami: "Look, just take him to bed." Hikari: "You can't give up your body so freely!" Yami: "Whatever. You handle it, then, Akari." Hikari: "You can do it, Akari!" Hime: "Hello? Hello?! Mirai-san!" Akari: "Sorry, I was thinking too hard there!" Hime: "Well, good morning." Akari: "Okay, to pen name Takeru-kun! Here's the bottom line." Hime: "Is this it?! She's going to show her bottom! Line?" Akari: "To make up for last time, you set up another meeting, and then oversleep by an hour again!" Hime: "Instead of being on time?!" Akari: "And then, you suddenly grab your friend when they're about to angrily leave, from behind! And be like, "I'm sorry, the sight of you standing there was just so lovely," Hime: "That seems really romantic, but isn't it a little bold?! Is that okay?!" Akari: "And then, after getting worked up, the two of them start ****ing and ****ing, before vanishing into the lights of late night Kabuki-cho!" Hime: "How lewd!" Akari: "Ain't it though, Tanaka?" Hime: "But it said "friend"! What if it's one of Takeru-kun's male friends?" Hime: "Well, that'll do for today! See you next time!" Akari: "Come again! Take care! Next time, I'll actually serve you something to drink!" Hinata: "It's almost time for a pork bowl, almost time for a pork bowl..." Hinata: "This is bad." Hinata: "It's near the end of the game. Four survivors, including me. From the sound of gunfire, I'm sure there are two enemies at 1 and 11 o'clock. There's a field in the center of the area with good visibility." Hinata: "I can't find the other one, though." Hinata: "Is he in that house? If I waltz out into the field, I'm going to come under fire from three directions and that'll be the end." Hinata: "What do I do?" Hinata: "I have to think up a way to win! I have to..." Akari: "Hinata!" Hinata: "I win!" Akari: "What's wrong?" Hinata: "Wait, no, not that..." Akari: "You look really intense." Hinata: "A-A pork bowl! I wanted to go get a pork bowl." Akari: "Oh, I see." Akari: "Well, they are yummy, right? See you!" Hinata: "See you... yeah." Hinata: "Pork bowls are best for lunch." Kerin: "Virtual-san is looking! Blow them away!" Shiro: "Oh, it's Tsukino Mito-chan! Welcome!" Mito: "I am so fed up! Can I get some trivia on chocolate?" Shiro: "Sure, coming right up!" Sign/Vo: "Trivia, go!" Shiro: "Chocolate! They say that Columbus was the first European to encounter chocolate. But at the time chocolate was just a bitter drink, so he apparently had very little interest in it! Chocolate's also supposed to have various positive health effects, with a woman who was 122 before passing away saying she would" Shiro: "One other thing, if you eat chocolate and gum together, the cocoa butter will melt the gum, so it's generally recommended that you don't have them together." Mito: "Wow, is that true? Your trivia is always so handy, Siro-san." Lala: "My name is Mikurira Lala. My favorite foods are uncooked ham and strawberries. My talents are the vaulting horse and singing. It's nice to meet you all!" Mito: "Now, I wonder who it's going to be today?" Mito: "You're Kenmochi Rikiya-san, right?" Sword: "It's Toya!" Mito: "Sorry, the kanji were so similar that I got mixed up." Toya: "Class Prez, what is this? Why did you lock me in here?" Mito: "Silence, Kenmochi-san! Let's get down to business. We're now going to begin the ultimate decision committee. I wish you the best of luck in choosing the correct answer." Toya: "How bossy can you get?" Mito: "Here is today's subject!" Sign{Also The Dialog}: "Subject: which kind of on-air trouble would you choose, as a streamer? A) Your drunken mother interrupts a stream. B) The game you were streaming turns out to be BL." Toya: "B actually happened to you before, didn't it?" Mito: "That's right. I thought it was a simple typing game," Mito: "Now, with that in mind, which would you prefer?" Toya: "Good question. I guess I'd pick A, your drunken mother interrupts a stream." Mito: "That one? The sort of thing that used to happen regularly with live streams." Toya: "Right, and sometimes it actually made the stream more entertaining." Mito: "That kind of thing could often go viral." Toya: "Right." Mito: "And your drunken mother wouldn't be likely to get you banned by barging in." Toya: "Right. Whereas with the BL game, if it's explicit enough, you could get banned for it." Mito: "Right. What could a mother do to get you banned, do you think?" Toya: "Well, if she's drunk, she could suddenly start stripping." Mito: "Nobody wants to see that. Oh, well, that's the bell for 3 PM, so it's time to announce the correct answer." Toya: "Was there any point in even getting my opinion then?" Mito: "Shut up! That's how I went viral, y'know!" Mito: "What kinda streamer is worried about getting banned, anyway?!" Shiro: "Virtual-san is looking!" Shiro: "Don't you look, Uma!" Sora: "There's no stopping now! Virtual-san is looking!" Kohaku: "Hey, I'm Otori Kohaku, 17 years old." Kohaku: "Everyone calls me Unity-chan. As to why... aw, man! Come on!" Kohaku: "Stay away! Not the bamboo spear! No, no, no!" Kohaku: "Aw, man!" Kohaku: "Huh?" Kohaku: "Did I just stream that?" Sign/Voices: "Kerin Slayer." Hina: "Hey, Hime, are there really dark elves in a cave like this?" Hime: "One of the villagers said he saw one leaving this cave." Hina: "Did you ask Villager B, too?" Hime: "B was walking into a wall, so I left him alone." Hina: "Well, it'd be dangerous if they were so close to an town." Hime: "Right, so we have to do something about it!" Hina: "Hime, wait!" Hina: "There it is!" Hime: "It's a Keblin!" Hina: "Dummy! It noticed us!" Hime: "This is bad!" Hina: "This is really bad!" Hina: "Ninnomono!" Hime: "That was amazing, Hina-chan! How'd you manage that?!" Hina: "It kinda felt like it'd work out! Look, there's another one!" Hime: "Okay... Nin! Nin!" Hina: "You suck!" Hime: "The Keblins are coming!" Hina: "Let go! Quit trying to take Hime's pants off!" Kerin: "What are you all doing?!" Both: "Th-That voice..." Kerin: "Time to blow it all up!" Cat: "It's me, your wife, Master, Ekaki Makuru." Cat: "I want to use my Kamieshi Power to care for you, Master. Just kidding!" Cat: "Bye-bye." Uma: "Please, listen, Sister." Sister: "What is it, dear horse?" Uma: "There's this girl who I want to tell how I feel—" Sister: "What is it?" Sora: "I did my laundry when there was some tissue in my pocket, and my clothes ended up covered in it! What should I do, Sister?!" Sister: "At times like that, using the dryer or some dry fabric softener" Sora: "Really?" Sister: "There's also the option of using a lint roller, and on the odd side of things," Sister: "You can try any of those ways out." Sora: "Okay! Thank you!" Sister: "May you be virtually blessed." Uma: "Sister!" Gori: "It's an honor. This is "Virtual-san is looking."" Mito: "Now, we've got a letter to look at. This is from pen name "Sleight of Hand, Slight of Mouth." Thanks for writing." Everyone: "Thank you!" Mito: ""Good evening, everyone. You're all incredibly beautiful, and very popular online." "But who among you is the most popular? Please tell me."" Hime: "Glad to hear I'm popular!" Mito: "Well everyone, who do you think it is?" Hime: "Popular... Who's most popular?" Shiro: "Well, whoever has the biggest fluffy melon breads is usually the most popular!" Mito: "Oh, then who does that make number one?" Shiro: "Well, we'd have to compare to see." Akari: "Okay everyone, step forward." Shiro: "Everybody line up." Akari: "Here we go, show them off!" Hime: "I'm young! I'm too young, don't make me do this!" Hinata: "Have fun, you guys." Mito: "So, that settles it." Mito: "The most popular member among the six of us is Cyber Girl Siro." Shiro: "Wait, you were just guessing!" Mito: "I assure you that's not the case! And now the segment's over!" Hina: "Wait, guessing what?" Mito: "Anyway, that's it for this week! See you next time on..." All: "Virtual-san is looking!" Hiyoko: "Good morning! I'm the Virtual Youtuber who's getting a second crack at life as a young girl," Hiyoko: "I'm sure you've all thought about wanting to be a little girl before. Well, there's a medicine that can make that dream come true... right here! It's a magical medicine that can turn you into a little girl right away! I bet everyone would be happy if we were all little girls! Everybody, be a little girl!"
{ "raw_title": "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING Episode 1 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING", "1", "Untitled" ] }
Peanuts: "They say that a camel's humps are filled with fat." Uma: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, what are you filled with, Peanut?" Peanuts: "I'm filled with heart, you horsey bastard!" Uma: "That's a good one!" Peanuts: "Shut it!" Hina: "To, to, tomato!" Hina: "Pronunciation is really hard. Tomato!" Shiro: "Oh, are you practicing English?" Hina: "Yeah!" Akari: "English pronunciation is so hard!" Mito: "Good morning, everyone." Shiro: "Good morning, Mito-Mito!" Mito: "You want to talk about English, right? Then leave it to me! We'll start with you, Tanaka-san." Hime: "Virtual." Mito: "No! Next!" Hinata: "Virtual!" Mito: "My, that is adorable." Akari: "Virtuaaal!" Mito: "Who was that supposed to be? Come on, everyone, this is no good! I guess I'll have to show an example..." Shiro: "Virtual." Mito: "What?" Shiro: "Virtual." Everyone: "Wow! Nice one, Siro-chan! That was great!" Everyone: "I mean,that is to say, exactly what I expected from Siro-sama. Although your inflection was slightly off." Shiro: "Teacher, why don't you show us an example?!" Mito: "Uh, well, let's see, um... V... Vir... Virtu... Oh, no! Look at the time! Gather around, everyone!" Hinata: "She dodged it." Hina: "She totally dodged it. Mito-sensei, are you going to pronounce it the English way this week?" Mito: "No! But as virtual youtubers, we need to focus on Japanese! You need a sturdy base to work with! Ready and... Virtual-san is looking!" Akari: "Virtual-san is looking!" Akari: "Eek, something weird touched me!" Hime: "Oh, that was me." Mito: "What are you two trying to do in the middle of this confusion?!" Robo: "Everyone! Get on, quick!" Hime: "It transformed!" Hina: "A Transfor—" Mito: "Noooope!" Mito: "Thank you for rescuing us." Robo: "It's nothing." Akari: "Hey, can I ask you something?" Robo: "Sure." Akari: "Out of the six of us, who's your type?" Robo: "Ow, ow, ow! Why would you ask that now?!" Akari: "Because I'm curious!" Hina: "Now that you mention it, I might be, too." Hinata: "We can decide who is on top of the group's hierarchy..." Shiro: "Who gets to be the center of the unit?!" Robo: "No, no, no... I mean, getting asked out of the blue like this..." Sign/N: "Virtual Kerin Slayer Wars" Haruto: "You're all going to pay for this." Ryo: "Haru-kun, calm down! We finally managed to get out of those suits." Hime: "You got a problem?! You want those streaks yanked off your head and replaced with smiley dumplings?!" Hina: "Down, down, girl... Easy does it." Haruto: "Little girl, the fact that you have pink hair is enough to disgust me!" Miria: "Harutrash, are you talking about me?" Ryo: "You need to stay calm too, Miria-chan!" Kaede: "Let's all just calm down and try and find the culprit. Don't you agree, Kerin-kun?" Kerin: "Well... Uh... Those two Kerin Slayers came after me, so I..." Hime: "You're the one who actually started it!" Ryo: "I feel kind of sorry for Kerin-kun." Kerin: "Damn it all! I guess we're doing this! This is their fault anyway! But I guess I'll have to take you all down!" Hina: "W-Wait, stop, Kerin!" Kerin: "Super Ultimate Transformation Magic, Buchisplurge!" Kaede: "That sounds dangerous..." Hina: "If we keep having to deal with him we're risking mental pollution! Game Club! We need to work together to stop Kerin from going berserk!" Ryo: "I agree! Chief! Haru-kun! Miria-chan! Let's follow her orders for now!" Kaede: "Got it!" Miria: "Aye, aye, sir!" Haruto: "I suppose we have to!" Hime: "We'll pincer Kerin from the sides, and then you all will use these! Nin!" Miria: "Wh-What the...?" Ryo: "Wow! These look powerful!" Hina: "Run Kerin through with those swords!" Kerin: "Hey, what's going on?! Are we doing this, or not?! You wanna get turned into tuna?! Or maybe amberjack?!" Hina: "Hime, go!" Hime: "Yeah! Ninsplurge!" Kerin: "Damn it! Can't move..." Himehina: "Now! Go!" Kerin: "Oh, no, not there!" Hime: "He's tougher than I thought." Hina: "And seems to be enjoying it a little." Haruto: "Hey, pink fool, you sure you didn't stab him the wrong way?" Miria: "You stabbed him the wrong spot, Harutrash!" Kerin: "I guess that's the best you can muster! Even together, you're no match for the mighty Kerin!" Kaede: "I guess the swords aren't enough! Do we have anything stronger?" Ryo: "Damn it, we almost had him! He even looks like a pirate now!" Hime: "I understand. This is a forbidden spell, but..." Hina: "Are you talking about... that?" Hime: "Let's do it." Haruto: "Some sort of secret weapon? You should've used it in the first place!" Himehina: "In the name of the Girly Girl empire... In exchange for the life of the dark one, grant us a weapon!" Haruto: "Wh-What the?! My body's floating!" Himehina: "The Wicked Blade, Harutrash Sword!" Miria: "Harutrash... just turned into a sword! Hilarious." Kaede: "Amazing! I had no idea he had an alternate form!" Haruto: "Hey, what's the meaning of this?! Ryo, save me!" Ryo: "Good luck, Haru-kun!" Hime: "Everyone, lend us your strength!" Hina: "We do this on go! Ready... go!" Everyone: "Harutrash Sword!" Kerin: "W-Wait! Stay back! S-Stop!" Both: "We're getting blown away!" Hina: "That was a close one." Kaede: "Thanks, Himehina-chan! I had no idea magic like that existed." Ryo: "That was a lot of fun! I'm glad we crashed from space." Hime: "Really? Harutrash just turned into stardust, is that okay?" Miria: "Sure it is! Maybe that'll help him cool off a little bit." Hina: "You guys are really nice to Haruto-kun!" Miria: "Anyway, let's all play a game!" Kaede: "Good idea! Which one, though?" Hime: "Maybe Pop-Up Pirate? You're getting skewered next, Ryo-kun!" Ryo: "Aw, cut it out, Hime-chan!" Haruto: "Think of a way out of this!" Kerin: "Would you get out of me already?!" Haruto: "You need to pull me out or I'll blow you up!" Kerin: "Hey, that's my catchphrase!" Haruto: "Damn it! The five of them will pay for this!" Call: "Virtual Grandmother!" Grandma: "Bunmei Kaika." G: "That's the phrase. It refers to, as human knowledge grows, the world becomes more convenient. For example, can you all imagine a time before package delivery? In the old days, your only options for packages were the postal service and railway delivery. The courier services first began serious adoption in the latter half of the 1970s, developed through the 1980s, and only recently, came to resemble what we have today. Come to think of it, you used to get packages that came in solid wood boxes. And not a nice one either, but one that was crudely tied shut with rope, that you had to force open. I imagine in those days, cardboard wasn't as easy to get a hold of as it is now." G: "Oh, a wooden box. Here we go." Uma: "Woof!" G: "No, no, not woof... Aren't you a horse?" Uma: "Wofooom!" Mito: "Virtual-san is looking!" Siro: "Virtual-san is looking." Aoi: "No guests ever seen to come by..." Gori: "Aoi-san is depressed. I wish I could cheer her up. Aoi-san!" Aoi: "What is it?" Gori: "Get a load of this trick I can do! Come on, bananas!" Gori: "Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!" Aoi: "Why is it raining bananas?!" Gori: "Hello! Hello! Hello! Heh-heh-hello! Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-hello!" Gori: "I was hoping I could cheer you up by practicing by banana catching..." Aoi: "Uh, making it rain bananas is way more impressive! Fuji Aoi!" Gori: "Hello!" Mito: "Big trouble, big trouble!" Sign/Mito: "Big trouble Akari-chan!" Mito: "I'm telling you, Akari-chan, there's big trouble!" Akari: "What's wrong— Mito-chan?!" Mito: "Akari-san, there's big trouble afoot!" Akari: "There is? Oh, I guess you're taking over from now on!" Mito: "Indeed I am!" Akari: "So what is it?" Mito: "Penname Hitomi-chan, also known as Tomi-Tomi, is worried about something! Please read this!" Akari: "AKA Tomi Tomi? I wonder if it actually says that." Mito: "No, rather, I was the one who decided that." Akari: "I like it, it's cute! Tomi Tomi." Mito: "Yes, indeed." Akari: "Anyway, "Akari-san, hello."" Mito: "Hello there." Akari: "Hello. "I'm a middle school student," "and I really want to become class president!" "But I'm not quite brave enough to nominate myself." "Please tell me how to guarantee victory if I do run!"" Mito: "A guaranteed victory..." Akari: "Someone's greedy!" Mito: "It seems so, but as older ladies, let's provide some answers." Akari: "Let's see, what kind of people are suited for student council?" Mito: "Well, let me think. I think people who can't make a strong impression will be doomed when the time for speeches comes around." Mito: "Exactly! So you need to be able to draw a line! It needs to be the kind of person who can say "no" definitively, and really mean it!" Akari: "Like an American?" Mito: "An American? I didn't mean that in the literal, linguistic sense! I just meant no as in a negative response! We're not trying to answer riddles here!" Akari: "But Hitomi-chan wants guaranteed victory in the student council election, right?" Mito: "Mirai-san? Mirai-san!" Yami: "Bribe 'em!" Hikari: "Bzzt! That's a terrible idea, and we're talking about a student, so it's not like she'd have a lot of money." Yami: "How about handing out some tasty Japanese sweets, then?" Hikari: "That's not exactly legitimate, either." Yami: "Well... You could always lure your rival out behind the gym, sneak up behind them, and then—" Hikari: "Bzzzzt! Nope, nope, nope! Sorry, Akari, take it from here." Mito: "Hello? Mirai-san? Mirai-san!" Akari: "My consciousness was somewhere else..." Mito: "Welcome back, then." Akari: "Good to be back." Akari: "Penname Hitomi-chan! Here's the bottom line!" Mito: "She's going to expose it! Her bottom... line!" Akari: "Start referring to yourself exclusively as student council president! Right now, Hitomi-chan probably thinks of herself as "me" or "Hitomi," but starting tomorrow, she needs to do it exclusively as "Class Prez!" "As class president, I think this" and "The class president is kind of tired", that sorta thing." Mito: "So just declare it herself?" Akari: "Exactly! If you keep it up for long enough, and act naturally, people will be brainwashed into thinking "Oh, she must be class president."" Mito: "Is that really possible?!" Akari: "You bet it is! Not only that, but you need to always wear the sash! Like you're telling people "I'm the class president!"" Mito: "I don't think I've ever seen an actual class president wear one of those..." Akari: "You can even force people to start working on projects! Like telling the discipline officer to do something, or asking a teacher about the schedule for the meeting with the parents association..." Mito: "That's certainly the direct approach!" Akari: "And eventually, no one will doubt that Hitomi-chan is the class president anymore, so no one will even think about candidates or voting in the first place!" Mito: "Undermining the entire electoral process!" Akari: "You've got to keep a dream in your heart... Keeping it in your boobs won't do any good!" Mito: "I'm not sure what that turn of phrase implies?" Akari: "You've gotta talk the talk!" Mito: "This has been educational." Akari: "Starting tomorrow, when you talk to your family or friends, or even give your name for an order at restaurant..." Mito: "Even then?" Akari: "You always refer to yourself as class prez!" Akari: "That kind of passion is what will take you to greater heights!" Mito: "Impressive, Akari-san! I'll be on my way, then." Akari: "But I didn't get to slurp on your zettai ryoiki yet!" Mito: "The script says I should say I'll be back, but that comment really makes me not want to!" Akari: "Well, see you next time, Mito-chan! Bye-bye!" Hinata: "I want to score some headshots!" Hinata: "Oh, this is bad." Hinata: "The other day, Akari-chan popped out from inside those pipes. They might make a good hiding spot. If I were to set up in position with a 4x scope... The second a head pops out from the left of the pipe, bang! Or, from the right, bang! And even if they're behind the pipes, and their head pops up, bang!" Hinata: "But if I'm noticed, they might be able to pop smoke and get away... Can I really nail them with a single shot? I wonder what would be best..." Hinata: "I've got it! This is too much of a pain! I'm going to get in close and go for the kill with grenades! Time to turn that horsey bastard into horse sashimi!" Hinata: "Virtual-san is looking!" Shiro: "Oh, it's Futaba-chan! Welcome!" 2Ba: "Oh, I am so fed up... Can I get some trivia about names, please?" Sign/Vo: "Trivia, go!" Shiro: "Names. There's a lot of locations around the world with names that sound like Japanese homophones. Like the tourist town in Argentina, whose name sounds like "Maru de aho" or "like an idiot," but it's Mar de Ajó, which means sea of garlic! There's a mountain in Indonesia named "Baka" like stupid, but in Indonesian, baka can mean eternity or family. There's also a famous example that's a little exciting, the nation of Vanuatu has an island called Erromango, but it means "humans" in the local language, and not sexy comics! When you think about how baka can mean eternity and family, and how ero manga can mean human, it really makes you realize how versatile language can be, doesn't it?" utaba: "Wow, really? Your trivia is always so handy, Shiro-chan." Koko: "Living life in a daze..." Koko: "I'm from Virtual Cast!" Koko: "And my name is Torimochi Koko. Okay?" Mito: "This feeling... I've got chills again." Mito: "Mugi-chan! Please quiet down! You're going to rupture my eardrums!" Mugi: "I'm sorry Class Prez. I'm just so scared when I'm alone..." Mito: "Well I'm sorry for scaring you, but it's time to do the the ultimate "Would you rather" committee." Mugi: "Right." Mito: "Here's our subject for today!" Mito: "Which would you rather lose the use of for the rest of your life? A) Z characters B) P characters" Mugi: "I'm not sure I understand, Class Prez." Mito: "Basically would you rather lose all the Japanese words that use za ji zu ze zo, or pa pi pu pe po." Mugi: "I see! Well I don't really say party hard or panties or pisser, so I guess I could do without the Ps." Mito: "Those are some fairly crass words, I suppose." Mugi: "I think so." Mito: "But you wouldn't be able to say pirika pirilala poporina peperuto anymore." Mugi: "That's a little before my time... For my generation, the transformation phrase is "Metamorphose!"" Mito: "Oh, I see. So I'd be the one who couldn't use that." Mugi: "Right." Mito: "But I have a plan in mind. See, you just need to become a gal." Mugi: "Become a gal?" Mito: "See, when you write out how a gal speaks, instead of putting the dots next to the character for shi, you put it next to the ones for chi." Mugi: "I see!" Mito: "That being the case... OMG Mugi Mugi, I just can't even with school tomorrow." Mugi: "I just can't even, too." Mito: "We're bffs, right?" Mugi: "W-We are?" Mito: "Total besties, amirite?" Mugi: "Besties?" Mito: "See how that works?" Mugi: "I see... not exactly dignified, though." Mito: "OMG it's like 3 RN, wasn't sure, at first, but it's totes the Zs." Mito: "So, like, us virtual youtubers are totes bffs forever!" Mugi: "Senpai, that idea was wicked pissah! Party hard!" Toya: "Virtual-san is looking." Unity: "Unity-chan." Hinata: "From pen name, King of Kings." Everybody: "Thanks for writing!" Hinata: ""I have a question for you all." "If you were the kings of a country, what kind of nation would you build?" He asks." Hina: "Good question!" Akari: "If I was royalty, I'd want to make a law where wherever I go out—" Unity: "Fear not!" Unity: "For I am the king..." Unity: "Croquettes... yummy..." Uma: "I hope I finally get to say this today, Sister." Sister: "What is it, dear horse?" Sora: "Listen, Sister!" Uma: "About a year ago—" Sister: "What is it?" Sora: "When I go to bed, the ticking of the seconds hand bothers me and I can't sleep. I'm worried I'll never get enough rest..." Sister: "I see. Have you tried listening to some music you enjoy?" Sora: "I tried, but it still bothered me." Sister: "Well in that case, maybe you could keep a tiger in your room, so that you have more pressing concerns than the ticking of a clock." Sora: "I get you! That'd definitely be more worrying. But wouldn't I get eaten?" Sister: "That is a risk, yes." Sora: "I don't wanna, then!" Sister: "Then you may have to resort to desperate measures." Sora: "Desperate measures?" Sister: "Switching to a digital clock!" Sora: "I didn't think of that! I'm gonna get plenty of rest tonight! Thank you, Sister!" Uma: "Shouldn't that have been what you tried first?!" Sister: "May you be virtually blessed." Uma: "At the time of the scream, it will be 12:00." Uma: "Sister!" Unity: "Virtual-san is looking! Yeah!" Hime: "Okay, I've got a letter here from pen name, Festival Wasshoi-san!" Everyone: "Thanks for writing!" Hime: ""Of all the events at school, I love the culture fest the most." "If you were going to put on a virtual culture festival, what kind of attractions would you have?"" Akari: "Oh, me, me, me!" Hime: "What is it?" Akari: "Let's see, I'd have a big skirt flipping contest!" Shiro: "Beep, beep! Beep, beep!" Akari: "You get like giant fan or something, and kick up a huge breeze, and the girls skirts all go flapping in the wind!" Mito: "That runs the risk of getting classified as a certain type of business, so let's not!" Shiro: "Oh, I've got one, here!" Hime: "Sure, what is it?" Shiro: "You know how humans tend to end their culture festivals with a big bonfire? And how cleaning up after an event is always a lot of work? So what you do when you're done is throw everything into the fire, including the attendees, and it'll all be nice and clean!" Akari: "It's a kebab festival!" Hime: "Okay, and that does it for this week! So until next time," All: "Virtual-san is looking!" Pino: "Good day to you. I'm Karuro Pino." Suzu: "Good afternoon, Kagura Suzu here." Pino: "Say, Suzu-oneechan, would you like to play insect shiritori?" Suzu: "Insect shiritori? What do you mean?" Pino: "You just play shiritori with the name of bugs." Suzu: "Bug names?" Pino: "Here we go! Cricket!" Suzu: "Are— Are we really just starting?" Pino: "Yes we are!" Suzu: "T... Termite!" Pino: "E... Earwig!" Suzu: "I'm already uncomfortable with this!" Pino: "Next time is "Granny."" Suzu: "And next week,"
{ "raw_title": "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING Episode 10 – Letting Your Horse Carry You Whenever", "parsed": [ "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING", "10", "Letting Your Horse Carry You Whenever" ] }
Peanut: "They say that most polar bears are left-handed." Uma: "Hey, hey..." Peanut: "You bastard!" Shiro: "We who are virtual must always be refined." Mito: "Ah, yes, the "refinement first" mindset!" Shiro: "Yes! And I believe today is a good day to teach everyone about being refined." Mito: "You can't just try and be dignified, of course. You have to really follow through! Siro-san, if you'd offer an example." Shiro: "I intend to become an idol, and also have total dominion over the human race's internal organs!" Everyone: "Now that's refined!" Akari: "Super re-fine fine fine!" Hime: "I want to see Mito-sama do an example too!" Hinata: "Careful now! This is going to be really refined." Mito: "Uh..." Hina: "Social media is going to be blowing up with #refined today!" Mito: "Hang on, everyone. I get the feeling you're really expecting a lot from me here." Shiro: "Now, let's get a glimpse of how refined Mito-sama is." Everyone: "Three!" Mito: "A countdown?!" Everyone: "Two! One! Go!" Mito: "The latest and greatest... Transcendentally, splendiferously refined class president! The woman who loves, and is loved by, refinement—" Shiro: "Well, let's put what we learned in today's lesson to use! Ready, and... Virtual-san is looking!" Elu: "Virtual-san is looking, elu elu." Shiro: "It's a giant Siro!" Hime: "Where did it come from?!" Mito: "I think I understand what's going on. Could it be that this world is your..." Mob D: "Hold it!" Mob D: "Remove them! By force!" Akari: "In public, during broad daylight? We can't!" Mito: "Again, I'm not sure what you're imagining!" Mob D: "You need to hand them over!" Robo: "I... can't do that!" Mob D: "Then we'll remove you by force, too!" Mob D: "Remove by force!" Mob D: "Remove by force!" Mob D: "Remove by force!" Akari: "What do we do?" Mito: "We'll just have to watch over him." Mito: "This is an important battle, one that can't be avoided." Shiro: "But at this rate, he'll..." Mito: "He's the one who will determine whether or not this world can change." Shiro: "I thought we were done for! It's such a relief to be alive!" Akari: "Hey, do you guys want to do a barbecue? While the weather's still cold!" Hina: "Meat! Yes!" Hime: "I'm in! I'm ready to eat!" Hinata: "Me too!" Mito: "I get the feeling this group is all eaters and no cooks." Shiro: "Hey, if you were going to bring one thing to the barbecue, what would it be?" Hime: "Meat buns!" Akari: "That scared me! What was that shaking— Hey, look outside!" Everyone: "Magma?!" Shiro: "Are we on a volcano again?!" Hina: "No, we're even closer to one this time!" Mito: "You're right, the bottom of my feet feel really hot! Like we're being cooked from below!" Hina: "Hot, hot! Great, looks like we're gonna be served at the barbecue!" Hinata: "But I like eating, not being eaten!" Akari: "Oh, fine, then... I'll just have to eat you up then, Hinata-chan!" Mito: "Everyone, calm down. I think we're basically done for. No sense in fighting it. Let's all get in some proper last words before we pass on. If you'd start us off, Akari-san." Akari: "Right. Hear me well..." Akari: "Don't you ever stop!" Hina: "What next?" Mito: "If you'd go ahead, Siro-san." Siro: "Horse, thank you for everything." Mito: "Hime-san, you're up." Hime: "In my next life... I'll be the number one chuckling dumpling!" Akari: "You're the only one of those." Mito: "Very much so. Go ahead, Hina-san." Hina: "Make sure to dunk my computer in the tub." Akari: "That's a good idea! A really good idea!" Mito: "You're next, Hinata-san." Hinata: "I have no regrets about the life I have lived!" Everyone: "So cool!" Mito: "I'll go ahead and wrap it up, then. Uh, thank you for having us here, on this wonderful occasion on a clear, but magma-filled, day. It's said that there are three types of sanctity in life, which..." Hime: "Too long!" Shiro: "I don't know what it is, but I'm starting to feel good!" Hinata: "Something about sinking into magma like this... It reminds me of that movie." Hime: "In that case, let's end it with that line! Ready, and..." Everyone: "I'll be back!" Sora: "Let's say it together!" Sora: "Virtual-san is looking!" Uma: "Virtual-san is looking." Uma: "And so am I." Gori: "Hello, hello!" Aoi: "Hello, hello!" Gori: "Hello, hello!" Aoi: "Hello, hello!" Gori: "It's a monkey! Hello, hello!" Aoi: "Hello, hello!" Gori: "Hello, hello!" Aoi: "Hello, hello!" Gori: "On a southern island! Hello, hello!" Aoi: "Hello, hello!" Gori: "Hello, hello!" Aoi: "Hello, hello!" Gori: "With the long tail! Hello, hello!" Aoi: "Hello, hello!" Gori: "Hello, hello!" Aoi: "Hello, hello!" Gori: "There was a monkey!" Aoi: "Dude, you've got it wrong. Fuji Aoi!" Gori: "Hello." Mito: "Big trouble, big trouble!" Sign/Mito: "Big trouble, Akari-chan!" Mito: "Akari-chan, there's really big trouble!" Akari: "What is it, Mito-chan?" Mito: "Akari-san, we've got really big trouble!" Akari: "Don't cry! What is it? What's wrong?" Mito: "Someone with the pen name "Manami-chan, a.k.a. Omana," is worried about something!" Akari: "Omana!" Mito: "Please, read this." Akari: "Got it. Omana, huh? Okay. "Akari-san, hello."" Mito: "Hello." Akari: "H'lo! I'm in my second year of college and looking for jobs, but during interviews, I always get too nervous to talk. Please, tell me how to stay cool in important situations!" Akari: "Sorry, I'm back." Mito: "Welcome back." Akari: "Pen name Manami-chan! Here's the bottom line!" Mito: "She's going to expose it! Her firm bottom line!" Akari: "You need to go to a toy store!" Akari: "The best thing to do when you're nervous is to focus on a simple task." Mito: "I see." Akari: "Apparently, if you talk while doing a jigsaw puzzle, you'll naturally be less tense!" Mito: "I see! You're dividing your attention, essentially." Akari: "Right! So Manami-chan should head to a toy store and buy a Rubik's Cube!" Akari: "Then she should practice with it a bunch at home! Until she can solve it in five minutes! Then, when it's time for the interview, she says this: "I've got a talent for solving Rubik's Cubes. I'm going to solve this one before this interview is over."" Mito: "Is that a good idea?!" Akari: "Then she focuses on the Rubik's Cube! There's a time limit, after all." Mito: "But she has to answer the interview questions, too." Akari: "It'll be fine!" Mito: ""Is there anything you're focused on at the moment?"" Akari: ""Getting this red side sorted, I'd say."" Mito: "That's not the point of the question!" Akari: "But did you notice, Mito-chan?" Akari: "Wasn't nervous at all, was I?" Mito: "Y-You're right!" Akari: "And then once she solves it like she said, it'll be like, "She can really deliver on what she says!" Talk about leaving a positive impression!" Mito: "Not getting nervous and passing the interview! Two birds with one stone!" Akari: "Now all that's left is to practice with a Rubik's Cube!" Mito: "Oh, right, right. Someone else is going to bring the letter by next week!" Akari: "This is your last time, Mito-chan?" Mito: "Yes!" Akari: "I'll miss you! Let me give you a lick!" Mito: "If you'll excuse me!" Akari: "Bye-bye!" Mito: "Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom!" Hime: "This is finally the last one!" Hime: "Augh, it's the old maid!" Hinata: "Looks like I win! There! It's the old maid!" Hime: "It seems that God wants me to win. That one!" Hime: "It's the old maid again!" Hinata: "This is quite a battle. But... this will be the end! I win—again?! I'm getting tired of this." Hime: "This joker sure does turn up a lot!" Hime: "Not again!" Hinata: "I don't wanna run into the old maid again." Mito: "You two are going to be late!" Both: "The old maid!" Himeotherhina: "Run for it!" Mito: "Get back here, you two! Hold it right there!" Himehina: "Virtual-san is looking!" Shiro: "Oh, it's Hinata-chan! Welcome!" Kaede: "I am so fed up! Can I get some trivia about trips, please?" Sign/Vo: "Trivia, go!" Shiro: "You know, trips can also be a type of internet lingo. There's the famous message board, 2channel, where all the posts are anonymous by default, so that people can write whatever they want without worrying about prying eyes. But sometimes if you're making a string of posts, you don't want to give a name, but you want people to know it's the same person responsible for previous posts! You get what I mean, right, Hinata-chan? For times like that, you can get a string of random characters that will indicate who made the post! It's called a tripcode or "trip"! By the way, 2channel has now changed its name to 5channel." Hinata: "Wow, really? Your trivia is always so handy, Siro-chan!" Mito: "I wonder who's here this week?" Elu: "Oh, Mito-san, I've been waiting!" Mito: "Huh? And you are?" Elu: "I-it's me, Elu!" Mito: "Right. Okay, Elu-san, let's get started on the ultimate "Would you rather" committee. Here is today's especially ultimate choice!" Mito: "Let's say you can only respond to questions one way from now on. Which would you prefer? A) Yes. B) No." Elu: "So you either become a yes man for life, or someone who always says no. That is pretty ultimate." Mito: "Which do you pick?" Elu: "I'd go with "yes."" Mito: "But why?" Elu: "I mean, I'd rather be the kind of person who says "yes" than "no." Doesn't that just give a more positive impression overall?" Elu: "Right? I'm kind of self-conscious about that sort of thing." Mito: "Oh, Elu-chan, would you carry my bags?" Elu: "Oh, sure." Mito: "And can I break your finger?" Elu: "Uh... okay." Mito: "You just agreed, so I'm gonna do it, okay?" Elu: "Oh boy, that's... maybe I should change my answer." Mito: "Just you wait." Mito: "Really?" Elu: "But y'know, there's something kind of standoffish about only ever saying no." Elu: "What, really? Okay, I'll ask some questions." Mito: "Okay." Elu: "Mito-Mito-chan, you want to treat me to sushi today?" Mito: "Nope. But I'm kind of hungry, so... I guess I could go, maybe." Elu: "Well, you and I are good friends, right?" Mito: "Nope." Mito: "But I've got an opening in my friend roster. So I guess I could fit you in, maybe..." Elu: "So the trick is to become a tsundere." Mito: "Exactly, all you need to do is act tsundere." Elu: "That's actually pretty slick." Mito: "And time's up! It was fuzzy for a moment, but the correct answer is "no"!" Elu: "Yeah, I'm actually convinced." Mito: "That's right! Tsundere is on the verge of passing from the lexicon, so let's prop it up aggressively!" Kerin: "Virtual-san is looking." Kerin: "Let's blow it up!" Unity: "Unity-chan!" Unity: "Here they come!" Unity: "There!" Unity: "Take that! Piece of cake!" Unity: "There you are! This time, I'm getting that rare drop!" Unity: "Mega magic!" Unity: "Ultimate Croquette Power Kick!" /Sign: "Previously on Kerin Slayer." Everybody: "Harutrash Sword!" Everybody: "We're getting blown away!" Sign/N: "Kerin Slayer." Hina: "Hey, what are we doing in a big city like this?" Hime: "It's been a few years since Kerin disappeared, but I got a tip that he's living in this city." Hina: "The dark elf who lives in the woods of Gunma... in the city?" Hime: "Yep, yep! I know how it sounds. I think he should be around here, somewhere." Hina: "Kerin!" Hime: "Yo! How you been?" Kerin: "Who are you people?" Hime: "You forgot about us?! We used to shoot missiles and magic around, trying to kill each other!" Hina: "That's right! You always got the short end of the stick, but your ballistics and Himehina were pretty close!" Hime: "Yep." Kerin: "Oh, you two... I don't even feel like starting anything anymore." Hime: "You reek of booze!" Hina: "Kerin, what happened to you?" Kerin: "Oh, me? I wanted to polish myself... for when I would meet Elu-san again, so I came to the city. And it beat me." Hina: "But how?" Hina: "What were you doing here?" Kerin: "I was a small-time host. I figured if I became number one, then Elu-san might notice me. So I brushed myself off, and worked hard." Kerin: "But I was never able to beat that horse guy." Kerin: "People would always request him." Kerin: "Kept saying he was cute, trying to confess to the sister..." Hime: "So you couldn't win, quit being a host, and became a drunk." Hime: "That's not the Kerin I know! I'm so disappointed in you! What happened to all your energy?! Shoot a few missiles at us or something!" Kerin: "You keep talking..." Kerin: "Did you really think I didn't do anything else in this city?" Kerin: "Fine, then... I'll show you! Too late to change your mind!" Hina: "Th-This might be bad... I can sense an intense night energy!" Kerin: "Super Mega Liquor Magic! Buchichamp de'Oom!" Kerin: "Time to drink the night away!" Hina: "That's total host magic! If that thing hits us we're going to get drunk and have hangovers! We're underage, though! This is a bad matchup! We need to deflect it, Hime!" Hime: "Okay! Ready, and... Ukon Shield!" Mito: "The latest and greatest..." Kerin: "What is this?!" Hime: "It... It can't be..." Hina: "That looks like..." Uma: "Please! I need to talk to you today, Sister." Sister: "What is it, dear horse?" Sora: "Listen, Sister!" Uma: "Well the thing is—" Sister: "What is it?" Sora: "People from Kansai always say "but I dunno" after everything, right?" Sister: "Some certainly do." Sora: "So do they know? Or not? Which is it?!" Sister: "What makes you ask that, Sora-san?" Sora: "I asked a friend of mine from Kansai questions. I got a really serious answer, and at first I was impressed. But then at the end there was a "but I dunno"! So I told her! "Make up yer friggin' mind!"" Sister: "Oh my, now you've got the accent, too. But Sora-san, they're not trying to avoid responsibility by saying that." Sora: "Really?" Sister: "They're trying to impart to you that it's only their personal opinion, and that they have no hard basis for their claims, so that you should probably look into the issue more seriously." Sora: "I get it! I better apologize to my friend I snapped at, then!" Sister: "May you be virtually blessed." Uma: ""But I dunno" is a type of politeness!" Sister: "God bless you." Sister: "Virtual-san is looking." Hina: "Okay, we've got a letter here, everybody! It's from someone with the pen name "Hello, everyone!"" Everyone: "Thanks for writing!" Hina: ""Lately, I've fallen down a VTuber hole!" "Are there any newer VTubers you would recommend to a neophyte like me?" It says!" Akari: "Oh, oh, me! Well, do you guys know... There's this one called "Mirai Akari."" Shiro: "Never heard of him." Mito: "Doesn't ring a bell." Akari: "I'd say Pinky Pop Hepburn-chan!" Shiro: "I'd say Unity-chan!" Hime: "I want to introduce people to Ginga Alice-chan!" Hina: "I'm actually really into a guy who reincarnated as Tomari Mari-chan, at the moment." Hinata: "Do you guys know Kafu-chan?" Everbody: "Oh, yeah!" Mito: "I recommend Marie Android. Her eyes are always really wide open." Hina: "Well, pen name "Hello, everybody!" I hope you take a look at the VTubers we recommended today and fall down a whole bunch of new holes! And so, until next week, Virtual-san is looking!" Omega Sisters: "Hey, hey, hey there! Everybody feeling Omega?!" Rei: "I'm Omega Rei!" Rio: "And I'm Omega Rio!" Rei: "We're here to do the next episode preview for the finale of Virtual-san - Looking." Rio: "Wow, amazing." Rei: "Next time is the finale! The last episode, Rio." Rio: "The last one! But they didn't tell us what happens, so we can't tell you anything!" Rei: "Yeah." Rio: "Right?" Rei: "Y'know, this title reminds me of something." Rio: "You're not supposed to point out the parodies!" Rei: "Ah, it'll be fine." Rio: "Yeah, I think so. Sure."
