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A Big Chance for Small Farmers | 小農迎來大機遇 | 翻譯成英文。 |
NEW YORK – The G-8’s $20 billion initiative on smallholder agriculture, launched at the group’s recent summit in L’Aquila, Italy, is a potentially historic breakthrough in the fight against hunger and extreme poverty. | 紐約——八國集團不久前在義大利拉奎拉峰會上啟動的200億美元小農援助計劃或許是戰勝飢餓和極端貧困的一次歷史性的突破。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
如果這筆新資金能得到認真的管理,非洲的糧食生產將會大幅度增加。 | With serious management of the new funds, food production in Africa will soar. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Indeed, the new initiative, combined with others in health, education, and infrastructure, could be the greatest step so far toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the internationally agreed effort to reduce extreme poverty, disease, and hunger by half by 2015 . | 實際上,這項新計劃和其他醫療、教育、基礎設施計劃一起,有可能成為迄今為止實現千年發展目標的最有效舉措,千年發展目標國際協議規定到2015年將極端貧困、疾病和飢餓人口減少到原來的半數。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
During 2002-2006, I led the United Nations Millennium Project, which aimed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, for then-UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. | 2002至2006年,我為實現千年發展目標,在時任聯合國祕書長科菲·安南管理下領導聯合國千年發展專案。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
One cornerstone of the project was “smallholder farmers,” meaning peasant farm families in Africa, Latin America, and Asia – working farms of around one hectare (2.5 acres) or less. | “小農”是這個專案的基礎,“小農”一詞是非洲、拉美和亞洲耕種土地不超過1公頃(合2. 5英畝)的農民家庭的代名詞。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
頗具諷刺意味的是,儘管自身也生產糧食,但他們卻隸屬於世界最貧困、最飢餓家庭的行列。 | These are some of the poorest households in the world, and, ironically, some of the hungriest as well, despite being food producers. | 翻譯成中文。 |
他們飢餓,是因為無力購買提高產量所需的高產種子、化肥、灌溉裝置和其他工具。 | They are hungry because they lack the ability to buy high-yield seeds, fertilizer, irrigation equipment, and other tools needed to increase productivity. | 翻譯成中文。 |
As a result, their output is meager and insufficient for their subsistence. | 這導致農作物產量匱乏,根本不夠維持生計。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
他們的貧困造成農業生產率低下,而農業生產率低下又反過來加劇了貧困。 | Their poverty causes low farm productivity, and low farm productivity reinforces their poverty. | 翻譯成中文。 |
It’s a vicious circle, technically known as a poverty trap. | 這形成了惡性迴圈,技術上被稱為貧困陷阱。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
在兩位世界著名科學家斯瓦米納坦和佩德羅·桑切斯的領導下,聯合國千年發展專案反飢餓工作組研究這種惡性迴圈應該如何打破。 工作組的結論是,如果以農業投入的方式向小農提供幫助,可能會大幅增加非洲糧食產量。 | The UN Millennium Project’s Hunger Task Force, led by two world-leading scientists, M. S. Swaminathan and Pedro Sanchez, examined how to break this vicious circle. | 翻譯成中文。 |
千年計劃建議大幅度增加對這方面的全球資助。 根據此項成果及相關的科學發現,安南在擴大非洲和捐助國合作規模的基礎上,在2004年呼籲啟動非洲綠色革命。 | The Hunger Task Force determined that Africa could substantially increase its food production if help was given to smallholder farmers, in the form of agricultural inputs. The Millennium Project recommended a big increase in global funding for this purpose. Drawing on that work and related scientific findings, Annan launched a call in 2004 for an African Green Revolution, based on an expanded partnership between Africa and donor countries. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Many of us, notably current UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, have worked hard to make this possible, with Ban repeatedly emphasizing the special emergency arising from the global food, financial, and energy crises of the past two years. | 我們很多人,特別是現任聯合國祕書長潘基文,為實現這一目標付出了艱苦的努力。 潘祕書長反覆強調過去兩年中全球糧食、金融和能源危機引發的特別問題。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
