ewscaster: "Regarding the mass infections that have been occurring throughout the country," ewscaster: "the Ministry of Health is treating it as a new strain of influenza..." Shin: "Isn't this what they call "information control"?" Ryogo: "Yeah." Atsushi: "People on social media are starting to talk about seeing monsters and people being eaten." Ryogo: "It won't be long before the truth comes to light..." Haruka: "We got a request for aid from the Chuo branch in Shinshu!" Seigen: "Looks like they're dealing with the same thing Narukami did not long ago." Roku: "That kind of thing is happening all over Japan?" Benio: "Holes connecting Magano to the physical realm..." Benio: "Dragon Spots." Seigen: "Your average exorcist can only treat people who've been hit with Magano's miasma." Seigen: "As for who can plug these holes..." Seigen: "At the moment, it's down to you guys." Sae: "Papa!" Roku: "Sae. Whoa, there!" Sae: "Yay!" Roku: "Hey, that backpack is super cute!" Sae: "Mayura gave it to me!" Roku: "I see." Roku: "Thanks." Mayura: "Dad bought it for me when I was little." Seigen: "You still have that thing?" Ryogo: "You're leaving already?" Roku: "Yeah." Atsushi: "Wait, how are you gonna get there?" Shin: "I'd love to drive you, but there's no telling when something might happen in Narukami again..." Handsome Kinako: "No sweat." Atsushi: "Huh? Who said that?" Kinako: "It's me! Benio-sama's faithful servant, Kinako!" Roku: "We found an RV in the house's underground garage." Benio: "I asked Kinako to possess it." Shin: "It has a barrier around it, too." Atushi: "You're surprisingly useful!" Kinako: "What do you mean, "surprisingly"?! Show some respect for the professional shikigami, Kinako-sama!" Haruka: "That's so cool! His voice changes depending on what he's possessing, huh?" Benio: "Are we really bringing her?" Roku: "Huh?" Roku: "Oh... Seigen said it would be for the best." Roku: "What're you planning to do to Sae?!" Suzu: "Observation and consideration." Roku: "We just need to keep her safe, no matter what, right?" Benio: "That's true." Mayura: "Don't do anything crazy, Rokuro." Mayura: "Adashino-san, take care of Rokuro." Benio: "Understood." Roku: "Wh-What's with you two?" Mayura: "Nothing." Kinu: "Benio-sama... Please, have a safe journey. Thank you, Granny." Roku: "All right, let's go cork those holes in the barrier!" Ryogo: "Good luck, Rokuro! We'll take care of Narukami." Roku: "All right, I'm counting on you!" Sae: "Bye-bye!" Haruka: "Seeing them like this, it's like the three of them are a family." Haruka: "Maybe there'll be a fourth member when they get back." Mayura: "Maybe I should go after all..." Seigen: "I'm planning on working you to death back here." Mayura: "But Rokuro and Adashino-san are heading into the familial harmony red zone!" Mayura: "Aw, there they go..." Sae: "Go, go, go, Ohagi Man! Ohagi Man! Ohagi!" Rokuro: "Looks like she really loves Ohagi Man now." Benio: "Yes." Benio: "Sae-chan, do you want some ohagi?" Sae: "Not right now." Benio: "This is the source of Ohagi Man's energy." Benio: "Let's cheer him on by eating some!" Benio: "Now, eat some. Eat it... Come on, it's really good..." Rokuu: "Hey, don't try to force her." Rokuu: "Sae, you brought lots of snacks, right?" Sae: "Yeah!" Sae: "My jewelry box!" Roku: "Whoa, look at it shine!" Roku: "Which do you wanna eat first?" Sae: "This one!" Roku: "This one, huh?" Handsome Kinako: "Benio-sama, we've reached the vicinity of our destination." Benio: "Stop, Kinako." Roku: "What's up?" Benio: "There." Roku: "A hospital?" Roku: "So there's one here, too..." Benio: "Unless we seal the Dragon Spot, things won't get any better." Benio: "Huh?" Exorcist: "Stop! Please, stop!" Girls: "Let me through! My friend is still in there!" Exorcists: "No! Stay back! Thank you for coming all this way." Girl: "Why are you letting them through?! Hey! Come on!" Roku: "We've gotta close that Dragon Spot fast." Benio: "Indeed." Kumashiro: "Enmado Rokuro and..." Kumashiro: "Adashino Benio?" Benio: "We received your request for help." Roku: "Nice to meet you!" Kuma: "I don't know about all this "Twin Stars" stuff, but the Adashino clan..." Kuma: "That's where the greatest traitor of all exorcists, Ijika Yuto, came from!" Roku: "Hey!" Kuma: "I will not fight alongside some traitor's sister!" Kuma: "There's no telling when you might stab me in the back!" Roku: "Don't be stupid! What the hell do you know about Benio?!" Exorcist: "Give it a rest, Kumashiro." Roku: "Hey! Apologize to Benio!" Benio: "I'm fine." Roku: "Benio..." Benio: "I was expecting this. As long as you know the truth, that's enough for me." Rokuro: "O-Okay..." Kiyomi: "All right!" Kiyomi: "Everybody, listen up!" Kiyomi: "I'm going to be serving as the captain of this special unit. I'm Kirigamine Kiyomi." Roku: "Captain?" Kiyomi: "That's all! Now, get to your positions!" Exorcists: "Right!" Kiyomi: "Oh-ho... So you two are the Twin Star Exorcists I've heard about?" Kiyomi: "The Twin Stars get married and have a baby, right? Then that means you two are together, right?" Roku: "N-No, we're not." Benio: "We're just partners in battle." Kiyomi: "So, anyway... I just had my third kid." Kiyomi: "My husband took some time off to take care of them. I guess you'd call him one of those stay-at-home dads." Benio: "Who are these two?" Kiyomi: "Oh, my oldest son and daughter." Rokuro: "If you have kids who are this big already... Well..." Kiyomi: "You wanna know my age?" Roku: "N-No!" Kiyomi: "Oh, I know! Let's see if you two will become a lovey-dovey a couple like us, with a little palm reading!" Kiyomi: "Huh? That's odd. It looks like you two already have a child..." Sae: "Papa!" Roku: "Oh, you woke up, huh?" Kiyomi: "She's already this old..." Kiyomi: "Benio-chan, how old were you when you had her?" Benio: "I didn't!" Sae: "What're you doing, Benio? Drawing?" Benio: "This isn't a drawing. It's something very important for exorcists." Sae: "I want to try!" Benio: "No!" Benio: "Don't interrupt." Benio: "Sae-chan?" Benio: "Sae-chan?" Benio: "Sae-chan!" Benio: "Sae-chan!" Benio: "Where is she?" Benio: "That's like what Benio was drawing!" Benio: "I know about those! They're important, right?" Kiyomi: "That's right. You're pretty smart, Sae-chan." Kiyomi: "And what are you drawing, Sae-chan?" Kiyomi: "Ohagi Man!" Kiyomi: "Wow... Could you tell me about him?" Sae: "Yeah! Ohagi Man is an ohagi! And you know what? Benio told me about him!" Sae: "Ohagi Man is made of coarse red bean paste!" Kiyomi: "As we face the unprecedented threat of Magano intruding upon our world, we exorcists have been unable to do anything but take follow-up measures. But with the Twin Star Exorcists added to our ranks, we now have a chance to close the source of the Magano invasion, the Dragon Spot. The spread of Magano's miasma throughout the town and the appearance of Kegare put us beyond risk level B, even to the level of "Snake." The effectiveness of this operation will depend on how well the squad can work together." Kiyomi: "Make sure to keep that in mind." Roku: "Not bad." Kiyomi: "I know you've had some trouble with Kumashiro-kun, but don't think too badly of him." Kiyomi: "This is the first big job he's ever undertaken." Kiyomi: "He's desperate to keep people from noticing how nervous and scared he is." Benio: "Right." Roku: "Even so..." Roku: "It wouldn't feel right to let him get away with it. Maybe I'd better show off a little." Roku: "Star Armor Master Talisman, Inferno!" Roku: "Astral Disaster!" Kiyomi: "Well done." Kiyomi: "An end to seven torments, as seven leagues return to the stars, come forth at once!" Exorcists: "Captain..." Kiyomi: "Stay on your toes!" Exorcists: "Right!" Kiyomi: "I have a responsibility to look after the lives of my exorcists. It's my job as captain to make sure they all return alive, and not to lose a single one. That's why I need your help, since you two have so much experience with actual combat." Roku: "We're not gonna let anyone die!" Kinako: "What've you been staring at?" Sae: "That's where I came from." Kinako: "You're still such a kid. That ain't right, Sae-chan. Narukami is over that way." Benio: "It's something very important for exorcists." Kinako: "Whoa... Sae-chan?!" Kinako: "Oh, no! This is..." Kinako: "Bad news! You can't go over there!" Kumashiro: "What is that?" Kumashiro: "These are all humans?" Rokuro: "It can't be..." Benio: "Rokuro, look." Girl: "My friend is still in there!" Roku: "No way..." Kiyomi: "They couldn't escape in time, and the Kegare..." Roku: "There are so many..." Kumashiro: "It's eating something." Roku: "Here it comes!" Roku: "It's pretty powerful. But it's not very agile." Kiyomi: "Arresting Hold! Now!" Kiyomi: "Ephemeral Lotus Dance!" Kumashiro: "Sh-She's so fast." Kumashiro: "Did they get it?" Moro: "It appears I'll get a real meal for the first time in a while..." Kumashiro: "A talking Kegare?!" Roku: "Do you think..." Benio: "Yes." Benio: "She really is a Basara..." Kumashiro: "That's a Basara?" Kiyomi: "What? But how..." Moro: "When was the last time I saw the outdoors?" Moro: "I've been idle for so long, I've gotten out of shape." Benio: "We'll act as rear guard. You all should withdraw!" Kiyomi: "Everyone retreat!" Roku: "What we saw back there... Did you do that?" Moro: "Hmm? Ah, yes..." Moro: "Thanks to that thing, I've gained a lovely feeding ground." Moro: "I do prefer quantity over quality, after all." Moro: "So being able to absorb the spell power of so many humans is convenient... But spell power as juicy as yours just begs to be drained directly." Roku: "For the sin of killing so many people... We're gonna make you pay!" Moro: "Now, don't rush. I like to save the best for last, after all." Benio: "No—" Moro: "First, the hors d'oeuvres." Kumashiro: "I'm going to die..." Kumashiro: "in a place like this?" Kumashiro: "Why'd you save me?" Benio: "I don't need a reason to save someone's life." Kumashiro: "Adashino Benio..." Roku: "You okay, Benio?!" Benio: "Yes." Moro: "Humans who've been fighting are excellent... Their spell power is perfectly warmed up, and it just melts in my mouth." Roku: "This is getting too ridiculous!" Moro: "Now, fight, fight, and fight to your utmost, to bring out your spell power's best flavor!" Moro: "Nice kicks." Moro: "Such wonderful legs..." Moro: "They have the same scent as Kamui." Roku: "Let go of Benio!" Roku: "You okay, Benio?" Benio: "Yes." Benio: "We won't get anywhere fighting normally." Benio: "Looking for this?" Benio: "I can't have you taking away my feeding grounds. The talisman to seal the hole!" Benio: "Kinako?! Why..." Kinako: "Sae-chan, wait!" Sae: "Benio!" Roku: "Sae?" Sae: "Papa! Benio!" Roku: "Sae, what are you doing h—" Benio: "What are you doing here?!" Benio: "Go back." Benio: "Go!" Roku: "Benio..." Roku: "Now, who's this child?" Roku: "I've never smelled anything like her..." Roku: "Now that's a delicacy! Sae, get back to the RV!" Sae: "This..." Sae: "Benio said it was important..." Benio: "Sae-chan..." Benio: "Rokuro!" Roku: "Yeah!" Roku: "Vajra Talisman!" Roku: "Iron Cliff Wall, come forth at once!" Moro: "What kind of strategy would call for committing all your spell power to defense?" Roku: "Well, you see..." Moro: "It can't be..." Roku: "It's to do this!" Roku: "Let's do it!" Benio: "I won't waste Sae-chan's good will!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Twin Stars: "Sneaky little..." Kumashiro: "Twin Stars! Seal the Dragon Point!" Twin Stars: "Cleanse! Purify! Impure Legion Banishment, come forth at once!" Twin Stars: "I guess this is it for now..." Benio: "Sae-chan..." Kiyomi: "It's okay." Benio: "Kiyomi-san..." Kiyomi: "Right." Benio: "Sae-chan." Benio: "Um..." Benio: "And..." Benio: "I'm sorry I yelled at you." Sae: "You should eat some too, Benio." Benio: "Sae-chan..." Sae: "Ohagi is yummy." Benio: "I know. "We sit in the mud, my friend, and reach for the stars."" Sae: "That's Turgenev!" Benio: "Correct..." Roku: "You really are amazing, Sae!" Sae: "Well, as you go through life, you think about lots of stuff!"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 23 – Westward, Twin Stars - Hard To Be Mother", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "23", "Westward, Twin Stars - Hard To Be Mother" ] }
Arima: "Goodness gracious... There's just no end to it, with more Dragon Spots opening up no matter how many we close." Subaru: "I'm getting sick of playing whack-a-mole with them." Arima: "Seriously." Arima: "I'm counting on you to handle the investigation, Su-chan." Subaru: "Leave it to me." Arima: "We need to hurry and figure out" Arima: "the root cause of all this." Mayura: "You should be okay now." Tv: "Now for an update on the group infections. The mysterious infections that have been occurring throughout the country show no signs of slowing down. The infection vectors remain unclear, and the cause, as well as a countermeasure, are being pursued with urgency." Mayura: "The cause? We know for sure the Dragon Spots are causing it..." Zenkichi: "By its nature, only exorcists are able to see the miasma." Zenkichi: "However... It doesn't appear we'll be able to exorcise Kegare and Basara quietly, the way we normally would. Same goes for the Twelve Guardians." Sakura: "Impure Legion Banishment! Come forth at once!" Sakura: "Flee, you impure beings!" Sakura: "The natural laws of this world will never accept you!" Sakura: "Never!" Miku: "You are so obnoxious." Zenkichi: "Things might be even worse once everything comes to light... But for now, we need to focus on what we can do to help." Mayura: "Yeah!" Ryogo: "Hey, Mayura-chan? Sorry, but we've got our hands full here. Could you go provide backup?" Mayura: "Understood. I'll go now." Mayura: "I have to do my best..." Mayura: "Because Rokuro and Benio are, too!" Handsome Kinako: "Come on, come on! There's no road in front of me! I'm the one who blazes the trail!" Roku: "Ow! Hey! Can't you just go down a proper road?!" Handsome Kinako: "Quit complaining about the roads the Kinako GPS chooses!" Sae: "Yay!" Benio: "But this is definitely the shortest route to the next Dragon Spot." Roku: "I'm amazed you can read a map with all this shaking and not get sick." Roku: "I thought as much..." Roku: "Wait, what kind of navigation is this?!" Kinako: "The wild, youthful kind!" Roku: "Damn it, we're not even gonna live long enough to seal the Dragon Spot..." Sae: "Here!" Roku: "Wow! Did you make this, Sae?" Sae: "Yeah! I learned it from this book Mayura gave me!" Roku: "That's awesome! You really are a genius, Sae!" Sae: "I'll make you one, too, Benio." Benio: "R-Really?" Sae: "Here you go!" Benio: "I-Is that..." Sae: "Ohagi!" Benio: "Thank you." Roku: "The Dragon Spot seems to be near this amusement park." Sae: "Amusement park?" Roku: "Oh, right. I guess you wouldn't know about those." Roku: "See, an amusement park is..." Roku: "a place with a bunch of different rides, and it's tons of fun and really exciting!" Sae: "That sounds fun! Papa, you've been to an amusement park before?" Roku: "Yeah, I went once with Mayura." Benio: "You haven't been to one with me." Roku: "Er, haven't I?" Benio: "And just what kind of memory is it?" Roku: "Uh, no, look... Th-The point is, it's fun, there are lots of sparkling lights, and it's really beautiful! Yeah!" Sae: "I wanna see the sparkles! Sparkles!" Sae: "Sparkles?" Roku: "That's how it's supposed to be... But because of the miasma," Roku: "it's not like that now." Benio: "We need to find the Dragon Spot and seal it." Sae: "We can't go in..." Exrocists: "Hey, what're you doing over there? This place is off limits! Who are you two?" Roku: "We're here from the Seika Dormitory in Tokyo to seal the Dragon Spot." Exorcists: "Then you two are the Twin Stars?" Twin Stars: "Right." Exorcist: "Well, that's a relief..." Exorcist: "But we think a monster with a threat level of "True Serpent" is wandering in the park." Roku: "Isn't True Serpent..." Benio: "...Kegare who are one step away from being Basara." Exorcists: "It might actually be a Basara. Because of the intensity of the miasma, we haven't even been able to get close..." Roku: "It's that bad?" Benio: "Sae-chan?" Roku: "Did she just..." Sae: "Huh?" Sae: "It's not sparkling." Sae: "A horsie!" Sae: "Move! Move!" Rokuro: "Sae! Where'd you go?!" Benio: "Where are you, Sae-chan?" Sae: "Here!" Sae: "Mr. Lion!" Leo: "Is this beautiful?" Sae: "Beautiful?" Sae: "I dunno." Leo: "I see... Do you know" Leo: "where I can find something beautiful?" Sae: "Beautiful..." Sae: "Right here!" Leo: "What?" Sae: "Papa said that it's sparkly and really beautiful!" Leo: "Really?" Sae: "Yeah!" Roku: "Get away from Sae!" Sae: "Papa?" Benio: "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Sae: "Benio?" Roku: "There you are, Basara!" Leo: "No..." Leo: "I am..." Leo: "Leo." Benio: "His mane is spreading the miasma from Magano?!" Roku: "I don't think so!" Roku: "It didn't work?!" Leo: "Stay out of my way." Kinako: "Benio-sama!" Benio: "Kinako, take Sae-chan, please." Kinako: "You got it!" Sae: "No!" Benio: "Our attacks aren't affecting him... Is it because of the miasma coming from the Dragon Spot?" Leo: "Get out of the way! This is my place! I won't leave!" Sae: "Mr. Lion?" Roku: "Spare me your nonsense! This is our world!" Sae: "No!" Kinako: "Sae-chan?!" Roku: "Meteor Talisman!" Roku: "Meteor Smash!" Roku: "Damn it!" Benio: "Sae-chan!" Roku: "Sae!" Leo: "I just want to see something beautiful!" Benio: "Beautiful?" Roku: "You... Let go of Sae!" Benio: "Sae-chan..." Roku: "He took her hostage?" Roku: "Damn it!" Leo: "Why?" Leo: "Why?" Sae: "Mr. Lion?" Leo: "Why doesn't it move?" Leo: "This isn't Magano..." Sae: "I dunno." Leo: "You don't know, either? I heard, a long time ago," Leo: "that this world is full of "beautiful" things that aren't in Magano. I think" Leo: "those things must be really great." Leo: "Much, much better than eating humans..." Leo: "If I saw those beautiful things, maybe I could..." Leo: "But..." Leo: "What is "beautiful"?" Leo: "Where is it?" Leo: "I... don't know." Sae: "Let's find the sparkles together!" Sae: "Papa told me. He said this place was sparkly and beautiful! So if we look for it, we can find it!" Leo: "Really?" Sae: "Yeah! You know, it's the grown-ups' job to make the machines move!" Leo: "Grown-ups?" Sae: "Yeah!" Hokuhoku: "Hokuhoku knows! Hokuhoku understands! It's time for "Please Tell Me, Hokuhoku-san!"" Hokuhoku: "Now, it's time to introduce the working grown-ups of our world! There are lots of grown-ups in this world who work, and they're the ones who keep the things we ride in and the machines we use moving!" Sae: "That's what Hokuhoku-san said!" Leo: "I see." Leo: "Humans make the human things move... You're smart." Leo: "I'll bring a human." Leo: "They can make it move." Sae: "I'll wait here, then! So don't fight with Papa and Benio anymore, okay, Mr. Lion?" Leo: "If you say so." Sae: "It's a promise!" Leo: "Promise?" Sae: "Yeah! Stick out your pinky finger, Mr. Lion!" Sae: "It's a pinky promise! If you're lying, you have to swallow a thousand needles!" Sae: "That's how you do it." Benio: "Om tathagata—" Roku: "Thanks. I'm feeling better." Kinako: "It's my fault... If I had done a better job, that bum wouldn't have taken Sae-chan..." Benio: "It's not your fault, Kinako." Benio: "The Dragon Spot is giving him incredible strength." Benio: "Even we had trouble with him." Roku: "What's his deal? Why'd he take Sae?" Leo: "I just want to see something beautiful!" Benio: "Beautiful..." Leo: "Someone..." Leo: "Is anyone here?" Leo: "Anyone!" Leo: "Please, make it move!" Leo: "Hey!" Leo: "Anyone will do!" Leo: "Say something! Come on!" Roku: "Sae, where are you?" Roku: "Benio?" Benio: "I can hear her." Sae: "Mr. Lion likes beautiful things!" Benio: "That way!" Sae: "Mr. Lion loves beautiful things!" Roku: "Sae!" Benio: "Sae-chan!" Sae: "Oh, Papa, Benio. Look how many I made!" Benio: "I'm so glad you're okay." Roku: "Come on, let's head back. Kinako is worried about you." Sae: "I can't! I promised I'd wait here." Roku: "Promised?" Leo: "Why is no one here?" Leo: "I just want to see something beautiful..." Leo: "This isn't it!" Sae: "Here!" Sae: "Mr. Lion!" Roku: "He wants the Ferris wheel moving?" Roku: "I don't get it. What is that damn lion after?" Benio: "He wants to see something beautiful." Benio: "That's what the True Serpent said." Benio: "I don't understand why, but... Earlier, it looked like he saved Sae-chan." Roku: "Saved her?" Benio: "There!" Roku: "We won't be so easy on you this time!" Rokuro: "Star Armor Master Talisman, Inferno!" Benio: "Exorcism Enchantment Ensemble:" Benio: "Astral Disaster!" Benio: "A-Are you... crying?!" Benio: "A Kegare crying?" Benio: "That can't be..." Leo: "This isn't where I belong." Leo: "I'm not allowed to be here..." Leo: "I just... wanted to see something beautiful." Roku: "Something beautiful?" Leo: "I wanted to see it... with the girl." Roku: "Wh-What is this?!" Benio: "The park is..." Kinako: "Again?! Sae-chan! Aw, man! Sae-chan!" Leo: "Beautiful..." Leo: "I see..." Leo: "I finally... finally found it. This is—" Sakura: "Why are you just standing there, Twin Star Exorcists?! I have granted you this brilliant light to awaken your foolish eyes that were swallowed up by darkness! That's what this light is for!" Miku: "You just did it because you couldn't see anything." Roku: "They're... from the Twelve Guardians?" Benio: "Rikugo: Sada Sakura." Daion: "Daion: Zeze Miku." Sakura: "Why hesitate in the face of the enemy you must exorcise? What is there to hesitate about?!" Roku: "We weren't..." Roku: "And it's not like he..." Miku: "Getting emotional, are you? How stupid." Roku: "What are you—" Benio: "Wh-What is that?" Sakura: "Kegare are creatures that do not belong in this world. To exorcise them and return them to where they belong is our duty!" Roku: "Where they belong?" Leo: "It's beautiful..." Leo: "I have searched for this for so long..." Leo: "This is what I wanted to see, Sae..." Sakura: "Become light and return to the stars!" Miku: "Shadow Burial of Grand Jest." Roku: "The Dragon Spot!" Benio: "That's where it was?!" Miku: "Impure Legion Banishment, come forth at once!" Sae: "Papa!" Sae: "Benio!" Kinako: "Benio-sama!" Sae: "Papa! Benio! This is the sparkling, right?" Roku: "Y-Yeah, that's right." Sae: "It's beautiful, beautiful!" Miku: "So that's the brat Arima mentioned?" Sakura: "Did you say something?! Irrelevant talk should be avoided when undertaking a secret mission!" Miku: "Damn, you're annoying." Sae: "Hey, where's Mr. Lion?" Roku: "He went back home just now. He was really happy to see something beautiful." Sae: "Aw, but I wanted to look at it with him..." Benio: "He asked us to tell you goodbye." Sae: "I see..." Roku: "What is it, Sae?" Benio: "Sae-chan?" Sae: "No... It's nothing." Roku: "We get to meet an awesome baseball player in Nagoya next time!" Benio: "So, as Babe Ruth said... "You just can't beat the person who never gives up."" Sae: "Hey, I have a quote from Masa-san, the oldest player to win a game, too!" Benio: "Sorry, but we can't risk the copyright trouble."
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 24 – The Kegare's Dream - What Is Beautiful?", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "24", "The Kegare's Dream - What Is Beautiful?" ] }
An: "Swing and a miss, for three strikes! It's over! Kawase pitches another no-hitter! And he finishes it off with his specialty, the slider!" Roku: "Why baseball videos?" Sae: "It was recommended!" Benio: "We started with videos on making ohagi, which led to recommendations of onigiri, takoyaki, Kansai, and then baseball." Sae: "He's really amazing! Kawase the pitcher!" Reporter: "Kawase-san, what would you say is the most important thing for a pitcher to have?" Kawase: "I'd have to say a sense of duty. "No one else can do this. I have to win it!" The strong feeling of that being your duty is the most important thing, in my opinion." Baseballs: "Kawase-san? Kawase-san!" Baseballs: "You're not going to practice, Kawase-san?" Kawase: "What would I even do?" Kawase: "At my age, there's no way I'm gonna be of much use this year." Baseball: "But we're still in the running for the championships. We still need you, Kawase-san." Kawase: "Quit flattering me, kid. My left arm's already in tatters." Baseball: "Hey! Big trouble! Look! Something crazy's going on in the dome!" Benio: "Hello?" Benio: "Hello?" Roku: "No, this one!" Roku: "Learn the buttons already!" Benio: "It's a pain..." Mayura: "Adashino-san! Why did you hang up?!" Benio: "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to the phone. So, what did you need?" Mayu: "Given all the Dragon Spots that have appeared around the country, we've figured some things out. Their size tends to vary widely depending on the location, from really big to pretty small. And there are some days when two or three large ones will open, and some when there will be several smaller ones. The Exorcist Union is still looking into the cause." Benio: "I see." Mayu: "Both of you, be careful, okay?" Benio: "No! Not that..." Benio: "No! Rokuro, stop that! Why would you..." Mayu: "Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you two doing?! Are you driving straight down the death road of desire?!" Benio: "Right now... Rokuro is..." Benio: "He's putting shichimi on ohagi!" Benio: "Inconceivable!" Roku: "I'm tired of sweet foods, okay?!" Zen: "Big trouble!" Mayu: "Grandpa?" Zen: "There's a new Dragon Spot in Aichi!" Zen: "And it's a huge one!" Yamato: "Now, eat up! There's plenty of food to go around!" Yamato: "Look at all these Kegare... Pretty sweet. Even if they came out of a Dragon Spot that Kuranashi opened." Roku: "Air Fissure Bullet!" Yamato: "Mind your own business!" Yamato: "They weren't even doing anything yet!" Roku: "Are you... a Basara?" Yamato: "The name's Yamato." Yamato: "And if you wanna get in my way, I'll take you on." Benio: "What?!" umi: "Pull back for now!" umi: "There's no way to get to the Dragon Spot now!" umi: "You Twin Star Exorcists all right?" Roku: "Who are you?" umi: "I'm the Kochin of the Twelve Guardians, Ioroi Narumi." Cordy: "F-O-O-L. Fool." Roku: "Then she's..." Yamato: "Nice! These guys look like they'll be fun, too." umi: "All right! Withdraw for now!" Yamato: "You're just gonna come back, right?" Yamato: "I'll prepare your welcome in the meantime." umi: "The Dragon Spot is here in the Chubu Dome. And this is where we just were, about five kilometers away from the Dragon Spot." Benio: "Even at that distance, there was so much miasma?" Roku: "A crazy amount of Kegare, too. So it's not a regular Dragon Spot?" umi: "Right. It's larger than normal, and it still seems to be expanding." Roku: "Then we need to seal it fast!" umi: "You're a lively one, Twin Star! But there's an abnormal amount of miasma and enough Kegare to cover the entire area. You think you can run through all that, get to the Dragon Spot, and then seal it?" Roku: "I doubt... we'd have enough spell power left." Kinako: "What're you doing, stupid?!" Roku: "What was that?! What just came out of there?!" Cordy: "K-I-L-L. Kill. Kill. Killlllll...." umi: "She seems dead set on killing him next time! You'd better work hard, too, Enmado Rokuro!" Kawase: "Help! Is there a doctor here?! If there is, this kid needs help!" umi: "Y-You're..." Sae: "It's Kawase the pitcher!" umi: "Om tathagata udbhavaye svaha." umi: "There, he should be okay now. Only an exorcist would've been able to treat him." Kawase: "Thank goodness... I see, so you folks are those exorcists." Sae: "It really is you! The no-hit no-run pitcher!" Kawase: "Oh, no... I'm no big deal." umi: "A career total of 171 wins! Your left-handed slider is said to be a magical disappearing pitch! Kawase, the pitcher who struck out countless major sluggers!" Kawase: "Oh, well, thanks. But that's all ancient history. Right now, I'm just a washed-up pitcher on the verge of retirement." umi: "Aw, come on..." Kawase: "I only made it out of this mess safely because I was on the second string. And I think part of me actually believes that was lucky." Kawase: "It kind of makes me sick." Sae: "Kawase the pitcher! You were so cool! I want to see you play again!" Kawase: "Thanks." Baseball: "Hey, Kawase, you're all right! We look forward to your comeback, former ace! You can do it, former ace!" Kawase: "Don't say it over and over! I'm already self-conscious about it!" Yamato: "I'll show you what overwhelming violence looks like..." Roku: "What's that?!" umi: "What is it, Cordelia?" Yamato: "Here we go! This is it, right here! No sneaky tricks, no friendship, no love... None of it matters in the face of overwhelming power! Kuranashi... I'll show you what I'm capable of!" Yamato: "Now, let's get this started, you Kegare! Mow it all down! I figure if we're gonna wreck stuff, we ought to do it right and leave not a single thing standing!" Crowd: "Wh-What is that?!" Crowd: "We're done for!" umi: "Looks like a real big one came through! Let's go, Cordelia!" Roku: "We'll go, too!" umi: "Don't you worry! We'll handle that thing." Roku: "B-But..." umi: "Don't follow!" umi: "This is our duty." umi: "You two think about what you should be doing!" Roku: "What we should be doing?" Yamato: "You're finally here!" Yamato: "You'll at least entertain me a little, right?" umi: "Crushing War Stance, come forth at once!" umi: "Nobody gets past us. Cordelia, if you would..." Cordy: "Celestial Avatar." Yamato: "Nice, very nice!" Yamato: "We're talking about a hardcore test of power!" Yamato: "This is gonna be sweet!" Yamato: "That hurt... And I wouldn't have it any other way!" umi: "Crushing War Stance!" umi: "What?!" Benio: "He's absorbing Kegare to use as power." Roku: "Then as long as the Dragon Spot is open, he'll have a source of infinite power?" Crowd: "I-It's no use." Kawase: "In pitching terms, this is like going in with no outs, three balls, and the bases loaded." Kawase: "Might just have to give up..." Roku: "Come on!" Kawase: "Hey! Where are you going?" Roku: "To the dome. We have to cut off his power source!" Kawase: "Th-That's crazy! The town is full of those monsters! Even in a car, you couldn't reach the dome! Just give up! There's nothing else you can do!" Roku: "But we still have to go!" Benio: "Yes. We have to go." Benio: "For the sake of these people..." Kawase: "Wh-Why? Why go to such lengths?" Benio: "This is what we should be doing." Roku: "It's our duty!" Kawase: ""No one else can do this. I have to win it!" The strong feeling of that being your duty is the most important thing, in my opinion." Kawase: "Duty, huh?" Baseballs: "Kawase-san..." Kawase: "The ace can't be the first one to give up, can he?" Kawase: "Hang on!" Kawase: "I'll lead you to the dome." Kawase: "I know a great shortcut!" Kawase: "There it is! Go in there!" Kinako: "Right— Wait, don't order me around!" Kawase: "Up ahead, take that right curve!" Kinako: "Aw, yeah!" Roku: "The subway rails... This way we can avoid the trouble up above." Kawase: "And this line leads to the dome's underground garage." Kawase: "From there, it's a straight shot to the dome!" Roku: "That's an ace for you! He knows all about his home field!" Kawase: "That's "former ace."" Kawase: "But I guess I should still try to act like one!" Sae: "Swing and a miss! Three strikes!" Kinako: "Move it! Outta the way, all of you!" Yamato: "Come on, what's the matter?! You don't have enough power!" umi: "Cordelia!" Yamato: "Kuranashi! For one of your ideas, this turned out perfect! So long as that Dragon Spot is open, my power is boosted infinitely! Nobody can beat me!" Roku: "There's so much miasma... There's a barrier inside the van. You two stay in there, no matter what!" Sae: "Okay." Benio: "This is definitely bigger and stronger than the others..." Roku: "But we can do this!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Twin Stars: "Purify! Cleanse!" Sae: "Papa! Benio! Look behind you!" Twin Stars: "Impure Legion Banishment, come forth at once!" Yamato: "What?! What was that? The Kegare... My power's fading away!" Yamato: "Don't tell me..." umi: "Did they do it?" Cordy: "Celestial Avatar." Yamato: "Th-This is impossible!" Cordy: "Rising Dark Moon." Cordy: "Destroy." Yamato: "Well, damn. I guess this is all a Dragon Spot that Kuranashi opened up could manage..." Yamato: "Next time, I look forward to seeing your power!" Baseball: "Hey, you're all right! What a relief!" Roku: "Kawase-san!" Roku: "Are you okay?" Kawase: "Yeah. Thanks." Roku: "Come on, I'm the one who should thank you." Kawase: "Looks like everyone else is okay, too. Once everything gets back to normal, I'm gonna play baseball here again." Sae: "Yeah! Good luck, Kawase the pitcher!" Roku: "Whoa! Wh-What are you doing?!" umi: "You two did a great job! A great display of the Twin Stars' power!" umi: "Even Cordelia is grateful!" Roku: "Really?" umi: "There are still Dragon Spots appearing all over the country. Your power will be needed again!" umi: "We're counting on you!" Sae: "Bye-bye! See you later!" Cordy: "C-U-T-E. Cute." Roku: "Cute?" Benio: ""Cute"..." Benio: "Hazama Kanichi said... "Money is much more dependable than human beings." "It's the human heart that you can't rely on."" Roku: "That's from Ozaki Koyo's Golden Demon, right?" Sae: "It's pretty close to the truth, in a sense."
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 25 – Celestial Avatar - Come Back! Southpaw", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "25", "Celestial Avatar - Come Back! Southpaw" ] }
Momochi: "Some mass of bodies here, Chijiwa." Chi: "You mean a "mess," Momochi." Momo: "With this many, we should gain a decent amount of spell power." Chi: "But isn't quality more important than quantity? I'm bored of all these small fry." Bros: "Shut up!" Bros: "Oh, it's you, Kuranashi. Momochi. Chijiwa." Bros: "You're aware of the humans sealing the Dragon Spots throughout the country, right?" Bros: "They are two exorcists called the Twin Stars. Twin Stars?" Bros: "Husband and wife exorcists, whose child, they say, will bring an end to Magano. They're able to combine and amplify their spell power with a technique called Resonance, and are using it to seal Dragon Spots. They are the ultimate duo." Chi: "Ultimate? Hardly." Momo: "The strongest duo..." Bros: "...is us." Kura: "Of course, I doubt any pair could outdo the two of you," Kura: "but the Twin Stars will be passing through this area soon." Chi: "Oh? Sounds like fun." Mo: "No, it doesn't." Kura: "We have but one goal... To set Magano free. I know you two can beat these wretched exorcists who are sealing the Dragon Spots. That's why I'm here." Mo: "Fair enough." Mo: "Having some fun with exorcists should prove amusing. Even enough to amuse you, Chijiwa." Chi: "Let's go, Momochi." Chi: "Let's see what these Twin Stars are made of." Mo: "Right." Roku: "She's asleep?" Benio: "Sae-chan's such a strange girl..." Benio: "We met her in Magano, and she was fine amidst the miasma." Benio: "That's not normal. I've thought of some possibilities, like maybe she's the child of an exorcist with great spell power, but..." Sae: "Ohagi..." Sae: "The ohagi..." Sae: "is too big..." Roku: "Still, she's pretty cute, huh?" Arata: "Impure Legion Banishment, come forth at once." Kengo: "Damn it, don't they know time is money? Now I've been held up four times! That's 29 hours and 38 minutes blown! Damn it! What a waste!" Arata: "Now, now, we were able to seal a Dragon Spot, so it's not as if it was a complete waste." Kan: "Arata-san, what is that?" Arata: "It's the latest volume of the Magical Girl Bonbonbina manga! It just came out today. I bought it at a convenience store earlier." Kengo: "You leave us to exorcise the Kegare, while you leisurely go shopping?" Arata: "There's nothing leisurely about it! This is a critical moment in the story where Bonbonbina escapes from danger and obtains a new magical item! As a member of the Bonbonbina faith, I put my whole heart and soul into buying this book!" Kengo: "Freaking nerd..." Arata: "The Basara is on the move again." Kengo: "It really is him this time, right?" Arata: "Hard to say. We'll have to see for ourselves." Arata: "Let's go." Kan: "'Kay..." Sae: "Rock, paper, scissors! Look over there!" Sae: "Rock, paper, scissors!" Sae: "Look over there!" Roku: "Okay, this time... Rock, paper, scissors!" Sae: "Look over there!" Sae: "Yay!" Roku: "I lost every time! You're good at this, Sae! Nice going!" Benio: "You're just too bad at this." Roku: "Oh, shut up! You try it, then!" Sae: "Rock, paper, scissors!" Benio: "Look over there." Sae: "Rock, paper, scissors..." Benio: "Look over there." Sae: "Rock, paper, scissors!" Benio: "Look over... there." Sae: "I lost every time..." Benio: "Once you know your opponent's habits and patterns, you can boost your odds at winning rock-paper-scissors. As far as knowing which direction they'll look, observing their body language beforehand" Benio: "makes predicting that possible, as well." Roku: "That's just merciless... And also kind of immature." Benio: "This is a serious contest!" Roku: "No, it's a game." Benio: "And yet you lost so seriously..." Roku: "Shut up!" Sae: "I can't win at all..." Roku: "D-Don't cry, Sae! Y-You'll win next time for sure!" Sae: "Really?" Roku: "Y-Yeah! Right?" Benio: "Wh-What should I do?" Roku: "Use the stuff you just talked about to lose!" Sae: "Here we go..." Sae: "Rock, paper, scissors!" Sae: "Look... that way!" Sae: "I won! Yay!" Roku: "You're awesome, Sae! A genius!" Handsome Kinako: "You two are a pair of softies..." Handsome Kinako: "Oh, no!" Handsome Kinako: "Oh, no!" Roku: "Is this..." Benio: "Magano?!" Handsome Kinako: "How? When did we end up here?" Roku: "Kegare?" Handsome Kinako: "Get ready to roll! Hang on tight!" Handsome Kinako: "Time to show you what I can do!" Roku: "You're incredible!" Handsome Kinako: "Hey, I'm a professional shikigami." Handsome Kinako: "For now, let's get out of here and..." Benio: "Here." Kinako: "Man, I was freaking out back there." Momo: "I apologize for the crude greeting." Chi: "Welcome to Magano..." Bros: "Twin Star Exorcists." Roku: "Basara!" Benio: "And two of them?" Chi: "We've longed to meet you... Although, this meeting won't last long." Momo: "Your spell power is enough to seal the Dragon Spots, and we've been eager to dine on it. Which means the two of you are our main dish today." Chi: "No, I'd say they're hors d'oeuvres." Momo: "They're the main course." Chi: "Hors d'oeuvres." Momo: "Main course!" Chi: "Hors d'oeuvres!" Roku: "What are they doing?" Momo: "The point is..." Chi: "You two are our..." Bros: "...prey." Roku: "We're not gonna let you eat us without a fight!" Benio: "Kinako, get Sae-chan to safety." Kinako: "Got it! This way, Sae-chan!" Roku: "Star Armor Master Talisman, Inferno! Exorcism Enchantment Ensemble:" Roku: "Astral Disaster!" Benio: "Noble White Fangs!" Bros: "Bring it on." Roku: "Meteor Smash!" Momo: "Too weak." Benio: "Unarmed Ephemeral Lotus..." Benio: "Ceremonial Swallow Form!" Chi: "Too slow." Chi: "Is that really the best you can do?" Momo: "Were you being serious just now?" Roku: "We're not done!" Benio: "Rokuro..." Twin Stars: "Burning Stone! Crimson Strike!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Twin Stars: "Sky Striker!" Roku: "Wha?!" Benio: "They completely blocked it!" Momo: "This is Resonance?" Chi: "This is the ultimate power?" Bros: "What a joke." Roku: "Benio..." Momo: "You can't fight together without calling out to each other first?" Chi: "You can't use Resonance without giving a signal first?" Bros: "What a joke." Momo: "We don't need signals." Momo: "We were born together, and have lived together." Chi: "We're two people who make one whole." Momo: "We don't need words to understand..." Chi: "We don't need signals to sense..." Momo: "...how Chijiwa..." Chi: "...how Momochi..." Bros: "...will move." Chi: "A husband and wife are still strangers..." Momo: "...and no match for us, who are one in mind and body." Benio: "Rokuro!" Chi: "Your breathing isn't even in sync..." Momo: "And you're moving independently." Chi: "At that rate, you can never..." Bros: "...beat us." Kinako: "This is bad! Th-They're in huge trouble!" Bros: "You're finished." Momo: "Why don't the two of you..." Chi: "...both..." Bros: "...die?" Sae: "No!" Bros: "What?" Benio: "She negated the Basaras' power!" Roku: "Sae, you..." Momo: "She's no normal girl." Chi: "One can't deflect our power by some fluke." Chi: "Just what..." Bros: "...are you?" Momo: "Whatever you are, it's obvious enough you have incredible spell power." Chi: "You will be dessert." Roku: "Sae!" Benio: "Sae-chan!" Kinako: "Y-You hurt Sae-chan and you'll have to deal with me! But... Oh, no!" Arata: "Reflective Turtle Battlements!" Arata: "You're blocking the road." Roku: "Y-You guys are..." Kan: "Hey there. I'm Mitosaka Kankuro, the Seiryu of the Twelve Guardians." Kan: "And the cheapskate here is..." Kengo: "The Twelve Guardians' Genbu, Uji Kengo." Kengo: "Don't act like you're in charge, you quack doctor!" Arata: "I'm the Taijo of the Twelve Guardians, Inanaki Arata, here to help." Kinako: "Here we go! And three of them! That's one lavish helping of Twelve Guardians!" Arata: "Real World Gate, open." Kinako: "That's a huge gate!" Chi: "Are we in..." Momo: "It's the real world." Arata: "It's easier for us to fight in the real world than in Magano, which is covered in miasma." Kengo: "More efficient, too." Kengo: "Let's move, Kankuro. He who will not work shall not eat." Kankuro: "'Kay..." Kinako: "What a relief to have three of the Twelve Guardians here to help us! Thank you so much." Kengo: "That'll be 50,000 yen, then." Kinako: "You're charging us?!" Kankuro: "Kengo's a cheapskate." Kengo: "I'm not just some cheapskate. That's half off the usual price of 100,000 yen. I'm offering help at a major discount!" Roku: "We don't need your help." Roku: "This is our fight. Back off!" Kinako: "What are you saying, you moron?! And after they showed up to help you!" Benio: "I'm terribly sorry," Benio: "but please, step back." Kinako: "You too, Benio-sama?!" Chi: "You sure you don't need the help?" Momo: "Your Resonance won't work on us. What more can you do?" Roku: "Doesn't matter! Now that you've messed with our Sae, we'll exorcise the hell out of you!" Benio: "Anyone who harms Sae-chan" Benio: "must face us!" Sae: "Papa... Benio..." Chi: "Oh? That's some decent spell power. Fine, then. You've got yourselves a fight." Chi: "But don't expect any more mercy." Momo: "Don't underestimate them, Chijiwa." Momo: "They're different from before." Chi: "Yeah. But still no match for you and me." Momo: "True, their spell power and drive have increased..." Chi: "But that's all!" Sae: "Papa!" Chi: "Your partner's gone. What now?" Benio: "We might not be connected in the same way you two are," Benio: "but there's one thing I know for sure." Benio: "Even if he falls, Rokuro will never give up!" Roku: "Air Fissure Bullet!" Twin Stars: "Flame Contact! Crimson Blast!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Twin Stars: "Crimson Meteor Smash!" Chi: "All that bluster, and that's the best you can do?" Momo: "So much for the Twin Star—" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Benio: "Armored Noble White Fangs!" Roku: "Suck on this! Lunar Dawn Driver!" Chi: "Where's Momochi?" Chi: "Momochi!" Chi: "Momochi..." Momo: "Chijiwa... I told you not to underestimate them..." Chi: "Momochi!" Kengo: "You've finally shown yourself, Kuranashi." Kan: "Bingo." Kengo: "We're going after him, Kankuro." Kan: "'Kay." Kengo: "Magano Gate, open!" Kan: "Arata-san, take care of the Dragon Spot in the tunnel." Roku: "He... just opened a Dragon Spot, didn't he?" Benio: "Just who is that Basara?" Arata: "His name is Kuranashi." Arata: "We've been on his trail." Arata: "Impure Legion Banishment, come forth at once." Arata: "Now, if you'll excuse me." Roku: "The Twelve Guardians are pretty amazing... but they're all weirdos, too." Sae: "Papa! Benio!" Roku: "Sae, you shouldn't do something so dangerous." Sae: "But..." Sae: "But I want to stay with you!" Roku: "I see..." Benio: "We're glad you're okay." Chi: "Momochi..." Momo: "Chijiwa..." Kura: "Are you all right?" Momo: "Sorry..." Momo: "Kuranashi... You bastard..." Chi: "Momochi..." Chi: "Momochi!" Chi: "Momochi! Momochi?!" Kura: "The injury he received from the Twin Star Exorcists seems to have been fatal." Kura: "Momochi gave me this." Chi: "Momochi's spell power..." Chi: "Momochi!" Chi: "Damn you, Twin Stars!" Kura: "That girl..." Kura: "She was able to completely deflect a Basara's power." Kura: "That power..." Handsome Kinako: "Anyway, what the heck was that power earlier?" Roku: "Sae, how did you do that?" Sae: "I dunno." Benio: "Did you figure anything out?" Sae: "That way!" Roku: "That way?" Sae: "I want to go that way." Kinako: "That's the direction Kyoto is in, right?" Benio: "Kyoto?" Roku: "Is there something in Kyoto?" Sae: "Well..." Sae: "I just have a feeling!" Mayura: "Henry Ford said this... "Young people need to find the seed of at least one thing that distinguishes themselves from others, and do their best to nurture what grows from it!"" Benio: "Oh, really?"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 26 – Twin Stars VS Twins - Basara Twins' Strings", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "26", "Twin Stars VS Twins - Basara Twins' Strings" ] }
Roku: "Is it from Mayura?" Benio: "Yes." Mayura: "Adashino-san, you and Rokuro's exploits are even being talked about back here! You're like, the Twin Stars who are going around fixing up the country! It's been a while since you left on your trip. Where are you now?" Benio: "We're headed... toward... Kyoto..." Roku: "That's a quick reply." Benio: "I'm always amazed by her mastery." Mayura: "Kyoto sounds nice! Maybe the romantic atmosphere will help set the mood with Rokuro?" Mayura: "Woo-hoo!" Roku: "What is it?" Benio: "Nothing." Benio: "Is something waiting for us in Kyoto?" Roku: "Let's put an end to this journey so the three of us can go home." Mayu: "Om tathagata udbhavaye svaha." Mayu: "There. I just purified all the bad energy that made its way into your body." Kana: "Really?" Mayu: "You'll have a hospital exam next, and if everything looks good, you'll be able to check out today." Chu: "That's great, Kanade!" Kana: "Chiyuri..." Chu: "When I heard you were unconscious, I was so worried!" Kana: "Yeah..." Kana: "My consciousness just suddenly faded..." Kana: "But Mayura saved me. Thank you." Mayu: "Nah. If my power was able to be of some help, that's enough to make me happy." Kana: "I have to say..." Mayu: "What?" Kana: "Well, taking another look at it, that is one crazy outfit." Kana: "It really emphasizes that killer body of yours." Mayu: "Hey! Don't stare like that!" Kana: "Sorry, sorry." Mayu: "That's right... There are things I can do to help." Mayu: "Binding Hold!" Atsushi: "That wasn't enough to take it down?!" Shin: "When they get to this size, it's never that simple!" Seigen: "How many times do I have to remind you that Magano is a battleground?" Mayu: "Dad!" Mayu: "I held everyone back again..." Mayu: "Maybe I'll use the bath." Zen: "Mayura, right now the bath is—" Mayu: "Uh, I—" Shimon: "Close the door already." Mayu: "I-I'm sorry!" Shimon: "She saw me!" Mayu: "Wh-Who was that?!" Shin: "What's Shimon-san doing at the dorm?" Zen: "The Twelve Guardians are currently closing Dragon Spots around the country." Atsushi: "The Twelve Guardians! That's awesome! You guys really are something!" Shimon: "Thanks." Ryogo: "It's nice to meet you. I'm Nagitsuji Ryogo." Haruka: "I'm Kaibara Haruka... Though my family name might change sometime soon." Shimon: "I'm Ikaruga Shimon." Mayu: "I'm Otomi Mayura." Shimon: "Otomi?" Shimon: "Oh..." Seigen: "Yo, Shimon." Seigen: "Must be rough to have Arima running you guys ragged." Shimon: "Seigen-san! It's good to see you again!" Seigen: "I've been hearing rumors. Apparently you've been playing quite a major part in cleaning up this mess." Seigen: "Operational range is Suzaku's greatest strength, after all. I bet the others are freaking out, realizing they can't slack on this one." Shimon: "It's nothing that impressive... I still have a long way to go." Shimon: "Actually, I hear the Twin Stars are sealing Dragon Spots, as well." Seigen: "Yeah..." Seigen: "Those two have become pretty reliable, too. If the two work together, they might even be a match for one of the Twelve Guardians." Shimon: "I guess even you can make jokes, Seigen-san." Shimon: "Your daughter is an exorcist, too?" Seigen: "Yeah." Shimon: "Seeing as she's your daughter, she must certainly have talent." Seigen: "Nah. She's a quick learner, and she's been mastering enchantments at a decent rate, but she doesn't have talent." Shimon: "Really? Seigen-san, when will you return to Kyoto—" Seigen: "The seat of Byakko in the Twelve Guardians has been vacant for two years now..." Seigen: "Might be about time to pick a new one." Mayu: "The more I train, the more I realize how powerless I am." Mayu: "I can't let Rokuro and Adashino-san leave me even further behind! Okay!" Mayu: "Lately this has been feeling tighter around the chest..." Shimon: "Oh, this place is occupied?" Mayu: "You peeping closet pervert!" Shimon: "Stop assailing my character. Besides, you've already seen me naked." Mayu: "Um, are you here to train as well, Ikaruga-san?" Shimon: "Yeah." Mayu: "H-Hey... If you don't mind, do you think we could" Mayu: "spar together?" Shimon: "I refuse." Shimon: "Sparring with a weakling would just make me lose my edge." Mayu: "I guess so..." Mayu: "Sorry for overstepping my bounds." Shimon: "Watching you is so irritating." Shimon: "You seem to have such a low level of commitment and ambition." Shimon: "Are you really Seigen-san's daughter?" Shimon: "What do you want me to say, exactly? "There's no need to feel down." "If you work hard, it'll pay off!" Is that it?" Mayu: "I-I never asked you to—" Shimon: "In the end, the only one holding you back and dragging you down is you!" Mayu: "I'm aware that where I am now isn't good enough." Mayu: "That's why I want to get stronger!" Shimon: "Take your stance." Shimon: "I'll help you train." Mayu: "You will?" Shimon: "Your eyes look totally different from when you first asked me, after all." Mayu: "Thank you very much." Shimon: "Before we train, I want to ask you something." Shimon: "Why do you want to be stronger?" Girls: "Hey, Mayura!" Kana: "What happened to you?!" Mayu: "I slipped on the stairs yesterday..." Kana: "Jeez, you need to be more careful, you klutz!" Mayu: "But it's not as bad as it looks." Chu: "It's how it looks that's important! Aw, that pristine skin of yours..." Mayu: "Sorry. But seriously, don't worry." Mayu: "I'm just fine!" Shimon: "Please, take me as a student!" Shimon: "I probably looked like that back then..." Shimon: "This might be some kind of fate." Arima: "The next place a Dragon Spot will appear..." Arima: "There, just as Shimon-kun has arrived?" Arima: "I'm not sure this can be called a coincidence. No, given the way things have been unfolding, I can't help but feel there's some sort of intent behind it." Arima: "Don't get too full of yourself, Kuranashi." Shimon: "Let those who turn away from divine blessings be struck through with the divine arrow." Shimon: "Air Fissure Bullet, come forth at once." Mayu: "Rokuro uses that one all the time." Shimon: "You provide support from the rear, right?" Mayu: "Yes." Shimon: "This spell is useful for supporting your comrades, and since it doesn't put you in direct contact with the enemy, it's well suited for a scaredy-cat like you." Mayu: "Wait, scaredy-cat?" Shimon: "Never mind, just remember it. If you don't want to die in Magano, that is." Mayu: "Right." Mayu: "I'll try it." Seigen: "Before we start training, you first need to realize what your biggest faults are." Shimon: "Right." Seigen: "First... Your lack of confidence creates doubt in combat. In other words, you're a scaredy-cat." Seigen: "Second..." Seigen: "You don't have the guts to want to exorcise a Kegare, whatever the cost. In other words, you're a slacker." Seigen: "Third... You let me say all that without a word of protest. In other words, you've got no spine." Shimon: "I get that a lot..." Seigen: "You're lacking many of the qualities an exorcist needs. If you still want to fight in Magano despite that," Seigen: "first off, you need to learn how to survive." Shimon: "How to survive?" Mayu: "Air Fissure Bullet!" Mayu: "Come forth at once!" Mayu: "I-I did it!" Shimon: "All it did was fly a bit. That would be useless in combat." Mayu: "I'm brand new at this. You could give me a little praise..." Mayu: "Okay! That was no good at all, was it? All right, I'll do better next time! Yeah!" Shimon: "What's with that tone of voice?" Shimon: "Just like Seigen-san said... She learns fast." Shimon: "Her control over her spell power shows she has a sense for it." Shimon: "Here you go." Mayu: "Thanks." Mayu: "Did my dad train you, too, Ikaruga-san?" Mayu: "I was thinking the way you teach is similar." Shimon: "Similar?" Shimon: "Seigen-san and I?" Mayu: "Yeah! "I taught you this much. Now figure the rest out yourself!" As you strictly push your student away, while still watching over them properly." Shimon: "I-I see..." Mayu: "I don't really know what my Dad is like as an exorcist. I bet you know that side of him much better than I do!" Shimon: "Yeah." Shimon: "Seigen-san saved my life." Shimon: "No... Not like this! I don't want to die like this, while I'm too weak to protect anyone!" Shimon: "I... I want to get stronger!" Seigen: "Life would be pretty easy if crying was all it took to get stronger." Mayu: "I didn't know about that..." Shimon: "For me, Seigen-san is my lofty goal as an exorcist." Shimon: "But I can't just keep looking up at him." Shimon: "I want to catch up to him, and surpass him." Mayu: "I guess all boys are like that. It seems like Rokuro's favorite thing to say is how he'll be "the strongest exorcist."" Shimon: "No matter how strong he gets," Shimon: "he'll never be the strongest exorcist." Shimon: "Because I'm here." Shimon: "Besides..." Shimon: "There's also the man they call the strongest of the Twelve Guardians." Mayu: "The strongest of the Twelve Guardians?" Shimon: "Arima-sama?" Arima: "Shimon-kun! I've got more work for you, since you've been doing such a great job lately!" Shimon: "Is it a Dragon Spot? Where is it this time?" Arima: "Well, actually..." Arima: "Believe it or not, it's right near you, in Narukami!" Mayu: "This barrier is keeping the mist contained..." Mayu: "So the Dragon Spot is in there." Mayu: "I'll go, too!" Girls: "Mayura!" Girls: "What should I do? I can't get a hold of Chiyuri!" Mayu: "This is where she lives..." Kana: "Maybe she ended up like I was..." Mayu: "I understand. I promise I'll save her." Kana: "Mayura..." Shimon: "Don't." Mayu: "Ikaruga-san?" Shimon: "If you go in there, you'll just be torn apart." Mayu: "You want me to abandon my friend?" Shimon: "Think about this calmly. If you go alone, all that'll do is raise the casualty count to two—" Mayu: "I'm disappointed in you!" Shimon: "I've never seen her look like that before..." Mayu: "Chiyuri!" Mayu: "Risk level A... a True Serpent..." Mayu: "The Kegare type closest to being a Basara..." Mayu: "But I'm the only one here now! Let those who turn away from divine blessings" Mayu: "be struck through with the divine arrow." Mayu: "Air Fissure Bullet, come forth at once!" Mayu: "It worked!" Mayu: "Oh, no..." Mayu: "I need to at least save Chiyuri!" Chu: "Mayu...ra?" Mayu: "It's okay. I'll keep you safe." Chu: "Okay." Mayu: "Over here!" Shimon: "Your dedication is admirable." Mayu: "W-We're flying?!" Shimon: "Prioritizing someone else's life over your own..." Shimon: "That's not an easy thing to do." Mayu: "Ikaruga-san..." Shimon: "Remember what you told me back then?" Shimon: "Why do you want to be stronger?" Mayu: "I don't have any big goals, like becoming the strongest exorcist," Mayu: "The reason I want to be stronger..." Mayu: "is so I can protect people that I see being hurt!" Shimon: "You've got what it takes to be an exorcist." Shimon: "Although I'm not sure that'll translate to actual talent..." Mayu: "If you're going to praise me, can't you let it stay a compliment?" Mayu: "Wait, isn't this..." Mayu: "a princess hold?!" Shimon: "You fought well. Leave the rest to me." Mayu: "Okay." Shimon: "The only enchantment among the myriad of exorcist spells that allows for flight..." Shimon: "Vermilion Wing!" Mayu: "Amazing..." Shimon: "Suzaku's wings are not just for flying!" Shimon: "Vermilion Hawk Infinite Screen, come forth at once!" Shimon: "There you are, Dragon Spot!" Shimon: "Purify! Cleanse!" Shimon: "Impure Legion Banishment, come forth at once!" Mayu: "This is the power of one of the Twelve Guardians..." Mayu: "Chiyuri! I'll make you feel better right now, okay?" Shimon: "Don't overdo it." Shimon: "You're almost out of spell power, aren't you?" Mayu: "I want to do everything I can to help." Mayu: "Om tathagata udbhavaye svaha." Mayu: "You should be fine now." Shimon: "See? I told you..." Mayu: "Sorry about that, Ikaruga-san." Shimon: "No need to be so formal." Shimon: "You calling me that... feels kind of stifling." Mayu: "Okay." Mayu: "You really saved me back there, Shimon. Thanks." Seigen: "You two..." Shimon: "S-Seigen-san?!" Seigen: "You two suddenly seem awfully close." Mayu: "Dad, Shimon helped me figure something out! I know why I want to get stronger!" Seigen: "Why do you want to be stronger, boy?" Shimon: "I want..." Shimon: "to protect my friends and the people I care about. That's why I want to get stronger!" Roku: "Pervy underpa—" Roku: "That jerk Arima wants to meet Sae?" Zen: "Yep. We received word from the Exorcist Union a moment ago. They asked for you to bring the girl who was found in Magano to Arima-sama." Benio: "We have to take Sae-chan to Kyoto?" Sae: "Yeah! I'm gonna go over there!" Benio: "There's something about what Sae-chan says that we don't understand." Roku: "Yeah." Sae: "I'm home!" Mikage: "I'm Tsuchimikado Mikage. Napoleon once said, "Circumstances—what are circumstances? I make circumstances."" Arima: "I like it! It fits the theme just perfectly." Mikage: "I thought it would suit you as well, Arima-sama."
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 27 – Mayura-chan's Secret - Mayura's Secret Lesson", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "27", "Mayura-chan's Secret - Mayura's Secret Lesson" ] }
Arima: "Excellent work, there!" Subaru: "Sorry it ended up taking so long." Arima: "Oh, no, not at all!" .: "Finding out exactly where Kuranashi had damaged the massive Ama-no-mihashira..." .: "I'm impressed you were able to find it so quickly! That's my Su-chan!" .: "You too, Tatara." .: "Well?" Subaru: "It's over there." Arima: "I see... Well, now we can finally take actual measures to ensure no more Dragon Spots open up." Arima: "Now, what to do? Perform the Heavenly Blue Earth Ritual, which requires a massive amount of spell power?" Arima: "Or maybe..." Mikage: "It's a good thing you called for a summons." Mikage: "This may be a chance to explain to the Twin Stars about the Exorcist Union's..." Mikage: "or rather, Arima-sama's plans, if we're lucky." Arima: "You're right about that." Mikage: "I believe that he is in the area, as well." Mikage: "Should we have him bring them here?" Sae: "Hey, Benio..." Sae: "When I grow up, will I have big boobies like Mayura?" Benio: "With lots of good nutrition... you might." Sae: "Hmm, I see..." Sae: "Okay, I'll get lots of good nutrition!" Benio: "If you want something different for nutrition, the Benio Special..." Benio: "would be new-tritious." Sae: "New-tritious?" Sae: "New-tritious!" Roku: "Don't do it! No matter how nutritious it is, you shouldn't drink the Benio Special! Go with a Rokuro Super Deluxe instead! Sae!" Benio: "If you wish to grow up healthy," Benio: "nothing can compete with the Benio Special." Rokuro: "Nope! The Rokuro Super Deluxe!" Benio: "Benio Special!" Roku: "Rokuro Super Deluxe! Extra Gold!" Benio: "Don't casually add to the name." Sae: "I want a Benio Special!" Benio: "Hah." Kinako: "This is Heaven!" Roku: "That was a nice bath." Sae: "You took too long, Papa!" Benio: "Yes?" Mayu: "Hello, Adashino-san? Dad needs to talk to you—" Roku: "Come on, Benio... You still haven't mastered using a cell phone yet?" Roku: "It's probably just Mayura again, right?" Roku: "She's been calling all the time lately... Okay, I'll answer." Roku: "Hey, it's me. You've been kind of annoying lately, y'know?" Seigen: "Well, sorry about that, runt." Roku: "Se—" Mayu: "Rokuro, you idiot!" Sae: "Oh, Seigen?" Sae: "Know what? I got in a big bath with Benio! There was a pretty picture, and I learned that the Benio Special makes your boobies big! It was so much fun!" Seigen: "Well, good for you." Seigen: "Careful you don't catch a chill after the bath, now. Make sure your hair is nice and dry." Seigen: "I'm careful about that myself." Mayu: "There he goes, the secretly tsundere sweet daddy!" Seigen: "You say something?" Mayu: "Not at all!" Seigen: "All right, little lady, let me talk to the runt again." Sae: "Okay!" Seigen: "It seems you don't want to hear from me, so I will only say this once." Seigen: "There's a massive Dragon Spot in Kumano." Roku: "A Dragon Spot?" Seigen: "I know the Exorcist Union told you to bring the little lady and head to Kyoto..." Roku: "But we can't just ignore this thing now that it's opened, right?" Seigen: "Well, there you have it." Seigen: "It's your call to make." Roku: "What's with Seigen?" Roku: "Is he still mad about what I said before?" Benio: "So, what are we going to do?" Roku: "Isn't it obvious? We're going to Kumano!" Seigen: "If a Dragon Spot is open in Kumano, a place that's been so spiritually active since the old days..." Seigen: "Most likely, he's going to head there." Seigen: "The runt and the girl probably won't even be able to slow him down." Roku: "It's huge..." Roku: "Okay, Kinako, you can stop around here." Handsome Kinako: "Got it!" Handsome Kinako: "Wait! I just did as the imp said without even thinking about it! Man, this is so frustrating!" Benio: "Sae-chan, stay inside the van." Roku: "Hey, Benio, I've been wondering..." Roku: "That stuff about the Benio Special being "new-tritious"... Was that a pun?" Benio: "Forget that." Benio: "Forget it!" Roku: "Not gonna happen. You thought hard, worked up your courage," Roku: "and finally made a joke for the first time." Roku: "With everything that's been happening, you wanted to make Sae laugh, right?" Roku: "Something's weird here, isn't it?" Benio: "Yes." Benio: "There are no Kegare, despite that there's such a big Dragon Spot." Roku: "Yeah..." Roku: "And for a while now..." Roku: "I've felt as though someone's been watching us." Roku: "That was close!" Benio: "The enemy was missing on purpose." Roku: "They must enjoy seeing us run around." Benio: "But this is more like..." Roku: "...they're trying to tell us where they are." Kinasa: "It is an honor to have been sent to greet the Twin Star Exorcists." Kinasa: "I have eliminated the Kegare in the area while waiting for you." Kinasa: "My name is Kinasa. Today, I will be your host for the festivities that will be our battle," Kinasa: "where we will enjoy ourselves to our hearts' content." Roku: "You seem awfully calm." Roku: "You must think we have no chance of winning as long as you stay away, right?" Benio: "Which means that's our chance at winning." Roku: "Right!" Benio: "Noble White Fangs!" Roku: "Soaring Swift Feet, come forth at once!" Benio: "I'll distract him." Handsome Kinako: "Hey, don't go out there! It's dangerous!" Handsome Kinako: "Come on, you can't do this, Sae-chan! You're being reckless again!" Handsome Kinako: "This is... bad..." Handsome Kinako: "My spell power... can't keep me going..." Kinasa: "Those are fascinating legs." Roku: "Meteor Smash!" Roku: "He felt that one. One hit won't be enough to exorcise him," Roku: "but it should've at least done decent damage." Benio: "We'll use Resonance to finish him." Roku: "Right." Kinasa: "How was that?" Kinasa: "Are you sufficiently enjoying the festivities?" Roku: "Wha..." Roku: "What?!" Kinasa: "It's natural to assume that, since I started with ranged combat, I would be less effective at close range." Kinasa: "However..." Kinasa: "Fighting at a distance is my idea of an apéritif." Roku: "What are you talking about?!" Kinasa: "Forgive me." Kinasa: "An apéritif is an alcoholic beverage served before a meal. I suppose the two of you are not yet old enough to indulge—" Roku: "So you're saying the real fight is about to start?" Kinasa: "Consider it to be my hospitality." Benio: "Hospitality?" Kinasa: "I wield enough power to annihilate most exorcists in an instant, but I believe doing so to my guests, the exorcists who've gone to the trouble of attempting to take my life, would be rude." Kinasa: "The attacks of my guests... Their evolving strategy..." Kinasa: "Their desperate resistance when they realize the danger they're in... I believe that bearing the brunt of it all, and feeling the fulfillment of battle," Kinasa: "is the greatest, most sincere hospitality that I can show them." Roku: "Your explanation is so long, I'm getting bored!" Kinasa: "In that case, please enjoy it firsthand." Roku: "Benio!" Benio: "We have to..." Roku: "...use Resonance!" Roku: "Burning Blade!" Benio: "Crimson Cut!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Twin Stars: "World End Overlay!" Benio: "That one..." Roku: "...had to work!" Kinasa: "Are the two of you quite satisfied?" Kinasa: "I trust you have realized that you stand no chance of defeating me, yes?" Kinasa: "Well, then..." Kinasa: "I suppose it is time for you to die." Kinasa: "Do not worry.... I will not kill you in a single blow," Kinasa: "so you will be able to fully enjoy the fear and despair of death." Kinasa: "It will be quite luxurious." Kinasa: "I suppose the lady should enjoy herself first?" Roku: "Benio!" Sae: "Benio!" Roku: "Sae..." Benio: "Sae-chan?" Sae: "Benio, are you okay?" Benio: "We told you to stay in the van." Sae: "I know... I know, but..." Sae: "If you're gone..." Sae: "Then I can't drink the Benio Special!" Sae: "Let's drink it together, okay?" Benio: "Right." Kinasa: "I see." Kinasa: "I believe this is the young lady that Kuranashi informed me of, then?" Roku: "Kuranashi?" Benio: "He told you?" Kinasa: "What a rare guest this is." Kinasa: "I must show her my utmost hospitality." Kinasa: "Now, then..." Roku: "Would you give that hospitality crap a rest?!" Benio: "Rokuro!" Sae: "Papa!" Benio: "I will... protect... Sae-chan!" Sae: "Benio!" Kinasa: "I will entertain the two of you shortly." Kinasa: "Now, then..." Kinasa: "This time, I will present to you my utmost hospitality!" Roku: "Sae!" Kinasa: "And who might you be?" Kinasa: "I must say, that was a rather brusque arrival..." Kinasa: "My, oh my... If it isn't the man said to be the strongest of the current Twelve Guardians," Kinasa: "the Kijin, Unomiya Tenma." Kinashi: "It's an honor to meet you." Kinashi: "But I must say...." Kinashi: "I have met quite a number of rare guests today." Benio: "The Kijin, Unomiya Tenma..." Roku: "That's him?" Roku: "The strongest of the Twelve Guardians?" Kinasa: "One moment." Kinasa: "To cross blades with a master swordsman so suddenly... It would be like the main dish being served before the rest of the meal." Kinasa: "For your benefit, Tenma-sama, I would like to start the party over." Roku: "Wha..." Roku: "Stay on your toes! He's strong at close range, too!" Tenma: "Shut up and watch." Kinasa: "I would have liked to entertain you a bit longer..." Kinasa: "Such a shame." Kinasa: "Well, then..." Kinasa: "Good day to you, sir." Benio: "This is..." Roku: "...the strongest exorcist." Tenma: "That just leaves this thing..." Tenma: "I guess I forgot my talismans." Tenma: "Oh, well." Tenma: "Close!" Roku: "Wha—" Benio: "What the..." Roku: "How is that possible?!" Tenma: "How long are you gonna stand there and stare?" Tenma: "Hmm? Runt..." Tenma: "And Flatty." Benio: "Fla—" Tenma: "Bring the green kid with you." Tenma: "We're going to Kyoto." Roku: "Hey, wait a second!" Sae: "Benio..." Sae: "Let's go." Benio: "All right." Subaru: "Saint-Exupéry said it. "With one person's death, an entire unknown world is lost."" Benio: "Subaru-sama, is someone going to die?" Subaru: "I'm not saying anything else."
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 28 – Unomiya Tenma - Transcendence", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "28", "Unomiya Tenma - Transcendence" ] }
Sae: "He's gonna wipe out evil, with coarse red bean paste for armor!" Sae: "He'll use your tears to boil up some sticky rice!" Sae: "You can eat me! I'm salty and sweet! Ohagi Man!" Sae: "Ohagi Man!" Sae: "The fighting ohagi... Ohagi Man!" Roku: "What's with that song?" Benio: "Ohagi Man's opening theme." Roku: "Opening theme?!" Benio: "We're ready for an anime adaptation anytime." Roku: "It scares me how serious you are." Sae: "Papa, look! Ohagi Man!" Roku: "That's pretty good, Sae! I'm impressed!" Sae: "And when you do this, he moves!" Roku: "That's really impressive!" Sae: "Ohagi Man is cool, huh?" Roku: "You can do anything, huh, Sae?" Benio: "She has a bright future." Roku: "What do you want to be when you grow up, Sae?" Kinako: "It's coming up!" Kinako: "There's Kyoto." Sae: "There are so many people!" Benio: "Kyoto is a world-famous tourist destination. People come from all over the world." Sae: "Kyoto seems like fun!" Tenma: "Does it really?" Roku: "Oh, you're awake." Sae: "Good morning!" Tenma: "They can only relax and enjoy the city because they don't know the truth." Benio: "What do you mean?" Tenma: "You don't know? Well, I have nothing to say to you, then." Roku: "Hey, where are you going?" Tenma: "My job was to bring the green kid to Kyoto." Tenma: "Time for you two to handle your own business." Tenma: "See ya." Roku: "Hey, wait! What do you mean, our—" Roku: "Huh? Where'd he go?" Kinako: "The Twelve Guardians all seem to do things at their own pace." Roku: "Doesn't look like there's a Dragon Spot here." Sae: "Papa, Benio, what's wrong?" Roku: "Oh, it's nothing. Since we're here in Kyoto, why don't we have a little fun?" Sae: "Yeah!" Benio: "In that case, I'll guide you." Benio: "I'm from Kyoto." Roku: "Oh, yeah, that's right. Got any spots you'd recommend?" Benio: "I do." Benio: "Kinkakuji..." Roku: "That's more typical than I expected." Benio: "Located near that is..." Benio: "a candy store with the most sublime ohagi!" Roku: "Ohagi again?!" Benio: "You can't pass up the ohagi at Arashiyama, either." Roku: "Isn't there anything other than ohagi?" Benio: "When you speak of Kyoto, what comes to mind is ohagi!" Roku: "I've never heard that before! Can't you think of something that Sae would enjoy more?" Benio: "Like what?" Sae: "Hey, what are those clothes?" Benio: "Those are kimonos." Benio: "You can rent them from a shop. Want to try one on, Sae-chan?" Sae: "Yeah, I do!" Kinako: "Some places give you a discount or a gift if you visit in a kimono or yukata." Roku: "You seem well-informed." Kinako: "I figured this might happen..." Kinako: "So I brought this Kyoto guidebook!" Roku: "Oh, hey, the movie studio park sounds cool! There's a zoo, too!" Benio: "Riding the trolley might be fun." Sae: "I wanna do it all! I want go with Papa and Benio and wear a kimono!" Roku: "Let's do it." Benio: "Yeah." Roku: "All right, in that case—" Roku: "Who's that?" Arima: "Welcome to Kyoto! Good to have you!" Roku: "Oh, it's you, pervy underpants guy." Arima: "You kids enjoying your Kyoto sightseeing? Walking the romantic, charming streets might help heat things up for the lovebirds! Woo-woo!" Roku: "I'm hanging up." Sae: "Papa!" Sae: "Come on, let's go!" Benio: "Sae-chan, Papa is on the phone. Don't interrupt. Hurry up!" Roku: "Sae, I'll be done soon. Give me a second." Sae: "Okay." Arima: "Well..." Arima: "Not just a loving couple, but caring parents, too." Roku: "Shut up! So, what do you want?" Arima: "I've found a way to stop the Dragon Spots from opening." Roku: "Are you sure?" Arima: "I surely am! If we pull it off, no Dragon Spots will ever open up again." Benio: "What needs to be done?" Arima: "You want to know?" Arima: "In that case, drop by the Exorcist Union HQ. And make sure you bring that girl you found in Magano, Sae-chan." Roku: "Bring Sae?" Arima: "I'll be waiting!" Roku: "Whoa, wait a minute! Why Sae?!" Benio: "There are many questions to ask. Which is why we should get going. Otherwise, we won't get any answers." Roku: "You're right." Roku: "Kinako, take us to the Exorcist Union HQ, please." Kinako: "Got it!" Sae: "Aw, aren't we going to have fun?" Roku: "Sorry, Sae. We'll have to go after the Dragon Spot problem is fixed. Once it's over, we'll take you anywhere you want to go." Sae: "Anywhere?" Roku: "Yeah!" Benio: "We promise." Sae: "Okay, it's a promise!" Arima: "So, on that note, I'm counting on you to do the preparations." Mikage: "Understood." Mikage: "Still, do you think the Twin Stars will agree to this?" Arima: "Who can say?" Arima: "They seem to be pretty close with that little girl now." Arima: "We'll just have to explain, and the rest will depend on her." Mikage: "Yes, sir." Arima: "So, how are things on your end?" Mikage: "To perform the Heavenly Blue Earth Ritual, I've contacted the Twelve Guardians who had split up across the country and asked them to gather in Kyoto." Mikage: "That way, we'll be prepared for the worst case scenario." Arima: "I see. Well, that's good! And now that I'm relieved, I could use a snack." Arima: "Mikage-kun, could you run to Gion and get me some of those really cute monaka?" Mikage: "Right away, sir." Arima: "I appreciate it!" Arima: "So you've come." Arima: "I knew you wouldn't keep quiet at the idea of all the Dragon Spots being sealed." Arima: "I was fairly certain you'd show up to interfere in my plan." Arima: "Looks like I was right, Kuranashi. I must say, for you to be able to enter the Exorcist Union HQ in spite of all the barriers we have in place..." Arima: "That must be how you snuck into where the Ame-no-mihashira is in the first place." Arima: "I see, I see..." Arima: "Oh? Leaving so soon, after we finally just met?" Arima: "How rude." Arima: "We're not done talking yet!" Arima: "Don't let him escape!" Arima: "All done playing hide-and-seek?" Arima: "Return." Kura: "You truly are the head exorcist... No one has been able to pursue me this tenaciously. I had thought that with the Twelve Guardians spread throughout the country, it'd be simple to eliminate you..." Kura: "I seem to have underestimated you." Arima: "Well, thanks. It's quite an honor to hear that from a Basara like you." Kura: "To free Magano and make the real world our own... You must be eliminated if we are to achieve our goal." Arima: "I could say the same to you." Arima: "Letting you do as you please any longer will cause all kinds of problems for me." Arima: "I, Tsuchimikado Arima, will dedicate my full attention to battling you." Roku: "Anyone there?!" Roku: "Hey!" Roku: "Looks like there's no one around..." Benio: "That's strange. The Exorcist Union HQ is supposed to have tight security at all times, but there's not even a guard at the gate..." Kinako: "It's downright suspicious!" Sae: "Hey, it's open!" Benio: "Sae-chan?" Sae: "This way." Roku: "Hey, Sae! Where are you going?" Sae: "That way!" Roku: "Let's go." Arima: "Soaring Swift Feet!" Arima: "Pulverizing Lion's Strength!" Arima: "Spell Protection Wall!" Arima: "Wow, just what I'd expect from a Basara. That's some scary spell power you have." Kura: "Head exorcist, leader of all your brethren... With you gone, the stars of the real world will lose their light and be swallowed by darkness." Money Guy: "We traveled all over the place and came up with nothing..." Money Guy: "Can you imagine how big a loss this would be if we were paid wages?" Doc: "He got away again." Gui Nao: "That just proves what a clever and dangerous opponent this Basara called Kuranashi is." Mikage: "Arata-sama! Have you seen Arima-sama?" Arata: "No, we haven't." Money: "Knowing him, he's probably off goofing around somewhere." Doc: "That's pretty likely." Mikage: "I found this in his room." Arata: "That's..." Arima: "For all these Kegare to gather... I guess that's just what happens when you're popular." Arima: "But sadly, I don't have time to play with you all." Arima: "And you're too loud." Arima: "Begone." Arima: "Scouring Inferno, come forth at once. Moonlit Hailstorm, come forth at once." Arima: "Dual Skies, Infinite Arms!" Arima: "Well, it's my turn now. Here comes the counterattack." Arima: "What's this? Looks like your spell power's grown much weaker. That mask seems to be pretty important to you..." Arima: "I doubt you can pass through the barriers undetected anymore." Arima: "I'm sure you Basara have your own perspective on things..." Arima: "But sadly, no amount of discussion will ever allow us to coexist." Arima: "It's time I ended this." Arima: "That's... a Seman!" Kura: "Not all stars shine with light. Some hide within shadow." Arima: "My spell power..." Arima: "This darkness consumes spell power with a yang nature. The greater the exorcist's spell power, the more it consumes." Arima: "I see... I guess I fell right into your trap." Kura: "The real world will be covered in darkness, and the stars will vanish." Arima: "No, they won't." Arima: "The deeper the darkness, the brighter the stars shine. Powerfully... and beautifully." Kura: "Farewell, head exorcist." Roku: "Sae!" Benio: "Sae-chan, where are you going?" Sae: "That way." Benio: "It's as if she knows this place..." Roku: "Wh-What the heck is this place?" Benio: "Is this... the main building of the Exorcist Union HQ?" Kinako: "Hang on, Sae-chan! You can't run so far ahead!" Roku: "Sae!" Roku: "Whoa, we came out somewhere weird..." Benio: "Be careful!" Roku: "Sae, wait a second!" Roku: "Now it looks totally different!" Benio: "This place is so strange..." Roku: "Where are we?" Subaru: "I figured you'd come." Benio: "Subaru-sama!" Roku: "And smiley face guy!" Subaru: "We've been waiting." Subaru: "You must be Sae-chan, right?" Subaru: "Welcome home." Benio: "Sae-chan?" Roku: "What do you mean, "welcome home"?" Subaru: "Exactly what it sounds like." Subaru: "This tree is Ame-no-mihashira." Twin Stars: "Ame-no-mihashira?" Subaru: "The barrier separating the real world and Magano is supported by the Ame-no-mihashira." Subaru: "It's the root of the barrier, quite literally. The founder of our exorcist arts, and the strongest exorcist to ever live, Abe no Seimei-sama, is said to be the one who created it. The Exorcist Union built its headquarters around it so that they can protect the Ame-no-mihashira. But a Basara that managed to sneak in and broke off one of its branches..." Subaru: "See? Right there. And because of that, the barrier became unstable, which has resulted in the Dragon Spots opening up all over the place." Benio: "Then, that branch being broken is what started all of the trouble with the Dragon Spots?" Subaru: "Yep. So, once the branch is restored, the whole mess will be sorted out." Subaru: "The Dragon Spots will stop opening." Roku: "Man, if it was gonna be that easy, you could've told us sooner..." Subaru: "We just figured it out, y'know. Restoring the Ame-no-mihashira... That's what Arima-sama wants." Benio: "Then where is the branch?" Subaru: "It's her." Subaru: "This gal is the branch broken off of the Ame-no-mihashira." Seigen: "The Dragon Spots have vanished?" Shimon: "Yes, sir. While I was on my way to Kyoto, I saw one in the forest around Mt. Fuji and was about to close it, but then it suddenly vanished." Seigen: "It closed without you doing anything?" Shimon: "Right. I've been contacting other places where Dragon Spots had been sighted, and it seems the same phenomenon is happening all over." Seigen: "Then all the Dragon Spots all over the country have vanished..." Seigen: "Is that what you're saying?" Shimon: "I believe so." Seigen: "What the hell is going on here?" Roku: "Wh-What are you talking about? How can she be a branch? Sae is just Sae!" Subaru: "You two know about tsukumogami, right?" Benio: "After many years, an object will house a soul and begin to move on its own." Subaru: "If regular inanimate objects can move around like people..." Subaru: "Consider the extremely spiritually potent Ame-no-mihashira. Nothing surprising about a broken branch from it gaining consciousness, is there?" Roku: "But..." Subaru: "You two have been with her this whole time, right? You're bound to have noticed something odd. The fact that she found this place with no one guiding her is the strongest proof yet. You're a part of the Ame-no-mihashira, the foundation that keeps the border between Magano and the real world in place." lks: "It got dark all of a sudden..." lks: "What is that?" Tenma: "A Dragon Spot..." Kinako: "Oh, no! A huge Dragon Spot! And a ton of miasma! And there are more Kegare coming out than I can count!" Subaru: "They've finally come." Benio: "Can there really be that many Kegare?" Roku: "Let's go, Benio!" Subaru: "No need for that." Subaru: "Didn't I explain? If the broken branch of the Ame-no-mihashira is restored, the Dragon Spots will never open again." Subaru: "You won't even need to exorcise the Kegare." Subaru: "If she chooses to return to her place, everyone will be saved." Subaru: "How about it, you two?" Tenma: "It's something Churchill said... "You must look at facts, because they look at you."" Sae: "I'm gonna look! Stare..." Tenma: "You don't have to look at me."
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 29 – A Promise with Sae - Missing Exorcist Master", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "29", "A Promise with Sae - Missing Exorcist Master" ] }
Zen: "As of today, she'll be living here at the Seika Dorm. This is Adashino Benio-san. Be nice to her, now. This is the head of all exorcists, Chief Exorcist Tsuchimikado Arima-sama!" Ari: "You will both fight with your full strength..." Ari: "As if you intend to kill each other." Ari: "That's enough!" Ari: "Did you see their skill, everyone? Never has there been a pair more worthy of being called the Twin Star Exorcists!" Ari: "You two will get married and have a baby." Ari: "It's decided! Congrats!" Benny: "Wow! Isn't our baby so pretty?" Rock: "Yes! Those cute, round eyes look just like yours, Beni!" Benny: "Oh, Roku, stop it!" Rock: "With my beautiful baby and Beni, I couldn't be happier!" Roku: "No way." Roku: "There's no freaking way." Roku: "I'm never marrying a girl like this and having a kid with her!" Atsu: "Hey, it's the future couple." Atsu: "Whoo-whoo. Already doing chores together, huh?" Roku: "Give it a rest, At-chan!" Roku: "I am not marrying her!" Atsu: "It's cool, don't be embarrassed! Given how bad your luck is with girls, getting to make a baby as part of your job works out great!" Shin: "You two can stay in the same room if you want." Benio: "Would you please stop? I did not" Benio: "become an exorcist because I wanted to play house! And the idea of taking someone who has no interest in being an exorcist as my husband" Benio: "would disgrace me for life." Roku: "You..." Atsu: "Whoa! Scary!" Shin: "I see. You two might be more compatible than I thought." Roku: "Huh?! Now I have to hear this from you, Shin-chan?!" Shin: "If you do really good work as an exorcist, Benio-chan might reconsider her opinion of you." Atsu: "Oh, yeah! That thing you did with your right arm yesterday was totally awesome! Why'd you keep a lethal technique like that a secret?!" Atsu: "It's just like Ryogo-san said! You really are impressive! You gotta come on today's Kegare exorcism, okay?" Atsu: "Okay?!" Ryogo: "Atsushi, Shinnosuke, are you two ready?" Atsu: "Oh, yes." Shin: "Ryogo-san, let's take Rokuro on the—" Ryogo: "Benio-san will be attending Narukami Middle School starting today, right?" Ryogo: "If she needs any help, lend her a hand." Roku: "Ryogo..." Ryogo: "Let's go." Atsu: "Uh, right!" Mayu: "Okay!" Teacher: "All right, I have a new student to introduce to you all." Teacher: "This is Adashino Benio-san, from Kyoto." Kids: "Yes! A hot girl in our class! Good job, Sensei! Would you stupid boys pipe down?" Kids: "She's really pretty!" Roku: "Unbelievable..." Roku: "So many classes in our year, and she ends up in mine?" Roku: "I bet someone set this up..." Teacher: "Okay, Adashino, why don't you take the seat next to Otomi, in the back?" Beni: "Okay." Teacher: "Otomi is the class representative, so if you need any help, just ask her." Mayu: "Nice to meet you." Ryogo: "Magano gate, open!" Ryogo: "Exorcist enchantment, Purification Blade Talisman!" Ryogo: "Bane of Impure Hordes, come forth at once!" Ryogo: "Let's go!" Atsu: "Yeah!" Atsu: "Ryogo-san! Is it me, or are there a lot more Kegare lately?" Ryogo: "Yeah..." Ryogo: "And they're stronger than before, too." Shin: "We're having to perform more exorcisms now. To be honest, we're short-handed." Atsu: "He's right! Let's call Benio-chan. And we may as well invite Rokuro along with her!" Ryogo: "They have to focus on school! Get ready for the next one!" Roku: "I am Enmado Rokuro! The man who will lead Japan to victory in the World Cup!" Students: "You okay, Rokuro? That World Cup is looking pretty far off. Didn't you once say you were gonna become the number one comedian? No, I thought he wanted to be an idol and go on a tour of all the Domes." Roku: "I can't be contained within a single genre. It's honestly disgusting how multi-talented I am!" Students: "I heard Rokuro-kun actually sent a résumé to a talent agency. Seriously?! It's almost impressive how deluded he is." Roku: "Hey!" Roku: "Wow..." Girls: "That was amazing, Benio-san! I think that jump was even higher than the boys'! Mayura, you can do it!" Mayu: "A-hup!" Mayu: "Ow!" Girls: "Come on, Mayura! Most people couldn't do that if they tried! Is this mockery?! Are you mocking us?!" Mayu: "No, I'm not!" Mayu: "Uh... Adashino-san, is something wrong?" Benio: "No." Benio: "Those would get in the way of fighting..." Boys: "O-Otomi's pretty incredible... She's pretty great all around, really. She's smart, and cute... Hey, Rokuro, since you're childhood friends, maybe you should just go out with her?" Roku: "Well, Mayura is Jissama's granddaughter..." Roku: "She's like a cousin or a sister to me." Roku: "Something wrong?" Mayu: "I was going to eat lunch with Adashino-san, but..." Kinako: "Every last one of them, trying to get all up-close and personal with Benio-sama! This is why I hate folks from the east. They got no manners." Benio: "Do you sense Kegare?" Kinako: "At the moment..." Kinako: "Oh, no!" Benio: "Where?" Kinako: "Over there!" Shin: "It's huge..." Atsu: "I-Is this for real?" Shin: "Maybe we should contact Jissama for backup..." Atsu: "Yeah, this'd be a perfect time to call Rokuro or..." Ryogo: "No... We're handling this ourselves!" Mayu: "Huh? You're leaving early?" Benio: "Something urgent came up." Benio: "Please let the teacher know." Mayu: "But "urgent" isn't much to go on..." Benio: "Make something up. Thanks." Mayu: "You're leaving it up to me?! It looked like you were coming up with an excuse! Although that wouldn't be good, either..." Benio: "Sorry. Please." Mayu: "A-Adashino-san!" Roku: "Hey." Benio: "A rather strong Kegare has appeared." Benio: "I believe Nagitsuji-san and the others are fighting it." Benio: "I'm going." Roku: "U-Uh, but they said to focus on our studies..." Roku: "Wh-What?!" Kinako: "Hey, you stupid imp! Quit holding Benio-sama back, fool!" Benio: "Let's go, Kinako." Kinako: "Yes, ma'am." Roku: "What do you expect me to do?" Ryogo: "This is bad..." Ryogo: "They're nearly out of power for spells." Benio: "Please withdraw." Ryogo: "Benio-san?! What are you doing here?" Benio: "I'll exorcise the Kegare." Benio: "Because that's my dream." Roku: "I'm gonna become the strongest exorcist, and exorcise all the evil Kegare!" Roku: "What?" Mayu: "I'm the one who should be asking that! You're sighing, and it's not like you. Mister Chief of Melancholy!" Roku: "I don't know what you mean." Mayu: "Let's go, Rokuro!" Roku: "Huh? Go where?" Mayu: "Somewhere that'll cheer you up!" Roku: "An amusement park?" Mayu: "Yeah! Takes you back, doesn't it?" Roku: "Yeah..." Roku: "It's been years since I came here." Mayu: "Do you remember?" Roku: "Remember what?" Mayu: "You kept resisting getting on the roller coaster, so Dad said, "You're a man, so show some guts!"" Roku: "Oh, yeah... That jerk." Roku: "I was just a kid and he still showed no mercy in hitting me." Mayu: "But you were smiling the whole time." Roku: "Mayura..." Mayu: "Even though you were crying like a baby on the actual ride." Roku: "I was still little then! It'd be no problem for me now." Mayu: "Oh, I don't know about that." Roku: "Then I'll show you!" Roku: "Come on, Mayura." Mayu: "Okay!" Mayu: "We're so high up!" Mayu: "Right, Rokuro?" Mayu: "Come on, we haven't even dropped yet!" Mayu: "Hey!" Shin: "So many enchantments... Every time I see it, it's impressive." Atsu: "She has amazing control of her spell power. How does she even manage that? Even Ryogo-san can only manage two at once." Ryogo: "Yeah... It's beyond what most people could handle. And when you consider that she's only fourteen..." Kinako: "You get it now, you peons? This is Benio-sama's true power, and the reason she's called Kyoto's girl prodigy! You'd better be honored to fight alongside her." Benio: "Shores of Enlightenment Dance!" Atsu: "S-So fast..." Shin: "Benio-chan's got the advantage." Benio: "Nagitsuji-san?" Ryogo: "We'll hold these off!" Ryogo: "You take that one, Benio-san!" Benio: "Right!" Roku: "Here." Mayu: "How much was it?" Roku: "Don't worry about it. It's my treat." Mayu: "But..." Kids: "Hey, come on, let's ride the roller coaster again!" Kids: "Huh? How many times do you wanna ride that thing? Are you dumb? Do you wanna die? What'd you say?! Oh, I know! You're scared, aren't you? Excuse me?! Who are you calling scared?! Come on, don't fight in a place like this!" Kids: "We're not fighting! He just..." Roku: "We should head home." Mayu: "Rokuro..." Kids: "Wh-What is that?!" Mayu: "An earthquake?!" Roku: "Mayura!" Kids: "Help!" Mayu: "Rokuro!" Kids: "Help!" Benio: "I won't let you." Benio: "Ephemeral Lotus Dance!" Benio: "This will finish it... Moonset Reflection Slash!" Ryogo: "Adashino Benio..." Ryogo: "Maybe she can bring Rokuro back." Mayu: "Rokuro..." Roku: "Hurry! Grab my hand!" Kids: "But..." Roku: "Don't give up!" Roku: "I swear I'll save you! So hurry and grab on!" Kids: "O-Okay..." Roku: "Just barely made it..." Kids: "U-Um... Th-Thank you, mister." Kids: "I told you I'd save you, didn't I?" Kids: "I'm so tired." Mayu: "I was trying to make you feel better, but it just ended up being a lot of trouble." Roku: "Mayura..." Roku: "Um, about today..." Roku: "Thanks." Roku: "You invited me because you were worried about me, right?" Mayu: "Yeah." Mayu: "I've known you a long time, so I can tell." Mayu: "It's... exorcist-related trouble, right?" Roku: "Uh... Well..." Roku: "There's just been a lot happening lately... I haven't been able to get it all sorted out in my head, y'know? It's still all a mess..." Roku: "But..." Roku: "Thanks to you, I feel a little better." Mayu: "R-Really?" Mayu: "Good... I was actually able to help a bit." Mayu: "I still think you're coolest when you're pushing forward without hesitation!" Roku: "I know, right? You're the only one who understands how awesome I am, Mayura!" Mayu: "Yeah, I do understand." Mayu: "But..." Atsu: "Oh, Rokuro!" Atsu: "Hey, check this out! Benio-chan was amazing!" Shin: "So many techniques, all executed flawlessly... It was dazzling." Kinako: "You finally get it, huh?!" Kinako: "You guys better call her "Benio-sama" from now on! Got it? Huh?!" Benio: "Did something happen?" Roku: "Not really." Roku: "What about you? How'd it go?" Kinako: "V!" Benio: "Piece of cake." Roku: "I wonder..." Ari: "Behold... Can you see the twin stars shining in the pitch black sky?" Ari: "Honorable Twelve Guardians!" Ari: "I'm sure you've all heard of it, as well." Ari: "How the being that will bring an end to Magano... The Twin Stars, who will give birth to the Miko," Ari: "have finally appeared before us!" Shimon: "I can understand the famous Adashino family's daughter," Shimon: "but I've never heard of this boy before." Shimon: "Are you sure he's worthy to be one of the Twin Stars?" Ari: "That is what the oracle told me," Ari: "Ikaruga Shimon-kun." Shimon: "Enmado Rokuro..." Shimon: "The survivor of the Hinatsuki tragedy, huh?" Roku: "Ryogo's missing in Magano?! What do I do?!" Benio: "Kennedy said only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly." Roku: "Oh, that was pretty good— Wait, damn it!"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 3 – Differing Intentions - A Hero's Worth", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "3", "Differing Intentions - A Hero's Worth" ] }
Kinako: "Oh, no! A huge Dragon Spot! There are more Kegare coming out than I can count!" Subaru: "They've finally come." Benio: "Can there really be that many Kegare?" Roku: "Let's go, Benio!" Subaru: "No need for that." Subaru: "Didn't I explain? If the broken branch of the Ame-no-mihashira is restored, the Dragon Spots will never open again." Subaru: "You won't even need to exorcise the Kegare." Subaru: "If she chooses to return to her place, everyone will be saved." Subaru: "How about it, you two?" Roku: "If what you're saying is true... What'll happen to Sae when she goes back?" Subaru: "Nothing special. She'll just return to her true self." Benio: "But..." Benio: "Then her current form..." Subaru: "She won't be able to turn back, no." Roku: "So you want to sacrifice Sae?! There's no way we can agree to that!" Subaru: "Well, it's the best solution..." Benio: "I'm sorry, but—" Subaru: "You realize her current appearance is irregular in the first place, right?" Benio: "Even so..." Benio: "To us, she's just Sae-chan!" Subaru: "And what does Sae-chan think? Still can't remember your past?" Sae: "I don't know." Subaru: "Well, don't worry." Subaru: "We're not gonna force you." Subaru: "That would just make the barrier unstable, and even more fragile." Subaru: "Well, I guess we'd better use the second method." Roku: "There's another way?!" Subaru: "Soon, the Twelve Guardians will be gathered." Subaru: "Once we all perform the Heavenly Blue Earth Ritual, it should fix the branch." Benio: "There's a ritual like that?" Roku: "That should've been the plan all along! Don't involve Sae for no reason!" Subaru: "Her returning would still be the best way. If you remember, come on back, okay?" Roku: "Stop it!" Roku: "Instead, let us help with this ritual." Roku: "If it works out, then Sae doesn't have to do anything, right?" Subaru: "Well, then..." Roku: "Y-You've gotta be kidding me!" Roku: "A Dragon Spot that huge..." Subaru: "That's a true Dragon Spot." Benio: "So many Kegare..." Subaru: "When it first opened, we all performed a ritual." Subaru: "The same one you two use Resonance to do. One to patch the holes in the barrier. That seemed to solve it at first, but smaller Dragon Spots began opening all over the place, no matter how many we closed. And nothing we've done all this time solved the problem," Subaru: "because the barrier has been incomplete all along. After realizing that, Arima-sama asked us to look for the root cause, and we finally found it." Benio: "And it was..." Benio: "where that branch is broken?" Subaru: "Yep. To restore it, the Twelve Guardians needed to go to six different spots to perform a ritual. Once the power gathered at five points of a star is combined into one, the broken Ame-no-mihashira branch will be doused with it..." Subaru: "But they're bound to attack in an effort to stop the ritual. So we decided to have two Guardians at each point: one to carry out the ritual, and the other to fight off the incoming enemies." Roku: "But... Right now, the Twelve Guardians..." Subaru: "Yep. We're missing one." Roku: "Seigen..." Subaru: "The idea was to have Tenma-han hold out on his own, here at the center of the ritual, but..." Subaru: "Could the two of you protect him in Seigen's place?" Roku: "The two of us, standing in for Seigen?" Benio: "Please, let us do it!" Subaru: "They'll be here any moment. You'll have to keep exorcising and not stop for anything." Twin Stars: "Right!" Subaru: "Do you like those two?" Sae: "Yeah, I love them!" Subaru: "I see. Well, take good care of them, then." Sae: "Okay!" Subaru: "Y'know..." Subaru: "I love the beautiful city of Kyoto, too." Sae: "Bye-bye!" Subaru: "Even after reaching the Ame-no-mihashira, she still doesn't remember..." Subaru: "I never imagined her human girl form would take such a strong hold." Subaru: "We probably can't use her." Subaru: "That means everything comes down to our ritual." Mikage: "Subaru-sama! Tatara-sama! It's Arima-sama!" Subaru: "What happened to him?" Mikage: "While I was running an errand, he was attacked." Arata: "I believe it was most likely Kuranashi himself." Mikage: "There's been no word from him since. I've tried to receive an oracle about his whereabouts, but no matter how many times I try, the results deny his existence." Subaru: "What? Are you saying..." Subaru: "You think Arima-sama might be dead?!" Money: "I hate to butt in, but that could never happen. Not to him. It must be some kind of mistake. I'd even gamble on it." kamura: "You would?! Seriously?" Subaru: "You're right..." Subaru: "Arima-sama was to receive the power that Tenma-han was going to channel." Mikage: "Tenma-sama and the remaining Twelve Guardians will return soon. Together, perhaps they can..." Subaru: "We've got no choice." Benio: "Rokuro..." Benio: "The ritual is probably going to take a fair amount of time, right?" Roku: "Most likely... Not that I'd know." Benio: "In that case..." Benio: "Never mind." Kinako: "I'm picking up Kegare around the corner!" Beenio: "It's gotten this bad?!" Roku: "Come on, Benio!" Benio: "Right!" Roku: "Kinako, watch Sae!" Kinako: "I know already!" Sae: "You can do it, Papa! Benio!" Sae: "Hey, Kinako... This is really bad, huh?" Kinako: "It sure is. This might be HQ's territory, but your average exorcist doesn't fight armies of serpents and true serpents every day." Kinako: "That's why they're all so desperate." Roku: "Benio, what were you gonna say back there?" Benio: "The damage is worse than I thought..." Benio: "And the circumstances leave us no time to spare. So maybe, as exorcists, the right decision would have been" Benio: "to convince Sae-chan to return to the tree..." Roku: "Benio!" Benio: "But..." Benio: "I can't do that!" Subaru: "You're all here." Subaru: "I'll explain the details later, but this ritual's gonna take quite a while to pull off. So we'll perform it while trying to seal off the miasma from the Dragon Spot. I'm counting on you all." 12: "Om! Sumbha! Nisumbha! Hum! Vajra! Hum! Phat!" Tenma: "Om sumbha nisumbha hum vajra hum phat!" Benio: "The Dragon Spot..." Roku: "Looks like the ritual is working!" Benio: "We need to stay on our toes!" Subaru: "By now, the branch should've grown back, and the Dragon Spot should be gone..." Subaru: "Arima-sama's absence is really slowing things down." Kuranashi: "Born from darkness, lurking amid the light, let this steadfast pitch black become your tomb." Kuranashi: "When the Dragon Spot disappears, it will begin... The destruction of you exorcists." Sae: "There's Papa and Benio!" Roku: "You okay, Benio?" Benio: "Fine..." Twin Stars: "We won't go down here!" Sae: "Kinako..." Handsome Kinako: "What is it?" Sae: "Why do Papa and Benio try so hard?" Handsome Kinako: "Well..." Handsome Kinako: "I think it's to protect what's important to them." Sae: "What's important to them?" Handsome Kinako: "That's right." Sae: "What's important..." Benio: "Look! The true Dragon Spot is starting to vanish!" Roku: "The ritual's over!" Benio: "Let's finish up here, too!" Roku: "Yeah!" Roku: "Okay! Benio, this is it!" Benio: "Right!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Twin Stars: "Crimson Meteor Smash!" Kinako: "Benio-sama! You did it!" Sae: "Papa! Benio!" Roku: "That was really..." Benio: "...exhausting." Sae: "You're done working?" Roku: "Yeah." Sae: "I finished working, too!" Benio: "Working? What do you mean?" Sae: "Well..." Kinako: "The Dragon Spot's closing!" Exorcists: "All right! The Twelve Guardians have done it!" Twin Stars: "Yes!" Roku: "This is great, Sae! Now you can stay with us!" Benio: "We'll get to tour Kyoto's ohagi spots!" Kinako: "Hey, imp! Quit hugging her like it's nothing!" Benio: "Do you want to join us, Kinako?" Kinako: "Huh? Well..." Benio: "It's okay. Come on." Kinako: "Yay! I'm so happy, Benio-sama!" Kinako: "Benio-sama!" Roku: "That Tenma guy... How long is he gonna stand there?" Loud: "What is this sensation?! The miasma hasn't diminished at all! What is the meaning of this?!" Miku: "You're too loud. Pipe down." Miku: "This sky..." Miku: "It's not the real sky!" Benio: "What in the world..." Kinako: "Y-You can't be serious!" Kinako: "The Dragon Spot's back again?!" Roku: "What the hell is happening?!" Mikage: "The worst case scenario." Mikage: "The spell power for the ritual was used against us." Roku: "Who're you?" Mikage: "My name is Mikage. I'm Arima-sama's aide." Benio: "What exactly is going on here?" Mikage: "What looked like the Dragon Spot closing was all an illusion, most likely caused by the exorcised true serpents coalescing into miasma. Their concentrated form created a stealth effect." Roku: "And now they've sucked up the Twelve Guardians?!" Mikage: "Since they've already been exorcised, we can't do much to them with spell power. Thanks to the ritual done by Tenma-sama and the others, the miasma's effects are weakened, so they can resist their restraints..." Mikage: "But as long as new miasma is coming from the Dragon Spot, it's a wasted effort. If we can just close that Dragon Spot," Mikage: "Tenma-sama and the others will come back..." Mikage: "Can you ask the branch to return?" Kinako: "Huh?! What're you—" Twin Stars: "We'll do it!" Sae: "Papa... Benio?" Benio: "Sae-chan, you don't have to do a thing!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Twin Stars: "Cleanse! Purify! Impure Legion Banishment, come forth at once!" Kinako: "Benio-sama! That's the spirit! Come on! Come on! Show them what you've got!" Benio: "We're at the limit... of our spell power..." Roku: "Hang in there! Who cares about limits?!" Roku: "We're going to protect them! This town, the people, the Twelve Guardians... and Sae!" Benio: "That's right... We can't fall in a place like this!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Roku: "It can't be..." Benio: "Our spell power..." Roku: "The Dragon Spot..." Benio: "Why?" Benio: "We weren't able to..." Roku: "Sae." Roku: "Sae!" Benio: "Sae-chan!" Roku: "This can't be..." Benio: "Sae-chan!" Roku: "Benio!" Sae: "Papa... Benio..." Roku: "Sae..." Benio: "What are you doing, Sae-chan?" Benio: "No! Come back!" Benio: "Come back right now!" Sae: "I remembered everything..." Sae: "This is where I always was. From here, I protected the smiling people... The people I loved." Sae: "That's right..." Sae: "Papa..." Sae: "You really are my true Papa." Roku: "What are you saying, Sae?" Sae: "Watching you two" Sae: "made me want to protect what's important to me, too." Sae: "That's why I came here." Sae: "If I'm a branch, I think I can protect Papa, Benio, and everyone." Sae: "Look... I did it!" Sae: "All the things I hold dear..." Sae: "I protected them!" Benio: "Sae-chan..." Sae: "So..." Sae: "I'm really happy." Benio: "Dummy! Sae-chan, you dummy!" Benio: "We made a promise!" Benio: "We said we'd eat ohagi together!" Benio: "I was going to show you the best places in Kyoto!" Roku: "Benio..." Benio: "No..." Benio: "No, no!" Benio: "I don't want this!" Roku: "Benio!" Sae: "You know, I'm really glad that" Sae: "I got to meet the two of you." Sae: "Papa..." Sae: "Benio..." Sae: "I love you!" Subaru: "The little gal went back..." Benio: "Rokuro..." Benio: "This..." Roku: "Did Sae..." Sae: "Today, Ohagi Man and I went on patrol together." Sae: "And then, a really big Kegare appeared!" Sae: "But a moment later, the big Kegare turned into light and disappeared!" Sae: "That's right! Because Papa and Benio beat him!" Sae: "As thanks, Ohagi Man turned a lot of his body into ohagi for them to eat!" Sae: "When it comes to restoring lost nutrients, Ohagi Man D is new-tritious!" Sae: "I love Kinako's smile!" Sae: "I love Papa's big, happy smile!" Sae: "I love Benio's..." Sae: "No, I love Mama's kind smile!" Sae: "Let's always smile together!" Kinako: "Sae-chan..." Benio: "S-Stupid Rokuro!" Benio: "If you cry, you'll make Sae-chan sad!" Roku: "I don't wanna hear that from you!" Benio: "You have to smile." Benio: "Smile!" Benio: "I..." Benio: "won't cry, either." Kinako: "Jean Paul said, "Memory is the only paradise out of which we cannot be driven away."" Kinu: "Memories, eh? I was a hot high school girl in a sailor uniform when the Kyoto Olympics were on... Here's a picture."
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 30 – Forever Smiling - Lovely Smile Forever", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "30", "Forever Smiling - Lovely Smile Forever" ] }
Kinako: "Where am I?" Kinako: "Is this..." Kinako: "Huh, been a while since I saw this." Kinako: "This is..." Kinako: "The Seika Dorm?" Kinako: "Oh, yeah. No doubt about it." Kinako: "But... What am I doing here alone?" Kinako: "Hey! Anyone here?" Kinako: "Benio-sama?" Kinako: "Is anyone around?" Kinako: "Hey!" Kinako: "I don't care who it is, somebody answer me!" Kinako: "No answer... Wonder where they all went." Kinako: "And what am I doing here? I'm pretty sure I was... Oh, someone's back! Whoops... Huh? What the..." Kinako: "Why am I so weak? This can't be right... C'mon, Kinako-chan! Are you a pro shikigami or what?" Kinako: "Ta-da!" Kinako: "Huh?" Kinako: "Benio-sama!" Kinako: "Benio-sama!" Kinako: "Benio-sama, goodness, you sure have grown!" Kinako: "Wait, grown?" Mayura: "Kinako-chan!" Kinako: "Mayura-han?!" Mayura: "Thank goodness..." Mayura: "Thank goodness! You're finally awake! That's so great! I'm so glad!" Kinako: "What? I've been out for three days?!" Mayura: "Yeah. You came back with the others..." Ryo: "Rokuro!" Mayu: "Adashino-san!" Roku: "We're back." Adashino: "We've just returned." Kinu: "Oh, it's so good to have you back, Benio-sama! I'm so, so glad you're safe..." Kinako: "Of course she is!" Kinako: "She had me with her, y'know! So there's no way anything could happen to Benio-sama..." Kinako: "H-Huh?" Benio: "Kinako?" Benio: "Kinako!" Mayura: "I guess you overdid it during the trip with them." Mayura: "You had almost no spell power left and spent all this time sleeping." Kinako: "That's right... I was..." Kinako: "All of us..." Kinako: "Benio-sama, and the imp, and Sae-chan... We went to Kyoto." Kinako: "And then, Sae-chan..." Kinako: "Sae-chan... For our sake, she..." Mayura: "Rokuro told me about Sae-chan." Mayura: "The reason the sky is blue again is all because of her, isn't it?" Mayura: "And all the people who were sick because of the miasma from Magano feel better." Mayura: "Little by little, Narukami is starting to turn back to normal." Mayura: "We could never thank her enough, huh?" Kinako: "Yeah. But, still..." Kinako: "Benio-sama!" Mayura: "Adashino-san? She always comes by to check on you. I haven't seen her yet today, though..." Kinako: "Oh, no! Oh, no, no, no, no!" Mayura: "Kinako-chan?" Kinako: "I'm back, Benio-sama!" Kinako: "Benio-sama!" Kinako: "Benio-sama?" Kinako: "Sae-chan..." Kinako: "Wait, what good does it do for me to cry?! Benio-sama's bound to be suffering far more than I am!" Kinako: "Benio-sama...." Kinako: "Even ten years ago, when a lone wolf like me... Or a lone shikigami, I guess, was brought to the Adashino house..." Kinako: "It was the same." Kinu: "Kinako, this is Adashino Benio-sama, who will be your master from now on. This shikigami is small in size, but he is said to be highly competent in his service to people." Kinu: "If you ever need any help, feel free to call upon him for anything." Kinu: "I only hope that this helps Benio-sama's heart heal a little..." Kinako: "Man, what a weirdo, sitting there without saying a word. But I ain't some kinda rookie who's looking to win anyone over. Whether or not you deserve to have Kinako-sama serving you will depend on the first thing you say." Kinako: "C'mon, say something already!" Kinako: "Listen up! "It's nice to meet you," or "Nice weather, isn't it?" Or "Where are you originally from?" You must have something to say! You gotta realize communication is crucial between people! It's a verbal game of catch! The way you understand and sympathize with other people... That's the most important thing in life! Remember that! And this is where you say, "That's rich, coming from you!"" Kinako: "Totally ignored, huh?! All right, if you're gonna be like that... I'm the Kinako-sama who showed the shikigami world what a fox-cat can do! Your eyes are gonna be glued to me soon enough! Better brace yourself!" Kinako: "There you go. Need any seconds? Gotta eat lots and grow up big, right?" Kinako: "Done already?! Man, not much of an appetite, huh?" Kinako: "That's your main course?! Oh, right, right, I was keeping them warm for you. Here you go!" Kinako: "Huh?" Kinako: "What, you don't like it?" Kinu: "Oh, thank you!" Kinu: "How nice and warm!" Kinako: "Those were yours?!" Kinako: "Like this... and that... and this... There we go." Kinako: "How's this?! Pretty funny, right?" Kinako: "I'm just getting warmed up. When I get serious, you'll die laughing!" Kinu: "How are things, Benio-sama? Is your talisman scripting coming al—" Kinu: "Hey, come on..." Kinu: "At least let me carry your bag. It won't kill you to let me carry it." Kinu: "Man, what the heck? No point in even being here to serve her. What's this girl think I'm here for?" Kinu: "Ow! That's dangerous! Don't just space out!" mily: "Don't jump around too much. It's dangerous. Okay!" mily: "Gotta watch your surroundings!" Kinako: "Oh, you're just tired? You're such a kid! Hup!" Kinako: "Oh, all right. I'll show you my favorite place for relaxing." Kinako: "J-Just a little further... Can't give up just yet... Hey! H-Hold up!" Kinako: "Looks nice, right? But that's not the best part. Look behind you!" Kinako: "One heck of a pretty view, isn't it? This is my favorite view of Kyoto! Seeing something this pretty calms the heart... Makes you realize you can keep on going, y'know?" Kinako: "How about it? It's my favorite spot, and I'm the only one who knows about it!" Benio: "I knew about it." Kinako: "She talked! She talked for the first time!" Kinako: "Wait, you knew?" Benio: "This is my favorite place." Benio: "I knew about it first." Kinako: "What the heck are you saying?! I was first! I found it first!" Benio: "I was first." Kinako: "No, me!" Benio: "Me." Kinako: "It was me!" Benio: "No, me." Kinako: "It was me, I tell ya!" Benio: "No, me." Kinako: "Right!" Granny: "Excuse me." Shop: "Yes?" Granny: "Can I get some ohagi?" Shop: "Coming right up." Shop: "Huh? Some are missing..." Subaru: "You're still leaving yourself open." Subaru: "Is this your idea of serious?" Kinako: "Time for the pro shikigami, Kinako-sama! Ah! Huh?! Wha?!" Subaru: "Let's call it a day." Benio: "I... I can still keep going!" Subaru: "Two things I don't like: overdoing it, and natto." Subaru: "See ya." Kinako: "G-Get a hold of yourself! You're all banged up! You shouldn't keep going!" Kinako: "What's with that chick?! I dunno if that's her idea of training, but it's just brutal!" Benio: "Subaru-sama is one of the Twelve Guardians..." Benio: "And my master." Benio: "Don't talk badly about her." Kinako: "B-But... You're already hurt... That's enough!" Kinako: "See? I tried to warn you!" Kinako: "Here! Eat some of these and cheer up!" Benio: "Leave me alone!" Benio: "This is not your concern." Benio: "So leave me alone!" Kinako: "Not my concern?" Kinako: "What the heck?" Kinako: "I was so worried about you... And you have no idea..." Kinako: "Do whatever you want, then, blockhead!" Kinako: "Man, I've had enough!" Kinako: "It ain't like I came here because I wanted to!" Kinako: "I can quit whenever I feel like it! Maybe right now..." Kinako: "Why? Why does it bother me so much?" Kinu: "How was she, Subaru-sama?" Kinako: "That voice..." Kinu: "How is Benio-sama doing?" Subaru: "Well, now... If she continues torturing herself, she's not gonna get any stronger." Subaru: "That's the first thing to deal with." Kinu: "Torturing herself..." Kinu: "I see." Subaru: "I guess you can't blame her, though. She saw her parents killed by Kegare before her very eyes." Kinu: "I suppose she'll need much more time before her heart can heal..." Kinako: "I'm such an idiot! I never knew she went through something that terrible!" Kinako: "Hey! About before... Huh? Where'd she go?" Kinako: "I guess she's not here..." Benio: "Kinako." Kinako: "L-Look... I had no idea..." Kinako: "About your dad and mom and... Well..." Benio: "This." Benio: "Did you bring it for me?" Kinako: "N-Not especially! I just saw 'em and thought..." Kinako: "You looked like you enjoyed those, so..." Kinako: "I got curious about how good they were, that's all." Benio: "Thank you." Benio: "And thank you for telling me about this place." Kinako: "But you said you already knew about it..." Kinako: "Oh, you were just trying to act cool, huh?! Heck, I got plenty more to teach you about! All kinds of stuff!" Benio: "Really?" Kinako: "You bet! After all, I'm your shikigami, Benio-sama!" Kinako: "I'm always gonna be with you!" Benio: "Okay!" Kinako: "That's right... That day, I swore on that sunset that I'd always stay by Benio-sama's side!" Kinako: "That I'd never let her be sad again! And yet I... I'm so sorry, Benio-sama," Kinako: "for leaving you at a time like this!" Kinako: "I'm coming right now!" Kinako: "Just wait for me, Benio-sama!" Benio: "Kinako?" Kinako: "Benio-sama! You were this close by?" Benio: "When I went to the Seika Dorm, they said you had left in the direction of the house..." Benio: "I'm glad you're awake." Kinako: "Benio-sama!" Kinako: "I'm so sorry for worrying you!" Roku: "Don't stress us out like that." Kinako: "What are you doing here, imp boy?!" Roku: "You're the one acting like an imp!" Kinako: "I am not!" Roku: "You just were!" Benio: "Well, let's go home." Roku: "Yeah. All of us, together." Benio: "Right." Kinako: "Your tea's ready, Benio-sama. And I poured you some as an afterthought, imp." Roku: "Afterthought or not, thanks." Benio: "Thank you, Kinako." Kinako: "She seems to be doing okay." Kinako: "Wait, no! Benio-sama always hides what she's really feeling. She's probably just putting up a brave front." Roku: "There's an extra cup." Kinako: "Oh, I can't believe it... I made some for Sae-chan, too." Benio: "Just like me." Kinako: "Benio-sama... Are these..." Benio: "I ended up buying enough for Sae-chan, too." Kinako: "She can never eat them again, huh?" Kinako: "Sae-chan, we said... we'd eat ohagi together when we got back... She was so happy... We were all getting along so well!" Benio: "Kinako..." Kinako: "I thought she was always gonna be with us! And now Sae-chan's gone!" Roku: "What're you crying about, stupid? Sae's right here." Kinako: "Don't be stupid, imp boy! Sae-chan, she..." Roku: "She's a branch on the Ame-no-mihashira again." Roku: "That's just it." Sae: "This is where I always was. From here, I protected the smiling people... The people I loved." Roku: "She's protected this world all this time..." Roku: "And she's going to keep doing it." Roku: "That's why Sae is always here with us." Roku: "The wind that blows, the rain that falls..." Roku: "The sunlight that shines down..." Roku: "All of it is Sae." Roku: "She's everywhere!" Kinako: "Sae-chan's..." Benio: "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad." Benio: "But..." Roku: "We can't keep crying forever. Sae would laugh at us!" Benio: "Right." Kinako: "Benio-sama has gotten so strong..." Kinako: "Maybe she doesn't need me anymore." Kinako: "Oh, darn it!" Kinako: "There was a sunset like this on that day, too." Kinako: "The day I first ate ohagi with Kinako." Kinako: "Benio-sama! You remember that?" Benio: "Of course I do." Kinako: "Oh, Benio-sama!" Roku: "What's with you two? You're being weird." Mikage: "Honorable Twelve Guardians..." Mikage: "I appreciate you assembling today. While the search for Arima-sama continues," Mikage: "we still have no leads to his whereabouts. A continued absence in the office" Mikage: "of Head Exorcist could lead to chaos in the Exorcist Union. In light of Arima-sama's continued absence, I, Tsuchimikado Mikage, while aware of how forward this may seem," Mikage: "will be serving as acting Head Exorcist." Benio: "Jane Austin said, "Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure."" Roku: "Past remembrances, huh? When we first moved into the house, you'd forgotten to put your shorts on, so your underwear—"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 31 – Because I'm With You - Wai Wa Kinako Ya!", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "31", "Because I'm With You - Wai Wa Kinako Ya!" ] }
Rokuro: "Sorry for dragging you along." Benio: "It's fine." Roku: "I've wanted to come here with you for a while." Roku: "I felt the same." Roku: "I see..." Roku: "Here at the Hinatsuki Dorm was where I began to walk the path of an exorcist." Roku: "But after the tragedy that occurred here..." Roku: "I abandoned that path. And the one who gave me the strength to walk the exorcist path again" Roku: "was you." Benio: "It's the same for me." Benio: "You've given me so much strength." Roku: "Hey, Benio..." Roku: "Will you come with me?" Roku: "There's something I want you to hear." Roku: "Before we even met, we were both chasing the same dream, weren't we?" Roku: "To become the strongest exorcist." Benio: "To create a future where no one suffers because of Kegare," Benio: "I will exorcise all evil Kegare." Benio: "That's my dream." Roku: "When I heard you say that, it gave me quite a jolt." Roku: "But... After going through the Hinatsuki tragedy, I thought I no longer had the right to fight for the world, or the future, or anything grand like that." Roku: "I couldn't ignore people I saw being hurt in front of me..." Roku: "If someone is asking for help, as an exorcist, I want to reach out and help them. That was all I thought." Roku: "But then the pervy underpants guy showed up..." Arima: "The Miko brings an end to Magano, and the Miko is the child of the Twin Stars. In other words, the Twin Stars is the title given to the exorcists whose union brings forth the Miko." Arima: "The strongest exorcist husband and wife give birth to the ultimate exorcist." Arima: "In other words, you two will get married and have a baby. It's decided! Congrats!" Roku: "And we found ourselves getting wrapped up in something pretty huge." Shimon: "Showing an opening to Kegare during battle is a fatal disgrace for an exorcist." Shimon: "Are you even taking this seriously?" Seigen: "If you feel that strongly, then why don't you show me? Show me what you're capable of with that arm, and just how committed you are." Benio: "And then..." Benio: "Nii-sama appeared." Yuto: "Your crime is your lack of commitment to becoming truly powerful." Benio: "After you fought him..." Rokuro: "We swore together...." Roku: "Let's get stronger, Benio." Benio: "Let's get stronger, Rokuro." Twin Stars: "Together!" Benio: "Then we mastered Resonance and fought him again." Twin Stars: "Flame Contact!" Twin Stars: "Crimson Blast!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Twin Stars: "Crimson Meteor Smash!" Benio: "My brother then disappeared into the darkness." Roku: "After that, I made a promise to the pervy underpants guy." Arima: "Two years. We'll wait two years! In that time," Arima: "you must become stronger than the Twelve Guardians you see here!" Roku: "Yeah! We just gotta surpass them, right?" Roku: "Challenge accepted!" Roku: "Surpassing the Twelve Guardians in two years... At the time, I thought we could do it. Or more like, I felt we had to." Roku: "But... When I saw the Twelve Guardians fight the Basara during our trip with Sae," Roku: "I was reminded all over again..." Roku: "That we still can't even begin to compare to them." Roku: "Still... We have to surpass them!" umi: "He said Arima lost to the likes of Kuranashi?" umi: "That damn Mikage! Spouting nonsense..." umi: "I don't believe it! We're talking about Arima. He's probably hiding somewhere, with something up his sleeve! Don't you agree, Cordelia? S-O... D-E-A-T-H..." Cordy: "That's right (sou desu)." umi: "Right?! Yeah! That's right!" Sakura: "Inconceivable!" Sakura: "Inconceivable! With our leader, the head exorcist, missing, we of the Exorcist Union have fallen into disarray, resulting in unprecedented panic!" Miku: "Seems like you're the one panicking the most." Sakura: "To avoid a worst-case scenario, Arima-sama must be found as soon as possible! Where has he gone?! Where?!" Miku: "Just shut up and look for him. So obnoxious..." Kengo: "This isn't funny! Even with overtime pay, I'm not gonna come out even. Maybe I should double down with the bet I made on him being safe, and score big that way instead." Kan: "You sure do love money, huh, Kengo?" Kengo: "You got a problem with that, you quack?" Kan: "Nah... But if he really did lose to Kuranashi, aren't we responsible, since we lost track of Kuranashi afterwards? Right, Arata-san?" Arata: "That's true, but Kuranashi's presence vanished so suddenly." Arata: "Something is going on here that we're not seeing." Subaru: "Sorry, folks. There's something we need to check into. Once we finish, we'll catch up with you." Shimon: "Understood." Shimon: "If I have business in the area, I'll drop by Narukami." Subaru: "You must be worried about the Twin Stars, huh?" Subaru: "Or maybe..." Subaru: "You've got someone else on your mind?" Shimon: "No, not at all!" Shimon: "Anyway, I'm heading off." Subaru: "Well, shall we?" Roku: "It's not just the Twelve Guardians we need to overcome." Roku: "The Basara that we met during our travels..." Roku: "They were as strong as Kamui, or perhaps even stronger." Roku: "There were several that we weren't able to exorcise." Roku: "We'll have to finish things with them someday." Chijiwa: "Momochi..." Chijiwa: "Watch me." Chijiwa: "I swear I'll avenge you." Yamato: "That was a hell of a spell!" Yamato: "It's got me overflowing with spell power myself! I'm going to gather some Twelve Guardian heads and give them to Kuranashi as a gift!" Moro: "I need to consume much, much more spell power... I'm must become the most delectable woman there is, after all." Roku: "They're not the only ones we need to settle things with." Kamui: "Today was the most fun I've had in a while. For our next encounter," Kamui: "at least gain enough power to force me to use half my strength." Kamui: "Oh, you can give birth to the Miko and I'll fight them instead, if you want." Benio: "Kamui..." Roku: "And more than anyone else, we have to beat him." Yuto: "The people who can control the power of both yin and yang—" Yuto: "Those are exorcists!" Yuto: "I strive to become the user of ultimate spell power... A sublime, superior existence..." Yuto: "That's right! In other words, the strongest exorcist!" Roku: "Yuto..." Roku: "I didn't know anything." Roku: "The Twelve Guardians, the Basara, Yuto... People who are much stronger than us are all fighting for such incredibly grand things." Benio: "Sae-chan, too. As a branch of the Ame-no-mihashira," Benio: "she fights to maintain the barrier that keeps Magano out." Roku: "You're right... And among all of that, what is there that we, the chosen Twin Star Exorcists, can do that no one else can?" Roku: "Something other than giving birth to the Miko? Yeah." Sae: "I remembered..." Sae: "Papa..." Sae: "You really are my true Papa." Roku: "What did she mean by that?" Roku: "And beyond that... just what am I?" Roku: "Hey!" Roku: "Huh? Where are Ryogo and the others?" Zen: "Out exorcising Kegare. There's been a rash of accidents at a hospital that's undergoing renovations." Benio: "If you had called for us, we would've helped..." Zen: "They said that the two of you were probably exhausted, given all that's happened." Zen: "Ryogo and the others are thinking about how to do what they can, on their own." Zen: "So, can I help you with something?" Roku: "Oh, yeah... There's something I want to ask you and Seigen about." Roku: "Where is he?" Roku: "Researching something in the room out back." Roku: "I need to know something, Seigen." Roku: "Before I moved into the Hinatsuki Dorm, where was I?" Roku: "You said I had no family, right?" Roku: "If they're dead, then that's it..." Roku: "I'm prepared for that." Roku: "But I want to know!" Roku: "Where was I born? Where was I raised, and how did I end up at the Hinatsuki Dorm?" Seigen: "Fair enough." Zen: "But, Seigen, that's..." Seigen: "It's about time he learned. This is a good chance to tell him." Benio: "Should I... step outside?" Roku: "I want you to hear this, too. That's why I asked you to come along." Seigen: "The thing is, Rokuro..." Seigen: "I found you, ten years ago..." Seigen: "in Magano." Roku: "When we first met Sae in Magano," Roku: "I kind of had a feeling..." Roku: "that she was just like me. So when I heard that I was found in Magano, it was like, "Oh, I figured."" Roku: "But in the end, what am I?" Benio: "Rokuro, you're Rokuro." Benio: "You're just Rokuro." Benio: "The syllables are the same forward and backward: Ro-ku-ro." Roku: "What's that supposed to mean?" Roku: "But... Thanks, Benio. I tried to put up a tough front, but I was scared to ask Seigen about that." Roku: "I'm glad you were with me." Kinako: "Oh, no! There's a Kegare out there! And it feels pretty strong... What do we do, Benio-sama?" Benio: "Let's go, Rokuro!" Rokuro: "Yeah!" Benio: "Is this where the Kegare appeared?" Kinako: "Yeah." Roku: "I don't see any Kegare, though." Kinako: "What now, imp?! You saying the pro shikigami has made some kinda mistake?! That's what I wanna say, but the Kegare really does seem to be gone." Roku: "What's going on?" Suzu: "You're late, y'know! I got bored, so I cleared out all the Kegare that were in the way!" Suzu: "It's been a while, y'know." Roku: "You're that Basara!" Suzu: "That's not a very elegant way of putting it!" Suzu: "Just call me Suzu-pyon!" Roku: "That's way less elegant!" Suzu: "Oh, my! Do you even know what elegance is? Typical Tokyo boy." Roku: "And what exactly does that make you?!" Suzu: "Well, I'm just a humble little Basara who was passing through, sir." Roku: "See?! You are just a Basara!" Benio: "Rokuro, could you shut up for a moment?" Roku: "Okay." Benio: "What are you doing here?" Suzu: "There she is! The scary lady! What am I here for? It's obvious, y'know!" Suzu: "I'm here to observe you two, the Twin Star Exorcists, y'know?" Roku: "What?!" Suzu: "Since that girl went back to being a branch of the Ame-no-mihashira, I thought you two would be more depressed. I'm glad you seem to be doing well!" Roku: "How do you know about Sae and the Ame-no-mihashira?" Suzu: "Hey, every girl should keep her ears open, y'know? I know everything!" Roku: "You do, huh?" Suzu: "Yep!" Roku: "Then what exactly are you Basara after?" Suzu: "Excuse me?" Roku: "Are you trying to tear down the barrier and make the whole world like Magano? Destroy all humans?" Suzu: "There might be some who like the sound of that... It takes all types in life, even among Basara, y'know?" Roku: "Quit avoiding the question! What are you after?!" Suzu: "Oh, me?" Suzu: "The question you've asked is incredibly profound, with serious implications." Suzu: "I have yet to formulate a satisfactory response myself." Suzu: "In other words..." Suzu: "I'unno!" Roku: "Quit screwing around!" Suzu: "I'm not screwing around!" Roku: "Such a pain..." Suzu: "In that case..." Suzu: "What do you plan on doing next?" Roku: "That's..." Suzu: "See? You don't know, either! Do you not despair at your misfortune, awestruck by the ambiguity of the future and troubled by the lack of guiding principles therein?" Suzu: "But this is no cause for shame. If anything, these emotional swings are universal elements that give existence its conformation." Suzu: "In other words..." Suzu: "Everyone's got worries, y'know?!" Suzu: "Let's dance, y'know?!" Suzu: "Your judgment's now arrived! And you thought you could just mock me?! Keep hoping for a reprieve, but none is coming! Because the gate to Hell's about to open! Welcome to my Hell! Welcome to my Hell! Time to repent in the end! Because the door to hell is about to open! Guilty or not guilty? Guilty or not guilty?" Suzu: "Guilty or not guilty? Guilty or not guilty?" Suzu: "To die!" Suzu: "To die!" Benio: "If you don't know what to do, you should try something you've never done before." Benio: "That might be the answer." Roku: "Huh? Wai—" Roku: "Benio... You..." Suzu: "Oh, she gets it!" Kinako: "Benio-sama... If Benio-sama is gonna dance... Then I gotta dance, too!" Suzu: "Farewell! See ya next time, y'know?" Roku: "Benio... Right now, we might not know what to do," Roku: "but I think we should find something only the two of us can do." Roku: "You up for it?" Benio: "Of course... y'know?" Kinako: "S-Say what?" Kuranashi: "The Ame-no-mihashira has returned to normal," Kuranashi: "and the panic surrounding the Dragon Spots has subsided." Kuranashi: "The fools of the Exorcist Union may believe that, but..." Kuranashi: "It's nearly time to begin." Shimon: "Benjamin Disraeli said, "The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can ever end."" Mayu: "Is it a romantic episode next? About you, Shimon?" Shimon: "Don't be stupid." Mayu: ""Even you ought to fall in love once, Shimon." Dad said that!"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 32 – Into Chaos - Seeking the Past, Seeking the Future", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "32", "Into Chaos - Seeking the Past, Seeking the Future" ] }
Roku: "When we first met Sae in Magano," Roku: "I kind of had a feeling..." Roku: "that she was just like me. So when I heard that I was found in Magano, it was like, "Oh, I figured."" Roku: "But in the end, what am I?" Seigen: "Around there, huh?" Seigen: "That's where the weird spell power was sensed?" Exorcist: "H-Hey!" Exorcist: "Don't go too far on your own, Seigen!" Seigen: "Yeah, I know." Exorcist: "What is it, Seigen?" Exorcist: "Wh-What in the..." Seigen: "What the hell is a kid doing here?" Rokuro: "Ten years ago... they found me here." Benio: "Do you... feel anything?" Roku: "No..." Roku: "I thought I might remember something by coming here, but..." Roku: "I guess that'd be too convenient." Roku: "But I wanted to get a look, anyway." Roku: "At the place where it all started for me..." Roku: "With you." Roku: "Thanks for coming with me." Benio: "I promised..." Benio: "From here, we'll look for something only the two of us can do." Roku: "Yeah!" Roku: "We both need to get stronger!" Benio: "We should look into where you came from, too." Roku: "And we still need to go to high school, too..." Roku: "We've got a lot to do." Benio: "Yeah." Mikage: "This can't be..." Exorcist: "Mikage-dono..." Exorcist: "Have you found where Arima-sama has gone?" Mikage: "Please, recall the Twelve Guardians immediately." Kura: "The Twelve Guardians have returned to Kyoto, eh? Enjoy your brief respite," Kura: "before this country is stricken by catastrophe." Hayato: "Welcome home, Papa!" umi: "You've gotten bigger again, Hayato!" Tamami: "You must be exhausted after your long trip. The bath is ready." umi: "I appreciate it, Tamami." umi: "All right, let's all jump in together!" Children: "Okay!" umi: "Hayato, can you wash your dad's back?" Tamami: "Yeah!" umi: "I see—" Tamami: "Is Arima-sama all right?" umi: "Hm..." Tamami: "The older kids are saying the Kegare have been more active lately..." Tamami: "I hope this doesn't mean something unfortunate is going to happen." umi: "It's all right." umi: "I'll protect the future for these kids." Kengo: "I see business is as busy as it ever gets for you, quack." Kan: "Well, I deal in exorcisms, so having no patients is a good thing." Kan: "Still, for them to call us back so soon... What do you suppose Mikage-san wants?" Kengo: "Time is money." Kengo: "I just want to find out what this is about and get back to finding Arima-sama." Kan: "Yep..." Shimon: "I'm one of the Twelve Guardians. I need to get over this motion sickness..." Arata: "Lots of great shows this season." Children: "Bye-bye, Co-chan! Come play with us again!" Cordy: "B-Y-E... B-Y-E... Bye-bye." Cordy: "C-U-T-E... Cute." Tenma: "I want all the mitarashi dango you've got in this store!" Restaurantee: "S-Sir... Buying that many is a bit—" Tenma: "Keep the change!" Subaru: "How about it, Tatara?" Tatara: "K-K-K-Kura— Kuranashi! Kuranashi! Kuranashi Kuranashi Kuranashi Kuranashi! Where are you?! Kuranashi!" Subaru: "I see... You picked up Kuranashi's lingering scent around here?" Subaru: "Then this is where Arima-sama..." Subaru: "Oh, right, I suppose we've been summoned." Sakura: "Most honorable Father!" Sakura: "I, Sakura, have returned!" Sakura: "Now..." Sakura: "I must take my leave!" Miku: "This house has really quieted down without you..." Exorcists: "I heard Miku-sama was chosen as the new head of the Zeze clan. She certainly is capable enough. Does this secure the clan's future for now? Well, this is only a rumor I heard, but..." Exorcists: "There are difficulties with Miku-sama's personality. Specifically, she's an intense misanthrope..." Miku: "Shut up." Sakura'S Dad: "Miku-sama! Miku-sama!" Miku: "Quit shouting my name." Sakura'S Dad: "Miku-sama! You can't stay holed up in your room all the time." Sakura'S Dad: "You should get some fresh air! It's a gorgeous day to be outside!" Miku: "I swear..." Miku: "You're always so obnoxious." Sakura: "Miku-dono!" Sakura: "What is the holdup?!" Sakura: "We must hurry to see Mikage-dono!" Miku: "Your daughter certainly grew up to be a pain, just like you." Tenma: "Hey, loli-girl. You look the same as always." Tenma: "Aren't you supposed to be 56 this year?" Miku: "Shut up." Subaru: "You don't have a shred of sensitivity, do you? That one even struck a nerve with me." Tenma: "Calling us back like this probably means something major is up, right, urchin head?" Mikage: "Correct." Mikage: "This is very difficult for me to say..." Mikage: "I still have trouble believing it myself, but..." Kengo: "Would you just spit it out already? We don't have a lot of time to spare." Mikage: "Forgive me." Kan: "Kengo, you know he's the acting head exorcist, right?" Kengo: "Well then, Acting Head, could you continue with your explanation, please?" Mikage: "Right..." Mikage: "I recently received an oracle regarding Arima-sama's absence." Mikage: "It seems Arima-sama..." Mikage: "has passed away." Miku: "Hey, are you saying..." Cordy: "D-E-A-D... Dead." umi: "That's a load of crap! You're saying Arima... Arima-sama... is dead?!" Mikage: "I don't want to believe it, either!" Arata: "Sir Ioroi, calm yourself." umi: "But..." Arata: "He realizes this isn't something to be said lightly." Mikage: "Yes... But I thought that I must tell you all what the oracle said," Mikage: "grievous though it may be." Shimon: "If this is true, it means Arima-sama was killed by..." Tatara: "Kuranashi!" Kuranashi: "Moro..." Kuranashi: "It seems you've gotten stronger again." Moro: "No, it's still not enough..." Moro: "Not enough to repay my debt to you." Kuranashi: "You've got quite the appetite." Kuranashi: "Still hungry?" Kuranashi: "Follow me." Kuranashi: "I'll see that you get your fill." Kuranashi: "An abnormal lust for eating..." Kuranashi: "You certainly have potential." Kuranashi: "I'll help you grow." Moro: "Thanks to you, Kuranashi," Moro: "I was able to taste so much superlative spell power, like I'd never eaten before." Moro: "I want to repay you." Moro: "I want to get stronger, so that one day, you will have this body..." Kuranashi: "Then eat these exorcists to your heart's content." Moro: "Yes..." Kuranashi: "That was the point of opening the Dragon Spots." Moro: "Then that was some kind of plan?" Moro: "Tainting the humans with miasma and having the exorcists purify them?" Kuranashi: "Not exactly." Kuranashi: "The exorcists believe they've cleansed the miasma, but..." Kuranashi: "They've actually been accumulating it within their own bodies this entire time." Moro: "Kuranashi... That's devious, even for you." Kuranashi: "In time, they will be puppets we can manipulate at will." Kuranashi: "Do you hear them, Twelve Guardians?" Kuranashi: "The footfalls of your impending annihilation..." Tatara: "Kuranashi! Kuranashi! Kill you! Kill!" Subaru: "There, there... You can't lose it now, okay, Tatara?" Tenma: "Ahjowned!" Miku: "Either eat or talk. Pick one." Tenma: "All right, then, adjourned!" Tenma: "Everybody, spread out across the country and find Kuranashi." Tenma: "Once you do, I'll take his head." Kankuro: "Gonna steal the spotlight, Tenma? Not that I mind, if it makes it easier for me." Sakura: "I don't appreciate what you're saying, Mitosaka-dono! Do you have no pride as one of the Twelve Guardians?!" Miku: "Shut the hell up..." Kengo: "Actually, Tenma, where do you get off giving ord—" Tenma: "Hey, he's supposed to be the strongest Basara, right? Maybe this Kuranashi bastard will provide a little challenge." Kengo: "He's not even listening..." Kankuro: "Well, even with that tendency, he's still pretty handy to have around." Mikage: "Honorable Twelve Guardians..." Mikage: "I beg you, please avenge Arima-sama." Cordy: "R-E-V-E-N-G-E... Revenge." umi: "Let's move." Arata: "Sir Ioroi still seems angry." Mikage: "Ikaruga-dono..." Shimon: "Yes?" Mikage: "There's something I need to ask of you." Roku: "We took all this time off together... We're gonna be asked a ton of questions." Benio: "Exhausting to think about..." Mayura: "Well, you know, thanks to the Dragon Spot mess, several school days were canceled. You don't need to worry too much." Kinako: "If anybody gets too nosy about what Benio-sama's been up to, I'm gonna clobber the ever-loving snot outta them!" Roku: "Nah, I don't see that happening." Kinako: "What was that, imp?! You want some first, huh?!" Kinako: "Benio-sama..." Mayura: "I wonder what that's all about." Girls: "Whoa... Up close, he's incredibly hot!" Girls: "Are you a model or something?" Shimon: "You're in my way. Move!" Roku: "Ikaruga Shimon!" Mayura: "Good to see you again, Shimon!" Shimon: "Yeah..." Roku: "You guys seem kinda close." Mayura: "Yep! Shimon's been giving me one-on-one lessons!" Shimon: "What's that look for?" Benio: "What brings one of the Twelve Guardians here?" Shimon: "A Kurana— Basara subjugation order's been put out." Roku: "A Basara..." Roku: "There's an abnormal amount of spell power in this area." Roku: "Given how potent it is, it has to be a Basara." Roku: "One of them is near the school?" Benio: "I thought the Twelve Guardians were supposed to face Basara in groups?" Shimon: "Subaru-san and Tatara-san are going to meet up with me later." Roku: "In that case, we'll fight with you guys!" Shimon: "No need. You'd get in the way." Roku: "It's true that we're still pretty weak..." Roku: "So much that I can't really blame you for thinking we'd get in the way." Roku: "But still..." Roku: "Ikaruga Shimon...san!" Roku: "I want to get stronger!" Roku: "So train me! Please!" Mayura: "Rokuro..." Benio: "I'd like to ask, as well." Mayura: "Uh, well, in that case, me too!" Shimon: "I refuse." Shimon: "I don't have enough free time to spend working with weaklings." Mayura: "An opening!" Shimon: "Who's open, exactly?" Roku: "You're open!" Benio: "Prepare yourself!" Shimon: "You people... I guess I need to do more than tell you." Roku: "Sorry, but we don't catch on too quickly." Atsushi: "Hey, it's Shimon-san!" Atsushi: "It's great to see you again!" Shinnosuke: "Suzaku is our favorite among the Twelve Guardians." Atsushi: "Oh, I'll put some tea on!" Shimon: "Don't mind me." Ryogo: "Anyway, did something happen with you three?" Roku: "Kinda..." Benio: "We were sparring with Ikaruga-san." Shinnosuke: "You got to train with Shimon-san?" Shimon: "No, I wouldn't go that far..." Atsushi: "What the heck?! Man, I'm so jealous!" Ryogo: "Well, it looks like you got your butts kicked." Roku: "More or less..." Kinako: "Man, this Suzaku guy shows no mercy. The imp's one thing, but I couldn't bear seeing him manhandle Benio-sama and Mayura-han." Mayura: "That's right! Shimon, you're always way too hardcore!" Shimon: "But I thought I was actually going pretty easy on you." Roku: "You were?!" Mayura: "Anyway, how'd I do? I've been training on my own since the last time we trained." Shimon: "Well... I can tell you've improved a bit since then." Mayura: "Really?!" Shimon: "Not enough to be at the level where you're an actual asset, though." Mayura: "That's one harsh evaluation, cool red demon drill sergeant!" Shimon: "What's that supposed to mean?" Haruka: "Those two seem to go well together." Haruka: "If we don't watch it, they might get ahead of us! We're not gonna let that happen, are we, Ryogo-kun?" Ryogo: "I'm not really sure it's a competition..." Ryogo: "S-Seigen-san?!" Sakura: "I shall crush Kuranashi with my own hands!" Miku: "Damn it, I'm stuck with you again... This is super annoying. And I'm super against it." Sakura: "Absolutely inconceivable! You and I are the greatest duo in the Twelve Guardians, Miku-dono!" Miku: "Huh? I think you mean the most mismatched duo." Sakura: "Nay! I have full confidence that I can count on you to watch my back, Miku-dono!" Uncle: "Good news, Miku! Sons of famous Kyoto families wish to marry you and enter into the family!" Uncle: "M-Miku?! What are you..." Miku: "Nobody knows their damn place..." Miku: "This is super humiliating, and I'm super embarrassed." Uncle: "Could it be you already have feelings for some—" Miku: "It's done... My super masterpiece." Miku: "It's a super likeness." Miku: "Th-This is... something I made on a whim... Yeah, I based it on you..." Miku: "D-Don't get the wrong idea, though! It's my humble thanks for the loyalty you've shown..." Sakura Dad: "Miku-sama!" Sakura Dad: "Miku-sama! You've been chosen as the Daion of the Twelve Guardians! I'm so happy for you!" Miku: "Y-Yeah... There's actually something I wanted to talk to you about..." Sakura Dad: "Miku-sama! There's something I need to tell you, as well!" Miku: "Go on, then. Though unworthy, I have fallen in love with a daughter of the Sada clan, and will be formally marrying her soon!" Miku: "I see." Miku: "Well, congratulations." Miku: "I'm... so glad for you." Sakura: "Miku-dono!" Sakura: "What's the matter?! Your face has turned red!" Sakura: "Have you caught a cold?! You need to be health-conscious!" Miku: "Shut up. It's nothing." Sakura: "Is that you, Kuranashi?!" Moro: "Twelve Guardians... Daion and Rikugo, eh? Such a mellow aroma... I can't wait to get a taste." Miku: "You're... Moro!" Sakura: "Moro?" Sakura: "This is my father's killer?!" Sakura'S Dad: "Miku-sama..." Sakura'S Dad: "My daughter... Please, look after Sakura." Miku: "Of course. I'll keep her safe." Miku: "With my life, if I have to." Sakura Dad: "Thank you... so much." Miku: "You will pay!" Sakura: "You're the one..." Sakura: "My father's..." Sakura: "I'll kill you myself, you monster!" Miku: "Idiot! Don't just rush in!" Sakura: "Miku-dono! Excellent news! Somerset Maugham said, "The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned!"" Miku: "Wait, how the hell is that good news?"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 33 – The Master Repays a Favor - I Want You To Eat Me", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "33", "The Master Repays a Favor - I Want You To Eat Me" ] }
Miku: "You want to avenge your dad?" Sakura: "Yeah!" Miku: "Pipe down. A brat like you could never manage that. That Basara... Moro is seriously strong. It's seriously impossible. It'd be super crazy." Sakura: "I'll get stronger! I'm going to train a bunch and become one of the Twelve Managers!" Miku: "It's not "managers," you knucklehead." Sakura: "I'm gonna be one! I swear!" Miku: "Tsk... You're super obnoxious... You're as overbearing as he was." Miku: "Two things: I want to avenge your dad, too. You don't get dibs. If we do this, we do it together." Sakura: "Okay! Got it!" Miku: "And the other thing... Do something about the way you talk. It's super irritating." Sakura: "Got it!" Miku: "Tsk..." Miku: "Tsk! Why are you getting so heated up on your own?!" Miku: "And who the hell are you? Out of the way, damn it!" Moro: "Such bloodlust... You want to kill me so badly, you can't stand it, don't you?" Moro: "I wonder... Have we met before?" Sakura: "No! But I know of you! You are my father's killer!" Moro: "I am?" Sakura: "Twenty years ago, my father was killed by your hand! I have not once forgotten the name "Moro" in the time since! I am Sada Sakura, Rikugo of the Twelve Guardians! In my late father's place, I will now strike you down!" Sakura: "Prepare to die!" Moro: "I see... I appreciate the detailed explanation. Sadly, though, I don't really recall your father at all." Moro: "I've killed and devoured no small number of humans, you see." Moro: "I must say, though, I wasn't expecting such a delectable treat!" Moro: "It frustrates you, doesn't it? Being beaten, with no recourse, by the target of your vengeance..." Moro: "It's infuriating, isn't it?" Moro: "Come, now, look more closely before you attack. Your father's killer is right here." Sakura: "I'll kill you! I will kill you!" Moro: "More... I want you even angrier. Let that rage amplify your spell power. And that power, once plump enough," Moro: "will be at its peak of flavor." Moro: "You should be nice and flavorful by now." Moro: "Let's have a little taste..." Moro: "What was that?" Miku: "Don't get so full of yourself," Miku: "you freak!" Moro: "Such petty tricks—" Sakura: "Miku-dono..." Miku: "How many millions of times must I tell you not to let your emotions control you? You knucklehead." Sakura: "But..." Miku: "But nothing." Miku: "You just made this harder. You're a serious pain. And a serious disappointment. Sit there and cool your head a little." Miku: "You're not the only one who wants revenge." Moro: "Don't interrupt my meal, little girl!" Moro: "Move!" Miku: "You call me a little girl, and them, dolls. Making judgments based on appearances is super foolish. Super moronic." Moro: "You—" Miku: "I bet you don't remember, do you?" Miku: "I was there, too, you know." Miku: "Looks like I can finally avenge you. So annoying... Your resistance is super pathetic, and super futile." Miku: "Sakura!" Miku: "Sakura!" Moro: "You sounded quite full of yourself earlier, little girl." Moro: "Trying to lecture me... Just who do you think you are?" Moro: "Show some respect!" Sakura: "M-Miku-dono!" Miku: "Get out of here already, knucklehead!" Moro: "Fool! Neither of you are going anywhere! I intend to eat both of you, after all." Miku: "I don't think so!" Moro: "What is this?!" Moro: "So, they fled..." Moro: "No... This tempting aroma... They're still here." Moro: "The Twelve Guardians are said to be the greatest exorcists... I wonder just how lovely they'll taste. Soon... I want to eat them soon!" Miku: "Damn it, why the hell am I carrying you like this?" Miku: "Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Miku: "I'm sorry." Miku: "I swore to protect you, but now..." Dad: "Miku-sama! Take a look! This is my daughter, Sakura!" Miku: "Sakura, eh? That's a good name." Dad: "I will raise her to be beautiful and strong like you, Miku-sama!" Miku: "I-Idiot! What are you saying?!" Dad: "If Sakura became a fine exorcist like you... As her parent, I could feel no greater joy!" Miku: "Tsk... You're seriously annoying. And a serious pain." Dad: "I-I'm so sorry for Sakura's rudeness!" Miku: "Super annoying..." Sakura: "Miku-dono!" Miku: "You're awake?" Sakura: "I was dreaming..." Sakura: "You were carrying me on your back." Miku: "That wasn't a dream. Damn it, it's like your body is the only thing that's grown." Sakura: "Is that so?" Sakura: "It felt as if I was being carried by my honorable mother." Miku: "Wh-What are you saying, you idiot?!" Sakura: "But, Miku-dono, you have trained and guided me to this point. To me, you are not unlike a second mother—" Miku: "Idiot!" Sakura: "I... I apologize..." Miku: "Don't apologize to me! Save it for your parents." Miku: "They were deeply in love." Miku: "And you were the result of that love. It's seriously rude to think of me as your mother. And seriously insulting to them, you knucklehead!" Sakura: "I am sorry." Miku: "She's going wild. What do you want to do? If you can't fight, return to the real world on your own." Sakura: "Wh-What nonsense is that?! After finally coming face-to-face with the target of my vengeance, how can I flee in shame?!" Miku: "But you saw the kind of power she has... If you fight carelessly like you were before, you have no chance." Sakura: "I understand!" Miku: "What, then?" Sakura: "Please, command me! I shall abide by your strategy! Because Miku-dono and I are the greatest duo among the Twelve Guardians!" Miku: "I told you we're more like the most mismatched duo..." Miku: "Okay, together, we're gonna bring her down, no matter what!" Moro: "Where are you hiding?!" Moro: "Show yourselves, now! My hunger's about to reach its limit!" Miku: "You are one loud woman." Miku: "It's a serious nuisance. And seriously annoying." Moro: "There you are! I've been waiting. Where's the other one?" Miku: "I can more than handle you on my own." Miku: "Daion Crystal Talisman!" Miku: "Shadow Burial of Grand Jest: Divine Enchantment!" Moro: "Remarkable..." Miku: "Are you ready for round two?" Moro: "What is that thing? Are you some sort of clown now?" Moro: "Do you really think you can beat me with that thing?" Miku: "I warned you... Judging things by appearance makes you a moron." Moro: "What is this?! Where is this strength coming from?!" Miku: "The spell power you get from consuming others is nothing compared to the kind that is developed through hard training!" Moro: "Damn you!" Miku: "You rely too much on brute force, idiot." Miku: "You're not versatile enough." Moro: "I'll eat you! I'm going to devour you down to the last bone!" Moro: "Brace yourself, little girl!" Moro: "I can feel the sensation running through my flesh..." Miku: "Got you." Miku: "Do it, Sakura!" Moro: "Damned little girl..." Miku: "I'm the oldest of the Twelve Guardians." Miku: "How long are you going to treat me like a child? To repeat what you said to me earlier..." Miku: "Show some respect!" Moro: "Damn you..." Moro: "I won't lose! For Kuranashi's sake, I cannot lose this battle!" Miku: "The moment you appeared before us," Miku: "it was already over for you!" Moro: "What is this?!" Miku: "Now, Sakura! It's time to achieve your dream!" Sakura: "Right!" Miku: "It's over." Miku: "Sorry to keep you waiting so long..." Sakura: "Miku-dono!" Sakura: "Miku-dono! We've done it! We did it!" Miku: "You did okay—" Sakura: "Miku-dono!" Miku: "Put me down, idiot! I can walk on my own!" Sakura: "Do not overextend yourself! It is no trouble for me to simply carry you, Miku-dono!" Miku: "Tsk. This is super weird... and super lame." Sakura: "We are the greatest duo in the Twelve Guardians!" Sakura: "We shall never part, Miku-dono!" Miku: "I keep telling you we're mismatched, knucklehead." Moro: "Kura...nashi..." Moro: "Kuranashi..." Kura: "I'm sorry I was too late, Moro." Kura: "I will avenge you." Moro: "Eat... Please..." Moro: "Take me... Go on." Moro: "I'm a bit... dirty, but..." Kura: "Don't worry about it." Kura: "You are as beautiful as you've always been." Moro: "Oh, I'm so glad." Moro: "I can finally... become yours." Kura: "Moro..." Kura: "You will live on inside me for eternity. From there, you can watch," Kura: "as we seek what lies beyond the darkness." Roku: ""Abe no Seimei..." Roku: "The most powerful exorcist, who served the Imperial Court. Eliminated monsters that threatened the people," Roku: "and tried to lead society in the right direction. The founder of the Exorcist Union."" Benio: "He's also the one who created the Ame-no-mihashira." Benio: "A lot about him remains a mystery. But the world isn't choked with the miasma of Magano, and people can live in safety..." Benio: "That's thanks to Seimei." Roku: "The more I look into him, the more his awesomeness seems overwhelming." Benio: "Seimei's ideal was for all Kegare to be exorcised and the world to be filled with love." Benio: "That's the ideal world that all exorcists hope for." Roku: "We can't let it be just an ideal." Roku: "We have to make it reality ourselves." Roku: "That's what Seimei would've wanted, after all." Benio: "Right." Shimizu: "Take care of things while I'm gone." Husband: "Are you all right? You look a bit pale." Son: "Having to go out at this hour... Being an exorcist is rough." Daughter: "Take care." Kinako: "What? What the..." Benio: "Rokuro!" Kinako: "What? What is it?" Benio: "Rokuro!" Roku: "One more time..." Seigen: "I said I'd only humor you once. See ya." Roku: "I guess I'm still no match for him..." Benio: "Rokuro! Why would you do this alone?" Roku: "I have to get stronger..." Roku: "Or it'll never be more than an ideal." Benio: "You can't do it alone." Benio: "Let's get stronger together." Roku: "Benio..." Mayura: "Good morning! Time for school!" Mayura: "What are you doing so early in the day?! You hot-and-heavy married prep school students!" Roku: "Okay, that makes no sense!" Mayu: "Oh, Dad was training you?" Roku: "He's definitely a former member of the Twelve Guardians. I couldn't even get him to breathe hard." Seigen: "First thing in the morning, and you're already a pain in the neck. Only once, got it? I don't feel like humoring you any more than that." Roku: "Got it! Come on, Seigen!" Seigen: "That was your one shot. See ya." Roku: "I'm not done yet! Not even close!" Seimei: "Are you gonna take responsibility if I'm late for breakfast with Yukari, punk?" Roku: "That's more like it!" Roku: "I thought I'd gotten a bit stronger, but it was nowhere near enough." Mayura: "He's that much stronger than even you?" Benio: "We need to get stronger, or they won't even consider us an asset." Benio: "We have a long way to go." Girls: "Hey, hey, Mayura! Did you hear? Someone's transferring into our class!" Everybody: "A transfer student?" Roku: "What?!" Teacher: "This is the transfer student, Ikaruga Shimon-kun." Roku: "Why the heck are you transferring into our class now?!" Roku: "Besides, aren't you older than us?!" Roku: "I-I see. I guess your grades were so bad, you..." Shimon: "That's obviously not the case. The subjugation of that Basara is a part of it, but my primary objective is to guard the Twin Stars." Mayura: "Guard?" Roku: "Us?! Why?!" Benio: "Then we're not even strong enough to defend ourselves?" Benio: "This is humiliating!" Shimon: "I'm just following orders from above." Shimon: "The Twin Stars are a bit like the Exorcist Union's secret weapon. They just don't want anything to happen to you." Roku: "This is pathetic!" Shimon: "Since I was ordered to, I intend to protect you. But if you can't protect yourselves, I won't accept the two of you as the Twin Stars." Roku: "Sounds good to me! Then you're gonna be one of our classmates for a while, right? In that case, you've gotta train me in our free time!" Shimon: "This again? I refuse." Roku: "Why?!" Shimon: "I'm busy." Roku: "Wait, Shimon!" Shimon: "Don't talk to me like that. We're not friends." Shimon: "I don't have time to spend on you two." Shimon: "This sensation... Something is coming." Exorcists: "What happened to Kirigamine-san? No word yet." Exorcists: "The other officers, too... They've been missing since last night. Kumashiro-san's missing, too." Exorcists: "Did you find the branch head? No! I couldn't find anyone!" Exorcists: "We can't contact them!" Exorcists: "What are they doing?" Exorcists: "What do we do? We can't reach any of them!" Exorcists: "So find them!" Kuranashi: "Henry Shaw wrote, "Solitude is a good place to visit, but a poor place to stay."" Benio: "Who are you?! And why is your reading of that quote so classy?"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 34 – The Greatest Duo?! - Wachi vs Washi & Watashi", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "34", "The Greatest Duo?! - Wachi vs Washi & Watashi" ] }
Chijiwa: "Let's cut one as a demonstration." Roku: "Shimon!" Chijiwa: "That's better." Shimon: "I will not be threatened by a Basara!" Shimon: "Even if it costs me my life!" Roku: "You idiot!" Roku: "Even to protect something, there's no such thing as an acceptable sacrifice!" Shimon: "Enmado, you and I are going to exorcise that Basara." Roku: "Yeah!" Chijiwa: "I'll tear both of you to shreds!" Chijiwa: "Why?! Why, why, why?! Why were you able to beat Momochi?!" Roku: "Now!" Shimon: "Golden Winged Extreme Impact!" Shimon: "Cleanse! Purify!" Roku: "Go, Shimon!" Shimon: "Come forth at once!" Arata: "The Naniwa branch office in Kansai is an empty shell. The exorcists have vanished. For so many exorcists to disappear all at once, and with no traces left behind..." Kuranashi: "It's nearly time..." Kuranashi: "Soon, the bell that tolls for the end of the real world will ring." Subaru: "Honorable and wise Izanagi no Okami, who took to the divine river's waters to be cleansed, and through purification by those waters was given life, the Haraedo no Okami goddesses... Wherever the touch of evil creates impurity, I humbly and earnestly call upon you to purify and cleanse in your grandeur." Subaru: "This really ain't good." Mayu: "Man! What was that?" Mayu: "Shimon just got here, and they already call him back..." Benio: "He can't ignore orders from the Exorcist Union." Roku: "If you want someone to train with, I'm here, Mayura." Mayu: "Th-That's not what I mean..." Mayu: "He could've at least eaten before he left, since we made dinner." Kinako: "Is that what's really bothering you?" Roku: "What is going on here, Seigen?" Roku: "Did something happen again?" Seigen: "I dunno. If that were the case, wouldn't there be some kind of official notice? If there hasn't been one, that means it's got nothing to do with you guys." Mayu: "Nothing to do with us? But that's..." Mayu: "Rokuro?" Roku: "It's true, though. The thing that we need to focus on..." Benio: "...is becoming strong exorcists. So that no matter what happens, we can handle it." Roku: "We can't let Shimon and the other Twelve Guardians show us up!" Benio: "Right." Mayu: "Almost feels like I'm jealous of the mind-and-soul-sharing newlyweds over here..." Harada: "Good morning, Adashino-san." Benio: "Good morning." Roku: "I overdid it... My whole body is creaking." Benio: "And it's still so early... Pathetic." Roku: "What the..." Mayu: "Is that a..." Benio: "...love letter?" Mayu: "It finally happened! Since he started high school, Rokuro's popularity with the girls has been on the rise." Benio: "Really?" Mayu: "So, what now? You have to give a proper answer, y'know." Roku: "I-I know." Shimon: "We're gathering in a place like this?" Subaru: "Sorry we're late." Subaru: "We've had our hands full researching some things." Mikage: "The rest of Twelve Guardians are on their way back here, as well." Shimon: "What is going on here, Mikage-san? What has warranted the assembling of the Twelve Guardians?" Mikage: "It is in the process of happening." Mikage: "Quietly, but certainly..." Subaru: "Look here." Shimon: "What is this?" Subaru: "Each of these points" Subaru: "is a potent collection of spell power." Benio: "This really isn't right." Benio: "It's infringing on his privacy..." Mayu: "But I have to see what Rokuro is going to say to the girl who sent the love letter! I have an obligation as his childhood friend! You're curious, too, aren't you?" Benio: "I..." Benio: "Not really..." Chiaki: "Rokuro-kun!" Chiaki: "Please..." Chiaki: "Go out with me!" Chiaki: "Please!" Roku: "Look, you may have forgotten this... But a long time ago, you rejected me and I was kind of crushed, remember?" Chiaki: "I'm sorry about back then. But you're so much cooler now. Almost like a different person..." Roku: "W-Well, thanks..." Chiaki: "And I like the way you always try your hardest, Rokuro-kun." Benio: "He's always been that way..." Chiaki: "Before I realized it, I found myself always looking your way. Seeing you work hard is what helped me decide to do my best for the inter-high competition." Chiaki: "So..." Roku: "L-Listen..." Mayu: "Rokuro's got a weakness for stuff like that." Mayu: "And Chiaki has always been in his strike zone." Benio: "Strike... zone..." Chiaki: "Rokuro-kun!" Roku: "N-No..." Roku: "I mean..." Roku: "Sorry! I'm sorry, but I can't go out with you." Chiaki: "Is there... another girl you like?" Roku: "I..." Benio: "Rokuro..." Roku: "Benio? Mayura?!" Mayu: "Uh, well..." Shimon: "When was this put here?" Subaru: "Good question. Before we realized it, all this wicked spell power had built up in the Tokyo area." Mikage: "It may have been set up this way intentionally from the start. Starting with the damage to the Ame-no-mihashira, the incidents involving the Dragon Spots, and now, the missing exorcists all around the country..." Mikage: "We were so distracted by all this that we didn't even notice this ritual." Shimon: "Ritual?" Subaru: "These clusters of spell power aren't just popping up randomly. At the center is..." Shimon: "Narukami! Then the strange feeling I was getting..." Shimon: "And Chijiwa's attack was part of the diversion, too?" Subaru: "And the only one who could arrange such a grand scheme..." Tatara: "Kuranashi..." Tatara: "Kuranashi!" Salaryman: "What the? Hello?" Shimon: "There's a barrier around Narukami?!" Subaru: "A barrier big enough to surround an entire town... Considering the amount of spell power that would take, Narukami is probably in big trouble." Shimon: "You mean... The enemy is after the Twin Stars?" Subaru: "It makes sense to assume so." Mikage: "To prevent this, we'll need to use the Rikujin Shinka ritual." Subaru: "The Rikujin Shinka?" Mikage: "It's used in many common forms of astrological fortune-telling, but it's actually a spell devised by Abe no Seimei-sama to heighten the Twelve Guardians' power to their utmost." Mikage: "That is the Rikujin Shinka. And luckily, the spell power clusters are positioned on a circle in twelve places that correspond to where the Twelve Guardians would need to be." Shimon: "But what about the missing Byakko?" Shimon: "The Rikujin Shinka can't be performed without all Twelve Guardians." Mikage: "I will act as a substitute. Fulfilling the role of Byakko is something I will risk my life for." Tenma: "That settles it, then. Let's shelve the chit-chat and get this show on the road. If that's the best way to protect the Twin Stars, then that's what we'll do." Subaru: "I'd better notify the others, then." Arata: "The Rikujin Shinka, huh?" Kankuro: "We're gonna do that? This is a big deal, then." Ioroi: "Sounds interesting!" Cordy: "A-l-l r-i-g-h-t... All right." Tenma: "Okay, then..." Tenma: "Let's go!" Mayu: "Oh, this is so good! Miss, can we get more ohagi over here?" Roku: "Why do I have to pay for this, anyway?" Mayu: "What's the issue? We're celebrating your first love letter. And we already apologized." Kinako: "Don't go thinking this is the start of your popular phase, you stupid hormonal imp!" Roku: "Who're you calling hormonal?!" Roku: "Man..." Roku: "I..." Benio: "Rokuro... What were you going to..." Benio: "It's... nothing." Atsushi: "Oh, I knew you'd be here!" Roku: "Acchan? And Shin-chan." Shinnosuke: "We've been looking for you. There's been no signal on our phones." Mayu: "You're right... I wonder what's wrong." Shinnosuke: "Never mind that. Let's all get going!" Atsushi: "We might get to see something hilarious!" Shimon: "This is it!" Subaru: "It's about time we got started." Kankuro: "'Kay, let's do it." Mikage: "Honorable and wise Izanagi no Okami..." Arata: "...who took to the divine river's waters to be cleansed..." Sakura: "...and through purification by those waters..." Ioroi: "...was given life..." Cordy: "...the Haraedo no Okami goddesses..." Kengo: "Wherever the touch of evil creates impurity..." Sakura: "...I humbly and earnestly call upon you..." Tenma: "...to purify and cleanse in your grandeur." Shimon: "This is... Oh, no!" Cordelia: "Shit!" Kengo: "I guess they won't let us perform the Rikujin Shinka without a fight." Girl: "Welcome back, Haruka onee-chan! Hey, look at this! I drew you!" Haruka: "Wow, that's very good! Thank you!" Boy: "Come on, let's play, Ryogo!" Ryogo: "Aren't I "Ryogo-oniichan," not just Ryogo?" Boys: "Nah, you're just Ryogo! Right, Ryogo?" Ryogo: "You little..." Roku: "Looks like the kids are all really fond of Ryogo now." Benio: "It seems more like they're fond of playing with him." Haruka: "Thanks for today, Ryogo-kun." Haruka: "Sorry for dragging you along. Our dates are always kind of weird, huh?" Ryogo: "Nah, I came along because I wanted to. And I'm used to dealing with the little monsters." Girl: "Haruka-oneechan..." Haruka: "It's okay. I'm right here." Haruka: "Ryogo-kun?" Ryogo: "This kind of thing..." Ryogo: "should probably... be put into words, huh?" Ryogo: "I've been thinking this for a while... Seeing you smile is always enough to keep me going. I want to protect that smile, no matter what. So..." Ryogo: "Will you... Will you" Ryogo: "marry me?!" Atsushi: "Wow, he went through with the proposal!" Shinnosuke: "He's been muttering to himself a lot lately for practice, so we figured it was coming!" Mayura: "This is so nice!" Ryogo: "Uh... Is that a no?" Haruka: "No." Haruka: "Wouldn't that mean you'd be working on your own to protect my smile?" Ryogo: "W-Well, I'm prepared to deal with—" Haruka: "Let me protect your smile, too, Ryogo-kun." Ryogo: "Haruka-san..." Kids: "Ryogo and Haruka are smooching! No way! Nice one, Ryogo! I want to kiss Haruka-oneechan, too!" Shimon: "No matter where I cut, it regenerates..." Shimon: "Where are they getting so much spell power from?" Miku: "Damn it, this is super annoying..." Miku: "But..." Sakura: "No matter how big they may be, they are no more than Kegare!" Ioroi: "We can't have you underestimating the Twelve Guardians!" Kankuro: "That takes care of all the hindrances..." Kankuro: "This isn't funny anymore." Yamato: "Yeah, I can see how you guys would think this is a joke! Especially considering their power is coming from your buddies!" Kankuro: "And what do you mean by that?" Yamato: "We've been extracting the spell power from the exorcists we've snatched up lately and infusing it into these giant Kegare, as well as using it for Kuranashi's ritual! I gotta say, nothing beats having expendable help... Especially when it's exorcists!" Kankuro: "Thanks for the explanation. In other words, we just need to destroy this thing, right?" Yamato: "I don't think so!" Yamato: "The heads of the Twelve Guardians all belong to me, Yamato!" Roku: "There's something funny about Ryogo, of all people, proposing." Benio: "It's not strange. Nagitsuji-san and Haruka-san looked really lovely." Roku: "What's wrong?" Benio: "It's nothing..." Roku: "Okay." Roku: "I guess everyone's changing a bit at a time, huh? They've all been through a lot," Roku: "and they're deciding how they want to live." Roku: "You think we've grown a little, too?" Benio: "You're still the same." Benio: "Simple, dense, and with no sense of taste." Roku: "What do you mean?! And what about you?" Benio: "What is it?" Roku: "Benio?" Benio: "I want to know..." Roku: "I..." Benio: "I want to know..." Benio: "what you were going to say." Roku: "I..." Kuranashi: "The time has come." Shimon: "The spell power!" Roku: "Wh-What the?!" Benio: "An earthquake?!" Kinako: "O-Oh, no! What is this?!" Mayura: "What?!" Atsushi: "Hey, hey! What the heck is this?!" Ryogo: "An earthquake?!" Haruka: "It's a big one!" Seigen: "This..." Seigen: "is no mere earthquake." Kuranashi: "What do you think? Things are playing out just as you expected..." Kuranashi: "Ijika Yuto." Kuranashi: "All that remains is for the curtain to rise on the finale." Sae: "I'm disappointed in Papa and Mama!" Mayu: "Sae-chan?!" Sae: "Saint-Exupéry said, "Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.""