{ "raw_title": "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING Episode 11 – Granny", "parsed": [ "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING", "11", "Granny" ] }
Peanut: "Today's the final episode!" Uma: "Hey, hey, hey, hey! Anything you wanna say in the end?" Peanut: "Thanks for the last three months!" Uma: "There's another episode on the Blu-rays, too!" Peanut: "You're gonna advertise now?! You horsey bastard!" Mito: "He's the one who will determine whether or not this world can change." Hinata: "Bye-bye." Hina: "That new world..." Hime: "I wish we could've seen it." Shiro: "Thank you for trying so hard." Mito: "We will never forget you." Akari: "But I'm sure that..." All: "You can do it!" Giant Mob: "What the—?!" Robo: "What is this? What's going on?" Hime: "All right!" Hinata: "Good work!" Hina: "I knew you could pull it off!" Akari: "All right, let's do this!" Mito: "Please, listen to this!" Shiro: "It's our... Virtual Real song!" Hikari: "Virtual-san is looking!" Call: "Virtual Grandmother!" Granny: "Idaten bashiri." Granny: "That's the phrase. It has a simple meaning, which is to run a great distance. But there are limits to what human limbs can manage. And as a result, humanity came across the idea of transportation. And among them all, the Shinkansen, which started operating in 1964, might be the most amazing. Then you have automobiles, which grew into a type of vehicle that anyone can use, and the completion of the high-speed roadways in 1965. As for me, I got my license right away when I turned 20. And I just couldn't get enough of driving! Back then, the toll was 100 yen, regardless of where you used it. I used to drive down the highway a lot by myself in those days. I just enjoyed the act of driving. I can still move, too! Look at this! Impressive, isn't it? I can even drive while doing backflips. Because I'm virtual, you see, I can do anything!" Granny: "Now this is idaten bashiri!" Subaru: "I'm Subaru Ingram, an incubus. I might look like a girl," Subaru: "but I really am a boy!" Shiro: "Virtual-san is looking." Hinata: "Hey, Virtual-san is looking." Aoi: "That oughta be good for a billion, I think." Aoi: "Fuji Aoi!" Gori: "Hello." Hinata: "Big trouble, big trouble! Akari-chan, there's big trouble! Real big trouble, Akari-chan!" Akari: "Hinata! So it's your turn. What's up?" Hinata: "Akari-chan, there's big trouble!" Akari: "And what's that?" Hinata: "Someone with the pen name "Rocky-kun" is in trouble. Here, check it out." Akari: "Okay. Let's see, "Hello Akari-san."" Hinata: "Hello." Akari: "H'lo!" Akari: "Oh, sorry about that. I almost fell asleep." Hinata: "Good morning, then!" Akari: "Morning!" Akari: "Pen name Rocky-kun! Here's the bottom line!" Hinata: "Is this finally it? Her bottom... line?" Akari: "You need to be from the future!" Akari: "I mean, there's no one from the future who's a YouTuber! Someone like that would know the winning lotto numbers and which horses would win their races! That's one heck of a gimmick!" Hinata: "Okay, okay, okay." Akari: ""Something shocking will happen to the world in a year..." "Oh, but if I say any more, it'll alter the timeline!" You say stuff like that and your views will blow up!" Hinata: "I can see why, but y'know, I think it'd be impossible to get away with claiming to be from the future." Akari: "Impossible, she says! You never know! In another few decades, there might be time machines!" Hinata: "Y-You've got a point! That might happen!" Akari: "Which is why if Rocky-kun waits until he's a grandpa, I'm sure he'll be able to make his debut as the YouTuber from future!" Hinata: "But when it actually gets to be that era, everyone else might hop into time machines to become YouTubers from the future, too." Akari: "When that happens, uh..." Akari: "He can dye his hair blond!" Hinata: "H-How unique!" Akari: "So focus on keeping your hair until the time machine is ready in the meantime!" Hinata: "I see!" Hinata: "A blond YouTuber from the future!" Hinata: "This is bad." Hinata: "I can see a man at the end of this road. And in front of him is a little girl. If he's some kind of old creep... Should I toss a grenade before that girl gets traumatized? No, she could get caught in the blast. And a SMG wouldn't be accurate at this distance. I think I'd better pop smoke to conceal that guy, and then have the girl evacuate in the meantime." Girl: "Papa!" Hinata: "I almost slaughtered her old man!" Hina: "Yo, yo, yo! Virtual-san is looking! Yo, yo, yo!" Shiro: "Oh, it's Virtual-san... Welcome!" Uma: "I am so fed up!" Uma: "Can I get some trivia about horses, please?" Sign/Vo: "Trivia, go!" Shiro: "Horses... Y'know, the part of horses that seems like it would be knee is actually more comparable to the human wrist, which means what looks like a shin is really a middle finger pointing down all the time. And their hooves are sort of like something that evolved out of their middle fingernail." Shiro: "Horses also have incredible eyes. It's said that humans have a 200 degree range of vision, but horses can see a range up to 350 degrees!" Shiro: "If you try to play, "Guess who?" with them, they'll see you coming! By the way, the saying "has blinders on" comes from horses who were only allowed to see what was in front of them, and means that you're focused on a single thing, to the exclusion of everything else." Shiro: "I wish there was a horse I knew who could work like he had blinders on." Virtual: "Wow, really? Your trivia is always so handy, Siro-chan!" Shiro: "Stop flipping me off." Mito: "I sent her that picture of protein, but will she actually show up?" Rin: "Mito-san! Is it true there are ripped gentlemen enthusiastically enjoying protein here?!" Mito: "Shizurin-senpai, you're dumber than I thought. All we have here is the protein. God damn! Now then, Shizurin-senpai, it's time for our ultimate "Would you rather" committee." Rin: "Again?" Mito: "Here's our subject for today!" Mito: "If you had to pick, which would you prefer? A) Spend an entire day hunched over, B) Spend an entire day standing on your toes." Rin: "I'd rather not do either, but I guess I'd pick tiptoes." Mito: "Oh, I was thinking of saying that, too." Mito: "No, no, the segment would end in that case! Let's try it to see for sure. I'll stand on my tiptoes, and Shizurin-senpai will hunch over, and we'll converse about something!" Mito: "This is really killing my calves, though." Rin: "But imagine having to spend a whole day like this." Mito: "Good point." Rin: "Let's trade! I'll stand on my tip toes." Mito: "No, no, wouldn't that mean I'd have to hunch over?" Rin: "Right, exactly." Mito: "I'm afraid that I can't, for religious reasons." Rin: "What religion is that?! If you're a real entertainer, you need to try it out!" Mito: "Don't blame me if this goes badly, then." Rin: "Stoop! Stoop!" Rin: "You know what, never mind! Never mind!" Rin: "I had to cover that up." Mito: "When I hunch over, it's really quite a sight, let me tell you!" Rin: "That was scary." Mito: "Oh, it's already 3 PM! That means our result is... B, spending all day on your tiptoes!" Rin: "Aw, no, come on, I really don't want to do that, either!" Mito: "If you want to be a real VTuber, you need to know what you are and aren't capable of!" Hime: "Virtual-san is looking!" Unity: "I think I burned through five curry croquettes' worth of calories!" Unity: "But I know you've got them ready, don't you?! Come on, curry croquettes!" Unity: "There's so many!" Unity: "Lots and lots!" Unity: "Huh? A dream ending?" Sign/Voice: "Previously on Kerin Slayer." Sign/Voice: "Kerin Slayer." Kerin: "Wh-Who are you supposed to be?!" Mito: "Where's that bubbly at?" Hina: "Mito-chan?!" Mito: "Tanaka, Hina, I've come to rescue you two!" Hime: "Wh-Wh-What's going on here, Mitonator?!" Mito: "If the two of you are hit with Buchichamp de'Oom, you'll develop an addiction to hosts and go bankrupt. That's the kind of future that awaits." Hina: "What the heck? That's scary." Mito: "I've come from the future to prevent that from happening." Himehina: "M-Mitonator-sama!" Kerin: "Cut all the jibber-jabber!" Kerin: "You wasted all my Chandon." Mito: "Silence! The real problem here is that you've become a washed-up drunkard!" Kerin: "Y'know, booze... the thing with booze! It's the only friend I have! I'm gonna drink and drink until it drinks me up!" Mito: "What kind of vulgar sorcery is this?!" Hina: "Mito-chan, get clear!" Mito: "No, I can deal with this with my own magic! Selphshield!" Hime: "That's the most advanced type of barrier magic, Selphshield!" Mitoshield: "The refined class prez!" Kerin: "Impossible! My Chandon!" Kerin: "All the work I've done since coming to the city..." Kerin: "If it's come to this... I'll use Buchitema." Hina: "Wait, Kerin! She knows Elu-san, y'know!" Kerin: "Elu...san?!" Mito: "Oh, you want to see Elu-san?" Kerin: "I can... see her?" Mito: "I see. This might actually be good medicine to cure your sorry state of affairs. Tanaka, Hina-san, could the two of you lend me your strength? We'll call Elu-san here!" Hime: "We're going to use that ultimate spell, right!" Hina: "Okay! You got it!" Mito: "To our elf, who art in Heaven. By your blessing, let our foolish comrade who has fallen to evil be saved." Himehina: "Super Ultimate Mega Summoning, Elu-Elu Essaim! Hao!" Elu: "Chomp, chomp, chomp... I was eating dinner. Hi everybody, Elu here!" Hime: "Did we interrupt a meal?" Kerin: "Elu-san! So big! A giant Elu-san!" Mito: "Elu-san, sorry to trouble you during your dinner, but could you purify this fellow?" Elu: "Well, my food's gonna get cold! But leave it to Elu!" Hina: "She's so mellow!" Kerin: "P-Purify?! Don't be ridiculous! I've become a part of this city. My heart's been stained black." Elu: "Kerin-san! I'm gonna blow you away! Ultimate purifying magic, Mesareru!" Kerin: "A warm light..." Elu: "It's okay now. I'm sure you're tired. You tried your best! Munch, munch, munch..." Mito: "Elu-san, please focus on the purification!" Elu: "Anyway, hurry up and be purified!" Kerin: "Elu-san—!" Kerin: "No! Not there—!" Hina: "Kerin vanished!" Elu: "I sent him to Heaven! Now if you don't mind, I'm getting back to dinner! Bye-bye!" Mito: "That about does it, I'd say." Hina: "Gotta say, the city can be a scary place." Mito: "Indeed. But since we're all here, Tanaka, Hina-san, why don't we try one of those champagne towers?" Hime: "Sounds good! I wanna stack the glasses!" Hina: "Mito-chan, you've got a chant, right?" Mito: "You wanna hear it? Do you? You ready? Should I?" Mito: "Even in a world that's purely virtual! Your love is real! And right now, right here, we'll prove it! Real money doesn't lie! One order of Buchichamp de'Oom, coming up!" Himehina: "Thank you very much!" Kerin: "Elu-san, I'm on my way!" Uma: "Sister, please hear me out." Sister: "What is it, dear horse?" Uma: "Well, you see..." Uma: "Is this happening? I can do it! Please, listen, sister!" Sister: "What is it?" Uma: "I... I..." Uma: "Huh?" Sister: "What's the matter?" Uma: "After being knocked aside 11 times, I've forgotten my confession." Sister: "Oh, dear." Sora: "I'm gonna blow him away!" Uma: "My inability to confess when the time is right is almost like my own coughbtl—" Sora: "Listen, sister!" Sister: "What is it?" Sora: "I need some advice on something." Sister: "How can I help?" Sora: "I can't think of anything else to confess!" Uma: "Then what are you doing here?!" Sister: "Is that it? If nothing weighs upon your conscience, that is a good thing." Sora: "But if I've got nothing to confess, I can't come and see you." Sister: "I am always here, so you can come and see me when you like." Sora: "Thank you, sister!" Sister: "May you be virtually blessed." Uma: "I remember! I remembered my confession! Sister—!" Mito: "Virtual-san is looking." Akari: "Himehina! Whatcha doing?" Hime: "Everyone! Hao!" Akari: "Hello!" Shiro: "Sup, supo!" Hina: "Since the weather's nice, we were doing dance practice." Mito: "I see. What an energetic finale it'll be!" Hinata: "Already the last episode, huh? It's been fun." Shiro: "I know, we should thank everyone who stuck around to the end!" Everyone: "Good idea!" Akari: "To everybody who watched these three months! Thank you very much!" Shiro: "We're really grateful for all the messages of support we received!" Hime: "It'd be great if even more Virtual-sans could be in anime in the future!" Hina: "You can look forward to seeing the evolution of virtual anime from here on out!" Hinata: "And this is farewell until we meet again." Mito: "And this message goes out to you, who might be lonely! Here we go. It's okay!" Akari: "Here we go! "The Walking Free Directory!"" Hine: "Can I bring you home with me tonight?" Shiro: "Okey-dokey! Sharpening a knife..." Hina: "Who you supposed to be? Winter, for you, hot water for stew!" Hinata: "I wouldn't say that!" Mito: "The latest and greatest... Transcendentally—"
{ "raw_title": "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING Episode 12 – The Disappearance of Virtual-san", "parsed": [ "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING", "12", "The Disappearance of Virtual-san" ] }
Peanut: "I'm gonna be joining you in the intro today, all right?" Uma: "Sure, sure thing! That'll be 5,000 yen for your participation fee!" Peanut: "You mean I don't get an appearance fee, you horsey bastard?!" Uma: "Sure don't!" Akari: "Okay, girls, gather around!" Everybody: "Coming!" Akari: "Hey, Hinata?" Hinata: "What, Akari... chan?" Hime: "You've been half-asleep all day today!" Mito: "Hinata-san, you need to get up!" Hinata: "Sleepy..." Hina: "Aw, she went back to sleep. What do we do?" Shiro: "It's cute, but..." Shiro: "Hinata-chan! Enemies! You're under fire!" Hinata: "Huh?! Enemies!" Akari: "Nice, Siro-chan!" Hina: "Hurry up, it's already time!" Mito: "Quickly, everyone, gather around!" Everyone: "Okay, okay, coming!" Akari: "Okay, here we go! Ready and..." All: "Virtual-san is looking!" Miria: "I seriously thought we were dead last week." Ryo: "Really! Let's save our ability to turn into titans as a secret weapon for the Game Club." Haruto: "Even if it was momentary," Kaede: "Come on, guys, stop praising me!" Miria: "It's not praise, Kaede-chan." Haruto: "More importantly, Chief, this week I've come up with a plan." Kaede: "Let's hear it!" Haruto: "It is called... The Super Shadow Clone Technique, believe it!" Ryo: "Haru-kun, I think a certain ninja might get mad at us over that." Haruto: "Ryo! I've finally managed to concoct a legendary chemical mix. By drinking it, shockingly, you will be able to create clones!" Kaede: "Amazing! And that'll give us more firepower?" Haruto: "Precisely! Should we find the need, we can create multiple clones of the titan-sized Chief," Miria: "And this drink will do that?" Haruto: "You pink fool! How dare you?!" Miria: "Harutrash, this tastes funny. My body feels really hot..." Ryo: "You okay, Miria-chan?" Mirias: "It's me, Miria!" Haruto: "What?!" Mirias: "Miria-chan's the cutest in the world!" Kaede: "So many Miria-chans! Cute!" Miria: "Miria Super Shadow Clone Technique!" Ryo: "Look at all the Miria-chans!" Mirias: "It's me, Miria!" Mirias: "It's me, Miria. It's me, Miria!" Ryo: "Uh, Haru-kun, what are we gonna do about this?" Haruto: "That pink fool! Such a nuisance!" Miria: "Wow, it's like I'm surrounded by Clefairies and Jigglypuffs!" Ryo: "Now really isn't the time, Chief!" Mirias: "It's me, Miria!" Haruto: "Don't take this personally, you pink fool. Ryo! Chief! Get your masks ready! It's time to turn this pink horde into space debris!" Miria: "It's me, Miria..." Ryo: "We're saved... but Miria-chan just..." Kaede: "Miria-chan is so cute!" Ryo: "Miria-chan?!" Haruto: "That must be the original pink fool! By some miracle, she remained on the space ship." Miria Iii: "I think I'm the third." Kaede: "The Game Club's galactic conquest continues!" All: "Virtual Grandmother!" Granny/Sign: "Nisshin Geppo." Granny: "It's a phrase that describes the steady, ongoing, daily, monthly march of progress." Granny: "Humanity's science has evolved steadily with the passing of time. Can any of you imagine life without a smartphone? There was a time where regular contact with someone outside" Granny: "One particular way this was difficult was when it came to meetings. Without an accurate time and location for meeting someone," Granny: "When you did, in the old days, you'd then have to call" Granny: "And then in the same fashion, the other person would" Granny: "Thinking back on it now, it was a huge pain in the butt, yes." Granny: "Oh, one second. Hello? Mikawa Ken-chan?" Granny: "Sorry." Granny: "This dog won't shut up." Granny: "Sorry about that! Oh, the other day was so much fun..." Hinata: "Virtual-san is looking." Mito: "I thought we were finished! It's such a relief that we survived!" Everyone: "It really was..." Hinata: "I'm so hungry." Siro: "Hinata-chan, didn't you eat breakfast?" Hinata: "Breakfast? Come to think of it, no." Akari: "You really ought to, for health reasons!" Hina: "But you're so busy in the morning, it's hard to find the time." Hinata: "I can't wait until lunch. This sucks..." Everyone: "What?! What is it!? What the—?!" Akari: "That scared me! Where did that shaking come from?" Hime: "Hey, am I the only one who's really cold?" Siro: "You're right! It suddenly got cold!" Hinata: "Could it be... Hey, is this...?" Everyone: "The North Pole?!" Hina: "Wh-Why are we at the North Pole?!" Hime: "H-Hey, look! That must be the North Wind!" Hina: "It's got a face?! The wind is so cold! I'm freezing!" Akari: "Too cold! Close the window!" Hinata: "I'd love to, but the window is gone!" Mito: "M-Mouth n-numb... t-too c-c-cold to t-t-talk..." Hinata: "We're going to freeze to death at this rate! I-I know, if we want to forget about this cold, we should start by eating something!" Mito: "Is now really the time?" Hinata: "Well, y'know, when you've had something to eat, you've got more energy, right?" Hinata: "Just imagine it!" Hinata: "Yourself, on a full stomach..." Akari: "I get it! We're trying to trick our brains! Okay, everybody, imagine you're eating your favorite thing!" Hime: "Ice cream! Ice cream!" Hinata: "Too cold!" Shiro: "Cyber shaved ice! Served hot!" Hinata: "That's just... water! Come on, think of something hotter!" Hina: "Steaming hot oden!" Hime: "That just reminds me of a certain trio and their reactions!" Hinata: "Not the point! Isn't there anything else to warm us up?" Hikari: "Oh, I know! Ra..." Hinata: "Ra?" Hinata: "Oh, ramen? You mean ramen, right, Akari-chan?" Hinata: "Akari-chan? Didn't you mean ramen? I'm right, aren't I? Why aren't you saying anything?" Hinata: "Akari's spiritual pressure is gone." Hinata: "Everyone's frozen!" Hinata: "Don't leave me behind!" Hinata: "I can't enjoy life without the rest of you, you jerks!" Aoi: "Virtual-san is looking!" Aoi: "I'm gonna get serious now. Eyes open." Aoi: "Y'know what, Gori-chan? I started doing yoga the other day." Gori: "That sounds lovely." Aoi: "You should try it out, too! Start by breathing through your nose." Aoi: "Like that." Aoi: "Right, right, just like that." Gori: "Yoga." Aoi: "Huh? Gori-chan?" Aoi: "Gori-chan when did you—?" Gori: "Yoga." Aoi: "Again?" Aoi: "Amazing! You can teleport, Gori-chan?" Gori: "Yoga." Aoi: "Sonic Banana." Gori: "Hello, hello, hello..." Aoi: "Fuji Aoi!" Gori: "Hello." Hime: "Big trouble, big trouble!" Sign/Hime: "Big trouble, Akari-chan!" Hime: "Akari-chan, there's big trouble!" Akari: "What is it, Hime?!" Hime: "Mirai-san! We've got really big trouble!" Akari: "What, what is it?!" Hime: "Someone with the pen name "Miho-chan" is in trouble! Here, read it!" Akari: "Okay." Akari: ""Hello, Mirai-san." Hello there! "My best friend and I like the same guy." "She suddenly opened up to me about it on the way home from school the other day." "I was so shocked! Instead of telling her I liked him too, I ended up cheering her on!" "What should I do?"" Akari: "Sorry, I was thinking too hard there!" Hime: "Good morning." Akari: "Well, pen name Miho-chan, I'm gonna get to the bottom line." Hime: "Is this it?! She's going to show her bottom! Line?" Akari: "First, you wait until P.E., and then swipe your best friend's phone!" Hime: "You swipe her phone?!" Akari: "Yep! Then, you hit up the guy you like on LINE from your friend's phone!" Hime: "W-With what?" Akari: "You send him a stamp with a coin swinging back and forth!" Hime: "Are you..." Akari: ""You are falling more and more in love with Miho-chan." Then you send him a stamp with the voice that says that!" Hime: "It's digital hypnotism!" Akari: "Three... two... one... And there you go!" Hime: "Wow, awesome! But wait, if it's gonna have voice, it needs to be an authorized stamp. So Miho-chan needs to contact the LINE developers and get permission!" Akari: "You can do it, Miho-chan! (With your application!)" Hime: "All right, I'm gonna head over to the LINE people!" Akari: "Take care of it, then! See you next time!" Hinata: "I need some items! Gotta find them!" Hinata: "This is bad." Hinata: "The game's already halfway over, but all I have is the 4x scope. I'm gonna want the 8x scope if I intend to survive to the end. The most likely spots for it are big apartment buildings, the military base, and the hospital." Hinata: "But when I factor in the safety zone..." Hinata: "Right! The hospital, then!" Hinata: "Time to head out and grab that 8x scope!" Hinata: "Pick it up..." Hinata: "Pick it up..." Hinata: "Pick it up..." Hinata: "Nope, can't do it. It's way too much of a drag to move like this in real life." Hinata: "Better head to school." Himehina: "Hao! Virtual-san is looking!" Shiro: "Oh, it's Mirai Akari-chan! Welcome!" Mito: "I am so fed up! Can I get some trivia about Mount Fuji?" Shiro: "Sure, coming right up!" Shiro: "Mount Fuji... Do you guys know the altitude of it's summit? Everyone thinks it's 3,776 meters, right? Well, that might be what it says on the books, but it's not actually the case! In the records from 120 years ago, it was 3,778 meters, but then with each subsequent survey... It went to 3,776 meters, to 3,775 meters, to 3,774.9 meters! It's shrinking a little bit every time they check! It seems the truth is that nobody really knows how tall Mount Fuji is! And when you're hiking on Mount Fuji, the drinks you get from the ninth vending machine on the trail cost 500 yen." Akari: "Your trivia really is always handy, Siro-chan!" Uru: "I'm Akeura Uru, the virtual ghost. I'll always be here," Uru: "so I'd love it if you came by to see me. Well," Mito: "I need to hurry before she lights anything on fire!" Mito: "Kaede-chan!" Kaede: "Where's the elf forest I've gotta burn down?!" Mito: "Nowhere near here, Kaede-chan, so don't light anything on fire!" Kaede: "Oh, dang, guess I was almost an arsonist." Mito: "I'm glad I made it in time..." Mito: "Today, you're joining me for the ultimate decision committee, Kaede-chan." Kaede: "Right." Mito: "Here's today's subject." Question/Sign/Also Dialog: "If you could only have one, which would you like? A) A reset button that would let you redo your mistakes. B) The mentality of a streamer who can laugh off their mistakes." Kaede: "Uh, A seems kinda OP?" Mito: "You think so?" Kaede: "Yeah, I mean, you can have do-overs, right?" Mito: "Then if you had a reset button, what would you like to redo?" Kaede: "Well, one time a bird pooped on me, and I went to school without noticing." Mito: "Wait, where was it on you?" Kaede: "My shoulder." Mito: "Your shoulder?" Kaede: "Yeah!" Mito: "Oh, it's a black uniform, too, so I bet it stood out." Kaede: "Yeah, I thought, "Something reeks!" the whole time." Mito: "That sucks." Kaede: "Y'know, Mito-chan, you've got that black hair, so if any fell on you it'd be super obvious." Mito: "If it fell on my head? So are you saying that since you've got white hair, Kaede-chan, nobody would notice, so we might as well cover you in it now?" Kaede: "Nope!" Mito: "Just cake it on there, everywhere..." Kaede: "That'd get me banned." Kaede: "When would you have used it, Mito-chan?" Mito: "Well, I was trying to come across as a refined student council president, and since then I've been called a girl who can do anything other than be refined. So I'd like to go back to my early days and try harder not to slip up. What do you think?" Kaede: "Eh, I wouldn't bother." Mito: "Why not?!" Kaede: "But I liked A better." Mito: "Shut up! As a Vtuber, your glory only awaits at the end of a long, haggard road!" Dudes: "Unity-chan!" Unity: "N-Nice to meet you! I'm Otori Kohaku, and I'm 17 years old! Everyone calls me Unity-chan! As for why... I wonder why?" Unity: "Oh, right, I love curry croquettes! I'm actually a little upset I don't have any right now." Unity: "Really?! Thank you!" Unity: "I love curry croquettes!" Director: "And cut!" Unity: "Wait, we're done?" Peanut: "Virtual-san is looking!" Title Card: "Kerin Slayer." Hina: "Hey, Hime, are there really dark elves in a cave like this?" Hime: "One of the villagers said he saw one leaving this cave." Hina: "Did you ask Villager B, too?" Hime: "B was walking into a wall, so I left him alone." Hina: "Well, it'd be dangerous if they were so close to a town." Hime: "Right, so we have to do something about it!" Hina: "Hime, wait!" Hina: "There it is!" Hime: "It's a Keblin!" Hina: "Dummy! It noticed us!" Hime: "This is bad!" Hina: "This is really bad!" Hina: "Ninnomono!" Hime: "That was amazing, Hina-chan! How'd you manage that?!" Hina: "It kinda felt like it'd work out! Look, there's another one!" Hime: "Okay..." Hime: "Nin! Nin!" Hina: "You suck!" Hime: "The Keblins are coming! Help!" Hina: "Let go! Quit trying to take Hime's pants off!" Kerin: "What are you all doing?!" Both: "Th-That voice..." Hina: "Kerin!" Kerin: "What do you think you're doing to my Keblins?" Hime: "We're Kerin Slayers! We're here to take you down!" Kerin: "Bring it on, then!" Kerin: "Time to blow it all up!" Hina: "This is bad!" Kerin: "You should've never stepped foot into Gunma." Hime: "Hina, get back!" Hina: "Hime, don't!" Hime: "I don't care if this is the end. So please, with everything I have... Hina, come on! Haoken!" Kerin: "Blast 'em!" State: "Hold it right there." Everybody: "Who are you?" Uma: "This week, Sister, I hope you'll hear me out." Sister: "What is it, dear horse?" Uma: "There's a girl I really want to confess—" Sora: "Listen, Sister!" Sister: "What is it?" Sora: "I cheated on my calligraphy submission, and it won! Now I feel super guilty! What should I do?" Sister: "The best thing to do to avoid any unfortunate outcomes is to simply stay quiet about it." Sora: "Wait, I should stay quiet?" Sister: "If you were honest about it, it'd upset your teacher and the other students, wouldn't it?" Sora: "True." Sister: "The best thing is to practice your penmanship in preparation" Sora: "Great idea, Sister! I'll head home and practice now!" Sister: "May you be virtually blessed." Uma: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, Sister!" Elu: "Virtual-san is looking! Elu elu!" Hime: "Okay, we've got a letter here! From pen name "Robasuke-san"! Thanks for writing! "Watching all of your videos always helps me feel better."" Girls: "I see... Good question." Hime: "So what is it, everybody?" Akari: "I like... Where's Waldo? books." Hime: "Seriously?! It doesn't get on your nerves?!" Akari: "I look for Waldo, and then I go to bed." Hina: "I get how it helps you clear your mind." Hime: "I think if I couldn't find him, he'd show up in my dreams!" Akari: "What about the rest of you?" Mito: "Lately, I've developed the habit of going to karaoke by myself." Everybody: "Sounds nice!" Hime: "Sing the stress away!" Mito: "That's right. When I sing in a group, I get so embarrassed that I do it while sitting down. I can't bring myself to stand." Hina: "Is it really so different?" Mito: "Oh, but of course it is! Isn't standing while singing embarrassing?" Akari: "I get you! I totally, totally get you!" Hime: "I dance like crazy, though." Mito: "Impressive. That's what I'd expect..." Akari: "So do you keep singing if one of the people who works there comes in?" Mito: "I sit right down." Hime: "I turn and point the mic at them!" Mito: "That's amazing!" Hime: "Kinda like, "Sing along!"" Mito: "After I order my drinks, I don't start singing until they bring them." Shiro: "I totally get you!" Mito: "I'm too embarrassed." Akari: "You just take the covers off the microphones." Shiro: "I know the feeling!" Hime: "Just peel the vinyl off!" Shiro: "And then just play with the screen you log on." Mito: "I see, I see..." Akari: "What were we talking about?" Hime: "Healing, we were talking about healing!" Mito: "We weren't discussing common karaoke habits." Hime: "Karaoke habits!" Shiro: "I like to sharpen knives. Because I like to cook, so something about sharpening a knife really helps me calm down." Mito: "Wow..." Hime: "That's terrifying!" Shiro: "I'm serious! Try it out. What about the rest of you? Like, an activity you do to relax." Akari: "What about you, Hinata?" Hinata: "Oh, come think of it... what is it? It's not like Siro-chan's, but... sounds? Like, environmental sounds. And maybe battlefield sounds. Like, "Crack!" and, "Boom!" The sounds of echoing gunfire." Hina: "Environmental sounds..." Hime: "What kind of environment is that?!" Hinata: "Oh, wait a second. Hina-chan, what about you?" Akari: "What makes you feel better?" Hime: "Quit trying to get out of it!" Hina: "Was that what I was doing?" Hina: "I wonder... maybe petting animals?" Hime: "So cute! They're warm, after all! There's something soothing about that!" Mito: "True enough." Shiro: "Wanting to feel human warmth..." Hime: "Well some people want to feel cat warmth!" Hina: "Cat warmth!" Hime: "You're not gonna go, "I'm not a cat!"?" Hinata: "I'm not a cat!" Hime: "Thank you very much!" Hime: "And so, the best top of feeling better is..." Mito: "Well, what is it?" Hime: "It is, "Feeling better with animals!"" Mito: "Makes sense." Hime: "Are we sure about that?" Hina: "You just can't say no to animals!" Hime: "They're fluffy and cute!" Akari: "Wait, what about Waldo?" Hime: "Waldo, huh?" Hinata: "You've got specific tastes." Akari: "I mean, Waldo's an animal, too!" Hime: "He is?!" Hina: "What kind of animal?" Mito: "A homo sapien, I think." Shiro: "I thought he was a prisoner." Hime: "Well, with that, that wraps it up for this week! So, until next week..." Everybody: "Virtual-san is looking!" ukuymaster: "How you guys doing? It's me, Fukuyamaster, the Vtuber." ukuyamaster: "I wanna ask, what do you do when you're alone and can't sleep at night? It's best to count sheep when you've got a bit of insomnia." ukuyamaster: "One sheep... Two sheep... Three sheep, four sheep..." ukuyamaster: "Well? Feeling sleepy yet? But it's not bed time!"
{ "raw_title": "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING Episode 2 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING", "2", "Untitled" ] }
Hime: "Yeah!" Mito: "Wow, impressive! Right!" Peanut: "When a cat is swinging their tail up and down, it's means they want some affection." Uma: "Okay, okay, okay, can I get some affection, too, then?" Peanut: "Get over here, you goofy horse!" Uma: "Okie dokie!" Shiro: "What's wrong, Mito-Mito? You seem really exhausted." Mito: "I haven't been getting enough sleep lately." Hinata: "I get you. It's easy to lose track of time when you're playing video games." Mito: "Not that, Hinata-san! I was actually practicing something." Hina: "Practicing something? Well, what is it? Now I'm really curious!" Mito: "Well, you see... It's a pose to do during the show's title call." Hime: "Wait, what? What are you talking about?" Akari: "What kind of pose is it?" Mito: "It's a bit something like... This!" Akari: "What the heck?" Hime: "It's absolutely perfect! Let's use it!" Mito: "Understood! All right, let's do it together! Ready and..." All: "Virtual-san is looking!" Akari: "Virtual-san is looking." Ryo: "Haru-kun, you're not allowed to cook up any more weird drugs." Haruto: "R-Right. Forgive me." Miria: "Did something happen?" Haruto: "Oh, no..." Kaede: "Everyone, gather around! We need to start getting serious about our galactic conquest! Anyone have any good suggestions?" Ryo: "About that, Chief... While I was repairing our ship, I was able to accidentally invent an incredible switch!" Kaede: "What's it do?" Ryo: "It's a switch that can freeze it's targets in time!" Haruto: "What?! Of all the myriad powers that exist, time manipulation may be the strongest!" Haruto: "Well done, Ryo!" Miria: "Harutrash shut up for once! Awesome!" Kaede: "If we use this on our enemies, we can freeze them in place and invade their territory!" Miria: "Let me try it! I wanna mess with Harutrash!" Ryo: "Pipe down, Miria-chan." Miria: "Ryo-kun?" Kaede: "Is... something wrong, Ryo-kun?" Ryo: "I've been thinking this for a while now... Everyone else in the Game Club is too random!" Ryo: "I'm the only one thinking seriously about galactic conquest!" Kaede: "Calm down, Ryo-kun!" Ryo: "You understand what I mean, don't you, Chief?" Kaede: "I do! So just... calm down." Kaede: "Okay, Ryo-kun?" Ryo: "Why would you say that?" Ryo: "Are you uncomfortable, being alone with me?" Kaede: "Ryo-kun, don't!" Ryo: "It's time that I teach you, Chief," Kaede: "No—!" Ryo: "And now I'm the only one left in the world! I've taken control of time!" Ryo: "What? Can you see me?" Ryo: "I asked if you could see me!" Ryo: "Of all things, Haru-kun has invaded my world of stopped time..." Haruto: "Good grief. Now I've got the switch!" Ryo: "Wryyy—" Haruto: "Now I just need to release them. Pink fool, Chief... I'm about to save you! Click!" Kaede: "The Game Club's galactic conquest continues!" Call: "Virtual Grandmother!" Grandma: "Senpen Banka." Banner: "It means "constantly changing." It refers to how things can progress rapidly with the passage of time. Convenience stores are a good example of something that has evolved wildly over time." Grandma: "The first one in Japan was built in 1974, in the Toyosu ward of Tokyo. The first thing I bought at one was cup ramen, and it was quite the surprise. I was genuinely amazed by how good it tasted the first time I had some!" Grandma: "In the old days, it was fashionable to eat it while standing around! Everyone would be in Ginza, standing around, eating cup ramen. You were Inzagay, eating amenray." Gm: "Not ushisay. But rather upcay amenray." Gm: "I was abbergastedflay, it was such a urprisesay!" Chaco: "My name is Chaco!" Chaco: "My favorite food is chocolate. Which is why my name is Chaco!" Chaco: "I'm going to work hard, so I can become famous like the other Vtubers!" Mito: "I guess Virtual-san is looking." Grandma: "Virtual-san is looking." Gori: "Aoi-san!" Aoi: "Hey, it's Gori-chan!" Gori: "Sorry to startle you." Aoi: "That is... a lot of gorillas. Whatcha doing?" Gori: "Picking up girls." Aoi: "Picking up girls? How?" Gori: "Aoi-san, would you like to go pick up banana shakes in Harajuku?" Aoi: "Nope." Gori: "Aoi-san, would you like to get your banana fortune read in Harajuku?" Aoi: "Nope." Gori: "Aoi-san..." Aoi: "Let's go! I'll take take the lead." Aoi: "Fuji Aoi!" Gori: "Hello." Hime: "Big trouble, big trouble!" Sign/Hime: "Big trouble Akari-chan!" Hime: "Akari-chan, there's big trouble!" Akari: "What is it, Hime?" Hime: "Mirai-san! We've got really big trouble!" Akari: "What, what is it? Scuttle, scuttle!" Hime: "Someone using the pen name "Kinokohead-kun" is in trouble! That's enough waddling around, here, read it!" Akari: "Okay, sorry. Let's see... "Akari-chan, hello." Hello there!" Hime: "Hello." Akari: ""There's a music group that I support that have a concert coming up." "And I was able to secure tickets," Akari: ""There's no telling what my Senpai might do to me if I don't show up for the game." "Is there any way I can resolve this peacefully and still go to the concert?" Sorry, sorry," Akari: "Well, pen name Kinokohead-kun, I'm gonna get to the bottom line." Hime: "Is this it?! She's going to show her bottom! Line?" Akri: "First, you wait for the manager of this artist you like, at their office!" Hime: "The manager?" Akari: "Right! And then you hook up with the manager!" Hime: "What if it's another guy?" Akari: "You hook up with him." Hime: "Wow, how versatile!" Akari: "And then, you seduce the manager!" Hime: "Every bit as lewd as I figured!" Akari: "Then, after seducing the manager, you seduce your baseball club's coach!" Hime: "A world of adult relations!" Akari: "Then, on the day of the big game, you invite the artist, and have the concert right before the game!" Hime: "Hey, that really does cover all the bases! I've got the perfect thing, then! Instead of glow sticks, everybody swings bats around!" Hikari: "You nailed it!" Hime: "Okay, I'm gonna go buy eight bats to stick between my fingers, then!" Akari: "Wow, you can handle that kind of weight on your fingers?! Talk about buff! You must be shredded, Tanaka!" Hime: "Here I go!" Hinata: "Huh, was this big empty lot always here? I can feel the Gianism!" Hinata: "Wait, this is bad... In a space like this, with no cover, and no hiding spots, if I came in with a blaster, it's low splat coverage" Hinata: "Should I spam "Come on!" to call for reinforcements? Wait, hang on there! Those pipes are here. If I can lure an enemy behind them, when they've let" Hinata: "Boom!" Hinata: "This might work! All right! Booyah!" Hinata: "Maybe I ought to practice with the blaster every once in a while." Hinata: "Bang!" Hinata: "Bang!" Hinata: "It's always awesome to see those explosions!" Sora: "You all are so helpless. Oh, well." Sora: "Virtual-san is looking." Shiro: "Oh, it's Hime-chan, Hina-chan! Welcome!" Mime: "We are so fed up!" Hina: "Can we get some trivia about rabbits, please?" Hime: "Yeah, give it to us!" Shiro: "Sure, coming right up!" Shiro: "Oh, rabbits! They're often considered an icon of people who hate being alone, and there's no shortage of girls who've said something like," Shiro: "And when you see individuals on their own, compared to the ones that live in groups," Shiro: "But apparently, living in colonies makes them anxious, and they love being on their own! If anything, we need to be careful about cramming more than one into the" Shiro: "Incidentally, the Guinness World Record for the largest rabbit in the world was 1 meter and 32 cm long!" Hime: "Wow, really?" Hina: "Your trivia really is always handy, Siro-chan!" Hime: "Sure is!" Villager: "The whole world finding out about your preferences!" Villager: "That's what this corner boils down to." Mito: "I wonder who's visiting today?" Alice: "Hello! Class Prez!" Mito: "Oh, I see Mononobe Alice is my guest this week." Alice: "I get to have afterschool tea time with the Class Prez!" Mito: "You're coming dangerously close to trademark infringement, Alice-chan! Let's walk that back!" Alice: "Okay!" Mito: "A tea party, eh? Well, you're not exactly wrong. Today let's make it an ultimate decision committee/tea party!" Here Is Today'S Topic: "Here is today's topic." A: "Noni juice." B: "Senburicha." Alice: "Senburicha... that's a Japanese tea, yes?" Mito: "Seems like it, right?" Alice: "And noni juice is juice, not tea!" Mito: "You are correct." Alice: "I had something called aojiru for a segment once, and it was surprisingly good!" Mito: "That was supposed to be a penalty for you, and when you said it was surprisingly good, you sabotaged the point of you drinking it! You're supposed to give a big reaction about how bad it tastes!" Alice: "I guess so! Sorry!" Mito: "But that honesty is part of what people love about you, Alice-chan." Alice: "Thank you!" Mito: "I honestly haven't had noni juice before, myself..." Alice: "Oh, I have!" Mito: "You have?" Alice: "It had kind of a stingy taste." Mito: "That doesn't sound good after all. But they do say that the worse things taste, the better they are for you. Granted, that's a bit of folk wisdom. Oh, it's already 3 PM! Alice-chan, since we have both here today, why don't we drink them to decide? I'll go with the noni juice." Alice: "Then I'll go with B, the Japanese senburicha!" Mito: "All right, here we go! Ready and..." Mito: "What the..." Alice: "This is better than I thought!" Mito: "Hey... reactions are supposed to be... As a streamer..." Shiro: "Virtual-san is watching! Smash, smash, smash!" Unity: "Unity-chan..." Gori: "It's an honor. This is Virtual-san is looking." Mito: "Now, we've got a letter to look at." Unity: "Wait. If this show is on... Today's..." Unity: "Oh, crap, I forgot my report! Why does this happen?! How does it keep happening?! Man... Ow." Lily: "A good lily afternoon to everyone! I'm the angel, Amatsuka Liliel! I'm training in the human world to become an archangel some day!" Elu: "Hold it right there." Everybody: "Who are you?" Title Card: "Kerin Slayer." Kerin: "Elu-san, is that you?" Hina: "Elu-san? You mean the legendary, beautiful god elf known throughout the land, Elu-san the Elf?!" Hime: "Yeah but I'm pretty sure she didn't look like that!" Hime: "She looks kinda pale! And with really dry skin!" Kerin: "There's a story behind it all." Hina: "There is?" Kerin: "Fine, then. Since you guys are here, you might as well take a seat." Hime: "Down we go..." Kerin: "You too, Keblin." Kerin: "See, Elu-san is an elf girl who came here from another the world." Hime: "Yeah, I know! She's even in the wiki." Kerin: "But one day, there was this big disaster." Hina: "Disaster?" Kerin: "It was burned down! Her homeland, the forest. The forest... forest..." Hina: "It was a real tragedy." Hime: "You know about it, Hina?" Hina: "No, I just wanted to say that." Hina: "Continue the story." Kerin: "Elu-san rushed back to the forest, but it was already too late. The entire place had been scorched, with her kin burnt to death." Hime: "Oh no... that's terrible." Kerin: "She was so wrought with grape sor... She was so fought with... grave... She was so fraught with great sorrow, Elu-san used all of her life energy" Kerin: "to cast a spell to revive the forest." Hina: "I know that spell! It's Return-the-Forest-Spirit-Head, right?" Kerin: "No!" Kerin: "The forest was restored, but Elu-san paid the price, and was turned to stone." Hime: "What a sad story." Kerin: "Yeah. And ever since I heard about it," Hina: "Sorry we barged in here without knowing." Kerin: "The timing actually works out. I actually just finished the spell." Hime: "Wow, convenient!" Kerin: "Forests, earth, birds! Let your life force fuel my magic circle, and release Elu-san from her petrification!" Kerin: "Elu Dorado!" Gori: "Hello." Gori: "Hello." Uma: "I hope this works today. Hear me out, Sister." Sister: "What is it, dear horse?" Uma: "There's a girl who I really want to tell how—" Sora: "Listen, Sister!" Sister: "What is it?" Sora: "I wanted to make breakfast for a friend, but all I could make was a mushy fried egg! I just know they hate me now!" Sister: "You have nothing to worry about." Sister: "Cooking is all about love and sincerity. As long as your feelings were conveyed, the appearance doesn't matter." Sora: "That's a relief." Sister: "And even if it's mushy, two pieces of bread can make it into a lovely egg sandwich." Sora: "I get it! Okay, tomorrow, I'm gonna pull this off!" Sister: "May you be virtually blessed." Aoi: "Virtual-san is looking! So look, look, look at this!" Hina: "Okay, I've got a letter right here! From pen name "The Pen Is Virtual Division the Sword-san." Thanks for writing in!" Girls: "Thank you!" Hina: "Let's see, "I've always loved hip hop." "And I was curious if you all listened to it." "If you don't mind, I'd like to hear you all do freestyle raps." So it says!" Hinata: "This is bad!" Mito: "I can't possibly do something like this, not in sudden death mode." Hina: "If you're virtual Youtubers, surely you can rap a bit?" Hina: "Everybody ready?" Hinata: "No!" Mito: "Uh, what? Who are you supposed to be? What is this?" Mito: "It's an earthquake!" Shiro: "What the heck?" Mito: "A heartbeat?" Hina: "It's beatboxing..." Hime: "Oh, that's it!" Hina: "Hina's going first!" Hime: "Yeah!" Hina: "Gonna drop a beat on them with a virtual rap!" All: "Yeah!" Mito: "Wow, she's actually got it down!" Hina: "Woo! Uh... don't stop the backbeat, please." Girls: "Oh, okay." Hina: "What's up with winter, who you supposed to be? Winter, for you, hot water for stew! Hey! Yo! Check it out! Next up!" Shiro: "I'm the girl up next after Hina! Gonna break a beat, so let's-a go! It's winter, I've been here, no fear!" Hinata: "To all the boys and girls on the streets Styling to the beats! Independent, born to rend it, if there's bad we better end it! The young kids born into a paper society! But we're not gonna split or take the demerit! We've got work steady, ready, like a turtle in an eddy! Yeah!" Hime: "Turtle in a what?! Turtles?" Hinata: "Next up, next up, next up, next up!" Hime: "The rowdy girl named Tanaka Hime! Someone said turtle and I don't know what to say! If a turtle crawls under your table, and lifts it up is it port-able? Yo! Next up is Akari-chan!" Akari: "You know what's sexy? Turtles!" Mito: "Damn it! Damn it...!" Akari: "You know what's sexy? Turtles! And you know what turtles are? Sexy!" Mito: "Change the subject! Please, change the subject, Akari-san!" Akari: "This is hard, really hard, and I'm bad, I admit! But if sexy is the subject, then I love it! Nothing's funner than sexy stuff, yo! Now, Mito-chan, say something sexy!" Mito: "I have to do a sexy rap now?!" Hinata: "Go, go, go..." Mito: "All right, here I go... This is it! I like citrus, so have a happy Merry Christmas. I, uh... Speaking of snow, there's snowballs... Throw balls... a lot of... throwing... A whole lot! I'm really just throwing whatever out now. This isn't rap anymore." Hime: "Any ideas?" Mito: "Right, rap, rap... Let's see... I'm good at throwing balls of snow. Show, flow, bow and arrow!" Mito: "Uh, and next... uh... Who hasn't gone yet? Did you go yet, Hina-san?" Girls: "That's it! That's everyone!" Mito: "Oh, is that everyone? We're done!" Akari: "Finish it up with something cool!" Mito: "Last one, last bun, last run... I won. Are we done? Can I stop?" Shiro: "Now that's what I call virtual Youtubers!" Mito: "It certainly is..." Hina: "And that wraps it up for this week! And so, until next week... Virtual-san is looking!" Rindo: "I'm the oni queen, Rindo Mikoto. Now, you delightful children of man, during the Setsubun holiday, you like to shout,"
{ "raw_title": "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING Episode 3 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING", "3", "Untitled" ] }
Peanut: "They say that cucumbers are supposed to have the fewest calories of all fruits." Uma: "Hey, hey, hey! Then what about carrots?" Peanut: "I'm talking about cucumbers right now, you horsey bastard!" Uma: "Hey, hey!" Shiro: "Four sixty-six! Four sixty-seven! Really working up a sweat!" Hinata: "Let's all pull off a sweet muscle pose today! Here we go!" All: "Virtual-san is looking!" Kaede: "Virtual-san is looking!" Ryo: "I'm sorry about the other day." Miria: "No more inventing weird stuff, Ryo-kun." Haruto: "Listen, people, have you seen the chief?" Miria: "Kaede-chan? She picked up a weird life reading outside the ship and wanted to check on it." Kaede: "Ow, ow, ow, ow..." Ryo: "Chief? What's wrong?" Kaede: "I found some strange life form where I couldn't tell if it was alive or dead, and it bit me..." Haruto: "You're hurt, chief?" Haruto: "You should get it treated!" Kaede: "But it's not that big a wound, I'm sure it's..." Miria: "Kaede-chan?" Ryo: "Chief?" Haruto: "What the?! Hey!" Haruto: "Ch-chief!" Miria: "Kaede-chan! No!" Miria: "The neck is..." Haruto: "The chief is eating the pink fool!" Miria: "Harutrash..." Haruto: "Ryo! We need to retreat!" Kaede: "Ryo-kun..." Ryo: "Haru-kun, help me! Chief, stay away!" Ryo: "No! I said stop..." Haruto: "Damn it! It's a pandemic. One that might wipe out the game club!" Miria: "Harutrash!" Kaede: "Now we're all zombies, huh?" Miria: "Surprising how much consciousness we still have." Ryo: "Seriously." Haruto: "If anything, doesn't becoming undead make us unstoppable?" Ryo: "True." Kaede: "You all look great." Kaede: "Keep that camera rolling!" Ryo: "The chief is trying to cash in on that movie." Miria: "I wanna do the Thriller dance with all of you!" Haruto: "Good idea, pink fool." Kaede: "Okay, let's invade enemy territory while dancing!" All: "Hoo!" Kaede: "The Game Club's galactic conquest continues!" Gm: "Sunpo Nankou." Gm: "That's the phrase. It refers to times when you have trouble crossing even the smallest distance. "Having trouble crossing" might be a bit melodramatic, but in the old days," Gm: "Depending on the time, there would be detours because of road work, and all kinds of construction, and holes in the road as a result, everywhere. But when it comes to walking, the thing that shocked me the most" Gm: "The roads were in better shape than they were in the country, to be sure, but in my home, Niigata, heavy duty construction hadn't started yet," Gm: "So when I moved to Tokyo with that mindset, and saw women in high heels," Gm: "That said, your Virtual Grandmother can freely travel, no matter how old she gets. Just like this!" Gm: "I can get great air, too, in fact." Gm: "Three, two, one, blast off!" Gm: "Fly, Sachiko!" Hime: "Virtual-san is looking!" Hinata: "Man, I thought we were done for! It sure is great to be alive!" Hina: "Hey, hey, did any of you see that special feature on animals that was on TV yesterday?" Akari: "I totally did! The chimpanzee segment was so cute!" Shiro: "I liked the one on kitties!" Hina: "I think I liked the penguins best! I know, why don't we all go to the zoo some day?" Everyone: "Sounds good!" Hinata: "That scared me! What was that shaking?" Hime: "Hang on... Isn't it really quiet? I don't hear a single thing from outside!" Shiro: "You're right! No wind from the outside, either!" Mito: "Could it be...?" Mito: "Everyone, are we at—?!" Everyone: "The bottom of the sea!" Shiro: "Why would we be at the bottom of the sea?!" Hime: "But if you think about it, we've got air, and the classroom's power is still on. I don't think we need to panic. Things will probably go back to normal in a while." Mito: "Good point! Let's just wait for the classroom to return to normal, then." Shiro: "Still, I didn't know it was like this down here. You can't dive this far down, so it's kind of interesting." Akari: "Hey, a penguin!" Hina: "A penguin?! Where, where, where?! Hey, you're right! So cute!" Hinata: "It's cute, but... Deep sea penguins sure are huge, huh?" Mito: "Uh... I think... it's way too big!" Hime: "It's opening its beak!" Peanut: "Here I come!" Akari: "You again?!" Hime: "Hina, you love penguins! Do something about this! Quick!" Hina: "I don't like my penguins this big! It's gonna eat us! Thank you for calling. This is "Virtual-san is looking."" Aoi: "That'll do it." Aoi: "When Gori-chan goes for that banana, I'll pull the string, and I'll catch him." Aoi: "This'll be great!" Gori: "Yo, yo, my name is Gorilla! When it comes to the jungle, there's no one iller! Solid gold content with no filler! Gonna open to door to another thriller!" Gori: "Hello." Aoi: "So he can shrink and grow at will. Fuji Aoi!" Gori: "Hello." Hime: "Big trouble, big trouble!" Sign/Hime: "Big trouble Akari-chan!" Hime: "Akari-chan, there's big trouble!" Akari: "What is it, Hime?" Hime: "Someone with the pen-name "Yumirin-chan" is in trouble! Here, read this!" Akari: "Let's take a look." Akari: ""Hello, Akari-san." Hello." Hime: "H'lo." Akari: ""I'm thinking about quitting my job." Wow, really? "My bosses treat me bad, I have to work a ton of overtime, and every day is really hard."" Hime: "Oh, wow..." Akari: ""But I feel like quitting would be like giving up. What should I do?"" Hime: "Hello! Mirai-san?!" Akari: "Sorry, I was in a world of my own!" Hime: "Good morning." Akari: "Okay, pen-name Yumirin-chan, I'll get to the bottom line!" Hime: "Is she going to get to it? Her bottom... line?" Akari: "You should get a new job at a company that supports a matchmaking app!" Hime: "A new job?" Akari: "Then you should find a girl that your old boss would like!" Hime: "What for?!" Akari: "Then you hire a detective!" Hime: "But why? Why?!" Akari: "You have the detective shadow them, after matching the boss and the girl. Then you have the detective take pictures of them together," Hime: "That's scary!" Akari: "That way you can get a new job and get revenge, too!" Hime: "Akari-chan, you're a genius!" Akari: "I sure am!" Hime: "Wow! But y'know, if you make that match, and they get together, wouldn't he be really glad about finding a cute young girl?" Akari: "True. If that happens, then you call up Chono-san." Hime: "Got it! Okay, I'm gonna go grab him, then!" Akari: "Uh, wait a sec, Tanaka... That's not the first step!" Hinata: "This lot is pretty big." Hinata: "Up we go." Hinata: "This is bad." Hinata: "This place is surrounded by buildings. If I was surrounded by people in the building behind me, along with the ones in front, on top of enemies blocking the street, what would I do?" Hinata: "I mustn't run away. I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away! No matter how tough the situation, I will find a way to survive!" Hinata: "Now I wanna play some video games, though." Hinata: "Okay, I'll skip school and head home." Akari: "Hinata..." Hinata: "Whoa, Akari-cha! What are you doing there?!" Akari: "You shouldn't play hooky." Akari: "This pipe is my territory!" Hinata: "What?! You think I can't splat over it?!" Akari: "Come on, off to school." Hinata: "Hang on!" Hinata: "Yay! Virtual-san is looking!" Shiro: "Oh, it's Aoi-chan! Welcome!" Aoi: "I am so fed up! Can I get some trivia about candy, please?" Shiro: "Sure, coming right up!" Sign/Vo: "Trivia, go!" Shiro: "Ah, candy..." Shiro: "Y'know, there's a candy that was invented in Germany for the dental health of kids! In 1920, Germany had fewer foods that required heavy duty chewing, which was causing a lot of children to develop dental problems. And so, something was created in order to force children to chew harder" Aoi: "Wow, really? Your trivia really is always handy, Siro-chan!" Mito: "I've got a bad feeling about this. Like I shouldn't open this door." Mito: "Shut up! Mugi-chan, calm down! Keep that decibel level down!" Mugi: "Well, I was scared on my own, and when the door suddenly opened, I was scared!" Mito: "I guess I scared you, and I'm sorry. But this is the ultimate decision committee, so are you ready to to go?" Mugi: "Yes!" Mito: "Here is today's subject." Mito: "If you could only eat one thing, would it be a) meat or b) grass?" Mugi: "Grass was something you ate before, right?" Mito: "When I was in elementary school, I had a a bit too much curiosity, so yes, but I have it under control now, thank you. So, which is it, Mugi-chan?" Mugi: "I think I'd pick meat." Mugi: "I want to live a long time, and did you know this?" Mito: "Yes?" Mugi: "Setouchi Jakucho-san eats 800 grams of meat a day, and she's ninety-five years old!" Mito: "True enough, she's living proof." Mugi: "Yep, that's right!" Mito: "But Mugi-chan, you've never eaten grass before, right?" Mugi: "Well, that's true." Mito: "It's important to try new things! You shut-ins are just a little too set in your ways, I suppose." Mugi: "I am not!" Mito: "That's the bell for 3 PM! Well, I honestly wasn't sure at first this time, but ultimately it has to be B!" Mugi: "But grass doesn't taste good!" Mito: "You want to eat some meat?" Mugi: "I wanna eat meat!" Mito: "You do realize everyone's onto those crocodile tears?" Mugi: "But everyone is so nice to me when I do it!" Mito: "Why, you little... Well, I recommend you all try eating the grass around your home! It'll open a whole new world for you!" Rin: "Virtual-san is looking!" Unity: "Unity-chan!" Unity: "Hi, everybody, it's Ootori Kohaku! Today I've got something good to show you! This is a big warehouse that my papa gave me that's on the wharf, and it's where I hang out! It's got a bunch of stuff I've collected! Like this thing, and that thing... And this here, and I like this one! Then there's this! Oof!" Unity: "Impressive, right?" Unity: "And yet, somehow..." Sign/Dialog: "Previously on Kerin Slayer." Kerin: "Elu-san!" Gori: "Hello." Sign/Dialog: "Kerin Slayer." Kerin: "Why?!" Hime: "It's a gorilla! So cute!" Gori: "Hello." Hina: "So Elu-san's a gorilla now?" Kerin: "Don't be ridiculous. She... My Elu-san... She'd never be so hairy!" Gori: "Good elfning! I'm here from the land of elves! I'm the high-minded elven beauty, Elu! Hello!" All/Sign: "Cut that out!" Kerin: "Keblins, get this gorilla scum out of here!" Gori: "What are you doing?! I haven't had enough screen time!" Hime: "Wait! Let poor Gori say something!" Kerin: "What is it, gorilla?" Gori: "The thing about bananas is... People think they grow on trees, right? But they're actually grass." Gori: "And did you know that they're not fruits, but vegetables?" Himehina: "Get that liar out of here!" Gori: "Hello!" Kerin: "Damn it! I can't believe that nuisance got in the way. I was gonna save Elu-san, make her fall for me, destroy the world, and create a paradise for the two of us, and now the plan's ruined!" Hime: "So you were up to no good after all, you goofy goober!" Kerin: "You are the one who's a goofy goober! Go forth, Keblins!" Hina: "Hao!" Hime: "Hao Hao!" Hime: "There's no end to them!" Hime: "Hina, look out!" Hina: "S-Stop it! My bellybutton... Don't play with it!" Kerin: "You two are done for! I'll blow you both up!" Hime: "This is bad!" Kerin: "Super Maximum Magic, Buchitoga!" Hina: "Hime, this is bad! That's the high level version of Buchitova, Buchitoga!" Hime: "Boy, that naming convention sounds familiar! What do we do?!" Hina: "I didn't want to use this, but..." Hina: "Time for the maximum defensive magic, Gorillaga!" Gori: "Hello!" Gori: "Hello." Kerin: "Damn it! This stupid gorilla keeps getting in my way!" Kerin: "This isn't over!" Hina: "He was really tough." Hime: "Yeah! Hey, Hina-chan, want to grab some banana shakes?" Hina: "Sounds nice! Y'know, bananas are vegetables!" Hime: "Hello! Bananas! Hello!" Hime: "So cute!" Uma: "I hope you can finally hear me out this time, Sister." Sister: "What is it, dear horse?" Uma: "There's this girl I want to—" Sora: "Listen, Sister!" Sister: "What is it?" Sora: "A friend of mine borrowed a book and hasn't returned it yet! It's hard to ask for it back, so what should I do?" Sister: "Why not tell them that another friend wants to borrow it?" Sora: "I actually tried that, but they just apologized and brushed it off." Sister: "I would try writing a letter, then." Sora: "Do you really think someone who'd brush it off would even read it?" Sister: "Not for them, but for their parents." Sora: "Going to the parents?!" Sister: "They will then speak to your friend. That should get them to pay attention and return your book." Sora: "Okay, I better go buy some stationery!" Sister: "May you be virtually blessed." Uma: "I'm the one who borrowed it, Sister!" Uma: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Virtual-san is looking! Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Everyone: "Okay, we've got a letter here." Akari: "It's from pen name "Tom Is Pen"-san." Everyone: "Thanks for writing!" Akari: ""Lately, I can't stop playing video games." "Please talk about your favorite games..." "Without using any English words."" Mito: "Why?" Akari: "Ready... start!" Hime: "Gong!" Hina: "Your favorite... g-ga—" Hime: "Games!" Mito: "Tanaka!" Akari: "Wait, hang on, I have to count every foul!" Hinata: "Wait, Akari, that's..." Akari: "This is really hard, guys! Give me a break!" Mito: "Well, I enjoy romance games." Everyone: "Oh, romance games!" Mito: "The cool ones, especially." Akari: "What kind of ty..." Hime: "The ones with stories!" Akari: "Uh, never mind, I mean wh-what kinda.." Someone: "Tai?" Akari: "What kind of... Thai?" Someone: "Thai!" Akari: "No!" Mito: "Akari! Don't try and narrow down the genre of game!" Hime: "Hey, Mito-chan said "game"! You said game!" Mito: "This is chaos!" Akari: "That does it for this week! And so, until next week..." Everyone: "Virtual-san is looking!" Roboko: "Hello, robo! I'm the super advanced robotic Vtuber, Roboko! I'm sure you've all had your glasses fog up before, right? Like when you go indoors on a cold day, when you're wearing a face mask, or when you're drinking some hot coffee!" Roboko: "Wow, can you imagine how hard it'd be to see if you drank hot coffee with a face mask on?" Roboko: "Wait, did somebody just call me junk?"
