Luanti: "Our base is up ahead." Canlang: "Here? When did you establish this?" Xiang: "While you were fighting, we gathered those who shared our intentions." Yuezhi: "The rebel army. Our strength." Rou: "Strength..." Tuoba: "I hope they're a strength we can rely on." Tuoba: "It took a lot of work for us to get here." g: "Zhao." g: "Welcome home, Zhao." Zhao: "I'm home, Ning. Were you awake?" g: "Yeah." Zhao: "How do you like living here?" g: "It's an incredible house. The food's good, too. I can sleep easily without worrying about demons or bandits or fires. It's so comfortable." Zhao: "I see. I'm glad." g: "Yin should've come with us." g: "But she can't, can she?" g: "Is that..." Zhao: "Oh, this?" g: "You still have it." Zhao: "Yeah." g: "It's not fair." Zhao: "What's not fair?" g: "All of you." Zhao: "Huh?" g: "Forget I said anything." g: "You're leaving already?" Zhao: "Yeah. I have a lot of work." g: "Your home is so nice, but you're hardly ever here." Zhao: "I don't have a choice until I'm finished with work." g: "When will you be finished?" Zhao: "Once the Empress conquers the world, I guess." g: "Conquers the world..." Rou: "Yin." Yin: "Where am I?" Yuan: "Don't worry." Yuan: "We're at the rebel army's base." Yuan: "Rebel soldiers from all over have gathered here." Yuan: "We won't have to worry about enemies for a while." Yin: "What happened to me?" Rou: "You saved us." Yin: "I saved you?" Rou: "You don't remember?" Yin: "No." Rou: "You put that on and defeated the enemy." Luanti: "This is the black fire armor Mo Heng made." Luanti: "Though it's still only a prototype, it's an impressive weapon. You defeated a group of new constructs by yourself." Moheng: "Each suit of black fire armor has a unique property." Xian: "Mo Heng." Yuezhi: "You're awake." Moheng: "The black fire armors have the seven properties of light, thunder, fire, water, wood, metal, and earth." Moheng: "Only one who possesses magics of the same type can use them." Moheng: "The armor Fu Yin used..." Moheng: "has the wood property." Yin: "I saw something when I put on that armor." Yuan: "Saw what?" Yin: "I was overwhelmed by feelings of intense sadness and horror." Yin: "When I came to, I was here." Moheng: "The black fire leaked into your heart." Xian: "Into her heart?" Moheng: "Each time this armor amplifies the magic of its wearer, it forms a connection with their soul. The black fire must've flowed into her heart then. If she continues to fight, she'll lose her mind." Xian: "Can it be cured?" Moheng: "It's unexpected, but once I understand why it's happening, I should be able to stop it." Canlang: "So it's defective." Moheng: "It's a prototype." Moheng: "Part of its purpose is to discover these problems." Moheng: "Based on these findings, I will make adjustments." Cheng: "We didn't quite catch that. What happened?" Mengji: "The western construct forces were dispatched to a location where the rebel base was believed to be." Mengji: "They were annihilated." Cheng: "Again?" Mengji: "I'm sorry." Cheng: "We heard the new model was assigned to that strike force." Mengji: "Yes. There were five scorpion constructs." Cheng: "What do you think of the scorpion construct?" Mengji: "It's better than anything we've used previously. Its combat strength is incredible." Cheng: "Then how was it defeated?" Mengji: "I do not know. It's a new model. It's possible there was some unknown defect. I've asked the Engineer's Place to look into the matter and review the design for—" Cheng: "Silence!" Cheng: "Who ignored Commander Pu Zhao and ordered the deployment of the unfinished model?" Mengji: "It was me." Cheng: "Hypothetically, if there were a problem with the new model, who would be responsible for that?" Shang: "Your Majesty, our forces have been losing to the rebels recently. It's certainly true that the rebels have gotten stronger." Baili: "And Mo Heng betrayed us." Baili: "It is possible he has strengthened the rebel forces." Cheng: "All the more reason for us to review our own military. How dare you assign all responsibility for our losses to one of our subjects. We will not allow it!" Mengji: "Th-That was not my intention!" Cheng: "Commander Meng Ji, we are demoting you one rank from guan neihou to da shouchang!" Mengji: "Your Majesty!" Mengji: "She's demoting me? Me, the guan neihou?" Mengji: "She's preventing me from eventually becoming a leihou by demoting me?" Mengji: "Damn you, Long Cheng." Sub C: "Commander, mind your language." Mengji: "I don't care! What does that little girl know about war? I can't stand being pushed around by her whims." Sub C: "You have my sympathies." Mengji: "You don't understand." Mengji: "Speaking of whims, there's Pu Zhao." Mengji: "He was just a peasant my army picked up." Mengji: "It would be one thing to make him her playmate, but a Senior Engineer? A siche shouchang? She goes too far!" Sub C: "Absolutely, sir." Mengji: "At this rate, eventually Pu Zhao will hold a higher rank than me because of that girl's whims. That can't be allowed to happen." Mengji: "Investigate Pu Zhao! It can be anything! Find some fault with him! If there isn't one, invent one!" Sub C: "Commander, wouldn't that be..." Mengji: "Quiet! Or do you want him to take over the nation?" Ass B: "That's all I have to report." Pang: "I see. Commander Mengji, huh? How delightful." Juan: "How is that delightful, Mother?" Pang: "It's delightful for there to be more people who hate Cheng." Juan: "Even though she's my sister?" Pang: "She may be your sister, but she is not my daughter." Pang: "It's important to me that you're happy." Jaun: "I see. Then it is delightful." Pang: "Things are finally starting to move." Pang: "I was one of King Long Xiao's wives." Pang: "The King and his official wife had a daughter, who they named Cheng. After giving birth to Cheng, his official wife died." Pang: "Two years later, I had Juan." Pang: "But the king favored Cheng. Juan and I were left out in the cold." Pang: "I wished they'd all go away, but Cheng survived." Ass B: "The increased strength of the rebel forces is creating openings in the palace." Pang: "There's no need to rush." Ass B: "What would you have us do, Lady Pang?" Pang: "Why don't you help Commander Meng Ji?" Ass B: "As you wish." Zhao: "Activate the black fire." Engi A: "Activating black fire." Engi B: "Black fire reaction point rising." Engi C: "Reactor temperature normal. Pressure normal. Demonic power area normal." Zhao: "Focus the demon power area." Engi A: "Focusing." Engi B: "Duality conversion confirmed." Engi: "Zhoumai circuit, longmai circuit, renmai circuit: all normal." Zhao: "Activate the black fire reactor." Engi A: "Activating black fire reactor." Engi A: "Demonic power area stable, power output stable, power output rising." Engi B: "Duality conversion continuing." Engi C: "Zhoumai circuit, longmai circuit, renmai circuit: all normal." Zhao: "It worked." Engi C: "Sir." Zhao: "The black fire is finally ours!" Li: "Oh, my." g: "It doesn't seem to think of this as my hand." g: "Do you think it was meaningless to kill it, Li Xiang?" Li: "No. There is meaning in everything." Li: "That fish's stomach has been filled." g: "I see. Would the same be true..." g: "even if you were killed?" Li: "Yes." g: "Why?" Li: "My master instructed me to serve you." Li: "Being killed would mean I followed my orders." g: "Then let me kill you." g: "Come on." g: "What are you doing? Are you stupid?" Li: "I'm sorry." g: "Hey, Li Xiang." Li: "Yes?" g: "Do you think there was reason my arms were cut off?" Li: "No, there was no meaning in that. It was a meaningless tragedy." g: "That's not what you said earlier." Li: "Yes." Li: "But I'm sure it means something to my master." g: "I don't want that kind of meaning." g: "Zhao." g: "Welcome back, Zhao." Zhao: "I'm back, Ning. Li Xiang, did anything happen while I was gone?" Li: "Nothing in particular." Zhao: "What happened to your clothes?" Li: "We were playing around." Zhao: "I see. I'm leaving again soon. Get me a change of clothes." Li: "Very well." g: "You're leaving already?" Zhao: "Yeah. I'll be gone for a while." g: "But..." Zhao: "Development on the new weapon went well. I'm going to finish that now." g: "Why don't you rest for a while? You haven't had dinner yet, right?" Zhao: "This is my dream. I want to complete it as soon as possible." g: "You don't even have time to eat?" Zhao: "Once it's finished, we'll have even more power." Zhao: "Then we can do anything." Zhao: "So..." g: "But..." Zhao: "I'll have time once I'm finished. Until then—" g: "Why?" g: "Why won't you stay with me?" Zhao: "Ning." g: "Is it because I'm not Yin?" g: "Is your dream to be with Yin?" g: "You said I was important to you." Zhao: "Ning..." g: "You said you were responsible for my arms." Zhao: "Let me borrow this." Zhao: "It must be inconvenient having just one." Zhao: "I'll use this to build a new one." g: "Zhao..." Zhao: "Wait a while longer. Li Xiang, take care of Ning." Li: "Very well." Xian: "Is it ready?" Moheng: "Yes. Fu Yin." Yin: "Yes?" Moheng: "Try this." Yin: "Got it." Xian: "How is it?" Yin: "My body feels so light." Moheng: "The black fire is amplifying your magical power." Moheng: "It strengthens your magic, even allowing you to fly." Yin: "What was that?" Cheng: "Zhao, what is this?" Zhao: "An artificial arm." Zhao: "It uses some mechanism I've never seen before." Cheng: "Whose is it?" Zhao: "A dear friend's." Zhao: "I'm holding onto it so I can repair it." Cheng: "I see. You'd better fix it soon, then." Zhao: "I'm glad you're here. There's something I want to show you." Zhao: "They're plans for the black fire reactor." Cheng: "You finished it?" Zhao: "Yeah. This technology will let us control black fire." Zhao: "Now we can build the zhengtian." Cheng: "This will make the Taibai Empire even bigger. Let's begin building it right away. I'll issue the order first thing tomorrow." Zhao: "Yeah." Zhao: "Now I'll be able to acquire my own power." Li: "Who's there?" Li: "That's a forbidden text." g: "Why am I taking care of you?" Li: "I'm sorry." g: "Are you trying to kill Zhao? Wait." g: "That man..." g: "What is that?" Li: "A forbidden text. The previous king outlawed these and had them burned. Just having one is a crime." g: "Then..." Li: "It must have been the work of someone trying to frame my master." Li: "Please tighten security around the mansion. Send a messenger to report this incident to the master." All: "Yes, ma'am." Cheng: "Good night, Zhao." Zhao: "Good night. See you tomorrow." Cheng: "See you tomorrow." Pang: "Oh, my. What an unexpected result this is." Pang: "What a large leak." Zhao: "Now then..." Zhao: "I should finish this up soon." Zhao: "What are you doing here so early?" Guard B: "Commander Pu Zhao, you're under arrest." Cheng: "What's going on?" Mengji: "Commander Pu Zhao is connected to the rebels." Cheng: "What are you talking about?" Mengji: "I received an anonymous tip that he is hiding rebels in his mansion." Mengji: "I sent soldiers to investigate, and lo and behold, the girl we've been looking for was there." Cheng: "No! There must be some mistake!" Mengji: "I confirmed that she matches the description of a rebel soldier who's been attacking us." Mengji: "Her name is Fu Ning. She is the younger of the two sisters who defeated the western construct forces." Cheng: "Fu Ning? Sister? What's that?" Zhao: "My childhood friend gave it to me." Cheng: "A girl?" Zhao: "Her name's Yin. Ning's sister. She's not very good at chasing sheep." Cheng: "Ning..." Mengji: "I'd thought for a while that something was wrong. Commander Pu Zhao has been so successful because he has been communicating with the enemy. I cannot believe he was a rebel himself." Shang: "I always had doubts about the commander. However, your story is difficult to believe." Baili: "Do you have any evidence of this?" Mengji: "This man is a witness." Mengji: "He's a survivor of the western construct force that was destroyed." Sub B: "That girl is one of the rebels who we fought. She uses blades hidden in her artificial arms." Mengji: "Commander Pu Zhao had those artificial arms in his possession." Shang: "I see. We will have to confirm that." Baili: "We should start by questioning Commander Pu Zhao." Shang: "Your Majesty. Your Majesty?" Pang: "A little leak will sink a great ship." Pang: "Is she the leak, or is he? Or..." : "Not love, but misunderstanding. What I believed was simply my own desire."
{ "raw_title": "Xuan Yuan Sword Luminary Episode 9 – The Palace of Strategy", "parsed": [ "Xuan Yuan Sword Luminary", "9", "The Palace of Strategy" ] }
Teachera: "Do you think school is some joke?" Teachera: "This is unprecedented in the history of our prestigious Suzaku Private High School!" Yamada: "Man, just shut up..." Teachera: "Every day, you come to school late and leave school early!" Teachera: "You're prone to fighting all over the place. And, to top it all off, now you're nodding off in class?!" A: "Yamada Ryu!" Teachera: "Why do you always do this?" Urara: "Sensei, I've brought the class journal." Teachera: "S-Sure." Urara: "Do excuse me." Teachera: "Why don't you learn from Shiraishi Urara-kun's example!" Yamada: "What a frickin' dull girl!" Teachera: "That's enough!" Girla: "What's with that? He looks so menacing!" Boya: "It's him, the second-year problem child." Yamada: "Totally lame!" Yamada: "I thought this place would be way more interesting." Yamada: "Huh?" Yamada: "That honor student?" Yamada: "Oh." Yamada: "Did..." Yamada: "Huh? What?" Yamada: "I'm not dead?" Yamada: "Huh?!" Yamada: "What the?" Yamada: "It's not there!" Yamada: "I've turned into her!" Yamada: "Does that mean she's in my body?" Boy: "What's gotten into that Yamada guy?" Boyb: "Was he always so diligent?" Yamada(Urara): "Sensei. In this case, is it possible to substitute the answers for A and C?" Teacherb: "Y-Yes, you can." Yamada(Urara): "In that case, this problem's "x" becomes "a,"" Urara(Yamada): "What the hell are you doing?! Come with me a minute!" Urara(Yamada): "What the hell is going on?! Why did you and I end up switching bodies?!" Yamada(Urara): "I don't know." Urara(Yamada): "You don't know?" Yamada(Urara): "Mostly." Urara(Yamada): "Whaddya mean "mostly"?" Yamada(Urara): "I don't know the exact reason such a thing" Yamada(Urara): "I do know how to get us back to normal." Urara(Yamada): "Huh?" Yamada(Urara): "After all, if you think about it, it had to have originated" Yamada(Urara): "You'd have to be an awfully sad person not to understand that." Urara(Yamada): "You've got a seriously terrible personality, you know that?! Well, whatever!" Yamada(Urara): "No way." Urara(Y): "Huh?" Yamada(U): "Well, then we'd have to faint again, right?" Urara(Y): "What?" Yamada(U): "I don't want that either." Urara(Y): "You looked?!" Yamada(U): "Wait until after school." Urara(Y): "What?!" Yamada(U): "We're in this mess because you tripped and fell down the stairs," Urara(Y): "I-I mean, I did, but..." Urara(Y): "Something's still funny about all this!" Yamada: "Wait a second." Urara(Y): "Excuse me!" : "Sh-Shiraishi-san." : "Wh-What's the matter?" b: "You're staggering. Are you all right?" c: "Sh-Sh-Shall I lend you a hand?" Urara(Y): "G-Gross!" Yamada: "Crap, I guess for now I should..." Urara(Y): "I'm completely fine!" Urara(Y): "Sorry, excuse me!" : "What's with Shiraishi-san today?" Urara(Y): "This sucks." Sasaki: "Oh, found you, Shiraishi-san!" Sasaki: "Gosh, what're you doing?" Urara(Y): "Um... Rin Sasaki?" Sasaki: "I brought your lunchbox for you, so let's eat together." Yamada: "Guess I'll just play along for now." Urara(Y): "Y-Yeah, sure. Let's eat." Girls: "Thanks for the food!" Yamada: "This is her lunchbox, but it's okay for me to eat it, huh?" Yamada: "W-Wow! This is an honor student's lunch?" Urara(Y): "Yeah! Tastes great!" Sasaki: "Oh, right." Urara(Y): "Y-Yeah..." Yamada: "W-what's this?" Yamada: "These aren't notes an honor student scribbled!" Sasaki: "Well, then," Yamada: "Now I get it..." Sasaki: "What?" Yamada: "So that's how it is." Urara(Y): "Man, women sure play dirty, don't they?" Yamada(U): "Looks like it would be best if we went back to normal right away." Urara(Y): "H-Hey!" Yamada(U): "I'm sorry." Urara(Y): "No, we can go back to normal after school, just like we agreed." Yamada(U): "Huh?" Urara(Y): "You don't want to skip class, right?" Urara(Y): "Also, I'll make sure those girls" Yamada(U): "Could you stop messing around?" Urara(Y): "Huh?" Yamada(U): "It will cause trouble if you meddle too much!" Yamada(U): "Listen." Sasaki: "What were you talking to Yamada about on the roof?" Urara(Y): "Not much? It wasn't anything important. Ow!" Sasaki: "Knock yourself out and go buddy up with Yamada." Urara(Y): "Huh?" Sasaki: "But you know, I bet even he knows" Urara(Y): "Who knows?" Sasaki: "Wh-Where did this come from?" Sasaki: "You don't think you'll get away with it scott free, do you?" Yamada: "If I stop just short and give her a hell of a scare," Yamada(U): "What do you think you're doing—" Urara(Y): "Y-You dumbass! What did you do?!" Yamada(U): "Ow! How dare you hit me?" Sasaki: "Huh?" Urara(Y): "Shaddup! I misjudged the distance because you got between us!" Yamada(U): "You promised you wouldn't do anything!" Urara(Y): "Shut up, it's your fault!" Both: "Huh?" Urara(Y): "Man, today was seriously the worst day ever!" Yamada(U): "That's what I should be saying!" Urara(Y): "B-But... is it okay for us to go back to normal?" Yamada(U): "I don't know." Urara(Y): "Hey!" Yamada(U): "But when" Yamada(U): "Thanks a bunch." Urara(Y): "Y-Yeah..." Yamada: "This girl's surprisingly direct..." Urara(Y): "Okay, shall we?" Yamada(U): "Yes." Yamada: "And like so, we were able to return to normal without incident." Urara(Y): "We..." Yamada(U): "We..." Both: "...didn't change back!" Urara(Y): "A-Anyway, let's try it again." Yamada(U): "Yes!" Urara(Y): "One more time! Just one more time!" Urara(Y): "I'm begging you, turn us back to normal!" Urara(Y): "It's no use." Urara(Y): "Are we going to be stuck like this for the rest of our lives?" Urara(Y): "What?" Yamada(U): "There's one last thing we haven't tested yet." Urara(Y): "Wh-What's that? Tell me!" Yamada(U): "When we fell down the stairs..." Urara(Y): "Huh?" Urara(Y): "Wh-Wh-Why do I have to do that with you?" Yamada(U): "I don't know. You're the one who fell on top of me." Yamada(U): "Let's test it out." Urara(Y): "T-Test it out?" Yamada(U): "Doing this doesn't waste anything but our time, right?" Urara(Y): "No, wait." Yamada: "My body..." Urara: "You see?" Urara: "I have to study. Later." Yamada: "Huh? Hey!" Yamada: "That woman." Miyamura: "Intriguing..." Yamada: "H-Here I go." Urara: "Yes." Urara(Y): "We switched bodies again after all!" Urara(Y): "Let's keep this a secret between the two of us. Huh?" Yamada: "Actually, why is she able to kiss me without batting an eye?" Urara: "That's because I love you, Yamada-kun!" Yamada: "Seriously?" Yamada(U): "We'd be in big trouble if they found out we switched places" Urara(Y): "Yeah, you're right." Urara(Y): "But man, switching bodies is pretty convenient!" Urara(Y): "Yo Shiraishi, it's been a while." C: "It's Miyamura-kun from the student council!" D: "He's kind of scary, but so cool!" E: "Miyamu!" Miyamura: "Could I borrow you for a moment?" Miyamura: "You told me you'd go on a date with me today, didn't you?" Yamada: "Did that woman actually say that?!" Urara(Y): "O-Oh, you. I didn't forget or anything!" Miyamura: "I hear you and Yamada have been getting along pretty well lately." Urara(Y): "W-We're not really close or anything like that!" Miyamura: "Yeah, I guess so." Urara(Y): "Hey. What's that supposed to mean?" : "Sh-Shiraishi-san!" b: "What are you doing?!" c: "Are you all right?" Yamada: "These are the guys from earlier..." Urara(Y): "I'm completely fine!" : "Uh, but, your complexion doesn't look so great." b: "We're so worried." c: "Why don't you come with us?" Yamada: "So frickin' annoying!" Urara(Y): "It's nothing at all, really." : "Oh, no. Don't be modest." b: "Don't hesitate, leave it to us." Yamada: "Seriously annoying!" Miyamura: "Shiraishi, leave this to me." Urara(Y): "Yeah!" Urara(Y): "This oughta be a piece of cake!" Urara(Y): "Hey, Miyamura's a wimp!" : "By the way, Shiraishi-san!" b: "On second thought, Shiraishi-san!" c: "Shiraishi-san! Shiraishi-san!" Urara(Y): "Annoying to the core!" Urara(Y): "All right!" : "So cruel!" b: "He said we just had to talk to her!" c: "We're definitely not doing you any more favors!" Urara(Y): "Favors?" Miyamura: "I've seen that roundhouse kick before." Urara(Y): "Miyamura?" Miyamura: "I never promised to go on a date with you to begin with." Urara(Y): "Wha?!" Miyamura: "Now I'm convinced." Urara(Y): "Wh-What're you talking about?" Miyamura: "So you've come, Shiraishi Urara." Yamada(U): "What's the meaning of this?" Urara(Y): "Oh, Shira— This is, um..." Miyamura: "There's no need for you to hide it now." Urara: "When I finished taking his supplementary exam you weren't in the classroom," Yamada: "Sorry." Miyamura: "Oh, don't say that. Listen to my proposal." Both: "Proposal?" Miyamura: "Yes. I'm willing to offer this room to you two." Yamada: "Offer it to us? Why?" Miyamura: "That's obvious." Miyamura: "I see. A kiss, huh? It's a kiss, right?" Urara: "You idiot." Yamada: "What the heck! You're way too good at guessing things!" Miyamura: "Listen to me." Miyamura: "If you become members, you can use it as you please. You can use it as you please," Miyamura: "Have you two ever kissed anyone else thus far?" Yamada: "H-Huh? What're you asking for?" Urara: "I haven't." Miyamura: "What about you, Yamada?" Yamada: "Sh-Shiraishi was my first." Miyamura: "So you're both each other's first, then." Miyamura: "Basically, couldn't you possibly switch bodies with someone" Miyamura: "On that note, Shiraishi-san, would you kiss me?" Urara: "Definitely not!" Miyamura: "I'll settle for Yamada, then." Yamada: "What do you mean, settle for me?" Urara: "I'm interested, too." Yamada: "What?!" Yamada: "W-Wait a second!" Yamada(M): "Oh, we seriously switched bodies." Yamada(M): "Sweet. This is Yamada's body?" Miyamura(Y): "Y-You've gotta be kidding me!" Urara: "So, is there something weird stuck between his legs too?" Miyamura(Y): "Of course there is!" Yamada(M): "Yeah! There is something weird stuck there!" Miyamura(Y): "You don't have to get into it too, you jerk!" Yamada: "I'm back!" Miyamura: "Yeah..." Urara: "Incredible! Maybe you can switch bodies with anyone you kiss?" Yamada: "H-Hell if I know!" Miyamura: "All right, I've got it! I'm gonna bring a woman" Urara: "Please don't do that." Yamada: "Huh?" Yamada: "Why is Shiraishi opposed?" Urara: "I won't allow Yamada-kun to kiss another woman!" Yamada: "Seriously?" Urara: "If people find out, it's going to be a big problem." Yamada: "Wh-What, that's what it was?" Miyamura: "So, you're fine with joining the Supernatural Studies Club, right?" Yamada: "Wait! Why do you want to make us join so badly?" Miyamura: "In exchange for offering you this room," Yamada: "I-Is this okay, Shiraishi?" Urara: "I don't really mind." Urara: "Club activities sound kind of fun." Yamada: "G-Got it! We've just gotta join, right?" Miyamura: "With that settled, hence forth," Miyamura: "The club president will be Shiraishi-san!" Miyamura: "I'm the vice president! Yamada holds no office!" Yamada: "What do you mean, "holds no office"?" Miyabi: "Has the Supernatural Research Club resumed activities? If so," Miyamura: "Hey Yamada, what does it taste like when you kiss Shiraishi-san?" Yamada: "I don't remember every last detail! Next time on Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches:"
{ "raw_title": "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Episode 1 – I've Turned Into Her!", "parsed": [ "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches", "1", "I've Turned Into Her!" ] }
Urara(Y): "Sorry we kept you waiting!" Miyabi: "You're late!" Tsubaki: "How much time does it take to switch bodies?" Urara(Y): "Sorry, sorry. Let's head home." Yamada(U): "It's getting late. Let's start fresh again tomorrow." Miyabi: "This is all because you two were dragging your feet." Tamaki: "My word. It doesn't sound like the search for the seventh witch is making any progress." Miyabi: "Tamaki was in the clubroom? You're kidding! I didn't notice him at all!" Tsubaki: "The power of invisibility sure is incredible!" Miyabi: "For real? Are you serious?!" Urara(Y): "What a carefree bunch." Yamada(U): "What's wrong, Miyamura-kun?" Miyamura: "The truth is, I've been hiding something from all of you." Miyamura: "I have a sister, one year older than us, who attends Suzaku High School." Miyamura: "She should have information about the seventh witch." Urara(Y): "Huh? What do you mean?" Miyabi: "Why did you keep something so important from us?" Miyamira: "Well, anyway, come with me. We'll go to my place." Yamada(U): "I had no idea you had a sister." Miyamura: "Well, she doesn't go to school, after all." Miyabi: "So she's a dropout?" Miyamura: "The seventh witch is the reason she ended up this way." Miyamura: "Hey, Leona. There are some people here who say they need to talk to you." Miyabi: "Sciss..." Tsubaki: "Scissors?" Miyamura: "On that note, Yamada, good luck with the rest." Urara(Y): "Hey! Wait, Miyamura! Why do I have to?! H-Hey! Come on, Miyamura!" Miyamura: "You're the one who wants to solve this problem most, aren't you?" Urara(Y): "Open up! That's no reason to suddenly—" Leona: "Shut up." Yamada: "Frickin' scary! B-But... this woman's our only lead. I've gotta do it!" Urara(Y): "I've got something I want to as—" Leona: "I'm telling you to get out!" Leona: "If you're determined to stay any longer, I'll show no mercy." Urara(Y): "Got it. But first!" Urara(L): "What is this? What's happened to me?" Urara(L): "It can't be. Does this girl have the power to switch bodies, Toranosuke?" Urara(L): "I can't believe you've gotten involved with witch powers. You fool!" Leona(Y): "If you know that much, that makes this easy! If you won't tell us what you know, I'll just have to do this!" Miyamura: "Hey! What're you thinking, Yamada?!" Leona(Y): "Don't forget, your body is currently under my control." Urara(L): "Oh, so you had that trick up your sleeve? In that case, shall I strip, too?" Leona(Y): "Huh?!" Miyabi: "U-Urara-chan, what should we do?" Yamada(U): "If this will change the future, being naked is a small price to pay." Urara(L): "What's wrong? Not going to take it all off?" Leona(Y): "I-I'm begging you, put your underwear back on!" Urara(L): "Then leave!" Leona(Y): "Th-That's the one thing I absolutely can't do!" Leona(Y): "I don't know your reasons for not going to school, but I have a reason to go!" Leona(Y): "If this keeps up and the future doesn't change, I'll lose my one reason for going!" Urara(L): "Let's hear it." Leona: "Lame! Truly lame! Searching for the seventh witch because you want to save the woman you love." Urara(Y): "Y-Yeah, I am..." Leona: "You defied me for a lame reason like that? However... How amusing!" Urara(Y): "Huh?" Leona: "Very well. I'll tell you everything I know." Urara(Y): "Really?" Leona: "To get straight to the point, I know about the seventh witch. Basically, the future can definitely change if I tell you." Urara(Y): "Tell me, right now!" Leona: "I can't do that." Urara(Y): "Huh?" Leona: "Because I've yet to hear whether you're prepared for this." Urara(Y): "Prepared?" Leona: "The seventh witch is special. So, fittingly, this will be your ultimate choice. Finding the seventh witch will mean you'll never be able to see Shiraishi Urara ever again." Urara(Y): "W-Wait just a second! When you say I won't be able to see Shiraishi, does that mean she'll be in danger?" Urara(Y): "What will the seventh witch try to do to her? Tell me!" Leona: "Calm down. You're the one who will be in danger." Urara(Y): "Me?!" Leona: "Yamada. The moment you learn the name of the seventh witch, all your memories of the witches will be erased." Urara(Y): "All my memories..." Urara(Y): "That's not a big deal at all." Leona: "Huh? You really think so? It's terrifying. I'm running from her myself, even now." Urara(Y): "Huh? You are?" Leona: "I escaped unscathed, luckily, but the other club member researching with me forgot everything about the witches." Urara(Y): "So? Only memories related to witches get erased, right? Then it doesn't matter." Urara(Y): "That seems to be the case. I'm thinking of going and reporting in." Miyabi: "Oh?" Urara(Y): "Hey, you're having a curry party?!" Yamada(U): "So we just have to tell you about the witches again, right?" Urara(Y): "And one other thing. Once you find me after I lose my memory, I want you to get me back in the club somehow." Miyabi: "Huh?" Urara(Y): "The witches are what brought us all together. If I forget about them, I'll go back to the way I was before I met all of you." Urara(Y): "So... Be sure to reach out to me." Yamada(U): "You fool." Yamada(U): "We'll definitely bring you back, by any means necessary." Urara(Y): "Yeah!" Urara(Y): "The seventh witch is... Saionji Rika from class 3-F." Yamazaki: "You are correct!" Yamazaki: "Still, I'm surprised you identified the seventh witch. Congratulations. I've decided to make Miyamura-kun the president next term." Yamazaki: "Isn't that great, Yamada-kun?" Urara(Y): "Yeah." Yamazaki: "Yamada-kun." Yamazaki: "If you run into trouble after this, come see me." Urara: "You're all set now, right?" Yamada: "Yeah. You go home right away." Urara: "Yes." Yamada: "Why are you following me? You'll be in danger if you're with me! Don't you understand?" Urara: "You're the one who doesn't understand." Yamada: "Huh?" Urara: "Even if your memories disappear, if you kiss me and switch bodies right away, you'll learn that our powers exist." Yamada: "Don't be ridiculous. If the seventh witch erases your memory, too, it'll be all over." Urara: "It's all right. I'll run away." Yamada: "If that were possible, I'd do it, too!" Yamada: "Never mind! Just go home! If you're gonna keep following me, I'll—" Yamada: "Uh, this isn't— Sorry!" Urara: "Yamada-kun, I was the very first person you kissed." Urara: "So I have to be the first one you kiss next time, too." Yamada: "G-Got it. In that case, I'll definitely come see you first. That'll do, right?" Urara: "Yes. So, could you move?" Yamada: "Huh? Y-Yeah!" Yamada: "It's over!" Rika: "Is that so? Isn't it just the beginning?" Yamada: "It's you, huh?" Rika: "Nice to meet you, Yamada Ryu-kun. I'm Saionji Rika, the seventh witch." Rika: "Hey, by the way, Yamada-kun. Why aren't you wearing underwear?" Yamada: "Huh?" Yamada: "You're right! Darn her!" Rika: "Could you possibly be a pervert just like me, Yamada-kun?" Rika: "The truth is, I'm not wearing any underwear, either." Yamada: "Huh? Wh-What?!" Rika: "I accidentally came to school without putting any on once, and the thrill has been a pleasure ever since! We're comrades." Yamada: "No, I'm not into that!" Rika: "So cute. Here, hold this." Yamada: "What's this? Did she really come to erase my memories of witches?" Rika: "Okay then. Shall we begin?" Rika: "First, could I get you to close your eyes for me?" Rika: "Okay, I'll be on my way." Yamada: "Huh? Hey, wait!" Yamada: "Aren't you gonna erase my memories?" Rika: "I already did." Yamada: "There's no way you did." Rika: "I've written down the details there. Okay, I'm off. Bye-bee!" Yamada: ""It will take at most twenty-four hours for the spell to take effect." "Make sure to go home and rest." "Please get checked out by the student council"... What is this, a prescription label?!" Yamada: ""Twenty-four hours"... That means it hasn't taken effect yet?" Sister: "Onii-chan, dinner!" Sister: "Onii-chan, bath!" Sister: "Onii-chan, wake up!" Odagiri: "Morning!" A: "They said there's a marathon next." B: "So dull!" Teacher: "I'll be handing back your tests from the other day!" Yamada: "School's already over?" Yamada: "And hey, my memories haven't been erased!" Yamada: "Maybe I didn't fall under Saionji's spell? Hell, I can't tell them my memories didn't disappear after making that moving promise with them. No, maybe it would be better to pretend it disappeared for a while, then eventually..." Yamada: "I'll just be honest." Yamada: "Hey, you guys! It looks like I didn't lose my memories for some reason!" Miyabi: "Uh, what?" Tsubaki: "You're... Yamada, from class B?" Miyamura: "Did you need something from us?" Yamada: "Uh, no. Nothing." Yamada: "I see. So that's what happened." Yamada: "I didn't lose my memories." Yamada: "They lost their memories of me." Yamazaki: "Since witch powers don't work on you, we had to take special measures. It's become a rule that nobody but the student council president must know of the existence of all seven witches." Yamazaki: "As such, their erased memories will never return." Yamazaki: "It is all to protect the order of the school." Yamazaki: "I do hope you will forgive me." Yamada: "If that's how it is, there's no need for apologies." Yamada: "It's been a while since I've felt like this." Tamaki: "What a sad sight you are, Yamada-kun." Yamada: "Tamaki. You remember me?" Tamaki: "You and I are the same. Witch powers don't work on us." Tamaki: "We're the only two in this school who still have our memories." Tamaki: "More importantly, I have something important to talk about." Yamada: "What is it?" Tamaki: "Will you join forces with me?" Yamada: "I refuse." Tamaki: "So fast!" Tamaki: "That student council president is the root of all evil in the first place. In which case, isn't now the time for us to work together to take down that tyrant, Yamazaki Haruma?!" Yamada: "All set!" Tamaki: "You're really not going to join forces with me?!" Yamada: "I told you no, didn't I?" Tamaki: "Wait a second! That puts me in a bind!" Tamaki: "I'm going to end up alone forever!" Yamada: "Alone?" Tamaki: "Saionji Rika... So she's the seventh one." Rika: "Yoohoo! Eavesdropping isn't nice!" Yamada: "Lame! You've always kept everyone at arm's length, but you're lonely now that everyone's forgotten about you?" Tamaki: "I did exactly as Yamazaki told me, erased Asuka Mikoto's witch power, and dedicated myself to this school! But now I've even had my goal of becoming president stolen from me!" Yamada: "That's..." Tamaki: "What does someone so happy-go-lucky, who doesn't feel a thing, kno—" Yamada: "Shut up! I don't know what I should do either!" Yamada: "Shiraishi?" Urara: "I came here because I need to talk to you about something..." Yamada: "T-To talk to me? What could it be?" Urara: "Yeah. You came to the clubroom yesterday, didn't you?" Urara: "Were you maybe planning to join?" Yamada: "No. I'm not interested." Urara: "Oh." Urara: "See you tomorrow, then." Yamada: "Please go out with me!" Tamaki: "What?" Urara: "I'm sorry." Yamada: "O-Of course! I did spring that on you out of nowhere! How about you tell me your answer later?" Urara: "That isn't it." Urara: "I like somebody else." Tamaki: "It's nothing to worry about, Yamada-kun. Unrequited love is a small matter." Tamaki: "More importantly, how about it? Gonna join forces with me?" Yamada: "Who is it? Who the hell does she like?" Tamaki: "Huh? You aren't depressed that she rejected you?" Yamada: "Is there some rule that says I have to give up just because I was rejected?!" Tamaki: "Huh?" Miyabi: "Huh? I'm sure Urara-chan told me the name of the person she likes during our club trip." Yamada: "Wh-Who is it?" Miyabi: "That's the thing. I can't remember." Yamada: "You can't remember?" Miyabi: "I think the person she likes is probably Miyamura, though?" Yamada: "Huh?" Miyabi: "I hear they met when the two of them fell down the stairs." Yamada: "Hey, Tamaki. Do you think it's true that erased memories can never come back?" Tamaki: "Beats me. If you think about all of the witches thus far, there have been instances where the effects of their powers disappear." Yamada: "True." Yamada: "All right, it's settled! I'll restore Shiraishi's memory!" Tamaki: "Huh?" Yamada: "I can't accept being rejected in this situation." Yamada: "I don't want to back down without finding out how she really feels." Yamada: "I'll confess my feelings to her one more time!" Tamaki: "That's great, but what're you going to do? Specifically?" Yamada: "I'll force my way in!" Yamada: "I'll get their memories back... by force..." Yamazaki: "I'm sure I've already told you. There is no way." Yamada: "Come on! Please!" Yamazaki: "Beg all you like, but I can't tell you something I don't know. Besides, there's a bit of trouble at the moment." Yamazaki: "The witches who have forgotten you have started to run amok." Yamada: "They're running amok?" Tamaki: "Running amok?" Yamazaki: "All the witches changed after meeting you, Yamada-kun." Yamazaki: "However, since losing their memories of you, they've all returned to how they used to be. No, they've all become bigger troublemakers." Yamazaki: "My term as president is about to end, too. It's a real headache." Inose: "President, the supplementary documents." Yamazaki: "That being the situation, I'm quite busy." Yamada: "Damn! We've gotta come up with our next step!" ene: "You're Yamada, correct?" ene: "I heard you confessed to Shiraishi-san and got rejected?" Yamada: "Wh-Why do you know that?!" ene: "If you're up against Miyamura, you don't stand a chance." Yamada: "What was that?" ene: "But, just between us, if you use my power, we could tear Shiraishi-san and Miyamura apart." ene: "I can't tell you the details, but as long as you make use of my power, okay?" ene: "I'll be waiting in the courtyard. Come see me once you've made up your mind." Yamada: "Yamazaki mentioned, "The way they used to be."" Yamada: "That must mean that Odagiri is scheming to recruit fans for herself? This is no joke." Tamaki: "No, but maybe you could try to play along." Yamada: "Huh?" Tamaki: "If you do that, you'll be able to use the charm power. Won't that make it way easier to get things done?" Yamada: "Oh!" Yamada: "Man, sorry I kept you waiting! Something suddenly came up. So, what's this "power" you mentioned?" ene: "You're super late! What were you doing until this late?" ene: "As punishment, kiss me! If you do that, I'll forgive you. I'll even let you into my inner circle." Yamada: "Got it. I'll do it." ene: "Uh, hey! Wait! Wouldn't you normally hesitate a little?!" Yamada: "You're the one who told me to do it." ene: "Th-That's true. I suppose it's inevitable you would want to kiss me. Fine." Tamaki: "All right. Good job, Yamada-kun!" Yamada: "Uh, hey! Shiraishi!" Yamada: "You've got the wrong idea, Shiraishi! What you just saw... It isn't like that! Um..." Urara: "It doesn't really bother me. What you do with others is none of my concern." Yamada: "You're right..." Yamada: "Why am I making excuses?" Yamada: "Right now, I don't matter at all to Shiraishi." Yamada: "But what if this goes on and her memories never come back?" Yamada: "I've got to clear up this misunderstanding after all!" Yamada: "I've gotta say it! Everything that's happened so far. All of it!" Yamada: "Shiraishi! Listen. The truth is, I've got something I have to tell you." Urara: "I told you, didn't I? I like someone else." Urara: "So then... why do I feel this way?" Urara: "Yamada-kun, who in the world are you?" Leona: "Toranosuke. Do you have some sort of interesting power, too?" Miyamura: "I'm an ordinary high school student, through and through." Leona: "Oh? Boring. Next time on Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches, "What did you do with Shiraishi?!"" Miyamura: "What about you, sis?"
{ "raw_title": "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Episode 10 – Please Go Out With Me", "parsed": [ "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches", "10", "Please Go Out With Me" ] }
Urara: "So you're saying we've had our memories of you erased by the seventh witch?" Yamada: "That's right! I was witch-hunting with you guys in the Supernatural Studies Club!" Urara: "Me, a witch? You're a funny person, Yamada-kun." Yamada: "Huh?" Yamada: "I see. So Shiraishi forgot she's a witch, too?" Yamada: "In that case, I'll prove it to you right now!" Yamada: "Give me a kiss!" Urara: "I definitely can't do that." Yamada: "I-I'm sure..." Urara: "But I do feel a little better." Urara: "Sorry for earlier. I've burst into tears over nothing a lot lately." Yamada: "Wh-What's that mean?" Urara: "Everyone seems so busy these days. They haven't been showing up to club much. I think it's probably because of that." Tamaki: "Sounds like there are a lot of unusual things happening with the others, too, not just the witches." Yamada: "I've gotta get their memories back, and quick! If this keeps up, everyone will end up separated and Shiraishi will get hurt even more!" Tamaki: "Shouldn't you worry about yourself a little, too? I'm sure, from Shiraishi-kun's point of view, you're a good-for-nothing man who confessed to her, was rejected, immediately kissed another girl, and then pushed her to kiss you!" Yamada: "That's right!" Miyamura: "Why? I've been busy with the student council presidential campaign lately." Miyamura: "Wait, aren't you kind of close?" Yamada: "Now!" Yamada: "Oh, sorry, sorry! I just kind of stumbled!" Yamada: "By the way, Miyamura. Mind if I come to your place today?" Miyamura: "Huh?" Miyamura: "What the heck, Yamada?" Miyamura: "If that's what you wanted, you should've said so sooner." Miyamura: "Instead of my place, how about we go somewhere we can be all alone?" Yamada: "Huh?" Miyamura: "At this hour, we should be able to use the room next to the student council office!" Yamada: "This guy's a lost cause! The charm power backfired!" Miyamura: "Sorry. Forget about what just happened. I seem to be a bit tired right now." Yamada: "What do I have to do to see Miyamura's sister?" Tamaki: "By the look of it you're having a hard time, yourself." Tamaki: "Things ended without me even being able to approach Takigawa Noa." Yamada: "What the heck did she do to you, Tamaki?!" Tamaki: "The point is, memories will never return once they've been lost, no matter how much we struggle." Yamada: "Don't screw around! I'm never giving up! Every power has to have some way to cancel itself out! Besides—" ene: "Hey, Yamada!" ene: "How dare you cast my own power on me!" Yamada: "Huh?" ene: "I'm telling you that I've been through hell because of your copy power! I went to the clubroom to get it lifted, but everyone said they don't know a thing about you!" Yamada: "D-Does she..." ene: "Even Ushio-kun was acting like he'd forgotten about you." Tamaki: "It's the kiss, the kiss! Saionji's power was canceled out with a kiss!" Yamada: "Canceled out? But Miyamura's memory didn't come back when I kissed him." Tamaki: "Which means this is a method that's only effective on witches!" Yamada: "I-In that case, it would work on Shiraishi—" ene: "Hey!" ene: "Explain what's going on already!" ene: "Magic that erases memories?" Both: "Yeah, yeah!" ene: "I see. It all makes sense now that you say so." ene: "I couldn't understand why I had forgotten about Yamada, myself." Yamada: "But, Odagiri!" Yamada: "Being able to talk to someone who knows who I am makes me really happy!" ene: "Huh? Who cares!" ene: "Yeesh, what is that stupid monkey talking about?" ene: "But... I'm the only one who knows?" Ushio: "What did you want to talk about? Is it about the campaign for student council president?" ene: "Ushio-kun. That's enough." ene: "Today, I'm going to set you free." Ushio: "W-Wait a second! I-I can't accept this! Not without hearing a clear reason. I..." Ushio: "So, what are you going to do next?" ene: "Huh? The power hasn't been canceled out?" Ushio: "No, it's canceled." ene: "Th-Then why?" Ushio: "It's like I always tell you." Ushio: "Because I'm in love with you." ene: "I see. All the more reason, then." ene: "It'll be a bother if you follow me around anymore." Ushio: "Let me ask you one thing. Where are you trying to go? Is it somewhere you have to go, even if it means throwing away everything you've gained so far?" ene: "Yes, it is. I finally understand. I won't get my hands on what I want by using my power or becoming student council president." ene: "That's why I've decided to stop relying on my power." Yamada: "This sucks! It's great that we figured out memories will return with a kiss, but it's meaningless if I can't kiss Shiraishi!" Tamaki: "For sure!" Rika: "I never knew that." Rika: "Haru-chan is surprised, too!" Yamada: "Saionji..." Rika: "Do you know why nobody must know the name of the seventh witch in the first place?" Yamada: "No." Rika: "If you gather all seven witches together, any wish can be granted." Yamada: "Any wish?" Rika: "Yes, any wish. That's why I can't have you doing these things anymore." Rika: "Otherwise, I'll show no mercy next time." ene: "What did you say?!" ene: "The seventh witch showed up again?" Yamada: "I think Yamazaki found out that your memories came back." ene: "So you're telling me my memories will disappear again?" ene: "Fine. In that case, come return my memories to me first thing tomorrow." Yamada: "Huh?" ene: "I'm sure you know this, but I'm the person you can depend on most right now." Yamada: "No. There's no telling what sort of trouble you'll get into. I'll do something on my own afterwards." ene: "Wait just a minute! Before my memory disappears," ene: "there's something I need to tell you. The truth is, I, um..." Yamada: "Don't wanna hear it." ene: "Huh? Wha..." Yamada: "I'll definitely bring back everyone's memories. So tell me whatever it is when that happens." ene: "Yeah." ene: "Hey, what's going on?!" Tamaki: "Huh?" ene: "My memories haven't disappeared!" Both: "Huh?!" Yamazaki: "In other words, your power doesn't work twice?" Rika: "It appears so. I mean, this was a first for me, too." Rika: "What are you going to do, Haru-chan?" Yamazaki: "Indeed. It looks like this has become a rather pesky matter." Yamazaki: "Still, interesting!" Yamazaki: "Yamada-kun, it would appear I can't afford to let you run wild any longer." Tamaki: "Man, why are we meeting up in a place like this?" ene: "Because I'm in charge of the key to this room. This place is currently being used as a storage space." Yamada: "We could've just done this in the classroom." ene: "Oh, my. That's our idiot for you. Do you know what would happen if the president learned where we're meeting?" Tamaki: "It's just as she says, Yamada-kun." Yamada: "So then, what're we gonna do next?" Tamaki: "For now, our only lead is, "A wish will come true if we gather all seven witches together."" Tamaki: "Still, what in the world is she saying will happen? And gather them together where exactly? How?!" ene: "Hey! About that. I don't remember it well but, a year ago, I was suddenly called up and taken somewhere." ene: "Thinking back on it now, the people who were there..." Yamada: "They were all witches?" Tamaki: "So then what happened?!" ene: "I don't remember that very well." Tamaki: "What?!" ene: "I could swear we didn't do anything that important..." Tamaki: "Looks like there is some meaning in gathering all seven together and doing something." Tamaki: "It might be connected to restoring memories." ene: "If that's true, shouldn't we try performing the seven witches' ceremony again?" Yamada: "Yeah!" Tamaki: "It's decided!" Yamada: "All right!" Yamada: "First we'll go around and restore the witches' memories!" Yamada: "Huh?" A: "Ew, scary!" B: "That's terrible!" Boya: "Who's doing stuff like this?" Yamada: "If the student council has started to move, I've got to hurry and restore the witches' memories." Urara: "Hey, Yamada-kun." Urara: "Are you the kissing bandit they've been warning us about?" Yamada: "H-Huh?!" Urara: "I mean, you tried to push me into it, and you've done it with Odagiri-san too, right?" Yamada: "No, there's a good reason for that." Urara: "I knew it. You are the kissing bandit, huh?" Yamada: "I'm telling you, it's not like that!" Urara: "Hey, Yamada-kun." Urara: "Want to go home together?" Urara: "I want to ask for your advice about something." Yamada: "Miyamura's leaving the club?!" Urara: "Yes." Yamada: "Wh-What's that all about?! Why would he do that?" Urara: "Miyamura-kun was apparently chosen as the next student council president." Urara: "He said he's going to be busy from now on because of that." Urara: "Given the situation, I can't stop him either, so I'm not sure what to do." Yamada: "It'll be fine, then!" Yamada: "Because I'll kiss the witches and bring their memories back right away!" Urara: "Huh? Kiss them?" Urara: "You still want to kiss even after they put out that notice, huh?" Yamada: "No, that's not it. I mean, well..." Yamada: "Anyway! Worst case, I'll slug him and hold him back myself! Okay?" Urara: "Yeah." Urara: "What?" Yamada: "Oh, nothing!" Yamada: "There's the station! See ya!" Urara: "Hey, Yamada-kun." Yamada: "Huh?" Urara: "You can kiss me." ene: "It opened!" ene: "There's no doubt about it. This is the room." Yamazaki: "Entering this room without permission? That is a problem." Yamazaki: "I never would have thought you'd lend Yamada-kun a hand." ene: "L-Lending him a hand? Whatever are you talking about?" ene: "Besides, the door just happened to be open." Yamazaki: "Perfect timing. Will you make a deal with me?" Yamada: "Huh?" Yamada: "What? Huh?!" Yamada: "Wh-Why, all of a sudden?!" Urara: "Who knows? I get the feeling something will change if I kiss you." Urara: "To have an idea like this... I wonder if I'm turning into a delinquent?" Urara: "Yamada-kun, do it, quick." Yamada: "Uh, "quick"? Here?" Urara: "It's fine. Or would you rather not?" Yamada: "Uh, no! I'll do it!" Yamada: "With this, Shiraishi's memory will return. I've got to tell her... about the situation we've ended up in," Yamada: "about everyone else, about my confession..." Yamada: "But, right now, I want to see Shiraishi with her memory back most of all!" Mikoto: "We can't have this. You have to abide by the warning." ene: "A deal?" Yamazaki: "That's right. It will spell trouble if all seven witches are gathered here." Yamazaki: "As such, I'd like you to stop Yamada-kun and the others." ene: "That's the one thing I can't help you with." Yamazaki: "How about this deal, then?" ene: "Wh-What the heck is this?" Yamazaki: "Don't worry. He hasn't been allowed to kiss Shiraishi-kun." ene: "What's the meaning of this?" Yamazaki: "What? Did you think I wouldn't notice?" Yamazaki: "I'm referring to the fact that you've fallen in love with Yamada-kun." ene: "Wha—" Yamazaki: "Now, then." Yamazaki: "Think about this carefully, Odagiri-kun." Yamazaki: "If you use my resources, your wish could easily come true." ene: "We're now going to turn the witches back to normal in order!" ene: "We'll start with Sarushima Maria!" Yamada: "Y-Yeah! I'll grab my bag!" Tamaki: "Very well executed, huh?" Tamaki: "What in the world are you planning?" ene: "Huh?" Tamaki: "I saw you with Yamazaki yesterday." ene: "Did you? I guess I have no choice then." ene: "He offered me a deal." ene: "He said he would make my wish come true if I got in your way. I turned him down, of course." Tamaki: "I can't trust that. Regardless of the fact you're fond of Yamada-kun, why would you support returning the memories of everyone around him, Shiraishi Urara included?" ene: "You have a point. To tell the truth, I'd like to stand in Yamada's way and keep things as they are as much as possible. However, that man will only ever look Shiraishi-san's way, no matter how much I try to hold him back. Even if the president tries to exert his authority," ene: "that will never be enough to stop him." ene: "In that case, I shouldn't inconvenience him. I should smile with him." Yamada: "We're starting our strategy meeting now!" Yamada: "We only need two more witches for the ceremony, Saionji and Shiraishi!" ene: "Wait, is there any reason to go out of your way to explain with such terrible drawings?" Yamada: "It's easier to understand than without it, isn't it?!" Tamaki: "The real trouble starts now." Tamaki: "Setting Shiraishi-kun aside, everything to do with Saionji is still a mystery." Yamada: "That woman's power is way too special! Why does the power to erase witches' memories even exist in the first place?" ene: "About that. I tried looking into Saionji Rika, and when I did..." ene: "Her name was nowhere to be found. Not in the student council register, the attendance records, or any other lists I hunted through!" Yamada: "Wh-What's going on? I mean, I heard she's a third-year!" ene: "Yes! That's why I went around and asked the third-year students as well, but everyone said they don't know anyone like that." Yamada: "Wh-What's happening? And she goes commando, too!" Tamaki: "Huh? Commando? Wait! Why do you know that?!" ene: "No way that's related!" ene: "For now, we should restore Shiraishi-san's memories rather than focus on Saionji Rika." ene: "This time, be sure not to make any mistakes!" Yamada: "All right! First, I'm going to brush my teeth!" Tamaki: "He's way too worked up." Yamazaki: "Now, then. I'm going to beat you to the punch, Yamada-kun." ene: "This is obviously referring to the ceremony, right?" Maria: "Oh, no. I don't want to go." Maiko: "But it says you'll be penalized if you don't come." : "I don't want to be expelled or anything!" Tamaki: "I'm being counted as a witch, too?" ene: "Listen, everyone. We're going to gather all the witches before the date the president has instructed and conduct the ceremony first!" Tamaki: "Still, there's only three days until the deadline. There's not much time." Yamada: "Shiraishi, will you give me a kiss?!" Miyabi: "What?!" Yamada: "There's no time left! Please!" Miyabi: "Hey, what're you talking about? Urara-chan, this guy's dangerous! I'll get a teacher—" Urara(Mikoto): "It's all right. This is just the sort of person Yamada-kun is." Miyabi: "Huh?" Urara(Mik): "But, I'm sorry. I can't do that. Ito-san is here, too, and all." Yamada: "I don't mind! We're out of time!" Yamada: "I promise I'll explain the circumstances after!" Tamaki: "We'll leave Shiraishi Urara to Yamada-kun, so we've got to find Saionji Rika. Huh?" ene: "What is it?" Rika: "Yoohoo! Have you been well?" ene: "Wh-Why are you here?" Rika: "Say, do you think you could all stop snooping around about me?" ene: "W-We're doing it because there's nothing about you!" Rika: "Nothing?" ene: "We searched all over the school, but we couldn't find the name "Saionji Rika" anywhere! Who in the world are you?" Rika: "When I erase people's memories, they end up forgetting all about me, too." Rika: "That's why my name isn't anywhere." ene: "Huh?" Rika: "So you mustn't snoop around about me anymore, okay? Bye-bee!" ene: "Please wait!" ene: "We want you to work with us!" ene: "Would you participate in the ceremony for our sake?" Rika: "No way!" ene: "Wha—" Tamaki: "Then at least tell us this!" Tamaki: "What is the president up to, holding a ceremony of his own?!" Rika: "Oh, that?" Rika: "Haru-chan must want to eliminate Yamada-kun all together, I suppose?" Rika: "After all, Yamada-kun is currently a presence the student council can't control." Rika: "That makes the student council meaningless." Yamada: "Anyway, I want you to trust me." Yamada: "Shiraishi, please remember me..." Miyabi: "You're kidding!" Urara(Mik): "Even if you kiss me, nothing will happen." Urara(Mik): "What a shame." Yamada: "Who the hell are you?" Urara(Mik): "I'm Shiraishi Urara. Right, Yamada-san?" Yamada: "Yamazaki! You're screwing with me, you bastard! Now, now, Yamada-kun." Yamada: "What did you do with Shiraishi?!" Yamazaki: "Shiraishi-kun? What could you possibly mean?" Yamada: "Playing dumb won't do you any good! I can tell she switched bodies with Asuka Mikoto!" Yamazaki: "Oh, dear. This is a problem." Yamazaki: "How could Asuka-kun not be here at a time like this?" Yamada: "I'm asking you, where's Shiraishi now that she switched bodies with Asuka?!" Yamazaki: "Asuka-kun has been suspended." Yamada: "Suspended?" Yamazaki: "Since she was found kissing on school grounds. Right now she should be at home, quietly reflecting on what she's done." Yamazaki: "Just to let you know, Yamada-kun." Yamazaki: "Even if you go to her house, you won't be able to see Asuka-kun. It's been decided that only the student council can meet with a student while they're suspended." Yamada: "We'll see about that." Yamada: "I won't let you get your way!" Urara: "What's the matter, Yamada-kun?" Yamada: "I-I... Shiraishi, I—" Urara: "Eh?" Yamada: "Next time on Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches: the final episode." Yamada: "Shiraishi, wait for me until next time!"
{ "raw_title": "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Episode 11 – What Did You Do With Shiraishi?!", "parsed": [ "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches", "11", "What Did You Do With Shiraishi?!" ] }
Rika: "Do you know why nobody must know the name of the seventh witch in the first place?" Yamada: "Who the hell are you?" Urara(Mik): "I'm Shiraishi Urara. Right, Yamada-san?" Rika: "If you gather all seven witches together, any wish can be granted." Miyamura: "Wha? Why do I have to go to Asuka-san's house?" Yamada: "I'm begging you! They won't let me inside unless you're with me!" Miyamura: "I'm watching a movie right now!" Yamada: "That doesn't matter! Never mind, just come with me!" Miyamura: "I'm at a really good part!" Yamada: "I'm begging you." Miyamura: "You're..." Leona: "Wait, Yamada." Yamada: "Leona!" Miyamura: "Huh?" Leona: "Tell me everything that happened." Leona: "You were running around like crazy over her switching bodies. It's just too hilarious!" Yamada: "You may say that, but don't you understand how helpless she must feel right now?!" Leona: "You're the one who doesn't understand." Yamada: "What?" Leona: "You bringing Shiraishi back right now won't make any difference." Leona: "Panicking is pointless." Leona: "By the way, there's something odd about what you've told me." Leona: "About the ceremony..." Miyamura: "Hey, what's with all of you?" ene: "Whatever. Just get out of the way, Miyamura!" Tamaki: "We have business with Leona-senpai!" Yamada: "Why are you guys here?" ene: "We thought we'd get Leona-senpai to help us get through to Rika-senpai..." Tamaki: "Yamada-kun, can't you tell us before you do something like this?" Leona: "Perfect timing." Yamada: "It's odd that Tamaki was invited to the ceremony?" Leona: "All that should be essential for the ceremony are the witches themselves." Leona: "Tamaki has only retained the power he captured from Asuka Mikoto. He isn't a witch himself." ene: "If that's so, why did the president invite him?" Leona: "My guess is that Tamaki's stolen power can be returned to the witch." Leona: "Yamazaki knows that Tamaki can return powers to their owners." Tamaki: "No way..." Yamada: "So he's planning to give Asuka her power back right before the ceremony?" Leona: "Exactly." Yamada: "Hey! There's also Shiraishi to worry about. What should we do?" Leona: "Calm down. First we handle Saionji Rika." Leona: "Beating her will be beyond difficult. You could even say the student council president and the seventh witch are united in body and spirit." Yamada: "Sorry to intrude." Miyamura: "Yamada." Miyamura: "Who the hell are you?" Yamada: "Huh?" Miyamura: "I mean, it's weird! How do you know my sister?" Miyamura: "Uh, sorry. I wanted to thank you." Yamada: "Thank me?" Miyamura: "It's been a long time since I heard my sister laugh." Yamada: "Sure." Yamada: "We want you to side with us!" Rika: "Yamada-kun, you're persistent and annoying!" Yamada: "Then at least tell us this! What's your relationship with Yamazaki?" Rika: "Oh? Are you jealous, Yamada-kun?" Yamada: "N-No, it's not—" Rika: "Fine." Rika: "I don't think you'll understand anyway, but I'll tell you." Rika: "Haru-chan and I are precious to, and can't live without, each other." Yamada: "I see. But it's so strange." Rika: "Huh?" Yamada: "If you're so precious to each other, then why did Yamazaki have Asuka and Shiraishi switch bodies?" Rika: "Huh? What do you mean?" Yamada: "If you both trust each other, then he shouldn't have any need for an insurance policy like that." Rika: "Wh-Who knows! It's something Haru-chan decided on! I'm sure it was just to be on the safe side!" Yamada: "Wouldn't that mean Yamazaki doesn't trust you?" Rika: "That can't be! Yamada-kun, are you trying to tear Haru-chan and I apart?" Yamada: "No, I was only telling the truth. I mean, you have noticed it, haven't you?" Yamada: "That you're just being used by Yamazaki? Wha?! What're you—" Rika: "I thought you would understand, Yamada-kun! I thought you would understand how I've felt coming to school all this time!" Rika: "Being forgotten by everyone means having nobody to talk to, either! My name not existing anywhere means there's no need for me to put in the effort to come to school to study!" Rika: "There's only one person in the whole school who knows... that I came to school every day like I was supposed to..." Yamazaki: "Hey, Saionji-kun. Morning." Rika: "That's why I won't betray him!" Yamada: "I see." Yamada: "But things are different now. At the very least, the three of us know about you. If you stay on Yamazaki's side," Yamada: "it'll just be the two of you again!" Rika: "All right. I'll help you." Rika: "However, I have one condition." Rika: "Could you bring Leona-chan to school?" Rika: "Leona-chan knows my name, but I haven't been able to erase her memory yet." Rika: "I can't forgive that on my pride as the seventh witch." Tamaki: "All right, got it." ene: "Let's go, Yamada!" Yamada: "I can't do that." Rika: "If you won't accept my condition, I won't cooperate with you!" Leona: "I guess it's about time to prepare myself." ene: "Hey! How long are we going to sit around like this?!" Tamaki: "Do you have any bright ideas, then?" ene: "Well..." Leona: "Saionji Rika told you to bring me to school, didn't she?" Yamada: "How do you know that?" Leona: "So the seventh witch still hasn't forgotten about me? I've finally made up my mind." Leona: "It's my fault that you guys are going through all this." ene: "Huh?" Yamada: "What do you mean?" Leona: "I was once a member of the Supernatural Studies Club." Leona: "Back in those days, there was one more member in the club. We researched the witches together. You're going to announce your candidacy for student council president to keep the Supernatural Studies Club going?" Leona: "I see. You'd go that far..." Leona: "And at long last, we learned the name of the seventh witch." Yamazaki: "Run away this instant!" Leona: "And so, that man who had his memory erased also forgot about me." Yamada: "Yamazaki?" ene: "It can't be..." Tamaki: "Unbelievable!" Yamada: "Does that mean he learned about the witches all over again after he became president?" ene: "We can't leave things like this. We've got to go tell him the truth right away!" Tamaki: "That's pointless." ene: "What did you say?" Tamaki: "Once someone has their memory erased, nothing you say will get them to understand. Yamada and I have learned that the hard way." ene: "But—" Leona: "It's okay, Nene." Leona: "Being able to talk to you guys has made me feel a lot better." Leona: "I'm going to head to the school!" Leona: "There's no time. Lead me to Rika." Yamada: "Wait a second! That's the one thing I can't let you do!" Leona: "Isn't taking me to the school the condition for getting Rika to participate in the ceremony?" Yamada: "Yeah, that's right." Leona: "Why are you stopping me, then? You're contradicting yourself." Yamada: "I know that! But I'm sure you don't actually want to do that, either! To have your memories of him... Of Yamazaki erased! Isn't that why you haven't gone to school for so long?!" Leona: "It's okay. I can't stand to see him like this anymore." Rika: "I didn't think you'd actually bring her." Leona: "I'll let you erase my memory in exchange for participating in the ceremony. Sound good?" Rika: "I know. I'm a girl who keeps her promises." Leona: "I see. Do it, then." Leona: "I sympathize with you. It may be for the student council's sake, but you've been burdened with a painful role." Rika: "Okay, I'm done!" Leona: "I guess I've fulfilled my duty now..." Leona: "But first, I have one thing left to take care of." Leona: "Yamazaki." Yamazaki: "Do you need something from me?" Leona: "No." Yamazaki: "I see. The school day is over. You be sure to head home soon, too." Leona: "Yes, I'll do that." Leona: "I hope we can meet again someday..." Yamazaki: "Tears?" Miyabi: "Excuse me a minute." Urara(Mik): "Yes." ene: "Now! Prepare yourself, Asuka Mikoto!" Tamaki: "Be a good girl and let us capture you!" Urara(Mik): "I'll praise you for your courage, if nothing else." Urara(Mik): "Now, then, will you be my next opponent?" ene: "Indeed, I will! Or so I'd like to say!" ene: "I'll hold back this time!" ene: "Thanks everyone! That was some nice teamwork!" ene: "Okay, Yamada. We're counting on you for the rest." Miyamura: "Last night my sister told me to go along with you. What in the world is going on?" Yamada: "If I'm with you, an officer on the student council, I'll be able to see Asuka." Miyamura: "Y-Yeah..." Mom: "I'm sorry. Mikoto says she doesn't want to see anyone..." Miyamura: "Huh? H-Hey! Yamada?" Yamada: "Shiraishi!" Yamada: "Shiraishi! Shiraishi, are you here?!" Mikoto(U): "Yamada-kun?" Yamada: "Shiraishi!" Mikoto(U): "I'm sorry. I'm too ashamed to face you." Yamada: "Huh?" Mikoto(U): "Everything you were telling me, it was all true. And yet, I..." Yamada: "It's fine. None of that matters!" Yamada: "I'm sorry I'm late." Mikoto(U): "The truth is, I was so scared. What's going to happen to me?" Yamada: "It's all right. I promise I'll turn you back to normal." Yamada: "I'll make sure nothing like this ever happens again!" ene: "Okay, everyone's here, right?" ene: "At long last!" Urara: "I was really able to go back to normal." Tamaki: "I was able to return Asuka Mikoto's power, right?" Mikoto: "Who knows?" Rika: "No worries about that!" Rika: "I guarantee it!" Rika: "Mikoto-chan, just accept it." Rika: "I don't want to be alone anymore." Yamada: "Let's start the ceremony before Yamazaki shows up." Maria: "We just have to stand on the marks, right?" Meiko: "Things have gotten kind of exciting." : "I like things like this!" Urara: "Yamada-kun. Me, too?" Yamada: "Yeah!" ene: "Okay. You, too, Senpai." Mikoto: "Don't think you can perform the ceremony that easily!" Yamazaki: "How terrible of you all. You left me out of the fun." Mikoto: "President! Let's get out of here quickly." Yamazaki: "No, it's fine. I came to observe the ceremony." Yamada: "What are you up to, Yamazaki?" Yamazaki: "I finally solved the mystery." Yamazaki: "I never knew the reason I became the president all this time." Yamazaki: "Any time I thought about it, I felt intense pain, like my heart was being crushed. I've devoted myself to performing my duties as president to distract myself from the pain," Yamazaki: "but it only grew worse. I don't know the reason I became president even now," Yamazaki: "but there is one thing I do know." Yamazaki: "You might be able to erase memories, but you can't erase the feelings behind them." Yamazaki: "Isn't that right, Saionji-kun?" Rika: "Yeah..." Tamaki: "Then, the president..." ene: "Realized his memory was once erased?" Yamazaki: "I want to remember the real reason I became president." Yamazaki: "That's why I've decided. Yamada-kun, I'll entrust the rest to you." Yamada: "Yeah." Yamada: "So, what's next?" Yamada: "Hey, what's this?" Yamada: "Huh? You guys?" Yamada: "Odagiri? Tamaki?" Yamada: "Shiraishi?" Yamada: "What's going on?" Rika: "As far as that goes... Time has stopped for everyone but you and me." Yamada: "Huh?" Rika: "The world is moving so slowly, that it looks like it's stopped, to be exact." Rika: "You know, what's commonly known as The Theory of Relativity?" Yamada: "Is that common?" Yamada: "I-I don't really follow, but I can tell something crazy is going on." Rika: "The rest is simple. Stand in the middle of the circle and pray with all your heart, "I wish for everyone's memories to return."" Yamada: "Got it. Let me ask you one last thing." Yamada: "Are you glad you ended up with a witch power?" Rika: "My power? Let me see. There was a whole lot I didn't like, but I received a warm welcome from the student council, and I'm already in my third year. I suppose the only thing that weighs on my mind is that I have to find a successor. The seventh witch operates on a nomination system," Rika: "so I'll have to find a girl to go through the same things I have sooner or later. But I wonder if there is anyone who would accept a role like this?" Yamada: "I see." Rika: "But why ask me that?" Yamada: "No reason. I just wanted to know." Rika: "Okay, then, Yamada-kun. Are you ready?" Yamada: "Yeah!" Rika: "No matter what happens next, you mustn't open your eyes!" Yamada: "Huh?" Yamada: "Crap! It won't do any good to just stand here." Yamada: "Let's go!" Yamada: "Yo, you guys! Did your memories come back?!" Miyamura: "Do you need something from our club?" Yamada: "Huh?" Yamada: "Uh, sorry. I got the wrong room." Miyamura: "Just kidding! I thought something was funny. Now the mystery's finally been solved." Miyabi: "I never thought we'd be the ones to forget about you, Yamada." Tsubaki: "Never saw that one coming!" Urara: "It's the same either way." All: "Yamada-kun, welcome back!" Yamada: "I'm back." Miyabi: "Today, let's go all out!" Both: "Yeah!" Yamada: "Wait a second! Sorry to spoil the moment, but there's something important I need to say first." Urara: "Something important?" Miyabi: "We heard, Yamada. If you gather all seven witches together your wish will come true, right? We can make as many come true as we want now!" Yamada: "No, that's not it." Miyamura: "Now that you mention it, we know the names of all the witches, don't we? So why haven't our memories been erased?" Yamada: "That's part of why I need to talk to you." Yamada: "And to everyone else who knows about the witches!" Maria: "Yoohoo! Sorry to keep you!" Meiko: "Huh? What's with all the commotion?" : "You didn't tell me we were having a party, Senpai!" Yamada: "Oh, you're finally here? You're all late!" Maria: "I'm glad everyone's memories have returned!" Meiko: "I wondered what was going to happen for a while there." : "It's all thanks to me lending a hand." Yamada: "Hey, listen to me!" ene: "Oh, it looks like everyone is here. You called for a meeting, so I guess I had to come." Tamaki: "Good grief. I don't do well with so much excitement." Ushio: "Is it okay for me to come in?" Yamada: "Yeah." Yamazaki: "To summon me here, of all people. You've become quite the big man." Leona: "You seem like you've become quite the big man yourself." Rika: "Leona-chan, you can't tease Haru-chan!" Tsubaki: "You called Yamazaki's group here, too?!" Yamada: "Of course. Okay, what I have to talk about is the wish I had granted at the ceremony." Urara: "The one you prayed for with all your heart?" Yamada: "Yeah. The truth is, I didn't wish for your memories to return." Urara: "But our memories did return." Yamada: "I'm sure. What I wished was for the" Yamada: "witch powers to vanish from this school." All: "Huh?!" Meiko: "Now that you mention it, I haven't received any telepathic messages lately." : "I haven't had any nightmares, either!" ene: "So that means the powers are really gone?" Yamada: "Yeah, but I think this is for the best." ene: "You're right. We might have originally gotten those powers because we wished for them, but they became the source of our suffering before we knew it." Meiko: "Besides, we've been leading school lives that are plenty fun even without relying on our powers." : "All thanks to you, Senpai!" Yamazaki: "I see. That's the conclusion Yamada-kun, who possessed all seven witch powers, has reached?" Urara: "The way we are now, we don't need witch powers anymore." Yamada: "Yeah." Urara: "Yamada-kun, I'm sorry." Yamada: "Huh? Why are you apologizing?" Urara: "Because I wasn't able to keep my promise from back then..." Yamada: "Promise?" Urara: "Didn't I tell you? That I'd be the first one you kiss..." Yamada: "But I was the one who didn't keep it." Urara: "No. That isn't what I meant. The truth is, I was thinking of repaying the favor to you." Yamada: "Huh?" Urara: "You saved me when I was in trouble." Urara: "That's why I wanted to help you this time. And yet, I forgot about that and utterly rejected you." Urara: "I've wanted to apologize all this time." Urara: "I'm sorry. You got so desperate you even gave me that fake confession of love—" Yamada: "It wasn't fake!" Yamada: "I was thinking of telling you one more time when your memory returned." Yamada: "I love you, Shiraishi!" Yamada: "Please go out with me!" Yamada: "Oh, yeah. That's right... You told me before that you liked someone." Urara: "Yes. I mean, that was you." Yamada: "Huh?" Urara: "I thought for sure that you realized it." Yamada: "N-No, of course I didn't! Wait, huh? Does that mean..." Urara: "Yes." Urara: "Also, Yamada-kun. I have a request." Urara: "Can I kiss you?" Yamada: "Huh?! W-Wait, that's strange! There's a proper order to do these things..." Urara: "I want to make sure that my power has really disappeared. You're curious, too, aren't you?" Yamada: "Then... Ow, your teeth—" Urara: "We didn't switch bodies after all." Yamada: "Huh?" Urara: "Let's get back to the clubroom. Everyone must be worried." Yamada: "Hey, you just wanted to kiss, didn't you?"
