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The Indian government will be nothing if not relieved to see the first girlfriend made a wife. | 印度政府如果見到第一女友成為第一夫人而不感到如釋重負就無足輕重了。 印度最大的報紙之一印度快報怕有人不懂而指出,“女朋友不是妻子或配偶。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
As one of India’s leading daily newspapers, the | ”一旦結婚,所有有關法國代表團禮賓問題的擔心都將會煙消霧散。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
除了寶萊塢剛剛出道的女演員會在銀幕上有一些露骨的色情折騰表演外,印度還是一個極為保守的社會。 | Despite the sometimes downright pornographic on-screen writhing of Bollywood starlets, India is still a deeply conservative society. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Divorce is anathema. (Sarkozy is now twice divorced.) | 離婚是丟人現眼的事情(薩爾科奇現在已經兩次離婚了)。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
而且,儘管有錢有勢的人周圍有不少情人,但是她們並不公開出現在這些人的周圍。 | And, while mistresses abound among the privileged classes, they do not strut publicly by their power-mates’ sides. | 翻譯成中文。 |
公共場合下即使夫妻之間親吻擁抱也是為社會所不容。 | Kissing and fondling in public, even by spouses, is taboo. | 翻譯成中文。 |
In this respect, India more resembles the France with which Sarkozy wants to make a clean break than the current one. | 在這一方面,印度倒像是薩爾科奇所想要決裂的法國,而不是當前的法國。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Most Indians, as it seems many French, would prefer not to shed the “hypocrisy” Sarkozy laments on the part of his predecessors (read: former French President François Mitterrand, who had a child with his mistress about whom the public knew nothing until the man’s funeral). | 在許多法國人看來,大多數印度人情願不放下對薩爾科奇前任們的“偽善”指責(也就是,直到法國前總統密特朗葬禮時人們才知道他有一名情婦和私生女兒)。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
薩爾科奇要比所有的人都應該知道總統職位份量的很大一部分來自於莊重和場合。 | Sarkozy, of all people, should know that a large part of the gravitas of office derives from pomp and circumstance. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Statecraft is a realm where appearances are meant to be deceiving. | 在國事活動中,外表應當是遮人耳目的。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
薩爾科奇平時具有良好的媒體本能,他抱怨說他和平常人並沒有什麼兩樣。 這時候,他就危險地把總統個人和總統職務混為一談了。 | When Sarkozy, who otherwise has such finely tuned media instincts, protests that he’s no different from any other man, he comes dangerously close to confusing the office and the person of the president. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Most French people could only dream of an exotic wedding in India. | 大多數法國人只能夢見在印度舉辦一場充滿異國情調的婚禮。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Sarkozy could make that dream come true. | 薩爾科奇則可以讓這一夢想成為現實。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
如果他果真像他所說的那樣對布呂尼愛得死去活來而且想要大操大辦與她結婚,那麼為何不利用即將到來的印度之行並讓這一婚禮永誌不忘呢? | If he really is as head-over-heels in love with Bruni as he claims, and plans to marry her imminently, why not take advantage of his upcoming trip to India and make this a wedding to remember? | 翻譯成中文。 |
他可以讓新娘座在一頭精心打扮的大象上迎接,而新娘則身著印度鮮豔服裝,珠光寶氣。 | He could meet his bride seated majestically on the caparison of an elaborately decorated elephant, and she would look ravishing swathed and bejeweled in Indian finery. | 翻譯成中文。 |
被人稱為喜歡名牌服裝的總統的薩爾科奇可以穿上他所想要的所有金飾並且讓新娘戴上更多的鑽石。 | The “bling-bling” president, as Sarkozy has been dubbed, can wear all the gold he wants and heap yet more diamonds on his bride. | 翻譯成中文。 |
The cameras would roll, Indians would smile, and France would be treated to a Bollywood spectacle beyond its wildest dreams. | 照相機會閃個不停,印度人會抱以微笑,而法國將會受到做夢也想不到的寶萊塢式的熱鬧場景。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