{ "raw_title": "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING Episode 4 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING", "4", "Untitled" ] }
Peanut: "Y'know, the scientific name for gorillas is gorilla gorilla!" Uma: "Hey, hey, hey, hey! So what about virtual gorillas?" Peanut: "They don't need one, you horsey bastard!" Uma: "Hey, hey!" Hinata: "Wow, look at all the books." Mito: "Oh, Hamlet. "To be or not to be? That is the question."" Hina: "What brought all that on?" Mito: "It's a famous line written by Shakespeare. You see it come up online a lot nowadays." Shiro: "Oh, I know him! "Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" That guy, right?" Mito: "Right! He's an incredibly famous poet and playwright." Hime: "Siroet! Can I bring you home with me tonight?" Shiro: "Okey-dokey!" Mirai: "There's no time for this, everyone! We must get ready for the opening!" Hime: "Wh-What did you say?!" Shiro: "It's nearly time for the title call!" Mito: "Uh... we know." Hinata: "I'm... uh, no, I am ready as well!" Hina: "Let us sally forth, then, unto the title call! Ready and..." Everyone: "Virtual-san is... Virtual-san is... Virtual-san is... Looking!" Hime: "Yeah!" Mito: "What the heck?" Mugi: "Virtual-san is looking!" Kaede: "Everyone, we've been slacking off lately! At this rate, we'll never be able to conquer the galaxy! Which is why I've been thinking..." Miria: "I want to hear Kaede-chan's plan!" Kaede: "To destroy the planets of every Vtuber, we need to infiltrate them! So this is what I've come up with... We need to master mimicry, so we can impersonate other people!" Haruto: "I see! We make others think we're someone else, and once their guard is down, defeat them!" Haruto: "Excellent idea, chief!" Miria: "I'm not that good at impressions, though. Ryo-kun is the one who is!" Ryo: "I'm not that good at it, either." Miria: "Mirai Akari-chan!" Ryo: "Hello! Mirai Akari here!" Miria: "Nekomiya Hinata-chan." Ryo: "Yahoo guys, how you doing? Nekomiya Hinata here." Miria: "Tanaka Hime-chan!" Ryo: "Hao! I'm Tanaka Hime! Yay!" Miria: "Peanuts-kun." Ryo: "This is really solid ground." Kaede: "Ryo-kun, you're incredible!" Haruto: "You can infiltrate enemy territory on your own, Ryo!" Kaede: "What about the rest of you? You seem like you might have a few, Haruto." Haruto: "I don't really..." Miria: "A certain person who says this is a one-way street!" Haruto: "Can I help you with something, Kihara-kun?" Miria: "Someone hard to notice that plays basketball!" Haruto: "I'm a shadow." Miria: "Not bad, Harutrash! Now it's my turn! It's that person who barfs people up!" Haruto: "So many mini-pink idiots! What even is this?!" Ryo: "Miria-chan, that's less an impersonation and more of a shocking trick!" Haruto: "Not to mention useless when it comes to infiltrating!" Kaede: "Okay, I'm going to go last with something I think might be good for infiltrating. It's a housewife who gets caught shoplifting on reality TV!" Ryo: "Why would that help!?" Kaede{Dialog Is Also All The Text}: "Well, I wasn't planning on shoplifting, but before I knew it, it was in of my purse. Can you just let me go? I'll pay for it. I told you, I wasn't shoplifting!" Haruto: "Hey, I think the chief might have taken too well to her role!" Ryo: "Miria-chan, you can stop throwing up!" Kaede: "Please, just don't tell my husband about this!" : "The Game Club's galactic conquest continues!" Call: "Virtual Grandmother!" Grandma: ""Uogokoro areba mizugokoro."" Banner: "That's the phrase. It refers to how being shown good will can encourage someone to do the same." Granny: "I thought I'd talk a bit about Valentine's Day and White Day this week. Valentine's Day started becoming a fixture in Japan in the latter half of the 1970s. And White Day in the first half of the 1980s. The specifics about the dates weren't really commonly known at the time," Granny: "There are all kinds of interesting chocolates out there now, aren't there? You know, like glasses or bats! Like, chocolate bats... I think it'd be wonderful if this program" Granny: "A life-sized chocolate Kobayashi Sachiko! We'll call it... Godivava." Alice: "Virtual-san is looking! Yeah!" Hinata: "Hello, everybody!" Hinata: "You keeping it virtual out there? Because it's time for Virtual Radio! We've got another great virtual song to introduce today! This one... ...is a cute and pop magical number, where the "Hello! Hello!" calls are so catchy, they'll leave you with a spring in your step! It's a super pop and sexy virtual cutie cool song! Let's throw it on now! This is Mirai Akari's "Mirai to Mirai."" Hinata: "That's a nice virtual song!" Hinata: "That was "Mirai to Mirai" by Mirai Akari. See you next time! Keep it V!" Ryo: "Virtual-san is looking." Gori: "Hello." Aoi: "There!" Gori: "Hello." Aoi: "There!" Gori: "Hello." Aoi: "There!" Gori: "Hello." Aoi: "There! There! There!" Aoi: "Huh? G-Gori-chan?" Gori: "Hello!" Aoi: "I can't reach that far!" Both: "Fuji Aoi!" Gori: "Hello." Hime: "Big trouble, big trouble!" Sign/Hime: "Big trouble, Akari-chan!" Hime: "Akari-chan, there's big trouble!" Akari: "What is it, Hime?" Hime: "Akari-san, we've got ever such big trouble!" Akari: "Well, what's going on?" Hime: "Someone with the pen name "Ochabba-kun" is in trouble! They've got problems! Hurry, take it! Read it, read it now!" Akari: "Okay, fork it over, come on!" Akari: ""Hello, Akari-san." Hello!" Hime: "H'lo." Akari: ""I loaned my friend a video game a while ago, and it's now been three months with no sign of them returning it." "Do you think they intend on keeping it?" "They might have just forgotten about it, so I have trouble bringing up, because I don't want them to think I'm accusing them."" Akari: "Sorry! I'm back!" Hime: "Welcome home." Akari: "Not sure what that was about." Hime: "Must be rough!" Akari: "Well, pen name Ochabba-kun, I'm gonna get to the bottom line." Hime: "Is this it?!" Akari: "You need to have your friend become a Let's Player!" Hime: "Let's Plays?!" Akari: "Right! You set things up for them, so that they can become a famous Let's Player! Their handle can be "1BRO." 1BRO? But they're not brothers! What the heck? What the heck's that about, then? Then how about "Ninja"?" Hime: "Ninja?! That's one lonely ninja! Then, after they're famous, you set things up so that their stream is going to show their LINE window instead! Then you capture an image of a LINE message where you say," Hime: "Okay, I'm gonna go check out ○Bro's videos!" Akari: "Make sure you watch the TLOU one, Tanaka!" Hime: ""Hey everyone, good morneveningafternoon!"" Hinata: "There!" Hinata: "This is bad. If falling onto the road to school would be a game over, and I needed to get from one side to the other, maybe the first thing is to hook onto the stone wall," Hinata: "and then try a big jump, which should just barely let me catch the edge. I think that'd work. But maybe the safer way is to just jump from the stone wall." Hinata: "What a choice. But y'know, if I can catch onto the wall on the right, the rest of the way should be simple!" Hinata: "Well, I wonder, maybe... I might break some sort of speedrunning record!" Hinata: "Yeah, it doesn't work that way in reality, I guess." Hinata: "Guess I'll head to school." Shiro: "Virtual-san is looking! And so is Siro!" Shiro: "Oh, it's Kaede-chan and Miria-chan! Welcome!" Kaede: "We are so fed up!" Miria: "Can we get some trivia about baths, please?" Shiro: "Sure, coming right up!" Sign/Vo: "Trivia, go!" Shiro: "Baths, huh?" Shiro: "You know about putting a towel on your head when you're soaking in hot water, right? Well, it turns out it's not just a tradition about where to put your towel, but that there's a scientific basis for doing it! By putting a wet towel on your head after gently wringing it out, the water evaporating from it will cool your head off! It helps prevent the kind of dizziness you can get from soaking in hot water for too long! By the way, in the Edo period, there were bathhouses on boats, which is why another word for bathtub is "yubune," with the "bune" meaning "boat."" Kaede: "Wow, really?" Miria: "Your trivia really is always handy, Siro-chan!" Mito: "When I think about the order of guests I've had so far, today's will probably be that 280-year-old." Elu: "Mito-Mito-chan!" Mito: "Hey, an elf!" Elu: "How mean! You know it's me, the high-minded elven beauty from the land of elves, Elu!" Mito: "Could you give me your legal name, then?" Elu: "Snow White Paradise El Santo Flow Wasurena Pure Pri..." Mito: "Sorry, my fault for asking. Well, today we're doing the ultimate "would you rather" committee with Elu-san!" Elu: "Okay, first, discriminate much?" Mito: "What do you mean?" Elu: "But y'know, I'd like a power that'd let me know if my forest was going to burn down." Mito: "That's oddly specific. But which of these options would you prefer?" Elu: "I guess if I had to pick one, I'd pick the ability to see the future." Mito: "But if you could do that," Mito: "or that the elf forest is going to be burned down, right?" Elu: "But I'd be able to choose my last words, and make sure I've taken care of business..." Mito: "Things you wanted to get done? What specifically would that be?" Elu: "Huh... I'm not sure." Elu: "Well, one thing would be changing my LINE name to "Thank you for everything."" Mito: "That is super morbid! Okay, it's time. Today's answer is A, the ability to read people's minds!" Elu: "We didn't talk about that at all, though!" Mito: "If you control people's minds, you'll never have to worry about a bad future! Live in the present!" Mito: "Virtual-san is looking!" Unity: "Unity-chan!" Unity: "Boom! Ootori Kohaku here! I'm really athletic, y'know! My dream is to become an action star some day!" Unity: "Here I come! Secret technique, Curry Crou-ken!" Unity: "I'm sorry! I overdid it!" Voice/Sign: "Previously on Kerin Slayer." Hina: "Gorillaga!" Kerin: "Gorilla!" Gori: "Hello!" Hime: "Want to grab some banana shakes?" Sign/Voice: "Kerin Slayer." Hina: "So, what are we here for this time, Hime?" Hime: "Well, you remember that dark elf from last time? And when he mentioned the legendary, beautiful god elf known throughout the land!" Hina: "Elu-san?" Hime: "Yeah! And this is forest that Elu-san revived by" Hina: "Look, Hime!" Hime: "More Keblins!" Hina: "Fine, then! Expecchan Patrol!" Hime: "That's some crazy magic you've got, again!" Hina: "Look, Hime, there's another one!" Hime: "Personal Home Security Patrol!" Hina: "That's just another way of describing a NEET!" Hime: "I messed up! And now the Keblins are here!" Kerin: "Hey, what are you guys doing?" Both: "Th-That voice... Yamikumo Kerin!" Kerin: "You guys are here again? Well, you're not getting away this time." Hina: "N-Now hang on, Kerin, you've got the wrong idea! The Keblins started attacking us!" Hime: "Hina, we've got no choice! After all, we're Kerin Slayers! It's our job to exterminate dark elves!" Kerin: "Suits me fine. I'm gonna blow you both up!" Kerin: "It's the ultimate super maximum magic, Buchitema! Get out of Elu-san's forest, you two!" Hime: "We'll have to use our ultimate combo attack, then! Let's go, Hina!" Hina: "I get what you mean, Hime!" Himehina: "In the name of the Girly Girl Empire!" Hime: "This hand of mine is burning pink!" Hina: "Its loud roar tells us to grasp success!" Himehina: "Erupting Sekiha Hao Ken!" Kerin: "Blast 'em!" Himehina: "Hao!" Elu: "Hold it right there!" Everybody: "That voice... could it be?!" Sister: "What is it, dear horse?" Uma: "There's this girl I want to tell how I—" Sora: "Listen, Sister!" Sister: "What is it?" Sora: "I think I've put on weight by snacking at night too much! Oh man, what am I gonna do?!" Sister: "You've lost to the sweet temptation of late night snacks, I see." Sora: "Yeah! The more I try to resist, the better it tastes when I finally eat something!" Sister: "Let me suggest a snack that should" Sora: "Really?!" Sister: "It's made from a type of algae so it's full of" Sister: "It's got a lot of dietary fiber to suppress carbohydrate absorption," Sora: "I get it! I'm gonna get my fill of agar jelly starting today!" Sister: "May you be virtually blessed." Kaede: "Why, why?! Virtual-san is looking!" Shiro: "Well, we've got a letter here. It's from pen name "Urban Riemann."" Everybody: "Thanks for writing!" Shiro: ""I'm getting tired of being an officer worker and thinking about a change in careers." "What kind of occupation should I pursue next?" "By the way, my hobbies are gourmet dining, reading, and walking." So he writes, and he's talking about jobs, right? Do you all have any kind of jobs that you like that show up in anime or manga?" Akari: "Me, me! Vampire!" Hime: "Papaya?" Hina: "Sounds tasty!" Akari: "No! I mean, I like papaya. I said vampire!" Somebody: "Vampires!" Hina: "Oh, right!" Hime: "I wanna be, like... Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Shiro: "A ninja!" Hime: "I wanna be zipping and zapping all over!" Hinata: "Then I'm gonna be king of the pirates." Hime: "Sounds good!" Mito: "I think I'd like to be a mage." Shiro: "Mito-mito, you give me more of a sage vibe than a mage." Mito: "I suppose that'd work, too." Shiro: "I think Akari-chan would make a good gadabout, since her costume is so cute..." Akari: "For real? What's a gadabout do, anyway?" Shiro: "Well, they have really high luck stats." Akari: "Luck shats?" Hime: "Shats?" Shiro: "No!" Hinata: "Akari-chan..." Akari: "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Mito: "You're so bad, Akari-san." Akari: "I thought she was talking about high level shats!" Hime: "I did, too!" Shiro: "I think I'd be a white wizard." Hime: "That's perfect!" Hina: "I'd wanna get healed by you! I think I'd want to be a gambler, something that's kind of cool!" Hinata: "We've got a millionaire!" Hina: "Suzuki plays hard! You know?" Shiro: "So what kind of job should Urban Riemann, who sent in the letter, get? His hobbies are gourmet dining, reading, and walking." Mito: "Dining, reading, and walking? Is there a job where you eat?" Hime: "Sounds good to me!" Shiro: "Like a professional speed eater?" Hime: "Oh, I love those contests!" Mirai: "But what if he loses weight doing it?" Hina: "He could be a big eater who's skinny?" Hime: "Would that be a good fit for TV?" Hime: "Maybe?" Mito: "For walking, he could walk around while eating. But that's a recipe for smacking into something." Hime: "Smackeroonie!" Akari: "Say that again, Tanaka?" Hime: "Sma... don't wanna. Don't try and make me say that sorta thing!" Mito: "She caught on... well done." Shiro: "Well, that's it for this week, so until next week..." Shiro: "Virtual-san is looking!"
{ "raw_title": "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING Episode 5 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING", "5", "Untitled" ] }
Peanut: "Y'know, Oda Nobunaga used to call Hideyoshi a "bald rat."" Uma: "Yo! Bald peanut!" Peanut: "I'm not bald, you horsey bastard!" Uma: "Hey, hey!" Hina: "There's a gym and this huge library. This dorm is really something! I love it!" Shiro: "Considering how big it is, maybe there's an entrance to a secret room somewhere!" Hime: "Like the kind where you say a password for it to open? Hm... Open, Comăneci!" Hime: "Wow, something actually came out! Awesome!" Hinata: "What the heck is this? Holy cow! It's a whole secret base! So cool! What's it for? What's the special mission?" Akari: "Oh, Hinata's hype meter is maxed out!" Mito: "Tanaka, take it away." Hime: "Aye-aye, sir!" Everyone: "Virtual-san is looking!" Kaede: "I choose you! Virtual-san is looking." Kaede: "Last week ended up turning into a talent contest, somehow." Ryo: "Especially in Miria-chan's case." Miria: "It's fine! Those mini-mes were really cute, right?" Haruto: "We'd be in dire straights with any more pink fools!" Miria: "Oh, right! I came up with a new plan!" Kaede: "Just what we needed! Let's hear it, Miria-chan!" Miria: "I call it "Operation: Every Rose Has Its Toxins! Deadly Poison Cooking!"" Haruto: "Cooking? You maniac, are you trying to get the chief to—?!" Miria: "Shh!" Kaede: "Trying to get me to do what?" Miria: "Well, Kaede-chan, since we'll need to take our time and have a briefing on the plan, maybe you should make some cookies beforehand!" Ryo: "Miria-chan, you can't—" Kaede: "Cookies, huh! It's been a while! I'm gonna do my best, then!" Kaede: "I think this is the first time I've cooked on this battleship!" Haruto: "You pink fool! How could you incite the chief like this?!" Miria: "Shut up! You know as well as I do how powerful Kaede-chan's deadly poison cooking is!" Ryo: "Miria-chan, you can't... Our sweet chief is going to become a vessel for something from another reality..." Miria: "But if we feed the stuff to our enemies, they'll be totally toast!" Haruto: "You do make a type of sense, but..." Ryo: "What was that?!" Haruto: "An enemy attack?! Damn them!" Miria: "No! The explosion came from the kitchen!" Ryo: "That was the chief!" Miria: "Oh, no! I never bothered to look into how Kaede-chan actually cooks!" Haruto: "At this rate, the battleship will be scuttled before we can feed our foes the cookies!" Kaede: "Sorry for scaring you all! It's been a while, so I tried my best! The cookies are ready, though!" Haruto: "Such an aura! Is it dark matter?!" Miria: "Talk about intense." Kaede: "Come on! Eat up! And we'll go over the plan." Miria: "Kaede-chan, the plan is to give these cookies to our enemies, and then take them out while they're enjoying the snack!" Ryo: "Okay, good explanation!" Kaede: "Oh, so that's the plan! I'll make some more, then! That way you all can eat these!" Kaede: "Go on, don't be shy!" Haruto: "Hey, pink fool, we're gonna have to brace ourselves." Miria: "Harutrash, you..." Miria: "I guess it'd be rude to Kaede-chan, otherwise. Ready to do this, Ryo-kun?" Everybody: "Thanks for the cookies." Kaede: "Guys! Who did this to you?!" Miria: "I knew my plan was a good one." Kaede: "The Game Club's galactic conquest continues!" Call: "Virtual Grandmother!" Grandma: "Choda no Retsu." Banner: "As in, a particularly long line. Are there any places you can think of when it comes to long lines? For me, it's movie theaters." Grandma: "In the old days, no matter where you went, they used to always be really crowded. You'd end up having to stand to watch! That was actually something that was allowed in theaters back then. This was on top of doing double and triple features. A particular memory I have about going to the movies" Grandma: "This was actually a thing, in the old days. The screen would rise up, and there'd be a stage behind it. With performances by singers and bands. They'd be on standby behind the screen until it was time for them to perform, so they could actually enjoy the movie from back there while they were waiting!" Grandma: "And then after the movie ended, they'd play in the theater again." Grandma: "By the way, a movie that made a big impression on me at the time was Mothra! I'm a bit like her myself, nowadays. Whoosh! You know? Whoosh!" Grandma: "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Grandma: "Whoosh!" Grandma: "Whoosh!" Grandma: "Whoosh!" Akari: "V-V-Virtual-san is looking!" Aoi: "Y-You don't have to look, if you want." Aoi: "But I want you to." Aoi: "Virtual-san is looking!" Gori: "What's the matter?" Aoi: "Nothing." Gori: "If you don't mind talking to a gorilla, you can tell me." Aoi: "Thank you, Gori-chan." Aoi: "See, I..." Gori: "Hello?" Aoi: "...wanna go into space." Gori: "Hello!" Title Call: "Fuji Aoi!" Gori: "Hello." Hinata: "This is bad! Real bad! But I can't panic." Hinata: "It'll be rough, though." Hinata: "There are two generators I still need to repair. Probably on the other side of this bridge, but... But should I really go across? It'd mean leaving the other survivors on this side. In that other round, I let them all die and survived by myself. Maybe that's why I have no friends. But if the killer crosses the bridge, they'll be able to" Hinata: "Dead or alive!" Hinata: "Okay, let's do it! Even if it means betraying the others, I've gotta find those generators!" Hinata: "Crap, I ran. I'm gonna die!" Hime: "Big trouble, big trouble!" Sign/Hime: "Big trouble, Akari-chan!" Hime: "Akari-chan, there's big trouble!" Akari: "What is it, Hime?" Hime: "Man, I'm rusty! Here, read this! Just read it already!" Akari: "Okay, okay! "Hello, Akari-san."" Hime: "H'lo." Akari: "Hello!" Hime: "H'lo!" Akari: ""The other day, I heard rumors that a friend was" Akari: ""These weren't things said directly to my face," Akari: ""I've had trouble talking to them ever since."" Akari: "Oh man, something smells a lot like panties." Hime: "Smells?!" Akari: "Y'know, like pumpkins. I wonder what it is?" Akari: "Anyway, pen name "Aruto-kun"!" Akari: "Here's the bottom line!" Hime: "Is she going to get to it? Her bottom... line?" Akari: "You need to embrace your friend." Hime: "So fast! So the idea is to shut the person who was saying bad things up, huh?! Awesome!" Akari: "Tanaka, do you know what I mean when I say "embrace" them?" Hime: "Embrace? No. I'm just a little girl, so nope." Akari: "Well, what you do is..." Hime: "I get it! It's some kind of beeping party, right?" Akari: "Bingo!" Hime: "Okay, I'm gonna go to the bookstore and look up some books on beeping!" Akari: "Wait! Wait, wait! You're too young to mess with that stuff! They won't even let you into that corner of the book store!" Hime: "Beep, peep, pee, Peenut-kun! Yeah!" Peanuts: "That's not how you spell my name!" Hinata: "Hello, everybody!" Hinata: "You keeping it virtual out there? Because it's time for Virtual Radio! We've got another virtual banger for you today. You ready for this? This one... has got a wild style, but refined production, a real goriginal song! The yearning in the lyrics left me with a g-ape-ing hole in my heart, a real miraculous, heart-string-twinging, lovely, drumming ook-ook song! With his natural strength, he gives you wild power! Let me throw it on for you. This is Virtual Gorilla's "Like a Gorilla!"" Hinata: "Now that's a nice virtual song! That was "Like A Gorilla" by Virtual Gorilla! See you next time, gori gori master!" Toya: "Yeah! Virtual-san is looking! Ready, go!" Shiro: "Oh, Iroha-chan! Welcome!" Kaede: "I am so fed up! Can I get some trivia about strawberries, please?" Shiro: "Sure, coming right up! Did you know that strawberries aren't actually berries?" Iroha: "Mm, I could go for more. Give me another." Sign/Voice: "Trivia, go!" Shiro: "Well, two strawberries contain about as much Vitamin C as your typical lemon." Shiro: "But that's if we're talking about typically-sized ones. In 2015, the Guinness World Record for biggest strawberry weighed" Shiro: "It makes you wonder how many lemons worth of vitamin C that one had, huh? And it turns out that this record is held by a farmer in Fukuoka! And did you know that strawberries are part of the Rosaceae family? Belonging to the same family as roses adds a bit of wonder, doesn't it?" Shiro: "Now you know those little things that poke out of a strawberry?" Shiro: "You might think, aren't the thorns on roses on the stem? Well, it turns out, the part of the strawberries we eat are considered part of the stem! And the little grain things on strawberries are actually their seeds!" Iroha: "Wow, really?" Satou: "I am so tired today..." Satou: "I know! I can watch Virtual-san!" Satou: "But I'm so sleepy." Mito: "Now then, who did I manage to drag in today?" Rin: "Mito-san! Do you know where I can find some shredded-looking gentlemen?" Mito: "ShizuRin-senpai, calm down. That was just a lie I told you to get you to show up for the segment!" Mito: "Now then, ShizuRin-senpai, it's time for the the ultimate "Would you rather" committee." Rin: "But..." Mito: "Which would you rather see in person? A) Cyber Girl Siro-chan changing clothes. Or B) Tokino Sora-chan changing clothes." Rin: "I'm watching them change?!" Mito: "That's right." Rin: "Well, I'd like to see more of Siro-san," Mito: "Oh, B, then? I figured that you'd be so fixated on abs that you'd go for that one, ShizuRin-Senpai." Rin: "Good point. I guess it's because... y'know?" Mito: "True enough." Rin: "It makes me wonder how ripped her abs must be." Mito: "Yeah. Idols have to be in shape, after all. But then again, Siro-chan is an idol cadet herself." Rin: "Yeah." Mito: "But Siro-chan kind of gives off a fluffy feel." Rin: "Now that you mention it, I bet her tummy is amazing." Mito: "It just comes down to different types of appeal." Mito: "Where there's just enough meat, that's Siro-san! These are crucial details." Rin: "I kind of feel like we've got a difference of opinion here." Mito: "Maybe. But y'know, if the network is letting us talk about this, I wonder if they'll let us see it?" Rin: "Oh, you're getting my hopes up." Mito: "We can actually watch them change, right? Oh, it's already 3 PM!" Rin: "Ding dong ding dong..." Mito: "That being the case the answer is... A! Watching Cyber Girl Siro-chan change, in person!" Rin: "I kind of want to know why you bothered asking me on, then?" Mito: "And now the committee is closed! If you want to see Siro-san change, I can arrange it for 10,000 yen! If that's the right answer, we can actually show it, right? Ask the network if we can put—" Elu: "Virtual-san is looking, el-el!" Unity: "It's okay! I broke it, so I can fix it! No real reason to be sure of that, but... That doesn't look right. How am I gonna explain this to Dad? I don't know where people get the idea that I wreck any machine I touch, anyway. Shouldn't a combat robot be more durable, anyway?" Unity: "Let's see... No! Calm down, just wait a second, and..." Lulu: "Good-lulu morning everyone! I'm the virtual fallen angel idol, Ayamaki Lulu. My favorite food is apple pie." Lulu: "My least favorite is basically all fresh vegetables." Sign/Voice: "Previously on Kerin Slayer." Himehina: "In the name of the Girly Girl Empire!" Kerin: "Blast 'em!" Elu: "Hold it right there!" Everybody: "That voice..." Sign/Voice: "Kerin Slayer." Kerin: "Elu-san?!" Hina: "We finally meet! The legendary, beautiful god elf! Eru-san's here!" Hime: "What was that?! Why?" Kerin: "What did you two just do?" Hime: "I didn't do anything!" Hina: "Wait, was it me?" Hime: "What just happened? Try remembering and doing it again!" Hina: "The legendary, beautiful god elf!" Hime: "Nothing's happening. It seemed like lightning magic before." Hina: "True, it looked kind of like the light of El Thunder, didn't it?" Hime: "I've got it! "Elu-san's here," is what you thought and "Elu-san's here," is what you said, but it sounded like "El Thunder" for some reason!" Kerin: "Why only me?!" Hina: "Oh, sorry! Hime, cut that out! You can't say El Thunder!" Kerin: "I'm not a lightning rod, damn it!" Hime: "Wow, this is really easy to do! El Thunder!" Kerin: "Please stop!" Hina: "Stop it! Kerin's life points dropped to 0 a long time ago!" Kerin: "After three hard months, I was finally able to meet Elu-san. So why am I being fried with lightning like this?" Hime: "I didn't mean anything by it. My bad, my bad!" Kerin: "But the lightning has cracked the statue." Elu: "Hi everybody, and good elfning! I'm here from the land of elves, the high-minded elven beauty, Elu!" Kerin: "The real Elu-san's here!" Hime: "Huh, what happened to Kerin?" Hina: "He went somewhere..." Elu: "Was someone else here?" Sister: "What is it, dear horse?" Uma: "Well there's—" Sister: "What is it?" Sora: "I keep forgetting to lock the door when I go out. How can I stop being so forgetful?" Sister: "It sounds like you're just not cautious enough." Sora: "Yeah..." Sister: "I understand. I know what you can do to solve this." Sora: "Really?!" Sister: "Change your phone's lock screen to the keyhole." Sora: "What do you mean?" Sister: "When you're on your way out, you'll likely give it a casual glance. But if your lock screen is the keyhole, if you've forgotten, it'll remind you." Sora: "I get it! When I get home, I better take a picture of the lock!" Sister: "May you be virtually blessed." Uma: "Sora-Sora! You dropped your key!" Peanuts: "I wanna be popular! Virtual-san is looking." Hinata: "'Kay, we've got a letter here. From pen name "King of Kings."" Everybody: "Thanks for writing!" Hinata: ""I have a question for you all." "If you were the kings of a country, what kind of nation would you build?" He asks." Hina: "Good question!" Akari: "If I was royalty, I'd want to make a law where wherever I went out, I'd be nude!" Mito: "Please stop making me want things!" Shiro: "Oh, me! Me, me, me, me!" Hinata: "Go ahead, Siro-chan." Shiro: "If I was an awesome king, I'd make it so that men could wear skirts, too." Hime: "I like the sound of that!" Akari: "I think they do that in England!" Hina: "If I was queen, let's see... I'd order anime adaptations for all my favorite manga!" Hime: "Wow! That'd be crazy!" Hina: "By my command!" Mito: "Silence, all of you." Mito: "Show some royal dignity." Hina: "Lower your heads, all of you!" Mito: "Let's see... I think I'd make everyone carry around 50 kg weights," Mito: "with only the survivors being able to return to society, so that it would be more fit." Shiro: "Like some kind of battle royal?" Mito: "Something along those lines." Hinata: "Okay, I'll wrap things up!" Everybody: "Yeah!" Hinata: "I hereby declare that that is all for this week. So, until next time," All: "Virtual-san is looking!" utaba: "Goodtaba evening, Kitakami Futaba here." Iori: "Good morning, Yamato Iori here." utaba: "They said we could say whatever we want during the next episode preview," Iori: "How about you show off your tongue twister skill, Futaba-chan?" utaba: "Sounds good! Give me one, come on!" Iori: "Okay, how about, "She sells sea shells by the she—" Aw, I messed up." utaba: "No you didn't!" Iori: "I didn't?!" ext Time Is: "Next time is "I'm Salty."" utaba: "Until next week—"
{ "raw_title": "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING Episode 6 – PP Dance Festival", "parsed": [ "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING", "6", "PP Dance Festival" ] }
Peanut: "They say those dark bits on a banana are called "sugar spots."" Uma: "Hey, hey, hey! So where are your sugar spots, Peanut?" Peanut: "Peanuts are salty! You horsey bastard!" Uma: "Hey, hey!" Hinata: "Hello and good evening everyone." Everybody: "Good evening!" Hinata: "It seems Virtual-san - Looking is getting good reviews." Everyone: "That's nice!" Hinata: "And apparently there's an off-season typhoon headed our way." Everyone: "That's nice!" Hinata: "Nah, that's not happening! Anyway, Akari-chan, did you cut your hair?" Akari: "Yeah!" Hinata: "And I heard that the opening song is going to change this week?" Shiro: "Yep! The six of us are going to be singing the new one." Hime: "Which means you're going to be singing, too." Hinata: "Really? What kind of song is it?" Shiro: "It's a cute, but rousing kind of song." Akari: "It puts you in a sexy mood." Hime: "It's a song that makes you wanna do the Comăneci!" Hina: "It's the kind of wonderfully sleepy song that you want to stick under your pillow." Mito: "It's a song where you just start to want to rap." Hinata: "Everyone seems to have a different take on it." Hinata: "Well, to all our viewers, let us know what you think at #virtualsan. Let's get to it, here is..." Everyone: ""I Need More Love"!" Himehina: "Virtual-san is... Looking!" Robo: "Wh-What is this?!" Mob A: "So... you're saying that when you woke up, you had become a robot?" Robo: "Yeah." Mob A: "And that yesterday, you were totally normal, like me." Robo: "Yeah." Mob B: "Turning into a robot overnight seems kind of impossible." Robo: "Yeah, I know!" Both: "So why...?" Mob A: "The only possible reason I can think of..." Mob A: "is them!" Robo: "Ah..." Hime: "Hey! Where are we?" Hina: "Everybody seems to have the same face." Mito: "Are they actually even people?" Hinata: "Man..." Akari: "What nice weather! Man, I'm bored." Akari: "So bored!" Mito: "Really? I think that having a bit of down time like this serves its own purpose." Akari: "If I says I'm bored then I'm bored!" Akari: "Hina-chan, if you don't say something, I'm gonna stare at you until you do!" Hina: "Then, I'll stare back! Stare!" Akari: "Class Prez, I'm not bored anymore!" Mito: "How about this, then? Why don't we brainstorm ideas for things we can do and then call them out, one by one." Hina: "I'm not sure I can think of anything, though." Mito: "We could pretend that the strings for a ceiling lamp are a speed bag, or use the reverberation from a fan to talk like aliens. Granted, those are a bit cliché." Hina: "I've definitely heard of them." Akari: "Try it." Mito: "What, m-me?" Akari: "I'll do the buzzing thing that fans do, okay?" Mito: "All right." Akari: "Vrrrm... vrrrm... vrrm..." Mito: "Hello! Mirai Akari here! What do you think? Sounds like you, huh?" Mito: "Hina-chan, you should try, too. Do me." Call: "Virtual Grandmother!" Grandma: "Nashi no tsubute." Banner: "That's the phrase. It comes from how sometimes, you never receive a reply to correspondence. Like how you can toss a pebble, and it won't ever come back to you." Grandmba: "In the old days, we used to only have phones at home, after all. So if you had any plans or sensitive matters to discuss with friends," Grandmba: "And if your friends ever moved far away," Grandmba: "To put it in terms of the modern smartphone ecosystem," Grandmba: "Those would be nashi no tsubute." Grandmba: "Incidentally, I, Kobayashi Sachiko, have an official Twitter as well! @Sachiko_5884. The 5884 can be read as "KO BA YA SHI," you see. Also, make sure to tweet with #virtualgrandmother and let me know" Grandmba: "I'll be waiting to hear from you. Although I won't be replying all that much," Grandmba: "But I will be reading them, okay?" Shiro: "Virtual-san is looking." Gori: "Virtual-san is looking. Hello!" Aoi: "Gori-chan, let's play Red Light, Green Light!" Gori: "Hello!" Aoi: "Green light... Red light! Huh?" Peanut: "It's me, Peanut!" Aoi: "Where'd Gori-chan go?!" Peanut: "I ate him!" Gori: "Hello!" Aoi: "Fuji Aoi!" Gori: "Hi!" Aoi: "Green light... Red light! Huh?" Peanut: "It's me, Peanut!" Aoi: "Where's Gori-chan?" Peanut: "Here he is!" Gori: "Hello!" Call: "Fuji Aoi! Hello." Hime: "Big trouble, big trouble!" Sign/Hime: "Big trouble, Akari-chan! Big trouble, Akari-chan!" Sign/Hime: "Whoa, whoa, whoa... hello there." Akari: "What is it, Hime-chan?" Hime: "Akari-chan, we've got really big trouble!" Mirai: "Let's see here." Hime: "Someone with the pen name "Mimi-chan" is worried! Stop clonking around and here! Read this, would you? Go on!" Akari: "Sorry about that. Let's see, "Hello, Akari-san." Hello!" Hime: "Hello." Akari: "Hello." Hime: "Hello." Akari: ""Whenever I'm using my PC and try to put something in the USB port," Akari: ""How can I stop doing this?"" Akari: "Sorry, I'm back now." Hime: "Oh, welcome home." Akari: "Okay!" Akari: "Pen name Mimi-chan!" Akari: "Here's the bottom line!" Hime: "Is she going to get to it? Her bottom... line?" Akari: "You need your own company!" Hime: "A c-company?!" Akari: "Yep! Mimi-chan is being troubled by something as mundane as USB accessories, right? That's a pretty common problem that everyone has!" Hime: "Yeah, that's true." Akari: "Which means it's a business opportunity! Mimi-chan will practice connecting USB stuff until she masters it! And then she'll become a USB insertion pro with perfect accuracy!" Hime: "That's professional?! Really?!" Akari: "Yep. Then she start a company, and visit other people with the same problem, and—bang, bang, bang— jam those USB connections in!" Akari: "Mimi-chan will be creating an all-new kind of business!" Hime: "That's awesome and sounds super cool!" Akari: "At the same time she can work on training some new hires," Akari: "The business will grow with leaps and bounds, and she'll get super rich!" Hime: "That's awesome! Bubble-style!" Akari: "And then Mimi-chan becomes super rich and retires to a tropical island. Aloha! And there she lived a life never having to worry about USB ports ever again. The end!" Hime: "I love it! What a great story!" Akari: "Isn't it, though?" Hime: "Yeah!" Akari: "You commit to meeting the needs of an unfulfilled market segment. That's the iron rule of business!" Hime: "USB Dream!" Akari: "Yay!" Hime: "Dream catching Yay! Playing the lotto! Bang, bang, bang!" Hinata: "Where is that save point?!" Hinata: "If this keeps up..." Hinata: "The feeling of this bridge... There's definitely a boss battle on the other side! Does that mean this is..." Hinata: "Would it be a good idea to move onto the boss battle without saving? I'm not particularly good at the bullet hell segments, so I tend to do poorly" Hinata: "You have to move your heart around... Like this! And that! There! I can do this! I've got a slice of butterscotch-cinnamon pie, along with other healing items..." Hinata: "I can do this!" Hinata: "Time to take this boss on!" Hinata: "I'm filled with determination to fight this boss!" Hinata: "Virtual-san is looking." Shiro: "Oh, Pino-chan! Welcome!" Pino: "I am ever so fed up! Can I get some trivia about tai, please?" Shiro: "Sure, coming right up! Y'know, Japan is really the only country to treat red sea bream as the" Pino: "I'm not quite full yet." Sign/Voice: "Trivia, go!" Shiro: "Well there's also Thai..." Shiro: "As in the country that is very popular with Japanese tourists, Thailand. And though it's the capitol of Thailand," Shiro: "Officially it's... Krungthepmahanakhon Amonrattanakosin Mahintharayutthaya" Pino: "Wow, really? Your trivia really is always so handy, Siro-oneechan!" Mito: "Now, then, I caught him earlier, and he should be waking up any time now." Toya: "Class Prez! Why am I the only one locked up here?! Everyone else said you just asked them to appear normally! What did I do to earn this treatment?!" Mito: "Silence! You're joining me for the ultimate "Would you rather" committee today, Kenmochi-san. Here's our subject!" Mito: "Which would you prefer? A) Being randomly shocked to the point of mild pain once a day, or... B) To have your socks get slightly soggy every day." Toya: "Uh, I'd rather neither... I guess maybe B, having your socks get soggy every day." Mito: "That's what you'd prefer?" Toya: "I think so. I mean, if you get shocked once a day," Mito: "What do you mean exactly?" Toya: "If you got shocked while using the bathroom, you could end up splashing everywhere." Mito: "I honestly would rather you not have elaborated there." Mito: "But I see what you mean. Like, say you're proposing. It could end up like, "I've always augh," which would definitely put a damper on things." Mito: "That's a good point. But wouldn't it made your feet stink? If your socks were a bit damp all the time." Toya: "I guess they would." Mito: "Right, and that would be terrible." Toya: "But if it got to be bad, you could always just take your socks off." Mito: "Okay, then, Kenmochi-san, take your socks off. Go ahead." Toya: "Huh. Wha... My shoes... They won't come off." Mito: "Isn't that the strangest thing? I can't imagine why! I wonder how much it would cost to be able to take them off? Oh, look at the time! Okay, let's settle it. The answer is A). Receiving a random, mildly painful shock once a day is preferable!" Toya: "I don't see the point of having me on this segment!" Mito: "Silence! If you want to electrify everyone else as a VTuber," Rin: "Virtual-san is looking." Unity: "Unity-chan..." Unity: "Oh, poor Cinderella. I will make it so you are fit to go to the ball!" Unity: "There! Now, your beauty will be unleashed!" Gori: "Hello!" Gori: "Is this where we're filming today?" Unity: "Y-You wanna eat some curry croquettes?" Gori: "I appreciate it." Unity: "He ate it." Voice/Sign: "Previously on Kerin Slayer." Elu: "Was someone else here?" Sign/Voice: "Kerin Slayer." Kerin: "What happened to me?" Kerin: "It looks like I've turned into drifting particles of light." Kerin: "I can't maintain my form." Kerin: "And after I was finally about to meet Elu-san..." Hime: "Hey, Kerin! Where are you?" Hina: "Kerin!" Elu: "Hey, what is that white thing?" Hime: "Could it be?" Kerin: "She's calling for me... Elu-san is calling me!" Hime: "Kerin's particles are shining! Elu-chan! Reach out and grab that light!" Elu: "Like this? Come on back!" Kerin: "I did it! I'm back! Elu-san! Thank you so much! Wait, where did Elu-san go?" Elu: "I-I'm over here." Hina: "She's behind you, Kerin." Kerin: "Unbelievable! I finally regain physical form, but I can't actually see Elu-san behind me?!" Hime: "Oh, it's because his layer is on top of hers!" Kerin: "I get it. So it's actually "Kerin's Layer."" Hina: "This whole sketch has been a pun." Elu: "Kerin-san, I'm Elu!" Kerin: "Elu-san! It's nice to meet you. I'm Yamikumo Kerin, the dark elf!" Kerin: "Why?! Why can't I see Elu-san's face?!" Hime: "She's super cute!" Hina: "And super pretty!" Kerin: "Damn it! Quit hogging all the Elu-san!" Elu: "Kerin-san seems like a pleasant fellow!" Kerin: "This is such a perfect chance! But I can't even see her! If this forest can't help me... It might as well burn!" Hina: "Don't tell me..." Kerin: "Ultimate Mega-Magic, Buchiflare!" Kerin: "I'm gonna blow it all up!" Hina: "Hime, you know what to do?" Hime: "Heck yeah!" Himehina: "In thy great name, we pledge ourselves to darkness! Let all the layers who stand in our way be destroyed by the power that we posses. Kerin Slayer!" Kerin: "Huh? Huh? What the...?" Kerin: "Elu-san!" Elu: "That's me!" Kerin: "I'm moved! It's Elu-san, in the flesh!" Hime: "Sorry to interrupt your moment, but can you do something about the missiles?" Kerin: "That's right! At this rate, Elu-san and the forest will be destroyed!" Hina: "We're here too!" Elu: "My forest is going to burn again." Kerin: "I won't let that happen!" Kerin: "Elu-san!" Himehina: "Kerin!" Hime: "Elu-san... He sacrificed himself to protect us!" Hina: "Elu-chan, putting that aside, I'm feeling kind of thirsty." Hime: "Oh, yeah, me too. You wanna go grab some banana shakes? We know a great place!" Hina: "Come on!" Elu: "Let's go!" Hina: "Y'know, bananas are vegetables!" Uma: "Sister, please, hear me out, Sister!" Sister: "What is it, dear horse?" Uma: "The other day, I—" Sora: "Listen, Sister!" Sister: "What is it?" Sora: "I found a mini rice porridge at the convenient store, so I bought it," Sora: "What a waste." Sister: "Couldn't you have returned it?" Sora: "I already opened it before I noticed." Sister: "I see." Sister: "I suppose you'll have to eat it, then." Sora: "Eat it?! But it's for dogs!" Sister: "Did you notice anything when you looked at the back of the package?" Sora: "The back...? Wow, it's really low in calories!" Sister: "Indeed. Maybe this is a stroke of fate," Sora: "But if it doesn't taste good..." Sister: "You could always write about the experience in a book," Sora: "I see! Then I'm gonna head to the convenience store and buy a bunch of rice porridge for dogs!" Sister: "May you be virtually blessed." Sister: "Virtual-san is looking." Mito: "All right, we've got a letter here. It's from someone with the pen name "Upload."" Everyone: "Thanks for writing!" Mito: ""You all upload a lot of videos yourselves, but do you watch anyone else's videos?" "If there are any that made an impression, please tell us about them." Well, everyone, do you watch anyone else's videos?" Everyone: "Yeah!" Hime: "I watch lots!" Mito: "I see, then Hime-san, which videos do you watch?" Hime: "Let's see. I watch ones where people sing..." Mito: "Ah, I see." Hime: "Also, let's see, I also like short sketches that are kinda zippy, the kind where you can watch a whole bunch and scratch the right kind of itch." Mito: "That sounds nice. Faster-paced videos are great for comedy." Hime: "Exactly! You can watch a ton like that." Mito: "I think that from this anime, the Game Club and Kerin-san fit that kind of description." Akari: "Kerin-kun!" Akari: "Yeah, they've got a style that's hard to match!" Mito: "True enough." Hinata: "It's really creative." Akari: "But y'know, one day, I'd like to blow my house up too." Hime: "Is that your dream?" Akari: "It totally is!" Shiro: "I can do it for you, if you'd like." Akari: "Really? How about the day after tomorrow?" Hime: "It's a date!" Hina: "I want to see that!" Mito: "Okay, well, we're out of time!" Hime: "That was fast!" Hinata: "I want more!" Mito: "That's it for this week, so until next week!" Everyone: "Virtual-san is looking!"
