In 1973 the government of the Republic of China, in cooperation with some other neighboring nations, established the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center in Tainan, to improve species and culturing methods. More than 10,000 varieties of breeding plants were brought from all over the world for the cultivation and development of new vegetable species which are heat tolerant, high yielding, resistant to insect pests and wind resistant.
It is also difficult to get building permits in Luku Township, Nantou, and Chiufen Village near Chinkuashih in northern Taiwan. But because the first is near an experimental forest owned by National Taiwan University and the second is in a picturesque old mining area, there are many unlicensed guesthouses in these villages. Weekday lull It is not just unlicensed guesthouses that are bigger than regulations permit.
The facilities and machinery for the steel mill are all new, being imported from industrial nations. The production is expected to be vast in quantity and tops in quality. Depending on our own situation in the future, steel may also be exported to compete in world markets.
Taiwan has more space for growing vegetables in winter than in summer because of the agricultural rotation system and the use of land in tropical and subtropical climate.
The Chingching Recreational Farm in Jen-ai Township, Nantou County, has become very popular in recent years. Almost 40 % of the more than 100 guesthouses in the area are unlicensed.
以近年極負盛名的南投仁愛鄉清境地區為例,百餘家民宿中,有將近 4 成處於非法營業狀態。
TV stations in Taiwan now use the satellite to transmit sports activities across the ocean, thus contributing to the promotion of cultural exchange among nations. Taiwan-Hong Kong and Taiwan-Philippines telecommunications use the trans-horizon microwave system.
They are in fact being raised by the host, Wu Chung-chi. Wu Chung-chi is actually a high-school mathematics teacher who enjoys fishing in his spare time, and his wife, Ho Pao-yu, who used to be a housewife, likes raising animals and growing her own fruit.
This often results in overproduction. In summer and autumn, however, heat and humidity induce blight. Typhoons and rainstorms also affect vegetable production and supplies may not meet the demands.
On the other side of the pond, the rooms have opening skylights, so guests don't need to go out onto the balcony to see the star-studded sky; they can simply lie in bed. All of this sounds very luxurious and expensive, but in reality prices are very reasonable. A suite for four people, for example, will cost the visitor only NT $ 2200 per night.
另一側的觀星樓臥室則真的開了天窗,不必推門出陽台,躺在床上就可以仰望滿天星斗,這樣的奢華卻高貴不貴,一間 4 人套房只要 2200 元一晚。
The President of the Republic of China sends a representative to participate in the ceremony, which is performed in the best Chinese tradition.
In the big parade in Washington, marking the U.S. bicentennial, the Chinese community presented a 200-foot-long Chinese dragon to indicate the contributions that Chinese Americans have made to America's cultural tradition. It also symbolized harmonious cooperation between Chinese Americans and other Americans of many national origins.
The big Chinese dragon was made in Taiwan and required 30 persons to operate. Accompanied by beautiful ladies in classical costumes, the dazzling Chinese dragon was one of the biggest attractions of the parade.
At a pre-departure press conference, the Swazi Prime Minister praised the rural development program in Taiwan and said he was deeply impressed by the progress made in the Republic of China.
At a dinner party in their honor, Education Minister Y. S. Tsiang said that adult baseball will be encouraged and outstanding athletes will be given more benefits in the future.
The exhibition provides numerous illustrations of progress and developments in agriculture, industry, education, government and tourism in the Republic of China today. The exhibition conveys the goodwill of the people of the Republic of China to the people of the United States during the Bicentennial year.
In fact, the environmental damage and traffic congestion caused by too many guesthouses with too many people staying in them is what most worries Taiwanese experts.
One of the Ten Major Construction Projects in the Republic of China is the integrated steel mill of China Steel Corporation at Kaohsiung. The first stage of its construction will be completed early next year, and its blast furnace mill will begin operation in May.
This huge plant will bring it about. There are two stages in the steel mill's construction program. The first stage started in October 1973, and is scheduled for completion at the end of 1977. The initial capacity will be 1.5 million metric tons of steel annually.
To cite local telephones as an example, there were 774,233 subscribers and 1,118,000 telephone stations in Taiwan at the end of 1975.
The other passengers, unable to contain themselves any longer, roared with laughter, and all of the gloom was dispelled in an instant.
It is estimated that upon completion of the six-year development plan there will be 3.2 million telephones in Taiwan. There will then be 17.5 telephones per 100 persons, compared with today's 7.5.
Growth is also reported in the categories of toll telephone, international telephone, domestic telegraph and international telex services.
In international telecommunications, both the satellite and trans-horizon microwave systems are used.
At present there are two satellite earth stations in the Republic of China, one beamed at the Pacific Ocean and the other toward the Indian Ocean.
There's an outdoor shuiko (water pavilion) next to a big fishpond where guests can relax close by the water in the evening and watch the stars and the moonlight dancing on the surface (kuanhsing means to watch the stars).