{ "raw_title": "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Episode 12 – I Love You, Shiraishi", "parsed": [ "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches", "12", "I Love You, Shiraishi" ] }
Miyabi: "Has the Supernatural Studies Club resumed activities? If so, I would like to join." Miyabi: "Hey, are you listening? I'm telling you I'd like to join the Supernatural Studies Club." Yamada: "Wh-What're we gonna do?!" Miyamura: "What do you mean? Our school has no system for rejecting new applicants." Yamada: "Wha?!" Miyamura: "We've got no choice but to accept her." Miyabi: "So? What sort of research is the Supernatural Studies Club doing currently?" Miyabi: "Huh?" Yamada: "Th-The truth is we only just started club activities." Miyamura: "W-We joined, but we don't really know anything about supernatural phenomena..." Miyabi: "Huh?" Miyabi: "What? Is that true?" Miyabi: "Fine! Leave it to me, then! I can bend spoons!" Yamada: "Huh?" Miyabi: "Got it? Look real close!" Yamada: "Y-Yeah..." Yamada: "Hey." Miyabi: "See! It bent!" Yamada: "You just used brute force!" Miyabi: "Next up, this is a miraculous photo which captured a UFO!" Yamada: "You can totally see the strings, can't you?" Miyabi: "This one takes the cake! A materia stone passed down from the ancient Mesopotamian civilization!" Yamada: "Just looks like some rock to me." Miyabi: "I showed you because you're all special." Miyabi: "I'll give you all a good, long look at the rest of my collection next time!" Yamada: "Yeah, next time's fine." Miyabi: "So, this sort of thing does happen, huh? Honor student and rank one in our year, Shiraishi-san and Miyamura-kun from the student council! And Yamada... doesn't really matter." Yamada: "What's that supposed to mean?!" Miyabi: "We're gonna be super busy from now on, huh?" Miyabi: "Okay, I'm heading back to the classroom!" Miyabi: "See ya!" Yamada: "What's with that woman?" Yamada: "Wh-What're we gonna do? After how eager she looked, it's going to be tough to tell her we just want to use the room!" Yamada: "And it's not like we can just up and tell her our secret, either." Urara: "But she shouldn't suspect you have the ability to switch bodies, Yamada-kun." Miyamura: "Yeah. I guess we've got no choice but to pretend we're club members with an interest in the supernatural for now." Yamada: "Uh, but come on!" Miyabi: "Help me out a sec, Yamada!" Yamada: "Hey, what're you hauling in here?!" Miyabi: "This clubroom hasn't been used in ages and it's filthy. I'm going to clean it." Yamada: "Huh?" Miyabi: "What's this? Guess we've got to sort through the equipment, too." Miyabi: "Hey, Yamada. Take this trash out for me." Yamada: "Huh? Why do I have to do it?" Miyabi: "You're a club member, too. Wouldn't you prefer a clean room?" Miyamura: "It's so we can use the room. Do what Ito says for now." Yamada: "Damn it! Hopefully this doesn't cause any problems." Yamada: "Man, that woman forced all these chores on me." Yamada: "Just when we finally got our hands on a room, too." Yamada: "If she's watching, I can't switch bodies with Shiraishi." Yamada: "Huh?" Yamada: "The following students will take supplementary exams." Yamada: "This is me, isn't it?!" Yamada: "Crap, I forgot!" Yamada: "Hey, I took out the trash. Uh, huh?" Yamada: "Ito's not here?" Urara: "No, although she was cleaning until a short time ago." Yamada: "O-Oh, is that right? I-I see. Now that I think of it, there's no way Ito would be here all the time. We'll have plenty of opportunities to switch bodies!" Urara: "You want to switch bodies again and have me take your supplementary exams?" Yamada: "Y-Yeah..." Urara: "I don't particularly mind." Yamada: "I-It's okay?!" Urara: "Yes, I mean, we haven't switched bodies at all lately." Yamada: "Th-That's right!" Yamada: "Then..." Urara: "Yes." Miyabi: "Hey, Yamada! Did you already take out the trash for me?" Yamada: "Sure did!" Miyabi: "Could you look for a rag next, then?" Yamada: "Huh? Again?" Urara: "You'd better just play along for now." Yamada: "Hey, I brought one!" Yamada: "Oh, she's gone now!" Yamada: "All right, while we still have the chance!" Miyabi: "Yamada! Where's the rag?" Yamada: "Again?" Miyabi: "Get me some wax wipes for the floor next!" Miyabi: "Where's the wax coating?" Miyabi: "Where's the bucket of water?" Miyabi: "Go take out the trash again!" Yamada: "All done! Nothing to complain about now, right?" Yamada: "Damn you, cut me some slack already!" Miyamura: "You still haven't switched bodies?" Urara: "Looks like you're better off giving up on it for today." Yamada: "I can't afford to do that! My grades are on the line!" Miyamura: "Just work harder on a regular basis..." Miyabi: "Hey, Yamada! If you're done taking out the trash—" Miyamura: "Hey, Ito-san. You've still got an important job left to do." Miyabi: "This is..." Miyabi: "New member registration... Oh, I forgot about it." Miyabi: "I'm going to go turn this in to the student council room right away!" Miyamura: "Yeah, no need to hurry. Be careful." Miyabi: "Yeah!" Miyamura: "That ought to take her a little while. Our student council president really loves to talk." Miyamura: "I'm guessing he won't let her go until the warning bell rings." Yamada: "Good job, Miyamura!" Miyamura: "Of course, it's just a stopgap. We can't afford to ignore Ito-san like this." Urara: "Yamada-kun, if we don't hurry, class will begin." Yamada: "Y-You're right!" Miyamura: "That said, it doesn't look like there's anywhere else we can use, either." Miyabi: "N-No! You're terrible!" Yamada(U): "This is bad." Miyamura: "Wh-Why're you here? What about the registration?" Miyabi: "I went, but the student council room was locked." Miyamura: "What?" Miyabi: "I thought it was strange... Nobody seemed to have an interest in the supernatural, and you didn't look interested in club activities, either. So this was why?" Miyabi: "I was so happy, too..." Urara(Y): "Uh, no, um..." Miyabi: "I'll make you pay. I'll definitely make all of you pay!" Urara(Y): "Hey, Ito!" Sister: "Onii-chan, you're going to be late again." Yamada: "My supplementary exams worked out somehow thanks to Shiraishi, but that Ito girl... Huh?" Yamada: "What's up?" Boye: "Seriously?" Girlc: "Huh? You're kidding!" Yamada: "Huh?! Wh-What the hell is this?!" Girla: "Did you hear? They say Yamada and Shiraishi-san were kissing." Boya: "Are those two going out?" Girlb: "No way, for real?" Yamada: "Huh?" Sasaki: "That's right, that's right! Yamada's totally infatuated with me." Jaiko: "Oh, really?" Sasaki: "The other day he guarded me with his life!" Boyb: "Hey, look! It says Yamada and Shiraishi-san kissed!" Yamada: "There are even fliers?! Hand 'em over!" Yamada: "Damn it! This is spinning out of control! Who the hell is doing this?" Miyabi: "Oh? Don't tell me you forgot about what happened yesterday?" Yamada: "You..." Miyabi: "I believe I told you, I'm definitely going to make you all pay!" Miyabi: "For sure, got it?" Yamada: "Ito, this is all your doing?" Miyabi: "Just to tell you, you're not getting off the hook this easily." Yamada: "What?" Miyabi: "Go ahead and regret trampling all over my feelings as much as possible!" Yamada: "Damn! If this keeps up and rumors spread..." Girlc: "Those rumors are true?!" Yamada: "I knew it. She's all alone again." Boye: "With Yamada of all people?" Girld: "No!" Boyf: "I can't believe it!" Miyabi: "I wondered what you called me here for. You want me to take back the rumors?" Yamada: "Yeah." Miyabi: "Quit screwing around with me! That's not happening just because you apologized now!" Yamada: "I see." Miyabi: "You're making a fool of me! I'm leaving." Yamada: "Then I can't afford to let you leave here. If you want to leave this place," Yamada: "then kiss me, okay?" Miyabi: "Huh?" Miyabi: "What?" Miyabi: "Wh-What're you talking about?!" Miyabi: "K-Kiss? You're a real idiot, aren't you?" Miyabi: "D-Don't mess with me! Why do I have to kiss you? Wai—" Miyabi: "You delinquent!" Miyabi: "No. No, stay away!" Yamada(M): "O-Oh, no. What am I doing?" Yamada(M): "Huh? Why am I..." Miyabi(Y): "Sorry for this." Miyabi(Y): "You didn't leave me any other choice." Miyabi(Y): "I was a little rough, but hey, forgive me, okay?" Miyabi(Y): "Man, I guess I really can switch bodies with anyone." Miyabi(Y): "Whoa!" Miyabi(Y): "Gotta go take back those rumors in this body real quick!" Boyc: "Huh? The rumor about Yamada and Shiraishi-san?" Miyabi(Y): "That's right! I know I said it myself, but that was actually all a lie!" Boyd: "Oh, from this morning?" Boyc: "Yeah, we knew." Miyabi(Y): "Oh? O-Oh, come on. I'm talking about that rumor about Yamada and Shiraishi-san kissing." Boyc: "Yeah! A total lie, right?" Miyabi(Y): "Huh?" Girla: "Rumor?" Boya: "Oh, it was a lie?" Boyb: "Yeah, I knew, I knew." Girlb: "Yup, yup. See ya!" Miyabi(Y): "Yeesh, what's going on? The rumors didn't spread as far as I thought?" Miyabi(Y): "All right, those girls know Shiraishi, so I'm sure..." Shouko: "Yeah. Those rumors you mentioned this morning?" Miyabi(Y): "That's right! The truth is, I was just seeing things! Those two don't have that sort of relationship at all." Miyabi(Y): "So do get along with Urara-chan from now on, okay?" Miyabi(Y): "What's so funny?" Shouko: "Oh, come on! Everyone knows that already!" Miyabi(Y): "Huh?" Miyabi(Y): "Wh-What in the world do you mean?" Shouko: "What're you talking about? Nobody believes the rumors you spread." Miyabi(Y): "Huh?" Aya: "You said there were aliens on campus the other day." Shouko: "My word, you sure think up some blatant lies, huh?" Miyabi(Y): "Uh, hey, hold on..." Shouko: "If you don't knock it off with that stuff, nobody's going to deal with you anymore!" Yamada: "Wh-What was that?! Then what did I even switch bodies with her for?! Gotta hurry and turn back to normal!" Miyabi(Y): "Wh-What?!" Miyabi(Y): "Shiraishi, Miyamura, we've got trouble!" Urara: "Ito-san?" Miyabi(Y): "I mean, I've disappeared!" Miyamura: "Calm down, Ito-san. We don't have a clue what's happened." Miyabi(Y): "To hell with it! Never mind, just come to the classroom!" Miyamura: "Hm, I never thought Yamada and Ito-san would have switched bodies." Miyabi(Y): "Yeah, the plan was to switch and take back the rumors about me and Shiraishi." Miyamura: "But you found out Ito-san is known as a liar, and nobody believed the rumors anyway." Miyabi(Y): "Yeah. But then why was everyone avoiding Shiraishi in class?" Miyamura: "True." Urara: "I didn't tell you?" Both: "Huh?" Urara: "There's an academic achievement test soon, right? So I told everyone not to talk to me." Miyabi(Y): "You're kidding!" Urara: "It's true." Miyabi(Y): "A-Anyway, Ito is in my body, and should have been here sleeping!" Miyamura: "You made sure to lock the door?" Miyabi(Y): "Yeah, of course." Urara: "She most likely got out through the window." Miyabi(Y): "The window?" Urara: "I'm sure she could make it down in your body, Yamada-kun." Miyabi(Y): "Am I superhuman or something?" Miyamura: "If so, what did Ito-san leave here to do?" Miyabi(Y): "Don't tell me that woman..." Miyamura: "H-Hey, Yamada!" Miyabi(Y): "Damn, where did she go?" Boyb: "Hey, what was with Yamada earlier?" Boyb: "He was posing in front of the bathroom mirror for ages earlier." Miyabi(Y): "What a narcissist!" Girlb: "Hey, listen to this! Yamada was practicing some sort of catch phrase earlier!" Yamada(M): "I've come from space to destroy evil! No, that's not it. I am the justice of this world! No, that one's not very good either." Miyabi(Y): "Is she trying to be some sort of superhero?!" Girla: "I'm totally shocked!" Miyabi(Y): "Don't tell me..." Girla: "Yamada was practicing finishing moves!" Yamada(M): "Supersonic Fist! Plasma Headbutt! Crushing Tornado Kick!" Miyabi(Y): "Stop it, already!" Miyamura: "Hey, Yamada!" Miyabi(Y): "Miyamura." Miyamura: "I looked around the school myself, but..." Miyabi(Y): "How'd it go?" Miyamura: "Not good. We'd better get this situation sorted out first." Miyabi(Y): "So that's what's going on." Miyamura: "I see. She didn't spread around how she switched bodies, and went off to settle some incident with Yamada's body." Urara: "Sounds like it." Miyamura: "All right, Yamada, check what Ito-san has on her person." Miyabi(Y): "Y-Yeah." Miyabi(Y): "Huh?" Miyamura: "I'll help, too." Miyabi(Y): "Huh? Hey, w-wait a second!" Miyamura: "I see." Miyabi(Y): "Miyamura, you bastard! I'll look myself, so back off!" Miyabi(Y): "Oh, wait, don't stick your hand there!" Miyabi(Y): "A cell phone?" Miyabi(Y): "Th-This is..." Urara: "That's it!" Miyamura: "No doubt about it. Ito-san headed there in your body." Miyabi(Y): "Wh-Why did she do that?" Miyamura: "Yamada, look at the next email." Miyabi(Y): "Th-This is a bill for those lame items she had with her!" Miyamura: "She was probably tricked." Miyabi(Y): "This is total fraud any way you look at it!" Urara: "But I wonder why Ito-san wanted these things?" Miyabi(Y): "I'm sure it's because she loves the supernatural." Urara: "I think that's part of it, but don't you think it's strange?" Miyabi(Y): "Huh?" Urara: "She brought these to school and was carrying them around on purpose." Urara: "I think she purchased them with some goal in mind..." Miyabi(Y): "A goal..." Miyamura: "Hey! Yamada!" Boy1: "Not cool at all, Yamada Ryu." Boy1: "You were beaten at your own game." Boy1: "Who would've thought the Yamada would be such a wimp? What a let-down." Miyabi(Y): "Sorry about that." Boy1: "Huh?" Boy1: "Well, if it isn't Ito-san. I was getting sick of waiting around." Bot1: "Looks like you got this guy to be your bodyguard. Too bad it didn't work out how you expected." Boy1: "Now, why don't you be a good girl and pay me the money you promised." Miyabi(Y): "I refuse!" Boy1: "What?" Miyabi(Y): "I don't need these frauds!" Miyabi(Y): "Take them all back." Boy1: "Hey, now. You screwin' with me? I sold them to you because you said you wanted them! Didn't you want to use them to get popular at school?" Miyamura: "But you found out Ito-san is known as a liar, and nobody believed the rumors anyway." Boy2: "Whoa, there." Boy3: "Let's not drag this out." Boy1: "You're taking me lightly. I'd better tell it straight to your body, so you'll be sure to bring the money next time!" Miyabi(Y): "You're all coming at a lone girl? What a sorry bunch." Boy2: "What's that?" Boy3: "Hey!" Boy1: "Wh-What're you morons doing?!" Miyabi(Y): "I'm gonna treat you to my special attack!" Miyabi(Y): "Crushing Tornado Kick!" Boy2: "Ow! Damn." Miyabi(Y): "Oh, boy." Miyabi: "I'm sorry. It looks like I had you guys all wrong." Miyabi: "I apologize for spreading weird rumors." Miyamura: "Don't worry about it. We're partially responsible for not being able to explain it." Yamada: "But man, you're nuts to go picking fights with punks like that. Ow!" Miyabi: "Well, I thought it would work out if I was in your body." Yamada: "Fighting's not about your body, it's about your spirit!" Urara: "I don't get what you mean." Miyabi: "All right, I'll get out of here, then." Yamada: "Uh, h-hey." Miyabi: "Thank you very much for today." Yamada: "Wait. Now that you know our secret, we can't afford to just let you go." Yamada: "So, Ito. You're a Supernatural Studies Club member from now on!" Miyabi: "Guess I've got no choice! I'll do that just for you!" Yamada: ""Just for you"? You're something else." Miyabi: "What?" Yamada: "Don't "what" me!" Miyabi: "Got some problem with that?" Yamada: "What was that, damn you!" Miyabi: "Okay, Yamada. There's something I would like to confirm." Yamada: "Huh?" Miyabi: "So now that your guard is down..." Urara(Y): "Hey, Ito! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Miyabi: "Successfully switched Yamada and Urara-chan!" Urara(Y): "Man, you say something, too, Shiraishi." Yamada(U): "Call me when you're done." Urara(Y): "You sure switched gears quick, hey!" Miyabi: "Now try switching with someone else while you're like that!" Urara(Y): "Listen to what I'm telling you!" Miyamura: "All right, Yamada! This time, leap into my arms!" Urara(Y): "Give me a break already!" Miyamura: "Hey, now. This is all to develop your latent abilities." Miyabi: "Yamada! This is for the sake of the club, so do your best!" Urara(Y): "Got it!" Urara(Y): "Th-This is all for research, all right?" Miyamura: "Yeah..." Miyabi: "Ah, this is so exciting, but it's actually Yamada and Miyamura!" Miyamura(Y): "I-I'm surprised. I went from Shiraishi to Miyamura. Hm? Which means..." Urara(Miyamura): "Yamada-kun, am I cute?" Miyamura(Y): "Don't do that in front of the person you're supposed to be!" Urara(Miyamura): "Sorry, I'll reflect on this." Miyamura(Y): "Man, when it comes to switching bodies, I know best. Why don't you all just listen to what I have to say—" Miyabi(Y): "Wha?" Miyamura(Miyabi): "It's too soon to give up! All right! I'm in Miyamura's body this time! No! There's a supernatural phenomenon between my legs!" Miyabi(Y): "You definitely had the same thing when you were in my body!" Miyamura(Miyabi): "All right, next is the last combination!" Urara(Miyamura): "All right, here I go." Miyabi(Y): "Y-Yeah." Miyamura(Miyabi): "I-It kinda gets your heart pounding! They're both girls... but inside, they're both men." Miyabi(Miyamura): "Oh, Ito-san's body is fantastic, too." Miyamura(Miyabi): "Hey, where are you touching?! All right, here we go again!" Urara(Y): "Huh?!" Yamada(U): "When will this be over?" Yamazaki: "Hm. The Supernatural Studies Club. It says Miyamura-kun, who's in the running to be council president next term, is vice president?" Mikoto: "Yes, it seems so." Jun: "It sounds as though that problem child from before, Yamada Ryu from 2-B, has joined, too." Yamazaki: "I see. Miyamura-kun must be looking after him for us." Mikoto: "You can't let your guard down either, Nene-san." ene: "I know." ene: "Hey, Ushio-kun." Ushio: "What's wrong, Odagiri? Why the long face?" ene: "The president and Miyamura siblings aside," ene: "I wonder why he's interested in the Supernatural Studies Club?" ene: "Well, anyway. The next student council president won't be Miyamura, it will be me." Ushio: "Yeah, naturally." ene: "We're going, Ushio-kun." Ushio: "Yeah." Yamazaki: "All promising potential student council presidents." Mikoto: "Yes, indeed." Yamazaki: "I shall observe carefully to see how they're going to deal with the next problem child" Yamazaki: "who's not suited for our Suzaku High School." Miyabi: "Supersonic Fist! Plasma Headbutt!" Yamada: "Y-You're still doing that?!" Miyabi: "Fighting is about spirit, right? Spirit!" Yamada: "Next time on Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches: "Will You Accept? Or Won't You?"" Miyabi: ""Accept" my special attack!"
{ "raw_title": "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Episode 2 – Kiss Me, Okay?", "parsed": [ "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches", "2", "Kiss Me, Okay?" ] }
Miyabi: "UMAs! OOPArts!" Miyabi: "The philosopher's stone! Poltergeists! Dopplegangers! Did you know there are heaps of occurrences in this world that can't be explained by conventional wisdom? My name is Ito Miyabi. I'm a second year at Suzaku High School, and a member of the Supernatural Studies Club." Miyabi: "Right now, I'm engaged in the greatest of research subjects: the kiss! In our Supernatural Studies Club we have members who switch personalities when they kiss. At present, explaining this mystery is my ultimate mission!" Shinagawa: "What the heck..." Shingawa: "Huh?" Yamada: "They won't give us a club budget?" Miyabi: "That's right, money! The funds that allow us to perform club activities! I've negotiated with the student council president repeatedly, but he just goes off on unrelated tangents and never gets down to the issue at hand no matter how long I wait! It's so frustrating!" Miyamura: "Him, huh?" Yamada: "No funds, huh? Do we actually need that sorta thing in this club?" Urara: "True. It does seem like things will work out for the most part if you are around, Yamada-kun." Yamada: "I'm not some handy tool, you know!" Miyabi: "You guys don't get it at all!" Miyabi: "As long as we have funds, we can make this place more like a clubroom!" Yamada: "It's pretty much fine the way it is now." Miyamura: "I like things nice and simple." Miyabi: "That's because you two are filthy boys!" Yamada: "And here I thought I could finally make this into an ideal clubroom..." Miyamura: "Ideal clubroom?" Miyabi: "Yes! We'd naturally have tools and materials for research!" Miyabi: "A pot for drinking tea, and a sofa! We could even buy a TV!" Miyamura: "I see, that could be nice!" Urara: "It sounds like it would make for a convenient and fun clubroom." Miyabi: "Right? But if they won't give us a budget, it's just another dream." Yamada: "Wait a sec. Does that include a microwave?" Miyabi: "Hey!" Yamada: "I'm asking you if we could buy a microwave!" Miyabi: "Huh? A microwave?" Yamada: "Yeah! If only we had a microwave!" Yamada: "I wouldn't have to eat cold bread or lunch boxes at lunch time anymore!" Miyamura: "You get surprisingly worked up about food." Miyabi: "I'm sure we could do research on plasma and whatnot if we had a microwave, too." Yamada: "All right, it's settled!" Yamada: "I'll go get us a budget from the president!" Yamada: "C'mon, let's go, Miyamura!" Miyamura: "Why me, too?" Yamada: "You're a student council officer, aren't you?! Back me up!" Miyamura: "Good grief. I don't think there's any point though..." Yamada: "Hey, listen up, President!" Yamada: "You bastard, what's the big idea not giving the Supernatural Studies Club a budget? Huh?!" Yamazaki: "Oh, dear. A guest for me?" Yamada: "Yeah, a guest! You heard me, didn't ya? Our budget, our budget!" Yamada: "I see. So you're dead set on not giving us a budget?" Yamazaki: "Who might you be?" Yamada: "What?!" Miyamura: "Sorry, President. This is the infamous Yamada. He's participating in Supernatural Studies Club activities with me right now." Yamazaki: "Oh, right, right. I see!" Miyamura: "You totally don't remember, huh?" Yamada: "What's going on?! He hasn't been listening to us at all this whole time!" Miyamura: "Our president has an unparalleled love for women. He's completely indifferent to men." Yamada: "Wh-What the heck's with that?" Miyamura: "When Ito-san came here, he most likely subjected her to pointless banter then finally turned her down." Yamada: "Huh? I'm surprised a guy like that managed to become student council president." Miyamura: "Our student council personnel are appointed by their predecessors." Yamada: "I see. Got it!" Yamada: "Yo, President! If you're sayin' you can't remember my name," Yamada: "I'll just have to make you remember it right here and now." Yamada: "He must be shaking in his boots." Yamazaki: "Indeed. I'll remember it." Yamada: "Y-Yeah! You better!" Yamazaki: "By the way, Suzuki-kun." Yamada: "It's not Suzuki, it's Yamada!" Yamazaki: "Did you have some business with me?" Yamada: "Damn him!" Yamada: "I'll definitely make that bastard pay!" Miyabi: "I told you, didn't I?" Miyamura: "We should just settle down and give up." Yamada: "No, not yet." Yamada: "I've still got a plan!" Miyamura(Bi): "H-Hey! What the heck's this about? I'm Miyamura, Urara-chan is Yamada, Yamada is Urara-chan, and Miyamura is me?" Miyamura(Bi): "What in the world are you planning to do?!" Urara(Y): "That's obvious! This time I'm gonna go negotiate with that guy in this body!" Miyabi(Mu): "That's a good idea! For Yamada anyway." Urara(Y): "What'd you say?!" Miyamura(Bi): "But it was no use, even when I went." Urara(Y): "Your moron! Women don't understand the inner workings of a man's heart!" Urara(Y): "Let's go, Miyamura!" Both: "Excuse us!" Urara(Y): "Good afternoon! I'm Shiraishi Urara from the Supernatural Studies Club!" Miyabi(Mu): "And likewise, I'm Ito Miyabi!" Both: "We've both come to negotiate the budget for our club!" Yamazaki: "What's this? I wondered who had come to see me..." Yamazaki: "It's just you again, Yamada-kun?" Urara(Y): "Oh, dear. That's not right! Huh?!" Urara(Y): "What did you say?!" Urara(Y): "You knew we switched bodies?!" Yamazaki: "Well, that's how it would turn out!" Yamazaki: "Right, Miyamura-kun?" Miyabi(Mu): "You figured me out, too?" Yamazaki: "I had my theories, but I guess earlier was what confirmed it." Yamazaki: "I mean, you two don't smell like women at all." Yamazaki: "You can't fool my nose!" Urara(Y): "And yet he's actually addressing us quite a bit this time around." Miyabi(Mu): "It doesn't look like the fact we're men inside matters as long as we're women on the outside." Yamazaki: "By the way, do you have some business with me?" Urara(Y): "Like we said, we came to negotiate the club budget!" Yamazaki: "I see." Yamazaki: "Sure, I'll give you a budget." Urara(Y): "Huh?!" Yamazaki: "However, only if you can solve a little problem for the student council." Miyamura(Bi): "They sure are late. I wonder what they're up to?" Miyamura(Bi): "You're not curious, Urara-chan?" Yamada(U): "Not really." Yamazaki: "It's quite the cause for concern. The top student at our Suzaku High School, Shiraishi Urara, isn't aspiring for higher education." Yamazaki: "You could even call it a loss for our entire school." Urara(Y): "So you say, but she's probably got, like, a lot going on at home." Yamazaki: "By the way, her guardians also wish for her to go to college." Urara(Y): "So basically, that means she personally doesn't want to go?" Yamazaki: "Exactly. Hence, I want you to investigate why she refuses to pursue college and somehow persuade her." Urara(Y): "Hey, you're the student council president, why don't you persuade her?! Won't Shiraishi be more likely to listen if you do the talking?" Yamazaki: "I don't mind negotiating with her, but there are certain circumstances which put it beyond my control." Urara(Y): "B-Beyond your control?" Yamazaki: "How about it?" Yamazaki: "Simple enough given your and Shiraishi-kun's relationship, isn't it?" Yamazaki: "I don't mind exercising my right as president to splurge on your budget, either." Yamazaki: "What do you think of my proposal?" Yamazaki: "Will you accept? Or won't you?" Urara: "No way." Yamada: "Wh-Why?! You're smart, aren't you? It's such a waste!" Urara: "Because I don't feel the need to go to college. I can study on my own." Yamada: "No use, huh?" Miyabi: "Wait a minute, Urara-chan!" Miyabi: "If you refuse, what will happen to our budget?" Urara: "I'm sorry. I do feel bad about doing this to you, Ito-san." Miyabi: "Wait!" Yamada: "Shiraishi's more stubborn than she looks." Miyamura: "Yeah." Miyabi: "Maybe it's hopeless after all." Miyamura: "Yeah." Yamada: "Well, it's not like we can push her into it." Miyamura: "Yeah." Miyabi: "Hey, are you listening?" Yamada: "Will we get hot and steamy yakisoba bread, or be stuck with cold and chilly yakisoba bread? This is important!" Miyamura: "I know already." ene: "Oh my, whatever could the Supernatural Studies Club be doing, leaving their clubroom unattended?" Miyamura: "Odagiri!" Ushio: "It's been a long time, Yamada-kun." Yamada: "Y-You're... Ushio?!" ene: "I've heard you two know each other." Ushio: "I'm surprised. I never thought you'd lower yourself to being Miyamura's dog." Yamada: "Who're you calling a dog?!" Ushio: "I'll give you some advice." Ushio: "Odagiri Nene is going to be student council president next term. Not Miyamura." ene: "Play around using your worthless club activities as a pretext while you still can." ene: "Let's go, Ushio-kun." Ushio: "Yeah." Miyabi: "Wh-What's with those two? Yamada! You know Igarashi Ushio?" Yamada: "Yeah, kind of." Miyabi: "And what's with Odagiri Nene? She's vice president of the same student council as you, isn't she Miyamura? So what's with her attitude?" Miyabi: "What is it? Say it." Miyamura: "She's competing with me for the position of student council president next term." Yamada: "Competing? I thought you said the student council is designated entirely by their predecessors?" Miyamura: "Yeah. If I can get Shiraishi Urara to go to college, I clear my mission. And if I don't, the odds I'll become president become very low." Yamada: "What'd you say? That doesn't..." Miyamura: "It's true." Yamada: "Wait up." Yamada: "So that means I'm trying to get Shiraishi to go to college to score you points?" Miyabi: "That's terrible! How could you pull a trick like that?!" Miyamura: "Y-You could say that, but you could also say I'm not..." Both: "Which is it?!" Miyamura: "I want Shiraishi to go to college, both as part as the student council's mission, and as a friend in the same Supernatural Studies Club!" Yamada: "Miyamura's a surprisingly passionate guy, huh?" Miyamura: "Besides, Yamada, you'll get a microwave out of it!" Yamada: "Microwave!" Miyamura: "It's a dream come true for everyone involved!" Yamada: "No! I refuse after all!" Yamada: "Spare me from getting dragged into your student council dispute!" Miyabi: "Yama—" Miyamura: "Wait! Yamada. You've got no choice but to do what he says." Yamada: "Huh? What do you mean?" Miyamura: "Our president is as sly a fox as they come." Miyamura: "Accepting would be in your best interests. Or else..." Yamada: "What?" Miyamura: "If he uses his authority as the student council president, there's nothing he can't do." Miyamura: "He could even decide to abolish the club." Yamada: "Fine, then." Yamada: "In that case, I'll play the president's little game!" Teacher: "So as it relates to this problem, I believe this is a familiar equation to all of you." Yamada: "Or so I said, but Shiraishi herself said she didn't want to go..." Teacher: "If we use the "πr" from the "πr squared" from some time ago—" Chairman: "Stand!" Yamada: "Wonder what I should do?" Chairman: "Bow!" Urara: "Yamada-kun." Urara: "I need to talk to you." Urara: "Yamada-kun, I want you to switch bodies with me." Yamada: "I-I don't really mind, I guess." Yamada: "Wh-What's with Shiraishi? Why is her face so flushed?" Miyamura: "Huh? Shiraishi-san caught a cold?" Urara(Y): "Yeah. I thought she was acting funny, but once we switched bodies, I wound up in this mess." Miyabi: "Oh, no. You have a fever, don't you?" Urara(Y): "Not to mention she said she had something to take care of and disappeared just like that. She conned me good—" Miyamura: "All right." Miyamura: "I'll nurse you back to health!" Urara(Y): "S-Stop it..." Miyabi: "Hey, what are you doing?" Miyabi: "Wouldn't it be better if you hurried and turned back to normal?" Urara(Y): "N-No, not happening. If I'm in poor health, I can skip classes unashamed!" Miyabi: "How much are you putting yourself in harm's way just to skip classes?" Miyamura: "Then I'll sleep with you and keep you warm." Urara(Y): "You bastard, knock it off already!" Miyabi: "I wonder why Urara-chan came to school when she's in such bad shape?" Miyamura: "You've got a point." Urara(Y): "What do you mean? You can't tell? The reason she came to school was obviously so she could switch bodies with me and study!" Miyamura: "I see! I never thought of using body switching for that!" Miyabi: "That's our Urara-chan!" Urara(Y): "Why don't you guys worry about me a little bit!" Miyamura: "You should go home." Urara(Y): "Huh? There's nobody home at my place in the afternoon." Miyamura: "Not your home, Yamada." Miyamura: "This is our chance." Miyamura: "It looks like an ordinary home, huh?" Urara(Y): "Y-You're seriously gonna trespass as you please?" Miyamura: "If we run into someone, I'll pose as your boyfriend." Miyabi: "And I'm your kind classmate!" Urara(Y): "Actually, I'll be fine on my own as long as I explain I went home early with a cold!" Miyamura: "All right, it's open." Miyabi: "Let's go!" Urara(Y): "Hey, you guys aren't listening to me at all!" Urara(Y): "I-I'm home..." Urara(Y): "It doesn't sound like anyone's home?" Miyamura: "It kind of feels..." Miyabi: "Like an ordinary home, doesn't it?" Miyamura: "Oh!" Miyamura: "She has an unexpectedly cute room, huh?" Miyabi: "I thought it'd be more honor student-y than this." Urara(Y): "Just to put it out there, absolutely do not snoop through anything, okay?" Miyamura: "Yeah, I spy "E's"!" Urara(Y): "That isn't clever at all!" Miyabi: "This is nice." Urara(Y): "Ito! You, too?" Urara: "Hm?" Urara: "You call this "nice"?" Miyamura: "We can't afford to overlook any information no matter how small." Urara(Y): "You two get out already! I'll do it myself!" Urara(Y): "Crap, my fever's gone up." Urara(Y): "It smells like Shiraishi..." Yamada(U): "Hey, Yamada-kun." Yamada(U): "What's the meaning of this? Why did you go home without saying anything?" Urara(Y): "Huh? Well, because you forced your cold-infected body on me, of course!" Yamada(U): "I just borrowed your body for a little bit because I had something to turn in to the teacher!" Urara(Y): "Th-Then tell me that from the start!" Yamada(U): "I told you to wait a minute for me, didn't I?!" Urara(Y): "What part of that was "a minute"?!" Urara(Y): "If that's how it was, you could have gone in your own body!" Yamada(U): "If I had done that, the teacher would have found out I had a cold!" Urara(Y): "And when you were found out, he would've told you to go home." Yamada(U): "Never mind! Hurry and turn back to normal!" Miyabi: "I wonder if they're all right?" Miyabi: "Urara-chan looked angry, though." Yamada: "Man, that was a shock." Yamada: "I can't believe you want to study so bad you'd do all that. Is going to lessons that important?" Yamada: "If classes are so important, you should just go to college, too." Urara: "That's not it." Urara: "I have nothing else to do but study, that's all." Urara: "Whether I'm at school or at home, I'm alone either way." Urara: "I want to get some sleep, so you go home." Yamada: "I'm sorry I went home today without asking." Yamada: "You know, I regretted going to this high school. I thought, "What a dull place."" Yamada: "But lately, I've started to think it might be kind of amusing." Yamada: "I wonder if college would be amusing, too?" Yamada: "Well, not that it matters." Yamada: "Shiraishi. I'll try setting my sights on college," Yamada: "so why don't you go with me?" Urara: "Sure." Yamazaki: "Did you say Shiraishi Urara is planning to go to college now?!" Miyamura: "Yeah." Yamazaki: "That's incredible!" Mikoto: "Looks like Toranosuke-kun's stock is on the rise." Inose: "But how?" Miyamura: "Not telling!" Miyabi: "It's done!" Miyabi: "What happened?" Urara: "Isn't it because you cooked it sealed in the wrapper?" Miyamura: "You overcooked it." Miyabi: "It's hard as a rock." Miyamura: "By the way, where's Yamada? He's not here after we got the microwave he so dearly desired?" Yamada: "M-My yakisoba bread!" Miyabi: "Oh, no! Hold on, I'll get a cup—" Miyamura: "If you're that sick, then don't come to school!" Miyabi: "Seriously!" Miyamura: "Ito-san, Ito-san, hurry and switch bodies!" Miyabi: "Huh? What?!" Miyamura: "Hurry and switch!" Yamada: "Never mind, just hurry!" Urara(Y): "Hey, Yamazaki!" Yamazaki: "You did well to come here, Yamada-kun." Urara(Y): "What was this "something important" you wanted to talk about?" Yamazaki: "Next time on Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches: "It looks like I've fallen for Yamada!"" Urara(Y): "What're you talking about?!" Yamazaki: "Will you accept this profession of love? Or won't you?"
{ "raw_title": "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Episode 3 – Will You Accept? Or Won't You?", "parsed": [ "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches", "3", "Will You Accept? Or Won't You?" ] }
Yamada: "What a pain..." Yamada: "We're going on the school camping trip today, huh?" Yamada: "Such a pain..." Miyamura: "What're you talking about, Yamada?" Miyabi: "I'm surprised actually. You're still going, despite all your grumbling about it." Yamada: "It's a bother, but I won't have to study." Miyabi: "So you're just going to boost your attendance, huh?" Miyabi: "Well, then! We're in class C, but we'll come see you when we find the time!" Miyamura: "Since you and Shiraishi-san are in class B together, play nice!" Yamada: "What's that supposed to mean?!" Urara: "Hey, Yamada-kun." Urara: "Could you spare a moment?" Shouko: "Hey, Urara-chan. Want some chocolate?" Imoko: "These are the new ones that just came out!" Aya: "I have some, too!" Urara(Y): "Are you sure? Thank you!" Yamada: "That Shiraishi sure had a good idea! Looks like this'll be sorta fun now!" Shouko: "Hey, Urara-chan?" Shouko: "You've changed lately, huh?" Imoko: "Yeah, totally. You used to do nothing but study and didn't talk much, you know?" Urara(Y): "D-Do you really think so?" Aya: "Not to mention, you asked if Yamada could join our group." Urara(Y): "Oh?" Imoko: "That you wouldn't go if we didn't." Yamada: "That girl's got her good points—" Imoko: "Yamada just threw up!" Boyb: "Whoa, he's motion sick?!" Extra: "" Urara(Y): "Oh, this is where we're staying? It's a nicer place than I thought it would be!" Shouko: "Urara-chan!" Boya: "Also, Yamada!" Aya: "All of us in group A should go for a walk!" Urara(Y): "So they say. What're you gonna do?" Yamada(U): "I still feel terrible. I'm going to go rest in my room." Imoko: "Urara-chan!" Urara(Y): "Yeah, comin'! Er, I'll be right there!" All: "Yay!" Shouko: "That was so much fun!" Aya: "I wish we could have lounged around a little more!" Imoko: "Dinnertime is so early!" Yamada: "A-Are these girls monsters? "Let's run, let's talk!" How can they be so damn hyper?" Shouko: "Urara-chan, the cafeteria's this way!" Urara(Y): "Go on ahead without me!" Yamada(U): "Come in." Urara(Y): "Hey, why the hell are you studying?!" Yamada(U): "Because I'm feeling better." Urara(Y): "I'm all worn down! Let's turn back to normal already." Yamada(U): "Could you wait just a little longer?" Yamada(U): "I want to finish up with this reference book." Urara(Y): "I'm stuffed! Man, why did Shiraishi come on this school camping trip if all she's gonna do is study?" Shouko: "Urara-chan!" Aya: "We brought dessert." Urara(Y): "You're gonna eat some more?! Uh, I mean, I'm full. I couldn't eat another bite..." Shouko: "I see. Our bath is next!" Urara(Y): "Hey, she's not here?!" Urara(Y): "Where did she go?!" Aya: "What's the matter?" Imoko: "Forget Yamada. Let's go take a bath!" Urara(Y): "W-Wait a second!" Shouko: "Aw, but we'll run out of time if we don't get in soon." Shouko: "There's a schedule for the bath order!" Shouko: "Urara-chan!" Both: "Yay!" Shouko: "Wow, incredible!" Aya: "Urara-chan, your boobs are huge!" Imoko: "Let me touch them, too!" Urara(Y): "S-Sto... Please stop it!" Urara(Y): "I'm beat..." Shouko: "Okay. Next up is girl-talk all night long!" Both: "Yay!" Urara(Y): "I can't keep up with that!" Urara(Y): "Shiraishi isn't coming back, either. This is such a pain. Maybe I'll just go to sleep like this." Shouko: "I'm glad you came today, Urara-chan!" Aya: "Seriously! It was super fun!" Shouko: "I mean, you've always been absent from events like this." Aya: "So why did you only decide to come this time around?" Imoko: "Because we're here? Just kidding!" Urara(Y): "Excuse me a minute." Yamada(U): "Huh? Why now?" Urara(Y): "Don't give me that! And hey, you're studying alone again, and there's even more reference books!" Urara(Y): "What did you come on this camping trip for?" Urara(Y): "You've never joined in before, right? So does the fact you came this time around" Urara(Y): "mean you have some sort of goal in mind?" Yamada(U): "You're right..." Yamada(U): "I've always wanted to participate. But when it came down to it, I had no idea how to deal with everyone and just left it to you." Urara(Y): "I'm fed up with everything, too, you know? Those girls said they're going to be up talking all through the night! Why the hell do I have to keep them company?" Urara(Y): "Come on!" Yamada: "Get going. This is no time to say you're confused." Urara: "Yeah." Yamada: "Yeesh, she stuck it out even though she was this hungry?" Yamada: "Wonder if they'll have anything if I head to the cafeteria." ene: "Do you have a minute, Yamada-kun?" ene: "I'd like you to come with me for a bit." Yamada: "This girl..." ene: "I suppose I should say, "Nice to meet you," Yamada-kun." ene: "I'm Odagiri Nene, the student council vice president." Yamada: "No need to introduce yourself." Yamada: "More importantly, what do you want to talk about?" ene: "I want you to look at this." Yamada: "This is me?!" ene: "That's right. You were seen searching through Shiraishi-san's bag in the girls' room while it was unoccupied." Yamada: "Q-Quit screwing around! Why would I do that?" ene: "Oh, my. Planning to act innocent?" Yamada: "Shiraishi wasn't in the room after dinner before I headed to the bath, was she?!" Yamada: "It was then?! I never thought she'd go pick up her own belongings in my body!" ene: "I wonder what would happen if I were to spread this photo around school?" ene: "It would cause a major scene, I'm sure!" Yamada: "Th-This woman! Oh, is that right?" Yamada: "I don't particularly care if you do spread it around." Yamada: "I was just doing Shiraishi a favor." ene: "Is that so?" ene: "Did she also ask you to do this?" ene: "I seriously doubt you can talk your way out of this one. But if you accept a certain condition of mine, I'll pretend this photo never existed." Yamada: "Condition?" ene: "There's a national mock exam the day after tomorrow. Prevent Shiraishi Urara from taking it." Miyabi: "I lost!" Yamada: "Quit playing around and listen to me!" Miyabi: "We're listening, we're listening." Yamada: "Okay! Then do you get what's going through that woman's head?" Miyamura: "She obviously wants to sabotage me." Miyamura: "I'm the one who scored points by convincing Shiraishi-san to go to college." Miyamura: "If she doesn't take the exam then our high school's overall ranking will drop. As a result, my value to the student council president will also drop." Miyabi: "Any positives or negatives tied to Urara-chan will also affect your worth, huh?" Miyamura: "For the record, Shiraishi-san's absence won't be enough to make any difference between Odagiri and me." Yamada: "Sounds like it'd be for the best if I get her to sit this exam out then." Miyamura: "Don't underestimate that woman. Do you think she'll erase the picture she took that easily?" Yamada: "Huh?" Miyamura: "If you obey what she says even once, she'll keep on extorting you forever." Yamada: "Th-Then I'll just have Shiraishi defend me when the time comes." Yamada: "She can say she asked me to go pick up her panties for her." Both: "Panties?!" Yamada: "Yeah, that's right. Her careless behavior's to blame for this in the first—" Yamada: "What're the stares of contempt for?!" Miyamura: "That makes me feel way too sorry for Shiraishi-san." Miyabi: "Urara-chan will end up "the strange girl who made Yamada go pick up her panties."" Miyamura: "How disgraceful!" Miyabi: "And it's Yamada of all people, too." Yamada: "Got it!" Yamada: "I just have to get her to delete the photo, right?!" Yamada: "I'll switch bodies with Odagiri Nene!" Miyabi: "That should do it." Miyamura: "You've totally got this figured out." Yamada: "Shaddup! I have to switch with her, try putting yourself in my shoes!" Miyamura: "By the way, Yamada-kun." Yamada: "" Miyamura: "Don't think you can trick me about drawing the joker in all the confusion." ene: "What in the world is this about?" ene: "Dragging me out here at this hour..." ene: "Not to mention ambushing me as I came out of the bathhouse!" Yamada: "I couldn't help it! I had no idea where you were!" ene: "And? What do you want from me? Just to let you know, if it's about not accepting my terms on Shiraishi Urara, I'll pass on the discussion!" Yamada: "It's not something silly like that." Yamada: "How about you kiss me?" ene: "Wha?! Wh-What are you saying?" Yamada: "I-I'm telling you to kiss me, that's what!" ene: "Are you messing with me? Why do I have to kiss you..." Yamada: "Never mind, just be quiet!" ene: "Fine." ene: "I don't have any interest in you, but I'll do it." ene: "But let me warn you..." ene: "Don't blame me for whatever happens, okay?" ene: "You're satisfied now, aren't you? I'll be heading back, then." ene: "This is as terrible as it gets." Yamada: "Huh?! You're the one who did it! What're you talking..." Yamada: "Hey, that's funny. Why haven't I switched bodies with her?" Yamada: "Something's not right. Is that woman special or something?" Miyabi: "So that means there are people you can't switch with?" Miyamura: "All right! I'll confirm it!" Yamada: "D-Don't screw with me! What're you doing?" Miyabi: "Well?" Yamada: "Huh? We didn't switch bodies?" Miyamura: "It's true." Miyabi: "Then what about me?" Miyamura: "How'd it go?" Miyabi: "This is weird." Miyamura: "What's certain is that you've lost your ability to switch bodies." Yamada: "F-For real?" Miyamura: "Still, why did this suddenly happen?" Miyabi: "The only reason I can think of is... You must be tired." Yamada: "Huh? I mean, a lot has happened, and I am tired!" Miyamura: "No, you stayed switched for too long." Yamada: "It's a matter of time?" Miyabi: "Anyway, it's late. Let's test it out tomorrow." Miyamura: "Good idea." Yamada: "G-Got it." emalestudent: "Bring the ingredients!" Malestudent: "Should we go with sauce or salt?" Yamada: "What good's having a barbecue gonna do?" Yamada: "It's not like eating outdoors will change the flavor." Yamada: "Guess for now I'd better go tell Shiraishi..." Urara: "About what?" Urara: "I made yakisoba." Yamada: "Uh, this is yakisoba?" Urara: "It is..." Urara: "Odagiri-san said something like that to you?" Yamada: "Yeah." Urara: "Fine. Missing a test doesn't really matter to me." Yamada: "How are you eating that like normal?" Urara: "Huh? Because it's delicious." Urara: "However, I didn't realize anyone was taking a picture of me at all." Yamada: "That's it! Why were you staring at your panties?!" Urara: "I was just admiring them because they're cute." Yamada: "In that condition?!" Yamada: "So, about my ability..." Urara: "But I'm glad." Urara: "This school camping trip was incredibly fun thanks to you." Yamada: "Huh?" Urara: "The trick to putting on false eyelashes is very interesting. You can really tell how dexterous Japanese people are with advanced technologies from false eyelashes, too." Yamada: "Huh? What's that about?" Urara: "I learned all sorts of things while talking to everyone all last night. I'm sleepy thanks to it." Yamada: "Huh? When you say "all night," you mean it?" Urara: "Yes." Shouko: "Urara-chan, let's get ready to go home!" Urara: "Sure!" Urara: "This summer vacation... It would be great if everyone in the Supernatural Studies Club could go on a trip together." Yamada: "Yeah." Girls: "Hurry up! Hey! Let's go, let's go!" Yamada: "The Supernatural Studies Club, huh?" Yamada: "Maybe it's good I haven't told her I've lost my power yet." Teacher: "Begin." Yamada: "Shiraishi was absent, so I've stopped the photo from being leaked for now." Yamada: "The problem is what comes next. There's no guarantee that woman will delete the photo thanks to this." Yamada: "Crap! If only I could switch bodies with Odagiri!" Miyabi: "G-Good morning Yamada..." Yamada: "Huh? Y-Yeah." Miyabi: "L-Listen, Yamada. I-I..." Miyabi: "made a lunch box just for you." Yamada: "Huh?!" Miyabi: "Oh, no! I'm so embarrassed!" Yamada: "H-Hey, Miyamura! What happened to her?" Miyamura: "Oh. Th-The truth is, I made one, too." Miyamura: "A lunch box!" Yamada: "What?! Wait, it's a character lunch? Tasty looking, at that!" Miyabi: "Hey, what's going on? Yamada's going to eat my lunch box!" Miyamura: "Huh? He's obviously going to pick mine!" Miyabi: "Hey, Yamada!" Miyamura: "Which lunch box will you eat?!" Yamada: "Nah, I don't need them. I bought yakisoba bread." Yamada: "Such a pain! What's gotten into you guys?" Miyabi: "Actually..." Miyamura: "It looks like we've..." Miyabi: "...fallen for you, Yamada." Yamada: "Wh-Why's this happening?! This is just way too sudden, any way you slice it!" Miyabi: "That's exactly right! Which is why we thought about when this all started." Miyamura: "Then we realized it." Miyamura: "We fell for you on the night of the school camping trip, after we kissed you!" Yamada: "Huh?" Miyamura: "I'll get to the point. You've lost your ability to switch bodies with someone by kissing them." Miyabi: "And it's turned into the ability to charm them!" Yamada: "Charm?" Miyabi: "Here, Yamada. Say, "Ah!"" Miyamura: "Lookie, Yamada. A wiener!" Miyabi: "Hey! Stay out of this Miyamura!" Miyamura: "Shut up! Yamada wants to flirt with me!" Yamada: "Knock it..." Miyabi: "No!" Yamada: "...off already!" Miyamura: "Lay off!" Miyabi: "Hey, why did you have to kiss us?" Miyamura: "Now you've turned us back to normal..." Yamada: "Shut up! You were getting carried away because you can turn back to normal anyway, weren't you?!" Miyabi: "Still, it's bizarre. I wonder why Yamada looks so cool?" Miyamira: "Not to mention the sense of loss when the spell is undone. The exhaustion and disappointment. This could be habit-forming." Miyabi: "Yeah, yeah." Yamada: "You guys are nuts." Miyamura: "Man, Yamada. It seems like you've gotten your hands on one hell of a power." Yamada: "Huh?" Miyamura: "With this, you can make all the women in the school yours!" Miyabi: "The era of Yamada has arrived!" Yamada: "I-It's not like I need a power like this!" Miyamura: "There you go again." Miyabi: "Getting all shy!" Miyamura: "Say, Yamada! Why don't you test what happens if you kiss Shiraishi-san?" Yamada: "What?" Miyabi: "True! I wonder what'll happen to Urara-chan if she gets charmed?" Urara: "Yamada-kun..." Urara: "Do whatever you like to me..." Miyamura: "Ah, I'd like to see that." Miyabi: "I would, too!" Yamada: "Sh-Shut up! There's no way I can do that!" Yamada: "I haven't told Shiraishi that my power's changed yet, either!" Miyabi: "Huh? You haven't?" Miyamura: "Is that all right?" Yamada: "I mean, I am planning to tell her..." Miyamura: "Shiraishi-san did join the Supernatural Studies Club to switch bodies with Yamada. If she loses that, then..." Miyabi: "Then Urara-chan might stop coming to the club?" Urara: "It would be great if everyone in the Supernatural Studies Club could go on a trip together." Yamada: "All right! Let's hide this from Shiraishi." Yamada: "And in the meantime, I'll get my abilities back the way they were!" Miyabi: "How?" Miyamura: "When we don't know the cause or method?" Yamada: "What could have caused it other than kissing Odagiri Nene? Everything changed after that!" Yamada: "I'll head over to see Odagiri. Keep this a secret from Shiraishi until I get this resolved!" Sobasshi: "Sobasshi!" Sobami: "And Sobami's!" Both: "School Introduction Corner!" Sobasshi: "Yo! We're yakisoba bread fairies! I'm Sobasshi!" Sobami: "Yahoo, everyone! I'm Sobasshi's sister Sobami!" Sobasshi: "Today, we'd like a moment of your time to talk about..." Sobasshi: "Suzaku Private High School!" Sobami: "It's a super-mammoth school with one thousand students per grade!" Sobasshi: "Wow! So there's lots of excellent students there?" Sobami: "Sure are! It's locally famous as a prestigious college prep school!" Sobasshi: "Furthermore, it's a school with around one hundred years of history!" Sobami: "And everyone on the student council continues to protect" Sobami: "Suzaku High School's tradition, huh?" Sobasshi: "Protect it? More like they rule it!" Sobami: "O-Oh come on, Onii-chan. Don't make it sound so scandalous!" Sobasshi: "It's true! They wield their authority over everyone all the time!" Sobami: "That's a damn li—" Sobami: "That's not true!" Sobasshi: "It sure is! It's crazy irritating!" Sobami: "Take this!" Sobasshi: "How dare you?! You've done it now!" Sobami: "Oh, no!" Yamada: "Don't screw with me!" Miyabi: "Cut, cut!" Miyabi: "Hey, you guys. Do it like the script says!" Both: "Huh?!" Yamazaki: "Good grief. Maybe it was a mistake to ask all of you to shoot the school introduction video after all." Yamada: "Wh-What?! My Sobasshi was perfect!" Miyamura: "So was my Sobami!" Miyabi: "What're you doing fighting in the school intro?" Yamazaki: "I'm compelled to lower my opinion of Miyamura-kun and the rest of you thanks to this." Urara: "Sobami-chan, you're so cute." Miyabi: "H-Hey, our club budget might get reduced, too!" Miyamura: "I can't allow that, not even for you, Ito-san!" Miyabi: "What's that? Yamada is mine!" Miyamura: "No, he's mine!" Miyabi: "Next time on Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches: "You Mustn't Kiss Her, Okay?"" Miyamura: "Of course. You'll disable this charm ability we finally got a hold of!"
{ "raw_title": "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Episode 4 – It Looks Like I've Fallen For Yamada!", "parsed": [ "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches", "4", "It Looks Like I've Fallen For Yamada!" ] }
Urara: "What's the matter?" Yamada: "O-Oh, nothing much!" Urara: "Really? By the way, I'd like you to switch bodies with me." Yamada: "Huh?! W-Wait a second! N-Now's a bad time!" Miyabi: "That's right. Yamada's got something he has to attend to." Miyamura: "If you want to kiss that badly, I'll do it." Urara: "That's not happening." Yamada: "A-Anyway, could you wait a little longer?" Urara: "I see. I don't mind switching at lunch break instead, then." A: "Huh? If you're looking for Odagiri-san, she's not here." Yamada: "Huh? Then where is she?" A: "Dunno!" Mikoto: "Nene-san hasn't shown up." Yamada: "Huh?!" A: "Hurry, hurry!" B: "I made her a lunch box, too!" C: "Odagiri-san will be delighted!" Yamada: "Hey, did you just say "Odagiri"?" A: "You're..." A: "Yamada!" B: "Run away!" Yamada: "Wait!" Yamada: "What's this?" Yamada: "A list of grades?" A: "Kind of creepy..." Yamada: "Hey, the old school building's that way!" Urara: "Yamada-kun." Yamada: "Sh-Shiraishi?" Urara: "I'd like for you to switch bodies with me now." Yamada: "N-No, it looks like I'm still gonna need some time." Urara: "Do you have some sort of problem? If so, I'll help you." Yamada: "It's not that big a deal, I'll be fine! See ya!" Urara: "Wait!" Urara: "Are you sick of switching bodies with me?" A: "I'm sorry! The ranking list we finally got hold of was stolen by Yamada!" ene: "It's all right. More importantly, you're not hurt?" A: "N-No!" B: "Um, this is a lunch box for you!" ene: "Oh, gosh. I'll eat it later!" ene: "Thank you." All: "Yes!" C: "We, the Odagiri Nene elite guards, pledge our absolute allegiance!" Both: "We pledge it!" A: "Well, then, please excuse us!" ene: "Good work!" ene: "Aw, they're so useless!" Ushio: "It must be because he knows Shiraishi Urara was absent from the mock exam yesterday." ene: "I wonder if that damaged Miyamura a little? Yamada, on the other hand, is more capable than I thought." Ushio: "He rubs me the wrong way." ene: "Oh? Why?" Ushio: "Why did you kiss a guy like Yamada?" Ushio: "If you're going to use him, you might as well use me instead." ene: "My, are you jealous?" Ushio: "N-Not really!" ene: "It doesn't hurt anything to charm him. It will decrease Miyamura's number of followers, too." Ushio: "I suppose if you say so, there's nothing I can do about it." ene: "Still, he's quite late, isn't he?" ene: "Yamada! It wouldn't be strange if he were obsessed and came looking for me, but he hasn't shown up at all!" Ushio: "That idiot probably just hasn't realized he's fallen in love with you yet." Ushio: "Alternatively, Yamada doesn't know the old school building is our hideout." ene: "That's true," ene: "but doing something about that is what the charm power is all about!" ene: "Hey, he isn't coming after all!" Ushio: "And even after we deliberately came out, so he would find you right away." ene: "I doubt it, but you don't suppose the charm power didn't work on him, do you?" Ushio: "Has that ever happened before, even once?" ene: "You're right... But then, why hasn't he come?" Ushio: "For now, we should wait for our adversary's next move." ene: "Yes! That's exactly right! But I can't take it anymore! I mean, this is totally weird!" Ushio: "N-No, come on..." ene: "Also, for some reason, I haven't been able to stop thinking about Yamada all day." ene: "I'm going to go look for him." Ushio: "Huh? H-Hey!" Ushio: "She's been thinking about Yamada?" Ushio: "What's going on?" Urara: "I see. So your power has changed?" Urara: "Still, I'm glad. I was positive you thought I was a bother." Yamada: "No! Not at all!" Yamada: "I should have told you right away. Sorry." Urara: "Hey, Yamada-kun." Urara: "Kiss me." Yamada: "Wh-What're you talking about?! Were you listening to me? What do you think'll happen if you kiss me?" Urara: "Yes, I know." Urara: "That's why I want to do it." Yamada: "Wh-Why?!" Yamada: "I-It can't be. Is she saying she's okay with falling in love with me?" Yamada: "Don't blame me for whatever happens!" Urara(Y): "H-Huh? We switched! Hey, we totally switched, didn't we?!" Yamada(U): "I knew it. That's what happened." Urara(Y): "Huh? What "happened," exactly?!" Urara: "Listen, Yamada-kun. You mustn't kiss Odagiri-san anymore, okay?" Ushio: "Well, this is a surprise. Did you know about their relationship?" Ushio: "Hey, Odagiri?" Ushio: "Hey!" ene: "So Yamada didn't fall under my spell after all." Ushio: "It appears so, but... Don't tell me you're—" Ushio: "I thought so. Does this mean she's fallen in love with Yamada?" Ushio: "Why? Why did things turn out this way?" Ushio: "It's almost like she's fallen prey to her own spell!" Urara: "I'm going to explain everything in order. Listen carefully." Yamada: "Y-Yeah." Urara: "First, the power to charm others: this is Odagiri-san's power." Yamada: "You've got a point." Yamada: "Wait. Then why did I have Odagiri's power?" Urara: "Because that's your power." Yamada: "Isn't my power to switch bodies—" Urara: "No. Your power is to copy." Yamada: "Huh? Copy? By copy, you mean copy? To reproduce or duplicate?" Urara: "Yes. You end up copying the power of anyone you've kissed." Yamada: "If so, then where did the power to switch bodies come from?" Urara: "Yamada-kun, think about it." Yamada: "Y-Yes." Urara: "Remember. Who was the first person you switched bodies with?" Urara: "That's correct. That's my power." Urara: "You've been copying and using my power all this time." Yamada: "No way, for real?" Yamada: "Ow... What the?" Ushio: "Yamada, you bastard! What did you do to Odagiri Nene?" Yamada: "What did I do? What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Yamada: "Nobody knows about me." Yamada: "Nobody will pick fights with me! Now I can finally live the life of a normal student!" Yamada: "I'll change!" Ushio: "Hey." Ushio: "Why are you here, Ryu?" Yamada: "Ushio?" Yamada: "I'll just say this. I've got no intention of hanging out with you anymore!" Ushio: "Obviously! Don't go getting in my way all the time!" Yamada: "Yo, you guys! What're you reading? I like manga and stuff, too!" Yamada: "What's this? Incantations?" A: "Do you like classical literature, too?" Yamada: "All right! Those guys are listening to music, this oughtta work out!" B: "What do you think? This English conversation course is super easy to understand, huh?" C: "Aren't the Renaissance's expressions of the physical body superb?" Yamada: "Damn it. Doesn't look like there's a single guy I'll get along with!" Ushio: "What's going on?" Yamada: "Y-You, too? How pathetic. Guess there's no hope of a guy like you makin' it in this school, huh?" Ushio: "And you're one to talk?" Yamada: "What the hell was that?" Yamada: "Well, whatever. It's still just the first day!" Ushio: "The real deal is yet to come!" Yamada: "In the end, we're gonna be together every day anyway!" Yamada: "The guys in this school are all frickin' lame!" Ushio: "There's nothing we can do about it. They live in a different world from us." Yamada: "Damn. Is it gonna be like this for three whole years?" Ushio: "Looks like it." Yamada: "What?" Ushio: "But that doesn't mean every day has to be boring." Yamada: "You got that right." Yamada: "What's happened to you, man? Why are you so obsessed with that woman?" Yamada: "Besides, you're the one who kept your distance from me! And now just as you show back up—" Ushio: "Quiet!" Ushio: "You're the one who laid the trap first!" Yamada: "Huh? What trap?" Ushio: "Then why is Odagiri Nene in love with you?!" Yamada: "Huh?" Urara: "I see. That's what happened!" Ushio: "So you're saying Yamada copied Odagiri's charm power and she fell in love with him because of it?" Urara: "That's how it would work out." Ushio: "That makes this easy, then." Ushio: "In order to turn Odagiri back to normal, she just has to kiss Yamada one more time." Ushio: "Yamada will copy her power once more and cancel out her charmed state." Yamada: "Oh, I get it." Urara: "You hadn't figured that out yet?" Ushio: "Okay, I'll bring Odagiri Nene. That will do, right?" Yamada: "I refuse." Urara: "Huh?" Ushio: "What?" Yamada: "Quit screwing with me. Why do I have to listen to your request?" Urara: "Yamada-kun, you can't just do that, can you?" Yamada: "These guys have made my life terrible up 'til now!" Urara: "That's true, but..." Ushio: "It's just as you say, Yamada." Ushio: "Allow me to apologize for everything I've done to you." Ushio: "And of course, I will delete the photo from the school camping trip. I'm fine with pulling her from the student council presidential election next term, too." Ushio: "So please..." Ushio: "I'm begging you! Turn Odagiri back to normal!" Yamada: "Wh-Who cares? Let's go, Shiraishi." Yamada: "We've got nothing to say to this guy." Urara: "Fine. We'll turn Odagiri-san back to normal." Yamada: "Huh?" Yamada: "What do you think you're saying without consulting me?!" Urara: "I just gave the obvious answer." Yamada: "Why are you deciding that on your own?" Urara: "Are you saying you're okay with Odagiri-san liking you this way forever?" Yamada: "Uh, yeah, I am!" Urara: "She'll end up loving you, unrequited, the rest of her life, you know?" Yamada: "Th-That's right! H-Hey, could it be that you're jealous—" Urara: "Knock it off." Urara: "You're not angry with Odagiri-san. You're just holding it against Ushio-kun." Yamada: "Th-That's not really it..." Urara: "In that case, turn Odagiri-san back to normal." Urara: "Or are you going to keep being stubborn?" Yamada: "I-I'm telling you that's not it!" Yamada: "Fine. I've just gotta do it, right? Man!" Urara: "I'm glad." Ushio: "In that case, come here after school." Yamada: "Got it." Yamada: "Hey, Ushio!" Yamada: "Did you kiss Odagiri?" Ushio: "Yeah, I did." Yamada: "Then you must know you've fallen victim to Odagiri's power!" Yamada: "Are you okay with that?" Ushio: "It's fine." Ushio: "I like who I am now." Ushio: "Hey, Yamada." Yamada: "Huh?" Ushio: "Aren't those students from our school?" ene: "Please stop." A: "It's fine!" B: "The hell you lookin' at, huh?" C: "You wanna throw down with us?" Ushio: "You're looking down on us! We'll take you on!" Yamada: "Hey, it'll be bad if this turns violent!" Ushio: "Then just stand there and watch!" Yamada: "Can't do that..." Ushio: "Those guys were pretty tough!" Yamada: "Huh? That woman we saved isn't here." Ushio: "Huh?" Yamada: "A one-week suspension?" Yamada: "And I'm the only one being punished? What's going on?!" Teacher: "You single-handedly caused that fight yesterday, right?" Yamada: "Huh? Single-handedly?" Teacher: "We have two witnesses. One is a female student at our high school, and the other is someone you often spend time with," Teacher: "Igarashi Ushio." D: "Ugh, it's Yamada." C: "Scary!" E: "I hear he was suspended." D: "I knew it." Yamada: "H-Hey, Ushio!" Urara: "So basically, it's Odagiri-san's fault that everyone in school ended up hating you?" Miyabi: "How tragic! Even though it's Yamada!" Miyamura: "All the same, you have my sympathies." Yamada: "Those snide comments aren't necessary!" Yamada: "And hey, why're you guys tagging along?" Miyabi: "Oh, we're Supernatural Studies Club members. It's only natural." Miyamura: "Odagiri is my rival in the student council presidential election." Ushio: "This way." ene: "Could I get you to turn me back to normal without delay?" Miyamura: "Shouldn't it be "please" turn me back to normal?" ene: "What's with you, Miyamura? You only gained sway with the president due to others' powers, right? Anyway, now that I've learned what you've got up your sleeve, I won't let you do as you please any longer." Miyamira: "Yeah, I'll be looking forward to it." ene: "Yamada, before you turn me back, I need to talk to you. Let us be alone." Yamada: "Huh? What do you need to talk about?" Miyamura: "Honestly, you just don't get how women feel, do you?" Miyabi: "I'm sure it must be difficult for her to kiss you with all of us watching." Miyabi: "Urara-chan, let's go outside." Urara: "Y-Yes." Miyamura: "What they call a "warrior's compassion," huh, Igarashi?" Miyamura: "Whoa, that's an immense jealous aura..." Yamada: "So, what do you want to talk about?" ene: "Don't "what" me! I went through hell thanks to you!" Yamada: "Huh?" ene: "Although it was because of the charm power, I couldn't help but think about you! I couldn't concentrate in class, was careless about my student council work... I was waiting in vain for you the whole time! And yet just when I finally found you, you were kissing Shiraishi-san!" Yamada: "In that case, I'll turn you back to normal right away!" ene: "So please, I want you to let me stay this way." ene: "I never knew my power could make someone feel so happy." Ushio: "It's fine. I like who I am now." ene: "Or will it bother you if I'm interested in you like this?" Yamada: "I can't do that." Yamada: "Because I'll absolutely never fall in love with you." ene: "What's he acting so high and mighty for?" Urara: "All done?" Yamada: "Yeah." Miyabi: "That's one case solved." Yamada: "What is it?" Yamada: ""The Seven Wonders of Suzaku High School"? The Supernatural Studies Club?" Yamada: "Why do you have one of the Supernatural Studies Club's notebooks?" Ushio: "I found it here." Yamada: "Oh, hey, is this..." Ushio: "Yeah. It appears there are students called "witches" at Suzaku High who possess mysterious powers." Miyabi: "What's that?! Let me see! "Based on the results of our Supernatural Studies Club research, the witches' powers are as follows." Miyabi: "One, the power to charm. Two, the power of telepathy. The rest, to be continued in 'volume two.'"" Miyabi: "Hey! Hand over volume two!" ene: "We don't have it." ene: "We didn't find it." Urara: "That means powers other than ours do exist." Miyabi: "We have to look for them!" Yamada: "Huh? Spare me from getting involved in any more trouble!" Miyabi: "You fool! How're we supposed to look for them without you, Yamada? You're our witch detector!" Yamada: "W-Witch detector?" Miyabi: "Come on, you're the one and only person the witches' powers don't work on." Yamada: "I'm telling you, I'm fed up with getting dragged into this crap already." Urara: "All the more reason." Urara: "That's why we'll search for them." Urara: "Yamada-kun. You changed my world." Urara: "I'm sure the same goes for Odagiri-san." Urara: "I believe the witches want you to find them." Miyamura: "Now that Shiraishi-san's said as much..." Miyabi: "You can't turn her down, can you?" Yamada: "G-Guess there's no way around it! I was ordered by the Supernatural Studies Club president, after all!" Miyabi: "This is a good opportunity for you guys, too. Want to join our club? We'll look for the witches together!" ene: "True, I am curious about the witches." Miyabi: "Right?" ene: "But I'll have to decline your offer." Miyabi: "What?" ene: "I don't think I can go along with your vulgar ways," ene: "and I'll pass on colluding with my rival in the student council presidential election." Miyabi: "So you'll join if Miyamura quits?" Miyamura: "That's so mean, Ito-san." Ushio: "For the record, I have no intention of apologizing." Ushio: "For when I pushed everything to do with that fight onto you and ran away." Yamada: "Huh?" Ushio: "This was for the best." Ushio: "I mean, wasn't it?" Ushio: "We came to this school to live this sort of school life in the first place." Yamada: "We sure did." ene: "Say, Ushio-kun." Igarashi: "What is it, Odagiri?" ene: "I think you might be in first place." Igarashi: "Wh-What?" ene: "Next time on Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches: "Respond!"" Igarashi: "Wh-What does that mean?!" ene: "I meant you're the tallest of us all."
{ "raw_title": "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Episode 5 – You Mustn't Kiss Her, Okay?", "parsed": [ "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches", "5", "You Mustn't Kiss Her, Okay?" ] }
Yamada: "It's summer!" Yamada: "It's the beach!" Yamada: "It's a summer retreat at the club house!" Miyabi: "Yahoo!" Miyamura: "This is what I came to see!" Urara: "So this is how cold ocean water is?" Miyabi: "Urara-chan!" Miyabi: "Yay, you're soaking wet!" Urara: "And it's saltier than I expected, too." Miyamura: "Heave-ho!" Miyabi: "Miyamura!" Miyamura: "Come to think of it, have you seen Yamada?" Miyabi: "Hey, you're right." Urara: "Oh, if you're looking for Yamada-kun..." Yamada: "I've got supplementary exams and lessons this year, too?" Yamada: "I'm sure they're all having a blast at the beach right about now..." Kameda: "I can't even watch anime because of summer school..." Tsurukawa: "The survival game is postponed, too." Yamada: "Hey, you guys." Kameda: "Yamada's here again!" Tsurukawa: "I-It's not like we're here because we want to be either!" Yamada: "What the heck, all the same people as last year?" Yamada: "Guess there's no helping you guys! They do say there's no cure for stupid!" Tsurukawa: "I-I don't want to hear that from you! I-Isn't that right, Otsuka-san?" Yamada: "They're all boring as ever." Teacher: "All right, I'll now be handing back today's exam answer sheets." Teacher: "You all failed. Be sure to try your hardest tomorrow." Yamada: "Wh-What's going to become of my summer vacation?" Yamada: "I mean, my real reason for coming here in the first place was..." Miyabi: "No!" Yamada: "Wh-What're you guys doing?!" Yamada: "Where's the second volume of the notebook? Did you just ignore the legend of the witches?!" Miyamura: "It's great that we realized the Supernatural Studies clubroom was at the club house and set ourselves up to go on the summer retreat, but..." Urara: "The truth is, we can't get into that room yet." Yamada: "Huh?" Miyamura: "By the sounds of it, the teacher with the key hasn't shown up." Yamada: "Supplementary exams won't end and we can't find the second volume of the notebook! My summer retreat is turning out the worst way possible!" Urara: "Yamada-kun." Yamada: "What is it?" Urara: "I'll switch bodies with you tomorrow." Urara(Y): "All right! It's the beach! 'Kay, I'm gonna dive in for a bit!" Urara(Y): "Go!" Miyabi: "Honestly, that Yamada..." Miyabi: "But I wonder why Urara-chan said she'd switch bodies with him?" Miyamura: "That's obvious." Miyamura: "Because it's boring without him around." Urara(Y): "Crap! My swimsuit got washed away!" Miyamura: "What?! Let me see!" Urara(Y): "No, look for my swimsuit!" Miyabi: "I see." Tsurukawa: "If we don't pass these supplementary exams..." Kameda: "It's going to turn into another summer vacation immersed in homework!" Teacher: "Hey, Kameda-kun." Kameda: "Uh, yes?!" Teacher: "Which formula do you apply to this problem?" Kameda: "L-Let me see, um, uh..." Kameda: "N-N-Number three..." Teacher: "Yes, very good!" Teacher: "So then, who can solve the next applied problem?" Teacher: "Y-Yamada-kun." Yamada(U): "x = 5/6π. y = π/6." Teacher: "C-Correct!" Kameda: "What's with Yamada today?" Tsurukawa: "I-Is he cheating or something?" Tsurukawa: "Still, I'm surprised." Kameda: "Yamada was very on the ball today!" Tsurukawa: "Wh-What should we do? Shall we try to add him to our ranks?" Tsurukawa: "We're depending on you, Otsuka-san." Yamada(U): "It's already time for dinner. Aren't you going to go eat something?" Yamada(U): "I see." Meiko: "Um!" Meiko: "W-Would you..." Meiko: "...like to be friends?" Yamada(U): "Huh?" Meiko: "No, um... I'm trying to say... Since we're supplementary lesson buddies, uh..." Yamada(U): "Sure." Yamada(Y): "Later then, okay?" Meiko: "W-Wait! Please." Meiko: "This is... a symbol of our friendship." Yamada(U): "Huh?" Yamada: "So what's the big idea insisting on switching back when I've still got exams after this?" Yamada: "Hey, Shiraishi." Urara: "Say, Yamada-kun. What sort of relationship do you have with Otsuka Meiko-san?" Yamada: "What do you mean? We both took part in the same supplementary lessons last year, but that's about it." Miyabi: "She's in the same class as us. She's from the manga research club, if I recall correctly." Miyamura: "Yeah. She's a patron of the list of students with low grades right alongside Yamada." Yamada: "So did something happen with Otsuka?" Urara: "Yamada-kun, have you kissed her?" Yamada: "Huh? O-Of course I haven't!" Urara: "I see. There's probably no mistaking it, then." Urara: "Otsuka Meiko is a witch." Yamada: "Huh?" Urara: "She kissed me out of the blue." Urara: "This is stereotypical witch behavior. Also, I didn't switch bodies with her even though she kissed me." Miyabi: "I see! So there's no effect even if two witches kiss each other!" Miyamura: "It doesn't seem like there's any doubt that Otsuka is a witch, but what's her power?" Urara: "I don't know." Urara: "But what is for sure is that you're the one she's after, Yamada-kun." Urara: "That's why I had you switch back to normal. As long as we don't know her intentions, I have no way of dealing with her." Yamada: "Maybe so, but what am I gonna do about my test later?!" Urara: "Pass it on your own." Yamada: "No way!" Miyabi: "Farewell, Yamada." Miyamura: "For all eternity..." Yamada: "Hey, screw you guys!" Yamada: "And my exams were supposed to be all over today, too..." Yamada: "If Otsuka is a witch, then what sort of power was she trying to cast on me?" Meiko: "U-Um... I'm sorry for surprising you before." Yamada: "Huh?" Meiko: "I-I mean, about me k-kissing you, um..." Yamada: "Doesn't she realize her power didn't work on me?" Meiko: "A-Anyway, please don't be surprised about what's going to happen next." Yamada: "Huh?" Meiko: "Let's overcome the supplementary exams together." Yamada: "What does she mean, "together"?" Yamada: "That's strange. Aren't they just solving problems like usual?" Yamada: "Damn! I can't pass without a score of 80 or better! That hurdle's way too frickin' high!" Yamada: "Looks like it was no good on their end, either." Yamada: "Hey, Otsuka." Yamada: "What did you do to me?" Meiko: "Never mind!" Yamada: "Wait. What is it you're after?" Meiko: "Y-You're like an entirely different person from before." Meiko: "Please forget about what happened today!" Yamada: "What in the world's up with her?" Yamada: "Huh?! Why the hell are you guys here?!" ene: "That's what we should be saying." Ushio: "You've got some nerve, beating us to the punch." Yamada: "Not at all." Ushio: "You think you can act innocent by doing that?!" Urara: "I'm sure you and Odagiri-san came here to find volume two of the notebook, but the clubroom isn't open yet." ene: "Yes, we know. The clubroom won't be open until the extra lessons are over, right?" Club: "Huh?!" ene: "It looks like the replacement for the supplementary lessons teacher is the one with the key!" Yamada: "Which means... We won't be able to get our hands on the second volume of the notebook until everyone in the class passes their exams?!" ene: "That's how it looks." Ushio: "In that case, everyone should just switch bodies with Shiraishi-san and cheat." Yamada: "There's no way we can kiss right in front of the teacher!" Yamada: "Wait. Now that you mention it, Otsuka said something like, "Let's overcome the supplementary exams together," right before the test. For her to suddenly say something like that, does that mean it has something to do with her power?" Urara: "In other words, you can clear the exams if we use Otsuka-san's power?" Yamada: "Uh, well, we don't know that." Urara: "But it sounds like it's worth testing out." Yamada: "D-Don't tell me..." Urara: "Yes. This time you should kiss Otsuka-san yourself." Yamada: "Saying it's to get Otsuka-san to agree to a kiss is fine but..." Urara(Y): "What's the deal with telling me to go take a bath in her place?!" Urara(Y): "And telling me to wash her body thoroughly, too!" ene: "Oh, you're in here, too, Shiraishi-san?" Yamada: "Wh-Why is Odagiri here?!" ene: "We're in the same room, so you could have invited me." ene: "A little skinship isn't so bad between witches, huh?" ene: "Hey, what's with you?" Urara(Y): "O-Oh, no! I've got to wash up!" Urara(Y): "I'm getting out first!" ene: "Wait just a second!" ene: "Don't tell me... you're Yamada?" ene: "No! You're the worst!" Urara(Y): "I couldn't help it! The one Otsuka kissed was Shiraishi in my body! She said it'd be way easier for her to get Otsuka to promise to kiss me!" ene: "You idiot! Moron! Perv!" Yamada(U): "Hey." Yamada(U): "Otsuka-san said she would kiss you!" Urara(Y): "Really?" Yamada(U): "Yes." Yamada(U): "After we switch back, hurry behind the entryway." Urara(Y): "Y-Yeah." Meiko: "I would like for this to be the last time." Meiko: "If nothing happens, that goes for that talk about us being friends, too..." Yamada: "Yeah, I know." Yamada: "Now Otsuka's power will become clear at last!" Miyabi: "Strange. I kissed Yamada but nothing's happening." Miyamura: "Yeah, me either." Yamada: "What in the heck's going on?" ene: "You really did kiss Otsuka-san, didn't you?" Ushio: "Keep your promise!" Yamada: "Just how little confidence do you have in me?!" Miyabi: "Well, it could be like Odagiri-san's charm power and start to take effect gradually after the fact." Miyamura: "Which would mean doing this won't do us any good. Guess I'll just wait in the girls' room!" Yamada: "Me, too." ene: "Hey, that's my futon!" Miyabi: "You boys go back to your own room!" Meiko: "Respond!" Meiko: "Respond!" Yamada: "Shut up, Miyamura." Meiko: "Can you hear me? Respond!" Yamada: "I told you to shut it." Meiko: "Respond!" Yamada: "No, this is a woman's voice!" Meiko: "This is Otsuka. Respond!" Yamada: "Otsuka is..." Miyamura: "What's up with Otsuka?" Yamada: "She's not here?" Miyamura: "Sure you weren't just dreaming?" Yamada: "No, I'm positive I just heard her voice!" Meiko: "This voice is being projected directly into your mind." Meiko: "This is my power: telepathy!" Yamada: "Telepathy?" Meiko: "If you can hear this, then report for training tomorrow morning at six o' clock!" Meiko: "Be sure to come to the back of the entryway, and don't be late! That is all!" Yamada: "Huh? What're you talking about?" Yamada: "I get it! Otsuka's power was the power of telepathy!" Yamada: "I came, just like you told me." Meiko: "Th-Thank goodness. You heard my voice, right?" Yamada: "Y'know..." Meiko: "But you were ten minutes late! Are you underestimating me, Trainee Yamada?!" Yamada: "Huh?" Meiko: "What's with that reply? Salute!" Yamada: "S-Salute?" Meiko: "Are you screwing with me, punk? Did you forget everything after sleeping it off for a night?! Huh?!" Yamada: "What's going on?" Yamada: "And what the hell? Her personality totally changes when she uses telepathy?!" Meiko: "W-Well, then. Let us begin your training." Yamada: "Oh, I knew it." Meiko: "This power works with whoever I kiss... In other words, you can send messages to me, too." Meiko: "Yamada-san, please turn around." Yamada: "Like this?" Meiko: "Yes. Next, picture my face in your mind." Meiko: "There's so much noise I can't understand you!" Yamada: "What's with that?!" Meiko: "An ample imagination is indispensable to use this power! Now, Trainee Yamada! Take another good look at my face one more time!" Meiko: "Concentrate harder! Are you trying to give me another nosebleed? Huh?!" Meiko: "Why can't you do it?!" Yamada: "I don't know! You trying to say my imagination's lacking or something?!" Meiko: "If you get it, then fix it right away!" Yamada: "Damn. This power's not so easy to use. Even once I'm able to do it, how will this help us pass the exams?!" Tsurukawa: "You look like you're having trouble, Trainee Yamada!" Yamada: "Huh?" Yamada: "Wh-Why can I hear your voice, too?" Tsurukawa: "It sounds like you haven't realized just how incredible this power is yet. Once you've been kissed by Commander Meiko, you can share this power with everyone through her!" Yamada: "I-In other words, if any one of us figures out the answers, we can all cheat as much as we want?!" Kameda: "That is correct!" Yamada: "In that case, this is one sweet power!" Yamada: "Wait, but who's going to get those answers ready?" Meiko: "W-Well that is obvious. You will get the answers for us." Yamada: "Huh?" Kameda: "You can't fool our eyes." Tsurukawa: "The truth is, you're actually quite studious, aren't you?" Meiko: "Yamada-san! Let's work hard together!" Yamada: "So basically, now that I've mastered telepathy, I've got to prepare the answers to the exams, too!" Ushio: "And just when we finally figured out what Otsuka's power is..." Yamada: "Stop being disappointed, and think of something!" Miyamura: "Boobs." Yamada: "Huh?" Miyamura: "Boobs. Boobs." Miyamura: "Boobs!" Yamada: "M-Miyamura successfully mastered telepathy super easily!" All: "Huh?!" Yamada: "Hey, Miyamura! Teach me the trick, too!" Miyamura: "You just have to picture the other person's face in your mind." Yamada: "I'm having trouble because I can't do that!" Urara: "But couldn't you pass the exam if you two are able to telepathically communicate?" Yamada: "What? Really?" Miyamura: "Guess there's no choice. I'll give these to you." Yamada: "What's this?" Teacher: "Okay, begin today's exam!" Yamada: "Why does Miyamura have these photos?" Miyamura: "There's no photo I can't get my hands on." Meiko: "What's this about a photo, Trainee Yamada?" Yamada: "Oh, huh, could it be?" Yamada: "All right!" Miyamura: "There's no time to get all excited!" Yamada: "Yeah, let's get on with question one..." Yamada: "Consider the line x-y+3=0..." Miyamura: "Boobs." Miyabi: "Hey, let me talk to him, too!" Yamada: "Oh, shut up! Actually, once I pass along the question, Shiraishi answers it on her end," Yamada: "then Miyamura sends me back the answer..." Miyamura: "What's wrong, Yamada?" Yamada: "Any way you look at it, there's not enough time!" Meiko: "You dunce! Hurry up and tell us!" Yamada: "Hey, Otsuka. Willing to bet on the last five minutes?" Meiko: "What do you mean?" Yamada: "If I do this after every single problem, we won't make it in time! I'll get the answers for all the questions first, then send them all to you in the last five minutes!" Yamada: "Not that I can guarantee we'll make it in time!" Meiko: "Hm, interesting. We'll trust you!" Yamada: "All right!" Teacher: "I'll now be announcing the results of the exam." Tsurukawa: "Wow!" All: "All right! We passed!" Meiko: "Well done, Private Yamada!" Yamada: "P-Private?" Meiko: "What's with that salute?!" Miyamura: "Looks like he passed somehow." Miyabi: "All he did was cheat though." Miyamura: "Oh, don't say that." Miyamura: "He used a power, but he still overcame it on his own." Miyamura: "That's a big step forward for Yamada, isn't it?" ene: "Well, anyway, now the Supernatural Studies clubroom will finally be opened." Ushio: "Yeah, that's right." Yamada: "Let's open it up." Yamada: "Th-There's nothing here!" ene: "This shouldn't be! This was supposed to be a storage room!" Kiku: "That's why I told you..." Kiku: "I told you if you were looking for something, there's nothing here." All: "Sensei!" Kiku: "Other clubs have used this place, so everything that was here got thrown out." Ushio: "Thrown out?!" Miyabi: "Then what about the second volume of the notebook?!" Miyamura: "Well, it's not like we came fully convinced it'd be here to begin with." Urara: "Yeah. It's a little unfortunate, but we learned about Otsuka-san, and most importantly, it was a fun summer retreat." Yamada: "Shiraishi..." Miyabi: "Yeah, I guess that's true! And it's not over yet!" Yamada: "Huh? The exams are over." Miyabi: "This is the last day of the summer retreat! We've got to enjoy ourselves until the very end!" Yamada: "Y-Yeah! That's right!" ene: "Miyamura, I'll ask you directly. Who do you think had everything in this room cleared out?" ene: "The only one who could do this..." ene: "Wh-What? Oh, hey!" Miyamura: "Only the president could do that." Miyabi: "Time for fireworks!" ene: "Hey, Miyamura. Go fetch some water for the bucket." Miyamura: "Why don't you do it?" Urara: "Hey, Yamada-kun." Urara: "I'd like you to light this." Yamada: "No! That's dangerous, so let's not!" Yamada: "You know, Shiraishi..." Urara: "What?" Yamada: "Now that I've gotten to know Otsuka, there's something I'm convinced of. You were unhappy with the situation you were put in" Yamada: "and have the power to switch bodies. Odagiri wanted to gather allies to become student council president" Yamada: "and has the power to charm." Yamada: "Otsuka was bad at talking to people and got the power of telepathy." Yamada: "The witches' powers are something they obtained because they wished for them!" Urara: "Yes. That may be so." Yamada: "In that case, what did I wish for?" Urara: "You wished for something, too?" Yamada: "I don't know, but I'm sure I'll find the answer if I meet all the witches." Yamada: "That's why I've decided to search for them!" Yamada: "I want to know why I got this power." Urara: "Yamada-kun..." Urara: "Yes. I want to know why, too!" Miyabi: "Yeesh, what're you two doing?" Miyamura: "You two planning to set out into the nighttime city by yourselves?" Yamada: "N-No!" ene: "Uncooperative to the very end. Seriously." Ushio: "You said it." Yamada: "Forget that! I'm gonna tell you guys some incredible news Otsuka told me!" Miyabi: "What? You're just Yamada, but you're acting so important!" Yamada: "The next witch... I know who it is!" All: "What?!" Meiko: "What in the world is going on?" Tsurukawa: "Commander?" Kameda: "What is it?" Meiko: "Our dinner... is tempura!" Tsurukawa: "Next time on Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches: "Anything but Tempura!"" Meiko: "Hey, punks. Go buy some curry rice!" Kameda: "Why?"
