howling is used to warn other wolves by wolves & warning can be used to keep wolves away
howling is used by wolves to keep other wolves away
establishing a territory can require keeping other wolves away & howling is used by wolves to keep other wolves away
howling is used by wolves to establish a territory
an animal requires warmth for survival & winter means environmental temperature decreases
animals must move to a warmer environment in the winter
animals must move to a warmer environment in the winter & migration is when animals move themselves from a cooler climate to a warmer climate for the winter
an example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter
an example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter & birds fly south for the winter
an example of migration is birds flying south in the winter
winter has cold temperatures & temperature is a property of the environment
winter means cold environmental temperature
winter means cold environmental temperature & an animal requires warmth for survival
animals must move to a warmer environment during the winter
animals must move to a warmer environment during the winter & migration is when animals move themselves from a cooler climate to a warmer climate for the winter
an example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter
an example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter & birds fly south for the winter
an example of migration is birds flying south in the winter
climate means the average temperature / weather in an area & winter has cold temperatures / weather
winter can cause the climate in an area to become cold
winter can cause the climate in an area to become cold & an animal requires warmth for survival
some animals must move to warmer climates in the winter
some animals must move to warmer climates in the winter & migration is when animals move themselves from a cooler climate to a warmer climate for the winter
an example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter
an example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter & some birds fly south for the winter
an example of migration is birds flying south in the winter
an example of migration is birds flying south in the winter & migration is a kind of adaptation
an example of an adaptation is birds migrating south in the winter
an instinctive behavior is a kind of behavioral adaptation & migrating is an instinctive behavior
migration is a kind of behavioral adaptation
winter has cold temperatures & temperature is a property of the environment
an environment is cold in the winter
an environment is cold in the winter & cold environments usually have little food for animals
an environment usually has little food for animals in the winter
an environment usually has little food for animals in the winter & animals require food to survive
animals must move to an environment with more food in the winter
animals must move to an environment with more food in the winter & a warm environment usually has more food than a cold environment
animals must move to a warmer environment during the winter to find food
an instinctive behavior is a kind of behavioral adaptation & migrating is an instinctive behavior
migration is a kind of behavioral adaptation
nest building is a kind of adaptation & adaptation has a positive impact on the survival of a species
nest building has a positive impact on the survival of a species
nest building has a positive impact on the survival of a species & a nest is a kind of resource for a bird
nest building has a positive impact on the survival of birds
young animals are born as a result of reproduction & a bird is a kind of animal
young birds are born as a result of reproduction
young birds are born as a result of reproduction & many birds reproduce during spring
many young birds are born during spring
many young birds are born during spring & birds build nests in the spring
birds build nests when many young birds are born
birds build nests when many young birds are born & a nest is used for protecting young by birds
birds build nests to protect young birds
nest building has a positive impact on the survival of birds & birds build nests to protect young birds
nest building has a positive impact on the survival of birds by protecting young birds
a behavior is a kind of characteristic & an instinctive behavior is a kind of inherited characteristic
an instinctive behavior is a kind of inherited behavior
an instinctive behavior is a kind of inherited behavior & an example of an inherited behavior is a bird building a nest
an example of an instinctive behavior is a bird building a nest
an example of an instinctive behavior is a bird building a nest & an instinctive behavior is a kind of behavioral adaptation
an example of an behavioral adaptation is a bird building a nest
ash from a volcano is warm in temperature & a volcano changes the environment around it by covering the environment in ash
a volcano changes the environment around it by covering the environment in warm ash
something that animals require has a positive impact on that animal's survival & animals require warmth for survival
warmth has a positive impact on an animal's survival
a volcano changes the environment around it by covering the environment in warm ash & warmth has a positive impact on an animal's survival
living in the warm ash from a volcano can have a positive impact on an animal's survival
living in the warm ash from a volcano can have a positive impact on an animal's survival & behavioral adaptation has a positive impact on the population / the survival / the reproduction of a species / of individual organisms
an example of a behavioral adaptation is living in the warm ash from a volcano
an example of an behavioral adaptation is a bird building a nest & an example of a behavioral adaptation is living in the warm ash from a volcano
