a pollutions standard is a kind of standard for reducing pollutants emitted by vehicles & many vehicles emit pollution into the air
a pollution standard can help reduce pollutants emitted by vehicles
a pollution standard can help reduce pollutants emitted by vehicles & a vehicle inspection is when a person examines a vehicle for pollution standards
the insepction of vehicles to meet pollution standards can help reduce pollutants emitted by vehicles
as the use of public transportation increases , the use of automobiles decreases & bus is a kind of public transportation
as the use of buses increases, the use of automobiles decreases
as the use of buses increases, the use of automobiles decreases & the use of automobiles causes pollution to the environment
as the use of buses increases, the pollution caused by using automobiles will decrease
coal is a kind of fossil fuel & oil is a kind of fossil fuel & burning fossil fuels releases sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere
burning coal and oil releases sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere
burning coal and oil releases sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere & sulfur dioxide is a kind of gas & sulfur dioxide dissolving in water causes acid rain
gases from burning coal and oil dissolving in water in the atmosphere causes acid rain
gas-efficient engines uses less gasoline & using gasoline requires burning gasoline
gas-efficient engines will burn less gasoline
gas-efficient engines will burn less gasoline & burning gasoline is a source of air pollution
gas-efficient engines will cause less air pollution
gas-efficient engines will cause less air pollution & an engine is a part of an automobile
using a gas-efficient engine in automobiles will cause less air pollution
emitting sulfur dioxide causes acid rain & sulfur scrubbers can reduce the emission of sulfur dioxide
sulfur scrubbers can reduce the cause of acid rain
humans discarding waste in an environment causes harm to that environment & discarding is similar to throwing & garbage means waste
humans throwing garbage in an environment causes harm to that environment
a body of water is a kind of environment & a stream is a kind of moving body of water
a stream is a kind of environment
humans throwing garbage in an environment causes harm to that environment & a stream is a kind of environment
humans throwing garbage into a stream causes harm to the stream
a frog is a kind of aquatic animal & a mountain chorus frog is a kind of frog
a mountain chorus frog is a kind of aquatic animal
a mountain chorus frog is a kind of aquatic animal & bodies of water are the habitats for aquatic animals
bodies of water are the habitats for mountain chorus frogs
bodies of water are the habitats for mountain chorus frogs & a mountain chorus frog is a kind of animal & pollutions in animals habitat can cause the population of animals to decrease
water pollution in bodies of water can cause the population of mountain chorus frogs to decrease
water pollution in bodies of water can cause the population of mountain chorus frogs to decrease & polluting means something poisonous is added to an environment & a body of water is a kind of environment
poisonous things added in water can cause the population of mountain chorus frogs to decrease
oil is a kind of pollutant & water pollution is when humans pollute the environment with pollutants
an example of water pollution is when humans pollute the environment with oil
an example of water pollution is when humans pollute the environment with oil & offshore oil platforms might cause oil to leak into the water & water is a part of an environment
offshore oil platforms might cause water pollution by leaking oil into the water
a lawn is a piece of land covered with grass & lori uses fertilizer on her lawn & if fertilizer is used on a land, then the runoff from that land will contain fertilizer
the runoff from the lawn will contain fertilizer
the runoff from the lawn will contain fertilizer & a lake is a kind of body of water & runoff flows across land and ends in bodies of water
the runoff from the lawn containing fertilizer can flow and end in the lake
a lake is a kind of body of water & algae is found in bodies of water
algae can be found in lake
the runoff from the lawn containing fertilizer can flow and end in the lake & algae can be found in lake & fertilizers have a positive impact on algae growth
the population of algae in the lake will increase because of the fertilizer in the runoff
phytoplankton is a kind of plant & phytoplanktons are found in bodies of water & an ocean is a kind of body of water
phytoplanktons are plants that can be found in the ocean
algae is found in bodies of water & algae is a kind of plant & an ocean is a kind of body of water
algae is a plant that can be found in the ocean
phytoplanktons are plants that can be found in the ocean & algae is a plant that can be found in the ocean
phytoplanktons and algae are plants that can be found in the ocean
phytoplanktons and algae are plants that can be found in the ocean & plants are a source of oxygen through photosynthesis
phytoplanktons and algae are source of oxygen in the ocean
phytoplanktons and algae are source of oxygen in the ocean & ocean pollution can decrease the number of phytoplanktons and algae
ocean pollution can decrease the source of oxygen in the ocean
ocean pollution can decrease the source of oxygen in the ocean & as the amount of a source of something decreases , the amount of that something will decrease
ocean pollution can cause the amount of oxygen to decrease in the ocean
tuna eat fish & if an animal eats other animals for food , then the animal is the predator
tuna is a kind of predator
tuna is a kind of predator & tuna is a kind of fish
tuna is a kind of predatory fish
tuna is a kind of predatory fish & commercial harvesting from the ocean has caused populations of large predatory fish to decrease
commercial harvesting from the ocean has caused the populations of tuna to decrease
a rhinoceros is a kind of animal & overhunting decreases animal populations
overhunting can decrease rhinoceros populations
overhunting can decrease rhinoceros populations & decreasing in population will cause the population to be low & endangered means low in population
overhunting can cause the rhinoceros to be endangered
