1 value
<filename>examples/ from superprocessor import cmd print(cmd( 'function foo { echo "Hello $1\n" ; } ; foo "jonas" ; ' ))
<filename>online/ from django.contrib import admin from .models import * from csvexport.actions import csvexport # Register your models here. class item(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('title','price','category','brand','status','label','image') search_fields = ['title','description'] list_filter = ('status','label','category','brand') list_per_page = 10 actions = [csvexport],item) class Categorys(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('name','slug','image') search_fields = ['name'] list_per_page = 10,Categorys)
<reponame>reticulatingspline/WebHooks ### # Copyright (c) 2014, spline # All rights reserved. # # ### from supybot.test import * class WebHooksTestCase(PluginTestCase): plugins = ('WebHooks',) def testWebHooks(self): pass # vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79:
<gh_stars>0 from .readDB import * from nltk.corpus import wordnet import sys sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))) from .preProcessing import preProcessing import random def synonyms(query, query_processed) : candidate = [[] for i in range(len(query_processed))] count=0 for w in query: w=preProcessing(w) if not w: continue w=w[0] if w not in collection_prob.keys() : for syn in wordnet.synsets(query[count]): for l in syn.lemmas(): if preProcessing([0] in collection_prob.keys() : candidate[count].append(preProcessing([0]) else : candidate[count].append(w) if not candidate[count]: candidate[count].append(w) count+=1 return candidate def randomPick(candidate) : query_list=[] itr=10 mul=1 for c in candidate : mul*=len(c) if mul<10 : itr=mul itr=10 for i in range(itr) : query=[] for synonyms in candidate : tmp=random.choice(synonyms) query.append(tmp) query_list.append(query) return query_list # q=input('검색 입력 : ') # q_processed=preProcessing(q) # q=q.split() # candidate=synonyms(q, q_processed) # print(candidate) # query_list=randomPick(candidate) # print(query_list)
# import storage_module.config_data as config_data # import universal_module.utils # import logging # import sys # logger = logging.getLogger("Main") # sys.excepthook = universal_module.utils.log_exception_handler class RAMStorage: def __init__(self): self.total_messages_read: int = 0 self.total_messages_sent: int = 0 self.dp_last_user_count: int = -1
<reponame>thenetcircle/dino import sys from subprocess import PIPE from subprocess import Popen from flask import Flask from flask import make_response from flask_restful import Api from flask_restful import Resource app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) UNIT = sys.argv[4] class Logs(Resource): def __init__(self): pass def get(self): headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html'} p = Popen(["journalctl", "-u", UNIT, "-o", "cat", "-n", "250"], stdout=PIPE) lines = "".join([str(line, "utf-8").replace("\n", "<br />") for line in p.stdout]) return make_response(lines, 200, headers) api.add_resource(Logs, '/')
<filename>wyeusk/<gh_stars>0 """Main module.""" import bs4 as bs import urllib.request sauce = urllib.request.urlopen('').read() soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(sauce, 'html.parser')
<reponame>JohnyEngine/CNC import ocl import pyocl import camvtk import time import vtk import datetime import math def drawEdge(myscreen, a, b): myscreen.addActor(camvtk.Sphere(center=(a.x,a.y,a.z), radius=0.0351,; myscreen.addActor(camvtk.Sphere(center=(b.x,b.y,b.z), radius=0.0351,; myscreen.addActor( camvtk.Line(p1=(a.x,a.y,a.z),p2=(b.x,b.y,b.z)) ) if __name__ == "__main__": print ocl.version() myscreen = camvtk.VTKScreen() camvtk.drawOCLtext(myscreen) camvtk.drawArrows(myscreen,center=(-1,-2,0)) a=ocl.Point(0,1.7,-0.6) b=ocl.Point(0,0.11,0.3) drawEdge(myscreen, a, b) diameter=0.4 length=1 # spherical cutter and cylinder s1 = camvtk.Sphere(center=(a.x,a.y,a.z), radius=diameter/2, color=camvtk.lgreen) s2 = camvtk.Sphere(center=(b.x,b.y,b.z), radius=diameter/2, s1.SetOpacity(1) s2.SetOpacity(1) myscreen.addActor(s1) myscreen.addActor(s2) # tube cyltube = camvtk.Tube( p1=(a.x,a.y,a.z) , p2=(b.x,b.y,b.z), radius=diameter/2, color=camvtk.yellow ) cyltube.SetOpacity(0.2) myscreen.addActor( cyltube ) # Cylinder a = a + ocl.Point(1,0,0) b = b + ocl.Point(1,0,0) drawEdge(myscreen, a, b) cir1 = camvtk.Circle(center=(a.x,a.y,a.z) , radius=diameter/2, color=camvtk.lgreen, resolution=50 ) cir1.SetOpacity(1) myscreen.addActor(cir1) cir2 = camvtk.Circle(center=(b.x,b.y,b.z) , radius=diameter/2,, resolution=50 ) cir2.SetOpacity(1) myscreen.addActor(cir2) # draw lines along the elliptic tube # Toroid a = a + ocl.Point(1,0,0) b = b + ocl.Point(1,0,0) drawEdge(myscreen, a, b) tor1 = camvtk.Toroid(r1=diameter/2, r2=diameter/6, center=(a.x,a.y,a.z), rotXYZ=(0,0,0), color=camvtk.lgreen) tor1.SetOpacity(1) myscreen.addActor(tor1) tor2 = camvtk.Toroid(r1=diameter/2, r2=diameter/6, center=(b.x,b.y,b.z), rotXYZ=(0,0,0), tor2.SetOpacity(1) myscreen.addActor(tor2) # Cone a = a + ocl.Point(1,0,0) b = b + ocl.Point(1,0,0) drawEdge(myscreen, a, b) con1 = camvtk.Cone(center=(a.x,a.y,a.z), radius=diameter/2, height = 0.3, color=camvtk.lgreen ) myscreen.addActor(con1) con2 = camvtk.Cone(center=(b.x,b.y,b.z), radius=diameter/2, height = 0.3, ) myscreen.addActor(con2) print "done.", 3, 2), 0, 0) myscreen.render() w2if = vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter() w2if.SetInput(myscreen.renWin) lwr = vtk.vtkPNGWriter() lwr.SetInput( w2if.GetOutput() ) #for n in range(1,18): # t.SetText("OpenCAMLib " +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) # 2 ) # time.sleep(0.1) # myscreen.render() # w2if.Modified() # lwr.SetFileName("frames/tc"+ ('%04d' % n)+".png") #lwr.Write() myscreen.iren.Start() #raw_input("Press Enter to terminate")
<gh_stars>1-10 from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division DIGITS = '0123456789ABCDEF' def decimal_to_base2(dec): """Convert decimal number to binary number by iteration. Time complexity: O(d/2). Space complexity: O(d/2). """ # Push remainders into stack. rem_stack = [] while dec > 0: dec, rem = divmod(dec, 2) rem_stack.append(rem) # Pop remainders and concat them into binary number string. bin_num = '' while rem_stack: bin_num += str(rem_stack.pop()) return bin_num def decimal_to_base_iter(dec, base): """Convert decimal number to base 2 ~ 16 by iteration. Time complexity: O(d/b). Space complexity: O(d/b). """ # Push remainders into stack. rem_stack = [] while dec > 0: dec, rem = divmod(dec, base) rem_stack.append(rem) # Pop remainders and concat them into base number string. base_num = '' while rem_stack: base_num += DIGITS[rem_stack.pop()] return base_num def _decimal_to_base_recur_util(dec, base, rem_stack): # if dec < base: rem_stack.append(dec) else: dec, rem = divmod(dec, base) rem_stack.append(rem) _decimal_to_base_recur_util(dec, base, rem_stack) def decimal_to_base_recur(dec, base): """Convert decimal number to base 2 ~ 16 by recursion with stack. Time complexity: O(d/b). Space complexity: O(d/b). """ # Push remainders into stack. rem_stack = [] _decimal_to_base_recur_util(dec, base, rem_stack) # Pop remainders and concat them into base number string. base_num = '' while rem_stack: base_num += DIGITS[rem_stack.pop()] return base_num def main(): import time # Binary: (37)_10 = (100101)_2 dec = 37 start_time = time.time() print('By iter w/ base 2: {} -> {}' .format(dec, decimal_to_base2(dec))) print('Time: {}'.format(time.time() - start_time)) start_time = time.time() print('By iter w/ general base 2: {} -> {}' .format(dec, decimal_to_base_iter(dec, 2))) print('Time: {}'.format(time.time() - start_time)) # Hexadecimal: (1728)_10 = (6C0)_16 dec = 1728 start_time = time.time() print('By iter: {} -> {}' .format(dec, decimal_to_base_iter(dec, 16))) print('Time: {}'.format(time.time() - start_time)) start_time = time.time() print('By recur: {} -> {}' .format(dec, decimal_to_base_recur(dec, 16))) print('Time: {}'.format(time.time() - start_time)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" Test mvGenericRegrid class $Id: 2354 2012-07-11 15:28:14Z pletzer $ """ import cdat_info import cdms2 import numpy import unittest import regrid2 import ESMP import sys PLOT = False if PLOT: import matplotlib.pylab as pl HAS_MPI = False try: from mpi4py import MPI HAS_MPI = True except: pass class TestMvGenericRegrid(unittest.TestCase): """ All test interpolate to the same grid """ def setUp(self): """ Set up the grids to pass to mvGenericRegrid """ self.doPlots = False self.clt = + '/')('clt')[0, ...] # Convert to curvilinear cds, cds_forBounds = [], [] cds.append(self.clt.getLatitude()) cds.append(self.clt.getLongitude()) cds_forBounds.append(self.clt.getLatitude()) cds_forBounds.append(self.clt.getLongitude()) self.cltGrid, nDims = regrid2.gsRegrid.makeCurvilinear(cds) self.cltInterp = numpy.array(self.clt) * 0.0 + self.clt.missing_value self.cltInterpInterp = numpy.array(self.clt) * 0.0 + self.clt.missing_value # Salinity check f = + \ '/') = f('so') soGrid = [] soGrid.append( soGrid.append( self.soGrid = soGrid self.soInterp = numpy.array(self.clt) * 0.0 + self.tol = 1e2 self.rank = 0 self.size = 1 if HAS_MPI: self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD self.rank = self.comm.Get_rank() self.size = self.comm.Get_size() def test0_mvGeneric_dstMaskFloat_salinity(self): """ Check that the number of returned masked values is ok """ ro = regrid2.GenericRegrid(self.soGrid, self.cltGrid, dtype =, regridMethod='linear', regridTool='libcf') ro.computeWeights() ro.apply([0,0,:,:], self.soInterp, missingValue = self.assertLess(abs([0,0,...].mask.sum()/float([0,0,...].size) - 0.35), 0.05) soInterpMask = numpy.array(self.soInterp ==, numpy.int64) self.assertLess(abs(soInterpMask.sum()/float(soInterpMask.size) - 0.39), 0.05) def test1_LibCF_clt(self): """ Out and back, same grid using mvGenericRegrid -> LibCF, linear """ ro = regrid2.GenericRegrid(self.cltGrid, self.cltGrid, self.clt.dtype, regridMethod='linear', regridTool='libcf') ro.computeWeights() ro.apply(self.clt, self.cltInterp) ro.apply(self.cltInterp, self.cltInterpInterp) nCell = numpy.array(self.clt.shape).prod() avgDiffInterp = (abs(self.clt - self.cltInterp)).sum()/float(nCell) avgDiffInterpInterp = abs(self.clt - self.cltInterpInterp).sum()/float(nCell) self.assertLess(avgDiffInterp, self.tol) self.assertLess(avgDiffInterpInterp, self.tol) if self.rank == 0: avgDiffInterp = (abs(self.clt - self.cltInterp)).sum()/float(nCell) avgDiffInterpInterp = abs(self.clt - self.cltInterpInterp).sum()/float(nCell) self.assertLess(avgDiffInterp, self.tol) self.assertLess(avgDiffInterpInterp, self.tol) if PLOT: pl.figure(1) pl.subplot(3,2,1) pl.pcolor(self.cltGrid[1], self.cltGrid[0], self.clt) pl.title('clt') pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(3,2,2) pl.pcolor(self.cltGrid[1], self.cltGrid[0], self.cltInterp, vmin = 0, vmax = 100) pl.title('Interp') pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(3,2,3) pl.pcolor(self.cltGrid[1], self.cltGrid[0], self.cltInterpInterp, vmin = 0, vmax = 100) pl.title('InterpInterp') pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(3,2,4) pl.pcolor(self.cltGrid[1],self.cltGrid[0], self.clt-self.cltInterp) pl.colorbar() pl.title('clt-cltInterp') pl.subplot(3,2,5) pl.pcolor(self.cltGrid[1],self.cltGrid[0], self.clt-self.cltInterpInterp) pl.colorbar() pl.title('clt-cltInterpInterp') pl.subplot(3,2,6) pl.pcolor(self.cltGrid[1],self.cltGrid[0], self.cltGrid[1]) pl.colorbar() pl.title('Longitude') per = 0 string0 = "LibCF coordSys = Bilinear, " string1 = "periodicity = %d, " % (per) string2 = "MPI COMM size = %d" % (self.size) pl.suptitle(string0 + string1 + string2) def test2_ESMF_clt(self): """ Out and back, same grid using mvGenericRegrid -> ESMF, linear """ per = 1 coordSys = 'spherical degrees' grid = [self.cltGrid[0], self.cltGrid[1]] ro = regrid2.GenericRegrid(grid, grid, dtype=self.clt.dtype, regridMethod='linear', regridTool = 'esMf', periodicity = per, coordSys = coordSys) ro.computeWeights() ro.apply(numpy.array(self.clt), self.cltInterp, rootPe = 0) self.cltInterp = self.comm.bcast(self.cltInterp, root = 0) ro.apply(self.cltInterp, self.cltInterpInterp, rootPe = 0) nCell = numpy.array(self.clt.shape).prod() if self.rank == 0: avgDiffInterp = (abs(self.clt - self.cltInterp)).sum()/float(nCell) avgDiffInterpInterp = abs(self.clt - self.cltInterpInterp).sum()/float(nCell) self.assertLess(avgDiffInterp, self.tol) if self.size > 1: self.assertLess(avgDiffInterpInterp, 600) else: self.assertLess(avgDiffInterpInterp, self.tol) if PLOT: pl.figure(2) pl.subplot(3,2,1) pl.pcolor(grid[1], grid[0], self.clt) pl.title('clt') pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(3,2,2) pl.pcolor(grid[1], grid[0], self.cltInterp, vmin = 0, vmax = 100) pl.title('Interp') pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(3,2,3) pl.pcolor(grid[1], grid[0], self.cltInterpInterp, vmin = 0, vmax = 100) pl.title('InterpInterp') pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(3,2,4) pl.pcolor(grid[1],grid[0], self.clt-self.cltInterp) pl.colorbar() pl.title('clt-cltInterp') pl.subplot(3,2,5) pl.pcolor(grid[1],grid[0], self.clt-self.cltInterpInterp) pl.colorbar() pl.title('clt-cltInterpInterp') pl.subplot(3,2,6) pl.pcolor(grid[1],grid[0], grid[1]) pl.colorbar() pl.title('Longitude') string0 = "ESMF coordSys = %s, " % coordSys string1 = "periodicity = %d, " % (per) string2 = "MPI COMM size = %d" % (self.size) pl.suptitle(string0 + string1 + string2) def test3_ESMF_Masking(self): """ Out, ESMF, Masking in __init__, Bilinear """ per = 1 coordSys = 'spherical degrees' grid = [self.cltGrid[0], self.cltGrid[1]] mask = numpy.array(self.clt > 90, dtype = numpy.int32) ro = regrid2.GenericRegrid(grid, grid, self.clt.dtype, regridMethod = 'linear', regridTool = 'esMf', periodicity = per, coordSys = coordSys, srcGridMask = mask) ro.computeWeights() ro.apply(numpy.array(self.clt), self.cltInterp, rootPe = 0) nCell = numpy.array(self.clt.shape).prod() if self.rank == 0: avgDiffInterp = (abs(self.clt - self.cltInterp)).sum()/float(nCell) avgDiffInterpInterp = abs(self.clt - self.cltInterpInterp).sum()/float(nCell) # we're expecting some ver large values because of the masking #self.assertLess(avgDiffInterp, 50) if PLOT: pl.figure(3) pl.subplot(1, 3, 1) pl.pcolor(grid[1], grid[0], self.clt) pl.title('clt') pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(1, 3, 2) pl.pcolor(grid[1], grid[0], self.cltInterp, vmin = 0, vmax = 100) pl.title('Interp') pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(1, 3, 3) pl.pcolor(grid[1], grid[0], self.clt-self.cltInterp) pl.colorbar() pl.title('clt-cltInterp') string0 = "ESMF coordSys = %s, " % coordSys string1 = "periodicity = %d, " % (per) string2 = "MPI COMM size = %d" % (self.size) pl.suptitle(string0 + string1 + string2) def Xtest4_ESMF_Conservative_2D_clt(self): """ Out, ESMF, Conservative metric """ per = 1 coordSys = 'spherical degrees' grid = [self.cltGrid[0], self.cltGrid[1]] mask = numpy.array(self.clt > 90, dtype = numpy.int32) newclt = numpy.ones(self.clt.shape) * self.clt newclt[numpy.where(self.clt>75)] = self.clt.missing_value ro = regrid2.GenericRegrid(grid, grid, self.clt.dtype, regridMethod = 'conserv', regridTool = 'esMf', periodicity = per, coordSys = coordSys) ro.computeWeights() print dir(ro.computeWeights()) ro.apply(numpy.array(newclt), self.cltInterp, srcMissingValue = self.clt.missing_value, rootPe = 0) nCell = numpy.array(self.clt.shape).prod() if self.rank == 0: avgDiffInterp = (abs(self.clt - self.cltInterp)).sum()/float(nCell) avgDiffInterpInterp = abs(self.clt - self.cltInterpInterp).sum()/float(nCell) #self.assertLess(avgDiffInterp, 50) if PLOT: pl.figure(4) pl.subplot(3,2,1) pl.pcolor(grid[1], grid[0], self.clt) pl.title('clt') pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(3,2,2) pl.pcolor(grid[1], grid[0], (newclt == self.clt.missing_value)+mask, vmin = 0, vmax = 2) pl.title('newclt == self.clt.missing_value') pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(3,2,3) pl.pcolor(grid[1], grid[0], self.cltInterp) mn, mx = self.cltInterp.min(), self.cltInterp.max() pl.title('newMask %5.2f %5.2f' % (mn,mx)) pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(3,2,4) pl.pcolor(grid[1],grid[0], mask+self.cltInterp) pl.colorbar() pl.title('mask') pl.subplot(3,2,5) pl.pcolor(grid[1],grid[0], mask) pl.colorbar() pl.title('(newclt==self.clt.missing_value) - self.cltInterp') pl.subplot(3,2,6) pl.pcolor(grid[1],grid[0], newclt == self.clt.missing_value) pl.colorbar() pl.title('newclt-cltInterp') string0 = "ESMF coordSys = %s, " % coordSys string1 = "periodicity = %d, " % (per) string2 = "MPI COMM size = %d" % (self.size) pl.suptitle(string0 + string1 + string2) def test5_LibCF_LevelTime(self): """ Interpolate over one level/time """ f = + '/') clt = f('clt') v = f('v') # mask srcGridMask = numpy.array(v[0,0,...] == v.missing_value, numpy.int32) # v onto the ctl grid srcGrd, srcNDims = regrid2.gsRegrid.makeCurvilinear([v.getLatitude(), v.getLongitude()]) dstGrd, dstNDims = regrid2.gsRegrid.makeCurvilinear([clt.getLatitude(), clt.getLongitude()]) ro = regrid2.GenericRegrid(srcGrd, dstGrd, clt.dtype, regridMethod = 'linear', regridTool = 'esmf', periodicity = 1, coordSys = 'cart', srcGridMask = srcGridMask) ro.computeWeights() vInterp = numpy.ones(clt.shape[-2:], v.dtype) * v.missing_value ro.apply(numpy.array(v[0,0,...]), vInterp, rootPe = 0) print 'min/max of v: %f %f' % (v.min(), v.max()) print 'min/max of vInterp: %f %f' % (vInterp.min(), vInterp.max()) if PLOT: pl.figure() pl.subplot(1,2,1) pl.pcolor(srcGrd[1], srcGrd[0], v[0, 0,...], vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('test5: v[0, 0,...]') pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(1,2,2) pl.pcolor(dstGrd[1], dstGrd[0], vInterp, vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('test5: vInterp') pl.colorbar() def Xtest6_ESMF_Conserve_LevelTime_clt(self): """ Interpolate over level/time in addition to lat-lon """ f = + '/') clt = f('clt') v = f('v') # mask srcGridMask = numpy.array(v[0,0,...] == v.missing_value, numpy.int32) # v onto the ctl grid srcGrd, srcNDims = regrid2.gsRegrid.makeCurvilinear([v.getLatitude(), v.getLongitude()]) dstGrd, dstNDims = regrid2.gsRegrid.makeCurvilinear([clt.getLatitude(), clt.getLongitude()]) ro = regrid2.GenericRegrid(srcGrd, dstGrd, regridMethod = 'conserve', regridTool = 'esmp', periodicity = 1, srcGridMask = srcGridMask) ro.computeWeights() vInterp = numpy.ones(list(v.shape[:-2]) + list(clt.shape[-2:]), v.dtype) * v.missing_value ro.apply(numpy.array(v), vInterp, rootPe = 0) print 'min/max of v: %f %f' % (v.min(), v.max()) print 'min/max of vInterp: %f %f' % (vInterp.min(), vInterp.max()) if PLOT: nTimes = v.shape[0] nLevels = v.shape[1] for el in range(nTimes): for k in range(nLevels): pl.figure() pl.subplot(1,2,1) pl.pcolor(srcGrd[1], srcGrd[0], v[el, k,...], vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('test6: v[%d, %d,...]' % (el, k)) pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(1,2,2) pl.pcolor(dstGrd[1], dstGrd[0], vInterp[el, k,...], vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('test6: vInterp[%d, %d,...]' % (el, k)) pl.colorbar() if __name__ == '__main__': print "" # Spacer ESMP.ESMP_Initialize() suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestMvGenericRegrid) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity = 1).run(suite) if PLOT:
<filename>tests/features/steps/<gh_stars>1000+ # -*- coding: utf-8 """Steps for behavioral style tests are defined in this module. Each step is defined by the string decorating it. This string is used to call the step in "*.feature" file. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import wrappers from behave import when, then from textwrap import dedent @when('we prepare the test data') def step_prepare_data(context): """Create table, insert a record.""" context.cli.sendline('drop table if exists a;') wrappers.wait_prompt(context) context.cli.sendline( 'create table a(x integer, y real, z numeric(10, 4));') wrappers.expect_pager(context, 'CREATE TABLE\r\n', timeout=2) context.cli.sendline('''insert into a(x, y, z) values(1, 1.0, 1.0);''') wrappers.expect_pager(context, 'INSERT 0 1\r\n', timeout=2) @when('we set expanded {mode}') def step_set_expanded(context, mode): """Set expanded to mode.""" context.cli.sendline('\\' + 'x {}'.format(mode)) wrappers.expect_exact(context, 'Expanded display is', timeout=2) wrappers.wait_prompt(context) @then('we see {which} data selected') def step_see_data(context, which): """Select data from expanded test table.""" if which == 'expanded': wrappers.expect_pager( context, dedent('''\ -[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------\r x | 1\r y | 1.0\r z | 1.0000\r SELECT 1\r '''), timeout=1) else: wrappers.expect_pager( context, dedent('''\ +-----+-----+--------+\r | x | y | z |\r |-----+-----+--------|\r | 1 | 1.0 | 1.0000 |\r +-----+-----+--------+\r SELECT 1\r '''), timeout=1)
"""An environment to skip k frames and return a max between the last two.""" import gym import numpy as np class MaxFrameskipEnv(gym.Wrapper): """An environment to skip k frames and return a max between the last two.""" def __init__(self, env, skip: int=4) -> None: """ Initialize a new max frame skip env around an existing environment. Args: env: the environment to wrap around skip: the number of frames to skip (i.e. hold an action for) Returns: None """ gym.Wrapper.__init__(self, env) # most recent raw observations (for max pooling across time steps) self._obs_buffer = np.zeros((2, *env.observation_space.shape), dtype=np.uint8) self._skip = skip def step(self, action): """Repeat action, sum reward, and max over last observations.""" # the total reward from `skip` frames having `action` held on them total_reward = 0.0 done = None # perform the action `skip` times for i in range(self._skip): obs, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) total_reward += reward # assign the buffer with the last two frames if i == self._skip - 2: self._obs_buffer[0] = obs if i == self._skip - 1: self._obs_buffer[1] = obs # break the loop if the game terminated if done: break # Note that the observation on the done=True frame doesn't matter # (because the next state isn't evaluated when done is true) max_frame = self._obs_buffer.max(axis=0) return max_frame, total_reward, done, info def reset(self, **kwargs): return self.env.reset(**kwargs) # explicitly define the outward facing API of this module __all__ = [MaxFrameskipEnv.__name__]
from pathlib import Path import moonleap.resource.props as P from moonleap import extend, rule from moonleap.verbs import has from titan.react_pkg.reactapp import ReactApp from .props import get_context @rule("react-app", has, "routes:module") def react_app_has_routes_module(react_app, routes_module): routes_module.add_template_dir(Path(__file__).parent / "templates", get_context) @extend(ReactApp) class ExtendReactApp: routes_module = P.child(has, "routes:module")
"""Git tools for Python.""" from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath from datetime import datetime import json from copy import copy from git import Repo, InvalidGitRepositoryError # ============================ Custom exceptions ============================= class DirtyRepo(Exception): """Specific exception indicating some changes in repo are not committed.""" pass class NotInTree(Exception): """Specific exception indicating file is not in commit tree.""" pass # =========================== Private subroutines ============================ def _pathify(path): """Transforms str or partial path in fully resolved path object.""" pathabs = Path(path).resolve() # absolute path of filename if not pathabs.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Path {pathabs} does not exist') return pathabs def _make_iterable(x): """Transforms non-iterables into a tuple, but keeps iterables unchanged.""" try: iter(x) except TypeError: return x, else: return x # ============================= Public functions ============================= def path_in_tree(path, commit): """Return True if path belongs to the commit's working tree, else False. Note that if the path is the root directory of the git repository (where the .git is located), the function also returns True even if one could argue that the root directory is technically not in the repo's tree. INPUTS ------ - path: str or path object of folder or file - commit: *gitpython* commit object OUTPUT ------ bool (True if path is in working tree, False if not) """ pathabs = _pathify(path) rootabs = Path(commit.repo.working_dir).resolve() # path of root of repo localpath = pathabs.relative_to(rootabs) # relative path of file in repo localname = str(PurePosixPath(localpath)) # gitpython uses Unix names if localname == '.': # Means that the entered path is the repo's root return True try: commit.tree[localname] except KeyError: # in this case the file is not in the commit return False else: return True def current_commit_hash(path='.', checkdirty=True, checktree=True): """Return HEAD commit hash corresponding to path if it's in a git repo. INPUT ----- - path: str or path object of folder/file. Default: current working dir. - checkdirty: bool, if True exception raised if repo has uncommitted changes. - checktree: bool, if True exception raised if path/file not in repo's working tree and path is not the root directory of the repo. OUTPUT ------ - str of the commit's hash name. """ p = _pathify(path) repo = Repo(p, search_parent_directories=True) if checkdirty and repo.is_dirty(): raise DirtyRepo("Dirty repo, please commit recent changes first.") commit = repo.head.commit if checktree and not path_in_tree(path, commit): raise NotInTree("Path or file not in working tree.") return str(commit) def repo_tags(path='.'): """Return dict of all {'commit hash': 'tag name'} in git repo. INPUT ----- - path: str or path object of folder/file. Default: current working dir. OUTPUT ------ dict {'commit hash': 'tag name'} (both key and value are str). """ p = _pathify(path) repo = Repo(p, search_parent_directories=True) return {str(tag.commit): str(tag) for tag in repo.tags} def path_status(path='.'): """Current (HEAD) commit hashes, status (dirty or clean), and potential tag. Slightly higher level compared to current_commit_hash, as it returns a dictionary with a variety of information (status, hash, tag) INPUT ----- - path: str or path object of folder/file. Default: current working dir. OUTPUT ------ Dictionary keys 'hash', 'status' (clean/diry), 'tag' (if exists) """ info = {} # get commit hash and check repo status (dirty or clean) ----------------- try: cch = current_commit_hash(path) except DirtyRepo: cch = current_commit_hash(path, checkdirty=False) status = 'dirty' else: status = 'clean' info['hash'] = cch info['status'] = status # check if tag associated with commit ------------------------------------ commits_with_tags = repo_tags(path) if cch in commits_with_tags: info['tag'] = commits_with_tags[cch] return info # ================== Functions for status of python modules ================== def module_status(module, dirty_warning=False, notag_warning=False, nogit_ok=False, nogit_warning=False): """Get status info (current hash, dirty/clean repo, tag) of module(s). Parameters ---------- - module or list/iterable of modules (each must belong to a git repository) - dirty_warning: if True, prints a warning if some git repos are dirty. - notag_warning: if True, prints a warning if some git repos don't have tags - nogit_ok: if True, if some modules are not in a git repo, simply get their version number. If False (default), raise an error. - nogit_warning: if some modules are not in a git repo and nogit_ok is True, print a warning when this happens. Output ------ Dict with module name as keys, and a dict {hash:, status:, tag:} as values """ modules = _make_iterable(module) mods = {} # dict {module name: dict of module info} for module in modules: name = module.__name__ try: info = path_status(module.__file__) except InvalidGitRepositoryError: if nogit_ok: tag = 'v' + module.__version__ info = {'status': 'not a git repository', 'tag': tag} else: raise InvalidGitRepositoryError(f'{module} not a git repo') mods[name] = info # Manage warnings if necessary ------------------------------------------- if dirty_warning: dirty_modules = [module for module, info in mods.items() if info['status'] == 'dirty'] if len(dirty_modules) > 0: msg = '\nWarning: these modules have dirty git repositories: ' msg += ', '.join(dirty_modules) print(msg) if notag_warning: tagless_modules = [module for module, info in mods.items() if 'tag' not in info] if len(tagless_modules) > 0: msg = '\nWarning: these modules are missing a tag: ' msg += ', '.join(tagless_modules) print(msg) if nogit_ok and nogit_warning: nogit_modules = [module for module, info in mods.items() if info['status'] == 'not a git repository'] if len(nogit_modules) > 0: msg = '\nWarning: these modules are not in a git repository: ' msg += ', '.join(nogit_modules) print(msg) return mods def save_metadata(file, info=None, module=None, dirty_warning=False, notag_warning=False, nogit_ok=False, nogit_warning=False): """Save metadata (info dict) into json file, and add git commit & time info. Parameters ---------- - file: str or path object of .json file to save data into. - info: dict of info - module: module or iterable (e.g. list) of modules with git info to save. - dirty_warning: if True, prints a warning if some git repos are dirty. - notag_warning: if True, prints a warning if some git repos don't have tags - nogit_ok: if True, if some modules are not in a git repo, simply get their version number. If False (default), raise an error. - nogit_warning: if some modules are not in a git repo and nogit_ok is True, print a warning when this happens. """ metadata = copy(info) if info is not None else {} metadata['time (utc)'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Info on commit hashes of homemade modules used ------------------------- if module is not None: module_info = module_status(module, dirty_warning=dirty_warning, notag_warning=notag_warning, nogit_ok=nogit_ok, nogit_warning=nogit_warning) metadata['code version'] = module_info # Write to file ---------------------------------------------------------- # Note: below, the encoding and ensure_ascii options are for signs like ° with open(file, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: json.dump(metadata, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
""" Normalized regional hypsometric interpolation ============================================= There are many ways of interpolating gaps in a dDEM. In the case of glaciers, one very useful fact is that elevation change is generally varies with elevation. This means that if valid pixels exist in a certain elevation bin, their values can be used to fill other pixels in the same approximate elevation. Filling gaps by elevation is the main basis of "hypsometric interpolation approaches", of which there are many variations of. One problem with simple hypsometric approaches is that they may not work glaciers with different elevation ranges and scales. Let's say we have two glaciers: one gigantic reaching from 0-1000 m, and one small from 900-1100 m. Usually in the 2000s, glaciers thin rapidly at the bottom, while they may be neutral or only thin slightly in the top. If we extrapolate the hypsometric signal of the gigantic glacier to use on the small one, it may seem like the smaller glacier has almost no change whatsoever. This may be right, or it may be catastrophically wrong! Normalized regional hypsometric interpolation solves the scale and elevation range problems in one go. It: 1. Calculates a regional signal using the weighted average of each glacier's normalized signal: a. The glacier's elevation range is scaled from 0-1 to be elevation-independent. b. The glaciers elevation change is scaled from 0-1 to be magnitude-independent. c. A weight is assigned by the amount of valid pixels (well-covered large glaciers gain a higher weight) 2. Re-scales that signal to fit each glacier once determined. The consequence is a much more accurate interpolation approach that can be used in a multitude of glacierized settings. """ # sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import xdem import xdem.misc import geoutils as gu # %% # **Example files** dem_2009 = xdem.DEM(xdem.examples.get_path("longyearbyen_ref_dem")) dem_1990 = xdem.DEM(xdem.examples.get_path("longyearbyen_tba_dem_coreg")) glacier_outlines = gu.Vector(xdem.examples.get_path("longyearbyen_glacier_outlines")) # Rasterize the glacier outlines to create an index map. # Stable ground is 0, the first glacier is 1, the second is 2, etc. glacier_index_map = glacier_outlines.rasterize(dem_2009) plt_extent = [ dem_2009.bounds.left, dem_2009.bounds.right, dem_2009.bounds.bottom,, ] # %% # To test the method, we can generate a semi-random mask to assign nans to glacierized areas. # Let's remove 30% of the data. np.random.seed(42) random_nans = (xdem.misc.generate_random_field(dem_1990.shape, corr_size=5) > 0.7) & (glacier_index_map > 0) plt.imshow(random_nans) # %% # The normalized hypsometric signal shows the tendency for elevation change as a function of elevation. # The magnitude may vary between glaciers, but the shape is generally similar. # Normalizing by both elevation and elevation change, and then re-scaling the signal to every glacier, ensures that it is as accurate as possible. # **NOTE**: The hypsometric signal does not need to be generated separately; it will be created by :func:`xdem.volume.norm_regional_hypsometric_interpolation`. # Generating it first, however, allows us to visualize and validate it. ddem = (dem_2009 - dem_1990).data ddem_voided = np.where(random_nans, np.nan, ddem) signal = xdem.volume.get_regional_hypsometric_signal( ddem=ddem_voided,, glacier_index_map=glacier_index_map, ) plt.fill_between(signal.index.mid, signal["sigma-1-lower"], signal["sigma-1-upper"], label="Spread (+- 1 sigma)") plt.plot(signal.index.mid, signal["w_mean"], color="black", label="Weighted mean") plt.ylabel("Normalized elevation change") plt.xlabel("Normalized elevation") plt.legend() # %% # The signal can now be used (or simply estimated again if not provided) to interpolate the DEM. ddem_filled = xdem.volume.norm_regional_hypsometric_interpolation( voided_ddem=ddem_voided,, glacier_index_map=glacier_index_map, regional_signal=signal ) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.imshow(ddem_filled, cmap="coolwarm_r", vmin=-10, vmax=10, extent=plt_extent) plt.colorbar() # %% # We can plot the difference between the actual and the interpolated values, to validate the method. difference = (ddem_filled - ddem).squeeze()[random_nans].filled(np.nan) median = np.nanmedian(difference) nmad = xdem.spatialstats.nmad(difference) plt.title(f"Median: {median:.2f} m, NMAD: {nmad:.2f} m") plt.hist(difference, bins=np.linspace(-15, 15, 100)) # %% # As we see, the median is close to zero, while the :ref:`spatial_stats_nmad` varies slightly more. # This is expected, as the regional signal is good for multiple glaciers at once, but it cannot account for difficult local topography and meteorological conditions. # It is therefore highly recommended for large regions; just don't zoom in too close!
