eukaryotes are a kind of thing & if things can be identified as different because of something then they are distinguishable by that something
if eukaryotes can be identified as different because of something then they are distinguishable by that something
different kinds of eukaryotes use different methods for obtaining nutrients & if eukaryotes can be identified as different because of something then they are distinguishable by that something
different kinds of eukaryotes are distinguishable by how they obtain nutrients
fungi are eukaryotes that obtain nutrients by absorption & different kinds of eukaryotes are distinguishable by how they obtain nutrients
fungi are distinguishable from other eukaryotes because they obtain nutrients by absorption
plants are a kind of eukaryote1 & a fungus is a kind of organism
fungi are kinds of organisms that are part of the biological kingdom fungi
fungi are distinguishable from other eukaryotes because they obtain nutrients by absorption & fungi are kinds of organisms that are part of the biological kingdom fungi
organisms from the biological kingdom fungi are distinguishable from other eukaryotes because they obtain nutrients through absorption
the structure of an organism 's anatomy is used to classify the organism into the appropriate taxonomic rank & inherited characteristics can deterimne the structure of an organism's anatomy
inherited characteristics can be used to classify an organism into the apropriate taxonomic rank
genes are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing & an organism is a living thing
genes are able to determine the inherited characteristics of an organism
inherited characteristics can be used to classify an organism into the apropriate taxonomic rank & genes are able to determine the inherited characteristics of an organism
genes can be used for classifying organisms
genes can be used for classifying organisms & genes are made of dna
dna can be used for classifying organisms
dna can be used for classifying organisms & dna is a kind of molecule
molecules are used for classifying organisms
an earthworm does not have an internal skeleton & an invertebrate organism does not have an internal skeleton
an earthworm is a kind of invertebrate organism
non-mammals do not nurse their offspring & a mammal usually nurses its offspring
only mammals nurse their offspring
glands that make milk are only used for making milk & milk is generally only used for nursing offspring
glands that make milk are only useful for nursing offspring
only mammals nurse their offspring & glands that make milk are only useful for nursing offspring
glands that make milk are parts of only a mammal
an animal is a kind of organism & animals are a part of the biological kingdom animalia
animals are kinds of organisms that are part of the biological kingdom animalia
animals are kinds of organisms that are part of the biological kingdom animalia & an animal is a kind of eukaryote
the organisms in the kingdom animalia are eukaryotes
the organisms in the kingdom animalia are eukaryotes & eukaryotes are a part of the biological domain eukaryota
the organisms in the kingdom animalia belong to the domain eukaryota
an odd number of toes is a property of rhinoceroses & an odd number of toes is a property of horses
horses and rhinoceroses both have an odd number of toes
horses and rhinoceroses both have an odd number of toes & number of toes is a property of bone structure
rhinoceroses and horses have a similar bone structure
a rhinoceros is a kind of animal & a horse is a kind of animal
a rhinoceros and a horse are kinds of animals
rhinoceroses and horses have a similar bone structure & a rhinoceros and a horse are kinds of animals
rhinoceroses and horses are kinds of animals that have similar bone structures
rhinoceroses and horses are kinds of animals that have similar bone structures & if two species of animal have a similar bone structure then those two species probably evolved from a common ancestor in recent geological history
the bone structure of rhinoceroses and horses indicate that they might have evolved from a common ancestor
if two species of animal have a similar bone structure then those two species probably evolved from a common ancestor in recent geological history0 & rhinoceroses and horses have similar digestive systems
rhinoceroses and horses have similar characteristics
rhinoceroses are a kind of organism & horses are a kind of organism
rhinoceroses and horses are kinds of organisms
rhinoceroses and horses have similar characteristics & rhinoceroses and horses are kinds of organisms
rhinoceroses and horses are kinds of organisms that have similar characteristics
rhinoceroses and horses are kinds of organisms that have similar characteristics & if two species of animal have a similar bone structure then those two species probably evolved from a common ancestor in recent geological history1
the characteristics of rhinoceroses and horses indicate that they might share a common ancestor
the bone structure of rhinoceroses and horses indicate that they might have evolved from a common ancestor & the characteristics of rhinoceroses and horses indicate that they might share a common ancestor
rhinoceroses and horses might share a common ancestor
a frog is a kind of amphibian & a tadpole is a kind of young / baby frog
a tadpole is a kind of young amphibian
a tadpole is a kind of young amphibian & metamorphosis is when an amphibian changes from an immature form to an adult form
an example of metamorphosis is when a tadpole changes from a an immature form to and adult form
the immature form of a frog is called a tadpole & the adult form of a tadpole is called a frog
the imature form of a frog is called a tadpole and the adult form of a tadpole is called a frog
an example of metamorphosis is when a tadpole changes from a an immature form to and adult form & the imature form of a frog is called a tadpole and the adult form of a tadpole is called a frog
an example of metamorphosis is when a tadpole changes from a tadpole into a frog
young amphibians undergo metamorphosis & a frog is a kind of amphibian