killing a living thing decreases the population of that living thing & hunting is when a human kills an animal for food / recreation in the wild & an animal is a kind of living thing
hunting / overhunting decreases animal populations
hunting / overhunting decreases animal populations & an animal is a kind of organism & if a population decreases to zero then that organism is extinct
if hunting decreases the animal population to zero, then that animal is extinct
an organism becoming extinct causes a change in the organism 's food web & a change in a food web can cause damage to an ecosystem
extinctions of organisms can cause damage to an ecosystem by changing the food web
aluminum is recyclable & recyclable means a material can be recycled / reused many times
aluminum can be recycled
aluminum can be recycled & recycling decreases the amount of waste sent to landfills
recycling aluminum can decrease the amount of waste sent to landfills
aluminum cans are made of aluminum & aluminum is recyclable
aluminum cans are recyclable
aluminum cans are recyclable & recyclable means a material can be recycled / reused many times
aluminum cans can be recyled many times
aluminum cans can be recyled many times & an aluminum can is a kind of object & an example of recycling is using an object to make a new object
using aluminum cans to make a new object is an example of recycling
aluminum is recyclable & an aluminum can is made of aluminum
an aluminum can is recyclable
metal is a kind of natural resource & aluminum is a kind of metal
aluminum is a kind of natural resource
aluminum is a kind of natural resource & aluminum cans are made of aluminum
aluminum cans are made of a natural resource
aluminum cans are made of a natural resource & recycling resources has a positive impact on the conservation of those resources
recycling aluminum cans has a positive impact on the conservation of those resources
trash is similar to waste & recycling decreases the amount of waste sent to landfills
recycling decreases the amount of trash sent to landfills
aluminum is a kind of material & aluminum is recyclable
aluminum is a kind of material that is recyclable
aluminum is a kind of material that is recyclable & recyclable means a material can be recycled many times
aluminum can be recycled many times
aluminum can be recycled many times & aluminum is a nonrenewable resource
aluminum is a nonrenewable resource that can be recycled many times
aluminum is a nonrenewable resource that can be recycled many times & recycling nonrenewable resources has a positive impact on the environment
recycling aluminum has a positive impact on the environment
recycling aluminum has a positive impact on the environment & recycling is a kind of method of disposal
recycling aluminum is the best way to dispose aluminum
cardboard is inexpensive in cost & cardboard is recyclable & cardboard is a kind of material & cardboard is biodegradable
cardboard is a material that is recyclable, biodegradable, and inexpensive in cost
the inner core is located in the center of the earth & the pressure at the center of the earth is extremely high
the inner core of the earth is under extremely high pressure
the inner core of the earth is under extremely high pressure & extreme high pressure causes the inner core of earth to be in solid state
the inner core of earth is solid
the oceanic crust mainly is made of basalt & the continental crust mainly is made of granite & basalt is more dense than granite
the oceanic crust is more dense than the continental crust
the mantle is the largest layer of the earth & the mantle is located between the crust and the outer core
the mantle is the largest layer of the earth located between the crust and the outer core
earthquakes causes older rock to be on top of younger rock & earthquakes cause rock layers to fold on top of each other
earthquakes causes older rock layers to be on top of younger rock layers by folding the rock layers
the mantle of the earth is mainly made of silicate & the crust of the earth is made of basalt or granite
the mantle of the earth is mainly made of silicate and the crust of the earth is made of basalt or ganite
basalt is a kind of material & granite is a kind of material & silicate is a kind of material
silicate, basalt, and granite are kinds of materials
the mantle of the earth is mainly made of silicate and the crust of the earth is made of basalt or ganite & silicate, basalt, and granite are kinds of materials & different media are made of different materials
the mantle and the crust are different media
the mantle and the crust are different media & waves travel at different speed in different medium
waves will travel at different speed in the mantle and the crust
waves will travel at different speed in the mantle and the crust & an earthquake wave is a kind of wave
earthquake waves will travel at different speed in the mantle and the crust
active volcanoes are most common along tectonic plate boundaries & earthquakes are most common along tectonic plate boundaries
active volcanoes and earthquakes are most common along tectonic plate boundaries
california is located on the boundary of two tectonic plates & earthquakes are most common along tectonic plate boundaries & massachusetts is not located on the boundary of two tectonic plates
earthquakes are more likely to occur in california than in massachusetts
all waves transmit energy from one place to another & an earthquake wave is a kind of wave
earthquake waves transmit energy from one place to another
mountains are formed by plate tectonics & the appalachian mountains are a kind of mountain
the appalachian mountains are formed by plate tectonics
the collision of tectonic plates are found at the convergent boundaries & the collision of the boundaries causes rocks to fold
the collision of the tectonic plates causes rocks to fold at the convergent boundaries
the collision of the tectonic plates causes rocks to fold at the convergent boundaries & a mountain range is formed by rocks folding upon one another
mountains will form at the convergent boundaries by the collision of the tectonic plates
mountains will form at the convergent boundaries by the collision of the tectonic plates & the appalachian mountains are a kind of mountain
the appalanchian mountains are formed at the convergent boundaries by the collision of the tectonice plates
