heat can cause a solid substance to melt & an ice cube is a kind of solid
heat can cause the ice cube to melt
heat is a kind of heat energy & heat energy can change the state of matter
heat can change the state of matter
heat can change the state of matter & liquid is a kind of state of matter & solid is a kind of state of matter
heat can change a substance from a solid to liquid
heat can change a substance from a solid to liquid & melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
heat can cause a solid substance to melt
heat can cause a solid substance to melt & ice is a kind of solid
heat can cause ice to melt
heat can cause ice to melt & a car engine is a source of heat
the heat from a car engine can cause ice to melt
heat energy can change the state of matter & heat is a kind of heat energy
heat can change the state of matter
heat can change the state of matter & solid is a kind of state of matter & liquid is a kind of state of matter
heat can change a substance from a solid to liquid
heat can change a substance from a solid to liquid & melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
heat can cause a solid substance to melt
heat can cause a solid substance to melt & ice is a kind of solid
heat can cause ice to melt
heat can cause ice to melt & the sun is a source of radiation / heat called sunlight
the heat from the sunlight cause ice to melt
an x ray is a kind of electromagnetic wave & electromagnetic energy travels as electromagnetic waves
x-rays are a kind of electromagnetic energy
x-rays are a kind of electromagnetic energy & ultraviolet light is a kind of electromagnetic energy
x-rays and ultraviolet light are both electromagnetic energy
a block is a kind of object & mechanical energy exerted by an object can be used to push or pull another object
mechanical energy exerted by an object can be used to push a block
mechanical energy exerted by an object can be used to push a block & a person is a kind of object
a person can exert mechanical energy to push a block
pedals are a kind of object & pedalling a bicycle requires moving the pedals in a circular motion & mechanical energy can cause objects to move
mechanical energy can be used to pedal a bicycle
a vehicle is a kind of object & a wagon is a kind of vehicle
a wagon is a kind of object
a wagon is a kind of object & rolling is a kind of motion
a wagon rolling is an example of an object in motion
a wagon rolling is an example of an object in motion & an example of mechanical energy is an object in motion
a wagon rolling is an example of mechanical energy
sound can occur in an area & a classroom is a kind of area
sound can occur in a classroom
sound can occur in a classroom & loud means high in sound energy / sound intensity & sound is a kind of energy
the sound in a loud class room is an example of high sound energy
if an object / something is in the sunlight then that object / that something will absorb solar energy & a sidewalk is located outside
a sidewalk located outside will absorb solar energy
a sidewalk located outside will absorb solar energy & absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat
the sidewalk located outsie will heat
the sidewalk located outsie will heat & if something heats, it will feel hot
the sidewalk located outside will feel hot
if an object touches something then one is exposed to that something & if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid, then the spoon is exposed to the liquid
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid, then the spoon is exposed to the liquid & soup is a kind of liquid
if a spoon is used to stir soup, the the spoon is exposed to the soup
if a spoon is used to stir soup, the the spoon is exposed to the soup & a metal spoon is used to stir the soup
the metal spoon is exposed to the soup
the metal spoon is exposed to the soup & metal is a thermal / thermal energy conductor
the metal spoon being exposed to the soup is an example of a thermal conductor being exposed to the soup
a metal spoon is used to stir the soup0 & a pan of soup is heated on a stove
the pan of soup will become hot
the pan of soup will become hot & a metal spoon is used to stir the soup1 & soup is a kind of substance
the pan of soup will become a source of heat
the metal spoon being exposed to the soup is an example of a thermal conductor being exposed to the soup & the pan of soup will become a source of heat & if a thermal conductor is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor will become hot / warm
the metal spoon in the soup will become hot
the metal spoon in the soup will become hot & if heat is transferred to an object , then the object will get hot
heat in the soup transferring to the metal spoon causes the spoon to become hot
sunlight is a kind of light & solar energy is a kind of light
sunlight is a kind of solar energy
sunlight is a kind of solar energy & absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat
absorbing solar energy causes objects to heat
a glass is a kind of object & a glass contains water & water is a kind of substance
a glass of water is a kind of object
a glass of water is a kind of object & if an object / something is in the sunlight then that object / that something will absorb solar energy & a glass of water is in the sunlight
the glass of water will absorb solar energy