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 37 – Spirits Soaring in the City of Romance - Tell Me Honest Feelings", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "37", "Spirits Soaring in the City of Romance - Tell Me Honest Feelings" ] }
R: "I'm sorry, but I can't go out with you." Sh: "There's a barrier around Narukami?!" M: "We'll need to use the Rikujin Shinka ritual." R: "I guess everyone's changing a bit at a time, huh? They've all been through a lot," R: "and they're deciding how they want to live." R: "I want to know..." R: "I want to know..." R: "I..." K: "The time has come." K: "All that remains is for the curtain to rise on the finale." M: "What is this?!" B: "What's going on?" R: "This is no regular earthquake!" K: "Benio-sama, I'm sensing a crazy strong Kegare's presence from somewhere!" B: "It can't be!" R: "Are they at the school again?!" Pa: "The school is a designated large-scale shelter, so it's safe!" Pa: "Please remain here until we can confirm it's safe to return to your homes!" Students: "Oh, I got through! Hello?!" Kanade: "Mayura? Are you okay? Thank goodness..." Kanade: "Yeah. Chiyuri's with me. I'll put her on." Chiyuri: "Hello? Yeah, I'm fine. I'm at school with Kanade." R: "No weird fog or Basara..." B: "But I can sense the presence of powerful Kegare." Students: "What is this?! No way..." ews: "As you can see, it's like the town of Narukami has been scooped out of the ground..." R: "What the?!" Students: "Is this for real?! What's going to happen?!" B: "An emergency situation caused through the use of intense spell power..." R: "We should head to the Seika Dorm for now." B: "Right." Z: "Can this really be happening?" A: "Big trouble!" Sn: "The earthquake's caused fires and explosions all over town!" M: "It's a huge mess out there! Is everything okay in the dorm?" M: "Wait... What?! How is that possible?!" S: "Looks like we're caught up in another damn fine mess. Ever since the trouble with the Dragon Spots, some things have bothered me. So I've been searching the Exorcist Union's records for info... And I found a record of something just like this happening before." S: "It was six hundred years ago, in the Ouei period..." S: "Seven villages in the kingdom of Noto rose into the sky." S: "The Twelve Guardians of the time managed to resolve the situation, somehow. But in the villages that rose into the sky, every single person, down to the babies, had their spell power drained..." S: "and died as a result." M: "Oh, no..." S: "And the one responsible for that insanity" S: "was a Basara named Kuranashi." R: "A Dragon Spot?!" B: "Is that a Basara?" K: "We finally meet, Twin Star Exorcists." B: "Both of his eyes are normal..." R: "What's this mean?" K: "The more spell power we gain, the closer to humans we become." K: "An abominable truth, that." R: "Closer to humans?" K: "Speaking of abominations, there's also that name. You exorcists, for a thousand years, have called me this..." K: "Kuranashi the Basara." B: "Kuranashi!" Ks: "I see. I believe this is the young lady that Kuranashi informed me of, then?" B: "You're the reason that Sae-chan had to go back!" K: "Sae?" K: "That was just a little prank I played using the Ame-no-mihashira." B: "A little prank?!" B: "We lost her because of you!" R: "You were behind the Dragon Spot incidents, weren't you? So what kind of "prank" are you trying to pull this time?" K: "This isn't so much a prank as... a game." R: "A game?" R: "Wh-What the hell... is that?!" Ry: "Run for it!" R: "Ryogo?" Ry: "Rokuro! There are giant Kegare tentacles stealing spell power from the people in town! After we help with the evacuation," H(In Background): "Everyone, stay calm! Watch your surroundings!" Ry: "we'll head to the dorm and get geared up!" H(In Background): "Don't panic, and head this way!" Ry: "Then we're going to head back out!" Ry: "If you two can make it, then please, come!" R: "Got it!" K: "And there you have it." K: "This town is now floating in the sky." K: "Thus, there is nowhere for you to run." K: "The Kegare tentacles can find their way into any location here." K: "Thus, there is nowhere for you to hide. The amount of time it will take for them to devour the spell power of everyone in this town... I suppose I'd give it about two hours. If you two don't defeat that Kegare in that time," K: "all of the people in this town will die." R: "And you think that's a game?!" K: "However, you can't defeat that Kegare by simply attacking the parts you see." K: "There is a bulb underground in which it stores spell power. Unless the bulb is destroyed, the Kegare will regenerate indefinitely." R: "Why would you tell us this?" K: "It's not very entertaining if you don't know the objective of the game you're playing." R: "Entertaining?!" K: "You have two hours." K: "Make the most of it." R: "Star Armor Master Talisman: Inferno!" R: "Exorcism Enchantment Ensemble: Astral Disaster!" K: "Rage will heighten your spell power... You should head into battle like that." R: "Just what do you..." R: "What do you think people's lives are?!" B: "Rokuro..." B: "Let's hurry." Y: "I'm gonna completely wreck you! Mitosaka Kankuro, Seiryu of the Twelve Guardians! Once I cut your head off, I'll tear your limbs off, and after I split your belly open, I'll empty out your guts!" Mk: "Well, I've always wanted to dissect a Basara, myself." Mk: "Dragon's Trial of the Frozen Heavens!" Mk: "Here we go!" Yamato: "Whoa, there!" Mk: "It'd be great if I could dissect you just like this, but..." Mk: "I'm guessing you refuse?" Y: "I'm not gonna play doctor with you, pal!" Mk: "Good grief! You are one lively patient. I can't see myself losing, but the Twin Star duo could be in trouble if I spend too much time here..." S: "Ryogo, you and the others look around town," S: "and rescue anyone being attacked by Kegare." Group: "Right!" S: "Now, then... To get anyone who can't move on their own to a shelter, we need a vehicle that can dodge Kegare attacks..." B: "Kinako, please." Kn: "Oh, yeah! Time for a once-in-a-lifetime performance by the professional shikigami, Kinako! I'm gonna turn into the Kinako Car and tear up the road! It's gonna be the wildest driving anyone's ever seen!" S: "Mayura and I will do something about this underground bulb." S: "As for the main body of that stupidly huge Kegare," S: "I'm leaving it to you two." Twin Stars: "Yeah! Right!" R: "Let's protect the town..." R: "together!" K: "These two are acting as anticipated. Now, then, as for the other twelve..." Tenma: "Blammo!" Tenma: "What're you doing over there, money grubber?" Kengo: "Well, a Basara showed up where Kankuro was, so he sent out a shikigami asking for help." Tenma: "I'll do it, then. It'll be faster that way." Kengo: "Nah, you should be reserved as our secret weapon." Kengo: "Besides, he contacted me. I'm not gonna let a financial opportunity like that go. That being the case, I'd like you to clear out the Kegare in the area I was assigned to." Tenma: "It's gonna cost you." Tenma: "I want a year's worth of mitarashi dango." Kengo: "A year is too long! Make it six months." Tenma: "Fair enough." Tenma: "I'll just eat a year's worth in half the time." Tenma: "Now, get going and help the medical chief already." Tenma: "Dismissed!" Atsushi: "Impure Legion Banishment, come forth at once!" Atsushi: "You all right?" Shin: "Are you hurt?" Girl: "Thank you!" Atsushi: "Wha?!" Atsushi: "Crap!" Shin: "It's dangerous here! You should come with us!" Girl: "Okay!" Atsushi: "Shinnosuke..." Woman: "Someone, help!" Ryogo: "Impure Legion Banishment, come forth at once!" Woman: "Thank you..." Ryogo: "You'll be fine now." Haruka: "Let's get out of here together, okay?" Ryogo: "Kinako, take them!" Kinako: "You got it." Haruka: "Hurry to the shelter!" Kinako: "Leave it to me. Watch me burn rubber. Don't forget those seat belts." R: "This isn't just about taking the spell power from everyone in town." B: "It's destroying the town itself." R: "Let's go, Benio." B: "You don't need to tell me." R: "Star Armor Master Talisman: Inferno!" R: "Exorcism Enchantment Ensemble: Astral Disaster!" B: "Noble White Fangs!" R: "These must be the tentacles that are draining people's spell power!" R: "Burning Stone!" B: "Crimson Strike!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Twin Stars: "Crimson Meteor Smash!" R: "Damn it. It's too huge." B: "Rokuro, look." B: "Kuranashi wasn't just making empty threats." Benio: "As long as it has spell power stored away in that bulb, it can't be killed." Roku: "It's okay. Seigen and Mayura have gone to purify the bulb." Mayura: "Is this the bulb?" Seigen: "Looks like it." Mayura: "Then if we purify it..." Seigen: "You've got it." Seigen: "Air Fissure Bullet!" Mayura: "We'll have to get rid of these tentacles to purify the bulb!" Seigen: "But to get rid of them, we need to purify the bulb... But to do that, we need to get past them..." Seigen: "Either way, we're stuck, so let's just start with them." Seigen: "Air Fissure Bullet, come forth at once!" Mayu: "Exorcist enchantment, Purification Blade Talisman!" Mayu: "Impure Legion Banishment, come forth at once!" Mayu: "We can't lose! We have to protect the town together!" Yamato: "I'm starting to want to get a whiff of your internal organs..." Kankuro: "More patients waiting for an exam? Guess I'm gonna be busy." Kengo: "If you're gonna be making money, then you need my advice." Kankuro: "Took you long enough, Ken-chan." Kengo: "Don't complain after I already helped you!" Kankuro: "'Kay." Kengo: "And don't call me that name from when I was a kid!" Kankuro: "Got it." Kengo: "Furthermore, the combat pay I'm charging is gonna cost you." Kengo: "If it's too much at once, I can set up an installment plan. Since we're old friends, I'll even waive the handling fee for the payment plan." Kankuro: "Well, thanks." Kengo: "Thank you very much!" Yamato: "Uji Kengo, Genbu of the Twelve Guardians! I get to take two of the Twelve Guardians' heads at once. That's gonna save me a lot of trouble." Kengo: "What's with the cheap-looking Basara?" Kankuro: "Let's cut the small talk and take care of our health problem here." Kengo: "Don't give me orders, you quack!" Kankuro: "We don't have a lot of time." Kengo: "Then let's get it done." Mayura: "Dad... Is that..." Seigen: "This is the enchantment that belongs to Byakko of the Twelve Guardians, the White Lotus Tiger Cannon." Mayura: "But, Dad, you're not..." Seigen: "Hey, you stupid tiger." Seigen: "I need you to give me your strength one more time." Seigen: "Tiger Strike: Kagutsuchi!" Seigen: "Return to the stars!" Roku: "You're not shooting anything!" R: "Flaming Sorcery!" B: "Crimson Vision!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Twin Stars: "Vanishing Gold Smash!" R: "Just you watch! Seigen and Mayura are gonna do something about that bulb you're storing your spell power in!" R: "Let's keep hitting it, Benio!" B: "Right!" R: "We're not gonna let you keep wrecking our town!" Mayura: "According to Herbert Spencer, "The defects of children mirror the defects of their parents."" Mayura: "Are you sure you didn't say something to Mom once? Like, "Damn, you're such a heartstring-tugging familial gang leader"?" Seigen: "How'd you find out my secret?!" Mayura: "What?! You did?!"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 38 – Narukami's Most Ill-Fated Day - No Way To Run, No Place To Hide", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "38", "Narukami's Most Ill-Fated Day - No Way To Run, No Place To Hide" ] }
Rokuro: "Come on, Benio!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Benio: "Armored Noble White Fangs!" Twin Stars: "Lunar Dawn Driver!" Roku: "How was that?!" Roku: "Miasma..." Benio: "Is the goal to blanket Narukami in miasma?!" Roku: "Kuranashi! Just what the hell are you after?!" Kuranashi: "Things are proceeding smoothly..." Kuranashi: "Now, I suppose I'll prepare a little diversion." Chiyuri: "When will we get to go home?" Kanade: "What's going to happen to us?" Announcer: "The government has placed top priority on discerning the nature of this currently unexplained situation..." Student: "Doesn't that mean they don't know what's going on?!" Student: "Wh-What is this?" Benio: "At this rate, the miasma will get to everyone in town." Roku: "Damn it! And this is a game to him?!" Benio: "Unless that bulb, the source of its spell power, is destroyed, we can't finish this Kegare off." Roku: "I know Seigen and Mayura can handle it!" Benio: "Then all we can do in the meantime..." Roku: "...is try to keep the miasma from spreading! We're counting on you, Seigen!" Mayura: "Let those who turn away from divine blessings be struck through with the divine arrow. Air Fissure Bullet, come forth at once!" Mayura: "Dad, are you okay?" Seigen: "If you're actually worried about me, maybe I really am washed up." Mayura: "Yeah, right. I know you're glad when I worry about you. You tsundere white tiger daddy!" Seigen: "Whatever..." Mayura: "Air Fissure Bullet!" Seigen: "Hold it together just a little longer..." Mayura: "Dad!" Seigen: "I'm fine. Don't worry." Kuranashi: "To think that Byakko of the Twelve Guardians had returned to action..." Kuranashi: "This is a diversion I hadn't expected." Mayura: "A Basara..." Seigen: "You're Kuranashi." Kuranashi: "Even after losing your position among the Twelve Guardians, you can still draw on Byakko's power... But you are accessing barely a tenth of its original strength." Seigen: "And what of it? Air Fissure Bullet, come forth at once!" Kuranashi: "Did you really think—" Seigen: "Nah, I didn't think it'd be enough." Mayura: "Got him!" Kuranashi: "Do you usually attack from behind?" Mayura: "Dad!" Seigen: "Don't worry..." Kuranashi: "Just what I'd expect from the Exorcist Union's assassination corps... I can see how you once commanded the Ritsu order." Mayura: "Assassination?" Kuranashi: "The Amawaka clan, who murder their fellow exorcists..." Kuranashi: "Can you repent for your crimes?" Mayura: "Mom?!" Seigen: "You bastard..." Kuranashi: "You killed this woman's brother, too, didn't you?" Yukari: "It's already so late." Yukari: "I did it again..." Yukari: "This is the fifth time this month I've missed the last train." Uncle: "I figured you'd be here." Yukari: "Onii-chan?" Uncle: "I'm back, Yukko." Yukari: "Onii-chan... Why did this happen?" Yukari: "This man had to be eliminated." Yukari: "Those are the iron-clad rules of being an exorcist. Rules... What exactly did my brother do?! What crime did he commit that was so bad he deserved this?!" Seigen: "I'm under no obligation to answer that." Yukari: "You can't..." Seigen: "Everything you've seen tonight was just a nightmare." Seigen: "You should forget all about your brother and me." Yukari: "Why..." Yukari: "Why do his eyes... look so sad?" Mayura: "You killed Mom's brother?" Kuranashi: "Indeed. An exorcist cleanses impurity and sin, yet you've committed so many sins yourself." Mayura: "Dad... There must have been some reason, right?" Seigen: "Mayura..." Mayura: "I understand because we're family. I know that you've probably been through a lot of pain..." Mayura: "But since you can't express yourself well, you probably bottle it all up inside. I don't know how he used to be, but right now, my Dad is kinder than anyone... He cares about my mom and me more than anything else. And I love you for it!" Seigen: "Quit embarrassing me." Kuranashi: "The human trait of faith in each other, rooted in love." Kuranashi: "But I did not bring this woman here to recount the past." Kuranashi: "This is a game." Mayura: "A game?" Seigen: "What the hell do you mean?" Kuranashi: "Will you save her first? Or will she be drained of her spell power and die first? It's the perfect way for you to redeem yourself, don't you think? Now, I'd hurry, if I were you." Seigen: "You piece of..." Mayura: "Mom!" Seigen: "Think you can run your mouth all you want?" Mayura: "Dad, I'll help—" Seigen: "Stay out of it!" Seigen: "Just stand right there and watch." Seigen: "I'm going to be the one to save Yukari." Mayura: "Okay!" Seigen: "Here I come!" Yamato: "Is this all you Twelve Guardians can do?! Weak, weak, so damn weak! Or maybe I'm just too damn strong?" Kengo: "There's the brute strength I heard about." Kankuro: "This is like one of those crappy games where one hit means game over." Yamato: "Just you wait, Kuranashi! After I devour the Twelve Guardians, I'll be stronger than you!" Kankuro: "I can understand why you'd be in a rush. See, the generation before ours is full of total monsters, and the younger guys are even scarier monsters..." Kengo: "Hey, are you saying our generation is mediocre?" Kankuro: "Nah, I still remember it clearly... The day you and I passionately vowed that we'd rise to the top, Ken-chan." Kengo: "Hey! Enough about that story, Kan-chan!" Kankuro: "What're you so embarrassed about?" (Kengo: "Well, it's embarrassing!" Yamato: "Hey, assholes! Are you trying to mock me?!" (Kan: "It's fine. Nothing wrong with youthful exuberance." (Kengo: "We're not young anymore—" Kengo: "If this gets drawn out too long, we'll be at a raw power disadvantage." Kankuro: "Come to think of it, Tenma took down a Basara in just a few seconds..." Kengo: "I don't love the idea of fighting two-on-one, but time is money." Kengo: "We need to finish up in seconds, too!" Seigen: "Here I come." Kuranashi: "Make this enjoyable for me, Byakko." Seigen: "I'm not gonna waste too much time playing around with you." Seigen: "Hey, stupid tiger. You can take all the spell power I have left." Seigen: "White Tiger Crystal Talisman!" Seigen: "White Lotus Tiger Cannon, Divine Enchantment!" Mayura: "Beautiful..." Kuranashi: "Well done, Amawaka Seigen." Kuranashi: "Even after losing your position among the Twelve Guardians, you would go so far..." Seigen: "I gave it all the spell power I had, and it was barely enough for five seconds..." Kuranashi: "No, it was quite the feat." Kuranashi: "A decent effort." Kuranashi: "Moro..." Kuranashi: "I owe you my gratitude." Mayura: "Oh, no." Kuranashi: "It seems you're out of steam." Mayura: "Dad!" Mayura: "N-No... The diversion is over already?" Mayura: "It seems your redemption is unlikely. Mom..." Mayura: "Dad..." Mayura: "Stop shaking, Mayura! All this time, I've been protected by Rokuro, Adashino-san, and the others, without being able to do anything! I hated that about myself..." Mayura: "I wanted to change who I was, so I..." Mayura: "Come on, Basara! I'm going to take care of you!" Mayura: "Air Fissure Bullet!" Mayura: "Come forth at once!" Mayura: "Ow..." Kuranashi: "So you do have enough spell power to withstand my attack..." Mayura: "It didn't hurt at all!" Seigen: "Don't do anything crazy." Mayura: "Dad?!" Seigen: "That's enough. You need to get out of here." Mayura: "You're the one who needs to stop acting crazy!" Seigen: "Hey..." Mayura: "Because I'm going to protect you and Mom!" Kuranashi: "A prime example of the idiocy you humans exhibit." Kuranashi: "The way you decide something is precious and dedicate yourself to its defense..." Kuranashi: "Regardless of what it may cost you. Such a pathetic sense of values. So deeply foolish." Mayura: "What exactly do you think you understand about humans?! What's so foolish about wanting to protect something precious?! I love both of my parents a lot, and they're really precious to me! So I'm going to protect them! I won't let you have your way!" Kuranashi: "Then let's see you overturn this situation." Seigen: "Mayura! I tried to warn you. If you had gotten out of here..." Mayura: "You know... I'm glad." Mayura: "I used to not be able to do anything, but now... I'm fighting to help you and Mom." Mayura: "I'm really happy about that." Exorcists: "Seigen-sama!" Exorcists: "Why didn't you block out the witness's memory?! That woman came all the way to Kyoto trying to find out about you. Now that she knows about the existence of Ritsu, we can't let her live." Seigen: "Yo." Yukari: "After what happened, I looked into some things." Yukari: "Someone cast the Cleansing Denial curse on my brother, right?" Seigen: "Yeah." Seigen: "It's a curse that only targets exorcists. Those struck with it are corrupted by miasma, their identity erodes, and they turn into monsters... And our order, Ritsu, has the duty of killing cursed comrades, in spite of the hate it earns us." Yukari: "It was really hard to see my brother die in front of me like that... But if you hadn't done it, my brother could've hurt a lot of people, right? And the first person to be killed would've been—" Seigen: "Hang on." Seigen: "Why haven't you said anything resentful to me? Weren't you looking for me to get revenge?" Yukari: "No, I wasn't thinking about revenge." Seigen: "Then why? Why seek me out?" Yukari: "Because... well..." Yukari: "I was worried." Seigen: "Worried? About what?" Yukari: "About why you seemed to be in so much pain." Seigen: "Listen... What exactly do you want?" Yukari: "Is "to help Seigen-san" an acceptable answer?" Yukari: "Seigen-san?" Seigen: "We're getting out of here." Kuranashi: "Do either of you have any last words?" Seigen: "Damn it... She takes after her mother in all the worst ways." Seigen: "Mayura! Take this!" Mayura: "Isn't this..." Seigen: "Hey, you stupid tiger! This will be the first and last time I beg you for anything." Seigen: "Even if it's just this once... Please, lend Mayura your strength!" Mayura: "What is this?" Mayura: "Who are you?" Byakko: "I'm Byakko. Byakko of the Twelve Guardians." Mayura: "Byakko... You mean my dad's?" Byakko: "Do you want power, Amawaka girl?" Mayura: "Power..." Byakko: "Answer me, Amawaka girl. What is the power you wish for?" Mayura: "I..." Mayura: "My wish is the same as it was back then." Mayura: "I wanted to get stronger so I could protect the people I care about." Mayura: "Please, Byakko! Lend me your strength! Then recite the spell that will bring forth my claws." Mayura: "White Lotus Tiger Cannon, come forth at once!" Kuranashi: "You have considerable spell power... In terms of raw quantity, that is." Kuranashi: "And you're quick." Kuranashi: "From inside my barrier?" Byakko: "My power is not that of destruction. My claws are not for slaughter. Like a mother defending her cubs, my pristine white claws draw their strength from an affectionate heart." Mayura: "Just go away, you neighborhood-menacing gaming jerk!" Mayura: "Mom!" Mayura: "Mom!" Mayura: "Thank goodness. She's alive." Seigen: "Good work, Mayura." Mayura: "Thanks." Mayura: "What do you think, Dad? My claws are bigger than yours were!" Seigen: "Bigger isn't better, y'know." Kuranashi: "Perhaps I've had a bit too much fun." Kuranashi: "Do you feel as though you've done a bit to atone for your crimes?" Kuranashi: "This has been a suitable diversion." Mayura: "A Dragon Spot?!" Seigen: "Let's do this, Mayura." Mayura: "Y-Yeah!" Mayura: "Thank you, Byakko." Yamato: "You wanna take me down in seconds?! Don't make me laugh! You two are just insects! You don't have one chance in ten thousand of beating a badass like me!" Kengo: "Actually, you're already bankrupt." Kengo: "You got too hot under the collar and weren't paying attention. Sealing the deal with you was a piece of cake. Reflective Turtle Battlements!" Kengo: "Let's keep this under budget." Kankuro: "Now, time to get this procedure underway. Dragon's Trial of the Frozen Heavens!" Kankuro: "There's no cure for stupidity, though!" Yamato: "Damn it!" Yamato: "It... can't be..." Kankuro: "All right, the operation was a success." Kengo: "If only you were as effective with a scalpel on humans, you quack." Kankuro: "In that case, can I practice on you like back in the old days?" Kengo: "Quit digging up old trauma!" Kankuro: "I'm glad you came, Kengo." Kengo: "I told you it'd cost you." Roku: "It's not regenerating! That means..." Benio: "Otomi-san's team did it!" Roku: "We're up next, Benio!" Benio: "Right!" Yukari: "I'm Mayura's mother. Hebbel said, "Friendship and romance create the happiness of life, just like two pairs of lips will produce a kiss that enraptures a soul." Isn't that right, dear?"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 39 – The Sacred Beast of Love - Daughter's Fight! Father's Delight", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "39", "The Sacred Beast of Love - Daughter's Fight! Father's Delight" ] }
Benio: "Nii-sama... Since I came here, there's been so much I didn't anticipate, which has kept me off-balance..." Benio: "But I will become an exorcist stronger than any other, like I promised." Ryogo: "You're still awake?" Benio: "I was just... thinking a bit." Benio: "But I'll head to bed now." Ryogo: "Can I talk to you for a second?" Ryogo: "Before..." Ryogo: "I mentioned you changing Rokuro back to how he used to be, right? Right now, he says he doesn't want to be an exorcist," Ryogo: "but I want Rokuro to walk that path again. I mean, I don't want him to suffer again, but instead of turning away and running, I want him to accept what happened and move on." Benio: "You seem to care a lot about him." Ryogo: "Well, yeah... He and I both have no relatives." Ryogo: "Besides, exorcists are more like families than teams." Ryogo: "So, to me, Rokuro is like an adorable little brother, and the only one I have." Roku: "Of all the people to say that to..." Roku: "How could you be so embarrassing, Ryogo?!" Ryogo: "We're running low on talisman stock..." Ryogo: "Going to need to make more soon." Ryogo: "Isn't this..." Ryogo: "Okay, let's go over today's schedule." Ryogo: "Jissama has business, so he's been gone since morning. Shinnosuke, Atsushi, and I will deliver a report to the branch in Ayame, the next town over, and then head to a Kegare exorcism." Ryogo: "Since it's a Sunday, do you want to come along, Rokuro?" Roku: "Uh, I'll..." Ryogo: "What about you, Benio-san?" Benio: "I'll be staying at the dorm to do maintenance on my swords." Ryogo: "Okay." Ryogo: "What about you, Rokuro?" Roku: "I don't have anything special to do." Ryogo: "In that case, you should study! Have you been doing your homework? Your grades have been falling a bit lately. You're still a middle school student, so studying should be your top priority. If you don't do it now, one day you're gonna—" Roku: "You're annoying me!" Ryogo: "How can you say it's annoying? I say this because I worry—" Roku: "That's what annoys me!" Roku: "It's not like I haven't thought about any of this!" Ryogo: "Wait, Rokuro!" Roku: "Leave me alone!" Ryogo: "I understand, Rokuro." Ryogo: "That you're carrying around something incredibly heavy..." Kids: "Again? Hey! There we go!" Roku: "Stupid Ryogo..." Roku: "He just says whatever he wants!" Roku: "He's always been like that..." Roku: "It's so annoying." Guy: "Thank you so much." Ryogo: "It's good to see you again, Fushihara-san." Ryogo: "Here are reports on the Kegare exorcisms the Seika Dorm has performed in our jurisdiction." ushi: "That they are." ushi: "You all seem to be working hard." Ryogo: "We're just doing our duty." ushi: "The Twin Star Exorcists live in the Seika Dorm, correct? I kind of envy you." ushi: "You get to exorcise Kegare with such amazing exorcists." Ryogo: "No... Twin Star Exorcists or not, they're still in middle school." Ryogo: "As long as they're in school, we do our best to avoid taking them on exorcisms." Ryogo: "Besides..." Ryogo: "I don't think it'd be right to rely on them for everything. We need to do what we can on our own." ushi: "I guess you're right." Atsushi: "Ryogo-san..." Ryogo: "What is it?" Atushi: "That guy from earlier..." Ryogo: "Oh, Fushihara-san?" Atsushi: "Do you know him?" Ryogo: "I've met him a few times when we had liaison meetings with this branch." Atsushi: "What's he like? Wearing an apron like that, he sure didn't look so tough." Ryogo: "What are you talking about? Fushihara-san is the ace of the Ayame branch." Ryogo: "His spell power and skills far surpass ours." Atsushi: "Really?!" Ryogo: "That was his childcare worker uniform. He has a job in childcare," Ryogo: "and devotes a lot of energy to exorcising Kegare that are haunting children." Shin: "He seems like a nice guy!" Ryogo: "Well, we have to keep up with him!" Ryogo: "Let's do a good job with today's Kegare exorcism." Roku: "I get it, okay?" Roku: "I know I can't run away forever." Ryogo: "So this is it..." Ryogo: "The house we were asked to exorcise." Atsu: "It really looks like that kind of house, huh?" Shin: "The client is its owner. The owner's parents originally lived here," Shin: "but when they died, the owner inherited it and began renting it out. A newlywed couple, a group of five college students who lived together, and a family with two kids... The total comes to 11 people. Every last one of them, within a month of moving in," Shin: "seem to have vanished." Ryogo: "A house where people disappear..." Ryogo: "First, let's split up and check each room." Ryogo: "Stay on your toes." Lady: "Rokuro-chan?" Lady: "You're Rokuro-chan, aren't you? You sure have grown since last I saw you... is what I would say, but you haven't changed much at all." Lady: "Did you forget me? You came here to buy candy all the time when you were little!" Roku: "Of course I remember that. I mean, how could I forget?" Lady: "Well, either way, come on over. I'm bored with so few customers." Roku: "Bored?" Lady: "I'll give you something special, on the house." Roku: "Oh, thanks." Lady: "Here." Lady: "Take this." Lady: "You liked them so much, you were always eating them." Lady: "How's your brother doing?" Roku: "Brother?" Lady: "You know... What was his name again? Let's see... Oh, right, Ryogo-chan!" Roku: "Ryogo?!" Roku: "How should I know what he's doing?" Lady: "Still fighting, huh? Some things never change!" Lady: "You fought all the time back then, too. One time, it was over who had to serve whom, or something, and how you'd never talk to each other again." Roku: "I have no idea what you're talking about." Lady: "Oh, and how's the girl? You know, the cute one! Mayura-chan, wasn't it? Did you kiss her yet?" Roku: "Of course not! I would never!" Lady: "Look at you, getting all embarrassed!" Roku: "That actually hurts!" Lady: "Ah, to be young!" Roku: "Well..." Roku: "I'm heading home. See ya." Lady: "Already? That's a shame." Lady: "Drop by again whenever you feel like it! I'll probably be bored around the store!" Ryogo: "Let heretical impurities found within this space, imparting their wicked influence, be purified without a trace, restoring equilibrium with no disparity." Ryogo: "Cleanse all impurity! Come forth at once!" Atsushi: "Ryogo-san. I didn't sense any malevolence in the kitchen, but I purified it just to be sure." Shin: "The back room is taken care of, too." Ryogo: "This room was no problem, either." Ryogo: "Which leaves..." Ryogo: "Just that last room." Ryogo: "There's an unpleasant energy..." Ryogo: "It must be here." Ryogo: "What is this sensation?!" Ryogo: "Like the air just got heavier!" Ryogo: "Are you two okay?!" Atsushi: "I'm sorry, Ryogo-san, I... I don't think I wanna be in this room for another second..." Shin: "It's not the room itself..." Shin: "It's more like... we're being watched, isn't it?" Ryogo: "I'll open the gate to Magano!" Ryogo: "Magano gate, open! Come forth at once!" Atsushi: "Ow..." Roku: "Ryogo and the guys still aren't back?" Roku: "Not that I'm gonna apologize when he gets back or anything." Roku: "I mean, maybe if he begs me to..." Roku: "What's wrong with you guys?" Shin: "Rokuro..." Roku: "What happened?!" Atsushi: "It doesn't make sense... As soon we went into Magano, the Kegare were on us, like they'd been waiting for us." Roku: "Ryogo... Where's Ryogo?!" Atsushi: "We went back into Magano to find him, but..." Shin: "There were just so many Kegare..." Shin: "We couldn't do anything." Roku: "Adashino Benio!" Roku: "Ryogo was exorcising Kegare, and..." Roku: "I'm not really sure, but..." Roku: "Ryogo..." Roku: "Ryogo's..." Roku: "Adashino Benio!" Roku: "Please, lend me your strength." Roku: "I know I'm being selfish..." Roku: "But... I'm begging you!" Roku: "I'm afraid..." Roku: "I'm afraid to fight." Roku: "But..." Roku: "I'm more afraid to lose my family!" Benio: "Raise your head." Benio: "Raise it up." Benio: "No one should ever need to bow to an exorcist when asking them to fight." Benio: "If it's my strength in battle you need, then you have it, whenever necessary." Roku: "Thank you!" Ryogo: "With no talismans for opening a gate, there's no way for me to escape Magano." Ryogo: "I wonder what Rokuro would say if he saw me like this..." Ryogo: "Damn it!" Ryogo: "Now the small ones want to pick me off?" Ryogo: "Damn it..." Ryogo: "Let me at least get one attack off..." Ryogo: "My enchantment!" Ryogo: "That's right... I wouldn't want you to see me looking this pathetic!" Ryogo: "Well? What'd you think of my attack?" Roku: "Ryogo!" Ryogo: "Rokuro?" Roku: "Ryogo!" Roku: "You okay?" Ryogo: "Yeah... I'm fine." Roku: "How could you be that reckless?" Ryogo: "I thought if I let this kind of thing get me down..." Ryogo: "You wouldn't make me your servant." Roku: "That's..." Ryogo: "Here!" Roku: "Ryogo!" Roku: "I'll give you... I'll give you..." Roku: "This!" Ryogo: "Cool! But what is it?" Roku: "I'm gonna become the strongest exorcist. If you can be of any help to me then, I'll make you my servant!" Ryogo: "Really?" Ryogo: "Serving the strongest exorcist, huh?" Roku: "Hey, you're laughing!" Ryogo: "I'm looking forward to it!" Roku: "Don't make fun of me!" Roku: "You actually kept it all this time?" Roku: "How stupid are you?" Ryogo: "Behind you!" Roku: "You're not laying a finger on Ryogo!" Ryo: "Rokuro..." Ryogo: "The small ones who wanted to pick me off!" Roku: "They're crawling out of the cracks now..." Kina: "Nice, Benio-sama!" Ryo: "Benio-san..." Roku: "I could've handled that." Kina: "No good! There's still too many!" Roku: "These guys are tough..." Ryo: "There are still so many?!" Roku: "Just hang on, Ryogo." Roku: "I'll wrap this up soon." Roku: "Get... off!" Roku: "Adashino Benio!" Benio: "I'll handle this. Get Nagitsuji-san!" Roku: "I appreciate it!" Kina: "Hey, imp! Weren't you listening to Benio-sama?!" Ryo: "Rokuro..." Ryo: "It's true, after all..." Ryo: "When you fight as an exorcist..." Ryo: "You're at your coolest." Kina: "Well done, Benio-sama! You wiped them all out." Roku: "Ryogo!" Roku: "Are you okay?" Ryo: "Yeah... I'm fine." Roku: "Liar! You're all messed up." Roku: "Hey, listen..." Roku: "I'm sorry about this morning." Roku: "What's so funny?!" Ryo: "Nothing... I was just thinking, it doesn't look like I'll be your servant any time soon." Roku: "Huh? What's that supposed to mean?! Come on, lean on me..." Ryogo: "I mean... It doesn't hurt." Roku: "Quit trying to act tough." Roku: "Man..." Kinako: "Benio-sama?" Atsushi: "Thank goodness!" Roku: "Took you long enough." Roku: "What were you doing?" Benio: "I purified the inner room." Benio: "How is Nagitsuji-san?" Roku: "At-chan and Shin-chan took him to the hospital." Benio: "Why didn't you go with them?" Roku: "Oh, well... You know..." Roku: "Thank you, Adashino Benio!" Roku: "I'm glad you were there!" Benio: "Raise your head..." Benio: "Raise it up." Benio: "I didn't do anything to warrant your thanks." Roku: "You're actually pretty nice, huh?" Benio: "Whereas you seem to generally be useless." Roku: "Oh, come on! Why pick a fight at a time like—" Benio: "But when you're fighting, I think you're great. I've heard that, in the past, something terrible happened that made you want to stop being an exorcist." Benio: "Nagitsuji-san told me." Benio: "Even if you're normally totally useless..." Benio: "The fact that you were able to fight, despite having been scarred emotionally..." Benio: "I think that's great." Benio: "That's the only thing I would say is good about you, though." Roku: "I don't like you, after all!" Benio: "I suppose I could also say you're very loud." Roku: "You're just too quiet!" Benio: "I just don't like wasting energy." Kina: "Hey, imp!" Benio: "Oh? Are you feeling up to doing this now?" Roku: "Shut up! Y'know, Jissama once sang... "Only the crow knows!" he said!" Benio: "What's that even mean?"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 4 – The Sound of Magano - Bothersome Twosome", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "4", "The Sound of Magano - Bothersome Twosome" ] }
Benio: "I want to know what you were about to say that time! I need to know!" Sk: "Be exorcised!" Twin Stars: "Reunion Spiral Hail!" S: "Rokuro, Benio, good work." R: "What's gonna happen to Narukami?" S: "It's going to fall, obviously." R: "Benio..." R: "What I was trying to say... I'll say it now." R: "The way I feel about you..." K: "The time has come. Twelve Guardians..." K: "Your power is now mine." K: "They've fallen." Mayura: "Dad..." Seigen: "Yeah, this is bad news. We need to find Rokuro and Benio!" Rokuro: "Is that..." Rokuro: "Did something happen to the Twelve Guardians?!" Kuranashi: "Have you enjoyed yourselves, Twin Stars?" Rokuro: "Kuranashi! Are you still planning something?!" Benio: "The bulb was destroyed, and the town is safe. Your "game" should be over." Kuranashi: "It's not over. This is where it begins. While the preparations were in the making, your struggles provided quite an amusing diversion." Kuranashi: "Let me offer you my thanks." Rokuro: "What does that mean?!" Rokuro: "Wait, Kuranashi!" Seigen: "Don't go, Rokuro!" Seigen: "Damn it, we're too late..." Mayura: "D-Dad, what is this? Tell me what's going on!" Seigen: "I guess this is all according to your plan, huh, Kuranashi?" Rokuro: "A church?" Tenma: "Twin Stars..." Shimon: "Why are you here?!" Rokuro: "Shimon!" Benio: "The Twelve Guardians..." Rokuro: "Kuranashi! What is this place?! What the hell are you planning?!" Kuranashi: "This is where you will meet your end," Kuranashi: "and where I will have my new beginning." Benio: "Beginning?" Kengo: "With our current spell power, it's a waste of time to try to resist." Kankuro: "Especially considering how we're wrapped up..." Roku: "Hang on! We'll get you free!" Roku: "Star Armor Master Talisman: Inferno!" Exorcism Enchantment Ensemble: "Exorcism Enchantment Ensemble: Astral Disaster!" Subaru: "Don't!" Roku: "Wha— My spell power..." Miku: "Back off already, you dumbass!" Shimon: "These things drain spell power. Exorcist attacks aren't just ineffective, they're making things worse!" Arata: "To think that the Rikujin Shinka ritual could be used against us like this..." Subaru: "You're a pretty sharp Basara, but..." Subaru: "This is a little too slick. Where'd you get the know-how to manage this?" Rokuro: "Yuto?!" Benio: "Why is he here?!" Rokuro: "You..." Kuranashi: "Thanks to the information I obtained from him, everything went according to plan." Shimon: "So Ijika Yuto is working with a Basara..." Tenma: "What do you mean by "everything"? Exactly how much of all this was part of your plan?" Kuranashi: "As I said, all of it. Every aspect of this plot that I have orchestrated over 1,200 years." umi: "A Dragon Spot?" Miku: "The seeping miasma would be a threat to ordinary people with no spell power. But if your plan was to cause a panic by opening Dragon Spots throughout the country..." Kengo: "Cleansing miasma is a simple task for us exorcists. That was a cheap plan." Kankuro: "If Ken-chan calls you cheap, you know it's true." Kengo: "Shut up!" Subaru: "It's true... For all of that effort, you don't stand to gain much." Subaru: "Not exactly an efficient plan." Arata: "Unless even that was part of your scheme. If you had already planned for the exorcists cleansing the miasma..." umi: "The exorcists that have gone missing throughout the country... They all worked to cleanse the miasma during the Dragon Spot commotion." Subaru: "No! Then the miasma they cleansed..." Kuranashi: "Precisely. You acquit yourself well, Tenko, Mitejima Subaru." Kuranashi: "If the people were infected with miasma, you exorcists would act to cleanse them." Kuranashi: "With so many lives saved, I'm sure you were all very pleased with yourselves." Miku: "So that's what it was... You filth!" Arata: "What seemed like the cleansing of miasma was actually the gradual accumulation of miasma in the exorcists' bodies..." Kuranashi: "I had performed a spell on the miasma so that I could control any who inhaled it." Kuranashi: "All that remained after that was to use the mask's power to guide them to Magano. And with the small fry out of the way, I could dedicate my attention to all of you." Sakura: "Then you are the reason those exorcists have gone missing?!" Subaru: "And where are they now?" Kuranashi: "Once I have their spell power, they'll have served their purpose." umi: "Wha—" Kuranashi: "The spell power of peons, in sufficient quantity, can be quite significant." Kuranashi: "And with it, I was able to exhaust your own strength." Kuranashi: "I suppose I should be grateful to them..." Sakura: "Bastard!" Miku: "Kuranashi, you're not getting away with this!" Cordy: "K-I-L-L... Kill, kill, kill!" Tenma: "So you left the exorcists in Narukami alone, and then raised the town into the sky to lure the Twelve Guardians out..." Subaru: "And to save the town, we had to use the Rikujin Shinka ritual." Subaru: "We've been dancing to your tune all along, haven't we?" Kankuro: "We Twelve Guardians are the single greatest threat to you Basara... And our spell power is the most appealing bait." umi: "Is that why you captured us?!" Kuranashi: "It seems you finally understand my goal." Kuranashi: "Twin Star Exorcists... Do you understand why I haven't killed you? Faced with the life-or-death threat against Narukami, your spell power has grown even more refined." Kuranashi: "You must become suitable prey for me to devour, Twin Stars." Rokuro: "Screw you! You creep!" Benio: "Rokuro?!" Kuranashi: "This is all in service of my ambition. By devouring the spell power of you exorcists, I will ascend to a higher existence" Kuranashi: "and become the king who rules over Magano and the real world!" Kuranashi: "You can watch from there..." Kuranashi: "as I finish the Twelve Guardians." Rokuro: "Don't do it!" Kuranashi: "Watching your comrades die before your eyes, powerless to do anything..." Kuranashi: "I'm sure it'll shake you in a major way." Kuranashi: "And those heightened emotions will raise your spell power." Kuranashi: "Twelve Guardians!" Kuranashi: "Your spell power is now all mine." Kuranashi: "Goodbye." Kengo: "Pathetic..." Kankuro: "Yeah..." Miku: "Kuranashi!" Tenma: "I'm not gonna forget your name! You cocky little schemer!" Cordy: "Shut down." Rokuro: "Stop it! Please, stop!" Shimon: "I'm sorry, Enmado." Rokuro: "Shimon! I don't want to hear apologies! You guys are the Twelve Guardians! You guys are the strongest! How can you give up?!" Subaru: "It's no good... Hurry and run...." Benio: "Subaru-sama! Wait! I still need—" Subaru: "You gotta... run..." Rokuro: "It... can't be..." Benio: "What is this?" Kuranashi: "Magnificent." Kuranashi: "A power befitting the king of both Magano and the real world." Kuranashi: "It's as if I've been reborn..." Rokuro: "Screw that! How can you say that about power you stole?!" Benio: "I will never accept what you've done!" Kuranashi: "And what does your acceptance matter to me?" Kuranashi: "As Mitejima Subaru said, your best bet is to flee for now. What will you do," Kuranashi: "Twin Star Exorcists?" Benio: "I'm sorry, Subaru-sama... But I cannot turn and run right now!" Rokuro: "She's right! Kuranashi, we're going to bring you down!" Kuranashi: "Then why don't you show me your power?" Rokuro: "You don't have to ask! Let's go!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Kuranashi: "Your spell power has increased..." Twin Stars: "Crimson Meteor Smash!" Rokuro: "How's that?!" Kuranashi: "A good attack." Benio: "In that case..." Rokuro: "Try this!" Twin Stars: "Reunion Spiral Hail!" Kuranashi: "Is that your full strength?" Rokuro: "Stop messing with us, damn it!" Benio: "We're using Resonance, and he's still that much stronger?!" Kuranashi: "Let me demonstrate what the Twelve Guardians' spell power has given me." Benio: "Th-That's..." Benio: "Subaru-sama's..." Kuranashi: "Their techniques are a bit odious to me, but they should be perfect for you two." Benio: "Rokuro!" Kuranashi: "Done already?" Kuranashi: "Only felt confident at the start, is that it?" Tatara: "Kura...nashi..." Tatara: "Phantom... Serpent Coil..." Tatara: "Come forth... at once." Rokuro: "Wh-What the..." Kuranashi: "This technique... You're "Toda" Tatara!" Tatara: "Kuranashi... Kill, kill! Kuranashi!" Kuranashi: "I see... you're a Shikigami, so a spell meant for humans wouldn't affect you." Tatara: "Kuranashi!" Rokuro: "The bread crust guy has this kind of power?!" Benio: "Tatara-sama's techniques strike ally and enemy alike. That's why he's known as the most chaotic of the Twelve Guardians..." Benio: "The most dangerous of them all. It's just as Subaru-sama said." Rokuro: "A-Amazing..." Tatara: "Kuranashi! Kuranashi!" Tatara: "Kuranashi... Kuranashi!" Tatara: "You'll pay... You'll pay, you'll pay! You'll pay, Kuranashi!" Rokuro: "Did he get him?!" Tatara: "What?!" Rokuro: "Tatara!" Kuranashi: "I expected Unomiya "Kijin" Tenma's attack to be effective..." Kuranashi: "You're decently powerful, but I've had enough." Tatara: "Not yet..." Tatara: "Not done..." Tatara: "Toda Crystal Talisman!" Tatara: "Phantom Snake Coil, Divine Enchantment!" Kuranashi: "Your attacks won't reach me. You've wasted 600 years, Tatara." Tatara: "Kuranashi..." Tatara: "Kuranashi! Kuranashi!" Kuranashi: "This rise in your spell power... Are you actually..." Tatara: "Kuranashi!" Tatara: "Curse! I curse you! A curse upon you, Kuranashi!" Rokuro: "Tatara!" Benio: "Tatara-sama..." Kuranashi: "Damned Tatara..." Kuranashi: "To think he'd trade his life in order to strike me with a curse of deterioration..." Kuranashi: "But... your plan will end in failure." Kuranashi: "I'll take his spell power!" Rokuro: "Kuranashi!" Kuranashi: "Ijika Yuto... Your spell power is mine!" Rokuro: "What are you doing?!" Kuranashi: "Tatara..." Kuranashi: "It seems our feud of 600 years has ended in my victory." Benio: "It can't be..." Rokuro: "Yuto..." Kuranashi: "What will you do now, Twin Star Exorcists? It may not be a bad idea to withdraw for now." Kuranashi: "What?!" Kuranashi: "It can't be... You?!" Benio: "What is..." Rokuro: "...happening?" Kuranashi: "Then all of this... was according to your manipulations?!" Kuranashi: "But when did you..." Kuranashi: "No... It was all your doing..." Kuranashi: "Ijika Yuto!" Yuto: "I'm sure you thought you were using me all along..." Yuto: "But tough luck! Turns out it's the other way around." Yuto: "It's been so long! I was hoping to see you again..." Yuto: "Roku!" Yuto: "Hey, Roku. Y'know what Aeschylus said? "It is human nature to kick a man when he is down." What a lovely quote..." Rokuro: "What the hell, Aeschylus?! That's weird coming from a guy whose name sounds like a dessert!"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 41 – The Twelve Guardians Fall! - Have A Nice Nightmare, 12 Guardians", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "41", "The Twelve Guardians Fall! - Have A Nice Nightmare, 12 Guardians" ] }
Yuto: "Amazing, Roku! You really are the best!" Yuto: "Get even angrier. Let me see how serious you get." Yuto: "That way, you can take your true form..." Yuto: "You're... a Kegare, after all." Benio: "Rokuro... is a..." Mayura: "Om tathagata udbhavaye svaha..." Mayura: "You're awake, Adashino-san! Thank goodness..." Mayura: "Don't rush. You need to rest for now." Benio: "Thank you, everyone." Roku: "Are you sure you're okay, Benio?" Zen: "I must say, it was quite a shock, Arima-sama! You're alive!" Arima: "Sorry to worry you all." Arima: "Were you sad when you thought I was dead, Seigen?" Seigen: "Nah." Arima: "Oh, you! You sure you didn't cry just a little?" Seigen: "I don't have a single tear to waste on you." Arima: "You're so mean." Seigen: "More importantly..." Seigen: "Don't you have something important to tell us?" Arima: "Something important, huh?" Arima: "There's no keeping secrets from you, is there, Seigen? If I lay it all out, we'll be here forever, so I'll fill you in on just the important bits." Arima: "Regarding what I saw and heard while I was using the Pursuit of Ages Ritual." Zen: "The Pursuit of Ages Ritual?!" Seigen: "But you couldn't have done that on your own. You'd need someone threatening you, to send you to the brink of death..." Seigen: "You used Kuranashi?" Arima: "Well, I knew he wanted me dead, after all. So I did him a favor and let him "kill" me." Arima: "I see... I guess I fell right into your trap." Kuranashi: "The real world will be covered in darkness, and the stars will vanish." Arima: "No, they won't." Arima: "The deeper the darkness, the brighter the stars shine. Powerfully... and beautifully." Kuranashi: "Farewell, head exorcist." Arima: "Thanks to Kuranashi killing me, the Pursuit of Ages Ritual was complete, and my soul was separated from my body... to travel to roughly a thousand years ago," Arima: "in ancient Kyoto. There, I learned in complete detail the plans implemented by Abe no Seimei, the greatest exorcist of all time and the founder of our order, which would take shape over a millennium. As he performed various spells to help people live in peace, Seimei took note of the things lurking in human hearts, such as rage, hatred, and envy..." Arima: "and began to see them as the root of the disasters threatening the world. Our world traditionally has the force that destroys and spreads, yin, and the force that creates and concentrates, yang, working in balance throughout the cycle of creation. But the "malevolent feelings" of people manifested as beings of yin energy, Kegare, known as evil mountain and river spirits at the time, began to warp areas of the city. Seimei realized that the yin energy that people generated had grown to the point that it was throwing the world out of balance. And so, he ventured beneath the location that would become the headquarters of the Exorcist Union, and used his sorcery to create a another world... And in its heavens, he planted a single seedling. That seedling..." Arima: "is the Ame-no-mihashira. The Ame-no-mihashira breathed in the malevolent feelings of humanity, and beyond its extending branches, it created a barrier. Seimei took the yin energy generated by these malevolent feelings and sealed them into that world, hoping that the real world, inhabited by people, would maintain its balance between yin and yang..." Arima: "But the amount of yin energy people created only increased over time." Arima: "The other world became one marked by ruin and destruction... Which is to say, it was twisted into Magano. Not only that, but the yin energy from people continued to manifest inside Magano, giving birth to Kegare with incredible power. It was to counteract this that Seimei created the Exorcist Union, along with granting particularly strong exorcists with the twelve shikigami that he created himself," Arima: "giving birth to the unique twelve exorcists known as the Twelve Guardians. Thus, the Exorcist Union has been battling Kegare for generations using the spell power of the Twelve Guardians... But in the event that this was insufficient, and Magano continued to spread" Arima: "with Kegare growing more massive..." Arima: "Seimei prepared the means by which the Twin Star Exorcists would be born. So that all Kegare could be cleansed and the malicious Magano could be destroyed," Arima: "by giving birth to the ultimate exorcist, the Miko." Zen: "That's certainly a dreadful story." Seigen: "The idea of humanity being the source of all these damn Kegare... That's not exactly a scary notion, after all this time." Zen: "No, that's not what I find frightening." Zen: "For him to craft such an elaborate strategy to cleanse the Kegare... I've only ever revered Abe no Seimei before, but now he seems a bit like a terrifying monster." Arima: "You're wrong about that, Otomi-san. The truly frightening part" Arima: "is what I haven't told you yet." Mayura: "I guess that's all I can do for now..." Kinu: "Good work." Roku: "Thanks, Mayura." Mayura: "It's okay." Kinu: "You must be tired. I'll prepare somewhere for you to rest. Give me just a moment." Mayura: "I appreciate it. But I think my mother is probably worried, so I'll just go home for now." Kinu: "I see." Mayura: "What about you, Rokuro?" Roku: "I'm gonna keep an eye on Benio a bit longer." Mayura: "I see..." Mayura: "Later, then." Arima: "I'd like to discuss what happened to you" Arima: "beneath the Exorcist Union HQ." Roku: "From what you've told me, I now understand just how important the duty borne by the Twin Star Exorcists is." Roku: "But what..." Roku: "What does that have to do with what happened? And just what was it, anyway?" Arima: "Enmado Rokuro-kun... I had tried to tell you about your origins in such a way that would be easiest for you to accept and cause you as little shock as possible... But thanks to the intervention of Ijika Yuto," Arima: "you found out in the harshest way possible." Arima: "I've failed in my task. Please forgive me." Roku: "You don't need to apologize for that. But you have to tell me the truth! Is it like Yuto said? Am I..." Roku: "a Kegare?" Arima: "It's true... In the sense of being an entity formed from yin energy that is a threat to humanity," Arima: "you are a Kegare." Roku: "Then... It's true..." Arima: "However... You could also say that's not quite the case. The fact that your yin energy was meant to cleanse humanity" Arima: "is fundamentally different from Kegare." Roku: "I don't understand what you mean." Arima: "It's like this... Seimei prepared the Twin Star Exorcists and the Miko for the sake of exorcising all Kegare, and ending Magano. He yearned for a time when, even without Magano, the balance between yin and yang would be secure again. But, at the same time, if the malevolent feelings of humanity continued to grow, and gave rise to an unending horde of Kegare... In order to cleanse humanity itself, with the intent of removing them from the world, he prepared an incarnation of yin energy more powerful than any other." Roku: "To destroy humanity? Yin incarnate?" Arima: "Seimei called him... "The Cataclysm King." The Cataclysm King? The characters used mean literally "the king who destroys the stars."" Arima: "And the Cataclysm King..." Arima: "is you, Enmado Rokuro-kun." Roku: "So, either way," Roku: "the bottom line is that I'm not human." Arima: "I suppose, in the end, it still wound up being a shock." Roku: "Please, tell me..." Roku: "What am I supposed to do?" Arima: "All I can ask of you is to bring forth the Miko." Arima: "The yin energy in you and yang energy in Benio-kun will combine and create the Miko. That should rid you of your power as the Cataclysm King." Roku: "Don't be stupid! That's like... You're asking Benio to be with someone who isn't even human, aren't you?! I could never force her to do that!" Arima: "I suppose you think it's cruel?" Arima: "But I think that it's for the best." Arima: "Now, then... I need to be on my way." Arima: "The Exorcist Union is in tatters and needs to be put back in order. And before that... I promised to help get the Seika Dorm to assist in the town's recovery." Roku: "But you don't even have any ties to this town." Arima: "Don't I? The responsibility for the Kegare not being contained in Magano," Arima: "and for the damage they wrought on this town, doesn't lie with the Seika Dorm." Arima: "It's the Exorcist Union... No, as its leader, it's my fault. There's no way I can ever make up for it," Arima: "but I can at least do all I can to help." Suzu: "Welcome home!" Suzu: "You're so late, y'know!" Roku: "Wha— You're..." Suzu: "No need to be so tense, now. I'm not gonna attack you. In the first place, the seizure and loss of spell power isn't something I care about anymore." Roku: "What are you doing here?" Suzu: "I popped in through there!" Roku: "How can you open Dragon Spots?!" Suzu: "When I saw Kuranashi-don do it, I figured out how! I haven't quite mastered it yet, though, so I only managed one big enough for me." Roku: "You've got those miasma enchantments on, too, right?" Suzu: "Tsk, tsk, tsk. It's not a miasma enchantment." Suzu: "Ro... wen... gaimu!" Suzu: "For the record, I learned how to do this when I saw Chihuahua-kun use it." Roku: "That's "Chijiwa"!" Roku: "So, what does a Basara want with me?" Suzu: "I'm here to cheer you up, y'know? Learning about your true origins can," Suzu: "at times, bring a great deal of anxiety and fear." Roku: "How do you know that I'm troubled by my origins?" Suzu: "Did I not tell you when we first met? I'm observing you." Roku: "So you know, then? What I really am?" Suzu: "Yes... The Cataclysm King, right? Huh? Or was it "a Kegare"?" Roku: "In the sense that I'm not human, they're the same thing." Suzu: "So you're a Kegare, then!" Suzu: "Since we're both Kegare, you wanna get married?" Roku: "Don't be crazy!" Suzu: "It's not crazy! When you have love, a little age difference doesn't matter!" Roku: "Age difference... How old are you?" Suzu: "Roughly... a thousand and several hundred years old." Suzu: "What with the "that's a little too much of an age difference for me" look?" Roku: "No, that's not what I was thinking..." Roku: "I mean, you and I don't even love each other." Suzu: "You really love that flatty so much?" Suzu: "Maybe you should've kissed her before it turned out like this, then!" Roku: "No... I'm glad I didn't." Roku: "I can't drag her into this. This whole time, I've wanted to become the strongest exorcist so I could exorcise all the Kegare and protect everyone. And yet... I, myself..." Roku: "am not even human!" Roku: "I don't get this Kegare and Cataclysm King stuff..." Roku: "But I was apparently born to cleanse the world of all humans." Roku: "In that case... what am I supposed to do?" Suzu: "Why are you even hesitating because of that? You said it yourself, right? "I wanted to protect everyone." When you thought you were human, you chose what you wanted to do, didn't you? How is that any different now that you're the Cataclysm King?" Suzu: "Whether you're human or Cataclysm King..." Suzu: "You're still you, y'know?" Suzu: "Oh, nice! I wanna try something like this, too!" Suzu: "That feels great, y'know?!" Suzu: "When you're troubled, remember what's most important to you. Bang!" Roku: "What's most important to me, huh?" Yuto: "Here I am." Roku: "Yuto!" Yuto: "Well, you were taking so long. I can understand being busy, but..." Yuto: "Would it kill you to be a little more considerate of me?" Yuto: "I've got my own concerns, you know." Roku: "What are you talking about?" Yuto: "I'm thinking I want to mess up this filthy world good." Yuto: "You don't mind, right?" Yuto: "Actually, Roku..." Yuto: "What'll you do?" Yuto: "Will you stay with me?" Roku: "How many times do I have to tell you no?" Yuto: "Such a waste. Even though you're the Cataclysm King, who could kill every last human..." Yuto: "Well, you can at least fight me." Roku: "What?" Yuto: "If you want to stop me, you just need to beat me." Yuto: "Not that you actually could. But if you won't fight me, then I'll just destroy the world on my own." Yuto: "I have the power to do it, after all." Yuto: "Well..." Yuto: "I'll always be waiting for you, Roku." Mayura: "George Elliot wrote, "Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love." I want to tell that to Adashino-san, but..." Seigen: "I wouldn't. Not now."
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 43 – The Millennial Dream - Melancholic Misanthrope", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "43", "The Millennial Dream - Melancholic Misanthrope" ] }
Mayura: "Why are you going so far?" Benio: "Because..." Benio: "I..." Benio: "Enmado Rokuro..." Benio: "I love him." Roku: "I'm sorry, but it's time to break up our duo." Roku: "See ya." Benio: "Wait!" Roku: "Don't follow me!" Roku: "You'd just hold me back." Benio: "Rokuro..." Yuto: "I've been waiting, Roku." Y: "Welcome to the Chamber of Darkness." Y: "I was certain you'd come, Roku." Roku: "Yeah, guess I kept you waiting." Yuto: "Hmm... I like the look in your eyes. It's obvious how ready you are to fight." Roku: "That's what you want, right?" Yuto: "Could it be that you're here to grant my wish for me?" Roku: "If I didn't show up, you'd just come after me in the real world." Roku: "And then, as if it were a game, you'd try to destroy it." Yuto: "Now, that is impressive. You really do understand me. I can feel how strong your love is." Roku: "Cut the crap." Yuto: "It's not crap at all. I'm honestly touched, from the bottom of my heart. And more than anything else, I'm glad that you didn't bring Benio along." Yuto: "You came to see me by yourself..." Yuto: "That means you've cast her aside and chosen me, right?" Roku: "That's not it. I just..." Yuto: "Just... what?" Roku: "I'm more than enough to handle you!" Roku: "Star Armor Master Talisman: Inferno!" Roku: "Exorcism Enchantment Ensemble: Astral Disaster!" Yuto: "Wow... I can tell how determined you were to come and see me..." Yuto: "And how serious you are about fighting me." Roku: "Yuto... Today, right here, I'm settling things with you!" Yuto: "Okay. No one can enter this place." Yuto: "Meaning no one can interrupt our fun. Roku, let's share all our feelings..." Yuto: "Just the two of us!" Yuto: "Roku!" Roku: "Let's go, Benio!" Benio: "Right! Resonance!" Benio: "Rokuro?" Rokuro: "Benio." Rokuro: "You'd just hold me back!" Kinako: "Benio-sama!" Mayura: "Adashino-san! Don't push yourself! You've got a really high fever!" Benio: "Where am I?" Mayura: "Your room." Benio: "Where's Rokuro?" Kinako: "We haven't been able to find him." Mayura: "He didn't come back here or go to the Seika Dorm, and there's been no word from him." Benio: "He can't have gone alone..." Mayura: "Hang on, Adashino-san! Where are you going?" Benio: "To Rokuro..." Arima: "And what will you do then?" Mayura: "The Head Exorcist!" Arima: "What can you do in your condition?" Benio: "Rokuro and I are the Twin Star Exorcists! I'm going to fight at his side!" Kinu: "Benio-sama, you should forget about him. I don't know what happened between the two of you, but he left you behind." Kinu: "That shows how he feels." Benio: "But... I have to go." Benio: "We promised... we'd get stronger together..." Benio: "So I have to go..." Benio: "Even if it makes him hate me, I have to!" Kinu: "Benio-sama..." Mayura: "There's no way he'd ever hate you! I know Rokuro must feel the same—" Arima: "Who loves or hates whom isn't what matters here. If you can't be an asset in battle, you'd only be troubling Rokuro-kun by going. To be blunt, you'd hold him back." Arima: "Didn't he tell you as much? And to stay away?" Kinako: "You don't have to say it like that!" Benio: "Rokuro..." Mayura: "Adashino-san!" Kinu: "Arima-sama, what did you do to her?" Arima: "This fragrance puts people to sleep. I figured she wouldn't behave unless I did." Arima: "The most important thing is for her to rest and heal her injuries, right?" Arima: "Sorry about this." Yuto: "Over here!" Yuto: "Come on, aim carefully!" Yuto: "I guess it's about time... to fight back." Roku: "Meteor Smash!" Yuto: "That was intense!" Roku: "Air Fissure Bullet!" Yuto: "Light Warping Bullet." Yuto: "This is really amazing! Now, how about an attack like this?" Roku: "What is this supposed to be?" Tetsuji: "Roku!" Hikari: "I don't want to die... Help me, Roku!" Yuna: "I don't want to become a Kegare!" Yuto: "Takes you back, huh? If you'd had the power, you could've saved them all." Yuto: "That makes it your fault." Roku: "Is that all you have to say?" Roku: "I don't need you to point that out. I've already thought about it nonstop, agonizing over every moment. The rage, pain, and suffering of the Hinatsuki Tragedy still lie deep in my chest." Roku: "It'll never go away... As long as I live!" Roku: "Which is why I'll get stronger..." Roku: "To make sure it never happens again!" Roku: "That's why I came here." Yuto: "Wow, you've grown. You're so mature now." Roku: "You haven't changed at all, Yuto. You probably showed me memories from Hinatsuki to shake me up, but that's not gonna beat me." Yuto: "So cool! Really, I'm falling for you all over again." Yuto: "Y'know, I've never really had any interest in other people." Yuto: "My parents babbled about their ideals and never accomplished anything..." Yuto: "My sister was as useless as she was obnoxious... And my teacher was a loudmouth." Yuto: "They were all such a drag, really." Yuto: "But..." Yuto: "You were different." Yuto: "At first, I thought you were just an idiot. But somehow, before I realized it, I was always watching you. I couldn't figure out what it was about you that captured my attention, but now I understand." Yuto: "Abe no Seimei made it clear for me." Yuto: "You were the only person in the world who was like me." Yuto: "It was no coincidence that we met... It was fate!" Roku: "What do you mean?" Yuto: "I'm saying the red thread of fate connects us." Yuto: "Let's stick together so that we're never apart again, Roku!" Roku: "Golden Crow Portal Talisman!" Roku: "Gold Smash!" Roku: "Flame Contact!" Yuto: "Huh?" Yuto: "Wait, did you just try to use Resonance?" Yuto: "Benio isn't here, you know." Roku: "Shut up!" Roku: "Because she was always there..." Roku: "Because Benio was there..." Yuto: "How cruel of you to be thinking of that woman when I'm here." Yuto: "You've already got me." Yuto: "Well, it's understandable. You've always let your emotions get the better of you. It's okay. I'll make you forget all about her." Yuto: "What's wrong? Huh? You'll never beat me that way." Yuto: "Fight back! Come on!" Yuto: "This is so much fun! I wish we could do this forever..." Roku: "What are you smiling about? What's so damn funny?" Yuto: "Well, I'm enjoying myself." Roku: "Yuto... What..." Roku: "are you even fighting for?" Arima: "I should go." Kinu: "Arima-sama, why must Benio-sama suffer like this? Her parents were killed by Kegare, her brother betrayed her, she lost her legs and they were replaced by a Kegare's..." Kinu: "And to top it off, her fate as one of the Twin Star Exorcists." Kinu: "She meets Enmado Rokuro, and finally achieves a measure of happiness..." Kinu: "And he turns out to be the Cataclysm King. Why must it all happen to Benio-sama?" Arima: "Because it's her." Arima: "Her yang spell power is incredibly potent. As someone with great power, she is burdened with a great duty. And those trials only fall to those who have the strength to overcome them." Kinu: "Arima-sama..." Arima: "The time will come when we need her power again." Arima: "Take good care of Benio-kun." Arima: "Seigen? So nice of you to come and see me!" Seigen: "Arima, I know you respect your ancestor, but I have to say..." Seigen: "Abe no Seimei was a real piece of crap." Arima: "What makes you say that?" Seigen: "Rokuro was created to be the Cataclysm King? So he just thinks of Rokuro as a tool. I'm not gonna accept that!" Arima: "You're as kind as I would expect from Byakko of the Twelve Guardians." Seigen: "I'm not one of the Twelve Guardians anymore, and I don't follow Abe no Seimei's orders." Arima: "Where are you going?" Seigen: "Where else? To bring Rokuro back." Arima: "You want his wishes to amount to nothing?" Arima: "He went because it was what he wanted, not because anyone else asked him to." Arima: "Isn't it your duty as his master to respect that decision?" Seigen: "You want me to just wait around when I know he's going to get torn up?" Arima: "Even if we did want to help, neither you nor I have enough strength to be of any use. Am I wrong? If it were possible, I wanted them to get lovey-dovey and peacefully give birth to the Miko... But unfortunately, we no longer have time to wait for that." Seigen: "Damn it, why do we have to send kids to fight?" Arima: "It's true, we are rather pathetic adults. But he's not a child anymore." Arima: "This isn't like when he ran from his fate and looked away from his past. He has the power and heart to fight. With so many exorcists lost and the Twelve Guardians unable to take action, Rokuro-kun is the only one who can battle Ijika Yuto. You actually do realize that, don't you?" Seigen: "Rokuro..." Roku: "Yuto... What are you even fighting for?" Yuto: "What brought that on? Could it be you're taking an interest in me?" Roku: "Yeah. I'm not like you... That's what I thought. But I'm a Kegare... So in a way, we're alike." Roku: "Which is why I felt like asking." Yuto: "And what would you like to know?" Roku: "Say you win this battle. What comes after that?" Roku: "What kind of future do you want?" Yuto: "Future? I couldn't care less." Roku: "You don't care?" Yuto: "Nope. I just want to fight you." Yuto: "Nothing else matters to me." Roku: "Why?" Yuto: "Countless exorcists have done battle with Kegare since ancient times... To protect people, or to protect their villages and towns," Yuto: "sometimes even risking their lives... But it was all pointless! After all, the world's going to end soon. Reality, Magano, humans, Kegare... It will all disappear! All that stuff they were so desperate to protect! Isn't it funny?" Roku: "You found that out by connecting to Abe no Seimei?" Yuto: "That's right. Kegare come into existence because of humans. So let's kill all the humans, he says." Yuto: "In the end, everyone has just been dancing in the palm of Abe no Seimei's hand." Roku: "And you're fine with that? Doesn't it bother you to let things play out just as Seimei planned?" Yuto: "Well, it doesn't seem like there's much I can do." Roku: "Well, I think it's bull. I don't care if it's Abe no Seimei, or whoever else. I don't take orders from anyone!" Yuto: "You don't take orders, huh? But you're the Cataclysm King, remember? You can't run from that fact." Roku: "I won't run. Even if it's my fate to become the Cataclysm King, I'll face that head on." Roku: "I'll fight against fate, to the very end!" Yuto: "That's so much like you. Never giving up, no matter what the predicament... It's one of the best things about you." Roku: "Yuto..." Roku: "This doesn't seem like you." Yuto: "Really?" Yuto: "I strive to become the user of ultimate spell power... That's right! In other words, the strongest exorcist!" Roku: "You wanted to become the strongest exorcist." Roku: "What happened to that goal?" Yuto: "It hasn't really changed. After I defeat you and consume your spell power, I'll become even stronger, getting closer to being the strongest exorcist." Roku: "That's wrong." Yuto: "What exactly is wrong?" Roku: "You wanted to devour the spell power of everyone in the country to become the strongest exorcist. Your selfish ambition really pissed me off," Roku: "but if nothing else, it was what you really wanted." Roku: "It was your vision of the future." Roku: "And now you say you don't care about the future?" Roku: "What the hell are you giving up for?" Yuto: "I wondered what you were getting at. You think I've given up? Me? It's so stupid, I have to la—" Roku: "Don't try and laugh this off! What do you really want to do? What is it you want?! I don't know what you found out by connecting to Abe no Seimei, but you don't get to back down!" Yuto: "So self-righteous. You're getting judgmental and criticizing me, but what about yourself? When you were told that you and Benio were the Twin Star Exorcists, knowing you, you rebelled, right? And yet you were acting like a sweet husband and wife... Isn't that you giving in to the prophecy that the exorcists came up with?" Roku: "That's..." Yuto: "Then you made that bold statement about beating me with Benio, yet you came here on your own. Once you learned you were the Cataclysm King, you abandoned Benio in tears and quit being one of the Twin Star Exorcists." Yuto: "Sounds like you're the one who let fate beat you." Yuto: "Giving up? That's not it at all." Yuto: "Roku, it seems you don't understand me after all." Yuto: "I just want to enjoy the moment, you see." Yuto: "The results, who wins and who loses... None of that even matters. I just want to fight you with everything I have! Even if that means there's no future. That's my wish." Roku: "And that's really enough for you?" Yuto: "Yes. I want to know more about you, and I want you to actually understand me." Yuto: "And I don't think just talking would help either of us accomplish that." Yuto: "That being the case..." Yuto: "Let's try and kill each other. They do it all the time in shonen manga, right? Having a conversation using your fists. By having a real fight and trying to kill each other with all we have," Yuto: "I believe we can come to an understanding." Yuto: "So come at me with all you have, Roku. If you don't fight me as best you can, the real world will be destroyed!" Roku: "Benio..." Roku: "Benio... Benio!" Roku: "Benio, I'm sorry." Roku: "I said we'd get stronger together... I didn't keep that promise." Roku: "I wanted to see you smiling from the bottom of your heart..." Roku: "But I can't make you happy." Roku: "So I at least..." Roku: "want to protect the world you live in." Roku: "I'll fight to do that!" Yuto: "Good, Roku! That's more like it!" Roku: "Hey, Mr. Head Exorcist. I can trust you with this, right?" Arima: "This is a spell passed down through the Tsuchimikado clan, called the Burial Ritual." Roku: "Will this really take care of it?" Arima: "Yes." Arima: "If you unleash your yin energy and lose control of yourself, going berserk..." Arima: "This spell will stop your heart." Arima: "In other words, if you become the Cataclysm King, you will die." Roku: "The Cataclysm King who's supposed to purge humanity... If I ever turned into that, I'd already no longer be me. So if that happens, I'm counting on you, Burial Ritual, to kill me!" Yuto: "Come on, Roku... Let's get started."
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 45 – The Couple Alone - Lonely Twin Exorcist", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "45", "The Couple Alone - Lonely Twin Exorcist" ] }
Haruka: "Not running into any Kegare for so long is kind of eerie..." Ryogo: "Magano is probably being affected, too." Haruka: "I'll push it as hard as I can while still driving safely!" Mikage: "You're prepared, then? Soon the absorption of spell power will be complete, and preparations for the Grand Cleansing ritual will begin." Mikage: "Now, come into my arms." Benio: "Rokuro... live!" Mikage: "Everything you have will be given to my true body..." Mikage: "To Abe no Seimei." Mikage: "May it bring you eternal joy." Arima: "The Ame-no-mihashira..." Seimei: "It is deplorable that after a thousand years, such a grand cleansing is necessary." Seimei: "But now the cosmos will bear witness to the birth of a pristine world." Seimei: "This is what has become of the capital after a millennium..." Seimei: "It's completely different." Seimei: "The sky never changes." Seimei: "Only the world of man ever does..." Seimei: "I've kept our promise, Adashino Benio." Arima: "Rokuro-kun!" Arima: "Rokuro-kun..." Arima: "Everything just works out according to your plan, then, Abe no Seimei?!" Seimei: "The Head Exorcist..." Seimei: "Once all the pieces are in place, I will be counting on you." Arima: "Rokuro-kun." Rokuro: "Pervy underpants guy?" Rokuro: "I'm... alive?" Rokuro: "Where's Yuto?! I beat him, right?!" Arima: "Yes." Roku: "Then... why am I..." Arima: "You became the Cataclysm King." Arima: "And then you stole the spell power of countless people." Rokuro: "What did you say?" Rokuro: "How could that happen?! What about the Burial Ritual I asked you to do?!" Arima: "I'm sorry, Rokuro-kun. When you became the Cataclysm King, the curse I cast on your heart activated, as planned..." Arima: "But it wasn't enough." Rokuro: "It wasn't?" Arima: "Abe no Seimei's power was far beyond that. Your heart was repaired in an instant, and as a result, you became the Cataclysm King and turned many people to stone." Rokuro: "What the hell? What the hell?! I was ready to die, and now..." Arima: "No matter what happened, he was able to adjust for everything." Arima: "You fighting Ijika Yuto was probably just another adjustment to his plan." Arima: "That was what turned you into the Cataclysm King, after all." Roku: "I was fighting... because I wanted everyone to be happy..." Roku: "And now you tell me it was all pointless?!" Arima: "I'm sorry to say that I've been dancing to his tune, too. He's spent a thousand years trying to make his ideal world a reality... He's working on a completely different scale." Roku: "Then... why am I alive? There's no point in me still being alive, then!" Kinako: "You dumbass!" Kinako: "What do you mean, there's no point? Listen to me, imp! The reason you're alive is... You're alive because... Benio-sama..." Kinako: "Benio-sama, she..." Kinako: "Through her tears, she went to Seimei." Roku: "To Seimei?" Roku: "To bring me back?" Kinako: "That's right! After so much anguish, worry, and distress, she made a decision!" Roku: "I'm a Kegare! Why would she do that for me?!" Kinako: "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Kinako: "Yeah, you might've been a Kegare! And sure, you turned into a big white monster! But it didn't matter!" Kinako: "To Benio-sama, you were still you! The guy called Enmado Rokuro!" Kinako: "Here..." Kinako: "Take a look at this!" Roku: "That's..." Kinako: "Before she went to Seimei, she..." Benio: "I want you to give this to Rokuro." Roku: "Benio..." Kinako: "She didn't want to go to him! But to save you... Benio-sama... She..." Roku: "But I'm a Kegare!" Kinako: "Are you still spouting that crap?!" Arima: "That's enough, Kinako-kun. Rokuro-kun has no memories of what has happened since he decided to leave Benio-kun and fought Ijika Yuto." Arima: "It's natural that he's confused." Roku: "What am I supposed to do?" Kinako: "Save Benio-sama, of course! What the hell are you asking?!" Arima: "That's impossible." Arima: "Benio-kun is likely inside the cocoon Abe no Seimei was in." Arima: "No one other than him would be able to even crack it. On top of that, he took all of your spell power." Kinako: "You mean we just have to give up?" Arima: "No, let's continue to give this some thought. Seimei and Benio-kun likely haven't joined together yet." Roku: "Damn it!" Roku: "Why?" Roku: "Why do I have to go through all of this for Abe no Seimei's selfish ideals?" Suzu: "That's right, worry!" Suzu: "You face a fraught and complex situation. But there's no time for desperation!" Roku: "What?!" Suzu: "The important thing..." Suzu: "The important thing is to see what's really going on, y'know?" Suzu: "There's so much we don't understand! And the less clear things are, the more you want to know! But you see, but you see, that is why... Oh, yes! That's how these wings come to be!" Suzu: "You should just grow your own wings, y'know?" Roku: "Huh?" Suzu: "Not on your back. In your heart!" Suzu: "Right!" Suzu: "Because, you see, you have it! An energy only humans have! The strange, enchanting, thrilling, burning instinct! So rage and sorrow, joy and doubt, excitement and loathing, and love!" Suzu: "Since there are so many ways you can feel, sometimes they can lead to mistakes!" Suzu: "Which is why..." Suzu: "It's okay to suddenly change your tune, y'know?" Suzu: "Because there's some part of you that never does!" Roku: "The part that doesn't change..." Suzu: "Despite hurting others and being hurt, you still need to move on to tomorrow!" Suzu: "What can you believe in? What's the thing that won't change? Why, it's... Hmm, in your case... What would it be?" Suzu: "I know! It's your bonds! Bonds, the bonds, it's your bonds! The bonds, bonds, bonds that connect..." Suzu: "Perhaps?" Arima: "You're not very Basara-like, are you?" Suzu: "Basara discrimination!" Suzu: "What would be more Basara-like, then? Doing mean things to you folks? There are humans who are even worse than Basara, you know!" Arima: "Good point." Suzu: "So, will you still purify me because I'm a Basara?" Arima: "For the moment, at least, no." Suzu: "I am totally grateful for your existential moral conundrum, y'know!" Suzu: "Now, my dear Twin Star." Suzu: "The future of humanity is yours to decide." Suzu: "Or maybe not! Bye now!" Arima: "Well, then... What did you find?" Roku: "It's faint, but..." Roku: "I found hope." Seimei: "At long last, the time has come." Arima: "Om Marici svaha!" Arima: "That's all I'm capable of at the moment." Roku: "Thanks, pervy underpa— Master Head Exorcist." Roku: "Shikigami?!" Arima: "Abe no Seimei!" Roku: "Abe no... Seimei..." Seimei: "Head Exorcist, are you now prepared to serve under me?" Arima: "Sadly, no." Seimei: "The flower will soon bloom. Once it does, the Ame-no-mihashira will spread the nectar of its blossom into the world to cleanse the chosen, such as yourselves, of their yin energy. As the nectar anoints humanity, their yin energy will be trapped within it, and the world will then be populated only with God's children." Arima: "It's worry and pain that cause love to be passionate, which makes the bond between a couple grow stronger. Your vision is devoid of worldly desires, which will produce no descendants." Seimei: "Worldly desires? Such things are completely unnecessary. Each individual will abide by the ideal plan engraved in them, and when the time comes, men and women will choose to be together." Arima: "That makes them little more than machines to create children!" Seimei: "But the temptations caused by worldly desires are what lead people to separation and mutual pain." Arima: "You honestly believe this is the best solution?!" Roku: "Hell no, it's not!" Seimei: "Please stand down. There is nothing you can do." Roku: "So what if there isn't?" Seimei: "Expressing emotions that will lead nowhere serves no purpose." Roku: "Even so... I won't give up!" Mayura: "Rokuro!" Mayura: "Thank goodness! You're back to normal." Roku: "Mayura! Seigen! Guys!" Ryogo: "We couldn't just sit and wait." Shin: "I don't know if we can help, but..." Atsushi: "Still, we gotta do something!" Haruka: "So we flew down the Magano highway!" Roku: "Thank you." Mayura: "Where's Adashino-san?" Mayura: "Did something happen?" Roku: "She's trapped in there." Roku: "She submitted to Abe no Seimei in order to turn me back." Arima: "Our odds of being able to save her are close to zero." Roku: "But we've got a faint hope!" Roku: "I'm going to gamble on that and get Benio back!" Mayura: "I'm in." Ryogo: "Me, too." Haruka: "So am I." Shin: "Same here." Atsushi: "You bet!" Seigen: "There you have it." Kinako: "What's with you people? What the heck?! You're all so fired up!" Arima: "As little as I have to offer, I'll fight with you, too." Kinako: "How long are you gonna hold me down?!" Roku: "Wait for me, Benio!" Kinako: "There's a fresh barrier coating on this baby! Attacks like that won't do squat!" Mayura: "No way! They combined?" Shin: "We're not getting anywhere!" Roku: "This is..." Seigen: "Rokuro!" Mayura: "Dad!" Seigen: "With Arima's spell power, you ought to be able to use it!" Seigen: "Now, get going!" Roku: "I'll be back!" Roku: "Oh, no!" Roku: "Shin-chan!" Shin: "Iron Cliff Wall, come forth at once!" Shin: "Hurry! Everyone, pass over me!" Roku: "Shin-chan!" Shin: "Quickly!" Roku: "I'm sorry!" Atsushi: "You too, Shinnosuke!" Shin: "Never mind me, just go! Give my regards to Benio-chan!" Roku: "Shin-chan..." Roku: "We're gonna be trapped!" Atsushi: "I've got it! Pulverizing Lion's Strength, come forth at once!" Atsushi: "Now's your chance! Go!" Roku: "Acchan!" Atsushi: "Go, Rokuro!" Roku: "Acchan!" Ryogo: "Talismans!" Haruka: "Right." Ryogo: "Rokuro!" Roku: "Ryogo!" Ryogo: "Take these!" Ryogo: "Now, hurry on!" Roku: "Right!" Ryogo: "Hurry to Benio-san!" Roku: "Ryogo!" Mayura: "Air Fissure Bullet!" Roku: "Mayura!" Mayura: "I'm okay." Mayura: "Here, Rokuro." Mayura: "Go tell Adashino-san how you feel and give her a big hug." Roku: "I swear I'll come back!" Mayura: "Aww... Looks like my romance has been called off seven times on account of rain..." Mayura: "Stupid Rokuro." Roku: "Just wait, Benio!" Kinako: "That's it! Keep moving, imp!" Kinako: "I can feel it... Benio-sama is up above. Prove that you're more than an imp..." Roku: "Kinako!" Roku: "I'm going to put these to good use, guys!" Roku: "Skanda Talisman!" Roku: "Heaven Striding Speed, come forth at once!" Roku: "I'm not going to let your efforts be wasted!" Roku: "I'm coming, Benio!"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 48 – Unity - Solidarity", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "48", "Unity - Solidarity" ] }
Roku: "Benio!" Arima: "You should try this." Arima: "To my knowledge, it's the only spell-disabling talisman." Roku: "By the miraculous spirits of the honorable and wise Mimusubi no Okami gods..." Seiemei: "The Cataclysm King still struggles in vain?" Arima: "I can't let you go. It's rude to interrupt a young couple." Seimei: "I don't plan on going." Seimei: "You don't actually think he can break open that cocoon, do you?" Arima: "It might be pretty difficult..." Arima: "to break open, anyway." Roku: "Benio... I'm counting on you!" Roku: "By this link of affection, let all that impede me be defied..." Roku: "This is a considerable wave of spell power." Arima: "Benio-kun gave Rokuro-kun one of her hair ornaments. Most people would consider it a going-away gift to the boy she loved." Arima: "But Rokuro-kun had a hunch..." Arima: "It had to mean something! And he was willing to bet it all on that single possibility." Seimei: "I see... You're saying that, to create a crack in the cocoon, she connected the two hair ornaments with a thread of spell power." Arima: "That's right. Even if you can't break something open, if there's a small hole in the first place, it's possible to force that hole open further. When Benio-kun saw you sleeping inside the cocoon, she realized she would end up in a similar state and channeled her spell power into the hair ornament." Kinako: "Arima-sama made a gamble on the bond between those two. He was trying to handle it himself, with a ritual that would've cost him his life. But he took the spell power he'd gathered for that," Kinako: "and gave it all to the imp!" Seigen: "Arima..." Rokuro: "It's connected!" Rokuro: "Benio!" Seimei: "Cataclysm King..." Arima: "I told you, I'm not letting you go anywhere." Seimei: "Stop this. I can't even sense any spell power from you." Arima: "I appreciate the concern." Arima: "Megha shaniye svaha!" Seimei: "Ridiculous..." Seimei: "Megha shaniye svaha." Both: "Om!" Seimei: "It's over." Arima: "Kamui the Basara..." Seimei: "Why did you save the Head Exorcist?" Kamui: "Save him? Don't be stupid." Arima: "He's here to fight you. All he cares about is fighting powerful foes." Seimei: "You want to fight me?" Kamui: "That's part of it, but there's more to it." Arima: "What?" Kamui: "I don't really get it, either..." Benio: "Thank you..." Kamui: "For starters, I don't appreciate you trying to take her." Seimei: "You're making no sense." Kamui: "Oh, this is just too much fun..." Arima: "I won't let this end!" Roku: "Benio!" Roku: "Benio! Wake up! Benio!" Benio: "Rokuro..." Roku: "You idiot! What the hell were you doing?! How could you do something so crazy?! If I hadn't come to save you, you would have..." Roku: "You would have..." Benio: "You're the idiot! You're the crazy one! I could say all of that right back to you! You stupid, stupid idiot!" Roku: "What?!" Benio: "What?!" Roku: "I mean, how could you give this to Kinako without any kind of explanation?! Try and be clearer!" Benio: "What kind of Twin Star are you if you can't understand without needing to be told?!" Roku: "That's no excuse!" Benio: "You understood anyway, so what's the problem?!" Roku: "I was scared! What if I'd been wrong?!" Benio: "If you were, then that's all the good you are!" Roku: "Are you stupid?! How could you try and test me with something this important?!" Benio: "I wasn't testing you!" Roku: "Then what was it?!" Benio: "I'm not going to say, idiot!" Roku: "What?!" Benio: "You don't understand at all! How I felt... How alone I felt when I woke up and you weren't there!" Benio: "It was cruel of you to run off on your own because of how you felt about being a Kegare." Benio: "I wanted to worry about it with you. And when you became the Cataclysm King, I was so—" Roku: "Wh-What? You were—" Benio: "It was my first!" Benio: "I wanted it to be more romantic!" Roku: "Sorry..." Benio: "But... I knew. I believed you'd understand and come." Roku: "Thanks." Benio: "Rokuro... No matter what happens, as far as I'm concerned," Benio: "you're still you." Benio: "Nothing and nobody else." Roku: "Sorry for making you worry so much." Roku: "Will you lend me your strength again?" Benio: "Of course!" Roku: "Head Exorcist?!" Benio: "Kamui?!" Kamui: "This has been so much fun, I forgot about counting to ten..." Kamui: "How about this?" Seimei: "Be quiet for a moment." Benio: "Kamui!" Kamui: "You two have fun now... Guess I've got more to look forward to." Kamui: "Give me a break!" Seimei: "I'm impressed you didn't flee." Seimei: "That's worthy of praise." Roku: "Of course not! All I've been thinking about is how to stop you!" Seimei: "Stop me?" Seimei: "With what power? It's impossible." Benio: "We won't know that until we try!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Benio: "Rokuro!" Seimei: "Please be quiet." Roku: "Stop it!" Roku: "Benio!" Seimei: "You're still capable of such power..." Seimei: "Unfortunately, soon, only pristine things will be left in the world. Your insignificant memories are destined to vanish." Roku: "What's that supposed to mean?!" Seimei: "No measure of struggle will help you now. Just watch from there." Benio: "What's about to happen?" Benio: "The nectar of kindness is about to gently cover the world." Benio: "Nectar of kindness?" Seimei: "The yin energy has been drained from humanity. Now the nectar of kindness will cover them, trapping only the yang energy within, and all people will live with only a yang nature." Roku: "Flower petals?" Seimei: "Once all the petals fall," Seimei: "nectar of kindness will spring forth and spread across the entire world. At this point, no one can stop it from happening." Benio: "But..." Benio: "I thought nothing was supposed to happen until you joined with me?!" Seimei: "No." Seimei: "You've served your purpose already." Seimei: "I am one with the Ame-no-mihashira. The moment I anticipated defiance," Seimei: "I took your yang energy while you were in the cocoon." Roku: "Wait! Then you mean it's really..." Seimei: "I regret that it has come to this, as well. But humanity has done nothing but follow the same road I saw them traveling a thousand years ago. Even after a millennium, they are unable to cease fighting, with hatred and sorrow born to their souls, releasing yin energy." Seimei: "The human heart is simply profane, I suppose. Yin energy gives rise to a destructive tendency, and humans give in to its influence, hating each other," Seimei: "giving rise to even more yin energy." Seimei: "There is no choice but to break a such a foul cycle." Seimei: "And by my hand, a world full of true love will be born." Roku: "Enough! You're doing something insane, and you call it love?!" Roku: "That's just your one-sided view of things!" Seimei: "That is why I waited a thousand years. I ensured that unless the yin energy reached a certain threshold, the Cataclysm King..." Seimei: "Which is to say, you, would never have awakened." Seimei: "I had faith in humanity... But that faith has been definitively betrayed. Your standing here is proof of the evil in mankind." Benio: "You don't get to decide that!" Roku: "Benio?" Benio: "I absolutely refuse all of this!" Benio: "Rokuro!" Roku: "Right!" Seimei: "You have both depleted your spell power. There is nothing you can do." Seimei: "You must realize that." Benio: "Rokuro!" Roku: "Yeah!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Seimei: "It's futile." Seimei: "Such spell power can do nothing." Roku: "It's okay! The two of us can do it for sure!" Benio: "Right! Because we're together now!" Roku: "That's right! This has to be the reason we've pushed each other this far!" Benio: "From that moment..." Benio: "All of this time!" Benio: "At first, you were exasperating. Unreliable, with no sense of direction, and not willing to fight in spite of being an exorcist." Roku: "You really ticked me off back then." Roku: "I thought I never wanted to see you again." Benio: "But when you fought, you were amazing." Benio: "And you helped me realize many things." Roku: "You always pulled me along" Roku: "and made me want to surpass you someday." Benio: "Though we always fought as we lived together, you were always honest. I really admired that." Roku: "We lost together a lot, and we cried together a lot..." Roku: "But you never gave up." Roku: "You had the strength to keep going." Benio: "Before I knew it, two years had passed, and it was natural for us to be together." Roku: "That was when we met Sae, and things got even better..." Benio: "But then we suddenly lost her..." Benio: "I'll never forget those tears." Roku: "We swore to protect what Sae had sacrificed her life for." Benio: "But there were people who sought to take away the priceless gift she gave us." Roku: "I hurt the people of the town, and I even hurt you," Roku: "by using a power I should've never given in to. And I became something I never wanted to be." Benio: "I wanted to bring you back!" Benio: "I didn't want to give up!" Benio: "That's why I came this far!" Roku: "Back then, I was the most pessimistic... But after I almost lost what mattered most to me, I'm now here with the most conviction I've ever felt!" Benio: "As am I! Which is why..." Twin Stars: "We will protect this world, even if it costs us our lives!" Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Seimei: "Where is this spell power coming from?" Seimei: "Are they converting their lives into spell power?" Seimei: "Stop this futility." Seimei: "No matter how strong your spell power becomes, there is nothing you can do." Seimei: "The two of you are among the chosen." Seimei: "Your lives will go on without any need for this." Roku: "We don't want to live in some world that's been given to us!" Benio: "We want to live in a world that we create ourselves!" Roku: "According to you, everything we've experienced and felt was all bad!" Benio: "But that's not true! We may have hated people, and tried to hurt them.... It was painful, and sometimes we ended up hurt... But without that, I would never care for Rokuro as much as I do!" Roku: "And I'd never cherish Benio the way I do now! Which is why..." Twin Stars: "We don't mind risking our lives!" Seimei: "Enmado Rokuro, Adashino Benio..." Seimei: "Everything you've just said is simply from the perspective of humanity's convenience." Seimei: "I will admit that "love" can be born after overcoming a great deal of yin..." Seimei: "However, it is by no means harmless." Seimei: "To care about someone because you wish to be cared about is selfish love. Which is why when you feel you are not loved, negative feelings are born, leading you to hurt more, and to hurt others more." Seimei: "That is why there will be no end to Kegare." Seimei: "The world I am trying to create will have no Kegare." Seimei: "A world of people whose hearts are filled with pure love, where no one is hurt..." Seimei: "No greater world could exist." Roku: "Are Kegare..." Roku: "Are Kegare really that bad?!" Seimei: "What are you saying?" Roku: "I'm a Kegare, too! But you said I'm one of the chosen ones! So what's wrong with there being Kegare?!" Benio: "Right! There were Kegare among those we've met with kindness in their hearts! Even among the Basara, there were those who could be emotionally moved, and many who cared about others!" Roku: "There're some who think about the nature of their existence, too!" Benio: "Talking about yang and yin, and humans and Kegare, is missing the point!" Roku: "Everyone has their worries! We worry, but we still try to move forward!" Seimei: "And then?" Seimei: "The issue is the irrefutable fact that, after a thousand years, nothing has changed. At this rate, yin will spread into the real world, and both Magano and the real world will become dominated by Kegare." Seimei: "I'm afraid..." Seimei: "it has to end." Arata: "Well, it's time for the final preview." Ioroi: "We've shared many famous quotes, but..." Tatara: "Nothing this time! Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing!" Kankuro: "Those two can give one last quote next time." Kengo: "Quotes from those two, huh?"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 49 – Revival - Restoration", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "49", "Revival - Restoration" ] }
Ryo: "What about you, Rokuro?" Roku: "You're annoying me!" Ryo: "How can you say it's annoying? I say this because I worry—" Roku: "Leave me alone!" Roku: "Stupid Ryogo..." Roku: "He just says whatever he wants!" Roku: "He's always been like that..." Roku: "It's so annoying." Benio: "You seem to care a lot about him." Ryo: "To me, Rokuro is like an adorable little brother, and the only one I have." Lady: "How's your brother doing?" Roku: "Adashino Benio!" Roku: "Please, lend me your strength." Roku: "I'm more afraid to lose my family!" Benio: "If it's my strength in battle you need, then you have it, whenever necessary." Ryo: "Well? What'd you think of my attack?" Roku: "Ryogo!" Ryo: "Rokuro..." Ryo: "It's true, after all..." Ryo: "When you fight as an exorcist..." Ryo: "You're at your coolest." Arima: "Kegare are being suppressed all over Japan by exorcists from assorted jurisdictions," Arima: "and the amount that are appearing tends to be consistent, but... The exception is in Narukami, where there is an exceptional appearance rate, and the Kegare that appear tend to be remarkably powerful." Arima: "I'd like you to investigate this!" Shimon: "Investigate, sir?" Arima: "There are many exorcists, but I think you are particularly suited to this mission." Arima: "No, I'd say you're the only one who can handle it!" Shimon: "Understood. Leave it to me." Arima: "Oh, one other thing! Narukami has more than just Kegare, you see. The Twin Star Exorcists live there, too." Arima: "Their names are..." Shimon: "I know." Arima: "Oh, well, then! Have a good trip!" Ryo: "Huh?" Ryo: "What're you doing here, Rokuro?" Roku: "Checking on you." Ryo: "You don't need to check on me." Ryo: "Benio-san's talisman was enough first aid to get me here." Ryo: "Jissama said to rest. That's the only reason I'm still here. There's nothing to worry about." Roku: "Still, I figured I should..." Roku: "Here's a little something." Ryo: "I see. I appreciate it." Roku: "Uh... Listen, I... Exorcisms—" Ryo: "No need to rush, y'know. Even if you're not fighting, just relax and stay at the dorm. We're family, after all. Right?" Roku: "Yeah. Kind of dumb to think about being an exorcist after all this time..." Roku: "I'm back." Shin: "Impressive as usual, Benio-san. You channel spell power so efficiently." Atsu: "She really gives off that "talented prodigy" vibe!" Kinu: "Hey, now! Keep your distance!" Kinako: "Benio-sama, is this enough ink?" Benio: "Yes, thank you, Kinako." Kinako: "No problem!" Roku: "Wh-What?" Benio: "Would you like to write some, too?" Atsu: "What ugly calligraphy! And there's no spell power in it at all!" Roku: "What do you expect?! I haven't done this in a long time!" Shin: "You even messed up this part." Roku: "Huh? Where?" Kinu: "What a waste of paper and ink." Benio: "Are you sure you've made talismans before?" Roku: "What does that mean?!" Kinu: "You're a real piece of work..." Kinu: "Oh, no!" Zenkichi: "We have Kegare! To the southeast! There are at least twenty of them!" Atsu: "Twenty?!" Shin: "And Ryogo-san isn't around!" Benio: "I'm here. Let's leave right away." Benio: "Are you coming?" Roku: "I'm... Wait, hang on! Why are you calling the shots?" Benio: "Having the most skilled exorcist take command is both natural and efficient." Roku: "You think you're so hot! Aren't you the newbie who just came to the dorm?" Atsu: "It's settled! Benio-chan's our leader!" Shin: "No objections." Roku: "Do you guys have no pride?!" Atsu: "I gotta say, Benio-chan, you really look the part in that uniform." Shin: "I'm glad we had one in her size." Roku: "Wh-What is it?! Look, I'm not here because you suggested I come! I just had nothing better to do, and I felt like a walk, so I thought, why not go to Magano? That's all!" Benio: "You could just admit you wanted to join us." Roku: "I just explained that I didn't." Benio: "You're a pain." Roku: "I don't wanna hear that from you!" Atsu: "I see the husband-and-wife comedy act is still strong." Both: "We're not married!" Shin: "They're in perfect sync... Here, Rokuro." Roku: "This is... a talisman holder?" Shin: "Ryogo-san said to give it to you the next time you went to Magano." Atsu: "He was making them every day, y'know." Kinako: "Th-This is it!" Roku: "This is..." Roku: "An elementary school?!" Teacher: "Tanaka! Okamoto! Where is everyone?!" Shin: "What's going on?" Teacher: "Who are you people?" Shin: "We're here to investigate the phenomenon going on here." Atsu: "Did something happen?" Teacher: "The kids are missing!" Teacher: "They just vanished into thin air." Shin: "How many are missing?" Teacher: "The whole team!" Roku: "The whole team?" Benio: "Magano gate, open!" Benio: "Come forth at once!" Kid A: "Ow!" Roku: "You okay?" Kid A: "Huh? Y-Yeah..." Captain: "Are you here to help us?" Roku: "Damn it!" Kinako: "Oh, no! I dunno why, but this time there's an insane number of Kegare!" Benio: "Stay on your toes." Roku: "Quit giving orders!" Roku: "Air Fissure Bullet!" Roku: "Wait, crap! Talismans, talismans..." Roku: "Magic Bullet Talisman!" Roku: "Air Fissure Bullet, come forth at once!" Roku: "Go!" Roku: "All right!" Benio: "It's not over yet. Don't let your guard down." Roku: "I know!" Shin: "Hey, kids!" Atsu: "Everybody okay?" Captain: "Yes!" Captain: "Who are you guys?" Atsushi: "We're exorcists." Shin: "Now, let's get back to our world!" Kinako: "Oh, no! Now there are some big ones incoming!" Roku: "There's no end to this..." Benio: "Shores of Enlightenment Dance!" Roku: "Air Fissure Bullet! Come forth at once!" Benio: "Now's your chance. Get the kids out of here." Shin: "Right! Reality gate, op—" Atsu: "Shinnosuke!" Roku: "Shin-chan! At-chan!" Atsu: "Don't mess with exorcists!" Shin: "Now's your chance!" Shin: "Hurry! Into that gate!" Benio: "Behind you!" Roku: "What?!" Benio: "No!" Roku: "Damn it! Wha—" Shimon: "Guardian Master Talisman!" Shimon: "Vermilion Wing, come forth at once!" Shin: "That's..." Atsu: "Awesome!" Roku: "He doesn't look that much older than me..." Roku: "But he's really powerful." Roku: "Who are you?" Shimon: "Etiquette demands you give your name before demanding someone else's." Shimon: "I don't give my name to those with no sense of manners." Roku: "Well, I don't feel like telling you my name, either!" Benio: "What are you doing here," Benio: "Ikaruga Shimon?" Shimon: "The Adashino girl..." Roku: "You guys know each other?" Benio: "I've only seen him at exorcist meetings before." Benio: "He's one of the Twelve Guardians." Roku: "Twelve Guardians?!" Shin: "A-A real one?!" Atsu: "Twelve... what now?" Kinako: "You don't even know that?!" Kinako: "The twelve people named after the familiars used by Abe no Seimei-sama... The highest ranking exorcists, with martial arts, spellcraft, wisdom, and combat experience far exceeding the rest! Those are the Twelve Guardians!" Benio: "The Guardian Ikaruga Shimon bears the title of Suzaku, the Vermilion Bird." Rokuro: "Suzaku... This guy?" Shin: "Thank you for helping us out when we needed it." Shimon: "I only did my duty." Shimon: "There's no need for thanks." Shimon: "Anyway, are you Enmado Rokuro?" Shin: "Huh? No, not me." Shimon: "You, then?" Atsu: "Huh?! No, no, no, no!" Roku: "You got some kinda problem?! I'm Enmado Rokuro!" Roku: "Wh-What is it?" Roku: "What're you doing?!" Shimon: "Why did you even come to Magano?" Shimon: "You were in the middle of fighting Kegare, but you got distracted, didn't you?" Shimon: "Showing an opening to Kegare during battle is a fatal disgrace for an exorcist." Shimon: "Are you even taking this seriously?" Roku: "I-I just..." Shimon: "Having this loser as your Twin Star partner must be rough, Adashino." Benio: "Agreed... A loser, a pervert," Kinako: "Agreed, agreed." Benio: "unattractive, and terribly wishy-washy..." Benio: "A frankly useless partner." Kinako: "Oh, no!" Atsushi: "Seriously?" Shin: "This doesn't look good..." Roku: "At-chan! Shin-chan!" Shimon: "The town of Narukami... Yes... The number and strength of Kegare here do seem to be abnormal." Shimon: "You..." Benio: "Enmado Rokuro may have many shortcomings, but..." Benio: "He is by no means weak." Roku: "Cleanse! Purify!" Roku: "Come forth at once!" Roku: "I am sick and tired of seeing people get hurt!" Roku: "What is that voice?! Another Kegare?!" Shimon: "Yes, hello?" Roku: "That's a ringtone?!" Arima: "Hi, Shimon-kun! It's me, Arima!" Arima: "That was Enmado Rokuro-kun's voice, wasn't it? So you met him. Good, good." Shimon: "Do you need something?" Arima: "Sorry, but could you return to Kyoto right away?" Shimon: "My investigation in Narukami isn't finished yet. I just sensed an unusual presence. I'm about to pursue—" Arima: "There's an emergency!" Arima: "That's an order from your Chief Exorcist, by the way." Shimon: "Understood." Shimon: "Reality gate, open!" Roku: "Hey, hang on!" Roku: "H-Hey!" Roku: "H-Huh? My strength..." Benio: "It's natural, given the amount of spell power you used." Captain: "Um..." Captain: "Thanks for saving us!" Team: "Thank you!" Teacher: "Really, thank you so much!" Roku: "I'm glad everyone's okay." Arima: "Shimon-kun, take a look at this. The usually innocent idol, Sayaka-chan, has finally, finally, finally released a swimsuit photo book!" Shimon: "Are you telling me..." Shimon: "This is your "emergency"?" Arima: "You bet! I mean, this is huge, isn't it?! I felt like I needed to let you know as quickly as possible! Come! Let's look at it toge—" Shimon: "I decline." Arima: "Really? Anyway, how was Enmado Rokuro-kun?" Shimon: "I have no interest in the Twin Stars." Arima: "Where are you going?" Shimon: "Back to Narukami, of course. There are too many Kegare appearing in that town, in addition to that presence I felt..." Shimon: "I need to find out what's going on." Arima: "There's no need for that." Shimon: "Why is that?" Arima: "Knowing you, you took care of all the Kegare, right?" Arima: "For them, a display of your power must have made quite the impression." Arima: "That's enough for now." Shimon: "But, sir..." Arima: "Good work! Although..." Arima: "You actually do want to look, don't you?" Shimon: "Excuse me." Arima: "We can't have the Twin Stars feeling unmotivated, after all! Seeing someone close to their age in the Twelve Guardians ought to be something for them to think on." Atsu: "We were really lucky to meet one of the Twelve Guardians!" Atsu: "Talk about an ultra-rare encounter!" Shin: "We would've been in real trouble without him, too." Atsu: "Right?! That Suzaku guy was amazing! I wish I'd gotten his autograph!" Zenkichi: "So he really was strong, then?" Atsu: "He was beyond strong! Right?" Roku: "Hey, when did he become one of the Twelve Guardians, anyway?" Benio: "Two years ago, when he was 14." Roku: "14 years old?!" Roku: "Oh... I see." Roku: "At the same age I am now?" Roku: "Does that mean he was already that strong, back then?" Roku: "Ikaruga Shimon..." Roku: "It ticks me off to admit it, but he was amazing!" Roku: "What is it?" Benio: "Why are you smiling?" Roku: "I wasn't smiling." Benio: "You were." Roku: "I was not!" Benio: "You're bizarre." Roku: "What do you mean, bizarre?! If I say I didn't smile, then I didn't!" Zen: "You two really do act like a loving husband and wife." Both: "We are not married!" Atsu: "The husband and wife are really harmonizing!" Both: "We are not harmonizing!" Rest: "There you go again!" Mayura: "Adashino-san, I want to be friends! So I approached from the front!" Mayura: "You know the old saying! Friends always meet you from the front." Benio: ""It is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar...""
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 5 – Twelve Guardians, Vermilion Bird - The Guardian Shimon", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "5", "Twelve Guardians, Vermilion Bird - The Guardian Shimon" ] }
Seimei: "Do you really understand? What you're expelling as spell power is—" Roku: "We know! But..." Benio: "We want to protect this world!" Seimei: "Why go to such lengths for chaos? It is chaos that gives rise to sin and gives birth to Kegare." Seimei: "That doesn't bother you?" Seimei: "Right now, I am using Mikage to question your resolute wills." Benio: "To create a future where no one suffers because of Kegare..." Roku: "To exorcise all Kegare and create a world without fighting." Seimei: "That is what's on the verge of happening." Roku: "No! To live in a world where no one feels anything..." Benio: "You can't truly call that living!" Seimei: "You're wrong!" Seimei: "What you're doing is contradictory." Seimei: "It's true that you two may have forged a bond through much adversity... But on the way to achieving that bond," Seimei: "you also experienced hatred, rage, sorrow, and jealousy." Seimei: "I'm saying that even you two have been creating Kegare. If you create Kegare while trying to wipe them out, no matter how many millions of years pass, history will be an exercise in futility. If you want a world with no sin or Kegare, it has to be the perfect world I aim for," Seimei: "or it won't happen at all." Benio: "Even then..." Roku: "We still..." Seimei: "Enough. Now sleep." Roku: "Benio..." Roku: "We tried hard, didn't we?" Benio: "I think we've done... all that we can." Seimei: "This is the beginning." Seimei: "What is that?" Seimei: "Why isn't it..." Seimei: "That's..." Sae: "You can't!" Roku: "Sae?" Benio: "Sae-chan?" Sae: "Not yet. Papa, Mama," Sae: "you aren't the kind of people who would give up now, are you?" Roku: "But..." Benio: "There's nothing else we can..." Shimon: "Don't give me that crap!" Shimon: "Why are you choking at this stage in the game, Enmado?" Roku: "Shimon..." Subaru: "Your big moment is yet to come, you know." Benio: "Subaru-sama..." Tenma: "What happened to getting stronger than us?" Roku: "Tenma..." Arata: "Now is the time to demonstrate the power of a new generation." umi: "Forget about everyone else. Do it to pave the way for your own future!" Kengo: "Of course, I can't say whether it'll be profitable or not, but..." Kankuro: "That was his idea of trying to encourage you." Miku: "We're telling you to live in a way that you won't regret." Cordy: "Go ahead." Sakura: "What are you standing around in a daze for?!" Sakura: "Is it not clear?!" Shimizu: "We're with you!" Guy: "All of Japan's exorcists are!" Kawahara: "And so are we! Win this and you're the MVPs!" Candy Store Lady: "To celebrate, you can have all the sweets you want!" Everybody Else: "You can do it! Rokuro! You can do it, Onee-chan! We're with you, too! Fight!" Roku: "Everyone..." Exorcists: "Come on! Don't give up! You can do it! Fight! Go!" Sae: "This, Mama and Papa, is the path you two have walked." Sae: "All these people are supporting you." Sae: "So I know that you can't lose!" Shimon: "Don't give up, Twin Star Exorcists!" Everybody: "You can do it!" Roku: "We... won't give up!" Benio: "We will protect the future... For everyone!" Seimei: "This is..." Mayura: "It's beautiful..." Seimei: "The spell power of everyone who was drained by the Ame-no-mihashira..." Seimei: "They're resonating with it?" Roku: "I can hear them..." Benio: "Everyone's voices...." Twin Stars: "One more time, together..." Twin Stars: "We want to shape the future!" Seimei: "Remarkable..." Mayura: "Amazing..." Seigen: "All the spell power that had been sucked up..." Seigen: "It's been freed?" Miku: "They must have done it." Subaru: "Well, ain't that something?" Arata: "It seems those two really are special. That they could unleash such spell power..." Shimon: "No." Shimon: "I can't really put it into words... But I believe the fact that they're not special like Seimei-sama" Shimon: "is the reason they were able to stop him." Tenma: "Maybe." Seimei: "I don't understand..." Seimei: "How were you two able to manage this?" Roku: "You really want to know the truth? From now on, whenever it's hard, or painful," Roku: "I want to always be with Benio. We'll get married, and have kids, and when those kids get married, we'll have grandkids..." Roku: "And I want Benio at my side through all of it." Roku: "That's why I was able to try so hard." Benio: "T-To be honest, I also..." Benio: "I want to share all the fun and joy in my life with Rokuro!" Benio: "That's what helped me do my best." Roku: "I love you, Benio." Benio: "I love you, too." Seimei: "Please save the kiss for when you two are alone." Roku: "Huh? Kiss?! Uh... N-No, we weren't..." Benio: "It wasn't like that..." Seimei: "The nectar didn't spring forth, and the world hasn't changed. Perhaps your meeting, the beginning of my plan's failure, was ordained by the greater will of the heavens. All of these unexpected events must be a sign that I should place my faith in humanity once more." Seimei: "And so, I will wait another thousand years." Roku: "A thousand years..." Seimei: "I look forward to seeing" Seimei: "whether this world will have become a wonderful place in a thousand years." Roku: "Wait! I'm an exorcist," Roku: "so I know I have to cleanse and purify bad Kegare." Roku: "But from now on..." Roku: "I'll also accept the sins and impurity!" Seimei: "Oh?" Benio: "After accepting sin and impurity, we will need to work hard to give rise to more yang." Benio: "To turn this world, where yin has grown so powerful, into an ideal place one day..." Benio: "Right?" Roku: "Yeah." Seimei: "Harmony between yin and yang... That was considered the apex of the exorcist arts, originally. I'll be hoping that you two can spread that noble goal, which I had given up on, throughout the world." Seimei: "In a thousand years, then." Roku: "A thousand years from now, huh?" Benio: "I can't even imagine." Roku: "For now..." Roku: "Glad you're with me." Benio: "The feeling is mutual." Mayura: "Rokuro!" Kinako: "Benio-sama!" Mayura: "Adashino-san!" Kinako: "Benio-sama!" Mayura: "I gotta say, I didn't expect them to get married this soon." Seigen: "Stupid. A glance is enough to make it clear that it was a matter of time." Mayura: "It's so nice! I wanna get married soon, too." Seigen: "Wait... You don't have someone in mind, do you?" Mayura: "Huh? Not at all! How could I, even?" Seigen: "Well... Y'know... Isn't there anyone you think might be nice, maybe?" Mayura: "Huh?" Shimon: "Achoo!" Shimon: "Is someone talking about me?" Kinu: "Benio-sama, you look magnificent." Benio: "Thank you." Benio: "I just wish that your parents..." Benio: "could have seen... you like this... on this big day... Granny..." Benio: "I'm only giving a speech, you know." Roku: "Damn, I'm nervous!" Ryogo: "Hey, Rokuro!" Roku: "Hey." Ryogo: "I'm counting on you for the speech." Roku: "I wouldn't. I'm gonna mess it up..." Ryogo: "What is this? How come I'm the calm one here?" Roku: "Hey, Ryogo!" Ryogo: "What's up with you?" Roku: "What's this doing here?!" Ryogo: "Sorry..." Roku: "Which one of us is the nervous one?" Candy Store Lady: "They've grown so much..." Roku: "We're up next... I'm freaking out!" Benio: "Just steel yourself and get it done. Look sharp." Roku: "I know, but..." Seigen: "Looks like he's already whipped." Mayura: "Right?" Kinako: "Guess I'm the only one who can really support Benio-sama after all!" Mc: "That was Snack Store Kigami's owner, Kigami Christine Sakurako-sama, with some words of congratulations." Mc: "Next, a few words from the the bride and groom's two wonderful juniors. Enmado Rokuro-sama, Adashino Benio-sama, if you please." Twin Stars: "Right!" Benio: "S-S-Sorry!" Roku: "Hey, look sharp, now!" Mayura: "I wonder if Rokuro and Adashino-san will get married once they graduate... I won't get to hang out with them as much then." Kinako: "Me, neither... Benio-sama might not have any more time for me then. Even though we've been good pals since she was little... Benio-sama!" Mayura: "Come on, don't cry. Look, the speech is starting." Benio: "Uh, well..." Roku: "Ow!" Mayura: "Yikes..." Roku: "What are you doing?" Haruka: "Calm down, you two." Roku: "Sorry for being such a mess. Anyway!" Roku: "Ryogo!" Benio: "Haruka-san!" Twin Stars: "Congratulations on your wedding!" Roku: "For a long time, we didn't know what to talk about today... But after looking around a bit, we came across some words that we'd like to give to the couple." Benio: "Ernest Hemingway once said, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for."" Roku: "The world is wonderful. And fighting for it has value. We're like Ryogo and Haruka-san in that, since we're exorcists, we've experienced what those words mean firsthand." Benio: "When we talk about fighting, battling Kegare may the first thing to come to mind," Benio: "but that's not necessarily what "fighting" means here." Roku: "It's more like... Living life so that you'll be better tomorrow than you are today, and even better the day after that." Roku: "Right now, I get the feeling that's what it really means to fight." Benio: "Even then, there'll be moments of lost patience, which will lead to arguments... But I hope that, instead of just colliding at times like that, you'll be able to accept them and also move forward." Roku: "It's kinda embarrassing to say, but in life, every day is a battle." Roku: "So..." Roku: "Fight, Ryogo!" Benio: "Fight, Haruka-san!" Twin Stars: "And we'll fight, too!" Roku: "Huh? Did we mess up?" Roku: "I'm exhausted!" Benio: "Somehow that speech wore me out physically." Roku: "Yeah..." Roku: "Benio." Roku: "Do you have a second?" Roku: "Listen..." Benio: "What is it?" Roku: "I had planned to give you something, if I'd made it back without becoming the Cataclysm King." Roku: "C-Can I..." Roku: "put it on?" Benio: "In your hair?!" Roku: "Of course not, you idiot! I'm asking if I can put it on you!" Benio: "Oh, right... I was being silly." Roku: "Man..." Roku: "Come on, face me." Roku: "It's nothing fancy, but..." Roku: "Huh?" Roku: "Does it go like this? But I thought about it the best I could, and tried to pick the best one..." Roku: "There, perfect." Benio: "I'm not sure what to say..." Benio: "Right now, I..." Benio: "I'm incredibly happy!" Roku: "So cute..." Roku: "Uh, I mean..." Benio: "Thank you." Roku: "Benio." Benio: "Yes?" Subaru: "That wind feels nice." Arata: "The volume containing that legendary chapter is finally out..." Shimon: "I'm back." Shimon: "It's great to be alive!" Shimon: "So let's create lots more life!" Kengo: "Stop! This is gonna cost you extra!" Kankuro: "What're you talking about? Since we've got extra time, I was just going to give you a thorough physical." Kengo: "You don't need a scalpel for that!" Sakura: "Honorable Father! Have you successfully passed on to the next life?!" Miku: "Shut up. Can't you even visit a grave quietly?" Sakura: "But I picked up my speaking habits from my father!" Cordy: "C-u-t-e. Cute." Tenma: "So, in the end..." Tenma: "How much of this did you anticipate?" Arima: "If I'm being honest, I was completely wrong." Arima: "Or maybe I should say my expectations were exceeded." Arima: "Now, even if the Miko is born, they may be free of such an arduous fate." Tenma: "These are really good." Kamui: "Almost there..." Kamui: "Just you wait." Suzu: "Yay! Hey, all you Kegare!" Suzu: "Are you feeling it?!" Roku: "And our daily lives went back to normal." Roku: "Our battles as exorcists will continue for a long time." Benio: "We learned that everyone we met, just like us, is fighting on their own battlefield." Roku: "So we can make the future a happy one." Mayura: "Binding Hold!" Roku: "Benio!" Roku: "There might be times when it's hard..." Benio: "Rokuro!" Benio: "But I'm sure we're headed toward a brighter future." Twin Stars: "Resonance!" Twin Stars: "We'll believe in that..."
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 50 – Twin Stars - Twins", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "50", "Twin Stars - Twins" ] }
At: "I gotta say, Benio-chan, you really look the part in that uniform." Shin: "I'm glad we had one in her size." Roku: "What?!" Roku: "Damn it!" Shimon: "Guardian Master Talisman!" Shimon: "Vermilion Wing, come forth at once!" Benio: "He's one of the Twelve Guardians. Ikaruga Shimon." Kinako: "The twelve people named after the familiars used by Abe no Seimei-sama... The highest ranking, strongest exorcists! Those are the Twelve Guardians!" Roku: "Ikaruga Shimon..." Roku: "It ticks me off to admit it, but he was amazing!" Girl: "Hey, what are you reading there, Adashino-san? Let us take a look." Kinako: "Oh, no—" Girls: "Did you just hear something? Huh? Like a voice from on high?" Benio: "I'm leaving early today." Girls: "Leaving early again, huh? Adashino-san certainly has a lot of mystique. She's not very easy to approach, though." Boys: "That's what's so great about her! The best girls are always mysterious." Girls: "Well, excuse me for being so transparent." Kinako: "It's close, Benio-sama." Benio: "I know." Roku: "Another Kegare?" Mayu: "I'm kind of worried." Mayu: "Where does Adashino-san always go when she leaves early? What do you think, Rokuro?" Roku: "I-I dunno... I mean, it's none of my business where she goes!" Mayu: "What's wrong with you? You don't have to be so uptight about it!" Boys: "Adashino definitely is keeping up her "mysterious transfer student" image, though. Maybe, despite her appearance, she hangs out with some group of delinquents?" Mayu: "Oh, come on! There's no way... Right?" Benio: "I'll take it from here." Both: "Benio-chan!" Mayu: "Good morning, Adashino-san!" Benio: "Good morning." Mayu: "It's nice out again today, huh? Days like this make me want to air out the futon and nap in a nice, fluffy bed! Oh, Adashino-san, do you prefer beds or futons? I definitely prefer beds!" Mayu: "Adashino-san, can I pair up with you?" Benio: "Okay." Mayu: "Thanks! Here we go!" Mayu: "Wow! You're super flexible, Adashino-san! Go!" Benio: "That's enough." Mayu: "Why?" Mayu: "Adashino-san! Let's have lunch together!" Mayu: "I made lunch myself today! I'm not too confident that it'll be any good, but if there's anything you like, we can trade—" Mayu: "Whoa." Mayu: "Adashino-san, for our next class, can you share your textbook with me?" Mayu: "I forgot mine... I'll buy you something sweet after scho—" Benio: "Why?" Benio: "Why are you so concerned about me?" Mayu: "Because I want to be your friend! Is that a good enough reason?" Benio: "Friends?" Mayu: "I wonder what it is... I'm not sure why, but I just can't leave you alone!" Mayu: "So..." Mayu: "I want you to stop! You're leaving school to hang out with dangerous people, right?" Benio: "How did you know?" Mayu: "Then it's true! I can't just sit idly by while my classmate is going through that kind of trouble. If you don't want to, should I tell them that they should stop asking you to come along?" Benio: "This is what I want." Benio: "Besides..." Benio: "The more dangerous they are, the better for me." Mayu: "The more dangerous they are...?" Mayu: "No way, that's not good! You need to take better care of yourself!" Benio: "You and I live in different worlds." Kinako: "She's a real oddball, huh?" Kinako: "Never saw one like her before. She walked right through your "stay away from me" aura! "I want to be your friend!" If nothing else, at least she was clear about that." Benio: "Friends are something..." Benio: "that I can't afford to waste my time with." Roku: "What're you doing?" Kinako: "Down I go!" Benio: "Nothing." Roku: "This isn't like you, you know... Spacing out in a place like this." Kinako: "Are you calling Benio-sama spacey?! You're the spacey one, you dead-weight imp!" Roku: "Who are you calling dead-weight, you crappy familiar?!" Kinako: "Oh, Benio-sama!" Roku: "What's with her?" Zen: "It's good to have you back." Everyone: "You bet it is! You bet it is!" Ryo: "Isn't this kind of weird? All I did was get out of the hospital." Shin: "Now the Seika Dorm team's best players are assembled again." Atsu: "That's right! We just didn't feel complete without you, Ryogo-san." Ryo: "Sorry to have worried you all." Benio: "It's all right. I'm glad to see you're doing well." Roku: "I wasn't that worried. The thought of having you nagging me again made me feel a lot worse." Zen: "Hey now, how could you say that?" Ryo: "There it is! Hearing you be a grouch again makes me feel like I'm finally home." Roku: "What's that supposed to mean?" Atsu: "What're we gonna do about tomorrow's Kegare exorcism, though?" Shin: "Getting back in action so quickly probably isn't a good idea." Ryo: "What're you talking about? I can't keep leaving you guys to handle it without me." Ryo: "Plus, the Kegare have been getting stronger lately." Ryo: "Nothing beats having all the fighting strength we can, right?" Ryo: "And we can't always have Benio-san saving our behinds." Kinako: "You're right about that! Without Benio-sama's help, there's no telling where y'all would be right now." Both: "Good point!" Benio: "No, I was just..." Roku: "Should I help out?" Roku: "I-I mean, Ryogo's bound to be shaky since he just got back..." Roku: "So I figured I'd pitch in, because you guys could use the help..." Ryo: "Rokuro..." Ryo: "Are you serious?" Roku: "I mean, if you don't need me, that's fine, too! I just thought, if I have to—" Ryo: "If you have to, huh? Well, I guess you have to, then!" Roku: "Hey, cut it out! Ryogo, you idiot!" Shin: "In that case, it really will be..." Atsu: "All of the Seika Dorm team's best players in action!" Roku: "Seriously, you guys!" Kinu: "So fang boy is finally getting serious..." Kinu: "Is something the matter, Benio-sama?" Benio: "It's nothing." Kinako: "Oh, man, this feels great!" Benio: "He's finally getting serious, huh?" Ryo: "He always said he would become the strongest exorcist, and that he'd exorcise all evil Kegare." Benio: "It's the same for me..." Benio: "Which is why I can't waste time..." Benio: "You and I live in different worlds." Mayu: "Okay!" Mayu: "Tomorrow's the day!" Benio: "Good morning." Ryo: "Good morning, Benio-san." Shin: "Training on a Sunday? It's great of you to keep at it every day." Atsu: "We're pretty great ourselves, don't you think? We've got a packed schedule again today." Ryo: "Quit complaining. The Kegare aren't going to wait just because it's the weekend. I can join you if—" Roku: "Crap! I overslept!" Roku: "Sorry... I couldn't sleep at all last night..." Shin: "Like getting excited the night before a field trip?" Atsu: "You're such a little kid." Roku: "Shut it!" Ryo: "I haven't seen you dressed like that in a long time." Roku: "R-Really? Actually, feels kinda big on me." Ryo: "What do you think, Benio-san? Looks pretty good on him, right?" Roku: "Y-You idiot! What're you saying?!" Benio: "He looks like a kid..." Roku: "What was that?!" Roku: "Quit laughing!" Ryo: "Could you let Rokuro handle today's Kegare exorcism?" Benio: "I understand." Ryo: "Sorry to impose, Benio-san. But I want to see just how much he can do," Ryo: "now that he's taking this seriously." Benio: "I'm just as serious!" Mayu: "Adashino-san!" Mayu: "I... I finally caught up..." Benio: "Why are you..." Mayu: "One of the girls in our class said she saw you running out here, so I thought, maybe I should start running to help my diet." Mayu: "I'll take care of that!" Roku: "Air Fissure Bullet, come forth at once!" Atsu: "They all hit the mark!" Shin: "He really is something!" Ryo: "Let's go, guys!" Guys: "Right!" Server: "Please enjoy." Mayu: "I asked my mom, and she said this place is famous for their ohagi." Benio: "Why did you bring me—" Mayu: "I'm hungry now, too!" Mayu: "Time to eat!" Mayu: "Delicious!" Benio: "Delicious..." Mayu: "I'm glad you like them." Mayu: "I'm going to be sticking with you today, Adashino-san. Even if those bad people call on you, I won't let you go!" Mayu: "Okay?!" Benio: "I'm not going today." Benio: "Someone went in my place." Mayu: "Someone went in your place?" Benio: "He's completely useless." Mayu: "Useless?" Yakuza: "Who are you?!" Roku: "I'm here in Benio-san's place! Sup?!" Mayu: "Why did I picture Rokuro?" Benio: "But when he gets serious..." Benio: "He's earnest, and strong..." Benio: "He inspires me to have a bit more courage, you might say." Mayu: "I think that sounds like someone I know." Benio: "But I can't let him outdo me." Benio: "What am I saying?" Benio: "None of this has anything to do with you." Mayu: "No, that's not true at all." Mayu: "I want to hear all about you, Adashino-san! I mean..." Mayu: "We're friends, after all!" Benio: "Friends..." Kinako: "Oh, no!" Roku: "Damn it, what's with this Kegare?!" Ryo: "Sky Ray Strike!" Ryo: "This thing's unbelievable!" Atsu: "Y-You've gotta be kidding me!" Shin: "The barrier talismans..." Benio: "This is..." Kinako: "It's a Magano distortion, Benio-sama! There's a crack between the two worlds!" Benio: "Magano gate, open." Benio: "Come forth at once!" Mayu: "Adashino-san?" Mayu: "She's an exorcist?" Roku: "Ryogo!" Roku: "I've had enough of your crap!" Roku: "You're not gonna have your way any longer!" Roku: "Purify! Cleanse!" Roku: "Come forth at once!" Kinako: "Well done!" Benio: "Reality gate, open." Kinako: "Do you figure that gal went home?" Kinako: "Can't blame her, though. After seeing something that scary, anyone would take off running." Mayu: "Adashino-san!" Mayu: "I'm so glad! I didn't know what I'd do if you didn't come back... I was so worried!" Benio: "You... were waiting for me?" Mayu: "Of course I was!" Mayu: "I'm so glad..." Benio: "Um... I'm sorry." Mayu: "It's okay. Don't worry about that." Mayu: "I was just so worried!" Mayu: "I'm so relieved..." Mayu: "I'm so glad you made it back..." Kinako: "B-Benio-sama... I can't..." Mayu: "You should've told me sooner!" Mayu: "There are exorcists in my family, too." Mayu: "My grandpa works at a place called the Seika Dormitory." Benio: "The Seika Dorm?" Mayu: "Yeah! Do you know Otomi Zenkichi?" Benio: "Zenkichi-san's family name is Otomi?" Mayu: "You're an exorcist..." Mayu: "Where are you living, then?" Mayu: "Don't tell me..." Atsu: "That was exhausting!" Shin: "There've been too many really dangerous Kegare lately." Ryo: "Good work out there. You did well." Roku: "Ryogo..." Ryo: "We all made it back in one piece today because of you." Ryo: "Thank you." Roku: "Wh-What's gotten into you?" Mayu: "What're you grinning about?!" Roku: "Mayura? Why are you here?" Mayu: "Don't you "why" me!" Mayu: "What is this?! You're living with Adashino-san?! Under the same roof?! Eating at the same table?!" Roku: "This is just—" Mayu: "What is it?! Explain!" Atsu: "This is getting ugly." Ryo: "Sure is." Benio: "Maybe I should rethink being her friend... You puberty top-runner!" Roku: "What does that even mean?!" Zen: "This is it. I'm afraid" Zen: "that I was right." Benio: "A new trial for us? It doesn't seem like that, though." Ari: "I won't even say who said it, since the quote itself is so famous... "That oughta do."" Benio: "What?"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 6 – Benio and Mayura - Girls' Party", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "6", "Benio and Mayura - Girls' Party" ] }
Su: "Oh, Shimon-chan." Su: "Hold on, now. You're wasting your time if you're looking for Arima-sama." Su: "He's gone to Narukami." Shimon: "Narukami?" Su: "Yes. He left right after you came back." Su: "Said he was going to take those two somewhere for their trial." Shimon: "A trial?" Ari: "Well, hello, Rokuro-kun, Benio-kun! How have you been? It's me, your own personal Cupid, Tsuchimikado Arima! It's me! It's me! It's me! It's me!" Ari: "What's wrong? Tired after a long day at school?" Roku: "What do you want, pervy underpants guy?" Zen: "Hey!" Ari: "Same as usual, eh? I heard, you know. You've begun working as an exorcist again, yes?" Roku: "It's not that big a deal!" Ari: "Oh, come now! You've got a great look in your eyes right now." Ari: "Now, to get down to business, I'd like you two to get ready to head out." Roku: "Where to?" Ari: "A very wonderful place." Roku: "Seriously?" Ari: "To the location where your, the Twin Star Exorcists', evolution will be tested." Ari: "It is a stage of destiny that you cannot avoid." Roku: "Sure doesn't seem like we're headed toward some kind of trial..." Ari: "We're only a few minutes away." Roku: "Really? We're still in the residential area!" Ari: "Your point?" Roku: "I mean... When you said a trial, I was expecting a deep valley, or somewhere with lots of raging waves..." Ari: "Come on, you're not some old-fashioned superhero." Ari: "And here we are!" Ari: "What do you think? Amazing, right?" Ari: "I was originally using it as a holiday villa, but now..." Ari: "Would you look at that? After a drastic remodeling, it's now a dream house! Complete with 10,000 square meters of space, including a gorgeous pool in the yard. air conditioning and heated floors in every room, as well as excellent exterior insulation for year-round comfort!" Ari: "It has a complete security system to dissuade any burglars, not to mention Kegare! And downstairs, a training room that's right up Benio-kun's alley! The stylish semi-open-air bath has continuous flow from the source to wash away your exhaustion from Kegare exorcisms." Ari: "And now, the show-stopper..." Ari: "What most of the effort in the renovations was dedicated to... This room!" Ari: "Arima's special double-bed-equipped ultimate love nest, for couples! A battlefield for you to seek each other out, at times tenderly, and at times savagely!" Roku: "Cut the crap, you pervy underpants weirdo! You're just showing off your villa! What's any of this got to do with training?!" Ari: "No, unfortunately, this is no longer my villa." Ari: "Starting now..." Ari: "It belongs..." Ari: "to the two of you!" Ari: "So that bed belongs to you two, you see? You'll live here together, all on your own, so that the Miko can be born as quickly as possible! That is your trial, and in fact, your destiny—" Roku: "How about you sleep here, permanently?" Ari: "So immature..." Ari: "What is it you're upset about?" Roku: "Every single part of this! I never agreed to this Twin Star thing in the first place, and I have no interest in getting married!" Benio: "It's impossible." Zen: "Don't be so ungrateful, Rokuro!" Roku: "Jissama?" Benio: "Kinu?" Zen: "See, even the old bag is hoping you two get along well!" Zen: "And the movers are already bringing in your things." Movers: "Right this way! Keep it coming!" Ari: "I understand your objections, but I have a duty to ensure that the prophecy comes to pass." Ari: "Which is why I'm asking you to at least try this place out." Zen: "I'm jealous, Rokuro!" Roku: "Stop screwing around, Jissama! Hey, Kinako, say something!" Kinako: "As if, numbskull! As long as Benio-sama takes orders from Arima-sama, I can't defy him!" Roku: "Seriously?!" Ari: "Is it all right if I borrow Kinako-kun for a moment? I'll give him right back." Kinako: "What is this?" Ari: "See ya!" Zen: "Take the lead, like a man ought to, you hear?!" Roku: "Let's see..." Roku: "This must be my room." Ari: "I prepared separate rooms, for now! Grow close naturally over time, you casanova!" Roku: "Who's he calling a casanova?" Roku: "L-Living together?! Living in the same house with a girl my age, and it's just the two of us?! How am I supposed to do that?!" Ari: "I do like the way he's agonizing over this. Now, what about Benio-chan?" Kinako: "Ain't this in kinda bad taste? You'll pay if you get a peek at anything you shouldn't!" Ari: "It'll be fine, don't worry..." Ari: "Sorry, but that won't move. Because you'll need it for this..." Roku: "Wh-What?!" Both: "You!" Roku: "What is this?" Benio: "What..." Roku: "Whoa, whoa!" Roku: "Uh..." Roku: "Damn it! What was that?" Ari: "Well, well!" Ari: "Things have taken an odd twist, huh?" Roku: "It's your fault! What the hell is this?!" Ari: "Your first trial!" Kinako: "Can Benio-sama see us?" Ari: "You can see an air vent near the ceiling, right? If you enter that, at the end of the duct is a button that will return the room to normal. You two are to work together and press it. However, I've placed a barrier that will block your spell power, so you can't use enchantments." Ari: "Do your best to do it with raw physicality!" Kinako: "Isn't this just you having some fun with them?" Ari: "You think so?" Ari: "But this is just the first step to ensuring the birth of the almighty Miko." Roku: "Damn it... He keeps pulling all these stupid tricks..." Roku: "What now?" Benio: "We have to do it." Roku: "Yeah." Benio: "There, there..." Benio: "And there." Roku: "And finally, we use the screwdriver to open the vent and get inside." Roku: "We're gonna have to work together on that last step. Okay, first..." Roku: "Okay!" Roku: "Ow! Ow!" Benio: "I'll go." Benio: "Come on, you, too." Benio: "What's wrong?" Roku: "Y-Y-You... no... shorts..." Benio: "Where are my shorts?" Kinu: "The washing machine has broken, so I'll have to wash them by hand. Please wait a bit longer." Benio: "You looked..." Roku: "I didn't look! I just saw!" Benio: "Forget it. Forget it... now!" Roku: "I did! I forgot it just now!" Benio: "All right, come on." Roku: "R-Right." Roku: "S-Sorry..." Benio: "I-It's okay..." Ari: "Oh, nice! Very nice! Backing her against a wall for the first time!" Kinako: "That's not a wall, it's a bed." Roku: "Only one of us is gonna be able to get on that." Benio: "You go first, and then do this..." Roku: "I get it. You'll use that as a foothold and jump to the next bed." Roku: "Leave it to me!" Roku: "What's wrong? Come on!" Benio: "Don't look up, okay?" Roku: "Right! Is this okay?" Benio: "I appreciate it." Benio: "You weren't looking!" Roku: "Which am I supposed to do?!" Ari: "Oh, my... And they're back at the start." Mayu: "R-Rokuro... a-and Adashino-san... living together?! A-And it's just the two of them?!" Zen: "Yes. It was a pretty fancy bed, too." Mayu: "Grandpa, why didn't you stop this?!" Mayu: "You legendary blockhead of worldly desires!" Ryo: "The compass is reacting! It's a strong one!" Roku: "Okay, this time we're gonna pull this off! When you get here, I'll do this!" Benio: "I'm going now." Roku: "C-Can I look yet?" Benio: "It's fine." Benio: "Use this." Roku: "Thanks." Roku: "This just leaves the vent..." Benio: "I can't reach." Roku: "And if we jump and grab the rope, we can't use the screwdriver." Roku: "It'd be too hard to unscrew it one-handed." Both: "But with a shoulder boost—" Roku: "I-If you don't mind..." Benio: "I-It's not really..." Benio: "a problem." Roku: "Okay, climb on from behind me." Roku: "Heavy..." Benio: "I can reach." Ari: "It's nice to be young, isn't it? Every new experience is fresh and invigorating!" Kinako: "Fresh, my butt! You keep making Benio-sama do embarassing things! You need to cut it out! Sugar Splitter, come forth at once!" Kinako: "My soul stands with Benio-sama!" Roku: "All right, we did it!" Roku: "Now, step on my shoulders and head to get in there." Benio: "I couldn't..." Roku: "Don't worry about it. You wanna get out of this mess, too, right?" Roku: "I'll be right behind you." Benio: "I'll go ahead, then." Benio: "Are you in?" Roku: "Y-Yeah." Roku: "Hello?" Atsu: "Can you get here fast? Benio-chan, too? There's a really strong Kegare out here!" Roku: "Again? Got it! Pervy underpants guy has us occupied, but we'll get there as soon as we can." Benio: "Let's hurry." Roku: "So many cobwebs..." Benio: "Is that the exit?" Benio: "A monitor?" Roku: ""Enter the correct answer. But you only get one chance. If you fail, you have to start over from the beginning"?!" Roku: "Hey, quit messing around! You're watching, aren't you, you pervy underpants freak?! Ryogo and the others need our help!" Benio: "We'll just have to answer the question. "What is bigger than a whale, but smaller than a killifish?" "It's an aquatic creature whose name can be spelled with three hiragana."" Roku: "There isn't anything like that!" Benio: "Stay calm, and stay focused on what's in front of you. There has to be an answer." Benio: "My late brother taught me that." Benio: "Could it be stroke counts? "Whale" in hiragana has six strokes, and "killifish" has eleven. So if it's something between seven and ten strokes, there are many possibilities. A chicken grunt, a scorpionfish..." Roku: "But doesn't it sound like there's only one right answer?" Benio: "You're right." Benio: "We should think this through carefully..." Roku: "I've got it!" Benio: "Wait! Let's be careful..." Roku: "It's gotta be this!" Roku: "He did this on "porpoise"!" Benio: "A bad pun?" Roku: "Sorry for the wait!" Others: "Rokuro!" Roku: "Get clear!" Benio: "Well done." Roku: "You, too." Roku: "Wh-What?" Benio: "Cobweb." Roku: "Oh, thanks." Roku: "Hey, what happened to your hair tie?" Benio: "I-It's gone?! That can't be... Where'd it go?" Roku: "You lost it? Just get a new one—" Benio: "My brother gave it to me! It's important!" Benio: "Back then..." Benio: "It has to be around here..." Benio: "Where is it?" Benio: "Where could it have gone?" Benio: "What?!" Roku: "Come on!" Benio: "Thank you." Benio: "I really appreciate it." Roku: "Quit making such a big deal of it." Benio: "But how did you know where it was?" Roku: "Just a hunch." Benio: "You dragged me here just on a hunch?" Roku: "Well, something felt off..." Roku: "From the moment we entered Magano." Roku: "I kept looking at you, thinking something seemed different." Roku: "I didn't realize it was your hair tie, though." Roku: "So I figured you dropped it before we entered Magano." Benio: "I see." Benio: "You were looking that closely?" Roku: "Wha— No! I was just trying to observe your fighting style!" Roku: "Don't get any weird ideas." Benio: "Why would I?" Roku: "Go take a bath." Roku: "Let's order out for dinner." Benio: "We could fit in here together..." Benio: "Together?!" Roku: "I'm stuffed! And the bath was great, too. This place isn't so bad!" Benio: "After a rest, I'm going to clean up my room, train, and write some talismans before going to bed." Benio: "What about you?" Roku: "I think I'm already tired..." Benio: "Don't forget to brush your teeth." Roku: "Hey, your brother..." Roku: "What was he like?" Benio: "Why ask?" Roku: "I thought that was just a regular hair tie, but it seemed really important to you." Benio: "Can I sit down?" Roku: "Sure." Benio: "He was my twin brother." Benio: "He was very kind, and I looked up to him..." Benio: "Wait!" Benio: "Wait, Nii-sama!" Yuuto: "You're too slow, Benio. You'll never be like Father and Mother at that rate." Yuuto: "Don't cry, Benio. Become strong." Yuuto: "Here, Benio." Benio: "For me?" Yuuto: "Yeah. I know they'll look nice on you." Yuuto: "You look cute, Benio." Benio: "Thank you, Nii-sama!" Benio: "But after our parents died, we were separated. Then, one day," Benio: "I was told that he died during a Kegare exorcism." Benio: "He sacrificed himself to protect his comrades." Roku: "Sorry." Roku: "I didn't mean to make you recall something so painful." Roku: "I envy you, though." Roku: "I don't have a mom or dad." Benio: "You don't?" Roku: "I was abandoned." Roku: "I only became an exorcist because exorcists took me in." Roku: "I'm not the heir to a fancy lineage or anything." Benio: "That doesn't matter. Your power is remarkable." Benio: "Even if you are generally useless." Roku: "You didn't have to say that!" Benio: "No, it's quite important." Roku: "You are so uncute when you do stuff like that!" Benio: "I don't need you to think I'm cute!" Roku: "Why are you so twisted, anyway?!" Benio: "You're the twisted one!" Roku: "I'm always honest with my feelings!" Benio: "That's your idea of honest?" Roku: "Please don't... Don't expose my embarrassing past!" Benio: "Holmes wrote that continuity with the past is only a necessity, and not a duty." Roku: "That's fine to say, but..."