<reponame>ojarva/home-info-display<gh_stars>1-10 from .models import PrintLabel, get_serialized_labels from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpResponse from django.utils import timezone from django.views.generic import View from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth as reportlab_stringWidth import cups import datetime import json import redis redis_instance = redis.StrictRedis() # TODO: move to CUPS_IP = "" class GetLabels(View): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return HttpResponse(get_serialized_labels(), content_type="application/json") class CancelJob(View): def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs): cups.setServer(CUPS_IP) cups_instance = cups.Connection() # This does not return any useful information cups_instance.cancelJob(int(kwargs.get("job_id"))) return HttpResponse("ok") class GetPrinters(View): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): cups.setServer(CUPS_IP) cups_instance = cups.Connection() items = cups_instance.getPrinters() return HttpResponse(json.dumps(items), content_type="application/json") class GetStatus(View): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): cups.setServer(CUPS_IP) cups_instance = cups.Connection() try: items = cups_instance.getJobs(requested_attributes=[ "job-id", "job-media-sheets-completed", "time-at-creation"]) except: return HttpResponse("error") for key in items: items[key]["time-at-creation"] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( items[key]["time-at-creation"]).isoformat() return HttpResponse(json.dumps(items), content_type="application/json") class PrintLabels(View): def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): c = canvas.Canvas("printjob.pdf", pagesize=(260.787402, 108)) c.showPage() return HttpResponse("ok")
<reponame>iamsuman/iv class Solution: def distribute_candies(self, candies, num_people): #TODO solve candies = kn*(kn+1)/2 n = 0 arr = [0] * num_people i = 0 while candies > 0: n += 1 arr[i] += n if n < candies else candies candies -= n i += 1 if i == num_people: i = 0 return arr candies = 7; num_people = 4 candies = 10; num_people = 3 candies = 10**9; num_people = 1 s = Solution() print(s.distribute_candies(candies, num_people))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 for number in range(0, 100): if number % 15 == 0: print('FizzBuzz') elif number % 5 == 0: print('Buzz') elif number % 3 == 0: print('Fizz') else: print(number)
<filename>birthday_greetings/ """Utilities for birthday_greetings.""" import datetime import json import typing from birthday_greetings.reader import Reader from birthday_greetings.sender import Sender def parse_date(date_str: str) -> """Parse a date in Y/m/d format.""" return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y/%m/%d").date() def parse_extra_data( extra_data: typing.Optional[str], ) -> typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]: """Parse extra data (JSON).""" if extra_data: return typing.cast(typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any], json.loads(extra_data)) return {} def send_messages(date: typing.Union[,], reader: Reader, sender: Sender) -> int: """Send messages to friends whose birthdays are on the given date.""" friends_with_birthdays = reader.read_todays_birthdays(date) return sender.send_many(friends_with_birthdays)
<filename>tests/r/ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import shutil import sys import tempfile from observations.r.benefits import benefits def test_benefits(): """Test module by downloading benefits.csv and testing shape of extracted data has 4877 rows and 18 columns """ test_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() x_train, metadata = benefits(test_path) try: assert x_train.shape == (4877, 18) except: shutil.rmtree(test_path) raise()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11.2 on 2017-09-01 16:56 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [("studies", "0031_merge_20170828_1227")] operations = [ migrations.RemoveField(model_name="study", name="max_age"), migrations.RemoveField(model_name="study", name="min_age"), migrations.AddField( model_name="study", name="max_age_months", field=models.IntegerField(default=0, null=True), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="study", name="max_age_years", field=models.IntegerField(default=0, null=True), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="study", name="min_age_months", field=models.IntegerField(default=0, null=True), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="study", name="min_age_years", field=models.IntegerField(default=0, null=True), ), ]
<reponame>LGordon2/pyresttest<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python import sys from pyresttest import resttest resttest.command_line_run(sys.argv[1:])
""" This module implements the Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm. The backtracing step is modified to start with maximum score and extend to the top-left and down to bottom-right. This follows one path that contains the maximal matching sequence. This algorithm also implements an X-Drop termination condition. """ import os import argparse from pyaligner import Sequence, Scorer, DPMatrix if __name__ == "__main__": description = "Smith-Waterman Algorithm with X-Drop" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = description ) parser.add_argument( "input1", type = argparse.FileType(), help = "Sequence File 1" ) parser.add_argument( "input2", type = argparse.FileType(), help = "Sequence File 2" ) parser.add_argument( "-x", "--xdrop", type = int, default = 7, help = "X-Drop Value" ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--match-score", type = int, default = 1, help = "Match Score" ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--mismatch-score", type = int, default = -1, help = "Mismatch Score" ) parser.add_argument( "-g", "--gap-score", type = int, default = -1, help = "Gap Score" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--semiglobal", action = "store_true", help = "Only run the semi-global alignment." ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbosity", action = "count", default = 0, help = "Level 1: print match score," + \ "2: print match sequences, 3: print dp matrix." ) args = parser.parse_args() seq1 = Sequence( ) seq2 = Sequence( ) scorer = Scorer( args.match_score, args.mismatch_score, args.gap_score, args.xdrop ) dp_matrix = DPMatrix( seq1, seq2, scorer, args.semiglobal ) if args.verbosity == 0: print( dp_matrix.calc_alignment_score() ) if args.verbosity >= 1: print( "Exit Alignment Score:", dp_matrix.calc_alignment_score() ) print( "Best Alignment Score:", dp_matrix.max_score ) match_seqs = dp_matrix.calc_match_seq() print( "Number of matches:", match_seqs[2] ) if args.verbosity >= 2: print( "First Matched Sequence:", match_seqs[0] ) print( "Second Matched Sequence:", match_seqs[1] ) if args.verbosity >= 3: print() print( dp_matrix )
import re from math import floor from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.units import inch, cm from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth import json class ExamGenerator: """ Notes on layout: Bottom : y==0 Left:x==0 """ LAYOUTS={ "3num20":{ "block_width":(3.6*inch), "block_height":0.9*inch, "margin":0.6*inch, "y_top":9.5*inch, "font_size":25 }, "3num30":{ "block_width":(2.5*inch), "block_height":0.9*inch, "margin":0.5*inch, "y_top":9.5*inch, "font_size":15 }, "3num50":{ "block_width":(2.5*inch), "block_height":0.65*inch, "margin":0.5*inch, "y_top":9.5*inch, "font_size":15 }, "horizontal20":{ "block_width":(3.6*inch), "block_height":0.9*inch, "margin":0.6*inch, "y_top":9.5*inch, "font_size":25 }, "horizontal30":{ "block_width":(2.5*inch), "block_height":0.9*inch, "margin":0.5*inch, "y_top":9.5*inch, "font_size":18 }, "horizontal52":{ "block_width":(1.915*inch), "block_height":0.7*inch, "margin":0.41*inch, "y_top":9.5*inch, "font_size":14 }, "vertical20":{ "block_width":(1.5*inch), "block_height":2.2*inch, "margin":0.25*inch, "y_top":9.5*inch, "line_width":0.35*inch, "font_size":25 }, "vertical30":{ "block_width":(1.2*inch), "block_height":1.8*inch, "margin":0.5*inch, "y_top":9.5*inch, "line_width":0.35*inch, "font_size":20 }, "vertical49":{ "block_width":(1.0*inch), "block_height":1.3*inch, "margin":0.5*inch, "y_top":9.5*inch, "line_width":0.3*inch, "font_size":15 }, "vertical56":{ "block_width":(1.0*inch), "block_height":1.1*inch, "margin":0.5*inch, "y_top":9.5*inch, "line_width":0.22*inch, "font_size":12 } } FONT="Helvetica-Bold" PAGE_HEIGHT=11*inch PAGE_WIDTH=8.5*inch def __init__(self): pass def stringWidth(self, text, font_size): return stringWidth(text, self.FONT, font_size) def printHeader(self, c): """ Args: c: The canvas to draw on """ c.drawImage('template/logo.jpg', 0, 10*inch, 8.5*inch, 1*inch) def findTemplate(self, jsondata): """ Find a template to best fit this page using the number of equations, and the layout on this page. """ if not "template" in jsondata: template_name = "horizontal" else: template_name = jsondata['template'] if "problems_per_page" in jsondata: template_name += str(jsondata["problems_per_page"]) else: numEquations = len(jsondata["equations"]) if template_name=="vertical": if numEquations > 49: template_name += "56" elif numEquations >= 30: template_name += "49" else: template_name += "30" elif template_name=="horizontal": if numEquations > 30: template_name += "52" else: template_name += "30" elif template_name == "3num": if numEquations > 30: template_name += "50" elif numEquations > 20: template_name += "30" else: template_name += "20" return (template_name, self.LAYOUTS[template_name]) def _generatePage(self, jsondata, c): equations = jsondata['equations'] template_name, template = self.findTemplate(jsondata) blocks_per_row = (8.5*inch-2*template['margin'])/(template['block_width']) blocks_per_row = floor(blocks_per_row) print('blocks per row', blocks_per_row) print(type(equations)) print(len(equations)) start_index = 0 finished = False if 'horizontal' in template_name: c.setStrokeColorRGB(1, 1, 1) c.setFillColorRGB(0.9, 0.9, 0.9) vertLineX = template['margin']+template['block_width']-0.1*inch drawRect = False while vertLineX + template['block_width']< 8.5*inch: drawRect=not drawRect if drawRect: c.rect(vertLineX, template['margin'], template['block_width'], template['y_top'], fill=1) c.rect(0, 0, 10, 10) c.line(vertLineX, template['margin'], vertLineX, 100) #c.line(vertLineX, template['y_top']+template['block_height'], vertLineX, template['margin']) vertLineX += template['block_width'] c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0) #c.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0) #c.setDash() while start_index < len(equations) and not finished: c.setFont(self.FONT, template['font_size']) self.printHeader(c) finished = True for index, value in enumerate(equations): i = index - start_index if i < 0: continue x = template['margin'] + (i%blocks_per_row)*template['block_width'] y = template['y_top'] - floor(i/blocks_per_row)*template['block_height'] self.drawEquation(template_name, c, value, x, y, template) c.showPage() def generate(self, data): """ Args: data: string in JSON format from user's request body """ jsonData = json.loads(data) c = canvas.Canvas('/tmp/result.pdf', pagesize=letter) c.setTitle(""); if 'countPerPage' in jsonData: countPerPage=int(jsonData['countPerPage']) equations = jsonData['equations'] while len(equations) > 0: countThisPage = min(countPerPage, len(equations)) jsonData['equations'] = equations[:countThisPage] self._generatePage(jsonData, c) del equations[:countThisPage] else: self._generatePage(jsonData, c) def horizontalExpand(self, text): result="" # Remove all spaces, I will add them back text = text.replace(" ", "") for index, char in enumerate(text): if char in ['+','-', '*', '/']: result = result + ' ' + char + ' ' elif char == '=': result = result + ' = ' elif char == 'x': result = result + '___' else: result = result + char result = result.replace('*', '×') result = result.replace('/', '÷') return result def verticalExpand(self, text): print("Expand ", text) result=str("") # Remove all spaces, I will add them back text = text.replace(" ", "") for index, char in enumerate(text): if char in ['+','-', '*', '/']: result = result + ' ' + char + ' ' elif char == '=': result = result + ' ___ ' elif char == 'x': result = result + '#' else: result = result + char result = result.replace('*', '×') result = result.replace('/', '÷') return result def drawVerticalDiv(self, text): pass def drawEquation(self, template_name, my_canvas, text, x, y, template): """ Draws an equation at the specified point on the specified canvas Args: template_name: Name of the template my_canvas: canvas to draw on text: The text representation of the string x: x coordinate of the place to draw, representing the bottem left cornor y: y coordinate of the place to draw, representing the bottem left cornor template: template object to draw """ if 'horizontal' in template_name or '3num' in template_name: print("Will draw text horizontally @", x, y) text = self.horizontalExpand(text) width = self.stringWidth(text, template['font_size']) if 'x' in text: sign = '___' elif 'o' in text: sign = 'o' else: sign = '___' parts = text.split(sign) print('Spliting horizontal: ', parts) my_canvas.drawString(x, y, parts[0]) start_x = x + self.stringWidth(parts[0], template['font_size']) margin=-0.05*inch rect_width = 0.55*inch rect_height = 0.55*inch rect_y = y - 0.2*inch stroke = 0.09*inch if 'o' in text: margin = 0.2*inch rect_width = 0.35*inch rect_height = 0.35*inch rect_y = y - 0.1*inch rect_x = start_x+margin print("Rect dimension: %d %d %d %d "%(rect_width,rect_height,rect_x,rect_y)) my_canvas.setStrokeColorRGB(0.75, 0.75, 0.75) if 'o' in text: # Reuse the dimention of the rect. my_canvas.roundRect(rect_x, rect_y, rect_width, rect_height, stroke) + rect_width / 2, rect_y+rect_height/2, rect_width/4) else: my_canvas.roundRect(rect_x, rect_y, rect_width, rect_height, stroke) my_canvas.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0) start_x = start_x + rect_width + 2*margin my_canvas.drawString(start_x, y, parts[1]) elif 'vertical' in template_name: text = self.verticalExpand(text) print("Will draw text vertically @", x, y, " as ", text) tokens = re.split(" |=", text) print(tokens) reverse_tokens = [x[::-1] for x in tokens] print(reverse_tokens) pass_eq = 0 for index, value in enumerate(tokens): value_to_draw = value width = self.stringWidth(value, template['font_size']) start_y = y - template["line_width"]*(index - pass_eq) if value in ['+', '-', '*', '/']: pass_eq=1 start_x = x + 0.4*template['block_width'] elif value == '#': value_to_draw = ' ' start_x = x + 0.4*inch else: start_x = x + template['block_width'] - width if value_to_draw == '___': start_y = start_y + 0.15*inch my_canvas.line(start_x, start_y, start_x + width, start_y) else: my_canvas.drawString(start_x, start_y, value_to_draw) elif 'vertical_div' in template_name: self.drawVerticalDiv(my_canvas, text, x, y, template) else: print("I do not know how to draw this", template_name)
# coding: utf-8 import sublime st_version = int(sublime.version()) if st_version > 3000: from JoomlaPack.lib.inflector.english import English else: from lib.inflector.english import English __all__ = [ 'English' ]
# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack.package import * class Mixcr(Package): """MiXCR is a universal framework that processes big immunome data from raw sequences to quantitated clonotypes. MiXCR efficiently handles paired- and single-end reads, considers sequence quality, corrects PCR errors and identifies germline hypermutations. The software supports both partial- and full-length profiling and employs all available RNA or DNA information, including sequences upstream of V and downstream of J gene segments.""" homepage = "" url = "" version('3.0.2', sha256='b4dcad985053438d5f5590555f399edfbd8cb514e1b9717620ee0ad0b5eb6b33') depends_on('java@8:') def install(self, spec, prefix): install_tree('.', prefix) def setup_run_environment(self, env): env.prepend_path('PATH', self.prefix)
<filename>national_debt/national_debt/spiders/<gh_stars>0 import scrapy class GdpDebtSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'gdp_debt' allowed_domains = [''] # note that here you might need to change http to https start_urls = [''] def parse(self, response): countries = response.xpath("//tbody/tr") # countries is a list of selector objects for country in countries: # country name name = country.xpath(".//td[1]/a/text()").get() # get() extracts the textual data # getall() extracts the textual data as a list rate = country.xpath(".//td[2]/text()").get() yield { "country_name": name, "rate": rate }
<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/python # # Author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # The BSD 3-Clause License # Copyright (c) 2013, SUSE Linux Products GmbH # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or # other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of the SUSE Linux Products GmbH nor the names of its contributors may # be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) import os import sys import pty import stat import time import socket import random import hashlib import getpass import tempfile from xml.dom import minidom class SMClientOutput: """ Parse SM Client output. """ SUCCESS = 'success' WARNING = 'warning' ERROR = 'failure' def __init__(self, output): """ Get output from the SM Client. """ = { self.SUCCESS : [], self.WARNING : [], self.ERROR : [], } chop = False xmldoc = [] for line in (output != None and output.strip() or "").split("\n"): if line.startswith('<?xml '): chop = True if chop: xmldoc.append(line.strip()) xmldoc = minidom.parseString('\n'.join(xmldoc)) for node in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("message"): if not node.attributes or not node.attributes.get("type"): # Broken remote XML here. How to cry in a proper way? continue for cnode in node.childNodes:[node.attributes.get("type") and node.attributes.get("type").value or "unknown"].append(cnode.nodeValue) class SSH: """ SSH tools wrapper. """ def __init__(self, hostname, passwd, user, port, verbose=False): """ Constructor. """ self.hostname = hostname self.passwd = <PASSWORD> self.user = user self.port = port self.verbose = verbose self.tunneling = [] def set_tunneling(self, settings): """ Set tunneling mode with settings of the following format: [(source_port, destination_port, hostname,),] """ self.tunneling = [] for src_port, dst_port, hostname in settings: self.tunneling.append("-R %s:%s:%s" % (src_port, hostname, dst_port)) def _read(self, input): """ Read the output of the child process. """ out = '' try: out =, 0x400) if self.verbose and str(out).strip(): print >> sys.stderr, "INPUT>", out.strip() except Exception, e: # Always suppress IO fail here. pass return out def _results(self, pid, f): """ Process output results. """ out = "" while True: r = self._read(f) if r.lower().find("authenticity of host") > -1: os.write(f, 'yes\n') continue elif r.lower().find("password:") > -1: os.write(f, self.passwd + "\n") tmp = self._read(f) tmp += self._read(f) if tmp.lower().find("permission denied") > -1: raise Exception("Invalid passwd") out += r if not len(r): break os.waitpid(pid, 0) os.close(f) return out.strip() def execute(self, c): """ Execute one SSH command on the remote node. """ (pid, f) = pty.fork() if pid == 0: cmd = ['ssh', '-o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=1', '-p %s' % self.port, self.user + '@' + self.hostname, c,] os.execlp("ssh", *(cmd[:1] + self.tunneling + cmd[1:])) else: return self._results(pid, f) def push_file(self, src, dst): """ Copy source file to the destination on the remote host. """ pid, f = pty.fork() if pid == 0: os.execlp("scp", "scp", '-o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=1', '-P %s' % self.port, src, self.user + '@' + self.hostname + ':' + dst) else: return self._results(pid, f) def deploy_identity(self): """ Deploy SSH identity on the remote node. """ idpath = "%s/.ssh/" % os.path.expanduser('~' + getpass.getuser()) if self.verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "Deploying SSH key %s" % idpath self.execute("umask 077; test -d .ssh || mkdir .ssh;") # Make temp name digest = hashlib.md5() block = 0x10000 fh = open(idpath) buff = while len(buff) > 0: digest.update(buff) buff = fh.close() destfile = '.id-rsa-pub.%s.%s' % (self.hostname, digest.hexdigest()) # Add public key and cleanup pid, f = pty.fork() if pid == 0: os.execlp("scp", "scp", '-o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=1', '-P %d' % self.port, idpath, self.user + '@' + self.hostname + ':' + destfile) else: self._results(pid, f) self.execute("umask 077; cat %s >> .ssh/authorized_keys; rm %s" % (destfile, destfile)) class PushEnvironment: """ Class to setup push environment: SSH, keys etc. """ def __init__(self, target_host, params, target_port=22): self.target_host = target_host self.target_port = target_port self.target_os = 'Unknown' self.target_arch = 'Unknown' self.params = params def setup(self): """ Prepare push environment on the server side. """ # SSH keys around? key_fp = self.verify_id_rsa() if key_fp and not 'quiet' in self.params.keys():'New RSA key for SSH generated.', format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text'))'Fingerprint: ' + key_fp, format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) # Public keys on target? target_machine = self.verify_keychain() if not target_machine: if not 'quiet' in self.params.keys():'No public key deployed on target machine.', format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) else: raise Exception("You want it quiet, but I need remote password for \"%s\"!" % getpass.getuser()) self.deploy_keychain() target_machine = self.verify_keychain() target_machine = filter(None, target_machine.split(' ')) if len(target_machine) == 2: self.target_os, self.target_arch = target_machine else: raise Exception("Unknown platform: " + self.target_os) if not 'quiet' in self.params.keys():'Target machine "%s" prepared.' % self.target_host, format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) def deploy_keychain(self): """ Deploy public key on the target machine. Require console password input. """ if not os.environ.get('SSH_REMOTE_PASSWORD'): print >> sys.stdout, "REQUEST:\t", sys.stdout.flush() msg = "Enter login password to %s\n\t\tas user '%s': " % (self.target_host, getpass.getuser()) SSH(self.target_host, os.environ.get('SSH_REMOTE_PASSWORD') or getpass.getpass(msg), user=getpass.getuser(), port=self.target_port).deploy_identity() def verify_keychain(self): """ Verify SSH keys are deployed on the target machine. """ cin, out, err = os.popen3("/usr/bin/ssh -oBatchMode=yes %s uname -sp" % self.target_host) try: return ( + '').strip() except Exception, ex: out = None def verify_id_rsa(self): """ Get the SSH key in place, generate new if none. """ key_fp = None id_path = os.path.expanduser("~%s/.ssh/id_rsa" % getpass.getuser()) if not os.path.exists("" % id_path): for line in os.popen("/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f %s" % id_path).readlines(): tokens = line.split(' ') if len(tokens) == 2 and tokens[-1].startswith(getpass.getuser() + "@"): key_fp = tokens[0].upper() return key_fp class TunnelConfig: """ Class to configure tunneling. """ # Ports, used by default, if no config around CFG_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT=1232 CFG_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT=1233 # What to look in configs CFG_HTTP_PORT_KEY="server_push_port_http" CFG_HTTPS_PORT_KEY="server_push_port_https" # Where to look in configs PTH_RHN_CONF="/etc/rhn/rhn.conf" PTH_RHN_DEFAULTS="/usr/share/rhn/config-defaults/rhn_web.conf" def __init__(self): """ Init and setup the tunneling. """ cfg = self.get_config(self.PTH_RHN_DEFAULTS) # Get defaults (if any) cfg.update(self.get_config(self.PTH_RHN_CONF)) # Apply custom conf on top self.http_port = cfg.get(self.CFG_HTTP_PORT_KEY, self.CFG_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT) self.https_port = cfg.get(self.CFG_HTTPS_PORT_KEY, self.CFG_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT) def get_config(self, config): """ Parse typical key=value config and return a dictionary of parsed values back. """ cfg = {} for conf_item in open(config).readlines(): if conf_item.find('=') > -1 and not conf_item.strip().startswith('#'): cfg.update(dict([map(lambda i:i.strip(), conf_item.split('=', 1))])) return cfg class TaskPush: """ Class to perform the tasks on the remote host. """ def __init__(self, params): self.host_ip, self.hostname = self._get_hostname(params.get('hostname', None)) self.localhost_ip, self.localhostname = self._get_hostname(socket.gethostname()) self.params = params self.ssh = None self.environ = None self.tunnel = None self.is_tunnel_enabled = None def _get_hostname(self, hostname): """ Resolve to fully qualified hostname. """ if not hostname: raise Exception("Unknown target hostname.") host_ip = None fullname = None try: host_ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) fullname = socket.gethostbyaddr(host_ip)[0] except Exception, ex: raise Exception("Unable to resolve \"%s\" hostname." % hostname) return host_ip, fullname def prepare(self): """ Prepare the push mechanism. """ self.environ = PushEnvironment(self.hostname, self.params) self.environ.setup() self.tunnel = TunnelConfig() self.ssh = SSH(self.hostname, None, user=getpass.getuser(), port=self.params.get('ssh-port', '22')) def perform(self): """ Run the task on the target system. """ # Enable or disable tunneling if 'tunneling' in self.params.keys(): if self.params.get('tunneling') in ['yes', 'no']: self._do_tunneling() else: raise Exception('What means "%s" in context of tunneling?' % self.params.get('tunneling')) else: # Check if tunneling is on the remote, since user is not asking for it. if self.is_tunnel_enabled == None: self._do_tunneling(check_only=True) if 'quiet' not in self.params.keys():"Tunnel is %s." % (self.is_tunnel_enabled and 'enabled' or 'disabled'), format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) # Register, if requested if 'activation-keys' in self.params.keys(): self._do_register_at_sm(force=('override' in self.params.keys())) # Execute some command, if any if self.params.get('command'): self._do_command() # Performing tasks def _do_register_at_sm(self, force=False): """ Register remote node at SUSE Manager. """ ssl_certificate = "/srv/www/htdocs/pub/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT" # Point of configuration in a future. if self.environ.target_os.lower() == 'linux': # Register remote against SUSE Manager if self.ssh.execute("rpm -qa | grep sm-client-tools || echo 'absent'") == 'absent':'Installing SM Client on target machine', format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) remote_pkg_pth = '/tmp/sm-client-tools.%s.%s.rpm' % (time.time(), random.randint(0xff, 0xffff)) # Temporary unique (hopefully) name on remote filesystem. local_pkg_pth = "/srv/www/htdocs/pub/bootstrap/sm-client-tools.rpm" if not os.path.exists(local_pkg_pth): raise Exception('SUSE Manager Client package does not exists.') self.ssh.push_file(local_pkg_pth, remote_pkg_pth) self.ssh.execute('/bin/rpm -ivh %s; rm %s' % (remote_pkg_pth, remote_pkg_pth)) if self.ssh.execute('test -e /usr/bin/sm-client && echo "installed" || echo "failed"') == 'failed': raise Exception("SM Client installation failed. :-(") else: if 'quiet' not in self.params.keys():"SM Client has been installed", format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) else: if 'quiet' not in self.params.keys():'SM Client is already installed', format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) # Get SSL certificate fingerprint ssl_fp = os.popen("/usr/bin/openssl x509 -noout -in %s -fingerprint" % ssl_certificate).read().split('=')[-1].strip() if not 'quiet' in self.params.keys():"SSL certificate: %s" % ssl_fp, format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) # If we need sudo, we need to know it is there if getpass.getuser() != 'root': if self.ssh.execute("test -e /usr/bin/sudo && echo 'OK'") != 'OK': raise Exception("You cannot run anything on \"%s\" as \"%s\" without sudo installed!" % (self.hostname, getpass.getuser())) # Check if we have permissions if self.ssh.execute("/usr/bin/sudo -S true < /dev/null &>/dev/null && echo 'OK'") != 'OK': raise Exception("Not enough privileges for user \"%s\" on \"%s\" node." % (getpass.getuser(), self.hostname)) # Register machine remote_tmp_logfile = '/tmp/.sm-client-tools.%s.%s.log' % (time.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.backup', time.localtime()), random.randint(0xff, 0xffff)) overrides = [] if self.is_tunnel_enabled: overrides.append('--cfg=noSSLServerURL,http://%s:%s/' % (self.localhostname, self.tunnel.http_port)) overrides.append('--cfg=serverURL,https://%s:%s/XMLRPC' % (self.localhostname, self.tunnel.https_port)) prefix = getpass.getuser() != 'root' and "/usr/bin/sudo -n " or "" self.ssh.execute("%s/usr/bin/sm-client --output-format=xml --hostname=%s --activation-keys=%s --ssl-fingerprint=%s %s > %s" % (prefix, self.localhostname, self.params['activation-keys'], ssl_fp, ' '.join(overrides), remote_tmp_logfile)) smc_out = SMClientOutput(self.ssh.execute("test -e %s && /bin/cat %s && rm %s || echo '<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><log/>'" % (remote_tmp_logfile, remote_tmp_logfile, remote_tmp_logfile))) if RuntimeUtils.warning("Remote machine was not happy:", format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) for error_message in RuntimeUtils.error(error_message, format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) raise Exception("Registration failed. Please login to the %s and find out why." % self.hostname) elif and not 'quiet' in self.params.keys(): for warning_message in RuntimeUtils.warning(self.hostname + ": " + warning_message, format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) # No success blah-blah-blah here. else: # Solaris fans, do it yourself. :-) raise Exception('I cannot register %s against SUSE Manager as of today.' % self.environ.target_os) if 'quiet' not in self.params.keys():"Remote machine %s has been registered successfully." % self.hostname, format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) def _do_tunneling(self, check_only=False): """ Enable or disable tunnel. """ if not self.ssh: raise Exception("SSH link was not initialized.") # Get content of the /etc/hosts on the remote machine random.seed() token = '# <PASSWORD>' % (time.<PASSWORD>(), random.randint(0xff, 0xffff)) etc_hosts = self.ssh.execute("test -e /etc/hosts && cat /etc/hosts || echo '%s'" % token) + "" self.is_tunnel_enabled = False if etc_hosts.find(token) > -1: raise Exception('Tunneling cannot be enabled on this system.') else: for line in map(lambda item:item.strip().lower(), etc_hosts.split("\n")): if not line.startswith('#') and line.find(self.localhostname) > -1: self.is_tunnel_enabled = True break # Setup SSH if tunneling around if self.is_tunnel_enabled: self.ssh.set_tunneling(((self.tunnel.http_port, 80, self.localhostname), (self.tunnel.https_port, 443, self.localhostname),)) # Exit if this is only check/setup if check_only: return # Skip procedure if nothing needed to do. enable = self.params.get('tunneling', '') == 'yes''%s tunneling on %s node.' % ((enable and 'Enabling' or 'Disabling'), self.hostname), format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) if enable: if self.is_tunnel_enabled: RuntimeUtils.warning('Tunelling on the node "%s" is already enabled.' % self.hostname, format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) return else: if not self.is_tunnel_enabled: RuntimeUtils.warning('Tunelling on the node "%s" is already disabled.' % self.hostname, format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) return self.is_tunnel_enabled = enable hosts = [] for line in etc_hosts.split("\n"): if not line.strip().startswith('#'): if enable and line.lower().find('localhost') + 1: line = map(lambda item:item.strip(), filter(None, line.split(' '))) line.append(self.localhostname) line = ' '.join(line) else: line = ' '.join(filter(None, line.replace(self.localhostname, '').split(' '))).strip() hosts.append(line) etc_hosts = '\n'.join(hosts) # Save to tempfile tmpfd, tmppth = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='sm-push-hosts-%s-' % self.hostname) tmpfh = os.fdopen(tmpfd, "w") tmpfh.write(etc_hosts + "\n") tmpfh.close() # Push the file to the remote remote_hosts_pth = '/tmp/.sm-push-hosts-%s.%s' % (time.time(), random.randint(0xff, 0xffff)) self.ssh.push_file(tmppth, remote_hosts_pth) # Push failed? if (self.ssh.execute("test -e %s && echo 'OK' || echo '%s'" % (remote_hosts_pth, token)) + "").strip() != 'OK': raise Exception('Unable to send new configuration to "%s" node.' % self.hostname) # Replace remote file if 'safe' in self.params.keys(): backup_suffix = time.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.backup', time.localtime()) res = self.ssh.execute('mv /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.%s' % backup_suffix) if res: RuntimeUtils.error(res, format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) self._cleanup(tmppth) raise Exception('Remote node error.') if not 'quiet' in self.params.keys():'Previous file "/etc/hosts" has been saved as "/etc/hosts.%s"' % backup_suffix, format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) res = self.ssh.execute('mv %s /etc/hosts; chmod 0644 /etc/hosts' % remote_hosts_pth) if res: RuntimeUtils.error(res, format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) self._cleanup(tmppth) raise Exception('Remote node error.') # Restart DNS cache self._restart_dns_cache() # Enable or disable 3rd party services self._enable_services(not enable) def _enable_services(self, enable): """ Enable or disable various 3rd party services that should not run when SSH tunneling is around. """ if self.environ.target_os.lower() == 'linux': for service_name, service_exec in [('OSAD client-side', '/etc/init.d/osad'), ('Red Hat Network update query', '/etc/init.d/rhnsd'),]: if self.ssh.execute('test -e %s && %s %s;chkconfig %s %s || echo "absent"' %(service_exec, service_exec, (enable and 'start' or 'stop'), (enable and '-a' or '-d'), service_exec.split('/')[-1])) != 'absent':'%s %s service' % ((enable and 'Enabling' or 'Stopping'), service_name), format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) else: RuntimeUtils.warning('Additional service operations are not supported for %s on %s.' % (self.environ.target_os, self.environ.target_arch), format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) def _restart_dns_cache(self): """ Restart DNS cache. On Linux it is nscd. """ if self.environ.target_os.lower() == 'linux': if self.ssh.execute("test -e /etc/init.d/nscd && echo 'exists' || echo 'absent'") == 'exists':'Restarting name service cache daemon on remote node.', format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) self.ssh.execute('/etc/init.d/nscd') else: RuntimeUtils.warning('DNS cache operations are not supported for %s on %s.' % (self.environ.target_os, self.environ.target_arch), format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) def _cleanup(self, *fpth): """ Cleanup all given file paths. """ for fp in fpth: if os.path.exists(fp): try: os.unlink(fp) except Exception, ex: RuntimeUtils.warning('Could not remove local temporary file "%s"' % fp, format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) RuntimeUtils.error(str(ex), format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) def _do_command(self): """ Execute a custom command on the remote machine. """ if not self.ssh: raise Exception("SSH link was not initialized.") if not 'quiet' in self.params.keys():'Executing command: "' + self.params.get('command') + '"', format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text'))'Remote response below as follows:', format=self.params.get('output-format', 'text')) response = self.ssh.execute(self.params.get('command')) # Output "frame" only during verbose mode (default) if not 'quiet' in self.params.keys() and self.params.get('output-format', 'text') == 'text': print >> sys.stdout, "-" * 80 if self.params.get('output-format', 'text') == 'xml': or "", format='xml') else: print >> sys.stdout, response if not 'quiet' in self.params.keys() and self.params.get('output-format', 'text') == 'text': print >> sys.stdout, "-" * 80 class RuntimeUtils: """ All 'orphan' functions are here. :) """ @classmethod def is_root(self): """ Returns True if user is root. """ return getpass.getuser() == 'root' @classmethod def get_event_time(self): """ Format a time for an event, usually used in XML messages. """ return time.strftime('%Y.%m.%d %T', time.localtime()) @classmethod def header(self): """ Displays header. """ print >> sys.stdout, "SUSE Manager Task Push. Version 0.1\n" \ + "Copyright (c) 2013 by SUSE Linux Products GmbH\n" @classmethod def usage(self): """ Displays usage and exits. """ print >> sys.stderr, "Usage:\n\tsm-push <options>\n" print >> sys.stderr, "Options:" print >> sys.stderr, "\t--hostname=<DNS name>\t\tSpecify target hostname." print >> sys.stderr, "\t--activation-keys=<list>\tComma separated list of activation keys.\n" \ + "\t\t\t\t\tIf parameter specified, machine will be registered against SUSE Manager." print >> sys.stderr, "\t--override\t\t\tIgnore conditional request of an operation and always perform it." print >> sys.stderr, "\t--command=\"<command>\"\t\tCustom command to be executed on the target machine.\n" \ + "\t\t\t\t\tPlease escape quote and/or double-quote inside, if required." print >> sys.stderr, "\t--tunneling=<yes|no>\t\tEnable or disable tunneling." print >> sys.stderr, "\t--output-format=<xml|text>\tOutput format. Default is \"text\"." print >> sys.stderr, "\t--safe\t\t\t\tMake a backup copy of previous configuration." print >> sys.stderr, "\t--quiet\t\t\t\tProduce no output at all except occurred errors and command result." print >> sys.stderr, "\t--help\t\t\t\tDisplays this message.\n\n" print >> sys.stderr, "Environment variables:" print >> sys.stderr, "\tSSH_REMOTE_PASSWORD\t\tPassword on the remote machine to the calling user.\n" sys.exit(1) @classmethod def info(self, msg, output=sys.stdout, format='text', type='INFO'): typemap = { 'INFO' : 'success', 'WARNING' : 'warning', 'ERROR' : 'failure', } if format == 'xml': print >> output, " <message type=\"%s\" time=\"%s\"><![CDATA[%s]]></message>" % (typemap[type], RuntimeUtils.get_event_time(), msg) else: print >> output, "%s:\t%s" % (type, (type != 'WARNING' and '\t' or '') +msg) output.flush() @classmethod def warning(self, msg, output=sys.stdout, format='text'):, output=output, format=format, type='WARNING') @classmethod def error(self, msg, output=sys.stdout, format='text'):, output=output, format=format, type='ERROR') @classmethod def required_params(self): """ Returns True or False if required params has been passed. """ params = RuntimeUtils.get_params() if 'hostname' in params.keys(): for p in ['activation-keys', 'command', 'tunneling']: if p in params.keys(): return True @classmethod def get_params(self): """ Parse params. """ params = {} for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg[:2] != '--': continue if arg in ['--help', '--override', '--quiet', '--safe']: params[arg[2:]] = None elif arg.find("=") > -1: k, v = arg.split("=", 1) params[k[2:]] = v return params # Main app if __name__ == "__main__": params = RuntimeUtils.get_params() if not RuntimeUtils.required_params() or 'help' in params.keys(): RuntimeUtils.header() RuntimeUtils.usage() else: # How to output if params.get('output-format') and params.get('output-format') not in ['xml', 'text']: RuntimeUtils.header() RuntimeUtils.error("How to speak in %sanese?\n" % params.get('output-format').title()) sys.exit(1) if params.get('output-format', 'text') == 'xml': print >> sys.stdout, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<log>\n <meta/>\n <messages>' try: task_push = TaskPush(params) task_push.prepare() task_push.perform() except Exception, ex: RuntimeUtils.error(str(ex), format=params.get('output-format', 'text')) if params.get('output-format', 'text') == 'xml': print >> sys.stdout, " </messages>\n</log>"
text = open('input').read().split('\n\n') groups = [] for g in text: g = g.replace('\n', '') groups.append(len(set(g))) print(sum(groups))
<reponame>hannes-holey/hans """ MIT License Copyright 2021 <NAME> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import os import numpy as np import pytest from hans.input import Input from hans.plottools import DatasetSelector @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def setup(tmpdir_factory): config_file = os.path.join("tests", "inclined-slider1D_y_ideal-gas.yaml") tmp_dir = tmpdir_factory.mktemp("tmp") myTestProblem = Input(config_file).getProblem() file = DatasetSelector("", mode="name", fname=[str(tmp_dir.join(os.path.basename(myTestProblem.outpath)))]) fdata = file.get_centerline(dir="y") yield fdata def test_pressure(setup): p_ref = np.loadtxt(os.path.join("tests", "inclined-slider1D_ideal-gas_U50_s5.6e-4.dat"), unpack=True, usecols=(2,)) for data in setup.values(): p = data["p"][1] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(p / 1e6, p_ref / 1e6, decimal=1) def test_density(setup): rho_ref = np.loadtxt(os.path.join("tests", "inclined-slider1D_ideal-gas_U50_s5.6e-4.dat"), unpack=True, usecols=(1,)) for data in setup.values(): rho = data["rho"][1] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(rho, rho_ref, decimal=1)
<reponame>brand-fabian/varfish-server import json from django import template register = template.Library() @register.filter def pretty_json(value): return json.dumps(value, indent=4)
# ********** Without the int, the second print would error because you can't add strings to numbers age = int(input('Whats your age? ')) print(age) print(age + 1)
<filename>ecco2_scripts/ ## read ECCO2 only for one layer and one area import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from netCDF4 import Dataset as ncread import time as tictoc ## local functions def closest(vec,x): #returns the index of vector vec which contains a value that is closest to value x a = abs(vec - x) return np.where(a == np.min(a))[0][0] ## define paths and read file names path = '/network/aopp/chaos/pred/cooper/data/' folder = '' fnlist = open(path+folder+'fileNames.txt','r').readlines() #remove the \n from every string fnlist = [fn[:-1] for fn in fnlist] #remove the fileNames.txt from that list fnlist = np.delete(fnlist,np.where(np.array(fnlist) == 'fileNames.txt')[0][0]) ## create a mask and get dimensions dat1 = ncread(path+folder+fnlist[0]) eccomask = dat1.variables['THETA'][:].mask.squeeze() lat = dat1.variables['LATITUDE_T'][:] lon = dat1.variables['LONGITUDE_T'][:] dep = dat1.variables['DEPTH_T'][:] dat1.close() #time in days since 1992-01-01 time = np.arange(len(fnlist))*3 + 1.5 ## choose area - NORTH ATLANTIC # area - 260 to 320 EAST, 30 to 50 NORTH lonmin,lonmax = closest(lon,270),closest(lon,340) latmin,latmax = closest(lat,0),closest(lat,50) dep1 = 0 #only first level, i.e. 5m ## READ ALL NC FILES ONLY ONCE # preallocate theta1 = np.zeros((fnlist.shape[0],latmax-latmin+1,lonmax-lonmin+1)) tic0 = tictoc.time() for ifn in range(len(fnlist)): dat = ncread(path+folder+fnlist[ifn]) theta1[ifn,:,:] = dat.variables['THETA'][0,dep1,latmin:latmax+1,lonmin:lonmax+1] dat.close() print('reading '+str(np.round(float(ifn)/fnlist.shape[0]*100))+'%') tic0 = tictoc.time() - tic0'python/ecco2/theta_sfc_NA.npy',theta1) #theta1 = np.load('python/ecco2/theta_sfc_NA.npy')
<reponame>wuffi/nwb-conversion-tools from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets #class CollapsibleBox(QtWidgets.QWidget): class CollapsibleBox(QtWidgets.QGroupBox): def __init__(self, title="", parent=None): """ Implementation of collapsible boxes: """ super().__init__(parent) self.toggle_button = QtWidgets.QToolButton( text=title, checkable=True, checked=False ) self.toggle_button.setStyleSheet("QToolButton { border: none; }") self.toggle_button.setToolButtonStyle( QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon ) self.toggle_button.setArrowType(QtCore.Qt.RightArrow) self.toggle_button.pressed.connect(self.on_pressed) self.toggle_animation = QtCore.QParallelAnimationGroup(self) self.content_area = QtWidgets.QScrollArea( maximumHeight=0, minimumHeight=0 ) self.content_area.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed ) self.content_area.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.NoFrame) lay = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) lay.setSpacing(0) lay.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) lay.addWidget(self.toggle_button) lay.addWidget(self.content_area) self.toggle_animation.addAnimation( QtCore.QPropertyAnimation(self, b"minimumHeight") ) self.toggle_animation.addAnimation( QtCore.QPropertyAnimation(self, b"maximumHeight") ) self.toggle_animation.addAnimation( QtCore.QPropertyAnimation(self.content_area, b"maximumHeight") ) @QtCore.Slot() def on_pressed(self): checked = self.toggle_button.isChecked() self.toggle_button.setArrowType( QtCore.Qt.DownArrow if not checked else QtCore.Qt.RightArrow ) self.toggle_animation.setDirection( QtCore.QAbstractAnimation.Forward if not checked else QtCore.QAbstractAnimation.Backward ) self.toggle_animation.start() def setContentLayout(self, layout): lay = self.content_area.layout() del lay self.content_area.setLayout(layout) collapsed_height = ( self.sizeHint().height() - self.content_area.maximumHeight() ) content_height = layout.sizeHint().height() for i in range(self.toggle_animation.animationCount()): animation = self.toggle_animation.animationAt(i) animation.setDuration(500) animation.setStartValue(collapsed_height) animation.setEndValue(collapsed_height + content_height) content_animation = self.toggle_animation.animationAt( self.toggle_animation.animationCount() - 1 ) content_animation.setDuration(500) content_animation.setStartValue(0) content_animation.setEndValue(content_height)