八國集團宣告反映了這些年的努力,其中當然離不開美國總統巴拉克·奧巴馬、西班牙總理何塞·路易斯·薩帕特羅、澳大利亞總理陸克文、世界銀行行長羅伯特·佐立克、歐盟專員路易·米歇爾、歐洲議會議員蒂伊斯·伯曼、還有其他人的領導作用。 | The G-8 announcement reflects these years of effort, and of course the boost from the leadership of US President Barack Obama, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, World Bank President Robert Zoellick, European Commissioner Louis Michel, European Parliamentarian Thijs Berman, and others. | 翻譯成中文。 |
現在的關鍵是要收到實效。 | Now the key is to make this effort work. | 翻譯成中文。 |
歷史的教訓顯而易見。 | The lessons of history are clear. | 翻譯成中文。 |
向小農家庭發放含有大量補貼的種子和化肥(有時甚至是免費發放)將產生持續性效果。 | Getting seed and fertilizer to smallholder farmers at highly subsidized prices (or even free in some cases) will make a lasting difference. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Not only will food yields rise in the short term, but farm households will use their higher incomes and better health to accumulate all sorts of assets: cash balances, soil nutrients, farm animals, and their children’s health and education. | 不僅能在短期內提高糧食產量,而且能使農戶利用高收入和更好的醫療積累各種財富:現金盈餘、土壤養分、家畜、及其子女的醫療和教育。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
資產的積累反過來會啟動小額融資公司等當地信貸市場。 | That boost in assets will, in turn, enable local credit markets, such as micro-finance, to begin operating. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Farmers will be able to buy inputs, either out of their own cash, or by borrowing against their improved creditworthiness. | 農戶可以依靠自有資金或資信改善來以貸款的方式購買農用物資。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
目前已經就援助小農的必要性達成���一致,但在實際操作中還存在問題。 | A consensus has now been reached on the need to assist smallholders, but obstacles remain. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Perhaps the main risk is that the “aid bureaucracies” now trip over each other to try to get their hands on the $20 billion, so that much of it gets taken up by meetings, expert consultations, overhead, reports, and further meetings. | 現在主要的風險或許是“官僚援助體系”竭力爭奪這200億美元的經費,想把儘可能多的部分用於會議、專家諮詢、管理費用、報告撰寫以及組織更多的會議。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
“Partnerships” of donors can become an expensive end in themselves, merely delaying real action. | 捐助國的“夥伴關係”自身又可能代價昂貴,而且除推遲實際行動外起不到任何作用。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
如果捐助國政府真的看重結果,就應該從30家或者更多的獨立官僚援助機構中把款項收回,集中交給一兩家機構管理。 最順理成章的管理機構是華盛頓世界銀行和羅馬聯合國國際農業發展基金。 | If donor governments really want results, they should take the money out of the hands of thirty or more separate aid bureaucracies and pool it in one or two places, the most logical being the World Bank in Washington and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome. | 翻譯成中文。 |
這樣這一兩家機構就會擁有數十億美元的扶貧賬戶。 | One or both of these agencies would then have an account with several billion dollars. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Governments in hunger-stricken regions, especially Africa, would then submit national action plans that would provide details on how they would use the donor funds to get high-yield seeds, fertilizer, irrigation, farm tools, storage silos, and local advice to impoverished farmers. | 饑荒地區,特別是非洲的政府,則需提交國家行動計劃,提供他們打算如何利用捐助款項為貧困農民提供高產種子、化肥、灌溉、農機、倉庫和諮詢建議的細節。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