{ "raw_title": "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Episode 6 – Respond!", "parsed": [ "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches", "6", "Respond!" ] }
Yamada: "One week after the summer retreat in the very middle of summer vacation." Yamada: "An outrageous incident has occurred." Yamada: "So this is Sarushima-san's place?" Miyamura: "Yeah. I've come here a few times with the guys from the student council, but I've never even seen her face." Yamada: "What?" Miyamura: "She's such an intense shut-in, that we don't even know what to do with her." Yamada: "A shut-in?!" Miyamura: "There's no mistaking it. It's most likely due to a witch power." Miyamura: "Apparently Odagiri's group is already collecting information on Sarushima." Yamada: "They're gonna beat us to the punch! What'll we do, Miyamura?!" Miyamura: "Well, calm down." Yamada: "An idea just hit me!" Yamada: "We force our way in!" Miyamura: "Calm down, Yamada!" Maria: "Hi, guys. What are you doing?" Miyamura: "S-Sarushima!" Yamada: "Huh, this girl is...?" Yamada: "Wh-What about her is a shut-in?" Maria: "Oh, right! I've got something I'd love for you to pitch in and help with!" Yamada: "Hey, why do we have to rearrange her room for her?!" Miyamura: "There's no way around it. If this goes well we might be able to get Sarushima to tell us about her power." Yamada: "You help out, too, then!" Miyamura: "Gotcha, gotcha." Miyamura: "Oh, these are nice! What incredible dimensions!" Yamada: "Help me out, damn it! Hey, Sarushima. We're done—" Yamada: "Why the hell are you sleeping?!" Yamada: "I'm out of here!" Miyamura: "Hey, stop right there, Yamada-kun." Yamada: "C'mon man, what part of this girl's a shut-in?!" Yamada: "What could she possibly be worried about enough to become a witch?!" Miyamura: "No clue on that one, but anyway you look at it, this is probably your best chance." Yamada: "Chance?" Miyamura: "Kiss her." Yamada: "N-No, I can't just do that!" Miyamura: "You worked more than enough. I'd say one little kiss is a hell of a deal." Yamada: "You think?" Miyamura: "You know it!" Yamada: "If that's how it's got to be, guess I have no choice." Yamada: "Don't hate me for this." Maria: "Me..." Maria: "Save me, Yamada..." Yamada: "Miyamura, could you head back first?" Miyamura: "What?" Yamada: "Please." Maria: "Sorry for pushing you around earlier." Yamada: "Yeah, so what did you mean when you said "save me"?" Maria: "The truth is, I knew." Yamada: "Knew what?" Maria: "I've known for ages now that you would come here." Yamada: "Huh? Did someone tell you?" Maria: "That's not it." Maria: "I can see the future!" Yamada: "You can see the future?" Maria: "Yeah." Yamada: "I-Is your head working right?" Maria: "I suppose it makes sense that you don't believe me! But I have to get you to believe— No, you have no choice but to believe me." Yamada: "Wh-What do you mean?" Maria: "Yeah. The futures I saw at first were trivial." Maria: "That next period would be a study hall, or that there would be a pop quiz..." Maria: "Then one day just like that, I saw a frightening future." Maria: "A future where the old school building was on fire." Maria: "And a future where I was the offender." Students: "Awful girl! Some nerve, showing up here." Students: "Look, she's the one..." Maria: "Believe me! It wasn't me!" Students: "They say she's the one who set that fire yesterday." Maria: "That's why I stopped going to school," Maria: "because I didn't think anyone would believe me even if I told them." Yamada: "And that's when you started being a shut-in?" Yamada: "But Sarushima, why do I have to believe your story?" Maria: "About that... That's because you were there at the scene of the fire, too." Maria: "You end up being treated like the culprit alongside me!" Yamada: "Huh? Why does that happen?!" Maria: "Oh, no. I want to know, too!" Yamada: "Y-Yeah, I'm sure you do." Maria: "But this has made things clear to me. One of the reasons I stopped going to school was so that I wouldn't make contact with you." Maria: "But I still met you, just like I saw in my vision." Yamada: "Sh-Should I say "sorry" in this situation?" Maria: "Uh-uh. I'm the one who should apologize. I thought, by some chance, something might change if I met you," Maria: "but the future doesn't change so easily." Yamada: "Hey, Sarushima." Yamada: "Give me a kiss." Maria: "Huh?! Are you telling me to pay for dragging you into this with my body?!" Yamada: "Nobody's saying that!" Yamada: "There's a reason for this! A-Anyway, I believe this is the only way for us to find the real culprit!" Maria: "Okay." Yamada: "Huh?" Maria: "I don't mind if it's you, Yamada." Maria: "After all, you're my last hope." Yamada: "She didn't need to French me, too, did she? Ow!" Igarashi: "You impudent fool, listen up!" ene: "Ahem!" ene: "So basically, there's no doubt that Sarushima Maria is a witch!" ene: "No surprise, you can't hide your shock, can you? To be honest, I've also got a general idea of what her power is, but I have no obligation to tell you all that." ene: "If you rely on me, this much is a piece of cake!" Both: "Oh!" ene: "No!" Yamada: "Why just me?" Miyamura: "Whoa, that's awesome Yamada!" Urara: "So this is what you meant when you said Odagiri-san would hit you?" Miyabi: "Seeing visions of the future is a remarkable power!" Yamada: "Ow. Now we know that Sarushima is a witch who can predict the future." Yamada: "So, now comes the real challenge." Yamada: "First, take a look at this." Miyamura: "Master artist Yamada's work really bursts off the page." Miyabi: "You didn't seriously see an image like this, did you?" Yamada: "Of course not! The actual vision is much more realistic! Forget that, the fact the old school building catches fire and Sarushima and I are the culprits is the important part!" Miyamura: "That certainly is serious." Yamada: "Right? Now that we know we can see the future," Yamada: "it'll be awful if we don't track down the real culprit!" Urara: "Say, Yamada-kun. Could you tell me about the vision you saw when you kissed Miyamura-kun earlier one more time?" Yamada: "Let's see. You and Ito were looking down at me, and there was a distinct slap mark on my cheek." Urara: "Yes, which means you could see yourself, right?" Yamada: "Yeah. The picture's like that, too." Both: "So this is Yamada." Yamada: "Who did you think it was?!" Urara: "So, was Miyamura-kun in the vision?" Yamada: "Now that you mention it, he didn't seem to be." Urara: "So that is how it works." Yamada: "Huh?" Urara: "Miyamura-kun himself wasn't present in the premonition you saw when you kissed him." Miyabi: "What does that mean?" Urara: "Could it have been from Miyamura-kun's point of view?" Yamada: "His point of view?" Miyamura: "I see now." Urara: "In other words, it's a power where you see your own future from your partner's point of view." Yamada: "Oh, I get it now!" Miyabi: "You totally don't get it, do you?" Urara: "Take another close look at this picture. Since you and Sarushima-san are pictured here..." Yamada: "Oh! So that's it!" Miyamura: "Hey, Yamada. Where are you going?" Maria: "There was somebody else at the scene of the fire?" Yamada: "That's right. Does anyone come to mind that you've kissed?" Maria: "Well, someone does, but..." Yamada: "Oh!" Maria: "You might say it's a little difficult to talk about." Maria: "It's a male friend of mine." Yamada: "A-A male friend?" Maria: "But trust me! It's not like I have romantic feelings for him! We both returned from abroad and just happened to get along because of it." Yamada: "Wh-Why're you making excuses?" Yamada: "Tell me his name and where I can find him." Maria: "Y-Yeah. But does that mean he's the arsonist?" Yamada: "I dunno about that, but I do believe it means he's involved in the fire for sure." Maria: "I suppose so." Yamada: "I'll go find him. Don't take one step out of this house!" Maria: "Yeah, I know. You be careful, too, Yamada." Maria: "But if the future comes to pass because he and Yamada meet..." Yamada: "Tsubaki Kentaro, huh?" Man: "Sweet, you can do somethin' like that?! Don't underestimate a true punk, you lot!" Man2: "I don't care if he's a punk, I just gotta aim to be the best at the game!" Tsubaki: "Damn!" Tsubaki: "Aw, damn it!" Yamada: "That's him!" Yamada: "Hey, you're Tsubaki Kentaro from class D, right?" Tsubaki: "I lost again! One more match!" Yamada: "Hey, punk. You listening to me?" Tsubaki: "Oh, shut up! You're in my way!" Yamada: "At least hear me out, Tsubaki!" Tsubaki: "What the heck, you're Yamada from class B, aren't ya? What do you need from me?" Yamada: "Like I said, I've got something I wanna ask you!" Tsubaki: "There's something I want to ask you, too!" Yamada: "Huh?" Yamada: "You're in love with Shiraishi?!" Tsubaki: "Yeah! I'm a returnee, right? So people fuss all over me, but Shiraishi-san won't give me the time of day!" Yamada: "Huh?" Tsubaki: "It's super refreshing. It makes me happy! I've been head over heels for Shiraishi-san pretty much ever since." Yamada: "You're a bit strange, you know that?" Tsubaki: "So, I'm going to tell Shiraishi-san how I feel!" Yamada: "Huh?!" Tsubaki: "Could you call Shiraishi-san out to the courtyard at school tomorrow?" Yamada: "Hey! Tomorrow's way too soon, isn't it?" Yamada: "Is this guy serious? I can't imagine Shiraishi will give him the okay, but..." Yamada: "G-Got it." Tsubaki: "Oh, really?! You're such a nice guy Yamada!" Yamada: "But, man, is this guy really gonna set fire to the old school building?" Tsubaki: "And for you Yamada..." Tsubaki: "I'd like to demonstrate the ace up my sleeve. Whenever I'm feeling down or wanna lift my spirits, there's something I've absolutely got to do." Tsubaki: "This way." Yamada: "Hey, this is the old school building! The place the fire is going to take place!" Tsubaki: "Wait just a second." Yamada: "The culinary room?" Yamada: "What?!" Yamada: "He's the guy! He's got to be!" Tsubaki: "All done. The symbol of our friendship!" Yamada: "This is totally what's gonna set the place on fire!" Tsubaki: "Not going to eat?" Miyabi: "The fire is today?" Yamada: "Yeah!" Yamada: "You ended up coming to school?!" Maria: "That's right! The teacher told me I had to attend tomorrow or else!" Urara: "Yamada-kun, Sarushima-san, as well as Tsubaki-kun. All three will gather at the school today." Yamada: "We've got to stop Tsubaki from cooking his tempura, no matter what it takes!" Miyabi: "What the heck does he fry tempura when he's depressed for anyway?" Miyamura: "But Yamada, remember the slap from Odagiri yesterday." Miyamura: "You knew about it in advance, so why couldn't you dodge it?" Miyamura: "Can you really change the future you see?" Yamada: "I-If it's come to this, we've just got to give it a shot!" Miyamura: "Wh-What're you going to do, Yamada?" Tsubaki: "Oh, if it isn't Yamada!" Tsubaki: "What happened? Shiraishi-san didn't show up on time." Tsubaki: "What the heck? D-Don't tell me! Was I rejected without even getting to confess my feelings?!" Yamada: "No, it's not that." Tsubaki: "Then what's going on?! Why did you show up in Shiraishi-san's place?" Yamada: "Calm down, Tsubaki." Yamada: "I'm going to explain, so I'd like you to listen closely." Yamada: "Give me a kiss." Tsubaki: "I see. So I was rejected, and you're trying to cheer me up with that joke." Yamada: "It's no joke!" Yamada: "I'm serious!" Tsubaki: "Huh?" Miyamura: "I'd like you to respond to Yamada's feelings." Yamada: "The way you say it's completely misleading!" Tsubaki: "I see. I never would've thought Yamada was..." Yamada: "It doesn't matter anymore. If I switch bodies with this guy and keep away from the old school building, the fire shouldn't happen." Tsubaki: "Sorry, but I can't do it!" Yamada: "Huh?" Tsubaki: "I'm devoted to Shiraishi-san. Sorry, man." Miyamura: "Don't worry about it!" Yamada: "Don't make it sound like I was dumped!" Yamada: "Oh, man! If it's come to this, I'll do it by force! Here we go, Miyamura!" Miyamura: "Yeah!" Miyamura: "Now, Yamada!" Yamada: "Sorry, Tsubaki. There's a good reason for this." Miyamura: "This guy!" Yamada: "He's crazy strong!" Tsubaki: "Do it to me if you can!" Urara: "Welcome back!" Miyabi: "That was fast." Yamada: "I never would have thought Tsubaki was that strong." Urara: "So it didn't go well after all." Yamada: "What do you mean "after all"?" Maria: "I knew you guys would come back all worn out." Maria: "I kissed Ito-san!" Yamada: "S-Sarushima?!" Maria: "I heard everything from Urara-chan. About what's happened so far, and about the witches." Yamada: "Wha?" Maria: "And here I seriously thought you were working hard all on your own, Yamada." Yamada: "N-No, I mean..." Maria: "Why didn't you tell me you had all these friends?" Yamada: "You're a super optimistic woman, aren't you?" Maria: "But what should we do? You couldn't switch bodies with Tsubaki, right?" Yamada: "Yeah, if it's come to this..." Yamada: "Our only choice is for Shiraishi to accept his confession." Miyamura: "No, in that case I've got a better way." Urara(Y): "Sorry! Tsubaki-kun, did I keep you waiting?" Tsubaki: "Sh-Shiraishi-san!" Tsubaki: "N-No, not at all! I just got here, too!" Yamada: "You liar." Urara(Y): "I heard from Yamada-kun that you wanted to talk to me about something?" Tsubaki: "Y-Yeah, Shiraishi-san. A-Actually, I've always felt this way about y—" Urara(Y): "Wait a sec!" Urara(Y): "First, would you listen to a request of mine?" Tsubaki: "Huh?" Urara(Y): "I'd like you to go shopping with me after this." Maria: "There is a clock in view in Miyabi-chan's vision." Maria: "That's the time the fire will occur." Miyamura: "In other words, we're in the clear as long as Yamada can keep Tsubaki busy until then." Yamada: "Tsubaki! H-How will you answer?" Tsubaki: "Sure!" Yamada: "All right! He's in!" Urara(Y): "Okay, let's go right away, then!" Tsubaki: "Yeah!" Yamada: "Now the future should change!" Urara(Y): "We can't talk very well like this, can we?" Tsubaki: "Y-Yeah." Yamada: "All right. Even Tsubaki shouldn't be able to confess his love in a place like this. This is working out!" Yamada: "If we just hang around here for another hour or so..." Urara(Y): "Oh, another phone call." Maria: "No good! Not only did the future change, it's getting worse!" Urara(Y): "What?!" Maria: "Now Miyabi-chan, who should have been watching from the clubroom, is in front of the old school building, too!" Urara(Y): "Huh?" Maria: "What in the world are you doing?" Urara(Y): "Sorry, I'll call you back." Urara(Y): "Hello?" Miyamura: "I heard the situation." Urara(Y): "Hey, Miyamura! What should I do?" Miyamura: "This will do." Urara(Y): "Huh?" Miyamura: "For now, we know the future has changed." Miyamura: "It could be the influence of you two changing bodies." Urara(Y): "Oh, you might be right." Miyamura: "At this point we have no choice. We'll have to use our last resort." Miyamura: "If we can't prevent the confession from happening, we've got to postpone it!" Tsubaki: "Huh, you're going home?" Urara(Y): "I'm sorry. I've been getting lots of calls since earlier, right? Something urgent has come up." Tsubaki: "Uh, but I haven't gotten to tell you anything yet—" Urara(Y): "Could we meet up and talk again tomorrow?" Yamada: "Please! Let this work!" Tsubaki: "Thank goodness! I can see you again tomorrow." Yamada: "Good! Don't get depressed!" Urara(Y): "Yeah. Okay, I'm in a hurry!" Tsubaki: "Hey, wait, Shiraishi-san!" Urara(Y): "How about now, Miyamura?!" Miyamura: "Are you stupid? Get away from there right this second!" Urara(Y): "What's with this super romantic spot?" Tsubaki: "Shiraishi-san!" Tsubaki: "I can't wait until tomorrow." Tsubaki: "I love you!" Maria: "Why? Why did it turn out like this?!" Yamada(U): "Understood." Tsubaki: "I want you to go out with me!" Yamada: "What do I do?" Yamada: "Now that this has happened, I feel bad for Shiraishi, but..." Urara(Y): "Yeah, I kno—" Yamada(U): "Could you wait just a second?" Miyamura: "Hey, Shira— I mean, Yamada!" Urara(Y): "Huh? No, why did you show up now?!" Urara: "This is how it is." Tsubaki: "Huh?" Urara: "This is what our relationship is like." Yamada: "W-Wait, Tsubaki!" Yamada: "Damn it, Shiraishi! What're you trying to accomplish?" Urara: "We were out of options." Yamada: "Huh? I don't follow!" Miyamura: "Where are you going, Yamada?" Yamada: "That's obvious! To switch bodies!" Yamada: "Come on! Open up, Tsubaki!" Tsubaki: "Shut up, Yamada! I don't trust anyone anymore!" Tsubaki: "Shiraishi-san totally seduced me then dumped me! And I thought we were best buddies, but you betrayed me, too!" Yamada: "I'm trying to tell you, there's a reason for this!" Tsubaki: "Shut up!" Yamada: "You locked it!" Yamada: "I'm begging you, anything but the tempura!" Urara: "Yamada-kun!" Urara: "Get away from here!" Yamada: "Sh-Shiraishi!" Tsubaki: "Shiraishi-san?" Miyabi: "The time the fire is supposed to happen has passed." Maria: "W-We did it." Miyabi: "Yeah! We saved everyone's futures! All right!" Maria: "Thank goodness!" Tsubaki: "Whoa. So Yamada and I switched bodies because of witch powers?" Yamada: "Yeah, that's right." Tsubaki: "Sweet! C'mon then, let me join the Supernatural Studies Club, too!" All: "Huh?!" Yamada: "How did it work out that way?!" Tsubaki: "After today's incident, I'm interested in the witches, too!" Miyabi: "You're just after Urara-chan, aren't you?" Tsubaki: "N-No, that's not true!" Miyabi: "First and foremost, saying you'll fry up tempura in here isn't going to work out!" Tsubaki: "L-Like I said, I genuinely..." Maria: "Say, Yamada." Miyabi: "No means no!" Tsubaki: "No way!" Maria: "Could I borrow you for a sec?" Miyabi: "You can't!" Maria: "Thank you, Yamada!" Yamada: "I-I mean, I didn't want to become the culprit either." Maria: "You're so shy!" Yamada: "But something is bugging me." Maria: "What?" Yamada: "Why did Shiraishi force me to switch bodies?" Maria: "Oh, she didn't tell you?" Yamada: "Y-Yeah..." Maria: "I couldn't do it. Even knowing about the future, I can't believe she was going to take your place." Yamada: "Huh?" Urara: "Yes. You heard from Sarushima, didn't you?" Yamada: "Yeah." Maria: "She didn't want you to be the offender." Yamada: "Thank you." Urara: "It was nothing. It's all over now—" Yamada: "Did you really think that's what I was going to say?" Yamada: "Don't ever do something like that ever again!" Urara: "Yeah!" Yamada: "Wh-Why does she look so happy?" Miyabi: "My word, I can't beat that stubbornness of yours." Yamada: "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Tsubaki: "Whoa! I'm officially a member of the Supernatural Studies Club!" ene: "Oh, my. You're all here." ene: "Good news. I finally figured out what Sarushima Maria's power is!" ene: "So surprised you can't speak? Want me to tell you?" ene: "What should I do?" Both: "Oh!" ene: "N-No!" Yamada: "Come on! Why just me again?!" Student: "Morning!" A: "The second term has started!" B: "The cultural festival is right around the corner!" : "The cultural festival, huh?" : "Now, then. What should I do for some fun?" Maria: "Hey, Tsubaki, I want to eat some tempoora." Tsubaki: "Wrong! It's tempura! Te-m-pu-ra!" Maria: "Please! Tempoora!" Tsubaki: "Why you..." Maria: "Next time on Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches: "You're So Annoying.""
{ "raw_title": "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Episode 7 – Anything But Tempura!", "parsed": [ "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches", "7", "Anything But Tempura!" ] }
Miyabi: "Stop the first-year students from causing havoc?" Yamada: "Yeah. He said we could have our yakisoba bread stand at the cultural festival if we do that!" Miyamura: "Shibutani Keigo from the athletics festival boycott incident. Fukazawa Saeko from the final exams group-cheating incident. And finally, Asano Ren," Miyamura: "who is causing disturbances brawling with students from other schools." Miyabi: "They don't look like such bad kids to me." Miyamura: "Yeah. It appears they were all originally popular and respected." Urara: "It's hard to believe students like that would suddenly cause all this trouble." Miyamura: "Yeah. So who else should pop up but..." Miyamura: "Takigawa Noa. The next witch." Miyabi: "Huh?" Miyamura: "Not to mention, we have identified her power as the opposite of Sarushima's. Her power is to see the past of whoever she kisses." Miyabi: "Hey! This is all going unusually well!" Yamada: "This Takigawa woman could have gotten hold of their past insecurities and be making them do all these awful things." Urara: "But why does President Yamazaki know all this?" ene: "Oh, my. What are you saying this late in the game?" Yamada: "You guys?" ene: "Witches are succeeded by others within the school. It isn't so strange for the president to know about them." Igarashi: "The president should have been in charge of the second volume of the notebook until just recently, as well." Yamada: "Until just recently?" Igarashi: "The clubhouse storage room. It sounds as though the notebook was already gone when the student council had everything cleared out." ene: "That's Takigawa Noa's doing as well." Yamada: "That's convenient for us in all sorts of ways!" Yamada: "I'm gonna go shut Takigawa Noa down right now!" Igarashi: "How did it come to that?" Miyamura: "If we fulfill this request from the student council, we'll get permission to hold a yakisoba bread stand, and we'll get our hands on the second volume of the notebook in the process, too?" Yamada: "You got it!" Urara: "Are you planning to go kiss her without planning anything again?" Yamada: "Nope. I'm gonna show her just how terrifying upperclassmen can be!" Saeko: "What in the world does a second-year want with us?" Shibutani: "This is that Yamada guy everyone hates, right?" Yamada: "I don't have any business with you guys. I'm here for the woman up on her high-horse behind you!" : "Huh? What could it possibly be?" Yamada: "Give me a minute, would ya?" : "Yamada-senpai, was it? What business do you have with me?" Yamada: "Act innocent all you want. It's pointless. I've heard all about the incidents the first-years have caused." : "What a bother. Why am I under suspicion? Those three are the ones who did it all." Yamada: "Wha?" : "I tried to stop them, but they wouldn't listen to what I had to say." Yamada: "This woman's planning to play dumb to the bitter end? I'll just have to do it by force, then!" : "By the way, Senpai. I have a question for you." : "What do you think of younger girls?" Yamada: "Huh?" : "The truth is, I'm interested in older guys." Yamada: "U-Uh, i-it's not like there's anything really wrong with younger girls." : "Oh? Could it be you've fallen in love with me, Senpai?" Yamada: "Huh? Wh-What's with this girl? Don't tell me she's got a thing for me?" Yamada: "Wait, if she does..." Yamada: "Takigawa. In that case, kiss me." Yamada: "If I copy her power and get my hands on her weakness instead..." : "What's that all about? You're gross." Yamada: "Huh?" : "Heck, I just teased you a little. I wasn't serious. You're seriously annoying." Yamada: "H-Huh?" Miyamura: "So you got shut down instead and came crawling back?" ene: "Sounds like a fairly daunting witch." Igarashi: "Looks like it would be faster to talk some sense into those three Takigawa is manipulating, instead." ene: "True." Urara: "What will you do, Yamada-kun?" Yamada: "That woman!" Yamada: "I'll definitely kiss her next time!" : "Hey, could you give it a rest already?!" Yamada: "What was that?" Yamada: "Damn you..." : "Lying in wait for me here of all places to try to kiss me? You're seriously gross!" : "Don't show yourself before me ever again!" Yamada: "Shaddup! You think I'll back down that easy? I guess I don't have a choice..." Yamada: "Hey, Takigawa, I've got a proposal for you." Yamada: "Would you let me into your group?" Yamada: "You're scheming something fun again, aren't you? I want you to let me into your gang." : "Huh? What are you talking about? It's pointless for you to try to get close to me that way. In fact, you're annoying and gross." Yamada: "Oh, is that right? But I see through everything." Yamada: "Including that you can use witch powers." Yamada: "Too bad for you, but I'm in the Supernatural Studies Club. I'm well-informed about stuff like that. I don't think it'd hurt anything to let me into your group—" : "Oh, dear! You should have mentioned that sooner, Senpai!" Yamada: "H-Hey! What the hell's with you? Hey! What're you—" : "Do you happen to know about the other witches, Senpai?" Yamada: "Huh?" : "Oh, so you do!" Yamada: "No, wait a second." : "Just as you wish, I'll make you into one of us." : "In exchange, please tell me about the witches, okay?" Yamada: "What's with her?" Yamada: "S-Something's... Something's weird about this!" Yamada: "We'd better not, after all. Pretend this whole talk about joining you never happened." Yamada: "Sorry about this." ene: "If that's the situation, I guess it was a resounding failure." Miyamura: "Yeah. Shibutani from the soccer club insisted that he boycotted for his own, personal reasons." Miyamura: "On top of that, he says Takigawa is simply a good friend." Igarashi: "The same as us, huh?" Miyabi: "The same goes for Fukazawa-san." ene: "I'm sure Takigawa Noa is keeping their mouths shut with her witch powers." Igarashi: "So, what about on your end? Were you able to get revenge?" Yamada: "No, it ended in failure." Igarashi: "Still gross, huh?" Yamada: "Shut up!" ene: "Anyhow, let's disband for today." Miyamura: "Yeah, you're right." : "Listen, there's something I'd like the three of you to do." Yamada: "Yeah. The look in her eyes changed the moment I mentioned the witches." Miyamura: "What is she after, then?" Tsubaki: "There you are! We've got a big problem! Hurry to the clubroom!" Yamada: "Wh-What is this?" Miyamura: "Who the hell would do such a thing?" Miyamura: "They got us good. The first volume of the notebook is gone!" Tsubaki: "What? Really?!" Tsubaki: "For real? Who would take that?!" Saeko: "Here." : "Thank you!" Saeko: "But... was this really the best option?" : "What are you talking about? This is all for you." Saeko: "I know, but..." Shibutani: "That doesn't mean we have to get anyone expelled over it." Asano: "Can we even become witches in the first place?" : "It'll be all right, because—" Yamada: "Damn you, Yamazaki! What are you hiding?!" Yamada: "Tell me what that woman is really after! Otherwise I'm washing my hands of this whole case!" Yamazaki: "Understood. I'll tell you everything. Takigawa Noa from class 1-C has but one objective:" Yamazaki: "to eradicate the other witches from this school." Yamada: "Eradicate the witches?" Yamazaki: "Yamada-kun, you know that the witches hand down their powers within this school, correct?" Yamazaki: "There's one more thing you should have noticed as well." Yamada: "One more thing?" Yamazaki: "That students with worries or troubles are the ones who obtain the witch powers." Yamada: "Yeah, more or less." Yamazaki: "Takigawa Noa first gets her hands on students' shortcomings with her power to see the past, then gets them to cause trouble. And she is plotting to get those students with troubles to inherit the powers and become the next set of witches." Yamada: "What was that?" Yamazaki: "She has already gathered both volumes of the notebook." Yamazaki: "In which case, next up would be..." Yamada: "Shiraishi and the others?!" Yamazaki: "Good answer." Miyabi: "All right, all cleaned up." Yamada: "Are you guys all right?!" Miyabi: "Don't surprise me like that, Yamada!" ene: "Us witches are her next target?!" Yamada: "That's right. That woman's going to try to eradicate the witches from the school this time!" Miyabi: ""Eradicate" how?" Miyamura: "Doesn't it mean exactly what it sounds like? Like expulsion, for example." Miyabi: "No! Urara-chan can't be expelled!" Yamada: "That frickin' four-eyes! Why didn't he tell us this at the very start?! Hell, he knows way too much!" Miyamura: "That's what it means to become the student council president of this school. So, what will we do?" Miyabi: "Whatever we do, Urara-chan, Odagiri-san, and also Otsuka-san and Sarushima-san might be targeted, too." Miyabi: "Maybe we should put our Supernatural Studies Club activities on hold for a while..." Yamada: "No. It's just a matter of time until Takigawa figures us out." Yamada: "Which means we're gonna set a trap of our own!" Miyabi: "We can't! That would put the witches in danger!" Urara: "I'm fine with it." Miyabi: "Huh?" Urara: "After all, Yamada-kun will be in danger, the same as me." Urara: "Besides, I'm kind of excited." Miyabi: "Huh?" Yamada: "Now that that's settled!" Miyamura: "This is sudden, but a good idea just hit me." Saeko: "Excuse me." Urara(Y): "If I recall, you are..." Saeko: "I have something to talk to you about." Urara(Y): "Come on in." Urara(Y): "I have something I'd like to discuss with you, too. Take a seat." Saeko: "No. There's no need for me to sit." Urara(Saeko): "I did it." Urara(Saeko): "I successfully switched bodies! N-Now!" Shibutani: "Sweet!" Asano: "What the heck's going on?" Urara(Say): "Hurry and take that girl away!" Saeko(Y): "That was close." Saeko(Y): "It was just like you said, Miyamura." Miyamura: "Better resign yourselves, problem students!" Saeko(Y): "Serves you all right!" Urara(Say): "I can't believe Yamada and Shiraishi already switched bodies!" Miyamura: "It sounds like you thought you could get Shiraishi-san expelled if you switched bodies with her and raised some trouble, however..." Saeko(Y): "Too bad! We were a step ahead of you! Now that the tables have turned, it won't do you any good to do what Takigawa tells you." Shibutani: "What do you mean?" Asano: "Noa is our friend. She's not making us do anything." Saeko(Y): "That "friend" who's making you trash our clubroom and assault Shiraishi?" Urara(Say): "Takigawa-san's not to blame!" Miyamura: "We're not getting anywhere. It's underhanded, but it looks like we have no choice but to take these guys hostage and convince Takigawa." Saeko(Y): "In that case, I've got a good idea." : "Do you guys need something from me?" Asano(T): "Wha? She found out already?" Shibutani(Mu): "What part of this was a "good idea"?" Saeko(Y): "You all suck too much at switching bodies!" Saeko(Y): "Do it right!" Both: "We don't want to hear that from you!" : "Darn." Saeko(Y): "A-Anyway! It's just as you see, Takigawa! The Supernatural Studies Club has those guys locked down! Quit trying to get witches expelled!" : "No." Saeko(Y): "What?" : "Did you think I'd give in that easily? You're such an idiot." Saeko(Y): "What was that?" Shibutani(Mu): "Cut it out." : "However..." : "I will make you a deal." : "I'll give back the first volume of the notebook. In exchange, give those three back." : "Those three are my precious friends." Saeko(Y): "A deal? I refuse!" : "In that case I'll give you the second volume, too! You shouldn't have any complaints about—" Saeko(Y): "No deal!" : "Why?! You're after the notebooks, right? If I give them to you—" Saeko(Y): "I'm positive I told you. Stop trying to get the witches expelled!" Saeko(Y): "That's our only demand!" : "No!" Saeko(Y): "What?!" : "I made you a deal because that's a condition I simply can't accept. You're so annoying." Saeko(Y): "Why you..." : "Seriously gross." Saeko(Y): "Oh, is that so? Looks like negotiations have fallen apart, then! Damn that woman!" Miyabi: "So, you came back?" Yamada: "Uh, well, yeah..." Miyabi: "What are you thinking?" Tsubaki: "We could have taken back the notebook, too!" Miyabi: "This is because of that stupid pride of yours!" Yamada: "What do you mean "stupid"? Our goal is to stop Takigawa's bad behavior!" Urara: "But that was unexpected. I thought they were being manipulated by her. On the contrary, it's hard to believe she feels for them so strongly she'd trade the notebooks for them." Miyamura: "Maybe we should use the charm power to bring them over to our side?" Saeko: "Stop! Anything but that. I'm begging you." Miyamura: "But as long as you won't back down, we've got no other choice." Saeko: "I understand. We'll give up on the witches from now on." Shibutani: "Fukazawa, you..." Saeko: "If you let us go back, we'll try to persuade Takigawa-san." Saeko: "I don't want her to be all alone." : "Are you all really okay with this?" Saeko: "We are. All four of us being together is better than being alone." : "I see. That's fine with me, then." : "Let's go." Yamada: "Hey, Noa." Yamada: "There's one thing I wanna ask you." : "What? If you're going to confess your love, my answer's no." Yamada: "Of course it's not that!" : "Then what?" Yamada: "I doubt this, but there's no way you were planning to control the whole school with your power, were you?" : "Indeed. It may have been something like that." Yamada: "Huh?" : "Too bad, we just had a little bit further to go, too." Yamada: "In that case you guys really are dull as hell." Yamada: "You caused all those problems and even made everyone hate them in the process?" Yamada: "I mean, isn't that right? Those guys were all popular to start with, even without the witches' powers." : "Don't screw with me!" : "Do you really think those three caused those problems because they wanted to?!" Yamada: "Huh?" : "I already know what your power is. Go ahead and take my power, then! This is the truth!" Girla: "She's still pretending she hasn't noticed." Boya: "Darn, at least panic a little!" Girlb: "Say, how about we leave her and just go home?" Yamada: "What was that disgusting dream just now?" Yamada: "You've got some nerve, showing me all that." : "Now you understand, right?" : "The meaning of the "truth" I mentioned." Yamada: "Yeah." Yamada: "In the beginning I simply thought it was your past. But that wasn't it." Yamada: "What I saw was a harsh past nobody would want to remember." Yamada: "In other words, your power is the ability to see dreams of traumatic events." Teacher: "What are you doing here?" Yamada: "A number of hours passed with you locked in the storage room before a patrolling teacher came by." Yamada: "If it were me, I definitely couldn't do it." : "Yes, that's right." : "But things are even more terrible for those three." : "They really didn't cause those incidents." : "They were framed, and then everything turned out this way." Yamada: "I see. So that's how it was." : "Hey, are you listening to me?" Yamada: "But you know, you don't have to worry about that anymore." Yamada: "You couldn't help wetting yourself." Yamada: "I think it's impressive you held it so long, myself. If it were me..." : "A-Are you a moron?! Did you come here to tell me that on purpose?! You are atrocious!" Yamada: "N-No." : "Well, we'll all keep getting along from now on, just the four of us. Please don't get in our way again." Yamada: "Oh, damn!" Yamada: "Why do things have to turn out that way?! Of course that isn't what I came here to say!" Yamada: "I'm telling you I'll help you!" Yamada: "You can't help wanting to save those three, can you?!" : "In that case... please say that from the very beginning." Yamada: "Shut up. You wanted to do this from the start, too." : "I've been looking for a way to save those three all this time, ever since I kissed them." : "And yet... And yet, I couldn't do a single thing for them!" : "So, please..." : "Yamada, save them..." Yamada: "What is it you want to do for them?" : "That's obvious. I want to get them back to where they originally belonged." Yamada: "Where they originally belonged?" : "I thought they could go back to being the focus of the school if they were able to obtain witch powers. But when you upperclassmen put a stop to our plan, I was finally able to realize something." Yamada: "Huh?" : "Those three were popular to begin with. If they're not by my side, they should be able to go back to where they belong anytime." Yamada: "Are you okay with that?" : "I do have a witch power, after all." : "Senpai?!" : "Sae-chan?" Yamada: "You guys? What're you up to?!" Asano: "Shut up!" Asano: "Nobody believes what we have to say! We never did anything, yet everyone in the school treats us like problem students!" : "Stop, Keigo! Stop, Ren!" Shibutani: "That's enough! We've gotta lead our school lives together now, all four of us!" Asano: "Some punk who didn't know a damn thing 'til a while ago better not act like he's the boss of us!" Yamada: "You're the ones who made me act this way!" Yamada: "It's because you guys are this way! Because you're so damn wishy-washy! Isn't that why Noa is suffering?!" Asano: "We already knew that without you needing to tell us." Asano: "But we don't know what we should do..." Yamada: "I don't know that either." Yamada: "But for now, why don't you just do something that will get Noa to smile?" Miyamura: "We were given permission to run the food stall without an issue. And it looks like the misunderstanding with that group of three first-years ended up being resolved." Tsubaki: "That's what's most important, but..." Miyabi: "What's the meaning of this?" Yamada: "Well, um, you know... Hey, don't cling to me!" : "Aw, but I've totally fallen for you, Senpai!" All: "What?!" Yamada: "I-Idiot! What're you talking about?!" : "Okay, Senpai. Let's go home together!" Yamada: "N-No, wait a second. Hey!" Miyabi: "Honestly, what does he think our clubroom is for?" Tsubaki: "Darn! Even though it's Yamada..." Miyabi: "You said it!" Urara: "There might be a different ability lurking within Takigawa-san's power." Miyabi: "Huh?" Urara: "I mean, it touches the most delicate piece of the heart, right?" Yamada: "I told you not to cling to me!" : "Senpai, please walk with me properly." Urara: "For both the one who is touched, and the one who does the touching." Urara: "Both parties transmit their feelings and are able to open their hearts to each other." Urara: "It's also that sort of power." Urara: "I'm sure those two might be similar in some ways..." : "Let's see. For today's date we should go shopping in the morning. We'll see a movie, have lunch at a cafe..." Yamada: "Hey, Noa!" : "Next time on Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches: "I'll Definitely Change the Future.""
{ "raw_title": "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Episode 8 – You're So Annoying", "parsed": [ "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches", "8", "You're So Annoying" ] }
Miyamura: "Welcome all, welcome all!" Miyabi: "How about a fortune? Accuracy guaranteed!" Urara: "We have yakisoba bread, too." Tsubaki: "The Supernatural Studies Club's specialty: fortunes that will absolutely strike home! Try it, or it's your loss!" Ushio: "Fortunes?" Ushio: "The yakisoba bread is practically an add-on. Totally shady." ene: "Why don't we try it out?" Ushio: "Huh?" ene: "You, anyway!" Yamada: "Welcome to the house of fortunes." Ushio: "What's with you? Aren't you Yamada?" Yamada: "I am not Yamada. My name is... Dragon Dayama. The Prophet of the Universe!" Ushio: "You're totally Yamada." Yamada: "I am Dayama!" Yamada: "Now, allow me to predict thine future at once. First, close thine eyes." Yamada: "Are you ready? Thou mustn't open thine eyes until the count of three." Yamada: "Three, two..." Ushio: "Wh-What'd you do to me?! Damn you!" Yamada: "Whatever do you mean?" Ushio: "You just kissed me!" Yamada: "I have seen it! You, sharing an indirect kiss with Odagiri Nene!" Yamada: "That is all!" ene: "I see. You're using Sarushima-san's power to predict the future, right?" Miyabi: "It was our last resort, since Yamada's yakisoba bread wasn't selling. I'm the one who came up with it." ene: "Let's go, Ushio-kun. We're done here." Ushio: "Huh? What's this?" ene: "I don't need it anymore, so I'm giving it to you." Ushio: "An indirect kiss?" Miyabi: "Okay, next in line!" Urara: "There is currently a forty-minute wait!" Students: "All right! Line up, line up! Hey, no cutting! C'mon!" Maria: "I'm so glad! My power was useful!" Yamada: "Yeah. Thanks to you, we sold out of yakisoba bread." Maria: "I wonder if this means I was able to pay you back some for the fire?" Yamada: "Don't worry." Yamada: "That wasn't such a big deal that you have to pay me back or anything." Maria: "Is that so?" Yamada: "It is." Maria: "In that case, Yamada-san, I'd like to ask your advice about something." Maria: "I was wondering... Would it be possible for me to erase a witch power on my own?" Yamada: "Huh? Why?" Maria: "I want to fall in love." Maria: "I can't really fall in love with someone if I see the future whenever I kiss them, can I?" Yamada: "I see." Yamada: "So you're Tamaki Shinichi, aren't you?" Yamada: "Hey. You can hear me, can't you?" Tamaki: "Ugh, another loud-mouthed idiot's turned up again?" Yamada: "Huh?" Tamaki: "So? Do you need something from me?" Yamada: "Yeah. I know it's sudden, but I need a favor." Yamada: "There's a witch who wants you to erase her power." Tamaki: "Oh, what could you possibly mean?" Yamada: "There's no point acting innocent." Tamaki: "I wonder, how do you know about me?" Yamada: "Because I've got a special information network!" Tamaki: "I'm sure that means it was Takigawa Noa. What a pain." Yamada: "Uh, you do realize you've been thinking out loud, right?" Tamaki: "No talking my way out of it, huh? In that case, come with me." Tamaki: "As you already know, my ability is to steal the powers of witches. In short," Tamaki: "I am currently in possession of a particular power that I stole from a certain witch." Yamada: "Oh, I see!" Tamaki: "I'll show it to you right now." Tamaki: "Ugh. What a pain." Yamada: "I can still hear you." Tamaki: "Hey, you!" Yamada: "Huh?" Girl: "Oh?" Yamada: "Wha?!" Yamada: "Huh? It wasn't me!" Girl: "Liar! Pervert!" Girl: "You suck!" Tamaki: "Get it now? I'm in possession of the power to hide myself from the person I kiss." Tamaki: "I can become invisible." Yamada: "Sweet!" Tamaki: "I know, right? If I were to kiss another witch, this power would be overwritten and disappear. As such, I can't afford to fulfill your request. Sorry." Yamada: "Wait! I can't afford to go back like this either." Tamaki: "What a loudmouth. In that case..." Tamaki: "Bye-bye, Yamada-kun! With this, I should have disappeared from your sights." Yamada: "I told you to wait." Tamaki: "Wh-Why can you still see me?" Yamada: "Dunno. Either way, it looks like you can't run from me." Tamaki: "So that means you're a witch killer, too." Yamada: "Witch killer?" Yamada: "Huh?" Tamaki: "If you'll listen to my request, then I'll listen to yours." Yamada: "Huh? Why me?" Tamaki: "It's a bargaining point. You could also call it a transaction, if you wish." Yamada: "I'll listen at least. Talk." Tamaki: "The truth is, I'm aiming for the seat of student council president next term." Tamaki: "I want you to look into who is going to succeed the president for me." Yamada: "His successor? Why don't you just look into that yourself?" Tamaki: "It's confidential. It's not information you can get your hands on easily." Yamada: "True. Yamazaki is a tricky guy." Tamaki: "If you investigate this and all goes well, I'll erase the power from the witch you mentioned." Mikoto: "Oh, Yamada-san. Did you have some business with us?" Mikoto: "If you're looking for the president, he's currently visiting the cultural festival." Mikoto: "He should be back shortly." Yamada: "Yeah." Yamazaki: "Oh, sorry to keep you, sorry to keep you." Yamazaki: "Sorry about that, Yamada-kun. I guess I was enjoying myself too much." Yamazaki: "So? You said you had business with me?" Yamada: "Yeah. I need to talk to you alone about something." Yamazaki: "Oh, don't mind Asuka-kun. Without her as my secretary, I couldn't possibly be president." Yamazaki: "Our relationship is such that we mustn't be separated." Yamada: "Or is it something you're embarrassed to say with a girl here? N-No. I'll say it, then." Yamada: "Have you thought about who you're going to make the next student council president?" Yamazaki: "The next?" Yamada: "Yeah. There's Miyamura, Odagiri, and others who want the position, right? Who's it gonna be?" Yamazaki: "Oh, that's an impossible request even coming from you, Yamada-kun." Yamada: "You're saying you can't tell me?" Yamazaki: "Yeah." Yamada: "Damn, I knew it. If it's come to this..." ene: "No way! I refuse! You can't use my power for something like that." ene: "Or so I'd like to say, but I'm curious how the president rates me, too." Miyamura: "Indeed." Urara: "If Sarushima-san is in distress, I'd like to help out, too." Yamada: "All right, it's settled! Here I go. With Odagiri's charm power..." Yamada: "Ah! A UFO!" Yamazaki: "Huh?" Mikoto: "President, are you unharmed?" Yamazaki: "Yeah." Yamada: "What the hell's this?!" Yamazaki: "Now, then. Could I get you to tell me why you tried to kiss me?" Yamazaki: "This is a problem." Yamada: "I don't give a damn what you do to me!" Yamazaki: "Oh, no. It's not what I'm going to do, Yamada-kun..." Yamazaki: "Come on. She'll break it for real next time." Yamada: "Wh-Who cares! There's a witch who wants her power erased!" Yamada: "I need information for her sake!" Mikoto: "Her power?" Yamada: "That's right! I won't give up!" Mikoto: "Understood." Mikoto: "If that's the case, let's work together." Yamada: "Huh? Wh-Why?" Mikoto: "I relied on the president and had mine erased, as well." Mikoto: "The witch power of invisibility." Yamada: "Invisibility? That means Tamaki's power..." Mikoto: "...is the power I possessed." Yamazaki: "Oh, dear. So you're acquainted with Tamaki-kun, as well? You continue to surprise me." Yamada: "Will you tell me?" Yamazaki: "It's not possible even as a favor to Asuka-kun." Yamada: "Wha?" Yamazaki: "After all, I haven't been able to decide yet. Tamaki-kun was the most prominent of the bunch, but now that he's gotten involved in this incident, I feel compelled to re-evaluate him." Yamazaki: "Therefore, all three are completely neck-and-neck." Yamada: "That's a problem for me!" Yamazaki: "Say what you will, it isn't something I can decide so easily. I know! Let's decide it with a game!" Yamada: "You decided that really easily!" Yamazaki: "Did you know, Yamada-kun? There are seven witches in this school." Yamada: "He said to search for the seventh witch." Miyamura: "True. We've identified six witches to date." ene: "What about you two?" Yamada: "He said men don't count." Tamaki: "So, as long as we find the seventh witch, I can be the student council president next term?" ene: "That makes it easy to understand. We're going witch hunting right away, Ushio-kun." Ushio: "Yeah." Miyamura: "The Supernatural Studies Club will do it, too!" Yamada: "No. Whether you become president or not doesn't have anything to do with us." Yamada: "More importantly, Tamaki! I kept my promise. Erase Sarushima's power for her now." Tamaki: "I can't do that just yet." Yamada: "What?" Tamaki: "Think about it. If I take Sarushima-san's power from her, my power of invisibility will disappear, and a new witch who possesses the power will be born." Tamaki: "If two unknown witches come to be, the game doesn't work." Yamada: "Yeah, I suppose." Tamaki: "Don't worry. I'll definitely keep my promise. Once we find the last witch remaining, that is." Yamada: "That's the story. Sorry I ended up making you wait." Maria: "No problem. Thanks for telling me." Yamada: "Hey! If you kiss me!" Maria: "Oh!" Yamada: "Don't "oh" me. Come on, now I'm gonna see something!" Maria: "Oh, no! I'm sorry!" Maria: "You did it, Yamada! My power really disappeared!" Yamada: "I'm glad." Maria: "Thank you as well, Tamaki-kun!" Tamaki: "Don't mention it. This was cheap. I was able to become the student council president thanks to this, too." Maria: "What's wrong, Yamada? What sort of future did you see?" Yamada: "A future where your power has disappeared!" Yamada: "See ya! I'm going to head back to the clubroom!" Maria: "Okay! See you!" Boy: "What the...?" Tamaki: "Oh, not good. It's about time for the meeting. Look, my secretary has come to get me." Tsubaki: "What's the matter, Yamada? You're so worked up." Yamada: "Miyamura, we're going witch hunting immediately!" Miyamura: "Huh? What's up? Your attitude's totally changed from earlier." Miyamura: "Hey, Yamada. What sort of future did you see?" Yamada: "N-No, I didn't see the future or anything." Miyamura: "Liar. You started acting weird right after you went to see Sarushima-san." Miyamura: "Say it. If you won't..." Yamada: "I get it! Tamaki will become president!" Miyamura: "That doesn't tell me anything." Miyamura: "I want to know why you decided to help me. What did you really see?" Yamada: "Shiraishi became the secretary." Miyamura: "What? That's all? Don't you think secretary to the president is a position befitting of an honor student who's ranked first in her year?" Yamada: "That's not it." Miyamura: "Then what is?" Miyamura: "Because Shiraishi-san will be separated from us or something?" Yamada: "I said that's not it! Shiraishi was..." Tamaki: "Sorry to make you go out of your way to meet me here." Urara: "Not at all." Tamaki: "What was on the agenda today, again?" Urara: "The theater club's budget application, and the school's internal bulletin board usage regulations." Yamada: "Uh, hey, Shiraishi!" Yamada: "When I saw the look on her face, I had no choice but to admit it." Miyamura: "D-Don't tell me, you..." Yamada: "That's right. I love Shiraishi!" Miyamura: "This is the list of students who have caused problems in the school. Regardless of whether they're aware of it, it's easy for witches to become the center of disturbances." Yamada: "So this is where we start?" Miyabi: "Just when I thought you two didn't show up to the festival afterparty and disappeared on your own..." Tsubaki: "Was the future where Tamaki is president that bad?" Urara: "Wait." Urara: "I think it will be fine to remove the boys from this list." Yamada: "Oh, I see. Witches are women. That's our Shiraishi!" Miyamura: "Let's begin the investigation immediately. Or so I'd like to say, but as long as we don't know what sort of power she possesses, proceed with caution." All: "Yeah!" Miyamura: "Ito-san, Tsubaki." Miyabi: "What is it?" Tsubaki: "What's up?" Miyamura: "Please assist us in this battle for presidency, for Yamada's sake, as well as my own. I'm begging you." Miyabi: "Wh-What're you saying?" Tsubaki: "You're being gross." Yamada: "H-Hey! How'd it go?" Urara: "Nothing yet." Yamada: "I-I see. Let's do our best." Urara: "Wait. The reason you're witch hunting..." Urara: "You do have a reason, don't you?" Urara: "It doesn't have to be now... but if a chance to tell me comes, please do." Yamada: "Yeah." ene: "You're awfully relaxed. Or have you given up on becoming the student council president?" Tamaki: "I'm just going to wait until the time comes." ene: "Is what he said, anyway. Tamaki has no enthusiasm left. In essence, this is a one-on-one fight between you and me now! Do give it your best shot." Miyamura: "Hold on. Did she come here on purpose just to take a jab at Tamaki, and to report to me while she was at it? Does she have that much free time?" Miyabi: "We've totally disregarded Tamaki in the first place." Tsubaki: "Yeah. The only thing we're after are the problem students!" Miyamura: "What's wrong, Yamada?" Yamada: "Is that what Tamaki has been up to?" Miyamura: "What's that supposed to mean?" Miyamura: "What?!" Tsubaki: "Stop it—" Yamada: "No doubt about it." Yamada: "Man, you guys messed up bad!" All: "Huh?" Yamada: "Listen up. All three of you have had Tamaki's invisibility power cast on you!" Miyabi: "Huh?!" Tsubaki: "Seriously?" Yamada: "The one I most recently kissed was Sarushima. Since I didn't see the future after kissing any of you," Yamada: "that means you're under someone else's spell." Miyamura: "Ah..." Miyamura: "Could Tamaki have come into the clubroom, too?" Yamada: "It's possible." Miyabi: "He was plotting to steal all our hard work!" Tsubaki: "If it's come to this, let's dispel it right away and crush his plans!" Yamada: "No, things are fine this way." Urara: "Why?" Yamada: "We'll use the body-switching power and outsmart him!" Yamada: "All right. Nobody followed you, right?" Urara: "We could have just switched bodies back in the clubroom." Yamada: "Huh? Um, but, doing this in front of everyone..." Urara: "We've got to hurry and switch." Yamada: "Y-Yeah." Yamada: "W-Wait! There's something I want to make sure of first." Yamada: "You're really okay with switching bodies, right?" Urara: "I am." Yamada: "You are? After this, we won't be able to return to our original bodies until the future changes! If things don't go well, it could take longer than two or three days." Urara: "I prepared myself for that ages ago." Yamada: "Y-Yeah, I guess so. Oh, also! About my place... My sister Tatsumi and my mom will meddle, but you can ignore them for the most part." Urara: "Yes, I'll deal with it." Yamada: "Also, there's a box with "confidential" written on it in the closet..." Urara: "Say, Yamada-kun." Urara: "Why aren't we doing it?" Yamada: "Uh, wait a second! There's still some stuff I want to check..." Shiraishi(Y): "What'd you do?! I wasn't emotionally ready yet!" Yamada(U): "Let's go back to the clubroom." Urara(Y): "Uh, hey!" Urara(Y): "W-Wait up, Shiraishi!" Urara(Y): "There's one more thing I want to tell you." Urara(Y): "The truth is... In the future I saw, Tamaki doesn't just become president." Urara(Y): "I saw a future where you become his secretary, too." Yamada(U): "I see. That's fine, then. I can just do my job as secretary" Yamada(U): "in the time I have left over from studying and club activities." Urara(Y): "That's not right! The you I saw in the future had the same look on your face as you did the first time we switched bodies!" Urara(Y): "I don't want to see you make that sort of face ever again!" Yamada(U): "I see. So that's how it was." Yamada(U): "But it's none of your concern." Yamada(U): "After all, I have no intention of going back to the way I was then." Yamada(U): "So please, be sure to change the future." Tamaki: "I want you to divine whether or not I'll be able to make friends!" Yamada: "Okay, Dragon Dayama shall bear witness!" Tamaki: "Next time on Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches: "Please Go Out With Me!"" Yamada: "There's not enough of a presence. I can't see anything!"
{ "raw_title": "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches Episode 9 – Be Sure to Change the Future", "parsed": [ "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches", "9", "Be Sure to Change the Future" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon. Feudal era and present day. Peacefulness and war. Joy and sorrow. Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity." Towa Higurashi: "And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny! "The Gold and Silver Rainbow Pearls"" Towa Higurashi: "Hup." Text: "HALF-DEMON GIRL – TOWA HIGURASHI " Towa Higurashi: "HALF-DEMON GIRL – TOWA HIGURASHI I think it was around here, the village where Mr. Jyubei said demons were rampaging." Text: "MOROHA SETSUNA " Setsuna: "MOROHA SETSUNA And you're sure we can trust MOROHA SETSUNA the source of that information?" Takechiyo: "Master Jyubei is as good as his word!" Setsuna: "Here's some Rock Paper Scissor gummies as a reward." Moroha: "All right, let's get going." Towa Higurashi: "You're right." Takechiyo: "Hey, don't leave me behind!" Moroha: "Something smells like it's burning. Where's that smell coming from?" Towa Higurashi: "Look at that." Towa Higurashi: "That cow is dead." Takechiyo: "It's been roasted whole." Setsuna: "Did lightning strike it or something?" Moroha: "It sure looks tasty though, that poor thing." m Husband: "Hey, you three!" m Husband: "If you stand there, you might get hit. That cow was a victim of a fight between demon siblings." Moroha: "A demon sibling fight? So that's what this is all about, huh?" Towa Higurashi: "Siblings?" m Husband: "Yeah, their names are Kinka and Ginka. Every day they fight, and the villages here are in a shambles from it." m Wife: "Dear, they're coming again!" m Husband: "Run for it!" Towa Higurashi: "They're coming?" Setsuna: "Is it those siblings?" Moroha: "If they're coming to us, then that's perfect for us." Moroha: "That bounty will be ours." Ginka: "YOUNGER KA DEMON BROTHER – GINKA Damn you, Kinka! YOUNGER KA DEMON BROTHER – GINKA Today is the day I will finally pulverize your head!" Kinka: "OLDER KA DEMON BROTHER – KINKA Shut up, Ginka! OLDER KA DEMON BROTHER – KINKA And I'll burn yours straight through to your skull!" Kinka: "Eat this!" Moroha: "That was dangerous." Setsuna: "Siblings? They have the same face." Towa Higurashi: "Enough already." Ginka: "Who are you?" Kinka: "You dare stop our battle?" Towa Higurashi: "Why are you fighting? You're siblings, aren't you?" Ginka: "Silence!" Kinka: "We do not wish to live as siblings." Ginka: "Kinka. Just hearing your voice makes me want to hurl." Kinka: "Ginka, I don't want to look at your face for one second longer." Towa Higurashi: "If you hate each other so much, why are you stuck together?" Ginka: "We only part when one of us dies." Kinka: "Originally, this body was supposed to become one of ours. Our kind is born with two heads for one body. The stronger consumes the weaker, and evolves into one powerful demon." Ginka: "It is eat or be eaten! However, we have only managed to injure each other." Kinka: "We've never been able to kill the other, so our battle has dragged on until now. You're wide open!" Towa Higurashi: "Looks like it's not a matter of getting along or not. What should we do about them?" Moroha: "Mr. Jyubei did give us this job after all. Why not just slay them and collect the bounty?" Ginka: "What?" Ginka: "Kinka, look at that! Are those not the Rainbow Pearls, the fabled treasure that is said to increase our Ka Demon Tribe's demon powers?" Kinka: "Indeed. Why don't we call a temporary truce, and acquire those Rainbow Pearls?" Moroha: "What the hell? They ran away. There goes my chance to cash in..." m Husband: "Hey, you girls over there." m Husband: "You saved us. I didn't think you'd chase those demons away." m Wife: "We can't do much, but please, allow us to thank you in some way." Towa Higurashi: "Uh, no that's—" Moroha: "Those guys were no trouble at all! Okay, let's go. I'm starving from all that demon slaying." Towa Higurashi: "Thank you for the meal." Moroha: "Phew, I'm stuffed!" Setsuna: "Hey, Moroha. You're being rude." m Husband: "That's all right, I'm glad you enjoyed the meal." Setsuna: "Geez." Towa Higurashi: "What's wrong, Setsuna?" Moroha: "Still, those brothers were pretty hopeless, huh? And here we've got sisters" Moroha & Farm Husbad: "– What's happened to you two? – who get along pretty well." Moroha: "What the heck are you doing?" Moroha: "Whoa, hey!" Towa Higurashi: "Let's take this outside." Setsuna: "You're so bothersome." Moroha: "Hey, what's gotten into you two?" Moroha: "Geez, both of you, enough already!" Setsuna: "Why? My body is acting on its own." Towa Higurashi: "What should I do? I'll end up hurting Setsuna." Moroha: "Hey! Stop it! You two are being controlled by those fighting demon siblings." Towa Higurashi: "So that's what's happening. No wonder my body's not listening to me." Setsuna: "Then, I'll use demon slayer medicine..." Setsuna: "Damn it, my body won't do as I wish." Moroha: "Come on, stop it." Kinka: "Is that demon slayer poison?" Ginka: "However, we were able to achieve our goal." Kinka: "Yes, let's return for now." Towa Higurashi: "Oh good! They ran away. Setsuna!" Towa Higurashi: "I knew you and I were siblings connected by blood." Setsuna: "Don't misunderstand. It's thanks to the demon slayer medicine." Moroha: "A-Anyway, we need to take back the Rainbow Pearls they stole from you." Towa Higurashi: "You're right. Takechiyo, are you here?" Takechiyo: "You called? I'm right here." Towa Higurashi: "I'll give you chocolate gummies later, so help us chase them down." Takechiyo: "You got it! That's a promise." Towa Higurashi: "Okay, let's go." Moroha: "Sorry, give me a second." Moroha: "Okay, thanks for waiting. Wait, they're gone?" Moroha: "Hey, wait for me! Don't leave me behind, damn it!" m Husband: "Well, there they go." Kinka: "Our Ka Demon Tribe's leader, Lady Joka." Ginka: "Lady Joka. We have acquired the Rainbow Pearls, the fabled treasure said to double our demon powers. If you would give us praise for our efforts." Joka: "LEADER OF THE KA DEMONS – JOKA I applaud you for stealing those. LEADER OF THE KA DEMONS – JOKA You've returned to me at last. You've returned to me at last." Joka: "I can finally get my revenge on Sesshomaru." Kinka: "Our Ka Demon Tribe's leader, Lady Joka." Ginka: "Lady Joka. We have acquired the Rainbow Pearls, the fabled treasure said to double our demon powers. If you would give us praise for our efforts." Joka: "I applaud you for stealing those. You've returned to me at last." Joka: "I can finally get my revenge on Sesshomaru." Joka: "In order to do that... I will take in your demon powers into my body." Kinka: "Ginka!" Ginka: "Lady Joka, what are you..." Ginka: "This is..." Kinka: "What?" Joka: "Did you think I was supporting your growth out of simple kindness? I was waiting for your powers to reach their potential so you can offer your bodies to me. You will now become a part of me, demon power and all!" Kinka: "G-Ginka." Ginka: "K-Kinka..." Kinka: "Ginka, your flesh is to become a part of me and no other! She may be the leader of the Ka Demon Tribe, but I will not allow your flesh to be eaten by her! Ginka!" Ginka: "Kinka, my brother!" Kinka: "My brother! Grab my hand!" Joka & Ginka: "– You'll be dealt with later! – Brother!" Moroha: "Wait for me, dammit..." Moroha: "I can't believe them! Those dummies. I'll get them later!" Towa Higurashi: "What the hell..." Setsuna: "...is that?" Takechiyo: "Whatever it is, it's gigantic!" Kinka: "Ginka!" Towa Higurashi: "This is exactly like the time I was trying to save Setsuna in that forest fire." Kinka: "Ginka, my brother!" Setsuna: "What... is happening?" Towa Higurashi (4 Years Old) & Setsuna: "– It'll be okay. Come on! – I feel like I've also" Setsuna: "experienced what Kinka and Ginka are going through." Setsuna: "But..." Setsuna (4 Years Old): "Sis!" Setsuna: "Who was the one trying to rescue me from that fire?" Setsuna: "Are these my memories?" Setsuna: "Who was that person?" Setsuna: "Why can't I remember?" Kinka: "Ginka!" Ginka: "Kinka!" Setsuna (4 Years Old): "Look out!" Towa Higurashi (4 Years Old): "Oh, no!" Kinka: "Ginka!" Towa Higurashi (4 Years Old): "Setsuna!" Setsuna: "The one who called my name back then was..." Ginka: "Kinka!" Kinka: "Ginka!" Towa Higurashi: "K-Kinka?" Takechiyo: "Hey! I'll be watching you from here, so work hard, okay?" Towa Higurashi: "Kinka!" Towa Higurashi: "Are you okay?" Kinka: "You're..." Kinka: "Please... lend us your strength. My little brother is..." Towa Higurashi: "Kinka." Joka: "My side hurts from laughing. Is your little brother that precious to you?" Kinka: "Stop it!" Joka: "Why do you want to stop me? It's your fate for one of you to die. You even tried to kill him yourself. Such foolish siblings. And you seek aid from the very one from whom you stole the Rainbow Pearls. You're an embarrassment to the clan!" Towa Higurashi: "Hey you! You just say whatever the hell you want to say, don't you?" Towa Higurashi: "Let's save Ginka. I can't stand it when people speak badly about siblings." Towa Higurashi: "But I have one condition. If I save him, you have to return the Rainbow Pearls to us." Kinka: "Understood. I know some sacrifices must be made." Setsuna: "Wait." Setsuna: "I'll go." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna?" Setsuna: "I'll assist you." Kinka: "Thank you." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, you're trying to understand those siblings' feelings, aren't you?" Setsuna: "What the hell are you doing?" Kinka: "Look at your naginata." Setsuna: "This is..." Kinka: "My flames will be effective against Joka. With that naginata, you should be able to defeat her." Joka: "How dare you! I'll skewer your limbs!" Kinka: "Ginka! Dear brother!" Joka: "You're in my way." Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" Kinka: "Ginka!" Kinka: "Are you all right?" Ginka: "B-Brother..." Joka: "The Rainbow Pearls are mine!" Joka: "You shielded your brother? How foolish!" Setsuna: "Scourge of..." Joka: "You blasted little girls!" Setsuna: "...Swallows!" Towa Higurashi: "Did she get her?" Setsuna: "I'm sorry." Setsuna: "I couldn't save your younger brother." Kinka: "He did say that we only part when one of us dies." Kinka: "But I think, ever since we were born, we already knew." Kinka: "That when one of us dies..." Kinka: "...so would the other. That is the fate of us siblings who are connected by blood." Kinka: "Ginka, you were the reason I was able to keep living." Kinka: "Even though we hated each other, we were each other's reason to live." Setsuna: "We got our Rainbow Pearls back. We're going home." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna. Could it be that you remembered something?" Moroha: "I finally caught up." Moroha: "Geez! The both of you are so horrible, leaving me behind like that!" Moroha: "Hey, where are those demons?" Takechiyo: "It's that mountain of ash." Moroha: "I knew it. We can't collect our bounty if they're all burnt up, dammit!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha, what are you doing?" Moroha: "If I could at least get some of these ashes as proof..." Moroha: "Hey, wait for me!" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, could your memories be..." Hikomaru: "Let go of me, Chiyo! I'm going to avenge Ma and Pa!" Towa Higurashi: "There's a dreadful pond that devours any person, beast, or bird that comes near. We set out to slay the demon and meet the siblings Hikomaru and Chiyo." Moroha: "That's the one I saw yesterday. I'll send you to the afterlife with my Kurikaramaru!" Venom Serpent: "You annoying little girls!" Towa Higurashi: "Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: "Curse of the Man-Eating Pond""
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 10 – The Gold and Silver Rainbow Pearls", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "10", "The Gold and Silver Rainbow Pearls" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon." Towa Higurashi: "Feudal era and present day. Peacefulness and war." Towa Higurashi: "Joy and sorrow." Towa Higurashi: "Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity." Towa Higurashi: "And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Towa Higurashi: "I wonder what that was. That sense of unity I felt..." Towa Higurashi: "It felt like we understood each other without having to say a single word." Moroha: "Whoa, hey! BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA I-Is this burning?!" Moroha: "How long am I supposed to..." Towa Higurashi: "Geez, what are you doing?" Moroha: "This thing we brought from your world, PANCAKE MIX SUPER FLUFFY what was it called again?" Towa Higurashi: "Pancakes." Moroha: "That's the one." Moroha: "Oh, looks like it's frying up nicely." Moroha: "But man, this really is useful!" Moroha: "You can cook wherever, whenever you want." Moroha: "Gotta check it for poison first!" Towa Higurashi: "Hey, are you all right?" Moroha: "I need something to drink! Right now!" Moroha: "Th-There! W-Water!" Towa Higurashi: "Wait, is she seriously going to drink that pond water?" Setsuna: "Looks like it." Towa Higurashi: "Wait, get back here!" Moroha: "Water, water! Water, water!" Towa Higurashi: "If you drink that muddy water, you're going to get a stomachache." Moroha: "B-But... Oh, I'm not choking anymore." Towa Higurashi: "Geez." Towa Higurashi: "What's wrong?" Moroha: "Just now! The pond swallowed up the bird." Towa Higurashi: "The pond swallowed the bird?" Moroha: "Yeah! A bird came zooming by, and the water went splash and the bird got gobbled up!" Setsuna: "You're so noisy as usual. I'm leaving." Towa Higurashi: "The Demon Slayer's place, right? I'll go with you." Moroha: "H-Hey!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha, you're heading to Mr. Jyubei's, right? Good luck with that, okay?" Moroha: "Geez. But that was really weird. I swear the pond just..." Towa Higurashi: ""Curse of the Man-Eating Pond"" Setsuna: "A "Man-Eating Pond'?" Kohaku: "Yes. It's on the other side of that hill, and a little hidden." Towa Higurashi: "Hey, that's where we were earlier..." Hisui: "MASTER OF HIRAIKOTSU – HISUI According to the villagers, the pond used to be so beautiful that it sparkled and shone like a mirror." Hisui: "But something started living in it, and it started getting murky." Setsuna: "You're saying that "something" is the Man-Eating Pond's real identity?" Kohaku: "Yes. It's just that no one alive has ever seen what it is. And that's because... LEADER OF DEMON SLAYERS – KOHAKU And that's because... LEADER OF DEMON SLAYERS – KOHAKU all eye-witnesses have been eaten. all eye-witnesses have been eaten." Hisui: "Whatever it is, it eats anything that comes near the pond. Humans, beasts, and birds." Towa Higurashi: "Birds..." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna." Setsuna: "Looks like she wasn't just fooling around. So all we have to do is slay it, right?" Towa Higurashi: "Hey, wait for me." Towa Higurashi: "So it's a mysterious "something" living in the pond." Towa Higurashi: "I wonder what it is." Towa Higurashi: "What is it, Setsuna?" Setsuna: "Hold this for me." Towa Higurashi: "What? Hey." Towa Higurashi & Hikomaru: "– Why're you in such a hurry? – Let go of me!" Chiyo: "HIKOMARU'S LITTLE SISTER – CHIYO No Brother, please don't go! No Brother, please don't go!" Hikomaru: "HIKOMARU Let go of me, Chiyo! HIKOMARU I'm going to avenge Ma and Pa! I'm going to avenge Ma and Pa!" Chiyo: "Stop it! I don't want you to disappear, too!" Hikomaru: "Let me go. I said, let me go!" Hikomaru: "Chiyo..." Hikomaru: "I'm sorry!" Setsuna: "Don't go over there. It's dangerous." Hikomaru: "Who are you! Let me go! Come on, let me go!" Hikomaru: "I need to go there!" Towa Higurashi: "Are you okay?" Towa Higurashi: "Oh, you're hurt." Towa Higurashi: "Here, I'll carry you." Towa Higurashi: "Come on, let's tend your wounds at your home." Chiyo: "O-Okay." Towa Higurashi: "There we go. That's okay, right, Setsuna?" Setsuna: "Yes." Setsuna: "You're coming, too." Towa Higurashi: "So that's what happened." Towa Higurashi: "You lost your mom and dad to that pond." Chiyo: "Yeah." Setsuna: "I understand what happened, but don't be so reckless anymore." Hikomaru: "But—" Towa Higurashi: "No "buts."" Towa Higurashi: "Listen. Older brothers can never let go of their little sister's hand, okay? Because it'll be too late if you regret it later." Hikomaru: "I-I'm sorry." Moroha: "Geez, why am I stuck doing something like this? Itchy." Text: "FLEA DEMON – MYOGA " Myoga: "FLEA DEMON – MYOGA Lady Moroha." Moroha: "FLEA DEMON – MYOGA There you are again, Grandpa Myoga. There you are again, Grandpa Myoga." Myoga: "It feels really nice being beside you that I can't help it, Lady Moroha. By the way, why are you being relegated to cleaning?" Takechiyo: "Hey, you've missed a spot over here." Moroha: "TAKECHIYO I already cleaned that area." Text: "TAKECHIYO " Takechiyo: "TAKECHIYO Oh really now?" Takechiyo: "Look at that, it's still so grimy though. And here, and here, and even here, too." Moroha: "I don't want to clean anymore! I'm Moroha the Demon Killer!" Takechiyo: "Oh yeah? Then why haven't you brought in any heads lately?" Moroha: "Well, you know, things happen..." Takechiyo: "If you can't pay back the advance payment that Master Jyubei lent you, the least you could do is help clean." Moroha: "All right already!" Moroha: "Geez." Towa Higurashi: "Okay, let's see that wound." Chiyo: "Ouch." Towa Higurashi: "Sorry, did that sting?" Chiyo: "A little. But I'm okay." Towa Higurashi: "You're strong, Chiyo. Then..." Towa Higurashi: "You get a heart-shaped one." Chiyo: "What is that?" Towa Higurashi: "Well, you see..." Hikomaru: "Hey, don't paste anything weird on Chiyo." Towa Higurashi: "Don't worry." Towa Higurashi: "This is an adhesive bandage. It's like a plaster, but better." Grandma: "The sun is already setting," Text: "HIKOMARU AND CHIYO'S GRANDMA The sun is already setting," Grandma: "HIKOMARU AND CHIYO'S GRANDMA so why don't you two HIKOMARU AND CHIYO'S GRANDMA spend the night here? spend the night here?" Chiyo: "Yeah, let's do that! Brother, you tell them, too." Hikomaru: "Well, it doesn't really matter to me." Chiyo: "Please? Can you please stay the night?" Towa Higurashi & Chiyo: "– What do you think, Setsuna? – Please, please?" Setsuna: "Don't ask me." Grandma: "Oh, my." Hikomaru: "Grandma, another bowl!" Chiyo: "Another bowl!" Grandma: "Yes, yes." Towa Higurashi: "We're going to end up spending the night, huh? And they even fed us a meal." Setsuna: "This house is close to the pond. It's an ideal spot to be for our job." Grandma: "About that pond, it's been quite muddy ever since I was a child." Towa Higurashi: "I heard that pond used to be as clear as a mirror." Grandma: "That's right." Grandma: "A sage purified those muddy waters by using medicinal herbs." Setsuna: "A sage?" Towa Higurashi: "With medicinal herbs..." Grandma: "That sage planted medicinal herbs around the pond so that they could be used if the pond became murky again. There should be a nice wonderful patch of medicinal herbs by now..." Hikomaru: "But because of the Venom Serpent, we can't go near it anymore." Setsuna: ""Venom Serpent"?" Chiyo: "It's a huge snake-like demon that's poisonous." Towa Higurashi: "Have you two seen it before?" Hikomaru & Chiyo: "Yeah." Chiyo: "Hey Miss, what's that?" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna." Setsuna: "It's a musical instrument." Chiyo: "What a funny shape." Hikomaru: "Is it like a biwa lute?" Hikomaru: "Our Pa was good at playing the biwa, too." Chiyo: "He always played it for us." Setsuna: "I see." Towa Higurashi: "This is called a violin." Hikomaru & Chiyo: ""Bio-lin"?" Chiyo: "Can you play for us?" Hikomaru: "I want to hear it, too." Setsuna: "I'm not really good at it, but..." Grandma: "If you could be so kind, please play a song for these children." Towa Higurashi: "What's wrong, you two?" Grandma: "Their father was..." Hikomaru: "He played the biwa for us by that pond." Hikomaru: "That's when he got swallowed up." Grandma: "There, there." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna." Towa Higurashi: "Sorry, Setsuna. I accidentally fell asleep by myself." Setsuna: "It's fine. Don't worry about it." Towa Higurashi: "Nights are probably long when you can't sleep, huh?" Towa Higurashi: "I'll definitely catch the Dream Butterfly, so..." Setsuna: "It's always been like this..." Setsuna: "for as long as I could remember." Setsuna: "So I don't find it a hardship." Setsuna: "If I stay here like this, the sun will eventually rise." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna." Setsuna: "Anyway, I've been thinking about what Moroha said." Setsuna: "Why did Moroha say that the pond swallowed the bird up?" Towa Higurashi: "You're right, if you saw something getting eaten, you'd have mentioned what did the eating, like a snake or some other organism." Setsuna: "It's fine." Setsuna: "Go to sleep. Come morning, it'll be time to slay the Venom Serpent." Towa Higurashi: "Then I'll sleep here. Good night. Ouch!" Setsuna: "Don't come near me like you know me." Moroha: "Geez." Moroha: "Those two didn't come home last night, so where the hell are they? Towa! Setsuna!" Moroha: "Oh, there they are." Moroha: "Hey, you two!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha." Moroha: "Geez, where've you been? You didn't come home last night, so I got worried and looked for you." Towa Higurashi: "Oh, a couple kids from the village let us stay at their home." Moroha: "Kids from the village?" Setsuna: "There's no time to explain." Towa Higurashi: "A demon called the Venom Serpent is living in this pond." Moroha: "Venom Serpent? So the thing I saw yesterday was..." Towa Higurashi: "Yeah, most likely. We're going to go slay it." Moroha: "What? Then I'll help you. All right, time to get that bounty. I never want to clean rooms ever again." Moroha: "Hey, Venom Serpent! Come on out! I'll send you to the afterlife with my Kurikaramaru!" Setsuna: "Don't be so brash!" Towa Higurashi: "Here it comes." Moroha: "There you are, Venom Serpent. Crimson Dragon Wave!" Moroha: "Damn, this stings. Could this be demon venom?" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha, watch out!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Setsuna: "Don't get distracted." Text: "VENOM SERPENT" Towa Higurashi: "So this is the Venom Serpent?" Venom Serpent: "Are you the one who tried to hurt this pond?" Towa Higurashi: "It can talk?" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, be careful!" Setsuna: "Scourge of Swallows!" Venom Serpent: "You annoying little girls!" Towa Higurashi: "Are you okay, Setsuna?" Setsuna: "Y-Yeah." Myoga: "Lady Moroha, are you all right?" Moroha: "Itchy!" Moroha: "I'm still alive somehow..." Moroha: "Huh? The itchiness went away." Myoga: "It's probably thanks to this herb." Moroha: "Herb?" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, are you okay?" Setsuna: "Towa, why isn't the venom affecting you at all?" Towa Higurashi: "You're right. I have no clue." Towa Higurashi: "If that's the case, leave this to me. Venom Serpent, I'm your opponent!" Towa Higurashi: "It's like the pond is alive..." Moroha: "The pond is protecting the Venom Serpent!" Myoga: "The Venom Serpent is not the only one living here." Myoga: "The pond itself is a demon, too." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, look." Setsuna: "What is that?" Towa Higurashi: "So many people drowned in this pond." Text: "WATER DEMON – DRIFTING POND " Drifting Pond: "WATER DEMON – DRIFTING POND I am Drifting Pond." Drifting Pond: "I drift from pond to pond, consume it, and become the pond itself." Moroha: "Drifting Pond, huh? That's the one I saw yesterday." Myoga: "Venom Serpent and Drifting Pond. This will be a tough battle." Moroha: "I'll help, too." Myoga: "Lady Moroha, you do not have venom resistance. Even if you went to help, you would only cause them trouble!" Moroha: "Damn it." Drifting Pond: "How dare you endanger the resident of this pond! Die!" Towa Higurashi: "That's nothing!" Towa Higurashi: "How's that?" Setsuna: "Towa, what's wrong?" Towa Higurashi: "I don't know. My body suddenly..." Setsuna: "Could the demon venom have soaked into the water? However..." Setsuna: "This time, it's only affecting Towa. What's going on?" Myoga: "I see. It looks like the two of them have different types of venom resistance." Moroha: "What do you mean?" Myoga: "Apparently, Lady Towa has resistance to poison mist," Myoga: "while Lady Setsuna has resistance to venom." Myoga: "As expected from Lord Sesshomaru's daughters. Now they just need to properly utilize their resistances." Setsuna: "Can you move, Towa?" Towa Higurashi: "Yeah, somewhat." Venom Serpent: "You little girls, I will not forgive you." Setsuna: "Drifting Pond and Venom Serpent. Both at the same time. This'll be tough." Towa Higurashi: "It'll be okay." Towa Higurashi: "There's two of us!" Setsuna: "Is that..." Setsuna: "A biwa?" Grandma: "A sage purified those muddy waters by using medicinal herbs." Setsuna: "That's right! The patch of medicinal herbs." Towa Higurashi: "What is it, Setsuna?" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna." Setsuna: "Towa, I'll deal with Drifting Pond." Setsuna: "I'm leaving the Venom Serpent to you." Towa Higurashi: "You got it." Drifting Pond: "You won't escape!" Myoga: "Lady Setsuna is heading this way." Moroha: "You're right. What's going on?" Setsuna: "You better dodge this, Moroha." Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" Drifting Pond: "This is nothing!" Setsuna: "If these are the sage's medicinal herbs, then it should purify you, since you are sullying the pond." Moroha: "Hey, the water's clearing up!" Venom Serpent: "D-Drifting Pond..." Setsuna: "Towa! I'm leaving the rest to you!" Towa Higurashi: "I know!" Towa Higurashi: "Poison mist won't work on me!" Venom Serpent: "Drifting... Pond..." Moroha: "You two are amazing. You got both of them at the same time." Towa Higurashi & Moroha: "– Yay! – Yeah!" Towa Higurashi & Setsuna: "– Yay! – Y..." Towa Higurashi: "What? You're not going to?" Setsuna: "You're annoying." Towa Higurashi: "I'm hurt..." Moroha: "Wow, look at that." Moroha: "This pond is so pretty and clear." Towa Higurashi & Setsuna: "– Yep. – Yeah." Chiyo: "Miss!" Towa Higurashi: "Oh, Chiyo and Hikomaru." Hikomaru: "Here, you forgot this." Setsuna: "Thank you." Chiyo: "So pretty!" Moroha: "Right? I can definitely drink this water now." Towa Higurashi: "Geez, stop it already, Moroha." Hikomaru: "You guys all defeated that thing, right?" Hikomaru: "Thank you." Setsuna: "There's no need for thanks." Setsuna: "This may not replace the biwa, but..." kosen: "Some mere half-demons have the Rainbow Pearl? I see, so you think that I, Nikosen, being both demon and human, am best suited to take care of them." Konton: "See to it that you defeat them." Towa Higurashi: "In a battle against a demon that withered a mountain, I end up holding us all back." Setsuna: "What's wrong with you today, Towa?" Moroha: "I don't sense any demon energy from you. It's like you're a human or something!"
