1 value
from spaceone.repository.manager.repository_manager import RepositoryManager class LocalRepositoryManager(RepositoryManager): def register_repository(self, params): # Assume there is only one local repository return self.repo_model.create(params)
import types from tf.advanced.helpers import dh from tf.advanced.find import loadModule from import App def transform_prime(app, n, p): return ("'" * int(p)) if p else "" def transform_ctype(app, n, t): if t == "uncertain": return "?" elif t == "properName": return "=" elif t == "supplied": return "&gt;" else: return "" def transform_atf(app, n, a): return app.atfFromSign(n, flags=True) class TfApp(App): def __init__(app, *args, silent=False, **kwargs): app.transform_ctype = types.MethodType(transform_ctype, app) app.transform_prime = types.MethodType(transform_prime, app) app.transform_atf = types.MethodType(transform_atf, app) atf = loadModule("atf", *args) atf.atfApi(app) app.atf = atf super().__init__(*args, silent=silent, **kwargs) app.image = loadModule("image", *args) app.image.getImagery(app, silent, checkout=kwargs.get("checkout", "")) app.reinit() def reinit(app): customMethods = app.customMethods customMethods.afterChild.clear() customMethods.afterChild.update(quad=app.getOp) customMethods.plainCustom.clear() customMethods.plainCustom.update( sign=app.plainAtfType, quad=app.plainAtfType, cluster=app.plainAtfType, ) customMethods.prettyCustom.clear() customMethods.prettyCustom.update( case=app.caseDir, cluster=app.clusterBoundaries, comments=app.commentsCls ) def cdli(app, n, linkText=None, asString=False): (nType, objectType, identifier) = app.image.imageCls(app, n) if linkText is None: linkText = identifier result = app.image.wrapLink(linkText, objectType, "main", identifier) if asString: return result else: dh(result) # PRETTY HELPERS def getGraphics(app, isPretty, n, nType, outer): api = app.api F = api.F E = api.E result = "" isOuter = outer or (all(F.otype.v(parent) != "quad" for parent in E.sub.t(n))) if isOuter: width = "2em" if nType == "sign" else "4em" height = "4em" if nType == "quad" else "6em" theGraphics = app.image.getImages( app, n, kind="lineart", width=width, height=height, _asString=True, withCaption=False, warning=False, ) if theGraphics: result = f"<div>{theGraphics}</div>" if isPretty else f" {theGraphics}" return result def lineart(app, ns, key=None, asLink=False, withCaption=None, **options): return app.image.getImages( app, ns, kind="lineart", key=key, asLink=asLink, withCaption=withCaption, **options, ) def photo(app, ns, key=None, asLink=False, withCaption=None, **options): return app.image.getImages( app, ns, kind="photo", key=key, asLink=asLink, withCaption=withCaption, **options, ) def imagery(app, objectType, kind): return set(app._imagery.get(objectType, {}).get(kind, {}))
import random TAG_MASC = "Masculine" TAG_FEMME = "Feminine" class Gender(object): def __init__(self, noun="person", adjective="nonbinary", subject_pronoun="ze", object_pronoun="zem", possessive_determiner="zir", absolute_pronoun="zirs", card_pattern="card_*_*.png", tags=(TAG_MASC, TAG_FEMME)): self.noun = noun self.adjective = adjective self.subject_pronoun = subject_pronoun self.object_pronoun = object_pronoun self.possessive_determiner = possessive_determiner self.absolute_pronoun = absolute_pronoun self.card_pattern = card_pattern self.tags = list(tags) @classmethod def get_default_female(cls): return cls("woman", "female", "she", "her", "her", "hers", "card_f_*.png", (TAG_FEMME,)) @classmethod def get_default_male(cls): return cls("man", "male", "he", "him", "his", "his", "card_m_*.png", (TAG_MASC,)) @classmethod def get_default_nonbinary(cls): return cls() @classmethod def random_gender(cls): if random.randint(1, 20) == 20: # Nonbinary it is. return cls() elif random.randint(1, 2) == 1: return cls.get_default_female() else: return cls.get_default_male()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from os import path as op from import assert_raises, assert_true, assert_equal import numpy as np from mne._hdf5 import write_hdf5, read_hdf5 from mne.utils import requires_pytables, _TempDir, object_diff tempdir = _TempDir() @requires_pytables() def test_hdf5(): """Test HDF5 IO """ test_file = op.join(tempdir, 'test.hdf5') x = dict(a=dict(b=np.zeros(3)), c=np.zeros(2, np.complex128), d=[dict(e=(1, -2., 'hello', u'goodbyeu\u2764')), None]) write_hdf5(test_file, 1) assert_equal(read_hdf5(test_file), 1) assert_raises(IOError, write_hdf5, test_file, x) # file exists write_hdf5(test_file, x, overwrite=True) assert_raises(IOError, read_hdf5, test_file + 'FOO') # not found xx = read_hdf5(test_file) assert_true(object_diff(x, xx) == '') # no assert_equal, ugly output
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # coding: utf-8 # pylint: disable= arguments-differ, wildcard-import "Vision transforms." import warnings import random from ....block import Block, HybridBlock from ....nn import Sequential, HybridSequential from .....util import is_np_array from . image import * from .image import _append_return class Compose(Sequential): """Sequentially composes multiple transforms. Parameters ---------- transforms : list of transform Blocks. The list of transforms to be composed. Inputs: - **data**: input tensor with shape of the first transform Block requires. Outputs: - **out**: output tensor with shape of the last transform Block produces. Examples -------- >>> transformer = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize(300), ... transforms.CenterCrop(256), ... transforms.ToTensor()]) >>> image = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 255, (224, 224, 3)).astype(dtype=np.uint8) >>> transformer(image) <NDArray 3x256x256 @cpu(0)> """ def __init__(self, transforms): super(Compose, self).__init__() transforms.append(None) hybrid = [] for i in transforms: if isinstance(i, HybridBlock): hybrid.append(i) continue elif len(hybrid) == 1: self.add(hybrid[0]) hybrid = [] elif len(hybrid) > 1: hblock = HybridSequential() for j in hybrid: hblock.add(j) hblock.hybridize() self.add(hblock) hybrid = [] if i is not None: self.add(i) class HybridCompose(HybridSequential): """Sequentially composes multiple transforms. This is the Hybrid version of Compose. Parameters ---------- transforms : list of transform Blocks. The list of transforms to be composed. Inputs: - **data**: input tensor with shape of the first transform Block requires. Outputs: - **out**: output tensor with shape of the last transform Block produces. Examples -------- >>> transformer = transforms.HybridCompose([transforms.Resize(300), ... transforms.CenterCrop(256), ... transforms.ToTensor()]) >>> image = mx.nd.random.uniform(0, 255, (224, 224, 3)).astype(dtype=np.uint8) >>> transformer(image) <NDArray 3x256x256 @cpu(0)> """ def __init__(self, transforms): super(HybridCompose, self).__init__() for i in transforms: if not isinstance(i, HybridBlock): raise ValueError("{} is not a HybridBlock, try use `Compose` instead".format(i)) self.add(i) self.hybridize() class Cast(HybridBlock): """Cast inputs to a specific data type Parameters ---------- dtype : str, default 'float32' The target data type, in string or `numpy.dtype`. Inputs: - **data**: input tensor with arbitrary shape and dtype. Outputs: - **out**: output tensor with the same shape as `data` and data type as dtype. """ def __init__(self, dtype='float32'): super(Cast, self).__init__() self._dtype = dtype def hybrid_forward(self, F, *args): if is_np_array(): F = F.npx return tuple([F.cast(x, self._dtype) for x in args]) class RandomApply(Sequential): """Apply a list of transformations randomly given probability Parameters ---------- transforms List of transformations. p : float Probability of applying the transformations. Inputs: - **data**: input tensor. Outputs: - **out**: transformed image. """ def __init__(self, transforms, p=0.5): super(RandomApply, self).__init__() self.transforms = transforms self.p = p def forward(self, x, *args): if self.p < random.random(): return x x = self.transforms(x) return _append_return(x, *args) class HybridRandomApply(HybridSequential): """Apply a list of transformations randomly given probability Parameters ---------- transforms List of transformations which must be HybridBlocks. p : float Probability of applying the transformations. Inputs: - **data**: input tensor. Outputs: - **out**: transformed image. """ def __init__(self, transforms, p=0.5): super(HybridRandomApply, self).__init__() assert isinstance(transforms, HybridBlock) self.transforms = transforms self.p = p def hybrid_forward(self, F, x, *args): if is_np_array(): cond = self.p < F.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=1) return F.npx.cond(cond, x, self.transforms(x)) cond = self.p < F.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, shape=1) return _append_return(F.contrib.cond(cond, x, self.transforms(x)), *args)
class MockController: def returns_instance_of(self, obj): pass
<gh_stars>0 # # Copyright (C) 2001-2004 <NAME> and Rational Discovery LLC # All Rights Reserved # """ The "parser" for compound descriptors. I almost hesitate to document this, because it's not the prettiest thing the world has ever seen... but it does work (for at least some definitions of the word). Rather than getting into the whole mess of writing a parser for the compound descriptor expressions, I'm just using string substitutions and python's wonderful ability to *eval* code. It would probably be a good idea at some point to replace this with a real parser, if only for the flexibility and intelligent error messages that would become possible. The general idea is that we're going to deal with expressions where atomic descriptors have some kind of method applied to them which reduces them to a single number for the entire composition. Compound descriptors (those applicable to the compound as a whole) are not operated on by anything in particular (except for standard math stuff). Here's the general flow of things: 1) Composition descriptor references ($a, $b, etc.) are replaced with the corresponding descriptor names using string subsitution. (*_SubForCompoundDescriptors*) 2) Atomic descriptor references ($1, $2, etc) are replaced with lookups into the atomic dict with "DEADBEEF" in place of the atom name. (*_SubForAtomicVars*) 3) Calls to Calculator Functions are augmented with a reference to the composition and atomic dictionary (*_SubMethodArgs*) **NOTE:** anytime we don't know the answer for a descriptor, rather than throwing a (completely incomprehensible) exception, we just return -666. So bad descriptor values should stand out like sore thumbs. """ from __future__ import print_function __DEBUG = 0 from rdkit import RDConfig # we do this to allow the use of stuff in the math module from math import * #---------------------- # atomic descriptor section #---------------------- # these are the methods which can be applied to ATOMIC descriptors. knownMethods = ['SUM', 'MIN', 'MAX', 'MEAN', 'AVG', 'DEV', 'HAS'] def HAS(strArg, composList, atomDict): """ *Calculator Method* does a string search **Arguments** - strArg: the arguments in string form - composList: the composition vector - atomDict: the atomic dictionary **Returns** 1 or 0 """ splitArgs = string.split(strArg, ',') if len(splitArgs) > 1: for atom, num in composList: tStr = splitArgs[0].replace('DEADBEEF', atom) where = eval(tStr) what = eval(splitArgs[1]) if where.find(what) != -1: return 1 return 0 else: return -666 def SUM(strArg, composList, atomDict): """ *Calculator Method* calculates the sum of a descriptor across a composition **Arguments** - strArg: the arguments in string form - compos: the composition vector - atomDict: the atomic dictionary **Returns** a float """ accum = 0.0 for atom, num in composList: tStr = strArg.replace('DEADBEEF', atom) accum = accum + eval(tStr) * num return accum def MEAN(strArg, composList, atomDict): """ *Calculator Method* calculates the average of a descriptor across a composition **Arguments** - strArg: the arguments in string form - compos: the composition vector - atomDict: the atomic dictionary **Returns** a float """ accum = 0.0 nSoFar = 0 for atom, num in composList: tStr = strArg.replace('DEADBEEF', atom) accum = accum + eval(tStr) * num nSoFar = nSoFar + num return accum / nSoFar AVG = MEAN def DEV(strArg, composList, atomDict): """ *Calculator Method* calculates the average deviation of a descriptor across a composition **Arguments** - strArg: the arguments in string form - compos: the composition vector - atomDict: the atomic dictionary **Returns** a float """ avg = MEAN(strArg, composList, atomDict) accum = 0.0 nSoFar = 0.0 for atom, num in composList: tStr = strArg.replace('DEADBEEF', atom) accum = accum + abs(eval(tStr) - avg) * num nSoFar = nSoFar + num return accum / nSoFar def MIN(strArg, composList, atomDict): """ *Calculator Method* calculates the minimum value of a descriptor across a composition **Arguments** - strArg: the arguments in string form - compos: the composition vector - atomDict: the atomic dictionary **Returns** a float """ accum = [] for atom, num in composList: tStr = strArg.replace('DEADBEEF', atom) accum.append(eval(tStr)) return min(accum) def MAX(strArg, composList, atomDict): """ *Calculator Method* calculates the maximum value of a descriptor across a composition **Arguments** - strArg: the arguments in string form - compos: the composition vector - atomDict: the atomic dictionary **Returns** a float """ accum = [] for atom, num in composList: tStr = strArg.replace('DEADBEEF', atom) accum.append(eval(tStr)) return max(accum) #------------------ # string replacement routines # these are not intended to be called by clients #------------------ def _SubForAtomicVars(cExpr, varList, dictName): """ replace atomic variables with the appropriate dictionary lookup *Not intended for client use* """ for i in range(len(varList)): cExpr = cExpr.replace('$%d' % (i + 1), '%s["DEADBEEF"]["%s"]' % (dictName, varList[i])) return cExpr def _SubForCompoundDescriptors(cExpr, varList, dictName): """ replace compound variables with the appropriate list index *Not intended for client use* """ for i in range(len(varList)): cExpr = cExpr.replace('$%s' % chr(ord('a') + i), '%s["%s"]' % (dictName, varList[i])) return cExpr def _SubMethodArgs(cExpr, knownMethods): """ alters the arguments of calls to calculator methods *Not intended for client use* This is kind of putrid (and the code ain't so pretty either) The general idea is that the various special methods for atomic descriptors need two extra arguments (the composition and the atomic dict). Rather than make the user type those in, we just find invocations of these methods and fill out the function calls using string replacements. """ res = cExpr for method in knownMethods: p = 0 while p != -1 and p < len(res): p = res.find(method, p) if p != -1: p = p + len(method) + 1 start = p parenCount = 1 while parenCount and p < len(res): if res[p] == ')': parenCount = parenCount - 1 elif res[p] == '(': parenCount = parenCount + 1 p = p + 1 if p <= len(res): res = res[0:start] + "'%s',compos,atomDict" % (res[start:p - 1]) + res[p - 1:] return res def CalcSingleCompoundDescriptor(compos, argVect, atomDict, propDict): """ calculates the value of the descriptor for a single compound **ARGUMENTS:** - compos: a vector/tuple containing the composition information... in the form: '[("Fe",1.),("Pt",2.),("Rh",0.02)]' - argVect: a vector/tuple with three elements: 1) AtomicDescriptorNames: a list/tuple of the names of the atomic descriptors being used. These determine the meaning of $1, $2, etc. in the expression 2) CompoundDescriptorNames: a list/tuple of the names of the compound descriptors being used. These determine the meaning of $a, $b, etc. in the expression 3) Expr: a string containing the expression to be used to evaluate the final result. - atomDict: a dictionary of atomic descriptors. Each atomic entry is another dictionary containing the individual descriptors and their values - propVect: a list of descriptors for the composition. **RETURNS:** the value of the descriptor, -666 if a problem was encountered **NOTE:** - because it takes rather a lot of work to get everything set up to calculate a descriptor, if you are calculating the same descriptor for multiple compounds, you probably want to be calling _CalcMultipleCompoundsDescriptor()_. """ try: atomVarNames = argVect[0] compositionVarNames = argVect[1] formula = argVect[2] formula = _SubForCompoundDescriptors(formula, compositionVarNames, 'propDict') formula = _SubForAtomicVars(formula, atomVarNames, 'atomDict') evalTarget = _SubMethodArgs(formula, knownMethods) except Exception: if __DEBUG: import sys, traceback print('Sub Failure!') traceback.print_exc() print(evalTarget) print(propDict) raise RuntimeError('Failure 1') else: return -666 try: v = eval(evalTarget) except Exception: if __DEBUG: import sys, traceback outF = open(RDConfig.RDCodeDir + '/ml/descriptors/log.txt', 'a+') outF.write('#------------------------------\n') outF.write('formula: %s\n' % repr(formula)) outF.write('target: %s\n' % repr(evalTarget)) outF.write('propDict: %s\n' % (repr(propDict))) outF.write('keys: %s\n' % (repr(sorted(atomDict)))) outF.close() print('ick!') print('formula:', formula) print('target:', evalTarget) print('propDict:', propDict) print('keys:', atomDict.keys()) traceback.print_exc() raise RuntimeError('Failure 2') else: v = -666 return v def CalcMultipleCompoundsDescriptor(composVect, argVect, atomDict, propDictList): """ calculates the value of the descriptor for a list of compounds **ARGUMENTS:** - composVect: a vector of vector/tuple containing the composition information. See _CalcSingleCompoundDescriptor()_ for an explanation of the elements. - argVect: a vector/tuple with three elements: 1) AtomicDescriptorNames: a list/tuple of the names of the atomic descriptors being used. These determine the meaning of $1, $2, etc. in the expression 2) CompoundDsscriptorNames: a list/tuple of the names of the compound descriptors being used. These determine the meaning of $a, $b, etc. in the expression 3) Expr: a string containing the expression to be used to evaluate the final result. - atomDict: a dictionary of atomic descriptors. Each atomic entry is another dictionary containing the individual descriptors and their values - propVectList: a vector of vectors of descriptors for the composition. **RETURNS:** a vector containing the values of the descriptor for each compound. Any given entry will be -666 if problems were encountered """ res = [-666] * len(composVect) try: atomVarNames = argVect[0] compositionVarNames = argVect[1] formula = argVect[2] formula = _SubForCompoundDescriptors(formula, compositionVarNames, 'propDict') formula = _SubForAtomicVars(formula, atomVarNames, 'atomDict') evalTarget = _SubMethodArgs(formula, knownMethods) except Exception: return res for i in range(len(composVect)): propDict = propDictList[i] compos = composVect[i] try: v = eval(evalTarget) except Exception: v = -666 res[i] = v return res #------------ # Demo/testing code #------------ if __name__ == '__main__': piece1 = [['d1', 'd2'], ['d1', 'd2']] aDict = {'Fe': {'d1': 1., 'd2': 2.}, 'Pt': {'d1': 10., 'd2': 20.}} pDict = {'d1': 100., 'd2': 200.} compos = [('Fe', 1), ('Pt', 1)] cExprs = ["SUM($1)", "SUM($1)+SUM($2)", "SUM($1)+SUM($1)", "MEAN($1)", "DEV($2)", "MAX($1)", "MIN($1)/MAX($1)", "MIN($2)", "SUM($1)/$a", "sqrt($a+$b)", "SUM((3.*$1)/($2))", "foo"] for cExpr in cExprs: argVect = piece1 + [cExpr] print(cExpr) print(CalcSingleCompoundDescriptor(compos, argVect, aDict, pDict)) print(CalcMultipleCompoundsDescriptor([compos, compos], argVect, aDict, [pDict, pDict]))
# Copyright 2021 Zuru Tech HK Limited. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from typing import Tuple, Union import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow.keras as keras from anomaly_toolbox.models.ganomaly import GANomalyGenerator class GANomalyPredictor: generator: keras.Model discriminator: keras.Model def load_from_savedmodel(self, generator_dir: str, discriminator_dir: str): self.generator: GANomalyGenerator = tf.keras.models.load_model(generator_dir) self.discriminator = tf.keras.models.load_model(discriminator_dir) def evaluate(self, dataset: -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Evaluate for benchmark.""" anomaly_scores, labels = [], [] for batch in dataset: # a_score: [batch, 1, latent dimension] # y: [batch, 1] a_score, y = self.evaluate_step(batch) anomaly_scores.append(a_score) labels.append(y) anomaly_scores = tf.reshape(anomaly_scores, -1) labels = tf.reshape(labels, -1) tf.assert_equal(anomaly_scores.shape, labels.shape) return anomaly_scores, labels @tf.function def evaluate_step( self, inputs: Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor] ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: # x: [batch, height, width, channels] # y: [batch, 1] x, y = inputs # z: [batch, 1, 1, latent dimension] # x_hat: [batch, height, width, channels] # z_hat: [batch, 1, 1, latent dimension] z, x_hat, z_hat = self.generator(x) # z: [batch, latent dimension] # z_hat: [batch, latent dimension] z, z_hat = tf.squeeze(z), tf.squeeze(z_hat) # a_score: [batch, 1] a_score = self.compute_anomaly_score(z, z_hat) return a_score, y @staticmethod @tf.function def predict( generator: keras.Model, x: tf.Tensor, return_score_only: bool = True ) -> Union[tf.Tensor, Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]]: # x: [batch, height, width, channels] # z: [batch, 1, 1, latent dimension] # x_hat: [batch, height, width, channels] # z_hat: [batch, 1, 1, latent dimension] z, x_hat, z_hat = generator(x) # z: [batch, latent dimension] # z_hat: [batch, latent dimension] z, z_hat = tf.squeeze(z), tf.squeeze(z_hat) # a_score: [batch, 1] a_score = GANomalyPredictor.compute_anomaly_score(z, z_hat) if return_score_only: return a_score else: return x_hat, z_hat, z, a_score @staticmethod def compute_anomaly_score( encoded_input: tf.Tensor, encoded_generated: tf.Tensor ) -> tf.Tensor: anomaly_score = tf.reduce_mean( tf.math.squared_difference(encoded_input, encoded_generated), axis=1 ) return anomaly_score
from pathlib import Path import click import pandas as pd import functions as f current_directory = Path(__file__).absolute().parent default_data_directory = current_directory.joinpath('..', '..', 'data') @click.command() @click.option('--data-path', default=None, help='Directory for the CSV files') def main(data_path): # calculate path to files data_directory = Path(data_path) if data_path else default_data_directory train_csv = data_directory.joinpath('train.csv') test_csv = data_directory.joinpath('test.csv') subm_csv = data_directory.joinpath('submission_popular.csv') print(f"Reading {train_csv} ...") df_train = pd.read_csv(train_csv, header=0) print(f"Reading {test_csv} ...") df_test = pd.read_csv(test_csv, header=0) print("Get popular items...") df_popular = f.get_popularity(df_train) print("Identify target rows...") df_target = f.get_submission_target(df_test) print("Get recommendations...") df_expl = f.explode(df_target, "impressions") df_out = f.calc_recommendation(df_expl, df_popular) print(f"Writing {subm_csv}...") df_out.to_csv(subm_csv, index=False) print("Finished calculating recommendations.") if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<reponame>rpSebastian/AutoCFR<gh_stars>1-10 import pandas as pd from pathlib import Path import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import numpy as np from autocfr.utils import load_df, remove_border, png_to_pdf plt.rc("pdf", fonttype=42) plt.rc("ps", fonttype=42) class PlotAlgorithmCompare: def __init__( self, game_name, legend=True, iterations=20000, print_freq=20, save_dir="performance", ): print("Plot {}".format(game_name)) self.save_dir = save_dir self.legend = legend if self.legend: self.save_name += "_legend" self.ymin = self.tick_min self.ymax = self.tick_max self.format = "png" self.game_name = game_name self.algorithm_names = [ "CFR", "CFRPlus", "LinearCFR", "DCFR", # "DDCFR", "DCFRPlus", # "DCFRPlusTwo", # "AutoCFR4", # "AutoCFRS", ] self.print_freq = print_freq self.iterations = iterations self.transparent = False self.chinese = False self.dpi = 1000 self.xlabel_unit = None self.font = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties( fname="C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\SimHei.ttf" ) def run(self): self.set_font_size() df = self.load_algorithm() # df = self.filter_algorithm(df) df = self.filter_freq(df) df = self.filter_iterations(df) df = df.reset_index() self.plot_exp_compare_in_one_game(df, self.game_name) def plot_exp_compare_in_one_game(self, df, game_name): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) df = self.filter_game(df, [game_name]) sns.set_style("darkgrid") for algorithm_name in self.algorithm_names: self.plot_one_algorithm_exp(df, algorithm_name) if self.legend: plt.legend() plt.title(self.title_name) self.set_xticks() self.set_yticks() if self.chinese: plt.xlabel("迭代次数", fontproperties=self.font) plt.ylabel("可利用度(与纳什均衡策略的距离)", fontproperties=self.font) else: xlabel = "Iterations" if self.xlabel_unit: xlabel += f" ({self.xlabel_unit})" plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel("Exploitability") self.set_lim() path = Path("images/{}/{}.{}".format(self.save_dir, self.save_name, self.format)) path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # plt.savefig( path, format=self.format, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0, dpi=self.dpi, transparent=self.transparent, ) plt.close(fig) remove_border(path) png_to_pdf(path) def plot_one_algorithm_exp(self, df, algorithm_name): legend_name = self.get_legend_name_by_algorithm(algorithm_name) color = self.get_color_by_algorithm(algorithm_name) df = self.filter_algorithm(df, [algorithm_name]) step = df["step"].values log_10_exp = df["log_10_exp"].values plt.plot(step, log_10_exp, label=legend_name, color=color, linewidth=2.5) def get_color_by_algorithm(self, algorithm_name): color_dict = { "CFR": "#0C8599", "CFRPlus": "#7FC41D", "LinearCFR": "#F99D00", "DCFR": "#7D92EE", "DCFRPlus": "#F16D85", } return color_dict[algorithm_name] def get_legend_name_by_algorithm(self, algorithm_name): legend_name_dict = { "CFR": "CFR", "CFRPlus": "CFR+", "LinearCFR": "Linear CFR", "DCFR": "DCFR", "DCFRPlus": "DCFR+", "AutoCFR4": "AutoCFR4", "AutoCFRS": "AutoCFRS", } return legend_name_dict[algorithm_name] def load_baseline(self): df = load_df("../baseline") df["log_10_exp"] = np.log(df["exp"]) / np.log(10) return df def load_algorithm(self): # bigleduc_df = load_df("../bigleduc") df_list = [] game_name = self.game_name for algo_name in self.algorithm_names: df = load_df("../games/{}/{}_{}".format(game_name, algo_name, game_name)) if df is not None: df_list.append(df) df = pd.concat(df_list) df["log_10_exp"] = np.log(df["exp"]) / np.log(10) return df def filter_algorithm(self, df, algorithm_names=None): if algorithm_names is None: algorithm_names = self.algorithm_names result_df = df[df.algorithm_name.isin(algorithm_names)] return result_df def filter_freq(self, df): result_df = df[df.step % self.print_freq == 0] return result_df def filter_iterations(self, df): result_df = df[df.step <= self.iterations] return result_df def filter_game(self, df, game_name_list): result_df = df[df.game_name.isin(game_name_list)] return result_df def set_font_size(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.rc('font', size=20) # controls default text sizes plt.rc("axes", titlesize=20) # fontsize of the axes title plt.rc("axes", labelsize=20) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt.rc("xtick", labelsize=20) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc("ytick", labelsize=20) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc("legend", fontsize=20) # legend fontsize # plt.rc('figure', titlesize=10) # fontsize of the figure title def set_yticks(self): tick_dict = { -12: "1e-12", -11: "1e-11", -10: "1e-10", -9: "1e-9", -8: "1e-8", -7: "1e-7", -6: "1e-6", -5: "1e-5", -4: "1e-4", -3: "1e-3", -2: "0.01", -1: "0.1", 0: "1", 1: "10", 2: "100", 3: "1e3", 4: "1e4", 5: "1e5", } tick_len = self.tick_max - self.tick_min + 1 if tick_len > 6 and tick_len % 2 == 0: self.tick_max += 1 tick_len = self.tick_max - self.tick_min + 1 if tick_len > 6: self.tick_list = list(range(self.tick_min, self.tick_max + 1, 2)) else: self.tick_list = list(range(self.tick_min, self.tick_max + 1)) tick_range_before = [i for i in self.tick_list if i in tick_dict] tick_range_after = [tick_dict[tick] for tick in tick_range_before] plt.yticks(tick_range_before, tick_range_after) def set_xticks(self): tick_list = list(range(0, self.iterations + 1, self.iterations // 4)) tick_range_before = [i for i in tick_list] tick_range_after = [i for i in tick_list] if tick_range_after[-1] > 1000: tick_range_after = [i // 1000 for i in tick_range_after] self.xlabel_unit = "$\\times10^3$" plt.xticks(tick_range_before, tick_range_after) def set_lim(self): plt.ylim(self.ymin, self.ymax) train_class_list = [] test_class_list = [] plot_class_list = [] def train(cls): train_class_list.append(cls) return cls def test(cls): test_class_list.append(cls) return cls def plot(cls): plot_class_list.append(cls) return cls @train class PlotDCFRExampleCompare(PlotAlgorithmCompare): def __init__(self): self.title_name = "NFG-1" self.save_name = "NFG-1" self.tick_min = -3 self.tick_max = 5 super().__init__("NFG-1", legend=True, iterations=1000, print_freq=20) def get_legend_name_by_algorithm(self, algorithm_name): legend_name_dict = { "CFR": "CFR", "CFRPlus": "CFR+", "LinearCFR": "Linear CFR", "DCFR": "DCFR", # "DDCFR": "DDCFR", # "DCFRPlus": "DCFR+", "DCFRPlus": "Learned CFR\nVariant", } return legend_name_dict[algorithm_name] @train class PlotRPS3Compare(PlotAlgorithmCompare): def __init__(self): self.title_name = "NFG-2" self.save_name = "NFG-2" self.tick_min = -4 self.tick_max = 4 super().__init__("NFG-2", legend=False, iterations=1000, print_freq=20) @train class PlotSmallValueCompare(PlotAlgorithmCompare): def __init__(self): self.title_name = "NFG-3" self.save_name = "NFG-3" self.tick_min = -10 self.tick_max = 0 super().__init__("NFG-3", legend=True, iterations=1000, print_freq=20) @train class PlotMoreActionCompare(PlotAlgorithmCompare): def __init__(self): self.title_name = "NFG-4" self.save_name = "NFG-4" self.tick_min = -5 self.tick_max = 3 super().__init__("NFG-4", legend=False, iterations=1000, print_freq=20) @train class PlotKuhnPokerCompare(PlotAlgorithmCompare): def __init__(self): self.title_name = "Kuhn Poker" self.save_name = "Kuhn_Poker" self.tick_min = -5 self.tick_max = 0 super().__init__("kuhn_poker", legend=False, iterations=1000, print_freq=20) @train class PlotLiarsDice13Compare(PlotAlgorithmCompare): def __init__(self): self.title_name = "Liar's Dice (3)" self.save_name = "Liars_Dice_3" self.tick_min = -8 self.tick_max = 0 super().__init__("liars_dice_1n_3s", legend=False, iterations=1000, print_freq=20) @train class PlotLiarsDice14T100Compare(PlotAlgorithmCompare): def __init__(self): self.title_name = "Liar's Dice (4)" self.save_name = "Liars_Dice_4" self.tick_min = -4 self.tick_max = 0 super().__init__("liars_dice_1n_4s", legend=False, iterations=100, print_freq=2) @train class PlotGoofspiel3ImpDecCompare(PlotAlgorithmCompare): def __init__(self): self.title_name = "Goofspiel (3)" self.save_name = "Goofspiel_3" self.tick_min = -9 self.tick_max = 1 super().__init__("goofspiel_3", legend=False, iterations=1000, print_freq=20) # @plot @test class PlotGoofspiel4ImpDecCompare(PlotAlgorithmCompare): def __init__(self): self.title_name = "Goofspiel (4)" self.save_name = "Goofspiel_4" self.tick_min = -7 self.tick_max = 1 super().__init__( "goofspiel_4", legend=True, iterations=20000, print_freq=100 ) @test class PlotLeducPokerCompare(PlotAlgorithmCompare): def __init__(self): self.title_name = "Leduc Poker" self.save_name = "Leduc_Poker" self.tick_min = -6 self.tick_max = 2 super().__init__("leduc_poker", legend=False, iterations=20000, print_freq=100) @test class PlotSubgame3Compare(PlotAlgorithmCompare): def __init__(self): self.title_name = "HUNL Subgame (3)" self.save_name = "Subgame3" self.tick_min = -5 self.tick_max = 3 super().__init__("subgame3", legend=False, iterations=20000, print_freq=100) @test class PlotSubgame4Compare(PlotAlgorithmCompare): def __init__(self): self.title_name = "HUNL Subgame (4)" self.save_name = "Subgame4" self.tick_min = -6 self.tick_max = 2 super().__init__("subgame4", legend=False, iterations=20000, print_freq=100) for run_class in train_class_list: run_class().run() for run_class in test_class_list: run_class().run() # for run_class in plot_class_list: # run_class().run()
<filename>statscraper/scrapers/ # encoding: utf-8 """ A scraper to fetch Swedish work injury stats from This is an example of a scraper using Selenium. TODO: Move some useful functionality to a SeleciumFirefoxScraper To change download location: export STATSCRAPER_TEMPDIR="/path/to/temp/dir" """ from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from import WebDriverWait from statscraper import BaseScraper, Collection, Dataset, Result, Dimension import os from glob import iglob from time import sleep from uuid import uuid4 from xlrd import open_workbook from import expected_conditions as EC from import By DEFAULT_TEMPDIR = "./tmp" TEMPDIR_ENVVAR = "STATSCRAPER_TEMPDIR" PAGELOAD_TIMEOUT = 90 # seconds class WorkInjuries(BaseScraper): tempdir = "./tmp" @BaseScraper.on("init") def initiate_browser(self): # Create a unique tempdir for downloaded files tempdir = os.getenv(TEMPDIR_ENVVAR, DEFAULT_TEMPDIR) tempsubdir = uuid4().hex # TODO: Remove this directory when finished! self.tempdir = os.path.join(tempdir, tempsubdir) try: # Try and create directory before checking if it exists, # to avoid race condition os.makedirs(self.tempdir) except OSError: if not os.path.isdir(self.tempdir): raise profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile() # Set download location, avoid download dialogues if possible # Different settings needed for different Firefox versions # This will be a long list... profile.set_preference('', 2) profile.set_preference('', False) profile.set_preference('', True) profile.set_preference('', self.tempdir) profile.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "application/octet-stream;application/") profile.set_preference("browser.helperApps.alwaysAsk.force", False) profile.set_preference("", False) self.browser = webdriver.Firefox(profile) self.browser.get('') detailed_cls = "Document_TX_GOTOTAB_Avancerad" """ The button for expanded detailed options. This also happens to be a good indicator as to wheter all content is loaded. """ # Wait for a content element, and 3 extra seconds just in case WebDriverWait(self.browser, PAGELOAD_TIMEOUT)\ .until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, detailed_cls))) self.browser.implicitly_wait(3) self.browser\ .find_element_by_class_name(detailed_cls)\ .find_element_by_tag_name("td")\ .click() # Wait for a content element, and 3 extra seconds just in case WebDriverWait(self.browser, PAGELOAD_TIMEOUT)\ .until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, detailed_cls))) self.browser.implicitly_wait(3) @BaseScraper.on("select") def switch_dataset(self, id_): (c, r, p) = self.current_item.blob # Select collection xpath = "//div[@title='%s']" % c # `c` can be either "Arbetsolycka" or "Arbetssjukdom" button = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath) # select Kommun or Län xpath = '//div[@class="QvContent"]/div[@class="QvGrid"]//div[@title="Visa tabell per:"]' self.browser\ .find_element_by_xpath(xpath)\ .click() region = "Kommun" if r == "kommun" else "Län" xpath = "//div[@class='QvListbox']//div[@title='%s']" % region self.browser\ .find_element_by_xpath(xpath)\ .click() # select Månad or År xpath = '//div[@class="QvContent"]/div[@class="QvGrid"]//div[@title="Tidsenhet:"]' self.browser\ .find_element_by_xpath(xpath)\ .click() period = "Månad" if p == u"månad" else "År och månad" xpath = "//div[@class='QvListbox']//div[@title='%s']" % period self.browser\ .find_element_by_xpath(xpath)\ .click() def _fetch_dimensions(self, dataset): """ Declaring available dimensions like this is not mandatory, but nice, especially if they differ from dataset to dataset. If you are using a built in datatype, you can specify the dialect you are expecting, to have values normalized. This scraper will look for Swedish month names (e.g. 'Januari'), but return them according to the Statscraper standard ('january'). """ yield Dimension(u"region", label="municipality or county", datatype="region", dialect="arbetsmiljoverket") yield Dimension(u"period", label="Year or month") def _fetch_itemslist(self, item): """ We define two collection: - Number of work injuries ("Arbetsolycka") - Number of workrelated diseases ("Arbetssjukdom") Each contains four datasets: - Per municipality and year - Per county and year - Per municipality and month - Per municipality and year """ if item.is_root: for c in ["Arbetsolycka", "Arbetssjukdom"]: yield Collection(c, blob=(c, None, None)) else: c = for r in [u"kommun", u"län"]: for p in [u"år", u"månad"]: yield Dataset(u"%s-%s-%s" % (c, r, p), blob=(c, r, p), label=u"%s, antal per %s och %s" % (c, r, p)) def _fetch_data(self, dataset, query=None): (c, r, p) = dataset.blob self.browser\ .find_element_by_xpath("//div[@title='Skicka till Excel']")\ .click() # Press enter trice in case of any prompts actions = ActionChains(self.browser) actions.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) actions.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) actions.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) actions.perform() # Wait for download i = 0 while not os.listdir(self.tempdir): sleep(1) i += 1 if i > PAGELOAD_TIMEOUT: # TODO: Use a suitable basescraper exception raise Exception("Download timed out") sleep(20) # TODO: We need to check that the file is complete. # Something like this: # # WARNING: Assuming the latest downloaded xls to be our file. # This is obviously not 100 % water proof. latest_download = max(iglob(os.path.join(self.tempdir, "*.xls")), key=os.path.getctime) workbook = open_workbook(latest_download) sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0) periods = sheet.row_values(0)[2:-1] periods = [int(x) for x in periods] for n in range(1, sheet.nrows): row = sheet.row_values(n) region = row.pop(0) row.pop(0) # empty due to merged cells if region == "Total": break i = 0 for col in row[:-1]: yield Result( int(col), { "region": region, "period": periods[i], } )
<gh_stars>1-10 """ Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info. """ from django import template register = template.Library() @register.filter def get_item(dictionary, key): """ Returns the object for that key from a dictionary. :param dictionary: A dictionary object :param key: Key to search for :return: Object that corresponds to the key in the dictionary """ return dictionary.get(key, None) @register.filter def field_type(field): """ Returns the field type of an input :param field: input field :return: string representing the class name """ return field.field.widget.__class__.__name__
