class label
9 classes
well I'm not sure about in America but at the moment the new song in Australia is "dance dance". I'm pretty sure that its a little less sixteen candles a little more touch me...we do have MTV out here lol...and to all the fall out boy haters...if u don't like the band then don't bother answering the questions if you are going to diss them.
3Entertainment & Music
Not much. I think she's the dark ages female pope who proved difficult to behead, isn't she?\n\nTry answers.com, or wikipedia, or some such place.
0Business & Finance
Yeah, you are right, the movie did not follow the rules of vampirism... many vampires were killed by bullets in underworld.
3Entertainment & Music
You asked a loaded question and will get hostile responses on it. Braver than me, anyway. Women are not 'stupider' than men. Many women are much better in school and practical things than men. To generalize like that is not a good idea for anything. You need to take people on a one to one basis and not categorize. That is how bigotry starts as well as a reputation as a male chauvinist pig.
7Society & Culture
It depends - do you cook? or are you wanting to go out? Out - my pick is Simply Fondue. It's romantic with the high back booths for privacy, and cooking and eating out of the same pot leads to feeding each other, etc. Cooking - I always go for steak - it always pleases a man - with a Bernaise sauce, and maybe a little seafood (in the sauce or on the side). Finish with a chocolate dessert like a Chocolate Lava Cake with vanilla sauce or ice cream. There are plenty of cooking websites that can give you great recipes.
7Society & Culture
If you receive more Prialt than your doctor intended, you may feel unwell with signs such as confusion, problems with speech, word finding difficulties, excessive shaking, light-headedness, excessive sleepiness, feeling or being sick.
5Medical Domain
I would if it were anybody but my mom or his mom. He'd have some serious butt kissin' to do if it were someone else!!!
4Family & Relationships
go to windows folder inside you will find web folder inside that wallpapers delete all pictures then start find files and folders give search option in c: *.bmp and delete and files only in c: and for screen savers find *.scr and delete all files
1Computers & Internet
In internationa teams After Iran (my countery) Italy\nIn Clubs : Milan and FC Barcelona
johnny appleseed...i'm not sure of the exact story, but in his legend it happened to him
0Business & Finance
Insulin that has been filled into the pump reservoir may be used for two weeks thereafter.
5Medical Domain
Yes I do, because it took away his attention from me and made him want to be on the computer for longer then he usually would be on for. He started talking to this chick from texas about a year ago and he didn't see exactly WHAT he was doing that was upsetting me. Little comments the chick would make pissed me off too like "if only things were different" or "boy if i lived closer your wife would REALLY be pissed". STuff like that made HER sound like 'the other woman'.\n\nThen I had had enough and wrote him a long letter (talking to him about it just made us yell) about it and pointed out a lot of the things she said in her IMs that bothered me and told him that when she says "if only things were different and you werent marreid" it would have showed me his devotion to me by saying well I am married and happily. \n\nAfter he finally realized that the conversations (they were on the message archive on yahoo messenger) sounded like they were coming from a cheating spouse and a homewrecker woman, he stopped. Sometimes he and I cyber with people out of boredom but when it turns into a rush to get home to talk to one specific person or it turns into a I can't come to bed with you right now I am chatting, thing then it is time to worry.
4Family & Relationships
your question is not clear. What do you mean by doubling screen size? \n\nDo you mean you want to have several smaller monitor to display one big screen?\nFor that, you'd only need a supporting video cards. And several monitors
1Computers & Internet
He has performed as many miracles as God or Jesus... and that would be zero.
7Society & Culture
Assuming it's a front wheel drive car... it sounds like your Constant Velocity (CV) Joints are bad or going bad.
0Business & Finance
Well if you mean current festival that still takes place, has to be SxSW (South by Southwest) that takes place every March in Austin. It got its start back 1987. There are at least a thousand bands playing all week long but mostly Thursday-Sunday and the line up has had everyone from Los Lonely Boys to Morrissey to current artists and bands. Some stats:\n\nMusic\n• Showcasing Acts: 1493\n• Music Venues Participating: 64\n• Music Conference Participants: 10,821 (with band registrations 12,002)\n• Approximate Number of Music Media in Attendance: 2,176\n• Approximate Number of Music Trade Show Attendees: 13,500\n• Number of Music Trade Show Exhibitors: 192\n\nThe week prior to SXSW hosts a film festival that is not nearly as well known, but it also brings a lot of famous folks out to Austin.