{ "raw_title": "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING Episode 7 – I'm Salty", "parsed": [ "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING", "7", "I'm Salty" ] }
Peanut: "They say Fukuzawa Yukichi was the first guy to do college-style lectures in Japan." Uma: "Okay, lecture me, Peanut-kun! Three, two, one, go!" Peanut: "Like I'm gonna bother when you'll just forget it, you horsey bastard!" Uma: "Hey, hey!" Hina: "Okay, are you ready? "Virtual-san is looking."" Shiro: "Looking..." Shiro: "Looking For Love, that musical! Looking for Love..." Hime: "Oh, love..." Hime: "Love or Money! I think that's one!" Hime: "The movie Love or Money!" Mito: "Money... Money... Money Train? The movie." Akari: "Train, huh? Movies that start with train... How to Train Your Dragon? Wait, no... Training Day! Yeah." Hinata: "Day... Day... Day..." Hinata: "Day of the...?" Hinata: "Day of the Dead is a movie." Hinata: "Deadpool!" Mito: "Ready, and.." Everybody: "Virtual-san is looking!" Akari: "Virtual-san is looking." Mob A: "The only possible reason I can think of..." Mob A: "is them!" Hime: "Hey! Where are we?" Hina: "Everybody seems to have the same face..." Mito: "Are they actually even people?" Hinata: "Man, I am so tired." Mob B: "That's..." Mob A: "Mirai Akari, Tanaka Hime, Suzuki Hina..." Mob B: "Tsukino Mito, Nekomiya Hinata, and..." Robo: "Cyber Girl... Siro." Robo: "What are they doing here?!" Mob A: "I have no idea." Robo: "That TV show..." Robo: "You people!" Call: "Virtual Grandmother!" Sign/Grandma: "Utsureba kawaru, yo no narai." Gm: "That's the phrase. It refers to how the world changes as time moves on. From the Showa to Heisei eras, one thing that changed a lot is the electric appliance. We've moved from black and white to color television, air conditioning has made things a lot more pleasant indoors, and laundry machines have added more and more features over time," Gm: "Now it's hard to imagine life without something like a refrigerator. My family actually ran a butcher shop. That meant having a fridge with a freezer, which was revolutionary at the time. See, having a freezer means you can preserve meat for a lot longer," Gm: "Incidentally, I think that being the child of a butcher shop meant that I was the first" Gm: "That's how long ago this was. That said, I'm fairly sure I'm the first person in my class who has gone" Gm: "Virtual Grandmother!" Peanut: "The crunchiest virtual Youtuber, Peanut-kun! Virtual-san is looking!" Akari: "I really thought we were toast! It's so good to be alive!" Mito: "That aside, space certainly is mysterious, isn't it?" Hime: "Space?" Mito: "Yes. When you think about all the mysteries humanity has yet to solve out there," Hinata: "Oh, I get you! Becoming a space pirate and going on an adventure sounds good to me." Shiro: "I want to boldly go where no man has gone before!" Hinata: "That scared me... huh?! Is it just me or did something happen outside?" Shiro: "Space?!" Hinata: "Look, everybody! Something's headed our way!" Mito: "Is it some kind of cosmic mystery?!" Peanuts: "Here I come!" Everybody: "You again?!" Hime: "Why are you coming straight at us?!" Akari: "Everybody! Let's come up with a plan, quick! Or he's going to get us again!" Hinata: "That laugh... It's Meteoric Peanut-kun!" Shiro: "In that case, why don't we try flattering him? Peanut is always a pushover!" Akari: "Makes sense, so we just have to complement him!" Shiro: "Take it away, then, Akari-chan!" Akari: "Seriously?! Uh, you're handsome, in a lower mid-tier kind of way!" Hime: "And uh, I really want to wear those cool underwear you have!" Hina: "Your hair's so stylish, too!" Hinata: "And you're so yellow! Yellow is good!" Mito: "Really, it's just so impressive how the, uh, the color of your nipples is so vivid." Shiro: "Hey, he's not stopping at all! You want me to rip your damn briefs off, you cocky nut?!" Mito: "N-Now I have to block up before we get booted off the air!" Siro: "Tee-hee, that just slipped out!" Hinata: "We're done for!" Peanut: "Here I come!" Gori: "Hello." Everybody: "Hello!" Hinata: "Virtual-san is looking!" Aoi: "Gori-chan..." Gori: "Hello." Aoi: "How you been?" Gori: "Having fun, I'd say." Aoi: "And that's the problem!" Gori: "What brought this on?" Aoi: "There's nothing fun about the fact that Fuji Aoi Park might end up closing!" Gori: "This park is actually a business?" Aoi: "That's right! How did you not notice?!" Gori: "I-I'm sorry." Aoi: "That being the case, Gori-chan, can I lay you off?" Gori: "I had a job here?!" Aoi: "I happened to get my hands on a younger, cuter, sexier employee." Gori: "You already hired my replacement?!" Pink: "Hello there, I'm a pink gorilla." Gori: "My own sister?!" Aoi: "Fuji Aoi!" Gori: "Hello!" Hime: "Big trouble, big trouble!" Sign/Hime: "Big trouble, Akari-chan!" Hime: "Akari-chan, there's big trouble!" Akari: "What's wrong, Hime?" Hime: "Akari-chan! We've got really big trouble!" Akari: "And what is it this time?" Hime: "Someone with the pen name "Takahashi-kun" is in trouble! Here, ready this and help them! Go!" Akari: ""Hello, Akari-san."" Hime: "H'lo." Akari: ""My boss at work always hits the enter key as loudly as he possibly can." "It's so distracting, I can't focus on my work!" "What should I do?"" Akari: "Sorry! I'm finally back." Hime: "Welcome home." Akari: "Right!" Akari: "Now, pen name Takahashi-kun! I'm gonna get to the bottom line!" Hime: "Is she going to get to it? Her bottom... line?" Akari: "You need to encourage your boss!" Hime: "Encourage them? Then is he giving up on this enter key stuff?" Akari: "Not exactly!" Akari: "First, you listen out for the moment they smash that enter key." Akari: "Then, right when they do it, you shout out! "Nice enter!"" Hime: "I like it!" Akari: "The important thing is being consistent! Never miss any time that they smash that enter key, and the second you do it's, "Nice enter! The best in Japan!" "That's why they call you 'Mr. Enter'!'"" Hime: "That sounds like fun!" Akari: "By doing that, since it's just encouragement, it won't be taken the wrong way. But wouldn't the boss get embarrassed by all that fuss just from hitting the enter key?" Hime: "You've got a point!" Akari: "Right?!" Hime: "It'd be obvious!" Akari: "It would!" Hime: "It'd be obvious!" Akari: "Totally obvious! So, in order to make sure Takahashi-kun doesn't cheer him on, his boss will start to press the enter key gently!" Hime: "That's super awesome! You are so smart!" Akari: "That's what it takes to make it in society!" Hime: "Super Miracle Enter Key Man!" Hinata: "Time to build, time to build!" Hinata: "What should I do? If I use blocks to create a new park in this vacant lot, how exactly should I do it?" Hinata: "Like this!" Hinata: "Why, would you look at that? Those scattered piles of sand are now laid out as lovely as a rock garden in Kyoto! The big pipes that conveyed nothing" Hinata: "And the lumpy, dangerous ground is now flat." Hinata: "A skillful hand has transformed his typical empty lot into a soothing park space." Hinata: "I hope people call me skillful some day!" Mito: "Rise! Attention! Virtual-san is looking!" Shiro: "Oh, it's Tokino Sora-chan! Welcome!" Kaede: "Gosh, I am so fed up!" Miria: "Can I get some trivia about sushi, please?" Shiro: "Sure, coming right up!" Sign/Vo: "Trivia, go!" Shiro: "Now, sushi..." Signs; Right/Left: "Also, in sushi jargon, wasabi is called "namida" because if it's spicy enough," Miria: "Wow, I had no idea! Your trivia really is always so handy, Siro-chan!" Mito: "I wonder if Kaede-chan has been watching Kerin Slayer." Kaede: "Burn down the dark elf's forest!" Mito: "You are so impressionable." Kaede: "You think elves and dark elves live in different forests?" Mito: "Elves aren't human anyway, so who cares where they live?" Kaede: "You got a point there!" Mito: "Anyway, Kaede-chan, let's get on with the ultimate "Would you rather" committee." Kaede: "Right!" Mito: "Here is our subject for today!" Mito: "Which would you rather be? A) Immortal, but having to take exams every year. B) Have five years to live, but be rich enough that you can do whatever you want." Kaede: "Oh, B for me, easy." Mito: "Really?" Kaede: "Well if you know exactly what kind of time you've got, you can spend all of it having fun." Mito: "You'd die in five years! Is that what you want?" Kaede: "Sure." Mito: "Come on, quit sounding so suicidal! Don't give up! Live your life!" Kaede: "What about you, Mito-chan?" Mito: "I think I would live my immortal life, even if every year was exams." Kaede: "Why?!" Mito: "Well, all you really need to do is fail every year, right? You could repeat the same grade, like, 1,030 times. Wouldn't that be fine?" Higuchi: "That could be a Guinness World Record!" Mito: "That sounds good to me." Kaede: "But you gotta keep living no matter how badly hurt or sad you get, then." Mito: "Kaede-chan, is life really just injuries and sadness for you?" Kaede: "Well, I mean, isn't life mostly just depressing stuff?" Mito: "To what degree?" Kaede: "Eighty percent..." Mito: "Eighty percent?! It's that bad?!" Kaede: "Well, I guess, to have a fun life, you've gotta work hard from every day, right?" Mito: "Okay, stop trying to sound profound!" Mito: "This whole bit has me trying to do that as the final line!" Kaede: "My bad!" Mito: "Oh, it's already 3 PM!" Kaede: "Right." Mito: "So here's the answer... A) Being immortal and every year being an exam year!" Kaede: "That don't seem like it'd suck to you?" Mito: "Can you imagine the kind of subscriber counts you'd rack up if you were immortal?!" Kaede: "Virtual-san is looking! Kaederon!" Unity: "Unity-chan..." Unity: "Hey! Today I'm here to solve your problems, and I'm on a roll! Let's take a call right now. Hello?" Caller: "Hello." Unity: "What can I help you with today?" Caller: "Well, I'm kind of nervous about something." Unity: "Mmhm!" Caller: "I keep getting this feeling something is in my room. Like someone is watching me all the time." Unity: "And have you talked to the police?" Caller: "Well... that seems a bit extreme." : "Did you notice that?" /Sign: "Previously on Kerin Slayer." /Sign: "Kerin Slayer." Hina: "Hime, why are we up in the mountains?" Hime: "I heard a rumor that Kerin was recuperating up here!" Hina: "He's still alive?!" Hime: "Well, I feel kinda bad about what happened, so I figured I'd bring this to make amends." Hina: "Hey, it's a picture of Elu-san!" Hime: "I figure if we find him, I can hand it over." Hina: "You're such a sweetheart, Hime-san!" Kerin: "What's all the noise?" Kerin: "You two again?!" Hina: "Oh, there he is. Hi there, remember us? It's Hime and Hina, the Kerin Slayers." Kerin: "I remember every last detail! You two got in the way of Elu-san and my love!" Himehina: "Love?" Kerin: "Suck on this, you two!" Hime: "Wait, wait, wait! Just hear me out!" Kerin: "I don't want to hear your excuses!" Hina: "Th-This is bad! If those detonate, it'll cause an avalanche, and then the bears will be in trouble!" Kerin: "What?! My missile..." Hime: "Hey, something got hit." Hime: "Sorry!" Hina: "The birdies!" Kerin: "How dare you deflect my missile! Keblins!" Hime: "So many Keblins!" Hime: "Wait, wait! One of you just said kebab! I'm positive." Hina: "Wow, I could go for kebabs." Hime: "Same." Hina: "But, wow, this is bad!" Kerin: "Farewell, little girls! Now, swarm them!" Himehina: "No!" Game Club: "Hold it right there!" Everyone: "Who's that?!" Uma: "Can I ask you about something, Sister?" Sister: "What is it, dear horse?" Sora: "Listen, Sister!" Sister: "What is it?" Sora: "I hate doing my makeup when I have days off! Not to mention, I'm not a morning person, so sometimes I go out without any. I'd be embarrassed to run into someone I know, but to be honest, it feels like more trouble than it's worth." Sister: "I can understand why you'd feel that way. It might be a better idea to take the time to do it." Sora: "I know, right? What do you think might help?" Sister: "Perhaps you could put on one of the masks that wrestlers wear." Sora: "Like a masked wrestler?!" Sister: "If you go out looking like a masked wrestler in their private life," Sora: "I get the feeling people might ask me what I do for a living." Sister: "In that case, maybe you could wear one of those horse masks. That certainly isn't an odd sight in this town." Sora: "Oh, yeah! I think I saw one of those just the other day! I'll try it!" Sister: "May you be virtually blessed." Uma: "Be careful about getting enough air when summer rolls around, though!" Uma: "Virtual-san is looking! Neiiiigh!" Akari: "Okay, we've got a letter here. It's from someone with the pen name "Eternal Blizzard."" Everybody: "Thanks for writing!" Akari: ""Don't you think that titles are really cool?" "I really do!" "If you all could add titles to your names, what would they be like? Please tell me!"" Everybody: "Titles, huh..." Shiro: "I think Akari-chan's should include her favorite article of clothing... The one down there." Akari: "You mean the v-shaped thing?" Hime: "V-shaped!" Akari: "I actually have one I came up with, though!" Hime: "No way!" Akari: "My title would be... "The Walking Free Directory!"" Mito: "Oh, wow!" Akari: "Then I'll just be The Walking PK." Hime: "I like that!" Mito: "PK!" Shiro: "The Bloody Beautiful White..." Hina: "Dolphinch!" Mito: "Dolphinch?" Shiro: "Emergency Chuckle 119." Hime: "Oh, like the phone number!" Hime: "The Navely Venus Otaku Freak." Mito: "Navely Venus Otaku Freak?" Shiro: "The Weed-Eating Human Centipede High Schooler." Mito: "The Fluffy Pink Renegade! That's got a nice rhythm to it!" Akari: "Let's wrap it up by sounding off! This has been brought to you by the Walking PK, Mirai Akari!" Shiro: "The Bloody Beautiful White Dolphinch, Cyber Girl Siro!" Hime: "The Emergency Chuckle 119, Tanaka Hime!" Hina: "The Navely Venus Otaku Freak, Suzuki Hina!" Mito: "The Weed-Eating Human Centipede High Schooler, Tsukino Mito!" Hinata: "And the Fluffy Pink Renegade, Nekomiya Hinata!" Akari: "That does it for this time! So until next week," All: "Virtual-san is looking!" Tsukiyo Sora: "Hello there everyone, I'm Tsukiyo Sora. Muscle strain is the flavor of youth, menthol is the smell of first love, and my legs carried me to a warm café where I made some harsh-tasting memories, but in the evening they all became bittersweet memorial events. As things are, this virtual space might be the embodiment of my" Tsukiyo Sora: "You're not sure what I mean?"
{ "raw_title": "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING Episode 8 – White Tears", "parsed": [ "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING", "8", "White Tears" ] }
Unity: "There! There!" Peanuts: "They say the one yen coin costs more than one yen to make, y'know." Uma: "Hey, hey, hey! So how much does it cost to make Peanut?" Peanuts: "Are you asking about my body?" Uma: "Hey hey!" Shiro: "Hey everybody! Let's play the V.V. game!" Hime: "Yeah, the V.V. game!" Everybody: "Yeah! V.V.! V.V.! Yay!" Shiro: "All right, here we go! Ready and... Virtual-san!" Everyone: "V.V.!" Hinata: "Crowd of one!" Everyone: "V.V.!" Hinata: "Virtual-san!" Everyone: "V.V.!" Hime: "Crowd of two!" Everyone: "Everyone: V.V.!" Hime: "Virtual-san, the horse!" Everyone: "V.V.!" Akari: "Team of three!" Everyone: "V.V.!" Hina: "Huh, wait a second, just wait a second. Why does Virtual-san make it a team?" Mito: "True, he is shaped like a human." Akari: "Come on, he's a horse!" Shiro: "Good point. I'm not sure which it is. Let me call him real quick." Shiro: "Answer the phone, horse. Come on already." Akari: "I bet he counts as a horse!" Shiro: "Oh, hey, horse?" Uma: "Hey, hey!" Shiro: "Do we count you as a person, or a horse?" Uma: "I'm a horse-faced human, so I count as human! Hey, hey, hey—" Shiro: "Apparently, he's human." Akari: "Damn it! That horsey bastard!" Mito: "Well, since Akari-san got it wrong," Akari: "Do I have to?" Shiro: "In that case, let's get to it! Ready, and..." Everyone: "Virtual-san is looking!" Akari: "Hey, hey!" Miria: "Virtual-san is looking! Yay!" Mob C: "Where did you come from?" Hime: "Where did we come from?" Hina: "Hmm, not sure!" Mito: "More importantly, is there something we can help you all with?" Mob C: "Of course there is! We're here to remove you by force!" Shiro: "By force?" Hinata: "Remove?" Akari: "Oh, gosh. Here, where everyone can see?" Mito: "I think you might be imagining the wrong thing." Mob C: "Listen up! When I heard that you six Vtubers were going to have a crossover on TV," Mob C: "But then we saw something that totally defied our expectations!" Mob E: "It was like something from another dimension!" Hime: "Yeah, I get that." Hina: "Not sure what you expect us to do about it, though." Mob C: "And now, you're here!" Mob Group: "That can't be allowed!" Mito: "Hey, wait—!" Akari: "No!" Mob A: "Hey! What are you doing?!" Robo: "I don't know, but I can't let this happen!" Robo: "Did I just jump?" /Sign: "Virtual Kerin Slayer Wars." Hime: "That was a close one! The Keblins all got smashed!" Hina: "But by who?! And why?" Kerin: "You people! You would dare harm my darling Keblins? Identify yourselves!" Kaede: "We are the Game Club! An empire that has destroyed countless virtual countries in pursuit of a unified galaxy!" Haruto: "That's the idea, but... Chief, we can't move!" Ryo: "They're so heavy, and they won't come off. Must be all the gravity." Miria: "I'm stuck!" Kerin: "You think this is a joke!?" Hina: "Hey, why did you all crash here in those things?" Kaede: "Well, we were on our ship having a meeting about conquering the universe, but then a missile hit us out of nowhere." Miria: "That's right. It hit us out of the blue, and we had to put on these suits to escape." Hime: "Kerin-kun..." Ryo: "And then we got pulled in by this planet's gravity." Haruto: "And there you have it!" Haruto: "I'm just glad that no one seems to be hurt." Hina: "Huh, he seems pretty nice." Hime: "Hey, Kerin! That was your missile, dude!" Kerin: "Uh... well... I don't know what to say." Miria: "You're the one who shot that missile at us?!" Haruto: "You have some nerve, picking a fight with our Game Club!" Ryo: "You hit us, we hit back... and then some!" Haruto: "Exactly! We will pool our powers to strike you down! Won't we?!" Hime: "One of them has a real obnoxious laugh." Hina: "So do you, though." Haruto: "You there, what's with that pink hair?! It's like... a pink fool!" Miria: "Shut up Harutrash! That girl's cute! I get the feeling we'd get along! Hi there! I'm Miria." Hime: "Miria-chan! Nice to meet you, I'm Chuckling Pink, Hime!" Kaede: "Everyone, listen! Our main problem right now is finding a way out of these suits!" Ryo: "Good point..." Kaede: "You're Kerin-kun, right?" Kerin: "Yes, Yamikumo Kerin." Kaede: "Help us figure a way out!" Kerin: "Certainly!" Hime: "Last time, didn't we have to spam a bunch of lightning to fix it?" Hime: "So what now?" Hina: "Should I call the thunder?" Kerin: "You shouldn't!" Kaede: "Well, we can move a little bit. Maybe we should run into each other?" Ryo: "Good idea, chief! Since they have the same mass, maybe a collision will cause them to be obliterated!" Miria: "Okay, Harutrash, let's try it out!" Haruto: "Wait, you pink fool! We should run some more numbers first—" Miria: "Ow! That didn't work." Kaede: "All it did was hurt you." Hina: "I think I see a crack, though?" Hime: "I know! I've got just the thing! I call it, "Bowling with the Game Club!"" Miria: "Bowling?" Hime: "First, we line Miria-chan and the others up like this." Ryo: "What's the idea here?" Kaede: "Let's follow Hime-chan's instructions for now." Hime: "All right, everything's set! Kerin, send that other one this way! Just roll him over!" Kerin: "Got it!" Haruto: "What?! Human bowling?! Chuckling Pink, what kind of plan is this?!" Kerin: "Gonna smash em all!" Hime: "Yay! Strike!" Hina: "They got out, but it definitely wasn't easy." Kaede: "Ow, ow, ow... Is everyone okay?" Miria: "I might be in shock." Ryo: "I think I'm fine." Haruto: "You'll pay for this, Chuckling Pink!" Hime: "You got some kind of beef with me, Harutrash?! You wanna become space debris?" Hina: "Yeah, Harutrash! You wanna go in the shredder?" Haruto: "You people..." Haruto: "Very well, then! I'm gonna blow you all up!" Kerin: "Um... Are we going to continue Kerin Slayer?" Kaede: "The Game Club's galactic conquest continues!" Call: "Virtual Grandmother!" Grandma: "Banbutsu ruten." Banner: "That's the phrase." G: "It refers to how everything in the world is always changing. Think about how much, and in how many different ways, music has changed. Nowadays you can watch music videos legally for free online, right? But in the old days, you were limited to records, radio, and TV for music. Even in the case of records, it's not like everyone owned a player. I imagine the majority were getting their music from radio and TV. I was no exception, of course. Back then, I had this impulse to want to learn a lot of songs, so I would be listening to the radio, focusing on the lyrics and writing them down. Usually three or four times was enough was enough for me to have the entire song down, and by then I'd usually have the melody memorized, too. Now that I think about it, the way you can just look up" G: "It goes to show that things are always changing. All things continue to turn, and turn, and turn!" G: "Round and around and around! Round and around it goes! Around it goes!" G: "Grandma is looking." Himehina: "Virtual-san is looking!" Aoi: "How do you think we can get more visitors?" Gori: "That's a good question." Aoi: "Do you have any friends we could ask to come over?" Gori: "Friends of mine?" Aoi: "Yeah, the kind that might attract a crowd!" Aoi: "Like Nekomiya Hinata-chan!" Gori: "I think she's probably too busy with video games." Aoi: "What about Tsukino Mito-chan?" Gori: "I get the feeling she'd eat all our grass, so that's probably a bad idea." Aoi: "Come on, there has to be somebody!" Gori: "I know just the person!" Aoi: "Who is it?!" Gori: "Virtual-san." Aoi: "You really think that's a good idea?" Gori: "Now that you mention it... sure enough." Uma: "Aoi-chan! I'm here already!" Aoi: "Fuji Aoi!" Gori: "Hello!" Hime: "Big trouble, big trouble!" Sign/Hime: "Big trouble Akari-chan!" Hime: "Akari-chan, there's big trouble!" Hime: "That's Mirai Akari's Morse code! Akari-chan, there's really big trouble!" Akari: "Wait, what?" Hime: "So you can talk!" Hime: "Well, pen name "Tom-kun" is in trouble! So seriously, ready this already, please! Beep, beep, beep..." Akari: "Sure, okay, beep beep beep. "Hello, Akari-san."" Hime: "H'lo!" Akari: "Hello there. "I love watching stuff on YouTube!"" Hime: "Oh, nice!" Akari: ""But lately I've had the problem where once I start watching it, I can't stop." "I start watching it when I go to bed, and before I notice it, it's already morning." "When I spend that much time watching videos," Akari: "And then I start to feel guilty."" Akari: "Sorry, I was deep in thought!" Hime: "I appreciate the effort!" Akari: "Thank you so much!" Akari: "Pen name Tom-kun!" Hime: "Is she gonna get to it?! Her bottom... line?!" Akari: "You need a night job!" Hime: "A night job?!" Akari: "Yep! He wants to use his all-night YouTube time more productively, right? In that case, he should get a night job in addition to his day job!" Hime: "I see!" Akari: "That way, all that time he's spent watching videos will all be turned into cash!" Hime: "Amazing! One simple trick!" Akari: "Plus! If you end up working that much, it limits how much free time you have, right?" Hime: "True enough." Akari: "That way, you can use your limited time" Akari: "Like mine, for instance!" Hime: "She even threw in some self-promotion! She's a natural!" Akari: "So, go and get a night job!" Hime: "But what if they're still a student, and don't have a job yet?" Akari: "In that case, start going to night classes!" Hime: "I forgot about that option!" Akari: "Yeah! To make sure you don't watch too much YouTube," Akari: "You've gotta use your limited time effectively! That's the best life hack possible!" Hime: "Amazing! That's Akari-senpai for you! So conscientious! Oh, that reminds me! Next week, I'm gonna be bringing something different." Akari: "Seriously?!" Akari: "Oh, okay. Got it! Come back soon!" Hime: "Yeah!" Akari: "See you next time! Bye-bye!" Hime: "Gotta get a job! Gotta sweat two liters away!" Hinata: "Hey, hopscotch! I remember playing this when I was little and innocent." Hinata: "One, two, three! One, two, three! One..." Hinata: "A sparrow's nest somehow fell to at the end of this hopscotch court. If I keep playing, that's gonna be the end for those baby birds! That'll make the mother super upset," Hinata: "But there's a risk in leaving it as it is, too. What do I do? What can I do?" Hinata: "Live strong, little sparrows." Mugi: "Virtual-san is looking!" Shiro: "Oh, it's Rikiya-kun! Welcome!" Touya: "It's Toya!" Touya: "Man, I am so fed up. Can I get some trivia about crabs, please?" Shiro: "Sure, coming right up!" Shiro: "Did you know they're related to spiders?" Touya: "I'm not quite full yet." Shiro: "Crabs..." Shiro: "Snow crabs and red king crabs are probably the most popular." Shiro: "But did you know that red king crabs are technically, specifically, hermit crabs? That's why, though most crabs only walk sideways, they're able to walk forwards. And in Japanese, red king crabs got their" Shiro: "They're called taraba gani! Incidentally, I recommend eating red king crab with cyber sesame sauce!" Toya: "Wow, I didn't know. Your trivia really is handy, Siro-chan!" Suigetsu: "Good day, everyone." Mito: "I wonder who's joining me today?" Alice: "Hello, Class President! I heard we were due for more tea!" Mito: "Ah, good to see you, and welcome, Alice." Alice: "It's our second tea time!" Mito: "That it is. Let's begin your second visit to the ultimate "Would you rather" committee/tea party! Here is our subject today! In exchange for one hundred million yen," Mito: "A) Sounds good, or B) No way." Alice: ""We Wish You A Merry Christmas"? I like that carol, but would that mean the opening" Mito: "That's right, that would be the case. This would be an anime that starts with "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."" Alice: "Seems like a odd choice, considering." Mito: "True enough. Not only that, but all the music in commercials and the New Year's Eve concert special would be "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."" Alice: "But I think it would vary some depending on" Alice: "I'd like to hear all the different versions." Mito: "True, there's no rule that says the vocalists can't change." Alice: "Quite right." Mito: "But y'know, if that was the only thing you heard otherwise, actually hearing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" during actual Christmas time might feel like the culmination of something," Alice: "Oh, I see. But I think that even if I were being paid, I wouldn't like for" Mito: "I dunno, Alice-chan, I think... Oh, it's already 3 PM! Alice-chan, the correct answer is A) Sounds good!" Alice: "But I want to enjoy all that music!" Mito: "You need to abandon that naïve nonsense! Money makes the world go round! A rap version would probably be allowed, also!" Alice: "While enjoying some lovely tea, Virtual-san is once again looking today!" Unity: "Unity-chan!" Unity: "This is where it gets serious! Okay, let's do it!" Unity: "Gotta be careful... There!" Unity: "Wait to the last second!" Unity: "There!" Unity: "Oh, one more time!" Unity: "I did it!" Unity: "How does this happen?" Uma: "I hope you can hear me out today, Sister." Sister: "What is it, dear horse?" Sora: "Listen, Sister!" Uma: "I've always—" Sister: "What is it?" Sora: "My friends are always getting mad at me for not replying to their messages. How can I stop forgetting to respond?" Sister: "Let's see. The most serious response would be to" Sora: "Exactly!" Sister: "Why not change the name on your messaging app then?" Sora: "Huh? Not my nickname?" Sister: "Right. For example, you could change it to "Tokino Sora, the Jerk Who Never Replies."" Sora: "That's crazy... but I get it!" Sora: ""Tokino Sora, the Jerk Who Never Replies"... There! Now I won't get yelled at anymore! Hooray!" Sister: "May you be virtually blessed." Uma: "Sister! Could you reply to the message I sent yesterday?!" Unity: "Virtual-san is looking! These croquettes are delish!" Shiro: "Okay, I've got a letter here. It's from someone with the pen name "PGGP-san."" Everyone: "Thanks for writing!" Shiro: ""Right now, I'm trying to come up with a trick for drinking parties," Shiro: ""Since I'm sure you all are very talented in that regard," Hime: "That's crazy!" Shiro: "Okay, Mito-Mito!" Mito: "Well, uh, this might get me in trouble a lot of different ways." Akari: "Oh, wow! What is it?!" Mito: "I'm going to do an impression of Facerig 2D." Hime: "She's bugging out!" Hinata: "She keeps twitching!" Shiro: "Okay, okay, we're out of time, so that's it for this week! So until next week," Everyone: "Virtual-san is looking!" Both: "Hey yo, what up! KMNZ here!" Lita: "I'm MC Lita." Liz: "I'm MC Liz." Lita: "Another day, another episode!" Liz: "Good work people!" Lita: "I've been so busy I forgot to eat dinner, so I'm starving! Did you remember to eat, Liz?" Liz: "Yep, I made sure to get something good in me! It was really tasty!" Lita: "Sounds great, what did you eat?" Liz: "Pineapple!" Lita: "Oh, big juicy pineapples!" Both: "There were two dirty jokes hidden in that conversation." Liz: "Next week is "Letting Your Horse Carry You Whenever."" Lita: "And next week,"
{ "raw_title": "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING Episode 9 – Transmigration of an Old Lady's Soul", "parsed": [ "VIRTUALSAN - LOOKING", "9", "Transmigration of an Old Lady's Soul" ] }
Mitsugu: ""The weight of love is 400 milliliters." "Yes, love can."" Mitsugu: "Imagine the blood flowing through my body is being injected into someone else's. Blood is love." urse A: "You're back again?" urse B: "No matter how often you come, you still can't." Mitsugu: "No matter what?" urse A: "No means no. We've explained it to you countless times." Mitsugu: "Aw, come on. You don't have to sound like Otaka-san." urse A: "Otaka-san? Who's that?" Mitsugu: "Tenth chairwoman of the former Japan Socialist Party and second leader of the Social Democratic Party. The first woman to serve as the Lower House Speaker. She's dead now, though." urse B: "For a high school girl, you know some strange facts." Mitsugu: "You can just draw it." urse B: "I'll give you this if you'll just leave." urse A: "We don't have time to waste on a pervert obsessed with blood." urse B: "Next person, please." Girl: "Blood. Blood..." urse B: "Yes, yes. I'll draw it right now. Have a seat over here." Mitsugu: "An old school beauty in this day and age? How unusual. Seems foreign, too." urse B: "Foreign? What do you mean by that?" Mitsugu: "What's such a frail girl doing giving blood?" urse B: "You get out of here. I'm drawing some blood for test—" Mitsugu: "Huh?" Mitsugu: "I snatched her up in the heat of the moment. Should I take her to the hospital? She sure is a pretty girl." Mai: "Blood. I want blood." Mitsugu: "You're too weak to give blood." Mai: "Give blood? What does that mean?" Mitsugu: "Huh? What does...? You didn't come here to give blood?" Mai: "What are you talking about? Why would I give blood? I want to drink blood!" Mitsugu: "C-Could it be?" Mitsugu: "This is how Mai the vampire and I met." Mitsugu: "Want to try this? I've been holding onto it since I drew it two weeks ago, so it's coagulated a little." Mai: "Blood?" Mitsugu: "She makes it look so good." Mai: "This isn't enough! More. More blood." Mitsugu: "I don't have anymore." Mai: "No more?" Mai: "Then I bid this world farewell." Mai: "Now that I think about it, I lived a short life." Mitsugu: "A short life? I thought vampires were immortal." Mai: "Thank you for the meal." Mai: "It was delicious." Mitsugu: "Hold on!" Mitsugu: "Come on, bite me. Feel free to ignore safe limits and drink 400, or even 900 milliliters." Mai: "No. I mustn't do that." Mitsugu: "No? Aren't you a bloodsucking fiend?" Mai: "I'm no fiend, but I do survive by drinking blood." Mitsugu: "Then go ahead and bite me." Mai: "I can't." Mitsugu: "You can't? Why not?" Mai: "If I bite you, you'll not only become a vampire, but also my servant." Mitsugu: "Servant?" Mai: "I lack the dependability and disposition to make a human my servant." Mitsugu: "Is dependability really the right word?" Mai: "Well, I should go." Mitsugu: "What? You're leaving already? Where's your home?" Mitsugu: "Transylvania?" Mai: "Yes. I am Mai Vlad Transylvania. Embarrassingly, I am descended from the prestigious Transylvania clan." Mitsugu: "Mai Vlad Transylvania? You're a foreigner, after all. So, what's the descendant of that prestigious clan doing in Japan?" Mai: "I don't get along with my father's 48th wife." Mai: "You bitch! A mother is obligated to feed her daughter!" Stepmom: "Shut up, girl! I wouldn't feed you a single drop of blood. In this clan, we hunt our own prey once we turn 10 years old." Mai: "Stupid slut!" Stepmom: "Ugly goody two-shoes!" Mai: "I was supposed to stay with relatives residing in Eastern Europe." Mai: "But by some mistake, the container I hid inside arrived in Tokyo." Mai: "I've been living in a small paper house ever since." Mai: "Since getting into that container, I haven't had a single drop of blood, so I..." Mai: "I can't." Mai: "I can't do it!" Mitsugu: "You can't? But you're a vampire. You can't survive without blood. Just bite someone." Mai: "But crickets, frogs, and water striders are happy because they're alive. I couldn't possibly endanger a human life." Mitsugu: "Drink a little at a time. You know, neither kill nor let them live." Mai: "I mustn't. I'd be ruining another person's life. And if the person I bit turned out to be evil," Mai: "I'd be creating another wicked vampire." Mai: "You're really okay with me biting you?" Mitsugu: "What?" Mai: "You don't mind having to bite someone" Mai: "every night and suck their blood to survive?" Mitsugu: "I'd rather not do that." Mai: "How honest." Mai: "I have no money. Unable to bear my hunger any longer, while wandering around town, I smelled the delicious scent of blood coming from that vehicle." Mitsugu: "What an unbelievably timid vampire. And she's totally homeless." Mai: "But I should be able to survive for some time now." Mai: "Thank you." Mitsugu: "So cute. She's too cute. All right, I've decided. I'll protect this girl." Mitsugu: "Pops, I'll do it. Hey, why don't you take a shower?" Mai: "A shower?" Mitsugu: "I bet you haven't bathed in days." Mai: "Are you sure?" Mitsugu: "She's so bold." Mitsugu: "A beautiful girl wearing only a men's shirt. So sexy." Mai: "I'll be able to rest well tonight. I got to drink delicious blood, too. I can't thank you enough." Mitsugu: "Actually, I was thinking instead of just tonight," Mitsugu: "you could stay here forever." Mai: "What? Forever?" Mitsugu: "My dad's a scholar. He's currently on a business trip overseas. We've got a spare room." Mitsugu: "I thought you could stay as long as you'd like." Mitsugu: "You don't have anywhere else to go, right?" Mai: "So kind." Mitsugu: "To be perfectly honest... Well, it's not that big a revelation." Mitsugu: "Lucky for you, I'm a blood-obsessed blood donating enthusiast. I bet I'll be able to help you." Mai: "Such powerful words. I can trust you. But I may not be able to repay you in any way." Mitsugu: ""Wow!" I bet that's how a man would react to that pose. It's rather flirtatious, but it's certainly convincing." Mai: "Good night." Mitsugu: "What? You don't need to sleep in the closet." Mai: "I feel most at ease in cramped, dark spaces." Mai: "After all, I'm a vampire." Mitsugu: "Then, I'll be sleeping here. If you need anything..." Mitsugu: "I thought vampires were nocturnal. She must be exhausted." Mitsugu: "Am I headed in a crazy direction?" Mitsugu: "But starting tonight, Mai and I are sleeping under the same roof." Mitsugu: "I'm living a bloody and dangerous life with a young vampire girl. It's like some kind of anime!" Mitsugu: "I'm glad I'm a blood donating enthusiast with a blood fetish." Mitsugu: "I'm so glad!" Announce: "It is now time to leave school." Mitsugu: "Doctor, I'm back for more." Announce: "Students who have no business at school are to leave school grounds immediately." Chihiro: "You again?" Announce: "Students who do have business at school are to leave immediately, as well." Chihiro: "I'm only drawing your blood once a month. It's only been two weeks since last time." Announce: "Please just go home." Chihiro: "Besides, the blood I draw from you can't be given to anyone. I've explained it to you numerous times, but since it's important, I'll explain it to you again. Listen closely. What is a blood type? A technical explanation would bore you, and our time is limited, so you can look up the details on Wikipedia. Broadly speaking, the ABO blood group system beloved by the Japanese is used in order to avoid hemolysis during a blood transfusion. In extremely rare cases, a person's blood type can belong to multiple groups. This is known as chimerism. Naturally, chimera blood types can't be used in transfusions and therefore not collected. And your blood type is chimeric." Chihiro: "I'm talking about you!" Mitsugu: "Corporal punishment. Power harassment." Chihiro: "How dare you nap when I'm considerately explaining your situation to you?!" Mitsugu: "But you've told me so often, I'm sick of hearing it." Chihiro: "In any case, once a month. Not more than that." Mitsugu: "I'll be fine. I'll eat plenty of spinach. I'll eat liver and prunes until I puke. Could you draw about a whole liter at once?" Chihiro: "You idiot. That would kill you." Mitsugu: "I don't care. Please, doctor." Chihiro: "Is it a boy?" Mitsugu: "Huh?" Chihiro: "Looks like I'm right." Mitsugu: "No, it's not like that." Chihiro: "I'm the kind of man who wants to play Fallout 4 on the PlayStation and eat extra large beef bowls. I'm an expensive man to keep around." Chihiro: "That's what you're up to, isn't it? Selling blood is a crime." Mitsugu: "No. I'd never do anything so obscene. Besides, she—" Chihiro: "She?" Chihiro: "Fill me in on the details. Depending on the circumstances, I might be willing to draw a liter or two." Mitsugu: "Well, actually..." Chihiro: "I see. A wandering vampire girl." Mitsugu: "Not just a girl. A beautiful girl." Chihiro: "You're not making this up, are you?" Mitsugu: "It's true. It's all true. To prove it..." Mai: "Nice to meet you. I'm Mai." Chihiro: "When did she get here?" Mitsugu: "She is a vampire." Chihiro: "I shall medically determine if this girl is a vampire or a human with a screw loose." Chihiro: "Her heart is beating, so she's not a corpse." Chihiro: "Her blood pressure is a bit low, but her levels are normal." Chihiro: "She doesn't have fangs, much less a single cavity. She's in such perfect health, dentists hate her. How is this a vampire?" Chihiro: "Very well. I'll acknowledge that she isn't an ordinary human." Mai: "I'm hungry." Mitsugu: "Please help me. If we can't use mine, then lend me your blood—" Chihiro: "I refuse." Mitsugu: "Doctor, don't you have a conscience?" Chihiro: "No. Nor do I have any morals." Mitsugu: "There's a human dying over here!" Chihiro: "She's not human." Mitsugu: "Mai is the first girl to receive my blood." Chihiro: "Then protect your first. Anyway, I don't have any more time for you." Mitsugu: "Doctor, you said you only collect rare blood types, right?" Chihiro: "Indeed. Gathering and researching the world's rarest blood types is my life's work." Mitsugu: "We can discuss that at a later date. You'll draw my blood, won't you?" Mai: "Delicious. I want more. More." Mitsugu: "Sorry. Doctor Chihiro would only draw this much. But I'll have her draw more tomorrow." Mai: "Promise?" Mitsugu: "I promise. I'd do anything for you, Mai." Mai: "Call me Mai." Mitsugu: "Mai." Mai: "Blood. I want blood. I want more. I want more blood!" Announce: "Blood donating enthusiast Mitsugu Bambam-san, please report to the infirmary immediately." Mitsugu: "Chihiro!" Chihiro: "You're here." Mitsugu: "What was up with that announcement?" Chihiro: "What about it?" Mitsugu: "Not only did you expose my blood donating enthusiasm to the entire student body using the school broadcast system..." Chihiro: "Everybody knows that. What else?" Mitsugu: "My name isn't Mitsugu Bambam! It's Mitsugu Bamba!" Chihiro: "What kind of fool gets upset over one wrong letter? Do you have any idea how much suffering my ominous name has caused me since my youth?" Mitsugu: "Chihiro Chimatsuri is your real name?" Chihiro: "Why would a mere public health doctor like myself use a pseudonym?" Mitsugu: "But I've kept my enthusiasm for giving blood a secret until now." Chihiro: "I told you, everybody knows already!" Mitsugu: "Corporal punishment. Power harassment." Chihiro: "Morals is a word not found in my dictionary. I called you here to discuss yesterday's vampire girl." Mitsugu: "What about Mai?" Chihiro: "Fostering that malnourished girl won't be easy." Chihiro: "No matter how hard you try, you'll just end up a desiccated husk." Mitsugu: "That's why I was hoping that as a blood-obsessed doctor, you'd give me a hand." Chihiro: "I don't mind helping you, but helping you too much will kill me, and I'm certainly not interested in doing it for cheap." Mitsugu: "The logic of one who's arrogant, if nothing else—" Chihiro: "I know exactly what you're thinking! Anyway, I have a suggestion. Start a Blood Donation Club." Mitsugu: "A Blood Donation Club?" Mitsugu: "You mean give blood as a club activity?" Chihiro: "If you openly draw blood at school, you'll be able to satisfy the demands of a vampire or two, and I can examine the blood for any rare blood types to collect. It's a true two-birds-with-one-stone double-the-fun win-win relationship." Top: "Maneuver Excessively Descriptive Platform" Chihiro: "The sand on a beach may be finite, but the number of blood donating enthusiasts is infinite. You're not the only pervert who loves to give blood at this school." Mitsugu: "Students of Seijumonji High School! Why not donate your young blood to society? The Blood Donation Club needs your love, courage, and blood! Join the Blood Donation Club and enjoy an adolescence of blood love!" Chihiro: "You won't attract anyone by advertising yourself as a blood donation clinic." Mitsugu: "Should I do blood donation exercises?" Chihiro: "You need to appeal directly to the students' desires. Don't you care what happens to that vampire girl? Can you afford to be picky?" Mitsugu: "Our advisor is the infirmary's dynamite Doctor Chihiro Chimatsuri! Enjoy the doctor's hospitable care! The Blood Donation Club has Korean hotties and blood transfusion mixers! And that's how I became the blood collector who'd do anything for a slightly unusual girl named Mai." Chihiro: "This school is full of perverts who can't stay calm when they see blood." Mitsugu: "It's already quite late. Don't you think this is a bit much?"