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 7 – A New Trial - Unbelievable Game", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "7", "A New Trial - Unbelievable Game" ] }
Mayu: "Marry and have a child?!" Mayu: "You two agreed to this?" Roku: "Of course not! Not with her!" Benio: "Obviously not." Mayu: "Then why are you living together?!" Roku: "I told you, we're being forced to!" Benio: "By the Chief Exorcist, Tsuchimikado Arima-sama." Mayu: "Exorcist..." Roku: "Yeah, that pervy underpants guy just decided—" Mayu: "Rokuro, I'm sure I'm wrong, but..." Mayu: "You're not thinking of being an exorcist again, are you?" Mayu: "You're not going to fight Kegare again, are you?" Roku: "Well..." Mayu: "Wait, have you already been fighting?" Mayu: "Why?!" Mayu: "After all the pain you went through... You said you didn't want to fight anymore..." Mayu: "I don't want to see you end up like that again!" Mayu: "You're still in middle school, you know! You're still just a kid! Can't you leave the danger to the adults?!" Benio: "May I say something? It's true that he still has doubts about being an exorcist," Benio: "but his actions have saved people's lives." Benio: "Those lives would've been lost without him." Benio: "Only when he gets serious, mind you." Benio: "But when he gets serious..." Benio: "He's earnest, and strong..." Benio: "He inspires me to have a bit more courage, you might say." Mayu: "Was she actually talking about Rokuro?" Benio: "He deserves praise for overcoming his past and standing up again." Mayu: "But if he dies, then what's the point?!" Benio: "We've never forced him to fight. It's the place where he belongs, where he's truly needed." Mayu: "I'm saying that such a dangerous world can't be where Rokuro belongs!" Roku: "Hey... Both of you, calm down!" Mayu: "Be quiet, Rokuro!" Benio: "We're having an important discussion." Roku: "O-Okay..." Benio: "I acknowledge and respect his strength." Benio: "But looking at it a different way, if you took exorcism from him, he'd have nothing. Much the same as ohagi without red bean paste or mochi rice." Mayu: "That's not true! Rokuro has lots of things going for him besides being an exorcist." Benio: "Such as?" Mayu: "He's so accepting that he believed Santa was real until recently! He keeps asking girls out, no matter how many times he's rejected! He even knows the multiplication tables perfectly, up through six!" Mayu: "Rokuro, are you listening?!" Benio: "We're talking about you here." Roku: "I'm sorry... And please stop..." Mayu: "How do you feel, Rokuro?" Mayu: "What do you really want?" Benio: "Let's clear that up right now." Benio: "Do you want to fight as an exorcist or not? Which is it?" Roku: "I..." Roku: "I thought..." Roku: "I thought all this time that I shouldn't be fighting, but..." Roku: "If this power can be used to protect people, I want to do that. No matter what may happen to me if I fight," Roku: "it's all right with me." Mayu: "Rokuro..." Mayu: "Fine... Do what you want!" Mayu: "Stupid Rokuro... You're like a summer sale on ignorance." Mayu: "You don't even know how I feel..." Mayu: "Rokuro!" Roku: "Why?!" Roku: "They all died..." Roku: "Because of me!" Roku: "So much for being the strongest exorcist!" Mayu: "Rokuro..." Mayu: "Why?" Mayu: "Why, Rokuro?" Kinako: "Benio-sama, it's time for your lunch ohagi..." Kinako: "What's this?" Roku: "That's Mayura's good luck charm." Benio: "A charm?" Rokui: "Yeah, she's carried it around for as long as I can remember." Benio: "Then you should return it to her right away. That charm is made to prevent potent spell power from detection by Kegare. The reason Kegare attack people is to consume their spell power and grow stronger. If this charm was concealing it," Benio: "then Otomi-san must have fairly potent spell power." Rokuro: "Mayura does?" Kinako: "Oh, no!" Benio: "Are you—" Mayu: "This place is..." Mayu: "Kegare!" Mayu: "Help..." Mayu: "No!" Mayu: "Rokuro..." Roku: "What the hell are you doing to Mayura?!" Roku: "You okay? Hey, Mayura!" Mayu: "Y-Yeah..." Mayu: "Rokuro... You came to save me?" Roku: "Yeah! I swear, I'm gonna protect you!" Mayu: "Stop it... If you do heroic things like that..." Mayu: "How can I tell you to stop fighting?" Roku: "You bastard..." Benio: "Stay back." Benio: "I'll defeat this one." Roku: "No way! I'm gonna crush it!" Kinu: "Twin Stars or not, making her live under the same roof as the fang boy, just the two of them... Arima-sama certainly is rushing things." Zen: "You don't need to worry. Brash though he may seem, Rokuro is naïve in many ways." Zen: "Atsushi?!" Zen: "What's the matter?" Zen: "Y-You..." Zen: "Seigen?!" Seigen: "Yo, Gramps... You look good. Nice to see you haven't croaked yet." Kinu: "What brings a man of your standing here?" Seigen: "The old lady from Kyoto..." Seigen: "It's been a while." Seigen: "As for why I was sent all the way out here..." Seigen: "Gramps, you probably have an inkling, don't you? I hear a certain runt has been overdoing it with his power lately, so teaching him a lesson is one reason." Seigen: "As for the other..." Seigen: "It happened again, right?" Seigen: "A Kegare corruption." Ryogo: "Kegare corruption?" Shin: "What's that?" Zen: "So the Exorcist Union noticed, too..." Seigen: "Of course we did. We've been bracing for the next one for two years now." Seigen: "Now, then... Since I've said hi to Gramps, I'd better be on my way." Seigen: "Magano gate, open." Zen: "Seigen, are you..." Seigen: "Yeah. I'm here clean up my idiot pupil's mess." Kinako: "Benio-sama! Leave the girl to me, and wipe the floor with that rotten Kegare!" Roku: "It won't be purified..." Benio: "And this speed, power, and resilience... It's on a totally different level than other Kegare." Seigen: "What're you dawdling around for?" Roku: "That technique... Was that..." Seigen: "Tiger Strike: Kagutsuchi." Seigen: "Return to the stars." Benio: "Amazing..." Seigen: "Hey, so we meet again..." Seigen: "Runt." Atsu: "Ow, ow, ow..." Zen: "What happened?" Atsu: "That jerk with the bags under his eyes just hit me out of nowhere!" Shin: "No, it was because you talked back to him." Atsu: "Who is he anyway, Jissama?!" Zen: "His name is Amawaka Seigen. He's an exorcist who was once assigned to this town for a time, and... Well, er, that is... My son-in-law." Atsu: "Son-in-law?" Shin: "What do you mean?" Zen: "He used to be married to my daughter." Shin: "What? Does that mean..." Zen: "Yes..." Zen: "Seigen is Mayura's father." Atsu: "No resemblance!" Zen: "He's definitely powerful, though. Seigen's one of the Twelve Guardians." Atsu: "The Twelve Guardians... So he's on the same level as the guy from the other day?" Ryogo: "Who do you mean?" Shin: "While you were in the hospital, we met one of them in Magano." Shin: "The Suzaku of the Twelve Guardians, Ikaruga Shimon." Atsu: "He was crazy strong, too! He wiped out an entire swarm of Kegare in one shot!" Atsu: "Man, I wish you could've seen it, Ryogo-san!" Ryogo: "I know more about the strength of the Twelve Guardians than I'd like, actually." Ryogo: "Seigen-san was the one who taught Rokuro and me how to fight. He was our exorcist master." Seigen: "Hey, kid... You have something to say to me, don't you?" Roku: "That's..." Roku: "It's good to see you again! You look as young as ever, Master! Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Seigen: "Keep goofing around and I'll slap you silly, got it?" Seigen: "Arima told me all about it." Roku: "The pervy underpants guy?" Seigen: "You've been putting that arm's power through its paces, huh?" Seigen: "Correct me if I'm wrong, but... You're not saying you wanna be an exorcist again, are you?" Roku: "That's..." Roku: "For the world, for the future... I know I don't have the right to fight for anything that big anymore," Roku: "but I can't just ignore people around me getting hurt! If this arm, despite how it looks, can reach out to someone," Roku: "I want to hold it out to them!" Seigen: "You think that power of yours is something that noble?" Seigen: "There's no sense in spewing that idealistic crap now." Roku: "Idealistic crap... My idealistic crap" Roku: "all burned to ashes on that day, two years ago!" Seigen: "If you feel that strongly, then why don't you show me? Show me what you're capable of with that arm, and just how committed you are." Seigen: "Fight me, runt." Seigen: "You beat me, and it'll prove you've got both the grit and the skill, right?" Seigen: "Then you can do whatever you want." Seigen: "But... I won't hold back." Seigen: "Come at me as if you intend to kill me, too." Kinako: "I don't really care what happens to the imp," Kinako: "but this looks kinda bad for him, don't you think?" Kinako: "Benio-sama?" Benio: "Two years ago..." Ryo: "So, Jissama..." Ryo: "What's this "Kegare corruption" that Seigen-san mentioned?" Zen: "I suppose I should tell you all... They used to say, "Undyed cloth loses its color fastest."" Zen: "When people hate one another, they become demons in both mind and body. But in the same fashion, the bodies of those with potent spell power will, at times, become Kegare, for some reason. This phenomenon is called Kegare corruption." Ryo: "That's crazy... You mean people can become Kegare?" Zen: "The first confirmed case of Kegare corruption was two years ago." Ryo: "Don't tell me..." Zen: "The Hinatsuki tragedy." Ryo: "So, back then, Rokuro was..." Kinu: "What are you saying?" Kinu: "What happened to the fang boy?" Zen: "You mean you didn't know? Rokuro survived the Hinatsuki tragedy." Ryo: "Gran?" Kinu: "How can this be?" Seigen: "Let's do this. Let those who turn away from divine blessings be shot down by the divine arrow." Seigen: "Air Fissure Bullet, come forth at once." Kinako: "Look at that! It's the same move the imp uses!" Benio: "But the amount of spell power contained in it is incomparable..." Seigen: "And that's a wrap." Roku: "Air Fissure Bullet, come forth at once!" Seigen: "Size isn't everything, you know." Kinako: "He got him!" Seigen: "I can't sense any intent to kill in your punch." Roku: "When did you—" Seigen: "Didn't I tell you to show me how committed you are?" Seigen: "I guess you were just spouting idealistic crap, after all." Seigen: "A little idiot like you, talking about being an exorcist..." Roku: "Give it back, Seige—" Seigen: "That arm of yours isn't for saving people." Seigen: "It's for pushing aside the hands of people who are looking for help, isn't it? You haven't forgotten what you did at Hinatsuki, have you?" Benio: "Hinatsuki..." Benio: "What do you mean by that?" Benio: "What are you talking about?" Seigen: "I see... There shouldn't be any secrets between husband and wife, right?" Roku: "Seigen!" Seigen: "I'll tell you about how his right arm is stained with blood." Roku: "S-Stop! Please, don't!" Seigen: "I don't know why the hell Arima didn't tell her before now," Seigen: "but the girl definitely deserves to know." Ryo: "Is there some tie between Benio-san and the Hinatsuki Dorm?" Kinu: "Benio-sama's family was killed by Kegare." Kinu: "They were originally a family of four. Her father, her mother, and..." Kinu: "She had a twin brother." Seigen: "Two years ago, the home of several exorcist trainees, the Hinatsuki Dorm, was attacked by several Kegare from Magano, and nearly all the trainees were killed." Seigen: "This is what people know as the Hinatsuki tragedy." Seigen: "However..." Seigen: "That's not what really happened. On that day, two years ago," Seigen: "the night the tragedy happened..." Seigen: "Not a single Kegare had actually appeared from Magano." Seigen: "So why was it that all the exorcist trainee children perished?" Seigen: "It's simple. The sole survivor, Enmado Rokuro," Seigen: "killed all the other trainees himself." Kinu: "After the death of her parents, Benio-sama remained with the Adashino house to inherit it. Her brother, Yuto-sama, was adopted by his father's side of family, the Ijika house." Ryo: "Ijika... Yuto?" Kinu: "Yes, Benio-sama's brother" Kinu: "was at the Hinatsuki Dorm." Benio: "Is what he just said... the truth?" Benio: "Don't just stand there. Say something!" Benio: "Please, say something!" Benio: "Answer me, Enmado Rokuro!" Roku: "What is this, Seigen? You're doing the preview, too?" Seigen: "Turgenev said that people need unhappiness, poverty, or illness, because without them, they become conceited." Roku: "Just shut up!"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 8 – Rokuro's Feelings - Shocking Confession", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "8", "Rokuro's Feelings - Shocking Confession" ] }
Seigen: "Listen good, runt." Seigen: "That girl had a twin brother. After their parents died, he was adopted by different relatives, and started going by a different family name." Seigen: "This girl is Ijika Yuto's sister." Roku: "Yuto's... sister?" Benio: "Tell me the truth, Enmado Rokuro." Roku: "It's true." Roku: "I was the one who did it." Roku: "With my own hands..." Roku: "I killed everyone at Hinatsuki." Benio: "You..." Benio: "killed my brother..." Benio: "Face me, Enmado Rokuro!" Seigen: "Put the sword down, Adashino girl." Benio: "I've—" Seigen: "I'm not trying to defend my idiot pupil," Seigen: "but there's still more to this story." Yuto: "This looks like fun." Yuto: "Mind if I join in?" Yuto: "Hi, Roku! We meet again." Seigen: "Yo, idiot pupil #2." Seigen: "You showing up actually saves me a bit of trouble." Yuto: "It's been a long time, Seigen-san." Yuto: "What's one of the Twelve Guardians doing here?" Seigen: "I think you know why." Seigen: "I'm cleaning up my idiot pupil's mess." Yuto: "I see you're as kind as ever, Seigen-san." Yuto: "But do you really think you should fight me right now? Idiot pupil #2's hand could slip and end up injuring Mayura-chan..." Yuto: "Besides, I just came to talk to Roku today." Benio: "Nii-sama..." Yuto: "Hey, Roku, why so quiet?" Yuto: "Say something!" Yuto: "Come on, Roku, I'm talking to you." Roku: "Why..." Roku: "Why are you still alive, Yuto?!" Yuto: "I'm not sure how to answer that..." Yuto: "As you can see, the wound you gave me two years ago has healed up so nicely! And anyway, isn't this more like a scene where you shout out, "You're alive, Yuto!" and cry tears of joy?" Roku: "Stop spewing your sick jokes right now!" Seigen: "He didn't use a talisman...." Roku: "What are you doing?!" Yuto: "Don't make such a scary face. It's been so long since we last met. Let's have a nice, leisurely chat, Roku." Yuto: "We're friends, aren't we?" Roku: "Friends with you?! Don't give me that crap! What did you do to the others at the Hinatsuki Dorm two years ago?!" Yuto: "What did I do? I was just trying to give them more power." Yuto: "On the other hand, what was it you did to them, again?" Roku: "I..." Yuto: "So much happened on that night." Yuto: "It was so much fun, wasn't it, Roku?" Boy: "How long do we have to wait, Yuto?" Girl: "We still can't start yet?" Yuto: "Nope. Sorry about that." Boy: "Is all this stuff in the right place?" Yuto: "Everything looks good, thanks." Boy: "This is great! This is gonna make us strong like Roku and Yuto, right?!" Yuto: "Of course. Look forward to it." Girl: "This is gonna be great, Ami-chan!" Girl: "What's wrong? You look so worried." Ami: "Should we really be doing this?" Girl: "Huh? You're saying this now? You said you wanted to go on Kegare exorcisms with Rokuro-kun as soon as possible, right?" Ami: "Yeah, but..." Ami: "I don't know if that makes it okay to get more spell power so easily." Yuto: "Okay, let's begin." Yuto: "Shikiru yuitsuwanu sowotahakumeka... Uoenisarihete nomasu aseehoreke... Ahariya asobasuto moosenu asakurani... Kegare-no-ohokami orimaseshimase!" Roku: "Huh? Where is everyone?" Girl: "They went to Yuto-kun's room. Something about a secret meeting." Roku: "Nothing in here looks good..." Roku: "Maybe I'll run to the convenience store!" Girl: "Hey, hang on, Roku!" Girl: "We're not allowed to go out at night, remember?" Roku: "It'll be fine! Seigen and Jissama went out, and they said they'd be back late!" Roku: "Huh?" Girl: "If you get caught, the rest of us will be held responsible, too!" Roku: "The door won't open..." Girl: "It won't open? That's ridiculous." Roku: "I'm serious, it won't budge at all!" Girl: "Maybe it's just locked." Roku: "It's not! Take a look." Roku: "See? Not locked, right?" Girl: "Yeah, you're right..." Roku: "What's wrong?" Girl: "Ch-Chieko?" Girl: "Hey, cut it out! Stop trying to scare me..." Girl: "Okay?" Yuna: "Roku..." Yuna: "Help..." Yuna: "Please..." Roku: "Yuna! What's wrong?! What happened?!" Yuna: "S-Something really terrible... is going to happen!" Yuna: "Roku, please... Stop Yuto!" Roku: "What about Yuto? What happened?!" Yuna: "Kegare..." Roku: "Kegare? Are there Kegare in the dorm?" Yuna: "I..." Yuna: "I don't want to turn into a Kegare!" Roku: "What's happening?" Roku: "Yuna turned into a Kegare!" Yuto: "Yuna-chan was a failure too, huh?" Yuto: "This isn't going as smoothly as I'd hoped." Yuto: "Well, on to the next one..." Girl: "Roku, we have to run!" Girl: "Oh, no... No, no, no!" Roku: "It's no good! It won't open!" Roku: "Hikari!" Roku: "Hikari!" Hikari: "No! Help me!" Hikari: "Roku..." Hikari: "Help me, Roku!" Rokuro: "Wh-What is this?" Rokuro: "What..." Rokuro: "is..." Rokuro: "this?!" Benio: "What are you talking about," Benio: "Nii-sama?" Benio: "Explain it so I can understand!" Seigen: "Listen closely, Adashino girl." Seigen: "What you just heard is the truth about the Hinatsuki tragedy." Benio: "But I don't understand!" Benio: "What happened to the exorcist trainees?" Seigen: "I get it... You don't know about Kegare corruption." Benio: "Kegare corruption?" Seigen: "It's when the bodies of living humans turn into Kegare. Once that happens, all you can do to save them is end their lives before they start committing atrocities." Benio: "I've never even heard of this before!" Seigen: "Of course not. Kegare corruption was discovered through exorcists turning themselves into Kegare to gain their power. It's the most wicked of the dark arts. And only a few exorcists know about this dark art... Or rather, the knowledge itself is supposed to be forbidden." Seigen: "However... No one knows where or how, but someone managed to learn that dark art." Seigen: "And two years ago... On the night of the Hinatsuki tragedy," Seigen: "there were cases of Kegare corruption." Benio: "Th-Then..." Seigen: "Toying with the most wicked of dark arts, using the Hinatsuki trainees as test subjects for his Kegare corruption experiment... The one who messed up everything for this runt was your brother, Adashino— That is, Ijika Yuto." Benio: "My brother..." Benio: "caused the Hinatsuki tragedy?" Benio: "That can't be!" Benio: "My brother is kind and righteous." Benio: "He's a brother I can look up to!" Benio: "Please, stop joking! My brother is not the kind of person who would do something like that!" Yuto: "Shut up, Benio." Yuto: "Close your childish mouth right now. You are so pitiful," Yuto: "thinking I'm kind and righteous. That would mean you didn't understand a single thing about me." Benio: "Nii-sama..." Seigen: "Accept reality, Adashino Benio." Seigen: "That's Ijika Yuto's true nature." Seigen: "He's always deceived everyone around him." Benio: "But... what about the promise?" Benio: "The promise we made in front of Father and Mother's home!" Yuto: "Father and Mother?" Benio: "We swore to become the strongest exorcists. The tears you shed then..." Benio: "Were those a lie, too?!" Yuto: "As if I would look up to two fools who only preached ideals, yet never accomplished anything themselves." Yuto: "And most foolish of all, they died trying to protect you." Yuto: "but this is a good opportunity to make one thing clear." Yuto: "Benio, I never once respected you as an exorcist. Our foolish parents fawned over you, and playing the role of the good brother to an idiot who couldn't see reality was nothing but stressful for me." Yuto: "What are you doing, Benio?" Yuto: "I've told you how I feel." Yuto: "Now that you understand, would you get out of my sight?" Roku: "Yuto!" Roku: "No matter what happens from here on..." Roku: "If you apologize... If you repent..." Roku: "If you feel regret... Even if you die... I will never" Roku: "forgive you!" Yuto: "And what happens if you don't forgive me? Show me, Roku!" Roku: "Yuto! This time I'll stop you myself!" Yuto: "Roku, did you..." Seigen: "He didn't use the Master Star Armor Talisman?" Yuto: "Well, that was a shock!" Seigen: "That idiot pupil." Yuto: "Oh, no, no, Roku... You haven't mastered your power at all." Benio: "Nii-sama..." Benio: "You're really..." Roku: "Adashino Benio..." Roku: "Why did you..." Benio: "I felt like... I had to stop you..." Yuto: "Done already, Roku?" Roku: "Yuto!" Yuto: "You know, I happen to hate your guts," Yuto: "but I do admit you have potential as an exorcist." Yuto: "Which is why I came here to talk to you today. In order to accomplish my goal, it wouldn't hurt to have a henchman. If you abandon those asinine morals and see things my way," Yuto: "I can make room for you at my side." Roku: "How stupid are you?!" Roku: "I'd rather die than side with you!" Yuto: "I'd say you're the stupid one. You haven't changed at all in two years." Yuto: "You always run away... You stand before the door to gaining incredible power, but you always turn away. Your crime, Roku, isn't killing the Hinatsuki kids, or failing to bring me down. Your crime is your lack of commitment to becoming truly powerful." Yuto: "I've grown bored of this chat. I suppose I'll take my leave." Roku: "Yuto!" Yuto: "When next we meet, try to entertain me more, Roku." Roku: "Wait!" Kinako: "You okay, Benio-sama?!" Benio: "I'm fine, Kinako." Roku: "Adashino..." Seigen: "Playtime is over." Seigen: "I can't leave Mayura lying on the ground all day, after all." Benio: "Enmado Rokuro! What has happened today, along with the Hinatsuki tragedy," Benio: "was all the fault of my brother, Ijika Yuto. I am so sorry for the the anguish" Benio: "my family has caused you." Roku: "H-Hey, raise your head." Roku: "None of this is your fault." Benio: "And yet I cannot simply brush this aside as if it has nothing to do with me. The things my brother gave to you go beyond what even words" Benio: "like rage and sorrow can express." Benio: "I know that well..." Benio: "And yet... There is nothing I can do" Benio: "but bow to you in penitence!" Roku: "You..." Roku: "Just raise your head, okay?" Roku: "When you put it that way, I'm not that different. I lived with Yuto for a long time," Roku: "but never saw what he really was. If I had really stopped him two years ago," Roku: "this wouldn't have happened." Roku: "And there's something that Yuto helped me realize today. Ever since the Hinatsuki tragedy," Roku: "I've been running away from battle." Roku: "It hurt too much that I couldn't save my friends." Roku: "I didn't want to remember what happened..." Roku: "I've looked away from it all this time." Roku: "But all I was doing was running from it. I never tried to get better. I really didn't have a true commitment to getting stronger!" Roku: "I'm going to become strong, and I'm not going to do it like Yuto." Benio: "I want to become stronger, too. Not because of my promise to my brother," Benio: "but because it's what I want!" Roku: "Let's get stronger, Benio." Benio: "Let's get stronger, Rokuro." Both: "Together!" Roku: "Some weird girl is here!" Benio: "She left a message." Benio: ""Van Gogh said, 'marriage ain't about being two halves. You gotta become one whole.'"" Roku: "Van Gogh had a Kyoto dialect?!"
{ "raw_title": "Twin Star Exorcists Episode 9 – Intertwining Tragedies - Tragedy Comes With Smile", "parsed": [ "Twin Star Exorcists", "9", "Intertwining Tragedies - Tragedy Comes With Smile" ] }
ene: "It's so nice and sunny." Ai: "Atmospheric pressure: 1003.9 hPa. Chance of rain: 0%." ene: "A lot of people came to watch this year, too." Ai: "Spectator occupancy of home straight: 127%." ene: "I wonder who will win this year." Ai: "Unknown." ene: "Well, it's nearly time. Ai-chan, how do you feel?" Ai: "Normal." ene: "I see. Shall we get started, then?" ene: "In five, four, three, two, one, cue." Ai: "Good morning, Miyakejima!" Ai: "This season's Miyakejima Tourist Trophy, AKA the Miyakejima TT, has begun! I, Ai Makita of the Miyakejima Girls' High School Broadcasting Club," ene: "And I, Nene Itagaki, will be providing analysis." Ai: "We'll start today" Ai: "How does it look out there, Itagaki-san?" ene: "This race is a demonstration for our fans to get to know" ene: "It may feel a bit lacking since there won't be any fierce battles," Ai: "The skies are clear, and the wind is mild. The fighting spirits of the ladies gathered from" Ai: "Now, let's introduce the racers aiming for victory this season! In the pole position are the "Bullet of Naniwa" from Osaka Ikoma Girls' High School," Ai: "Do you suppose they're wishing their dreams of victory will "come-ae true-ae?"" Kanae: "What kind of lame joke was that? Yer slippin'!" Tamae: "It wasn't so bad. Besides, Kanae-chan, you let your tires slip all the time." Kanae: "You too, dummy!" Ai: "In the second position are Hyogo Taka Academy's" Mao: "Since this is just the introductory race, let's take this one easy, Hitomi." Hitomi: "That isn't like you, Mao." Hitomi: "I thought you aimed to win, even when it's just for fun." Mao: "Yeah, right. I'm not a child." Ai: "In the third position are Kyoto Amagase" Ai: "They're supersonic goth-loli dolls and self racing queens," Alisu: "Let's paint the track our color, Kurosu." Kurosu: "Indeed, Alisu. It will be glorious." Ai: "In the fourth position are the princesses of Mie Suzuka Girls' Academy," Chiyuki: "This is shaping up to be a wonderful race." Chiyuki: "Don't you agree, Misaki?" Misaki: "We'll see." Ai: "In the fifth position are Ibaraki Tsukuba Girls' High School's" Izumi: "I won't forgive you if you hold me back, Nagisa." gisa: "I'll do my best, Izumi-san." Izumi: "I don't care if you try. We have to win. Got it?" gisa: "Got it. I-I'll do my best." Ai: "In the sixth position are the Motegi Twin Racers" Maria: "It's hot out." Yuria: "It sure is. Our tires will soften quickly." Maria: "They sure will. The grip will increase the G's." Yuria: "We'll be fine. Everyone's experiencing the same conditions." Ai: "Finally, in the rear are Tokyo Miyake Girls' High School's" Ai: "As Miyakejima's local team, they're favorites to win the race!" Mutsuki: "Will Yuri-san and Megumi-san be okay, Wada-sensei?" Hatsune: "They're acting like they always do." Mutsuki: "Does that mean they're not okay?" Hatsune: "Nope. It couldn't be worse." Mutsuki: "Yikes." Hibari: "Mutsuki-chan. I'm sure it'll work out. Right, Tsugumi?" Tsugumi: "Yeah, Hibari's right." Hibari: "They're being their usual selves." Ai: "It's just a friendly race between warriors! They'll have to keep their savage spirits in check for this demonstration!" ene: "It may be an exhibition race, but their irrepressible" Ai: "The riders are starting their engines! The roar of their 600cc Supersport bikes rings across the track!" Ai: "The red flag is leaving the track! The starting signal is lighting up!" Ai: "They're all red!" Ai: "And it's the blackout!" Megumi: "No, no!" Yuri: "I'm gonna be late!" Yuri: "You're late, Megumi! What are you doing?" Megumi: "So are you! How long were you gonna sleep?" Yuri: "First period is modern Japanese!" Megumi: "Aw, nuts. That's Nakabayashi. He'll hit us if we're late. Step on it!" Yuri: "Of course!" Yoko: "Sounding great." Mutsuki: "What? You were late again?" Megumi: "It was Yuri's fault. She didn't take the right turn around Tairoike fast enough." Yuri: "It's because you didn't apply enough weight." Megumi: "We would've understeered if I'd done that." Yuri: "No, we wouldn't." Megumi: "We would! The other day I thought" Megumi: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Yuri: "That's because you applied too much weight." Megumi: "See? We understeered." Mutsuki: "Is leaving five minutes earlier not an option for you two?" Both: "No way." Megumi: "Even if I woke up early, I'd just have to wait for Yuri." Yuri: "What was that?" Yuri: "I only wait for you because I'm slower without a passenger!" Megumi: "Yeah, but it won't even run without a driver!" Yuri: "You have one! I'm always awake!" Hatsune: "You two never change." Megumi: "Wada-sensei." Hatsune: "You two are exactly alike. It makes sense that you're so in tune with each other." Yuri: "We're nothing alike." Megumi: "Yeah. Our appearances and tastes are totally different. Our personalities are opposite, too." Mutsuki: "That's not true. You two are pretty similar. Your tastes are exactly the same, and you even do the same things." Both: "Really?" Hatsune: "Really." Yuri: "Well, we have been neighbors since we were kids." Megumi: "And we grew up seeing and doing the same things." Both: "I guess we like the same things..." Megumi: "As a special ward, this island has roads with no speed limits. So racers gather from all over to drive at full speed." Yuri: "Lots of racers move here so they can drive on the island. There are plenty of multi-generational racers, too." Megumi: "When TT season rolls around, our inn is packed with guests." Yuri: "Since we were little, we grew up watching those people." Both: "At some point, we started wanting to race ourselves someday." Both: "And then..." Both: "Coach Tanahashi!" Tanahashi: "Surpass all others to become the best." Tanahashi: "Right?" Both: "Yes, sir!" Mutsuki: "They're alike, aren't they?" Hatsune: "Yeah." Tanahashi: "Get changed. We'll drive around the course." Both: "Yes, sir!" Ai: "And they're off!" Ai: "And they're off! The passengers are transferring their weight to the rear tire to gain traction!" ene: "The prelude to the Girls' High School Racing Kneeler National Tournament has begun." Ai: "The first riders to enter the corner are car number 22, Kazeno Tenpoint! Driver Kanae Kawamata's excellent cornering skills are supported" Ai: "The engine they've tuned with their superb skills seems to be in top condition, as well!" Kanae: "Gaze upon the glory of our finely tuned engine!" Tamae: "Kanae-chan, you're on fire. It's just an exhibition race. You don't need to try so hard." Kanae: "I won't let anyone ride in front of us." Tamae: "Don't do anything crazy! We've still got the rest of the track to cover!" Ai: "Behind them are car number 44, Setsugekka! Mao Katakura's clean steering and" Both: "Un, deux, trois. En dehors!" Both: "Un, deux, trois." Both: "En dedans!" Mutsuki: "They're so fast." Hatsune: "They're all strong schools." Mutsuki: "Can we even win?" Hatsune: "I'm not sure that's the problem." Mutsuki: "Right." Mutsuki: "But they're good as long as they're riding." Hatsune: "I know." Yuri: "Left turn into downhill coming up. I'll turn-in early for a deeper clipping point." Yuri: "There's the traction. Full speed ahead." Yuri: "Amazing." Yuri: "He knows all the lines I want to take." Yuri: "Right uphill turn coming up. We'll shift our weight forward and—" Mutsuki: "Here they come." Mutsuki: "Goal!" Mutuski: "Welcome back." Yuri: "Thanks." Yuri: "How was our time?" Hatsune: "Incredible. That was two seconds faster." Tanahashi: "This is only the beginning." Tanahashi: "You'll get even faster." Yuri: "Really?" Tanahashi: "Yeah." Tanahashi: "Your light weight gives you an advantage." Yuri: "Only if we're as good as you, Coach." Tanahashi: "I'll teach you the skills." Tanahashi: "Miyata, switch with me." Tanahashi: "Meguro, you're the passenger." Megumi: "Got it." Megumi: "Straightaway ahead." Megumi: "Left turn ahead." Megumi: "Right downhill turn ahead. No! We're losing time! He went deep into the turn" Megumi: "He..." Yuri: "He understands me." Ai: "Currently in third is car number 66," Ai: "They're slowly catching up to second!" Kurosu: "We won't hold back just 'cause it's an exhibition race." Kurosu: "If anything, we'll stand out!" Ai: "What's this? Kurosu Itou boldly takes the inside! Lovely Purgatory Slash is going for the inside!" ene: "They're keeping their grip by preventing a roll." Misaki: "Not bad." Chiyuki: "What? We didn't discuss this!" Misaki: "You think I'd be satisfied with a well-mannered plan?" Ai: "Lightning Tornade is boldly attacking, as well! Bringing up the rear is Ashitabamaru!" Hatsune: "We've fallen really far behind." Mutsuki: "How's our time?" Hatsune: "Ten seconds behind first. We're still dead last." Hibari: "Don't worry." Hibari: "That's still within range." Tsugumi: "They can bring it back." Mutsuki: "I hope you're right, but they're being their usual selves, right?" Hatsune: "Yup, their usual selves." Hatsune: "It couldn't be worse." Yuri: "It's done." Megumi: "Yeah. This is our bike." Yuri: "The dimensions of the body..." Megumi: "Its tendencies while driving..." Yuri: "They're all perfectly customized for us." Megumi: "We should name it." Yuri: "Yeah." Tanahashi: "How about "Ashitabamaru?"" Both: "Coach Tanahashi." Tanahashi: "When the Ashitaba's leaves are torn, they grow back by the next day. This island's known for them." Tanahashi: "No matter how difficult things get, you always get back up." Tanahashi: "It's the perfect name for you." Both: "Yes, sir." Tanahashi: "No matter what hardships you encounter," Ai: "In fifth is car number 33, the Alsvid's team Izumi Murata and Nagisa Suzuki! They're closing the gap with their wild riding!" gisa: "The G's!" Izumi: "Slow, aren't you?" Ai: "What's this? They're taking the corner with one tire in the air! The Alsvid is attacking by reducing the resistance of its tires!" ene: "But it's a double-edged sword that can reduce your grip by puncturing the tire. It's a high-level technique." Ai: "In sixth is car number 55, Single Duet's team" Ai: "Maria Shishido and Yuria Shishido! No matter how you look at it, they're one and the same! The twin racers ride as one! The self-doppelgangers have arrived!" Both: "Ashitabamaru is maintaining its speed. Are they waiting to see what'll happen?" Both: "The coach is quitting?" Hatsune: "He's quitting at the end of the month and moving to England." Yuri: "England?" Megumi: "You mean..." Tanahashi: "That's right. The Isle of Man." Yuri: "The Isle of Man?" Megumi: "Then..." Tanahashi: "The Isle of Man TT. It's a long-established race that's been held for over a hundred years. Kneelers across the world dream of racing there. Most of the top racers are residents of the Isle of Man. Open your front door, and the track's right there. They enter the race knowing every gap in the road's surface." Tanahashi: "The best way to win at the Isle of Man is to live there." Yuri: "But this is too sudden." Megumi: "Why are you doing this?" Tanahashi: "Because of you two." Tanahashi: "You learned everything I had to teach you and improved your skills. At first you were slow, but you've grown" Tanahashi: "Seeing that made me realize I can't sit here forever." Tanahashi: "I'll win the Isle of Man TT." Yuri: "What about the sidecar club?" Megumi: "You said you'd help us win the national tournament!" Tanahashi: "It'll be fine. You can do it." Tanahashi: "I've taught you everything I can. Now it's up to you." Tanahashi: "I'll win in the world I've set my sights on. You win in yours." Ai: "Last place bike Ashitabamaru is accelerating!" Both: "Yuri-chan and Megumi-chan are making their move." Ai: "They're passing Single Duet!" ene: "They did it." gisa: "Ashitabamaru? They're fast. Izumi-san!" Izumi: "We've still got this." Izumi: "No way!" Ai: "Ashitabamaru has climbed to fifth! Will Yuri Miyata and Megumi Meguro race to victory?" Yuri: "Dear Coach Tanahashi." Megumi: "There's something I want to tell you before you leave." Yuri: "Please come to Maigoji at Tairoike after school today." Megumi: "Please." Yuri: "Yuri Miyata." Megumi: "Megumi Meguro." Ai: "Ashitabamaru has caught up to Lovely Purgatory Slash! This isn't a friendly exhibition race anymore! This is turning into a heroic battle!" Yuri: "Megumi, what's wrong?" Megumi: "Huh? Oh, nothing." Megumi: "What about you? What are you doing here?" Yuri: "Nothing, really." Megumi: "Yuri, what about tomorrow's exam? Shouldn't you be studying?" Yuri: "I'll be fine." Yuri: "But shouldn't you head home so you can study?" Megumi: "I've already given up." Yuri: "That's no good! You should definitely go home! I'm saying this for your sake!" Megumi: "Well, shouldn't you be helping your family?" Yuri: "My mom's taking care of it!" Megumi: "No, your inn gets lots of guests who look forward to your cooking! You should go home and help! I'm saying this for your sake!" Yuri: "Well, your family runs an inn, too! You should go home!" Megumi: "No, you!" Yuri: "No, you!" Tanahashi: "Thanks for waiting." Tanahashi: "You're both here?" Tanahashi: "What did you want to talk about?" Both: "Huh?" Ai: "Ashitabamaru is locked in a fierce battle with Setsugekka! Neither one's giving any ground! It's a battle for their honor!" Tanahashi: "What is it? What's wrong?" Both: "Um, I—" Yuri: "Good luck at the Isle of Man TT!" Megumi: "I'll be rooting for you, Coach!" Yuri: "We'll win the national tournament, too!" Megumi: "So, good luck!" Tanahashi: "Yeah, you, too." Tanahashi: "Achieve victory in your world." Ai: "Ashitabamaru is battling its final opponent! They're challenging their opponent head-on!" Yuri: "I'll..." Megumi: "I'll..." Both: "I'll win in" Ai: "Ashitabamaru wins! They've boldly taken first place! That was an intense battle, Itagaki-san." ene: "It was." ene: "They showed passion despite this being an exhibition race. I'm looking forward to the finals now." Ai: "The second and third place teams are commending their partners. The winners Yuri Miyata and Megumi Meguro are" Ai: "They're about to share their passionate spirit with one another! No, wait! They hit each other! It's a cross-counter! What a beautiful hit! They've both fallen, and neither is moving! Is this a double-knockout?" Both: "One! Two!" Hatsune: "They were alike until the very end." Both: "Three!" Mutsuki: "It went as badly as we thought it would." Both: "Eight! Nine!"
{ "raw_title": "TWOCAR Episode 1 – Exhibition", "parsed": [ "TWOCAR", "1", "Exhibition" ] }
Ai: "Good morning, Miyakejima!" Yuri: "Isn't that..." Megumi: "Why? I thought they erased it." Mutsuki: "So this is how the team introduction video turned out?" Megumi: "Of course not! This is just a movie Hibari and Tsugumi made!" Yuri: "It's "Rhapsody of Love and Recollection."" Mutuski: "What? Did I pick up the wrong video yesterday?" Both: "Huh?" Hatsune: "The official asked if they were finished yet," Mutsuki: "I must've given them the wrong USB." Yuri: "Just stop the video!" Mutsuki: "It's too late." Hatsune: "What's the problem? This looks interesting." Megumi: "No! Call them immediately and make them stop it!" Yuri: "Otherwise we won't be able to show our faces around the island any—" Tanahashi: "You two haven't changed." Tanahashi: "It's been a while, Miyata and Meguro." Both: "Coach Tanahashi!" Yuri: "What are you doing here?" Megumi: "I thought you were on the Isle of Man." Tanahashi: "Isn't it obvious? I came back to watch your big moment." Megumi Mom: "It's good to see you again, Tanahashi-san." Tanahashi: "It's been a while." Yuri Mom: "How was the Isle of Man? You must feel out of your element there." Tanahashi: "Wherever there are people, it's all the same to me..." Yuri Mom: "I see you're still only interested in racing." Megumi Mom: "It must be chilly over there." Tanahashi: "Yeah. It feels like winter and spring all year round. Radiators stay cool, and the high-density air helps our engines run." Megumi: "You really haven't changed." Yuri: "What are you doing?" Megumi: "What are you doing?" Yuri: "I just figured Coach probably hasn't eaten yet." Megumi: "It's okay. I'll prepare something for him. After all, this is our inn." Yuri: "But he's in the café." Megumi: "The café's ours, too." Yuri: "We're neighbors. It's the same thing." Megumi: "You don't need to bother. I'll do it." Yuri: "No, you can take it easy. I'll do it." Yuri: "It'll taste better if I make it." Megumi: "It's our kitchen!" Chiyuki: "This is a pretty dicey situation." Misaki: "Don't you mean very dicey?" Alisu: "Yuri-han and Megumi-han just made up, too." Kurosu: "I can't believe he came back right when they'd given up on him." Tamae: "Talk about perfect timing." Kanae: "Nah, that's what you call bad timing." Yuri Mom: "Yuri!" Megumi Mom: "Megumi! You're in here, aren't you?" Both: "Yes!" Yuri Mom: "Say hello to him." Yuri: "Coach Tanahashi, welcome back." Megumi: "How have you been, Coach Tanahashi?" Tanahashi: "Good. I'm glad you two seem to be doing well." Tanahashi: "Have your times improved?" Both: "Yes!" Tanahashi: "I see. I'm relieved to hear that." Yuri: "Um, how about you?" Megumi: "How was the Isle of Man?" Tanahashi: "Me?" Tanahashi: "Things didn't work out." Tanahashi: "I didn't achieve anything of note." Megumi: "No way..." Yuri: "How could someone as skilled as you fail?" Tanahashi: "I got in a fight with my partner during practice, so we split up." Tanahashi: "I'm having trouble finding a replacement partner. Skilled riders from around the world gather at the Isle of Man TT." Tanahashi: "They don't easily trust someone who's achieved as little as me. It's hard to find someone willing to ride next to someone so obscure." Tanahashi: "It takes two to ride a racing kneeler." Megumi Mom: "It's all right. You'll find a new partner soon." Yuri Mom: "You're capable of being both a driver and a passenger. It won't take long." Tanahashi: "I hope you're right. How about you two? Think you can win?" Yuri: "Yes, of course!" Tanahashi: "I see. Sounds promising. Win and come to the Isle of Man." Yuri: "There's a spot open with the coach right now." Megumi: "If I go to the Isle of Man, maybe I can become his partner." Yuri: "I'll definitely win!" Megumi: "I'll win and go to the Isle of Man!" Tanahashi: "Really? Kneelers can be pretty..." Misaki: "Things are going to get worse." Chiyuki: "I hope they don't split up like Tanahashi-san's team." gisa: "What should we do?" Izumi: "It's nothing for you to worry about. Just focus on your own job." gisa: "O-Okay." Maria: "Of course they'll fight if they're in love with the same person." Yuria: "They'll fight quite a bit." Kurosu: "Are you saying..." Alisu: "You have experience with this?" Both: "No, of course not!" Tanahashi: "Everyone seems to be doing well." Hatsune: "Same to you." Yoko: "It's been a while." Tanahashi: "I missed this heat." Hatsune: "Makes you want a cold beer, doesn't it?" Yoko: "Don't they drink lukewarm ale over there?" Tanahashi: "They do." Mutsuki: "Huh? Where are those two going?" Hatsune: "Who knows?" Megumi: "Coach, I brought you a cold beer!" Yuri: "I brought you yakitori! Enjoy the flavors of Japan!" Megumi: "I brought you ashitaba-smoked mackerel, too! Enjoy the flavors of Miyakejima!" Yuri: "Go ahead! It's ice cold!" Megumi: "It's freezing cold!" Tanahashi: "You sure?" Megumi: "It's on the house!" Yuri: "I have influence around the island!" Tanahashi: "Really? Thanks, then." Both: "Sure thing!" Mutsuki: "Yikes." Hatsune: "Not my problem." Yoko: "Mine, either." Tanahashi: "Anyway, I'm glad you two seem to be getting along. If your team falls apart like mine did," Tanahashi: "You must've been working together even while I was gone." Both: "Y-Yeah." Tanahashi: "I wouldn't expect less from my students." Mutuski: "So, who's going to tell him the truth?" Hatsune: "Maybe we don't have to tell him." Yoko: "We can't tell him why they're not getting along." Mutsuki: "Of course." Ai: "Good morning, Miyakejima!" Ai: "Her name is Miyata Yuri..." Both: "Again?!" Tanahashi: "What's this? The TT's introduction video?" Yuri: "Don't watch it!" Hatsune: "You still haven't gone to get that back?" Mutsuki: "I'm on my way!" Megumi: "Anyway, Coach, check out our bike!" Yuri: "Don't look!" Megumi: "Check out our settings!" Yuri: "Don't look!" Megumi: "Look at this!" Yuri: "Don't look!" Megumi: "Look at me!" Yuri: "Don't look!" Chiyuki: "I'm worried about them." Misaki: "There's nothing we can do, though." Chiyuki: "You're right. Let's just do the best we can." Misaki: "Yeah. Let's show them our best at the exhibition race." Kanae: "I bet that coach is a pushover. I've got a thousand yen on Yuri-chan." Tamae: "You sure are mean, Kanae-chan. How could you bet on the misfortune of others?" Kanae: "Who cares? Place your bet." Tamae: "Fine. In that case, I'll bet a thousand on both of 'em gettin' dumped." Kanae: "You're way worse than me." Tamae: "Huh?" Izumi: "How irritating. If they want something, they should take it by force." gisa: "By being a homewrecker?" Izumi: "He doesn't belong to anyone yet. They wouldn't be homewreckers." gisa: "I guess so." Hitomi: "It's wonderful how in love they are, though." Mao: "Yeah. It's admirable." Hitomi: "Mao, have you ever been so in love before?" Mao: "Who knows? It's a secret." Maria: "Who are you rooting for, Yuria?" Yuria: "How about you?" Yuria: "Good question..." Alisu: "I'm really curious." Kurosu: "Me, too. What's going to happen?" Megumi: "Let's call a truce." Yuri: "A truce?" Megumi: "Until the TT's over, neither of us will approach the coach alone." Yuri: "Why?" Megumi: "Why? I mean... Isn't it obvious?" Yuri: "It's not obvious. Nothing's set in stone yet." Megumi: "Huh?" Yuri: "I'm not interested in him. He's just our coach. I'm just going to meet with him to talk about the race." Megumi: "Isn't it a little late to be saying that?" Yuri: "Oh, really? You feel differently? In that case, stay away from the coach." Megumi: "Huh?" Yuri: "It's only natural. If you approach him with degenerate thoughts, it'll affect the race." Megumi: "What are you talking about? I just see him as our coach, too. I'm just going to talk to him about the race!" Yuri: "You're only going to talk about the race?" Megumi: "Only the race." Yuri: "You swear?" Megumi: "I swear." Yuri: "Since I'm a girl, I'm going to talk to him about other things, too." Megumi: "That's not what you just said!" Yuri: "Sure it is." Megumi: "No, it's not!" Yuri: "Maybe not, but I don't remember what I said, so I don't care." Megumi: "Why, you..." Tanahashi: "Miyata, Meguro." Both: "Yes?" Tanahashi: "It's an exhibition. Don't be so tense. Try to relax." Both: "Okay." Yuri: "Coach, I need to talk to you. If I win this race, please listen to what I have to say." Megumi: "Coach, you should listen to what I have to say instead." Yuri: "I asked him first. I'm talking to him first." Megumi: "What about the promise we made earlier?" Yuri: "I didn't make any promises." Megumi: "You're unbelievable!" Tanahashi: "Hold on. I'll listen to anything you have to say. But in exchange..." Tanahash: "Will you listen to me, too?" Both: "Huh?" Tanahashi: "There's something I want to tell you. When the race is over, I'll be waiting for you at Maigoji." Tanahashi: "Got it?" ene: "All bikes to the starting grid." ene: "It's so nice and sunny." Ai: "Atmospheric pressure: 1003.9 hpa. Chance of rain: 0%." ene: "A lot of people came to watch this year, too." Ai: "Spectator occupancy of home straight: 127%." ene: "I wonder who'll win this year." Ai: "Unknown." ene: "Well, it's nearly time. Ai-chan, how do you feel?" Ai: "Normal." ene: "I see. Shall we get started, then? In five, four, three," Ai: "Good morning, Miyakejima! This season's Miyakejima Tourist Trophy," Ai: "I, Ai Makita of the Miyakejima Girls' High School Broadcasting Club," ene: "And I, Nene Itagaki, will be providing analysis." Mutsuki: "Will Yuri-san and Megumi-san be okay, Wada-sensei?" Hatsune: "They're acting like they always do." Mutsuki: "Does that mean they're not okay?" Hatsune: "Nope. It couldn't be worse." Mutsuki: "Yikes." Hibari: "Mutsuki-chan. I'm sure it'll work out. Right, Tsugumi?" Tsugumi: "Yeah, Hibari's right." Hibari: "They're being their usual selves." Ai: "It's just a friendly race between warriors! They'll have to keep their savage spirits in check for this demonstration!" ene: "It may be an exhibition, but their irrepressible fighting spirits" Ai: "The riders are starting their engines! The roar of their 600cc Supersport bikes rings across the track!" Ai: "The red flag is leaving the track! The starting signal is lighting up!" Ai: "They're all red!" Ai: "And it's the blackout!" Ai: "And they're off! The passengers are transferring their weight to the rear tire to gain traction!" ene: "The prelude to the Girls High School Racing Kneeler National Tournament has begun." Yuri: "I'll use the driving skills I learned from the coach..." Megumi: "I'll use the techniques I learned from the coach..." Yuri: "...to aim for victory!" Megumi: "...to win!" Ai: "The first riders to enter the corner" Ai: "Driver Kanae Kawamata's excellent cornering skills" Ai: "The engine they've tuned with their superb skills seems to be in top condition, as well!" Kanae: "Gaze upon the glory of our finely tuned engine!" Tamae: "Kanae-chan, you're on fire. It's just an exhibition. You don't need to try so hard." Kanae: "I won't let anyone ride in front of us." Tamae: "Don't do anything crazy! We've still got the actual race to do!" Ai: "Behind them is car number 44, Setsugekka! Mao Katakura's clean steering" Both: "Un, deux, trois. En dehors!" Both: "Un, deux, trois. En dedans!" Mutsuki: "They're all so fast." Hatsune: "They're all strong schools." Mutsuki: "Can we even win?" Hatsune: "I'm not sure that's the problem." Mutsuki: "True. But they're good as long as they're riding." Hatsune: "If only Coach Tanahashi had returned after the race, we'd have avoided this stress." Mutsuki: "Wouldn't there be no point in coming back then?" Megumi: "She's riding just like the coach." Yuri: "She has the same form as the coach." Megumi: "Why are you copying the coach?" Yuri: "Why are you copying the coach?" Ai: "Currently in third is car number 66, Lovely Purgatory Slash," Ai: "They're slowly catching up to second!" Kurosu: "We won't hold back just 'cause it's an exhibition race. If anything, we'll stand out!" Ai: "What's this? Kurosu Itou boldly takes the inside! Lovely Purgatory Slash is going for the inside!" ene: "They're keeping their grip and preventing a roll." Misaki: "Not bad." Chiyuki: "What? We didn't discuss this!" Misaki: "You think I'd be satisfied with a well-mannered race?" Ai: "Lightning Tornade is boldly attacking, as well!" Chiyuki: "If that's what you want, then I'd better keep up." Misaki: "Now you're talking!" Ai: "Bringing up the rear is Ashitabamaru!" Hatsune: "We've fallen really far behind." Mutsuki: "How's our time?" Hatsune: "Ten seconds behind first. We're still dead last." Hibari: "Don't worry. That's still within range." Tsugumi: "They can bring it back." Mutsuki: "I hope you're right, but they're being their usual selves, right?" Hatsune: "Yup, their usual selves. It couldn't be worse." Mutsuki: "Which means their riding should be tip-top?" Hatsune: "The more they fight, the more their times improve." Yuri: "I won't lose to you, Megumi!" Megumi: "I won't lose to you, Yuri!" Ai: "In fifth is car number 33, the Alsvid's team Izumi Murata and Nagisa Suzuki! They're closing the gap with their wild riding!" gisa: "The G's!" Izumi: "Slow, aren't you? I'm the one in control!" gisa: "I'll follow your lead, Izumi-san!" Ai: "In sixth is car number 55, Single Duet's" Ai: "From any angle, they're one and the same! The twin racers ride as one! The self-doppelgangers have arrived!" Both: "Ashitabamaru is maintaining its speed. Are they waiting to see what'll happen?" Both: "I will win!" Ai: "Last place bike Ashitabamaru is accelerating! Driver Yuri Miyata and passenger Megumi Meguro! Will the local team live up to their reputation?" Both: "Yuri-chan and Megumi-chan are making their move." Ai: "They're passing Single Duet!" Yuri: "Just like coach taught me!" Megumi: "Just like coach taught me!" gisa: "Ashitabamaru? They're fast. Izumi-san!" Izumi: "We've still got this." Izumi: "No way!" Ai: "Ashitabamaru has climbed to fifth! Will Yuri Miyata and Megumi Meguro race to victory?" Ai: "Ashitabamaru has caught up to Lovely Purgatory Slash! This isn't a friendly exhibition race anymore! This is turning into a heroic battle!" Ai: "Ashitabamaru is locked in a fierce battle with Setsugekka! Neither one's giving any ground! It's a battle for their honor!" Ai: "Ashitabamaru is battling its final opponent! They're challenging their opponent head-on!" Yuri: "I'll..." Megumi: "I'll..." Both: "I'll win in my world!" Ai: "Ashitabamaru wins! They've boldly taken first place! That was an intense battle, Itagaki-san." ene: "It was." ene: "They showed passion despite this being an exhibition race. I'm looking forward to the finals now." Ai: "The second and third place teams are commending their partners. The winners Yuri Miyata and Megumi Meguro" Yuri: "I'll go see the coach first." Megumi: "I'll go see the coach first." Yuri: "And to do that..." Megumi: "And to do that..." Ai: "They're about to share their passionate spirit with one another!" Both: "I have to defeat you!" Ai: "No, wait! They hit each other! It's a cross-counter!" ene: "Oh, my." Ai: "What a beautiful hit! They've both fallen, and neither is moving! Is this a double-knockout?" Both: "One! Two!" Hastune: "They were alike until the very end." Both: "Three! Four!" Mutsuki: "It went as badly as we thought it would." Both: "Five!" Both: "Six! Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten!" Yuri: "What are you doing here? I'm the one who needs to talk to Coach." Megumi: "Well, I need to talk to him, too." Yuri: "I want to talk to him alone. Stay out of my way." Megumi: "Well, so do I." Yuri: "The coach asked me to come here." Megumi: "He asked me, too!" Yuri: "No, he didn't. He was just saying that to me." Megumi: "No, he wasn't. I was there, too." Yuri: "I could see in his eyes that he was only talking to me." Megumi: "You're unbelievable!" Tanahashi: "Hey. Took you two long enough." Both: "Coach Tanahashi." Yuri: "Coach, what did you want to tell me?" Megumi: "You wanted to talk to me, right?" Tanahashi: "Now, hold on. No need to be hasty. This is personal, so it's hard for me to say." Tanahashi: "You're my students, and I value the time we've had together. So I thought I should tell you about it." Both: "Of course." Tanahashi: "The truth is..." Tanahashi: "Hey." Yuri: "You're..." Megumi: "Don't tell me..." Tanahashi: "You both know of the Birchall Sisters," Tanahashi: "This is the older sister Betty Birchall." Yuri: "N-Nice to meet you! I'm a huge fan!" Megumi: "I-It's an honor to meet you!" Yuri: "I never thought I'd be meeting you here." Megumi: "I'm delighted! C-Could I get your autograph?" Tanahashi: "Hold your horses. I wanted to tell you..." Tanahashi: "That we're..."
{ "raw_title": "TWOCAR Episode 10 – Replay Log Data", "parsed": [ "TWOCAR", "10", "Replay Log Data" ] }
Tanahashi: "You both know of the Birchall Sisters," Tanahashi: "This is the older sister Betty Birchall." Yuri: "N-Nice to meet you. I'm a huge fan." Megumi: "I-It's an honor to meet you!" Yuri: "I never thought I'd be meeting you here." Megumi: "I'm delighted! C-Could I get your autograph?" Tanahashi: "Hold your horses. I wanted to tell you..." Tanahashi: "That we're..." Tanahashi: "getting married soon." Both: "Huh?" Yuri: "The coach is getting married?" Megumi: "To Betty Birchall?" Betty: "Nice to meet you." Hatsune: "What happened to them?" Mutsuki: "They've been like that for a while." Yuri: "C-Congratulations." Megumi: "W-We wish you the best." Tanahashi: "Thanks." Yuri: "I used to look at that poster every day." Megumi: "Same here. I wanted to be fast like them." Mtusuki: "You mean the Birchall Sisters?" Mutsuki: "Betty Birchall and Tina Birchall, champions of the Isle of Man TT. They're top racers who beat the powerful Diva Molyneux" Mutsuki: "I can't believe they're here on Miyakejima." Yuri: "I wanted to race against them someday." Megumi: "But I wasn't expecting this." Mutsuki: "Don't worry." Mutuski: "You'll be able to someday." Mutsuki: "Uh... Huh?" All: "Cheers!" Mao: "The preliminaries start tomorrow, Hitomi." Hitomi: "Indeed. How's your condition, Mao?" Mao: "Perfect, of course. How about you, Hitomi?" Hitomi: "I'll be able to keep up with your best." Mao: "How dependable. Then I won't hold back tomorrow." Hitomi: "I look forward to it." Tsugumi: "Show me how excited you are for the preliminaries." Maria: "We'll do our best." Yuria: "We'll take first and start at the pole position." Tsugumi: "Uh..." Maria: "I'm Maria." Yuria: "I'm Yuria." Maria: "But you can call us either name." Tsugumi: "Are you sure?" Yuria: "Yeah. After all, we're the same." Hibari: "Do the rankings of the preliminaries matter that much?" Misaki: "Of course. Starting near the front gives you an advantage." Chiyuki: "Not only is the track narrower in road racing compared to closed circuit racing," Chiyuki: "The starting order affects the outcome of the race." Misaki: "Since there's no run-off area, it's dangerous to compete too hard." Yuri: "The clams are ready." Megumi: "Someone come get them." Kanae: "Tamae, they're callin' you." Tamae: "Why're you makin' me do everything, Kanae-chan?" Kanae: "They say to use whoever's handy when you're in a hurry. Get goin'." Tamae: "You're hopeless." Megumi: "What should we cook next?" Yuri: "Fish, maybe?" Megumi: "How about meat?" Yuri: "Let's cook that after the vegetables." Megumi: "Sure." Alisu: "What happened to you two?" Megumi: "Huh? What on earth do you ladies mean?" Alisu: "Don't try to copy our accent." Kurosu: "You two seem to be getting along better than usual." Yuri: "Not really. This is how we always are." Megumi: "We've always gotten along." Alisu: "You hit each other after the exhibition race." Kurosu: "That was an intense cross counter." Yuri: "That was an accident." Megumi: "Yeah. We just went to hug each other after taking first" Alisu: "No way. That's impossible." Kurosu: "It's hard enough to achieve a cross counter on purpose." Izumi: "Well, who cares? As long as they're getting along, that's what matters. Right?" gisa: "Indeed. I'm glad they seem to be back to normal." Yuri: "I told you, nothing's changed. Right?" Megumi: "Yeah. We've always been like this." Ai: "Doesn't feel right." ene: "Maybe we've gotten used to the recent strain in their relationship." Yuri: "There's nothing strained about it." Megumi: "We were just a little nervous with the TT coming up." Alisu: "Then what's this?" Ai: "Good morning, Miyakejima!" Kurosu: "Weren't you fighting over the coach?" Yuri: "Why do you have that?!" Mutsuki: "Sorry. It's already online." Megumi: "I told you to erase it!" Hatsune: "Well, it's too late now." Yuri: "Sensei!" Kanae: "So they've agreed to a ceasefire since the object of their affections is back." Tamae: "How nice. I wish I could be so in love." Misaki: "Why would you want to be stuck in a love triangle?" Chiyuki: "Miyake's coach is handsome, though." Izumi: "How interesting. Perhaps I'll participate in this battle for love." Both: "She's a homewrecker!" gisa: "Wh-What's going to happen to me, Izumi-san?" Alisu: "In that case..." Kurosu: "We'll join you." Yuri: "Jeez, they're so irresponsible." Megumi: "It's to be expected. But maybe they were worried about us." Yuri: "Yeah. So we'd better get it together." Megumi: "Yeah." Yuri: "Is that..." Betty: "This is where he lived." Tina: "I'm glad we got to come, sis." Yuri: "E-Excuse me." Megumi: "Birchall-san." Betty: "Oh, good evening. These are his students." Tina: "Nice to meet you." Betty: "This is my sister, Tina." Yuri: "I'm Yuri Miyata." Megumi: "I'm Megumi Meguro." Tina: "I'm Tina Birchall. Nice to meet you." Betty: "The preliminaries are tomorrow." Yuri: "Yeah." Tina: "I saw your exhibition race. I was impressed by your aggression. Good luck in the actual race." Megumi: "Thank you. We'll do our best." Yuri: "E-Excuse me..." Tina: "What is it?" Yuri: "Uh, um..." Yuri: "Where did you meet the coach?" Megumi: "Yuri..." Yuri: "Well, I'm curious." Betty: "At the Southern 100 after this last Isle of Man TT." Betty: "Tina suddenly came down with something and couldn't race. That's when he came to see me." Tanahashi: "Let me ride with you." Betty: "Naturally, I turned him down. We race to win. And to win, we go all out. But I couldn't entrust my life to a man I didn't trust. So we skipped the race." Betty: "Some time later, I saw him." Betty: "He was looking at the ground as he walked." Betty: "Feeling down because you couldn't race?" Tanahashi: "No. I'm racing right now." Tanahashi: "The swells and gaps in the road... The semicircular reverse banks... The degradation of the tarmac... It's one tough spot after another." Betty: "You're going to walk it? It's almost 38 miles." Tanahashi: "Some road conditions can't be felt unless you walk it yourself." Betty: "You're passionate." Tanahashi: "Until you try to understand things for yourself, you won't gain anything. That's what I did on the island." Betty: "The island?" Tanahashi: "The island I lived on, Miyakejima." Betty: "Why did you come to see me?" Tanahashi: "I race to win. And to win, I go all out. I wanted a great partner I could trust with my life." Tanahashi: "That's all." Betty: "He's a good driver and a good passenger. A passenger who understands his driver, and a driver who understands his passenger." Betty: "He understands instantaneously what his partner is thinking." Betty: "He understands me better than any other man." Betty: "That's how I felt." Betty: "I appreciate the help, but I have my sister Tina." Betty: "I can't make you my partner." Tanahashi: "That's fine. It can just be until I find my own partner. I just want to be near a bike that makes me feel alive." Betty: "Just a bike?" Tanahashi: "Of course, I'd like to be with a racer who makes me feel alive, too." Betty: "You're crazy." Tanahashi: "It's the only way I know how to live." Betty: "I can't let you ride next to me, but you can stay by my side." Tanahashi: "Give me your hand." Tanahashi: "That's about 3/4 of an inch." Betty: "Is that..." Tanahashi: "It's a substitute for a ring." Betty: "That's not what I meant..." Tanahashi: "It's a titanium nut. You don't have to worry about allergic reactions." Betty: "That's not what I'm saying! You can't just—" Tanahashi: "Decisions should be made quickly." Tanahashi: "Hesitating just makes you lose time. Both in racing and in life." Betty: "Is 7/8 okay?" Betty: "Who's the driver?" Tanahashi: "We're passengers." Tanahashi: "We're both passengers in each other's lives." Betty: "That was how he proposed. He's the passenger of my life." Betty: "He understands me as I ride by his side." Yuri: "That's not true." Megumi: "Yuri?" Yuri: "Despite how Coach Tanahashi seems, he doesn't understand." Yuri: "He's just pretending to understand." Betty: "Oh, really? He's very kind to me." Megumi: "He's kind to everyone. Everyone falls for it." Betty: "You know him well." Yuri: "Well, we've known him for a long time." Megumi: "It's not that he's kind. He's just not interested in other people. That's not kindness." Yuri: "Yeah. He's the image of a cold fish. He doesn't understand anyone's feelings." Megumi: "If you think he understands you, you're wrong about him." Yuri: "In any case, he's a racing nut who only thinks about racing." Megumi: "Yeah. He's a jerk who can't spare a thought for the people" Yuri: "You're just wasting your time falling for him." Megumi: "Yeah. You're only making a fool of yourself by thinking he understands you." Yuri: "He's the worst." Megumi: "Yeah. He's the worst." Betty: "What do you know?" Betty: "What do you two know?" Tina: "Sis..." Betty: "You'll pay for this." Betty: "He talked about you two a lot." Betty: "He said you were young but very talented. If he doesn't understand people, then that must not be true, either." Betty: "I'll see for myself." Betty: "Try not to disappoint me." Betty: "So this is the F4." Betty: "Interesting." Tina: "Its form is different from the F2. How interesting." Yuri: "They're professional racers who have won the Isle of Man TT." Megumi: "But it's their first time riding an F4. It's their first time racing on Miyakejima, too. We have the advantage." Yuri: "I knew we'd be faster." Megumi: "We're used to the F4, and we know the course well." Both: "There's no way we can lose!" Yuri: "That's odd. I can't pull ahead." Megumi: "They're keeping up." Yuri: "I'm increasing the pace." Yuri: "It's no use! I still can't pull ahead!" Megumi: "What's going on?" Betty: "Rather than racing ahead on an unfamiliar course," Tina: "By watching the passenger's posture," Betty: "Your brake lights even tell me when to brake." Yuri: "But we're pushing so hard!" Megumi: "Why can't we pull ahead?" Yuri: "It's their first time on the course! How is this possible?" Megumi: "They're copying us with extreme precision!" Yuri: "They're sticking right to us!" Megumi: "They're right behind us, but..." Both: "Now!" Megumi: "They're going in too fast!" Yuri: "No way..." Megumi: "They're fast..." Betty: "Is that all you can do?" Betty: "Maybe you're right about him not understanding people very well." Betty: "Thanks for the warning. I'll keep it in mind." Betty: "Good luck with the race." Ai: "Good morning, Miyakejima! It's time for the preliminaries of this season's" Ai: "On this sunny day without a single cloud in the sky," ene: "The preliminaries will be a short-distance race. Since they'll be racing for only a short period" ene: "This will be a chance to see each team go all-out in this high-intensity race." Chiyuki: "Looking good. I can feel it." Misaki: "If we do this right, we'll produce a good time." Kanae: "Aw, yeah! I feel awesome! Let's go!" Tamae: "Don't get carried away and break somethin'!" Izumi: "Try to keep up, Nagisa. I'm taking this seriously." gisa: "I'm with you, Izumi-san." Mao: "It's time to test our bond." Hitomi: "There's no need. I already know how it'll end." Yuria: "Let's go, me." Maria: "Let's drive, me." Alisu: "Tremble with fear in the face of our might." Kurosu: "There's no shame in feeling despair." Yuri: "How did we place?" Hibari: "You're in fourth right now." Megumi: "Fourth?" Tsugumi: "The others have gotten faster." Ai: "What's this? Lightning Tornade has beaten their own time! Suzuka Academy moves up to fourth!" Hibari: "Miyake Girls' has fallen to fifth." Tsugumi: "No way!" Hatsune: "It's okay. There's still time." Mutsuki: "Let's make adjustments to the bike and try again." Yuri: "Yeah." Hatsune: "You two should rest." Mutsuki: "I'll make the adjustments. Let me know what you need." Yuri: "What am I racing for?" Megumi: "Huh?" Megumi: "Yeah... What am I racing for?" Yuri: "To confess my feelings to the coach at the Isle of Man TT." Megumi: "To win the Miyakejima TT and go to the Isle of Man TT." Yuri: "But the coach came back to the island." Megumi: "And he's not here anymore." Yuri: "I admired him, too." Megumi: "Yeah." Yuri: "What did I admire about him?" Megumi: "Yeah." Mutsuki: "Thanks for waiting. I finished adjusting the suspension. Everything else looks okay." Yuri: "Thanks." Megumi: "Good work." Mutsuki: "Good luck. I know your time will improve." Yuri: "Yeah." Megumi: "Thanks." Tanahashi: "Miyata, Meguro." Tanahashi: "You seem to be struggling." Yuri: "Coach Tanahashi." Tanahashi: "Think you can beat your time?" Megumi: "Yeah." Tanahashi: "Where's your usual energy?" Yuri: "It's nothing." Megumi: "We're fine." Tanahashi: "Look me in the eye. Look me in the eye and think" Tanahashi: "Do you need those doubts to race?" Tanahashi: "If you do, think about them. If you don't, forget them." Tanahashi: "For now, focus on racing." Both: "I can't!" Yuri: "I can't forget!" Yuri: "I don't need these doubts to race, but..." Megumi: "I don't need it, but I have doubts about why I'm racing!" Both: "I just..." Tanahashi: "Miyata! Meguro!" Mutsuki: "Kazeno Tenpoint just had an oil spill at the Tairoike S curve," Mutsuki: "Be careful." Yuri: "Thanks." Ai: "Ashitabamaru is making its second attempt at the preliminary time attack! They're currently in fifth! Can they improve their position?" Ai: "Will the local team show us what they can do?"
{ "raw_title": "TWOCAR Episode 11 – Blue Flag", "parsed": [ "TWOCAR", "11", "Blue Flag" ] }
Ai: "Yuri Miyata and Megumi Meguro are being transported away in an ambulance! Are they all right?" ene: "I'm concerned for their safety." Misaki: "We saw the red flag." Chiyuki: "What happened?" Mao: "Miyake crashed." Both: "What?" Hitomi: "Megumi-san fell off the bike. They drove off course." Yuria: "They were taken away in an ambulance." Mutsuki: "Yoko-san!" Yoko: "How are they?" Mutsuki: "We haven't heard yet." Yoko: "I hope they're okay." gisa: "I'm worried about them." Izumi: "What are you doing, Nagisa? The preliminaries aren't over yet." gisa: "Huh?" Izumi: "Let's improve our standing." gisa: "But they're..." Izumi: "Are you implying I'm not worried?" gisa: "Huh?" Izumi: "You want them to think we eased up on them while they were gone?" Alisu: "She's right." Alisu: "No matter how much we try, there's nothing we can do to help them." Kurosu: "Our job is to always do the best we can, whatever the circumstances." Kanae: "That's right. They'd be hurt to learn the race was a bore because of their crash. We have to make this a great race, now more than ever." Tamae: "Wow, you actually have decent ideas sometimes." Kanae: "Don't make me slap you." Mao: "We should race too, Hitomi." Hitomi: "Yes, Mao. Let's compete as best we can for their sake, too." ene: "The course is clear." Ai: "The preliminaries are resuming. The teams are off to the time attack!" Yoko: "They're all racers." Mutsuki: "Coach Tanahashi?" Yuri: "Hatsune-sensei! How's Megumi?" Hatsune: "Well..." Megumi: "Hey." Yuri: "Megumi! Are you okay?" Megumi: "I'm okay. I'm totally fine. Don't worry about me." Yuri: "You're not fine! You're on crutches!" Megumi: "The doctors are exaggerating." Megumi: "I wouldn't even call this an injury. Seriously, I'm totally fi—" Megumi: "Ow!" Megumi: "What was that for?!" Yuri: "You're not fine at all! I was worried about you! I was really worried!" Megumi: "Yuri..." Yuri: "Sorry. I slipped on the lime." Megumi: "No, my judgment was slow." Yuri: "Megumi..." Megumi: "So, what's our standing?" Hatsune: "You're still going to race?" Hibari: "Since the preliminaries resumed, Motegi and Ikoma moved up in the standings." Tsugumi: "Miyake has fallen to seventh, last place." Megumi: "I see." Yuri: "How are you feeling?" Megumi: "I damaged a tendon in my left leg. It moves, but it hurts, and it's weak." Tsugumi: "The final race is five laps. It's 150 kilometers long and takes about an hour." Hibari: "You won't be able to focus for an hour while enduring that pain." Hatsune: "If you lose focus and make another mistake," Hatsune: "Let's back out of the final race." Tanahashi: "There's still hope." Both: "Coach Tanahashi..." Tanahashi: "We'll change our lineup for tomorrow's finals." All: "Huh?" Tanahashi: "I talked to the officials and got permission to change drivers. Meguro, you'll drive." Megumi: "What?" Tanahashi: "And Miyata, you're the passenger." Yuri: "Me?" Tanahashi: "You'll trade roles." All: "What?" Yuri: "That's impossible, Coach. I can't be the passenger." Megumi: "I can't be the driver. Besides, I don't know if I can work the brakes with this leg." Tanahashi: "Don't worry. I have an idea." Megumi: "This is crazy." Mutsuki: "I finished modifying the brakes." Both: "Modifying?" Mutsuki: "Normally in an F2, your left foot applies the brakes for all tires." Mutsuki: "I switched it out for a spare right-handed brake. The officials gave us permission to make the modification, too." Yuri: "You can't apply all the brakes with just one hand." Tanahashi: "You brake with your right hand on a racing bike. The foot brakes primarily control your posture." Megumi: "An F2 weighs 400 kilos. I can't stop that with one hand." Tanahashi: "That's only twice as heavy as a liter bike." Yuri: "But we'll be racing for an hour." Tanahashi: "The World Endurance Championship is 24 hours." Mutuski: "They rotate taking breaks, though." Tanahashi: "I know you two can do it." Tanahashi: "You can make it through to the end." Tanahashi: "What's wrong? Are you giving up now?" Tanahashi: "I thought you were going to win. Isn't it your dream to win and go to the Isle of Man?" Yuri: "I can't! I can't anymore." Megumi: "Yeah. Not every dream comes true." Yuri: "When someone wins, someone else inevitably loses." Yuri: "It's not possible for everyone to win!" Tanahashi: "All the more reason to race. Win in your world." Megumi: "I told you, I can't do it anymore." Tanahashi: "Racing doesn't just happen when you're following the line." Tanahashi: "This is your line. It's your decision to make." Hatsune: "You don't need to force yourselves." Megumi: "Should we try it?" Yuri: "Yeah. After all, Mutsuki-chan did all that work for us." Mutuski: "Yeah!" Betty: "Apparently it's called Glasses Rock." Tina: "Glasses Rock?" Betty: "It's supposed to be a rock shaped like glasses." Tina: "But that's a monocle." Betty: "Long ago, there were two holes." Betty: "One collapsed, and now only one remains." Tina: "Sister..." Megumi: "I can't get used to shifting with my right leg." Yuri: "I can't believe I have to withstand the Gs with my own strength." Mutsuki: "How does it feel?" Megumi: "With only my right leg, I feel like I'll have to brake early if I want to turn." Yuri: "We'll be too slow." Mutsuki: "I see." Hatsune: "You're sure you can't use your left leg?" Megumi: "Maybe a few times, but I can't make it through the race." Hatsune: "I see." Megumi: "Ow..." Yuri: "Are you okay?" Megumi: "Yeah. This hot spring is good for sore muscles." Alisu: "Isn't heat bad for that right now?" Megumi: "Huh?" Kurosu: "Aren't you supposed to ice it until the swelling goes down?" Megumi: "Really?" Yuri: "Jeez. Get it together." ene: "I'm glad you weren't seriously injured." Ai: "Everyone was worried about you." Megumi: "Sorry. Thanks, everyone." Tamae: "It's too bad you can't fight in peak condition." Kanae: "But we won't hold back. Prepare yourselves." Megumi: "Of course. I'll give it my all, too." Hitomi: "Don't push yourself too hard. Not that you'll listen to me..." Mao: "Let's make tomorrow's race one without regrets." Both: "Yeah." Yuri Mom: "I'm good here. Go to sleep. Aren't the finals tomorrow?" Yuri: "This won't take long. Besides, it's my job." Yuri Mom: "Don't you need to heighten your concentration?" Yuri: "It's fine. I can focus better this way." Megumi Mom: "What are you doing?" Megumi: "Putting out our guests' futons." Megumi Mom: "Just go to bed. You're injured." Megumi: "I can handle this." Megumi Mom: "No. If you insist on racing, you need to rest." Megumi: "Fine." Megumi: "This weather sucks." Yuri: "Yeah." Megumi: "What do you want to do about our tires?" Yuri: "Mutsuki-chan?" Mutsuki: "Oh, good morning." Megumi: "What are you doing here?" Mutsuki: "I was up all night modding the bike and fell asleep." Yuri: "Modding?" Mutuski: "I installed a brake booster." Megumi: "A brake booster? You mean that thing they put on cars?" Mutsuki: "Yeah. I added a rear break master cylinder" Mutuski: "Now you can brake hard with just your hand." Yuri: "Mutsuki-chan..." Mutsuki: "This is all I can do. Yuri-san, Megumi-san, I'll be cheering for you." Mutuski: "So don't give up before it's over." Megumi: "Mutsuki-chan..." Both: "We will." ene: "All bikes to the starting grid." Betty: "That was your idea, wasn't it?" Tanahashi: "I just gave them a hint." Betty: "You really are cruel." Betty: "They're girls, too." Ai: "It's finally time for the finals of the" Ai: "As though foreshadowing the prospects of the race," ene: "In yesterday's preliminaries," Ai: "As a result, the team has swapped roles for the finals in an unprecedented move. The race hasn't even started yet, and there's already trouble." Ai: "The teams are pumping each other up!" Ai: "The signals are turning off!" ene: "Ladies, start your engines!" Ai: "The red flag is leaving the track!" Ai: "The final signals are lighting up!" Ai: "All red, blackout!" Ai: "And they're off!" Kanae: "Let's go." Ai: "Kazeno Tenpoint takes the holeshot!" Hatsune: "Their braking has improved. Nice job, Mutsuki-chan." Mutsuki: "But they're falling behind on every turn." Hatsune: "It can't be helped. It's not that easy to drive a sidecar." Mutsuki: "Yeah." Megumi: "I can't see the bikes in front of us." Yuri: "We're really far behind." Ai: "The lead pack has returned! In the lead is Kazeno Tenpoint! In second is Setsugekka! In third is Lightning Tornade!" Ai: "The racers have completed their second lap. Lightning Tornade has moved up to second! Alsvid has moved up to third!" Megumi: "Let's stop." Yuri: "Yeah." Megumi: "I never stood a chance." Yuri: "Yeah, I never stood a chance." Megumi: "So why did I try so hard?" Yuri: "I knew how this would end." Megumi: "He was a coward to bring her here." Yuri: "She's the best. She's an Isle of Man pro." Megumi: "I could never beat such a long-legged and voluptuous beauty." Yuri: "Hold on." Yuri: "She may be voluptuous, but I'm prettier." Megumi: "What? That's not what we're talking about here." Yuri: "It absolutely is. I won't lose to that woman." Megumi: "But the coach rejected you." Yuri: "No, he didn't. I never even told him how I feel." Megumi: "Why didn't you?" Yuri: "How could I? You were there!" Megumi: "Then tell him when I'm not around." Yuri: "Well, you didn't tell him how you feel, either." Megumi: "I was being considerate of you." Yuri: "Don't worry about me! You couldn't tell him, either! Don't blame it on me!" Megumi: "Well, the same goes for you!" Yuri: "What's wrong with that? Fine, it's me. I accept it. It's my fault." Megumi: "That's not what I'm talking about." Yuri: "Sure you are. You just said you never stood a chance, idiot!" Megumi: "I didn't say that." Yuri: "You did! That's what you said! That's how it sounded to me!" Megumi: "Fine, idiot! If you knew it could never happen, you should've given up! When are you going to let it go?" Yuri: "I did. I just couldn't get over it." Yuri: "You're the one who still hasn't let it go!" Megumi: "If you haven't gotten over it, then you haven't given up!" Megumi: "This is why he rejected you!" Yuri: "I hate you!" Megumi: "I hate you, too!" Yuri: "Is... that true?" Yuri: "Do you hate me?" Megumi: "Do you?" Yuri: "Why are we racing?" Megumi: "To win, go to the Isle of Man, and tell the coach how we feel, right?" Yuri: "Really?" Megumi: "Why?" Yuri: "What about before we met the coach?" Megumi: "Because I liked racing." Yuri: "I liked racing, too." Megumi: "Because I liked racing with you." Yuri: "Because I liked racing with you." Ai: "The yellow flag is out in response to the downpour that started before the final lap. We're continuing the race with the safety car in the lead!" Chiyuki: "The lead we achieved has been ruined in the final lap." Izumi: "Nothing wrong with that. This is how a race should be." Both: "We've closed the distance to the lead car. We can still win!" ene: "We just got word from the officials. They're lowering the yellow flag." Ai: "The safety car has turned off its lights. The race will resume shortly! What's this? A bike has appeared in the back! It's Ashitabamaru! Ashitabamaru has caught up!" Kurosu: "Ashitabamaru? Oh, no! They're fast!" Alisu: "Hurry up and resume the race! Hurry up, green flag!" Kurosu: "Hurry, hurry, hurry!" Ai: "The safety car's entering the pit! The race will resume shortly!" Both: "Now!" Ai: "They're waving the green flag! The bikes are accelerating!" Alisu: "Huh?" Kurosu: "Alisu, in front you!" Mao: "Ashitabamaru? They got us!" Ai: "Amidst the steam, they pass two bikes!" ene: "During the slowdown, they caught up at full speed and passed the others." Ai: "The green flag is out! Overtaking is allowed! The goddess of luck is a capricious one!" Misaki: "The rain has stopped, but the road's still wet." Chiyuki: "No one can do anything too crazy. As long as we hold our position, we'll win!" Megumi: "I'm getting used to this racing shifter. I need to use the Gs." Yuri: "She's not using her arms. She's using her legs." Ai: "The lead group decelerates to clear the jumps on Barrel Mountain." ene: "The hilly chicane is forcing them to decelerate." Ai: "Ashitabamaru's not slowing down! Is something wrong with their brakes? They're charging into the jump at high speed!" Ai: "They made the jump! Their bike is airborne! This is dangerous!" Ai: "Wow! They're changing their orientation mid-air to prevent a roll!" Kanae: "What?" Tamae: "How?" Ai: "They passed them! They utilize their difference in speed to move up to fourth!" ene: "By braking mid-air," Ai: "The driver's technique is not what you'd expect from a beginner! Throwing off her new driver's mark, her Ashitaba mark shines through!" Megumi: "I know how Yuri drives." Yuri: "I know how Megumi rides." Megumi: "So I just have to copy her." Yuri: "I can do that!" Maria: "I can't see because of all the spray. We can't..." Yuria: "...get any closer!" Yuria: "Ashitabamaru! How?" Megumi: "I know every inch of the island's course. I don't need to see it." Both: "We'll finish the race on the Cattle Straightaway!" Ai: "They're pulling ahead! Ashitabamaru moves up to third!" Izumi: "The hydroplaning's preventing us from gripping the track!" gisa: "We have half a lap left! With less weight from the fuel, we're not heavy enough!" Yuri: "Shift all your weight back!" Megumi: "We'll charge straight through it!" Megumi: "I know exactly what happens to the surface of the course when it's wet." Izumi: "What?" gisa: "They're fast!" Ai: "They passed Alsvid on the outside!" ene: "They've moved up to second." Mutsuki: "They're in second!" Hatsune: "How is this possible?" Chiyuki: "We're almost at the finish line. We can stay ahead!" Misaki: "We may be friends, but we never hold back. After all, we're friends!" Megumi: "I won't hesitate now." Yuri: "Right now, I'll race." Both: "Now!" Chiyuki: "What?" Misaki: "They're too fast!" Misaki: "Not bad!" Chiyuki: "It's not over yet!" Hatsune: "What was that?" Mutsuki: "I connected the front tire's spare brake caliper to the left pedal." Hatsune: "You mean..." Mutuski: "Yeah. It allows them to reproduce an F4's" Yuri Mom: "They're coming!" Chiyuki: "The road is drying!" Yoko: "Keep it up!" Both: "Go!" Ai: "I see them! Ashitabamaru is returning in the lead! Right behind them is Lightning Tornade!" Both: "Keep it up!" Megumi: "I..." Yuri: "I..." Megumi: "...will win..." Yuri: "...will win..." Both: "...in my world!" Ai: "Goal! Miyake Girls' High School's Ashitabamaru boldly takes first!" Megumi: "What are you going to tell the coach?" Yuri: ""Thank you, and goodbye," I think. How about you?" Megumi: "Me, too. I feel like a proper goodbye will make things clear." Yuri: "Our sudden goodbyes will leave him dumbfounded." Megumi: "But I don't know what else to say." Both: "Coach..." Yuri: "Hurry. What's she doing here?" Megumi: "I don't know." Betty: "I thought you understood me." Tanahashi: "I like to think I do." Betty: "Yes, as a racer. But I'm a woman." Tanahashi: "And I'm a man." Betty: "No, you're not a grown man. You're a boy." Betty: "Goodbye, Mr. Tanahashi." Yuri: "Did she just..." Megumi: "...dump the coach?" Tanahashi: "You're late." Tanahashi: "I was worried about you, Miyata, Meguro." Yuri: "W-We just got here." Tanahashi: "So, what did you two want to tell me?" Both: "Th-Thank you! And..." Megumi: "Goodb—" Yuri: "I look forward to our continued relationship!" Megumi: "Huh?!" Yuri: "You're the reason we won. You really do understand me!" Megumi: "Y-You understand everything about me. That's why you had me drive. You're incredible. I admire you." Yuri: "Megumi, that's not what you said earlier." Megumi: "Well, I thought you were giving up on him." Yuri: "I never said that." Megumi: "You did! You said so! You said you'd give up on him and find a new love!" Yuri: "What? I'd never say that." Megumi: "That's how it sounded to me." Yuri: "Well, you're crazy." Megumi: "Look who's talking!" Hibari: "This is..." Mutuski: "They had finally made up, too." Mutsuki: "Now they're back to this." Tsugumi: "Looks like "Rhapsody of Love and Recollection" will get a sequel." Hatsune: "Leave me out of this." ene: "Oh, my." Yuri: "That's right. I..." Megumi: "In my world..." Tsugumi: "So, what did you want from us?" Mutsuki: "Well, actually..." Mutuski: "I want you to join the sidecar club." Hibari: "Us?" Tsugumi: "We can't. We have the broadcasting club." Mutsuki: "Please! Otherwise, it'll be just me when Yuri-san and Megumi-san graduate!" Hibari: "Well, you can't ride a racing kneeler on your own." Mutsuki: "If I don't find more members, the club will be disbanded!" Both: "Disbanded?"
{ "raw_title": "TWOCAR Episode 12 – Ladies, Start Your Engines!", "parsed": [ "TWOCAR", "12", "Ladies, Start Your Engines!" ] }
Both: "Um, I—" Yuri: "Good luck at the Isle of Man TT!" Megumi: "I'll be rooting for you, Coach!" Yuri: "We'll win the national tournament, too!" Megumi: "So, good luck!" Tanahashi: "Yeah, you, too. Achieve victory in your world." Both: "I'll win in my world!" Both: "I won't lose!" Ai: "Good morning, Miyakejima! As we enter summer vacation," Ai: "The boiling blood of these skilled racers from all over the country" Ai: "I, Ai Makita of the Miyake Girls' High School Broadcasting Club," ene: "And I, Nene Itagaki, will be providing analysis." Ai: "Itagaki-san, it's finally begun." ene: "Yes, at the Miyakejima Tourist Trophy, also known as the Miyakejima TT," ene: "But the greatest among them" ene: "The Racing Kneeler is a sidecar race consisting" ene: "The acrobatic driving involved makes it a popular motor sport." Ai: "On these asymmetrical machines," Ai: "Not only is it dangerous," ene: "The winner of this year's tournament will also win the right" Ai: "With the Isle of Man TT on the line, the riders will surely give it all they've got!" Ai: "Strong teams from around the country will be gathering at Miyakejima shortly. The broadcasting club is on the ground to capture them as they arrive." Ai: "Over to you, Takada-san!" Hibari: "Hibari Takada here. I'm here at Sabigahaba Harbor. We'll be covering all the racers from around the country." Ai: "A festival of boiling blood and dancing flesh: the Miyakejima TT! As we eagerly wait for the races to start," Ai: "This has been commentator Ai Makita..." ene: "...and analyst Nene Itagaki." Ai: "Don't miss the next broadcast!" ene: "Tired?" Ai: "A little." ene: "Want to sleep?" Ai: "Yeah." Mom: "Nene-chan, is today's ship coming in at Sabi?" ene: "Yes." Mom: "Megumi, go meet our guests." Megumi: "Okay." Mom: "Yuri, the ship's arriving soon." Yuri: "Oh, shoot... I'll go meet them." Yoko: "The island's always lively during TT season." Hibari: "I wonder who will win this year." Tsugumi: "As a local, I hope Miyake Girls' wins." Hibari: "But this year..." Tsugumi: "This year..." Yoko: "Oh, you mean Yuri-chan and Megumi-chan." Tsugumi: "Their coach is in England now. They can never be together." Hibari: "There's no point in fighting over him." Tsugumi: "And he's way older than them." Yoko: "A girl in love doesn't care what obstacles are in her way." Hibari: "Is that right?" Yoko: "Who knows? Anyway, shouldn't you be filming?" Mao: "That was a nice trip, wasn't it, Hitomi?" Hitomi: "Indeed. I'm glad the weather was nice, Mao." Kanae: "Think they'll serve seafood tonight? I can't wait! How about you, Tamae?" Tamae: "Kanae-chan, don't you think you're being a glutton? What do you think we're here for?" Kanae: "You've gotta enjoy life. Racing's just part of it." Alisu: "This is shaping up to be a nice summer vacation, Kurosu." Kurosu: "Indeed, Alisu." Both: "Hey!" Both: "Our ride's here. Long time, no see." Chiyuki: "How do you do?" Yuri: "How do you do, Chiyuki-san?" Megumi: "How was your trip?" Chiyuki: "It was very comfortable. Right?" Misaki: "Whatever." Yuri: "Welcome, Misaki-san." Megumi: "Welcome to Miyakejima." Misaki: "Thanks for letting us stay with you." Izumi: "I'm glad the weather's nice. This will be a good summer vacation." Yuri: "It's good to see you again, Izumi-san." Megumi: "Where's your passenger?" Izumi: "With me, of course. Nagisa, what's taking you so long?" gisa: "S-Sorry." Megumi: "You're as tough on her as ever." Izumi: "It's fine. She enjoys it." gisa: "I do. It's an honor." Yuri: "It's okay to complain, you know. Drivers are just stubborn brats." Megumi: "Let me know if she bullies you. We passengers should stick together." gisa: "Okay... Thank you." Both: "Hello!" Yuri: "Welcome, Maria-chan and Yuria-chan." Megumi: "I still can't tell which of you is which." Both: "Sorry!" Both: "Welcome, everyone!" All: "Thank you for having us!" Yuri: "Suzuka, Tsukuba, Motegi, Taka, Ikoma, Amagase. And we're Miyake. That's everyone." Megumi: "Yeah. We have a lot to discuss, but you should rest at the inn first." Yuri: "Hop in, everyone." Both: "Huh?" Yuri: "You're not..." Megumi: "...staying together?" Hibari: "Huh? Suzuka, Tsukuba, and Motegi's drivers and passengers are riding separately." Tsugumi: "Apparently, they're staying at different inns." Yoko: "Oh, why?" Both: "No idea..." Yuri: "Are you... fighting?" Maria: "Of course not. Yuria and I get along great." Izumi: "Our relationship's the same as ever. We're just taking a break this time." Kanae: "What're you talking about? A driver and passenger are one! Only by sleeping and eating together" Kanae: "Right, Tamae?" Tamae: "Sorry, Kanae-chan. I wasn't listening." Kanae: "And you accused me of being a glutton? This is important! Don't you understand that? Our rivals are separated! They might break up! Divorce is on the horizon!" Chiyuki: "We're not even married yet." Hibari: "Yet? Does that mean you will eventually?" Tsugumi: "When's the wedding?" Chiyuki: "That's not what I meant." Kanae: "What about you?" Hibari: "We'll be staying with the riders so we can cover their day-to-day." Tsugumi: "Thanks for having us." Megumi: "I'm sure there's some explanation, but let me know if you want to talk. I'll listen." Yuria: "Okay, thanks." gisa: "Everything's fine. This is normal." Misaki: "Yeah. I can't make time for her around the clock." Alisu: "There must be some reason for this." Kurosu: "Summer's only just begun. Let's try to get along." ene: "Yes, let's." ene: "By the way, where are the Taka Girls' Academy riders?" Ai: "In the paddock." ene: "The paddock?" Ai: "They're inspecting their bike." ene: "They always run at their own pace." Misaki: "I'd like to check out our bike, too. I'm worried the salt air got to it." Alisu: "Yeah, they were transported over the sea. We should go, too." Megumi: "You'll need rides. I'll get some for you." Megumi: "What?" Yuri: "Nothing." Megumi: "Not in front of the guests." Yuri: "I know." Megumi: "Not in front of our rivals." Yuri: "I know." Megumi: "It has nothing to do with us." Yuri: "I said I know." Megumi: "Do you really?" Yuri: "Who knows?" Megumi: "You are so..." Misaki: "What's wrong?" Yuri: "Oh, nothing!" Megumi: "Feel free to use these." Kanae: "There's no kneeler like a Tomboy." Tamae: "Did you know "tomboy" means a rough, masculine girl? That perfectly describes you, Kanae-chan." Kanae: "Shut up and help me, Tamae." Alisu: "The F4 is cute." Kurosu: "It handles differently from the F2. Be careful." Chiyuki: "Let's go, Misaki." ene: "We'll borrow your van, then." Mom: "See you later. Dinner's at seven." All: "Okay." Both: "Be careful." Yuria: "Nice view, Maria." Maria: "Yeah. Nice view, Yuria." Izumi: "Miyakejima's a real technical course." Izumi: "The hills are intense, and the curves complex." Izumi: "Any racer who enjoys this would have to be a masochist. Right, Nagisa?" gisa: "Y-Yes, Izumi-san." Chiyuki: "It's been a while, Misaki." Misaki: "What has?" Chiyuki: "Since we rode together outside of practice." Misaki: "I guess." ene: "What's going on between Chiyuki-san and Misaki-san? Maybe they are fighting." Ai: "They've always been like that." ene: "Oh, really?" ene: "That must be rough." Chiyuki: "Misaki Nagai-san, I choose you for my partner." Misaki: "Huh?" Chiyuki: "Join the sidecar club and be my passenger." Misaki: "No, thanks. Not interested." Chiyuki: "You're always tardy and don't turn in assignments. You're not in any clubs and have few friends. You disappear during lunch." Chiyuki: "As your class representative, I can't ignore such a problem student." Misaki: "My grades should be fine." Chiyuki: "That's not a reason." Misaki: "I'm busy with work." Chiyuki: "That's not a reason." Misaki: "I don't have to listen to this. I'm leaving." Chiyuki: "Wait." Chiyuki: "I'll speak with your teacher and have your permission to work revoked." Misaki: "What?" Chiyuki: "If your job is interfering with your school life, it's only natural." Misaki: "You..." Chiyuki: "If you don't want that, join the sidecar club." Misaki: "My family's not rich like yours! If I have time to roll around in a sidecar, I'm expected to work!" Chiyuki: "Then I'll pay you." Misaki: "What?" Chiyuki: "And that's not all. I'll pay all your expenses associated with the club, too. Is that good enough?" Misaki: "You expect me to do as you say for charity? Are you making fun of me?!" Chiyuki: "No. I'll compensate you for your service." Misaki: "Compensation?" Chiyuki: "The winner of this year's tournament goes to the Isle of Man TT." Chiyuki: "But my passenger quit." Misaki: "There must be plenty of other girls you could ask. You're certainly popular enough." Chiyuki: "Yes, that's right. My family, grades, and reputation with the teachers are excellent. I like to think I'm not bad-looking, either." Chiyuki: "I always have someone by my side. If I asked them to do it, they would." Chiyuki: "But it has to be you." Chiyuki: "Please help me win." Misaki: "Hey." Chiyuki: "What?" Misaki: "Why me?" Chiyuki: "Good question. Why, indeed?" Alisu: "Looks like they made it here in one piece." Kanae: "That's a relief." Mao: "You're late." Mao: "We're going for a shakedown." Hitomi: "If you'll excuse us." Hibari: "See you later. Tsugumi, aerial shots!" Tsugumi: "Leave it to me. Launch!" Tsugumi: "I'm following the GPS devices in the bikes and sending you aerial shots." ene: "Ai-chan, time to work." ene: "Three, two, one, cue." ene: "Good afternoon, Miyakejima!" Ai: "The Miyakejima TT teams have begun their shakedown." Ai: "First is Taka Girls' Academy's Setsugekka, team Mao Katakura and Hitomi Iseki. Bike and rider alike" Kanae: "Tamae, let's go." Tamae: "Kanae-chan, we gotta inspect it first." Izumi: "You have to see if anything was affected during shipping." Kanae: "What are you doing?" Maria: "It'll rust if we don't rinse off the salt." gisa: "Should you be getting the wiring wet?" Yuria: "If this were too much, we couldn't ride in wet conditions." Kanae: "Wow, that's daring." Chiyuki: "We should get ready, too." Misaki: "Yeah." Mutsuki: "How's it look?" Megumi: "Suzuka, Tsukuba, and Motegi seem to be worried about something. How about you?" Yuri: "Same thing over here. Things have always been a little weird, but it may have gotten worse." Mutuski: "No, we mean the two of you." Megumi: "We're fine. We keep our private lives and racing separate." Yuri: "We don't mix public and private." Mutsuki: "No... We're talking about your condition." Hatsune: "Think you can win the tournament?" Megumi: "We will. We'll win!" Yuri: "We'll win and go to the Isle of Man TT." Megumi: "I'll go to the Isle of Man and see Coach Tanahashi." Yuri: "I'll see Coach Tanahashi, and this time, I'll tell him how I feel." Hatsune: "Things are weird between them, too." Mutsuki: "It's gotten worse." Kanae: "There." Kanae: "That was quick! You're leaving already?" Yuri: "It's our home course." Megumi: "We're all set." Tamae: "Lucky. Maybe we should move to Miyakejima." Kanae: "What are you, stupid? How would we get to Osaka and back all the time?" Chiyuki: "Misaki, let's go for a shakedown." Misaki: "Sure." Hibari: "You don't need your helmet?" Chiyuki: "We'll drive slowly. Besides, I want to hear the engine." Chiyuki: "I want to feel the smell and heat, too." Misaki: "Sound, smell, and heat are often the first signs of trouble. If we can stop right away, we'll only suffer minimal damage." Chiyuki: "The longer it takes to notice, the more damage it causes." Hibari: "Huh..." Tsugumi: "Adding two drones." Ai: "The second team is the local Miyake Girls' High School's Ashitabamaru." Ai: "They're riding easily on their home course. Behind them is Suzuka Girls' Academy's Lightning Tornade!" ene: "They're checking their bikes carefully." Misaki: "Hydraulic pressure okay. Water and oil temperature, voltage, and power normal. Exhaust temperature and oxygen levels normal." Chiyuki: "No strange noises. Everything seems okay." Chiyuki: "Let's warm up the tires." Misaki: "Got it." Ai: "They're repeatedly accelerating and decelerating! Looks like their engine and brakes are in good shape!" ene: "They're massaging their tires to warm them up. Racing tires must be warmed and softened to have any grip. It's an important step." Chiyuki: "The tires are sticking well. Everything looks normal around my feet." Megumi: "No problems over here." Yuri: "No strange noises or smells." Megumi: "We won't notice any problems while we're driving so slow, though." Yuri: "An engine that's been checked by me is fine at full speed, too." Megumi: "I hope you're right." Yuri: "Then I'll give you something nice to smell. Try not to fall off!" Megumi: "Yeah, right! Who do you think I am?" Ai: "Ashitabamaru is accelerating! Are they finished with their test run? There's smoke rising from their tires!" ene: "I can practically smell their tires burning from here!" Mutsuki: "They're doing it again." Hatsune: "They're unbelievable." Chiyuki: "They're fast." Chiyuki: "I hope we can beat them." Chiyuki: "Huh?" Misaki: "You want to win, don't you?" Chiyuki: "Yes." Ai: "Lightning Tornade has accelerated, as well! They're ending their shakedown to pursue Ashitabamaru! The passengers move as they round each corner! The way they sway back and forth makes it seem like they're dancing!" ene: "In racing kneelers, the passenger holds the key to driving. While accelerating, they shift their weight backwards," ene: "Without the passenger, the bike can't perform." Ai: "Moving the bike comes down to the passenger!" Ai: "And it's up to the driver to make use of it! Requiring both riders to drive is the charm of the racing kneeler!" Chiyuki: "They're accelerating." Ai: "Lightning Tornade is closing in on Ashitabamaru! This battle is much more serious than a pre-race shakedown! It's a gripping close race!" Mao: "Yuri-chan and Megumi-chan haven't changed." Hitomi: "But Misaki-chan doesn't usually go along." Ai: "They've entered the difficult 37 Mountain corner!" Misaki: "Left." Misaki: "High speed right coming up." Misaki: "She's gripping." Chiyuki: "What is it?" Misaki: "Why didn't you hit the gas?" Chiyuki: "Huh? Because we're in the middle of a shakedown. We don't have to push ourselves." Misaki: "Don't lie to me." Misaki: "Did you not trust me?" Chiyuki: "That's not..." Misaki: "Why did you ask me?"
{ "raw_title": "TWOCAR Episode 2 – Shakedown", "parsed": [ "TWOCAR", "2", "Shakedown" ] }
Girl: "I know. And the other day, I found this cute dress." Both: "Really?" Girl: "Yeah!" Misaki: "Thanks for waiting." Girl: "It's so cute. I bet it looks good! Let's go together sometime." Chiyuki: "I'd love to go. I heard they have lots of new clothes, too." Girl: "Really? It's so fashionable, isn't it?" Chiyuki: "Now I've done it." Girl B: "Are you okay?" Chiyuki: "Yeah. I wiped it right away, so it's not that visible." Girl B: "Blueberry stains don't come out." Girl A: "You probably can't use that anymore." Chiyuki: "But I liked this..." Misaki: "Thank you." Ai: "They've entered the difficult 37 Mountain corner! Ashitabamaru magnificently clears the course!" Ai: "Considering they're the local team, that's no surprise!" Ai: "Behind them is Lightning Tornade! Not to be left behind, they enter the corner!" Ai: "What do you think of this cornering, Itagaki-san?" ene: "Their rear tires are firmly gripping the track." ene: "It looks like they're still holding back a bit." Hibari: "What do you mean?" Hatsune: "Racing kneelers turn using the gas pedal." Tsugumi: "The gas pedal? Not the handlebars?" Hatsune: "They use power to make their rear tires slide." Mutsuki: "It's called drifting. Racing kneelers aren't built for grip running." Hatsune: "How much you need to depress the gas pedal to drift depends on your grip." Mutsuki: "If a bike's running at low power," Misaki: "Why didn't you hit the gas?" Chiyuki: "Huh? Because we're in the middle of a shakedown." Chiyuki: "We don't have to push ourselves." Misaki: "Don't lie to me." Misaki: "Did you not trust me?" Chiyuki: "That's not..." Misaki: "Why did you ask me?" Misaki: "Why did you ask me to do this if you don't trust me?" Misaki: "Again?" Misaki: "You asked me to do this, and now you won't even trust me?" All: "Let's eat!" Alisu: "Megumi-san's inn's hearth is so charming." Kurosu: "The seafood is good, too. I always look forward to this when I come to the island." Mom: "Have as much as you'd like." All: "Okay!" gisa: "M-Misaki-san, are you okay?" Misaki: "What do you mean?" gisa: "Earlier, you and Chiyuki-san..." Misaki: "Don't worry about it. We're always like this." ene: "That just makes me worry more. Right, Ai-chan?" Misaki: "She never hits the gas when she needs to." Misaki: "I didn't understand at first." Misaki: "I thought she was holding back since I was a beginner." Misaki: "But I got used to it. I know how to ride now, but she..." Yuria: "Maybe she's being considerate." Misaki: "She doesn't trust me." Misaki: "Chiyuki comes from a wealthy family. She's at the top of the school caste." Misaki: "But I was born into a poor family." Misaki: "I worked while attending school." Misaki: "There's only one reason she'd ask someone born into such different circumstances to join her." Misaki: "She wanted a slave who'd obey her orders." Yuria: "But that's..." Misaki: "All I'm good for is quietly obeying her commands." Misaki: "She doesn't trust me." Misaki: "Everyone around her is the same. She's always surrounded by followers she has superficial relationships with," Yuria: "But a racing kneeler team can't race if they don't trust one another." gisa: "It's dangerous. I would never ask someone I didn't trust to do this." Megumi: "I don't trust my partner." All: "Huh?" Megumi: "Isn't that natural? I don't trust Yuri." Yuri: "There's no way I'd trust Megumi." Hibari: "Really?" Tsugumi: "I thought you were childhood friends." Yuri: "Yeah, right. We're enemies. How could I ever get along with her?" Tamae: "This is a shock. Since you're so fast, I thought you were really close to Megumi-chan." Kanae: "It's not impossible. I don't trust you, either." Tamae: "What? Why not? But I love you so much!" Kanae: "How could I trust someone who doesn't follow up on my jokes?" Tamae: "But Kana-chan, no one could follow up on your jokes." Kanae: "Well, you expect people to follow up on yours all the time!" Tamae: "I don't joke like that." Kanae: "That's what you call a joke!" Izumi: "But Yuri-san, how can you form a team without trusting each other?" Yuri: "Who knows? We apparently team well, so I guess it works out." Maria: "But why do you race, then?" Yuri: "Isn't it obvious? To win and go to the Isle of Man! I'll do anything to get there." Tamae: "How clever of you." Chiyuki: "Me, too." Chiyuki: "I wanted to win and go to the Isle of Man." Chiyuki: "But at this rate, I can't." Chiyuki: "My passenger doesn't trust me." Chiyuki: "My previous passenger didn't, either." Chiyuki: "During a time trial at Suzuka..." Chiyuki: "Without realizing she'd fallen behind, I hit the gas." Chiyuki: "Our bike broke and my passenger was injured. We couldn't ride for two months because I failed to notice." Izumi: "Nobody would've noticed that. The driver's completely focused on driving." Maria: "You just have to trust your passenger will do her job." Chiyuki: "That's why I trusted her and made a mistake." Chiyuki: "Racing kneelers are difficult, aren't they?" ene: "The Miyakejima TT starts today. Since bikes will be going for practice runs during the TT," ene: "Please take note of that." Yoko: "That should do it." Mom: "Good morning, Yoko-san." Yoko: "Good morning, Akatsuki-san and Mitsuwa-san." Mom: "Thank you for helping again this year." Yoko: "Sure thing. I look forward to it every year. Are you going shopping?" Mom: "We need to finish before the roads close. Fish has to be fresh." Hatsune: "It's almost time. Once they open the course, we're going to practice." Both: "Okay." Hibari: "No matter how often I see it, it's still amazing." Tsugumi: "I'd like to ride it just once." Yuri: "You wanna try?" Tsugumi: "Huh?" Megumi: "Fine by me. It's pretty easy." Hibari: "Really?" Hibari: "I-I can't move..." Yuri: "It's made just big enough so your body's fixed in place." Hibari: "The pedals are so far away." Yuri: "They're set to my height." Megumi: "Once you're kneeling on the platform, grab the passenger handle." Tsugumi: "Like this?" Megumi: "Whatever you do, don't let go. You'll be knocked off when you accelerate." Tsugumi: "Huh?" Megumi: "And you're blown forward when you brake." Tsugumi: "Huh?" Megumi: "Shift your weight during left turns so the inside tire doesn't come off the ground." Tsugumi: "I-I'm falling..." Megumi: "And shift your weight onto the rear tires during right turns." Tsugumi: "I-I can't breathe..." Yuri: "If you hit the gas without your passenger shifting their weight," Both: "What?!" Megumi: "If you apply too much weight, you'll understeer off the course and die." Both: "What?!" Hibari: "Huh? The pedals feel weird." Yuri: "The pedals are backwards on a racing kneeler. Your left foot is the brake, and your right foot is the clutch." Tsugumi: "Why is it backwards?" Megumi: "The sidecar's on the left." Tsugumi: "Yeah." Megumi: "And there's nothing on your right." Tsugumi: "Yeah." Yuri: "If you lost the use of your right leg in a crash," Megumi: "But since it's on the left, only your passenger will die." Both: "This is too scary to drive!" Yuri: "What's wrong, Mom?" Mom: "Well, see, we ran out of gas while shopping." Yuri: "What?" Megumi: "They're closing the roads soon. Could you take the stuff to the inn?" Mom: "If we don't get back soon, we won't have time to prepare tonight's dinner." Yuri: "Unbelievable!" Megumi: "Racing kneelers aren't for running errands!" Mutsuki: "If you don't hurry, you'll be driving against traffic." Yuri: "See you later." Ai: "It's now 9:00. From now until 5:00 PM," Ai: "It's dangerous on the course, so please don't enter the track" Yoko: "Course looks good." Mao: "Shall we go, Hitomi?" Hitomi: "Yes, Mao. Follow your heart." Kanae: "Hey! Someone left before us! Hurry up, Tamae!" Tamae: "Who cares? It's just practi— Hey, wait!" ene: "Ai-chan, it's starting." Ai: "Yeah." ene: "Three, two, one, cue." Ai: "The first day's practice run at the Miyakejima TT has begun!" Ai: "First to leave is car number 44, Setsugekka!" Ai: "Behind them is car number 22, Kazeno Tenpoint!" Misaki: "Aren't we going?" Chiyuki: "Yeah." Mutsuki: "Everyone seems to be in good condition." Hatsune: "This year's TT will be wild." Mutsuki: "Huh? Lightning Tornade's interval times are a bit slow." Hatsune: "I wonder what's wrong." Mutsuki: "Chiyuki-san and Misaki-san are slowing down." Hatsune: "Is something wrong with their bike?" Yuri: "What's wrong?" Chiyuki: "Misaki?" Misaki: "I'm getting off." Chiyuki: "Huh?" Misaki: "If you don't feel like riding, don't ask me to." Tanahashi: "If the driver follows the wrong line, the passenger crashes into obstacles. If the passenger shifts their weight incorrectly," Tanahashi: "In other words, the passenger holds the driver's life in their hands. They can't depress the gas pedal unless they trust their passenger." Tanahashi: "Conversely, the passenger trusts the driver with their life. They can't ride alongside their driver unless they trust them." Tanahashi: "Without a top notch driver, you can't achieve top notch driving. However, without a top notch passenger," Tanahashi: "That's how racing kneelers work." Tsugumi: "What should we do? Things don't look good between Chiyuki-san and Misaki-san." Yuri: "Just leave them." Tsugumi: "Huh?" Megumi: "Yeah. What will be, will be." Hibari: "But..." Mutsuki: "They don't get along, but they make things work." Hatsune: "Only as well as they can, though." Both: "Lay off!" ene: "It's 5:00 PM. Village route 212 is now open to the public. Thank you for your cooperation." Chiyuki: "I thought I was happy." Chiyuki: "I came from a good family. I had good grades. My teachers liked me." Chiyuki: "I was surrounded by friends." Chiyuki: "But it was all superficial. An illusion." Girl G: "You're sure you want me?" Chiyuki: "Yeah. You're flexible and athletic. I'm sure you'll make a good passenger." Girl G: "Okay!" Chiyuki: "We can do it. We just have to keep this up." Chiyuki: "The last turn!" Girl B: "Awful, isn't it?" Girl B: "She's the one who messed up." Girl A: "That's not something a friend would do." Girl C: "Don't worry about it, Chiyuki." Girl: "Yeah, you didn't do anything wrong." Chiyuki: "Everyone's being cold to her." Girl: "I always thought she was that kind of person." Chiyuki: "No, they're just cold to others." Girl: "It's not fair for her to blame Chiyuki." Chiyuki: "If anything happened, I'm sure they'd be cold to me." Girl: "I can't believe it." Misaki: "Here." Misaki: "You forgot this." Chiyuki: "You washed it for me?" Misaki: "It's my job." Chiyuki: "It must've been hard to get the stains out." Misaki: "It's my job." Chiyuki: "Thank you." Misaki: "It's my job." Chiyuki: "You've gotten better." Misaki: "I'm just doing as I'm told." Chiyuki: "Want to stop for some tea?" Chiyuki: "It's okay. I'll pay. I trust someone who works with me" Chiyuki: "Or so I believed. But..." Chiyuki: "The last turn!" Yuri: "So this is where you were, Chiyuki-chan." Chiyuki: "Yuri-chan." Megumi: "You can't come to the island without visiting the hot springs." Chiyuki: "Absolutely. My skin feels so smooth." Yuri: "The water's really alkaline." Megumi: "We're going to set off fireworks after dinner. Wanna come?" Chiyuki: "Fireworks?" Yuri: "Yeah, fireworks." Chiyuki: "Oh, but I can't go alone..." Megumi: "What are you talking about? Of course Misaki-chan will be there." Chiyuki: "But..." Yuri: "It's decided. Let's hurry back and have dinner. We're having ashitaba curry tonight." Yuria: "I'm glad I brought my sparky slider." Maria: "You're lucky you're a passenger." Kurosu: "Let's show them some beautiful fireworks." Alisu: "We'll have to make some fast turns to do that." Kanae: "Tamae, I added more titanium bolts to yours. We're gonna put on a show." Tamae: "Huh? What are we gonna do if we explode?" Kanae: "We won't explode, idiot!" Mao: "Shall we bloom beautifully, Hitomi?" Hitomi: "Yes. Let us dance magnificently, Mao." Izumi: "Let's go, Nagisa. We'll make sparks fly." gisa: "Yes, Izumi-san." Tsugumi: "It's beautiful!" Hibari: "So cool!" Both: "En dedans!" Chiyuki: "Misaki." Misaki: "We're going, aren't we?" Chiyuki: "Yeah, if you want to." Misaki: "This again?" Misaki: "Why do you always try to be so considerate of me?" Misaki: "If you want to do something, do it!" Misaki: "If you want to ride, ride! If you want to speed, speed! Hit the gas as hard as you want!" Misaki: "Do you really trust me so little?" Chiyuki: "No! It's not like that!" Misaki: "Then why?" Chiyuki: "I don't want to hurt you!" Misaki: "Neither do I! I could make a mistake and hurt you! That doesn't matter!" Chiyuki: "It does!" Misaki: "Why?" Chiyuki: "I don't want to lose you!" Chiyuki: "You're my first!" Chiyuki: "You're the first one who's ever seen me for me!" Chiyuki: "So I..." Misaki: "Do you know why I'm mad?" Misaki: "Because..." Misaki: "You're my first friend, too." Misaki: "So I wanted to give you everything I had." Misaki: "But..." Chiyuki: "Misaki..." Chiyuki: "Yuri-chan's fast." Misaki: "Right turn coming up! Go, Chiyuki!" Chiyuki: "I won't lose anymore!" ene: "It's beautiful." Ai: "Yeah." ene: "It's summer." Ai: "Yeah." ene: "You're not going to commentate?" Ai: "I forgot my mic." ene: "It's summer." Kanae: "This is our summer!" Tamae: "Fireworks, away!" Chiyuki: "What?" Misaki: "I forgot to tell you." Misaki: "When you asked me to be your passenger, I was actually happy."
{ "raw_title": "TWOCAR Episode 3 – Practise", "parsed": [ "TWOCAR", "3", "Practise" ] }
gisa: "Izumi! Where are you, Izumi?" Izumi: "I'm here." gisa: "You're late. What were you doing?" Izumi: "I'm sorry, Queen Nagisa. I was just swapping out the Earles fork in the front suspension—" gisa: "Don't talk back. I expect you to be here the instant I call you." Izumi: "I'm sorry, Queen Nagisa." gisa: "As punishment, kiss my racing gloves." gisa: "What's wrong? Hurry up." Izumi: "Yes, Nagisa-sama." gisa: "Look at you, Izumi." gisa: "You should serve me for the rest of your life." gisa: "A dream?" Ai: "Good morning, Miyakejima! As we enter TT Week, it's another great day for racing on Miyakejima! The race participants" ene: "Racing kneelers are made with an unusual degree of craftsmanship for this age." ene: "They're similar to the Formula One cars of the 60s and 70s." Ai: "The driver and passenger customize their hand-made machines themselves! The racing kneeler truly is an analog fighting machine" Ai: "Equipped with cutting-edge engines and the human stabilizers known as passengers," ene: "Japanese-style hamburger?" Chiyuki: "Public roads have a lot of bounce." Misaki: "Should we loosen the suspension?" Chiyuki: "This area has a lot of hills. Loosening it will cause extreme shifts in weight." Misaki: "Should we try loosening just the front?" Chiyuki: "But that would—" Misaki: "It's okay. I'll hold down the rear." Chiyuki: "Misaki..." Misaki: "The stroke's only three centimeters anyway. It's just a placebo." Misaki: "I'm grateful to you, Chiyuki." Chiyuki: "Misaki?" Misaki: "My mama worked hard to send me to a good school, even though we're poor. It's why I studied hard and applied for scholarships" Misaki: "What?" Chiyuki: "You call her "mama."" Misaki: "Who cares what I call her?" Chiyuki: "And?" Misaki: "I was unsociable, so I couldn't make friends. No one tried to talk to me. Going from home to school to work was my whole world. I thought things would stay that way, even after I grew up." Misaki: "But then my world changed." Chiyuki: "Your world?" Misaki: "Here, there's no hierarchy. There's no bullying. Our rivals aren't even our enemies. If anything, they're our friends." Misaki: "I'd never heard of anything like that. All that matters is whether you're fast or slow. That's it. I had no idea such a world existed." Misaki: "The one you clash with most is your partner, who rides alongside you." Misaki: "But you clash because they're important." Chiyuki: "Let's keep on clashing." Misaki: "Yeah." Hatsune: "The Suzuka girls seem to have made up." Mutsuki: "Looks that way." Hatsune: "They're fast." Mutsuki: "Miyake will have to be careful." Megumi: "Yuri! You did this, didn't you?" Yuri: "What?" Hatsune: "They're at it again." Mutsuki: "This is worse than careless." Megumi: "I was saving the last pudding for myself!" Yuri: "Your name wasn't on it." Megumi: "It is. Right here." Yuri: "Who reads the bottom?" Megumi: "Who doesn't? You flip it over when you put in on a plate!" Yuri: "I don't. I eat from the custard side." Megumi: "You're supposed to eat pudding from the caramel side!" Yuri: "I don't believe this! The caramel's just a bonus!" Megumi: "I like the caramel!" Hatsune: "Who cares about a pudding?" Both: "I care!" Yuri: "They don't sell these on the island!" Mutsuki: "Then couldn't you have split it?" Mutsuki: "Yuri-san could take the custard side, and Megumi-san could take the caramel side." Both: "No!" Yuri: "The custard tastes good because you eat it with the caramel!" Megumi: "The caramel tastes good because you eat it with the custard!" Hatsune: "Why do you have to fight so much when you're so alike?" Both: "We're not alike!" Chiyuki: "Really? There are people like that?" Misaki: "Yeah." Chiyuki: "That's so funny." Mao: "How's it looking, Hitomi?" Hitomi: "Perfect, Mao." Izumi: "What are you looking at?" gisa: "S-Sorry." Izumi: "You're not focusing, Nagisa." gisa: "I-I'm sorry, Izumi-san." Izumi: "Focus on your work. You're not the only one in danger if we crash." gisa: "I know." Izumi: "You can be so stupid." gisa: "I raised the rear brake balance by half and lowered the chair by a quarter. The front air pressure is 9.0, the rear is 8.5, and the chair is 9.0." Izumi: "Good. Let's go for a test drive." Izumi: "Dress me." gisa: "Yes, Izumi-san." gisa: "Is the rear brake too strong? The bike will ride low, but when you full brake, our weight will shift forward." Izumi: "Are you telling me what to do?" gisa: "No, I didn't mean..." Izumi: "If you think the rear brake's too strong, you hold it down. That's why we lowered the chair/brake balance." gisa: "Okay." Izumi: "Let's go." gisa: "Okay." Yui: "God, you never let anything go." Megumi: "This is what I hate about you!" Mutsuki: "Tsukuba Girls' is going." Megumi: "It's your fault for eating the pudding!" Hatsune: "It's hard to call them friends, too." Yui: "It's your fault for not writing your name where I'd find it!" Ai: "The teams are continuing their practice runs!" Ai: "First onto the course today is car number 33, Alsvid!" Ai: "Izumi Murata accelerates the moment she enters the course! Tsukuba Girls' High School's Nagisa Suzuki" Hibari: "What a nice sound." Tsugumi: "Their engine must be in great condition." Izumi: "Stupid." Ai: "The Alsvid full brakes and decelerates sharply," Ai: "Nagisa Suzuki immediately dives into the right turn! Her helmet is practically scraping the guardrail! In the following downhill, they lower their front tire resistance" Hatsune: "They're going pretty hard." Mutsuki: "They're cutting it close." Hatsune: "They're shortening their interval times." Ai: "A cutting-edge engine and human stabilizer! The Japanese-style hamburger-esque combination" ene: "Japanese-style hamburger..." Izumi: "Nagisa, what was our time?" gisa: "We beat our personal best by 0.2 seconds." Izumi: "That's all?" gisa: "Yes." Izumi: "Our tail swung quickly on the downhill. Did you shift your weight back?" gisa: "Yes, I think so." Izumi: "Don't tell me you "think so." You're the one who made the adjustment. You have to keep it balanced." gisa: "I'm sorry." Izumi: "When did you get that scrape?" gisa: "On the right turn." Izumi: "What are you doing? You should've avoided it. You ruined the paint job." gisa: "I'm sorry." Izumi: "Unbelievable. Maybe you need sliders on your helmet." gisa: "Yes." Izumi: "Nagisa, undress me." gisa: "Yes, Izumi-san." Mao: "Hitomi, we can't speak during a race." Hitomi: "But Mao, our hearts are connected." Mao: "You're right, Hitomi." Hitomi: "Yes, Mao." Mao: ""Two" goes with "car." Together we are Two Car." Hitomi: "Yes. After all, our hearts are connected." Mitomi: "I understand even without hearing the whole sentence." Mao: "Mountain." Hitomi: "River." Mao: "Question." Hitomi: "Answer." Mao: "Good. Nagashima." Hitomi: "Third." Mao: "Even a cat..." Hitomi: "Deserves a greeting." Mao: "If you hate someone..." Hitomi: "Karaoke all night long." Mao: "A touch of vermilion." Hitomi: "Blood-blood-bloodbath." Mao: "How about... Leonard?" Hitomi: "Kuma." Mao: "I expected you to say Leo-sama." Hitomi: "As if. I know everything about you." Mao: "We're perfect." Hitomi: "Yes, we're perfect. Yes..." Both: "Our connection is... Forever!" ene: "Hey, Ai-chan. I think it might be curry udon instead of a Japanese-style hamburger." Ai: "What about a rice burger?" ene: "I'm not sure. We don't have those on the island." Misaki: "Huh? Nagisa..." Misaki: "You have a bruise." gisa: "I hit my elbow on the passenger handle. I was slow on the full brake." Yuria: "Hey, you have one here, too." gisa: "I hit my arm on the cowl all the time during right turns." Alisu: "Really?" gisa: "Uh, yes..." Kurosu: "Are you sure Izumi-han's not bullying you?" Alisu: "Are you sure it isn't domestic violence?" gisa: "No, of course not." Misaki: "That's fine, then." Misaki: "But how is she?" gisa: "How is who?" Yuria: "Izumi-san. She could be nicer to you." gisa: "Izumi-san is very nice to me." Yuria: "It doesn't look that way." Megumi: "You shouldn't act that way. If you've got a problem with her, you should let her know." gisa: "But I don't have a problem." Megumi: "Drivers only ever consider their own line. They'll walk all over you if you let them." gisa: "That's fine with me." Megumi: "Huh?" gisa: "I'm happy to have Izumi-san use me as she pleases." Megumi: "Okay..." gisa: "Besides, despite how she seems, Izumi-san is nice." Izumi: "Well, there you have it. She's happy with our relationship. Things are fine the way they are." Kanae: "Really?" Tamae: "I don't get it." Chiyuki: "I didn't understand Misaki for a long time. Everyone has their own circumstances." Yuri: "It's impossible to understand how a passenger thinks. Don't waste your time" Tamae: "What? I consider the line." Kanae: "Liar. You always move inconsistently." Tamae: "That's 'cause you don't drive along the line I'm imagining." Kanae: "You idiot. Why would I follow my passenger? You should be followin' your driver's line." Tamae: "Yeah, but I can't tell what you're thinkin'." Kanae: "That's on you." Hibari: "Kneelers are so complicated." Tamae: "What does that mean?" Tsugumi: "Yeah." Kanae: "Ugh, you're so—" Yuri: "That's everything. I'm done washing the dishes." Mom: "Thanks. Go to bed. You're working tomorrow, right?" Yuri: "Yeah. Goodnight." Mom: "Goodnight." Megumi: "I laid out our guests' futons." Mom: "Thank you. I'm good here. You can go." Megumi: "Okay. I'm gonna go check on everyone." Mom: "Watch your step." Yuri: "I'm just getting more gas." Megumi: "I'm just checking the air pressure." Both: "Are you—" Yuri: "What?" Megumi: "What do you want?" Yuri: "How's Nagisa-chan doing?" Megumi: "Same as always. She's a nice, quiet girl. How's Izumi-san?" Yuri: "Same as always. She's nice, but she's hard on Nagisa-chan." Megumi: "We probably should stay out of it, but..." Yuri: "Yeah. They're an unusual team." Yuri: "A team, huh?" Yuri: "You moved too far left. We lost traction in our rear tires." Megumi: "That's because you followed a line different from what we agreed on." Yuri: "I decided we should." Megumi: "You think the driver's so important?" Yuri: "I am. Just shut up and follow me." Megumi: "Are you saying my opinion doesn't matter?" Both: "Coach Tanahashi." Tanahashi: "The driver holds the handlebars. The driver's judgment comes first." Yuri: "See?" Tanahashi: "But the driver's not more important." Tanahashi: "Sometimes the passenger teaches the driver. Teacher and student, friends," Tanahashi: "There are all kinds of relationships." Tanahashi: "Create your own relationship. It can be whatever you want it to be. Become a team that trusts each other with their lives." Yuri: "Whatever..." Megumi: "...we want?" Yuri: "Teams normally get along, right?" Megumi: "Well, yeah." Yuri: "Yeah." gisa: "Izumi! Izumi, where are you?" Izumi: "I'm here." gisa: "You call that driving?" Izumi: "I'm sorry, Queen Nagisa. I tried to bring our clipping point in" gisa: "Don't back talk." Izumi: "I'm sorry, Queen Nagisa." gisa: "As punishment, lick my passenger boots." gisa: "What's wrong? Hurry up." Izumi: "Yes, Nagisa-sama." gisa: "Look at you, Izumi." gisa: "Another dream?" gisa: "I finished making adjustments. I lowered the rear brake by a quarter and raised the chair by a third." Izumi: "I see. Shall we go for a test drive, then?" gisa: "Yes." Izumi: "What's wrong?" gisa: "U-Uh, nothing..." Izumi: "What? Are you unhappy about something?" gisa: "Of course not." Izumi: "You think I can't tell? I know everything about you. Don't try to hide it." Izumi: "What were you just thinking about?" gisa: "I..." Yuri: "Megumi! You did this, didn't you?" Megumi: "Huh?" Yuri: "You ate this Tokyo Mango, didn't you?" Megumi: "Your name wasn't—" Yuri: "It was! It's right on it!" Megumi: "Who cares? We live in Tokyo." Yuri: "I care! They don't sell these on the island!" Megumi: "It was almost expired." Yuri: "There were two more days!" Megumi: "You always let things expire." Mutsuki: "They're at it again." Megumi: "It's better that I ate it." Hatsune: "They never learn." Yuri: "I can't take this anymore! I was lying when I said teammates should be friends!" sune: "What's wrong, Yuri?" Yuri: "I'm leaving." Mutsuki: "What?" Yuri: "I can't do this. I'm not riding with Megumi anymore." Mutsuki: "No, wait... Megumi-san, stop her!" Megumi: "Why should I?" Mutsuki: "What about the TT?" Megumi: "If the driver won't drive, there's nothing we can do." Yuri: "Hey! Don't make it sound like my fault!" Megumi: "Well, you ate my pudding!" Yuri: "Well, you broke my backpack!" Megumi: "How long ago?" Yuri: "How long ago was the pudding?" Megumi: "Yesterday!" Yuri: "It doesn't matter when it happened!" Megumi: "You're the one who brought it up!" Mutsuki: "It's no use. There's no getting through to them now." Yuri: "Well, stop doing it!" Hatsune: "Unbelievable. How are they supposed to race like this?" Megumi: "God, I hate that!" Izumi: "Why don't we swap, then?" All: "Swap?" Izumi: "Yes. We'll trade teammates." Izumi: "This isn't so bad once in a while." Megumi: "Sure. We could learn something riding next to someone else. But why the sudden suggestion?" Izumi: "I thought it'd be a good chance to learn the importance of our teammates." Yuri: "Give me the signal if anything's bothering you. I'll stop the bike." gisa: "Okay. Thank you." Izumi: "Here we go." ene: "This is an interesting development." Ai: "They've swapped their partners for practice! These mixed-up teams are the curry udon of dreams!" ene: "Curry udon?" Megumi: "Izumi-san's impressive. Her handling looks rough, but it's extremely accurate. It may look like she's cutting it close, but she always leaves a safe margin. She's good." Izumi: "Our center of gravity is low. The bike is stable. She shifts posture smoothly and doesn't affect the bike's movement." Izumi: "Megumi-san is skilled. I should teach this to Nagisa." Izumi: "But..." Izumi: "She's not following the line." Megumi: "Her line's different from Yuri's." Megumi: "The clipping point should be deep here!" Izumi: "We're understeering!" Izumi: "You're a technician, Megumi-san." Megumi: "So are you. But suddenly going all-out seems reckless." Izumi: "Indeed. We have to get to know each other better first. It's not so easy without your usual—" Megumi: "Look at them go. They're pretty fast." Izumi: "Let's go." Megumi: "Huh? Wait!" Yuri: "I thought Nagisa-chan's movements would be passive." Yuri: "But she's matching me perfectly, even though we didn't discuss it." gisa: "Yuri-san's so nice. She's leading me." gisa: "I feel safe riding with her." gisa: "But..." Yuri: "Good work, Nagisa-chan." gisa: "You too, Yuri-san." Yuri: "How was it?" gisa: "It was fantastic. I'd only ever ridden with Izumi-san before. I've never experienced anything like that." Yuri: "You were great, too. We might be perfect for each other." gisa: "Yes." gisa: "Izumi-san, I..." gisa: "Izumi-san..." Izumi: "Nagisa, we should split up." gisa: "What?" gisa: "Izumi-san, why?"
{ "raw_title": "TWOCAR Episode 4 – Swap Meet", "parsed": [ "TWOCAR", "4", "Swap Meet" ] }
gisa: "Izumi! Izumi, where are you?" Izumi: "I'm here, Queen Nagisa." gisa: "We're going out. Get the car." Izumi: "Yes, ma'am." gisa: "Why is the bike so glossy?" Izumi: "I waxed it twice so it would shine beautifully." gisa: "Slap! You fool! The passenger will slip and fall off if you wax the rear cowel. Are you trying to kill me?" Izumi: "I didn't realize." gisa: "As punishment, kneel on the platform." Izumi: "What? You want me to kneel on your seat?" gisa: "They're called kneelers because you kneel to ride them. Kneel in my place and prove your loyalty." Izumi: "Yes, Queen Nagisa." gisa: "Look at you, Izumi. You shall serve me for the rest of your life." Izumi: "A dream..." gisa: "Izumi-san..." Izumi: "Nagisa, we should split up." gisa: "What?" gisa: "Izumi-san, why?" Izumi: "I don't even want to talk to you." Misaki: "Are you okay, Nagisa-san?" gisa: "Izumi-san hates me." Yuria: "It was mean of Izumi-san to suddenly hit you." gisa: "No, it was my fault. I must have done something to upset Izumi-san." Megumi: "What are you talking about? You didn't do anything wrong, Nagisa-chan." gisa: "No. A passenger must obey their driver." Megumi: "You won't last listening to every selfish thing your driver says. Eventually she'll take more" ene: "It's so convincing coming from Megumi-chan." Ai: "She took her food and her crush." Alisu: "But Nagisa-han, why do you listen so earnestly to everything Izumi-han says?" Kurosu: "You should let her know if you don't like something." gisa: "Izumi-san's commands are absolute." gisa: "I can't do anything without her. Izumi-san holds my life in her hands." Izumi: "Anyway, that's that." Izumi: "Nagisa can't do anything without me. It's the way it should be." Maria: "Really?" Izumi: "Her life is in my hands. She just needs to keep quiet and obey my commands." Chiyuki: "Everyone wants their passenger to listen to them, sure, but don't you think you went too far?" Yuri: "She didn't!" Yuri: "Passengers should obey their drivers. And yet... she just went ahead and ate your gifts! I even wrote my name on it!" Hibari: "There's something wrong with them, too." Tsugumi: "And they're romantic rivals. Maybe she should've written her name on their coach." Yuri: "Hey, yeah. That's it." Hibari: "That's it?" Tsugumi: "They're treating him like pudding." Izumi: "Either way, I can't allow her to enjoy riding alongside another." Chiyuki: "But Izumi-san, didn't you suggest it?" Izumi: "I suggested the swap, but I didn't tell her to enjoy it." Tsugumi: "This isn't right." Hibari: "Nagisa-san must have it rough." Izumi: "In any case, a passenger should obediently obey their driver." Tamae: "But when I listened to Kanae-chan, she tricked me." Kanae: "Hold up! Who tricked you?" Tamae: "You're the one who invited me to try racing kneelers." Kanae: "How is that a lie?" Tamae: "Well, normally, a sidecar's a little car for a kid or a dog to ride in." Tamae: "I thought it'd be more relaxed and fun." Tamae: "You tricked me. There's nothing relaxing about it, and I don't just get to sit there. If anything, the passenger has the harder job." Kanae: "Well, drivers don't have it easy, either!" Tamae: "But you're sittin' the whole time." Tamae: "I gotta jump out to the side and leap up and down on the platform." Kanae: "So what? You said you wanted to lose weight! But look at this fat. Hurry up and lose it!" Tamae: "Stop!" Kanae: "What's all this fat, huh? Huh?" Tamae: "Stop! Don't pinch my fat!" gisa: "Izumi-san and I are childhood friends." gisa: "We've been in the same class since kindergarten. I've always been her follower." Megumi: "So you've always obeyed her." gisa: "That's not true. Izumi-san and I have fought before." Yuria: "Really?" gisa: "Yes. It was when Izumi-san said she wanted to start racing." gisa: "Racing kneelers?" Izumi: "Yes. You can't ride these without two people." Izumi: "So I'll be the driver, and you'll be the passenger." gisa: "I-I can't." Izumi: "What?" gisa: "I can't. I can't do this." Izumi: "Are you defying me?" gisa: "It turned into an argument." Alisu: "Did you give her a piece of your mind?" gisa: "No. I told her I hated her and ran home." Kurosu: "That was your fight?" gisa: "Yes." Misaki: "I see..." gisa: "But there's more. Just when I was feeling sad after our fight," gisa: "She's the worst." Ladies: "Hey." Ladies: "What did you just say?" Alisu: "A biker lady?" Kurosu: "You still have biker gangs where you live?" gisa: "Yes, a few." Ladies: "What'd you say?" Ladies: "I'm asking you a question. Answer me. How dare you ignore me? I'll split your head open, bitch!" Izumi: "You." Ladies: "Huh?" Izumi: "What do you think you're you doing to my girl?" Yuria: "My girl? She treats you like a possession." Misaki: "Did she win?" gisa: "She was soundly defeated." gisa: "But..." Izumi: "Nagisa, are you hurt?" gisa: "I'm fine." Izumi: "Good." gisa: "Izumi-san can be high-handed and unreasonable, but she's actually a good person." Alisu: "You're like a confused wife" Kurosu: "You'll definitely end up with a bad guy in the future." gisa: "Since then, I've listened to everything Izumi-san says. I can't disobey her." Megumi: "You can't be like that!" Megumi: "Even if you owe her, this is different. When she's not making sense, tell her so." gisa: "But..." Megumi: "Not buts. At this rate, she'll walk all over you forever. Passengers have to assert themselves, too." gisa: "Yeah, but..." Megumi: "Give Izumi-san a piece of your mind tomorrow." gisa: "I can't!" Megumi: "You can." Megumi: "You can do it if you try. You didn't think you could ride a kneeler, but you learned how." gisa: "Well, yes, but..." Megumi: "It's fine. I've got your back. Let her know what you think. I'm sure it'll improve your relationship." gisa: "Improve our relationship? Really?" Megumi: "Really." gisa: "All right. I'll give Izumi-san a piece of my mind." Megumi: "That's it! Really give it to her!" ene: "I wonder if this will really work." gisa: "I will! A piece of my mind, right?" Ai: "Who knows?" Megumi: "That's the spirit! Show her your passenger soul!" gisa: "I will!" Yuri: "What did you tell Nagisa-chan?" Megumi: "Nothing. I just gave her some advice." Yuri: "What if their relationship gets worse?" Megumi: "Don't worry. It can't get any worse." Yuri: "Your optimism is causing trouble for every—" Megumi: "Shut up!" gisa: "Izumi-san, we need to talk. Izumi-san, you said you didn't want to talk to me again," gisa: "but I have no intention of obeying that command." Megumi: "That's it! Go!" Both: "Nagisa-chan..." gisa: "I... I..." Megumi: "That's it! Go for it!" gisa: "Izumi-san!" gisa: "I'm sorry!" All: "Huh?!" Misaki: "She apologized..." Chiyuki: "That's Nagisa-chan's best attempt to fight back?" Alisu: "Wait!" Kurosu: "Look!" Izumi: "Is that all you have to say?" gisa: "Yes." Izumi: "Good. I'm glad you understand." gisa: "Thank you." Izumi: "Let's ride. Get ready." gisa: "Yes." Kanae: "So this is... resolved?" Tamae: "I guess so." Hibari: "What was that about, anyway?" Tsugumi: "Maybe it means everyone's relationship is different." Megumi: "I don't get it." Mao: "Hitomi, we can't speak during a race." Hitomi: "But Mao, our hearts are connected." Mao: "You're right, Hitomi." Hitomi: "Yes, Mao." Hitomi: "What are these?" Mao: "They're called ESP cards. We'll see if our hearts are truly connected." Hitomi: "Can't we use playing cards?" Mao: "Our preferences will affect the process if we do." Hitomi: "I love hearts." Mao: "I prefer spades." Hitomi: "How very like you, Mao." Mao: "And you, Hitomi." Mao: "Let's begin." Mao: "What's this?" Hitomi: "A star." Mao: "Wrong." Mao: "What's this?" Hitomi: "A star." Mao: "Wrong." Mao: "What's this?" Hitomi: "A star." Mao: "Wrong." Mao: "What's this?" Hitomi: "A star." Mao: "Hitomi, you keep guessing stars." Hitomi: "How cruel! You're saying I don't understand your heart!" Mao: "I'm sorry, Hitomi. That's not what I meant." Hitomi: "It's fine. It just means this is all our relationship was." Mao: "No. It's not your fault. This is my fault." Hitomi: "Mao?" Mao: "My feelings weren't strong enough. They led you astray." Hitomi: "No, it's not your fault. I was just presuming on your kindness." Hitomi: "Mao..." Mao: "Hitomi... Let's test our bond again." Hitomi: "Yes. I'm sure it will work this time." Mao: "This is it. Hitomi, what's this?" Hitomi: "A square." Mutsuki: "Nagisa-san, do you perform maintenance for Tsukuba?" gisa: "Yes. I'm responsible for all maintenance." Mutsuki: "Isn't it hard on your own?" gisa: "At first we did it together," Mutsuki: "I see. It's hard to divide responsibilities." gisa: "The rest of them divide responsibilities in all kinds of ways. Like assigning one person to the engine and the other to the suspension." Yuria: "That's it. A little more." gisa: "What does Miyake do?" Mutsuki: "They play it by ear." gisa: "Play it by ear?" Mutsuki: "They don't assign responsibilities. Yuri-san and Megumi-san work on whatever they want. For some reason, they don't double check or forget to check anything." gisa: "They must be connected somehow." Mutsuki: "You think so, too?" gisa: "It's strange that they're so fast when they argue all the time." Izumi: "Why are you slacking off?" Izumi: "Are you finished with maintenance?" gisa: "Yes, Izumi-san." Izumi: "Good." gisa: "Yes." Yuri: "My yatsuhashi!" Megumi: "This one's mine." Yuri: "How many did you have?" Megumi: "Who cares?" Yuri: "I care!" Megumi: "How many did you have, then?" Mtusuki: "Are they arguing again?" Yuri: "I only ate two!" Megumi: "So you ate two already!" Hatsune: "I'm confiscating this." Both: "Hey!" Hatsune: "You're not allowed to receive gifts anymore." Yuri: "This is your fault!" Megumi: "You mean it's your fault!" Mutsuki: "How long are you going to keep arguing? Tsukuba's team already made up." Yuri: "That's not making up!" Megumi: "Yeah. I'd never accept such a one-sided relationship!" Yuri: "You what?" Megumi: "Not "like!" You are!" Izumi: "But this is normal for us." Izumi: "Would you like to pick up where we left off?" Izumi: "This time with our original teams." Ai: "Round two of the battle of destiny is a practice run with their original teams!" Ai: "But they're actually riding alongside their rivals!" Ai: "With their true enemy beside them instead of on the track, they take off! What do you think of this race, Itagaki-san?" ene: "I've given it some thought," Ai: "Here come car number 77 Ashitabamaru and car number 33 Alsvid! After crossing the starting line, they both suddenly accelerate! What a beautiful rolling start! Ashitabamaru is quickly pulling ahead!" Hibari: "Yuri-san and Megumi-san seem to be in sync when you watch them race." Tsugumi: "Their traction is perfect." Ai: "Ashitabamaru and Alsvid ride at full throttle! They clear the corner!" Ai: "Yuri and Megumi are pushing it as hard as they can! Not to be left behind, Izumi and Nagisa push it, as well! Neither one is giving any ground! They're racing with all the danger of a high-wire act!" Megumi: "You're cutting too close to the inside. I'll crash into the guardrail." Yuri: "We oversteered because you were too far forward." Megumi: "You're saying it was my fault?" Yuri: "Well, it's not just mine." Tanahashi: "Stop." Both: "Coach Tanahashi." Tanahashi: "What's the golden rule?" Both: ""Don't put your partner in danger."" Tanahashi: "On a racing kneeler, you hold your partner's life in your hands. Don't forget that." Both: "Yes, Coach." Tanahashi: "No matter how fast it is, a lap that results in a death isn't recorded. Got it?" Yuri: "My partner's life..." Megumi: "...is in my hands." Yuri: "As long as Megumi doesn't make a mistake on this corner, we won't oversteer. We can get right to the edge of the inside." Megumi: "As long as Yuri doesn't make a mistake on this corner," Megumi: "I can put all my weight on the rear tire." Both: "My life is in your hands. Don't mess this up!" Ai: "Ashitabamaru cuts to within a paper's width—no, a hair's breadth of the inside! Their driving is as precise as a surgical operation!" Izumi: "Miyake knows their home course well. But I won't lose." Izumi: "The inside's open." gisa: "Are you all right, Izumi-san?" gisa: "Izumi-san! Izumi-san!" gisa: "Izumi-san!" Izumi: "I'm fine." Ai: "Alsvid spins out! The barrier goes flying! Are they all right?" Ai: "They're okay! They're waving their hands! Covered in powder from the barrier, they look like Shingen rice cakes! Rising not from the ashes but from bean flower," Ai: "That was a surprise, Itagaki-san!" ene: "They nearly struck a bird. It was only a crow, but striking one at such high speeds can result in major injury. Since they were in the middle of a high-speed corner," Ai: "The reflexes of Nagisa Suzuki, who instantly avoided the bird, are truly god-like! She saved the bike and her driver!" Izumi: "My life is in her hands, too." Izumi: "What?" gisa: "N-Nothing." Izumi: "Push." gisa: "O-Okay." Ai: "Alsvid returns to the course! They haven't lost their will to fight yet! Will they chase after Ashitabamaru?" Ai: "Alsvid starts up again!" ene: "Their bike looks all right." ene: "There's nothing wrong with the sound of their engine." Ai: "With a roar from its 600cc Supersport, Alsvid accelerates" Izumi: "Where's Nagisa?" Izumi: "She's leaning so far!" Izumi: "If I let off the gas, she'll crash into the inside!" Ai: "They fearlessly enter and beautifully clear the corner!" gisa: "I can go harder." gisa: "Izumi-san, go faster. Faster!" gisa: "This isn't enough! More!" Izumi: "Until now, no matter how fast I went, I always allowed for a margin." Izumi: "No matter how close I cut it, I was confident I'd be all right. But..." Izumi: "I can't. I can't go any faster." Izumi: "But she wants me to." gisa: "Izumi-san's afraid. She's worried for me. I'm so happy!" Hibari: "I'm impressed Izumi-san is increasing her pace right after that accident." Tsugumi: "Normally, you'd be too scared to go faster." Hibari: "Nagisa-san must be terrified beside her." Tsugumi: "Izumi-san really is a sadist." Yuri: "Where's Tsukuba?" Megumi: "They disappeared during the race." Hatsune: "They went off course because of a bird strike." Yuri: "Are they..." Megumi: "...okay?" Mtsuki: "Well..." Both: "Don't tell me..." Mutsuki: "Amazingly, they improved their interval time." Izumi: "Idiot."