<filename>bundle_one/tree/bbst/ from ..OrderedBinarySearchTreeNode import * class RedBlackTreeNode(OrderedBinarySearchTreeNode): def __init__(self, element, parent, left_child, right_child, is_red = False): OrderedBinarySearchTreeNode.__init__(self, element, parent, left_child, right_child) self.is_red = is_red def isRed(self): return self.is_red def setRed(self): self.is_red = True def setBlack(self): self.is_red = False def setColor(self, color): self.is_red = color def parentIsRed(self): parent = self.getParent() return parent.isRed() def redChild(self): child1 = self.getLeftChild() child2 = self.getRightChild() if child1.isRed(): return child1 elif child2.isRed(): return child2 else: return None def hasRedChild(self): return self.getLeftChild().isRed() or self.getRightChild().isRed()
<filename>jina/types/arrays/mixins/ from typing import Union, List, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from ..document import DocumentArray class GetAttributeMixin: """Helpers that provide attributes getter in bulk """ def get_attributes(self, *fields: str) -> Union[List, List[List]]: """Return all nonempty values of the fields from all docs this array contains :param fields: Variable length argument with the name of the fields to extract :return: Returns a list of the values for these fields. When `fields` has multiple values, then it returns a list of list. """ contents = [doc.get_attributes(*fields) for doc in self] if len(fields) > 1: contents = list(map(list, zip(*contents))) return contents def get_attributes_with_docs( self, *fields: str, ) -> Tuple[Union[List, List[List]], 'DocumentArray']: """Return all nonempty values of the fields together with their nonempty docs :param fields: Variable length argument with the name of the fields to extract :return: Returns a tuple. The first element is a list of the values for these fields. When `fields` has multiple values, then it returns a list of list. The second element is the non-empty docs. """ contents = [] docs_pts = [] for doc in self: contents.append(doc.get_attributes(*fields)) docs_pts.append(doc) if len(fields) > 1: contents = list(map(list, zip(*contents))) from ..document import DocumentArray return contents, DocumentArray(docs_pts)
from adapters.moes.BRT100TRV import BRT100TRV moes_adapters = { 'BRT-100-TRV': BRT100TRV, # Moes BRT-100-TRV Radiator valve with thermostat }
import Algorithmia # get your Algorithmia API Key from client = Algorithmia.client("YOUR_API_KEY") # one-time configuration of token from # delete this line once completed: client.algo('datadotworld/configure/0.2.0').pipe({"auth_token":"YOUR_DATA.WORLD_API_TOKEN"}) input = { "dataset_key": "gmoney/nba-team-annual-attendance", "query": "SELECT home_total_attendance FROM `nba_team_annual_attendance` WHERE team='Lakers'", "query_type": "sql", "parameters": [] } # load dataset algo = client.algo("datadotworld/query") dataset = algo.pipe(input).result["data"] # process dataset all_values = [d["home_total_attendance"] for d in dataset] metrics = client.algo("TimeSeries/TimeSeriesSummary").pipe({"uniformData": all_values}).result print(metrics)
# pylint: disable=C0111,R0903 """Draws a widget with configurable text content. Parameters: * spacer.text: Widget contents (defaults to empty string) """ import bumblebee.input import bumblebee.output import bumblebee.engine class Module(bumblebee.engine.Module): def __init__(self, engine, config): super(Module, self).__init__(engine, config, bumblebee.output.Widget(full_text=self.text) ) self._text = self.parameter("text", "") def text(self, widget): return self._text # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
<reponame>Jette16/spacy-course import spacy # 定义定制化组件 def length_component(doc): # 获取doc的长度 doc_length = ____ print(f"This document is {doc_length} tokens long.") # 返回这个doc ____ # 读取小规模的中文模型 nlp = spacy.load("zh_core_web_sm") # 将组件加入到流程的最前面,打印流程组件名 ____.____(____) print(nlp.pipe_names) # 处理一段文本 doc = ____
<filename>server/app/auth/ from app.database import get_db from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException, status from import OAuth2PasswordRequestForm from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from app.users.models import User from .exceptions import WrongCredentials from .factories import build_auth_user_service from .oauth2 import oauth2_scheme router = APIRouter() def get_current_user( db: Session = Depends(get_db), token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme) ) -> User: auth_service = build_auth_user_service(db) try: user = auth_service.get_user_from_token(token) if user is None: raise WrongCredentials except WrongCredentials: raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Could not validate credentials", headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"}, ) return user"/token", status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED) def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends(), db: Session = Depends(get_db)): service = build_auth_user_service(db) try: token = service.authenticate(form_data.username, form_data.password) except WrongCredentials: raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Incorrect username or password", headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"}, ) return {"access_token": token, "token_type": "bearer"} @router.get("/logout") def logout(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user), db: Session = Depends(get_db)): service = build_auth_user_service(db) service.unauthenticate(current_user) return {}
<gh_stars>1-10 import os import platform from contextlib import contextmanager from shutil import copyfile import dask.dataframe as dd import pytest from dask.delayed import Delayed from numpy import array, array_equal, isnan from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_equal from pandas import Series from bgen_reader import create_metafile, example_filepath, read_bgen def test_bgen_samples_inside_bgen(): data = read_bgen(example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen"), verbose=False) samples = ["sample_0", "sample_1", "sample_2", "sample_3"] samples = Series(samples, dtype=str, name="id") assert all(data["samples"] == samples) def test_bgen_samples_not_present(): data = read_bgen(example_filepath(""), verbose=False) samples = ["sample_0", "sample_1", "sample_2", "sample_3"] samples = Series(samples, dtype=str, name="id") assert all(data["samples"] == samples) def test_bgen_samples_specify_samples_file(): data = read_bgen( example_filepath("complex.23bits.bgen"), samples_filepath=example_filepath("complex.sample"), verbose=False, ) samples = ["sample_0", "sample_1", "sample_2", "sample_3"] samples = Series(samples, dtype=str, name="id") assert all(data["samples"] == samples) @pytest.mark.skipif(platform.system() != "Darwin", reason="only reliable on macos") def test_bgen_samples_outside_bgen_unreadable(tmp_path): bgen_filepath = example_filepath("complex.23bits.bgen") samples_filepath = tmp_path / "complex.sample" copyfile(example_filepath("complex.sample"), samples_filepath) with noread_permission(samples_filepath): with pytest.raises(PermissionError): read_bgen(bgen_filepath, samples_filepath=samples_filepath, verbose=False) @pytest.mark.skipif(platform.system() != "Darwin", reason="only reliable on macos") def test_bgen_file_not_readable(tmp_path): filepath = tmp_path / "haplotypes.bgen" copyfile(example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen"), filepath) with noread_permission(filepath): with pytest.raises(PermissionError): read_bgen(filepath, verbose=False) def test_bgen_file_dont_exist(): with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): read_bgen("idontexist.bgen", verbose=False) def test_metafile_not_provided(): read_bgen(example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen"), verbose=False) def test_metafile_provided_not_supported_anymore(): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): read_bgen( example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen"), metafile_filepath=example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen.metadata.valid"), verbose=False, ) def test_metafile_wrong_filepath(): filepath = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen") fp = "/omg/invalid/haplotypes.bgen.metafile_path" with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): with pytest.warns(UserWarning): read_bgen(filepath, metafile_filepath=fp, verbose=False) @pytest.mark.skipif(platform.system() != "Darwin", reason="only reliable on macos") def test_metafile_not_provided_no_permission_to_create(tmp_path): src = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen") dst = tmp_path / "haplotypes.bgen" copyfile(src, dst) path = os.path.dirname(dst) with nowrite_permission(path): with pytest.warns(UserWarning): read_bgen(dst, verbose=False) @contextmanager def nowrite_permission(path): perm = os.stat(path).st_mode os.chmod(path, 0o555) try: yield finally: os.chmod(path, perm) @contextmanager def noread_permission(path): perm = os.stat(path).st_mode os.chmod(path, 0o333) try: yield finally: os.chmod(path, perm) def test_bgen_reader_lazy_types(): bgen = read_bgen(example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen"), verbose=False) assert isinstance(bgen["genotype"][0], Delayed) assert isinstance(bgen["variants"], dd.DataFrame) def test_bgen_reader_phased_genotype(): filepath = example_filepath("haplotypes.bgen") bgen = read_bgen(filepath, verbose=False) variants = bgen["variants"] samples = bgen["samples"] v = variants.loc[0].compute() assert_equal(v["chrom"].values[0], "1") assert_equal(v["id"].values[0], "SNP1") assert_equal(v["nalleles"].values[0], 2) assert_equal(v["allele_ids"].values[0], "A,G") assert_equal(v["pos"].values[0], 1) assert_equal(v["rsid"].values[0], "RS1") v = variants.loc[2].compute() assert_equal(v["chrom"].values[0], "1") assert_equal(v["id"].values[0], "SNP3") assert_equal(v["nalleles"].values[0], 2) assert_equal(v["allele_ids"].values[0], "A,G") assert_equal(v["pos"].values[0], 3) assert_equal(v["rsid"].values[0], "RS3") assert_equal(samples.loc[0], "sample_0") assert_equal(samples.loc[2], "sample_2") n = samples.shape[0] assert_equal(samples.loc[n - 1], "sample_3") g = bgen["genotype"][0].compute() assert_allclose(g["probs"][0], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) k = len(variants) n = len(samples) g = bgen["genotype"][k - 1].compute() assert_allclose(g["probs"][n - 1], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) def test_bgen_reader_variants_info(): filepath = example_filepath("example.32bits.bgen") bgen = read_bgen(filepath, verbose=False) variants = bgen["variants"] samples = bgen["samples"] assert "genotype" in bgen variants = variants.compute() assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "chrom"], "01") assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "id"], "SNPID_2") assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "nalleles"], 2) assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "allele_ids"], "A,G") assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "pos"], 2000) assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "rsid"], "RSID_2") assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "chrom"], "01") assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "id"], "SNPID_9") assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "nalleles"], 2) assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "allele_ids"], "A,G") assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "pos"], 9000) assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "rsid"], "RSID_9") n = variants.shape[0] assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "chrom"], "01") assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "id"], "SNPID_200") assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "nalleles"], 2) assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "allele_ids"], "A,G") assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "pos"], 100001) assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "rsid"], "RSID_200") assert_equal(samples.loc[0], "sample_001") assert_equal(samples.loc[7], "sample_008") n = samples.shape[0] assert_equal(samples.loc[n - 1], "sample_500") g = bgen["genotype"][0].compute()["probs"] assert all(isnan(g[0, :])) g = bgen["genotype"][0].compute()["probs"] a = [0.027802362811705648, 0.00863673794284387, 0.9635608992454505] assert_allclose(g[1, :], a) b = [ 0.97970582847010945215516, 0.01947019668749305418287, 0.00082397484239749366197, ] g = bgen["genotype"][1].compute()["probs"] assert_allclose(g[2, :], b) def test_bgen_reader_without_metadata(): filepath = example_filepath("example.32bits.bgen") bgen = read_bgen(filepath, verbose=False) variants = bgen["variants"].compute() samples = bgen["samples"] assert "genotype" in bgen assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "allele_ids"], "A,G") n = samples.shape[0] assert_equal(samples.loc[n - 1], "sample_500") def test_bgen_reader_with_wrong_metadata_file(): filepath = example_filepath("example.32bits.bgen") filepath.touch() metafile_filepath = example_filepath("wrong.metadata") metafile_filepath.touch() # make sure that the metafile has a later timestamp (otherwise, it might be re-created) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): read_bgen(filepath, verbose=False, metafile_filepath=metafile_filepath) def test_bgen_reader_with_nonexistent_metadata_file(): filepath = example_filepath("example.32bits.bgen") folder = os.path.dirname(filepath) metafile_filepath = os.path.join(folder, "nonexistent.metadata") with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): with pytest.warns(UserWarning): read_bgen(filepath, verbose=False, metafile_filepath=metafile_filepath) def test_bgen_reader_file_notfound(): with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): read_bgen("/1/2/3/example.32bits.bgen", verbose=False) def test_create_metadata_file(tmp_path): filepath = example_filepath("example.32bits.bgen") metafile_filepath = tmp_path / ( + ".metadata") try: create_metafile(filepath, metafile_filepath, verbose=False) assert os.path.exists(metafile_filepath) finally: if os.path.exists(metafile_filepath): os.remove(metafile_filepath) def test_bgen_reader_complex(): filepath = example_filepath("complex.23bits.bgen") bgen = read_bgen(filepath, verbose=False) variants = bgen["variants"].compute() samples = bgen["samples"] assert "genotype" in bgen assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "chrom"], "01") assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "id"], "") assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "nalleles"], 2) assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "allele_ids"], "A,G") assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "pos"], 1) assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "rsid"], "V1") assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "chrom"], "01") assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "id"], "") assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "nalleles"], 7) assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "allele_ids"], "A,G,GT,GTT,GTTT,GTTTT,GTTTTT") assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "pos"], 8) assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "rsid"], "M8") n = variants.shape[0] assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "chrom"], "01") assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "id"], "") assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "nalleles"], 2) assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "allele_ids"], "A,G") assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "pos"], 10) assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "rsid"], "M10") assert_equal(samples.loc[0], "sample_0") assert_equal(samples.loc[3], "sample_3") g = bgen["genotype"][0].compute()["probs"][0] assert_allclose(g[:2], [1, 0]) assert isnan(g[2]) g = bgen["genotype"][0].compute()["probs"][1] assert_allclose(g[:3], [1, 0, 0]) g = bgen["genotype"][-1].compute()["probs"][-1] assert_allclose(g[:5], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) ploidy = bgen["genotype"][0].compute()["ploidy"] assert_allclose(ploidy, [1, 2, 2, 2]) ploidy = bgen["genotype"][-1].compute()["ploidy"] assert_allclose(ploidy, [4, 4, 4, 4]) nvariants = len(variants) phased = [bgen["genotype"][i].compute()["phased"] for i in range(nvariants)] phased = array(phased) assert_equal(, "bool") ideal = array([False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, False, False]) assert array_equal(phased, ideal) def test_bgen_reader_complex_sample_file(): bgen = read_bgen( example_filepath("complex.23bits.bgen"), samples_filepath=example_filepath("complex.sample"), verbose=False, ) variants = bgen["variants"].compute() samples = bgen["samples"] assert "genotype" in bgen assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "chrom"], "01") assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "id"], "") assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "nalleles"], 2) assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "allele_ids"], "A,G") assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "pos"], 1) assert_equal(variants.loc[0, "rsid"], "V1") assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "chrom"], "01") assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "id"], "") assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "nalleles"], 7) assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "allele_ids"], "A,G,GT,GTT,GTTT,GTTTT,GTTTTT") assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "pos"], 8) assert_equal(variants.loc[7, "rsid"], "M8") n = variants.shape[0] assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "chrom"], "01") assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "id"], "") assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "nalleles"], 2) assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "allele_ids"], "A,G") assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "pos"], 10) assert_equal(variants.loc[n - 1, "rsid"], "M10") assert_equal(samples.loc[0], "sample_0") assert_equal(samples.loc[3], "sample_3") ploidy = bgen["genotype"][2].compute()["ploidy"] missing = bgen["genotype"][2].compute()["missing"] nvariants = len(variants) phased = [bgen["genotype"][i].compute()["phased"] for i in range(nvariants)] assert_allclose(ploidy, [1, 2, 2, 2]) assert_allclose(missing, [0, 0, 0, 0]) assert_allclose(phased, [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]) if __name__ == "__main__": pytest.main([__file__])
# impy - a post-processor for HYADES implosion simulations # Copyright (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology / <NAME> # Distributed under the MIT License import tkinter as tk import tkinter.ttk as ttk import platform class Option_Prompt(tk.Toplevel): """Implement a dialog window to prompt a user to select one of several options. The chosen result is accessible via the member variable `result`:: o = Option_Prompt(...) o.result :param parent: The parent UI element :param title: (optional) A title to display on this window [default=None] :param text: (optional) Text to display next to the prompt [default=None] :param options: (optional) The list of options that the user can choose from. First element must be '' :param width: (optional) the width in characters for the drop-down menu [default=10] :author: <NAME> :date: 2014-01-25 """ __author__ = '<NAME>' __date__ = '2014-01-25' __version__ = '0.1.0' def __init__(self, parent, title=None, text=None, options=[], width=10): """Initialize the dialog window""" super(Option_Prompt, self).__init__(parent) self.transient(parent) self.parent = parent self.lift() self.grab_set() self.result = None self.__create_widgets__(title, text, options, width) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.__cancel__) # a couple key bindings: self.bind('<Return>', self.__ok__) self.bind('<Escape>', self.__cancel__) # Set window background if platform.system() == 'Darwin': self.configure(background='#E8E9E8') else: self.configure(background='#F1F1F1') self.wait_window(self) def __create_widgets__(self, title, text, options, width): """Create the UI""" if title is not None: self.title(title) if text is not None: label1 = ttk.Label(self, text=text) label1.pack() if options is not None: self.var = tk.StringVar('') menu = ttk.OptionMenu(self, self.var, *options) menu.configure(width=width) menu.pack() menu.focus_force() self.__make_buttons__() def __make_buttons__(self): """Add the OK and cancel buttons""" box = ttk.Frame(self) w = ttk.Button(box, text="OK", width=10, command=self.__ok__) w.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) w = ttk.Button(box, text="Cancel", width=10, command=self.__cancel__) w.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.bind("<Return>", self.__ok__) self.bind("<Escape>", self.__cancel__) box.pack() def __ok__(self, event=None): """Handle activation of the OK button.""" if not self.__validate__(): print('not valid') return self.__apply__() self.withdraw() self.update_idletasks() self.__cancel__() def __cancel__(self, event=None): """Handle cancel button""" # put focus back to the parent window self.parent.focus_set() self.destroy() def __validate__(self): """Validate the selection, returns true if it is OK""" return self.var.get() != '' def __apply__(self): """Set the result""" self.result = self.var.get()
<filename>jupyter_book/ """Utility functions for Jupyter Book.""" import string import argparse import os import os.path as op import yaml from . import __version__ ############################################################################## # CLI utilities def print_color(msg, style): endc = "\033[0m" bcolors = dict( blue="\033[94m", green="\033[92m", orange="\033[93m", red="\033[91m", bold="\033[1m", underline="\033[4m", ) print(bcolors[style] + msg + endc) def print_message_box(msg): border = "================================================================================" print_color("\n\n" + border + "\n\n", "green") print(msg) print_color("\n\n" + border + "\n\n", "green") def _error(msg): msg = "\n\n\033[91m==========\033[0m\n{}\n\033[91m==========\033[0m\n".format(msg) return ValueError(msg) def str2bool(msg): if msg.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "y", "1"): return True elif msg.lower() in ("no", "false", "f", "n", "0"): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Boolean value expected. Got: {}".format(msg)) ############################################################################## # Book conversion formatting ALLOWED_CHARACTERS = string.ascii_letters + "-_/." + string.digits def _split_yaml(lines): yaml0 = None for ii, iline in enumerate(lines): iline = iline.strip() if yaml0 is None: if iline == "---": yaml0 = ii elif iline: break elif iline == "---": return lines[yaml0 + 1: ii], lines[ii + 1:] return [], lines def _check_url_page(url_page, content_folder_name): """Check that the page URL matches certain conditions.""" if not all(ii in ALLOWED_CHARACTERS for ii in url_page): raise ValueError("Found unsupported character in filename: {}".format(url_page)) if "." in os.path.splitext(url_page)[-1]: raise _error( "A toc.yml entry links to a file directly. You should strip the file suffix.\n" "Please change {} to {}".format(url_page, os.path.splitext(url_page)[0]) ) if any( url_page.startswith(ii) for ii in [content_folder_name, os.sep + content_folder_name] ): raise ValueError( "It looks like you have a page URL that starts with your content folder's name." "page URLs should be *relative* to the content folder. Here is the page URL: {}".format( url_page ) ) def _prepare_toc(toc): """Prepare the TOC for processing.""" # Un-nest the TOC so it's a flat list new_toc = [] for chapter in toc: sections = chapter.get('sections', []) new_toc.append(chapter) for section in sections: subsections = section.get('subsections', []) new_toc.append(section) new_toc.extend(subsections) # Omit items that don't have URLs (like dividers) or have an external link return [ item for item in new_toc if 'url' in item and not item.get('external', False) ] def _prepare_url(url): """Prep the formatting for a url.""" # Strip suffixes and prefixes of the URL if not url.startswith("/"): url = "/" + url # Standardize the quotes character url = url.replace('"', "'") # Make sure it ends in "HTML" if not url.endswith(".html"): url = op.splitext(url)[0] + ".html" return url def _clean_markdown_cells(ntbk): """Clean up cell text of an nbformat NotebookNode.""" # Remove '#' from the end of markdown headers for cell in ntbk.cells: if cell.cell_type == "markdown": cell_lines = cell.source.split("\n") for ii, line in enumerate(cell_lines): if line.startswith("#"): cell_lines[ii] = line.rstrip("#").rstrip() cell.source = "\n".join(cell_lines) return ntbk def _file_newer_than(path1, path2): """Check whether file at path1 is newer than path2.""" return os.stat(path1).st_mtime > os.stat(path2).st_mtime def _check_book_versions(path_book): """Check whether the version of a book matches the version of the CLI that's building it.""" with open(op.join(path_book, "_config.yml"), 'r') as ff: config_version = yaml.safe_load( "jupyter_book_version" ) if config_version is None: raise _error( "Couldn't find the version for your Jupyter Book.\n" f"Try upgrading it with `jupyter-book upgrade {path_book}" ) if config_version != __version__: raise _error( f"The version of the book you are modifying doesn't match the\n" "version of the command-line tool that you're using. Please run\n" "\n" f" jupyter-book upgrade {path_book} \n" "\n" "to upgrade your book to the CLI version.\n" "\n" f"This book's version: {config_version}\n" f"Your CLI's version: {__version__}\n" "\n" "See above for the error message." ) return True
from typing import Union from flask import Response from backend.api.handlers.helpers.make_error_response import make_error_response def handle_404(_e: Union[int, Exception]) -> Response: return make_error_response(404, {"Error": "Invalid endpoint"})
<gh_stars>0 '''Entry point''' from .app import create_app APP = create_app()
<gh_stars>1-10 from sklearn.externals import joblib from dataset import PennFudanDataset from processing import process from classifier import extractor from filteropt import create_pipeline from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dataset = PennFudanDataset('dataset/PennFudanPed') pipeline = create_pipeline(threshold=20) process(dataset, pipeline) inputs, targets = extractor.extract(dataset, w=11, N=20000) model = joblib.load('trained/quick_2.pkl') predicted = model.predict(inputs) cm = confusion_matrix(targets, predicted) print(cm) plt.matshow(cm) plt.title('Confusion matrix') plt.colorbar() plt.ylabel('True label') plt.xlabel('Predicted label')
<reponame>5voltsgc/brush_wear<filename> # Import required modules import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk import serial # Global Varibles Number_samples = 3 red_first_time = True blue_first_time = True green_first_time = True green_brush = ['[0] item Number', '[1] Fiber Count', '[2] Fiber Radius', '[3] Start Length', '[4] Start weight', '[5] Current weight', '[6] Diff from Previous weight', '[7] Current Length' ] red_brush = ['[0] item Number', '[1] Fiber Count', '[2] Fiber Radius', '[3] Start Length', '[4] Start weight', '[5] Current weight', '[6] Diff from Previous weight', '[7] Current Length' ] blue_brush = ['[0] item Number', '[1] Fiber Count', '[2] Fiber Radius', '[3] Start Length', '[4] Start weight', '[5] Current weight', '[6] Diff from Previous weight', '[7] Current Length' ] comm_port = "COM29" # this is the comm port the scale is connected to # Serial Port - Change port to match serial port on computer device manager # serialPort = serial.Serial(port=comm_port, baudrate=9600, # bytesize=8, timeout=2, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE) # Main Window window = tk.Tk() window.resizable(width=False, height=False) window.title("Bursh Wear Testing - Lathe") window.geometry('1100x300') # Seperator objects separator1 = ttk.Separator(window, orient='vertical'), rely=0, relwidth=0.2, relheight=1) separator2 = ttk.Separator(window, orient='vertical'), rely=0, relwidth=0.2, relheight=1) def Weight_read(): serialString = "" # Used to hold data coming over UART try: serialString = serialPort.readline() serialString = serialString.decode('Ascii').strip('+').strip() serialString = serialString[:-1] return(float(serialString)) except ValueError: # just return 0 Zero if cant be converted to float, and try again return(0) def sample_weight(): average_weight = [] for x in range(Number_samples): read = Weight_read() average_weight.append(read) current_weight = Weight_read() max_weight = max(average_weight) min_weight = min(average_weight) loop_count = 0 while max_weight != min_weight: average_weight.pop(0) current_weight = Weight_read() average_weight.append(current_weight) max_weight = max(average_weight) min_weight = min(average_weight) loop_count += 1 if loop_count > 25: print("check scale! can't get a stable reading") return(current_weight) def find_num_fibers(fiber_diameter): # TODO num_fibers = fiber_diameter * 500 return(num_fibers) # Label objects Blue_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Blue Brushes", background="blue", font=("Helvetica", 16), width=30) Blue_lbl.grid(column=0, row=4, rowspan=2, columnspan=5) Red_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Red Brushes", background="red", font=("Helvetica", 16), width=30) Red_lbl.grid(column=6, row=4, rowspan=2, columnspan=5) Green_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Green Brushes", background="green", font=("Helvetica", 16), width=30) Green_lbl.grid(column=12, row=4, rowspan=2, columnspan=5) # Brush tuple Column 0=Item#, 1=Lenth, 2=Fiber Diameter Brushes = ( ['Not Measured', 0, 0], ['110733-01', 3.00, .010], ['110733-02', 3.00, .012], ['110733-03', 3.00, .015], ['110733-04', 3.19, .010], ['110733-05', 3.19, .012], ['110733-06', 3.19, .015], ['110733-07', 3.25, .010], ['110733-08', 3.25, .012], ['110733-09', 3.25, .015], ['110733-10', 3.34, .010], ['110733-11', 3.34, .012], ['110733-12', 3.34, .015], ['110733-13', 3.47, .010], ['110733-14', 3.47, .012], ['110733-15', 3.47, .015], ['110733-16', 3.53, .012], ['110733-17', 3.28, .012], ['110733-18', 3.65, .015], ['110733-19', 2.32, .008], ['110733-20', 2.32, .010], ['110733-21', 2.32, .012], ['110733-22', 2.50, .010], ['110733-23', 2.50, .012], ['110733-24', 2.50, .015], ['110733-25', 3.88, .012], ['110733-26', 3.65, .010], ['110733-27', 3.65, .012], ['110733-28', 3.65, .019], ['110733-29', 4.28, .010]) # Blue Combobox creation Blue_combo = ttk.Combobox(window) Blue_combo['values'] = Brushes Blue_combo.current(1) # set the selected item Blue_combo.grid(column=2, row=15) # Red Combobox creation Red_combo = ttk.Combobox(window) Red_combo['values'] = Brushes Red_combo.current(2) # set the selected item Red_combo.grid(column=7, row=15) # Green Combobox creation Green_combo = ttk.Combobox(window) Green_combo['values'] = Brushes Green_combo.current(3) # set the selected item Green_combo.grid(column=13, row=15) # Selected Blue Brush def Blue_clicked(): Blue_Brush = Blue_combo.get() print(Blue_Brush) print(Blue_start.get()) BlueButton = tk.Button(window, text='Record', command=Blue_clicked) BlueButton.grid(column=2, row=50) # Selected Red Brush def Red_clicked(): Red_Brush = Red_combo.get() # sting print(Red_Brush) RedButton = tk.Button(window, text='Record', command=Red_clicked) RedButton.grid(column=7, row=50) # ############################################################################# # GREEN BUTTON # ############################################################################# # Selected Green Brush global green_brush def Green_clicked(): """ This function will be repeated for the other two buttons. Collect information: Scale weight, Brush info, previous weight, and do the calculations. Format this data for the tkinter GUI, and the output file """ global green_first_time global green_brush # Change button to be sunken, the command can not be run again GreenButton.config(text='Recorded', relief='sunken', command='') # Get the current weight from the scale current_weight = sample_weight() # Find out if this is the first record if green_first_time: green_first_time = False # read the selected brush then make it grayed out brush_info = Green_combo.get() Green_combo.config(relief='sunken') # disabled=True # TODO regex to parse the brush info into green_brush green_brush[0] = brush_info[:8] green_brush[2] = float(brush_info[-5:])/2 green_brush[4] = current_weight # if green_first_time: # green_first_time = False # green_fiber_diamter = float(brush_info[-5:]) # find_num_fibers(green_fiber_diamter) # G_start.set(current_weight) # else: # G_Current.set(G_Current.get()) # TODO add command if desired to change # Green = sample_weight() # G_Previous = Green # G_Previous = find_num_fibers() # print(G_Previous) # print(Green) GreenButton = tk.Button(window, text='Record', command=Green_clicked) GreenButton.grid(column=13, row=50) # Blue labels and Text Boxes Blue_Start_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Start Weight(g)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Blue_Start_lbl.grid(column=1, row=44,) B_start = tk.StringVar() Blue_start = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=B_start) Blue_start.grid(column=2, row=44) Blue_Previous_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Previous Weight(g)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Blue_Previous_lbl.grid(column=1, row=45,) B_Previous = tk.StringVar() Blue_Previous = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=B_Previous) Blue_Previous.grid(column=2, row=45) Blue_Current_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Current Weight(g)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Blue_Current_lbl.grid(column=1, row=46,) B_Current = tk.StringVar() Blue_Current = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=B_Current) Blue_Current.grid(column=2, row=46) Blue_Diff_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Difference Weight (g)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Blue_Diff_lbl.grid(column=1, row=47,) B_diff = tk.StringVar() Blue_diff = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=B_diff) Blue_diff.grid(column=2, row=47) Blue_wear_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Wear (mm)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Blue_wear_lbl.grid(column=1, row=48) B_wear = tk.StringVar() Blue_wear = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=B_wear) Blue_wear.grid(column=2, row=48) Blue_total_wear_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Total Wear (mm)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Blue_total_wear_lbl.grid(column=1, row=49,) B_total_wear = tk.StringVar() Blue_total_wear = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=B_total_wear) Blue_total_wear.grid(column=2, row=49) # Red labels and Text Boxes Red_Start_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Start Weight(g)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Red_Start_lbl.grid(column=6, row=44,) R_start = tk.StringVar() Red_start = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=R_start) Red_start.grid(column=7, row=44) Red_Previous_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Previous Weight(g)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Red_Previous_lbl.grid(column=6, row=45,) R_Previous = tk.StringVar() Red_Previous = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=R_Previous) Red_Previous.grid(column=7, row=45) Red_Current_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Current Weight(g)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Red_Current_lbl.grid(column=6, row=46,) R_Current = tk.StringVar() Red_Current = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=R_Current) Red_Current.grid(column=7, row=46) Red_Diff_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Difference Weight (g)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Red_Diff_lbl.grid(column=6, row=47,) R_diff = tk.StringVar() Red_diff = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=R_diff) Red_diff.grid(column=7, row=47) Red_wear_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Wear (mm)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Red_wear_lbl.grid(column=6, row=48) R_wear = tk.StringVar() Red_wear = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=R_wear) Red_wear.grid(column=7, row=48) Red_total_wear_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Total Wear (mm)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Red_total_wear_lbl.grid(column=6, row=49,) R_total_wear = tk.StringVar() Red_total_wear = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=R_total_wear) Red_total_wear.grid(column=7, row=49) # Green labels and Text Boxes Green_Start_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Start Weight(g)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Green_Start_lbl.grid(column=12, row=44,) G_start = tk.StringVar() Green_start = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=G_start) Green_start.grid(column=13, row=44) Green_Previous_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Previous Weight(g)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Green_Previous_lbl.grid(column=12, row=45,) G_Previous = tk.StringVar() Green_Previous = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=G_Previous) Green_Previous.grid(column=13, row=45) Green_Current_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Current Weight(g)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Green_Current_lbl.grid(column=12, row=46,) G_Current = tk.StringVar() Green_Current = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=G_Current) Green_Current.grid(column=13, row=46) Green_Diff_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Difference Weight (g)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Green_Diff_lbl.grid(column=12, row=47,) G_diff = tk.StringVar() Green_diff = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=G_diff) Green_diff.grid(column=13, row=47) Green_wear_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Wear (mm)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Green_wear_lbl.grid(column=12, row=48) G_wear = tk.StringVar() Green_wear = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=G_wear) Green_wear.grid(column=13, row=48) Green_total_wear_lbl = ttk.Label(window, text="Total Wear (mm)", font=("Helvetica", 12)) Green_total_wear_lbl.grid(column=12, row=49,) G_total_wear = tk.StringVar() Green_total_wear = ttk.Entry(window, width=15, textvariable=G_total_wear) Green_total_wear.grid(column=13, row=49) window.mainloop()
<reponame>hongxin001/robustdg import sys import numpy as np import argparse import copy import random import json import torch from torch.autograd import grad from torch import nn, optim from torch.nn import functional as F from torchvision import datasets, transforms from torchvision.utils import save_image from torch.autograd import Variable import as data_utils from .base_eval import BaseEval from utils.match_function import get_matched_pairs, perfect_match_score class MatchEval(BaseEval): def __init__(self, args, train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset, base_res_dir, run, cuda): super().__init__(args, train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset, base_res_dir, run, cuda) def get_metric_eval(self): if self.args.match_func_data_case=='train': dataset= self.train_dataset['data_loader'] total_domains= self.train_dataset['total_domains'] domain_list= self.train_dataset['domain_list'] base_domain_size= self.train_dataset['base_domain_size'] domain_size_list= self.train_dataset['domain_size_list'] elif self.args.match_func_data_case== 'val': dataset= self.val_dataset['data_loader'] total_domains= self.val_dataset['total_domains'] domain_list= self.val_dataset['domain_list'] base_domain_size= self.val_dataset['base_domain_size'] domain_size_list= self.val_dataset['domain_size_list'] elif self.args.match_func_data_case== 'test': dataset= self.test_dataset['data_loader'] total_domains= self.test_dataset['total_domains'] domain_list= self.test_dataset['domain_list'] base_domain_size= self.test_dataset['base_domain_size'] domain_size_list= self.test_dataset['domain_size_list'] inferred_match=1 # Self Augmentation Match Function evaluation will always follow perfect matches if self.args.match_func_aug_case: perfect_match= 1 else: perfect_match= self.args.perfect_match data_match_tensor, label_match_tensor, indices_matched, perfect_match_rank= get_matched_pairs( self.args, self.cuda, dataset, base_domain_size, total_domains, domain_size_list, self.phi, self.args.match_case, perfect_match, inferred_match ) score= perfect_match_score(indices_matched) perfect_match_rank= np.array(perfect_match_rank) self.metric_score['Perfect Match Score']= score self.metric_score['TopK Perfect Match Score']= 100*np.sum( perfect_match_rank < self.args.top_k )/perfect_match_rank.shape[0] self.metric_score['Perfect Match Rank']= np.mean(perfect_match_rank) # Perfect Match Prediction Discrepancy # perm = torch.randperm(data_match_tensor.size(0)) # data_match_tensor_split= torch.split(data_match_tensor[perm], self.args.batch_size, dim=0) # label_match_tensor_split= torch.split(label_match_tensor[perm], self.args.batch_size, dim=0) # total_batches= len(data_match_tensor_split) # penalty_ws= 0.0 # for batch_idx in range(total_batches): # curr_batch_size= data_match_tensor_split[batch_idx].shape[0] # data_match= data_match_tensor_split[batch_idx].to(self.cuda) # data_match= data_match.view( data_match.shape[0]*data_match.shape[1], data_match.shape[2], data_match.shape[3], data_match.shape[4] ) # feat_match= self.phi( data_match ) # label_match= label_match_tensor_split[batch_idx].to(self.cuda) # label_match= label_match.view( label_match.shape[0]*label_match.shape[1] ) # # Creating tensor of shape ( domain size, total domains, feat size ) # if len(feat_match.shape) == 4: # feat_match= feat_match.view( curr_batch_size, len(total_domains), feat_match.shape[1]*feat_match.shape[2]*feat_match.shape[3] ) # else: # feat_match= feat_match.view( curr_batch_size, len(total_domains), feat_match.shape[1] ) # label_match= label_match.view( curr_batch_size, len(total_domains) ) # # print(feat_match.shape) # data_match= data_match.view( curr_batch_size, len(total_domains), data_match.shape[1], data_match.shape[2], data_match.shape[3] ) # #Positive Match Loss # pos_match_counter=0 # for d_i in range(feat_match.shape[1]): # # if d_i != base_domain_idx: # # continue # for d_j in range(feat_match.shape[1]): # if d_j > d_i: # if self.args.pos_metric == 'l2': # wasserstein_loss+= torch.sum( torch.sum( (feat_match[:, d_i, :] - feat_match[:, d_j, :])**2, dim=1 ) ) # elif self.args.pos_metric == 'l1': # wasserstein_loss+= torch.sum( torch.sum( torch.abs(feat_match[:, d_i, :] - feat_match[:, d_j, :]), dim=1 ) ) # elif self.args.pos_metric == 'cos': # wasserstein_loss+= torch.sum( cosine_similarity( feat_match[:, d_i, :], feat_match[:, d_j, :] ) ) # pos_match_counter += feat_match.shape[0] # wasserstein_loss = wasserstein_loss / pos_match_counter # penalty_ws+= float(wasserstein_loss) # self.metric_score['Perfect Match Distance']= penalty_ws print('Perfect Match Score: ', self.metric_score['Perfect Match Score'] ) print('TopK Perfect Match Score: ', self.metric_score['TopK Perfect Match Score'] ) print('Perfect Match Rank: ', self.metric_score['Perfect Match Rank'] ) # print('Perfect Match Distance: ', self.metric_score['Perfect Match Distance']) return
import abc from typing import Optional class ConfigType(abc.ABC): name: str path: Optional[str] = "config/phase0.yaml" @classmethod def has_config(cls) -> bool: """ Return ``True`` if this ``ConfigType`` has configuration that should be loaded. """ return cls.path is not None class Mainnet(ConfigType): name = "mainnet" class Minimal(ConfigType): name = "minimal" class General(ConfigType): """ ``General`` covers the set of tests that function independent of a particular config. """ name = "general" path = None
from django.contrib import admin from .models import Website, DataPoint # Register your models here.
