transverse waves cause objects to move perpendicular to the direction of the wave & a particle is a kind of object
transverse waves cause particles to move perpendicular to the direction of the wave
if two balanced forces act on an object in opposite directions then that object will remain stationary & if vehicle is parked then that vehicle is stationary & a vehicle is a kind of object
a parked vehicle is an example of two balanced forces acting on the vehicle
a parked vehicle is an example of two balanced forces acting on the vehicle & a bus is a kind of vehicle
a parked bus is an example of two balanced forces acting on the bus
wheels are a part of roller skates & a roller skate is a kind of vehicle
a roller skate is a kind of vehicle with wheels
a roller skate is a kind of vehicle with wheels & a wheeled vehicle is a kind of vehicle with wheels
a roller skate is a kind of wheeled vehicle
a roller skate is a kind of wheeled vehicle & a wheeled vehicle requires smooth surfaces
a roller skate requires smooth surfaces
blacktop is made of asphalt concrete & asphalt has a smooth surface
a blacktop has a smooth surface
a roller skate requires smooth surfaces & a blacktop has a smooth surface
a roller skate can be used on a blacktop surface
skidding is when the tire of a vehicle slides on the road without rotating & if somethings slides on something else then that something is moving against that something else
skidding is when the tire of a vehicle moves against the road without rotating
friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other0 & a tire is a kind of object
a tire and a road are kinds of objects
skidding is when the tire of a vehicle moves against the road without rotating & a tire and a road are kinds of objects & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other & a surface is a part of an object
skidding causes friction between the tire and the road
skidding causes friction between the tire and the road & friction causes the temperature of an object to increase
friction causes the temperature of the tire to increase
if the tire overheats, some chemical in the tire will vaporized & if the temperature of the tire keeps increasing, the tire will overheat
if the temperature of the tire keeps increasing, some chemical in the tire will be vaporized
friction causes the temperature of the tire to increase & if the temperature of the tire keeps increasing, some chemical in the tire will be vaporized
friction causes some chemicals in the tire to vaporize
friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other1 & a chemical is a kind of substance
vaporizing a chemical causes smoke
friction causes some chemicals in the tire to vaporize & vaporizing a chemical causes smoke
friction causes the tire to produce smoke
friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other & as roughness of a surface increases , friction will increase
as the roughness of a surface increases, friction on the moving object will increase
as the roughness of a surface increases, friction on the moving object will increase & wood has a smooth surface & carpet has a rough surface
friction on the moving object increases when it is moving from the wood surface to the carpet surface
friction on the moving object increases when it is moving from the wood surface to the carpet surface & as the friction increases, friction will decrease the speed of the object more
the speed of the moving object on the carpet will be decreased more than the moving objects on the wood surface
ground is a kind of object & a wagon is a kind of object
a wagon and ground are kinds of objects
a wagon and ground are kinds of objects & when the wagon is moving down the hill, it is moving against the ground & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
friction occurs between the wagon and the ground
friction occurs between the wagon and the ground & a wagon is a kind of object & friction causes the speed of an object to decrease
friction causes the speed of the wagon to decrease
friction causes the speed of the wagon to decrease & if the speed of an object keeps decreasing, the object will come to stop & a wagon is a kind of object
friction causes the wagon to stop
as the friction increases, the resistance on the object to move will increase & as roughness of a surface increases , friction will increase
as the roughness of a surface increases, the resistance on the object to move will increase
as the roughness of a surface increases, the resistance on the object to move will increase & wood has a smooth surface & carpet has a rough surface
the resistance on the object to move on the carpet will be larger than on the wood
the resistance on the object to move on the carpet will be larger than on the wood & a toy car is a kind of object
the resistance on the toy car object to move on the carpet is larger than on the wood
the resistance on the toy car object to move on the carpet is larger than on the wood & as the resistance on the object to move increase, the object will move slower
the toy car will move slower on the carpet than on the wood
a ramp is a kind of object & a block is a kind of object
a block and a ramp are kinds of objects
a block and a ramp are kinds of objects & sliding is a kind of moving & a block is sliding down a ramp & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
friction occurs between the block and the ramp
friction occurs between the block and the ramp & friction causes the speed of an object to decrease & a block is a kind of object
friction causes the speed of the block to decrease
pool balls are moving on the surface of the felt of the pool table & a pool table is a kind of object & a pool ball is a kind of object & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
friction will occur between the pool ball and the felt of the pool table
friction will occur between the pool ball and the felt of the pool table & friction causes the speed of an object to decrease & a pool ball is a kind of object
friction will cause the speed of the pool balls to decrease
friction causes the temperature of an object to increase & heat means temperature increases
friction causes an object to heat