import unittest from datetime import datetime import tempfile import netCDF4 as nc import os from ncagg.attributes import ( StratFirst, StratLast, StratUniqueList, StratIntSum, StratFloatSum, StratAssertConst, ) from ncagg.attributes import ( StratDateCreated, StratStatic, StratTimeCoverageStart, StratTimeCoverageEnd, ) from ncagg.attributes import ( StartFirstInputFilename, StartLastInputFilename, StratCountInputFiles, ) from ncagg import Config from ncagg.attributes import datetime_format test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) test_input_file = os.path.join( test_dir, "data/", ) class TestAttributeStrategies(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # having two seconds is on purpose to test the unique list self.mock_str_attributes = ["first", "second", "second", "third"] self.mock_int_attributes = [1, 2, 2, 3] self.mock_float_attributes = [1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.3] self.test_nc = nc.Dataset(test_input_file) self.handler_kwargs = {"config": Config.from_nc(test_input_file)} def test_strat_first_gives_first(self): process, finalize = StratFirst.setup_handler(**self.handler_kwargs) for attr in self.mock_str_attributes: process(attr) self.assertEqual(finalize(self.test_nc), "first") def test_strat_last_gives_last(self): process, finalize = StratLast.setup_handler(**self.handler_kwargs) for attr in self.mock_str_attributes: process(attr) self.assertEqual(finalize(self.test_nc), "third") def test_strat_unique_list(self): process, finalize = StratUniqueList.setup_handler(**self.handler_kwargs) for attr in self.mock_str_attributes: process(attr) self.assertEqual(finalize(self.test_nc), "first, second, third") def test_int_sum(self): process, finalize = StratIntSum.setup_handler(**self.handler_kwargs) for attr in self.mock_int_attributes: process(attr) self.assertEqual(finalize(self.test_nc), sum(self.mock_int_attributes)) def test_float_sum(self): process, finalize = StratFloatSum.setup_handler(**self.handler_kwargs) for attr in self.mock_float_attributes: process(attr) self.assertEqual(finalize(self.test_nc), sum(self.mock_float_attributes)) def test_assert_const_fails_nonconst(self): process, finalize = StratAssertConst.setup_handler(**self.handler_kwargs) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): for attr in self.mock_str_attributes: process(attr) self.assertEqual(finalize(self.test_nc), "first") def test_assert_const_pass_consts(self): process, finalize = StratAssertConst.setup_handler(**self.handler_kwargs) for attr in ["const", "const", "const"]: process(attr) self.assertEqual(finalize(self.test_nc), "const") def test_date_created_close(self): process, finalize = StratDateCreated.setup_handler(**self.handler_kwargs) for attr in self.mock_str_attributes: process(attr) # since both of these date time strings may not be created exactly at the same time, # only check to make sure they are mostly the same, it's ok if there is some difference # in the last milliseconds piece. self.assertEqual( finalize(self.test_nc)[:-3], datetime_format([:-3] ) def test_strat_first_filename(self): process, finalize = StartFirstInputFilename.setup_handler(**self.handler_kwargs) process("test", self.test_nc) self.assertIn(".nc", finalize(self.test_nc)) def test_strat_static(self): # set the config for a static "license" attribute... value = "Hello world" self.handler_kwargs["config"].attrs["license"] = { "name": "license", "strategy": "static", "value": value, } process, finalize = StratStatic.setup_handler( name="license", **self.handler_kwargs ) process("test", self.test_nc) self.assertEqual(value, finalize(self.test_nc))
<filename>gamestate-changes/change_statistics/other/<gh_stars>1-10 # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches from matplotlib import animation x = [0, 1, 2] y = [0, 10, 20] y2 = [40, 30, 20] colors = ['r','b','g','orange'] fig = plt.figure() plt.axis('equal') plt.grid() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_xlim(-100, 100) ax.set_ylim(-100, 100) patch1 = patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0, fill=False, edgecolor=colors[0]) patch1.set_width(21) patch1.set_height(21) patch2 = patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0, fill=False, edgecolor=colors[1]) patch2.set_width(21) patch2.set_height(21) def init(): ax.add_patch(patch1) ax.add_patch(patch2) return patch1, patch2, def animate(i): patch1.set_xy([x[i], y[i]]) patch2.set_xy([x[i], y2[i]]) return patch1, patch2, anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=len(x), interval=500, blit=True)
<filename>tests/integration/ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2021 Canonical Ltd. # See LICENSE file for licensing details. import base64 import json import logging import re from pathlib import Path import pytest import requests import tenacity import yaml from lightkube import Client from lightkube.resources.core_v1 import Service from pytest_operator.plugin import OpsTest logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) METADATA = yaml.safe_load(Path("./metadata.yaml").read_text()) APP_NAME = METADATA["name"] async def _get_password(ops_test: OpsTest) -> str: unit = ops_test.model.applications[APP_NAME].units[0] action = await unit.run_action("get-admin-password") action = await action.wait() return action.results["admin-password"] @pytest.mark.abort_on_fail async def test_build_and_deploy(ops_test: OpsTest): """Build the charm-under-test and deploy it together with related charms. Assert on the unit status before any relations/configurations take place. """ # build and deploy charm from local source folder charm = await ops_test.build_charm(".") resources = {"zinc-image": METADATA["resources"]["zinc-image"]["upstream-source"]} await ops_test.model.deploy(charm, resources=resources, application_name=APP_NAME) # issuing dummy update_status just to trigger an event await ops_test.model.set_config({"update-status-hook-interval": "10s"}) await ops_test.model.wait_for_idle(apps=[APP_NAME], status="active", timeout=1000) assert ops_test.model.applications[APP_NAME].units[0].workload_status == "active" # effectively disable the update status from firing await ops_test.model.set_config({"update-status-hook-interval": "60m"}) @pytest.mark.abort_on_fail async def test_application_is_up(ops_test: OpsTest): status = await ops_test.model.get_status() # noqa: F821 address = status["applications"][APP_NAME]["units"][f"{APP_NAME}/0"]["address"] url = f"http://{address}:4080""querying unit address: %s", url) response = requests.get(url) assert response.status_code == 200 @pytest.mark.abort_on_fail async def test_get_admin_password_action(ops_test: OpsTest): password = await _get_password(ops_test) assert re.match("[A-Za-z0-9]{24}", password) @tenacity.retry( wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=2, min=1, max=30), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(10), reraise=True, ) async def test_application_service_port_patch(ops_test: OpsTest): # Check the port has actually been patched client = Client() svc = client.get(Service, name=APP_NAME, namespace=ops_test.model_name) assert svc.spec.ports[0].port == 4080 # Now try to actually hit the service status = await ops_test.model.get_status() # noqa: F821 address = status["applications"][APP_NAME].public_address url = f"http://{address}:4080""querying app address: %s", url) response = requests.get(url) assert response.status_code == 200 async def test_can_auth_with_zinc(ops_test: OpsTest): # Now try to actually hit the service status = await ops_test.model.get_status() # noqa: F821 address = status["applications"][APP_NAME].public_address # Some data to populate data = { "Athlete": "DEMTSCHENKO, Albert", "City": "Turin", "Country": "RUS", "Discipline": "Luge", "Event": "Singles", "Gender": "Men", "Medal": "Silver", "Season": "winter", "Sport": "Luge", "Year": 2006, } # Encode the credentials for the API using the password from the charm action password = await _get_password(ops_test) creds = base64.b64encode(bytes(f"admin:{password}", "utf-8")).decode("utf-8") # We're going to send some data to the "games" index res = requests.put( url=f"http://{address}:4080/api/games/document", headers={"Content-type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Basic {creds}"}, data=json.dumps(data), ) results = res.json() assert res.status_code == 200 assert "id" in results.keys()"successfully queried the Zinc API, got response: '%s'", str(res.json()))
<reponame>jbargu/imagetagger from django import forms from imagetagger.annotations.models import AnnotationType class AnnotationTypeCreationForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = AnnotationType fields = [ 'name', 'active', 'node_count', 'vector_type', 'enable_concealed', 'enable_blurred', ] class AnnotationTypeEditForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = AnnotationType fields = [ 'name', 'active', 'enable_concealed', 'enable_blurred', ]
import math import pygame from utils import * from sprite import MySprite class Story(): def __init__(self, screen): self.screen = screen # Load all background images self.bg_dragon_castle = MySprite('pictures/dragon_castle.jpg') self.bg_lock_sword = MySprite('pictures/sword_lockpick.jpg') self.bg_goblin = MySprite('pictures/goblin.jpg') self.bg_tower = MySprite('pictures/tower.jpg', scale_box=(0,0,math.floor(B_WIDTH/2), B_HEIGHT)) self.bg_dungeon = MySprite('pictures/dungeon.jpg', scale_box=(math.floor(B_WIDTH/2),0,math.floor(B_WIDTH/2), B_HEIGHT)) #self.bg_tower_dungeon = MySprite('pictures/tower_dungeon.jpg') # self.bg_princess_door = MySprite('pictures/princess_door.jpg') # self.bg_princess_room = MySprite('pictures/dragon_fight.jpg') self.bg_princess_room = MySprite('pictures/dragon_fight.jpg') self.bg_castle_princess = MySprite('pictures/castle_princess.jpg') self.bg_victory_castle = MySprite('pictures/lonely_castle.jpg') self.bg_victory_princess = MySprite('pictures/lonely_princess.jpg') self.reset_choices() self.story_loop('') self.valid_text = False # Rectangle to cover up text for each story self.text_rect = pygame.Rect(0, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH, 300) def reset_choices(self): self.lockpick = False self.sword = False self.pinky = True self.tower = False self.dungeon = False self.fight = False self.sneak = False self.castle = False self.princess = False self.story_generator = self._story_generator() def story_loop(self, txt): """ Wrapper for story generator :param txt: :return: True if story continues. False when finished """ self.input_text = txt.lower() self.valid_text = False try: next(self.story_generator) except StopIteration: return False return True def _story_generator(self): """ Story loop of game, a generator that requires valid text to continue :param txt: Input text passed in from main loop """ # Music'audio/Magistar.mp3') ############################################################## # Quest stage ############################################################## self.valid_text = True self.input_text = '' self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.bg_dragon_castle.draw(self.screen) txt = 'A princess has been captured by a dragon. The king has offered a castle as a reward for rescuing her.\n' +\ 'This is a typing game, type with keyboard and hit enter to continue. Escape will quit' render_text_centered(txt, self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) yield ############################################################## # Equipment stage ############################################################## self.valid_text = True self.input_text = '' self.screen.fill((0,0,0)) self.bg_lock_sword.draw(self.screen) txt = 'Choose your equipment for the adventure (lockpick[l] or sword[s])' render_text_centered(txt, self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) valid_text = False while not valid_text: if not self.input_text: yield elif self.input_text[0] == 'l': self.lockpick = True pygame.mixer.Channel(0).play(pygame.mixer.Sound('audio/lockpick.mp3')) valid_text = True elif self.input_text[0] == 's': pygame.mixer.Channel(0).play(pygame.mixer.Sound('audio/sword.mp3')) self.sword = True valid_text = True else: #print('You must enter "lockpick" or "sword"') yield ############################################################## # Goblin stage ############################################################## self.valid_text = True self.input_text = '' self.screen.fill((0,0,0)) self.bg_goblin.draw(self.screen)'audio/Darkling.mp3') txt = "You approach the dragon's castle, a goblin guards the entrance.\n" + \ "Do you fight the goblin or sneak past? (fight[f] or sneak[s]): " render_text_centered(txt, self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) valid_text = False while not valid_text: if not self.input_text: yield elif self.input_text[0] == 'f': self.fight = True valid_text = True elif self.input_text[0] == 's': self.sneak = True valid_text = True else: #print('You must enter "fight" or "sneak"') yield self.valid_text = True # Clear text pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0,0,0), self.text_rect) if self.fight: if self.sword: txt = 'You defeat the goblin with your sword' else: txt = 'You have no sword! While fighting, the goblin manages to nibble your pinky off' pygame.mixer.Channel(0).play(pygame.mixer.Sound('audio/pinky.mp3')) self.pinky = False if self.sneak: if self.sword: txt = 'The goblin catches a glimpse of your big shiny sword! While fighting, the goblin manages to nibble your pinky off' pygame.mixer.Channel(0).play(pygame.mixer.Sound('audio/pinky.mp3')) self.pinky = False else: txt = 'You manage to sneak past the goblin' render_text_centered(txt, self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) yield ############################################################## # Tower Dungeon stage ############################################################## self.valid_text = True self.input_text = '' self.screen.fill((0,0,0)) self.bg_tower.draw(self.screen) self.bg_dungeon.draw(self.screen) txt = 'You enter the castle, do you think the princess is in the tower or the dungeon? (tower[t] or dungeon[d]):' render_text_centered(txt, self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) valid_text = False while not valid_text: if not self.input_text: yield elif self.input_text[0] == 't': self.tower = True valid_text = True elif self.input_text[0] == 'd': self.dungeon = True valid_text = True else: yield ############################################################## # Princess door stage ############################################################## self.valid_text = True self.input_text = '' self.screen.fill((0,0,0)) self.bg_princess_door.draw(self.screen) txt = 'Hooray! You found the princess door, but there is a code:' give_up = False if self.lockpick: txt = txt + '\nThankfully you got through the door with the lockpick!' render_text_centered(txt, self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) yield else: txt = txt + '\n6 x Pineapple = 24\nPineapple x Apple = 32\nWhat does apple = ?' render_text_centered(txt, self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) valid_text = False tries = 0 while not valid_text: if not self.input_text: yield elif self.input_text == '8' or self.input_text == 'eight': valid_text = True else: if tries < 3: render_text_centered(txt + '\nIncorrect! Try again', self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) yield elif tries < 10: # Clear text pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), self.text_rect) render_text_centered(txt + '\nIncorrect! Try again (Hint: Pineapple = 4)', self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) yield else: # Let them through after 10 tries print('You give up and break the door with your sword. Your sword breaks') valid_text = True give_up = True tries = tries + 1 # Clear text pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), self.text_rect) if give_up: txt = 'You give up and break the door with your sword. Your sword breaks' self.sword = False else: txt = '' self.valid_text = True self.input_text = '' self.screen.fill((0,0,0)) self.bg_princess_room.draw(self.screen)'audio/BurntSpirit.mp3') txt = txt + "\nYou enter the room and it turns out that the dragon is guarding the princess himself!" if self.sword: txt = txt + '\nThe dragon breathes fire and melts your sword!' self.sword = False render_text_centered(txt, self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) yield ############################################################## # Princess Room stage ############################################################## # Clear text pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), self.text_rect) txt = 'The dragon whips his tail at you. The tail is 5 meters long and you are 3 meters away.\n' + \ 'How far back do you walk (in meters)?' render_text_centered(txt, self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) valid_text = False while not valid_text: if not self.input_text: yield try: number = float(self.input_text) if number > 3: # Clear text pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), self.text_rect) render_text_centered(txt + '\nYou stepped too far back and fell onto the stairs. Try again', self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) pygame.mixer.Channel(0).play(pygame.mixer.Sound('audio/down_stairs.mp3')) yield elif number > 2: txt = 'You dodged it, great job!' valid_text = True elif number == 2: # Clear text txt = 'Wow, that was close, but you dodged it, great job!' valid_text = True else: # Clear text pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), self.text_rect) render_text_centered(txt + '\nOh no! You got smacked to the ground!', self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) yield except: # Clear text pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), self.text_rect) render_text_centered(txt + '\nIs that even a number??', self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) yield # Clear text pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), self.text_rect) txt = txt + '\nThe dragon was about to step on you when you sneak under him!' render_text_centered(txt, self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) yield ############################################################## # Castle Princess stage ############################################################## self.valid_text = True self.input_text = '' self.screen.fill((0,0,0)) self.bg_castle_princess.draw(self.screen)'audio/MidnightTale.mp3') txt = 'You get to the princess and she says "thank you for saving me" with a sparkle in her eye\nDo you wish to return her for the castle or run away and fall in love with her (castle[c] or princess[p]): ' render_text_centered(txt, self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) valid_text = False while not valid_text: if not self.input_text: yield elif self.input_text[0] == 'c': self.castle = True valid_text = True elif self.input_text[0] == 'p': self.princess = True valid_text = True else: yield ############################################################## # Final stage ############################################################## self.valid_text = True self.input_text = '' self.screen.fill((0,0,0)) if self.castle: self.bg_victory_castle.draw(self.screen) txt = 'You take the princess to the king and he gives you a castle, but it is VERY lonely' else: self.bg_victory_princess.draw(self.screen) txt = 'You get married to the princess, but she complains that you do not have a castle' if not self.pinky: txt = txt + '\nAND you do not have a pinky' render_text_centered(txt, self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) yield # Clear text pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), self.text_rect) txt = 'Thanks for playing!\n' if self.lockpick: txt = txt + 'See if you can win with the sword\n' self.reset_choices() else: txt = txt + 'See if you can win with the lockpicks\n' self.reset_choices() render_text_centered(txt, self.screen, TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, S_WIDTH) yield
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ''' @Time : 2018-3-19 @Author : EvilRecluse @Contact : @Desc : ROI与泛洪填充 ''' # here put the import lib import cv2 as cv import numpy as np def roi_demo(src): # ROI操作-----------ROI(Region of Interest) face = src[100:310, 170:400] # 框选出脸的位置,这是我手动选的- - # 格式是:[行开始位置:行结束位置,列开始位置:列结束位置] cv.imshow('select_face', face) # 看一下扣选出来的图 # 脸部图像灰度,灰度后颜色信息丢失,只剩下黑白,1通道。 gray_face = cv.cvtColor(face, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray_face = cv.cvtColor(gray_face, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # 再将图片转为RGB三色通道。 # 为什么要重新转换为RGB三色: # 因为当你将图像灰度后,就只剩下一个通道,不能直接赋值给RGB三通道的图像,所以要转为3通道再覆盖。 src[100:310, 170:400] = gray_face cv.imshow('after_src', src) def fill_color_demo(image): copyImage = image.copy() h, w = image.shape[:2] mask = np.zeros([h+2, w+2], np.uint8) # 此处的+2是工程项的处理。 cv.floodFill(copyImage, mask, (30, 30), (0, 255, 255), (100, 100, 100), (30, 30, 30), cv.FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE) # (30,30)是起始填充位置,简单来说就是从这个位置开始找周围的像素是否符合条件 # (0,255,255)填充的颜色。这里是黄色 # (100,100,100)最低填充像素范围-----根据这个选取像素 # (30,30,30)最高填充像素范围--------根据这个选取像素 # cv.FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE 填充方法选择 cv.imshow('fill_color_demo', copyImage) src = cv.imread( 'example/0_Basic_usage_of_the_library/openCV/picture/angle2.jpg') cv.imshow('src1', src) roi_demo(src) fill_color_demo(src) cv.waitKey(0) cv.destroyAllWindows()
<reponame>Wolodija/aucote from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock, call from cpe import CPE from os import path from tornado.concurrent import Future from tornado.httpclient import HTTPError, HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse from tornado.testing import gen_test, AsyncTestCase from fixtures.exploits import Exploit from structs import Port, Node, Scan, TransportProtocol, Service, PhysicalPort, ScanContext, Vulnerability from tools.cve_search.exceptions import CVESearchApiException from tools.cve_search.structs import CVESearchVulnerabilityResults, CVESearchVulnerabilityResult from tools.cve_search.tasks import CVESearchServiceTask from utils import Config future = Future() future.set_result(True) @patch('utils.http_client.gen.sleep', MagicMock(return_value=future)) class CVESearchServiceTaskTest(AsyncTestCase): @patch('tools.cve_search.tasks.cfg', new_callable=Config) def setUp(self, cfg): super(CVESearchServiceTaskTest, self).setUp() cfg._cfg = { 'tools': { 'cve-search': { 'api': 'localhost:200' } } } self.example_output = '' with open(path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), 'example_output.json'), 'rb') as f: self.example_output = self.node = Node(ip='', node_id=None) self.port = Port(node=self.node, transport_protocol=TransportProtocol.TCP, number=22) self.port.service_name = 'ssh' self.port.scan = Scan() self.port.service = Service() = Service() self.app_2 = Service() = 'cpe:/a:microsoft:iexplorer:8.0.6001:beta' self.app_2.cpe = 'cpe:/a:microsoft:aexplorer:8.0.6001:beta' self.cpe_txt = 'cpe:/a:microsoft:internet_explorer:8.0.6001:beta' self.os_cpe_txt = 'cpe:/o:a:b:4' self.cpe_without_version = 'cpe:/o:cisco:ios' self.node.os.cpe = self.os_cpe_txt self.port.service.cpe = self.cpe_txt self.exploit = Exploit(exploit_id=1337, name='cve-search', app='cve-search') self.aucote = MagicMock() self.context = ScanContext(aucote=self.aucote, scanner=MagicMock(scan=Scan())) self.task = CVESearchServiceTask(context=self.context, port=self.port, exploits=[self.exploit]) self.vuln_1 = Vulnerability(port=self.port, exploit=self.exploit, cve='CVE-2016-8612', cvss=3.3, output='test summary 1', context=self.context, subid=0) self.vuln_2 = Vulnerability(port=self.port, exploit=self.exploit, cve='CVE-2017-9798', cvss=5.0, output='test summary 2', context=self.context, subid=1) self.vuln_3 = Vulnerability(port=self.port, exploit=self.exploit, cve='CVE-2017-9788', cvss=6.4, output='test summary 3', context=self.context, subid=2) def test_init(self): self.assertEqual(self.task.api, 'localhost:200') @patch('tools.cve_search.tasks.HTTPClient') @gen_test async def test_api_cvefor(self, mock_http,): json_data = '{"test_key": "test_value"}' response = HTTPResponse(code=200, buffer='', request=HTTPRequest('test_url')) mock_get = mock_http.instance.return_value.get mock_get.return_value = Future() mock_get.return_value.set_result(response) response._body = json_data.encode() service = Service() service.cpe = self.cpe_txt expected = {'test_key': 'test_value'} result = await self.task.api_cvefor(service.cpe) self.assertEqual(result, expected) mock_get.assert_called_once_with('localhost:200/cvefor/cpe%3A2.3%3Aa%3Amicrosoft%3Ainternet_explorer%3A8.0.6001%3Abeta%3A%2A%3A%2A%3A%2A%3A%2A%3A%2A%3A%2A',) @patch('tools.cve_search.tasks.HTTPClient') @gen_test async def test_api_cvefor_http_error(self, mock_http): mock_http.instance().get.side_effect = HTTPError(code=404) service = Service() service.cpe = self.cpe_txt with self.assertRaises(CVESearchApiException): await self.task.api_cvefor(service.cpe) @patch('tools.cve_search.tasks.HTTPClient') @gen_test async def test_api_unavailable(self, mock_http): mock_http.instance().get.side_effect = ConnectionError() service = Service() service.cpe = self.cpe_txt with self.assertRaises(CVESearchApiException): await self.task.api_cvefor(service.cpe) def test_get_vulnerabilities(self): results = CVESearchVulnerabilityResults() vulnerability_1 = MagicMock() vulnerability_1.summary = 'test_vuln' results.vulnerabilities = (vulnerability_1, ) result = self.task.get_vulnerabilities(results=results) self.assertEqual(result[0].exploit, self.exploit) self.assertEqual(result[0].port, self.port) self.assertEqual(result[0].output, 'test_vuln') def test_get_vulnerabilities_duplicated(self): results = CVESearchVulnerabilityResults() result_1 = CVESearchVulnerabilityResult(cwe='CVE-2016-435') result_1.summary = 'test_vuln' results.vulnerabilities = (result_1, ) vuln_1 = Vulnerability(cve='CVE-2016-435', output='test_vuln') = (vuln_1, ) result = self.task.get_vulnerabilities(results=results) self.assertEqual(result, []) @gen_test async def test_call_with_port_without_cpe(self): self.port.service = Service() self.task.api_cvefor = MagicMock(return_value=Future()) self.task.api_cvefor.return_value.set_result(True) await self.task() self.assertFalse(self.task.api_cvefor.called) @gen_test async def test_call_with_cpe_without_version(self): self.port.service = Service() self.port.service.cpe = self.cpe_without_version self.task.api_cvefor = MagicMock() await self.task() self.assertFalse(self.task.api_cvefor.called) @gen_test async def test_call_without_results(self): self.task.api_cvefor = MagicMock(return_value=Future()) self.task.api_cvefor.return_value.set_result([]) self.task.store_vulnerability = MagicMock() await self.task() self.assertFalse(self.task.store_vulnerability.called) @patch('structs.time.time', MagicMock(return_value=13)) @patch('tools.cve_search.tasks.HTTPClient') @gen_test async def test_call(self, http_client): response = MagicMock() response.body = self.example_output http_client.instance().get.return_value = Future() http_client.instance().get.return_value.set_result(response) self.task.store_vulnerability = MagicMock() await self.task() self.task.store_vulnerability.assert_has_calls(( call(self.vuln_1), call(self.vuln_2), call(self.vuln_3), ), any_order=True) def test_get_node_cpe(self): self.task._port = PhysicalPort(node=self.node) cpe = self.task.get_cpes() self.assertEqual(cpe, [self.node.os.cpe]) def test_get_apache_httpd_cpe(self): self.task._port.service.cpe = 'cpe:2.3:a:apache:httpd:2.4.18:*:*:*:*:*:*:*' expected = [CPE('cpe:2.3:a:apache:httpd:2.4.18:*:*:*:*:*:*:*'), CPE('cpe:2.3:a:apache:http_server:2.4.18:*:*:*:*:*:*:*')] result = self.task.get_cpes() self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_get_apache_http_server_cpe(self): self.task._port.service.cpe = 'cpe:2.3:a:apache:http_server:2.4.18:*:*:*:*:*:*:*' expected = [CPE('cpe:2.3:a:apache:http_server:2.4.18:*:*:*:*:*:*:*'), CPE('cpe:2.3:a:apache:httpd:2.4.18:*:*:*:*:*:*:*')] result = self.task.get_cpes() self.assertEqual(result, expected) @patch('tools.cve_search.tasks.HTTPClient') @gen_test async def test_get_cisco_with_brackets(self, mock_http): self.task.api = '' json_data = '{"test_key": "test_value"}' response = HTTPResponse(code=200, buffer='', request=HTTPRequest('test_url')) mock_get = mock_http.instance.return_value.get mock_get.return_value = Future() mock_get.return_value.set_result(response) response._body = json_data.encode() cpe = CPE('cpe:2.3:o:cisco:ios:12.2\(52\)se:*:*:*:*:*:*:*') expected = '/cvefor/cpe%3A2.3%3Ao%3Acisco%3Aios%3A12.2%25252852%252529se%3A%2A%3A%2A%3A%2A%3A%2A%3A%2A%3A%2A%3A%2A' await self.task.api_cvefor(cpe) mock_get.assert_called_once_with(expected) def test_unique_cpe(self): cpe_1 = CPE('cpe:2.3:o:cisco:ios:12.2\(52\)se:*:*:*:*:*:*:*') cpe_2 = CPE('cpe:2.3:o:cisco:ios:12.2\(52\)se:*:*:*:*:*:*:*') expected = [cpe_1] result = self.task._unique_cpes([cpe_1, cpe_2]) self.assertCountEqual(result, expected) @patch('structs.time.time', MagicMock(return_value=13)) @patch('tools.cve_search.tasks.CVESearchParser') @gen_test async def test_call_with_api_exception(self, parser): response = MagicMock() future = Future() future.set_result([response]) self.port.apps = [, self.app_2] self.task.api_cvefor = MagicMock(side_effect=(CVESearchApiException('just test'), future)) self.task.store_vulnerability = MagicMock() await self.task() parser.dict_to_results.assert_called_once_with([response])
#coding=utf-8 import sys from selenium import webdriver import time import re reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') browser = webdriver.Chrome() browser.get('') browser.maximize_window() browser.implicitly_wait(10) browser.find_element_by_id('iptUserName').send_keys('Admin') browser.implicitly_wait(1) browser.find_element_by_id('iptPassword').send_keys('<PASSWORD>') browser.find_element_by_id("btnLogin").click() browser.switch_to_frame('mainFrame') Select(driver.find_element_by_id("txtBMCIp")).select_by_index(1) BMCIP = Select(driver.find_element_by_id("txtBMCIp")).select_by_index(1) #SN = browser.find_element_by_id('txtSequence').text #pattren = re.compile('<p.*?"txtBMCIp".*?>(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)<') #BMCIP = def write_to_file(): with open('result.txt','a') as f: f.write( BMCIP +'\n') f.close() write_to_file() #time.sleep(10) #browser.quit()
<gh_stars>1-10 #! /usr/bin/env python # # # similar to test_FM, but in the official ADMIT environment # these are meant to be able to run without CASA, ie. in a # vanilla python environment # # you might need to run # rm ../at/ ../at/__init__.pyc ; touch ../at/ # before, and reset this file using # dtdGenerator # if CASA sits in the way # performance (on nemo2): time > /dev/null # touch=False touch=True # 100 ... # 1000 0.582u 0.096s 0:00.68 98.5% 0.794u 2.267s 0:03.19 95.6% # 10000 4.004u 0.522s 0:04.57 98.9% 5.401u 22.515s 0:28.56 97.7% # # # (10000,True) is the default bench, thus nemo2 goes in 1:21 # inferno goes in 1:53 (yipes, and /dev/shm didn't help) # subaru 1:52 # import sys, os from admit.AT import AT import admit.Admit as admit from import File_AT from import Flow1N_AT if __name__ == '__main__': n = 3 touch = True subdir = False subdir = True # pick where admit will do its work, any cmdline argument will be the dirname if len(sys.argv) > 1: a = admit.Admit(sys.argv[1]) else: # or else the current directory a = admit.Admit() print 'Flow11: new admit?', a1 = File_AT() i1 = a.addtask(a1) a1.setkey('file','Flow1N.dat') a1.setkey('touch',touch) a2 = Flow1N_AT() i2 = a.addtask(a2, [(i1,0)]) a2.setkey('n',n) a2.setkey('touch',touch) a2.setkey('subdir',subdir) # if True: # continue with a Flow11 for each BDP created by Flow1N from import Flow11_AT # need to run the flow, otherwise #BDP's unknown n1 = len(a2) # of course n1 = n, but we don't know this a3 = range(n1) # a list of AT's i3 = range(n1) # a list of ATID's for i in range(n1): a3[i] = Flow11_AT() i3[i] = a.addtask(a3[i], [(i2,i)]) a3[i].setkey('touch',touch) # # a.write()
from stable_baselines.acer.acer_simple import ACER
import os import subprocess from typing import Dict import boto3 from absl import flags, logging from xain.helpers import project from xain.ops.ec2 import user_data FLAGS = flags.FLAGS root_dir = project.root() # Note: # We actually would like to use the m5.large up to m5.24xlarge # but AWS is not easily willing to give us the increase without # asking again and again and again for limit increases. # Therefore we switches to using c4 which have higher default limits cores: Dict[int, str] = { 2: "c4.large", 4: "c4.xlarge", 8: "c4.2xlarge", 16: "c4.4xlarge", 32: "c4.8xlarge", } def docker(image: str, timeout: int = 300, instance_cores=2, **kwargs): """Run train in docker while accepting an arbitrary number of absl flags to be passed to the docker container Args: image (str): docker image name timeout (int): timeout in minutes instance_cores (int): number of cpu cores to be used, if num is to high os.cpu_count() will be used **kwargs: Will be turned into "--{arg}={kwargs[arg]" format and passed to docker container """ instance_cores = ( instance_cores if instance_cores <= os.cpu_count() else os.cpu_count() ) command = [ "docker", "run", "-d", f"--stop-timeout={timeout}", f"--cpus={instance_cores}", "-e", "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "-e", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", "-e", f"S3_RESULTS_BUCKET={FLAGS.S3_results_bucket}", image, "python", "-m", "xain.benchmark.exec", ] for arg in kwargs: if kwargs[arg] is None: # Don't pass flags where arg has value None continue command.append(f"--{arg}={kwargs[arg]}"), cwd=root_dir) def ec2(image: str, timeout: int = 300, instance_cores=2, **kwargs): """Runs job on EC2 instead of a local machine Possible options for instance_type (CPU only) are: - m5.large: 2 vCPU, 8 GB RAM - m5.xlarge: 4 vCPU, 16 GB RAM - m5.2xlarge: 8 vCPU, 32 GB RAM - m5.4xlarge: 16 vCPU, 64 GB RAM - m5.8xlarge: 32 vCPU, 128 GB RAM - m5.12xlarge: 48 vCPU, 192 GB RAM - m5.16xlarge: 64 vCPU, 256 GB RAM - m5.24xlarge: 96 vCPU, 384 GB RAM Args: image (str): docker image name timeout (int): timeout in minutes instance_cores (int): number of EC2 instance cpu cores **kwargs: Will be turned into "--{arg}={kwargs[arg]" format and passed to docker container """ assert ( instance_cores in cores ), f"instance_cores {instance_cores} not in {cores.keys()}" instance_type = cores[instance_cores] absl_flags = "" # Will be passed to docker run in EC2 instance for arg in kwargs: if kwargs[arg] is None: # Don't pass flags where arg has value None continue absl_flags += f"--{arg}={kwargs[arg]} " absl_flags = absl_flags.strip() instance_name = ( f"{kwargs['group_name']}_{kwargs['task_name']}" ) # Will be used to make the instance easier identifyable udata = user_data( image=image, timeout=timeout, S3_results_bucket=FLAGS.S3_results_bucket, flags=absl_flags, ) client = boto3.client("ec2") run_response = client.run_instances( ImageId="ami-08806c999be9493f1", MinCount=1, MaxCount=1, InstanceType=instance_type, KeyName="xain-ec2-remote-training", SubnetId="subnet-1bc3c466", IamInstanceProfile={"Name": "XainEC2RemoteTraining"}, SecurityGroupIds=["sg-01ff10b690dffbaf5", "sg-01207b671ffadadf5"], InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior="terminate", UserData=udata, TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "instance", "Tags": [{"Key": "Name", "Value": instance_name}], } ], AdditionalInfo=absl_flags, # Helpful to identify instance in EC2 UI ) instance_id = run_response["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"]{"InstanceId": instance_id, "Name": instance_name})
from __future__ import print_function from setuptools import setup import raspgif setup( name='raspgif', version=raspgif.__version__, url='', license='MIT License', author='<NAME>', author_email='<EMAIL>', description='Regional Atmospheric Soaring Prediction as a gif.', packages=['raspgif'], include_package_data=True, platforms='any', )
<filename>src/ # This file has the solution to the task 29c11459.json from ioOps import read_file, get_file_path, print_grid import json import sys """ Method to find solution for the task 29c11459.json Args: data(input): The data grid to be processed Returns: Output grid with a line of the colour reaching out from left and right cells and the middle cell as grey """ def solve(input): # The number associated with grey colour grey = 5 for row in input: if row[0] != 0: length = len(row) # Finding mid cell of the row to color it grey midPoint = length // 2 # getting the start color number startCode = row[0] # Getting the end color number endCode = row[length - 1] row[midPoint] = grey # Filling start number from beginning of row to mid of row row[1: midPoint] = startCode # Filling end color number from mid to end of row row[midPoint + 1: ] = endCode return input if __name__ == "__main__": inputFilePath = get_file_path(sys.argv) data = read_file(inputFilePath) grid = [] for input in data: grid.append(solve(input)) print_grid(grid)