<gh_stars>0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # # # Copyright 2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ KG Sparse embedding """ import os import numpy as np import torch as th import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as functional import torch.nn.init as INIT import torch.multiprocessing as mp from torch.multiprocessing import Queue from _thread import start_new_thread import traceback from functools import wraps from .. import * logsigmoid = functional.logsigmoid def get_dev(gpu): return th.device('cpu') if gpu < 0 else th.device('cuda:' + str(gpu)) def get_device(args): return th.device('cpu') if args.gpu[0] < 0 else th.device('cuda:' + str(args.gpu[0])) none = lambda x : x norm = lambda x, p: x.norm(p=p)**p get_scalar = lambda x: x.detach().item() reshape = lambda arr, x, y: arr.view(x, y) cuda = lambda arr, gpu: arr.cuda(gpu) def l2_dist(x, y, pw=False): if pw is False: x = x.unsqueeze(1) y = y.unsqueeze(0) return -th.norm(x-y, p=2, dim=-1) def l1_dist(x, y, pw=False): if pw is False: x = x.unsqueeze(1) y = y.unsqueeze(0) return -th.norm(x-y, p=1, dim=-1) def dot_dist(x, y, pw=False): if pw is False: x = x.unsqueeze(1) y = y.unsqueeze(0) return th.sum(x * y, dim=-1) def cosine_dist(x, y, pw=False): score = dot_dist(x, y, pw) x = x.norm(p=2, dim=-1) y = y.norm(p=2, dim=-1) if pw is False: x = x.unsqueeze(1) y = y.unsqueeze(0) return score / (x * y) def extended_jaccard_dist(x, y, pw=False): score = dot_dist(x, y, pw) x = x.norm(p=2, dim=-1)**2 y = y.norm(p=2, dim=-1)**2 if pw is False: x = x.unsqueeze(1) y = y.unsqueeze(0) return score / (x + y - score) def floor_divide(input, other): return th.floor_divide(input, other) def thread_wrapped_func(func): """Wrapped func for torch.multiprocessing.Process. With this wrapper we can use OMP threads in subprocesses otherwise, OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 is mandatory. How to use: @thread_wrapped_func def func_to_wrap(args ...): """ @wraps(func) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): queue = Queue() def _queue_result(): exception, trace, res = None, None, None try: res = func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: exception = e trace = traceback.format_exc() queue.put((res, exception, trace)) start_new_thread(_queue_result, ()) result, exception, trace = queue.get() if exception is None: return result else: assert isinstance(exception, Exception) raise exception.__class__(trace) return decorated_function @thread_wrapped_func def async_update(args, emb, queue): """Asynchronous embedding update for entity embeddings. How it works: 1. trainer process push entity embedding update requests into the queue. 2. async_update process pull requests from the queue, calculate the gradient state and gradient and write it into entity embeddings. Parameters ---------- args : Global confis. emb : ExternalEmbedding The entity embeddings. queue: The request queue. """ th.set_num_threads(args.num_thread) while True: (grad_indices, grad_values, gpu_id) = queue.get() clr = if grad_indices is None: return with th.no_grad(): grad_sum = (grad_values * grad_values).mean(1) device = emb.state_sum.device if device != grad_indices.device: grad_indices = if device != grad_sum.device: grad_sum = emb.state_sum.index_add_(0, grad_indices, grad_sum) std = emb.state_sum[grad_indices] # _sparse_mask if gpu_id >= 0: std = std.cuda(gpu_id) std_values = std.sqrt_().add_(1e-10).unsqueeze(1) tmp = (-clr * grad_values / std_values) if tmp.device != device: tmp = emb.emb.index_add_(0, grad_indices, tmp) class InferEmbedding: def __init__(self, device): self.device = device def load(self, path, name): """Load embeddings. Parameters ---------- path : str Directory to load the embedding. name : str Embedding name. """ file_name = os.path.join(path, name+'.npy') self.emb = th.Tensor(np.load(file_name)) def load_emb(self, emb_array): """Load embeddings from numpy array. Parameters ---------- emb_array : numpy.array or torch.tensor Embedding array in numpy array or torch.tensor """ if isinstance(emb_array, np.ndarray): self.emb = th.Tensor(emb_array) else: self.emb = emb_array def __call__(self, idx): return self.emb[idx].to(self.device) class ExternalEmbedding: """Sparse Embedding for Knowledge Graph It is used to store both entity embeddings and relation embeddings. Parameters ---------- args : Global configs. num : int Number of embeddings. dim : int Embedding dimention size. device : th.device Device to store the embedding. """ def __init__(self, args, num, dim, device): self.gpu = args.gpu self.args = args self.num = num self.trace = [] self.emb = th.empty(num, dim, dtype=th.float32, device=device) self.state_sum = self.state_step = 0 self.has_cross_rel = False # queue used by asynchronous update self.async_q = None # asynchronous update process self.async_p = None def init(self, emb_init): """Initializing the embeddings. Parameters ---------- emb_init : float The intial embedding range should be [-emb_init, emb_init]. """ INIT.uniform_(self.emb, -emb_init, emb_init) INIT.zeros_(self.state_sum) def setup_cross_rels(self, cross_rels, global_emb): cpu_bitmap = th.zeros((self.num,), dtype=th.bool) for i, rel in enumerate(cross_rels): cpu_bitmap[rel] = 1 self.cpu_bitmap = cpu_bitmap self.has_cross_rel = True self.global_emb = global_emb def get_noncross_idx(self, idx): cpu_mask = self.cpu_bitmap[idx] gpu_mask = ~cpu_mask return idx[gpu_mask] def share_memory(self): """Use torch.tensor.share_memory_() to allow cross process tensor access """ self.emb.share_memory_() self.state_sum.share_memory_() def __call__(self, idx, gpu_id=-1, trace=True): """ Return sliced tensor. Parameters ---------- idx : th.tensor Slicing index gpu_id : int Which gpu to put sliced data in. trace : bool If True, trace the computation. This is required in training. If False, do not trace the computation. Default: True """ if self.has_cross_rel: cpu_idx = idx.cpu() cpu_mask = self.cpu_bitmap[cpu_idx] cpu_idx = cpu_idx[cpu_mask] cpu_idx = th.unique(cpu_idx) if cpu_idx.shape[0] != 0: cpu_emb = self.global_emb.emb[cpu_idx] self.emb[cpu_idx] = cpu_emb.cuda(gpu_id) s = self.emb[idx] if gpu_id >= 0: s = s.cuda(gpu_id) # During the training, we need to trace the computation. # In this case, we need to record the computation path and compute the gradients. if trace: data = s.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True) self.trace.append((idx, data)) else: data = s return data def update(self, gpu_id=-1): """ Update embeddings in a sparse manner Sparse embeddings are updated in mini batches. we maintains gradient states for each embedding so they can be updated separately. Parameters ---------- gpu_id : int Which gpu to accelerate the calculation. if -1 is provided, cpu is used. """ self.state_step += 1 with th.no_grad(): for idx, data in self.trace: grad = clr = #clr = / (1 + (self.state_step - 1) * group['lr_decay']) # the update is non-linear so indices must be unique grad_indices = idx grad_values = grad if self.async_q is not None: grad_indices.share_memory_() grad_values.share_memory_() self.async_q.put((grad_indices, grad_values, gpu_id)) else: grad_sum = (grad_values * grad_values).mean(1) device = self.state_sum.device if device != grad_indices.device: grad_indices = if device != grad_sum.device: grad_sum = if self.has_cross_rel: cpu_mask = self.cpu_bitmap[grad_indices] cpu_idx = grad_indices[cpu_mask] if cpu_idx.shape[0] > 0: cpu_grad = grad_values[cpu_mask] cpu_sum = grad_sum[cpu_mask].cpu() cpu_idx = cpu_idx.cpu() self.global_emb.state_sum.index_add_(0, cpu_idx, cpu_sum) std = self.global_emb.state_sum[cpu_idx] if gpu_id >= 0: std = std.cuda(gpu_id) std_values = std.sqrt_().add_(1e-10).unsqueeze(1) tmp = (-clr * cpu_grad / std_values) tmp = tmp.cpu() self.global_emb.emb.index_add_(0, cpu_idx, tmp) self.state_sum.index_add_(0, grad_indices, grad_sum) std = self.state_sum[grad_indices] # _sparse_mask if gpu_id >= 0: std = std.cuda(gpu_id) std_values = std.sqrt_().add_(1e-10).unsqueeze(1) tmp = (-clr * grad_values / std_values) if tmp.device != device: tmp = # TODO(zhengda) the overhead is here. self.emb.index_add_(0, grad_indices, tmp) self.trace = [] def create_async_update(self): """Set up the async update subprocess. """ self.async_q = Queue(1) self.async_p = mp.Process(target=async_update, args=(self.args, self, self.async_q)) self.async_p.start() def finish_async_update(self): """Notify the async update subprocess to quit. """ self.async_q.put((None, None, None)) self.async_p.join() def curr_emb(self): """Return embeddings in trace. """ data = [data for _, data in self.trace] return, 0) def save(self, path, name): """Save embeddings. Parameters ---------- path : str Directory to save the embedding. name : str Embedding name. """ file_name = os.path.join(path, name+'.npy'), self.emb.cpu().detach().numpy()) def load(self, path, name): """Load embeddings. Parameters ---------- path : str Directory to load the embedding. name : str Embedding name. """ file_name = os.path.join(path, name+'.npy') self.emb = th.Tensor(np.load(file_name))
"""Write a function that takes in two numbers and recursively multiplies them together """ def recursive_multiplication(n,m): # base case if n == 1 and m == 1: return 1 elif n == 1: return m elif m == 1: return n elif n == 0 or m == 0: return 0 # recursive case else: return recursive_multiplication(n-1,m) + m # print(recursive_multiplication(12,3)) """Write a function that takes in a base and an exp and recursively computes base**exp. You are not allowed to use the ** operator! """ def exponent(base,exp): # base cases if exp == 0: return 1 # recursive cases: else: return base * exponent(base,exp-1) # print(exponent(2,4)) """3. Write a function using recursion to print numbers from n to 0. """ def print_nums(n): # base case if n == 0: print(n) return 0 elif n > 0 : print(n) return print_nums(n-1) elif n < 0: print(n) return print_nums(n+1) # print_nums(-9) """4. Write a function using recursion to print numbers from 0 to n (you just need to change one line in the program of problem 1). """ def countup(n,m): if m == n: print(m) return m else: print(m) return countup(n,m+1) # countup(5,0) """5. Write a function using recursion that takes in a string and returns a reversed copy of the string. The only string operation you are allowed to use is string concatenation. """ """As others have pointed out, this is not the way you would usually do this in Python. An iterative solution is going to be faster, and using slicing to do it is going to be faster still. Additionally, Python imposes a limit on stack size, and there's no tail call optimization, so a recursive solution would be limited to reversing strings of only about a thousand characters. You can increase Python's stack size, but there would still be a fixed limit, while other solutions can always handle a string of any length. """ # def reversed_string(str): # reversed = "" # for char in str: # reversed = char + reversed # return reversed # str= "shalom" # print(reversed_string(str)) def reversed_string(str): if len(str) == 0: return "" else: # return str[-1] + reversed_string(str[:-1]) return reversed_string(str[1:]) + str[0] # print(reversed_string("shalom")) """6. Write a function using recursion to check if a number n is prime (you have to check whether n is divisible by any number below n). """ def is_prime(n,m=2): if n <=2 : print("{} is prime number".format(n)) return True if m * m >= n: print("{} is prime number".format(n)) return True if n%m == 0: print("{} is not prime number".format(n)) return False return is_prime(n,m+1) # print(is_prime(15)) """7. Write a recursive function that takes in one argument n and computes Fn, the nth value of the Fibonacci sequence. Recall that the Fibonacci sequence is defined by the relation """ def Fibonacci(n): if n==0: return 0 if n==1: return 1 else: return Fibonacci(n-1) + Fibonacci(n-2) print(Fibonacci(6))
from dataclasses import dataclass from sqlalchemy import func from pycroft import config from import Split from pycroft.model.user import PreMember, User, Membership @dataclass class OverviewStats: member_requests: int users_in_db: int members: int not_paid_all: int not_paid_members: int def overview_stats(): return OverviewStats( member_requests=PreMember.q.count(), users_in_db=User.q.count(), members=User.q .join(Membership) .filter( == config.member_group, Membership.active_during.contains(func.current_timestamp())) .count(), not_paid_all=User.q .join(User.account) .join(Split) .group_by( .having(func.sum(Split.amount) > 0) .count(), not_paid_members=User.q .join(Membership) .filter( == config.member_group, Membership.active_during.contains(func.current_timestamp())) .join(User.account) .join(Split) .group_by( .having(func.sum(Split.amount) > 0) .count(), )
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from sklearn.metrics.cluster import normalized_mutual_info_score import numpy as np from subprocess import call from np_loader import * from path_tools import * from ism import * from orthogonal_optimization import * from DimGrowth import * import itertools #from acc import * import socket import torch import pickle import random import string import os class test_base(): def __init__(self, db): if db['run_only_validation']: db['data_file_name'] = './datasets/' + db['data_name'] + '_validation.csv' db['label_file_name'] = './datasets/' + db['data_name'] + '_label_validation.csv' else: db['data_file_name'] = './datasets/' + db['data_name'] + '.csv' db['label_file_name'] = './datasets/' + db['data_name'] + '_label.csv' db['validation_data_file_name'] = './datasets/' + db['data_name'] + '_validation.csv' db['validation_label_file_name'] = './datasets/' + db['data_name'] + '_label_validation.csv' db['best_path'] = '../version9/pre_trained_weights/Best_pk/' db['learning_rate'] = 0.001 db['center_and_scale'] = True db['kernel_type'] = 'rbf' #rbf, linear, rbf_slow db['poly_power'] = 3 db['poly_constant'] = 1 self.db = db tmp_path = './tmp/' + db['data_name'] + '/' db_output_path = tmp_path + 'db_files/' batch_output_path = tmp_path + 'batch_outputs/' ensure_path_exists('./tmp') ensure_path_exists('./results') ensure_path_exists(tmp_path) ensure_path_exists(db_output_path) ensure_path_exists(batch_output_path) def remove_tmp_files(self): db = self.db file_in_tmp = os.listdir('./tmp/' + db['data_name'] + '/db_files/') for i in file_in_tmp: if i.find(db['data_name']) == 0: os.remove('./tmp/' + db['data_name'] + '/db_files/' + i) def output_db_to_text(self): db = self.db db['db_file'] = './tmp/' + db['data_name'] + '/db_files/' + db['data_name'] + '_' + str(int(10000*np.random.rand())) + '.txt' fin = open(db['db_file'], 'w') for i,j in db.items(): if type(j) == str: fin.write('db["' + i + '"]="' + str(j) + '"\n') elif type(j) == bool: fin.write('db["' + i + '"]=' + str(j) + '\n') elif type(j) == type: fin.write('db["' + i + '"]=' + j.__name__ + '\n') elif type(j) == float: fin.write('db["' + i + '"]=' + str(j) + '\n') elif type(j) == int: fin.write('db["' + i + '"]=' + str(j) + '\n') elif j is None: fin.write('db["' + i + '"]=None\n') else: raise ValueError('unrecognized type : ' + str(type(j)) + ' found.') fin.close() return db['db_file'] def export_bash_file(self, i, test_name, export_db): run_name = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(2)) cmd = '' cmd += "#!/bin/bash\n" cmd += "\n#set a job name " cmd += "\n#SBATCH --job-name=%d_%s_%s"%(i, test_name, run_name) cmd += "\n################# " cmd += "\n#a file for job output, you can check job progress" cmd += "\n#SBATCH --output=./tmp/%s/batch_outputs/%d_%s_%s.out"%(test_name, i, test_name, run_name) cmd += "\n#################" cmd += "\n# a file for errors from the job" cmd += "\n#SBATCH --error=./tmp/%s/batch_outputs/%d_%s_%s.err"%(test_name, i, test_name, run_name) cmd += "\n#################" cmd += "\n#time you think you need; default is one day" cmd += "\n#in minutes in this case, hh:mm:ss" cmd += "\n#SBATCH --time=24:00:00" cmd += "\n#################" cmd += "\n#number of tasks you are requesting" cmd += "\n#SBATCH -N 1" cmd += "\n#SBATCH --exclusive" cmd += "\n#################" cmd += "\n#partition to use" cmd += "\n#SBATCH --partition=general" cmd += "\n#SBATCH --mem=120Gb" cmd += "\n#################" cmd += "\n#number of nodes to distribute n tasks across" cmd += "\n#################" cmd += "\n" cmd += "\npython ./src/ " + export_db fin = open('execute_combined.bash','w') fin.write(cmd) fin.close() def batch_run(self): count = 0 db = self.db output_list = self.parameter_ranges() every_combination = list(itertools.product(*output_list)) for count, single_instance in enumerate(every_combination): [W_optimize_technique] = single_instance db['W_optimize_technique'] = W_optimize_technique fname = self.output_db_to_text() self.export_bash_file(count, db['data_name'], fname) if socket.gethostname().find('login') != -1: call(["sbatch", "execute_combined.bash"]) else: os.system("bash ./execute_combined.bash") def batch_file_names(self): count = 0 db = self.db output_list = self.file_name_ranges() every_combination = list(itertools.product(*output_list)) for count, single_instance in enumerate(every_combination): [data_name, W_optimize_technique] = single_instance db['data_name'] = data_name db['W_optimize_technique'] = W_optimize_technique tmp_path = './tmp/' + db['data_name'] + '/' db_output_path = tmp_path + 'db_files/' batch_output_path = tmp_path + 'batch_outputs/' ensure_path_exists('./tmp') ensure_path_exists(tmp_path) ensure_path_exists(db_output_path) ensure_path_exists(batch_output_path) fname = self.output_db_to_text() self.export_bash_file(count, db['data_name'], fname) if socket.gethostname().find('login') != -1: call(["sbatch", "execute_combined.bash"]) else: os.system("bash ./execute_combined.bash") def basic_run(self): self.remove_tmp_files() fname = self.output_db_to_text() call(["./src/", fname])
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Module containing a class which allows access to disparate Python neural network implementations and architectures, united through a common interface. This interface is modelled on the scikit-learn interface. ''' import warnings import math import timeit from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn import preprocessing from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier as SKL_MLP from sknn.mlp import Classifier as sknn_MLPClassifier, Layer import numpy as np from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers.core import Dense, Dropout from keras.optimizers import SGD, Adam, Adadelta from keras.regularizers import l2 from keras.callbacks import LearningRateScheduler class UnifiedMLP(object): """ Unified interface to compare neural network modules and hyperparameters. The module is initialised with arguments that associate it with a dataset. Then, neural networks from multiple packages with specified hyperparameters can be trained to this dataset and the results compared. After initialisation, a dict self.benchmark in the results dict format is accessible. The stratified random approach of randomly assigning outcomes with correct class weights is used. :ref:`results-dict`. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Vectors of features for each sample, where there are n_samples vectors each with n_features elements. Y : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_classes) Vectors of labelled outcomes for each sample. UnifiedMLP expects a boolean or binary array specifying membership to each of n_classes classes. split : tuple of 3 entries, summing to 1.0 or less. The split of data between training, validation and testing. Training data is passed to fit() methods, validation data is used to track fitting progress and can be used for early stopping, and test data is used for the final evaluation of model quality. Examples -------- >>> nn = UnifiedMLP(X, Ys).set_hypers( ... learning_rate=0.001, ... batch_size=24, ... module='keras', ... dropout=0.5, ... max_epoch=50, ... ) >>> results, model = nn.run_test() """ _default_hypers = { 'module': 'keras', 'frac_training': 1.0, ################## # Architecture # ################## 'hidden_units': 15, 'activation': 'relu', #################### # Regularisation # #################### 'alpha': 0.0000, # L2 penalty. 0.0 = turned off. 'dropout': 0.0, # Dropout between hidden and output layers. ############## # Learning # ############## 'learning_rate': 0.001, # Adam and SGD only 'algorithm': 'sgd', 'batch_size': 16, # SGD only 'momentum': 0.9, 'nesterov': False, # Adam only (Scikit-learn and Keras only) 'beta_1': 0.9, 'beta_2': 0.999, 'epsilon': 1e-8, ############################################### # Iteration/epoch settings - can be changed # ############################################### # Epochs to run for if no convergence. 'max_epoch': 100, # Max decline in loss between epochs to consider converged. (Ratio) 'epoch_tol': 0.001, # Number of consecutive epochs considered converged before stopping. 'n_stable': 3, # For SGD, decay in learning rate between epochs. 0 = no decay. 'learning_decay': 0.000, # Terminate before the loss stops improving if the accuracy score # on the validation stops improving. Uses epoch_tol and n_stable. 'early_stopping': True, ####################### # Consistent output # (for developing and debugging) ####################### 'random_state': 1, } # For settings which take a categorical value, provided is a dict of # which settings should work in which of the Python modules. # This dict exists only for reference. It is not used for computaton. supported_settings = { 'activation': { 'relu': ['sklearn', 'sknn', 'keras'], 'linear': ['sknn', 'keras'], 'logistic': ['sklearn', 'sknn', 'keras'], 'tanh': ['sklearn', 'sknn', 'keras'] }, 'algorithm': { 'sgd': ['sklearn', 'sknn', 'keras'], 'adam': ['sklearn', 'keras'], 'adadelta': ['sknn', 'keras'] } } def __init__(self, X, Y, split=(0.70, 0.15, 0.15)): # Normalise inputs and split data self.X_train, self.X_valid, self.X_test, self.Y_train, self.Y_valid, self.Y_test = \ self._prepare_data(X, Y, split) self.n_features = X.shape[1] self.n_classes = Y.shape[1] # Help Scikit-learn support multi-label classification probabilities self.n_labels_sklearn = self.Y_train.sum(axis=1).mean() self._benchmark() # Stratified random # Apply the default settings self._nn_hypers = {} self.set_hypers(**UnifiedMLP._default_hypers) def _benchmark(self): classifier = _StratifiedRandomClassifier().fit(self.X_train, self.Y_train) Y_test_pred = classifier.predict(self.X_test, self.Y_test) accuracy, F1, accuracy_all, F1_all = getScores(self.Y_test, Y_test_pred) self.benchmark = { 'F1': F1, 'accuracy': accuracy, 'F1_all': F1_all, 'accuracy_all': accuracy_all, 'time_all': 0, 'n_epochs_all': 0, 'loss_all' : 0 } @staticmethod def _prepare_data(X, Y, split): X = np.array(X).astype('float64') Y = np.array(Y).astype(bool) try: assert(X.shape[0] == Y.shape[0]) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("Number of samples differs between X and Y.") split_randint = 0 leftover = 1.0 - sum(split) if leftover > 0.0: warnings.warn("Suggested data split doesn't use full dataset.") if leftover < 0.0: raise ValueError("Specified data split sums to over 1.0.") # Assign test and validation data before training data. # This ensures training data size can be varied and other # datasets will stay identical. X, X_test, Y, Y_test = train_test_split( X, Y, test_size=split[2], random_state=split_randint) X, X_valid, Y, Y_valid = train_test_split( X, Y, test_size=split[1] / (split[1] + split[0] + leftover), random_state=split_randint) try: _, X_train, _, Y_train = train_test_split( X, Y, test_size=split[0] / (split[0] + leftover), random_state=split_randint) except ValueError: # scikit-learn doesn't like test_size=1.0 X_train, Y_train = X, Y # Train the normaliser on training data only normaliser = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(X_train) X_train = normaliser.transform(X_train) X_valid = normaliser.transform(X_valid) X_test = normaliser.transform(X_test) return X_train, X_valid, X_test, Y_train, Y_valid, Y_test def _validate_settings(self): ''' Some basic compatibility checks between settings. Doesn't check module-specific validity, e.g. whether sklearn supports an algorithm. ''' for hyper_name in self._nn_hypers.keys(): try: assert (hyper_name in self._default_hypers.keys()) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("The setting name \"" + hyper_name + " \" is unknown") if self._nn_hypers['algorithm'] != 'sgd' and self._nn_hypers['learning_decay'] != 0.0: raise KeyError( "The learning_decay option is for the sgd algorithm only.") def get_hypers(self): ''' Return neural network hyperparameters. Returns ------- nn_settings : dict ''' return dict(self._nn_hypers) def set_hypers(self, **new_settings): ''' Set the hyperparameters with which neural networks are built. Takes keyword arguments setting neural network hyperparameters. :doc:`Hyperparameters reference guide<../hyperparameter_reference>`. Returns ------- self ''' # Modules often choke on numpy types for key in new_settings.keys(): if type(new_settings[key]) == np.float64 or\ type(new_settings[key]) == np.float32: new_settings[key] = float(new_settings[key]) elif type(new_settings[key]) == np.string_: new_settings[key] = str(new_settings[key]) elif type(new_settings[key]) == np.bool_: new_settings[key] = bool(new_settings[key]) self._nn_hypers.update(new_settings) self._validate_settings() return self def run_test(self): """ Build, train and test a neural network architecture. Guarentee: If settings incompatible with a specific module are passed, ``KeyError`` is raised. Returns ------- results : dict Results of the test. :ref:`results-dict`. hypers : dict Complete dict of hyperparameters used. model : object The MLP object resulting from running the test, with a class dependent on the module which was used. """ module = self.get_hypers()['module'] modules = { 'sklearn': self._sklearn, 'sknn': self._sknn, 'keras': self._keras } training, performance, model = modules[module]() hypers = self.get_hypers() results = { 'training': { 'loss_all': training[0], 'accuracy': training[1], 'F1': training[2], 'time_all': training[3], 'accuracy_all': training[4], 'F1_all': training[5] }, 'performance': { 'accuracy': performance[0], 'F1': performance[1], 'time_all': performance[2], 'accuracy_all': performance[3], 'F1_all': performance[4], 'n_epochs_all': performance[5] } } return results, hypers, model def _keras(self): np.random.seed(self._nn_hypers['random_state']) ######################### # Settings conversion # ######################### activation_dict = {'relu': 'relu', 'linear': 'linear', 'logistic': 'sigmoid', 'tanh': 'tanh'} try: activation = activation_dict[self._nn_hypers['activation']] except KeyError: err = "Activation function \"" + self._nn_hypers['activation'] err += "\" unsupported." raise KeyError(err) # Callback for SGD learning rate decline ii_epoch = [0] def learning_schedule(epoch): init = self._nn_hypers['learning_rate'] factor = (1 - self._nn_hypers['learning_decay'])**ii_epoch[0] lr = factor * init return lr ############### # Create NN # ############### keras_nn = Sequential() keras_nn.add(Dense( self._nn_hypers['hidden_units'], input_dim=self.n_features, init='lecun_uniform', W_regularizer=l2(self._nn_hypers['alpha']), activation=activation) ) keras_nn.add(Dropout(self._nn_hypers['dropout'])) keras_nn.add(Dense( self.n_classes, init='lecun_uniform', W_regularizer=l2(self._nn_hypers['alpha']), activation='sigmoid') ) if self._nn_hypers['algorithm'] == 'sgd': optimiser = SGD( lr=self._nn_hypers['learning_rate'], decay=0.0, momentum=self._nn_hypers['momentum'], nesterov=self._nn_hypers['nesterov'], ) callbacks = [LearningRateScheduler(learning_schedule)] elif self._nn_hypers['algorithm'] == 'adam': optimiser = Adam( lr=self._nn_hypers['learning_rate'], beta_1=self._nn_hypers['beta_1'], beta_2=self._nn_hypers['beta_2'], epsilon=self._nn_hypers['epsilon'] ) callbacks = [] elif self._nn_hypers['algorithm'] == 'adadelta': optimiser = Adadelta() # Recommended to use the default values callbacks = [] else: err = "Learning algorithm \"" + self._nn_hypers['algorithm'] err += "\" not implemented." raise KeyError(err) keras_nn.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=optimiser) ############## # Train NN # ############## loss_curve = [] acc_curve, acc_all_curve = [], [] F1_curve, F1_all_curve = [], [] time_curve = [] n_loss = [0] n_valid = [0] stop_reason = 0 X_train, Y_train = self._trim_data(self._nn_hypers['frac_training'], self.X_train, self.Y_train) for i_epoch in range(self._nn_hypers['max_epoch']): ii_epoch[0] = i_epoch start_time = timeit.default_timer() history = X_train, Y_train, nb_epoch=10, batch_size=self._nn_hypers['batch_size'], verbose=0, callbacks=callbacks ) end_time = timeit.default_timer() time_curve.append(end_time - start_time) #################### # Track progress # #################### loss_curve.append(history.history['loss'][1]) valid_proba = keras_nn.predict_proba(self.X_valid, verbose=0) valid_predict = self._predict_from_proba(valid_proba) valid_accuracy, valid_F1, valid_accuracy_all, valid_F1_all =\ getScores(self.Y_valid, valid_predict) acc_curve.append(valid_accuracy) F1_curve.append(valid_F1) acc_all_curve.append(valid_accuracy_all) F1_all_curve.append(valid_F1_all) ############################# # Check stopping criteria # ############################# if self._converged(loss_curve, n_loss): stop_reason = 1 break if self._nn_hypers['early_stopping'] and\ self._converged(acc_all_curve, n_valid, invert=True): stop_reason = 2 break test_proba = keras_nn.predict_proba(self.X_test, verbose=0) test_predict = self._predict_from_proba(test_proba) test_acc, test_F1, test_acc_all, test_F1_all =\ getScores(self.Y_test, test_predict) n_epochs = i_epoch + 1 training = (loss_curve, acc_curve, F1_curve, time_curve, acc_all_curve, F1_all_curve) performance = (test_acc, test_F1, np.mean( time_curve), test_acc_all, test_F1_all, n_epochs) return training, performance, keras_nn @staticmethod def _predict_from_proba(proba, thres=0.5): return (proba > thres) def _sklearn(self): ##################################################### # Strip settings that are unrecognised by sklearn # ##################################################### unsupported_keys = ['dropout'] bad_settings = [self._nn_hypers[key] > 0 for key in unsupported_keys] if any(bad_settings): err = "Unsupported settings: " for i, key in enumerate(unsupported_keys): if bad_settings[i]: err += key + ", " raise KeyError(err[:-2]) valid_keys = [ 'activation', 'alpha', 'batch_size', 'random_state', 'shuffle', 'verbose', 'momentum', 'beta_1', 'beta_2', 'epsilon', 'algorithm' ] sklearn_settings = {key: val for key, val in self._nn_hypers.items() if key in valid_keys} sklearn_settings.update({ 'n_labels': self.n_labels_sklearn, 'hidden_layer_sizes': (self._nn_hypers['hidden_units']), 'learning_rate_init': self._nn_hypers['learning_rate'], 'nesterovs_momentum': self._nn_hypers['nesterov'], 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'max_iter': 1, 'warm_start': True }) ############### # Create NN # ############### sklearn_nn = _SKL_Multilabel_MLP(**sklearn_settings) ############## # Train NN # ############## loss_curve = [] acc_curve, acc_all_curve = [], [] F1_curve, F1_all_curve = [], [] time_curve = [] n_loss = [0] n_valid = [0] stop_reason = 0 learning_rate = sklearn_settings['learning_rate_init'] X_train, Y_train = self._trim_data(self._nn_hypers['frac_training'], self.X_train, self.Y_train) for i_epoch in range(self._nn_hypers['max_epoch']): try: start_time = timeit.default_timer(), Y_train) end_time = timeit.default_timer() time_curve.append(end_time - start_time) except ValueError as e: raise KeyError(e.message) loss_curve = sklearn_nn.loss_curve_ # sklearn itself keeps a list across fits learning_rate *= (1.0 - self._nn_hypers['learning_decay']) sklearn_nn.set_params(learning_rate_init=learning_rate) valid_proba = sklearn_nn.predict_proba(self.X_valid) valid_predict = self._predict_from_proba(valid_proba) valid_accuracy, valid_F1, valid_accuracy_all, valid_F1_all =\ getScores(self.Y_valid, valid_predict) acc_curve.append(valid_accuracy) F1_curve.append(valid_F1) acc_all_curve.append(valid_accuracy_all) F1_all_curve.append(valid_F1_all) ############################# # Check stopping criteria # ############################# if self._converged(loss_curve, n_loss): stop_reason = 1 break if self._nn_hypers['early_stopping'] and\ self._converged(acc_all_curve, n_valid, invert=True): stop_reason = 2 break test_proba = sklearn_nn.predict_proba(self.X_test) test_predict = self._predict_from_proba(test_proba) test_acc, test_F1, test_acc_all, test_F1_all =\ getScores(self.Y_test, test_predict) n_epochs = i_epoch + 1 loss_curve = [loss / self.n_classes for loss in loss_curve] training = (loss_curve, acc_curve, F1_curve, time_curve, acc_all_curve, F1_all_curve) performance = (test_acc, test_F1, np.mean( time_curve), test_acc_all, test_F1_all, n_epochs) return training, performance, sklearn_nn def _sknn(self): ######################### # Settings conversion # ######################### activation_dict = { 'relu': 'Rectifier', 'linear': 'Linear', 'logistic': 'Sigmoid', 'tanh': 'Tanh'} try: activation = activation_dict[self._nn_hypers['activation']] except KeyError: err = "Activation function \"" + self._nn_hypers['activation'] err += "\" not supported." raise KeyError(err) if self._nn_hypers['algorithm'] == 'sgd': learning_rate = self._nn_hypers['learning_rate'] if self._nn_hypers['momentum'] == 0.0: learning_rule = 'sgd' elif self._nn_hypers['nesterov'] is True: learning_rule = 'nesterov' else: learning_rule = 'momentum' elif self._nn_hypers['algorithm'] == 'adadelta': learning_rule = 'adadelta' learning_rate = 1.0 # Recommended to always use default values here else: err = "The algorithm " + self._nn_hypers['algorithm'] +\ " is not supported." raise KeyError(err) if self._nn_hypers['dropout'] != 0 and self._nn_hypers['alpha'] != 0: err = "The combined use of dropout and L2 is not supported." raise KeyError(err) if self._nn_hypers['learning_decay'] != 0.0: raise KeyError("SGD learning decay not supported.") # The contents of a mutable variable can be changed in a closure. batch_loss = [0] # SKNN doesn't give access to the loss in the end-of-epoch callback, # only in the end-of-batch callback. def batch_callback(**variables): batch_loss[0] = variables['loss'] / variables['count'] ############### # Create NN # ############### sknn_nn = sknn_MLPClassifier( # Architecture layers=[Layer(activation, units=self._nn_hypers['hidden_units'],), Layer("Softmax", units=2 * self.n_classes)], # Learning settings loss_type='mcc', learning_rate=learning_rate, learning_rule=learning_rule, learning_momentum=self._nn_hypers['momentum'], batch_size=self._nn_hypers['batch_size'], n_iter=1, # Regularisation weight_decay=self._nn_hypers['alpha'], dropout_rate=self._nn_hypers['dropout'], random_state=self._nn_hypers['random_state'], # Callback to get loss callback={'on_batch_finish': batch_callback}, # verbose=1 ) ############## # Train NN # ############## loss_curve = [] acc_curve, acc_all_curve = [], [] F1_curve, F1_all_curve = [], [] time_curve = [] n_loss = [0] n_valid = [0] stop_reason = 0 X_train, Y_train = self._trim_data(self._nn_hypers['frac_training'], self.X_train, self.Y_train) for i_epoch in range(self._nn_hypers['max_epoch']): start_time = timeit.default_timer(), Y_train) end_time = timeit.default_timer() time_curve.append(end_time - start_time) # Normalise the same as the other loss curves. loss_curve.append(batch_loss[0] / (4 * self.n_classes)) # NOTE: predict_proba returns 2 entries per binary class, which are # True and False, adding to 1.0. We take the probability of True. valid_proba = sknn_nn.predict_proba(self.X_valid)[:, 1::2] valid_predict = self._predict_from_proba(valid_proba) valid_accuracy, valid_F1, valid_accuracy_all, valid_F1_all =\ getScores(self.Y_valid, valid_predict) acc_curve.append(valid_accuracy) F1_curve.append(valid_F1) acc_all_curve.append(valid_accuracy_all) F1_all_curve.append(valid_F1_all) # Use change in loss_curve to evaluate stability if self._converged(loss_curve, n_loss): stop_reason = 1 break if self._nn_hypers['early_stopping'] and\ self._converged(acc_all_curve, n_valid, invert=True): stop_reason = 2 break test_proba = sknn_nn.predict_proba(self.X_test)[:, 1::2] test_predict = self._predict_from_proba(test_proba) test_acc, test_F1, test_acc_all, test_F1_all =\ getScores(self.Y_test, test_predict) n_epochs = i_epoch + 1 training = (loss_curve, acc_curve, F1_curve, time_curve, acc_all_curve, F1_all_curve) performance = (test_acc, test_F1, np.mean( time_curve), test_acc_all, test_F1_all, n_epochs) return training, performance, sknn_nn @staticmethod def _trim_data(frac, X, Y): n_samples = X.shape[0] n_trimmed_samples = int(round(n_samples * frac)) return X[:n_trimmed_samples], Y[:n_trimmed_samples] def _converged(self, objective, n_objective, invert=False): ''' Check if a quantity in a list has stopped decreasing within tol Parameters ---------- objective : list Loss or validation score at end of each epoch until now n_objective : list of int Length of previous stability streak invert : bool Check if quantity has stopped increasing instead of decreasing Returns ------- True if converged according to settings False if not converged according to settings Updates n_objective as a side-effect. ''' try: change = (objective[-1] / objective[-2]) - 1.0 except IndexError: return False change = change if invert else change * -1.0 if change < self._nn_hypers['epoch_tol']: n_objective[0] += 1 else: n_objective[0] = 0 if n_objective[0] == self._nn_hypers['n_stable']: return True else: return False class _SKL_Multilabel_MLP(SKL_MLP): ''' Wrapper for Scikit-learn enabling multi-label probability output. ''' def __init__(self, hidden_layer_sizes=(100,), activation="relu", algorithm='adam', alpha=0.0001, batch_size=200, learning_rate="constant", learning_rate_init=0.001, power_t=0.5, max_iter=200, shuffle=True, random_state=None, tol=1e-4, verbose=False, warm_start=False, momentum=0.9, nesterovs_momentum=True, early_stopping=False, validation_fraction=0.1, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8, n_labels=1): self.n_labels = n_labels sup = super(_SKL_Multilabel_MLP, self) sup.__init__(hidden_layer_sizes=hidden_layer_sizes, activation=activation, algorithm=algorithm, alpha=alpha, batch_size=batch_size, learning_rate=learning_rate, learning_rate_init=learning_rate_init, power_t=power_t, max_iter=max_iter, shuffle=shuffle, random_state=random_state, tol=tol, verbose=verbose, warm_start=warm_start, momentum=momentum, nesterovs_momentum=nesterovs_momentum, early_stopping=early_stopping, validation_fraction=validation_fraction, beta_1=beta_1, beta_2=beta_2, epsilon=epsilon) def predict_proba(self, X): """Probability estimates. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) The input data. Returns ------- y_prob : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_classes) The predicted probability of the sample for each class in the model, where classes are ordered as they are in `self.classes_`. """ proba = super(_SKL_Multilabel_MLP, self).predict_proba(X) return proba * self.n_labels class _StratifiedRandomClassifier(object): ''' Benchmarking classifier with consistent behaviour. Randomly assigns class predictions with the correct balance of True and False predictions per class. Deterministic: there is no variance in the accuracy of the answers to the same problem. In other words, the classification accuracy is equal to the expected value of the accuracy in scikit-learn's DummyClassifier(strategy='stratified') ''' def fit(self, X, Y): self.weights = Y.mean(axis=0) return self def getAccuracy(self): ''' Analytically assess the expected accuracy. accuracy = correct_predictions/all_predictions ''' return (self.weights**2 + (1.0 - self.weights)**2) def predict(self, X, Y): ''' Peeks at the correct answer in order to assign predictions which exactly match the expected quality of predictions. ''' n_samples, n_classes = Y.shape predictions = np.zeros([n_samples, n_classes], dtype=bool) for i_class in range(n_classes): weight = self.weights[i_class] true_idxs = np.where(Y[:, i_class] == True) false_idxs = np.where(Y[:, i_class] == False) n_true = true_idxs[0].shape[0] n_false = false_idxs[0].shape[0] n_true_assign_true = int(round(weight * n_true)) n_false_assign_true = int(round(weight * n_false)) predictions[true_idxs[0][:n_true_assign_true], i_class] = True predictions[false_idxs[0][:n_false_assign_true], i_class] = True return predictions def getScores(answers, predictions): ''' Returns the F1 score and simple accuracy score (percent correct). Requires predictions and answers in 0 and 1 int or bool format. Returns arrays giving score per class. ''' predicted_positives = (predictions == 1) true_positives = (predicted_positives & answers) correct_predictions = (predictions == answers) precision = true_positives.sum(axis=0).astype(float) /\ predicted_positives.sum(axis=0) recall = true_positives.sum(axis=0).astype(float) /\ answers.sum(axis=0) F1 = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall) precision_all = float(true_positives.sum()) / predicted_positives.sum() recall_all = float(true_positives.sum()) / answers.sum() F1_all = (2 * precision_all * recall_all) / (precision_all + recall_all) accuracy = correct_predictions.sum( axis=0).astype(float) / predictions.shape[0] return accuracy, F1, accuracy.mean(), F1_all