3Entertainment & Music
Definitely. Though the many reasons why they should be impeached is way to long to put on Yahoo! Answers.
6Politics & Government
I'm a capricorn girl but I don't know if we are attracted by older persons all I know is that intelligence and expérince attrack us so these criteria suit well with maturity.
3Entertainment & Music
Because it is america´s number one business...conflicts generate bick bucks...It´s a way to find plenty of excuses to make weapons and steal other countries´ wealth...I wonder if the american people really benefits from it...
6Politics & Government
It depends if you are playing solo or with a piano accompaniment. If you are playing solo, you would use a tuning fork (440 Hz)to tune your "A" string. Then, you would use your "A" string as a reference to tune the other strings. The strings on a violin are "G" "D" "A" and "E". Basically, the pitch of the strings is in ascending fifth. You want to try to tune to a perfect fifth: ie. "G and D" "D and A" and "A and E". \n\nWith a piano accompaniment, you tune to the A above the middle C on the piano. And use that as your reference.
3Entertainment & Music
France Laboratoires Merck Sharp & Dohme – Chibret Tél: +33 (0) 1 47 54 87 00 contact@msd-france. com
5Medical Domain
Doesn't matter if you weren't questioned, just arrested.
6Politics & Government
1. Houston = Williams, Mario\n2. New Orleans = Bush, Reggie\n3. Tennessee = Young, Vince\n4. N.Y. Jets = Ferguson, D'Brickashaw\n5. Green Bay = Hawk, A.J.
There was a lttle bullfrog, who sat upon a log\nhe rooted for the other team, he had no sense at all\nhe fell into the water, and bummped his tiny head\nwhen he came back up again this is what he said\ngo, go, go you mighty (your team name)\nFight, fight, fight you mighty (your team name)\nGo, fight, win (your team name) until the end!\n\n(One player will start this one)\nOur team is what?\n(team replies) Dynamite!\nOur team is what?\nDynamite\nOur team is what?\ntic tic tic tic boom, dynamite (team normally does a little dance for this one)\n\nIf your batter hits a fould or two, the team can cheer this\nYou got a peice of it now we want all of it\nYou got a peice of it now we want all of it Huh!\n\nPump It Up\nPump, pump, pump it up. \nPump, pump, pump it up. \nPump that (team name)spirit up\nPump that (team name) spirit up\nKeep, keep, keep it up.\nKeep, keep, keep it up. \nKeep that (team name) spirit up\nKeep that (team name) spirit up\nTalk, talk, talk it up. \nTalk, talk, talk it up. \nTalk that (team name) spirit up\nTalk that (team name) spirit up
I have a job for you. Drop me a line to send you the requirements.
0Business & Finance
I'm bisexual myself, and have had serious relationships with both men and women. I've explained to many people in the past the inherent difficulty that bisexuals may have in monogomy. The closest metaphor I have come up with is this...If you had to live the rest of your life and only could have oral relations, and no penetrative relations, would you be able to make due with that? Monogomy for a bisexual is like that...effectively cutting off half of their sexual interest. It can be done, of course...but it's not their 'natural' way of being.\n\nI'm not saying this means that your friend is allowed to cheat on his girlfriend...honesty is the cornerstone of any relationship. But you'd be surprised how many wives/girlfriends are aware of and accept a man who has the need to express their sexuality. How he and his girlfriend make their choices is not really something that you need to expend a lot of energy trying to worry about.\n\nThe main concern I have is that you seem to imply that you and your friend are getting more serious than simply recreational activity. If he is in a relationship and is still seeking another relationship on the side, this goes more to his character than his sexual orientation, and ending the whole thing is a very good idea.
4Family & Relationships
Tasonermin does not cross the intact blood-brain barrier to a significant extent in mice.