In addition, Sino-American cooperation projects are studying Battelle-Northwest's pullulator system.
Remembering the Great Sage September 28 is Confucius 'birthday. Special rites for China's great philosopher and teacher are held every year at the Confucius Temple in Taipei, and elsewhere. Music and the dance are indispensable parts of the ceremony.
This type of enthusiasm and appreciation from their clients is, in fact, the best reward for Wu Chung-chi and Ho Pao-yu.
The Dragon Dances in Washington
About 12,000 people from 80 nations participated in this "Happy Birthday to the United States of America" parade.
Have you ever stayed in a guest- house?
Both teams won the 1976 World Series Championships in their respective divisions.
ROC Show in Chicago
A multi-media exhibition is being presented by the Republic of China at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, U.S.A. from August 5 through October 12.
The exhibition consists of two parts. One features a presentation on film of the story of the Republic of China, an updated version of the multi-media show presented in the Chinese Pavilion at Spokane's "Expo '74."
The second portion of the exhibit deals with engravings, musical instruments, industrial products, objects of Chinese arts and economic and political progress in the Republic of China.
An 80-foot-long festival dragon also is on display. The colorful dragon dance is performed on special days during the exhibition in this year of the dragon.
As an old soldier who took part in numerous battles, General Yeh has a peculiar feeling about horses. He paints neither the famous horse of northern China nor the horse of Arabia, but a horse which reflects the ancient Chinese philosophies, through his own vivid imagination.
In Britain, which is famous for its bed and breakfasts, the government not only rates and licenses BBBs but also offers training and guidance to owners. The German government has also established a rating system for guesthouses that ranks them according to quality, amenities, and service.
民宿發展相當完備、以 B&B(Bed Breakfast)聞名的英國,不但對民宿進行分級和認證,政府同時也提供民宿業者相關的訓練和輔導;德國政府也制訂了民宿評鑑標準,依住宿品質、設施、服務來分等級。
In Taiwan the government worries that to obtain tax reductions and other advantages some people pretending to run a guesthouse are actually running a hotel, and that unfair competitive practices are spreading to the unspoiled countryside. The guesthouse regulations therefore lay down a series of sanitation, fire prevention, and public safety norms and, most importantly, set strict limits on the size of guesthouses.
Guesthouses located in Aboriginal reserved land, recreational agriculture areas, tourist areas, remote districts, or small islands are allowed up to 15 rooms and guest quarters not exceeding 200 square meters.
但位於原住民保留地、休閒農業區、觀光地區、偏遠地區、離島地區則例外,得以客房數 15 間以下、客房樓地板面積 200 平方公尺(約 60 坪)以下的規模為限。
They swim in ocean or sun bathe on the white sandy beach. Here, they are fully relaxed.
President Yen Chia-kan, in his National Day message, told his fellow countrymen: "Each of us must promote his spirit of service, perform his solemn duty, devote himself to modern construction, firm up his combat will and direct his every action to expediting the complete collapse of the Chinese Communists."
The official Double Tenth celebration climaxed in front of the Presidential Building with a gathering of 250,000 people.
Servicemen from the Army, Navy and Air Force demonstrated their combat skills on the Tamsui River in the afternoon. Civic organizations also provided entertainment shows.
Other activities included a unity gathering of more than 10,000 compatriots from home and abroad and fireworks in the evening.
Sufficiency in Steel
The domestic demands for steel increase yearly, and imports continue to rise. The industrialization of our nation requires self-sufficiency in steel.
To accommodate more weekend travelers, some owners have increased their room numbers in contravention of regulations.
Hope lies in existence, for without existence there is no hope at all.
The next conference will be held in Singapore in September 1978. During their stay in Taiwan, the overseas Chinese tourist leaders toured economic establishments and visited Tzuhu in Taoyuan County to pay their respects to the late President Chiang Kai-shek.
In recent years pears and apples have been grown in the mountainous Lishan area. The experiment in growing these fruits of the temperate zone is quite successful.
The sculptor Yuyu Yang is an outstanding figure working in this field. He was born in 1926 in Ilan County, Taiwan.
She explains that in the past year there have been many typhoons and that guesthouses have proliferated so fast that since 2004 there has been a fivefold increase in the number of rooms in the Tungshan River area. During previous Ilan Children's Festivals, guesthouses used to be full throughout the week, but this year the occupancy rate was down by half.
她指出,這一年來颱風多,加上民宿越開越多,光是冬山河附近的房間數就比 2004 年多 5 倍,因此,過去童玩節期間天天客滿的好景不再,住房率不到往年的一半。
Lin Kun-yuan, director of the Tourism Bureau's Hotel Industry Supervisory Center, notes that in 2005, Hualien, Ilan, and Nantou counties experienced their fastest guesthouse growth ever.