<reponame>mlandriau/surveysim """Simulate stochastic observing weather conditions. The simulated conditions include seeing, transparency and the dome-open fraction. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import astropy.time import astropy.table import astropy.units as u import desiutil.log import import desisurvey.config import desisurvey.ephem import desisurvey.utils class Weather(object): """Simulate weather conditions affecting observations. The start/stop date range is taken from the survey config. Seeing and transparency values are stored with 32-bit floats to save some memory. Parameters ---------- seed : int Random number seed to use to generate stochastic conditions. The seed determines the same seeing and transparency realization independent of the value of ``replay``. replay : str Either 'random' or a comma-separated list of years whose historical weather should be replayed, e.g. 'Y2010,Y2012'. Replayed weather will be used cyclically if necessary. Random weather will be a boostrap sampling of all available years with historical weather data. Use 'Y2015' for the worst-case weather scenario. time_step : float or :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Time step calculating updates. Must evenly divide 24 hours. If unitless float, will be interpreted as minutes. restore : filename or None Restore an existing weather simulation from the specified file name. All other parameters are ignored when this is provided. A relative path name refers to the :meth:`configuration output path <desisurvey.config.Configuration.get_path>`. extra_downtime : float Additionally close the dome completely on some nights. Nights are chosen randomly, with the chance of the night being closed equal to extra_random_close_fraction. This is intended to include margin. """ def __init__(self, seed=1, replay='random', time_step=5, restore=None, extra_downtime=0): if not isinstance(time_step, u.Quantity): time_step = time_step * u.min self.log = desiutil.log.get_logger() config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() ephem = desisurvey.ephem.get_ephem() if restore is not None: fullname = config.get_path(restore) self._table = self.start_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date( self._table.meta['START']) self.stop_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date( self._table.meta['STOP']) self.num_nights = self._table.meta['NIGHTS'] self.steps_per_day = self._table.meta['STEPS'] self.replay = self._table.meta['REPLAY']'Restored weather from {}.'.format(fullname)) return else:'Generating random weather with seed={} replay="{}".' .format(seed, replay)) gen = np.random.RandomState(seed) # Use our config to set any unspecified dates. start_date = config.first_day() stop_date = config.last_day() num_nights = (stop_date - start_date).days if num_nights <= 0: raise ValueError('Expected start_date < stop_date.') # Check that the time step evenly divides 24 hours. steps_per_day = int(round((1 * / time_step).to(1).value)) if not np.allclose((steps_per_day * time_step).to(, 1.): raise ValueError( 'Requested time_step does not evenly divide 24 hours: {0}.' .format(time_step)) # Calculate the number of times where we will tabulate the weather. num_rows = num_nights * steps_per_day meta = dict(START=str(start_date), STOP=str(stop_date), NIGHTS=num_nights, STEPS=steps_per_day, REPLAY=replay) self._table = astropy.table.Table(meta=meta) # Initialize column of MJD timestamps. t0 = desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(start_date) times = t0 + (np.arange(num_rows) / float(steps_per_day)) * self._table['mjd'] = times.mjd # Generate a random atmospheric seeing time series. dt_sec = 24 * 3600. / steps_per_day self._table['seeing'] = num_rows, dt_sec=dt_sec, gen=gen).astype(np.float32) # Generate a random atmospheric transparency time series. self._table['transparency'] = num_rows, dt_sec=dt_sec, gen=gen).astype(np.float32) if replay == 'random': # Generate a bootstrap sampling of the historical weather years. years_to_simulate = config.last_day().year - config.first_day().year + 1 history = ['Y{}'.format(year) for year in range(2007, 2018)] replay = ','.join(gen.choice(history, years_to_simulate, replace=True)) # Lookup the dome closed fractions for each night of the survey. # This step is deterministic and only depends on the config weather # parameter, which specifies which year(s) of historical daily # weather to replay during the simulation. dome_closed_frac = start_date, stop_date, replay=replay) r = gen.uniform(size=num_nights) r2 = gen.uniform(size=num_nights) dome_closed_frac[r2 < extra_downtime] = 1. # Convert fractions of scheduled time to hours per night. ilo, ihi = (start_date - ephem.start_date).days, (stop_date - ephem.start_date).days bright_dusk = ephem._table['brightdusk'].data[ilo:ihi] bright_dawn = ephem._table['brightdawn'].data[ilo:ihi] dome_closed_time = dome_closed_frac * (bright_dawn - bright_dusk) # Randomly pick between three scenarios for partially closed nights: # 1. closed from dusk, then open the rest of the night. # 2. open at dusk, then closed for the rest of the night. # 3. open and dusk and dawn, with a closed period during the night. # Pick scenarios 1+2 with probability equal to the closed fraction. # Use a fixed number of random numbers to decouple from the seeing # and transparency sampling below. self._table['open'] = np.ones(num_rows, bool) for i in range(num_nights): sl = slice(i * steps_per_day, (i + 1) * steps_per_day) night_mjd = self._table['mjd'][sl] # Dome is always closed before dusk and after dawn. closed = (night_mjd < bright_dusk[i]) | (night_mjd >= bright_dawn[i]) if dome_closed_frac[i] == 0: # Dome open all night. pass elif dome_closed_frac[i] == 1: # Dome closed all night. This occurs with probability frac / 2. closed[:] = True elif r[i] < 0.5 * dome_closed_frac[i]: # Dome closed during first part of the night. # This occurs with probability frac / 2. closed |= (night_mjd < bright_dusk[i] + dome_closed_time[i]) elif r[i] < dome_closed_frac[i]: # Dome closed during last part of the night. # This occurs with probability frac / 2. closed |= (night_mjd > bright_dawn[i] - dome_closed_time[i]) else: # Dome closed during the middle of the night. # This occurs with probability 1 - frac. Use the value of r[i] # as the fractional time during the night when the dome reopens. dome_open_at = bright_dusk[i] + r[i] * (bright_dawn[i] - bright_dusk[i]) dome_closed_at = dome_open_at - dome_closed_time[i] closed |= (night_mjd >= dome_closed_at) & (night_mjd < dome_open_at) self._table['open'][sl][closed] = False self.start_date = start_date self.stop_date = stop_date self.num_nights = num_nights self.steps_per_day = steps_per_day self.replay = replay def save(self, filename, overwrite=True): """Save the generated weather to a file. The saved file can be restored using the constructor `restore` parameter. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file where the weather should be saved. A relative path name refers to the :meth:`configuration output path <desisurvey.config.Configuration.get_path>`. overwrite : bool Silently overwrite any existing file when this is True. """ config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() filename = config.get_path(filename) self._table.write(filename, overwrite=overwrite)'Saved weather to {0}.'.format(filename)) def get(self, time): """Get the weather conditions at the specified time(s). Returns the conditions at the closest tabulated time, rather than using interpolation. Parameters ---------- time : astropy.time.Time Time(s) when the simulated weather is requested. Returns ------- table slice Slice of precomputed table containing row(s) corresponding to the requested time(s). """ offset = np.floor( (time.mjd - self._table['mjd'][0]) * self.steps_per_day + 0.5 ).astype(int) if np.any(offset < 0) or np.any(offset > len(self._table)): raise ValueError('Cannot get weather beyond tabulated range.') return self._table[offset]
import requests import mimetypes # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals BASE_URL = "<YOUR_DOMAIN>/rest/api/content" SPACE_NAME = "<YOUR_SPACE_NAME>" USERNAME = "<YOUR_USERNAME>" PASSWORD = "<<PASSWORD>>" def upload_attachment(page_id, filepath): url = BASE_URL + "/" + page_id + "/child/attachment/" headers = {"X-Atlassian-Token": "no-check"} # no content-type here! print(f"URL: {url}") filename = filepath # determine content-type content_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename) if content_type is None: content_type = "multipart/form-data" # provide content-type explicitly files = {"file": (filename, open(filename, "rb"), content_type)} print(f"FILES: {files}") auth = (USERNAME, PASSWORD) r =, headers=headers, files=files, auth=auth) r.raise_for_status() def find_parent_name_of_page(name): idp = find_page_id(name) url = BASE_URL + "/" + idp + "?expand=ancestors" print(f"URL: {url}") auth = (USERNAME, PASSWORD) r = requests.get(url, auth=auth) r.raise_for_status() response_json = r.json() if response_json: print(f"ID: {response_json['ancestors'][0]['title']}") return response_json else: print("PAGE DOES NOT EXIST") return None def find_page_id(name): name_confl = name.replace(" ", "+") url = BASE_URL + "?title=" + name_confl + "&spaceKey=" + SPACE_NAME + "&expand=history" print(f"URL: {url}") auth = (USERNAME, PASSWORD) r = requests.get(url, auth=auth) r.raise_for_status() response_json = r.json() if response_json["results"]: print(f"ID: {response_json['results']}") return response_json["results"] else: print("PAGE DOES NOT EXIST") return None def add_page(page_name, parent_page_id): url = BASE_URL + "/" print(f"URL: {url}") headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} auth = (USERNAME, PASSWORD) data = { "type": "page", "title": page_name, "space": {"key": SPACE_NAME}, "ancestors": [{"id": parent_page_id}], "body": {"storage": {"value": "<p>This is a new page</p>", "representation": "storage"}}, } r =, json=data, headers=headers, auth=auth) r.raise_for_status() print(r.json()) def update_page(page_name): page_id = find_page_id(page_name) if page_id: page_version = find_page_version(page_name) page_version = page_version + 1 print(f"PAGE ID: {page_id}, PAGE NAME: {page_name}") url = BASE_URL + "/" + page_id print(f"URL: {url}") headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} auth = (USERNAME, PASSWORD) data = { "type": "page", "space": {"key": SPACE_NAME}, "body": {"storage": {"value": "<p>Let the dragons out!</p>", "representation": "storage"}}, "version": {"number": page_version}, } data["id"] = page_id data["title"] = page_name print(data) r = requests.put(url, json=data, headers=headers, auth=auth) r.raise_for_status() print(r.json()) else: print("PAGE DOES NOT EXIST. CREATING WITH DEFAULT BODY") add_page(page_name) def find_page_version(name): name_confl = name.replace(" ", "+") url = BASE_URL + "?title=" + name_confl + "&spaceKey=" + SPACE_NAME + "&expand=version" print(f"URL: {url}") auth = (USERNAME, PASSWORD) r = requests.get(url, auth=auth) r.raise_for_status() response_json = r.json() if response_json["results"]: print(f"VERSION: {response_json['results'][0]['version']['number']}") return response_json["results"][0]["version"]["number"] else: print("PAGE DOES NOT EXISTS") return None # add_page() # update_page("Test Page") # find_page_version("Test Page") # find_parent_name_of_page("Test Parent Page") # find_page_id("Test Page") # upload_attachment()
<filename><gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/env python import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication from cad.application import Application if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) workspace = Application() sys.exit(app.exec_())
<filename>wcics/utils/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Return the contents of a file def load_file(filename): with open(filename, "r") as f: return # Write contents to a file def write_file(filename, content): with open(filename, "w+") as f: f.write(content) # Append contents to a file def append_file(filename, content): with open(filename, "a+") as f: f.write(content)
<gh_stars>100-1000 import torch import numpy as np import pickle import os img_size=32 classes={ 'train': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19], 'val': [8, 11, 13, 16], 'test': [0, 7, 12, 14] } def _get_file_path(filename=""): return os.path.join('./data', "cifar-100-python/", filename) def _unpickle(filename): """ Unpickle the given file and return the data. Note that the appropriate dir-name is prepended the filename. """ # Create full path for the file. file_path = _get_file_path(filename) print("Loading data: " + file_path) with open(file_path, mode='rb') as file: # In Python 3.X it is important to set the encoding, # otherwise an exception is raised here. data = pickle.load(file, encoding='latin1') return data # import IPython # IPython.embed() meta = _unpickle('meta') train = _unpickle('train') test = _unpickle('test') data = np.concatenate([train['data'], test['data']]) labels = np.array(train['fine_labels'] + test['fine_labels']) filts = np.array(train['coarse_labels'] + test['coarse_labels']) cifar_data = {} cifar_label = {} for k, v in classes.items(): data_filter = np.zeros_like(filts) for i in v: data_filter += ( filts == i ) assert data_filter.max() == 1 cifar_data[k] = data[data_filter == 1] cifar_label[k] = labels[data_filter == 1]{'data': cifar_data, 'label': cifar_label}, './data/cifar100.pth')
from transcode.containers import basereader import ass import numpy from fractions import Fraction as QQ from itertools import islice from transcode.util import Packet class Track(basereader.Track): def __getstate__(self): state = super().__getstate__() state["index"] = self.index state["sizes"] = self.sizes state["durations"] = self.durations return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.index = state.get("index") super().__setstate__(state) @property def extradata(self): sections = [] for head, section in self.container.assfile.sections.items(): if head == "Events": sections.append( "\n".join([f"[{head}]", ", ".join(section.field_order)])) break sections.append("\n".join(section.dump())) return "\n\n".join(sections).encode("utf8") @property def type(self): return "subtitle" @property def codec(self): return "ass" @property def time_base(self): return self.container.time_base def iterPackets(self, start=0, whence="pts"): if whence == "pts": start = self.frameIndexFromPts(start) if whence == "seconds": start = self.frameIndexFromPts(int(start/self.time_base)) elif whence == "framenumber": pass fields = [ field for field in if field not in ("Start", "End")] for k, event in enumerate([start:], start): data = f"{k},{event.dump(fields)}".encode("utf8") yield Packet( data=data, pts=int(event.start.total_seconds()/self.time_base), duration=int( (event.end - event.start).total_seconds()/self.time_base), keyframe=True, time_base=self.time_base) def iterFrames(self, start=0, end=None, whence="pts"): if whence == "pts": start = self.frameIndexFromPts(start) try: end = end and self.frameIndexFromPts(end) except IndexError: end = None elif whence == "seconds": start = self.frameIndexFromPts(start/self.time_base) try: end = end and self.frameIndexFromPts(end/self.time_base) except IndexError: end = None return islice(, start, end) @property def pts(self): num = self.time_base.numerator den = self.time_base.denominator return numpy.int0([ event.start.total_seconds()*den/num for event in]) @pts.setter def pts(self, value): pass @property def sizes(self): fields = [ field for field in if field not in ("Start", "End")] return numpy.int0([ len(f"{k+1},{event.dump(fields)}".encode("utf8")) for k, event in enumerate(]) @sizes.setter def sizes(self, value): pass @property def durations(self): num = self.time_base.numerator den = self.time_base.denominator return numpy.int0([ (event.end.total_seconds() - event.start.total_seconds())*den/num for event in]) @durations.setter def durations(self, value): pass class SubstationAlphaReader(basereader.BaseReader): trackclass = Track extensions = (".ass", ".ssa", ".assa") fmtname = "Substation Alpha/Advanced Substation Alpha" def _open(self): self.assfile = ass.document.Document.parse_file( open(self.inputpath, "r", encoding="utf_8_sig")) def _populatetracks(self): self.tracks = [Track()] self.tracks[0].container = self self.scan() def scan(self, notifystart=None, notifyprogress=None, notifyfinish=None): track = self.tracks[0] track.index = None @property def time_base(self): return QQ(1, 100)
import collections import typing import numpy as np class TrainConfig(typing.NamedTuple): T: int train_size: int batch_size: int loss_func: typing.Callable class TrainData(typing.NamedTuple): feats: np.ndarray targs: np.ndarray DaRnnNet = collections.namedtuple("DaRnnNet", ["encoder", "decoder", "enc_opt", "dec_opt"])
import time import numpy as np from dbscan import DBScan from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from itertools import cycle, islice np.random.seed(0) iris = datasets.load_iris() X =[:, :2] # Looking at only Sepal Length and Width for now y = plt.figure() t0 = time.time() scanner = DBScan(.2, 4) labels = colors = np.array(list(islice(cycle(['#377eb8', '#ff7f00', '#4daf4a', '#f781bf', '#a65628', '#984ea3', '#999999', '#e41a1c', '#dede00']), int(max(labels) + 1)))) # add black color for outliers (if any) colors = np.append(colors, ["#000000"]) plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], s=10, color=colors[labels]) t1 = time.time() plt.text(.99, .01, ('%.2fs' % (t1 - t0)).lstrip('0'), transform=plt.gca().transAxes, size=15, horizontalalignment='right')
<reponame>EmersonAires/Introducao_a_ciencia_da_computacao_com_Python<gh_stars>0 def cria_matriz(): m = int(input("Digite um número inteiro: ")) n = int(input("Digite um número inteiro: ")) matriz = [] for i in range(m): linha = [] for j in range(n): linha.append(int(input("Digite o elemento (" + str(i) + "," + str(j) + ") : "))) matriz.append(linha) linhas_nulas = 0 colunas_nulas = 0 for linha in matriz: soma_linha = 0 for elemento in linha: soma_linha = soma_linha + elemento if soma_linha == 0: linhas_nulas = linhas_nulas + 1 for j in range(n): soma_coluna = 0 for i in range(m): soma_coluna = soma_coluna + matriz[i][j] if soma_coluna ==0: colunas_nulas = colunas_nulas + 1 print("Linhas nulas: ", linhas_nulas) print("Colunas nulas: ", colunas_nulas) cria_matriz()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys, json from collections import Counter data_providers = [] with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: for line in f: rec = json.loads(line) #for record in rec: data_providers.append(rec['dataProvider']) counts = Counter(data_providers) for item in list(counts): print(item, ': ', counts[item])
<filename>admin_list_controls/tests/ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.test import RequestFactory from wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.options import ModelAdmin from django_webtest import WebTest from shop.models import Product from admin_list_controls.views import ListControlsIndexView User = get_user_model() class TestViews(WebTest): def setUp(self): self.factory = RequestFactory() self.superuser = User.objects.create_superuser( username='test', email='<EMAIL>', password='<PASSWORD>', ) def tearDown(self): User.objects.all().delete() def test_view_init_and_context(self): class TestView(ListControlsIndexView): pass view = self.list_view_class_to_view_function(TestView) response = view(self.create_superuser_request('/')) self.assertIn('admin_list_controls', response.context_data) self.assertIsInstance(response.context_data['admin_list_controls'], dict) def create_superuser_request(self, url): request = self.factory.get(url) request.user = self.superuser return request def instantiate_list_view_class(self, list_view_class) -> ListControlsIndexView: class TestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin): model = Product index_view_class = list_view_class return list_view_class(model_admin=TestModelAdmin()) def list_view_class_to_view_function(self, list_view_class): class TestModelAdmin(ModelAdmin): model = Product index_view_class = list_view_class request = self.factory.get('/') request.user = self.superuser return TestModelAdmin().index_view
import time import argparse import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim from utils import load_citation, sgc_precompute, set_seed from models import get_model from metrics import accuracy import pickle as pkl from args import get_citation_args from time import perf_counter import pygraph as pg import kernel import torch.utils.dlpack from time import perf_counter # Arguments args = get_citation_args() if args.tuned: if args.model == "SGC": with open("{}-tuning/{}.txt".format(args.model, args.dataset), 'rb') as f: args.weight_decay = pkl.load(f)['weight_decay'] print("using tuned weight decay: {}".format(args.weight_decay)) else: raise NotImplemented # setting random seeds set_seed(args.seed, args.cuda) adj, features, labels, idx_train, idx_val, idx_test = load_citation(args.dataset, args.normalization, args.cuda) #pygraph code starts def memoryview_to_np(memview, nebr_dt): arr = np.array(memview, copy=False) #a = arr.view(nebr_dt).reshape(nebr_reader.get_degree()) a = arr.view(nebr_dt) return a edge_dt = np.dtype([('src', np.int32), ('dst', np.int32), ('val',np.float32)]) flags = pg.enumGraph.eUdir outdir = "" graph = pg.init(1,1, outdir, 1, 2) # Indicate one pgraph, and one vertex type tid0 = graph.init_vertex_type(adj.shape[0], False, "gtype"); # initiate the vertex type pgraph = graph.create_schema(flags, tid0, "friend", edge_dt); #initiate the pgraph dd = np.zeros(10000, edge_dt) tempGraph = adj.coalesce() rowList = tempGraph.indices()[1].tolist() colList = tempGraph.indices()[0].tolist() valList = tempGraph.values().tolist() feat = features.tolist() feattensor = torch.tensor(feat, dtype=torch.float32) edge_count = 0 for i in range(0,len(rowList)): dd[edge_count]= (rowList[i], colList[i], valList[i]) edge_count += 1 if (edge_count == 10000): pgraph.add_edges(dd, edge_count) edge_count = 0 pgraph.add_edges(dd, edge_count) pgraph.wait() offset_csr1, offset_csc1, nebrs_csr1, nebrs_csc1 = pg.create_csr_view(pgraph) offset_dt = np.dtype([('offset', np.int32)]) csr_dt = np.dtype([('dst', np.int32),('val',np.float32)]) offset_csr = memoryview_to_np(offset_csr1, offset_dt) offset_csc = memoryview_to_np(offset_csc1, offset_dt) nebrs_csr = memoryview_to_np(nebrs_csr1, csr_dt) nebrs_csc = memoryview_to_np(nebrs_csc1, csr_dt) flag = 0 G = kernel.init_graph(offset_csr, nebrs_csr, offset_csc, nebrs_csc, flag, adj.shape[0]) X_dl = torch.utils.dlpack.to_dlpack(feattensor) res = torch.zeros(features.shape[0], features.shape[1]) res_dl = torch.utils.dlpack.to_dlpack(res) #sgc_precompute with kernel t = perf_counter() for i in range( kernel.spmm(G, X_dl, res_dl) if (i< X_dl = torch.utils.dlpack.to_dlpack(res) res = torch.zeros(features.shape[0], features.shape[1]) res_dl = torch.utils.dlpack.to_dlpack(res) print("kernel spmm time: "+"{:.4f}s".format(perf_counter()-t)) if (args.cuda): res ='cuda:0') #pygraph code ends model = get_model(args.model, features.size(1), labels.max().item()+1, args.hidden, args.dropout, args.cuda) if args.model == "SGC" or args.model == "nSGC": features, precompute_time = sgc_precompute(features, adj, print("pytorch spmm api time: "+"{:.4f}s".format(precompute_time)) #uses the output feature from the kernel instead of the python api comment this out if you want the orginal features = res def train_regression(model, train_features, train_labels, val_features, val_labels, epochs=args.epochs, weight_decay=args.weight_decay,, dropout=args.dropout): optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) t = perf_counter() for epoch in range(epochs): model.train() optimizer.zero_grad() output = model(train_features) loss_train = F.cross_entropy(output, train_labels) loss_train.backward() optimizer.step() train_time = perf_counter()-t with torch.no_grad(): model.eval() output = model(val_features) acc_val = accuracy(output, val_labels) return model, acc_val, train_time def test_regression(model, test_features, test_labels): model.eval() return accuracy(model(test_features), test_labels) if args.model == "SGC" or args.model == "nSGC": model, acc_val, train_time = train_regression(model, features[idx_train], labels[idx_train], features[idx_val], labels[idx_val], args.epochs, args.weight_decay,, args.dropout) acc_test = test_regression(model, features[idx_test], labels[idx_test]) print("Validation Accuracy: {:.4f} Test Accuracy: {:.4f}".format(acc_val, acc_test)) print("Pre-compute time: {:.4f}s, train time: {:.4f}s, total: {:.4f}s".format(precompute_time, train_time, precompute_time+train_time))
<reponame>shahbagdadi/py-algo-n-ds from typing import List import bisect class Solution: def medianSlidingWindow(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> List[float]: window = sorted(nums[:k]) medians = [] for a, b in zip(nums, nums[k:] + [0]): medians.append((window[k//2] + window[~(k//2)]) / 2.0) window.remove(a) bisect.insort(window, b) return medians s = Solution() ip = [1,3,-1,-3,5,3,6,7] ans = s.medianSlidingWindow(ip,3) print(ans)
<reponame>akshayka/gavel import os, sys sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) import cvxpy as cp import numpy as np from policy import Policy, PolicyWithPacking class ThroughputSumWithPerf(Policy): def __init__(self, solver): self._name = 'ThroughputSumWithPerf' self._policy = ThroughputNormalizedByCostSumWithPerfSLOs(solver) def get_allocation(self, unflattened_throughputs, scale_factors, cluster_spec): return self._policy.get_allocation(unflattened_throughputs, scale_factors, cluster_spec) class ThroughputNormalizedByCostSumWithPerf(Policy): def __init__(self, solver): self._name = 'ThroughputNormalizedByCostSum_Perf' self._policy = ThroughputNormalizedByCostSumWithPerfSLOs(solver) def get_allocation(self, unflattened_throughputs, scale_factors, cluster_spec, instance_costs): return self._policy.get_allocation(unflattened_throughputs, scale_factors, cluster_spec, instance_costs=instance_costs) class ThroughputNormalizedByCostSumWithPerfSLOs(Policy): def __init__(self, solver): Policy.__init__(self, solver) self._name = 'ThroughputNormalizedByCostSum_PerfSLOs' def get_allocation(self, unflattened_throughputs, scale_factors, cluster_spec, instance_costs=None, SLOs={}, num_steps_remaining={}): throughputs, index = super().flatten(unflattened_throughputs, cluster_spec) if throughputs is None: return None (m, n) = throughputs.shape (job_ids, worker_types) = index scale = 1.0 / throughputs.sum(axis=1) # Row i of scale_factors_array is the scale_factor of job # combination i repeated len(worker_types) times. scale_factors_array = self.scale_factors_array( scale_factors, job_ids, m, n) x = cp.Variable(throughputs.shape) instance_costs_array = np.ones((1, n)) if instance_costs is not None: for i in range(n): instance_costs_array[0, i] = instance_costs[worker_types[i]] objective = \ cp.Maximize(cp.sum(cp.sum(cp.multiply(throughputs / instance_costs_array, x), axis=1))) # Make sure that a given job is not over-allocated resources. constraints = self.get_base_constraints(x, scale_factors_array) SLO_constraints = [] for job_id in SLOs: i = job_ids.index(job_id) assert(job_id in num_steps_remaining) SLO_constraints.append( cp.sum(cp.multiply(throughputs[i], x[i])) >= (num_steps_remaining[job_id] / SLOs[job_id]) ) cvxprob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints + SLO_constraints) result = cvxprob.solve(solver=self._solver) if cvxprob.status != "optimal": print('WARNING: Allocation returned by policy not optimal!') if x.value is None: print('WARNING: No allocation possible with provided SLOs!') cvxprob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) result = cvxprob.solve(solver=self._solver) return super().unflatten(x.value.clip(min=0.0).clip(max=1.0), index) class ThroughputNormalizedByCostSumWithPackingSLOs(PolicyWithPacking): def __init__(self, solver): Policy.__init__(self, solver) self._name = 'ThroughputNormalizedByCostSum_PackingSLOs' def get_allocation(self, unflattened_throughputs, scale_factors, cluster_spec, instance_costs=None, SLOs={}, num_steps_remaining={}): all_throughputs, index = super().flatten(unflattened_throughputs, cluster_spec) if all_throughputs is None or len(all_throughputs) == 0: return None (m, n) = all_throughputs[0].shape (job_ids, single_job_ids, worker_types, relevant_combinations) = index # Row i of scale_factors_array is the scale_factor of job # combination i repeated len(worker_types) times. scale_factors_array = self.scale_factors_array( scale_factors, job_ids, m, n) x = cp.Variable((m, n)) instance_costs_array = np.ones((m, n)) if instance_costs is not None: for i in range(m): for j in range(n): instance_costs_array[i,j] = \ instance_costs[worker_types[j]] objective_terms = [] for i in range(len(single_job_ids)): indexes = relevant_combinations[single_job_ids[i]] objective_terms.append(cp.sum(cp.multiply( all_throughputs[i][indexes] /\ instance_costs_array[indexes], x[indexes]))) if len(objective_terms) == 1: objective = cp.Maximize(objective_terms[0]) else: objective = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(cp.hstack(objective_terms))) # Make sure that a given job is not over-allocated resources. constraints = self.get_base_constraints(x, single_job_ids, scale_factors_array, relevant_combinations) SLO_constraints = [] per_job_throughputs = [] per_job_SLOs = [] for job_id in SLOs: i = job_ids.index(job_id) assert(job_id in num_steps_remaining) indexes = relevant_combinations[single_job_ids[i]] throughput = cp.sum(cp.multiply( all_throughputs[i][indexes], x[indexes])) per_job_throughputs.append(throughput) per_job_SLOs.append(num_steps_remaining[job_id] / SLOs[job_id]) if len(per_job_throughputs) > 0: SLO_constraints.append(cp.vstack(per_job_throughputs) >= cp.vstack(per_job_SLOs)) cvxprob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints + SLO_constraints) result = cvxprob.solve(solver=self._solver) if x.value is None: print('WARNING: No allocation possible with provided SLOs!') cvxprob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) result = cvxprob.solve(solver=self._solver) if cvxprob.status != "optimal": print('WARNING: Allocation returned by policy not optimal!') return super().unflatten(x.value.clip(min=0.0).clip(max=1.0), index)