<filename>tests/ # Copyright (c) 2014 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Unit tests for session management and API invocation classes. """ import mock from oslo.vmware import api from oslo.vmware import exceptions from oslo.vmware import vim_util from tests import base class RetryDecoratorTest(base.TestCase): """Tests for retry decorator class.""" def test_retry(self): result = "RESULT" @api.RetryDecorator() def func(*args, **kwargs): return result self.assertEqual(result, func()) def func2(*args, **kwargs): return result retry = api.RetryDecorator() self.assertEqual(result, retry(func2)()) self.assertTrue(retry._retry_count == 0) def test_retry_with_expected_exceptions(self): result = "RESULT" responses = [exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException(None), exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException(None), result] def func(*args, **kwargs): response = responses.pop(0) if isinstance(response, Exception): raise response return response sleep_time_incr = 1 retry_count = 2 retry = api.RetryDecorator(10, sleep_time_incr, 10, (exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException,)) self.assertEqual(result, retry(func)()) self.assertTrue(retry._retry_count == retry_count) self.assertEqual(retry_count * sleep_time_incr, retry._sleep_time) def test_retry_with_max_retries(self): responses = [exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException(None), exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException(None), exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException(None)] def func(*args, **kwargs): response = responses.pop(0) if isinstance(response, Exception): raise response return response retry = api.RetryDecorator(2, 0, 0, (exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException,)) self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException, retry(func)) self.assertTrue(retry._retry_count == 2) def test_retry_with_unexpected_exception(self): def func(*args, **kwargs): raise exceptions.VimException(None) retry = api.RetryDecorator() self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimException, retry(func)) self.assertTrue(retry._retry_count == 0) class VMwareAPISessionTest(base.TestCase): """Tests for VMwareAPISession.""" SERVER_IP = '' USERNAME = 'admin' PASSWORD = 'password' def setUp(self): super(VMwareAPISessionTest, self).setUp() patcher = mock.patch('oslo.vmware.vim.Vim') self.addCleanup(patcher.stop) self.VimMock = patcher.start() self.VimMock.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: mock.Mock() def _create_api_session(self, _create_session, retry_count=10, task_poll_interval=1): return api.VMwareAPISession(VMwareAPISessionTest.SERVER_IP, VMwareAPISessionTest.USERNAME, VMwareAPISessionTest.PASSWORD, retry_count, task_poll_interval, 'https', _create_session) def test_vim(self): api_session = self._create_api_session(False) api_session.vim self.VimMock.assert_called_with(protocol=api_session._scheme, host=VMwareAPISessionTest.SERVER_IP, wsdl_loc=api_session._wsdl_loc) def test_create_session(self): session = mock.Mock() session.key = "12345" api_session = self._create_api_session(False) vim_obj = api_session.vim vim_obj.Login.return_value = session api_session._create_session() session_manager = vim_obj.service_content.sessionManager vim_obj.Login.assert_called_once_with( session_manager, userName=VMwareAPISessionTest.USERNAME, password=<PASSWORD>) self.assertFalse(vim_obj.TerminateSession.called) self.assertEqual(session.key, api_session._session_id) def test_create_session_with_existing_session(self): old_session_key = '12345' new_session_key = '67890' session = mock.Mock() session.key = new_session_key api_session = self._create_api_session(False) api_session._session_id = old_session_key vim_obj = api_session.vim vim_obj.Login.return_value = session api_session._create_session() session_manager = vim_obj.service_content.sessionManager vim_obj.Login.assert_called_once_with( session_manager, userName=VMwareAPISessionTest.USERNAME, password=<PASSWORD>) vim_obj.TerminateSession.assert_called_once_with( session_manager, sessionId=[old_session_key]) self.assertEqual(new_session_key, api_session._session_id) def test_invoke_api(self): api_session = self._create_api_session(True) response = mock.Mock() def api(*args, **kwargs): return response module = mock.Mock() module.api = api ret = api_session.invoke_api(module, 'api') self.assertEqual(response, ret) def test_invoke_api_with_expected_exception(self): api_session = self._create_api_session(True) ret = mock.Mock() responses = [exceptions.VimConnectionException(None), ret] def api(*args, **kwargs): response = responses.pop(0) if isinstance(response, Exception): raise response return response module = mock.Mock() module.api = api self.assertEqual(ret, api_session.invoke_api(module, 'api')) def test_invoke_api_with_vim_fault_exception(self): api_session = self._create_api_session(True) def api(*args, **kwargs): raise exceptions.VimFaultException([], None) module = mock.Mock() module.api = api self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimFaultException, lambda: api_session.invoke_api(module, 'api')) def test_invoke_api_with_empty_response(self): api_session = self._create_api_session(True) vim_obj = api_session.vim vim_obj.SessionIsActive.return_value = True def api(*args, **kwargs): raise exceptions.VimFaultException( [exceptions.NOT_AUTHENTICATED], None) module = mock.Mock() module.api = api ret = api_session.invoke_api(module, 'api') self.assertEqual([], ret) vim_obj.SessionIsActive.assert_called_once_with( vim_obj.service_content.sessionManager, sessionID=api_session._session_id, userName=api_session._session_username) def test_wait_for_task(self): api_session = self._create_api_session(True) task_info_list = [('queued', 0), ('running', 40), ('success', 100)] task_info_list_size = len(task_info_list) def invoke_api_side_effect(module, method, *args, **kwargs): (state, progress) = task_info_list.pop(0) task_info = mock.Mock() task_info.progress = progress task_info.state = state return task_info api_session.invoke_api = mock.Mock(side_effect=invoke_api_side_effect) task = mock.Mock() ret = api_session.wait_for_task(task) self.assertEqual('success', ret.state) self.assertEqual(100, ret.progress) api_session.invoke_api.assert_called_with(vim_util, 'get_object_property', api_session.vim, task, 'info') self.assertEqual(task_info_list_size, api_session.invoke_api.call_count) def test_wait_for_task_with_error_state(self): api_session = self._create_api_session(True) task_info_list = [('queued', 0), ('running', 40), ('error', -1)] task_info_list_size = len(task_info_list) def invoke_api_side_effect(module, method, *args, **kwargs): (state, progress) = task_info_list.pop(0) task_info = mock.Mock() task_info.progress = progress task_info.state = state return task_info api_session.invoke_api = mock.Mock(side_effect=invoke_api_side_effect) task = mock.Mock() self.assertRaises(exceptions.VMwareDriverException, lambda: api_session.wait_for_task(task)) api_session.invoke_api.assert_called_with(vim_util, 'get_object_property', api_session.vim, task, 'info') self.assertEqual(task_info_list_size, api_session.invoke_api.call_count) def test_wait_for_task_with_invoke_api_exception(self): api_session = self._create_api_session(True) api_session.invoke_api = mock.Mock( side_effect=exceptions.VimException(None)) task = mock.Mock() self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimException, lambda: api_session.wait_for_task(task)) api_session.invoke_api.assert_called_once_with(vim_util, 'get_object_property', api_session.vim, task, 'info') def test_wait_for_lease_ready(self): api_session = self._create_api_session(True) lease_states = ['initializing', 'ready'] num_states = len(lease_states) def invoke_api_side_effect(module, method, *args, **kwargs): return lease_states.pop(0) api_session.invoke_api = mock.Mock(side_effect=invoke_api_side_effect) lease = mock.Mock() api_session.wait_for_lease_ready(lease) api_session.invoke_api.assert_called_with(vim_util, 'get_object_property', api_session.vim, lease, 'state') self.assertEqual(num_states, api_session.invoke_api.call_count) def test_wait_for_lease_ready_with_error_state(self): api_session = self._create_api_session(True) responses = ['initializing', 'error', 'error_msg'] def invoke_api_side_effect(module, method, *args, **kwargs): return responses.pop(0) api_session.invoke_api = mock.Mock(side_effect=invoke_api_side_effect) lease = mock.Mock() self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimException, lambda: api_session.wait_for_lease_ready(lease)) exp_calls = [, 'get_object_property', api_session.vim, lease, 'state')] * 2 exp_calls.append(, 'get_object_property', api_session.vim, lease, 'error')) self.assertEqual(exp_calls, api_session.invoke_api.call_args_list) def test_wait_for_lease_ready_with_unknown_state(self): api_session = self._create_api_session(True) def invoke_api_side_effect(module, method, *args, **kwargs): return 'unknown' api_session.invoke_api = mock.Mock(side_effect=invoke_api_side_effect) lease = mock.Mock() self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimException, lambda: api_session.wait_for_lease_ready(lease)) api_session.invoke_api.assert_called_once_with(vim_util, 'get_object_property', api_session.vim, lease, 'state') def test_wait_for_lease_ready_with_invoke_api_exception(self): api_session = self._create_api_session(True) api_session.invoke_api = mock.Mock( side_effect=exceptions.VimException(None)) lease = mock.Mock() self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimException, lambda: api_session.wait_for_lease_ready(lease)) api_session.invoke_api.assert_called_once_with( vim_util, 'get_object_property', api_session.vim, lease, 'state') def _poll_task_well_known_exceptions(self, fault, expected_exception): api_session = self._create_api_session(False) def fake_invoke_api(self, module, method, *args, **kwargs): task_info = mock.Mock() task_info.progress = -1 task_info.state = 'error' error = mock.Mock() error.localizedMessage = "Error message" error_fault = mock.Mock() error_fault.__class__.__name__ = fault error.fault = error_fault task_info.error = error return task_info with ( mock.patch.object(api_session, 'invoke_api', fake_invoke_api) ): self.assertRaises(expected_exception, api_session._poll_task, 'fake-task') def test_poll_task_well_known_exceptions(self): for k, v in exceptions._fault_classes_registry.iteritems(): self._poll_task_well_known_exceptions(k, v) def test_poll_task_unknown_exception(self): _unknown_exceptions = { 'NoDiskSpace': exceptions.VMwareDriverException, 'RuntimeFault': exceptions.VMwareDriverException } for k, v in _unknown_exceptions.iteritems(): self._poll_task_well_known_exceptions(k, v)
""" Test request.render() and the predicates related to rendering """ def test_get_templatestring_view( fake_templatestring_view, requestservice, resourceservice, fake_article1 ): resourceservice.resources[] = fake_article1 request = requestservice.make_request('more/article1') assert 'Fake Template String View' == # Render assert '<p>View Name: Fake Template String View</p>' == request.render()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. # Copyright (c) 2008 <NAME> - CrysaLEAD - from . import models from odoo import api, SUPERUSER_ID def _l10n_fr_post_init_hook(cr, registry): _preserve_tag_on_taxes(cr, registry) _setup_inalterability(cr, registry) def _preserve_tag_on_taxes(cr, registry): from odoo.addons.account.models.chart_template import preserve_existing_tags_on_taxes preserve_existing_tags_on_taxes(cr, registry, 'l10n_fr') def _setup_inalterability(cr, registry): env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) # enable ping for this module env['publisher_warranty.contract'].update_notification(cron_mode=True) fr_companies = env[''].search([('partner_id.country_id.code', 'in', env['']._get_unalterable_country())]) if fr_companies: fr_companies._create_secure_sequence(['l10n_fr_closing_sequence_id']) for fr_company in fr_companies: fr_journals = env['account.journal'].search([('company_id', '=',]) fr_journals.filtered(lambda x: not x.secure_sequence_id)._create_secure_sequence(['secure_sequence_id'])
import pandas as pd from functions import random_iid def noisify(data, signal_col, noise_type, intensity, noisy_signal_col='degraded', normalize=False): """Adds noise to signal :param noisy_signal_col: name of column that should be created to save noisy data in :param data: Pandas Dataframe :param signal_col: name of column in which noise should be added :param noise_type: "normal" :param intensity: Standard deviation or equivalent :param normalize: Data column will be normalized before adding noise :return: Dataframe with noisy signal """ if not type(data) == type(pd.DataFrame()): raise Exception('Data is not in pandas DataFrame format') if not signal_col in data.columns: raise Exception('Data does not have column ' + signal_col) if noisy_signal_col == signal_col: raise Exception('Columns have identical names') df_copy = data.copy() if normalize: df_copy[signal_col] = df_copy[signal_col] / df_copy[signal_col].max() if noise_type == 'normal': noise = random_iid.normal(length=df_copy.shape[0], std_dev=intensity) else: raise Exception('noise type not recognized') # Add noise to signal, scaling to signal size df_copy[noisy_signal_col] = df_copy[signal_col] + df_copy[signal_col] * noise # Measure correlation correlation = df_copy.corr(method='spearman') return df_copy, correlation[signal_col][noisy_signal_col]
<reponame>Rijul24/StressMeOut-1<gh_stars>0 """MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 armaanbadhan Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from discord.ext import commands from discord_slash import cog_ext, SlashContext from utils.google_sheet_funcs import insert_row_sheet from utils.misc import change_timeformat, is_user_authorized from discord_slash.utils.manage_commands import create_option class AddStuffSlash(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @cog_ext.cog_slash( name="add", description="to add 'stuff' in StressMeOut", options=[ create_option( name="name", description="name of the assignment/project", option_type=3, required=True ), create_option( name="date", description="date of deadline duh", option_type=4, required=True ), create_option( name="month", description="month of deadline duh", option_type=4, required=True ), create_option( name="hours", description="hour of deadline duh (24 hr format)", option_type=4, required=True ), create_option( name="minutes", description="minutes of deadline duh", option_type=4, required=True ) ], ) async def add_stuff_in_bot( self, ctx, name: SlashContext, date: SlashContext, month: SlashContext, hours: SlashContext, minutes: SlashContext ): deadline = f"{date}.{month}.2021 {hours}:{minutes}" _name = f"{name}" if not is_user_authorized(ctx.author_id): await ctx.send("no prems 4 u") return if change_timeformat(deadline): await ctx.defer() insert_row_sheet(deadline, _name) await ctx.send("successful") else: await ctx.send("couldnt add, time format invalid") def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(AddStuffSlash(bot))
<reponame>forgi86/RNN-adaptation import os import numpy as np import time import torch import torch.nn as nn from models import LSTMWrapper from diffutil.products import jvp_diff, unflatten_like import torch.optim as optim from open_lstm import OpenLSTM from torchid import metrics if __name__ == '__main__': time_start = time.time() # In[Set seed for reproducibility] np.random.seed(0) torch.manual_seed(0) # In[Settings] sigma = 0.03 n_skip = 64 # skip initial n_skip samples for transfer (ignore transient) model_name = "lstm" n_iter = 250 # 750 # 100 lr = 1e-2 batch_size = 1 context = 25 # In[Load dataset] u = np.load(os.path.join("data", "cstr", "u_transf.npy")).astype(np.float32)[:batch_size, :, :] # seq_len, input_size y = np.load(os.path.join("data", "cstr", "y_transf.npy")).astype(np.float32)[:batch_size, :, :] # seq_len, output_size # In[Check dimensions] _, seq_len, input_size = u.shape _, seq_len_, output_size = y.shape N = y.size assert(seq_len == seq_len_) # In[Load LSTM model] # Setup neural model structure and load fitted model parameters model_op = OpenLSTM(context, input_size) model_filename = f"{model_name}.pt" model_op.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join("models", model_filename))) # In[Model wrapping] model_wrapped = LSTMWrapper(model_op, seq_len, input_size, batch_s=batch_size) u_torch = torch.tensor(u[:, 1:, :].reshape(-1, input_size), dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=False) y_torch = torch.tensor(y.reshape(-1, output_size), dtype=torch.float) u_torch_f = torch.clone(u_torch.view((input_size * (seq_len - 1), 1))) # [bsize*seq_len*n_in, ] y_torch_f = torch.clone(y_torch[1:, :].view(output_size * (seq_len - 1), 1)) # [bsize*seq_len, ] y_f = y_torch_f.detach().numpy() u_torch_op =, y_torch[:-1, :]), dim=1).unsqueeze(0) n_param = sum(map(torch.numel, model_op.parameters())) #theta_lin = torch.tensor(np.load(os.path.join("models", "theta_lin.npy")).ravel()) #theta_lin = 1/np.sqrt(n_param)*torch.randn(n_param) theta_lin = torch.zeros(n_param) theta_lin.requires_grad_(True) optimizer = optim.Adam([theta_lin], lr=lr) LOSS = [] LOSS_REG = [] LOSS_FIT = [] y_sim_f = [] y_lin_f = [] for itr in range(n_iter): optimizer.zero_grad() theta_lin_f = unflatten_like(theta_lin, tensor_lst=list(model_wrapped.parameters())) # Compute nominal and linear model output y_sim_f = model_wrapped(u_torch_op) y_lin_f = jvp_diff(y_sim_f, model_wrapped.parameters(), theta_lin_f)[0] # Compute loss err_fit = y_torch_f[n_skip * output_size:] - y_lin_f[n_skip * output_size:] loss_fit = torch.sum(err_fit**2) loss_reg = sigma**2 * loss = loss_fit + loss_reg loss = loss/1000 # Statistics print(f'Iter {itr} | Tradeoff Loss {loss:.3f} | Fit Loss {loss_fit:.6f} | Reg Loss {loss_reg:.6f}') LOSS.append(loss.item()) LOSS_FIT.append(loss_fit.item()) LOSS_REG.append(loss_reg.item()) # Optimization loss.backward() optimizer.step() adapt_time = time.time() - time_start print(f"\nAdapt time: {adapt_time:.2f}")"models", "theta_lin_gd.npy"), theta_lin.detach().numpy()) # In[Plot] y_sim = y_sim_f.detach().numpy().reshape(seq_len-1, output_size) y_lin = y_lin_f.detach().numpy().reshape(seq_len-1, output_size)"data", "cstr", "cstr_transf_gd_eval_sim.npy"), y_sim)"data", "cstr", "cstr_transf_gd_eval_lin.npy"), y_lin) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax[0].plot(y[0, 1:, 0], 'k', label="Ground truth") ax[0].plot(y_sim[:, 0], 'b', label="LSTM") ax[0].plot(y_lin[:, 0], 'r--', label="JVP-LSTM") # Jacobian-Vector Product ax[0].axvline(context-1, color='k', linestyle='--', alpha=0.2) ax[0].set_ylabel('Y') ax[0].set_xlabel('X') ax[0].legend() ax[0].grid(True) ax[1].plot(y[0, 1:, 1], 'k') ax[1].plot(y_sim[:, 1], 'b') ax[1].plot(y_lin[:, 1], 'r--') ax[1].axvline(context-1, color='k', linestyle='--', alpha=0.2) ax[1].set_ylabel('Y') ax[1].set_xlabel('X') # ax[1].legend() ax[1].grid(True)
from numpy import array, matrix, diag, exp, inner, nan_to_num from numpy.core.umath_tests import inner1d from numpy import argmin, array class GKS: """Gaussian kernel smoother to transform any clustering method into regression. setN is the list containing numpy arrays which are the weights of clustering centors. populations is a list of integers of cluster populations. standard_variances is the list of real numbers meaning the standard variances of the dataset along each dimension. smooth is None or real number. While set to None, an SSL procedure will be employed. For details, see the responses() method.""" sv_kernel = None setN = None #:Weights of the clustering centers, after instance initialization, it will be a list data structure. Y = 1 #:Number of response variables. percentages = None #:Distribution of the cluster populations. xdim = None #:Dimension of the explanatory variables. ydim = None #:Dimension of the response variables. __global = True smooth = None #:Smooth parameter. __S = 0.0 K = 5 #: Number of clustering centers for smooth parameter calculation. def __init__(self, setN, populations, standard_variances, Y_number, smooth = None, K = 5): if len(setN[0])!=len(standard_variances): print('ill GKS initialization') else: self.sv_kernel = matrix(diag(array(standard_variances)[:-1*Y_number]**-1.0)) self.setN = [] self.Y = [] for each in setN: self.setN.append(each[:-1*Y_number]) self.Y.append(each[-1*Y_number:]) self.Y = matrix(self.Y).T self.percentages = array(populations) / float(sum(populations)) self.setN = array(self.setN) self.xdim = float(len(setN[0]) - Y_number) self.ydim = float(Y_number) self.smooth = smooth self.K = K def response_1s(self, point): dif_vectors = self.setN - point dif_and_varianced = array(matrix(dif_vectors)*self.sv_kernel) dif_traces = inner1d(dif_and_varianced , dif_vectors) weights = exp(-0.5*self.__S*dif_traces) results = (self.Y*(matrix(self.percentages * weights).T))/(inner(self.percentages, weights)) return array(results.T)[0] def responses(self, points, prototypes = None): """points is a list or array of numpy arrays, and this method returns the regression results of the dataset points. If the smooth parameter is initialized as None, the prototypes parameter will be required as a list or array of clustering centers in the form of numpy arrays, which is genertated by the user chosen clustering method on the same dataset to the one specified by points variable.""" if self.smooth == None: self.K = min(self.K, prototypes) accumulated_traces = 0.0 for point in prototypes: dif_vectors = self.setN - point dif_and_varianced = array(matrix(dif_vectors)*self.sv_kernel) dif_traces = inner1d(dif_and_varianced , dif_vectors) nn_index = argmin(dif_traces) accumulated_traces += float(dif_traces[nn_index]) for i in range(self.K - 1): dif_traces[nn_index] = float('inf') nn_index = argmin(dif_traces) accumulated_traces += float(dif_traces[nn_index]) self.__S = len(self.setN)*self.xdim/accumulated_traces if self.__S < 0.0: self.__S = 0.0 else: self.__S = len(self.setN)**(-2.0*self.smooth) results = [] if self.ydim == 1: for each in points: results.append(self.response_1s(each)[0]) else: for each in points: results.append(self.response_1s(each)) return results if __name__ == '__main__': testgks = GKS([array([1, 2, 2,3]), array([2, 3, 1,5])], array([1, 2]), array([1, 2, 3,1]), 2, smooth = -0.4) print(testgks.response_1s(array([1,2]))) print(testgks.responses([array([1,2]),array([2,0])]))
#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys import json import fnmatch, re from collections import namedtuple from ..helper import slugify from ..exceptions import * Key = namedtuple("Key", ["name","version"]) class Repo: """ Class to track each repo """ def __init__(self, username, reponame): self.username = username self.reponame = reponame self.package = None self.manager = None self.rootdir = None self.options = {} self.key = None self.remoteurl = None def find_matching_files(self, includes): """ For various actions we need files that match patterns """ if len(includes) == 0: return [] files = [f['relativepath'] for f in self.package['resources']] includes = r'|'.join([fnmatch.translate(x) for x in includes]) # Match both the file name as well the path.. files = [f for f in files if re.match(includes, os.path.basename(f))] + \ [f for f in files if re.match(includes, f)] files = list(set(files)) return files # Cache for partially computed information def cache_path(self, prefix, objname, ext=""): path = os.path.join('.dgit', prefix, slugify(objname)) if ext != "": ext = slugify(ext) # clean this up as well path += ".{}".format(ext) return { 'relative': path, 'full': os.path.join(self.rootdir, path) } def cache_check(self, cachepath): return os.path.exists(cachepath['full']) def cache_read(self, cachepath): return open(cachepath['full']).read() def cache_write(self, cachepath, content): path = cachepath['full'] try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) except: pass flag = "wb" if isinstance(content, bytes) else "w" with open(path, flag) as fd: fd.write(content) print("Updated", os.path.relpath(path, self.rootdir)) def __str__(self): return "[{}] {}/{}".format(, self.username, self.reponame) def run(self, cmd, *args): """ Run a specific command using the manager """ if self.manager is None: raise Exception("Fatal internal error: Missing repository manager") if cmd not in dir(self.manager): raise Exception("Fatal internal error: Invalid command {} being run".format(cmd)) func = getattr(self.manager, cmd) repo = self return func(repo, *args) def get_resource(self, p): """ Get metadata for a given file """ for r in self.package['resources']: if r['relativepath'] == p: r['localfullpath'] = os.path.join(self.rootdir, p) return r raise Exception("Invalid path") class RepoManagerBase(object): """Repository manager handles the specifics of the version control system. Currently only git manager is supported. """ def __init__(self, name, version, description, supported=[]): self.enable = 'y' = name self.version = version self.description = description = supported + [name] self.enabled = 'y' self.initialize() self.repos = {} def initialize(self): pass def enabled(self): return self.enabled.lower() != 'n' def get_repo_list(self): return list(self.repos.keys()) def get_repo_details(self, key): return self.repos[key] def search(self, username, reponame): matches = [] for k in list(self.repos.keys()): if username is not None and k[0] != username: continue if reponame is not None and k[1] != reponame: continue matches.append(k) return matches def is_my_repo(self, username, reponame): rootdir = os.path.join(self.workspace, 'datasets') metadatadir = os.path.join(rootdir, username, reponame, self.metadatadir) if os.path.exists(metadatadir): return True else: return False def init(self, username, reponame, force): """ Initialize a repo (may be fs/git/.. backed) """ pass def key(self, username, reponame): return (username, reponame) def lookup(self, username=None, reponame=None, key=None): """ Lookup all available repos """ if key is None: key = self.key(username, reponame) if key not in self.repos: raise UnknownRepository() return self.repos[key] def users(self): """ Find users """ return os.listdir(os.path.join(self.workspace, 'datasets')) def repos(self, username): return os.listdir(os.path.join(self.workspace, 'datasets', username)) def server_rootdir_from_repo(self, repo, create=True): return self.server_rootdir(repo.username, repo.reponame, create) def server_rootdir(self, username, reponame, create=True): """ Working directory for the repo """ path = os.path.join(self.workspace, 'git', username, reponame + ".git") if create: try: os.makedirs(path) except: pass return path def rootdir(self, username, reponame, create=True): """ Working directory for the repo """ path = os.path.join(self.workspace, 'datasets', username, reponame) if create: try: os.makedirs(path) except: pass return path def add(self, repo): """ Add repo to the internal lookup table... """ key = self.key(repo.username, repo.reponame) repo.key = key self.repos[key] = repo return key def drop(self, repo): """ Drop repository """ key = repo.key del self.repos[key] def push(self, repo, args): pass def status(self, repo, args): pass def show(self, repo, args): pass def stash(self, repo, args): pass def commit(self, repo, message): pass def notes(self, repo, args): pass def add_raw(self, repo, files): pass def add_files(self, repo, files): """ Files is a list with simple dict structure with relativepath and fullpath """ pass def clone(self, repo, newusername, newreponame): """ Clone repo """ pass def config(self, what='get', params=None): return
<reponame>YiWeiShen/Project-Euler-Hints from multiprocessing.pool import Pool import math def cal_dividor(num): list_a = [] i = 0 while num > 1: if num % prime_list_clear[i] == 0: print(prime_list_clear[i]) list_a.append(prime_list_clear[i]) num /= prime_list_clear[i] continue i += 1 return list_a def cal_prime(num): for i in range(2, int(num**0.5+1)): if num % i == 0: return None return num p=Pool(processes=16) num_range = range(2,1000000) prime_list =, num_range) p.close() p.join() prime_list_clear = [x for x in prime_list if x is not None] print(prime_list_clear) count=0 result =0 i = 0 print(pow(10, 10**9, 9 * prime_list_clear[0])) while (count<40): a = prime_list_clear[i] * 9 if pow(10, 10**9, a) == 1: result += a /9 count += 1 i += 1 print(result)
from import CiscoIOS class CiscoIOSSSHTelnet(CiscoIOS): """ Class to represent Cisco IOS device to connect via ssh or telnet if unsure what connection is required """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(CiscoIOS, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def device_type(self): """ Returns device type - IOS SSH first then IOS telnet :param self: :return tuple: """ return 'cisco_ios', 'cisco_ios_telnet'
<filename>tests/python/pants_test/subsystem/<gh_stars>0 # Copyright 2015 Pants project contributors (see # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE). from pants.testutil.subsystem.util import global_subsystem_instance as global_subsystem_instance # noqa from pants.testutil.subsystem.util import init_subsystem as init_subsystem # noqa from pants.testutil.subsystem.util import init_subsystems as init_subsystems # noqa from pants_test.deprecated_testinfra import deprecated_testinfra_module deprecated_testinfra_module('pants.testutil.subsystem.util')
import seaborn as sns from Perceptron import Perceptron, accuracy from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from sklearn import linear_model # Load dataframe sns.set(font_scale=1.5) df = sns.load_dataset('penguins') # We are going to try and find the difference between # Adelie and Gentoo penguins using all fields relevant_classes = ('Adelie', 'Gentoo') # Remove all inputs that are NaN df.dropna(inplace=True) # Pull out only relevant classes. The | is bitwise or which compares each list and makes # a new list where a[x] | b[x] = c[x] df = df[(df.species == relevant_classes[0]) | (df.species == relevant_classes[1])] # Pull out labels labels = df['species'] # Drop unused data (island, body mass, and sex) and species (redundant) df = df.drop(['island', 'body_mass_g', 'sex', 'species'], axis=1) # Z-score normalization. Tells how far each data point is off the mean. for col in df.columns: mean = df[col].mean() std_dev = df[col].std() df = df.apply(lambda x: (x - mean) / std_dev) # Turn our labels into class labels (0 or 1) labels = labels.apply(lambda x: 0 if x == relevant_classes[0] else 1) # Let's take a look at our ready data print(labels, df) # Turn it into lists for our model to consume x = df.values y = labels.values # Let's train our model with k-fold cross validation to ensure that it is reliable # Fold across all our data in 80-20 split train to test changing whcih data is # training and testing each time to ensure our model works well. kf = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True) for train_index, test_index in kf.split(x): # Create new perceptron penguin_perceptron = Perceptron(relevant_classes, {'accuracy': accuracy}) # Train it train_results = penguin_perceptron.train(x[train_index], y[train_index], 500, {'accuracy': 0.95}) print('Training results:') print(train_results) # Test it and get results test_accuracy = accuracy(penguin_perceptron.predict(x[test_index]), y[test_index]) print('Testing accuracy: ') print(test_accuracy) print('Sklearn model for comparison') sklearn_perceptron = linear_model.Perceptron()[train_index], y[train_index]) print(sklearn_perceptron.score(x[test_index], y[test_index]))
<gh_stars>1-10 # -------------- # Importing header files import numpy as np import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') #New record new_record=[[50, 9, 4, 1, 0, 0, 40, 0]] #Reading file data = np.genfromtxt(path, delimiter=",", skip_header=1) #Code starts here census=np.concatenate((data,new_record),axis=0) print("Census{}\n Data{}".format(census.shape,data.shape)) age=np.array(census[:,0]) print("age",age) max_age=np.max(age) print("max age",max_age) age_mean=np.mean(age) print('age mean',age_mean) age_std = np.std(age) print('age std',age_std) race_0=census[census[:,2]==0] print(race_0) race_1=census[census[:,2]==1] print(race_1) race_2=census[census[:,2]==2] print(race_2) race_3=census[census[:,2]==3] print(race_3) race_4=census[census[:,2]==4] print(race_4) len_0 = len(race_0) print(len_0) len_1 = len(race_1) print(len_1) len_2 = len(race_2) print(len_2) len_3 = len(race_3) print(len_3) len_4 = len(race_4) print(len_4) l = [len_0,len_1,len_2,len_3,len_4] minority_race = l.index(min(l)) print(minority_race) senior_citizens=census[census[:,0]>60] print(senior_citizens) working_hours_sum = np.sum(senior_citizens[:,6]) print(working_hours_sum) senior_citizens_len = len(senior_citizens) print(senior_citizens) avg_working_hours = working_hours_sum/senior_citizens_len print(avg_working_hours) high = census[census[:,1]>10] low = census[census[:,1]<=10] avg_pay_high = np.mean(high[:,7]) avg_pay_low = np.mean(low[:,7]) print(avg_pay_high) print(avg_pay_low)
from import BaseCommand from django.conf import settings class Command(BaseCommand): def handle(self, *args, **options): for key, value in settings.ENV.__dict__.items(): print(f'{key:25} {value}')
<filename>cap02_variaveis_tipos_estrututurasDeDados/exercicios/ # Exercício 1 - Imprima na tela os números de 1 a 10. Use uma lista para armazenar os números. numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] print(numbers)
import time from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application import os import subprocess import logging from loghandler.loghandler import setup_logging setup_logging() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Django specific settings os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "settings") # Ensure settings are read application = get_wsgi_application() from database.models import Settings"sleeping ...") time.sleep(25)"waking ...") startCommand = Settings.objects.get(name="startCommando") startCommand = startCommand.value.split(" ") p = subprocess.Popen(startCommand)
<reponame>hooooolyshit/VocabularyNoteBook<filename> import requests import bs4 import time import random # 暂时没用的class class ExampleSentance: meanings = '' sentences = [] def set_meaning(self, meanings): self.meanings = meanings def add_sentence(self, s): if type(s) == str: self.sentences.append(s) elif type(s) == list: for each in s: self.add_sentence(each) else: self.sentences.append('ERROR') class Meaning: type_word = '' paraphrase = '' def __init__(self, thetype, trans) -> None: self.type_word = thetype self.paraphrase = trans class Bing: def __init__(self, word): self.example_sentances = [] self.tense = '' self.meanings = [] self.word = word self.url = ""+word def get_html(self): headers = { 'authority': '', 'sec-ch-ua': '^\\^', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36', 'sec-ch-ua-arch': '^\\^x86^\\^', 'x-autosuggest-contentwidth': '648', 'sec-ch-ua-full-version': '^\\^90.0.4430.212^\\^', 'sec-ch-ua-platform-version': '^\\^10.0^\\^', 'sec-ch-ua-model': '', 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '^\\^Windows^\\^', 'accept': '*/*', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', 'accept-language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9', 'Referer': '', } html = requests.get(self.url, headers=headers) return html def get_meanings(self, soup): meanings = soup.find_all('span', class_='def b_regtxt') print("正在寻找", self.word, "的释义") for each in meanings: a = Meaning(each.text, each.previous) self.meanings.append(a) def get_tense(self, soup): print("正在寻找", self.word, "的时态:") tense = soup.find(class_="hd_div1") if(tense): self.tense = tense.text def get_sentences(self, soup): sentences = soup.find_all('div', class_='sen_en b_regtxt') print("爬取", self.word, "的例句中༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ") for each in sentences: self.example_sentances.append(each.text) def save(self): file_name = 'VocabularyNotebook' try: f = open(file_name + '.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') except FileNotFoundError: f = open(file_name + '.txt', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') f.close() with open(file_name + '.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(self.word + '\n') if self.tense != '': file.write(self.tense+'\n') file.write('释义:\n') count = 0 for each in self.meanings: file.write('\t'+each.paraphrase+" "+each.type_word+"\n") count += 1 if count >= 3: count = 0 break file.write('例句:\n') for each in self.example_sentances: file.write('\t'+each+"\n") count += 1 if count >= 4: count = 0 break file.write('\n\n') print(self.word+"已经写入文件并保存") def run(self): html = self.get_html() soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html.text, 'lxml') # 时态 第三人称单数 过去分词、、、 self.get_tense(soup) # 各种词性的释义 self.get_meanings(soup) # 例句 self.get_sentences(soup) if __name__ == "__main__": # 前期准备工作 word_list = [] f = open('VocabularyList.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') str = f.close() word_list = str.split(" ") random.shuffle(word_list) max_num_of_words = len(word_list) print("想写多少个单词?\n最多", max_num_of_words, '个: ', end="") times = int(input()) % len(word_list) timeGap = float(input("爬取间隔(推荐5s以上): ")) # 去 单词本中瞧瞧吧 for each in word_list: if(times < 0): break myBing = Bing(each) print("正在尝试爬取: "+each) time.sleep(timeGap) times -= 1 input("程序运行结束, 打开\"VocabularyNotebook\"看看吧")
<reponame>leandroaquinopereira/real-estate from django.contrib.messages.views import SuccessMessageMixin from django.shortcuts import render # Create your views here. from django.urls import reverse_lazy from django.views.generic import ListView, DetailView, DeleteView, CreateView, UpdateView from records.forms import ClientForm, PropertyForm, RentForm from records.models import Client, Property, Rent # Property class PropertyList(ListView): queryset = Property.objects.all().order_by('type') context_object_name = 'property' template_name = 'records/list_properties.html' def get_queryset(self): txt_type = self.request.GET.get('type') if txt_type: property = Property.objects.filter(type__icontains=txt_type) else: property = Property.objects.all() return property class PropertyDetail(DetailView): queryset = Property.objects.all() context_object_name = 'property' template_name = 'records/detail_properties.html' class PropertyDelete(DeleteView): model = Property context_object_name = 'property' template_name = 'records/delete_properties.html' success_url = reverse_lazy('property-list') class PropertyCreate(CreateView): model = Property form_class = PropertyForm template_name = 'records/create_properties.html' success_url = reverse_lazy('property-list') class PropertyUpdate(UpdateView): model = Property form_class = PropertyForm template_name = 'records/update_properties.html' success_url = reverse_lazy('property-list') # Client class ClientList(ListView): queryset = Client.objects.all().order_by('name') context_object_name = 'client' template_name = 'records/list_clients.html' class ClientDetail(DetailView): queryset = Client.objects.all() context_object_name = 'client' template_name = 'records/detail_clients.html' class ClientDelete(DeleteView): model = Client context_object_name = 'client' template_name = 'records/delete_clients.html' success_url = reverse_lazy('client-list') class ClientCreate(CreateView): model = Client form_class = ClientForm template_name = 'records/create_clients.html' success_url = reverse_lazy('client-list') class ClientUpdate(UpdateView): model = Client form_class = ClientForm template_name = 'records/update_clients.html' success_url = reverse_lazy('client-list') # Rent class RentList(ListView): queryset = Rent.objects.all().order_by('id') context_object_name = 'rent' template_name = 'records/list_rents.html' class RentDetail(DetailView): queryset = Rent.objects.all() context_object_name = 'rent' template_name = 'records/detail_rents.html' class RentDelete(DeleteView): model = Rent context_object_name = 'rent' template_name = 'records/delete_rents.html' success_url = reverse_lazy('rent-list') class RentCreate(CreateView): model = Rent form_class = RentForm template_name = 'records/create_rents.html' success_url = reverse_lazy('rent-list') class RentUpdate(UpdateView): model = Rent form_class = RentForm template_name = 'records/update_rents.html' success_url = reverse_lazy('rent-list')
<reponame>scrasmussen/icar import numpy as np import units from bunch import Bunch R=8.3144621 # J/mol/K cp=29.19 # J/mol/K =1.012 J/g/K g=9.81 # m/s^2 def convert_atm(data,sfc): output_data=Bunch() # [time,z,ns,ew] output_data.u = data.u # m/s output_data.v = data.v # m/s output_data.p = data.p # Pa output_data.qv = data.qv # kg/kg pii = (100000.0 / output_data.p)**(R / cp) output_data.t = data.t * pii # K (converted to potential temperature) if "z" in data.keys(): output_data.z=data.z # m else: print(, sfc.hgt.shape, data.t.shape) print(data.p[0,0,...].mean(), data.p[0,-1,...].mean()) data.slp=units.calc_slp(,sfc.hgt[np.newaxis,...],ts=data.t[:,0,...],mr=output_data.qv[:,0,...],method=2) output_data.z=np.zeros(data.t.shape) for z_time in range(data.t.shape[0]): output_data.z[z_time,...]=units.calc_z(data.slp[z_time], output_data.p[z_time], t=output_data.t[z_time], mr=output_data.qv[z_time]) # now calculate layer thicknesses[:,0,:,:]= 2 * (output_data.z[:,0,:,:]-sfc.hgt[np.newaxis,:,:]) for i in range(1,output_data.z.shape[1]):[:,i,:,:]= 2 * np.mean(output_data.z[:,i,:,:]-output_data.z[:,i-1,:,:])[:,i-1][0][1] np.zeros(data.qv.shape) = return output_data def cmip2icar(data): output_data=Bunch() atm=convert_atm(data.atm,data.sfc) for k in atm.keys(): output_data[k]=atm[k] for k in data.sfc.keys(): output_data[k]=data.sfc[k] return output_data
from tensorflow_sparsemax.sparsemax_regression import SparsemaxRegression