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 11 – Curse of the Man-Eating Pond", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "11", "Curse of the Man-Eating Pond" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon. Feudal era and present day. Peacefulness and war." Towa Higurashi: "Joy and sorrow." Towa Higurashi: "Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity." Towa Higurashi: "And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Text: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – KONTON " kosen: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – KONTON Lord Konton." Text: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – KONTON " kosen: "I, Nikosen, have arrived." Text: "FORMER SAGE – NIKOSEN " Konton: "FORMER SAGE – NIKOSEN I've heard that you mastered a human craft before becoming an apparition, but is that true?" kosen: "Just so." Konton: "Then please, show me a dance." kosen: "A dance?" Konton: "Here are the half-demons who possess Rainbow Pearls." kosen: "Half-demons?" kosen: "I heard they were beings born between a human and a demon." Konton: "How distasteful." kosen: "Some mere half-demons have the Rainbow Pearls?" Konton: "Indeed. So distasteful." kosen: "I see, so you think that I, Nikosen, being both demon and human, am best suited to take care of them. As you say, I shall dance brilliantly for you." Konton: "I hope you create an excellent show." Towa Higurashi: ""Night of the New Moon and the Black-haired Towa"" Setsuna: "Another request?" Kohaku: "Yeah. Apparently, a demon named Nikosen dried up a mountain, so the nearby villagers are spooked. Could you take care of it, Setsuna?" Text: "TOWA SETSUNA " Towa Higurashi: "TOWA SETSUNA We can't ignore the villagers TOWA SETSUNA if they need help. Right, Setsuna?" Text: "LEADER OF DEMON SLAYERS – KOHAKU " Kohaku: "LEADER OF DEMON SLAYERS – KOHAKU I'll have Hisui join you later." Setsuna: "If it's your order, Chief, then I have no objections." Towa Higurashi: "I know, I know." Text: "CAT DEMON – KIRARA " Towa Higurashi: "CAT DEMON – KIRARA Let's go together, Kirara." kosen: "I have taken plenty of nutrients from the mountain and trees." kosen: "Now I just have to wait for those half-demons to show up." Setsuna: "It's that mountain." Towa Higurashi: "The plants have dried up in a really strange way." Towa Higurashi: "And the color of the soil is weird, too." Setsuna: "We're getting off. There's a guest." Towa Higurashi: "Huh? Who is it?" Text: "BOUNTY HUNTER– MOROHA BOUNTY HUNTER– MOROHA I see." Moroha: "This is poison, but it's not the poison from an apparition." Moroha: "Looks like the nutrients have been sucked away from it." Villager A: "As you can see, the trees are all bare." Moroha: "Yeah, this is pretty horrible." Moroha: "Do you know who could've done this?" Villager B: "I think it got destroyed by a demon's poison." Villager C: "It's definitely the work of Nikosen." Moroha: "Looks like I'm gonna score big this time." Towa Higurashi: "Hey!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Moroha: "What're you guys doing here?" Towa Higurashi: "Are you here to slay Nikosen, too?" Moroha: "Wait, don't tell me." Setsuna: "We received orders to slay it." Moroha: "Oh man, are we going to have to split the bounty again?" Towa Higurashi: "The plants look more withered the higher we climb." Moroha: "And I can smell rotting soil from the top of the mountain." Setsuna: "Yeah." Moroha: "I heard that Nikosen used to be a sage a long time ago, but wicked thoughts made him stray from his path and turn into an apparition." Moroha: "Keep your guard up." Moroha: "The smell of rotting soil is getting stronger." Setsuna: "No need to bother stating the obvious." Towa Higurashi: "What? Really?" Moroha: "You don't feel the demon energy?" Towa Higurashi: "That's right, I don't sense anything." Setsuna: "Her heart beat is faster than usual." Setsuna: "Even with this hill's incline, she shouldn't be out of breath." kosen: "I've been waiting for you, half-demons." Moroha: "There you are, Nikosen." Setsuna: "Prepare to die!" Towa Higurashi: "Huh?" Towa Higurashi: "Wait, why..." Setsuna: "Stay back, Towa." kosen: "How impudent for half-demons to possess the Rainbow Pearls." Moroha: "This is bad. That's sage venom. You two are going to get hurt really bad." Setsuna: "Towa, use this." Setsuna: "Towa." Moroha: "Leave this to me." Setsuna: "I appreciate it." Moroha: "It's not going through." kosen: "You fool. Such a dull sword will not work on me!" Setsuna: "Are you all right?" Towa Higurashi: "Sorry." Towa Higurashi: "I'm just getting in your way, aren't I?" Setsuna: "The smell of her blood flowing within her is changing." Setsuna: "What's wrong with Towa today?" Moroha: "Hey. Setsuna, can I borrow one of those protective masks, too?" Moroha: "I can't put all my strength into Kurikaramaru with just one arm." Setsuna: "I don't have extra." Setsuna: "Use mine." Moroha: "Are you sure? If it's poison in the air..." Setsuna: "It's fine, just use it." Moroha: "Thanks for waiting!" Moroha: "Now, let's see and find out if this Kurikaramaru really is as dull as you say!" kosen: "It's useless no matter how many times you try." Moroha: "I did it! That bounty is mine!" Moroha: "What?" kosen: "I won't give you my head." Moroha: "Heavenly Arrow Barrage!" Moroha: "All right, this time I got you!" Moroha: "What? You gotta be kidding me." Moroha: "I can't believe him." Setsuna: "I'll finish him off. Take care of Towa." Moroha: "All right. Leave her to me." Moroha: "Hang in there. Once we cross this bridge and go down the hill, we'll reach the nearby village." Moroha: "Just a bit longer. Hang in there." Moroha: "We defeated Nikosen, so why is the sage venom still lingering?" kosen: "That's because..." kosen: "I'm alive and well." Moroha: "But..." kosen: "Now, give me that Gold Rainbow Pearl of yours!" Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" kosen: "Damn you!" Setsuna: "Scourge of Swallows!" Setsuna: "What? An illusion? Oh, no. Nikosen's core must be his torso!" Setsuna: "Sorry, Kirara, but we have to hurry." Moroha: "I see, so you grew a new head, huh?" kosen: "Were you surprised?" Moroha: "Well, your head's like an endless bounty, so as long as I catch you, I can keep receiving a bounty forever! And that means I can pay back my debt in no time!" kosen: "What are you talking about?" Moroha: "Nikosen! I'll cut you a good deal, so let's work together." kosen: "Stop spouting nonsense!" Moroha: "Take your complaints to your own head-regenerating body, you weirdo!" kosen: "You fool!" Moroha: "Towa? What's with your hair?" Moroha: "Hey, you! What did you do to Towa!" kosen: "Hell if I know!" Konton: "Well, isn't this quite interesting..." Setsuna: "Kirara, please hurry." Setsuna: "That's..." Hisui: "Setsuna!" Setsuna: "Hisui. Chief." Moroha: "What happened to you, Towa?" Moroha: "Her hair's color and length both changed." Moroha: "I don't sense any demon energy." Moroha: "It's like she's a human or something." Moroha: "Oh, that's right. In times like these..." Moroha: "Here it is. Hey, Grandpa Myoga! Maybe it's time I put on my rouge..." Moroha: "There you are." Myoga: "Did I hear you say that you'll be using your rouge, Lady Moroha?" Text: "FLEA DEMON – MYOGA " Myoga: "FLEA DEMON – MYOGA Oh, it looks like you haven't yet. Oh, it looks like you haven't yet." Moroha: "Before that, there's something I want to ask you." Moroha: "You've woken up." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha, where are we?" Myoga: "Oh my goodness. Lady Towa, that black hair..." Myoga: "I see." Myoga: "There's no mistaking it, we're in the middle of a New Moon." Towa Higurashi: "New Moon?" Myoga: "It is when the demon power flowing through your blood is lost." Myoga: "The New Moon is different depending on the half-demon. There are half-demons like Naraku who can decide on their own, and those like you, who revert back to a human being on a moonless night of the New Moon." Towa Higurashi: "But this never happened to me when I was in the other world." Myoga: "That may be because you are originally from this world." Moroha: "But I've never had to go through this." Myoga: "Let's see. I can't say much since there are few precedents, but perhaps, as a quarter-demon, Lady Moroha does not experience the New Moon." Towa Higurashi: "What about Setsuna? With the same blood running through us, would she lose her demon powers like I did?" Myoga: "Well, since Lady Setsuna is also a half-demon, she cannot escape from the laws of the New Moon." Towa Higurashi: "Oh, no. Moroha, where's Setsuna?" Moroha: "She went to go after Nikosen's head." Towa Higurashi: "There's no way she can slay demons in this state." Myoga: "Indeed. On the night of the New Moon, half-demons tend to lie low to avoid encountering others." Towa Higurashi: "I need to help her." Moroha: "Sorry!" Moroha: "Just stay here and rest." Moroha: "Grandpa Myoga, you're peerless when it comes to hiding and running away. You have a plan, right?" Myoga: "Huh?" Moroha: "A way for Towa to safely pass the day of the New Moon!" Moroha: "Okay." Moroha: "I need one more please, Grandpa Myoga." Myoga: "Rolling, rolling, words on paper. Here it is, Lady Moroha." Myoga: "Please imbue it with spirit power." Moroha: "All right, leave it to me." Moroha: "And now I've created a barrier." Setsuna: "Why?" Text: "MASTER OF HIRAIKOTSU – HISUI " Hisui: "MASTER OF HIRAIKOTSU – HISUI What is it, Setsuna?" Text: "MASTER OF HIRAIKOTSU – HISUI " Setsuna: "MASTER OF HIRAIKOTSU – HISUI It's strange. I can't sense Towa or Moroha's demon energy. I can't even smell them." Hisui: "How is that even possible?" Setsuna: "I don't know. But I need to hurry and find them." Moroha: "Hey, Grandpa Myoga." Moroha: "Will this barrier be enough?" Moroha: "After all, we're up against Nikosen." Myoga: "He may have technically been a sage, but those who stray toward a path of evil should not be able to sense through this wall of spirit energy." kosen: "How peculiar. They should've fallen here somewhere... But since I can't find their corpses, something doesn't seem right." Setsuna: "Chief!" Setsuna: "I can't find Towa or Moroha anywhere." Kohaku: "With those two, there should be nothing to worry about, but..." Rokuta: "Chief, preparations are done." Text: "DEMON SLAYERS – ROKUTA, NANASUKE " suke: "DEMON SLAYERS – ROKUTA, NANASUKE We can shoot anytime." Kohaku: "Maybe we should wait a little bit longer..." Setsuna: "Chief, please begin. If anything happens to those two, I'll rush there immediately." Kohaku: "I see. All right. Light it up!" Rokuta & Nanasuke: "Yes, sir." kosen: "What's that?" Kohaku: "Fire!" kosen: "Wh-What?" kosen: "Who the hell are they?" Hisui: "When we approached, sage venom was whirling up. So we decided that burning down the entire mountain is much faster." Setsuna: "That's true." Moroha: "It's gotten kind of hot." Moroha: "A forest fire, huh?" Moroha: "Towa." Towa Higurashi: "I think Setsuna and the demon slayers have all met up." Moroha: "Towa, sorry I knocked you out." Towa Higurashi: "It's fine, I understand." Moroha: "But if the demon slayers are all here, they sure started an uncharacteristically flashy way to slay the demon." kosen: "I sensed them just now." Moroha: "Shit, the barrier's disappearing!" Towa Higurashi: "It's all right, Moroha." Towa Higurashi: "I think it's bad for me to keep running. I'm going to go look for Setsuna." Moroha: "What're you talking about? Even if you go out there with no demon power, you'll just be dragging them down." Towa Higurashi: "But, I think Setsuna's going through the same thing." Towa Higurashi: "On a night like tonight, she's probably filled with worry." Moroha: "You might be wrong about that." Moroha: "Setsuna has been managing herself just fine in this era so far." Towa Higurashi: "That's not true. No matter what era you live in, what girls feel will never change!" Moroha: ""What girls feel"? Never thought I'd hear you say that." Towa Higurashi: "Is it?" kosen: "There you are!" Moroha: "Towa, stay back." Moroha: "I've been waiting for you, Nikosen. My key to an endless bounty!" kosen: "Stop saying ridiculous things!" kosen: "Don't make me laugh!" Moroha: "What is this?" Towa Higurashi: "It's solidifying." Setsuna: "Towa." Setsuna: "I definitely just heard Towa scream. Towa!" kosen: "First, I'll get these two to Lord Konton." Setsuna: "Scourge of Swallows!" Setsuna: "Towa, Moroha." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Setsuna: "Is that you, Towa?" Towa Higurashi: "Of course I am! Look closely." Setsuna: "But the more I look..." Towa Higurashi: "More importantly, are you okay, Setsuna?" Setsuna: "What?" Towa Higurashi: "There's no moon out tonight, so it's the New Moon." Setsuna: "And?" Towa Higurashi: "You didn't return to a normal girl?" Setsuna: "What do you mean?" Moroha: "Oh, I guess since the Dream Butterfly has stolen her dreams, moonless nights and New Moons don't apply to her." Setsuna: "I see, the New Moon. I thought Towa's condition had been strange since evening, so that's what it was." Towa Higurashi: "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for troubling everyone like this." Setsuna: "What?" Towa Higurashi: "No way." Moroha: "He's still alive." kosen: "If I swallow you whole, I will get the nutrients of a young half-demon." kosen: "What? What happened?" Towa Higurashi: "Hey, are you two hurt?" Towa Higurashi: "Thanks for waiting, everyone." Setsuna & Moroha: "Towa!" Towa Higurashi: "Okay, let's begin the counter attack!" kosen: "How could this be... For me to..." kosen: "By mere half-demons..." Moroha: "Both the head and body are gone... There goes my lucky plan for an endless bounty..." Setsuna: "It wouldn't have been possible anyway." Towa Higurashi: "There's no way that Mr. Jyubei wouldn't notice the sleight of hand." Moroha: "Yeah. I guess you're right." Moroha: "Damn it!" Konton: "So half-demons have New Moons. I see. This is entertaining." Konton: "That was a good show." Kohaku: "A demon has appeared that attacks virtuous monks and Shinto priests. Hisui, please go to Brother's side." Setsuna: "I see. That person is Monk Miroku." Hisui: "He wants to attain divine power through one thousand–day training, but I doubt it'll go that smoothly." Towa Higurashi: "Totetsu, one of the Four Perils, appears! Will he eat anything with that big mouth?! Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: "The Delicious Feudal Monks""
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 12 – Night of the New Moon and the Black-haired Towa", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "12", "Night of the New Moon and the Black-haired Towa" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon." Towa Higurashi: "Feudal era and present day. Peacefulness and war." Towa Higurashi: "Joy and sorrow." Towa Higurashi: "Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity." Towa Higurashi: "And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Totetsu: "I see, I see. You look pretty tasty, monk." Pupil A: "Master?" Pupil B: "Is it a demon?" Priest-In-Training: "Stay back." Priest-In-Training: "Damn demon." Priest-In-Training: "I'll slay you!" Totetsu: "Just kidding." Pupil A: "Master!" Priest-In-Training: "Run!" Totetsu: "Now, I hope you taste good. Thank you for the meal!" Pupil B: "Master!" Totetsu: "The flesh lacks depth of flavor. I really wanted to eat that Sanzo." Totetsu: "What do you think, Rainbow Pearl?" Totetsu: "Are there any virtuous monks like Sanzo around here? Well?" Totetsu: "Over there, huh?" Towa Higurashi: ""The Delicious Feudal Monks"" Kohaku: "Recently, a demon has been attacking virtuous monks and Shinto priests. Five or six have already been eaten." Towa Higurashi: "Yuck, it's eating them?" Setsuna: "A man-eating demon, huh?" Kohaku: "We don't know who will be targeted next, but around here, the high-ranking Buddhist priests in the East temple are the most famous. We'll go there and protect them." Kohaku: "Hisui, take these two and go to Brother's place." Hisui: "What?" Kohaku: "I'm sure he will be fine, but just in case." Hisui: "I highly doubt he would be targeted." Kohaku: "Now, don't be like that. Let's go." Rokuta & Nanasuke: "Yes, sir." Setsuna: "Whose location will we be going to?" Hisui: "My dad's place." Towa Higurashi: "Hisui, your dad is a virtuous monk?" Hisui: "He's a monk, but not a virtuous one." Setsuna: "That's harsh." Hisui: "My dad is a shameless person who takes from what he can." Towa Higurashi: "But we're going there, right?" Hisui: "Uncle told us to go, so we don't really have a choice. I wonder how he's doing now." Gyokuto: "Mother." Gyokuto: "Do you have any messages for Father?" Sango: "No, not particularly." Gyokuto: "Okay, then I'll be heading out." Towa Higurashi: "Hisui, your dad lives this deep in the mountains?" Hisui: "He's going through one thousand–day training." Towa Higurashi: "A thousand? That's... two years and 270 days. That's long." Hisui: "He wants to attain divine power through one thousand–day training, but I doubt it'll go that smoothly." Setsuna: "How many days have already passed?" Hisui: "I think it's been over two years." Towa Higurashi: "Wow." Miroku: "a! a! a! un! un! un! a! a! a! un! un! un! a! a! a!" Miroku: "Gyokuto?" Gyokuto: "Hello, Father." Gyokuto: "Today will mark the 800th day." Miroku: "Yeah." Gyokuto: "Have you gotten any stronger?" Miroku: "I'm not sure yet." Gyokuto: "It's Hisui. I wonder who the other two are." Hisui: "Sister, you're here, too?" Gyokuto: "Just to deliver some things. What about you?" Hisui: "A demon has recently been attacking virtuous monks and Shinto priests. By Uncle's orders, I've come here with my demon slaying friends." Gyokuto: "My, you're his friends. Thank you for always taking care of Hisui. I'm his older sister, Gyokuto." Towa Higurashi: "That goes for us, too. I'm Towa, and this is my younger sister..." Miroku: "Setsuna, you're a demon slayer?" Towa Higurashi: "Oh, you know each other?" Setsuna: "Who are you?" Miroku: "You don't remember?" Hisui: "Looking like that, no one would know who you are." Miroku: "This outfit is for my training. It can't be helped, right? Well, if you don't remember, that's another form of fate." Miroku: "And you're Setsuna's older sister?" Towa Higurashi: "Yes, I am." Miroku: "I see." Hisui: "I'm going to go look around." Miroku: "I shall return to my training." Towa Higurashi: "Um, what kind of divine powers will you attain through the training?" Miroku: "I won't know until my thousand days pass." Miroku: "Although there is a chance that I won't attain any divine powers." Towa Higurashi: "Oh, no. So you might end up spending a thousand days for nothing?" Miroku: "There is no such thing as useless training." Miroku: "I'll be happy if my powers become stronger even by a little bit." Setsuna: "Do you not have confidence in your own strength?" Miroku: "In the past, I had a power called the Wind Tunnel." Miroku: "Wind Tunnel!" Miroku: "Even after losing that power, I continued to slay demons. But one day, I fought an unbelievably powerful demon." Miroku: "I understood how powerless I was, and decided to take on some training." Miroku: "on!" Gyokuto: "Say..." Gyokuto: "Would you like some tea?" Rokuta: "That's..." Kohaku: "Moroha, what're you doing here?" Moroha: "Being a bodyguard." Rokuta: "A bodyguard?" Moroha: "I got a job from here asking to protect their monk. I'll be getting paid whether a demon appears or not! And if I get its head, I get a higher bounty!" Moroha: "Wait, don't tell me you demon slayers are after the bounty, too?" suke: "Well, as our name says, we're here to slay a demon." Rokuta: "Chief, what should we do?" Kohaku: "If Moroha says she's protecting this place, we can move on to another." Moroha: "Yeah, move right on along!" Moroha: "By the way, where are Towa and Setsuna?" Kohaku: "They're off protecting a different monk." Moroha: "Well, good for them, even though the monk here is the real target." Kohaku: "We'll head to the shrine in the South." Rokuta & Nanasuke: "Yes, sir." Totetsu: "So how about it, Rainbow Pearl? Any virtuous monks at that temple?" Totetsu: "Doesn't look like it." Moroha: "Hurry up and come over, you man-eating demon. Come try to eat the tasty monk here!" Gyokuto: "Oh, this is delicious." Towa Higurashi: "Does Hisui and his father not get along?" Gyokuto: "There's just a small misunderstanding between them." Towa Higurashi: "Hisui called him a shameless person." Gyokuto: "Oh, well that's..." Gyokuto: "Our father spent quite a sum in order to provide for us, and..." Gyokuto: "You could say he might've had to push himself at times." Setsuna: "That's right. That person is Monk Miroku." Gyokuto: "Yes, that's right." Towa Higurashi: "So you do know each other." Setsuna: "His Buddhist power was indeed strong." Gyokuto: "Yes, but Hisui thinks he is a coward." Gyokuto: "Hisui!" Gyokuto: "I'm going to borrow Kirara for a little bit. Make sure you come home once in a while." Towa Higurashi: "Well, that's nice." Setsuna: "See anything suspicious?" Hisui: "Of course not. The man-eating demon isn't going to come here anyway." Towa Higurashi: "It looks like your father has pretty strong Buddhist power." Setsuna: "Yes, however greedy he may be." Hisui: "Dad ran away from battle. He just happened to call it training." Towa Higurashi: "But he's doing that to get stronger, right?" Hisui: "What kind of training is it when you don't even know if you'll attain divine power? Uncle and I are out risking our lives slaying demons, while he's cooped up in the mountains." Setsuna: "You don't want that?" Hisui: "I just don't want him to cause trouble for Mom." Towa Higurashi: "So it's like if Papa Sota quit his white-collar job, and went to train at a ramen shop for two years." Towa Higurashi: "And the whole family is supporting itself?" Hisui: "I have no clue what you're talking about." Setsuna: "I know about Papa Sota, but you lost me on everything else." Towa Higurashi: "What I mean is, the fathers are doing their best, too, right?" Setsuna: "Wait." Setsuna: "A bad smell is getting closer." Hisui: "What?" Totetsu: "I see, I see. I sense some tasty Buddhist power." Hisui: "Father!" Towa Higurashi: "Mr. Monk!" Hisui: "So you've come." Totetsu: "I see, I see. Not as powerful as Sanzo, but still looks plenty delicious." Towa Higurashi: "Sanzo, like from "Journey to the West"? Where are you from?" Totetsu: "Where am I from? What about you?" Setsuna: "We have no names to give some man-eating demon." Totetsu: "Then I won't say my name either." Miroku: "You're one of the Four Perils from the Mainland, right?" Towa Higurashi: "Four Perils?" Totetsu: "That's correct. As I would expect from a delicious-looking monk." Towa Higurashi: "So he's one of Kirinmaru's underlings." Setsuna: "The fourth and last one is named Totetsu." Totetsu: "Correct again. But who are you guys anyways?" Towa Higurashi: "We're the ones who're going to slay you!" Totetsu: "If you're going to get in my way, I'll just have to eat you, too." Totetsu: "I've never eaten a half-demon before." Miroku: "Hisui, I'll leave this place to you." Hisui: "Father?! Damn it, of course he'd back out." Totetsu: "You won't get away!" Totetsu: "Hmm, it tastes kind of spicy." Towa Higurashi: "Then have a taste of this, too!" Towa Higurashi: "All right." Setsuna: "What did you feed him?" Towa Higurashi: "Habanero sauce." Setsuna: ""Haba"-what?" Towa Higurashi: "It's super spicy." Totetsu: "Curse you all!" Towa Higurashi: "Over here." Totetsu: "Gross." Totetsu: "Why, you!" Hisui: "So he can suck in anything, huh?" Miroku: "That's almost like the Wind Tunnel." Hisui: "Father? You didn't run away?" Miroku: "I can't be depending on you for everything." Miroku: "You have demon slayer poison, right?" Hisui: "I have some right here." Miroku: "Get that poison to drift on to the wind that he sucks in." Miroku: "Make sure it's done." Hisui: "Father!" Setsuna: "Scourge of Swallows!" Miroku: "Totetsu, I'm right here." Totetsu: "So you've decided to surrender yourself to me?" Hisui: "Eat this." Totetsu: "This is..." Hisui: "It's demon slayer poison." Hisui: "Hiraikotsu!" Totetsu: "Gross!" Miroku: "Hisui, are you all right?" Totetsu: "I almost ate that poison." Towa Higurashi: "So he's not just some vacuum?" Setsuna: "He sure didn't like the poison." Totetsu: "How dare you all!" Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" Setsuna: "Now's my chance." Setsuna: "Setsuna!" Miroku: "Hang in there." Hisui: "I accidentally inhaled some poison." Setsuna: "Monk Miroku." Setsuna: "Please undo the seal." Miroku: "Setsuna? But..." Setsuna: "Do you want to be eaten?" Miroku: "No, I sure don't." Totetsu: "I can't eat a Buddha!" Miroku: "Release!" Totetsu: "Just get eaten already." Setsuna: "Totetsu, I'm your opponent." Setsuna: "Setsuna? But you can't..." Totetsu: "Like a half-demon to the flame!" Setsuna: "Setsuna!" Totetsu: "What does a half-demon taste like?" Totetsu: "This is..." Setsuna: "Does my poison hand taste that delicious?" Totetsu: "What?" Totetsu: "Poisonous blood... How could this be..." Towa Higurashi: "What?" Miroku: "You won't get away!" Totetsu: "I never want to eat another half-demon ever again!" Miroku: "Damn it, he got away." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, are you all right?" Setsuna: "This is nothing." Setsuna: "But this overflowing blood is... I can't..." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, your face..." Towa Higurashi: "Here's some water." Miroku: "Are you all right, Setsuna?" Setsuna: "Yes." Miroku: "Then, I'm going to apply the seal again, okay?" Miroku: "On meeting an arhat, slay the arhat; on meeting your parents, slay your parents." Miroku: "Know that the light to your path lays there." Miroku: "That should do it." Moroha: "Nothing's coming this way." Moroha: "Takechiyo?" Takechiyo: "Hey, uh, this incident has been resolved. Some demon slayers who were protecting a monk ended up driving the man-eating demon away, so there's no more bounty." Hisui: "Well, Father, don't push yourself if anything happens." Miroku: "Yeah, I'll run or hide if I have to." Hisui: "See you later." Miroku: "Well, then." Hisui: "Mother." Sango: "Hisui?" Hisui: "It looks like Father will go through with his remaining 200 days of training." Sango: "I see." Sango: "I made some new protective masks. Can you take them over to Kohaku?" Sango: "Did something happen?" Hisui: "Nothing, really." Setsuna: "I was told by Monk Miroku that the poison in my body was inherited." Setsuna: "And if I transform into a demon, as a half-demon, it's hard to control that power." Towa Higurashi: "I see." Setsuna: "You're also a half-demon. You might have inherited something, too." Towa Higurashi: "Maybe. We are sisters after all." Setsuna: "What? Don't come near me." Towa Higurashi: "A little bit is fine, isn't it?" Setsuna: "Don't touch me." Setsuna: "You're too clingy." Towa Higurashi: "Boo! Setsuna, you're not fair!" Moroha: "Isn't it strange for someone so beautiful to be here?" Setsuna: "Tamano escaped from the clutches of an evil mountain god. We're the only ones who can help her." Towa Higurashi: "But Homura looked at us with surprise." Homura: "I knew it was you two! You have the Gold and Silver Pearls. To think that you were still alive..." Setsuna: "What does he mean? Does he know us?"
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 13 – The Delicious Feudal Monks", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "13", "The Delicious Feudal Monks" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon. Feudal era and present day. Peacefulness and war." Towa Higurashi: "Joy and sorrow." Towa Higurashi: "Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity. And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Tamano: "I-I don't know who you are..." Tamano: "But please, help me." Towa Higurashi: ""The One Behind the Forest Fire"" Setsuna: "Geez. Another bounty?" Towa Higurashi: "We haven't been turning in anything lately, huh?" Moroha: "No, we haven't. We're slaying demons left and right, but we never get their heads!" Setsuna: "Why do you have a debt in the first place?" Text: "BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA " Moroha: "BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA That's because of that master." Towa Higurashi: "Master? SETSUNA TOWA HIGURASHI Master?" Text: "SETSUNA TOWA HIGURASHI " Towa Higurashi: "Oh, sorry about that." Setsuna: "I'll cut it!" Towa Higurashi: "Whoa, wait." Moroha: "What is that?" Towa Higurashi: "A smart phone. Didn't you see me using it when we were over in the other world?" Moroha: "Were you now? I don't remember." Towa Higurashi: "On top of being a phone, you can check the time or email," Towa Higurashi: "take pictures and video, search the Web, check your socials... There are also other apps you can install on it, and over there it was a necessary item. Of course, with no signal here there's no point in having this, But I just can't seem to let go of it." Moroha: "An item you can't let go..." Setsuna: "I don't really understand." Moroha: "Hey, wait a minute. I have something like that, too." Moroha: "See? The Kappa foot that Grandpa Higurashi gave me." Towa Higurashi & Setsuna: "Huh...?" Text: "CORPSE DEALER " Moroha: "CORPSE DEALER Hey, Mr. Jyubei, we're here. Hey, Mr. Jyubei, we're here." Tamano: "Are you all right?" Moroha: "Sorry, I got the wrong house!" Towa Higurashi: "What's wrong?" Moroha: "There was this really pretty person, and..." Towa Higurashi & Setsuna: "Pretty person?" Towa Higurashi: "Hello." Towa Higurashi: "Oh, hi." Moroha: "See? Isn't it strange for someone so beautiful to be here?" Text: "CORPSE DEALER JYUBEI " Jyubei: "CORPSE DEALER JYUBEI Just drop it." Takechiyo: "We got a wonderful job from our very special client." Text: "PIRATE WASHED ASHORE – RIKU " Riku: "PIRATE WASHED ASHORE – RIKU So we meet again, dear princess." Towa Higurashi: "Riku?" Moroha: "That guy..." Text: "RACCOON DOG DEMON – TAKECHIYO " Takechiyo: "RACCOON DOG DEMON – TAKECHIYO Hey, all of you! Be more respectful!" Riku: "Well, it's not really a job coming from me, but rather a request from this person." Tamano: "It's nice to meet you, my name is Tamano." Moroha: "Miss Tamano." Riku: "Miss Tamano escaped from Homura, an evil god from the Northern mountains." Towa Higurashi: "An evil mountain god..." Setsuna: "Homura?" Tamano: "Yes. Homura and I lived alone in a mansion in the Northern snowy mountains." Moroha: "Does that mean you and Homura were husband and wife?" Tamano: "No." Jyubei: "Well, even if you don't think so, Homura probably thought that you two were married." Setsuna: "What do you mean?" Riku: "Miss Tamano, would you tell them what happened?" Tamano: "Of course. Ever since I was little, I've been raised by my grandparents in a village at the foot of a snowy mountain." Village Man 1: "Oh, how beautiful." Village Man 2: "I've never seen someone so beautiful." Tamano: "But something happened soon after I turned 13. For some reason, marriage proposals kept arriving almost every day." Tamano: "Even merchants and samurai from faraway towns came to visit." Samurai: "Miss Tamano will become my bride." Rich Merchant: "No, I will take good care of her." Tamano: "I didn't want to leave the village, so I declined all of them." Tamano: "However, one night..." Homura: "Tamano." Tamano: "Homura suddenly appeared, and dragged me away to the snowy mountains." Moroha: "Dragged you away? What a jerk." Setsuna: "Yes." Towa Higurashi: "But why would he do that?" Jyubei: "Because he wanted Miss Tamano all to himself, obviously." Towa Higurashi: "All to himself?" Tamano: "I was forced to live with him in his mansion deep within the snowy mountains. Strangely, only Homura's mansion didn't have any snow in it, and it always seemed like spring. At first," Tamano: "Homura treated me with warmth and kindness." Text: "EVIL MOUNTAIN GOD – HOMURA " Tamano: "EVIL MOUNTAIN GOD – HOMURA He took very good care of me. He took very good care of me." Tamano: "But then..." Homura: "You!" Homura: "How dare you look at my Tamano!" Gardener: "Oh, no, I didn't mean... Our eyes just met by chance." Homura: "Unforgivable!" Gardener: "H-Help me!" Tamano: "Just for the reason that our eyes met, Homura had killed the gardener." Tamano: "After that, he began to do the same to all the guests who visited..." Merchant: "Lord Homura, I've come to deliver the goods that you ordered." Merchant: "Oh my, well." Homura: "You! You dare gaze upon her!" Tamano: "Please run!" Servant: "Lady Tamano." Servant: "Was the meal not to your liking?" Tamano: "Oh no, that wasn't..." Homura: "You! Unforgivable!" Tamano: "Lord Homura!" Homura: "Tamano is mine!" Homura: "She belongs only to me!" Tamano: "Please, stop this already." Homura: "You're also to blame, Tamano. You must have behaved in a way to lure them in." Tamano: "I would never do such a thing!" Homura: "You might not be aware of it, but you've been seducing all the men. Come with me!" Homura: "Tamano, you belong only to me. I will never have anyone look upon you ever again!" Tamano: "Lord Homura, please! Please don't keep me here. Lord Homura!" Tamano: "Homura had locked me up in a jail cell." Tamano: "But... I was able to escape from the mansion, and when I was going down the mountain..." Takechiyo: "That's when Lord Riku saved her." Riku: "And that's how that story goes." Towa Higurashi: "I see." Jyubei: "Well, it's not like I don't understand Homura getting worried and jealous." Moroha: "But you know, after you go through all that jealousy, it kind of feels nice, doesn't it?" Riku: "What do you think, Lady Towa?" Towa Higurashi: "Huh, me? Is it like how I just can't seem to let go of my smart phone? Like being addicted?" Jyubei: "Smart... what?" Takechiyo: "What the heck are you saying?" Towa Higurashi: "Oh, um..." Towa Higurashi: "It's nothing." Towa Higurashi: "But with someone so deeply jealous, and if Riku took her in..." Setsuna: "He's probably in grave danger." Moroha: "Yeah. You're gonna get killed by Homura." Riku: "And that's why I've come here to ask you to slay Homura in my stead." Towa Higurashi: "Slay Homura?" Tamano: "But to ask them to do something so dangerous... Homura is very powerful. You cannot put such young ladies in danger..." Riku: "However, these princesses are no ordinary young ladies." Riku: "They are the Half-Demon Princesses." Tamano: "Half-Demon Princesses..." Jyubei: "Besides, they don't have a reason to refuse. It's the head of the evil mountain god— his bounty will be tremendously high." Moroha: "What?" Takechiyo: "And you won't have to clean this place anymore." Moroha: "I'll do it! I'll definitely do it! Right? Setsuna and Towa, you'll do it too, right? Right?" Towa Higurashi: "I guess we got pressured by Moroha and accepted the job, huh?" Setsuna: "CAT DEMON – KIRARA Yeah." Moroha: "Well, three heads are better than one, right?" Takechiyo: "But I didn't think I would have to tag along, too." Takechiyo: "Brr!" Homura: "Tamano!" Homura: "Where did you go!" Moroha: "So cold." Takechiyo: "I can't go any further, it's too cold." Towa Higurashi: "It's snowing so hard." Takechiyo: "I'm heading back. S-See you." Setsuna: "Kirara, you can head back, too. Thank you." Moroha: "It's freezing! Where's the mansion?!" Towa Higurashi: "I can sense it." Towa Higurashi: "There's no snow over in that area." Setsuna: "Let's go." Moroha: "So cold." Riku: "What's the matter?" Tamano: "I'm just so worried about them. I wonder if this was the right thing to do." Riku: "If someone doesn't slay him, you'll never be able to get away from him." Riku: "No matter where you hide, Homura will always find you." Riku: "Well, I for one, would never understand the love affairs of human beings." Towa Higurashi: "It's just like Miss Tamano said." Towa Higurashi: "It seems like spring here." Setsuna & Moroha: "– Yeah. – Hey, look at that." Homura: "Tamano! Where are you?" Homura: "How dare you leave my side! Where are you?!" Towa Higurashi: "So that's the evil mountain god." Setsuna: "Homura, huh?" Moroha: "Charge!" Towa Higurashi: "Whoa, hey, Moroha!" Moroha: "Hey, Homura!" Moroha: "Look all you want, Miss Tamano's not here anymore!" Towa Higurashi: "Geez, you don't think about the consequences at all, do you?" Homura: "Are you the one who took away my Tamano?" Moroha: "Hey! "My Tamano?" She doesn't belong to you, okay?" Homura: "Shut up! Where is she? Where is Tamano?" Moroha: "Like we'd ever tell you." Homura: "If you don't tell me..." Towa Higurashi & Setsuna: "Moroha!" Moroha: "Hot, hot! Hot!" Moroha: "Don't underestimate my Robe of the Fire-rat!" Homura: "Where is she? Where is Tamano? Tell me! Hurry up and tell me!" Setsuna: "Miss Tamano will never come back." Homura: "What?" Towa Higurashi: "Listen, Homura. You can't just keep someone at your side without their consent... That's just selfish!" Homura: "Shut up. Shut up!" Homura: "Those eyes..." Setsuna: "Scourge of Swallows!" Homura: "I knew it was you two." Homura: "The ones with the Gold and Silver Pearls..." Homura: "Then I definitely cannot..." Setsuna: "Towa!" Towa Higurashi: "I'm fine." Homura: "I didn't think you two would still be alive." Setsuna: "What do you mean?" Towa Higurashi: "Do you know us?" Homura: "You two... I could've sworn... I had killed you both back then." Zero: "Homura." Zero: "Burn that forest down." Homura: "That forest?" Text: "BEAUTIFUL MYSTERY DEMON – ZERO " Zero: "BEAUTIFUL MYSTERY DEMON – ZERO That's fine by you, right? Lord Sesshomaru? Burn the entire forest, and erase those cursed half-demon sisters from the face of this world." Homura: "Understood." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, this way." Setsuna: "Sis." Setsuna: "Sis!" Homura: "I thought I had burned everything down." Homura: "But for both of you sisters to have survived..." Towa Higurashi: "Then that means, you're..." Homura: "Yes, I was the one who burned down that forest." Towa Higurashi: "Because of you..." Towa Higurashi: "Because of you..." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna and I..." Towa Higurashi: "were torn apart at that forest!" Riku: "Going somewhere?" Tamano: "Mister Riku." Riku: "Even if you go, it's not like you can change anything." Tamano: "I understand." Tamano: "But I need to be the one to settle things with Homura. I can't put those girls in danger because of me." Riku: "Well, then." Riku: "If you want to go that badly, then I'll accompany you." Riku: "There's something I want to see for myself." Takechiyo: "You called for me, Lord Riku?" Takechiyo: "Boy, it was freezing over there." Riku: "Sorry Takechiyo, but could you make another trip there?" Takechiyo: "What, again? Um, I mean, if it's for you, Lord Riku, then there's no problem at all." Riku: "All right, Miss Tamano." Tamano: "O-Okay." Homura: "I'm in trouble if they find out about you two! I can't let you live!" Towa Higurashi: "Homura!" Homura: "I'll send anyone who tries to tear me and Tamano apart to the next life!" Towa Higurashi: "You're the one who tore us apart!" Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" Homura: "Do you think... you can defeat me with that?" Towa Higurashi: "Oh, no." Moroha: "Crimson Dragon Wave!" Setsuna: "Moroha!" Moroha: "We can't get swallowed into that. Let's retreat for now." Towa Higurashi: "No! I need to defeat Homura no matter what. He's the one who tore me and Setsuna apart." Setsuna: "Towa." Moroha: "Then make sure you dodge it. Here it comes!" Homura: "This time, I'll turn you to ash." Tamano: "Lord Homura, please stop!" Homura: "Tamano. Tamano, is that you?" Tamano: "Lord Homura, please stop this already. These girls have nothing to do with this." Homura: "I don't care about that. Who the hell is that guy with you, huh?!" Homura: "Why, you!" Moroha: "Hey, you're making him even angrier!" Riku: "See, Miss Tamano? Don't you think you should return to his side?" Tamano: "No, I will never do that!" Homura: "B-But Tamano, why would you say such a thing?" Tamano: "I'll say it as many times as I need to. I will live by myself, without you." Tamano: "I will never return to you!" Moroha: "Yeah, you tell him, Miss Tamano." Towa Higurashi: "Did Miss Tamano risk her life just to come here?" Towa Higurashi: "Just so she can break up with him." Homura: "What has happened to you, Tamano? No one can ever tear our love apart. You're just being swayed by him. Tamano, come back to me. Now, come!" Riku: "Well? Why not go to him?" Tamano: "No! I will not return!" Homura: "Tamano!" Homura: "Why? Why would you say that? Even though I love you this much... Don't you understand my love for you?" Takechiyo: "Hot, hot!" Riku: "Whoa. Please be careful." Tamano: "Yes." Homura: "Stop it! Tamano is mine! My love for her is the greatest! Tamano! Tamano!" Homura: "Tamano!" Moroha: "Whoa, he's mad mad now." Moroha: "That Homura. He's burning himself up." Homura: "Tamano... Tamano... Tamano..." Homura: "Tamano..." Moroha: "Hey, we have to run, and fast." Setsuna: "Towa." Setsuna: "Towa!" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna." Setsuna: "Let's go." Towa Higurashi: "But..." Setsuna: "Come on!" Riku: "How utterly absurd. Nothing good comes from loving a human being." Riku: "Not for the Great Dog-Demon, nor for Sesshomaru." Riku: "Nothing but destruction." Tamano: "I cannot thank you all enough for your help." Moroha: "Takechiyo can fly you to where you want." Takechiyo: "Why are you the one offering? But really, it's no problem for me." Tamano: "No, this is fine." Towa Higurashi: "Now you can live with your grandparents peacefully again." Tamano: "Yes. I will return to my grandparents at the foot of the mountain." Tamano: "Well, everyone, please take care of yourselves." Moroha: "That Homura, damn him. The bastard got so angry he burned himself straight into ash!" Moroha: "And thanks to that, my bounty... gone..." Takechiyo: "It's too bad, Moroha." Towa Higurashi: "As for me, I think I'm done walking around with this." Towa Higurashi: "It's not like I can contact anyone, and I have Setsuna with me here." Towa Higurashi: "What?" Setsuna: "Are you feeling better?" Towa Higurashi: "About what?" Setsuna: "I see." Setsuna: "It's fine." Riku: "As the Half-Demon Princesses were taking their first breaths," Riku: "a great cataclysm was approaching." Jaken: "Lord Sesshomaru and Inuyasha rose to prevent this tragedy, but..." Kirinmaru: "Why have you awoken me?" Kagome: "This is a keepsake from Inuyasha's mother. We decided that if we had a girl, we would give this to her." Towa Higurashi: "Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: "Farewell Under the Lunar Eclipse"" Rin: "Lord Sesshomaru, I have faith in you."
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 14 – The One Behind the Forest Fire", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "14", "The One Behind the Forest Fire" ] }
Riku: "Please do forgive me. This is an old tale that began 18 years ago." Riku: "Although for me, of course, 18 years feels like no time at all..." Hosenki: "Behold, isn't it glorious?" Riku: "So this is the Black Pearl. The jewel that leads to the border of this world and the afterlife." Text: "PURVEYOR OF JEWELS – HOSENKI II " Hosenki: "PURVEYOR OF JEWELS – HOSENKI II Normally it would take 100 years, PURVEYOR OF JEWELS – HOSENKI II but I created it in just four. but I was able to create it in just four. This is all thanks to you, Sir Riku, for allowing me to borrow your Rainbow Pearl and Lady Izayoi's rouge." Text: "PIRATE WASHED ASHORE – RIKU " Riku: "PIRATE WASHED ASHORE – RIKU I'm glad I was able to help you. PIRATE WASHED ASHORE – RIKU So, what will you do with that? So, what will you do with that?" Hosenki: "I plan to deliver it to Sir Inuyasha." Riku: "Well, then, can you please give him this, too?" Rikichi: "Lady Kaede, I found yet another remnant of Root Head." Text: "VILLAGE ELDER PRIESTESS – KAEDE " Kaede: "VILLAGE ELDER PRIESTESS – KAEDE Is that so. It's been a month, and we still can't seem to be rid of it. Such a troublesome demon." Text: "GYOKUTO AND KIN'U " Kin'U: "GYOKUTO AND KIN'U There's also a demon at Doggy's place." Text: "GYOKUTO AND KIN'U " Kaede: "Do you mean Inuyasha?" Gyokuto: "It's a different demon, a shell demon." Kaede: "A shell demon?" Hosenki: "Rejoice, Sir Inuyasha! The Black Pearl is complete." Text: "HALF-HUMAN, HALF-DEMON – INUYASHA" Hosenki: "And it's ready 96 years earlier than scheduled, too. I heard a rumor, but is it true that you inherited my father's special technique, Adamant Barrage?" Inuyasha: "Oh yeah, that's right." Hosenki: "Please, if you could demonstrate it for me just this once! If you show me, then I shall hand you this Black Pearl that you so desire." Inuyasha: "Well, if you want to see Adamant Barrage, then I'll show you. Plus, I owe it to the previous Hosenki, after all." Hosenki: "Oh, thank you, thank you!" Kagome Higurashi: "Hey, wait just a second." Inuyasha: "Adamant Barrage!" Kagome Higurashi: "Inuyasha, sit boy!" Text: "PRIESTESS – KAGOME HIGURASHI " Kagome Higurashi: "PRIESTESS – KAGOME HIGURASHI I didn't think you'd do it here. PRIESTESS – KAGOME HIGURASHI What were you thinking, gosh! What were you thinking, gosh!" Hosenki: "I heard that these were originally the tears from the Great Dog-Demon's wife, Lady Izayoi." Inuyasha: "Mother's tears, huh?" Hosenki: "When the Great Dog-Demon passed away, Lady Izayoi's tears were turned into a jewel. The Tessaiga and the path to his grave were sealed inside it, and it was placed within young Sir Inuyasha's right eye." Kagome Higurashi: "Mr. Hosenki, what is this?" Hosenki: "That is the rouge Lady Izayoi used. In order to create the Black Pearl, we needed some of Lady Izayoi's deep sadness." Inuyasha: "I'm surprised you found that." Hosenki: "It was no easy feat." Kagome Higurashi: "We can have this, too? Along with the Black Pearl?" Hosenki: "Of course. I have no use for it now that the Black Pearl is complete." Kagome Higurashi: "Isn't that great, Inuyasha? Now we have two of your mother's keepsakes." Inuyasha: "Huh? Why the hell would I need these things anymore?" Kagome Higurashi: "What are you talking about? With this, we can go pay respects to your father's grave. Why can't you be happier about it?" Inuyasha: "Hmph, like I'd go to somewhere like that." Hosenki: "What have you done? Concealing it in your right eye means you can't extract it unless it's an emergency." Inuyasha: "It was my mother's keepsake, so I can do whatever I want with it." Kagome Higurashi: "You always say such reckless things. This rouge is off-limits, okay?" Kagome Higurashi: "He's so bad at showing how he truly feels." Towa Higurashi: ""Farewell Under the Lunar Eclipse"" Gyokuto: "Lady Kaede." Kin'U: "Hurry, hurry!" Kaede: "Oh, Kin'u and Gyokuto, don't rush me." Kin'U: "But Lady Rin..." Gyokuto: "...is about to give birth!" Kaede: "All right, all right." Kin'U: "We're gonna give the baby..." Gyokuto: "...way more attention than we give Hisui!" Kaede: "By the way, where is Sango and Hisui?" Kin'U: "Mother went to get Lady Kagome." Sango: "Kagome, looks like it'll be soon." Kagome: "Okay, got it." Text: "MIROKU'S WIFE – SANGO " Sango: "MIROKU'S WIFE – SANGO Are you all right though? You're pretty far along, right? I can't wait." Kagome: "Thanks. But I don't have morning sickness, and you can barely see my bump." Sango: "You're right. Still, watch your footing, okay?" Kin'U: "Mother! Lady Kaede said..." Gyokuto: "...she needs your help with something!" Sango: "MIROKU AND SANGO'S SON – HISUI MIROKU AND SANGO'S SON – HISUI All right." Text: "MIROKU AND SANGO'S SON – HISUI " Kagome Higurashi: "Oh, I'll be fine. I'll catch up to you, so go on ahead." Sango: "Okay. But be careful, okay?" Kagome Higurashi: "Yep." Kagome Higurashi: "The moon is waning a little. That's odd, it's supposed to be a full moon tonight." Kagome Higurashi: "Oh, right. Tonight must be a lunar eclipse. The Earth's shadow covers the moon and it gets dark." Riku: "Lady Kagome." Riku: "My name is Riku." Kagome Higurashi: "Mister Riku? Have we met before?" Riku: "No, this is our first time meeting." Kagome Higurashi: "Then how do you know my name?" Riku: "The legendary priestess who made the right wish and purified the Shikon Jewel. Word of your deeds has spread much further than you can imagine, you know." Kagome Higurashi: "Is that so. So do you have business with me?" Riku: "A great cataclysm is approaching." Riku: "Every 500 years, a comet called the Grim Comet travels close to this Earth." Kagome Higurashi: "A comet?" Riku: "Unfortunately, large fragments break off and fall from that Comet. 500 years ago, back when nobles were governing the land," Riku: "war and famine kept spreading, and many people died. Because of that, the population of demons grew. And great demons who controlled them appeared in the East and West. You know one of them quite well— the Great Dog-Demon." Kagome Higurashi: "The Great Dog-Demon... Inuyasha's father." Riku: "Yes, that's correct. The Great Dog-Demon and Kirinmaru. These two Beast Kings joined forces and eradicated the Comet fragment 500 years ago." Kagome Higurashi: "Inuyasha's father did? Oh, wow..." Riku: "Seven days from now, the Grim Comet's fragment will fall upon this Earth once again. However, the Great Dog-Demon is no longer, and Kirinmaru himself has fallen into a long slumber." Kagome Higurashi: "Will Inuyasha be able to serve in his father's place? How can we awaken Kirinmaru from his slumber?" Riku: "I don't recommend awakening Kirinmaru. He hates humans and cannot forgive the existence of half-demons." Riku: "He wouldn't just kill Inuyasha. He would also most likely kill the half-demon that Lady Rin will birth tonight. And, of course, your child as well." Kagome Higurashi: "He'll kill my child?" Kagome Higurashi: "Can't we do anything? Isn't there a way to destroy the Comet's fragment while keeping Kirinmaru asleep?" Riku: "There is one way. If the Great Dog-Demon's sons can combine their strength, and..." Kagome Higurashi: "If there's anything I can do, I'll do it!" Riku: "Then, can you please convince Lord Sesshomaru and Lord Inuyasha?" Kagome Higurashi: "Okay, I'll see what I can do." Text: "SESSHOMARU'S VASSAL – JAKEN " Jaken: "SESSHOMARU'S VASSAL – JAKEN Lord Sesshomaru, SESSHOMARU'S VASSAL – JAKEN looks like they're born." Jaken: "Hm? Who goes there?" Text: "BEAUTIFUL MYSTERY DEMON – ZERO " Zero: "BEAUTIFUL MYSTERY DEMON – ZERO It's been a while, Lord Sesshomaru." Jaken: "Just who are you? Come, answer my question!" Zero: "How is your mother doing?" Sesshomaru: "Hmph, I haven't seen her in years." Zero: "Word is that you had twins. Or was it half-demon twins?" Zero: "I can already picture the surprise on Kirinmaru's face. The great Lord Sesshomaru, known to despise humans and half-demons... ...has taken a human woman as his wife." Zero: "Perhaps you should hide your precious daughters before he awakens." Sesshomaru: "Is it not you who wants them dead, Zero?" Zero: "Oh my, you remembered my name? I'm flattered." Jaken: "A puppet?" Sesshomaru: "How boorish." Zero: "Once the lunar eclipse ends, the Grim Comet will approach for the first time in 500 years. You should use your Bakusaiga then. It's your choice whether to heed my warning or not, Lord Sesshomaru. However, as someone humiliated by your father... I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish to see your entire family suffer in agony." Zero: "Well then, best of luck to you." Jaken: "Just who does she think she is?" Jaken: "Huh? L-Lord Sesshomaru!" Kaede: "You did well, Rin." Text: "TOWA AND SETSUNA'S MOTHER – RIN " Rin: "TOWA AND SETSUNA'S MOTHER – RIN Thank you very much." Kagome Higurashi: "TOWA AND SETSUNA'S MOTHER – RIN Really, they're both so adorable. Really, they're both so adorable." Sango: "What will you name them?" Rin: "Towa and Setsuna." Kagome Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna, huh? Yes, those are wonderful names." Rin: "Lord Sesshomaru." Kagome Higurashi: "What are you doing?" Kaede: "You fool, where do you plan to take them?" Sango: "Sesshomaru, what's going on?" Sesshomaru: "It's a rite of courage and cowardice." Kagome Higurashi: "Wait, Sesshomaru." Kagome Higurashi: "Is Kirinmaru tied to this somehow? In order to destroy the Comet's fragment, I heard that we need both you and Inuyasha." Rin: "Lord Sesshomaru, I have faith in you." Jaken: "Hey, Kagome." Kagome Higurashi: "Jaken." Jaken: "I wrote here when and where Lord Sesshomaru plans to destroy the Comet fragment. Naturally, Lord Sesshomaru can fulfill the task on his own, but we're letting Inuyasha know just in case." Kagome Higurashi: "Oh, okay. Got it." Rin: "Master Jaken." Jaken: "Leave the rest to me." Text: "LEADER OF THE KA DEMONS – JOKA " Joka: "LEADER OF THE KA DEMONS – JOKA Zero asked me to do this. Hand over those half-demon twins to me!" Sesshomaru: "Rainbow Pearls, huh." Joka: "Give those back! They're the jewels of the Ka Demon Tribe!" Sesshomaru: "No. These are Zero's tears." Jaken: "This Jaken shall fulfill the role of their caretaker and raise them in Rin's place." Jaken: "Jaken, Jaken! Come forth, barrier!" Jaken: "The barrier is complete. I shall eventually bring Rin here, too." Joka: "I can't sense the presence of those half-demon twins anywhere. Looks like they were sealed away within a barrier somewhere." Zero: "As expected from Sesshomaru." Jaken: "This palace belongs to Lord Sesshomaru's mother. But it doesn't look like she's here today. Thank goodness..." Kagome Higurashi: "It's here." Sesshomaru: "Bakusaiga!" Sesshomaru: "And the rest..." Inuyasha: "Leave that to me." Inuyasha: "Meido Zangetsuha!" Jaken: "Wonderfully done, Lord Sesshomaru." Inuyasha: "I'm the one who cleaned it up!" Kagome Higurashi: "Yes, Inuyasha, you did well, too." Jaken: "What are you saying? Your Meido Zangetsuha originally belonged to Lord Sesshomaru." Sesshomaru: "Jaken." Sesshomaru & Jaken: "– We're leaving. – Y-Yes." Inuyasha: "Kagome, let's go!" Kagome Higurashi: "Hey, wait for me." Kirinmaru: "Why have you awoken me?" Text: "BEAST KING – KIRINMARU " Kirinmaru: "BEAST KING – KIRINMARU The Great Dog-Demon's sons must have taken care of the Comet's fragment." Zero: "Sesshomaru has taken a human as a bride. Just like the Great Dog-Demon did..." Kirinmaru: "He did what?" Zero: "At this rate, Sesshomaru will be plunged into disaster and fall to ruin. Are you going to let that happen? And he has sired daughters. Half-demons twins." Zero: "Do you remember? The Shikon Jewel is gone now, but it still left us a prophecy." Zero: "Kirinmaru. You will be felled by an existence that is neither human nor demon. An impossible entity that can surpass time. That is what will defeat you. You laughed it off, saying no such thing can exist, but thanks to the Great Dog-Demon, that which should not exist has become reality. That is the half-demon." Zero: "They are an existence that is neither demon nor human. And a quarter demon daughter will soon be born between Kagome, the girl who surpassed time to appear in this world, and Inuyasha. And if we can't erase these cursed half-demons and abominable quarter-demon..." Zero: "Just as the Shikon Jewel prophesized, you will meet your end." Zero: "Lord Sesshomaru." Sesshomaru: "It's been a while, Kirinmaru." Sesshomaru: "Will you slay Inuyasha?" Kirinmaru: "That's what I had in mind." Zero: "Could it be that Lord Sesshomaru is going to lend a hand?" Kirinmaru: "Very well. Come with me, Sesshomaru." Kagome Higurashi: "You're such a good child." Inuyasha: "Kagome! They're here!" Kagome Higurashi: "Okay." Kagome Higurashi: "This is a keepsake from Inuyasha's mother." Kagome Higurashi: "We decided that if we had a girl, we would give this to her." Kagome Higurashi: "Mr. Hachi, please take care of her." Kagome Higurashi: "We will never hand over Moroha to you!" Kirinmaru: "Quit your prattling, human." Kagome Higurashi: "Inuyasha!" Kagome Higurashi: "Inuyasha, are you okay?" Inuyasha: "Yeah." Inuyasha: "Kagome!" Inuyasha: "Kagome!" Kirinmaru: "You helped them?" Sesshomaru: "What are you talking about?" Jaken: "Lord Kirinmaru. There will come a time when Inuyasha's Meido Zangetsuha will be needed. Until then, I think we should simply have them pay respects to the Master's grave." Kirinmaru: "I suppose that's fine." Riku: "I'm glad the Black Pearl and Lady Izayoi's rouge were useful." Zero: "Look at them dream..." Zero: "Thanks to the Dream Gazing spell, I've finally found them." Zero: "Homura. Burn that forest down." Homura: "That forest?" Zero: "That's fine by you, right? Lord Sesshomaru?" Zero: "Burn the entire forest, and erase those cursed half-demon sisters from the face of this world." Homura: "Understood." Towa Higurashi (4 Years Old): "Setsuna, this way." Setsuna (4 Years Old): "Sis!" Towa Higurashi (4 Years Old): "Setsuna? Setsuna!" Setsuna (4 Years Old): "Sis...!" Towa Higurashi (4 Years Old): "Are you okay? I'm sorry I ran off like that..." Setsuna (4 Years Old): "Look out!" Towa Higurashi (4 Years Old): "Oh, no!" Towa Higurashi (4 Years Old): "Setsuna!" Setsuna (4 Years Old): "Sis!" Towa Higurashi (4 Years Old): "Where'd she go?" Towa Higurashi (4 Years Old): "Setsuna!" Riku: "And thus, Lady Towa, Lord Sesshomaru's daughter, departed on her trip beyond time." Riku: "This is as far as I can divulge." Riku: "Come on now, don't be hasty. It's in poor taste, you know? Oh!" Riku: "If fate allows it, perhaps we shall meet again. Until then, farewell." Jyubei: "You threw that child into the crucible of Kodoku?" Yawaragi: "She's got a fifty-fifty chance of surviving." Moroha: "Hey, Yawaragi. Our master-pupil relationship ends today. I'll have you hand over Kurikaramaru." Towa Higurashi: "It was a shock to hear that Moroha got sold off by her master." Setsuna: "But why is she hanging with Konton, one of the Four Perils?" Towa Higurashi: "Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: "Double-Edged Moroha""
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 15 – Farewell Under the Lunar Eclipse", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "15", "Farewell Under the Lunar Eclipse" ] }
Text: "BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA " Moroha: "BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA I guess I'll tell you two the story. I guess I'll tell you two the story." Moroha: "This happened three years ago. I was still a kid who didn't know my left from my right." Yawaragi: "Moroha." Text: "MOROHA'S MASTER, WOLF-DEMON – YAWARAGI" Moroha: "What is it, Master?" Yawaragi: "Deep within this cave, the crucible of Kodoku will soon fulfill its vow." Moroha: "The crucible of Kodoku?" Yawaragi: "It's a spell of Fuko used in Onmyodo. Within this cave, there are hundreds of demons fighting against each other, and the last surviving one will become known as Kodoku, the strongest demon." Moroha: "And? Could it be that you want me to go in there?" Yawaragi: "That's right. Go in, throw yourself into that battle, and survive. If you emerge victorious, as a symbol of completing your training, I'll reward you with my prized Kurikaramaru." Moroha: "You'd give me Kurikaramaru?" Yawaragi: "It's been three years since I was entrusted with you from the Chief of the Wolf-Demon Tribe. This will be your last lesson, and your training will be complete." Towa Higurashi: ""Double-Edged Moroha"" Moroha: "I'm at my limit. I have to use this." Yawaragi: "I forbid you to use your rouge." Moroha: "Why can't I? I'm still just a kid. If I'm fighting the Kodoku demons, then I can't win unless I become Beniyasha." Yawaragi: "It's not about winning. It's much more important to be able to maintain yourself in battle. Don't hesitate! You can win, just use your creative imagination." Moroha: "What the heck is creative imagination?" Yawaragi: "Do you understand? You cannot use your rouge." Moroha: "All right, all right, Master." Last Demon: "You're the only one left. I will be the one to leave this cave." Moroha: "Hey! Maybe we could talk about this. How about we work together and get out of this cave, huh?" Last Demon: "You're joking, right? Work together? And you call yourself a demon? Hold on. I smell human blood from you." Moroha: "Yeah, I'm a quarter-demon." Last Demon: "What? There's no way a measly quarter-demon can be fine with all this demon energy." Moroha: "That's 'cause I have spirit power that can purify demon energy." Last Demon: "Ridiculous. A quarter-demon with spirit power?! Why mix an impurity like that into the crucible? Hey, demon gambling house bookie, what's going on? The Kodoku will get muddy." Moroha: "Why don't you shut up about the details? Blades of Blood!" Moroha: "You're wide open." Moroha: "Sorry, but I really can't take much more of this." Moroha: "That's why I said we should work together." Moroha: "You should listen to people's advice, you know." Moroha: "Well, see ya. Hope you live a good life! Hup!" Moroha: "I somehow won." Moroha: "Master? Master Yawaragi?" Moroha: "You're kidding me, right?" Jyubei: "You threw that child into the crucible of Kodoku?" Text: "CORPSE DEALER " Yawaragi: "CORPSE DEALER Yes, I did. She has a fifty-fifty chance of surviving." Jyubei: "If you sealed her rouge, then her chance of winning is..." Jyubei: "twenty, maybe ten percent." Text: "CORPSE DEALER JYUBEI " Jyubei: "CORPSE DEALER JYUBEI However, I suppose CORPSE DEALER JYUBEI this would be good training." Yawaragi: "Moroha is a quarter-demon born between a half-demon and a human. If she were full-demon... no matter what crisis came her way, she'd be able to keep her heart, and she'd never lose her sense of self." Yawaragi: "Of course, Moroha is different. When she is cornered and her life is in danger, her great demon's blood will take over, and she'll transform. However, just like the meaning of her name, she's a double-edged sword. The more she transforms, the more her heart will disappear. She'll turn into a monster that only fights." Jyubei: "So that's why you used the rouge and sealed away her great demon blood." Yawaragi: "Originally, the seal was something her mother, Lady Kagome, had applied, but I taught her how to dispel the seal by transforming into Beniyasha." Jyubei: "But that girl has been using the rouge without knowing about any of this." Yawaragi: "Truly troublesome indeed." Jyubei: "Looks like I won." Jyubei: "If you could kindly hand that over. However, Lady Yawaragi, for you to sell off your esteemed pupil in a gamble for just three ryou..." Yawaragi: "In order to train her to maintain her sense of self, I had to put her through the crucible of Kodoku. The only way to do that was to go through the demon gambling house." Jyubei: "And now you only have two ryou left." Yawaragi: "I'm in a tough spot. I need to get this Armor of the Iron-rat off of me as soon as possible, too." Jyubei: "How much more will it cost?" Yawaragi: "According to an old armor dealer, a blacksmith rat can make a key to remove it, but it would cost twelve ryou." Jyubei: "I see. Then this corpse dealer can..." Moroha: "There you are, you old hag!" Yawaragi: "Oh, Moroha. You managed to get out, huh?" Moroha: "Shut up! Why the hell didn't you wait for me back there? Did you seriously sell me off to the demon gambling house?" Yawaragi: "Can you blame me? I needed seed money to play some sugoroku." Moroha: "I've had it with your gambling problem! Our master-pupil relationship ends today. I've finished my training, so let me have Kurikaramaru." Yawaragi: "Your demon power hasn't gotten stronger at all. You didn't absorb the Kodoku's powers after defeating it?" Moroha: "Well, I sure as hell won that battle. But who would ever want to absorb powers from such a gross demon?" Jyubei: "You're pretty amazing to have escaped from the crucible of Kodoku." Moroha: "Hey old man, who're you?" Jyubei: "I'm Corpse Dealer Jyubei. I deal in demons' bounties." Moroha: "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Master Yawaragi. Wait, we're not master-pupil anymore. I don't need to be formal. Hey, Yawaragi. Hand over Kurikaramaru, or we're gonna have to fight it out!" Jyubei: "Now hold on, child. What do you say? Lady Yawaragi, how about I pay for the child?" Moroha: "Pay for me?" Jyubei: "For pulling out of the gambling house, for the Armor of the Iron-rat key, and for what you lost in our sugoroku round. How does fifteen ryou sound for all of that?" Yawaragi: "Sold!" Moroha: "W-Wait, sold?" Jyubei: "However, please hand Kurikaramaru over to Moroha." Yawaragi: "That's a sacrifice I'll have to make." Yawaragi: "That's all of it." Yawaragi: "Right. Farewell, Moroha." Moroha: "Wait! Hey!" Jyubei: "Moroha." Jyubei: "As of today, you've been hired for fifteen ryou to this corpse dealer, Jyubei. You will return that debt through bounty hunting." Moroha: "What?! Why do I have to be the one to pay back that money to you? You're kidding me, right?" Jyubei: "Would you rather go back to the gambling house and continue to fight in the crucible of Kodoku forever?" Jyubei: "If you don't want to do that, then make this bounty hunting trade your business." Moroha: "All right, fine, old man." Jyubei: "It's Mr. Jyubei." Moroha: "Fine, Mr. Jyubei." Moroha: "It's been three years." Moroha: "It's been a while..." Moroha: "Yawaragi." Moroha: "You're still wearing the Armor of the Iron-rat? You couldn't find the blacksmith rats?" Yawaragi: "Well, it took a long time, but I found the blacksmith rats' hidden village." Moroha: "Then, why?" Yawaragi: "I found the village, but everyone had been slaughtered. As you know, my Armor of the Iron-rat and your Robe of the Fire-rat were created in a blacksmith rats' workshop deep in the mountains. However..." Yawaragi: "How cruel." Konton: "You can't find it?" Text: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – KONTON " Konton: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – KONTON Isn't this what you're looking for, Yawaragi?" Yawaragi: "Was this your doing?" Konton: "Rats are useless creatures with no discipline. I didn't need to kill them, but I thought I might as well." Yawaragi: "You might as well?" Konton: "Oh, that's right. I hear the Armor of the Iron-rat you're wearing shrinks as years go by. A cursed piece of armor that, in the end, shrinks to the size of a rat and crushes the wearer's body to pieces." Yawaragi: "Who are you?" Konton: "I serve Lord Kirinmaru. My name is Konton of the Four Perils." Yawaragi: "Konton." Konton: "However, we are currently Two Perils. Do you know anything about the one who defeated one of the Four Perils, Tokotsu, and stole the Red Rainbow Pearl from him?" Konton: "I think you might be surprised. It was Moroha, your beloved former pupil." Yawaragi: "Moroha?" Konton: "You can have the key to that armor of yours, but only in exchange for Moroha's head. If you refuse, I shall break this key right here." Yawaragi: "Why don't you do it yourself? Why ask me?" Konton: "I thought I'd offer Tokotsu the entertainment of a master-pupil showdown." Towa Higurashi: "Oh, no. So Konton's showdown is..." Setsuna: "Disgusting." Moroha: "I'm fine with that. Besides, I don't feel any kind of gratitude towards you at all. Let's give them a showdown, just like they want." Yawaragi: "That's good. And that's why you were worthy of being my pupil." Moroha: "No need to help me. This is a fight between me and Yawaragi. I hear you've mastered the Crimson Dragon Wave." Yawaragi: "But how powerful is it coming from a quarter-demon like you?" Moroha: "Why don't I just show you? Crimson Dragon Wave!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha." Setsuna: "She stopped it! A brute force attack won't work." Moroha: "Then try this. Sacred Arrow!" Yawaragi: "How ridiculous. With spirit power this weak, you can barely call it sacred." Moroha: "Heavenly Arrow Barrage!" Yawaragi: "Take this." Setsuna: "I'm helping you." Towa Higurashi: "Yeah, I can't just stand and watch." Moroha: "You can't! This is between me and Yawaragi." Yawaragi: "So you'll begin destroying the lands. You fool! You continue to lose your own heart because fear overpowers you. Didn't I teach you to overcome that weakness of yours?" Moroha: "Shut up! This is my power!" Yawaragi: "If you're only good for fighting, then you're a monster, not a demon." Yawaragi: "If you don't carry your fear, then your body and heart feel no pain. You won't be able to understand your opponent's pain, either. A monster like that..." Yawaragi: "...has no right to live!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Setsuna: "Wait, she's trying to teach Moroha something." Yawaragi: "Go ahead and use your rouge. But remember, once you do, you're nothing but a puppet." Moroha: "Without the rouge, I can't win against Yawaragi." Yawaragi: "A pitiful fool you are. A quarter-demon, an incomplete existence. With you, hope will never see the light of day." Yawaragi: "You haven't changed, not a single bit since you were little." Moroha: "Since I was little..." Yawaragi: "Moroha, you cannot use your rouge!" Text: "BIRD OF PARADISE – WOLF-DEMON TRIBE'S NATURAL ENEMY" Moroha: "BIRD OF PARADISE She's right." Text: "BIRD OF PARADISE " Moroha: "I haven't changed at all since then." Yawaragi: "Moroha, don't use your rouge!" Yawaragi: "Moroha." Yawaragi: "Damn, it called its friends." Weasel Man: "Looks like you're in trouble." Yawaragi: "Who're you?" Weasel Man: "Just an armor dealer passing by. WEASEL MAN Just an armor dealer passing by. I saw that girl wearing the Robe of the Fire-rat, so I thought I'd recommend this Armor of the Iron-rat to you. More defense, and more demon power! With this armor, the Birds of Paradise are nothing! All you have to do is place this key in the keyhole on my back here." Weasel Man: "Hurry, hurry. The armor will mold to fit you perfectly." Yawaragi: "Needs must, I guess." Weasel Man: "Thanks for your business." Yawaragi: "What is..." Weasel Man: "Oh thank goodness. My body was about to be crushed." Yawaragi: "What's going on?" Weasel Man: "You'll have to pay a handsome sum and get a new key made to take off that armor. And make sure you have someone else unlock it, like how you did just now!" Yawaragi: "It was cursed armor?" Yawaragi: "My power's surging. It's the armor, huh? Scattering Winds!" Moroha: "That's right. The armor, the scars on her face... they're all because of me." Moroha: "Your Scattering Winds was really cool." Yawaragi: "I see, were you recalling that moment?" Moroha: "I won't use the rouge. Defeating you by letting the demon take over won't actually mean that I beat you." Yawaragi: "Well said. Let's move on to the last stage, Moroha!" Moroha: "Last stage?" Yawaragi: "I'm going to use my Scattering Winds. Are you ready?" Konton: "I'll thoroughly enjoy the moment you kill your pupil with your own hands... Then, this key will be all yours." Yawaragi: "Oh, you'll enjoy it all right." Moroha: "Go ahead and do it!" Yawaragi: "Moroha, this is the end. Put everything you have into this moment." Moroha: "All right, I'll try!" Yawaragi: "This is it. Scattering Winds!" Yawaragi: "Don't hesitate! You can win, just use your creative imagination." Towa Higurashi: "What's happening?" Moroha: "Crimson Dragon Wave!" Yawaragi: "Well done, Moroha." Konton: "What are you..." Yawaragi: "This is the end of the master-pupil showdown you wanted. Feel it with your flesh." Konton: "You fool." Yawaragi: "What?" Moroha: "Yawaragi!" Konton: "The Blue Rainbow Pearl was helpful. As for this..." Setsuna: "Damn you. Scourge of Swallows!" Konton: "We'll meet again, half-demons." Setsuna: "He got away." Towa Higurashi: "Another strange spell." Moroha: "Master Yawaragi." Yawaragi: "Well done, Moroha. That was the Crimson Backlash Wave." Yawaragi: "If I've taught you that, then I have no more regrets." Moroha: "Master Yawaragi!" Yawaragi: "Have strength in your heart, Moroha..." Moroha: "Master Yawaragi!" Moroha: "No... Master Yawaragi..." Moroha: "Master!" Moroha: "I wonder who I am." Moroha: "I'm not a demon. I'm not a human. I'm not even a half-demon. There was no place for me, and I had nowhere to go. That's why I always ran around by myself and went about making all sorts of noise. I didn't know any other way to live." Moroha: "I feel like it's pure luck that I've survived up to this point. And I have to keep living as an incomplete quarter-demon." Setsuna: "You might be right." Setsuna: "However, you can always change the way you live." Setsuna: "No matter what you do, how you want to live is up to you." Moroha: "I guess so." Towa Higurashi: "Come on, cheer up, Moroha. None of us are alone anymore, right?" Moroha: "Yeah." Moroha: "That's right. Somehow, before I knew it, these two were by my side." Moroha: "So..." Moroha: "this is okay, right, Master Yawaragi?" Towa Higurashi: "We set off to slay Totetsu, the demon who's been eating virtuous monks. But we end up falling into Konton's trap!" Setsuna: "Towa, cut me with your katana." Moroha: "What? Why? I can't do that!" Towa Higurashi: "How deep does this valley go? What's going on?!" Konton: "Enter through the gate of opening, and end at the gate of death." Towa Higurashi: "Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: "Trap of the Two Perils"" Riku: "Shall I steal the Rainbow Pearls from the Half-Demon Princesses? Stay tuned!"