<filename>trains/utilities/<gh_stars>0 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import collections import itertools import re import requests import six if six.PY3: from math import inf else: inf = float('inf') class InvalidVersion(ValueError): """ An invalid version was found, users should refer to PEP 440. """ _Version = collections.namedtuple( "_Version", ["epoch", "release", "dev", "pre", "post", "local"] ) class _BaseVersion(object): def __hash__(self): return hash(self._key) def __lt__(self, other): return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s < o) def __le__(self, other): return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s <= o) def __eq__(self, other): return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s == o) def __ge__(self, other): return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s >= o) def __gt__(self, other): return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s > o) def __ne__(self, other): return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s != o) def _compare(self, other, method): if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion): return NotImplemented return method(self._key, other._key) class Version(_BaseVersion): VERSION_PATTERN = r""" v? (?: (?:(?P<epoch>[0-9]+)!)? # epoch (?P<release>[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*) # release segment (?P<pre> # pre-release [-_\.]? (?P<pre_l>(a|b|c|rc|alpha|beta|pre|preview)) [-_\.]? (?P<pre_n>[0-9]+)? )? (?P<post> # post release (?:-(?P<post_n1>[0-9]+)) | (?: [-_\.]? (?P<post_l>post|rev|r) [-_\.]? (?P<post_n2>[0-9]+)? ) )? (?P<dev> # dev release [-_\.]? (?P<dev_l>dev) [-_\.]? (?P<dev_n>[0-9]+)? )? ) (?:\+(?P<local>[a-z0-9]+(?:[-_\.][a-z0-9]+)*))? # local version """ _regex = re.compile(r"^\s*" + VERSION_PATTERN + r"\s*$", re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) _local_version_separators = re.compile(r"[\._-]") def __init__(self, version): # Validate the version and parse it into pieces match = if not match: raise InvalidVersion("Invalid version: '{0}'".format(version)) # Store the parsed out pieces of the version self._version = _Version( epoch=int("epoch")) if"epoch") else 0, release=tuple(int(i) for i in"release").split(".")), pre=self._parse_letter_version("pre_l"),"pre_n")), post=self._parse_letter_version("post_l") or '',"post_n1") or"post_n2") or '' ), dev=self._parse_letter_version("dev_l") or '',"dev_n") or ''), local=self._parse_local_version("local") or ''), ) # Generate a key which will be used for sorting self._key = self._cmpkey( self._version.epoch, self._version.release, self._version.pre,,, self._version.local, ) def __repr__(self): return "<Version({0})>".format(repr(str(self))) def __str__(self): parts = [] # Epoch if self.epoch != 0: parts.append("{0}!".format(self.epoch)) # Release segment parts.append(".".join(str(x) for x in self.release)) # Pre-release if self.pre is not None: parts.append("".join(str(x) for x in self.pre)) # Post-release if is not None: parts.append(".post{0}".format( # Development release if is not None: parts.append(".dev{0}".format( # Local version segment if self.local is not None: parts.append("+{0}".format(self.local)) return "".join(parts) @property def epoch(self): return self._version.epoch @property def release(self): return self._version.release @property def pre(self): return self._version.pre @property def post(self): return[1] if else None @property def dev(self): return[1] if else None @property def local(self): if self._version.local: return ".".join(str(x) for x in self._version.local) else: return None @property def public(self): return str(self).split("+", 1)[0] @property def base_version(self): parts = [] # Epoch if self.epoch != 0: parts.append("{0}!".format(self.epoch)) # Release segment parts.append(".".join(str(x) for x in self.release)) return "".join(parts) @property def is_prerelease(self): return is not None or self.pre is not None @property def is_postrelease(self): return is not None @property def is_devrelease(self): return is not None @staticmethod def _parse_letter_version(letter, number): if not letter and not number: return None if letter: # We consider there to be an implicit 0 in a pre-release if there is # not a numeral associated with it. if number is None: number = 0 # We normalize any letters to their lower case form letter = letter.lower() # We consider some words to be alternate spellings of other words and # in those cases we want to normalize the spellings to our preferred # spelling. if letter == "alpha": letter = "a" elif letter == "beta": letter = "b" elif letter in ["c", "pre", "preview"]: letter = "rc" elif letter in ["rev", "r"]: letter = "post" return letter, int(number) if not letter and number: # We assume if we are given a number, but we are not given a letter # then this is using the implicit post release syntax (e.g. 1.0-1) letter = "post" return letter, int(number) @classmethod def _parse_local_version(cls, local): """ Takes a string like abc.1.twelve and turns it into ("abc", 1, "twelve"). """ if local is not None: local = tuple( part.lower() if not part.isdigit() else int(part) for part in cls._local_version_separators.split(local) ) if not local or not local[0]: return None return local return None @staticmethod def _cmpkey(epoch, release, pre, post, dev, local): # When we compare a release version, we want to compare it with all of the # trailing zeros removed. So we'll use a reverse the list, drop all the now # leading zeros until we come to something non zero, then take the rest # re-reverse it back into the correct order and make it a tuple and use # that for our sorting key. # release = tuple( # reversed(list(itertools.dropwhile(lambda x: x == 0, reversed(release)))) # ) # Versions without a pre-release (except as noted above) should sort after # those with one. if not pre: pre = inf elif pre: pre = pre[1] # Versions without a post segment should sort before those with one. if not post: post = -inf else: post = post[1] # Versions without a development segment should sort after those with one. if not dev: dev = inf else: dev = dev[1] if not local: # Versions without a local segment should sort before those with one. local = inf else: # Versions with a local segment need that segment parsed to implement # the sorting rules in PEP440. # - Alpha numeric segments sort before numeric segments # - Alpha numeric segments sort lexicographically # - Numeric segments sort numerically # - Shorter versions sort before longer versions when the prefixes # match exactly local = local[1] return epoch, release, pre, post, dev, local class CheckPackageUpdates(object): _package_version_checked = False @classmethod def check_new_package_available(cls, only_once=False): """ :return: true if there is a newer package in PyPI """ if only_once and cls._package_version_checked: return None # noinspection PyBroadException try: cls._package_version_checked = True releases = requests.get('').json()['releases'].keys() releases = [Version(r) for r in releases] latest_version = sorted(releases) from ..version import __version__ cur_version = Version(__version__) if not cur_version.is_devrelease and not cur_version.is_prerelease: latest_version = [r for r in latest_version if not r.is_devrelease and not r.is_prerelease] if cur_version >= latest_version[-1]: return None not_patch_upgrade = latest_version[-1].release[:2] != cur_version.release[:2] return str(latest_version[-1]), not_patch_upgrade except Exception: return None
<filename>programs/pyeos/tests/python/cryptokitties/ from backend import * from basement import * from auction import Auction from erc721 import ERC721 from import SDict # @title Auction Core # @dev Contains models, variables, and internal methods for the auction. # @notice We omit a fallback function to prevent accidental sends to this contract. class ClockAuctionBase: def __init__(self): #Reference to contract tracking NFT ownership #ERC721 public nonFungibleContract; self.nonFungibleContract = ERC721() #Cut owner takes on each auction, measured in basis points (1/100 of a percent). #Values 0-10,000 map to 0%-100% #uint256 public ownerCut; self.ownerCut = uint256(0) #Map from token ID to their corresponding auction. #mapping (uint256 => Auction) tokenIdToAuction; self.tokenIdToAuction = SDict(key_type = uint256, value_type = Auction) @event def AuctionCreated(self, tokenId: uint256, startingPrice: uint256, endingPrice: uint256, duration: uint256): pass @event def AuctionSuccessful(self, tokenId: uint256, totalPrice: uint256, winner: address): pass @event def AuctionCancelled(self, tokenId: uint256): pass # @dev Returns true if the claimant owns the token. # @param _claimant - Address claiming to own the token. # @param _tokenId - ID of token whose ownership to verify. def _owns(self, _claimant: address, _tokenId: uint256) -> bool: return self.nonFungibleContract.ownerOf(_tokenId) == _claimant # @dev Escrows the NFT, assigning ownership to this contract. # Throws if the escrow fails. # @param _owner - Current owner address of token to escrow. # @param _tokenId - ID of token whose approval to verify. def _escrow(self, _owner: address, _tokenId: uint256): #it will throw if transfer fails #FIXME this self.nonFungibleContract.transferFrom(_owner, this, _tokenId) # @dev Transfers an NFT owned by this contract to another address. # Returns true if the transfer succeeds. # @param _receiver - Address to transfer NFT to. # @param _tokenId - ID of token to transfer. def _transfer(self, _receiver: address, _tokenId: uint256): #it will throw if transfer fails self.nonFungibleContract.transfer(_receiver, _tokenId) # @dev Adds an auction to the list of open auctions. Also fires the # AuctionCreated event. # @param _tokenId The ID of the token to be put on auction. # @param _auction Auction to add. def _addAuction(self, _tokenId: uint256, _auction: Auction): #Require that all auctions have a duration of #at least one minute. (Keeps our math from getting hairy!) # require(_auction.duration >= 1 minutes) require(_auction.duration >= 60) self.tokenIdToAuction[_tokenId] = _auction; self.AuctionCreated( uint256(_tokenId), uint256(_auction.startingPrice), uint256(_auction.endingPrice), uint256(_auction.duration) ) # @dev Cancels an auction unconditionally. def _cancelAuction(self, _tokenId: uint256, _seller: address): self._removeAuction(_tokenId) self._transfer(_seller, _tokenId) self.AuctionCancelled(_tokenId) # @dev Computes the price and transfers winnings. # Does NOT transfer ownership of token. def _bid(self, _tokenId: uint256, _bidAmount: uint256) -> uint256: #Get a reference to the auction struct auction = self.tokenIdToAuction[_tokenId]; #Explicitly check that this auction is currently live. #(Because of how Ethereum mappings work, we can't just count #on the lookup above failing. An invalid _tokenId will just #return an auction object that is all zeros.) require(self._isOnAuction(auction)); #Check that the bid is greater than or equal to the current price price = self._currentPrice(auction); require(_bidAmount >= price); #Grab a reference to the seller before the auction struct #gets deleted. seller = auction.seller; #The bid is good! Remove the auction before sending the fees #to the sender so we can't have a reentrancy attack. self._removeAuction(_tokenId); #Transfer proceeds to seller (if there are any!) if price > 0: #Calculate the auctioneer's cut. #(NOTE: _computeCut() is guaranteed to return a #value <= price, so this subtraction can't go negative.) auctioneerCut = self._computeCut(price); sellerProceeds = price - auctioneerCut; #NOTE: Doing a transfer() in the middle of a complex #method like this is generally discouraged because of #reentrancy attacks and DoS attacks if the seller is #a contract with an invalid fallback function. We explicitly #guard against reentrancy attacks by removing the auction #before calling transfer(), and the only thing the seller #can DoS is the sale of their own asset! (And if it's an #accident, they can call cancelAuction(). ) seller.transfer(sellerProceeds) #Calculate any excess funds included with the bid. If the excess #is anything worth worrying about, transfer it back to bidder. #NOTE: We checked above that the bid amount is greater than or #equal to the price so this cannot underflow. bidExcess = _bidAmount - price #Return the funds. Similar to the previous transfer, this is #not susceptible to a re-entry attack because the auction is #removed before any transfers occur. msg.sender.transfer(bidExcess) #Tell the world! self.AuctionSuccessful(_tokenId, price, msg.sender) return price; # @dev Removes an auction from the list of open auctions. # @param _tokenId - ID of NFT on auction. def _removeAuction(self, _tokenId: uint256): del self.tokenIdToAuction[_tokenId] # @dev Returns true if the NFT is on auction. # @param _auction - Auction to check. def _isOnAuction(self, _auction: Auction) -> bool: return _auction.startedAt > 0 # @dev Returns current price of an NFT on auction. Broken into two # functions (this one, that computes the duration from the auction # structure, and the other that does the price computation) so we # can easily test that the price computation works correctly. def _currentPrice(self, _auction: Auction) -> uint256: self.secondsPassed = 0; #A bit of insurance against negative values (or wraparound). #Probably not necessary (since Ethereum guarnatees that the #now variable doesn't ever go backwards). if now() > _auction.startedAt: self.secondsPassed = now() - _auction.startedAt; return self._computeCurrentPrice( _auction.startingPrice, _auction.endingPrice, _auction.duration, self.secondsPassed ) # @dev Computes the current price of an auction. Factored out # from _currentPrice so we can run extensive unit tests. # When testing, make this function public and turn on # `Current price computation` test suite. def _computeCurrentPrice(self, _startingPrice: uint256, _endingPrice: uint256, _duration: uint256, _secondsPassed: uint256) -> uint256: #NOTE: We don't use SafeMath (or similar) in this function because # all of our public functions carefully cap the maximum values for # time (at 64-bits) and currency (at 128-bits). _duration is # also known to be non-zero (see the require() statement in # _addAuction()) if _secondsPassed >= _duration: #We've reached the end of the dynamic pricing portion #of the auction, just return the end price. return _endingPrice; else: #Starting price can be higher than ending price (and often is!), so #this delta can be negative. self.totalPriceChange = int256(_endingPrice) - int256(_startingPrice); #This multiplication can't overflow, _secondsPassed will easily fit within #64-bits, and totalPriceChange will easily fit within 128-bits, their product #will always fit within 256-bits. self.currentPriceChange = self.totalPriceChange * int256(_secondsPassed) / int256(_duration); #currentPriceChange can be negative, but if so, will have a magnitude #less that _startingPrice. Thus, this result will always end up positive. self.currentPrice = int256(_startingPrice) + self.currentPriceChange; return uint256(self.currentPrice); # @dev Computes owner's cut of a sale. # @param _price - Sale price of NFT. def _computeCut(self, _price: uint256) -> uint256: #NOTE: We don't use SafeMath (or similar) in this function because # all of our entry functions carefully cap the maximum values for # currency (at 128-bits), and ownerCut <= 10000 (see the require() # statement in the ClockAuction constructor). The result of this # function is always guaranteed to be <= _price. return _price * self.ownerCut / 10000;
""" Revision ID: 0304a_merge Revises: 0304_remove_org_to_service, 0303a_merge Create Date: 2019-07-29 16:18:27.467361 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = "0304a_merge" down_revision = ("0304_remove_org_to_service", "0303a_merge") branch_labels = None import sqlalchemy as sa from alembic import op def upgrade(): pass def downgrade(): pass
""" genotype.__main__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ ____ ____ ____ _____/ |_ ___.__.______ ____ / ___\_/ __ \ / \ / _ \ __< | |\____ \_/ __ \ / /_/ > ___/| | ( <_> ) | \___ || |_> > ___/ \___ / \___ >___| /\____/|__| / ____|| __/ \___ > /_____/ \/ \/ \/ |__| \/ The main entry point for the command line interface. Invoke as ``genotype`` (if installed) or ``python -m genotype`` (no install required). """ import sys from genotype.cli.base_cmd import root if __name__ == "__main__": # exit using whatever exit code the CLI returned sys.exit(root())
<filename>tests/integrationtests/integrator/connection/inmemory/sqlite/ from unittest import TestCase from pdip.integrator.connection.domain.enums import ConnectorTypes from pdip.integrator.connection.types.inmemory.base import InMemoryProvider from pdip.integrator.connection.types.sql.base import SqlProvider class TestMssqlConnection(TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): return super().tearDown() def test_mssql_connection(self): try: self.database_context = InMemoryProvider().get_context( connector_type=ConnectorTypes.SqLite, database='test_pdi.db' ) self.database_context.connector.connect() except Exception as ex: print(ex) raise def test_create_and_drop_table(self): try: self.database_context = InMemoryProvider().get_context( connector_type=ConnectorTypes.SqLite, database='test_pdi' ) self.database_context.execute('''CREATE TABLE main.test_source ( Id INT NULL, Name varchar(100) NULL )''') except Exception as ex: print(ex) raise finally: self.database_context.execute('''DROP TABLE main.test_source''') def test_data(self): try: self.database_context = InMemoryProvider().get_context( connector_type=ConnectorTypes.SqLite, database='test_pdi' ) self.database_context.execute('''CREATE TABLE main.test_source ( Id INT NULL, Name varchar(100) NULL )''') self.database_context.execute('''insert into main.test_source(Id,Name) values(1,'test')''') data = self.database_context.fetch_query('''select * from main.test_source''') assert len(data) == 1 assert data[0]["Id"] == 1 assert data[0]["Name"] == 'test' self.database_context.execute('''update main.test_source set Name='Update' where Id=1''') data = self.database_context.fetch_query('''select * from main.test_source''') assert data[0]["Id"] == 1 assert data[0]["Name"] == 'Update' self.database_context.execute('''delete from main.test_source where Id=1''') data = self.database_context.fetch_query('''select * from main.test_source''') assert len(data) == 0 except Exception as ex: print(ex) raise finally: self.database_context.execute('''DROP TABLE main.test_source''')
<reponame>NumberAI/python-bandwidth-iris #!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function from future.builtins import super from iris_sdk.models.base_resource import BaseResource from import DldaOrderResponseData XPATH_DLDA_ORDER_RESPONSE = "/{}" class DldaOrderResponse(BaseResource, DldaOrderResponseData): """ DLDA order response """ _xpath = XPATH_DLDA_ORDER_RESPONSE @property def id(self): return self.dlda_order.order_id @id.setter def id(self, order_id): self.dlda_order.order_id = order_id @property def dlda_order(self): return self._dlda_order @dlda_order.setter def dlda_order(self, dlda_order): self._dlda_order = dlda_order def __init__(self, parent=None, client=None): super().__init__(parent, client) DldaOrderResponseData.__init__(self) def get(self, id=None, params=None): return self._get_data((id or, params=params)
# Copyright 2021 DeepMind Technologies Limited. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # WikiGraphs is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons # Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. # # WikiText-103 data (unchanged) is licensed by, Inc. under the # terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International # (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. You can find details about CC BY-SA 4.0 at: # # # # Freebase data is licensed by Google LLC under the terms of the Creative # Commons CC BY 4.0 license. You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # # # ============================================================================== """Wikitext-103 datasets.""" import re from typing import NamedTuple, List from absl import logging import numpy as np from import dataset from import tokenizers from import tools # The data directory that contains subdirectories `wikitext-103` and # `wikitext-103-raw`. DATA_ROOT = '/tmp/data/wikitext-103' class WikitextArticle(NamedTuple): title: str text: str def articles_from_file(file_path: str) -> List[WikitextArticle]: """Read wikitext articles from file. Args: file_path: path to the input `.tokens` file. Returns: A list of `WikitextArticle` tuples. """ with open(file_path, mode='rb') as f: content = content = content.decode('utf-8') title_re = re.compile(r'(\n = ([^=].*) = \n \n)') parts = title_re.split(content) # Skip the first part which is empty return [WikitextArticle(title=parts[i+1], text=parts[i] + parts[i+2]) for i in range(1, len(parts), 3)] class RawDataset(dataset.Dataset): """Raw text dataset for wikitext-103.""" def __init__(self, subset: str = 'train', shuffle_data: bool = False, data_dir: str = None, version: str = 'tokens'): """Constructor. Args: subset: which subset to load, one of {"train", "valid", "test"}. shuffle_data: if set to True the data will be randomly shuffled. data_dir: if provided will be used instead of the default `DATA_ROOT` as the directory that contains the data. version: one of {'tokens', 'raw'} """ super().__init__() self._subset = subset self._shuffle_data = shuffle_data self._data_dir = data_dir or DATA_ROOT self._dataset = None allowed_versions = ('tokens', 'raw') if version not in allowed_versions: raise ValueError(f'Version must be one of {allowed_versions}.') self._version = version def _load_data(self): """Prepare data for another pass through the dataset.""" if self._dataset is None: data_root = self._data_dir + ('-raw' if self._version == 'raw' else '') self._dataset = articles_from_file( f'{data_root}/wiki.{self._subset}.{self._version}') def source(): n_articles = len(self._dataset) if self._shuffle_data: idx = np.random.permutation(n_articles) else: idx = np.arange(n_articles) for i in range(n_articles): yield self._dataset[idx[i]] return source() def normalize_title(title: str) -> str: """Normalize the wikitext article title by handling special characters.""" return title.replace( '@-@', '-').replace('@,@', ',').replace('@.@', '.').replace(' ', '') class WikitextDataset(dataset.Dataset): """Tokenized dataset for wikitext-103.""" def __init__(self, tokenizer: tokenizers.Tokenizer, batch_size: int = 1, timesteps: int = 128, subset: str = 'train', shuffle_data: bool = True, data_dir: str = None, repeat: bool = False, debug: bool = False, **kwargs): """Constructor. Args: tokenizer: a tokenizer for text data. batch_size: number of sequences to put into a batch. timesteps: length of the sequences. subset: which subset to load, one of {"train", "valid", "test"}. shuffle_data: if set to True the data will be randomly shuffled. data_dir: if provided will be used instead of the default `DATA_ROOT` as the directory that contains the data. repeat: set to False to go through the data only once, otherwise go through the data indefinitely. debug: set to True to only load a small amount of data for fast debugging. **kwargs: other arguments (for interface compatibility). """ super().__init__() self._tokenizer = tokenizer self._batch_size = batch_size self._timesteps = timesteps self._subset = subset self._shuffle_data = shuffle_data self._data_dir = data_dir self._repeat = repeat self._debug = debug self._dataset = None def _load_data(self): """Prepare data for one pass through the dataset.""" # Pre-tokenize everything in our dataset so we don't have to when going # through the data more than once. if not self._dataset: raw_dataset = RawDataset( subset=self._subset, shuffle_data=False, data_dir=self._data_dir) if self._debug: # Load a small number of examples for debugging. self._dataset = [ self._tokenizer.encode(next(raw_dataset).text, prepend_bos=True) for _ in range(5)] else: self._dataset = [self._tokenizer.encode(item.text, prepend_bos=True) for item in raw_dataset]'%s set loaded, total %d examples.', self._subset, len(self._dataset)) def source(): idx = np.random.permutation(len(self._dataset)) for i in idx: yield self._dataset[i] def repeated_source(): if self._repeat: while True: yield from source() else: yield from source() data_iter = tools.dynamic_batch( repeated_source(), self._batch_size, self._timesteps + 1, # Extra token to count for the overlap. return_incomplete_batch=True, pad=True, pad_value=self._tokenizer.pad_token()) data_iter = map(lambda x: dict( # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda obs=x['obs'][:, :-1], target=x['obs'][:, 1:], should_reset=x['should_reset'][:, :-1], mask=(x['obs'][:, 1:] != self._tokenizer.pad_token()).astype( np.float32), ), data_iter) return data_iter def return_faux_batch(self): """Return a fake batch with the right shapes and dtypes.""" obs = np.zeros((self._batch_size, self._timesteps), dtype=np.int32) target = np.zeros_like(obs, dtype=np.int32) should_reset = np.zeros_like(obs, dtype=np.float32) mask = np.zeros_like(obs, dtype=np.float32) return dict(obs=obs, target=target, should_reset=should_reset, mask=mask)
import cv2 from time import sleep crop_x,crop_y,crop_w,crop_h = 142,265,338,70 #crop_x,crop_y,crop_w,crop_h = 95,275,330,67 x,y=0,0 img = cv2.imread("/home/pi/Desktop/132710.jpg") cv2.rectangle(img, (x+crop_x, y+crop_y), (x+crop_x + crop_w, y+crop_y + crop_h), (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.imshow("Test",img) #sleep(500) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
from lib.mlp import NeuralNetwork import numpy as np if __name__ == "__main__": print("MLP Test usin XOR gate") filename = "XOR.dat" ''' @dataset: array of arrays [ [x1, x1, x2, ..., xn, y], [x1, x1, x2, ..., xn, y], [x1, x1, x2, ..., xn, y] ] ''' dataset = np.loadtxt(open(filename, "rb"), delimiter=" ") input_size = dataset.shape[1] - 1 output_size = 1 nn_size = [input_size, 2, output_size] print("DataSet: {}".format(dataset)) print("NN SIZE {}".format(nn_size)) mlp = NeuralNetwork(layer_size=nn_size, debug_string=True) mlp.train(dataset, eta=0.1, threshold=1e-3, max_iterations=100000) outputs, output = mlp.classify(np.array([0,0])) print(mlp) x = np.array([0,0]) outputs, output = mlp.classify(x) print("==========================") # print("Z: {}".format(outputs)) print("x: {}, ŷ: {}".format(x, output)) x = np.array([0,1]) outputs, output = mlp.classify(x) print("==========================") # print("Z: {}".format(outputs)) print("x: {}, ŷ: {}".format(x, output)) x = np.array([1,0]) outputs, output = mlp.classify(x) print("==========================") # print("Z: {}".format(outputs)) print("x: {}, ŷ: {}".format(x, output)) x = np.array([1,1]) outputs, output = mlp.classify(x) print("==========================") # print("Z: {}".format(outputs)) print("x: {}, ŷ: {}".format(x, output))
<reponame>wangji1/test-framework-and-suites-for-android<filename>acs/acs/Device/DeviceLogger/SerialLogger/ """ :copyright: (c)Copyright 2013, Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved. The source code contained or described here in and all documents related to the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without Intel's prior express written permission. No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be express and approved by Intel in writing. :organization: INTEL MCG PSI :summary: This file expose the phone interface IPhone :since: 06/05/2011 :author: sfusilie """ from Queue import Queue, Empty import threading import time class SerialAnalyzerThread(): """ SerialAnalyzerThread: Thread to analyze every lines that are read from Serial port. The mechanism is similar to LogCatAnalyzerThread """ def __init__(self, logger): # Analyzer thread stop condition self.__start_analyze = False # Messages to trigger self.__messages_to_trigger = {} # Message to received self.__message_to_receive = None self.__message_received = None self.__is_message_received = False # Lock object self.__lock_message_triggered = threading.RLock() self.__lock_message_received = threading.RLock() # Internal buffer self.__queue = Queue() self.__analyzer_thread = None # Logger self._logger = logger def stop(self): """ Stop the Thread """ self.__start_analyze = False if self.__analyzer_thread is not None: try: self.__analyzer_thread.join(5) except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703 pass finally: del self.__analyzer_thread self.__analyzer_thread = None return def start(self): """ Start the thread """ self.__analyzer_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__run) = "SerialAnalyzerThread" self.__analyzer_thread.daemon = True self.__analyzer_thread.start() def push(self, line): """ Method to receive the line that are read from the serial port. This method is used by the SerialReaderThread :type line: String :param line: Line read from the serial port """ self.__queue.put_nowait(line) def __run(self): """ Overloaded method that contains the instructions to run when the thread is started """ self.__start_analyze = True while self.__start_analyze: while not self.__queue.empty(): try: line = self.__queue.get_nowait() if len(line) > 0: self.__analyse_line(line.rstrip('\r\n')) except Empty: pass time.sleep(1) def __analyse_line(self, line): """ Sub method to analyse every line read by the SerialReaderThread and store them if they match one of the trigger message :type line: String :param line: Line read from the serial port """ # For each line to analyze # for line in lines: # Check all messages to be triggered self.__lock_message_triggered.acquire() for trig_message in self.__messages_to_trigger: if line.find(trig_message) != -1: # Message received, store log line self.__messages_to_trigger[trig_message].append(line) self.__lock_message_triggered.release() # Check message to be received self.__lock_message_received.acquire() if self.__message_to_receive is not None: if line.find(self.__message_to_receive) != -1: self.__message_received.append(line) self.__is_message_received = True self.__lock_message_received.release() def add_trigger_messages(self, messages): """ Trigger a list of messages :type messages: Array :param messages: messages to be triggered """ for message in messages: self.add_trigger_message(message) def add_trigger_message(self, message): """ Trigger a message :type message: string :param message: message to be triggered """ self.__lock_message_triggered.acquire() self.__messages_to_trigger[message] = list() self.__lock_message_triggered.release() def remove_trigger_message(self, message): """ Remove a triggered message :type message: string :param message: message to be removed """ if message in self.__messages_to_trigger: self.__lock_message_triggered.acquire() del self.__messages_to_trigger[message] self.__lock_message_triggered.release() def is_message_received(self, message, timeout): """ Check if a message is received :type message: string :param message: message that we look for :type timeout: int :param timeout: time limit where we expect to receive the message :return: Array of message received, empty array if nothing :rtype: list """ self.__lock_message_received.acquire() self.__is_message_received = False self.__message_received = list() self.__message_to_receive = message self.__lock_message_received.release() time_count = 0 while (not self.__is_message_received) and (time_count <= timeout): time.sleep(1) time_count += 1 self.__is_message_received = False self.__message_to_receive = None return self.__message_received def get_message_triggered_status(self, message): """ Get the status of a message triggered :type message: string :param message: message triggered :rtype: list of string :return: Array of message received, empty array if nothing """ if message in self.__messages_to_trigger: return self.__messages_to_trigger[message] else: return None def reset_trigger_message(self, message): """ Reset triggered message :type message: string :param message: message to be reseted """ if message in self.__messages_to_trigger: self.__lock_message_received.acquire() self.__messages_to_trigger[message] = list() self.__lock_message_received.release()
<filename><gh_stars>0 import functools import itertools import logging from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union from boxsdk import BoxAPIException from boxsdk.object import folder as boxfolder import boxapi import fileio logger = logging.getLogger(__file__) def _get_project_names_from_dmux_folder(folder: Path): """ Infers the project names in a sequencing run from the folder names after dmuxing.""" folders = [ for i in folder.iterdir() if i.is_dir()] logging.debug(str(folders)) logging.debug(str(folder.iterdir())) project_names = [i for i in folders if i not in {'Reports', 'Stats'}] return project_names @functools.lru_cache(maxsize = None) def get_project_files_on_box(project_name: str) -> List: project_folder = get_box_folder(boxapi.FOLDER, project_name) containers = project_folder.item_collection['entries'] containers = [i.get(fields = None, etag = None) for i in containers] project_files = list() for container in containers: container_samples: List[Any] = [i.get(fields = None, etag = None) for i in container.item_collection['entries']] container_files: List[List[Any]] = [sample.item_collection['entries'] for sample in container_samples if hasattr(sample, 'item_collection')] project_files += list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(container_files)) # pprint(project_files) # project_files = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(project_files)) return project_files def file_exists(project_name: str, file_name: Union[str, Path]) -> bool: if isinstance(file_name, Path): file_name = project_files = get_project_files_on_box(project_name) project_filenames = [ for i in project_files] return file_name in project_filenames def item_in_folder(folder: boxfolder, item_name: str) -> bool: folder_items = folder.item_collection['entries'] folder_item_names = [ for i in folder_items] return item_name in folder_item_names def get_box_folder(parent_folder: boxfolder, item_name: str): """ Attempts to find an existing project folder on that is in the parent_folder. If no folder is found, create one. """ existing_items = parent_folder.item_collection['entries'] for existing_item in existing_items: if == item_name: subfolder = existing_item break else: # Could not locate the folder on create one. subfolder = parent_folder.create_subfolder(item_name) # Retrieve the folder properties. subfolder = subfolder.get(fields = None, etag = None) return subfolder def upload_project_to_box(project_folder: Path, container_id: str, project_name: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Uploads all files for a project to and returns a sharable link to the project folder. Parameters ---------- project_folder container_id project_name Returns ------- """ if project_name is None: project_name = # Create a folder for the selected project project_box_folder = get_box_folder(boxapi.FOLDER, project_name) # Create a subfolder for the current sequencing run. container_folder = get_box_folder(project_box_folder, container_id) # Upload the file checksums. checksum_filename = project_folder / "checksums.tsv" if checksum_filename.exists() and not file_exists(project_name, 'checksums.tsv'): try: container_folder.upload(str(checksum_filename)) except: pass # Upload sample folders sample_folders = fileio.get_project_samples(project_folder) for sample_folder in sample_folders: print("\t Uploading ", # Need to create a subfolder for each sample. sample_box_folder = get_box_folder(container_folder, upload_project_samples_to_box(sample_folder, sample_box_folder) return project_box_folder.get_shared_link() def upload_project_samples_to_box(samples: fileio.Sample, sample_box_folder: Any): existing_files = [ for i in sample_box_folder.item_collection['entries']] for filename in samples: if in existing_files: continue try: if filename.stat().st_size > 50E6: # The chunked API raises an error if the filesize is less than 20MB. chunked_uploader = sample_box_folder.get_chunked_uploader(str(filename)) uploaded_file = chunked_uploader.start() else: uploaded_file = sample_box_folder.upload(str(filename))"Uploaded {filename}\t{uploaded_file}") except BoxAPIException: logger.error(f"Could not upload {filename}") if __name__ == "__main__": pass
import unittest from rdbtools3.intset import unpack_intset from rdbtools3.exceptions import RDBValueError class TestIntset(unittest.TestCase): def test_3x2bytes(self): val = (b'\x02\x00\x00\x00' # int size b'\x03\x00\x00\x00' # set length b'\x01\x00' # item 1 b'\x02\x00' # item 2 b'\x00\x01') # item 3 ret = list(unpack_intset(val)) self.assertEqual([ 1, 2, 256 ], ret) def test_2x4bytes(self): val = (b'\x04\x00\x00\x00' b'\x02\x00\x00\x00' b'\x01\x00\x00\x00' b'\x00\x00\x00\x80') ret = list(unpack_intset(val)) self.assertEqual([ 1, 2**31 ], ret) def test_2x8bytes(self): val = (b'\x08\x00\x00\x00' b'\x02\x00\x00\x00' b'\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80') ret = list(unpack_intset(val)) self.assertEqual([ 1, 2**63 ], ret) def test_bad_length(self): val = (b'\x02\x00\x00\x00' b'\x01\x00\x00\x00' b'\x01\x00' b'\x02\x00\x00') test = getattr(self, 'assertRaisesRegex', getattr(self, 'assertRaisesRegexp')) with test(RDBValueError, "Bad content size 5 \(expected 2\)"): list(unpack_intset(val)) def test_bad_size_encoding(self): val = (b'\x03\x00\x00\x00' b'\x01\x00\x00\x00' b'\x00\x00\x00') test = getattr(self, 'assertRaisesRegex', getattr(self, 'assertRaisesRegexp')) with test(RDBValueError, "Unexpected size encoding 0x3"): list(unpack_intset(val)) def test_zero_len(self): val = (b'\x02\x00\x00\x00' b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') ret = list(unpack_intset(val)) self.assertEqual([], ret) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
<reponame>PartiallyTyped/Hyperactive<gh_stars>100-1000 from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score from rgf.sklearn import RGFClassifier from hyperactive import Hyperactive data = load_breast_cancer() X, y =, def model(opt): rgf = RGFClassifier( max_leaf=opt["max_leaf"], reg_depth=opt["reg_depth"], min_samples_leaf=opt["min_samples_leaf"], algorithm="RGF_Sib", test_interval=100, verbose=False, ) scores = cross_val_score(rgf, X, y, cv=3) return scores.mean() search_space = { "max_leaf": list(range(10, 2000, 10)), "reg_depth": list(range(1, 21)), "min_samples_leaf": list(range(1, 21)), } hyper = Hyperactive() hyper.add_search(model, search_space, n_iter=10)
<reponame>satra/nibabel """ Testing reading DICOM files """ import numpy as np from .. import dicomreaders as didr from .test_dicomwrappers import (dicom_test, EXPECTED_AFFINE, EXPECTED_PARAMS, IO_DATA_PATH, DATA) from import assert_true, assert_false, \ assert_equal, assert_raises from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal @dicom_test def test_read_dwi(): img = didr.mosaic_to_nii(DATA) arr = img.get_data() assert_equal(arr.shape, (128,128,48)) assert_array_almost_equal(img.get_affine(), EXPECTED_AFFINE) @dicom_test def test_read_dwis(): data, aff, bs, gs = didr.read_mosaic_dwi_dir(IO_DATA_PATH, '*.dcm.gz') assert_equal(data.ndim, 4) assert_array_almost_equal(aff, EXPECTED_AFFINE) assert_array_almost_equal(bs, (0, EXPECTED_PARAMS[0])) assert_array_almost_equal(gs, (np.zeros((3,)) + np.nan, EXPECTED_PARAMS[1])) assert_raises(IOError, didr.read_mosaic_dwi_dir, 'improbable')
<reponame>mpetyx/pyrif<gh_stars>0 from rdflib import Graph, RDF, URIRef from FuXi.Syntax.InfixOWL import OWL_NS, Class # local source: # galenGraph = Graph().parse( # os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'GALEN-CABG-Segment.owl')) # remote source: galenGraph = Graph().parse( location="" + \ "svn/trunk/InfixOWL/GALEN-CABG-Segment.owl", format="xml") graph = galenGraph with open('GALEN-CABG-Segment.asc', 'w') as fp: for c in graph.subjects(predicate=RDF.type, object=OWL_NS.Class): if isinstance(c, URIRef): fp.write(Class(c, graph=graph).__repr__(True) + "\n\n") print("Done")
#!/opt/conda/envs/rapids/bin/python3 # # Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import math import cupy from numba import cuda @cuda.jit def compute_norms(data, norms): """Compute norms Args: data (matrix): matrix with data and samples in rows norms (matrix): matrix for norms """ i = cuda.grid(1) norms[i] = len(data[i]) for j in range(len(data[i])): if data[i][j] != 0: value = j + 1 data[i][j] = value norms[i] = norms[i] + (value ** 2) if norms[i] != 0: norms[i] = math.sqrt(norms[i]) @cuda.jit def compute_tanimoto_similarity_matrix(data, norms, dist_array): """Numba kernel to calculate tanimoto similarity according to the wikipedia definition Args: data (matrix): data with samples in rows norms (matrix): matrix with samples in rows dist_array (matrix): square matrix to hold pairwise distance """ x = cuda.grid(1) rows = len(data) i = x // rows j = x % rows if i == j: dist_array[i][j] = 1.0 return a = data[i] b = data[j] prod = 0 for k in range(len(a)): prod = prod + (a[k] * b[k]) a_norm = norms[i] b_norm = norms[j] dist_array[i][j] = (prod / ((a_norm ** 2 + b_norm ** 2) - prod)) @cuda.jit def compute_rdkit_tanimoto_similarity_matrix(data, dist_array): """Numba kernel to calculate tanimoto similarity according to the RDKit definition Args: data (matrix): data with samples in rows dist_array (matrix): square matrix to hold pairwise distance """ x = cuda.grid(1) rows = len(data) i = x // rows j = x % rows if i == j: dist_array[i][j] = 1.0 return a = data[i] b = data[j] intersections = 0 total = 0 for k in range(len(a)): if a[k] and b[k]: intersections += 1 total += 2 elif a[k] or b[k]: total += 1 dist_array[i][j] = intersections / float(total - intersections) def tanimoto_calculate(fp, calc_distance=False): """Calculate tanimoto similarity or distance Args: fp (cupy array or cudf dataframe): fingerprints with samples in rows calc_distance (bool, optional): Calculate distance metric. Defaults to False. Returns: array: pairwise tanimoto distance """ dist_array = cupy.zeros((fp.shape[0], fp.shape[0]), cupy.float32) compute_rdkit_tanimoto_similarity_matrix.forall(fp.shape[0] * fp.shape[0], 1)(fp, dist_array) if calc_distance: dist_array = 1.0 - dist_array return dist_array