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import import sys from google.api_core.protobuf_helpers import get_messages from import ad_asset_pb2 from import ad_type_infos_pb2 from import asset_types_pb2 from import bidding_pb2 from import click_location_pb2 from import criteria_pb2 from import criterion_category_availability_pb2 from import custom_parameter_pb2 from import dates_pb2 from import explorer_auto_optimizer_setting_pb2 from import extensions_pb2 from import feed_common_pb2 from import final_app_url_pb2 from import frequency_cap_pb2 from import keyword_plan_common_pb2 from import matching_function_pb2 from import metrics_pb2 from import policy_pb2 from import real_time_bidding_setting_pb2 from import segments_pb2 from import simulation_pb2 from import tag_snippet_pb2 from import targeting_setting_pb2 from import text_label_pb2 from import url_collection_pb2 from import user_lists_pb2 from import value_pb2 from import access_reason_pb2 from import access_role_pb2 from import account_budget_proposal_status_pb2 from import account_budget_proposal_type_pb2 from import account_budget_status_pb2 from import ad_customizer_placeholder_field_pb2 from import ad_group_ad_rotation_mode_pb2 from import ad_group_ad_status_pb2 from import ad_group_criterion_approval_status_pb2 from import ad_group_criterion_status_pb2 from import ad_group_status_pb2 from import ad_group_type_pb2 from import ad_network_type_pb2 from import ad_serving_optimization_status_pb2 from import ad_strength_pb2 from import ad_type_pb2 from import advertising_channel_sub_type_pb2 from import advertising_channel_type_pb2 from import affiliate_location_feed_relationship_type_pb2 from import affiliate_location_placeholder_field_pb2 from import age_range_type_pb2 from import app_campaign_app_store_pb2 from import app_campaign_bidding_strategy_goal_type_pb2 from import app_payment_model_type_pb2 from import app_placeholder_field_pb2 from import app_store_pb2 from import app_url_operating_system_type_pb2 from import asset_field_type_pb2 from import asset_performance_label_pb2 from import asset_type_pb2 from import attribution_model_pb2 from import bid_modifier_source_pb2 from import bidding_source_pb2 from import bidding_strategy_status_pb2 from import bidding_strategy_type_pb2 from import billing_setup_status_pb2 from import brand_safety_suitability_pb2 from import budget_delivery_method_pb2 from import budget_period_pb2 from import budget_status_pb2 from import budget_type_pb2 from import call_conversion_reporting_state_pb2 from import call_placeholder_field_pb2 from import callout_placeholder_field_pb2 from import campaign_criterion_status_pb2 from import campaign_draft_status_pb2 from import campaign_experiment_status_pb2 from import campaign_experiment_traffic_split_type_pb2 from import campaign_experiment_type_pb2 from import campaign_serving_status_pb2 from import campaign_shared_set_status_pb2 from import campaign_status_pb2 from import change_status_operation_pb2 from import change_status_resource_type_pb2 from import click_type_pb2 from import content_label_type_pb2 from import conversion_action_category_pb2 from import conversion_action_counting_type_pb2 from import conversion_action_status_pb2 from import conversion_action_type_pb2 from import conversion_adjustment_type_pb2 from import conversion_attribution_event_type_pb2 from import conversion_lag_bucket_pb2 from import conversion_or_adjustment_lag_bucket_pb2 from import criterion_category_channel_availability_mode_pb2 from import criterion_category_locale_availability_mode_pb2 from import criterion_system_serving_status_pb2 from import criterion_type_pb2 from import custom_interest_member_type_pb2 from import custom_interest_status_pb2 from import custom_interest_type_pb2 from import custom_placeholder_field_pb2 from import customer_match_upload_key_type_pb2 from import customer_pay_per_conversion_eligibility_failure_reason_pb2 from import data_driven_model_status_pb2 from import day_of_week_pb2 from import device_pb2 from import display_ad_format_setting_pb2 from import display_upload_product_type_pb2 from import distance_bucket_pb2 from import dsa_page_feed_criterion_field_pb2 from import education_placeholder_field_pb2 from import extension_setting_device_pb2 from import extension_type_pb2 from import external_conversion_source_pb2 from import feed_attribute_type_pb2 from import feed_item_quality_approval_status_pb2 from import feed_item_quality_disapproval_reason_pb2 from import feed_item_status_pb2 from import feed_item_target_device_pb2 from import feed_item_target_type_pb2 from import feed_item_validation_status_pb2 from import feed_link_status_pb2 from import feed_mapping_criterion_type_pb2 from import feed_mapping_status_pb2 from import feed_origin_pb2 from import feed_status_pb2 from import flight_placeholder_field_pb2 from import frequency_cap_event_type_pb2 from import frequency_cap_level_pb2 from import frequency_cap_time_unit_pb2 from import gender_type_pb2 from import geo_target_constant_status_pb2 from import geo_targeting_restriction_pb2 from import geo_targeting_type_pb2 from import google_ads_field_category_pb2 from import google_ads_field_data_type_pb2 from import hotel_date_selection_type_pb2 from import hotel_placeholder_field_pb2 from import hotel_rate_type_pb2 from import income_range_type_pb2 from import interaction_event_type_pb2 from import interaction_type_pb2 from import job_placeholder_field_pb2 from import keyword_match_type_pb2 from import keyword_plan_competition_level_pb2 from import keyword_plan_forecast_interval_pb2 from import keyword_plan_network_pb2 from import label_status_pb2 from import legacy_app_install_ad_app_store_pb2 from import listing_custom_attribute_index_pb2 from import listing_group_type_pb2 from import local_placeholder_field_pb2 from import location_extension_targeting_criterion_field_pb2 from import location_group_radius_units_pb2 from import location_placeholder_field_pb2 from import manager_link_status_pb2 from import matching_function_context_type_pb2 from import matching_function_operator_pb2 from import media_type_pb2 from import merchant_center_link_status_pb2 from import message_placeholder_field_pb2 from import mime_type_pb2 from import minute_of_hour_pb2 from import mobile_device_type_pb2 from import month_of_year_pb2 from import mutate_job_status_pb2 from import negative_geo_target_type_pb2 from import operating_system_version_operator_type_pb2 from import page_one_promoted_strategy_goal_pb2 from import parental_status_type_pb2 from import payment_mode_pb2 from import placeholder_type_pb2 from import placement_type_pb2 from import policy_approval_status_pb2 from import policy_review_status_pb2 from import policy_topic_entry_type_pb2 from import policy_topic_evidence_destination_mismatch_url_type_pb2 from import policy_topic_evidence_destination_not_working_device_pb2 from import policy_topic_evidence_destination_not_working_dns_error_type_pb2 from import positive_geo_target_type_pb2 from import preferred_content_type_pb2 from import price_extension_price_qualifier_pb2 from import price_extension_price_unit_pb2 from import price_extension_type_pb2 from import price_placeholder_field_pb2 from import product_bidding_category_level_pb2 from import product_bidding_category_status_pb2 from import product_channel_exclusivity_pb2 from import product_channel_pb2 from import product_condition_pb2 from import product_type_level_pb2 from import promotion_extension_discount_modifier_pb2 from import promotion_extension_occasion_pb2 from import promotion_placeholder_field_pb2 from import proximity_radius_units_pb2 from import quality_score_bucket_pb2 from import real_estate_placeholder_field_pb2 from import recommendation_type_pb2 from import search_engine_results_page_type_pb2 from import search_term_match_type_pb2 from import search_term_targeting_status_pb2 from import served_asset_field_type_pb2 from import shared_set_status_pb2 from import shared_set_type_pb2 from import simulation_modification_method_pb2 from import simulation_type_pb2 from import sitelink_placeholder_field_pb2 from import slot_pb2 from import spending_limit_type_pb2 from import structured_snippet_placeholder_field_pb2 from import system_managed_entity_source_pb2 from import target_cpa_opt_in_recommendation_goal_pb2 from import target_impression_share_location_pb2 from import targeting_dimension_pb2 from import time_type_pb2 from import tracking_code_page_format_pb2 from import tracking_code_type_pb2 from import travel_placeholder_field_pb2 from import user_interest_taxonomy_type_pb2 from import user_list_access_status_pb2 from import user_list_closing_reason_pb2 from import user_list_combined_rule_operator_pb2 from import user_list_crm_data_source_type_pb2 from import user_list_date_rule_item_operator_pb2 from import user_list_logical_rule_operator_pb2 from import user_list_membership_status_pb2 from import user_list_number_rule_item_operator_pb2 from import user_list_prepopulation_status_pb2 from import user_list_rule_type_pb2 from import user_list_size_range_pb2 from import user_list_string_rule_item_operator_pb2 from import user_list_type_pb2 from import vanity_pharma_display_url_mode_pb2 from import vanity_pharma_text_pb2 from import webpage_condition_operand_pb2 from import webpage_condition_operator_pb2 from import access_invitation_error_pb2 from import account_budget_proposal_error_pb2 from import ad_customizer_error_pb2 from import ad_error_pb2 from import ad_group_ad_error_pb2 from import ad_group_bid_modifier_error_pb2 from import ad_group_criterion_error_pb2 from import ad_group_error_pb2 from import ad_group_feed_error_pb2 from import ad_parameter_error_pb2 from import ad_sharing_error_pb2 from import adx_error_pb2 from import asset_error_pb2 from import authentication_error_pb2 from import authorization_error_pb2 from import bidding_error_pb2 from import bidding_strategy_error_pb2 from import billing_setup_error_pb2 from import campaign_budget_error_pb2 from import campaign_criterion_error_pb2 from import campaign_draft_error_pb2 from import campaign_error_pb2 from import campaign_experiment_error_pb2 from import campaign_feed_error_pb2 from import campaign_shared_set_error_pb2 from import change_status_error_pb2 from import collection_size_error_pb2 from import context_error_pb2 from import conversion_action_error_pb2 from import conversion_adjustment_upload_error_pb2 from import conversion_upload_error_pb2 from import country_code_error_pb2 from import criterion_error_pb2 from import currency_code_error_pb2 from import custom_interest_error_pb2 from import customer_client_link_error_pb2 from import customer_error_pb2 from import customer_feed_error_pb2 from import customer_manager_link_error_pb2 from import database_error_pb2 from import date_error_pb2 from import date_range_error_pb2 from import distinct_error_pb2 from import enum_error_pb2 from import errors_pb2 from import extension_feed_item_error_pb2 from import extension_setting_error_pb2 from import feed_attribute_reference_error_pb2 from import feed_error_pb2 from import feed_item_error_pb2 from import feed_item_target_error_pb2 from import feed_item_validation_error_pb2 from import feed_mapping_error_pb2 from import field_error_pb2 from import field_mask_error_pb2 from import function_error_pb2 from import function_parsing_error_pb2 from import geo_target_constant_suggestion_error_pb2 from import header_error_pb2 from import id_error_pb2 from import image_error_pb2 from import internal_error_pb2 from import keyword_plan_ad_group_error_pb2 from import keyword_plan_campaign_error_pb2 from import keyword_plan_error_pb2 from import keyword_plan_idea_error_pb2 from import keyword_plan_keyword_error_pb2 from import keyword_plan_negative_keyword_error_pb2 from import label_error_pb2 from import language_code_error_pb2 from import list_operation_error_pb2 from import manager_link_error_pb2 from import media_bundle_error_pb2 from import media_file_error_pb2 from import media_upload_error_pb2 from import multiplier_error_pb2 from import mutate_error_pb2 from import mutate_job_error_pb2 from import new_resource_creation_error_pb2 from import not_empty_error_pb2 from import not_whitelisted_error_pb2 from import null_error_pb2 from import operation_access_denied_error_pb2 from import operator_error_pb2 from import partial_failure_error_pb2 from import policy_finding_error_pb2 from import policy_validation_parameter_error_pb2 from import policy_violation_error_pb2 from import query_error_pb2 from import quota_error_pb2 from import range_error_pb2 from import recommendation_error_pb2 from import region_code_error_pb2 from import request_error_pb2 from import resource_access_denied_error_pb2 from import resource_count_limit_exceeded_error_pb2 from import setting_error_pb2 from import shared_criterion_error_pb2 from import shared_set_error_pb2 from import size_limit_error_pb2 from import string_format_error_pb2 from import string_length_error_pb2 from import url_field_error_pb2 from import user_list_error_pb2 from import youtube_video_registration_error_pb2 from import account_budget_pb2 from import account_budget_proposal_pb2 from import ad_group_ad_asset_view_pb2 from import ad_group_ad_label_pb2 from import ad_group_ad_pb2 from import ad_group_audience_view_pb2 from import ad_group_bid_modifier_pb2 from import ad_group_criterion_label_pb2 from import ad_group_criterion_pb2 from import ad_group_criterion_simulation_pb2 from import ad_group_extension_setting_pb2 from import ad_group_feed_pb2 from import ad_group_label_pb2 from import ad_group_pb2 from import ad_group_simulation_pb2 from import ad_parameter_pb2 from import ad_pb2 from import ad_schedule_view_pb2 from import age_range_view_pb2 from import asset_pb2 from import bidding_strategy_pb2 from import billing_setup_pb2 from import campaign_audience_view_pb2 from import campaign_bid_modifier_pb2 from import campaign_budget_pb2 from import campaign_criterion_pb2 from import campaign_criterion_simulation_pb2 from import campaign_draft_pb2 from import campaign_experiment_pb2 from import campaign_extension_setting_pb2 from import campaign_feed_pb2 from import campaign_label_pb2 from import campaign_pb2 from import campaign_shared_set_pb2 from import carrier_constant_pb2 from import change_status_pb2 from import click_view_pb2 from import conversion_action_pb2 from import custom_interest_pb2 from import customer_client_link_pb2 from import customer_client_pb2 from import customer_extension_setting_pb2 from import customer_feed_pb2 from import customer_label_pb2 from import customer_manager_link_pb2 from import customer_negative_criterion_pb2 from import customer_pb2 from import detail_placement_view_pb2 from import display_keyword_view_pb2 from import distance_view_pb2 from import domain_category_pb2 from import dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view_pb2 from import expanded_landing_page_view_pb2 from import extension_feed_item_pb2 from import feed_item_pb2 from import feed_item_target_pb2 from import feed_mapping_pb2 from import feed_pb2 from import feed_placeholder_view_pb2 from import gender_view_pb2 from import geo_target_constant_pb2 from import geographic_view_pb2 from import google_ads_field_pb2 from import group_placement_view_pb2 from import hotel_group_view_pb2 from import hotel_performance_view_pb2 from import keyword_plan_ad_group_pb2 from import keyword_plan_campaign_pb2 from import keyword_plan_keyword_pb2 from import keyword_plan_negative_keyword_pb2 from import keyword_plan_pb2 from import keyword_view_pb2 from import label_pb2 from import landing_page_view_pb2 from import language_constant_pb2 from import location_view_pb2 from import managed_placement_view_pb2 from import media_file_pb2 from import merchant_center_link_pb2 from import mobile_app_category_constant_pb2 from import mobile_device_constant_pb2 from import mutate_job_pb2 from import operating_system_version_constant_pb2 from import paid_organic_search_term_view_pb2 from import parental_status_view_pb2 from import payments_account_pb2 from import product_bidding_category_constant_pb2 from import product_group_view_pb2 from import recommendation_pb2 from import remarketing_action_pb2 from import search_term_view_pb2 from import shared_criterion_pb2 from import shared_set_pb2 from import shopping_performance_view_pb2 from import topic_constant_pb2 from import topic_view_pb2 from import user_interest_pb2 from import user_list_pb2 from import user_location_view_pb2 from import video_pb2 from import account_budget_proposal_service_pb2 from import account_budget_service_pb2 from import ad_group_ad_asset_view_service_pb2 from import ad_group_ad_label_service_pb2 from import ad_group_ad_service_pb2 from import ad_group_audience_view_service_pb2 from import ad_group_bid_modifier_service_pb2 from import ad_group_criterion_label_service_pb2 from import ad_group_criterion_service_pb2 from import ad_group_criterion_simulation_service_pb2 from import ad_group_extension_setting_service_pb2 from import ad_group_feed_service_pb2 from import ad_group_label_service_pb2 from import ad_group_service_pb2 from import ad_group_simulation_service_pb2 from import ad_parameter_service_pb2 from import ad_schedule_view_service_pb2 from import ad_service_pb2 from import age_range_view_service_pb2 from import asset_service_pb2 from import bidding_strategy_service_pb2 from import billing_setup_service_pb2 from import campaign_audience_view_service_pb2 from import campaign_bid_modifier_service_pb2 from import campaign_budget_service_pb2 from import campaign_criterion_service_pb2 from import campaign_criterion_simulation_service_pb2 from import campaign_draft_service_pb2 from import campaign_experiment_service_pb2 from import campaign_extension_setting_service_pb2 from import campaign_feed_service_pb2 from import campaign_label_service_pb2 from import campaign_service_pb2 from import campaign_shared_set_service_pb2 from import carrier_constant_service_pb2 from import change_status_service_pb2 from import click_view_service_pb2 from import conversion_action_service_pb2 from import conversion_adjustment_upload_service_pb2 from import conversion_upload_service_pb2 from import custom_interest_service_pb2 from import customer_client_link_service_pb2 from import customer_client_service_pb2 from import customer_extension_setting_service_pb2 from import customer_feed_service_pb2 from import customer_label_service_pb2 from import customer_manager_link_service_pb2 from import customer_negative_criterion_service_pb2 from import customer_service_pb2 from import detail_placement_view_service_pb2 from import display_keyword_view_service_pb2 from import distance_view_service_pb2 from import domain_category_service_pb2 from import dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view_service_pb2 from import expanded_landing_page_view_service_pb2 from import extension_feed_item_service_pb2 from import feed_item_service_pb2 from import feed_item_target_service_pb2 from import feed_mapping_service_pb2 from import feed_placeholder_view_service_pb2 from import feed_service_pb2 from import gender_view_service_pb2 from import geo_target_constant_service_pb2 from import geographic_view_service_pb2 from import google_ads_field_service_pb2 from import google_ads_service_pb2 from import group_placement_view_service_pb2 from import hotel_group_view_service_pb2 from import hotel_performance_view_service_pb2 from import keyword_plan_ad_group_service_pb2 from import keyword_plan_campaign_service_pb2 from import keyword_plan_idea_service_pb2 from import keyword_plan_keyword_service_pb2 from import keyword_plan_negative_keyword_service_pb2 from import keyword_plan_service_pb2 from import keyword_view_service_pb2 from import label_service_pb2 from import landing_page_view_service_pb2 from import language_constant_service_pb2 from import location_view_service_pb2 from import managed_placement_view_service_pb2 from import media_file_service_pb2 from import merchant_center_link_service_pb2 from import mobile_app_category_constant_service_pb2 from import mobile_device_constant_service_pb2 from import mutate_job_service_pb2 from import operating_system_version_constant_service_pb2 from import paid_organic_search_term_view_service_pb2 from import parental_status_view_service_pb2 from import payments_account_service_pb2 from import product_bidding_category_constant_service_pb2 from import product_group_view_service_pb2 from import recommendation_service_pb2 from import remarketing_action_service_pb2 from import search_term_view_service_pb2 from import shared_criterion_service_pb2 from import shared_set_service_pb2 from import shopping_performance_view_service_pb2 from import topic_constant_service_pb2 from import topic_view_service_pb2 from import user_interest_service_pb2 from import user_list_service_pb2 from import user_location_view_service_pb2 from import video_service_pb2 from google.longrunning import operations_pb2 from google.protobuf import any_pb2 from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 from google.protobuf import field_mask_pb2 from google.protobuf import wrappers_pb2 from google.rpc import status_pb2 _shared_modules = [ ad_asset_pb2, ad_type_infos_pb2, asset_types_pb2, bidding_pb2, click_location_pb2, criteria_pb2, criterion_category_availability_pb2, custom_parameter_pb2, dates_pb2, explorer_auto_optimizer_setting_pb2, extensions_pb2, feed_common_pb2, final_app_url_pb2, frequency_cap_pb2, keyword_plan_common_pb2, matching_function_pb2, metrics_pb2, policy_pb2, real_time_bidding_setting_pb2, segments_pb2, simulation_pb2, tag_snippet_pb2, targeting_setting_pb2, text_label_pb2, url_collection_pb2, user_lists_pb2, value_pb2, access_reason_pb2, access_role_pb2, account_budget_proposal_status_pb2, account_budget_proposal_type_pb2, account_budget_status_pb2, ad_customizer_placeholder_field_pb2, ad_group_ad_rotation_mode_pb2, ad_group_ad_status_pb2, ad_group_criterion_approval_status_pb2, ad_group_criterion_status_pb2, ad_group_status_pb2, ad_group_type_pb2, ad_network_type_pb2, ad_serving_optimization_status_pb2, ad_strength_pb2, ad_type_pb2, advertising_channel_sub_type_pb2, advertising_channel_type_pb2, affiliate_location_feed_relationship_type_pb2, affiliate_location_placeholder_field_pb2, age_range_type_pb2, app_campaign_app_store_pb2, app_campaign_bidding_strategy_goal_type_pb2, app_payment_model_type_pb2, app_placeholder_field_pb2, app_store_pb2, app_url_operating_system_type_pb2, asset_field_type_pb2, asset_performance_label_pb2, asset_type_pb2, attribution_model_pb2, bid_modifier_source_pb2, bidding_source_pb2, bidding_strategy_status_pb2, bidding_strategy_type_pb2, billing_setup_status_pb2, brand_safety_suitability_pb2, budget_delivery_method_pb2, budget_period_pb2, budget_status_pb2, budget_type_pb2, call_conversion_reporting_state_pb2, call_placeholder_field_pb2, callout_placeholder_field_pb2, campaign_criterion_status_pb2, campaign_draft_status_pb2, campaign_experiment_status_pb2, campaign_experiment_traffic_split_type_pb2, campaign_experiment_type_pb2, campaign_serving_status_pb2, campaign_shared_set_status_pb2, campaign_status_pb2, change_status_operation_pb2, change_status_resource_type_pb2, click_type_pb2, content_label_type_pb2, conversion_action_category_pb2, conversion_action_counting_type_pb2, conversion_action_status_pb2, conversion_action_type_pb2, conversion_adjustment_type_pb2, conversion_attribution_event_type_pb2, conversion_lag_bucket_pb2, conversion_or_adjustment_lag_bucket_pb2, criterion_category_channel_availability_mode_pb2, criterion_category_locale_availability_mode_pb2, criterion_system_serving_status_pb2, criterion_type_pb2, custom_interest_member_type_pb2, custom_interest_status_pb2, custom_interest_type_pb2, custom_placeholder_field_pb2, customer_match_upload_key_type_pb2, customer_pay_per_conversion_eligibility_failure_reason_pb2, data_driven_model_status_pb2, day_of_week_pb2, device_pb2, display_ad_format_setting_pb2, display_upload_product_type_pb2, distance_bucket_pb2, dsa_page_feed_criterion_field_pb2, education_placeholder_field_pb2, extension_setting_device_pb2, extension_type_pb2, external_conversion_source_pb2, feed_attribute_type_pb2, feed_item_quality_approval_status_pb2, feed_item_quality_disapproval_reason_pb2, feed_item_status_pb2, feed_item_target_device_pb2, feed_item_target_type_pb2, feed_item_validation_status_pb2, feed_link_status_pb2, feed_mapping_criterion_type_pb2, feed_mapping_status_pb2, feed_origin_pb2, feed_status_pb2, flight_placeholder_field_pb2, frequency_cap_event_type_pb2, frequency_cap_level_pb2, frequency_cap_time_unit_pb2, gender_type_pb2, geo_target_constant_status_pb2, geo_targeting_restriction_pb2, geo_targeting_type_pb2, google_ads_field_category_pb2, google_ads_field_data_type_pb2, hotel_date_selection_type_pb2, hotel_placeholder_field_pb2, hotel_rate_type_pb2, income_range_type_pb2, interaction_event_type_pb2, interaction_type_pb2, job_placeholder_field_pb2, keyword_match_type_pb2, keyword_plan_competition_level_pb2, keyword_plan_forecast_interval_pb2, keyword_plan_network_pb2, label_status_pb2, legacy_app_install_ad_app_store_pb2, listing_custom_attribute_index_pb2, listing_group_type_pb2, local_placeholder_field_pb2, location_extension_targeting_criterion_field_pb2, location_group_radius_units_pb2, location_placeholder_field_pb2, manager_link_status_pb2, matching_function_context_type_pb2, matching_function_operator_pb2, media_type_pb2, merchant_center_link_status_pb2, message_placeholder_field_pb2, mime_type_pb2, minute_of_hour_pb2, mobile_device_type_pb2, month_of_year_pb2, mutate_job_status_pb2, negative_geo_target_type_pb2, operating_system_version_operator_type_pb2, page_one_promoted_strategy_goal_pb2, parental_status_type_pb2, payment_mode_pb2, placeholder_type_pb2, placement_type_pb2, policy_approval_status_pb2, policy_review_status_pb2, policy_topic_entry_type_pb2, policy_topic_evidence_destination_mismatch_url_type_pb2, policy_topic_evidence_destination_not_working_device_pb2, policy_topic_evidence_destination_not_working_dns_error_type_pb2, positive_geo_target_type_pb2, preferred_content_type_pb2, price_extension_price_qualifier_pb2, price_extension_price_unit_pb2, price_extension_type_pb2, price_placeholder_field_pb2, product_bidding_category_level_pb2, product_bidding_category_status_pb2, product_channel_exclusivity_pb2, product_channel_pb2, product_condition_pb2, product_type_level_pb2, promotion_extension_discount_modifier_pb2, promotion_extension_occasion_pb2, promotion_placeholder_field_pb2, proximity_radius_units_pb2, quality_score_bucket_pb2, real_estate_placeholder_field_pb2, recommendation_type_pb2, search_engine_results_page_type_pb2, search_term_match_type_pb2, search_term_targeting_status_pb2, served_asset_field_type_pb2, shared_set_status_pb2, shared_set_type_pb2, simulation_modification_method_pb2, simulation_type_pb2, sitelink_placeholder_field_pb2, slot_pb2, spending_limit_type_pb2, structured_snippet_placeholder_field_pb2, system_managed_entity_source_pb2, target_cpa_opt_in_recommendation_goal_pb2, target_impression_share_location_pb2, targeting_dimension_pb2, time_type_pb2, tracking_code_page_format_pb2, tracking_code_type_pb2, travel_placeholder_field_pb2, user_interest_taxonomy_type_pb2, user_list_access_status_pb2, user_list_closing_reason_pb2, user_list_combined_rule_operator_pb2, user_list_crm_data_source_type_pb2, user_list_date_rule_item_operator_pb2, user_list_logical_rule_operator_pb2, user_list_membership_status_pb2, user_list_number_rule_item_operator_pb2, user_list_prepopulation_status_pb2, user_list_rule_type_pb2, user_list_size_range_pb2, user_list_string_rule_item_operator_pb2, user_list_type_pb2, vanity_pharma_display_url_mode_pb2, vanity_pharma_text_pb2, webpage_condition_operand_pb2, webpage_condition_operator_pb2, access_invitation_error_pb2, account_budget_proposal_error_pb2, ad_customizer_error_pb2, ad_error_pb2, ad_group_ad_error_pb2, ad_group_bid_modifier_error_pb2, ad_group_criterion_error_pb2, ad_group_error_pb2, ad_group_feed_error_pb2, ad_parameter_error_pb2, ad_sharing_error_pb2, adx_error_pb2, asset_error_pb2, authentication_error_pb2, authorization_error_pb2, bidding_error_pb2, bidding_strategy_error_pb2, billing_setup_error_pb2, campaign_budget_error_pb2, campaign_criterion_error_pb2, campaign_draft_error_pb2, campaign_error_pb2, campaign_experiment_error_pb2, campaign_feed_error_pb2, campaign_shared_set_error_pb2, change_status_error_pb2, collection_size_error_pb2, context_error_pb2, conversion_action_error_pb2, conversion_adjustment_upload_error_pb2, conversion_upload_error_pb2, country_code_error_pb2, criterion_error_pb2, currency_code_error_pb2, custom_interest_error_pb2, customer_client_link_error_pb2, customer_error_pb2, customer_feed_error_pb2, customer_manager_link_error_pb2, database_error_pb2, date_error_pb2, date_range_error_pb2, distinct_error_pb2, enum_error_pb2, errors_pb2, extension_feed_item_error_pb2, extension_setting_error_pb2, feed_attribute_reference_error_pb2, feed_error_pb2, feed_item_error_pb2, feed_item_target_error_pb2, feed_item_validation_error_pb2, feed_mapping_error_pb2, field_error_pb2, field_mask_error_pb2, function_error_pb2, function_parsing_error_pb2, geo_target_constant_suggestion_error_pb2, header_error_pb2, id_error_pb2, image_error_pb2, internal_error_pb2, keyword_plan_ad_group_error_pb2, keyword_plan_campaign_error_pb2, keyword_plan_error_pb2, keyword_plan_idea_error_pb2, keyword_plan_keyword_error_pb2, keyword_plan_negative_keyword_error_pb2, label_error_pb2, language_code_error_pb2, list_operation_error_pb2, manager_link_error_pb2, media_bundle_error_pb2, media_file_error_pb2, media_upload_error_pb2, multiplier_error_pb2, mutate_error_pb2, mutate_job_error_pb2, new_resource_creation_error_pb2, not_empty_error_pb2, not_whitelisted_error_pb2, null_error_pb2, operation_access_denied_error_pb2, operator_error_pb2, partial_failure_error_pb2, policy_finding_error_pb2, policy_validation_parameter_error_pb2, policy_violation_error_pb2, query_error_pb2, quota_error_pb2, range_error_pb2, recommendation_error_pb2, region_code_error_pb2, request_error_pb2, resource_access_denied_error_pb2, resource_count_limit_exceeded_error_pb2, setting_error_pb2, shared_criterion_error_pb2, shared_set_error_pb2, size_limit_error_pb2, string_format_error_pb2, string_length_error_pb2, url_field_error_pb2, user_list_error_pb2, youtube_video_registration_error_pb2, account_budget_pb2, account_budget_proposal_pb2, ad_group_ad_asset_view_pb2, ad_group_ad_label_pb2, ad_group_ad_pb2, ad_group_audience_view_pb2, ad_group_bid_modifier_pb2, ad_group_criterion_label_pb2, ad_group_criterion_pb2, ad_group_criterion_simulation_pb2, ad_group_extension_setting_pb2, ad_group_feed_pb2, ad_group_label_pb2, ad_group_pb2, ad_group_simulation_pb2, ad_parameter_pb2, ad_pb2, ad_schedule_view_pb2, age_range_view_pb2, asset_pb2, bidding_strategy_pb2, billing_setup_pb2, campaign_audience_view_pb2, campaign_bid_modifier_pb2, campaign_budget_pb2, campaign_criterion_pb2, campaign_criterion_simulation_pb2, campaign_draft_pb2, campaign_experiment_pb2, campaign_extension_setting_pb2, campaign_feed_pb2, campaign_label_pb2, campaign_pb2, campaign_shared_set_pb2, carrier_constant_pb2, change_status_pb2, click_view_pb2, conversion_action_pb2, custom_interest_pb2, customer_client_link_pb2, customer_client_pb2, customer_extension_setting_pb2, customer_feed_pb2, customer_label_pb2, customer_manager_link_pb2, customer_negative_criterion_pb2, customer_pb2, detail_placement_view_pb2, display_keyword_view_pb2, distance_view_pb2, domain_category_pb2, dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view_pb2, expanded_landing_page_view_pb2, extension_feed_item_pb2, feed_item_pb2, feed_item_target_pb2, feed_mapping_pb2, feed_pb2, feed_placeholder_view_pb2, gender_view_pb2, geo_target_constant_pb2, geographic_view_pb2, google_ads_field_pb2, group_placement_view_pb2, hotel_group_view_pb2, hotel_performance_view_pb2, keyword_plan_ad_group_pb2, keyword_plan_campaign_pb2, keyword_plan_keyword_pb2, keyword_plan_negative_keyword_pb2, keyword_plan_pb2, keyword_view_pb2, label_pb2, landing_page_view_pb2, language_constant_pb2, location_view_pb2, managed_placement_view_pb2, media_file_pb2, merchant_center_link_pb2, mobile_app_category_constant_pb2, mobile_device_constant_pb2, mutate_job_pb2, operating_system_version_constant_pb2, paid_organic_search_term_view_pb2, parental_status_view_pb2, payments_account_pb2, product_bidding_category_constant_pb2, product_group_view_pb2, recommendation_pb2, remarketing_action_pb2, search_term_view_pb2, shared_criterion_pb2, shared_set_pb2, shopping_performance_view_pb2, topic_constant_pb2, topic_view_pb2, user_interest_pb2, user_list_pb2, user_location_view_pb2, video_pb2, operations_pb2, any_pb2, empty_pb2, field_mask_pb2, wrappers_pb2, status_pb2, ] _local_modules = [ account_budget_proposal_service_pb2, account_budget_service_pb2, ad_group_ad_asset_view_service_pb2, ad_group_ad_label_service_pb2, ad_group_ad_service_pb2, ad_group_audience_view_service_pb2, ad_group_bid_modifier_service_pb2, ad_group_criterion_label_service_pb2, ad_group_criterion_service_pb2, ad_group_criterion_simulation_service_pb2, ad_group_extension_setting_service_pb2, ad_group_feed_service_pb2, ad_group_label_service_pb2, ad_group_service_pb2, ad_group_simulation_service_pb2, ad_parameter_service_pb2, ad_schedule_view_service_pb2, ad_service_pb2, age_range_view_service_pb2, asset_service_pb2, bidding_strategy_service_pb2, billing_setup_service_pb2, campaign_audience_view_service_pb2, campaign_bid_modifier_service_pb2, campaign_budget_service_pb2, campaign_criterion_service_pb2, campaign_criterion_simulation_service_pb2, campaign_draft_service_pb2, campaign_experiment_service_pb2, campaign_extension_setting_service_pb2, campaign_feed_service_pb2, campaign_label_service_pb2, campaign_service_pb2, campaign_shared_set_service_pb2, carrier_constant_service_pb2, change_status_service_pb2, click_view_service_pb2, conversion_action_service_pb2, conversion_adjustment_upload_service_pb2, conversion_upload_service_pb2, custom_interest_service_pb2, customer_client_link_service_pb2, customer_client_service_pb2, customer_extension_setting_service_pb2, customer_feed_service_pb2, customer_label_service_pb2, customer_manager_link_service_pb2, customer_negative_criterion_service_pb2, customer_service_pb2, detail_placement_view_service_pb2, display_keyword_view_service_pb2, distance_view_service_pb2, domain_category_service_pb2, dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view_service_pb2, expanded_landing_page_view_service_pb2, extension_feed_item_service_pb2, feed_item_service_pb2, feed_item_target_service_pb2, feed_mapping_service_pb2, feed_placeholder_view_service_pb2, feed_service_pb2, gender_view_service_pb2, geo_target_constant_service_pb2, geographic_view_service_pb2, google_ads_field_service_pb2, google_ads_service_pb2, group_placement_view_service_pb2, hotel_group_view_service_pb2, hotel_performance_view_service_pb2, keyword_plan_ad_group_service_pb2, keyword_plan_campaign_service_pb2, keyword_plan_idea_service_pb2, keyword_plan_keyword_service_pb2, keyword_plan_negative_keyword_service_pb2, keyword_plan_service_pb2, keyword_view_service_pb2, label_service_pb2, landing_page_view_service_pb2, language_constant_service_pb2, location_view_service_pb2, managed_placement_view_service_pb2, media_file_service_pb2, merchant_center_link_service_pb2, mobile_app_category_constant_service_pb2, mobile_device_constant_service_pb2, mutate_job_service_pb2, operating_system_version_constant_service_pb2, paid_organic_search_term_view_service_pb2, parental_status_view_service_pb2, payments_account_service_pb2, product_bidding_category_constant_service_pb2, product_group_view_service_pb2, recommendation_service_pb2, remarketing_action_service_pb2, search_term_view_service_pb2, shared_criterion_service_pb2, shared_set_service_pb2, shopping_performance_view_service_pb2, topic_constant_service_pb2, topic_view_service_pb2, user_interest_service_pb2, user_list_service_pb2, user_location_view_service_pb2, video_service_pb2, ] names = [] for module in _shared_modules: # pragma: NO COVER for name, message in get_messages(module).items(): setattr(sys.modules[__name__], name, message) names.append(name) for module in _local_modules: for name, message in get_messages(module).items(): message.__module__ = '' setattr(sys.modules[__name__], name, message) names.append(name) __all__ = tuple(sorted(names))
<reponame>saydulk/admin4<gh_stars>0 # The Admin4 Project # (c) 2013-2014 <NAME> # # Licensed under the Apache License, # see LICENSE.TXT for conditions of usage moduleinfo={ 'name': "PostgreSQL Server", 'modulename': "PostgreSQL", 'description': "PostgreSQL database server", 'version': "9.4", 'revision': "0.5.7", 'requiredAdmVersion': "2.1.8", 'testedAdmVersion': "2.1.8", 'supports': "PostgreSQL 8.1 ... 9.4 (pre-9.1 with restrictions)", 'copyright': "(c) 2013-2014 PSE Consulting <NAME>", 'credits': "psycopg2 from using libpq (", } import sys if not hasattr(sys, 'skipSetupInit'): import adm import wx from wh import xlt, floatToTime from LoggingDialog import LogPanel class SqlPage: name="SQL" order=800 def __init__(self, notebook): from _sqledit import SqlEditor self.control=SqlEditor(notebook) self.control.SetMarginWidth(1, 2) self.notebook=notebook self.lastNode=None def GetControl(self): return self.control def Display(self, node, _detached): if hasattr(node, "GetSql"): sql=node.GetSql().strip().replace("\n\r", "\n").replace("\r\n", "\n") else: sql=xlt("No SQL query available.") self.control.SetReadOnly(False) self.control.SetValue(sql) self.control.SetReadOnly(True) self.control.SetSelection(0,0) moduleinfo['pages'] = [SqlPage] class Preferences(adm.PreferencePanel): name="PostgreSQL" configDefaults={ 'AdminNamespace': "Admin4", 'SettingCategorySort': "Reporting Query" } import Server
<reponame>mzy2240/GridCal<gh_stars>100-1000 import pandas as pd import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix, csc_matrix pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500) pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) # file_name = 'D:\\GitHub\\GridCal\\Grids_and_profiles\\grids\\Reduction Model 2.xlsx' file_name = '/home/santi/Documentos/GitHub/GridCal/Grids_and_profiles/grids/Reduction Model 2.xlsx' from GridCal.Engine import MultiCircuit, BranchType, FileOpen circuit = FileOpen(file_name).open() # form C threshold = 1e-5 m = circuit.get_branch_number() n = len(circuit.buses) C = lil_matrix((m, n), dtype=int) buses_dict = {bus: i for i, bus in enumerate(circuit.buses)} branches_to_keep_idx = list() branches_to_remove_idx = list() states = np.zeros(m, dtype=int) br_idx = [0] * m for i in range(m): # get the from and to bus indices f = buses_dict[circuit.branches[i].bus_from] t = buses_dict[circuit.branches[i].bus_to] C[i, f] = 1 C[i, t] = -1 br_idx[i] = i rx = circuit.branches[i].R + circuit.branches[i].X if circuit.branches[i].branch_type == BranchType.Branch: branches_to_remove_idx.append(i) states[i] = 0 else: branches_to_keep_idx.append(i) states[i] = 1 C = csc_matrix(C) df_C = pd.DataFrame(C.todense(), columns=circuit.circuits[0].power_flow_input.bus_names, index=circuit.circuits[0].power_flow_input.branch_names) print('C:\n', df_C) df_Cb = pd.DataFrame((C.transpose() * C).todense(), columns=circuit.circuits[0].power_flow_input.bus_names, index=circuit.circuits[0].power_flow_input.bus_names) print('C:\n', df_Cb) B = C[branches_to_keep_idx, :] df_B = pd.DataFrame(B.todense(), columns=circuit.circuits[0].power_flow_input.bus_names, index=circuit.circuits[0].power_flow_input.branch_names[branches_to_keep_idx]) print('B:\n', df_B) # B is a CSC matrix buses_to_keep = list() for j in range(B.shape[1]): # column index bus_occurrences = 0 # counter for k in range(B.indptr[j], B.indptr[j + 1]): # i = B.indices[k] # row index # val =[k] # value bus_occurrences += 1 if bus_occurrences > 0: # if the bus appeared more than one time in the column of B, then we propose to keep it buses_to_keep.append(j) D = B[:, buses_to_keep] df_D = pd.DataFrame(D.todense(), columns=circuit.circuits[0].power_flow_input.bus_names[buses_to_keep], index=circuit.circuits[0].power_flow_input.branch_names[branches_to_keep_idx]) print('D:\n', df_D) new_branches_to_keep = list() buses_to_keep_s = set(buses_to_keep) buses_availability = np.zeros(n, dtype=int) for i in range(len(circuit.branches)): # get the from and to bus indices f = buses_dict[circuit.branches[i].bus_from] t = buses_dict[circuit.branches[i].bus_to] if f in buses_to_keep_s and t in buses_to_keep_s: new_branches_to_keep.append(i) buses_availability[i] = 1 E = C[new_branches_to_keep, :][:, buses_to_keep] df_E = pd.DataFrame(E.todense(), columns=circuit.circuits[0].power_flow_input.bus_names[buses_to_keep], index=circuit.circuits[0].power_flow_input.branch_names[new_branches_to_keep]) print('E:\n', df_E) # determine which buses to merge for j in range(C.shape[1]): # column index for k in range(C.indptr[j], C.indptr[j + 1]): i = B.indices[k] # row index
<reponame>lvxiaojie111/2019NCCCU- import os #read pic from col from PIL import Image #array col import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf #data file data_dir="data" #train or test train=True #MODEL PATH model_path="model/image_model" #read pic and label from file #label form:1_400.jpg def read_data(data_dir): datas=[] labels=[] fpaths=[] for fname in os.listdir(data_dir): fpath=os.path.join(data_dir,fname) fpaths.append(fpath) data=np.array(image)/255.0 label=int(fname.split("_"[0])) datas.append(data) labels.append(label) datas=np.array(datas) labels=np.array(labels) print("shape of datas:{}\tshappe of labels:{}".format(datas.shape,labels.shape)) return fpaths,datas,labels fpaths,datas,labels=read_data(data_dir) #computer how class pic num_classes=len(set(labels)) #define placeholder,put input and labels datas_placeholder=tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,32,32,3]) labels_placeholder=tf.placeholder(tf.int32,[None]) #cun fang dropout can shu de rong qi,xun lian shi wei 0.25,test 0 dropout_placeholdr=tf.placeholder(tf.float32) #define cnn : #cnn core:20 size:5 jihuo:relu conv0=tf.layers.conv2d(datas_placeholder,20,5,activation=tf.nn.relu) #define max-pooling ,pooling size:2x2,step:2x2 pool0=tf.layers.max_pooling2d(conv0,[2,2],[2,2]) #define cnn : #cnn core:40 size:4 jihuo:relu conv1=tf.layers.conv2d(pool0,40,4,activation=tf.nn.relu) #define max-pooling ,pooling size:2x2,step:2x2 pool1=tf.layers.max_pooling2d(conv1,[2,2],[2,2]) #conv feather dim:3 to feature dim:1 flatten=tf.layers.flatten(pool1) #full connect,convert feature vt of 100 long fc=tf.layers.dense(flatten,400,activation=tf.nn.relu) #add dropout to admit out nihe dropout_fc=tf.layers.dropout(fc,dropout_placeholdr) # no activate out logits=tf.layers.dense(dropout_fc,num_classes) predicted_labels=tf.arg_max(logits,1) #define cross loss fun losses=tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=tf.one_hot(labels_placeholder,num_classes), logits=logits ) #define avrage loss mean_loss=tf.reduce_mean(losses) #define adam,appoint adam loss fun. optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=1e-2.minimize(losses)) #used for ssave and resolve model saver=tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: if train: print("train model") #if train,init para #define input and label to cover bottle,when train,dropout is 0.25 train_feed_dict={ datas_placeholder:datas, labels_placeholder:labels, dropout_placeholdr:0.25 } for step in range(150): _,[optimizer,mean_loss],feed_dict=train_feed_dict) if step %10==0: print("step={}\tmean_loss={}".format(step,mean_loss_val)),model_path) print("train is over,save model to{}".format(model_path)) else: print("test mode") #if test ,import para saver.restore(sess,model_path) print("from{}model import".format(model_path)) #label and mingcheng dui zhao guan xi label_name_dict={ 0:"flying", 1:"car", 2:"bird" } # define input and label to cover bottle,when test,dropout is 0 test_feed_dict = { datas_placeholder: datas, labels_placeholder: labels, dropout_placeholdr: 0 },feed_dict=test_feed_dict) #real label and model predit label for fpath,real_label,predicted_label in zip(fpaths,labels,predicted_labels_val): #put label_id to label real_label_name=label_name_dict[real_label] predicted_label_name=label_name_dict[predicted_label] print("{}\t{}=>{}".format(fpath,real_label_name,predicted_label_name))