frogs undergo metamorphosis
a nest contains eggs & birds sit in nests
birds sit on eggs
birds sit on eggs & sitting on something provides warmth to that something
a bird sitting on an egg provides warmth to that egg
an egg may contain a young animal & an animal requires warmth for survival
an egg requires warmth to survive
a bird sitting on an egg provides warmth to that egg & an egg requires warmth to survive
a bird sits on an egg to provide it with warmth for survival
the cocoons being created occurs during the the pupa stage in a life cycle & incomplete metamorphosis is when an insect reaches the adult stage without being a pupa
most insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis do not build a cocoon
most insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis do not build a cocoon & the life cycle of a moth is different from other insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis
a moth builds a cocoon
a caterpillar is kind of a young butterfly & a butterfly is a kind of insect
a caterpillar is a kind of insect
a caterpillar is a kind of insect & metamorphosis is when an insect changes from an immature form to an adult form
an example of metamorphosis is when a caterpillar changes from an immature form to an adult form
the immature form of a butterfly is called a caterpillar & the adult form of a caterpillar is called a butterfly
a caterpillar is the immature form of a butterfly and a butterfly is the adult form of a caterpillar
an example of metamorphosis is when a caterpillar changes from an immature form to an adult form & a caterpillar is the immature form of a butterfly and a butterfly is the adult form of a caterpillar
an example of metamorphosis is a caterpillar changes from a caterpillar into a butterfly
a butterfly is a kind of insect & metamorphosis is when an insect changes from an immature form to an adult form
metamorphosis is when a butterfly changes from an immature form to an adult form
the immature form of a butterfly is called a caterpillar & the adult form of a caterpillar is called a butterfly
the adult form of a caterpillar is a butterfly and the immature form of a butterfly is a caterpillar
metamorphosis is when a butterfly changes from an immature form to an adult form & the adult form of a caterpillar is a butterfly and the immature form of a butterfly is a caterpillar
metamorphosis is when a butterfly changes from caterpillar to a butterfly
reproduction occurs during adulthood & an example of reproduction is laying eggs
laying eggs occurs during adulthood
laying eggs occurs during adulthood & adulthood is a stage in the life cycle process
laying eggs occurs during the adult stage in the life cycle
laying eggs occurs during the adult stage in the life cycle & a female insect lays eggs
a female insect lays eggs during the adult stage of an insect 's life cycle
a cat is a kind of mammal & mammals give birth to live young
a cat gives birth to live young
a cat gives birth to live young & to give birth to live young means to undergo live birth
a cat undergoes live birth
a cat undergoes live birth & live birth means developing inside the mother instead of an egg
a cat develops inside its mother
larger means increased size & growth means size increases
things that grow become larger
things that grow become larger & leaves undergo growth
growth causes leaves to become larger
an organism requires energy for growth and repair & a human is a kind of organism
a human requires energy for growth and repair
nutrients are a source of energy for living things & food contains nutrients
food is a source of energy for living things
food is a source of energy for living things & a human is a kind of living thing
food is a source of energy for humans
a human requires energy for growth and repair & food is a source of energy for humans
humans require energy from food for growth and repair
food contains nutrients for living things & nutrients are a source of energy for living things
food is a source of energy for living things
food is a source of energy for living things & a living thing requires energy to grow and heal
a living thing requires food to get energy to grow and heal
a living thing requires food to get energy to grow and heal & living things eat their food source
eating food is used to get energy by living things
food contains nutrients for living things & nutrients are a source of energy for living things
food is a source of energy for living things
food is a source of energy for living things & an animal is a kind of living thing
food is a source of energy for animals
as the amount of available water decreases , tree-growth rings will become narrower & width is a property of size / shape and includes ordered values of narrow / wide
as the amount of available water decreases, the width of tree-growth rings becomes narrower
as the amount of available water decreases, the width of tree-growth rings becomes narrower & if something causes something else then the result of that something else indicate the properties of that something
the width of a tree-growth ring indicates the amount of available water
the width of a tree-growth ring indicates the amount of available water & a tree growing a tree-growth ring occurs once per year
the width of tree-growth rings indicate the amount of water available during the year they were formed
the width of tree-growth rings indicate the amount of water available during the year they were formed & dry environments result in narrow tree-growth rings
a narrow tree-growth ring indicates a dry year
living things require water for survival & water is a kind of natural resource
water is a kind of resource that living things require for survival
water is a kind of resource that living things require for survival & when available resources decrease in an environment , organisms have to conserve those resources
when the availability of water decreases in an environment, living things in that environment must conserve water to survive
a dry environment is low in availability of water & a desert environment is a dry environment
