stringlengths 0
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stringlengths 0
Click the Keys tab. | Kliknite na zavihek Ključi. |
....bleached, weighing not more than 200 g/m2 | Tkanine, bombažne, druge, beljene, do 200 g/m2 |
Ethiopia | Etiopija |
Place removed by on . | Mesto je odstranil uporabnik dne . |
Sleep monitoring | Spremljanje spanca |
Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other wearing apparel and accessories | Storitve podizvajalcev kot del proizvodnje drugih oblačil in dodatkov za oblačila |
traditional warrant | tradicionalni nakupni bon |
If you want to move the opportunity to a further stage, select the Skip Stage option. | Če želite premakniti priložnost v naslednjo fazo, izberite možnost Preskoči fazo. |
With the calendar, you can create and keep track of appointments, meetings, tasks, and notes. You can also use the calendar to store information about your schedule and to remind you when a calendar entry is near. | S koledarjem lahko ustvarite in spremljate sestanke, srečanja, opravila in opombe. Koledar lahko uporabite za shranjevanje podatkov o vašem urniku in za opomnik, ko se približa vnos v koledar. |
The Single Market | Enotni trg |
, click the Actions menu, and then click Make a Phone Call. | kliknite meni Dejanja in nato Telefonski klic. |
Invite someone to a call. | Povabiti nekoga h klicu. |
8.XXVI.263020 accepting benefits for unlawful intervention - Par. 2 in resp. of par. 1 | 8.XXVI.263020 sprejemanje koristi za nezakonito posredovanje - od. 2 |
If consensus was not reached, the agreement would be taken by simple majority. | Če se soglasje ne doseže, se dogovor sprejme z navadno večino. |
& Month | & Mesec |
7.XVIII.161 slander | 7.XVIII.161 opravljanje |
Iron or steel hot-worked laminated leaf-springs and leaves therefor | Parabolične vzmeti in njihova peresa, iz jekla, toplo oblikovana |
Note: Disabling an add-on doesn't remove it from your PC. | Opomba: če onemogočite dodatek, ga ne odstranite iz računalnika, ampak |
In 2013, on average 1% of child benefits were exported for 506 thousand children living in another Member State. | Leta 2013 je bil za 506 000 otrok, ki živijo v drugi državi članici, v povprečju izvožen 1 % dajatev za otroka. |
of Mor | Mor- aof Shahrivar short |
The court is divided into two parts as shown in the figure. | igrišče razdelimo na dva dela kot prikazuje skica, |
The thresholds and procedures referred to in Article 190 of the Financial Regulation shall be as follows for supply contracts: | Mejne vrednosti in postopki iz člena 190 finančne uredbe za javna naročila blaga so: |
PFC 1(A)(II): | PFC 1(A)(II): |
For the sake of legal certainty, a clear definition of the term "aggressive tax planning" is necessary. | Da se zagotovi pravna varnost, je treba pojem „agresivnega davčnega načrtovanja“ jasno opredeliti. |
489 | 489 |
independent qualified valuer | neodvisni pooblaščeni cenilec |
Multimeters | Multimetri za merjenje električnih veličin |
How long have you been playing | Kako dolgo že igrate? |
Top Skip (in pixels) | Vrhnji preskok (v pikah) |
Museums and galleries in Slovenia organised 1,960 exhibitions and around 37,000 educational programs in 2016. | Muzeji in galerije v Sloveniji pripravili v 2016 okoli 1.960 razstav in okoli 37.000 izobraževalnih programov. |
Peaches incl. nectarines, prepared or preserved, containing added spirit, with sugar content of > 13% and actual alcoholic strength of > 11,85% mas, in immediate packings of a net content > 1 kg | Breskve, pripravljene ali konzervirane, z dodatkom alkohola, v izvirnem pakiranju z neto vsebino več kot 1 kg, z vsebnostjo sladkorja več kot 13 mas.%, druge |
Subsystem | Podsistem |
Joint positions and common acts | Skupna stališča in skupni akti |
Herb infusions | Zeliščni čaji |
remote communication; | komunikacija na daljavo, |
Transit Trade (S) | Transit Trade (S) |
70% | 70 % |
Advisory Committee on Integrated Mediterranean Programmes (IMP) | Svetovalni odbor za skupne sredozemske programe |
☞ Further Information | ☞ Dodatne informacije |
nuclear surface burst | površinska jedrska eksplozija |
Discounts up to XX% | Popusti do XX% |
Trade Marks and Designs | blagovne znamke in modeli |
21,0 | 21,0 |
unknown country | Neznana Država |
For more information, visit | Za dodatne informacije obiščite stran |
Pig fat free of lean meat, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine or smoked (excluding rendered) | Prašičja maščoba in salo, očiščena mesa, sveža, ohlajena, zamrznjena, nasoljena, v slanici, dimljena |
D304 | D304 |
Small office or desk equipment, of base metal | Pisarniška oprema |
37440 | 37440 |
Action center (New) | Središče za opravila (novo) |
Occupant of pick-up truck or van injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger, nontraffic accident | Oseba v poltovornjaku ali kombiju, poškodovana pri trčenju z nepremičnim ali mirujočim predmetom, potnik, poškodovan v neprometni nezgodi |
Nepomuk Data Migration Level 1 | Nepomukova 1. stopnja migracije podatkovName |