{ "raw_title": "TWOCAR Episode 5 – Reverse Grid", "parsed": [ "TWOCAR", "5", "Reverse Grid" ] }
Yuri: "Right, Maria-chan?" Maria: "Yes. But I'm actually Yuria." Yuri: "Really?" Maria: "Just kidding. I'm Maria." Yuri: "Right." Maria: "But actually... I'm Yuria." Yuri: "What?" Kanae: "I thought so. I knew somethin' was off." Maria: "I'm actually Maria." Kanae: "See? I was right." Tamae: "Kanae-chan, you never put much thought into anything." Kanae: "Sure I do. You can tell by lookin'. The younger sister wears a slider on her butt." Tamae: "That doesn't help in the bath." Yuri: "So, who are you actually?" Maria: "Good question. Who am I?" Ai: "The cyan Single Duet races through the green trees!" Ai: "The machine is piloted by twins, driver Maria Shishido and passenger Yuria Shishido!" Ai: "Two sisters working as one, they're the Motegi Twins! So identical even their parents confuse them," Mutsuki: "Motegi's perfectly in sync." Hatsune: "The say family and couple teams are fast." Mutsuki: "In that case, maybe twins make the strongest teams." Hibari: "You can tell from reporting on them" Tsugumi: "Yeah. They even have the same interests and preferences." Mutsuki: "Then they must fight over things." Hibari: "That's why they always get two of the same thing." Mutsuki: "What if there's only one of something?" Tsugumi: "They split it." Hibari: "They really understand each other." Tsugumi: "I wish a certain other team would learn from them." Hatsune: "Well, they do understand each other very well..." Yuri: "Megumi, you used my sunblock without asking, didn't you? This is expensive!" Megumi: "Well, you used my antiperspirant!" Yuri: "That has nothing to do with this!" Megumi: "How is it different? And who cares if I use a little? It's not like you lose anything." Yuri: "I lost a ton! It was up to here before!" Megumi: "Well, I have less now, too!" Yuri: "How can you tell? You can't even see it!" Megumi: "The can feels lighter!" Yuri: "Well, they don't cost the same!" Mutsuki: "They don't so much understand each other as see right through each other." Hibari: "They should just play nice and share everything." Hatsune: "They used to. But then they got in a fight over something they couldn't share." Both: "Oh..." Mutsuki: "The Motegi team's back." Maria: "Good work, me." Yuria: "Yeah. Good work, me." Hibari: "Maria-san and Yuria-san really are identical." Tsugumi: "They're copy-and-pasted sisters." Hibari: "Yeah. Control C, control V." Tsugumi: "Huh? Not right click and select copy?" Hibari: "Huh?" Tsugumi: "Huh?" Hibari: "What?" Maria: "Maria, I think we can go faster on the straight. What do you think, me?" Yuria: "I agree." Yuria: "How we come out of the climb is what's important, me." Maria: "Until now, our times hadn't improved much." Yuria: "Yeah. We just couldn't break through." Maria: "But they've finally started improving." Yuria: "I'm glad we decided to stay at separate inns." Both: "Yeah." Maria: "Until now, we've always been together." Yuria: "Since we liked and disliked the same things," Maria: "Being together was fun." Yuria: "Being together was easy, but..." Both: "That's not good enough." Alisu: "Who's got the five of diamonds?" Kanae: "Just discard something. You gonna pass?" Alisu: "Kanae-chan, give me the five of diamonds." Kanae: "I ain't got it." Maria: "A gathering of only drivers." Kurosu: "So then, when they entered the paddock alone" Tamae: "When they turned around to see who it was," Yuria: "A gathering of only passengers." Maria: "Living separately." Yuria: "Hanging out separately." Maria: "It's a new experience." Maria: "I was a bit scared at first." Yuria: "Being alone at night was lonely." Yuria: "But..." Yuri: "So there's that turn on the peak, right?" Chiyuki: "That tight left turn on the climb?" Yuri: "It's easy to understeer there, so I hit the gas." Izumi: "Shouldn't you do the opposite?" Yuri: "Since the load on the rear is so heavy, ordinary traction isn't enough." Alisu: "Who has the five of diamonds?" Kanae: "Shut up and listen." Megumi: "So there's that turn on the peak, right?" Misaki: "That left turn on the steep climb?" Megumi: "It's easy to understeer there, so I lean all the way forward." gisa: "Forward? What do you hold on to?" Megumi: "I don't. I use the centrifugal force to stand on the platform." Kurosu: "If your driver hesitated, you'd fall." Maria: "Maybe I'm fine on my own." Yuria: "This is kind of fun." Ai: "Car number 55, Single Duet, is once again in great shape! The Shishido doppelganger duo" Yuria: "Maria's lines are different." Maria: "The way Yuria's riding is different." Yuria: "But I know." Maria: "But she's matching me." Both: "We don't have to be together." Mutsuki: "Motegi's interval times are improving." Hatsune: "They're getting used to the course." Maria: "I've changed a bit." Yuria: "So have I." Tamae: "Jeez, you're unbelievable." Kanae: "Don't you ever put your shoes on the wrong feet when you're in a rush?" gisa: "You should understand five words for every one I say." Izumi: "F-Five?" Chiyuki: "Misaki, let's try that next." Misaki: "Sure." Maria: "It's better for us to be different." Yuria: "If we're the same, we have no individuality." Maria: "Yeah. If we're the same..." Both: "That will happen again." Maria: "I don't want that." ene: "It's now five o'clock." ene: "Village route 212 is now open to the public again." ene: "Thank you for your cooperation." Maria: "This is the last time." Yuria: "Yeah. The last time." Maria: "Let's do this." Yuria: "Okay. Here we go." Maria: "It's tails." Yuria: "It's tails." Maria: "Could you?" Yuria: "Okay." Maria: "Bye, me." Yuria: "Bye, me." Alisu: "What did you do to your hair, Shishido-chan?" Kurosu: "Shishido-chan?" Maria: "Oh, you know..." Yuria: "She wanted a change." Mao: "Is it heartbreak?" Hitomi: "Mao, you shouldn't ask that. I'm sure you have your reasons." Both: "No, not really." Alisu: "I'm surprised you suddenly cut it short, Shishido-chan." Kurosu: "You're usin' their family name 'cause you can't tell them apart?" Maria: "I'm Maria." Yuria: "I'm Yuria." Tamae: "Huh. You look real tidy now, Maria-chan." Kanae: "Don't act so confident usin' their names now that you've got somethin' to look for." Izumi: "But now it's easier to tell you apart." gisa: "Indeed. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to call you before." Chiyuki: "But now Motegi's trademark is gone." Misaki: "It's kind of sad." Yuri: "Well, even if you look different, you're still the same on the inside." Megumi: "Yeah. You're still Maria-chan and Yuria-chan." Yuri: "Anyway, dinner should be ready by now. Let's go, Maria-chan." Megumi: "Come on, Yuria-chan." Maria: "I'm Maria." Yuria: "I'm Yuria." Both: "Huh?" Kanae: "Some of us still can't tell 'em apart, even with the change?" Tamae: "Yeah. So, which one cut her hair?" Kanae: "You forgot, too?" Maria: "Yuria, could you check the air pressure?" Yuria: "Sure. What should I set it to, Maria?" Maria: "How about... 9.0 in front, 8.5 in the rear, and 8.5 for the chair?" Yuria: "Okay." Hatsune: "Girls, lunch is here." Mutsuki: "We brought four options. It's first come, first served." All: "Okay." gisa: "I brought lunch. Would you like grilled cod or pork cutlets?" Izumi: "Why did you choose those two?" gisa: "Huh? I thought you'd like these." Izumi: "You're right." Izumi: "What are you thinking?" gisa: "Huh?" Izumi: "How am I supposed to choose between two things I like? Do you enjoy watching me waver?" gisa: "Huh?! I'm sorry!" Maria: "I'll have Chinese." Yuria: "Hmm... What should I get?" Maria: "Anything's fine." Yuria: "Huh? I'll have the Hamburg steak. You wanna share?" Maria: "No. I'm eating this by myself." Yuria: "What? Maria, you cheapskate." Maria: "Don't be selfish. You can have my almond gelatin." Yuria: "Really?" Yuria: "I'll have this one, then." Yuria: "What?" Maria: "You're such a child." Yuria: "We're the same age." Maria: "But I'm older." Yuria: "Only by 20 minutes." Maria: "I'm still older." Hatsune: "They don't usually like different things." Megumi: "Let go!" Yuri: "Why?" Megumi: "Don't you like Chinese?" Yuri: "I feel like Hamburg steak today!" Megumi: "Well, so do I!" Mutsuki: "Their interests are totally conflicting." Megumi: "My Hamburg steak!" Mao: "Hitomi, we can't speak during a race." Hitomi: "But Mao, our hearts are connected." Mao: "You're right, Hitomi." Hitomi: "Yes, Mao." Mao: "Since we're always together," Hitomi: "Yes. We've even started to like the same foods." Mao: "What do you like, Hitomi?" Hitomi: "I like tea. I enjoy a refreshing first flush, but I enjoy the rich flavor of second flush." Mao: "So do I. I enjoy the smell of muscats and faint sweetness" Hitomi: "We get along well." Mao: "Of course. Our hearts are one." Hitomi: "What else do you like, Mao?" Mao: "Well, I enjoy herbal tea, as well." Hitomi: "So do I. What kind do you like?" Mao: "The most iconic herbal tea is jasmine tea..." Mao: "But I don't like it that much." Mao: "Actually, liking hibiscus tea..." Mao: "is a common choice, but I prefer something else." Mao: "Enjoying lavender tea..." Mao: "is an unbelievable choice." Mao: "How about peppermint tea?" Mao: "No, peppermint tea is the only choice. That's what I believe." Hitomi: "Oh! I love peppermint tea, as well!" Mao: "Oh, really? We really do get along." Hitomi: "Yes. Our hearts are one." Mao: "We're perfect." Hitomi: "Yes, we're perfect. Yes..." Both: "Our connection is..." Both: "Forever!" Hibari: "You two are amazing. You keep getting better." Maria: "Thank you. We can't let Miyake beat us." Tsugumi: "Maria-san, you've changed since you cut your hair." Maria: "Really?" Tsugumi: "You seem older, sort of." Maria: "Well, people change." Yuria: "You haven't changed. You haven't grown at all. You still don't eat your cloud ear mushrooms." Hibari: "Yuria-san, you seem different too, even though you haven't cut your hair." Yuria: "Really? Do I seem older?" Hibari: "No, actually..." Tsugumi: "You seem younger." Yuria: "Huh?" Maria: "She's saying you're a kid." Yuria: "You're so mean! Our weights and measurements are the exact same!" Maria: "It's what's on the inside." Yuria: "Yes. I've changed." Yuria: "Yeah. I've changed, too." Both: "We have to change." Maria: "We've been together since we were little." Yuria: "We were the same in every way." Maria: "We enjoyed surprising people with how similar we were." Yuria: "We liked being called cute because of how similar we were." Maria: "We're twins." Yuria: "We're twins." Maria: "No one can copy us." Yuria: "It was our very own happiness." Maria: "We wanted to become even more alike." Yuria: "We wanted to become even more identical." Maria: "So I copied Yuria." Yuria: "And I copied Maria." Maria: "I was happy when Yuria was happy." Yuria: "I cried when Maria was sad." Maria: "We spent all our time together." Yuria: "We were always the same." Maria: "We enjoyed it." Yuria: "It made us happy." Maria: "But one day..." Maria: "I developed a secret from Yuria." Yuria: "I developed a secret from Maria." Both: "And..." Both: "We cried together." Maria: "Do you think we're strange?" Yuria: "Can we keep this up forever?" Maria: "Maybe we should change." Yuria: "Maybe we have to change." Maria: "We thought." Yuria: "We decided to try putting some distance between us." Maria: "We're doing well." Yuria: "I'm sure we'll be fine." Both: "I can change!" Ai: "Every team is focusing on preparing their bikes for the race! How much more can they improve in the remaining time?" ene: "It's not just their bikes. How much each driver and passenger can learn about the course will be important." Ai: "If they don't perfect their combination," Ai: "Motegi Girls' High School's car number 55," Ai: "The new Motegi Twins have cut their hair and changed their image! What results will they produce?" Ai: "Their practice run has begun!" Maria: "I'll become me." Yuria: "I'll become me." Ai: "Maria and Yuria race through the corner with excellent coordination!" Ai: "Even if their personas have changed, Single Duet's harmony hasn't changed!" Ai: "If anything, their precision has improved! The Motegi twins are in great shape!" ene: "Perhaps they've become more driver- and passenger-like, respectively." Hibari: "They're fast." Tsugumi: "They could set a course record." Hibari: "They're almost here." Tsugumi: "I can't miss this shot." Maria: "We're fast. I can feel it." Yuria: "We're faster than we've ever been." Maria: "I'm bolder than I usually am." Yuria: "I'm fiercer than I usually am." Maria: "I can go faster!" Yuria: "I can go farther now!" Megumi: "Those two..." Yuri: "They can't see anymore." Tanahashi: "You can't see your partner during a race. You can't hear them, either." Tanahashi: "That's why you have to look at your partner." Yuri: "Even though you can't see them?" Tanahashi: "That's right. And you have to listen." Megumi: "Even though you can't hear them?" Yuri: "I can go faster!" Megumi: "Farther!" Tanahashi: "This isn't good." Tsugumi: "Huh? They're not here yet." Hibari: "Single Duet's not coming around the corner." Ai: "Oh, no! Single Duet has flown off the course! What happened? Are they all right?" Yuri: "Maria-chan!"
{ "raw_title": "TWOCAR Episode 6 – Dual Purpose", "parsed": [ "TWOCAR", "6", "Dual Purpose" ] }
Maria: "I can go faster!" Yuria: "I can go farther now!" Yuri: "Maria-chan!" Megumi: "Yuria-chan!" Hibari: "That was surprising. They flipped all the way over." Tsugumi: "They're lucky nothing caught fire." Yoko: "Maria-chan and Yuria-chan don't seem to be hurt. That's good." Maria: "Are you okay, Yuria?" Yuria: "Yeah. Are you, Maria?" Maria: "I'm fine. We got a little too carried away." Yuria: "Huh? Are you saying it was my fault?" Maria: "What? No, I mean I got carried away and pushed us too hard." Yuria: "Oh, I see. But that really was surprising. Our traction suddenly returned." Maria: "Suddenly? It's because you shifted your weight." Yuria: "Because of me? It's because you let off the gas." Maria: "Are you saying it was my fault?" Yuria: "You're the driver. You can't blame me." Maria: "Yeah, yeah. I get it." Maria: "It's all my fault. That's what you want to hear, right?" Yuria: "I didn't say that." Maria: "Take me back to the paddock." Yuria: "Maria." Yoko: "How unusual. The Motegi twins don't often fight." Hibari: "Usually they get along." Tsugumi: "Maybe they're nervous being surrounded by such strong competitors." Yoko: "Usually they'd be nervous together, though." Yuri: "Are you two okay?" Megumi: "Are you hurt?" Maria: "I'm okay." Yuria: "I'm fine." Alisu: "We're glad you're okay." Kurosu: "We were worried." Chiyuki: "The road there's bumpy and dangerous." Misaki: "We nearly spun out before." Izumi: "Was the world in slow motion during the crash?" Maria: "Yeah, a little." gisa: "It's scary, but it's a rush, too." Yuria: "No way. I don't want to go through that again." Kanae: "I'm really glad it wasn't serious. Be careful." Tamae: "Yeah. When Kanae-chan's tellin' you to be careful, you know it's serious." Kanae: "Shut up." Maria: "You're right." Yuria: "I'm sorry." Kanae: "You, too." Yoko: "Okay." Maria: "Thank you." Yoko: "Can you fix it?" Yuria: "Probably." Hibari: "What about your helmets?" Yoko: "If they were hit hard, you probably shouldn't use them." Yuria: "What a waste." Maria: "It can't be helped. Let's use our spares." Mao: "It doesn't look badly damaged, but you'll want to check it." Hitomi: "You might have to start all over with the settings you adjusted." Both: "Yeah." Mao: "We'll help you repair it." Hitomi: "Ask us for anything." Misaki: "Since your engine's the same as ours, we may be able to help." Chiyuki: "We brought a lot of spare parts, too. You can count on us." Maria: "But the race..." Yuri: "We'll be fine. This is our home course." Megumi: "We already finished adjusting Ashitabamaru's settings," Izumi: "Alsvid's settings have already been adjusted, too. Right, Nagisa?" gisa: "Y-Yes, Izumi-san." Kanae: "Let me handling the tuning. I'll do an exceptional job." Tamae: "Don't. Kanae-chan always makes the engine blow." Kanae: "I'm not like you, idiot. The engine just blows on its own." Tamae: "That's no good." Alisu: "You can't race with a damaged bike." Kurosu: "Let us repair the cowls. We'll make them sparkle." Maria: "Guys..." Yuria: "We wouldn't want one of our rivals in poor shape at the TT." Megumi: "Yeah. Victory's all the sweeter when you're racing against strong competitors." Both: "Thank you, everyone." Yuri: "Give us instructions." Both: "Okay." Ai: "All the teams are helping to repair Single Duet, Itagaki-san." ene: "Repairs that would take one person a week to make" ene: "Helping your rivals and exchanging information" Maria: "Looks like the alignment's okay." Yuria: "The frame might be all right." Mao: "But the cowl's mount is bent. It must've happened when you rolled." Hitomi: "Could I borrow a welding jig?" Mutsuki: "Here. I brought mine from the club room." Izumi: "Nagisa, let's drain the fuel before welding." gisa: "Yes, Izumi-san. Here's the jerry can and pump." Chiyuki: "Wait. Let me see the engine first. Yuri-chan, turn it on." Yuri: "Here we go." Yuri: "Huh? It's not working. Why?" Misaki: "How's the battery?" Chiyuki: "It's getting power." Megumi: "Maybe the kill switch is off." Yuri: "You're right." Megumi: "See?" Yuri: "What?" Megumi: "Who knows?" Yuri: "Maria-chan, where's the kill switch?" Maria: "Uh, where is it? Yuria, do you know?" Yuria: "I don't know. That's your job." Maria: "But I've never pulled the kill switch before. I think I took it off my wrist out of habit after the roll, and..." Yuria: "You're so careless." Maria: "What's your problem? I only forgot because you attacked me." Yuria: "You're saying it's my fault?" Maria: "I am." Yuria: "You're so mean. It's your fault we got in an accident." Maria: "What are you talking about? It's your fault, too." Yuria: "It's not my fault. You made a driving error." Maria: "Well, you got your balance wrong." Yuria: "You're the one who slipped." Maria: "It was the gaps in the road." Yuria: "It's your job to check the course." Yuria: "Wait, you two." Megumi: "Don't fight." Yuri: "You can talk about your line later." Megumi: "Right now, let's focus on repairs." Misaki: "But we can't turn on the engine without the kill switch." Chiyuki: "Want to use mine?" Hibari: "Is this the kill switch?" All: "That's it!" Kanae: "Why do you have it?" Tsugumi: "It was inside a helmet." Maria: "So that's where it was. Racing suits don't have pockets, so..." Yuria: "Careless." Maria: "What?" Yuria: "Nothing." Maria: "You..." Both: "Now, now." Yuria: "I said you're careless." Hatsune: "What happened to them?" Yoko: "They used to get along so well." Alisu: "Is it in?" Kurosu: "Is it in?" Alisu: "Not on this side." Kurosu: "It's in here." Alisu: "Really?" Kurosu: "Just kidding. It's not." Mutsuki: "This is always so annoying." Kanae: "Hurry up and get it in. The sun's setting." Tamae: "What's the rush? It takes you a week to install a cowl." Kanae: "No, it doesn't." Both: "It's in." Both: "Single Duet's repairs are complete." Maria: "Thanks, everyone." Yuria: "Now we can ride again." Mao: "Time for a shakedown." Hitomi: "Go see if it's fixed." Both: "Yeah." Mutsuki: "That's great." Hatsune: "That solves that." Ai: "Car number 55, Single Duet, is coming out of the paddock! They're returning to the course to resume their test run!" Ai: "Repairs on the cyan bike have been completed with the help of their rivals! Carrying the hopes of the seven teams," Both: "Go!" Maria: "We can do it. It's the same as it was before the crash." Yuria: "If anything, it's better." Maria: "They combined all their mechanical know-how." Yuria: "All right. We might even produce better times." Maria: "I can lean farther forward this time!" Yuria: "Way faster!" Both: "I can do more!" Both: "We did it again. We did it again." All: "What?" Mao: "Hitomi, we can't speak during a race." Hitomi: "But Mao, our hearts are connected." Mao: "You're right, Hitomi." Hitomi: "Yes, Mao." Mao: "How can we prove our hearts are connected?" Hitomi: "Well, how do presents sound?" Mao: "I actually have a present for you." Hitomi: "I'm delighted. Our hearts truly are connected." Mao: "Of course." Hitomi: "And since our hearts are connected," Mao: "What?" Hitomi: "Right?" Mao: "Uh..." Yuria: "What's wrong, Maria?" Maria: "I couldn't sleep, so I'm going for a walk." Yuria: "Me, too." Maria: "We're the same." Yuria: "Yeah, the same." Maria: "It's like we're twins." Yuria: "Yeah." Maria: "Can't we stay the way we are?" Yuria: "But we have to change." Yuria: "Do we really have to change? But it's weird for us to be the same in every way." Maria: "We've been fine with that until now." Yuria: "But we weren't when he..." Yuria: "I don't want that to happen again." Maria: "We wanted to become even more alike." Yuria: "I wanted us to be even more similar." Maria: "We'd always be together." Yuria: "We'd always be the same." Maria: "It was fun." Yuria: "We were happy." Maria: "But... Maria, I have a secret." Yuria: "Yuria, I have a secret." Maria: "Yuria, today I need to do something by myself." Yuria: "That's fine, Maria. There's something I have to do, too." Maria: "Really? That's good, then." Yuria: "Yeah, good." Maria: "A boy talked to me." Yuria: "A boy asked me out." Maria: "I've never kept secrets from Yuria before." Yuria: "I've never met someone without telling Maria before." Maria: "Huh?" Yuria: "Huh?" Maria: "Yuria, what are you doing?" Yuria: "Maria, what about you?" Maria: "I'm meeting someone here." Yuria: "Me, too." Man A: "Huh?" Both: "What?" Man A: "You're... twins?" Maria: "Huh? Uh, I'm Maria Shishido." Yuria: "I'm Yuria Shishido." Man A: "I see." Both: "Yeah." Man A: "So, which one of you fell in love with me?" Both: "What?" Maria: "How like us." Yuria: "Yeah, how very like us." Maria: "We were confessed to by the same person." Yuria: "Fell in love with the same person." Maria: "Made dates on the same day." Yuria: "And were dumped on the same day." Maria: "Are we weird?" Yuria: "Can we go on like this?" Maria: "Maybe we should change." Yuria: "Maybe we have to change." Maria: "We've changed, haven't we?" Yuria: "We've changed a little." Maria: "Are you happy?" Yuria: "No." Maria: "Why not?" Yuria: "I don't know." Maria: "I feel weird, too. We never fought like that before." Yuria: "We never got in accidents like that." Maria: "Let's stop this." Maria: "I wanted to become someone else, but this is weird." Yuria: "No. I don't want to go through that again." Maria: "It must've been a coincidence. There are plenty of upsides." Yuria: "No. I'm me, but he didn't see me for me." Maria: "We've experienced misunderstandings before." Yuria: "That wasn't a misunderstanding! He didn't think I was either!" Yuria: "Not Yuria, not Maria. Just a nameless twin. Someone without an identity." Yuria: "I don't want that!" Maria: "Wait, Yuria!" Maria: "Yuria!" Yuri: "Megumi." Megumi: "Yeah." Maria: "She's never been the driver!" Megumi: "Maria-chan, get on." Maria: "With the three of us, we'll be too slow." Yuri: "Hold on." Megumi: "Maria-chan's adding some weight." Yuri: "Straights and right turns will be fine. We'll need to take care on lefts." Yuri: "It'll come down to the braking." Maria: "We're shifting right on a left turn? They shifted their center of gravity to the main bike and even used their front brakes" Maria: "They can see each other even when they can't." Tanahashi: "I thought I told you to watch your partner." Yuri: "That's impossible. We're focused on the course." Megumi: "All we can see is the ground." Tanahashi: "I didn't tell you to look with your eyes." Tanahashi: "Look with this." Tanahashi: "And listen with this." Megumi: "Yuri will take a shortcut through the next S-curve." Yuri: "Megumi will adjust on the shortcut." Yuria: "Never again." Maria: "Yuria!" Yuria: "Maria!" Yuria: "Leave me alone!" Yuria: "Her rear tires have no traction!" Megumi: "It's too dangerous to go that fast alone!" Yuria: "That's..." Maria: "No!" Megumi: "Stand back." Yuri: "Are you okay, Yuria-chan?" Yuria: "Yeah." Megumi: "You wore down the rear brake and overheated the disc. It happens when you're not used to driving." Yuri: "What do you think you're doing?" Maria: "Yuri-chan..." Yuri: "Yuria-chan, it's okay to fight, but you have to think." Megumi: "It's too dangerous to drive a sidecar that fast when you're alone." Yuri: "Besides, I can't believe how reckless you were when you're not used to driving." Megumi: "Yuria-chan, as a passenger, you should understand how dangerous that was." Maria: "Um, I'm Maria." Yuria: "I'm Yuria." Both: "What?" Yuria: "Th-That doesn't matter!" Megumi: "Yeah! That's not what I'm trying to say!" Yuri: "Shishido-chan, you shouldn't fight!" Megumi: "Yeah! That's what I'm trying to say!" Both: "Huh?" Maria: "Yuria-san and Megumi-san." Yuria: "You're so alike." Both: "What?" Megumi: "How? We're not alike!" Yuri: "We're talking about you here!" Megumi: "Yeah, we're talking about you!" Maria: "I was trying to become someone different from Yuria." Yuria: "I wanted to be unique." Maria: "I was thinking so much about changing myself that I wasn't seeing her." Yuria: "We became dolls that pretended they had changed." Maria: "Nobodies that didn't exist." Yuria: "I wanted them to see Yuria." Maria: "I wanted them to see Maria." Both: "But in the end, maybe that's... But in the end, maybe that's..." Maria: "Okay?" Maria: "Yeah." Maria: "Then..." Maria: "Welcome back, me." Yuria: "Welcome back, me." Alisu: "What happened to your hair, Shishido-chan?" Kurosu: "You're back to using their family name again." Yuria: "Yeah." Maria: "She wanted a change of pace." Mao: "Is it a broken heart?" Hitomi: "I told you not to ask that." Maria: "Correct." Hitomi: "What?" Yuria: "Just kidding." Megumi: "So Motegi's trademark is back." Yuria: "We're back to not knowing which name to call them again." Both: "Either's fine." All: "What?" Maria: "I'm Maria, but I'm also Yuria." Yuria: "I'm Yuria, but I'm also Maria." Both: "Either's fine." Both: "After all, we..." Ai: "The Motegi twins are back!" Ai: "Now this is the harmony of two hearts beating as one!" Both: "We want..."
{ "raw_title": "TWOCAR Episode 7 – Side by Side", "parsed": [ "TWOCAR", "7", "Side by Side" ] }
Mao: "Good morning, Miyakejima!" Mao: "It's now nine in the morning. Village route 212 will be closed until 5 PM." Hitomi: "It's dangerous out there," ene: "Oh. Good morning, Ai-chan." ene: "You don't usually wake me. Did you wake up early?" Ai: "No." ene: "Looks like I overslept." Both: "Good morning." ene: "Good morning, Hibari-chan and Tsugumi-chan." Ai: "Morning." Hibari: "You're as low-energy as ever, Makita-senpai." ene: "Ai-chan isn't a morning person." Tsugumi: "I don't think she's an any-time-of-day person." Hibari: "Why don't you try holding a mic?" ene: "Okay, here." ene: "Guess it doesn't work unless she feels like it." Tsugumi: "I see..." ene: "Did you two oversleep?" Hibari: "Yeah. No one came to wake us." ene: "Oh, just like us." Hibari: "Apparently the waters are rough around Hachijojima because of the typhoon," Tsugumi: "The staff returning to Tokyo were hastily rescheduled to leave early this morning," ene: "That's why it was so quiet this morning." Hibari: "Itagaki-senpai, you always run at your own pace, don't you?" ene: "Don't worry. Ai-chan's even worse than I am." Tsugumi: "How should we get to the paddock?" Hibari: "Since the course is open, standard cars can't use the road." Ai: "Only bikes and the marshal car are allowed in." ene: "Shall we walk there, then?" Hibari: "It's pretty far, huh?" ene: "About ten kilometers." Tsugumi: "It's really hilly, too." ene: "This should be fine. Right, Ai-chan?" Ai: "No." ene: "Ai-chan, you're so honest. But since you've gotten stronger, you can walk, right?" Hibari: "Was she weak before?" ene: "Yeah. Ai-chan was really quiet in grade school." Tsugumi: "I'd say she's still pretty quiet..." Hibari: "But her commentary's really energetic." ene: "That's because mics have become special to her since then." Hibari: "Since when?" ene: "You didn't know? Ai-chan moved here when she was little. She was born frail. She wasn't very good at talking, either," ene: "She and I became friends around then." ene: "They're so fast." ene: "They're so fast." Ai: "Aren't they fast?" ene: "They're fast." Ai: "Aren't they?" ene: "I'm Nene Itagaki. Nice to meet you." Ai: "I know." ene: "Really?" Ai: "We're in the same class." ene: "You're right." Ai: "Ai." Ai: "Ai Makita." ene: "I know. We're in the same class." Ai: "That's surprising." ene: "Really?" Ai: "I don't stand out much." ene: "That's not true. You're cute." Ai: "Those..." Ai: "What are they?" ene: "Kneelers." Ai: "Kneelers?" ene: "Racing kneelers. They're racing sidecars." Ai: "Sidecar..." ene: "Every year, there's a big race called the TT. They're all practicing for that." Ai: "TT..." ene: "Is it interesting?" Ai: "It's weird." ene: "Yeah, it is weird." Ai: "But..." Ai: "It's kind of interesting." ene: "Isn't it?" ene: "Let's go someplace even more fun." Yoko: "How's this?" Hatsune: "That should be okay. We can drive ourselves back to the pit." Yoko: "We can open it up once we get back." Hatsune: "Sure." ene: "Excuse me!" Hatsune: "What is it?" ene: "Could you take us to the paddock?" Hatsune: "Huh?" ene: "Please!" Yoko: "Hold on tight." ene: "Okay." ene: "Thank you!" Yoko: "See you later." ene: "Yeah." ene: "Wasn't that fun, Ai-chan?" ene: "I hope we can ride again." ene: "What's wrong?" Ai: "No." ene: "Huh?" Ai: "I don't want to ride anymore." ene: "Was it scary?" ene: "Why, then?" Ai: "I can't ride." ene: "Huh?" ene: "Isn't it nice? It's like a festival every year. Come on, over here." ene: "One Ashitaba ice cream, please!" Woman: "Here you go." ene: "This is really good. We can share." Ai: "Okay." ene: "Is it interesting?" Ai: "Yeah." ene: "You're not tired of it?" Ai: "No." ene: "You're not bored?" Ai: "No. Are you bored?" ene: "No. I'm having fun." Ai: "Me, too." ene: "That was the first day Ai-chan and I spoke." Mao: "Hitomi, we can't speak during a race." Hitomi: "But Mao, our hearts are connected." Mao: "You're right, Hitomi." Hitomi: "Yes, Mao." Hitomi: "Today we've received some letters from our fans." Mao: "What? Really?" Hitomi: "Our first letter is from TTT-san in Kokubunji. "Hello, Mao-san and Hitomi-san."" Both: "Hello." Hitomi: ""I always enjoy watching you two. Watching how exquisitely (lol) in sync you are soothes my heart."" Both: "Thank you." Hitomi: ""By the way, I've been wondering:" Hitomi: ""You make it seem that way by the end," Hitomi: "Sometimes it's like you can't even force yourselves to be. Sometimes I wonder if you're not actually friends at all. What do you think?"" Both: "Our connection is forever!" Announce: "It's now 5 PM. Village route 212 is now open to the public." Announce: "Thank you for your cooperation." ene: "That was fun, wasn't it?" Ai: "Yeah." ene: "Ai-chan, what did you like?" Ai: "This." ene: "Oh, the passenger." Ai: "Passenger?" ene: "The person driving is the driver, and the person next to them is the passenger." Yoko: "I felt so alive today." Hatsune: "I was going to say that. Seriously, please." Yoko: "I could say the same thing." ene: "It's the riders." Both: "We're back." Megumi Mom: "Welcome back. Is everyone still alive?" Driver A: "Just barely." Passenger B: "I'm hungry." Driver C: "Mom, can we have something simple?" Passenger D: "Something quick." Megumi Mom: "Of course." All: "Cheers!" Yoko: "This is what I ride for!" Hatsune: "What are you talking about? You drink even when you don't drive." Yoko: "But a drink after you drive is something else." Driver A: "If you make it back in one piece, that is." Passenger B: "You drink even if you don't. You secretly drank in the hospital." Driver A: "It showed up in my tests. My doctor was furious!" Megumi Mom: "You girls sure do drink a lot every day. Aren't you driving tomorrow?" Driver C: "I wouldn't call this drinking." Passenger D: "If we don't drink today, we might not get the chance tomorrow." Megumi Mom: "Don't say such ominous things." Driver A: "That's how racing works." Passenger B: "Once we go home, it's back to our miserable office jobs." Driver C: "I'm a long-distance driver." Passenger D: "At least you get to drive all day." Driver C: "If there's no unloading to be done. Anyway, I'm amazed your husband lets you do this." Passenger D: "That's different. When you're as beautiful as I am, you can use your assets to get what you want." Hatsune: "Don't talk about that stuff in front of the kids. Right, dear?" ene: "Yeah." Driver A: "You've got good taste. Wanna drink with us?" Yoko: "They can't. They're kids." Driver A: "I didn't say beer. It's just wheat juice." Yoko: "No! What if they take you seriously? They can't drink until they're 20." Yuri: "Right turn next." Megumi: "Here we go." Both: "Ready, and..." Yuri: "Left turn next." Both: "Ready, and... Vroom!" Megumi: "Straight ahead next." Yuri Mom: "What are you doing, Yuri?" Both: "Ready, and..." Yuri Mom: "That's for the guests." Yuri: "But Mom..." Megumi Mom: "You can race when you're older. Megumi, come help around the store." Both: "Okay." ene: "There. Here comes Nene Itagaki—" ene: "I couldn't do it." ene: "Fun, right?" Ai: "Yeah, but..." Ai: "I can't ride." Ai: "I can't do anything." ene: "It can't be helped. You're still a kid." Ai: "Even when I grow up, I still probably can't. I'm frail. I'm quiet. I don't like people." ene: "Yeah, it may be a little difficult for you." ene: "There are some amazing people riding." Ai: "You're different." Ai: "Everyone says I can if I try. That I can do anything, so I shouldn't give up. But you're different." ene: "Because I can't, either." ene: "I might be able to if I tried really hard for a long time. But I don't think I can." Ai: "Which is it?" ene: "What do you mean?" Ai: "Can you or can't you?" ene: "Both." Ai: "I don't get it." Driver A: "Oh, come on! We were so close!" Passenger B: "Better luck next time." Megumi: "Thanks for waiting." ene: "Thanks, Megumi-chan. It's so good of you to help your mom all the time." Megumi: "My mom's a real slave driver. She even puts Yuri to work." Megumi Mom: "I can hear you." Yuri: "When things get busy, we have to help each other." Megumi Mom: "Good girl, Yuri-chan." Driver A: "Anyway, you know those downhill turns just past Shitayama Kannon?" Driver C: "That right turn? Who spilled oil there?" Passenger B: "Number 33's oil catch tank overflowed." Pasenger D: "Seriously? They didn't empty it?" Passenger B: "I dunno." Driver A: "Forget about the oil. There's too much lime on the track there, right?" Yoko: "Yeah. When we drove over it, everything went white." Hatsune: "Then we understeered on the left turn just after it. I thought I was gonna die." Driver C: "It must've been bad if you understeered on a downhill left." Driver A: "We asked the marshal to clean it up, but..." Ai: "I can't reach." ene: "Come on." ene: "What's wrong?" Ai: "I can't reach." ene: "Sure you can." ene: "You're reaching." Driver A: "Welcome back." Driver C: "You kids sure are close." Passenger B: "We should learn from them." Passenger D: "A driver and passenger should be at least so close." Hatsune: "We could never be like that." Yoko: "What? But I love you so much." Hatsune: "Stop, you're being creepy. Go away." Yoko: "Fine, then." Yoko: "I'll team up with this girl." Yoko: "Starting tomorrow, take me with you." Hatsune: "Fine. I'll take this one. Starting tomorrow, you'll be my passenger." Driver C: "Why not? New teams sound fun." Passenger D: "It'll bring down your average age." Driver A: "We'll have to get you registered." Passenger D: "What about licenses?" Driver C: "Why don't you borrow one from someone who's not racing today? Just say you went on a diet." Passenger D: "That's a lot of weight to lose." Ai: "Cut it out, you drunks! What do you think you're doing? Despite being adults, you get drunk every night" Ai: "You party like idiots," Ai: "Even if I wanted to be like you, I never could! I'm too scared to join you! I'm jealous, but there's nothing I can do! I still want to watch anyway, but I can never reach!" Ai: "I'm sad because I don't know what to do! I can't ride, I can't talk, and I can't make friends! But still she hangs out with me! She's my only friend who always stands within reach and pulls me along," Driver C: "That was amazing! You're really something!" Passenger D: "This is the problem with racers." Passenger B: "We even get scolded by children." Driver A: "Well said, kiddo. I'm not sure what you said, though." Passenger B: "That's hardly a compliment." Hatsune: "You got me. I've been rejected." Yoko: "Of course you were. I'm the only one who can put up with you." Hatsune: "You two would probably make a good team." Yoko: "Don't lead them down a bad path." Hatsune: "I didn't say anything about racing. There are all kinds of teams." Yuri: "That was surprising. I've never seen you talk so much." Megumi: "Yeah. Are you two going to ride kneelers, too?" ene: "So that's what happened." ene: "So Ai-chan and I become professional spectators instead of racers." Ai: "That's a lie." Both: "Huh?" Ai: "You're exaggerating." Both: "What?" Ai: "Nene's the one who didn't have friends." Both: "What?" ene: "You might be right." Hibari: "Seriously?" Tsugumi: "How much can we believe?" Tsugumi: "Ashitabamaru and Kazeno Tenpoint?" Hibari: "I missed a shutter opportunity!" Kanae: "I made a mistake." Yuri: "The road's uneven here." Megumi: "We're still only practicing. There's no need to compete so hard." Tamae: "I'd like to install a brake on the passenger seat. That way I can stop us if I think it's too dangerous." Kanae: "You idiot, this ain't no driving school! If you suddenly hit the brakes, we'd flip over!" Yuri: "Oh, Ai-chan." Ai: "Can I get a ride?" Yuri: "Huh?" Both: "No, no, no, no!" Kanae: "Shut up! Keep your mouths shut!" ene: "We got to ride again." Ai: "I still don't like it." ene: "Huh?" Ai: "I'm never riding again." ene: "Is it scary?" ene: "Why, then?"
{ "raw_title": "TWOCAR Episode 8 – Engage", "parsed": [ "TWOCAR", "8", "Engage" ] }
Tsugumi: "I'm finally finished." Hibari: "I'm done, too." Tsugumi: "We just barely finished the Miyakejima TT Girls' High School" Hibari: "It's time to add the finishing touches." ene: "Yep, we're up. Let's go, Ai-chan." Ai: "Got it." Hibari: "Camera's rolling." Ai: "Good morning, Miyakejima!" Ai: "The Miyakejima Tourist Trophy, AKA the Miyakejima TT, starts tomorrow! We'll be breaking down the biggest race of the event:" Ai: "The sport is so extreme, a bike racer of the Isle of Man TT," Ai: "And in this race, young high school girls team up" ene: "The winner of this year's TT earns the right" ene: "They'll do anything they can to win this opportunity" Ai: "Now, let's introduce this season's teams! Car number 11 of Mie Suzuka Girls' Academy" Ai: "Their bike is the beautiful thunderbolt "Lightning Tornade."" ene: "They had their fair share of discord during the shakedown." Ai: "Due to some kind of misunderstanding," Ai: "With their times improving every day, they're a powerful team. Car number 22 of Osaka Ikoma Girls' High School" Ai: "Their bike is the stormy and restive bucking bronco "Kazeno Tenpoint."" ene: "They're your typical double act. What do you think of them?" Ai: "They may seem that way at first glance," Ai: "They may even be able to swap roles entirely." ene: "I see. Then they'll both have to register" Ai: "Car number 33 of Ibaraki Tsukuba Girls' High School" Ai: "Their bike is the tame carriage "Alsvid."" ene: "Murata is generally an affable woman, but she's hard on Suzuki." Ai: "Indeed. And Suzuki is normally a cheerful girl, but in Murata's presence, she shrinks." ene: "They seem to get along fine. Perhaps they have one of those relationships." Ai: "Their driving may seem rough, but it's extremely precise. There must be trust between them." ene: "They're a truly mysterious team." Ai: "Car number 44 of Hyogo Taka Girls' Academy" Ai: "Their bike is the driving beauty of nature "Setsugekka."" ene: "They're always such a good-looking and mature team." Ai: "Like a man and woman, they're a very coordinated team. With a tacit understanding and perfect harmony," ene: "They're always appearing in unexpected places, and nobody knows where the mysterious duo is staying," Ai: "Car number 55 is driven by the Motegi Twins of Tochigi Motegi Girls' High School," Ai: "Their bike with two bodies, but one heart, is "Single Duet."" ene: "The twins are so identical, not even their parents can tell them apart." Ai: "Whether it's because they're twins or telepathic," ene: "The older sister Maria once cut her hair in an attempt to change her image." Ai: "Indeed. But that must have thrown off their balance, as they crashed twice. With help from their rival teams, they got their bike fixed," ene: "Younger sister Maria has also cut her hair, so they now look the same again." Ai: "Perhaps that's rebalanced their weight distribution, as they're now back in form. Now they're one of the favorites to win the race. Car number 66 of Kyoto Amagase Girls' Academy" Ai: "Their two-headed Cerberus of a bike is the "Lovely Purgatory Slash."" ene: "Since they're from Kyoto, does that make them lovely goth loli ladies?" ene: "Huh? Makita-san?" Ai: "Finally there's car number 77 of Tokyo Miyake Girls' High School" Ai: "Their bike is the invincible biological weapon "Ashitabamaru."" ene: "They're both from Miyakejima." Ai: "The ashitaba has great vitality, torn leaves growing back in a single day. That indomitable spirit and thorough knowledge of their home course" ene: "They've been friends since childhood," Ai: "Has being together for so long caused problems to arise?" ene: "It's strange that their times haven't fallen, despite them not getting along." Ai: "Perhaps that's what makes them special. But will they be able to keep the other teams in check and win the race?" ene: "How truly exciting." Ai: "That's all of this season's drivers and passengers. The Miyakejima TT starting tomorrow will be a race you can't take your eyes off of. Don't miss it!" Tsugumi: "Okay, good." Hibari: "Thank you." ene: "Thank you." Ai: "I'm tired." Tsugumi: "And that completes the trailer we'll show at the track tomorrow. Now, then..." ene: "Now, then?" Hibari: "Actually, the real work begins now." ene: "What's this?" Hibari: "To be honest, it's the movie we're secretly planning to show at this year's cultural festival." Both: "The story of the Miyake Girl's Sidecar Club's" ene: "Is that..." Hibari: "Yes. It's an exciting documentary about Miyata-senpai" ene: "That sounds interesting. But how did you film it?" Hibari: "With fixed point cameras around the island and unmanned drones." Tsugumi: "We used the cameras for the race. Instead of GPS loggers, we tracked them using facial recognition." Hibari: "So Makita-senpai and Itagaki-senpai, can we ask you for another favor?" ene: "Of course. Right?" Ai: "Right." Tsugumi: "This is the script. Feel free to ad lib, too." Hibari: "Camera's rolling." Ai: "Good morning, Miyakejima!" Mao: "Hitomi, we can't speak during a race." Hitomi: "But Mao, our hearts are connected." Mao: "You're right, Hitomi." Hitomi: "Yes, Mao." Mao: "Our connection is forever, isn't it?" Hitomi: "It is. Nothing can get in our way." Mao: "If our connection were ever broken, what would you do?" Hitomi: "I wouldn't do anything." Mao: "Why not?" Hitomi: "Because it will never break. There's no point in thinking about it." Mao: "Then what if I died during a race?" Hitomi: "That's impossible." Mao: "It's just hypothetical. What if that happened?" Hitomi: "Don't talk about that! I don't even want to think about you being gone! No, I don't want to be left alone!" Mao: "Hitomi..." Hitomi: "If something so unfortunate were to occur," Hitomi: "I could never go on living by myself." Mao: "Hitomi..." Hitomi: "After all, you and I are one. Our hearts are connected." Mao: "You're right." Mao: "I'm sorry for bringing that up, Hitomi." Hitomi: "It's fine. That's one way to show love, Mao." Hatsune: "Hey, there you are." Mao: "Miyake Girls' Wada-sensei. What can we do for you?" Hatsune: "The official asked me to give this to you. It's a Miyakejima TT circuit insurance plan. It says that if anything happens to Mao Katakura-san," Mao: "Huh?" Hatsune: "You missed a signature, so make sure you stamp it. You have until tomorrow to turn it in, so don't forget." Hatsune: "Bye." Mao: "Uh..." Mao: "Hitomi?" Hitomi: "I forgot to stamp it." Mao: "That's what you have to say?" Hitomi: "Teehee." Both: "Our connection is forever!" Ai: "Her name is Yuri Miyata, only daughter of the Akatsuki Inn. She's the driver of the Miyake Girls' Sidecar Club." ene: "Her name is Megumi Meguro, only daughter of the Mitsuwa Inn. She's the passenger of the Miyake Girls' Sidecar Club." Ai: "These neighbors and childhood friends have the same tastes," Ai: "They even fell in love with the same person." ene: "His name is Tanahashi. As a racing kneeler racer, he was the coach of the sidecar club." Both: "And that's when the tragedy began!" Ai: "How dare you try to steal my boyfriend?" ene: "How dare you try to steal my fiancé?" Ai: "Fiancé, my ass! I found him first!" ene: "No, you didn't! We were introduced to him at the same time!" Ai: "I made eye contact with him first! You were looking somewhere else!" ene: "Now that's definitely not true! What proof do you have of that?" Ai: "I've got proof! I wrote my name on the coach! Just like I did on this sweet!" ene: "Yeah, right! Where'd you write it on him? Show me!" Ai: "Too bad! I wrote it somewhere too inappropriate to show!" ene: "Why, you..." Tsugumi: "What are you two doing?" Both: "Coach! Good morning!" Tsugumi: "Are you two getting along?" Both: "Of course! We're best friends!" Hibari: "You two are so calculating." Tsugumi: "Let's start training!" Both: "Yes, sir!" Yuri: "Are Hibari-chan and Tsugumi-chan still working?" Megumi: "The big day's tomorrow." Yuri: "It's the night before the race." Megumi: "It really snuck up on us." Yuri: "I hope it's sunny tomorrow." Megumi: "I wonder who will win this year." Yuri: "Me, of course." Megumi: "Me? You mean us." Yuri: "I'm the one who's going to win. I'll win, earn the right to race at the Isle of Man TT," Megumi: "I'll be going too, if we win." Ai: "What are you doing here, Megumi?" ene: "Yuri, what are you doing here?" Ai: "I'm meeting Coach here for our date." ene: "I'm the one meeting Coach." Ai: "That's a lie. He's just teasing you. Coach is really interested in me." ene: "What are you talking about? You're the one who's being played. Coach's heart already belongs to me." Tsugumi: "Tamae, what do you think?" Hibari: "I don't believe either of them." Ai: "It's true!" Tsugumi: "Aren't girls in love wonderful, though?" Hibari: "If that love comes to fruition." ene: "Mine will." Tsugumi: "If you really love someone, you have to make them listen. Right, Nagisa?" Hibari: "Yes. The more forceful you are, the more they'll appreciate it." Ai: "That only works for you two!" Tsugumi: "Charge straight ahead!" Hibari: "It's better to die than to surrender!" ene: "Don't say such irresponsible things!" Megumi: "What are you going to do when you see the coach?" Yuri: "What are you going to do?" Megumi: "What will I do? What will you do?" Yuri: "Don't answer my question with another question." Megumi: "I'm the one who asked first." Yuri: "I'm the one who asked a question first. I asked if Hibari-chan and Tsugumi-chan were still working." Megumi: "That has nothing to do with this. I'm talking about Coach." Yuri: "Don't change the subject. I'm the one who asked a question first." Megumi: "What were you even doing at Maigoji that day?" Yuri: "You were there, too." Megumi: "I wanted to talk to Coach." Yuri: "Why?" Megumi: "Well..." Megumi: "I wanted to wish him luck at the Isle of Man TT. What about you?" Yuri: "To tell him I'd support him at the Isle of Man TT." Megumi: "The coach is in England now." Yuri: "Yeah. Have you e-mailed him?" Meugmi: "No. Have you?" Yuri: "I'm too scared." Megumi: "Do you think we'll see the coach when we go to the Isle of Man?" Yuri: "Do you think he remembers us?" Megumi: "Of course he does. How could he forget?" Yuri: "You can't be sure. Our lives are different." Megumi: "Yeah, but..." Yuri: "Living in different countries, different cultures, different sights... with different people..." Megumi: "He's out in the world now." Yuri: "Yeah. He's gone." Ai: "I'm going to the Isle of Man and proposing to the coach!" ene: "You're going to do what? I'm the one who will propose to the coach!" Ai: "I won't let you get in my way!" ene: "I could say the same thing! I'm proposing to him first!" Tsugumi: "Who do you think will win?" Hibari: "They'll probably both be rejected." Tsugumi: "Why?" Hibari: "Because he's only interested in bikes." Yuri: "Will we really make it to the Isle of Man?" Megumi: "Everyone's gotten faster." Yuri: "Chiyuki-chan and Misaki-chan are really in sync now." Megumi: "Izumi-san and Nagisa-chan are the same as ever, but their attacks are sharper." Yuri: "And Maria-chan and Yuria-chan's coordination is perfect." Megumi: "Everyone had their troubles, but they're really good friends." Yuri: "Yeah." Yuri: "What about us?" Megumi: "Huh?" Yuri: "Have we always been like this?" Hibari: "You'll have to settle this somehow." Ai: "Bring it on!" ene: "I'll take you down!" Both: "I'll win in my world!" Tsugumi: "Okay, good." Hibari: "Now to copy that to the USB." Hibari: "Thank you." ene: "Thank you." Ai: "I'm tired." Chiyuki: "Is this true?" Hibari: "How long have you been there?" Tamae: "Since "good morning, Miyakejima."" Tsugumi: "That's the very beginning..." Misaki: "I had no idea they had this secret." ene: "Oh, you didn't know?" Alisu: "Of course not." Kurosu: "No one told us." Mao: "I did notice they weren't getting along..." Hitomi: "But I didn't want to pry." Maria: "So they're in love with the same person." Yuria: "I understand that feeling. It's painful." Izumi: "They're not to be underestimated." gisa: "Incredible. It's all because of love." Kanae: "This can't be happenin'!" Tamae: "What can't be happenin', Kanae-chan?" Kanae: "If we don't do somethin', this'll keep gettin' worse! Their resentment will build up! They'll hate each other more an' more! It'll end in catastrophe!" Tamae: "Cat's hat trophy?" Kanae: "Not "cat"! I'm talkin' 'bout knives! "I'll kill you, then kill myself" knives!" All: "What?!" Mutsuki: "What's going on?" Yuri: "We're acting stupid, aren't we?" Megumi: "More like we are stupid." Yuri: "Coach isn't even here anymore." Megumi: "Nothing will happen even if we see him at the Isle of Man." Yuri: "How did things turn out this way?" Megumi: "I wonder." Yuri: "Can we go back to how things were?" Megumi: "Who knows? Probably." Kanae: "A duel!" Kanae: "They're duelin'!" Yuri: "Huh? A duel?" Megumi: "Where?" Alisu: "Don't be hasty!" Yuri: "Wh-What's going on?" Kurosu: "You have to get along!" Izumi: "You can't hold onto it forever!" gisa: "You'll find someone better!" Megumi: "Huh? What?" Tamae: "Forgive her! She just gave in to temptation! She's actually a good person!" Kanae: "No one knows what you're talkin' about!" Yuri: "Wait, wait!" Mutsuki: "I see they haven't changed." Both: "Help!" Yuri: "When did you film this?" Hibari: "Uh, while we were covering the race?" Megumi: "Who wrote this script?" Tsugumi: "Um, you know..." ene: "Now, now. There's no need for those expressions." Yuri: "Erase it." Tsugumi: "What? But..." Hibari: "We spent so much time on it..." Megumi: "Erase it now." Both: "Okay..." Hatsune: "Feel that energy. The day before the TT is always so lively." Mutsuki: "They're all here to see the race tomorrow." Tamae: "Festivals sure are great." Kanae: "Don't eat so much. You'll slow us down if you gain weight." Tamae: "What?" Alisu: "What's with the crowd?" Kurosu: "Is someone here?" gisa: "I-It's an emergency!" Izumi: "What is it? Was something sold out?" gisa: "No, it's not that. Some professional racers have come from overseas to watch the race." Izumi: "Overseas?" gisa: "Tina Birchall and Betty Birchall are here." Chiyuki: "The Birchall Sisters?" Misaki: "Are they famous?" Chiyuki: "The Birchall Sisters are the champions of the Isle of Man TT." Alisu: "I'm gonna get their autographs!" Kurosu: "Oh, me, too!" Maria: "Me, too!" Yuria: "Let's go!" Yuri: "The Birchall Sisters..." Megumi: "If we make it to the Isle of Man TT, they'll be our strongest rivals." Yuri: "I'm gonna get their autographs." Megumi: "Me, too." Ai: "Good morning, Miyakejima!" Ai: "Her name is Yuri Miyata, only daughter of the Akatsuki Inn..." Yuri: "Isn't that..." Megumi: "Why? I thought they erased it." Mutsuki: "So this is how the team introduction video turned out?" Megumi: "Of course not! This is just a movie Hibari and Tsugumi made!" Yuri: "It's "Rhapsody of Love and Recollection."" Mutuski: "What? Did I pick up the wrong video yesterday?" Both: "Huh?" Hatsune: "The official asked if they were finished yet," Mutsuki: "I must've given them the wrong USB." Yuri: "Just stop the video!" Mutsuki: "It's too late." Hatsune: "What's the problem? This looks interesting." Megumi: "No! Call them immediately and make them stop it!" Yuri: "Otherwise we won't be able to show our faces around the island any—" Tanahashi: "You two haven't changed." Tanahashi: "It's been a while, Miyata and Meguro."
{ "raw_title": "TWOCAR Episode 9 – Mad Saturday", "parsed": [ "TWOCAR", "9", "Mad Saturday" ] }
Patriot: "Citizens!" Patriot: "Harfleur has fallen, but do not fear! France is blessed with God's divine protection! The day we repel the English army and put an end to this prolonged war is near!" colas: "Who's there? You can't just walk in here! Sorry, but the store's not open yet!" Montmorency: "And just when are you going to be open?" colas: "Oh, it's just you again." colas: "I don't have new grimoires in yet. Don't you get sick of coming here looking for those every day?" Montmorency: "What's that?" Montmorency: "Whoa!" colas: "Hmph. That's not a book you could read." Montmorency: "Put it on my tab!" colas: "For crying out loud..." Montmorency: "Thanks, Master!" colas: "I'm not your master!" colas: "The Beast of the Apocalypse, eh?" Brienne: "Our nation has been under invasion by our neighbor, England, since the last century. The two nations have been at war since the year I was born." Brienne: "That's nearly eighty years now. One day, historians will refer to this conflict as the "Hundred Years' War." This war between two Christian nations for the rule of the kingdom has resulted in bloodshed and devastated earth, creating much hardship for the peoples of both France and England." Richemont: "Good grief." Montmorency: "Ow!" Montmorency: "Guess that's as far as I can get on my own..." Richemont: "Montmorency." Montmorency: "Oh... Richemont! Can't you knock?" Richemont: "You left the door open. You have the lowest marks in the class in the military arts, martial arts, and equestrian arts." Richemont: "On top of that, your poor attendance puts you at risk of failing." Richemont: "And this heresy you study..." Montmorency: "It's not heresy! Call it "alchemy"!" Charlotte: "Montmorency!" Batard: "Richemont must have gotten here first." Batard: "I-I'm sorry!" Charlotte: "Hmph!" Philip: "Ah, um... I-Is Montmorency..." Charlotte: "Bah! Why is a guy like him so popular?" Montmorency: "Transmutation with the Philosopher's Stone! This is the ultimate secret art! They say the Stone turns its owner immortal! Which means, if we master alchemy— If we master alchemy, no one will have to die in battle anymore." Montmorency: "No reaction?" Richemont: "I've heard this a hundred times." Richemont: "So you want to buy up all the grimoires you can find..." Montmorency: "That's just it! I've read a bunch, and it's like they're written in code! I'm not gonna get anywhere unless I get that old man to teach me!" Montmorency: "Nicolas Flamel... The alchemist rumored to have learned the secret art of Kabbalah." colas: "I don't know what rumors you've heard, but I'm just an old bookseller. Ask someone else." Montmorency: "Who does he think he's fooling?" Richemont: "Are you done talking now? Then let's talk about reality. Our nation has already let the English army come in and take control of Harfleur. As a noble, it's your duty to become a knight and end this war." Montmorency: "I'd rather have a job that saves lives than one that takes them." Richemont: "Montmorency..." Montmorency: "Oh, yeah!" Montmorency: "Are you free tonight?" Richemont: "Huh?" Richemont: "What am I doing, exactly?" Charlotte: "Hold it!" Montmorency: "Charlotte?" Richemont: "Philip?" Charlotte: "Fairies?" Montmorency: "Yeah! I saw them, plain as day! Hey, were those— As you know, fairies are seen as retainers of demons and are hunted down by the church." Montmorency: "So why does Nicolas Flamel keep a bunch of them?" Montmorency: "Fairies must be connected to alchemy somehow!" Montmorency: "Alchemy... If the old man won't teach it to me," Montmorency: "I'll just have to ask the fairies. It could at least help me start to understand." Philip: "F-Fairies don't bite, do they?" Charlotte: "I once heard of someone who had a finger bitten off by a fairy." Montmorency: "Cut it out, Charlotte." Charlotte: "One might have even gone in through someone's mouth and eaten their innards..." Montmorency: "Charlotte..." Charlotte: "Hmph!" Richemont: "Quiet. The fairies will run away." Charlotte: "Why are you only ever nice to Philip?" Montmorency: "Because you're always causing trouble—" Montmorency: "I have a little sister, so I'm used to this. Don't worry about it." Montmorency: "Sorry." Richemont: "He's not just nice to Philip. He's nice to everyone." Charlotte: "That's why it makes me so mad." Richemont: "Montmorency!" Montmorency: "What is it?!" Montmorency: "Th-They're..." Richemont: "English soldiers!" Montmorency: "What?!" Montmorency: "Richemont! Your fight is with m—" Charlotte: "He's weak!" Philip: "A-Are you okay?" Montmorency: "I'm... fine..." Richemont: "Oh, no!" Montmorency: "Take this!" Charlotte: "You did it! What was that?" Montmorency: "Pepper and ash." Charlotte: "It's not even poison?!" Montmorency: "I can't make anything that dangerous!" Charlotte: "Oh, honestly!" Charlotte: "Play along." Montmorency: "Huh?" Charlotte: "You'd best turn back!" Charlotte: "Do you know who this man is? He is the first pupil of the famous Nicolas Flamel, The Alchemist of Black Death, Montmorency! The one and only!" Montmorency: "That's right! And my next trick will be to turn a man to stone! Sorry, though. My master hasn't taught me how to turn them back yet!" Montmorency: "I have to buy time until Richemont takes that guy out..." Montmorency: "Ph-Philosopher's Stone! By your limitless magical power," Montmorency: "turn this mortal into an invincible berserker!" Philip: "Let's die here together, shall we?" Richemont: "I didn't realize the English had made it this far into France." Philip: "There. You should be fine now." Richemont: "It's not like our mock battles." Montmorency: "Be proud!" Montmorency: "You're strong, Richemont!" Richemont: "Montmorency..." Charlotte: "We won because of my strategy!" Montmorency: "Yes, I know. Great job." Philip: "I-I'm pretty sure I played a significant role, too..." Montmorency: "You guys should be praising my Philosopher's Stone too, then!" Charlotte: "It's just a rock." Montmorency: "This stone was buried deep in my family's storehouse. There are piles of ancient treasures in there!" Philip: "I think it's just a rock." Montmorency: "You don't have to be so blunt about it!" Richemont: "I wish things could stay like this forever. We all study side by side, but I am of the noble house of Brittany, Charlotte is of the French royal family, and Philip is of the house of Burgundy." Richemont: "We live in mad times. We may one day face each other as political opponents," Richemont: "or even fight on opposing sides of the battlefield. But if possible, I would love it if we could stay friends forever." Montmorency: "We can, if that's what we want." Montmorency: "We're the strongest team around! We can do anything!" Charlotte: "We even beat up English soldiers." Montmorency: "Yeah, that's ri—" Captain: "Curse all you French bastards!" Montmorency: "Shut up!" Charlotte: "The stone!" Montmorency: "Oh, crap!" Philip: "Hey, why don't we swear an oath?" Philip: "To stay friends forever." Richemont: "Let's do it, then!" Montmorency: "We will..." Charlotte: "We will..." Philip: "...even after we graduate from school..." All: "...remain best friends forever!" Batard: "Please try to remember the position you're in. You are a noble lady in line to succeed the throne." Charlotte: "I have two older brothers. I won't be succeeding the throne." Batard: "Then you should have taken me with you! I am your attendant. It's my duty to put my life on the line for you." Charlotte: "Oh? How very manly of you." Batard: "Yes!" Charlotte: "As of tomorrow, you'll wear women's underwear, too. Are we clear?" Batard: "What?!" Charlotte: "Honestly... Just because I'm already overflowing with womanly appeal in my childhood... All men are just wild animals in heat!" Batard: "That's not what I meant..." Alençon: "A duel!" Alençon: "All you're doing is darting around. And you call yourself a knight in training, Montmorency?!" Alençon: "I challenge you to a duel!" Montmorency: "Why do we have to duel?" Alençon: "You put my Philip in danger out there in the forest!" Montmorency: "She's not yours." Alençon: "Wrong!" Alençon: "No man is a true knight until he swears his love to a lady. I've made up my mind to devote all my love to Philip!" Montmorency: "You heard Alençon. What do you think?" Philip: "I-I'm sorry, but I must decline." Montmorency: "Can I go now?" Alençon: "B-Blast you!" Richemont: "That's enough, Alençon." Alençon: "Sister!" Richemont: "I went into the forest with them. You want a duel with me, too?" Alençon: "N-No, I wouldn't do something that dastardly..." Richemont: "Honestly... What does a child like you know about the love between a man and a woman, anyway?" Alençon: "I do know! I've read erotic books, too— Oh, crap!" Richemont: "Alençon, this is clearly a result of my own negligence. I'll need to harden my heart and provide you with some tough discipline." Alençon: "W-Wait, Sister!" Richemont: "We need to talk. I received word from my brother that the English troops at Harfleur have been stricken by an epidemic and intend to retreat to Calais." Richemont: "The French army will lie in wait at Azincourt to initiate the decisive battle." Montmorency: "I see." Richemont: "I'm leaving for Azincourt tomorrow." Richemont: "I'm joining the battle as a representative of the household of Brittany." Montmorency: "But why you?!" Richemont: "Because my brother despises the battlefield. By sending me, my family can save face." Montmorency: "I'll go, too!" Montmorency: "Wh-What?" Richemont: "I remain undefeated in the knight tournament, and you've lost every round." Montmorency: "Hey, come on! Just because you're slightly strong, smart, come from a noble bloodline, and were born with a pretty face doesn't mean you can talk to a failure like me with pity in your eyes!" Richemont: "I'm glad I got to talk to you. I know this blazing sunset will become one of the most beautiful memories in my life." colas: "You want to use the Philosopher's Stone to make your childhood friend immortal?" Montmorency: "There's not much time! Please! I'm begging you!" colas: "If one becomes something more than human," colas: "one will be banished from the church as a heretic." Montmorency: "Still..." colas: "Immortality means running away for eternity and living alone for eternity." Montmorency: "Then I'll—" colas: "I'm just an old bookseller. Ask someone else." colas: "Montmorency..." colas: "I had hoped that you would remain a blockhead until your dying day, but..." colas: "Fight against fate, Beast of the Apocalypse." Bedford: "Brother!" Henry V: "Coming?" Bedford: "Yes!" Bedford: "The French knights will mock us, saying we sold our souls to the devil. Even down in Hell." Henry V: "There is no Hell. That's just the rambling of the priests." Henry V: "In my world, there is only the realm of Earth and the realm of Heaven." Henry V: "Now, let us give them the finest hospitality we have to offer." Boucicaut: "Damn you! What Catholic monarch would bear the heretics' crest of the devil?!" Boucicaut: "Henry V!" Montmorency: "God, if you truly exist, I beseech you!" Montmorency: "Please... Save Richemont!" Montmorency: "Richemont!" John: "Welcome back." Philip: "Father..." John: "There is nothing to fear. We've already made all the preparations to join forces with the English army." Montmorency: "The only way to rescue Richemont, now that England's taken her, is to become immortal myself!" Montmorency: "If there is no God, then I'll sell my soul to the devil." Montmorency: "If you are a relic of a civilization that fell before Christianity existed... If you are a product of alchemy..." Montmorency: "Please, guide me!" Montmorency: "I offer you my soul in return!" Astaroth: "I am Astaroth," Astaroth: "queen of the fairies." Astaroth: "Was it..." Astaroth: "Was it you who woke me from my slumber? The queen of the fairies will never be kept by a human, no matter how bad things are. So you will be my servant—" Montmorency: "Fine." Astaroth: "You accepted without hesitation..." Montmorency: "I want the power to protect lives. After I prayed for that, you appeared," Montmorency: "as if someone were ordering me to be that protector." Astaroth: "Very well. I will grant your wish. I am the guardian of the Philosopher's Stone, after all. If you swallow the Philosopher's Stone, its immense power will be yours. King Solomon, Clovis I, Otto the Great, and Jesus Christ... They all achieved great works through the power of the Stone, earning them the title of "Ulysses."" Montmorency: "Wait! Where is the Philosopher's Stone, anyway?" Astaroth: "You truly are a fool. That's it." Astaroth: "One of your ancestors must have been a member of the Knights Templar. Their true goal was not to reclaim the holy land of Jerusalem. It was to find the Philosopher's Stone that lay there." Astaroth: "But, Montmorency, do be careful. If you swallow the Philosopher's Stone as is, it will turn into poison and kill you. You must first transmute it into a special liquid called the "Elixir."" Astaroth: "Once you drink it, your body will be able to withstand the poison." Montmorency: "Damn it!" Montmorency: "This just isn't working." Astaroth: "You have no talent." Montmorency: "Shut up!" Montmorency: "How long has it been?" Astaroth: "Seven years." Montmorency: "Huh?"
{ "raw_title": "Ulysses: Jeanne d'Arc and the Alchemist Knight Episode 1 – Alchemy and Fairies", "parsed": [ "Ulysses: Jeanne d'Arc and the Alchemist Knight", "1", "Alchemy and Fairies" ] }
: "Horse girls." : "They were born to run. They inherit the names of horses from another world, whose histories were sometimes tragic and sometimes wonderful, and with that, they run. That is their fate." : "No one knows how these horse girls' future races will end. They will continue to run," : "aiming only toward the goal in front of them." Special: "Mom, I'm in the big city! So many windows... So many lights!" M: "Are you going to Tracen Academy?" Special: "That's right! I'm starting tomorrow." M: "That's impressive." K: "It is?" M: "That girl there is one of the chosen horse girls. She's very fast." K: "Wow!" M: "Well, I'm not sure how fast I am, but..." A: "Now approaching East Fuchu. East Fuchu." Special: "Excuse me." K: "What's your name?" Special: "My name is Special Week!" K: "Her ears were so cute!" A: "The doors are closing. Please be careful." Special: "I'm here. This is where my dreams will come true! The gate to my dreams will open..." Special: "The gate closed..." R: "Miss, touch." Special: "Touch?" Special: "Wh... Wh-Wh-Where am I getting touched? My mom told me to watch out for all the perverts in the city!" R: "No, you're supposed to touch your IC card right there." Special: "Oh, I see. That's embarrassing." R: "Not with a ticket!" Special: "Thank you very much." R: "It's fine." Special: "Goodbye!" R: "Tracen's the next station over." Special: "The next one? Huh?" R: "Did you make a mistake?" Special: "It's fine. I'll run there." R: "Are you a new student here?" Special: "Yes." R: "How about taking a look at the race track? It's the start of the series." Tadzuna: "Please be at Tracen Academy by 6:00 PM tomorrow. You can't be late. I'm saying this again. You can't be late under any circumstances." Special: "Understood!" Special: "I want to see it!" R: "It's right here." Special: "Thank you. See you later!" R: "It's kind of far." Special: "I'll be fine! I love running!" Special: "The Twinkle Series... I finally get to see the real thing in person!" Special: "That's amazing!" Special: "There are so many people! It's totally different from my hometown!" A: "The next horse stepping up to the paddock for the 11th Tokyo Race is..." A: "Bracket #8, Horse #12..." A: "Silence Suzuka!" Special: "She's so pretty..." A: "She was voted most popular among the fans." Special: "She's the most popular." T: "Hmm..." T: "Those are some nice hind legs... A perfect horse girl." Special: "Wh... Wh-Wh-What are you doing?!" Special: "Huh? U-Um... Are you okay?" Special: "Are you still alive?" Special: "Um..." T: "Don't worry about it. I'm used to it." Special: "Used to it?!" T: "Where are you from? Where were you born? How old are you? What's your weight?" Special: "Y-You're so rude. My mom was right! The city is full of perverts!" T: "Perverts?" Special: "You lie to girls, saying you'll get them a debut, right? I'm not interested. Bye!" A: "Welcome to the Twinkle Series! These races can be enjoyed by all citizens! It's a great sport for entertainment. Which horse girl will become number one? I, Akasaka, will be your host today. Analysis will be done by Hosoe-san. Welcome, Hosoe-san." Hosoe: "Thank you. Everyone has their eyes on Silence Suzuka." Hosoe: "We'll have to see just how she runs today. It's time for today's main race." Hosoe: "I wonder where the number one girl is..." T: "Looks like it's your first time seeing a real race." Special: "You're that guy from before... It's my first time. Is there something wrong with that?" T: "You left your hometown to make your racing debut. Does that about sum it up?" Special: "I promised my mom back home that I'd become the best horse girl in Japan. So don't get in my way." T: "Best in Japan, huh?" Special: "That's right." T: "So, what does it mean to be the best horse girl in Japan?" Special: "W-Well..." A: "They've all jumped beautifully off the line." A: "Silence Suzuka has quickly taken the lead." Special: "She's fast." T: "Her legwork is wonderful. It's perfect. The advice worked." A: "She's passed the 1,000 meter mark at 57.8 seconds. She's taken quite a lead. Is this just how she normally runs? Or is she going too fast? She's all alone!" Toujou: "You can't always win by taking a large lead." Toujou: "I told her to conserve her strength for the first half of the race." Toujou: "What is she trying to do? She's ignoring her trainer's instructions." A: "She's taking the fourth turn. Will she be able to keep up her speed and her lead until the finish line? They're coming up right behind her." Both: "We can do it! We can get her!" Both: "No, we can't!" A: "Silence Suzuka has won! She kept her lead!" Special: "Silence Suzuka-san... I didn't know there was someone so amazing!" T: "There aren't many horse girls that can excite the crowd and make people dream." T: "However, with these legs..." Special: "I knew you were a pervert! Bye!" T: "Hold on." Special: "You still have more to say?" T: "You're not going to watch? She's about to stand on the stage— a privilege only for the winner." Special: "The Winning Concert!" Special: "Suzuka-san is so pretty in the spotlight. Mom, I will never forget what's happened today!" Special: "But I feel like I've forgotten about something..." Special: "I forgot about my curfew!" Special: "Excuse me! It's Special Week! I'm late! Excuse me! It's Special Week!" Tadzuna: "I am the secretary of the chairman of Tracen Academy. My name is Hayakawa Tazuna." Tadzuna: "I'll show you to your classroom." Special: "Thank you." Special: "I was late yesterday..." uji: "You broke your curfew on the first day, huh?" Special: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." uji: "The nap room is open, so you can sleep there today. Got it, Pony-chan?" Special: "Pony-chan?" Special: "I need a perfect introduction to help me become the best in Japan." Special: "Watch this, Mom. My name is Special Week. I'll be going to school with you—" Special: "I was too nervous! Mom!" Haru: "Are you okay?" Haru: "Are you a transfer student?" Special: "Y-Yeah..." Special: "Thank you." Haru: "My name is Haru Urara. This is Seiun Sky." Seiun: "Nice to meetcha." Special: "N-Nice to meet—" El: "Hi!" Haru: "This is El Condor Pasa and Grass Wonder!" El: "I was born and raised in the US!" Grass: "Nice to meet you." El: "Where did you come from?" Special: "F-From Hokkaido." El: "So you're a country bumpkin." Haru: "Hey, Spe-chan." Haru: "Nice to meet you, Spe-chan!" Special: "Yeah!" Haru: "Let's talk more later!" Special: "She's not in our class?!" Te: "Onto the next problem. Class A with Vodka-san, Class B with Urara, and your class... Do you know what you're all called? You answer, El Condor Pasa!" El: "The Junior Class!" Te: "That's correct. You will start with Debut and Unranked matches, go up in rank, and try to get wins in G-III, G-II, and G-I races." Te: "This Senior Open Class can be challenged by those in the top junior class, Class C. This will be on the test." El: "So you've been by yourself in the countryside this whole time." Seiun: "You must have been through a lot." Special: "No, my mom and the people in the neighborhood... and Moosuke, too... Everyone's been so nice. I haven't had any problems!" All: "Someone say something..." Seiun: "Why did you transfer in during this time of the year?" Special: "Well, I've always seen the Twinkle Series come up in newspaper articles since I was small. My mom put in an application." Grass: "What a nice mother." Seiun: "What team do you want to join?" Special: "Team?" Grass: "You train with a trainer as a team." Special: "I see..." Special: "I want to be on the same team as Silence Suzuka and run with her!" El: "With Suzuka-san?" Seiun: "You know Suzuka-san?" Special: "Yes, I saw her at the racetrack yesterday..." Grass: "That's great timing. There's a entry test for the team I'm on today." Seiun: "You're on the same team as Suzuka-san, right?" Grass: "Yes." El: "I'm thinking of trying out, too! Team Rigil is the strongest in the school!" Special: "I... I want to take that test, too!" Special: "I'm sorry!" Seiun: "Don't get too worked up." El: "That makes us rivals." Special: "Huh?" El: "Well, only one of us can be accepted!" Special: "I-I see." Urara: "Oh, it's Spe-chan! Hmm? Spe-chan, you have too much rice!" All: "Good job, Urara!" Urara: "I decided to take the test, too." Special: "I-I see." Urara: "I have the feeling I'm getting in today. Don't get mad at me if I get in." Special: "R-Right. Urara-san looks fast." Grass: "Please write your name here to register." Urara: "Spe-chan, time to go!" Special: "Right." Special: "I wonder if Suzuka-san isn't here." Toujou: "Next." A: "I want to win in an Open match." Toujou: "Next." B: "I want to be a successful Rigil member!" Toujou: "Next." Toujou: "Next, Special Week." Special: "Y-Yes!" Toujou: "Do you have a goal?" Special: "W-Well..." Special: "I want to be the top horse girl in Japan! My mom told me to become the best horse girl in Japan, so that's why I decided to come here!" Special: "The gates aren't as roomy as I expected." El: "Are you ready?!" Urara: "Here I go!" Special: "I have to run!" Special: "Everyone's so fast!" Groove: "So we want El Condor Pasa, huh? You're her classmate, right? What do you think of her?" Grass: "She's in a good position." Grove: "That transfer student..." Grove: "Doesn't look like she's going to be that great." Special: "It's hard to run on the track..." Special: "It's Suzuka-san!" R: "Can't keep up! Can't keep up! Can't keep up!" King: "Stay away!" Special: "What do you want me to do?!" Hishi: "Why do I have to do this..." King: "I can do this!" Special: "I did it, Mom!" Toujou: "I'm going to work you hard." El: "Thank you!" Special: "Huh? I wasn't first?" Special: "Suzuka-san..." Urara: "I'm tired!" Special: "Suzuka-san..." T: "Are you serious?" Urara: "That was close today!" Special: "Yeah." Urara: "Don't give up! Let's keep working at it!" Special: "Yeah." Urara: "See you later." Special: "Bye." Special: "I wanted to join Suzuka-san's team." Special: "Spica?" Special: "Huh?" Gold: "Scarlet, Vodka... Do it!" Special: "You know, there's no point in disguising yourselves if you're going to say your names." All: "Heave ho, heave ho, heave ho..." Special: "Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What's going on?! Mom said there were a lot of dangers in the city! I should have eaten more carrots! Mom!" Gold: "This is the right girl, right?" T: "Yeah." Special: "Wh-Where am I?" T: "Hey." Special: "It's the pervert!" All: "Pervert?!" T: "No, no, no! You misunderstand. Call me Trainer." Special: "T-Trainer-san... What?!" T: "Everyone, introduce yourselves." All: "Welcome to Team Spica!" Special: "Spica? You mean that weird sign that was up?!" T: "You'll be on this team starting today." Special: "Don't just decide that on your own!" T: "Oh, but I will. I'm going to polish you up." Special: "What?!" Vodka: "Even though she was second?" Gold: "Yeah." T: "Her last three furlongs were 33.8 seconds. That's great. She gained her breath back pretty fast after she was done, too." Special: "Suzuka-san?!" Special: "Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Why are you here?!" Gold: "Suzuka transferred here from Rigil today, right?" Suzuka: "Yes, that's right." Special: "Why?!" Daiwa: "That team doesn't understand how Suzuka-san runs." T: "You said it was your goal to become the best horse girl in Japan, right?" Special: "I did, but..." T: "What does it mean to be the best horse girl in Japan?" Special: "Well..." Gold: "To win in G-I, of course." Vodka: "The derby for me." Daiwa: "The Arima Kinen." T: "What do you think, Suzuka?" Suzuka: "Dreams." Special: "Dreams?" Suzuka: "I want to be a horse girl that can make people dream." Special: "You're not laughing, Trainer-san." All: "Huh?" Special: "I said I wanted to be the best, and you..." Special: "And..." Special: "I want to run with Suzuka-san!" Vodka: "Yeah!" T: "So what's your name?" Special: "Next week?" Special: "What?" Special: "What?" Queen: "I'll crush you!" Special: "What?!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Episode 1 – Gate of Dreams!", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby", "1", "Gate of Dreams!" ] }
Vodka: "Senpai's really amazing." Daiwa: "She's fully recovered." El: "The world was right in front of my eyes..." Special: "I need to run even faster." Special: "I need to do more!" Gold: "Go! You can do it!" Mejiro: "She's got real drive." Suzuka: "I need to do more, too." Teiou: "Suzuka, we should run, too." Suzuka: "Yeah!" T: "If you want that Dream Trophy, then the whole team has to win. We've practiced and have the will. Don't lose to Rigil!" All: "Right!" T: "All right. Spe, you have the Kyoto Daishoten, which is a bellwether for the fall races. Show everyone what Spica's made of out there!" Special: "Right!" T: "Team Spica, let's do this!" All: "Yeah!" Mejiro: "You're in the way!" H: "It's one of Team Spica's members to watch! Special Week is entering the course." A: "Special Week's body seems much sturdier now. We have the Fall Tennoushou coming up, so it'll be interesting to see what happens." Opera: "Special Week is at her peak. If I keep an eye on her, I'll win. I can do this!" R1: "Special Week seems bigger." R2: "She's got a different aura to her!" Special: "I'm not going to hesitate any longer." Special: "I'm going to show them how hard I've trained!" H: "Special Week has come in 7th! A complete defeat! T.M. Opera O has come in 3rd!" Opera: "I picked the wrong person to follow!" Special: "Why?!" Grass: "El, welcome back." uji: "You were so close during that race." El: "It was close, but second is still second. I'm going to start training right away so that I can get first next time!" El: "Spe-chan! Spe-chan!" Special: "El-chan!" El: "I just got back!" Special: "Welcome back." El: "I saw the Kyoto Daishoten on TV. Don't get depressed about coming in 7th." El: "Everyone has off days." El: "Hmm? You seem bigger than before." Grass: "El, stop kicking Spe-chan while she's down. Sorry about that. Anyway, let's go." T: "Spe, it doesn't help to think about things that have already happened." T: "The Fall Tennoushou is next. I have the Japan Cup in my sights after that." Special: "The Fall Tennoushou... That's right. It's the race Suzuka-san got hurt in last year." Special: "I can't lose that." Teiou: "Trainer, what are we doing today?" Gold: "Bring whatever you've got!" T: "You guys are getting way too worked up. Don't wear yourselves out. Especially you, Spe!" Special: "R-Right." T: "Your last race didn't end well because you didn't cool down properly." T: "Were you training in secret?" Special: "Uh? Well..." Special: "I've decided! You guys are getting some rest! That means you, Spe. Until the next Tennoushou... Oh, yeah." Special: "How about you head home for a bit? Huh?" T: "You never went home for New Year's, did you?" Special: "I-I'm heading home?" Special: "I'm back..." M: "Welcome back." Special: "Mom, I'm home!" M: "Get in." Special: "I haven't been able to race with you lately. I'm gonna run!" M: "Nope." Special: "Why?! Hey, why?" M: "You're supposed to be resting." Special: "Are you and my trainer ganging up on me?" M: "You can't run while you're here." Special: "What?! What's wrong with running for a little bit? Hey! What's wrong with that?!" Mejiro: "So, I'll be taking a break as well." Dover: "That's a coincidence." Dover: "All the three of us are on break at the same time." Ryan: "It's nice to have all the Mejiros in one place." Mejiro: "Ryan, you're too laid back about this. It's not that easy to stay in proper condition. I can't embarrass the Mejiro family name when I race with Team Spica once the break is over." Mejiro: "Hmm? What's wrong?" Ryan: "McQueen, you've changed." Dover: "Until not too long ago, you wouldn't have minded us all getting a little rowdy." Mcqueen: "Someone taught me that sometimes changing can bring about positive results." Ryan: "Wow." Dover: "Now you only need to change how you get way too intense about sweets." Mcqueen: "My." Mcqueen: "Forget about that! I'm going to be extremely upset if you tell grandmother about that!" Teiou: "You gotta take it! Somewhere else? Nope, it's happening right here! Step it!" Teiou: "Prez!" Teiou: "You really came?" Rudolf: "I really came? You seem just fine. You made it sound like you were depressed." Teiou: "You wouldn't have come unless I did that." Teiou: "Sorry for lying to you! But I really wanted to show you something. Take a look!" Rudolf: "Hmm?" Rudolf: "My song?" Teiou: "I really practiced. I want to look good for my team out there." Rudolf: "Well, I guess you're growing." Teiou: "Did you say something?" Rudolf: "It's nothing." Rudolf: "You get one song, 'kay?" Daiwa: "I wanted something for winter. Why are we looking at race shoes?" Vodka: "Why shouldn't we?" Daiwa: "I want something nice." Vodka: "Then just go home." Hayahide: "It's been a while since we've gone shopping together." Brian: "I guess it's nice for a change." Hayahide: "Wait up..." Vodka: "It's Biwa Hayahide-senpai!" Daiwa: "Narita Brian-senpai is with her, too. You can tell they're strong just by looking at them." Hayahide: "Why did you want to come here today?" Brian: "I wanted to think about running with my elder sister someday. You can call yourself strong when you beat someone who you fully understand and who fully understands you." Hayahide: "I agree. It makes sense to start preparing now for any future bouts." Brian: "You always like to make yourself sound smart, huh?" Hayahide: "What are you talking about?!" Daiwa: "Someone you understand that also understands you..." Vodka: "And if you beat them, you're truly strong." Both: "Hmph!" Daiwa: "I'm getting these shoes!" Vodka: "Then I'm getting these!" Suzuka: "I need to get back into the groove with racing." Gold: "Why are you out of breath?" Gold: "You get caught peeking in the changing room and had to run away?" T: "The Open Special one and a half months from now" T: "is going to be your comeback race, Suzuka!" Suzuka: "What?" Gold: "Really?!" Suzuka: "I'm going to race?" Gold: "That's great, Suzuka! You should be happier!" T: "Finally, huh? It hasn't been officially announced yet, so don't tell anyone." Gold: "Okay! No problem!" Gold: "No problem at all!" Suzuka: "Everyone's going to find out now." T: "All right, Suzuka. Let's do what you need to do for this race!" Suzuka: "Right." T: "In a race, you'll need a strategy to handle the turns." T: "Let's train with a real race in mind, so we can handle that." M: "It's almost time for dinner. Don't keep pouting forever. I made your favorite, carrot Salisbury steak." Special: "What's wrong with running for a little bit?!" M: "Spe, it's ready." M: "Spe? Spe?" Special: "These are..." M: "Whenever a letter comes from you," M: "I read it with your other mother. It makes us twice as happy." Special: "What's this?" M: "Spe, do you remember this? You were like a little kid back then," M: "but you've worked really hard." Special: "I don't know if I can become the best in Japan," Special: "but my trainer is going to let me race in the Tennoushou and Japan Cup." M: "You don't have to push yourself. Anyway, let's eat." Special: "Okay." Special: "Really?! It's all decided, then?" Suzuka: "It's the Open Special, but yeah." Special: "When is it?!" Suzuka: "The day before your Japan Cup race." Special: "I'll be cheering you on!" Suzuka: "Everyone in Spica is doing great, I have to do well, too." Teiou: "All my fans, watch me in my Winning Concert!" Vodka: "Time to show you what we're made of!" Daiwa: "I'm not letting Vodka hog the spotlight!" Mejiro: "I won't allow any shame to come to the Mejiro family," Mejiro: "and I'll bring honor to Spica!" Gold: "All right... Team Spica! We're doing great!" Suzuka: "Spe-chan, let's talk lots when you get back." Special: "Okay!" Special: "I'm happy for you, Suzuka-san." M: "Let me sit next to you." Special: "The stars out here are beautiful, but the glow sticks everyone holds up after you take first are beautiful, too." M: "Then I hope you'll be able to come in first again." Special: "What's this?" M: "Open it." Special: "A horse shoe?" M: "I made that myself." Special: "What?" M: "Take a close look." Special: "Be the best in Japan..." M: "Will you use it?" Special: "Yeah! I'll use it in the upcoming Tennoushou!" Special: "Mom..." M: "What is it?" Special: "I'm happy." M: "Hmm?" Special: "I'm happy that I have two moms." M: "I'm happy that I get to be your mom, too, Spe." Special: "I'm going to be the best in Japan with this horseshoe!" M: "Then go run your heart out." Special: "Yeah!" Mejiro: "How was Hokkaido?" Special: "I'm all rested up! Trainer-san! Let's go train right now!" T: "Guess she's back to the way she originally was after going home." Teiou: "That's Spe-chan for you." T: "There's not much time until the Tennoushou. We're going to get you ready!" Special: "Right!" Special: "It's all ready, Suzuka-san!" Suzuka: ""Be the best in Japan." That's what you said you wanted to do when you joined the team, right, Spe-chan?" Special: "Yeah, but back then, I just wanted to make my mom happy." Suzuka: "That's not the case now?" Special: "I still want to make my mom happy." Special: "But not just her. I want our trainer and everyone on our team to be happy. But most of all..." Special: "I want you to be happy, Suzuka-san." Special: "I'm going to win the Tennoushou and the Japan Cup. I'll have people call me the best horse girl in Japan. And then I'm going to race with you." Special: "Then I'm going to beat you." Special: "I don't just want to keep chasing after you. I want to be next to you." Suzuka: "Me, too." Special: "Huh?" Suzuka: "I'm going to win my comeback race, win some big races," Suzuka: "and then I'm going to America." Suzuka: "I'm not going to give up." Suzuka: "That was my dream." Suzuka: "I'm going to become a horse girl that gives everyone in the world something to dream of." Special: "Yeah." Suzuka: "When my dream comes true, Spe-chan..." Suzuka: "Let's settle this..." Suzuka: "...as rivals." Special: "Right! It's a promise!" H: "It's been one year since the tragedy. The time this year for the fall Tennoushou has come. Special Week will be running for Team Spica." A: "After coming in 7th, she's not as much of a favorite this time around. Seiun Sky won the Sapporo Kinen, so most eyes will be on her." Seiun: "I don't like tight spaces." King: "Hurry up and get in." T: "Her weight is the same as in the Derby. We tightened things up well. I'm counting on you." Mejiro: "Trainer-san, where's Suzuka-san?" T: "Suzuka's not coming." Teiou: "What? Even though Spe-chan is racing?!" T: "She said she's Spe's rival, so she has other things she needs to do." H: "Seiun Sky has finally entered the gates." Gold: "Go, Spe!" King: "I need to get to the front quickly." H: "King Halo, and Seiun Sky behind her, are in the middle of the pack." Seiun: "I wonder how Spe-chan will make her move." H: "Special Week is in the rear. When will she make her move?" H: "They've made the fourth turn!" H: "She's still in the rear! Is Special Week okay? They've entered the last stretch!" All: "I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!" H: "They're all making their move!" Seiun: "I can do this!" Special: "Everyone's up front, so it's hard to run." Special: "But..." M: "Then go run your heart out." Special: "I'm going to run my heart out!" Vodka: "Senpai!" Daiwa: "She's fast!" Gold: "It's the hill!" Gold/Teiou/Mejiro: "Get up there!" Seiun: "I'm still going to win..." H: "Seiun Sky is fighting to keep up! Will she manage to get back ahead of Special Week?" H: "We're under 200 meters now!" Seiun: "She's fast, but I'm not done!" H: "Special Week is making her way up!" Special: "I don't want to lose." Special: "No matter how many times I lose..." Suzuka: "No matter how frustrated I get..." Suzuka: "I want to win!" T: "Go, Special Week!" Special: "I want to..." Special: "...win!" H: "Special Week! Special Week is in the lead!" H: "Special Week easily comes in first!" T: "We did it!" H: "Special Week has set a new record! She's made a magnificent comeback!" H: "We're expecting a lot from her at the next Japan Cup!" El: "Wow, a record! Good job!" Grass: "We have to work hard, too." M: "You did well, Spe." Seiun: "Spe-chan's gotten faster." King: "Yeah." Seiun: "You seem kind of happy." King: "The stronger my rivals, the stronger I become."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Episode 10 – No Matter How Many Times I Lose", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby", "10", "No Matter How Many Times I Lose" ] }
H: "The Tokyo Racecourse is so packed, you wouldn't think it was the Open. The horse girls have moved to the gates." A: "Today's race is special." H: "Yes, it is. There's someone to watch out there." A: "Yes, Silence Suzuka. Silence Suzuka is racing again." H: "It's been a year and a month since the accident. Will Silence Suzuka be able to make a comeback?" Gold: "They sure are getting into this." Mejiro: "They've always been serious, unlike you." Vodka: "Suzuka-senpai has her comeback race." Daiwa: "That's enough staring. We gotta get going, too." All: "Right!" All: "1... 2..." T: "They've turned into a great team, helping each other reach new heights." Tadzuna: "Team Spica!" Taiou: "Tazuna-san?" Tadzuna: "The school is in an uproar!" R: "Broye-san, is it true that you're going to enter the Japan Cup?" Broye: "Yes, I will. Yes, I will." Rudolf: "Broye's going to enter the Japan Cup." Hishi: "Looking for a fight?" Hana: "Special Week's going to be in the Japan Cup, right?" Grass: "Yes." El: "Spe-chan..." R: "You took first in the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, correct? Why would you take part in the Japan Cup?" T: "Spe, you won't be able to rest for a while." Special: "Right!" A: "Broye's going to enter the Japan Cup!" B: "She's the one that even El-senpai couldn't beat, right? Suzuka-senpai's comeback race is going to happen the day before, too!" A: "I really want to see that!" B: "But—" A/B: "She's so wonderful." Ryan: "Suzuka!" Ryan: "Good morning." Suzuka: "Good morning, Ryan." Ryan: "Is your leg really doing okay?" Suzuka: "Yeah." Ticket: "No fair talking to her first, Ryan!" ce: "Are you racing or something?" Ticket: "I wanted to talk to her together." Ryan: "You're so silly." ce: "Let's say it all together, then." All: "One... Two... We're going to cheer you on!" Suzuka: "Thank you." A: "They're making the final preparations for the Japan Cup. What do you think of the Tokyo Racecourse?" B: "Are there any Japanese horse girls that have caught your eye?" Hana: "So you came after all." T: "Yeah. Has Broye gone for a run yet?" Hana: "Not yet." T: "She's not even close to worried." A: "She's got a punch to her." B: "Look at those muscles." T: "She goes full speed from the start?" T: "What was her time?" Hana: "I don't believe it." T: "That's..." Hana: "She's beaten Rudolf's time." T: "I can't believe it." Hana: "Suzuka has her comeback race soon, too. When it rains, it pours." T: "I guess you were worried about her, too." Hana: "Suzuka used to be a part of Rigil. I'm happy that she's able to race again." T: "It's too early to be happy." Hana: "You think Suzuka can take first?" T: "I'm not sure." Hana: "Her comeback race... There's a horse girl that's been doing well lately that'll race, too." Hana: "She might be forced to face a cold reality." T: "I just like watching them race." Hana: "You never lose that confidence of yours, do you?" T: "No," T: "I have." Groove: "Suzuka, you're not going home?" Suzuka: "My race is coming up, so I thought I'd stay a bit longer." Taiki: "You sure do work hard." Suzuka: "I don't want to have any regrets." Groove: "It's your comeback race, after all." Groove: "Why are you laughing?" Suzuka: "I didn't expect you to be worried for me, Air Groove." Groove: "I-I'm not worried at all!" Taiki: "Oh, is this the Japanese "tsundere"?" Groove: "Taiki!" Taiki: "I want to do some body building, too! Suzuka, can I join you here?" Suzuka: "S-Sure." Groove: "You're going to bother Suzuka." Suzuka: "It's okay. Let's train together. It's been a while." Groove: "I'll train, too, I guess." Taiki: "Let's go get changed!" Groove: "Hold on a second!" Suzuka: "I can't lose this." R: "Did you see Broye's press conference?" R2: "I did!" R3: "I'm going to have to go see the Japan Cup." R4: "Suzuka's having her comeback race right before that, right?" R3: "Even El Condor Pasa couldn't Broye, though." R5: "The Tokyo Racecourse is going to be on fire this weekend." T: "Good pace there." Suzuka: "I'd like to go one more time." R: "Suzuka-san!" T: "I can have them leave if they're distracting you." Suzuka: "No, I'm fine." El: "Spe-chan..." Special: "El-chan!" El: "Give me a moment of your time." Special: "Huh?" Special: "El-chan. El-chan, I have to get to practice." El: "Spe-chan..." El: "Read this." El: "My strategy for beating Broye is in there." Special: "All of this?" El: "Just so you know, I didn't make this for you." El: "It's the research I did for when I have a chance to race her again. But I want you to win." Special: "El-chan..." Special: "Thank you. But I'm fine. Use this notebook for yourself." Special: "I need to win on my own." El: "I won't forgive you if you lose." Special: "Right!" T: "Tomorrow's race is coming, whether you want it to or not." Both: "Right." T: "Broye is faster than I thought, and there's someone out there who's doing well who'll be in Suzuka's race." Suzuka: "I don't think I'll have an easy victory." Special: "Neither do I." T: "You two have a good look in your eyes. I know that you've got a stronger fire in you than others just by looking, but—" Special: "Trainer-san!" T: "What is it, Spe?" Special: "I remember what you told us during the training camp." T: "I want to see a race where all of you can participate! An exciting race like we had today! Did I say that?" Special: "I will never forget that you and my mom have pinned your dreams on me!" Suzuka: "Me, neither." T: "I hope that being so into this doesn't end up hurting them." Special: "Did I wake you?" Suzuka: "It's okay." Special: "Suzuka-san, do your best out there tomorrow." Suzuka: "Yeah." Suzuka: "Hey, Spe-chan..." Special: "Yeah?" Suzuka: "I..." Suzuka: "I believe I can win." Special: "Yeah! I believe in you, too!" Vodka: "There's so many people!" Mejiro: "This is the Open Special." Teiou: "I know tomorrow's the Japan Cup, but why wouldn't Spe-chan come to cheer her on?" Gold: "I'm sure Spe doesn't consider today the final goal." Vodka: "What does that mean?" Mejiro: "You say some good things every once in a while." A: "I wonder if Silence Suzuka can win." B: "It'll be great if she can just cross the finish line. I thought I'd never get to see her run again." Daiwa: "What are you saying?! Of course Suzuka-senpai is going to win!" Vodka: "Hey, calm down." Teiou: "I want her to win, too. It's been a while since she's raced." Gold: "All right, guys! We're going to send her our good thoughts!" Mejiro: "What's with that unscientific stuff?" Gold: "Win, win, win!" Teiou: "I'm doing it, too!" Mejiro: "Well, I guess all we can do now is pray." All: "Win, win, win, win!" T: "Suzuka..." Suzuka: "What is it?" T: "I've been lying." Suzuka: "Lying?" Suzuka: "If it's just a fracture, it'll heal, right?" T: "Yeah, of course." Suzuka: "I'll be able to run, right?" T: "Yeah, well..." T: "The doctor told me you'd probably never be able to race again. But Spe believed in you, and everyone believed in you. And today, you're racing again." T: "That's why I..." Suzuka: "Trainer-san..." Suzuka: "I'm going to win." T: "Right." Suzuka: "I'll see you later." T: "Have fun running, Suzuka." T: "That's all I want from you today." H: "It's Silence Suzuka! Silence Suzuka has entered the track!" H: "That's a loud cheer." A: "They get to see... ...her run again." R: "Welcome back!" R2: "We were waiting for you!" All: "Win, win, win, win!" Sun: "Silence Suzuka-senpai..." Sun: "It's the Open Special. I can't have you taking this lightly. It's been a year since you last raced. Do you really think you can win? I'm going to be the star today." H: "Sun Visor has made a declaration of war!" Sun: "You can make all the noise you want. I'm going to win and take the position of star horse girl." H: "Silence Suzuka has entered the gate to break the quiet that fell over the track that fateful day." H: "The main race today has begun! Silence Suzuka came out of the gates late! Silence Suzuka came out late! She's starting from the back of the pack. Sun Visor is in a good position." Sun: "Seems like her time away has caused her problems. I'm going to win this race!" T: "Suzuka..." H: "Sun Visor is running well. She's the second favorite for this race, but she's got the skills necessary to win." Sun: "Of course I do." H: "Silence Suzuka is having trouble at the rear. Maybe her accident really did hurt her. Silence Suzuka isn't gaining at all." All: "We can do this!" A: "This is a different race than we normally see from Silence Suzuka. It'll be difficult to come back from this far behind." A: "She can't do it, I guess." B: "I just hope she finishes in one piece." H: "Silence Suzuka is still in last place. She's having trouble running." Sun: "I can take this last stretch. I guess Silence Suzuka couldn't live up to all those rumors!" Gold: "She's finally made her move!" Mejiro: "That sure was unnerving." Teiou: "Go, Suzuka!" R: "We can't... We can't..." R: "We can't..." Rigil: "Suzuka-san!" Hana: "You can run faster, Suzuka!" R: "We can't..." All: "Suzuka!" H: "Everyone here at the track is cheering— Silence Suzuka has made her way up! Silence Suzuka has finally awoken! Silence Suzuka... ...keeps passing one girl after another!" A: "Run, Suzuka!" Sun: "No way..." Sun: "She's fast!" H: "I can't believe it! Silence Suzuka has passed Sun Visor! Silence Suzuka... ...has left everyone behind, and is now in first!" Sun: "I won't let you!" H: "I don't believe it! She's sped up even more! Silence Suzuka has a huge lead!" Sun: "So this is Silence Suzuka." Daiwa: "Wow, she was able to come back from so far behind!" Vodka: "Suzuka-senpai's so awesome!" Teiou: "Go!" Gold: "I wanna show Spe this!" Mejiro: "We'll have plenty of chances to see this!" Hana: "Her ability is going to be a threat to Rigil." Groove: "Yeah." Grass: "I want to run with her again." Maruzen: "She's standing out more than me." Hishi: "I want to race her!" H: "Silence Suzuka is in first!" H: "Silence Suzuka... ...has crossed the finish line in first place!" Special: "Welcome back, Suzuka-san." Special: "I'll do the same tomorrow!" H: "Silence Suzuka has made a miraculous return!" H: "She won with such a huge lead. She tied the record and won hands down." A: "She ran great out there, but I'm moved by her mental strength. That was a wonderful comeback performance." Sun: "I won't say congratulations. I'm going to win next time." Sun: "Please run with me again someday." Suzuka: "Yes, let's run again." Teiou: "Hey!" Gold: "All right, let's celebrate Suzuka's win!" Vodka: "Suzuka-senpai, I was moved out there!" Suzuka: "Thank you." Daiwa: "You were crying a bit, weren't you?" Teiou: "Our trainer sure was crying." Suzuka: "Our trainer was?" Mejiro: "We'll have to tease him a bit." Hana: "That was good." T: "Thanks." Hana: "You're not going to join them?" T: "I'll leave the noise-making to them." Hana: "What magic did you use?" T: "I didn't do a thing." Hana: "But you were so confident the last time we talked." T: "You think so?" Hana: "Huh?" T: "She won by her own strength. I couldn't do a thing for her." T: "I didn't think you'd take first." Suzuka: "Trainer-san..." T: "Hmm?" Suzuka: "Is it true you were crying?" T: "I-I wasn't crying!" T: "What is it?" Suzuka: "I'll be counting on you in the future." Suzuka: "Wait. Are you crying?" T: "N-No, I'm not. Jeez..." Suzuka: "This is where it starts." T: "Huh?" Suzuka: "I'm going to make my dream come true." Suzuka: "And... I'm going to keep running and keep my promise." Special: "I'm going to keep my promise." Special: "I'm going to become the best horse girl in Japan." H: "All the horse girls have entered their respective gates."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Episode 11 – Welcome Back!", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby", "11", "Welcome Back!" ] }
H: "Silence Suzuka has made a miraculous return!" R: "Do you have any comments on Silence Suzuka's comeback race?" R2: "What is your goal for tomorrow's Japan Cup?" R2: "It seems Special Week is doing pretty well lately. Are you worried?" Broye: "Not at all. I will win." Mom: "Let's see... Where's the racetrack?" R: "You there. The Tokyo Racecourse is the next station over." Mom: "What?" R: "You can take this street straight there. It's a bit far." Mom: "It's okay. My daughter is running today, so I'll run, too." R: "Wait, hold on..." Mom: "Plus, I love running!" R: "I've seen this happen before." Daiwa: "They're all talking about Broye." T: "Is Spe still sleeping?" Vodka: "Yeah." Special: "I can't eat another bite..." Daiwa: "I want Spe-senpai to win." Vodka: "I guess we can agree sometimes." R: "It's the International Invitational Japan Cup, where foreign horse girls get a chance to race, too. We have an unprecedented assortment of talent in this race. The most prominent of which is the French champion," R: "Broye." R2: "She's fast." R: "Is she really just warming up?" A: "I bet Broye's winning today." B: "No, I want Special Week to win." C: "I'm hoping for a miracle." Mom: "A miracle?" A: "Well, Suzuka won that race yesterday. That was basically a miracle. You won't see that two days in a row." Mom: "Hey, you! You know, my daughter is totally going to win!" A: "I, uh..." Suzuka: "Are you Spe-chan's mom?" B: "S-Silence..." C: "...Suzuka?" T: "Sorry, we're a bit late. Oh, this is..." Suzuka: "Hello there. My name is Silence Suzuka." Mom: "I-It's the real..." Suzuka: "Huh?" Mom: "I'm Special Week's mom! Thank you for always taking care of my daughter." Mom: "Trainer-san, thank you for having me here today." T: "Well, this was the most I could do to help out today." Mom: "She always writes me letters." Mom: "They tell me how cool Suzuka-san is." Suzuka: "That's kind of embarrassing." Mom: "But lately, she says she wants to run with you. She wants to get strong." Suzuka: "When I got hurt, Spe-chan promised me that I would run again. I was running to make my own dreams come true, but right now, my promise with Spe-chan is part of my dream. That's why I was able to win that race yesterday." Mom: "I guess she's grown." T: "Yeah." Mom: "Well..." Mom: "Can she win today's race?" Suzuka: "She can." Both: "Huh?" Suzuka: "Spe-chan doesn't break her promises." Mom: "You're right." T: "Now, we're almost at Spe's waiting room." Mom: "I, uh..." T: "Hmm?" Seiun: "I'm sure she's nervous." King: "You're too worried about this." El: "Yeah." King: "Can you hear anything?" El: "No, nothing." Seiun: "I wonder if she's sleeping." Urara: "Everyone's here!" Seiun: "Urara!" Urara: "What are you guys doing here? I brought souvenirs." Seiun: "You're being too loud!" King: "You're too loud yourself!" Maruzensky: "Hey!" Seiun: "Maruzensky-senpai..." Maruzensky: "You wouldn't want to be distracted before your race, either, would you?" Maruzensky: "Now leave." Maruzensky: "What's wrong?" Seiun: "We wanted to tell Spe-chan we want her to win." Grass: "But we don't want to put her under more pressure." El: "It's fine! It's important to cheer someone on to help them get stronger." King: "That's right." Maruzensky: "All right." Special: "Huh?" All: "Spe-chan!" Grass: "We came to cheer you on." All: "Yeah." Special: "Yeah, thanks!" El: "I'll cheer you on as loud as I can." Urara: "Me, too!" Special: "Right! Oh, yeah! How do you say, "Let's have a good race," in French, El?" El: "A good race?" El: "Oh, I happen to know!" El: "That's how!" Special: "Thank you, El-chan! Anyway, I'll be going!" Special: "See you..." Grass: "I remember the day when she first transferred in." Urara: "Yeah." Seiun: "I wonder if she'll be okay." King: "She beat me. She better not lose." Maruzensky: "It's nice to have colleagues." Daiwa: "Broye's so cool." Vodka: "She's running against us, you know." Daiwa: "Yeah, but I honestly think this'll be fun to watch. Part of me really wants to see Broye run." Vodka: "I guess we're just in sync today." Suzuka: "I showed Spe-chan's mom to her seat." T: "She decided not to see Spe after all, huh?" Suzuka: "Yeah." T: "Suzuka, watch closely." Suzuka: "Yeah." Opera: "They're cheering so much for her instead of me." Hishi: "I wanted to race against her, too." : "Me, too. I want to test her strength." uji: "Everyone's expecting a lot from her." Taiki: "Spe-chan!" Air: "I want her to win for us Japanese horse girls." Opera: "Sometimes, people lose unexpectedly..." Rudolf: ""Eclipse first, the rest nowhere."" Rudolf: "You're going to have to push yourself." Spe: "I want to be the top horse girl in Japan!" Hana: "If she wins this, she might be able to call herself that." Hana: "Everyone, watch this closely." All: "Right!" Teiou: "I want Spe-chan to win." Mejiro: "Yeah, but watching this... I really feel like I want to be up there with them." Teiou: "And you will, someday. After me." Mejiro: "I'll be first!" Golf: "What are you fighting about?! We're going to send her our energy." All: "What?!" T: "Does that really work? Right, Suzuka?" Suzuka: "Win..." T: "What?" H: "Special Week is entering the track!" Teiou: "Spe-chan!" Vodka: "Spe-senpai!" Gold: "Be strong!" Urara: "Spe-chan!" Seiun: "You can do it!" El: "I'm getting nervous!" Grass: "Me, too." Mom: "Spe..." Mom: "Don't get hurt out there." Teiou: "Spe-chan!" Special: "Everyone!" T: "Yo!" Special: "Has the plan changed at all?" T: "Plans are the last thing you need to worry about now." Special: "That's true." T: "I... I've selfishly placed my dreams in you. I want you to beat Broye in a race that would let you call yourself the best in Japan." T: "Spe, please make my dream come true." Special: "Right! I'm going to win!" H: "Broye has stepped onto the turf." A: "Those are some deafening shouts." T: "Spe..." T: "Have fun." Special: "Right. I'll be back." H: "All of the horse girls running in the Japan Cup have made their way out." H: "Broye's presence out there is staggering." A: "Yes, she's practically undefeated. She beat El Condor Pasa in the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." H: "What makes Broye so strong?" A: "Her strength is in her incredible racing intuition. She handles her early, middle, and late game perfectly." H: "We hope Special Week does great out there, too." Special: "Broye-san... Bonjour." Special: "Well... I think this is how you say, "Let's have a good race."" A: "Nice to meet you." A: "What?" B: "Glad to meet you." Grass: "Doesn't Broye-san look even more intimidating?" Grass: "What did you tell Spe-chan to say?" El: "That's a secret." Special: "The promise with my mom..." Special: "I'm going to keep my promise." Special: "I'm going to be the best horse girl in Japan." H: "They've entered the gates." H: "The Japan Cup is finally going to start!" H: "The gates have opened!" H: "Both Special Week and Broye are in the rear!" Teiou: "Did Broye start late?" T: "No, she's feeling Spe out." Urara: "You can do it, Spe-chan!" King: "Go!" Seiun: "She's after Spe-chan?" El: "It's the same as when she followed me." H: "The horse girls are making the first turn." H: "They've passed the 1,000 meter mark in a minute. That's an average pace." A: "Who's going to make their move?" H: "Special Week, the representative for Japan, is following, and behind her, Broye." H: "Special Week and Broye are still following up the rear." T: "She made her move." H: "She's moved up! Special Week has moved up!" H: "Broye has started moving up from behind, too!" A/B: "Oh, my god!" H: "They've passed the great zelkova tree and are speeding up even further!" Vodka/Daiwa: "You can do it, Spe-senpai!" Mejiro/Gold: "Let her have it!" uji: "This is a nice development. Is it possible she..." Maruzensky: "Yeah. She can do it." Taiki: "Go! Go!" Hishi: "It's just the two of you!" H: "They've passed the third corner and are onto the fourth. Special Week is gaining from the outside, but..." H: "Broye is gaining from even further out!" H: "They're passing the fourth corner!" Mom: "Spe!" H: "They've entered the last stretch! Special Week's not falling behind! She's still gaining!" H: "Special Week has taken the lead!" Taiki: "You can do it, Spe-chan!" Opera: "Just a bit further!" Hana: "Go!" Rudolf: "Go." Mejiro: "Go!" Golf: "You can do it, Spe!" T: "Go!" H: "Can Broye catch up to Special Week?" Suzuka: "Spe-chan!" H: "Special Week! Special Week!" H: "It's Special Week!" H: "Japan's representative, Special Week, has won!" H: "Special Week has won!" R: "Special Week!" Special: "I won?" Special: "Broye-san..." Special: "Thank you." Special: "I..." Broye: ""Don't get too cocky"?" Special: "Right!" Mom: "Are you watching? That's our horse girl, the best in Japan." T: "She came in first, carrying everyone's dreams with her. She's pretty impressive." Special: "Well, I..." T: "Some things about her just don't change." H: "Now that you've won the Japan Cup, what would you like to do next?" Special: "Next..." Special: "Well... I want to be a horse girl who can continue to make everyone's dreams come true, and I want to give the people who cheered me on dreams, too. That's the type of horse girl I want to be!" Special: "Her ability to carry those dreams must be what gives her power." Special: "To carry everyone's dreams." Suzuka: "Now it's my turn to make your dream come true." H: "It's time to announce the horse girls running in the Winter Dream Trophy. Silence Suzuka, whose legs move at the speed of sound. The Ruler of Long Distance, Mejiro McQueen. The Amazon, Hishi Amazon is Bracket 2, #3. Will we be able to see the beautiful Teio Step? Tokai Teio is Bracket 2, #4. Vodka has won the Japan Cup and she's Bracket 3, #5. Maruzensky is Bracket 3, #6. Grass Wonder is Bracket 4, #7."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Episode 12 – Stage of Dreams", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby", "12", "Stage of Dreams" ] }
Special: "Dear Mom," Special: "Are you doing well? After the Japan Cup you came to watch me in, I lost to Grass-chan in the Arima Kinen." Special: "But now, I'm doing great, and so is everyone else in Spica." Special: "Vodka-chan and Scarlet-chan's rivalry always gets everyone going." Special: "Teio-san has a Double Crown to her name now, with Satsukishou and Derby victories. She was upset she couldn't emulate President Rudolf and win the Triple Crown, but she overcame her injury and made a comeback in the Arima Kinen. She was really cool. McQueen-san won the Spring Tennoushou again. She's being called the strongest stayer in history, and has no equal in long distance races." Special: "Gold Ship won the Takarazuka Kinen again with her long spurt. She also entered the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe. She's pretty popular." Special: "Suzuka-san also won all the G-I races since then. She also went to America, like she wanted, and today, she's finally..." Special: "Suzuka-san!" Special: "Suzuka-san, welcome back." Suzuka: "I'm home, Spe-chan." D1: "Was that just..." D2: "What? Really?" Special: "We can finally run together. You kept your promise." Suzuka: "Yeah. But I'm sorry, Spe-chan." Special: "Huh? Why?" Suzuka: "I'm going to win." Special: "That's right. It's finally time to fulfill our promise." Special: "Suzuka and I, and all of Spica, get to run together. For the Dream Trophy!" R: "This Dream Trophy race will not be watched just by people in Japan, but people all over the world. I hope that the horse girls running this race will make their names known worldwide, not just in Japan." uji: "Piling your plate, are we?" Air: "You shouldn't be saying that to me, but to her." Oguri: "What's the matter?" Hana: "Why are you staring off into space? We should say hi to the chairman." T: "I just started remembering." Hana: "Remembering what?" R: "We're going to quit." R2: "You're not teaching us right." T: "W-Wait..." T: "Not again." Gold: "Hey." Gold: "Want to play Othello?" T: "We didn't have enough people on our team, so we couldn't race in the Twinkle Series. I just remember what it was like back then." Hana: "Gold Ship was the only one who didn't quit your team." T: "She's nice, in her own way." T: "I was depressed, and..." T: "It's her." R: "Silence Suzuka-san..." T: "I saw how Suzuka ran, and felt that I could make the number one team in Japan." Hana: "I'll never forget how you made her ignore my training." T: "Sorry about that. But I wanted Suzuka to stay ahead of the pack the whole time." Hana: "Well, that's all in the past. Plus, Suzuka is what made you actually try, right?" T: "Yeah. That's when it started." Gold: "Hmm? What are you doing?" T: "Putting together some fliers. All right, I'm done!" Gold: "You don't have a knack for this." Vodka: "This flier's pretty cool." Daiwa: "Someone's got good taste." Vodka: "Don't take my carrot!" T: "We got a bunch of rowdy team members, and..." Special: "I want to do my best on this team." T: "There was a girl from the countryside that wanted to be number one, like me, and that made five." Teiou: "I want to catch up to the president. That's why I'm going to get better in Spica, and try racing with the president." Mejiro: "Hey! I never said you could put my name down!" Gold: "It'll be fine." Mejiro: "No, it won't." Gold: "This team needs you." Mejiro: "Then could you at least write my name correctly?" Gold: "Sure!" Mejiro: "By the way, what's that sack?" T: "Teio and McQueen joined, making seven." T: "They're always fighting." Hana: "But you wanted the two of them to think of each other as rivals, right?" Hana: "You have them race each other and grow." Hana: "That's not a bad way to run a team, I guess." T: "After this race, the number one team in Japan will be Spica." T: "Yes, and yet... Now that they're all about to enter the Dream Series, literally the dream of the whole team, I..." Tadzuna: "Special Week will be #13." A: "Special Week, #13 is the same number you wore in the Japan Cup." Special: "Yeah, this time..." Special: "I want to beat Suzuka-san." R: "The Winter Dream Trophy is finally here. It's a race between eighteen select horse girls. Shiojiri-san, which horse girl should we be watching?" Shiojiri: "Well, the first time..." R: "Is this a dream or reality? Eighteen horse girls to whom defeat is unthinkable are going to clash out there. Who will stand on top of the ages?" R2: "The WDT, or Winter Dream Trophy, will be held at the Tokyo Racecourse, a 2,400 meter turf track." Suzuka: "Spe-chan..." Special: "I can't eat another bite..." Suzuka: "I'm going to leave now." Special: "Huh? What?! I'm going to be late!" Suzuka: "You're still the same." Special: "I'll get ready." Rudolf: "Teio..." Rudolf: "Are you nervous?" Teiou: "What about you, Prez?" Rudolf: "It's not my first time in the Dream Trophy. I'm not nervous." Teiou: "I'm a bit uneasy." Rudolf: "What's wrong?" Teiou: "I'm worried that you might start crying when you can't keep up with me." Rudolf: "Don't imagine things like that about me!" Teiou: "I got you!" Rudolf: "Do you know how long I've waited for this day?" Teiou: "Huh? Did you really get mad just now?" Rudolf: "I'm not mad." Teiou: "Good!" Vodka: "I won the Tulipshou." Daiwa: "I won the Oukashou! The Shuukashou, too." Vodka: "I won the Fall Tennoushou." Daiwa: "That was a draw. That means I'm at two wins, one loss, and one tie." Vodka: "Why? I won by two centimeters. It's two wins, two losses." El: "I'm excited." Grass: "Yeah." El: "They're at it again." Grass: "They sure are good friends." Both: "No, we're not!" Gold: "McQueen-chan, why are you so nervous?" Mejiro: "I guess you don't feel any pressure at all." Gold: "Yeah, but I do feel fate." Mejiro: "Fate?" Gold: "It's my first race with you! I've got to have fun!" Gold: "I'm excited because I get to go up against my fated rival." Mejiro: "Well, you do make a good opponent." Gold: "Your heart's beating so fast!" Mejiro: "That's because you're shaking me!" Teiou: "What are you two doing?" T: "You guys!" All: "Welcome to Team Spica!" T: "You should have just asked me to come. We went to catch you because we didn't know where you were!" Mejiro: "Where were you wandering around on such an important day?" Gold: "What's wrong with you?" Special: "Trainer-san, how should I run today?" Hana: "Go!" All: "Right!" Daiwa: "Rigil?" T: "Jeez, there's no plan. There's only one thing that Team Spica needs to do." T: "Give those girls from Rigil what they deserve!" All: "Right!" Gold: "All right, let's form a circle!" Mejiro: "That sounds good!" Special: "Trainer-san, you get in, too." T: "I'll pass." Vodka: "Come on, hurry." Gold: "Anyone who wins gets free food from our trainer for a year." T: "What?" Gold: "Team Spica, let's do this!" All: "Yeah!" R: "Rudolf-sama! Narita Brian!" uji: "I don't want to lose to those Triple Crown Horse Girls." Brian: "Nee-san, that outfit looks good on you." Hayahide: "It's not like you to compliment me." Brian: "This day's finally come." Hayahide: "Yes, it's time to settle this." Hishi: "That's right." Brian: "Why are you here?" Hishi: "I don't care about anyone else." Hishi: "Narita Brian, I'm going one-on-one with you!" Brian: "I believe we settled this at the Arima Kinen. I'm not letting you get a hand up on me." Hishi: "Sounds good to me." Suzuka: "I think I'm going to take it slow and bring up the rear." Special: "What? Really?" Mejiro: "She's lying, of course." Grass: "Let's do our best out there today." Special: "Yeah." El: "You two sure are fired up." Opera: "You couldn't call yourself a true champion until you beat those three. I'm going to show that today." Air: "I'm the strongest." Maruzensky: "Grass..." Grass: "Maruzensky-san." Maruzensky: "I think only one of us deserves the title of "monster."" Grass: "Yeah." Super: "Oguri-san, as the representatives of our generation..." Tamamo: "Do your best out there." Inari: "I'm not forgiving you if you lose." Oguri: "Right." Oguri: "Sorry." Tamamo: "If you've got time to be hungry, you won't lose, will you?" Inari: "If you win, you get all the yakiniku you want." Super: "Huh? Really?" Inari: "Yeah." Oguri: "I'm going to make you regret that promise." Hana: "Still down in the dumps?" T: "I want all of them to take first." T: "But they're rivals with each other. They want to fight it out." T: "What can I do for them? It's hard for me to face up to them." Hana: "I dream about their success, too, and at times entrust my own dreams to them. But I don't look away, whether they're making my dreams come true or not." T: "You sure are serious." Hana: "Anyway, watch over them until the end." Hana: "That's our job." T: "I know that." H: "The best horse girls in the best of conditions have found themselves here." H: "First we have Bracket 1, #1. She came all the way back from America for today. Will we get to see her legs travel at the speed of sound? It's Silence Suzuka." A: "It's the first time that Silence Suzuka and Special Week will get to face each other." H: "A dream match-up, quite literally. A must-see for the Dream Trophy." H: "Will we get to see the beautiful Teio Step? Tokai Teio will be in Bracket 2, #4. Vodka has won the Japan Cup and will be in Bracket 3, #5. Daiwa Scarlet has won the Oukashou and will be #18, on the outside. Just what will become of their eternal rivalry? Bracket 1, #2 will be the daughter of the Mejiro family, the ruler of long distance, Mejiro McQueen. Bracket 7, #14 will have the girl who always gets faster near the finish, Gold Ship!" A: "They both have lots of stamina, so they're definitely worth keeping an eye on. All seven members of Spica are going to run. That's pretty amazing." H: "But there are nine running from Rigil! A regular at the Dream Trophy, the Emperor, Symboli Rudolf, will be in Bracket 5, #10." H: "The Amazon, Hishi Amazon, will be Bracket 2, #3." H: "Fuji Kiseki, the Legendary Triple Crown Horse Girl, will be Bracket 5, #9." H: "We don't know who'll win in this battle of peers. Grass Wonder is Bracket 4, #7. El Condor Pasa will be Bracket 6, #11. Grass Wonder will be facing the old monster. Maruzensky will be in Bracket 3, #6. Tied for the most G-I wins, with seven victories, T.M. Opera O will be Bracket 6, #12. The Empress, Air Groove, will be Bracket 7, #15. Sisters Biwa Hayahide and Narita Brian will be facing each other." H: "They'll be #16 and #17, neighboring gates. A superstar in both reputation and reality, Oguri Cap, will be in Bracket 4, #8." T: "It's going to begin." H: "And last in is Daiwa Scarlet." H: "The stage has been set. The Winter Dream Trophy... Only one of the girls can take the glory." H: "And they're off. These eighteen girls have made a clean start. Silence Suzuka is meeting expectations and moving right up." H: "Behind her is Maruzensky. Daiwa Scarlet is in third." H: "Hishi Amazon and Gold Ship are following a bit behind. It's going exactly as planned, it seems. Silence Suzuka leads seventeen other horse girls as she makes the first turn. The crowd is going wild. Symboli Rudolf is in the middle of the pack. Special Week is around here, too." H: "El Condor Pasa is right behind Daiwa Scarlet in fourth now." H: "They all have different hopes for this race. They're past the second corner, entering the stretch on the opposite side." H: "Let's take a look at first. In her green outfit, it's Silence Suzuka. She's about four horse lengths ahead in the lead. Maruzensky and Daiwa Scarlet are following her. Next there's El Condor Pasa, about two horse lengths off the lead pack. After that, it's Mejiro McQueen from the inside, Vodka, and T.M Opera O on the outside. Tokai Teio is next, with Fuji Kiseki on the outside, and Symboli Rudolf making her way around them. The Emperor is making her move!" H: "Air Groove and Biwa Hayahide are following close, making the third turn. Following that pack is Oguri Cap, Narita Brian, and Grass Wonder. Special Week is right behind them. Hishi Amazon is leading the rear." H: "Gold Ship is dead last, but she's working her way up." H: "Silence Suzuka is in the lead, and she has passed the large Zelkova tree. The tenacity and passion of these eighteen horse girls is on display as they pass the fourth corner. There are 600 meters left. Who knows who will win? There are several legends and dreams all running together today!" H: "Silence Suzuka, on the inside, has increased her lead even further." H: "Maruzensky is catching up to her! Narita Brian is coming up from the outside!" H: "There are only 400 meters left! They've all come up! And behind Daiwa Scarlet and El Condor Pasa, they're all completely lined up! Symboli Rudolf is making her way up! Gold Ship is coming up from the outside! Special Week is coming up through the middle!" Special: "Suzuka-san..." Special: "I'm going to make it beside you." Suzuka: "That's when I get faster." Special: "I was able to get this fast thanks to you." Suzuka: "Me, too." Special: "I want to run more. That's why I'm going to beat you." Suzuka: "I can repay you by beating you!" H: "They've made it past the hill! Who's going to break out? No one can tell!" Hana: "Go!" T: "No, I gotta watch this. Yes, I love it when they're running at their best. I want to watch this forever. So the only thing I can do is..." T: "The only thing I can do... I'm with you! Run to the ends of the Earth! GolShi!" T: "Vodka!" T: "Scarlet!" T: "Teio!" T: "McQueen!" T: "Spe!" T: "Suzuka!" Song: "I want to shine here, right now. Let's run towards the future we want to have. The dream will continue." Song: "I can work harder when I have rivals. We'll all face each other in a real showdown someday. But we can smile, no matter what happens..." T: "Hmm?" T: "Those are some nice thighs. You could be a great horse girl—" R: "Wh... Wh-Wh-What are you doing?" T: "Hey, do you have any dreams?" R: "Huh?" T: "If you don't give up on your dreams, they'll come true." R: "I..." Song: "Step by step, I won't stop. Let's run through that special race with you." R: "On your marks..."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Episode 13 – Echo, Fanfare!", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby", "13", "Echo, Fanfare!" ] }
Special: "What?!" T: "I'm sure your debut race will work out fine if you train hard for a week." Vodka: ""Work out fine"? You should take this more seriously!" Daiwa: "Yeah, take this a bit more seriously!" Gold: "It's time to eat. Clean up for us." Daiwa: "Hold up!" Vodka: "We're going, too!" T: "Anyway, it'll be nice working with you." Special: "Um... Were you nervous about your debut match?" Suzuka: "Not really." Special: "Y-You weren't, huh? She's on a completely different level." Suzuka: "The only thing I can do is run. That's why." Special: "She's so cool! Um, I totally look up to you. I'm really happy to be on the same team as you." uji: "Welcome back." Special: "I'm not late today." uji: "Your room's been decided, so I just came to let you know. Your roommate is... Hmm? You already know each other?" Both: "Huh?" Special: "We're in the same room! It must be fate!" Suzuka: "Your things came." Special: "Thank you very much! Oh, I know." Special: "There." Suzuka: "Hmm?" Special: "I'm going to write my mom a letter. I'm going to tell her it was my first time running with other horse girls." Suzuka: "Your first time?" Special: "And I'm going to tell her I got to be in the same room as you, and that I joined a team! Oh, and that I have a debut race next week." Suzuka: "I see..." Special: "I don't know if I deserve someone as great as you, but let's be friends!" Suzuka: "Sure." Special: "All right! Let's race to that tree!" Special: "Goal!" Special: "One more race? Guess I have no choice." Suzuka: "It's time to go." Special: "What?! The bird talked!" Suzuka: "Please hurry." Special: "Huh?" Suzuka: "You'll be late." Special: "What?! Oh no!" A: "Good morning." Tadzuna: "Good morning. Hmm?" Tadzuna: "Oh. Good morning, Special Week-san." Special: "Good morning! Hmm?" Te: "This fill-in-the-blank problem is simple. Only Class C is allowed to participate in the Satsukishou, Japanese Derby, and what? Seiun Sky-san, please answer." Seiun: "The Kikkashou." Te: "That's correct." Te: "If you dominate these three G-I races, you're honored as what? El Condor Pasa-san, please answer." El: "A Triple Crown Horse Girl!" Te: "That's right. Recently, Mister CB, Symboli Rudolf, Narita Brian, and others have proven their absolute power and accomplished this." Special: "A-A Triple Crown Horse Girl..." Groove: "Special Week..." Special: "Y-Yes?" Groove: "The Student Council President wants you." Special: "Huh?" Symboli: "I am the student council president, Symboli Rudolf." Special: "She's a Triple Crown Horse Girl..." Symboli: "Our school is unique among horse girl training facilities in that we have an impeccable and extensive curriculum designed to cultivate" Symboli: "elegant, superior horse girls. By applying oneself to their studies..." Special: "What should I do... I only understand half of what she's saying." Symboli: "Special Week..." Special: "Y-Yes!" Symboli: "Are you listening?" Special: "Yes." Symboli: "Where are you from?" Special: "Hokkaido." Symboli: "I see." Symboli: "Your mother is..." Special: "Yes." Special: "I promised my current mother that I would become the best horse girl in Japan." Symboli: "It seems that you'll already be having your debut match next week." Symboli: "Try your best to do well." Special: "Th-Thanks. Could you tell me how your debut race went?" Symboli: "I had them under my thumb." Special: "I guess that means she won?" Symboli: "You have a long future ahead of you. You should take a look at the facilities we have here. Teio, don't hide back there. Come out." Teiou: "Hi!" Symboli: "Special Week, this is Tokai Teio." Special: "N-Nice to meet you." Symboli: "Teio, show her the school." Teiou: "I'll do anything you say, Prez! Transfer Student, let's go!" Special: "R-Right!" Symboli: "Hold on, Special Week." Symboli: "Do you understand what this means?" Special: "U-Uh..." Special: "Eclip..." Symboli: "It's the school motto." Special: "School motto? Sorry, I don't understand." Symboli: "I see." Symboli: "That's fine. Go look around." Special: "Sure." Special: "U-Um, President..." Symboli: "What is it?" Special: "Thank you for everything. "Eclipse first, the rest nowhere." I'm sure there will come a time when she understands what this means." Teiou: "This is the library!" Teiou: "Tracen Academy excels on the track and in academics!" Special: "There are so many books!" Teiou: "Come over here!" Mejiro: "Could you guys be quiet?" Both: "Sorry!" Teiou: "This is the pool!" Special: "It's my first time seeing a pool! Are fish in there?" Teiou: "No." Taiki: "Yo!" Taiki: "Not even fish could beat me in a short-distance race!" Taiki: "Feels so good!" Teiou: "I'll show you around outside next!" Hishi: "Darn it! I lost again! Why?! Come on!" Special: "What's that about?" Teiou: "I'm sure she feels bad she lost. She's letting out her feelings there." Hishi: "Next time!" Teiou: "Oh, yeah." Teiou: "Are you trying to become a Triple Crown Horse Girl?" Special: "Well, I don't have any specific races in mind." Teiou: "You have no specific goals?" Special: "I guess." Teiou: "So, what did you think of the President?" Special: "Symboli Rudolf-san?" Teiou: "The president runs really fast! She's really cool! She's the best!" Special: "You love the President, huh, Teio-san?" Teiou: "Yeah!" Teiou: "I want to be like the President. She's called the Emperor. It's my dream to be like her. It's my goal." Special: "She knows exactly what she wants." Special: "My goal is..." Special: "All right! I have my debut race! I have to work hard during my first training session!" T: "Next. Right hand, blue." T: "That's great, Special Week!" Special: "What's up with this training?" Gold: "I want to do this, too! Okay?!" Daiwa: "There's no point to this, is there?" T: "There is!" Vodka: "Then explain it!" T: "Special Week." Special: "Y-Yes?!" T: "Your debut race is different from the team test you had yesterday. You should think of races as martial arts. Your opponents will come and bump you. You'll have to strengthen your core muscles, so you don't lose your balance." Daiwa: "Yeah, but how will this game help?" Toujou: "El, focus!" Vodka: "This is embarrassing!" Special: "Mom, I'm working hard for my debut race!" Urara: "Good morning, Spe-chan! You'll be Bracket 8, Number 14 for your debut race!" Grass: "Clockwise..." Seiun: "One thousand, six hundred meters..." El: "Turf, huh?" Urara: "Wow, wow, wow! That's so great!" uji: "Suzuka, do you have a moment?" Suzuka: "Yes?" uji: "I'd like you to do something for Special Week." uji: "She's a bit unique, it seems." uji: "I want you to look after her here in the dorms." Suzuka: "Unique?" uji: "She hadn't ever met another horse girl before now." Suzuka: "Huh? But her mom would..." uji: "I don't know the details myself, either. I just know she was raised in the countryside without any other kids her age or any other horse girls around. She couldn't really make friends, it seems." uji: "On top of that, she has her debut race the day after tomorrow. She might seem cheerful, but I'm sure some things are hard for her to say, as well. Could you stay by her side, since you're her roommate?" Suzuka: "Sure." Suzuka: "Her letter..." T: "You start here, go around the corner, and finish here." Special: "R-Right." Vodka: "So what should Spe-senpai's plan be?" Daiwa: "She should make a dash from the start, obviously." Gold: "She should force herself into the inside corner." T: "Nope! No plans at all!" All: "What?!" Vodka: "No plans?!" Suzuka: "The plan is no plan?" T: "Yeah, that's it..." T: "Special Week. Don't think of trying to come up with a strategy. Run the way you want." Special: "The way I want..." T: "It can be at the start or the finish, or whenever you want... You can start your sprint whenever you feel it's the right time for you. Pass the horse girl in the lead." Special: "I wonder if I'll know the right time." T: "Part of it is experience, and part of it is gut instinct. You'll just have to give it a shot." uji: "Could you stay by her side, since you're her roommate?" Suzuka: "Are you worried about something?" Special: "Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't sigh." Suzuka: "Special Week-san..." Special: "Yes?" Suzuka: "When you joined our team, you said you wanted to be the best horse girl in Japan, right?" Special: "Oh, yeah." Suzuka: "Why the best in Japan?" Special: "Because that's what I promised my mom." Suzuka: "Your mom..." Special: "Suzuka-san, I have two mothers." Special: "One of them is the mom that gave birth to me." Special: "She died giving birth to me." M: "Please make her..." M: "Make her a wonderful horse girl..." Special: "Those were her dying words." Special: "My second mother wanted to be faithful to those dying words. She tried her best to raise me. You can do it! She did whatever she could to help me." M2: "Come on! You can go faster!" Special: "When it was even raining, windy, or snowing, she'd help me train in the countryside, even with no proper facilities." M2: "Take that! Take that!" Suzuka: "What was that training for?" Special: "Um... I don't know. If she helped raise me to be Japan's best horse girl, then my mom that raised me will have kept her promise to my mom that died. She even brought a sign when she saw me off at the train station." Special: "That's so embarrassing..." Special: "That's why I want to be the best in Japan. I have to make it up to both my moms!" Suzuka: "It's nice that you have two moms." Special: "Yeah!" H: "Sunday Pillow, who was supposed to run in today's main race, has withdrawn." A: "That's right." Gold: "It's time to watch Spe's debut race." Daiwa: "It's unfair that she's going before me." T: "I forgot to tell her how to show herself on the paddock." H: "Next, we have Bracket 8, Number 14," H: "Special Week." A: "She's pretty stiff out there. Well, I guess it's her debut race. It makes sense that she'd be nervous." Gold: "She's moving her arms and feet together!" Vodka: "She's way too nervous." T: "Oh, I forgot to give her the bib. That's an issue." Gold: "Come on, now." T: "Suzuka..." Suzuka: "Hmm?" T: "Could you take this to Special Week?" Suzuka: "Okay." Special: "Suzuka-san, why are you here?" Suzuka: "I brought this." Suzuka: "There you are." Special: "Thank you very much." Suzuka: "You're nervous, huh?" Special: "It's my first time being in front of so many people." Suzuka: "It's all about thinking whether the pressure is scary or fun." Special: "Huh?" Suzuka: "It's your first step toward the goal you set with both of your mothers. It'd be a shame if you were just scared. You have to have fun," Suzuka: "Spe..." Suzuka: "Spe-chan!" Special: "Suzuka-san..." Special: "You're right!" 2: "That girl looks kind of good!" 3: "Who's #14, again?" 4: "You can do it, Special Week!" Vodka: "She's acting completely different than she was before." Special: "It'd be a shame if I was just scared. I have to have fun. All right!" Queen: "What's "all right"?" Queen: "I'll crush you!" Special: "What?!" H: "They've all taken off together. Actually, they're off of the line a bit broken up. Number 9, Sara Poole, and Number 4, Victory Wild, are fighting for first! And Number 2, Last Century, is coming up from the inside! Oh! Number 14, Special Week, who was late off the line, is in fifth!" Daiwa: "Spe-senpai is heading up the front of the pack." T: "Don't think about anything. You're not experienced enough to think about strategy." Queen: "Here I come!" A: "Queen-Berry is testing the waters. Is she going to make a move?" Queen: "Out of the way!" H: "She's running strong." A: "She's got a lot of power." H: "She hasn't lost a single match at arm wrestling, supposedly." H: "They've passed the third corner. There's 600 meters left." Queen: "Darn." T: "She's doing good." Suzuka: "Her mom's training helped." T: "Her mom?" H: "They're making the fourth turn. There's 400 meters left." H: "Queen-Berry has made her move! She's jumped into first!" Special: "This is it." T: "Yep, that's it." All: "No way!" Queen: "I can do this!" Queen: "Wh-What?" Queen: "I'm going to win! I can't lose now!" Queen: "This can't be!" 1: "Special Week!" 2: "Yeah!" H: "Special Week has won! She's won her debut race! Has a new star been born?" Special: "Mom, I've done it!" Gold: "She's good." Daiwa: "Hey! Give me my debut race, too!" Vodka: "I'm first, right?!" T: "I know, I know." T: "Let's keep this up and have Team Spica take over!" All: "Yeah!" Toujou: "Looks like you're having fun." T: "That girl at the end's a diamond in the rough, you know?" T: "Hana-san, you can't pick 'em." Toujou: "All she did is win her debut race." T: "You want to bet on whether she remains in the rough, or becomes a diamond?" Toujou: "Ridiculous." Toujou: "Above all, make sure you hold Silence Suzuka's reins tight." H: "Now it's time for the Winning Concert, where only the winners gets to stand." A: "That's right. It'll be Special Week's first performance on stage." T: "Oh, crap. We didn't practice how to handle the Winning Stage at all." All: "Huh?" Vodka: "Come on, now." Daiwa: "Oh no." Gold: "She's funny!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Episode 2 – The Debut Race out of Nowhere", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby", "2", "The Debut Race out of Nowhere" ] }
Uraura: ""Special Week wins debut race!" Hmm? "But she freezes pathetically..."" Grass: "How cute." El: "She looks good!" Special: "I'm so embarrassed." Special: "Second win!" Vodka: "Pure skill!" Daiwa: "An easy win!" Gold: "It's not so bad to try every once in a while." Both: "She's too fast!" Special: "She crushed them." T: "Eleven horse lengths between her and second place... Her speed is the real deal." T: "You guys are pretty good." All: "Yeah!" T: "Vodka and Scarlet, you've both won a match in the Juniors. Spe's got two wins. GolShi and Suzuka both have consecutive wins. At this rate, we'll catch up to Hana-san's Team Rigil pretty soon." Gold: "No problem at all." T: "Your results out on the track aren't the only thing on display, though." Daiwa: "You mean people care about how cute we are?" T: "Look at this." T: "You four, other than Shizuka..." T: "Get your concert down!" T: "Your win isn't perfect until you have your Winning Concert down." Vodka: "We can't help it!" Daiwa: "You're our trainer. You do something about this." T: "Well, it's true that it's partially my fault. I focused too much on racing. So..." Vodka: "Karaoke?" Daiwa: "Voucher?" T: "That's right. We're going to practice your concerts, starting today." All: "T-Teio!" Special: "Teio-san?!" Vodka: "So this is the Teio Step everyone's talking about." Special: "Pretty impressive." Teiou: "You guys are late!" Vodka: "Why are you here, Teio?" T: "I asked her to come." All: "What?" T: "She'll be teaching you how to sing and dance. You saw that just now, right?" Daiwa: "She's going to teach us?" Teiou: "Yay!" T: "I fell in love with the way she ran, and tried to scout her, but she wouldn't devote herself to the team. She said she'd teach you, though." Teiou: "The president told me to teach you how to sing and dance, too." All: "The president?" Symboli: "It's an embarrassment to this school that there are some who can't perform a Winning Concert." Teiou: "So she said." Teiou: "But don't worry. I'm going to make sure you get it right." All: "What?!" Teiou: "Are you okay?!" Teiou: "Come on. Feel the rhythm." Vodka: "Okay, fine..." Teiou: "Straight up here." Daiwa: "Like this?" Teiou: "Make sure you preform your steps right. What are you doing?" Gold: "Meditating." T: "Thanks for today." Teiou: "Don't worry about it." Special: "It's nice that Teio-san taught us, so we can be sure we won't do anything embarrassing during our concerts." Gold: "If you join us, we'll take good care of you." Teiou: "Yeah..." T: "Teio has her own plans. I want an elite like Teio to grow in her own way." T: "Anyway, we're ready to win now. Special Week, become a Triple Crown Horse Girl!" Special: "What?!" T: "You're the only girl that can try to get a Triple Crown on our team this year." Special: "You want me to be a Triple Crown girl?" T: "You've won two races so far, so it only makes sense. What's your goal, again?" Special: "Well... To become the best horse girl in Japan..." T: "Right? The Satsukishou, the Japanese Derby, and the Kikkashou. Winning these three races is the fastest way to becoming the best horse girl in Japan." Special: "A Triple Crown Horse Girl..." Special: "Suzuka-san, I..." Suzuka: "If you have a chance to do it, why not go for it?" Special: "Go for it?" T: "In order for you to do that, you need to win the Satsukishou's preliminary race, the Yayoishou." Special: "R-Right!" All: "You can do it!" Grass: "Wh-Why do you look like that?" Special: "I couldn't sleep because I was worried about my next race. I've only really gotten lucky with my wins so far." Grass: "I've hurt my leg. You know, if you consider yourself lucky just to be able to get out there on the track, you'll feel better." Special: "Yeah! I'm going to try my best out there for the Yayoishou!" Seiun: "Me, too." Special: "Seiun Sky-san!" Seiun: "I'm not doing well, though. I hope things work out next time, but..." Grass: "She's had two wins in a row. Also, King Halo-san has had three wins in a row since her debut." Special: "I-I'll try my best..." Special: "The Nakayama Race Track is a 2,000 meter turf track." Special: "The next Yayoishou is the first race for the Triple Crown. It has the same conditions as the Satsukishou. So you can basically assume that how you do in the Yayoishou will tell you how you'll do in the Satsukishou. Right." T: "You're going to start from here. Take a loop around, and here's the goal. But the problem is this soul-killing hill in the last 200 meters." Special: "A hill..." T: "Many lose their momentum here on the hill, even if they've done well up until that point." Special: "So it's a battle of endurance, then?" T: "These are going to be the longest 2,000 meters you'll have run so far. The finish is going to show your willpower." Special: "Willpower?" T: "And most of all, you need to watch out for Seiun Sky." H: "She has three wins since her debut for a reason! The most popular girl here, King Halo, is standing before the gate!" King: "I'll show you how a King runs." A: "She's still in good form from her previous races." A: "And we've got the third favorite, Seiun Sky, standing before the gates." Seiun: "I know everyone's counting on me, but I'm going to be as laid back as always." Vodka: "I don't understand her personality." Daiwa: "I know." H: "And we have Number 13 on the far end, the second favorite, Special Week. She's the last before the gates." A: "This race will lead into the Satsukishou." Seiun: "You sure are popular." Special: "P-Please don't tease me." Special: "I need to challenge myself. I have to do what I can." H: "And they're off! The start of the G-II, the Yayoishou! All the horse girls here are trying for the Classic, running the Nakayama's 2,000 meters!" Special: "All those people cheering us on..." Special: "She's so fast!" Special: "She's not laid back at all!" H: "Seiun Sky's pulling ahead! She's about three horse lengths ahead, and Tanshou Lupin follows in second." Gold: "Seiun Sky's getting far ahead." Vodka: "Don't lose your pacing!" Daiwa: "I wonder if Spe-senpai will be okay keeping that position." T: "The real race begins after the 4th turn." Suzuka: "You can do it, Spe-chan." Special: "A little further ahead..." A: "We have someone coming in from the outside." H: "Number 13, Special Week, has come out front in the corner." H: "It's a straight shot out of the 4th turn. Seiun Sky is in the lead. Tanshou Lupin is in second. She looks a bit tired!" T: "It's a straight shot from here!" Gold: "You can do it!" Special: "This is the soul-draining hill... But I still have my wind. This is it!" T: "Make it up, make it up, make it up, make it up!" All: "Make it up, make it up, make it up, make it up!" Lupin: "I can't do it!" Special: "I'm not catching up... But I still have a chance after the hill." H: "Less than 100 meters left now! Seiun Sky is in the lead. Has she tired herself out?" H: "Special Week is closing in at a ferocious pace from behind!" Special: "If I can just get a bit further ahead..." H: "Special Week is closing in! They're neck and neck!" H: "She's pulled ahead!" All: "You can do it!" H: "Special Week finishes!" Daiwa: "Yay!" Vodka: "That hill scared me." T: "Her ability to push ahead right before the goal is godlike. She might really be able to make Triple Crown..." T: "Huh?" Daiwa: "Congratulations." Gold: "We're having a victory party tonight!" Teiou: "How nice..." Seiun: "I see." T: "Special Week, congratulations on your big Yayoishou win! Cheers!" All: "Cheers!" Special: "Thank you." Bg: "That was so cool. Congratulations!" Gold: "That Nakayama hill is tough, huh?" Special: "Yeah, it felt like a wall." Suzuka: "Your Winning Concert was cute." Special: "Really? I'm glad you said that." T: "Yeah, it's gotten a lot better." Special: "Teio really helped me out. Show me how to dance better the next chance you get." Teiou: "Sure." Special: "R-Really?" Teiou: "Yep. I've decided to join Spica, anyway." All: "What?!" T: "What?!" Gold: "You're surprised, too?!" Symboli: "You're joining Spica?" Teiou: "Yes." Symboli: "You don't want to be in Rigil?" Teiou: "I gave it a lot of thought, but I'd rather have fun." Symboli: "You said you wanted to be like me, right?" Teiou: "Yeah. My goal is to get the Triple Crown!" Symboli: "Just having fun isn't enough, if you have a goal you want to achieve." Symboli: "You know what I'm going to say next, right, Teio?" Teiou: "Yes." Symboli: "Once you get stronger, let's run together." Teiou: "Yeah." Symboli: "It's a promise. Don't forget." Teiou: "Yeah." Teiou: "I want to catch up to the president. That's why I'm going to get better in Spica, and try racing with the president." T: "That's a big goal. Sounds good to me." Teiou: "Yep!" Teiou: "Let's do this, everyone." All: "Welcome." Vodka: "Yeah, welcome." Daiwa: "Welcome." Suzuka: "Welcome." Gold: "Yep." Teiou: "Time to eat!" Groove: "President, you're still here." Symboli: "Want to have a drink with me?" Groove: "S-Sure." T: "Hey, Hana-san. Is this a new brand of coffee?" T: "Playing a game? Is it any good?" T: "Hey, why aren't you going to use her for the Satsukishou?" T: "I guess I'm invisible to you." Toujou: "Hey, why did you come back?" T: "I couldn't give up on my dream so easily." Toujou: "I thought that was the case. Then you should be working a lot harder, shouldn't you?" T: "I believe in laissez-faire. Their ability to make their own decisions during a race is the most important." Toujou: "You're going to have problems if you believe that." Toujou: "The next race your favorite girl is going to be in..." Toujou: "I think it'll be hard for her." T: "Even if things don't turn out the way we want, it'll be up to her whether or not she picks herself up from there." Suzuka: "What did the letter from your mom say?" Special: "She said she wanted to come see me race. I want her to come too, but I'm going to tell her it's okay if she doesn't, because it'll cost a lot." Suzuka: "Here you are. I've tightened them up nice." Special: "Oh, thank you." Suzuka: "I hope you win the next one, too." Special: "I'll do my best!" Special: "Watch me on TV, Mom. I'm going to win!" T: "It's the Satsukishou tomorrow." Special: "Right!" T: "A G-I race is one of the most prestigious races. You run in your best clothes for this. These were special ordered. Try them on." Special: "J-Just for me?" Special: "Thank you!" Both: "Lucky..." T: "Now hurry up, and get changed." Gold: "You get out of here." Teiou: "That looks good!" Daiwa/Vodka: "Lucky..." Gold: "Looks good on you." T: "Clothes make the girl." Special: "Thank you. I really appreciate it." Daiwa: "What's wrong?" Special: "N-Nothing. It's nothing." H: "And the last to make her appearance is the favorite... Bracket 8, Number 18, Special Week!" Special: "The audience is even louder than last time. This is a G-I." H: "She's wearing an adorable white and purple uniform-style outfit." A: "She looks like she's in good condition, too." Vodka: "What is she doing?" H: "The G-I Satsukishou... Which horse girl will clear the first hurdle to the Triple Crown?" Special: "I'm feeling decent, and I'm starting from the outside again." Special: "Mom, I'm going to win." H: "And they're off! They're all out of the gates just fine." H: "Number 2, Kokuei Number One, has jumped in front. King Halo is pulling ahead." Special: "I just have to run like I did before. I'm good in this position for now." T: "Yes, that's right. Don't get started just yet. On the other side, Kokuei Number One remains in the lead, followed by Halcyon." A: "King Halo is in third, a good position for her." H: "The favorite, Special Week, is in a pack in the rear. She's waiting for her chance to pounce." Vodka: "Feels like it'll be the same as the Yayoishou." Daiwa: "So she'll try to win in the straightaway after the hill, right?" Teiou: "Yeah, I wonder if we'll get to see her race to catch up again!" H: "They've hit the third turn. Only 600 meters left. Special Week is coming up from the outside. Will she make her move all the way up front? She's entering the fourth turn!" Special: "I started around here last time. It's about time!" Seiun: "Here I go!" Special: "What?!" T: "When did she..." H: "Seiun Sky has started to pull ahead!" Special: "She's fast. I need to catch up. I gotta do this!" Both: "Almost there! Get up there!" 4: "I can't!" 5: "I can't!" 4: "I can't!" 5: "I can't!" Special: "I can't close the gap." T: "It's okay. She can handle the straight after the hill." T: "Do it. That's the place." Special: "This is it." Special: "Why can't I catch up?" Special: "Why?" Toujou: "Just as I thought." H: "Seiun Sky's keeping her lead. And she's across the finish line! King Halo comes in second. Special Week only comes in third!" A: "Seiun Sky kept up her pace at the end." H: "Seiun Sky won through strategy. I feel bad for Special Week not coming in first." R: "Congratulations, Seiun Sky!" R2: "Congratulations!" Seiun: "I won..." Seiun: "Thank you!" Special: "Suzuka-san, thank you for cheering me on today." Suzuka: "Yeah..." Special: "Too bad about today. I was so close." Suzuka: "Yeah." Special: "I can just try harder next time." Suzuka: "Yeah." Special: "I'm going to win next time!" Special: "Oh..." Suzuka: "What is it?" Special: "I forgot something. You go ahead home." Suzuka: "Huh?" Special: "See you." Special: "I ran like I did in the Yayoishou! I wanted my mom to watch me win." Special: "I was so arrogant!" Suzuka: "Spe-chan..." Special: "T-Trainer-san..." Special: "Wh-Why are you here?" T: "Damn it! I should have trained her better! Damn it!" Special: "Trainer-san..." T: "How does it feel to lose?" Special: "It's frustrating." T: "I see." T: "Then you have the Derby." Special: "The Derby?" T: "You're going to beat Seiun Sky in the Japanese Derby. Use your loss to get stronger. Understood?"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Episode 3 – First Big Win", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby", "3", "First Big Win" ] }