a desert environment is low in availability of water
when the availability of water decreases in an environment, living things in that environment must conserve water to survive & a desert environment is low in availability of water
living things in a desert environment must conserve water to survive
an animal being born when temperatures are warm has a positive impact on that animal 's survival & an animal being born when food is available has a positive impact on that animal 's survival
an animal being born when food is available and temperatures are warm has a positive impact on that animal's survival
spring has warm temperatures / weather & spring increases the amount of available food in an environment
spring has warm temperatures and an increased availability of food in an environment
an animal being born when food is available and temperatures are warm has a positive impact on that animal's survival & spring has warm temperatures and an increased availability of food in an environment
being born in the spring has a positive impact on an animal's survival
the opposite of the same is different & two birds are not in the same taxonomic family
two birds are in different taxonomic families
two birds live in environments with similar characteristics & environments with similar characteristics place similar environmental pressures on the organisms in them
two birds developed under similar environmental pressures
if two things are thousands of miles apart then those two things are separate from each other & two birds developed thousands of miles apart
two birds developed separate from each other
two birds developed under similar environmental pressures & two birds developed separate from each other
two birds developed in separate environments under similar environmental pressures
two birds are in different taxonomic families & two birds developed in separate environments under similar environmental pressures
two birds from different taxonomic families developed in separate environments under similar environmental pressures
a bird is a kind of organism & a species is a group of a certain kind of organism
a species can be a group of a certain kind of bird
a species can be a group of a certain kind of bird & convergent evolution is when two species in different taxonomic families develop in different places under similar environmental pressures
convergent evolution can be when two kinds of birds in different taxonomic families develop in different places under similar environmental pressures
two birds from different taxonomic families developed in separate environments under similar environmental pressures & convergent evolution can be when two kinds of birds in different taxonomic families develop in different places under similar environmental pressures
an example of convergent evolution is two birds from different taxonomic families developing in separate environments under similar environmental pressures
seasons cause change to the environment & winter is a kind of season
the winter season can cause change to the environment
the winter season can cause change to the environment & usually plants die or become dormant during the winter
an example of a seasonal change is plants dying or becoming dormant in the winter
eating food is used to get nutrients by animals & an animal requires enough nutrients to survive
an animal needs to eat food for nutrients
an animal needs to eat food for nutrients & plants are a source of food for animals
an animal can eat plants for nutrients
an example of a seasonal change is plants dying or becoming dormant in the winter & an animal can eat plants for nutrients
an example of seasonal change is some animals' food dying in the winter
seasons cause change to the environment0 & if an animal relies on plants for food then that animal must store enough food to last through the winter
an example of preparing is an animal storing food to last through the winter
an example of seasonal change is some animals' food dying in the winter & an example of preparing is an animal storing food to last through the winter
an example of preparing for seasonal change is an animal storing food for the winter
an example of preparing for seasonal change is an animal storing food for the winter & a squirrel is a kind of animal
an example of preparing for seasonal change is a squirrel storing food for the winter
an example of preparing for seasonal change is a squirrel storing food for the winter & nut is a kind of food
an example of preparing for seasonal change is an squirrel storing nuts for the winter
as number of organisms in a group increases , the chance of survival of each organism will increase & offspring are a kind of group of organisms
as the number of offspring an animal has increases , the number of offspring surviving will increase
as the number of offspring an animal has increases , the number of offspring surviving will increase & some animals have offspring by laying eggs
as the number of eggs laid by an animal increases , the number of eggs that will hatch will increase
a wolf is a kind of animal & establishing a territory requires keeping other animals away
establishing a territory can require keeping other wolves away
howling is a kind of sound & sound can be used for communication by animals
howling is used for communication by animals
howling is used for communication by animals & a wolf is a kind of animal
howling can be used for communication by wolves
a wolf is a kind of animal & a warning is used to warn animals
a warning can be used to warn wolves
a warning can be used to warn wolves & warning is a kind of communication
warning is a kind of communication that can be used to warn wolves
howling can be used for communication by wolves & warning is a kind of communication that can be used to warn wolves
howling is used to warn other wolves by wolves
animals usually keep away from danger or problems & warning can be used to indicate danger or problems
warning can be used to keep animals away
warning can be used to keep animals away & a wolf is a kind of animal
warning can be used to keep wolves away