交通部觀光局旅館業查報督導中心主任林坤源指出,花蓮、宜蘭、南投等地區民宿快速成長,以 2005 年為最,的確呈現一窩蜂的趨勢。
From the beginning in 1961, the field has grown so rapidly that it has become the second largest industrial structure in the Republic of China. Both government assistance and manufacturers 'efforts receive credit.
Color TV sets have already replaced black and white ones in production and sales. The color TV sets are expected to become a new giant of the export trade in both numbers and value.
Premier Chiang added that maintaining diplomatic relations between the ROC and the U. S. and adhering to their mutual defense treaty are in the basic interests of both countries, and will insure peace and stability in the Asian and Pacific region.
Thirty-one American university presidents and their wives, led by Dr. John A. Marvel, President of Adams State College in Colorado, arrived in Taipei on September 26 for a week-long visit.
Twenty-four contemporary artists of the Republic of China cooperated to produce seven large paintings at the National Museum of History in Taipei September 25. The theme was "President Chiang Kai-shek and youth." The works will be presented to the China Youth Corps for exhibition at the CYC's seven youth activity centers in different parts of Taiwan.
But to receive foreign guests, guesthouse owners must have basic foreign language skills and set up English and Japanese-language websites. In its offices abroad and on its website, the Tourism Bureau has begun promoting guesthouses that can cater to foreign guests. This year, a good number of Southeast Asian travelers have chosen to stay in guesthouses.
In addition to rice and other grains, fruit also has become a major item in agricultural production.
Established in 1980, the MIT Media Lab was a completely new concept in American academia.
1980 年成立的 MIT 媒體實驗室,是美國學術界的一個全新嘗試。
His most appreciated works include a large sculpture of a phoenix for the doorway of the Republic of China Pavilion at Expo '70 in Japan, and the design of "Spring Again Over The Good Earth," a complete environment for the relief-decorated Republic of China Pavilion at Expo' 74 in Spokane.
Kinmen is 198 miles from Keelung in the north, 82 miles west of the Penghu Islands and 160 miles from Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan. The shortest distance to mainland China is 2,310 meters, somewhere near Ma-shan.
Years of training and alert on the Taiwan bastion of freedom have made them the most important power in maintaining our nation's security.
Today, to increase their combat power, our armed forces are constantly engaged in structural reorganization, simplification of command channels, expansion of logistics capability and arms renewal. The armed forces 'capacity of firepower, moving power, surprise attack and defensive tactics has improved and is moving steadily toward the goal of self-sufficiency.
Chang Li-chen, a guesthouse owner in Ilan, says she took coffee-making and tea ceremony classes at the local community college. To be able to answer questions from curious guests, she also learned what she could about Ilan's cultural and natural environment. "If you don't grow, you won't survive," she explains.
We hope their suggestions will provide guidance to young people now getting deeply involved in social change, and will strengthen their determination to face even more challenges.
Even in a highly competitive atmosphere, some people stick to their original plan.
"I think that Taiwanese kids generally don't have enough drive," says Mohammed Ibrahim Donkor, who helped lead Ilan's Chungtao High School soccer team to fifth place in the nation when he was teaching there. "Players at a competitive level have to give 100 % physically and be 100 % focused whether running, passing, or shooting."
「我覺得台灣孩子普遍的企圖心不夠強,」曾經在宜蘭中道中學執教,幫助該校拿下全國中學足球第 5 名佳績、來自非洲的東可說,「競賽階段的球員,無論跑、傳、踢,每個動作都要付出 100 % 的專注和體能。」
In a guesthouse the emphasis ought to be on mutual respect between host and guests.
At the same time, manufacturers are now introducing high-level technical systems to strengthen the competitive capability of the Republic of China electronic industry products in the international market.
Nuclear Power in Peaceful Use
The use of nuclear power in the Republic of China is strictly for peaceful purposes, such as promoting citizens 'health, accelerating economic developments and raising the quality of life.
For some twenty years since 1956, government organizations and academic institutions have worked together studying the application of nuclear power in industrial, agricultural and medical fields. Some progress and results have been reported.
Last Chinese New Year he had a guest who arrived alone and spent three days cooped up in his room without making a sound.
Premier Chiang Ching-kuo reiterated the Republic of China's firm stand against any negotiations, trade or other contacts with the Chinese Communists in his administrative report at the new session of the Legislative Yuan on September 17.
Kao Yuan-chen, who has run a small guesthouse in Hualien for eight years, believes that rather than adding rooms to try to lodge more weekend guests, she is better off focusing her efforts on weekday guests.
8 年來始終維持小規模經營的花蓮「沙漠風情」主人高媛貞認為,與其擴充房間數搶假日客人,還不如朝開發平日客人的方向努力。
He explains that although guesthouses that conform to regulations are not big enough to cater to tour groups, given that a third of foreign tourists in Taiwan are Japanese, and he speaks the language and has Japanese-style rooms, he can certainly set up a Japanese-language website to attract Japanese guests.