friction causes an object to heat & oil is used to decrease the friction among parts in the car engine
oil can be used to decrease the heat among parts in the car engine produced by friction
ramp is a kind of surface & as roughness of a surface increases , friction will increase
as roughness of the ramp increases, friction will increase
as roughness of the ramp increases, friction will increase & putting a rough paper on the ramp will increase the roughness of the ramp
putting a rough paper on the ramp will increase the friciton of the ramp
a ball is a kind of object & gravity pulls objects towards planets & gravity is a kind of force
gravity is the force that pulls the ball towards the planet
gravity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet & marble is a kind of object / material & gravity is a kind of force
gravity is the force that causes the marble to be pulled down on a planet
a rock is a kind of object & gravity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet & gravity is a kind of force
gravity is the force that causes rocks to be pulled down on the planet
gravity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet & gravity is a kind of force & a ball is a kind of object
gravity is the force that pulls the ball towards the planet
gravity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet & gravity is a kind of force & a ball is a kind of object
gravity is the force that pulls the ball towards the planet
gravity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet & gravity is a kind of force & marble is a kind of object / material
gravity is the force that causes the marble to be pulled down on a planet
gravity is the force that causes the marble to be pulled down on a planet & sinking means moving down
gravity is the force that causes the marble to sink
gravity is a kind of force & gravity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet & a pencil is a kind of object
gravity is the force that causes the pencial to be pulled down on a planet
a decrease is a kind of change & as the mass of an object decreases , the force of gravity on that object will decrease
as the mass of an object changes, the force of gravity on that object will change
as the mass of an object changes, the force of gravity on that object will change & if something changes when something else changes, then that something depends on that something else
the force of gravity depends on the mass of an object
the mass of an object causes the gravitational force exerted by that object & if something causes something else then that something else depends on that something
the gravitational force on an object depends on the mass of the object
if something causes something else then that something else depends on that something & the mass of an object causes the gravitational force exerted by that object
the gravitational force on an object depends on the mass of the object
flying an object requires lift to oppose the object 's weight & a glider is a kind of object
flying a glider requires lift to oppose the weight of the glider
a cloth is a kind of object & a plastic strip is a kind of object
a cloth and a plastic strip are kinds of object
a cloth and a plastic strip are kinds of object & there is a negatively-charged piece of cloth & there is a negatively-charged plastic strip & charge is a property of an object and includes ordered values of negatively-charged / neutral / positively-charged
the piece of cloth and plastic strip have the same charge of negative charge
a cloth is a kind of object & a plastic strip is a kind of object
a cloth and a plastic strip are kinds of object
the piece of cloth and plastic strip have the same charge of negative charge & a cloth and a plastic strip are kinds of object & if two objects have the same electrical charge then those two objects will repel each other when they are close to each other
the negatively-charged plastic strip and negatively-charged piece of cloth will repel each other
if battery in an electromagnet is active then the nail in the electromagnet will become magnetic & the student connects the wire wrapping an iron nail to a battery
the iron nail will become magnetic
the iron nail will become magnetic & a nail is a kind of object & magnetic attraction pulls two objects together
the iron nail will attract another iron nail because the iron nail is magnetic
a soccer ball is a kind of ball & a ball is a kind of object
a soccer ball is a kind of object
a soccer ball is a kind of object & a soccer player kicks a soccer ball & if an object is kicked then force is exerted on that object
a force is exerted on the soccer ball through the kick
a soccer ball is a kind of ball & a ball is a kind of object
a soccer ball is a kind of object
a force is exerted on the soccer ball through the kick & a soccer ball is a kind of object & as force exerted on an object increases , distance travelled will increase
the force of the kick can affect the distance travelled by the soccer ball
a rock is a kind of object & a lever is used for lifting / moving heavy objects
a lever can be used for lifting a heavy rock
pedalling a bicycle requires moving the pedals in a circular motion & pedals are part of a bicycle for pedalling
the pedals are the part of a bicycle that moves in circular motion
an inclined plane increases the distance over which an object travels & an inclined plane decreases the force required to move an object to a different altitude
an inclined plane increases the distance the object travels and decrease the force needed to move the object
speed is a measure of distance travelled by an object divided by time & race is when vehicles / humans compete in speed
the speed of the race is measured by dividing the distance travelled by time
unbalanced force causes objects to move & a book is a kind of object & a book on the table starts to move horizontally
an unbalanced force is applied on the book
40 m/s describes the speed of an object & north / northward is a kind of direction & velocity is a measure of a speed in a direction
40 m/s north describes the velocity of an object
humans have been on earth for 300000 years & insects have been on earth for 400000000 years & fish have been on earth for 419000000 years & reptiles have been on earth for 370000000 years