Special: "Mom, I lost." Suzuka: "Spe-chan, the milk!" Special: "But..." Special: "I want to win the next chance I get." Suzuka: "Spe-chan, your thumb!" Special: "I have to work harder." Special: "No way!" Suzuka: "Spe-chan..." Special: "Derby. Turf. 2,400. Derby. Turf. 2,400." Special: "Derby. Turf. 2,400." T: "You're going to beat Seiun Sky in the Japan Derby. Get stronger in your loss. Understood?" Special: "Yes!" Special: "Ow..." R: "Hey!" R: "Are you okay?" Special: "Oh, I'm fine." R: "Please take this as a token of my apology." Special: "D-Don't worry about it. Bye!" R: "Horse girls are really fast." Grass: "Spe-chan, you're training so hard for the Derby." Seiun: "As a result, she's not really paying attention in class. I guess I'm not either, though." El: "The other day, she was so busy thinking about something else, she ran into a pole, and then apologized to it." Special: "Y-You saw that?" El: "You're such a scatterbrain." Special: "El-chan, stop embarrassing me..." Grass: "She has less rice today." Urara: "I'm back!" Grass: "Oh my." Seiun: "Welcome back." Special: "Urara-chan?" Urara: "I went and had my debut in Kouchi. Kouchi was really nice. Food tastes great after a trip." Urara: "I feel great! The dawn of Japan grows near!" Urara: "It feels nice to race, doesn't it?" Special: "Your debut race... Did you..." Urara: "Yeah, I managed to come in 5th! The audience liked me because I tried my best. They told me "good luck"! I want to run again!" Special: "Urara-chan..." Grass: "I need to work hard at rehab." Special: "Yeah." Seiun: "I just want to sleep." Special: "Yeah, but you were amazing in the Satsukishou." Seiun: "Nah... maybe." Special: "I'm not going to lose next time." Seiun: "Hmm? I'm not sure about that." Special: "El-chan, what race are you running next?" Tv: "This horse girl has never known loss." Tv: "Four races, four wins. The strongest horse girl there is will beat them all." Tv: "The NHK Mile Cup." El: "I'm going to win, too." Special: "I'm going to win, too!" T: "All right. Let's take a break at that park over there." Daiwa: "You sure are breathing heavy." Vodka: "And you're sweating a lot." Daiwa: "What was that?" Vodka: "Don't yell out of nowhere." Gold: "They have taiyaki!" T: "Guess I'll get some for you guys." All: "Yay!" Vodka: "I'll have a hot dog mayonnaise taiyaki." Daiwa: "What? Taiyaki is best with shiroan." Teiou: "I'll have custard!" Gold: "What's this "secret" thing?" Shop: "Well, it's a secret." Gold: "Give me ten of them." Suzuka: "I'll have one with koshian. What do you want, Spe-chan?" Special: "I'm good..." T: "What's wrong?" Gold: "Spe, you should eat. It's basically a miracle that our stingy trainer would get us something." T: "Stingy..." Suzuka: "Spe-chan, you haven't been eating lately, right?" T: "You're on a diet?" Special: "Yeah, I couldn't get the hook on my nice dress to close at the Satsukishou. So I thought maybe I needed to..." T: "I mean, I realized that... You went up [censored] kilos, right?" Special: "How did you know?" T: "I can tell just by looking at you." Special: "People normally can't do that!" T: "It's not necessarily a bad thing to put on weight. It proves your body is putting things in place so you can run faster. It's better that you eat a lot and put on muscle so you can get stronger." Special: "But...!" T: "You're not convinced, huh?" Special: "I want to do everything I can." T: "Well, there's nothing wrong with lowering your weight and putting on muscle." Special: "But..." T: "Especially in your legs." All: "Hey!" Gold: "Why are you trying to sound serious when you're really trying to be a pervert?!" Daiwa: "Spe-senpai, we'll help you with your diet!" Special: "Really?" Vodka: "You should let us help you once in a while." Special: "You guys..." Special: "Thank you!" Teiou: "This is fun!" Daiwa: "So what was the secret flavor?" Teiou: "Let me try some." Gold: "Hot mustard." All: "Fight! Fight!" T: "Ow... They don't hold back, huh?" Suzuka: "I wonder if Spe-chan will be okay." T: "Well, it's probably best if Spe goes out and has fun with them for a change of pace." T: "If you get stuck worrying about things, you won't be able to move forward. Anyway, Suzuka, about your next race... I'm having you participate in the fall Tennoushou." Suzuka: "Okay." T: "But before that, I'm going to have you participate in the Mainichi Okan." Suzuka: "Okay." T: "I'd also like to do the Takarazuka Kinen." Suzuka: "Okay." T: "Suzuka-san, can't you sound more interested?" Suzuka: "No matter which race it is, nothing changes the fact that all I have to do is run as fast as I can." T: "Well, I guess that's true. Once the fall Tennoushou is over, you'll..." Special: "Mom, everyone's helping me," Special: "and I'm going to start special training for the Derby." Special: "You want me to..." Daiwa: "Yes, it's important to be hungry for a fight. You get rid of what you like, and tell yourself you're going to get a treat if you win." Special: "B-Being hungry..." Daiwa: "Now, seal up those carrots!" Vodka: "It's best to just exercise diligently if you're going on a diet." Special: "Th-That makes sense. But what's up with that wooden sword?" Vodka: "I'm going to give you some tough love!" Vodka: "Now, it's time to start your hellish muscle training!" Special: "What?!" Vodka: "One hundred sit-ups!" Special: "O-Okay!" Vodka: "One hundred back extensions!" Special: "We're not done yet?!" Vodka: "One hundred push-ups!" Special: "Okay!" Vodka: "One hundred high knees!" Special: "Vodka-chan, forgive me!" Teiou: "Those two don't get it. You can't just be hard on someone the whole time. It has to be fun. So, I'm going to teach you dancing." Special: "Okay!" Teiou: "Spe-chan, make the same pose as me." Special: "L-Like this?" Teiou: "No." Teiou: "Like this. And this." Special: "L-Like this?" Teiou: "Come on, like this! You're going to be off balance and won't have fun dancing if you can't! We're practicing until you can do this!" Special: "You're being hard on me, too!" Gold: "Spe, you can take off the blindfold!" Gold: "Being a horse girl is about guts! Jump off!" Special: "Does this have anything to do with being on a diet?" Seiun: "If you're not going, I will." Special: "Huh?" Seiun: "It's important to have guts when you need it." Gold: "Come on, Spe! You don't want to lose to her, do you?! Jump!" Special: "No. No, I can't do this!" Gold: "Spe, that was hilarious! I'm moved!" A: "Special Week is coming up from the outside." A: "Will she make her move all the way up front?" T: "Seiun Sky was able to pull out of the pack here..." A: "Seiun Sky has started to pull ahead! Seiun Sky has taken the lead. King Halo is trying to catch up. Special Week is third! She's trying her best to get up that hill! Seiun Sky's still in the lead." T: "Hmm...? What's this?" A: "Special Week's having trouble." T: "El Condor Pasa's in good shape." Toujou: "We're training. Get out." T: "Wouldn't expect anything less from the school's strongest team, Team Rigil. You're training hard." Toujou: "Of course." T: "Hana-san, here's a present for you." Toujou: "A challenge letter?" Toujou: "A mock race?" T: "Yep." Toujou: "With who?" T: "Her." Toujou: "You mean..." Toujou: "Taiki Shuttle?" Rudolf: "That's what they mean when they say "fast as lightning."" Toujou: "I think you know this, but she's the fastest short-distance horse girl in Japan." T: "Yep. That's why I want her to see what it's like. Special Week." Toujou: "Special Week? You mean from the Satsukishou?" T: "Please. There's no time." T: "Hana-san..." Toujou: "Fine." Toujou: "I guess I'm in." Special: "Trainer-san, what's this about?" T: "Be glad! I set up a mock race for you." Special: "A mock race... You mean with Taiki Shuttle-san?!" Vodka: "She won twice in a row during last year's G-Is, right?" Daiwa: "The Mile Championship and Sprinter's Stakes..." Gold: "She's good." Teiou: "She's the best opponent you could have. Spe-chan, you can do it!" Special: "Suzuka-san?" T: "What's wrong?" Suzuka: "I'm against this." Special: "Suzuka-san... what's the matter?" Suzuka: "Spe-chan, you've put on weight." Suzuka: "You couldn't fit into your costume, right? And when you weighed yourself..." Special: "Suzuka-san!" Suzuka: "I'm worried about you." Suzuka: "If you push yourself, you could get hurt." Suzuka: "Also, if..." Suzuka: "If you lose... If you start hating to run..." T: "It's true that Taiki Shuttle is the strongest short-distance runner. You might not be able to win. But the fastest way to get stronger is to go straight up against someone stronger than you." Special: "Will I be able to get stronger?" T: "I think you can learn many times more during the real thing than during training. Don't think about it, and just go run." Special: "Right!" Special: "Suzuka-san, I'm going to try it." Suzuka: "All right." Special: "Wow, this feels nice." Urara: "It must be nice to be able to run here!" Gold: "Special Spica Yakisoba here. Anyone want some?" All: "You can do it!" Special: "Suzuka-san..." T: "Could you sleep last night?" Special: "Yeah. I'm a little nervous, though." T: "Watch your opponent closely and steal everything she has. It's short distance. It'll be over if you blink." Special: "Right!" Grove: "Special Week, it's almost time." Special: "R-Right." Hishi: "I have to be the finish line... Why do I have to put up with this pain?" Hishi: "Taiki Shuttle's going to win, anyway." Special: "Th-Thank you for letting me practice with you. I'll try my best!" Taiki: "Howdy, y'all!" Special: "Howdy?" Taiki: "You gotta do everything with full power." Special: "Right!" Grove: "We will now start this mock race, Taiki Shuttle vs. Special Week." Grove: "Ready..." Grove: "Start!" R: "You can do it!" Special: "Sh-She's fast." Daiwa: "She's a G-I horse girl, all right." Vodka: "Amazing." Special: "It's taking all I have just to keep up with her." Special: "But..." Special: "But it's kind of easy to run." Toujou: "Not a bad idea." Teiou: "Is it okay for her to stick so close behind her?" T: "It's called the slipstream. That's the place with the least wind resistance. She's in a good spot." Special: "I'm not getting as tired as I usually do." Special: "I might be able to win!" Special: "I want to catch up to her." T: "It's too early to give up." Special: "This rhythm..." T: "That's it!" Vodka: "What's it?!" Daiwa: "Spe-senpai's losing, though!" Gold: "Go! Crush her!" Teiou: "Spe-chan's running differently now." T: "You tighten your stride, run smaller. Short-stride running." T: "The hill should be a bit easier to run now." Vodka: "I wonder if Spe-senpai can win." T: "A fight is always 50-50." Gold: "Horse girls need guts!" All: "Go!" Taiki: "That's not happening!" Urara: "Spe-chan looks like she's having fun!" El: "I've found my rival." Special: "Suzuka-san, I think I can win." Grove: "Amazon!" Grove: "Amazon!" Hishi: "Come on. Taiki Shuttle's going to win..." Hishi: "G-Goal!" Grove: "Why are you slacking off?!" Hishi: "Oh no!" Grove: "Wait!" Special: "I lost again." Special: "But..." Taiki: "That was very exciting!" Special: "Hey, you really showed me a lot out there!" Special: "Thank you very much!" Taiki: "Oh! You're so cute!" Special: "Taiki Shuttle-san, I..." Teiou: "Spe-chan!" Toujou: "I kept my end of the bargain." T: "Taiki Shuttle's fast." Toujou: "I told you." Toujou: "Next time, set up a mock race that'll benefit me, instead." T: "Thanks." Suzuka: "Spe-chan, you look happy." Special: "I'm having fun every day." Special: "I mean, I'm losing, too." Special: "But it's fun spending time with everyone." Suzuka: "I see." Suzuka: "Suzuka-san, aren't you having fun? Me?" Suzuka: "I..." T: "Hey, it's started." A: "El Condor Pasa! El Condor Pasa! She's taken the lead right away! A complete lead! She dominated the G-Is! She's strong!" Special: "El-chan's amazing!" A: "One minute and 33.7 seconds!" Special: "She really is!" A: "Five races, five wins. She's a G-I horse girl!" T: "Great work." R: "That was some amazing running." Toujou: "Thank you." R: "What will be your next race, El Condor Pasa-san?" Toujou: "In order to get her on the global stage, she'll be running in the Japanese Derby." Special: "El-chan's going to do the Derby, too?" T: "I thought this would happen." R: "El Condor Pasa-san, please give us a statement." El: "I'm going to win in the Derby, too! Spe-chan, let's fight this one out! Wait for me! I'm going to win, though!" Seiun: "Guess it's not going to be an easy win." Special: "I-I'm going to take first place!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Episode 4 – Special Training!", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby", "4", "Special Training!" ] }
R: "El Condor Pasa-san, how do you feel?" El: "I feel great! They call me the bird that flies on the turf. Of course I feel great!" R2: "Seiun Sky-san, tell us what you're thinking." Seiun: "I won the Satsukishou, but I guess I'm only the third favorite. Does that mean everyone will be surprised if I win? Or maybe not?" Special: "There's so many people." R3: "Please look this way." Special: "S-Sure." R3: "Special Week-san, do you think you can win the Derby?" Special: "Well... Uh..." Special: "I have to be silly?!" T: "Spe, this is the last one! Get ready! Start!" Daiwa: "I'm so tired." Vodka: "You can do more." Teiou: "Why are you working us so hard today, Trainer?" T: "You saw the way Taiki Shuttle ran, right? We need to train you to take shallow steps so that you won't slow down on hills." Daiwa: "Spe-senpai's amazing... How many sets has she run?" T: "The Derby's going to be the longest race you've ever run. Just when you think you can't run anymore, you've gotta face the hill." T: "You need to be able to handle this, Spe!" Special: "What's my time?" T: "42.8 seconds." Gold: "Good job!" Special: "That's my best time so far, right?" T: "Come on, you've got to beat 40 seconds at least." Special: "I'm already at my limit!" T: "Well, that's too bad. If you can't push your limits, you're not going to be able to beat those two." Special: "Trainer-san..." Special: "Hmm? Time me again!" All: "One, two..." Seiun: "Excuse me!" R1: "She's fast!" R2: "Who was that?" R3: "I think it was Seiun Sky-san, but doesn't she normally not take stuff seriously?" Seiun: "I can't afford to take it easy. The Derby's going to be tough." Toujou: "What's wrong? It's rare to see you two exhausted." Taiki: "El Condor Pasa's so fast." El: "Let's go one more time." Taiki: "Me, too." Symboli: "El Condor Pasa's doing pretty well." Toujou: "Rudolf..." Symboli: "She's got speed and stamina. I'm sure the 2,400 meters won't feel long to her at all." Toujou: "She's done five races and taken them all. If she takes the Derby without losing," Toujou: "she might just carve out a legend like yours." Symboli: "I was filled with so many emotions when I took the Derby." Symboli: "I want her to experience the same thing." Symboli: "El Condor Pasa, I'll race you, too." El: "I was waiting for this!" Grass: "It's amazing the three of them made it on the cover. I can't wait to see who'll win." Maruzen: "For the Derby..." All: "It's Maruzensky-san!" Maruzen: "You need speed and stamina, of course, but they say the luckiest horse girl always wins." Seiun: "What's wrong? Your face is all red." Special: "I was just thinking about how beautiful she is..." Grass: "The girl with luck on her side will win, huh?" Maruzen: "That's right." El: "That would be me, then! I got an extra can of juice from the vending machine lottery a second ago." Maruzen: "That's impressive." Seiun: "How nice... I never get lucky. Oh, I won another one free!" Maruzen: "Pretty lucky!" Special: "How nice..." Special: "I-I'm sorry! I'm really sorry..." Special: "I'm the only one who's not lucky." Maruzen: "It's okay." Maruzen: "You're lucky that the cup didn't break." Maruzen: "Anyway, I'll be watching all of you." Special: "She's so pretty and cool!" Vodka: "Hey, Scarlet! You're on class duty today!" Daiwa: "I wanna start training right away!" Vodka: "Don't slack off!" Teiou: "Hey, McQueen." Mejiro: "What do you want?" Mejiro: "I'm busy choosing a team." Teiou: "Perfect timing. Could you join Spica?" Mejiro: "Do you understand what you're saying?" Teiou: "I don't want to have a rival in the same team, but Gold Ship is saying that if I don't get you to join us, she's going to give me a piledriver." Mejiro: "G-Gold Ship?" Teiou: "You know her?" Mejiro: "Well, more like she doesn't stop bugging me, even though I don't show interest." Gold: "Hot mustard!" Gold: "The eraser!" Mejiro: "Oh my..." Mejiro: "Oh my..." Mejiro: "She seems to like me for some reason." Teiou: "Maybe it's like me and the Prez?" Special: "Suzuka-san, let me go again." Suzuka: "Spe-chan..." Suzuka: "Don't push yourself." Special: "Suzuka-san..." Special: "Right!" Suzuka: "I was ninth place in the Derby. It was pretty long for me, and I couldn't push myself hard enough." Special: "I see." Special: "How do you overcome your limits?" Suzuka: "Well... You love carrots, so how about putting some at the finish line?" Special: "Hey, Suzuka-san! Give me a serious answer." Special: "To be the number one horse girl in Japan... The dream and promise I made with my mother. I want it to come true through the Derby." Suzuka: "I also have a dream I want to come true, now that I've joined Spica." Special: "Huh?" Suzuka: "Coming up, I have the Takarazuka Kinen, Mainichi Okan, the Tennoushou in the Fall, the Japan Cup, and then after that..." Suzuka: "Well, it's still a secret." Special: "No fair! Tell me!" Suzuka: "If you win the Derby, I'll tell you." Special: "You're such a tease, Suzuka-san!" Toujou: "This is my plan. Understand?" El: "No problem." Toujou: "Make sure you watch closely for any moves that Special Week might make." El: "I am concerned about Spe-chan, but I'll trust in my own judgment as I run." Toujou: "Of course. You've got good racing instincts. As long as you put in the effort, you can't lose." El: "Right!" Mejiro: "Teio, where's your trainer?" Mejiro: "I came to help you..." T: "That's a daughter of the Mejiro family for you! You have perfectly balanced—" Mejiro: "Hey! What are you doing?" Teiou: "I guess McQueen won't fit in here." Mejiro: "That's what I've been saying since yesterday!" Gold: "Good work, Teio!" Gold: "Mejiro McQueen, please sign here!" Mejiro: "I'll be sitting in first." Gold: "But I want to run with you." Mejiro: "Hey, you don't have to cry! I'm not saying I won't join." Vodka: "McQueen is surprisingly..." Daiwa: "...pretty easy to handle." Special: "You're going to run with me?!" Suzuka: "Try passing me." Special: "Thank you." T: "Spe, overcome your limits! If you can't beat 40 seconds, you'll never be able to win the Derby!" Special: "Right!" T: "Let's go! Ready... Start!" Special: "Sh-She's fast. I want to catch up to Suzuka-san. Someday when I race her, I..." Special: "That's why I need to do this!" Special: "Derby!" Suzuka: "Spe-chan's getting faster." Special: "Trainer-san, what's my time?" T: "Oh man, I forgot to start the time." Special: "Hey, do your job!" Mejiro: "What are you guys doing?" Mom: "It's finally time for the Japanese Derby." Mom: "Watch over her." H: "It's finally that time of year!" A: "We've got plenty of stars this year." H: "There are eighteen qualifying horse girls with us today, and plenty of rivalries among them. Which horse girl will win glory out there on the track?" Vodka: "Oh, she's here." Special: "H-Hi there." Suzuka: "Looks like you're nervous." Special: "I'm worried if I'll be able to surpass my limits." Special: "What are you..." Suzuka: "You practiced hill running so many times. Now, you've just gotta have as much fun as you can." Special: "R-Right." Gold: "Here you go." Special: "Is this a four leaf clover?" Daiwa: "Yeah! We all looked for it together." Vodka: "The luckiest horse wins the Derby." Special: "You guys..." Teiou: "We couldn't really find one..." Gold: "But McQueen found that one for you." Mejiro: "I just happened to spot one." Teiou: "She's helping out our team already." Mejiro: "You have to reward someone when they're working so hard." Suzuka: "Now luck will be on your side, Spe-chan." Special: "You guys... Mejiro McQueen-san, you too. Thank you all! I'm really happy!" Special: "I'll be going!" H: "Now, it's time for the horse girls to enter! El Condor Pasa, #1, will be entering later. First, #3 in the Yayoishou, and #2 in the Satsukishou... It's King Halo!" H: "Will she overcome her disgrace in the Satsukishou? Show us a miracle, Special Week!" Special: "It's even more amazing than the other races. So this is the Derby..." Daiwa: "She succeeded with her diet. I think she can do this." H: "She's the winner of the Satsukishou, and she wants her second crown! It's the trickster, Seiun Sky! She's got more presence now." Symboli: "El Condor Pasa..." El: "Y-Yes?!" Symboli: "Hmm? So you get nervous too, huh?" El: "Well, it's my first time." Symboli: "There are no absolutes in a race, they say. I don't blame you for getting nervous." Symboli: "But a horse girl born to dominate doesn't need to hear kind words. El Condor Pasa, show your absolute best performance." Symboli: "Understood?" El: "Yes, I'll win. I absolutely will." H: "We have our last horse, Bracket 1, Number 1. She's won five out of five races." El: "I will dominate." A: "Everyone's ready for a fight today." T: "Spe looks so small." Vodka: "Trainer... You've got those backwards." Daiwa: "You're getting too nervous." T: "I'm not nervous at all!" T: "You can do this, Spe." H: "We're all ready now. It's time for the Japanese Derby fanfare." H: "It's almost time for the climax of the event!" Daiwa: "You can do it!" Vodka: "Go, go!" Suzuka: "Spe-chan..." Gold: "Go!" Teiou: "Go for it, Spe-chan!" H: "The leaders are exiting the first turn and heading for the second. Which horse girl will take the lead?" Gold: "Go, Spe!" H: "They're making the second turn and crossing the track. Seiun Sky is in second. King Halo is in first! She's changed her strategy from her last race!" King: "I won't let you take over." Seiun: "That's fine by me." H: "Special Week is staying in the middle!" Special: "The slipstream!" T: "Looks like that training is paying off." Special: "Seiun Sky-san is over there..." Special: "I wonder where El-chan is..." El: "I'm right here." H: "El Condor Pasa is heading up the rear." Groove: "King Halo is losing her cool." Symboli: "I don't blame her for getting anxious." H: "They're making the third turn. King Halo is in the lead. When will Seiun Sky make her move? And Special Week and El Condor Pasa, for that matter!" King: "I have... I have to take a further lead." Seiun: "I'm not letting that happen." Special: "Will someone make their move soon?" Seiun: "I'm sure they're going to come from behind real fast. I need to hurry up and make my move." King: "Wh-What?" H: "Seiun Sky is making her move on the forth corner! She's caught up with King Halo!" H: "Seiun Sky took the lead! Is that it for King Halo?" H: "Seiun Sky is in the lead!" H: "Special Week! Here comes Special Week!" Teiou: "Go!" Seiun: "So you've come, Spe-chan! But...!" H: "There's less than 400 meters left!" Seiun: "Spe-chan can't handle hills." Vodka: "It's the hill!" Daiwa: "She's using her shallow stride!" Special: "I've got stamina left." Special: "Hills are about having guts!" H: "Oh my! Special Week has caught up to Seiun Sky!" H: "She's passing her! She's passing her!" Seiun: "Why? I'm running as fast as I can!" Seiun: "No... No!" H: "She ran right past her! Special Week's up front!" Seiun: "Damn it!" H: "Oh, wow! That's some fast movement from the inside! She's come! She's come! She's flying like a bird out there... It's..." H: "...El Condor Pasa!" H: "She's catching up! She's catching up to Special Week!" Hana: "All right! Catch up to her!" T: "She's come, huh?" Teiou: "She's super fast!" H: "El Condor Pasa's catching up with frightening speed! There's 200 meters left! The favorite has made her appearance at last! She's taken the lead in an instant! She's fast... El Condor Pasa is way too fast!" T: "Don't give up yet." T: "This is where..." T: "This is where you... ...overcome your limits!" H: "They're in the last 50 meters! The finish line is right in front of them!" El: "All right!" Special: "I'm sure my mom is cheering me on right now. I don't want to give up yet!" Suzuka: "Spe-chan!" Special: "Suzuka-san..." Special: "Everyone..." H: "Special Week is regaining her wind!" El: "No way!" H: "Just who will win the Derby?!" H: "Will it be El Condor Pasa or Special Week?" All: "A photo... ...finish?" H: "The Japanese Derby this year will come down to a photo finish." H: "It's a photo finish!" Suzuka: "S-Spe-chan!" Special: "S-Suzuka-san..." Suzuka: "Spe-chan!" Special: "I overcame my limits..." Suzuka: "Yeah." Special: "I guess my friends in Spica turned out to be my carrots at the finish line." Special: "A dead heat?" El: "A dead heat!" Trainer/Toujou: "A dead heat?!" H: "I can't believe it! This Derby has two winners! El Condor Pasa and Special Week!" Special: "I-I did it! Suzuka-san, I did it!" Toujou: "Special Week's pretty good." T: "Yeah." Toujou: "I'll be winning outright next time." T: "Bring it on." El: "Spe-chan, thank you." Special: "Huh?" El: "That was the funnest race I've had so far!" Special: "Me, too! El-chan, thank you!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Episode 5 – The Derby With Rivals", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby", "5", "The Derby With Rivals" ] }
Special: "Hello, Mom. The weather is nice this autumn, and the carrots taste even better. We ran the Takarazuka Kinen since I last wrote." Groove: "I can't make it..." H: "Silence Suzuka manged to keep her lead! The favorite, Air Groove, has come in third!" A: "Team Spica has been doing extremely well." H: "Yes, people should keep their eye on Team Spica in the upcoming races." Special: "I just become more and more enamored with Suzuka-san." Special: "And..." Special: "Mejiro McQueen-san has joined Team Spica." T: "Everyone, welcome her." All: "Welcome to Team Spica." Special: "This seems familiar." T: "Nice to have you." Mejiro: "What are you doing?" Gold: "Let your guard down, huh?" Mejiro: "I'm going to get you." Gold: "Stop it!" Daiwa: "We've got ourselves another troublemaker." Teiou: "What do you mean, "another"?!" Vodka: "Are you sure you should be the one saying that, Scarlet?" Daiwa: "That's rich coming from you!" Special: "She gets along especially well with Gold Ship-san. It feels like fate." Special: "Then we went to the beach on a trip." Teiou: "Let's do this!" All: "Yeah!" Special: "We held a barbecue at the beach. The training we did was tough, but it was fun spending time with everyone there. We did squats on the beach, push-ups on the beach, and Twister on the beach. We even took our quizzes on the beach." Teiou: "Why do we have to do this on the beach?!" Special: "And tomorrow is our festival." Suzuka: "Here, here, and here..." Suzuka: "I wonder what the most efficient way to see everything is..." Special: "Suzuka-san is all excited, too." Teiou: "Of course!" Rudolf: "We will now begin our Autumn Twinkle Series Fan Festival." Rudolf: "Please enjoy your time here." Teiou: "It's the president's voice!" Special: "Teio-san?" Teiou: "Spe-chan, I'll talk to you later. President!" Special: "Huh?" Teiou: "You're the coolest!" Special: "We were all supposed to spend time together..." Gold: "All right!" Gold: "We're going to make tons of money today. You look cute and get customers." Mejiro: "Hmm? Huh? Why do I have to do this... Let go of me! I want to have fun with everyone!" Vodka: "Now, where should we start?" Daiwa: "I'm checking out all of them. Can you keep up with me?" Vodka: "What was that?! I'm going to beat you!" Special: "Everyone's leaving..." Suzuka: "Spe-chan, let's go. You get the most out of a festival by having fun." Special: "Right!" Hishi: "All right, everyone! Follow me!" Brian: "You look like you're having fun. You didn't want to do this at first." Hishi: "Wh-What? Well, you look like you're having fun, too!" Brian: "But I never said I didn't want to do this." Vodka: "One down!" Daiwa: "The next one is over there!" Hishi: "Why are they running?" Brian: "Because it's fun." Grove: "Welcome back." Tm: "Let us toast to our destined union." uji: "Let us spend this miraculous time together." All: "Miss." Teiou: "I think it was this shop... Oh!" Rudolf: "Miss," Rudolf: "here's your Royal Earl Grey." Teiou: "The president is too cool! Hey, everyone! Look! The president is so cool, isn't she? President!" Machikane: "Your luck for today..." Machikane: "...is terrible!" Mejiro: "T-Terrible?!" Meisho: "Can't we save her somehow? Like keeping a lucky item on you." Machikane: "You need yakisoba!" Mejiro: "Yakisoba?" Gold: "McQueen, help me out again! There's too many people, and we're not selling..." Meisho: "Looks like the yakisoba came to you." Mejiro: "Again? I guess I'll have to help you out." ce: "Suzuka, let's work hard at the next Mainichi Okan." Suzuka: "Yes." Eishin: "I'm honored to be able to run with you." Suzuka: "H-Honored? That's too much." Special: "A lot of people talk to Suzuka-san. She's really great." Inari: "Oguri Cap is in the lead! Followed by Super Creek." Creek: "The real battle starts after we get half way." Oguri: "This is good." Inari: "Who will win the prize, this giant stuffed donut?" Tamamo: "That's Ogurin for you. She's called a big eater for a reason. But..." Tamamo: "But..." Tamamo: "I really, really want that plushie! Tamamo Cross is starting to catch up!" Creek: "I would expect no less from Tamamo Cross-san, but I can still do this!" Tamamo: "I can do this!" Inari: "They're fighting for the lead!" Oguri: "These are good." Tamamo: "I win!" Inari: "Oh my! Tamamo Cross and Oguri Cap have raised their hands at the same time!" Creek: "I couldn't do this." El: "Hold on a second!" Inari: "The judges have signaled that they're going to deliberate!" El: "We would like to check the video record to determine the winner." Inari: "What happened? The contestants wait with bated breath." Inari: "Super Creek has thrown donuts onto Oguri Cap's plate!" Oguri: "There did seem to be a bit much." Audience: "A bit?!" Inari: "Super Creek has been eliminated due to her interference." Creek: "Okay..." Creek: "Oguri-san, I'm sorry for giving you the donuts." Oguri: "I'm sorry for eating your donuts, too." Inari: "Oguri Cap has won the 33rd Eating Grand Prix!" Tamamo: "I lose..." Oguri: "Tamamo Cross..." Oguri: "Here." Tamamo: "What's going on?" Oguri: "I..." Oguri: "I just wanted to eat some donuts." Tamamo: "Ogurin!" Oguri: "Don't call me "Ogurin."" Tamamo: "You're so nice..." Suzuka: "Sounds like you wanted to join in, too, Spe-chan." El: "That's so good! I can't have more than one, though." Grass: "We start training again tomorrow." Special: "Grass-chan, the Mainichi Okan is going to be your comeback race, right?" Grass: "Yes, I'm excited to get to run with Suzuka-san." Suzuka: "I'm excited, too." Suzuka: "I might not be able to run with you next year, after all." Special: "Um, Suzuka-san, what do you mean, you might not be able to run next year?" Suzuka: "I was going to tell you when things settled down," Suzuka: "but I'm thinking of trying my luck overseas." Special: "O-Overseas?!" Grass: "Oh my." Suzuka: "I need to win races here in this country first, but..." Suzuka: "Sorry for telling you while we're eating like this." Special: "It's okay. It's your future." Special: "Suzuka-san's going to continue forward... I'm always watching her from behind." El: "Suzuka-san's in top form right now. Grass is a junior champion." El: "I'm joining the race, too, then!" All: "What?!" El: "I want to be the best in the world. That's my goal. For that, I need to beat the two of you!" Special: "M-Me, too, then!" Suzuka: "You're going to be in the Kikkashou, aren't you?" Special: "Oh yeah, that's right..." El: "I'm going to be champion..." Grass: "I'm going to catch up to everyone." Suzuka: "I need to focus." Special: "Lucky..." Vodka: "Hey." Vodka: "We did it." Daiwa: "We went everywhere." Special: "Are you okay, you two?" Vodka: "We might be more tired now than when we're training." Mejiro: "That's finally over." Gold: "I'm tired of making money." Special: "You're tired, too?!" Mejiro: "I didn't expect that it would have been okonomiyaki, not yakisoba. I'm so unlucky." Gold: "I'll get you something sometime." Teiou: "Hey, everyone." Teiou: "What do you think? Do I look good?" Special: "Teio-san, you look cool!" Teiou: "Yay." Vodka: "That's the butler outfit from Rigil's café, right?" Teiou: "I got them to let me try it out." Teiou: "Now everyone, let us go home together." Daiwa: "You've basically betrayed us. What are you talking about?" Gold: "You cheater!" Teiou: "Ow, ow, ow!" Gold: "Come back to Spica!" Mejiro: "I'd better get out of here while I have the chance." Gold: "Hey, what are you thinking?" Mejiro: "How can you tell what I'm thinking?" Teiou: "Let go of me, already!" Suzuka: "That was fun, Spe-chan." Special: "Yeah." Suzuka: "Thank you." Special: "Huh?" Special: "I didn't really do anything!" Suzuka: "I haven't really talked with people since I joined this school." Suzuka: "But I think I've changed a lot since you came here." Special: "R-Really?" Suzuka: "Yeah." Suzuka: "Ever since I was young, I've always felt something while I'm running." Suzuka: "I want to keep that sparkling green before me, and never take my eyes off it." Suzuka: "I had so much fun running, but then... Every time I trained hard or raced," Suzuka: "it stopped feeling like that." Suzuka: "But I didn't want to give up on running being fun." Suzuka: "I wanted to see that beautiful green again." Suzuka: "So I thought I might be able to find it again with Spica." Special: "Suzuka-san..." Suzuka: "Rigil is a good team, too, but with the way things are now, running is fun again." Suzuka: "That's why I've wanted to enter more races." Special: "So that's why you want to go overseas..." Suzuka: "I'm having a lot of fun now." Special: "It's so pretty!" Suzuka: "Spe-chan is always honest about her feelings, and she's with me..." Special: "Suzuka-san, it's my first time seeing fireworks this big. It's so much fun." Suzuka: "Yeah." Toujou: "I know it's just after the Fan Festival," Toujou: "but we can't let our guard down." All: "Right!" Toujou: "Grass!" Grass: "What is it?" Toujou: "I said we'd make only minor changes. Why are you doing things that aren't part of the plan?" Grass: "It's okay. I'm not tired yet..." Toujou: "I am the one who'll decide that!" Grass: "I want to win, no matter what, in the Mainichi Okan. At this slow rate..." Toujou: "You don't have to rush." Grass: "You don't have to worry about my injury. I'm completely healed up." Toujou: "But you're far from being ready to race. The Mainichi Okan will be important, but your goal should be to win a G-I race." Grass: "But..." Toujou: "This is all for your sake." B: "It's from the customer over there." Toujou: "I'll take the check." T: "Hey!" T: "I see..." T: "You're working harder than anyone for Grass Wonder." Toujou: "You should know just how bad an injury can be." T: "Yeah." T: "If a horse girl who's running seventy kilometers an hour falls..." Toujou: "And the girl isn't the only one hurt by it." Toujou: "Anyway, Spica's doing well right now. Still letting them do whatever they please?" T: "It's best to let them feel good running." Toujou: "I wonder why you act so confident." T: "The same goes for you." T: "Anyway, Hana-san." T: "I have something important to say." Toujou: "Wh-What is it?" T: "Just for tonight..." T: "You think you could get this for me?" Special: "Mom," Special: "Suzuka-san is even more excited than usual." Special: "I want everyone to do well in the Mainichi Okan." H: "This year's Mainichi Okan is attracting far more spectators than you would expect for a G-II race." A: "Silence Suzuka from Team Spica is the one to keep an eye on. Spica's doing well right now. Team Rigil's sure to put on a good show, too." Gold: "Hey, the race is going to begin." Mejiro: "We'll make it with time to spare." R1: "It's going to be Rigil versus Spica in this race." R2: "Spica's pretty strong right now." R3: "Look at all this merch I bought!" T: "Everyone's talking about Spica, and we're coming through!" Vodka: "What plan did you give Suzuka-senpai?" T: "Nothing, really." Daiwa: "Again?" T: "It's best to let her run the way she wants." H: "Well, we know how this is going to turn out. The question is whether or not the two from Rigil can keep up with Silence Suzuka." A: "That's right." H: "It's been ten months, and she's back! The undefeated junior champion! It's Grass Wonder!" Grass: "I've worked for this day. I don't want to lose." H: "She's won all of her races. She's got her eye on the global stage. It's El Condor Pasa!" El: "Let's do this!" H: "Will she show us her graceful speed again today? It's Silence Suzuka!" A: "She looks like she's here to fight this time." H: "Who knows who'll win in this lineup? It's time for the Mainichi Okan!" H: "Here we go!" H: "Did Grass Wonder get a late start?" A: "She's remaining calm, though." Grass: "I still have time to make my move." H: "And Silence Suzuka, of course, makes it to the front. She's followed by Nice Nature and Eishin Flash— They're after Silence Suzuka. El Condor Pasa is following behind. When will she make her move?!" H: "Silence Suzuka is staying five horse lengths in the lead." Toujou: "Suzuka isn't that far ahead. We can do this, El, Grass." T: "That's the spirit." Teiou: "Spe-chan, what's wrong?" Special: "I want to see what happens, but I'm afraid to watch." H: "Grass Wonder is gaining from the outside! They're making the third turn." Grass: "All right. This is the spot." H: "Grass Wonder is catching up to Silence Suzuka! Will she be able to catch her?" ce: "I'm going to catch up! This is it!" H: "Nice Nature is catching up!" Eishin: "I'm going to use this chance, too, then!" H: "Eishin Flash is closing the gap, too!" ce: "I can do this!" Eishin: "I can do this!" El: "This is it!" H: "El Condor Pasa is making her move now, too!" El: "Right at the end!" H: "And now for the final dash!" A: "They're trying to catch up to Silence Suzuka at this point." Grass: "I can't move up..." Grass: "I can't catch her." H: "Grass Wonder is falling back!" El: "She's world class." El: "But! I'm world class, too!" Toujou: "Go!" H: "El Condor Pasa is catching up!" El: "No, it's not enough..." H: "It's not enough to catch up to Silence Suzuka, though!" El: "I should be able to win! I'm going to win and get onto the world stage!" El: "I'm going to win here!" H: "But Silence Suzuka is maintaining her lead!" H: "Silence Suzuka is staying ahead!" El: "Why..." El: "Why can't I catch up to her?" H: "No one has caught up to Silence Suzuka! What an amazing horse girl!" R: "Go! Run!" Special: "Suzuka-san!" H: "The horse girl with speed from another dimension, Silence Suzuka." H: "She's come in first!" Special: "Suzuka-san!" Daiwa: "Suzuka-san?" Gold: "Maybe she didn't even notice she passed the finish line..." Suzuka: "Thank you, everyone." Suzuka: "Thank you, Spe-chan." El: "I lost... For the first time." Grass: "I'm sorry." Toujou: "It's fine." Toujou: "It's fine." Toujou: "You just have to peak during your next G-1." ce: "I thought I had a chance at winning this one." Eishin: "How about we go train again so we can win the next one?" ce: "Oh, I have to do the Winning Concert." Eishin: "You're so lucky." Suzuka: "Let's thank everyone for their support up there." El: "She's world class..." El: "But I'm getting my revenge in the Tennoushou." H: "Silence Suzuka has come in first. No one can stop Spica!" Toujou: "You're not going to keep winning. Rigil's going to win in the end." T: "We did it!" T: "We won!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Episode 6 – Autumn Skies and Horse Girls", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby", "6", "Autumn Skies and Horse Girls" ] }
Special: "I'm back." Suzuka: "Welcome back, Spe-chan." Suzuka: "You did well in the Kikkashou." Special: "I lost!" Suzuka: "That's too bad." Suzuka: "You're going to put on weight if you eat this late." Special: "I'll start training really hard again tomorrow. It's okay." Special: "Seiun Sky-san was pretty amazing out there. I couldn't catch up to her at all." Seiun: "I did it!" Suzuka: "I think you can be proud of coming in second, though." Special: "But you came in first the other day." Special: "Do you want any yatsuhashi?" Suzuka: "I already had some. Besides, I have a race next week." Special: "The fall Tennoushou, right?" Special: "I want to run with you at least once." Special: "What race do you have after that one?" Special: "The Japan Cup..." Special: "I wanna run in that, too..." Suzuka: "You'll have to ask Trainer-san." Suzuka: "But I want to try running with you, too." Special: "What? Really? Then how about we both go ask him?" Suzuka: "Yeah, we might not get another chance anytime soon." Special: "Wh-Why's that?" Suzuka: "I'm thinking of going to America after the Japan Cup." Special: "What?" Special: "What?!" Suzuka: "So we should run together, no matter what. It's a promise." T: "You're all here, right? The finish line will be over there." Gold: "The finish line..." Suzuka: "An inn?" Mejiro: "That's pretty deep in the mountains." Teiou: "How long is this going to take?" T: "It'll help you train for hills, and give you more stamina. We're going to get through those fall G-I's. And someone here lost the Kikkashou, right?" Special: "Yes, that was me." T: "Yep, that was you. It's 3:00 PM right now. You don't get any dinner unless you make it there by 6 PM." All: "What?!" T: "Anyway, good luck." All: "What?!" Mejiro: "Is he really a trainer?" Gold: "He's amusing, huh?" Teiou: "And he wants us to run an impossible path..." Vodka: "This is more like a spiritual exercise than training." Daiwa: "Seriously. Hey!" Daiwa: "H-Hey, Suzuka-senpai!" Mejiro: "Who gave Suzuka-san the map?!" Suzuka: "We're going to get lost!" Bg: "Wait!" Toujou: "Opera O, you're not moving your arms enough!" Opera: "Right!" Toujou: "We can't keep losing to Spica! We have the most victories overall this year! We need to show people our pride!" Maruzen: "There we go..." Grass: "Maruzensky-san..." Maruzen: "What's up?" Grass: "Could you run with me?" Maruzen: "I guess you really wanted to win the Mainichi Okan." Grass: "It was the first time I lost." Grass: "I don't want to get used to that feeling." Grass: "My leg has completely recovered. Please help me." Maruzen: "No problem. Leave it to me." Maruzen: "Let's see if you can keep up with me." Grass: "Thank you so much." Maruzen: "Let's go." Grass: "Right." Groove: "The two of you are going to be in the Tennoushou this fall, right?" El: "Air Groove-senpai, you beat Suzuka-san in the fall Tennoushou last year, right?" Groove: "Yes, I won then, but I lost this year's Takarazuka Kinen." Groove: "Suzuka's completely different than she was last year." Hishi: "What are you so afraid of? I'm going to beat Suzuka hands down." Toujou: "That's the spirit." Toujou: "But don't let your guard down. Suzuka has changed since she left Rigil." Groove: "How is she different now?" Toujou: "A typical race is about strategy and tactics. You're trying to beat the other horse girls. But now, Suzuka always gives her all, no matter the distance, as if she was running a time trial. She doesn't care about the other horse girls." Hishi: "Fine by me." Hishi: "Then I'll go head to head with her." El: "Senpai, I'm not sure if that's the best idea." Toujou: "No, it's not a bad idea." El: "Huh?" Toujou: "Don't count on her to get tired at the end like you did in the Mainichi Okan." Toujou: "You shouldn't wait at the back of the pack. You need to give Suzuka a run for her money." Hishi: "I'm going to make you proud, Hana-san. I'm not going to lose!" El: "I won't lose anymore, either! If I keep losing to Suzuka-san, I won't be able to proudly go to the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." Groove: "The Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe?" Groove: "That's what you're going after?" Groove: "Then win this." El: "Right." Gold: "I can't do this..." Teiou: "Neither can I..." Daiwa: "It's so dark. I'm scared!" Gold: "That's..." Mejiro: "Our trainer!" T: "Hey there." Teiou: "W-We made it..." Daiwa: "I'm so happy to see light again..." T: "You guys are late." Gold: "Were you seriously taking a bath?!" T: "Hurry up and go take your baths. Clean off that sweat." Vodka: "As if you had to ask!" T: "You guys..." Mejiro: "But before that..." Mejiro: "I'm going to thank you for this..." T: "I-I'm sorry! F-Forgive me!" Gold: "But the Japan Cup is almost here!" Gold: "So you'll be in America by the end of the year?" Suzuka: "Yeah, that's the plan." Daiwa: "No way!" Teiou: "When are you coming back?" Suzuka: "I haven't decided yet." Suzuka: "But I plan on staying there until I feel it's time to leave." Mejiro: "I wanted to keep seeing you run in person." Suzuka: "I'm sorry I couldn't really tell you guys." Gold: "It'll be lonely without you." Special: "Please, let me participate in the Japan Cup." T: "Girls!" T: "You're eating too much! What's up with all this food?" Teiou: "I heard it was all you can eat." T: "It's not!" Gold: "Could we get a some premium sushi over here?" T: "What?!" Daiwa: "I'll have some carrots!" T: "What?!" R: "No problem." T: "G-Girls..." Special: "Trainer-san!" T: "So, you were saying?" Special: "The Japan Cup." T: "You want to run with Suzuka, right?" Suzuka: "Yes." T: "Somebody on our team would definitely have to lose. So I'd rather not, but..." Special: "Please!" T: "You've always been all about Suzuka, huh?" T: "Fine. But if Suzuka loses in the Tennoushou, I can't promise you anything for the Japan Cup." T: "And Suzuka came in 6th place last year." Teiou: "But with the way she is now, Suzuka couldn't lose." Daiwa: "Exactly. Really, and you call yourself a trainer?" Gold: "You're so lucky, Spe. I wanted to run with Suzuka, too." Mejiro: "Me, too." Vodka: "Suzuka-senpai, you have lots of people waiting to go up against you, so make sure you come back home soon." Suzuka: "Yeah, I look forward to it." Teiou: "We'll have to win more, so we can be in races together." Teiou: "I suppose that means I'll be able to run with Suzuka sooner than you, McQueen." Mejiro: "No, I think it's obvious I'll run with her first." R: "It'll be me!" R: "No, me! It'll be me! It'll be me!" T: "Two months' salary gone in a second." Suzuka: "Spica's a good team." T: "Everyone's kind of rough around the edges, though." Special: "I can't eat any more..." Teiou: "I can't eat any more..." Vodka: "I can't eat any more..." Suzuka: "You set the atmosphere for me to tell everyone, didn't you? To tell everyone that I'm going to America." T: "Well, that was part of it. I thought it'd help morale, too. We need to show Hana-san what we're made of." Suzuka: "Thank you for inviting me to join this team." T: "Oh? What's with you all of a sudden?" T: "Fell asleep, huh?" H: "It's November 1st. It's the 11th race at the Tokyo Racecourse. Bracket 1, Number 1 will be the most popular horse girl, Silence Suzuka." A: "There are so many 1s appearing today. It feels kind of like fate." H: "All the Suzuka merchandise has already sold out. There are so many people here today at the Tokyo Racecourse to see her run beautifully out there." Special: "Suzuka-san, hurry up!" Ryan: "Suzuka, what's wrong?" Suzuka: "I'm just redoing my strap." Ryan: "See you on the track, then." Suzuka: "Right." ce: "Let's both do our best out there." Suzuka: "Yeah." Ticket: "I'm so nervous! I'm itching all over..." Hishi: "Don't try to get away from me." Suzuka: "G-Good luck out there." H: "The last one out is Silence Suzuka!" H: "That's some thunderous cheering from the crowd." R: "You can do it, Suzuka!" Special: "She's really popular!" Special: "Suzuka-san!" Suzuka: "Everyone..." Special: "Suzuka-san!" Mejiro: "I'll be counting on you to make some waves out there." Special: "Please take this." Suzuka: "This is from when you ran in the Derby..." Special: "I was thinking it might do you some good." Suzuka: "Yeah, you can count on me." R: "Suzuka-san!" T: "Suzuka!" Suzuka: "I'm going to have some fun out there." T: "I imagine the secret to her strength is her ability to have fun racing." Suzuka: "She always told me to have fun before my races." El: "Suzuka-san..." El: "I don't lose to the same person twice." El: "I'm going to beat you, and proudly try my hand at the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." Suzuka: "Let's see if you can keep up with me." El: "Oh, I will." H: "The twelve horse girls have entered their gates. El Condor Pasa, Hishi Amazon, Winning Ticket, Mejiro Ryan, Nice Nature... Will they be able to catch Silence Suzuka?" H: "The gates have opened!" T: "That's a good start!" H: "Silence Suzuka has quickly taken her position at the front!" H: "El Condor Pasa is in second." El: "I'm going to catch up to Suzuka-san." Toujou: "That's right, El. Keep on her." Toujou: "W-Wait, what's going on?" H: "Silence Suzuka is breaking further away from the pack. That's some impressive speed!" El: "She's fast!" Hishi: "She won't even let me go one-on-one with her!" Ryan: "She's going even faster than I expected." ce: "She's way too..." Ticket: "...fast!" El: "Why?!" H: "We're about to hit the third turn! There's a huge gap now!" H: "Her 1,000 meter time is... 57.4 seconds!" T: "57.4?!" Gold: "You can't be serious!" Toujou: "How is she that fast?" Special: "Suzuka-san is really amazing!" H: "Silence Suzuka keeps flying!" A: "I've never seen a horse girl run this fast before." H: "Just how many horse lengths is she ahead?! The cheers here in the stadium are reaching a fever pitch!" Suzuka: "My energy and stamina are the best they've ever been." Suzuka: "I can run even faster." H: "She's started running even faster!" Teiou: "Go!" Mejiro: "Suzuka-san!" Suzuka: "I can keep..." Special: "Huh?" H: "Silence Suzuka! There's something wrong with Silence Suzuka!" H: "What's going on here? There's a problem here." H: "Is Silence Suzuka okay? Just what happened on the other side of that big Japanese zelkova tree?" H: "Everyone's confused here. There's something wrong with Silence Suzuka... Mejiro Ryan and Nice Nature are coming in from the outside. El Condor Pasa is in the lead. The race is continuing into the fourth turn..." Special: "Suzuka-san..." Suzuka: "Where am I?" Special: "Suzuka-san..." Special: "H-Hold on a second! I'm going to get Trainer-san!" T: "Yo." Suzuka: "Trainer-san..." T: "Don't push yourself!" T: "Relax." Suzuka: "Um, I..." T: "I'm glad we're able to talk like this." Gold: "What should I say to her?" Suzuka: "A fracture..." T: "You've been working a pretty hard schedule. You'll have to rest for a while." Suzuka: "If it's just a fracture, it'll heal, right?" T: "Yeah, of course." Suzuka: "I'll be able to run, right?" T: "Yeah, well..." Suzuka: "Will I be able to race at full speed again?" T: "About that..." T: "We don't know if you'll be able to run 100 percent like you did before." Special: "No, you will be able to!" Special: "You'll be able to race again! You promised me, didn't you, Suzuka-san?" T: "Promised you?" Special: "I'll make sure you'll be able to run at 100 percent! No, 120 percent!" Suzuka: "Spe-chan..." Gold: "That Spe..." Special: "I hear that rehabilitation is really difficult, but you'll be fine, I'm sure!" Vodka: "D-Don't push me!" Suzuka: "G-Girls..." T: "You guys were listening? Don't hurt yourselves. This is a hospital, you know?" Teiou: "Suzuka!" Vodka: "I was so worried about you." Suzuka: "I'm sorry for worrying you, everyone." Teiou: "Yeah, seriously!" Mejiro: "Hey—" Teiou: "I feel better now that I've seen you. Spe-chan kept saying that you had a fracture and refused to leave your side." Special: "Teio-san, you're supposed to keep that a secret." Daiwa: "Suzuka-senpai, I'll draw something on your cast to wish you well." Vodka: "Scarlet, it's a bit early for your scribbling. You should do this before she gets discharged." Gold: "I am the God of Horse Girls." All: "What?" Gold: "Silence Suzuka, I can see your future." Teiou: "God, please tell us her future!" Gold: "Let's see... You're running on green turf. I-Is this America?!" Daiwa: "What race in America?" Gold: "Huh? The, uh...." Gold: "New York Cup!" T: "That doesn't exist." Gold: "Huh? It doesn't? It sounds like it should." Mejiro: "You didn't think this through at all! Well, I guess you did an okay job, for you." Gold: "Sh-Shut up!" Vodka: "Suzuka-senpai, do you remember what happened at the end?" Suzuka: "At the end?" Daiwa: "If you fall at top speed, you can die. Spe-senpai helped you, and so you only ended up with a fracture." Special: "I didn't..." Teiou: "The doctor said she did a good job." Vodka: "Yeah." Suzuka: "Huh?" Gold: "She was amazing." H: "Silence Suzuka! There's something wrong with Silence Suzuka!" Mejiro: "It's her left leg! Special Week-san!" Teiou: "Trainer!" Toujou: "That's not going to be good!" Special: "Suzuka-san! Suzuka-san!" T: "Suzuka!" Special: "Suzuka-san! Suzuka-san!" Special: "Suzuka-san!" T: "Don't let her put weight on her left leg! We need a medic immediately!" Special: "Suzuka-san..." Special: "Suzuka-san..." Special: "It's okay. Don't worry." Special: "Trainer-san is here, too." Special: "You've always kept your promises no matter what. So..." Special: "I'm going to make you keep your promise of running with me." Special: "Suzuka-san, can you hear me? Suzuka-san!" Suzuka: "Thank you..." Special: "Ow..." Gold: "You silly..." Suzuka: "I have..." Suzuka: "...to keep my promise." T: "Yeah, this is just the beginning. Right, Spe?"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Episode 7 – Promise", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby", "7", "Promise" ] }
T: "Suzuka, is Spe here?" Suzuka: "She made her way in here, and as you can see..." T: "Jeez..." Suzuka: "It's unfortunate how the Japan Cup turned out." T: "I'm sure she wanted to win because she was supposed to run in it with you." Suzuka: "I hope Spe-chan is okay. She's been here every day since then." Special: "Suzuka-san, how are you feeling?! Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? I'll get you some tea." Special: "That's hot!" Suzuka: "I'm happy she's trying to cheer me up, but... I hope she's been training." T: "Yeah, though she isn't really getting anywhere." Suzuka: "I can't wait to run again." Suzuka: "I want to start training again." T: "I told you that you can't rush into these things." Suzuka: "Yes..." Suzuka: "But on the off chance..." Special: "You'll be able to run again! You're going to run with me once you get better!" Suzuka: "You were awake?" Special: "I'll do anything for you, Suzuka!" T: "First, we need to talk about what you did wrong at the Japan Cup." Special: "Suzuka-san, I'll see you again tomorrow!" H: "Happy New Year! It's now the morning of the WDT, the Winter Dream Trophy." A: "I can't wait to see what happens." H: "The Dream Trophy comes twice a year. It's a contest where star horse girls who have earned the right to perform can compete." A: "It's amazing just to be able to be out there. It's a real dream roster this year!" A: "The race will start this evening." A: "We have a video promoting all the horse girls that'll be in the race. Please take a look!" Rudolf: "Victory..." Special: "Suzuka-san, I'm here to get you." Suzuka: "I'm excited, too." Special: "Looks like you're all ready. Let's go!" Teiou: "There she is! Hey!" Suzuka: "Sorry for taking so long." Special: "Ta-dah!" Suzuka: "Hey!" Vodka: "Her cast is off!" Daiwa: "So you can run now?" Vodka: "Of course not." Daiwa: "Hey!" Mejiro: "You'll have to go into rehab now, huh? I hope you do well." Suzuka: "Thank you." Gold: "Let's eat something really good today. Our trainer will pay." T: "All right! I'll handle the New Year's party." All: "Happy New Year!" T: "Why do I have to get everything ready?" Teiou: "You said you'd handle the New Year's party, didn't you?" Daiwa: "You look good in that apron." Mejiro: "In the Mejiro household, my servants handle work like this." T: "I guess I shouldn't expect you guys to be able to handle any housework. Ow!" Special: "Suzuka-san, are you feeling cold at all?" Suzuka: "No, I'm fine." T: "Here's your Trainer Special Hot Pot!" Mejiro: "Let's dig in." Gold: "You're going to gain weight again." Mejiro: "What do you mean, "again"?!" Special: "I'll give you some of mine." Suzuka: "Oh, thank you." Teiou: "The WDT is going to start!" H: "All the fans for all the horse girls," Teiou: "Prez, you can do it!" Teiou: "The president is so cool." Vodka: "I want us to run there someday, too!" T: "That's a good goal." Mejiro: "Then we're going to need to work especially hard." Teiou: "Yeah." T: "That's right. If you win a lot in the Twinkle Series, you'll be able to get into the Dream Trophy." Special: "I-I want to run in it, too! I want to run with the president and Suzuka-san." T: "Spe, you're fast when you're in the zone, but you're too inconsistent. It's going to take more than the Derby to make you the best in Japan." Special: "Right!" T: "Vodka, Scarlet, it's true you'll get faster much quicker if you have a rival on your team, but you gotta make sure you keep up with each other." All: "Right!" T: "Teio, everyone knows that you're talented, but that's not good enough on its own. You need to surpass that." Teiou: "Right." T: "McQueen, you're a daughter of the famous Mejiro family. If you want people to respect that name, work hard, no matter how dirty you have to get." Mejiro: "I know that." T: "GolShi..." T: "Uh... well, just run however you want." Gold: "Got it." T: "And you, Suzuka..." Suzuka: "Yes. Last year, you helped me realize some of my dreams," Suzuka: "but it's not enough. I want to dream more with you." Suzuka: "Work hard on your rehab. Right!" T: "Spica is going to beat Rigil this year! We're going to work harder than them!" All: "Right!" T: "Anyway, let's go." Daiwa: "Go where?" A: "You're Silence Suzuka-san, aren't you?" Suzuka: "Y-Yeah." A: "Please shake my hand!" B: "Is your leg okay?" Suzuka: "Yes." C: "We're waiting for you to come back." Special: "Everyone's waiting for Suzuka-san to come back." B: "Oh, it's Special Week!" Special: "Y-Yeah." C: "Too bad you didn't win the Japan Cup." Special: "Y-Yeah..." T: "Everyone, let's go!" Gold: "I pray that Suzuka heals up." T: "I'm going to make Spica into the best team." Daiwa/Vodka: "I'm not losing to her!" Teiou: "I'm going to catch up to the president!" Mejiro: "I'm going to make the Mejiro name proud with my running." Special: "I pray that I'll be able to run with Suzuka!" Suzuka: "I'm going to recover and race again." Special: "Hello, Mom. I've been accompanying Suzuka-san to rehab every day. I see how hard she's working, and I can't help but be reminded how great she is." Special: "Everyone on the team is winning a lot. I guess our prayers from the start of this year are being answered. It'll be summer soon, and Suzuka-san's leg should be fully healed soon." Special: "I can't wait." Special: "Suzuka-san, take it easy at first. Easy, okay?" Suzuka: "I'll be fine with one lap." T: "Don't overdo it just because it's fun." Suzuka: "Right." Gold: "All right, let's go." All: "One, two..." Mejiro: "I wonder how many months it's been since we've gotten to run with Suzuka-san." Suzuka: "Yeah..." Special: "Nine months and three days." Teiou: "You counted, huh?" Special: "You'll be putting more strain on your leg, so be careful." Suzuka: "I know." Gold: "Spe, you're being annoying." Special: "S-Sorry!" Maruzensky: "Oh, is that Suzuka?" Air: "Suzuka, you can run now?" Special: "Air Groove-senpai..." Air: "When will you make it back on the track?" Suzuka: "I don't know yet, but I definitely will." Air: "I see. Come back soon. And let's have another good race like the Takarazuka Kinen." Suzuka: "Yeah." Maruzensky: "Air Groove, let's go." Air: "Sorry, I couldn't help it." Maruzensky: "Suzuka, I'm glad to see you here. I can't wait for you to get back out there. I really feel that way as your former teammate." Suzuka: "Right." Air: "Special Week, sorry for bothering you." Special: "No, I'm happy." Air: "Happy?" Special: "Everyone's waiting for Suzuka-san to come back. Suzuka-san is amazing!" Suzuka: "That's not..." Air: "Oh yeah, you're going to be in the Takarazuka this year, right?" Special: "Yes." Air: "Grass Wonder's running for Rigil." Special: "I know. It'll be my first time running with her." Air: "Let's make it a good race." Special: "Right!" Hana: "Grass Wonder, do you have a moment?" Grass: "What is it?" Hana: "You know that Special Week will be running the Takarazuka Kinen for Spica, right?" Grass: "Yes." Hana: "She's becoming quite the star among your generation, but the same could also be said of you, Grass Wonder." Grass: "Thank you very much, but beating Spe-chan will be tough." Hana: "I guess winning the Arima Kinen didn't go to your head." Grass: "It's made me desperate to work harder." Hana: "That's the spirit." Hana: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart. Do your best. Keep those feelings with you." Grass: "I'll do my best." Seiun: "Hmm?" Special: "I have to go help Suzuka-san, so I won't be able to eat lunch with you for a while. I'm sorry!" Urara: "Spe-chan, I'm back!" Special: "Welcome back, Urara-chan!" Urara: "Huh?" Hana: "What's the matter? You're spacing out." Grass: "Well, Spe-chan has been a bit odd lately." Hana: "It doesn't matter who you're up against. At Rigil, we always do our best. Don't think about anything you don't have to." Grass: "Right." Suzuka: "That's cold." Special: "I'm going to tape it up." Suzuka: "Thank you. I still can't move my legs and arms the way I want," Suzuka: "but I had fun." Suzuka: "It makes me happy to run." Special: "Me, too! Let's build up more muscles, so we can run faster!" Suzuka: "Yeah." Special: "Suzuka-san, are you okay?!" Suzuka: "Spe-chan..." Special: "Are you in pain?" Suzuka: "I'm okay. Focus on yourself for now." Special: "But..." Suzuka: "You have the Takarazuka Kinen this weekend, right?" Special: "Yeah." Suzuka: "I want you to win, Spe-chan." T: "Hey, Spe! Don't slack off!" Special: "I'm sorry!" T: "Jeez, I told you not to work yourself up." Suzuka: "Yeah..." Special: "Oh, Grass-chan." Grass: "Um, do you want to get lunch, Spe-chan?" Special: "I have to do something with Suzuka-san—" Grass: "Then I'll go with you." Suzuka: "Is it okay for me to be here?" Grass: "Of course it is." Special: "I can't just hog you all to myself." Seiun: "It's been a long time since we've had lunch with you, Spe-chan." Grass: "Oh, right. I got a letter from El." Special: "El-chan?!" Special: "Let's see... "Bonjour, it's El." "Are you all doing well?"" Special: "I thought I was going to win hands down, but I came in second in the Prix d'Ispahan. But I'm totally going to win the next Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud! Cheer me on! Salut!" Suzuka: "She hasn't changed, even overseas." Suzuka: "I'm thinking of going to America." Special: "Suzuka-san, I'm running in the Takarazuka Kinen this Sunday, so I'll be gone for a little bit. I won't be able to help you out, but I'll be right back after it's over. Let's train together." Suzuka: "Yes." Grass: "Suzuka-san, how is your leg?" Suzuka: "It doesn't hurt anymore. I want to get back to racing as quickly as I can." Grass: "I was anxious throughout my rehabilitation, too." Suzuka: "Oh, yeah, the same thing happened to you." Grass: "Yes, that's why I was so upset during the Mainichi Okan. I couldn't reach my full speed." Seiun: "That was before Suzuka got hurt." Grass: "Sorry for bringing that up. Anyway, you shouldn't rush yourself." Suzuka: "Grass-chan, thank you. I won't rush. I'll take it day by day." Special: "Suzuka-san, I'll help you, too!" Suzuka: "Yeah." Grass: "Um..." Grass: "Spe-chan, you're thinking about the Takarazuka Kinen, right?" Special: "Yeah!" Grass: "I'm glad, then." Special: "I want to be as cool as Suzuka-san was last year!" Grass: "What about me?" Special: "Huh?" Grass: "Never mind. It's nothing." Grass: "Let's do our best." Suzuka: "That was good." Special: "I'll get it!" Suzuka: "Hey, wait." Seiun: "Those two are really close." Grass: "They are..." H: "It's time for the match all fans of the Twinkle Series are waiting for: the Takarazuka Kinen. Hosoe-san, who do you think we should keep an eye on?" A: "I'm sure it'll be a close match between Grass Wonder and Special Week." H: "They both have what it takes, and they're both popular." H: "You can feel the passion here, with Grass Wonder joining us." A: "It'll be interesting. Silence Suzuka's performance from last year really left an impression on us." Grass: "Spe-chan, we'll finally get to run together." Grass: "I want a hard fight." Maruzensky: "She looks more serious than she ever has before." Hana: "Let me see." Maruzensky: "Sure." Gold: "Spe, focus! Focus!" H: "All the horse girls have entered their gates." Special: "Suzuka-san..." H: "The Takarazuka Kinen..." H: "...has started! Special Week and Grass Wonder are about to go at it." A: "It'll be important to see who makes their move toward the second half of the race." H: "They've passed the second turn. Nisha Mother Great is in the lead! The other eleven horse girls are following her. King Halo is in second, no, third. Kin'iryoutei is trying to come up from the inside. Special Week is following in fifth. Grass Wonder is right behind her." Special: "Suzuka-san!" H: "Grass Wonder is sticking with Special Week." A: "Grass Wonder is strong when she gets like this." Suzuka: "Spe-chan..." Special: "Suzuka-san, are you watching? I'm running the same race you did!" H: "Special Week is looking around! Grass Wonder is behind you!" Grass: "Spe-chan, you're up against me today." H: "They've made the third turn, and are now entering the fourth." Special: "If I was Suzuka-san..." H: "Special Week has made her move!" Bg: "We can't!" H: "Special Week has taken the lead! The crowd is going wild! Will she be able to keep her lead until the end?!" H: "Grass Wonder is coming up from the outside! They've finished the fourth turn, and they're in the last stretch! Grass Wonder and Special Week are going to fight it out!" Grass: "Spe-chan isn't going to give me a real fight today." H: "Grass Wonder's in the lead now! Grass Wonder just blew past Special Week!" Special: "No way..." Special: "Suzuka-san's watching!" H: "Grass Wonder! Grass Wonder is in the lead! Grass Wonder had it in her! She just took first! Special Week came in second, three horse lengths behind!" Grass: "I was able to give it my all because I was up against you." Grass: "Did you give it your all against me?" Special: "Trainer-san..." T: "I thought you'd be here." Special: "I'm sorry." T: "Racing isn't easy. Your mental state is important during a race." Special: "Yes..." T: "Spe, what were you thinking about when you were racing today?" Special: "Suzuka-san, are you watching?" Special: "I'm running the same race you did! If I was Suzuka-san..." Special: "I was thinking about Suzuka-san." T: "Who are you?" Special: "Special Week." T: "And who were you up against today?" Special: "Grass-chan." T: "Hey, Spe. What's your goal?" Special: "I'm going to run with Suzuka-san." T: "Was that it?" Special: "Huh?" Special: "I wanted my mom to watch me win." Special: "I promised my mom..." Special: "I said I'd be the best horse girl in Japan." T: "That's right. You're going to be the best horse girl in Japan, right? You don't have time to pay attention to other things." Special: "That's right." T: "This fall... You're winning all of your races."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Episode 8 – For You", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby", "8", "For You" ] }
Special: "Suzuka-san, why..." Special: "Come in." uji: "Do you have some time right now, Pony-chan?" Special: "Yeah." uji: "You've gotten a call from El Condor Pasa in France." Special: "El-chan?" Special: "Hello?" El: "Hmm? I thought you'd be depressed after you lost to Grass, but you sound like you're doing well." El: "Guess I didn't need to call you." Special: "You were worried about me?" Special: "Thank you." Special: "Are you doing well, El-chan? Are you eating well?" El: "I'm doing great! I've been working on bulking up for the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, and I've gotten even bigger now." Special: "El-chan, you know exactly what you want, don't you?" El: "Of course! I'm going to win in the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, no matter what. That's why I want you to tell Suzuka-san that she'll be able to win again, since she beat me in the past, and I'm really good." Special: "Y-Yeah, I'll tell her." Special: "Anyway, make sure you don't get sick or hurt." El: "Sure! Talk to you later." Special: "I guess there isn't anything else I can do for her." T: "You're going to be the best horse girl in Japan, right? You don't have time to pay attention to other things." Special: "That's right." T: "I guess telling her not to worry about Suzuka wouldn't help." T: "My team is all over the place right now." T: "Hey, Suzuka." T: "Hey." T: "What did the doctor say?" Suzuka: "My leg seems to be all better now." T: "I see. Then you're completely recovered. Just in time for our training camp." T: "Hmm? What's wrong?" Suzuka: "I wonder if I'm getting in the way." T: "In the way?" Suzuka: "Others are slowing down so that I can keep up with them, and as a result, they're holding themselves back." T: "You mean Spe?" Suzuka: "You too, Trainer-san." Suzuka: "You've been watching after me constantly lately." T: "You don't need to worry about that." Suzuka: "R-Right." Teiou: "It's the ocean!" Daiwa: "I wanna see, too!" Vodka: "You two are like kids." Mejiro: "I don't like the beach because sea breeze damages the skin." Gold: "Yeah." Vodka: "This hotel's amazing!" Gold: "This is pretty nice." Vodka: "That's..." Gold: "The girls from Rigil! They're doing a training camp, too?!" Teiou: "Really?! I finally get to be with the president!" Mejiro: "There's a chance we'll get to see them run from up close since we're at the same hotel." T: "Hey, where are you going? We're staying over there." All: "What?" Vodka: "You're kidding, right?" Mejiro: "It's pretty run down..." T: "Meet up at the front after you drop off your stuff." All: "Seriously?" R: "Huh? What's this?" Gold: "What's going on?" Teiou: "Teams?" T: "We're going to do this summer's training camp in two teams." Teiou: "Two teams..." Special: "I'm on a different team from Suzuka-san." T: "And the theme for this camp is..." All: ""No being friends"?" T: "I want the two teams to compete against each other, and focus on training." T: "We're having a match on the last day of the camp. That's all." Teiou/Spe: "One... two..." Teiou: "Why can't we be friends? Actually, did we ever get along?" Vodka: "Well, at the bare minimum, Scarlet and I haven't gotten along. But..." Mejiro: "Why are you looking my way?" Vodka: "Well, you know..." Mejiro: "You call that being friendly?!" Vodka: "Yeah, I do." Teiou: "Yeah." Special: "I wonder if that means Suzuka-san and I were getting along." Mejiro: "I'd imagine so." Special: "Is that a bad thing?" Teiou: "Spe-chan, I know you're worried about Suzuka, but you need to focus right now." Mejiro: "Yeah. Gold Ship isn't here right now, either. Let's all have fun running." Vodka: "Yeah!" Teiou: "Come on, Spe-chan. Let's go." Gold: "Her leg has healed, right?" Daiwa: "Yeah, but she doesn't want to get in our way, supposedly." Gold: "Huh? In our way?" Gold: "Hey! Let's run together. It's boring running by yourself, isn't it?" Suzuka: "Or is your leg still..." Suzuka: "It doesn't hurt at all. It doesn't hurt, but..." Daiwa: "Are you okay?" Suzuka: "Yeah, just leave me alone for a bit." Vodka: "I can't eat any more..." Mejiro: "I simply couldn't eat another bite..." Teiou: "I just can't eat more..." Daiwa: "I can't eat any more..." Gold: "Naw, not eating any more..." El: "Hi, trainer!" Hana: "Sorry for bothering you while training." Rudolf: "El, it's Rudolf." El: "Prez! What's up?" Rudolf: "Suzuka has a message for you. She says, "Thank you."" El: "Suzuka-san's all fired up, huh? Now I really can't lose the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." Hana: "That's the spirit." El: "Oh, yeah, the other day, I met Broye." Rudolf: "Broye? You mean the the horse girl they call the best in Europe?" El: "Yeah!" Broye: "Thank you, everyone. Don't push, everyone." El: "Broye! Broye! Broye! Broye! Hey, Broye! Um... How are do you do?" Broye: "I'm feeling great." El: "She signed this." Hana: "She thought you were a fan, huh?" El: "Seems so. But this could be a chance for me. If she doesn't know me, then I might be able to surprise her." Rudolf: "El?" Rudolf: "Could you give me another good look at her autograph?" El: "Sure..." Mejiro: "See you later!" Teiou: "I won't lose to you, McQueen!" Special: "I need to stop worrying about Suzuka-san. But the more I think, the more worried I get!" Suzuka: "Trainer-san..." T: "Hmm? What is it?" Suzuka: "Do you have a moment?" T: "You can't run at full speed?" Suzuka: "Yeah." T: "Are you scared?" Suzuka: "I keep thinking I might hurt myself again." T: "So it's a mental thing." Suzuka: "Trainer-san, you told me in the hospital..." Suzuka: "You said that you didn't know if I'd be able to race again, even if my leg healed." T: "Yeah." Suzuka: "This is what you were talking about, huh?" T: "I'm going to have to do a make-or-break move with this one..." T: "In order to push her to her limits..." Teiou: "Oh? That's what you're going with?" Vodka: "I'm not folding." Mejiro: "And why are all of you so confident?" Teiou: "What are you doing, Spe-chan?" Special: "Huh?" Teiou: "Are you listening, Spe-chan?" Mejiro: "I think you should call." Special: "Yeah..." All: "I'm going to win!" T: "All right, now that you've all gotten changed... I'm going to have you two teams have a match." Daiwa: "We get to have a match on the beach?" Teiou: "That sounds like fun!" T: "It won't be that easy. We're having a triathlon." All: "Huh?" Mejiro: "A t-triathlon?" T: "You're going to swim to that island over there, take a lap on a bicycle, and then run to the goal at the bottom of the other side of that mountain." Teiou: "The training camp was fun." Daiwa: "The food was pretty good, too." T: "Wait! I'm giving the team that takes first a voucher for the dessert buffet at the hotel Rigil's staying at." Daiwa: "Dessert..." Mejiro: "...buffet?!" T: "Now, everyone, let's have fun! Get ready— Everyone's waiting for you to come back," T: "Suzuka." T: "This is a serious match! Push yourselves and win!" Daiwa: "I won't let you!" Mejiro: "Dessert buffet!" Teiou: "Get out of the way! I'm not losing to you, McQueen!" Mejiro: "Hey! We're on the same team." Teiou: "That doesn't matter!" Gold: "Hey, are Spe and Suzuka okay?" Vodka: "I wonder if they're exhausted." Daiwa: "Do you have time to worry about someone else?" Vodka: "Hey, wait up!" T: "Those guys..." Special: "Suzuka-san!" T: "Spe..." T: "What are you doing?" Special: "I'm going to help Suzuka-san." T: "Are you going to stop in the middle of a race?!" T: "Suzuka, is this the best you can do?! What was your promise about?!" Special: "I'm going to make you keep your promise of running with me." T: "I want to see you two race together and fight each other for first. That's my dream right now!" T: "You two want to help each other, right? Then think of each other as rivals, and lift each other up!" Spe/Suzuka: "Rivals..." T: "Spe, you want Suzuka to race again, don't you?" Special: "Yeah!" T: "Then run the hardest you can! You're supposed to give her a target to catch up to!" T: "Suzuka, if you want to race again, then you have to stop being scared! Don't be afraid to catch up to everyone!" Suzuka: "Right!" Special: "Suzuka-san..." Special: "I'm going to keep running." Special: "Being Suzuka-san's rival..." Special: "That's something I can do for her!" Suzuka: "Spe-chan, I'm not going to lose." Vodka: "I hope those two are okay." Daiwa: "What? No way!" Vodka: "Oh no!" Gold: "They're finally really coming at us!" Mejiro: "That's the way it's gotta be!" Teiou: "No way! But I'm not letting you pass!" Suzuka: "I can go faster!" Suzuka: "That's right. This is the feeling..." All: "We can't catch up!" T: "Now that's Suzuka!" Suzuka: "Huh?" Suzuka: "I need to stop... I... I can't stop!" All: "Neither can we!" T: "Are you guys okay?!" T: "Are you okay?!" T: "You guys are so dumb!" Special: "It's been a while since I've laughed this much." Suzuka: "I was able to run." Vodka: "Both teams were disqualified, but we all still get the prize!" Gold: "The trainer's a good guy sometimes." Daiwa: "It was my first time seeing Suzuka-san like that." Teiou: ""I can't stop!"" Suzuka: "Hey." Special: "Trainer-san, I'm going to run with Suzuka-san. I'm going to make your dream come true." Special: "Um, are you listening?" Teiou: "Trainer, is the food so good you want to cry?" T: "I..." T: "I want to see a race where all of you can participate! An exciting race like we had today! You're going to fight each other as rivals, help each other get better, and then beat everyone! Team Spica is just getting started!" All: "Right!" Special: "Is it time yet?" Grass: "Almost." Daiwa: "The trainer couldn't come into the girls' dorm, huh?" H: "The horse girls await the race in the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." H: "Even abroad, Japan's El Condor Pasa is very popular." Taiki: "She's like a movie star!" Opera: "I'm so jealous! She gets to run with everyone in the world watching her!" Hana: "Win, El." Rudolf: "Broye gave El her signature, but what do you think she wrote?" uji: "Just tell me already." Rudolf: ""I can fly faster than you, Condor."" Rudolf: "I wonder if Broye's confidence will last." El: "I want to see how strong I am. I'm going to beat Broye and show that I'm the best in the world." H: "All the horse girls are entering their gates." H: "The race has started!" Hana: "She's off to a good start!" Hishi: "Pretty good." : "She's better at getting off the line than you." Hishi: "Hiss!" H: "El Condor Pasa is taking a decisive lead! She's in front of the pack by a horse length!" Grass: "Is El going stay in the lead?" Suzuka: "She's always in the middle, isn't she?" Rudolf: "Unlike in Japan, it's hard to get out front once you're surrounded. It's a good plan." Special: "El-chan looks like she's having fun." Suzuka: "Yeah." H: "They're making the third turn, and El Condor Pasa leads by three horse lengths." H: "Broye is in the middle of the pack." Hishi: "I can't watch!" H: "El Condor Pasa is in the lead, with thirteen horse girls following her!" Mejiro/Vodka: "Keep going!" Gold: "No, get further ahead! The stretch at the end is long!" Hana: "You can do it!" H: "They're making the fourth turn, and there are 500 meters left. El Condor Pasa is in the lead!" Maruzen: "They'll fight it out in the stretch!" H: "El Condor Pasa is in the lead by two horse lengths!" Taiki: "You're almost the best in the world!" All: "Go! El! El!" Rudolf: "It's Broye. She's made her move." El: "One hundred meters left!" Hish: "They're battling it out!" All: "Broye's moved up! Broye's moved up! Broye's moved up!" Hana: "Pull away from her, El!" H: "Broye's taken the lead! Broye's first over the finish line! El Condor Pasa's come in second! El Condor Pasa tried real hard out there, but in the last moments... Japan fell to France's Broye at the end." Suzuka: "That was an great race, wasn't it, Spe-chan?" Special: "Wow, El-chan. You were really cool." Rudolf: "Special Week..." Special: "President-san..." Rudolf: "Do you want to talk to her, too?" Special: "Sure! Hello?" El: "Spe-chan, were you watching?" Special: "Yeah, I did! It's amazing you came in second!" El: "I was in the lead until the end!" Special: "Yeah!" El: "It felt great out there. I was in the lead at 100 meters, and I saw the finish line fifty meters out." Special: "Yeah?" El: "It was so close!" Special: "Yeah!" El: "The world... was right in front of my eyes." El: "I was so close..." Special: "El-chan..." Suzuka: "Are you going somewhere?" Special: "I'm going to run!" Suzuka: "This late?"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Episode 9 – Dreams of Spica", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby", "9", "Dreams of Spica" ] }
: "Horse girls." : "They are born to run. They inherit the names of horses from another world, whose histories were sometimes tragic and sometimes wonderful, and race on." : "That is their fate." : "No one knows how the races waiting in the futures of these horse girls will end." : "But they will continue to run, aiming only toward the goal in front of them." Commentary: "They're going around the fourth turn, and they're clear of it! Entering the final stretch now, and Symboli Rudolf moves to the outside of the pack! With 200 meters to go! Rudolf is moving up! Pushing forward from the edge! Symboli Rudolf is pushing forward on the edge of the track! The girls in front of her are doing their best, trying to maintain their lead, but Rudolf's legs are closing the gap at an amazing clip! Rudolf is cutting right past the competition, and it's an amazing sight! She is out in front with a clear lead now! And Symboli Rudolf clears the goal! She has managed to outrun 11 other horse girls, with six consecutive wins, laying claim to her second crown! In her journey from a star of the Japanese horse girl community to a world-class competitor, she first establishes herself at the apex of her generation!" Teio: "S-So cool!" Teio: "I wanna... I wanna..." Maru: "Congratulations, Rudolf." Rudolf: "Oh, Maruzensky. Thank you." Maru: "This is just fantastic! Both the time, and the victory." Rudolf: "I'm not sure I would've won if you had been competing." Teio: "Excuse me!" Reporter: "Huh? Kid, this isn't open to the public." Teio: "I... I wanna..." Teio: "I wanna be a strong and cool horse girl like you, Symboli Rudolf-san!" Rudolf: "I see." Maru: "That's asking for a lot of trouble, you know. To be like Rudolf-chan, you're going to need talent, effort, and luck. And you can't afford to miss a single one. Keep that in mind." Teio: "Talent, effort, and luck?" Rudolf: "She's a little young to understand all that." Rudolf: "The first thing you need to do is enroll at Tracen Academy." Teio: "Okay!" Rudolf: "Can you tell me your name?" Teio: "I-It's Tokai Teio!" Rudolf: "I'll remember it, then." Reporters: "Mejiro McQueen has won the spring Tennoushou. Won it handily, I'd say. And we've got more races to look forward to. There's only three weeks left until the Japanese Derby. And entering that will be arguably the most popular horse girl out there, Tokai Teio!" Reporter: "She had an amazing showing at at the Satsukishou!" Reporter: "Well, she's currently undefeated with five wins. I think we can all look forward to seeing how she races at the Derby. Coming up next—" Teio: "Here we go." Teio: "Mayano, I'm heading out first." Teio: "I'll take a thick, extra-rich one, heavy on the honey!" Clerk: "Thick, rich, and heavy on the honey, coming up." Clerk: "Thanks for coming by!" Kid: "Hey, it's Tokai Teio!" Dad: "Good luck in the Derby." Teio: "Hey, thanks!" Lady: "Teio-san, can I get your autograph?" Teio: "Sure thing!" Students: "Me, too! And me!" Teio: "I have to get to school eventually." Students: "Good morning!" Tazuna: "Good morning." Students: "Good morning!" Tazuna: "Good morning." Tazuna: "Good morning, Mejiro McQueen-san." Mac: "Good morning. I'll be in your care again, today." Tazuna: "Good morning, Special Week-san." Spe: "Good morning!" Tazuna: "Vodka-san, Daiwa Scarlet-san, good morning." Both: "Good morning!" Tazuna: "Good morning, Gold Ship-san." Golshi: "G'morning." Teio: "Tazuna-san! Good morning!" Tazuna: "Good morning, Tokai Teio-san." Golshi: "You're running late, Teio!" Teio: "Guys? Huh... why are you all out here?" Vodka: "Come on, did you seriously forget?" Scarlet: "They're having the open campus day today." Mejiro: "And our trainer..." Trainer: "Looks like Team Spica is going to be hosting this year's open campus! Aw, yeah!" Scarlet: "I bet..." Scarlet: "I bet you just picked the losing lot, didn't you?!" Mejiro: "Gold Ship?" Golshi: "Right." Teio: "Oh, I remember now." Golshi: "It's a huge drag." Spe: "Everyone's going to have stars in their eyes, thinking about getting into Tracen Academy! We need to do a good job as guides." Rivals: "Spe-senpai, you're so straight-laced." Spe: "Well, if we're going to do it..." Teio: "She's right! Horse girls are supposed to give people hopes and dreams, after all. Let's get motivated!" Golshi: "You're always full of energy, huh, Teio?" Scarlet: "There!" Scarlet: "Huh? Is it crooked?" Spe: "Welcome to Tracen Academy! Here, take a pamphlet!" Vodka: "Huge, right? A lap is the same distance as the Tokyo Racecourse." Teacher: "The races among the Classics considered part of the Triple Crown" Golshi: "As you can see, Tracen's got athletics and academics covered." Teacher: "Oguri Cap, head to the cafeteria immediately." Cap: "I don't need to." Teacher: "Go. Now." Kids: "Athletics and academics..." Teio: "Welcome to the Tracen Academy open campus!" Mejiro: "Allow us to show you around. Be sure to stay close so you don't get lost." Both: "R-Right." Teio: "So this is our library. They've got all kinds of books here." Teio: "You've gotta be quiet, though." Teio: "What are they reading? And here we have the pool! No fishes in it." Akebono: "However!" Akebono: "Even if I was swimming against fishes... I bet I could beat them over a short distance!" Akebono: "This feels great!" Mejiro: "Oh, dear." Helios: "Damn it!" Teio: "Here we have the courtyard! If you ever feel frustrated after a loss, you can scream into that stump to blow off some steam!" Helios: "What is up with her?! Her vibes are so sick! They get me so hype! Why do I feel this way?!" Black: "Are you sure she's yelling about being frustrated?" Teio: "Is there anything else you want to check out?" Black: "I..." Black: "I'm a super-big fan of yours, Tokai Teio-san!" Teio: "Really?" Black: "You were so cool at the first race of the Classics, the Satsukishou!" Teio: "I'm impressed you know about the Classics." Black: "Of course I do! The Satsukishou, the Japanese Derby, and the Kikkashou! You're the first horse girl going into the Derby undefeated since Symboli Rudolf, right? I really want you to win the Japanese Derby!" Dia: "I think you're amazing, Mejiro McQueen-san! Congratulations on your win at the spring Tennoushou the other day! You were amazing! I think you're the most dazzling of everyone in the Twinkle Series! I want to be like you, McQueen-san!" Black: "And I want to be like you, Teio-san!" Teio: "I wanna be a strong and cool horse girl like you, Symboli Rudolf-san!" Teio: "Then you'll have to work hard and get into Tracen Academy! What are your names?" Black: "I'm Kitasan Black!" Dia: "I'm Satono Diamond!" Teio: "Okay! I'll remember you two!" Golshi: "Right now, the Twinkle Series is revolving around Teio and McQueen. But I come after them, right?" uku: "I see bad luck!" Golshi: "You want a beating?" Trainer: "Good work on seeing the visitors around on open campus day, everybody." Spe: "It wasn't any trouble! The kids were so cute. It was a lot of fun!" Golshi: "Teio and McQueen are crazy popular!" Rivals: "Must be nice..." Trainer: "Well, McQueen proved herself at the Tennoushou. You're up next, Teio." Teio: "Yeah." Trainer: "Keep on top of your condition, and stay on top of it until the day of the derby." Teio: "Leave it to me!" Suzuka: "I'll be cheering you on from America." Teio: "Suzuka!" Suzuka: "Good luck with the Derby." Teio: "Right!" Golshi: "If McQueen and Teio both win, won't that make Team Spica a big deal?" Scarlet: "Even though it was failing and on the verge of being dissolved a while ago!" Trainer: "I'd say that my guidance is bearing fruit. I mean, it really boils down to my eye for talent. You're all really lucky that I ended up as your trainer—" Rudolf: "Teio..." Teio: "The open campus was so much fun today! And the kids were so cute." Rudolf: "It makes me nostalgic." Teio: "For what?" Rudolf: "For the day we first met." Rudolf: "It was after I had won the Derby, and was being interviewed by the press." Rudolf: "I think you were about as old as the kids who came by today." Teio: "Yeah! When I was in elementary school. You were so cool back then, Prez! Although you still are." Rudolf: "How are you feeling? Do you think you can win the Derby?" Teio: "I don't think anything! I am gonna win it." Rudolf: "That sounds promising." Teio: "Yeah, because I made a promise!" Teio: "So I'm going to become a strong and cool horse girl, just like Symboli Rudolf-san!" Teio: "My goal is to win the Triple Crown undefeated, just like you! The second step is winning the Derby, so I have to win!" Rudolf: "Right. I'll be looking forward to it." Trainer: "Teio, move up to the front!" Teio: "Okay! Here I come!" Trainer: "The last stretch of the Derby isn't gonna be this breezy, Teio! Move those legs!" Trainer: "Man..." Golshi: "Wow..." Scarlet: "Honestly, those two can be so childish." Scarlet: "My eyes!" Sky: "This is really good." Teio: "Are you not eating? Allow me, then!" ure: "Oh, come on! If you eat like that, you're gonna get fat." ure: "Still, the Derby... You really are something, Teio." ure: "The derby is a once-in-a-lifetime race to determine the top horse girl... I didn't have the luck to be involved, but I bet you end up the most popular." ure: "Hey! What is it, Twin Turbo?" Turbo: "Well, you see, I got into Team Canopus, just like you, sis!" Turbo: "That means it's gonna be Canopus's time to shine now, because it's got a big-shot rising star named Turbo!" ure: "You're declaring that about yourself?" Turbo: "Teio! I'm gonna beat you at the Derby! I trained a whole bunch!" ure: "You can't even enter the Derby." Turbo: "I can't?! For real?! Then I'll win at the Kikkashou!" Hairdresser: "And there you are." Teio: "Thanks!" Hairdresser: "The Japanese Derby is tomorrow, right?" Teio: "Yeah!" Customer: "I'm rooting for you to win the Derby, Teio-san!" Teio: "Thank you so much!" Teio: "I should drop by the shrine on my way home." Teio: "McQueen?" Mcqueen: "Oh?" Teio: "Are you training on your own?" Mcqueen: "Yes, the Takarazuka Kinen is coming up." Teio: "Oh, right." Mcqueen: "The Derby is tomorrow." Teio: "Yep." Mcqueen: "Are you nervous?" Teio: "A little bit. It's the race I've been dreaming about since I was tiny. Besides, you won the Tennoushou!" Teio: "It'd be super lame if I lost after my rival won, right? So I'm gonna win, no matter what! See you!" Mcqueen: "Rivals..." Teio: "Okay!" Mayano: "That's going on Umastagram." Akasaka: "The sports entertainment spectacle that captivates the entire nation, the Twinkle Series. I'm Akasaka on play-by-play, and on commentary we have Hosoe-san." Hosoi: "It's a pleasure to be here." Akasaka: "The main race of the day is the Japanese Derby! An event so popular, the Tokyo Racecourse is at full capacity, with some folks unlucky enough to be left outside. For the fans unable to make it here in person," Akasaka: "And appearing last, in the eighth bracket, is the most popular girl in this race... Tokai Teio!" Crowd: "Teio! Teio! No one in the eighth bracket has ever won before, have they? Seriously?! That's bad news for Tokai Teio." Maru: "The fact that this course starts out with a curve so early puts the girl in the eighth bracket at a disadvantage." Rudolf: "I think Teio's the one who will determine whether or not that's the case." Black: "Teio-san! Good luck!" Teio: "Thanks!" Teio: "See ya!" Rudolf: "It doesn't seem like we need to worry." Golshi: "You look ready to go!" Teio: "Yep! I'm looking forward to the victory concert after I win!" Wodka: "Someone's sure they're gonna win!" Mcqueen: "I'll be cheering for you, Teio... as your rival." Teio: "Okay, I'm off!" Spica: "Good luck! You can do it! Yeah!" Teio: "Let's do this!" Akasaka: "The second most popular pick for this race, Rionatal, has arrived on the turf." Maru: "Good luck!" Rio: "This feels kind of like fate!" Akasaka: "The Triple-Crown horse girl Mister CB has pinned her hopes on the third most popular horse girl, Cedar Blade, who has arrived on the field." Blade: "This feels like it might be something like destiny." Akasaka: "And next is the currently undefeated horse girl, Tokai Teio. We are all eager to know if she'll be able to secure her second win after the Satsukishou in her pursuit of the Triple Crown." Trainer: "Wow, all of Team Rigil is present and accounted for." Hana: "The ace of our rival team is racing, so it benefits us to observe." Trainer: "We're rivals now? What an honor." Trainer: "She might just make it happen." Hana: "Winning the Triple Crown while undefeated?" Trainer: "Yeah." Hana: "There's nothing wrong with having lofty goals, but..." Trainer: "But what, Hana-san?" Hana: "Never mind." Akasaka: "The competitors are entering their brackets." Akasaka: "The horse girls are waiting at their gates, ready to go." Akasaka: "Last up is Tokai Teio, and she seems calm. She walks up to the gate with an expression that conveys confidence. Winning this race, she would earn her second crown while undefeated after the Satsukishou, but will she be able to bring home the win?" Akasaka: "As hopes and cheers are rising ever higher, and the Tokyo Yushun, the Japanese Derby..." Akasaka: "has now begun!" Trainer: "Nice! That's a good start!" Scarlet: "You should give her some pointers on her start." Golshi: "Put a sock in it." Akasaka: "The horse girls are staying close to the center as they approach the first turn. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... Tokai Teio is in eighth place, eighth place and on the outside as they enter the first turn." Teio: "Eighth place... I'll have to run on the outside, but that'll let me get a feel for the others! I can do this! Watch me, Prez!" Maru: "Looks like starting on the outside hasn't been much of a problem." Rudolf: "Do you remember what you told Teio long ago, Maruzensky?" Maru: "To be like Rudolf-chan, you're going to need talent, effort, and luck. And you can't afford to miss a single one. Keep that in mind. Yes, of course." Rudolf: "Teio's naturally flexible knees and ankles give her talent." Rudolf: "And she's put in more effort than anyone else, every day." Rudolf: "That leaves luck." Maru: "Well, they do say that the luckiest horse girls tend to win the Derby." Rudolf: "You could almost say today's race is a test of Teio's luck." Spe: "Teio-san..." Akasaka: "They're approaching the third turn from the backstretch, with Tokai Teio in seventh place on the outside." Mcqueen: "Teio's being forced to run on the outside." Spe: "It's okay!" Spe: "Don't you think that the outside is easier to run on in a straightaway? There's no crowding, and the turf is in better shape. She'll zip past them all in the last stretch!" Akasaka: "They're rounding the fourth turn! Tokai Teio has moved up through sixth and fifth place!" Teio: "No one in front me. All right! Whoa! Tokai Teio, here I go!" Akasaka: "Tokai Teio is going hard in the last spurt! Tokai Teio, moving up on the outside! She's climbing fast!" Other Races: "I can't! " Akasaka: "With four hundred meters to go, Tokai Teio pushes through!" Other Races: "I can't! I can't! " Akasaka: "She's made it to the top! But there are other horse girls on her tail!" Maru: "Wow, impressive!" Rudolf: "She'll feel like she's flying now." Akasaka: "And Tokai Teio breaks away! Tokai Teio is clear!" Akasaka: "She's three lengths ahead! Now four! There's no questioning it! Not anymore! Starting on the outside hasn't been any problem for her! Tokai Teio blazes onward!" Spicas: "Go!" Akasaka: "And Tokai Teio... has won the Japanese Derby! She obtains her Double Crown! This was an absolute blowout! Tokai Teio wins the Japanese Derby, becoming the first undefeated Double Crown winner since Symboli Rudolf!" Hairdresser: "She did it!" Akasaka: "And they're calling her name! The crowd is calling for Teio!" Crowd: "Teio might have just outdone the Emperor. I guess prodigies really do exist, as frustrating as that might be." Hana: "Nicely done. Con—" Trainer: "She still hasn't accomplished her goal, after all." Akasaka: "It's time for the Winning Concert, where the brightest horse girls get to shine! And in the center position is the undefeated victor of the Derby, Tokai Teio!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2 Episode 1 – Tokai Teio", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2", "1", "Tokai Teio" ] }
Teio: "There we go." Teio: "I guess I have to give it up." Kita: "Yeowch!" Dia: "A-Are you okay, Kita-chan?!" Kita: "Todally fihe..." Dia: "Kita-chan, let me see your hand." Kita: "Thank you, Dia-chan." Dia: "I know the media and the internet are saying all kinds of things. But I'm sure Teio will be glad to have your charm!" Kita: "Yeah. I hope so." Vodka: "Damn it! They just write whatever they want, huh?" Scarlet: "All they care about is whether or not it gets them attention." Golshi: "Anyone wanna explain where the hell Teio's been for the last two or three days?" Scarlet: "Maybe she got sick of us having her do errands?" Vodka: "N-No way..." Golshi: "Is this my fault?" Spe: "I know just the plan to get her back!" Teio: "Huh?" Teio: "Huh, what's this? Huh, what's this?" Teio: "Huh, what's this? Huh, what's this?" Spe: "Teio-san!" Teio: "Guess I'll come back." Scarlet: "Spe-senpai, you're the only person who would for a trap like that." Spe: "I thought it was a good idea!" Scarlet: "Are you not worried, McQueen? About Teio." Mcq: "No matter what becomes of Teio, I will continue to do what must be done." Spe: "What must be done?" Mcq: "I will remain a top horse girl, worthy of Teio's ambitions." Comm: "The racers have entered the final straightaway with just over 200 meters left! Twin Turbo is hanging tough! Symptom Dash is running on the outside, with Spain Jelutong on the inside in third place, but Twin Turbo still has a big lead on both!" Canopus: "Go! Twin Turbo is roaring out there!" Canopus: "Her turbo engines are at full throttle! She outruns the rest!" Canopus: "Twin Turbo has won the race!" Mt: "You did it, Turbo!" ure: "She doesn't spare anything when she sprints. Which is pretty in-character, I guess." Ikuno: "I can't imagine Turbo running any other way." Sakashita: "This is her first big win in a while." Turbo: "Hell yeah! Did you see that, Teio?! The way your best rival ever, Turbo, runs?!" Ikuno: "Rival?" ure: "Well, there's no rule saying she can't say that." Mt: "An unrequited rivalry, huh?" Rudolf: "It's open." Rudolf: "Teio..." Teio: "Can we talk for a bit?" Rudolf: "You're quitting your team?" Teio: "Yeah. When I think about not being able to run the same way anymore... It hurts worse than I imagined." Rudolf: "Then you won't be racing anymore?" Teio: "Since I sprung that one-sided promise on you, I thought I should tell you in person." Teio: "I wanna be a strong and cool horse girl like you, Symboli Rudolf-san!" Rudolf: "Teio..." Teio: "Sorry to bother you with this gloomy talk." Rudolf: "You've already decided, then." Teio: "Yeah. Thank you for everything." Hana: "H-Hello?" Trainer: "Hana-san... are you doing anything tonight?" Hana: "Fine." Mob 1: "Last 20!" Mob 2: "I can't!" Mob 3: "I can't..." Teio: "Right... I don't have to run anymore." Teio: "Okay, in that case, I'm gonna have fun! And it's obvious what the first stop is! A honey double, extra thick and extra rich, please!" Clerk: "Okay, one double, extra thick and extra rich, coming right up! That'll be 1500 yen." Teio: "So good!" Teio: "Nailed it!" Clerk: "It really suits you!" Teio: "Y-You really think so?" Clerk: "Would you like to try this one on, too? This color is trending big this summer!" Teio: "Really? Let's see..." Teio: "Th-That's... No, thank you." Teio: "So cute!" Teio: "Never been to a photo booth before." Teio: "Adorable!" Teio: "Yeah!" Teio: "Man, I did all kinds of stuff! What a fun day. I wonder what I should do tomorrow?" Teio: "Has one day... always been this long?" Kita: "Oh, Teio-san!" Teio: "Kita-chan?" Kita: "U-Um, I want you to have this!" Kita: "It didn't turn out too good, but... I want you to run again, so... I worked really hard on it!" Teio: "Thank you. But I'm sorry, I can't accept it." Teio: "Bye, now." Kita: "Um, becoming like you, Teio-san... is my dream!" Teio: "Sorry, but you shouldn't. There are other girls you should look up to." Hana: "Teio's serious, then." Hana: "I happened to overhear." Trainer: "She's injured pretty badly. Even if she heals, she won't not be able to run the same way ever again..." Trainer: "If she wanted to keep going... keep running... If she felt like that, I'd do everything I could to support her. But if she's given up... There might not be anything I can do. But somewhere inside, I wanna see her running again. I can't bear to see her give up. I can't get it out of my head. Even if she's not as good as she used to be, I want another chance to see her on the track again." Trainer: "But I can tell she's accepted it." Trainer: "And I'm her trainer, so I can't force the issue." Hana: "What about the others?" Trainer: "I'm going to tell them." Trainer: "It's the least I can do. But after everything she's accomplished, I don't want her to just fade away quietly. I really want to send her off with a bang." Trainer: "Can I get another?" Hana: "Two of the same, please. And I'm picking up his tab." Hana: "Tonight's my treat." Trainer: "Hana-san..." Golshi: "Say what?! Teio's done racing?!" Trainer: "Yeah. That's why she hasn't been coming around lately." Vodka: "This is a joke, right?! It has to be." Golshi: "This has gotta be rough for her." Scarlet: "I can't even imagine what it's like, not being able to run anymore." Spe: "I'm sure she'll get better! She can eat a lot, and get better, and then, I know... I think..." Teio: "And here I thought no one would be around this early." Spe: "Teio-san!" Mcq: "Teio..." Teio: "I'm sorry, guys. I didn't mean to make you worry. Thanks for telling them, Trainer." Spe: "Teio-san..." Trainer: "Listen, Teio, can I propose something?" Teio: "What is it?" Trainer: "You know the big fan festival that's in September?" Trainer: "Why don't you perform there?" Trainer: "You can express yourself to the people who supported you this whole time." Golshi: "We'll help, too! It's the least we can do!" Scarlet: "I'm in!" Vodka: "Me too!" Spe: "Teio-san..." Teio: "Thanks, guys." Mcq: "Teio..." Teio: "Sorry, McQueen. I know I'm breaking our promise." Mcq: "I'm going to keep running. I'll remain the strongest horse girl, no matter what happens to you." Teio: "Yeah. I think that's for the best." Teio: "Good luck." Mcq: "Excuse me, then." Minamisaka: "Good work." ure: "You're supposed to be working on your starts. Why are you dashing at full speed?" Turbo: "I like to start at full power! Nothing beats being in first for the whole race!" Turbo: "Just you wait, Teio! I'm gonna beat you in the fall race!" ure: "But I'm going to beat Teio first." Turbo: "Nuh-uh, it'll be me! I gave her a challenge after I won the Tanabata Sho! Right?!" Minamiasaka: "R-Right..." Mt: "Wasn't that a while ago?" Dictus: "Did she ever actually answer?" Turbo: "Bwuh?" Bg: "Right this way. A little bit more... Lower it slowly, now." Rudolf: "McQueen..." Rudolf: "How's everything going?" Mcq: "Thank you for your help, President. Everyone is excited to see Teio take the stage." Vodka: "I'm telling you, we should use this one!" Scarlet: "No, this one!" Vodka: "This color is way more Teio-ish!" Scarlet: "No, this one is!" Golshi: "Would you two give it a rest already?!" Both: "It's her fault!" Golshi: "Get it together! Are you trying to ruin Teio's big moment? And are you ever gonna stop crying?!" Spe: "Teio-san..." Rudolf: "You seem a little upset." Mcq: "I suppose... I am. The thought of her leaving me... I don't know if I'll be able to believe it until it actually happens." Rudolf: "I feel the same way." Teio: "Okay, it doesn't hurt anymore. I should be able to manage—" Turbo: "I found you, Teio!" Teio: "Hey, it's you... Double Jet." Turbo: "It's Twin Turbo! You got every word wrong!" Turbo: "Did you see my challenge? When are you gonna race me?" Twin: "I'm gonna be in the next All Comers race! A bunch of good runners are! There's Ikuno, and, uh... And, like, Rice Shower, too! So we can race there!" Teio: "The registration period is already over. Besides, I'm not racing anymore." Turbo: "Huh?! Why?!" Teio: "What do you mean, "why?"" Turbo: "Okay, then, if I win the All Comers, will you promise to race me next time?" Teio: "That's just it. I'm not racing at all anymore." Turbo: "No way, no way, no way! You have to race me! Cuz I'm gonna win! I'll leave you in the dust!" Teio: "I'm done with racing. You'll just have to give it up." Turbo: "What is that supposed to mean?! The real Teio would never give up! Never ever!" Teio: "What do you know about me?! If it can't be done, I just have to accept it. Even if it hurts so, so much..." Turbo: "I don't care about that! But the Teio I know never ever gives up!" Teio: "Rice is racing too, right? And a lot of other strong horse girls. You can't outrun them all." Turbo: "I will win! I'll outrun them all and win! You're just a big, dumb jerk, Teio!" Teio: "Step, step, jump, then step..." Turbo: "Teio, you stupid jerk!" Ikuno: "Turbo? What's the matter?" Turbo: "Ikuno! It sucks so, so, so bad!" Ikuno: "I see... then Teio's giving up." Turbo: "I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna outrun them all right in front of Teio and win! I'm gonna prove what happens if you don't give up!" ure: "I don't think you'll be able to." ure: "The All Comers race is the same day as the Fan Festival." Mt: "I don't think Teio will be able to watch you." Turbo: "Oh, no! Trainer, you have to do something!" Minamisaka: "I'm not sure what you want me to..." Turbo: "No, no, no! I wanna show Teio how I run!" ure: "Trainer..." ure: "I'm asking, too." Both: "Trainer." Minamisaka: "I understand." Minamisaka: "Here's what we'll do..." Minamisaka: "First, you'll need to wear these..." Canopus: "Okay." Teio: "Guys, thank you so much." Golshi: "Don't sweat it. Go wrap it up out there." Vodka: "It's hard to say this, but..." Scarlet: "Make sure you don't have any regrets, okay?" Spe: "Teio-san!" Teio: "Aw, come on, stop crying!" Teio: "All right, I'm gonna go on now. I'll make this the best goodbye ever!" Crowd: "Teio!" Teio: "Thank you all for coming. I'm so glad so many people came to see me, even though I haven't been running at all!" Teio: "I'm pretty sure you all know this, but I broke my leg again! This was the third time, if you can believe it! It's almost kinda impressive, huh?" Teio: "After so many times, I'm practically used to it." Teio: "Or at least, I thought I would be." Teio: "But..." Teio: "That's why..." Teio: "When it comes to racing... I don't think I can..." Teio: "I can't..." Kita: "Teio-san! I'll be waiting!" Kita: "I'll always be waiting to see you run again some day!" Trainer: "Teio!" Trainer: "I don't care if this is me being self-centered or greedy! You've gotta run again!" Teio: "Trainer..." Crowd: "Teio! Teio! You have to show us the Teio Step again! You look your best when on the track! Don't let some injury get you down! You're not beat yet! You're in the process of winning!" Dia: "They're right!" Crowd: "Please, Teio! Don't let it end like this! Come on, Teio!" Teio: "Guys..." ure: "How much longer?" Minamisaka: "Six seconds." ure: "Make it quick!" Minamisaka: "Right!" Comm: "The stands are left in shock! Twin Turbo has gone all-in on this outrun effort! She has such a huge lead that it's hard to estimate the distance at this point!" Scarlet: "Was this part of the performance?" Vodka: "What the hell?!" Groove: "This wasn't part of the program! I'll have them cancel—" Rudolf: "I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you." Comm: "Twin Turbo is on the run! She's way out in front! Her turbo engines are firing on all cylinders again! Entering the third corner and she's still accelerating! She's letting it all out on the track today! Twin Turbo's running like a fugitive, in first place! Trying to close the distance is the favorite, Rice Shower, ready to move into third! She's currently in fourth place with her defeat of the top horse girl, Mejiro McQueen, still fresh! But will the Ebon Stayer manage to catch up?! Second place, Weiss Stone, is somewhere between 1 to 3 seconds behind Twin Turbo, with Imperial Thalys in third! But we're already seeing Twin Turbo, and only Twin Turbo, enter the curve of the fourth corner! Twin Turbo is still on the run! Twin Turbo is still on the run! And as we enter the final straightaway, Rice Shower is finally closing in! But Twin Turbo is passing the 200 meter marker! Can Rice Shower make up the difference in time?" Turbo: "This is what happens when you don't give up!" Comm: "It doesn't look like Rice Shower will reach her!" Turbo: "Tokai Teio!" Comm: "Number 11, Twin Turbo! The runaway Twin Turbo pulls it off!" Turbo: "Eat that... Teio..." Spe: "Teio-san!" Groove: "Well, this is a total mess." Rudolf: "Yes, it is." Spe: "There's still so much I want to learn from you! Please, come back!" Vodka: "We're begging you, Teio! We'd miss you too much!" Scarlet: "Please come back! Let's run together again!" Golshi: "Come on back." Mcq: "I'll say it again..." Mcq: "No matter what happens to you... No matter what anxiety or difficulties stand in your way, I will continue to run... So that I can remain the top horse girl." Teio: "But... I might not be able to catch up to you anymore." Mcq: "Miracles can happen when people wish and strive for them." Mcq: "I'm sure of that." Crowd: "Teio! Teio! Teio!" Teio: "Well, if you're all gonna be like that... What else can I say?" Teio: "Watch me, everybody..."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2 Episode 10 – One Day, Without a Doubt", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2", "10", "One Day, Without a Doubt" ] }
Trainer: "Ready... Go!" Golshi: "Whoa, this is..." Scarlet: "She's rustier than I thought." Trainer: "Teio, stay focused until you finish!" Vodka: "What do you think, Trainer?" Trainer: "She's still got a lot of work to do. That said..." Trainer: "I'm happy enough that she's running again." Trainer: "Teio, here's your regimen." Teio: "Oof! Basic training, basic training, and more basic training... It's like I'm getting ready to debut again." Trainer: "I'm honestly kind of at a loss about what to do. But it's times like that—" Teio: "—you need to focus on the basics. I'm gonna work hard, like I'm starting over from scratch." Trainer: "Teio..." Teio: "Plus, I'm already enjoying just being able to run on the track again." Trainer: "Yeah. Let's work hard together." Teio: "Gotta say, though..." Teio: "This place is a mess!" Trainer: "I've been kind of pressed for time lately. Been trying to keep track of the other teams, and their noteworthy runners. A lot of them have grown a bunch over the summer." Teio: "Do you think I can help?" Trainer: "Say what?" Teio: "It's for the team's sake, right? I wanna do what I can to pay the others back for their help." Trainer: "Still, I'm not sure I should—" Teio: "It'll be fine, just leave it to me! I've got a knack for surveillance!" Teio: "Target confirmed." Ticket: "So my grandma couldn't find her dentures, right?" Teio: "Winning Ticket... Said to be among the three strongest horse girls of the new generation, along with Biwa Hayahide and Narita Taishin... After losing in the Satsuki Sho, she took the Derby while also being ranked most popular. She shows excellent acceleration in the way she moves up during the final stretch. and her preparations for the Kikkashou are looking pitch-perfect. Lives by the motto, "Be a powerful lady." Okay!" Crowd: "What is she doing? She's crawling somewhere!" Teio: "Let's see..." Teio: "Mejiro Palmer. Managed to win both Grand Prix races, the Takarazuka Kinen and Arima Kinen, last year. Accelerates to full speed early on, and at this year's Spring Tennoushou, she was able to take the lead early, then finish in third place. She sets a crazy pace for everyone else, making her a tough cookie to race against. Sucks at hurdle races, and comes back from them all banged up. Okay!" Rudolf: "What is that girl even doing?" Groove: "Is something the matter, President?" Rudolf: "No, not really." Groove: "I need you to sign off on these." Rudolf: "Right." Teio: "Here we go..." Teio: "Rice Shower. After thwarting Mihono Bourbon's Triple Crown, she ended Mejiro McQueen's winning streak at the Spring Tennoushou, demonstrating her strength as a stayer." Teio: "She was really amazing at the Spring Tennoushou! Oh, I should make a note that she eats bread with breakfast. There we go!" Teio: "I checked her out already, and this one is done, too. Let's see, let's grab a Shaky-Shaky Jelly, the kind that you're supposed to shake a bunch..." Teio: "What the heck?! I ended up accidentally getting the 1.5 liter soda bottle instead of the 150 milliliter Shaky-Shaky Jelly!" Hayahide: "Tokai Teio..." Teio: "Biwa Hayahide!" Teio: "She's been in first or second place in every race she's run in. One of the famous BNW trio." Mob Horse Girl: "I can't!" Teio: "The way she leaves the competition behind during straightaways gives her a real champion's aura." Teio: "And I have to wonder..." Teio: "Why is she so intimidating?" Hayahide: "Decarbonated cola, eh?" Hayahide: "Very impressive. From the data I've seen, flat soda has an incredibly high energy efficiency, to the point that marathon runners have been known to drink it before a race. I would expect nothing less from Tokai Teio." Teio: "Uh, I really just..." Hayahide: "No need to be modest. You've got a perfect grasp of nutritional theory in addition to your athletic ability. I can see why you were once known as the greatest." Bryan: "Sis..." Hayahide: "Yes, I know. My apologies for the interruption. Should we ever race each other, try not to be too hard on me." Bryan: "Never thought you knew Tokai Teio. Guess everybody knows your face, Sis." Hayahide: "Are you saying my face is big?!" Teio: "Machikane Tannhäuser." Teio: "Has plenty of stamina, and a knack for long distances. Managed to beat Rice Shower at this year's Meguro Kinen." Teio: "Nice Nature. Came in third place at the Arima Kinen for two years in a row. Despite having difficulty managing to secure wins, her reliable running means she's consistently on the scoreboard at the end of—" ure: "Teio?" ure: "Why are you wearing that?" Teio: "Well, it's..." ure: "You can spy all you want, but try to stay out of the way, okay?" Teio: "You knew?!" ure: "It was kind of obvious in that getup." ure: "Don't just goof off, okay? You need to train, too." Teio: "I know!" ure: "I'm looking forward to seeing you race again, too, y'know." Teio: "Y-You are?" ure: "I've had such a hard time winning anything lately." ure: "I mean, I know that I'm not really amazing or anything." ure: "But just when I think, "Maybe next time," I end up injured. To be honest, I was on the verge of giving up when I heard you'd be running again." ure: "And when I saw you refuse to give up, it made me think I shouldn't, either." Teio: "Nature..." ure: "Gosh, what am I getting so sentimental about? Talk about embarrassing!" ure: "Forget I said anything, okay?!" Teio: "I'm only back because of everyone else." Teio: "A lot of people have managed to show me how they feel." ure: "Well, be sure to tell them how you feel. Just like I did, okay?" ure: "Thanks again, Teio!" Teio: "Thanks, huh..." Turbo: "Turbo, Turbo, Turbo! If you think you can beat Turbo..." Turbo: "Tokai Teio! Hey, race me!" Teio: "Maybe next time, Master Twin Turbo!" Turbo: "She remembered my name. Wait, Master?" ure: "Be sure to tell them how you feel." Teio: "Thank you! Thank you!" Teio: "Here I am! And I got plenty of candid shots." Trainer: "Let's take a look..." Trainer: "These are... candid?" Teio: "Hey, Trainer." Teio: "Thanks." Trainer: "Whoa, what got into you? You're the one helping me. I oughta—" Teio: "It's how I feel about all your help. Let's keep working hard together!" Trainer: "Yeah, you bet." Vodka: "Teio?" Scarlet: "I see you're back." Spe: "Excellent work on your mission, Teio-san!" Vodka: "What's got you looking so serious?" Teio: "Guys... thank you." Teio: "When I went up on stage... I was able to get over some things thanks to you all." Golshi: "Took you long enough—" Teio: "Thank you, Gold Ship. You too, Spe-chan." Spe: "Oh, it was nothing!" Teio: "You too, Vodka, Scarlet." Vodka: "Well, when you go to the trouble of saying it out loud..." Scarlet: "It's kind of embarrassing." Golshi: "That really hurt..." Teio: "Okay! That just leaves McQueen!" Teio: "McQueen! Hey!" Mcq: "Teio?" Teio: "Working late, I see!" Mcq: "Did you need something?" Teio: "I just wanted to talk to you." Mcq: "I understand." Mcq: "You were a spy?" Teio: "I sure was! I was all lurking in the shadows and stuff!" Mcq: "I would've liked to have seen that." Teio: "Also, there's something else, McQueen..." Mcq: "What is it?" Teio: "For the other day... or really, more like, all the time... I wanted to say tha—" Mcq: "Tha?" Teio: "Tha..." Mcq: "Teio? Is something the matter?" Teio: "Huh. That's weird." Teio: "I was able to say it so easily to the others." Teio: "Why not her?" Teio: "W-Well..." Teio: "Um..." Mcq: "You're acting like someone about to confess their love." Teio: "I am?!" Mcq: "I'm joking, of course." Teio: "U-Uh, I just remembered something I need to do! See ya!" Mcq: "Teio?" Teio: "Argh, what is going on?! I just wanted to say thank you! What is wrong with me?!" Teio: "I didn't get any sleep last night." Mcq: "Teio?" Teio: "M-McQueen!" Mcq: "What's the matter? You seem rather tired." Teio: "I was up thinking last night." Mcq: "Is something bothering you? You've been acting strange since yesterday." Teio: "Nothing, really!" Mcq: "You don't seem to have a fever." Teio: "O-Of course not! Why would I?!" Teio: "I'm just making this harder on myself by overthinking it. I just need to come out and say it! Normally!" Teio: "McQueen!" Mcq: "Yes?" Teio: "Th-Tha... Tha... Uh, tha... than... um, tha..." Mcq: "Oh, dear, that's the bell! We should hurry!" Teacher: "The two races where entrants are decided by popular ballot are the" Teio: "Why her?" Teio: "Why is it that, with McQueen, I get so nervous?" Teio: "And she's the last member of Spica that I haven't thanked." Teio: "At this rate..." Mcq: "May I..." Golshi: "Hell no. This thanks is for me." Mcq: "Could I..." Spe: "You can't have it." Spe: "You can't have it!" Mcq: "Boo-hoo-hoo..." Teio: "You don't have to get so mad, Spe-chan!" Spe: "I don't have to what, now?" Teio: "Spe-chan!" Spe: "You're having trouble telling someone how you feel?" Teio: "I was wondering if there was a trick I could use." Spe: "Good question. If it was me..." Spe: "I would put my feelings into a snack, using the language of snacks!" Teio: "There's a language of those?" Spe: "Yes! For example, baumkuchen represents a desire for continued happiness! Tiramisu is a way of asking for someone to cheer you up. Carrot pancakes represent feeling full! Carrot-stuffed mochi represents free seconds." Teio: "And this is something you learned, Spe-chan?" Spe: "I did! But opinions vary!" Teio: "I think the idea of a present might work, though." Spe: "Look at this, Teio-san! It's a premium carrot with a honey glaze! I think this is supposed to represent..." Teio: "We're not shopping for you, Spe-chan!" Teio: "Would a snack really work, like Spe-chan thinks?" Kita: "Teio-san!" Teio: "Kita-chan? And Dia-chan's with you. Wait... huh? What's with the outfits?" Kids: "Trick or treat!" Teio: "Oh, Halloween!" Kids: "Yes, that's right!" Kita: "You better give us a treat..." Dia: "Or we'll play a trick on you!" Spe: "You two look so cute!" Kids: "Yay!" Teio: "Is it okay if I take a picture?" Dia: "Sure!" Kita: "Please!" Teio: "Let's see..." Teio: "Okay, say cheeseburger!" Kita: "Teio-san, is that..." Teio: "I'm counting on the charm you made me to help keep me going, okay?" Kita: "Okay! I'll always be rooting for you!" Teio: "Right. And thanks again." Teio: "Funny, I don't have any trouble saying it to Kita-chan. Well, I've been meaning to say thank you to McQueen, but it's been hard for some reason. Do you know what I mean?" Kita: "Can't you just tell her?" Teio: "Well, you're right, but... Okay, why don't you try saying it to Dia-chan? Just an "I appreciate everything you do for me" kind of thing." Kita: "Oh, that'll be easy!" Dia: "This should be fun!" Kita: "Dia-chan!" Dia: "Yes, go ahead." Kita: "Well..." Dia: "Yes?" Kita: "Um... thank you for always being with me and..." Kita: "Well..." Dia: "It's like you're confessing your love or something!" Dia: "You're blushing bright red, Kita-chan!" Kita: "Aw, quit teasing me!" Spe: "I guess the closer you are to someone, the more embarrassing it is. I always get embarrassed talking to my mom on Mother's Day." Dia: "Kita-chan, what do you think about me?" Kita: "What do you mean?!" Kita: "You're my rival, and my best friend, and..." Kita: "I care about you a lot!" Dia: "Th-This is even more embarrassing, Kita-chan!" Teio: "I get it now." Teio: "That's right. It's simpler than I figured." Teio: "To me, McQueen is..." Mcq: "Teio!" Mcq: "I'm sorry, it took a moment to figure out this costume. And I've never worn it before, so I'm not sure about how it looks." Teio: "It's okay! You look great!" Mcq: "That's a relief to hear." Teio: "All right, let's get this Halloween date on the road!" Mcq: "What brought this on all of a sudden?" Teio: "Well, I figured you'd like a celebration that involved a lot of sweets." Mcq: "D-Don't be ridiculous! I've actually been cutting back lately." Teio: "I think they're selling crepes over there." Mcq: "They are?!" Mcq: "I mean, clearly they are." Teio: "Let's check everything out! Come on!" Mcq: "Right." Jacko: "Here you are!" Both: "Thank you!" Teio: "You can do it, McQueen!" Dude: "That's not how that works!" Teio: "I can't hit it..." Mcq: "Leave it to me." Teio: "Okay!" Dude: "That's not how that works." Dude: "That is also not how that works." Teio: "Let's use the photo booth, come on!" Mcq: "That is the wrong type of photo booth!" Teio: "Like this?" Mcq: "I think so. H-Here it goes." Teio: "Ready!" Teio: "Yeah!" Teio: "Two taiyaki please! Casca... err, custard filling!" Teio: "McQueen, you've got some on your face!" Teio: "I can wipe it for you." Mcq: "I can do it myself." Teio: "Let's check that out next! Come on!" Mcq: "All right." Mcq: "Today was a great deal of fun." Teio: "Well, we haven't gotten to goof off at all lately." Mcq: "Yes. It was quite the refreshing change of pace. This should allow me to focus on training again." Teio: "The fall races are gonna be coming up soon, too." Mcq: "The Fall Tennoushou, the Japan Cup, and at the end of the year... The Arima Kinen Grand Prix." Teio: "The Arima Kinen is going to be so great! You're gonna be running, right?" Mcq: "If the fans select me, of course. What about you, Teio?" Teio: "Me?" Mcq: "I'm sure you'll be chosen in the fan survey. They'll be longing to see you run at Arima." Teio: "Aw, come on, you've seen the times I've been managing lately. Even if I enter, there's no way I win." Teio: "Not without a miracle, anyway. So not this time." Mcq: "I thought that would be the case. But it's still a shame." Teio: "I think so, too." Teio: "But someday, definitely..." Mcq: "Yes, some day." Mcq: "I had a wonderful time. Thank you for inviting me, Teio." Teio: "Yeah." Teio: "I actually wanted to tell you something, McQueen." Mcq: "You did?" Teio: "I've been wondering all this time..." Teio: "what makes you different from everyone else." Teio: "You see, McQueen... I've always looked up to you." Mcq: "To me?" Teio: "Yeah. You're so strong, so cool, and always so dignified. And I think I was embarrassed to tell you how I really feel. And kind of frustrated, too." Teio: "You're really special to me, McQueen." Teio: "That's how I feel now, and it's not changing." Teio: "So..." Teio: "Thank you, McQueen!" Mcq: "Teio..." Teio: "I finally said it!" Mcq: "You look up to me?" Teio: "Yeah!" Mcq: "And you've only just realized this?" Mcq: "Because I've always looked up to you." Teio: "McQueen..." Teio: "That is so weird!" Mcq: "You're one to talk!" Teio: "Aw!" Teio: "Man, now that I got that off my chest, I'm hungry again." Mcq: "You want to eat again?" Teio: "Aw, it's fine for today! Come on, McQueen." Mcq: "All right." Teio: "I think I'll get some grilled carrots. How about you?" Mcq: "I believe I'll have some shortcake, some baumkuchen, and some sweets!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2 Episode 11 – What I Feel", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2", "11", "What I Feel" ] }
Mcq: "Early morning training?" Teio: "Yeah! Trainer's taking me out tomorrow morning, and I wondered if you wanted to come along." Mcq: "Thank you for asking. I believe I'll take you up on that offer." Teio: "Great! I'll be waiting tomorrow, then." Mcq: "Right. See you then." Teio: "Yeah! Goodnight." Mcq: "Teio... I will strive to remain the strongest, in anticipation of the day you return." Mcq: "I won't lose, no matter what." Teio: "This is harder than I thought!" Mcq: "Beach sand is softer and more granular than what we're used to. If you step forward normally, you generate an insufficient amount of propulsive force." Teio: "And, uh, that means?" Mcq: "It means you need to make sure your form is correct if you want to move effectively." Mcq: "It's quite effective training, actually." Teio: "I see... Okay, in that case!" Teio: "Goal!" Trainer: "Nice work, you two. Have some hydration." Teio: "Thanks, Trainer!" Mcq: "Much obliged." Teio: "You don't have to match my pace, y'know." Mcq: "Excuse me?" Teio: "You could've gone faster, right, McQueen?" Mcq: "Well, yes." Mcq: "Trainer-san, would it be all right if I did a bit of independent training for a while?" Trainer: "On your own?" Mcq: "Yes. There are a few things I've been considering, moving into the Fall Tennoushou." Trainer: "I'm not gonna say no to you of all horse girls. That said, call me if you need any help, all right?" Mcq: "Thank you." Teio: "What are you going to do for your solo training?" Mcq: "Well, I was thinking of adding pool exercises." Teio: "In that case... Let's go for a swim while we're here!" Mcq: "But it's already November." Teio: "It's fine! It won't be so bad! See, it's not that... So cold!" Mcq: "I was trying to warn you..." Teio: "Seriously, it's fine! Once you get in, you'll feel fine!" Palmer: "Whoo!" Helios: "Whoo!" Palmer: "Time to have Fukukitaru-san check out my fortune again!" Helios: "Yo!" Palmer: "Fukukitaru-san, we're back!" Palmer: "Huh? She's gone?" Palmer: "Is this a note? "Dear Mejiro Palmer-chan..." "If you are reading this note, I have abandoned this location."" uku: "You no longer require the guidance of my fortunes. You are already a splendid, outrunning horse girl! As a wandering fortune teller, I will now head to a new destination, along with Meisho Doto." uku: "I doubt we will ever meet again." uku: "Please look after yourself... Machikane Fukukitaru." Palmer: "Fukukitaru-san!" Palmer: "Helios... I'm gonna do my best." Helios: "Yo..." Palmer: "I'm sure Fukukitaru-san is watching, somewhere." Helios: "Yo." uku: "Hold it up, okay?" Doto: "Okay..." uku: "Put your back into it!" Doto: "Like this?" Both: "You're still here!" Comm: "It's the day of the Kikkashou, and here to witness a race to determine the strongest in a generation is a capacity crowd awaiting BNW's latest showdown." Golshi: "McQueen's doing more solo training, huh?" Vodka: "We better keep a good eye on the others for her sake, then." Spe: "Good point!" Scarlet: "She did a great job winning the Kyoto Daishoten, so I'm sure she's fine." Spe: "Good point!" Trainer: "The Kikkashou... Biwa Hayahide, Narita Taishin, and Winning Ticket. Which one of them is going to grab the last crown?" Teio: "They're all really strong. Let's scope them out for McQueen." Trainer: "Good idea." Butler: "Miss, is something the matter?" Mcq: "It's nothing!" Comm: "Past the fourth corner and entering the final straightaway, Biwa Hayahide's lead is only increasing! She's in first place! The only member of BNW yet to claim a crown looks like she's about to make her mark! On the outside, Arcade Champ and Winning Ticket are starting to move up! But Biwa Hayahide's lead is still growing! She's in first place! With a lead of four, now five lengths! The race for second place is hot! Winning Ticket is doing her best to push forward! But look at that implacable lead! Biwa Hayahide with an unassailable show of strength! And she crosses the goal! The final race of the Classics, the Kikkashou, goes to the last member of BNW to win a race, Biwa Hayahide! With a five-length lead on the second-place finisher! She has won the G1 race said to be won by only the strongest horse girls!" Comm: "And this time... It's a record! She's broken the record set previously by Rice Shower!" Teio: "Wow..." Vodka: "She blew them away. How does she run like that?" Spe: "Good question." Scarlet: "She's got a lot of momentum." Trainer: "She stands out even among BNW. She must've grown a bit over the summer." Ticket: "Nice run!" Ticket: "Something wrong?" Hayahide: "Well... I could've sworn I just heard someone say my head had grown too big." Ticket: "Really?" Vodka: "Well, we saw the thing. Let's take our time on the way back." Vodka: "Since we're in Kyoto anyway, I wanna get some Nishin soba." Spe: "Good point!" Scarlet: "In that case, I wanna matcha parfait!" Spe: "Good point!" Golshi: "We can get both. And it can be Trainer's treat." Spe: "Good point!" Trainer: "Hold up! I didn't sign off on this!" Ticket: "Maybe you're imagining things?" Hayahide: "No, I'm positive. Someone said my head was too big." Ticket: "But are you sure you're not imagining it?" Hayahide: "That can't be. Somebody had to have..." Ticket: "You're imagining things!" Hayahide: "I know what I heard! Someone said it!" Teio: "Biwa Hayahide..." Mcq: "Butler..." Butler: "Yes?" Mcq: "Could you call the doctor?" Butler: "The family doctor?" Mcq: "Yes. There's something I'd like him to look at." Butler: "Miss..." Mcq: "I'm sure it's nothing serious, but I'd like to take every precaution." Butler: "Right. Understood. Here you are, miss." Mcq: "Honestly... I just said it was nothing serious." Spe: "Everyone, let's eat some of that next! Come on!" Vodka: "B-Bring it on..." Spe: "You still wanna eat? You're gonna wear down your stamina if you overdo it." Golshi: "You know what they say about autumn! Even horse girls get to enjoy harvest time." Teio: "I guess... Me, too, then!" Trainer: "What's up?" Teio: "Oh, I just wanted to pick something up for McQueen!" Mcq: "What do you think?" Doctor: "I'd like you to get bed rest for the time being." Teio: "Maybe this? Or this? Or would she prefer this?" Mcq: "This seems like an overreaction." Butler: "Still, until we know the diagnosis, it's better to be safe than sorry." Butler: "Come in." Doc: "I'm the doctor." Butler: "What did you learn, Doctor?" Mcq: "Doctor?" Doc: "Miss, the lady of the house would like to speak to you." Mcq: "My grandmother?" Teio: "Heave-ho, heave-ho... And down." Teio: "Man, nasty weather." Trainer: "Hey, Teio." Teio: "Aw, it's just you, Trainer." Trainer: "Wow, rude. Is there a problem?" Teio: "No, I was just waiting for McQueen." Teio: "I was hoping to give her these. Wait, today's the "best by" date!" Trainer: "Hey, where are you going?" Teio: "To deliver these to McQueen! I'll visit her while I'm at it! Back later!" Teio: "Honey, honey, honey! When I get a lick of that honey, I feel, feel, feel so much faster! Honey, honey, honey! When I get a lick of that honey..." Trainer: "All right, this oughta cover the next training regimen." Trainer: "It's... McQueen's butler?" Trainer: "Hello?" Teio: "Man, this place is still intimidating. How do I even get inside?" Teio: "Pardon me." Teio: "Honey, honey, honey! When I get a lick of that honey..." Teio: "Butler-san!" Butler: "Teio-sama, what brings you here?" Teio: "Sorry for coming in without permission. Is McQueen around? I came to visit her, and well..." Butler: "Well... er... Butler-san?" Butler: "I'm afraid Miss McQueen is not available." Teio: "Oh, is she training? In that case..." Butler: "She is currently staying at the Mejiro family sanatorium." Teio: "The sanatorium? Why? Did something happen to her?!" Butler: "An injury was discovered in her leg." Teio: "What injury?" Butler: "The young miss has developed a case of suspensory ligament desmitis in her left leg." Teio: "That's..." Butler: "It requires a year to treat, and even in the event of recovery, it is likely to reoccur." Butler: "It's said to be one of the incurable conditions that can plague a horse girl." Butler: "Unlike a fracture, it doesn't immediately prevent one from running. But... With each step, severe pain will afflict the affected area, with the worst case scenario being a permanent loss of mobility. So you see..." Teio: "Then McQueen can't run anymore?" Butler: "Racing would be terribly unwise." Butler: "If she doesn't aggravate the injury, it shouldn't affect her everyday life." Butler: "It's... what's best for her." Butler: "Hello?" Butler: "She's missing?!" Butler: "No, I don't think she'd be that desperate. But then, I'm not sure where..." Butler: "Teio-sama?" Teio: "McQueen!" Mcq: "See, it's fine. I'm still capable of running." Grandma: "Isn't this enough? You've accomplished so much while racing already, along with granting my wish of conquering the Tennoushou. I could not be more proud of you." Grandma: "So, please, let's put an end to this." Mcq: "I cannot accept that! I can still run!" Grandma: "You can not. Your leg has reached its limit. That's how severe suspensory ligament desmitis is. I'm asking you to please listen to me—" Mcq: "I refuse! I do not want to give up!" Butler: "Miss..." Mcq: "That's right. I can hardly let this injury stop me." Mcq: "Because..." Mcq: "I finally found her. I've finally encountered an opponent" Mcq: "who I can clash with seriously, for the rest of my life." Mcq: "With you, I know I can run on forever." Mcq: "I knew it was our destiny on that day." Mcq: "Which is why... I can't let this stop me." Grandma: "Isn't it enough?" Mcq: "An injury like this..." Mcq: "is of no concern!" Mcq: "Teio did it herself... time and time again, she rose to her feet and moved forward! After her dream of an undefeated triple crown was lost, after her dream of being undefeated was ended," Mcq: "after all the times she broke her leg..." Doc: "Miss, you've developed suspensory ligament desmitis in your left leg." Mcq: "I can still run! I'm Mejiro McQueen! And I will experience that moment, where we both give our all and run together, once more!" Doc: "This is an incurable condition for horse girls, with no effective treatment." Mcq: "I will run... again..." Teio: "I'm not gonna lose again!" Mcq: "Challenge accepted." Grandma: "Isn't it enough?" Mcq: "I promised her..." Mcq: "From this moment on, I'd be glad to run so as to be a goal for you." Mcq: "I will run in a way that makes me fit to be your goal. Please, watch me." Mcq: "I will continue to run... So that I can remain the top horse girl." Grandma: "Your leg has reached its limit." Mcq: "I... want that again." Mcq: "To run with Teio..." Mcq: "I... I..." Teio: "McQueen!" Mcq: "Teio?" Teio: "McQueen!" Mcq: "What's the matter, Teio?" Mcq: "You're in such a panic." Teio: "Butler-san told me... About your leg." Mcq: "Is that all? It won't be a problem at all." Mcq: "The Fall Tennoushou is in four days. I should resume training." Teio: "But it has to hurt a lot, right?" Mcq: "I can still manage to run. I'll simply have to bear with the pain." Mcq: "This won't be enough to..." Teio: "Don't force yourself!" Mcq: "I am not!" Teio: "McQueen..." Mcq: "I must... remain strong!" Mcq: "With dignity, never giving an inch..." Mcq: "I have to remain in the position of the strongest horse girl." Mcq: "That's where I will wait for you." Mcq: "I've looked forward to it for so long... We can compete to see who is the—" Mcq: "But..." Mcq: "It won't move. I can't make it move..." Mcq: "I... can't run anymore." Mcq: "I can't keep my promise to you!" Teio: "Fate's kind of a jerk, huh?" Teio: "It really seems set on keeping us from racing each other." Teio: "I thought we'd be able to run again at the Takarazuka Kinen... then I broke my leg." Teio: "People started saying I wouldn't be able to run the same way again." Teio: "And now, this happens to you." Teio: "It'd probably be easier to just give up, huh? But... I don't want to give up yet. I want to run with you again." Teio: "Don't you feel the same way?" Mcq: "Of course I want to run! But I can't anymore! I may never be able to run again!" Mcq: "Unless a miracle happens, I'll never be able to run like I used to!" Mcq: "Just like you!" Mcq: "F-Forgive me..." Teio: "No, you're right. Without a miracle, it's not gonna happen." Teio: "So it's time to make a miracle." Teio: "I'm going to prove that you and I can run together again." Teio: "Watch the Arima Kinen, okay? I'm gonna cross that goal before anybody else." Teio: "Y-You can't possibly win... not in the condition you're in. I'm going to win anyway." Teio: "If I work hard enough to make a miracle happen, I know I can do it." Mcq: "Miracles can happen when people wish and strive for them." Mcq: "I'm sure of that." Mcq: "Teio..." Teio: "When I was on the verge of giving up, you pulled me forward." Teio: "When I felt like I was going to break, you were by my side." Teio: "You've been the kind of strong horse girl I could chase after." Teio: "You were the one who said you'd wait for me." Teio: "And now, it's my turn." Teio: "So watch me, McQueen." Mcq: "Teio..."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2 Episode 12 – Together", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2", "12", "Together" ] }
Kita: "Dia-chan..." Dia: "McQueen-san..." Trainer: "Excuse me? You wanna run at Arima?" Teio: "Yeah." Golshi: "But even if you do... you're kinda..." Trainer: "Your times haven't been improving. And your first race in the year would be in the G1. Are you sure you wanna do this?" Teio: "It's not about whether I want to. I'm gonna win! No matter what." Trainer: "You're serious, huh?" Teio: "Yeah." Trainer: "Okay. If that's what you want, it's my job to support you with everything I've got. More than anything else, I wanna see Tokai Teio running again." Teio: "Trainer!" Spe: "Teio-san! If there's anything we can do to help, let us know!" Golshi: "As the team's second leader, I can lend you as many hands as I've got." Vodka: "We owe you plenty, after all." Scarlet: "That's true." Teio: "Thanks, guys!" Teio: "I'm gonna do my best." Crowd: "Hey, looks like 1st place in the fan vote... went to Biwa Hayahide, after all. Of course it did. She's never placed lower than second... and she dominated at the Kikkashou. Winning Ticket and Rice Shower were picked, too. This is going to be one hell of a lineup! Hey, Tokai Teio made fourth place! Oh, then Teio's going to run at Arima?!" Crowd: "Getting 4th place in a fan ranking after not running for a whole year... Tokai Teio is seriously popular." Crowd: "I can't wait to see her race again. Well, even if she runs, her odds are rough. It's been a whole year since she last raced, and she's up against seven other G1 horse girls... Not to mention no horse girl has ever won their first race after coming off such a long hiatus." Spe: "Here you are!" Golshi: "More like this." Teio: "And now, it's my turn." Teio: "So watch me, McQueen." Mcq: "Teio..." Teio: "When I go beyond giving everything I've got..." Teio: "I won't even reach the starting line unless I give everything I've got." Teio: "But..." Teio: "I want to win!" Comm: "It's that time once again. As the new year draws closer, here at the Nakayama Racecourse, a simmering intensity from the crowds and the track is enough to push back the seasonal cold. It's time for the G1 Arima Kinen!" Hosoe: "It certainly is. And with such a remarkable lineup this year, I think we're looking at an amazing race." Golshi: "There's always something in the air during Arima..." Scarlet: "It really does feel like the year is wrapping up." Spe: "Good point." Comm: "There's no doubt in my mind that this will be a fitting race to conclude the year!" Comm: "Who do you see winning this, Hosoe-san?" Hosoe: "I'm inclined to think it'll be a competitor from BNW who's here to represent the next generation. I think we can also look forward to seeing Mejiro Palmer continue her outrunning spree early on." Comm: "Thanks for the input. Will we see a changing of the guard at this year's Arima Kinen? The horse girls will soon be taking to the track." Trainer: "Teio! You got a second?" Teio: "Oh, what's up?" Teio: "Prez?" Trainer: "Don't mention it." Rudolf: "You haven't worn that since the derby." Teio: "Yeah. I wanted to run in this today." Rudolf: "I see." Teio: "Listen, can I ask you something weird?" Teio: "Did you ever do anything special when you wanted to win, no matter what?" Rudolf: "That's a tough one." Rudolf: "Everyone who enters a race wants to win it." Rudolf: "They've built themselves up in pursuit of victory... Gaining strength, focusing, all of it aimed toward competition. But in spite of that, no matter how good your condition is, there's always room for surprises. Anything can happen in a race." Rudolf: "That said..." Rudolf: "If you have something you believe in, something that you will never yield on... That's one thing no one else can affect." Rudolf: "Did that help at all?" Teio: "Yeah! Thanks, Prez." Comm: "The horse girls are taking to the turf one after another. Is she a heel, or is she a hero? It's the blessing star, Rice Shower." Hosoe: "She put on an amazing display when she upset Mejiro McQueen to take the Fall Tennoushou. I'm looking forward to the performance such a standout stayer puts on for us." Comm: "And here we have the winner of last year's Arima Kinen, Mejiro Palmer!" Hosoe: "She's a first-rate outrunner horse girl. If she takes the lead early on and sets the pace, we could be looking at a consecutive win." Comm: "Then there's Machikane Tannhäuser, who cuts an imposing figure when it comes to long distance races. Nice Nature will also be looking to relinquish her title of "Bronze Collector" to win this year's Arima." Ikuno: "Nature-san seems to be in good shape." Sakaminami: "Right. I hope Tannhäuser-san can use the frustration over her last race to accomplish something this time around." Turbo: "I wanted to run in this!" Ikuno: "You should take that enthusiasm and put it into your cheering." Turbo: "Hey, is there any chance I could join in still?!" Sakaminami: "No, there isn't." Turbo: "Fine..." Comm: "At the Japan Cup, she managed to outdo famous competitors from around the globe, scoring Relic Earth a significant victory. And across from her is one of the symbols of the next generation, Winning Ticket." Hosoe: "All you need to say is that she's this year's Derby horse girl. I'm going to be paying attention to see if she lives up to those expectations." Comm: "A good point." Comm: "And here's Tokai Teio, returning to the turf after a year-long absence. Despite the long hiatus, she's the fourth most popular contender in the Arima Kinen!" Hosoe: "A lot of people have been waiting for her return. You can tell how strong the support for her is with that high ranking." Kita: "Everybody looks so strong..." Dia: "You can't get intimidated, Kita-chan! Teio-san has to do a good job for McQueen-san's take, too!" Kita: "Y-You're right." Comm: "And here we have today's star runner, Biwa Hayahide. One hundred percent of her races have had her in the top two! The undisputed most popular racer! Will she be able to live up to the fans' expectations?" Hosoe: "She's shown even greater development since summer. I think anyone looking to beat her will have their hands full." Teio: "I'm back." ure: "Teio..." Teio: "Nature?" ure: "I don't know what kind of condition you're in, and I don't care how you're going to run. All I care about is clearing the goal before you, and before anyone else." Teio: "Yeah. I'm not losing to anyone else, either." ure: "Let's make this a good race." ure: "Oh, and..." ure: "Welcome back, Teio." Teio: "It's good to be back." Teio: "You're out there watching, right?" Mcq: "I'm frightened." Mcq: "Too frightened to watch..." Mcq: "I want to believe in Teio." Mcq: "But... if she were to lose, I'd..." Comm: "The fanfare is now echoing throughout the stands. The Arima Kinen determines who ends the year on top... And the horse girls are entering their brackets. Each one of them is solemnly focused on living up to their fans' hopes, waiting for the moment that the gate opens. And on the far side gate, Mejiro Palmer is now in position. All fourteen competitors are now in their brackets. It's the last G1 race of the year, the Arima Kinen!" Comm: "And they're off! Mejiro Palmer is out in front, with a good start! These horse girls all seem to have made a smooth start! You can see why these fourteen were selected! A fine group of competitors!" Crowd: "Teio's running... Yeah. Teio... I'm glad I got to see this." Girl: "Who from BNW is gonna win today?" Dad: "Probably Biwa Hayahide." 1: "The last time Tokai Teio raced was last year's Arima Kinen... It's been 364 days since then. Her return came after a long blank." 2: "What's brought that on?" 1: "There's never been a single horse girl that has won a G1 race after such a long hiatus!" 2: "Do you think she can pull it off?" 1: "You're really gonna ask that? She came in 11th last year." 2: "My bad." Kita: "Of course it'll be hard! But Teio-san's still running!" Dia: "She's right!" s: "Yep." Teio: "There really is nothing like a real race! I can feel them around me... feel how much they want to win... I can sense all kinds of stuff!" Palmer: "I wanted to get a bigger lead, but they're right on my tail! But my legs are still good to go!" Ticket: "I might've given up the Kikkashou, but this time I'm winning!" Rice: "I'll win this race, and win cheers and adulation!" ure: "I don't wanna lose! I have to cross the goal in first place, not second, and definitely not third!" Mt: "I can be the star, too!" Teio: "But... I can't lose! I won't lose!" Comm: "Mejiro Palmer is still in the lead. Biwa Hayahide is currently in fourth place, with Rice Shower moving up on the outside." Hosoe: "Tokai Teio seems to be a bit further to the back. One has to wonder how she's feeling, running after an entire year." Mcq: "Teio..." Golshi: "Come on! You can do this, Teio!" Scarlet: "I wonder how she's doing?" Spe: "She tended to drift a little to the right during practice." Vodka: "You saw how much she trained! She'll be fine!" Trainer: "She didn't manage to get back to where she used to be in time. But we'll still be cheering for you until the very end, Teio!" Comm: "The horse girls are now entering the home stretch of the first lap. The chosen 14 are running in front of the entire Nakayama crowd." Doc: "Tokai Teio-san..." Goon: "Tokai Teio can't win?! The hell are you saying, boss?! Look at how hard she's trying!" Boss: "Anybody can try hard. If that's all it took to win, life'd be easy. If Teio pulls this off, I'll shave my head." Comm: "The 14 racers are now coming around the second corner and entering the backstretch! Let's check their position. Mejiro Palmer in the lead, with Vice Stone in second, and Relic Earth in third. Biwa Hayahide is in fourth, and behind her are Winning Ticket and Rice Shower. The returning Tokai Teio followed by Pella, Ferment Win, Nice Nature, Duo Priwen, Spur Mover, Avec Dream, and Machikane Tannhäuser at the moment! As expected, the early lead is going to the Mejiro clan's star outrunner, Mejiro Palmer." Hosoe: "That's true. But this year, all thirteen of her competitors are within ten lengths." Hosoe: "There's still no telling who could move up in position." Teio: "So watch me, McQueen." Comm: "She managed to outrun the competition to the end during last year's Arima Kinen. It's now a question of who's going to take action, as they begin to enter the third corner." Palmer: "I'm gonna win!" Rice: "I'm going to win!" Mt: "I'm gonna win!" ure: "I'm gonna win!" Ticket: "I'm gonna win!" Teio: "I have to... I have to!" Comm: "The racers are making their way into the fourth corner. Biwa Hayahide and Winning Ticket are steadily moving up... Is Relic Earth making her move? Whoa! And it looks like Biwa Hayahide is taking off! The winner of the Kikkashou, Biwa Hayahide, is making her way forward in the ranks! Mejiro Palmer is passed! Biwa Hayahide is now in the lead! She's in first! Biwa Hayahide is strong enough to justify her popularity! Is there any horse girl here who can keep up with her?! Will it be Rice Shower? Nice Nature? What about Winning Ticket?!" Teio: "You're not getting away from me!" Comm: "Tokai Teio is closing in! Wait... Tokai Teio is closing in?!" Teio: "My lungs hurt. But I don't care if they burst!" Teio: "My legs are so heavy. But they're still moving!" Teio: "I lost my way so many times!" Teio: "Back then... And then..." Teio: "More than anyone else!" Teio: "I've felt frustrated more than anyone else!" Teio: "And I want to win more than anyone else!" Teio: "So I'm not letting you win! No matter what... No matter what!" Teio: "No matter what, I'm winning!" Mcq: "Go..." Trainer: "Go!" Rudolf: "Go! Run!" Teio: "Let's do this!" Comm: "It's Tokai Teio! Tokai Teio is moving up! She's closing in on Biwa Hayahide's lead! There's 200 meters left! Tokai Teio hasn't been on the track in a year! Will she be able to catch up to Biwa Hayahide?! She's giving everything she has to move up!" Spica: "Teio-san!" Trainer: "Teio!" Comm: "Tokai Teio chases! But Biwa Hayahide won't be caught! One length between them! But that last gap doesn't seem to shrink for Tokai Teio! Biwa Hayahide isn't budging! She's demonstrating the strength that set a record at the Kikkashou! She won't let Tokai Teio pass! But Tokai Teio is still closing in! Having returned to the track, Teio slowly crosses the gap! There's 100 meters in the race! Only 100 meters to go! This is the last battle! Will Tokai Teio be able to catch up to Biwa Hayahide?! Will it be the symbol of the new generation, Biwa Hayahide, or the revived Tokai Teio?! Nakayama... Nakayama is shaking for the Arima Kinen! Which of these two will seize victory?!" Comm: "It's Tokai Teio! Tokai Teio passes her! Tokai Teio takes a slight lead! But it's a narrow one! Biwa Hayahide will be looking to catch up! Is it going to be Tokai Teio or Biwa Hayahide?! Tokai Teio and Biwa Hayahide! Tokai Teio! Biwa Hayahide! Will the Derby winner hold strong?!" Comm: "Tokai Teio! Tokai Teio is in the lead! Tokai Teio makes a miraculous return!" Teio: "I did it." Comm: "After an entire year..." Comm: "Tokai Teio has managed to win this race. It's a miracle. She has demonstrated nothing less than a miracle on this day! Who could have imagined it?! For the first time since last year's Arima Kinen, Tokai Teio has raced... And she has managed to defeat thirteen other challengers!" Comm: "Hosoe-san, this has been a huge shock!" Hosoe: "I can't believe what I just saw. We're looking at a historic moment." Comm: "I have to agree. Winning a G1 race after such a significant hiatus... It's something that's never been done before! Three fractures left doubt if she'd ever run again, and after being told she was done for, Tokai Teio has grasped a historic victory through an indomitable spirit!" Hosoe: "It was truly a remarkable win, against an incredible G1 lineup, after such a long time. This was a race that defied the expectations of the Twinkle Series." Comm: "Biwa Hayahide seemed to have things wrapped up entering the final straightaway, but Tokai Teio's almost obsessive acceleration forced her into second place." Hosoe: "There was a lineup of horse girls today where any one of them could have won, but in the end, Tokai Teio's dedication is what let her come out on top." Comm: "Nice Nature put on an admirable performance, but will sadly have to settle for third place again this year. Oh, and there's a Teio chant! The same one heard on the day of the Japan Derby! No, I think it might be even louder! It echoes throughout the Nakayama Racecourse! Tokai Teio has dazzled all of these fans today! Overturning all expectations and casting the very notion of submission aside, she has given rise to a new legend in the Arima Kinen!" 2: "I guess prodigies really do exist, as frustrating as that might be!" Teio: "Thanks, guys." Golshi: "You... holy... Tei..." Scarlet: "We can't even tell what you're saying!" Vodka: "You did it, Teio!" Spe: "Teio-san, congratulations! Suzuka-san is happy, too!" Teio: "Yeah. Thanks." Spe: "Huh? She's not answering?" Suzuka: "It really was a wonderful race." Suzuka: "Congratulations, Teio." Spe: "Suzuka-san?! Why?!" Suzuka: "I wanted to cheer her on in person, so I flew in." Spe: "Suzuka-san! You should've told me you were coming!" Teio: "Did you see that?" Mcq: "Yes... I did." Mcq: "Thank you, Teio!" Teio: "McQueen—" Teio: "What!? What is all this?! Hey, you guys are kinda heavy!" ure: "Congratulations, Teio!" Others: "Congratulations!" Rice: "Congratulations." Teio: "Thanks, Rice." Kita: "I'll be up there one day." Dia: "This is why I told you to go to bed early before important days!" Kita: "I mean, come on! I was too nervous to sleep, anyway!" Kita: "We're finally here, Dia-chan." Dia: "Yeah. Let's work hard together, Kita-chan." Mcq: "I apologize for the wait." Teio: "Nah. No apologies necessary." Teio: "We can finally race each other." Mcq: "Yes." Mcq: "Two thousand and four hundred meters on turf. Clear weather. Track condition, good." Teio: "Just don't cry if you lose, okay? You're up against the strongest horse girl, after all."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2 Episode 13 – Galloping After Our Dreams", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2", "13", "Galloping After Our Dreams" ] }