absorbing solar energy causes objects to heat & the glass of water will absorb solar energy
the glass of water will heat
a sheet of construction paper is a kind of object & black objects absorb the most amount of sunlight
a black sheet of construction paper will absorb the most amount of sunlight
a sweater is a kind of article of clothing & an article of clothing is a kind of object
a sweater is a kind of object
a sweater is a kind of object & if an object is black then that object absorbs all visible light / heat
a black sweater will absorb all visible light
blue is a kind of color & dark means dark in color
dark blue is dark in color
dark blue is dark in color & as lightness in color of an object increases , the ability of that object to reflect light will increase & white is light in color
white colored object will reflect more light than the dark blue object
white colored object will reflect more light than the dark blue object & there is a white t-shirt & there is a dark blue t-shirt & t-shirt is a kind of object
the white t-shirt will reflect more light than the dark blue t-shirt
the white t-shirt will reflect more light than the dark blue t-shirt & if an object reflects more sunlight, than the object is more likely to stay cool
the white t-shirt is likely to be cooler than dark blue t-shirt
a leaf is often green in color & a leaf is a kind of object
a leaf is a green object
a leaf is a green object & if an object reflects a light of a certain color then the object appears to be that color
leaves reflect green color
ionizing radiation is harmful to human skin & ultraviolet radiation is ionizing
ultraviolet radiation is harmful to human skin
electromagnetic radiation is arranged in the electromagnetic spectrum by wavelength / frequency & light is a kind of electromagnetic radiation
light is arranged in the electromagnetic spectrum by wavelength and frequency
visible light is a kind of light & light is a kind of electromagnetic wave
visible light is a kind of electromagnetic wave
visible light is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum & visible light can be seen without using equipment
visible light is the part of electromagnetic spectrum that can be seen without using equipment
a frequency of radient energy means a form of radient energy & all ranges of frequencies of radiant energy is called electromagnetic spectrum
all ranges of forms of radient energy is called the electromagnetic spectrum
a particle of light is a kind of object & speed is a property of a wave or an object & light is a kind of wave
speed is a property of the light wave and a particle of light
light is a kind of wave & frequency is a property of a wave / a particle of light / an event
frequency is a property of the light wave and a particle of light
speed is a property of the light wave and a particle of light & frequency is a property of the light wave and a particle of light
speed and frequency can be used to describe the properties of a light wave and a particle of light
a girl shines a flashlight on a mirror & a flashlight emits light
when a girl shines a flashlight on a mirror, light will shine on the mirror
when a girl shines a flashlight on a mirror, light will shine on the mirror & a mirror reflects light
when a girl shines a flashlight on a mirror, the light will be reflected by the mirror
when a girl shines a flashlight on a mirror, the light will be reflected by the mirror & if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
if the mirror reflects light toward another girl's eye, then the other girl will see the light
white is a kind of color & a shirt is a kind of object
a white shirt is white in color
a white shirt is white in color & if an object is white then that object reflects all visible light
a white colored shirt will reflect all visible light
light is a kind of wave & when light hits a reflective object , that light bounces off that object
when light wave hits a reflective object, the light wave bounces off that object
when light wave hits a reflective object, the light wave bounces off that object & reflection is when a wave bounces off a surface and travels in the opposite direction relative to the angle of incidence
when light wave hits a reflective object, the light wave is reflected
when light wave hits a reflective object, the light wave is reflected & a mirror is a kind of reflective object
when light wave hits a mirror, the light wave will be reflected
absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat & if something is outside during the day then that something will receive sunlight
if something is outside during the day then that something will be heated by absorbing sunlight
if something is outside during the day then that something will be heated by absorbing sunlight & cars are parked outside during the day
cars parked outside will be heated by absorbing sunlight
cars parked outside will be heated by absorbing sunlight & sunlight is a kind of light
cars parked outside will be heated by absorbing light
a shiny aluminum screen is placed on the car & shiny things reflect light
a shiny aluminum screen on a car will reflect light away from the car
cars parked outside will be heated by absorbing light & a shiny aluminum screen on a car will reflect light away from the car & if light is reflected, then the light is not absorbed
cars with a shiny aluminum screen will reflect the sunlight and not absorb the sunlight
