cycles of freezing and thawing water cause mechanical weathering & mechanical weathering means breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means
cycles of freezing and thawing water cause the rocks to break into smaller pieces
oxidation of iron will change the iron to yellow, red, or orange color & chemical weathering causes iron in rock to oxidize & rocks sometimes contain iron
chemical weathering can cause iron in rock to oxidize and change the color of the rock to yellow, red, or orange
a plant 's roots slowly break down rocks as the roots grow & weathering means breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means
a plant's roots can cause weathering on rocks
a plant's roots can cause weathering on rocks & a plant is a kind of living thing
a plant's roots causing weathering is an example of a living thing causing weathering
mosses produces acid from their roots & acid can cause rocks to weather by chemical reaction
mosses can cause chemical weathering by producing acid from their roots
an example of weathering is a plant root growing into a crack in rock & a tree is a kind of plant
a tree's root growing into a crack in rock is an example of weathering
a plant is a kind of organism & a tree is a kind of plant
a tree is a kind of organism
a tree's root growing into a crack in rock is an example of weathering & a tree is a kind of organism
a tree's root growing into a crack in rock is an example of organism causing the weathering
a tree's root growing into a crack in rock is an example of organism causing the weathering & organic weathering means organisms cause the weathering of rocks
a tree's root growing into a crack in rock is an example of organic weathering
moisture is a kind of environmental factor & warmth is a kind of environmental factor
warmth and moisture are kinds of environmental factors
warmth and moisture are kinds of environmental factors & warmth and moisture can accelerate chemical reactions
a warm and moist environment can accelerate chemical reactions
a warm and moist environment can accelerate chemical reactions & chemical weathering means chemical reaction causes the weathering of rocks
a warm and moist environment can accelerate the rate of chemical weathering on rocks
an example of weathering is a plant root growing into a crack in rock & a tree is a kind of plant & a boulder is a kind of large rock
a tree's root growing in a crack in a boulder is an example of weathering
acid produced by some trees can change the soil chemistry & a change in soil chemistry is a kind of chemical weathering
some trees producing acid is an example of chemical weathering
acid can cause rocks to weather by chemical reaction & soil is formed by rocks weathering
acid can form soil by weathering rocks
acid can form soil by weathering rocks & plants can produce acid
plants can form soil by producing acid to weather rocks
acid can cause rocks to weather by chemical reaction & chemical weathering means chemical reaction causes the weathering of rocks
acid weathering rocks is a kind of chemical weathering
acid weathering rocks is a kind of chemical weathering & lichens can produce acid to break down rocks
lichens producing acid to break down rocks is an example of chemical weathering
a drought is a kind of slow environmental change & a drought occurs over a period of months / years
a drought is an environmental change that occurs over a period of months or years
a hurricane has high wind speeds & high winds are winds with high wind speed & a tornado has high wind speeds
both hurricanes and tornadoes have high winds
low means low in elevation / height / altitude & area means a place
low areas means places with low elevation
low areas means places with low elevation & as elevation of a place decreases , how much a flood will affect that place will increases
a flood will affect low areas more than higher areas
drought is when available water decreases in an environment & plants require water to survive
drought will decrease the water plants need to survive
drought will decrease the water plants need to survive & plants drying out means plants do not have enough water to survive
drought can cause plants to dry out
drought can cause plants to dry out & drought may cause wildfires
drought can cause plants to dry out and cause wildfires
a hurricane has large amount of rain & a hurricane has high wind speed
a hurricane has high wind speed and large amount of rain
rain causes erosion & wind causes erosion
wind and rain / storms cause erosion
a hurricane has high wind speed and large amount of rain & wind and rain / storms cause erosion
a hurricane can cause erosion
the temperautre on lands is usually colder and less humid in moisture & moisture and warm temperature is the source of energy in hurricanes
when a hurricane moves over land , that hurricane will decrease in strength
when a hurricane moves over land , that hurricane will decrease in strength & a continent is a kind of large land mass
when a hurricane moves over a continent, that hurricane will decrease in strength
disrupting something from reaching something else decreases the availability of that something & smoke from volcanic eruptions can disrupt sunlight from reaching earth 's surface
smoke from volcanic eruptions can decrease the availability of sunlight
smoke from volcanic eruptions can decrease the availability of sunlight & as the availability of sunlight decreases , the ability of producers to produce food decrease
smoke from volcanic eruptions can decrease the food produced by the producers by decreasing the availability of sunlight
smoke from volcanic eruptions can decrease the food produced by the producers by decreasing the availability of sunlight & food is a kind of resource
smoke from vocanic eruptions can decrease resources in an area by decreasing the availability of sunlight
heat and moisture above the ocean cause the formation of a hurricane & air is above the ocean
heat and moisture in the air above the ocean can cause the formation of a hurricane
heat and moisture in the air above the ocean can cause the formation of a hurricane & warm means medium heat energy / temperature