Teio: "Trainer, you're overreacting! I feel totally fine." Trainer: "Better safe than sorry. It doesn't hurt to have him take a look." Teio: "I hope this doesn't take long! I wanna start my training for the Kikkashou." Doctor: "Tokai Teio-san?" Teio: "What's up?" Doctor: "Your leg is broken." Doctor: "It's a fracture. You won't be racing again until spring of next year." Doctor: "I want you to check into the hospital." Teio: "Th-The hospital?!" Trainer: "You're sure it's broken?" Doctor: "It is. For now, I'm going to give her something for the pain." Trainer: "What did you just say?" Teio: "I said, I'm running in the Kikkashou!" Teiio: "You seriously think that's gonna get me to give up on the Kikkashou?" Trainer: "You aren't, are you?" Teio: "I'm gonna enter! And I'm gonna win!" Trainer: "All right, then... guess I better come up with a plan." Teio: "I'm counting on you! I have to do this to become an undefeated Triple Crown winner." Trainer: "I know, I know... But the first step is to cooperate, and get admitted to the hospital." Teio: "But I hate hospitals..." Black: "She's in the hospital?! No way! But she was in perfect shape during the race and the concert!" Randos: "Tokai Teio would've totally won the Kikkashou if she was able to run in it. But there's no way she makes it in time now. That's the thing!" Trainer: "The Kikkashou's in November." Trainer: "All right!" Teio: "I'm back!" Everybody: "T-Teio?!" Mcqueen: "You're already out of the hospital?" Teio: "Yeah!" Golshi: "Well, you're acting like you're fine!" Scarlet: "There goes our peace and quiet." Vodka: "Oh, please, you were so worried about her!" Trainer: "Teio, I've got it right here." Trainer: "The perfect plan for Tokai Teio's return to racing at the Kikkashou!" Teio: "Look at all that! Pretty amazing, right?" Teio: "What's wrong, guys?" Mcqueen: "Trainer-san, are you being serious?" Trainer: "I sure am." Trainer: "If Teio hasn't given up yet, I'll do everything I can to support her. That's what I've decided." Teio: "And I'm not giving up! I'm gonna make my comeback at the Kikkashou!" Trainer: "Make me one promise, though." Teio: "What's that?" Trainer: "We'll hang in there until the last minute. But if the doctor says it's a no-go, then you have to give it up." Teio: "Okay! I know! You scared me! What?!" Golshi: "I'm just so touched right now! Teio! I'll help you any way I can!" Teio: "Coming from you, that's kind of scary." Spe: "I want your dream to come true, too, Teio-san!" Teio: "I'm gonna make it happen. I'll be an undefeated Triple Crown winner!" Mcqueen: "It doesn't seem like there's any room for argument, here." Scarlet: "True enough. And if you give up—" Vodka: "Hang in there, Teio!" Teio: "You know I will!" Trainer: "All right, let's get started!" Trainer: "The first step on your path to the Kikkashou!" Grass Wonder: "It looks like Teio-san's out of the hospital." Rudolf: "Yes. She came to see me as soon as she got out." Teio: "I'm back, Prez!" Rudolf: "You got out of the hospital quickly." Teio: "I know, right? Just watch, Prez! I'll be running again in no time!" Grass: "That's really something." Rudolf: "It's going to be a battle with herself from now on. Just like what you went through." Grass: "Right." Trainer: "Begin!" Mcqueen: "What part of your rehabilitation is this?" Teio: "It's called image training." Trainer: "You're gonna imagine what it's like once you're running again. Watch the others run, and always be thinking about what you would do!" Teio: "If it was me at this speed..." Teio: "Once I was in a good position, I'd hang onto it." Teio: "Spe-chan and Gold Ship are both great at closing the distance. But with that pressure on me, I'd keep my back to them all the way through." Mcqueen: "In that case, be sure to get a good look at how I run, too." Mcqueen: "Although I'm not sure you'll be able to keep up, even in your imagination. Trainer-san! I'd like to join in next." Vodka: "Teio! These used to be mine, but you can have them." Teio: "Heavy! What are these?" Teio: "Weights?" Vodka: "How heavy are the dumbbells you lift, Teio?" Scarlet: "Vodka! That isn't fair, getting ahead of me!" Vodka: "What does it matter?" Scarlet: "Teio, use this!" Scarlet: "It's important to work on your mental health at times like this!" Teio: "Thanks!" Golshi: "Teio!" Golshi: "I want you to use this. My S.S. Golshi." Teio: "How do you ride it?" Golshi: "You just gotta... H-huh? It's stuck." Spe: "Teio-san..." Spe: "Can I come by your room tonight?" Suzuka: "Tips for rehabilitation?" Spe: "Right, I thought you'd be the best person to ask, Suzuka-san." Teio: "I'm sorry, Suzuka. I told her not to bother, but..." Suzuka: "I'm relieved. You seem to be doing better than I worried you might." Teio: "Yeah, same here. Have you lost weight?" Suzuka: "I think so. It took me a while to get used to the food over here." Spe: "Suzuka-san, do you want me to send more carrots?!" Suzuka: "I've got plenty, thank you. Teio, congratulations on the Derby." Teio: "Thanks." Suzuka: "You're going to try for the Kikkashou?" Teio: "Yeah." Suzuka: "That's going to make for a rough rehab period. Are you prepared?" Teio: "Yeah!" Suzuka: "The most important thing is to not push yourself too hard. If you rush it, you could end up injuring yourself again." Teio: "Our Trainer said the same thing. But there's so little time..." Suzuka: "I know. And I understand how you feel. But getting plenty of rest is an important part of rehab. And there are things you can do while you're resting, too." Mcqueen: "Teio..." Golshi: "What the hell is she doing?" Spe: "Research." Golshi: "Research?!" Spe: "Suzuka-san gave her some advice yesterday." Golshi: "All right, I've got some stuff to teach her! It's a bad idea to try make your move right before the third corner of the outer track in Kyoto!" Teio: "Aw, would you keep it down?" Turbo: "That last race was a close one." ure: "Hey..." ure: "What would you say if I told you I was thinking about entering the Kikkashou?" Turbo: "Kikkashou?! G-1?!" ure: "It probably wouldn't work... right?" Turbo: "I wanna enter, too!" Canopus Trainer: "Turbo-san, you'd need to win more first." Turbo: "Then I will! I'll totally win the next race!" ure: "If I can keep coming in first place with the next few races, can I manage?" C.Trainer: "Give me just a second." Turbo: "You're feeling fired up, huh, Nature? How come?" ure: "Teio might still be running in it." C. Trainer: "Tokai Teio? But she's..." ure: "She hasn't given up." ure: "So... I might not be up for it, but..." ure: "If I win this, this, and the Kokura Kinen... Will I be able to enter?" C. Trainer: "Uh, yes." Turbo: "Let's get cracking on some training, then!" ure: "Okay, I'm gonna give this a try!" Crowd: "You can do it, Teio!" Teio: "What? What? What?! What, what, what?! What the heck? What is all this?!" Mcqueen: "You want to be ready in time for the Kikkashou, right?" Butler: "This is the Mejiro family physical therapist." Pt: "I'm the physical therapist." Butler: "Acupuncturist." eedeles: "I'm the acupuncturist." Butler: "Chef." Chef: "I'm the chef." Butler: "Patissier." Baker: "I'm the patissier." Chef: "You are welcome to spend the weekend relaxing here at the estate in luxury, Teio-sama." Teio: "O-Okay... McQueen, what's going on?" Mcqueen: "I thought it'd be a good idea to use every resource available. The family physician is also available." Doctor: "That's me." Teio: "Why do you have that needle?!" Doctor: "Because I am the young lady's family doctor." Teio: "That doesn't explain anything!" Mcqueen: "I'll be taking my leave, then. If there's anything you're unclear on, let me know." Teio: "I just said I don't get what's going on!" Teio: "McQueen... don't abandon me... please..." Spe: "The cast is off!" Teio: "I won't have to wear the brace for long, either." Trainer: "This is where it gets serious. Got it?" Spica: "Sweets! Sweets! Sweets!" Trainer: "You wanna run, Teio?" Teio: "Of course I do!" Trainer: "Well, hold back! Take that desire to run and convert it to energy! You're gonna need to teach your leg again that it's a runner's leg!" Teio: "Yeah!" Golshi: "Stay focused, Spe." Spe: "I just keep wondering how she's doing." Mcqueen: "The only thing we can really do for Teio is to show her our backs as we run." Spe: "Right!" Vodka: "Nicely put, McQueen!" Scarlet: "And with that being the case..." Vodka: "Hey, no fair!" Spe: "I'm going, too!" Golshi: "You wanna take me on?!" Mcqueen: "I won't be outdone!" Teio: "Argh, I wanna run, too!" Trainer: "That's the spirit! Don't forget that feeling!" ure: "May I sit here?" Teio: "Sure!" ure: "How are you doing?" Teio: "Right on schedule! What else did you expect?" ure: "You really are something, Teio." Teio: "You seem to be doing well, too, Nature. You're on a three-win streak." ure: "I guess I am." Dictus: "Pardon me." ure: "Hey, you came." Teio: "Nature, who's this?" ure: "Canopus has another new member." Dictus: "I'm Ikuno Dictus. It's a pleasure to meet you." Teio: "N-Nice to meet you!" Dictus: "Canopus is aiming to become the school's foremost team." ure: "We are?" Dictus: "Were you not the one who suggested we aim high, Nature-san?" ure: "I guess so! I think I remember saying that." Dictus: "It's all right. If we execute my plan, it's possible for us to achieve that goal. What we need in order to accomplish that is an overwhelming amount of experience." Teio: "I guess your team's got another interesting new girl." ure: "I guess. Anyway, Teio..." ure: "I'm going to be entering the trials. And if I win there, I'll be racing in the Kikkashou." ure: "I'll be waiting. Because it's my dream to beat you." Teio: "Right!" Vodka: "It's gotta have milk! You need that calcium." Scarlet: "Oranges! For Vitamin C!" Mcqueen: "Honey is a necessity as well!" Spe: "Carrots! It needs carrots! Even if it has nothing else, it needs carrots!" Golshi: "Sounds good to me! And then we'll throw in some garlic for stamina boosting. Teio!" Teio: "What're you doing?" Spe: "We were coming up with a special drink for you!" Mcqueen: "Honestly, and with my Tennoushou race coming up." Vodka: "Do some taste-testing for us." Scarlet: "No garlic, though." Golshi: "Why the hell not?" Teio: "You guys are gonna listen to my opinion, right?" Golshi: "So, can I put the garlic in?" Teio: "Obviously not!" Trainer: "What else do we do? Change her shoes? But having her run in shoes she's not used to isn't realistic." Trainer: "There's a hot springs for horse girls in Iwaki. But doing something like that, so suddenly, carries a lot of risk. There are tights that work like support tape, but this is the G-1. There's just not enough time to incorporate it into her ensemble." Teio: "Look at the mess you've made!" Trainer: "Teio? How'd it go at the hospital?" Teio: "I've gotta keep my promise, huh?" Teio: "We hang in there until the last minute." Teio: "But if the doctor says it's a no-go, then I have to give up. Right? As far as the Kikkashou goes—" Trainer: "Not yet!" Trainer: "We can't give up yet! There's gotta be something we can do. Teio, I swear, I'll help you become an undefeated Triple Crown winner!" Teio: "It's okay." Teio: "I mean it." Trainer: "Teio..." Teio: "I still can't run at full strength. So the idea of entering the Kikkashou, and going up against everyone in their best condition..." Teio: "I just couldn't do that." Teio: "Thank you for everything, though." Teio: "Come on, don't give me that look!" Trainer: "I'm sorry." Teio: "Seriously, it's fine." Teio: "Hey, Trainer..." Trainer: "What's up?" Teio: "Can you do me a favor?" Teio: "Thanks for bringing me." Trainer: "Sure." Trainer: "You want something to eat, Teio? My treat." Teio: "Then I'll have some grilled carrots, carrot juice, and a chocolate covered banana." Trainer: "Wow, could you show some restraint?" Teio: "Please." Trainer: "I'll just be a sec." Grass: "You're not going to talk to her?" Rudolf: "There's no need. I know Teio isn't the kind of horse girl to let something like this stop her." Grass: "Are you sure it's not that you can't find the words?" Rudolf: "That's harsh of you..." Grass: "Sorry." Rudolf: "But you're right." Rudolf: "Please..." Rudolf: "Keep fighting your way forward, Teio." Commentary: "It's a beautiful day here at the Kyoto Racecourse, but which horse girl will be going home with the the chrysanthemum medal?" Hosoe: "It's a shame how things turned out for Tokai Teio. It would've been quite a sight, seeing her take the Triple Crown." Comm: "A lot of attention is focused on Rionatal, who came in second place at the Derby, and Nice Nature, who is currently on a four-win streak." Hosoe: "I have to agree. They both look very calm. I think we can expect big things." Comm: "All horse girls are now at the gate." Comm: "And the Kikkashou..." Comm: "...is off to a beautiful start! They've all taken off, as the pack slowly starts to extend. In the lead is Nanto Mist, followed by Shinano Orange," Teio: "It's started." Comm: "The race has started out a slightly faster pace. Nice Nature in the back." Hosoe: "She's on a four-win streak, so I think we'll see something special today." Comm: "The crowd's cheers are washing over these horse girls. You have to wonder if being able to keep their cool will be the determining factor in who comes out ahead." Teio: "If it was me, I'd head to the middle." Teio: "Then I'd check things out." Teio: "The girl I raced against in the Derby would be next to me." Teio: "And Nature would be behind me, but I know she'd be coming for me." Commentary: "It looks like the places are holding steady as the race continues. Coming into the third corner, there'll be an ascent." Teio: "I'd hold back here and make my move on the next corner." Comm: "It looks like Nice Nature and Rionatal, along with Breath Ooon Dance, #8 in the red, are making their move!" Comm: "All 18 racers have bunched up again, and this race is turning out quite remarkably! Just look at them go!" Hosoe: "It's anyone's game!" Teio: "And this is where I would pick it up!" Teio: "And get out in front!" Teio: "And no one can catch up to me." Teio: "Prez..." Comm: "Rionatal is now in the lead! But Nice Nature is closing in!" Comm: "I won't let them say it, I won't, I swear I won't! I won't let anyone wonder about how this would've turned out if Teio was running!" Cameo Horses: "I'm not gonna lose to Teio! We're better than her! We're better! I swear we're better!" Teio: "Go..." Teio: "Go! Run!" Comm: "Rionatal! Rionatal! She crosses the goal in first place!" Comm: "The Kikkashou was a tight contest, but she came out on top!" Rio: "I did it!" ure: "Damn it!" Turbo: "Fourth place! Good effort!" Teio: "It's no fair, how they all looked so cool." Trainer: "Teio..." Trainer: "Sorry about the holdup. Here you go." Teio: "Thanks!" Teio: "Let's head home." Teio: "Hey, Trainer... they were all amazing, huh?" Trainer: "Well, yeah." Trainer: "They all went into the Kikkashou with a lot of drive. The ones who raced you in the Derby... The ones who fought tooth and nail to enter..." Trainer: "The same goes for you, right?" Teio: "Me?" Trainer: "Wasn't all of that hard rehab so that you could win the Kikkashou and become an undefeated Triple Crown winner?" Teio: "I didn't make it in time, though.." Teio: "Aw, come on, don't look so sad!" Teio: "I've realized something, you know." Teio: "I couldn't win the Triple Crown... but I haven't lost." Trainer: "Teio?" Teio: "So I can still be undefeated, can't I?" Trainer: "Yeah, you're right! You can be an undefeated horse girl! Which means I'm gonna need to come up with a plan for your training once you're back in action. Sounds like fun!" Teio: "I'm counting on you, trainer!" Trainer: "Yeah, leave it to me!" Staff: "Please lower your voices while on the train."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2 Episode 2 – Never Gonna Give It Up!", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2", "2", "Never Gonna Give It Up!" ] }
Teio: "Okay." Teio: "Good!" Vodka: "Man, all the booths are set up for New Year's. Gotta be careful not to eat too much!" Scarlet: "Yeah, you're right." Spe: "Yeah!" uku: "Go ahead." Golshi: "All right! This year's gonna be my year!" uku: "It says worst luck." Golshi: "I can freaking see that." Teio: "So good!" Mcqueen: "Things are lively again this year." Trainer: "All right, let's head to the shrine for New Year's prayers. Gotta get rid of any jinxes we've picked up." Teio: "Yeah!" Mcqueen: "Think about it. With the year we've had, what with Teio being injured after the Derby, and then what happened to McQueen in the Fall Tennoushou, Japan Cup, and Arima Kinen..." Commentary: "And McQueen shocks us all by coming in second place!" Trainer: "After seeing the look on her face, a little prayer couldn't hurt." Mcqueen: "Please don't remind me!" Turbo: "Happy New Year!" Teio: "You two are here to visit the shrine too?" Turbo: "Yep! For New Year's prayers." ure: "I want to at least do better than I did last year." Turbo: "Canopus is gonna be a whole new team this year! Since they've got a big-name newbie!" Tanhauser: "I hope this year is good, too—" Teio: "Another new, interesting member, huh?" Golshi: "Please let Teio and McQueen have great races! And then, please, make this my year!" Trainer: "Help me make Spica the best team." Daiwa/Scarlet: "I will not lose to her!" Spe: "I want to win the Dream Trophy. I also have a wish from Suzuka-san. Safety first..." Mcqueen: "For the honor of the Mejiro family, I must win a successive spring Tennoushou." Teio: "I'm gonna be an undefeated horse girl!" Mcqueen: "You're not supposed to shout your prayers." Teio: "Okay!" Trainer: "Looking good, Teio!" Rudolf: "It all starts here, Teio." Golshi: "Look at her kick it up!" Trainer: "I didn't think she'd be in this kind of shape so soon. Hell, she might be better than ever." Teio: "Just watch me, Prez!" Teio: "I'm gonna make a comeback!" Tazuna: "Trainer-san!" Trainer: "Tazuna-san? What's wrong?" Tazuna: "It's amazing! Teio-san and McQueen-san have been selected for the URA Awards!" Golshi: "You guys, that's amazing!" Mc: "We will now be awarding the final URA Awards of the year. On stage to receive them are these two young ladies. While she unfortunately missed her chance at the Triple Crown, with 134 votes," Teio: "Yeah!" Mcqueen: "Congratulations." Mcqueen: "Although I'm sure there were a few pity votes included." Teio: "Say what?" Mc: "Including the Spring Tennoushou, she's won three races and come in second twice, a remarkable record. She has been selected as Top Senior-Class Horse Girl of the Year. Mejiro McQueen-san!" Mcqueen: "This is such an honor." Teio: "That's McQueen for you. Shame about the Arima Kinen, though." Mcqueen: "What was that?" Trainer: "Can you two not just give sincere compliments?" Mc: "Could the two of you give us a few words about your upcoming goals?" Teio: "My goal's to be undefeated!" Mcqueen: "I intend to win a second consecutive Spring Tennoushou!" Mc: "To reflect their accomplishments, they are both being provided with new racing wear." Teio: "Awesome!" Mcqueen: "Thank you very much." Mc: "Everyone is going to be looking forward to your performances this year! Let's give them a big round of applause!" Crowd: "Who do you think would win if they raced? Teio, probably. Nah, I think it'd be McQueen. Makes you wanna see how it'd turn out." Mc: "We may even see these two compete against each other, this year." Turbo: "Wow, Spica!" Tanhauser: "I guess Spica's the top team now." Ikuno: "Meanwhile, our team is..." ure: "We keep coming close, but..." Turbo: "Doesn't that bug you, trainer?!" Trainer: "I'd say it does. It'd be wonderful if we could prove what we were capable of." Turbo: "I say Canopus' goal is to beat Spica!" Trainer: "I don't think that's—" Ikuno: "An excellent objective." Turbo: "Down with Spica! Here we go!" Canopus: "Yeah!" ure: "Yeah?" Turbo: "Time to declare war on Spica! Down with Spica!" Tanhauser: "Down with Spica! Wouldn't it be better to train?" Trainer: "Looks like everyone is gunning for Spica this year. Everyone's gonna be coming at us, so stay on your toes." Turbo: "The letter arrow worked perfectly! Retreat!" Canopus; Simultaneously: "Run away!" Spe: "Trainer! They shot a letter arrow at us!" Trainer: "What?! Read it out!" Spe: "Okay! "Drown with Spica!"" Golshi: "Is that spelled wrong?" Scarlet: "So they're declaring war on us? I guess we'll have to show them who's boss at the racetrack." Trainer: "Exactly. When you're considered the top competitors, you have to work hard to maintain that esteem. Which means, Teio, as far as your comeback goes—" Teio: "Trainer..." Teio: "I want to enter the Spring Tennoushou." Teio: "My goal is to continue being undefeated. But I don't think that will mean anything unless I take on strong competition. So..." Scarlet: "That'd mean Teio and McQueen..." Vodka: "You guys okay with potentially ruining each other's plans?" Mcqueen: "I gladly accept the challenge. I expected to race against you someday." Mcqueen: "There's no problem, is there, Trainer-san?" Trainer: "Are you two serious?" Teio: "I'm gonna be the one who achieves her goal. Because I'm not gonna lose to you either, McQueen!" Mcqueen: "And I have no intention of allowing you to win, Teio. I will win a consecutive Tennoushou!" Trainer: "Have it your way. In that case, Teio's gonna be running in the Osaka Hai before the Tennoushou." Teio: "Yeah!" Trainer: "And before the Tennoushou, McQueen, you need to take on the Hanshin Daishoten." Mcq: "Understood." Trainer: "I expect both of you to give this everything you've got!" Both: "Right!" Trainer: "And don't go telling anyone about this yet." Golshi: "Got it." Golshi: "I got it, all right!" Spe: "Everyone is going to know now." Trainer: "Man... A race between members of Spica, huh?" ews: "The undefeated horse girl, Tokai Teio, and the senior-class award-winning horse girl, Mejiro McQueen, will be clashing at the Tennoushou..." ews: "As announced by Team Spica, which represents both competitors." Scarlet: "She's really motivated!" Vodka: "How many times does that make?" Trainer: "Looking good, McQueen! Increase your pace a bit more!" Golshi: "Damn, that's a long stretch!" Trainer: "Teio! Don't get sloppy with your form!" Teio: "I know!" Teio: "That wasn't hard at all!" Mcqueen: "All too easy, frankly." Tanhauser: "Now, then, it's time for today's strategy meeting." Turbo: "Yeah!" ure: "Yeah..." Tanhauser: "Our subject today: How do we avoid losing to Spica?" Tanhauser: "Yes, Twin Turbo-san?" Turbo: "We come in first place!" Tanhauser: "True, yes, but what else?" Turbo: "Uh... don't come in second!" Tanhauser: "Does that mean third is fine?" Turbo: "We can also avoid racing them!" Tanhauser: "We won't lose that way, but we also won't win!" Turbo: "There's also running hard!" ure: "I guess that works, if it helps you win. But at the last Arima Kinen..." Comm: "Number 12, Twin Turbo, is setting a fast early pace, like she said." Turbo: "I've got this! I've got this!" Commentary: "And McQueen shocks us all by coming in second place!" ure: "It just didn't kick in that time! What didn't?" Turbo: "What've you been looking at, Ikuno?" ure: "Ikuno's running against Teio at the Osaka Hai." Ikuno: "Tokai Teio..." Ikuno: "I'll analyze every aspect of her racing, and find a way to beat her." Tanhauser: "We should work hard, too!" Turbo: "Yeah! This calls for more meetings!" Tanhauser: "Yeah!" Minami: "Um... you could train instead of having meetings." Teio: "Honey, honey, honey! When I get a taste of that honey..." Teio: "Is that..." Clerk: "Here you go. Soft, light, and easy on the honey." Teio: "McQueen?" Clerk: "That'll be 1,000 yen." Mcq: "What a coincidence." Teio: "Yeah, I guess so." Teio: "So good! McQueen, you must've been training late today, huh?" Mcq: "I could ask you the same thing. You're sure you're not overworking yourself?" Teio: "Right back at you." Mcqueen: "I must say, it's been quite a while since I walked home with you." Teio: "It has?" Mcq: "When I first met you, I remember you following me around quite a bit." Teio: "You were just being too self-conscious. It's been that way ever since the entrance ceremony." Students: "Is she the one everyone's talking about? Tokai Teio-san? Yeah! She's supposed to be really fast." Teio: "Let's all have a good time here!" Mcqueen: "It's a pleasure to be attending school with all of you." Students: "You can tell she's from the Mejiro family. And she's supposed to be a great racer, too." Teio: "She's pretty cool!" Rudolf: "New students are always united in their thoughts and desires, while each having their distinct resolve, which I hope will be a source of boundless determination for all of you. Congratulations on your enrollment." Teio: "That's the Prez for you!" Mc: "And now, representing the new class... An address from Mejiro McQueen-san." Teio: "Huh? It's the girl from before." Mcq: "As of today, we horse girls have become students at Tracen Academy, where our new lives will begin, like the budding of cherry blossoms. As we dedicate ourselves to our daily learning and training, we will now be running the same halls as our great forebears...." Teio: "She's trying to show off in front of the Prez!" Staff: "McQueen, that's quite the time you managed!" Mcqueen: "Yes, naturally." Staff: "That was incredible, Teio!" Mcqueen: "Impressive." Students: "You want to hang out before heading home? Yeah! I could really go for some steak! Gotta be steak!" Teio: "Would you stop already?" Mcqueen: "Could you please put an end to this?" Teio: "Enough!" Mcqueen: "No more!" Teio: "Ow, ow, ow..." Mcqueen: "O-Oh, you're from the class next door." Teio: "Wh-What a coincidence." Mcq: "Y-Yes, it must be. Were you training this late?" Teio: "I-I could ask you the same thing." Mcq: "Yes... You certainly seem tired! Are you alright?" Teio: "Nope, I'm fine! I'm curious, what's that you're carrying?" Mcq: "I-It's nothing important!" Teio: "I-I see!" Mcq: "Th-That's right." Teio: "What a coincidence." Mcq: "I suppose so." Mcq: "We had quite a string of coincidences before joining Spica." Teio: "Yeah." Mcq: "The cherry blossoms will be blooming soon." Teio: "Yep." Comm: "There's a steady rain today at the Hanshin Racecourse, casting a dark pall over the track." Hosoe: "This is the first race of the year for our most popular competitor, Mejiro McQueen. It should be an interesting one." Trainer: "McQueen!" Trainer: "The rain is nasty today. Be careful of the mud, all right?" Mcq: "You needn't warn me, I assure you. It was raining during the fall Tennoushou last year as well, wasn't it?" Trainer: "You nervous?" Mcq: "Hardly. If anything, I'm glad. Things are different now. I intend to run hard enough to blow the rain away." Crowd: "There are only six running in this race? I guess it's only natural, with how strong McQueen looks lately." Vodka: "They've all got McQueen marked." Scarlet: "It's practically five-on-one." Golshi: "You got this, McQueen!" Spe: "Where are you going, Teio-san?" Teio: "I'm gonna just check out the course for when I run in the Osaka Hai." Dia: "Good luck, McQueen-san!" Black: "Teio-san's here!" Diamond: "Kita-chan! We're here to root for McQueen-san today!" Teio: "Okay." Teio: "Well! Guess I was worried for nothing." Mcq: "Teio?" Mcq: "Cheering from beside the course today?" Teio: "Nope! Just wanted to get a good look at it." Mcq: "You must be awfully confident, worrying about me." Teio: "I could say the same to you!" Mcq: "I hope you're all right with me getting ahead of you, winning this race and all." Teio: "Knock yourself out! Just be sure to watch when I win the Osaka Hai. Because I will win it!" Comm: "The horse girls are at the gate. As the rain falls on them, they wait for the start." Mcq: "Even if they all come after me... I'll accept the challenge." Others: "We can do this!" Comm: "The Hanshin Daishoten, a course of 3,000 meters..." Comm: "has just begun!" Comm: "At 3,000 meters, this is a long race with a small roster!" Comm: "It opens things up for some interesting tactics!" Trainer: "All right, that's a good start!" Comm: "They're turning the third corner of the first lap. With the persistent rain, the track is likely to be on the heavy side." Mcq: "I need to make sure to take every step steadily and securely to stay on my feet!" Mcq: "If I can maintain my racing style, no one should be able to beat me!" Others: "Just like this! Just like this!" Comm: "The racers are now through the fourth corner and entering the home stretch of the first lap." Golshi: "Go, McQueen!" Spica: "Go!" Comm: "Even in this heavy rain, there are a lot of spectators here today" Black: "Wow! They're all secure in their positions!" Dia: "McQueen-san!" Comm: "McQueen, who is aiming to win the spring Tennoushou, is currently in third place!" Hosoe: "She's in a good position, and staying steady." Comm: "And right behind Mejiro McQueen, not giving an inch, is #5, Kania Curation!" Trainer: "Things are looking good." Teio: "Of course they are. It's McQueen who's running." Trainer: "I guess you're right." Vodka: "I thought they'd be coming after her harder!" Scarlet: "But at this rate, it should be no problem." Comm: "They've entered the second lap." Comm: "Kania Curation is moving up from behind McQueen!" Kanmina: "All right, it looks like I can do this!" Others: "I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! " Comm: "What's this?!" Others: "I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! " Mcq: "This is quite a bit of pressure." Black: "They've all got her marked!" Dia: "McQueen-san..." Vodka: "You just had to jinx it, didn't you? You're the one who brought it up!" Crowd: "Go!" Comm: "They've rounded the third corner, and are entering the fourth!" Others: "From here, I can catch her! I can catch her! I can catch her! I can catch her!" Kania: "I can totally do this!" Kania: "I can catch her!" Teio: "Here we go." Comm: "And McQueen makes her move! She's going for it! Mejiro McQueen has started her spurt! She's gaining distance on the other horse girls!" Others: "Wha—?!" Trainer: "Go for it, McQueen!" Black: "Wow!" Comm: "They're on the last stretch, and McQueen has quickly taken the lead! But at the same time, Kania Curation is moving in behind her! Are we looking at a contest between Mejiro McQueen and Kania Curation?!" Others: "Not yet... Not yet..." Others: "This is where... This is where..." Others: "I-I can't—!" Comm: "We are not! This is not the showdown it looked like! Mejiro McQueen has gained a lead and keeps going! Mejiro McQueen is dashing toward another confrontation at the spring Tennoushou!" Dia: "She's amazing!" Comm: "Her lead is only getting bigger! This is completely one-sided! And Mejiro McQueen clears the goal!" Comm: "She's left the second place finish five lengths behind her!" Golshi: "Hell yeah!" Spica: "She did it!" Dia: "McQueen-san!" Crowd: "I'm really looking forward to her race with Teio. Tell me about it! But I think McQueen's got the edge. I mean, after the way she blew the second place runner away, yeah!" Dia: "I thought so, too! You've got a great eye!" Black: "Teio-san's better, though." Dia: "No, McQueen-san!" Black: "Teio-san!" Teio: "McQueen really is tough." Trainer: "Teio?" Teio: "Trainer, I'm going to impress you at the Osaka Hai." Trainer: "Do it!" Mcqueen: "It's your turn next." Teio: "I'm not gonna lose, either." Comm: "Everyone has been waiting for her return." Comm: "The Twin Crown horse girl is now making her presence felt at the Osaka Hai!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2 Episode 3 – Meetings", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2", "3", "Meetings" ] }
Comm: "The Twin Crown horse girl is now making her presence felt at the Osaka Hai! In the second bracket, #2, the most anticipated competitor... Tokai Teio!" Teio: "This feeling..." Rudolf: "Welcome back, Teio." Dictus: "Teio..." Dictus: "If I race on her terms, I don't stand a chance. I need to run so that she's never able to catch up." Canopus: "Ikuno Dictus!" M.T.: "Since your name's so long, can we just call cheer for "Ikuno"?" ure: "Wouldn't "Dictus" make more sense?" Turbo: "Why don't we mix it up and go with Ikutus?" M.T.: "I like that! Ikutus!" Turbo: "Ikutus!" Dictus: "I do not care." Comm: "And McQueen shocks us all by coming in second place!" Daisangen: "I was able to beat Mejiro McQueen. I can beat Tokai Teio, too!" Golshi: "You better get psyched for this, Teio!" Teio: "Yeah!" Trainer: "It's been about ten months. How's it feel to be on the turf again after so long?" Teio: "It feels really great! I can't wait to get started!" Vodka: "I guess we don't need to worry, then." Teio: "I'm gonna be running against McQueen in the Tennoushou, so I can't lose in a race like this!" Mcqueen: "Then, by all means, show me how you run, Teio." Teio: "Yeah! I'm gonna head out, then!" Crowd: "Teio!" Black: "Go!" Comm: "Ikuno Dictus is currently leading the pack, keeping a good distance ahead!" Minamisaka: "What happened to the name you just came up with?" Dictus: "I want to get further away, but..." Scarlet: "Teio!" Trainer: "She seems to be having a really smooth race out there." Golshi: "Seriously." Dictus: "I don't want to lose! Just a little more!" Comm: "Tokai Teio is in third place and holding! She hasn't made her move yet! Tokai Teio is biding her time! Forget about the runners in front of her!" Teio: "Okay." Dictus: "Tokai Teio!" Comm: "Here we go, ladies and gentlemen! Tokai Teio is moving up on the outside! She's entered her spurt down the final straightaway!" Teio: "My legs feel so light. Yeah, I can win this!" Dictus: "Please, stop making this look so easy!" Comm: "And Tokai moves into the lead with ease! She's leaving all the others behind!" Spica: "Go!" Trainer: "Is she..." Comm: "Tokai Teio is running uncontested! The Tennoushou is shaping up to be an incredible race! And Tokai Teio has cleared the goal like it was nothing! She's back! Tokai Teio has truly returned!" Spe: "Teio-san looked like she had plenty of effort to spare!" Scarlet: "She's not even a little tired!" Vodka: "And she still dominated..." Golshi: "That's totally nuts!" Trainer: "What could be..." Maruzen: "Excuse me, but isn't she faster than she was before her injury?" Comm: "Hosoe-san, this makes the Tennoushou that much more exciting, doesn't it?" Hosoe: "She'll be going up against Mejiro McQueen, who's got a ton of momentum right now." Dictus: "She's... On a totally different level!" M.T.: "Y-You've got a point..." M.T.: "Sure seems that way." Dictus: "Her knees and ankles are so remarkably flexible and springy that it gives her excessive amounts of accelerative potential!" Turbo: "She's not bad." ews: "She won the Osaka Hai without much trouble. And in the Spring Tennoushou, we're looking at the undefeated Tokai Teio versus Mejiro McQueen, who will be looking for a repeat win. A clash like this is something anyone would be excited for." Vodka: "Oh, wow! There've been specials about it all morning." Scarlet: "Really makes you feel like it's all about those two." Teio: "Yeah!" Mcqueen: "Could you please not stare?" Glass: "Before the Tennoushou is next week's Satsukishou, right?" Spe: "The Satsukishou!" Condor: "There's going to be a very exciting horse girl running in it!" Spe: "Who's that?" Condor: "Mihono Bourbon!" Spe: "Oh, Bourbon-san! She's supposed to be very fast!" Glass: "She's going to be taking on the Classics undefeated." Condor: "Just like Tokai Teio did!" Spe: "It's really impressive!" Sakura B: "As class representative, I can give you the exact advice you need, Bourbon-san! I'm 100% sure that your speed is best suited for short distances! You'd make the perfect rival to compete with me over who's the fastest! Why don't you join me as we dash to see what lies beyond the limits of speed?!" Bourbon: "My master's orders were to become a Triple Crown horse girl." Sakura B: "Your master? Who's that? Do you work at a café?" Bourbon: "I have to turn down your suggestion." Sakura B: "But why?! Your class representative wants to compete with you!" Palmer: "I've been working hard so I can enter a big race like the Tennoushou, too, but... I just can't seem to get any attention." Doto: "Is there any hope?" Palmer: "What exactly am I lacking?" uku: "I shall look into your future." Doto: "Is there any hope?" uku: "A partner..." Palmer: "Yeah?" uku: "The presence of a partner is a necessity!" Palmer: "Like, someone friendly to compete against?" Doto: "There's some hope?!" Palmer: "I don't know where I'm supposed to find a partner, though." Helios: "I'm so done!" Helios: "My whole life is over!" Helios: "I don't even care what happens to the world anymore! This is a can of Campbell's sucks!" Palmer: "Wh-What's wrong?" Helios: "Milady... Milady's being ice cold to me!" Palmer: "Your lady?!" Palmer: "I-I don't really follow yet, but if you're having trouble, we can talk about it." Helios: "I know, right?!" Helios: "If I get started on her, it's gonna take a while. Is that cool?" Palmer: "Sure! Don't worry about it!" Helios: "McThanks!" Palmer: "Mick... what now?" Helios: "It means "thank you." Did you not know that?" Palmer: "N-No. Sorry..." Helios: "OMG..." Palmer: "OMG?" Helios: "Hey, this is Beckenbesides, but do you know what "Floridya later" means?" Palmer: "Can we start with what "Beckenbesides" means?!" Helios: "I dunno how I can talk about this stuff unless you know what I mean." Palmer: "I'm sorry." Helios: "Oh well, then..." Helios: "First, I'm gonna teach you how all the cool people talk!" uku: "All right, make sure to clean up for tomorrow, okay?" Doto: "Okay." uku: "Now, then..." Palmer: "Uh, I've heard "XL" before..." Helios: "What does "XL" mean?!" uku: "That didn't take long." Kuronuma: "Did I say you could rest? Two more laps. Get moving." Girls: "R-Right!" Kuronuma: "Bourbon..." Bourbon: "Sir?" Kuronuma: "The Satsukishou's 200 meters longer than the last race you ran." Bourbon: "Yes, sir." Kuronuma: "Give me three more laps on the sloping track." Bourbon: "As you wish, Master." Scarlet: "It's a bit more crowded than usual, isn't it?" Spe: "It makes me kind of nervous!" Golshi: "Okay, you want me to chase them off?" Trainer: "Don't. Think of this as training to focus, no matter what kind of distractions there are." Scarlet: "Are you going to be okay?" Teio: "I tend to do better when I'm being watched, anyway." Mcq: "It won't be a problem." Trainer: "One other thing—Teio and McQueen are going to be running different training regimens from now on." Trainer: "You two are competing at the Tennoushou. Until that's over, you probably shouldn't be too friendly. You'll want to work on your weaknesses, and come up with a winning strategy." Mcq: "I understand." Teio: "You're right. Starting today, I'm not gonna talk to McQueen." Mcq: "A good idea." Spe: "I guess you have to! Since this is a serious competition!" Teio: "So what's my training look like?" Trainer: "You're gonna need these, Teio." Teio: "Jogging shoes?" Trainer: "And these are for McQueen." Mcq: "Heavy..." ure: "When it comes to Teio, everyone knows the Teio Step, right?" Dictus: "There's a chance that it's an exercise for boosting the flexibility of her knees and ankles." ure: "You really think so?" Turbo: "The Teio Step is easy, anyway! Hup!" Turbo: "All right, here I go! It's just like this..." Minamisaka: "Everyone, what's all the noise..." Minamisaka: "What happened to you?!" Turbo: "I swear, we're gonna take Spica down..." Trainer: "The Spring Tennoushou is 3,200 meters. You've never run a race that long before. So you need the endurance to handle the extra distance!" Golshi: "So heavy!" Golshi: "What the hell's this horseshoe made of? Lead?" Mcq: "Those were the orders from Trainer-san." Trainer: "It's when you're feeling worn out that you need to bring your knees up and take a big step forward. And to do that, you need hindquarters that can stand up to fatigue!" Mcq: "Teio's greatest weapon is her explosive power during the final straight. I need to create hindquarters that are able to compete with hers." Golshi: "That's really something!" Golshi: "What's up, McQueen?" Golshi: "What? You need something? Seriously, what are you looking at, huh?" Comm: "Today is the first race of the Triple Crown Classics, the Satsukishou. All eyes are focused on Mihono Bourbon. She will be entering the Satsukishou undefeated, just like last year's winner, Tokai Teio." Vodka: "I say we start with cheese tapioca." Golshi: "And then salmon roe tapioca." Spe: "I want carrot tapioca!" Spe: "Teio-san!" Teio: "Okay..." Spe: "Would you like to join us, Teio-san?" Golshi: "Yeah, let's hang out." Teio: "Can't. Not dressed for it." Golshi: "Well, the Tennoushou is next week." Spe: "McQueen-san..." Golshi: "McQueen, you want in on this tapi...o...ca?" Vodka: "Makes sense." Scarlet: "I'm not going out anymore." Scarlet: "Two of our teammates are giving up their days off to train. I can't just sip on bubble tea like nothing's going on." Spe: "Good point." Vodka: "Yeah. Let's help them with their training!" Comm: "Today's star competitor is going to be running in the Satsukishou undefeated. And here's Mihono Bourbon!" Scarlet: "This is brutal!" Vodka: "You've been running up this hill every day?!" Trainer: "Sure have! Trainer's orders." Scarlet: "You've never run a 3,200 meter race before, have you, Vodka?" Vodka: "Hell no! You haven't either, right, Scarlet?" Scarlet: "Of course not! I have no idea how you'd pace yourself!" Vodka: "But McQueen won the Tennoushou last year. And the Hanshin Daishoten, which is 3,000 meters." Scarlet: "H-Hey, wait up!" Golshi: "Seriously, don't land on me! If you land on me with those horseshoes, you'll gouge my back out!" Mcq: "It's fine." Golshi: "How, exactly?!" Mcq: "Here we go. Ready, and..." Spe: "Wow! I'm amazed you can jump in such heavy horseshoes! This is terrifying! Do you really need me?!" Mcq: "Teio has never lost. If it helps me defeat an undefeated horse girl, then this is a small price." Spe: "Hey, the donut truck!" Mcq: "Oh, my." Spe: "Are you okay, Gold Ship-san?!" Dictus: "Ready, and..." Canopus: "Machikane Tannhäuser!" ure: "Her name's kinda long, huh?" Dictus: "Perhaps just "Tannhäuser."" Turbo: "No! What about "Machitan"?" ure: "We could just call her "Macchy."" Minamisaka: "Does it matter?" Shower: "Keep up... Keep up... Keep up... Keep up..." Comm: "Mihono Bourbon's strength is thought to be short distances, but going into this race, she's been undertaking intensive slope training." Hosoe: "Her trainer Kuronuma's philosophy is that speed is a natural gift, while stamina can be compensated for with training." Teio: "Is that so?" Comm: "It sounds like she'll be heading into the Classics ready to tear up those hills!" Vodka: "Mihono Bourbon, huh? Seems like stronger and stronger horse girls keep showing up." Comm: "Will she be able to follow in the footsteps of Tokai Teio and take the Satsukishou while undefeated?" Scaarlet: "They're talking about you, Teio!" Teio: "I was really sure that I was gonna win the Satsukishou!" Scarlet: "What about this time, then?" Teio: "This time?" Comm: "The gate is open and the race has begun. Mihono Bourbon's off to a good start." Golshi: "Huh, that's a nice start." Mcq: "Mihono Bourbon has never lost before, either." Spe: "She's just like Teio-san!" Mcq: "I wonder if that adds to the pressure." Comm: "Mihono Bourbon is out in front of 16 other horse girls!" Comm: "Will she remain in first place all the way through to the end of the race?" M.T.: "I didn't know Bourbon-chan was this fast!" Teio: "There's definitely some pressure." Vodka: "I didn't know you ever felt pressure." Scarlet: "It's surprising." Teio: "But I think a race without pressure wouldn't be any fun. I think I feel more pressure about the Tennoushou than I did about the Derby. Which is why I'm looking forward to it more, too!" Spe: "You already won last time, McQueen-san, so I doubt you feel much pressure at all." Mcq: "Teio wasn't running in the Tennoushou when I won." Mcq: "She is without a doubt a better racer than any other that I've faced before. Which definitely is a source of pressure, but getting melodramatic about it serves no purpose." Golshi: "You're pretty tough, McQueen." Spe: "Really!" Comm: "Less than 200 meters to go! The gap has grown from two lengths to three! Mihono Bourbon is in the lead! She is looking seriously, incredibly strong! Mihono Bourbon manages to outrun them all and cross the goal! She takes the Satsukishou while undefeated!" Canopus: "Machikane Tannhäuser..." Minamisaka: "What happened to the other names?" Vodka: "Damn, Mihono Bourbon!" Teio: "You can compensate for stamina with training..." Teio: "Okay, break's over! One more time!" Scarlet: "You're not done yet?!" Vodka: "H-Hang on!" Mcq: "Now, Gold Ship, place your hands on your knees." Golshi: "You sure about this? It's even higher than before!" Mcq: "This would be no problem at all with Teio's knees. One hundred reps, let's begin." Mcq: "Teio..." Golshi: "Not a damn word, Spe! I swear! You'll distract McQueen!" Golshi: "She's not even there?!" Spe: "You two! Would you like some donuts?!" Mcq: "Oh, my." Spe: "Are you okay, Gold Ship-san?!" Reporter: "Are you aiming for the undefeated Triple Crown that Tokai Teio was unable to achieve?" Bourbon: "Yes. Those are Master's orders, and I will carry them out." Mcq: "Now, one more time!" Reporter: "This weekend is the long-awaited Spring Tennoushou. First, Tokai Teio-san, this is going to be the first TM race ever, and all of Japan is excited." Mcq: "A TM race? Not an MT?" Mcq: "Are they favoring Teio?" Teio: "Well, I've never lost before! And that's not gonna change, even against McQueen!" Reporter: "Mejiro McQueen-san, you won the Spring Tennoushou last year. What are your chances this year?" Mcq: "More than sufficient. I have no intention of losing to Teio." Teio: "I'm ready to run to the ends of the earth!" Mcq: "Then I'll simply run to the heavens!" Teio: "I'm definitely gonna win!" Mcq: "I shall be the winner! I assure you all, I'll win!" Teio: "I'm telling you, it's me!" Mcq: "Just watch!" Comm: "Are we looking at the first ever undefeated winner of the Tennoushou? And does the crowd favor Tokai Teio? Anticipation is rising all over the country! The match of the millennium is drawing ever closer!" Mcq: "Wha?!" Rudolf: "Good work, Teio." Teio: "Prez!" Rudolf: "I see. Your trainer's orders, then?" Teio: "I've never been in a race longer than 2,400 meters, after all." Rudolf: "It's true. The distance is an advantage for McQueen." Teio: "Yeah. But... I've just never been in a long race before." Teio: "We don't know if I'm any good at it or not." Rudolf: "True." Teio: "The TV and papers seem to think I've got the edge," Teio: "but I'm thinking of myself as the challenger in this race." Teio: "Mihono Bourbon proved it, after all. The limits of stamina can be overcome through training!" Rudolf: "That's the spirit." Teio: "I wasn't able to become an undefeated Triple Crown horse girl. But I can keep being undefeated!" Rudolf: "That's right. Keep rising to the challenge, Teio!" Teio: "Yeah! I know! If I win the Tennoushou, come with me to karaoke again! Fair enough." Mcq: "Excuse me... Grandmother, have you seen the news today?" Granny: "I have." Mcq: "In print and on television, it's Teio this, Teio that... I'm honestly shocked at the public's impression of the race." Granny: "I was shocked after seeing you at the press conference, personally." Granny: "I read you the tale of the tortoise and the hare as a child, didn't I?" Mcq: "Y-You did." Granny: "Do you understand how the tortoise won?" Granny: "The rabbit was looking at the tortoise. But the tortoise was looking at the goal." Granny: "Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" Granny: "Having a rival is important." Granny: "But there should be something more important than that." Mcq: "It's all right, Grandmother. I will not lose!" Mcq: "I can do this!" Golshi: "You can do this!" Spe: "I've got treats!" Mcq: "Oh, my." Spe: "Are you okay, Gold Ship-san?!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2 Episode 4 – TM Showdown!", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2", "4", "TM Showdown!" ] }
Tv: "This weekend is the long-awaited Spring Tennoushou! Today, we've got a special feature on the most highly-anticipated horse girls. There are a lot of big stars running in the Tennoushou this time. And the biggest one of all is probably Tokai Teio. I'm a big fan of Teio myself! She's so strong and cute! But she's going up against some stiff competition this time. And that's because..." 1: "Mejiro McQueen's gonna be running, too! With how long the race is, she's got it tied up! Just look at the data! She won the Tennoushou last year! She's bound to be amazing!" Black: "Teio-san's gonna win!" Dia: "No, McQueen-san's gonna win!" Black: "Teio-san!" Dia: "McQueen-san!" Golshi: "Golshi Channel!" Golshi: "Peace! Peace! Starting today, I'm gonna be uploading videos here on Golshi Channel. Trainer-san! It's almost time for the Tennoushou! Any comments?!" Trainer: "Huh? Comments?" Trainer: "Wait, I have to be funny?" Golshi: "You gotta juice the entertainment value for those views, man!" Trainer: "Not happening!" Golshi: "Aw, he's running!" Sign/Golshi: "What will become of Trainer?!" Trainer: "Here she comes." Trainer: "Stay focused until the very end! Bring it home now!" Scarlet: "Are you kidding me?!" Vodka: "She's still got stamina to spare?!" Trainer: "All right. That's a good time." Teio: "Yeah!" Trainer: "Hey, you're not out of breath." Teio: "I think I've really gained a lot of stamina!" Trainer: "They say uphill training has triple the effect of level ground. Seems like we got the desired effect." Teio: "Yeah! I can run 3,200 meters without running out of gas!" Trainer: "Where are you going?" Teio: "Gonna run it one more time! Actually, two! Well, maybe three!" Trainer: "Is she serious?" Trainer: "Here we go!" Trainer: "Ready..." Trainer: "Start!" Mcqueen: "My legs... I feel so light!" Golshi: "W-Wow..." Mcqueen: "My legs have never been like this before." Mcqueen: "It feels wonderful!" Golshi: "Trainer, she's crazy fast!" Spe: "She really seems a lot more powerful." Trainer: "Her hindquarters have been strengthened." Trainer: "Teio and McQueen have both significantly powered up." Trainer: "Man, how is this gonna turn out?" Palmer: "How's the Tennoushou gonna turn out? I was gonna try to stay out in front the entire time, as usual." Helios: "Hell yeah, I love it! You get it, outrunning rules! Whoo!" uku: "Allow me to gaze into your future." Helios: "Hey, is that some kinda new disco ball?" Doto: "Is there..." uku: "I'm afraid not." uku: "No, this won't do at all, I'm afraid!" Doto: "There's no hope?" uku: "Staying on the run won't be sufficient." Palmer: "Oh, that's what you meant?" uku: "You must significantly outrun them. Super outrun them! Ultim-outrun them for good fortune!" Palmer: "Ultimate outrunning?" Helios: "Oh, that sounds super for serious! All you gotta do now is start running in hype mode as soon as the gate pops off!" Palmer: "Yeah." Palmer: "I guess I'll try ultim-outrunning!" Turbo: "Okay, time for more training! I've been losing a lot lately, after all. I wanna win. I hope I can win next time." Turbo: "Tokai Teio!" Teio: "Hey." Turbo: "I saw you at the Osaka Hai. You're must be pretty good to beat our Dictus!" Turbo: "Next, I'm gonna be taking you on, so you better get ready." Teio: "O-Okay..." Turbo: "I was worried you might've been done for when you got injured, though, Teio! You did a good job making it back." Teio: "It's important to never give up." Teio: "So I have to work hard." Turbo: "You're right! I'm gonna work hard on my next race, too!" Teio: "Yeah! See you later, Double Turbo!" Turbo: "It's Twin Turbo! I sit, like, right next to you!" 1: "Did you forget anything?" 2: "Of course not. We wanna make sure to see this Tennoushou in the best spot possible." 1: "So we'd better get in line early." Dia: "Here you go, Kita-chan." Dia: "It's hot, okay?" Black: "Thanks!" s: "S-So early!" Mcq: "Good morning!" Chef: "Mornin'... Huh?!" Mayano: "I can't eat another bite..." Comm: "We're here at the Kyoto Racecourse, and there's a capacity crowd in the stands. This is the Spring Tennoushou. Will the winner be the undefeated Tokai Teio?" s: "So fast!" Comm: "Or the previous year's winner, Mejiro McQueen? It may even be an upset! I'm Akasaka, here with play-by-play. Joining me, as always, Hosoe-san, on commentary. It's good to have you with me today." Hosoe: "Likewise, of course." Golshi: "Step right on up! I've got Tokai Teio and Mejiro McQueen lunches, and both of them are going fast! Don't get caught without one! Spe, I need more stock!" Spe: "Why am I working, too?" Comm: "The most popular competitor does seem to be Tokai Teio." Hosoe: "I'd say so. She fractured a leg at the Derby, but made a complete comeback at the Osaka Hai." Comm: "Her running there made it look like she was just getting started." Comm: "Next up has to be Mejiro McQueen." Hosoe: "Being the previous year's champion, you can tell Mejiro McQueen won't surrender the Tennoushou without a fight." Golshi: "Get your Tokai Teio and Mejiro McQueen boxed lunches here!" Golshi: "Get both in a set for only 2,980 yen!" Scarlet: "Trainer..." Scarlet: "Are you not going to see them?" Trainer: "I told both I wouldn't talk to them on the day of the race." Spe: "They're probably so focused that it'd be a distraction at this point." Vodka: "True enough." Comm: "The horse girls are entering, one after another!" Crowd: "Good luck! I'm rooting for you!" Kuronuma: "Bourbon..." Bourbon: "Sir?" Kuronuma: "Make note of Teio and McQueen's running going into the Derby and Kikkashou." Bourbon: "Yes, sir." Comm: "And now, the winner of last year's Arima Kinen, Daisangen, has arrived on the turf." Comm: "Oh, and there's Mejiro Palmer, who has declared her intent to outrun the entire pack." Crowd: "You can do it!" Helios: "Palmer!" Helios: "You better be vibing out there!" Palmer: "The ultimate kind of outrunning, so no one can catch up to me!" Trainer: "McQueen is better suited to the distance they're running. But I just can't picture Teio losing, the way she is now." Spe: "It's certainly going to be an amazing race." Trainer: "And no matter who wins, someone's got to lose. Man, racing can be cruel." Golshi: "Cruel? I bet you they don't feel that way. Right?" Duo: "That's right!" Black: "Undefeated!" Dia: "Reigning!" Black: "Undefeated!" Dia: "Reigning!" 2: "The Spring Tennoushou is 3,200 meters, making it the longest in the G1. The ability to perform well as a stayer is going to be crucial." 1: "What brought all this on?" 2: "The previous champ, McQueen, is coming into this after running the 3,000 meter Hanshin Daishoten... But Teio just sprinted through the 2,000 meter Osaka Hai. Teio comes out on top in popularity, but does she really have the long-distance legs to rival McQueen?" 1: "True enough, and Teio's longest race was the Derby, which is only 2,400 meters." Black: "Teio-san's not gonna lose!" s: "S-Sorry!" Dictus: "Let's make sure to remember every moment." ure: "Yeah, you're right. This is a serious race between two of the most dazzling horse girls. We'd better make sure to take it all in." Tan: "Why are you in your racing gear?" Turbo: "So that I'll be able to hit the field if there are any horse girls who don't show up!" Mcqueen: "If you do lose, please try not to cry." Teio: "Just be ready to be one of my backup dancers at the Winning Concert." Teio: "Go on ahead." Mcq: "By all means, you first." Teio: "Oh, I couldn't! You go." Mcq: "No, I really must insist." Both: "Rock-paper-scissors—" Comm: "There she is! Aiming for the first ever consecutive Tennoushou win, it's Mejiro McQueen! Her fans have packed the track, and are greeting her with cheers!" Hosoe: "Her new racing gear is quite lovely." Ryan: "So cool!" Dia: "McQueen-san... you're so dreamy!" Golshi: "Ready, and..." Spica: "You can do it, McQueen!" Spe: "...san!" Comm: "And now, the star has arrived." Hosoe: "She certainly looks ready." Crowd: "Teio!" Black: "Her aura is amazing!" Dia: "Please win, McQueen-san!" Black: "You've got this, Teio-san!" Golshi: "Ready, and..." Spica: "You can do it, Teio!" Spe: "...san!" Rudolf: "I don't know if I've ever seen a more excited crowd." Maruzen: "You're right. They were excited when you were running, Rudolf-chan." Rudolf: "No, today's response is much bigger than mine was." Rudolf: "I wish I had a rival to race against, the way they do." Trainer: "Who do I root for?" Scarlet: "Both of them, of course!" Palmer: "I'm gonna outrun everybody today, ultimately!" Palmer: "I-Is this... McQueen!" Pa: "We have an announcement. Due to one of Mejiro McQueen's horseshoes coming off, and the need to reapply it, there will be a delay in the start of the race." Crowd: "Oh, no..." Spe: "Huh? McQueen-san..." Vodka: "Is she gonna be okay?" 1: "This has happened before, hasn't it?" 2: "Yeah, I remember. It happened to the most popular horse girl at the time, but she ended up losing after." 1: "Oh man, I've got a bad feeling about this." Dia: "No bad feelings allowed!" s: "S-Sorry!" Ryan: "Don't lose your focus, McQueen!" ure: "Teio's staying calm through the wait, huh?" Dictus: "This is like the duel between Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojiro at Ganryuu Island." Tan: "Which one is Miyamoto Musashi, in this case?" Turbo: "Is it Turbo's time to shine?" Comm: "It looks like Mejiro McQueen has finished with her horseshoe. Despite the incident, she doesn't seem to have lost her composure. The fanfare signaling the start of the match of the millennium has begun to play throughout the Kyoto Racecourse. Just who will win? Each horse girl enters her gate, looking ready to struggle for supremacy. And last up is Tokai Teio, entering #14 on the outside." Black: "Teio-san!" Dia: "McQueen-san!" Comm: "Now, who will leave the Spring Tennoushou victorious? The 7-0 Tokai Teio? Or the strongest stayer, Mejiro McQueen? These 14 horse girls are putting their pride on the line..." Comm: "And the race has begun!" Comm: "The horse girls are holding fairly tightly together as the race starts off. No one is lagging behind." Comm: "Who will set the pace of this 3,200 meter long distance run?" Golshi: "Go!" Vodka: "Which one?!" Golshi: "Both!" Comm: "Will McQueen make the first move, or Tokai Teio?" Comm: "Oh, and Mejiro Palmer presses up from the outside!" Randos: "Wha?!" Comm: "Mejiro Palmer is now leading the race!" Palmer: "Ultim-outrun!" Helios: "Here we go!" Comm: "McQueen is currently hovering around 6th and 7th place, with Tokai Teio moving into a similar position on the outside. McQueen is starting to push forward, with Tokai Teio holding steady slightly behind her. Everyone's attention is locked on these two, who are taking the center spotlight at this race!" 2: "A 3,200 course is going to involve a lot of sudden shifts in pace. It demands a lot of stamina, focus, and racing know-how." 1: "What brought this on?" 2: "There's a tendency to speed up coming around the fourth corner in order to get the crowd on your side. But if you fall for that here, and blow the stamina needed for the final stretch, it won't do any good!" 1: "I guess our cheering is just gonna get in the way, huh?" Comm: "The horse girls will now be passing the front-side stands." Black: "Here they come!" Dia: "McQueen-san!" Black: "Teio-san!" 2: "Go!" Comm: "Entering the home stretch of the first lap, and they're now passing in front of the majority of the seats. And the spectators are spurring them on!" Scarlet: "Hang in there!" Palmer: "It's so bumpy! It's hard to run on!" Maru: "Looks like the turf's gotten completely torn up." Rudolf: "It takes real power to persevere. I wonder..." Teio: "I'll stick behind McQueen during the opening and mid game." Teio: "And when we hit the third corner on the second lap, I'll make my move!" Comm: "The cheers have quieted down a bit, as Mejiro Palmer retains the lead, pulling the others along." Palmer: "I need to get a bigger lead! Come on! Dig deep!" Comm: "McQueen is currently in 4th place, with Tokai Teio in the middle of the pack. She's positioned herself so she can keep her eyes on Mejiro McQueen." Teio: "I can see McQueen's moves from here!" Scarlet: "Which one is going to strike first?" Vodka: "Who's it gonna be?!" Comm: "Rounding the second corner, they have now entered the backstretch. With the race reaching its final half, focus will be honing in on when Mejiro McQueen and Tokai Teio choose to enter their final spurt. The horse girls are now entering the third corner." Teio: "Okay, here we go! Let's do it!" Comm: "Oh, and Tokai Teio is on the move! There she goes!" Black: "Go!" Comm: "The incline of the third corner! This is it! But the spring winner's plaque is something that last year's winner, Mejiro McQueen, has no intention of ceding to another! Yet Tokai Teio is determined to walk away with it!" Comm: "They've now hit the 800 meter mark! We're entering unknown territory, an all-new distance for Tokai Teio!" Teio: "I trained so much! I can do this!" Trainer: "Don't lose, Teio! Don't lose, McQueen!" Comm: "And McQueen is now in the lead! She is out in front! The horse girls are now entering the home stretch! Tokai Teio is hot on her tail! She's coming after her!" Teio: "Nothing's in my way! I can do this! Watch me, Prez!" Vodka: "Teio's going for it!" Comm: "Whoa, and Tokai Teio presses even harder!" Teio: "Not bad, McQueen! But I'm gonna win this!" Teio: "I can't move up any further! Why? Why?!" Vodka: "Is it me, or is she not looking as sharp as usual?" Scarlet: "And like she's having a hard time." Trainer: "This is where the distance is making a difference!" Teio: "But I trained so hard!" Teio: "I can't lose! I'm going to be undefeated!" Teio: "I promised the Prez!" Teio: "McQueen!" Comm: "McQueen is demonstrating miraculous speed! And what's happening to Tokai Teio? She's not gaining the way she normally does! Currently falling from third to fourth! Mejiro McQueen is still in the lead, with Kania Curation in second! Grace On Dance passes Tokai Teio and moves into third, but it doesn't look like anyone is catching up to Mejiro McQueen!" Comm: "She's amazing! More than amazing! The best stayer in modern racing, Mejiro McQueen! Her lead keeps expanding, and in first place— She crosses the goal! For the second time in a row, she has won the Spring Tennoushou!" Comm: "Mejiro McQueen has asserted her unassailable position of power!" Golshi: "McQueen..." Spe: "Teio-san..." Dia: "Yay!" Black: "Teio-san..." Dictus: "I... I can't believe Tokai Teio lost." Turbo: "Not bad at all, McQueen!" Ryan: "She did it!" Teio: "I've just never been in a long race before." Teio: "We don't know if I'm any good at it or not. You can compensate for stamina with training... I wasn't able to become an undefeated Triple Crown horse girl. But I can keep being undefeated!" Mcqueen: "If you do lose, please try not to cry." Teio: "McQueen..." Teio: "A consecutive Tennoushou... That's amazing." Mcq: "Teio..." Mcq: "It was because of you..." Mcq: "I'm only where I am today because of you. Teio—" Teio: "Congratulations, McQueen." Mcq: "Thank you, Teio." Spe: "Congratulations, McQueen-san."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2 Episode 5 – Unbeanten Champion", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2", "5", "Unbeanten Champion" ] }
Teacher: "Only horse girls who continue to win races and rise through the ranks are able to enter G1 races, the most competitive grade of racing. Among those, there are two races where the competitors are selected by fan votes." Comm: "A second Spring Tennoushou victory!" Trainer: "Teio... hey, your leg..." Teacher: "Tokai Teio-san, were you paying attention to the lecture?" Teio: "There's nothing left." Teio: "No Triple Crown, not being undefeated..." Teio: "What am I supposed to run for now?" Crowd: "Good morning." Teio: "You're McQueen's..." Rudolf: "Six months to heal?" Mcq: "Yes. It's a genuine shame I'll be unable to run in the Takarazuka Kinen, but for the time being, I'll be recuperating at home, away from the school." Rudolf: "I assume this means you'll be taking a break from your team, too." Mcq: "Yes. I've made sure to get Trainer's approval." Rudolf: "What has Teio said about it?" Rudolf: "You two are rivals, aren't you? You just competed in the Spring Tennoushou." Mcq: "The Tennoushou is over now. My only concern now is what to do in the future." Rudolf: "I see." Mcq: "No horse girl can resist their instinct to seek victory." Mcq: "If you'll excuse me." Mcq: "So... you spoke to Teio, then." Butler: "Yes. Though I had thought this type of thing would be best conveyed in person..." Mcq: "No, this saves me the trouble." Mcq: "Let's head to our destination, Butler." Jiiya: "Very good, miss." Trainer: "It's a shame about McQueen," Trainer: "but Teio's injuries aren't as bad, so she'll be able to run again in the fall." Trainer: "Come on, why the long faces?" Trainer: "McQueen's gonna be back, you hear me?" Vodka: "Yeah." Scarlet: "Teio is working hard in spite of her injuries, so we'd better, too!" Spe: "Let's start training!" Golshi: "Oh yeah! Time for some Golshi original special training! Let's do it, Teio!" Spe: "Teio-san?" Teio: "Oh, sorry about that! Yeah, let's start training." Teio: "What did you want to talk about?" Trainer: "I figured I'd run the race plan for this fall by you." Teio: "Looks good to me." Teio: "That's kind of what I was figuring, anyway." Trainer: "How's your leg doing? If it's hurting..." Teio: "It's fine. I was able to train normally, wasn't I?" Trainer: "Yeah, I guess." Teio: "Okay, I'm gonna go, then." Trainer: "Training normally, huh?" Comm: "It's been a very intense racing season." Hosoe: "It definitely has, with a lot of drama." Helios: "You got it from here!" Palmer: "Leave it to me! Because we're BFFs!" Palmer: "I did it, Trainer! Huh? Trainer?!" Comm: "Our guest today is Mejiro Palmer-san, who came away with a splendid win at the Takarazuka Kinen. What are your thoughts now, looking back on the race?" Palmer: "Let's see... I think at the Tennoushou, I wasn't prepared enough for how much I'd have to run. But during the Takarazuka, I could tell Helios was behind me, going as hard as she could, and that made me able to run even more." Helios: "Oh, wow! She mentioned me!" Palmer: "I think having someone like a rival to compete with is really awesome!" Helios: "Palmer..." Palmer: "Now that I've got a BFF... no, a running friend, I know I can win next time!" Comm: "Thank you so much." Comm: "And coming soon is the next race in the classics. Without a doubt, all eyes are going to be on Mihono Bourbon." Hosoe: "She's been undefeated at both the Satsukishou and the Derby, after all. I think she'll put on a great show at the Kikkashou." Comm: "We might actually see a horse girl win the Triple Crown while undefeated! Autumn's races are shaping up to be must-sees. And now, a special profile on the star horse girl, Mihono Bourbon." Mc: "This horse girl's morning starts early." Mc: "She never misses her daily training." Bourbon: "It's natural that I work hard. And winning is equally natural." Teio: "An undefeated Triple Crown, huh?" Bourbon: "I've finally come this far." Bourbon: "I know you're there, Rice." Teio: "The Triple Crown that even Tokai Teio-san was unable to achieve... I will make it a reality." Teio: "Those are Master's orders, and I will obey them." Trainer: "What the hell am I supposed to do?!" Hana: "Maybe drink less." Trainer: "I just want her to look forward again. So I busted my butt for her training plan! I tried to come up with the best possible race plan, too! But..." Hana: "She's been "fine."" Trainer: "Right! She's been doing a "fine" job of everything! But there's not a hint of the old Teio spark! I know her passion for racing can't be gone. But... What am I supposed to do?!" Hana: "Unbelievable." Trainer: "I'm also broke." Hana: "Get a grip, would you?!" Hana: "You managed to work through Tokai Teio's injury at the derby, didn't you?" Trainer: "But... But she couldn't achieve her Triple Crown dream, and her dream of being undefeated is gone now, too." Hana: "Do you realize how few horse girls can make their dreams from before they start racing a reality?" Hana: "And dreams can take different shapes over time." Hana: "If she can get through this, Tokai Teio will be even stronger." Hana: "You need to have some faith in her in the meantime." Trainer: "Ow, ow, ow..." Hana: "I'm heading out." Bartender: "Thank you for coming by." Trainer: "Thanks." Trainer: "Bartender..." Bartender: "Yes?" Trainer: "You got any glasses that need washing?" Bartender: "There's quite a few to go to cover your tab, you know." Trainer: "I've got it handled! Teio, I'm gonna make sure you make your comeback!" Crowd: "Bourbon-san! You can do it! Come on! Go, Bourbon!" Comm: "Mihono Bourbon is out in front! Rice Shower is moving up, along with Machikane Tannhäuser! Mihono Bourbon is maintaining a narrow lead! But Rice Shower closing in on the outside! Machikane Tannhäuser moves up the inside! Rice Shower and Tannhäuser! Rice Shower's taken the lead! And she takes the goal!" Comm: "Mihono Bourbon is unable to claim her Triple Crown! The Kikkashou's winning horse girl is Rice Shower!" Crowd: "Wait, what?" Reporter: "Unfortunately, you lost your chance at the Triple Crown." Bourbon: "Yes. I'm sorry I was unable to live up to Master's expectations. But, I believe I have gained something in this loss. Next time, I will win." Reporters: "Uh, Bourbon-san? Wait!" Teio: "Gain something... by losing?" Comm: "Mejiro Palmer and Daitaku Helios are seriously outrunning the competition. There are ten lengths between them and the third-place runner! They'll need to close in soon to stand any chance against the two in the lead!" Comm: "Is Tokai Teio going to be all right in her position?" Hosoe: "She's had a lot of big ups and downs in her races recently. It's a bit worrying." Teio: "Ow... I think I hit my rear on the way out of the gate." Teio: "I can't win the Triple Crown or be undefeated. I can't be like the Prez anymore. So why am I even running anymore?" Palmer: "Let's go, Helios!" Helios: "Yo!" ure: "Come on!" Teio: "Why are they trying so hard?" Comm: "Tokai Teio is remaining steady, five to six positions from the rear." Spe: "I don't think Teio-san's feeling well yet." Trainer: "No, this is fine." Vodka: "How, exactly?! Can't you see how far back she is?!" Trainer: "There are things you can only learn by running in a race." Trainer: "You need to use this chance to figure it out, Teio!" Teio: "If I move further up, will I understand?" Teio: "Why the others are running?" Teio: "And why I should run?" Comm: "Coming around the fourth corner, and Mejiro Palmer is going for it. There's a 310 meter straightaway left, with the Nakayama course being a short one." Helios: "You've got this!" Palmer: "We're BFFs!" Comm: "And Nice Nature is closing in from the outside! And Mejiro Palmer and Lyric Earth cross the goal!" Palmer: "Oh yeah! I did it! Helios!" Turbo: "Nice job, Ikuno!" Teio: "I couldn't make it." Spe: "Teio-san... in 11th place?" Golshi: "Oh, damn." Scarlet: "I thought it was supposed to work out." Trainer: "I've got somewhere to be." Spe: "Where are you going?" Golshi: "Let him go, Spe." Spe: "But..." Teio: "Ow, ow, ow..." Teio: "Damn it." Teio: "I thought I had lost everything, but..." Teio: "I'm glad... I can still be frustrated after losing." Teio: "Damn it! Damn it!" Trainer: "Good." Teio: "What exactly is this?" Trainer: "You get to be Spica's team leader!" Teio: "Leader?" Trainer: "That's right. From now on, you're going to be supporting the rest of the team as its leader." Teio: "So I'm not a racer anymore?" Teio: "Are you trying to say I don't need to run anymore?" Trainer: "No, no! There are some things you can only figure out by working to help others, that's all." Teio: "I don't even know what you're talking about." Trainer: "Now, hang on! This is something that you'll need to start winning races again!" Teio: "Win... races?" Trainer: "It's the kind of thing that you can't really understand without doing it. Come on! Think of it as an experiment or something." Teio: "So what am I supposed to do?" Spica: "Sweets! Sweets! Sweets!" Teio: "Why am I doing this? Whoa, this one's a total mess!" Teio: "Am I seriously supposed to make this many?" Teio: "Then again, I guess I ate a bunch, too." Teio: "Why's Vodka got so many towels?!" Trainer: "Leader!" Teio: "Ugh, that's even more than Vodka's! Hey, is being a leader really about doing a bunch of crummy chores?!" Trainer: "Hey, they're not crummy at all. Horseshoes, diet, laundry... It's all stuff necessary to run well. Once you're done, go check the others out as they run, Leader." Teio: "I'm not sure I buy any of this." Teio: "Trainer, I finished..." Trainer: "Kick it up a notch!" Trainer: "Good! Nice times." Scarlet: "I won that time." Vodka: "No, me!" Trainer: "Go get hydrated! Leader, could you hand them their drinks?" Teio: "Oh, okay." Trainer: "Spe, Golshi, you're next!" Spe: "Okay!" Golshi: "You got it." Vodka: "I feel alive again!" Scarlet: "I know that I won just now." Vodka: "Give it a rest! I was faster!" Both: "What do you think, Leader?!" Teio: "Hey..." Teio: "What are you two racing for?" Both: "To beat her! Stop copying me! I'm not!" Teio: "But think about it. It's not like you're always gonna be in the same races, right? What about the rest of the time?" Scarlet: "Oh, that doesn't matter at all." Vodka: "I'd definitely win if it was the same race." Scarlet: "But the other races still matter." Vodka: "That's right! You better bust your butt all the time if you want to beat me." Scarlet: "I could say the same thing!" Vodka: "Beating you is easy mode!" Scarlet: "Well beating you, Vodka, is super easy mode!" Teio: "Come on, quit fighting!" Spe: "Do you suppose Leader-san is going to be okay?" Trainer: "She's trying to find something. Her reason for racing." Spe: "Her reason for racing?" Trainer: "Looks like everything's ready." Teio: "Where the heck am I?" Teio: "And what's this?" Leader: "A mission for our leader." Teio: "I seriously don't get any of this." Leader: "You will if you go. And remember, you're headed there as team leader. So make sure to keep that sash on." Teio: "This has to be a prank." : "Excuse me—" Teio: "I'm not wearing it because I want to, I swear!" : "You're Tokai Teio-san, right?" Teio: "Y-Yes." : "I knew it! I'm always rooting for you! Um, can I shake your hand?" Teio: "O-Okay..." : "Thank you so much! I have something to brag to my friends about now." : "I'm curious, what are you the leader of?" Teio: "I-It's nothing, really!" Teio: "See you!" Teio: "Seriously, where am I?" Butler: "I've been awaiting your arrival." Teio: "Butler-san?!" Butler: "Leader-sama, thank you for coming all this way." Teio: "You scared me! I didn't recognize you at first. And you're calling me "Leader" too, huh?" Butler: "Right this way, Leader-sama." Teio: "Uh, where are we going?" Teio: "Um..." Butler: "It's over there." Teio: "What is this place?" Butler: "The Mejiro family's sanatorium." Teio: "Um..." Teio: "Well..." Teio: "I'm not sure why I'm here." Butler: "The young miss is expecting you." Teio: "McQueen?" Butler: "Miss, I've brought Leader-sama to see you." Mcq: "Excellent work, Butler. Teio, one moment, please." Teio: "R-Right." Mcq: "Ten more to go." Teio: "How are your injuries?" Mcq: "Quite well. I'll be rejoining Spica shortly. I think I've gained muscle that will help with my running." Teio: "I-I see." Teio: "McQueen..." Mcq: "What is it?" Teio: "McQueen, how can you... Why do you try so hard?" Mcq: "Because I am only looking at my goal." Teio: "Your goal?" Mcq: "Currently, it's to become stronger than I was before my injury. After that, it will be defeating a certain opponent. I can't afford to dawdle." Teio: "I didn't know you had someone like that." Mcq: "Is it strange?" Teio: "Well, you blew everyone away at the Tennoushou. They're calling you the greatest stayer in history! Who could you still want to beat?" Mcq: "It's having someone I want to defeat that allows me to become stronger." Teio: "Stronger?" Mcq: "Much stronger." Mcq: "I'm quite greedy, I'm afraid. So I intend to become much, much stronger, as far as I can take it." Mcq: "And so, I hope you'll make your comeback soon." Teio: "Wait, is the person you want to beat..." Mcq: "I had never been disappointed by how strong an opponent seemed before." Mcq: "It's true that I won the Spring Tennoushou." Mcq: "Thirty-two hundred meters on turf... A distance I specialize in." Mcq: "But we haven't competed over the distance you specialize in yet." Teio: "My distance?" Mcq: "I'm sure there's a distance that you're best suited to, much like how I'm called a stayer." Teio: "A distance I'm good at..." Mcq: "It wouldn't be fair unless we raced over that distance, too. As a horse girl of the Mejiro family, I cannot claim glory unless my victory is complete." Mcq: "Next time, I will crush you, at your best distance." Mcq: "So wipe that hollow look off your face." Mcq: "Your desire for victory, the same one every horse girl has, isn't gone, is it?" Mcq: "From this moment on, I'd be glad to run so as to be a goal for you." Mcq: "What's that look for?" Teio: "Well, since you're so set on it, I guess I could race you. But you might end up crying when you lose!" Mcq: "I could easily say the same to you." Teio: "I'm not gonna lose again!" Mcq: "Challenge accepted." Mcq: "Incidentally, would you like to have your injury examined? Oh, have you forgotten how skilled my family's doctor is?" Teio: "I couldn't if I wanted to! U-Uh, let go!" Mcq: "The preparations are already complete." Teio: "D-Don't tell me..." Doc: "I'm the doctor." Teio: "There he is!" Mcq: "Please, enjoy a special course of the Mejiro family's treatment." Mcq: "Now, let's move along." Teio: "W-Wait a second!" Teio: "Hang on! Why's he got a needle?!" Doc: "Because I'm the young lady's doctor."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2 Episode 6 – Searching for a Reason", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2", "6", "Searching for a Reason" ] }
Comm: "McQueen's return race! And she dominates, as if to clear away any doubt about her condition!" Canopus: "Damn it!" Comm: "There were concerns about her preparation before the race," Trainer: "McQueen just ran a picture-perfect return race." Teio: "I wish I could start running again soon." Comm: "It really was a perfect run, without the slightest sign of trouble, wasn't it?" Hosoe: "I'd certainly agree. It'll be hard not to get excited for a possible unprecedented third win at the Spring Tennoushou." Crowd: "Why Rice Shower, though? She just had to ruin it. I wanted to see Bourbon win the Triple Crown." Crowd: "What a disappointment." Comm: "The champion has returned! And her approach to the Spring Tennoushou is all clear!" Dober: "Wow, you're on the cover of just about every paper, McQueen." Ryan: ""Rice Shower's management declares her imminent victory. 'On a clear day, she will win.'" True enough. I think the only competition you have in long-distance racing right now is Rice Shower." Dober: "It says that her time during the last three furlongs of the Kikkashou was better than yours." Mcq: "There's more to racing than segment times." Mcq: "But fair enough. I'd be glad to take her on." Mcq: "I didn't let Teio have the Spring plaque. And it will be mine again." ews: "Let's introduce the star horse girls going into the Spring Tennoushou. It's fair to say that the spotlight is shining on Mejiro McQueen, who is hoping to win the race for a third consecutive time. It isn't an exaggeration to call her the best active racer. Next is Rice Shower, who foiled Mihono Bourbon's attempt at the Triple Crown. Will she put an end to another attempt to make history?" Crowd: "Rice Shower's running too, huh?" Crowd: "This is McQueen's shot at a third consecutive win. Here's hoping she doesn't ruin it. Tell me about it." ews: "Rice Shower took first place at the Nikkei Sho as well. She's bound to be in good shape heading towards the Spring Tennoushou." Turbo: "Is it me, or is Rice looking real strong lately?!" ure: "She's been working hard. I think she's got her sights set on taking McQueen down." ews: "Next is Machikane Tannhäuser!" ews: "In her last race in the G2, she managed to beat Rice Shower. Expectations for her will be high." Turbo: "She did beat Rice, after all." Mt: "You were all there rooting for me, remember?!" Palmer: "We're gonna do some godrunning at the Tennoushou, too!" Helios: "I'm down to clown with that!" Palmer: "I think we might've figured out the trick to outrunning." Helios: "For real, though! It's like, you gotta run hella good, right?" Comm: "Coming around the second corner, it's Daitaku Helios and Mejiro Palmer in the lead! Yet again, we see the two of them setting the pace!" Helios: "It's me!" Palmer: "No, me!" Helios: "It's me!" Palmer: "No, me!" Comm: "And Mejiro Palmer and Daitaku Helios have fallen apart!" Palmer: "We didn't manage to stay out in front during the Fall Tennoushou." Comm: "We're now on the back half of the race! Mejiro Palmer and Daitaku Helios are outrunning the others by a big margin! There are over ten lengths between the two of them and third place! The others will have to pick up the pace to close this gap!" Palmer: "It's me!" Comm: "It doesn't look like anyone is going to come close, though!" Helios: "No, me!" Palmer: "It's me!" Helios: "No, me!" Helios: "You can take it from here!" Palmer: "We're BFFs!" Helios: "But we ran like whoa at the Arima Kinen!" Palmer: "Rice! Looking forward to running with you in the next race, Rice! Huh?" Helios: "What's with her?" Palmer: "Not sure..." Mcq: "Rice Shower-san?" Mcq: "I was hoping to speak with you." Mcq: "I saw the feature you were in. You seem certain you'll be able to win. Consider the challenge accepted. Let's have a good race, shall we?" Rice: "I'm not running in the Tennoushou." Rice: "I don't want to race anymore!" Mcq: "Hey, wait—" Students: "McQueen-san is so cool! A third championship! That'd be great to see. I'd love to see it happen! It's gonna be great! Right?" Crowd: "What? Is this for real? Unbelievable..." Crowd: "It's such a shame." Rice: "No one wants me around." Teio: "Wait, Rice isn't running?" Mcq: "She doesn't seem to want to run anymore." Spe: "Did something happen to her?" Trainer: "Her entry is still listed... So it's probably something personal." Golshi: "Hey, the less competition, the better. You'll have an even easier time taking it." Golshi: "What's wrong?" Mcq: "It's a bit disappointing. I had heard she was looking strong." Trainer: "Worrying about someone else won't get you anywhere. You should focus on your training." Mcq: "I suppose..." Teio: "I'm going to ask her what's going on." Mcq: "Teio?" Teio: "You're not gonna be able to focus on your training with this bugging you." Teio: "Leave this to your team leader!" Spe: "We'll go, too! Right?" Trio: "Sounds good." Mcq: "I appreciate it, everyone." Teio: "Found ya, Rice!" Teio: "Nice weather today, huh? Makes you want to get out there and run hard, right?" Rice: "I-I guess so..." Teio: "But if you run too much, it makes fixing up the track a lot of work!" Rice: "Huh? She's not asking about the Tennoushou?" Teio: "I actually wanted to ask you about the Tennoushou—" Teio: "Hey, wait!" Teio: "Look at this! I'm great at forward bending! You gonna enter the Spring Ten? I bet it'd be a lot of fun! Probably as much fun as forward bending! I actually hold a record in forward bending!" Scarlet: "Rice..." Vodka: "About the Spring Ten..." Trio: "Hey!" Teio: "This is kinda..." Spe: "This looks like a job for me." Teio: "I'm counting on you, Spe-chan!" Spe: "Rice Shower. What a lovely name! I'm a fan. Especially the "rice" part." Spe: "It didn't work." Teio: "I'm not sure what you were trying to accomplish! I guess we'll have to try the direct approach!" Rice: "Wh-Who are you?" Golshi: "Scarlet! Vodka! Spe! Get 'er, girls!" Spe: "Right, Gold Ship-san!" Rice: "It's Spica!" Spica: "Heave-ho, heave-ho!" Rice: "Um... wh-what is this?" Teio: "Sorry about this, Rice. McQueen told us you weren't going to run in the Tennoushou." Teio: "Would you tell us about it?" Rice: "Will you let me go if I do?" Rice: "Because there's no point." Teio: "What do you mean?" Rice: "Because no one wants me around." Rice: "Ever since I was little, I used to look up to things that were glamorous." Rice: "There are 100 meters to go! First place has a tiny lead!" Rice: "And Rice Shower crosses the goal with her lead intact! Rice Shower has done a fine job of winning her debut race! I was so glad when I won my first race..." Rice: "And everyone was really happy." Rice: "It made running so much fun. I thought that even someone like me could be glamorous." Comm: "She's striking an imposing figure! Mihono Bourbon manages to outrun the entire pack as she crosses the goal! She wins the Satsukishou while undefeated!" Shower: "Bourbon-san was so dazzling when she won the Satsukishou... So I decided I wanted to be like her someday." Comm: "Mihono Bourbon is in the lead! It seems she has this race won!" Rice: "I wanted to catch up with the person I idolized. I wanted to win a race, and be like Bourbon-san." Rice: "And then, at the Kikkashou, it finally happened.." Comm: "Mihono Bourbon is in the lead! Rice Shower is closing the gap! Mihono Bourbon still has a faint lead! But Rice Shower moves up on the outside! Rice Shower passes her! Rice Shower has the lead! And she clears the goal! Mihono Bourbon's Triple Crown will remain incomplete! The winning horse girl of the Kikkashou is Rice Shower!" Crowd: "Wait, what? What the heck? Seriously? I wanted to see a Triple Crown. Why?" Rice: "Nobody wanted me to win." Crowd: "Why didn't Bourbon win?" Rice: "I destroyed Bourbon-san and her fans' dreams." Rice: "Everyone was sad." Rice: "Now everyone is looking forward to McQueen-san winning a third Spring Tennoushou. Even if I enter and win, no one will be happy. I'll just make everyone miserable." Rice: "Me, whose name is supposed to represent something happy." Teio: "That's heavy." Rice: "So I won't be running anymore." Teio: "Rice?" Rice: "Please, leave me alone." Teio: "Rice..." Mcq: "I had no idea." Teio: "I understand how she feels! She worked so hard on her racing, so it has to be frustrating for no one to recognize what she accomplished!" Mcq: "True enough. Rice's Kikkashou win is something that should have been celebrated. But... I believe using that as a reason to turn away from racing is, for a horse girl, mistaken." Teio: "McQueen..." Teio: "Okay!" Teio: "I'll try and convince Rice to run after all. Just don't regret this, okay?" Mcq: "I would never. Besides, I find it vexing to have Rice taking me so lightly." Mcq: ""No one will be happy if I win"? She's so certain of her victory, before even running." Teio: "That's true." Mcq: "Please take care of things with Rice, Leader." Teio: "Sure!" Teio: "I said that, but..." Girls: "Here we go! Beef steak! Beef steak! Beef steak! Beef steak! Beef steak! Beef steak!" Teio: "Bourbon?" Bourbon: "Teio-san?" Bourbon: "Your recovery seems to be going smoothly, Teio-san." Teio: "Yep. I can even run okay, now. How about you?" Bourbon: "Not for the time being." Teio: "I see..." Teio: "You got hurt after the Kikkashou, right?" Bourbon: "Yes, when I was training for the Japan Cup." Teio: "I see." Comm: "Rice Shower passes her! Rice Shower passes Bourbon! There's barely a single length gap between them! Rice Shower has the lead! And she clears the goal!" Comm: "Mihono Bourbon's Triple Crown will remain incomplete! The winning horse girl of the Kikkashou is Rice Shower!" Bourbon: "By losing the Kikkashou, I was unable to fulfill Master's request that I win a Triple Crown." Bourbon: "I may have been anxious to redeem myself as a result." Teio: "Expectations..." Teio: "My goal is to win the Triple Crown undefeated, just like you! So I have to win!" Rudolf: "Right. I'll be looking forward to it." Teio: "It was the same for me. If I hadn't gotten injured, and had won the Triple Crown, I might've gotten to see the Prez smile." Bourbon: "I can relate. I was hoping to see my Master's smile, something I've never seen before." Teio: "Sorry about your Triple Crown, Bourbon." Bourbon: "Likewise, Teio-san. But because I was unable to achieve a Triple Crown, I was able to find a new reason for racing." Bourbon: "Rice Shower." Teio: "Rice?" Bourbon: "Yes. The only horse girl to ever defeat me... The person who kept me from reaching my dream." Bourbon: "She may be the first competitor I've felt I could call my rival." Teio: "Listen... about Rice..." Bourbon: "Yes?" Girls: "Beef steak! Beef steak! Beef steak! Beef steak! Beef steak! Beef steak! Beef steak! Beef steak!" Rice: "T-Teio-san?! What is it now?! You don't have to be so scared! I'm not gonna do anything." Bourbon: "Rice..." Rice: "B-Bourbon-san?!" Bourbon: "You apparently don't intend to run in the Tennoushou?" Teio: "You've gotta do something to convince her to run in the Tennoushou, Bourbon. I bet she'll listen to you!" Bourbon: "Leave this to me. There is a method I've learned from my Master." Teio: "Okay!" Bourbon: "Rice..." Rice: "Y-Yes?" Bourbon: "Quit your bellyaching and run!" Teio: "I don't think she understood what I meant!" Rice: "Leave me alone, please!" Bourbon: "That's strange! Master usually encourages me just like that!" Teio: "Never mind! Let's go after her! Use this!" Teio: "Rice, hold it!" Teio: "She's so slippery! Get back here!" Teio: "Hold it!" Teio: "That nimble little... Hold it!" Rice: "Slip!" Bourbon: "The battery..." Palmer: "And that's what happened!" Helios: "That is such a mood!" Palmer: "What do you want to do for the midterm test?" Helios: "Run!" Palmer: "I know, right?" Teio: "Rice!" Bourbon: "Rice!" Teio: "Hey, Palmer, have you see Rice Shower?" Palmer: "Rice? Nope. Have you, Helios?" Helios: "Sure haven't." Bourbon: "We're looking for her. Please let us know if you find her." Both: "'Kay!" Palmer: "Rice, huh?" Helios: "What's up? Something about her?" Palmer: "You remember at the Kikkashou?" Helios: "Oh, she beat Bourbon! That was so hype!" Palmer: "A hardcore race between two strong horse girls... I so want to do something like that!" Helios: "How about with me? You wanna take me on?" Palmer: "You bet I do!" Helios: "NGL, we're just gonna run like usual!" Palmer: "I know, right?!" Ikuno: "She doesn't want to run? Do you suppose Rice-san has lost her confidence?" Mt: "I'm sure that's not it! Rice-chan's a really strong horse girl. When she locks in on her target, she gets so focused! Although at the Kikkashou, I think she was only looking at Bourbon-chan." Ikuno: "Right, you've raced her a few times yourself, haven't you?" Mt: "Yep! This is gonna be the seventh time." Mt: "Y'know, she's kind of a big deal to me." Ikuno: "I feel the same way. She demonstrated her strength without a doubt at the Nikkei Sho." Girls: "Tracen... Fight! On! Fight! On! Fight! On!" Rice: "Is it... okay if I run?" Girls: "What're you doing? What are you doing? I'm gonna try and win the Triple Crown! Not gonna happen! Because I'm gonna win it! Hey, don't get in my way!" Girls: "Yeah, that's right!" Crowd: "Bourbon! You can win next time! Winning the Triple Crown would've been cool, but you did a great job! I'm still rooting for you! I love you, Bourbon! You did a good job, Tannhäuser!" Rice: "I can't do this anymore..." Bourbon: "Rice!" Teio: "We finally found her..." Rice: "You don't know when to give up. Please, just leave me alone." Bourbon: "You're the one who didn't give up, Rice! You never gave up during the Kikkashou!" Rice: "Don't talk to me about the Kikkashou!" Rice: "I just wanted people to accept me. I thought that if I could beat you, Bourbon-san, that they would. That's why I tried so hard. But nobody wanted me to win. And when I did," Rice: "they just got mad, and didn't accept me!" Rice: "I'm not like you two." Rice: "I'm a heel." Rice: "People hate me, boo me, and I make them unhappy. Even though my name's meant to be a blessing..." Rice: "Even though I'm called Rice Shower." Rice: "That's why I won't run anymore." Teio: "Rice..." Bourbon: "Quit your bellyaching and run!" Rice: "How can you say that?!" Bourbon: "Because I want you to run." Rice: "I don't understand! How can you say that after everything I told you?!" Rice: "No one's happy if I run! Even when I win, it's just a disappointment! There's no point in me running! So, why—" Bourbon: "Because you are my hero." Bourbon: "I'm injured." Bourbon: "Seriously injured. There have been times when I've been overwhelmed with anxiety about whether I'd get to run again." Bourbon: "I was unable to meet Master's expectations." Bourbon: "I even considered giving up on racing." uma: "Bourbon... I pushed you too hard." uma: "I'm sorry." Bourbon: "But thanks to you, Rice, I never gave up." Bourbon: "Next time, I want to win. I don't want to lose again. I want to race a strong opponent, like you. I've been able to work hard at my recovery because of that goal." Bourbon: "It's true that you took my dream." Bourbon: "But the hope and new dream you've given me are worth more than that." Rice: "Bourbon-san..." Bourbon: "You're not a heel. You're a hero." Rice: "I'm... a hero?" Teio: "Bourbon..." Bourbon: "You're my hero! You're a strong horse girl! You have to run in the Tennoushou to prove that!" Rice: "Stop being so selfish." Bourbon: "I'm sorry." Rice: "You can say all that, but it's just more trouble for me." Rice: "But..." Rice: "I understand how you feel, Bourbon-san." Rice: "I'm going to try again." Rice: "I'm still scared, but..." Bourbon: "Right." Rice: "I want to run with you, too, Bourbon-san. So..."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2 Episode 7 – A Blessed Name", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2", "7", "A Blessed Name" ] }
Rice: "Good morning." Mcq: "I heard that you've resumed training. It looks like you've gotten serious about the race." Rice: "Yes! I'm not going to turn away again." Mcq: "Now I'll be able to take the Spring Tennoushou seriously." Vodka: "Did you see the Satsukishou yesterday?!" Teio: "Ta-dah! This weekend is the Spring Tennoushou! And Rice is all fired up about taking you down, McQueen! Do your best!" Vodka: "Rice has you in her crosshairs, huh?" Mcq: "Yes. She's been following me around a fair bit lately, too." Scarlet: "That goes to show she's in serious mode." Mcq: "All the better. It'll make the challenge worthwhile." Rice: "The Spring Tennoushou is 3,200 meters long. I'm good at long distances, but McQueen-san has won it twice already, so she's got a clear experience advantage." Rice: "McQueen-san..." Teio: "Rice hasn't been coming to school?!" Ikuno: "Not for the last two days, it seems. Do you suppose she's not going to be running?" Teio: "No way! There's hardly any time left before the Tennoushou!" Mt: "Maybe she's sick? Or she ate something funny? Like a spider." Teio: "No one eats spiders! I wonder why she's missing, though." Bourbon: "Rice..." Rice: "Bourbon-san..." Rice: "How did you find me?" Bourbon: "I spoke to the resident assistant, Hishi Amazon-san. I didn't think you would leave without telling someone." Rice: "I see." Rice: "Mental strength... I can't compare to McQueen-san in running ability or experience, so I need to have a stronger mindset. To do that, I decided to be alone, so I could face myself without any distractions." Rice: "I think that the mind can help the body transcend." Kuronuma: "The mind can push the body past its limits!" Bourbon: "I agree." Rice: "I'm going to get back to training." Bourbon: "Right." Trainer: "Rice still hasn't come back to school, huh?" Teio: "No. It's been three days now. And Bourbon was missing too, today." Trainer: "Is it some kind of secret training, or has she given up?" Teio: "I don't think so! I saw how motivated she looked." Trainer: "52.9!" Teio: "Wow!" Trainer: "Looking good!" Mcq: "Yes! I'm feeling more energetic and resilient than I did in the previous two Tennoushous." Trainer: "I see!" Mcq: "I'd like to run the incline again, please." Trainer: "Whoa, isn't twice enough?" Teio: "Looking good and ready to go! McNice! McNice!" Rice: "More... More... More... More!" Trainer: "Hey! What's up?" Mcq: "No, it's nothing!" Teio: "What do you think's up with McQueen?" Trainer: "No clue. But this attempt was even better than her last one. It's clear that McQueen is in as good a shape as ever." Teio: "Yeah, you're right." Sakashita: "G-Good question. Their final tuning is going very well." Turbo: "There's no way Machi Tan could ever lose! She already beat Rice Shower once before!" ure: "You do know she's beaten her more than once, right?" Turbo: "What, for real?!" Helios: "'Kay, people, ask me anything about Palmer! As her certified bestie, I can tell you right now she's in GOAT condition! Palmer FTW!" Press: "She's in really good shape. Yeah, it's impressive. I think we can count on McQueen's streak to continue. Can she become the first to win three Spring Tennoushous in a row?" Trainer: "I think so. In the condition she's in, she can handle it." Press: "Thank you! Any concerns about Rice Shower? She's apparently been absent from school for a few days." Trainer: "Not concerned at all. No matter who she's up against, McQueen is focused on her own running." Dia: "It's hot, so be careful." s: "Hey, thanks." Dia: "McQueen-san..." Comm: "Last year's showdown between Tokai Teio and Mejiro McQueen is still fresh in our memories as we head into the Spring Tennoushou. Once again in the spotlight is Mejiro McQueen,who's aiming to continue her streak. Standing in her way is the Kikkashou winner who thwarted Mihono Bourbon's Triple Crown, Rice Shower. Add to that Machikane Tannhäuser, who's looking very strong lately, and there'll be a lot of stiff competition this year." Vodka: "Man, McQueen's most popular by a long shot!" Scarlet: "Really?!" Spe: "Does that mean almost everyone is here to see McQueen's streak continue?" Crowd: "McQueen! You can do it! Go! You've got this!" Teio: "How are you feeling?" Mcq: "Perfect, I'd say." Teio: "You nervous or anything?" Mcq: "I do feel anxious about needing to win, yes." Teio: "You've got a streak to protect, after all." Mcq: "I will run in a way that makes me fit to be your goal. Please, watch me." Teio: "Okay. Good luck!" Comm: "Running past the stands now is Mejiro Palmer. She's expected to attempt to outrun the competition once again." Helios: "Keep it hype, girl!" Comm: "She's been voted fourth most popular. What do you think that implies, Hosoe-san?" Hosoe: "In her last race, the 3,000-meter Hanshin Daishoten, she managed to secure a splendid victory via outrunning. We can expect to see a great race from her." Comm: "And here we have two other racers who are looking to win big. Ikuno Dictus and Machikane Tannhäuser seem to be in good spirits." ure: "Good luck, you two." Turbo: "Iku Dis! Machi Tan!" Comm: "Machikane Tannhäuser is third most popular, and has been gathering more and more attention from the fans lately." Hosoe: "She's won her last two races, and has a lot of momentum. She's got a good chance at coming away with this spring's plaque." Comm: "I bet she's got a good race ahead of her. And number one with a bullet is Mejiro McQueen! I think it's fair to say that she's the horse girl closest to winning this race." Comm: "As the G1 Spring Tennoushou fanfare plays, the horse girls are now entering the gate." Teio: "You can do this, McQueen!" Spe: "Please win for a third time!" Golshi: "Don't sweat this streak stuff!" Vodka: "That's kinda asking a lot." Scarlet: "That's true." Crowd: "What's going on? Huh? What happened? Hey..." Crowd: "She's not going in?" Crowd: "What's going on?" Comm: "Oh, it looks like Mejiro McQueen hasn't entered the gate yet." Hosoe: "That's odd." Golshi: "What the heck?" Spe: "What's wrong with McQueen-san?" Teio: "It's just like during her training." Vodka: "Seriously?" Trainer: "What's gotten into her?" Teio: "McQueen..." Dia: "McQueen-san..." Mcqueen: "What is she, a wild animal? It feels like she's ready to tear me apart." Mcqueen: "But I have my own reasons for winning this race." Comm: "Mejiro McQueen is finally inside the gate." Scarlet: "Okay, there she goes!" Golshi: "Show them what you've got, McQueen!" Comm: "It takes power and stamina in equal measure to come out on top in this 3,200-meter trek around the Kyoto Racecourse." Comm: "All 15 horse girls are now inside the gate. And now the Spring Tennoushou... has..." Comm: "begun!" Spica: "Go, McQueen!" Spe: "...san!" Canopus: "Iku Dis! Machi Tan!" Crowd: "McQueen! McQueen!" Comm: "Mejiro Palmer is in front, as expected." Palmer: "Got this!" Helios: "Time to outrun! Let's go! Further out from the center is Mejiro McQueen, who's sticking close behind Mejiro Palmer!" Scarlet: "Looking good, McQueen!" Trainer: "No..." Scarlet: "What's wrong?" Trainer: "They just started! She can't start chasing Palmer this soon." Teio: "That's right, she can't!" Trainer: "No... it's not Palmer she's worried about. I think it's..." Comm: "McQueen is currently in fourth place, and following her closely is Rice Shower, whose black hair is trailing behind her." Turbo: "Rice has been on McQueen the whole time." ure: "She's got her marked pretty clearly. But why not get behind her?" Biwa: "Is she intentionally making her presence known to McQueen?" Crowd: "McQueen! McQueen!" Teio: "McQueen..." Spe: "The way Rice-san has her marked so thoroughly reminds me of something. It's just like when Grass-chan was closing in during the Takarazuka Kinen." Teio: "Really?" Grass: "I think I see the similarity." Spe: "Grass-chan?!" Grass: "Hello there." Spe: "How is Rice-chan like you, though?" Grass: "I can't say for sure. But it does feel something like fate." Comm: "The 15 horse girls are bathed in cheers as they cross in front of the stands!" Trainer: "Settle down, McQueen! Don't worry about anyone else! Stick to your own pace!" Mcq: "He's right. I was able to defeat Teio last time because I focused on my own running. But..." Ikuno: "This pace... isn't suited to a 3,200-meter race!" Mt: "I need to let my legs stay cool, so that I'll have enough to rush to the front!" Vodka: "Go!" Trainer: "2:04?" Golshi: "Whoa, isn't that..." Trainer: "That's two seconds faster to reach the 2,000-meter mark than the last Tennoushou!" Vodka: "Is she gonna be okay with that kind of pace?!" Teio: "Of course she is." Teio: "I have faith. McQueen's gonna be okay!" Comm: "Mejiro Palmer is in first place. She's got a lead of five lengths." Comm: "They're now entering the incline on the third corner." Palmer: "More! I need to run even more!" Comm: "As they reach the third corner's incline, they'll really begin to feel the Spring Tennoushou's stamina drain!" Comm: "Whoa, and Mejiro McQueen is moving up on the outside! She's entered her spurt!" Palmer: "Here she comes!" Comm: "She's closing in on Mejiro Palmer! It's Palmer and McQueen! But further out, it's Rice Shower! Rice Shower is moving up, too!" Golshi: "She's not losing her at all!" Spe: "Is something going on with McQueen-san?" Trainer: "No, it's not McQueen." Trainer: "Something's going on with her opponent." Crowd: "Go! McQueen!" Bourbon: "Rice..." Ridce: "I want to run with you, too, Bourbon-san." Bourbon: "Go, Rice." Comm: "Coming around the fourth corner, the trio will face off down the final stretch. Tannhäuser has joined them. But who will seize the lead?" Comm: "It's Mejiro McQueen! Mejiro McQueen is in first! Wait..." Comm: "On the outside! On the outside! It's Rice Shower! Rice Shower is closing in! Look at her go!" Mcq: "This pressure... but I'm not through yet!" Comm: "Rice Shower has now caught up!" Teio: "Don't lose, McQueen!" Comm: "This is McQueen's attempt at a third championship, but will we see Rice Shower thwart another accomplishment?!" Crowd: "Oh, come on, don't do this! McQueen, you can do it! Rice Shower! Are you trying to play the heel again?!" Rice: "I'm..." Rice: "not a heel." Rice: "I'm a hero!" Comm: "Rice Shower passes her! Rice Shower passes her! It's Rice Shower! She's in first! The same Rice Shower who upset Mihono Bourbon at the Kikkashou! Rice Shower has taken the lead! That lead grows from two lengths to three! And Rice Shower crosses the goal in first place!" Teio: "McQueen..." Comm: "Look at that time!" Trainer: "That's a new record." Dia: "McQueen-san..." ure: "I knew that she was strong, but I had no idea." Turbo: "I'm gonna take Rice down." Biwa: "Impressive." Rice: "A record!" Mcq: "I lost." Crowd: "What the hell?" Crowd: "She did it again! I was really looking forward to McQueen's third win. Why's this keep happening?! Unbelievable!" Crowd: "What a disappointment." Crowd: "I shouldn't have bothered coming." Crowd: "This is so lame." Bourbon: "Rice..." Bourbon: "Congratulations on your win, Rice." Rice: "I..." Rice: "ruined a lot of people's dreams again." Bourbon: "That's what it means to win. It's a competition, after all." Bourbon: "If someone wins, someone else will be hurt, and have their dream end." Bourbon: "That's just how it is." Rice: "Booing still hurts to hear, though." Rice: "It really does." Bourbon: "Being booed is an honor when you're the challenger. You don't need to feel bad about it." Bourbon: "But, one day, I'm sure it'll turn into cheers and words of encouragement." Bourbon: "If you keep winning, I'm sure that will happen." Bourbon: "After all, your name is Rice Shower." Rice: "Yeah!" Rice: "I'll do my best, okay?" Bourbon: "I'd expect nothing less from my hero." Spe: "What a feast!" Grass: "It certainly is." Scarlet: "Spe-senpai! Time out for now!" Teio: "Huh? Where's McQueen?" Golshi: "Good point. It didn't end up being a celebration, but we still need our star." Trainer: "Could you go find her, Teio?" Golshi: "Hey." Golshi: "Take these." Ikuno: "McQueen, you ran a fine race." Mcqueen: "Yes, likewise." Ikuno: "It's a shame your streak was broken." Mcq: "You're bringing that up, too?" Mcq: "Everyone on my team has been so considerate. And I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me, but I'm not really that upset." Ikuno: "Really? You seemed a bit lonely." Mcq: "I do feel a bit guilty." Ikuno: "Guilty?" Mcq: "Yes. For disappointing the fans who were cheering me on, of course, but for disappointing Tokai Teio in particular." Mcq: "Teio is working hard to complete her rehabilitation." Mcq: "With her goal being to race against me, an unbeatable horse girl." Mcq: "And yet, my performance was less than adequate." Mcq: "I will run in a way that makes me fit to be your goal." Teio: "McQueen..." Mcq: "Overconfidence in my knack for handling the race's distance... A false sense of security, due to it being my third time... And most of all, the fact that I was arrogant enough to think I was racing for Teio's sake... It's no wonder I lost." Mcq: "I was simply less focused on victory than Rice Shower." Mcq: "But I won't make the same mistake again. I need to maintain my position as the strongest." Mcq: "At the Takarazuka Kinen, I will win." Ikuno: "McQueen... My rotation has me running in the Yasuda Kinen, and then the Takarazuka Kinen." Ikuno: "We'll be racing. And I don't intend to let you win." Mcq: "I'm truly blessed. I have so many rivals..."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2 Episode 8 – A Small Wish", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2", "8", "A Small Wish" ] }
Mcq: "You're certainly up and running early." Teio: "Well, yeah." Teio: "I need to start looking good again soon." Mcq: "Have you decided on a return race?" Teio: "The Takarazuka Kinen." Teio: "I'm gonna win this time." Mcq: "It'll be my pleasure to shatter that confidence." Mcq: "I'll be going on ahead, then." Mcq: "I just said I was going to go on ahead!" Mcq: "Honestly..." Butler: "Teio-sama certainly seems to enjoy her running." Mcq: "That's just who she is." Trainer: "Very nice. That was your best time yet." Teio: "Really?! Time for another one, then!" Trainer: "Whoa. You sure you're not overdoing it?" Teio: "Can't help it! I just wanna run so bad!" Scarlet: "Looks like our ex-leader is really fired up." Vodka: "And here I thought I was gonna be leader next." Golshi: "Vodka, Scarlet..." Golshi: "It's me, your new leader... Golshi-chan." Vodka: "Someone else is feeling motivated, too." Teio: "Okay, here I go!" Trainer: "Ready?" Trainer: "Go!" Teio: "I can finally... finally race with McQueen!" Radio: "The Classics series is upon us! This season, it looks like a lot of attention will be focused on Satsuki winner Narita Taishin!" Teio: "Hey, Rice!" Radio: "There's also Winning Ticket, who's shown a remarkable focus on the Derby." Rice: "Teio-san?" Teio: "Care for one?" Radio: "And one can hardly ignore the looming presence of Biwa Hayahide!" Teio: "Oh, I bet you don't eat bread, though!" Rice: "Actually, I do, with breakfast." Radio: "The three of them are shaping up to be the new heroines of this season of racing!" Teio: "I see. Congrats again on the Tennoushou. You were really amazing!" Radio: "So much that I'm sure I don't have to tell you they've" Rice: "Thank you..." Teio: "But I'm gonna avenge McQueen. So be ready to race me some day!" Radio: "become collectively known as BNW." Teio: "See ya!" Radio: "And for today's program, I want to get up close and personal with BNW!" Rice: "We've... already raced before, though." Comm: "The horse girls are steadily making their way around the track, and Narita Taishin is currently in third place, with two competitors in front of her. We're down to the last 400 meters now. And Winning Ticket is moving up! Right behind her is Biwa Hayahide! Narita Taishin has joined them! And it looks like BNW has collectively made their move!" Ticket: "The Derby! The Derby I've always dreamed about!" Hayahide: "I may have lost the Satsukishou, but this is where I win!" Taishin: "I can do this! I can come out on top!" Taishin: "Winning Ticket in the lead! And Winning Ticket finishes first! Biwa Hayahide and Narita Taishin in second and third place! It looks like BNW are just too strong! The Derby goes to Winning Ticket!" Crowd: "Ticket! Ticket! Ticket! " Rice: "W-Wow..." Scarlet: "The race was practically between the three of them." Vodka: "We've got some more tough competition." Teio: "So they're BNW." Mt: "They're BNW?!" Turbo: "Not too bad!" Ikuno: "They truly seem to posses incredible talent." Ikuno: "But so do we." Yamanin Zephyr: "I did it!" Comm: "Ikuno Dictus comes in second place at the Yasuda Kinen!" Mt: "Congrats, Ikuno!" Ikuno: "I would have preferred to have won, but..." Mt: "A second place finish in the G1 is still awesome! Is your next race set already?" Ikuno: "The Takarazuka Kinen." Mt: "Next time, you're gonna win a G1 race!" Ikuno: "Yes. I intend to make up for this loss." Minamisaka: "I've heard Mejiro McQueen and Tokai Teio will be running in the Takarazuka Kinen." ure: "Teio's finally making her return." Turbo: "Well, duh! This is Teio we're talking about!" ure: "Why are you acting so proud?" Mt: "This time we're gonna beat Spica!" Ikuno: "Right!" Turbo: "Me too! I wanna race, too!" Minamisaka: "The next race you're eligible for, Turbo-san, is the Tanabata Sho." Turbo: "Is that in the G1?" ure: "It's in the G3." Palmer: "That smells nice. Ow!" Mcq: "Good day, Palmer." Palmer: "Hey, McQueen. What's up? I never see you around this part of campus." Mcq: "I'm just here for a change of clothes. Then I'll be on my way back to the dorms. Is something going on with you? Your nose is very red." Palmer: "Uh, it's nothing!" Mcq: "I see. I'm afraid I can't allow you to win a second Takarazuka Kinen." Palmer: "Well, I'm not giving up without a fight!" Mcq: "I'm looking forward to it. If you'll excuse me." Palmer: "I'm gonna ultim-outrun her!" Mcq: "Two years ago, it was Mejiro Ryan. Last year, it was Mejiro Palmer. This time, I will be winning." Teio: "Another long day! But I've gotta stay on my toes! Okay, let's do this!" Rudolf: "Teio..." Teio: "P-Prez..." Rudolf: "How are you feeling?" Teio: "Uh... I'm sorry!" Rudolf: "Why are you apologizing?" Teio: "Well... I've been avoiding you, Prez." Rudolf: "I noticed." Teio: "I guess so." Teio: "I wasn't sure why I was running. And I was so anxious." Teio: "I didn't want you to see me when I was like that." Teio: "I felt guilty." Rudolf: "I see." Teio: "Yeah. But now I have someone who I want to look good for as much as you!" Rudolf: "As much as me, eh?" Teio: "Are you jealous?" Rudolf: "This is your first race in six months, isn't it?" Teio: "Yeah. I'm gonna make sure it's a good one. I want everyone to see, "This is Tokai Teio!" Maybe then, instead of chasing you, I can be the kind of horse girl who can stand next to you as an equal. And then one day, maybe even surpass you." Teio: "So the Takarazuka Kinen is going to my first step towards that." Rudolf: "Teio..." Teio: "So be sure to watch me run, Prez!" Rudolf: "Right, I'll be looking forward to it." Turbo: "Back in action, huh?" Turbo: "I'd expect nothing less of Tokai Teio!" Teio: "Of course I'm back, Double Turbo." Turbo: "It's Twin Turbo! Quit getting it wrong!" Teio: "Sorry, sorry! So did you need something?" Turbo: "I just wanted to let you know I'm gonna win the Tanabata Sho!" Teio: "Okay..." Turbo: "And then I'm gonna come challenge you!" Turbo: "So next time, we're gonna race!" Teio: "Sure, okay." Teio: "Next time, then." Turbo: "Yeah! It's a promise!" Ikuno: "What are you doing, Turbo-san?" Turbo: "Ikuno?!" Ikuno: "You can't be bothering Teio-san." Turbo: "I'm not bothering her!" Ikuno: "Come along, now." Mt: "Sorry about that. She doesn't mean to cause any trouble." ure: "She's just got brain problems. See ya!" Teio: "Okay, let's do this!" Teio: "There we go." Teio: "Well?" Trainer: "You're definitely making progress. Keep it up!" Golshi: "Oh, damn!" Teio: "I'm gonna go again, Trainer!" Trainer: "All right, go for it!" Teio: "Okay." Trainer: "Ready... Go!" Vodka: "Awesome!" Spe: "Yeah!" Teio: "My legs feel so light." Teio: "My whole body wants to move forward!" Teio: "No matter how many times I fall, I can always dream again!" Teio: "And this time it's about my race with McQueen! I want to make sure to win—" Everybody: "Teio!" Doctor: "It's a fracture." Trainer: "I see." Teio: "Sorry, McQueen. I'm starting over from the beginning again." Teio: "So when will I be able to race?" Doctor: "This is your third fracture. There's a chance it's become recurrent. The fracture itself should heal, but it's hard to say whether you'll ever be able to run in the same fashion again." Doctor: "You've got about a 70% chance of recovery. It's unfortunate, but continuing to race is something I can't—" Teio: "It's okay, seriously! I'll heal! I've done it plenty before, right?" Trainer: "Teio..." Teio: "Come on, quit it with that look! I'm gonna run again! I know it! It'll be just fine!" Teio: "I guess my race against McQueen at the Takarazuka Kinen is on hold. I was really looking forward to it, too." Trainer: "Teio, listen..." Teio: "I'm counting on you for another recovery regimen, Trainer." Trainer: "Sorry." Teio: "What're you apologizing for? I'm fine." Teio: "I mean it." Dia: "Kita-chan..." Black: "Teio-san will be okay." ure: "Teio..." Turbo: "Teio will be back!" Turbo: "I know she will! Because she's Tokai Teio!" ure: "Turbo..." Ikuno: "Is there anything we can do for her?" Turbo: "Give her a watermelon!" Ikuno: "Gifts, then? Anything else?" Turbo: "Write her a letter!" ure: "Teio..." Ikuno: "Anything else?" Comm: "Palmer begins to fall behind! And then, from the outside, McQueen is moving up on the outside! And behind her is Ikuno Dictus! But McQueen, she's maintaining her lead! And she passes the goal while in first place!" ews: "Wow, McQueen was really amazing out there! Yes, this is her first victory at the Takarazuka Kinen. She's bound to be pleased." ews: "She was originally scheduled to race against Tokai Teio." ews: "This is the third time she's broken her leg, right? From what I hear, there's a good chance she may have to exit—" Teio: "I don't care what anyone else says." Teio: "And there's no point in getting mopey." Spe: "Teio-san?!" Teio: "Hey! Good to see you all again. McQueen, congrats on the Takarazuka Kinen!" Mcq: "Teio..." Vodka: "Are you seriously okay?" Teio: "I got released last week, but I've been bored out of my mind! So I came to watch you all train." Teio: "What's wrong, Gold Ship?!" Golshi: "The news wouldn't shut up about you not being able to make a comeback! So I'm just so happy!" Teio: "I'm okay! Trust me, you break your leg three times, and you start to get a feel for how bad it is." Spe: "This is so great, Teio-san!" Vodka: "If you need to do rehab, I've got your back! Anything you need!" Doctor: "Continuing to race is something I can't—" Teio: "Yeah. Thanks, guys." Teio: "So, that said... Sitting around is gonna just make me anxious," Teio: "so starting today, I'll be supporting you all as team leader again! If you need any shopping done or anything, let me know!" Vodka: "Your reign only lasted a few days, huh?" Golshi: "Shut it." Mcq: "You're sure that's all right?" Teio: "You bet! Leave it to me!" Teio: "Let's see, I got that, and that..." Teio: "So that leaves compresses, supplements, protein, and..." Teio: "Hello there." mily: "Hello there!" Dad: "Um, Teio-san..." Dad: "We used to root for you." Dad: "You had a really great run. Thank you for everything. You too, Kanna." Kid: "Good luck, Teio-san!" Teio: "Uh... Right." Dad: "You'll have to excuse us." Kanna: "Bye-bye!" Teio: "Bye-bye." Teio: ""Used to root for you," huh?" Teio: "Okay, back to shopping. Honey, honey, honey, honey..." Spica: "Sweets! Sweets! Sweets! Sweets! Sweets! Sweets! " Teio: "Why?! Why am I so slow?!" Golshi: "Hurry it up! We're going on ahead!" Teio: "Wait up! Guys!" Teio: "Hey, listen! Don't leave me behind! Guys!" Mcq: "Is something wrong?" Trainer: "Well, it's just..." Trainer: "What do you think, McQueen?" Trainer: "This is her third fracture. Do you think Teio will be able to run again like she used to?" Mcq: "She believes she can." Mcq: "And I must simply believe in her." Trainer: "I see." Mcq: "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. It's only going to make Teio more anxious." Trainer: "Right... sorry." Trainer: "Teio, you got a second?" Teio: "What's up?" Trainer: "Well, y'know..." Teio: "And hey, when are you gonna have my comeback plan ready? I'm getting tired of waiting!" Trainer: "Yeah, you're right. Sorry." Teio: "Seriously, quit apologizing!" Golshi: "Hey, there you are." Golshi: "Sup." Teio: "What's up, guys? Did you go shopping?" Spica: "Yeah!" Spe: "Teio-san, this is perfect timing!" Spe: "Ta-dah! We're making you a nutrition drink!" Vodka: "We were wondering if our special drink is what helped you bounce back last time. Right?" Teio: "Oh... you were?" Spe: "Please drink it so you'll feel better sooner! Let's see, first..." Vodka: "It's gotta have milk, right? She needs her calcium!" Golshi: "What about garlic, for stamina?" Scarlet: "That's still rejected from last time!" Spe: "Let's put some carrots in! They're delicious!" Golshi: "How about dried sardines?" Vodka: "We're not just putting in anything for calcium!" Teio: "Thanks, guys." Teio: "I bet I'll be able to run again in no time." Teio: "Maybe even faster than before!" Golshi: "Hey, don't expect too much!" Spe: "Please get well soon!" Golshi: "Yeah, hurry it up already!" Doctor: "It's hard to say whether you'll ever be able to run in the same fashion again." ews: "There's a good chance she may have to exit the—" Dad: "Teio-san, we used to root for you." Mcq: "Oh, Teio." Teio: "Hey, McQueen. Doing some late secret training?" Mcq: "Yes. It'd be a sorry state of affairs if I wasn't prepared for when my rival returns to racing." Mcq: "Teio!" Mcq: "Could you call my time?" Teio: "You sure you want your rival to have that kind of intel?" Mcq: "Get a good look at how I run." Mcq: "I'll always be waiting up ahead." Mcq: "Waiting for you." Teio: "Ready..." Teio: "Go!" Teio: "Wow... she's so fast." Teio: "Like she's flying." Teio: "It's so beautiful." Teio: "I see. I get it now." Mcq: "Teio? How was that?" Teio: "I'm never..." Teio: "gonna be able to run like that again." Mcq: "What was that? I didn't hear you! What was my time?" Mcq: "Teio! Say, Teio!" Teio: "I'm so sorry, McQueen."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2 Episode 9 – Stopwatch", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 2", "9", "Stopwatch" ] }
: "Horse girls." : "They were born to run. They inherit the names of horses from another world, whose histories were sometimes tragic and sometimes wonderful, and with that, they run. That is their fate." : "No one knows how these horse girls' future races will end. They will continue to run," : "aiming only toward the goal in front of them." Commentary: "And now the horse girls are coming into the third corner from across the field. Who will be the one to win the Satsukishou, the first race of the Classic Triple Crown?" Kitasan: "I'm doing this! I have to win! I managed to make it this far without losing once! I can win the Satsukishou, just like Teio-san did!" Commentary: "And now the favorite, Satono Crown, picks up the pace! Will we see the debut of the first undefeated triple crown Horse Girl in a while? This could be a chance for the Satono family's ambitions to come together in a remarkable fashion! Whoa there, and Duramente starts to move to the outside as if she's been pushed! It looks like the back of the pack is getting ready to enter the final straightaway!" Commentary: "But the same can be said of the middle group! Which is where Satono Crown still runs! But will she be able to push forward?! This straights in Nakayama are relatively short! As they head up the final incline, it's Genjitsu Steal moving in from the outside! Two hundred meters to go! And on the inner track, we see Kitasan Black holding on! It's Kitasan Black! Kitasan Black! Kitasan Black on the inside, Genjitsu Steal on the out!" Kitasan: "I'll win! Right here! I'll win and—" Commentary: "Will she pass Kitasan Black?! And she does! Genjitsu Steal with the slight edge now! And here comes Duramente from the outside! Duramente is tearing it up on the outside! Is she really this strong?! She is! Duramente!" Commentary: "And the Satsukishou is won by Duramente!" eigners: "Whoa! Yes!" Commentary: "Are we looking at the fruit of god-given talent?! I am amazed!" Kitasan: "I... I... I..." Kitasan: "I lost!" Dia: "Good morning, Kita-chan." Kitasan: "Good morning, Dia-chan." Dia: "You're up early again. Be careful, now." Kitasan: "Yeah! I'm heading out now." Dia: "Have a good time." Kitasan: "The Satsukishou, my first G1, my first loss... Everyone was so strong, and there was electricity in the air." Kitasan: "But the Japanese Derby is next... The race everyone dreams about!" Kitasan: "And just like how Teio-san won it so amazingly..." Kitasan: "Teio-san!" Kitasan: "Okay, here comes Kitasan Black! Huh?" Kitasan: "Ma'am? Are you okay?" Old Woman: "Oh, my back's just acting up a bit. So I was taking a break." Kitasan: "Where do you live? I'll carry you!" Old Woman: "I couldn't! Besides, it's not too far." Kitasan: "Hold on tight, okay?" Kitasan: "Let's go! Let's go!" Old Woman: "Thank you so much." Kitasan: "Don't mention it! See ya!" Kitasan: "Okay, here comes Kitasan Black!" Kitasan: "Huh?" Kitasan: "How are you?" eigner: "How do I get to the Tokyo Racecourse?" Kitasan: "P-Pardon! I can't speak English!" eigner: "This is the place." Kitasan: "Okay, okay! Okay, okay, okay... This!" eigner: "Oh, that's easy to understand." Kitasan: "Good luck!" Kitasan: "Okay, I better head back to Tracen Academy!" Grocer: "Aw, man! Aw, man..." Grocer: "S-So fast!" Grocer: "Kita-chan, you're a lifesaver!" Kitasan: "It was no trouble at all! Made for some good practice." Grocer Wife: "Thank you so much." Kitasan: "Don't mention it! When someone needs help, you help them. If someone is sad, you laugh by their side. That way, everyone, can be happy and healthy! My Dad taught me that." shmonger: "That's our Kita-chan. The neighborhood helper!" Baker: "She sure is!" Grocer Wife: "Honestly, whenever she's around, it's like the world's a little brighter." Baker: "The neighborhood helper!" shmonger: "The neighborhood helper!" Kitasan: "By the way, what time is it?" Dia: "Kita-chan's late again... gosh." Kitasan: "Dia-chan!" Kitasan: "Sorry, Dia-chan." Dia: "Well, just don't overdo it. You just had a race." Kitasan: "You're right." Kitasan: "Let's hurry, Kita-chan!" Dia: "R-Right!" Kitasan: "What's first period again?" Dia: "Home Ec." Kitasan: "Ugh, that teacher is so scary..." Kitasan: "Like this... and like that... and like this... here." Kitsan: "Yeowch!" Dia: "Are you okay, Kita-chan? Let me see your hand." Kitasan: "Thanks, Dia-chan." Dia: "You need to be more careful when you're handling a needle." Kitasan: "Yeah. I guess I was thinking about the Derby." Dia: "It is coming up, isn't it?" Dia: "I wish we could've made our debuts in the same year." Kitasan: "Dia-chan..." Kitasan: "Have you always been good at sewing?" Dia: "No. But the teacher showed me an example of what to do." Kitasan: "That's just like you. You're good at everything. And then there's me, the klutz..." Teacher: "Now here's a question: Ines Fujin won the Derby to the cheers of a crowd of 190,000, but who won it the next year?" Kitasan: "Me!" Teacher: "Kitasan Black-san." Kitasan: "It was Tokai Teio." Teacher: "Yes, it was. And who won the Derby before Mihono Bourbon?" Kitasan: "Here! It was Tokai Teio!" Teacher: "Yes, it was." Dia: "You're on fire again, Kita-chan." Kitasan: "Yeah! And now it's time to practice!" Dia: "And you're always happiest after class." Kitasan: "Because I get to see Teio-san when it's training time. The only way it could be better is if you were on the same team." Dia: "I'm sorry about joining a different one. But this team is special for the Satono family." Dia: "Team Capella's trainer and other girls are all dedicated to our family's dream." Bakushin-O: "There you are, Kita-san!" Bakushin-O: "Indeed! You are correct! Call her and she appears! That's me, Sakura Bakushin-O!" Dia: "Well, Kita-chan, I've gotta go." Bakushin-O: "From your debut up until now, I've felt something about the way you run! You have a latent Bakushin potential... And I can sense it crying out from inside! And if I'm right, you're better suited to shorter distances! Now, why don't you join me on the path of the sprinter?! Come, come, come!" Kitasan: "I'm already on Team Spica, so... Sorry!" Kitsan: "Wax on, wax off..." Kitsan: "Man. She's not really bad. She's actually really nice, but..." Spe: "Hey, looks like Kita-san is first again today." Kitasan: "Spe-san! Suzuka-san! Good afternoon!" Suzuka: "Thanks for always cleaning up the room, Kita-san." Kitasan: "Oh, I don't mind!" Vodka: "Here you go, a little reward for cleaning." Kitasan: "Th-Thank you so much!" Vodka: "Don't sweat it. I won it as a prize anyway." D.Scar: "I literally just saw you buy it." Vodka: "Shut up about that!" Golshi: "Stand aside, peons, because Golshi's coming through, and she's fired up for the Takarazuka Kinen!" Vodka: "You're watching that again?" D.Sca: "I'm amazed you don't get bored." Suzuka: "It's good to be studious." Golshi: "Except she's not doing it purely for educational purposes." Kitasan: "No matter how many times I see it, she's so cool... Running like the wind, so fast the air around her crackles like lightning!" Teio: "Okay, but could you do that when I'm not actually around?" Kitasan: "Teio-san!" Teio: "I mean, it's every day..." Mc: "Are you embarrassed?" Teio: "I am not." Kitasan: "H-Hey, Teio-san... With the Derby, what kind of things did you think about before the race?" Teio: "Good question..." Teio: "I think the Winning Live performance." Golshi: "So you were only thinking about what happens after you win?" Kitasan: "R-Really? That's impressive..." Teio: "Other than that, how I wanted to impress the Prez." Teio: "How about you, Spe-chan?" Spe: "I thought if I could run like whoosh, and then like vrooom, I could win it." Trainer: "Hey, the gang's all here." Trainer: "Get changed and head for the track. Don't be late!" Trainer: "Okay, Kitasan. The Derby is 400 meters longer than the Satsukishou. Not only that, but the straights in Fuchu are long. That puts you at a disadvantage, since your style is to outrun everyone else. Especially with runners who pick up the pace at the very end to close the distance, like Satono Crown and Duramente. That said, there are a lot of risks in trying to alter your core style. So instead, we're gonna polish your advantages. That means stamina and stability. You're gonna be training so that no matter who you're up against, you can run at your own pace." Trainer: "All right, get out there and start by warming up." Kitasan: "R-Right!" Suzuka: "I'm glad Kita-san seems motivated." Spe: "Yeah." Crown: "Kitasan Black..." Dia: "Oh, Crown-chan. So, do you think you can win the Derby?" Crown: "Yes, I do. This time for sure. Slipping at the Satsukishou might've cost me dearly, but if I was truly strong enough, I could've won." Dia: "Right... that's true." Crown: "I will be the one to deliver the Satono family's first G1 victory." Kitasan: "At this rate..." Kitasan: "The Derby... A once in a lifetime spotlight. The same stage that Teio won big on." Kitasan: "Which is why I have to..." Townspeople: "Tomorrow's the day. How do you think the Derby's going to turn out?" Townspeople 2: "I figure Duramente's got to win it. She dominated last time." Townspeople 1: "She's got all the talent, after all." Signal: "The light has turned green." Townspeople 3: "I think Satono Crown might turn it around." Townspeople 4: "She's got all the potential in the world." Townspeople 5: "What about Kitasan Black?" Townspeople 6: "She almost had it last time, but this course might be a little too long for her." Dia: "Kita-chan?" Kitasan: "Dia-chan. Are you heading back now?" Dia: "I am. You seem to be working hard every day." Kitasan: "Well, the Derby's almost here. Hey, I'm gonna get changed quick, so wait up!" Dia: "Okay." Reporter: "Just take a look at this. With the Japanese Derby beginning tomorrow, the town of Fuchu is in a celebratory mood! It's like they can't wait!" Man (60): "I sure can't wait!" Man (35): "I can't either." Woman (40): "Oh, I simply can't wait." Woman (30): "It's so hard to wait!" Man (20): "Man, I can't wait!" Woman (25): "I can't wait!" Dia: "Delicious..." Kitasan: "Say, Dia-chan... How's Crown-san doing?" Dia: "She seemed pretty relaxed. And said she's in perfect condition." Kitasan: "I see." Dia: "You don't often worry about how the competition is doing, Kita-chan." Kitasan: "I guess..." Kitasan: "Hey, if you were going to run the Derby tomorrow, Dia-chan..." Kitasan: "What kind of stuff would you focus on while running?" Dia: "Winning. And nothing else." Dia: "I'd need to be that focused if I wanted to break the Satono family jinx." Dia: "Nobody knows how things will turn out beforehand." Dia: "But I don't think you can win unless you have total confidence in yourself." Dia: "What about you, Kita-chan?" Kitasan: "I..." Kitasan: "The G1 was like nothing I've ever been through before." Kitasan: "It was amazing. A whole world I'd never experienced." Kitasan: "And the Derby is like that, but even moreso..." Kitasan: "But I'm having trouble feeling confident like everyone else." Dia: "I see. You're scared of running in the Derby." Kitasan: "Yeah. I think so." Kitasan: "I keep practicing, but it never feels like I can win..." Kitasan: "So I'm scared." Reporter: "And now, let's get a word from the locals. Tomorrow's the Japanese Derby." Mother: "Yes, my daughter is really looking forward to it." Girl: "Yeah! Because it's like a festival!" Girl: "It's really like a festival!" Dia: "She was really cute, huh, Kita-chan?" Dia: "Kita-chan?" Kitasan: "A festival..." Kitasan: "A festival?" Man A: "It's a festival." Man B: "It's such a festival." Woman A: "Time for the festival!" Woman B: "Yes it is." Kitasan: "I..." Kitasan: "I like myself best when I'm bright, cheerful, and making everyone smile." Kitasan: "So the Derby..." Dia: "Kita-chan?" Kitasan: "Dia-chan, I think I can do this! I'm gonna buy some taiyaki! Yeah, it's gonna be okay." Kitasan: "If the Derby is a big, enjoyable festival, then I know what that's like." Kitasan: "And that means I can..." Kitasan: "Two taiyaki please! Casc—I mean, custard flavor!" Commentary: "And now, the Japanese Derby is finally underway. And we're likely to walk away from it with the memory of which horse girl wins, and how she runs, engraved in our memories. Yamamoto-san, thanks for joining me again today." Color: "Sure. it's a pleasure to be here. It's often said that winning the Derby is a way of crowning the most talented runners in a generation. Let's hope these girls are able to give 100% out there today." Kitasan: "I'm gonna run in the Derby. I'll be bright, cheerful, and true to myself!" Trainer: "Listen up. You need to pace yourself." Trainer: "Don't let the other runners draw you into their style." Mc: "Good luck out there." Spe: "I'm sure you can do this, Kita-san!" Suzuka: "Try to enjoy the tension and nerves, too." Teio: "Kita-chan." Teio: "Be true to yourself, okay?" Kitasan: "Okay!" Commentary: "And here we have one of the race's stars." Commentary: "Duramente, who produced a definitive win in the Satsukishou. She may be headed for a triple crown win. We may see the devastating ability to accelerate she displayed at Nakayama here again on Fuchu's longer course." Commentary: "Next up is Satono Crown. With an ambition to win the G1, what kind of race will she run?" Color: "She had some disadvantages in her last race, but if she's able to run the way she normally does, her winning today would be no surprise." Crown: "I can't lose. I have to win." Crown: "I'll be the one to put an end to that jinx." Commentary: "And then we have the third place runner from the Satsukishou, Kitasan Black. Reports say she's been diligent in her preparations." Color: "She's in high spirits and not showing any signs of exhaustion. I think we can expect big things today." Kitasan: "I was in the stands when I got to see Teio-san run like she was flying." Kitasan: "Okay!" Commentary: "This is the race that often determines the star of each generation for the Twinkle Series. The Tokyo Yushun, also known as the Japanese Derby. These 18 chosen horse girls, each with their own story, slowly enter the gate." Commentary: "They're taking their positions..." Commentary: "Will their efforts add up to glory? Can their ambition seize victory? And they're off! Number 6, Straight Bullet had a slight delay, but these horse girls are off to a good start. Who will be the one to stand out while crossing in front of the stands? On the far edge of the track, Memorial Golazo is moving up. Kitasan Black is pressing up through the middle. And is that Ribon Pian in the lead? It looks like she's in front. With Kitasan Black coming after her!" Kitasan: "These cheers are amazing! I can feel them pressing down on me like they're solid!" Kitasan: "But still!" Commentary: "And now they're entering this somewhat difficult first corner." Minami: "They say that the luckiest horse girls are the ones who win the Derby. Eishin Flash, Tanino Gimlet, and Special Week all managed to win it despite coming in third in the Satsukishou." Masuo: "What brought that on?" Minami: "Do you know who came in third at the Satsukishou this year?" Exactly: "Kitasan Black." Masuo: "Then she might have this." Commentary: "And now after the second trying corner, they're coming back across the field. Let's get the rundown from the top. Ribon Pian is in first, with Kitasan Black in second. Duramente holds her position in the pack, with Satono Crown looking to redeem her loss at the Satsuki. And the 1,000 meter mark is passed in 58.8 seconds." Teio: "Is she going a little too fast?" Trainer: "Did the pressure get to you, Kitasan?" Commentary: "The sun is blazing down on the turf in Fuchu here at the Tokyo Racecourse." Kitasan: "She's the only one in front of me..." Kitasan: "I can see the finish line!" Commentary: "And now, rounding the fourth corner, there's no turning back as we enter do-or-die time! They're putting it all out there, every last bit," Kitasan: "I can do this! And I'm just getting started!" Commentary: "as they hit the final straightaway. The Japanese Derby! They're giving it all they've got!" Crown: "I'll win! I have to win!" Commentary: "And Kitasan Black is now closing in on the lead!" Commentary: "She's doing her best to make up the difference!" Kitasan: "Almost there! Almost there!" Commentary: "Ribon Pian is holding strong! But Kitasan Black won't let go! Will the horse girls in the lead be the one to win it?! We can't be sure yet! The final straight in Fuchu is a long one! We've got 18 horse girls moving uphill on a one-way road to glory!" Commentary: "And just as I say that... here comes Duramente!" Kitsan: "I won't lose... it's not over yet!" Commentary: "Two hundred meters left!" Commentary: "Duramente is in the lead! Duramente holds the lead!" Kitasan: "Not... yet... The goal is...!" Commentary: "Duramente is in the lead! Duramente is in the lead!" Commentary: "Duramente is in the lead!" Commentary: "Duramente is in the lead!" Commentary: "What a display! She took off in the blink of an eye! Duramente takes her second win toward the Triple Crown! Is there no one who can stop her?! Seizing the lead with authority! She's strong! It looks like Duramente has taken the spotlight of the new generation by winning the Japanese Derby and obtaining her double crown!" Golshi: "What place did she get?" Spe: "I think it was..." Trainer: "Unless I saw wrong, it was 14th." Commentary: "With a time of 2:23.02, we've got a new Derby record! But Duramente made it look easy! And she's earned this applause!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 1 – The Stage Long Dreamed Of", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3", "1", "The Stage Long Dreamed Of" ] }
Spe: "Kita-san." Kitasan: "Good morning!" Spe: "You're looking fired up today. Has your next race been settled on yet?" Kitasan: "Well, I'm hoping to run in the Takarazuka Kinen. If I get chosen, anyway." Spe: "The Takarazuka, huh... y'know, Grass-chan—" Spe: "Yes?" Air Groove: "Pardon me. Kitasan Black, may I have a word?" Kitsan: "S-Sure!" Air Groove: "I know it's early, but I'd like you to come to the student council room." Rudolf: "Right. Would you be willing?" Kitasan: "But, well, why me?" Air Groove: "This is a new joint event being held by the town and the school in order to strengthen relations between both." Air Groove: "And as this year's outstanding horse girl, you're being called up." Rudolf: "Besides, I've heard you're considered something of a festival girl." Kitasan: "W-Well, yeah..." Air Groove: "That's what this will essentially be, and given your relationship with the locals, you're a natural fit." Kitasan: "A festival..." Rudolf: "Yes. We would like you to make a success. How about it?" Kitasan: "It's a festival, then! Understood! I'll do my best! Okay! As the head of the committee in charge of this event, I'm gonna make it a good one!" Kitasan: "Good morning!" Gg Man: "Hey, Kita-chan! Thanks for having me today!" Kitasan: "Well, thanks for coming! We're glad to have you." shmonger: "Feels strange, selling my wares at the school." Baker: "I do like how it makes the event feel like everyone is pitching in for it." Kitasan: "Yeah! I hope you all have a good time." Kitasan: "See you around!" Gg Man: "Yeah! Good luck out there!" Baker: "Fight!" Teio: "Oh, Kita-chan!" Kitasan: "Teio-san!" Kitasan: "You look so cool!" Teio: "I heard the Prez did this before, so I've always wanted to try it myself. You're doing the rounds?" Kitasan: "Yeah! Sorry I haven't been able to help out with Spica's offering." Mcqueen: "There's no helping that, since you're the head of the committee for putting the event on." Spe: "Leave this to us, and focus on what you're doing!" Suzuka: "You can come by later for tea if you have time." Kitasan: "Thanks so much!" Golshi: "We'll have the tea waiting for you." Kitasan: "Golshi-san!" Golshi: "Baa!" Kitasan: "You're a sheep?" Vodka: "Would you get changed already?!" D.Sca: "Do you understand what we're doing here?!" Golshi: "Stuff it!" Golshi: "This works for me! Sheep serve people, too!" D.Sca/Vodka: "What are you talking about?!" Kitasan: "Next is..." Dia: "Welcome! Welcome! Would you like to drop in on the Satono Maid Café?" Kitasan: "Dia-chan..." Dia: "Kita-chan!" Kitasan: "Dia-chan, you look so cute! You too, Crown-chan! And the Capella trainer... looks the same as usual!" Sato.Trainer: "Good work on the committee." Crown: "Hey, Kitasan, you're running in the Takarazuka, right? You might have me beat in the vote, but I'm gonna win the race!" Kitasan: "Nope! I don't intend on losing." Dia: "I'll be rooting for you both." Kitasan: "Are you not entering, Dia-chan?" Sato.Trainer: "Diamond-san is going to be taking some time to rest." Dia: "I've thought about it a lot... And I'm going to put everything I have into the fall." Crown: "Heading toward the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." Kitasan: "Dia-chan..." Kitasan: "I see. Well, I need to keep doing my rounds!" Dia: "Okay. Good luck!" Target Booth Guy: "Wh-What the?!" Cheval: "Yes!" Target Booth Guy: "You really got me! Here you are." Cheval: "Thanks." Cheval: "Here." Kid: "Thank you! Yay!" Verxina: "You've gotten better." Cheval: "Well, I can't afford to stay the same forever." Vivloss: "Just goes to show why you were third place in the Takarazuka Kinen vote!" Cheval: "But third place..." Cheval: "Third place... again." Kitasan: "Dura-chan!" Duramente: "Kitasan Black." Kitasan: "That was a close one. You almost had it." Duramente: "It's harder than it seems." Kitasan: "So, are you having a good time?" Duramente: "Yeah. It's been a good change of pace from my usual rehab. I heard you were heading up the committee. How's that been?" Kitasan: "Yep! It's been fun! Everyone seems so happy, which helps me feel good too!" Duramente: "I see..." Duramente: "I suppose you created this scene." Kitasan: "Aw, come on, it wasn't all me!" Duramente: "But you can do even more." Duramente: "One day, I'll do just as much... No, I will create a scene even more memorable than what you have" Duramente: "when I win the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." Kitasan: "Your dream hasn't changed at all, huh, Dura-chan?" Duramente: "It hasn't. I'll prove I'm strongest, and I will have all of Japan in a frenzy of excitement." Kitasan: "All of Japan, huh?" Kitasan: "Then, if you win it..." Kitasan: "Everyone in Japan will be laughing, happy, and making a huge fuss. That's the kind of race the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe is, huh?" Duramente: "Of course. It's fair to say it'd be a historic achievement." Kitasan: "I see." Kitasan: "A scene even bigger than this..." Speaker: "Festival committee head Kitasan Black-san, please head to the event operations tent as soon as possible." Kitasan: "I've gotta go! Seeya, Dura-chan! I hope you have a lot of fun today!" Duramente: "Right." Kitasan: "Excuse me. Trainer-san?" Trainer: "Hey, Kitasan. Good work today. What's up?" Kitasan: "The campfire is about to start. Golshi-san and the others said to bring you in." Trainer: "They just want to sponge off me before it's all over. Not that I have any money to share." Kitasan: "Huh?" Kitasan: "Are those me?" Trainer: "Y-Yeah, I was just taking a look." Trainer: "I never thought you'd be going into the Classics after three wins in a row." Kitasan: "I still wasn't too popular back then, though." Kitasan: "The Satsukishou and Derby..." Kitasan: "Those were both so hard and painful." Trainer: "But you were able to get over what happened." Kitasan: "At the St. Lite Kinen, and then..." Kitasan: "The Kikkashou. The Arima Kinen and the Osaka Hai, and my first Spring Tennoushou, and the Takarazuka Kinen..." Trainer: "You were favored to win for the first time at the Tokyo Daishouten, right?" Kitasan: "I felt weirdly nervous about it, too." Kitasan: "I've run so, so much." Trainer: "Yeah, you have." Trainer: "And next is the Takarazuka." Kitasan: "Right." Trainer: "No horse girl has ever won the Spring Senior Series Triple Crown." Trainer: "You've been in a lot of exhausting races, but I bet you can pull it off." Kitasan: "Trainer-san." Kitasan: "I'm going to win the Takarazuka Kinen. And then I want to take on a new challenge!" Kitasan: "Overseas!" Kitasan: "I've thought about it a lot." Kitasan: "About what I can do to make people even happier." Kitasan: "People's hopes and wishes, their expectations and dreams... I want to carry them all, run, and be the first one to cross the goal, so I can answer them." Crowd: "Burn, burn, fire burn!" Kitasan: "So that everyone will be smiling, happy, and making noise, like at a festival." Kitasan: "I feel like... I feel like I can see a scene like that unfolding!" Trainer: "I see..." Trainer: "Okay, then." Trainer: "I'll start the process of registering you for the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." Kitasan: "Thank you so much! Okay, Trainer-san! The campfire is starting! Everyone's waiting, so hurry along!" Dia: "Really?! You're going to run at the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe?" Kitasan: "Yeah, I thought about it a lot." Dia: "Well, you had better get over your cold even faster, then!" Kitasan: "Yeah." Dia: "I think it might be built up exhaustion. You probably let your guard down after the event was over." Kitasan: "You might be right." Dia: "Well, I'm gonna head out." Kitasan: "See you later." Mob Horse Girl: "Thank you for everything." Kitasan: "What's going on with her?" Dia: "I think... she might be quitting. It's not that strange to leave the turf for good after you feel you've gone as far as you can." Kitasan: "I see..." Dia: "Anyway, you should make sure to rest up and get better soon. Okay?" Kitasan: "Oh, Dia-chan." Kitasan: "There was something I wanted to borrow. "The Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." "A race held in France, featuring international Derby Horse Girls and the top class of G1 horse girls, considered to be one of the greatest in the world." "Several Japanese horse girls have attempted, and failed, this battle to determine the greatest in the world." "To win this race would effectively alter the course of Japanese horse girl history," huh?" Kitasan: "One of the greatest races in the world... it really must be amazing." Kitasan: "If I could run in it..." Kitasan: "No, I have to win!" Kitasan: "Okay! Sorry for worrying you!" D.Sca: "Are you feeling better?" Kitasan: "Yep! All better!" Vodka: "Don't overdo it. You don't wanna aggravate that bug you had." Kitasan: "It's okay! All it took was a day of rest to feel better! Now I need to run to make up for what I missed yesterday!" Mcqueen: "You were just sick, so please, don't overexert yourself." Kitasan: "R-Right. But I need to work hard if I want to cause a festival wave all over Japan!" Mcqueen: "A festival wave?" Kitasan: "Yeah! A festival wave!" Kitasan: "Okay! I'm gonna go for one more!" Mcqueen: "Wait!" Hana: "Kitasan wants to race overseas?" Trainer: "Yeah..." Minamisaka: "You don't seem excited about the prospect. Is there a problem?" Kuronuma: "She seems to be up to the challenge, in terms of accomplishments and strength." Trainer: "I'm honestly kinda worried. We're talking about traveling distances that nothing in Japan compares to. There's compatibility issues between the turf over there and Japanese horse girls." Trainer: "Not to mention, we'd be relying a lot on a local trainer." Minamisaka: "You hear a lot of cases where they race too frequently when not used to running overseas, which ends up resulting in an overall decrease in ability." Trainer: "There's also..." Trainer: "No, nevermind." Hana: "Get a grip, all right?! You can't be the one freaking out." Kuronuma: "Yeah, you'd have to be God to know what the right answer is before the question even comes up." Minamisaka: "If you need advice about overseas racing, wouldn't she be the one to ask?" Sato Trainer: "Sorry I'm late!" Hana: "Welcome to the party. What'll you have?" Sato Trainer: "Let's see..." Kuronuma: "They've got milk, too." Sato Trainer: "In that case..." Sato Trainer: "I'll have tequila, straight, in a stein, please." Commentary: "This will bring the spring G1 races for this year to a close, in the grand prix known as the Takarazuka Kinen. It's nearly time to run! And the overwhelming favorite to win is number one in the fan vote, Kitasan Black." Color: "After winning the Osaka Hai and the Spring Tennoushou, this is her chance to win the Senior Class Triple Crown. It should be quite the sight to see what kind of race she's going to run." Kitasan: "I'm gonna win this race, and then head to France!" Crown: "My first domestic G1 win... Today's the day!" Cheval: "I'm gonna win. I don't want to feel so disappointed in myself ever again. I need to win this, no matter what!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black is entering the gate, looking calm." Commentary: "And last is Satono Crown. Coming to you from the Hanshin Racecourse, just after some rain, at the grand prix!" Commentary: "And they're off! The horse girls are lined up next to each other now, and Kitasan Black is off to a good start!" Commentary: "We've got a struggle for first place." Commentary: "Flying Turkey is looking for a spot... And it looks like Cheval Grand has taken the initiative!" Commentary: "She's being rather bold here! And behind her is Xbalanque, followed by Kitasan Black! She's taken a good position here!" Kitasan: "Cheval-chan?" Kitasan: "No, I need to focus on my own race! On the inside is Ribon Gavotte, with All Haiyu near the middle of the pack, along with Satono Crown. Ribon Pastoral is on the outside along with Seventh Queen, followed by Brave Target and Original Shine, with the first corner coming up! Cheval Grand has taken the lead, and only she knows how she plans for this to play out! Kitasan Black may have missed out on an early top spot, but she'll be looking to hold strong and earn that third spring G1 win. The horse girls are crossing the opposite side of the course. Cheval Grand is still in the lead as she boldly rushes on. A half-length behind is Xbalanque, and then on the outside is Kitasan Black in third place. Satono Crown is also in contention!" Spe: "Kita-san's not making her move." Suzuka: "She's not." Vodka: "That ain't quite like her, huh?" D.Sca: "I'm sure she's fine! It's Kita-san." Commentary: "The first 1,000 meters are crossed in one minute and .06 seconds. A slightly faster pace than last year." Kitasan: "Okay, the time to move... is now!" Commentary: "Entering the third corner, the pace seems to have become steady, but Cheval Grand is still in the lead, with Xbalanque on the outside! And then there's Kitasan Black! When will she make her move, and how will she overwhelm the other horse girls?" Kitasan: "Huh?" Commentary: "Not yet! Kitasan Black isn't taking off yet! Meanwhile, Cheval Grand gradually pushes forward. And from the outside, Satono Crown and Original Shine are moving up! Not only that, but All Haiyu is closing in on the inside!" Commentary: "They've all gathered up now! The horse girls are racing side by side as they go around the final corner! Kitasan Black is holding steady while heading to the straight!" Commentary: "Xbalanque is now in the lead! Satono Crown and Kitasan Black are making gains on the outside! They're in the final straight now. Will Kitasan Black be able to rush on to the goal?!" Commentary: "Look at that! Kitasan Black is struggling!" Commentary: "She's not gaining! At all! We're seeing a lack of her usual power!" Kitasan: "Why!?" Commentary: "And now it's Satono Crown who is steadily gaining ground! While Kitasan Black has stopped accelerating! Kitasan Black was heavily favored but is sinking! And as if to take her place, Satono Crown is blazing ahead!" Commentary: "She passes! Satono Crown! On the inside you can see All Haiyu, and further in, Seventh Queen is also moving up! But they just can't beat Satono Crown! She's accelerating as if to shut down any contenders! Satono Crown! It's Satono Crown! Satono Crown crosses the goal in first place!" Commentary: "Second goes to All Haiyu, and third to Seventh Queen. What a showing by Satono Crown! Kitasan Black has been defeated!" Crown: "I did it..." Crown: "I did it! I really did it!" Sato Trainer: "Congratulations, Crown-san!" Kitasan: "Huh?" Kitasan: "Wha..."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 10 – Festival", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3", "10", "Festival" ] }