To encourage guesthouse owners to keep improving, from time to time the Tourism Bureau offers seminars on various laws and regulations, how to receive guests, and the ins and outs of selling a guesthouse.
The paintings also include the calligraphy of Chang Ta-chien, Ma Shou-hua, Yeh Kung-chao (George Yeh), Chen Ting-shan, Kao Yi-hung, Fu Chuan-fu and Liu Yen-tou. The fifth World Chinese Tourism Amity Conference opened in Taipei on October 5. More than 230 delegates from 25 countries and areas attended the two-day meeting to discuss strengthened cooperation among Chinese tourist industry leaders at home and abroad.
Taiwan's fruit ranks high, both in quality and variety. For export there are bananas, pineapples and oranges.
To ensure the sound development of the Creativity Lab, it initially allied with the MIT Media Lab and shared in the latter's creative resources.
為了讓步伐走得穩健,一開始,創意中心就與 MIT 媒體實驗室結盟,分享他們的創意資源。
The prospects for 1977 may even be better than this year's. The government has emphasized the importance of quality, culturing technique, blight prevention and processing improvement in fruit production.
The Media Lab's resources are abundant, as it gathers together more than 40 professors, over 70 research and administrative workers, and 170 PhD and master students working in 30 research teams on 300 projects.
媒體實驗室的資源豐富,集結了四十多名教授、七十多位研發與行政人員、170 位博碩士研究生,下設 30 個研究群組,研究計畫多達 300 個,每年經費三千多萬美元。
Under the six-year economic plan, the area for growing bananas in 1981 will total 17,054 hectares; for pineapples, 15,000 ha; for oranges, 44,977 ha; and for all other kinds of fruit, 54,660 ha.
(A hectare is about 2.5 acres). The fruits will be grown in six production areas throughout Taiwan.
Hsueh stresses that for "manufacturing Taiwan" to become "creative and branded Taiwan" it must invest even greater resources in innovation and RRD.
Perhaps it is due to the insistence of these loyalists that Taiwan's domestic LP market is oriented toward traditional pressings. There are also more varieties of music available in traditional pressings.
也許是這些死忠者的堅持,目前國內 LP 市場仍以傳統黑膠為大宗,各類音樂的種類也最多。
He studied architecture, fine arts and sculpture in Taiwan, Peiping, Japan and Rome. Through his contacts and vast experiences he has come to a deep realization of the connection between man and his environment.
In garden design he likes "the open style," sharing with street pedestrians flowers and lights.
Imagining the future With an environment for nurturing creative ideas in place, the question remains of where the ideas themselves come from.
For example, the discovery of the DNA double helix in 1953 overlapped the fields of expertise of biologist James Watson and physicist Francis Crick, who inspired each other.
舉例來說,1953 年 DNA 雙螺旋結構的發現,是生物學家華生與物理學家克里克跨進彼此領域、互相啟發,再從化學家提供的 X 光資訊中解出生命奧秘,才成就的劃時代貢獻。
As another example, Apple Computer founder Steven Jobs successfully combined music technology, a user interface, and industrial design in directing development of the iPod, the most popular consumer electronics product of recent years, creating a product that is also a trendy objet d'art.
而蘋果電腦創辦人賈伯斯主導開發出近年最受歡迎的消費性電子產品 iPod,則成功地融合音樂科技、人機介面、工業設計,使產品成為一件時尚藝術品。
Kinmen stands as an outpost of the free world in the Taiwan Straits, off the Fukien Province coast. The island and nearby islets block the major port city of Amoy, which is now under Communists 'control.
Spirit: key to spiritual practice The combined effects of toxins in the body and stress on the mind make modern people tense and anxious. Only when the toxins and stress are removed will we enjoy a supple body and real health.
Inquisitive since he was a child, Cheng frequents cinemas in Taipei's Hsimenting district, and researches American and Japanese science fiction cartoons, movies, robots, and video games. He often laments that the Chinese-speaking world rarely produces works of science fiction that can stand with those from America or Japan.
"Ninety percent of science fiction explores the world of the future. Technology is a tool for building a bridge to the future. Yet there is hardly any discussion in the Chinese-speaking world about what sort of revolutionary changes will be brought by technology.
「90 % 的科幻作品在討論未來世界,科技也是與未來社會互動的工具,但科技究竟會為華人社會帶來什麼樣的革命,在華人世界幾乎看不到相關討論。
Kinmen became known around the world because of two major military actions. The first was the battle of Kuningtou on October 25, 1949, in which communist invading forces were wiped out by the Republic of China defenders. The second was the artillery bombardment which started on August 23, 1958.