""" Copyright (c) 2020 Cisco Systems Inc or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Purpose: This is contains FMC class having REST methods """ import time import requests import logging import json import utility as utl from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) # Setup Logging logger = utl.setup_logging(utl.e_var['DebugDisable']) class FirepowerManagementCenter: def __init__(self): self.server = 'https://' + utl.e_var['FmcIp'] self.username = utl.e_var['FmcUserName'] self.password = utl.e_var['FmcPassword'] self.headers = [] self.domain_uuid = "" self.authTokenTimestamp = 0 self.authTokenMaxAge = 15*60 # seconds - 30 minutes is the max without using refresh self.accessPolicyName = utl.j_var['AccessPolicyName'] def rest_get(self, url): """ Purpose: Issue REST get to the specified URL Parameters: url Returns: r.text is the text response (r.json() is a python dict version of the json response) r.status_code = 2xx on success Raises: """ # if the token is too old then get another if time.time() > self.authTokenMaxAge + self.authTokenTimestamp: logging.debug("Getting a new authToken") self.get_auth_token() try: # REST call with SSL verification turned off: logging.debug("Request: " + url) r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, verify=False) # REST call with SSL verification turned on: # r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify='/path/to/ssl_certificate') status_code = r.status_code resp = r.text logging.debug("Response status_code: " + str(status_code)) logging.debug("Response body: " + str(resp)) if 200 <= status_code <= 300: # logging.debug("GET successful. Response data --> ") # json_resp = json.loads(resp) # logging.debug(json.dumps(json_resp,sort_keys=True,indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) pass else: r.raise_for_status() raise Exception("Error occurred in Get -->"+resp) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: raise Exception("Error in connection --> "+str(err)) finally: if r: r.close() return r def rest_post(self, url, post_data): """ Purpose: Issue REST post to the specified url with the post_data provided Parameters: url, post data Returns: This function will return 'r' which is the response from the post: r.text is the text response (r.json() is a python dict version of the json response) r.status_code = 2xx on success Raises: Error occurred in post """ if time.time() > self.authTokenMaxAge + self.authTokenTimestamp: logging.debug("Getting a new authToken") self.get_auth_token() try: # REST call with SSL verification turned off: logging.debug("Request: " + url) logging.debug("Post_data " + str(post_data)) r =, data=json.dumps(post_data), headers=self.headers, verify=False) # REST call with SSL verification turned on: # r =,data=json.dumps(post_data), headers=self.headers, verify='/path/to/ssl_certificate') status_code = r.status_code resp = r.text"Response status_code: " + str(status_code))"Response body: " + str(resp)) # logging.debug("Status code is: "+str(status_code)) if 201 <= status_code <= 202: # json_resp = json.loads(resp) # logging.debug(json.dumps(json_resp,sort_keys=True,indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) pass else: r.raise_for_status() raise Exception("Error occurred in POST --> "+resp) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: raise Exception("Error in connection --> "+str(err)) finally: if r: r.close() return r def rest_put(self, url, put_data): """ Purpose: Issue REST put to specific url with the put_data provided Parameters: url, put data Returns: This function will return 'r' which is the response from the put: r.text is the text response (r.json() is a python dict version of the json response) r.status_code = 2xx on success Raises: """ if time.time() > self.authTokenMaxAge + self.authTokenTimestamp: logging.debug("Getting a new authToken") self.get_auth_token() try: # REST call with SSL verification turned off:"Request: " + url)"Put_data: " + str(put_data)) r = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(put_data), headers=self.headers, verify=False) # REST call with SSL verification turned on: # r = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(put_data), headers=headers, verify='/path/to/ssl_certificate') status_code = r.status_code resp = r.text"Response status_code: " + str(status_code))"Response body: " + str(resp)) if status_code == 200: pass else: r.raise_for_status() raise Exception("Error occurred in put -->" + resp) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: raise Exception("Error in connection --> "+str(err)) finally: if r: r.close() return r def rest_delete(self, url): """ Purpose: Issue REST delete to the specified URL Parameters: url Returns: This function will return 'r' which is the response to the request: r.text is the text response (r.json() is a python dict version of the json response) r.status_code = 2xx on success Raises: """ if time.time() > self.authTokenMaxAge + self.authTokenTimestamp: logging.debug("Getting a new authToken") self.get_auth_token() try: # REST call with SSL verification turned off: logging.debug("Request: " + url) r = requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers, verify=False) # REST call with SSL verification turned on: # r = requests.delete(url, headers=headers, verify='/path/to/ssl_certificate') status_code = r.status_code resp = r.text"Response status_code: " + str(status_code))"Response body: " + str(resp)) if 200 <= status_code <= 300: # logging.debug("GET successful. Response data --> ") # json_resp = json.loads(resp) # logging.debug(json.dumps(json_resp,sort_keys=True,indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) pass else: r.raise_for_status() raise Exception("Error occurred in Delete -->"+resp) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: raise Exception("Error in connection --> "+str(err)) finally: if r: r.close() return r def get_auth_token(self): """ Purpose: get a new REST authentication token update the 'headers' variable set a timestamp for the header (tokens expire) Parameters: Returns: Raises: """ self.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} api_auth_path = "/api/fmc_platform/v1/auth/generatetoken" auth_url = self.server + api_auth_path try: # 2 ways of making a REST call are provided: # One with "SSL verification turned off" and the other with "SSL verification turned on". # The one with "SSL verification turned off" is commented out. If you like to use that then # uncomment the line where verify=False and comment the line with =verify='/path/to/ssl_certificate' # REST call with SSL verification turned off: r =, headers=self.headers, auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(self.username, self.password), verify=False) # REST call with SSL verification turned on: Download SSL certificates # from your FMC first and provide its path for verification. # r =, headers=self.headers, # auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username,password), verify='/path/to/ssl_certificate') auth_headers = r.headers auth_token = auth_headers.get('X-auth-access-token', default=None) self.domain_uuid = auth_headers.get('domain_uuid', default=None) self.headers['X-auth-access-token'] = auth_token self.authTokenTimestamp = int(time.time()) # logging.debug("Acquired AuthToken: " + auth_token) # logging.debug("domain_uuid: " + domain_uuid) if auth_token is None: logging.debug("auth_token not found. Exiting...") # raise Exception("Error occurred in get auth token ") except Exception as err: logger.error("Error in generating auth token --> " + str(err)) return def get_device_grp_id_by_name(self, name): """ Purpose: To get device group id by passing name of the group Parameters: Name of device group Returns: Group Id or None Raises: """ api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/devicegroups/devicegrouprecords" url = self.server + api_path + '?offset=0&limit=9000' r = self.rest_get(url) if 'items' in r.json(): for item in r.json()['items']: if item['name'] == name: return str(item['id']) return None def get_security_objectid_by_name(self, name): """ Purpose: Get Zone ID from it's name Parameters: Zone Name Returns: Zone ID, None Raises: """ api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/object/securityzones" url = self.server + api_path + '?offset=0&limit=9000' r = self.rest_get(url) if 'items' in r.json(): for item in r.json()['items']: if item['name'] == name: return str(item['id']) return None # Get network objects (all network and host objects) def get_network_objectid_by_name(self, name): """ Purpose: Get Network object Id by its name Parameters: Object Name Returns: Object Id Raises: """ api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/object/networkaddresses" url = self.server + api_path + '?offset=0&limit=10000' r = self.rest_get(url) for item in r.json()['items']: if item['type'] == 'Network' and item['name'] == name: return str(item['id']) # raise Exception('network object with name ' + name + ' was not found') return '' def get_port_objectid_by_name(self, name): """ Purpose: Get Port object Id by its name Parameters: Object Name Returns: Object Id Raises: """ api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/object/protocolportobjects" url = self.server + api_path + '?offset=0&limit=10000' r = self.rest_get(url) for item in r.json()['items']: if item['type'] == 'ProtocolPortObject' and item['name'] == name: return str(item['id']) # raise Exception('network port with name ' + name + ' was not found') return '' def get_host_objectid_by_name(self, name): """ Purpose: Get Host object Id by Name Parameters: Object Name Returns: Object Id Raises: """ api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/object/hosts" url = self.server + api_path + '?offset=0&limit=10000' r = self.rest_get(url) for item in r.json()['items']: if item['type'] == 'Host' and item['name'] == name: return str(item['id']) # raise Exception('host object with name ' + name + ' was not found') return '' def get_device_id_by_name(self, name): """ Purpose: Get Device Id by its name Parameters: Device Name Returns: Device Id Raises: """ api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/devices/devicerecords" url = self.server + api_path + '?offset=0&limit=10000' r = self.rest_get(url) if 'items' in r.json(): for item in r.json()['items']: if item['name'] == name: return str(item['id']) # or return empty string return '' def get_access_policy_id_by_name(self, name): """ Purpose: Get Access Policy Id by its name Parameters: Access policy name Returns: Access Policy Id, None Raises: """ api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/policy/accesspolicies" url = self.server + api_path + '?offset=0&limit=10000' r = self.rest_get(url) # Search for policy by name if 'items' in r.json(): for item in r.json()['items']: if item['name'] == name: return str(item['id']) return None def get_nic_id_by_name(self, device_name, nic_name): """ Purpose: Get Nic Id by device & nic name Parameters: Device Name, Nic name Returns: Nic Id, None Raises: """ if nic_name != 'GigabitEthernet0/0' and nic_name != 'GigabitEthernet0/1': logging.debug("warning - nic name must be GigabitEthernet0/0 or GigabitEthernet0/1. " "The argument name was " + nic_name) device_id = self.get_device_id_by_name(device_name) api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/devices/devicerecords/" + \ device_id + "/physicalinterfaces" url = self.server + api_path r = self.rest_get(url) if 'items' in r.json(): for item in r.json()['items']: if item['name'] == nic_name: return str(item['id']) return None def get_time_stamp(self): """ Purpose: Get time stamp Parameters: Returns: Audit time stamp Raises: """ api_path = "/api/fmc_platform/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/audit/auditrecords" url = self.server + api_path r = self.rest_get(url) return r.json()['items'][0]['time']*1000 def get_deployable_devices(self): """ Purpose: Get list of deployable devices Parameters: Returns: List of devices, pending to be deployed Raises: """ api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/deployment/deployabledevices" url = self.server + api_path r = self.rest_get(url) logging.debug("deployable devices:" + str(r.json())) device_list = [] if 'items' in r.json(): for item in r.json()['items']: if item['type'] == 'DeployableDevice': device_list.append(item['name']) return device_list def get_nic_status(self, device_id, nic, nic_id, ifname, zone_id, ip=None): """ Purpose: To check whether Nic is configured or not configured Parameters: Device Id, Nic, Nic Id, Interface Name, Zone Id, Ip Returns: CONFIGURED, MIS-CONFIGURED, UN-CONFIGURED Raises: """ api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/devices/devicerecords/" + \ device_id + "/physicalinterfaces/" + nic_id url = self.server + api_path r = self.rest_get(url) flag1, flag2 = 0, 0 try: if 'ipv4' in r.json(): item = dict.copy(r.json()['ipv4']['static']) if item['address'] == ip: flag1 = 1 except: try: if 'ipv4' in r.json(): item = dict.copy(r.json()['ipv4']['dhcp']) flag1 = 1 except: flag1 = 0 try: if r.json()['name'] == nic: if r.json()['ifname'] == ifname: flag2 = 1 if r.json()['securityZone']['id'] != zone_id: flag2 = 0 except: flag2 = 0 if flag1 == 1 and flag2 == 1: return "CONFIGURED" elif (flag1 == 1 and flag2 == 0) or (flag1 == 0 and flag2 == 1): logger.critical("Interface Mis-Configured! ") return "UN-CONFIGURED" def check_static_route(self, device, interface_name, network_name, host_object_name_gw): """ Purpose: Check if a static route exists on a device Parameters: Device, Interface name, Network, Gateway Returns: CONFIGURED, UN-CONFIGURED Raises: """ ngfwid = self.get_device_id_by_name(device) if ngfwid == '': return "NO-DEVICE" api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/devices/devicerecords/" + ngfwid + \ "/routing/ipv4staticroutes" url = self.server + api_path + '?offset=0&limit=10000' r = self.rest_get(url) if 'items' in r.json(): for key1 in r.json()['items']: id = key1['id'] url = self.server + api_path + '/' + id r = self.rest_get(url) if r.json()['interfaceName'] == interface_name: for key2 in r.json()['selectedNetworks']: if key2['name'] == network_name: try: element = dict.copy(r.json()['gateway']['object']) if element['name'] == host_object_name_gw: return "CONFIGURED" except: pass try: element = dict.copy(r.json()['gateway']['literal']) if element['value'] == host_object_name_gw: return "CONFIGURED" except: pass return "UN-CONFIGURED" def configure_nic_dhcp(self, device_name, nic, nic_name, zone, mtu): """ Purpose: Configure an Nic interface as DHCP Parameters: Device Name, Nic, Nic name, Zone, MTU Returns: REST put response Raises: """ device_id = self.get_device_id_by_name(device_name) nic_id = self.get_nic_id_by_name(device_name, nic) zone_id = self.get_security_objectid_by_name(zone) api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/devices/devicerecords/" + \ device_id + "/physicalinterfaces/" + nic_id url = self.server + api_path put_data = { "type": "PhysicalInterface", "managementOnly": "false", "MTU": int(mtu), "ipv4": { "dhcp": { "enableDefaultRouteDHCP": "false", "dhcpRouteMetric": 1 } }, "securityZone": { "id": zone_id, "type": "SecurityZone" }, "mode": "NONE", "ifname": nic_name, "enabled": "true", "name": nic, "id": nic_id } r = self.rest_put(url, put_data) return r def configure_nic_static(self, device_name, nic, nic_name, zone, mtu, ip, netmask): """ Purpose: Configure an Nic interface as Static Parameters: Device Name, Nic, Nic name, Zone, IP, Netmask Returns: REST put response Raises: """ device_id = self.get_device_id_by_name(device_name) nic_id = self.get_nic_id_by_name(device_name, nic) zone_id = self.get_security_objectid_by_name(zone) api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/devices/devicerecords/" + \ device_id + "/physicalinterfaces/" + nic_id url = self.server + api_path put_data = { "type": "PhysicalInterface", "managementOnly": "false", "MTU": mtu, "ipv4": { "static": { "address": ip, "netmask": netmask } }, "securityZone": { "id": zone_id, "type": "SecurityZone" }, "mode": "NONE", "ifname": nic_name, "enabled": "true", "name": nic, "id": nic_id } r = self.rest_put(url, put_data) return r def create_static_network_route(self, device, interface_name, network_object_name, host_object_name_gw, metric): """ Purpose: To create static network route on device Parameters: Device, Interface Name, Network, Gateway, Metric Returns: REST response Raises: """ ngfwid = self.get_device_id_by_name(device) network_object_id = self.get_network_objectid_by_name(network_object_name) host_object_id_gw = self.get_host_objectid_by_name(host_object_name_gw) api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/devices/devicerecords/" + ngfwid + \ "/routing/ipv4staticroutes" url = self.server + api_path if host_object_id_gw != '': gate_way = { "object": { "type": "Host", "id": host_object_id_gw, "name": host_object_name_gw } } else: gate_way = { "literal": { "type": "Host", "value": host_object_name_gw } } post_data = { "interfaceName": interface_name, "selectedNetworks": [ { "type": "Network", "id": network_object_id, "name": network_object_name } ], "gateway": gate_way, "metricValue": metric, "type": "IPv4StaticRoute", "isTunneled": False } r = self.rest_post(url, post_data) return r def create_static_host_route(self, device, interface_name, host_object_name, host_object_name_gw, metric): """ Purpose: To create static host route on device Parameters: Device, Interface Name, Host, Gateway, Metric Returns: REST response Raises: """ ngfwid = self.get_device_id_by_name(device) host_object_id = self.get_host_objectid_by_name(host_object_name) host_object_id_gw = self.get_host_objectid_by_name(host_object_name_gw) api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/devices/devicerecords/" + \ ngfwid + "/routing/ipv4staticroutes" # param url = self.server + api_path if host_object_id_gw != '': gate_way = { "object": { "type": "Host", "id": host_object_id_gw, "name": host_object_name_gw } } else: gate_way = { "literal": { "type": "Host", "value": host_object_name_gw } } post_data = { "interfaceName": interface_name, "selectedNetworks": [ { "type": "Host", "id": host_object_id, "name": host_object_name } ], "gateway": gate_way, "metricValue": metric, "type": "IPv4StaticRoute", "isTunneled": False } r = self.rest_post(url, post_data) return r def register_device(self, name, mgmt_ip, policy_id, reg_id, nat_id, license_caps, device_grp_id): """ Purpose: Register the device to FMC Parameters: Name of device, Mgmt ip, Access Policy Id, Registration & NAT id, Licenses Caps, Group Id Returns: REST post response Raises: """"Registering: "+name) api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/devices/devicerecords" url = self.server + api_path post_data = { "name": name, "hostName": mgmt_ip, "regKey": reg_id, "natID": nat_id, "type": "Device", "license_caps": license_caps, "accessPolicy": { "id": policy_id, "type": "AccessPolicy" }, "deviceGroup": { "id": device_grp_id, "type": "DeviceGroup" } } r = self.rest_post(url, post_data) return r def deregister_device(self, name): """ Purpose: De-registers the device from FMC Parameters: Device Name Returns: REST delete response Raises: """"De-registering: " + name) api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/devices/devicerecords/" dev_id = self.get_device_id_by_name(name) url = self.server + api_path + dev_id r = self.rest_delete(url) return r def start_deployment(self, device_name): """ Purpose: Deploys policy changes on device Parameters: Device name Returns: Task Id Raises: """"Deploy called for: " + device_name) device_list = self.get_deployable_devices() logging.debug("Device List = " + str(device_list)) if device_name in device_list: logging.debug("deploying on device: " + device_name) api_path = "/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f/deployment/deploymentrequests" url = self.server + api_path post_data = { "type": "DeploymentRequest", "version": str(self.get_time_stamp()), "forceDeploy": True, "ignoreWarning": True, "deviceList": [self.get_device_id_by_name(device_name)] } r = self.rest_post(url, post_data) if 'type' in r.json(): if r.json()['type'] == 'DeploymentRequest': return r.json()['metadata']['task']['id'] return '' def register_ftdv(self, vm_name, mgmtip, reg_id, nat_id, license_caps, device_grp_id): """ Purpose: Register the device to FMC Parameters: Device Name, Mgmgt Ip, Registration & NAT id, Licenses cap, grp id Returns: Task id, None Raises: """ try: vm_policy_id = self.get_access_policy_id_by_name(self.accessPolicyName) except Exception as e: logger.warn("%s policy doesn't exist in FMC!" % self.accessPolicyName) logger.debug(str(e)) return None else: if vm_policy_id is not None:"Registering FTDv: " + vm_name + " to FMC with policy id: " + vm_policy_id) r = self.register_device(vm_name, mgmtip, vm_policy_id, reg_id, nat_id, license_caps, device_grp_id) logger.debug("Register response was: " + str(r.json())) if 'type' in r.json(): if r.json()['type'] == 'Device':"NGWFv: " + vm_name + " registration started and task ID is: " + r.json()['metadata']['task']['id']) return r.json()['metadata']['task']['id'] else: logger.warn("%s policy doesn't exist in FMC" % self.accessPolicyName) return None def check_reg_status_from_fmc(self, vm_name): """ Purpose: Checks if device is registered to FMC Parameters: Device Name Returns: SUCCESS, FAILED Raises: """ try: device_id = self.get_device_id_by_name(vm_name) except Exception as e: logger.debug(str(e)) else: if device_id != '': return "SUCCESS" else: return "FAILED" def check_deploy_status(self, vm_name): """ Purpose: Checks if any deployment pending for device Parameters: Device name Returns: DEPLOYED, NOT-DEPLOYED Raises: """ r = self.get_deployable_devices() for device in r: if device == vm_name: logger.debug("Policies not deployed on " + vm_name) return "NOT-DEPLOYED" logger.debug("Policies deployed on " + vm_name) return "DEPLOYED" def check_object_fmc(self, obj_name): """ Purpose: Checks for Object inn FMC Parameters: Object name Returns: Object Id Raises: """ obj_id = self.get_network_objectid_by_name(obj_name) if obj_id == '': obj_id = self.get_host_objectid_by_name(obj_name) if obj_id == '': obj_id = self.get_port_objectid_by_name(obj_name) if obj_id == '': logger.error("Unable to find object %s" % obj_name) return '' return obj_id
from datastore.reader.flask_frontend.routes import Route from datastore.shared.flask_frontend import ERROR_CODES from tests import assert_error_response from tests.reader.system.util import setup_data from tests.util import assert_success_response data = { "a/1": { "fqid": "a/1", "field_1": "data", "field_2": 42, "field_3": [1, 2, 3], "meta_position": 1, }, "a/2": { "fqid": "a/2", "field_1": "test", "field_2": 42, "field_3": [1, 2, 3], "meta_position": 2, }, "b/1": { "fqid": "b/1", "field_4": "data", "field_5": 42, "field_6": [1, 2, 3], "meta_position": 3, }, } def test_0(json_client, db_connection, db_cur): setup_data(db_connection, db_cur, data) response = Route.COUNT.URL, { "collection": "a", "filter": {"field": "field_1", "operator": "=", "value": "invalid"}, }, ) assert_success_response(response) assert response.json == { "count": 0, "position": 3, } def test_1(json_client, db_connection, db_cur): setup_data(db_connection, db_cur, data) response = Route.COUNT.URL, { "collection": "a", "filter": {"field": "field_1", "operator": "=", "value": "data"}, }, ) assert_success_response(response) assert response.json == { "count": 1, "position": 3, } def test_2(json_client, db_connection, db_cur): setup_data(db_connection, db_cur, data) response = Route.COUNT.URL, { "collection": "a", "filter": {"field": "field_2", "operator": "=", "value": 42}, }, ) assert_success_response(response) assert response.json == { "count": 2, "position": 3, } def test_invalid_collection(json_client): response = Route.COUNT.URL, { "collection": "not valid", "filter": {"field": "field", "operator": "=", "value": "data"}, }, ) assert_error_response(response, ERROR_CODES.INVALID_FORMAT) def test_invalid_field(json_client): response = Route.COUNT.URL, { "collection": "a", "filter": {"field": "not valid", "operator": "=", "value": "data"}, }, ) assert_error_response(response, ERROR_CODES.INVALID_FORMAT) def test_invalid_operator(json_client): response = Route.COUNT.URL, { "collection": "a", "filter": {"field": "field", "operator": "invalid", "value": "data"}, }, ) assert_error_response(response, ERROR_CODES.INVALID_REQUEST)
import random print('-=-' * 40) print('Vou pensar em um número de 0 a 1, tente adivinhar em que número eu pensei.') print('-=-' * 40) r = random.randint(0,10) num = 11 cont = 0 while num != r: num = int(input('Qual seu palpite? ')) if num > r: print('Menos... Tente novamente!') if num < r: print('Mais... Tente novamente') cont += 1 if num == r: print('Parabéns você acertou na {}ª tentativa'.format(cont))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon May 11 12:17:33 2020 @author: jatin """ import os import cv2 #File Paths filedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) #Get User Name name = input("Enter Name: ") #Create directory directory = os.path.join(filedir, "dataset", name) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) print("Directory _images\{} Successfully Created".format(name)) else: print("Directory Already Exists. Continuing With Capture") #Capture Images print("Starting Webcam...") capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0) image_counter = 1 while True: _, frame = cv2.imshow('imagasde', frame) k = cv2.waitKey(100) & 0xff if k == 27: # ESC pressed print("Escape hit. Closing Webcam...") break elif k == 32: # SPACE pressed print("writing file") image_name = "opencv_frame_{}.png".format(image_counter) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(directory, image_name), frame) print("{} written!".format(image_name)) image_counter += 1 capture.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
from typing import Optional import arrow from hypothesis import given, infer, settings from hypothesis.provisional import urls from hypothesis.strategies import builds, fixed_dictionaries, lists, none, text from pydantic import HttpUrl, ValidationError from rsserpent.models.rss import Category, Enclosure, Feed, Guid, Image, Item, Source from tests.conftest import Times class TestCategory: """Test the `Category` class.""" @settings(max_examples=Times.SOME) @given(builds(Category, url=urls() | none())) def test(self, category: Category) -> None: """Test if the `Category` class works properly.""" assert category is not None class TestEnclosure: """Test the `Enclosure` class.""" @settings(max_examples=Times.ONCE) @given(builds(Enclosure, url=urls())) def test(self, enclosure: Enclosure) -> None: """Test if the `Enclosure` class works properly.""" assert enclosure is not None @settings(max_examples=Times.SOME) @given(type_=infer, url=urls()) def test_default_length(self, type_: str, url: str) -> None: """Test the default value of `length` in the `Enclosure` class.""" assert Enclosure(type=type_, url=url).length == 0 class TestGUID: """Test the `GUID` class.""" @settings(max_examples=Times.ONCE) @given(builds(Guid)) def test(self, guid: Guid) -> None: """Test if the `GUID` class works properly.""" assert guid is not None @settings(max_examples=Times.SOME) @given(value=infer) def test_default_is_perma_link(self, value: str) -> None: """Test the default value of `is_perma_link` in the `GUID` class.""" assert Guid(value=value).is_perma_link is True class TestImage: """Test the `Image` class.""" @settings(max_examples=Times.ONCE) @given(builds(Image, url=urls(), link=urls())) def test(self, image: Image) -> None: """Test if the `Image` class works properly.""" assert image is not None @settings(max_examples=Times.SOME) @given(url=urls(), title=infer, link=urls(), description=infer) def test_default_width_and_height( self, url: str, title: str, link: str, description: Optional[str] ) -> None: """Test the default value of `width` & `height` in the `Image` class.""" image = Image(url=url, title=title, link=link, description=description) assert image.width == 88 assert image.height == 31 class TestSource: """Test the `Source` class.""" @settings(max_examples=Times.SOME) @given(builds(Source, url=urls() | none())) def test(self, source: Source) -> None: """Test if the `Source` class works properly.""" assert source is not None assert isinstance(source.url, HttpUrl) or (source.url is None) class TestItem: """Test the `Item` class.""" @settings(max_examples=Times.SOME) @given( builds( Item, title=text(), link=urls() | none(), description=infer, author=infer, categories=lists(fixed_dictionaries({"name": text()})) | none(), comments=urls() | none(), enclosure=builds(Enclosure, url=urls()) | none(), guid=builds(Guid) | none(), pub_date=builds(arrow.utcnow) | none(), source=builds(Source, url=urls() | none()) | none(), ) ) def test(self, item: Item) -> None: """Test if the `Item` class works properly.""" assert item is not None @settings(max_examples=Times.THOROUGH) @given(title=infer, description=infer) def test_validation(self, title: Optional[str], description: Optional[str]) -> None: """Test if the `@root_validator` of `Item` class works properly.""" try: Item(title=title, description=description) except ValidationError: assert title is None and description is None class TestFeed: """Test the `Feed` class.""" @settings(max_examples=Times.SOME) @given( builds( Feed, title=infer, link=urls(), description=infer, language=infer, copyright=infer, managing_editor=infer, web_master=infer, pub_date=builds(arrow.utcnow) | none(), last_build_date=builds(arrow.utcnow) | none(), categories=lists(fixed_dictionaries({"name": text()})) | none(), generator=infer, docs=urls() | none(), ttl=infer, image=builds(Image, url=urls(), link=urls()) | none(), items=lists(fixed_dictionaries({"title": text()})) | none(), ) ) def test(self, feed: Feed) -> None: """Test if the `Feed` lass works properly.""" assert feed is not None @settings(max_examples=Times.SOME) @given(title=infer, link=urls(), description=infer) def test_default_values(self, title: str, link: str, description: str) -> None: """Test the default value of `ttl`in the `Feed` class.""" assert Feed(title=title, link=link, description=description).ttl == 60
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.dispatch import Signal from django.test import TestCase, override_settings from pynotify.helpers import (DeletedRelatedObject, SecureRelatedObject, autoload, get_from_context, get_import_path, process_task, register, signal_map) from .test_app.signals import autoload_signal # MOCK OBJECTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ test_signal = Signal(providing_args=['abc']) class MockHandler1(MagicMock): signal_kwargs = None def __init__(self): MockHandler1.signal_kwargs = None def handle(self, signal_kwargs): MockHandler1.signal_kwargs = signal_kwargs class MockHandler2(MagicMock): pass class MockSerializer(MagicMock): deserialize = MagicMock(side_effect=lambda value: value) class MockRelatedObject: a = 123 b = 456 def say_hello(self): return 'Hello!' def __str__(self): return 'Related object' # TESTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class HelpersTestCase(TestCase): def tearDown(self): signal_map.remove(test_signal) def test_signal_map_should_return_empty_list_for_unknown_signal(self): self.assertEqual(signal_map.get(test_signal), []) def test_signal_map_should_return_list_values_for_known_signal(self): signal_map.add(test_signal, MockHandler1) self.assertEqual(signal_map.get(test_signal), [MockHandler1]) signal_map.add(test_signal, MockHandler2) self.assertEqual(signal_map.get(test_signal), [MockHandler1, MockHandler2]) def test_register_should_add_handler_class_and_allowed_senders_to_signal_map(self): register(test_signal, MockHandler1, self.__class__) self.assertEqual(signal_map.get(test_signal), [(MockHandler1, self.__class__)]) def test_register_should_connect_receive_function_to_the_signal(self): register(test_signal, MockHandler1) # not very clever test, but patching here is problematic self.assertEqual(test_signal.receivers[0][0][0], 'pynotify') @override_settings(PYNOTIFY_RECEIVER='abc123') def test_receive_should_fail_if_receiver_is_misconfigured(self): register(test_signal, MockHandler1) with self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured): test_signal.send(sender='abc', abc=123) @override_settings(PYNOTIFY_RECEIVER='pynotify.receivers.SynchronousReceiver') def test_receive_should_pass_signal_kwargs_to_handler_through_receiver(self): register(test_signal, MockHandler1) test_signal.send(sender='abc', abc=123) self.assertEqual(MockHandler1.signal_kwargs, {'abc': 123}) @override_settings(PYNOTIFY_ENABLED=False) def test_receive_should_not_call_handler_if_pynotify_not_enabled(self): MockHandler1.signal_kwargs = 'constant' register(test_signal, MockHandler1) test_signal.send(sender='abc', abc=123) self.assertEqual(MockHandler1.signal_kwargs, 'constant') @override_settings(PYNOTIFY_RECEIVER='pynotify.receivers.SynchronousReceiver') def test_receive_should_not_call_handler_if_disallowed_sender_sent_the_signal(self): MockHandler1.signal_kwargs = 'constant' register(test_signal, MockHandler1, allowed_senders='abc') test_signal.send(sender='def', abc=123) self.assertEqual(MockHandler1.signal_kwargs, 'constant') def test_process_task_should_call_handler(self): process_task( handler_class=get_import_path(MockHandler1), serializer_class=get_import_path(MockSerializer), signal_kwargs={'abc': 1234} ) MockSerializer.deserialize.assert_called_once_with({'abc': 1234}) self.assertEqual(MockHandler1.signal_kwargs, {'abc': 1234}) def test_get_import_path_should_return_import_path_of_the_class(self): self.assertEqual(get_import_path(MockHandler1), 'example.tests.test_helpers.MockHandler1') @override_settings(PYNOTIFY_AUTOLOAD_MODULES=('example.tests.test_app.handlers',)) def test_handlers_should_be_autoloaded_from_specified_apps(self): self.assertEqual(signal_map.get(autoload_signal), []) autoload() handler, _ = signal_map.get(autoload_signal)[0] from .test_app.handlers import AutoloadHandler self.assertEqual(handler, AutoloadHandler) signal_map.remove(autoload_signal) @override_settings(PYNOTIFY_AUTOLOAD_MODULES=('example.tests.test_app2.handlers',)) def test_if_autoload_fails_it_should_be_logged(self): with patch('pynotify.helpers.logger') as logger: autoload() self.assertEqual(signal_map.get(autoload_signal), []) logger.exception.assert_called_once() @override_settings(PYNOTIFY_RELATED_OBJECTS_ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES={}) def test_related_object_proxy_should_allow_only_string_representation(self): obj = SecureRelatedObject(MockRelatedObject()) self.assertEqual(str(obj), 'Related object') self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: obj.a) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: obj.b) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: obj.say_hello()) @override_settings(PYNOTIFY_RELATED_OBJECTS_ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES={'a', 'say_hello'}) def test_related_object_proxy_should_allow_only_defined_allowed_attributes(self): obj = SecureRelatedObject(MockRelatedObject()) self.assertEqual(str(obj), 'Related object') self.assertEqual(obj.a, 123) self.assertEqual(obj.say_hello(), 'Hello!') self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: obj.b) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: def test_deleted_related_object_should_have_string_representation_same_for_any_attribute(self): obj = DeletedRelatedObject() self.assertEqual(str(obj), '[DELETED]') self.assertEqual(str(obj.x), '[DELETED]') self.assertEqual(str(obj.x.y), '[DELETED]') def test_get_from_context_should_return_variable_value_or_none(self): self.assertIsNone(get_from_context('a', {})) self.assertIsNone(get_from_context('a.b', {})) self.assertEqual(get_from_context('a', {'a': 1}), 1) self.assertIsNone(get_from_context('a.b', {'a': 1})) self.assertEqual(get_from_context('a', {'a': {'b': 1}}), {'b': 1}) self.assertEqual(get_from_context('a.b', {'a': {'b': 1}}), 1) related_object = MockRelatedObject() self.assertEqual(get_from_context('obj', {'obj': related_object}), related_object) self.assertEqual(get_from_context('obj.b', {'obj': related_object}), 456) self.assertIsNone(get_from_context('obj.non_sense', {'obj': related_object}))
from django.db import models from core.models.base import BaseModel from core.models.taxonomic_order import TaxonomicOrder class TaxonomicFamily(BaseModel): class Meta: app_label = 'core' default_permissions = () db_table = 'taxonomic_families' taxonomic_order = models.ForeignKey(TaxonomicOrder, on_delete=models.CASCADE) name = models.CharField(max_length=45, unique=True) def __str__(self): return