<filename> import sys from Client import * if __name__ == '__main__': log = logger.getChild('Run_Client') try: sys.exit(app.exec_()) except Exception as err: log.error(err)
<filename>tests/api/users/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Onyx Project Software under licence Creative Commons 3.0 France You may not use this software for commercial purposes. @author :: <NAME> """ import json import pytest from flask import session @pytest.mark.usefixtures('db', 'connected_app', 'connected_app_refresh', 'connected_admin_app', 'user_test') class Test_UserApi: def test_get_users(self, connected_app): response = connected_app.get('/api/users') assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.content_type == 'application/json' def test_get_user(self, connected_app): response = connected_app.get('/api/users/get') assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.content_type == 'application/json' def test_get_user_by_id(self, connected_app): response ='/api/users/get', {"id": 1}) assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.content_type == 'application/json' def test_add_user(self, connected_app): response ='/api/users/register', {"email": "<EMAIL>", "username": "Test", "password": "<PASSWORD>", "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "language": "en-US"}) assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.content_type == 'application/json' assert response.json == {"status": "success"} def test_login_user(self, connected_app, user_test): response ='/api/users/login', {"email": "<EMAIL>", "password": "<PASSWORD>"}) assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.content_type == 'application/json' assert response.json["status"] == "success" def test_manage_user(self, connected_app): response ='/api/users/manage', {"email": "<EMAIL>", "username": "Test", "password": "<PASSWORD>", "verifPassword": "<PASSWORD>", "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "language": "en-US"}) assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.content_type == 'application/json' assert response.json["status"] == "success" def test_manage_user_mismatch_password(self, connected_app): response ='/api/users/manage', {"email": "<EMAIL>", "username": "Test", "password": "<PASSWORD>", "verifPassword": "<PASSWORD>", "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "language": "en-US"}) assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.content_type == 'application/json' assert response.json["status"] == "error" def test_logout_access(self, connected_app, user_test): response = connected_app.get('/api/users/logout_access') assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.content_type == 'application/json' assert response.json["status"] == "success" def test_logout_refresh(self, connected_app_refresh, user_test): response = connected_app_refresh.get('/api/users/logout_refresh') assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.content_type == 'application/json' assert response.json["status"] == "success" def test_refresh(self, connected_app_refresh, user_test): response = connected_app_refresh.get('/api/users/refresh_token') assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.content_type == 'application/json' assert response.json["status"] == "success" def test_token_valid(self, connected_app, user_test): response = connected_app.get('/api/users/token_valid') assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.content_type == 'application/json' assert response.json["status"] == "success"
<filename>tools/mo/openvino/tools/mo/front/tf/<gh_stars>1-10 # Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Intel Corporation # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 from import FrontExtractorOp from import AttributedLRN class LRNExtractor(FrontExtractorOp): """ TF and IE(CAFFE) parameters in LRN differs in several places : region (IE) : in TF there is no such parameter, they just use last dimension (feature dimension in case of NHWC) local-size (IE) : it's the size of 1D vector in Caffe. In TF they have 'depth_radius' that eq '(local-size * 2) + 1' alpha (IE) : in Caffe 'alpha' divides on local-size, so we should multiply alpha on local-size Caffe ref : TF ref : """ op = 'LRN' enabled = True @classmethod def extract(cls, node): pb = node.pb AttributedLRN.update_node_stat(node, { 'alpha': pb.attr['alpha'].f * (2. * pb.attr['depth_radius'].i + 1.), 'beta': pb.attr['beta'].f, 'bias': pb.attr['bias'].f, 'local_size': (2 * pb.attr['depth_radius'].i + 1), }) return cls.enabled
class Borg(object): _shared_state = {} def __new__(cls, *a, **k): obj = object.__new__(cls, *a, **k) obj.__dict__ = cls._shared_state return obj def __hash__(self): return 9 # any arbitrary constant integer def __eq__(self, other): try: return self.__dict__ is other.__dict__ except AttributeError: return False
#To input username&pass and check if it's correct. Q22 #Made by INS, Using dictionary for faster credential check. d={} while True: x=raw_input("Enter a user name : ") y=raw_input("Enter a password : ") d[x]=y cont=raw_input("Do you want to add more usernames? [y/n] ") if cont=='y': continue else: break #begining login system a=raw_input("Enter username to log in : ") if d.has_key(a)==True: print "User found. Enter password to continue. " b=raw_input("Enter password to log in : ") if d.get(a)==b: print "Welcome back ",a else: print "Wrong password. Aborting program." #Made by <NAME>, using LISTS """ #Remove this quotation marks to use GM's program. u=[] p=[] count=input("Enter number of usernames you want to save : ") for i in range(0, count): username=raw_input("Enter username to save : ") password=raw_input("Enter password to save : ") position_user=len(u)+1 position_pass=len(p)+1 u.append(username) p.append(password) #Search function begins def passcheck(): user_=raw_input("Enter username to log in : ") pass_=raw_input("Ente password to log in : ") if user_ in u: if pass_ in p: if position_user==position_pass: print "Verified user. " else: print "Password doesn't match. " else: print "Username doesn't exist" passcheck()"""
import unittest import numpy as np import os import pycqed as pq import time import openql import warnings import pycqed.analysis.analysis_toolbox as a_tools import pycqed.instrument_drivers.virtual_instruments.virtual_AWG8 as v8 import pycqed.instrument_drivers.virtual_instruments.virtual_SignalHound as sh import pycqed.instrument_drivers.virtual_instruments.virtual_MW_source as vmw from pycqed.instrument_drivers.meta_instrument.LutMans import mw_lutman as mwl import pycqed.instrument_drivers.meta_instrument.qubit_objects.CCL_Transmon as ct from pycqed.measurement import measurement_control from qcodes import station from pycqed.instrument_drivers.physical_instruments.ZurichInstruments.dummy_UHFQC import dummy_UHFQC from pycqed.instrument_drivers.physical_instruments.QuTech_Duplexer import Dummy_Duplexer from pycqed.instrument_drivers.meta_instrument.qubit_objects.QuDev_transmon import QuDev_transmon from pycqed.instrument_drivers.meta_instrument.qubit_objects.Tektronix_driven_transmon import Tektronix_driven_transmon from pycqed.instrument_drivers.meta_instrument.qubit_objects.CC_transmon import CBox_v3_driven_transmon, QWG_driven_transmon from pycqed.instrument_drivers.physical_instruments.QuTech_CCL import dummy_CCL from pycqed.instrument_drivers.physical_instruments.QuTech_VSM_Module import Dummy_QuTechVSMModule from pycqed.instrument_drivers.meta_instrument.LutMans.ro_lutman import UHFQC_RO_LutMan Dummy_VSM_not_fixed = False class Test_QO(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(self): self.station = station.Station() self.CCL_qubit = ct.CCLight_Transmon('CCL_qubit') self.MW1 = vmw.VirtualMWsource('MW1') self.MW2 = vmw.VirtualMWsource('MW2') self.MW3 = vmw.VirtualMWsource('MW3') self.SH = sh.virtual_SignalHound_USB_SA124B('SH') self.UHFQC = dummy_UHFQC('UHFQC') self.CCL = dummy_CCL('CCL') # self.VSM = Dummy_Duplexer('VSM') self.VSM = Dummy_QuTechVSMModule('VSM') self.MC = measurement_control.MeasurementControl( 'MC', live_plot_enabled=False, verbose=False) self.MC.station = self.station self.station.add_component(self.MC) # Required to set it to the testing datadir test_datadir = os.path.join(pq.__path__[0], 'tests', 'test_output') self.MC.datadir(test_datadir) a_tools.datadir = self.MC.datadir() self.AWG = v8.VirtualAWG8('DummyAWG8') self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan = mwl.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan('MW_LutMan_VSM') self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.AWG( self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.channel_GI(1) self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.channel_GQ(2) self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.channel_DI(3) self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.channel_DQ(4) self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.mw_modulation(100e6) self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.sampling_rate(2.4e9) self.ro_lutman = UHFQC_RO_LutMan( 'RO_lutman', num_res=5, feedline_number=0) self.ro_lutman.AWG( # Assign instruments self.CCL_qubit.instr_LutMan_MW( self.CCL_qubit.instr_LO_ro( self.CCL_qubit.instr_LO_mw( self.CCL_qubit.instr_spec_source( self.CCL_qubit.instr_acquisition( self.CCL_qubit.instr_VSM( self.CCL_qubit.instr_CC( self.CCL_qubit.instr_LutMan_RO( self.CCL_qubit.instr_MC( self.CCL_qubit.instr_SH( config_fn = os.path.join( pq.__path__[0], 'tests', 'openql', 'test_cfg_CCL.json') self.CCL_qubit.cfg_openql_platform_fn(config_fn) # Setting some "random" initial parameters self.CCL_qubit.ro_freq(5.43e9) self.CCL_qubit.ro_freq_mod(200e6) self.CCL_qubit.freq_qubit(4.56e9) self.CCL_qubit.freq_max(4.62e9) self.CCL_qubit.mw_freq_mod(-100e6) self.CCL_qubit.mw_awg_ch(1) self.CCL_qubit.cfg_qubit_nr(0) self.CCL_qubit.mw_vsm_delay(15) self.CCL_qubit.mw_mixer_offs_GI(.1) self.CCL_qubit.mw_mixer_offs_GQ(.2) self.CCL_qubit.mw_mixer_offs_DI(.3) self.CCL_qubit.mw_mixer_offs_DQ(.4) def test_instantiate_QuDevTransmon(self): QDT = QuDev_transmon('QuDev_transmon', MC=None, heterodyne_instr=None, cw_source=None) QDT.close() def test_instantiate_TekTransmon(self): TT = Tektronix_driven_transmon('TT') TT.close() def test_instantiate_CBoxv3_transmon(self): CT = CBox_v3_driven_transmon('CT') CT.close() def test_instantiate_QWG_transmon(self): QT = QWG_driven_transmon('QT') QT.close() ############################################## # calculate methods ############################################## def test_calc_freq(self): self.CCL_qubit.cfg_qubit_freq_calc_method('latest') self.CCL_qubit.calculate_frequency() self.CCL_qubit.cfg_qubit_freq_calc_method('flux') self.CCL_qubit.calculate_frequency() ############################################## # basic prepare methods ############################################## def test_prep_for_continuous_wave(self): self.CCL_qubit.ro_acq_weight_type('optimal') with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: self.CCL_qubit.prepare_for_continuous_wave() self.assertEqual(str(w[0].message), 'Changing ro_acq_weight_type to SSB.') self.CCL_qubit.ro_acq_weight_type('SSB') self.CCL_qubit.prepare_for_continuous_wave() @unittest.skipIf(True, 'Test for use with an old duplexer.') def test_prep_cw_config_vsm(self): self.CCL_qubit.spec_vsm_ch_in(2) self.CCL_qubit.spec_vsm_ch_out(1) self.CCL_qubit.spec_vsm_amp(0.5) self.CCL_qubit.prepare_for_continuous_wave() self.assertEqual(self.VSM.in1_out1_switch(), 'OFF') self.assertEqual(self.VSM.in1_out2_switch(), 'OFF') self.assertEqual(self.VSM.in2_out1_switch(), 'EXT') self.assertEqual(self.VSM.in2_out2_switch(), 'OFF') self.assertEqual(self.VSM.in2_out1_amp(), 0.5) def test_prep_for_fluxing(self): self.CCL_qubit.prepare_for_fluxing() @unittest.skip('Not Implemented') def test_prep_flux_bias(self): raise NotImplementedError() ############################################## # Testing prepare for readout ############################################## def test_prep_readout(self): self.CCL_qubit.prepare_readout() def test_prep_ro_instantiate_detectors(self): self.MC.soft_avg(1) self.CCL_qubit.ro_soft_avg(4) detector_attributes = [ 'int_avg_det', 'int_log_det', 'int_avg_det_single', 'input_average_detector'] for det_attr in detector_attributes: if hasattr(self.CCL_qubit, det_attr): delattr(self.CCL_qubit, det_attr) # Test there are no detectors to start with for det_attr in detector_attributes: self.assertFalse(hasattr(self.CCL_qubit, det_attr)) self.CCL_qubit.prepare_readout() # Test that the detectors have been instantiated for det_attr in detector_attributes: self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.CCL_qubit, det_attr)) self.assertEqual(self.MC.soft_avg(), 4) def test_prep_ro_MW_sources(self): LO = self.CCL_qubit.instr_LO_ro.get_instr() LO.frequency(4e9) LO.power(10) self.assertEqual(LO.status(), 'off') self.assertEqual(LO.frequency(), 4e9) self.CCL_qubit.mw_pow_td_source(20) self.CCL_qubit.ro_freq(5.43e9) self.CCL_qubit.ro_freq_mod(200e6) self.CCL_qubit.prepare_readout() self.assertEqual(LO.status(), 'on') self.assertEqual(LO.frequency(), 5.43e9-200e6) self.assertEqual(LO.power(), 20) def test_prep_ro_pulses(self): self.CCL_qubit.ro_pulse_mixer_alpha(1.1) self.CCL_qubit.ro_pulse_mixer_phi(4) self.CCL_qubit.ro_pulse_length(312e-9) self.CCL_qubit.ro_pulse_down_amp0(.1) self.CCL_qubit.ro_pulse_down_length0(23e-9) self.CCL_qubit.ro_pulse_mixer_offs_I(.01) self.CCL_qubit.ro_pulse_mixer_offs_Q(.02) self.CCL_qubit.prepare_readout() self.assertEqual(self.ro_lutman.mixer_phi(), 4) self.assertEqual(self.ro_lutman.mixer_alpha(), 1.1) self.assertEqual(self.ro_lutman.M_length_R0(), 312e-9) self.assertEqual(self.ro_lutman.M_down_length0_R0(), 23e-9) self.assertEqual(self.ro_lutman.M_down_amp0_R0(), .1) self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.sigouts_0_offset(), .01) self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.sigouts_1_offset(), .02) def test_prep_ro_integration_weigths(self): IF = 50e6 self.CCL_qubit.ro_freq_mod(IF) self.CCL_qubit.ro_acq_weight_chI(3) self.CCL_qubit.ro_acq_weight_chQ(4) # Testing SSB trace_length = 4096 self.CCL_qubit.ro_acq_weight_type('SSB') self.CCL_qubit.prepare_readout() tbase = np.arange(0, trace_length/1.8e9, 1/1.8e9) cosI = np.array(np.cos(2*np.pi*IF*tbase)) self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.quex_rot_3_real(), 1) self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.quex_rot_3_imag(), 1) self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.quex_rot_4_real(), 1) self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.quex_rot_4_imag(), -1) uploaded_wf = self.UHFQC.quex_wint_weights_3_real() np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(cosI, uploaded_wf) # Testing DSB case self.CCL_qubit.ro_acq_weight_type('DSB') self.CCL_qubit.prepare_readout() self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.quex_rot_3_real(), 2) self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.quex_rot_3_imag(), 0) self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.quex_rot_4_real(), 2) self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.quex_rot_4_imag(), 0) # Testing Optimal weight uploading test_I = np.ones(10) test_Q = 0.5*test_I self.CCL_qubit.ro_acq_weight_func_I(test_I) self.CCL_qubit.ro_acq_weight_func_Q(test_Q) self.CCL_qubit.ro_acq_weight_type('optimal') self.CCL_qubit.prepare_readout() self.UHFQC.quex_rot_4_real(.21) self.UHFQC.quex_rot_4_imag(.108) upl_I = self.UHFQC.quex_wint_weights_3_real() upl_Q = self.UHFQC.quex_wint_weights_3_imag() np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test_I, upl_I) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test_Q, upl_Q) self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.quex_rot_3_real(), 1) self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.quex_rot_3_imag(), -1) # These should not have been touched by optimal weights self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.quex_rot_4_real(), .21) self.assertEqual(self.UHFQC.quex_rot_4_imag(), .108) self.CCL_qubit.ro_acq_weight_type('SSB') ######################################################## # Test prepare for timedomain # ######################################################## def test_prep_for_timedomain(self): self.CCL_qubit.prepare_for_timedomain() def test_prep_td_sources(self): self.CCL_qubit.freq_qubit(4.56e9) self.CCL_qubit.mw_freq_mod(-100e6) self.CCL_qubit.mw_pow_td_source(13) self.CCL_qubit.prepare_for_timedomain() self.assertEqual(self.MW1.status(), 'on') self.assertEqual(self.MW2.status(), 'on') self.assertEqual(self.MW2.frequency(), 4.56e9 + 100e6) self.assertEqual(self.MW2.power(), 13) def test_prep_td_pulses(self): self.CCL_qubit.mw_awg_ch(5) self.CCL_qubit.mw_G_mixer_alpha(1.02) self.CCL_qubit.mw_D_mixer_phi(8) self.CCL_qubit.mw_mixer_offs_GI(.1) self.CCL_qubit.mw_mixer_offs_GQ(.2) self.CCL_qubit.mw_mixer_offs_DI(.3) self.CCL_qubit.mw_mixer_offs_DQ(.4) self.CCL_qubit.mw_ef_amp(.34) self.CCL_qubit.mw_freq_mod(-100e6) self.CCL_qubit.anharmonicity(-235e6) self.CCL_qubit.prepare_for_timedomain() self.assertEqual(self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.channel_GI(), 5) self.assertEqual(self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.channel_GQ(), 6) self.assertEqual(self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.channel_DI(), 7) self.assertEqual(self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.channel_DQ(), 8) self.assertEqual(self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.G_mixer_alpha(), 1.02) self.assertEqual(self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.D_mixer_phi(), 8) self.assertEqual(self.CCL.vsm_channel_delay0(), self.CCL_qubit.mw_vsm_delay()) self.assertEqual(self.AWG.sigouts_4_offset(), .1) self.assertEqual(self.AWG.sigouts_5_offset(), .2) self.assertEqual(self.AWG.sigouts_6_offset(), .3) self.assertEqual(self.AWG.sigouts_7_offset(), .4) self.assertEqual(self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.mw_ef_amp180(), .34) self.assertEqual(self.AWG8_VSM_MW_LutMan.mw_ef_modulation(), -335e6) def test_prep_td_config_vsm(self): self.CCL_qubit.mw_vsm_G_amp(0.8) self.CCL_qubit.mw_vsm_D_phase(0) self.CCL_qubit.mw_vsm_ch_in(2) self.CCL_qubit.mw_vsm_mod_out(5) self.CCL_qubit.prepare_for_timedomain() self.assertEqual(self.VSM.mod5_ch2_gaussian_amp(), 0.8) self.assertEqual(self.VSM.mod5_ch2_derivative_phase(), 0) ################################################### # Test basic experiments # ################################################### def test_cal_mixer_offsets_drive(self): self.CCL_qubit.calibrate_mixer_offsets_drive() def test_resonator_spec(self): self.CCL_qubit.ro_acq_weight_type('SSB') # set to not set to bypass validator self.CCL_qubit.freq_res._save_val(None) try: self.CCL_qubit.find_resonator_frequency() except ValueError: pass # Fit can fail because testing against random data self.CCL_qubit.freq_res(5.4e9) try: self.CCL_qubit.find_resonator_frequency() except ValueError: pass # Fit can fail because testing against random data freqs = np.linspace(6e9, 6.5e9, 31) self.CCL_qubit.measure_heterodyne_spectroscopy(freqs=freqs, analyze=False) def test_resonator_power(self): self.CCL_qubit.ro_acq_weight_type('SSB') freqs = np.linspace(6e9, 6.5e9, 31) powers = np.arange(-30, -10, 5) # set to not set to bypass validator self.CCL_qubit.freq_res._save_val(None) self.CCL_qubit.measure_resonator_power(freqs=freqs, powers=powers) def test_measure_transients(self): self.CCL_qubit.ro_acq_input_average_length(2e-6) self.CCL_qubit.measure_transients() def test_qubit_spec(self): freqs = np.linspace(6e9, 6.5e9, 31) # Data cannot be analyzed as dummy data is just random numbers self.CCL_qubit.measure_spectroscopy(freqs=freqs, analyze=False) def test_find_qubit_freq(self): self.CCL_qubit.cfg_qubit_freq_calc_method('latest') try: self.CCL_qubit.find_frequency() except TypeError: # Because the test runs against dummy data, the analysis # can fail on a failing fit which raises a type error when # creating the custom text string. This test now only tests # if the find_frequency method runs until the expected part. # This should be fixed by making the analysis robust. pass self.CCL_qubit.cfg_qubit_freq_calc_method('flux') try: self.CCL_qubit.find_frequency() except TypeError: pass def test_AllXY(self): self.CCL_qubit.measure_allxy() def test_T1(self): self.CCL_qubit.measure_T1( times=np.arange(0, 1e-6, 20e-9), update=False, analyze=False) self.CCL_qubit.T1(20e-6) self.CCL_qubit.measure_T1(update=False, analyze=False) def test_Ramsey(self): self.CCL_qubit.mw_freq_mod(100e6) # Cannot analyze dummy data as analysis will fail on fit self.CCL_qubit.measure_ramsey(times=np.arange(0, 1e-6, 20e-9), update=False, analyze=False) self.CCL_qubit.T2_star(20e-6) self.CCL_qubit.measure_ramsey(update=False, analyze=False) def test_echo(self): self.CCL_qubit.mw_freq_mod(100e6) # self.CCL_qubit.measure_echo(times=np.arange(0,2e-6,40e-9)) time.sleep(1) self.CCL_qubit.T2_echo(40e-6) self.CCL_qubit.measure_echo(analyze=False, update=False) time.sleep(1) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): invalid_times = [0.1e-9, 0.2e-9, 0.3e-9, 0.4e-9] self.CCL_qubit.measure_echo(times=invalid_times) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.CCL_qubit.mw_freq_mod(.1e6) invalid_times = np.arange(0, 2e-6, 60e-9) self.CCL_qubit.measure_echo(times=invalid_times) self.CCL_qubit.mw_freq_mod(100e6) @classmethod def tearDownClass(self): for inststr in list(self.CCL_qubit._all_instruments): try: inst = self.CCL_qubit.find_instrument(inststr) inst.close() except KeyError: pass
<filename>Python/<gh_stars>0 def execucoes(): return int(input()) def entrada(): return input() def imprimir(v): print(v) def dividir(s): return (int(len(s)/2) -1) def processar(e, s): return (s[e::-1] + s[len(s)-1:e:-1]) def decifrar(n, e): n -= 1 imprimir(processar(dividir(e), e)) if (n > 0): decifrar(n, entrada()) decifrar(execucoes(), entrada())
<filename>silver/migrations/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ("silver", "0033_auto_20170203_1540"), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name="Document", name="transaction_currency", field=models.CharField(max_length=4), ), ]
"""Evaluation of the model.""" import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import os import logging import sys import imp import include.tensorvision.utils as utils logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG, stream=sys.stdout) FLAGS ='eval_data', 'test', """Either 'test' or 'train_eval'.""") # TODO: Iterate over all possible Values # Write Values to Tensorboard def evaluate(train_dir): """ Load the model and run evaluation. Current Version runs the evaluation defined in network.evaluation and prints the output to std out. Parameters ---------- train_dir : str Path to a directory which includes a folder model_files. This folder has to include a, and a """ target_dir = os.path.join(train_dir, "model_files") params = imp.load_source("params", os.path.join(target_dir, "")) data_input = imp.load_source("input", os.path.join(target_dir, "")) network = imp.load_source("network", os.path.join(target_dir, "")) with tf.Graph().as_default(): # Retrieve images and labels eval_data = FLAGS.eval_data == 'test' images, labels = data_input.inputs(eval_data=eval_data, data_dir=utils.cfg.data_dir, batch_size=params.batch_size) # Generate placeholders for the images and labels. keep_prob = utils.placeholder_inputs(params.batch_size) # Build a Graph that computes predictions from the inference model. logits = network.inference(images, keep_prob) # Add to the Graph the Ops for loss calculation. loss = network.loss(logits, labels) # Calculate predictions. top_k_op = tf.nn.in_top_k(logits, labels, 1) # Add the Op to compare the logits to the labels during evaluation. eval_correct = network.evaluation(logits, labels) # Build the summary operation based on the TF collection of Summaries. summary_op = tf.merge_all_summaries() # Create a saver for writing training checkpoints. saver = tf.train.Saver() # Create a session for running Ops on the Graph. sess = tf.Session() # Run the Op to initialize the variables. init = tf.initialize_all_variables() # Start the queue runners. tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess) ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(train_dir) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) else: print("No checkpoints found! ") exit(1) print("Doing Evaluation with lots of data") utils.do_eval(sess=sess, eval_correct=eval_correct, keep_prob=keep_prob, num_examples=params.num_examples_per_epoch_for_eval, params=params, name="eval") def main(_): """Orchestrate the evaluation of a model in the default training dir.""" train_dir = utils.get_train_dir() evaluate(train_dir) if __name__ == '__main__':
# # # # (c) 2020 by <NAME> # License: BSD 3-Clause License. See the LICENSE file for further details. # # ResourceType: mgmtObj:DeviceInfo # from .MgmtObj import * from Constants import Constants as C from Validator import constructPolicy import Utils # Attribute policies for this resource are constructed during startup of the CSE attributePolicies = constructPolicy([ 'ty', 'ri', 'rn', 'pi', 'acpi', 'ct', 'lt', 'et', 'lbl', 'at', 'aa', 'daci', 'mgd', 'obis', 'obps', 'dc', 'mgs', 'cmlk', 'dlb', 'man', 'mfdl', 'mfd', 'mod', 'smod', 'dty', 'dvnm', 'fwv', 'swv', 'hwv', 'osv', 'cnty', 'loc', 'syst', 'spur', 'purl', 'ptl' ]) defaultDeviceType = 'unknown' defaultModel = "unknown" defaultManufacturer = "unknown" defaultDeviceLabel = "unknown serial id" class DVI(MgmtObj): def __init__(self, jsn: dict = None, pi: str = None, create: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(jsn, pi, C.tsDVI, C.mgdDVI, create=create, attributePolicies=attributePolicies) if self.json is not None: self.setAttribute('dty', defaultDeviceType, overwrite=False) self.setAttribute('mod', defaultModel, overwrite=False) self.setAttribute('man', defaultManufacturer, overwrite=False) self.setAttribute('dlb', defaultDeviceLabel, overwrite=False)
<reponame>Joe310/GenomeBuilder """ Created on June 20, 2014 @author: <NAME> """ import time import mmap import random import sys import re import argparse import pickle import shutil import unittest import os from heapq import merge class chromosome_builder(): def __init__(self, args=None): if not args: args = self.parse_system_args() self._genome_id = self._chromosome_id = args.chr_id self._chromosome_size = args.chr_size if args.scale == 'k': self._chromosome_size *= 1000 elif args.scale == 'm': self._chromosome_size *= 1000000 elif args.scale == 'b': self._chromosome_size *= 1000000000 if args.alu == 'y': self._use_alu = True self._base_alu = args.base_alu else: self._use_alu = False if args.assembly == 'y': self._use_assembly = True else: self._use_assembly = False self._allele_base_list = ["C", "T", "G", "A"] self._working_dir = "TMP_" + str(self._genome_id) + "_chr_" + str(self._chromosome_id) self._ref_genome_file = "ref_" + str(self._genome_id) + "_chr_" + str(self._chromosome_id) + ".txt" self._priv_genome_file = "private_" + str(self._genome_id) + "_chr_" + str(self._chromosome_id) + ".txt" self._reads_file = "reads_" + str(self._genome_id) + "_chr_" + str(self._chromosome_id) + ".txt" self._answer_file = "ans_" + str(self._genome_id) + "_chr_" + str(self._chromosome_id) + ".txt" self._base_alu_file = "alu_" + str(self._genome_id) + ".txt" self._overlap_buffer = 5 self._long_variant_rate = .1 self._snp_rate = 0.003 self._ref_str_rate = 0.000075 self._denovo_str_rate = 0.000025 self._str_min_copies = 5 self._str_max_copies = 50 self._str_min_length = 2 self._str_max_length = 5 self._str_mutation_amount = 2 self._ref_cnv_rate = 0.0001 self._denovo_cnv_rate = 0.00001 self._cnv_min_length = 20 self._cnv_max_length = 500 self._cnv_min_copies = 2 self._cnv_max_copies = 10 self._cnv_mutation_amount = 2 self._inv_rate = 0.00001 self._inv_short_min_length = 20 self._inv_short_max_length = 50 self._inv_long_min_length = 50 self._inv_long_max_length = 500 self._ins_rate = 0.0005 self._ins_short_min_length = 1 self._ins_short_max_length = 5 self._ins_long_min_length = 5 self._ins_long_max_length = 200 self._del_rate = 0.0005 self._del_short_min_length = 1 self._del_short_max_length = 5 self._del_long_min_length = 5 self._del_long_max_length = 200 self._alu_mutation_rate = 0.3 self._alu_min_length = 300 self._alu_max_length = 300 if self._use_alu: self._ref_alu_rate = 0.075 self._denovo_alu_rate = 0.025 else: self._ref_alu_rate = 0 self._denovo_alu_rate = 0 #reduce the max length of mutations for smaller chromosome sizes if self._chromosome_size < 500000: self._nbr_long_inv = 0 self._nbr_long_ins = 0 self._nbr_long_del = 0 self._str_max_copies = 20 #from 50 self._cnv_max_length = 50 #from 500 self._cnv_max_copies = 4 #from 10 else: self._nbr_long_inv = max(4, int(self._inv_rate * self._chromosome_size * self._long_variant_rate)) self._nbr_long_ins = max(10, int(self._ins_rate * self._chromosome_size * self._long_variant_rate)) self._nbr_long_del = max(10, int(self._ins_rate * self._chromosome_size * self._long_variant_rate)) self._nbr_snp = int(self._snp_rate * self._chromosome_size) self._nbr_denovo_str = int(self._denovo_str_rate * self._chromosome_size) self._nbr_denovo_cnv = int(self._denovo_cnv_rate * self._chromosome_size) self._nbr_ref_alu = int(self._ref_alu_rate * self._chromosome_size / self._alu_max_length) self._nbr_denovo_alu = int(self._denovo_alu_rate * self._chromosome_size / self._alu_max_length) self._nbr_ref_str = max(4, int(self._ref_str_rate * self._chromosome_size)) self._nbr_ref_cnv = max(4, int(self._ref_cnv_rate * self._chromosome_size)) self._nbr_short_inv = max(4, int(self._inv_rate * self._chromosome_size * (1 - self._long_variant_rate))) self._nbr_short_ins = max(10, int(self._ins_rate * self._chromosome_size * (1 - self._long_variant_rate))) self._nbr_short_del = max(10, int(self._ins_rate * self._chromosome_size * (1 - self._long_variant_rate))) #mutation_list is used when generating the various mutations for the genomes self._mutation_list = [] self._str_list = [] #used when mutating STRs in donor genome self._cnv_list = [] #used when mutating CNVs in donor genome self._cnv_dict = {} self._sequencer_coverage = 30 self._sequencer_error_rate = 0.01 self._sequencer_garbage_rate = 0.1 self._sequencer_read_length = 50 self._sequencer_gap_min = 90 self._sequencer_gap_max = 110 def insert_newlines(self, sequence, line_size=80): return '\n'.join(sequence[i:i+line_size] for i in range(0, len(sequence), line_size)) + '\n' def write_genome_lines_to_file(self, genome, file_object): genome = self.insert_newlines(genome, 80) file_object.write(genome) def parse_fasta(self, file_name, buffer_size=100000): """Gives buffered access to large fasta files so that the entire file doesn't need to be loaded into memory all at once. Works as a generator, yielding a block of up to buffer_size with each call. For general use, use: for sequence in parse_fasta(file_name, buffer_size) This yield sequences until the end of file or a '>' character is found, at which point it yields None Since None is yielded for '>', this can be used with multiple chromosomes separated by '>chr#' in a single file. To do so, the generator should be initialized before iterating through chromosomes, then as each chromosome is processed you can anticipate None will be yielded one time to mark the end of the current chromoeome :param file_name: the file to read in :param buffer_size: the number of characters to return for each iteration :returns: Sequences of up to size buffer_size, or None if EOF or '>' is encountered """ with open(file_name) as fasta_file: start_of_file = True buffer = "" while True: for line in fasta_file: #skip initial documentation lines if start_of_file and '>' in line: pass #each chromosome is marked by a > line, so need to catch this switch elif not start_of_file and '>' in line: if len(buffer) == 0: yield None else: #first yield the buffer, then yeild None to flag the end of the chromosome yield buffer buffer = '' yield None else: if start_of_file: start_of_file = False buffer += line.strip() if len(buffer) >= buffer_size: yield buffer[:buffer_size] buffer = buffer[buffer_size:] #clear out any remaining buffer when the file is done if len(buffer) > 0: yield buffer buffer = '' else: yield None #this version may give a slight performance boost, but need to work out the bugs before it can be used def parse_fasta_mmap(self, file_name, buffer_size=100000): with open(file_name, encoding='utf-8') as fasta: fasta_map = mmap.mmap(fasta.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) start_of_file = True buffer = "" for line in fasta_map: line = line.decode('utf-8') #skip initial documentation lines if start_of_file and '>' in line: pass #each chromosome is marked by a > line, so need to catch this switch elif not start_of_file and '>' in line: if len(buffer) == 0: yield None else: #first yield the buffer, then yeild None to flag the end of the chromosome yield buffer buffer = '' yield None else: if start_of_file: start_of_file = False buffer += line.strip() if len(buffer) >= buffer_size: yield buffer[:buffer_size] buffer = buffer[buffer_size:] #clear out any remaining buffer when the file is done yield buffer def compare_intervals(self, stt1, end1, stt2, end2, buffer_space=0): """ Compares two intervals represented by their start and end posns to check which precedes the other, or if they overlap. Adds a buffer space around each interval that increases the region in which they are considered to overlap. Returns: -1 If interval 1 (stt1 and end1) precedes interval 2, 0 if they overlap, or 1 if interval 2 precedes interval 1 """ stt1 -= buffer_space end1 += buffer_space stt2 -= buffer_space end2 += buffer_space if end1 < stt2: return -1 elif end2 < stt1: return 1 else: return 0 def find_empty_ranges(self, range_size, nbr_posns, buffer_size): """ Searches for ranges of unused posns in the genome for use when introducing new structural variants. Finds the number of posns given as a parameter and returns them as a list. """ posn_list = [] max_posn = self._chromosome_size - range_size - 1 #Will repeat until enough positions have been found while len(posn_list) < nbr_posns: raw_posn_list = [] for posn in posn_list: raw_posn_list.append(posn) posn_list = [] #1. Generate 150% needed number of random positions for i in range(int(nbr_posns)): raw_posn_list.append(random.randint(0, max_posn)) #2. Sort those positions and then check each to find whether they will overlap a preexisting #structural variant. raw_posn_list.sort() overlap_idx = 0 #first check that there is no overlap among the generated positions last_end = raw_posn_list[0] + range_size + (2 * buffer_size) tmp_posn_list = [] tmp_posn_list.append(raw_posn_list[0]) for i in range(1, len(raw_posn_list)): raw_posn = raw_posn_list[i] if raw_posn > last_end: tmp_posn_list.append(raw_posn) last_end = raw_posn + range_size + (2 * buffer_size) else: new_posn = last_end + 1 new_end = new_posn + range_size + (2 * buffer_size) if new_posn < max_posn: if i == len(raw_posn_list) - 1 or new_end < raw_posn_list[i+1]: tmp_posn_list.append(new_posn) last_end = new_end raw_posn_list = tmp_posn_list tmp_posn_list = None if len(self._mutation_list) == 0: posn_list = raw_posn_list else: #then check that the remaining positions do not overlap existing structural variants for i in range(len(raw_posn_list)): raw_posn = raw_posn_list[i] while overlap_idx < len(self._mutation_list): ovlp_stt = self._mutation_list[overlap_idx][0] ovlp_end = self._mutation_list[overlap_idx][1] compare_result = self.compare_intervals(raw_posn, raw_posn+range_size, ovlp_stt, ovlp_end, buffer_size) #no overlap if compare_result == -1: posn_list.append(raw_posn) break #attempt to shift this interval down, if that doesn't work, then #ignore this position as it overlaps a preexisting position elif compare_result == 0: if overlap_idx > 0: prev_end1 = self._mutation_list[overlap_idx-1][1] prev_end2 = raw_posn_list[i-1]+range_size prev_end = max(prev_end1, prev_end2) new_posn = prev_end + (2*buffer_size) if new_posn + range_size + (2 * buffer_size) < ovlp_stt: posn_list.append(new_posn) break #no overlap was found, move to the next position in the mutation list to check for overlap elif compare_result == 1: if overlap_idx < len(self._mutation_list) - 1: overlap_idx += 1 else: posn_list.append(raw_posn) break #3. If there are too many positions, then randomly removes some to reduce list to proper size while len(posn_list) > nbr_posns: del posn_list[random.randint(0, len(posn_list)-1)] return posn_list def random_sequence(self, seq_len): return "".join(random.choice(self._allele_base_list) for i in range(seq_len)) def delete_block(self, sequence, index, size): """deletes a block of items from a given sequence :param sequence: sequence from which to delete items :param index: the first position to delete :param size: the total number of positions to delete, may extend beyond the end of the sequence :returns: modified sequence with block deleted """ if index < 0 and index + size > -1: return sequence[:index] else: return sequence[:index] + sequence[index + size:] def insert_block(self, sequence, index, new_block): """inserts a block of items into a given sequence :param sequence: sequence into which to insert items :param index: the position before which to begin the insertion, to append to end use index = len(sequence) :param new_block: the items to be inserted :returns: modified sequence with block inserted """ return sequence[:index] + new_block + sequence[index:] def overwrite_block(self, sequence, index, new_block): """overwrites a block of items in a given sequence :param sequence: sequence in which to overwrite items :param index: the position at which to begin overwriting, to append to end use index = len(sequence) :param new_block: the items which will be written, may extend beyond end of original sequence :returns: modified sequence with block overwritten """ if (index < 0 and index + len(new_block) > -1) or (index + len(new_block) > len(sequence) - 1): return sequence[:index] + new_block else: return sequence[:index] + new_block + sequence[index + len(new_block):] def invert_block(self, sequence, index, size): """inverts a block of items in a given sequence :param sequence: sequence in which to invert items :param index: the position at which to begin inversion :param size: the number of items which will be inverted :returns: modified sequence with block overwritten, the original block, and the inverted block """ if index < 0: stt_idx = len(sequence) + index else: stt_idx = index end_idx = min(stt_idx + size, len(sequence)) original_block = sequence[stt_idx:end_idx] inverted_block = original_block[::-1] sequence_with_inversion = self.overwrite_block(sequence, stt_idx, inverted_block) return sequence_with_inversion, original_block, inverted_block def generate_snp_allele(self, orig_allele): allele_list = ["A", "C", "G", "T"] allele_list.remove(orig_allele) return random.choice(allele_list) def generate_str_base(self, seq_len): str_seq = '' while len(str_seq) == 0: str_seq = self.random_sequence(seq_len) invalid = True #ensure the sequence is not all the same allele for idx in range(1, len(str_seq)): if str_seq[idx - 1] != str_seq[idx]: invalid = False #if the first half of the sequence matches the second half, then consider it invalid if not invalid and str_seq[:int(len(str_seq)/2)] == str_seq[int(len(str_seq)/2):]: invalid = True #if the sequence was invalid, then clear it out and try again if invalid: str_seq = '' return str_seq def generate_alu_sequence(self, length): if not self._base_alu or len(self._base_alu) == 0: raise Exception("No base Alu defined") new_alu = self._base_alu len_diff = abs(length - len(new_alu)) for i in range(length - len(new_alu)): new_alu = self.insert_block(new_alu, random.randint(0, len(new_alu)-1), random.choice(self._allele_base_list)) for i in range(len(new_alu) - length): new_alu = self.delete_block(new_alu, random.randint(0, len(new_alu)-1), 1) for k in range(int(len(new_alu)*self._alu_mutation_rate)-len_diff): alu_posn = random.randint(0, len(new_alu)-1) snp = self.generate_snp_allele(new_alu[alu_posn]) new_alu = self.overwrite_block(new_alu, alu_posn, snp) return new_alu def