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 16 – Double-Edged Moroha", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "16", "Double-Edged Moroha" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon." Towa Higurashi: "Feudal era and present day. Peacefulness and war." Towa Higurashi: "Joy and sorrow." Towa Higurashi: "Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity." Towa Higurashi: "And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Jyubei: "Lord Riku, I'd like to return this to you." Riku: "Are you done with it?" Jyubei: "Yes. The Rainbow Pearl has gotten me more bounties, and it's allowed me to make big profits." Riku: "Is that so?" Riku: "That's good to hear." Riku: "I suppose I should start making my move." Riku: "Here it is." Konton: "You! Do not step on that." Riku: "Oh my goodness, I am terribly sorry." Riku: "Sir Konton, you sure seem to be taking your time." Konton: "What did you say?" Riku: "The Half-Demon Princesses keep defeating you, and you've barely lifted a finger. Are you fine with that?" Konton: "This might be beyond your comprehension, but I am preparing a field right now." Riku: "A field?" Konton: "An eight field escape trap. It's based on Fang magic." Konton: "However, I can't decide on the keystone. It's an affixed focal point for power." Riku: "Do you want to be it? Oh no, I'm not strong enough for the task. Perhaps it'd be best if you fulfilled that role yourself." Konton: "I need to be controlling the field." Riku: "Then, how about Mister Totetsu?" Konton: "Totetsu, you say?" Konton: "That glutton, huh..." Riku: "Of Lord Kirinmaru's Four Perils, you and Mister Totetsu are the only ones remaining." Riku: "Why not work together once in a while?" Konton: "I don't know where he is or what he's doing." Riku: "Please, leave that matter to me. I'll look for him and bring him here." Konton: "If you want to bring someone here, bring the Half-Demon Princesses. This field is useless unless someone lures them in." Riku: "All right, I'll think of plan for that, too." Konton: "You're being quite generous." Riku: "Lord Kirinmaru's wish is for the Rainbow Pearls to be stolen from the Half-Demon Princesses." Riku: "I hope you haven't forgotten about that." Konton: "I assure you, I haven't." Konton: "Totetsu as the keystone..." Towa Higurashi: ""Trap of the Two Perils"" Towa Higurashi: "What?! This isn't Mount Musubi?" mer: "I heard over at the village that this is Mount Musubi. This is Mount Omusubi." Towa Higurashi: "Omusubi?" mer: "See, look at that." mer: "Doesn't that mountain look tasty?" Towa Higurashi: "So where's Mount Musubi?" mer: "Never heard of a mountain with that name." Towa Higurashi: "Are you kidding me..." Setsuna: "Such a big misunderstanding." Towa Higurashi: "You're acting like it's not your problem. If we don't catch the Dream Butterfly, we can't get your sleep back." Setsuna: "I have no issues with that." Setsuna: "Let's start heading back." Towa Higurashi: "Dream Butterfly, where the heck are you?" Zero: "Two of the Four Perils have been defeated, and you still won't do anything?" Zero: "You were supposed to kill Sesshomaru's daughters for me." Kirinmaru: "Was I?" Zero: "Yes, you were." Kirinmaru: "Riku seems to be on the move." Zero: "You're leaving things to him?" Kirinmaru: "He is my most trusted retainer. It will be fine." Zero: "Such an indolent person..." Takechiyo: "Hey." Takechiyo: "There's still some dust here." Moroha: "Geez, shut up. Mister Jyubei, don't you have proper bounty hunting jobs for me?" Jyubei: "Clearly, there aren't any." Takechiyo: "Get your hands moving! Or else you won't even make enough for today's meal." Moroha: "I can't believe you're using me like this! I'm the kind who can make you loads of money!" Takechiyo: "I still think you were just lucky." Moroha: "Shut up, you little racoon dog." Takechiyo: "Whatever, you're just a quarter-demon!" Riku: "Hello there." Riku: "What are we celebrating?" Jyubei: "Lord Riku, what business do you have today?" Riku: "The thing is... Oh, you're here." Riku: "My dear bounty hunter." Moroha: "Huh? Me?" Riku: "How's the slaying of the Four Perils going? If I remember correctly, I left quite the hefty sum." Moroha: "If it were up to me, I would've gone to slay them myself and get that bounty, and then bam, my debts would be paid, I would breathe easy... But I have no idea where they ran off to." Riku: "My, I thought that might be the case." Riku: "So I heard a rumor regarding Totetsu." Moroha: "Totetsu! The one who goes around eating monks." Riku: "That's the one. I heard that someone saw him." Moroha: "If you know where he is, then leave the rest to me." Riku: "Where are the demon slayer girls?" Moroha: "Probably in the village. Let's go, Takechiyo." Takechiyo: "Wait, why do I have to go?" Jyubei: "Go help them." Takechiyo: "Okay." Towa Higurashi: "The Tree of Ages hasn't come out since then." Towa Higurashi: "She's the one who told us to slay Kirinmaru, but I wonder if she gave up. Or maybe, since we're defeating Kirinmaru's underlings anyway, she's just watching over us?" Towa Higurashi: "Instead of Kirinmaru, I would much rather..." Moroha: "There you are. Hey!" Towa Higurashi: "Takechiyo? I wonder what's up? Huh?" Towa Higurashi: "Why is Riku with them?" Moroha: "We know where Totetsu is, so let's go slay him." Towa Higurashi: "How did you find out?" Riku: "Some pirate friends of mine gave me information." Moroha: "Come on, let's go." Towa Higurashi: "Are you fine with that?" Moroha: "What do you mean?" Towa Higurashi: "We're getting closer to slaying Kirinmaru, which is what the Tree of Ages wants us to do." Moroha: "As long as I can make money, I'm fine with it." Towa Higurashi: "Instead of Kirinmaru, I want to find the Dream Butterfly first." Riku: "Oh, that's right." Riku: "Lady Towa, you were looking for the Dream Butterfly? This is also a rumor I heard from my pirate friends, but Kirinmaru and the Dream Butterfly are connected somehow." Towa Higurashi: "Really?" Riku: "Well, it's only a rumor." Towa Higurashi: "So where is Kirinmaru?" Riku: "I actually still don't know." Riku: "But if you keep defeating his underlings, I think he will come out on his own." Towa Higurashi: "I see. Then what are we waiting for?" Moroha: "Yeah! Big bounty, here I come!" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna." Setsuna: "All right." Riku: "He should be east, near the river. I heard that's where Totetsu was last." Moroha: "Hurry up, Takechiyo." Takechiyo: "I've never had to carry so many people before." Towa Higurashi: "Riku, why do you know about Kirinmaru?" Riku: "Well, it seems like he has something I want." Towa Higurashi: "A Rainbow Pearl?" Riku: "Something much more valuable." Moroha: "What? What kind of treasure is it?" Riku: "Let's just say it'll be more fun if it's a surprise." Towa Higurashi: "What's going on?" Moroha: "A virtuous monk lives in that temple there." Setsuna: "Has Totetsu decided to show himself?" Towa Higurashi: "Is he here to eat the monk?" Moroha: "Hurry, Takechiyo." Totetsu: "Hup." Totetsu: "I'm going to eat you! Here I go!" Totetsu: "Geez, you really don't look tasty at all. But I'm going to eat you!" Buddhist Monk: "Someone help!" Totetsu: "How long do I have to do this for?" Totetsu: "I don't even want to eat this gross-looking monk." Towa Higurashi: "Stop it, Totetsu!" Towa Higurashi: "Let that monk go!" Totetsu: "You finally showed up, you poisonous half-demons. You must be really dumb." Towa Higurashi: "What?" Totetsu: "Why do I have to let go of this monk?" Towa Higurashi: "Um, because he's a hostage? And if you don't let him go..." Setsuna: "We will cut everything without mercy." Towa Higurashi: "But the monk..." Setsuna: "If he gets dragged in, luck was simply not on his side." Buddhist Monk: "What?!" Totetsu: "Come and get me then." Setsuna: "Steel yourself." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, that monk..." Buddhist Monk: "H-Help me!" Moroha: "What?" Buddhist Monk: "H-Help me!" Moroha: "What?" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Takechiyo: "What's going on?" Moroha: "Get back here!" Moroha: "Takechiyo, don't just stand there! Let's go!" Takechiyo: "You're working me too hard!" Moroha: "Towa, Setsuna, jump on." Takechiyo: "Okay, hang on tight!" Buddhist Monk: "Was I saved?" Totetsu: "Catch me if you can!" Moroha: "Come back here!" Moroha: "Takechiyo!" Takechiyo: "Th-They disappeared." Takechiyo: "What's going on?" Riku: "They've entered the field." Takechiyo: "What's that?" Riku: "I don't even know how this is going to turn out." Riku: "The Rainbow Pearl will lead the way, I suppose." Towa Higurashi: "I thought we were in a ravine, but it's pretty wide." Setsuna: "Where's Totetsu?" Towa Higurashi: "And Moroha, too." Towa Higurashi: "Let's try going there first." Moroha: "Get back here!" Moroha: "You're being a sore loser, Totetsu!" Moroha: "Crimson Dragon Wave!" Moroha: "Huh?" Moroha: "Was that an illusion that I just cut?" Moroha: "Setsuna! Towa!" Towa Higurashi: "Something's wrong." Towa Higurashi: "We don't seem to be getting any closer." Setsuna: "And Moroha and Totetsu are nowhere to be found." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Setsuna: "Let's go a little further." Moroha: "How deep does this ravine go?" Moroha: "Hey, it can't be this deep, right?" Konton: "Through the gate of opening, trapped in the gate of surprise. And now, the two are at the gate of rest..." Setsuna: "This is strange." Towa Higurashi: "Yeah. We're not getting closer at all. Should we head back?" Towa Higurashi: "Did we walk this far?" Setsuna: "We may have been captured in some kind of spell." Towa Higurashi: "A spell?" Setsuna: "It's not just Totetsu we're after." Towa Higurashi: "Konton. He was someone who used strange spells." Setsuna: "Towa, cut me with your katana." Towa Higurashi: "What?" Setsuna: "I said, cut me." Towa Higurashi: "Why would I do that? There's no way I can." Setsuna: "I see." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna?" Setsuna: "I thought I would wake up if this was an illusion spell, but I guess things aren't so simple." Towa Higurashi: "Why did you do that?!" Setsuna: "You're too soft, Towa. It's not necessarily your fault that you lack training, but earlier, when we were fighting Totetsu, he read your facial expression and figured out that Moroha was behind him." Towa Higurashi: "But..." Setsuna: "Do not underestimate this era." Setsuna: "So, what next? If this is not an illusion, then what is this spell?" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, wait here, okay?" Setsuna: "What is it? Are we splitting up?" Towa Higurashi: "I'm going to use you as a guide. Don't move." Moroha: "How's that?" Moroha: "What the heck is going on?" Moroha: "But..." Moroha: "Damn it." Towa Higurashi: "This tree..." Towa Higurashi: "But this tree was supposed to be behind me." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna? Setsuna?" Konton: "From the gate of surprise, to the gate of death." Towa Higurashi: "Wait, okay, calm down." Towa Higurashi: "I smell Setsuna's blood." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna! Setsuna! Setsuna!" Setsuna: "Behind me?" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Setsuna: "Why are you behind me? I haven't moved at all." Towa Higurashi: "Konton's spell twists the space around us and it's making us go in circles." Setsuna: "She disappeared." Towa Higurashi: "It's a Möbius strip." Setsuna: "A what?" Towa Higurashi: "If we can't physically escape this trap," Towa Higurashi: "we just have to sever the circle itself." Setsuna: "If you want me to cut something, I can, but where?" Towa Higurashi: "I don't know if we can see it, but is there a nexus of the spell somewhere?" Setsuna: "We can if it's a rift of demon energy." Towa Higurashi: "What does that mean?" Setsuna: "I heard that our clan can sniff out where rifts of demon energies clash. And we can cut through that." Towa Higurashi: "Sniff out?" Setsuna: "I'll try it." Setsuna: "This smell." Towa Higurashi: "Konton!" Setsuna: "He's close." Towa Higurashi: "Yeah." Konton: "What?" Konton: "How dare you. Disgusting." Setsuna: "We found you, Konton, prepare yourself!" Towa Higurashi: "But where did Totetsu go?" Moroha: "Is he planning to run to the seas?" Towa Higurashi: "He must be running for help from his higher-up, Kirinmaru." Moroha: "Higher-up?" Towa Higurashi: "Someone above his rank." Moroha: "Then that'd be the boss, wouldn't it? How many mon coins do you think that Kirinmaru boss is worth?" Setsuna: "Wait, who is that?" Towa Higurashi: "Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: "Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru""
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 17 – Trap of the Two Perils", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "17", "Trap of the Two Perils" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon." Towa Higurashi: "Feudal era and present day. Peacefulness and war." Towa Higurashi: "Joy and sorrow." Towa Higurashi: "Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity. And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Konton: "From the gate of surprise, to the gate of death." Towa Higurashi: "Wait, okay, calm down." Towa Higurashi: "I smell Setsuna's blood." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna! Setsuna! Setsuna!" Setsuna: "Behind me?" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Setsuna: "Why are you behind me? I haven't moved at all." Towa Higurashi: "Konton's spell twists the space around us and it's making us go in circles." Setsuna: "She disappeared." Towa Higurashi: "It's a Mobius strip." Setsuna: "A what?" Towa Higurashi: "If we can't physically escape this trap," Towa Higurashi: "we just have to sever the circle itself." Setsuna: "If you want me to cut something, I can, but where?" Towa Higurashi: "I don't know if we can see it, but is there a nexus for it somewhere?" Setsuna: "We can see it if it's a rift of demon energy." Towa Higurashi: "What does that mean?" Setsuna: "I heard that our clan can sniff out where rifts of demon energies clash. And we can cut through that." Towa Higurashi: "Sniff out?" Setsuna: "I'll try it." Setsuna: "This smell." Towa Higurashi: "Konton!" Setsuna: "He's close." Towa Higurashi: "Yeah." Konton: "What?" Konton: "How dare you." Konton: "Distasteful." Towa Higurashi: ""Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru"" Towa Higurashi: "SETSUNA TOWA HIGURASHI Did you just say "distasteful"? SETSUNA TOWA HIGURASHI You're the one who trapped us! You're the one who trapped us! Where is Kirinmaru?" Konton: "And what business would you have with Lord Kirinmaru?" Towa Higurashi: "I'm looking for the Dream Butterfly." Konton: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – KONTON The Dream Butterfly, you say?" Text: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – KONTON BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA " Moroha: "BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA Damn, it's windy." Text: "BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA " Totetsu: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – TOTETSU Ow, what the hell?" Moroha: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – TOTETSU Hey, is that you, Totetsu? Hey, is that you, Totetsu?" Totetsu: "And up we go. Did Konton mess up or something? Oh well, I'll turn you into namasu!" Moroha: "And I'll just take your head!" Text: "RACCOON DOG DEMON – TAKECHIYO " Takechiyo: "RACCOON DOG DEMON – TAKECHIYO Oh no, something must've happened inside." Takechiyo: "Lord Riku?" Riku: "You wait here." Takechiyo: "But I want to go home..." Setsuna: "What are you laughing at?" Konton: "It's just that you two seem to have no idea what you're doing." Towa Higurashi: "What? What do you mean?" Konton: "The two of you... are chasing the Dream Butterfly without even understanding Lord Kirinmaru's profound designs for it." Towa Higurashi: "Who cares about that? If Kirinmaru is the one controlling the Dream Butterfly, then I'll get Setsuna's dreams back from him!" Konton: "Oh, my. How ignorant you are, half-demons." Konton: "The Gold and Silver Rainbow Pearls..." Moroha: "Crimson Dragon Wave!" Moroha: "How's that?" Totetsu: "Who cares? I just don't want Lord Kirinmaru to be angry with me." Totetsu: "This tastes gross, but..." Moroha: "Why don't you stop stalling?" Totetsu: "This Rainbow Pearl works really well." Konton: "You've been housing them in your eyes," Konton: "yet you probably don't even know their origins." Setsuna: "The origins of the Rainbow Pearls?" Konton: "The seven combined form a power that should not exist, so Lady Zero scattered them across the lands." Konton: "For you both to possess them simply spells disaster." Konton: "Come, Ogre!" Setsuna: "Scourge of Swallows!" Setsuna: "This is..." Setsuna: "It's something like a puppet." Towa Higurashi: "Then we aim for the puppeteer." Setsuna: "Above you, Towa." Konton: "You two are still within the eight field escape trap." Konton: "You're still in the palm of my hand." Towa Higurashi: "Damn it, where is he?" Setsuna: "Sniff it out, Towa." Towa Higurashi: "Sniff it out? The flow of demon energy?" Towa Higurashi: "A vortex of demon energy?" Towa Higurashi: "Here it comes!" Konton & Towa Higurashi: "– What? – There!" Konton: "How dare you." Towa Higurashi: "Give it up already. I just want to know where Kirinmaru is. If you just tell me..." Konton: "Do not underestimate me, little girl." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Setsuna: "Dodge it!" Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" Towa Higurashi: "What happened?" Setsuna: "Where..." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha." Moroha: "What?" Moroha: "Looks like Konton's eight field whatever is gone now." Moroha: "You're the only one left of the Four Perils." Towa Higurashi: "Tell me, where is Kirinmaru?" Moroha: "Come on, time to give up, Totetsu." Moroha: "What?" Moroha: "I won't let you get away." Moroha: "Takechiyo!" Moroha: "Why are you just standing there?" Takechiyo: "I didn't do anything wrong." Moroha: "We're going after him. Hurry up and transform!" Riku: "And that's three." Moroha: "Get back here!" Moroha: "Can't you go any faster?" Towa Higurashi: "We kind of left Riku behind." Moroha: "There's no time to worry about him. Oh, that's right, you two defeated Konton, right? Where's his head?" Towa Higurashi: "There is no head. It was eaten up." Moroha: "Why?" Setsuna: "You have the time to worry about that?" Moroha: "Is he planning to run to the seas?" Towa Higurashi: "All of his friends have been defeated, so he must be running for help to his higher-up, Kirinmaru." Moroha: "Higher-up?" Towa Higurashi: "Someone above his rank." Moroha: "Then that'd be the boss, wouldn't it? How many mon coins do you think that Kirinmaru boss is worth?" Totetsu: "Damn them. Just you wait." Moroha: "What?" Towa Higurashi: "What's going on?" Kirinmaru: "Fool. Do you intend to invite unnecessary guests to my ship?" Totetsu: "I'm terribly sorry." Kirinmaru: "Be gone." Moroha: "Come back here, Totetsu!" Moroha: "Who the hell are you?" Kirinmaru: "I am Kirinmaru." Moroha: "Who the hell are you?" Kirinmaru: "I am Kirinmaru." Moroha: "Oh, really? So you're the big boss man of the Four Perils!" Moroha: "Prepare yourself!" Towa Higurashi: "Wait, Moroha." Towa Higurashi: "Are you the one controlling the Dream Butterfly?" Towa Higurashi: "And if you've stolen Setsuna's dreams, please return them." Moroha: "Hey, let's just take them back by force. But I get dibs on his head." Setsuna: "Is there even a bounty out for Kirinmaru?" Moroha: "Huh? Takechiyo." Takechiyo: "What is it?" Moroha: "You'd know, wouldn't you?" Takechiyo: "I don't think anyone put a bounty out for him." Setsuna: "And the Tree of Ages never said we'd get anything for it." Moroha: "I'll pass, then." Towa Higurashi: "Wait, we still need to settle the whole Dream Butterfly thing." Kirinmaru: "Listen, half-demons." Kirinmaru: "You want my head? Then go ahead and try." Moroha: "I'd rather not work for free, thanks." Kirinmaru: "Kill me, and the Dream Butterfly will disappear." Towa Higurashi: "Um, if you could just make it disappear without you having to die..." Kirinmaru: "Half-demons!" Kirinmaru: "There exists a prophecy that half-demons will be the ones to take my head. I must find out if this is true or false, else my conscience will not be at ease." Kirinmaru: "Regardless, you half-demons are not meant to exist in this world at all." Moroha: "Half-demon this, half-demon that. Just shut up already!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha." Kirinmaru: "Not even a skill or spell to behold." Moroha: "You wanna see some skills? Eat this. Crimson Dragon Wave!" Moroha: "Did he..." Setsuna: "What?" Setsuna: "I think we'd better slay him." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Kirinmaru: "I see. You can absorb demon energy." Towa Higurashi: "I'll be taking all of it." Kirinmaru: "However, you're lacking in strength." Setsuna: "Demon energy, Towa! Cut the flow of demon energy." Towa Higurashi: "Okay." Towa Higurashi: "Wait..." Towa Higurashi: "I can't sense it." Kirinmaru: "My demon energy cannot be sensed by the likes of you." Kirinmaru: "Heart, skill, strength, all so lacking. Was the prophecy false?" Kirinmaru: "Or perhaps are you not the half-demons who are fated to take my life?" Moroha: "You two, stay back." Moroha: "With this rouge, I become Beniyasha, Destroyer of Lands!" Moroha: "Tremble before the bloodthirsty dawn! Bear witness to your end, if you so dare!! Iron-Reaver, Soul-Stealer!" Moroha: "Damn it." Moroha: "Iron-Reaver, Soul-Stealer!" Kirinmaru: "You seem to have gotten a bit stronger..." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Moroha: "Blades of Blood!" Kirinmaru: "But your skills cannot catch up." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Kirinmaru: "You cannot even maintain that form!" Kirinmaru: "I still have not used any skills or spells." Kirinmaru: "But here, have a glimpse." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Kirinmaru: "Disappointing." Towa Higurashi: "Stop it!" Kirinmaru: "As expected of his grandchild." Kirinmaru: "Sesshomaru's daughter..." Kirinmaru: "However..." Setsuna: "Towa!" Kirinmaru: "I tire of you." Towa Higurashi: "Who..." Setsuna: "...is that?" Kirinmaru: "Sesshomaru, so you have compassion as a parent after all." Towa Higurashi: "That person is Sesshomaru?" Kirinmaru: "Have you come here to stop me out of concern for your daughters' lives?" Jaken: "Lord Kirinmaru!" Text: "SESSHOMARU'S VASSAL – JAKEN " Jaken: "SESSHOMARU'S VASSAL – JAKEN Lord Sesshomaru is not the kind who would take action for personal matters." Sesshomaru: "Silence, Jaken." Jaken: "Yes, sir." Sesshomaru: "Step back." Jaken: "Yes, sir." Jaken: "Oh, look at how much you two have grown!" Towa Higurashi: "Who are you?" Kirinmaru: "Of course the heavens and earth would resound when we cross each other." Kirinmaru: "It seems your daughters are not sufficient enough to threaten my life." Kirinmaru: "However, Sesshomaru, I will still have you work for what I desire you to do." Jaken: "Lord Sesshomaru." Sesshomaru: "We're leaving, Jaken." Jaken: "But I don't think we should leave these two like this." Sesshomaru: "Jaken." Jaken: "Yes?" Sesshomaru: "Do not say it." Jaken: "Yes, sir. Oh, please wait for me, Lord Sesshomaru!" Riku: "I will not give the Rainbow Pearls to anyone." Riku: "As for the remaining..." Riku: "I'll have them all." Moroha: "Towa! Setsuna!" Moroha: "Hey!" Moroha: "You're alive!" Moroha: "Setsuna. Setsuna!" Setsuna: "Moroha?" Moroha: "Good, you're alive." Moroha: "So what happened? Did you two defeat Kirinmaru?" Setsuna: "No." Takechiyo: "It was Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru showed up." Moroha: "Sesshomaru?" Moroha: "You mean your dad? What happened?" Towa Higurashi: "I don't know. But it looks like he has something to do with Kirinmaru." Moroha: "Hey, show yourself. Why don't you say something, huh?" Moroha: "It's no use, damn it." Moroha: "We really can't do much like this." Towa Higurashi: "Yeah." Towa Higurashi: "I wonder what Sesshomaru is trying to do." Princess Aiya: "Demon slayers! It was I who summoned you." Setsuna: "Hisui accepts a challenge between the demon slayers and bounty hunters. Don't tell Towa." Moroha: "Aren't they going too far with this?" Towa Higurashi: "Why are Moroha and Setsuna fighting each other?!" Setsuna: "I'm the one who'll win. I accepted the job, so I'll see it through!" Towa Higurashi: "Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: "Princess Aiya's Beniyasha Hunting""
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 18 – Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "18", "Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon. Feudal era and present day." Towa Higurashi: "Peacefulness and war. Joy and sorrow. Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity. And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Attendant: "Her Highness enters!" Princess Aiya: "You may raise your heads." Text: "DEMON SLAYERS – NANASUKE, ROKUTA " Rokuta: "DEMON SLAYERS – NANASUKE, ROKUTA It's not the Lord?" suke: "DEMON SLAYERS – NANASUKE, ROKUTA Who is she? Who is she?" Princess Aiya: "PRINCESS AIYA Were you surprised, demon slayers? It was not my father who called you, it was me. I am Aiya, daughter of Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo." Hisui: "Huh..." Rokuta: "So that's the Lord's daughter." suke: "I see." Princess Aiya: "So, demon slayers. Which one of you is the chief?" Hisui: "Unfortunately, our chief is currently absent." Princess Aiya: "Absent?" Princess Aiya: "I don't know if I should talk to you if your chief is not here." Hisui: "Please, I will heed your request with full responsibility in our chief's absence. What kind of job do you have for us?" Princess Aiya: "So you'll take his place, huh?" Princess Aiya: "Do you want to know that badly? I see, you must be dying to hear it!" Hisui: "I didn't say anything." Princess Aiya: "That's understandable. If you accept our job, you might even join the Ogigayatsu Hiiragi family's mercenary forces after all." Hisui: "Join His Excellency's forces?" Rokuta: "That would be amazing." suke: "We'd be set for life!" Princess Aiya: "Yes, just so. That makes you happy, doesn't it? Be glad and rejoice. However, what I am offering you is not a demon-slaying job." Princess Aiya: "It's a contest!" Hisui: "A contest?" Princess Aiya: "If you emerge victorious in this special contest of mine, then you can join our forces." Princess Aiya: "And here are your opponents." Princess Aiya: "Come on in, bounty hunters!" Princess Aiya: "I know, I understand. You demon slayers may think that this is not enough. However, the fun doesn't end here. Be surprised. I wager you are so surprised!" Rokuta: "That princess..." suke: "She sure is having fun by herself." Hisui: "Yeah." Princess Aiya: "Now, bring me the other bounty hunter." Moroha: "Let go of me! BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA Let go of me! BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA You're kidding me, right? Hey! You're kidding me, right? Hey!" Hisui: "Moroha?" Princess Aiya: "Demon slayers, I hear that you have a strange girl in your ranks. Through the Corpse Dealer Jyubei's recommendation, I'm having this one join the ranks of the bounty hunters. How about it? They're more than enough, right? So you'll accept? Of course you will! I know you want to! I'll be expecting a spectacle!" Towa Higurashi: ""Princess Aiya's Beniyasha Hunting"" suke: "We can join the Lord's forces if we win. Man, can you imagine?" Rokuta: "Yeah, but Hisui, is it really okay to do this without Chief's go-ahead?" Hisui: "Uncle has always been taking care of us. It's time for us to repay some of that kindness." Hisui: "And I already have a plan." Takechiyo: "Hey, Moroha." Text: "RACCOON DOG DEMON – TAKECHIYO " Takechiyo: "RACCOON DOG DEMON – TAKECHIYO Are you done?" Text: "RACCOON DOG DEMON – TAKECHIYO " Moroha: "RACCOON DOG DEMON – TAKECHIYO Ugh, geez." Moroha: "Why does someone like me have to fight the demon slayers with those bounty hunters?" Moroha: "On top of that, I have to attend some long, boring strategy meeting." Takechiyo: "You shouldn't be complaining. There's still a lot of debt that your master left over." Takechiyo: "Master Jyubei will be getting the money for your participation." Moroha: "Geez." Takechiyo: "Oh, right." Takechiyo: "The demon slayers gave me this to give to you. Here." Moroha: "What's this?" Setsuna: "Defeat Moroha?" Hisui: "Yeah. The job from the princess is a battle with the bounty hunters," Hisui: "but they'll be no match for us. The only one we'll have to take down is Moroha." Hisui: "So, will you accept?" Text: "DEMON SLAYER – SETSUNA " Setsuna: "DEMON SLAYER – SETSUNA One thing. We need to keep this a secret from Towa." Towa Higurashi: "Huh?" Towa Higurashi: "Good morning, Moroha. Where's Setsuna?" Moroha: "S-Setsuna? Wh-Who knows?" Towa Higurashi: "Okay. So are you going somewhere?" Moroha: "Something like that." Towa Higurashi: "So early in the morning?" Moroha: "You know, it's nothing much, just a large scale battle, so... I'm off!" Towa Higurashi: "Okay, be safe." Towa Higurashi: "Did Moroha just say something about a "battle"?" Towa Higurashi: "A battle?" Towa Higurashi: "Hey, Moroha, wait." Towa Higurashi: "I have to let Setsuna know!" Moroha: "I almost let it slip to Towa." Takechiyo: "Why do I always have to come with you on these things?" Moroha: "I told you, didn't I? If we succeed, I'll get you those candies from Towa. Those Rock-Paper-Scissor chocolates you love." Takechiyo: "Will this really work, though?" Moroha: "It'll be fine. The plan is perfect." Takechiyo: "I don't like it, but I guess I have no choice." Takechiyo: "There won't be a second time, okay?" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, are you here?" Towa Higurashi: "Huh? No one's here." Towa Higurashi: "CAT DEMON – KIRARA Oh, Kirara. Do you know where Setsuna might have gone? Moroha's in trouble." Servant: "Heave-ho. Heave-ho." Princess Aiya: "Today will be so much fun! Come on, pick up the pace!" suke: "So, where are the bounty hunters?" Rokuta: "It's already time." Princess Aiya: "Come on, start the show already!" Rokuta: "Was there a castle here?" suke: "Did they build it overnight?" Bounty Hunter A: "If it's for a bounty, I'll even build a castle! I am the bounty hunter lady!" Bounty Hunter B: "If it's for a bounty, I can sneak anywhere! I am the bounty hunter ninja!" Bounty Hunter C: "I foresee that we will win this battle. All right, so that's that! I am the bounty hunter granny!" Bounty Hunter D: "Brawn over brains! I am the bounty hunters' muscle!" Bounty Hunter A & Moroha: "– Come on, you too! – Seriously?" Bounty Hunter B: "We went over this yesterday!" Moroha: "R-Right." Moroha: "I am Moroha. Moroha the Demon Killer!" Bounty Hunter A: "We are the strongest bounty hunters! We will always get..." Bounty Hunters: "...the bounty!" Moroha: "Wait, me too?" Moroha: "Pose!" Rokuta: "What's happening?" suke: "So, should we follow their lead, or..." Hisui: "No, let's just get this over with." Setsuna: "Yeah." Hisui: "Fire!" Bounty Hunter C: "Something's flying toward us." Bounty Hunter A: "Everyone, attack!" Moroha: "Attack? But those are oil pots." Bounty Hunter D: "Hmph, I'll just use my muscles!" Moroha: "Whoa, hey, muscles won't solve this. Shouldn't we just run? What?" Rokuta: "Huh? Just with one oil pot..." suke: "The castle's already burning." Hisui: "The princess wishes to see a spectacle. Keep on firing!" Rokuta & Nanasuke: "Yes, sir!" Bounty Hunter D: "Whoa!" Princess Aiya: "Wow, this is amazing! As expected from the demon slayers!" Princess Aiya: "Go! More fire!" Moroha: "What the heck is going on with them?! I didn't hear about this!" Towa Higurashi: "Over there! Kirara, can you get closer?" Bounty Hunter A: "It's going to fall! Everyone, run for it!" Moroha: "Aren't they going too far with this?" Moroha: "Damn, I really didn't hear about this!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha, I'm here to help you." Moroha: "Towa? Why are you..." Towa Higurashi: "Grab on!" Hisui: "Towa and Kirara? Did you tell her?" Rokuta: "I didn't. Did you?" suke: "No, of course not." Setsuna: "I'm the one who told her not to tell." Hisui: "Either way, we're in a bit of a bind now." Setsuna: "We're all on this ship now. We must see it through to the end." Setsuna: "Leave handling Towa to me." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha." Towa Higurashi: "Why are you in a battle?" Moroha: "Well, you see, it was something I had no choice but to participate in, so…" Towa Higurashi: "But you're fighting all by yourself!" Moroha: "Oh, I had some people on my side, but..." Towa Higurashi: "Was this a job from Mr. Jyubei? Because of that debt?" Moroha: "Uh, well, yes." Towa Higurashi: "This isn't a laughing matter. I wanted to also let Setsuna know, but I couldn't find the demon slayers." Moroha: "I think you'll find them soon." Setsuna: "Are you looking for me?" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna?" Setsuna: "Don't get in our way, Towa. We're in the middle of a battle." Towa Higurashi: "Why are you here, too?" Setsuna: "Right now I'm simply doing my job as a member of the demon slayers." Moroha: "That's right. Setsuna and I are currently in the middle of an epic battle." Towa Higurashi: "Does that mean the ones you're fighting are the demon slayers?" Rokuta: "Hey, what are we gonna do?" suke: "It wasn't in the plan for Towa to join." Hisui: "If we stop here, then it'll be pointless. Setsuna should be taking care of Towa, so let's just keep going." Towa Higurashi: "This is horrible. I'll go talk to the demon slayers." Moroha: "Hey, Towa! Stop it." Setsuna: "Don't meddle in our business." Towa Higurashi: "But all of this is just wrong! Why do you and Moroha have to fight? We're on the same team!" Setsuna: "And who decided such a thing?" Setsuna: "Towa, you are too soft after all." Setsuna: "You don't understand anything, and you don't see anything." Setsuna: "Towa, if you get in my way, I will have to defeat you, too!" Princess Aiya: "Hey. What are those girls standing around chattering on about? What happened to all that fervor? Fight already!" Princess Aiya: "Fight more recklessly!" Servant: "Princess, please calm down. You might fall off." Towa Higurashi: "Come on, Setsuna. Let's stop this already." Moroha: "I agree, Setsuna. I don't think we have to go this far..." Setsuna: "Shut up. Scourge of Swallows!" Moroha: "Oh, no. Move, Towa!" Rokuta: "Instead of a battle..." suke: "It's become a sibling fight." Hisui: "Never mind that, let's just take care of Moroha. You're here, right?" Takechiyo: "Yep!" Moroha: "Towa, are you okay?" Towa Higurashi: "Yeah." Moroha: "Hey, Setsuna, you're going too far." Setsuna: "We must finish this one way or another." Moroha: "Are you serious?" Moroha: "You're unbelievable." Moroha: "Okay, I'm going to win this battle and get that bounty." Setsuna: "I'm the one who'll win. I accepted the job, so I'll see it through!" Moroha: "Crimson Dragon Wave!" Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" Towa Higurashi: "Please, both of you, stop!" Princess Aiya: "Wow, so is this what a battle between girls looks like? This is fantastic! I want to see more!" Towa Higurashi: "Come on, please stop!" Towa Higurashi: "Okay then, I won't let you two fight." Moroha: "No way!" Moroha: "Why is it following me?!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha." Towa Higurashi: "Was it a misfire?" Setsuna: "Looks like it." Takechiyo: "Moroha." Moroha: "Ouch, I'll get you for this!" Towa Higurashi & Hisui: "– That was close. – No, it wasn't." Hisui: "Towa, sorry, but we need to defeat Moroha." Towa Higurashi: "Hisui." Towa Higurashi: "Stop it!" Hisui: "As a demon slayer, it's our duty to see a job through to the end." Setsuna: "That's how it goes, Towa. Please, just stay back." Towa Higurashi: "I can't do that. If you're going after Moroha, then I'll protect her with all I've got." Hisui: "Fine. Then we'll have to go all out, too." Moroha: "Wait, are you guys serious?" Hisui: "Hiraikotsu!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Princess Aiya: "What a spectacular show. I am duly satisfied. Take that, I say!" Servant: "Then, Princess, will you really be employing them?" Princess Aiya: "Of course not. Father would never consent to such a thing. It was obviously a lie I made up." Kohaku: "That's what I thought." Princess Aiya: "Y-You! Who are you!" Text: "LEADER OF DEMON SLAYERS – KOHAKU " Kohaku: "LEADER OF DEMON SLAYERS – KOHAKU I am the Chief of the demon slayers. My name is Kohaku." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Hisui: "Okay, that's the end of that." Rokuta: "Now we can join the Lord's forces." suke: "We did it." Towa Higurashi: "But..." Towa Higurashi: "This is terrible. Is money that precious to you? There's nothing more important than a life!" Moroha: "Hey, Towa." Moroha: "I'm right here." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha? W-Why? Then who am I holding..." Takechiyo: "It's me." Moroha: "Takechiyo." Takechiyo: "Let's switch." Takechiyo: "I can disguise my scent with this, too." Hisui: "Towa." Hisui: "The thing is, today's battle had a bit more to it." Towa Higurashi: "More?" Towa Higurashi: "So you're saying this was a fixed match?" Moroha: "That's right." Takechiyo: "All of it was scripted." Hisui: "Winning this battle and joining the Lord's forces means we demon slayers won't have to worry about money." Kohaku: "That's not going to happen." Rokuta & Nanasuke: "Chief?" Hisui: "That employment offer was a lie fabricated by that princess." Moroha: "No way." Hisui: "But I thought if we joined the Lord's forces, then we could give you a better life." Hisui: "Listen, Hisui. Demon slayers are there help those who are in need. It should never be for someone who's taking care of us, or for the sake of money." Hisui: "I want you to carve that deeply on your heart. I'm sorry, Uncle." Rokuta & Nanasuke: "Sorry." Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "Unbelievable." Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "Offering employment without my consent, setting up a battle, even..." Text: "OGIGAYATSU HIIRAGI DANJO " Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "OGIGAYATSU HIIRAGI DANJO This is outrageous." Princess Aiya: "But Father, I couldn't stand it!" Retainer 1: "Intruder!" Retainer 2: "Get them!" Retainer 1: "Do not let them through." Retainer 2: "You're in the presence of His Excellency!" Moroha: "Shut up!" Princess Aiya: "Those girls dirtied my kimono, and I just got so upset." Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "Still, there are things you can and cannot do, Aiya." Princess Aiya: "Forgive me!" Princess Aiya: "I'll never do it again!" Moroha: "Hey, come on, don't be so upset. We couldn't tell you because you're a terrible liar." Setsuna: "Towa wouldn't understand, it's just how business works." Towa Higurashi: "I'm so glad. I'm just so glad." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha's okay." Towa Higurashi: "And Setsuna is the usual Setsuna." Towa Higurashi: "I'm just so relieved." Moroha: "I feel like it would've been better if you were just mad at us." Moroha: "I feel a bit guilty now." Setsuna: "Yeah..." Towa Higurashi: "When Setsuna was younger, she lived in a hidden village beyond the valley." Shiori: "You seem to be tied to a strange destiny." Setsuna: "Shiori is a half-demon with the ability to create barriers. With her barrier, she protected the village." Towa Higurashi: "But demons who were after the half-demon children showed up." Gaga Gozen: "Suffer in my poison fog!" Towa Higurashi: "Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: "The Hidden Village for Half Demons""
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 19 – Princess Aiya's Beniyasha Hunting", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "19", "Princess Aiya's Beniyasha Hunting" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon. Feudal era and present day." Towa Higurashi: "Peacefulness and war. Joy and sorrow. Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity." Towa Higurashi: "And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Towa Higurashi: "So what are we up to today? Where are you taking me, this far away?" Setsuna: "I didn't take you anywhere. You're the one who came along." Towa Higurashi: "But where is this..." Towa Higurashi: "Watch it, Setsuna! I'll fall off!" Setsuna: "This is my..." Towa Higurashi: ""The Hidden Village for Half Demons"" Text: "SETSUNA TOWA HIGURASHI " Towa Higurashi: "SETSUNA TOWA HIGURASHI Hey, Setsuna. Why are we this far into the mountains? Going for a walk?" Setsuna: "I'm just making my rounds. That's why I said you didn't have to come." Towa Higurashi: "So what on earth is here anyway?" Setsuna: "There's nothing here. That's how it's supposed to be." Towa Higurashi: "What? What does that mean?" Setsuna: "The earliest memory I have is the view of a burnt-up forest." Towa Higurashi: "You mean the one we were in?" Towa Higurashi: "So it's a memory from after we got separated?" Setsuna: "After that, I lived here for a while." Towa Higurashi: "That was when we were around four years old, right? I'm sorry, I didn't know anything and I—" Setsuna: "I wasn't alone. I had Miss Shiori, and there were other children, too." Towa Higurashi: "Miss Shiori? Who's that?" Setsuna: "This place is a hidden village for half-demons that Miss Shiori made." Towa Higurashi: "A hidden village?" Setsuna: "After that fire..." Setsuna: "I couldn't do anything. I just sat by the ruins." Setsuna: "But someone came for me." Jaken: "Hey." Text: "TWO-HEADED DRAGON – A-UN " Jaken: "TWO-HEADED DRAGON – A-UN You there, little girl. Hop on. You there, little girl. Hop on." Text: "SESSHOMARU'S VASSAL – JAKEN " Jaken: "SESSHOMARU'S VASSAL – JAKEN What is it? You need not fear me. Come now, jump on." Setsuna: "I was led by a voice that I couldn't quite place..." Setsuna: "And I was taken to this mountain." Shiori: "Survive and live!" uta: "Who are you?" Raita: "Yeah, who're you?" uta: "No humans allowed." Raita: "No demons allowed." uta: "Say something." Raita: "Yeah, say something." uta: "You're a half-demon, right?" Raita: "You're probably a half-demon." Setsuna (4 Years Old): "Half-demon?" Shiori: "What's the matter?" uta: "Oh, Miss Shiori. HALF-DEMON VILLAGE HEAD – SHIORI Oh, Miss Shiori." Raita: "HALF-DEMON VILLAGE HEAD – SHIORI Miss Shiori." Text: "HALF-DEMON VILLAGE HEAD – SHIORI " Shiori: "My, a child..." Shiori: "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Setsuna (4 Years Old): "I was told to give you this..." Text: "PLEASE LOOK AFTER HER " Shiori: "PLEASE LOOK AFTER HER Oh, dear..." Text: "PLEASE LOOK AFTER HER " Shiori: "My child, you seem to be tied to a strange destiny." Shiori: "Welcome." Setsuna: "And Miss Shiori invited me in..." Setsuna: "to a hidden village inhabited by half-demon children. Miss Shiori was a half-demon from the Demon Bat Tribe with the power to create barriers." Setsuna: "She used her barrier to protect the peace of the village." uta: "HALF-DEMON CHILDREN I'm Futa." Raita: "HALF-DEMON CHILDREN I'm Raita." uta: "So what happened to your parents?" Raita: "Yeah, what happened?" Setsuna (4 Years Old): "I don't know." Raita: "That's a little sad." uta: "My parents were killed by humans." Raita: "My parents were killed by demons." uta: "But if you don't know, then that's kind of a big deal." Setsuna (4 Years Old): "Oh." Setsuna: "I got used to living there pretty quickly." Setsuna: "During the day, we went out to gather food, and at night, we hid." Setsuna: "I learned numbers and how to read and write." Half-Demon Child 1: "Miss Shiori." Half-Demon Child 1: "Look what I got!" Half-Demon Child 2: "Miss Shiori, I got a lot, too!" Shiori: "That's amazing, everyone. You all worked so hard." uta: "Miss Shiori!" uta: "I brought it down." Raita: "And I caught it." Shiori: "Both of you are amazing." Setsuna: "At times, I would receive items addressed to me." uta: "What's that?" Raita: "Yeah, what is it?" Setsuna (4 Years Old): ""Cut the wind."" Setsuna: "For some reason, I trained following those orders." Setsuna (4 Years Old): ""Cut water."" uta: "Cut the water?" Raita: "Can it be cut, though?" uta: "It's impossible, right?" Raita: "Impossible." Setsuna: "Humans would never stray this far into the mountain," Setsuna: "but sometimes demons would make their way here." Setsuna: "Most of them would give up and leave, barred by Miss Shiori's barrier." Setsuna: "The really persistent ones would wait for us to emerge." Setsuna: "With those demons, we worked together to take them down." uta: "Eat this! Wind Scythe!" Raita: "Eat this! Thunder!" Setsuna (4 Years Old): "Scourge of Swallows!" uta; Raita; Setsuna (4 Years Old): "We did it!" Setsuna: "We all worked well together, but..." Setsuna: "Miss Shiori always seemed sad. She understood that we had to kill these enemies," Setsuna: "but deep down, I think she wished for the world to be different." Shiori: "In a forest in the east, a half-demon child is suffering all alone." Shiori: "I'd love it if they decide to come here." Setsuna: "I had been living here for six years when a certain letter arrived." Shiori: "Setsuna, it says here that you are to return to where you were born. You'll be living there from now on." Setsuna (10 Years Old): "No. I like it here." Shiori: "Half-demons are able to live among humans, too. If you have a place to live a life, it's not a bad idea to get to know human society as well." Shiori: "Go and live in the village where you were born." Setsuna: "I ended up in the village where Priestess Kaede lived," Setsuna: "but not for very long." Setsuna: "There was something I realized after beating up some bandits who were pillaging the area." Bandit 2: "Y-You bastard!" Bandit 1: "She's a monster. Run for it!" Text: "VILLAGE ELDER PRIESTESS – KAEDE " Kaede: "VILLAGE ELDER PRIESTESS – KAEDE Setsuna, that's enough." Kaede: "Setsuna!" Bandit 1: "H-Help me!" Kaede: "Setsuna, stop it!" Setsuna (10 Years Old): "If we don't kill them, they'll just come again." Kaede: "I don't want you to go through such things when you're still so young." Setsuna (10 Years Old): "I am a half-demon." Kaede: "Setsuna?" Setsuna (10 Years Old): "I'm returning to my village." Setsuna: "Miss Shiori welcomed me back without asking any questions. My friends were happy that I was back, too. I returned to my peaceful days at the village, and I thought I would stay there for the rest of my life." Setsuna: "But..." Setsuna: "Miss Shiori is also a half-demon. There are times when she loses her demon powers." Setsuna: "In other words, her barrier disappears." Setsuna: "A demon named Gaga Gozen planned for that day, and appeared before us." Towa Higurashi: "Gaga Gozen?" Setsuna: "Miss Shiori is also a half-demon. There are times when she loses her demon powers." Setsuna: "In other words, her barrier disappears." Setsuna: "A demon named Gaga Gozen planned for that day, and appeared before us." Towa Higurashi: "Gaga Gozen?" Setsuna: "This happened three years ago." Shiori: "Setsuna." Setsuna (11 Years Old): "Yes?" Shiori: "Soon I'll lose my demon powers. I only hope that nothing happens." uta: "Miss Shiori!" uta: "Some samurai are here!" Raita: "Yeah, they're here." Shiori: "Samurai?" Underling B: "MOTH DEMON – GAGA GOZEN Lord Gaga, is it this mountain?" Gaga Gozen: "MOTH DEMON – GAGA GOZEN Yes, there are many half-demons here." Underling E: "That's what I heard. Many demons have come here searching for half-demons, but they either couldn't find them or have been taken down." Gaga Gozen: "Just who do you think I am? They couldn't find them because they're all a horde of brainless idiots. I've looked into it, though. All the demons that got taken down? They weren't strong enough." Gaga Gozen: "I've eaten a hundred samurai, and I've grown tired of eating them. It's time to stuff my belly full of delicious half-demons." Hachi The Raccoon Dog: "HACHIEMON OF AWA MIROKU Miroku, we can't defeat them with just the two of us. We should go back and get help. He's bad news." Miroku: "That demon has already eaten a hundred samurai. We'll look for an opening and slay him as quickly as possible." Hachi The Raccoon Dog: "We can never see eye to eye, huh..." Setsuna (11 Years Old): "They look like samurai, but they're all demons." uta: "You can tell?" Setsuna (11 Years Old): "My nose works better than yours." Setsuna (11 Years Old): "They all smell like demons." Raita: "What should we do?" Setsuna (11 Years Old): "If demons come here, then it's to eat or kill us half-demons." Raita: "But Miss Shiori won't be able to use her demon powers." uta: "This is bad." Setsuna (11 Years Old): "If they knew that and came here... That's pretty annoying." Gaga Gozen: "Behold!" Gaga Gozen: "The one who produces this barrier loses their demon powers during a solar eclipse." Underling B: "Amazing as ever, Lord Gaga." Underling E: "Now then..." uta: "Wind Scythe!" Raita: "Thunder!" Gaga Gozen: "This naginata is the infamous Kanemitsu no Tomoe. Your dull knife is no match for it." Gaga Gozen: "What's the matter?" Miroku: "Gaga Gozen, steel yourself!" Human Shiori: "That man..." Raita: "Eat this! Thunder!" uta: "He's the last one." Raita: "Get him!" Hachi The Raccoon Dog: "Miroku! See, what did I tell you." uta: "Setsuna, let's get him." Raita: "Yeah, come on Setsuna." Gaga Gozen: "Damn half-demons!" uta: "Everyone, over here. Hurry!" Raita: "Are you okay?" Gaga Gozen: "I wonder if you can stomach my poison fog!" Gaga Gozen: "Damn you!" uta & Raita: "Setsuna!" Human Shiori: "Setsuna!" Gaga Gozen: "Now, you stay down. I'll save you for later." Gaga Gozen: "Look at you half-demons, you all look absolutely scrumptious!" uta & Raita: "– Wind Scythe! – Thunder!" Gaga Gozen: "Hmph, such nonsense." Gaga Gozen: "Now, which one shall I eat first?" Human Shiori: "Please stop it!" Gaga Gozen: "Why don't I start with you, then?" Gaga Gozen: "Little girl. Do you think you, a mere half-demon, can defeat me, Gaga Gozen?" Setsuna (11 Years Old): "You damn worm!" uta: "You did it!" Raita: "Setsuna!" Miroku: "Wait, Setsuna." Miroku: "Your demon blood isn't settling down. If you cannot quell it..." Setsuna (11 Years Old): "Go away!" Setsuna (11 Years Old): "Die, die, die!" Setsuna (11 Years Old): "Die!" Miroku: "Oh, no." Human Shiori: "Setsuna, stop! Please!" Human Shiori: "Calm down, Setsuna. Please." Human Shiori: "That's it... Take deep breaths." uta & Raita: "Miss Shiori!" Miroku: "Pardon!" Human Shiori: "Setsuna? Setsuna?!" Human Shiori: "Are you okay, Setsuna?" Human Shiori: "Um, what you just used didn't kill her, right?" Miroku: "It did not. This is a sedative used by demon slayers." Miroku: "It's especially effective for Setsuna, with her keen sense of smell." Human Shiori: "Thank goodness." Miroku: "I'll apply a seal that will suppress her demon blood." Miroku: "This naginata will act as the medium." Miroku: "Let's begin." Miroku: "On meeting an arhat, slay the arhat; on meeting your parents, slay your parents... Know that the light to your path lies there." Miroku: "This should be good for now." Miroku: "Setsuna has inherited demon blood that is too powerful for her half-demon body." Shiori: "Um, you're Monk Miroku, aren't you?" Miroku: "I am. And I'm glad you're in good health, Lady Shiori." Miroku: "You grew up so beautifully, too." Miroku: "Is your mother here as well?" Shiori: "No, she passed away... An illness overtook her." Miroku: "Such is the fate of humans, I'm afraid." Setsuna: "Some time after Monk Miroku left, Miss Shiori told me to leave the village." Shiori: "Setsuna. You are no longer so weak that you have to live in hiding." Shiori: "Live in the outside world, for your own sake." uta: "Setsuna, take care!" Raita: "Yeah, take care!" Shiori: "Oh, you two will eventually have to leave this village, too." Shiori: "Setsuna is just leaving a little earlier than everyone." uta & Raita: "I don't wanna!" Shiori: "Setsuna, if you ever meet a half-demon child who's in trouble, can you tell them about this village?" Setsuna (11 Years Old): "I will." Shiori: "Okay. Off you go, then." Setsuna (11 Years Old): "All right." Setsuna: "Back at Priestess Kaede's village, I was invited to join the demon slayers." Setsuna: "I never knew that Monk Miroku was Hisui's father." Towa Higurashi: "So that naginata was a spoil from a battle, huh?" Setsuna: "It's a human-made piece. I've been using it with appreciation." Setsuna: "It's also my seal for my demon powers." Towa Higurashi: "You sure did a lot of talking today. Why's that?" Setsuna: "Because Miss Shiori told me that if there was a troubled half-demon child, I'm to tell them about this village." Towa Higurashi: "What do you mean? I'm not troubled, and I'm not even a child." Towa Higurashi: "Geez." Small Fry Demon 1: "Here it is. This is the mountain where half-demons are said to be hiding." Small Fry Demon 2: "They think they're so clever. Let's just find them and eat them." Small Fry Demon 2: "My horns!" Setsuna: "You think you're so clever. If you ever come here again," Setsuna: "death will be a sweet thing." Setsuna: "Bastards like them still manage to make their way here." Setsuna: "Although I hope things can quiet down a little." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna. You've been doing this for a while, huh?" Setsuna: "Sometimes. When I have time on my hands." Towa Higurashi: "Because to you, this place is one of your precious homes, right?" Setsuna: "Kirara." Shiori: "Thank you, Setsuna." Towa Higurashi: "Winter fireflies dance in the night. Riku tells me about the lady who looked after him, and about his master who loves gazing up at the stars." Totetsu: "Totetsu turns up out of the blue!" Riku: "You got in the way of our date! It's in poor taste!" Towa Higurashi: "Why are you helping me, Riku? Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: "Secret of the Rainbow Pearls""
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 20 – The Hidden Village for Half Demons", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "20", "The Hidden Village for Half Demons" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon. Feudal era and present day." Towa Higurashi: "Peacefulness and war." Towa Higurashi: "Joy and sorrow. Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity." Towa Higurashi: "And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Text: "KIRINMARU'S RETAINER – RIKU " Kyuki: "KIRINMARU'S RETAINER – RIKU Our sworn enemy, the Dog-Demon of the West, has been spotted at Kamakura." Kirinmaru: "I see. Is that so?" Konton: "What's more, I hear he has sustained grave injuries from battling Shishinki and Ryukotsusei. BEAUTIFUL MYSTERY DEMON – ZERO If we move now, we may easily If we move now, we may easily be able to strike him down. BEAST KING – KIRINMARU be able to strike him down." Text: "BEAST KING – KIRINMARU " Kyuki: "Let us put an end to him, KONTON KYUKI Let us put an end to him, and we can finally rule the entire land. and we can finally rule the entire land." Konton: "Lord Kirinmaru, we only need your order..." Kirinmaru: "Fools! If I am to challenge him to battle, it cannot be when he is wounded and weak." Kirinmaru: "A battle must be won with honor. Is that too much for you fools to understand?" Kirinmaru: "Riku! Riku, are you here?" Riku: "Right here." Kirinmaru: "Gather the finest medicinal herbs you can find and go deliver them to him." Kirinmaru: "Hurry!" Riku: "All right." Kirinmaru: "Battle is meaningless unless you pour your all into it." Kirinmaru: "Winning with underhanded tactics will only leave you empty." Kyuki & Konton: "Understood." Zero: "When will he learn to compromise?" Zero: "He troubles us to no end." Zero: "If he weren't so obstinate, we'd already be ruling the land." Person 1: "It's burning." Person 2: "Lady Izayoi's mansion..." Riku: "Oh. I didn't make it in time." Riku: "The Great Dog-Demon is dead." Towa Higurashi: ""Secret of the Rainbow Pearls"" Zero: "You're telling me he died?" Zero: "How could that be? That's impossible. Were we demons not fated to journey an endless path?" Zero: "To wander through an eternal destiny?" Zero: "Damn it all. So the Shikon Jewel's ominous prophecy has come true after all." Riku: "Madam. The Great Dog-Demon died. But, Izayoi and the half-demon child survived." Zero: "I know." Zero: "Those who are loved are fated to end in beauty." Riku: "What's that, coming from your eyes? It's very... pretty." Zero: "You think these are pretty?! You have such poor taste, you know that?" Riku: "Taste?" Zero: "Try and use that head of yours!" Riku: "My head?" Zero: "I don't need demon powers. I don't want this grief. In fact, I don't even want this heart. And I shall never shed these wretched tears again." Zero: "Shikon Jewel. Grant me my wish!" Riku: "Those are pretty." Zero: "These seven Rainbow Pearls contain my demon powers and the power of the Shikon Jewel." Zero: "Good riddance. Now I am no longer a demon." Riku: "Madam." Zero: "What is it?" Riku: "You're not sad?" Zero: "About what?" Riku: "No... It's nothing." Riku: "It's been two hundred years. Madam." Riku: "I only have three for now." Riku: "But it won't be long until I have all seven." Setsuna: "Do you understand, Towa? Don't go anywhere tonight. I mean it." Text: "KIRARA HISUI " Towa Higurashi: "KIRARA HISUI I know, I know!" Setsuna: "I'll be back as soon as I'm done. DEMON SLAYER – SETSUNA I'll be back as soon as I'm done. DEMON SLAYER – SETSUNA Be as good as Kirara usually is! Be as good as Kirara usually is!" Towa Higurashi: "I already said I know!" Hisui: "You're done?" Setsuna: "Yes." Hisui: "Kirara." Hisui: "That was more of a thorough warning than usual." Setsuna: "That's because tonight..." Setsuna: "is the night of the new moon, the night she turns human." Towa Higurashi: "Geez." Towa Higurashi: "She's treating me like I'm a kid. And I'm the one who's older. KAEDE TOWA HIGURASHI And I'm the one who's older." Text: "KAEDE TOWA HIGURASHI " Kaede: "KAEDE TOWA HIGURASHI You remind me of her. You remind me of her." Towa Higurashi: "Of who? Setsuna?" Kaede: "No. You're just like your mother." Towa Higurashi: "Granny Kaede, you know our mother?" Kaede: "I know her very well. We lived together for many years." Towa Higurashi: "Since Setsuna and I are half-demons, our mother was a human, right?" Kaede: "Her name is Rin, and she was a very kind soul." Kaede: "However, some time after she gave birth to the two of you... She suddenly disappeared." Kaede: "I don't know if someone took her away, or if she left on her own." Kaede: "It has been about fourteen years since then." Towa Higurashi: "I wonder if she died?" Kaede: "That may be so." Towa Higurashi: "That's pretty cold of you to say." Kaede: "I'm sorry. In our current day, I am all too familiar with life and death." Towa Higurashi: "I see. Sorry, I really don't understand anything, huh?" Kaede: "Just like your mother Rin, you're a kind child." Kaede: "I hope you at least get some good rest tonight." Towa Higurashi: "Okay, thank you." Towa Higurashi: "Good night." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna." Towa Higurashi: "It's the Sacred Tree." Towa Higurashi: "Wait, could this be..." Towa Higurashi: "Could this person be our mother?" Towa Higurashi: "The new moon hasn't ended yet." Towa Higurashi: "Huh? What's that light?" Towa Higurashi: "It's the butterfly! The same one from my dream." Towa Higurashi: "Wait, Dream Butterfly." Towa Higurashi: "Hey, this is the Forest of the Tree of Ages." Towa Higurashi: "This is just like what I saw in my dream." Towa Higurashi: "I lost sight of it." Towa Higurashi: "The Tree of Ages..." Towa Higurashi: "I had always looked up at this tree back in my time." Towa Higurashi: "Higurashi Shrine will be built here 500 years from now, won't it?" Towa Higurashi: "But I feel like this forest isn't the one Setsuna and I grew up in." Towa Higurashi: "It's cold. Let's see..." Towa Higurashi: "I should have some hand warmers..." Towa Higurashi: "What are these?" Totetsu: "Tonight is a new moon." Text: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – TOTETSU " Totetsu: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – TOTETSU According to Konton, ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – TOTETSU that Half-Demon Princess that Half-Demon Princess loses her powers on the night of a new moon." Totetsu: "Tonight is the perfect night to take my revenge!" Totetsu: "Rainbow Pearl, lead me to the Half-Demon Princess!" Totetsu: "Around there, huh?" Towa Higurashi: "Are these fireflies?" Towa Higurashi: "Wait. Fireflies? In the winter?" Riku: "I hope you liked them." Towa Higurashi: "Riku?" Riku: "Good evening, Lady Towa." Riku: "Oh my, do my eyes deceive me?" Riku: "You look exceptionally beautiful tonight, Lady Towa." Towa Higurashi: "O-Oh, you think so?" Riku: "Your left eye in particular is sparkling more than usual." Riku: "So the Silver Pearl lies much deeper within your eye, then." Riku: "Damn. Looks like I won't be able to retrieve it tonight." Riku: "Okay, it's boiled." Towa Higurashi: "Thanks. That's handy, huh?" Towa Higurashi: "Sorry, we'll have to share one." Towa Higurashi: "Here's some black tea. It's from a tea bag, though." Riku: "Thank you kindly." Riku: "This is delicious! I've never had tea this delicious before." Towa Higurashi: "It's Darjeeling." Towa Higurashi: "I actually like Earl Grey more, but..." Towa Higurashi: "This is good." Towa Higurashi: "I thought fireflies were only around during the summer." Riku: "You're right. Fireflies don't fly in the wintertime." Towa Higurashi: "They're gone." Riku: "Those who are loved are fated to end in beauty." Riku: "Fleeting, aren't they? The lives of winter fireflies. And so, too, are the lives of humans. They burn up and vanish in an instant." Riku: "Is that what makes them so beautiful?" Towa Higurashi: "Riku, you say some complicated things, huh?" Riku: "The madam who took care of me used to talk about it often." Towa Higurashi: "Wow! What an amazing starry sky!" Riku: "The one who used to be my master enjoyed looking up at the stars." Towa Higurashi: "Your master sounds like a romanticist." Riku: "I don't know about that, but he holds a bit of reverence for the sky. But right now, we both want the same thing, so I've been distancing myself from him." Towa Higurashi: "The same thing? What do you want, Riku?" Riku: "Well, it's the Rainbow Pearls of course." Towa Higurashi: "Rainbow Pearls?" Riku: "These here. There are seven in total." Riku: "What happens if you gather all of them?" Riku: "Who knows? All seven Rainbow Pearls have never been gathered before. Your powers would increase, I suppose." Towa Higurashi: "Is that all?" Riku: "Or perhaps a devastating Degenerate Age could begin." Riku: "Maybe..." Riku: "But you could say that our world has already become corrupted." Towa Higurashi: "A lot of demons are after them, right? We've been attacked for our Pearls a few times." Riku: "The truth is, these are the tears of the madam who took care of me." Towa Higurashi: "Tears? So her tears turned into pearls?" Riku: "Yes. I want to gather all seven of them and return them to her." Towa Higurashi: "I see." Towa Higurashi: "Wait, does that mean you're after my, Setsuna's, and Moroha's Pearls too?" Riku: "Oh dear, you got me there!" Riku: "It seems it'll have to be that way." Riku: "If you remain calm, I can remove it without hurting you." Totetsu: "There you are! Totetsu turns up out of the blue!" Towa Higurashi: "W-Was that a joke?" Riku: "What a complete lack of taste." Towa Higurashi: "Ouch." Totetsu: "Riku? You were here, too? You should've just died." Riku: "Wretched bug. You got in the way of our date!" Riku: "I won't forgive you for this!" Totetsu: "You're the one who's wretched, you piece of trash. Don't get cheeky with me!" Towa Higurashi: "Riku!" Riku: "This is why I hate you." Riku: "I accept this fight!" Totetsu: "I wonder what you taste like? Maybe you'd taste the same as Lord Kirinmaru?" Towa Higurashi: "What? Riku and Kirinmaru would taste the same?" Riku: "Why don't you shut your mouth?!" Totetsu: "Guess I'll find out by eating you!" Riku: "Have some poison bees instead!" Totetsu: "Damn miasma bugs!" Riku: "Are you okay?" Towa Higurashi: "Th-Thank you." Towa Higurashi: "Riku!" Towa Higurashi: "Riku! Hang in there." Totetsu: "Damn you." Towa Higurashi: "Are you okay?" Riku: "Yes." Towa Higurashi: "Hey, who is Kirinmaru to you?" Riku: "Kirinmaru is the one who used to be my master." Towa Higurashi: "You mean that romanticist you were talking about earlier?" Riku: "Well, I suppose so, yes." Riku: "I was thrown away by my master." Towa Higurashi: "Oh, no." Riku: "I've only survived this far because of the madam who took care of me." Towa Higurashi: "The blood's not stopping." Riku: "Damn it. Miasma bug poison is a real pain." Towa Higurashi: "But why would you continue to help me like this? You know I'm Kirinmaru's enemy, right?" Riku: "I wonder why. I can't seem to understand it myself. There's really no reason to be protecting you." Riku: "On the contrary, if I love you, then I should've killed you by now. Maybe I don't have enough love yet." Riku: "I'm no good at this. Understanding love is far beyond a doll like me." Towa Higurashi: "Hang in there." Towa Higurashi: "I don't really understand romantic love, either. But if it's liking someone, then I think I might." Riku: "This way." Towa Higurashi: "Riku, are you okay?" Riku: "Lady Towa, please run away." Totetsu: "You castaway puppet! You still betray us? Lady Zero, Lord Kirinmaru, and I will never forgive you for your actions!" Riku: "Good grief. This really isn't to my taste!" Moroha: "Crimson Dragon Wave!" Setsuna: "Scourge of Swallows!" Towa Higurashi: "What?" Setsuna: "Towa! BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA Towa!" Moroha: "BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA Are you okay?" Towa Higurashi: "BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA You two!" Totetsu: "Ow, ouch." Totetsu: "It's the Half-Demon Princesses." Towa Higurashi: "Geez, the both of you are late!" Moroha: "Are you kidding me? We've been looking all over for you!" Setsuna: "Didn't I tell you not to wander off?!" Towa Higurashi: "Sorry." Towa Higurashi: "The sun is up!" Towa Higurashi: "Okay, Totetsu of the Four Perils, sorry this is sudden, but..." Moroha: "Let's settle this quick!" Setsuna: "I hope you're ready." Totetsu: "You're kidding. I've got plans to live a long life." Totetsu: "I'll swallow all of you at once!" Riku: "I only kill the ones I love." Riku: "However..." Riku: "I'll have to make an exception for you." Towa Higurashi: "Riku!" Riku: "I'm so glad you're okay, Lady Towa." Riku: "I was so scared that I couldn't help myself." Setsuna: "Step away. You have the same scent as Kirinmaru." Riku: "What's this? Yet another tasteless comment." Towa Higurashi: "Riku!" Towa Higurashi: "I may not know about love, but I do know what it means to like someone." Towa Higurashi: "And I know that I like you, Riku!" Riku: "This is..." Riku: "The Silver Pearl?" Riku: "Lady Towa." Riku: "What a tremendously tasteful thing for you to do." Towa Higurashi: "Give my regards to that madam of yours. But can you overlook Setsuna and Moroha's Pearls?" Riku: "You're a strange person, Lady Towa." Towa Higurashi: "You think so? I think you're pretty strange, too." Riku: "As a living being, I'm an imitation at best." Towa Higurashi: "Imitation?" Riku: "Yes." Towa Higurashi: "I can barely call myself a half-demon, so I don't think you have to worry. You're just you, Riku." Riku: "I'm just me, you say?" Riku: "For an abandoned puppet like me, those words are too kind. Lady Towa. Thank you for your Rainbow Pearl. If fate allows it, we shall meet again." Moroha: "Hey, hey." Moroha: "I can't believe you'd hand over your treasured Pearl. But..." Moroha: "I wonder if I can take Totetsu's head here? If so, then Mr. Riku sure is a nice fellow." Totetsu: "I'll eat you." Moroha: "How are you gonna do that when you don't have a belly? Give up already." Moroha: "No more worrying about food for a while!" Setsuna: "Was that really okay? Handing over your Pearl like that?" Towa Higurashi: "The Silver Pearl is mine, after all. And even without it," Towa Higurashi: "I still have enough demon power." Setsuna: "That's not it. With those Rainbow Pearls, he'll have immense demon power." Towa Higurashi: "He's just giving them back to their rightful owner." Setsuna: "We can only hope that the rightful owner won't use them for evil." Moroha: "And wasn't Mr. Riku working with Kirinmaru?" Towa Higurashi: "That's right!" Towa Higurashi: "Riku!" Towa Higurashi: "I changed my mind! Give me back my Silver Pearl!" Towa Higurashi: "Riku! Wait!" Zero: "Azusa no Yumihari! Lend me the fruits of your training, the power of the seal." Towa Higurashi: "A woman who calls herself Otsuyu breaks the seal that Monk Miroku cast on Setsuna." Setsuna: "It's those eyes that were staring at me while I dreamt!" Zero: "The seething of blood will invite demonic frenzy." Moroha: "Setsuna's way too strong!"