Dia: "Well, I'm heading out." Crown: "Make sure to take care of yourself." Cheval Grand: "I hope you find glory." Dia: "I'll be waiting overseas, Kita-chan." Dia: "Kita-chan?" Kitasan: "All over Japan... No, let's cause a festival wave all over the world!" Dia: "Right. At the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." Kitasan: "Can't eat another bite... Not another bite..." Kitasan: "Oh, no! Dia-chan! Look how late it is!" Kitasan: "Oh, right..." Kitasan: "I better hurry." Lady Gg: "There we go." Kitasan: "Good morning!" Man Gg: "Kita-chan, you're looking lively again today." Lady Gg: "But aren't you a little late?" Kitasan: "I know, I overslept!" Lady Gg: "We heard you're headed for the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." Man Gg: "Eat some of those, and work hard today!" Kitasan: "Thank you so much!" Teacher: "And now, a question. The highest any Japanese horse girl has placed in the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe is second. The three who have done that are Nakayama Festa, El Condor Pasa, and who else?" Kitasan: "What exactly was that?" Kitasan: "I suddenly felt heavy, and my legs didn't have their usual strength in them..." Kitasan: "Normally, I'd be able to... R-Right! Tokai Teio!" Teacher: "Wrong. The answer is Orfevre." Teacher: "This will be important, so be sure to memorize it." Crown: "You answered Tokai Teio when the answer was Orfevre?" Kitasan: "Well, I was kind of spacing out." Crown: "I know Dia's gone, but you can't get too lazy!" Kitasan: "You might be right." Crown: "You've got quite an appetite today, Cheval." Cheval: "It feels like I can never eat enough." Crown: "Maybe it's a growth spurt?" Cheval: "I'll be waiting for you at the Arima Kinen, Kitasan." Cheval: "When you get back from the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, I'll have won a G1 title. Then we can race at Arima." Kitasan: "S-Sure." Crown: "I'm not gonna make it easy for you." Crown: "I've finally won a domestic G1 race. And I'm aiming to win the Fall Tennoushou, the Japan Cup, and the Arima Kinen. All of them." Crown: "So, when are you flying ou,t Kitasan?" Kitasan: "Uh, I'm still thinking about it." Crown: "Well, make sure you're in good shape when you do." Crown: "You won't be able to win the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe if you run like that again." Crown: "Remember the Takarazuka Kinen? Did you not train enough?" Kitasan: "Yeah... that might be it." Crown: "Cheval?" Cheval: "I need seconds." Crown: "Wow, you're still gonna eat?" Kitasan: "If you want, you can have this." Crown: "Oh, you're not eating much today, Kitasan." Cheval: "You didn't eat your katsudon dessert." Kitasan: "I'm just feeling full already." Crown: "Is this because Dia's gone, too?" Kitasan: "Maybe..." Kitasan: "Good morning, Dia-chan." Kitasan: "Okay." Kitasan: "Dia-chan, just wait. I'll be there soon." Bakushin-O: "Bakushin, Bakushin, Bakushin! Bakushin! Bakushin! Baku-shin-shin!" Kitasan: "Sorry! I was looking at my phone while walking." Bakushin-O: "No worries! I should've been more careful too. I need to be on my way, though." Kitasan: "Oh, okay." Trainer: "Okay, that was a pretty good time." Teio: "Kita-chan? Something wrong?" Kitasan: "Sorry, I'm gonna run another one." Kitasan: "Huh? What is going on here?" Kitasan: "Something... something feels..." Trainer: "Yep, not bad at all, Kitasan." Kitasan: "Well, I don't think I was able to pull out all the stops that time." Trainer: "But you were able to maintain your time." Trainer: "What's wrong? Something feeling different?" Kitasan: "I'm gonna run a bit more." Trainer: "Whoa, hold on! If you feel funny, it's better not to overdo it." Trainer: "You might still be exhausted from the Takarazuka Kinen. You oughta head back for today and rest up." Kitasan: "But—" Trainer: "Kitasan." Kitasan: "I understand. I'll head on back." Trainer: "That girl..." Senpai A: "You did it! That was your best time today at the end there." Kohai: "Yes!" Senpai B: "Here, some water." Kohai: "Thank you so much!" Senpai A: "Okay, that ought to do it for today." Kohai: "Right! Actually, I think I'm gonna do one more lap!" Senpai B: "Your bottle!" Kitasan: "She can still run like that, huh?" Kitasan: "Feeling clean and happy!" Golshi: "Yours now." Golshi: "Let's see how many you can put together." Kitasan: "I'm fine." Kitasan: "I'm fine. It's fine." Kitasan: "I'm sure it's okay." Kitasan: "I'll get a lot of sleep, eat my fill, and get into proper shape. If I practice... If I practice a whole bunch, I'm sure—" Golshi: ""If I practice enough, I can go back to being the way I used to be."" Kitasan: "Golshi-san..." Golshi: "But... it ain't like that. No matter how hard you practice. No matter what you do." Kitasan: "How'd you..." Golshi: "Because I've been through the same thing." Golshi: "At some point, I couldn't pass anyone the way I used to." Golshi: "I started having trouble controlling my emotions." Golshi: "Got bad at exiting the gate, too." Golshi: "Kitasan Black..." Golshi: "You're past your peak." Trainer: "I... see." Trainer: "I had hoped that wasn't the case." Trainer: "So, back at the Takarazuka Kinen..." Kitasan: "Trainer-san..." Kitasan: "I can keep running, can't I?" Trainer: "Of course, being past your prime doesn't mean that you'll suddenly stop being able to race. But it is true that you'll be less competitive over time." Kitasan: "How long do I have?" Trainer: "When it come to horse girls who have passed their peak... It can play out any number of ways. Some are suddenly unable to run at all anymore, and some see a gradual decline in their ability. There've been a few who suddenly became competitive again, like they were reborn, but..." Kitasan: "In that case... In that case, I might be able to keep running, right?" Trainer: "It's possible." Trainer: "But... what about the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe?" Trainer: "It's a goal that many horse girls have attempted and failed at." Trainer: "If you do win there, you'd leave your mark on Japanese horse girl history. But you'd be traveling a huge distance, dealing with compatibility issues with overseas turf, and facing a whole slew of other risks." Trainer: "Whatever you decide... make sure you don't have any regrets." Kitasan: "I understand. If you'll excuse me." Trainer: "To be honest..." Trainer: "I wouldn't want you to go in your condition." Kitasan: "I'm past my peak... So that's what it was." Kitasan: "What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?" Kitasan: "Dia-chan, I..." Gg Man: "Okay, it's all done!" shmonger: "Looks about right." Baker: "Hold it open... Lift it up! A bit higher!" Baker Wife: "Easy there..." shmonger: "Nice!" Gg Wife: "It is." Baker: "Wow, it's huge! It turned out great, though." Gg Wife: "Thank you all so much for helping with it." Baker: "Come on, it was our pleasure!" Baker Woman: "It really is a wonderful flag." Gg Man: "Our Kita-chan running at the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe... Sounds like something from a dream." shmonger: "The thing is..." shmonger: "Look, I know it'd be amazing for her to race in France, right?" shmonger: "But still... I think running in Fuchu suits her best of all." Baker Man: "You've got a point. I was hoping to root for her in the stands during the fall G1 races." shmonger: "It would've been great if we could all watch Kita-chan win both Tennoushous in one year!" Baker Man: "We won't be able to see her for a while, will we?" Baker Woman: "I'll miss her." Woman Gg: "Passing a banana to Kita-chan when she runs by every morning, and then at the end of the week following her races..." Man Gg: "She's become a part of our daily lives, hasn't she?" Trainer: "I see... so you've decided." Kitasan: "Right." Kitasan: "They want to watch me. To watch me race." Kitasan: "They said that I'm part of it. Part of their daily lives." Kitasan: "So I'm not going to France." Kitasan: "If I've only got a limited amount of time left... I want all of my races to be in front of the people who are cheering for me." Trainer: "Kitasan..." Kitasan: "So register me for a whole bunch of races, please! The Fall Tennoushou, the Japan Cup, the Arima Kinen... I'll run in them all." Trainer: "Maybe you'll try for the Fall Senior Triple Crown, then. There've only been two horse girls who've managed to win those three particular G1 races. Plus, the Fall Tennoushou is your chance to win both of those races in a single year. How about it?" Kitasan: "Yeah!" Trainer: "Okay, in that case, the Fall Tennoushou comes first." Kitasan: "Trainer-san. I'm going to win the Tennoushou to prove that I can still keep running." Trainer: "Sure." Kitasan: "Okay! Let's do this!" Kitasan: "Yeah..." Kitasan: "I'm sorry I can't run with you." Kitasan: "Yeah... Yeah." Kitasan: "Let's both do our best." Kitasan: "Bye." Commentary: "We're seeing a sky darkened by a passing typhoon," Commentary: "with heavy turf as a result of persistent rain. And in spite of that, the bleachers here at the Tokyo Racecourse are full of fans who've gathered to watch them race. We've got an impressive lineup of eight G1 horse girls competing today... And the most attention arguably falls on Kitasan Black, with five G1 wins currently." Color: "That's right. If she can get out in front as usual, we're likely to see an impressive race from her." Commentary: "What about Satono Crown, who won the Takarazuka Kinen?" Color: "She's shown a knack for running on heavy turf before. It'll be interesting to see how that plays into today's race." Commentary: "The Fall Tennoushou will be starting shortly. The Fall Tennoushou—2,000 meters in the rain—" Commentary: "has begun! Whoa, and it looks like Kitasan Black has made a late start! She's running late! We're seeing an intense fight for first place in the muddy turf. The rain may have thrown her timing off, because Kitasan Black is off to a rough start! She's going to be observing the race from the rear to start off today!" Spe: "Kita-san had a late start?!" Mac: "This doesn't look good." Commentary: "And in the first corner, we're seeing number 11, Tour d’Ivoire, number one, Hard Control, and Kitasan Black in these positions!" Minami: "The Fall Tennoushou is said to be the traditional way of determining who among the senior class running classic races is the best at medium distances." Masuo: "What brought that on?" Minami: "In this race, the first time you hit the second corner is relatively short at 100 meters. They say running on the inside is advantageous, but considering the typhoon has turned the turf heavy and muddy... The runners avoid rough patches on the inner edge, causing more crowd density in the corner, which has made a mess of the fight for the lead. And that's gonna make it even harder for Kitasan Black, who started late after a gate bump. This is gonna be one tough race." Masuo: "I'm amazed you caught all that." Commentary: "They've entered the opposite straight. Tour d’Ivoire is in the lead. On the outside is number 18, Xbalanque, with Satono Crown moving up on the inside! They've cleared the first 1,000 meters. The rough turf is clearly having an effect, as it took 64 seconds." Spe: "Everyone's having such a hard time." Suzuka: "With the turf in this condition..." Trainer: "Trouble like this wouldn't normally be enough to slow Kitasan down." Commentary: "They're now entering the third curve. Tour d’Ivoire is still in the lead... Wait, it looks like Faster Than Ray has it now!" Crown: "Okay!" Crown: "Kitasan?!" Crown: "Where's this intensity coming from? I can't lose... I won't!" Commentary: "And now Satono Crown has risen to second place! Which one of these horse girls will conquer this muddy track to claim the autumn plaque?! And now, entering the final corner, with less than 600 meters left! The horse girls are beginning their last spurt! They're avoiding the track's inside, a slushy mess, and running on the outside! And Faster Than Ray is in first place! It looks like this course has taken its toll on the G1 horse girls, because no one is closing in!" Commentary: "Whoa there! And it's Satono Crown who starts to push forward! She's proving her skill at running through mud as she starts to move up!" Crown: "Okay!" Commentary: "Satono Crown seizes the lead— No, and now, all of a sudden, here's Kitasan Black! She's charging her way through the muddy inside of the track that everyone is avoiding, and Kitasan Black is suddenly gaining ground!" Sato Trainer: "Crown-san!" Spica: "Go!" Trainer: "Do it! Kitasan!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black is furiously closing in! And now she's in the lead!" Crown: "I'm gonna win this!" Commentary: "Four hundred meters to go! Kitasan is maintaining her lead! She's still ahead! But Satono Crown is right behind! Can Kitasan Black escape her?! Can Satono Crown pass her?!" Trainer: "Kitasan!" Crown: "This is it!" Commentary: "Kitasan is looking strained! And now Satono Crown moves to the inside in an effort to pass! Here comes Crown! Here comes Crown! The gap is shrinking! Kitasan is holding on for dear life! She's still in the lead! We're seeing a real struggle through this muddy terrain as they both push forward down the lengthy Tokyo straight towards glory in a dead heat! Who will obtain the fall plaque in the middle of this storm?! Kitasan Black?! Or Satono Crown?!" Sato Trainer: "Crown-san! You can do it!" Spica: "Go!" Commentary: "But Kitasan holds! It's Kitasan Black! And Kitasan Black crosses the goal!" Commentary: "The anxieties from the Arima Kinen have been laid to rest! What a splendid win from Kitasan Black! She had a rare slip up at the start, but when all was said and done, it wasn't a problem! She was able to overpower the typhoon-muddied course, and demonstrate why she's currently considered the strongest in the Twinkle Series! By winning the Fall Tennoushou!" Commentary: "And with that, she has won both Tennoushou races in a single year!" Spe: "Amazing... Kita-san was really amazing!" Commentary: "In addition to Special Week and T.M. Opera O, we've seen Kitasan Black's name chiseled into horse girl history!" Commeontary: "A winning time of 02:08.30! She was able to overcome some rough conditions, and keep Satono Crown from managing to get ahead until the end! Kitasan Black has now won her sixth G1 victory!" Kitasan: "I see..." Kitasan: "I see."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 11 – Decision", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3", "11", "Decision" ] }
Gg Man: "And down this goes." Gg Man: "Whew! I'm exhausted." Gg Woman: "Hey, honey!" Gg Man: "Whoa, what is it? You don't need to shout." Gg Woman: "Quiet! Just get over here!" Gg Man: "Good grief. What now?" Gg Man: "Kita-chan?!" Kitasan: "I asked my trainer to arrange this so that I can announce a decision that I've recently made. I, Kitasan Black, after finishing my races at the end of this year, will be retiring from the Twinkle Series." Kitasan: "It's my belief that I've run in a lot of races without any major injuries." Kitasan: "No matter how much I practiced, or how much I raced, I never seemed to get exhausted." Kitasan: "But recently, at the Fall Tennoushou, I could feel it clearly. My body is no longer at its peak. I believe I'll only be able to run to my satisfaction until the end of this year, which is what led me to this decision." Reporter A: "Do you have any comments on your race schedule for the future?" Kitasan: "I'm going to enter the Japan Cup. And then..." Kitasan: "My last run will be at the Arima Kinen. I intend to give everything that I have left so that these will be great races that I won't regret." Kitasan: "I hope you'll watch until the end." Turbo: "But why?! She won the Fall Tennoushou!" Ikuno: "There are things that only the person running can feel." Tanheuser: "Kita-chan must've felt something like that." Royce: "Choosing her moment to step out of the spotlight and announcing it... But in spite of that, she makes an attempt to conquer the Fall Senior Triple Crown in an effort to solidify her legacy as the strongest. Whether it was intentional or not, she has a knack for putting her most charismatic face forward. I think this might call for paying more than a little attention to how she runs until the very end." Canopus: "I see." Kitasan: "Everyone, thank you so much." Golshi: "Don't sweat it. It was the least we could do." Spe: "Kita-san!" Suzuka: "Come on, Spe-chan, don't cry." Kitasan: "Dia-chan, thanks for coming." Dia: "It's okay. Don't mention it." Trainer: "Starting tomorrow, we'll resume your training for the Japan Cup." Kitasan: "Right. Please make it more intense than ever before." Trainer: "I don't know..." Kitasan: "I've made up my mind. I want to put everything I have into my last races. So, please..." Trainer: "Understood." Kitasan: "Thank you so much." Crown: "Cheval!" Crown: "Did you see Kitasan's announcement?" Cheval: "Yeah, part of it." Crown: "I see." Crown: "I'm going to miss her. We've been together all this time." Cheval: "Miss her?" Duramente: "Groovy Sis..." Air Groove: "Don't call me that!" Air Groove: "Well, it's fine." Air Groove: "More importantly, you need to maintain focus during training. Otherwise you could unexpectedly get injured." Air Groove: "Is Kitasan's press conference bothering you?" Duramente: "It is." Duramente: "I wasn't able to make it in time." Duramente: "I promised that we would run together someday." Duramente: "I wanted to run with her and compete against her again." Duramente: "I can't help but regret that." Air Groove: "In a way, regrets are a kind of hope for the future. As long as you hold onto them, there's a chance a twist of fate could lead to" Air Groove: "them being realized some day." Duramente: "Maybe you're right." Gg Man: "Upsy-daisy—ouch!" Gg Man: "I went and did it... Aw, I really went and did it." Kitasan: "A-Are you okay?" Gg Man: "Oh, it's no big deal..." Gg Man: "You're a student at Tracen Academy?" Kitasan: "Yes! Starting in April." Kitasan: "You just need to unload these boxes, right? Let me help!" Gg Man: "No, no, I couldn't possibly..." Kitasan: "I don't mind at all! I'm pretty good at physical stuff! Okay, let's do this!" Gg Man: "You were a real lifesaver! Thanks, miss." Kitasan: "There's something my dad used to say. When someone needs help, you help them. If someone is sad, you laugh by their side. That way, everyone can be happy and healthy!" Gg Man: "I see..." Kitasan: "Well, I'm heading off!" Gg Man: "Oh, wait a sec! What's your name, miss?" Kitasan: "I'm Kitasan Black." Gg Man: "Kita-chan's retiring from the Twinkle Series." Gg Woman: "Are you ever gonna stop moping?" Gg Man: "It's just..." Gg Woman: "Kita-chan is going to be racing for us two more times! Do you really wanna watch her with that sorry look on your face?" Gg Man: "You're right." Gg Man: "All we can really do is cheer for her with the same energy that she helps us with." Gg Woman: "That's right! And if you get that, how about you finish getting ready to open?" Gg Man: "Right! Okay, let's do this!" Gg Man: "I went and did it!" Teio: "How many laps is this?" Trainer: "Three." Teio: "She used to be able to do that without losing her breath." Trainer: "You're right." Trainer: "She's desperately struggling against her own incoming decline." Trainer: "And the only way to do that is with diligent, ordinary training." Teio: "In that case, she'll be okay. Kita-chan's got the diligence thing down to an art." Trainer: "Yeah." Dia: "You're really fired up, Crown-chan." Crown: "Well, I don't want to lose again." Crown: "Before, at the Tennoushou, I almost caught her. Next time will be revenge... or so I thought." Sato Trainer: "Crown-san, you've raced Kitasan Black-san six times since you were both in the Classics, right?" Crown: "We're from the same generation. Rivals, but also friends." Crown: "And when I heard she was going to retire... I don't know how to put it. It's like finding out a kid is moving away right after they said, "See you tomorrow."" Crown: "Something like that. But seeing how she's working so hard for her last two races" Crown: "has made me realize I should, too." Dia: "You've got a point." Crown: "Are you not entering, Dia?" Crown: "The Arima Kinen. I think it'll be your last chance to run with Kitasan." Crown: "If you get put on the fan ballot..." Dia: "I don't think I could put on a very good race right now." Crown: "Because of what happened at the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe?" Dia: "Yeah... The turf and altitude differences made it feel like a different sport altogether than in Japan. In order to win the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, you need to be willing to abandon everything you've built up until that point and start your training over from scratch." Dia: "And even then, that's not a guarantee you can win." Dia: "What should I be doing? What should I be looking toward as I run forward?" Dia: "Until I have an answer, I'm not sure I can start moving on." Crown: "Well, you can take your time and think about it." Crown: "I'm sure there's some stuff you can only see when you stand still." Dia: "Thank you, Crown-chan." Vivloss: "Chevacchi, there you are!" Cheval: "You need something?" Verxina: "We're about to go get something to eat. Do you want to join us?" Cheval: "I'm fine." Vivloss: "Aw, what's wrong, Chevacchi?! Does your tummy hurt?" Cheval: "It's not that!" Verxina: "Right now, all of Cheval's thoughts are focused on Kitasan." Cheval: "How'd you—" Verxina: "Are you missing her? Or maybe sad?" Cheval: "I'm honestly mad. When I heard Kitasan was quitting, my reaction was, "Why?!"" Cheval: "I've never really beaten her." Cheval: "And now she's going to just leave?" Verxina: "I understand how you feel." Verxina: "When you think about them, you're jealous and resentful." Verxina: "But you can't help but think about them, can't tear your eyes away... Your envy and admiration get all mixed together," Verxina: "and it almost feels like infatuation." Verxina: "In my case, I never beat that person..." Verxina: "But you've still got a chance. Two, in fact." Cheval: "Sis..." Vivloss: "She's right! More than me and even our sister, when things get really desperate, you've always been the most focused, Chevacchi!" Cheval: "Two more chances.." Cheval: "Now that I think about it, I've never been good at dealing with her type." Cheval: "She's so bright, and active, and sociable." Cheval: "Nothing like me. Closer to the way my big sister and Vivlos are. That's what she seemed like." Kitasan: "I'm Kitasan Black!" Kitasan: "My goal is to be a strong, glitzy horse girl like Tokai Teio! First up, I want to win all my races before winning the Classic Triple Crown! It's nice to meet you all!" Cheval: "She had this big dream, and she was proud of it." Cheval: "She was tough, resilient, and strong. She had everything I wished I did." Cheval: "I was honestly so jealous." Cheval: "I tried hard, despite my losses, but I was never able to do it like she did." Cheval: "She ran into her own hurdles too, but she worked hard, so hard, and overcame them." Cheval: "Which is why I thought..." Cheval: "I had to work hard too." Cheval: "Because I didn't want to lose to her." Cheval: "I wanted to win..." Cheval: "Against the girl who was called the strongest of our generation. I want to beat Kitasan Black!" Cheval: "No matter how many times she one-ups me, I won't give up." Cheval: "I can do it, too." Cheval: "I can work hard. As hard as she does." Cheval: "Work hard and get close, and then closer, and then next time..." Cheval: "I'll finally pass the person I've seen in front of me all this time!" Commentary: "We're here underneath an autumn sky, with the fanfare ringing loud throughout the track. And soon the trademark domestic G1 race, the Japan Cup, will begin." Commentary: "And I imagine the spotlight will be on Kitasan Black." Color: "Right. I'm sure there are many fans in the stands who came to get a glimpse of her, now that she's announced her retirement from the Twinkle Series." Commentary: "The horse girls make their way into the gate with looks that convey their determination. The most favored, Kitasan Black, enters gate four." Commentary: "The players have assembled. And last into the gate is number 17, Big Subject." Commentary: "And they're off. In the initial fight for the lead, number four, Kitasan Black, is making her play." Vodka: "Hell yeah, good start!" D.Sca: "Looks like she's focused!" Shopping District: "Go!" Crown: "I can still see Kitasan in front of me." Cheval: "The same as usual. Kitasan is pulling the rest of us." Cheval: "But I won't let her get away today." Akitsu: "The Japan Cup tends to be a high-level competition featuring both domestic and foreign G1 horse girls." Komuro: "What brought this on?" Akitsu: "Not only that, but at 2,400 meters of turf, it's got a very orthodox distance for the classics. In other words, it's the same distance as other top-tier international turf races, like the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe. There have been times when shocking speeds led to record times here, which requires high levels of stamina in order to stay in contention with these tough conditions—" Akitsu: "What's wrong?" Minami: "Kitasan Black only has two races left." Masuo: "So we're going to burn every last second into our memories." Akitsu: "Good point." Commentary: "The pace today has the first 1,000 meters cleared in 60.2 seconds. And setting that pace in the lead is this runner! The festival girl, Kitasan Black!" Gg Man: "You can do it, Kita-chan!" Gg Woman: "Come on!" Crown: "I couldn't manage in the Tennoushou... but this time, I'm going to pass her!" Sato Trainer: "Crown-san! Fight!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black is on the run, with a lead of one and a half lengths. In second place is Mushamusha, and in third is Toujours. On the inside, Cheval Grand has moved into fourth." Verxina: "Go, Cheval!" Vivloss: "Hang in there, Chevacchi!" Cheval: "Kitasan Black..." Cheval: "I hate you." Cheval: "You've got the exact opposite personality as me, and everyone loves you." Cheval: "There are always smiles and energy all around you." Cheval: "And even with someone like me, you were never shy about getting up close." Commentary: "We're down to the last 600 meters! Kitasan Black is still out in front as they transition from the fourth corner into the straight!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black is in the lead! She's standing boldly on top!" Commentary: "Whoa, there!" Commentary: "And there she goes! It's Cheval Grand who emerges from the pack! She's champing at Kitasan Black's heels!" Cheval: "Kitasan Black, I hate you. Whenever I see you running in front of me," Cheval: "it reminds me of how immature and pitiful I am." Cheval: "It was so annoying and irritating... but also brilliant." Cheval: "At some point, I couldn't stop looking your way." Commentary: "Here comes Cheval Grand! Cheval Grand is moving up!" Cheval: "Kitasan Black, I hate you." Cheval: "It's because of you that I've come so far." Cheval: "Because you were there, I made it to today without giving up." Cheval: "Kitasan Black..." Cheval: "The truth is... I..." Cheval: "I've always..." Cheval: "loved you!" Commentary: "Whoa! And she's gaining ground! Cheval Grand is showing scorching acceleration! The gap between her and Kitasan Black is gradually shrinking!" Commentary: "It's Cheval Grand! Cheval Grand is in the lead! Kitasan Black has been passed for the lead! On the outside, Ay Tanri is also on the attack! Will Kitasan Black fight back to the top?! But Cheval Grand persists! She's still in front! Cheval Grand in the lead! It's Cheval Grand! And Cheval Grand crosses the goal in first place! With incredible competitors on her heels, she earns her first G1 victory here at the Japan Cup!" Commentary: "On her seventh attempt at a G1 race, she has finally seized a win. Passing the evasive Kitasan Black, and outrunning Ay Tanri's pursuit to clinch the race! This has been a grand race indeed, and she has proven her mettle today!" Verxina: "She really did it! Amazing, Cheval!" Vivloss: "Congrats, Chevacchi! Now we've all got G1 wins!" Cheval: "I..." Cheval: "I did it." Kitasan: "Congratulations, Cheval-chan." Cheval: "Thank you, Kitasan." Cheval: "Kitasan..." Cheval: "I'm going to do it. I'll become a great horse girl that surpasses you." Gg Man: "Nicely done! That was a great race!" Baker: "We'll be back for the next one, too!" shmonger: "Good luck with the Arima Kinen!" Gg Woman: "This will be the last time, so we'll make sure to cheer for you with everything!" Kitasan: "The Arima Kinen..." Kitasan: "That's right. Next time is..." Dia: "Kita-chan..." Dia: "The concert's over. What are you still doing here?" Kitasan: "I realized this would be my last time racing in the Tokyo Racecourse for the Twinkle Series, so I wanted to take a good look at it." Dia: "I see." Kitasan: "This is where my debut race was, too." Kitasan: "I can still remember how excited I was." Kitasan: "And at the Derby... Dura-chan's running was amazing." Dia: "Yeah." Kitasan: "And then the Fall Tennoushou, and the Japan Cup... I ran a lot of G1 races here." Dia: "Yeah..." Kitasan: "Hey, Dia-chan... remember when I asked about how a last run must feel?" Kitasan: "I think I understand now." Kitasan: "It's a really painful feeling." Dia: "Kita-chan..." Kitasan: "I guess it really is over after the next one."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 12 – Kitasan Black", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3", "12", "Kitasan Black" ] }
Kitasan: "One more race..." Kitasan: "Up next is my last race in the Twinkle Series." Trainer: "Her time's holding up." Trainer: "She's running like she's ready to burn herself all the way out." Crown: "I'm going for another." Sato Trainer: "Crown-san?" Sato Trainer: "Work hard." Vivloss: "Kitasan is working real hard again!" Verxina: "She'd have regrets if she didn't manage to win in the end. So she's fighting hard." Vivloss: "You're not gonna be outdone though, huh, Chevacchi?" Cheval: "Of course not." Kitasan: "Yes! All good!" Trainer: "That'll do for today. Cool down and wrap it up." Kitasan: "Right! Thank you so much!" S.D: "I wish we could do something for Kitasan." Mcq: "If only there was something." Golshi: "We gotta be able to do something." Kitasan: "Hello, everyone." Vodka: "Welcome back, Kitasan." Suzuka: "Here you are. A custom drink." Spe: "Specially made yet again!" Kitasan: "Thank you!" Kitasan: "You've been looking out for me every day lately." D.S: "There's no need to start getting bashful." Spe: "That's right! We want to help." Kitasan: "Everyone..." Kitasan: "I'm so glad I joined Spica." Mcq: "Is there anything specific we can do for you?" Kitasan: "Since you asked..." Kitasan: "I just thought of something." Townperson 1: "Did you see the preliminary results of the fan vote?" Townperson 2: "I sure did. Kitasan Black had an early lead." Townperson 1: "I mean, yeah, if you think about it, of course she does." Townperson 3: "At both the Takarazuka and Arima, she always gets picked in the fan vote, but just can't seem to score a Grand Prix win." Townperson 4: "Even though she's won plenty of G1 races before. I hope she can pull it off in the end." Town Person 5: "I know she'll take the Arima Kinen! It's Kitasan!" Town Person 10: "She seems to be in pretty good condition, too. The Japan Cup was a close race." Town Person 11: "Yeah, she was passed at the very end, but up until that point, she was running away like Kitasan usually does." Town Person 10: "Still, her wrapping it up after this... I'm going to miss her." Town Person 11: "I know what you mean! Since it's the last time, it feels like I can't miss it, no matter what." Town Person 10: "Right? Let's cheer loud so that we don't have any regrets." Town Person 11: "You betcha!" Town Person 6: "My husband and I are heading to the Nakayama Racecourse for it." Town Person 7: "Oh dear, so are we!" Town Person 6: "Nothing beats seeing it in person, after all." Town Person 9: "My husband's actually been rewatching all of Kitasan's races starting with her debut!" Town Persons 7&8: "Oh, my, so has mine!" Town Person 12: "Who do you think is gonna be favored to win on the day of?" Town Person 13: "I mean, come on, who else could it be?" Town Person 12: "I know, right?" Town Person 13: "I'm sure she's gonna enjoy the taste of victory." Town Person 12: "I bet she can, knowing Kitasan." Town Person 14: "Daddy, can Kita-chan win?" Town Person 15: "Yeah. I think she can. She's been working really hard so that she can." Town Person 14: "Then I'm gonna work real hard and cheer for her!" Kitasan: "A scene that's like a festival... what I've yearned for and always dreamed about." Kitasan: "That view that I was so close to making happen." Kitasan: "But I couldn't realize it. Still, I'm going to show the best race possible to the people who've always supported me." Kitasan: "So that they see me off with a smile." Teio: "Kita-chan!" Kitasan: "Teio-san?" Teio: "Good work out there." Teio: "Everyone's really excited about the thing you asked for." Kitasan: "I appreciate it!" Teio: "It's finally time, huh?" Kitasan: "Yes. It finally is." Kitasan: "I want to win." Kitasan: "More than anything, with this being the end." Teio: "I see. I think it's the same for everyone, though." Teio: "Nobody's racing to lose. But only one gets to win. Still, I think the winner is the one who, no matter how tough or painful it gets, keeps working hard to the very end. And I've been watching you— Kita-chan who never gives up, no matter what—all this time!" Kitasan: "Teio-san..." Kitasan: "Right." Commentary: "The end of the year looms as we're here on Christmas Eve. And as festive spirits fill the town, here at Nakayama Racecourse, it's time for the Arima Kinen." Commentary: "We've got a remarkable lineup of runners again this year. But who will walk away with the glory of winning this year's final Grand Prix?" Color: "It comes every year, and every year, it's an exciting race." Commentary: "It certainly is. I'm sure even the audience watching the footage from our cameras can sense the intensity and excitement from the stands." Saito-San: "I'm coming to you live from in front of the paddocks at Nakayama Racecourse! Yep!" Commentary: "But which horse girl will be delivering victory in lieu of a present from Santa to these over 100,000 spectators?" Royce: "It won't be long now." Commentary: "It's nearly time to race." Spe: "K-Kita-san, you look amazing!" Suzuka: "I'm so glad. It suits you wonderfully." Kitasan: "Thank you all so much." D.S: "There's something refreshing about seeing you in shorts." Vodka: "Pretty slick, huh? Easy to run in, too." Teio: "The cape was my idea." Mcq: "The sash is an elegant addition. It makes you come across as a leader." Golshi: "Pretty good, right? That one was all me!" Kitasan: "I'm really glad I asked you all for this. I'm going to run my last race carrying Spica's sentiments." Golshi: "Man, I wish I had that idea." Mcq: "None of that, now." Trainer: "This might sound weird, but come back without getting hurt, all right?" Kitasan: "Right." Kitasan: "Well, I'm heading off." Commentary: "Now, on the turf, we can see the runners in tense anticipation for the beginning of the race. There's Sounds of Earth, with three second-place G1 finishes and four second-place G2 wins, who always seems to be verging on a breakthrough." Color: "Regardless of her other races recently, it'd be great to see her first G1 victory here at Arima at the end of the year." Turbo: "Get 'em, Earth!" Ikuno: "From the looks of things, she's certainly relaxed." Tanheuser: "Mm-hmm!" Royce: "The Arima Kinen. The bookend race for an entire year. And on top of that, today is Kitasan Black's last run." Royce: "There's an unmatched level of attention on this race. It's an ideal chance to make a mark on history. You can do this. I know you can, Earth-san!" Commentary: "Speaking of first G1 victories, here we someone who's been elevated to a new level by winning the Japan Cup, Cheval Grand. Will we see the return of the razor-sharp acceleration that brought home that victory?" Color: "I'd also keep an eye on Satono Crown, who won the Takarazuka Kinen this year. Will she able to avenge her loss at the last race here at Nakayama?" Sato Trainer: "You can do this, Crown-san!" Commentary: "Then we have the heavily-favored number one in the fan vote... The star horse girl of this year, and someone whose win today would rank her among those with the most G1 wins: Kitasan Black!" Color: "Today is her last run. I only hope she'll come away with no regrets." Teio: "This is the last time I run in the Twinkle Series." Teio: "My last time feeling the tension and anxiety before we start." Commentary: "And now, it's time to begin. The culmination of the past 12 months, the grand prix that closes the year, the Arima Kinen! Underneath a wintry sky, we see the horse girls enter the gate one by one with smoldering passion in their hearts." Commentary: "The stage is set for the end-of-the-year grand prix, the Arima Kinen." Commentary: "And they're off! Kitasan Black has a good start! Kitasan Black takes the initiative on the inside, but there are still 2,500 meters to go! Kitasan Black has the lead heading into the four sharp corners of Nakayama, entering the first and approaching the second!" D.S: "Off to a good start!" Spe: "She is!" Golshi: "Hell yeah, keep it up!" Suzuka: "Good luck, Kitasan!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black holds the lead. In second place is Xbalanque, followed by the veteran horse girl Canon Mille-feuille, and then Crescent Ace on the inside, It's Calling behind her, with Lead Poetry on her tail. Sounds of Earth is bringing up the rear. And now, these 16 courageous racers cross in front of the stands! This is what the fans have been waiting for! This is the last run for Kitasan Black!" Commentary: "As she crosses the turf screen, it seems like she's checking the scoreboard. How is the race flowing? How's the pace evolving? Is she running it on her own terms? The first 1,000 meters are crossed in 61.6 seconds!" Trainer: "Nice, she's setting a good pace." Spe: "She is!" Vodka: "She saw the opening and is running on her own terms!" Spe: "She is!" Mcq: "But she looks like she's struggling, too." Spe: "She is?!" Kitasan: "If I relax for a second... If I fall one step behind... If I let them catch up... Which is why—" Gg Man: "I guess today's the last day we get to watch Kita-chan like this. I wish it could go on forever." Baker Wife: "Kita-chan's really become a part of our daily lives." Baker: "Let's make sure we remember every bit of it." Gg Wife: "You can get misty-eyed later! Kita-chan's running with all she's got! So we're gonna cheer just the same!" Gg: "We sure are." Commentary: "Things are shaping up ideally for Kitasan Black here on her last run. Xbalanque holds in second place, with her eyes set on a chance to usurp victory. Crescent Ace is on the inside, with Canon Mille-feuille poking her head in from the outside. Followed by It's Calling and Read Poetry on the outside. Chronicle Oath is on the inside, with Black Ebony in the middle of the pack. On the outside, we can see Cheval Grand's position. The Japan Cup winner is holding steady. Behind her is the Takarazuka grand prix winner, Satono Crown, and on the outside is Ribbon Etude!" Cheval: "Kitasan Black, I'm going to beat you again!" Crown: "I'm going to win both grand prix! Once you leave the turf, I'll still be racing!" Commentary: "On the inside we have Original Sign, Seventh Queen, and pushing up from the rear is Sounds of Earth! Six Pack is now in the last position!" Royce: "Good luck, Earth-san!" ure: "Come on, Earth. Come on, Kitasan!" Commentary: "Entering the third corner for a second time, and Kitasan Black still holds the lead. How will the horse girls in the rest of the pack swap positions?" Takuma: "She's running the way she always does." Asako: "She certainly is." Masuo: "Yeah." Minami: "Desperately, and with everything she has... The kinda running that energizes you by watching it." Minami: "Not slick, but so cool. That's Kitasan Black." Commentary: "Then in third place from the front is Read Poetry, looking for the timing to attack. We might be looking at a war of wills for the Arima Kinen!" Kitasan: "I want to win. I want to win. I want to win." Kitasan: "I want to win. I want to win! I want to win! I want to win! I want to win! I want to win!" Kitasan: "I want to win! I want to win! I want to win!" Kitasan: "I want to win! I want to win! I want to win!" Kitasan: "I want to win! I want to win! I want to win! I want to win! I want to win!" Commentary: "And there goes Kitasan Black! Pouring out every last drop she can muster, she launches forward, one step after another!" Cheval: "Oh, no, you don't!" Mob C/D: "Kitasan!" Mob E/F: "Kitasan!" Commentary: "Step after step after step after step... Kitasan Black is picking up the pace!" Spica: "Go!" Trainer: "Run!" Teio: "Go!" Commentary: "Only a bit more to go as the cheers shake Nakayama!" Rice: "This is so amazing! You can do it, Kitasan!" Bourbon: "Keep going! You're almost there!" Kuronuma: "Get 'em." Gg Man: "Kita-chan!" Gg Wife: "Just keep going!" Mob G: "I love seeing her run!" eigner #1: "It's so down to earth and desperate! Just like us!" Mob H: "I can't not get psyched!" Mob I: "You have to do it!" Asako: "She's so, so strong!" Takuma: "Go! Go!" Masuo: "You can do it, come on!" Commentary: "The second place position is hotly contested! We can see Cheval Grand and Ribon Etude from the outside! But just look at her! No one can touch Kitasan Black! She's not letting anyone reach her shadow, with everyone staring at her back! With a two-length lead!" Girls 1+2: "Go!" Old Lady: "Go!" Other: "Go!" Commentary: "We are... witnessing a shooting star! Kitasan Black!" Commentary: "And the Nakayama Racecourse erupts! A congratulatory roar in unison! Incredible! Kitasan Black was incredible! At the end of her long road, what awaited her was congratulations and gratitude!" Commentary: "You can see faces saying, "Thank you," and, "You did it," throughout all the stands! Kitasan Black now has seven G1 wins! One more for the road!" Audience: "Thank you! Thank you, Kitasan!" Audience J: "You were awesome, Kitasan!" Audience K: "I can keep going! I'm gonna keep trying again, tomorrow!" Audience 4: "Kita-chan! Thank you!" Kitasan: "It's a festival." Teio: "Seven G1 wins." Teio: "She ended up a greater horse girl than me." Mcq: "I'm impressed. It's just like you predicted." Trainer: "She really is something." Commentary: "The dead heat for second place, after a photo finish, has been confirmed as It's Calling. Third place is Cheval Grand. And as tough of a race as it was, in the end, Kitasan Black's performance shone brightest!" Sato Trainer: "Crown-san finished 13th." Dia: "Trainer-san." Sato Trainer: "Yes?" Dia: "I want to resume training at the beginning of the year" Dia: "with an eye towards the spring races." Sato Trainer: "Understood." Dia: "Right. I should run." Dia: "Because I want to see the same sight that Kita-chan just did." Turbo: "Earth did a good job!" Ikuno: "Seventh place. A quality showing." Tanheuser: "Those were some crazy cheers. It even got us excited." Royce: "Yes. A last run befitting of such an incredible outpouring. To garner so much attention..." ure: "Congratulations, Kitasan." Air Groove: "She was strong." Duramente: "Yes. Much like she has been. No... that may have been her best race yet." Air Groove: "It's a shame. She seems like she could keep going to me." Duramente: "I wonder about that." Duramente: "To leave after this, in my opinion, would be the most beautifully ephemeral choice." Air Groove: "I guess she's your rival for a reason." Duramente: "She is." Commentary: "Whoa, and there's a Kitasan chant! She's waving back at the crowd in response! Kitasan Black!" Earth: "Here you are." Earth: "Here you are." Earth: "Here you are!" Kid A: "Thank you so much!" Mob Hg 1: "Right, let me show you the pool next!" Kids B&C: "Okay!" Mob Hg 2: "Tracen Academy's known for both its academic and sports programs." Mob Hg3: "Impressive, right? It's the same size as an actual racecourse." Dia: "There you are." Cheval: "What are you doing?" Crown: "Everyone's waiting." Duramante: "Come on." Dia: "Let's go, Kita-chan!" Kitasan: "Yeah!" Cheval: "What were you spacing out for?" Crown: "You can't start getting lazy just because it's spring, y'know." Duramente: "I wonder what kind of horse girls we'll see next?"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 13 – And Yours...", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3", "13", "And Yours..." ] }
Trainer: "Listen up! Stick to running in your ideal way and build out the race from there! You can't let the others draw you into their pace!" Kitasan: "Right!" Turbo: "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Kitasan: "I wasn't even close." Kitasan: "She was so far in front. I couldn't reach her." Kitasan: "I don't know... if I can ever..." Trainer: "You okay, Kitasan? Well, I was thinking we maybe had you working a little too hard in the run-up to the Derby. And that maybe it's keeping you from being able to focus." Kitasan: "No, I'm..." Trainer: "Let's prioritize recuperating for now. You can head back for today." Kitasan: "I understand." Caster: "Today's feature is on the winner of the Satsukishou and Japanese Derby, Duramente, who has built anticipation for a Triple Crown win this year. With remarkable speed and power, and otherworldly running that entrances those who see it... Today, we're going to examine her appeal, which would be fair to compare to that of star horse girls of previous generations like Symboli Rudolf, Tokai Teio, and Narita Bryan." Kitasan: "I looked up to him. I wanted to be like him." Kitasan: "And I thought I actually could..." Kitasan: "Dazzling on the stage, drawing everyone's attention... I wanted to be the same kind of star my dad was." Kitasan: "I saw that dream realized, in a certain form, on that day." Commentary: "Tokai Teio is demonstrating a real aptitude at straightaways here. There are three runners behind her battling for second. It's Tokai Teio! Tokai Teio is taking off! She's demonstrating her superior potential by getting one... no, two lengths' lead! That's incredible! Tokai Teio shows why she was favored to win by finishing in first! You've gotta hand it to her!" Dia: "That was really amazing! To run like that in her first race..." Kitasan: "Wow..." Kitasan: "I was a fan after a single glimpse of her." Kitasan: "She was strong, beautiful, and cool." Kitasan: "As another horse girl, I thought about how much I wished I could run just like her. "I want to be like Teio-san." Even now, I keep thinking about how I want to take the steps I need to be as great as her." Kitasan: "I want to stand at her side. I want to see the same sights and feel what it's like." Kitasan: "I want to be a horse girl like her!" Kitasan: "Spring, summer, fall, and winter... On clear days and rainy ones... Whether I felt good or bad... When I was alone, or with my friends... The thing I yearned for the most was to chase after Teio-san." Kitasan: "The way she shined so bright, like a miracle." Kitasan: "And she was always in the distance, but..." Kitasan: "I thought if I worked hard, I could reach her someday." Kitasan: "I could catch up to my ideal... become like the person I idolize." Kitasan: "That's why I've kept running." Teio: "Welcome to the Tracen Academy open campus! What are your names?" Kitasan: "I'm Kitasan Black!" Dia: "I'm Satono Diamond!" Teio: "Okay! I'll remember you two!" Commentary: "Starting on the outside hasn't been any problem for her!" Commentary: "Tokai Teio... has won the Japanese Derby! Tokai Teio! Tokai Teio is in the lead! Tokai Teio makes a miraculous return!" Kitasan: "She was so amazing..." Kitasan: "Blindingly bright." Kitasan: "We're finally here, Dia-chan." Dia: "Yeah. Let's work hard together, Kita-chan." Kitasan: "I enrolled in Tracen Academy and made my debut, so maybe I had gotten a little closer. I thought so, and I was focused on what was in front of me." Kitasan: "I ran as hard as I could." Kitasan: "I've run all this time." Kitasan: "But... I realized it, on some level." Kitasan: "I..." Kitasan: "don't think..." Kitasan: "I was able to do it." Kitasan: "I'm heading out to run." Spe: "Be safe!" D.Sca: "Kitasan's been down lately." Spe: "I hope she's eating properly." Trainer: "She's bound to be over her exhaustion, but I think her motivation hasn't bounced back yet." Suzuka: "If she pushes too hard in that condition, she could seriously hurt herself. She needs to take her time." Mac: "You're not worried? Your favorite kouhai is troubled." Teio: "It's okay." Teio: "I know Kita-chan will be all right." Golshi: "Holy crap, did you hear the big news?!" Kitasan: "The others girls in Spica are bound to be worried about me." Kitasan: "I can't keep sulking like this. That won't change anything." Kitasan: "But... even if I try harder..." Announcer: "A distal tibial fracture in both legs with an expected six months of recovery time. Word is that her chances of running again this year are essentially gone." Caster: "Again, for those just joining us, we have learned the horse girl who won the Double Crown at the Satsukishou and Japanese Derby this year, Duramente, has broken her legs." Kitasan: "Broken?" Caster: "The last race of the Classic Triple Crown, the Kikkashou, is held in autumn and said to be the main event, but now it seems there's no telling what may happen. Duramente is a Double Crown horse girl who has run in six races, with four wins and two second place finishes, a dominant record, and was said to be the strongest competitor in the Classic Triple Crown after her victories in the Satsukishou and Japanese Derby. Naturally, this made her the favored prospect for the Kikkashou in autumn, with fan expectations flying high, resulting in disappointment after this recent development." Caster: "It really is a shame, considering her hopes for a Triple Crown. For our next story, tomorrow is the long-anticipated grand prix, the Takarazuka Kinen..." Kitasan: "Pathetic." Caster: "Voted the favorite race of fans for two years in a row." Kitasan: "I am just awful." Turbo: "She's so strong and fast though! She's not gonna be in the Kikkashou?" Ikuno: "No. Injuries are what they are, but this is just awful." Tannhauser: "Kinda reminds me of what happened to Nature." Man 1: "I can't believe what happened to Duramente." Man 2: "I guess she won't be ready in time for fall." Man 1: "She would've had the Kikkashou and Triple Crown in the bag. Still, this means the other horse girls that are running have a chance now." Man 2: "Come on, man." Woman: "I can't help but think about what happened to Teio." Woman 2: "I know what you mean! Me too! It's so awful. Poor Duramente." Woman 1: "Really." Spe: "Will Kita-san be okay?" Vodka: "She's due back any time now, but when she hears about Duramente's injury..." D.Sca: "She's bound to be frustrated. I'm sure she was thinking about getting revenge." Suzuka: "I think so." Mac: "Wanting to run against someone, but being unable to... I know all too well how painful that can be." Golshi: "Let's cheer her up when she gets back! "Don't sweat it, just run!"" Spe: "Good idea! Oh, I know! Why don't we make a sports drink for Kita-san?" Vodka/D.Sca: "I'm in!" Kitasan: "I'm... I'm so..." ure: "Hey! You okay over there?" Kitasan: "Nice Nature-san..." Turbo: "Oh, me!" Tannhauser: "Turbo-san!" ure: "Here." Kitasan: "Thank you so much..." uer: "Don't mention it. Tannhauser bought the tea, but we honestly never drink the stuff." ure: "You don't wanna go to training?" ure: "Guess you're a bit of a slacker!" ure: "You thinking about the Kikkashou?" ure: "This is a good chance to get it off your chest. They say sometimes the less familiar you are with someone, the easier it is to come clean with them. I'm all ears, if you're okay with that." ure: "It's bitter..." Kitasan: "She's my hero." Kitasan: "I always wanted to be like Teio-san." Kitasan: "I wanted to be a star like her." Kitasan: "But I can't. I understand that now." Kitasan: "Duramente-san is a lot more like her. Winning the Satsukishou and the Derby, with this incredible, cool running style that makes everyone excited..." Kitasan: "The kind I could never do. And then when people heard about her legs, and learn that the Triple Crown isn't going to happen, they're so disappointed... And worried. But I thought... "She really is like Teio-san."" Kitasan: "I realize how awful it must be to be injured, and unable to run, and yet... But it's like everyone's only looking at her." Kitasan: "And if that wasn't bad enough of me, I actually thought... "If she isn't running, maybe now I can win the Kikkashou." I actually thought that!" Kitasan: "I never had a chance in the first place!" Kitasan: "Not to become an impressive, dazzling star like Teio-san!" ure: "Wow. I completely get where you're coming from." ure: "I looked up to Teio too, y'know." ure: "The thing about her..." ure: "She's kind of a natural-born star?" ure: "Shining and straightforward, but she works hard too. And is really strong. But then she got injured during the Derby, and in spite of that, she worked hard on her rehab until the very end." ure: "Watching her really made me want to try harder. I thought, "I'm gonna run in the Kikkashou, and I'm gonna win!" I actually managed to win four races in a row after that, which got me into the Kikkashou! And then I started thinking... "What if Teio isn't back in time?"" ure: "That maybe I'd actually have a chance in that case." ure: "I mean, I wanted to win. Who wouldn't?" ure: "I wanted first place, not second or third." ure: "But... the second the idea came to mind, I realized how lame that sounded. And I got mad..." ure: "So yeah, I was in the same boat." Kitasan: "Nature-san..." ure: "It's rough, y'know? Getting compared to these superstars like Teio and Duramente. People talk about how the star of the Kikkashou is absent, or how they would've been guaranteed to win if they could've ran. And I was like, "Screw that."" ure: "So I was set on winning. I wanted people to look at me." ure: "I wanted to show people that it didn't matter if Teio was running." ure: "That was how I felt when I ran. I wanted to show them what I was made of. As cowardly, or weak, or uncool as that might've been... I was true to myself. I think that's where I really got started. Even though I only made fourth place." Kitasan: "Your start... for being true to yourself." Kitasan: "I don't know. I don't know how to be true to myself..." ure: "It's a tough one. Even I still wonder about it, from time to time." Kitasan: "And I'm not confident at all. Since the Derby, I've been so scared..." ure: "I totally get that! I seriously don't know if I've ever thought I could win for real." Kitasan: "But... in spite of it all..." Kitasan: "I want to win." Kitasan: "I still want to win!" ure: "Yeah. Then you should show them. Everyone who thinks the real star is missing..." Kitasan: "Do you think I can do it?" ure: "You totally can! You've got a much better shot than I did." Kitasan: "Even if I'm cowardly, or weak, or uncool?" ure: "All those things are a part of Kitasan Black too, right? And that's you." Kitasan: "I see... thank you so much. You're really nice, Nature-san!" ure: "Aw, what're you talking about?! Go on, finish your tea!" Kitasan: "R-Right!" Kitasan: "Bitter!" ure: "Right?" Vodka: "She's still not back..." D.Sca: "I bet finding out about Duramente really got to her." Suzuka: "I think so." Spe: "It's okay! I'm sure this sports drink will perk her right up!" Kitasan: "I'm back!" Spica: "Kitasan..." Kitasan: "U-Um..." Kitasan: "I'm going to keep working hard! So I hope you'll keep instructing me!" Trainer: "All right! You're gonna win that Kikkashou!" Kitasan: "Right! I'm gonna go run right now!" Trainer: "Save it for tomorrow!" Kitasan: "I can't be like Teio-san." Kitasan: "But I don't need to." Kitasan: "I can be weak, and cowardly, and uncool... If that's who I am." Kitasan: "Even if I'm not a star, and not dazzling, and not the protagonist..." Kitasan: "I can fight... and struggle." Commentary: "And here we have the autumn G1 race. The last of the classic triple crown, the Kikkashou! Duramente is unable to run due to injury, despite winning the Satsukishou and Japanese Derby... And I'm sure there were many fans hoping to see her win the Triple Crown." Color: "It really is a shame." Kitasan: "No one needs to be paying attention." Kitasan: "I don't care if anyone praises me." Kitasan: "I'll fight as hard as I can... and I'll do it my way. Being true to myself!" Commentary: "The horse girls have entered their gates. As the cool fall breeze blows through Kyoto, who will win the Kikkashou, the final race in the Classic Triple Crown?" Commentary: "And they're off! Kindan Shirt makes a late start! She's going to be running far behind! They're coming up on the corner, and it's Parole and Ribon Pastoral battling for the lead! Are we looking at a war of attrition? Parole and Ribon Pastoral pull out in front! They are both really going for it now!" Minami: "They say that the most powerful horse girl usually wins the final race of the triple crown. Do you know why?" Masuo: "What brought that on?" Minami: "It's because this race requires both speed and stamina, with a length of 3,000 meters that includes two hills, so you need to be the total package to win. It's also said that the race was modeled after the St. Leger Stakes and that the Kyoto Ministry of—" Both: "Go, Kitasan Black!" Golshi: "How's she gonna do here? They seem to be pulling away from her a bit." Trainer: "That's not necessarily a bad thing. Not necessarily good, either." Vodka/Ds: "Which is it?!" Trainer: "The 3,000 meters for this course aren't smooth going. Horse girls running the classics won't have encountered a distance like this before." Mac: "Then everyone has an equal opportunity..." Commentary: "And now, with their thoughts and hopes pinned on the chrysanthemum this race is named after, the horse girls are entering the second corner! And as they ascend the second hill, the placements are shifting all over the place!" Kitasan: "Fight! Struggle! Hang on! And run! Run! Run!" Commentary: "The horse girls are now crossing from the third to fourth corners, beginning their downhill descent. Genjitsu Steal seems to be conserving her strength in the middle of the pack." Kitasan: "I don't need to dazzle like a star!" Kitasan: "I'm just me! I'm Kitasan Black!" Commentary: "Six hundred meters to go and they're rounding the fourth curve!" ure: "Go!" Commentary: "And here's the final straightaway! The horse girls enter their last spurt! On the inside, Kitasan Black is moving up!" Kitasan: "And this... is where it starts!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black is making her move! Kitasan Black! Kitasan Black on the inside, with Jewel Sapphire on the out, and Genjitsu Steal is coming up the middle! There's Genjitsu Steal in the center! Genjitsu Steal is tearing up the center track!" Dia: "Kita-chan!" Spica: "Go!" ure: "Go!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black has the lead! She's holding it! It's a festival! This is looking like a festival! It's Kitasan's festival! Kitasan Black is your winner!" Dia: "Kita-chan!" ure: "Well..." ure: "You seem pretty dazzling to me." Teio: "See what I meant? Kita-chan was just fine." Mac: "I suppose we were worried for nothing." Teio: "Y'know, maybe Kita-chan will end up an even better horse girl than me." Mac: "You won't tell her that?" Teio: "Why would I?! I'm jealous!" Kitasan: "Thank you so much!" Kitasan: "This is where I get my start."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 2 – The Start Line", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3", "2", "The Start Line" ] }
Commentary: "Rounding the fourth corner, in third place is Satono Diamond, and in fourth place is Excellency. They're now entering the final straight. On the inside, it's Tour d'Ivoire hanging on at second place while Satono Diamond moves up on the outside!" Kitasan: "Go get 'em, Dia-chan!" Commentary: "Satono Diamond on the outside! With 200 meters left, she's taken the lead by one length! Satono Diamond presses through! And she crosses the goal!" Kitasan/Crown: "She did it!" Crown: "Way to run!" Commenttary: "Satono Diamond finishes her debut race with a victory!" Commenttary: "I must say, that was impressive acceleration from her." Color: "I'm looking forward to seeing where her path goes." Commentary: "We've had a year of many races featuring many stories, and next week the fan vote for the Arima Kinen begins. Yamamoto-san, what kind of lineup will we be looking at this year?" Color: "Bravo Day won the Fall Tennoushou, and Kitasan Black won the Kikkashou, so they seem very likely. But given that she's run in the Arima Kinen three times before and is on a six-win streak in the G1, I'd count on seeing Gold Ship." Commentary: "Where Gold Ship's concerned, I think that shocking Takarazuka Kinen is still fresh in everyone's memories." Color: "That is true. I'd say that part of her charm is you can never tell what'll happen when she's running in a race. I think we can look forward to seeing how her fourth Arima Kinen turns out." Kitasan: "Cheers!" Cheval/Crown/Dia: "Cheers!" Crown: "How many times have we toasted already?" Cheval: "Why am I even here?" Kitasan: "Hey, you can never celebrate too much! Now, let's get a word from today's star, Dia-chan herself!" Dia: "After making my debut today, I feel like I'm finally at the starting line. Thank you all for cheering for me!" Kitasan: "Now, then! What would you say is your goal moving forward?" Dia: "Goal?" Kitasan: "Yeah!" Dia: "I'm targeting next year's classic Triple Crown races. First, at the Satsukishou, I want to win a G1 title that the Satono family has wanted for so long." Crown: "Let's work hard, Dia. And bring victory to the Satono family." Dia: "Right!" Kitasan: "Next up, let's hear what Cheval-chan's goal is!" Cheval: "I have to do this?" Kitasan: "Sure do!" Cheval: "I'm really frustrated that my injuries" Cheval: "in the spring kept me from running in the classics." Cheval: "So next year, I'm gonna turn it around and win a G1!" Cheval: "And now it's your turn." Kitasan: "What, me?" Cheval: "Go on, then." Kitasan: "Uh, well, I guess..." Kitasan: "The Arima Kinen!" Kitasan: "I've always wanted to run in the Arima Kinen!" Dia: "The Arima Kinen..." Cheval: "You'll probably make it in, right?" Crown: "Yeah, considering you won the Kikkashou." Kitasan: "Oh, right... maybe I will?" Kitasan: "That'd be great!" Dia: "I'm sure you'll make it." Kitasan: "Dia-chan... Yeah! Okay! And now, a toast to all our futures!" Crown/Cheval: "Again?!" Kitasan: "Yes! Then I get to run at Arima?!" Trainer: "It's not final yet, but between your schedule, the length, and how you ran at the Kikkashou, I think you've got a proper chance." Kitasan: "That's great!" Trainer: "Last time, you were racing against other girls from your generation, but at Arima, you'll be going up against fully formed runners from the senior class." Trainer: "You better be ready!" Kitasan: "Right!" Suzuka: "Congratulations, Kita-san." Spe: "This is great!" Mcqueen: "You've made it it!" Teio: "Good luck, Kita-chan!" Kitasan: "Teio-san, everyone..." Kitasan: "Right! I'll do my best!" Trainer: "Wh-What was that!?" Vodka: "Oof, what a mess." D.Sca: "It really is." Trainer: "Hey! What the hell did you do?!" Golshi: "I had some trouble getting out of the gate." Trainer: "Aw, come on, I'm begging you... I don't need to deal with another nightmare like at the Takarazuka Kinen." Vodka: "You messed that one up." D.Sca: "Really bad, in fact." Trainer: "You finally managed to pass the gate exam again, but if you screw up at the Japan Cup..." Golshi: "Relax. I'm gonna have a perfect start next time and get my seventh G1 turf win. From there, it's into the Arima for a historic eight-win streak!" Trainer: "Dream a little less and train a little more!" Mcqueen: "I cannot believe her at times." Kitasan: "Golshi-san seems really fired up." Trainer: "Well, I'm expecting a lot from you too, Kitasan!" Kitasan: "Okay! I'm fired up too!" Kitasan: "Arima, Arima, Arima!" Kitasan: "Aim for the Arima! Okay, no matter who I race against, I won't lose!" Earth: "I heard your melody during the chrysanthemum concerto, my dear!" Earth: "Belissima, Kitasan Black. I am Sounds of Earth." Kitasan: "O-Okay." Earth: "A race is an ensemble performance between the earth and a horse girl!" Earth: "And all horse girls are gifted musicistas!" Earth: "Now, you and I will make such beautiful music..." Kitasan: "Your face! Your face is really close!" Earth: "When I fly against you, I will demonstrate my virtuoso talent at Arima..." Kitasan: "Way too close!" ure: "Enough, Earth!" ure: "What the heck are you doing?" Kitasan: "Nature-san!" Earth: "Oh my, and just when we were harmonizing." Earth: "I'm looking forward to it, Kitasan Black. When we join the orchestra at the Arima Kinen!" ure: "That girl... Sorry about that, Kitasan. I guess our newbie was being kind of a pain." Kitasan: "Your newbie?!" Kitasan: "So, Earth-san's on Team Canopus." ure: "She's a bit of an oddball." ure: "But there's more to her than that. Earth is strong. Her running in the Arima might mean the first G1 victory ever for Canopus!" ure: "You're gonna be running in it too, right?" Kitasan: "Yeah. It's not finalized yet, but my trainer says it's pretty likely!" ure: "You sound thrilled." Kitasan: "Yeah! I've always wanted to run in it!" Kitasan: "The Arima Kinen is a special race to me." ure: "That race, huh?" Kitasan: "You've run in it before too, right, Nature-san?" ure: "And somehow I got third place three years in a row." ure: "But the Arima Kinen is a bit of a special one." Kitasan: "It really is!" Kitasan: "Thank you so much, Nature-san." ure: "Wh-Where'd that come from?" Kitasan: "I'm only able to run in the Arima because I won the Kikkashou. If you hadn't given me all that advice..." ure: "You did all the running yourself. I didn't really do anything." Kitasan: "Still..." ure: "Don't worry about that. Just focus on running in the Arima." ure: "If you need to talk, I'll be here." Kitasan: "Right! Thank you so much, Nature-sensei!" ure: "C-Come on, "sensei"?" Golshi: "Hell yeah! How's that?! Was that a perfect start or what?!" Trainer: "Yeah. If you can keep it up, you should be fine." Golshi: "How you like me now?! I've got the Japan Cup wrapped up at this rate!" Mcqueen: "Honestly... you must realize that complacency is a threat." Golshi: "Hey, thanks, McQueen." Teio: "Almost done!" Spe: "Hang in there, Kita-san!" Teio: "You managed to put in your best time today at the very end there!" Kitasan: "Yes!" Spe: "Here you go." Kitasan: "Thank you!" Golshi: "Hey, you just finish up too?" Kitasan: "Yeah! But I'm gonna do one more lap!" Spe: "Kita-san, your bottle!" Golshi: "She's still running?" Mcqueen: "She's hit her growth spurt, after all." Radio: "There's only a month left in the year. Have you all decided what you want for Christmas?" Kitasan: "There!" Grocer: "You're a life-saver, Kita-chan!" Kitasan: "It was no trouble at all!" Grocer: "That reminds me. I voted for you to get into the Arima Kinen." Kitasan: "R-Really?!" Wife: "Me too. Here, take this. We're rooting for you, so work hard." Kitasan: "Thank you so much!" Dia: "Come on, Kita-chan, wake up." Kitasan: "I miss my bed..." Dia: "Breakfast this morning is your favorite: carrots and rice, with banana steak." Kitasan: "Okay then! I'm gonna eat a lot and train a lot again today!" Kitasan: "Golshi-san?" Golshi: "I appreciate you all showing up today. I've called this conference in order to make an announcement regarding a decision I've made." Kitasan: "What decision?" Golshi: "My name is Gold Ship, and after the Arima Kinen, I will be moving on to the Dream Trophy League." Reporter: "That would mean you won't be running in the Twinkle Series anymore." Golshi: "That's right." Golshi: "As far as my Twinkle Series goes..." Golshi: "The Arima Kinen will be my last run." Kitasan: "Her last run?" Kitasan: "Golshi-san!" Kitasan: "Um... Is it true? About your last run." Golshi: "Yep." Golshi: "The Satsukishou and Kikkashou." Golshi: "My first Arima Kinen too. I managed to clobber everyone." Golshi: "I started in the back, and just flew up... Leaving them all in the dust." Golshi: "That was how I used to race." Golshi: "But lately..." Golshi: "At some point, I couldn't do it anymore." Golshi: "I started having trouble controlling my emotions..." Kitasan: "You weren't like that before?" Golshi: "Got bad at exiting the gate too. It's like I've lost all kinds of focus." Kitasan: "Hasn't that always been the case?" Golshi: "Anyway, that about covers it." Kitasan: "And... that's why you're having your last run?" Golshi: "Quit looking like someone died. My dream's not over yet. At the Arima before last, I lost to the tyrant, and in the next one, the lady stole it from me. When I take the Arima this year, it'll be seven G1 wins for me... I'll savor the sweet taste of victory." Kitasan: "Golshi-san..." Golshi: "You're gonna cry for my last run?" Kitasan: "Because..." Kitasan: "Your last run... I might win it and ruin your taste of victory!" Golshi: "Why you little—where do you get off?!" Golshi: "Say your prayers, you little runt! And you had better not pull any punches on my last run, growth spurter!" Kitsan: "Don't be late out of the gate, Golshi-san!" Golshi: "Why, is this the mouth that's spouting off such cheeky nonsense?!" Kitasan: "Now then! Let's celebrate Dia-chan's second victory... Cheers!" Dia: "I hope my win today helps you tomorrow, Kita-chan." Kitasan: "It totally will! I'm feeling really brave and motivated!" Dia: "It's almost time." Kitasan: "Yeah... for the Arima Kinen." Dia: "Kita-chan?" Kitasan: "A last run... I wonder what that feels like." Dia: "I don't know..." Dia: "But I don't think we need to know, just yet." Dia: "All we can do is focus on the races in front of us." Kitasan: "Dia-chan..." Dia: "You're going to send Golshi-san off, right? Then good luck!" Kitasan: "Yeah!" Kitasan: "I'm gonna win it!" Commentary: "There's a chill in the winter air here at the Nakayama Racecourse with a crowd of 120,000 gathered this year. But the expectations of these fans is enough to fight through the frosty weather. It all comes down to this: the G1 Arima Kinen! With me is Yamamoto-san on color, and I have to say, we've got quite an impressive lineup." Color: "That is true. Coming off two G1 wins and and second place in the fan vote, we've got Bravo Day, and the winner of this year's Kikkashou, Kitasan Black, along with Sounds of Earth, who has been looking sharper and sharper since fall. The sibling clash between River Light and Parole should also be interesting. But I have to say, the spotlight is on the number one in the fan vote, who will be running her last run in the Twinkle Series, Gold Ship." Audience 1: "Come on, Gold Ship!" Audience 2: "You can do it, Earth!" Turbo: "Go, Earth!" Kitasan: "It's cold, but hot, and I'm nervous, but really excited. This is the Arima Kinen." Kitasan: "I'm... standing on the stage for the Arima." Commentary: "And the horse girls have entered the gate. This will be the grand prix that closes the year, the Arima Kinen." Commentary: "And they're off to a beautiful start!" Kitasan: "Okay!" Commentary: "She's got a bit of a competition, but Kitasan Black has taken the lead. On the inside is All Haiyu, and behind her is Sounds of Earth! Gold Ship is at the rear, as is her style. And the 16 runners are now entering the home stretch of their first lap!" Turbo: "Go for it, Earth! Win a G1!" Vodka: "Who am I supposed to root for, Golshi or Kitasan?!" D.Sca: "Both of them, obviously!" Dia: "You can do it, Kita-chan!" Minami: "So this is Gold Ship's—" Akitsu-San: "So this is Gold Ship's last run." Komuro-San: "Everyone dreams about a grand prix win, and countless famous stories have played out here at the Arima Kinen." Akitsu-San: "Symboli Rudolf proved she was the strongest of her generation. Manhattan Cafe marked a changing of the guard." Masuo: "Who are you?" Komuro-San: "And then, in her last run for the Twinkle series, Oguri Cap made an explosive return to form." Masuo: "Seriously, who?!" Akitsu-San: "With their similar hair color, it's hard not to hope for something similar from Gold Ship..." Masuo: "Care for a drink?" Commentary: "Kitasan Black has control of the momentum for now. With the cheers pushing her forward, she's passed the first corner! Next up is #12, Parole. Then on the inside, All Haiyu, and Sounds of the Earth running along the outside, along with #4, Bravo Day, #5, Great House, and #2, Brave Target!" Kitasan: "I can feel the pressure coming from the veterans!" Commentary: "Rounding the second corner, they're headed down the other straightaway. We've got a narrow, lengthy lineup this time. Still at the head is #11, Kitasan Black, with #12, Parole, behind her. And now we see a blurry gray silhouette as Gold Ship takes action!" Commentary: "She's charging steadily on! We can see her gaining steadily on the outside!" Masuo/Minami: "Can—" Akitsu-San: "Can Gold Ship pull it off?" Komuro-San: "With such a long spurt?!" Commentary: "Coming around the fourth corner, we have River Light and then Sounds of Earth! On the inside, All Haiyu is picking up the pace!" Commentary: "They've entered the final straight! Kitasan Black is in the lead! Kitasan Black!" Dia: "You can do it, Kita-chan!" Trainer: "Two hundred meters to go! Hang in there!" Spe: "Come on!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black is on the run! River Light is moving up!" Commentary: "But here comes Gold Ship! Gold Ship is closing in!" Komuro-San: "It's the return of Gold Ship!" Akitsu-San: "Show us an amazing come-from-behind win again!" Audience 3: "Go, Gold Ship!" Audience 4: "Come on, you can do it!" Audience 5: "Use everything you've got!" Commentary: "The unsinkable Gold Ship's last run! Will the glittering cheers of the crowd lead her to victory?!" Commentary: "But she's not gaining! Gold Ship is not gaining!" Commentary: "In the front is Kitasan Black, River Light, and #7, All Haiyu! Kitasan Black holds on!" Kitasan: "Almost there... almost there! Almost there! Almost there!" Commentary: "But here comes All Haiyu, with the pass! And Sounds of Earth moves up as well! All Haiyu places first! And there's the goal!" Commentary: "All Haiyu has won on this most glamorous of stages!" All Haiyu: "I did it!" Commentary: "In second place is Sounds of Earth!" Turbo: "Second place! You did good!" Commentary: "The Kikkashou winner, Kitasan Black, is third place. And the most popular runner, Gold Ship, finishes her last run in eighth." Golshi: "What's up? I thought you were gonna win on my last run?" Kitasan: "Golshi-san..." Kitasan: "Golshi-san!" Kitasan: "Golshi-san!" Golshi: "Seriously, quit acting like someone died." Golshi Fan C: "You did great!" Golshi Fan D: "Good race!" Akitsu-San: "Thank you for keeping us on the edge of our seats yet again!" Komuro-San: "Six G1 wins! That's an amazing record, Gold Ship!" Golshi: "And it ain't over yet!" Golshi: "Say your prayers, Orfevre and Gentildonna!" Golshi: "Payback for the Twinkle Series is coming for you in the Dream Trophy League! My dream will never end! And I'm gonna prove that to all of you!" Akitsu-San: "We're going to see them battle again..." Komuro-San: "The golden voyage isn't finished yet!" Crowd: "Golshi! Golshi!" Mac: "Honestly... she's standing out more in eighth place than the winner." Trainer: "That's our Gold Ship, all right." Kitasan: "And now a toast to my first Arima!" Dia: "You were so close, Kita-chan." Crown: "A third place finish at the Arima is something to be proud of." Cheval: "Yeah, that was a good race." Kitasan: "Thanks, everybody!" Kitasan: "But..." Kitasan: "I wish I could've won the Arima Kinen." Dia: "Kita-chan..." Golshi: "Hey." Kitasan: "Golshi-san?" Golshi: "Yours now." Golshi: "You've got one so far." Golshi: "I managed six... So let's see how many you can put together." Kitasan: "Does she mean..." Kitasan: "I'm gonna surpass you, Golshi-san! I'll get six, and even more!" Kitasan: "My dream has just begun." Kitasan: "And when the New Year begins, I'm sure..." Kitasan: "Okay! Here's a toast to my future!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 3 – The Dream Never Ends", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3", "3", "The Dream Never Ends" ] }
ure: "Ah, spring has sprung!" ure: "Huh. Kitasan?" ure: "Kitasan! Whatcha doing?" Kitasan: "Nature-sensei!" ure: "This again?!" Kitasan: "It's just.. the Osaka Hai was yesterday." Kitasan: "I'm moving into the senior class, so wanted to win my first race there. Get some real momentum going." Kitasan: "But then..." Kitasan: "I lost by a neck's length." ure: "Only a neck's? That was pretty close." Kitasan: "You're right, it was close! And at the Arima Kinen, I lost by three-quarters of a length..." Kitasan: "But I just can't find that missing step. Now that I think about it, I don't have razor-sharp acceleration like Dia-chan, or explosively powerful legs like Duramente... And the more I think about it, the more anxious I've been getting!" ure: "W-Well, let's start with calming down. I think maybe... I know! Sweets help at a time like this. I'll even treat you." Kitasan: "Thank you so much..." ure: "Don't worry about it at all. Order whatever you want today!" Kitasan: "Nature-sensei!" Air Groove: "Hold it right there! You're not getting away this time!" Helios: "She's totes ticked off!" Palmer & Helios: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, outta the way, come on!" Kitasan: "You two scared me!" Air Groove: "Sorry, are you all right? You're not hurt, are you?" Kitasan: "I'm okay!" Air Groove: "I see... that's a relief." Air Groove: "Come on, you two." ure: "Are you sure you're okay? Does it hurt anywhere?" Kitasan: "I've always been pretty durable! Never get sick or injured. Whether it's in the ocean or in the mountains or on a hill, Crabs!" Kitasan: "no matter where I would play, I never got tired. I caught it! When I was in grade school, Don't be scared... I fell from the third floor of the building and only got a little scrape." Dia: "Kita-chan? Kita-chan! Kita-chan?!" Kitasan: "Anyway, my point is that I'm pretty confident in how tough I am." Kitasan: "Is something up?" ure: "Maybe you could put that toughness to use in your training. I mean, think of it... Maybe you can handle the kind of hard training that other girls can't! Maybe working on that would help you win more?" Kitasan: "I-I'm gonna ask my trainer about it!" Trainer: "Nope." Trainer: "Doesn't matter how tough you are. The risk of injury is still too high." Kitasan: "But... But, but... I want to get stronger! So please, let me trainer harder!" Trainer: "The answer's still no." Kitasan: "Trainer-san!" Teio: "I mean, if you get injured and can't run in a race, what'd even be the point? Still, I get how you feel about seeing a chance at getting stronger and not wanting to give up on it, too." Trainer: "Teio. Still, though..." Suzuka: "I feel the same way. I think it's wonderful that you're strict with us out of concern for our well-being, Trainer..." Suzuka: "But we run in these races so that we can win them." Kitasan: "Suzuka-san... Teio-san..." Kitasan: "Please, Trainer-san!" Teio: "Trainer..." Suzuka: "Trainer-san." Trainer: "All right, I'll think it over." Kitasan: "Thank you so much!" Teio: "Nice!" Suzuka: "Good luck!" Trainer: "I guess I know who to ask..." Crown: "The edge of your acceleration is sharper than usual today." Dia: "When I think about the Satsukishou coming up, I can't help but feel motivated." Crown: "I see... It was the same way for me. Although I ended up just adding fuel to the jinx that horse girls from the Satono family can't win G1 races." Dia: "Crown-chan..." Crown: "I'm counting on you to make our family's wish, a first G1 victory, reality!" Dia: "Huh. Are you going out, Kita-chan?" Kitasan: "Yeah, I'm going to a training camp tomorrow!" Dia: "For how long?" Kitasan: "Well, there's a month until the Spring Tennoushou, so... for about a month." Kitasan: "S-Sorry, Dia-chan! I might not be able to make it to the Satsukishou to root for you tomorrow! W-What am I gonna do?! Maybe I can make it back just for that? Then again, I'm gonna be up in the mountains..." Dia: "It's okay. I'll win." Dia: "I'll make sure to win." Kitasan: "Dia-chan..." Dia: "So do your best, Kita-chan!" Kitasan: "Yeah... Okay!" Kitasan: "But since I won't be around for a while... I'll miss you." Dia: "Oh, come on." Dia: "But in that case..." Dia: "Here!" Kitasan: "A broach?" Dia: "Think of this as me. Okay?" Kitasan: "Thanks, Dia-chan!" Dia: "It's okay. Let's both do our best!" Kitasan: "Yeah. You take this horseshoe too, Dia-chan!" Dia: "That's pretty heavy." Kitasan: "Not another bite..." Kitasan: "I can't eat anymore..." Kitasan: "No more food for me..." Bourbon: "Good morning." Trainer: "You two are up early." Kitasan: "Trainer-san! Uh, what is this? What exactly is going on?" Trainer: "This is your training camp, remember?" Kitasan: "Wait. Then Bourbon-san is..." Trainer: "She's here as your special coach. To be honest, hardcore training isn't really my area of expertise. And it wouldn't help to throw something together on the spot, so..." Bourbon: "You can cry and complain if you like, but I've been entrusted with this and will not be holding back." Bourbon: "It's a pleasure to be working with you." Kitasan: "Th-The pleasure's all mine!" Bourbon: "Rice-san is also here to prepare your meals." Rice: "I'm Rice." Rice: "I'll work hard to make sure the food's yummy!" Trainer: "Things are gonna be tough going forward, but hang in there, Kitasan!" Kitasan: "R-Right! I will! Four sets of mountain road dashes, 10 sets of dashing while pulling giant tires, 10 sets of 1,000-meter interval runs, 100 roof tiles to break, and 10 sets of rock climbing?" Bourbon: "Your goal for this camp is to be able to complete this training plan within three hours." Trainer: "Three hours, huh?" Kitasan: "Is that really possible?" Bourbon: "It'll take double that, initially. But theoretically, it's possible. Which is why you will do it." Bourbon: "Now, take your position." Kitasan: "A-Already?!" Bourbon: "Start!" Bourbon: "You're losing pace." Kitasan: "R-Right!" Kitasan: "I thought this would be just like training on hills, but the ground is so uneven! The slopes being at different angles makes it even harder to run! The stress on my legs is in a different league!" Kitasan: "Unless I lower my center of gravity and really exert myself, I'm not getting anywhere." Bourbon: "Use your entire body." Kitasan: "R-Right!" Bourbon: "Your form's getting sloppy." Kitasan: "Right!" Kitasan: "Osu!" Bourboon: "You're losing focus." Kitasan: "O-Osu! Osu!" Kitasan: "Next, I need to reach for... Over there? But this one would be... hang on, maybe..." Bourbon: "Find your route while maintaining focus. You need to decide quickly." Kitasan: "R-Right!" Kitasan: "Wh-What's my time?" Trainer: "Six hours." Bourbon: "Just as expected." Bourbon: "We've got an entire month left. You need to get under three hours in that time." Kitasan: "Right!" Bourbon: "For now, let's have something to eat." Rice: "Dinner's ready! Please, eat up!" Kitasan: "Thank you!" Rice: "There's lots left if you want more." Kitasan: "Thank you so much! So good!" Bourbon: "Once you're done eating, head to the hot springs and recuperate some." Kitasan: "There's a hot springs?! Awesome!" Kitasan: "I feel alive again." Kitasan: "Ow, ow, ow..." Kitasan: "I've never been this exhausted before." Kitasan: "But I bet once I get past it, I'll be stronger." Kitasan: "Okay, I'm gonna work hard again tomorrow!" Sato Trainer: "You're able to reliably make your target time now!" Dia: "Thank you." Sato Trainer: "You've maintained your best weight too, and you're in perfect condition! Your preparations went splendidly!" Dia: "Right. All that's left is to win." Dia: "And I will win." Kitasan: "My body feels heavy for some reason." Bourbon: "You're losing focus. Steady your breath." Kitasan: "Osu!" Kitasan: "O... Osu..." Kitasan: "Next is... over here... uh..." Kitasan: "Okay, goodnight." Trainer: "Y-Yeah... get plenty of rest, okay?" Trainer: "Is she seriously gonna be okay?" Bourbon: "What do you mean?" Trainer: "Her time hasn't improved at all over the last few days... And it looks to me like the exhaustion is taking a toll on her motivation." Bourbon: "We're just getting started." Bourbon: "Being able to overcome this is the actual point of this training." Bourbon: "It was originally conceived of by Master, for when I had returned to racing." Trainer: "This was all Kuronuma-san's idea?" Bourbon: "A hotly contested competition is decided by mental strength." Bourbon: "The ability to pursue victory regardless of the most extreme circumstances." Bourbon: "Whether or not she's capable of achieving this still remains to be seen." Bourbon: "I was unable to answer to my master's wishes." Bourbon: "She reminds me of myself, which is why I hope she will be able to." Kitasan: "I think I might be done." Kitasan: "Wait, no, no! I can't start giving in!" Kitasan: "I bet Dia-chan would have gotten the hang of it in no time." Kitasan: "Dia-chan... huh?" Kitasan: "Wait, isn't tomorrow..." Kitasan: "There we go." Rice: "Kita-san, Kita-san, I baked some... Bread?" Rice: "Bourbon-san! Bourbon-san!" Bourbon: "What is it?" Rice: "I f-found this in Kita-san's tent!" Commentary: "Exiting the final corner... Satono Diamond is moving up! And so is To-Car!" Kitasan: "Dia-chan!" Commentary: "This is a 310-meter straight: a direct path to achieving a dream! Faucheuse is in the lead! On the outside are Satono Diamond and Jewel Spinel! Jewel Spinel! Satono Diamond is moving up on the outside! Satono Diamond is closing in!" Kitasan: "Dia-chan!" Commentary: "Faucheuse is still in the lead! Then Jewel Spinel! What about To-Car?!" Kitasan: "Dia-chan?!" Commentary: "Whoa, and on the outside, it's Divinity!" Commentary: "Divinity is making a lot of sudden headway! To-Car is behind her, fighting desperately! Divinity! We're seeing incredible acceleration create an even bigger gap! Divinity crosses the goal!" Commentary: "She managed to pass everyone in an instant! Divinity didn't want to give up the spotlight! Her winning time is 1:57.09, a new race record!" Audience A: "She was doing so well, too." Audience: "Maybe the Satono jinx is real." Kitasan: "Dia-chan..." Kitasan: "Dia-chan..." Dia: "I'll make sure to win." Kitasan: "Is she gonna be okay?" Reporter: "Do you have any thoughts on how the race was called?" Dia: "The call was the right one. If I had sufficient ability, it would've been different." Dia: "My ability... My desire to win wasn't enough." Reporter B: "There are people in the audience talking about the Satono jinx." Dia: "Be sure to watch the Japanese Derby." Dia: "My name is Satono Diamond. Diamonds are gems that shine brighter than any other," Dia: "and no matter what they encounter, they never break." Rice: "I baked some bread." Bourbon: "You seem re-energized." Kitasan: "I am!" Bourbon: "Let's resume, then." Kitasan: "This is it! This is where it really starts!" Kitasan: "Doesn't matter how tired I feel or how slow the going is! I'm not giving up!" Kitasan: "No matter how hard it gets, I'm only facing forward." Kitasan: "No matter what the trouble is, I'll smash past it!" Kitasan: "Next time, I swear..." Bourbon: "Ten seconds left!" Kitasan: "I will make it!" Kitasan: "I'm gonna win!" Bourbon: "You made it over the wall." Trainer: "We're going after the Spring Tennoushou!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 4 – My Own Shine", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3", "4", "My Own Shine" ] }
Commentary: "Coming over the hill, it's number eight, Satono Diamond in the lead! Number three, To-Car, is coming after her, along with Jewel Spinel on the inside of the track and Divinity on the outside! The Japanese Derby! There's less than 200 meters to go!" Cheval: "They're speeding up so much..." Kitasan: "Dia-chan, go for it!" Crown: "Win this, Dia. You'll secure the first Satono G1 victory!" Commentary: "And now To-Car is closing the gap! The battle for the top is a dead heat between number eight, Satono Diamond, and number three, To-Car, on the inside! It looks like To-Car might have a slight edge. But Satono Diamond is gradually closing the gap, like she's being pulled forward! It's Satono Diamond versus To-Car! Satono Diamond and To-Car! And they cross the goal together!" Commentary: "Was the winner To-Car, or number eight, Satono Diamond?! They seemed just about tied! And number one, Divinity, was slightly behind them in third place." Commentary: "It looks like... To-Car has won! The winner in the end is number 3, To-Car. This battle ended with a photo finish! Number eight, Satono Diamond, put up a great fight but came a step short!" Kitasan: "Dia-chan..." Commentary: "It looks like the horse girl that has taken the spotlight of this generation is To-Car!" Kitasan: "I'm sorry, Dia-chan." Kitasan: "If your horseshoe hadn't broken, you definitely would've won." Cheval: "You shouldn't get into "what ifs" when it comes to competition." Kitasan: "But... It was only an eight centimeter difference." Crown: "The Satono jinx..." Cheval: "Something like "Satono horse girls can't win G1 races," right?" Crown: "I don't like admitting it, but it's easy to see where it comes from. In my case..." Crown: "And then in this year's Satsukishou, with Dia... It's like God is actually trying to keep us from winning." Dia: "It's all right. I'm going to prove that jinx wrong..." Dia: "when I win the Kikkashou." Kitasan: "Dia-chan..." Kitasan: "A heart that never gives in, and a will that's unbreakable... Dia-chan really is amazing." Kitasan: "Okay, my turn!" Teio: "That was your best time yet, Kita-chan!" Kitasan: "Really?! All right!" Teio: "Your speed and stamina have both leveled up nicely." Mcqueen: "It seems your training has borne fruit." Trainer: "Yeah. After the Spring Tennoushou, that's two G1 victories, and your running is a lot more confident now. You might end up the star of your generation, Kitasan." Kitasan: "Who, me?!" Trainer: "Let's keep your momentum going and bring home the Takarazuka Kinen!" Kitasan: "R-Right!" Golshi: "The Takarazuka Kinen is my specialty, and since she's my apprentice, this should be an easy win." Vodka: "Since when are you Kitasan's master?!" D.Sca: "What happens if she starts being awful at entering the gate?!" Vodka: "Where you headed, Kitasan?" Kitasan: "I'm gonna head out for my road work!" D.Sca: "She already ran so much, but is still going..." Golshi: "She seriously has no bottom to her stamina." Vodka: "Yeah." Bourbon: "She made it over the wall after all." Rice: "That's right." Kitasan: "After the Spring Tennoushou is the Takarazuka Kinen.... I wonder how my running is doing." Kitasan: "Hello! How are you?" eigner: "Excuse me, could you direct me to the Hanshin Racecourse?" Kitasan: "Okay, okay! Okay, okay..." Kitasan: "Here!" eigner: "It's this way, then?" Kitasan: "Bye!" eigner: "Thank you ever so much." Kitasan: "Have I gotten any stronger?" Kitasan: "I think I might have!" Caster: "The monster who was sidelined with distal tibial fractures in both legs will resurface this spring, and will soon return to domestic G1 races. We've got Duramente-san, coming off a race where she made her aims for the Takarazuka Kinen clear, along with Air Groove-san, a veteran runner who has known her since an early age. And now it's time for our special live interview!" A: "Duramente's gonna be at the Takarazuka Kinen?!" Caster: "It's been nine months since your unfortunate injury. And you demonstrated pretty clearly that you're back by winning the Nakayama Kinen! After that came a race in Dubai where, despite some trouble, you were able to challenge some of the strongest horse girls in Europe and come out in second place! That's an amazing result for your first overseas excursion, Duramente-san!" Duramente: "It was second place." Caster: "What's that?" Duramente: "It was second place. That's not amazing." Caster: "Uh, but, still..." Air Groove: "I believe she's saying that racing against the finest horse girls from Europe was a very valuable experience, and that by winning second place, she's feeling very confident." Caster: "I-I see..." Caster: "Well, it looks like the Takarazuka Kinen is your next choice for a race. What kind of running do you have in store for all your domestic fans who are looking forward to it?" Duramente: "I'll win." Caster: "Uh, well... is that all?" Duramente: "I'll win." Air Groove: "She's saying that she's looking forward to putting out another dominant victory with her further improved running. Out of all the horse girls who my mother has instructed, Duramente has the most remarkable potential. I'm sure she'll put on a race at the Takarazuka Kinen that will surprise all the fans." Caster: "I see. Well, I'm looking forward to it! Now, regarding the Takarazuka Kinen, it looks like the Kikkashou winner, Kitasan Black, who has improved a fair bit while you were recuperating, will also be running. Both of you have two G1 victories, and this will be a battle of the generational rivals. Do you have any thoughts on that?" Duramente: "I don't care who I'm racing against." Air Groove: "She's saying the Takarazuka Kinen has many talented horse girls running in it, which is why she's really anticipating it—" Duramente: "These races are nothing more than stepping stones to the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe. I intend to prove that I am so superlative, with superiority that is obvious to anyone, that the words "strong" and "fast" aren't sufficient." Air Groove: "Hey! Where are you going, Dura?! The interview's not over yet!" Duramente: "I'm heading back to train, Groovy Sis." Air Groove: "D-Don't call me that when we're on camera! Hey, get back here!" Caster: "Uh... cut. Stop the camera!" A: "Did you hear that bit at the end?" B: "The Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe... That sounds like Duramente, all right." A: "This is gonna be good!" Spe: "Well, that was a pretty crazy interview." Suzuka: "It was..." Mcqueen: "I can't believe she said all other races are stepping stones to the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." Suzuka: "She did..." Golshi: "I mean, I get where she's coming from! The Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe is one of the biggest races in the world! I guess that's hard to understand if you've never run in it!" Vodka: "You're not gonna just take all that, are you, Kitasan?!" D.Sca: "She's right! You had better not lose to that rude girl!" Kitasan: "R-Right! I absolutely, definitely won't lose!" Kitasan: "Or so I'd like to say, but..." Kitasan: "Duramente-san really is strong." Golshi: "Yeah... At the Satsukishou, she was kinda rough around the edges, but you could feel this kinda unfathomable strength too." Suzuka: "You could..." Mcqueen: "And when her talents fully came into bloom, she dominated the Derby." Suzuka: "She did..." Kitasan: "Duramente-san didn't run in the Kikkashou or Spring Tennoushou." Kitasan: "I've never won against her before." Trainer: "But the person she beat was last year's Kitasan." Trainer: "Am I right?" Teio: "That's right! You've gotten way stronger, Kita-chan!" Suzuka: "You have." Mcqueen: "You've grown a full size since then. You're practically a different person." Suzuka: "You are." Golshi: "Check it!" Golshi: "You managed to defend my number one spot in the fan vote! Well done, apprentice!" D.Sca: "Seriously, since when is she your apprentice?" Vodka: "What're you gonna do if she starts running while making stupid faces?" Kitasan: "Eighty-two thousand votes... That's so many." Trainer: "Everyone's got high hopes for you. For Kitasan Black, who won the Kikkashou and Spring Tennoushou." Kitasan: "Everyone..." Kitasan: "Oh, what do I do? I didn't bring an umbrella. Oh, man... oh, man. Oh, man..." Kitasan: "W-Well..." Kitasan: "Doesn't look like it's letting up, huh?" Duramente: "Yeah." Kitasan: "I, uh... forgot my umbrella." Kitasan: "You too, Duramente-san?" Duramente: "Yeah." Kitasan: "I guess we're in the same boat." Kitasan: "So... I saw your interview." Kitasan: "You're pretty amazing, Duramente-san." Kitasan: "Saying that you'd prove your superiority with such confidence..." Kitasan: "You're not... scared at all?" Kitasan: "Of like... losing, or not living up to everyone's expectations?" Duramente: "I've never thought about it." Kitasan: "You really are amazing." Duramente: "Because I have a duty. My family has always pursued" Duramente: "a distant dream of taking on the most extreme challenges." Duramente: "That's in my blood." Duramente: "At the end of my path of conquest is proof that I am the strongest..." Duramente: "the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." Duramente: "My reason for being is to win there." Duramente: "Even if I lose, I can't afford to hesitate." Duramente: "I'm here to collect something I lost." Duramente: "I was unable to run in the Kikkashou." Duramente: "That's all." Duramente: "I am still the strongest of my generation." Duramente: "By beating the Kikkashou's winner, I will prove that." Duramente: "And then I will take on the world, and win the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." Kitasan: "Wanting to chase after a dream... A heart that never hesitates..." Kitasan: "Such a forthright, beautiful... and strong person." Kitasan: "Duramente-san entered the Takarazuka Kinen to race against me!" Kitasan: "But..." Kitasan: "I've eaten and trained a lot to get stronger this year, too." Kitasan: "So I hope you don't think it'll be easy!" Duramente: "Who are you?" Kitasan: "Excuse me?" Duramente: "Who are you?" Kitasan: "Uh... do you not know who I am?" Duramente: "I don't." Kitasan: "K-Kitasan Black! I'm the Kikkashou winner! That's me!" Duramente: "I see." Kitasan: "Duramente-san!" Kitasan: "I'll show you the way I race! The way that Kitasan Black, the horse girl who'll beat you, runs! See you at the Takarazuka Kinen!" Kitasan: "I was totally beneath her notice! So I'll hit her with everything I've got! Everything that's changed about me since last year!" Crown: "Dia. I won't let you face this alone! The Satono jinx... next time, I'll break it!" Cheval: "I'll show them..." Cheval: "the moment that I seize a grand victory. To my sisters!" Commentary: "Here they are, proud to be chosen by fans and dedicated to their dreams. We've got a blue sky in the early summer here at the Hanshin Racecourse, with 17 horse girls waiting. It's the grand prix race that ends the first half of the year, the Takarazuka Kinen! And it's beginning soon! Duramente and Kitasan Black will be colliding, both of them having won two G1 races. Kitasan Black was in first place in the fan vote, but Duramente is the favorite to win today!" Color: "It's been a year since their last confrontation. It should be interesting to see how they've both grown as racers." Suzuka: "The course condition is looking good and soft." Trainer: "Yeah. Kitasan's power and stamina will definitely give her an advantage." Trainer: "But she's up against a real monster... Don't get psyched out, Kitasan!" Commentary: "The festival girl, Kitasan Black, and the returning monster, Duramente." Commentary: "Which one will come out on top? They run now carrying the fans' dreams, with their own dreams of taking on the world here at the Takarazuka Kinen!" Commentary: "And off they go!" Commentary: "There's already a fight for first place! Kitasan Black is off to a good start. She's in the lead and setting the pace!" Kitasan: "Okay!" Commentary: "They're entering the first home stretch. You can hear the cheers of this crowd greeting them on their return!" Masuo/Minami: "Kitasan Black!" Girls: "Go!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black is in the lead. Fighting for second place is number four, Two-and-Lonely, number 10, Canon Mille-feuille, and number five, Cheval Grand! Duramente is towards the back of the middle, fourth from last place. Satono Crown is behind her as they round the first corner!" Commentary: "Kitasan is on the run. Duramente is laying in wait. We're seeing a real contrast in their styles. In first place, Kitasan Black has a two-length lead. Coming around the second corner, they're entering a straightaway. Second place is between number four, Two-And-Lonely, and number 10, Canon Mille-feuille, with number 11, Nanpo Fox on the outside, and then Cheval Grand! Towards the back of the mid-section is where the monster aiming to prey on the world, Duramente, awaits! Satono Crown is behind her!" Commentary: "They've crossed 1,000 meters in the second lap in 59.1 seconds!" D.Sca: "That's under a minute!" Vodka: "Seems kinda fast." Suzuka: "It does. But... Kitasan should be able to keep going through to the end now." Commentary: "As the race enters its second half, will Kitasan Black be able to stay out in front to the end?" Kitasan: "During the Derby, I could only see in front of me..." Kitasan: "But now I can tell. I can feel the others gaining on me..." Kitasan: "And hear Duramente-san's footsteps!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black has the lead by one length! But entering the fourth corner, number 16, River Light, is moving up! While Duramente remains in the middle of the pack!" Kitasan: "I'm not out of breath... my legs feel light... I'm going to show them how I run—and win!" Crown: "Now!" Cheval: "It's on!" Commentary: "And exiting the last corner, they enter the straight! Kitasan Black is in front with a two-lengths lead! Second place is number seven, Bravo Day, with number 16, River Light, on the outside! After them is Cheval Grand, with Satono Crown accelerating on the far edge!" Teio: "Go, Kita-chan!" Vodka/D.Sca: "Push through to the end!" Commentary: "There are 200 meters left! They begin to ascend a hill! And... here she comes! Dashing through the pack is the monstrous Duramente, aiming for the lead! She's coming!" Kitasan: "I have to stay in front!" Commentary: "There's Duramente! But is she struggling?! Kitasan Black maintains her lead!" Duramente: "She's fast." Duramente: "But I will pass her!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black in front! But Duramente is barreling ever closer!" Duramente: "I'll prove I'm the strongest!" Kitasan: "Who?!" Commentary: "River Light comes flying in! It's River Light!" Commentary: "The victory doesn't go to the festival or the monster, but to River Light! She managed to pass Kitasan Black, who was on the inside, along with Duramente on the outside!" Commentary: "This grand prix has been won by number 16, River Light!" River Light: "I did it! I did it! I really, really did it!" Kitasan: "I lost again..." Kitasan: "Duramente-san?!" Kitasan: "Duramente-san, are you okay?" Kitasan: "Uh... let's get you to the doctor's office..." Duramente: "It's fine." Kitasan: "But—" Duramente: "It's fine!" Kitasan: "You really are amazing, Duramente-san. You managed to pass me again." Kitasan: "I completely lost." River Light: "I won!" Duramente: "You were strong." Duramente: "You forced me to run the way I did." Duramente: "I thought you were just a stepping stone, but there was a real point to this." Duramente: "I'm glad I ran in this Takarazuka Kinen." Duramente: "I'm going to get even stronger." Duramente: "And next time, I will dominate you, Kitasan Black." Kitasan: "Duramente-san..." Kitasan: "Well, me too!" Kitasan: "I'm gonna get way, way stronger, too! And next time, I'm not gonna lose, Duramente-san! Nah..." Kitasan: "I'm not gonna lose, Dura-chan!" Duramente: "Dura... chan?" Kitasan: "Yeah! Dura-chan!" Duramente: "All right." River Light: "Yes!" River Light: "Thanks for rooting for me!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 – Proving Oneself", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3", "5", "Proving Oneself" ] }
Satono Acquaintences 2: "It should be quite a race." Crown: "The old men have their hopes pinned on you, as usual. How are you feeling heading into the Kikkashou?" Dia: "Good so far. Crown-chan, are you going on another overseas excursion?" Crown: "Dia seems fired up." Sato Trainer: "She's in really good shape. At this rate, the 3,000-meter distance and hills of the Kikkashou shouldn't be any problem. The final race of the classic Triple Crown. This time, she can win!" Crown: "I think so too." Dia: "The Satsukishou, the Derby... I was in perfect condition, physically and mentally, both times." Dia: "I thought the jinx was nothing to worry about..." Dia: "I was going to win and prove that. And yet..." Commentary: "Whoa, and on the outside, it's Divinity! Divinity is making a lot of sudden headway! Number eight, Satono Diamond, put up a great fight but came a step short!" Dia: "If running fast and being strong isn't enough..." Dia: "I'll take the jinx on." Kitasan: "Time to eat!" Caster: "It's time for today's last two horoscopes." Caster: "In 11th place is Aquarius. No matter what you try, it's going to go poorly today." Cater: "You should be careful around red things." Dia: "Red..." Kitasan: "With that much shichimi peppers in it, I don't think you can even drink the soup anymore—" Kitasan: "Are you okay, Dia-chan?!" Dia: "Sure, I'm fine." Dia: "Sorry, Kita-chan, but I'm gonna head out early today." Kitasan: "O-Okay." Kitasan: "I wonder what's gotten into her?" Caster: "And in last place is Pisces." Kitasan: "That's me!" Dia: "Fukukitaru-san, could you tell my fortune, please?" Tannhaeuser: "Yep, yep, mhmm." ukukitaru: "Very well." ukukitaru: "It's bad." ukukitaru: "You must avoid heading eastward. It will bring bad fortune. Unlucky things will happen around you." Dia: "East, then?" ukukitaru: "Correct. Avoid the east at all costs. It's very bad luck!" Tannheuser: "Fuku-chan-senpai, isn't there anything she can do?" Doto: "Is there any hope?" ukukitaru: "Not to worry! Hope lies in the west!" Dia: "Never mind that." Dia: "Thank you for your help." Doto: "Does she not need hope?!" Kitasan: "What was Dia-chan up to this morning?" Kitasan: "Dia-chan?" Dia: "This way is east." Kitasan: "Dia-chan?!" Dia: "It'll take more than this..." Dia: "Good! That takes care of Fukukitaru-san's fortune. Next!" Kitasan: "Fortune?" Rickey: "You want to know how to summon bad luck?" Dia: "Yes. What kind of things should I do?" Rickey: "Well, feng shui is pretty helpful in avoiding bad luck! So leave it to me. I'll explain it to you, rickety-split!" Rickey: "Dia-chan, areas with a lot of wood seem to be bad for you at the moment. They might mean bad luck." Dia: "A lot of wood, then..." Dia: "Thank you." Rickey: "You be careful! Coppa-careful!" Kitasan: "Feng shui?" Dia: "A place with a lot of wood... This should do." Bakushin O: "Another day of training! Let's dash, dash, dash! Dash, dash, dash! Dash! Dash! Dash-ash-ash! Dash, dash, dash! Dash, dash, dash! Dash! Dash! Da— shing! Shing?!" Kitasan: "Bakushin O-san?!" Dia: "Good. That takes care of Rickey-san's feng shui. Next!" Dia: "Let's see here... "If you play the piano in the music room at 4:44, a ghost with only legs will appear"?" Dia: "Okay..." Kitasan: "Where'd Dia-chan get to now?" Dia: "Well, I didn't run into any leg ghost... Another one down." Kitasan: "A leg ghost!" Kitasan: "Dia-chan... what's going on with her today?" Kitasan: "I'm home." Dia: "Welcome back, Kita-chan." Kitasan: "What's with the critters, Dia-chan?!" Dia: "They've been helping me train a bit." Kitasan: "Th-They have?" Dia: "Right. Crows and black cats are considered ominous, right? So when it comes to jinxes—" Kitasan: "My collection! So you're training to beat the jinx?" Dia: "Right. I started thinking... If the Satono jinx is real, then being strong won't be enough to break it. Which is why I'm training to defeat all kinds of jinxes, so that I can be ready no matter what happens at the Kikkashou!" Kitasan: "That explains the black cat and crow, I guess." Kitasan: "But don't overdo it, okay?" Dia: "It's all right. You worry too much, Kita-chan. I should go and run." Kitasan: "But it's so late!" Dia: "True. But I didn't train enough this morning. See you later." Kitasan: "Take care." Dia: "I'll overcome whatever comes my way!" Dia: "And win a G1 for the Satono family!" Dia: "The Satono family... Our family has contributed a great deal to the sport of horse girl racing, from working with the administration to participating in charitable works. But the greatest achievement in the field of racing, fielding a horse girl that can win a G1 race, has proved elusive." Dia: "I was lucky enough to be born with a talent for running." Dia: "People would watch me race." Dia: "When I made first place, they would be happy." Dia: "When I was young, that made me happier than anything else." Dia: "It was natural for me to yearn for this particular dream." Dia: "To pursue a G1 victory, the way the older Satono girls were doing." Dia: "But..." Horse Girl A: "I really did try my hardest." Horse Girl A: "But I didn't come close... to winning a G1." Horse Girl B: "I'm sorry, Dia." Horse Girl B: "Everyone's going to pin their hopes on you now." Dia: "I shouldered the unfulfilled dreams and frustrations of my family as they left the turf. I started to feel more strongly..." Dia: "That I would win, for all their sakes." Dia: "That I would bring victory... and hope to the Satono family." Dia: "And yet..." Horse Girl C: "Even Dia-san couldn't win." Horse Girl D: "She's so strong, but keeps having bad luck at the last second." Horse Girl C: "The Satono jinx has to be real. No matter how hard we try, we can't win G1 races." Horse Girl D: "Is there any point to us even debuting?" Dia: "I have to win. Win and bring hope to them!" Dia: "It's on me." Teio: "Training to break a jinx, huh?" Kitasan: "She's been training so much longer than usual, and no matter what I ask, she just says it's fine." Kitasan: "I can't help but worry." Golshi: "You sure you've got time to worry about someone else? She's plenty strong! Don't sweat it!" Kitasan: "Still..." Vodka: "Who doesn't worry about their friends?" D.Sca: "And unlike you, Kitasan actually cares!" Golshi: "Say what?! Nobody cares more about their friends than me!" Teio: "Maybe you could give her something to ward off bad luck?" Kitasan: "I see... chase off the bad luck, huh? Then a good luck charm should do. And then maybe..." Dia: "One more time." Mac: "You're certainly working hard." Dia: "M-McQueen-san?! What are you doing here?" Mac: "Would you care for a chat?" Mac: "How are you feeling?" Dia: "Fantastic. The last race of the classic Triple Crown... No matter what, I intend to win." Mac: "Kitasan's worried about you." Mac: "That's what got me wondering." Dia: "H-Honestly, Kita-chan's such a worrywart. Gosh." Mac: "Is she?" Mac: "You're sure you're not overdoing it?" Dia: ""Satono horse girls can't win G1 races." Have you heard that before?" Mac: "Yes." Dia: "I didn't think it could be real." Dia: "That it was foolish to even consider." Dia: "I believed that for so long." Dia: "But then..." Dia: "I can't keep losing." Dia: "At the Kikkashou, finally... I'll break the Satono jinx, and then—" Mac: "Jinxes are the kind of thing someone comes up with after the fact. That's what I believe." Dia: "But that can't be! At the Satsukishou, and the Derby, I—" Mac: "Then are you familiar with this one? "The strongest horse girls are the ones who win the Kikkashou."" Dia: "I've heard it..." Mac: "If that jinx was true, that would mean that Kitasan and I won the Kikkashou because of it. That some strange power led us to victory." Dia: "That's not true! You and Kita-chan won because you're both strong! Not because of some jinx!" Mac: "And I believe that's all there is to it." Mac: "Just a bit of nonsense that someone thinks up." Mac: "It's true that you ran into misfortune this spring, Satono-san. But bad luck and shoe trouble are common enough in racing." Dia: "They... are?" Mac: "Of course. Considering that this is coming from the Kikkashou winner" Mac: "who was considered so dominant that it was boring... Surely you must be convinced." Dia: "But the jinx—" Mac: "I know what it's like." Mac: "To race for your family's sake..." Mac: "The weight of running while carrying your family's lineage." Mac: "It's quite a burden, but you've never run from that pain." Mac: "You've looked forward through the pain and given your all." Mac: "That's not the kind of thing anyone can do. Your line was cut off on the track, which pushed you into third place at the Satsukishou." Mac: "And you were within a breadth of winning the Japanese Derby, despite your shoe breaking." Mac: "I honestly felt that you seemed stronger than anyone else." Mac: "The effort you've expended, the feelings you've pursued... are not the kind of things that can be blunted by a jinx someone concocted." Dia: "McQueen-san..." Mac: "Please, believe in yourself." Mac: "You are a strong horse girl." Mac: "You'll need to rest properly so that you can be at full strength for the race." Mac: "And nothing else." Mac: "Don't you see? Then perhaps I'll give you the best piece of advice I know. A rabbit was looking at a turtle. And the turtle—" Mac: "What might that be?" Dia: "Please come to see the Kikkashou." Dia: "I'll cross the finish line before anyone else." Mac: "Right. I'll be looking forward to it." Dia: "Thank you so much." Dia: "I'm back... huh?" Kitasan: "Welcome back, Dia-chan." Dia: "Kita-chan? What is all this?" Kitasan: "I gathered up a bunch of lucky items to help you break the jinx." Kitasan: "Here you go!" Dia: "Thanks. Sorry for worrying you. But I'm okay now." Kitasan: "That's a relief." Kitasan: "In that case, let's toast to Dia's comeback!" Commentary: "We've got a huge crowd here this autumn at the Tokyo Racecourse, for the final act of the classic Triple Crown..." Commentary: "Which horse girl will the spotlight shine down on?" Commentary: "Three thousand meters of turf are waiting." Commentary: "All 18 runners are headed toward the gate." Commentary: "As they begin to enter..." Dia: "I believe. In the dreams that have been entrusted to me, and my own strength, that I've built from running so much—" Commentary: "And the number 18 horse girl, Royal Tartan, is now inside the gate." Dia: "I am the strongest!" Commentary: "And the Kikkashou has begun!" Commentary: "It looks like number 17, Tip-of-Turn, is off to a late start. Number two, Jakarta Funk, and number five, Chief Parser, are moving up. They're passing the others." Commentary: "The featured number three, Satono Diamond, is about five to six lengths from the lead." Minami: "It's said that the the final race of the classic Triple Crown, the Kikkashou, is won by the strongest horse girls. Do you know why? Because this race is—" Masuo: "You told me this before." Commentary: "And now the horse girls are entering the home stretch." Masuo/Minami: "Go!" Commentary: "They clear the first 1,000 meters in 59.9 seconds! They pass the stands, bathed in applause, as they enter the first corner. There are about 20 lengths from first to last place, showing how tight the" Commentary: "competition is going into the first corner." Crown: "Dia, give the Satono horse girls some hope!" Sato Trainer: "I know you can do this, Diamond-san." Commentary: "Eight hundred meters to go. They're entering the third corner. Number five, Chief Parser, is out in front with a clear lead." Dia: "I'm carrying them. The frustrations, wishes, and hopes of the Satono horse girls. I'll show it to them. With a dazzling victory, the light of hope!" Dia: "I'll make it happen. My dream— and the wish of my family!" Dia: "I am strong... stronger than anyone!" Kitasan: "Dia-chan!" Commentary: "And now number three, Satono Diamond, is making her move! Number six, Divinity, also takes off. They're moving up next to each other. Chief Parser is trying to stay in front with a two-length lead!" Masuo/Minami: "Go!" Commentary: "And now, the final straight! They've all begun their last spurt! The stands are quaking with cheers!" Sato Trainer/Crown: "Go!" Horse Girl A: "Go!" Horse Girl B: "Go!" Horse Girl C/D: "Go!" Commentary: "Number three, Satono Diamond, is moving up on the outside. And number six, Divinity, has a two-length lead! Original Shine was in the rear and is also moving up! She's out in front now! Number three, Satono Diamond, is now in the lead! On the inside is number 13, Jewel Spinel! On the outside, number 11, Original Shine! And number six, Divinity, is part of the battle for second place! Satono Diamond! She has 100 meters left before making her family's dream come true!" Commentary: "And Satono Diamond crosses the goal in a definitive first place!" Commentary: "She took off and accelerated all the way down that straight! Just how strong is Satono Diamond?! The number three runner is the uncontested winner! In the battle for second place, we've got number 11, Original Shine, on the outside, number 13, Jewel Spinel, on the inside, and number six, Divinity, between them. They were spread out across from each other."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 6 – Diamond", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3", "6", "Diamond" ] }
Commentary: "Kitasan Black remains at the front of the pack. She's running and running up the hill! With 200 meters to go, All Haiyu is chasing her! Sounds of Earth is also moving up! But she remains in the lead! Kitasan Black! Sounds of Earth is in second! Sounds of Earth! Third place, Cheval Grand, is closing in! But in first, it's Kitasan Black! And Kitasan Black outruns them all!" Kitasan: "I did it! I won!" Shopping Folks: "Kita-chan!" Earth: "This race was truly my idea of eccitazione!" Turbo: "Second place in a G1 race! Nice!" Ikuno: "Impressive results." Tanheuser: "It really is something." ure: "Uh, it is..." ure: "Man, I've got nothing left to teach her, huh?" Cheval Grand: "Third place..." Kitasan: "I really did it!" Trainer: "Yeah. That was a great job!" Suzuka: "Your third G1 win, and in the Japan Cup, no less." Golshi: "It's cool that you won on your biggest stage yet!" Kitasan: "Okay, the Arima Kinen comes next! It'll be payback for last time!" Townsperson B: "Kitasan Black and Cheval Grand." Townsperson A: "Yeah, those two are the top choices in the senior class." Townsperson D: "But in the classics group, it's gotta be Satono Diamond!" Townsperson E: "She was amazing at the Kikkashou!" Townsperson F: "She's always had potential, but she had that string of bad luck." Townsperson G: "They're both the representatives for their generations, so seeing them against each other should be something." Verxina: "Third place in the Japan Cup. You almost had it." Vivlos: "You put up a great fight, though! Congrats!" Cheval: "Well, sure..." Vivlos: "Y'know, it feels like it's been a while since the three of us met up. The other day we were celebrating my win, but Chevacchi couldn't make it." Cheval Grand: "I had other plans..." Vivlos: "You did?" Verxina: "It's wonderful that you won the last tiara at the Shuukashou, Vivlos." Vivlos: "Well, I can't be like you, getting beat by Gentil-san and ending up in second place all the time!" Verxina: "Oh, you want to go there?" Verxina: "The Arima is next for you, right, Cheval?" Cheval Grand: "Yeah, I guess." Vivlos: "You should get your first G1 win at the Arima, Chevacchi!" Verxina: "It'd be nice if all three of us could have G1 wins." Vivlos: "Sure would!" Cheval Grand: "My older sister got second place in all the Triple Tiara races, and has won the Victoria Mile multiple times." Cheval Grand: "Even my younger sister, Vivlos, won a G1 race before me." Cheval Grand: "I'm the only one with nothing to show yet." Cheval Grand: "I can't lose again!" Cheval Grand: "Not to anyone else!" Kitasan: "Okay, and that's that!" Greengrocer Lady: "Thanks again, Kita-chan." Greengrocer Man: "Feels kinda bad, making a horse girl with three G1 wins help us out like that." Kitasan: "Oh, come on, don't worry about that!" shmonger Man: "Hey, Kita-chan! Congrats on the Japan Cup!" Kitasan: "Thank you so much!" Baker: "I voted for you in the fan poll, Kita-chan. Good luck at the Arima!" Kitasan: "Right! I get to run with Dia-chan this year, so I'm really looking forward to it!" shmonger Man: "We'll all have to be there to root for you again." Greengrover Man: "We're looking forward to the Winning Concert after the race, too!" Kitasan: "Whether I win or lose... Well, no, I don't intend to lose, so I'll make sure it's the best performance possible!" Greengrocer Woman: "Yo, Kita-chan from the festival!" G.G. Man: "Yo, Kita-chan from the festival!" shmonger Man: "Yo, Kita-chan from the festival!" Baker: "Yo, Kita-chan from the festival!" Kitasan: "Yeah! I'll make sure it's a memorable one!" shmonger Man: "Yo!" Spe: "Kita-san looks pretty good." Suzuka: "She does." Trainer: "Yeah. I'm expecting even better results at the Arima than she had last year." Mac: "That's something to look forward to." Sato Trainer: "Kitasan looks fearsome." Dia: "Yes." Kitasan: "There..." Teio: "Kita-chan! You doing anything after this?" Kitasan: "Oh, not really." Teio: "In that case, come hang with me for a bit." Teio: "Tasty!" Kitasan: "Delicious!" Teio: "You seem to be doing pretty well." Kitasan: "Yeah! I've been feeling so excited. I must be excited to be running at the Arima Kinen with Dia-chan." Teio: "I see." Kitasan: "It's all because of you, y'know." Teio: "Me?" Kitasan: "Yeah." Kitasan: "Your Arima Kinen win was incredible. Truly. You grabbed everyone's attention, and when you crossed the goal, it was like the entire track started to light up and shine..." Kitasan: "I saw it in that moment." Kitasan: "It was the same kind of stage that could create a star like my Dad... Glamorous and beautiful, like something out of a dream that grabs the heart and never lets go." Kitasan: "So, we made a promise." Kitasan: "That one day, we'd run together on a big stage like that." Kitasan: "That we'd give it everything we had in an amazing race like the one we saw that day." Kitasan: "Dia-chan's been my friend for such a long time now. Whenever only one of us had something, we'd split it between us." Kitasan: "But there's no sharing first place at Arima, and we can't split it, either." Kitasan: "The same Arima Kinen I was frustrated at last year. Since then, I've trained a whole bunch, I've worked hard, I've won, and I've built myself up. When we were little, I could never beat Dia-chan in footraces or at jumping rope." Kitasan: "But this time, in this race, I'm going to win!" Teio: "Looks like you're doing fine. I was wondering, since being in good shape doesn't mean you're doing great mentally, sometimes." Kitasan: "Teio-san..." Teio: "Good luck, Kita-chan." Kitasan: "Right! I'd like to win the Arima Kinen and start being considered the star horse girl of my generation!" Kitasan: "Maybe I'm getting carried away?" Dia: "I didn't think your first G1 victory would be in an overseas race." Crown: "Yeah, I thought the same thing. But... After winning, I finally understood." Crown: "Just how significant and joyful it is to win a G1 race." Dia: "Crown-chan..." Crown: "And maybe that's thanks to you, Dia. When you won the Kikkashou, you broke the Satono jinx." Dia: "It's not like that..." Crown: "Lately, a lot of the other Satono girls have been doing well, right? And some of them are talking about you creating a whole new jinx." Dia: "I guess I'll have to disprove that one next." Crown: "Still, thank you, Dia. The fact is, your efforts at the Kikkashou definitely lit a fire in me." Dia: "It's fine, Crown-chan... I could say the same thing to you." Dia: "I want to be like you, too. I'm thinking of taking on some global races next year." Dia: "So, in this Arima Kinen... There's someone I absolutely need to beat." Crown: "You mean Kitasan? You mentioned how you promised each other to race at the Arima when you were little." Dia: "That's a big part of it. But... By winning against the person I think is the strongest right now, I'll prove I'm the best in Japan. Then I can move onto representing the country as I pursue ultimate glory for the Satono family." Dia: "With my own hands." Crown: "Dia..." Tanhauser: "Looking good, Earth-chan!" Earth: "No problems here. I'm feeling as leggiero as can be!" ure: "So, you think you can win the Arima?" Earth: "It won't be a problem, Mademoiselle Nature. I can guarantee you this: I will run in a fashion comparable to Gold Ship's spectacular performance!" Ikuno: "Golshi-san got eighth place last year, didn't she?" Turbo: "That's no good!" Earth: "Yes, but eroicamente!" Tanhauser: "I have no idea what that means, but you seem confident!" Mob Horse Girls: "It's Kitasan Black!" Ikuno: "Kitasan seems to have a lot of momentum as well. This could be her fourth G1 win." Turbo: "Yep, she's real strong. You can tell, 'cuz I said so!" Tanhauser: "Her growth since the spring has been crazy." ure: "That is true..." Kitasan: "Nature-sensei! I hope I can get more advice later!" Mob Horse Girls A/B/C: "Sensei?" Mob A: "Then she's..." Mob B: "Kitasan Black's sensei?" Mob C: "That's amazing!" Turbo: "How come you're her sensei, Nature?" ure: "Don't ask me." Trainer: "Man, Kitasan is pushing too hard." Kitasan: "It's almost time to race, Dia-chan." Dia: "It's almost time, Kita-chan." Kitasan: "Dia-chan, who always followed behind me when we were little." Dia: "Kita-chan, who would always take my hand to show me all kinds of things." Kitasan: "Dia-chan, who's so talented, strong, pretty, and cool. That's why..." Dia: "The stage is set, Kita-chan." Kitasan: "I'm gonna win!" Dia: "I'm going to win!" Kitasan: "Hey, you still awake?" Dia: "Yeah, I am." Kitasan: "Needing to sleep but being unable to... reminds me of the night before a field trip." Dia: "That reminds me of the trip where I dropped my lunch, and then you split yours with me." Kitasan: "Did that happen?" Dia: "We can't share the grand prize, though." Kitasan: "Yeah." Kitasan: "Dia-chan, y'know... I've always thought you were really amazing." Kitasan: "Even the things I started first, you would always catch up and then surpass me." Kitasan: "You've always been so talented... and you're kinda like a little sister, but so cool and strong." Kitasan: "And now I get to race against you! I'm really excited." Dia: "So am I. You always work so hard, Kita-chan, and you're always so cheerful and smiling, and you make other people happy." Dia: "It makes me think about how strong you must be." Kitasan: "Dia-chan..." Dia: "We had better get some sleep. Good night." Kitasan: "Yeah. Good night." Kitasan: "Dia-chan?!" Kitasan: "Just a dream?" Kitasan: "Wait, what time is it?!" Kitasan: "What a relief... Huh? Where is she?" Kitasan: "I guess the race has already kinda started, hasn't it, Dia-chan? Okay!" Kitasan: "So cold..." Commentary: "As a chilly wind blows, so too do impassioned ambitions rise above the Nakayama Racecourse. It's that time of year again: the Arima Kinen." Color: "This should be a heck of a race. What kind of story will we see unfold at the last grand prix of the year?" Suzuka: "There are so many people in attendance. Enough that it feels warm, even though it's December." Spe: "Yeah!" Trainer: "Here we go..." Teio: "They're coming out." Minami: "In the fan vote before the race, Kitasan Black came in first. But Satono Diamond is the favorite to win it, apparently." Masuo: "Who are you rooting for?" Minami: "You're seriously asking? You should know." Masuo: "It was a silly question." Color: "I'd say all attention has to be on these two." Commentary: "Correct. After her long-awaited G1 victory at the Kikkashou, she's earned a reputation as the strongest among the classics group, Satono Diamond! Versus the winner of the previous year's Kikkashou, with three G1 wins to her name, Kitasan Black, defending her position in the senior class!" Earth: "The final grand prix of the year... Which I suppose makes this an air on the string of G." Cheval Grand: "I can't run another pathetic race." Cheval Grand: "Not in front of them. Never again." Commentary: "The race is just about to begin." Kitasan: "Dia-chan." Kitasan: "Dia-chan, let's have..." Kitasan: "Let's have a good race, fair and square!" Dia: "I'm going to win, Kitasan Black." Kitasan: "Dia-chan's really focused..." Kitasan: "I'd better be, too." Commentary: "How do these 100,000 cheers resonate in the ears of the horse girls as they head to the starting line?" Commentary: "They continue to enter their gates. What kind of race—what kind of drama are we about to see unfold at the Arima Kinen?" Commentary: "And they're off. Kitasan Black is running on the inside after a good start. All Haiyu is following her lead, running next to her." Spica: "Go!" Commentary: "In the struggle for first place, Read Fantasy is pushing hard early. Kitasan Black is right behind her. Satono Diamond is in the middle of the pack, but you can see her green racing dress moving up. And the horse girls are greeted with 100,000 cheers as they round the fourth corner of the first lap, now in the first home stretch. Read Fantasy is in the lead, with Kitasan Black uncontested in second place, followed by All Haiyu and Great House." Suzuka: "Listen to that..." Daiwa Scarlet: "That's the Arima for you." Golshi: "For real." Trainer: "Not bad, but don't fall for it, Kitasan." Commentary: "As they enter the first corner, the runners seem to be quietly taking stock of the situation. The first 1,000 meters were covered in 61 seconds, and Read Fantasy is running out in front in sprightly fashion. Six to seven lengths behind her is the number one runner, Kitasan Black." Kitasan: "Is this too fast? No, I should be able to handle it now!" Commentary: "And now, as if she's marked Kitasan Black, Satono Diamond moves up into third place. Number six, Sounds of Earth, was second place in last year's race." Commentary: "And number 14, Cheval Grand, is also on the move." Vivlos/Verxina: "You can do it!" Commentary: "Going into the third corner, there's less than 600 meters left in the race." Kitasan: "I can do this, I can do this, now's the time!" Commentary: "There's very little space between first and second place now. Kitasan Black has closed in to just about half a length's distance! She is steadily gaining ground!" Trainer: "She's gonna try to pass? But it's looking good!" Spe: "There you go, come on!" Golshi: "Don't let 'em pass you!" Teio: "You can do it, Kita-chan." Commentary: "Rounding the fourth corner and into the final straight! And 100,000 cheering voices once again rumble across the turf of Nakayama." Commentary: "Read Fantasy seems to be struggling. Kitasan Black's lead is growing! And as if signaled by Kitasan Black, All Haiyu, Satono Diamond, and Cheval Grand start moving up! The most popular horse girls are now all pushing their way forward!" Kitasan: "There! The goal!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black is going for it! She's begun her last spurt! Will she be able to turn Nakayama into a festival this year?!" Commentary: "But she's not gaining much! The group near the front isn't letting her get away! Is Kitasan Black struggling?! Satono Diamond is making her way up!" Kitasan: "She's here! But—" Commentary: "Kitasan Black pushes again!" Kitasan: "Keep going!" Kitasan: "She always passes me, but not today!" Commentary: "Satono Diamond is moving up! She's on the tail of Kitasan Black again! All Haiyu is hanging on too! But there's Satono Diamond! We're looking at a three-way battle between the top horse girls!" Kitasan: "Keep going!" Dia: "Go for it!" Kitasan: "Keep going, keep going, keep going!" Dia: "I'm going for it!" Commentary: "Can she make it?! Will she make it?! Did she make it?! On the outside, and just barely! It's Satono Diamond! Satono Diamond comes out on top in this climactic clash! She's demonstrated ability that will make her really shine in the senior class!" Earth: "Eighth place, eh? Such a sweet melody." Turbo: "Eighth place! She tried hard!" Kitasan: "Congratulations, Dia-chan." Dia: "Thanks, Kita-chan!" Kitasan: "You were great. I mean, really!" Dia: "Yeah, so were you!" Kitasan: "Guess I couldn't beat you after all!" Dia: "I was pretty desperate too, y'know. Since I've been chasing you this entire time, Kita-chan." Kitasan: "I see..." Kitasan: "Let's do a good job at the Winning Concert! I told the folks from the market I'd put on a great show for them." Dia: "Sure." Kitasan: "We've never been on stage together like this before, huh?" Dia: "Yeah, it's kinda nerve-wracking." Kitasan: "Me too. Y'know, they say if you write the kanji for "festival" on your hand—" Dia: "Kita-chan, it's starting." Kitasan: "Yeah!" Kitasan: "It was a good race, but..."
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 7 – Our Arima Kinen", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3", "7", "Our Arima Kinen" ] }
Kitasan: "She always passes me, but not today!" Kitasan: "Keep going, keep going, keep going!" Dia: "I'm going for it!" Commentary: "On the outside, and just barely!" ure: "Arima, Arima, Arima... Let's run at the Arima..." ure: "Kitasan?! What's wrong now?" Kitasan: "Oh, Nature-sensei..." Kitasan: "Help, please!" ure: "Here." Kitasan: "Thank you..." ure: "What, did you get into a fight?" Kitasan: "Not exactly, but..." Kitasan: "She completely beat me at the Arima Kinen." ure: "You really think it was that bad? It was by a neck's difference, right? That sounds like a good race to me. Look. "If they had raced ten times, the outcome could have been different in each case— that was how tightly contested and entertaining this race was." That's what most people think. And I agree with them." ure: "What's wrong?" ure: "Did you lose your confidence, like last year?" Kitasan: "It's not like that. Less a loss of confidence and more like... Dia-chan..." ure: "Yeah?" Kitasan: "Dia-chan was so strong." Kitasan: "Even before we raced, her aura was like... crackling." ure: "Crackling?" Kitasan: "And during the race, I got chills. Despite how close I was, it didn't feel like I could catch up at all..." Kitasan: "She felt so far away." ure: "It's gonna be okay!" ure: "You were plenty strong yourself. In my opinion, anyway." Kitasan: "Nature-san..." ure: "The first step is drinking that and feeling a little better. It's nice and sweet." Kitasan: "You're right. Thank you so much, Sensei." ure: "Sensei?" ure: "No, don't worry about it." Dia: "Things are so lively." Kitasan: "Yeah..." Dia: "Where should we start? Maybe by visiting the shrine?" Dia: "Kita-chan? What's wrong?" Kitasan: "Uh, no, it's nothing!" Dia: "Are you sure?" Kitasan: "Yeah, I'm sure!" Dia: "Okay..." Stall Woman: "We've got amazake over here!" Stall Woman: "Come and get yourself a drink!" Kitasan: "Look, Dia-chan, they're selling amazake! I'm gonna get some!" Kitasan: "Excuse me! One amazake please!" Stall Woman: "Welcome! It'll be a thousand yen." ukukitaru: "We're glad you could make it. You'll find all of our charms are a blessed value!" Dia: "Okay!" Dia: "I'll take this one." ukukitaru: "Sure. That's the last one!" Dia: "Hey, Kita-chan, what kind of charm did you get?" Kitasan: "Well... one for victory." Dia: "Really? We match, then! That's great." Kitasan: "Y-Yeah..." Kitasan: "Hey, Dia-chan, what were you wishing for this year?" Dia: "Why are you asking?" Kitasan: "Well... It felt like you were putting a lot of thought into it. I-I just wished to win a lot!" Dia: "I want to win the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." Dia: "Remember how Crown-chan won a G1 race in Hong Kong? Seeing that made me want to try racing on the global level." Kitasan: "And you picked the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe?" Dia: "Yeah." Dia: "A Japanese runner has never won it before, right?" Dia: "Every time someone tries, people get their hopes up, but it doesn't work out." Dia: "Some people even say it'll never happen." Dia: "Which is why..." Dia: "I think it'd be really meaningful if I won that particular race. As a member of the Satono Group, I want to accomplish something. The kind of accomplishment that will leave a mark on the Japanese horse girl world that'll be remembered in the future." Kitasan: "They're the same." Dia: "Hey, Kita-chan, you should come with me. Let's race in France!" Kitasan: "Me too?!" Dia: "Yeah!" Kitasan: "W-Well..." Dia: "I'd love for you to be there too. And together we can represent Japan and take on the strongest horse girls in the world!" Dia: "Let's see what's out there!" Kitasan: "S-Sure..." Kitasan: "I get it now. Dia-chan is..." Kitasan: "a lot like Dura-chan." Verxina: "You can't lose your cool." Cheval: "Sis?" Verxina: "You need to follow through better." Verxina: "Let's switch pitchers." Verxina: "Yes!" Cheval: "What are you doing here?" Verxina: "Nothing in particular." Cheval: "I don't need to be cheered up." Verxina: "You make everything so complicated. And here I thought I could buy you some new shoes." Cheval: "It's fine." Verxina: "Aw, come on..." Verxina: "Just let me spoil you once in a while." Cheval: "I'm not like Vivlos." Cheval: "Or you." Verxina: "We are alike." Verxina: "We both have trouble winning." Dura: "What did you want to talk about?" Kitasan: "Well... how's your recovery going?" Dura: "I'm still not fully healed." Kitasan: "I see." Dura: "It's just a matter of time." Dura: "I'll heal. I know it." Dura: "My duty is to prove I am the strongest in the world." Dura: "And one day, as my bloodline dictates, I will conquer the world." Dura: "I won't let this slow me down." Kitasan: "You really are amazing." Dura: "I am?" Kitasan: "I mean the way you're so direct about it, Dura-chan." Dura: "Of course. It's my reason for running." Kitasan: "Yeah, that makes sense." Dura: "What are you looking toward?" Dura: "What's at the end of your path?" Kitasan: "I mean..." Dura: "What is your shining, ultimate reward in the distance? The thing you want to accomplish?" Dura: "Basically, your own reason for running." Kitasan: "Well, my reason for running... I guess because I want to win?" Dura: "Then what? The thing you can't help but chase, and won't allow yourself to stop until you have it. The thing you need." Dura: "I know you have something." Kitasan: "I never thought about taking on the world before." Kitasan: "Dia-chan and Dura-chan are both so amazing." Kitasan: "Something I need to have..." Kitasan: "Until recently..." Kitasan: "I wanted to be like Teio-san." Kitasan: "A glamorous star who's able to make everyone smile." Kitasan: "But... not anymore." Kitasan: "Since I know I can't do it." Kitasan: "So I decided to be true to myself and train in my own way." Kitasan: "I won. I won time and again." Kitasan: "But wanting to dedicate everything to a goal." Kitasan: "A dream like that is not something I have anymore." Teio: "Honey, honey, honey! When I get a taste of that honey..." Teio: "Okay!" Teio: "Hey, Kita-chan! Welcome back." Kitasan: "Teio-san... H-Hello there." Kitasan: "Uh, well..." Teio: "What's wrong, Kita-chan? One, two, three, four," Teio: "two, two, three, four... One, two, three, four..." Kitasan: "Your dream... was to become an undefeated Triple Crown horse girl, right?" Teio: "Yep." Teio: "To be more specific, I wanted to be a cool horse girl like the Prez. Have you ever seen her races before? She was amazing!" Teio: "She was stronger, faster, and sparkled more than anyone. I always used to talk about how I wanted to be like her." Teio: "I thought I was going to be an undefeated Triple Crown horse girl for sure." Teio: "Not that I actually pulled it off, though!" Kitasan: "But... even then..." Kitasan: "You kept running, right?" Teio: "Sure did." Kitasan: "You always had some kind of dream that you were chasing." Kitasan: "How did you manage that?" Teio: "Let me think... After I got injured and couldn't manage the Triple Crown," Teio: "I went to watch the Kikkashou." Teio: "It was amazing. Everyone was running with their pride and dreams on their shoulders, and they were so desperate to win." Teio: "It was the coolest." Teio: "It made me want to keep trying. Even though I couldn't win the triple crown, it gave me the courage to think I could still become an undefeated horse girl." Teio: "I got discouraged and lost a few times after that, and my dream even changed, but..." Teio: "Still..." Teio: "There was someone who became my goal." Teio: "Another who told me not to give up." Teio: "And one who gave me a good luck charm, actually!" Teio: "I was able to keep moving forward because of all of the people who supported me. And then, the day came—" Teio: "I was so happy." Teio: "I felt like I had finally pulled it off." Kitasan: "You had done it." Teio: "So, then... I was satisfied with my dream coming true... or so I thought," Teio: "but I could feel something inside of me bubbling up." Kitasan: "A bubbling feeling?" Teio: "Yep." Teio: "I wanted to keep running." Teio: "I realized..." Teio: "that I still hadn't become a cool, strong horse girl like the Prez." Teio: "I couldn't become an undefeated Triple Crown winner, so I gave up on that dream." Teio: "But the truth is, deep down, something was still smoldering." Teio: "Which is why I decided to aim for the Dream Trophy League." Teio: "After all, I still want to be the emperor who surpasses the last one." Teio: "And no matter what happened... that feeling would keep me running." Teio: "Up we go!" Teio: "I'm not gonna ask what's got you worried, Kita-chan, but I think you'll be okay." Teio: "Because I'm sure you have something like that which will never go away." Kitasan: "Teio-san..." Kitasan: "Something that never goes away..." Horse Girl Trio: "One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four. One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four..." Horse Girl Trio: "Okay!" Kitasan: "Something that was there in the beginning... that I can't give up on." Kitasan: "My dad's performances..." Kitasan: "Ever yone smiling, in that place with such a warm atmosphere." Kitasan: "Teio-san's races." Kitasan: "The way that the heat from the crowd churned in the air so intensely. It felt hot and lively." Kitasan: "It was dazzling and so bright it made me dizzy." Kitasan: "It's the first thing that comes to mind. The sights and the sound... I remember all of it so intensely that my chest hurts." Kitasan: "I know it's impossible, but it still sparkles so much. It's—" Greengrocer Man: "We've got great prices for you! And for a limited time only, they're even better! Pick something up! I'd especially recommend today's bananas!" Kitasan: "I'll make sure it's the best performance possible! I'll make sure it's a memorable one!" Greengrocer Man: "Come on over and pick yourself up some bananas! Right over here!" Kitasan: "Hello there..." Greengrover Man: "Hey, Kita-chan! Welcome! Cold today, huh? Is that tracksuit warm enough for you?" Kitasan: "Well, I was running." Greengrover Man: "Oh, okay. In the middle of a run, huh? Working hard!" Kitasan: "W-Well... no... Um, about the Arima—" Greengrover Man: "Oh, right! I had something nice for you, Kita-chan!" Greengrover Man: "Give me one sec." Greengrover Man: "Honey, could you get the thing we set aside?" Greengrocer Woman: "What thing is that?" Greengrover Man: "You know what thing I'm talking about! For Kita-chan!" Gg Woman: "Honey, you are always like this!" Gg Woman: "How am I supposed to tell what this thing is or that thing is if that's all you say?" shmonger: "Step right up! We've got plenty of fresh catches!" Greengrover Man: "Here we go. Got some nice carrots. Take some!" Kitasan: "A-Are you sure?" Gg Man: "Sure I'm sure. Take 'em home and have yourself a nice meal." Greengrover Woman: "Oh, in that case," Greengrover Woman: "we've got these tomatoes for you too, Kita-chan. They're nice and sweet!" Kitasan: "O-Oh, come on, I couldn't!" Gg Woman: "Yes, you could! It's the least we can do for you." Gg Woman: "You're the star of this market. We all care about you." Kitasan: "A star..." shmonger: "Oh, good idea! In that case, take some fish too." Baker: "Try my new product, Kita-chan! You like honey, don't you?" Lady: "In that case, I've got some steamed buns." Butcher: "Got some meat for you too!" uigrocer: "Care for some apples?" Baker: "Got some baked sweets too." shmonger: "There you go! Picked out some of the freshest for you." Gg Man: "Come on, she can't take all of that!" General Store: "In that case, take one of my baskets." Kitasan: "I-I... this is..." Gg Man: "This is all we can really do, but know that we're rooting for you." shmonger: "Yeah. The Arima Kinen was fantastic. After it was over, my voice was worn out!" Gg Man: "It really was incredible. I can't help but tear up remembering that battle right before you crossed the finish line!" Kitasan: "A warm place, full of smiles... A place swirling with passion and energy, so bright and hot and dazzling that it makes you dizzy." Kitasan: "My original dream..." Kitasan: "I thought I had set it aside." Kitasan: "I thought I had given up..." Gg Man: "Kita-chan?! What's wrong? You feeling okay?" Kitasan: "N-no, it's not like that... I just... well... well!" Kitasan: "Thank you all so much!" Gg Man: "Kita-chan!" Gg Man: "Kita-chan?!" Dia: "Where the heck has Kita-chan gone?" Kitasan: "I'm home!" Dia: "Welcome back, Kita-chan. What's with all that stuff?" Kitasan: "Heading out!" Teio: "Ah, so fresh and so clean! Fresh and clean..." Teio: "Go for it, Kita-chan." Kitasan: "I love it when everyone's smiling." Kitasan: "I love things like festivals that are filled with those smiles." Kitasan: "The scene that Teio-san created on that day... I can't help how much I love it." Kitasan: "I couldn't become Teio-san. I can't be glamorous." Kitasan: "I'm not gifted... so I gave up. For so long, things haven't gone the way I imagined, and that's bound to continue." Kitasan: "I can't be a prodigy. I can't become a star." Kitasan: "I know that... I know that," Kitasan: "but still! I don't want to give up!" Kitasan: "I want to chase after it again! Pick up where I left off with that dream!" Kitasan: "I want to create a scene like that!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 8 – What's Always Been There", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3", "8", "What's Always Been There" ] }
Gg Man: "Upsy-diddly-doo..." Commentary: "Satono Diamond is building momentum with her two G1 victories. And Kitasan Black has uncontested credentials with four G1 wins. The two horse girls considered to be the strongest around will be clashing once again at the Spring Tennoushou! After Satono Diamond won at the Arima Kinen, will Kitasan Black be able to get revenge? Or will Satono Diamond's brilliance be too bright to compare? Could we even see an upset by a dark horse?! All eyes will be locked on the Spring Tennoushou!" Dia: "Kita-chan..." Kitasan: "Are you up?" Dia: "Are you going somewhere?" Kitasan: "Let's go on a trip, Dia-chan." Kitasan: "Drinks, check! Tickets, check!" Both: "All set and ready to go!" Kitasan: "Okay, Dia-chan, where should we go?" Dia: "You didn't pick somewhere yet?" Kitasan: "I haven't! Should we go to the mountains? Or maybe the beach? I think I like the mountains!" Dia: "I'd like to see the ocean." Kitasan: "Then let's play rock-paper-scissors for it!" Dia: "Okay." Both: "Rock, paper, scissors!" Dia: "To the beach it is." Kitasan: "Okay, off to the ocean we go!" Dia: "Off we go!" Dia: "We haven't gone out like this in a long time, huh?" Kitasan: "Look, the racecourse!" Dia: "There it is." Kitasan: "We're heading out!" Kitasan: "Whatcha doing?" Dia: "I was wondering which beach we should visit..." Kitasan: "Don't look it up!" Dia: "But wouldn't it be easier to have a goal in mind?" Kitasan: "It'll be fine! As long as we're together, we'll have a good time." Kitasan: "And if I'm with you, I feel like I could go anywhere!" Dia: "Kita-chan..." Dia: "Okay! Then if we're not sure where to go next, let's play rock-paper-scissors again." Kitasan: "Yeah!" Kitasan: "Here we are!" Kitasan: "Now, where should we go next?" Dia: "I think I'll pick this." Kitasan: "I pick this, then!" Both: "Rock, paper, scissors!" Kitasan: "Come on, let's go!" Dia: "We've come pretty far, huh?" Kitasan: "Yeah." Dia: "Where to next?" Kitasan: "Here!" Kitasan: "This is it!" Kitasan: "Wow..." Kitasan: "It's like you can see the whole planet." Dia: "Yeah. It's beautiful." Kitasan: "I don't think I've ever seen a view like this before." Dia: "Yeah. Me neither." Kitasan: "Thanks for coming with me today, Dia-chan." Dia: "You're welcome. It's been so long... I'm glad we got to go on a trip like this again." Dia: "So... you had something you wanted to talk about, right?" Kitasan: "Yeah." Kitasan: "I... y'know, I..." Kitasan: "I want to make everyone smile." Kitasan: "Everyone who's been rooting for me all this time. Everyone who's been looking out for me." Kitasan: "The people who loudly encourage me. The people who clap hard for me..." Kitasan: "Everyone I've disappointed." Kitasan: "The ones who entrust me with their dreams, in spite of that." Kitasan: "People who don't even know me." Kitasan: "Even people who are going to a racecourse for the first time. I want them hyped up, excited, and smiling." Kitasan: "I want my running to do that." Kitasan: "So..." Kitasan: "I'm not going to lose again." Kitasan: "I'm going to beat you at the Spring Tennoushou, Satono Diamond." Kitasan: "I wanted to be able to convey the way I feel to you properly." Dia: "I see." Dia: "I have something I won't compromise on, either." Dia: "I'm going to win the Spring Tennoushou, and then start racing overseas." Dia: "So that I can achieve my dream of winning the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe." Dia: "Which is why..." Dia: "I'll be the one who wins." Kitasan: "Then let's race." Commentary: "An unending spring sky is above us for this battle... The biggest race of spring, which has made its mark on history, and your memories, so many times..." Commentary: "This race, this single competition for victory..." Commentary: "It's beginning soon. The Spring Tennoushou! And it's fair to say the spotlight will be on the battle between Satono Diamond and Kitasan Black. At the previous Arima Kinen, it was Satono Diamond who came out on top." Color: "That's true. And while we can look forward to seeing them race in prime condition, given that this is the Tennoushou, I don't know if it's going to be a simple one-on-one." Commentary: "Correct you are. And as for the racers looking to make their presence felt in this duel between greats... Cheval Grand, who got third place at the Japan Cup and previous Spring Tennoushou." Color: "She's become tangibly stronger in the past year. This should be a really great race." Commentary: "Then there's the Satsukishou winner, Divinity." Commentary: "And the Grand Prix winner, All Haiyu." Commentary: "Will Satono Diamond be able to leave these powerful competitors behind?" Color: "She's felt a lot more solid since winning the Arima Kinen. It's fair to say she's the horse girl with the most momentum right now." Commentary: "Satono Diamond has made statements about running in the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe. Will she win this race and set the stage for that?" Commentary: "And then we have Kitasan Black, who's looking for revenge against Satono Diamond." Color: "She may have lost at the Arima Kinen, but those four G1 wins prove she's a real contender. Her chance at revenge should make for a great race." Spe: "You can do it! You can do it, Kita-san!" Golshi: "Get payback for the Arima Kinen!" Masuo: "A clash of the titans at the Spring Tennoushou. Takes you back, doesn't it?" Minami: "Yeah. Mejiro McQueen versus Tokai Teio..." Commentary: "The stage is set. The track is turf, and it's condition is good. This battle to determine the strongest horse girl... The Spring Tennoushou is about to begin!" Commentary: "McQueen is running! She's running! And she does it! For the first time in history, someone has won the Spring Tennoushou twice in a row, and it's Mejiro McQueen! Sakura Laurel is moving up! There she goes! Can she pass them?! She does! The cherry blossom is here! And it's in full bloom! Sakura Laurel! On the outside, we can see Maiden Charm! But Gold Ship is in first place! And Gold Ship crosses the goal! Maiden Charm was just edged out by Gold Ship!" Commentary: "The horse girls have all entered the gate, but only one can emerge victorious." Commentary: "It all comes down to this." Commentary: "And they're off!" Commentary: "We're looking at a struggle for first place already. Tudor Garden is currently in the lead. Kitasan Black is in second after a good start! And on the outside is Great House, on the inside, Xbalanque, along with Cheval Grand and Two-And-Lonely. The other of our star competitors, second-favored Satono Diamond, is starting out in the middle of the pack. Will this be her third G1 win following the Arima Kinen? She's starting out by observing the shape of the race." Commentary: "They're now rounding the fourth corner and entering the first home stretch! In first place, Tudor Garden is still maintaining a big lead, with Kitasan Black in second! And they've just hit the first 1,000 meters with a time of 58.3 seconds!" Trainer: "She's actually trying to outrun Kitasan. But..." D.Sca: "Right. Kitasan's not letting it distract her and is maintaining a good position." Vodka: "She's really acting like a defending champion!" Commentary: "Tudor Garden is continuing at a noticeably high pace! Her lead looks to be about six to seven lengths!" Kitasan: "I'm not gonna get distracted. I'm stronger than I was last year, so I know I can catch up. And that means focusing on my own running!" Commentary: "Tudor Garden rounds the second corner, with Kitasan Black and Great House in pursuit. Cheval Grand, Xbalanque, and Satono Diamond are behind them." Cheval Grand: "This isn't the place to start the fight." Dia: "Right before the third corner... The Kyoto hill. That'll be when the race picks up." Commentary: "Rounding the second corner, the runners are moving across the opposite side of the course. Second place is Kitasan Black, with Great House and Cheval Grand behind her! Where will the sparks start to fly? Satono Diamond is preserving her strength in the middle." Commentary: "And Tudor Garden is still on the run! How far will she be able to go?" Dia: "Now!" Commentary: "Oh, and Tudor Garden slows down on the hill!" Commentary: "And without skipping a beat, Satono Diamond starts moving up! Tudor Garden's lead is starting to shrink..." Commentary: "And now Kitasan Black is in the lead! And it looks like Satono Diamond is moving up with the lead in her sights!" Kitasan: "Easy... not yet..." Commentary: "These 17 horse girls are faced with massive cheers!" Dia: "I'll finish it in the straight— like at the Arima Kinen!" Commentary: "And now they're going around the final corner! Kitasan Black is still in the lead! She's got a two-length lead that could mean a consecutive win!" Cheval Grand: "It's on!" Dia: "I am going to win!" Commentary: "And in the final straight, they begin their last spurt!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black is in the lead! But Satono Diamond is accelerating after her! Cheval Grand is closing in as well!" Golshi: "Do it, Kitasan!" Vodka: "Leave 'em behind!" Dia: "This is where I win it. I'll catch up... and pass her!" Commentary: "R-Remarkable... After running in front for nearly 3,000 meters, she's picked up her pace even further!" ure: "Go!" Commentary: "Her highly-trained body! Her keenly-honed spirit! And all of her diligent efforts! They propel her across the ground, as she leaves her pursuers behind!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black in the lead!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black barrels toward the goal amid massive cheers! Satono Diamond is looking to pass!" Dia: "I don't want to lose! I have to catch up! It's not over yet!" Kitasan: "Come on, Dia-chan!" Dia: "Kita...chan..." Commentary: "No one... No one can catch up! With absolutely no one able to reach her position, she blazes onward in first!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black's running can only be described as astonishing! With 16 horse girls at her back, she maintains a champion's dignity! Kitasan Black crosses the goal!" Commentary: "Kitasan Black has won a second consecutive Spring Tennoushou! Not only has she followed up on her previous performance, she has outdone it! The Spring plaque returns to the champion's possession! The second place runner, Cheval Grand, showed impressive acceleration! And Satono Diamond ended up in third. This race was considered a clash of titans, and Kitasan Black has done an incredible job of avenging her loss at the Arima Kinen!" Golshi: "Hell yeah! That's my apprentice for you!" Teio: "They both did great." Mcqueen: "Yes." Commentary: "And look at this! The winning time was 3:12.5! That's a new record! A shocking accomplishment that has stood the test of ten years has finally been surpassed! Kitasan Black has lived up to her favored status with the fans, and won her fifth G1 victory! And with a new record to boot! There's no doubt she's carved her name into horse girl history!" ure: "Are you kidding me?" Vivloss: "That was a crazy race." Verxina: "Her placing improved from last year. That's a clear sign of growth." Verxina: "You can be proud of how you ran." Kitasan: "Everyone's smiling... They're so happy." Dia: "From the third corner on, you were in the lead the whole time." Dia: "From the opening, to the struggle for positions, and the last spurt... It was all perfect." Dia: "You really got me, Kita-chan." Dia: "Congratulations on your win." Kitasan: "Dia-chan... thank you." Dia: "You always run on ahead of me, showing me sights that I've never seen before." Dia: "But..." Dia: "I guess we're 1-1 now." Dia: "I'm not losing again. I'm gonna get even stronger!" Kitasan: "With you, Dia-chan..." Kitasan: "I bet we could run on an even bigger stage." Kitasan: "Dia-chan, let's take our races... And make everyone love them." Kitasan: "With the running we do from here on... Let's get the entire world excited, like they would be for a festival!" Kitasan: "With you, Dia-chan, I can go anywhere." Dia: "Yeah!" Kitasan: "That's right. If the two of us are together... I know it!" Spica: "Yeah! You were amazing!"