And if it’s too late for the wedding, there’s always the reception. | 而且,如果沒有趕上婚禮,還有婚宴呢。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
A Born-Again CAP | 重生的共同農業政策 | 翻譯成英文。 |
瓦格寧根,荷蘭——誕生於1957年的共同農業政策(CAP)如今已年逾五旬,歐盟委員會正提議對它這位中年後代進行所謂的體檢。 | WAGENINGEN, NETHERLANDS – Born in 1957, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is now more than 50 years old, and the European Commission is proposing what it calls a health check for its middle-aged child. | 翻譯成中文。 |
不過,表面的修補礙難滿足歐盟未來的需要,共同農業政策必須轉世重生。 | But superficial repairs will not meet the European Union’s future needs. The CAP must be born again. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Work on its renewal is due to start now, with the completed project ready in 2013. But a much more profound re-think is needed. | 與其重生有關的工作預定即刻開始,完成的計劃在2013年將可付諸實施,但我們還需對其進行一番深入得多的再思考。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
The CAP’s original aim was to provide a secure source of food for the six original member states of the Union, which were importers of food and sought a degree of self-sufficiency. | 共同農業政策原本旨在為歐盟最初的六個成員國提供可靠的食物來源,當時這六國是食品進口國並試圖實現一定的自給自足。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Good, healthy, and cheap food had to be accessible for all citizens. | 所有公民都應獲得優質、健康而又廉價的食品; | 翻譯成英文。 |
Improved agricultural productivity would benefit rural areas and give farmers a comparative share in the Union’s growing wealth. | 提升的農業生產率將惠及農村地區,並使農民在歐盟不斷增長的財富中獲得相稱的一份。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
實現這些目標所需的手段得到發展,食品安全也得以實現。 | Instruments to achieve those objectives were developed, and food security was achieved. | 翻譯成中文。 |
很快,共同農業政策就被視為歐洲計劃中的皇冠上的寶石。 | The CAP quickly came to be seen as the jewel in the crown of the European project. | 翻譯成中文。 |
As the EU has evolved and expanded, food systems have become more complex, involving production, processing, supply-chain organization, and wholesale and retail distribution, with all of these involving new issues like health and the environment. | 隨著歐盟的演化與擴張,食品體系也變得更加複雜,這一體系不但包含了生產、加工、供應鏈組織以及批發和零售配銷等環節,而且每一環節又涉及諸如健康、環保等新的問題; | 翻譯成英文。 |
對土地的使用也受到更為認真的監控。 | The use of land is also receiving more serious scrutiny. | 翻譯成中文。 |
A 1991 study by the Netherlands Scientific Council for Governmental Policy, entitled | 1991年由荷蘭政府政策科學委員會進行的一次名為 | 翻譯成英文。 |
這些資料還只是針對彼時只有15個成員的歐盟,如今歐盟已擴大為27國,因此其潛在可能變得更為巨大。 | Those figures were for an EU of 15 countries, so with today’s 27 members the possibilities are even greater. | 翻譯成中文。 |
一份荷蘭的土地使用分析已經表明,通過在最好的可使用土地上運用最佳的技術與生態手段,食物生產可以顯著增加。 | A Dutch analysis of land use has shown that by employing the best technical and ecological means on the best available land, substantial gains could be made in food production. | 翻譯成中文。 |
因此,所需農民數量也已經顯著減少這一點不再令人吃驚。 | So it is not surprising that the number of farmers needed has fallen substantially. | 翻譯成中文。 |
從食品安全與農村地區財富狀況的角度看,目前,重訪共同農業政策的主要手段以引入新的政策方案的需求頗為迫切。 | Viewed from the standpoint of food security and the wealth of rural areas, there is now an urgent need to revisit the CAP’s main instruments so that a new policy formula can be introduced. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Perverse subsidies must be removed and recent new ones favoring products such as bio-fuels reconsidered. | 不當的補貼必須取消,近來有利於生物燃料等產品的新補貼則需加以重新考慮。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
但這一態度正有損於變化。 競爭必須加以鼓勵,因為更多的農村企業活動將強化農業社群,使得農民數量減少,而農場變得更好。 | The | 翻譯成中文。 |
一個簡化版的共同農業政策將鼓勵更為清潔、更加多產並且高效的農業。 | A simplified CAP would encourage cleaner, more productive, and efficient agriculture. | 翻譯成中文。 |