5Medical Domain
In my opinion, it would be American.\nAt one time, it was British. But the trend now seems to be very much leaning towards American.\nCanadian and American is almost identical, with the exception of a couple of vowel inflections.\nAustralian isn't used (except by Australians) because it can be difficult to understand.
2Education & Reference
Through our two wise ears
2Education & Reference
Contact me.
4Family & Relationships
henry on 22 goals
4 hours.....i had to pee.
1Computers & Internet
Some old Pentium II doent support Hard disk larger then 8 GB, so the max for them is 8GB, but most of them support all sizes of IDE, depending upon the drive controller.
1Computers & Internet
It depends what you mean by best. The best quality would come from the highest setting your scanner will scan at. The best combination of quality and size/speed will vary depending on your needs, but I usually use 300dpi.
0Business & Finance
Fake Currency
3Entertainment & Music
You need to work on changing yourself since you won't be able to change him. Talking to him won't help if he doesn't care about your feelings.\nYou have to make arrangements to either leave him or find a way to keep your sanity and self respect if you stay with him for financial reasons and that won't be easy to do.\n\nI would only stay with him if I couldn't support myself outside the marriage. If this is the case I would distance myself from him as much as possible within the home. I would try to not sleep with him. Try to not eat with him.\nTry to not be there when he is there. He is toxic--poison--for your soul if he is this way and you need a place to vent. Keep a secret journal if you are sure he can't find it to write out your feelings. It really can help.\n\nIf he is cheating on you get tested for sexual diseases and make him use a condom every time, every time. Unless of course you can just stop having sex with him which would be the best course.\nBut if it were me I would leave even if I had to move in with my parents. What you are describing will kill your soul.
4Family & Relationships
Ísland SANOFI PASTEUR MSD Sími: +32.2.726.95.84
5Medical Domain
If he does not want to have sex just wait till you find out why before leaving it could medical proplems if he is your b/f he sure would not be if he didnot care. Plus love is very important you still have time to have plans in the fulture for a child together.*
4Family & Relationships
Overall, I think Cooley is a good law school. The obvious draw back is that it doesn't have much national recognition or prestige, which translates to difficulty in obtaining certain types of legal employment (by which I mean the kinds of jobs that pay good salaries). This is pretty easy to see if you compare the average starting salary of a Cooley grad to those of schools in other tiers. \n\nThat said, I think the quality of education you can get at Cooley is on par with any law school in the country. While they don't have the big name professors at the fore front of their fields, I found all of the professors I had to be very capable educators, and truly concerned with helping us to understand the law.\n\nIt is difficult to say how tough it is to succeed at Cooley. I worked very hard, got a 4.0 my first semester, a 3.9 my second semester (15 hours each semester) and transferred to an Ivy League law school. In my mind, anything less wouldn't have been successful, but other people were thrilled to have above a B average.\n\nOne thing that is certainly true at Cooley is that there isn't any grade inflation. While an average GPA at top schools might be 3.4, I calculated the average GPA in my section at Cooley to be around 2.2 - more than a full point lower. But that is a little misleading, too. While the curve is lower, due to the admission requirements, there are also a lot more people at Cooley that in all honesty aren't competing for the top grades.\n\nIn sum, I would say that purely from an educational standpoint, Cooley is a great school. When it comes to getting a job, especially in medium to large law firms, Cooley is subpar. If that is your (husband's) goal, it is very important to work harder than he thinks he needs to, and get the very best grades, and transfer to the highest ranked school possible. It's sad that it has to be that way, but it is.\n\nGood Luck!
2Education & Reference
So, he wept. Was it the humanity in him that longed to know his friend was still there on earth with him? Was it his unknowable love for all mankind and his abhorrence for sin and it's consequences that made him morn over the death. Indeed he knew what he would do. Or perhaps he hadn't received instruction from God to go raise him yet, so he stayed put until that time. Did he have things that had to be done where he was at, knowing that a resurrection could take place at anytime if he so desired, and thus it could wait, yet still had to express the very real emotion of pain, sorrow, and sadness that sin has wrought upon all the world and the very essence of life itself?\n\nthings to consider, and answers in themselves.\n\nLike all the mysterious things Jesus did (and does) it is for the glory of God. Why was the blind man blind? Because his parents sined? No, but instead so the power of God can come through and be glorified. Likewise, his waiting period before rushing to Lazarus' grave was for the glory of god, and that all there might know that he is the Son of God. This seems to me the most logical and likely. Remembering Gods ways are not our own.