{ "raw_title": "VLAD LOVE Episode 1 – Vampire Girl, Bloody Excited", "parsed": [ "VLAD LOVE", "1", "Vampire Girl, Bloody Excited" ] }
Chihiro: "I know it's sudden, but allow me to introduce our transfer student," Chihiro: "Franken Yasohachi-kun. Play nice, everyone." Okada: "Who is this guy?" Kanbara: "Wow." Horita: "Yeah. I'm kind of impressed." Maki: "You don't often get to see guys who look like this." Kaoru: "I bet he'd look great in a cosplay." mi: "How can you dress him up to look even more like a cosplay?" Mitsugu: "She's right. He's already got what's almost a perfect Frankenstein look." Chihiro: "Yasohachi-kun, you'll sit in the very back." Chihiro: "Did he pass out because he was so nervous? For such a big guy, he's quite the coward." Mai: "He just ran out of power." Mitsugu: "Power?" mi: "Which means..." Kaoru: "He's a robot." Mai: "No, he's quite close to human. But he's not human." Okada: "Mai-chan, how do you know that?" Mai: "I only just now remembered..." Mai: "...but I believe he's my fiancé." All: "What?!" Mitsugu: "Who forgets that?" Mai: "I didn't notice since he's been improved here and there." Mai: "But this warped look in his eyes..." Mai: "I'm almost certain it's him." Chihiro: "Not human, huh? Then it's time for our transfer student's medical examination." Chihiro: "Take him to the infirmary." Mitsugu: "Doctor, should you be drawing that much blood?" Maki: "Yeah. He may be a big man, but..." Chihiro: "Don't worry." Chihiro: "He's already dead." All: "What?" Mitsugu: "What do you mean?" Chihiro: "I mean he's no longer a living human." Chihiro: "Medically speaking, he's a corpse that's been dead for over a hundred years." All: "What?!" Mitsugu: "Which means he's a giant zombie?" Chihiro: "Quit reacting to everything we say!" Kaoru: "But he's a zombie..." Chihiro: "Not a zombie." Chihiro: "He's an externally powered golem. I've identified at least 20 different types of DNA." Chihiro: "Which means he's composed of a whole platoon of humans. The left and right lobes of his brain came from different people. I'm not even sure his cerebellum and brain stem came from mammals." Chihiro: "In other words, he's a monster." All: "A monster?!" Mitsugu: "Why did he transfer to our school? More importantly, why is that monster Mai's fiancé?" Mitsugu: "Mai, there's an explanation for this, right?" Mai: "Yes, but it's a long story. If I abridge the story and skip the details..." Mitsugu: "No! Don't abridge or skip anything! Tell me everything there is to know about it!" Mai: "Very well. In that case, I shall tell you everything. A long, long time ago, when I was still young, I was relaxing on vacation one sunny spring afternoon." Stepmom: "You little shit! Why won't you listen to anything I say?" Mitsugu: "Wait, time out. Would that stepmother be Rebeus, your father's 48th wife?" Mai: "No, at that time he was married to his 21st wife, a horrible woman named Claudia." Stepmom: "Who are you calling horrible, you ugly bitch? Who taught you those vulgar words?" Mai: "Shut up! There isn't a woman in this world more vulgar than you!" Dad: "Now, now, you two. Why don't you clean this mess up together?" Stepmom: "How dare you act like a bystander? She grew into an impudent child despite her size because you and your previous wives didn't raise her properly." Dad: "Mai's actually a kind girl at heart. You understand that, don't you?" Stepmom: "Okay, okay. I get it. I'm going shopping for Hermes bags." Dad: "Oh, you're hopeless!" Mai: "Eventually I ran out of patience with my father's constant ogling. My heart had been deeply wounded, so in order to mend my heart, I courageously ran off into the wilderness all by myself." Mai: "Kill her, don't kill her." Mai: "Kill her, don't kill her." Mai: "Oh, my. What a funny face. I haven't laughed this hard in a while. Thanks. You can have this." Mai: "And that's how we became engaged." Mitsugu: "Uh, Mai?" Mitsugu: "I don't understand how that's what happened next." Mai: "In vampire society, the act of giving a person a flower is a marriage proposal." Mitsugu: "I see. Wait, this is no time to be impressed!" Maki: "But speaking of a vampire's forbidden love..." Kaoru: "That's widely considered to be their eternal rivals, werewolves." mi: "I'm amazed your parents gave you their blessing to marry this monster." Maki: "They probably would've approved of anyone willing to marry her." Jinko: "That's right. Some parents are okay with any partner, as long as they're human." Maki: "It's not even clear if he's actually human, though." Right: "Hey, Boss!" Left: "Congratulations on Your Wedding!!" Mai: "From my stepmother's perspective, it meant the removal of a source of her troubles, and my father probably thought a golem was better than me marrying a werewolf." Mitsugu: "Even I can accept that." Mitsugu: "Anyway, I can't believe Mai had a fiancé." Katsuno: "I won't allow it! I'll never allow it! Of all people, why does Mai-chan have to be engaged to this oddity?" Mitsugu: "You're pretty odd yourself." Katsuno: "He gets to do whatever he wants to her, whenever he pleases!" All: "So jealous!" Jinko: "What are you fantasizing about, you brute?" Chihiro: "While you guys were chewing the fat, I think I did a pretty good job over here." Mitsugu: "What? Doctor, did you do something again?" Mitsugu: "I feel like his groans have powered up." Chihiro: "I did what's expected of me as a public health doctor. In his existing state, his capacity for self-propulsion was rather limited. I added an additional internal battery and buffer. Now he can move for three minutes after three hours of charging." Mitsugu: "Just three minutes?" Chihiro: "More than that requires an external power source." Chihiro: "Shut up! You don't get to complain!" Mitsugu: "And so, with a group photo taken by Maki, who wasn't too proud to use her camera timer, Franken Yasohachi was recognized as our classmate. At the time, none of us mortals imagined that this large but useless creature possessed an incredible power." Mitsugu: "As long as Franken was charged, he was unstoppable." Mitsugu: "His lower body was apparently assembled from human athletes. He could run 100 meters in 8.5 seconds. His running long jump easily cleared ten meters," Mitsugu: "and on the triple jump he set a menacing 30-meter record. If he had been a living human, he would've won five gold metals in Olympic track and field events. And his upper body was assembled from several wrestlers." Mitsugu: "Furthermore, his brain was comprised from a collection of several geniuses." Mitsugu: "On any instrument he touched he could play Mozart, Chopin, or Sarasate. He knew everything that was to know on the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory." Mitsugu: "His reflexes allowed him to quickly beat the newest version of Super Mario. Despite lacking a license, his driving skills were exceptional, even greater than the Demon of the Pass or Initial D." Mitsugu: "But there was a problem..." Chihiro: "Since he has a complete digestive tract, he surely eats and drinks like a normal person. He's powered by electricity, so biologically speaking, it's a meaningless act of consumption. It's similar to how Mai likes pot stickers despite subsisting on only blood." Mai: "Extra garlic, please." Chihiro: "Who said I was ordering any food for delivery?" Chihiro: "By the way, his genitals include some non-standard parts." Chihiro: "Look." All: "What?!" Chihiro: "Because this image is R-rated, I can't show it to minors. But I'm certain its composition is exceptional." Chihiro: "He looks like a healthy young man to me." Kaoru: "I'd be terrified if he forced himself onto me." Maki: "I doubt he'd be interested in you." mi: "Ugh. Another annoying man to deal with." Jinko: "Men truly are the worst." Chihiro: "If it comes down to it, you can just unplug him. He's extremely safe." Mitsugu: "You're kidding! He's extremely dangerous!" Katsuno: "Shut up! Unplug that thing immediately! While you're at it, castrate him, too!" Chihiro: "He's way better than you uncontrollable lot. He may be a monster, but now that he's your classmate, try to get along with him." Mitsugu: "Then why not at least draw some more blood to calm him down? Don't you need more blood samples?" Chihiro: "I'm not interested in the blood of corpses." Mitsugu: "You can be so stubborn. You're the one asking us to play nice with a corpse." Maki: "By the way, where did he come from? Where will he go?" Chihiro: "According to his transfer form, his home address, postal code," Text: "Franken Yasohachi Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown" Chihiro: "phone number, email address, and guardians are all unknown." Mitsugu: "Just so you know, I'm not letting him live at my house." Kaoru: "But he's Mai-chan's fiancé." Mitsugu: "I don't care if he's her fiancé or a pickled fish! I'm not interested in living with a corpse!" Jinko: "Mai-chan, are you okay with that?" Mai: "My parents arranged my engagement for me." Maki: "You heard her." Mitsugu: "And so, we decided to keep him unplugged inside a locker in the school infirmary outside of school hours." Mitsugu: "He was treated worse than a Roomba." Mitsugu: "And then, that fateful night arrived." Mitsugu: "I'm glad today was another quiet day. Maybe happiness is an uneventful life." Mitsugu: "Hey, Mai. Don't you think we resemble a married couple?" Mai: "A married couple? What do you mean?" Mitsugu: "Uh, nothing." Mitsugu: "Hey, Mai. You'll catch a cold if you don't sleep inside your closet." Mai: "But I'm lonely by myself." Mitsugu: "What? But..." Mai: "Daddy..." Mitsugu: "Daddy?" Mitsugu: "Oh, she's just half-asleep." Mitsugu: "Okay, okay. Daddy's here. Now let's get you changed so you can go to bed." Mai: "Okay." ken: "Mai." Mai: "Daddy..." Mai: "I can't get this button undone." Mitsugu: "You're hopeless." Mitsugu: "Franken..." Mai: "Daddy?" ken: "Love... Mai..." Mitsugu: "This isn't good. Let's run for it, Mai." Mai: "Okay." Text: "Franken 88 AV Plus/Hulk Mode" Mitsugu: "He's huge. He's Franken Hulk now." ken: "Mai." Kaoru: "This looks like a job for the security team." Maki: "I can't miss this opportunity." Jinko: "So, what are we going to do about that monster?" mi: "We'll call in some Okinawan guardian lions or something." All: "Wow!" Katsuno: "It truly is Beauty and the Beast." Maki: "No, more like The War of the Gargantuas. Or rather, Frankenstein Conquers the World." Mai: "I'll persuade Franken to stop." Mai: "After all, he's looking for me." Mitsugu: "You can't do that. I won't hand you over to that monster." Announcer: "The monster is approaching the building we're inside." Announcer: "Goodbye, everyone!" Chihiro: "Who's calling?" Mitsugu: "Doctor, you unplugged him, right?" Chihiro: "Is that something you should be asking your teacher in the middle of the night?" Mitsugu: "Are you still half-asleep? Franken has grown huge and is destroying the city!" Mitusgu: "If we don't do something soon, something terrible could happen!" Chihiro: "Something terrible already is happening. Perhaps we could..." Chihiro: "use that bolt on top of his head. I thought it was just for decoration," Chihiro: "but it might be an emergency power supply." Mitsugu: "It's like a lightning rod?" Chihiro: "That bolt allowed him to charge himself using lightning and activate himself." Chihiro: "The problem is his brain." Mitsugu: "His brain?" Chihiro: "Golems are typically made using the bodies of criminals sentenced to death. Genius or not, he's made up of a collection of dangerous criminals." Mitsugu: "Which means..." Chihiro: "In his current state, his destructive body and wicked brain make him a literal monster." Mitsugu: "Spare me the analysis and do something about him!" Chihiro: "Should we feed Mai the Salamander's blood and have her fight him?" Chihiro: "Otherwise we'll have to call in the SDF's Maser Cannon." Chihiro: "Either way, it's more than a single public health doctor can handle." Chihiro: "I'm going to sleep." Mitsugu: "What? Hey, wait!" Chihiro: "Once his charge runs out, he'll stop moving eventually." Mitsugu: "But the city will be destroyed before then!" Chihiro: "Oh, right. I believe that bolt on his head could be moved." Chihiro: "You might be able to turn him off." Chihiro: "Good luck." Mitsugu: "She hung up. She's so irresponsible." Mitsugu: "Mai, we're aiming for the bolt on top of Franken's head." Mai: "Got it. Leave it to me." Mai: "Oh, no!" Mitsugu: "It's all right. Due to how his body is constructed, he can't reach the top of his head with his own hands." Mai: "Lucky us." Mitsugu: "Okay, let's turn this thing." Mai: "Got it. I'll help you." Mitsugu: "Turn!" Chihiro: "The snail's on the thorn; God's in His heaven," Chihiro: "all's right with the world!" Mitsugu: "This remote tropical island is known only to a select few and completely unknown to those unfamiliar with it." Mitsugu: "The last paradise on earth, not found on any map."
{ "raw_title": "VLAD LOVE Episode 10 – Fiancé's a Frankenstein's Monster", "parsed": [ "VLAD LOVE", "10", "Fiancé's a Frankenstein's Monster" ] }
Mitsugu: "This remote tropical island is known only to a select few and completely unknown to those unfamiliar with it." Mitsugu: "The last paradise on earth, not found on any map." Mitsugu: "Unbaba Island." Mitsugu: "This heavenly sight would excite anyone, not just men." Mitsugu: "Unbaba Island is the site of the Blood Donation Club's training camp. The midsummer sun, blue seas, white beaches, and beautiful young women clad in swimwear essential to any summer seaside." Mitsugu: "Though there are some oddballs present, too." Mitsugu: "And some we could've done without." Mitsugu: "And creepy ones." Mitsugu: "However, either way, the Blood Donation Club has this marvelous beach all to itself." Mitsugu: "Our path to this intoxicating world started with a certain website..." Chihiro: "A training camp?" All: "Yes, ma'am." Chihiro: "A Blood Donation Club's training camp?" Chihiro: "Are you going to train with syringes? You need government certification to use these." Chihiro: "Find the vein beneath the skin, take aim, and plunge it in. Stimpak!" Chihiro: "Rather, gently slide the needle in. Words can't describe that moment of bliss. Did you think a bunch of high school students would get to do that, you fools?" Mitsugu: "That's not what I had in mind." Kanbara: "Doctor, a club training camp..." Horita: "Takes place on a summer beach in Okinawa." Okada: "Club members dress in swimwear..." All: "...and enjoy good clean fun with the opposite sex." Jinko: "I'll kick you brutes out of the club!" Mitsugu: "Again, that's not what I had in mind." Kanbara: "Once night falls..." Horita: "We'll party and drink beer." Okada: "And have fun horsing around." mi: "Not that." Maki: "We'll enjoy discussing our youth." Kaoru: "And deepen our friendship through cheerful club activities." Chihiro: "In other words, you want to go on a trip and cut loose." All: "Exactly." Chihiro: "Fools!" Chihiro: "We don't have the budget for that. We were just barely able to establish a night school. Not only that, but the school hasn't given a single cent to this educationally useless Blood Donation Club." Chihiro: "You're not listening!" Chihiro: "Well, if it isn't a travel agency website." Mitsugu: "I've been trying to tell you that Kaoru found us a good deal." Kaoru: "Now's your chance, miss." Koaru: "Click." Okata: "A tropical dessert island?" Horita: ""Deserted" island, you idiot." Kanbara: "Can't you read?" Okata: "Paradise by the See?" Horita: "Wrong "sea."" Kanbara: "Could you stop making jokes that don't make sense without onscreen text?" Okada: "Wash away your life's troubles." Kaoru: "The whole thing, all at once." Maki: "One week on an unmapped desert island." mi: "All meals are covered at a rate of 10,000 yen per person." Jinko: "First come, first served. Limited to first 12 customers. Campaign running now." Chihiro: "That's cheap. Or rather, super cheap. No, insanely cheap." Mitsugu: "Right?" Mai: "I'm definitely going." Kaoru: "I'm going." mi: "I'd be willing to visit a tropical island." Maki: "I'll be coming along for the Cinema Club's first overseas on-location shoot." Jinko: "Men and women camping together on a tropical island is a potential minefield. I'll keep close watch over everyone." Katsuno: "The only thing to do is go." Mitsugu: "You're coming, too?" All: "Monsters can't come. Don't discriminate." Chihiro: "Shut up, all of you. It goes without saying that the club advisor is required to participate in any training camps. I'll have to join you, as well." All: "Yeah!" Mitsugu: "And that's how we wasted no time planning our training camp. Perhaps we should've noticed at this point that there was reason it was so cheap, and that Heaven and Hell were just one step away from each other." Maki: "Since it was such a cheap package, I wasn't expecting a direct flight..." mi: "But we've been traveling in reverse in the hold of a less than 50-ton converted fishing vessel." Jinko: "It takes three days and two nights to get there." Kaoru: "Which means it'll also take three days and two nights to get back." Chihiro: "Then our stay on the island will only two days and one night." Katsuno: "The only thing to do is puke." Mitsugu: "However, once we arrived, it was undoubtedly a blissful paradise." Maki: "Nice. Very nice. I'm impressed by this 4K 240FPS HS camera." Mitsugu: "Mai, we're heading back. No matter how well we protect you from UV rays, they're still not good for you." Mai: "Okay." mi: "I'm going for another swim." Mitsugu: "Leaving the Okinawan fisherman's daughter Nami behind, we headed back to our lodgings." Mitsugu: "We had no idea that this would lead to that tragedy later. However, there wasn't a shred of fantasy or hope to be found at our lodgings that dragged us back to reality." Old Woman: "Welcome." Old Woman: "Please make yourselves at home." Kanbara: "Um, what about the crowds of beautiful women you advertised?" Old Woman: "That's next month's campaign." Okada: "Which means..." Horita: "This inn..." Old Woman: "Indeed. I barely manage to run this place myself. There's a long sad history." Kanbara: "Okay, okay. Spare us the history lesson." Okada: "It's almost refreshing to be this disappointed. Right, guys?" Katsuno: "How is this refreshing? Who's going to take responsibility for this?" Kaoru: "You guys were so excited earlier." Maki: "I knew it sounded too good to be true." Kanbara: "It only cost 10,000 yen. Just give it up." Okada: "No way. I paid an entire 10,000 yen for this." Horita: "In this day and age, living without a shower, refrigerator, or TV is a valuable experience." Jinko: "Are you crying?" Maki: "Now that I get a closer look, this place does have a certain rare charm to it." Chihiro: "Exactly. As long as we're here, let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest extent." Chihiro: "By the way, you minors will be drinking Pepchi and castor oil. We follow the broadcast code on this show." Mitsugu: "Anyway, why are we the only guests here when you've got that marvelous beach?" Old Woman: "There's a lot of reasons for that." Old Woman: "Anyway, I'll let you know once dinner is ready." Old Woman: "My tongue!" Chihiro: "Anyway..." Maki: "Nami's still not here." Kaoru: "I doubt Nami of all people drowned." Kanbara: "We didn't see anyone on the beach." Jinko: "But we did find this." Okada: "She went skinny dipping in the sea at night?" Kaoru: "It's the sea at night that makes skinny dipping possible." Horita: "So bold." Katsuno: "Let's go look for her." Jinko: "It's obvious what your ulterior motive is!" Chihiro: "This might be a serious situation. She may be a fisherman's daughter, but it's hard to imagine Nami would do something so dangerous." Mitsugu: "Did a shark get her?" Maki: "Jaws? No, Jason?" Old Woman: "Could it be?!" Mitsugu: "Please don't suddenly show up like that!" Old Woman: "I hate to think that's what happened, but..." Chihiro: "Ma'am, is there something on that beach?" Old Woman: "He shows up once every decade during hot summers. It could be him." Maki: "Could it be?" Kaoru: "The Predator." Chihiro: "Stop making jokes that will get us in trouble." Old Woman: "It happened about 500 years ago. In an impoverished fishing village on the island, there was an astonishingly beautiful girl." Old Woman: "She refused to listen to any of the numerous marriage proposals made to her. Day after day, she dove into the sea to support her family." Old Woman: "And one day, at the bottom of the sea..." Old Woman: "...something grabbed her!" Katsuno: "Grabbed her? She was eaten?" Old Woman: "Grabbed..." Old Woman: "...her heart! Falling in love!" Old Woman: "He was a strapping young man, but he was neither a villager nor a fisherman. Not only that, but..." Old Woman: "...he wasn't even human!" Katsuno: "Could we stop with the sudden close-ups?" Chihiro: "Ma'am, please continue." Old Woman: "They spent what little time they had together while the girl's breath lasted, but alas, she was only human. On top of that, the seaweed wrapped around them blocked the young man from view. Overcome with grief, the girl said the following. "Meet me on the beach at night. I want to get a good look at you." "Won't you please come see me?" The creature that came to meet the girl waiting on the deserted beach was horrifying in appearance. Since then, on hot summer nights, a horrifying fishman appears to kidnap beautiful girls and drag them to the bottom of the sea." Mitsugu: "Hot summers? When's the last time he appeared?" Old Woman: "It was hot last year, as well. And the year before that, and the year before that." Kaoru: "That's every year." Old Woman: "Indeed. He comes every year." Mitsugu: "Didn't you say earlier that he comes once every decade?" Old Woman: "I'm old. I'm not very good with numbers anymore." Kanbara: "Come on, you're not Daijiro Morohoshi." Horita: "And this isn't a Hollywood B-movie horror film." Maki: "What are you talking about, bunnies with bright red eyes? Creature from the Black Lagoon is a masterpiece. Its sequel Revenge of the Creature aside, the underwater scenes and creature costume are incredible." Okata: "She's doing it again." Kaoru: "The fishmen in The Terror Beneath the Sea were good, too." Maki: "You can't discuss The Terror Beneath the Sea without mentioning blonde tokusatsu actress Peggy Neal." Horita: "We've gone from fishmen to blondes." Kanbara: "Someone stop her." Okada: "Just leave her be." Maki: "Oh, Miss Peggy Neal. You were beautiful in The X from Outer Space, as well. By the way, director Hajime Sato also produced the masterpiece Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell." Chihiro: "Body snatcher, huh? Then perhaps it wouldn't be so strange if Nami were kidnapped by a fishman." Mitsugu: "What do you mean?" Chihiro: "Think about it. We're already involved with a vampire named Mai. This is fate. Perhaps these two non-human creatures seek to meet each other. What is this if not fate?" Mitsugu: "That's ridiculous." Chihiro: "Call it whatever you want. This story has been ridiculous from the start." Jinko: "Regardless of the reason, we need to save Nami." Okata: "She's got a foul mouth, but she's still beautiful." Horita: "And she's definitely a woman." Kanbara: "We'll have to recapture her." Katsuno: "It's the only thing to do." All: "Yeah!" Kaoru: "Fishman, fishman, fishman!" Maki: "This 4K camera is impressive. The image remains smooth even while using the digital zoom." Chihiro: "Anyway, he still hasn't shown up." Kanbara: "Maybe our bait isn't attractive enough." Okada: "Fishmen love beautiful women." Horita: "Which means a fishman wouldn't kidnap another fishman." Chihiro: "We'll have to use..." Maki: "Unfortunately, I'm obligated to document this event." Horita: "Nobody asked you." Katsuno: "I doubt the fishman would get turned on by Jinko in her school swimsuit." Chihiro: "I may be beautiful, but I'm not a young girl." Maki: "In Hollywood movies, they like blondes." Chihiro: "Which means..." Mitsugu: "No! Absolutely not Mai!" Mai: "Not a problem. No problemo." Mitsugu: "Mai." Mai: "This is for Nami. And besides, the fishman is half human." Mai: "A vampire and a fishman. If we speak to each other as humanoid minorities, I'm sure we can come to an understanding." Mitsugu: "That doesn't make any sense." Chihiro: "Well spoken. Come on, let's do this before she changes her mind." All: "Yeah!" Kanbara: "Good! So good!" Okada: "It's too much!" Horita: "My nose won't stop bleeding!" Katsuno: "Looks like I'm needed. I, Perseus Katsuno, shall protect Mai." Kaoru: "Mai's Andromeda is captivating, but her cosplay isn't revealing enough." Chihiro: "We had to self-censor ourselves due to rating issues." Mitsugu: "How can you guys be this laid-back during an emergency?" Chihiro: "He's coming." Mitsugu: "What? He's already here?" Kanbara: "He came immediately." Okada: "He's on his way." Horita: "He came in the blink of an eye." Mitsugu: "As expected, he couldn't resist Mai's charms." Chihiro: "Fishmen are so easy to read." Kaoru: "This kind of stings." Mitsugu: "Huh?" Kanbara: "It's not that he's not scary-looking." Horita: "He just looks stupid, too." Kaoru: "And creepy." Chihiro: "Well, he certainly is half-man." Jinko: "This is awful." Maki: "Regardless, he's definitely a monster." Katsuno: "Out of the way! I'll kill you, you fish bastard!" Kaoru: "I knew that would happen." Chihiro: "It didn't work." Mitsugu: "Mai is in danger!" Kanbara: "Wait. If the captain can't beat him, there's no way an ordinary human can." Horita: "We'll have to unleash Franken! But he's still charging!" Kaoru: "He's 80% charged." Mitsugu: "This is an emergency. Franken, activate! Save Mai!" Maki: "If he's not fully charged, he might start decomposing." Maki: "And that would be a really rotten time." ken: "Mai!" Kanbara: "Go, Franken!" Okada: "Kill him!" Horita: "Burn the whole world down!" Maki: "Nice. Frankenstein versus the giant fishman. I haven't shot action like this in a while!" Red: "Fishy VS Franken" Right: "Battle of the Southern Seas" Left: "What is the beautiful girl's fate!?" Top: "Two huge monsters clash!!" Mitsugu: "It was a magnificent battle." Mitsugu: "Who would win? His obsession for the beautiful girl, or the power of love? Their battle was finally approaching its conclusion." Mitsugu: "Uh-oh. He ran out of batteries." Chihiro: "We'll have to launch an all out attack. Get him, everyone!" Maki: "Good! That's it!" Chihiro: "Take this!" Mitsugu: "And thus, our deadly night ended." Old Woman: "Fishy!" Old Woman: "Oh, Fishy." Mitsugu: "Huh? What's wrong, ma'am?" Old Woman: "What's wrong? You're the ones who beat up my precious Fishy!" Chihiro: "Ma'am, who was that girl who was kidnapped by this fishman 500 years ago?" Old Woman: "It was me." Kanbara: "But you said she was a beautiful girl." Okada: "That she received countless marriage proposals." Old Woman: "I told you, I turned down those countless marriage proposals and gave my heart and soul to Fishy!" Katsuno: "What is this old hag into?" Kanbara: "And how has she been alive for 500 years?" Chihiro: "They say consuming the flesh of a merman grants you immortality. Instead of Yao Bikuni's 800 year old priestess, she's an 800 year old hag." All: "Ah, I see. So that's how it is." Mitsugu: "It's a cross-species romance!" Jinko: "Don't act like you did anything to help." Chihiro: "But ma'am, why do you sacrifice young girls to him?" Old Woman: "Lately, Fishy hasn't been showing up, no matter how much I call him." Chihiro: "Lately?" Old Woman: "Since about 480 years ago." Koaru: "Makes sense to me." Jinko: "Men are the worst." Mitsugu: "Regardless, I'm glad Mai is all right." Maki: "What are you talking about? Nami is still missing." Mitsugu: "Oh, I forgot." Kaoru: "Did he eat her?" Old Woman: "How dare you?! Fishy isn't a savage fishman!" Jinko: "Then where's Nami?" mi: "Whew." mi: "Boy, that was tough. This guy's stomach stinks. I wonder if he's got gastroxynsis." Maki: "Nami, you're alive." All: "Naked! Naked! Naked!" mi: "Yeah. I'm back." Chihiro: "Truly a fisherman's daughter." Jinko: "I can't believe she made it back from a fishman's stomach." Kaoru: "She's got guts." Mitsugu: "Amidst a whirlpool of emotion, our battle ended." Mitsugu: "Having recovered thanks to his horrifying vitality, the fishman returned to the sea." Mitsugu: "Back to the world where he lived, at the bottom of the ocean." Mitsugu: "Back to his soul's homeland. In order to minimize information leaks, on the condition that even our blood brothers and sisters would be excluded,"
{ "raw_title": "VLAD LOVE Episode 11 – A Midsummer Night's Operation: Mystery", "parsed": [ "VLAD LOVE", "11", "A Midsummer Night's Operation: Mystery" ] }
Maki: "The Hollywood movie Interview with a Vampire was released in fall of 1994. As I was a growing girl at the time, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this movie shaped my personality and became the foundation of my interests. Lead actor Brad Pitt does an impressive job portraying Louis, a man who struggles with being a vampire due to his lingering human conscience. Achieving an unexpectedly delicate sexiness and covering up his crude acting with his good looks, Tom Cruise, who plays Lestat, undoubtedly gained new fans. The supporting cast were handsome, as well, and the casting was as thorough as you'd expect from a Hollywood movie. ...Is what I'd like to say, but the critical role of Daniel the interviewer is played by the slightly uninspiring Christian Slater. He performance is hardly bad, but it's a little rough around the edges. He was good as the apprentice monk in The Name of the Rose, but he's been lackluster ever since. If River Phoenix had been cast as originally planned, I personally would have found it to be an even more enjoyable film. But the interactions between beautiful men and confessions of love lured not only fans of homosexual and BL content, but also many fujoshi into its gorgeous and aesthetic world." Maki: "The original novel by Anne Rice is a cult classic. The world depicted is so similar to that of Poe no Ichizoku that it could be considered a live-action version of the series. Its themes can be summed up as the sorrow and suffering of vampires. Despite all his agonizing, Louis ends up as an empty vampire." Maki: "The delicious final scene ends with a revived Lestat's triumphant smile." Maki: "It's fine, though, since it's entertaining. The director would be to blame if he failed to produce an entertaining film with such an extravagant cast." Tsujimoto: "The girl who played Claudia wasn't very cute." Maki: "You think so? I think it's better that she wasn't played by a beautiful girl." Taguchi: "Why is that?" Maki: "Because this is a movie about handsome men. The women and girls can simply be women and girls." Taguchi: "Are you sure?" Maki: "Besides, I thought her acting was impressive." Maki: "She has the mind of an adult, but her body is forever that of a child's. The suffering and frustration she portrayed felt so real. By the end of the movie, she was making the kinds of expressions you'd expect from a middle-aged woman." Tsujimoto: "I imagine male fans were disappointed." Taguchi: "You're right. Hetero men feel like they've wasted their time if they didn't get to look at beautiful women." Maki: "Now that you mention it, you might be right. What type of beautiful girls do hetero dudes like, anyway?" Mitsugu: "An interview." Maki: "That's right." Mitsugu: "With Mai?" Maki: "Yeah. I want to film it and make a documentary." Mitsugu: "What are you talking about? We can't do that. You'd be exposing Mai's secret to the world. And besides, we've got to respect Mai's privacy." Maki: "She doesn't have to answer any questions she doesn't want to answer." Mitsugu: "You're lying. I know exactly what you're up to since you chose Mai. You'd be exposing the Blood Donation Club's impure blood donation activities, too. What if Mai gets kicked out of this high school?" Maki: "Just because it's called a documentary doesn't mean everything depicted is real. As a film, it's necessarily a fabrication. In other words, it doesn't work without direction." Mitsugu: "You mean you'll exaggerate Mai's secret, right?" Maki: "I'll censor her eyes with a bar and call her "Vampire Girl A."" Mitsugu: "In what universe is there an anonymous "Vampire Girl A?"" Maki: "That's what makes it interesting. I won't be interviewing some commonplace girl. You just don't understand. This is why I can't stand amateurs." Mitsugu: "And I don't care to understand. I don't need you making waves in my happy little life with Mai." Maki: "Happy little life, huh?" Mitsugu: "What's wrong with that?" Maki: "Nothing, if you're happy with that. But normally, I'd imagine people would be more curious." Mitsugu: "Curious about what?" Maki: "Oh, sorry. I meant Mai's personal history. Her past. I was just wondering what you even know about Mai. Well, if you're not concerned about the true identity of the friend you're living with under the same roof, I suppose that could be considered magnanimous or cool." Mitsugu: "Mai's past doesn't bother—" Maki: "It doesn't bother you, except for Franken." Mitsugu: "What?" Maki: "And if you're happy now, then none of it matters." Maki: "I'm giving up on the idea. You should forget about it, too." Mitsugu: "Huh? Wha— Maki, wait! In order to minimize information leaks, on the condition that even our blood brothers and sisters would be excluded, I agreed to help Maki make her movie." Chihiro: "Good grief. I thought I'd be able to go home early tonight and enjoy some sake while viewing the moon." Mitsugu: "You say that, but you're itching to use that clapperboard you're holding." Chihiro: "As the instructor in charge, I can't allow you to perform extracurricular activities without me." Chihiro: "You're lucky you have such an understanding teacher." Mitsugu: "Mai, are you okay? If you decide you don't want to do this, we can stop anytime. And you don't have to answer any questions you don't want to—" Maki: "Hey, stay out of this." Mai: "I'm okay. I'm actually kind of excited." Maki: "Ready, action!" Maki: "M-san, let's dive right in. What's your favorite blood type?" Mai: "I don't have one. I was taught not to be a picky eater." Maki: "Do you prefer men's blood or women's blood?" Mai: "I actually prefer men's blood. But I'd never ask for it. Not until we win the war!" Maki: "I see. You prefer the blood of boys. Why is that?" Mai: "It's kind of thick. It has an animal-like smell that whets my appetite." Maki: "Then you must find the blood of timid boys disappointing." Mai: "I do. If I'm allowed to choose, I prefer the blood of aggressive men. But I'd never ask for it. Not until we win the war!" Maki: "You're such a good-natured vampire, Mai-san." Maki: "Have you always been such a kind person?" Mai: "I'm not so sure." Maki: "I'm sure you had lots of friends." Mai: "It was a long, long time ago. I don't remember very well." Maki: "What's your greatest childhood memory?" Mai: "I forgot." Chihiro: "Cut!" Maki: "Doctor, I'm the director!" Chihiro: "Our food has arrived." Deliveryman: "Thanks again." Chihiro: "It seems like she doesn't want to talk about her past." Maki: "Perhaps she has a secret." Mitsugu: "A secret?" Chihiro: "Yeah, maybe." Maki: "There's a reason Mai's too timid to bite people?" Chihiro: "Maybe she experienced some kind of trauma as a child." Mitsugu: "You guys are overthinking it. Mai's simply a pure girl." Chihiro: "You're green. Green like the Jolly Green Giant." Mitsugu: "Not only is that an old reference, but it's kind of obscure." Maki: "I kind of like his peas." Mai: "I'm starting to feel sleepy..." Mitsugu: "Huh? Mai?" Mitsugu: "You bitch, you drugged her, didn't you?" Chihiro: "I just mixed in a tiny bit of blood containing a sleep inducing agent." Mitsugu: "What?!" Chihiro: "Don't worry. It has no side effects." Maki: "Doctor, did you—" Chihiro: "I'm a public health doctor with no morals." Maki: "Hypnotherapy..." Chihiro: "That lukewarm interview style you were using earlier will never get us anywhere." Mitsugu: "How could you do this without Mai's consent?" Maki: "As an orthodox documentary maker, I have some doubts about this." Chihiro: "That's exactly what makes you lukewarm. Like the Jolly Green Giant's thawed—" Maki: "I like his peas." Mitsugu: "For the record, I'm against this." Maki: "Mitsugu, are you sure you're not scared to learn about Mai's past?" Chihiro: "I'll take your silence as consent. Let's continue the interview." Chihiro: "Since you set this in motion, let me tell you one thing." Chihiro: "There are some things in this world that you're better off not knowing." Chihiro: "Let's get started." Maki: "Ready, action!" Chihiro: "You are currently descending some stairs." Chihiro: "One step." Chihiro: "Two steps." Chihiro: "Three steps." Chihiro: "Your foot slipped." Mitsugu: "Doctor!" Maki: "This isn't the time for jokes!" Chihiro: "You slipped on the third step but immediately regained your balance and stepped down..." Chihiro: "...onto the final step." Chihiro: "When you open the door in front of you, you see yourself as a child." Chihiro: "Where are you now?" Mai: "Inside a carriage. It's moving." Chihiro: "Where is it traveling?" Mai: "A dark road. The scenery outside is a blazing red." Chihiro: "Who are you with?" Mai: "My Daddy, and..." Mai: "Oh, this brings back memories. It's my real mother who gave birth to me." Mai: "Mother!" Mom: "It's all right, Mai. Father will take care of it." Dad: "Mai, I promise I'll protect you two." Mai: "But it's so red outside!" Dad: "That's the evening sun." Mai: "But I see so many black crosses!" Dad: "Those are the shadows of trees." Mai: "I hear horrible groans and screams!" Dad: "Those are the crows cawing." Mai: "But I smell flesh burning!" Dad: "Mai, you mustn't look at, listen to or smell anything." Chihiro: "Decades pass. Where are you now?" Mai: "I'm traveling from town to town across unfamiliar lands." Chihiro: "Where are your father and mother?" Mai: "Mother... Where is mother? Where is mother?!" Mai: "Mother!" Mom: "Mai, run! Run away!" Dad: "Run, Mai! Forget about Mom! Just run!" Mai: "No! No!" Mai: "Mother!" Mai: "No! No! Mother!" Chihiro: "They slaughtered her." Maki: "It was a witch hunt. Poor woman." Mitsugu: "Mai..." Chihiro: "Those who hunt humans are in turn hunted by humans. Such is the fate of those who drink human blood." Mitsugu: "Let's stop. Let's not do this anymore. Who cares about any of that?" Maki: "Mitsugu." Maki: "Are you sure you're not afraid to face the true Mai?" Mitsugu: "I just don't want to make Mai suffer anymore!" Maki: "You're wrong." Maki: "You're afraid to know what truth is hidden behind Mai's pretty little face." Chihiro: "Well, Mitsugu Bambam. Should we continue or not?" Chihiro: "As interested party number one, you decide." Mitsugu: "My name isn't Mitsugu Bambam." Mitsugu: "It's Mitsugu Bamba." Chihiro: "More time passes. Where are you now?" Mai: "I..." Mai: "My Daddy and I left Europe. We're heading to the New World." Chihiro: "More time passes." Mai: "It's different from Europe and its tired traditions." Mai: "The city was filled with people of different races speaking different languages." Mai: "We hid among the crowds and continued our journey." Chihiro: "More time passes." Maki: "Where are you?" Mai: "We're near a river called the Mississippi." Mai: "We live on a large plantation." Mai: "We're surrounded by dark-skinned nannies and servants." Maki: "Sounds straight out of Gone with the Wind." Mitsugu: "Gone with the what now?" Maki: "Just die, you ignorant savage! Based on a novel by Margaret Mitchell, produced by David O. Selznick, and directed by Victor Fleming." Maki: "Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable. Leslie Howard, Olivia de Havilland, and Thomas Mitchell." Mitsugu: "Who?" Maki: "You've never heard of the masterpiece that won nine Academy Awards?" Mitsugu: "Oh, that long-ass movie. I've seen a bit of it on TV." Maki: "The Keiko Toda and Toru Emori dub?" Mitsugu: "I forgot. Actually, I never remembered." Maki: "By the way, the Warner Brothers dub featured Akio Otsuka as Rhett Butler. Scarlett O'hara's sister Suellen O'Hara was voiced by Atsuko Tanaka." Mitsugu: "So, what?" Mai: "On that plantation, I met my first friends." Dad: "Starting today, this girl will be your friend. Her name is Caroline Irene." Dad: "Call her Carreen." Mai: "Carreen came from an orphanage." Mai: "We quickly became friends." Mai: "We were like sisters." Maki: "It really is Gone with the Wind. Carreen, also known as Caroline Irene O'Hara is—" Chihiro: "What happened next?" Mai: "One day..." Dad: "Mai, it's about time you began to prepare to become independent vampire." Mai: "Independent?" Dad: "That's right. A fully-fledged vampire must hunt their own prey." Mai: "Prey?" Dad: "You must sink your own fangs into your prey, drink its blood, and control your prey." Dad: "Naturally, you won't be able to do that right away." Dad: "You'll need a partner to practice on in order to get used to it." Dad: "Take a look. That's your first prey." Mai: "Carreen had been brought to the plantation for that purpose." Chihiro: "I see. It's like how raptors will offer live prey to their chicks." Mitsugu: "Ugh!" Chihiro: "Cut the old-fashioned reactions." Maki: "He offered a live human to his own child. Vampire parents are incredible." Chihiro: "What happened next?" Mai: "Naturally, I rejected the idea." Mai: "I couldn't drink the blood of my precious friend." Mitsugu: "Of course not." Chihiro: "And then?" Mai: "Daddy became angry. He exposed me to the sun— No, he forced me to fast." Maki: "Fast?" Mai: "Pure-blooded vampires raise their children by allowing them to drink blood from their arm." Mai: "After I lost my mother, I was raised on my Daddy's blood." Chihiro: "He did it so she could become independent and leave the nest." Chihiro: "It's standard practice in the natural world. If anything, humans are the exception." Maki: "Like a fox driving off her kits." Chihiro: "And then?" Mai: "I dried up." Mai: "I'd never experienced anything like it in my life." Mai: "I felt so dry." Mai: "My hunger tore me apart." Mai: "No matter how much I screamed and cried, Daddy wouldn't offer me his arm." Mai: "For three days and nights, I suffered and cried until I couldn't anymore." Mai: "Then that night arrived." Mai: "I snuck into her room." Mai: "I stood beside her as she slept peacefully." Mai: "No!" Mai: "I feel so dizzy in the morning." Mai: "Everyone knows what I'm thinking." Mai: "My stomach is so excited." Mai: "Don't push yourself too hard." All: "The night is anxious, your sleepiness will go flying. Blood vessels flow so smoothly, not enough blood..." Chihiro: "So, what are you going to do with the video you shot?" Mitsugu: "What? Maki..." Maki: "After the story she told us, I can't release it to the public. If I'm empathizing with my subject, then I still have a lot to learn as a documentary director." Chihiro: "It may be the fate of vampires, but it's a sad thing." Mitsugu: "No, it's not." Chihiro: "What's not sad?" Mitsugu: "Mai isn't alone anymore." Mitsugu: "She has me..." Mitsugu: "...and her blood brothers and sisters from the night school." Chihiro: "Someday Mai may drink your blood."