將由獨立的專家小組對國家計劃的科學性和管理的連貫性進行評估。 | An independent expert panel would review the national plans to verify their scientific and managerial coherence. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Assuming that a plan passes muster, the money to support it would quickly be disbursed. | 如果計劃通過了檢驗,支援計劃的資金將迅速撥付到位。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
而後,將對每項國家計劃進行監督、審計和評估。 | Afterward, each national program would be monitored, audited, and evaluated. | 翻譯成中文。 |
This approach is straightforward, efficient, accountable, and scientifically sound. | 這種方法直接、有效、負責、有著不錯的科學基礎。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
最近兩個成功的捐助案例就是使用的這種方法:其一是全球疫苗免疫聯盟成功為兒童提供免疫服務,還有就是全球艾滋病、肺結核和瘧疾基金為戰勝上述致命疾病的國家計劃提供了支援。 | Two major recent success stories in aid have used this approach: the Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunizations, which successfully gets immunizations to young children, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria, which supports national action plans to battle these killer diseases. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Both have saved millions of lives during the past decade, and have paved the way to a new more efficient and scientifically sound method of development assistance. | 過去10年來這兩家機構都挽救了數百萬人的生命,併為更高效、更科學合理的新的發展援助方法鋪平了道路。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
很多聯合國和富裕國家援助機構為此展開爭奪,這並不值得大驚小怪。 | Not surprisingly, many UN agencies and aid agencies in rich countries fight this approach. | 翻譯成中文。 |
All too often, the fight is about turf, rather than about the most effective way to speed help to the poor. | 但這種爭奪常常是為了爭權奪利,而不是以最有效的方法向貧困人口提供援助。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Obama, Rudd, Zapatero, and other forward-thinking leaders can therefore make a huge difference by following up on their pledges at the G-8 and insisting that the aid really works. | 奧巴馬、陸克文、薩帕特羅和其他有遠見的領導人因此可以通過兌現在八國峰會上的承諾、堅持要求實際援助效果帶來巨大的變化。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
必須繞過官僚機構為由世界最貧困的農民家庭所耕種的土地提供援助。 | The bureaucracies must be bypassed to get help to where it is needed: in the soil tilled by the world’s poorest farm families. | 翻譯成中文。 |
黑白人種問題 | A Black and White Question | 翻譯成中文。 |
紐約——7月16日下午兩名男子看似正試圖闖入位於馬薩諸塞州坎布里奇高尚住宅區的一棟豪宅。 | NEW YORK – In the afternoon of July 16 two men appeared to be breaking into a fine house in an expensive area of Cambridge, Massachusetts. | 翻譯成中文。 |
接到電話報警後,一名警察立即趕到了現場。 | Alerted by a telephone call, a policeman arrived smartly on the scene. | 翻譯成中文。 |
He saw one black male standing inside the house and asked him to come out. | 他看到一名黑人男子在房間裡,就要求他出來。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
那個人拒絕了。 | The man refused. | 翻譯成中文。 |
警察要求他說明身份。 | He was then told to identify himself. | 翻譯成中文。 |
該男子仍然拒絕走出房門,但說自己是一位哈佛教授,出示了證件,並警告警察不要打擾他。 | The man, still refusing to step out, said he was a Harvard professor, showed his ID, and warned the cop not to mess with him. | 翻譯成中文。 |
他說美國黑人遭到歧視,並要求那位白人警察報名並出示警官證。 | He said something about black men in America being singled out, and asked the cop, who was white, for his name and identification. | 翻譯成中文。 |
The cop, joined by several colleagues, arrested the professor for disorderly conduct. | 此時該警察的幾名同事趕到,他們以妨害治安為由逮捕了這位教授。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
We now know that the professor had broken into his own home, with the help of his chauffeur, because the door was jammed. | 我們現在知道這位教授在司機的幫助下闖入了自家的房門,因為門被卡住了。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