對於歐盟在世界上的地位而言,此舉還有一個額外益處,那就是一旦發展中國家的農民得到保證,將獲得來自歐洲的公平待遇後,世界貿易組織陷於中止的多哈談判就能重新啟動。 | A side benefit for the EU’s standing in the world could be that the World Trade Organization’s stalled Doha negotiations could be restarted once farmers in developing countries are assured of getting a fair deal from Europe. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Moreover, the CAP’s role as a motor of political and social integration in Europe could be restored once renewed policies are in place. | 而且只要更新後的政策就位,共同農業政策在歐洲政治與社會整合過程中所扮演的發動機角色就能恢復。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
But renewal of this sort cannot be left to global market forces, as the results might not necessarily benefit European agriculture and society. | 不過此類更新不能聽任全球市場力量的擺佈,因為其結果可能並不一定有利於歐洲農業與社會。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
如果市場“運作失當”,農民就會陷入貧困,並導致歐洲大片地區受到忽視。 | If the market “misbehaves,” farmers could be reduced to poverty, leading to the neglect of large areas of Europe. | 翻譯成中文。 |
這是決策者們根據以下五條重要原則改革共同農業政策時必須嚴肅加以考慮的、足夠真切的危險。 | That is a real enough danger to which policymakers must give serious thought as they reform the CAP on the basis of the following five pillars. | 翻譯成中文。 |
1.      The EU needs a knowledge and innovation policy that strengthens European agriculture’s competitiveness. | 1、歐盟需要一個增強歐洲農業競爭力的知識與創新政策。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Such a policy has been successful in the Netherlands, substantially contributing to the development and power of the country’s agribusiness. | 這一政策曾在荷蘭取得成功,對該國農業綜合企業的發展與實力貢獻良多。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Ten of 21 branches of Dutch agribusiness, including horticultural seeds, ornamentals, seed potatoes, and veal, are among the top contributors to the national economy and the country’s trade balance. | 荷蘭農業綜合企業21個分支中的10個(包括園藝育種、觀賞植物、種用馬鈴薯與小牛肉)位列對該國經濟與貿易收支平衡貢獻最大的產業之中。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
In the EU as a whole, a policy directed toward research programs stimulating scientific excellence and greater coherence in the European knowledge system would greatly strengthen agriculture’s competitiveness and contribute to food security and sustainable development. | 歐盟作為整體而言,導向刺激科學卓越成就與歐洲知識體系內更高一致性的研究專案的政策將極大地增強農業競爭力並有助於食品安全和可持續發展。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
2、歐洲也需要一個關於土地使用的重組政策。 | 2.      Europe also needs a restructuring policy for land use. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Many structural improvement programs have been financed at the European level, but agricultural production and land use are not among them. | 在歐洲層面已有許多結構性改進專案得到資助,但農業生產與土地使用卻不在其中。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
農業主體結構的發展將補全歐洲主體生態結構。 | The development of an Agricultural Main Structure would compliment the European Ecological Main Structure. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Reforestation and the repair of natural ecosystems should also be part of a land use policy. | 重新造林與自然生態系統的修復也應當被納入土地使用政策之中。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
3、關於歐洲食品體系的政策應對生產、加工、分配、物流以及零售諸環節進行聯合考慮。 | 3.      A policy for European food systems would treat production, processing, distribution, logistics, and retailing in combination. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Consumption patterns and preferences are an integral part of such systems. | 消費模式與偏好也是這類體系不可或缺的一部分。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