{ "raw_title": "VLAD LOVE Episode 12 – Interview With Mai", "parsed": [ "VLAD LOVE", "12", "Interview With Mai" ] }
Chihiro: ""Autumn breeze, at whose grave does my index finger point?"" Chihiro: "References should always be made clear." Chihiro: "So, anyway..." Student A: "Doctor!" Student B: "Blood!" Student C: "Draw my blood!" Student D: "I'm first!" Student E: "Don't be ridiculous! I'm first!" Mitsugu: "Okay, okay. Line up in order, starting with ticket number 32." Student A: "I'm 32!" Student B: "I'm 32!" Student C: "I'm 32, too!" Mitsugu: "No cutting in line. Doctor, I need you to work tonight." Chihiro: "I shouldn't have agreed to do this. I'm going to work myself to death. You need to appeal directly to the students' desires." Mitsugu: "Our advisor is the infirmary's dynamite Doctor Chihiro Chimatsuri!" Mitsugu: "Enjoy the doctor's hospitable care!" All: "What?!" Mitsugu: "The Blood Donation Club has Korean hotties and blood transfusion mixers! Couples that form will receive an annual pass to Mousenyland!" Chihiro: "Not only that, but it's all boys. Where are the girls?" Mitsugu: "The collective excitement a group of girls feels is usually only temporary." Shirt: "Chuck Flap" Katsuno: "Out of the way, herbivores! Doctor Chihiro! I, Karate club captain Masumi Katsuno, have come to offer up my copious and thick blood drawn." All: "Osu!" Katsuno: "Our karate club does not use empty words like "osu!"" Kanbaru: "Usu." Katsuno: "Nor do we use "usu!" Stop wasting your blood!" Mitsugu: "Yikes. These guys are blood donating enthusiasts, too?" Chihiro: "That's enough. No need to keep beating him. This school is full of perverts who can't stay calm when they see blood." Katsuno: "Blood. Blood!" Katsuno: "Excellent. This is it. Nothing beats this." Chihiro: "That's one patient done. Next." Katsuno: "What? What about my hospitable care?" Mitsugu: "You'll get it once you accumulate 100 points. Here's your point card." Left: "Blood Donation Point Card" Mitsugu: "You get one point for every 400cc drawn. Your card expires after six months." Katsuno: "I've been tricked!" Chihiro: "Come on, next patient." All: "Osu!" Katsuno: "Don't speak that word again!" Mitsugu: "Hey, cut that out." Chihiro: "Growing boys are full of all manner of things. It's nothing unusual." Mitsugu: "Really? Wait, why should we accept this? Get out of here. We're done for tonight!" mi: "Hold it right there." mi: "Aren't you guys familiar with the phrase "ladies first"?" Maki: "That's right. Our blood takes priority over your greasy fatty blood." Kaoru: "That's right, blood. In Heaven's place, I offer you my angel blood." Mitsugu: "Thank you. I promise your good intentions won't go to waste. Yeah, right. I know these girls are secretly blood donating enthusiasts and perverts, too." Katsuno: "Whose blood are you calling fatty?" Okada: "Your cholesterol is high, and your Gamma-GTP is over 200." Katsuno: "No, it's not!" Hotta: "Your average blood pressure is over 250, and your urine protein content is 2+." Katsuno: "No, it's not!" Kanbaru: "You're at risk for prostatic hypertrophy, and your risk of hair loss is over 80%." Katsuno: "No, it's not!" Chihiro: "How long are you going to keep doing that?" Mitsugu: "Anyway, we've been dealing with a lot." Mitsugu: "Before we draw your blood, you'll need to join the club." mi: "What? Join what club?" Mitsugu: "The Blood Donation Club." Kaoru: "No one told us about that." Mitsugu: "Well, actually—" Maki: "You won't drawn our blood unless we join your club?" Mitsugu: "It's not complicated. There's no initiation fee, and you don't need to present your family register. And if you've forgotten your family seal, you can sign your application with blood." Maki: "That's not the problem." mi: "I'm busy." Maki: "I've got club members to look after." Kaoru: "I don't think I can handle two clubs at once." Mitsugu: "It's just a formality. Doctor Chihiro and I will handle all the actual drawing of blood. All you need to do is periodically have yours drawn. I promise it won't be any trouble at all." Maki: "This is starting to sound fishy." mi: "I smell an MLM or a rat." Kaoru: "You're running a crooked business." Mitsugu: "Please, I'm begging you, I'd be eternally grateful. We can't draw blood at school unless we gather enough club members." mi: "That's none of our concern." Maki: "I'll give my blood, but I'm not interested in any blood ties." Kaoru: "But I do want your milk." Mitsugu: "Don't you care about anything besides your own pleasure?" mi: "Nope." Mitsugu: "Egoists! Selfish! Hedonists!" Maki: "Are you different?" Jinko: "That's enough!" Jinko: "I knew you were behind this foolishness." Mitsugu: "Crap. My greatest enemy, Jinko-chan." Jinko: "Who are you calling your enemy?" Mitsugu: "I didn't say that. But how dare you call this foolishness? The Blood Donation Club is performing this volunteer work to help the world and its people." Jinko: "When was a Blood Donation Club formed?" Mitsugu: "I'm working right now to form a Blood Donation—" Jinko: "School Regulation Article 23! Aggressive club recruitment that ignores or violates an individual's will is prohibited." Jinko: "You know that, don't you?" Mitsugu: "I had no idea." Chihiro: "Aggressive? What have you been up to?" Mitsugu: "I've just been talking to all the girls I can." Chihiro: "All of them? You mean the cute girls?" Mitsugu: "Well, yeah. I can't let Mai drink any ugly blood." Chihiro: "But you didn't talk to Jinko?" Chihiro: "You screwed up this time, Mitsugu Bambam." Mitsugu: "It's Bamba." Jinko: "What are you two arguing about? I order you to disperse immediately. And doctor, I expect better from you." Chihiro: "Now, now. What's the problem? It's in the spirit of one for all and all for one." Chihiro: "Why don't you have your blood drawn, too? It'll make you feel better." Jinko: "No, thank you." Mitsugu: "Could it be that Jinko is secretly a blood donating enthusiast, too?" Left: "Nami Unten" Right: "Maki Watabe" Chihiro: "Despite what they said, everyone had their blood drawn." Mitsugu: "No one can resist having their blood drawn." Chihiro: "Anyway, shouldn't this be enough to keep her from starving for a while?" Mitsugu: "No. Only these three are usable." Chihiro: "That's just those three girls' blood." Mitsugu: "If Mai drinks those filthy boys' blood..." Mitsugu: "She'll become hairy." Mitsugu: "And greasy." Mitsugu: "Her feet will stink." Mitsugu: "She'll start grinding her teeth." Mitsugu: "And grow a third eye on her forehead." Mitsugu: "I wouldn't be able to stand that!" Chihiro: "I understand how you feel, but blood is blood." Mitsugu: "It's an emotional matter." Chihiro: "But girls are okay?" Mitsugu: "Better than horny males." Chihiro: "I see. Then all the rest of the blood is mine?" Mitsugu: "You're welcome to it. Dump it down the drain for all I care." Chihiro: "I'd never do anything so wasteful. After all the hazardously hard work I put in, I'll make sure to put it to good use in my research." Chihiro: "Anyway, we sure did get a lot of type A." Mitsugu: "Maybe that's why people think Japanese people are so serious and businesslike." Chihiro: "That's just popular belief. There's no scientific basis for blood type-based personalities." Mitsugu: "No way. People say it all the time." Mitsugu: "Type As are serious." Mansetin: "Prussian field marshals do not mutiny." Mitsugu: "Type B's are eccentric." Warhol: "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." Mitsugu: "Type O's are cavalier and bold." Miyazaki: "Only savages make movies." Mitsugu: "And type AB's..." Chihiro: "Are two-faced?" Mitsugu: "Yeah, that." Chihiro: "Only Japanese people fuss over blood type-based fortune telling and compatibility." Mitsugu: "What? Seriously? Then no matter what blood type Mai drinks, there's no risk of it having strange effects on her?" Chihiro: "Let me ask you this. Did that vampire girl change in anyway after drinking your rare chimera type blood?" Mitsugu: "She seemed very happy. She squealed with joy." Chihiro: "Idiot! Everyone becomes happy when their hunger is sated!" Mitsugu: "By the way, what's your blood type, doctor?" Chihiro: "That's a state secret. Do you still want to know?" Mitsugu: "No, I'm good." Mitsugu: "Regardless of her blood type, I can't give Mai this dangerous woman's blood. I doubt she'd give me hers, anyway. But I can't have Mai turning into a pervert because of the doctor's blood." Chihiro: "I know exactly what you're thinking!" Mitsugu: "Well? Did you like it?" Mai: "Yes. I feel rejuvenated." Mitsugu: "W-W-Wait, Mai." Mai: "Huh?" Mitsugu: "Chihiro said..." Chihiro: "Whatever you do, don't mix the blood types you feed her. If you mix blood of different types..." Chihiro: "It could cause coagulation or hemolysis. Eventually the blood itself will become a mess." Text: "This image is fictional and differs from scientific fact." Chihiro: "That's common sense for a blood fanatic." Mitsugu: "That's what she said." Mitsugu: "Is it okay if they mix inside her stomach? Mai, why don't you wait before the next—" Mai: "Delicious. I feel refreshed. Whatever will be will be... or won't. Which is it again?" Mitsugu: "A cavalier and pragmatic type O?" Mai: "There's no point in me being alive." Mai: "No, I'm not a spineless vampire." Mitsugu: "A complicated and two-faced type AB? This is bad. It really is affecting her." Mitsugu: "Her personality is changing according to the order of the blood she drank." Mai: "More blood." Mitsugu: "It's already quite late. Don't you think this is a bit much?" Mai: "Oh, please. You're so mean." Mai: "I want it now. I want that now." Mitsugu: "You really can't wait?" Mai: "No." Mai: "Let's have another great night!" Mitsugu: "What?" Mai: "The night is anxious, your sleepiness will go flying." Mitsugu: "I knew this was coming!" Mai: "Blood vessels flow so smoothly, not enough blood." Mitsugu: "She turned into a party animal type B. Chihiro lied to me. It's totally affecting her." Mai: "SOS I give myself to you. SOS See how it flows. SOS I pour out for you, light the fire of temp...tation..." Mitsugu: "Huh? Is something wrong?" Mitsugu: "Mai!" Mai: "No, it's nothing." Mitsugu: "This isn't anything." Mai: "I want more." Mitsugu: "Huh?" Mai: "I want more blood." Mitsugu: "What?" Mai: "Perhaps it's because I moved so much, but I'm hungry again. Is there anymore blood?" Mitsugu: "Once I thaw this, there won't be any left." Mitsugu: "H-H-Hot! Mai, it's a little hot, but I had some backup—" Mitsugu: "What are you drinking?" Mitsugu: "Beelzebub." Mitsugu: "Excavated in Iraq in 1982." Mitsugu: "Estimated 2000 BC." Text: "Do Not Drink" Mitsugu: "What?!" Mitsugu: "Mai?" Mitsugu: "Buzz? Why are you buzzing?" Mitsugu: "Mai..." Mai: "Hey! Why have you been hiding this delicious blood from me until now?" Mitsugu: "Well, actually—" Mai: "It's delicious. I've never tasted anything so incredible." Mitsugu: "Mai, let's calm down for the night and go to sleep." Mai: "Shut up! Stay out of my way! I'm going for a walk!" Mitsugu: "Mai, don't do that!" Mitsugu: "Mommy!" Mai: "Here we go!" Mai: "Well? Does that feel good?" Mitsugu: "It feels so good, I'm going to be sick." Mitsugu: "But doing this kind of puts me at ease. What is this feeling? Could it be?" Mai: "I'll make you feel even better." Mai: "I feel sick!" Mitsugu: "Mommy!" Chihiro: "Maybe I'll skip playing Fallout 4 tonight and go to bed early." Mitsugu: "Ow..." Mitsugu: "I'll use this flashlight I have for some reason." Mitsugu: "Where am I?" Mitsugu: "Mai. Good. She's all right, too. That buzzing must've worn off." Mitsugu: "Mai. Mai." Mai: "Oh? Where are we?" Mitsugu: "Mai, don't move a millimeter." Mitsugu: "Don't look, don't listen, don't smell." Mai: "What?" Mitsugu: "No matter what you think you see, it's just a big dog, okay?" Mai: "A doggy? Where?" Mai: "He's so cute. You're so furry. So wonderfully wild, too. Huh? Oh, please. You think I'm cute? You lady killer." Mitsugu: "Mai, you idiot, don't—" Mai: "What? You want to go on a walk because it's a full moon?" Mitsugu: "Huh?" Mai: "Then let's all go on a walk on this moonlit night together." Mitsugu: "The buzzing hasn't worn off yet." Mai: "Go!" Mai: "Come with me, gorilla! And you, hippo! And you, with the marvelous horn!" Mai: "Let's go!" Top Left: "Chimidoro Sports" Right: "High Alert" Middle: "Nighttime Disturbance in Chimidoro" Left: "Filming for a movie?" Top: "Chimidoro Newspaper Chimidoro on High Alert!" Bottom: ""Horde of Animals Escapes from Zoo at Night"" Mitsugu: "The commotion lasted until morning. As the effects of that suspicious demon's blood wore off, things quieted down." Mitsugu: "This disturbance made two things clear." Mitsugu: "First, Mai is absolutely affected by the blood she drinks, which changes her personality. Second, it's impossible to predict what superpower Mai will exhibit, depending on her excitement level." Mitsugu: "Living with Mai might be even crazier than I imagined." Mitsugu: "Either way, I'm past the point of no return. I don't have a choice anymore. But if Mai's personality changes according to the blood she drinks, it may be possible to turn her exactly into my type of girl." Mitsugu: "My type of girl? What am I talking about?" Mitsugu: "Well, whatever. Mai is cuter than anyone else, and cuteness should be prioritized over all else." Mitsugu: "Living with a vampire is an uncommon experience." Mitsugu: "By the way, what's Mai doing now?" Mitsugu: "She's actually still with the animals." Mai: "I'm very impressed. It's rare that someone can suck a human's blood without internal conflict or hesitation."
{ "raw_title": "VLAD LOVE Episode 2 – Night Flight on Love", "parsed": [ "VLAD LOVE", "2", "Night Flight on Love" ] }
Girl: "Stay away!" Girl: "No!" Girl: "No!" Mai: "That was incredibly entertaining." Mitsugu: "Really?" Poster: "Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell" Mitsugu: "I thought this might be to your liking." Mai: "Yes. I was very impressed. I admire someone who can suck a human's blood without internal conflict or hesitation. He's a model vampire." Mitsugu: "I guess so." Maki: "What's this?" Mitsugu: "Crap. An annoying one found us." Maki: "What are you doing watching a movie?" Mitsugu: "Well, well, well. If it isn't Cinema Club Captain Maki Watabe." Maki: "Such expository dialogue simply won't do. The scriptwriter really cheaped out this time." Maki: "Who's this girl? Who is she to you?" Mitsugu: "Hey, wait." Maki: "Very nice. You're used to being in front of a camera. By the way, this is 4K." Mitsugu: "Skip the exposition!" Maki: "Is she your friend?" Mitsugu: "Well, actually..." Maki: "What's a pretty girl like her doing watching a movie with someone like you?" Mitsugu: "Someone like me? What does that mean?" Maki: "I don't know who you are or where you're from, but hanging out with this fujoshi is a waste of time. A worthless, trashy, and mediocre triple-feature of rubbish that lasts all night long. I wouldn't do it if I were you." Mai: "Rubbish?" Maki: "If not rubbish, then trash. Water flea." Maki: "An arthropod of subphylum crustacea, class branchiopoda, order cladocera." Mitsugu: "I'm a girl belonging to phylum chordata, class mammalia, order primates, family hominidae!" Maki: "But you're a blood donating enthusiast and a pervert." Mitsugu: "You're one to talk!" Maki: "So, who is she?" Mitsugu: "She's a distant relative." Maki: "A relative?" Mitsugu: "Yes, a very, very distant relative." Maki: "She looks nothing like you." Mitsugu: "She's my paternal cousin's brother-in-law's second wife's child from a previous relationship." Maki: "I suppose I can go along with that." Mitsugu: "Crap. If Mai's true identity is discovered, it could interfere with our blood donating activities." Maki: "You're really related?" Mai: "I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but we're connected by blood. Anyway, I'm so hungry." Mitsugu: "I need to get her home quickly and feed her blood." Maki: "Then why don't the three of us go out for a luxurious dinner together?" Mitsugu: "What?" Maki: "I know a nice place. I always stop there on the way back from the theater." Mitsugu: "What? But, uh—" Mai: "I'm hungry..." Maki: "Then, it's decided. Let's go!" Mitsugu: "No, wait. We— Wait, Maki!" Maki: "Come on, follow me." Right: "6 Gyoza" Middle: "6 Garlic Gyoza" Left: "Garlic Fried Rice" Maki: "Three orders of garlic gyoza with extra garlic." Man: "Three orders of garlic gyoza with extra garlic." Maki: "Could we also get three orders of garlic yakisoba and three extra large orders of garlic fried rice?" Man: "Three orders of garlic yakisoba and three extra large orders of garlic fried rice. Got it." Maki: "This place makes great gyoza, um..." Mai: "I'm Mai." Maki: "Mai-chan, do you like garlic?" Mitsugu: "Crap. A vampire needs garlic like a cat needs currency—no, wait." Right: "10K Ryo" Mitsugu: "Like a giant needs an iron club—no, wait." Maki: "What about giants?" Mitsugu: "What? What about giants?" Maki: "You know, sometimes everyone around you can hear what you're thinking." Mitsugu: "Oh, uh... I sure hope that giant guy brings us our gyoza soon." Mai: "So hungry..." Mitsugu: "Mai, are you okay?" Maki: "It might be because of that movie." Mitsugu: "Huh?" Maki: "That movie would make anyone feel anemic. Personally, I wish it had been bloodier." Mitsugu: "I-I guess so. Anyway, must be nice to be a vampire. They're handsome, popular, and immortal." Maki: "That's what you call the superficial knowledge of an amateur." Mitsugu: "This arrogant bitch." Maki: "Who are you calling a bitch?" Mitsugu: "I sure could go for a bitchin' sweet dessert." Maki: "In other words, your approach to viewing movies is shallow." Mitsugu: "Then why doesn't the cinema club captain share her thoughts with us since she's such an expert?" Man: "Thanks for waiting." Man: "Three servings of garlic gyoza with extra garlic." Maki: "Vampires are only immortal in movies and novels. But it's possible that vampires really do exist." Mitsugu: "Crap." Maki: "What about crap?" Mitsugu: "Stop reacting to everything I think." Maki: "What real vampires have in common with fictional vampires is their need to suck blood." Maki: "Their sensitivity to UV light. The ability to modify their physical appearance." Mitsugu: "Really? Then what about garlic?" Maki: "You mean how vampires can't stand garlic? That's fictional, as well. By the way, their aversion to crosses is nonsense, as well. So is their ability to transform into bats or wolves. Real vampires are astoundingly long-lived, but they age peacefully, and nobody can escape death." Mai: "Exactly." Maki: "What?" Mai: "My stepmother Rubeus has deep laugh lines etched into her face." Mai: "Serves you right, bitch." Mitsugu: "Huh? Mai, what's gotten into you?" Mai: "Gyoza rule." Maki: "You ate all the gyoza? At least put sauce on them!" Mai: "You got a problem with me, huh?" Maki: "Uh, oh. What's gotten into her?" Mai: "Is the garlic having this effect on her?" Man: "Miss, please take your fight outside." Mai: "Shut up! Stay out of this, phimosis dick!" Customer A: "The chef's got phimosis?" Mai: "Where's our garlic yakisoba?" Mai: "Where's our fried rice?" Mitsugu: "Mai, calm down." Maki: "Good. Very good. Look this way, my powerful lady. Say butter." Chihiro: "I doubt the police will take a story about a high school girl demolishing a gyoza restaurant seriously. I'm sure it'll be fine." Mitsugu: "You're probably right." Chihiro: "But she's not human. Don't feed her indiscriminately for your own entertainment." Mitsugu: "It's not like I fed her garlic for fun. I wasn't expecting garlic to produce that side effect." Chihiro: "Instead of being a weakness, it's like giving silver vine to cats or spinach to Popeye." Mitsugu: "Could Mai's reaction be idiosyncratic?" Chihiro: "Unless we learn that vampire's traits, things could get even worse." Chihiro: "To prevent further damage, we should investigate." Chihiro: "Her reflection doesn't appear in mirrors." Chihiro: "Say butter." Chihiro: "Phones can't capture photos of her, either. Wait, what? Didn't I just see her photo in the newspaper?" Mai: "How cute. May I keep this?" Chihiro: "She's quite unconcerned by crosses, too." Chihiro: "She can easily leap over running water." Mitsugu: "Vampires aren't supposed to be able to cross running water." Chihiro: "It seems that vampire is different from the vampires I'm familiar with." Mitsugu: "She's different from the ones I know, too." Chihiro: "The vampires you know? For reference, tell me what you know." Mitsugu: "Well... they're tall, pale, and wear black capes with red lining. They're nobles, live in castles, and are sometimes gay. They sleep in coffins during the day, and at night they bite the necks of beautiful virgins or plain old beautiful women and suck their blood." Mitsugu: "Their victims come back to life as vampires. When their hearts are pierced by stakes, they scream and turn into ash. Garlic, crosses, and the sun are their weaknesses. They sometimes transform into bats or wolves, and unless they're killed, they never grow old or die." Chihiro: "What did you think of them?" Mitsugu: "Commonplace. Cliché." Chihiro: "That's the product of a lowbrow filmmaker's sexual fantasies. Like the author Bram Stoker's novel they based it off of, it's ridiculous nonsense. But what about the vampire folklore that author based his novel on?" Chihiro: "They're muscular with reddish but dark and sinister faces. Most of them are peasants. They rise from their graves and return home, where they bite their families or eat their food. Additionally, they often transform into nocturnal creatures. In other words," Chihiro: "they were inspired by scavengers who ate and lurked around fetid corpses. A regional representation meant to rationalize the omnipresent phenomenon of death. Therefore... Listen to what I'm saying!" Mitsugu: "You still haven't quit your corporal punishment and power harassment!" Chihiro: "I don't give a shit about your power harassment! Whether it's a sexual fantasy produced by the entertainment industry or a legend fabricated by a primitive people with access to limited information trying to rationalize their world view, they're still fictional. They don't exist. And yet, a creature we could call a vampire does exist." Chihiro: "To be precise, perhaps we should call her a blood-sucking human." Mitsugu: "She's a vampire." Chihiro: "What she has in common with those fictional creatures is... First, she sucks blood." Chihiro: "Second, she's sensitive to UV light. Third, she can modify parts of her physical appearance." Mitsugu: "Ow." Chihiro: "Regarding their immortality, we'll have to take that girl's word for it, but it sounds like while they are exceptionally long-lived, they're not immortal." Mitsugu: "It's not like we can drive a stake through her heart." Chihiro: "Come to think of it, we haven't conducted the UV light test yet." Mitsugu: "Mai, how are you feeling? Any discomfort?" Mai: "My clan is quite resistant to UV light." Mai: "Though my stepmother Rubeus would instantly burn to a crisp. I'm sure the worse a vampire's personality is, the more sensitive they are to UV light." Mitsugu: "Which means as long as she takes appropriate precautions against UV light..." Mai: "Wait. Hey, wait for me." Mitsugu: "Hurry up." Mitsugu: "Well, it's not like I'm a man." Text: "Mitsugu" Kaoru: "What's this?" Mitsugu: "It's Kaoru this time?" Kaoru: "I wasn't expecting to find you cosplaying as an invisible woman. Not bad. Well? Why don't we cosplay together?" Mai: "Cosplay?" Mitsugu: "Never thought I'd see you here, Cosplay Club Captain and fellow Blood Donation Club member Kaoru." Kaoru: "Why are you speaking in such obviously expository dialogue?" Mitsugu: "You've got the wrong idea, Kaoru. This girl is—" Kaoru: "You wish to participate, as well? Very well. I shall allow you to join us." Mitsugu: "It's not like that." Kaoru: "You're quite cute, aren't you?" Mitsugu: "She's right. It may be standard, but it's extremely convincing." Kaoru: "Let's try the next outfit." Mitsugu: "What a high-value development." Kaoru: "What's high-value?" Mitusgu: "Oh, uh..." Mitsugu: "You sure do have a lot of high-value outfits lying around." Kaoru: "You know, sometimes everyone around you can hear what you're thinking." Mitsugu: "Don't repeat the same story development!" Kaoru: "Instead of getting mad at me, why don't you try this on?" Kaoru: "So niche. I bet that's what you're into." Mitsugu: "You couldn't be more wrong. I'm not a tokusatsu otaku." Kaoru: "What? You'd prefer a moon base catsuit?" Mitsugu: "I didn't say that!" Kaoru: "Here." Mitsugu: "What's this?" Kaoru: "To tell you the truth, tonight we're holding our cosplay Halloween party." Text: "Halloween Party" Mitsugu: "A cosplay party?" Kaoru: "That's right. It's hosted by the Cosplay Club and starts at 6 PM tonight. Since she'll be participating as a surprise guest, you should come with her." Top: "Halloween Party" Right: "Where: Akiba Cultures Zone When: Starting 18:00 tonight" Mitsugu: "A what? Who decided she'd be your surprise guest?" Kaoru: "I made the decision just now." Mitsugu: "I don't think that's a good idea." Kaoru: "I'll draw another 200 for you today." Mitsugu: "Thank you. No, wait. That has nothing to do with—" Kaoru: "We'll be waiting with a super cute outfit for her. Here's your party ticket quota. They're 2000 yen per person. You're welcome to pay for them yourself. Anyway, thanks for handling those." Mitsugu: "No, wait—" Kaoru: "Now let's settle the Cosplay Club's accounts for the year!" All: "Yeah!" Mitsugu: "She really is a type B. She's not listening to anything I'm saying." Kaoru: "Yeah!" All: "Yeah!" Mitsugu: "Wh-What is this?" Kaoru: "Marvelous. You look amazing. It matches your feel perfectly." Mitsugu: "Mai, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Mai: "I adore this outfit. I wish my stepmother could see me in this." Kaoru: "I see, I see. Then let's show you off to your stepmother or stepfather or step-whoever else." mi: "You'll be paying for this choreography." Kaoru: "Aye, sir." Maki: "I suppose filming stupid men in their natural state is a filmmaker's job, too." Maki: "Cameras two and three, make sure you don't miss this." Maki: "Huh?" Maki: "Doctor Chihiro, what are you doing here?" Chihiro: "I'm here for this. I'm going to draw blood from these high blood pressure idiots." Mitsugu: "Crap. This atmosphere doesn't look good." Kaoru: "It's time for today's special guest." Katsuno: "Hey, brats! I won't let anyone lay a finger on my goddess!" Shirt: "Knuckle" Katsuno: "Eat Hurricane Kick!" Jinko: "Don't think you'll get away with this!" Kanbaru: "Sorry, Jinko." Okada: "Your ittokan tin can is fearsome, but our senior's fists are even more destructive." Hotta: "Behave yourself." Kanbara: "That said, we'd be wasting our time if we stayed here." Okada: "And all three of us against just one of you would be rather dull." Hotta: "Only one of us needs to watch you." All: "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot." Jinko: "You idiots! Untie me this instant!" Mitsugu: "Mai, we're leaving." Mai: "What? Already?" Kaoru: "I can't let you do that. The event is just getting started." Mitsugu: "Kaoru, don't you have any limits?" Kaoru: "Limit is a word not found in my dictionary." Mitsugu: "It's dangerous for us to stay any longer." Katsuno: "You sex-crazed idiots! Are you ready to die? Take this! And this!" Kanbaru: "This isn't good. He's outnumbered." Okada: "The so-called Rising and Falling Battleship is sinking." Katsuno: "Okada, Kanbaru! Don't just watch, help me!" Both: "Osu!" Katsuno: "Don't speak the word "osu" in my presence!" Mai: "Fools, this is farewell." Mitsugu: "Now they've done it." Student: "These effects are incredible. Are they CG? They really put a lot of money and effort into this one. Where did they find the budget for this?" Kanbaru: "Sir, are you alive?" Katsuno: "My life is all I've got left." Okada: "He's gone." Jinko: "He's not dead, you idiot!" Kabaru: "Jinko, what are you doing here?" Jinko: "Don't ask questions!" Hotta: "Jinko, wait..." Jinko: "Shut up! I want to speak to whoever's responsible for this!" Maki: "All right. We got some good images." Club A: "But isn't this..." Chihiro: "Come on. It's for scientific progress. Give me your blood!"
{ "raw_title": "VLAD LOVE Episode 3 – Sabbath Night Fever", "parsed": [ "VLAD LOVE", "3", "Sabbath Night Fever" ] }
Mitsugu: "Spinach, liver, and prunes." Mitsugu: "I've gotten sick of eating this every day. But this is for Mai. It's a test." mi: "Mitsugu is definitely hiding something." Katsuno: "Hiding something? You mean my goddess?" mi: "She's definitely not normal." Katsuno: "Indeed. It's unbelievable that she's smaller than a D cup." mi: "An ordinary human couldn't pull of that stunt." mi: "It's worth investigating if that was some kind of illusion or magic." Katsuno: "Yeah. Let's investigate that body's secrets." mi: "I feel like we're not seeing things eye to eye." Katsuno: "Eye to eye?" Katsuno: "Eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth." Katsuno: "Teeth?! Bite me. Bite me as hard as you can. Make a mess of me." mi: "He's truly loyal and greedy. He's a typical type O person." mi: "Isn't that...?" Katsuno: "Who is he?" mi: "Something like a follower or stalker of mine. I see. Why didn't I think of that sooner?" Uemura: "Talk." Mitsugu: "What is this? You think you can get away with abducting, confining, and doing this to a girl? People don't even get away with this in anime and manga! You've got suspension, expulsion, and prison waiting for you!" Uemura: "You think we'd torture people if we were afraid of being suspended or expelled?" Mitsugu: "You don't need to torture anybody." Uemura: "I happened to hear a curious rumor. Sounds like you've hanging around Nami-chan. She's rather frightened of you." Mitsugu: "What? I've been following Nami?" Mitsugu: "Oh, right. This guy worships Nami." Uemura: "I can't have that. Personally, I can't let this one go. I think I'll inflict a little pain on you." Mitsugu: "I already am." Uemura: "You haven't seen anything yet. This isn't what you call true pain." Mitsugu: "Please don't. You've got the wrong idea. Even if that were true, I'd never stalk that strong-willed fisherwoman." Uemura: "Even if what were true?" Mitsugu: "My thoughts were escaping my head again." Uemura: "You bitch! You dare to ridicule my muse?" Mitsugu: "No! I don't know if she's your muse or chemise or whatever, but in any case, Nami is either confused or full of herself." Uemura: "Confused? Full of herself? My Nami-san? You think she cares about a fujoshi like yourself? That's she's self-conscious? I see." Uemura: "Boys, let's teach this scum exactly what it means to be confused." Umeura: "Torture her, torture her, torture her." Uemura: "Like you're torturing her to death. Do it." All: "Yeah." Katsuno: "Hold it." Katsuno: "Looks like you guys have been taking good care of my underling." Uemura: "You're Katsuno, the Rising and Falling Battleship of the Karate Club." Uemura: "Don't you think you overdid it?" Katsuno: "I held back. They'll live." Uemura: "And I'll get my Mousenyland date with Nami-chan. You're certain, right?" Katsuno: "Indeed. If this rehabilitates you, you two can screw off to Mousenyland or the afterlife for all I care!" Katsuno: "Anyway, you owe me a favor now. Isn't that right?" Mitsugu: "Yeah, I guess." Mitsugu: "Seriously, thanks. Later." Katsuno: "You're not going anywhere." Katsuno: "You're going to tell me all about my goddess." Mitsugu: "She's a relative of mine who just happened to come to the cosplay party. Transforming and vanishing is a little parlor trick of hers." Katsuno: "I don't care about that! Tell me her measurements and what type of men she likes." Mitsugu: "What?" Katsuno: "My estimates are 85, 54, and 85. Does she like macho men? I'm asking if she likes men with bodies like mine!" mi: "What the hell is he asking her?" mi: "Idiots are useless." Katsuno: "So, who is my goddess? I'm asking you where she is and what she's doing!" Mitsugu: "I told you, I don't know!" Katsuno: "Liar! I won't let you keep her all to yourself. You have to share." Text: "Anti-monopoly Law" Katsuno: "Haven't you heard of the Anti-monopoly Law? If you haven't, then I'll teach you all about it!" Chihiro: "I gave him a sedative that would instantly knock out a gorilla." Text: "One Blow" Chihiro: "Piece of cake." Mitsugu: "That's terrifying." Chihiro: "This is no time to be scared." Chihiro: "You need to get that vampire girl out of your house immediately." Mitsugu: "What?" Chihiro: "I passed that fisherwoman on my way here." Mitsugu: "Nami?" Mitsugu: "Which means she's the one behind this." Mitsugu: "Mai, how do things look outside?" Mai: "One, two, three..." Mitsugu: "Damn that Katsuno. He's persistent." Mai: "What are they doing?" Mitsugu: "They've come to find you." Mai: "Oh, my. Then I should prepare some tea for them." Mitsugu: "We're escaping out the back." Chihiro: "You made it. I'll take good care of you." Mai: "I'm Mai. Thank you for having me." Mitsugu: "I regret having to do this, but we had nowhere else to go." Chihiro: "Why not take this opportunity to leave her with me?" Mitsugu: "What? No. Absolutely not!" Chihiro: "That starry-eyed gorilla isn't the only one interested in this girl. That fisherwoman is plotting something, too." Mitsugu: "You're the one who's most interested in her." Chihiro: "Shut up! She seems to be in good health, and she's not anemic, either. Anyway, as promised..." Mitsugu: "Don't. This is no time to be doing that." Chihiro: "You shut up! A mere two liters will do. It won't hurt at all. Come on, roll up your sleeve. Come on, it's for scientific progress. Give me your blood!" Mitsugu: "Mai, are you okay?" Mai: "That was scary." Mitsugu: "A woman has no home anywhere. She's surrounded by enemies." Mitsugu: "We can't trust anyone." Katsuno: "Where's my goddess?!" Mitsugu: "Yikes. Katsuno must be out of his mind to break into a teacher's home. Mai, let's run." Mai: "Okay." mi: "You won't get away!" mi: "Tell us that girl's true identity." Mitsugu: "Mai's identity is none of your business." mi: "It is my business. I'm an extremely curious girl." Text: "Curiosity" Katsuno: "Nami, you have to share." Mitsugu: "Katsuno. We're out of the frying pan and into the fire." mi: "Shut up! Go die, you filthy man!" Katsuno: "Looks like this is the end of our alliance." mi: "Teaming up with a meathead gorilla like you was a mistake." mi: "Let's settle this!" Katsuno: "I'd have no other way!" Katsuno: "Get them." All: "Osu!" Katsuno: "How many times do I have to tell you not to speak pointless words like "osu" in my presence?!" Katsuno: "Hurricane Kick!" Katsuno: "I've been deceived." mi: "You really are amazingly stupid to defeat your own underlings first." mi: "Get him." All: "Yes, ma'am." Club B: "Scene 7, cut 48. Take one." Maki: "Cut! What are you guys doing?" Katsuno: "Don't give us that crap." mi: "Maki, where did you come from?" Maki: "I knew when heard Mitsugu had been kidnapped by the perverts in the Torture Club. Their captain Uemura is your stalker. You resorted to using force." mi: "You're interested in her, too." Maki: "It's my nature to be a documentary maker. I can't become a subject. Now let's rewind and do that again!" Club A: "We're filming!" Club B: "Take two!" Maki: "Nami, give us some flashier action!" Katsuno: "How is this a documentary?" Kaoru: "Punch, punch, punch, kick. Once more. Punch, punch, punch, kick." Katsuno: "What are you doing here?" Kaoru: "It's Virtua Fighter 2's Renkan Tenshinkyaku. You practice karate, but you've never heard of it? Pathetic." Jinko: "Let go of her. Breaking into a teacher's home, unauthorized photography," Text: "Breaking Into a Teacher's Home Unauthorized Photography" Jinko: "and a cosplay that nearly infringes upon copyright." Text: "Copyright Infringement" Jinko: "I won't allow anymore illegal activities!" mi: "What's Jinko doing here? Actually, I don't even feel like asking anymore!" Maki: "You're making me feel like an idiot for providing my own explanation." Katsuno: "Anyway, Mitsugu..." Maki: "By some twist of fate, all concerned parties have shown up, and we're running out of time. Why don't you spill the beans?" mi: "Tell us the true identity of that Mai girl." Kaoru: "Tell us." Jinko: "Talk." Katsuno: "Talk!" mi: "You going say, "Look, a UFO"?" Kaoru: "Dam up all you want; you won't trick us that easily." Maki: "You mean "clam up."" Mitsugu: "Mai, no!" Maki: "Hey, wait." Jinko: "Could it be?" mi: "That girl is drinking blood." Kaoru: "It's tomato juice." Mai: "Delicious." Mitsugu: "Don't act so pleased. What did you just drink? Oh, jeez. Why'd you have to drink something suspect again?" Mitsugu: "Mai!" Jinko: "Did you see that?" mi: "I sure did." Maki: "She's a monster." Kaoru: "A dragon." Mitsugu: "Doctor, what kind of blood did Mai drink? How long do you plan on being sedated?!" Mitsugu: "Doctor, Mai drank the whole bottle. What kind of blood was it?" Chihiro: "You're asking me?" Mitsugu: "I've been asking you." mi: "Hurry up and explain yourselves." Maki: "Why was she drinking blood?" Jinko: "What is that monster?" Kaoru: "It's a dragon." Chihiro: "It happened when I was working as a university lab assistant." Katsuno: "Give us the abridged version! What happened after that?" Chihiro: "Shut up and listen while others are speaking! My academic advisor was a talented individual with a promising future and a refined middle-aged man like Walter Matthau." Chihiro: "Oh, but I... Yes." Chihiro: "As though guided by fate itself, we fell in love. However, the love between a professor and his assistant is forbidden. Not only that, but he had roughly one wife he married in poverty and four or so children he had to support. Furthermore, he had a 40-year mortgage. And furthermore, he kept a combined total of 12 cats and dogs as pets, and had to support this large household on the meager salary of a public servant." Maki: "You don't have much luck with men." Kaoru: "He's got way bigger problems that just being a shitty man." Chihiro: "Our love ended before spring arrived." Maki: "It's what you'd expect if you have any amount of sense." Chihiro: "With what little severance pay I received, I dropped out of college and, out of desperation, traveled to relieve my broken heart— rather, in order to collect blood, I traveled to the farthest reaches of Europe. At a forgotten and desolate abandoned school, a two hour walk outside a ghost town deep in Wales," Maki: "I see you're the type to get carried away to the end of the line." Chihiro: "That's where I finally, finally laid my hands on it." Mitsugu: "Found what?" Chihiro: "You'll be shocked to hear and flabbergasted to see..." Mitsugu: "I'm already flabbergasted." Chihiro: "The blood that vampire drank every last drop of" Chihiro: "was the lifeblood of a salamander." Mitsugu: "A salamander?" mi: "What's a salamander?" Katsuno: "Is it a relative of Nanmaider?" Chihiro: "Fools! It is a terrifying fire drake, born from flame, who destroys the world with its fiery breath, the legendary salamander." Mitsugu: "Doctor, how long will the effects of that blood last?" All: "Doctor!" Chihiro: "I don't know." Chihiro: "But she drank quite a lot of its blood. If we don't do something, this city will be reduced to ashes." All: "What?!" Maki: "So, what are we supposed to do?" Chihiro: "I told you, I don't know." Jinko: "How irresponsible." Kaoru: "We need the blood of an ice dragon." Maki: "No, the blood of a frost giant would be better." Chihiro: "Fools! Nothing so convenient exists. Even if it did, how would we get her to drink it under these circumstances?" Mitsugu: "Does that mean we just have to wait until it wears off?" Maki: "Well, half the town already burned down during Doctor Chihiro's very long flashback." Kanbaru: "Wow, those are ASDF F-2s. They're armed for air-to-air combat, too." Okada: "Look, there are JGSDF Apaches, too." Hotta: "Idiot. The JGSDF is scheduled to procure Apaches, but they haven't been deployed yet." Kanbaru: "Horita, your information is outdated. They were cut off after 13 helicopters, but they've already been deployed to Metabaru and Akeno." Horita: "Both locations are too far away from here. And besides, those are Kisarazu AH-1Js." Okada: "They're Cobras fitted with TOW missiles." All: "So cool!" Katsuno: "How many times do I have to tell you not to nerd out over military crap in my presence? Go to school!" Speaker: "The flying monster has been identified above Chimidoro City." Commander: "Flying monster? What on earth is it?" Officer: "Perhaps it's Ra****n or King ****." Commander: "Don't be ridiculous." Commander: "What if we're sued for copyright infringement?" Speaker: "Intercept forces have arrived from Komatsu." Speaker: "Komatsu 303 to Priest 23. Estimated time of intercept is Priest next 1-0, next 1-0." Commander: "Where is the target headed?" Officer: "Aircraft is currently turning 2,000 meters above the target." Officer: "Sir, the F-2s leading the van are under attack." Officer: "Permission to engage." Commander: "But if the monster is shot down and falls on the city, it could cause tremendous damage to civilians." Officer: "Are we just going to let that monster rampage around above the city? In that case, why do we even exist?" Speaker: "Iruma's 1st Anti-Aircraft Division has entered the adjacent section and is requesting permission to engage." Officer: "Don't do it. We can't afford to order Wizard to retreat from that airspace." Officer: "Sir, permission to open fire." Commander: "Contact the Minister of Defense immediately." Officer: "We don't have time for that. More than half the buildings in this sector have gone up in flames. The majority of residents will have nowhere to run." Officer: "Sir, permission to engage. Let us engage the enemy. Sir!" Commander: "We have no choice." Officer: "Open fire." Mitsugu: "Mai!" Okada: "All right!" Kanbaru: "Idiot, that's the ASDF F-2 that got blown up." Horita: "It's falling this way." mi: "We're done for!" Mitsugu: "No way. I'm the protagonist, but I'm already dying in episode 4?" Kaoru: "I'm a regular cast member, too." Maki: "Maki Watabe held onto her camera right up until she died." Jinko: "I still haven't done anything yet." Katsuno: "Doctor, how will you take responsibility for this?" Chihiro: "No idea." Bottom: "Scramble above the city: less than five minutes after the evacuation advisory issued, fighting broke out above Chimidoro, but the entire city became a sea of fire" Chihiro: "When the salamander shows itself, the night sky will glow like the afternoon sky, a strange light will flash across the gathered clouds, and the world shall end." Dad: "Since Mai will be staying with you, as her father, I'd like to ask you something." Mitsugu: "Yes?" Dad: "What's your blood glucose level?"
{ "raw_title": "VLAD LOVE Episode 4 – Salamander's Night", "parsed": [ "VLAD LOVE", "4", "Salamander's Night" ] }
Chihiro: "It'd be impossible to hide it now. Setting aside the particulars of the destruction of Chimidoro, since she transformed into a salamander in front of everyone, it can't be helped." All: "Wow!" Kaoru: "So she's a real vampire?" Maki: "All right. I've found the heroine of my next film." mi: "I knew she was no ordinary girl." Katsuno: "Yeah, you can't expect to request that for free." mi: "That's not what I meant!" Mitsugu: "Anyway, that's the situation. I'd like to ask everyone involved to please help us take care of Mai." Chihiro: "Consider everyone here as that girl's guardians." All: "No objections!" Katsuno: "It's the only thing to do." Mitsugu: "You don't need to strain yourselves. Just a little help here and there is enough." Katsuno: "Just a little? How can you take such a careless approach when you're playing such an important role?" Mitsugu: "What?" Katsuno: "Don't give me that crap! Listen here. When a man protects a girl—" Mitsugu: "But I'm a girl, too." Katsuno: "Rather, when a girl like you protects another girl..." Kanbaru: "In other words..." Okada: "When you're protecting someone you love..." Horita: "You have to be willing to risk your own life!" Kanbara: "And all the blood in your body!" Okada: "You must be prepared to defend her until the very end!" Horita: "That's what he's trying to say!" Katsuno: "That's right!" All: "Osu!" Katsuno: "Don't use the word "osu!"" Chihiro: "Since the sun is setting, let's continue this discussion without those four. In order to keep Mai under our supervision, starting today, we'll enroll her in night classes at this school." Mitsugu: "Night classes? Our school offers those?" Chihiro: "Our school's doors are open to young working people, as well." Kaoru: "I had no idea." Maki: "Neither did I." mi: "Me, neither." Chihiro: "To be precise, we've decided to open our doors." Mitsugu: "Decided to? Which means..." Chihiro: "Starting today, Seijumonji High School will offer night classes." All: "What?" Mitsugu: "You're out of your mind. Is the doctor trying to keep Mai all to herself?" Chihiro: "Who's keeping her to themselves?" Chihiro: "Don't worry. The night classes were officially authorized by the board of directors." Mitsugu: "You got their permission? How?" Chihiro: "It's a long story." Mitsugu: "Could you try to keep it short?" Chihiro: "Don't ask me for the details. To put it simply, here's what happened. By the way, from here on out, I'll be speaking in only Shin Hasegawa lines." Mitsugu: "Hasegawa?" Maki: "He was a handsome film and stage actor who appeared in films from the prewar to postwar period. Everyone knows that." Chihiro: "That's Kazuo Hasegawa! Why don't you read some books instead of watching movies all the time? Shin Hasegawa is the playwright who created the Japanese movie genre Matatabi-mono! He's famous for writing In Search of Mother and Kutsukake Tokijiro!" Mitsugu: "Could you summarize that for us?" Chihiro: "Since it's a long story, I'll omit certain elements. In order to reach this point, I risked my life and faced fires, floods, and winds. To be brief, I risked my life in numerous games of dice in order to get their permission." Mitsugu: "You don't need to explain whole process. Just give us the conclusion." Chihiro: "I'm glad you asked, mister. To put it simply, here's what happened." Mitsugu: "I'm not a mister." Chihiro: "Since it's a long story, I'll omit certain elements. In order to reach this point..." Text: "- Chihiro's Flashback -" Chihiro: "And so, they authorized night classes." Mitsugu: "We live in a soft world." Kaoru: "In other words, you used your sexual charms on them." Maki: "Well, the world is only soft on sexy women." mi: "I learned something today." Mitsugu: "Anyway, I'll be swapping to night classes, too." Kaoru: "So will I." Maki: "And me." mi: "Me, too." Mitsugu: "What? You, too?" mi: "Of course." Maki: "We're her guardians, too." Kaoru: "We'll be joining you." All: "Same as above!" Katsuno: "It's the only thing to do." Mitsugu: "But I'd hate to trouble you guys. I appreciate the thought, though." Katsuno: "I'm a man. A warrior never goes back on his word." Mitsugu: "Who's a warrior?" Chihiro: "By the way, anyone enrolled in night classes will automatically be signed up for the Blood Donation Club." All: "No objections!" Mitsugu: "Objection!" Mitsugu: "No boys are allowed in the Blood Donation Club. It's for girls only." Kanbara: "Where and when..." Okada: "And who decided that?" Horita: "Was it Yukio Aoshima at the National Diet?" Kanbara: "Who's Yukio Aoshima?" Okada: "I dunno." Katsuno: "Haven't you heard of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law? "Sudara Bushi?" "Granny Mischief?"" Mitsugu: "No clue." Jinko: "School Regulation Article 32." Katsuno: "He was in "Bubble Holiday," too..." Jinko: "Except during natural catastrophes and other emergency situations, loud shouting, angry yelling, and coquettish shrieking are prohibited within the school." Mitsugu: "Great, another freak showed up." Jinko: "Doctor, I'd like to enroll in night classes, too." Mitsugu: "What?" Jinko: "There's no way night classes would be conducted properly with these students. For the sake of Seijumonji High School's honor, I must offer my assistance, as well." Mitsugu: "She's just bored, too." Mitsugu: "Jinko, what's your blood type?" Jinko: "Type A. What about it?" Chihiro: "Based on her upright and steadfast personality, you should've known that without asking." Mitsugu: "Didn't you previously reject that as popular belief?" Chihiro: "Of course. Determining a person's personality based on blood type has no scientific basis." Jinko: "What are you two chattering about? Is there something wrong with being type A?" Mitsugu: "All right. Now we have girls of all blood types." Green: "Jinko" Blue: "Maki" Orange: "Kaoru" Purple: "Nami" Jinko: "Just so you know, I'm only enrolling in night classes so I can maintain discipline. I have no intention of getting involved in your foolish nonsense." Top: "Chimera" Bottom: "Mitsugu" Mitsugu: "What a stubborn girl." Jinko: "Who's stubborn?!" Maki: "Mitsugu, everyone can hear your thoughts." mi: "We can hear everything." Chihiro: "As the only night class teacher and advisor to the Blood Donation Club, I'll arbitrate. Mitsugu Bambam." Mitsugu: "Bamba!" Chihiro: "Maki Watabe. Nami Unten. Kaoru Konno. Jinko Sumida. I grant you permission to enroll in night classes and join the Blood Donation Club." Jinko: "Doctor Chihiro, I'd like to decline joining the Blood Donation Club." Mitsugu: "What a stubborn girl." Jinko: "Who's stubborn?!" Chihiro: "I'll allow Masumi Katsuno and the others to enroll in classes, but you'll be joining the Blood Donation Club as backups. You'll be our strategic reserve in case the other four dry up. We're doing this for the continued existence of humanity and world peace. All of us must protect Mai's secret. You mustn't give Mai any blood without my permission. Naturally, letting Mai suck your blood directly is inexcusable." All: "Roger!" Mitsugu: "For the continued existence of humanity and world peace. I know what I said, but it kind of feels like Mai is drifting away from me." Mitsugu: "But it's true that there's only so much I can do on my own to protect Mai." Mitsugu: "That's near my house." Mitsugu: "There's a lot of bats out today." Mitsugu: "What is this?" Mitsugu: "Who sent us this huge thing? Wait a minute. This size... Could it be?" Mitsugu: "Yikes. I knew it." Mitsugu: "But who would pull a prank like this?" Dad: "Hello. I am Mai's father Gillesde Rais." Mitsugu: "What? Mai's dad?" Dad: "I heard you've been taking care of my daughter. Thank you, thank you." Mai: "Daddy." Dad: "Ah, Mai. Have you been a good girl?" Mai: "Daddy, hurry up and divorce that old bitch." Dad: "Didn't we promise not to talk about that?" Mai: "That horrible ugly bitch is deceiving you." Dad: "There, there. You want a Chanel bag, is it?" Mai: "If you don't divorce her, I'll become a delinquent." Dad: "I see, I see. You want a Prada bag." Mitsugu: "Should I make some tea?" Dad: "Oh, no need to be so considerate. I'm terribly sorry for making you worry about dinner. Why don't we go out to eat?" Mitsugu: "What?" Mai: "This place makes delicious gyoza." Dad: "I see. Then perhaps I'll have an extra large helping of those." Mitsugu: "Are you okay with garlic?" Dad: "I love garlic." Mitsugu: "But Mai experiences side effects." Dad: "Mai has had food allergies since she was a child. I thought she'd gotten over them." Mai: "It's because I'm experiencing psychological stress. They've gotten worse since that old bitch showed up." Dad: "You promised to call her "Mommy."" Mai: "I never promised that." Mitsugu: "I'm going to go to the bathroom." Mai: "Who's more important, me or that old bitch?" Dad: "At least call her Rebeus." Mai: "Then who's more important, me or Rebeus the hag?" Mitsugu: "You'll see once you get here." Mitsugu: "It's an opportunity to see a super rare dad. If you don't hurry, you'll regret it for the rest of your life." Man: "Here's your extra large order of garlic gyoza with extra garlic and extra large garlic fried rice with extra garlic." Dad: "I haven't had gyoza this good in 120 years. After all, they're free." Mai: "I feel like having garlic fried rice today." Mitsugu: "Would you like me to order another plate for you?" Dad: "Please, there's really no need to be so considerate. One extra large garlic yakisoba and one extra large garlic fried rice!" Man: "One extra large garlic yakisoba and one extra large garlic fried rice. Got it." Dad: "Six garlic spring rolls and six garlic shumai!" Man: "That's six garlic spring rolls and six garlic shumai." Dad: "What? You want to get some to go, too? If you insist. Three giga-large orders of garlic yakisoba to go!" Man: "Three giga-large orders of garlic yakisoba to go." Customer: "He's still ordering." Dad: "By the way, since Mai will be staying with you, as her father, I'd like to ask you something." Mitsugu: "Yes?" Dad: "What's your blood glucose level?" Mitsugu: "I believe it's around 82 milligrams per deciliter." Mitsugu: "I think those are normal levels." Dad: "What about your red blood cell, white blood cell, and platelet levels?" Mitsugu: "I believe they're all normal." Dad: "That won't do. If you're going to be living with Mai, you need to know your precise values." Mitsugu: "Yes, sir." Dad: "What about your family?" Mitsugu: "My dad's currently overseas." Dad: "Overseas? What does he do?" Mitsugu: "He's a scholar." Dad: "A scholar." Dad: "Where does he teach?" Mitsugu: "He teaches archaeology at the Royal Danish University of Helsink." Dad: "University of Helsink? Archaeology?" Chihiro: "Thanks for waiting." Mitsugu: "You came. Doctor Chihiro, that took you long enough." Dad: "Doctor?" Mitsugu: "This is Doctor Chihiro, my high school's doctor." Chihiro: "Nice to meet you. My name is Chihiro Chimatsuri." Dad: "What a beautiful woman!" Dad: "Hello. I am Mai's—" Chihiro: "Let's cut to the case. I want two liters of your blood." Dad: "You dare to draw blood from a vampire? What kind of doctor are you?" Chihiro: "A vampire is scared to give a mere two liters of blood? Have you no shame?" Dad: "Then perhaps I'll sip on some of yours like wine." Mitsugu: "There's a proper order to these things." Mai: "You can do it, both of you." Dad: "My son— rather, my daughter, I have returned." Mitsugu: "Dad!" Mitsugu Dad: "You weren't at home, so I figured you'd be here." Mitsugu: "Huh?" Mitsugu Dad: "You're Gilles de Rais, Gillesde Rais the vampire." Mai Dad: "And you're Van Helsink, the University of Helsink's Professor Bamba." Mitsugu Dad: "Don't speak in such an obviously expository manner." Mai Dad: "The same goes for you." Mitsugu: "What? You two know each other?!" Mitsugu Dad: "Indeed. I've found you at last." Mai Dad: "We're destined to be rivals." Mitsugu: "Rivals?" Mitsugu Dad: "Let's go, Rais!" Mai Dad: "Bring it on, Bam!" Chihiro: "Hold it right there." Chihiro: "Could you wait to turn this man into ash until after I've drawn his blood?" Mitsugu Dad: "Who are you?" Mitsugu: "She's my school doctor." Chihiro: "Here I come." Chihiro: "Looks like you're not completely incompetent." Customer A: "I-Incredible!" Customer B: "Her thighs!" Mai Dad: "Who is this woman?" Chihiro: "Your blood is mine, vampire." Mai Dad: "You won't get any of my blood, you blood drawing wench." Chihiro: "Don't act like you haven't sucked the blood from countless people. Donating your own blood every once in a while won't hurt you." Mai Dad: "I wouldn't be a vampire if I feared retribution. Once I finish off this priest, you're next." Mitsugu Dad: "Has your personality changed?" Chihiro: "Who changes personality and copyright infringing reference mid-fight? Gold-bugs!" Mitsugu Dad: "Such flashy techniques won't work against him. Let's settle this, Gilles de Rais." Swat A: "Where are the terrorists?" Swat B: "Shoot everyone who puts up a fight!" Mai Dad: "How regrettable." Mai Dad: "I thought I'd finally have my revenge tonight, after so many years." Chihiro: "Your injuries were shallow. You deserve your disappointment." Mai Dad: "It's your fault for interfering!" Mitsugu Dad: "Damn it. I was so close to killing him." Mai: "Why do you guys hate each other so much?" Mitsugu: "What happened between the two of you?" Mai Dad: "My great-uncle, my mother's cousin, and my father's second cousin and my father's second cousin were all staked by this man and turned to dust." Mitsugu Dad: "I'll kill your entire family." Mai Dad: "What was that?!" Mitsugu Dad: "You wanna fight?!" Mai: "You can do it, both of you." Mitsugu: "Don't cheer them on." Chihiro: "Calm down, you old farts. I, Doctor Chihiro Chimidoro, shall humbly handle this situation." Mai Dad: "I won't let a mere doctor handle this!" Mitsugu Dad: "Stay out of this, outsider!" Chihiro: "Idiots! I'm not an outsider! I'm Mai's guardian while she's living in this country!" Mitsugu: "I know she doesn't mean that. Older women are scary." Chihiro: "Who's an older woman?" Mitsugu: "I didn't say that." Chihiro: "How could you inflict your old grudge on these young girls? What terribly unreasonable behavior. Furthermore, if you attempt to destroy the beautiful fellowship that has formed in this country between human and vampire..." Chihiro: "I'll make sure you pay for it." Mitsugu: "Doctor, I hate to interrupt when you're clearly so excited, but they're not listening to you." Mai Dad: "Die!" Mitsugu: "Nonsense!" Chihiro: "You middle-aged delinquents, you've got some gall!" Mai Dad: "Bastard!" Chihiro: "Now, if you'll excuse me..." Mitsugu: "I can never let my guard down around her." Mitsugu: "And so, our long night ended." Mitsugu Dad: "What do you think you're doing while I've been gone?" Mitsugu Dad: "You're living with a vampire, of all things. Such a cute girl— I mean, how wretched." Mitsugu: "Shut up! A father who leaves his home to wander the world has no right to tell me what to do! This is why Mom cheated on and left you! Are you listening?" Mitsugu Dad: "Your broad-minded father will pretend he didn't hear those fatal words you just spoke." Mitsugu: "I really do have a terrible family." Mitsugu: "Well, whatever. Mai is my family now." Mitsugu Dad: "What kind of nonsense is that? I won't allow it! We're kicking that girl out immediately!" Mitsugu: "No way. I'm never leaving Mai." Mitsugu Dad: "I'm the head of this household! I won't allow it!" Mitsugu: "I'm the head of this household!" Mitsugu Dad: "No enemy of humanity will be part of my family!" Deliveryman: "Hello, Bat Delivery Service here. I'm here to pick up and deliver a package." Mitsugu: "Pick up and deliver?" Deliveryman: "I've been asked to deliver one coffin by cash on delivery." Mitsugu: "A coffin? I didn't place that order." Deliveryman: "It says here that it was ordered by a Doctor Chihiro." Mitsugu: "Chihiro? I see. She wanted to get Mai's dad away from mine while he's asleep." Deliveryman: "I'll be taking this." Mitsugu Dad: "Romania, huh? All right. I'll beat him there and finish him off." Mitsugu: "What? Wait, Dad!" Mitsugu Dad: "Remember this, my daughter. Vampires are enemies of humanity. Your friendship shall never pay off!" Mitsugu Dad: "Your friendship shall never pay off!"