7Society & Culture
From my understanding, this isn't posssible unless the computers are part of a domain and then a shutdown command can be issued across the network from the domain controller.
1Computers & Internet
I'll be your friend. [email protected]. I'm not a guy but I can tell you that the ones who stand girls up are inconsiderate jerks and they aren't worth getting upset over. You'll find a good one, don't worry, Sweety. =)
0Business & Finance
3Entertainment & Music
It is in Brunswick County.
6Politics & Government
It's called a let. When a let occurs, the serve is redone. If the server is on their first serve and they get a let, they redo their first serve. That is why some players say "take two" when the server hits a let. The same with the second serve. But if the ball hits the net and goes out, it counts as a fault.
I would never donate my body to Science. That is kind of creepy!!!
7Society & Culture
Depends on the crime, and the time. If you love him, and you feel he's worth it, then wait for him.
0Business & Finance
Yes! I think he laughs and cries and wishes we'd all lighten up a bit and enjoy our lives while helping others to enjoy theirs too.\n\nThat's basically his golden rule again isn't it.\n\nDo unto others as you would have them do unto you.\n\nWouldn't it be a nicer world if we all just cooperated and tried to make each other laugh a bit each day.
7Society & Culture
just make a template yourself out of word.
1Computers & Internet
Brasilia\n\nBrasília is located in a Federal District, created from the state of Goiás in the Mid-West region of the country. The District is bordered by the Preto River in the east and by the Descoberto River to the west. Brasília is situated on a 1000 m high plateau called the Planalto Central. The city is located at 15°45' South, 47°57' West (-15.75, -47.95). Brasilia is 207 km from Goiânia; 1,531 km. from Salvador; 716 km. from Belo Horizonte; and 1,015 km. from São Paulo.
6Politics & Government
Id say NUKE em..but getting their oil with all of the radiation arround would be difficult.
6Politics & Government
FOR AMD ATHLON IN UK, TRY THIS LOCATION:\nFRIMLEY\n(European Service Center/Sales Office)\nAdvanced Micro Devices, (UK) Ltd\nAMD House\nFrimley Business Park\nCamberley\nSurrey, GU16 7SL, UK \nTel: +44-1276-803100 \nFax:+44-1276-803227
1Computers & Internet
The whole two-party thing is a scam. While they TALK about all their differences, in practice they do just the same things.\n\nIt's like having two different flavors of poison to choose from.
6Politics & Government
:}\nPeople change over time based on nutrition even environment. The theory of evolution depends on a concept called “survival of the fittest”. That theory works as far as our gene pool will allow it to. There are millions of possible combinations within our gene pool; at any given time those genes which best allow individuals to survive and prosper will emerge.\nBut that is change within our genetic structure not evolution.\nThe reason men do not evolve is that we cannot create new DNA or new and different genes and they do not occur by chance.
7Society & Culture
show her how u really are never under estimate yourself if u have a good sense of humor show it women like a man whose real and honest not a liar and a fake it's much easier being yourself because if you pretend to be something else you'll soon forget who you are!
4Family & Relationships
try http://www.acacamps.org you can look up summer camps there by location and activities taught
2Education & Reference
ENGERIX B should be injected intramuscularly in the deltoid region in adults and children or in the anterolateral thigh in neonates, infants and young children.
5Medical Domain
Immediately stop reading the questions here.
2Education & Reference
ref = imagination
0Business & Finance
We don't have 51 states...