warm and moist air above the ocean can cause the formation of a hurricane
flooding decreases the availability of food & a living thing requires food for survival
flooding can decrease the availability of food required by living things for survival
flooding can decrease the availability of food required by living things for survival & a parrot is a kind of living thing
flooding can decrease the availability of food required by parrots for survival
the decrease of something required by an organism has a negative impact on that organism 's survival & a parrot is a kind of organism
the decrease of something required by a parrot has a negative impact on that parrot's survival
flooding can decrease the availability of food required by parrots for survival & the decrease of something required by a parrot has a negative impact on that parrot's survival
flooding decreasing food availability has a negative impact on parrots survival
drought is when available water decreases in an environment & as the availability of water decreases, the environment will become more dry
drought causes the environment to be dry
drought causes the environment to be dry & dry conditions can cause fire
drought may cause wildfires
drought may cause wildfires & a prairie is a kind of ecosystem
drought may cause wildfires to a prairie
humidity is a property of weather and include ordered values of dry / humid & a weather report describes weather
a weather report will describe the humidity of weather
a weather report will describe the humidity of weather & humidity is the amount of moisture in the air
the weather report will decribe the amount of moisture in the air
the air mass formed close to the ocean is humid in moisture & boston is a city that is near to the coast of the atlantic ocean
the air mass in boston will be humid in moisture
the equator receives the most amount of direct sunlight throughout the year & the poles receives the least amount of direct sunlight throughout the year
the equator receives more direct sunlight than the poles on earth
the equator receives more direct sunlight than the poles on earth & there is ocean found at the equator and the poles area
the ocean at the equator will receive more direct sunlight than the ocean at the poles
the ocean at the equator will receive more direct sunlight than the ocean at the poles & if something receives sunlight, it will absorb the sunlight
the ocean at the equator will abosrb more direct sunlight than the ocean at the poles
the equator receives the most amount of direct sunlight throughout the year & the poles receives the least amount of direct sunlight throughout the year
the equator receives more direct sunlight than the poles on earth
the equator receives more direct sunlight than the poles on earth & if something receives sunlight, it will absorb the sunlight
the equator will abosrb more direct sunlight than the poles on earth
the equator will abosrb more direct sunlight than the poles on earth & if an object / a substance / a location absorbs solar energy then that object / that substance will increase in temperature
the equator will have higher temperature than the poles on earth
the climate is low in humidity in nevada & lack of moisture in the air causes low amounts of rainfall
the low humidity in nevada causes the low amounts of rainfall
cloudy is a kind of weather & rainy is a kind of weather & cold is a kind of weather & windy is a kind of weather
windy, cloudy, rainy, and cold are all kinds of weather
a barometer is used to measure air pressure & a barometer is a kind of instrument
a barometer is an instrument used to measure air pressure
a barometer is used to measure air pressure & a barometer is a kind of instrument
a barometer is an instrument used to measure air pressure
a barometer is used to measure air pressure & air pressure is a property of air
a barometer is used to meausre the air pressure property
a property is a kind of information & temperature is a property of weather
temperature is a kindof information about weather
temperature is a kindof information about weather & a thermometer is used to measure temperature
a thermometer is used to measure the information about weather on temperature
cold fronts cause thunderstorms as they pass by & a large cold front is moving past the school
the large cold front passing the school will cause thunderstorms
the large cold front passing the school will cause thunderstorms & the weather at school is hot and humid
the weather will change from hot and humid to having thunderstorms at the school
investigating a process requires investigating every stage of the process & scientists want to investigate the water cycle & a cycle is a kind of process
scientists have to investigate every stage of the water cycle
scientists have to investigate every stage of the water cycle & precipitation is a stage in the water cycle process
scientists have to investigate precipitation in the water cycle
scientists have to investigate precipitation in the water cycle & investigating something requires investigating the properties of something
scientists have to investigate the properties of percipitation
scientists have to investigate the properties of percipitation & the amount of precipitation is a property of precipitation & investigating sometimes requires measuring
scientists have to meausre the amount of precipitation
an anemometer is a kind of instrument & an anemometer is used to measure wind speed
an anemometer is an instrument used to measure wind speed
clear weather means sunny / not cloudy / not rainy weather & high pressure systems cause clear weather
high pressure systems can cause sunny weather
hurricane is a kind of severe weather & a weather map is a map showing the weather for an area
a hurricane will be shown on a weather map
wind direction is a property of weather & a property is a kind of information
wind direction is a kind of information about weather
wind direction is a kind of information about weather & a station model is used for displaying information about weather in a particular point and time
wind direction in a particular point and time is displayed in a station model