What was unusual here was not the cop’s heavy-handedness. | 這次事件中不同尋常的並不是警察的暴虐。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Most people in the US know that if you talk back to the police, they will get nasty very fast. | 多數美國人都知道如果跟警察頂嘴,他們很快就會變得氣急敗壞。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
The fact that the man was black might or might not have made the cop go for his handcuffs even sooner than he might normally have done. | 這位教授是黑人的事實可能有也可能沒有導致警察更快地掏出手銬。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
這一點也沒有什麼不同尋常。 | That, too, would not have been unusual. | 翻譯成中文。 |
這個案件的特殊性在於亨利·路易斯·蓋茨是美國最著名的教授之一,著作等身,文章充棟,並多次在電視上露面。 | What made this case special was that Henry Louis “Skip” Gates is one of the most celebrated professors in the country, famous for his books, his articles, and numerous television appearances. | 翻譯成中文。 |
He is a grandee, a mover and shaker in the academic and media world, a friend of President Barack Obama. | 他稱得上是位顯貴,在學術和媒體圈中一呼百應,還與巴拉克·奧巴馬總統私交甚篤。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
That is why he warned the cop, Sgt. James Crowley, a veteran of the Cambridge police force, not to mess with him. | 他因此警告詹姆斯·克勞利中士,這位坎布里奇的老資格警官不要招惹他。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Class and race overlap in the US. | 美國的階級和種族問題錯綜複雜。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
In this instance, it is impossible to pry them apart. | 在這個案件中,不可能將它們區分清楚。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
蓋茨非常瞭解美國糟糕的種族關係史,甚至可以說是這方面的專家,因此他本能地認為自己成了種族歧視的受害者。 | Gates, deeply conscious, indeed a specialist of the terrible history of race relations in his country, instinctively assumed that he was a victim of prejudice. | 翻譯成中文。 |
從他的話中還可以看出他因未能獲得一位哈佛教授兼媒體名人應有的尊重而耿耿於懷。 | From his words it appears that he was equally conscious of not getting the proper respect due to a distinguished Harvard professor and media celebrity. | 翻譯成中文。 |
他在網上公佈的一次採訪中對自己的女兒說:“[克勞利]當時應該對我說,‘對不起,先生,祝您好運。 我喜歡您的[電視]系列片——回頭見! | As he put it to his daughter in an interview published online: “[Crowley] should have gotten out of there and said, ‘I’m sorry, sir, good luck. | 翻譯成中文。 |
’說完後立即離開。 ” | Loved your [television] series—check with you later!’” | 翻譯成中文。 |
Alas, Sgt.Crowley had never heard of Professor Gates. | 唉,克勞利中士從來沒有聽說過蓋茨教授的大名。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
作為一名兄弟都在警方供職的當地男性,一名體育愛好者,和一名業餘籃球教練,克勞利和蓋茨根本不屬於同一個的社交圈。 | A local man whose brothers all serve in the police force, a sports fan, and an amateur basketball coach, Crowley does not move in the same social circles as Gates. | 翻譯成中文。 |
實際上,對蓋茨的指控已被及時取消,如果不是奧巴馬總統在因連續幾周爭取通過醫療法案未果而感到厭倦和沮喪時去替“老友”蓋茨說話,將警方斥之為“愚不可及”的話,這個案件可能已經煙消雲散了。 | As it happens, the charges were duly dropped, and there the case might have rested if President Obama, tired and frustrated after weeks of fighting for his healthcare bill, had not weighed in on behalf of his “friend” Gates, and called the police “stupid.” | 翻譯成中文。 |
Both he and Gates then spoke of “learning” from the incident. | 然後他和蓋茨都談到了這次事件的“教訓”。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
蓋茨甚至可能正在籌劃拍攝一部有關粗暴執法的電視紀錄片。 | Gates might even be planning a television documentary on racial profiling. | 翻譯成中文。 |
如果我們還沒有吸取這樣的教訓,那麼這件事的教訓之一就是告訴我們儘管選出了一位黑人總統,但種族敏感問題多麼容易在美國生活中浮出水面。 | One thing to be learned, if we didn’t know this already, is how close racial sensitivities are to the surface of US life, despite the election of a black president. | 翻譯成中文。 |