2Education & Reference
They will probably get conditional draft pick(s) for him. He is coming off an injury and didn't do so hot last season before he injured, so no other team is going to be stupid enough to invest too much in him until he has proven he is worth it. Where he goes, nobody knows yet, but I'm betting it's Oakland. They just cut Collins, so they have room in the cap to get DC. The thinking also is teaming up DC and Moss again will be great, but I don't think it will be as good as it has been in the past. DC is coming off injury and will be "gun shy" for the first season at least, and Moss is past his prime. He still a few good years left, but not great years. He's been sitting out games with injuries he would have played through a few years ago, and he is slowing down.\n\nWhat the Vikes need to do is keep Johnson as starter and draft a QB 1st round that they can groom. Johnson has 1, maybe 2 years left as a starter. Their running game is what is really hurting ever since Robert Smith retired. With all the money they have to spend this year, they can get a good back in free agency that can do 20+ carries a game (James or Lewis), and get some good defensive players for the new "Dungy D" or "Tampa 2", or whatever they are calling it now. The front O line may need some tweaking, but with Birk coming back, that alone will greatly improve it's performance.
There would be a loud flushing sound heard through out the world aaaaand those waste facility places would flood or something .
0Business & Finance
You'll be surprised, but the Politicians in India are well educated. Education has little to do with good politics or cyclical awareness. Educated people are into female foeticide, exploitation and bribes. We need aware people, and those with the tenacity and guts to make a difference.
6Politics & Government
There won't be a first one, there'll be 16 eliminated after the first round
You mean Yahoo as a company or the community of people on Yahoo Answers?\n\nI wouldn't say any of the above have been bias to Mr. Bush. In fact, I've seen people voice all kinds of different opinions on his politics and on his person in Answers.\n\nAnd if some (or many even) of them are negative, this has little to do with Yahoo or being bias. It's about freedom of speech, how the politics affect those people, and lets not forget many of them do not live in the US, but in places like Europe, where Mr. Bush has a quite low popularity quotient.
6Politics & Government
its probably because (in democrats case) they just can't stand having a Republican who didn't go to an Ivy League school from TEXAS actually legally obtain the presidency. Well, they're also kinda rude.
6Politics & Government
Tell them you only charge $20 for each load you drop.
3Entertainment & Music
Picture a right triangle. Moon's distance is the base, moon's diameter is the height. Long base, small height. Angle between base and hypotenuse is 00087 radians. Height / base is tangent of that angle. so tan(0.0087) = 3500 / distance. rewrite as distance = 3500 / tan(0.0087) and solve with calculator. answer should be in ballpark of 240,000 miles which is 384,000 km.
2Education & Reference
2Education & Reference
In a heartbeat. Ask anyone who has a spouse or child they love unconditionally. Ask any soldier who believes in what he/she's fighting for. Ask a cop or fireman who took an oath to save lives.
0Business & Finance
What NovoMix 30 looks like and contents of the pack The suspension for injection comes as a white suspension in packs of 5 or 10 cartridges of 3 ml (not all packs may be marketed).
5Medical Domain
Universal brotherhood can only be achieved if individual religions are laid aside. They tend to divide rather than unite people. If we can all agree to covenant to one God, the Creator, it would be the beginning.
7Society & Culture
This is not your fault. Better communication about likes and dislikes helps, but ultimately, it's up to the female. It's always beeen sociaaly acceptable for a guy to have and enjoy sex. It's not so much with the female. Our body image, past trauma, fear of being caught, inability to REALLY let loose and enjoy the act, etc. can hinder any possibility of orgasm.\nPersonally, i couldn't if I am not in love with a guy. It's true. the berst sex for me is with the man (my man) I am head over heels for. I do have to say though, that I agree with the "getting her (close to) drunk".
4Family & Relationships
Because poor Laura make the worst mistake in her life, to marry George. We have to support and console her.
6Politics & Government
Tel: +34 91 321 06 00 crixivan@msd. es
5Medical Domain
I read the entire article. I had no idea that scientology was so....unhealthy. As to why intelligent people embrace it, I believe it's because they have a need to feel important, and this cult feeds you this. Like a starving person, everything is eaten. These e-meters are just their way of making sure no one gets out, and if they want out, they can track the person through their sessions. I feel so sorry for anyone taken in by this, because now this cult has the resources and celebrity power to keep you in. Kind of like Hotel Califorinia, by The Eagles, "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."