{ "raw_title": "VLAD LOVE Episode 5 – Daddy Came", "parsed": [ "VLAD LOVE", "5", "Daddy Came" ] }
Chihiro: "So, anyway..." Chihiro: "You've become the first class of the Seijumonji High School night school." Chihiro: "I, Chihiro Chimatsuri, will be your homeroom teacher. I'll be teaching you all subjects." Horita: "No way." Kanbaru: "Seriously?" Okada: "Are you even qualified to do that?" Chihiro: "I'll now take attendance to confirm the presence of all our regulars cast members. Karate Club Captain Masumi Katsuno, blood type O." Katsuno: "Here." Chihiro: "Your subordinates Kanbara, Okada, and Horita. I hope people remember your names. Blood types, unknown." All: "Osu!" Katsuno: "Don't say "osu" in my presence!" Chihiro: "Dance Club Captain Nami Unten, blood type O." mi: "Yes, ma'am." Chihiro: "Cinema Club Captain Maki Watabe, blood type AB." Maki: "Cut." Chihiro: "Cosplay Club Captain Kaoru Konno, blood type B." Kaoru: "Here." Chihiro: "Chairman of the Discipline Committee Jinko Sumida, blood type—" Jinko: "I'm a type A perfectionist. Ostriches are an animal found in zoos, but compromise is a word not found in my dictionary." Chihiro: "Blood Donation Club Captain Mitsugu Bambam, blood type chimera." Mitsugu: "My name isn't Bambam, it's Mitsugu Bamba." Chihiro: "We're only nine students and one teacher right now, but allow me to introduce our transfer student. Come on out." Mitsugu: "Mai in a school uniform, huh? Her knock-knee legs look absolutely lovely in blue-black tights." Okada: "Her handwriting is great." Horita: "You can read that?" Mai: "My name is Mai Vlad Transylvania." Chihiro: "Estimated age 400 years old, blood type unknown. She smuggled herself here from the distant Eastern European land of Romania. Make sure you don't rat her out to the police or immigration control." All: "Roger!" Chihiro: "Now that we've introduced our transfer student, let's jump right into it. The most standard of all standard school events." Kanbara: "I knew it." Horita: "I thought it was about time this showed up." Chihiro: "I wish we could take our time democratically determining what we'll do, but since our budget and time are limited, based on my arbitrary decision-making and personal prejudices, the Blood Donation Club's program will feature—" Okada: "A maid café!" Katsuno: "An idol café!" Horita: "A beef bowl shop!" Kanbara: "A standing soba shop!" Chihiro: "Fools! That's not what we're doing! The night school shall participate in the school festival by putting on a play." Maki: "A play, huh? That's an appropriate choice." Jinko: "What will we be performing?" Kanbara: "Kiniro Yorumata?" Katsuno: "Idiot, it's pronounced "Yasha."" Kanbara: "Yasha Yorumata?" Maki: "Horror." Horita: "My Second Brother? What's he second in? Lust for Life? Is that a porno?" Maki: "I'm telling you, let's do horror." Okada: "Sounds kind of plain. Shouldn't we go with something flashier for a school festival?" Kaoru: "Let's adapt the masterwork Castle of Vania." Kanbara: "Good idea. I agree." Mitsugu: "Don't you think that's a little too cliché?" Maki: "Won't Ko**mi have something to say about that?" Koaru: "That's why it's Castle of Vania." Text: "Castle of Vania Castle of Vania" Kaoru: "I, Kaoru, shall take responsibility for the show. It'll surely be a success." Maki: "Well, we do have the perfect leading lady." Mitsugu: "I knew it." Chihiro: "The following are the cast and staff roles for the play. Mai will play Dracula, lady of the castle." Mai: "I look forward to working with everyone." Chihiro: "Vampire hunter Simon Belmond will be played by Bambam Mitsugu." Mitsugu: "Huh?" Chihiro: "What? You're unhappy with your role?" Mitsugu: "No, not really. Well, I guess that means Mai and I are the main characters." Chihiro: "Block 1 boss Franken will be played by Katsuno." Katsuno: "It's the only thing to do." Chihiro: "Block 2 boss Medusa will be played by Nami." mi: "Aye, sir." Chihiro: "Block 3 boss Mummy will for some reason by played by me, Chihiro Chimatsuri. And block 4 boss Reaper will be played by Kaoru." Kaoru: "I'll handle costumes and play a role." Chihiro: "The *****back, later renamed to Flea Man, will be played by Kanbara." Kanbara: "Osu!" Chihiro: "The making-of photography and direction will be handled by Maki Watabe." Maki: "All right. I get to film a documentary for free." Chihiro: "And production will be handled by—" Jinko: "You haven't forgotten me, have you? Just so you know, I don't want to do this." Chihiro: "The rest of you will play minor roles like crows and skeletons as appropriate. Rehearsal begins tomorrow. That's all." mi: "You know, they don't scream in the game." Kaoru: "We're following the disk system version, so it's fine." mi: "They don't scream in the disk system version, either." mi: "Well, whatever." Jinko: "What kind of rehearsal is this?" Jinko: "I knew I couldn't let you guys handle it. Do you really think you can adapt that masterwork for the stage with this lukewarm rehearsal?" Mitsugu: "Masterwork? Jinko, you used to be a gamer?" Jinko: "Not used to be. I'm still a hardcore gamer. I won't allow you to tarnish that masterwork with your inferior remake." Chihiro: "Anyway, I know it's sudden, but for various reasons, allow me to introduce you to your new director." Kaoru: "Nobody told us about that." Maki: "Doctor, what do you mean by various reasons?" Chihiro: "It's nothing you kids need to know about. Your new director is the Chairman of the Discipline Committee Jinko Sumida whom you all hate so much, also known as Jinko Ninagawa. Her type A blood means she's a methodical perfectionist." Jinko: "I knew I'd be the perfect director." mi: "What does that mean?" Jinko: "Now that I'm the director, the lukewarm developments we've seen so far..." Jinko: "...are over!" Chihiro: "You sound nothing like him." All: "Ninagawa? That's Ninagawa..." Text: "Stage Name Succession Ninagawa Jinko" Maki: "Good, good. Things are starting to get exciting." Jinko: "You idiot!" Jinko: "I told you to walk sluggishly! In what universe is Franken agile, you idiot?" Jinko: "Don't tip-toe!" Jinko: "No walking on the balls of your feet either, karate boy! Forget about karate!" Mitsugu: "W-Wow, her personality has changed completely." Jinko: "What about my personality?" Mitsugu: "Whoopsy daisy, my thoughts were leaking again." Jinko: "Nobody says whoopsy daisy anymore, you Sakurajima radish!" Jinko: "Don't you dare sleep!" Jinko: "Medusa, stop playing with the props!" Jinko: "Reaper, stop dancing around! Mummy, who gave you permission to smoke?" Jinko: "Why are you filming me?" mi: "This degree of perfectionism is annoying." Mai: "She's scary." Mitsugu: "Your character doesn't go on until the end, and we probably won't make it that far tonight. You must be hungry, so you can leave." Mai: "Don't mind if I do." Jinko: "Why are you letting her leave? Understanding the flow of the play is the most fundamental part of rehearsal. You think you can run off early just because you're not onstage? And you call yourself a professional!" Mitsugu: "But we're not professionals." Mai: "I-I'm scared." Mitsugu: "Mai is anemic. Cut her some slack tonight." All: "We'll walk her home!" Katsuno: "Go to hell! Mai-tan, are you leav—" Jinko: "I thought I told you to move sluggishly! You lousy actors!" Mitsugu: "You must be tired, Mai. I'm sorry. We're doing all of this to procure food for you, so try to—" Mitsugu: "Is something wrong, Mai? Did you not like that blood?" Mai: "It's not that." Mai: "All I do is cause trouble for everyone. I really am a worthless vampire." Mitsugu: "Mai, you don't have to worry about that. Everyone feels the same way, but especially me." Mitsugu: "I've decided to protect you, no matter what happens." Mai: "Why are you willing to do so much for me?" Mitsugu: "Because since the moment we met, I..." Mitsugu: "I... I've always..." Jinko: "What are you stammering on about, you radish leaf? Starting tonight, I'll be training you with this whip!" Jinko: "Take this, cat! Take this, art objects! Take this, everything else! I'll whip it all!" Mitsugu: "Before we knew it, the day of the play arrived." All: "Wow, look. The entire study body must be here." Text: "Night Class Special Production Castle of Vania" All: "After all, that transfer student is the star of the show. I will I could take night classes, too. Will she really take her clothes off? We can't miss this. Do the teachers really get priority admission? Unforgivable. We should denounce them. Hurry up and start the show. How long are you going to make us wait? Shut up! The fire station will find us! The cops will show up before that. I told you guys to be quiet!" Jinko: "I wasn't expecting so many people to show up. I mustn't fail. If the audience ends up booing, it'll leave a permanent stain on the night school— no, on my directing career." Jinko: "Listen up, everyone. The bar-bell will ring soon. This is the moment of truth that will test the worth of the night school." Jinko: "Remember why we shed all that blood, sweat, and tears over the past few days." Mitsugu: "That's because you threatened us." Jinko: "Believe in yourselves." Mitsugu: "I have zero confidence in us." Jinko: "Make your hearts one." Mitsugu: "We couldn't be less unified." Jinko: "Let's make this play a success!" All: "Yeah!" Mitsugu: "What are you guys cheering for?" Mitsugu: "Huh? Where's Mai?" Mitsugu: "Mai? Mai!" Chihiro: "She's dead." All: "What?!" Chihiro: "She's obviously not dead." Chihiro: "Anxiety has made her anemic. If we don't give her a transfusion immediately, she'll have to drop out of the play." Mitsugu: "A transfusion? I'll head home immediately to get some blood for her." Chihiro: "Fool. We don't have time for that. The curtains will rise soon." Jinko: "Why does it have to be now? This is why amateurs are useless." Mitsugu: "Jinko, you've gone too far. Besides, you're an amateur yourself." Chihiro: "Judging by your condition, you've got plenty of blood to spare." Jinko: "What?" Mitsugu: "The decision Doctor Chihiro made in this moment would determine how the situation changed going forward, but faced with the possibility that our leading lady might have to drop out just before curtains rose, we couldn't afford to predict that." Maki: "Stage right camera 2, are you ready?" Taguchi: "Camera 2 ready." Maki: "Make sure you capture Simon's entrance." Taguchi: "Got it." Maki: "Balcony camera 3." Yuasa: "Camera 3 rolling." Maki: "Camera 1, start." Tsujimoto: "Camera rolling." Maki: "Now give me some great shots. Not that I'm expecting much." Mitsugu: "Ah, I've finally arrived at this castle." Mob: "I've been waiting for you, Blood Donation Club Captain Mitsugu Bambam." Mitsugu: "My name isn't Bambam, it's Mitsugu Bamba." Mob: "Okay, okay." mi: "Are you Simon Belmond? You shall not pass!" mi: "Why did dodge that?" Mitsugu: "It looked like it would hurt." mi: "Then how about this?" Mitsugu: "Who are you, Sarah Bryant?" mi: "I'm Jill Valentine." Jinko: "What are those idiots doing?! The hearts. Release the hearts." Kanbara: "Usu." Mitsugu: "I won. Now the pocket watch sub-weapon is mine." Mob: "Get 'em! Get more hearts and your pocket watch is unstoppable! Get more lives!" mi: "I don't think so!" Mitsugu: "Let go! Let go of me, you bitch! Bitch, bitch, bitch!" Maki: "Oh, that's good." Mitsugu: "Out of the way!" Mitsugu: "Out of the way!" Mitsugu: "Damn it. My body will never last like this." Kaoru: "Simon, well done making it this far. But you won't make it past here." Mitsugu: "Give me a minute. I'm out of breath." Kaoru: "The disk system version can't be paused." Mitsugu: "Hey, this is real!" Kaoru: "Die, die, die, die, die!" Mob: "Ow!" Mob: "She stabbed me!" Maki: "Good, good. Camera 2, move up. Camera 3, zoom and follow them." Katsuno: "Reaper, get out of the way." Kaoru: "What? You don't appear until the next stage." Katsuno: "We don't have time for your lukewarm shit. A man settles his scores with his fists." Kaoru: "But I'm a girl." Mitsugu: "I was up all night training with Jinko. Take this!" Katsuno: "Ow, ow, ow!" Mitsugu: "Move, move, move!" Kanbara: "I'll get you, Simon!" Kanbara: "There's nowhere to run, Simon." Mitsugu: "Your underhanded bastards." Katsuno: "Die!" Mitsugu: "I can't breathe. Katsuno, don't you think you're overdoing it?" Katsuno: "Shut up. I sensed a personal grudge behind that whipping!" Text: "Personal Grudge Private malice or spite" mi: "How dare you use that move on a girl?!" Mitsugu: "Nami!" mi: "I, Nami Unten, won't allow such unrestricted violence." Katsuno: "In anime, we enjoy extraterritorial rights. Boys, are you ready?" Mob: "It's the intermission." Chihiro: "That was close, but your special item saved you." Jinko: "After that performance, the final scene has to go perfectly. Dracula Mai, are you ready?" Mai: "Yes." Mai: "I shall put on a perfect performance, Jinko-san." Mob: "This is what we've been waiting for! Miss Dracula! The star of the show!" Mai: "I am the late Count Dracula's lawful wife, Dracula Mai." Mitsugu: "There you are, Dracula Mai. The time has finally come to defeat you." Mai: "Don't expect that to work out for you." Mitsugu: ""Don't expect that to work out for you?" Was that one of her lines?" Mitsugu: "Huh? What's gotten into Mai? Could it be?" Mai: "If I'm going to play a vampire, I'll play the perfect vampire." Mitsugu: "Perfect? She's under the effects of Jinko's blood!" Mai: "Simon Belmond, I'm coming for you!" Maki: "Swap with me." Mitsugu: "It's okay, Mai." Mai: "What?" Mitsugu: "We were always destined to end up like this." Mitsugu: "Now drink to your heart's content." Jinko: "Why are you ignoring the script? What are you doing?" Jinko: "Huh?" Chihiro: "This isn't good. The curtains! Lower the curtains!" Jinko: "Stop, stop, stop!" Mob: "Wow. That was intense." Jinko: "Stop! That hurts!" Mitsugu: "Mai, calm down! Stop it!" Jinko: "No!" Chihiro: "There we go." Chihiro: "I suppose I'm partially responsible since I fed her Jinko's type A blood." Jinko: "I can't believe the play went that terribly." Jinko: "How will I ever apologize to Antonin Artaud, Bertolt Brecht—no, to Ninagawa-sensei?" Chihiro: "It wasn't that bad. Listen to those voices." Jinko: "What?" Chihiro: "Let's not disappoint audience that watched us until the end. Line up." Chihiro: "Simon Mitsugu and leading lady Dracula Mai." Mob: "Mai-chan, you're the best!" Mitsugu: "Even if Mai ends up sucking my blood one day, I won't regret it." Chihiro: "Medusa Nami played by Nami Unten." Chihiro: "Reaper Kaoru played by Kaoru Konno." Mob: "You're just your usual self." Chihiro: "Franken Katsuno and all the rest." All: "Osu! Osu, osu, osu, osu!" Chihiro: "The there's me, Mummy Chihiro, whose role was cut for time, and director Jinko Sumida." Mob: "Jinko!" All: "Jinko! Jinko! Jinko!" Mob: "That was great and totally random!" Chihiro: "Now you're one of us, Jinko. You no longer need your discipline or morals." Maki: "Cut! Okay, camera rehearsal looks good. You two, I told you boys to stop looking at the camera." Mitsugu: "It was supposed to be just a little independent film."
{ "raw_title": "VLAD LOVE Episode 6 – Castle of Vania", "parsed": [ "VLAD LOVE", "6", "Castle of Vania" ] }
Maki: "Cut!" Maki: "Okay, camera rehearsal looks good. You two, I told you boys to stop looking at the camera." Maki: "Girl carrying the dog and you two on the bike, you're too slow. You two walking and eating sweet rolls, don't eat before a take." Maki: "This will be a take." Mitsugu: "It was supposed to be just a little independent film." Maki: "Feel this in your soul!" Mitsugu: "Nobody expected it to turn into such a grand undertaking." Mitsugu: "It started one week ago." Chihiro: "A blood drive PV?" Mkai: "I believe posters and fliers aren't nearly appealing enough." Maki: "In order to reach the entire student body, we need a video. Not just a banal PR video, but a properly entertaining one." Mai: "That sounds kind of fun." Maki: "Naturally, it shall be produced by the Cinema Club." Kaoru: "Will we be involved?" Maki: "We would appreciate the Cosplay and Dance Club's full cooperation." mi: "Sounds like a pain in the ass." Jinko: "You'd better not fool around like you did during the school festival." Mitsugu: "You're one to talk." Chihiro: "I get the gist of it. But if you're going to make a movie, there are a few things you'll need first. Even if you don't pay the cast or staff and use the Cinema Club's equipment, there're transportation fees, lunch fees, beverages, and a snack bar. And if you're planning on releasing it to the public, the studio fees required to put on the finishing touches are nothing to sneeze at." Maki: "I've already come up with an estimate. We'll spend two weeks filming, and the total cost comes out to 482,520 yen." Kaoru: "480,000 yen?" mi: "Where are we going to find that kind of money?" Jinko: "Pie in the sky. Castles in the air. This is ridiculous." Chihiro: "Just so you know, I don't intend to pay a single cent." Katsuno: "Thanks for waiting." Maki: "How did it go?" Katsuno: "500,000 rounded up. I had everyone pay in full." All: "What?!" mi: "Where did that idiot get that much money?" Kaoru: "I bet it was extortion." Jinko: "That's a crime." Kaoru: "Then he robbed a bank." mi: "Rumor is, Katsuno's actually the son of a wealthy family." Kaoru: "He got it from daddy." Katsuno: "What are you squabbling about? I earned this money with my blood, sweat, and fists." Kaoru: "So it was extortion after all." Katsuno: "This means I get to play Mai-chan's boyfriend, right?" Maki: "A director never goes back on her word." Maki: "Anyway, we've met the conditions required for production. Doctor Chihiro, as the Blood Donation Club advisor and night school supervisor, I ask for your permission." Chihiro: "Very well. However, I'm only canceling night classes for five days so you can film." Maki: "That's ridiculous!" Chihiro: "There's nothing ridiculous about it. "If you can't finish shooting in five days, you wouldn't finish shooting in five years." A certain movie director once said that." Maki: "Well, whatever. Once filming starts, a movie belongs to its director." Text: "Naive" Maki: "I'll now go over the staff and cast list." Board: "Meet Mai (Temp)" Maki: "Leading lady Dracula will be played by Mai Vlad Transylvania." Mai: "I look forward to working with everyone." Maki: "Her fiancé will be played by Mitsugu Bambam." Mitsugu: "That's to be expected." Maki: "Mitsugu's senior who elopes with Mai will be played by Masumi Katsuno." Katsuno: "It's the only thing to do." Maki: "Costumes, Kaoru Konno." Kaoru: "The Cosplay Club is finally up at bat again." Maki: "Dance instruction, Nami Unten." mi: "Better than attending classes." Maki: "Production manager, Jinko Sumida." Jinko: "Stick to the schedule. Discipline on set." Maki: "Executive producer, Doctor Chihiro Chimatsuri. The Cinema Club will devote all its energies to direction," Board: "Meet Mai (Temp)" Maki: "and production will be handled by the Karate Club and all the rest. And I, Maki Watabe, shall be the director." Maki: "We start shooting one week from now, and we'll begin preparing today." All: "Roger!" Mitsugu: "Thus, amidst uncertainty and doubt, the production of Maki's movie began. Katsuno-senpai of the Blood Donation Club, allow me to introduce our new member Mai." Maki: "Cut!" Maki: "Okay. This will be a take." Taguchi: "Okay." Mitsugu: "Hey, listen." Maki: "Oh, what a surprise." Mitsugu: "What's going on with this movie's script?" Maki: "Since we only have five days to film, we'll improvise and fix it in editing. All that exists is what we're shooting that day, Jackie Chan-style." Mitsugu: "But we don't even have today's script." Maki: "We do. It's right in here. Even if I gave you a script, it's not like you have the ability to come up with an acting plan or prepare for the role." Mitsugu: "Yeah, but..." Maki: "There's more?" Mitsugu: "I feel like I've seen this situation before somewhere." Maki: "I'm surprised you've seen it. It's from the 1973 French movie Day for Night directed by François Truffaut." Mitsugu: "The guy who played the scientist in Close Encounters of the Third Kind?" Maki: "He's also an actor, but he's also one of the great masters of the French New Wave. Though the movie primarily takes place on film sets, it's a masterpiece that's a little different from your standard Hollywood behind-the-scenes movie. It stars English actress Jacqueline Bisset and handsome French actor Jean-Pierre Léaud, who often worked with Godard. And the director in the movie is played by Truffaut himself. By the way, the English title Day for Night refers to the cinematic technique of using filters to block out warm-colored light for night scenes." Mitsugu: "I wasn't asking about that." Maki: "The movie being shot within the film is a cliché melodrama called Meet Pamela." Mitsugu: "In other words..." Maki: "I'm paying homage to that movie. So the title of this movie will be Meet Mai." Mitsugu: "Oh, I see—no, wait. I wasn't asking about that." Maki: "There's no point in telling you." Mitsugu: "In the first place, isn't this movie supposed to promote the blood drive?" Maki: "Regardless of the subject of the movie, the director needs a personal theme. I'm a cinemaphile full of love for movies." Taguchi: "We're on standby." Maki: "This is a take." Maki: "Katsuno! This is the scene where you and the heroine meet that foreshadows your eventual elopement." Katsuno: "It's the only thing to do!" Taguchi: "This is a take." Club C: "Meet Mai scene number unknown, cut number unknown. Take one." Maki: "Ready, action!" Mitsugu: "Katsuno-senpai, allow me to introduce our new member Mai." Maki: "Cut! Camera B, are you getting that closeup of Katsuno?" Club C: "Katsuno's missing." Both: "What?" Katsuno: "Take this! I'm taking you with me!" Mitsugu: "He kidnapped Mai?!" Maki: "After them!" Chihiro: "That won't be necessary. Click." All: "Captain!" Chihiro: "I installed an anti-theft self-destruct spark plug." Maki: "Doctor, you installed that in your own moped?" Mitsugu: "What if Mai is dead?" Chihiro: "That girl isn't that fragile. Since my moped was well-insured, starting next week I'll be riding a brand new moped." Mitsugu: "Miraculously, Katsuno survived, but there was no trace of the Vespa we'd been using to film, and thus, the first day of shooting concluded. Maki pulled herself together, announced that starting today, we'd return to a clean slate, and filming resumed." Kaoru: "I'm finished with the stunt double's makeup and costume." Taguchi: "GoPro is ready." Tsujimoto: "Projector is ready, as well." Maki: "Attention! After eloping with Katsuno, Mai attempts to return to her fiancé, but she speeds off a cliff and meets her untimely demise." Maki: "It's the most spectacular scene of this movie. Let's keep this tight!" All: "Yeah!" Maki: "Stunt double on standby." Jinko: "This is the only day we're doing such an elaborate shoot." Maki: "It's better than having to travel to a location. We don't have the money for that." Mitsugu: "Do you have a minute?" Maki: "What?" Mitsugu: "There's something I want to ask you." Maki: "What is it?" Mitsugu: "This is called rear projection, right?" Maki: "What about it?" Mitsugu: "Since the vehicle isn't actually moving, why do we need a stunt double?" Maki: "You think I'd risk putting my lead actress in danger?" Mitsugu: "Danger? Where's the danger? Aren't we just combining the actors' performance with a projected image?" Maki: "Just shut up and watch this. Lights." Maki: "Screen." Tsujimoto: "Projection, start." Maki: "Performance department, begin shaking." Maki: "Okada, keep your head down. People will know you're a double." Maki: "Lights, begin shaking." Maki: "Camera." Taguchi: "Camera rolling." Maki: "Okay, action!" Maki: "Pyrotechnics, are you ready?" Club C: "Pyrotechnics ready." Kaoru: "What are pyrotechnics?" Maki: "Fire!" Okada: "Mommy!" Maki: "We got a great shot." Taguchi: "But this just looks like Okada wearing a wig." Maki: "We'll use digital synthesis to fix his face." Jinko: "Where are we going to find the budget for that?" Mitsugu: "And so, the second day of filming concluded. Because Katsuno was stuck in a coma, we began hastily filming scenes without Katsuno first." Mitsugu: "Katsuno and Mai have eloped and greet the dawn at a motel. Not wanting to be bothered by room service, Mai leaves the remains of her breakfast outside her door, and a cat drinks milk from her dishes." Mitsugu: "Apparently, it's a recreation of a famous scene from Truffaut's Soft Skin." Maki: "Is the cat on standby?" Club B: "About that..." Maki: "Is there a problem?" Club B: "Well, actually..." Kaoru: "My kitty Tamasaburo ran away." Maki: "He ran away?" Kaoru: "He's a serial escape artist." Maki: "Why did you cast that cat?" Kaoru: "There isn't a pet owner who wouldn't want to see their own kitty in a movie." Maki: "Then take responsibility by finding him." Kaoru: "I don't think that's possible. Once he escapes, he doesn't return for a week. Why don't I take responsibility by cosplaying a cat instead?" Maki: "My movie isn't a comedy. Find a replacement cat immediately." Jinko: "Just so you know—" Maki: "You're here to tell me that we don't have the budget for a professional cat actor, right?" Jinko: "As long as you're aware." Tsujimoto: "Director, it's Kanbara-san." Maki: "What about Kanbara?" Tsujimoto: "He captured a potential replacement cat." Club C: "Meet Mai, scene unknown, cut number unknown. Take one." Maki: "Action!" Kanbara: "Go on, Micuras." Kanbara: "Micuras, go. Micuras!" Maki: "Cut!" Club C: "Take two." Maki: "Action!" Maki: "Cut!" Taguchi: "Director..." Maki: "We'll keep filming until it drinks." Mitsugu: "The cat never drank the milk, and the third day of filming concluded. On the fourth day of shooting, we filmed the blood donation charity ball with the Dance Club." Mitsugu: "But Maki was under a lot of pressure." Maki: "A director's job is to answer questions." Maki: "To direct costumes and color. To apply the finishing touches to props and makeup." Maki: "They answer 20—no, 30 or even 40 questions a day." Maki: "It's not important whether the answers are right or wrong. What's important is that they keep answering questions." Taguchi: "This is a camera rehearsal." Club C: "Music on." mi: "Two, three. Okay." Katsuno: "Mai-sama!" mi: "Hey, Katsuno!" Jinko: "Sexual harassment king!" Chihiro: "Out of the way!" Chihiro: "He may be obsessed, but Katsuno's tenacity is exemplary. However, after all the sedative I injected him with, he won't wake up for a week." Mitsugu: "However, Katsuno recovered by the next day." Taguchi: "We only have one day left." Club B: "But we're low on funds and understaffed." Club C: "If only we weren't working with that meathead." Tsujimoto: "If only he'd died on the first day." Taguchi: "Will saying that now fix anything? We need constructive opinions." Club C: "What does that mean?" Club B: "Please don't go after each other with personal attacks." Taguchi: "The Seijumonji High School Cinema Club's honor is riding on this." Club C: "Yeah, but..." Club B: "You crying about it won't fix anything." Taguchi: "Just listen to me!" Club B: "Why are you being so tyrannical?" Taguchi: "You can't shoot a movie democratically!" Club C: "I'm sick of your principled nature!" Taguchi: "Oh, come on!" Club D: "I hope you all die!" Club C: "Die, die, die, die, die!" Maki: "Whether we like it or not, we only have one day left." Maki: "We'll alter the final scene. The Seijumonji High School Cinema Club's continued existence is riding on tomorrow's shoot!" Taguchi: "Director. Director." Taguchi: "Director, we're on standby." Maki: "Mitsugu." Maki: "Don't turn around." Maki: "We're making a few changes to the final scene." Maki: "Take this." Mitsugu: "This isn't real, is it?" Maki: "Of course it's a film prop, idiot." Maki: "You know how to use it, right?" Taguchi: "This is a take." All: "This is a take." Katsuno: "A-A Government?!" Mob A: "The new night school student is the leading lady." Mob B: "Shockingly, Masumi Katsuno is playing opposite her." Mob C: "That gorilla from the Karate Club?" Mob B: "Apparently, he paid for the entire budget himself." Mob D: "I heard the shoot was incredible." Mob A: "Start the movie already." Mob B: "Don't shout. The fire station will show up." Mob F: "No, the police!" Text: "Blood Donation Club and Cinema Club First Joint Production Meet Mai" Mob C: "No objections!" Mob E: "We've been waiting for you, Mai-chan!" Mitsugu: "Katsuno-senpai of the Blood Donation Club. Allow me to introduce our new member Mai." Katsuno: "Take this! I'm taking you with me!" Katsuno: "Where the hell is Maki?!" Kaoru: "She fled a while ago." Maki: "A movie director must not fear failure." Maki: "They need an indomitable spirit that can get up after countless setbacks." Maki: "Because that is what's demanded of a director." Chihiro: "Everyone has a secret." Chihiro: "Naturally, I am no exception."
{ "raw_title": "VLAD LOVE Episode 7 – Day for Night", "parsed": [ "VLAD LOVE", "7", "Day for Night" ] }
Chihiro: "Everyone has a secret." Chihiro: "Naturally, I am no exception." Chihiro: "I had as many choices as there are stars." Chihiro: "So what am I doing here?" Chihiro: "By day, I fight alone as advisor to the Blood Donation Club. It requires strenuous effort." Chihiro: "By night, I perform the backbreaking work of being the night school's only teacher." Chihiro: "It leaves me covered in wounds." Chihiro: "When I think back on it, my life has been unrewarding. If I'd been more honest back then," Chihiro: "perhaps a different life would've awaited me." Mitsugu: "They didn't have any pork buns." Mitsugu: "What are you doing getting worked up by yourself?" Chihiro: "Why did you show up all of a sudden?" Mitsugu: "All of a sudden? You're the one who told me to bring you something to eat." Chihiro: "Oh, right. I'd completely forgotten." Mitsugu: "I'm not your errand girl, you know." Mitsugu: "It's rather inconvenient for you to casually contact me." Chihiro: "Now, now. Don't be so uptight." Chihiro: "I spend my weekends doing research. Put yourself in my shoes." Mitsugu: "Don't you enjoy doing that?" Chihiro: "Who would enjoy this? I'm not like you, blood donation enthusiast." Mitsugu: "By the way, why were you talking to yourself?" Chihiro: "What? Did I say something?" Mitsugu: "You said something about an unrewarding life." Chihiro: "It was the cry of my heart. It's not something little kids would understand." Mitsugu: "Huh. Well, I'm not particularly interested in understanding, anyway." Mitsugu: "Memories?" Chihiro: "Don't touch that! This is my soul!" Maki: "Her soul?" Kaoru: "Sounds kind of fishy." mi: "I bet it's something really expensive." Mitsugu: "It might be something really rare." Kaoru: "Might be? You were satisfied with that and left?" Mitsugu: "She stuck it in the fridge and locked it right after that. And after finishing the cup noodles, she had sweet buns and beer." Kaoru: "Sweet buns and beer? Sounds nasty." Maki: "Stop drifting off-topic and answer my question." Mitsugu: "I already told you, she wouldn't tell me anything else about it." Kaoru: "Sounds fishy." mi: "Definitely fishy." Maki: "Maybe it's some kind of monster's blood again." Kaoru: "Or her ex's." Mitsugu: "What did you just say?" Koaru: "Or her ex's." All: "What?!" Mitsugu: "Her ex's blood?" mi: "Definitely." Maki: "And she has no sign of a boyfriend at her age." Mitsugu: "At her age? You know how old she is?" Maki: "Judging by her skin, I think she's over 40." Mitsugu: "And she's got a bad back." Makoru: "And she's got those magnifying glasses." Maki: "I bet she's staying faithful to that man." Mai: "What a wonderful story." Mitsugu: "There's little point in us getting excited over speculation. But I've never seen that color or thickness before. Regardless of whose blood it is, it's definitely a rare type." Maki: "In that case..." Chihiro: "What do you mean, you're all out with stomachaches?" Mitsugu: "I'm sorry. We ate some pot stickers my neighbor gave us together." Chihiro: "Nothing's more expensive than free, idiots." Chihiro: "They made me come here for no reason." Kaoru: "That went well." mi: "I sent the boys a message telling them class is canceled because the doctor has a stomachache." Mitsugu: "Now we can investigate her secret without anyone bothering us. More importantly, if it's high quality blood, then it's surely nutritious, too." Mitusgu: "I bet it'd be good for Mai." Mai: "I'm starting to get excited." Maki: "Then let's also film this documentary on Chihiro's true identity. Let's ri—" Jinko: "I don't think so." Mitsugu: "What's wrong with you? Don't scare us like that." mi: "There's no class today." Kaoru: "Didn't you check your messages?" Jinko: "I'm not that easily deceived." Shirt: "Sirloin" Katsuno: "Neither are we." Kanbara: "Sharing is caring." Okada: "Haven't you heard of the Antitrust Act?" Horita: "Let us join you." Jinko: "I can't believe you canceled classes. Just what are you planning?" Maki: "As long as you're all here, could you handle the lights?" Mitsugu: "Chihiro installed a new lock." Kanbara: "Captain, you're up." Katsuno: "Got it." Kaoru: "It didn't work." Maki: "Seriously? We're not getting anywhere." Mai: "Perhaps we should ask him." Text: "Franken-kun who will transfer in Episode 10" Mai: "Franken, you're so wonderful." Mitsugu: "Okay, that's enough." Mitsugu: "Now then..." Chihiro: ""I thought this might happen." Haven't you guys heard of Shirou Sanada?" Mitsugu: "Doctor? I thought you left already." Chihiro: "You thought I'd be fooled by that lie? How dare you underestimate me." Mitsugu: "Don't be ridiculous." Chihiro: "You're after this blood, aren't you? Even if nuclear war or a peasant uprising broke out, I'd never let anyone take this blood." Maki: "Please tell us about that blood that's so important to you. As youngsters on their way to becoming adults, offer us guidance. Please, doctor." Chihiro: "If you insist. I hope you're prepared to listen all night." Chihiro: "It's a long story..." Chihiro: "Our meeting was a shocking and moving affair." Chihiro: "I distilled old blood and made health supplements using the residue." Chihiro: "I sacrificed my youth for the sake of that experiment." Deliveryman: "Thanks again." Chihiro: "You're late. How many hours does it take to deliver a cutlet bowl, you..." Chihiro: "It's just falling in love." Mitsugu: "That was quick." Maki: "It certainly was shocking." Chihiro: "Shut up and listen!" Chihiro: "He taught me what youth was." Chihiro: "Annual pass: 59,000 yen plus food and beverage costs." Chihiro: "Arcade games: 35,600 yen plus food and beverage costs." Chihiro: "Traditional Japanese games: 124,500 yen plus food and beverage costs." Chihiro: "He taught me that youth is expensive." Chihiro: "Then, one day..." Deliveryman: "Thanks again." Chihiro: "Jeez, you're late." Chihiro: "He disappeared..." Chihiro: "...along with my passbook and personal seal." Chihiro: "After a year and eight months of that, finally... It's done!" Chihiro: "It was the product of coincidence and a miracle, but my hard work finally paid off. The supplement I made without any trace of odd flavors, mold, or unwanted cultures provided enough energy to run a thousand meters." Mitsugu: "Where can we buy that?" Chihiro: "Shut up and listen until I'm finished!" Chihiro: "At that time, I was seeing a man I'd met on a dating site." Chihiro: "If I apply for a patent, I'll be able to pay off all your debt. Then we can get married." Tonio: "Indeed. We'll build a new research lab together." Chihiro: "He was a hematologist like me, but he carried a lot of debt from caring for his parents." Kaoru: "Debt?" Maki: "Seriously?" mi: "This is starting to sound sketchy again." Chihiro: "I don't want to leave tonight." Tonio: "Chihiro..." Tonio: "Here's looking at you, kid." Mitsugu: "I've heard that line before." Maki: "It's from the 1942 American film Casablanca. It's a line from the final scene of this immortal masterpiece and is exceedingly famous. It stars Humphrey Bogart, and the heroine is played by Ingrid Bergman. By the way, this beautiful actress was born in Sweden and is known for—" Chihiro: "Promise me you'll return." Tonio: "Of course." Chihiro: "He left on a trip to pay off his debt." Chihiro: "He made a promise to me." Chihiro: "He promised he'd get fit and return with a gift of rare and valuable blood." Jinko: "Couldn't he have paid off his debt at an ATM?" Maki: "Your story is full of anachronisms." Mitsugu: "Are you going to tell us he never returned?" Kaoru: "He dumped you." Maki: "It's marriage fraud." mi: "Happens all the time." Chihiro: "The story is just beginning." Chihiro: "I heard a rumor that he was living in a village in the north." Chihiro: "He must've lost his memory in an accident or something." Young Woman: "Three winters ago, I found him covered in blood in front of my house." Young Woman: "Apparently he'd been beaten by some debt collectors." Young Woman: "He regained consciousness, but his rehabilitation took a long time." Young Woman: "Every night, he deliriously called a woman's name." Chihiro: "He hasn't forgotten me." Young Woman: "You must be Chizuru-san." Mitsugu: "Chizuru?" Kaoru: "Who's Chizuru?" Jinko: "Does that mean there was another woman?" Mitsugu: "Or he remembered your name wrong?" Jinko: "Either way, he's awful." Kaoru: "He totally dumped you." Maki: "There's a movie that's not quite like this." Maki: "And that movie is..." Maki: "Master director Vittorio De Sica's 1970 Italian/French/USSR joint production Sunflower." Maki: "It stars Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni. In Japan, it's known as Sophia Loren's greatest masterpiece, but personally, I prefer Lyudmila Savelyeva, who played Mastroianni's Russian wife." Maki: "That aside, ultimately, it's marriage fraud." mi: "Happens all the time." Mitsugu: "Well, there's also something wrong with people who fall for it." Chihiro: "Back then, I was an idiot focused wholly on her research." Mitsugu: "So, what happened to the supplement? What does this story have to do with the blood labeled "Memories"?" Chihiro: "Hold your horses. This is where things get crazy." Chihiro: "He'd lost his memory and was living a second life with a young woman." Chihiro: "Not only that, but they had a cute child together." Tonio: "Chiaki..." Young Woman: "Who's Chiaki? Isn't she Chizuru? There's another woman besides Chizuru, isn't there?" Tonio: "Wait. There's a reason for this." Tonio: "Don't go, Chinami!" Kaoru: "Yet another woman." Jinko: "Chinami." mi: "Chiharu." Maki: "Chifuyu." Mitsugu: "Maybe there'll be a Chiiko, too." Young Woman: "Chiiko, we're leaving." Mitsugu: "There really was one." Chihiro: "Months passed." Chihiro: "Once again I believed in miracles and devoted myself to producing supplements." Deliveryman: "Thanks again." Chihiro: "You're late. How many hours does it take to deliver a cutlet bowl, you..." Chihiro: "It's just falling in love." Mitsugu: "Again?" Maki: "Zero ability to learn." Chihiro: "He taught me that youth is eternal." Chihiro: "Annual pass: 59,000 yen plus food and beverage costs." Mitsugu: "Okay, okay." Maki: "We already heard that part." mi: "Hurry up and tie this story to the "Memories" blood." Mitsugu: "Before that, what happened to the supplement?" Maki: "Did the debt collectors take it from you?" Chihiro: "I'm glad you asked." Mitsugu: "Of course we asked." Chihiro: "Several more months passed." Chihiro: "Once again I believed in miracles and devoted myself to producing supplements." Tonio: "Thanks again." Chihiro: "Shut up. I didn't order anything for delivery." Tonio: "You let me in because I said was here to deliver something." Tonio: "I'm back." Mitsugu: "Again?" Tonio: "Chi..." Chihiro: "Tonio." Mitsugu: "Tonio?" Chihiro: "What? I just remembered his name." Tonio: "I couldn't help what happened then. Those debt collectors didn't believe my story about the supplement." Chihiro: "Where is it now?" Tonio: "I'm sorry. They threw it in the gutter. They ganged up on me, and while living with Chiemi after she rescued me, this happened." Tonio: "I made you wait all this time. But I still—" Chihiro: "Don't say it." Chihiro: "It's in the past now. This was destined to happen." Tonio: "I couldn't keep our promise," Tonio: "but the winter is cold." Tonio: "Let's start over again, Chi... Chi..." Chihiro: "What about Chiiko-chan? Isn't she your child?" Chihiro: "I can't go back to how things were." Deliveryman: "Thanks again." Deliveryman: "Chi-chan, did you want kitsune soba for a late night snack?" Kaoru: "You were still seeing him?" Chihiro: "If only I'd told him not to go then..." Chihiro: "Well? Pretty good story, right?" Mitsugu: "No. Listen, we'll give up on the supplement—" mi: "That's right. Whose blood is the "Memories" blood?" Kaoru: "Yeah." Chihiro: "Type A, type B, type O. None of them are rare or valuable, but it's the blood of those damn bastards who wasted my youth. That plus all the rest of my youth is contained in this one bottle." Chihiro: "Listen to the lamentation of my youth, damn it!" Katsuno: "Is her long-winded story finally over?" Chihiro: "Die, bastards!" Chihiro: "Everyone has a secret." Chihiro: "And not necessarily just one." Mitsugu: "I just happened to come to this beach to swim."