歐洲科學基金會所做的初步研究 ——“對歐洲食品體系的展望”將為歐盟範圍的政策創制提供幫助。 | Preliminary studies by the European Science Foundation’s “Forward Look on European Food Systems” could prove useful in devising an EU-wide policy. | 翻譯成中文。 |
4.      Metropolitan agriculture in a rapidly urbanizing world can provide high-quality produce on small amounts of land. | 4、在一個高速城市化的世界中,都市型農業能憑藉少量的土地供應高質量的農產品。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
It offers an answer to rising demand for healthy food with minimal environmental side effects. | 這為如何滿足對健康食品不斷增長的需求,同時又對環境的副作���最小這一問題提供了一個答案。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
5、新的共同農業政策應當包含一個保護歐洲地形的方案。 | 5.      A new CAP should include a policy to safeguard Europe’s landscapes. | 翻譯成中文。 |
但並非各處都應保留文化遺產,也不該忽視其成本。 | But a cultural heritage should not be maintained everywhere, nor should it ignore cost. | 翻譯成中文。 |
And it should not be a defensive policy of the sort that tends to concentrate on poor-quality land. | 同時它還不應該成為一個趨向全力聚焦於貧瘠土地的防禦性政策。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
These five pillars involve drastic choices, but they will probably require less money from Europe’s taxpayers, not more. | 上述五條重要原則涉及到激烈的選擇,但它們可能只需歐洲納稅人付出更少的資金,而非更多。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
They could make a real contribution to cleaner, more productive, and efficient farming and land use, while addressing social needs. | 它們將對更為清潔、更加多產並且高效的農業與土地使用做出真正的貢獻,並能兼顧社會的需求。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
突破飢餓危機 | A Breakthrough Against Hunger | 翻譯成中文。 |
NEW YORK – Today’s world hunger crisis is unprecedentedly severe and requires urgent measures. | 紐約—當今世界飢餓危機的嚴重程度前所未有,已是當務之急。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
近十億人在忍受著長期飢餓的煎熬—這樣的人口很可能比兩年前增加了一億。 | Nearly one billion people are trapped in chronic hunger – perhaps 100 million more than two years ago. | 翻譯成中文。 |
西班牙正在對抗飢餓方面起著全球性的領導作用。 它將邀請世界各國領導人於一月底匯聚馬德里,將言語付諸行動。 | Spain is taking global leadership in combating hunger by inviting world leaders to Madrid in late January to move beyond words to action. | 翻譯成中文。 |
With Spain’s leadership and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s partnership, several donor governments are proposing to pool their financial resources so that the world’s poorest farmers can grow more food and escape the poverty trap. | 在西班牙的領導和聯合國祕書長潘基文的支援下,幾個捐助國政府正協商著將他們的財政資源集中起來以便讓世界上最貧困的農民能夠種植更多的糧食,從而擺脫貧窮的陷阱。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
捐助國的支援所帶來的好處是不言而喻的。 | The benefits of some donor help can be remarkable. | 翻譯成中文。 |
非洲、海地和其他貧困地區目前都在沒有高產種子和化肥的情況下種植作物。 | Peasant farmers in Africa, Haiti, and other impoverished regions currently plant their crops without the benefit of high-yield seed varieties and fertilizers. | 翻譯成中文。 |
其結果就是糧食產量(例如玉米)比在有更好的農業投入的情況下大約要少三分之一。 | The result is a grain yield (for example, maize) that is roughly one-third less than what could be achieved with better farm inputs. | 翻譯成中文。 |
African farmers produce roughly one ton of grain per hectare, compared with more than four tons per hectare in China, where farmers use fertilizers heavily. | 相較於大量施用化肥的中國農民每公頃四噸的產量,非洲農民每公頃的糧食產量只有約一噸。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
African farmers know that they need fertilizer; they just can’t afford it. | 非洲農民知道他們需要化肥,只是買不起。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