transpiration is a stage in the water cycle process & transpiration is when water vapor moves from plants into the atmosphere
transpiration of plants is a stage in the water cycle process by moving water vapor from plants to atmosphere
water is a kind of substance & condensing means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
water condensing means water changes from a gas to a liquid by decreasing heat energy
water condensing means water changes from a gas to a liquid by decreasing heat energy & water is in the liquid state, called liquid water & water is in the gas state , called water vapor
water condensing means water changes from water vapor to liquid water by decreasing heat energy
cooling means temperature decreases & temperature is a measure of heat energy
cooling means decreasing in heat energy
water condensing means water changes from water vapor to liquid water by decreasing heat energy & cooling means decreasing in heat energy & water vapor is rapidly cooled
water vapor cooling causes that water vapor to condense into liquid water
condensing means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy0 & temperature is a measure of heat energy & colder means lower in temperature
colder means a decrease in heat energy
colder means a decrease in heat energy & air is rising to a colder region
the heat energy of the air will decrease when air is rising to a colder region
condensing means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy1 & water vapor is found in the atmosphere
air contains water vapor
the heat energy of the air will decrease when air is rising to a colder region & air contains water vapor
the water vapor in air will decrease in heat energy when air is rising to a colder region
condensing means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy & water is a kind of substance
water condensing is when water changing from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
water condensing is when water changing from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy & water is in the gas state , called water vapor & water is in the liquid state, called liquid water
water condensing is when water changing from water vapor into liquid water by decreasing heat energy
the water vapor in air will decrease in heat energy when air is rising to a colder region & water condensing is when water changing from water vapor into liquid water by decreasing heat energy
air rising into a colder region will cause the water vapor in air to condense
air rising into a colder region will cause the water vapor in air to condense & clouds are formed by water vapor rising into colder regions of the atmosphere and condensing into rain droplets
air rising into a colder region will cause the water vapor to condense into rain droplets
evaporation is when water is drawn back up into the air in the water cycle & in the water cycle , evaporation always follows collection in bodies of water & bodies of water are located on the surface of the earth
evaporation will transfer the water in bodies of water on the surface of earth back into the air
transpiration is when water vapor moves from plants into the atmosphere & clouds are made of water vapor
transpiration transfers the water vapor making up clouds from plants into atmosphere
transpiration transfers the water vapor making up clouds from plants into atmosphere & transpiration is a stage in the water cycle process
transpiration is a stage in the water cycle that transfers the water vapor making up clouds from plants into atmosphere
in the water cycle , collection in bodies of water can follow runoff & in the water cycle , runoff can follow precipitation
collection in bodies of water happens after precipitation and runoff
collection in bodies of water happens after precipitation and runoff & collection in water cycle is when precipitation is collected in bodies of water
precipitation will be collected in bodies of water after precipitation and runoff
precipitation will be collected in bodies of water after precipitation and runoff & a lake is a kind of body of water
lakes are formed by precipitation and runoff
a thunderstorm is a kind of storm & a storm is a source of heavy rain
a thunderstorm is a source of heavy rain
a thunderstorm is a source of heavy rain & rain causes bodies of water to increase amount of water they contain
a thunderstorm can cause bodies of water to increase amount of water they contain
a thunderstorm can cause bodies of water to increase amount of water they contain & when a body of water receives more water than it can hold , a flood occurs
a thunderstorm can cause bodies of water to flood
a thunderstorm can cause bodies of water to flood & a stream is a kind of moving body of water
a thunderstorm can cause a stream to flood
snow is a kind of precipitation & hail is a kind of precipitation & sleet is a kind of precipitation & rain is a kind of precipitation
hail, snow, sleet, and rain are different kinds of precipitation
water vapor condensing in clouds causes rain & rain is a kind of precipitation
water vapor has to condense in clouds before clouds producing precipitation
hail is a kind of precipitation & sleet is a kind of precipitation
hail and sleet are different kinds of precipitation
when water falls from the sky , that water usually returns to the soil & precipitation is when water falls from the sky
when precipitation happens, water usually returns to the soil
when precipitation happens, water usually returns to the soil & precipitation is a stage in the water cycle process
precipitation is a stage in water cycle where the water will return to the soil
the temperature is below freezing & the freezing point of water is 32f / 0c / 273k & freezing is usually used to refer the freezing point of water in real life
the temperature is below 0 c
the temperature is below 0 c & precipitation is when water falls from the sky & water is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c
the precipitation of water will be in ice form when temperature is below 0 c
snow is a kind of ice & snow is a kind of precipitation
snow is precipitation in ice form