{ "raw_title": "VLAD LOVE Episode 8 – Looong story...", "parsed": [ "VLAD LOVE", "8", "Looong story..." ] }
Text: "I never thought that I would encounter an XX-jellyfish (sic) in this place" Mitsugu: "I just happened to come to this beach to swim." Mitsugu: "and was stung on the left arm by a jellyfish." Mitsugu: "I need to find a doctor as soon as possible." Mitsugu: "My precious blood." Mitsugu: "The blood I should be feeding Mai is flowing out of me..." Mitsugu: "Excuse me for asking, but..." Kanbara: "Ask us anything." Okada: "After all, we're public servants." Horita: "We're obligated to answer the taxpayers' questions." Kanbara: "By the way, this armored fighting vehicle you're looking at..." Okada: "...is the Type 16 mobile combat vehicle used by the Mobile Division, also known as the Mobile Brigade of the Rapid Deployment Regiment, as well as by the Reconnaissance Combat Battalions of Local Deployment Divisions." Mitsugu: "Actually—" Kanbara: "Developed in 2007 to replace tanks on some missions and reduce the number of tanks in service, as well as improve redeployment speed, it officially entered service in 2016." Okada: "Utilizing an independent suspension system with four wheels on each side for a total of eight wheels, it comes equipped with a Japanese-made 105 mm L/52 gun and 7.62 mm machine gun on a fully rotating turret. Its firepower is equal to or even greater than the Type 74's." Mitsugu: "That's not what I—" Horita: "The Type 16 mobile combat vehicle overcomes the low accuracy and recoil of conventional wheeled tanks with its advanced fire-control system and vibration control technology. Its accuracy is high even when firing on the move." Mitsugu: "I'm not asking about that. Is there a doctor around here?" Kanbara: "I see." Okada: "In other words, you mean..." Horita: "You're looking for a doctor." Mitsugu: "If you guys have any love at all for Mai, then take me to a doctor." Kanbara: "I see." Okada: "I'm finally beginning to understand what you're trying to say." Horita: "In other words, this is what you're asking us." Mitsugu: "Enough with the mean-spirited jokes! You'd point your guns against your own blood sister? I could die here!" Mitsugu: "My precious blood is flowing out of my body." Mitsugu: "Someone. Anyone. Somebody tell me!" Mitsugu: "I know. If I go to a school, there might be a doctor there." Mitsugu: "That's it." Mitsugu: "Anyway, these railroad tracks sure are difficult to walk on." Mitsugu: "I'm beginning to feel impatient." Mitsugu: "The flies. The flies..." Mitsugu: "The flies rub their hands and feet. Strike not the fly that rubs its hands" Mitsugu: "and feet together. This train arrived at just the right time," Mitsugu: "but isn't it heading back towards the direction I came from?" Kaoru: "Try sitting on the other side. Then you'll feel like you're traveling in the opposite direction." Mitsugu: "Now that you mention it, you're right." Kaoru: "You don't even have to go to school to learn about that principle. Everybody knows that." Mitsugu: "That's right." Mitsugu: "I need to remain pragmatic. Despite being an otaku, you saved my life." Kaoru: "What do you mean, "despite?"" Mitsugu: "This is the street corner where I started." Mitsugu: "I've wasted so much time." Mitsugu: "All right. In that case, I'll thoroughly search the entire town. No, in this case, it's more grammatically correct to say I'll "through-lilly" search the entire town." Mitsugu: "Damn it! This neighborhood is nothing but urologists! I'm not an old man with an enlarged prostate!" Mitsugu: "Anyway, this place is as quiet as a ghost town." Mitsugu: "What's this?" Mitsugu: "That's a sign for a public bath." Mitsugu: "That's odd, though." Mitsugu: "I feel like I've always known about this public bath." Mitsugu: "It feels so familiar." Mitsugu: "That candy shop, too." Mitsugu: "How nostalgic. They're playing a game of menko." Mitsugu: "But my generation shouldn't know about that game." Mitsugu: "You kids. You seem to be playing Proletariat Detectives versus Petite Bourgeoisie with Twenty Faces menko." Kanbara: "So, what?" Okada: "You can't have our menko cards." Horita: "If you want some, you'll have to buy them yourself." Mitsugu: "Perhaps I'll purchase that mask, then." Kanbara: "Anyway, you..." Okada: "...look just like the old lady attendant at the blended bath." Horita: "You're practically identical." Mitsugu: "Do we look that similar? Wait, I'm a high school girl!" Kanbara: "Not just similar." Okada: "When that old woman first arrived in this town..." Horita: "She wanted menko cards, too, just like you." Mitsugu: "How did she end up becoming an attendant at the bath?" Mitsugu: "When did that happen? Like me, she wandered into town," Mitsugu: "and bought a bunch of masks and menko cards." Mitsugu: "Then she said she wanted to take a bath, so she was taken to the blended bath." mi: "The water's gotten worse recently." Kaoru: "Your skin's starting to show its age." Maki: "What about your flat chest?" Jinko: "You should get that looked at soon." mi: "Maybe I'll visit a urologist." Maki: "What are you talking about?" Jinko: "The new urologist that opened up on 3-chome." Maki: "Ah, the one with the macho and handsome director." mi: "Looking at him every day has anti-aging effects." Kaoru: "Really?" Maki: "No, obviously not." Jinko: "Quick and efficient Takatsu Clinic." mi: "They don't accept insurance." Maki: "And it hurts." Kaoru: "And it's expensive." mi: "Speaking of expensive, there's that designer apartment complex." Maki: "What are you talking about?" Jinko: "That new rental property on 4-chome." Maki: "You mean that pointlessly green building shaped like a toilet seat?" mi: "Looking at it every day makes me feel like a socialite with a hot body." Kaoru: "Really?" Maki: "No, obviously not." mi: "Nothing's better than a bath and a lymphatic massage." Jinko: "Quick and efficient hormone therapy." Maki: "It doesn't hurt." mi: "And it's free." Mitsugu: "Until that old woman who looks like me sat in the attendant's seat at the bath," Mitsugu: "nobody sat in that seat." Mitsugu: "Apparently customers visiting the baths would sit in the attendant's seat." Kanbara: "Truly." Okada: "This is, without a doubt..." Horita: "Paradise." Mitsugu: "They're right. But why am I alone allowed to enjoy this meaningless paradise?" Kanbara: "It's probably your past life." Mitsugu: "What are you talking about?" Okada: "It's karma." Horita: "Your fate from a past life." Mitsugu: "You guys... Do you guys actually... Do you guys actually believe in past lives?" Kanbara: "If we didn't have past lives..." Okada: "...then we..." Horita: "...wouldn't be alive." Mitsugu: "Why? Why wouldn't you be alive?" Kanbara: "Because if we didn't have past lives..." Horita: "...then we would be like..." Mitsugu: "Like what?" Horita: "Bathwater." Mitsugu: "So, what happened to the attendant who looks like me after that?" Kanbara: "Nothing, really." Horita: "She actually still sits... In the attendant's seat at the bath." Kanbara: "She really does look like you, though." Okada: "Even your voices are the same." Horita: "You probably have similar personalities, too." Mitsugu: "Then I'll just have to enter the bath, too." Kanbara: "What did you say?" Okada: "You can't do that!" Horita: "If you do that, something terrible will happen!" Mitsugu: "What do you mean, "terrible"?" Kanbara: "Get Katsuno!" Okada: "Someone get Katsuno!" Horita: "Get Katsuno!" Mitsugu: "Don't bring that gorilla here!" Kanbara: "Didn't you need a doctor?" Okada: "A doctor!" Horita: "Weren't you looking for a doctor?" Mitsugu: "That doesn't matter anymore! I'm going to sit in the attendant's seat for no reason at all!" Kanbara: "If you..." Okada: "If you sit there..." Horita: "If you sit in the attendant's seat for no reason at all, then..." Jinko: "Why are you acting like that?!" Mai: "Miss, come have a drink." Mai: "Despite being penniless, you were looking around for a doctor? How truly astonishing." Mitsugu: "It's true that I'm looking for a doctor, but I promise I'm not messing around." Mitsugu: "If anything, having a drink at this place and sulking in bed would be far easier." Mitsugu: "Mai, do you work as a hostess here?" Mai: "I was sold here from Transylvania." Mai: "I'm the unhappiest girl in the world." Mitsugu: "So, tell me about your parents who sold you off." Mai: "My father comes from an unaccomplished family." Mitsugu: "Is he that man taking a bath over there?" Mai: "My unaccomplished father won't listen to me." Mitsugu: "Is he really that unreasonable?" Mai: "He refuses to hear what I have to say." Mitsugu: "And what about the master of this house who bought you?" Mai: "The woman who bought me comes from an unaccomplished family." Mitsugu: "I have no idea what's going on. Sounds like a rather complicated relationship." Mai: "Thank you for waiting." Mitsugu: "You seem quite accustomed to working here. What kind of name is Mai?" Mai: "I told you, my name is Mai Vlad Transylvania." Mitsugu: "In that case, Mai Vlad Transylvania-san, would you like a drink?" Mai: "Hey, ma. Wanna drink?" Mitsugu: "That's an obscure reference." Mai: "What I desire starts with the letter B." Mitsugu: "Is that a riddle? Starts with the letter B? Is it biscuit?" Mai: "I'm tired of eating biscuits." Mitsugu: "B*ner? No, it couldn't be that. I can't believe I said that!" Mitsugu: "This drink seems to turn me into an indecent drunk." Mai: "It's castor oil and water." Mitsugu: "I see. There's no underage drinking happening here." Mai: "What I desire is blood." Mitsugu: "Mai, is blood all you think about? For example, do you think nothing of your circumstances?" Mai: "They are miserable." Mitsugu: "You hardly seem miserable to me." Mai: "I can't help that." Mitsugu: "Don't you have anything more nuanced to say?" Mai: "Are you drunk on castor oil? I shall take good care of you." Mitsugu: "That's all right. It seems my behavior was a bit abrupt." Mitsugu: "Rather, I get the feeling that I shouldn't be sitting around here drinking. Like I have something more important to do..." Katsuno: "So you finally remembered." Mitsugu: "Huh? Well, if it isn't Katsuno." Katsuno: "Don't give me that crap!" Mitsugu: "Am I wrong?" Mai: "He's Katsuno of Shinden. Katsuno of Shinden? What does Katsuno of Shinden do? He's a delinquent of the night school's class 2-B. A villainous and horrible man." Mai: "Every day he comes to torment me." Mai: "And when he doesn't, I'm made to stand here." Katusno: "You two have found some nerve recently, haven't you?" Mai: "I wouldn't know." Mai: "Keep speaking to me like that, and I'll tell Doctor Chihiro about it." Katsuno: "You're from Tokyo, aren't you?" Mitsugi: "Probably, I think." Katsuno: "Probably?" Mitsugu: "Apparently, it's still unclear where this series is set. Mai-chan, how much do I owe you?" Mai: "A mere five yen." Mitsugu: "Really? After all I drank and ate?" Mitsguu: "That's super cheap. Lucky me." Katsuno: "That can't be possible!" Mitsugu: "A flower." Mitsugu: "It's a flower. A red flower." Right: "Gyoza General" Left: "OB-GYN" Old Woman: "So, what kind of doctor are you looking for?" Mitsugu: "One who accepts insurance. If possible, it's definitely necessary that I find a female doctor." Old Woman: "Then you should visit the doctor in my building." Mitsugu: "Ma'am, you made quite a bit of money for yourself." Mitsugu: "This building was constructed off of your patented pot sticker making technique, wasn't it? It was certainly innovative to mix garlic into the skins of the gyoza itself." Mitsugu: "However, my mother came up with the idea before she left our home." Old Woman: "Uh, oh." Mitsugu: "Could it be that you're my mother? That's who you are, isn't it?" Mitsugu: "You're my mother from before I was born." Old Woman: "There's a reason for this." Mitsugu: "What reason? Tell me." Old Woman: "To do that, I must explain how the skins of my special gyoza are made. But that would surely bore the audience." Mitsugu: "I see. In that case, I can't ask you about that." Mitsugu: "Doctor Chihiro, please perform surgery on me!" Chihiro: "Private or public, you don't belong here. I'm a insurance doctor who specializes in blood." Mistugu: "Please! This is no time to argue about the details!" Mitsugu: "I might die of blood loss." Mitsugu: "My precious blood..." Mitsugu: "Mai's blood!" Chihiro: "Fine, then. Perhaps I'll play doctor with you." Mitsugu: "What? Are you sure? But I'm a girl." Chihiro: "Fool! Of course not!" Mitsugu: "Doctor, you must be out of your mind!" Chihiro: "Shut up! Hold still!" Chihiro: "Looks like the surgery was successful. Listen closely. You mustn't tighten that bolt. It'll stop the flow of your blood." Mitsugu: "Doctor Chihiro, I didn't know you could perform surgery, too." Chihiro: "I simply utilized the bolt style. The world has progressed quite a bit." Mitsugu: "And so, we were able to prevent my precious blood from spilling pointlessly." Mitsugu: "All my blood exists to be given to Mai." Mitsugu: "As long as I have this bolt, every last drop of my blood belongs to Mai." Mitsugu: "However, tightening this bolt causes my left arm to go numb." Mitsugu: "But don't read into it too deeply." Mitsugu: "There's no deeper or secret meaning behind it being my left arm." x: "RRRUMBLE" Text: "This work is an homage to Tsuge Yoshiharu. The dialogue and setting were inspired by Screw Style, Master of the Gensenkan Inn, Red Flowers, and The Girl of Mokkiriya." Chihiro: "I know it's sudden, but allow me to introduce our transfer student, Franken Yasohachi-kun. Play nice, everyone."
{ "raw_title": "VLAD LOVE Episode 9 – Bolt Style", "parsed": [ "VLAD LOVE", "9", "Bolt Style" ] }
A: "I've lost everything." A: "I valued singing more than anything, and now I can't sing at all." A: "How did it come to this?" A: "That's right." A: "It all started with that one message." Camera: "That's it, great! Great!" Camera: "Sexier!" Con: "There are billions of people in the world." Shop: "Hey, pick up the pace." uri: "Yes, sir!" Con: "But, only a small handful can become stars." Con: "That's right. The charm you need to captivate people, and unrivaled talent..." Customer: "That's not what I ordered!" uri: "That's not..." Manager: "I'm sorry, we'll take it back right away. You, too! Apologize!" Con: "The chosen ones." Con: "The chosen ones, with unrivaled talent." Con: "I was lucky enough to have such talent." Con: "I couldn't be more fortunate." Host: "It's time for Music House! We have a great list of guests lined up today." Host: "You all know of The Rising Star of China that's coming up, don't you?" A: "We do!" Host: "It's the number-one event for choosing young singers. We have the top candidates with us here today." Host: "First, we begin with this man..." Host: "The high prince, Lin Ruijia!" uri: "He's so hot!" Host: "The beautiful song princess, Yuki. A quartet of blooming ladies, Love Seasons." uri: "This is the right green room, right?" uri: "Delivery." Xi: "Why, thank you." uri: "Whoa, it's Ji Hetian." uri: "Thank you." uri: "No wonder he's the three-time consecutive winner of Star of China. He's sure got an aura." uri: "Shoot, I have a place to be." uri: "It's my turn to shine." Host: "And finally, rising singer-songwriter Kong Que!" Kong: "Hello, my babies." Kong: "Thank you for your support." Kong: "I'll sing for you with all my heart today." uri: ""I'll sing for you with all my heart."" uri: "Hilarious." Yuki: "Yes, my new song is about a grown-up love." Yuki: "The dance is a little more sexy, too. I hope you look forward to it." Shuaru: "Chuyun, what're you listening to?" Shuaru: "Night Fox?" Yushin: "Oh, I know him. He's the one submitting original songs anonymously, isn't he?" Hon: "What are you doing before the concert?" Chu: "His singing calms me down." uri: "Hello." Guard: "You there." Guard: "What are you doing here?" uri: "I was just delivering flowers." Guard: "The exit isn't this way." uri: "Um, I got lost." Guard: "You're suspicious. Come with me to the security office." Guard: "Hey!" A: "What the?" Guard: "Stop!" uri: "Sorry!" uri: "This is bad." uri: "Kong Que's going to start singing soon." Jang: "Hey, boy." Jang: "You have a nice face. Want to work for our agency?" uri: "N-No thank you!" Guard: "Got you!" Jang: "What's up?" Guard: "Stop!" Jang: "I have no idea what's going on, but good luck, boy!" Guard: "You!" Jang: "Wait, I'm just..." Kong: "Of course, I look through all of my fan mail." Kong: "Every letter is full of love. It's what keeps me going." Host: "All right, let's have you sing." Kong: "Okay." A: "You're late." B: "Hurry up and get ready, Hu Li." A: "Here we go." A: "All right." A: "I've hacked into Music House's network. The program's ours." uri: "That's right." uri: "I'm Kong Que's ghost singer." uri: "A singer in the shadows, never to be seen in public." A: "Liar." Kong: "Hu Li, you sloth!" Kong: "Why'd you get here so late?!" uri: "I had a delivery job that I had to do." Kong: "Quit your part-time work! You always need to be ready to sing for me!" uri: "Nope. I don't make enough money to get by. I got here, so what's the big deal?" Kong: "Don't get too cocky. You have no purpose in life without me." uri: "That's my line." Kong: "How dare you?! I'm being quiet to let you talk, and this is what you have to say?!" uri: "You aren't being quiet at all. You just won't stop barking." Kong: "You little... I've had it with you!" A: "That's enough!" uri: "I'm home." uri: "Hu Shi, I bought dinner." uri: "I'll leave it here." uri: "Night Fox. My other face. Let's see what people think of my new song." uri: "Online, I have a ton of people cheering me on." uri: "I may not be able to take the stage, but this is good enough." uri: "SKY? This person's new." uri: "There's an image attached." uri: "Is... Is that me?" uri: "Is this..." uri: "No way..." uri: "This person knows my secret?" uri: "This message was where it all began." uri: "Protecting my secret is an absolute condition in my contract."
{ "raw_title": "VOICE OF FOX Episode 1 – False Voice", "parsed": [ "VOICE OF FOX", "1", "False Voice" ] }
Chuyun: "I'm going to be singing solo for one of the closing songs." Yao: "The one that Li Qingyan is going to accompany on the piano." Chuyun: "Li actually got sick, and he can't perform." Chuyun: "Hu Li, I want you to take his place." Red: "Are you seriously going to ruin our important one-year anniversary concert?" Chuyun: "What can I do? Hu Li's the only pianist that can take Li's place." Red: "You're kidding." Red: "Li's a prodigy who's won international competitions multiple times. I doubt Hu Li can replace him." Manager: "I can't agree to this, either." Red: "Let's scrap Chuyun's solo song." Manager: "We have no choice." Chuyun: "Hold on! Hu Li can do it. I'll guarantee it." Red: "What good is your guarantee going to do us? How do you plan to take responsibility if it goes wrong?" Chuyun: "If it goes wrong, I'll quit Love Seasons." Hu Li: "Wait, that's crazy." Red: "Fine." Red: "If you're that determined, I'll let you do it." Manager: "No, but..." Red: "Why not? She's insisting. Let's go." Red: "You're obviously going to mess up." Chuyun: "Sorry, I know this is out of line. But please trust me. Hu Li can do it." Manager: "All right. But on one condition." Manager: "Don't ever let the public find out about this." Manager: "If you can't promise that, I won't allow it." Yao: "Got it! We promise!" Chuyun: "I'm counting on you, Hu Li." Hu Li: "This is nuts. We have hardly any time to practice. What's wrong with scrapping one song?" Chuyun: "My fans are all looking forward to it. Every piece matters." Hu Li: "Chuyun... Why are you so dead-set on singing?" Chuyun: "Do you really not remember?" Chuyun: "If you give up, that's it." Person: "Huh? It's not Li Qingyan." Person 2: "Where's Li?" Red: "Let's see you embarrass yourself spectacularly now." Chuyun: "I believe in you, Hu Li." Hu Li: "There's no turning back now." Hu Li: "Oh yeah, I remember playing the piano for Chuyun, just like this." Person: "Her voice is so pretty." Person 2: "The pianist's amazing, too." Person 3: "Who's the pianist?" Pink: "No way." Person: "You're the best, Chuyun!" Person 2: "Good going, pianist!" Ji: "Sorry for making such an odd request, Li." Li: "No, I'm glad I got to hear that. There was a boy who used to play melodies like he did at a competition I was in as a kid." Li: "You were there, too, I believe." Ji: "I'm not sure. I don't remember." Yao: "Good job, Hu Li!" Manager: "Thank you. That was an impressive performance." Hu Li: "I was sweating bricks." Red: "We still have an encore. Keep it together." Pink: "Wait up." Manager: "Hong Ye is right. We're almost through this, everyone. Please." All: "Yes, sir." Yao: "We have to talk about our payment!" Hu Li: "I was thinking about a long time ago." Hu Li: "When I went to hang out at your family's resort home, that summer day." Chuyun: "I had a baby bird that got away." Chuyun: "You sang for me." Hu Li: "I was really happy when my piano and singing made you smile." Hu Li: "It made me realize that music is powerful." Chuyun: "Me, too." Chuyun: "I didn't know that a song could be so healing." Hu Li: "I wanted to sing like that even more. That's why I wanted to become a singer back then." Chuyun: "Me, too." Hu Li: "So both of us decided to become singers at the same time." Hu Li: "I'm going to compete in the Star of China finals. And I'm going to sing. From the bottom of my heart. Just watch, Chuyun." Chuyun: "Hu Li..." Hu Li: "Chuyun..." Hu Li: "I'm sorry for making you worry." Hu Li: "Sorry, I couldn't help it." Chuyun: "I'm going to do the encore." Suran: "How's Hu Li?" Yao: "Hard at work composing." Suran: "He's been at it ever since he came back." Yao: "There isn't much time until the finals." Suran: "His piano session with Chuyun's a huge hit online. But someone leaked that the pianist is actually Hu Li. There are more critical posts now." Yao: "Can you control it?" Suran: "I'll ask my hacker buddies to help keep them down. I got this." Anchor: "The mystery pianist that showed up at the Love Seasons concert was discovered to have been Hu Li, the ghost singer. At first, they were accused of putting on a PR stunt, but more and more people, especially those who have seen the concert, are praising the amazing piano performance." Yao: "Good job, Suran." Suran: "Nah, all we did was open the floodgates. The comments praising Hu Li came naturally. It's what a lot of people think about him." Anchor: "There's one more piece of news from Love Seasons. They're announcing Chuyun's debut as a soloist!" Red: "Have your fun while you still can." Yao: "I like this music!" Suran: "It was worth those two all-nighters, huh?" Hu Li: "Y-Yeah?" Hu Li: "It's from SKY." Yao: "From the boss? Let's see. All right, we have the boss' approval." Suran: "Now we just have to wait for the finals tomorrow." Suran: "It's a message from my hacker buddies." Suran: "Turn on the TV." Anchor: "Kong Que is reportedly holding an emergency press conference." Kong Que: "I will reveal everything about the ghost singer incident." Hu Li: "Kong Que... Just what are you going to talk about?"
{ "raw_title": "VOICE OF FOX Episode 10 – A Song for Two", "parsed": [ "VOICE OF FOX", "10", "A Song for Two" ] }
Kong Que: "I will reveal everything about the ghost singer incident." Hu Li: "Kong Que... Just what are you going to talk about?" Kong Que: "My training never quite bore fruit while I was a student." Kong Que: "I watched as the students in my year made their debuts one after another. I became resentful." Kong Que: "I was resentful because of my singing." Kong Que: "To be honest, I was panicking." Kong Que: "That's when I met him." Kong Que: "I met Hu Li." Kong Que: "His parents had died in an accident. His relatives stole his inheritance. He and his brother could hardly put food on their own plates." Kong Que: "The two of us quickly hit it off. We met almost every day in the empty lesson rooms, and we talked about all kinds of things." Kong Que: "Our hopes for the future, the things that worry us now..." Kong Que: "One day, I happened to hear him sing." Kong Que: "It was incredible. I was moved." Kong Que: "I implored him to sing professionally." Kong Que: "But especially with the burn on his face, he was extremely reluctant." Kong Que: "That's when he came up with a proposal." Hu Li: "I'll be your singing voice." Kong Que: "He offered to become my ghost singer, and I couldn't refuse." Kong Que: "It's because I'm weak that I let it happen." Hu Li: "I offered to ghost sing?!" Kong Que: "I made my debut with Hu Li's voice, and I was given high praise." Kong Que: "But the more popular I became, the less I could do without him." Kong Que: "That's when he began to control and bind me." Kong Que: "At first, I thought that was fine." A: "Kong Que-sama..." B: "He's crying." Kong Que: "He and his family became happy, and I was able to make it as a singer." Kong Que: "But, that wasn't his true goal." Kong Que: "He kicked me down at the height of my popularity. He was set on bringing attention to himself with a scandal." Reporter: "Then was that revelation his own doing?" Kong Que: "That was entirely his way of sell his name." Kong Que: "He doesn't care what he does, as long as it can create a buzz. He'd only ever thought of me as a stepping stone." Kong Que: "That's why he could do such a thing." Hu Li: "This is bullshit! I'd never do that!" Reporter B: "But isn't this a dangerous risk that could get himself pushed out of the entertainment world?" Kong Que: "But the fact is that Ji Hetian chose Hu Li as his opponent in the finals." Kong Que: "I don't know what kind of agreement the two had behind the scenes." Kong Que: "That's what he does. He manipulates people and works his way to the top." Kong Que: "I can't sit idly as the great Star of China is tarnished for the sake of Hu Li's publicity. I'm ready to be punished in any way necessary." Kong Que: "We mustn't let people like Hu Li get away with what they do." Person A: "Kong Que sounds like the victim here." Person B: "Hu Li's awful." Person C: "Is it really a good idea to let someone like that in the finals?" Person D: "He's disgracing himself to save Star of China. Kong Que-sama's so noble!" Yao: "Tomorrow's the finals. They really screwed us." Hu Li: "It's all lies!" Hu Li: "They were the ones that threatened me into becoming a ghost singer. Please, give me a chance to explain myself." Hu Li: "I'd never sell my name at someone else's expense! I swear!" Yao: "Calm down, Hu Li. I trust you, too." Hu Li: "Then we need to..." Yao: "Anything you say now will only add fuel to the fire." Suran: "The web is already exploding. You're taking the brunt of the criticism." Yao: "And if the finals were to be cancelled..." Hu Li: "I thought I could have people listen to my real singing." Kong Que: "Are you happy now?" Kim: "Don't get ahead of yourself. That was the least I would expect you to do." Kim: "As promised, I'll make you a star. Continue doing as I say." Kong Que: "Understood." Kong Que: "Mom and Hu Li are both losers." Kong Que: "I'm different. I'm not weak like they are." Kong Que: "The entertainment industry is cut throat." Kong Que: "But I'll survive." Kong Que: "I'm going to survive." Kong Que: "And... I'm going to stand at the top of the industry." Red: "I'm sure you know what'll happen if this were to get out." Red: "You're an idol, after all." Red: "An affair is fatal for an idol. Lots of fans will lose faith in you, and you'll be subject to abuse. The media will hound you and expose every aspect of your life." Red: "This is the end of your idol career." Red: "But, depending on your attitude, I wouldn't mind deleting this." Chuyun: "What do you want?" Red: "Give me the solo debut." Chuyun: "I don't care about myself. But if this gets out now, Hu Li's going to be in an even worse state." Chuyun: "Fine. I'll do as you say." Red: "I win! I won against Chuyun!" Chuyun: "But we can't change anything unless the agency management agrees to it." Chuyun: "It's up to you to convince the brass." Red: "Just watch me." Chuyun: "I did the right thing." Anchor: "Following this morning's press conference, there has been a surge in the number of people defending Kong Que and criticizing Hu Li." Person A: "Hu Li couldn't have money for his mother's hospital stay without Kong Que, right?" Person B: "I can't believe he'd screw someone who'd saved him like that." Anchor: "Ji Hetian is receiving a lot of criticism as well." Person A: "This whole thing is a farce, if Ji Hetian and that fox were working together in secret." Person B: "Ji Hetian's done." Hu Li: "My singing has gotten people in trouble again." Anchor: "It appears that Ji Hetian is responding to the media's interviews." Reporter A: "You're receiving a lot of criticism for nominating Hu Li for the finals." Reporter B: "Do you not think that was a mistake?" Ji: "What is song? Simply putting words to a melody can capture a person's heart, move them, and at times, heal and encourage." Ji: "It can even bring the world together." Ji: "That's the kind of power that a song has." Ji: "I believe that Hu Li's singing is real, and that it has that power." Hu Li: "Real singing?" Person A: "Are you sure you aren't simply being fooled by his voice?" Ji: "You may be right." Ji: "That's why I want to leave all of the judgment until after the finals." Ji: "The finals will be broadcast nationwide online." Ji: "The winner will be determined by the viewers' votes. I'd like you all to decide whether Hu Li's song is real," Ji: "and whether he deserves to continue singing." Person A: "Are you saying that the results of the finals will determine everything?" Ji: "Correct. His song will prove everything." Ji: "Whether he's a true singer, who can speak to people's hearts." Hu Li: "A true singer who can speak to people's hearts?" Ji: "If his song is real, he will touch many people." Hu Li: "He's right." Hu Li: "Even if everyone criticizes me, I just need to sing with all of my passion." Hu Li: "Then people will understand." Hu Li: "Who's going to believe in my music if I don't?" Person A: "Will the finals be held, even under these circumstances?" Ji: "Yes. It will proceed as planned." Person B: "Isn't it possible that Hu Li won't show up to the event?" Ji: "He will." Ji: "Unless he's lost his passion for singing, he absolutely will." Hu Li: "Yeah, I will. I'm going, Ji Hetian. To the stage of the finals where you wait. To sing a true song." Reporter: "This is the Star of China finals venue. The audience has already formed a huge line." Reporter: "Spectators are gathered at the live viewing theater as well. The whole nation is watching this tumultuous event." Yao: "I heard there's already a mountain of people at the venue." Hu Li: "Hello?" Hu Li: "N-No... Yes." Hu Li: "Yes." Hu Li: "Understood." Yao: "From the hospital?" Hu Li: "Mom's condition took a turn for the worse. She's in serious condition. Oh, no. What do I do?" Suran: "You won't make it in time for the finals if you go to the hospital now." Yao: "Both are absolutely urgent. What will you do, Hu Li?" Yao: "You don't have much time to decide."
{ "raw_title": "VOICE OF FOX Episode 11 – Ripples of the Accusation", "parsed": [ "VOICE OF FOX", "11", "Ripples of the Accusation" ] }
Hu Shi: "Mom! Hang in there, Mom!" Hu Li: "Hu Shi!" Hu Li: "Doctor, where's Mom? How's my mom doing?" Doc: "She'll be undergoing emergency surgery. We'll do everything we can, but be prepared for the worst." Chuyun: "Hu Li's not coming? Why not?" Suran: "His mother's in critical condition." Chuyun: "Oh, no..." Yao: "Whatever the reason, if he doesn't come, he'll be disqualified." Host: "Here, today, the greatest of young talents will be chosen." Host: "The Rising Star of China finals begin!" Host 2: "Let's meet the competitors. The undisputed king, on his way to a fourth consecutive victory, Ji Hetian." Host 2: "The challenger, chosen by the king, Hu Li." Host 2: "What's this? He's appearing with a mask." Person A: "Who do you think you are?" Person B: "Get lost!" Person C: "You suck!" Ji: "I see. You're willing to take the criticism on the chin." Ji: "I appreciate your resolve." Suran: "Why do I have to do this?!" Yao: "No one will know who you are if you wear the mask! It'll be fine!" Suran: "It's not fine at all! Hurry up and get here, Hu Li!" Hu Shi: "What are you even doing here?" Hu Li: "Nothing's more important than family." Hu Shi: "Liar. Nothing's more important to you than your music." Hu Li: "That's not true." Hu Shi: "Yes, it is. Your singing made everyone miserable. And yet, you never gave up on it." Hu Shi: "Your singing is what caused all of this!" Hu Shi: "After all you've done so you could sing, now you're going to throw it away?" Hu Shi: "If singing is so important to you, you'd better see it through to the end!" Hu Li: "Hu Shi..." Hu Shi: "Get out of here and go sing!" Hu Li: "Hu Shi..." Hu Shi: "I'm never going to forgive you." Hu Shi: "You'd give it all up for singing, right? So show me that song!" Hu Shi: "Go, already!" Hu Li: "Look after Mom for me." Hu Shi: "Stupid brother..." Chuyun: "Hu Li, get in." Host 2: "This is the moment of truth." Host 2: "The challenger, Hu Li will be first to sing." Suran: "Now what?!" Ji: "I'll sing first." Person A: "What's going on?" Person B: "Why?" Person C: "It be the other way around." Ji: "All this time, I've been looking forward to competing against you." Ji: "Hu Li, can you surpass my singing?" Chuyun: "Your mom will be fine." Chuyun: "Maybe I'm just saying this, but I believe in her. Just focus on singing, Hu Li." Chuyun: "Sing your true song." Person A: "So good!" Person B: "I love you!" Person C: "Look this way!" Person B: "You're the best!" Host 2: "The crowd is erupting." Host 2: "There's no end to the applause." Host 2: "Next, we'll have the challenger, Hu Li, sing. When you're ready." Host 2: "He's not there?" Person A: "He didn't run away, did he?" Person B: "Seriously?" Host 2: "What's going on here? Challenger Hu Li isn't showing up." Yao: "Oh my god!" Host 2: "If he doesn't arrive, he will be disqualified." Host 2: "It's Hu Li. Hu Li has arrived." Yao: "Hu Li..." Host 2: "We'll now have the challenger sing. Go ahead." Hu Li: "I've lied to a tremendous number of people with my false music." Hu Li: "Maybe I don't have the right to sing anymore." Hu Li: "But, just this one time, let me sing my true song." Pink: "Who do you think will win?" Beige: "Ji Hetian, for sure." Beige: "What do you think, Hong Ye?" Red: "I don't care. I'm going to make my solo debut and win next." Hu Li: "The winner will be chosen by the votes of the judges, the audience at the venue and by an online vote from viewers nationwide." Hu Li: "The results are in. The Rising Star of China." Hu Li: "The winner is..." Hu Li: "Ji Hetian." Hu Li: "A new legend is born. Ji Hetian has won four in a row." Host: "Congratulations." Ji: "Thank you." Host: "Hu Li." Host: "You sang fantastically. You're a true singer, without a doubt." Hu Li: "Thank you." Chuyun: "I'm going to sing, too, Hu Li. The way that you did." Kong: "It doesn't matter who wins. I'm going to be the leader of the entertainment business." Hu Shi: "Thank you, doctor!" Hu Li: "Hu Shi..." Hu Li: "Take care of Mom for me." Hu Li: "I lost." Hu Li: "My future is bleak." Hu Li: "There's no way I'm going to be able to pay the damages. I don't know how to pay for Mom's treatments, either." Hu Li: "But... I still want to sing. It might not get me anywhere. I might make someone miserable again. Still, I want to sing. I want to sing!" Ji: "So sing." Hu Li: "Ji Hetian-san. Jang Yao. Suran, you too?" Ji: "So long as you're going to continue singing, I'll support you." Ji: "I am SKY." Hu Li: "You are?" Hu Li: "Were you two in on this, too?" Yao: "We sure were." Suran: "I only joined recently." Hu Li: "Why would you do this?!" Ji: "You can't tell?" Ji: "That makes me sad." Ji: "I've been thinking of you this whole time. Not for one day had I forgotten." Ji: "I'll always be by your side. Now and going forward." Ji: "I want you." Hu Li: "I won't be yours. I'm going to sing. I'll continue singing my own songs." Ji: "Do as you like." Ji: "That's it, Hu Li. Continue singing." Ji: "Until your beautiful singing voice dries up." Hu Li: "I'm going to sing."
{ "raw_title": "VOICE OF FOX Episode 12 – Voice of Truth", "parsed": [ "VOICE OF FOX", "12", "Voice of Truth" ] }
Hu Li: "Mom..." Hu Shi: "Dad... Dad!" Hu Shi: "This is your fault! You murderer!" Hu Li: "Grieving won't change anything. I have to do what I can." Hu Li: "I'll be back tomorrow." Hu Li: "Bye." Hu Li: "Flowers?" Hu Li: "Yeah." Hu Li: "Her hospital bills and our living expenses are all on me." Hu Li: "Ghost singer...?" Kim: "Your compositional flair, your exceptional voice..." Kim: "Our company highly values your musical talent." Kim: "We'd like you to be the singing voice of this man, who will be debuting soon." Hu Li: "Am I really..." Kim: "I understand that your family is struggling financially." Kim: "Accept our terms, and we'll save you and your family." Hu Li: "But, why do I have to be his ghost singer?" Kim: "Between him and you... Who would be more popular on the stage? You should know the answer." Hu Li: "I'm bound by the contract to keep our secret, no matter what." Hu Li: "But..." Hu Li: "SKY... Just how much do you know?" Hu Li: "Do you know that I'm a ghost singer, too?!" Hu Li: "Shit... This is bad. If I get outed, I'm..." Suran: "Hey." Suran: "Why are you so freaked out?" Hu Li: "Oh. Su Ran." Suran: "Let's hurry. We're going to be late for school." Sensei: "Plug it into this equation, and there." Hu Li: "There's no way they're watching me at school, too." A: "I'm watching." A: "I'm always watching you. I'm watching you. Always. I'm always watching you." A: "Hu Li. If your secret is discovered..." A: "you've breached your contract." Hu Li: "Boss?!" A: "I will charge you 10 million yen for breach of contract." Hu Li: "W-Wait a second! I don't have that money!" A: "It's too late." A: "You and your brother will become homeless, and your mother..." Hu Li: "I was dreaming." Sensei: "Were you sleeping so soundly that you'd have a dream?" Sensei: "Is my class that boring?" Hu Li: "No, sorry. I was working late last night." Sensei: "I sympathize for your circumstances at home, but what good would it be if it hindered your studies?" Hu Li: "I'm sorry." A: "Poor kid." Chuyun: "Good morning. I'm sorry I'm late." Sensei: "Morning, Chuyun. Working late again? It's all right. Take a seat." Chuyun: "Yes, sir." A: "She doesn't get scolded for being late." B: "That's not fair." C: "Yeah." Hu Li: "I can't let my guard down at school, either. SKY could be nearby." Hu Li: "SKY... Are you still watching?" Hu Li: "I felt like someone was watching me just now." Hu Li: "Am I being watched now, too?" Hu Li: "Are you SKY?!" Hu Li: "Huh?" A: "What do you think you're doing?!" Hu Li: "I'm sorry!" Hu Li: "I can't get caught by SKY..." Hu Li: "I'm sorry!" Hu Li: "Why is this happening to me? It's all SKY's fault!" A: "Chuyun, you're going to be on Star of China, aren't you? You have tickets, don't you? Can we have some?" B: "We really want to see Kong Que on stage." A: "We'll pay for them." Chuyun: "Do you want them that badly?" A: "We do." A: "I wouldn't give them to you if I had any. How dare you! Just because you think you're a star..." Hu Li: "Look out." C: "Hu Li?" A: "What's your deal?" B: "Go away!" C: "Yeah, yeah!" Hu Li: "Fine, fine. Pardon me, then." Hu Li: "Later!" A: "Hold up!" Hu Li: "Why would I?" Hu Li: "Are you okay?" Chuyun: "Yes." Hu Li: "Whoops. There'd be a scandal if I held hands with a popular idol, even if she's a childhood friend." Chuyun: "Holding hands with you isn't really going to create any buzz." Hu Li: "Jeez. You still haven't changed." Hu Li: "You should choose your words better, or you're going to make enemies." Chuyun: "I'm not the one who the teacher has his eyes on." Hu Li: "You seem busy lately. You're Love Season's main vocalist, after all. Crazy." Chuyun: "It's nothing." Hu Li: "I'm glad your dream came true." Chuyun: "What about you?" Hu Li: "Huh?" Chuyun: "When are you going to make your dream happen?" Hu Li: "I'm too busy working to chase my dream." Hu Li: "What's this?" Chuyun: "A ticket to Star of China." Kim: "Star of China is a singing competition for young singers. The winner will be recognized as the top upcoming singer," Kim: "and a major career boost is sure to follow." Kim: "We here at Star Entertainment have yet to produce a winner. We've lost three times in a row to Ji Hetian." Kim: "Defeat Ji Hetian and become the winner." Kim: "That's what we keep you around for." Kong Que: "Win?" Kong Que: "Of course we will. Our goal is the very top." Kim: "I trust that you know what happens if you don't win." Chuyun: "What's the matter with you?" Chuyun: "I don't mean anything by it. I just don't want to give it to them." Hu Li: "Thanks, but I have work." Chuyun: "What kind of work?" Hu Li: "Oh, you know, stuff." Chuyun: "What stuff?" Hu Li: "Well... Stuff." Chuyun: "You better not be doing anything shady. Like something you couldn't tell me." Hu Li: "You're never going to get married if you keep making faces like that." Chuyun: "Whatever!" Chuyun: "Idiot..." Hu Li: "Sorry, Chuyun." Hu Li: "Again." Hu Li: "I'm being watched." Hu Li: "Someone is watching me." Hu Li: "Ow, ow..." Hu Li: "Did I eat something bad?" Hu Li: "Ow...." Hu Li: "He's here." Hu Li: "Come. Come!" Hu Li: "You aren't getting away!" Suran: "What was that for?" Suran: "Do you get off on doing things like this?" Hu Li: "Su Ran. Was it you? Are you the one who's been watching me?!" Suran: "I am. It's my job." Hu Li: "Job?" Suran: "It's my job to make sure you don't reveal that you're a ghost singer. President Kim's orders." Hu Li: "Since when?" Suran: "The whole time, since you signed the contract with the boss. You never noticed?" Hu Li: "Not at all." Hu Li: "All right." Hu Li: "I thought you were SKY this whole time." Suran: "Sky?" Hu Li: "Oh, nothing." Hu Li: "SKY... Again?" Hu Li: "Visiting?" Hu Li: "Hang on..." Hu Li: "These flowers are the ones that were in Mom's hospital room!" Hu Li: "SKY..." Hu Li: "Just how much do you know?" Hu Li: "Who are you?"
{ "raw_title": "VOICE OF FOX Episode 2 – Someone is Watching", "parsed": [ "VOICE OF FOX", "2", "Someone is Watching" ] }
Person A: "Handle it carefully!" People: "Yes, sir." Hu Li: "Star of China starts today." Hu Li: "But... I don't know where SKY could be watching from. I have to get into the TV station before he finds me." Hu Li: "To the TV station along with the cargo." Person A: "All right, go." Person B: "It's so heavy. What's in here?" Person A: "Jeez, it's so heavy." Hu Li: "SKY would never think I'd come in here like this." Rocky: "The time has come to decide who is the best young talent." Person A: "Rocky!" Person B: "It's Rocky!" Rocky: "Chosen ones, who have fought through the treacherous preliminaries... Appear before us!" Rocky: "The final battle begins. The Rising Star of China!" Person A: "The Rising Star of China has finally begun! These are the sixteen teams fighting to make it to the top." Person A: "And the team that makes it to the top will challenge this man." Person A: "The first three-time winner of the competition, Ji Hetian!" Person A: "Four wins would be a historical accomplishment." Ji: "I will be competing for my fourth win in this competition. But I will be true to myself and sing from my heart with the spirit of a challenger." Person A: "Will the king win four in a row, or will a new star succeed him? Don't miss the moment of the century!" Hu Li: "I'm in." Hu Li: "Where am I?" Hu Li: "It's so creepy." Hu Li: "Alligator! Why is there an alligator here?!" Hu Li: "Stay calm..." Person A: "This storage room, right?" Person B: "Yeah." Hu Li: "Shoot, shoot! They're going to find me!" Person A: "Let's get this stuff moved." Hu Li: "The alligator got out!" Person A: "My ass!" Hu Li: "Ow!" Person A: "An intruder!" Host: "The winner of each one-on-one round will be determined by an audience vote and the judges' scores. Are you all ready?" Host: "And our special judge is this man, the superstar Rocky!" Rocky: "Dear competitors, let me hear your souls." Manager: "I told Hu Li to be here early today." Su Ran: "It's from Hu Li. Hu Li. Where are you?" Hu Li: "I don't know where I am right now." Su Ran: "Huh?" Hu Li: "Even worse, they think I'm an intruder. All the guards are after me." Person A: "There!" Hu Li: "Shit." Su Ran: "He hung up." Manager: "Huh?" Kong Que: "What? Hu Li's lost?" Kong Que: "I'm up next!" Manager: "Just try to buy some time. Even just a minute." Manager: "Dammit, Hu Li..." Person A: "Kong Que, please stand by. Come on, hurry." Manager: "Hey!" Manager: "It's the end of the first round. First up, the captivating harmony of the twin team Double Planet!" Manager: "Followed by none other than the new singer and songwriting star, Kong Que!" Kong Que: "Are you serious?" Hu Li: "Where the heck am I?" Hu Li: "Shit, where is he?" Su Ran: "I don't know how you're so calm." Person A: "I'm just a sound engineer." Manager: "It's no use, I can't reach him." Guard A: "Did you find him?" Guard B: "He's not over there." Hu Li: "Hey, pervert!" Guard B: "Sorry." Person A: "I like you. Want to work in my agency?" Hu Li: "I-I'm sorry." Person A: "At least hear me out. Come on. Please." Hu Li: "Groper!" Guard A: "What?" Person A: "I'm not!" Guard A: "You!" Guard A: "Stop!" Person A: "I'm not a groper!" Hu Li: "Which way am I supposed to go?!" Kong Que: "My day starts with this hand-made juice. Here's how you make it." Host: "May we begin the song soon?" Kong Que: "Oh, there's one more thing I do every morning. That thing is..." Kong Que: "Oh, boiled eggs!" Person A: "When is Kong Que going to stop talking?" Person A: "He's blabbering on and on off script." Kong Que: "now I can make flawless boiled eggs." Host: "And now, for your song. Please!" Kong Que: "Hu Li, where are you?!" Manager: "The song's about to start!" Manager: "Have you found Hu Li?" Su Ran: "Not yet." Kong Que: "What do I do? Do I pretend my throat's not working? No, I'd be disqualified." Manager: "The intro's starting! We're screwed!" Hu Li: "Shit, it's starting!" Manager: "Do I sing? No, I can't win then!" Manager: "No, the intro's ending!" Manager: "What? What's going on?" Su Ran: "The stage just lost power." Su Ran: "An accident?" Kong Que: "A malfunction? I should get off stage while I can." Person A: "It's Kong Que's voice." Person B: "His actual voice." Person A: "What the hell is going on?" Person B: "We don't know!" Person B: "You're the best! I love you!" Person B: "Bravo! Kong Que! I love you!" Kong Que: "Dammit, Hu Li... I'm going to murder him when we get backstage." Hu Li: "Thank goodness I happened to have wandered under the stage." Hu Li: "SKY? He was watching me?" Hu Li: "SKY... What are you really after?"
{ "raw_title": "VOICE OF FOX Episode 3 – Stage of Darkness", "parsed": [ "VOICE OF FOX", "3", "Stage of Darkness" ] }