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 21 – Secret of the Rainbow Pearls", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "21", "Secret of the Rainbow Pearls" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon. Feudal era and present day." Towa Higurashi: "Peacefulness and war. Joy and sorrow. Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity." Towa Higurashi: "And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Text: "GREAT BEAST KING DOG-DEMON KIRINMARU" Kirinmaru: "Blasting Barrage!" Great Dog-Demon: "Meido Zangetsuha!" Zero: "The Grim Comet is receding." Text: "BEAUTIFUL MYSTERY DEMON – ZERO " Zero: "BEAUTIFUL MYSTERY DEMON – ZERO This is thanks to both of you." Great Dog-Demon: "It's mostly thanks to Kirinmaru. I really did not do much." Zero: "You are too modest." Zero: "He sleeps so carelessly." Great Dog-Demon: "It's because you're here to look after him." Zero: "Flattery will get you nowhere!" Great Dog-Demon: "Now then, I shall return to the Western domain." Great Dog-Demon: "Farewell, Lady Zero." Zero: "My Lord." Zero: "Sometimes, I ask myself how long we must continue this." Great Dog-Demon: "I wonder. We are fated to journey an endless path. Who knows where it will take us?" Zero: "Do you think we will have to welcome the end one day?" Great Dog-Demon: "No matter where this leads us, or what sort of end greets us..." Great Dog-Demon: "You are who you are, Lady Zero. I would like for you to remain that way." Zero: "I am who I am, you say..." Zero: "I will honor your advice." Zero: "My Lord." Towa Higurashi: ""The Stolen Seal"" Miroku: "a! a! a!" Otsuyu: "Admirable of you to brave the one thousand–day training." Miroku: "Who might you be?" Otsuyu: "My name is Otsuyu. I wanted to ask you for directions toward the right path." Miroku: "The right path?" Otsuyu: "On meeting an arhat, slay the arhat; on meeting your parents, slay your parents... Know that the light to your path lies there." Miroku: "Who are you? You don't seem to be human." Miroku: "You don't seem to have demon powers, so you're not an apparition, either." Otsuyu: "It may be suitable to call me a devilish woman." Miroku: "Oh no, I already know what would happen if I called you that in front of Sango. May I ask what your true purpose is for being here?" Otsuyu: "I'll be straightforward, then. I'd like you to release the half-demon girl's seal." Miroku: "Are you talking about Setsuna?" Miroku: "And if I said no?" Otsuyu: "By force, then." Miroku: "You say frightful things." Otsuyu: "Monk, I can so easily understand your heart. Training is only in name." Otsuyu: "You still cannot seem to give up your Wind Tunnel." Otsuyu: "Azusa no Yumihari!" Miroku: "Th-This is a tsuchigumo's silk!" Miroku: "I thought you didn't have demon powers." Otsuyu: "You are going to lend me the fruits of your training, the power of the seal." Miroku: "Curse my weak-minded self." Otsuyu: "Please don't worry yourself about such things. "Whatever choices we find ourselves making in life, we will never know whether we end up in Heaven or Hell," as the monks love to say." Towa Higurashi: "I wonder what it is I'm feeling... HALF-DEMON GIRL – TOWA HIGURASHI I don't feel this way HALF-DEMON GIRL – TOWA HIGURASHI when Papa Sota hugs me. when Papa Sota hugs me." Setsuna: "Towa." Setsuna: "Are you okay?" Towa Higurashi: "Yeah, I'm fine." Moroha: "What's wrong, you two?" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha." Moroha: "Didn't I already give you the share from Totetsu's bounty?" Setsuna: "It's not that." Setsuna: "Mr. Jyubei said he would introduce me to a good blade sharpener." Moroha: "Whaddya need with a blade sharpener?" Setsuna: "I feel like it's lost its edge lately." Moroha: "I see. So that's how it is." Setsuna & Moroha: "– Don't touch it! – Whoa there!" Moroha: "If you're getting it inspected, you gotta show me properly." Setsuna: "What do you mean?" Moroha: "The blade sharpener that Mr. Jyubei was going to introduce you to is yours truly!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha, you can sharpen blades, too?" Moroha: "You bet! You can leave anything to this jack-of-all-trades!" Zero: "Where did you get that wound?" Kirinmaru: "Sister." Zero: "Don't tell me Sesshomaru's daughters gave that to you?" Kirinmaru: "Just so." Kirinmaru: "But they're still pups who haven't even fully grown their fangs. They could barely entertain me, let alone fulfill the prophecy." Zero: "Oh, really?" Kirinmaru: "Sister." Zero: "Don't stop me. I'm only going for a walk." Kirinmaru: "Please don't get too carried away." Zero: "And you have no regard for my safety?" Kirinmaru: "We should wait for them to grow a little more." Zero: "You don't know anything, do you?" Zero: "Those girls' powers have been sealed." Kirinmaru: "I do know about that. She's inherited his blood, hasn't she? Besides, she was still being led around by the Dog-Demon's blood, and has yet to master it." Zero: "That's the quarter-demon girl. I'm talking about the half-demons." Kirinmaru: "Oh?" Zero: "If the seal is released, even you won't get away with just a scratch." Zero: "I shall go find out during my walk." Moroha: "It's not doing so well." Setsuna: "Hand it back. I asked the wrong person." Moroha: "This is my professional opinion!" Moroha: "No one around here can sharpen a blade better than me." Setsuna: "Then why isn't it going well?" Moroha: "How should I know? The reason might be you, Setsuna. Your demon blood has become stronger," Moroha: "so the sealed poison is affecting its sharpness." Setsuna: "So I need to speak with Monk Miroku again?" Moroha: "Maybe. So don't go and blame everything on me." Setsuna: "No, there's no mistake that your skills are still not enough." Moroha: "Why, you..." Moroha & Towa Higurashi: "– The only thing cute about you is your face! – Good grief." Moroha: "Unbelievable." Moroha: "There's no better sharpener than me in this town." Otsuyu: "Would you like to buy an apple?" Towa Higurashi: "Who are you?" Otsuyu: "My name is Otsuyu." Otsuyu & Moroha: "– I sell apples. – Towa!" Moroha: "What are you doing? Let's go already." Otsuyu: "I've dried my voice out, so I'm selling apples." Towa Higurashi: "It's cold. A snow storm?" Otsuyu: "You and I are in the same world." Otsuyu: "Now, let's make a pinky promise." Otsuyu: "You did well, Riku." Otsuyu: "Without the Silver Pearl protecting her, she will easily fall into my trap." Moroha: "Come on Towa, let's go." Moroha: "What is she doing?" Setsuna: "Something's not right." Setsuna: "What's wrong, Towa?" Towa Higurashi: "Oh, Setsuna, sorry I..." Moroha: "Hey you, get away from Towa." Setsuna: "What? I've seen those eyes somewhere before." Moroha: "Towa!" Setsuna: "When was the last time I saw those eyes?" Moroha: "Towa." Setsuna: "Are you okay, Towa?" Towa Higurashi: "No, I'm not okay." Setsuna: "What are you doing, Towa?" Towa Higurashi: "I don't know. What am I doing?" Otsuyu: "That's it. Keep holding her down." Setsuna & Moroha: "– Hey, let go. – What the hell did you do to Towa?" Otsuyu: "Go ahead and draw your sword. But if you kill me," Otsuyu: "you will also kill Towa, who is linked to me." Otsuyu: "Moreover, Towa is not the only one who is tied to me." Text: "TOWA AND SETSUNA'S MOTHER – RIN " Otsuyu: "TOWA AND SETSUNA'S MOTHER – RIN I wonder... Just how many people would die with me?" Moroha: "Who the hell are you?" Setsuna: "Could it be..." Otsuyu: "Yes, you are correct." Setsuna: "Let go of me, Towa." Otsuyu: "Rin, Pyo, To, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen... Release!" Moroha: "Setsuna?" Zero: "Now, the seal has been released." Zero: "Now, the seal has been released." Kin'U: "Delivery items!" Miroku: "Kin'u?" Kin'U: "What's this, Father? HISUI'S OLDER SISTER – KIN'U What's this, Father? HISUI'S OLDER SISTER – KIN'U You sure are coming up with strange new ways to train." Miroku: "I know you know what's going on." Kin'U: "Of course." Miroku: "Quit laughing and help me out of this!" Miroku: "I don't have much time. Setsuna's..." Miroku: "Setsuna's in danger." Setsuna: "I remember." Setsuna: "When I was a child, those eyes were..." Zero: "I've found you, half-demon girls." Setsuna: "It's those eyes that were staring at me while I dreamt!" Setsuna: "Everything... It's all her fault!" Moroha: "You're no ordinary human, are you?" Otsuyu: "You're right, I'm no ordinary human." Otsuyu: "Otsuyu is a fake name." Otsuyu: "My name is..." Zero: "Zero. I am Kirinmaru's older sister." Moroha: "Kirinmaru's sister?!" Towa Higurashi: "But..." Setsuna: "I won't forgive you." Moroha: "Setsuna?" Zero: "It looks like you can still differentiate between enemy and ally, but it's only a matter of time. The seething of blood will invite demonic frenzy." Zero: "Sever." Moroha: "Towa!" Moroha: "So you've revealed your true form." Moroha: "That's what I've been waiting for. Eat this! Crimson Dragon Wave!" Zero: "Your attack lacks spirit." Moroha: "Oh, no." Zero: "Crimson Dragons favor white clouds." Zero: "It will not obey the will of a novice like you." Takechiyo: "Hey, everyone." Text: "RACCOON DOG DEMON – TAKECHIYO " Takechiyo: "RACCOON DOG DEMON – TAKECHIYO What's up with you, Setsuna?" Setsuna: "Don't come near me!" Moroha: "How's this, then?" Moroha: "Heavenly Arrow Barrage!" Zero: "Your spirit power is scattered." Moroha: "What?" Zero: "Kirinmaru won't be able to use his true strength." Zero: "You need to redo your training." Moroha: "Damn it. She got away. Are you okay, Towa?" Towa Higurashi: "Yeah, sorry. Where's Setsuna?" Takechiyo: "Help me!" Moroha: "Are you all right, Takechiyo?" Takechiyo: "Oh thank goodness." Moroha: "She's just like me when I've turned into Beniyasha." Towa Higurashi: "Calm down, Setsuna." Text: "SESSHOMARU " Sesshomaru: "SESSHOMARU The flow of wind has changed." Sesshomaru: "She still can't suppress her blood." Text: "DEMON SWORDSMITH – TOTOSAI " Totosai: "DEMON SWORDSMITH – TOTOSAI Oh, looks like the training DEMON SWORDSMITH – TOTOSAI of the Blood Blade has begun. of the Blood Blade has begun." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, I'm sorry, but..." Towa Higurashi: "Bear with me, okay?" Moroha: "Are you going to cut her?" Towa Higurashi: "No, I'm going to see if I can absorb Setsuna's demon powers." Moroha: "Got it. I'll back you up." Towa Higurashi: "Thanks, Moroha." Towa Higurashi: "There's so much demon power." Towa Higurashi: "Please Setsuna, just let me absorb your demon power." Towa Higurashi: "Wh-What is this?" Moroha: "Get back, Towa." Towa Higurashi: "What?" Towa Higurashi: "What's that demon energy?" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna..." Towa Higurashi: "Wait, Setsuna." Moroha: "Damn it. I got no choice..." Moroha: "If I'm going to stop her, then I need to go all out, too." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Moroha: "Get back here, Setsuna." Towa Higurashi: "That demon energy... It's just like the Dream Butterfly." Kin'U: "Towa!" Text: "CAT DEMON – KIRARA " Towa Higurashi: "CAT DEMON – KIRARA Gyokuto?" Kin'U: "MASTER OF HIRAIKOTSU – HISUI Oh, I'm Kin'u, MASTER OF HIRAIKOTSU – HISUI Gyokuto's older sister. Gyokuto's older sister." Hisui: "Where's Setsuna?" Towa Higurashi: "Over there, fighting with Moroha. But I think Moroha's almost at her limit." Hisui: "So what Father predicted has become true." Hisui: "Sister, can you really do it?" Kin'U: "I have to, don't I? Besides, I'm pretty confident in my sealing powers." Kin'U: "The problem is, I don't think I can stop her from moving around." Towa Higurashi: "Stop her from moving?" Kin'U: "This is what I heard from Father. The last time this happened, someone named Shiori held her down and managed to calm her." Towa Higurashi: "I've heard about that, too." Towa Higurashi: "I'll be the one to help calm her down. Kin'u, please focus on Setsuna's seal." Kin'U: "Are you sure?" Towa Higurashi: "Yes! I am Setsuna's older sister after all. Let's go, Takechiyo." Takechiyo: "Fine..." Hisui: "That's some bravery. Unlike this one older sister I know." Kin'U: "Shut up! How dare you, Hisui!" Moroha: "Setsuna's way too strong." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, calm down. Please!" Towa Higurashi: "It's me, Setsuna! It's Towa!" Towa Higurashi: "Get it together, Setsuna!" Setsuna: "I can hear her." Setsuna: "Towa's voice." Setsuna: "Towa's calling to me." Setsuna: "I can hear her!" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna, please hear me." Towa Higurashi: "I'm right here, Setsuna! I'm here... Your older sister is right here!" Hisui: "Towa, Setsuna." Hisui: "Sister, please." Kin'U: "On meeting an arhat, slay the arhat; on meeting your parents, slay your parents..." Kin'U: "Know that the light to your path lies there." Hisui: "Sister, that cluster of blood didn't disappear." Kin'U: "Well, that's strange." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Setsuna: "Towa." Towa Higurashi: "I'm so glad you're back to normal." Setsuna: "No, I don't think I am, unfortunately." Setsuna: "I can still feel the blood seething." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna." Setsuna: "I owe that woman a large debt." Setsuna: "I'll have to pay her back a hundredfold." Zero: "This is who I am after all. That's fine, isn't it, My Lord?" Zero: "All that remains are the finishing touches for the other half-demon girl." Osamu Kirin: "It's come awfully close now." Text: "TOWA'S TEACHER – OSAMU KIRIN " Osamu Kirin: "TOWA'S TEACHER – OSAMU KIRIN So the Grim Comet does appear, even in this era." Osamu Kirin: "Isn't that..." Osamu Kirin: "Well, well, Mr. Higurashi, is that you?" Towa Higurashi: "We find Zero using remnants of her Azusa no Yumihari, but Riku stands in our way." Riku: "Would you honor me with a fight?" Moroha: "I have your life now! Prepare yourself!" Zero: "Attempting revenge so soon? I like you, Half-Demon Princesses!" Towa Higurashi: "Why did we inherit the powers in our blood? I can find the answer in this battle! Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: "The Three Princesses Strike Back""
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 22 – The Stolen Seal", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "22", "The Stolen Seal" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon. Feudal era and present day." Towa Higurashi: "Peacefulness and war. Joy and sorrow. Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity." Towa Higurashi: "And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Osamu Kirin: "Well, well, Mr. Higurashi, is that you?" Osamu Kirin: "Good evening, Mr. Higurashi." Sota Higurashi: "Sorry, I don't recall your name." Osamu Kirin: "I'm Miss Towa's homeroom teacher, Osamu Kirin." Sota Higurashi: "Oh, hello. SOTA HIGURASHI, MEI HIGURASHI Oh, hello." Mei Higurashi: "SOTA HIGURASHI, MEI HIGURASHI Good evening, Mr. Kirin. Good evening, Mr. Kirin." Osamu Kirin: "How is Miss Towa doing these days?" Osamu Kirin: "Ever since she transferred, she's been absent." Sota Higurashi: "Yes, well, her neuralgia has subsided, but her rheumatism is still..." Osamu Kirin: "I do hope she takes care." Moe Higurashi: "I'm back!" Moe Higurashi: "Thank you for picking me up." Sota & Mei: "Welcome back." Moe Higurashi: "Oh, Mr. Kirin. Thank you for always looking after Towa." Osamu Kirin: "It's no trouble at all. MOE HIGURASHI It's no trouble at all." Mei Higurashi: "MOE HIGURASHI Did you bring me a gift?" Moe Higurashi: "MOE HIGURASHI Yes, of course I did. Yes, of course I did." Mei Higurashi: "Apples! Sis's favorite!" Osamu Kirin & Mei: "– These look tasty, I want to eat it now! – It's gotten closer, hasn't it?" Osamu Kirin: "I believe it's been 500 years." Sota Higurashi: "What? Where do you mean?" Osamu Kirin: "Well, I don't know the particulars," Osamu Kirin: "but it's a comet that is said to approach Earth every 470 years." Sota Higurashi: "Oh, I've been hearing people talk about it here and there." Sota Higurashi: "But it shouldn't be visible yet to the naked eye." Sota Higurashi: "I can't see where it is at all." Osamu Kirin: "I see. So a normal person can't see that at all." Kirinmaru: "I see. So it does appear in the other era." Kirinmaru: "I suppose I cannot continue to ignore it." Towa Higurashi: ""The Three Princesses Strike Back"" Text: "KIRINMARU'S OLDER SISTER – ZERO " Zero: "KIRINMARU'S OLDER SISTER – ZERO This is who I am after all. This is who I am after all." Zero: "That's fine, isn't it, My Lord?" Zero: "All that remains are the finishing touches for the other half-demon girl." Zero: "Riku." Riku: "I'm here." Zero: "You know, don't you? Tell me how the other daughter can manifest her true powers." Text: "PIRATE WASHED ASHORE – RIKU " Riku: "PIRATE WASHED ASHORE – RIKU Are you talking about Lady Towa?" Zero: "Who else could I be talking about?" Riku: "Yes. Lady Towa is the kindest person..." Kirinmaru: "I see. So that's how her powers are released." Riku: "So I don't believe she has any powers hidden within her." Zero: "Oh? Well, if you say so, then I'll take your word for it." Riku: "Yes. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more use." Zero: "You're really not good at telling lies, are you?" Zero: "Well, that's fine." Zero: "I'll make some tea. You should have some." Text: "BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA " Jyubei: "BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA I believe this is a Blood Blade. I believe this is a Blood Blade." Setsuna: "Blood Blade?" Towa Higurashi: "What's that? TOWA HIGURASHI, SETSUNA, JYUBEI What's that?" Text: "TOWA HIGURASHI, SETSUNA, JYUBEI " Jyubei: "TOWA HIGURASHI, SETSUNA, JYUBEI If you truly are the daughters of Sesshomaru," Jyubei: "then you have inherited the blood of a great demon. This means that things such as poison claws and blades of blood and demon energy flow within you, and at times, your body will bring these things forth." Jyubei: "That's what I hear, anyway." Towa Higurashi: ""That's what you hear"? Mr. Jyubei, you can be pretty vague sometimes." Jyubei: "Well, of course, and that's because I've never seen it with my own eyes." Setsuna: "So one day I will be able..." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna?" Setsuna: "...to use this?" Jyubei: "Ask your own blood." Moroha: "That was a good night's rest." Setsuna: "You're up." Moroha: "Hey, how're you two doing? Oh, good morning, Mr. Jyubei." Moroha: "Got any juicy bounty hunting jobs?" Jyubei: "I don't know about juicy, but there are some nice people who'd like to hire you." Moroha: "Oh yeah? Who is it?" Towa Higurashi & Setsuna: "– It's me... – And me." Towa Higurashi: "We'll pay you our share of Totetsu's bounty—all of it." Moroha: "You two want to hire me? What led you to this turn of events?" Takechiyo: "Hey! This is what you wanted, right?" Text: "MASTER OF HIRAIKOTSU – HISUI " Hisui: "MASTER OF HIRAIKOTSU – HISUI Azusa no Yumihari. Here." Text: "TAKECHIYO " Hisui: "TAKECHIYO It's a tsuchigumo web." Text: "TAKECHIYO " Towa Higurashi: "Yeah, this really reeks of that woman's smell." Setsuna: "Now we'll know where to find her." Moroha: "That woman... Do you mean..." Setsuna: "Once dawn breaks, we're going to go slay Zero." Setsuna: "It's time to fully repay my debt to her." Moroha: "All right! Let's get to it!" Kirinmaru: "It's been a while, your Ladyship." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "Kirinmaru, it has been a while. Are you well?" Kirinmaru: "Yes, I am. And it's wonderful to see your Ladyship is beautiful as always." Text: "SESSHOMARU'S MOTHER " Sesshomaru'S Mother: "SESSHOMARU'S MOTHER No need for flattery. And please, do stop calling me by that name." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "That era has long since passed." Kirinmaru: "It seems my sister has been causing you some trouble." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "Zero has not changed, has she? She seems to be meddling in the affairs of Sesshomaru's daughters, but I struggle to see the point." Kirinmaru: "I must agree." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "Well, she can do what she wants." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "I care not what happens to those girls. Besides, a half-demon's true worth comes from survival." Kirinmaru: "I am glad to hear that. Since I am being targeted by them, I'm afraid I simply cannot let them go unharmed." Kirinmaru: "By the way..." Kirinmaru: "has the Windmill of Time moved at all?" Sesshomaru'S Mother: "It has not. I haven't even seen Akuru these past several years." Kirinmaru: "Sesshomaru is having some difficulty finding Akuru's pinwheel." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "I'm sure that is just Sesshomaru's way of passing time." Kirinmaru: "I think Sesshomaru's true intention is to take care of his daughters." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "That cannot be possible. That would almost make him seem human." Kirinmaru: "That is true..." Takechiyo: "See you later." Takechiyo: "And good luck." Zero: "I've faced many different people throughout the years," Zero: "but you are beyond understanding." Zero: "What an odd girl you are, truly." Towa Higurashi: "I can take that as a complement, right?" Zero: "Of course. Show me your hidden demon powers. I'd like to see your prowess for myself!" Setsuna: "I knew it. I wasn't wrong when I thought you smelled like Kirinmaru." Riku: "Would you honor me with a fight?" Setsuna: "Are you fine with me? Towa's the one you really want, right?" Riku: "You got me right where it hurts!" Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" Setsuna: "Scourge of Swallows!" Moroha: "Crimson Dragon Wave!" Moroha: "Eat this!" Zero: "Attempting revenge so soon? I like you, Half-Demon Princesses! Azusa no Yumihari!" Moroha: "I already know how your attack works. I have your life now! Prepare yourself!" Zero: "Didn't I tell you that your Crimson Dragon does not work on me? Crimson Dragons favor white clouds!" Moroha: "Oh, I know." Moroha: "I borrowed this "auto-open" umbrella from Towa!" Zero: "Well, then." Moroha: "This is what I was really waiting for!" Moroha: "Crimson Backlash Wave!" Zero: "W-What?" Moroha: "What is that?" Myoga: "Those are the Master's ashes." Moroha: "You were here, Grandpa Myoga?" Text: "FLEA DEMON – MYOGA " Myoga: "FLEA DEMON – MYOGA What are you talking about? This Myoga has always been by your side, Lady Moroha!" Moroha: "Whatever you say. Wait, by "Master," do you mean grandpa? The Great Dog-Demon?" Myoga: "Yes, this is where the Great Dog-Demon perished. So it wouldn't be strange if Master's demon powers had seeped into the dirt." Myoga: "Lady Moroha! The Backlash Wave was originally Tessaiga's technique. It was something developed by Master. It's hardly surprising if his ashes end up diffusing the reversed flow of demon energy." Moroha: "Then what am I supposed to do... Nevermind! I guess I just gotta go with the flow!" Riku: "Looks like we've been surrounded." Zero: "At least you should be able to get away." Riku: "I would never do such a heartless thing, Madam." Towa Higurashi: "Madam? Then, the one who you said looked after you is..." Riku: "It's her, yes." Moroha: "That's why you shouldn't have given him the Silver Pearl." Setsuna: "So we can assume that both of you are in league with Kirinmaru?" Riku: "Well, I can neither confirm nor deny that." Myoga: "Lady Moroha! It's out of the question to battle at the place where Master passed away! You should retreat for now." Moroha: "So I get that it's not good to fight here. But you know..." Myoga: "What is it?" Moroha: "That doesn't matter right now! Why back down from a fight we could win?" Myoga: "W-What a disrespectful granddaughter you are to your grandfather! Why did I bother?" Moroha: "There he goes." Setsuna: "Why don't you return the Silver Pearl that you took from Towa?" Zero: "Go ahead Riku, give it back." Riku: "You have to be joking. I went through so much trouble to gather all the Rainbow Pearls here." Zero: "What?" Zero: "You've gathered all the Pearls? It wasn't just the Silver Pearl you stole?" Riku: "Nope. I have five here on me," Riku: "plus the Gold in Setsuna's right eye and the Red in Moroha's rouge." Zero: "How humiliating." Zero: "To think all my tears return to me at the place where he died..." Zero: "This must be some kind of fate as well." Riku: "I was meaning to hand them to you after I had them all, but..." Zero: "How dare you!" Zero: "How dare you bring back these Pearls to me." Zero: "I will show you who the true owner of these Pearls are!" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Towa Higurashi: "The Blood Blade started acting up as soon as the Gold Pearl flew out!" Zero: "Don't get so full of yourself!" Setsuna: "Stop it!" Text: "SESSHOMARU'S VASSAL – JAKEN " Jaken: "SESSHOMARU'S VASSAL – JAKEN Lord Sesshomaru, SESSHOMARU'S VASSAL – JAKEN that pinwheel just now... that pinwheel just now..." Sesshomaru: "TOWA AND SETSUNA'S FATHER – It was Akuru. SESSHOMARU There's no mistake. There's no mistake." Jaken: "W-Will you not give chase?" Jaken: "Lord Sesshomaru." Kirinmaru: "The Windmill of Time has moved." Riku: "Madam. Madam!" Riku: "Please hang in there, Madam!" Jaken: "Rin?" Sesshomaru: "Zero is dying. Who struck her?" Zero: "So this is the Underworld. I see." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "Oh, Zero. Planning to pass without even a greeting?" Sesshomaru'S Mother: "We were not that close, I suppose." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "So age has finally gotten to you? How auspicious." Zero: "No, I was killed by Sesshomaru's daughter." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "Oh, that is hilarious." Zero: "I didn't say a joke." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "You got so wound up over those girls." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "That's what meddling gets you." Zero: "You may be right." Zero: "Regardless, I'm feeling much better now. And that's because Sesshomaru must be feeling downright miserable." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "Is that so?" Zero: "The human who is Sesshomaru's wife is still connected to me. If I die, then she dies as well." Zero: "This is so delightful." Zero: "I'm sure she will soon pass this way." Zero: "Say, when Izayoi passed through here in the past, how did you feel?" Zero: "Didn't you feel just as relieved as I am now?" Zero: "Didn't your heart just dance?" Zero: "After all, Izayoi is the woman who led him to his death. You couldn't help but feel disdain." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "How boorish." Zero: "These are my last moments." Zero: "Can't you spare me your falsehoods at the very least? An offering to the woman who wasn't chosen by the Great Dog-Demon." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "I have no interest in humans, and I have no words to offer you." Zero: "I see." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "I have no offering, but Zero, what was it that you wanted to do?" Zero: "I just wanted to protect Kirinmaru from humans and half-demons." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "And you're telling me to spare you falsehoods!" Zero: "You still talk like you can see through everything. I don't like you after all." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "I shall take that as a compliment." Zero: "I hate humans and half-demons." Zero: "Especially those who did nothing more than inherit the Great Dog-Demon's blood." Sesshomaru'S Mother: "So it was jealousy! How incredibly human of you." Zero: "A human?" Zero: "How dare you!" Riku: "Madam!" Moroha: "You're..." Towa Higurashi: "Sesshomaru." Sesshomaru: "Why didn't you use your own blade?" Setsuna: "I cut her with this. Is this not my own blade?" Zero: "What part of me is human-like?" Sesshomaru'S Mother: "Women who burn from love... how pitiful." Towa Higurashi: "Did he just cut something?" Moroha: "She came back to life?" Jaken: "That was a close one, Rin." Setsuna: "But why? How did she come back to life?" Moroha: "It's the Tenseiga! I've heard rumors about it." Towa Higurashi: "Tenseiga?" Moroha: "I don't know the details, but Sesshomaru's Tenseiga is a sword that saves the lives of the weak." Towa Higurashi: "So that's why that woman came back to life." Zero: "Damn it, it was you! Sesshomaru!" Zero: "Don't tell me you used the Tenseiga!" Zero: "I won't forgive you. I won't forgive you, Sesshomaru. Of all things, how could you have used his fang to bring me back to life?" Sesshomaru: "I knew of no other method." Riku: "Madam, please calm down." Towa Higurashi: "Living in this world is hard." Towa Higurashi: "If you don't follow the set rules, you're treated as an outcast." Towa Higurashi: "I was so tired of it when I was in the other world." Zero: "I won't forgive you!" Towa Higurashi: "What Zero is feeling now is probably like how I felt back then." Zero: "I will never forgive you!" Sesshomaru: "Tenseiga." Zero: "I had lost my sense of self." Zero: "I had always thought to leave disposing of your daughters to Kirinmaru." Zero: "But I can't take it anymore. I will deal with your little brats myself!" Zero: "I will no longer falter. This is who I am after all. Riku, bring me the Rainbow Pearls, the source of my demon powers." Riku: "But Madam, please wait!" Zero: "Kirinmaru?" Towa Higurashi: "I was wondering when he'd show up." Moroha: "No wonder Grandpa Myoga bolted when he could." Towa Higurashi: "Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon, the last episode..."
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 23 – The Three Princesses Strike Back", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "23", "The Three Princesses Strike Back" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Living in this world is hard." Towa Higurashi: "If you don't follow the set rules, you're treated as an outcast." Text: "HALF-DEMON GIRL – TOWA HIGURASHI " Towa Higurashi: "HALF-DEMON GIRL – TOWA HIGURASHI I was so tired of it when I was in the other world." Text: "KIRINMARU'S OLDER SISTER – ZERO " Zero: "KIRINMARU'S OLDER SISTER – ZERO I won't forgive you!" Towa Higurashi: "What Zero is feeling now is probably like how I felt back then." Zero: "I will never forgive you!" Text: "SESSHOMARU " Sesshomaru: "SESSHOMARU Tenseiga." Zero: "SESSHOMARU I had lost my sense of self. I had lost my sense of self." Zero: "I had always thought to leave disposing of your daughters to Kirinmaru." Zero: "But I can't take it anymore. I will deal with your little brats myself!" Zero: "I will no longer falter. This is who I am after all." Text: "PIRATE WASHED ASHORE – RIKU " Zero: "PIRATE WASHED ASHORE – RIKU Riku, PIRATE WASHED ASHORE – RIKU bring me the Rainbow Pearls, the source of my demon powers." Riku: "But Madam, please wait!" Zero: "Kirinmaru?" Towa Higurashi: "I was wondering when he'd show up." Text: "SETSUNA & MOROHA " Moroha: "SETSUNA & MOROHA No wonder Grandpa Myoga bolted when he could." Moroha: "Kirara!" Setsuna: "Thank you, Kirara." Towa Higurashi: "There's so much bloodlust in the air." Moroha: "Not to mention that ridiculous demon energy." Setsuna: "He looks so defenseless, and yet..." Setsuna: "I can't see an opening at all." Towa Higurashi: "He doesn't even need to pay us any attention." Towa Higurashi: "If I even think about moving, I'll get cut in two." Towa Higurashi: "That much, even I know. "Sesshomaru's Daughter"" Zero: "Kirinmaru, don't stop me." Kirinmaru: "Sesshomaru." Kirinmaru: "Allow me to be the one to apologize about your Tenseiga." Kirinmaru: "I feel remorse. Will you forgive me?" Zero: "Stop it, Kirinmaru!" Kirinmaru: "You have gone too far, Sister!" Riku: "Lord Kirinmaru." Sesshomaru: "Your apology isn't necessary. I had no attachment to Tenseiga." Sesshomaru: "As long as I have this Bakusaiga, it will be enough." Zero: "Interesting. Will you cut me, Sesshomaru?" Zero: "Or should I say, can you cut me?" Sesshomaru: "It does not matter. I will cut you." Zero: "Tenseiga cannot bring the same person back from the dead twice. If you bring death upon me again, that woman whose life is still TOWA AND SETSUNA'S MOTHER – RIN tied to mine will also die." Sesshomaru: "TOWA AND SETSUNA'S MOTHER – RIN Is that not your wish? Is that not your wish?" Jaken: "Rin, are you crying?" Text: "SESSHOMARU'S VASSAL – JAKEN " Jaken: "SESSHOMARU'S VASSAL – JAKEN What's making you so sad?" Text: "SESSHOMARU'S VASSAL – JAKEN " Sesshomaru: "Any more of this..." Sesshomaru: "will only make Rin sorrowful." Kirinmaru: "Sesshomaru." Kirinmaru: "You didn't chase after Akuru's pinwheel." Kirinmaru: "Out of respect for that, won't you sheathe your sword?" Sesshomaru: "I refuse." Kirinmaru: "Sister." Kirinmaru: "Sesshomaru is serious. That human girl will no longer act as your shield." Zero: "Exactly what I have wished for." Sesshomaru: "Step aside, Kirinmaru." Sesshomaru: "Zero will just be more pitiful." Kirinmaru: "I know. However..." Zero: "Stop getting in the way, Kirinmaru." Zero: "If anything, this is an older sister's efforts to protect your life. Are you repaying my charity with ingratitude?" Kirinmaru: "How pathetic!" Kirinmaru: "That vain wish on some worthless orb is what brought you this dishonor!" Kirinmaru: "Be gone!" Setsuna: "The Rainbow Pearls..." Moroha: "Oh, damn... There they go." Towa Higurashi: "I guess you two still wanted to keep them." Zero: "Really, now." Zero: "Shall we sever our ties, Kirinmaru?" Zero: "Fine by me." Zero: "From this moment forward, we are nothing but strangers." Zero: "You are no longer my brother, nor I your sister." Zero: "However, I hope you haven't forgotten. The Rainbow Pearls are my tears." Zero: "No matter where they scatter, I will always be able to find them." Zero: "Farewell. We shall never see each other again." Kirinmaru: "Wait. Sister!" Riku: "I won't make any excuses." Kirinmaru: "Are you betraying me?" Riku: "Otherwise, Madam won't have a fighting chance." Riku: "Farewell, Lord Kirinmaru." Setsuna: "Why did he..." Towa Higurashi: "Huh? I wonder why..." Towa Higurashi: "I was only able to talk to Riku for a little bit..." Towa Higurashi: "And I feel sad because of that." Kirinmaru: "Are you going after her, Sesshomaru?" Sesshomaru: "Leave the matter with Zero to me." Kirinmaru: "Wait, Sesshomaru." Kirinmaru: "What of these girls?" Sesshomaru: "It's a rite of courage and cowardice." Kirinmaru: "If you are Sesshomaru's daughters, then your true worth comes from survival." Kirinmaru: "It's inevitable if you're a half-demon." Kirinmaru: "As you can see..." Kirinmaru: "I'm in quite the irritable mood today." Kirinmaru: "If you had withdrawn, I would have let you escape." Kirinmaru: "But if you are to face me, I cannot hold back as I did the last time. Are you all right with that?" Towa Higurashi: "You mean you held back last time? You're kidding me." Moroha: "He's obviously lying!" Setsuna: "If this is a rite of courage and cowardice, then I cannot simply withdraw." Kirinmaru: "Then go ahead and unleash your powers, and see how far you can get." Towa Higurashi: "Let's do this." Towa Higurashi: "I'm going to get Setsuna's dreams back!" Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" Setsuna: "You better dodge, Towa. Scourge of Swallows!" Moroha: "Crimson Dragon Wave!" Moroha: "Crimson Backlash Wave!" Kirinmaru: "Blasting Barrage!" Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" Moroha: "What are you doing?" Setsuna: "It's better than getting hit by that." Kirinmaru: "Your problem is your lack of spirit. If you hadn't depended on the Pearls," Kirinmaru: "your inherent powers would've manifested properly." Moroha: "Quit running your mouth! Focusing spirit powers... Heavenly Arrow Barrage!" Kirinmaru: "Behold this force! When you're using spirit powers, a Rainbow Pearl only gets in your way." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Kirinmaru: "Well, then..." Kirinmaru: "I suppose I should respond in kind." Kirinmaru: "I challenge you, girls!" Text: "DEMON SWORDSMITH – TOTOSAI " Jaken: "DEMON SWORDSMITH – TOTOSAI Hey, you there, Totosai." Text: "THREE-EYED COW DEMON – MOMO " Totosai: "THREE-EYED COW DEMON – MOMO Oh, it's you, Jaken." Jaken: "THREE-EYED COW DEMON – MOMO Rin was crying. Rin was crying!" Jaken: "Can you hurry to the battle ground where her daughters are fighting?" Totosai: "We're going to the same place. But I don't think we're gonna make it in time." Jaken: "What?" Totosai: "I'm talking about the birth of the heavenly sword, Yukari no Tachikiri." Towa Higurashi: "Such power." Kirinmaru: "This is strange." Kirinmaru: "Where is the girl who managed to land a cut on my cheek?" Setsuna: "Towa!" Kirinmaru: "Though your form is excellent, your blade edge is subpar." Kirinmaru: "With a blade edge like that, you won't be able to scratch me." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Kirinmaru: "Oh, that's right." Kirinmaru: "For you to manifest your true strength..." Kirinmaru: "your little sister must be in danger, or so Riku witnessed." Kirinmaru: "What a caring older sister you are." Kirinmaru: "I suppose I let my guard down a little." Towa Higurashi: "Don’t lay a hand on Setsuna." Towa Higurashi: "Riku, I'll be taking advantage of the wound you left behind." Kirinmaru: "Damn you!" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Towa Higurashi: "When I was young, I had a younger twin sister..." Towa Higurashi: "...and we lived in the forest for the longest time." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna. No, you can't..." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Setsuna: "Towa, I'm sorry." Towa Higurashi: "No, don't worry about saying anything. I'm going to patch you up right now." Towa Higurashi: "We were always together, and we got along so well." Setsuna: "What are those tears, Towa? It's like I'm going to die or something." Towa Higurashi: "Of course that's not going to happen!" Setsuna: "That's right. Right? I..." Setsuna: "I won't die at a place like this. It's just..." Towa Higurashi: "It's just?" Setsuna: "I-It's just... I'm getting a little sleepy." Towa Higurashi: "Then why, at that moment..." Setsuna: "I'm sorry... Sis..." Setsuna: "I'm going to sleep... just a little bit..." Setsuna: "Good night." Towa Higurashi: "Then why, at that moment..." Towa Higurashi: "did I let go of her hand?" Kirinmaru: "This is truly regrettable. If we had Sesshomaru's Tenseiga," Kirinmaru: "we could have brought her back to life." Kirinmaru: "But alas, my older sister Zero, already broke it in half." Kirinmaru: "So you've transformed into Beniyasha." Kirinmaru: "Will you yet again become the Destroyer of Lands?" Moroha: "If that were the case, then maybe you would've lived a bit longer." Kirinmaru: "What?" Beniyasha: "This is the first time I've ever felt so calm after applying my rouge." Beniyasha: "I bet this is probably the true Beniyasha's power." Moroha: "Kirinmaru, you're going to die here." Kirinmaru: "It can't be..." Kirinmaru: "That's right, this is the place where he died, isn't it?" Towa Higurashi: "Wait, Moroha." Kirinmaru: "That's..." Towa Higurashi: "Kirinmaru is my prey." Towa Higurashi: "I'll be the one to avenge Setsuna." Towa Higurashi: "How dare you kill my Setsuna. I hope you're ready..." Towa Higurashi: "Kirinmaru!" Kirinmaru: "I see. So this is your true power." Moroha: "I can't let you have this one, Towa." Moroha: "Setsuna was also my precious friend, too." Kirinmaru: "It will matter not." Kirinmaru: "After all, I am the Beast King of the East, Kirinmaru of the Dawn." Kirinmaru: "Both of you can be my opponents." Moroha: "If that's what you want..." Towa Higurashi: "Then we challenge you!" Moroha: "Crimson Dragon Wave!" Towa Higurashi: "What?" Kirinmaru: "Remember this well, Towa." Kirinmaru: "Sesshomaru created that attack, the Azure Dragon Wave." Kirinmaru: "However, you turned the dragon into twin heads." Kirinmaru: "From hereon, you shall call this Twin Azure Dragon Wave." Kirinmaru: "And Beniyasha." Kirinmaru: "What a magnificent Crimson Dragon Wave." Kirinmaru: "This dragon will only listen to your will." Kirinmaru: "And because of that, I cannot push it away." Moroha: "Towa!" Kirinmaru: "This one stings." Kirinmaru: "I never thought you'd damage me this much." Moroha: "He withstood it." Towa Higurashi: "Wasn't expecting anything less!" Kirinmaru: "Despite being a half-demon, you are doing well to not lose control with all that demon energy." Kirinmaru: "I shall praise you for that." Moroha: "Pisses me off how you're always looking down at us!" Towa Higurashi: "Enough of your lectures. Whether or not your life will measure up to Setsuna's..." Towa Higurashi: "I'll find that out right now." Kirinmaru: "Splendid. Most splendid." Kirinmaru: "This is the sort of battle I've always wanted!" Towa Higurashi: "Kirinmaru, I'll be taking..." Towa Higurashi: "...your demon energy!" Kirinmaru: "Go ahead and try!" Towa Higurashi: "Your damn demon energy... I'll take it all..." Moroha: "Towa!" Kirinmaru: "I haven't fought like this since my battle with the Great Dog-Demon." Kirinmaru: "It's most unfortunate that I must end it in such a way." Kirinmaru: "Half-Demon Princess." Kirinmaru: "I await the next time we can meet." Kirinmaru: "Setsuna." Kirinmaru: "I shall carve your name onto my heart. I will never forget you." Moroha: "Kirara." Moroha: "I'm sorry, Setsuna. It looks like we lost." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna." Towa Higurashi: "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Setsuna, I'm sorry." Towa Higurashi: "This world is full of the weak." Towa Higurashi: "But the truly weak..." Towa Higurashi: "...are the ones who couldn't protect what they wanted to protect most." Towa Higurashi: "And that's..." Towa Higurashi: "That's what you would call me." Towa Higurashi: "How could I be so weak?" Towa Higurashi: "Sesshomaru." Towa Higurashi: "What?"
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 24 – Sesshomaru's Daughter", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "24", "Sesshomaru's Daughter" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon. Feudal era and present day. Peacefulness and war. Joy and sorrow. Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity." Towa Higurashi: "And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Towa Higurashi: "It's here." Kohaku: "Nice work, Towa." Kohaku: "Nanasuke, Rokuta, be careful of its poison." Rokuta & Nanasuke: "– Yeah! – Leave it to us!" Kohaku: "Bring it down, Hisui and Setsuna." Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" Hisui: "Hiraikotsu!" Rokuta & Nanasuke: "Amazing!" Kohaku: "They're getting better at working together." Kohaku: "And Towa, you're getting better at sensing demon energy." Towa Higurashi: "Yeah, but just barely, I think... "Meeting through an Apple"" Kyuki: "Master." Kyuki: "It is I, Kyuki." Kyuki: "Tokotsu has been defeated by Beniyasha and the daughters of Sesshomaru." Kirinmaru: "The daughters of Sesshomaru?" Kyuki: "Unless we take action, I fear they will bring you disaster..." Kirinmaru: "By the way, Kyuki, who is this Tokotsu again?" Kyuki: "He was one of the Four Perils under your command. The one to whom you bestowed the Red Rainbow Pearl." Kirinmaru: "Ah, that's right..." Kirinmaru: "If Tokotsu served under me, then he must have been quite the warrior." Kirinmaru: "Defeated by Sesshomaru's daughters... I must hand it to them." Kyuki: "If you would allow me, I can take care of this matter." Kirinmaru: "It's not to my taste..." Kyuki: "Understood. Then I shall start with Sesshomaru's daughters." Kaede: "Welcome back." Towa Higurashi: "I'm back." Towa Higurashi: "Oh. That's right. Hey, Setsuna!" Towa Higurashi: "Can you play your violin?" Setsuna: "That's fine." Towa Higurashi: "Mama Moe would play for me whenever I came home after a fight..." Towa Higurashi: "We sure bought a lot of stuff, huh, Setsuna?" Setsuna: "Are you sure it's okay to buy so much?" Towa Higurashi: "Don't worry about it! It'll be my treat for today." Setsuna: "Thank you." Towa Higurashi: "Oh, that's right. Here." Towa Higurashi: "Come on, Setsuna, you too." Towa Higurashi: "Oh, thank goodness." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna can finally fall asleep." Towa Higurashi: "I'm glad." Towa Higurashi: "I'm so glad..." Hisui: "We're not taking Towa with us?" Setsuna: "No." Towa Higurashi: "What?! She went to slay demons?" Towa Higurashi: "Without me?!" Kaede: "You were sleeping so peacefully." Towa Higurashi: "Unbelievable! How can she leave me behind?!" Towa Higurashi: "It's like... It's like she thinks I'm in the way or something! But I guess I'll have to..." Towa Higurashi: "...prove that I can be reliable!" Kaede: "Are you heading out?" Towa Higurashi: "I'm off to find Mount Musubi's butterfly." Towa Higurashi: "After all, that's why I came to this world. Okay, I'm heading out!" Towa Higurashi: "East is that way. Okay, let's go!" Riku: "Geez, this tastes disgusting." Towa Higurashi: "I guess it's pointless to use a modern map..." Towa Higurashi: "There's not a single thing Moroha brought that's actually useful." Riku: "You seemed troubled by something, Mr. Samurai." Riku: "Is something the matter?" Riku: "Oh, I'm no one suspicious, I promise you." Towa Higurashi: "Okay, then don't bother me." Riku: "Oh no, I can't do that. I'm also lost, you see." Towa Higurashi: ""Also"? Don't loop me in with you." Riku: "But you have lost your way, haven't you?" Towa Higurashi: "I haven't lost my way, I'm looking for the Dream Butterfly." Riku: "I doubt butterflies are common at this time of year." Towa Higurashi: "I heard there are some at Mount Musubi." Riku: "What's this? I thought you were a samurai, but you're a princess. I'm terribly sorry for my mistake." Riku: "Please wait, my princess. I'm having trouble finding my way back to my ship." Towa Higurashi: "Ship? Does that mean the ocean is nearby?" Riku: "That's the one thing I'm sure of." Towa Higurashi: "Dang it. I thought I was heading to the mountains, but I ended up closer to the sea." Towa Higurashi: "You're right, I smell water from that direction." Riku: "Thank you." Riku: "Okay, let's go." Towa Higurashi: "Whoa, hey!" Riku: "So this is the ocean?" Towa Higurashi: "I guess it's a bit too small to be an ocean!" Riku: "But if I follow this river, it'll lead me to the ocean." Riku: "Thank you, you've been a great help." Towa Higurashi: "This feels nice. Feels perfect for a picnic." Towa Higurashi: "Oh, wow." Towa Higurashi: "Is that some kind of magic trick?" Riku: "Anyone can do this with a little bit of focus!" Riku: "I'm sure you can, too, Princess." Towa Higurashi: "You think so? Hey Mister, care to join me?" Riku: "Not to be rude, Princess, but I'm no "Mister." The name is Riku." Riku: "And yours, Princess?" Towa Higurashi: "Well, I'm no princess. I'm Towa Higurashi." Towa Higurashi: "So you're Riku, huh? Got it." Riku: "Just remember me as Riku the pirate, Lady Towa." Towa Higurashi: "What?! You're a pirate?" Riku: "Rest assured. I don't take from women, children, or the poor." Riku: "Wow, these are all fascinating things." Riku: "And these are all edible?" Towa Higurashi: "Help yourself!" Riku: "Well, don't mind if I do!" Riku: "Delicious! Such a wonderful flavor. I've never had something so delicious!" Towa Higurashi: "Yeah, I think that apple tastes the best. Selective breeding has come a long way, and things taste much better now." Riku: "So this is an apple. Unbelievable! A taste like this would surely banish you from paradise." Towa Higurashi: "Oh, and I'll take the core once you're done." Towa Higurashi: "Can't be having it take root and mess up the course of history!" Riku: "I ate the whole thing, core and all! Thank you for the hospitality." Riku: "As one abandoned by his master, it's more than I deserve..." Riku: "Lady Towa, you've fed me the forbidden fruit." Towa Higurashi: "Huh? Forbidden fruit?" Riku: "Anyway, Lady Towa, could that katana be the Kikujumonji?" Towa Higurashi: "It was a fake, apparently. It broke pretty easily." Riku: "I should think so. The real one should be with Ogigayatsu Hiiragi, the Deputy Shogun of Kanto, as it was bestowed from the shogun." Towa Higurashi: "The shogun? Deputy Shogun of Kanto?" Riku: "Well, I must repay your kindness for the apple." Riku: "If fate allows it, we shall meet again." Riku: "Until then, farewell." Towa Higurashi: "Hey!" Towa Higurashi: "Wait, you forgot this." Riku: "I would like to present that to you as a gift. Please accept it." Towa Higurashi: "What is this?" Riku: "I hope you like it, dear princess." Towa Higurashi: "A katana?" Towa Higurashi: "Wait, is this real?" Towa Higurashi: "Amazing. So this is the real thing..." Riku: "I recently stole that katana from Ogigayatsu Hiiragi, so it's the genuine Kikujumonji." Towa Higurashi: "There he goes. Who was he anyway?" Magistrate: "Hey, you there." Magistrate: "We are retainers of the Deputy Shogun, Ogigayatsu Hiiragi." Magistrate: "So you're the one who stole that katana a few days ago!" Towa Higurashi: "Uh, no, I..." Magistrate: "We're taking you into custody!" Towa Higurashi: "Wait, I didn't steal this!" Sokyu: "We've captured you, Princess Half-Demon." Sokyu: "Those clothes are, without a doubt, from the other world." Towa Higurashi: "An apparition?" Constable: "Lord Sokyu, we also found these tea ceremony utensils." Sokyu: "Bring all of it back to the estate." Constable: "Yes, sir." Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "Are you the one they call Princess Half-Demon?" Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "I am the Deputy Shogun of Kanto, Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo." Towa Higurashi: "The name's Towa Higurashi." Towa Higurashi: "Sorry, but I'm no Princess Half-Demon." Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "So she says, Sokyu." Sokyu: "My Lord, let me, if you will." Sokyu: "Princess Half-Demon, I have here a book that you were carrying." Towa Higurashi: "That idiot! Why'd she have to bring that back with her?" Towa Higurashi: "You know, you should take my advice and let me go." Towa Higurashi: "Things won't be so hot when my friends get here." Sokyu: "Such nonsense. There is something I would like for you to see." Towa Higurashi: "Is that a bike seat?" Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "You recognize what this is!" Sokyu: "Indeed. It seems she knows something." Towa Higurashi: "What's a thing like that doing here?" Sokyu: "There used to be rumors in the Musashi Province... of a priestess who came through the Bone Eater's Well from a place called "Tokyo."" Towa Higurashi: "Tokyo? Well? Priestess?" Sokyu: "She and a half-demon named Inuyasha traveled the land slaying demons." Sokyu: "What I'm about to share is a tale that I heard over a decade ago." Setsuna: "She went to find Mount Musubi's butterfly?" Kaede: "She mentioned wanting to prove that she wasn't a nuisance." Setsuna: "And here I thought you were being happily tamed. Of course this happens once the collar comes off." Kaede: "Are you heading to Mount Musubi as well?" Setsuna: "No, I'm going to search for the dog that strayed from the pack." Moroha: "So this time it's Kyuki, one of the Four Perils." Moroha: "These requests to slay big name demons keep coming in. Who keeps requesting 'em, huh? Takechiyo, I know you know something." Takechiyo: "It's better that you don't know. Master Jyubei said the requests are from someone he can't say no to." Moroha: "I see." Takechiyo: "Master Jyubei has graciously given you advance payment. You need to stop complaining and carry out your job!" Moroha: "Geez, I know." Setsuna: "She was definitely here, but Mount Musubi is the other way." Moroha: "Hey, Setsuna!" Moroha: "I got another demon slaying job from Mr. Jyubei." Setsuna: "I see." Moroha: "Huh? You're not with Towa today?" Setsuna: "Looks like she got lost somewhere. I've been trying to reach her, but she hasn't responded." Moroha: "Hah! So she's hopeless, as usual." Takechiyo: "That's strange. According to Master Jyubei, Towa is the most reliable out of you three Half-Demon Princesses." Moroha: "What do you mean? She's the most useless one." Takechiyo: "I even have proof. She's close to where Kyuki is located." Moroha: "You're kidding." Takechiyo: "And she's gained an audience with Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo, the Deputy Shogun of Kanto. She's probably accepting a gift as her reward by now!" Setsuna: "I have a bad feeling about this." Moroha: "Hey, wait a sec, Setsuna." Moroha: "It's the Deputy Shogun's estate, right? Takechiyo, can you take us?" Takechiyo: "Fine, but this time, make sure to get Kyuki's head!" Kyuki: "So you've come, Half-Demon Princesses. With this, the Gold, Silver, and Red Rainbow Pearls will gather, and in one fell swoop, I will have four Rainbow Pearls." Kyuki: "If I succeed, I'll possess more demon energy than Master Kirinmaru." Kyuki: "Fubuki, steal the Rainbow Pearls from those girls!" Kyuki: "Not to worry." Kyuki: "I can simply leave the Silver Rainbow Pearl to Yotsume." Sokyu: "And that demon was Root Head, which spread its roots underground and absorbed nutrients from humans." Setsuna: "It's here." Moroha: "It was waiting to ambush us." Setsuna: "Is that Kyuki?" Takechiyo: "That's one of Kyuki's underlings, an apparition named Fubuki." Moroha: "I've heard of it. An ice and snow demon beast that nests in the North." Setsuna: "Ice and snow..." Setsuna: "Moroha." Moroha: "Should I do it?" Setsuna: "Don't use your rouge. I can take small fry with this." Setsuna: "Scourge of Swallows!" Setsuna: "Does it not have a real body?" Moroha: "That's not it. That giant form is like fog. Its main body is hiding somewhere. Damn it, where could it be?!" Sokyu: "But then, Root Head said, "I'll eat you whole, Shikon Jewel and all!"" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna and Moroha are close by." Towa Higurashi: "Apparitions sure do talk a lot." Towa Higurashi: "And there's one more. It's small, but I sense another apparition." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna and the others must be fighting that tiny polar bear." Towa Higurashi: "Come on, focus. I have to save Setsuna." Setsuna: "There!" Setsuna: "I heard Towa's breath." Moroha: "Really?" Setsuna: "She's at the village over there." Setsuna: "Fubuki's main body is there, too." Moroha: "I see, so that's how it is. If so..." Moroha: "I found it. It's Fubuki's main body." Moroha: "Pierce through..." Moroha: "Sacred Arrow!" Towa Higurashi: "Now!" Towa Higurashi: "Yes! We did it." Moroha: "Hate to admit it, but I think what Mr. Jyubei said might be true." Setsuna: "About what?" Moroha: "That Towa might be the most reliable out of the three of us." Setsuna: "She causes us the most trouble, too." Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "Now, Princess Half-Demon, if you would regale us with your tale..." Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "You know, don't you? What will happen to the Shogunate?" Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "The fate of our clan?" Towa Higurashi: "Your Excellency..." Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "What is it?" Towa Higurashi: "Run." Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "What?" Retainer & Retainer 2: "– Hey! – Intruder!" Towa Higurashi & Retainer: "– You'll get hurt if you stay here. – Who are you?" Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "What is happening?" Retainer 2: "Intruder!" Moroha: "Shut up!" Moroha: "They're so weak." Moroha: "Come on Towa, we're going home! Quit loafing around here." Setsuna: "You are such a handful..." Towa Higurashi: "Thank you, Setsuna and Moroha." Sokyu: "Who are you?" Moroha: "Who are we? Well..." Moroha: "Oh? I knew I smelled something strange in the air. So it was you, Yotsume!" Moroha: "Since you're here, I might as well take you out, too!" Setsuna: "You're attacking too soon!" Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "An apparition?!" Moroha: "Oh, shit!" Sokyu: "You're open!" Moroha: "What a sore loser..." Towa Higurashi: "Wait, Moroha." Towa Higurashi: "He seems to know things. We should nab him and make him talk." Moroha: "Then we do have to chase after him!" Towa Higurashi: "Your Excellency." Towa Higurashi: "I'll be taking this." Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo: "Who were they?" Towa Higurashi: "Oh, that's right." Towa Higurashi: "And I'll be taking this, too." Towa Higurashi: "Well, see you around!" Towa Higurashi: "The owl demon Yotsume. I'll catch him and find out whatever he's scheming!" Moroha: "I won't let you get away. Heavenly Arrow Barrage!" Towa Higurashi: "But he uses the power of a Rainbow Pearl to unleash a cruel spell." Setsuna: "He's searching for weaknesses by looking inside our heads." Towa Higurashi: "Who is this woman? Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: "The Dream Gazing Trap""
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 7 – Meeting through an Apple", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "7", "Meeting through an Apple" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon. Feudal era and present day. Peacefulness and war. Joy and sorrow. Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity." Towa Higurashi: "And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Moroha: "Geez, how far is he going to go? MOROHA SETSUNA Geez, how far is he going to go?" Text: "MOROHA SETSUNA " Takechiyo: "Sob..." Takechiyo: "How rude! I can't believe you just jumped over me like that!" Towa Higurashi: "Please give me a lift! I beg you! HALF-DEMON GIRL – TOWA HIGURASHI Please give me a lift! I beg you! It's impossible for me to catch up to those two!" Takechiyo & Towa Higurashi: "– And why should I... – Here!" Takechiyo: "This is super tasty! What is this?" Towa Higurashi: "Rock Paper Scissor Gummies." Towa Higurashi: "ROCK PAPER SCISSOR GUMMIES I have a lot more." Text: "ROCK PAPER SCISSOR GUMMIES " Takechiyo: "Hold on tight, okay?" Towa Higurashi: ""The Dream Gazing Trap"" Text: "PIRATE WASHED ASHORE – RIKU " Riku: "PIRATE WASHED ASHORE – RIKU Night fishing? You've got taste." Jyubei: "Why, if it isn't Lord Riku. CORPSE DEALER JYUBEI Why, if it isn't Lord Riku." Jyubei: "You needn't have come all this way. You can call on Takechiyo anytime to get business done." Riku: "I met her." Jyubei: "Met who, sir?" Riku: "Lord Sesshomaru's daughter. I believe her name was... Lady Towa? I like her. She's got something we don't." Jyubei: "Those girls can probably defeat the Four Perils for you." Riku: "Never liked the Four Perils." Riku: "They lack taste." Jyubei: "Well, I for one cannot thank you enough for your continued patronage." Riku: "Mr. Jyubei, please have the remaining Four Perils defeated." Riku: "I've decided that I'll be taking their Rainbow Pearls." Jyubei: "Understood, sir. However, with your powers, you could easily destroy the Four Perils without having to put a bounty on them." Riku: "Come on now. Like I said..." Riku: "I hate the Four Perils." Riku: "It's my policy to only kill the ones I love. And so, I'll get the Half-Demon Princesses and their three Rainbow Pearls." Riku: "I just wonder if I can wait until I have all seven Pearls..." Yotsume: "How could this be?! There's no way I can deal with all three ferocious girls at once!" Yotsume: "Lady Kyuki! Lady Kyuki!" Yotsume: "Why? Why do throw me away like this?" Kyuki: "You fool!" Yotsume: "Lady Kyuki?" Kyuki: "Did you not notice? The Half-Demon Princesses are close behind you!" Yotsume: "My sincerest apologies!" Yotsume: "Is this a Rainbow Pearl?" Kyuki: "Yotsume. Use this and find each of their weaknesses. Use your power to the fullest." Yotsume: "My power?" Kyuki: "The Dream Gazing spell." Yotsume: "Oh, yes, that's right." Kyuki: "Make sure you also look into ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – KYUKI Towa's Reiwa world." Text: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – KYUKI " Yotsume: "Thank you for allowing me to use the Rainbow Pearl's demon energy!" Moroha: "So this is Kyuki's fortress." Moroha: "Thanks for showing us here, Yotsume." Moroha: "What's this? Looks like you've gotten a makeover." Yotsume: "Shut up!" Moroha: "You won't get away. Heavenly Arrow Barrage!" Moroha: "All right, got you!" Moroha: "I'll send you to the afterlife with my Kurikaramaru! Crimson Dragon... what?" Yotsume: "Idiot." Moroha & Towa Higurashi: "– What? – Moroha!" Moroha: "My... my strength..." Moroha: "What the hell? I can't move." Setsuna: "Moroha!" Setsuna: "Are you okay?" Moroha: "Don't let your guard down. He's pretty dangerous." Yotsume: "You're next." Towa Higurashi: "Takechiyo, fly faster." Takechiyo: "I'm already flying pretty fast." Towa Higurashi: "Go faster! Here, stick out your tongue." Takechiyo: "Delicious!" Towa Higurashi: "It's the Rock Paper Scissors pineapple flavor. Keep it on your tongue! It'll change flavor." Takechiyo: "All right! I'm fired up now!" Towa Higurashi: "You can do it! I also have chocolate candy, too." Takechiyo: "Here I go!" Yotsume: "Eat this!" Yotsume: "It's useless if you hide. Come on out. Take this!" Yotsume: "What? This one doesn't dream?" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Setsuna: "Towa, stay back!" Yotsume: "The third Half-Demon Princess is here." Yotsume: "Take this!" Towa Higurashi: "What is this?" Takechiyo: "I can't move?" Setsuna: "Towa, wake up." Setsuna: "Towa!" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna." Setsuna: "Towa!" Towa Higurashi: "I'm sorry." Setsuna: "Towa!" Yotsume: "Time to show me the future, Princess Half-Demon!" Setsuna: "What a handful you all are." Setsuna: "I see. He's peeking inside their heads to look for a weakness." Setsuna: "If so..." Setsuna: "Rise!" Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" Jyubei: "You're leaving the young lord with me?" Jyubei: "What did the Elder, Hachi the Raccoon Dog, say?" Jyubei: "I see. But if you leave him here, I'll have to put him to work. I can't treat him like I did before." Text: "CORPSE DEALER " Moroha: "CORPSE DEALER Huh? So this is a dream." Moroha: "Why am I having a dream like this? Whose dream is this anyway?" Moroha: "Where is this?" Kagome Higurashi: "You're such a good child." Inuyasha: "Kagome! They're here!" Kagome Higurashi: "Okay." Kagome Higurashi: "This is a keepsake from Inuyasha's mother." Kagome Higurashi: "We decided that if we had a girl, we would give this to her." Kagome Higurashi: "Mr. Hachi, please take care of her." Takechiyo: "What? Oh no. That's Lord Kirinmaru over there!" Towa Higurashi: "A butterfly?" Towa Higurashi: "Did I become a butterfly?" Towa Higurashi: "Poor thing. So this is how Setsuna is getting her dreams taken away." Setsuna: "Are you prepared?" Yotsume: "Why? Why don't you have any dreams?" Setsuna: "I'm not so weak that I have to depend on dreams. Scourge of Swallows!" Setsuna: "Is that... a Rainbow Pearl?" Setsuna: "So he was using that." Moroha: "Setsuna!" Setsuna: "So you've woken up?" Kyuki: "Yotsume. You were completely useless. But the spell is still in effect." Kyuki: "Now, what kind of dream will you have?" Towa Higurashi: "That's the Sacred Tree." Tree Of Ages (Kikyo): "So you've returned, butterfly." Towa Higurashi: "This voice..." Towa Higurashi: "I see, so the Tree of Ages is speaking." Towa Higurashi: "Who is this woman?" Tree Of Ages (Kikyo): "So pitiful." Tree Of Ages (Kikyo): "Not being able to sleep is harrowing, but so, too, is a ceaseless slumber." Tree Of Ages (Kikyo): "Do you not agree, daughter of Sesshomaru?" Moroha: "Finally." Setsuna: "You're awake." Takechiyo: "It's great you woke up." Towa Higurashi: "That dream just now..." Towa Higurashi: "Where's Yotsume?" Moroha: "Surprise, surprise! Setsuna's already slain Yotsume." Moroha: "He's been burned without a trace of him left!" Towa Higurashi: "Aw man, Setsuna! We were supposed to get information out of him!" Moroha: "I know, so horrible, right?" Setsuna: "We were in a situation where we had no such luxury." Takechiyo: "Hey, this is not the time to be fighting! The real show starts now! We're about to charge in to one of the Four Peril's fortress!" Setsuna: "Yes." Towa Higurashi: "I know, geez." Moroha: "This time, I'll be sure to collect that bounty." Kyuki: "It was a mixture of dreams, but I think I understand what's going on." Kyuki: "And to think the Tree of Ages was involved in this incident..." Moroha: "Hey, Kyuki!" Moroha: "Peeking into people's dreams? You've got horrible taste." Kyuki: "So you've come, Half-Demon Princesses." Kyuki: "You reckless creatures are Master Kirinmaru's enemies... I, Kyuki of the Four Perils, shall punish you in Master Kirinmaru's place!" Moroha: "Kyuki of the Four Perils? We took care of Tokotsu, so there's only three of you left." Moroha: "We've even defeated your underlings, Fubuki and Yotsume. So you're bare-handed!" Moroha: "You're a million years too early if you think you can take us on now! Why don't you just give up already!" Kyuki: "How spirited you are. However, Half-Demon Princesses," Kyuki: "did you think I would be done after looking into your dreams?" Moroha: "What?" Kyuki: "Do you think I'm lying? Go on, use your precious rouge and become Beniyasha." Moroha: "Now I'm mad. You better not regret this." Towa Higurashi: "Wait, Moroha." Setsuna: "She's up to something. Don't do it!" Moroha: "With this rouge, I become Beniyasha, Destroyer of Lands!" Moroha: "Tremble before the bloodthirsty dawn! Bear witness to your end, if you so dare!" Moroha: "Huh? What?" Kyuki: "I tweaked Yotsume's Dream Gazing a little. I had this Rainbow Pearl absorb your demon energy." Towa Higurashi: "Oh no, even Kikujumonji..." Setsuna: "Then it looks like I'm the only one who can face you." Kyuki: "How far will you fare against me on your own?" Kyuki: "I see. You did say you were not so weak to rely on dreams, but looks like that wasn't a lie." White Tiger Kyuki: "Brace yourself, Princess Half-Demon." Setsuna: "So that's your true form. Scourge of Swallows!" Setsuna: "What?" White Tiger Kyuki: "My Rainbow Pearl can gather all the demon energy here." Moroha: "Not good, Towa." Towa Higurashi: "Can you think of something? At this rate, Setsuna will..." Moroha: "That's right! When you went up against that ghost cat," Moroha: "you absorbed its demon energy without killing the monk." Moroha: "Grandpa Myoga said you have the power to steal demon energy." Towa Higurashi: "But I was so desperate, I don't really remember what I did." Moroha: "In other words, this is what you have to do. Iron-Reaver, Soul-Stealer!" Towa Higurashi: "What the hell, Moroha?!" Moroha: "Try transferring that demon energy into Kikujumonji." Towa Higurashi: "Transfer it?" Towa Higurashi: "It grew a little." Moroha: "The more demon energy attacks you take, the more you can reflect it all back tenfold." Moroha: "But this only works if you can withstand your opponent's attacks. If you can't withstand it..." Moroha: "You'll die." Towa Higurashi: "Well, of course." Moroha: "Towa, this is an ability that only you have." Moroha: "Listen, you only have one chance." Towa Higurashi: "All right, I'll try it." Towa Higurashi: "Over here, Kyuki." Setsuna: "Towa, don't push yourself." Towa Higurashi: "It's the leftover demon energy." Towa Higurashi: "All right." Setsuna: "Towa's demon blade grew?" Setsuna: "I see. She's absorbing the demon energy that she gets hit with." Setsuna: "Good work. I can't be standing around. Cyclone Burst!" Setsuna: "Again?" White Tiger Kyuki: "How many times do I have to tell you? All of your demon energy is being absorbed by this Pearl." Moroha: "Towa, you've got one chance. Just one!" Towa Higurashi: "Now!" White Tiger Kyuki: "What?" Moroha: "All right!" Setsuna: "Towa!" Riku: "Looks like I made it in time." Takechiyo: "It's unusual for you, Lord Riku, to personally come observe things." Riku: "I simply felt like it." Riku: "Now, please show me, Lady Towa." Riku: "The Azure Dragon Wave you inherited from Lord Sesshomaru." Setsuna: "Amazing." Towa Higurashi: "Take this!" Moroha: "Oh, no. She has enough demon energy, but she didn't put enough drive behind her swing!" White Tiger Kyuki: "A laughable attempt, even with that demon energy!" Setsuna: "Does she still not have enough resolve?" Towa Higurashi: "Why..." Towa Higurashi: "Why?" Towa Higurashi: "Why?" Towa Higurashi: "Why!" Setsuna: "Towa, watch out." Moroha: "Setsuna." Moroha: "Setsuna!" Moroha: "Hey, Setsuna. Setsuna!" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Towa Higurashi: "Oh, no." Towa Higurashi: "It happened again." Setsuna (4 Years Old): "Look out!" Towa Higurashi: "I'm always the one being saved." Towa Higurashi: "Even though I'm the older sister..." White Tiger Kyuki: "What?" Moroha: "Setsuna!" Moroha: "Are you okay?" Setsuna: "This is nothing. I just fainted for a little bit." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Towa Higurashi: "Oh, thank goodness!" Kyuki: "Y-You're..." Riku: "That was pathetic." Kyuki: "Riku..." Riku: "Defeated by that half-assed Azure Dragon Wave..." Kyuki: "Damn you, Riku..." Riku: "This is why I hate you all." Towa Higurashi: "Okay, hold still. There!" Setsuna: "What is this?" Towa Higurashi: "A band-aid." Riku: "Lady Towa." Towa Higurashi: "Oh, Riku? What are you doing here?" Riku: "Well, I..." Takechiyo: "Hey, show some respect! This is our highly esteemed client, Lord Riku!" Riku: "Pleased to make your acquaintance." Takechiyo: "Half-Demon Princesses. Good work defeating Kyuki. Here's your reward, one bag of gold!" Moroha: "I don't have to worry about starving to death!" Riku: "Lady Towa, I must take my leave." Towa Higurashi: "Okay, see you around!" Takechiyo: "Oh, and don't forget our promise!" Takechiyo & Riku: "However, I'll be taking this... Oh, and don't forget our promise! However, I'll be taking this... Let me try that "chocolate"!" Takechiyo: "Let me try that "chocolate"!" Towa Higurashi & Riku: "...my dear princess. Oh, that's right." Towa Higurashi: "I'll bring some next time, I promise!" Konton: "How disgusting. Do not put me in the same league as this country's demons." Towa Higurashi: "Konton, a demon from the mainland, killed Meifuku's father, Meioju." Moroha: "We'll help you out. So go on now! Get in there." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha tries to use the invincible shell as a shield, but wait, what?" Meifuku: "That person is scary, so I'll just be the armor, okay?" Towa Higurashi: "Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: "Meifuku, the Meioju""
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 8 – The Dream Gazing Trap", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "8", "The Dream Gazing Trap" ] }
Towa Higurashi: "Towa and Setsuna. Between us half-demon twins, two different worlds exist at the same time." Towa Higurashi: "Human and demon. Feudal era and present day. Peacefulness and war. Joy and sorrow. Dreams and reality." Towa Higurashi: "One moment and eternity. And finally, love and hate." Towa Higurashi: "A Feudal Fairytale, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon." Towa Higurashi: "We'll keep moving forward through the hurdles of destiny!" Vassal A: "Who goes there?" Konton: "See that tree over yonder." Konton: "Historically significant, yet so distasteful. Menial flies, be gone." Vassal B: "What did you say?" Text: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – KONTON " Konton: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – KONTON What an exquisite view." Text: "ONE OF THE FOUR PERILS – KONTON " Meifuku: "Damn him." Towa Higurashi: ""Meifuku, the Meioju"" Jyubei: "CORPSE DEALER One of the fortresses of a certain commander has been destroyed." Moroha & Setsuna & Towa: "A certain commander?" Text: "BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA " Moroha: "BOUNTY HUNTER – MOROHA As in, one of those monkeys?" Jyubei: "No." Text: "CORPSE DEALER JYUBEI " Jyubei: "CORPSE DEALER JYUBEI They keep sending soldiers to survey the situation, but none return. They think this might be the work of demons, so they came to me." Text: "SETSUNA TOWA HIGURASHI " Jyubei: "SETSUNA TOWA HIGURASHI So, how about it?" Moroha: "SETSUNA TOWA HIGURASHI That depends on the payment." Jyubei: "If you slay the demons, the commander will pay one thousand mon coins." Moroha: "I'm in." Jyubei: "Takechiyo." Jyubei: "Go ahead and take them there. TAKECHIYO Go ahead and take them there." Takechiyo: "TAKECHIYO Yep." Moroha: "TAKECHIYO Okay, let's go. Okay, let's go." Moroha: "Hey, what's wrong? Come on, let's go." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna and I aren't really interested in bounty hunting." Moroha: "You aren't interested?!" Moroha: "But it's one thousand mon. That's a year's worth of rice!" Setsuna: "You can eat that by yourself." Moroha: "Yeah, I'll eat all that rice on my own... Not! Just come with me already!" Towa & Moroha: "– Let's just split up for today. – Why?" Towa Higurashi: "We have different goals, or something?" Moroha: "What does that even mean?" Setsuna: "Why must we go with you in the first place?" Moroha: "Well, that's because, uh... because we're comrades?" Setsuna: "Comrades?" Setsuna: "Demon slaying and bounty hunting are different things." Moroha: "Fine, be that way! I can take care of this job all by myself. Damn you, you bunch of dummies. Your mama's a human!" Setsuna: "Yours is too." Moroha: "Come on, Takechiyo." Takechiyo: "Hey, you're going the wrong way, it's that way!" Jyubei: "So?" Towa Higurashi: "Did you find out anything about the Dream Butterfly?" Setsuna: "Enough of that already." Towa Higurashi: "But I have to. I came to this world to get your dreams back from the Dream Butterfly." Jyubei: "As usual, I don't have anything." Towa & Jyubei: "– Not even a little? – Sorry." Jyubei: "But if you really want results, why not put out a bounty for it?" Jyubei: "That is how my business works, after all." Jyubei: "A client pays money, and someone fulfills their request. If you put a bounty out for the Dream Butterfly, I'm sure someone will go look for it." Towa Higurashi: "How much would I have to pay?" Setsuna: "Towa, stop it." Jyubei: "A Dream Butterfly would be one thousand mon." Towa Higurashi: "One thousand mon?" Setsuna: "A year's worth of rice." Towa Higurashi: "One koku, a year's worth, is ten tou, one hundred shou, or one thousand gou. Wait, how many kilograms is a thousand gou?" Setsuna: "It's quite the amount." Towa Higurashi: "So do you have a bounty that would fetch me that price?" Jyubei: "For now, there's only that one job I gave to Moroha." Setsuna: "You can't be serious..." Moroha: "Geez, what's with them? I was just thinking that since we're cousins, I'd try to get along with them like relatives normally would." Moroha: "But then I get treated like that. And here I was, finally thinking that I'd made some friends," Moroha: "since I've been all alone this whole time, so..." Moroha: "You wouldn't understand. Quarter-demons have it pretty rough if we're alone." Towa Higurashi: "Hey! Moroha!" Towa Higurashi: "Wait for us!" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha, we'll go with you!" Moroha: "Come on, Takechiyo, let's hurry up." Takechiyo: "We're not going to wait for them?" Moroha: "I said hurry up. Go!" Towa Higurashi: "Wait, what? Moroha! Hey!" Towa Higurashi: "Why did you run from us?" Moroha: "Takechiyo just suddenly booked it, you know? Blame him." Takechiyo: "No, I didn't..." Moroha: "So? What did you want, chasing after me and all?" Towa Higurashi: "We'll help with your bounty hunting." Moroha: "But you said you didn't want to." Towa Higurashi: "Well, the thing is..." Setsuna: "We thought about it, and consider you a reliable friend." Moroha: "What? Oh, really?" Setsuna: "Let's slay demons together." Moroha: "Well, if you put it that way, then I guess I have no choice! Sure, I'll bring you two along." Towa Higurashi: "Thanks a lot, Moroha." Moroha: "All right, Takechiyo." Takechiyo: "The fortress should be up ahead. I'm spent, so I'm going to head home." Towa Higurashi: "If you're heading back, can you take this bicycle with you?" Moroha: "Is that it?" Moroha: "Something's here." Towa Higurashi: "You're right. It smells fishy, literally." Setsuna: "Not much demon energy, though." Text: "MEIOJU'S SON – MEIFUKU " Setsuna: "What are you doing?" Towa Higurashi: "H-Hey." Moroha: "Leave him be. It's just some kid." Setsuna: "The real thing is over there." Konton: "I thought it would be another boorish group of samurai, but instead I see a trio of mysterious girls." Towa Higurashi: "Excuse me, are you the one who destroyed the fortress that was here?" Konton: "I did not destroy it. It was distasteful, so I simply removed it. Behold, this wonderful scenery!" Moroha: "Yeah, it's definitely him." Konton: "Girls, if you would perform a dance for me, then I can perhaps reward you." Moroha: "Hah! A dance? You've got to be kidding. You'll be the one dancing for us!" Moroha: "Moroha the Demon Killer, here to collect the bounty on your head." Konton: "Bounty? There's a bounty on this Konton's head? Distasteful! Absolutely distasteful." Moroha: "Konton?" Setsuna: "So he's Kirinmaru's underling?" Towa Higurashi: "To run into him in this situation... What should we do?" Moroha: "We'll take him down, obviously." Meifuku: "Watch out!" Konton: "Half-demons. I will not go easy on you." Moroha: "You think you can keep parrying like that? Your belly's wide open." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Moroha: "Kurikaramaru couldn't cut through it? What kind of demon magic is this?" Towa Higurashi: "If so, I'll absorb the demon power." Towa Higurashi: "I can't absorb its power?" Konton: "This is not a matter of demon energy or demon magic. This is an especially sturdy armor, and will not crack from any hit it takes. Not even a diamond will pierce through." Konton: "And behold this divine sword from ancient times." Konton: "Do not put me in the same league as this country's demons." Konton: "How dare you, so distasteful." Konton: "After them." Towa Higurashi: "Where is this..." Moroha: "More importantly, who the heck is this shrimp here?" Towa Higurashi: "Moroha, you're being rude. Remember, he saved us. We saw each other earlier, right? What's your name?" Meifuku: "My name is Meifuku. I'm a Meioju." Setsuna: "Meioju. Your kind sports the sturdiest shell among all the demons." Moroha: "The sturdiest? You don't mean..." Meifuku: "Please look over there." Moroha: "Whoa, what the hell?" Moroha: "Man, that's a huge creature." Towa Higurashi: "Are these the bones of a demon?" Meifuku: "The remains of my father. My father was quite the exceptional demon, but Konton had laid a trap using a strange spell." Text: "GREAT DEMON WITH THE ULTIMATE ARMORED SHELL – MEIOJU" Konton: "How distasteful. Take this!" Meioju: "Nothing can pierce my armored shell." Meioju: "Dark Lightning Cannon!" Meioju: "Did you think you could defeat this Meioju?" Konton: "I laid out an immobilizing field. You can no longer move." Konton: "I have now acquired Meioju's armored shell." Meioju: "Damn you." Meifuku: "F-Father!" Meioju: "Run, Meifuku!" Meifuku: "Konton killed my father and took his armored shell." Meifuku: "He used that shell to create a suit of armor." Towa Higurashi: "So that's what that suit of armor is." Moroha: "But how do you shape an armored shell into a suit of armor?" Moroha: "Grandpa Myoga?" Myoga: "I live! FLEA DEMON – MYOGA I live! FLEA DEMON – MYOGA Konton and the other Four Perils are from the mainland, so the spells they use are similar to Tao magic and Fang magic." Moroha: "Oh, you researched it?" Myoga: "Konton probably extracted the shell's demon energy, and used a spell technique to mold it into a suit of armor." Myoga: "I was just so focused on running away back then." Meifuku: "I don't want to leave things as they are. I wish to avenge my father, so I've been following Konton around." Meifuku: "But..." Meifuku: "I don't think I can win at all. If I could at least take back my father's shell and send him off properly..." Towa Higurashi: "How long have you been following him around?" Meifuku: "Maybe around ten years." Moroha: "Ten years? That's too long." Meifuku: "But I'm just barely fifty years old." Towa Higurashi: "You're older than me? You're fifty years old?!" Meifuku: "I'm so young that my armored shell is only a single layer." Moroha: "If fifty's not enough, how much longer do you need?" Meifuku: "Ideally, another fifty years..." Moroha: "You're kidding me." Moroha: "– Your armored shell is sturdy enough! – Please stop! Remove it, I'll use it instead." Meifuku: "It's not something I can just remove! I can't! It's impossible!" Moroha: "Then stand in front of me and become my shield." Meifuku: "I'd rather not!" Setsuna: "They've caught up to us." Moroha: "Is it just the pets?" Meifuku: "Konton." Setsuna: "It is indeed a strange spell." Moroha: "Grandpa Myoga, it might be better if you hid." Myoga: "Here I go, goodbye!" Konton: "So it's Meioju's little brat. After all this time, you still bare your fangs at me?" Meifuku: "I... um..." Moroha: "You betcha! Meifuku here says he's going to beat you and take his revenge." Konton: "I see. Vengeance, is it?" Meifuku: "But I'm not ready..." Moroha: "Go on! Tell him you want your dad's armored shell back." Meifuku: "Well, yes, I would like to do that one day." Konton: "Are you saying that you can defeat me?" Moroha: "Don't worry about it, we'll help you out. We'll defeat him and get one thousand mon coins. Even better, if we take his head back, we can get a gold ingot! So here, go on now!" Meifuku: "I'll avenge my father... So Konton..." Moroha: "Geez, you're so helpless. Just become my shield, then." Meifuku: "O-Okay." Towa Higurashi: "Huh? Me?" Moroha: "Hey, you." Meifuku: "That person is scary, so I'll just be your armor, okay?" Moroha: "Crimson Dragon Wave!" Setsuna: "Moroha!" Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" Setsuna: "What?" Konton: "Divine Speed." Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Towa Higurashi: "Setsuna!" Moroha: "It can't be helped. It's come to this." Moroha: "With this rouge, I become Beniyasha, Destroyer of Lands! Tremble before the bloodthirsty dawn!" Konton: "Divine Speed." Towa Higurashi: "Moroha!" Konton: "Divine Speed!" Towa Higurashi: "Your armored shell's doing its job! All right, let's go all at once." Towa Higurashi: "Meifuku, your armored shell is just as sturdy as your dad's!" Meifuku: "This is nothing compared to my father's. Even with its demon energy removed, his is still just as sturdy." Towa Higurashi: "So its demon energy was removed, huh?" Konton: "Exploding field!" Setsuna: "Towa!" Konton: "You must know you cannot absorb its demon energy!" Towa Higurashi: "Yeah, that armored shell doesn't have any demon energy." Towa Higurashi: "So I'll give you..." Towa Higurashi: "some of mine!" Meioju: "Damn you, Konton! Damn you!" Meifuku: "Father?" Konton: "Divine Speed!" Meioju: "Meifuku. My dear Meifuku. Fire a Dark Lightning Cannon." Meifuku: "Father! It's really you, isn't it? But my Dark Lightning Cannon is still..." Meioju: "It'll be fine." Meioju: "From this distance, your Dark Lightning Cannon will be enough." Meifuku: "But then, Father, you'll get..." Meioju: "Please, put your father at ease, Meifuku." Konton: "I will not allow it! Exploding field!" Towa Higurashi: "Oh, no." Konton: "What?" Moroha: "Don't you dare." Konton: "How distasteful." Meioju: "Now, Meifuku. Fire your Dark Lightning Cannon!" Meifuku: "Father..." Meifuku: "Dark Lightning Cannon!" Towa Higurashi: "Now!" Meifuku: "Father!" Meioju: "You did well, Meifuku." Meifuku: "Father..." Konton: "You managed to steal away my armor, but you've exhausted your demon energy." Konton: "Now die!" Moroha: "Crimson Dragon Wave!" Setsuna: "Cyclone Burst!" Konton: "D-Damn you." Moroha: "Now I've got you!" Moroha: "He got away." Setsuna: "I see. What a troublesome spell." Towa Higurashi: "Thanks, you two." Setsuna: "Are you all right?" Towa Higurashi: "I think I used a bit too much demon energy." Myoga: "Lady Moroha." Myoga: "It's right here." Myoga: "Please don't forget it." Meifuku: "Thanks to you, I was able to get back my father's armored shell. For now, I'll be praying for the departed souls." Moroha: "Just out of curiosity, how long will you do that for?" Meifuku: "For about fifty years." Moroha: "I still can't believe Konton got away." Setsuna: "Looks like you can't collect your bounty." Towa Higurashi: "What? But we chased him away." Moroha: "We can't collect the bounty unless we have his head!" Konton: "Damn it all. Things will not end like this." Konton: "Curse you half-demons." Towa Higurashi: "Kinka and Ginka, demon brothers born conjoined." Kinka: "The stronger consumes the weaker, and evolves into one powerful demon." Ginka: "It's eat or be eaten! We only part when one of us dies." Towa Higurashi: "They possess me and Setsuna, and steal the Rainbow Pearls in our eyes! Next time on Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: "The Gold and Silver Rainbow Pearls"" Jyoka: "I applaud you for stealing those. Now I can get my revenge on Sesshomaru."