ranged_length_list(self, min_len, max_len, nbr_items): """generates a list of lengths that vary in size between min_len and max_len :param min_len: smallest value to return :param max_len: largest value to return, at least 2 items will have this value, must be >= min_len :param nbr_items: the number of items which will be returned, must be > 0 :returns: a list of lengths with nbr_items items that vary from min_len to max_len """ if nbr_items < 1: raise Exception("Minimum length for the list is 1") if max_len < min_len: raise Exception("max_len must be greater than or equal to min_len") length_list = [] if nbr_items > 1: max_items = max(2, int(nbr_items/10)) else: max_items = 1 for i in range(max_items): length_list.append(max_len) if nbr_items > 2: below_max = nbr_items - max_items length_range = max_len - min_len for i in range(below_max): adj_value = random.randint(0, i) / below_max length_list.append(int(min_len + (length_range * adj_value))) return length_list def mutate_str(self): temp_mut_list = [] for j in range(len(self._str_list)): mutation_amount = random.randint(-self._str_mutation_amount, self._str_mutation_amount) orig_str = self._str_list[j][1] * self._str_list[j][2] new_str = self._str_list[j][1] * (self._str_list[j][2] + mutation_amount) str_stt = self._str_list[j][0] str_end = self._str_list[j][0] + len(orig_str) #self._mutation_list.append([str_stt, str_end, 'MUT_STR', new_str]) #self._mutation_list.sort() temp_mut_list.append([str_stt, str_end, 'MUT_STR', new_str]) temp_mut_list.sort() self._mutation_list = list(merge(self._mutation_list, temp_mut_list)) def mutate_cnv(self): new_posn_list = self.find_empty_ranges(self._cnv_max_length, self._nbr_ref_cnv * self._cnv_mutation_amount, self._overlap_buffer) temp_mut_list = [] for i in range(self._nbr_ref_cnv): cnv_id = self._cnv_list[i][0] cnv_len = self._cnv_list[i][1] cnv_posn_list = self._cnv_list[i][2] mutation_amount = random.randint(-self._cnv_mutation_amount, self._cnv_mutation_amount) if mutation_amount > 0: for i in range(mutation_amount): cnv_posn = new_posn_list.pop(random.randint(0, len(new_posn_list)-1)) cnv_posn_list.append(cnv_posn) cnv_posn_list.sort() if mutation_amount < 0: for j in range(mutation_amount): next_posn = cnv_posn_list.pop(random.randint(0, len(cnv_posn_list)-1)) cnv_stt = next_posn cnv_end = next_posn + cnv_len self._mutation_list.append([cnv_stt, cnv_end, 'DEL_CNV', cnv_id]) for cnv_posn in cnv_posn_list: #self._mutation_list.append([cnv_posn, cnv_posn + cnv_len, "DONOR_CNV", cnv_id]) #self._mutation_list.sort() temp_mut_list.append([cnv_posn, cnv_posn + cnv_len, "DONOR_CNV", cnv_id]) temp_mut_list.sort() self._mutation_list = list(merge(self._mutation_list, temp_mut_list)) def allocate_cnv(self, nbr_cnv, variant_tag): if nbr_cnv < 1: return cnv_length_list = self.ranged_length_list(self._cnv_min_length, self._cnv_max_length, nbr_cnv) cnv_posn_list = self.find_empty_ranges(self._cnv_max_length, nbr_cnv * self._cnv_max_copies, self._overlap_buffer) temp_mut_list = [] for i in range(nbr_cnv): posn_list = [] seq_len = cnv_length_list[i] nbr_copies = random.randint(self._cnv_min_copies, self._cnv_max_copies) if 'REF' in variant_tag: cnv_id = i else: cnv_id = i + self._nbr_ref_cnv for j in range(nbr_copies): cnv_posn = cnv_posn_list.pop(random.randint(0, len(cnv_posn_list)-1)) posn_list.append(cnv_posn) #self._mutation_list.append([cnv_posn, cnv_posn+seq_len, variant_tag, cnv_id]) temp_mut_list.append([cnv_posn, cnv_posn+seq_len, variant_tag, cnv_id]) self._cnv_list.append([cnv_id, seq_len, posn_list]) #self._mutation_list.sort() temp_mut_list.sort() self._mutation_list = list(merge(self._mutation_list, temp_mut_list)) def allocate_alu(self, nbr_alu, variant_tag): if nbr_alu < 1: return alu_length_list = self.ranged_length_list(self._alu_min_length, self._alu_max_length, nbr_alu) alu_posn_list = self.find_empty_ranges(self._alu_max_length, nbr_alu, self._overlap_buffer) temp_mut_list = [] for j in range(nbr_alu): alu_stt = alu_posn_list[j] alu_len = alu_length_list.pop(random.randint(0, len(alu_length_list)-1)) #donor alus are inserted into the genome, so their end_posn in reference to ref genome is their start if variant_tag == 'DONOR_ALU': alu_end = alu_stt else: alu_end = alu_posn_list[j] + alu_len #self._mutation_list.append([alu_stt, alu_end, variant_tag, alu_len]) #self._mutation_list.sort() temp_mut_list.append([alu_stt, alu_end, variant_tag, alu_len]) temp_mut_list.sort() self._mutation_list = list(merge(self._mutation_list, temp_mut_list)) def allocate_str(self, nbr_str, variant_tag): if nbr_str < 1: return str_posn_list = self.find_empty_ranges(self._str_max_copies * self._str_max_length, nbr_str, self._overlap_buffer) temp_mut_list = [] for i in range(nbr_str): seq_len = random.randint(self._str_min_length, self._str_max_length) nbr_copies = random.randint(self._str_min_copies, self._str_max_copies) str_seq = self.generate_str_base(seq_len) str_posn = str_posn_list.pop(random.randint(0, len(str_posn_list)-1)) #self._mutation_list.append([str_posn, str_posn + (seq_len*nbr_copies), variant_tag, str_seq, nbr_copies]) self._str_list.append([str_posn, str_seq, nbr_copies]) #self._mutation_list.sort() temp_mut_list.append([str_posn, str_posn + (seq_len*nbr_copies), variant_tag, str_seq, nbr_copies]) temp_mut_list.sort() self._mutation_list = list(merge(self._mutation_list, temp_mut_list)) def allocate_inversions(self, nbr_inv, min_len, max_len): if nbr_inv < 1: return inv_length_list = self.ranged_length_list(min_len, max_len, nbr_inv) inv_posn_list = self.find_empty_ranges(max_len, nbr_inv, self._overlap_buffer) temp_mut_list = [] for i in range(nbr_inv): inv_stt = inv_posn_list[i] inv_len = inv_length_list.pop(random.randint(0, len(inv_length_list)-1)) inv_end = inv_stt + inv_len #self._mutation_list.append([inv_stt, inv_end, 'INV', inv_len]) #self._mutation_list.sort() temp_mut_list.append([inv_stt, inv_end, 'INV', inv_len]) temp_mut_list.sort() self._mutation_list = list(merge(self._mutation_list, temp_mut_list)) def allocate_insertions(self, nbr_ins, min_len, max_len): if nbr_ins < 1: return ins_length_list = self.ranged_length_list(min_len, max_len, nbr_ins) ins_posn_list = self.find_empty_ranges(max_len, nbr_ins, self._overlap_buffer) temp_mut_list = [] for i in range(nbr_ins): ins_stt = ins_posn_list[i] ins_len = ins_length_list.pop(random.randint(0, len(ins_length_list)-1)) ins_end = ins_stt #self._mutation_list.append([ins_stt, ins_end, 'INS', ins_len]) #self._mutation_list.sort() temp_mut_list.append([ins_stt, ins_end, 'INS', ins_len]) temp_mut_list.sort() self._mutation_list = list(merge(self._mutation_list, temp_mut_list)) def allocate_deletions(self, nbr_del, min_len, max_len): if nbr_del < 1: return del_length_list = self.ranged_length_list(min_len, max_len, nbr_del) del_posn_list = self.find_empty_ranges(max_len, nbr_del, self._overlap_buffer) temp_mut_list = [] for i in range(nbr_del): del_stt = del_posn_list[i] del_len = del_length_list.pop(random.randint(0, len(del_length_list)-1)) del_end = del_stt + del_len #self._mutation_list.append([del_stt, del_end, 'DEL', del_len]) #self._mutation_list.sort() temp_mut_list.append([del_stt, del_end, 'DEL', del_len]) temp_mut_list.sort() self._mutation_list = list(merge(self._mutation_list, temp_mut_list)) def allocate_snps(self): if self._nbr_snp < 1: return snp_posn_list = self.find_empty_ranges(1, self._nbr_snp, 0) temp_mut_list = [] for i in range(self._nbr_snp): snp_stt = snp_posn_list[i] snp_end = snp_stt + 1 temp_mut_list.append([snp_stt, snp_end, 'SNP', 1]) #self._mutation_list.append([snp_stt, snp_end, 'SNP', 1]) temp_mut_list.sort() self._mutation_list = list(merge(self._mutation_list, temp_mut_list)) #self._mutation_list.sort() def generate_ref_genome(self): """ Generates a random reference genome with the specified number of chromosomes, each of length length_chromosome """ if self._use_alu: if not self._base_alu or len(self._base_alu) == 0: raise Exception("No base Alu defined") if not os.path.exists(self._base_alu_file): with open(self._base_alu_file, "w") as alu_file: alu_file.write(">" + str(self._genome_id) + "\n") self.write_genome_lines_to_file(self._base_alu, alu_file) with open(self._ref_genome_file, "w") as ref_file: if not os.path.exists(self._working_dir): os.makedirs(self._working_dir) ref_file.write(">" + str(self._genome_id)) ref_file.write("\n>chr" + str(self._chromosome_id) + "\n") self._mutation_list = [] if self._use_alu: print('REF GENOME: Allocating ' + str(self._nbr_ref_alu) + ' Alus') self.allocate_alu(self._nbr_ref_alu, "REF_ALU") print('REF GENOME: Allocating ' + str(self._nbr_ref_cnv) + ' CNVs') self.allocate_cnv(self._nbr_ref_cnv, "REF_CNV") print('REF GENOME: Allocating ' + str(self._nbr_ref_str) + ' STRs') self.allocate_str(self._nbr_ref_str, "REF_STR") buffer_adj = 0 buffer = '' mut_idx = 0 mut_max_idx = len(self._mutation_list) - 1 buffer_size = 80 count = 0 if len(self._mutation_list) == 0: mut_idx = -1 while count < self._chromosome_size: if len(buffer) > buffer_size or mut_idx == -1: if mut_idx == -1: skip_distance = self._chromosome_size - count buffer += self.random_sequence(skip_distance) count += skip_distance buffer_size = len(buffer) self.write_genome_lines_to_file(buffer, ref_file) else: self.write_genome_lines_to_file(buffer[:buffer_size], ref_file) buffer = buffer[buffer_size:] buffer_adj += buffer_size elif len(self._mutation_list) > 0 and count < self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0]: skip_distance = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0] - count buffer += self.random_sequence(skip_distance) count += skip_distance elif mut_idx != -1: mut_type = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][2] if mut_type == 'REF_STR': str_seq = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][3] nbr_copies = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][4] str_seq = str_seq * nbr_copies #pads either side of str with non matching allele to remove ambiguity if buffer[-1] == str_seq[-1]: buffer = buffer[:-1] + self.generate_snp_allele(buffer[-1]) right_padding = self.generate_snp_allele(str_seq[0]) buffer += str_seq + right_padding count += len(str_seq) + 1 elif mut_type == 'REF_CNV': cnv_stt = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0] cnv_end = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][1] cnv_len = cnv_end - cnv_stt cnv_id = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][3] if cnv_id in self._cnv_dict: cnv_seq = self._cnv_dict[cnv_id] else: cnv_seq = self.random_sequence(cnv_len) self._cnv_dict[cnv_id] = cnv_seq buffer += cnv_seq count += cnv_len elif mut_type == 'REF_ALU': alu_len = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][3] alu_seq = self.generate_alu_sequence(alu_len) buffer += alu_seq count += alu_len if mut_idx < mut_max_idx: mut_idx += 1 else: mut_idx = -1 #flags when all mutations have been seen def generate_donor_genome(self): with open(self._priv_genome_file, "w") as donor_genome_file: donor_genome_file.write(">" + str(self._genome_id) + "\n") donor_genome_file.write(">chr" + str(self._chromosome_id) + "\n") buffer_size = 100000 fasta_parser = self.parse_fasta(self._ref_genome_file, buffer_size=buffer_size) #plan out all mutation ranges in reference to the ref genome, storing them in the mutation_list print('DONOR GENOME: Mutating existing STRs') self.mutate_str() print('DONOR GENOME: Mutating existing CNVs') self.mutate_cnv() if self._use_alu: print('DONOR GENOME: Allocating ' + str(self._nbr_denovo_alu) + ' Alus') self.allocate_alu(self._nbr_denovo_alu, "DONOR_ALU") print('DONOR GENOME: Allocating ' + str(self._nbr_denovo_cnv) + ' CNVs') self.allocate_cnv(self._nbr_denovo_cnv, "DONOR_CNV") print('DONOR GENOME: Allocating ' + str(self._nbr_denovo_str) + ' STRs') self.allocate_str(self._nbr_denovo_str, "DONOR_STR") print('DONOR GENOME: Allocating ' + str(self._nbr_long_inv) + ' long inversions') self.allocate_inversions(self._nbr_long_inv, self._inv_long_min_length, self._inv_long_max_length) print('DONOR GENOME: Allocating ' + str(self._nbr_long_ins) + ' long insertions') self.allocate_insertions(self._nbr_long_ins, self._ins_long_min_length, self._ins_long_max_length) print('DONOR GENOME: Allocating ' + str(self._nbr_long_del) + ' long deletions') self.allocate_deletions(self._nbr_long_del, self._del_long_min_length, self._del_long_max_length) print('DONOR GENOME: Allocating ' + str(self._nbr_short_inv) + ' short inversions') self.allocate_inversions(self._nbr_short_inv, self._inv_short_min_length, self._inv_short_max_length) print('DONOR GENOME: Allocating ' + str(self._nbr_short_ins) + ' short insertions') self.allocate_insertions(self._nbr_short_ins, self._ins_short_min_length, self._ins_short_max_length) print('DONOR GENOME: Allocating ' + str(self._nbr_short_del) + ' short deletions') self.allocate_deletions(self._nbr_short_del, self._del_short_min_length, self._del_short_max_length) print('DONOR GENOME: Allocating ' + str(self._nbr_snp) + ' SNPs') self.allocate_snps() variant_types = ['STR','CNV','ALU','INV','INS','DEL','SNP'] answer_files = {} for variant in variant_types: answer_files[variant] = open(os.path.join(self._working_dir, variant + '_ANS_FILE'), 'w') #read in the reference genome, writing out the donor genome out to file using #the mutations from the mutation list with open(self._priv_genome_file, "a") as donor_genome_file: ref_genome_idx = 0 buffer_adjust = 0 donor_genome = '' ref_genome = '' if len(self._mutation_list) > 0: mut_idx = 0 else: mut_idx = -1 mut_max_idx = len(self._mutation_list) - 1 while ref_genome_idx + buffer_adjust < self._chromosome_size: ref_genome = ref_genome[ref_genome_idx:] buffer_adjust += ref_genome_idx ref_genome_idx = 0 next_segment = next(fasta_parser) if next_segment: ref_genome += next_segment if mut_idx == -1: donor_genome += ref_genome[ref_genome_idx:] ref_genome_idx += len(ref_genome) - ref_genome_idx elif ref_genome_idx + buffer_adjust != self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0]: donor_genome += ref_genome[ref_genome_idx:self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0] - buffer_adjust] ref_genome_idx = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0] - buffer_adjust else: if len(donor_genome) > buffer_size: self.write_genome_lines_to_file(donor_genome[:buffer_size], donor_genome_file) donor_genome = donor_genome[buffer_size:] mut_type = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][2] ref_genome_stt = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0] - buffer_adjust ref_genome_end = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][1] - buffer_adjust ref_genome_idx = ref_genome_end if mut_type == 'SNP': orig_allele = ref_genome[ref_genome_stt] snp_allele = self.generate_snp_allele(orig_allele) donor_genome += snp_allele answer_files['SNP'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + orig_allele + ',' + snp_allele + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0])) #the mutation list contains both the original str and the mutated str, so when #one is encountered the other needs to be pulled and dealt with at the same #time elif mut_type == 'MUT_STR': new_str = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][3] mut_idx += 1 donor_genome += new_str answer_files['STR'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + new_str + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0])) elif mut_type == 'DONOR_STR': str_seq = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][3] nbr_copies = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][4] str_seq = str_seq * nbr_copies #pads either side of str with non matching allele to remove ambiguity left_padding = self.generate_snp_allele(str_seq[-1]) right_padding = self.generate_snp_allele(str_seq[0]) padded_str_seq = left_padding + str_seq + right_padding donor_genome += padded_str_seq answer_files['STR'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + str_seq + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0] + 1)) answer_files['INS'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + padded_str_seq + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0])) elif mut_type == 'REF_CNV': cnv_id = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][3] cnv_seq = ref_genome[ref_genome_stt:ref_genome_end] donor_genome += cnv_seq answer_files['CNV'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + str(cnv_id) + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0]) + ',' + cnv_seq) #assumes DEL_CNV is always followed by an entry for the REF_CNV, so the mut_idx is incremented elif mut_type == 'DEL_CNV': mut_idx += 1 del_len = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][1] - self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0] del_seq = ref_genome[ref_genome_stt:ref_genome_end] answer_files['DEL'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + del_seq + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0])) #every non deleted CNV will have a DONOR_CNV entry (some will only have DONOR_CNV, no REF_CNV) elif mut_type == 'DONOR_CNV': cnv_stt = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0] cnv_end = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][1] cnv_len = cnv_end - cnv_stt cnv_id = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][3] if cnv_id in self._cnv_dict: cnv_seq = self._cnv_dict[cnv_id] else: cnv_seq = ref_genome[ref_genome_stt:ref_genome_end] self._cnv_dict[cnv_id] = cnv_seq donor_genome += cnv_seq if mut_idx < mut_max_idx and self._mutation_list[mut_idx+1][2] == 'REF_CNV' and \ self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0] == self._mutation_list[mut_idx+1][0]: mut_idx += 1 else: answer_files['INS'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + cnv_seq + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0])) answer_files['CNV'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + str(cnv_id) + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0]) + ',' + cnv_seq) elif mut_type == 'REF_ALU': alu_stt = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0] alu_end = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][1] alu_len = alu_end - alu_stt alu_seq = ref_genome[ref_genome_stt:ref_genome_end] donor_genome += alu_seq answer_files['ALU'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + alu_seq + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0])) answer_files['INS'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + alu_seq + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0])) elif mut_type == 'DONOR_ALU': alu_len = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][3] alu_seq = self.generate_alu_sequence(alu_len) donor_genome += alu_seq answer_files['ALU'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + alu_seq + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0])) elif mut_type == 'INV': orig_block = ref_genome[ref_genome_stt:ref_genome_end] inv_block = orig_block[::-1] donor_genome += inv_block answer_files['INV'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + orig_block + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0])) elif mut_type == 'INS': ins_len = self._mutation_list[mut_idx][3] ins_seq = self.random_sequence(ins_len) donor_genome += ins_seq answer_files['INS'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + ins_seq + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0])) elif mut_type == 'DEL': del_seq = ref_genome[ref_genome_stt:ref_genome_end] answer_files['DEL'].write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + del_seq + ',' + str(self._mutation_list[mut_idx][0])) if mut_idx < mut_max_idx: mut_idx += 1 else: mut_idx = -1 #flags when all mutations have been seen writeable = int(len(donor_genome) / 80) if writeable >= 1: self.write_genome_lines_to_file(donor_genome[:writeable*80], donor_genome_file) donor_genome = donor_genome[writeable*80:] self.write_genome_lines_to_file(donor_genome, donor_genome_file) for key in answer_files: answer_files[key].close() with open(self._answer_file, 'w') as main_ans: main_ans.write(">" + str(self._genome_id) + "\n") main_ans.write(">chr" + str(self._chromosome_id)) for variant in variant_types: with open(os.path.join(self._working_dir, variant + '_ANS_FILE'), 'r') as temp_file: if variant == 'CNV': main_ans.write("\n>CNV") cnv_dict = {} for line in temp_file: line = line.strip() if line: line_array = line.split(',') cnv_id = line_array[1] cnv_posn = line_array[2] cnv_seq = line_array[3] if cnv_id in cnv_dict: cnv_seq, cnv_posn_list = cnv_dict[cnv_id] else: cnv_posn_list = [] cnv_posn_list.append(cnv_posn) cnv_dict[cnv_id] = (cnv_seq, cnv_posn_list) cnv_list = [] for key in cnv_dict: cnv_seq, cnv_posn_list = cnv_dict[key] cnv_posn_list.sort() cnv_list.append([cnv_seq, cnv_posn_list]) cnv_list.sort(key = lambda l: l[:][1][0]) for cnv_seq, cnv_posn_list in cnv_list: main_ans.write('\n' + str(self._chromosome_id) + ',' + cnv_seq) for posn in cnv_posn_list: main_ans.write(',' + str(posn)) else: main_ans.write("\n>" + variant) for line in temp_file: line = line.strip() if line: main_ans.write('\n' + line) os.remove(os.path.join(self._working_dir, variant + '_ANS_FILE')) shutil.rmtree(self._working_dir) def add_sequencer_errors(self, read_sequence): error_list = [] for i in range(len(read_sequence)): if random.random() < self._sequencer_error_rate: error_list.append(i) for i in error_list: orig_allele = read_sequence[i] error_allele = self.generate_snp_allele(orig_allele) read_sequence = self.overwrite_block(read_sequence, i, error_allele) return read_sequence def create_read_pair(self, donor_genome, left_stt, right_stt): left_read = donor_genome[left_stt:left_stt+self._sequencer_read_length] right_read = donor_genome[right_stt:right_stt+self._sequencer_read_length] #only one is flipped so they are always in opposing directions with their #overall direction if random.random() > .5: right_read = right_read[::-1] else: left_read = left_read[::-1] return left_read, right_read def generate_reads(self): with open(self._reads_file, "w") as reads_file: reads_file.write(">" + str(self._genome_id)) with open(self._priv_genome_file, "r") as donor_genome_file: # skip the first two '>' labels in the donor genome file donor_genome_file.readline() donor_genome_file.readline() temp_file_name_list = [] donor_genome = "" for line in donor_genome_file: if ">" in line: break donor_genome += str(line).strip() nbr_reads = int(self._chromosome_size * self._sequencer_coverage / self._sequencer_read_length) nbr_pairs = int(nbr_reads / 2) write_list = [] for i in range(nbr_pairs): if random.random() < self._sequencer_garbage_rate: left_read = self.random_sequence(self._sequencer_read_length) right_read = self.random_sequence(self._sequencer_read_length) else: gap_len = random.randint(self._sequencer_gap_min, self._sequencer_gap_max) total_len = 2 * self._sequencer_read_length + gap_len left_stt = random.randint(0, self._chromosome_size - total_len - 1) right_stt = left_stt + self._sequencer_read_length + gap_len left_read, right_read = self.create_read_pair(donor_genome, left_stt, right_stt) left_read = self.add_sequencer_errors(left_read) right_read = self.add_sequencer_errors(right_read) reads_file.write('\n' + left_read + ',' + right_read) def parse_system_args(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="This script generates a reference and donor genome as a set " "of files. The files can be used for various computational " "genetics purposes. The following files are created: 1) " "reference genome \'ref_*.txt\' 2) mutated donor genome " "\'private_*.txt\' 3) paired-end reads \'reads_*.txt\'" "from donor genome 4) mutation answer key \'ans_*.txt\'" ) parser.add_argument( "--id", type=str, default='test', help="The name or ID of this genome for identification purposes. The " "genome id will be reflected in the generated file names." ) parser.add_argument( "--chr_id", type=int, default='1', help="The id number for this chromosome, defaults to 1." ) parser.add_argument( "--chr_size", type=int, default='10', help="The size of each chromosome, multiplied by -s (scaling factor). Change " "scale with -s option" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--scale", type=str, choices=["k", "m", "b"], default="k", help="the amount to scale chromosome-size by. k: thousands, m: millions," " b: billions. By default, scale is k (thousands)." ) parser.add_argument( "--alu", type=str, choices=["y", "n"], default="n", help="whether to include Alus in the genome." ) parser.add_argument( "--assembly", type=str, choices=["y", "n"], default="n", help="whether to generate output for assembly (no reference genome)." ) return parser.parse_args() class TestClass(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): args = TestSetting() = 'test' args.chr_id = 1 args.chr_size = 10 args.scale = 'k' args.alu = 'y' args.assembly = 'n' args.base_alu = random_sequence(300) self.gen = chromosome_builder(args) def test_compare_intervals(self): self.assertEqual(0, self.gen.compare_intervals(0, 1, 1, 2, buffer_space=0)) self.assertEqual(-1, self.gen.compare_intervals(0, 0, 1, 10, buffer_space=0)) self.assertEqual(1, self.gen.compare_intervals(11, 12, 1, 10, buffer_space=0)) self.assertEqual(0, self.gen.compare_intervals(0, 0, 1, 10, buffer_space=1)) self.assertEqual(0, self.gen.compare_intervals(1, 10, 0, 0, buffer_space=1)) self.assertEqual(0, self.gen.compare_intervals(11, 12, 1, 10, buffer_space=1)) self.assertEqual(0, self.gen.compare_intervals(0, 4, 1, 2, buffer_space=0)) self.assertEqual(0, self.gen.compare_intervals(0, 4, 1, 2, buffer_space=5)) self.assertEqual(0, self.gen.compare_intervals(1, 4, 0, 2, buffer_space=0)) self.assertEqual(0, self.gen.compare_intervals(1, 4, 1, 4, buffer_space=0)) def test_find_empty_ranges(self): self.gen._mutation_list.append([1000, 10000, 'MUT_STR', 9000]) posn_list = self.gen.find_empty_ranges(10, 25, 5) self.assertEqual(len(posn_list), 25) for posn in posn_list: self.assertTrue(posn < 995 and posn >= 0) self.gen._mutation_list = [] self.gen._mutation_list.append([0, 9000, 'MUT_STR', 9000]) posn_list = self.gen.find_empty_ranges(10, 25, 5) self.assertEqual(len(posn_list), 25) for posn in posn_list: self.assertTrue(posn <= 10000 and posn > 9005) self.gen._mutation_list = [] self.gen._mutation_list.append([9000, 10000, 'MUT_STR', 1000]) self.gen._mutation_list.append([0, 1000, 'MUT_STR', 1000]) self.gen._mutation_list.sort() posn_list = self.gen.find_empty_ranges(10, 100, 5) self.assertEqual(len(posn_list), 100) for posn in posn_list: self.assertTrue(posn < 8995 and posn > 1005) self.gen._mutation_list = [] self.gen._mutation_list.append([0, 1000, 'MUT_STR', 1000]) self.gen._mutation_list.append([1100, 2000, 'MUT_STR', 900]) self.gen._mutation_list.append([4000, 5000, 'MUT_STR', 1000]) self.gen._mutation_list.append([7000, 8000, 'MUT_STR', 1000]) self.gen._mutation_list.append([9000, 10000, 'MUT_STR', 1000]) self.gen._mutation_list.sort() posn_list = self.gen.find_empty_ranges(10, 25, 5) self.assertEqual(len(posn_list), 25) for posn in posn_list: self.assertTrue( (posn > 1005 and posn < 1095) or (posn > 2005 and posn < 3995) or (posn > 5005 and posn < 6995) or (posn > 8005 and posn < 8995) ) self.gen._mutation_list = [] posn_list = self.gen.find_empty_ranges(50, 4, 5) for posn in posn_list: self.assertTrue(posn > 0 and posn < 10000) def test_random_sequence(self): rand_seq = self.gen.random_sequence(10) self.assertEqual(len(rand_seq), 10) for allele in rand_seq: self.assertTrue(allele in ['A','C','G','T']) def test_delete_block(self): sequence = 'THIS IS A TEST SEQUENCE' sequence = self.gen.delete_block(sequence, 5, 3) self.assertEqual(sequence, 'THIS A TEST SEQUENCE') sequence = self.gen.delete_block(sequence, 0, 1) self.assertEqual(sequence, 'HIS A TEST SEQUENCE') sequence = self.gen.delete_block(sequence, -1, 1) self.assertEqual(sequence, 'HIS A TEST SEQUENC') sequence = self.gen.delete_block(sequence, -2, 1) self.assertEqual(sequence, 'HIS A TEST SEQUEC') sequence = self.gen.delete_block(sequence, -2, 3) self.assertEqual(sequence, 'HIS A TEST SEQU') def test_insert_block(self): sequence = 'HIS A TEST SEQUE' sequence = self.gen.insert_block(sequence, -1, 'EC') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'HIS A TEST SEQUECE') sequence = self.gen.insert_block(sequence, -2, 'N') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'HIS A TEST SEQUENCE') sequence = self.gen.insert_block(sequence, 0, 'T') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'THIS A TEST SEQUENCE') sequence = self.gen.insert_block(sequence, 5, 'IS ') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'THIS IS A TEST SEQUENCE') sequence = self.gen.insert_block(sequence, len(sequence), '!') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'THIS IS A TEST SEQUENCE!') def test_overwrite_block(self): sequence = 'THIS IS A TEST SEQUENCE!' sequence = self.gen.overwrite_block(sequence, 2, 'AT') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'THAT IS A TEST SEQUENCE!') sequence = self.gen.overwrite_block(sequence, 0, 'W') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'WHAT IS A TEST SEQUENCE!') sequence = self.gen.overwrite_block(sequence, -1, '?') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'WHAT IS A TEST SEQUENCE?') sequence = self.gen.overwrite_block(sequence, -1, '?!?') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'WHAT IS A TEST SEQUENCE?!?') sequence = self.gen.overwrite_block(sequence, len(sequence), '!') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'WHAT IS A TEST SEQUENCE?!?!') def test_invert_block(self): sequence = 'THIS IS A TEST SEQUENCE' sequence, orig_block, inverted_block = self.gen.invert_block(sequence, 0, 1) self.assertEqual(orig_block, 'T') self.assertEqual(inverted_block, 'T') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'THIS IS A TEST SEQUENCE') sequence, orig_block, inverted_block = self.gen.invert_block(sequence, 0, 2) self.assertEqual(orig_block, 'TH') self.assertEqual(inverted_block, 'HT') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'HTIS IS A TEST SEQUENCE') sequence, orig_block, inverted_block = self.gen.invert_block(sequence, -1, 1) self.assertEqual(orig_block, 'E') self.assertEqual(inverted_block, 'E') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'HTIS IS A TEST SEQUENCE') sequence, orig_block, inverted_block = self.gen.invert_block(sequence, -2, 2) self.assertEqual(orig_block, 'CE') self.assertEqual(inverted_block, 'EC') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'HTIS IS A TEST SEQUENEC') sequence, orig_block, inverted_block = self.gen.invert_block(sequence, 5, 4) self.assertEqual(orig_block, 'IS A') self.assertEqual(inverted_block, 'A SI') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'HTIS A SI TEST SEQUENEC') sequence, orig_block, inverted_block = self.gen.invert_block(sequence, len(sequence) - 2, 2) self.assertEqual(orig_block, 'EC') self.assertEqual(inverted_block, 'CE') self.assertEqual(sequence, 'HTIS A SI TEST SEQUENCE') def test_generate_snp_allele(self): snp_allele = self.gen.generate_snp_allele('A') self.assertTrue(snp_allele in ['T','G','C']) snp_allele = self.gen.generate_snp_allele('T') self.assertTrue(snp_allele in ['A','G','C']) snp_allele = self.gen.generate_snp_allele('G') self.assertTrue(snp_allele in ['T','A','C']) snp_allele = self.gen.generate_snp_allele('C') self.assertTrue(snp_allele in ['T','G','A']) def test_generate_str_base(self): str_base = self.gen.generate_str_base(2) self.assertTrue(str_base[0] != str_base[1]) for allele in str_base: self.assertTrue(allele in ['T','A','C','G']) str_base = self.gen.generate_str_base(3) self.assertTrue((str_base[0] != str_base[1]) or (str_base[1] != str_base[2]) or (str_base[0] != str_base[2]) ) for allele in str_base: self.assertTrue(allele in ['T','A','C','G']) str_base = self.gen.generate_str_base(4) self.assertEqual(len(str_base), 4) self.assertTrue(str_base[:2] != str_base[2:]) for allele in str_base: self.assertTrue(allele in ['T','A','C','G']) str_base = self.gen.generate_str_base(5) self.assertEqual(len(str_base), 5) for allele in str_base: self.assertTrue(allele in ['T','A','C','G']) def test_generate_alu_sequence(self): alu_seq = self.gen.generate_alu_sequence(300) self.assertTrue(len(alu_seq) == 300) self.assertTrue(alu_seq != self.gen._base_alu) for allele in alu_seq: self.assertTrue(allele in ['T','A','C','G']) alu_seq = self.gen.generate_alu_sequence(295) self.assertTrue(len(alu_seq) == 295) self.assertTrue(alu_seq != self.gen._base_alu[:295]) self.assertTrue(alu_seq != self.gen._base_alu[4:]) for allele in alu_seq: self.assertTrue(allele in ['T','A','C','G']) alu_seq = self.gen.generate_alu_sequence(305) self.assertTrue(len(alu_seq) == 305) self.assertTrue(alu_seq != self.gen._base_alu) for allele in alu_seq: self.assertTrue(allele in ['T','A','C','G']) def test_ranged_length_list(self): self.assertRaises(Exception, self.gen.ranged_length_list, 10, 10, 0) self.assertRaises(Exception, self.gen.ranged_length_list, 1, 0, 1) length_list = self.gen.ranged_length_list(10, 10, 10) self.assertEqual(10, len(length_list)) for item in length_list: self.assertEqual(item, 10) length_list = self.gen.ranged_length_list(10, 20, 10) self.assertEqual(10, len(length_list)) max_count = 0 for item in length_list: if item == 20: max_count += 1 self.assertTrue(item <= 20 and item >= 10) self.assertEqual(max_count, 2) length_list = self.gen.ranged_length_list(10, 20, 1) self.assertEqual(1, len(length_list)) self.assertTrue(length_list[0] == 20) length_list = self.gen.ranged_length_list(10, 20, 2) self.assertEqual(2, len(length_list)) self.assertTrue(length_list[0] == 20 and length_list[1] == 20) length_list = self.gen.ranged_length_list(10, 20, 3) self.assertEqual(3, len(length_list)) self.assertTrue(length_list[0] == 20 and length_list[1] == 20 and length_list[2] == 10) def test_write_genome_lines_to_file(self): length_list = [0,1,79,80,81] for i in length_list: with open('test_file', 'w') as test_file: self.gen.write_genome_lines_to_file(self.gen._base_alu, test_file) with open('test_file', 'r') as test_file: base_alu = '' for line in test_file: base_alu += str(line).strip() self.assertEqual(base_alu, self.gen._base_alu) os.remove('test_file') def test_parse_fasta(self): nbr_chr_list = [1,2,3] length_list = [1,79,80,81] for nbr_chr in nbr_chr_list: for next_len in length_list: file_name = 'test_file_' + str(nbr_chr) + '_' + str(next_len) with open(file_name, 'w') as test_file: test_file.write('>test') for chr in range(1, nbr_chr + 1): test_file.write('\n>chr' + str(chr) + '\n') self.gen.write_genome_lines_to_file(self.gen._base_alu, test_file) for sequence in self.gen.parse_fasta(file_name): if sequence: base_alu = sequence self.assertEqual(base_alu, self.gen._base_alu) else: break os.remove(file_name) def test_create_read_pair(self): donor_genome = self.gen.random_sequence(200) left_read, right_read = self.gen.create_read_pair(donor_genome, 0, 0) self.assertEqual(left_read, right_read[::-1]) self.assertTrue( (left_read in donor_genome and right_read[::-1] in donor_genome) or (right_read in donor_genome and left_read[::-1] in donor_genome) ) left_stt = random.randint(0, 200 - self.gen._sequencer_read_length - 1) right_stt = random.randint(0, 200 - self.gen._sequencer_read_length - 1) left_read, right_read = self.gen.create_read_pair(donor_genome, left_stt, right_stt) self.assertEqual(len(left_read), len(right_read)) self.assertTrue( (left_read in donor_genome and right_read[::-1] in donor_genome) or (right_read in donor_genome and left_read[::-1] in donor_genome) ) left_stt = 0 right_stt = 200 - self.gen._sequencer_read_length - 1 left_read, right_read = self.gen.create_read_pair(donor_genome, left_stt, right_stt) self.assertEqual(len(left_read), len(right_read)) self.assertTrue( (left_read in donor_genome and right_read[::-1] in donor_genome) or (right_read in donor_genome and left_read[::-1] in donor_genome) ) def test_add_sequencer_errors(self): error_found = False donor_genome = self.gen.random_sequence(200) left_read, right_read = self.gen.create_read_pair(donor_genome, 0, 0) self.assertEqual(left_read, right_read[::-1]) self.assertTrue( (left_read in donor_genome and right_read[::-1] in donor_genome) or (right_read in donor_genome and left_read[::-1] in donor_genome) ) for i in range(25): left_read_w_error = self.gen.add_sequencer_errors(left_read) right_read_w_error = self.gen.add_sequencer_errors(right_read) if left_read != left_read_w_error or right_read != right_read_w_error: error_found = True self.assertTrue(error_found) def test_generate_ref_genome(self): for alu in ['y', 'n']: for test_args in [[10, 'k'], [100, 'k']]: args = TestSetting() = 'test' args.chr_id = 1 args.chr_size = test_args[0] args.scale = test_args[1] args.alu = alu args.assembly = 'n' args.base_alu = random_sequence(300) self.gen = chromosome_builder(args) self.gen._alu_min_length = 300 self.gen._alu_max_length = 300 self.gen._alu_mutation_rate = 0.3 self.gen.generate_ref_genome() ref_genome = next(self.gen.parse_fasta(self.gen._ref_genome_file)) cnv_dict = {} cnv_count = 0 str_count = 0 for mutation in self.gen._mutation_list: if mutation[2] == 'REF_STR': str_count += 1 self.assertTrue(ref_genome[mutation[0]:mutation[1]] == mutation[3]*mutation[4]) elif mutation[2] == 'REF_CNV': if mutation[3] in cnv_dict: self.assertTrue(cnv_dict[mutation[3]] == ref_genome[mutation[0]:mutation[1]]) else: cnv_count += 1 cnv_dict[mutation[3]] = ref_genome[mutation[0]:mutation[1]] elif mutation[2] == 'REF_ALU': base_alu = self.gen._base_alu match_count = 0 for i in range(len(base_alu)): if self.gen._base_alu[i] == ref_genome[mutation[0]+i]: match_count += 1 self.assertTrue((match_count / len(base_alu)) > (.99 - self.gen._alu_mutation_rate)) self.assertEqual(cnv_count, self.gen._nbr_ref_cnv) self.assertEqual(str_count, self.gen._nbr_ref_str) def test_generate_donor_genome(self): args = TestSetting() = 'test' args.chr_id = 1 args.chr_size = 10 args.scale = 'k' args.alu = 'n' args.assembly = 'n' args.base_alu = random_sequence(300) self.gen = chromosome_builder(args) self.gen._nbr_snp = 0 self.gen._nbr_denovo_str = 0 self.gen._nbr_denovo_cnv = 0 self.gen._nbr_long_inv = 0 self.gen._nbr_long_ins = 0 self.gen._nbr_long_del = 0 self.gen._nbr_ref_alu = 0 self.gen._nbr_denovo_alu = 0 self.gen._nbr_ref_str = 0 self.gen._nbr_ref_cnv = 0 self.gen._nbr_short_inv = 0 self.gen._nbr_short_ins = 0 self.gen._nbr_short_del = 0 self.gen._cnv_mutation_amount = 0 self.gen._str_mutation_amount = 0 self.gen.generate_ref_genome() self.gen.generate_donor_genome() ref_genome = '' for sequence in self.gen.parse_fasta(self.gen._ref_genome_file): if sequence: ref_genome += sequence else: break donor_genome = '' for sequence in self.gen.parse_fasta(self.gen._priv_genome_file): if sequence: donor_genome += sequence else: break self.assertEqual(ref_genome, donor_genome) self.assertEqual(len(ref_genome), 10000) for alu in ['y', 'n']: for test_args in [[10, 'k'], [100, 'k'], [150, 'k']]: args = TestSetting() = 'test' args.chr_id = 1 args.chr_size = test_args[0] args.scale = test_args[1] args.alu = alu args.assembly = 'n' args.base_alu = random_sequence(300) if args.scale == 'k': expected_size = test_args[0] * 1000 elif args.scale == 'm': expected_size = test_args[0] * 1000000 self.gen = chromosome_builder(args) self.gen._alu_min_length = 300 self.gen._alu_max_length = 300 self.gen._alu_mutation_rate = 0.3 self.gen.generate_ref_genome() self.gen.generate_donor_genome() ref_genome = '' for sequence in self.gen.parse_fasta(self.gen._ref_genome_file): if sequence: ref_genome += sequence else: break donor_genome = '' for sequence in self.gen.parse_fasta(self.gen._priv_genome_file): if sequence: donor_genome += sequence else: break last_end = 0 self.assertEqual(expected_size, len(ref_genome)) for i in range(len(self.gen._mutation_list)): mutation = self.gen._mutation_list[i] self.assertTrue(ref_genome[last_end:mutation[0]] in donor_genome) last_end = mutation[1] mut_type = mutation[2] range_stt = max(0, mutation[0]-20) range_end = min(len(ref_genome)-1, mutation[0]+20) gapped_range_end = min(len(ref_genome)-1, mutation[1]+20) if mut_type == 'SNP': self.assertTrue(ref_genome[range_stt:range_end] not in donor_genome, msg='SNP ' + str(mutation[0])) elif mut_type == 'MUT_STR': new_str = mutation[3] self.assertTrue(new_str in donor_genome, msg='MUT_STR ' + str(mutation[0])) elif mut_type == 'DONOR_STR': str_seq = mutation[3] nbr_copies = mutation[4] new_str = str_seq * nbr_copies self.assertTrue(new_str in donor_genome, msg='DONOR_STR ' + str(mutation[0])) elif mut_type == 'REF_ALU': self.assertTrue(ref_genome[mutation[0]:mutation[1]] in donor_genome, msg='REF_ALU ' + str(mutation[0])) elif mut_type == 'REF_CNV': self.assertTrue(ref_genome[mutation[0]:mutation[1]] in donor_genome, msg='REF_CNV ' + str(mutation[0])) elif mut_type == 'DONOR_ALU': self.assertTrue(ref_genome[range_stt:gapped_range_end] not in donor_genome, msg='DONOR_ALU ' + str(mutation[0])) elif mut_type == 'INV': inv_seq = ref_genome[mutation[0]:mutation[1]] inv_seq = inv_seq[::-1] self.assertTrue(inv_seq in donor_genome, msg='INV ' + str(mutation[0])) elif mut_type == 'INS': self.assertTrue(ref_genome[range_stt:range_end] not in donor_genome, msg='INS ' + str(mutation[0])) elif mut_type == 'DEL': self.assertTrue(ref_genome[range_stt:gapped_range_end] not in donor_genome, msg='DEL ' + str(mutation[0])) def test_generate_reads(self): pass def test_mutate_str(self): pass def test_mutate_cnv(self): pass def test_allocate_cnv(self): #, nbr_cnv, variant_tag): pass def test_allocate_alu(self): #, nbr_alu, variant_tag): pass def test_allocate_str(self): #, nbr_str, variant_tag): pass def test_allocate_inversions(self): #, nbr_inv, min_len, max_len): pass def test_allocate_insertions(self): #, nbr_ins, min_len, max_len): pass def test_allocate_deletions(self): #, nbr_del, min_len, max_len): pass def test_allocate_snps(self): pass def random_sequence(seq_len): return "".join(random.choice(['A','C','G','T']) for i in range(seq_len)) class TestSetting(): def __init__(self): = None self.num_chr = None self.chr_size = None self.scale = None self.alu = None self.assembly = None self.base_alu = None if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() test_results = [] for alu in ['y']:#, 'n']: for test in [[100, 'k']]:#, [1, 'm']]: args = TestSetting() = 'test' args.chr_id = 1 args.chr_size = test[0] args.scale = test[1] args.alu = alu args.assembly = 'n' args.base_alu = random_sequence(300) start = time.clock() gen = chromosome_builder(args) print('generating ref genome length: ' + str(test[0]) + test[1]) gen.generate_ref_genome() print('generating donor genome') gen.generate_donor_genome() print('generating reads') gen.generate_reads() test_results.append('Test: ' + str(test[0]) + test[1] + ' time: ' + str(time.clock() - start)) for res in test_results: print(res)