humans have been on earth for the shortest amount of time among insects, reptiles, and fish
mammals give birth to live young & monkeys give birth to live young
a monkey is a kind of mammal
mammals give birth to live young & bats give birth to live young
a bat is a kind of mammal
mammals give birth to live young & mice give birth to live young
a mouse is a kind of mammal
a monkey is a kind of mammal & a bat is a kind of mammal & a mouse is a kind of mammal
mouse, monkey, and bat are all mammals
trout is a kind of fish & gills are a part of trout
gills are a part of a fish
different kinds of trees keep or lose their leaves at different rates & the rate at which trees keep or lose their leaves is a characteristic of trees
the rate at which trees keep or lose their leaves is a characteristic of trees that is different for different kinds of trees
the rate at which trees keep or lose their leaves is a characteristic of trees that is different for different kinds of trees & a characteristic of something that is different for different kinds of that something is a distinct characteristic of that something
that rate at which a kind of tree keeps or loses its leaves is a distinct characteristic of that kind of tree
that rate at which a kind of tree keeps or loses its leaves is a distinct characteristic of that kind of tree & the rate at which a tree loses its leaves is used to catergorize trees
distinct characteristics of trees are used to catergorize trees
the kind of fruit produced by trees is a chracteristic of trees & different kinds of trees produce different types of fruit
the kind of fruit produced by trees is a characteristic of trees that is different for different kinds of trees
the kind of fruit produced by trees is a characteristic of trees that is different for different kinds of trees & a characteristic of something that is different for different kinds of that something is a distinct characteristic of that something
the type of fruit a kind of tree produces is a distinct characteristic of that kind of tree
distinct characteristics of trees are used to catergorize trees & the type of fruit a kind of tree produces is a distinct characteristic of that kind of tree
the type of fruit a tree produces can be used to catergorize trees
fungi have no chlorophyll & fungi can be multicellular
fungi have no chlorophyll and fungi can be multicellular
fungi have no chlorophyll and fungi can be multicellular & fungi absorb nutrients from decaying tissue
fungi have no chlorophyll and fungi can be multicellular and fungi absorb nutrients from decaying tissue
fungi have no chlorophyll and fungi can be multicellular and fungi absorb nutrients from decaying tissue & a fungus is a kind of organism
fungi are organisms that have no chlorophyll, can be multicellular, and absorb nutrients from decaying tissue
fungi are organisms that have no chlorophyll, can be multicellular, and absorb nutrients from decaying tissue & fungi are part of the biological kingdom fungi
the biological kingdom fungi contains organisms that have no chlorophyll, can be multicellular, and absorb nutrients from decaying tissue
a whale is a kind of mammal & a cat is a kind of mammal
a cat and a whale are both mammals
a cat and a whale are both mammals & mammal is a kind of class of animal
a cat and a whale are part of the same class of animals
an animal is a kind of living thing & living things in the same class are more closely related than living things in different classes
animals in the same class are more closely related than animals in different classes
a cat and a whale are part of the same class of animals & animals in the same class are more closely related than animals in different classes
a cat is more closely related to a whale than to animals of a different class
an animal is a kind of living thing1 & if two things have the same features then those two things are alike
if two things have different features then those two things are different
if two things have different features then those two things are different & if things can be identified as different because of something then they are distinguishable by that something
things are distinguishable by their features
an animal is a kind of living thing0 & a bird is a kind of animal
a bird and a mammal are both kinds of animals
a bird and a mammal are both kinds of animals & an animal is a kind of living thing
a bird and a mammal are both kinds of things
things are distinguishable by their features & a bird and a mammal are both kinds of things
mammals and birds are distinguishable by their features
a bird is a kind of object & a mammal is a kind of object
a mammal is a kind of object and a bird is a kind of object
a mammal is a kind of object and a bird is a kind of object & the parts of an object are features of that object
the parts of a mammal / bird are features of the mammal / bird
feathers are a part of a bird & fur is usually part of a mammal
fur is a part of mammals and feathers are a part of birds
the parts of a mammal / bird are features of the mammal / bird & fur is a part of mammals and feathers are a part of birds
fur is a feature of mammals and feathers are a feature of birds
mammals and birds are distinguishable by their features & fur is a feature of mammals and feathers are a feature of birds
fur can be used to distinguish mammals from birds
plants are a kind of eukaryote0 & a fungus is a kind of eukaryote
fungi are eukaryotes that obtain nutrients by absorption
plants are a kind of eukaryote & animals are a kind of eukaryote
plants and animals are both eukaryotes
plants and animals are both eukaryotes & if two things are both something else, then they are different kinds of that something else
plants and animals are different kinds of eukaryotes
plants obtain nutrients through the method of photosynthesis & animals obtain nutrients through the method of consumption
plants and animals use different methods to obtain nutrients
plants and animals are different kinds of eukaryotes & plants and animals use different methods to obtain nutrients
different kinds of eukaryotes use different methods for obtaining nutrients