an example of a behavioral adaptation is a bird building a nest in the warm ash from a volcano
an animal needs to attract a mate to reproduce & in order to attract a mate, an animal must let other animal know that it is a potential mate
an animal needs to let other animals know that it is a potential mate to reproduce
an animal needs to let other animals know that it is a potential mate to reproduce & communication can be used to let other animals know things
communication can be used by animals to let other animals know that it is a potential mate
communication can be used by animals to let other animals know that it is a potential mate & coloration can be used for communication by animals
coloration can be used to let other animals know that an animal is a potential mate
an animal needs to attract a mate to reproduce & in order to attract a mate, an animal must let other animal know that it is a potential mate
letting other animals know that an animal is a potential mate has a positive impact on that animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce
coloration can be used to let other animals know that an animal is a potential mate & letting other animals know that an animal is a potential mate has a positive impact on that animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce
coloration has a positive impact on an animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce
coloration has a positive impact on an animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce & an adaptation has a positive impact on an animal 's ability to reproduce
coloration is a kind of adaptation for attracting a mate / reproduction
a shell is a covering around the body of a shelled animal & covering something is a kind of protection
a shell is a kind of protection for some animals
a shell is a kind of protection for some animals
the shell of an animal is used to protect the animal
a shell is a part of a snail & a snail is a kind of animal
a snail is a kind of animal that has a shell
the shell of an animal is used to protect the animal & a snail is a kind of animal that has a shell
a shell is a part of a snail for protecting the snail
wasp 's stinger contains poison & poison causes harm to living things
a wasp's stinger can be used to cause harm to living things
a wasp's stinger can be used to cause harm to living things & harming is a kind of defense
a stinger is used for defense by a wasp
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment & color is a property of an organism that describes what it looks like
an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment
an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment & if an animal 's skin is a certain color then that animal is that color
an example of camouflage is an animal's skin having the same color as its environment
an example of camouflage is an animal's skin having the same color as its environment & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
an animal having the same skin color as its environment is an adaptation for hiding in an environment
predators usually must see their prey in order to catch them & hiding means visibility / ability to be seen decreases for camouflage
hiding can be used to avoid being seen by predators
hiding can be used to avoid being seen by predators & not being seen by predators is a kind of protection against predators
hiding is a kind of protection against predators
an animal having the same skin color as its environment is an adaptation for hiding in an environment & hiding is a kind of protection against predators
an animal having the same skin color as its environment is a kind of protection against predators
white fur is white in color & snow is white in color
white fur and snow are the same color
white fur and snow are the same color & fur is often a part of an animal
an animal with white fur and snow are the same color
an animal is a kind of organism & an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment
an example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment
an animal with white fur and snow are the same color & an example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment
an example of camouflage is an animal with white fur in the snow
an example of camouflage is an animal with white fur in the snow & camouflage is used for protection by animals against predators
white fur is used for protection by animals against predators in the snow
white fur is used for protection by animals against predators in the snow & something that is protected against something else is safe from that something else
animals with white fur are safe from predators in the snow
snow is white in color & white fur is white in color
white fur and snow are the same color
white fur and snow are the same color & fur is often part of an animal
an animal with white fur and snow are the same color
an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment & an animal is a kind of organism
an example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment
an animal with white fur and snow are the same color & an example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment
an example of camouflage is an animal having white fur in the snow
an example of camouflage is an animal having white fur in the snow & camouflage is a kind of protection against predators
white fur is a kind of protection against predators in the snow
snowy means a large amount of snow & snowy is a kind of property of some environments
snowy environments have a large amount of snow
white fur is a kind of protection against predators in the snow & snowy environments have a large amount of snow
white fur is a kind of protection against predators in a snowy environment
a leaf is often green in color & a green tree frog is green in color
a green tree frog and a leaf are the same color
a green tree frog and a leaf are the same color & an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like leaves