import pathlib class FileMissingError(Exception): def __init__ (self, path_to_file): self.path_to_file = path_to_file def __str__ (self): return "File " + self.path_to_file + " doesn't exist!" class Target: def __init__ (self, output_path): self.output_path = output_path def __str__ (self): return str(self.output_path) def make (self): if not self.output_path.exists(): # Just make sure the file exists raise FileMissingError(self.output_path) def check_mustbemade (self): if not self.output_path.exists(): # Just make sure the file exists raise FileMissingError(self.output_path) return False def get_mtime (self): return self.output_path.stat().st_mtime class CompiledObject(Target): def __init__ (self, source_targets, output_path, compiler): Target.__init__(self, output_path) self.source_targets = source_targets self.compiler = compiler self.output_path = pathlib.Path(self.output_path) def check_mustbemade (self): try: output_mtime = self.get_mtime() except FileNotFoundError: return True for target in self.source_targets: if target.check_mustbemade(): return True if target.get_mtime() > output_mtime: return True return False def make (self): sources = " ".join( str(elem) for elem in self.source_targets ) self.compiler(sources, str(self.output_path)) from overlay import *
<reponame>OCHA-DAP/hdx-ckan import datetime import ckan.lib.helpers as h import ckan.plugins.toolkit as tk import ckanext.hdx_search.controller_logic.search_logic as sl _ = tk._ from ckanext.hdx_package.helpers.freshness_calculator import UPDATE_STATUS_URL_FILTER,\ UPDATE_STATUS_UNKNOWN, UPDATE_STATUS_FRESH, UPDATE_STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE class DashboardSearchLogic(sl.SearchLogic): def __init__(self): super(DashboardSearchLogic, self).__init__() self.flask_route_name = 'hdx_user_dashboard.datasets' def _search_url(self, params, package_type=None): ''' Returns the url of the current search type :param params: the parameters that will be added to the search url :type params: list of key-value tuples :param package_type: for now this is always 'dataset' :type package_type: string :rtype: string ''' # url = h.url_for(self._generate_action_name(self.type), id=self.org_id) url = self._current_url() return sl.url_with_params(url, params) def _current_url(self): url = h.url_for(self.flask_route_name) return url def _add_additional_faceting_queries(self, search_data_dict): super(DashboardSearchLogic, self)._add_additional_faceting_queries(search_data_dict) now_string = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' freshness_facet_extra = 'ex={},{}'.format(UPDATE_STATUS_URL_FILTER, 'batch') search_data_dict.update({ 'facet.range': '{{!{extra}}}due_date'.format(extra=freshness_facet_extra), 'f.due_date.facet.range.start': now_string + '-100YEARS', 'f.due_date.facet.range.end': now_string + '+100YEARS', '': '+100YEARS', 'f.due_date.facet.mincount': '0', 'facet.query': '{{!key=unknown {extra}}}-due_date:[* TO *]'.format(extra=freshness_facet_extra), }) def _process_complex_facet_data(self, existing_facets, title_translations, result_facets, search_extras): super(DashboardSearchLogic, self)._process_complex_facet_data(existing_facets, title_translations, result_facets, search_extras) freshness_facet_name = 'due_date' if existing_facets and freshness_facet_name in existing_facets: item_list = existing_facets.get(freshness_facet_name).get('items') if item_list and len(item_list) == 2: item_list[0]['display_name'] = _('Needing update') item_list[0]['name'] = UPDATE_STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE item_list[1]['display_name'] = _('Up to date') item_list[1]['name'] = UPDATE_STATUS_FRESH unknown_item = next((i for i in existing_facets.get('queries', []) if i.get('name') == 'unknown'), None) unknown_item['display_name'] = _('Unknown') unknown_item['name'] = UPDATE_STATUS_UNKNOWN item_list.append(unknown_item) title_translations[UPDATE_STATUS_URL_FILTER] = _('Update status') existing_facets[UPDATE_STATUS_URL_FILTER] = existing_facets[freshness_facet_name] del existing_facets[freshness_facet_name]
from django import forms from sistema.mail import send_mail_template from .models import Cliente from usuario.models import Usuario from carteira.models import Carteira from eth_account import Account from web3 import Web3 import random class ClienteNovoForm(forms.ModelForm): name = forms.CharField(label='Nome',widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'placeholder':'Digite seu Nome'})) name.widget.attrs.update({'size':'25'}) cpf = forms.CharField(label='CPF',widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'placeholder':'Digite seu CPF'})) tel = forms.CharField(label='Telefone',widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'placeholder':'Digite seu Telefone','class':'tel'})) id_usuario = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=Usuario.objects.all(), widget=forms.HiddenInput(), label='', ) class Meta: model = Cliente fields = ['name','cpf','tel','id_usuario'] class EditarCliente(forms.ModelForm): name = forms.CharField(label='Nome') name.widget.attrs.update({'size':'25'}) cpf = forms.CharField(label='CPF',widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'cpf'})) tel = forms.CharField(label='Telefone',widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'tel'})) class Meta: model = Cliente fields = ['name','cpf','tel'] class MostrarCliente(forms.ModelForm): name = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'readonly':'True'})) name.widget.attrs.update({'size':'25'}) cpf = forms.CharField(label='CPF',widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'cpf','readonly':'True'})) tel = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'readonly':'True'})) class Meta: model = Cliente fields = ['name','cpf','tel']
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @copyright: (c)Copyright 2013, Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved. The source code contained or described here in and all documents related to the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without Intel's prior express written permission. No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be express and approved by Intel in writing. @organization: INTEL MCG PSI @summary: This module implements Sphinx Auto-generator of Documentation @since: 4/3/14 @author: sfusilie """ from acs.UtilitiesFWK.AttributeDict import AttributeDict class DictConfigLoader(object): """ Create one config loader that will take param from current global config dict. We'll have to create a new config loader based on xml files when ready """ @staticmethod def load(config): """ Load global device conf to the device conf objects :type config: dict :param config: device global conf dictionary """ device_conf = AttributeDict() for key, value in config.items(): device_conf[key] = value return device_conf
# coding: utf-8 # # Copyright 2022 :Barry-Thomas-Paul: Moss # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http: // # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from ...dyn.rdf.blank_node import BlankNode as BlankNode from ...dyn.rdf.file_format import FileFormat as FileFormat from ...dyn.rdf.file_format import FileFormatEnum as FileFormatEnum from ...dyn.rdf.literal import Literal as Literal from ...dyn.rdf.parse_exception import ParseException as ParseException from ...dyn.rdf.query_exception import QueryException as QueryException from ...dyn.rdf.repository import Repository as Repository from ...dyn.rdf.repository_exception import RepositoryException as RepositoryException from ...dyn.rdf.statement import Statement as Statement from ...dyn.rdf.uri import URI as URI from ...dyn.rdf.ur_is import URIs as URIs from ...dyn.rdf.ur_is import URIsEnum as URIsEnum from ...dyn.rdf.x_blank_node import XBlankNode as XBlankNode from ...dyn.rdf.x_document_metadata_access import XDocumentMetadataAccess as XDocumentMetadataAccess from ...dyn.rdf.x_document_repository import XDocumentRepository as XDocumentRepository from ...dyn.rdf.x_literal import XLiteral as XLiteral from ...dyn.rdf.x_metadatable import XMetadatable as XMetadatable from ...dyn.rdf.x_named_graph import XNamedGraph as XNamedGraph from ...dyn.rdf.x_node import XNode as XNode from ...dyn.rdf.x_query_select_result import XQuerySelectResult as XQuerySelectResult from ...dyn.rdf.x_reified_statement import XReifiedStatement as XReifiedStatement from ...dyn.rdf.x_repository import XRepository as XRepository from ...dyn.rdf.x_repository_supplier import XRepositorySupplier as XRepositorySupplier from ...dyn.rdf.x_resource import XResource as XResource from ...dyn.rdf.xuri import XURI as XURI
<reponame>alex-mil/gcleaner<filename>python2/<gh_stars>0 import sys if sys.version_info[0] > 2: sys.stderr.write("Python version must be 2.x.x\n") sys.exit(-1) from os import path, curdir, walk from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from threading import Timer class GCleaner(object): def __init__(self): self.cur_dir = path.abspath(curdir) self.git_fetch_cmd = 'git fetch --prune origin'.split() self.git_branch_cmd = 'git branch --remote'.split() self.git_push_delete_cmd = 'git push origin --delete'.split() self.seconds = 5 self.kill = lambda process: process.terminate() def clean(self, start_path=None): start_path = self.cur_dir if not start_path else start_path for root, dirs, _ in walk(start_path): for name in dirs: if name == '.git': self._fetch_with_prune(root) branches = self._get_remote_branches(root) if branches: self._push_with_delete( root, list(filter(None, branches))) else: msg = """Failed: Folder: {} Cannot get a list of remote branches """.format(root) print(msg) break def _fetch_with_prune(self, path): fetch = Popen(self.git_fetch_cmd, cwd=path, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) _timer = Timer(self.seconds, self.kill, [fetch]) try: _timer.start() fetch.wait() (_, _) = fetch.communicate() if fetch.returncode: print("Failed! Return code = {}".format(fetch.returncode)) finally: _timer.cancel() def _get_remote_branches(self, path): git_branch = Popen(self.git_branch_cmd, cwd=path, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) _timer = Timer(self.seconds, self.kill, [git_branch]) try: _timer.start() (stdout, _) = git_branch.communicate() if git_branch.returncode: print("Failed! Return code = {}".format(git_branch.returncode)) else: return stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') finally: _timer.cancel() def _push_with_delete(self, path, branches): for branch in branches: branch = branch.strip(' *').split('/')[-1] if not 'production' in branch and not 'master' in branch: cmd = self.git_push_delete_cmd + [branch] git_push = Popen(cmd, cwd=path, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) _timer = Timer(self.seconds, self.kill, [git_push]) try: _timer.start() git_push.wait() (_, _) = git_push.communicate() if git_push.returncode: print("Failed! Return code = {}".format( git_push.returncode)) else: print "Executing: {}".format(' '.join(map(str, cmd))) finally: _timer.cancel() def main(): f_path = raw_input( 'Where to start scaning? (current directory by default) --> ') gc = GCleaner() gc.clean(None if not f_path else f_path) print('The script has finished.') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<gh_stars>1-10 import sqlite3, datetime class DateTimeParseError (RuntimeError): pass #stupid sqlite datetime_fields = { "last_login", "expiration", "expiration", "time" } def sql_close_connections(): return; def parse_dt(str): i = [0] def expect(s): if not str[i[0]:].startswith(s): raise DateTimeParseError("bad1 " + str[i[0]:i[0]+4]) i[0] += len(s) return s def get(n): if i[0]+n > len(str): raise DateTimeParseError("bad2 " + str[i[0]:i[0]+n]) ret = str[i[0]:i[0]+n] i[0] += n try: ret = int(ret) except: raise DateTimeParseError("bad3 " + str[i[0]:i[0]+n]) return ret year = get(4) expect("-") month = get(2) expect("-") day = get(2) if str[i[0]] == " " or str[i[0]] == "\t": i[0] += 1 hour = get(2) expect(":") minute = get(2) expect(":") second = str[i[0]:] try: second = float(second) except: raise DateTimeParseError("bad4 " + str[i[0]:i[0]+n]) else: hour = 0 minute = 0 second = 0 second = int(second+0.5) return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) def parse_datetime(s): try: return parse_dt(s) except DateTimeParseError: print("Parse error!", s) return None sqlite3.register_converter("datetime", parse_datetime) def dict_factory(cursor, row): d = {} for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description): d[col[0]] = row[idx] if col[0] in datetime_fields and type(d[col[0]]) == str: d[col[0]] = parse_datetime(d[col[0]]) return d DBError = sqlite3.OperationalError gcon = None gcur = None class CurProxy: def __init__(self, cur): self.cur = cur def execute(self, str): return self.cur.execute(str) def fetchone(self): ret = self.cur.fetchone() if ret == None: return None return ret def sql_connect(): global gcon, gcur if gcon == None: gcon = sqlite3.connect("database.db") gcon.row_factory = dict_factory gcur = gcon.cursor() return gcur, gcon def sql_reconnect(): return sql_connect() def init_sql(): pass def default_db(): cur, con = sql_connect() f = open("fairmotion.sql", "r") buf = f.close() statements = [""] s = "" for l in buf.split("\n"): if l.strip().startswith("--") or l.strip().startswith("/*") \ or l.strip().startswith("//"): continue; if "ENGINE" in l: l = ");" if l.strip() == "": continue if l.startswith("SET"): continue s += l + "\n" for l in s.split("\n"): if l.strip() == "": continue if len(l) > 2 and l[:3] == l[:3].upper() and l[0] not in ["\t", " ", "\n", "\r", "("]: statements.append("") if l.strip().startswith("PRIMARY KEY"): continue if l.strip().startswith("KEY"): continue #l = l.replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "") statements[-1] += l + "\n" for s in statements: # buf = s.replace("IF NOT EXISTS ", "") print("===executing====") print(s) con.execute(s) con.commit() pass def get_last_rowid(cur): return cur.lastrowid
<gh_stars>100-1000 import argparse import time import os import shutil import logging import torch import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn import loaddata from tqdm import tqdm from models import modules, net, resnet from util import query_yes_no from test import test from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='') # training/optimization related parser.add_argument('--epochs', default=10, type=int, help='number of total epochs to run') parser.add_argument('--start_epoch', default=0, type=int, help='manual epoch number (useful on restarts)') parser.add_argument('--lr', '--learning-rate', default=0.0001, type=float, help='initial learning rate') parser.add_argument('--weight_decay', '--wd', default=1e-4, type=float, help='weight decay (default: 1e-4)') parser.add_argument('--batch_size', default=32, type=int, help='batch size number') # 1 GPU - 8 parser.add_argument('--store_root', type=str, default='checkpoint') parser.add_argument('--store_name', type=str, default='nyud2') parser.add_argument('--data_dir', type=str, default='./data', help='data directory') parser.add_argument('--resume', action='store_true', default=False, help='whether to resume training') # imbalanced related # LDS parser.add_argument('--lds', action='store_true', default=False, help='whether to enable LDS') parser.add_argument('--lds_kernel', type=str, default='gaussian', choices=['gaussian', 'triang', 'laplace'], help='LDS kernel type') parser.add_argument('--lds_ks', type=int, default=5, help='LDS kernel size: should be odd number') parser.add_argument('--lds_sigma', type=float, default=2, help='LDS gaussian/laplace kernel sigma') # FDS parser.add_argument('--fds', action='store_true', default=False, help='whether to enable FDS') parser.add_argument('--fds_kernel', type=str, default='gaussian', choices=['gaussian', 'triang', 'laplace'], help='FDS kernel type') parser.add_argument('--fds_ks', type=int, default=5, help='FDS kernel size: should be odd number') parser.add_argument('--fds_sigma', type=float, default=2, help='FDS gaussian/laplace kernel sigma') parser.add_argument('--start_update', type=int, default=0, help='which epoch to start FDS updating') parser.add_argument('--start_smooth', type=int, default=1, help='which epoch to start using FDS to smooth features') parser.add_argument('--bucket_num', type=int, default=100, help='maximum bucket considered for FDS') parser.add_argument('--bucket_start', type=int, default=7, help='minimum(starting) bucket for FDS, 7 for NYUDv2') parser.add_argument('--fds_mmt', type=float, default=0.9, help='FDS momentum') # re-weighting: SQRT_INV / INV parser.add_argument('--reweight', type=str, default='none', choices=['none', 'inverse', 'sqrt_inv'], help='cost-sensitive reweighting scheme') # two-stage training: RRT parser.add_argument('--retrain_fc', action='store_true', default=False, help='whether to retrain last regression layer (regressor)') parser.add_argument('--pretrained', type=str, default='', help='pretrained checkpoint file path to load backbone weights for RRT') def define_model(args): original_model = resnet.resnet50(pretrained=True) Encoder = modules.E_resnet(original_model) model = net.model(args, Encoder, num_features=2048, block_channel = [256, 512, 1024, 2048]) return model def main(): error_best = 1e5 metric_dict_best = {} epoch_best = -1 global args args = parser.parse_args() if not and args.reweight != 'none': args.store_name += f'_{args.reweight}' if args.store_name += f'_lds_{args.lds_kernel[:3]}_{args.lds_ks}' if args.lds_kernel in ['gaussian', 'laplace']: args.store_name += f'_{args.lds_sigma}' if args.fds: args.store_name += f'_fds_{args.fds_kernel[:3]}_{args.fds_ks}' if args.fds_kernel in ['gaussian', 'laplace']: args.store_name += f'_{args.fds_sigma}' args.store_name += f'_{args.start_update}_{args.start_smooth}_{args.fds_mmt}' if args.retrain_fc: args.store_name += f'_retrain_fc' args.store_name += f'_lr_{}_bs_{args.batch_size}' args.store_dir = os.path.join(args.store_root, args.store_name) if not args.resume: if os.path.exists(args.store_dir): if query_yes_no('overwrite previous folder: {} ?'.format(args.store_dir)): shutil.rmtree(args.store_dir) print(args.store_dir + ' removed.') else: raise RuntimeError('Output folder {} already exists'.format(args.store_dir)) print(f"===> Creating folder: {args.store_dir}") os.makedirs(args.store_dir) logging.root.handlers = [] log_file = os.path.join(args.store_dir, 'training_log.log') logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s | %(message)s", handlers=[ logging.FileHandler(log_file), logging.StreamHandler() ]) writer = SummaryWriter(args.store_dir) model = define_model(args) model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model).cuda() if args.resume: model_state = torch.load(os.path.join(args.store_dir, 'checkpoint.pth.tar'))"Loading checkpoint from {os.path.join(args.store_dir, 'checkpoint.pth.tar')}" f" (Epoch [{model_state['epoch']}], RMSE: {model_state['error']:.3f})") model.load_state_dict(model_state['state_dict']) args.start_epoch = model_state['epoch'] + 1 epoch_best = model_state['epoch'] error_best = model_state['error'] metric_dict_best = model_state['metric'] if args.retrain_fc: assert os.path.isfile(args.pretrained), f"No checkpoint found at '{args.pretrained}'" model_state = torch.load(args.pretrained, map_location="cpu") from collections import OrderedDict new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in model_state['state_dict'].items(): if 'R' not in k: new_state_dict[k] = v model.load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict=False)'===> Pretrained weights found in total: [{len(list(new_state_dict.keys()))}]')'===> Pre-trained model loaded: {args.pretrained}') for name, param in model.named_parameters(): if 'R' not in name: param.requires_grad = False'Only optimize parameters: {[n for n, p in model.named_parameters() if p.requires_grad]}') cudnn.benchmark = True if not args.retrain_fc: optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) else: parameters = list(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters())) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(parameters,, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) train_loader = loaddata.getTrainingData(args, args.batch_size) train_fds_loader = loaddata.getTrainingFDSData(args, args.batch_size) test_loader = loaddata.getTestingData(args, 1) for epoch in range(args.start_epoch, args.epochs): adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch) train(train_loader, train_fds_loader, model, optimizer, epoch, writer) error, metric_dict = test(test_loader, model) if error < error_best: error_best = error metric_dict_best = metric_dict epoch_best = epoch save_checkpoint(model.state_dict(), epoch, error, metric_dict, 'checkpoint_best.pth.tar') save_checkpoint(model.state_dict(), epoch, error, metric_dict, 'checkpoint.pth.tar') save_checkpoint(model.state_dict(), epoch, error, metric_dict, 'checkpoint_final.pth.tar')'Best epoch: {epoch_best}; RMSE: {error_best:.3f}')'***** TEST RESULTS *****') for shot in ['Overall', 'Many', 'Medium', 'Few']:" * {shot}: RMSE {metric_dict_best[shot.lower()]['RMSE']:.3f}\t" f"ABS_REL {metric_dict_best[shot.lower()]['ABS_REL']:.3f}\t" f"LG10 {metric_dict_best[shot.lower()]['LG10']:.3f}\t" f"MAE {metric_dict_best[shot.lower()]['MAE']:.3f}\t" f"DELTA1 {metric_dict_best[shot.lower()]['DELTA1']:.3f}\t" f"DELTA2 {metric_dict_best[shot.lower()]['DELTA2']:.3f}\t" f"DELTA3 {metric_dict_best[shot.lower()]['DELTA3']:.3f}\t" f"NUM {metric_dict_best[shot.lower()]['NUM']}") writer.close() def train(train_loader, train_fds_loader, model, optimizer, epoch, writer): batch_time = AverageMeter() losses = AverageMeter() model.train() end = time.time() for i, sample_batched in enumerate(train_loader): image, depth, weight = sample_batched['image'], sample_batched['depth'], sample_batched['weight'] depth = depth.cuda(non_blocking=True) weight = weight.cuda(non_blocking=True) image = image.cuda() optimizer.zero_grad() if args.fds: output, feature = model(image, depth, epoch) else: output = model(image, depth, epoch) loss = torch.mean(((output - depth) ** 2) * weight) losses.update(loss.item(), image.size(0)) loss.backward() optimizer.step() batch_time.update(time.time() - end) end = time.time() writer.add_scalar('data/loss', loss.item(), i + epoch * len(train_loader))'Epoch: [{0}][{1}/{2}]\t' 'Time {batch_time.val:.3f} ({batch_time.sum:.3f})\t' 'Loss {loss.val:.4f} ({loss.avg:.4f})\t' .format(epoch, i, len(train_loader), batch_time=batch_time, loss=losses)) if args.fds and epoch >= args.start_update:"Starting Creating Epoch [{epoch}] features of subsampled training data...") encodings, depths = [], [] with torch.no_grad(): for i, sample_batched in enumerate(tqdm(train_fds_loader)): image, depth = sample_batched['image'].cuda(), sample_batched['depth'].cuda() _, feature = model(image, depth, epoch) encodings.append( depths.append( encodings, depths =, 0),, 0)"Created Epoch [{epoch}] features of subsampled training data (size: {encodings.size(0)})!") model.module.R.FDS.update_last_epoch_stats(epoch) model.module.R.FDS.update_running_stats(encodings, depths, epoch) def adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch): lr = * (0.1 ** (epoch // 5)) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr class AverageMeter(object): def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.val = 0 self.avg = 0 self.sum = 0 self.count = 0 def update(self, val, n=1): self.val = val self.sum += val * n self.count += n self.avg = self.sum / self.count def save_checkpoint(state_dict, epoch, error, metric_dict, filename='checkpoint.pth.tar'):'Saving checkpoint to {os.path.join(args.store_dir, filename)}...'){ 'state_dict': state_dict, 'epoch': epoch, 'error': error, 'metric': metric_dict }, os.path.join(args.store_dir, filename)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import sys cache = {} def num_pebbles(pos): return len([1 for x in pos if x == 'o']) def move(pos, n, m): p = pos[:] p[n] = '-' p[(n+m)//2] = '-' p[m] = 'o' return p def min_number_pebbles(pos): assert len(pos) == 23 try: return cache[''.join(pos)] except: pass moves = [] # Will be a list of pairs (m, n), each pair meaning that the pebble on # place m moves to place n (and the pebble between m and n is removed). # Here 0 <= m, n < len(pos) for i in range(21): # 21 == len(pos)-2 if pos[i+1] == 'o': if pos[i] == 'o' and pos[i+2] == '-': moves.append((i, i+2)) elif pos[i] == '-' and pos[i+2] == 'o': moves.append((i+2, i)) if not moves: np = num_pebbles(pos) else: np = min(min_number_pebbles(move(pos, *p)) for p in moves) cache[''.join(pos)] = np return np for ctr, line in enumerate(sys.stdin): if ctr == 0: number_test_cases = int(line) continue if ctr > number_test_cases: # trailing lines? break print(min_number_pebbles(list(line.strip())))
import os from ..exceptions import ArgumentError from import download_binaries from ..thirdparty.kaldi import collect_kaldi_binaries, validate_kaldi_binaries def validate_args(args): available_commands = ['download', 'validate', 'kaldi'] if args.command not in available_commands: raise ArgumentError( '{} is not a valid thirdparty command ({})'.format(args.command, ', '.format(available_commands))) if args.command not in ['download', 'validate']: if not args.local_directory: raise ArgumentError('Specify a directory to extract {} binaries from.'.format(args.command)) if not os.path.exists(args.local_directory): raise ArgumentError('The directory {} does not exist.'.format(args.local_directory)) def run_thirdparty(args): validate_args(args) if args.command == 'download': download_binaries() elif args.command == 'validate': validate_kaldi_binaries() elif args.command == 'kaldi': collect_kaldi_binaries(args.local_directory) if __name__ == '__main__': from montreal_forced_aligner.command_line.mfa import thirdparty_parser thirdparty_args = thirdparty_parser.parse_args() run_thirdparty(thirdparty_args)
"""Simple calculation to find most UTM zones given (lat/lng) coordinate.""" import math def lat_lng_to_epsg(lat_coord, lng_coord): """Calculate the EPSG code of the given WGS84 (lat/lng) coordinate. Parameters: lat_coord (float): number between -90 and 90 indicating latitute coordinate. lng_coord (float): number between -180 to 180 indicating longitude coordinate. Returns: EPSG code of the UTM zone that contains the given point. """ utm_code = (math.floor((lng_coord + 180)/6) % 60) + 1 lat_code = 6 if lat_coord > 0 else 7 epsg_code = int('32%d%02d' % (lat_code, utm_code)) return epsg_code
<reponame>TooTouch/tootorch<filename><gh_stars>1-10 from setuptools import setup, find_packages with open('', encoding='utf-8') as f: long_description = setup( name = 'tootorch', version = '0.2', long_description = long_description, long_description_content_type = 'text/markdown', description = 'Implemetation XAI in Computer Vision (Pytorch)', author = '<NAME>', author_email = '<EMAIL>', url = '', download_url = '', install_requires = ["torch","torchvision","h5py","tqdm","pillow","opencv-python"], packages = find_packages(exclude = []), keywords = ['tootorch','XAI'], python_requires = '>=3.6', package_data = {}, zip_safe = False, classifiers = [ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", ], )
from __future__ import absolute_import from mock import Mock from celery.concurrency.threads import NullDict, TaskPool, apply_target from import AppCase, Case, mask_modules, mock_module class test_NullDict(Case): def test_setitem(self): x = NullDict() x['foo'] = 1 with self.assertRaises(KeyError): x['foo'] class test_TaskPool(AppCase): def test_without_threadpool(self): with mask_modules('threadpool'): with self.assertRaises(ImportError): TaskPool() def test_with_threadpool(self): with mock_module('threadpool'): x = TaskPool() self.assertTrue(x.ThreadPool) self.assertTrue(x.WorkRequest) def test_on_start(self): with mock_module('threadpool'): x = TaskPool() x.on_start() self.assertTrue(x._pool) self.assertIsInstance(x._pool.workRequests, NullDict) def test_on_stop(self): with mock_module('threadpool'): x = TaskPool() x.on_start() x.on_stop() x._pool.dismissWorkers.assert_called_with(x.limit, do_join=True) def test_on_apply(self): with mock_module('threadpool'): x = TaskPool() x.on_start() callback = Mock() accept_callback = Mock() target = Mock() req = x.on_apply(target, args=(1, 2), kwargs={'a': 10}, callback=callback, accept_callback=accept_callback) x.WorkRequest.assert_called_with( apply_target, (target, (1, 2), {'a': 10}, callback, accept_callback), ) x._pool.putRequest.assert_called_with(req) x._pool._results_queue.queue.clear.assert_called_with()
<gh_stars>0 """ Backward compatibility support for Python 3.5 """ import sys import import subprocess # copied from Python 3.9 module def _missing_compiler_executable(cmd_names=[]): """Check if the compiler components used to build the interpreter exist. Check for the existence of the compiler executables whose names are listed in 'cmd_names' or all the compiler executables when 'cmd_names' is empty and return the first missing executable or None when none is found missing. """ from distutils import ccompiler, sysconfig, spawn compiler = ccompiler.new_compiler() sysconfig.customize_compiler(compiler) for name in compiler.executables: if cmd_names and name not in cmd_names: continue cmd = getattr(compiler, name) if cmd_names: assert cmd is not None, \ "the '%s' executable is not configured" % name elif not cmd: continue if spawn.find_executable(cmd[0]) is None: return cmd[0] missing_compiler_executable = vars( 'missing_compiler_executable', _missing_compiler_executable, ) try: from import unix_shell except ImportError: # Adapted from Python 3.9 module is_android = hasattr(sys, 'getandroidapilevel') unix_shell = ( None if sys.platform == 'win32' else '/system/bin/sh' if is_android else '/bin/sh' ) # copied from Python 3.9 subprocess module def _optim_args_from_interpreter_flags(): """Return a list of command-line arguments reproducing the current optimization settings in sys.flags.""" args = [] value = sys.flags.optimize if value > 0: args.append('-' + 'O' * value) return args vars(subprocess).setdefault( '_optim_args_from_interpreter_flags', _optim_args_from_interpreter_flags, ) def adapt_glob(regex): """ Supply legacy expectation on Python 3.5 """ return regex return regex.replace('(?s:', '').replace(r')\Z', r'\Z(?ms)')
def extractNanjamora(item): """ """ vol, chp, frag, postfix = extractVolChapterFragmentPostfix(item['title']) if not (chp or vol) or 'preview' in item['title'].lower(): return None if 'Endless Dantian' in item['tags']: return buildReleaseMessageWithType(item, 'Endless Dantian', vol, chp, frag=frag, postfix=postfix) if 'Infinite Temptation' in item['tags']: return buildReleaseMessageWithType(item, 'Infinite Temptation', vol, chp, frag=frag, postfix=postfix) if 'wushang jinshia' in item['tags']: return buildReleaseMessageWithType(item, 'Wu Shang Jin Shia', vol, chp, frag=frag, postfix=postfix) return False
<reponame>inidun/unesco_data_collection from pathlib import Path from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from typing import List from courier.config import get_config from courier.extract.interface import ITextExtractor from courier.extract.tesseract_extractor import TesseractExtractor from courier.extract.utils import get_filenames CONFIG = get_config() def test_extract_extracts_right_amount_of_files(): with TemporaryDirectory() as output_dir: files: List[Path] = get_filenames(CONFIG.test_files_dir / 'test.pdf') extractor: ITextExtractor = TesseractExtractor(dpi=1, fmt='png') extractor.batch_extract(files, output_dir) assert len(sorted(Path(output_dir).glob('*.txt'))) == 8 assert (Path(output_dir) / 'extract.log').exists()
from pyteal import * from blob import Blob def test(): b = Blob() test = Seq( Pop(b.write(Int(0), Int(0), Bytes("deadbeef" * 16))), Log(, Int(8), Int(32))), Int(1), ) return Cond( [Txn.application_id() == Int(0), Int(1)], [Txn.on_completion() == OnComplete.OptIn, Int(1)], [Txn.on_completion() == OnComplete.UpdateApplication, Int(1)], [Int(1), test], ) print(compileTeal(test(), mode=Mode.Application, version=5))
from fabric.api import task, local @task def start(): local("fab server.start:server=mooc,mooc") def stop(): local("fab server.stop")
<reponame>josecostamartins/pythonreges # *-* coding: utf-8 *-* ''' 1. Classe Bola: Crie uma classe que modele uma bola: a. Atributos: Cor, circunferência, material b. Métodos: trocaCor e mostraCor ''' class Bola(object): def __init__(self, cor, circunferencia, material): self.cor = cor self.circunferencia = circunferencia self.material = material def trocaCor(self, cor): self.cor = cor def mostraCor(self): print self.cor return self.cor
from decimal import Decimal import django.db.models.deletion from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('accounting', '0001_squashed_0052_ensure_report_builder_plans'), ('sms', '0010_update_sqlmobilebackend_couch_id'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='SmsBillable', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('gateway_fee_conversion_rate', models.DecimalField(default=Decimal('1.0'), null=True, max_digits=20, decimal_places=9)), ('log_id', models.CharField(max_length=50, db_index=True)), ('phone_number', models.CharField(max_length=50)), ('api_response', models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)), ('is_valid', models.BooleanField(default=True, db_index=True)), ('domain', models.CharField(max_length=25, db_index=True)), ('direction', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=10, choices=[(b'I', b'Incoming'), (b'O', b'Outgoing')])), ('date_sent', models.DateField()), ('date_created', models.DateField(auto_now_add=True)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='SmsGatewayFee', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('amount', models.DecimalField(default=0.0, max_digits=10, decimal_places=4)), ('date_created', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='SmsGatewayFeeCriteria', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('backend_api_id', models.CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True)), ('backend_instance', models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, db_index=True)), ('direction', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=10, choices=[(b'I', b'Incoming'), (b'O', b'Outgoing')])), ('country_code', models.IntegerField(db_index=True, max_length=5, null=True, blank=True)), ('prefix', models.CharField(default=b'', max_length=10, db_index=True, blank=True)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='SmsUsageFee', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('amount', models.DecimalField(default=0.0, max_digits=10, decimal_places=4)), ('date_created', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='SmsUsageFeeCriteria', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('direction', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=10, choices=[(b'I', b'Incoming'), (b'O', b'Outgoing')])), ('domain', models.CharField(max_length=25, null=True, db_index=True)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='smsusagefee', name='criteria', field=models.ForeignKey(to='smsbillables.SmsUsageFeeCriteria', on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT), preserve_default=True, ), migrations.AddField( model_name='smsgatewayfee', name='criteria', field=models.ForeignKey(to='smsbillables.SmsGatewayFeeCriteria', on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT), preserve_default=True, ), migrations.AddField( model_name='smsgatewayfee', name='currency', field=models.ForeignKey(to='accounting.Currency', on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT), preserve_default=True, ), migrations.AddField( model_name='smsbillable', name='gateway_fee', field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='smsbillables.SmsGatewayFee', null=True), preserve_default=True, ), migrations.AddField( model_name='smsbillable', name='usage_fee', field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='smsbillables.SmsUsageFee', null=True), preserve_default=True, ), ]
""" Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome. Return the minimum cuts needed for a palindrome partitioning of s. Example : Given s = "aab", Return 1 since the palindrome partitioning ["aa","b"] could be produced using 1 cut. """ class Solution: def plindrome_partitioning_ii(self, s): n = len(s) # Create a memo_table to store minimum number of cuts memo_table = [0] * n # if s[i....j] is palindrome then is_palindrome[i][j] = 1 else 0 is_palindrome = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)] # initializing with 0 value for i in range(n): is_palindrome[i][i] = 1 # for a single letter in string set is_palindrome to true for i in range(2, n + 1): # Now loop through the substring of length of 2 ro n for j in range(n - i + 1): k = i + j - 1 if i == 2: # if len of substring is 2 then check only for both element is equal or not if s[j] == s[k]: is_palindrome[j][k] = 1 else: # check for corner latter and check middle part form is_palindrome table if s[j] == s[k] and is_palindrome[j + 1][k - 1]: is_palindrome[j][k] = 1 for i in range(n): if is_palindrome[0][i]: memo_table[i] = 0 else: import sys memo_table[i] = sys.maxsize for j in range(i): if is_palindrome[j + 1][i] and (1 + memo_table[j] < memo_table[i]): memo_table[i] = memo_table[j] + 1 return memo_table[n - 1] if __name__ == '__main__': c = Solution() s = "aab" print(c.plindrome_partitioning_ii(s))
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np #100 phony y, x data points are created in NumPy, y = 0.3 + x * 0.1 x_data = np.random.rand(100).astype(np.float32) y_data = x_data * 0.1 + 0.3 # calculate y_data = b + W * x_data, by finding the values for b and W # Knowing that b should be 0.3 and W 0.1, but it will be figured out by the tensorflow W = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([1], -1.0, 1.0)) b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1])) y = W * x_data + b # Minimize the mean squared errors. loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y - y_data)) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.5) train = optimizer.minimize(loss) # Before starting, initialize the variables. We will 'run' this first. init = tf.initialize_all_variables() # Launch the graph. sess = tf.Session() # Fit the line. for step in xrange(201): if step % 20 == 0: print(step,, # Learns best fit is W: [0.1], b: [0.