{ "raw_title": "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 9 – Meifuku, the Meioju", "parsed": [ "Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon", "9", "Meifuku, the Meioju" ] }
: "Many scenes in this program will appear to present a" : "and enjoy it as a program filled with love for Nagoya." Jin: "We're still being way too careful!" Yato: "Appappa!" Jin: "What was that? Some kind of gag?" Yato: "No! The door's appappa!" Jin: ""Appappa"!" Yato: "Ugh!" Mai: "Hello, people!" Mai: "Yatogame-chan!" Jin: "I've actually gotten used to seeing this." Mai: "You're really fitting in here now, Jin-senpai." Jin: "Nah, not at all." Mai: "Then I'll teach you some of the Nagoya speak we hear most often! For moving a desk, you use the verb "tsuru" instead of "hakobu."" Jin: "What about stuff other than desks?" Mai: "It's not normally used." Yato: "Yep." Mai: "For locking a door, you use the verb "kau" instead of "kakeru."" Jin: "What about stuff other than locks?" Mai: "It's not normally used." Yato: "Yep. Yep." Mai: "And for washing rice, you use the verb "kasu" instead of "togu."" Jin: "What about stuff other than rice?" Mai: "It's not used at all!" Yato: "Yep!" Jin: "That's not very user-friendly!" Yanna: "Monaka! You in here?" Yanna: "Monaka! Why didn't ya contact me yesterday?" Yato: "'Cause I forgot my cell phone!" Yanna: "I spent all night waitin' for ya! Ya didn't answer my calls, yan yan! Ya didn't reply to my email, yan yan! I was so worried, I couldn't sleep, yan yan!" Jin: "That's a lot of "yan yan."" Mai: ""Yan" has quite a few different uses in the Mie dialect." Jin: "Oh..." Yanna: "Why're you the only one not speakin' with an accent, Mai?" Mai: "Huh? Why do you ask?" Yato: "I ain't been usin' one, either!" Jin: "Your secret's way out already, Yatogame." Mai: "Well, the Gifu dialect is practically the same as Nagoya's..." Yanna: "C'mon, let us hear ya. Try, "I like you," or somethin'." Jin: "I want to hear that, too!" Mai: "Why'd you pick that particular phrase?!" Yato: "I ain't got an accent!" Mai: "U-Um..." Mai: "I like ya..." Mai: "I'm sorry it's not that interesting! Gifu is basically just part of Nagoya!" Mai: "Whew... I got weirdly sweaty over that, and now I'm thirsty." Yato: "We've got some chin-chin tea if ya want it." Jin: "There it is! Chin-chin!" Mai: "This is chin-chin, all right." Yanna: "A little too chin-chin, I say." Yato: "Chin-chiko-chin, in fact." Jin: "What?! Why are you saying that?! Stop!" All: "Chin-chiko-chin!" Teppei: "My senpai at school, Jandara Rin-san, is from Aichi Prefecture. Do you get irritated when people ask if you're from Nagoya?" Jandara: "Well, I don't exactly like it that much. Nagoya came about when the Owari Province" Jandara: "Where I'm from, the Mikawa Province, should have been called Nukata Prefecture." Teppei: "Jandara-senpai is a very serious person..." Jandara: "Okay, Teppei-kun, say that with me-rin." Teppei: "...but sometimes the way she ends her sentences isn't so serious." Jandara: "Ready, and..." Both: "Nukata Prefecture."
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2 Episode 1 – We Meet Again", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2", "1", "We Meet Again" ] }
: "Apparently, lots of scenes in this program present biased views" : "But why would it have biased views? Oh! It must be the work of a Yo-kai! All right, time to bring in my friend!" Yato: "I ain't a Yo-kai!" Shiharu: "There's really nothin' in Nagoya at all, huh? And we came all this way to visit! Lame!" ho: "But Shiharu-chan, there's a really big tower over there." Shiharu: "Nope, nope! Tsutenkaku is ten thousand times cooler." ho: "I think Tsutenkaku is smaller, though." Shiharu: "It's Mona-nee!" Jin: "Mona-nee?" Yato: "Wrong. I am not Mona-nee." Jin: "Are you a robot now?!" ho: "Someone you know, Shiharu-chan?" Shiharu: "Mona-nee's my servant! She does whatever I tell her to!" Shiharu: "Hey, Mona-nee, take me out somewhere. There's nothin' to do in Nagoya. I'm bored." Jin: "Hey, Yatogame, who's the grade schooler?" Shiharu: "Huh?! Who're you callin' a grade schooler?!" Shiharu: "I'm Itemae Shiharu, and I'm 14!" Shiharu: "I'm a bona fide middle schooler!" Yato: "She's... my cousin." Jin: "Your..." Mai: "...cou..." Yanna: "...sin?!" Shiharu: "Yep!" Yanna: "But... Shiharu-chan, was it? Monaka seems to be scared of ya, so maybe..." Shiharu: "Is somethin' wrong with your Kansai dialect?" Shiharu: "Nope, nope! I get that everyone wants to be from Osaka, but ya can't fake this." Yanna: "Mie ain't the same as Osaka... It's Mie's dialect..." Jin: "Sasatsu lost?!" Shiharu: "Y'all should be careful, too." Mai: "I'm from Gifu, so it won't be a problem!" Shiharu: "Where's Gifu?" Jin: "Instant death?!" ho: "Shiharu-chan, you need to consider other people's feelings." Shiharu: "Yeah, but..." ho: "Apologize. Right now." Shiharu: "I-I'm sorry." ho: "Sorry about my friend here. Folks from Osaka are just so quick to let their real thoughts pour out. ...real thoughts pour out... Being too honest is their biggest flaw. I'm sure people from Nagoya have their pride, too." Jin: "Cut her some slack already! Yatogame looks like a fish that just got reeled in!" ho: "Oh! I'm sorry! Are you from Nagoya, too?" Jin: "Er, no, I'm from Tokyo. Hey, you're both from Osaka, right? So do you eat takoyaki every day? You even eat it with rice, right? What's it actually like to have carbs with carbs on the side? Huh? Huh? Huh?" Shiharu: "Shut yer hole. We ain't speakin' in the Tokyo dialect here, moron." ho: "Drop dead." Shiharu: "Let's go, Nanaho." ho: "Yeah." Yato: "H-Hold it... I can't let ya leave just like that..." Yato: "Nagoya... Japan's third-largest city has..." Shiharu: "Mona-nee... Nagoya ain't the third-largest city." ho: "The third-largest city is Kyoto." Jin: "Wh-What's with those two? The third-largest city is Yokohama, isn't it?" Mai: "Yokohama is included in Tokyo." Jin: "It is not!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2 Episode 11 – I Ain't Yer Servant", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2", "11", "I Ain't Yer Servant" ] }
: "Many scenes in this program will appear" : "That's the author of the manga saying so! Please bear in mind that these scenes are strictly the opinions" : "That's important! ...and enjoy it as a program filled with love for Nagoya. Please do!" Jin: "Excuses!" Mai: "It seems like finding out that Nagoya wasn't the number three city" Yanna: "Nagoya does get skipped a lot, too." Jin: "Is it really skipped that much?" Mai: "For example..." Rara: "Maybe Mt. Fuji is blocking the signals..." Yanna: "Well, I still consider Nagoya the number three city." Jin: "I guess there are lots of others besides Nagoya, though." Yato: "Japan's number three city is... It's Nagoya! It ain't Fukuoka or Yokohama!" ur: "I won't let that happen!" Yato: "Who're you guys?!" Sapporo: "The number three city is Sapporo!" Kobe: "What're you sayin'? It's Kobe!" Sendai: "No way! It's Sendai!" Hiroshima: "What're you talkin' about? It's Hiroshima!" All: "The number three city is... Nagoya! Sapporo!" Jin: "Like Sapporo, for example..." Mai: "Sapporo has too much snow, so it's out." Jin: "Only in winter!" Sapporo: "You're kidding!" Jin: "And Kyoto and Kobe, too." Yanna: "Kyoto and Kobe count as part of Osaka." Jin: "The same logic you used on Yokohama?!" Kobe: "What the?!" Jin: "Then what about Hiroshima and Sendai?" Rara: "All Hiroshima did was add yakisoba to okonomiyaki, and all Sendai has is zunda mochi." Jin: "They have more! You're way too biased!" Hiroshima: "What the heck?!" Sendai: "We lose!" Yato: "But I managed to defend our number three title to the death!" ukuoka: "What the heck are you sayin'?! The number three city is... Fukuoka, obviously! The game's on! First of all, Fukuoka..." ukuoka: "ranks fifth in cities people want to live in!" ukuoka: "Next..." ukuoka: "It has the third most nationally recognized historical, scenic, and natural landmarks!" ukuoka: "And... The number one food enjoyed as a side... is mentaiko!" Yato: "C-Crap!" Yato: "I can't beat mentaiko!" Miso: "That ain't true!" Yato: "That voice!" Miso: "Have more confidence, Yatogame. Ya got me on yer side, after all..." Miso: "Me, miso!" Yato: "I-I'd forgotten what was important!" Yato: "Anything ya put miso on..." Yato: "attains the flavor of Nagoya!" ukuoka: "But mentaiko goes with everything..." Yato: "Miso! Miso! Miso!" Mai: "Oh? She looks so happy." Jin: "Looks like her bad dream turned into a good one." Yato: "Nagoya is the best number three city in Japan!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2 Episode 12 – It Ain't Number Three", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2", "12", "It Ain't Number Three" ] }
: "I'm basically an alien now... But don't you think that ground pork stuff is delicious? It's not just spicy!" : "Taiwan ramen is the best!" Jin: "You're talking about Taiwan ramen?! Wait, what do you mean by "alien"?" Hanka: "In Nagoya, you never know when you'll be hit by a car. I can't even let my guard down when walking to school. Plus..." Hanka: "Once I get to school, that scary girl will be there. I hate this... I don't want to go! I just hope I don't see her on the way there. Okay!" Hanka: "I-I'm sorry!" Hanka: "I-It's her! Eighty Turtles-san! I-I'm so sorry!" Sensei: "No one stepped forward to help plan the ball sports tournament, so we're going to draw lots. If you draw red, you're on the committee." Sensei: "Okay, you two can discuss which sport you want to take part in." Hanka: "Why, God?!" Hanka: "U-Um... About our planning meeting..." Hanka: "Do you have time after school today?" Yato: "But we have classes then." Hanka: "Huh? There are no classes after school..." Yato: "A café?!" Hanka: "Wh-Wh-Where should we go? I just moved here, so I don't know the area that well." Yato: "Are y'all from Tokyo, too?" Hanka: "Uh... Yeah, I am." Yato: "Okay, then, let's go to Komeda's." Hanka: "So this is what it looks like inside. We had Komeda's in Tokyo, too, but this is my first time going inside one. It's really cute! I didn't know it got its start in Nagoya, though." Hanka: "Guess I should order something..." Hanka: "Oh, Shiro-Noir! I always wanted to try that! Okay, I'll get this and—" Yato: "Don't ya dare." Hanka: "Why?!" Hanka: "Okay, just the Shiro-Noir, then." Hanka: "She looks so pleased with herself!" Lady: "Here you go." Hanka: "What the heck?! It's way too big!" Hanka: "What's with that look?! Did she get them to make it this big?!" Hanka: "But her order... looks like it fell over! She's gonna get mad for sure!" Hanka: "Sh-Sh-She's not saying anything?" Hanka: "Th-There it is!" Hanka: "I bet she's gonna destroy this café later in her rage!" Hanka: "Someone help! Someone!" Yato: "Yummy." Sensei: "It's been decided that the ball sport we're playing this year is taspony." Jin: "Tas... what?"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2 Episode 2 – I Ain't Scary", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2", "2", "I Ain't Scary" ] }
: "Thank you for watching Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki again today. If you come to Nagoya, be sure to visit the Osu shopping district! Everyone, young or old, can find something to enjoy there. I recommend the miso nikomi udon! This has been official Yatogame-chan cosplayer and PR ambassador Kouda Mei of OS☆U!" Jin: "Wow, she's my age?" Jin: "Today is the ball sports tournament. but seriously, what is this "taspony" thing we're doing? It's a local sport, right?" Jin: "Since it has "pony" in it, does it use horses?" Mai: "I'm not sure." Yanna: "Seriously, what the heck is it?" Jin: "You guys don't know, either?!" Mai: "Oh, I gotta go." Yanna: "Same." Jin: "Hey, Toshika. You and Yatogame were the ones that picked taspony, right?" Toshika: "A-About that..." Yato: "Let's pick taspony!" Toshika: "Eep! Whatever you say! I couldn't say anything against her!" Jin: "What the heck happened?" Toshika: "Well, time for me to go!" Jin: "Hey, wait! What's up with her?" Jin: "Yatogame?" Yato: "Uh-huh. Everyone's playin' taspony." Jin: "So what is taspony, anyway?" Yato: "Take a look!" Yato: "Taspony is a new sport born in Atsuta, Nagoya. It's basically like tennis, except ya smack a sponge ball back and forth. Since it's a sponge ball, it can't hurt anyone, so it's safe to play! Plus, the court is small and doesn't take up much space, and it's so easy, even those two are playin' it just fine! Also, look!" Mai: "I'm not done..." Toshika: "One more try..." Yato: "Check it out!" Yato: "A new friendship is born!" Yato: "So it's an awesome sport that anyone can play." Jin: "It sounds kinda boring." Yanna: "Friendship is always beautiful. But ya know what, Monaka?" Yato: "Yep?" Yanna: "The next two up are you and me! Sorry, but I'm gonna be takin' the win!" Yato: "Hmph! Ya might be a worthy opponent!" Jin: "I'm not sure where all this passion came from. Yatogame seems pretty athletic, but what about Sasatsu?" Mai: "This game is going to get wild." Rara: "Okay, here we go! Ready..." Yanna: "Monaka! I ain't gonna hold back!" Yato: "Yep!" Yanna: "Finishing move... Ise Bay Shrimp Curve!" Yato: "Hisho Tornado!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2 Episode 3 – It Ain't Dull", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2", "3", "It Ain't Dull" ] }
: "Many scenes in this program will appear" : "but please enjoy this program filled with love for Nagoya. And come dela-ight in a dela-iciously fun dela concert without dela-y!" Jin: "What did you say in that last part?" Yanna: "I can't take it! Someone go get permission for us to get an air conditioner in here!" Mai: "Now, now. If heat like this is enough to get to you, you'd never survive in Gifu." Jin: "Gifu is brutal!" Yanna: "I know! If we ask Rara-chan about gettin' an air conditioner," Jin: "Rara-chan? Who's that?" Yanna: "She's right there." Rara: "You called?" Rara: "I'm this club's advisor!" Jin: "What the heck?" Mai: "So, um, this lady is... the photography club's advisor, Rara-sensei." Rara: "I'm Shonai Rara! My favorite sushi is tuna!" Yanna: "Y'know, Rara-chan, that's the fifth time you've popped outta the locker. It's gettin' boring." Rara: "You're all so spoiled, getting bored after only five times! Shizuoka's been showing reruns of the same anime for ages!" Jin: "This club had an advisor?" Mai: "Rara-sensei is from Shizuoka." Rara: "Everyone was having fun without me again... The Nozomi Shinkansen doesn't stop in Shizuoka, and it's excluded from the Tokai region. I guess I'm just in the way, too..." Jin: "She suddenly sounds like some kinda tragic hero!" Mai: "More importantly, can you handle the matter of the air conditioner for us?" Rara: "You mean I can be one of the gang now? Really?" Three: "Uh-huh." Rara: "I'm so happy! Leave everything to me!" All: "Yeah!" Yanna: "Well, my relatives are gonna be on Genki! Mie!," Jin: "Just record it!" Mai: "I need to go home and scorch the soles of my new shoes." Jin: "What kind of dangerous custom is that?!" Yato: "W-Well..." Jin: "If you've got nothing, then stay!" Jin: "So Sensei, how do we get permission?" Rara: "Don't worry about that! I have a secret plan that's perfect for this!" Jin: "A secret plan?" Rara: "Right here! One of Japan's three most refined teas, shincha from Shizuoka!" Rara: "I'll make some of this for everyone. And then..." Teacher: "This is much better than our usual tea! Thanks, Rara-chan!" Bg: "So good! Thanks! This really is good." Teacher: "Rara-chan, is there anything you'd like as thanks?" Rara: "Well, I'd like an air conditioner for our club room!" Rara: "It's perfect!" Jin: "That's a roundabout method." Rara: "Here, have some tea." Teacher: "Thanks." Teacher: "Excuse me, Shonai-sensei. Can I have one, too? Me, too. Me, too. And me. Tea, please. Me, too!" Rara: "Sure! Coming right up!" Rara: "I'm so happy! I'm actually being sought out! So this is what it means to be alive!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2 Episode 4 – I Didn't Leave Nothin' Out", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2", "4", "I Didn't Leave Nothin' Out" ] }
: "Many scenes in this program will appear to present a biased view of the people of Nagoya and the surrounding region. Please keep that in mind as you watch this program filled with love for Nagoya. By the way, as a Nagoya native, my favorite Nagoya food is fruit daifuku!" Jin: "Wow, I should try those, too!" Jin: "Chill out. It's not that big a deal." Toshika: "Yes, it is! Why... Why? Why isn't Nagoya on a nationwide tour?! Sendai and Hiroshima are there!" : "This is known as the "Nagoya skip." The term began trending in 1992," : "Today, we will introduce some classic examples of the Nagoya skip. Example 1: late-night anime." Mai: "I can't wait for next season's new anime! I'd better get set up to record it right away! The channel it's on... It's not airing in Aichi?!" : "In the past, Aichi was known as an otaku-friendly place that aired all of the late-night anime. But over the years, it aired less. In recent years, terrestrial anime broadcasts in Aichi amount to less" Mai: "Oh, it's airing in Gifu, though. Great." : "But for some reason, they do air in Gifu and Mie. It's a mystery." : "Example 2: ramen chains." Yanna: "Nice! I'm starvin', so maybe I'll go. It's not in Nagoya! But it's in Niigata and Kyoto!" : "The people of Nagoya love all types of noodles. They're so particular that new chains pop up and disappear constantly, and none of them last." : "It is truly a land isolated from noodles." Yanna: "We still have Sugakiya!" : "Example 3: events." Girl: "I guess that illustration exhibit doesn't come to Nagoya. What? No way! That's a Nagoya skip!" : "Yatogame-chan elegantly ignores them." : "As a Nagoyan, Yatogame lives strong. It takes more than that to faze her." : "Anyway, to continue... Events skip Nagoya because it's" Jin: "Can't people in Nagoya just go to one or the other?" : "This is the thinking that led to this sad phenomenon. There are many examples of the Nagoya skip" : "It is a reality that torments all the people of Nagoya." Toshika/Text: "Why?!" Girl: "They have it in Fukuoka, though..." : "Yatogame has endured many Nagoya skips. She thought she had developed a resistance to it." : "But..." : "She doesn't want to lose to Fukuoka. Even if she doesn't root for any teams from Nagoya, she doesn't want the Hawks or Avispa to win. That is the fate of the Nagoyans. Fukuoka: as Japan's third major city, it's often compared to Nagoya. They compete in gourmet, tourism, ease of living," Text: "m 13 177 l 15 325 620 326 614 175" Text: "m 21 176 l 19 291 605 295 599 173" : "Both are determined not to lose in any way!" Yato: "Don't go to Fukuoka."
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2 Episode 6 – I Ain't Backin' Down", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2", "6", "I Ain't Backin' Down" ] }
: "Many scenes in this program will appear to present a biased view of the provinces of Owari, Mikawa, Mino, and Ise, but it's done out of love! Don't worry about the details. Just enjoy it until the en—" : "To battle! Bring my spear!" Jin: "What?! What is this?! The Warring States?!" : "Toshika was struggling with the Nagoya skip." Mai: "That's too bad." Toshika: "Sheesh... Nothing good has happened since I came to Nagoya." Mai: "Toshika-chan... I know of a way you can enjoy concerts even in Nagoya." Toshika: "Huh?! What is it?!" Mai: "It's..." Mai: "Local idols!" Toshika: "Isn't that just stuff like SKE-whatever?" Toshika: "I'd rather see hot guys than girls." Mai: "There are boy idols, too! I'll send you the URL right now!" Toshika: "Huh... I bet it's some tiny music video that looks like it was shot at someone's house, with a bunch of guys who don't quite count as good-looki—" Toshika: "What is this? Incredible! No... it's brilliant! These are local idols?!" : "Yes! Nagoya's local idols! "If none will come, we'll make our own!" It's the Nagoya way! Since the 2000s, groups like Nagoya's SKE48 and MomoClo's sister unit Team Shachi have been among the many legit local idol groups created by major agencies. Most recently, hot Nagoya idol groups like BOYS AND MEN and MAGIC☆PRINCE have made a name for themselves all over Japan. With looks and performances that don't even compare to local idols elsewhere, they grasp the hearts of Nagoyans left jaded by the Nagoya skip and never let go! They all operate out of Nagoya, and all the members were born in the Tokai region. All of their concerts, events, and TV appearances start in Nagoya." : "That's why fans in Nagoya reap the most benefits from them. In other words... they have no choice but to support them!" Toshika: "Wait, no way! They have an event near here tomorrow! What?! I'm totally there!" Jin: "Sounds like Toshika's singing something. Is she in a better mood now?" Jin: "Hey, Toshika, about Tokyo... I talked to Mom and Dad, and we're gonna go back just for a little while over summer break." Toshika: "Onii-chan..." Jin: "Then you can go to a concert, right?" Toshika: "What are you talking about? I'm not leaving Nagoya." Jin: "Huh?!" Toshika: "I don't have time to go back to Tokyo." Jin: "After all that complaining about Nagoya?! What happened?!" : "Yes... This was only the beginning of Jin Toshika's true Nagoya life." Jandara: "Teppei-kun, c'mere, c'mere." Teppei: "What's up, Jandara-senpai?" Jandara: "It's tomorrow, right?" Teppei: "Huh? What's tomorrow?" Jandara: "I'm about to say it. Don't interrupt me." Teppei: "Right... S-Sorry." Jandara: "I was thinking, right?"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2 Episode 7 – I Ain't Skippin' It", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2", "7", "I Ain't Skippin' It" ] }
: "Many scenes in this program will appear to present a biased view of the people of Nagoya and the surrounding region, but please enjoy this program filled with love for Nagoya. It may not seem very Nagoyan, but my Nagoya recommendation is imo kenpi! Kakuozan!" Jin: "Search for "Kakuozan" and "imo kenpi" together!" Jin: "Hey, guys." Yato: "Cut it out!" Jin: "Your love for Yatogame has brought you to this point?!" Mai: "No! Jin-senpai, did you know Nagoya is one" Jin: "The ugliest people in Japan?" Mai: "I won't accept it!" Yanna: "Which brings us to this!" Jin: "Style Photos... a hairstyle contest?" Yanna: "Yep!" Mai: "If we win this contest, we'll no longer be known as the home of ugly people... I bet! Okay, first, we'll brush your hair." Jin: "Do you have springs in there or something?!" Jin: "How does Yatogame's hairstyle even work?" Yanna: "Right, just leave this to me!" Yanna: "Now it's perfect!" Yanna: "My eyes!" Mai: "If we can't change the top... Let's just give her a Nagoya maki." Yanna: "I'm blind! I'm blind!" Jin: "Nagoya maki? Is that..." Jin: "a Nagoya wrap? Should I go buy some fried shrimp?" Mai: "Why?" Rara: "A Nagoya maki is... the name of a hairstyle that used to be popular in Nagoya." Jin: "Bedhead?" Mai: "I guess a Nagoya maki was never going to work with short hair." Mai: "Er?" Yanna: "Stare..." Yanna: "Hey, hey! Look over here, please!" Mai: "D-Don't look at me! I'm not used to being the center of attention!" Yanna: "But it looks great on ya. We oughta just send Mai's photo for the contest." Mai: "Wouldn't it look much better on you than on me, President?" Yanna: "Uh... N-Nah, I..." Mai: "Excellent, President! Look this way!" Yanna: "Cut it out! Go away, dang it!" Mai: "Everyone! Big news! We actually placed in that contest!" Jin: "What?! With whose photo?" Mai: "Well, this says the catlike look to the sides is cute..." Jin: "This is just the usual Yatogame." Jandara: "What's wrong?" Teppei: "Well, I was born in Chiba, but I always say I'm from "right next to Tokyo." Do you tell people you're from Nagoya, since Aichi is less familiar?" Jandara: "Nope, because I'm from Mikawa." Teppei: "But, I mean, when there's just no other way..." Jandara: "Still nope. Aichi is Aichi." Teppei: "That's some gumption!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2 Episode 9 – It Ain't Weird", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 2", "9", "It Ain't Weird" ] }
Umezu: "Many scenes in this program will appear to" Umezu: "and enjoy it as a program filled with love for Nagoya." Jin: "I'm actually getting used to this overly careful stuff." Jin: "It's raining..." Mai: "It sure is." Jin: "Rainy days are so depressing." Mai: "Are they? I actually find them fun." Jin: "Fun?" Yato: "Yer mean." Jin: "Maybe rainy days aren't so bad." Mai: "Right?" Yato: "Wha?!" Yanna: "I took a shortcut to school, and now my shoes are cov'd in mud!" Jin: "What's "cov'd"?" Yanna: "Cov'd means cov'd. Ya know, like how the bottom of your desk get cov'd in dust?" Jin: "Oh, you mean "covered" in—" Rara: "Hey, everyone! We say that in Shizuoka, too!" Yanna: "That's a lotta dust! It's rainin' anyway, so I guess we should clean up today." Mai: "Good point. It could be a nice change of pace." Yato: "Yep!" Yanna: "Rara-chan, put on some tea, would ya?" Rara: "Of course! I'll make sure it's delicious!" Jin: "Those three are such good friends. Wait! Does this mean it's fair to say Gifu and Mie are good friends with Nagoya?! But I still have one question. I'm gonna get it answered right now!" Jin: "Nagoya is above Gifu and Mie, right?" Mai: "That's rather sudden. Yes, it is." Yanna: "Not by that much, though. But yes, it is." Jin: "What's second, then? Is Gifu or Mie higher?" Yato: "There ain't no higher or lower." Yanna: "Well, of course, Mie—" Mai: "It's Gifu!" Rara: "Fight!" Yanna: "Gifu's hardly anythin' but forests. Matsuzaka beef's way better than Hida beef!" Mai: "Gifu has a far larger population, and the Shinkansen stops there. Mie is considered an outsider by both Chubu and Kansai!" Yanna: "Wrong! Mie is the bridge between Tokai and Kansai! It holds a vital position!" Jin: "So... which is higher?" Mai: "It's Gifu, right, Yatogame-chan?" Yanna: "It's Mie, ain't it, Monaka?" Jin: "Okay, I'm sorry! Forget I ever asked that!" Jin: "We came up with a lot of trash." Mai: "We sure did." Yato: "Well, guess I'll go shed all this..." Jin: "Sh-Shed?! D-Does she mean she's gonna shed her clothes?!" Yato: "We oughta shed him, too." Yanna: "Yep." Mai: "That means "throw it away" in the Nagoya dialect." Jin: "Don't throw me away!" Yanna: "Oh, looks like the rain stopped." Rara: "I'm back, everyone!" Yanna: "All right! The room's clean, so I guess we can go home." Rara: "Okay. Just make sure you lock up first." Three: "Okay." Mai: "We ended up staying pretty late. Will you be okay, Yatogame-chan?" Yato: "I'm ridin' my kicker machine today." Jin: "Kicker machine?! You have one?! I wanna see!" Yato: "It's just a normal one, though." Jin: "What kind of machine is it?!" Yato: "S-Sure, I guess ya can take a li'l gander at it." Jin: "It's just a bicycle?!" Text/Voices: "Jandara-senpai Is Beauticute!!" Teppei: "Miso katsu and miso nikomi udon are so good! That sweet miso is habit-forming!" Jandara: "You must mean hatcho miso." Teppei: "Nagoya totally reminds you of hatcho miso, doesn—" Jandara: "Listen to me. Hatcho miso comes from Okazaki. In other words, it's a Mikawa product. Don't make that mistake again." Teppei: "But miso katsu and miso nikomi udon are Nagoya specialties..."
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3 Episode 1 – We Meet Yet Again", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3", "1", "We Meet Yet Again" ] }
Teacher: "You'll form teams with those who draw the same number as you." Toshika: "Drawing numbers? Oh, crap... I'm gonna be stuck with Hachijukkame-san again! But I should be fine, as long as my luck isn't absolutely... awful!" Teacher: "You'll bring your own ingredients. Also, your dishes may be considered for the cultural festival menu, so give them plenty of thought." Toshika: "Oh, God! Thank goodness Mai-chan's here. It'd be hell if it was just me and Hachijukkame-san." Mai: "Her apron... So precious..." Toshika: "Why does this always happen?! I can't do this! B-But... I h-have to say something to her! Hachijukkame-san... what should we do?" Toshika: "Ignored! We're on the same team! Why the attitude?!" Yato: "Let's make tamasen!" Toshika: "And now this all of a sudden?!" Yato: "Cultural festivals are for tamasen, and tamasen is for cultural festivals!" Toshika: "What is that? I've never heard of—" Yato: "What?! That can't be true!" Girl: "It's gotta be tamasen, huh?" Guy: "I'm doing tamasen, too." Toshika: "It's approval rating's off the charts!" Teacher: "No tamasen allowed. The eggs can cause food poisoning." Yato: "Wha?!" Toshika: "Why don't we do pancakes instead? Oh! If we put whipped cream and fruit on them—" Teacher: "Foods that aren't heated immediately before serving require the health care center's approval, so no!" Toshika: "Tell us that sooner!" Mai: "I heard everything! Leave it to me! My menu clears all the conditions!" Toshika: "Mai-chan!" Mai: "Roasted sweet potatoes!" Both: "How old are you?" Mai: "Wh-What? We can't make these?" Toshika: "It's not that we can't... Right, Hachijukkame-san? Right? Right? Don't ignore me, you demon!" Yato: "Ignore? Demon?" Yato: "That's it!" Toshika: "Huh?" Yato: "We have pancake mix and sweet potatoes, which means... We can make oni manju!" Toshika: "Oni... manju?!" Mai: "That's perfect, Yatogame-chan!" Toshika: "What's that? A demon? These two scare me! Guys, help me!" All: "That's it! Oni manju!" Toshika: "Onigashima!" Yato: "You can make it in the microwave, too!" Mai: "If you make them with flour and top-grade rice flour, they'll be extra-chewy!" Yato: "Go on, try it!" Toshika: "Th-This is an oni manju? Where's the "oni" part? Will I suffer like a demon if I eat it? God help me! This is good! It's so fluffy, even with no eggs or milk! The sweet potato is taking over my mouth! It's so warm and sweet!" Yato: "It came to me when ya said "mushi" ("ignore" or "steamed") and "oni."" Toshika: "Maybe Hachijukkame-san isn't such a bad person after all." Teacher: "That was a very good idea, Jin, Yatogame." Yato/Text: "Jin?" Toshika/Text: "Yatogame?" Toshika: "Wait, so it's not "Hachijukkame"... it's "Yatogame"?!" Yato: "You're... from Tokyo?!" : "This experience brought Monaka and Toshika a bit closer." Voices: "Jandara-senpai Is Beauticute!!" Jandara: "Teppei-kun, Mikawa is the land of shrimp senbei." Teppei: "What does that mean?" Jandara: "Nishio City in West Mikawa accounts for 60% of all the shrimp senbei made in Japan." Teppei: "It's almost all in Mikawa!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3 Episode 10 – I Can't Make It", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3", "10", "I Can't Make It" ] }
Yanna: "Well, we're here." Mai: "Yes." Mai: "Yatogame-chan, please be okay..." Yanna: "This is so exciting!" Mai: "Prez... We're not here to have fun!" Yanna: "I-I know that. But ya think Monaka's really here?" Mai: "Where could she..." Both: "There she is!" Mai: "Yatogame-chan!" Yanna: "Monaka!" Shiharu: "Hey! Outta the way! Comin' in for a landing!" ho: "Shiharu-chan, don't go off so far. You're too little." All: "Oh..." Both: "You ran away?" ho: "Yes, and she dragged me with her." Shiharu: "I'm gonna stay at Mona-nee's place for all of summer break!" Yato: "She keeps askin' me to take her places every day! I ain't gonna last that long!" Mai: "That's what you meant by "help me"?" Yanna: "That's the kinda problem a dad would have." Shiharu: "The place I was hopin' to go was a legit seawater pool." Yanna: "Oh, the one in Mie? That's it, right?" Shiharu: "Wait, that's in Mie? It's Nagoya, ain't it?" Mai: "Prez!" Yato: "C'mon, don't be dumb! Sun Beach Nikkogawa is the biggest freshwater pool in Japan! Since it ain't seawater, it ain't salty, so it's safe for kids! The white sand on the beach comes from Australia. It's the Waikiki Beach of Nagoya!" Shiharu: "The Waikiki Beach of Nagoya? Ain't that kinda lame?" ho: "That seems like all the more reason to use seawater. But there ain't too many tourists, so that's nice." Shiharu: "Yeah, Hirakata Park would be packed like a sardine can by now. It's nice how deserted Nagoya's is!" Yato: "Chic! Ken! Wing! Tips!" Mai: "Yatogame-chan!" Yanna: "These two are too much for Monaka to handle alone." Mai: "I can definitely see why she messaged me." Yanna: "What the?!" Serura: "Step away from Monaka-chan! She's a dirty Nagoyan!" Yanna: "It's that girl!" Mai: "Why are you here?!" Tsuji: "Milady, is this the photo you want to upload to Instagram with the hashtag #waikikinow?" Serura: "Perfect! It looks just like I'm in Waikiki and— I-I'm not lying, okay?!" Shiharu: "Are you Mona-nee's friend, too? If ya are, come play with us! Nagoya's boring. There ain't nothin' to do." Serura: "I've longed to meet you, my brother!" Shiharu: "Er... Uh-huh... Call me Shiharu, my brother!" Serura: "I'm Serura! Nice to meet you, my brother!" ho: "Hey, there's a pool over there that's perfect for you two." Shiharu: "I am Captain Shi Haru!" Serura: "And I am Captain Serurando! Wait! This is the kids' pool!" Shiharu: "You makin' fun of me?!" ho: "They play off each other's idiocy. Too funny." Yanna: "We should probably stay outta this one." Mai: "Let's all just have fun today, for Yatogame-chan's sake." Yato: "Yep..." Rara: "Rub, rub..." Yato: "Yum!" Yanna: "Wait, aren't we forgettin' something?" Mai: "Are we?" Jin: "Barley tea's so good." Voices: "You Can Do It, Rara-chan!" Rara: "I'm hungry. Hey, Fujinomiya yakisoba! That's a Shizuoka specialty!" Guy: "Wow, look. "Yummiya."" Girl: "That's hilarious. It's Nagoya's dialect."
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3 Episode 11 – I Ain't Gonna Last", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3", "11", "I Ain't Gonna Last" ] }
Jin: "Man, that took forever. "I'm here." There." Mai: "Oh, it looks like Jin-senpai is here." Yanna: "Oh, yeah. I'd forgotten all about him." Mai: "Let's go meet him." Voice: "The Third Greatest Cities 5 idol event will begin at 3:00 PM. We hope you'll all join in." Jin: "It's pretty busy here. Is there an event going on?" Mai: "They're saying an idol event is about to start!" Jin: "Oh..." Mai: "The five members of TGC5 are from Sapporo, Sendai, Kobe, Hiroshima, and Fukuoka. They're out to prove that their hometowns should be Japan's third-greatest city." Jin: "People are that fixated on being the third-greatest city?" Mai: "Well, the first and second positions won't ever change." Yato: "I ain't gonna let that slide!" Jin: "It's only times like this when you're quick to jump in!" Yami: "If ya wanna run yer mouth, I'll set ya straight! I'm Kabane Yami!" Chiyoru: "Hiroshima's tastes are the only tastes! I'm Buchi Chiyoru!" Tooru: "Everyone doin' super good? I'm Arakomi Tooru!" Mana: "With a big heart, anything's possible! I'm Takeshitsu Mana!" Toyone: "Number one in population growth, growth rate, and youth ratio! Fukuoka oughta be the capital city! I'm Nanbashi Toyone! The third-greatest city in Japan is..." ve: "Sapporo! Kobe! Fukuoka! Hiroshima! Sendai!" Tooru: "We're here in Nagoya to declare war over the title of Japan's third greatest city!" Yanna: "The heck is with these girls?" Yami: "We'll be competin' with a rap battle! You'll be facin' me soon enough!" Tooru: "Who wants to challenge us? Hands up!" Yato: "I'll take y'all on." Yato: "I'm not lettin' any of y'all be the third greatest." Jin: "Can Yatogame actually rap?" Mai: "Jin-senpai, Nagoya has produced an impressive number of hip-hop artists." Jin: "Huh?!" Mai: "And there are lots who've made names for themselves nationwide! I can see Yatogame-chan's hip-hop soul clearly!" Yato: "Hmph!" Chiyoru: "You'll be up against me! Hiroshima love and rap, from me to you! From Onomichi's shutout to momiji manju! Mach speed love for chunky an, smooth an, and matcha! Matsuda Stadium's graphical red duds comin' atcha! Cheers perk up the town as koi swim up the fall! Wanna be mean? I'll clobber y'all!" Yato: "Hiroshima? Specialties? The winner's miso topping! Fix your priorities! Koi are so yesterday! We've got dragons!" Yato: "Representin' Nagoya, Yatogame Monaka!" Toyone: "Yer a worthy opponent. My turn now!" Toyone: "The number one miso prefecture is Nagano, not Nagoya!" Yato: "It ain't about consumption! No one can top Nagoya's love for miso! Also, the only miso dish Sapporo has is ramen!" Rika: "Yatogame..." Recchiri: "Wow." Rara: "How cool. I want in on this, too." Tooru: "Night views, waterfalls, Buddha statues? Kobe's the sightseeing spot to choose! In the sightseeing game, Nagoya's gonna lose!" Yato: "Night views and Buddha statues are the same everywhere! Kobe comes in second to Osaka in sightseeing!" ho: "True." Shiharu: "Yep." Yami: "Our general, Date Masamune, ain't just for show! Beef tongue's a worthier dinner than katsu, y'know!" Yato: "He ain't nothin' compared to the three greats, Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu! Try again after ya take over Japan!" Serura: "Monaka-chan's so evo!" Tsuji: "Very evo." Toyone: "Nobody walks in Nagoya! Nothin' like the full bloom of Fukuoka!" Yato: "Nagoya's underground is highly advanced! Nobody walks on the surface all the time! Everyone in Fukuoka still walks above ground!" Toyone: "Underground? What are you, a mole? Ain't y'all got stations in that trash hole? Fukuoka's got more attractions! It makes more sense to walk!" Jin: "I feel like they're just arguing." Mai: "What's wrong with that, Jin-senpai? They're having fun." Yanna: "Nice, Monaka!" Rara: "So cool!" Jin: "I guess so." Mai: "Besides... No one cares which is the third-greatest city, except people from those cities." Jin: "You don't mince words!" Chiyoru: "Oysters!" Yami: "Zunda!" Tooru: "Kobe beef!" Mana: "Horsehair crab!" Toyone: "Mentaiko!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3 Episode 12 – Let's All Get Along", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3", "12", "Let's All Get Along" ] }
Jin: "Yatogame's already melted beyond all help!" Mai: "Senpai, take a look at these. They're Yatogame-chan's midterm exams. It's almost time for finals, so if it keeps up..." Yanna: "Just let us second-years handle it!" Jin: "Huh? Me, too?!" Mai: "Go on, Yatogame-chan. Ask Jin-senpai for help." Yato: "P-Please..." Jin: "You're way too reluctant!" Jin: "Okay, I'll give some easy questions, so try answering." Yato: "Fine." Jin: "This is worse than I thought! You keep trying to tie everything back to Nagoya!" Yanna: "The modern literature one is even worse." Jin: "You wrote it all in the Nagoya dialect! You used standard Japanese just fine before!" Yato: "Yer the one who told me I didn't hafta!" Jin: "You're blaming me?!" Jin: "This is gonna be tough." Rara: "Just leave it to me! The evening snack, a Lake Hamana specialty, Eel Pie!" Jin: "Evening snack?" Rara: "Oh, no! "Evening snack" doesn't mean what you're thinking! My, such mature thoughts..." Jin: "What do you think? Should we give up?" Yato: "Gimme the next one!" Jin: "Okay, we'll try Japanese history. In the Azuchi-Momoyama period, Oda Nobunaga estab—" Yato: "Rakuichi-rakuza." Jin: "She got it before I finished the question?! Next question: In 1584, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and—" Yato: "Battle of Komaki and Nagakute." Jin: "So fast!" Yato: "In modern times, it's also known as the Tokai Campaign of Tensho 12." Jin: "She's the real deal! Question: In 1543, the Portuguese brought what item to Japan via Tanegashima?" Yato: "Kishimen." Jin: "Question: The edict Toyotomi Hideyoshi passed to restrict Chr—" Yato: "Edict of Expulsion." Yato: "C'mon, that's common sense." Jin: "Question: In 1853, the East India Squadron of American ships reached Japanese shores under what commander?" Yato: "Ichiro." Jin: "Your history knowledge is all over the place!" Yato: "Yeah..." Mai: "The people mentioned in the questions she got right, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu... were all born in Aichi!" Jin: "So that's why she only knew the ones about the three greats..." Yato: "They ain't the "three greats"! They're the "three great men"!" Jin: "Why the fixation on that detail?!" Jin: "Wait, so you can remember things if they're linked to Nagoya?" Jin: "Okay, listen, Yatogame. You have trouble with these because you just see x and y." Yato: "Two tenmusu plus three chicken wings equals twelve!" Yato: "Nagoya cafés are always full!" Yato: "Komehyo is the perfect company, ain't it?!" Yato: "I mean, y'all shoulda saw it comin'." Jin: "My grades fell right through the floor. I neglected my own studies to spend all night coming up with Nagoya-based questions for Yatogame." Yato: "S-Sorry..." : "It was the first time Yatogame ever apologized to Jin." Voices: "Jandara-senpai Is Beauticute!!" Teppei: "I'm not feeling great about the exams coming up." Jandara: "Just put in the same effort you usually do." Teppei: "I dunno..." Jandara: "All right, then. I'll give you a traditional Mikawa good luck charm." Teppei: "You'll really give me such a treasur—" Jandara: "Maken Gummies. Take 'em. Sugimotoya Seika, the maker of Maken Gummies, is based in Toyohashi, Mikawa. With those, you "won't lose" (maken)!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3 Episode 2 – I Ain't Dumb", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3", "2", "I Ain't Dumb" ] }
Jin: "I-I-Is this... a love letter?!" Jin: "Yeah, I didn't think so. Of course it wouldn't be. So who is "T," then?" Rara: "Ms. T has arrived! Photography club members, I've gathered you here for one reason." Yanna: "You look like you're wondering how I know you." Rara: "You see, your club advisor asked me to train all of you." Jin: "You're just gonna keep pretending we don't know who you are, huh?" Rara: "What your photos lack is fighting spirit!" Jin: "Our photos?!" Rara: "Now, come! Try to take this ball from me!" Yanna: "Is that gonna help us take better photos?" Jin: "But Rara-chan-sensei seems slow, so it should be easy... to..." Rara: "Are you serious?" Yanna: "Don't underestimate her! Shizuoka is Japan's leading soccer kingdom! They have four J-League teams!" Jin: "But Tokyo only has three?!" Rara: "Come! Bring it on!" Mai: "Prez got sent flying!" Jin: "What just happened?!" Yanna: "Someone from Mie, a prefecture with no J-League teams, could never... May the light shine on Veertien Mie..." Mai: "Prez! Looks like I have no choice but to go myself." Jin: "Huh?! You sure?" Mai: "Gifu has a J-League team called FC Gifu. And unbelievably, they've even signed on players from Japan's national team. So I must have a hidden power in me somewh—" Yato: "Ya can't do it." Jin: "At least let her try." Rara: "Looks like your star player's up now." Yato: "I ain't gonna lose to you." Jin: "Wait, who..." Mai: "There's no mistaking that tone of voice! It's the mascot of Nagoya's beloved J1 soccer team!" Yato: "Victory will be ours at Toyota and Paloma Mizuho!" Mai: "She's been possessed by Grampus-kun!" Rara: "I can see why he won the vote for the J-League's best mascot! In that case... The stance of the Shimizu S-Pulse mascot, PUL-chan!" Jin: "A cheering match? Why even have the ball anymore?" Mai: "I guess we have no choice now. Hey, you two! There's something on the ground near you!" Rara: "On the ground?! It can't be! S-Pulse is a J1 team!" Yato: "Grampus is forever!" Mai: "I did it!" Jin: "Yatogame's dead too, though!" Rara: "I'm sorry!" Rar: "I just wanted to help somehow, but it didn't work out!" Jin: "That's not true." Rara: "Huh?!" Jin: "You gave me some good practice in dynamic photography." Rara: "I'm so glad! I thought I was of no use at all! Thanks to their somewhat hapless advisor, the club took a step forward." Yanna: "So where'd ya get "T" out of "Shonai Rara," anyway?" Rara: "It's "T" for "tea," of course." Yanna: "We were s'posed to get that?!" Shiharu: "Shiharu and..." ho: "...Nanaho." Shiharu: "Hiya! I'm Itemae Shiharu." ho: "I'm Koshiyasu Nanoha." Shiharu: "I heard Nagoyans are super stingy with their money." ho: "Osakans are pretty stingy too, aren't they?" Shiharu: "Nope. Give us the tiniest discount, and we'll buy whatever." ho: "But Nagoyans don't even haggle, do they?"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3 Episode 3 – This Ain't Trainin'", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3", "3", "This Ain't Trainin'" ] }
Rara: "The school's orientation day is coming up, and they'll be checking out our clubs, too." All: "Future students visiting our club..." Jin: "Wh-What should we do?" Yato: "Yeah..." Mai: "Why don't we put lots of photos up on the wall?" Yanna: "Set it up like a showroom, huh?" Yato: "Yeah!" Jin: "We put up everything we had." Rara: "I think it looks great!" Jin: "Wait, where are your photos, Sasatsu?" Yanna: "Uh, mine are..." Mai: "Here are her photos." Jin: "Insta-worthy shots? Really?" Yanna: "Quit it! That's so embarrassing!" Jin: "No one's coming at all." Jin: "There are tons of kids visiting, though." Mai: "Well, it's lunchtime. Maybe they went to the cafeteria." Jin: "My favorite lunch in middle school was curry." Yato: "I miss the school lunches." Jin: "Huh? School... what?" Yato: "School lunch. Y'know, in the lunch room." Jin: "Is that what you call the cafeteria?" Yato: "What'd y'all call it, then? In middle school, ya go to the lunch room an' choose A or B, or ya choose one of the bento types, C or D! Or ya can take bring own bento, or eat with friends in other—" : "This was when Yatogame learned... that none of the others had the same school lunches she did, and that it was a culture only she was familiar with. This gave her a sense of superiority." Jin: "That's different from other school lunches?" Yato: "It's more like meal sets to choose from." Mai: "Was there milk?" Yato: "Yep, they had milk. They also had Nagoya specialties like miso katsu, kishimen, uiro, and hitsumabushi!" Jin: "Hitsumabushi?!" Mai: "In Gifu, we had keichan-yaki and candied sweetfish." Jin: "Sweetfish?! That's top-class cuisine!" Yanna: "Same for us! Mie has Tsu gyoza and ChaChaMo lunches made with Matsuzaka beef!" Jin: "Matsuzaka beef?!" Mai: "Takayama in Gifu serves Hida beef, too." Jin: "Sweetfish, Matsuzaka beef, Hida beef... Do schools in Shizuoka serve fancy foods like that, too?" Rara: "No, it's just normal stuff. Sometimes the aluminum rice packs have sakura rice in them." Jin: "Aluminum packs? Sakura rice?" Rara: "I wonder, though... Why do schools serve milk with lunch? Who needs it when the tea lady's there to bring you tea?" Jin: "Tea lady?!" Mai: "Speaking of milk, remember Milmake, the stuff that changes the flavor when you add it? Was yours a liquid?" Yanna: "Ours was powder. The milk came in a bottle." Mai: "Mine was liquid, since we had cartons." Rara: "In Shizuoka, we have Shizuoka tea flavored Milmake." Both: "Wow!" Yato: "Milmake in school lunches?" Mai: "What? You haven't heard of Milmake?" Yato: "Course I have! It's made in Nagoya, y'know! Never had it in a school lunch, though. But anyway, about our school lunches..." Yanna: "It's in Gifu's and Mie's, though." Rara: "And it's made in Nagoya..." : "Her superiority complex was a thing of the past when she found herself put in her place by Milmake." Shiharu: "Shiharu and..." ho: "...Nanaho." Shiharu: "Nagoyans put miso on everything they eat, huh?" ho: "So I hear." Shiharu: "Ya gotta put the right seasonings on the right foods." ho: "You're that sensitive to subtle differences in flavors?" Shiharu: "Ya better believe it! Ya put yakisoba sauce on yakisoba, takoyaki sauce on takoyaki, okonomiyaki sauce on okonomiyaki, and Worcestershire sauce on tempura!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3 Episode 4 – I Ain't Alone", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3", "4", "I Ain't Alone" ] }
Serura: "Nagoya's still so boring. If this was Tokyo, I'd be having such a nice, blissful time. The place that suits me best is... Tokyo! The city of freedom, Tokyo!" Jin: "You know... your earbuds aren't plugged in." Serura: "Excuse you?! They're not supposed to be! In Tokyo, this is the evo-style!" Jin: "Not supposed to be? Also, what is "evo-style"?" Serura: "Damn it! This is why I can't stand the people of Nagoya! And now I'm hot from all that running. Oh, I feel cool air." Serura: "Whoa, someone's in here! Is she in middle school, too? That sure is a unique hairstyle. She must be a fan of Tokyo, like me." Serura: "No one else understands, huh? What's so wrong with being different, anyway?" Serura: "There's just something there you can't find anywhere else." Yato: "It ain't a bad thing that we don't get Milmake! And I gotta make 'em see what Nagoya school lunches have that theirs don't! That means I gotta play up Nagoya's charms more!" Serura: "You look like you'd rather be in a better place, too." Yato: "Yeah!" Serura: "I'm Dobe Serura. Call me Serura." Yato: "I'm Yatogame Monaka." Serura: "Monaka-chan, huh? Nice to meet you." Yato: "Yeah!" Jin: "Hey, one of the middle school kids is here. Wait, you're that loud girl I saw earlier!" Serura: "Monaka-chan, I can't even deal with this guy." Yato: "Yeah. Serura knew from one glance that he's from Tokyo. She's a true Nagoyer!" Jin: "It's so hot, even with the AC on." Serura: "A Fujita Nekoru brand shirt?! Those are only sold in Shibuya!" Jin: "Yeah, I bought it when I was in Tokyo." Serura: "What?! What?! You're not from Nagoya?!" Jin: "No, I moved here this past spring—" Serura: "I had no idea you were from Tokyo!" Jin: "What the heck?! Please don't!" Yato: "Serura, what're ya doin'?" Serura: "Crap! I made myself look so dumb just because he's from Tokyo!" Jin: "W-Well, since you're here, want to try taking a picture?" Serura: "Huh? Ah... Sure!" Yato: "Okay..." Yato: "Isn't Hachimaru adorable? Just look at his big, round eyes!" Serura: "Monaka-chan... isn't that a mascot of Nagoya?" Yato: "I bet you prefer Ebizabeth and Danamo, right?" Serura: "Wait, who even are those two?!" Serura: "Huh? High school?" Yato: "Yeah." Serura: "You're in high school, and you like Nagoya? You poor thing!" Voices: "Jandara-senpai Is Beauticute!!" Teppei: "It's such a long trip to Shizuoka. Riding the Shinkansen just makes it seem even longer." Jandara: "Teppei-kun, was that a declaration of war? Mikawa-Anjo Station is just a sad reminder that you're eight minutes from Nagoya."
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3 Episode 5 – I Ain't a Nagoyer", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3", "5", "I Ain't a Nagoyer" ] }
Serura: "Come to your senses, Monaka-chan! It's not right for a middle schooler to actually like Nagoya! For one thing, Nagoya Station has nothing!" Yato: "H-Hisho..." Serura: "And all the food is just brown and salty!" Yato: "Urgh... But it's tasty!" Jin: "Weak counterargument!" Yanna: "What're y'all shouting about?" Mai: "What's going on? Oh, you guys! It's Yatogame." Serura: "Please, Monaka-chan. Leave Nagoya and come to Tokyo with me." Jin: "What is even happening?!" Mai: "Oh, no! She's one of those self-deprecating Nagoyans." Mai: "That uniform... Your middle school is in Ichinomiya, isn't it?" Jin: "Ichinomiya?" Mai: "It's an Owari city a bit outside of Nagoya. My school uniform database tells me everything." Jin: "Wait, so she's not from Nagoya?" Mai: "No." Jin: "From the way she talked, I would've sworn she was." Yanna: "Well, people do tend to call any place in Aichi "Nagoya."" Serura: "What? What?! Yes, I'm from Ichinomiya! Got a problem with that?! Are you saying Ichinomiya is beneath Nagoya?! That's so non-evo!" Mai: "N-No one's saying that..." Serura: "You'll pay for this!" Jin: "The ultimate cliché in parting lines! Why didn't Yatogame argue back like she usually does?" Mai: "I think it's because that girl is part of her in-group, but also not. People of Aichi go to Nagoya often, but people who don't live there have less love for it, so they tend to be harsher on it than true Nagoyans are. That said, they make valid points, so it's hard to argue them, which has a pretty damaging effect." Jin: "I see. But she did say "you'll pay for this."" Mai: "I hope nothing comes of that." Shiharu: "It don't make sense! Why ain't she here?!" ho: "I told you, just wait patiently." Shiharu: "Don't be dumb! Who woulda thought this'd happen?" ho: "I thought it seemed weird that you'd come all the way to Nagoya to observe a school here." Shiharu: "What's the problem? Your parents drove us." Serura: "What? Kansai accents? Yikes. Better stay away from them." Shiharu: "Darn it... I was gonna surprise Mona-nee so much, she'd pee her pants." ho: "Don't be gross. I can't stand that kinda thing." Shiharu: "Aw, lighten up!" Voices: "You Can Do It, Rara-chan!" Guy: "Bottled green tea seems to taste a lot better these days." Rika: "It really does." Rara: "You prefer lousy bottled tea over the tea I make?!" Both: "Lousy?!" Rika: "Th-That's right. You're from Shizuoka, aren't you? So you're particular about tea. I bet you brew yours from fresh leaves." Rara: "Uh... Th-That's right..." Guy: "Makes sense. So where do you buy your tea leaves?" Rara: "Huh? Buy... tea leaves?"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3 Episode 6 – You Ain't My Kind", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3", "6", "You Ain't My Kind" ] }
Toshika: "Do you have anything you regret? Maybe you broke something precious or fought with a friend? Well, right now, I..." Shiharu: "Why ain't there any kasu?" Yato: "Better shut up an' get the koro." Toshika: "I never expected to overhear a devils' conference when eating out alone! "Kasu"? "Koro"? How can they blurt out words like that in public?!" Yato: "Kishikoro (udon kishimen) is good, too." Toshika: "Kishikoro?! What kind of way is that to kill someone?! That's terrifying beyond words!" Guy: "What'll it be?" Yato: "One koro." Guy: "Gotcha. One koro." Toshika: "What?! Did she... Did she... just order a hit?! This restaurant is bad news! Help me!" Guy: "Ma'am?!" : "To explain, "kasu" is beef offal fried on low heat until crispy. Kasu udon is udon soup topped with kasu. "Koro" means "chilled," but confusingly, Nagoya has its own "chilled udon" already. The type that contains less soup is "koro udon."" Toshika: "I didn't get to eat lunch... Oh, I'll try here." Mai: "Oh! Toshika-chan?" Toshika: "M-Mai-chan!" Mai: "The chilled Chinese noodles here are great! Would you like to join me?" Toshika: "Oh, can I share your table, then? Thank goodness. This place looks normal." Mai: "And since you're here, I'll give you those idol goods we talked about. I have them with me!" Toshika: "Really? Right here?" Guy: "Welcome." Toshika: "Are you serious?!" Shiharu: "Yeah, udon just ain't enough." Yato: "Yep." Mai: "Wait, did I just hear—" Toshika: "W-W-W-Wait! Gotta hide! I can't let them spot me!" Mai: "She wants to hide her love for idols? I know how you feel." Toshika: "Huh? Oh..." Guy: "Here ya go. Two chilled Chinese noodles... What?!" Toshika: "Huh? There's something white on it..." Shiharu: "Hey, man, this tiny bit ain't enough." Yato: "Yeah!" Guy: "Sorry 'bout that. Here ya go." Toshika: "Mayonnaise on chilled Chinese noodles?! Wait, wait! You wouldn't put mayonnaise on..." Toshika: "I get it! Illegal stuff happens here! M-Mai-chan, we're in danger! We have to leave now!" Mai: "But why? It's so delicious." Toshika: "Help me!" Shiharu: "The heck?" Guy: "Ma'am?!" Jin: "People in Nagoya put mayonnaise on chilled Chinese noodles, right? Yuck." Yato: "It's way better with it on!" Jin: "Who started that tradition?" Yato: "Who else? Sugakiya, the soul food of Nagoya!" Jina: "Sugakiya?!" Yato: "They made chilled Chinese noodles to be eaten like a salad, so it's actually good with mayonnaise! When ya order chilled Chinese noodles at Sugakiya, it comes with a mayo packet!" Jin: "Huh? Why just a packet?" Yato: "Well, some folks don't want any on theirs." Jin: "You just admitted that it's unorthodox." : "If you haven't tried it yet, what have you got to lose?" Tsuji: "Lady Serura and..." Serura: "...Tsuji the Butler." Serura: "I wanna go to Tokyo! Wanna go! Wanna go steak!" Tsuji: "You want to eat steak?" Serura: "No, no! Party people in Tokyo use weird expressions like that all the time. Besides, if I'm gonna fill my belly, it'll be with tapioca milk tea! With fried chicken!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3 Episode 7 – It Ain't Enough", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3", "7", "It Ain't Enough" ] }
Jin: "Sorry! Did you wait long?" Yanna: "Cut! The hell you doin', Monaka?! Yer s'posed ta go, "Nah, I just got here!" We ain't gonna win the "Hotter than the Summer Sun Couples Photo Contest" that way!" Jin: "Do we have to do all this just to play around?" Yanna: "We can't use club funds for personal reasons, so we need that prize money." Jin: "Also, why do we need to say lines for a photo?" Yanna: "It's always important to put form first." Jin: "What would you even know?!" Mai: "What's the problem, Jin-senpai? Look at the cute outfit Yatogame-chan's wearing for this!" Jin: "She does seem kinda quiet. I thought she'd get mad and refuse to do it. Maybe she actually doesn't mind... being bought off?!" Yanna: "We're just gettin' started! Next, you two are gonna go in here! The classic date venue, the Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium!" Jin: "D-D-D-Date?! What are we supposed to do on a date?" Yato: "I accept the challenge." Jin: "Does she understand what's going on here?!" Jin: "Wow, it's so big. Killer whales! Awesome! I've never seen one before!" Yato: "The Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium the most water of any aquarium in Japan. And there are only two places in Japan where ya can see killer whales!" Jin: "Wow... I know you like shachihoko, so seeing killer whales (shachi) with you feels pretty special." Yato: "A shachihoko is an imaginary animal with a fish's body and a tiger's head. It ain't the same as a killer whale." Jin: "Don't give a serious response!" Mai: "Oh, they'll take your picture here." Staff: "Step right up!" Jin: "Uh..." Staff: "Here! Use whichever one you want! Scoot closer together! Closer, now! Okay! Say "killer"!" Yanna: "That ain't no good at all." Jin: "Yeah, but, I mean..." Yato: "Yeah..." Yanna: "Mai, stand in." Mai: "What? I don't look weird, do I?" Mai: "Say something!" Yanna: "Ya look great! Right, Monaka?" Staff: "In a few moments, at 1:00, the Sardine Tornado show will begin here in the Kuroshio Tank." Jin: "Those are all sardines?! Wow! Tadakusa-chan's fascinated, too. When I see her like this, she's kinda pretty... Eh?" Jin: "Look at this! You can touch real animals!" Mai: "S-So I see." Jin: "Come on, Tadakusa-chan. Try touching some, too." Jin: "Huh?" Jin: "Sorry, I thought you'd be okay with that kind of thing..." Mai: "Gifu is a landlocked prefecture! I have no tolerance for sea life!" Jin: "That's why?!" Yanna: "Jeez, Monaka and Mai, yer both hopeless. We can't get anything done." Mai: "Wait a moment. There's still one left, isn't there?" Yanna: "Huh?" Shiharu: "Shiharu and..." ho: "...Nanaho." ho: "I heard Nagoya has a huge aquarium with killer whales." Shiharu: "Well, Osaka has Kaiyukan, an aquarium with a whale shark! Sharks are obviously stronger than killer whales!" ho: "Whale sharks are mild-mannered and eat only plankton, but killer whales are total carnivores. But I guess I shouldn't tell her that... I dunno."
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3 Episode 8 – We Ain't a Couple", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3", "8", "We Ain't a Couple" ] }
: "Sasatsu, Yatogame, and Tadakusa decided to enter a photo contest, but it wasn't going well... and now it's Sasatsu's turn." Yanna: "I can't do this! Dates ain't my thing! But after I made Monaka and Mai do all that... I can't admit defeat! I gotta do it!" Mai: "Prez, you're bow-legged!" Mai: "Don't carry your bag like that!" Yanna: "That Mai's so naggy." Jin: "Look who's talking." Jin: "Oh, look! A beluga!" Yanna: "Right! This is it! How kyoote! Y'know, I wish I could be a beluga!" Jin: "Now I feel sick..." Yanna: "You wanna die?" Mai: "Prez, we'll never win the contest this way." Mai: "I'll give you two one chance." Yato: "Yep." Mai: "You'll compete against the two of us in a quiz contest. If you two lose, you have to address each other with nicknames!" Both: "What?!" Yato: "I've been to this aquarium tons of times. This'll be easy!" Jin: "That's not fair!" Yato: "Wha?!" Mai: "Yatogame-chan!" Jin: "All right! Yatogame's hatred of studying worked for us!" Yanna: "We can win! Yatogame chose a question meant for adults, so let's pick one for kids." Jin: "That's my President Sasatsu! No pride at all! The difficulty's the same! It just has cuter pictures!" Mai: "Well, we won. You have to give each other nicknames!" Yanna: "Ka... Kakkun." Jin: "Ya... Yan-nyan. Please just kill me!" Mai: "Prez, let's just give up on the photo contest." Yanna: "Not yet! This just means all four of us gotta go on a date together!" Three: "Huh?!" Yanna: "Well, I'm satisfied!" Jin: "I feel like all we really did was have fun." Mai: "Also, when we're all on a date together, there's no one to take pictures." Yanna: "Whoops. Well, whatever. It's closin' time, anyway." Yato: "What're ya talkin' about? It's open through the evening for Summer Night Aquarium. And the highlight is, of course... The night dolphin performance!" Jin: "Wow! The pool is huge! Tokyo only has small, indoor pools, so I've never seen a dolphin show where they can move so freely." Yato: "It ain't a show. It's a performance. It ain't like the man-made ones in Tokyo." Jin: "Oh, uh... okay. Look, a dolphin's coming this way!" Yanna: "Oh, yeah!" Mai: "Careful. There's a chance you'll get splashed in these seats." Jin: "Tell us that sooner! You okay, Sasatsu?" Yanna: "You're soaked! What a dork!" Jin: "Wha... You're soaked, too!" Yanna: "C'mon, Monaka and Mai! You're goin' down with me!" Mai: "No! Stop!" Jin: "Get 'em, Sasatsu!" Voices: "You Can Do It, Rara-chan!" Rara: "Aw, this bar doesn't have Shizuoka-wari." Rika: "Shizuoka-wari? Is that a discount?" Rara: "It's shochu diluted with green tea. I guess they don't have that in Aichi." Guy: "Oh, in that case, here. Shochu with green tea." Rara: "I can barely taste the tea. It's delicious."
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3 Episode 9 – It Just Ain't Gonna Happen", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 3", "9", "It Just Ain't Gonna Happen" ] }
Umezu: "Many scenes in this program will appear to present a biased view of the people of Nagoya and the surrounding region. Please bear in mind that these scenes are strictly the opinions of the characters and may not represent reality, and enjoy it as a program filled with love for Nagoya." : "Sometimes Yatogame wonders... Is Nagoya part of Kanto or Kansai?" Jin: "Kansai, obviously! The New Comedy Troupe plays on Saturday afternoons, and the food's super rich! It's clearly in Kansai!" Yato: "Nah, it's Kanto! There's no Kansai dialect, the people are proud, and they say "Mac" instead of "McD's"! That makes it Kanto! Not that I'd know!" Jin: "Kansai!" Yato: "Kanto! Quit tryin' to dump Nagoya off on each other!" Jin: "Where'd that come from?! You wondered if Nagoya was in Kanto or Kansai?" Yanna: "I hear that a lot, but what's it mean?" Mai: "Apparently it's because the region is right between Kyoto and Tokyo." Yanna: "Oh, so Chukyo is the "kyo" of Kyoto, the "kyo" of Tokyo, and "chu" for "middle"! That makes sense!" Rara: "Stop!" Yato: "Still, there ain't no denyin' Nagoya's smack in the middle of Japan!" Jin: "No, Japan's center is Tokyo." Mai: "Yatogame-chan, I think Gifu's the one at the center of Japan." Yato: "Wha?!" Mai: "Assuming everyone in Japan weighs the same, the location where it strikes the best balance is Gifu! It's Gujo!" Jin: "Why the heck would you base it on that?!" Mai: "Above all, Nihon Manmannaka Center is there!" Jin: "That's a bold name!" Rara: "It's Shizuoka! It's right in the middle of the Tokaido!" Yanna: "Nah, it's Mie! It formed the Republic of Central Japan with Gifu and some others!" Mai: "It's Gifu!" Yato: "It's Nagoya!" Jin: "Argh! Quit talking over each other! I'll just look it up online!" Jin: "I think I don't really care anymore." Yato: "Yep!" Mai: "Agreed!" Rara: "Want some tea?" Yanna: "I want mine hot!" Mom: "Serura-chan, how was your high school orientation?" Serura: "Oh, that school was super non-evo. And the photography club had some real scary folks! They tricked my friend!" Mom: "Really?" Serura: "Really! I was like, please do somethin' about this! So please let me go to school in Tokyo—" Mom: "Not a chance! Do you know how much that would cost?" Serura: "You're so stingy! Our family's rich, ain't it?!" Mom: "We're rich because we're stingy." Serura: "You only pay Tsuji 800 yen per hour to work for us!" Tsuji: "I do receive a bit more than that." Mom: "Honestly... Tsuji, contact that school's chairman for me." Tsuji: "Certainly."
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4 Episode 1 – It's Smack in the Middle", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4", "1", "It's Smack in the Middle" ] }
Tsuji: "I see." Serura: "Roppongi Hills has fancy apartments, a movie theater, and clothing stores! I'd never have to go outside!" Tsuji: "Milady, "Roppongi Hills" is the name of an entire complex. It is not a single building. It is not a single building. It is not a single building." Toshika: "My name is Jin Toshika. I moved to this remote area, Nagoya, in the spring of my first year of high school. Oh, now I'm at a convenience store to buy something I can eat for lunch later! What is this?! Shigure?! Is this meant to be an offering to some death god that connects this world with the afterlife?! Please spare my life..." Lady: "Ma'am?!" Rika: "Shonai-sensei, you brought gyoza in your bento?" Rara: "Yeah, though it's frozen gyoza since I was short on time. In Shizuoka, gyoza isn't complete without boiled bean sprouts." Rika: "Oh, speaking of... I had Utsunomiya gyoza when I went to Tochigi, and it was super good!" Rara: "I... see..." Rika: "Wait, Shonai-sensei, what... why?!" Kei: "What're you drinking there, Kii-chan?" Kiina: "Wataboku Coffee Milk. It's a staple in Saitama." Kei: "A staple, huh? I guess our staple in Chiba would be Bakuga Jelly. It's cocoa-flavored, and it's really sweet and tasty. What about you, Shou-chan? Do you get shumai in school lunches in Yokohama?" Shou: "First of all, it's not "shumai." It's "siu mai." People in Kanagawa don't eat a lot of siu mai, though I do like it." Kei: "So nitpicky..." Shou: "Also, very few public middle schools in Kanagawa used to offer school lunches. They thought lunches prepared for children by their guardians, who knew them well, were better." Kei: "Uh-huh. That's nice." Shou: "What is?!" Shiharu: "Ugh! This is so irritatin'!" ho: "What's wrong?" Shiharu: "I'm chattin' with Mona-nee right now, but when I type "ya de," this happens!" ho: "So?" Shiharu: "It's so annoyin' when it autocorrects me to somethin' normal!" ho: "You're always so energetic, Shiharu-chan. Why don't ya go for a little run?" Shiharu: "Huh? Why?" Yanna: "Sharing contact is important! Gyutora!" Jin: "What song is that?" Yanna: "The jingle for Gyutora, a supermarket in southern Mie." Jin: "Seems like there are a lot of local supermarkets in the country. What about Gifu?" Mai: "I don't think Gifu has a local supermarket. They're almost all Valor." Jin: "Barlow?" Mai: "Not Barlow! Valor! They're everywhere!" Yato: "Ain't no way ya don't know Valor!" Yanna: "It's in Mie, too." Rara: "Shizuoka also has them." Mai: "You drink Valor milk, don't you?" Jin: "A drink I don't know from a store I don't know!" Mai: "Senpai, it's the local supermarket's closeness to the region that makes it the symbol of that region." Yato: ""Love your hometown" is Yoshizuya's slogan!" Jin: "I see." Yato: "Nagoya has Nafco, Yamanaka, Apita, Piago, and Kanesue!" Jin: "How many local supermarkets do you need?!" Yato: "There're a bunch more, too!" : "The things that are the norm in each region are the norm to those who live in that region. Even for people throughout Japan, things that are the norm to Japanese people are just the norm to them. Cultural festivals, for example. Every student in Japan takes part in them, but they're rare elsewhere in the world. But Japanese people don't know that. They just see it as the norm. Learn things you don't know. The moment we realize that what we consider the norm isn't the norm, perhaps that is when humans and cultures truly come together." Teppei: "Senpai, what are you looking at?" Jandara: "Teppei-kun, are you free this weekend?"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4 Episode 10 – So Many Norms", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4", "10", "So Many Norms" ] }
Rara: "What should I do? I never thought this would happen..." Teacher: "Shonai-sensei. The principal wants to see you." Rara: "Okay! What?" Rara: "Disband the club?" Rara: "How am I going to tell them?" Yanna: "Hey, know what I was thinkin'? Everyone sees the shapes of prefectures differently, right?" Jin: "Oh, yeah, I guess so." Yanna: "I think Aichi looks like a crab!" Yato: "A crab? It can't be a crab! Ain't it a kangaroo or a dinosaur or somethin'?" Yanna: "Ain't that a bit forced? Mai, what's Gifu?" Mai: "Gifu is amazing! It looks just like a dog!" Yanna: "A dog? Like this?" Mai: "No, no! Look, you just do this!" Yato: "That's a melon soda from Komeda." Jin: "Can't you just call it a boot?" Mai: "It's not! It's a poodle!" Yanna: "Mie could be a boomerang, or maybe an electric guitar!" Yato: "A half-eaten chicken wing." Jin: "Quit linking them to Nagoya! These are different prefectures!" Rara: "Everyone's forgotten about Shizuoka..." Jin: "What about Shizuoka?" Rara: "Shizuoka's shaped like a goldfish!" Yanna: "If you flip it, it kinda looks like Hokkaido." Rara: "Why do you have to link another place to it?!" Mai: "What about Tokyo?" Rara: "You're done with Shizuoka already?!" Jin: "If you just look at the 23 special wards, it looks like Yamanashi." Yanna: "It'd work a little better if it didn't stick out right here." Jin: "Well, Machida is practically in Kanagawa." Shou: "Then give Machida back to us! Listen! Until the Meiji era, Machida belonged to Kanagawa! Letters addressed to "Machida, Kanagawa" are still delivered correctly!" Jin: "Who are you?" Shou: "I'm Kochikashi Shou, the student council president." Mai: "She's from Kanagawa." Yanna: "Is Kanagawa known for anything?" Yato: "Huh..." Shou: "Are you mad?!" Mai: "You know, there's Chinatown, for one." Yanna: "Oh! So it's Yokohama Prefecture!" Shou: "I'll drop you in Minato Mirai to drown." Shou: "Do you guys realize the position you're in?" Yanna: "What d'ya mean?" Shou: "Hasn't Shonai-sensei told you?" Yanna: "Rara-chan?" Shou: "We've investigated the photography club's activities, and all that stood out was a bronze medal in a minor contest." Yanna: "Hey, bronze is plenty good!" Shou: "The ball sports tournament photos you were asked to take came out blurry." Jin: "Gulp!" Shou: "You make a mess eating snacks in the courtyard." Yato: "Hey!" Shou: "And the biggest issue is that you deceived a student at orientation. Therefore, the school has issued you a notice to re-examine your activities."