With donor help, they can. | 有了捐助國的幫助,他們就能用上化肥了。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Not only do these farmers then feed their families, but they also can begin to earn market income and to save for the future. | 到那時,這些農民不僅能養家餬口,還能開始賺取市場收入併為未來而儲蓄。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
By building up savings over a few years, the farmers eventually become creditworthy, or have enough cash to purchase vitally necessary inputs on their own. | 有了幾年的積蓄,這些農民最終能夠成為具有銀行信用的人,或者有足夠的現金自行購買必需的農業投入。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
There is now widespread agreement on the need for increased donor financing for small farmers (those with two hectares or less of land, or impoverished pastoralists), which is especially urgent in Africa. | 現今的一個廣泛共識是捐助融資對非洲小農戶(擁有兩公頃或以下土地,或者是貧窮的畜牧業者)的必要性和急迫性。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
聯合國祕書長領導的一個指導小組去年得出的結論是非洲農業每年需要約八十億的捐助融資—大約是現有規模的四倍—而重中之重是改良的種子、化肥、灌溉系統和延伸培訓。 | The UN Secretary General led a steering group last year that determined that African agriculture needs around $8 billion per year in donor financing – roughly four times the current total – with a heavy emphasis on improved seeds, fertilizer, irrigation systems, and extension training. | 翻譯成中文。 |
In addition to direct help for small farms, donors should provide more help for the research and development needed to identify new high-yielding seed varieties, especially to breed plants that can withstand temporary flooding, excess nitrogen, salty soils, crop pests, and other challenges to sustainable food production. | 除了對小農場的直接援助外,捐助方還應該在必需的研發方面給予更多的幫助,從而開發更多種類的新高產種子,特別是用以培育能夠耐受暫時的洪澇、過量的氮、鹽質土壤、害蟲和其他可持續糧食生產所面臨的挑戰的作物。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
以當今的技術幫助窮人,同時投資於未來更好的技術是最佳的分工。 | Helping the poor with today’s technologies, while investing in future improved technologies, is the optimum division of labor. | 翻譯成中文。 |
This investment pays off wonderfully, with research centers such as the International Rice Research Institute and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre providing the high-yield seeds and innovative farming strategies that together triggered the Asian Green Revolution. | 有了如國際水稻研究所和國際玉米及小麥研究所這些提供高產種子和創新農業戰略,並共同引發了亞洲“綠色革命”的研究中心,這種投資的回報極為可觀。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
這些中心並非人盡皆知,但它們的確是無名英雄。 | These centers are not household names, but they deserve to be. | 翻譯成中文。 |
它們的科學突破幫助我們養活了全世界的人口,這樣的機構應該更多一些。 | Their scientific breakthroughs have helped to feed the world, and we’ll need more of them. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Dozens of low-income, food-deficit countries, perhaps as many as 40-50, have elaborated urgent programs for increased food production by small farms, but are currently held back by the lack of donor funding. | 數十個低收入、糧食赤字的國家(可能有四十到五十個)已經宣佈了旨在增加小農場糧食產量的緊急計劃,但卻由於缺少捐助方的資金支援而力不從心。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
These countries have appealed to the World Bank for financing, and the Bank made a valiant effort in 2008 to help through its new Global Food Crisis Response Program (GFCRP). | 這些國家向世界銀行請求融資,而該行在2008年也不遺餘力地通過其新的“全球糧食危機響應計劃” (GFCRP) 提供了幫助。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
But the Bank does not yet have sufficient funds to meet these countries’ urgent needs, and has had to ration assistance to a small fraction of the flows that could be effectively and reliably used. | 但世行資金在滿足這些國家的緊急需求方面也是捉襟見肘,並不得不對援助資金進行配額限制,使得其數額相對於原本所需的可靠而有效資金量而言只是杯水車薪。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Hundreds of millions of people, in the meantime, remain trapped in hunger. | 同時,近十億人則在飢餓中掙扎。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