7Society & Culture
I dont like Abishek. He has no emotions...always the same stupid face.\nI cant believe Ash fell for him. Of all the people HIM!!!!\n\nThere certainly are other people who are more fit than him. \n\nAlso, he's 2 or 3 years younger than Ash.\n\nAsh is a darling. I cant believe she is going to marry that guy!
3Entertainment & Music
Stop bein a weenie and make the first move ur self.
4Family & Relationships
That's a good one. I would say 2 out of 5 have been my own questions
7Society & Culture
Boy thats a loaded question. Bass bite at different things depending on water temperature and lighting conditions.\nYou should have in your tackle box at least a few of each of these in diferent colors and sizes\n1. Worms(plastic scented ones work best.)\n2. Spinners\n3. Crawdads\n4. Top water jigs\n5. Diving jigs\nThe list goes on and on. Check with your local fishing shop. they are always your best source of information.
I don't know one guy that does that...
7Society & Culture
how can u be gay if she is girl drrrr
4Family & Relationships
For in-depth information about the limousine service business, I suggest you check out the following books (either borrow them from your library or buy them from your favorite bookstore):\n\n1. Wheels of Gold: A Complete How-To Guide for Starting a Million Dollar Limousine Business http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0974580503/powerhomebizguid\n2. How to Succeed in the Limousine Business http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN//0971119104/powerhomebizguid\n\nIn terms of legal requirements, the State of Colorado has outlined the requirements a limousine service operator must do. It may not be the same in your own state, but I reckon they will almost be similar, if not the same. Look at the list so you can know what to expect in terms of required limo specifications, trade name registration, insurance requirements, and other requirements (see link below).\n\nGood luck!\nIsabel Isidro\nhttp://www.powerhomebiz.com
0Business & Finance
Because they ask stupid questions on yahoo answers and are awarded the "stupid answer of the moment award".
3Entertainment & Music
Green Day "Jesus of Suberbia" I think
3Entertainment & Music
You need to at least take the SAT's. I had over a 4.0 GPA and I got a 30 on my ACTs and didn't get into a single ivey league school.
2Education & Reference
cancerians are generally nice people...but it isn't about a star-sign really, is it? you are a nice person because it is what you enjoy. being nice to other people makes you happy...doesn't it?
4Family & Relationships
- Tell your doctor if you develop a rash.
5Medical Domain
5Medical Domain
Well nowdays Chinese people file stuff by how many 'strokes of a pen' need to write a character. So the simple words come first, then the more complicated ones.
0Business & Finance
3Entertainment & Music
Just in case nobody comes along with anything more specific, take a look at this Google query:\n\nhttp://www.google.com/search?q=DVD+Ripping&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official
1Computers & Internet
A malignant spirit that inhabited the Bell cave until Mr. Bell built his house nearby, when it moved in.
7Society & Culture
It directly stands for Masters in Business Administration. It is a Master's degree in college (6 year degree).
2Education & Reference
You should hang out with better people. Everyone screws up from time to time but you shouldn't find them lying to you everytime or even very often. Like Billary said about abortion, "It should be rare and forgiven" or something to that effect.
7Society & Culture
I don't think surrogate mothers have ANY rights at all. I think that would be a direct conflict of what would cause someone to be one in the 1st place- the purpose is to carry another couple's child; you don't have rights over another's child and I think that's part of the initial agreement.
0Business & Finance
≥ 3
5Medical Domain
No. Ain't nothin' uglier than a pimped out grill.
0Business & Finance
Stop shop at Wal mart. I think its 80 or 90% of the goods that is sold there that is made in china.\n\nBut to put a positive angle upon this issue. Buy stuffs and understand who you support. For instance list countrys that you like and see to it that you look for products made in those countrys.
6Politics & Government
yes, i saw this movie.\n\nyes, i enjoyed it, because I found it to be the most accurate visual account of the suffering Jesus endured before, during, and after his crucifix on the cross, when compared to other movies done on the life of Christ's death...and I believe that this visual presentation of Christ's crucifiction is EXACTLY what Mel Gibson wanted to portray in this film, and he was successful...and I believe this movie will remain on top because of this reason.\n\nNo, i'm not pentecostal
7Society & Culture