黑人的憤怒、白人的負疚、還有黑人和白人的恐懼是如此錯綜複雜,以致於多數美國人選擇逃避種族話題。 | The complexities of black anger, white guilt, and of black, and white fear, are so vexed that most Americans prefer not to talk about race at all. | 翻譯成中文。 |
這片領域裡有著太多的地雷。 | The field is too full of mines. | 翻譯成中文。 |
One of Obama’s great achievements is that he made it into a serious topic through the brilliance and subtlety of his rhetoric. | 奧巴馬最大的成就之一是他通過自己智慧巧妙的措辭,對絕大多數人諱莫如深的種族問題進行了嚴肅的探討。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
And there remains plenty to talk about: the grotesquely disproportionate number of black men in US prisons; the lack of educational opportunities in poor, mostly black areas; the appalling healthcare system; and the very real brutality used by police officers against blacks, who don’t have the privilege of a Harvard ID. | 可以談論的話題還有很多:包括美國監獄中比例畸高的黑人在押犯、窮人聚居區、絕大部分是黑人聚居區教育機會的匱乏、可怕的醫療體制、以及警官對沒有哈佛身份的黑人所採用的真實的暴力行徑。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
It is probably true that many white policemen, even if they are trained to avoid racial profiling, as Sgt. Crowley was, need to be convinced that a black man can be at home in one of the finer houses of Cambridge, or any other American city. | 也許的確需要說服像克勞利中士這樣的許多白人警官,即便他們曾經接受過避免暴力執法的訓練,黑人也可以居住在位於坎布里奇、或者其他任何美國城市的高尚住宅區的家中。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
But is the Gates affair the right way to enter into this discussion? | 如果不是蓋茨教授,誰還能夠引起關注? 正因為他是名人顯貴,才能吸引全國民眾關注這一嚴重的問題。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
One might argue that it | 如果同樣的事情發生在哈萊姆區,或另外一個主要由黑人構成的窮人聚居區內一個無名小卒的身上,那麼也許根本就不會有人知道。 這次事件發生在坎布里奇教授身上才吸引了人們的注意力。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
但這個案件的確也存在著對有關種族的全國討論產生負面影響的危險性。 | There is, however, a danger that it will have an adverse affect on the necessary national discussion about race. | 翻譯成中文。 |
因為把實際上不那麼重要的問題過分誇大,蓋茨可能受到將比這惡劣很多的濫用職權事件瑣碎化的指責。 | By having made such a big issue out of what was in fact a relatively minor event Gates could be accused of trivializing much worse instances of abuse. | 翻譯成中文。 |
事實上,我們根本不知道這個案件是否涉及到種族範疇。 | Indeed, we don’t even know for certain whether this was such an instance. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Crowley never mentioned the color of Gates’ skin. There was no question of violence. | 克勞利自始至終從未提到過蓋茨的膚色,也沒有出現過任何暴力侵害行為。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
只是教授和警察雙方都對不尊重的暗示表現得過於敏感。 | There were just very raw nerves and hypersensitivity to hints of disrespect, on the part of the professor, and of the cop. | 翻譯成中文。 |
一位不願受到打擾的教授的怒火併非探討無數貧困的無名人士所處困境的最佳方式,這些無名的小人物太容易被我們所忽略。 | Outrage about a professor who is not to be messed with is not the best way to discuss the plight of countless, poor, anonymous people, whom most of us find it too easy to ignore. | 翻譯成中文。 |
A Bollywood Bride for Sarkozy? | 薩爾科奇的寶萊塢新娘 | 翻譯成英文。 |
巴黎--自從法國總統薩爾科奇在歐洲迪斯尼的浪漫之旅期間公開承認與前超級模特、流行音樂歌手布呂尼的戀情而把自己從法國最受追逐的鑽石王老五名單中除下後,他就沾染上了麻煩。 | PARIS -- Ever since French President Nicolas Sarkozy took himself off his country’s most-eligible-bachelor list by publicly acknowledging his affair with supermodel-turned-pop-musician Carla Bruni during a romantic trip to Euro Disney, he’s run into trouble. | 翻譯成中文。 |