許多捐助國都各自宣稱正準備增加對小型農業的資金支援,但現在正尋求一種合適的實施機制。 | Many individual donor countries have declared that they are now prepared to increase their financial support for smallholder agriculture, but are searching for the appropriate mechanisms to do so. | 翻譯成中文。 |
目前的援助架構尚有欠缺。 | The current aid structures are inadequate. | 翻譯成中文。 |
二十餘家雙邊和多邊的農業援助機構則高度分散,其規模不論個體還是集體都尚顯不足。 | The more than 20 bilateral and multilateral donor agencies for agriculture are highly fragmented and of insufficient scale individually and collectively. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Despite the dedicated efforts of many professionals, the response to the hunger crisis remains utterly inadequate. | 儘管許多專業人士付出了巨大的努力,但對飢餓危機的響應仍然遠遠不足。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
The 2008 planting seasons came and went with much too little additional help for impoverished small farmers. | 2008年的種植季節來了又去,貧窮的小農戶們在此期間所獲得的額外援助仍是少之又少。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
非洲國家無盡地,也幾乎無果地尋求著購買化肥和良種所需的小額資金。 | African countries search endlessly, and mostly fruitlessly, for the small amounts of funding needed for their purchases of fertilizer and improved seeds. | 翻譯成中文。 |
My colleagues and I, serving on an advisory committee for the Spanish initiative, have recommended that donors pool their funds into a single international account, which we call the Financial Coordination Mechanism (FCM). | 作為西班牙政府此項計劃的顧問委員會成員,我和我的同事們建議捐助方將他們的資金集中到同一個被我們稱為“融資協調機制(FCM)”的國際賬戶。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
這些集中起來的資金能讓貧窮國家的農民獲得急需的化肥、良種和小型灌溉裝置。 | These pooled funds would enable farmers in poor countries to obtain the fertilizer, improved seed varieties, and small-scale irrigation equipment that they urgently need. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Poor countries would receive prompt and predictable financing for agricultural inputs from a single account, rather than from dozens of distinct and fragmented donors. | 窮國能從一個統一賬戶而不是數十個各自為政且高度分散的捐助方獲得即時和可預見的農業投入融資。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
通過將財政資源集中到一個統一的捐助方FCM,可以保持較低的援助計劃行政成本,援助資金流的持續性也能得到保證,而窮國也不必為了獲得援助而進行二十五次談判。 | By pooling financial resources into a single-donor FCM, aid programs’ administrative costs could be kept low, the availability of aid flows could be assured, and poor countries would not have to negotiate 25 times in order to receive help. | 翻譯成中文。 |
The time for business as usual is over. | 按部就班的時代一去不返。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
The donors promised to double aid to Africa by 2010, but are still far off track. | 捐助方承諾到2010年將援助資金增加一倍,但現在仍是任重道遠。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Indeed, during the past 20 years, they actually cut aid for agriculture programs, and only now are reversing course. | 的確,在過去的二十年裡,他們實際上削減了農業計劃的援助資金,直到現在才開始回到正軌。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
與此同時,十億人卻每天生活在飢餓的陰影之中。 | Meanwhile, a billion people go hungry each day. | 翻譯成中文。 |
We need a breakthrough that is demonstrable, public, clear, and convincing, that can mobilize the public’s hearts and minds, and that can demonstrate success. | 我需要一種突破,它具有示範效應,公開、明晰並具有說服力; 它能激發公眾的身心投入,並彰顯成功。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
History can be made in Madrid at the end of January, when the world’s richest and poorest countries converge to seek solutions to the global hunger crisis. | 當世界上最富裕和最貧窮的國家在一月底齊心協力尋求全球飢餓危機的解決之道時,我們就能在馬德里創造歷史。 | 翻譯成英文。 |