"""Implements a buildable, serializable, deserializable lexicon.""" from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, Tuple, Union, Optional from textprobability.core.types import ( Unit, Probability, NGram, ContextLexicon, Splitter, Text, Lexicon, ) SerializableLexicon = Tuple[Dict[Unit, int], int] # Recursive type annotations are needed here, but they are not supported. SerializableContextLexicon = Dict[str, Union[SerializableLexicon, Any]] class LexiconImpl(Lexicon): """A Lexicon associates linguistic units with probabilities.""" # A Lexicon is backed by a _Probabilities instance. def __init__(self, counts: Dict[Unit, int], n_obs: int): """This constructor should never be called from outside this module. In Java it would be private. """ self._counts: Dict[Unit, int] = counts self._probabilities: Dict[Unit, float] = { k: v / n_obs for k, v in counts.items() } super().__init__(n_obs) def __getitem__(self, key: Unit) -> Probability: """Returns the probability associated with `key`.""" return self._probabilities[key] def get( self, key: Unit, default: Optional[Probability] = None ) -> Optional[Probability]: return self._probabilities[key] if key in self._probabilities else default def summarize(self, min_n): """Summarizes this, reducing the amount of space required to store this. :param min_n: The minimum number of observations of a linguistic unit for it to be recorded as observed. :return: A summarized version of this. """ filtered = { unit: count for unit, count in self._counts.items() if count >= min_n } # sum(filtered.values()) should be very close to self.n_obs for reasonably # chosen min_n, but it is recomputed here anyway. return LexiconImpl(filtered, sum(filtered.values())) def to_serializable(self) -> SerializableLexicon: """Gets a representation of `self` that can be serialized using JSON.""" return (self._counts, self.n_obs) @classmethod def from_serializable(cls, serializable: SerializableLexicon) -> Any: """Retrieves a Lexicon from its serializable representation.""" return cls(*serializable) def context_lexicon2serializable(cl: ContextLexicon) -> SerializableContextLexicon: """Converts a ContextLexicon to a Trie.""" ret: SerializableContextLexicon = {} for key in cl: current = ret for element in key[:-1]: if element not in current: current[element] = {} # The following is okay because it will only be a Lexicon at the very end. current = current[element] # type: ignore # This is the very end where current[element] is finally a Lexicon rather than # a nested SerializableContextLexicon. current[key[-1]] = cl[key].to_serializable() return ret def serializable2context_lexicon(trie: SerializableContextLexicon) -> ContextLexicon: """Converts a Trie like the output of context_lexicon2trie to a ContextLexicon.""" def walk( trie: Union[SerializableContextLexicon, SerializableLexicon], parents: NGram ) -> Iterator[Tuple[NGram, SerializableLexicon]]: if not isinstance(trie, dict): # This is brittle. yield parents, trie else: for key in trie: yield from walk(trie[key], (*parents, key)) ret: ContextLexicon = {} for ngram, serializable_lexicon in walk(trie, ()): ret[ngram] = LexiconImpl.from_serializable(serializable_lexicon) return ret Counts = Dict[Unit, int] class LexiconBuilder: """Accumulates data about a Lexicon.""" def __init__(self, splitter: Splitter): """Initializes the builder to count linguistic units of the type output by `splitter`. :param splitter: the Splitter instance that determines the type of linguistic unit counted by `self` """ self.splitter: Splitter = splitter self._counts: Counts = {} = 0 def add(self, text: Text): """Acquires information from `text`.""" for unit in self.splitter(text): self._counts[unit] = self._counts.get(unit, 0) + 1 += 1 def get_lexicon(self) -> Lexicon: """Returns the Lexicon accumulated by `self`.""" return LexiconImpl.from_serializable((self._counts, class LexiconContextLexiconBuilder(LexiconBuilder): """Accumulates data about a Lexicon and ContextLexicon.""" def __init__(self, splitter: Splitter, n): """Initializes the builder to count linguistic units of the type output by `splitter`. :param splitter: the Splitter instance that determines the type of linguistic unit counted by `self` :param n: the number of preceding linguistic units used as context """ self.n = n self._builders: Dict[NGram, LexiconBuilder] = {} super().__init__(splitter) def add(self, text: Text): sequence = self.splitter(text) for n_plus_one_gram in zip(*[sequence[start:] for start in range(self.n + 1)]): ngram = n_plus_one_gram[: self.n] self._builders[ngram] = self._builders.get( ngram, LexiconBuilder(self.splitter) ) self._builders[ngram].add(n_plus_one_gram[-1]) super().add(text) def get_context_lexicon(self) -> ContextLexicon: """Returns the ContextLexicon accumulated by `self`.""" return {key: self._builders[key].get_lexicon() for key in self._builders}
arr = [25, 11, 7, 87, 56]; max = arr[0]; for i in range(0, len(arr)): if(arr[i] > max): max = arr[i]; print("Largest element present in given array: " + str(max));
#Importando as coisas que o código precisa para funcionar import pandas as pd import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #def que retorna a informação def RetornarResposta(req): print("0 = Visão geral") print ("1 = Casos ativos no mundo") print("3 = Casos leves ativos no mundo") print("5 = Casos severos ativos no mundo") modos = ["Mostrando visão geral","Mostrando casos ativos no mundo","", "Mostrando casos leves ativos no mundo","","Mostrando Casos severos ativos no mundo"] modo = int(input("Digite um número")) content = req.content soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') table = soup.find(name='table') table_str = str(table) df = pd.read_html(table_str)[0] print(modos[modo]) if not modo == 0: print(df[0][modo]) else: print(df[0]) #def que inicia o programa def Iniciar(): print("Conectando com o banco de dados...") req = requests.get("") if req.status_code == 200: print("Conectado!") print("Dados da Covid 19 no mundo - Python | by @iDavi") RetornarResposta(req) else: print("Erro ao tentar se conectar ao banco de dados") Iniciar() #Apenas chame iniciar para iniciar o programa
<reponame>Sannso/GameCG2 import pygame import configparser #850×480 ANCHO=850 #x4 = 3400 ALTO=480 #x3 = 1440 if __name__ == '__main__': pygame.init() pantalla=pygame.display.set_mode([ANCHO,ALTO]) archivo=configparser.ConfigParser()'info_mapa.txt') nom_imagen=archivo.get('info','imagen') terreno=pygame.image.load(nom_imagen) info=terreno.get_rect() an_t=info[2] al_t=info[3] ob_an= int (archivo.get('info','can_ancho')) ob_al= int (archivo.get('info','can_alto')) an_sp = int(an_t / ob_an) al_sp = int(al_t / ob_al) print ('ancho sprite: ',an_t / ob_an) print ('alto sprite: ', al_t / ob_al) ls_cuadro=[] ls_terreno=[] for fila in range(ob_al): for col in range(ob_an): cuadro=terreno.subsurface(col*an_sp,fila*al_sp,an_sp,al_sp) ls_cuadro.append(cuadro) ls_terreno.append(ls_cuadro.copy()) ls_cuadro.clear() mapa=archivo.get('info','mapa') ls_filas=mapa.split('\n') print(ls_filas) con=0 con_fil=0 for e in ls_filas: for j in e: col=int(archivo.get(j,'col')) fila=int(archivo.get(j,'fil')) pantalla.blit(ls_terreno[fila][col],[con*an_sp,con_fil*al_sp]) con+=1 con_fil+=1 con = 0 #pantalla.blit(ls_t[0],[0,0]) pygame.display.flip() fin=False while not fin : #gestion de eventos for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: fin=True
import os import pathlib from typing import List import boto3 import botocore def s3_bucket_exists(name: str) -> bool: s3 = boto3.client("s3") try: s3.head_bucket(Bucket=name) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: print(e) return False return True def file_exists(bucket_name: str, s3_object_path: str) -> None: s3 = boto3.resource("s3") try: s3.Object(bucket_name, s3_object_path).load() # pylint: disable=no-member except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "404": return False else: raise else: return True def upload_files( bucket_name, files_to_send: List[str], s3_destination_object_dir: str ) -> None: s3 = boto3.client("s3") for file_index, file_to_send in enumerate(files_to_send): s3_destination_object_path = os.path.join( s3_destination_object_dir, os.path.basename(file_to_send) ) try: if file_exists(bucket_name, s3_destination_object_path): print( "S3 object already exists %s:%s, %i/%i" % ( bucket_name, s3_destination_object_dir, file_index + 1, len(files_to_send), ) ) continue s3.upload_file(file_to_send, bucket_name, s3_destination_object_path) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: print(e) continue print( "Uploading file to %s:%s, %i/%i" % ( bucket_name, s3_destination_object_path, file_index + 1, len(files_to_send), ) )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import ujson from flask import request from flask_restplus import Namespace, Resource, fields from models.user import User as orm_user from models.project import Project as orm_project from models.file import File as orm_file from orator.exceptions.orm import ModelNotFound from orator.exceptions.query import QueryException from .utils import PAGINATOR API = Namespace('users', description='Platform access administration') USER = API.model('User', { 'first_name': fields.String( required=True, description='First name', example='John', pattern=r'^[a-zA-Z]'), 'last_name': fields.String( required=True, description='Last name', example='Smith', pattern="^[a-zA-Z]"), 'email': fields.String( required=True, description='Contact email', example='<EMAIL>', pattern=r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+") }) USER_DATA = USER.inherit('User', USER, { 'id': fields.Integer(required=False, description='Unique identifier', example='1') }) # pylint: disable=no-self-use # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member @API.route('') class UsersList(Resource): """Endpoint for list-based user results.""" @API.marshal_list_with(USER_DATA) @API.response(200, 'Users list') @API.expect(PAGINATOR) def get(self): """ List all users Returns a collection of users paginated and consolidated in bundles of 10 per page """ # Retrieval of pagination parameters: page, per_page page_args = PAGINATOR.parse_args() return orm_user.for_page(page_args['page'], page_args['per_page']).get().serialize(), 200 @API.expect(USER, validate=True) def post(self): """ Creates a new user It uses the email as a primarily identifier of the user and as credentials to authenticate in the platform. """ try: new_user = orm_user(API.marshal(ujson.loads(, USER)) flag = except QueryException: API.abort(code=400, message='Integrity violation') if flag: return new_user.serialize(), 201 @API.route('/<int:user_id>') class User(Resource): """Endpoint for users operations.""" @API.response(200, 'User found', USER_DATA) @API.marshal_with(USER_DATA) def get(self, user_id): """ Fetch a user by its identifier Users are identified by a unique number as an immutable integer that identifies them. """ try: return orm_user.find_or_fail(user_id).serialize() except ModelNotFound: API.abort(code=404, message='User not found') @API.response(204, 'User successfully deleted') def delete(self, user_id): """ Deletes an existing user Removes in cascade all information associated to an individual user in Qualibrate """ try: old_user = orm_user.find_or_fail(user_id) flag = old_user.delete() except ModelNotFound: API.abort(code=404, message='User not found') except QueryException: API.abort(code=400, message='Integrity violation') if flag: return user_id, 204 @API.response(202, 'User successfully updated') @API.expect(USER) def put(self, user_id): """ Updates an existing user The body of the requests contains a json representation of the User model with the new set of attributes """ # Empty user creation current_user = orm_user.find_or_fail(user_id) current_user.set_raw_attributes(ujson.loads( if return current_user.serialize(), 202 @API.route('/<int:user_id>/projects') class UserProjects(Resource): """ Fetch all the projects for an individual user Projects are the test asset containers in Qualibrate and contains all information about a test project """ def get(self, user_id): """ A list of projects that belong to a particular user """ try: return orm_user.find_or_fail(user_id).projects.serialize() except ModelNotFound: API.abort(404) @API.route('/<int:user_id>/projects/<int:project_id>') class UserAddSProjects(Resource): """ Assigns the project ownership to a singular user Users can own many projects, this association provides a specified user the ownership of a project """ def put(self, user_id, project_id): """ User takes ownership of a project """ operation = orm_project.find(project_id).user().associate(orm_user.find(user_id)) if return orm_user.with_('projects').get().filter( lambda x: == user_id ).serialize(), 201 @API.route('/<int:user_id>/files') class UserFiles(Resource): """ Fetch all the files for an individual user Retrieve all reference files that belong to this user, it includes attachments, images, references and all the files used in Qualibrate """ def get(self, user_id): """ A list of files that belong to a particular user """ try: return'uuid','name','mime','created_at','updated_at').where('user_id','=',user_id).get().serialize(), 200 except ModelNotFound: API.abort(404)
''' Tkinter implementation of Meta Noughts and Crosses. Requires Python >3.6, tkinter and mnac. 1.0: release 1.1: keyboard indicators / keyboard controls are like numpad 1.2: new status menu, controls, help menu 1.3: better mouse handling 1.4: UI tweaks and touchups ''' import random import os import tkinter as tk import numpy as np import mnac import render __version__ = '1.4' TITLE = f'TkMNAC v{__version__} /' class CanvasRender(render.Render): '''Tkinter Canvas-based renderer.''' font = 'Segoe UI' def __init__(self, app, theme='light'): = app self.canvas = app.canvas self.coordinates = {} self.theme = render.THEMES[theme] self.error = False def draw(self): = self.error = # determine colours and status players = [ ('gray', 'Unknown error', 'Unknown error'), ('nought', 'Noughts', 'Noughts wins!'), ('cross', 'Crosses', 'Crosses wins!'), ('gray', 'Neutral', "It's a draw...") ] code, name, _ = players[] titlefill = self.theme[code]['light'] if self.error: text = self.error elif text = players[][2] else: statuses = { 'begin': 'grid to start in', 'inner': 'cell to play in', 'outer': 'grid to send to', } text = '{}, pick a {}'.format(name, statuses[]) # get canvas details w, h, self.size, self.topleft, header_height = if w > h: self.topleft += ((w - h) / 2, 0) else: self.topleft += (0, (h - w) / 2) self.canvas.config(bg=self.background()) self.canvas.delete('status', 'backing', 'mark', 'play') self.canvas.tag_unbind('backing', '<Button-1>') font_size = int(self.size / 32) glyph_size = int(font_size * 1.5) leftText = 'tab: help' if text = '' leftText = 'tab: back to game' header = ( lambda x, y=header_height / 2, fill=titlefill, **kw: self.canvas.create_text( x, y, fill=fill, tags='status', font=(self.font, font_size), **kw)) header(self.topleft[0] + 5, anchor='w', text=leftText) header(self.topleft[0] + self.size/2, anchor='center', text=text) def draw_glyph(fromRight, glyph, fill): return self.canvas.create_polygon( *(glyph * glyph_size + ( self.topleft[0] + self.size + fromRight * glyph_size, (header_height - glyph_size) / 2 + 2)).flatten(), width=0, fill=fill, tags='status') render.Render.draw(self) # draw beginning help in middle cell if self.canvas.create_rectangle( *self.topleft, *(self.topleft + self.size), width=0, fill=titlefill, tags='status', stipple="gray50") for i, text in enumerate(( 'The board is 9 grids each with 9 cells. Play to win', 'a grid, and win the larger grids to win the game.', '', 'Place a tile in the tile and you will put your opponent', 'into the equivalent grid. For example, if you are in the', 'top left grid and play the bottom cell, your opponent', 'will have to play in the bottom grid, and so on.', '', 'One exception is that you may never send your', 'opponent to your own grid, or one that is captured -', 'tiles that would do so are marked as green, and are', "'teleporters' allowing you to choose where to send", 'your opponent. As grids become taken, there is less', 'choice, so be careful to tactically set up traps!', '', 'CONTROLS:', 'Control-R: Restart the game', 'Keys 1-9 and mouse/touch: Play in cell / grid' ), start=1): header(w/2, self.topleft[1] + i * 1.5 * font_size, fill='black', text=text) def cell(self, grid, cell, tl, size, fill): tl += self.topleft coords = (*tl, *(tl+size)) backing = self.canvas.create_rectangle( *coords, width=0, fill=fill, tags='backing') self.coordinates[grid+1, cell+1] = coords def ellipse(self, coords, outline, width): coords += (*self.topleft, *self.topleft) self.canvas.create_oval( *coords, width=width, outline=outline, tags='mark') def polygon(self, coords, fill): coords += self.topleft self.canvas.create_polygon( *coords.flatten(), fill=fill, width=0, tags='mark') def text(self, coords, isLarge, text, size, fill): coords += self.topleft # this is arbitrary and needs a lot more playtesting :( if == 'posix': fiddle = (2/9, -3/9) if isLarge else (-2/9, -4/9) else: fiddle = (1/9, -7/6) if isLarge else (-2/9, -2/3) coords += np.array(fiddle) * self.size / (9 + 2 * self.SEPARATION) self.canvas.create_text( *coords, text=text, fill=fill, font=(self.font, size), anchor='nw', tags='play') class UIMNAC(tk.Tk): def __init__(self, **kwargs): '''Initialise frame. Set players to None or a number.''' tk.Tk.__init__(self) self.title(TITLE) self.minsize(400, 424) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) self.canvas = tk.Canvas( self, height=0, width=0, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, relief='ridge') self.canvas.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=3, sticky='news') self.render = CanvasRender(self) self.bind_all('<Configure>', self.redraw) self.bind_all('<Control-r>', self.restart) self.bind_all('<Tab>', self.toggleHelp) self.bind_all('<Escape>', self.clearError) self.canvas.bind('<Button-1>', self.onClick) def callbacker(i): return lambda *event: for i in range(1, 10): self.bind_all(str(i), callbacker(i)) self.restart() def restart(self, *event): self.showHelp = False self.error = '' = mnac.MNAC(middleStart=False) self.redraw() def clearError(self, *event): self.error = '' self.redraw() def toggleHelp(self, *event): self.showHelp = not self.showHelp self.redraw() def coordinate(self): w, h = self.canvas.winfo_width(), self.canvas.winfo_height() header_height = h / 18 h -= header_height s = min(w, h) tl = np.array((0, header_height), dtype=float) return w, h, s, tl, header_height def redraw(self, *event): self.render.draw() def onClick(self, event): if return w, h, s, tl, header_height = self.coordinate() x = (event.x - tl[0]) * 9 / s if (0 < event.y < header_height) and (0 < x < 9): # status bar click if x < 2 or self.showHelp: self.toggleHelp() else: self.clearError() # Iterate through all coordinates the renderer claims # each cell was at for coord, bounds in self.render.coordinates.items(): x1, y1, x2, y2 = bounds if x1 <= event.x <= x2 and y1 <= event.y <= y2: grid, cell = coord break else: return if in ('outer', 'begin'): elif == 'inner': if grid == ( + 1): else: def play(self, index): if return self.error = '' try: except mnac.MoveError as e: self.error = mnac.ERRORS[e.args[0]] self.redraw() def test_turn(self, *event): '''debug: play random moves''' choices = list(range(9)) random.shuffle(choices) for i in choices: try: + 1) break except mnac.MoveError: continue self.render.draw() if not self.after(500, self.test_turn) if __name__ == '__main__': self = UIMNAC() self.mainloop()
#!/usr/bin/python import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen(["ps", "-aux"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if ('' in out): print('\nDHCP Sniffer is running') else: print('\nDHCP Sniffer NOT running!') if ('' in out): print('Pinger is running') else: print('Pinger is NOT running!') if ('' in out): print('SRX SYSLOG receiver is running') else: print('SRX SYSLOG receiver is NOT running!') if ('' in out): print('SRX WebAPI update agent is running') else: print('SRX WebAPI update agent is NOT running!') if ('' in out): print('EX-Series Polling agent is running') else: print('EX-Series Polling agent is NOT running!') if ('' in out): print('RADIUS Auth/Accounting agent is running') else: print('RADIUS Auth/Accounting agent is NOT running!') if ('' in out): print('HTTP USERAGENT collector is running') else: print('HTTP USERAGENT collector is NOT running!') if ('' in out): print('Web Interface is running') else: print('Web Interface is NOT running!') print '\n'
<reponame>efabless/volare #!/usr/bin/env python3 from setuptools import setup, find_packages from volare import __version__ requirements = open("requirements.txt").read().strip().split("\n") setup( name="volare", packages=find_packages(), version=__version__, description="A sky130 PDK builder/version manager", long_description=open("").read(), long_description_content_type="text/markdown", author="<NAME>", author_email="<EMAIL>", install_requires=requirements, classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux", "Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X", ], entry_points={"console_scripts": ["volare = volare.__main__:cli"]}, python_requires=">3.6", )
from summariser.vector.vector_generator import Vectoriser from summariser.utils.corpus_reader import CorpusReader from resources import * from summariser.utils.writer import append_to_file import sys def writeSample(actions,reward,path): if 'heuristic' in path: str = '\nactions:' for act in actions: str += repr(act)+',' str = str[:-1] str += '\nutility:'+repr(reward) append_to_file(str, path) else: assert 'rouge' in path str = '\n' for j,model_name in enumerate(reward): str += '\nmodel {}:{}'.format(j,model_name) str += '\nactions:' for act in actions: str += repr(act)+',' str = str[:-1] str += '\nR1:{};R2:{};R3:{};R4:{};RL:{};RSU:{}'.format( reward[model_name][0],reward[model_name][1],reward[model_name][2], reward[model_name][3],reward[model_name][4],reward[model_name][5] ) append_to_file(str, path) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 4: dataset = sys.argv[1] start = int(sys.argv[2]) end = int(sys.argv[3]) else: dataset = 'DUC2001' #DUC2001, DUC2002, DUC2004 start = 0 end = 9999 language = 'english' summary_len = 100 summary_num = 10001 base_dir = os.path.join(SUMMARY_DB_DIR,dataset) reader = CorpusReader(PROCESSED_PATH) data = reader.get_data(dataset,summary_len) topic_cnt = 0 for topic, docs, models in data: topic_cnt += 1 if not(topic_cnt > start and topic_cnt <= end): continue dir_path = os.path.join(base_dir,topic) if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) vec = Vectoriser(docs,summary_len) print('-----Generate samples for topic {}: {}-----'.format(topic_cnt,topic)) act_list, h_rewards, r_rewards = vec.sampleRandomReviews(summary_num,True,True,models) assert len(act_list) == len(h_rewards) == len(r_rewards) for ii in range(len(act_list)): writeSample(act_list[ii],h_rewards[ii],os.path.join(dir_path,'heuristic')) writeSample(act_list[ii],r_rewards[ii],os.path.join(dir_path,'rouge'))
<filename>src/navi/components/other/ from navi.components.component import Component __author__ = 'paoolo' class LowPassFilter(Component): """ Used to low pass. """ def __init__(self): super(LowPassFilter, self).__init__(enable=True) self._old_left = 0.0 self._old_right = 0.0 self._alpha = 0.3 def modify(self, left, right): left = self._low_pass_filter(left, self._old_left) right = self._low_pass_filter(right, self._old_right) self._old_left, self._old_right = left, right return left, right def _low_pass_filter(self, new_value, old_value): if old_value is None: return new_value return old_value + self._alpha * (new_value - old_value) @property def alpha(self): return self._alpha @alpha.setter def alpha(self, val): self._alpha = float(val)
from __future__ import annotations import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Union, TypeVar, Type, Generic from loguru import logger from transformers import PreTrainedModel from codenets.recordable import RecordableTorchModule from codenets.utils import full_classname, instance_full_classname, runtime_import PretrainedRec_T = TypeVar("PretrainedRec_T", bound="PreTrainedModelRecordable") Pretrained_T = TypeVar("Pretrained_T", bound="PreTrainedModel") class PreTrainedModelRecordable(Generic[Pretrained_T], RecordableTorchModule): """ Wrap any generic HuggingFace PreTrainedModel as a Recordable Torch module equipped with load/save """ def __init__(self, model: Pretrained_T): super().__init__() self.model = model def save(self, output_dir: Union[Path, str]) -> bool: full_dir = Path(output_dir) / instance_full_classname(self) / instance_full_classname(self.model)"Saving HuggingFace model to {full_dir}") os.makedirs(full_dir, exist_ok=True) self.model.save_pretrained(full_dir) return True @classmethod def load(cls: Type[PretrainedRec_T], restore_dir: Union[Path, str]) -> PretrainedRec_T: import json full_dir = Path(restore_dir) / full_classname(cls)"Loading HuggingFace Pretrained model from {full_dir}") _, dirs, _ = list(os.walk(full_dir))[0] model_cls_name = dirs[0]"Loading HuggingFace {model_cls_name} model from {full_dir}/{model_cls_name}") klass = runtime_import(model_cls_name) assert issubclass(klass, PreTrainedModel) model = klass.from_pretrained(str(full_dir / model_cls_name)) return cls(model) def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.model.forward(*args, **kwargs) # BertModelRecordable = PreTrainedModelRecordable[BertModel] # class BertModelRecordable(RecordableTorchModule): # """ # Wrapper to make BertModel recordable # Haven't found a way to make that generic in a typesafe mode, # mypy and generics are too limited but I'll search again because # all Transformers classes have the same save/load_pretrained functions # so in theory there is no reason no to have one single recordable for # them all # """ # def __init__(self, model: BertModel): # super().__init__() # self.model = model # def save(self, output_dir: Union[Path, str]) -> bool: # full_dir = Path(output_dir) / instance_full_classname(self) # logger.debug(f"Saving BertModel to {full_dir}") # os.makedirs(full_dir, exist_ok=True) # self.model.save_pretrained(full_dir) # return True # @classmethod # def load(cls, restore_dir: Union[Path, str]) -> BertModelRecordable: # full_dir = Path(restore_dir) / full_classname(cls) # logger.debug(f"Loading BertModel from {full_dir}") # model = BertModel.from_pretrained(str(full_dir)) # return BertModelRecordable(model) # def forward(self, tokens, tokens_mask): # return self.model.forward(tokens, tokens_mask)
from .base import * # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import,unused-wildcard-import,wildcard-import from sentry_sdk.integrations.celery import CeleryIntegration from sentry_sdk.integrations.django import DjangoIntegration from sentry_sdk.integrations.logging import LoggingIntegration import logging import sentry_sdk DEBUG = True # GENERAL # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get("SECRET_KEY") # ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"] # DATABASES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATABASES["default"]["ATOMIC_REQUESTS"] = True # noqa F405 pylint: disable-all DATABASES["default"]["CONN_MAX_AGE"] = os.environ.get( "CONN_MAX_AGE", default=60 ) # noqa F405 # CACHES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CACHES = { # "default": { # "BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache", # "LOCATION": os.environ.get("REDIS_URL", "redis://"), # "OPTIONS": { # "CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient", # # Mimicing memcache behavior. # # # "IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS": True, # }, # } # } # Email Service # EMAIL_HOST = '' EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_HOST_USER = '<EMAIL>' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '<PASSWORD>' EMAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_USE_SSL = False # LOGGING # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # See for # more details on how to customize your logging configuration. LOGGING = { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": True, "formatters": { "verbose": { "format": "%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(module)s " "%(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s" } }, "handlers": { "console": { "level": "DEBUG", "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "formatter": "verbose", } }, "root": {"level": "INFO", "handlers": ["console"]}, "loggers": { "django.db.backends": { "level": "ERROR", "handlers": ["console"], "propagate": False, }, # Errors logged by the SDK itself "sentry_sdk": {"level": "ERROR", "handlers": ["console"], "propagate": False}, "": { "level": "ERROR", "handlers": ["console"], "propagate": False, }, }, } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # django-rest-framework - REST_FRAMEWORK = { "DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES": [ "backend.Profile.authentication.JWTAuthentication", ], "DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES": [], "DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES": ["rest_framework.renderers.JSONRenderer"], "DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES": [ "rest_framework.parsers.JSONParser", "rest_framework.parsers.FormParser", "rest_framework.parsers.MultiPartParser", "rest_framework.parsers.FileUploadParser", ], "DEFAULT_FILTER_BACKENDS": ( "drf_spectacular.contrib.django_filters.DjangoFilterBackend", ), } # Sentry # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # SECURITY # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = ("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO", "https") SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = os.environ.get("DJANGO_SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT", default=True) SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = True SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS = 60 SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS = os.environ.get( "DJANGO_SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS", default=True ) SECURE_HSTS_PRELOAD = os.environ.get("DJANGO_SECURE_HSTS_PRELOAD", default=True) SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF = os.environ.get( "DJANGO_SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF", default=True ) SENTRY_DSN = os.environ.get("SENTRY_DSN") SENTRY_LOG_LEVEL = os.environ.get("DJANGO_SENTRY_LOG_LEVEL", logging.INFO) sentry_logging = LoggingIntegration( level=SENTRY_LOG_LEVEL, # Capture info and above as breadcrumbs event_level=logging.ERROR, # Send errors as events ) sentry_sdk.init( dsn=SENTRY_DSN, integrations=[sentry_logging, DjangoIntegration(), CeleryIntegration()], ) CORS_ALLOW_ALL_ORIGINS = True
import numpy as np import os from glob import glob import as sio from import imread, imsave from time import time from api import PRN from utils.write import write_obj_with_colors # ---- init PRN os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0' # GPU number, -1 for CPU prn = PRN(is_dlib = False) # ------------- load data image_folder = 'TestImages/AFLW2000/' save_folder = 'TestImages/AFLW2000_results' if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.mkdir(save_folder) types = ('*.jpg', '*.png') image_path_list= [] for files in types: image_path_list.extend(glob(os.path.join(image_folder, files))) total_num = len(image_path_list) for i, image_path in enumerate(image_path_list): # read image image = imread(image_path) # the core: regress position map if 'AFLW2000' in image_path: mat_path = image_path.replace('jpg', 'mat') info = sio.loadmat(mat_path) kpt = info['pt3d_68'] pos = prn.process(image, kpt) # kpt information is only used for detecting face and cropping image else: pos = prn.process(image) # use dlib to detect face # -- Basic Applications # get landmarks kpt = prn.get_landmarks(pos) # 3D vertices vertices = prn.get_vertices(pos) # corresponding colors colors = prn.get_colors(image, vertices) # -- save #name = image_path.strip().split('/')[-1][:-4] name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))[0] np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_folder, name + '.txt'), kpt) write_obj_with_colors(os.path.join(save_folder, name + '.obj'), vertices, prn.triangles, colors) #save 3d face(can open with meshlab) sio.savemat(os.path.join(save_folder, name + '_mesh.mat'), {'vertices': vertices, 'colors': colors, 'triangles': prn.triangles})
#!/home/andrew/.envs/venv38/bin/python3 import sys import numpy as np def read_input(): vent_lines = [] for line in sys.stdin: halves = (x.strip() for x in line.strip().split("->")) points = [[int(x) for x in y.split(",")] for y in halves] vent_lines.append(points) return vent_lines def is_rook_move(vent_line): v = vent_line return (v[0][0] == v[1][0]) or (v[0][1] == v[1][1]) def integer_points(vent_line): v = vent_line if not is_rook_move(v): return [] points = [] x_begin = min(v[0][0], v[1][0]) x_end = max(v[0][0], v[1][0]) + 1 y_begin = min(v[0][1], v[1][1]) y_end = max(v[0][1], v[1][1]) + 1 for x in range(x_begin, x_end): for y in range(y_begin, y_end): points.append([x,y]) return points def infer_grid_shape(vent_lines): x_max = -1 y_max = -1 for v in vent_lines: for p in v: x_max = max(x_max, p[0]) y_max = max(y_max, p[1]) return [y_max + 1, x_max + 1] # Read in vent lines and infer grid shape vent_lines = read_input() grid_shape = infer_grid_shape(vent_lines) #print(vent_lines) print("Grid shape:", grid_shape) # Create grid and weight each point by number of vents grid = np.zeros(grid_shape, dtype=int) for v in vent_lines: for x,y in integer_points(v): grid[y, x] += 1 #print(grid) # Compute the number of points with weight at least 2 dangerous_points = np.sum(grid >= 2) print("Number of dangerous points:", dangerous_points)
from .utils import get_cv_data_ann_kfold as get_cv_data from .optimizer import Optimizer as Opt from .stats import calculate_p_values from collections import namedtuple from .full_model import FullModel from .model import Model import numpy as np TestResult = namedtuple('TestResult', ['ml_trn', 'ml_cv_mean', 'ml_cv']) class StructureAnalyzer(object): def __init__(self, observed_variables: list, model_desc: str, data, use_cv=True): """ Keyword arguments: observed-variables -- A list of observed variables whose relationships are unclear. model_desc -- A model description in a valid syntax, usually assumed to be a measurement part, but extra information (given caution) can be provided. data -- A data. use_cv -- Use cross-validation. """ self.observed_vars = observed_variables self.model_desc = model_desc self.full_data = data.copy() self.training_set, self.testing_sets = get_cv_data(data) if not use_cv: self.training_set = self.full_data self.testing_sets = [self.full_data] def get_model(self, params_to_ignore): model = FullModel(self.observed_vars, self.model_desc, params_to_ignore) model.load_dataset(self.full_data) return model def test_model_cv(self, mod): mls = list() model = Model(self.get_model_description(mod), force_load=self.observed_vars) opt = Opt(model) opt.load_dataset(self.training_set) lf = opt.optimize() # pvals = np.zeros((model.beta_range[1] - model.beta_range[0],)) for data in self.testing_sets: data = data[model.vars['IndsObs']] cov = np.cov(data, rowvar=False, bias=True) opt.mx_cov = cov mls.append(opt.ml_wishart(opt.params)) # pvals /= len(self.testing_sets) # pvals_nums = np.count_nonzero((pvals > 1e-1) | np.isnan(pvals)) return TestResult(lf, np.mean(mls), mls) def get_least_significant_param(self, pvalues, params_to_pen, model, opt): pvalues = np.array(pvalues) t = pvalues[params_to_pen] if not len(t): return t = np.max(t) if np.isnan(t): t = np.array([True if i in params_to_pen else False for i in range(len(pvalues))]) i = np.where(np.isnan(pvalues) & t)[0][0] else: i = np.where(pvalues == t)[0][0] m, n = model.parameters['Beta'][i - model.beta_range[0]] lval, rval = model.beta_names[0][m], model.beta_names[1][n] return lval, rval def get_num_pvals(self, opt, pvals): pvals = np.array(pvals) return np.count_nonzero(pvals[list(range(*opt.model.beta_range))] > 5e-2) def get_model_description(self, model): d = model.description op = model.operations.REGRESSION s = str() for lv in d: if d[lv][op]: s += '{} ~ {}\n'.format(lv, ' + '.join(list(d[lv][op].keys()))) op = model.operations.MEASUREMENT for lv in d: if d[lv][op]: s += '{} =~ {}\n'.format(lv, ' + '.join(list(d[lv][op].keys()))) return s def run(self): params_to_ignore = set() while True: model = self.get_model(params_to_ignore) params_to_pen = list(range(*model.beta_range)) opt = Opt(model) lf = opt.optimize() conn = self.get_num_components_connected(opt) if conn < 6: break pvalues = calculate_p_values(opt) num_pvals = self.get_num_pvals(opt, pvalues) ind = self.get_least_significant_param(pvalues, params_to_pen, model, opt) params_to_ignore.add(ind) if len(params_to_pen) > 2 * conn: lf = np.inf desc = self.get_model_description(model) yield lf, self.test_model_cv(model), num_pvals, conn, desc if len(params_to_pen) < 2: break def get_num_components_connected(self, opt): """Get number of variables present in structural part. Keyword arguments: opt -- Optimizer with optimized parameters. Returns: Number of variables """ n = opt.mx_beta.shape[0] for i in range(n): r_nonzeros = np.abs(opt.mx_beta[i]) > 1e-16 c_nonzeros = np.abs(opt.mx_beta[:, i]) > 1e-16 num_nonzeros = r_nonzeros | c_nonzeros if not np.count_nonzero(num_nonzeros): n -= 1 return n def analyze(self, print_status=False): """Wraps run method and returns helper structures. Keyword arguments: print_status -- Whether to print intermediate information on each step. Returns: Array of models numbers, MLs of FullModel, mean CV ML, CV MLs, numbers of p-values exceeding set bound, sums of pvalues, numbers of present in variables in structural part, models' descriptions. """ n, lfs, descs = list(), list(), list() ml_trns, ml_means, ml_cvs = list(), list(), list() pvals_nums, conns = list(), list() for i, (lf, test, num_pvals, conn, desc) in enumerate( if lf is None or lf is np.nan: continue n.append(i) lfs.append(lf) conns.append(conn) ml_trns.append(test.ml_trn) ml_means.append(test.ml_cv_mean) ml_cvs.append(test.ml_cv) pvals_nums.append(num_pvals) descs.append(desc) if ml_means[-1] > 16: break if print_status: print("Step {}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}, pnum: {}".format(i, test.ml_cv_mean, lf, num_pvals)) n, lfs, ml_cvs = np.array(n), np.array(lfs), np.array(ml_cvs).T ml_means, conns = np.array(ml_means), np.array(conns) pvals_nums = np.array(pvals_nums) return n, lfs, ml_trns, ml_means, ml_cvs, pvals_nums, conns, descs
<gh_stars>1-10 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=C0103 """ This module contains project settings. """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import os # Host and port for web server to listen HOST = "" PORT = 9999 # Number of seconds to sleep before sending HTTP response to client DELAY = 0.25 # Administrator's email ADMIN_EMAIL = "<EMAIL>" # Project's root directory PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # Project's server dumps root directory DUMPS_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "dumps") # Project's templates root directory TEMPLATES_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "templates") # Project's static files root directory STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "static") # Project's log root directory LOG_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "logs") LOG_FILE = os.path.join(LOG_ROOT, "robobattleship.log") # Logger config LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'formatters': { 'logsna': { '()': 'logsna.Formatter', } }, 'handlers': { 'robobattleship': { 'level': 'INFO', 'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler', 'maxBytes': 1024*1024*5, # 5 MB 'backupCount': 20, 'filename': LOG_FILE, 'formatter': 'logsna', }, }, 'loggers': { 'robobattleship': { 'handlers': ['robobattleship'], 'level': 'DEBUG', 'propagate': True, }, 'bottle': { 'handlers': ['robobattleship'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': True, }, 'requests': { 'handlers': ['robobattleship'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': True, }, } }