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like leaves & an animal is a kind of organism
an example of camouflage is an animal looking like leaves
hiding means ability to be seen decreases & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
camouflage is a kind of adaptation for decreasing something's ability to be seen in an environment
an example of camouflage is an animal looking like leaves & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for decreasing something's ability to be seen in an environment
looking like leaves can decrease an organism's ability to be seen in an environment
a forest contains lots of trees & a forest is a kind of environment
a forest environment contains lots of trees
a forest environment contains lots of trees & a leaf is a part of a tree
forest environmnet contains lots of leaves
looking like leaves can decrease an organism's ability to be seen in an environment & forest environmnet contains lots of leaves
looking like leaves can decrease an animal's ability to bee seen in a forest environment
hiding can be used for avoiding predators & avoiding predators has a positive impact on an organism 's survival
hiding has a positive impact on an organism's survival
hiding has a positive impact on an organism's survival & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
camouflage has a positive impact on an organism's survival
an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment & some environments change color
an example of camouflage is organism changing into the color of the environment
an example of camouflage is organism changing into the color of the environment & if an animal 's fur is a color then that animal is that color
an example of camouflage is an animal's fur changing into the color of the environment
camouflage has a positive impact on an organism's survival & an example of camouflage is an animal's fur changing into the color of the environment
changing fur color to the environment's color has a positive impact on an organism's survival
the arctic is white in color & the arctic is a kind of environment
the arctic is an environment that is white in color
changing fur color to the environment's color has a positive impact on an organism's survival & the arctic is an environment that is white in color
changing fur color to white has a positive impact on an organism's survival in the arctic
to blend into something means ability to be seen decreases when around that something & hiding means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage
to blend into something means to hide in something
to blend into something means to hide in something & white fur blends into snow
an example of hiding is white fur blending in with snow
snow falls during the winter in some environments & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
camouflage can be a kind of adaptation for hiding in snow in winter environments
an example of hiding is white fur blending in with snow & camouflage can be a kind of adaptation for hiding in snow in winter environments
an example of camouflage is white fur blending in with snow
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment & color is a property of something that describes how that something looks
an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment
an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment & some environments change color
an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment
an arctic fox is a kind of animal & an animal is a kind of organism
an arctic fox is a kind of organism
an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment & an arctic fox is a kind of organism
an example of camouflage is an arctic fox changing into the color of its environment
an arctic fox is a kind of animal & if an animal 's fur is a color then that animal is that color
if an arctic fox's fur is a color then that arctic fox is that color
if an arctic fox's fur is a color then that arctic fox is that color & an arctic fox turns from brown to white for the winter
an arctic fox's fur turns from brown to white for the winter
snow falls during the winter in the arctic environment & when snow falls in an environment , that environment will become white
an arctic environment becomes white during the winter
an arctic fox's fur turns from brown to white for the winter & an arctic environment becomes white during the winter
a arctic fox's fur and an arctic environment both become white in the winter
an example of camouflage is an arctic fox changing into the color of its environment & a arctic fox's fur and an arctic environment both become white in the winter
an example of camouflage is an arctic fox's fur becoming white in the winter in an arctic environment
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment & color is a property of something that describes what that something looks like
an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment
an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment & some environments change color
an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment
when the snow in an environment melts, that environment will become brown & snow melts in the summer in an arctic environment
an arctic environment becomes brown in the summer
snow falls during the winter in the arctic environment & when snow falls in an environment in an environment , that environment will become white
the arctic environment becomes white in the winter
an arctic environment becomes brown in the summer & the arctic environment becomes white in the winter
the color of an arctic environment becomes brown in the summer and white in the winter
the color of an arctic environment becomes brown in the summer and white in the winter & the fur color of the arctic hare changes from brown in the summer to white in the winter
a hare and an arctic environment change to the same color during the summer and winter