{ "raw_title": "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 9 – Pushed by the Approaching Heat", "parsed": [ "Umamusume: Pretty Derby Season 3", "9", "Pushed by the Approaching Heat" ] }
Text: "UMAYON! Make-up Exams Language" Tokai: "The Tracen Academy Make-up Exam Special! We've got three up for a language test. I'm your host, Tokai Teio. With me is Silence Suzuka-san to provide commentary. I'm looking forward to this." Silence: "So am I." Tokai: "Introducing each of the horse girls... First in Bracket 1 is Grass Wonder!" Tokai: "She was ill on the day of the exam, so she's with us today." Tokai: "In Bracket 2, El Condor Pasa!" Silence: "You can see the confidence in her smile." Tokai: "Lastly, in Bracket 3, Special Week! She's clearly sleep-deprived." Silence: "I told her it was a bad idea to cram." Tokai: "These three are always in the spotlight. Will they give us a good race tonight?" Air Groove: "All right, begin." Tokai: "And they're off! They're neck-and-neck! What's this? El Condor Pasa is off to a good start! She writes with confidence!" Silence: "It seems she's been studying hard." Tokai: "Grass Wonder is right behind her, quietly catching up!" Silence: "She's going steady." Tokai: "And at the rear of the pack, Special Week!" Silence: "I can't watch." Tokai: "She's out of the straight stretch and into the third corner!" Tokai: "And Special Week pulls ahead!" Silence: "I-I always believed in her, of course." Tokai: "What's this? It's Fukukitaru's special dice pencil! Special Week is taking a leap of faith!" Silence: "That's not the kind of faith you need!" Tokai: "They're all neck-and-neck past the fourth corner. It's the final stretch!" Tokai: "El Paso and Grass Wonder's pens stand still!" Silence: "It's a long-form question." Tokai: "Meanwhile, here comes Special Week! Four! Three! Three! Six! One! Special Week takes the lead! She's not even trying to hide her die!" Silence: "Spe-chan..." Tokai: "It's almost over. Will Special Week prevail? Will Grass and El catch up?" Special: "There! I'm done!" Tokai: "It's Special Week! Special Week comes in first!" Tokai: "What did you think, Suzuka-san?" Special: "That was amazing pen work. Though..." Special: "What matters is your score."
{ "raw_title": "UMAYON Episode 1 – 40% And Below! Tracen Academy Special Make-up Exams", "parsed": [ "UMAYON", "1", "40% And Below! Tracen Academy Special Make-up Exams" ] }
Daiwa: "You sure you're not the one freaking out?" Vodka: "What'd you say?!" Hishi: "Wow, are you two at it again?" uku: "No, you mustn't!" Daiwa: "Fukukitaru-san?" Daiwa: "Wh-What the heck?!" Vodka: "You gotta be kidding me!" Hishi: "You heard her. Wanna give it up?" Both: "We're still going!" uku: "But it's seriously a bad idea..." Hishi: "All right, you two ready to go?" uku: "I'll tag along to judge." Hishi: "Okay, have fun!" Daiwa: "I think I'm getting chills..." Vodka: "Guess that's one chicken point for you!" Daiwa: "Huh?! That's rich coming from the chicken who's walking behind me!" Vodka: "Huh?! Who are you calling a chicken?!" Daiwa: "The path splits?" Vodka: "I thought it was just a straight shot." uku?: "Why don't we go this way?" Daiwa: "No, there's a stone lantern on the left, so I think that's the way to go." Vodka: "Are you sure?" Daiwa: "I checked the route this afternoon." Daiwa: "What the... Another fork in the path?" Vodka: "Whoa, whoa, what's going on here?!" uku?: "Okay, why don't we go this way?" Urara: "Boo!" Hishi: "Oh, wow, are you two okay?" Daiwa: "Did you really need to take it that far?!" Goldy: "It was so much fun, I kinda got carried away." Vodka: "Well, you kinda shouldn't have!" uku: "Scarlet-san! Vodka-san! Why'd you run off without me?!" Vodka: "S-Sorry about that." Daiwa: "I guess we left you out on the path." uku: "On the path? But I didn't even get the chance to go with you." Daiwa: "Wait, but..." Vodka: "You were with us up until the fork in the path, right?" Hishi: "Fukukitaru's been here this whole time, and there aren't any forks in the path." Hishi: "I saw you two leave without her when you set out." uku?: "Why don't we go this way?" uku: "Are you two okay?!"
{ "raw_title": "UMAYON Episode 10 – You Get Spooked, You Lose! Test of Courage Showdown!", "parsed": [ "UMAYON", "10", "You Get Spooked, You Lose! Test of Courage Showdown!" ] }
ure: "Why don't you tell us all about the attack on Hayakawa Tazuna?" : "We've been over this already." : "At the time of the crime, the train I was on stopped for less than a minute. I couldn't have done it and gotten back in that time." ure: "True enough. But the attack was on a Saturday... The opening day of the Twinkle series. A special express train, The Carrot, was running for the event." ure: "Because of that, the train you were on would've stopped at the station for five minutes. Since you're in the competition, you would've known that." ure: "A round trip to the crime scene and back would've been three furlongs. At your pace of 32.7, you would've had plenty of time to get there." : "Do you have proof that I can run at that pace?" ce: "We looked under every rock we could find..." ce: "and didn't find any!" : "O-Of course you didn't!" : "There's no way my airtight alibi can be taken apart. Granted, there's a remote chance that some oddball keeps track of unofficial stats..." Ryan: "Inspector! What about Air Shakur?!" : "Of course! She keeps data on every single race! Oh, no!" Ryan: "But she was attacked the other day..." ure: "Guess that's a dead end, then." : "Seriously, what are you two doing?" : "What kind of sloppy investigation is this?! Build a solid case before confronting me!" ure: "Yeah, this is kind of embarrassing..." : "Shouldn't Shakur getting attacked cast suspicion on me?!" Ryan: "Why should it?" : "Because if you had her data, it would shatter my airtight alibi!" ure: "Oh, yeah, that makes sense." Ryan: "Huh? So you attacked Shakur?" : "It was May 30th, one year ago. The course was 2400 meters. My time was 2:26.9, with a 32.7 split for the final three furlongs. Considering she knew my time, I couldn't let her go." Shakur: "Data from a year ago? Gimme a sec." Shakur: "I'm done..." ure: "Then what about Hayakawa Tazuna?" Tazuna: "I'm done!" : "I thought there was no way anyone could take apart my airtight alibi." ure: "Same here, to be honest." Ryan: "You'll need to come with us to the station." : "No, that won't be necessary." Ryan: "No... Why would she..." ure: "She was a genuine perfectionist. What she did... no, the way it all played out was more than she could bear. Come to think of it..."
{ "raw_title": "UMAYON Episode 11 – Umayon Suspense Theater", "parsed": [ "UMAYON", "11", "Umayon Suspense Theater" ] }
Teio: "Good to have you with us." Golshi: "The pleasure's all mine." Teio: "The racers are at the starting gate." Teio: "These horse girls are all ready to go." Teio: "And they get away cleanly! What's our first obstacle?" Golshi: "The "find the candy in the flour" challenge." Teio: "Not, like, hurdles or something?! The trio reach the obstacle almost simultaneously! Super Creek is being very suggestive! The crowd roars their approval!" Teio: "And what about Tamamo Cross? She dives in head-first! Hishi Amazon follows her lead!" Teio: "Our two leaders approach the second obstacle! What will this one be?" Golshi: "A cosplay quick-change race." Teio: "Just how random is the Golden Ship Obstacle Course?! Tamamo Cross blazes into the changing booth! Hishi Amazon follows suit! And bringing up the rear, Super Creek makes her entrance!" Teio: "The three of them bolt out at roughly the same time! Tamamo Cross... is wearing a preschool smock!" Tamamo: "Yer gonna pay for this, Golshi!" Teio: "Next up is Super Creek, who looks every bit like a young housewife who's wandered onto the track! And Hishi Amazon is... a magical girl! The crowd voices their approval!" Hishi: "Golshi..." Teio: "As they round the fourth turn, the final obstacle awaiting them is..." Golshi: "A scavenger hunt!" Teio: "So anything goes, huh?! Now, let's see what's inside their envelopes." Signs; Left To Right: "Golshi-chan Golshi-sama The one known as Gold Ship" Teio: "Golshi?!" Golshi: "Looking for me?" Teio: "A sudden late entry! A Golshi Warp!" Hishi/Tama: "Golshi!" Golshi: "Bring it on!" Teio: "They're neck and neck into the final 100m! Which horse girl will be our winner?!" Teio: "They're through the goal! And it's Gold Ship in first place! Is that even allowed?! Then again, considering who it is, maybe we should just accept it!" Tama/Hishi: "Like hell we should!" Teio: "The Gilded Vessel Obstacle Course, our final race of the season, ended up as a race with Golshi, for Golshi, by Golshi! And with that, we'll see you in the next series!"
{ "raw_title": "UMAYON Episode 12 – Today's Main Race! The Gilded Vessel Obstacle Course (G1)", "parsed": [ "UMAYON", "12", "Today's Main Race! The Gilded Vessel Obstacle Course (G1)" ] }
Tokai: "Isn't the Prez standing out a little too much?" Groove: "She represents the entire school. It's only natural." Rudolf: "It didn't necessarily need to be me, but..." Tokai: "Then you should've used some more stuff with me in it!" Tokai: "I didn't know that was Tracen's full name!" Rudolf: "You didn't?" Tokai: "Come on, I bet Spe-chan doesn't, either! Hey, look, recycled footage!" Groove: "Shut up and watch!" Tokai: "Look at how smart I look!" Groove: "Shame that's not how you usually are." Groove: "Ready... go!" Teo: "Peek." Teo: "Peek." Teo: "Peek..." Tokai: "Yeah!" Tokai: "Wait, wasn't that place we stayed at for the training camp kinda old?" Ruolf: "I thought that gave it an air of elegance." Groove: "Could you not whine about every little thing?" Rudolf: ""Eclipse first, the rest nowhere." That is the academy's motto. In order to ensure your standing, everyone needs both the help of their friends and the encouragement of their competitors." Teio: "I am Tokai Teio!" Rudolf: "Would you like to join us as we race down the stage of dreams?" Teio: "So cool!" Teio: "That was really good!" Rudolf: "I think this year's school introduction turned out great. That said, if I did have to point out one thing... Right." Both: "You were in way too many shots!" Teio: "You guys were in it, too! You were too obvious about it!"
{ "raw_title": "UMAYON Episode 2 – Newly Filmed! The Tracen Academy Video Introduction", "parsed": [ "UMAYON", "2", "Newly Filmed! The Tracen Academy Video Introduction" ] }
Magazine Signs: "m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100 Gold City m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100 m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100 A once-in-a-century horse girl beauty m 1 0 l 8 -2 l 18 -3.5 l 28 -4 l 40 -4 l 41 7 l 29 6 l 20 6 l 11 7 l 2 9 Mesmerizing You'll lose yourself in her eyes m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100" City: "You make it sound like a bigger deal than it is." Both: "City-san!" City: "Good morning." Mayano: "Are you headed out to another job?" City: "Yep. A photo shoot for a magazine." Mayano: "Celebrities really do lead totally different lives." City: "Seriously, it's not that big a deal." City: "Hey, do you two wanna come along? To the shoot, I mean." Mayano: "Can we?!" City: "Sure, as long as you just sit and watch." Yukino: "B-But... won't we be in the way?" Yukino: "We'd just be a nuisance, two randoms hanging about. And, um..." City: "Oh, hey, Manager. I'm bringing two of the younger girls from my school to the shoot today." Cameraman: "Lookin' good." Cameraman: "Look this way, please." Cameraman: "That expression! That's the shot!" Cameraman: "All right, take five, people." City: "See? Not as glamorous as you imagined, right?" Yukino: "That ain't true at all! You were dazzling out there!" Yukino: "But y'know, it really does feel like a whole other world to me." Mayano: "You think so?" Mayano: "To me, it seems less out-of-reach than before." Mayano: "I mean, think about it. We're getting a peek behind the curtain!" City: "You're a sharp one, Mayano." City: "Yukino, are you sure you don't just think that because you're afraid to follow your dreams?" City: "At first, I had no idea if I could handle this sort of thing, either." City: "But it wouldn't feel right to give up without even trying, you know? So I figured I had to give it a shot." City: "Isn't that the first step to making your dreams come true?" Yukino: "City-san..." City: "Sorry. That was kinda corny, wasn't it?" Yukino: "Oh, n-no, not at all." Mayano: "A celebrity's words carry a lot of weight, huh?" City: "Mayano..." Cameraman: "All right, let's get back to work."
{ "raw_title": "UMAYON Episode 3 – The World You've Dreamed of Is Right in Front of You", "parsed": [ "UMAYON", "3", "The World You've Dreamed of Is Right in Front of You" ] }
Maru: "Yes! And her name is..." Opera: "It is..." Opera: "The most powerful, beautiful, glorious ray of light in the world!" Opera: "I bring my unlimited love to you, as well! That is my fate as king... The fate of T.M. Opera O! T.M. Opera O!" Maru: "Opera O-sama! I may only be one of the multitudes to you... But to me, you are my one and only ray of light!" uji: "You could never understand how she suffers. The time has come for me to restore her smile! Let us duel!" Maru: "Fuji, you mustn't!" : "She's right, dear brother!" uji: "Dear sister, are you worried about me?" : "No, I'm worried about Opera O-sama." Maru: "Yeah, she's worried about Opera O-sama." uji: "Et tu, dear sister?" uji: "I will regain their love by my hand! I challenge you, with their love as the prize!" Opera: "I refuse no comers, be it in romance or combat! For that is my fate as T.M. Opera O!" : "Why must they fight?" Maru: "Is my beauty such a crime?" Both: "Please do not fight over me!" : "They're fighting over me!" Maru: "It's totally over me!" : "Me!" Maru: "Me!" : "Me!" Maru: "Me!" Opera: "Stop this! Fighting cannot give rise to love... For love is a heart that can be accepting of others." uji: "Opera O-sama's love was even able to receive my sword. And that is truly love! Opera O-sama has limitless..." All: "...love! T.M. Opera O! Let's hear it for T.M. Opera O! The most powerful, beautiful, glorious ray of light in the world! Bringing her unlimited love to you, too... That is the king's... T.M. Opera O's fate!" Opera: "That was a smashing success!" : "I'm not so sure about that." uji: "Come on, it wasn't a bad change of pace." Maru: "I get to be the star next time!"
{ "raw_title": "UMAYON Episode 4 – The Opera: \"Alas, It Is My Fate\"", "parsed": [ "UMAYON", "4", "The Opera: \"Alas, It Is My Fate\"" ] }
Store Sign: "Three Furlongs Ramen" Teio: "Our second race is for the GII Ramen Cup! These three horse girls will be tackling bowls of ramen stacked to the sky! I'm your host, Tokai Teio. And on commentary..." e: "That would be me, Fine Motion." Teio: "Introducing our horse girls..." Chef: "Here you go!" Bg Signs: "m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100 ç\h\h\h\hIce is self-service ç\h\h\h\hIce is self-service m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100 m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100 m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100 Let us know your preferred amount of vegetables, garlic, and oil Let us know your preferred amount of vegetables, garlic, and oil" Girls: "Time to eat." Teio: "And the horse girls are off! Taiki Shuttle is the first to make her move, with Oguri Cap quietly shadowing her... And bringing up the rear is Special Week! Oguri Cap is taking her noodles out from underneath her vegetables! But Special Week's legs... or rather, her chopsticks, have come to a stop!" e: "No, she's... she's turning it upside down!" Signs: "m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100 m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100 Host Commentary" e: "Oguri Cap's strategy seems to be maintaining a steady pace." Teio: "We've got three competitors with distinct styles in this race! As they come around the final corner, which one will break away from the pack?" Signs: "m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100 Host m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100 Commentary" Teio: "This has turned into a face-off between Oguri Cap and Special Week! Both of them are hurtling toward the finish! Will it be Oguri Cap?! Or Special Week?! Oguri Cap is in the lead, but Special Week has finished her noodles! She's entering the final stretch with incredible speed! But Oguri Cap isn't slowing down at all! Will Special manage an upset? Or will Oguri hold steady? Oguri! Special! Oguri! Special!" Both: "Thanks for the meal." e: "That was delicious." Signs: "m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100 m 0 0 l 100 0 100 100 0 100 Host Commentary" Teio: "I'm in heaven..." Teio: "You can clearly see that Oguri Cap has drunk more of her soup! Oguri Cap has come out on top at the Ramen Cup GII! Oguri Cap takes first place!" Store Sign: "Three Furlongs Ramen" Teio: "Well, everyone, we'll see you at the next race!" e: "Bye-bye!"
{ "raw_title": "UMAYON Episode 5 – A Major Clash?! The Ramen Cup (GII)", "parsed": [ "UMAYON", "5", "A Major Clash?! The Ramen Cup (GII)" ] }
e: "Let's discuss the dress code, then..." Restaurant Sign: "BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS" Old Guy: "Thanks for the meal." Restaurant Sign: "BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS" e: "But everyone coming out of there has been wearing a suit." Ines: "Those are just office workers. You're free to wear whatever." e: "Really?" Mack: "You're so knowledgeable, Ines-san." Halo: "You'll be a great help." Ines: "This is making me kind of nervous..." Waitress: "Welcome!" e: "The atmosphere's different from a ramen restaurant!" Mack: "Party of four. Could you show us to our seats?" Ines: "McQueen-chan, hold up a sec! You can just sit anywhere that's open." Mack: "I-I see." Halo: "Can I see the menu?" Waitress: "The menu's right there." Halo: "Huh? Th-This thing?" Ines: "Do you all understand how to order?" e: "I studied up on it, so I should be okay." Mack: "Medium? Large? Um..." Waitress: "We've also got "champion size" on the secret menu. But it's a serving that adult men have trouble getting through." Halo: "That sounds like an order fit for a king!" Mack: "Are you sure about that?" Halo: "A champion is one who overcomes all challenges! I will prove the mantra "you are what you eat"!" e: "Okay, I'll go ahead and order. Excuse m—" Customer: "Gimme a medium, extra juice, no tears, with egg." Halo: "What did he just say?!" Mack: "Is it like specifying how you want your steak cooked?" e: "Oh, I get it now! Leave this to me! Order! Three mediums, one champion!" Ines: "That's how the server talks to the kitchen!" e: "Double serving with soy sauce!" Ines: "And that's only for certain ramen restaurants!" Server: "Here's your order." Server: "Three mediums and... one champion for you." Halo: "N-Now this looks like a worthy challenge!" Everyone: "Time to eat!" Mack: "What do I do with this egg?" Ines: "You pour it over your dish, or use it as a dip, like with sukiyaki." Everyone: "Thank you for the meal!" Halo: "I did it..." e: "I guess we should get the check, then. Excuse me! We're paying by card." Ines: "Just let me pay for it, okay?!" Restaurant Sign: "BEEF BOWLS" Server: "Thanks, come again!" Restaurant Sign: "BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS BEEF BOWLS" Ines: "So how'd you like your first visit to a beef bowl place?" Mack: "It was quite the valuable experience." Halo: "Thank you so much, Ines-san." e: "I'd love to try a monjayaki place next time."
{ "raw_title": "UMAYON Episode 6 – An Elegant Lunch for Elegant Young Ladies", "parsed": [ "UMAYON", "6", "An Elegant Lunch for Elegant Young Ladies" ] }
Ticket: "Okay! Tomorrow, we go rhinoceros beetle hunting first thing in the morning!" Taishin: "Yeah!" Ticket: "We're almost to the spot she told me about." Taishin: "It said on the internet that you can attract them with white cloth if you shine a light on it." Ticket: "I bet we could use a flashlight to get a bunch to land on Hayahide's hair!" Hayahide: "Don't!" Ticket: "Here it is! The leaf landmark she told me about!" Hayahide: "Your landmark was something that precarious?" Taishin: "Seems like it could blow away in a stiff breeze." Ticket: "It's still here, so there's nothing to worry about! It's just ahead now! Let's see..." Trio: "There they are!" Taishin: "Local tips are really something..." Ticket: "Thank you, farmer lady!" Hayahide: "F-Fascinating..." Ticket: "Got 'em! This probably isn't enough, though." Hayahide: "Did you get any other tips?" Ticket: "She also said we could try kicking one of these trees." Hayahide: "Don't kick it hard enough to damage it." Ticket: "Gotcha! Winning Kick!" Taishin: "Got one! It's a male!" Ticket: "I found a stag beetle!" Ticket: "Hayahide! There's one in your hair!" Hayahide: "G-G-G-Get it off!" Ticket: "We really did catch one with your hair." Hayahide: "S-Sorry about that, Ticket!" Ticket: "Don't worry, I'm fine." Trio: "Hornets!" Ticket: "Come to think of it, that lady did warn me that there were hornet nests out here, too!" Hayahide: "And you waited until now to tell us that?!" Taishin: "These things fly way too fast!" Hayahide: "Run like you're on a 3200-meter course!" Taishin: "Are they still after us?!" Ticket: "They are!" Hayahide: "We'll have to jump in the water!" Hayahide: "They finally left..." Taishin: "What a nightmare." Ticket: "I'm pretty sure we all just beat our personal best times!" Special: "You're all up early! Morning training?"
{ "raw_title": "UMAYON Episode 7 – Time to Hunt Rhinoceros Beetles! BNW", "parsed": [ "UMAYON", "7", "Time to Hunt Rhinoceros Beetles! BNW" ] }
Manha: "Roar." Tachyon: "Very good. It seems my experiment is a success!" Pega: "Hold it right there!" Tachyon: "Who are you?" Pega: "Horse girls in the name of justice: Uma Soldier V!" Tachyon: "Excellent. New subjects to experiment on—" Suzuka: "Excuse me! Could you hang on a second?" Suzuka: "Uh, two of you have the same color." Urara: "Well, yeah, but..." Bakushi: "Considering our names, how could we pick any other color?" Pega: "Good guys never sweat the details!" Suzuka: "Are you kidding me?!" Blue: "I thought you were going to lay into me." Suzuka: "Well, I definitely could, but... Never mind." Pega: "Whatever the case, Uma Soldier V will uphold the peace in the city!" Tacyon: "Fascinating." Manha: "Roar." Hishi: "Hold it right there, people!" Pega: "Commander Hishiama?!" Suzuka: "That defeats the purpose of a team!" Pega: "I follow you! Roger that!" Suzuka: "Seriously?!" Pega: "In that case, go get 'er, Pink!" Pinks: "Roger!" Suzuka: "What happened to one-on-one?!" Manha: "Crackle, crackle, crackle..." Suzuka: "That was way too fast!" Pega: "Now it's actually one-on-one!" Suzuka: "I don't know where to begin with that... Blue, help!" Suzuka: "She's asleep?!" Bakushi: "She's a tough one!" Pega: "All right, girls! You know what to do!" Suzuka: "Right..." Pega: "With our carrots combined:" Pega: "Uma Soldier Bazooka!" Tachyon: "Let me explain! The Uma Soldier Bazooka converts the power of justice into an unlimited source of energy, then fires it, making it the Uma Soldier's ultimate weapon!" Suzuka: "Why are you doing the explaining?!" Pega: "The energy is at the starting gate! Fire!" Manha: "They got me!" Pega: "How's that?!" Pega: "I pulled the trigger, so that counts as a one-on-one, right?" Suzuka: "Does it really?" Tachyon: "It's not over yet! If she drinks this black tea, Cafe will be revived and grow to a colossal size!" Suzuka: "Oh, no!" Manha: "I don't like black tea." Tachyon: "Curse you, Uma Soldier V!" Suzuka: "But why?!" Pega: "And that's the power of justice!" Suzuka: "I can't take this anymore!"
{ "raw_title": "UMAYON Episode 8 – Hero Theater: Uma Soldier V!!", "parsed": [ "UMAYON", "8", "Hero Theater: Uma Soldier V!!" ] }
: "five members of Getaway Sisters! That's what happened in my dream," Blackboard Sign: "Getaway Sisters Getaway Sisters Getaway Sisters Getaway Sisters Getaway Sisters Getaway Sisters Getaway Sisters Getaway Sisters" : "The Getaway Sisters! A group of evasive-racing horse girls that Smart Falcon randomly turned into a horse-dol unit!" : "According to Fukukitaru-chan..." Machikate: "The horse girls who manage to evade you today will be the new members of your group!" Bourb: "There's something inherently contradictory about that statement." : "Inspiration is the most important thing with stuff like this!" : "Let's start by going after all the horse girls with evasive racing styles!" Maru: "Hi! Good afternoon, every—" : "Ines-san! Can we talk for a second?" : "We tried to recruit her..." Bourb: "...and she ran away." Suzuka: "Which means..." Trio: "She's our new member!" : "Ines-san! Wait up!" Ines: "Huh? What're you doing? I don't know what you want, but if you can keep up, I'll hear you out!" Bourb: "Very well." Ines: "It's on!" : "Wait!" Ines: "Thanks for lining up with me." : "You're... You're welcome..." Ines: "So what did you want to talk about?" : "Ines-san, we want you to join the Getaway Sisters!" Ines: "Huh? Getaway... You mean the idol group?" : "We're horse-dols!" Ines: "I mean, I'm not really the idol type... And I have my part-time job..." : "You'll get paid work, too! It should help make things easier!" Ines: "Okay, I'll give it a shot!" : "Yay!" Maru: "Falco-chan!" Ines: "M-Maruzen-senpai?!" Maru: "Please! You have to let me join your idol group!" Ines: "Horse-dol group!" Maru: "Didn't I do a great job of getting away from all of you?!" Bourb: "It was more like you caught up with us." Maru: "Oh, who cares about semantics?! I want to race through my youth with all of you! I want to get away from my unremarkable self!" : "I understand. Please join us." Maru: "Can I?!" : "The way you want to get away from something, but not running itself... I couldn't ask for more!" Maru: "Falco-chan... Thank you so much!" Location: "Location Tracen's Outdoor Stage" Time: "Time This weekend, after classes!!" : "Okay, everybody!" Girls: "Right!"
{ "raw_title": "UMAYON Episode 9 – Make the Dream Come True! Getaway Sisters", "parsed": [ "UMAYON", "9", "Make the Dream Come True! Getaway Sisters" ] }
A: "Hell yeah, Oni Slayer!" B: "Damn it... He won again." Raconteur: "What you have just witnessed, ladies and gentlemen, is our troupe's main attraction! A martial arts show from our fearsome Oni Slayer! How truly exciting! He's so fearsome, he doesn't even need a metal club! Let's give a huge round of applause!" Troupe Leader: "Great job out there." Tsugaru: "Thank you very much, sir. What the hell was that thing anyway?" Troupe Leader: "A shokera. There were some stragglers left in Chichibu after the Great Purge, so I got 'em real cheap." Tsugaru: "With the authorities watching," Tsugaru: "I'm surprised you can keep getting those things." Troupe Leader: "Well, I've got my ways." Troupe Leader: "Hell, our performers may not be the best..." Troupe Leader: "But we've got more monsters than anyone else in Tokyo. Given what I've heard about the world beyond the sea, we might have the most entertaining show in the world." Tsugaru: "Sorry I'm not living up to your expectations." Troupe Leader: "The hell are you talking about? You're no performer. You're one of the monsters." Troupe Leader: "The hell do you think you're doin', you freak?! Get your lazy ass up and onto that stage!" Tsugaru: "He wants to meet with Lord Enma in Hell and try to bribe his way to Paradise. Will it work? Probably not. Oppekepe, oppekepeppo, peppopo." Scraps Seller: "All right, here's the goods for today." Woman A: "Outta my way!" Man A: "Hey, I was first!" Man B: "Hey! I'll pay an extra sen! Gimme that potato!" Woman A: "You bastard! I'm starving way more than you!" Kids: "He's gonna eat us!" Pops: "Here ya go." Pops: "Got some from the navy." Pops: "You ain't gonna find it this cheap anywhere else. You're in luck, pal. It might not be any of my business, but if you've got money to drink, maybe you should go to the doctor." Tsugaru: "And why's that?" Pops: "Venereal disease, right?" Rickshaw Driver: "Damn it! I overslept!" Man C: "That thing's an ayakashi!" Child A: "Let's kill it already!" Man C: "This damn thing's fightin' back!" Woman B: "Just kill it already!" Man C: "Hey, you!" Man C: "You're an Oni Slayer, ain't ya? Get rid of this monster for us!" Tsugaru: "I hate to break it to you, but that's just a cat. It ain't no monster or the like." Child A: "You liar! I've never seen a cat like that before!" Tsugaru: "I'm terribly sorry, but an Oni Slayer like me can't kill a cat." Man C: "Oni Slayer, my ass. You're just some phony." Woman B: "Come on. Don't waste your time with the likes of him." Tsugaru: "Talk about a twist of fate... They look great on the outside, but they lack political thought. They don't see the truths of the universe. Sow the seeds of freedom in their hearts." Tsugaru: "Can I help you?" Tsugaru: "I can't say that I enjoy being followed around." Tsugaru: "So what's the deal with the birdcage?" Tsugaru: "Apparently, it's quite important." Tsugaru: "Oho..." Tsugaru: "Aw... This beer wasn't cheap, ya know?" Raconteur: "Behold these two sets of scarlet lips!" Raconteur: "Who is going to swallow whom?" Aya: "That's quite enough." Aya: "Oni Slayer, please forgive this rudeness. This only happened because you suddenly tried to touch the birdcage. Be more cautious in the future." Tsugaru: "Could you settle on either apologizing or bossing me around? Otherwise—" Aya: "You're only able to kill when you're onstage, are you not?" Tsugaru: "Well, it appears that you know a thing or two about me. So, who are you?" Aya: "I'm rather fond of you." Aya: "Well played, Oni Slayer. You were able to keep up with Shizuku." Aya: "Which means that this trip I made to Tokyo based on rumors was worth it." Tsugaru: "That's quite a unique act you've got goin' there, but you should really talk to our troupe leader, not me." Aya: "It appears as though you don't have much longer to live." Tsugaru: "What do you mean by that?" Aya: "Even if you continue winning, you'll die before long. What you're doing is not a performance. At least, it's neither an act nor an illusion, is it, Oni Slayer? Or should I say Oni Hybrid— half oni and half human. I have a rather keen eye for these matters, so I can tell just by looking at you. The blood of an oni runs through your veins." Aya: "The creature that can kill any monster known to man, the oni." Aya: "But I must say, you're a rather reckless mix. It must be difficult for you to maintain your sanity given how shoddily you're made. Even more so since you're using your powers at the theater every day." Aya: "You'll be consumed by the oni and die very soon." Tsugaru: "No, really. Who are you? Exactly how much do you know?" Tsugaru: "Depending on your answer, we might have to resume our little dance from earlier." Aya: "Now, calm yourself. I'm actually here to strike a deal with you." Tsugaru: "A deal?" Aya: "Fear not. I'll make it worth your while. It's a lovely deal for the both of us." Aya: "I have the means to extend your life. If you promise to grant my wish, then I shall thank you by telling you how it can be done." Aya: "I want you to kill me." Aya: "My name is Aya Rindo. This is Shizuku Hasei. She is my maid." Tsugaru: "I thought you were just using some kinda fancy ventriloquism. You sure don't say much, do you?" Aya: "I'm sure you'll eventually hear her voice." Tsugaru: "What are you, the Immortal or something?" Aya: "Indeed." Tsugaru: "Uh?!" Tsugaru: "You mean the one and only creature of its kind in the world?" Aya: "Indeed." Tsugaru: "I just thought that was made-up nonsense." Aya: "It's not nonsense. It's the truth. Also, I am a person. Not a creature." Tsugaru: "I figured the Immortal would be some frail geezer, like a hermit." Aya: "My immortality means I don't even grow old. For 947 years, I've been 14 years and 3 months old." Tsugaru: "So 900 years and some decades ago... That'd be the Heian period." Aya: "You are correct." Tsugaru: "So why do you only have a head? About six months ago, some fool took the rest of my body. I'd heard that the Immortal could grow back its whole body if it lost it. So why can't you restore yourself now?" Aya: "The Immortal is helpless against just one thing..." Tsugaru: "Ah, you mean an oni." Aya: "Well, aren't you knowledgeable?" Tsugaru: "Prior to becoming a performer, my work involved something like that. It's true that a wound inflicted by an oni doesn't heal quickly, and if you were cut by an oni, you'd typically die." Tsugaru: "So how..." Aya: "The answer is the darkest place under the candlestick, Oni Slayer." Tsugaru: "Ah, I see." Aya: "Oni can nullify a monster's regenerative abilities. But if it's an incomplete creature that is mixed with some other living thing, its powers will also be halved." Aya: "As a result, you get stuck with a talking severed head." Tsugaru: "So the one who attacked you is also an Oni Hybrid." Aya: "That is the only explanation. However, the would-be murderer had their face concealed, and all I saw was their boss who was ordering them around. He was an elderly man who used a cane, had a hoarse voice, and was not from this country." Aya: "He was a foreigner." Tsugaru: "A cane... a foreigner..." Aya: "Shizuku was gravely injured, and I was left in this state. Honestly, I'm at my wits' end. Even if I wanted to try to get my body back, they've gone off yonder, and I can't do much as just a severed head. Although... Though you may be another Oni Hybrid, you don't seem to be exactly half human and half oni. Your oni side is far more pronounced, which means you're even stronger against monsters. Therefore, based on my observations..." Aya: "You can also kill the Immortal." Raconteur: "We're done for the day!" Troupe Leader: "Hey, you two..." Tsugaru: "Why don't we go somewhere else?" Tsugaru: "If they find you here, they'll definitely make you part of the show." Aya: "By the way, Oni Slayer." Tsugaru: "You mind dropping the bombastic nickname? It's a bit embarrassing." Aya: "Then what is your name?" Tsugaru: "My name's Tsugaru Shinuchi." Aya: "Shinuchi? "Headliner"? You look more like an opening act. Very well. In that case, Tsugaru..." Tsugaru: "Yes, ma'am?" Aya: "It appears as though you want to die, but you also want to live. Why is that?" Tsugaru: "That's a rather difficult question. Could you be a bit more specific?" Aya: "The more you use your powers, the more the oni consumes you, decreasing your hold on your sanity, and shortening your lifespan. The fact that you nevertheless continue to perform with that troupe indicates that you are rushing to your demise. In other words, you want to die." Aya: "Yet you resisted. Shizuku would've been very capable of taking your life. And yet, you fought back." Aya: "Why do you want to live? Why?" Tsugaru: "As you said, if I stay with the troupe long enough, I'll eventually get consumed by the oni, go berserk," Tsugaru: "get shot by some military police officer and die." Tsugaru: "And that's perfectly fine. Because that's exactly what I was hoping for. If I'm gonna get consumed by the oni from using too much of my power, it's most likely gonna happen while I'm all worked up fighting some monster. Which means I'm gonna be surrounded by bloodthirsty lowlife, lowbrow customers. The raconteur and troupe leader who're making a quick buck off of 'em, too. Which would mean that lot would be the first ones I'd attack after being consumed by the oni. They'll flee as they're thrown into the throes of chaos, chain-link fences and steel doors be damned! Just how many will I kill before the police reach this little theater on the outskirts of town? They thought they were safe as they watched from on high as a bunch of monsters tried to kill each other... Ah, the fools! They'll get a taste of the same kind of hell that takes place upon that stage." Tsugaru: "When I realized I was gonna die soon, I started thinking... "If I'm gonna die, I may as well have fun doing it. But what would be the most entertaining way to die?"" Tsugaru: "This would rid the world of some of its garbage and be an excellent act to watch." Tsugaru: "That's why I had the troupe leader take me in. I've been trying to get by the best I can without getting consumed until we can get more of an audience in. But you said you'd expand my lifespan, so I guess I'm done with that plan. That's how I truly feel." Aya: "What a strange fellow. Is your life also just a part of a joke for you?" Tsugaru: "My performance involves killing monsters in an entertaining way. So it makes sense that I take myself out in a similar way, doesn't it? I mean, I'm one of those monsters, too." Aya: "Oni Slayer..." Aya: "I guess it doesn't matter that you're part oni. You were born depraved." Tsugaru: "You flatter me." Aya: "I implore you again. Will you kill me?" Tsugaru: "It's probably not good to rush to your death." Aya: "How is this rushing? If anything, I'm far past due. What's the fun in living to this age when I've been reduced to a severed head? You're the only one I can ask to do this." Tsugaru: "You think rather highly of me." Tsugaru: "But I must decline." Aya: "If you don't kill me, you'll also die in the near future." Tsugaru: "You'll be extending my lifespan..." Tsugaru: "But I will not kill you." Aya: "If that was supposed to be a joke, then just stop. Since I don't have the rest of my body, I can't physically react to how bad that joke was." Tsugaru: "Earlier you said, "Even if I wanted to try to get my body back," but that must also mean that if you were able to get your body back, you'd have a plan to return to normal, doesn't it?" Aya: "I see. I guess you're not a total idiot." Aya: "But the one who has my body is too far away." Tsugaru: "So you do know where they are." Tsugaru: "Where might that be?" Aya: "Europe, I believe." Tsugaru: "If you have a chance to return to normal, it'd be a shame to die now, wouldn't it?" Tsugaru: "Even if you might fail..." Tsugaru: "Why not try goin' after it?" Tsugaru: "Right? You don't want your mistress to die, do you?" Shizuku: "I follow the orders I am given. If Lady Aya insists on dying, I will find a way for her to die." Shizuku: "My feelings matter not." Tsugaru: "Then you're nothing more than a puppet." Shizuku: "To be a puppet is my family's way." Tsugaru: "Way boring, you mean." Aya: "How suspicious. How does encouraging me to do this benefit you?" Tsugaru: "Oh, see, I'd like to kill two birds with one stone. It appears as though the fool that ran off with your body is the same one who took away my humanity. Did his cane happen to have the letter "M" engraved in it?" Aya: "Yes." Aya: "His cane did indeed have the letter "M" engraved in it." Tsugaru: "He's the one who captured me. There's no doubt about it. And since you've lived for centuries, I'm sure your intellect's a cut above." Aya: "Well, I am a severed head." Tsugaru: "You have the brains to find the enemy. I have the body to carry you to him. What do you think? We have the same goal." Tsugaru: "Why don't we go to Europe together?" Aya: "Shizuku, let me out." Shizuku: "As you wish, Lady Aya." Tsugaru: "There's no fun in living life as just a severed head? Don't be absurd! There's plenty of fun to be had, even in that state." Tsugaru: "I will make sure that you have the time of your life." Aya: "Surely an Oni Slayer wouldn't go back on his word." Tsugaru: "Never." Aya: "Very well." Aya: "Let us go to Europe." Tsugaru: "So how exactly do we extend my lifespan?" Aya: "Oh, you just need to consume a part of me." Tsugaru: "C-Consume? A part of you?" Aya: "The cells of the Immortal are quite resilient. If you take them into your body, they will boost the immune system of your human side. You'll be able to slow the process of turning into an oni." Tsugaru: "Oho, I see. But when you say "consume"..." Aya: "I have absolutely no intention of letting you consume my eyes, ears, or brain." Aya: "We'll be using the parts I can spare." Tsugaru: "And by that, you mean..." Aya: "Well, the most obvious answer would be one of my bodily fluids. Like my tears, nasal mucus, sweat, or perhaps..." Tsugaru: "Your saliva?" Aya: "But I rarely cry or sweat. Would you prefer my nasal mucus or saliva?" Tsugaru: "Your saliva, please." Aya: "Very well." Aya: "Then come accept it." Tsugaru: "Right now?" Aya: "Yes. We will seal our deal with it." Tsugaru: "And how should I receive this?" Aya: "Why not directly?" Aya: "There's no need to hold back."
{ "raw_title": "Undead Murder Farce Episode 1 – Oni Slayer", "parsed": [ "Undead Murder Farce", "1", "Oni Slayer" ] }
Aya: "The first victim, Nadia, was your granddaughter, wasn't she? Do you have any idea why she was targeted?" Holgar: "No." Aya: "All of the victims are young women. Any idea why?" Holgar: "I assume that the culprit likes young women." Aya: "But these incidents are too systematic. They happened once every four months, killed in the same weather, in the same way." Holgar: "What are you getting at?" Aya: "I'm saying that the culprit may have a motive other than sating their hunger." Aya: "But we can set that aside for now. Do you..." Aya: "believe that the culprit is someone in the village?" Holgar: "I do not. Just as wolves are only born from other wolves, werewolves are only born from other werewolves. Most of the villagers were born and raised in this village. The only possibly suspicious ones would be the outsiders who've settled here." Holgar: "Heinemann the doctor." Holgar: "Cnut the engineer. Alma the artist." Holgar: "I tested those three. Werewolves are monsters that defy reason. It's difficult to see through them if they are disguised as humans." Holgar: "But they are different from us in several ways." Holgar: "For example..." Aya: "How keen their senses are." Holgar: "Correct. For example, we made them smell a pungent golden-rayed lily, or banged pots and pans near their ears. A werewolf would be startled into revealing themselves." Holgar: "But all three of them were fine." Holgar: "Which means there are no werewolves amongst the villagers." Aya: "You seem very knowledgeable about werewolves." Holgar: "The greatest weapon werewolves have is their blood. They evolve. They control their lineage. They are careful about who breeds with whom in pursuit of producing the strongest child. They have this all figured out when they mate and create offspring. That's how they became so powerful." Holgar: "Silver and holy water don't work on the latest generation." Aya: "And that's the result of their selective breeding?" Tsugaru: "What should we do, Shizuku-san? Sounds like silver's not gonna work." Tsugaru: "Guess there's nothing we can do, then." Holgar: "That's not true." Holgar: "You can go after them in their human forms. You can target their eyes or their mouths. Or you can set them on fire." Tsugaru: "Oh, thank goodness. I guess they're a little more killable than Master here. But eventually, they might also become resistant to fire. Who knows what will happen once a Kindsführer is born? Kindsführer?" Holgar: "It's a legend. The ultimate werewolf that results from all their selective breeding. That's what they call it." Holgar: "A werewolf that's faster, tougher, smarter, and more powerful. It is their god." Aya: "You stated that silver won't work on them. It sounds like you've seen one it didn't work on yourself." Holgar: "Well, I did." Aya: "Is this the incident from eight years ago?" Holgar: "Yes. That mother and child were also outsiders." Aya: "Mother and child?" Holgar: "A woman and the daughter she gave birth to." Holgar: "They had us completely fooled." Tsugaru: "Mayor, are you sad about Louise being kidnapped?" Holgar: "Louise was our village's guardian angel. She's what gave us hope." Holgar: "If she dies, I don't know what we will do." Jutte: "Louise!" Aya: "By the way, how did you find the werewolf eight years ago?" Holgar: "It was Louise. She saw through them." Cnut: "She never said much, but she was a mysterious child. I can't believe Louise was attacked, too. She was this village's hero." Aya: "Because she found the werewolves eight years ago?" Cnut: "Yes." Aya: "The mayor informed me that you knew the most about it." Cnut: "Knew the most about it? I'm just a victim. That woman tricked me." Cnut: "Thirteen years ago..." Cnut: "I found a woman unconscious in the forest." Cnut: "She had beautiful silver hair." Cnut: "She was clearly in bad shape, and her body was covered in terrible wounds." Cnut: "Her belly was also slightly swollen." Cnut: "When I asked her what her name was, she said it was Rosa. When I asked her where she was from, she just told me that she ran away from home." Cnut: "Back then, the other villagers were more accepting of outsiders. We had thought that she must've worked at some mansion and been fired for having an affair or something. Rosa gradually recovered, and six months later, she gave birth to a girl." Cnut: "Her name was Jutte." Cnut: "Thinking back on it now, there were a lot of things that were unnatural." Cnut: "She didn't leave the house much, and we'd hear howls from the forest more often." Cnut: "When Rosa was a human, she was a mild-mannered and intelligent woman." Tsugaru: "Did you have feelings for her?" Cnut: "Yes, well..." Cnut: "Thankfully, everything came to light before I made a terrible mistake." Cnut: "Eight years ago, the day before the spring festival..." Cnut: "Rosa came running and defended her daughter. We took up sticks and knives and beat the living daylights out of them." Aya: "I wonder how Louise realized Jutte's true identity." Cnut: "She said she was in the forest, picking flowers, when Rosa appeared and called out to her, thinking that Louise was her daughter. And then she said, "Even if you smell a pungent flower, make sure you don't show your ears."" Cnut: "Louise thought that was strange, so she apparently gave it a try." Tsugaru: "And you're sure those werewolves are dead?" Cnut: "Of course. I was tasked with identifying their burnt remains the next day." Cnut: "I saw the bones of a giant therianthrope and a small animal." Aya: "Who do you think is behind the incidents that are happening right now, Cnut?" Cnut: "They have every right to think that outsiders are suspicious." Cnut: "But I'm not the culprit. I don't think Doctor Heinemann could do anything like that either." Cnut: "Which leaves..." Alma: "Stay still for me, okay?" Aya: "Oh, you needn't worry. I have no way of moving." Alma: "I think it was about five years ago... I came here to draw the waterfall, and then just ended up living here." Alma: "Have you taken in the view? It's amazing. It was love at first sight." Aya: "I saw your art at Gustav's place. You're quite talented." Alma: "Thanks. I actually come from a family of artists, and even went to school for it." Aya: "Do you like drawing girls?" Alma: "Ah... These are the girls who were killed." Alma: "Their families asked me to do portraits of them after they passed." Alma: "Nadia, Fine, Rita..." Aya: "Who do you think is the murderer?" Alma: "I don't think it's any of the villagers. It could just be a violent wolf." Alma: "I see it every once in a while. It's always early in the morning or right after the sun goes down. It runs so quickly into the forest... A beautiful golden wolf." Tsugaru: "Golden? Well, that's definitely rare. Maybe it's the master of the mountain." Aya: "Or perhaps a werewolf transformed." Aya: "Are there any other villagers who have seen this wolf?" Alma: "Don't think so. I mean, I live on the outskirts of the village." Aya: "It appears that the villagers are suspicious of you, Alma." Alma: "Ah, I figured. Well, that's no good." Alma: "And what do you think, Aya? Do you think I'm behind this?" Aya: "I can't say for certain yet, but I've learned two things. You're lying about coming from a family of artists, and that you went to school for art." Aya: "You're holding that charcoal like a pencil. Someone who'd studied art would hold it with two fingers. You must've learned to draw on your own." Alma: "I actually don't have a family." Alma: "I was abandoned by my parents when I was little." Alma: "But it's embarrassing to admit it." Alma: "I'm not lying about how much I love art, though." Aya: "Thank you. It's drawn quite nicely. Don't you think so, Tsugaru?" Tsugaru: "I'll set this drawing on the altar once you die, Master." Aya: "I'd love that. Unfortunately, I'm quite immortal." Alma: "Say, Aya. How does it feel to not be able to die?" Aya: "It would honestly bore you to death." Alma: "I see. Then maybe it was a waste to draw you. I think art exists to leave a record of things that change." Aya: "Change, you say?" Alma: "Yeah." Alma: "Louise had been changing a lot lately, too." Alma: "It was always fun watching her." Tsugaru: "This is definitely better than Mount Atago." Tsugaru: "So that's the hollow..." Tsugaru: "Definitely looks like some monsters live down there." Aya: "I wonder if those are the burnt remains of the tower." Tsugaru: "Hmm..." Tsugaru: "Can't say there's anything too interesting here." Shizuku: "He'd mentioned that the werewolf named Rosa said that she had run away from home... I wonder where she came from." Aya: "Who knows? Perhaps she was living among humans, or..." Aya: "Perhaps she lived in the werewolf village." Tsugaru: "Oh?" Aya: "Is something the matter?" Tsugaru: "No, it's nothing." Aya: "I heard that you examined the mayor last night." Heinemann: "Yes. On my way home, I ran into Gustav... And then, the incident happened." Heinemann: "I heard Louise scream, but I couldn't do anything." Heinemann: "Miss Rindo, please solve this case immediately! I'll do anything I can to help!" Aya: "Then I'm going to ask something rather forward..." Aya: "Gustav and his wife, Deborah... How have they treated Louise up until now?" Heinemann: "What are you getting at?" Aya: "Her wheelchair. The wheels and armrests were both dirty from use, but the push handle on the back was clean." Aya: "It appears that she got around the house mostly without any help. Admirable self-reliance, but if you look at it another way..." Heinemann: "Are you trying to say that Louise was being neglected?" Aya: "I wouldn't go that far, but I wonder if she was hard to approach. She's this village's guardian angel, isn't she?" Heinemann: "I can't say you're wrong." Aya: "Did she ever leave her house on her own?" Heinemann: "No. Whenever she went out, someone would... Oh, come to think of it, I believe it was about a year and a half ago..." Heinemann: "Louise disappeared while Gustav and Deborah were out, and we all panicked. We found her safe that evening." Heinemann: "Her wheelchair got stuck in the mud by the river, and she couldn't move. We asked her how it happened," Heinemann: "and she said that she was trying to go to Alma's house." Heinemann: "You saw a drawing of Louise at Gustav's house, didn't you? She apparently took a liking to it and wanted to see Alma's other works." Aya: "Louise must've been so scared at the riverside that she couldn't even yell. She must've wanted to go home immediately." Heinemann: "True, she did seem that way. She stayed in bed for quite a while after." Heinemann: "I guess detectives speak as though they saw it all go down." Aya: "Yes, when they're things I'm certain of." Tsugaru: "Couldn't they have made these easier to chew?" Aya: "Oh, things are becoming much easier to swallow. It's an interesting flavor indeed." Tsugaru: "This is pretty sweet, if you ask me." Aya: "What are you talking about?" Heinemann: "Please, come in!" All: "Ah." Alice: "Not afraid to risk your life? You sure got an interesting way of fighting, Cage User." Tsugaru: "Once an Edo boy, always an Edo boy. We're pretty careless." Shizuku: "If only you had actually been shot." Tsugaru: "What was that, Miss Shizuku?" Heinemann: "Wh-What the..." Kyle: "I'm terribly sorry, but this is your own fault for letting this lot into your home." Kyle: "As I had imagined, you are quite unsightly, Aya Rindo." Aya: "Back when I had the rest of my body, I was often told that my beauty was unmatched. You two must be from Royce." Alice: "Agent Three from the advisory security department, Alice Rapidshot." Kyle: "Likewise, Agent Four, Kyle Chaintail." Aya: "How did you find this place?" Alice: "The great detective who lives on Baker Street told us." Aya: "Why, I haven't the foggiest of who that could be..." Tsugaru: "Master, maybe you shouldn't feel so competitive towards Mr. Holmes..." Alice: "Kyle, I'm gonna shoot these pieces of shit, so you take care of the talking head." Kyle: "All right." Aya: "How about we both stand down? Nothing good will come of us trying to kill each other here." Alice: "Nothing good, but nothing lost, either." Aya: "Isn't your priority the werewolves?" Tsugaru: "We can actually lead you to the werewolf village." Alice: "Are you trying to say that you have the Penultimate Night? Who the hell cares? We can just kill you and take—" Tsugaru: "No, no. There's no point in having the diamond if you don't know how to use it. We made a deal with the mayor, who said he'd tell us how to use it after we solved his case." Kyle: "Case?" Aya: "There happens to be a werewolf committing serial murders. Since I'm already a detective, it'd make things easier for you if you struck up a deal with me," Kyle: "Alice, let us retreat." Alice: "You don't get to decide that. I'm the boss around here." Kyle: "You should listen to advice from your elders." Aya: "Indeed, you should listen to your elders." Alice: "Damn it!" Alice: "Talking head, when are you gonna solve the case?" Aya: "I just need a couple more days." Alice: "That's too long! The Banquet's going to beat us!" Tsugaru: "Have no fear. They haven't appeared in this village yet." Alice: "Yet?" Alice: "Any funny business and I'll shoot you dead." Aya: "Shoot me? Dead?" Aya: "That might be the funniest joke I've heard this past century." Tsugaru: "Thanks for the—" Tsugaru: "You don't have to get so jealous every single time! This is a medical procedure, after all." Shizuku: "I am not jealous." Tsugaru: "So, what's your outlook on this case, Master?" Aya: "What's there to say? I see what's there to see. There was a very obvious clue left at the scene." Tsugaru: "And what was that?" Aya: "The window." Tsugaru: "The window?" Aya: "The window used in the escape." Villagers: "Hey, hurry up! It's Alma's house! I knew it was her!" Tsugaru: "Hmm?" Gustav: "Alma, did something happen? Answer me!" Tsugaru: "Alma? Hello?" Alma/Nora: "Stay back!" Alma/Nora: "If you get too close... I won't... be able to hold back again." Tsugaru: "Hold back what, exactly?" Alma/Nora: "Ever since a year ago..." Alma/Nora: "My throat would hurt and my stomach would growl every once in a while. And everyone would look so delicious! Before I knew it, right in front of me—" Alice: "Everyone, stand back. We'll take care of her. Stay the hell out of our way, you shitty detectives." Gustav: "Are you the one who attacked those girls? Where's my daughter? Answer me!" Alma/Nora: "I ate her! I kidnapped and ate her immediately." Alma/Nora: "She was delicious!" Alice: "What the hell? That was a silver bullet. Do they not work?" Kyle: "It appears as though I'm better suited for this." Aya: "Tsugaru." Tsugaru: "Got it." Aya: "They're getting away." Tsugaru: "I know, I know." Tsugaru: "How strange. You must've gained weight, Master." Aya: "How do you propose I gained weight in this form?" Shizuku: "I'm sure I landed a hit." Tsugaru: "Looks like silver really doesn't work. Could you hold onto this, please?" Aya: "I'd appreciate it if you treated me with more care." Tsugaru: "All righty, let's give this a shot." Tsugaru: "Damn, that's hard." Tsugaru: "Ya bastard!" Tsugaru: "Looks like we're even in strength!" Tsugaru: "Miss Shizuku! Aim for the eyes!" Shizuku: "I know that." Aya: "Shi—"
{ "raw_title": "Undead Murder Farce Episode 10 – Misty Hollow", "parsed": [ "Undead Murder Farce", "10", "Misty Hollow" ] }
Regi: "What you've done is a sin!" Rosa: "Running away isn't a sin! I have no role or obligation!" Regi: "You are a priestess!" Rosa: "I never agreed to become a priestess!" Regi: "You tried to end our bloodline! That is a great sin!" Rosa: "It's not going to end. I can live anywhere!" Regi: "This village is all we have!" Rosa: "If that's true, then we should just cease to be! I—" Aya: "That bite mark..." Aya: "It matches the one seen in the other cases." Tsugaru: "Then that would mean—" Alice: "Shit, shit, shit!" Kyle: "She got away. We searched the forest but couldn't find her." Tsugaru: "Good work. By the way, were you shooting at me or the werewolf here?" Alice: "Hmph." Holgar: "So it was Alma." Aya: "It appears as though we have our culprit." Aya: "As promised, could you give us information regarding the Forest of Fangs?" Alice: "Hey, hey! You're not the ones who found her." Aya: "It'd be lovely if you'd calm down a bit. I haven't forgotten my promise to lead you two there." Alice: "Shit." Holgar: "At dawn," Holgar: "go stand in the burnt remains of the watchtower. Once the sun goes up, hold up the stone, with the poem pointed towards the sun. That's all. The stone will show you the rest." Kyle: "So..." Kyle: "Which is the Forest of Fangs?" Tsugaru: "Who knows? The mayor said we'd find out if we stood here." Alice: "If it turns out to be a lie, it'll mean y'all are useless to us. Then I'll roast you on the spot. You hear me? On the spot." Kyle: "So this is..." Aya: "...the Forest of Fangs." Tsugaru: "All righty, then. In that case, let's get going... to the werewolf village." Victor: "They're on the move." : "You're awake?" : "You're impressive. I didn't think you'd wake up until morning." Shizuku: "Um... Where am I?" : "Vera, Kaya, thank you. I think she's okay now." Vera: "Geh, she's awake." Vera: "Wh-What are we gonna do, Nora? Should we call Gunter?" : "Do not." Vera: "But I mean... What if she's..." : "Vera, this person isn't the culprit." : "She has a rifle, which does not fire buckshot." Kaya: "Good morning. Is everything okay now?" : "It seems so. Thanks, Kaya." Kaya: "Hello. Are you okay? They said you came floating down from upstream. Nora found you and pulled you out." Vera: "W-We have your weapon!" : "Your body was frozen, so I had Kaya and Vera warm you up." Kaya: "Yes, to go along with our midday nap." Shizuku: "I don't know how to thank you." Shizuku: "Did you say midday nap?" : "What you consider night is our midday. That's why it's a midday nap." : "Be careful." : "Everyone in this village has noses and ears far keener than yours." : "Humans aren't supposed to be here." Shizuku: "Um... Where am I?" : "Wolphinhel." : "This is our village. The village of werewolves." Shizuku: "Is this your house, Miss Nora?" : "Yes." Shizuku: "Do you three live together?" : "No, everyone lives alone." : "No one has a partner in this village." Shizuku: "I see." : "Shizuku Hasei... That's not a name from around here." Shizuku: "I came from the far east... From a country named Japan." : "That oddly-shaped rifle... It was made out of silver." : "Why were you carrying it?" Shizuku: "Well..." Vera: "Nora, are you sure she's not the culprit?" Shizuku: "Um..." Shizuku: "You keep mentioning a culprit." Shizuku: "May I ask what that's about?" : "Serial murders have been occurring. Girls from our village are being killed." : "The murders always happen on rainy days." Shizuku: "The person I serve is named Aya Rindo. Lady Aya is a detective by occupation, and specializes in cases involving inhuman creatures." Vera: "Detective?" : "They're people who solve mysteries and cases like these." Shizuku: "Lady Aya may be able to help all of you." : "Where is this Lady Aya now?" Shizuku: "She's currently in a human village. She should arrive here shortl—" Vera: "Here?!" Kaya: "We can't have any more humans showing up. We won't be able to hide you all." Shizuku: "No, you don't have to worry. Lady Aya is—" : "Sorry, Shizuku, but we can't trust a word you say. If you really have nothing to do with the murders, please leave the village immediately." Shizuku: "I am not your enemy." Shizuku: "You drink tea in this village?" : "Why did you put hot water in the cups? Are you going to drink it?" Shizuku: "It's to warm the inside of the cup." : "Why do you warm it up?" Shizuku: "So that the temperature of the tea doesn't go down when you pour it." Shizuku: "Here you go." Shizuku: "I wanted to thank you for saving me." Vera: "There'd better not be poison in here." : "We were watching, so it's fine." Kaya: "Chamomile, rosehips, and elderflower?" Kaya: "And... calendula?" Shizuku: "Y-Yes." : "I think it's good." Kaya: "It's totally different from our usual tea." Vera: "Well, at least it's not poisoned." Shizuku: "Thank you very much." Shizuku: "Um... If you tell me to leave, I will oblige." Shizuku: "But before I leave, could you just tell me what is happening in this village?" : "It started a year ago. There have been three victims so far." : "The first one was a 14-year-old girl named Romi." : "She was found in the forest on a rainy day." : "She had been shot in the face with a shotgun." : "The second was Etta. She was eleven." : "She was killed exactly the same way as Romi four months later." : "Four months later, 15-year-old Clarissa, too..." : "They still haven't found the killer." Kaya: "The Blutkralle searched for the killer for days, but couldn't track down the scent." Kaya: "The rain had erased it." Shizuku: "Blutkralle?" Kaya: "The men of this village. They protect us." Shizuku: "Did the three victims have anything in common?" : "Not really. Just the fact that they were girls." Vera: "But didn't they all seem a bit weird right before they died? Spacing out, seeming nervous?" Shizuku: "There really aren't any clues about the killer?" : "The only thing we know for certain is they have a shotgun, they effectively cover their scent each time," : "and they're skilled at catching others by surprise. Because you can't kill us unless we're in our human forms." Shizuku: "No one heard the gunshots?" : "We've never heard them. There are probably guns that don't make sound, aren't there?" Shizuku: "I've never heard of a shotgun not making any sound." Shizuku: "You all have a keen sense of smell, right?" Shizuku: "If there were a human in this village, wouldn't you be able to sniff them out?" : "What are you trying to say?" Shizuku: "Nothing." : "We're done talking. Now leave our village." Vera: "How exactly is she supposed to leave, though?" Kaya: "Won't she be caught by the Blutkralle?" : "Right. She'll need to cross a body of water to cover her scent trail." : "How about using the eastern lake?" Vera: "Huh? That's on the opposite side of the village!" Kaya: "We'll be found as we try to go around the forest." : "We won't go around." Kaya: "I'll lie to the Blutkralle and get them to gather in the western forest." Shizuku: "Is this the only werewolf village in the hollow?" Kaya: "Honestly, it might be the only one in Europe." Shizuku: "You don't go to the human villages?" Vera: "Of course not! They'd kill us." Kaya: "There are many werewolves who have fled from human villages. Nora's one of them. She came here when she was four. Not to mention, if we leave the village, the Blutkralle will drag us back. We're priestesses." Shizuku: "Priestesses? The two of you?" Kaya: "Once a girl in the village turns thirteen, she becomes a priestess. Some of the priestesses will get summoned by Granny Regi and participate in a blood ritual. Granny Regi is the mayor." Vera: "Nora's going to be made a priestess next week." Vera: "It's the Blutkralle!" Vera: "What the heck? They were supposed to be in the forest!" Dennis: "Hey, Kaya." Kaya: "H-Hello, Dennis... and company." Dennis: "That's a lot of hay. Where are you taking it?" Kaya: "Oh... I thought... I'd make a sofa... It's stuffing." Dennis: "I smell something nice... Is that chamomile?" Vera: "Oh, yeah! We just had some tea at Nora's place." Kaya: "Well, see you later." Gunter: "A human!" Gunter: "Get behind her!" Shizuku: "I'll be borrowing this!" Gunter: "Split up and surround her!" Gunter: "It's futile." Gunter: "There's nothing you can do now." Gunter: "Kaya, Vera, what's going on here?" Kaya: "You've got the wrong idea, Gunter. We were just—" Gunter: "I asked you what's going on." Kaya: "Well, um..." Shizuku: "I came from outside! From atop the cliff. I heard about the werewolf village and came to investigate!" Shizuku: "I saw those two piling hay onto that cart, so I jumped in when they weren't looking. I've been hiding ever since." Gunter: "Those clothes are from this village. As humans go, you're a poor liar." Regi: "What's all this commotion?" Regi: "A human... and not a local one, either." Regi: "What are you doing here?" Kaya: "She's not our enemy! She just got lost and ended up here." Regi: "Humans aren't allowed in our village. That's the rule. Kill her." Vera: "She got washed here by the river! And..." Vera: "And Nora saved her!" Regi: "True... I do smell Nora's scent on those clothes." Vera: "W-We said we should kill her immediately, but Nora said we should wait... That we should hear where she came from." Regi: "Very well." Regi: "Let's hear what she has to say." Gunter: "The sheep's scaffold will bear the weight of your sins. Each time you lie or hesitate, one of the planks will fall." Gunter: "If the scaffold holds until we finish questioning you, you're innocent. If it falls, you're guilty." Shizuku: "How are you going to determine if I'm lying or not?" Gunter: "Granny Regi will determine that." Gunter: "It's been a while since we created the scaffold. The last time was Rosa." Shizuku: "Rosa..." Regi: "What is your name?" Shizuku: "Shizuku Hasei." Regi: "Why did you come to this village?" Shizuku: "I just ended up here coincidentally." Shizuku: "Lady Aya..." Regi: "You're the one who killed those girls, aren't you?" Shizuku: "N-No!" Vera: "Nora said she wasn't the killer." Vera: "Something... about her having a different gun..." Vera: "So she's not the killer." Regi: "A gun? This human had a gun?" Vera: "Y-Yeah. But Nora said..." Regi: "Why did you have a gun?" Shizuku: "Not to shoot any of you!" Kaya: "She said that she would help us! That she might be able to find the killer!" Vera: "Y-Yeah! She said that her master was some, uh... detective, whose job was to solve mysteries!" Gunter: "The killer is the woman up there." Regi: "And this is a werewolf village. We don't need the help of a human." Shizuku: "Lady Aya is not human!" Shizuku: "Lady Aya is a being known as the Immortal!" Shizuku: "She's inhuman like yourselves. She is on your side!" Shizuku: "She will eventually reach this village." Villager B: "That was a gunshot!" Villager A: "It came from the western forest!" Villager C: "Blood... I smell blood." Shizuku: "Nora's not here." Regi: "Nora!" Regi: "Nora! Nora!" Regi: "Why did it have to be Nora?" Regi: "We were so close..." Gunter: "It's not raining." Gunter: "We can track the killer's scent. Bernt, Dennis, can you smell it?" Bernt: "Powder smoke, steel, and shotgun shells... Then there's Nora's blood and... something that smells like human blood." Bernt: "Maybe the killer got hurt, too." Gunter: "Where's the scent headed?" Bernt: "It stops here." Gunter: "What? What's going on? Where's the killer?" Regi: "She's right here. It has to be her." Regi: "She must've killed Nora. It's her!" Gunter: "But Granny Regi, we had her surrounded the whole time." Gunter: "She couldn't have killed her." Kaya: "Shizuku, tell us! What would a detective do now?" Kaya: "Please, help us." Shizuku: "I..." Shizuku: "You can leave me bound. In exchange, could you do exactly what I ask you to do?" Gunter: "If you prove to be of no use to us, we're going to treat you as a criminal." Shizuku: "That's fine." Shizuku: "If she were shot here, there would be a lot more blood splatter. She must've been killed somewhere else." Shizuku: "Her skin is wet." Shizuku: "Could you touch Nora's clothes?" Gunter: "Bernt, touch them." Bernt: "They're dry." Shizuku: "Which means... Nora was in the water somewhere, got out, put on her clothes, and was shot right after." Shizuku: "And then... she was carried here?" Bernt: "We would be able to follow the scent of powder smoke and blood, then. But the scents end here." Dennis: "Not to mention, her being carried here doesn't add up. The sound of the gunshot came from here." Bernt: "Gunter, look!" Shizuku: "Could you touch the tree?" Bernt: "It's still a little hot." Shizuku: "So there were two shots fired..." Shizuku: "And yet... we only heard one gunshot." Gunter: "Hey, human. Did you figure something out?" Shizuku: "No." Gunter: "You've wasted our time." Shizuku: "Lady Aya! Lady Aya would be able to solve this mystery!" Gunter: "No. We're not going to let anyone else into our village." Gunter: "We will kill all intruders." Tsugaru: "Now, confess your sins. Oh, no! I haven't done anything wrong! I ain't never robbed or killed nobody! The worst I ever done was I killed and ate a cow once. I felt sorry for that cow. I see. What did the cow taste like? Sorta like my dog—"
{ "raw_title": "Undead Murder Farce Episode 11 – Where the Wolves Dwell", "parsed": [ "Undead Murder Farce", "11", "Where the Wolves Dwell" ] }
Alice: "You piece of shit! Why'd you save me?! Your job is to exterminate, you moron!" Kyle: "I presume he's a member of the Banquet." Aya: "Hello there, Victor. It's been a while." Victor: "I figured those insurance guys might be giving you some trouble." Aya: "Are you alone for once?" Victor: "Aleister and Carmilla are here as well." Tsugaru: "Well, you're late. I thought you'd be here earlier." Tsugaru: "Anyway, we'll be heading off now. Ow!" Victor: "Do you really think I saved you for free? Tell me where the werewolf village is." Tsugaru: "You all seem to say the same thing." Aya: "Well, things are a bit complicated right now. Our original motive was to fight you all, of course..." Victor: "I think your maid went downriver. I saw a commotion." Aya: "Well, that'll speed things up. We'd like some time to meet back up with Shizuku." Victor: "Don't worry. Carmilla is with us." Victor: "We can't do anything during the day." Aya: "Tsugaru, tell him." Tsugaru: "It's at the base of the fourth mountain from the west." Victor: "Hand over the diamond." Tsugaru: "Huh?" Victor: "I'll take it as collateral in case your information is false. If I see you at the werewolf village, I'll return it." Tsugaru: "Aren't you the shrewd one?" Tsugaru: "Well, bye now." Victor: "Hey. You said something about us showing up late..." Tsugaru: "Did I? A birdbrain like me forgets things so quickly..." Victor: "You manipulated us to lose the insurance guys, didn't you?" Tsugaru: "Well, my mouth's all I've got going for me..." Tsugaru: "Master, isn't this Miss Shizuku's nightgown? Oh, over here, too. See? I knew it was Miss Shizuku's." Vera: "Whoa." Vera: "I-It really worked. What should I do?" Tsugaru: "Well, hello there! Lovely day, isn't it?" Vera: "Blue hair... bird cage... severed head... Whoa, it really is a severed head!" Vera: "Are you Lady Aya?" Aya: "Indeed, I am Lady Aya." Vera: "Um... I'm Vera. I've been waiting for you guys." Vera: "I'll lead you to the village." Tsugaru: "Village? Um... do you mean the werewolf village?" Vera: "Yes, Wolphinhel." Vera: "Here, wear this. It'll mask your smell a little." Tsugaru: "Who told you we'd be coming?" Vera: "Shizuku. I'll take you to her now." Kaya: "You..." Shizuku: "Lady Aya?!" Aya: "Hello there, Shizuku. Are you hurt?" Shizuku: "I'm fine. How are you, Lady Aya?" Aya: "I'm perfectly fine, besides missing everything from the neck down." Shizuku: "You were actually useful for once." Tsugaru: "Why, thank you." Tsugaru: "I'll be waiting for my reward." Tsugaru: "Ow!" Tsugaru: "Here you go, Miss Shizuku." Tsugaru: "We managed to find everything, even your shoes. Pretty impressive, wouldn't you say?" Shizuku: "Where is my underwear?" Tsugaru: "Oh, whoopsie! Guess I forgot." Aya: "Now, then..." Aya: "We heard most of the details on our way here. It appears you had quite the time. Tell me the results of your investigation." Dennis: "I smell something from the prison." Dennis: "It's a bizarre smell." Bernt: "Could it be that woman's companions? But we kept an eye on the forest..." Gunter: "Let's go." Aya: "Well done. Thank you, Shizuku." Shizuku: "Of course." Tsugaru: "Miss Kaya, do you know a werewolf named Alma? She's an artist." Kaya: "There's no one by that name here." Aya: "I figured not. Now, then... Would it be a bad idea for Shizuku to escape from here?" Vera: "What?!" Kaya: "She can't! The Blutkralle will come and check. They'll notice." Aya: "Are these Blutkralle strong?" Kaya: "They are. They're our village's elite." Aya: "Very well. I'm terribly sorry, Shizuku, but you'll have to stay in here a while longer. Tsugaru and I will investigate the scene of the crime." Tsugaru: "Couldn't we rest a bit longer?" Aya: "They'll notice us soon. This is a race against time." Aya: "Tsugaru, do you have any candles?" Tsugaru: "I do have an oil lamp. Are you going to try to scare them with fire?" Aya: "Not exactly..." Tsugaru: "They're after us already." Aya: "Now, now..." Aya: "Oh? Are we here?" Aya: "Is that the tree that was shot?" Aya: "I see... Tsugaru." Aya: "Show me the bloodstains." Aya: "And no other bloodstains in the area..." Aya: "Take me around that stone." Tsugaru: "This is bad. They're already here." Tsugaru: "Can you show me the bottom of this stone?" Aya: "Yes, exactly. Shifting a bit with each step... Try touching that spot." Tsugaru: "No, really. We should..." Aya: "No, more to the right. The spot that's a slightly different color." Tsugaru: "Oh?" Gunter: "The smell stops." Gunter: "Where did they go?" Tsugaru: "Did you know this would be down here, Master?" Aya: "If no one heard gunshots, that means the girls must've been killed somewhere enclosed. Also, the werewolves couldn't track the culprit's scent." Aya: "A place where a gunshot wouldn't be heard, which the werewolves couldn't detect... It had to be underground." Tsugaru: "Whose blood is this?" Aya: "We'll have to follow it and find out." Aya: "The victims were shot and killed here, then dragged out to the surface." Aya: "That cloth was probably used to carry them, and that's the murder weapon." Aya: "A 20 bore shotgun. A worn old single-shot..." Aya: "Ah..." Aya: "This must be the gun that was stolen from Gustav." Tsugaru: "It's Gustav's? What's it doing here?" Aya: "I'm sure we'll find out if we go deeper." Tsugaru: "Hey, hey, hey, hey..." Aya: "The victim from yesterday must have died here." Aya: "The body must've been wet from soaking in this pond." Tsugaru: "Seems like the shape of the bloodstain is different." Aya: "It comes from shooting someone in a prone position from above." Tsugaru: "I see. But the gun was at the entrance." Aya: "The culprit shot one round into the tree, meaning they brought the gun along with the body." Tsugaru: "Why go to so much trouble?" Aya: "Hey, Tsugaru. Shine the light over there." Aya: "Illuminate the wall." Tsugaru: "Bewährung... Probation?" Aya: "These are days. Five days in each grouping." Tsugaru: "There seem to be around 500 days here." Aya: "Five hundred and fifty. Let's move on." Villager A: "Louise?" Tsugaru: "Well, hello. It's been a while." Aya: "There aren't many bloodstains. She wasn't killed here." Tsugaru: "I wonder who did it." Aya: "It appears as though the two cases are now connected." Aya: "Look." Tsugaru: "We're after a werewolf, right? Not a tanuki?" Aya: "Indeed." Tsugaru: "I just feel like someone's putting one over on us." Tsugaru: "Oh, dear." Aya: "It seemed unlikely that Rosa, who was severely injured, could have climbed a cliff, so I figured there had to be a different route somewhere. By the way, Tsugaru, you're covered in moth scales." Tsugaru: "Huh? We originally walked about eight hours to get to the village, but this way was much quicker. Probably less than two hours." Heinemann: "You two." Heinemann: "What are you doing here?" Aya: "This body is definitely Louise's, correct?" Heinemann: "Yes, without a doubt, it's Louise's." Aya: "There's one thing I need to confirm. Then everything will be solved." Aya: "How did you treat Louise up until she was four years old?" Gustav: "She was our town's guardian angel. Everyone took good care of her." Aya: "Yes, that's how it was after the werewolves were slain. But how about before she was four years old?" Aya: "A little girl who couldn't walk was a burden to Heulendorf. Am I wrong?" Deborah: "This is our punishment. It has to be!" Deborah: "This is our punishment!" Gustav: "Deborah..." Deborah: "We tried to abandon our daughter!" Deborah: "Eight years ago, the day before the festival... We took advantage of the flower picking and brought her to the northern forest." Deborah: "We took her out of her wheelchair and left her there." Deborah: "We thought it would make our lives easier!" Deborah: "But that evening, she came back with Jutte! And then we..." Gustav: "We went to save her! We apologized to her and regretted our actions!" Deborah: "But we really did abandon her first! She pretended not to notice... But I know she understood what happened." Aya: "And that was the night Louise exposed Jutte, wasn't it?" Gustav: "It's the werewolves. This is all their fault." Aya: "Go give your daughter a proper burial." Tsugaru: "So Jutte saved Louise, and Louise exposed Jutte?" Aya: "Correct. Louise likely found out about Jutte's secret when she saved her." Tsugaru: "And if Jutte was around, everyone would've found out that Louise was almost abandoned." Aya: "Louise was a very smart child. I'm sure she was working desperately on a strategy to survive. In order to survive, she would have to prove to everyone in the village that she was useful." Tsugaru: "Well, this case seems to be quite a mess." Aya: "No, it's plain and simple. There's only one important clue." Tsugaru: "And what's that?" Aya: "The window in Louise's room." Aya: "Now, then... Let's head back to Wolphinhel." Tsugaru: "Do you still think it's simple?" Aya: "Of course." Kyle: "If they can come from the other side, we can head in from this side as well, right?" Alice: "Kyle." Alice: "Gather everyone from the village." Carmilla: "It appears my venom works on your kind, too." Carmilla: "Now... don't go turning into a beast on me." Carmilla: "I'll lose my appetite." Vera: "Dennis! There's trouble! Shizuku's gun is gone!" Dennis: "What?" Vera: "I guess it was stolen from Bernt's house!" Vera: "Hurry! I'll stand guard here!" Dennis: "All right." Vera: "The hell are you doing?! You're too obvious, you moron!" Tsugaru: "Hello there." Vera: "H-Here. You need this too, right?" Shizuku: "Vera..." Vera: "I-I'm not doing this for you! I just want to know who the murderer is." Shizuku: "Truly... thank you very much." Aya: "I'd like to properly thank you, but I know you're in a difficult position. Let us conceal ourselves for now." Tsugaru: "Should we go hide in that hole again?" Aya: "No. We'll look for the right time to return to the village again." Tsugaru And Vera: "Huh?" Aya: "There's one last thing we must do. Oh, right, Vera. I'd like to confirm what Shizuku told us... The villagers here fall asleep in the morning and wake up at night." Aya: "Is that correct?" Vera: "Y-Yeah." Aya: "And most villagers live on their own. Also correct?" Vera: "Y-Yeah. When we're babies, everyone in the village helps raise us, but we start living on our own once we're about five." Vera: "What about it?" Tsugaru: "What are we going to do about that lot?" Aya: "I'd really prefer if they didn't get in our way. Tsugaru, can you defeat them?" Vera: "Huh?! Defeat Gunter and the others?! That's impossible! You'll be killed!" Shizuku: "And no one would miss him." Bjorn: "I-Is it the same killer who killed Nora?" Bernt: "But the way he was killed is different..." Bernt: "They used some chemical to throw off their scent." Dennis: "The woman got away!" Gunter: "What?" Dennis: "I only took my eyes off of her briefly." Dennis: "It looks like Vera helped her." Gunter: "Bernt!" Bernt: "I definitely smell something. The western forest. Several unfamiliar smells as well." Bernt: "Gunter, what do you want to do?" Gunter: "We'll find the detectives and kill them. We are the claws of this village. Don't forget that!" Victor: "Where's Carmilla?" Aleister: "She went off ahead. She said she wanted to grab a bite before everything started." Victor: "Whatever. We should get going, too." Tsugaru: "One, two, three..." Tsugaru: "Three of them, then." Tsugaru: "Yup, this place seems good." Tsugaru: "Hup!" Tsugaru: "One down." Gunter: "Dennis!" Tsugaru: "That's two." Tsugaru: "Hup!" Tsugaru: "Up we go!" Tsugaru: "And that's three." Aya: "It appears the howling has stopped. It looks like Tsugaru succeeded." Vera: "I mean, they could've just stopped because they killed him." Shizuku: "I certainly hope he's dead." Aya: "All right, let's go." Aya: "What's the matter?" Vera: "I smell something weird west of the village." Alice: "We're here, baby!" Alice: "Finish off any of 'em that are still breathing. Aim for their eyes and mouths! Set their homes on fire." Alice: "Don't let a single one get away." Heinemann: "God save us..." Girl Villager: "Granny Regi! There are intruders from the north and the south! They all smell dangerous!" Girl Villager B: "There are humans from the west, too! Dozens of them!" Regi: "Impossible! How could they even get here?" Regi: "Gather everyone to the square! As many as you can!" Regi: "We move in a pack. We'll eradicate the ones atop the cliff!" Vera: "Th-This is really bad! There are dozens of voices I don't recognize." Vera: "I smell a lot of humans." Aya: "Royce must be here. They've brought everyone from Heulendorf. They must've found the underground tunnel." Aya: "Shizuku." Aya: "Go save Kaya. Vera and I will handle things here." Shizuku: "No. I will protect you, Lady Aya." Aya: "I'll be fine. We're outside of the village, so the fighting won't reach here for a while. And I have a very capable part-time assistant." Shizuku: "But..." Aya: "This is an order. Go." Shizuku: "Yes, ma'am..." Shizuku: "Take good care of her." Vera: "Kaya is probably in the weaving house. It was her turn today." Vera: "You're pretty nice, huh, Lady Aya?" Aya: "I know, right? People tell me that all the time." Vera: "By the way, what's a "part-time assistant"?" Kyle: "So unsightly..." Kyle: "You're so unsightly that I'm feeling nauseous." Victor: "You seem rather confident in your strength, but you'll be at a disadvantage going up against me." Shizuku: "Miss Kaya?" Shizuku: "Miss Kaya!" Alice: "You know..." Alice: "They weren't a big deal." Kaya: "Shizuku..." Vera: "Wh-What the heck is this?" Aya: "Everything has been solved."
{ "raw_title": "Undead Murder Farce Episode 12 – Where the River's Flow Changes", "parsed": [ "Undead Murder Farce", "12", "Where the River's Flow Changes" ] }
Alice: "Aleister Crowley!" Crowley: "Well, hello there." Alice: "Don't go stealin' my prey!" Carmilla: "You're just my type." Shizuku: "Carmilla!" Carmilla: "Shizuku!" Kyle: "Pointless." Kyle: "Truly pointless." Kyle: "Both you and the werewolves are." Kyle: "You are a locomotive." Kyle: "I am a wrecker." Kyle: "Do you understand?" Kyle: "Farewell, you ugly monster!" Tsugaru: "I've come to return the favor from earlier." Victor: "Be careful. His chains—" Tsugaru: "Oh, I was watching. He's just like Baiken Shishido." Kyle: "Alice..." Tsugaru: "By the way, I believe we agreed that you'd return the diamond." Victor: "Tightfisted, I see." Tsugaru: "I have a question for you." Tsugaru: "About the rest of Master's body... Is it safe?" Victor: "It's safe. The professor's got it locked up. I'm pretty sure it hasn't been cut up." Victor: "We're done here." Tsugaru: "Thanks." Victor: "London." Victor: "Our base is in London." Victor: "We'll be waiting for you, so come get it back." Alice: "Tch!" Alice: "Tch! Does he have unlimited ammo?" Shizuku: "Ikutsushima!" Carmilla: "Why in the world aren't you wearing underwear?" Shizuku: "I'd rather not tell you." Carmilla: "You're fighting to avoid my poison." Carmilla: "But this poison has a weakness..." Carmilla: "Once you're bitten, you build up a tolerance." Carmilla: "The second time won't go like the first." Carmilla: "You're not sure what to do." Carmilla: "You're not sure if I'm telling the truth." Carmilla: "Now, then..." Carmilla: "Why don't we give it a try?" Shizuku: "This fight is over." Carmilla: "Well... I don't know about that." Carmilla: "We'll have to finish this next time." Shizuku: "No! I'm ending this here!" Carmilla: "Was everything you said earlier the truth?" Carmilla: "See you soon." Shizuku: "I'll finish her next time!" Crowley: "Fear not. You won't die immediately." Alice: "You friggin' fraud..." Crowley: "I'd prefer to be called a magician." Tsugaru: "Master, are you done with whatever you wanted to confirm?" Aya: "I am." Tsugaru: "In that case, let's get right to explaining the mystery!" Aya: "I'll actually be doing that with Vera and Shizuku. You have another job to do." Kaya: "Shizuku..." Shizuku: "Kaya." Kaya: "The village... Please save them." Shizuku: "Don't worry." Shizuku: "We will." Aya: "That's enough!" Aya: "I've identified the culprit in both the Heulendorf and Wolphinhel murders. I've come to tell you who it is!" Mob: "What's she talking about?!" Mob: "What's she doing here?" Aya: "It was all done by one individual." Aya: "I'm sure you're watching." Aya: "Please come out. Surely you've achieved your goal by now." Regi: "I-It can't be!" Aya: "Allow me to introduce you to..." Aya: "Louise of Heulendorf, also known as Nora from Wolphinhel, and also known as..." Aya: "Jutte." Gustav: "Wh-What's going on here?!" Aya: "Isn't it obvious? Your daughter was replaced with an impostor. It happened a year and a half ago, when she went missing." : "When did you figure it out?" Aya: "The moment I opened the door to Louise's room. A werewolf's therianthrope form couldn't fit through that window, and its human form couldn't have climbed through it, which means it likely jumped through in its wolf form. But how could a wolf have carried the girl away?" Aya: "The state of the chimney was also suspicious. If a wolf had come down through it, there would have been soot everywhere. Which means no one infiltrated that room. And yet, one girl and one wolf were unaccounted for. Which meant there was only one logical explanation... A werewolf had taken Louise's place. The impostor Louise then planned and staged her own kidnapping. As I went around the village, I learned that the werewolf named Jutte greatly resembled Louise. I began to wonder if Jutte might still be alive. Then, that night, a werewolf appeared in Heulendorf. I knew instantly that the werewolf was not Alma, but the impostor Louise. Its bites matched those of the impostor Louise, after all." Aya: "The real Alma must have been killed right after we visited her." Aya: "We found her body underground. Next, I was quite surprised to learn that there were girls being killed in the werewolf village as well." Aya: "And then, last night, Nora was also murdered. We found an underground passage at the murder site." Aya: "When we followed the trail of blood, we found an open space. That was where the murder actually took place. Someone had dipped the victim into a lake, put clothes on her, shot her dead..." Aya: "and then carried her outside." Aya: "So just who is this murderer?" Regi: "It's a human! It must be!" Aya: "No, that is the one impossible solution. There was a portion of the passage where thousands of tineid moths lived, and they gave us quite the welcome. They were attracted by the lamplight." Aya: "Once we left the cave, we were covered in scales. But there wasn't a single scale on Nora's body when it was discovered. There's only one way to avoid being covered in scales in that narrow cave, and that is to walk through without any light. The only one capable of doing that" Aya: "would be a werewolf, with its superior senses of hearing and smell." Aya: "Thus I concluded that the killer in both villages had to be a werewolf." Aya: "And we found one other rather curious thing in that open space." Aya: "There were signs that someone lived there. On the wall, there were eighteen months' worth of tally marks designated "probation." But those carvings only reached the height of Tsugaru's thighs. The walls of the cave were quite large and wide... Which meant that there was a significant possibility that the one staying in the cave could not stand. Someone who couldn't stand, who disappeared a year and a half ago... There is only one person that could be." Gustav: "Louise..." Aya: "Precisely. The real Louise." Aya: "But by the time we found the cave, she was already gone. Louise and Nora were close in age. I thought that if Nora had been killed in the underground cave where Louise was staying, then perhaps the one who was killed yesterday was not Nora, but Louise." Aya: "The picture then came into focus. Jutte, who was able to escape to the werewolf village, changed her name to Nora, then later took the place of Louise, and kept going back and forth between the villages, playing both roles." Aya: "That would've been possible between these two villages." Aya: "There are five reasons why. First, the two villages never interacted with each other. Second, the underground passage we found connected the two villages in a much shorter, faster route." Aya: "If traveled at the pace of a werewolf, it would likely take just one hour each way. Third, the human villagers and werewolf villagers were active during opposite times of day. Fourth, Louise lived her life isolated from everyone, and Nora lived on her own as well. Fifth, there is an underground lake in the underground cave. Werewolves have an acute sense of smell, but if they bathed in the lake to rid themselves of their smell, the others would be none the wiser." Aya: "And... when we returned to Heulendorf, Louise's corpse was found." Aya: "The injury was in the same location as Nora's. I realized instantly that the same corpse had been reused. Nora dug up the corpse, then devoured the flesh above the gunshot wound to make it look like a werewolf attack." : "I didn't eat her flesh. I just bit her." : "I'm not that heartless." Aya: "Oh, I do beg your pardon. Regardless, you tampered with the corpse and carried it to Heulendorf." Aya: "It would appear that we passed by each other a number of times." : "It got pretty close." : "I thought you'd noticed me in the underground passage." Aya: "And that's why you hid away Alma's corpse and the shotgun." Aya: "With the help of my part-time assistant, Vera, we dug up Nora's grave." Aya: "The coffin was empty." Aya: "Now, everything has been solved." Aya: "The culprit in the Heulendorf case is the impostor Louise. The culprit in the Wolphinhel case is Nora. They are the same person and their true identity is... Jutte, who survived for all this time." Aya: "Thus ends my deduction." : "Amazing." : "Shizuku, your master truly is amazing." Aya: "I'd say you're the amazing one here." Aya: "The revenge you were able to exact deserves a round of applause. As do your tenacity, attentiveness, and boldness." Aya: "This all began thirteen years ago." Aya: "A werewolf named Rosa escaped from this village and fled to Heulendorf. A few months later, she gave birth to Jutte, and they began living their lives as a human family. But eight years ago, Louise found out Jutte's true identity." Aya: "She made her accusation, and the mother and daughter were burnt to death." Aya: "But Jutte survived! She escaped to the werewolf village." : "My mother showed me how to get there." : "I think the smaller corpse they found was a fox that happened to be in the tower." : "Jutte changed her name to Nora and then began her life as a werewolf." : "But this was the village that almost killed her mother. There's no way she could like it. She hated both villages, and formulated a plan to turn the two villages against each other." : "First, a year and a half ago, she switched places with Louise. Nora returned to Heulendorf, kidnapped Louise, and kept her prisoner in the underground cave." : "Louise didn't resist. She said I had every right to do it. She even said she'd support me in my revenge. Louise was sick of her own village, too." : "You may not believe me, but..." Aya: "I do believe you." Aya: "That cave seemed rather cozy for a prison. I even thought it might have been Louise who thought up the plan." : "We actually came up with the plan together." : "We had a strange relationship." Aya: "And thus, Nora began her double life. It appears that for the first six months, you spent your time trying perfect your role and gathering information, but then one year ago, you started your murders. You targeted only young girls, and let hatred grow in each village." Aya: "And at the end, you faked a kidnapping to make yourself disappear. Everything looked like it was going smoothly, but the next day, something unexpected happened. An extremely talented detective named Aya Rindo appeared. Nora figured that she needed someone to blame for these crimes, and she chose to sacrifice Alma. She impersonated Alma and turned into a werewolf, caused a ruckus and ran away again." Aya: "She returned to Wolphinhel and saved Shizuku from the river." Aya: "You placed Shizuku onto a cart and purposely had the werewolves find her. Once her trial started, you snuck back into the underground passage. You erased Louise's scent and then shot her dead. You carried her to the surface, put your own blood on her to confuse the scent, and then shot the nearby tree with the shotgun." Aya: "That was to clear Shizuku from suspicion, wasn't it?" : "I wanted to thank her for the tea." Aya: "Now that everyone thought you were dead, you carried Louise's body to Heulendorf and had the humans find it. You left the cover to the hidden well open and showed them the way to the werewolf village." Aya: "And then the two villages clashed." : "Is your deduction finished?" Aya: "Just as your plan is." : "You didn't actually reach the ending, then." Aya: "And what do you mean by that?" : "Goodbye, Granny Regi." : "I'm leaving this place." Regi: "Y-You mustn't!" : "Vera, I'm sorry for getting you caught up in this mess. Apologize to Kaya for me, too. I actually loved both of you." Vera: "W-Wait, Nora. Wai..." Regi: "Nora!" Regi: "Please come back! I'll forgive you for everything you've done!" Regi: "Why are you taking her from us?! She actually came back to us alive!" Regi: "We'd almost reached it! Our final destination! The Kindsführer!" Aya: "Kindsführer?" Aya: "You don't mean..." : "Tsugaru Shinuchi." : "What are you doing here?" Tsugaru: "My master told me to wait here and capture you when you came." : "Unfortunately, Tsugaru..." : "Aya's going to be angry with you." : "Have you heard of the Kindsführer?" Tsugaru: "The ultimate werewolf, wasn't it?" : "Ever since I started living in the werewolf village, any time I'd casually jump or run around, everyone would make a big deal about it." : "It's so stupid." : "The one who gave birth to me is the woman they exiled from the village." : "I have no idea how powerful I am." : "But... Let me through, or I'm going to have to kill you, too." Tsugaru: "Is that always the look on your face?" : "What?" Tsugaru: "A monster needs to look like they're having more fun when they're killing someone. As it stands, you almost look like a human." : "Gunter and the other Blutkralle failed because they got close to you without being prepared. Instead, I'm going to carve away at you little by little with my claws. Until your body looks like a torn-up old rag." Tsugaru: "Now, that's more like it. You're starting to sound like a monster." Aya: "Onions, maybe? They're still dogs, after all." Tsugaru: "No matter how powerful a dog may be, they become quite defenseless when they're shaking the water off their bodies." : "Tsugaru... You're quite the fool." Tsugaru: "Why, thank you. Playing the fool is actually my job." Tsugaru: "Hello there, Master. How's the battle going up there?" Aya: "It has stopped. It seems that the folks from Heulendorf are preparing to head home." Tsugaru: "So, what should we do with this naughty little girl?" Aya: "Let her go." Tsugaru: "Sorry, what?" Aya: "Nora, I apologize." Aya: "There was an error in my deduction. And they call me an expert on monsters..." : "I am the culprit, though." Aya: "But your motive wasn't revenge." Aya: "You were helping the werewolf girls escape. You kidnapped similar-looking girls from the human village, crushed their faces, and made it look like it was the werewolf girls who were dead." Aya: "You sacrificed one so another could escape. If the werewolves are obsessed with producing strong descendants, the priestesses were the vessels to see that through. The girls in that village were being used for optimal breeding. If you are the Kindsführer, I can only imagine the cruel fate that awaited you when you became a priestess." Aya: "That's why it was necessary for you to leave the village before you turned thirteen. You wanted to do everything you could before your time was up, and you managed to free three from the village's customs." Aya: "That was your true motive." : "But it's true that I killed those humans. So I will accept my punishment." Aya: "No." Aya: "The detective made an incorrect deduction. It's natural that the culprit should be released. Not to mention, considering my physical predicament, I find myself sympathizing with women in cages." : "Thank you." Aya: "Where will you go now?" : "I want to go..." : "somewhere fun." Tsugaru: "You should travel around for a while." Tsugaru: "There are plenty of monstrous people out there." : "Like you?" Tsugaru: "I'm nothing more than an opening act." : "Goodbye, Shizuku." : "If we meet again, show me how to make tea." Shizuku: "I will." Aya: "Good grief, that was a mess. My deduction was wrong and we let the culprit escape." Aya: "That was the worst night I've had since I lost the rest of my body." Tsugaru: "Master, can I ask you something?" Aya: "Hm?" Tsugaru: "It took you quite a while to make your deduction this time. Were you trying to teach them all a lesson?" Tsugaru: "Well, not that it really matters to me." Tsugaru: "The human village and the werewolf village... I wonder what's going to happen to them now?" Aya: "Nothing's going to change." Tsugaru: "You make it sound like you've already seen it." Aya: "Well, I have seen quite a bit." Aya: "Now, then... What shall we do about our fight?" Tsugaru: "Victor mentioned that your body is in London. Let's head back and regroup. Oh, right. I heard this in the town at the base of the mountain... Apparently mountain climbers around here have a certain thing they like to yell..." Aya: "I see. Well, give it a try."
{ "raw_title": "Undead Murder Farce Episode 13 – The Culprit's Name", "parsed": [ "Undead Murder Farce", "13", "The Culprit's Name" ] }
Lord Godard: "Raoul..." Lord Godard: "The hunt is over. Let's head home." Lord Godard: "What were you looking at?" Raoul: "Mushrooms, Father." Raoul: "You didn't kill it with the rifle?" Lord Godard: "Well, I couldn't hit it, so I had no other choice." Raoul: "Then why did you even bother bringing it?" Lord Godard: "The mayor was kind enough to send it to me. I had to at least try it out." Lord Godard: "Not to mention, using things like this makes a good impression." Lord Godard: "Like we're meeting humanity halfway." Raoul: "I doubt we're getting through to them, though. That hunter attacked us just the other day." Raoul: "They've treated us harshly ever since Count Dracula was taken out." Lord Godard: "Exactly why making a good impression is important. We're all going to have to get along with humanity from now on," Lord Godard: "whether we like it or not." Lord Godard: "I'm going to put the rifle away." Raoul: "Could you get that silver out of our storage room while you're at it?" Lord Godard: "Silver?" Raoul: "The weapon we took from that hunter." Raoul: "Why keep something so dangerous in the house? Part of making a good impression?" Lord Godard: "No. Wouldn't we be safer holding onto it, rather than letting it fall into another hunter's hands? I've made sure it's locked up, so Charlotte doesn't play with—" Lord Godard: "What?" Raoul: "What's the matter?" Lord Godard: "Our blood..." Lord Godard: "Raoul, stay behind me. Do not stray!" Raoul: "Wh-Why?" Lord Godard: "Do not leave my side! No matter what!" Lord Godard: "Claude!" Lord Godard: "Claude! Hannah!" Claude: "What's the matter, Father?" Lord Godard: "Claude, are you all right?" Claude: "Did something happen?" Alfred: "What is the matter, my lord?" Lord Godard: "Alfred, it appears we've had an intruder. Did you notice anything?" Alfred: "No, I haven't seen anything." Alfred: "I was in the office this whole time." Lord Godard: "Where is Charlotte?" Claude: "She's in the laundry room with Giselle." Claude: "They've been so loud this whole time." Claude: "Father!" Raoul: "Father..." Lord Godard: "Stay here." Lord Godard: "Hannah?" Reporter A: "I'm telling you, this is a warning. "We'll do the same to you if you don't back off."" Reporter B: "If they don't stop being human allies, you mean?" Reporter A: "Yeah, I'm sure there are some extremist hunters out there who hate the thought of monsters getting rights." Reporter B: "Rumors say it could be one of Royce's agents, too." Reporter A: "Well, I don't know who did it, but if you ask me, they did nothing wrong." Annie: "Excuse me!" Annie: "Lord Godard signed a written oath that he wouldn't drink human blood. That's why he's been given rights—" Reporter C: "There he is!" Reporters: "Lord Godard! Lord Godard!" Reporter A: "Lord Godard! I'm with Est News. Could you give us your thoughts about this incident?" Reporter D: "Lord Godard! Look over here!" Lord Godard: "Please stop this. I'm going out to see the judge right now. Please move." Lord Godard: "Move!" Annie: "Lord Godard!" Lord Godard: "How old are you?" Annie: "I'm a correspondent with the Epoc News. My name's Annie Kerber, and I'm fourteen. According to the police statement, the investigation of this murder is still ongoing." Lord Godard: "Ongoing? That's absurd. They've as good as dropped it." Lord Godard: "I haven't had a drop of human blood for over twenty years. My family and I go to church on Sunday evenings, as well! Do you really think we deserve this treatment?!" Annie: "Are you saying this is social discrimination against vampires who are human allies?" Lord Godard: "That's exactly what I'm saying. Make sure you write that Lord Godard is resentful of how the police have been handling this. Extremely resentful." Annie: "Then how are you planning to get to the bottom of this?" Lord Godard: "I'm going to hire a detective. I hear there's a duo from the east— Detectives who specialize in monster cases." Annie: "Monster cases?" Annie: "Do you mean Aya Rindo and Tsugaru Shinuchi?" Lord Godard: "Yes, I believe those were their names." Annie: "He's coming... The Cage User is coming here!" Tsugaru: "Hey there, driver." Mark: "Yes, boss?" Tsugaru: "Don't you think we're shaking a bit too much?" Mark: "Well, we're on a country road." Tsugaru: "Yeah, well, all the rattling is hurting my ass and giving me heartburn. My master here says she's ready to hurl. And believe me, the complaints and insults that come from my master's mouth are more than enough." Mark: "We'll be there soon. Besides, you're the one who asked me to hurry." Tsugaru: "Then if you could slowly hurry..." Mark: "You can't be serious!" Aya: "That's enough, Tsugaru." Tsugaru: "Ah, Master. You seem better." Aya: "I am not, but if we're almost there, I'll survive." Aya: "Not to mention, even if I wanted to hurl, I have no way of doing so." Tsugaru: "Welp, you got me there." Lord Godard: "They proved one of the merfolk innocent of murder in Norway," Lord Godard: "and solved a case dealing with a golem in Belgium." Lord Godard: "I hear they are very talented detectives." Raoul: "How so?" Lord Godard: "I'm not sure. The judge has abandoned us, too." Claude: "Are you sure you can trust them?" Lord Godard: "They're better than the police." Tsugaru: "Wow, classy." Mark: "Boss." Mark: "If I could get that payment now..." Tsugaru: "Payment? For what?" Mark: "The fare for the carriage ride, of course. One way is three francs." Tsugaru: "That's a bit steep." Mark: "Well, it was a long ride..." Tsugaru: "But that doesn't seem fair, given how bumpy the ride was." Mark: "Boss, you're not trying to..." Tsugaru: "I'm not trying to get out of paying you." Tsugaru: "I just want to return the carriage." Mark: "Y-You can't return a horse-drawn carriage!" Tsugaru: "Oh? And why is that?" Mark: "I mean..." Mark: "I mean, I already drove you all the way here!" Tsugaru: "I see." Tsugaru: "Then if you'd be so kind as to drive us back to where we started... Then I'll have returned it." Mark: "U-Uh..." Aya: "That's enough, Tsugaru." Aya: "Driver, think about this rationally. He's trying to cheat you out of a round-trip fare." Mark: "B-Boss?" Aya: "Enough, Tsugaru. Stop troubling the poor driver. He seems to have had enough misfortune already." Aya: "He's been sober for a week after his wife yelled at him about his drinking." Mark: "H-How do you know about Natalie?" Aya: "Don't act so unsettled. I could tell from your clothes. Driver, if you don't demand your payment soon, he's going to try to get out of it again." Mark: "Uh, r-right." Mark: "Anyway, boss, that'll be three francs." Tsugaru: "Could you knock off one franc?" Mark: "Boss..." Mark: "All right, boss. Two francs will be fine." Mark: "But please, hurry!" Tsugaru: "You see, I don't have any cash on me right now. You'll have to get the payment from Lord Godard." Mark: "L-L-Lord Godard!" Mark: "I need two francs from you." Lord Godard: "Wh-Who are you?" Tsugaru: "That's our driver, Hattsuan." Mark: "My name's Mark!" Tsugaru: "Apparently, this is Mark. I'd like him to drive us back, so would you let him rest here for a bit? He seems to be a bit worked up." Lord Godard: "Alfred, show him to a room and get him his payment." Alfred: "Yes, sir." Mark: "Th-Thank you, sir." Mark: "Thank you..." Mark: "Thank you..." Lord Godard: "So, who might you be?" Tsugaru: "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm the Cage User who came all the way from Japan. The name's Tsugaru Shinuchi. My name may mean "headliner," but I'm more of an opening act, at heart. I look forward to working with ya." Lord Godard: "I am Jean Duchet Godard. And these are... Claude, my eldest, and Raoul, my second son." Lord Godard: "I hear that you specialize in monster cases." Tsugaru: "Indeed, but I am a mere apprentice. My master's the one that handles all the actual work." Aya: "I don't recall making you my apprentice, Tsugaru." Aya: "You're just my assistant." Lord Godard: "Er... is this Ms. Aya Rindo?" Aya: "Indeed. I am Aya Rindo. It's an honor to meet you." Tsugaru: "Something wrong?" Lord Godard: "Er, no. I just didn't realize the detective was a lady." Tsugaru: "Ah, I see. I guess it is hard to tell." Tsugaru: "I mean, she lacks a chest, after all." Aya: "Did you say something, Tsugaru?" Tsugaru: "Nope, not a word. My apologies." Aya: "But that one was quite funny." Aya: "Shizuku, strike Tsugaru for me later." Shizuku: "As you wish, Lady Aya." Aya: "Despite my physical state, I will have no problem solving this case, so have no fear." Aya: "I will track down the murderer who killed your wife." Lord Godard: "Er, right. I'll be counting on you. First, let us take your luggage to your rooms. Alfred." Aya: "Oh, no need. I'll have Shizuku carry them." Tsugaru: "Uh, hey! Shizuku, you seem to have forgotten my trunk." Shizuku: "You can carry your own luggage." Tsugaru: "S-So cold. And unkind..." Aya: "Shizuku, carry Tsugaru's, as well." Shizuku: "Yes, Lady Aya." Lord Godard: "Wh-Who is that maid?" Tsugaru: "Oh, forgot to introduce her. Her name is Shizuku Hasei." Lord Godard: "Then where is Ms. Aya Rindo?" Tsugaru: "Ah, I was wondering why this conversation felt weird." Aya: "Lord Godard, had you not done any research on us?" Lord Godard: "I had done some basic research, but couldn't find any specific details." Aya: "Well, I'm not surprised. I'm sure that those who have encountered me before thought no one would believe them if they talked about me." Aya: "Hey, Tsugaru." Tsugaru: "Yes'm." Tsugaru: "This is my master." Aya: "Allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is Aya Rindo. I am, by occupation, a detective." Aya: "It's quite fitting, considering I'm only able to use my head." Aya: "I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have." Raoul: "How are you still alive when you're only a head?!" Aya: "It's quite simple, really. I'm not dead. Therefore, I'm alive." Raoul: "Why are you only a head?" Aya: "Unfortunately, I happened to lose the rest of my body about a year ago." Aya: "Ever since, I've been living in this birdcage." Lord Godard: "How are you able to stay alive?" Aya: "I really do love watching everyone's reactions when they see me for the first time." Aya: "Can you tell me how you found the body?" Lord Godard: "That was in the paper, I believe." Aya: "If you don't mind, please remind me, with as many details as you can remember." Aya: "I'm terribly sorry for making you recall such a traumatic experience." Lord Godard: "It's all right. I may be accustomed to seeing dead bodies, but I'd never seen a member of my family killed like that. Before I knew it, I lost my composure and started to scream." Aya: "How many people live in this mansion?" Lord Godard: "Excluding my wife, we are a family of four." Lord Godard: "There's myself. There's Claude and Raoul, to whom I introduced you earlier. And then there's my youngest, my daughter, Charlotte. We also have two human servants." Lord Godard: "A maid named Giselle, and my butler, Alfred. He's served us for over twenty years now." Aya: "I heard that the slain Madame Hannah was previously human." Lord Godard: "Yes." Tsugaru: "Did she dabble in carpentry?" Lord Godard: "Hannah loved fixing up antiques. The sounds of metal and wooden mallets resonated through the mansion." Aya: "Are those swords decorative pieces?" Lord Godard: "No, they are real swords. There are more in my sons' rooms. Even when we're injured, we heal in mere seconds, so there's no point in using fake swords." Aya: "Is the body still there?" Lord Godard: "A vampire's body decays at an accelerated rate, so we buried her immediately." Lord Godard: "But we have a camera, so I took a picture of her." Aya: "The chest wound is just under ten centimeters in diameter. It appears that it was indeed caused by a stake." Aya: "She bled less from the left side of the wound than the right. I wonder why." Tsugaru: "Maybe the body was leaning towards the right?" Aya: "Her expression seems be peaceful. There's no sign of struggle." Aya: "Lord Godard, was Madame Hannah asleep at the time?" Lord Godard: "Yes. We believe that's why we didn't hear her scream." Aya: "We can assume that her death was swift. Which would mean that the murderer pierced her heart with the stake in a single strike." Aya: "Could you show me what's underneath the chair?" Tsugaru: "Sure thing." Aya: "It seems that she was undeniably killed in this spot. How is the back of the chair?" Tsugaru: "Not a scratch." Aya: "So the murder weapon did not go through the body." Lord Godard: "Our senses are rather keen. If she was attacked in her sleep, it would have to be the work of a hunter who could erase their presence." Tsugaru: "What about the holy water? Was it thrown about after the murder?" Aya: "Probably. Lord Godard, were there any wounds on her hands or feet?" Lord Godard: "No, her hands and feet were unharmed." Aya: "A vampire's cells lose their power some time after death, meaning they won't burn in reaction to holy water. Which means the holy water was used immediately after her death." Aya: "It appears some evidence is still here." Aya: "Tsugaru. Pick up that bottle." Tsugaru: "It's very much a normal bottle. The glass is a bit dusty." Aya: "Rub it with your sleeve." Tsugaru: "Sure thing." Aya: "Did all of the dust come off?" Tsugaru: "It's like some anecdote that just won't end." Aya: "What was that?" Tsugaru: "It's absolutely unrelenting." Aya: "You don't have to try to be clever every time. Show me the lid." Tsugaru: "Hup." Aya: "Not much, but there's blood on it... The culprit may have touched it after the murder." Aya: "Put it down." Aya: "I heard that the silver stake in your storage room was taken from a hunter. Did he have it in a case of some sort?" Lord Godard: "No, he was holding it." Aya: "I had heard that vampires are burnt when they touch silver or holy water. Do you have any way of avoiding that? For example, wrapping cloth around anything silver." Lord Godard: "While that might work... I can't imagine that any of us would willingly touch silver." Lord Godard: "I was almost burnt just by putting my hand close to the stake." Aya: "And if you're burnt in that way, your vampire regenerative powers..." Lord Godard: "They do not work, of course. Even a slight burn would take about a week to heal. That's why I had Alfred take the stake from the hunter." Aya: "Who had keys to the storage room?" Lord Godard: "Only Alfred and myself." Aya: "I see. Thank you very much." Lord Godard: "Er, were you able to figure anything out?" Aya: "There's just one thing that fails to make sense, and that's the timeline of this crime. It truly does seem like the murderer came from outside this mansion. But if we were to assume that was true, certain problems arise. Seven in total." Lord Godard: "Seven?" Aya: "Tsugaru, lift your finger up." Tsugaru: "Sure thing." Aya: "Let's start with the first." Aya: "Why was there no sign of Madame Hannah waking up? She was far more sensitive to sounds and smells than a human, so it's strange that she didn't notice the attacker. Second. Why did the murderer specifically infiltrate at night? Even children are aware that a vampire's power weakens during the day." Lord Godard: "We make sure to lock up tight during the day, so they must've given up." Aya: "Even though they were able to twist open the storage room's lock?" Aya: "Third. Why did the murderer leave the holy water bottle at the scene? They probably used that coat to avoid any blood splattering onto them, but it would be so easy to take the bottle with them. It's unnatural that they left it behind." Aya: "Fourth. How did the murderer know that the silver stake was in the storage room? It's also strange that they'd know the exact location of Madame Hannah's room and when she'd likely be napping." Aya: "Fifth. Why did the murderer remove the silver stake after stabbing her and return it to the storage room?" Aya: "Now, I'd like you to pay particular attention to the sixth problem." Tsugaru: "Master, we have an issue." Tsugaru: "I don't have any more free fingers to hold up." Aya: "Then just stick out your tongue." Tsugaru: "Bleh." Aya: "Now, the sixth..." Tsugaru: "Maffer." Aya: "What is it?" Tsugaru: "Whaf should we oo abouf the sevenf?" Aya: "Lift up your leg or something." Lord Godard: "Ms. Rindo." Aya: "Yes?" Lord Godard: "That doesn't look like a seven..." Aya: "Oh, very well." Aya: "We'll go over the last two later." Lord Godard: "Oh, Lottie." Lord Godard: "These are detectives who came to investigate what happened here." Lord Godard: "Lottie!" Aya: "Tsugaru..."
{ "raw_title": "Undead Murder Farce Episode 2 – Vampire", "parsed": [ "Undead Murder Farce", "2", "Vampire" ] }
Lord Godard: "How does everything taste?" Tsugaru: "It's quite delicious." Tsugaru: "I didn't know what I would've done if we were served fresh blood." Tsugaru: "I was gonna try and say my granny's will forbade me to have any." Tsugaru: "But you do mainly consume blood?" Lord Godard: "We do. If we don't have blood regularly, we lose energy." Lord Godard: "That being said, we no longer consume human blood." Lord Godard: "Ms. Rindo, do you not need to eat?" Aya: "Don't mind me." Aya: "Even if I'd like to eat, I'm afraid that I cannot. I've put on a few pounds lately, you see." Tsugaru: "Master, stop. I totally just spit my bread out." Claude: "Father, can we really leave this matter to them?" Lord Godard: "It's true that they're a bit odd, but they've been logical about the investigation." Claude: "They go beyond "a bit odd."" Raoul: "I don't really think we can trust them either." Raoul: "Not to mention, they tried to put one over on the carriage driver." Mark: "W-Were you there?" Raoul: "Yeah. I heard the sound of a carriage, so I hid nearby, hoping to get a look at the detectives." Tsugaru: "On top of the crumbling tower, right?" Raoul: "Y-You saw me?" Raoul: "He's like a vampire." Lord Godard: "Anyway, I believe they are capable detectives." Claude: "Capable detectives, huh?" Claude: "If you ask me, they seem like cheap con artists." Mark: "Er... By the way, Ms. Severed Head, how did you know about Natalie earlier?" Aya: "That's quite simple. I could tell by looking at your clothes." Claude: "Who's Natalie?" Raoul: "That severed head mentioned that the driver had stopped drinking because his wife yelled at him." Aya: "Your vest..." Aya: "Around the stomach, the color is faded and the seams are worn. It must get soiled frequently, and your wife scrubs it clean every time. You have a habit of spilling food on your clothes." Aya: "Usually, adults only do that when they're severely drunk. Your facial hair is unkempt, but the collar of your shirt is clean," Aya: "and some of the buttons have been replaced." Aya: "That suggests your wife regularly irons and mends it. Your vest appears to have been last washed about a week ago, but there don't seem to be any new stains around your stomach. Which would mean that you haven't had a drink in a week. But why? Because someone sternly told you to stop drinking. For example, a scrupulous housewife sick of having to wash her drunken husband's dirty clothes." Aya: "She seems attentive and rather lovely." Aya: "You should treasure her." Mark: "I will..." Claude: "That's amazing." Claude: "You remind me of that famous detective from London." Claude: "I think his name was Charles... No, Cielo..." Shizuku: "Sherlock Holmes." Claude: "That's it." Aya: "I'm quite flattered to be compared to the great Mister Holmes. Though I must say, I'm not as much of a genius as he is." Claude: "Have you ever met him?" Aya: "No, I have not met him in person. I hope I never meet him, in fact." Aya: "I hear he's quite the weirdo." Aya: "Now then, Lord Godard, there are a few things I'd like for you to tell me." Lord Godard: "What might that be?" Aya: "It's about the night Madame Hannah was murdered. The body was discovered just past 1:30 AM, correct?" Aya: "Did you have lunch around midnight that day, as well?" Lord Godard: "Yes, with everyone in the mansion." Aya: "When did you finish your meal?" Lord Godard: "I believe around 12:30." Aya: "About an hour before the body was found, then. What did she do after she was done with her meal?" Lord Godard: "As usual," Lord Godard: "she said she was going to rest for a bit in her room. I went up to the study on the second floor, and was chatting with Claude." Aya: "Did any of you see Madame Hannah after your meal?" Aya: "So you were with Claude after the meal?" Lord Godard: "Y-Yes. We were talking about the management of the town." Lord Godard: "Charlotte tagged along. She was playing with her dolls. When 1:00 AM came around, Claude and I left the study together and parted ways in the entry hall." Lord Godard: "I always go out hunting on Mondays at that hour." Lord Godard: "So I went to the storage room to get my rifle. Nothing seemed amiss there at the time." Tsugaru: "Which suggests the weapon was taken, and your wife attacked, after that." Aya: "So it would seem." Lord Godard: "Not a minute after I left the mansion, Raoul said that he wanted to go look at plants, so he tagged along." Lord Godard: "He was with me the whole time in the forest." Lord Godard: "I fired my rifle three times, but I failed to hit my target even once." Claude: "What? You didn't hit anything then?" Aya: "What do you mean?" Claude: "Well, I heard the three gunshots go off deep in the forest." Aya: "Deep in the forest... How curious." Aya: "By the way, where did you go after you parted ways with Lord Godard?" Claude: "I returned to my room and was by myself." Claude: "I left Charlotte with Giselle." Claude: "She wouldn't shut up about wanting to sing." Aya: "Understood. Let's move on. Raoul, what were you doing during the thirty minutes after you finished eating, but before you went hunting?" Raoul: "Why are you asking me that?" Raoul: "You're questioning us because you suspect us, is that it?" Lord Godard: "Ms. Rindo, don't tell me you think one of us killed Hannah." Aya: "Yes, that is what I believe." Lord Godard: "I-Impossible... That's just absurd." Aya: "Well, Raoul. Would you care to enlighten me? If you can't tell me, I'll have to assume that there's quite a reason." Raoul: "I'm the opposite of my brother. I was in my room until one. But I was with my father when the murder happened, so I'm not the murderer." Aya: "But there's a bit of a time gap between when Lord Godard checked the storage room and when you exited the mansion." Raoul: "Vampires may be fast, but we can't commit a murder in a minute." Aya: "By the way, while you were in your room, did you hear any noises?" Raoul: "No, not at all." Aya: "I see. Thank you very much. Next, Ms. Giselle." Giselle: "Y-Y-Yes, ma'am?" Aya: "Where did you go, and what did you do, after lunch ended at 12:30 AM?" Giselle: "I-I cleaned up the kitchen, a-and then went to the laundry room at 1:00 AM." Giselle: "That's what I do every day." Giselle: "On my way, I ran into those two. Miss Lottie seemed bored, so I sang her some songs while I did the laundry. So from 1:00 AM until the body was discovered, you were with Miss Charlotte the whole time?" Giselle: "I believe that I went to the bathroom once. But that only took a minute or two. Otherwise, I was with Miss Charlotte." Aya: "I see. Miss Charlotte, is that true?" Charlotte: "Yes." Aya: "Very good. Thank you." Aya: "Next, Mr. Alfred." Aya: "Where did you go, and what did you do, after the meal?" Alfred: "I went down to the office in the basement and was adjusting the master's schedule. Other than that, nothing." Aya: "Which means you were by yourself the whole time." Alfred: "Indeed, that is correct." Aya: "Did you hear any noise when you were in that room?" Alfred: "No, not at all." Aya: "Thank you very much. This means that we've managed to narrow down the ones without an alibi after 1:00 AM to two people... Mister Alfred and Claude." Alfred: "I-I would never!" Claude: "Give me a break." Lord Godard: "Ms. Rindo! There's no way that Claude would kill his mother. Alfred can't be the killer, either! He's not the sort of human that would engage in hunting." Aya: "Lord Godard, I'm fairly certain I explained this earlier. There are far too many factors that make it highly implausible that this was done by an outsider." Lord Godard: "Yes, but..." Giselle: "Miss Charlotte!" Tsugaru: "Thanks for the meal. It's strange that you can sorta plop animal blood onto a dish like that and have it looking like some expensive cuisine. The Japanese do say that blood is thicker than saltwater fish, so it might actually be tasty." Aya: "It's "thicker than water." And the phrase involves "koi."" Tsugaru: "Koi? I can't say that I recommend eating koi. They're very... fishy." Aya: "Honestly, once you get on a roll, you never know when to quit. Shizuku, say something." Shizuku: "Please jump in a pond and feed yourself to the koi." Tsugaru: "S-So cold... and unkind." Tsugaru: "By the way, Master, how goes the investigation?" Aya: "Logical deductions made based upon the facts have revealed two mutually contradictory factors. Thus, my scrutiny continues." Tsugaru: "That was as clear as mud." Aya: "Exactly, it's as clear as mud to me. You're keeping up so well!" Tsugaru: "But you talked like you knew everything earlier." Aya: "That was mostly to buy us time." Aya: "Anyway, Shizuku." Shizuku: "Yes, Lady Aya." Aya: "I want you to keep an eye on the two servants." Aya: "Stop them if they try to leave." Shizuku: "As you wish." Tsugaru: "Do you think the servants did it?" Aya: "I'd say they're the prime suspects. This murder would've proven difficult for the others. For Lord Godard, Claude—" Claude: "What's this about me?" Tsugaru: "Well, hello there." Tsugaru: "Comment allez-vous?" Claude: "I didn't kill my mother, detectives." Aya: "Oh?" Claude: "You're breaking your necks over nothing." Aya: "Good sir, my neck is long since broken." Claude: "Well..." Claude: "There's at least one more neck to break." Claude: "Father may have signed that pact, but I'm still a vampire! I can easily snap your neck like a twig." Tsugaru: "I'll keep that in mind, thanks." Tsugaru: "Master, are you all right?" Aya: "That was certainly a threat." Tsugaru: "It sure was. Do you think he's the murderer?" Aya: "It'd be so simple if I could say without a doubt that he was..." Aya: "But his hands were clean. During our meal, I made sure to pay close attention to all of the vampires' hands." Aya: "And all of their hands were pristine. Not so much as a scratch on them." Tsugaru: "What exactly does that mean?" Aya: "I guess, for now, we should look for that." Alfred: "Won't you have a seat?" Shizuku: "No, don't mind me." Giselle: "Have you been an attendant long?" Shizuku: "Ever since I was born." Giselle: "That must've been very hard." Shizuku: "From my perspective, you two have it harder." Alfred: "True. Having to live our lives at night can prove difficult," Alfred: "but after twenty years, you get used to it." Giselle: "I'm still not used to it. But I've gotten quite skilled at drawing blood from various animals." Alfred: "That's a special skill you can only hone in this household." Alfred: "It's already 1:00 AM." Alfred: "I must head to the study." Shizuku: "You may not. Please remain here. I've been ordered to stay with you both." Alfred: "But I have work that I must attend to with the master." Giselle: "The master actually just headed west into the forest with Mister Shinuchi." Alfred: "What? For what reason?" Giselle: "I'm not sure, but Mister Shinuchi was laughing about going to look for something." Alfred: "What is wrong with that man?" Alfred: "Oh, I'm terribly sorry for insulting your master like that." Shizuku: "Please, go ahead. I don't serve the likes of that lowlife, bastard storyteller wannabe. The only one I serve is Lady Aya Rindo." Aya: "Tsugaru, have you caught a cold?" Tsugaru: "No, I just suddenly felt a chill." Lord Godard: "Will you be all right? It tends to be below freezing here at night." Tsugaru: "Don't worry about me. This ain't nothin' compared to the winters in Hakodate." Lord Godard: "Hakodate? Come to think of it, you mentioned you were from Japan. But I must say, your French is rather good." Tsugaru: "Well, Master beat it into my brain." Aya: "I did no such thing. I don't have the means to beat you, after all." Tsugaru: "Welp, you've got me there." Lord Godard: "Ms. Rindo, none of the mansion's inhabitants are the murderer." Lord Godard: "The way she was killed was definitely the work of a vampire hunter. Please investigate in a more logical manner." Aya: "But I am investigating in a logical manner. I'm only paying attention to the obvious." Lord Godard: "Huh?" Aya: "The site of the hunter attack is further ahead, is it not? Let us hurry." Tsugaru: "But you sure do care about your family." Lord Godard: "I don't wish to lose any more family. That is all." Lord Godard: "I've lost so much already." Tsugaru: "Are you talking about Madame Hannah?" Lord Godard: "Even before I came to this area, I'd lost three members of my family to murder." Tsugaru: "I see." Lord Godard: "By the way..." Lord Godard: "Since you're from Japan, you may have heard about a monster that never dies." Tsugaru: "Yes, I believe I've heard of 'em. You mean "Fushi"?" Lord Godard: "They're called "Fushi"?" Tsugaru: "In Japanese, that word means "the Immortal."" Tsugaru: "There's only one in the world. They may look human, but they never die, never grow old, never get tired... They're a monster with a long list of "nevers." I hear they're even around a thousand years old." Lord Godard: "According to what my father told me, no matter how badly they are injured, they will regenerate right on the spot." Tsugaru: "So I've heard. Hard not to be envious." Aya: "But you see, there's actually one way to kill the Immortal. Rather, I should say there's one kind of creature that can." Lord Godard: "And what's that?" Aya: "The oni." Lord Godard: "Oni?" Aya: "In your language, I believe they're called "diable" or "ogres." In Japan, that word indicates a servant of hell." Aya: "No monster can withstand the brute strength produced by an oni's cells. An oni is capable of wounding any creature, no matter how strong its regenerative powers may be. Therefore, an oni can also kill the Immortal." Lord Godard: "I see." Aya: "But amusingly enough, this does not mean that the oni is the ultimate life form." Aya: "Oni may have unrivaled brute strength, but they're not very sturdy. Gunshots or explosions can easily kill them. And most of all, they are extremely stupid creatures." Aya: "They were hunted down by humans during the Great Purge and are now extinct." Tsugaru: "Not even a single one remains that's in decent shape. Nothing lasts forever, eh?" Lord Godard: "Ms. Rindo... Could it be that you're referring" Lord Godard: "to yourselves?" Lord Godard: "The Immortal and the oni." Tsugaru: "Welp, he's got us, Master." Aya: "Don't admit it so easily." Lord Godard: "When you said, "I'm not dead. Therefore, I'm alive," it made me wonder. But why are you just a severed head—" Aya: "Oh? Is this a surprise attack?" Lord Godard: "Yes. It appears as though our lantern was too bright." Lord Godard: "I will not attack humans first." Lord Godard: "I will, however, strike fear into the hearts of those who dare defy me." Lord Godard: "I am still the King of Monsters, after all." Lord Godard: "Are you the one who killed my wife?" Lord Godard: "No matter. Accept your punishment." Tsugaru: "Whoa, there! Hold up!" Lord Godard: "Mister Shinuchi." Lord Godard: "I'm going to kill him here and now. Will you kindly testify on my behalf that it was self-defense?" Aya: "We must decline. We will not allow you to kill this man." Lord Godard: "But why? He tried to take my life." Lord Godard: "He must've been the one who killed my wife as well." Aya: "I'm fairly certain he wasn't. It appears as though this man just arrived in town today. He has soot on his elbow, likely from resting his arm against the window of a train." Aya: "Doesn't he look like he's spent many days traveling here from the German countryside?" Tsugaru: "The Friedrich-Franz Railway. The date is three days ago." Aya: "Mecklenburg... For him to murder your wife in this mansion three days ago, when he would have been north of Berlin, is physically impossible. He's not the murderer." Aya: "Hey, you." Aya: "Come back here. Don't run." Josef: "I-I'm sorry! Please spare my life." Aya: "If you answer my questions, I'll spare you. What's your name?" Josef: "Josef." Aya: "So you are German." Aya: "All of the vampires here are human allies. Why did you attack him?" Josef: "To avenge Hugo! This monster killed him." Lord Godard: "Nonsense. Hugo was the one who attacked me!" Josef: "Silence, monster!" Aya: "So you did know the other hunter. Did you know that Hugo was after Lord Godard?" Josef: "W-We talked about it two weeks ago." Josef: "I tried to talk him out of it. I said messing with a human ally was a bad idea. But then he said, fully confident, "Don't worry. I'll be able to slay him for sure."" Josef: "But three days ago, I found out he messed up, so I rushed here." Aya: "The last time you talked to Hugo, he seemed very confident?" Josef: "Yes. He said he'd gained an incredible ally." Aya: "By the way, Josef, did you know that Hugo had a silver stake?" Josef: "Silver?" Aya: "You didn't know it was silver?" Josef: "Well, he always kept it in a leather case." Josef: "No wonder he never showed it to me, even when I asked." Aya: "That's enough. Tsugaru, you may release him." Lord Godard: "Please wait, Ms. Rindo!" Aya: "Well, I'm sure he's learned his lesson after this, and he doesn't seem to particularly hate human allies. I'm fairly certain that he won't try to attack you again. Isn't that right, Josef?" Lord Godard: "I should've punished him more when I had the chance." Aya: "Oh, don't be like that. Let's forgive the poor lad. Because of him, we no longer need to wander about the forest." Aya: "Lord Godard, let us return to your mansion. Also, please make sure to gather everyone."
{ "raw_title": "Undead Murder Farce Episode 3 – The Immortal and the Oni", "parsed": [ "Undead Murder Farce", "3", "The Immortal and the Oni" ] }
Claude: "What did you just say?" Aya: "Let me repeat myself. One of you is Madame Hannah's murderer, and that I will prove that to you now." Claude: "I don't believe you." Lord Godard: "Claude, let's hear her out." Lord Godard: "I think we owe her that much." Aya: "Thank you very much." Aya: "Now, let us begin. Let us solve the mystery of who killed Hannah Goddard" Aya: "and how. After inspecting the scene of the murder," Aya: "I was left with seven problems." Aya: "First, the fact that there was no sign of Madame Hannah noticing the murderer. Second, the fact that the attack did not take place during the day when a vampire's powers wane." Aya: "Third, the fact that a still usable bottle was left at the scene. Fourth, the fact that the murderer seemed to know the layout of the mansion." Aya: "Fifth, the fact that the murderer left the silver stake in the storage room. All of these actions would've been unnatural for any outsider. But I'd like to bring the utmost attention to the sixth problem..." Aya: "It has to do with sound." Lord Godard: "Sound?" Aya: "At the time of the murder, Claude and Alfred were both close to Madame Hannah's room, but neither of them heard any sound from that room." Claude: "What's so strange about that? It just means the murderer was cautious." Aya: "Indeed. But if the murderer had driven the silver spike as hard as they could into Madame Hannah's chest, it should've made a loud noise, similar to that of hitting a nail." Aya: "There are four possible explanations for this. First, that both witnesses are lying. This would indicate that they colluded in the murder." Alfred: "B-But I would never—" Aya: "Yes, I am aware of that." Aya: "Neither of you have alibis." Aya: "If you had colluded, you would have worked out fake alibis for each other." Aya: "Next. There was a sound, but not when they were near her room. Which means that the murder may have taken place before 1:00 AM." Lord Godard: "Ms. Rindo..." Lord Godard: "I made certain that there was nothing amiss in the storage room." Aya: "Yes, yes." Aya: "Besides, before 1:00 AM, Raoul and Alfred were near her room. Next. What if the murderer did hit the stake with a hammer, but placed something in between so it wouldn't make a sound?" Aya: "But there was plenty of blood on the murderer's coat. That would be proof that when they killed her with the stake, there was nothing to get in the way of the blood splatter." Aya: "And so, there is only one explanation left. The murderer held the stake in their bare hand, and then used strength alone to drive it" Aya: "into Madame Hannah's chest." Aya: "That's why no one heard any noise at any time. So why didn't the murderer use a hammer to drive the stake in? Alfred?" Alfred: "Y-Yes?" Aya: "Let's say you heard a "clank, clank" noise from the lord and madame's room." Aya: "Now, what would you have thought that sound to be?" Alfred: "I would believe that the madame was repairing some furniture again." Aya: "I see. What about you, Claude?" Claude: "I'd think that Mother was tinkering with some furniture again." Aya: "Correct. Even if you had heard the noise of a hammer blow, no one in this mansion would find that suspicious. Then perhaps the reason the murderer couldn't use a hammer was because it would break the stake itself. Which would mean that the murder weapon wasn't the silver stake, but a stake made from something else." Lord Godard: "What are you talking about, Ms. Rindo? I found that stake in the storage room..." Aya: "What you saw was a silver stake covered in blood, and Madame Hannah's wound. That's all. It is entirely possible that the murderer used a separate stake that was around the same size." Lord Godard: "But... But what would that second stake be?" Aya: "A stake frail enough to break if it were hit by a hammer." Lord Godard: "There's no way something like that could kill my wife." Aya: "Then let us now talk about our seventh problem. What we have now, ladies and gentlemen, is a simple bottle left at the scene of the crime. The murderer took it out for some reason and left it at the scene on purpose." Claude: "They splashed around holy water, right?" Aya: "Precisely. Now, this is the important part." Aya: "The bottle was dusty, but wiping it off did not remove the dust. Which means the outer surface of the bottle was not dirty." Aya: "This is our final problem. Why was there dust on the inside of the bottle? If the bottle was full of liquid, it would be impossible for the inside of the bottle to be dirty. Which means that the bottle was empty from the start. In order to make it look like they splashed holy water around, the murderer left an empty bottle behind at the scene. However, there were definite traces of holy water on Madame Hannah's body. So where did the holy water come from? Since the victim was a vampire, a lethal weapon made out of something other than silver, something much weaker, could be only one thing." Aya: "Holy water." Aya: "The murderer froze holy water, creating a stake made out of ice. They then took that into the mansion, stabbed Madame Hannah with the ice stake as she slept in her armchair, and killed her. The blood splatter was blocked by the coat they were wearing, and the erstwhile holy water stake melted immediately from the high temperature." Aya: "The melting holy water soaked her clothes, and caused her skin to burn. After the murder took place, the murderer collected Madame Hannah's blood in some sort of container. Then they left behind the coat they no longer needed, and a blood-flecked bottle, to make it look like the murder had been committed by an outsider," Aya: "and then left the room." Aya: "The murderer then waited quietly until Lord Godard left to go hunting. Then, after Lord Godard checked the storage room, they broke the lock and snuck inside. They then poured Madame Hannah's collected blood onto the silver stake to make it look like the true murder weapon. Then all that was left was to have Lord Godard witness that awful sight after returning from his hunt." Aya: "Now, this reduces my deduction to but a single problem. Why did our murderer use this trick? Tsugaru, do you know?" Tsugaru: "It's just like that soba shop rakugo story. Someone was messing with time." Aya: "You don't have to try to be clever every time. Regardless, you are correct. The construction of an alibi— That's the only reason the murderer would do such a thing. Lord Godard thought that the murder took place while he was hunting from 1:00 AM to 1:30 AM. But if the stake that was in the storage room was not the murder weapon, it would become possible for the crime to take place between 12:30 AM—when their meal ended—and 1:00 AM." Aya: "From this information, we now have five conditions the murderer must fulfill. First, they must not have an alibi for the actual time period when the murder took place, from 12:30 AM to 1:00 AM. Second, they must be someone we originally thought unable to commit the crime due to their arranged alibi from 1:00 AM to 1:30 AM. Third, they must have had a few minutes to freely move around during the latter time period. Fourth, they must be strong enough to stab someone with a thick stake and break a lock. Fifth, they must be skilled enough to have committed the murder without being noticed by vampires with their heightened senses." Aya: "Let's discuss the first condition. The only ones who do not have an alibi from 12:30 AM to 1:00 AM are the two servants and Raoul. Of these three, the two that fulfill the second condition are Giselle and Raoul." Raoul: "B-But..." Aya: "These two also fulfill the third condition. Raoul came after Lord Godard a minute after he left. He had plenty of time to go into the storage room and stage the silver stake. Giselle also testified that she left Miss Charlotte's side for a few minutes to go to the bathroom. But the only one who has the abilities required by the fourth and fifth conditions... is Raoul." Raoul: "Wait a minute! There's no way I could've done that! I couldn't stage the stake! I can't even touch silver!" Aya: "Indeed. There were fingerprints in the blood on the silver stake. Probably, you reflexively grasped it when you were covering it in Madame Hannah's blood." Aya: "But if Raoul is truly the murderer, his hand should be burnt." Aya: "And yet, his hand is unharmed. On top of that, no one's hands show any signs of having been burnt." Raoul: "See?!" Aya: "The deciding factor is a vampire's regenerative abilities." Aya: "This was the final trick in our murderer's scheme. After the body was discovered, he excused himself due to his anxiety. He then took one of the swords from the wall in his room and cut off his own fingers." Aya: "This would be unfathomable for a mere human, but he's a vampire." Aya: "That is how the murderer was able to destroy evidence of his burns so quickly." Aya: "Such an unrefined murderer... I hadn't even finished my explanation, and yet you decided to out yourself." Tsugaru: "It's quite all right, Shizuku-san. Please look after Master for me. I'll take care of the lad." Tsugaru: "Now, now..." Tsugaru: "We can't have you trying to rough up my master." Aya: "Raoul set his plan in motion after last week's attack. He contacted a hunter named Hugo, and told him that he would create an opportunity for Hugo to attack Lord Godard. Unfortunately, Hugo went along with this. Raoul's plan was to get his silver stake into the storage room while he held onto the stake's case." Aya: "I heard that you all go to church." Aya: "In that case, it must've been easy to secretly obtain some holy water. He filled the case with holy water, and created an ice stake exactly the same size as the silver stake. As for his motive, it was probably his objection to being a human ally," Aya: "since it appears as though your sons aren't fond of humans the way you are. If you need proof, I'm sure you'll find quite a few things in his room. The bottle he used to collect Madame Hannah's blood, the sword he used to cut off his fingers, the cloth he wrapped his hand with to hold the ice— Lord Godard?" Aya: "Lord Godard, are you listening?" Lord Godard: "Did Raoul really..." Aya: "He clearly tried to kill me just now. Nothing could be a clearer confession." Lord Godard: "What..." Lord Godard: "What am I to do?" Aya: "Fear not. Let's just leave this to my assistant." Aya: "In Japan, we'd say... this is when the headliner appears." Raoul: "They're all so damn weak." Tsugaru: "Oho?" Raoul: "Father just does everything Mother says." Raoul: "My brother's all talk, too!" Raoul: "But I'm nothing like them!" Tsugaru: "Is that so?" Raoul: "Vampires are meant to be solitary creatures. So why do we have to stoop to their level?!" Tsugaru: "Dearie me." Raoul: "That's why I thought if I made it look like a human killed that woman, Father would finally come to his senses! But even that didn't work! Which means..." Raoul: "this household is standing in my way." Raoul: "I'll just have to kill all of them." Tsugaru: "Upsy-daisy!" Tsugaru: "Now, now, now... Come one, come all! Everyone is welcome here!" Raoul: "I'm not healing?" Tsugaru: "What you're about to witness..." Tsugaru: "is a grand, fearsome, goosebump-raising event that silences crying children. Behold one of the rarest creatures in the world, the Oni Slayer." Tsugaru: "I know not of my parents' fate, but behold my seething flesh! One hit is enough to kill, meaning it's as one-hit-kill as it can be. In this world, there isn't a single monster he can't kill. No, no. You can pay after you see the performance." Tsugaru: "But..." Tsugaru: "That's only if you survive it." Raoul: "What the hell are you?!" Tsugaru: "Why, I'm going to have you see just that." Tsugaru: "These blue veins tell a story that involves the inhuman and the supernatural! And of course it does, because even if I may seem human, I indeed am not! "Inhuman" may sound a bit rude, but please, lend me your ears, as I tell you the humiliating tale of Tsugaru Shinuchi. Away we go! After the restoration, around the year Meiji 30, the powers above declared a massacre. The supernaturals were going to be purged. The rampant yokai were chased, captured, and purged." Tsugaru: "And this purge was carried out by ruffians... who were aptly named the Oni Killers. The ultimate squad, the Oni Killers! Here you see just one of its treasured newcomers, the one and only Tsugaru Shinuchi." Tsugaru: "Despite being so far away from home, he's here to perform this terrible charade." Lord Godard: "Where could I have gone wrong?" Lord Godard: "I thought we were doing so well." Raoul: "I... I... I'm not like the others!" Tsugaru: "Everyone who's around your age says the same exact thing." Tsugaru: "Which means you're exactly like the others." Raoul: "No... Because I'm a vampire! I'm noble... and strong!" Tsugaru: "Strong? I don't know about that. I must say that Count Dracula had a much harder bite." Tsugaru: "I've finished my work." Aya: "Well done." Tsugaru: "A light workout before breakfast..." Tsugaru: "As it is still 3:00 AM." Aya: "Lord Godard..." Aya: "Our job ends here, though I'm not sure if it was the best ending." Lord Godard: "How could this happen? With Hannah's ideals guiding our family..." Tsugaru: "Humans and monsters can't live in harmony." Lord Godard: "Huh?" Tsugaru: "This is straight from the horse's mouth, so there's no doubt about it." Annie: "Um, who are you waiting for?" Mark: "Some weird guy holding a birdcage." Annie: "A birdcage? Are you talking about the Cage User? So he's already here!" Mark: "Of course he's here. He's about to leave." Annie: "Huh? What about the case? Was it solved?" Annie: "Mister Shinuchi!" Tsugar: "Well, well, hello there." Tsugar: "What a coincidence, Miss Annie. How can I help you?" Annie: "Why... I came here to interview you two. How are you doing, Ms. Rindo?" Aya: "Other than the fact that I'm a severed head, I'm doing quite well." Annie: "I heard that you solved the case in a single night, but could you tell me how it wrapped up?" Tsugaru: "My, word travels fast." Annie: "Well, I work for the great Epoc News after all." Tsugaru: "Ms. Shizuku, you heard the lady. Could you start loading our lugga— Wh-What are you doing?! Look out!" Shizuku: "I just remembered Lady Aya's order from yesterday. She wanted me to strike you." Tsugaru: "You don't need to remember that when you're holding a trunk! Look after my master for a minute, would you?" Annie: "They really don't get along." Aya: "They're basically like siblings. By the way, could you ask the butler how everything turned out in the case? I have a few things to speak with Lord Godard about." Annie: "Roger!" Aya: "Is it all right, Lord Godard?" Aya: "Lord Godard?" Lord Godard: "Yes... I know there's no way to keep this a secret from the world." Aya: "No, that's not what I meant." Aya: "Is it all right for you to be outdoors like this?" Lord Godard: "Ah, yes. That's right. The sun will be rising soon." Aya: "But then nightfall will come once more." Aya: "There's nothing to regret, Lord Godard. Even if we lose our reputations, we can retry as many times as we need." Aya: "We're undying monsters, after all." Lord Godard: "Right..." Lord Godard: "By the way, what did you want to speak with me about?" Aya: "Ah, yes. Do you know anyone who fits this description? A man in his early seventies with a slender build, sunken eyes and terrible posture. His right leg is a prosthetic, and he carries a black cane. On the handle, there's an "M" engraved in gold." Lord Godard: "That man visited a couple of days ago." Aya: "You don't say." Lord Godard: "He didn't tell me his name. He just asked me to call him "Professor." He then asked me if I'd like to go to London with him, but I have a family, so I declined." Lord Godard: "How do you know him?" Aya: "He's the fool who took the rest of my body and about half of Tsugaru's." Lord Godard: "Is that why you're..." Annie: "Are you all right, Mister Shinuchi?" Annie: "Your head seems to be bleeding." Tsugaru: "Oh, don't you worry. I'm used to this." Mark: "Boss, the dawn's gonna break soon. We should get goin'." Tsugaru: "Master, the bumpy road of terror awaits us once more." Aya: "Wheedle a consolation fee from the coachman, if you would." Tsugaru: "Easily done!" Annie: "Hey, hang on a sec..." Annie: "I'd like a comment from you to sum up the case." Tsugaru: "Well, Lord Godard said he'd lost family members three times during his long life. Here he lost his wife, and thought it would just be the fourth, but then he lost a son as well." Annie: "It's quite the tragedy." Tsugaru: "Yup." Tsugaru: "I'm sure that my lady will try to laugh this off as a farce, but it's a true tragedy. Really, insult to injury." Tsugaru: "You see..." Tsugaru: "What happens four times will go-dhard into a fifth." Moriarty: "Just as he declared in his letter of warning, he stole the jewel on the leading actress's costume and fled." Carmilla: "What would you like to do?"
{ "raw_title": "Undead Murder Farce Episode 4 – The Headliner Appears", "parsed": [ "Undead Murder Farce", "4", "The Headliner Appears" ] }