a volcanic eruption is a kind of quick process & new land can be formed by volcanoes erupting by lava cooling
volcano eruption can quickly form a new land when lava cools down
the subduction of tectonic plates may cause magma to surface from underneath & the oceanic plate is a kind of tectonic plate
the subduction of an oceanic plate may cause magma to surface from underneath
the subduction of an oceanic plate may cause magma to surface from underneath & magma cools down when it comes to the surface from underneath
the subduction of an oceanic plate will cause magma to surface and cool down
the subduction of an oceanic plate will cause magma to surface and cool down & magma cooling can form volcanic mountains
the subduction of an oceanic plate can form volcanic mountians
volcanic ash in the atmosphere decreases the temperature by blocking the sun & emitting sulfur dioxide causes acid rain & an erupting volcano releases sulfur gas and ash into the atmosphere
a volcanic eruption can cause acid rain and decrease the temperature
a volcanic eruption can cause acid rain and decrease the temperature & europe was unusally cold and had acid rain in 1783
a volcanic eruption may have happened to cause the cold weather and acid rain in europe
the amount of sunlight usually is the same at the locations with same latitude & the intensity of sunlight is a kind of seasonal weather pattern
locations with same latitude has the same seasonal weather pattern of sunlight intensity
nitrogen is a kind of gas & most means over 50% of something & the earth 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by mass
nitrogen gas makes up most of the earth's atmosphere
the earth 's atmosphere is made of 21 percent oxygen by volume & the earth 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by volume
nitrogen and oxygen make up 99% of the earth's atmosphere by volume
nitrogen and oxygen make up 99% of the earth's atmosphere by volume & most means over 50% of something
nitrogen and oxygen make up most of the earth's atmosphere
the earth 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by volume & the earth's atmosphere is made of 04% to 1% of water vapor by volume & the earth 's atmosphere is made of 21 percent oxygen by volume & the earth 's atmosphere is made of 036 percent carbon dioxide by volume
earth's atmosphere is made of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, and carbon dioxide
as altitude increases , the temperature of the air will decrease in the troposphere & an increase is the opposite of a decrease & as the altitude increases , the temperature of the air will increase in the stratosphere
as the altitude increases, the change of air temperature are opposite in stratosphere and troposphere
the earth 's atmosphere is made of 04 to 1 percent water vapor by volume & water vapor is a kind of greenhouse gas
water vapor is a greenhouse gas accounting for 04 to 1 percent of the earth's atmosphere
carbon dioxide is a kind of greenhouse gas & the earth 's atmosphere is made of 036 percent carbon dioxide by volume
carbon dioxide is a greehouse gas accounting for 0036 percent of the earth's atmosphere
water vapor is a greenhouse gas accounting for 04 to 1 percent of the earth's atmosphere & carbon dioxide is a greehouse gas accounting for 0036 percent of the earth's atmosphere & 04 is bigger than 0036
water vapor is the largest amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere
the earth 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by mass & most means over 50% of something
the earth's atmosphere is mostly made of nitrogen
aurora is a kind of atmospheric phenomena & an aurora is created by charged particles interact with magnetosphere
an aurora is an atmospheric phenomena that is created by charged particles interacting with magnetosphere
photosynthesis is a source of oxygen & a source of something increases the amount of that something
photosynthesis increases the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere
photosynthesis increases the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere & the photosynthetic life performs photosynthesis
photosynthetic life increases the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere
early photosynthetic life is a kind of photosynthetic life & early photosynthetic life existed a long time ago
early photosynthetic life is a kind of photosynthetic life that existed a long time ago
photosynthetic life increases the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere & early photosynthetic life is a kind of photosynthetic life that existed a long time ago
early photosynthetic life increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere a long time ago
early photosynthetic life increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere a long time ago & earth had no / little oxygen a very long time ago & oxygen level describes an amount of oxygen
early photosynthetic life increased the oxygen level in earth 's atmosphere
oceans cover 70% of the surface of the earth & most means over 50% of something
oceans cover most of earth's surface
oceans cover most of earth's surface & an ocean is a kind of body of water
water covers most of earth's surface
majority means over 50% of something & earth contains glaciers / ice caps & ice caps and glaciers contain 69% of the freshwater on earth
the majority of freshwater is found in ice caps and glaciers on earth
most means over 50% of something & ice caps and glaciers contain 69% of freshwater on earth
ice caps and glaciers contain most of the freshwater on earth
ice caps and glaciers contain most of the freshwater on earth & glaciers are a kind of major reservoir
glaciers are a major reservoir that contains most of the freshwater on earth
glaciers are a major reservoir that contains most of the freshwater on earth & ice sheet is a kind of glacier
ice sheets are a major reservoir that contains most of the freshwater on earth
deflection is when an object changes its moving direction & the drag of wind causes the surface of the water to change its direction toward the direction of the wind
the drag of wind causes the water to deflect toward the direction of the wind
oceans contain most of earth 's water & water is made of hydrogen and oxygen
ocean water is made of hydrogen and oxygen