from robocup_env.envs.base.robocup import RoboCup import logging import numpy as np import torch from ddpg import DDPG from wrappers.normalized_actions import NormalizedActions save_dir = "./saved_models" log_dir = "./runs" env_name = "collect" seed = 1337 gamma = 0.99 tau = 0.001 noise_stddev = 0.5 hidden_size = [400, 300] render_eval = True n_test_cycles = 50 # Num. of episodes in the evaluation phases def create_runs_dir(): from pathlib import Path Path("./runs").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def get_run_num() -> int: return 1 # from os import listdir # from os.path import isdir, join # import re # # folders = [f for f in listdir(log_dir) if isdir(join(log_dir, f))] # run_num_pattern = f"{env_name}_([0-9]+)" # for f in folders: # result =, f) # if result is not None: def main(): checkpoint_dir = f"{save_dir}/{env_name}" create_runs_dir() env = NormalizedActions(RoboCup()) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False # Defined and build a DDPG agent observation_space_size = 10 agent = DDPG(gamma, tau, hidden_size, # env.observation_space.shape[0], observation_space_size, env.action_space, checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir) # checkpoint_path = None checkpoint_path = "saved_models/collect/ep_2886522.pth.tar" start_step, memory = agent.load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path) # Create logger logger = logging.getLogger('train') logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # if gpu is to be used device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")"Using {}".format(device)) # Start training'Testing agent on {} env'.format(env_name)) test_rewards = [] for j in range(n_test_cycles): state = torch.Tensor([env.reset()]).to(device) test_reward = 0 while True: if render_eval: env.render() action = agent.calc_action(state) # Selection without noise next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action.cpu().numpy()[0]) test_reward += reward next_state = torch.Tensor([next_state]).to(device) state = next_state if done: break test_rewards.append(test_reward)"Mean test reward {}".format(np.mean(test_rewards))) env.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<filename>tests/ from audacitorch.utils import save_model import torch import audacitorch def test_metadata(broken_metadata, metadata): success, msg = audacitorch.utils.validate_metadata(broken_metadata) assert not success success, msg = audacitorch.utils.validate_metadata(metadata) assert success def test_save_model(wav2wavmodel, metadata): from pathlib import Path jit_model = torch.jit.script(wav2wavmodel) path = Path('./test_save_model/') path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) save_model(jit_model, metadata, path) assert (path / '').exists() assert (path / 'metadata.json').exists() loaded_model = torch.jit.load(path / '') for x in audacitorch.utils.get_example_inputs(): assert torch.allclose(loaded_model(x), jit_model(x))
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import os.path as op import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns # 1. load a dataset from a file # 2. "organize" that file, so we can access columns *or* rows of it easily # 3. compute some "summary statisics" about the dataset # 4. print those summary statistics # 1. load a dataset # 1a. accept arbitrary filename as argument from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description = 'A CSV reader + stats maker') parser.add_argument('csvfile', type = str, help = 'path to the input csv file.') parsed_args = parser.parse_args() my_csv_file = parsed_args.csvfile assert op.isfile(my_csv_file), "Please give us a real file, thx" print('woot, the file exists') #********************************************************* # Load data, Organize dataset and Add header to the dataframe #********************************************************* data = pd.read_csv(my_csv_file, sep='\s+|,', header=None, engine='python', names = ['ID number', 'Diagnosis','Radius_M', 'Texture_M', 'Perimeter_M', 'Area_M','Smoothness_M', 'Compactness_M', 'Concavity_M', 'ConcavePoints_M', 'Symmetry_M', 'FractalDimension_M', 'Radius_SE', 'Texture_SE', 'Perimeter_SE', 'Area_SE','Smoothness_SE', 'Compactness_SE', 'Concavity_SE', 'ConcavePoints_SE', 'Symmetry_SE', 'FractalDimension_SE', 'Radius_W', 'Texture_W', 'Perimeter_W', 'Area_W','Smoothness_W', 'Compactness_W', 'Concavity_W', 'ConcavePoints_W', 'Symmetry_W', 'FractalDimension_W']) data.drop(['ID number'], axis=1, inplace=True) #print(data.head()) #print(data.shape) #print(data.dtypes) #print( print(data.columns) #print(data.corr()) # Find missing values print('Missing values:\n{}'.format(data.isnull().sum())) # Find duplicated records print('\nNumber of duplicated records: {}'.format(data.duplicated().sum())) # Find the unique values of 'diagnosis' print('\nUnique values of "Diagnosis": {}'.format(data['Diagnosis'].unique())) # Access any row #print(data.iloc[:,3:5]) # Access any column #print(data.iloc[32:35,:]) #Access any value #print(data.iloc[6,7]) # Compute Mean and STD #print(np.mean(data)) #print(np.std(data)) def plotHistogram(data): for i, column in enumerate(data.columns): plt.figure(i) plt.hist(data[column], bins = 'auto', alpha = 0.5, label = 'x') plt.savefig('Hist_{}.png'.format(column)) def plotScatter(data): i = 1 columncount = len(data.columns) columncount = 4 # To avoid having so many scatter while i < columncount - 1: j = i + 1 while j < columncount: for iv, jv in zip(data.iloc[:, i], data.iloc[:, j]): plt.scatter(x = iv, y = jv) plt.savefig('Scatt_{}.png'.format(data.columns[i] + ' ' + data.columns[j])) j = j + 1 i = i + 1 def plotHeatmap(data): features_mean = ['Radius_M', 'Texture_M', 'Perimeter_M', 'Area_M','Smoothness_M', 'Compactness_M', 'Concavity_M', 'ConcavePoints_M', 'Symmetry_M', 'FractalDimension_M'] plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) heat = sns.heatmap(data[features_mean].corr(), vmax = 1, square = True, annot = True) figure = heat.get_figure() figure.savefig('Heat.png', dpi = 400) plotHistogram(data) plotHeatmap(data) plotScatter(data)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # THE VALUES IN THE ENUM ARE AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT THIS MANUALLY. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from enum import Enum # pylint: disable=line-too-long class SystemEventNames(str, Enum): """ This enum represents the names of the various event types for the system events published to Azure Event Grid. To check the list of recognizable system topics, visit """ # These names at the top are 'corrected' aliases of duplicate values that appear below, which are # deprecated but maintained for backwards compatibility. AcsChatMemberAddedToThreadWithUserEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatMemberAddedToThreadWithUser' ResourceWriteFailureEventName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteFailure' IoTHubDeviceDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDeleted' IoTHubDeviceDisconnectedEventName = 'Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDisconnected' ResourceDeleteFailureEventName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteFailure' ResourceDeleteCancelEventName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteCancel' AcsChatThreadParticipantAddedEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantAdded' ResourceDeleteSuccessEventName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteSuccess' EventGridSubscriptionValidationEventName = 'Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionValidationEvent' ResourceWriteSuccessEventName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteSuccess' ResourceActionSuccessEventName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionSuccess' ResourceWriteCancelEventName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteCancel' ResourceActionFailureEventName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionFailure' AcsChatMemberRemovedFromThreadWithUserEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatMemberRemovedFromThreadWithUser' IoTHubDeviceConnectedEventName = 'Microsoft.Devices.DeviceConnected' EventGridSubscriptionDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionDeletedEvent' AcsChatThreadParticipantRemovedEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantRemoved' ResourceActionCancelEventName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionCancel' IoTHubDeviceCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.Devices.DeviceCreated' # Aliases end here AcsChatMessageDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageDeleted' AcsChatMessageDeletedInThreadEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageDeletedInThread' AcsChatMessageEditedEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageEdited' AcsChatMessageEditedInThreadEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageEditedInThread' AcsChatMessageReceivedEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceived' AcsChatMessageReceivedInThreadEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceivedInThread' AcsChatParticipantAddedToThreadEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantAdded' AcsChatParticipantAddedToThreadWithUserEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatParticipantAddedToThreadWithUser' AcsChatParticipantRemovedFromThreadEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantRemoved' AcsChatParticipantRemovedFromThreadWithUserEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatParticipantRemovedFromThreadWithUser' AcsChatThreadCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadCreated' AcsChatThreadCreatedWithUserEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadCreatedWithUser' AcsChatThreadDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadDeleted' AcsChatThreadPropertiesUpdatedEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadPropertiesUpdated' AcsChatThreadPropertiesUpdatedPerUserEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadPropertiesUpdatedPerUser' AcsChatThreadWithUserDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadWithUserDeleted' AcsRecordingFileStatusUpdatedEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.RecordingFileStatusUpdated' AcsSmsDeliveryReportReceivedEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.SMSDeliveryReportReceived' AcsSmsReceivedEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.SMSReceived' AcsUserDisconnectedEventName = 'Microsoft.Communication.UserDisconnected' ApiManagementApiCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.ApiCreated' ApiManagementApiDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.ApiDeleted' ApiManagementApiReleaseCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.ApiReleaseCreated' ApiManagementApiReleaseDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.ApiReleaseDeleted' ApiManagementApiReleaseUpdatedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.ApiReleaseUpdated' ApiManagementApiUpdatedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.ApiUpdated' ApiManagementProductCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductCreated' ApiManagementProductDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductDeleted' ApiManagementProductUpdatedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductUpdated' ApiManagementSubscriptionCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionCreated' ApiManagementSubscriptionDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionDeleted' ApiManagementSubscriptionUpdatedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionUpdated' ApiManagementUserCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserCreated' ApiManagementUserDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserDeleted' ApiManagementUserUpdatedEventName = 'Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserUpdated' AppConfigurationKeyValueDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueDeleted' AppConfigurationKeyValueModifiedEventName = 'Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueModified' ContainerRegistryChartDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ChartDeleted' ContainerRegistryChartPushedEventName = 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ChartPushed' ContainerRegistryImageDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ImageDeleted' ContainerRegistryImagePushedEventName = 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ImagePushed' ContainerServiceNewKubernetesVersionAvailableEventName = 'Microsoft.ContainerService.NewKubernetesVersionAvailable' EventHubCaptureFileCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.EventHub.CaptureFileCreated' HealthcareFhirResourceCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirResourceCreated' HealthcareFhirResourceDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirResourceDeleted' HealthcareFhirResourceUpdatedEventName = 'Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirResourceUpdated' IotHubDeviceConnectedEventName = 'Microsoft.Devices.DeviceConnected' IotHubDeviceCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.Devices.DeviceCreated' IotHubDeviceDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDeleted' IotHubDeviceDisconnectedEventName = 'Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDisconnected' IotHubDeviceTelemetryEventName = 'Microsoft.Devices.DeviceTelemetry' KeyVaultCertificateExpiredEventName = 'Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateExpired' KeyVaultCertificateNearExpiryEventName = 'Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateNearExpiry' KeyVaultCertificateNewVersionCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateNewVersionCreated' KeyVaultKeyExpiredEventName = 'Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyExpired' KeyVaultKeyNearExpiryEventName = 'Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyNearExpiry' KeyVaultKeyNewVersionCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyNewVersionCreated' KeyVaultSecretExpiredEventName = 'Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretExpired' KeyVaultSecretNearExpiryEventName = 'Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNearExpiry' KeyVaultSecretNewVersionCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNewVersionCreated' KeyVaultVaultAccessPolicyChangedEventName = 'Microsoft.KeyVault.VaultAccessPolicyChanged' MachineLearningServicesDatasetDriftDetectedEventName = 'Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.DatasetDriftDetected' MachineLearningServicesModelDeployedEventName = 'Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.ModelDeployed' MachineLearningServicesModelRegisteredEventName = 'Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.ModelRegistered' MachineLearningServicesRunCompletedEventName = 'Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.RunCompleted' MachineLearningServicesRunStatusChangedEventName = 'Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.RunStatusChanged' MapsGeofenceEnteredEventName = 'Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceEntered' MapsGeofenceExitedEventName = 'Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceExited' MapsGeofenceResultEventName = 'Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceResult' MediaJobCanceledEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobCanceled' MediaJobCancelingEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobCanceling' MediaJobErroredEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobErrored' MediaJobFinishedEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobFinished' MediaJobOutputCanceledEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobOutputCanceled' MediaJobOutputCancelingEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobOutputCanceling' MediaJobOutputErroredEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobOutputErrored' MediaJobOutputFinishedEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobOutputFinished' MediaJobOutputProcessingEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobOutputProcessing' MediaJobOutputProgressEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobOutputProgress' MediaJobOutputScheduledEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobOutputScheduled' MediaJobOutputStateChangeEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobOutputStateChange' MediaJobProcessingEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobProcessing' MediaJobScheduledEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobScheduled' MediaJobStateChangeEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.JobStateChange' MediaLiveEventChannelArchiveHeartbeatEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.LiveEventChannelArchiveHeartbeat' MediaLiveEventConnectionRejectedEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.LiveEventConnectionRejected' MediaLiveEventEncoderConnectedEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.LiveEventEncoderConnected' MediaLiveEventEncoderDisconnectedEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.LiveEventEncoderDisconnected' MediaLiveEventIncomingDataChunkDroppedEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingDataChunkDropped' MediaLiveEventIncomingStreamReceivedEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingStreamReceived' MediaLiveEventIncomingStreamsOutOfSyncEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingStreamsOutOfSync' MediaLiveEventIncomingVideoStreamsOutOfSyncEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIncomingVideoStreamsOutOfSync' MediaLiveEventIngestHeartbeatEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.LiveEventIngestHeartbeat' MediaLiveEventTrackDiscontinuityDetectedEventName = 'Microsoft.Media.LiveEventTrackDiscontinuityDetected' PolicyInsightsPolicyStateChangedEventName = 'Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateChanged' PolicyInsightsPolicyStateCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateCreated' PolicyInsightsPolicyStateDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateDeleted' RedisExportRDBCompletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Cache.ExportRDBCompleted' RedisImportRDBCompletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Cache.ImportRDBCompleted' RedisPatchingCompletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Cache.PatchingCompleted' RedisScalingCompletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Cache.ScalingCompleted' ResourceActionCancelName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionCancel' ResourceActionFailureName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionFailure' ResourceActionSuccessName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionSuccess' ResourceDeleteCancelName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteCancel' ResourceDeleteFailureName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteFailure' ResourceDeleteSuccessName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteSuccess' ResourceWriteCancelName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteCancel' ResourceWriteFailureName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteFailure' ResourceWriteSuccessName = 'Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteSuccess' ServiceBusActiveMessagesAvailablePeriodicNotificationsEventName = 'Microsoft.ServiceBus.ActiveMessagesAvailablePeriodicNotifications' ServiceBusActiveMessagesAvailableWithNoListenersEventName = 'Microsoft.ServiceBus.ActiveMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners' ServiceBusDeadletterMessagesAvailablePeriodicNotificationsEventName = 'Microsoft.ServiceBus.DeadletterMessagesAvailablePeriodicNotifications' ServiceBusDeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListenersEventName = 'Microsoft.ServiceBus.DeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners' SignalRServiceClientConnectionConnectedEventName = 'Microsoft.SignalRService.ClientConnectionConnected' SignalRServiceClientConnectionDisconnectedEventName = 'Microsoft.SignalRService.ClientConnectionDisconnected' StorageAsyncOperationInitiatedEventName = 'Microsoft.Storage.AsyncOperationInitiated' StorageBlobCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated' StorageBlobDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted' StorageBlobInventoryPolicyCompletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Storage.BlobInventoryPolicyCompleted' StorageBlobRenamedEventName = 'Microsoft.Storage.BlobRenamed' StorageBlobTierChangedEventName = 'Microsoft.Storage.BlobTierChanged' StorageDirectoryCreatedEventName = 'Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryCreated' StorageDirectoryDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryDeleted' StorageDirectoryRenamedEventName = 'Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryRenamed' StorageLifecyclePolicyCompletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Storage.LifecyclePolicyCompleted' SubscriptionDeletedEventName = 'Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionDeletedEvent' SubscriptionValidationEventName = 'Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionValidationEvent' WebAppServicePlanUpdatedEventName = 'Microsoft.Web.AppServicePlanUpdated' WebAppUpdatedEventName = 'Microsoft.Web.AppUpdated' WebBackupOperationCompletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationCompleted' WebBackupOperationFailedEventName = 'Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationFailed' WebBackupOperationStartedEventName = 'Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationStarted' WebRestoreOperationCompletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationCompleted' WebRestoreOperationFailedEventName = 'Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationFailed' WebRestoreOperationStartedEventName = 'Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationStarted' WebSlotSwapCompletedEventName = 'Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapCompleted' WebSlotSwapFailedEventName = 'Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapFailed' WebSlotSwapStartedEventName = 'Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapStarted' WebSlotSwapWithPreviewCancelledEventName = 'Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapWithPreviewCancelled' WebSlotSwapWithPreviewStartedEventName = 'Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapWithPreviewStarted' ContainerRegistryArtifactEventName = 'Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueModified' KeyVaultAccessPolicyChangedEventName = 'Microsoft.KeyVault.VaultAccessPolicyChanged' ContainerRegistryEventName = 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ChartPushed' ServiceBusDeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListenerEventName = 'Microsoft.ServiceBus.DeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners'
<filename>python/dynamic_graph/sot/torque_control/identification/<gh_stars>0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import sys #import dynamic_graph.sot.torque_control.utils.plot_utils as plot_utils import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 4; import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from motor_model import Motor_model from dynamic_graph.sot.torque_control.hrp2.control_manager_conf import IN_OUT_GAIN from identify_motor_static import identify_motor_static from identify_motor_low_level import identify_motor_low_level from identify_motor_vel import identify_motor_vel from identify_motor_acc import identify_motor_acc from identification_utils import jID ''' motor model : i(t) = Kt*tau(t) + Kv*dq(t) + Ka*ddq(t) + Kf*Sign(dq) ''' #~ DZ=70 DZ = 0.0 dt = 0.001 ZERO_VEL_THRESHOLD = 0.1 POSITIVE_VEL_THRESHOLD = 0.001 ZERO_ACC_THRESHOLD = 0.2 ZERO_JERK_THRESHOLD = 3.0 CURRENT_SATURATION = 9.5 Nvel = 10 SHOW_THRESHOLD_EFFECT = True USING_CONTROL_AS_CURRENT_MEASURE = False INVERT_CURRENT = False result_dir = '../../../../../results/hrp2_motor_identification/' IDENTIFICATION_MODE ='static' IDENTIFICATION_MODE ='vel' #IDENTIFICATION_MODE ='acc' #IDENTIFICATION_MODE ='test_model' #Compare Model Vs Measurment #JOINT_NAME = 'rhy'; #JOINT_NAME = 'rhr'; #JOINT_NAME = 'rhp'; #JOINT_NAME = 'rk'; #JOINT_NAME = 'rap'; #JOINT_NAME = 'rar'; #JOINT_NAME = 'lhy'; #USING_CONTROL_AS_CURRENT_MEASURE = True # 6 #JOINT_NAME = 'lhr'; #USING_CONTROL_AS_CURRENT_MEASURE = True # 7 JOINT_NAME = 'lhp'; #USING_CONTROL_AS_CURRENT_MEASURE = True # 8 #JOINT_NAME = 'lk'; # 9 ok #JOINT_NAME = 'lap'; # 10 ok #JOINT_NAME = 'lar'; # 11 ok #data_folder='../../results/20161114_153220_rk_vel/' #data_folder='../../results/20161114_151812_rhp_vel/' #data_folder='../../results/20170203_164133_com_sin_z_001/' #JOINT_NAME = 'rhp' #data_folder='../../results/20170203_164133_com_sin_z_001/' #data_folder= '../../results/20161114_152706_rk_acc/' ; INVERT_CURRENT = True #data_folder = result_dir + '../20170911172000_com_sin_3cm/'; if (IDENTIFICATION_MODE != 'test_model') : if(JOINT_NAME == 'rhy' ): INVERT_CURRENT = True Nvel = 9 data_folder_static = result_dir+'20161114_135332_rhy_static/'; data_folder_vel = result_dir+'20161114_143152_rhy_vel/'; data_folder_acc = result_dir+'20161114_142351_rhy_acc/'; if(JOINT_NAME == 'rhr' ): INVERT_CURRENT = True Nvel = 10 data_folder_static = result_dir+'20161114_144232_rhr_static/'; data_folder_vel = result_dir+'20161114_150356_rhr_vel/'; data_folder_acc = result_dir+'20161114_145456_rhr_acc/'; if(JOINT_NAME == 'rhp' ): data_folder_static = result_dir+'20161114_150722_rhp_static/'; data_folder_vel = result_dir+'20161114_151812_rhp_vel/'; data_folder_acc = result_dir+'20161114_151259_rhp_acc/'; if(JOINT_NAME == 'rk' ): INVERT_CURRENT = True data_folder_static = result_dir+'20161114_152140_rk_static/'; # data_folder_static = result_dir+'../20170918_180023_rk_current_chirp/' data_folder_vel = result_dir+'20161114_153220_rk_vel/'; data_folder_acc = result_dir+'20161114_152706_rk_acc/'; if(JOINT_NAME == 'rap' ): INVERT_CURRENT = True data_folder_static = result_dir+'20161114_153739_rap_static/'; data_folder_vel = result_dir+'20161114_154559_rap_vel/'; data_folder_acc = result_dir+'20161114_154316_rap_acc/'; if(JOINT_NAME == 'rar' ): data_folder_static = result_dir+'20161114_154945_rar_static/'; data_folder_vel = result_dir+'20161114_160038_rar_vel/'; data_folder_acc = result_dir+'20161114_155545_rar_acc/'; if(JOINT_NAME == 'lhy' ): data_folder_static = result_dir+'20171002_163413_lhy_static/'; data_folder_vel = result_dir+'/20171002_151718_lhy_vel/'; data_folder_acc = result_dir+'20170113_144710_lhy_const_acc/'; if(JOINT_NAME == 'lhr' ): data_folder_static = result_dir+'20171002_164436_lhr_static/'; data_folder_vel = result_dir+'20171002_153334_lhr_vel/'; data_folder_acc = result_dir+'20170113_145826_lhr_const_acc/'; if(JOINT_NAME == 'lhp' ): data_folder_static = result_dir+'20171002_165335_lhp_static/'; data_folder_vel = result_dir+'20171002_154449_lhp_vel/'; data_folder_acc = result_dir+'20170113_151103_lhp_const_acc/'; if(JOINT_NAME == 'lk' ): data_folder_static = result_dir+'20170113_151748_lk_static/'; data_folder_vel = result_dir+'20170113_152924_lk_const_vel/'; data_folder_acc = result_dir+'20170113_152606_lk_const_acc/'; if(JOINT_NAME == 'lap' ): data_folder_static = result_dir+'20170113_154007_lap_static/'; data_folder_vel = result_dir+'20170113_154834_lap_const_vel/'; data_folder_acc = result_dir+'20170113_154303_lap_const_acc/'; if(JOINT_NAME == 'lar' ): data_folder_static = result_dir+'20170113_155150_lar_static/'; data_folder_vel = result_dir+'20170113_160057_lar_const_vel/'; data_folder_acc = result_dir+'20170113_155706_lar_const_acc/'; if (IDENTIFICATION_MODE=='static') : data_folder = data_folder_static if (IDENTIFICATION_MODE=='vel') : data_folder = data_folder_vel if (IDENTIFICATION_MODE=='acc') : data_folder = data_folder_acc JOINT_ID = jID[JOINT_NAME] DATA_FILE_NAME = 'data_j'+str(JOINT_ID)+'.npz'; ''' Load data from file ''' try: data = np.load(data_folder+DATA_FILE_NAME); enc = np.squeeze(data['enc']); dq = np.squeeze(data['dq']); ddq = np.squeeze(data['ddq']); tau = np.squeeze(data['tau']); ctrl = np.squeeze(data['ctrl']); current = np.squeeze(data['current']); except IOError: print "Impossible to read data file %s" % (data_folder+DATA_FILE_NAME); sys.exit("Run script to generate data file from tracer log files."); maskSaturation=np.logical_and( (current>-CURRENT_SATURATION) , (current<CURRENT_SATURATION)) if USING_CONTROL_AS_CURRENT_MEASURE: maskCtrlNotInDZ = np.logical_and( ctrl >= (DZ *0.8) ,ctrl <= -(DZ*0.8) ) maskSaturation=np.logical_or(maskSaturation, maskCtrlNotInDZ) if INVERT_CURRENT: current = - current enc = enc [maskSaturation]; dq = dq [maskSaturation]; ddq = ddq [maskSaturation]; tau = tau [maskSaturation]; ctrl = ctrl [maskSaturation]; current = current[maskSaturation]; if USING_CONTROL_AS_CURRENT_MEASURE: current_est = current.copy() #~ maskUpDZ = ctrl > DZ #~ maskDnDZ = ctrl < DZ #~ maskInDZ = np.logical_and( ctrl <= DZ ,ctrl >= -DZ ) current = ctrl / IN_OUT_GAIN #~ current[maskUpDZ] = (ctrl[maskUpDZ]-DZ) /IN_OUT_GAIN #~ current[maskDnDZ] = (ctrl[maskDnDZ]+DZ) /IN_OUT_GAIN #~ current[maskInDZ] = 0.0 #IDENTIFICATION_MODE='low_level' if(IDENTIFICATION_MODE=='low_level'): identify_motor_low_level(dq, ctrl, current); #Ktau,Tau0 Identification if(IDENTIFICATION_MODE=='static'): (Ktp, Ktn, Ks, DZ) = identify_motor_static(enc, dq, ctrl, current, tau, JOINT_ID, JOINT_NAME, ZERO_VEL_THRESHOLD, POSITIVE_VEL_THRESHOLD, SHOW_THRESHOLD_EFFECT); #save parameters for next identification level********************** np.savez(data_folder+'motor_param_'+JOINT_NAME+'.npz',Ktp=Ktp, Ktn=Ktn, Ks=Ks, DZ=DZ) plt.savefig(data_folder+"static_"+JOINT_NAME+".jpg") if(IDENTIFICATION_MODE=='vel' or IDENTIFICATION_MODE=='acc'): #load parameters from last identification level********************* try: data_motor_param = np.load(data_folder_static+'motor_param_'+JOINT_NAME+'.npz') Ktp=(data_motor_param['Ktp'].item()) Ktn=(data_motor_param['Ktn'].item()) except IOError: print "Impossible to read data file %s" % (data_folder_static+'motor_param_'+JOINT_NAME+'.npz'); sys.exit("Run identification on static experiments."); #Kd Identification if(IDENTIFICATION_MODE=='vel'): Ks =(data_motor_param['Ks'].item()) (Kvp, Kvn, Kfp, Kfn, DeadZone, K_bemf) = identify_motor_vel(dt, dq, ddq, ctrl, current, tau, Ktp, Ktn, Ks, ZERO_VEL_THRESHOLD, ZERO_ACC_THRESHOLD, Nvel, SHOW_THRESHOLD_EFFECT); np.savez(data_folder+'motor_param_'+JOINT_NAME+'.npz', Ktp=Ktp, Ktn=Ktn, Kvp=Kvp, Kvn=Kvn, Kfp=Kfp, Kfn=Kfn, DeadZone=DeadZone, K_bemf=K_bemf) warning = "" if USING_CONTROL_AS_CURRENT_MEASURE : warning = " (Current sensor not used)" print "cur_sens_gains[%d]= %f #Using %s"% (JOINT_ID, Ks, data_folder_static.split('/')[-2] + warning); print "deadzone[%d] = %f #Using %s"% (JOINT_ID, data_motor_param['DZ'].item(), data_folder_static.split('/')[-2] + warning); print "deadzone[%d] = %f #Using %s"% (JOINT_ID, DeadZone, data_folder_vel.split('/')[-2] + warning); print "K_bemf[%d] = %f # [Amp/Rad.s-1] Using %s"% (JOINT_ID, K_bemf, data_folder_vel.split('/')[-2] + warning); print 'Kt_p[%d] = %f #Using %s' % (JOINT_ID, Ktp, data_folder_static.split('/')[-2] + warning); print 'Kt_n[%d] = %f #Using %s' % (JOINT_ID, Ktn, data_folder_static.split('/')[-2] + warning); print 'Kv_p[%d] = %f #Using %s' % (JOINT_ID, Kvp, data_folder_vel.split('/')[-2] + warning); print 'Kv_n[%d] = %f #Using %s' % (JOINT_ID, Kvn, data_folder_vel.split('/')[-2] + warning); print 'Kf_p[%d] = %f #Using %s' % (JOINT_ID, Kfp, data_folder_vel.split('/')[-2] + warning); print 'Kf_n[%d] = %f #Using %s' % (JOINT_ID, Kfn, data_folder_vel.split('/')[-2] + warning); plt.savefig(data_folder+"vel_"+JOINT_NAME+".jpg") #J Identification if(IDENTIFICATION_MODE=='acc'): Kvp=(data_motor_param['Kvp'].item()) (Kap, Kan, Kfp, Kfn) = identify_motor_acc(dt, dq, ddq, current, tau, Ktp, Kvp, POSITIVE_VEL_THRESHOLD, ZERO_JERK_THRESHOLD, SHOW_THRESHOLD_EFFECT); print 'Ka_p[%d] = %f' % (JOINT_ID,Kap); print 'Ka_n[%d] = %f' % (JOINT_ID,Kan); print 'Kf_p[%d] = %f' % (JOINT_ID,Kfp); print 'Kf_n[%d] = %f' % (JOINT_ID,Kfn); #model vs measurement if (IDENTIFICATION_MODE=='test_model'): #load motor parameters import dynamic_graph.sot.torque_control.hrp2.motors_parameters as hrp2_motors_parameters Kt_p = hrp2_motors_parameters.Kt_p Kt_n = hrp2_motors_parameters.Kt_n Kf_p = hrp2_motors_parameters.Kf_p Kf_n = hrp2_motors_parameters.Kf_n Kv_p = hrp2_motors_parameters.Kv_p Kv_n = hrp2_motors_parameters.Kv_n Ka_p = hrp2_motors_parameters.Ka_p Ka_n = hrp2_motors_parameters.Ka_n motor = Motor_model(Kt_p[JOINT_ID], Kt_n[JOINT_ID], Kf_p[JOINT_ID], Kf_n[JOINT_ID], Kv_p[JOINT_ID], Kv_n[JOINT_ID], Ka_p[JOINT_ID], Ka_n[JOINT_ID],dqThreshold=0.01) tau_motor=np.zeros(len(tau)) tau_motor_current=np.zeros(len(tau)) tau_motor_vel=np.zeros(len(tau)) tau_motor_acc=np.zeros(len(tau)) i_motor=np.zeros(len(current)) for idx in range(len(tau)): tau_motor[idx] =motor.getTorque (current[idx], dq[idx], ddq[idx]) tau_motor_current[idx] =motor.getTorque (current[idx], 0.0, 0.0) tau_motor_vel[idx] =motor.getTorque (0.0, dq[idx], 0.0) tau_motor_acc[idx] =motor.getTorque (0.0, 0.0, ddq[idx]) i_motor[idx] =motor.getCurrent (tau[idx], dq[idx], ddq[idx]) plt.figure() alpha = 0.7 plt.plot(tau, alpha=alpha, label='torque from dynamic model') plt.plot(tau_motor, alpha=alpha, label='torque from motor model') plt.plot(tau_motor_current, alpha=alpha, label='torque from motor model (cur only)') plt.plot(tau_motor_vel, alpha=alpha, label='torque from motor model (vel only)') plt.plot(tau_motor_acc, alpha=alpha, label='torque from motor model (acc only)') plt.legend() plt.figure() plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(dq, label='dq') plt.legend() plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(current) plt.plot(i_motor) plt.legend(['measured current','Estimated current with model']) plt.figure() plt.plot(current, label='current') plt.plot(ctrl/IN_OUT_GAIN, label='ctrl') plt.legend()
import pyomo.environ as pyomo from import Port from pyomo.environ import units as u from hybrid.dispatch.dispatch import Dispatch class PowerSourceDispatch(Dispatch): """ """ def __init__(self, pyomo_model: pyomo.ConcreteModel, index_set: pyomo.Set, system_model, financial_model, block_set_name: str = 'generator'): super().__init__(pyomo_model, index_set, system_model, financial_model, block_set_name=block_set_name) @staticmethod def dispatch_block_rule(gen): ################################## # Parameters # ################################## gen.time_duration = pyomo.Param( doc="Time step [hour]", default=1.0, within=pyomo.NonNegativeReals, mutable=True, gen.cost_per_generation = pyomo.Param( doc="Generation cost for generator [$/MWh]", default=0.0, within=pyomo.NonNegativeReals, mutable=True, units=u.USD / u.MWh) gen.available_generation = pyomo.Param( doc="Available generation for the generator [MW]", default=0.0, within=pyomo.NonNegativeReals, mutable=True, units=u.MW) ################################## # Variables # ################################## gen.generation = pyomo.Var( doc="Power generation of generator [MW]", domain=pyomo.NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, gen.available_generation), units=u.MW) gen.generation_cost = pyomo.Var( doc="Cost of generation [$]", domain=pyomo.NonNegativeReals, units=u.USD) ################################## # Constraints # ################################## gen.generation_cost_calc = pyomo.Constraint( doc="Calculation of generation cost for objective function", expr=gen.generation_cost == gen.time_duration * gen.cost_per_generation * gen.generation) ################################## # Ports # ################################## gen.port = Port() gen.port.add(gen.generation) gen.port.add(gen.generation_cost) def initialize_dispatch_model_parameters(self): self.cost_per_generation = self._financial_model.value("om_capacity")[0]*1e3/8760 def update_time_series_dispatch_model_parameters(self, start_time: int): n_horizon = len(self.blocks.index_set()) generation = self._system_model.value("gen") if start_time + n_horizon > len(generation): horizon_gen = list(generation[start_time:]) horizon_gen.extend(list(generation[0:n_horizon - len(horizon_gen)])) else: horizon_gen = generation[start_time:start_time + n_horizon] if len(horizon_gen) < len(self.blocks): raise RuntimeError(f"Dispatch parameter update error at start_time {start_time}: System model " f"{type(self._system_model)} generation profile should have at least {len(self.blocks)} " f"length but has only {len(generation)}") self.available_generation = [gen_kw / 1e3 for gen_kw in horizon_gen] @property def cost_per_generation(self) -> float: for t in self.blocks.index_set(): return self.blocks[t].cost_per_generation.value @cost_per_generation.setter def cost_per_generation(self, om_dollar_per_mwh: float): for t in self.blocks.index_set(): self.blocks[t].cost_per_generation.set_value(round(om_dollar_per_mwh, self.round_digits)) @property def available_generation(self) -> list: return [self.blocks[t].available_generation.value for t in self.blocks.index_set()] @available_generation.setter def available_generation(self, resource: list): if len(resource) == len(self.blocks): for t, gen in zip(self.blocks, resource): self.blocks[t].available_generation.set_value(round(gen, self.round_digits)) else: raise ValueError(f"'resource' list ({len(resource)}) must be the same length as time horizon ({len(self.blocks)})") @property def generation(self) -> list: return [round(self.blocks[t].generation.value, self.round_digits) for t in self.blocks.index_set()] @property def generation_cost(self) -> list: return [round(self.blocks[t].generation_cost.value, self.round_digits) for t in self.blocks.index_set()]
<reponame>deepakkt/aasaan<gh_stars>0 # Generated by Django 2.0.4 on 2018-05-08 06:41 from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('notify', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.RemoveField( model_name='notifier', name='centers', ), ]