cars with a shiny aluminum screen will reflect the sunlight and not absorb the sunlight & if an object does not absorb the sunlight, then the object can stay cool
cars with a shiny aluminum screen can stay cool by reflecting the sunlight
seeing requires light & light is a kind of energy
seeing requires light energy
seeing requires light energy & if something is required for something else then that something allows that something else
light energy allows things to be seen
light energy allows things to be seen & a student can see the specimen through a microscope
the light energy allows the student to see the specimen through the microscope
reflection is a kind of property & reflection is when particles bounce off a surface & reflection is when a wave bounces off a surface and travels in the opposite direction relative to the angle of incidence
both particles and waves have the property of reflection
both particles and waves have the property of reflection & reflection is a property of light
light can be seen as both particles and waves
light reflecting off of an object causes that object to be visible to the observer & if an object reflects more light then that object is more easily seen
the object will be seen easier if it reflects more light
a ballon has a shiny metallic appearance & a balloon is a kind of object
a shiny metallic balloon is a kind of object
a shiny metallic balloon is a kind of object & shiny objects reflect light
the shiny metallic balloon is an object that reflects light
the shiny metallic balloon is an object that reflects light & light reflecting off of an object causes that object to be visible to the observer
the shiny metallic balloon is visible because it reflects light
more water droplets are present in the air after the rain & light refracts when it passes through water droplets
light is more easily to be refracted after the rain
light is more easily to be refracted after the rain & refracting light causes light to split into different colors
light is more easily to be split into different colors after the rain
light is more easily to be split into different colors after the rain & a rainbow is formed by refraction of light by splitting light into all different colors
a rainbow is more easily to be formed after the rain through light refraction
a rainbow is more easily to be formed after the rain through light refraction & sunlight is a kind of light
sunlight and rain can cause a rainbow
refraction is when light bends & refraction of light can split light into lights of different color
refraction is when light bends and is split into lights of different color
refraction is when light bends and is split into lights of different color & the rainbow is made of all different colors in visible light
a rainbow is formed by refraction of light by splitting light into all different colors
a prism refracts light & refracting sunlight / light causes sunlight / light to split into different colors
a prism can refract light and split the light into different colors
a prism can refract light and split the light into different colors & white light is made of all colors of visible light combined
a prism can refract white light and split the light into all colors of visible light
a rainbow is formed by refraction of light by separating light / splitting light into all different colors & sunlight is made of all colors in the rainbow
the refraction of sunlight into all different colors forms a rainbow
a light wave enters a denser medium & if a medium is denser , then the medium will be another medium
the light wave enters another densesr medium
the light wave enters another densesr medium & refraction is when light passes from one medium to another medium
the light is refracted when it enters another denser medium
a prism refracts light & a prism is made of glass
a glass prism refracts light
scattering light decreases visibility & water droplets scatter light
water droplets scattering light decreases the visibility
clouds are made of water vapor / rain droplets & fog is a kind of stratus cloud on the ground
fog is made of rain droplets
fog is made of rain droplets & rain droplets are a kind of water droplets
fog is made of water droplets
water droplets scattering light decreases the visibility & fog is made of water droplets
water droplets in the fog scattering light decreases the visibility
x-rays can pass through some parts of the body & doctors sometimes need an image of inside the body to diagnose
x-rays can be used by the doctors to see inside of the body
the medical industry uses medical technology & doctors belong to the medical industry
doctors use medical technology
x-rays can be used by the doctors to see inside of the body & doctors use medical technology
x-rays are used in medical technology
mechanical energy is used to move something by animals & joules j are an si unit used for measuring mechanical energy
the mechanical energy used to move something by animals is measured in joules
a ball is a kind of object & rolling is a kind of motion
a ball rolling is an example of object in motion
a ball rolling is an example of object in motion & an example of an object with kinetic energy is an object in motion
a ball rolling is an example of kinetic energy
a ball is a kind of object & rolling is a kind of motion
a ball rolling is an example of an object moving