他的民意指數第一次下降到50%以下。 | His ratings have dipped below 50% for the first time. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Older French citizens don’t find the public spectacle of their leader in love very amusing. | 上年紀的法國人並不欣賞國家領導人公開展示戀情。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Abroad, Egyptian lawmakers were so exercised over the prospect of the French head of state sharing a bed with his girlfriend that several vented their disapproval on the floor of the parliament. | 在外國,幾名埃及議員們對於法國國家元首同其女友同床共枕非常激動,乃至在國會上公開表示不滿。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
同樣,印度也對如何處理薩爾科奇即將作為國家貴賓參加該國1月26日的共和國日慶祝活動的禮賓問題為難。 | Likewise, India is all in a quandary over how to handle protocol during Sarkozy’s impending visit to the subcontinent as the guest of honor at the country’s Republic Day celebrations on January 26. | 翻譯成中文。 |
第一女友是否應當像第一夫人一樣有自己的車隊呢? | Should the First Girlfriend have her own motorcade, as a first lady would? | 翻譯成中文。 |
極右翼印度教團體反對情人節,認為這是腐朽墮落的西方節日。 他們警告說,如果薩爾科奇帶著女朋友來訪,他們就會上街歡迎。 | Meanwhile, the same hard-right Hindu groups that protest Valentine’s Day as a decadent Western holiday have warned that if Sarkozy arrives with his girlfriend in tow, they’ll be out in the streets to welcome him. | 翻譯成中文。 |
這一爭端已經威脅給大受讚揚的世界兩大民主國家的峰會蒙上陰影。 | This controversy has threatened to cast a pall over a much-heralded summit between two of the world’s great democracies. | 翻譯成中文。 |
With lucrative deals at stake for the big-ticket products that drive the French economy – military hardware, nuclear power plants, and Airbus planes – France has a strong interest in a successful summit in India. | 推動法國經濟的的軍火、核電站以及空中客車等大筆利潤豐厚的交易取決於這一訪問,因此,對於這次成功的印度之行,法國利益攸關。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
So, as rumors fly of secret marriage ceremonies either already concluded or in the works, could the trouble brewing in India over the French president’s very public love life be behind the rush to have the couple legally wed? | 因此,當祕密婚禮已經完成或者正在準備的傳言飛散之際,印度對於法國總統公共戀情滿城風雨是否推動了二人結婚呢? | 翻譯成英文。 |
薩爾科奇所喜歡的<<星期日>>雜誌報導說兩人打算結婚引發大眾猜測婚禮究竟何時舉行。 二人已經交換定情物。 | The news in Sarkozy’s favored media outlet | 翻譯成中文。 |
熱戀中的法國總統承認這一戀情是“嚴肅認真”的。 | It’s “serious,” the smitten president admitted. | 翻譯成中文。 |
但是他甚至在記者的直截了當的提問下也拒絕公開確切的日期。 | But he refused, even under direct questioning by reporters, to reveal an exact date. | 翻譯成中文。 |
“You’ll probably find out after it’s happened,” he taunted. | 他大聲訓斥說:“完事後你們也許就會知道了。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Rumor has it the couple has set February 8 or 9 for the wedding. Others say that Sarkozy has already outsmarted the media by secretly marrying in the Elysee Palace, even as he was dodging wedding questions. | ”有傳言說兩人已經訂下2月8日或者9日結婚。 還有人說薩爾科奇在迴避結婚問題的時候已經在愛麗捨宮祕密結婚而讓媒體撲空。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
如果確實如此,薩爾科奇就錯過了一輩子才有一次的浪漫機會。 | If that is true, then Sarkozy missed the romantic opportunity of a lifetime. | 翻譯成中文。 |
如果二人以埃及祖瑪和約旦佩特拉為背景在鏡頭前任人拍照,那麼,想像一下在世界上最為浪漫的地點印度泰姬陵前將會有多麼熱鬧。 | If the couple sizzled for cameras with Luxor and Petra as the backdrop, just imagine how hot things could get at the most romantic spot on Earth, the Taj Mahal. | 翻譯成中文。 |
而且,鑑於法國目前對於印度的寶萊塢電影著迷,一場浪漫的印度婚禮將會再合適不過了。 | And, given the current rage for all things Bollywood in France, a lavish Indian wedding would be fitting. | 翻譯成中文。 |
布呂尼自身的生活道路也非常像寶萊塢明星那樣從模特轉到演員。 | Bruni’s own life path closely resembles any number of Bollywood stars who have made the transition from model to actress. | 翻譯成中文。 |
一個漂亮的褐色頭髮歌唱女郎對於寶萊塢化妝而言是再好不過的了。 | A comely brunette who sings is perfect for a Bollywood makeover. | 翻譯成中文。 |