Create custom attributes out of all the other tags that you would like to submit. | Ustvarite atribute po meri iz vseh drugih oznak, ki jih želite poslati. |
Standard Services | Standardne storitve |
ICT sector enterprises represented 5.5% of all enterprises active in predominantly market activities in 2016. | Podjetja v sektorju IKT so bila5,5 % vseh podjetij, ki so se v letu 2016 ukvarjala pretežno s tržnimi dejavnostmi. |
Show only | Prikaži samo |
Motor vehicles for the transport of goods, with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine, of a gross vehicle weight > 5 t, used | Motorna vozila za prevoz blaga, s svečko, bruto mase nad 5 t, druga, rabljena |
Applications | Nameni uporabe |
reiterates the importance of protecting and promoting equal access to health care, dignified accommodation and education for Roma children; | poudarja, kako pomembno je varovati in spodbujati enak dostop romskih otrok do zdravstvenega varstva, dostojnih bivanjskih prostorov in izobraževanja; |
injection | injekcija |
LT | LT |
#66 M8*15 4pcs | #66 M8*15 4 kosi |
Bailiff | Izvršitelj |
Your keyword and CPC changes have not been saved. | Vaša ključna beseda in spremembe CNK niso bile shranjene. |
Standard Package | Standarden paket |
Signalling flares, rain rockets, fog signals and other pyrotechnic articles, excluding fireworks | Signalne rakete in drugi pirotehnični izdelki |
The debit authorization is invalid for the following reason: | Pooblastilo za bremenitev je neveljavno iz naslednjih razlogov: |
Click “Publish now.” | Kliknite možnost »Objavi zdaj«. |
Lets you change the way features are installed. | Ta možnost vam omogoča spreminjanje namestitve funkcij. |
Monitors (visual display units) | Računalniški zasloni |
Atresia and stenosis of ureterovesical junction, unilateral | Atrezija in zožitev ureterovezikalnega spoja enostranska |
Every player participating in the hand puts an equal amount into the pot on each round if he or she wishes to continue with the hand. | Vsak sodelujoči igralec, ki želi nadaljevati igro, mora v vsakem krogu v pot vložiti enako vsoto denarja. |
At the Select objects: prompt, pick anywhere on the switch. | Pri pozivniku Select objects: kliknite katero koli točko na stikalu. |
the number 1. | število 1. |
This field is pre-filled with the name you entered in the Addressee field. | To polje je že vnaprej izpolnjeno z imenom, ki ste ga vnesli v polje Naslovnik. |
(rtos 87.3 2 2) returns 87.30. | (rtos 87.3 2 2) vrne "87.30". |
Select this check box if you want to hear the sounds that accompany alerts. | Potrdite to polje, če želite slišati zvoke, ki spremljajo opozorila. |
prosciutto with assortments of stuffed olives | pršut z izborom polnjenih oliv |
Council Directive 76/762/EEC of 27 July 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to front fog lamps for motor vehicles and filament lamps for such lamps | Direktiva Sveta 76/762/EGS z dne 27. julija 1976 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic o žarometih za meglo za motorna vozila in žarnicah z žarilno nitko za te žaromete |
Macau | Macao |
Front | Spredaj |
117.0 | 117,0 |
Discard alpha channel | Zavrži kanal alfa |
Vegetable waxes (including refined) (excluding triglycerides) | Rastlinski voski (razen trigliceridov) |
Products of human or animal hair, similar products of textile materials | Izdelki iz človeških las ali živalske dlake, podobni izdelki iz tekstilnih materialov |
Gimped yarn and strip, chenille yarn, loop wale-yarn | Posukana preja in trakovi, ženiljska preja, efektno vozličasta preja |
How to reset the appliance: | Kako ponastaviti napravo: |
Display window thumbnails on the edge of the screen | Ob robu zaslona prikazuje sličice okenName |
1.XXXII.335010 bringing of dangerous substances into the country - Par. 1 | 1.XXXII.335010 vnašanje nevarnih snovi v državo - od. 1 |
230V | 230 V |
File storage and access | Prostor za shranjevanje in dostop do datotek |
radiotelegraphy installation | radiotelegrafska naprava |
overhead costs | splošni stroški |
Click the Add note button to create a new note. | Kliknite gumb Dodaj beležko, da ustvarite novo beležko. |
Retrieving messages | Pridobivanje sporočil |
When you load the acad.mnu file, AutoCAD warns you that you will lose any toolbar customization changes you have made, as shown in the following figure. | Preden datoteko acad.mnu naložite, vas AutoCAD opozori, da boste izgubili vse spremembe v orodnih vrsticah. Opozorilno okno lahko vidite na spodnji sliki. |
To hide or show contacts without phone numbers, turn Hide contacts without phone numbers On or Off.Under Show contacts from my, select or clear the check boxes to show or hide accounts in your contact list. | Če želite skriti ali prikazati stike brez telefonske številke, možnost Skrivanje stikov brez telefonskih številk preklopite v položaj Vklopljeno ali Izklopljeno.Pod možnostjo Prikazovanje stikov potrdite ali počistite potrditvena polja računov, ki jih želite prikazati na seznamu ali jih skriti. |
“x” | »x« |
Ship to Address | Naslov za dostavo |
occurrence of the insured event | nastop zavarovalnega primera |