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4 Episode 2 – Welcome, Student Council President", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4", "2", "Welcome, Student Council President" ] }
Shou: "We'll begin observing you next week. I suggest you prepare yourselves." Jin: "The mood in the club room has been kind of awkward since what happened yesterday. And in the middle of all this, Sasatsu's late." Yanna: "I can't accept this! I'm launchin' a raid!" Yato: "Yeah!" Jin: "A raid?! You're so violent!" Mai: "I guess this is the student council office." Yato: "Yep..." Jin: "Sasatsu, what's that?" Yanna: "A little gift." Jin: "You said this was a raid. I guess you still have some good sense, huh?" Yanna: "This is first-day-of-the-month mochi from Akafuku! It's only sold on the first day of every month except January! And it has a same-day expiration date! It's a different type of mochi every month! It's priceless!" Jin: "Today's the second. Isn't it past the expiration date?" Yanna: "This is just the box. Ain't no way I'm givin' this to them." Jin: "You're too belligerent!" Yanna: "Excuse me!" Kei: "Welcome to my student council office." Shou: "It's not your student council office! Don't sit in the president's seat without permission!" Kiina: "Stupid president." Shou: "What's with you two?! I apologize for that shameful display. You two! Introduce yourselves!" Jin: "She's like a mother." Kei: "Aonaji from Chiba. I'm the vice president." Jin: "You said the "vice" part so quietly!" Kiina: "Asaka Kiina. Treasurer. From Saitama." Jin: "And you're just quiet to begin with!" Shou: "Speak clearly!" Kei: "Not so loud!" Kiina: "Stupid president." Jin: "You really don't get along!" Yanna: "This is for you. Please take it." Jin: "She's..." Shou: "Well, thank you. Aonaji, give them those things." Kei: "Here." Shou: "You're so well-prepared! These are dove sablé from Kanagawa." Both: "Huh?" Shou: "What? Go on, don't be shy." Yanna: "Aren't dove sablé a Tokyo souvenir?" Yato: "Yep." Jin: "They're not. They do sell them in Tokyo, too, but—" Shou: "That's right, you bumpkins! Dove sablé are a traditional snack of Kamakura!" Yanna: "Kamakura's in Kanagawa?" Shou: "We have to start there?!" Mai: "I didn't know dove sables were a Kanagawa thing. I don't know much about Kanto." Shou: "It's "sablé"! Get the accent right!" Jin: "They sell Akafuku at Nagoya Station, too. Isn't it Nagoya Station's top-selling souvenir?" Yato: "Akafuku ain't a Nagoya souvenir!" Yanna: "They taste better if ya get 'em from the main store in Ise!" Jin: "Sorry." Kei: "Talk about sad, Shou-chan. They won't even listen to you. That's how it is for Kanagawa. There's no reason to go to Kanagawa when Tokyo's right there." Shou: "What?! Yokohama in Kanagawa is one of Japan's three greatest cities!" Jin: "I've heard that key word before!" Yato: "One of Japan's three greatest cities is Nagoya!" Sho: "Excuse me?" Voices: "Jandara-senpai Is Beauticute!!" Jandara: "Teppei-kun, I bought you some anmaki." Teppei: "It's like a cylindrical dorayaki. I like it." Jandara: "And this shape allows it to hold a lot more an." Teppei: "Leave it to Aichi to think of that! But the calories..." Jandara: "There's anmaki tempura, too."
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4 Episode 3 – Ya Can't Say That", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4", "3", "Ya Can't Say That" ] }
: "Is Japan's third-greatest city Yokohama or Nagoya? Thus begins a battle neither can afford to lose!" Shou: "Calling Nagoya the third-greatest city in Japan is a real laugh. Kanagawa's population is greater than that of Osaka, which is considered number two." Yato: "Only 'cause people are spillin' over from Tokyo." Shou: "If Tokyo were to fall, Kanagawa would be the capital!" Kei: "Not true! Maihama has both Land and Sea, which are world-famous! And German Village, too!" Yanna: "Doesn't Land have "Tokyo" in its name?" Mai: "I think German Village has "Tokyo" attached, too." Jin: "Come on, does it really matter what the third-greatest city is?" Both: "It does!" Kei: "And what's wrong with having "Tokyo" in the name, anyway? Nagoya's not the only city in Aichi, but its name's on everything, too. Especially universities." Shou: "Chiba just doesn't know any other way to live but to snuggle up to others. I guess it's better than Saitama, though." Kei: "That's mean! Kii-chan, throw a Soka senbei at her!" Kiina: "I mean, it's true. There's no need to ever go to Saitama or anything. People even call it "Daworstama."" Kei: "That's not true! Squeeze out the good parts! You know, the dregs!" Jin: "She's pretty nasty, too!" Kiina: "If there's anything... it's how close it is to Tokyo." All: "That's so sad..." Kiina: "Ikebukuro's my backyard. I know it better than most Tokyoites." Mai: "I can relate! Gifu folks are getting more and more knowledgeable about Nagoya!" Yanna: "Hey, Mai! Why're ya bein' all buddy-buddy with them?!" Mai: "Oh, um..." Kei: "People from the countryside always treat Kanto like a sworn enemy. Kinda like how Gifu and Mie put up a barrier around everything but Nagoya." Shou: "You mean they're hostile toward other cities, but amenable toward Nagoya?" Yanna: "What?! I dunno about Gifu, but Mie ain't like that!" Mai: "What do you mean? Mie isn't any different." Yanna: "Huh?" Mai: "What?" Yanna: "Gifu ain't nothin' but mountains!" Mai: "They turn into ski resorts in winter!" Yanna: "What about summer?! Gifu's got no beaches or even pools!" Jin: "C'mon, you two... Yatogame, stop them!" Yato: "Wha... They've both got some nice stuff..." Jin: "You're so weak at times like this, Yatogame!" Mai: "I think you're just arrogant because Mie is famous for the Ise Shrine." Yanna: "Well, Takayama in Gifu is super popular, too." Mai: "But the Suzuka Circuit in Mie is popular among foreigners, so good for you." Yanna: "Well, the Gero Hot Springs are really nice." Yanna: "So on that note, can we scrap the talk about disbandin'?" Shou: "On what note?! Why did they even come here? Well, they brought us refreshments, so maybe it's worth— It's empty!" Title: "You Can Do It, Rara-chan!" Rara: "The phrase "but it" serves as a conjunction, as in "xxx, but yyy." So this sentence translates to, "I am not included, but it's okay."" Toshika: "That's such a sad example." Rara: "Also, Shizuoka has a similar-sounding phrase, "batto ite," which means "to save." So this sentence means, "Why didn't you save a seat for me?""
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4 Episode 4 – A Battle I Can't Go Losin", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4", "4", "A Battle I Can't Go Losin" ] }
Kiina: "We'll be busy, too." Jin: "Huh?!" Mai: "It's Yatogame-chan! We gotta get her to the nurse's office!" Shou: "What happened here?!" Shou: "What's with the hand?" Mai: "That's her chicken wing pose." Shou: "Huh?" Mai: "If a Nagoyan goes too long without eating chicken wings, they experience withdrawal symptoms." Shou: "Well, it's creepy! How do we get her back to normal?" Mai: "She should be fine if she eats chicken wings. She hasn't had any in two weeks!" Jin: "That's pretty recent!" Shou: "Aonaji! Asaka! Weren't there some ingredients leftover from the whole chicken we cooked in cooking class? Cook them and bring them here!" Jin: "What kind of cooking class makes that?!" Kei: "Aw..." Kiina: "Stupid president." Shou: "Move it!" Kei: "Here. Chicken wings." Both: "Wait, why?!" Mai: "Senpai, listen closely. These are not chicken wings." Yato: "Sniff, sniff... Wha?!" Yanna: "Monaka! I bought ya Furaibo and Sekai no Yama-chan!" Jin: "She's awake!" Yato: "Crack! Chomp! All clean!" Jin: "Her speed is insane!" Mai: "Everyone, observe these panels of Yama-chan." Yato: "Anyone who can't eat 'em this way don't deserve to live in Nagoya." Jin: "You can lose your right to citizenship over chicken wings?!" Yanna: "Let's eat 'em together! They're yummy!" Jin: "Yama-chan's have more pepper, and the Furaibo ones have a sweet and salty coating." Yanna: "I could eat 'em forever alternatin' between the two!" Yato: "If it weren't for Chairman Ohtsubo, we wouldn't be able to eat these tasty chicken wings." Jin: "Who's that?" Yato: "The chairman of Furaibo, the shop that first came up with sweet an' salty chicken wings!" Mai: "You work so hard every day. Treat yourself with a visit to your local Furaibo today. We're waiting for you!" Yato: "Furaibo: the original fried chicken wings!" Yanna: "You go, Chairman!" Jin: "Is this chairman that well-known?! Whoa... Suddenly it's just a pile of corpses..." Yato: "Wha...? They're gone already?" Jin: "I'll go buy some chicken wings!" Mai: "Me, too!" Yanna: "Ditto!" Shou: "How many does she need to eat before she's happy?!" : "Allow me to explain. Nagoyan chicken wings are a food from another dimension that makes you hungrier the more you eat. Many Nagoyans will eat ten servings, or fifty wings, at once." Shou: "Why did we even come here?" Tsuji: "Lady Serura and..." Serura: "...Tsuji the Butler. Takanawa Gateway is so evo! The katakana in the name makes it feel so modern!" Tsuji: "Tokyo has many stations with names like that. Incidentally, Nagoya also has a station name with both kanji and katakana." Serura: "What?! There's seriously more?!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4 Episode 5 – More Chicken Wings", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4", "5", "More Chicken Wings" ] }
Kei: "How cute! It's perfect for you! Look, Mai Mai! Isn't Mona-chan adorable?" Yato: "Er... gah..." Mai: "Everyone knows Yatogame-chan is adorable. Wait, no! You're too close to her! Step back!" Kei: "Aw, are you jealous?" Kei: "What's that?" Mai: "What is that girl's deal? Even I've never called her "Mona-chan"! I guess I'm just..." Yanna: "What's with you, Mai?" Jin: "You're acting weird." Yato: "That ain't Tadakusa. That's the personality that shows up when Tadakusa falls all the way to the dark side. It's Tadarksa!" Both: "Tadarksa?!" Jin: "What should we do?" Yato: "If we can satisfy her heart..." Jin: "Should we say nice stuff about Gifu?" Yato: "Yeah..." Yanna: "Leave it to me! Mai! Gifu's sweetfish is the best in the world, ain't it?" Mai: "We only eat sweetfish 'cause there's no ocean nearby. Pathetic. The people of Gifu want to eat tuna, too!" Yato: "Gifu's got lotsa tourist spots, like Hida Takayama and the Gero Hot Springs!" Mai: "Yes, those are in Gifu, but they're in the Hida area! You have to cross mountains and run over fields to get there! Who's gonna go there?! Pathetic!" Yato: "I can't get past the "Gi" aura!" Kei: "A woman's heart is a troublesome thing." Jin: "Going on what you just said... Isn't it good to have so much nature? It's great that you don't have to rely on amusement parks!" Mai: "Gifu has Enakyo Wonderland, you know." Jin: "Oops." Mai: "It's the perfect amusement park, with so many attractions that you wouldn't think it's in Gifu. And the view of the natural scenery from the 50-meter Ferris wheel is glorious!" Jin: "Yeah! See? Nature is the best!" Mai: "It's nature that's the problem." Jin: "Huh?" Mai: "It's closed in winter because of all the snow! That's what you get for building an amusement park in the mountains! There's such a thing as too much nature! Pathetic! All we ever talk about is our home prefectures... Pathetic..." Yato: "Tadakusa..." Mai: "Just leave me a—" Yato: "Tadakusa..." Kei: "Mona-chan never calls people by their names." Yanna: "True." Jin: "She's only ever called me "Tokyo."" Kei: "But she calls Mai Mai "Tadakusa."" Mai: "I have... no regrets in my life!" Jin: "She's cleansed!" Shiharu: "Shiharu and..." ho: "...Nanaho." Shiharu: "I'm Mona-nee's favorite! Itemae Shiharu!" ho: "I'm Koshiyasu Nanaho." Shiharu: "Anyway, why am I gettin' so little screen time this season?" ho: "Don't ask me..." Shiharu: "The problem is that Nagoyans are so vain! They oughta treat us equally!" ho: "You really wanna be seen, huh?" Shiharu: "Staff! Give us the same pay you give them!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4 Episode 6 – A Woman's Heart Is Complicated", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4", "6", "A Woman's Heart Is Complicated" ] }
Shou: "Many visitors will be here for the Dagane Festival next week. Good results there will give you much more persuasive power." Jin: "But it's time to go ho—" Shou: "No whining!" Jin: "She sure was strict." Mai: "It's already dark." Jin: "The moon's so big." Mai: "Tonight is August's full moon." Yanna: "Cool! Let's have a moon-viewing party!" Jin: "Moon-viewing? But we don't have anything prepared." Yanna: "Here! Silvergrass!" Jin: "That's obviously bamboo!" Yanna: "And moon dumplings!" Jin: "Those are obviously Akafuku!" Mai: "Akafuku doesn't work as moon dumplings." Yanna: "Why not? In Kansai, moon dumplings are wrapped in anko!" Jin: "Aren't moon dumplings usually round?" Yato: "Moon dumplings are s'posed to be teardrop-shaped." Jin: "Huh?" Yato: "That's the problem with you, Tokyo. Don't base everything on Tokyo standards." Yanna: "They're round in Mie, too." Mai: "And in Gifu." Yato: "Wha?!" Yanna: "What're teardrop-shaped ones like?" Yato: "They were in the school lunch! The three-colored ones!" Jin: "Oh, the white, pink, and green ones on a stick?" Yato: "No! The colors are white, pink, and brown!" Jin: "Brown?!" Yato: "Yes! Like this!" Jin: "That shape in brown?" Jin: "That's poop." Yato: "No, it ain't! Just hang on a sec! See? Look!" Jin: "They really are teardrop-shaped!" Yato: "Right? I told ya!" Yanna: "I remember playin' "moon thieves" as a kid." Yato: "I played that when I visited family." Jin: "You two were that bad as kids?!" Yanna: "Huh? We ain't talkin' about bein' real thieves. At the August full moon, even kids can go out walkin' at night, so they go to people's houses to get candy and stuff." Jin: "Oh, so it's like Halloween? Is there a line you say, like "trick or treat"?" Yanna: "Yep!" Jin: "Yeah? What is it?" Yanna: "We're moon thieves!" Yato: "Give us yer moon dumplings!" Jin: "You announce your intent to steal?!" Yanna: "Yeah, so... this is mine now!" Jin: "Hey! That was mine!" Yato: "Moon thieves are messengers sent from the moon." Yanna: "You actually oughta be thankin' us." Jin: "What does that even mean?!" Mai: "It's good luck to have children steal your moon dumplings. It means you'll have a good harvest." Yato: "Bow your head, Tokyo!" Jin: "She'd hit someone!" Yanna: "While we were sayin' all that, the moon hid." Mai: "Then why don't we go look at a nice moon nearby?" Jin: "What does that mean?" Mai: "The moon that shines on the town of Nagoya... Yatogame-chan!" Jin: "I mean, yeah, her hair's gold, but..." Mai: "Moon-viewing is the best!" : "Next time, the fateful athletic festival!" Jin: "Hey! The moon ran away!" : "What will happen to the photography club?!" Rara: "Tonight is August's full moon." Recchiri: "The original tradition for this night was to offer part of your harvest in thanks." Rika: "And now we offer mochi instead." Rara: "Let's have moon dumplings and tea together." Recchiri: "Oh, thank you." Rika: "Why are these dumplings... sunken?" Lala: "It's navel mochi." Recchiri: "Navel? Do you harvest navel oranges in Shizuoka?"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4 Episode 7 – They Ain't Just Round", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4", "7", "They Ain't Just Round" ] }
Mai: "The time has finally come to show the fruits of our practice." Jin: "I'm getting kinda nervous." Mai: "To keep our club alive, each photo we take has to be special!" Jin: "Whoever's broadcasting sure is chipper. Who is that?" Kiina: "Bringing you the live coverage is the student council treasurer, Asaka Kiina!" Jin: "It's you?!" Kiina: "Kickin' off with the bread-eating race!" Yato: "Gah..." Jin: "What's wrong with Yatogame?" Mai: "Could it be... Gin Choco W and Gin Choco Roll! Who would be so cruel?!" Jin: "What do you mean? Are these types of bread I see all the time bad?" Mai: "Yes, Gin Choco W is by Fuji Baking Group, and Gin Choco Roll is by Pasco! They're both based in Nagoya!" Jin: "They are?!" Yato: "I can't choose between 'em... Gin Choco W has two layers of cream, but Gin Choco Roll has milk and chocolate whipped creams! They're both tasty!" Mai: "For Yatogame-chan, this is like having to choose between her mother and father!" Jin: "It's as serious as a divorce?!" Kiina: "Bread-eating race! Total mania in your face! Next pair!" Yanna: "I'm winnin' this one!" Jin: "Go, Sasatsu!" Yanna: "Too hard..." Jin: "Huh?" Mai: "Jin-senpai, that's hardtack from Iwase Bread in Osu." Jin: "Hardtack? What is that? Is it hard?" Mai: "You can hammer nails with it." Jin: "How is that bread?!" Yanna: "I grew up on Azuki Bars and Iga katayaki! Don't underestimate the people of Mie! Ya gotta soften it with your spit and then scrape it apart with your front teeth." Jin: "That's tedious! We managed to make it to lunch break." Mai: "We took lots of pictures." Shou: "Photography club, I applaud your efforts." Kei: "Have the leftovers from the bread-eating race." Yanna: "Ooh! Lucky us!" Rara: "You have bread, but no Noppo bread?" Jin: "Noppo bread?" Rara: "It has a picture of a giraffe on the package. It's really long, and different flavors have different illustrations." Mai: "Noppo bread is only sold in Shizuoka." Rara: "Tadakusa-san, how do you know about it?! Are you actually interested in Shizuoka?!" Mai: "Oh, uh... y-yes..." Rara: "Yay! You know what else Shizuoka has?!" Mai: "I can't tell her it was for an anime promotion!" Shou: "It seems the photography club kids are taking their task seriously." Kei: "Yeah." Kiina: "Not enough, yo! Send 'em back to Tokyo!" Shou: "Perhaps we'll have good news for the chairman—" Mom: "Excuse me, you three." Shou: "Yes?" Mom: "My name is Dobe. I was called here by the school. Could you show me where I need to go?" Voices: "Jandara-senpai Is Beauticute!!" Jandara: "Teppei-kun, this is bamboo shoot bread! It's considered legendary because you can only buy it in Toyokawa in winter." Teppei: "So it contains the legendary winter-sprouting bamboo shoots?" Jandara: "Nope. It's a winter exclusive because the cream in it melts. It only looks like a bamboo shoot." : "Teppei thought, "But don't all cornets look like that?" But he couldn't say it."
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4 Episode 8 – Gotta Have Bread at an Athletic Meet", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4", "8", "Gotta Have Bread at an Athletic Meet" ] }
Shou: "Thank you for taking the time to come." Mom: "Are those the photography club kids? It hasn't been disbanded yet? I have to do something before Serura goes crazy!" Mom: "I'll observe them in secret first." Kiina: "Afternoon begin! Watch the big ball spin! The ball is your friend! Starboard to the end!" Mai: "Reminds me of the golden ball in Osu." Yato: "Yep!" Mom: "Golden ball?! Did that sweet young girl just talk about balls?!" Shou: "What's the matter, ma'am?!" Mom: "These kids are unbelievable!" Kiina: "The three-legged race is next!" Yanna: "C'mon! Ya gotta stick closer or we can't run!" Jin: "Yeah, but..." Mom: "Her chest is touching him! How shameless!" Mom: "Look at her bounce!" Shou: "M-Ma'am?" Mom: "These kids are so shameless and bouncy and always talking about balls! I have to get their club shut down!" Shou: "It might be heatstroke! To the nurse's office, quick!" Kiina: "Next up is a dance by the girls of our school." Yato: "Why do I gotta dress like this?" Mai: "Heck yes! Thank you, world!" Jin: "Are you gonna be able to dance like that?" Yato: "Don't ya worry! I've trained by doin' the Domatsuri dance recognized by Guinness!" Jin: "Domatsuri? Guinness?!" Mai: "It's called the "group dance," and everyone present joins in. Seeing thousands of people dance together is incredible!" Jin: "Thousands? Is the entire population of Nagoya there?" Mai: "Senpai, do you think Nagoya is some little village?" Rara: "It's time, guys." Mom: "Goodness... What a lovely dance. They must have practiced a lot." Mom: "Greetings, photography club members. I was just reporting to the chairman that I have an issue with your club." All: "Huh?!" Mom: "But you all had such nice smiles. And you were working so hard. I'm relieved to see you're all good kids. I do think you went a bit too far at times, though..." Jin: "So the thing about disbanding..." Mom: "I'll talk to the chairman and have that plan revoked." Yanna: "All right!" Jin: "Thank you! But now that I think about it, didn't this all start because you got the wrong idea?" Yanna: "Hang on a sec! This guy just has no tact!" Mai: "That's right! He's incredibly dense and completely tactless!" Yato: "No tact at all!" Jin: "No one's defending me?!" : "In any case, the club escaped disbandment." Recchiri: "Good work today, Shonai-sensei." Rara: "There's a place in Shizuoka called "Ball Drop Valley.""
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4 Episode 9 – Welcome, Honored Guest", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki 4", "9", "Welcome, Honored Guest" ] }
: "Please understand that this program will appear to present a biased view of the people of Nagoya and the surrounding region, and view it as a program filled with love for the Dragons!" All: "Z!" Yanna: "Well, that's what folks do when they're hangin' out, right?" Jin: "But I don't think it's supposed to be the main event. Like, you do that after you've been doing other stuff." Mai: "There is no such place in Nagoya!" Yanna: "There ain't nothin' for kids to do in Nagoya but karaoke and yakiniku!" Jin: "Said with finality!" Yanna: "Here we are!" Jin: "We're here to do karaoke, right?" Yanna: "Yeah, no kiddin'." Jin: "But, I mean... This is a car rental place!" Jin: "Huh?" Yanna: "We gotta hurry, or we won't be able to get a room!" Mai: "The key is to get there during the hours when reservations aren't needed." Yato: "Yep." Jin: "Wait a minute! This is totally a karaoke place! And it's super crowded, considering it's only 8:00 AM!" Staff: "Do you have a reservation?" Yanna: "Yikes... It's pretty packed." Mai: "I guess we should've made a reservation." Jin: "I get it now." Yato: "Wha?" Jin: "It's a karaoke place called Japan Rent-a-Car, but they don't rent out cars. Which means... It's just a karaoke place with a funny name!" Yato: "What're ya talkin' about? The car rental desk is right there." Jin: "Oh! So it is!" Jin: "Thank goodness they had an opening." Jin: "Whoa! It's huge! And the TV is massive! And there's a fridge?! Why?!" Mai: "We got a small room today, huh?" Yato: "Yep." Jin: "This is small?!" Yanna: "Sometimes they give us a room so big, we could all sleep in it." Jin: "Does Nagoya have too much land or what?!" Jin: "So do you get one drink with admission here?" Jin: "Whoa! What are you doing?! You'll get in trouble!" Yato: "Ya bring yer own food an' drinks here." Jin: "You're kidding! Look, they have a menu here... Wait! This is for pizza delivery!" Jin: "So that huge fridge is for storing the snacks you bring in? I guess that's a good way to attract students, since you only pay for the room." Yanna: "Okay, Mai's up first!" Mai: "M-Me?" Jin: "I knew you'd pick an anime song." Yanna: "Watch this. She's incredible." Mai: "It's still so boring! Kissing is boring, too! Floating on air!" Jin: "She even knows the choreography!" Mai: "It's all wrong... I need to show more of Nagi-sama's cuteness." Jin: "She's fighting a battle with something." Yanna: "All right! My turn now!" Jin: "What kind of song is Sasatsu gonna sing?" Jin: "Why?!" Mai: "Toba Ichiro-san originally came from Mio." Jin: "She's very thorough..." Yanna: "Okay, Monaka, you're next!" Yato: "No way!" Jin: "I've never heard anyone say it that way!" Yanna: "Oh, fine." Yato: "When we hear the cry of the dragon echoing from the distant night sky... A shiver runs through all of us packed in Nagoya Dome! That's the way! Go, Dragons!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki Episode 12 – See Y'all Again", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki", "12", "See Y'all Again" ] }
: "This program may appear to present a" : "but please view it as a program filled with love for Nagoya." Jin: ""Meieki" is Nagoya Station, right? And "Meidai" is Nagoya University!" Jin: "So... if it's okay with you, can we exchange contact info?" Yato: "Quit botherin' me." Text: ""Meiwaku"... Is that... Nagoya Planet (wakusei)?" Yato: "I'm talkin' about you. You're a nuisance." Yato: "I'm outta here!" Jin: "Maybe I shouldn't be in this club after all." Jin: "Why did you pick me, Tadakusa-chan?" Mai: "Because Yatogame-chan always makes the best faces you're around." Jin: "Wait, you mean she actually..." Mai: "This was a Yatogame-chan I'd never seen before!" Jin: "You were there that time?!" Mai: "She's so cute! I've taken hundreds of gigabytes' worth of photos of Yatogame-chan, but I could never manage to bring out her true nature. And that's when the guy she actually had negative esteem for came into her life!" Jin: "At least try to sugar-coat it!" Jin: "I just want to be friends with her." Yanna: "Not happenin'." Jin: "Why not? Because I'm an outsider?" Jin: "Wait, you're both outsiders, too." Yanna: "You're makin' a big mistake. When we're far from home and someone asks where we're from, even if we answer with "Mie"..." Mai: "...or Gifu..." Both: "...they ask, "Where's that?"" Yanna: "So we just say..." Jin: "That's totally irrational!" Yanna: "Well, shrimp tempura musubi and miso katsu both originated in Mie, after all." Yanna: "And lately, people are even sayin' that akafuku mochi is a Nagoya treat! The hell's up with that?!" Jin: "What about Gifu?" Mai: "Gifu really has nothing at all. The only thing in Gifu that isn't found anywhere else is the "fu" kanji." Jin: "Hey, now!" Mai: "And what I have that you don't is a sense of respect and envy toward Nagoya." Jin: "But I think Nagoya's amazing! It's nothing like Tokyo." Mai: "That opinion is based on the assumption that Tokyo is superior." Yanno: "The locals in these parts are sensitive to that kinda thing." Jin: "I made an enemy of this entire region?" Yanna: "Yep." Jin: "I want to face Yatogame... no, this entire region... the right way. Teach me more about Nago—" Yanna: "Sure!" Jin: "That was easy!" Mai: "Now, translate the following. "Let's take the Meitetsu to Meikou."" Jin: ""Meitetsu" is the Nagoya Railroad Company, and "Meikou" is the Nagoya Expressway, so... "Let's take the Nagoya Rail to the Nagoya Expressway!"" Yanna: "Moron! The "Meikou" in this case is the Port of Nagoya!" Jin: "No one told me there could be two answers!" Mai: "Next, how do you abbreviate "Nagoya Dome"?" Jin: ""Nagoya" would be "Mei," so... "Meido"!" Yato: "I forgot my phone." Yato: "What's he doin' in here?" Yato: "He didn't really hafta write all that down..." Yato: "I just don't get how Tokyoites think." Yato: "What a dimwit." Jin: "Something showed up in my notes that I don't remember writing! See? Right here!" Mai: "That's..." Yanna: "Pretty sure it's Monaka's ID." Jin: "I've been cursed by Nagoya!" Yanna: "Chill out."
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki Episode 5 – Not Gonna Teach You", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki", "5", "Not Gonna Teach You" ] }
Mai: "I was thinking about how to get my best shot of Yatogame-chan without needing you, and I ended up making this!" Jin: "Oh? What'd you make?" Mai: "A Jin-senpai mask!" Jin: "Uh, that seems wrong on many levels." Jin: "There! I hope we can be friends now." Jin: "It says "Read," but there's no reply. Okay, then... "Coming to club today?"" Jin: "She's way behind..." Jin: "Is this an international relay or what?!" Jin: "She sounds more blunt than usual, somehow." Jin: "Hey! There's no dialect in her texts!" Jin: "That's kinda disappointing." Yanna: "What is?!" Jin: "Whoa! You scared me!" Yanna: "So, what's up?" Jin: "Well, I was just kinda sad that all of Yatogame's texts have been in standard Japanese..." Yanna: "She uses her dialect in her messages to me." Yanna: "Y'all have a fight?" Jin: "No, we haven't done anything!" Yanna: "Take it easy. I'll teach ya the secret word for makin' up." Jin: "Yatogame! Perfect timing! Do you want to go to Sugakiya with—" Yato: "Yes!" Jin: "I wasn't even finished!" Yato: "Sugakiya is where students in the Tokai region go to relax." Jin: "I wonder if it's a fancy café or something." Jin: "It's a ramen place?!" Jin: "Wha... 320 yen?!" Girl: "Here you go!" Jin: "And that was fast!" Yato: "Sugakiya ain't just an ordinary ramen place." Yato: "It's a fast food ramen place!" Jin: "You talk like you're the founder or something!" Jin: "What's with this weird spoon?" Yato: "It's a ramen fork. It combines a fork and a spoon so ya can eat the noodles and soup together." Jin: "Huh... How do you use it? You're just using regular chopsticks! So this isn't even necessary?" Yato: "Th-That ain't true at all!" Yato: "Yow!" Yato: "It's my choice what I wanna eat with!" Jin: "You're right! I shouldn't have said that!" Jin: "I'm gonna hit the restroom." Jin: "I wonder if she hates me again now." Jin: "No! I have to make friends with her today!" Jin: "She's gone..." Jin: "I feel like I'm getting nowhere. I guess that's not surprising." Yato: "How do they say this in standard Japanese again?" Jin: "Yatogame? Is she rewriting her message to erase the dialect?" Jin: "Oh, good! Since you didn't reply, I thought you'd left." Yato: "I-I was just buyin' my Sugakiya soft serve!" Jin: "Soft serve at a ramen place?!" Yato: "Also, it's your fault my replies are always late! 'Cause you keep talkin' about my accent!" Yato: "Wait... What're ya cryin' for?!" Jin: "I was just so relieved. It makes me sad when you don't speak in your Nagoya accent. I'd like it if you'd leave it in your texts from now on." Yato: "D-Don't ya dare make a fool of me..." Jin: "Die... a fool?" Mai: "Oh, she's so cute! Nice work, Senpai!" Jin: "Hey, this is good."
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki Episode 6 – Let's Go to Sugakiya", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki", "6", "Let's Go to Sugakiya" ] }
: "Many scenes in this program will appear to present" : "Please bear this in mind, and enjoy it as a program filled with love for Nagoya." Toshika: "Who was that?!" Jin: "I wish I had my own camera, too." Yanna: "Ya don't need one. Yer phone's enough." Yato: "Komehyo." Jin: "Rice? You can buy cameras at rice stores in Nagoya?" Mai: "Komehyo is a second-hand store. The one closest to here is the one in Osu." Jin: "Oh..." Yanna: "I bought mine at Ameyoko." Jin: "Ameyoko?! The one in Ueno?" Yato: "She's obviously talkin' about Nagoya's Ameyoko, in Osu." Jin: "There's an Ameyoko I didn't know about!" Mai: "Okay, why don't we all go to Osu tomorrow so Jin-senpai can buy a camera?" Yato: "Yep." Yanna: "I guess we gotta!" Jin: "What's that huge lucky cat statue?" Jin: "Birds of a feather, I guess." Yato: "Wha?!" Jin: "Are Tadakusa-chan and Sasatsu here?" Jin: "Not yet, huh?" Jin: "Man, they're late. Where are they?" Yato: "Probably stuck in traffic or somethin'." Jin: "Aren't they riding trains?" Jin: "What kind of place is Osu, anyway?" Yato: "It's got restaurants, electronics, subculture... lots of stuff." Jin: "Oh, so it's like Akiba?" Yato: "It's nothin' like that!" Maid: "Welcome, Master!" Guy: "Hey, care for one?" Yato: "Whole shops of capsule machines!" Jin: "Like Akiba!" Yato: "Soup stock in vending machines!" Jin: "Like Aki— Wait, what?!" Jin: "Wow! This place is gorgeous!" Jin: "A-Are you sure we can be in here?" Jin: "It feels super ritzy." Yato: "I-I-I-I-I-It's fine." Jin: "Why are you nervous, too?!" Lady: "Is there anything I can help you find?" Jin: "Okay, you're way too jumpy." Jin: "How did someone this anxious around strangers buy a camera?" Jin: "Well, I guess you're more comfortable with me than with a stranger, huh?" Yato: "Please buy him!" Jin: "Um, I'm here to buy a camera. I'd like one that's not too expensive." Lady: "In that case, how about this one? It's a very good deal." Yato: "Get that one!" Jin: "Huh? But this bargain camera is cheaper." Yato: "No bargain stuff! Go for the deal!" Jin: "Don't those mean the same thing?" Jin: "I actually managed to buy one." Jin: "Tadakusa-chan and Sasatsu never showed up, though." Jin: "An idol concert?" Mai: "Yeah! Yeah! Whoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah! Yeah! Whoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! They've come down to the Osu plaza! Angels with shining smiles!" Jin: "What the heck is she doing?!"
{ "raw_title": "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki Episode 8 – This Ain't Akiba", "parsed": [ "Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki", "8", "This Ain't Akiba" ] }
Yohane: "This world is a song." Yohane: "Happiness, sadness, rage, screams..." Yohane: "All can become a song." Yohane: "Songs change over time..." Yohane: "Just like flowing water." Yohane: "The world is a song." Yohane: "And..." Yohane: "We are a new song." Yohane: "Thank you very much." Judge A: "Great job. You're very good, but maybe you overexerted yourself a bit." Yohane: "Well, I wanted to give it my all." Judge B: "What are your dreams for the future?" Yohane: "Well... I want to make it big in this city, fill up this venue, and eventually do a solo show at the Dome... I, Yohane, will be a huge star in the future, so now's the best time" Yohane: "to ask for an autograph." Yohane: "But why?" Yohane: "Things were going so well and they even acknowledged how good I was! Is there some conspiracy? Or did they just have something against me?!" Yohane: "Mother... Why don't things ever go right in this world?" Yohane'S Mother: "What a blessed day." Yohane: "Huh? No, wait. I failed my audi—" Yohane'S Mother: "Oh, did you actually forget your own birthday?" Yohane: "Oh, right. Th-That's right! I have been blessed by the stars and turned sixteen today!" Yohane'S Mother: "Since you're sixteen now, you're an adult." Yohane: "Oh, no, no. I am but a wee chick that knows nothing of the world." Yohane: "And while we're on that subject... I'm not exactly asking for a birthday present, but—" Yohane'S Mother: "I'm not sending you any more money." Yohane: "Huh?" Yohane'S Mother: "You said, "I'm going to make it big in Tokai," and then left the house on your fourteenth birthday. That was two years ago today." Yohane'S Mother: "We made a promise, didn't we? That I'd give you only two years." Yohane'S Mother: "So... Were you able to get any results?" Yohane: "But I really did my best! Both at auditions and performing on the streets!" Yohane'S Mother: "How long did you do that again?" Yohane: "Forty-eight..." Yohane'S Mother: "Days?" Yohane: "Hours..." Yohane'S Mother: "So two days. You said you were going to get a part-time job, but you kept failing every interview." Yohane: "Well, everywhere I went said things like I'd have to start work at 9 in the morning or come in at least three times a week! Then I wouldn't have any time to relax at all!" Yohane'S Mother: "Looks like two years passed by before you knew it." Yohane: "But, Mother! I still haven't established my place in this city! I just want to give it my best here for a little longer!" Yohane'S Mother: "Yohane... Does it have to be that city?" Yohane: "Huh?" Yohane: "Well, um, you know..." Yohane'S Mother: "Are you truly enjoying your life right now?" Yohane: "O-Of course, I am!" Yohane: "Everyone's cool and unique, and it was my dream to come here." Yohane'S Mother: "Yohane... Where you are isn't what's important. It's what you do, and with whom." Yohane'S Mother: "Something that only you can do that's insanely fun." Yohane'S Mother: "Now's your time to find that." Yohane'S Mother: "Find it before summer's over." Yohane: "But, Mother... I can't live on my own without money..." Yohane'S Mother: "Then I guess you'll just have to come home." Yohane: "Huh?" Yohane'S Mother: "This summer, both your father and I will be out of the house because of work. This is the perfect opportunity for you to think about your future." Yohane: "Um... Are you perhaps suggesting..." Yohane'S Mother: "Watch over the house for us." Yohane: "But, wait! That's—" Yohane'S Mother: "And you won't be alone, so there's nothing to worry about. Well, I hope you have the most amazing summer! Bye!" Yohane: "Moth—" Yohane: "No... Not that town. Anything but Numazu. I don't want to go back ever!" Train Announcer: "Numazu, Numazu." Yohane: "Seriously... This is my first time back in forever, and no one's even here to greet me?" Yohane: "Lailaps!" Lailaps: "What?" Yohane: "Don't just sneak up on me like that! You seriously don't realize how big you are!" Lailaps: "Sorry about that." Yohane: "Well? Aren't you going to say "Welcome back"?" Lailaps: "It honestly doesn't seem like you've been gone that long though." Yohane: "But it's been two years." Lailaps: "That's nothing, though, compared to the history of the universe." Yohane: "No one's talking about the universe!" Lailaps: "I see. Maybe you have grown a bit." Yohane: "Well, compared to you, it's just "a bit."" Lailaps: "Judging from our conversation, you're still the same inside though." Yohane: "Well, that's rude!" Lailaps: "In that case, did you happen to say," Lailaps: ""I'm back"?" Yohane: "I don't want to." Yohane: "I'm only back temporarily anyway." Lailaps: "I guess you still really don't love home as much as you should." Yohane: "Home? Love? Give me a break." Yohane: "I don't have any memories or friends here." Lailaps: "We've been together for so long... But I guess I'm still not your friend." Yohane: "I wouldn't say you're my friend, Lailaps..." Yohane: "You're more like my sibling." Lailaps: "Huh... So that's what you think of me." Yohane: "Well, yeah..." Yohane: "If I had to compare you to something." Lailaps: "Ah, my adorable little sister." Yohane: "Now, hang on a minute! I'm somehow the younger one?!" Lailaps: "Of course you are. Your body and your heart are far punier than mine." Yohane: "What the heck?! Who do you think you are?! Ugh! I'm gonna go back to the big city soon, you hear?!" Yohane: "I'm exhausted..." Lailaps: "Yohane. It's been a while, so let's go say hi." Yohane: "Say hi? To who?" Lailaps: "The neighbors, or your close friends from when you were little." Yohane: "I don't have any friends, and going around to the neighbors just to say hi is so country bumpkin. Absolutely not!" Yohane: "What's that look for?" Lailaps: "Never mind." Yohane: "What's that I see? A bug?" Yohane: "That's what you get for defying your big sister." Yohane: "Huh?" Yohane: "Uh, hey! Where are you going? I'm sorry already!" mi: "Ah! It's Lailaps!" Miki: "Yay! Let me pet your fur!" Miki: "Who are you, lady?" Yohane: "Whatever." Yohane: "It's not like I care if I'm not famous in this town." Yohane: "Actually, it's not like I know any of them, either." Lailaps: "Oh, yeah. It was your birthday yesterday, wasn't it? Happy birthday." Yohane: "There's nothing happy about it." Yohane: "I failed an audition." Lailaps: "For the eighth time?" Yohane: "Seventh, thank you very much." Lailaps: "So, what are you gonna do now?" Lailaps: "You have to decide what you want to do about your future, right?" Yohane: "Did my mother say anything?" Lailaps: "She just said, "Thanks, bye."" Yohane: "That's it?!" Yohane: "Nothing's changed." Lailaps: "That's not true." Lailaps: "Hanamaru-chan was your friend, wasn't she?" Lailaps: "You don't need to talk to her?" Yohane: "She's not my friend." Lailaps: "She's making sweets with the fruits and vegetables from Numazu and selling them." Yohane: "Huh." Lailaps: "That's rather impressive. She's around your age and working like this." Yohane: "Well, I was working in the city, too!" Lailaps: "She looks like she's having so much fun every day." Yohane: "What's that got to do with me? It's not like that's the kind of work I want to d— "Brand new! Come have some Hanamaru's special Hanamaru Bread!"" Lailaps: "You're curious." Yohane: "I am not!" Lailaps: "Come on. We have to go give this back to her." Yohane: "I'll just go later." Lailaps: "Is there even a later though?" Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan...?" Hanamaru: "It's Yohane-chan, zura!" Yohane: "H-Hana— You dropped—" Child C: "That was so scary." Child D: "It's just getting louder, too." Yohane: "What's going on?" Lailaps: "I'm not sure, but Numazu's been strange lately." Yohane: "What? No one told me about that. No, I'm scared! I knew I shouldn't have come back!" Hanamaru: "Are you okay?" Yohane: "This was on the ground." Yohane: "Bye." Hanamaru: "Oh! Thanks, zura." Yohane: "Get out of my way, Lailaps!" Lailaps: "We're totally in sync." Yohane: "Stop making excuses!" Lailaps: "I guess your habit of making excuses is contagious." Yohane: "What?!" Hanamaru: "Now, now, don't fight." Hanamaru: "You're okay now, Lailaps. It must've been pretty tiring barking that much, zura. But all that arguing just shows how close you are, zura. Also, it's been so long, Yohane-chan! Have you been well?" Yohane: "Huh? Uh... sure..." Hanamaru: "How's your dream of becoming a singer going? Going well?" Yohane: "O-Of course..." Hanamaru: "Wow!" Yohane: "Well, uh, yeah..." Hanamaru: "That weird thing earlier was surprising, huh?" Hanamaru: "No one knows why it's happening." Hanamaru: "We keep having bad fruit harvests, too." Hanamaru: "But all we can do is keep our heads up and keep moving forward, zura! Instead, I was able to make this new bread! I'd love for you to try some, too, Yohane-chan." Yohane: "I-I see... Well, I'm busy, or rather, I need to think up a new song..." Hanamaru: "Oh, I'm sorry I tied you down." Hanamaru: "See you later!" Lailaps: "Are you sure you don't need to talk to her more?" Yohane: "Well, it's not like we're close or anything." Lailaps: "But that must be really rough for her... All her fruit went bad." Yohane: "That doesn't concern me. I don't care what happens to this nothing little town." Lailaps: "You don't care what happens to this nothing little town... huh." Lailaps: "That's right. You left Numazu because there's nothing here." Lailaps: "To make your big dream come true." Yohane: "Yes." Yohane: "I had no intention of ending my life here doing some small job in this small town." Yohane: "I wanted to enjoy an entertaining life like no one has before!" Yohane: "Let's just go home. I don't want to run into anyone el—" Lailaps: "Yohane." Lailaps: "Follow me." Yohane: "I can't walk anymore..." Lailaps: "We're here." Yohane: "This is..." Lailaps: "You were always singing on top of that tree-trunk stage." Lailaps: "Takes you back, right?" Lailaps: "Hey, you finally smiled." Lailaps: "This was a very special place for you." Yohane: "I don't know why, but I was able to have a lot of fun singing here." Lailaps: "Yeah. You always looked like you were having a lot of fun." Yohane: "But then people saw me and they made fun of me." Yohane: "Then I never came back." Yohane: "That's why I hate small towns like this." Yohane: "There's nowhere that I belong." Yohane: "Even when I went to Tokai, no one noticed my talent." Yohane: "I'm just a failure wherever I go." Yohane: "Something fun that only I can do..." Yohane: "I've looked everywhere, but I haven't been able to find it!" Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan." Yohane: "H-Hanama— Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you doing here?!" Hanamaru: "I figured you might be here. I wanted you to try one of my sweets." Hanamaru: "This place really takes me back. You used to sing up there all the time, zura." Yohane: "You... actually remember?" Hanamaru: "Of course, zura!" Hanamaru: "I always got so much strength from your songs. You always seemed to have so much fun. That's why I wanted to find something I love to do, too. That's when I realized that I have the most fun making sweets." Yohane: "Really?" Hanamaru: "Oh, wow! I haven't seen that in forever! The magic conductor's baton! You would always sing while waving that around, zura!" Yohane: "Did I...?" Hanamaru: "Hey, sing for me!" Yohane: "Huh?! Sing?! Now?!" Hanamaru: "Yeah! I'd love to hear you! I'd love to hear you sing, Yohane-chan! Right here and now!" Yohane: "This is..." Yohane: "Wait, is this magic?! So I really am special!" Hanamaru: "That was amazing, Yohane-chan! Your singing really does have amazing powers!" Hanamaru: "You may have your singing, but I have this, zura!" Hanamaru: "Here you go!" Yohane: "Uh... thanks." Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan." Hanamaru: "Welcome home." Yohane: "Yeah." Lailaps: "That really was amazing, Yohane. Was that really magic?" Yohane: "Of course it is! My astonishing talent finally exploded!" Lailaps: "Good for you. You were actually able to speak to Hanamaru-chan this time, too." Yohane: "Yeah." Lailaps: "Though you weren't able to call her "Hanamaru-chan."" Yohane: "Ugh!" Yohane: "Why do you have to say things that you know will bug me?" Lailaps: "I'm glad I didn't say "Welcome home"." Yohane: "Why?" Lailaps: "Because Hanamaru-chan told you that instead." Lailaps: "You seemed really happy about it." Yohane: "That's not true!" Lailaps: "You can be honest with yourself every once in a while, you know?" Yohane: "It's good." Lailaps: "Hanamaru-chan's really impressive." Yohane: "Was it really okay for me to take these for free?" Lailaps: "You'll have to pay her back someday." Yohane: "Yeah." Yohane: "Hey..." Yohane: "Did I seem a bit cold? Do you think she thinks I'm weird?" Lailaps: "No, I think you're good." Lailaps: "And you were able to say "See you later". I think that made Hanamaru-chan really happy." Yohane: "Today... I was able to have fun singing for the first time in a while, and I was able to let Hanamaru hear that." Yohane: "It made me really happy." Yohane: "Also... I'm home." Lailaps: "Welcome home, Yohane." Lailaps: "You worked really hard today." Yohane: "I know, right?! I worked really hard today, didn't I?" Lailaps: "Though... I'd say you barely passed." Yohane: "What?! Don't build me up that much just to knock me back down! Ugh!" Yohane: "Turn into a gentle little sister who only says nice things!" Yohane: "What? I thought I was able to use magic now!" Lailaps: "It looks like you still need to train harder."
{ "raw_title": "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR Episode 1 – The Song of Beginnings", "parsed": [ "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR", "1", "The Song of Beginnings" ] }
Yohane: "Hiyah!" Yohane: "Yah! Yah! Yah! Yah!" Yohane: "Nothing's happening..." Yohane: "What the heck was that magic anyway?" Yohane: "I know!" Lailaps: "What are you doing?" Yohane: "What else? I'm getting the heck outta here. It's not like there's anything to do here." Yohane: "It's not working because I'm stuck in this nothing little town." Yohane: "Anyway, Lailaps, see you later." Lailaps: "So... Do you have any money?" Yohane: "No." Yohane: "I figured out a job that's gonna make me rich. This is definitely the "something fun that only I can do" thing that Mother was talking about." Lailaps: "A crystal ball?" Yohane: "Ta-dah!" Lailaps: "Uh-huh... What is it?" Yohane: "It's a fortune teller set! Father bought me this a while back. I have special powers, so this is bound to work! This might mean my assignment to do something fun that only I can do will be easy as pie!" Yohane: "Sneak." Yohane: "Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky, sneakity sneak!" Yohane: "Mission complete!" Lailaps: "Yohane!" Yohane: "Nice!" Yohane: "I'm the fortune teller of this town!" Yohane: "Everything's telling me this is going to go great!" Yohane: "Yohane's fortune-telling shack is now open!" Yohane: "Let's see..." Yohane: "Once the money starts rolling in... First, I'll go back to Tokai and live in a giant place—" Yohane: "I worked really hard to wake up early, so I'm going rake in that dough!" Yohane: "Finally!" Yohane: "Coming, coming, coming, coming! Would you mind opening the door for me?" Yohane: "Welcome to Yohane's... fortune-telling shack!" Lew: "What the heck?" Rahn: "What a weirdo." Lew: "Welcome!" Yohane: "What's your problem? If you're here to mock me, go away!" Setsu: "We're not. We were playing with a ball and it flew off somewhere." Yohane: "How the heck would I know about that?" Yohane: "This place is... my fortune-telling shack!" Rahn: "So use your fortune telling to find it!" Lew And Setsu: "Yeah, find it!" Yohane: "You can't even pay me, can you? Now, go on. Scram." Lew: "What the heck, you meanie?!" Yohane: "Honestly!" Yohane: "Why, though?" Lailaps: "This is still the first day. Not to mention, everyone's working at this hour." Yohane: "What's going to happen to my future if no one shows up at all?!" Lailaps: "Why don't you try your own fortune telling to find out?" Yohane: "You can't be serious!" Yohane: "Finally! I humbly welcome you to Yohane's fortune-telling shack— Hanama—" Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan, how's your fortune-telling shop going?" Yohane: "W-Well, you know... It's only the first day, but I've done so much fortune telling that I'm exhausted." Yohane: "I think it's about time to close up for the day..." Hanamaru: "Perfect timing, zura!" Yohane: "Huh?" Hanamaru: "I thought I'd take you around to see everyone." Yohane: "Huh? Everyone? Take me?" Hanamaru: "Everyone working in this town. I've been waiting to introduce you to all of them." Hanamaru: "Are you ready, zura?" Hanamaru: "Okay, then! Onward!" Yohane: "What should I do?" Yohane: "She clearly thinks I'm going." Yohane: "Come with me, Lailaps!" Lailaps: "Man, I'm so tired..." Yohane: "Hey!" Hanamaru: "Chika-chan!" Hanamaru: "I brought her, zura!" Chika: "Welcome, Hanamaru-chan." Hanamaru: "This is Yohane-chan, the girl I was talking about." Hanamaru: "Huh?" Chika: "Hello, Yohane-chan." Yohane: "Hi." Inn Guest: "Hello." Chika: "Welcome!" Inn Guest: "Thanks." Chika: "Sorry, just one sec." Chika: "Right this way." Inn Guest: "Okay." Chika: "Please watch your step." Yohane: "Well, she seems pretty busy, so I should head back..." Hanamaru: "It's fine. Let's go." Yohane: "Huh? Hey, wait..." Shima: "Welcome!" Mito: "Welcome to Tochiman Inn." Guest A: "What a great inn. It's definitely got character." Chika: "Thank you." Shima: "First, please relax over here." Hanamaru: "The one we met outside is Chika-chan, and the other two are her older sisters, Shima-san and Mito-san. They're so perfect for their jobs, aren't they?" Yohane: "Huh? R-Right..." Hanamaru: "Oh, that's the matron. She's Chika-chan's mom." Chika'S Mother: "Oh, Hanamaru-chan. You came to visit?" Hanamaru: "Yes, thank you." Chika; Shima; Mito: "Welcome to Tochiman Inn." Hanamaru: "Sorry to visit when you're so busy." Chika'S Mother: "Oh, it's fine. Enjoy your stay." Chika'S Mother: "Um... And you are...?" Yohane: "I-I'm Yohane! Um... Oh, no! Now I've done it!" Chika'S Mother; Shima; Mito; Chika: "Sorry about that." Hanamaru: "That was quite the teamwork." Chika: "Are you okay, Yohane-chan?" Yohane: "Y-Yes. I'm sorry." Chika: "It's fine." Hanamaru: "Chika-chan, is your job fun?" Chika: "Welcome to Tochiman Inn!" Chika: "Of course!" Chika: "I get to meet all kinds of people like this every day." Chika: "Thank you very much for coming today." Yohane: "I can't. There's no way I could possibly smile and talk to people I don't know every day." Hanamaru: "Okay, next up..." Hanamaru: "The Numazu Administrative Bureau. The one working hard for everyone here every day is..." Employee A: "Hello, Chief!" Employee B: "Thanks for everything, Chief!" Dia: "Good work, everyone." Hanamaru: "Hello, Dia-san." Dia: "Oh, Hanamaru-san. Hello." Dia: "You must be Yohane-san." Yohane: "Huh? You... know about me?" Dia: "But of course. I'm this town's chief of staff." Yohane: "R-Right... I-It's an honor..." Dia: "So you've come back to Numazu. It's a pleasure to have you here." Yohane: "Th-Thanks..." Employee B: "Chief, we've received reports that there's a danger of falling rocks on the road along the shore." Dia: "Well, that just won't do. Let's go investigate immediately. Kohaku-san, please check my schedule." Kohaku: "Yes, ma'am." Employee C: "Chief, we've received reports that the number of fish caught this season is on a downward trend, continuing from last year." Dia: "The fishing industry is the cornerstone of our town." Dia: "Let's hold a public hearing to see if there's anything we can do about this." Hanamaru: "Isn't Dia-san cool?" Yohane: "Huh? Uh, yeah. Sure..." Yohane: "Uh, she's way too busy. My shoulders are getting stiff just from watching." Dia: "This is a bit too much. The people of this town would prefer something more relaxing and warm. I think we can use more benches from plan A for community purposes as well." Employee E: "Chief, we received questions about the sound. How should we respond?" Dia: "Please reply saying that we are currently investigating the source of the sound. Also, please tell them that they should be careful when going outside and to especially refrain from going out at night." Dia: "You two should also refrain from going out at night." Dia: "Please." Hanamaru: "Right!" Yohane: "Yeah, no. Having that many people surrounding me every day and having to answer so many questions on the spot... Nope, nope, nope! That doesn't seem fun at all." Yohane: "What I want to do is fly through the sky, like zoom! Something amazing like that!" You: "Yahoo!" Yohane: "Huh?" Yohane: "I want to live a much more dramatic life!" Yohane: "Something fun that only I can do." Hanamaru: "Here you go. Two custards." Customer A: "Thank you." Hanamaru: "And you had three chocolates, right?" Hanamaru: "Thank you very much!" Hanamaru: "That was so much fun!" Hanamaru: "I sold so much, zura." Yohane: "You sold that much and that's all you made?" Hanamaru: "Huh?" Hanamaru: "Working isn't..." Hanamaru: "just about money, zura." Yohane: "H-Hana—" Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan, thank you for today." Lailaps: "It's such a nice day, yet you're so gloomy somehow." Lailaps: "Did something happen?" Lailaps: "Something must've happened." Yohane: "It's none of your business, Lailaps." Lailaps: "You're right." Lailaps: "It doesn't matter to me if you have money or a job." Yohane: "Shut up." Lailaps: "I guess you can give up everything and just laze around here. I'll keep you company. That sounds way easier anyway." Yohane: "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Lailaps: "Or maybe we should leave this little town that's got nothing?" Yohane: "No." Lailaps: "Wait, you don't want to? Why's that?" Yohane: "Because... at this rate... It just doesn't feel right." Lailaps: "I see." Riko: "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm a scholar, but I was wondering if I could ask you some questions." Yohane: "Congratulations!" Riko: "Uh, what?" Yohane: "You are customer number one at Yohane's fortune-telling shack!" Yohane: "Darkness, grow darker and darker." Yohane: "All of the dark souls that doze off into a slumber at 3:07 AM..." Yohane: "Now, come forth from the darkness, gather here, and lend me your power!" Yohane: "D-D-D-D-D-Darkness!" Yohane: "I'm starting to see something..." Yohane: "You were not very good at academics as a child." Riko: "Well, yes, that might've been the case... But now, I'm a zoologist." Yohane: "You came to this town two years ago." Riko: "No, two days ago." Yohane: "You'd gotten lost in your life, so you came here—" Riko: "I came to investigate because I heard something was happening to the animals in this town." Riko: "Uh, so it's not going to rain today, right?" Yohane: "Have no fear!" Riko: "Oh, I'm very sorry for taking up your time." Riko: "Wh-What is this magnificent creature?! I've never seen another animal like it! Please allow me to investigate in more detail." Yohane: "Uh, u-um..." Yohane: "S-Sorry, but I'm trying to work right now." Yohane: "I have to make some money immediately." Riko: "If you'll let me take this lovely creature, I'll happily pay you a fee for your contribution." Yohane: "Huh?" Riko: "Just at first glance, I can tell that they're quite rare. If we sent word about them to a specialized organization, they'd probably pay me a hefty amount of research funds." Riko: "How much do you need?" Yohane: "Hm... Um..." Riko: "Just name your price!" Yohane: "Lailaps is part of my family! I can't just go selling her off like that!" Yohane: "Oh, I'm sorry..." Riko: "No, no. I let my excitement get the better of me and came off rude." Riko: "I'm terribly sorry." Yohane: "It's okay. I don't know how Lailaps feels about this," Yohane: "but Lailaps is my partner." Lew: "We brought some!" Lew: "Here!" Yohane: "This isn't enough..." Rahn: "It's not?" Lew: "Come on! Look for our ball." Setsu: "Please!" Yohane: "I told you, we're not—" Old Man Neighbor A: "Hey, Yohane-chan. Could you help me carry some things later?" Yohane: "Huh? Uh..." Old Woman Neighbor A: "Yohane-chan!" Old Woman Neighbor A: "The branches of my tree grew into the neighbor's yard." Yohane: "Oh, jeez..." Yohane: "You're all hopeless. Let's go." Lew; Setsu; Rahn: "Yay!" Yohane: "How'd things end up this way?" Lailaps: "Business is booming for you." Yohane: "You can't be serious. At this rate, I'll be a glorified errand girl rather than a fortune teller." Lailaps: "Honestly, that doesn't sound so bad." Old Lady C: "Thank you so much, Yohane-chan. You're a lifesaver. Here you go." Yohane: "Thank you very much." Old Lady C: "Oh, my. What a lovely sunset." Yohane: "You're right. It's beautiful." Old Man B: "Yohane-chan! Can you help me out next?" Yohane: "Sure thing! I'll be right there!" Yohane: "See you later." Lailaps: "You know, this is pretty fun." Yohane: "Yeah." Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan... You seem really busy." Yohane: "Uh... yeah." Yohane: "Hanamaru!" Hanamaru: "Yeah?" Yohane: "I'm sorry about yesterday! Thank you for taking me around everywhere!" Yohane: "Also, thank you for listening to my song!" Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan! I'm so happy that you finally called me by my name, zura!" Old Man B: "Hurry, Yohane-chan." Yohane: "Sure! I'll be right there!" Yohane: "The more I think about it... I didn't have to be the one to help with all those errands." Lailaps: "You seem happy." Yohane: "W-Well, I'm not." Lailaps: "You worked really hard, Yohane." Lailaps: "What are you going to use that money on?" Yohane: "Hm..." Yohane: "I'm going to buy some sweets. From Hanamaru." Lailaps: "Ooh." Yohane: "I think I'll head over right now." Lailaps: "I'll come with you." Yohane: "It's okay. I can go by myself." Lailaps: "But it's already nighttime..." Yohane: "Hey, Lailaps." Yohane: "You saw, didn't you? I did this all by myself!" Lailaps: "Though I helped out every now and then, too." Yohane: "I mean, I'm on a roll today!" Yohane: "It's happening again." Yohane: "Wh-What?!" Riko: "The animals are in danger..." Yohane: "Help me... Someone..." Yohane: "Help me!" Mito: "You okay?" Shima: "You're not hurt are you, my little kitten?" Yohane: "Kitten?!" Chika: "You're safe now that we're here."
{ "raw_title": "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR Episode 2 – My Job", "parsed": [ "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR", "2", "My Job" ] }
Yohane: "Help me... Someone..." Yohane: "Help me!" Mito: "You okay?" Shima: "You're not hurt, are you, my little kitten?" Yohane: "Kitten?!" Chika: "You're safe now that we're here." Chika; Mito; Shima: "Million Dollar is here!" Yohane: "Uh..." Yohane: "Who?" Chika; Mito; Shima: "Hup!" Chika: "Mr. Deer, please get away from the kitten." Mito: "Don't move, Kitten." Yohane: "It melted." Yohane: "Wow!" Shima: "It's dangerous, so you need to hide, Kitten." Yohane: "O-Okay!" Mito: "Hurry, Kitten." Yohane: "Um, am I supposed to be "Kitten"?" Yohane: "I have a feeling I've seen those three before..." Chika: "Hey, you both ended up doing the same exact pose as me, sis." Yohane: "Sis... Oh! You're from the inn." Yoane: "Huh? You're Chika-chan, aren't you?" Chika: "I'm not Chika!" Chika: "Mo— I mean, I mean..." Chika; Mito; Shima: "Big Mom!" Yohane: "Huh? Big?" Yohane: "I mean, you basically almost said "Mom" just now anyway." Chika'S Mom: "Sit rep." Mito: "No casualties." Mito: "The targets are one medium deer-type. There are three small ones. Stage 1 for all of them." Chika'S Mom: "I'm sure you know this, but the deer have done nothing wrong." Chika'S Mom: "They're only running wild because of whatever is going on in our town. Which means, as usual, we're not going to harm them, and we'll take care of this calmly." Chika; Mito; Shima: "Yes, ma'am!" Chika'S Mom: "I wish everyone well. This is all for our beloved Numazu!" emale Customer: "Pardon me." Chika'S Mom: "Hello, there! How can I help you?" Shima: "Here we go, Tommy!" Mito: "I'm counting on you, Marcy!" Shima: "Bursting Justogun." Shima: "I dispelled the fog!" Mito: "Okay! Come on, Katy!" Chika: "Leave it to me!" Chika: "Hup!" Yohane: "Is "Katy" supposed to be Chika-chan?" Chika: "Don't worry, Mr. Deer. I'll save you now." Yohane: "It calmed down." Shima: "Nice, Katy!" Chika: "How you like that?" Kohaku: "Chief, it appears some animals are going berserk in our town again." Kohaku: "Please take a look." Dia: "Prepare to move out." Kohaku: "Yes, ma'am!" Dia: "It's time, Ruby. Let us do our best." Kohaku: "Chief..." Kohaku: "We'll be ready to go in a moment." Dia: "Thank you very much." Dia: "Here we go." Dia: "Ruby, are you ready?" Ruby: "Y-Yes, sis." Dia: "Scarlet Delta: move out!" Mito: "Okay, all that's left is..." Mito: "Come on, Katy!" Chika: "You got it!" Chika: "Hup!" Shima: "Oh, no!" Shima: "The bullet..." Chika: "Crap—" Shima And Mito: "Katy!" Shima: "Oh, no!" Dia: "Are you hurt at all?" Yohane: "So cool..." Yohane: "But who is that?" Chika: "Thank you very much. But aren't you trying too hard to be cool, Dia-san?" Yohane: "No way! Dia-san?!" Dia: "No, my name is Scarlet Delta." Yohane: "Huh?" Dia: "Look out!" Yohane: "What?" Chika: "Hurry! Hurry!" Dia: "Chika-san, listen to me." Chika: "I'm not Chika." Dia: "I keep mentioning this, but trying to deal with this issue recklessly with these inefficient weapons is far too dangerous." Chika: "Hey, don't mock me! We have the power to protect Numazu, too." Dia: "It's our duty to protect the citizens." Yohane: "Hey! You're just suddenly arguing in a situation like this?" Shima And Mito: "Kitten!" Chika: "It's dangerous." Dia: "Please hide!" Yohane: "Huh?" Dia: "Ruby." Ruby: "Yup. Leave this to me, sis." Dia: "Here we go!" Ruby: "Okay!" Dia: "We're going to turn you back to normal, okay?" Chika: "We can't lose!" Dia: "Ruby!" Ruby: "Roger!" Dia: "Not yet!" Chika: "'Course not!" Dia: "Ruby, be careful of the positioning." Ruby: "I'm sorry, sis." Dia: "Also, Chika-san. Please stay out of our way." Chika: "You're the ones who butted in!" Dia: "You citizens should watch over Yohane-san somewhere it's safe." Chika: "Citizen this, citizen that. Would you stop bossing us around?" Ruby: "You guys should stop fighting." Yohane: "S-Something bad seems to be happening?" Yohane: "Don't! It's dangerous!" Yohane: "Hold it!" Dia: "Yohane-san! Are you all right?" Yohane: "I'm scared," Yohane: "but... I can't leave them like that!" Dia: "Yohane-san's right." Ruby: "Yeah!" Chika: "This is no time for arguing." Dia: "I said too much earlier." Chika: "I'm sorry, too." Yohane: "Then..." Dia: "This time, we'll work together..." Chika: "...and face off with..." Dia And Chika: "...this threat!" Special Ops Team: "Way to go, Chief!" Chika: "Thanks, Dia-san." Dia: "You, too. I couldn't have done it without you." Chika: "And Yohane-chan!" Chika: "Without you, we would've still been arguing." Dia: "Thank you for all for your help." Chika: "- Thanks!" Dia: "Thank you very much!" Yohane: "You're... welcome..." Ruby: "Sis!" Dia: "Thanks, Ruby." Ruby: "I'm glad I could help you, sis." Dia: "Er, this is just... an illusion! You're just seeing things!" Shima: "Come on, we already knew." Mito: "Everyone always says you're the coolest sisters in Numazu." Dia: "Huh?" Chika: "Though we're pretty cool ourselves." Dia: "Let me properly introduce her, then." Dia: "This is my little sister Ruby." Ruby: "I-It's very nice to meet you..." Chika: "Likewise." Shima; Mito; Chika: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ruby-chan." Yohane: "So she's Dia-san's little sister..." Dia: "We realized something was happening in Numazu, but the citizens refused to believe us. That's why Ruby, myself, and the ones at the Numazu Administration Bureau who believed us have made up our minds to stand up against this phenomenon. That's why we continue to work in the shadows." Chika: "You surprised me, Yohane-chan." Chika: "I had no idea you could use that strange power!" Dia: "What is that staff?" Chika'S Mom: "I'm curious about that, too." Shima; Mito; Chika: "Big Mom!" Chika'S Mom: "Could you tell us about your power?" Yohae: "Well... I'm not really sure about it either." Yohae: "When I was singing, this stick turned into this staff suddenly." Yohae: "I was just trying to save everyone earlier, so I didn't even notice." Mom: "I see. So you had it in your hands when you were singing." Mom: "The Demon Lord from Warshimer Island may know something about it." Yohane: "The Demon Lord from Warshimer Island?" Yohane: "You wouldn't believe how crazy it got!" Lailaps: "Sorry I was late." Yohane: "I-I mean, it all worked out..." Lailaps: "So I guess your mysterious power wasn't just a one-time thing." Yohane: "Yeah... Oh. So Chika-chan's mom mentioned that the Demon Lord from Warshimer Island may know the secret behind it. But weren't we told, ever since we were kids, that we must never go to Warshimer Island? Like, they'd tell us if we did something bad, we'd be sent to that island and never come back." Yohane: "Or we'd be cursed if we even stared at it from far away..." Yohane: "Yeah, it's creepy. Never mind. Let's just go home..." Yohane: "Eek!" Yohane: "Is it telling us to get on?" Lailaps: "You don't have to be so scared. Look at it. It's cute." Yohane: "Well, maybe..." Yohane: "Maybe you're right." Yohane: "What a strange place..." Lailaps: "Yeah." Yohane: "Is that the Demon Lord's house?" Lailaps: "Seems like it." Yohane: "This is bad. This is way more mysterious than the staff!" Yohane: "We might never go back home again!" Yohane: "You go ahead of me, Lailaps!" Lailaps: "You're the one with business here, Yohane." Lailaps: "What now?" Yohane: "Um... Demon Lord? Are you here? I wanted to ask you something. Demon Lord? Hello? Demon Lord?" Mari: "No need to be so rude." Mari: "I can hear you." Yohane: "Oh, excuse me... Is the Demon Lord somewhere over there?" Mari: "That's me." Yohane: "Huh?" Mari: "You came here to see me, didn't you? Then follow me." Yohane: "Right..." Yohane: "You're..." Yohane: "definitely not the Demon Lord I was expecting." Mari: "Could you stop calling me that already? Honestly, you all just keep calling me "Demon Lord."" Mari: "I have an actual name, you know." Yohane: "Mari?" Mari: "H-How did you know?!" Mari: "Sorry... It's just been a while since anyone called me by my name." Yohane: "So I just need to call you Mari?" Mari: "Do whatever you want. Anyway..." Mari: "You can have a seat, if you'd like." Mari: "Go ahead." Yohane: "Wh-What?" Mari: "Ah... So you're the one called Yohane." Mari: "I'm also surprised at how big Lailaps is, too." Yohane: "You even know Lailaps' name..." Yohane: "Have we ever met before?" Mari: "We haven't met, but I've heard you two talking for a very long time." Yohane: "Heard us? Where?" Mari: "Right here." Yohane: "Huh... Wait, there's no way you could hear us from here!" Mari: "But I can. I listen to you two every day. From right here. I can hear all kinds of sounds from the town..." Mari: "Sometimes, even awful sounds I don't want to hear." Yohane: "I see..." Mari: "You probably think my horns are weird." Yohane: "No. I was just thinking they were cute accessories." Mari: "Cute?" Yohane: "Wait, so those are really actually horns?" Yohane: "They're not just for fashion?" Mari: "Can we stop talking about my horns?" Yohane: "Oh! Sorry, Mari." Mari: "Ahem..." Mari: "So, you came here because you want to ask me something, didn't you?" Mari: "Apparently I can use this mysterious power now." Mari: "It happened first in the forest of Kineku Mountain, right?" Mari: "That's when your magic activated." Yohane: "No, really! How do you know all this? Hey, what is this power?" Mari: "That's... your Resonance." Yohane: "My Resonance?" Mari: "You may be able to save Numazu." Yohane: "Huh? Wait, wait, wait. Me? Save Numazu?" Mari: "You used that power to make the fog go away and protect everyone, didn't you?" Yohane: "Er, I'm not sure if I protected them. It was more of a coincidence? Actually, maybe it was pretty amazing. Everyone was like, "Yohane, you're so amazing!" Oh, by everyone, I mean..." Mari: "Is that all you wanted to ask?" Yohane: "Huh? Uh, yeah..." Mari: "See her back." Yohane: "Hey, Mari." Mari: "What?" Yohane: "Just who are you?" Mari: "No one special. I just know a lot about Numazu." Yohane: "It seems like there's something weird going on with the town lately. Is something even worse going to happen? I might be in this town for a while, so I'd much prefer if it stayed peaceful, you know?" Mari: "You're only going to be able to be so careless about this right now." Yohane: "Huh?" Mari: "It doesn't seem the people in town have noticed yet, but I can hear it." Mari: "The town of Numazu is screaming." Yohane: "Screaming? Numazu?" Yohane: "Oh, does she mean that really awful sound?" Yohane: "We can hear it, too." Mari: "Yes. The only ones who can hear that sound are probably children and animals." Yohane: "Animals?" Mari: "The world was full of heart." Mari: "Joy, sorrow, blessings, and hatred all mixed together..." Mari: "And the world was overflowing with heart." Mari: "Time passed, and it began to stagnate. The stagnation began to grow, and became a dark stagnation," Mari: "which then brought about an unexpected calamity." Yohane: "Calamity?" Yohane: "Hey, you can't save Numazu, Mari?" Mari: "I can't." Yohane: "Why not?" Mari: "I look weird, and no matter where I go, these little ones follow me." Yohane: "Huh? But you look super awesome with your horns and your outfit and hair!" Yohane: "You'd be fine, Mari!" Mari: "You're not scared of me?" Yohane: "Hm... I was scared at first, but after talking to you, you seem pretty normal, so it's like, whatever." Mari: "You're so strange. If only everyone were like you," Mari: "I..." Mari: "Pellapie, bring it." Yohane: "Oh, do I get a gift?" Yohane: "Thanks." Yohane: "She was pretty mysterious, huh?" Lailaps: "Yeah. Yohane, I think you're gradually making more friends." Yohane: "Are we actually friends?"
{ "raw_title": "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR Episode 3 – Solidarity: Are you ready?", "parsed": [ "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR", "3", "Solidarity: Are you ready?" ] }
Yohane: "I don't taste good... Eat Lailaps instead." Lailaps: "How long are you going to sleep, Yohane?" Lailaps: "Good morning, Yohane." Yohane: "Morning..." Yohane: "I was attacked by some floof with horns and..." Yohane: "Did I meet the Demon Lord?" Lailaps: "Well, that was sudden. Did you already forget?" Yohane: "I did, right? There was Warshimer Island and, like, magic..." Yohane: "It seems like a dream." Lailaps: "It's not a dream. Mari-chan told you that you may be able to save Numazu." Yohane: "But saving Numazu is like... There's no way I could do it." You: "Mail's here!" Hanamaru: "Good morning, Yohane-chan!" Yohane: "Hanama—" Hanamaru: "This is my friend You-chan. She works as a messenger." You: "Yup! Leave anything you need delivered to me! I'll make sure it flies to you, like, kaboom!" You: "You know?" Yohane: "Uh-huh..." Hanamaru: "You-chan said she didn't know where you lived, so I showed her." You: "Here you go." Yohane: "Th-Thanks..." Yohane: ""Dear Yohane-sama. How is your summer homework going?" Yikes! I'm sorry! I haven't found it yet!" You: "Homework?" Yohane: "W-Well, my mother asked me to do something..." Hanamaru: "What did she ask, zura?" Yohane: "Um... To find something only I can do that's insanely fun before summer ends." You: "That's some lovely homework." Yohane: "Th-Thanks." Hanamaru: "Oh, look at the time." Hanamaru: "I have to go start work, zura." You: "Thanks for bringing me here. Have a good day!" You: "But it sure is hot today! It's such a drag! I've gotta deliver all these before the morning's over." Yohane: "Uh-huh... Sounds... rough..." Yohane: "Huh?" You: "Wanna help me do what I consider insanely fun?" You: "Mail's here!" Owner: "Oh, are you new?" Yohane: "Y-Yes, sorta..." Owner: "Well, do your best." Yohane: "Th-Thank you very much." Yohane: "M-Mail's here..." Old Man: "It's from my daughter who moved away. I've been waiting for this. Thanks." Yohane: "I-I'm glad to hear it..." You: "Mail's here!" Old Woman: "Hey, now. Stop that. Sorry about that. Oh, you're new." Yohane: "Um, yes. Here's your mail." Old Woman: "Thanks." Yohane: "You were just surprised because Lailaps is so big, huh?" Yohane: "Mail's here!" You: "Thanks." You: "You helped me out a lot, Yohane-chan. You're the best errand girl ever." Yohane: "No, I'm a fortune teller!" You: "Oh, sorry." You: "But I don't think we'll make the rest unless we fly." Yohane: "Fly?" You: "We fly from that thing and deliver stuff." Yohane: "Is that what you meant by it flying to you "like, kaboom"?" You: "It's really fun being in the sky! The view's great, too." You: "You can go in circles, or race with the seagulls." You: "It's like all the things weighing down your heart just blow away, like, whoosh!" You: "And it's sunny today, so it'll feel great." You: "The last place I have to go is Kanan-chan's place. Well? Wanna try out a flight?" Yohane: "Uh, no, no, no!" You: "It'd be a huge favor if you could help me out..." You: "Okay, it's just how I explained it. Have fun!" Yohane: "Yeah, I don't think I'll be able to—" Yohane: "Let the wind from that day... guide my way..." Yohane: "This is amazing!" Yohane: "Oh, Hanamaru!" Hanamaru: "Good luck out there!" You: "Yohane-chan! I'm glad you seem to be having fun." Yohane: "The view and stuff was amazing!" You: "Yeah, it's the best, isn't it?" You: "There are some places that changed because of that thing going on... But even considering that, I really love this town." You: "It's full of so many faces." Yohane: "So many faces?" You: "But that's only something I realized because of this job I'm doing." You: "And that's exactly why..." You: "I want to stay in this town forever!" You: "Give it a try, Yohane-chan! It feels great to yell real loud!" Yohane: "Yell? N-No, I'm good..." You: "Oh. We're almost there." You: "Ready for landing!" You: "That's Kanan-chan's workplace-slash-home." Tonosama: "What a haul!" You: "Oh, it's just you, Tonosama. Don't scare us like that." Yohane: "Tonosama?" Tonosama: "Well, if it isn't You-dono!" Yohane: "I-It's talking?!" You: "Tonosama is a robot Kanan-chan made from junk she picked up from the ocean." Tonosama: "Who are you calling junk?!" You: "Whoops, my bad. But Tonosama's super smart." You: "Though he says some weird things at times." Tonosama: "Hm? What was that?" You: "Oh, nothing at all." You: "Say, Tonosama. Where's Kanan-chan?" Tonosama: "She's right over there." Kanan: "Oh, welcome. You and, um..." You: "This is Yohane-chan." You: "We're out delivering mail today." Kanan: "She must be the one Hanamaru-chan was talking about." Kanan: "The people around town have been talking about you, too. I heard that you... started working as an errand girl." Yohane: "No, I'm a fortune teller!" Yohane: "I-I'm so sorry for yelling." Kanan: "Nah, I'm sorry, too." Yohane: "Oh! Also... Here's some mail for you." Kanan: "Thanks." Kanan: "Sorry, my hands are wet. Can I accept that inside?" Yohane: "Oh, sure..." Kanan: "Right this way." Lailaps: "Sorry to keep you waiting, Yohane." Lailaps: "Is something wrong? Whoa!" Lailaps: "Wh-What?" Yohane: "This looks like the base of some craftsman." You: "You're definitely right about that! She made these boots, and she gets plenty of requests for repairs from people in town." Kanan: "This is what people call me... "Uchira's Recycling Queen, Kanan."" Kanan: "Leave everything to me!" Yohane: "You sound more like an errand girl than I do..." Kanan: "Hm? Did you say something?" Yohane: "Oh, nothing at all!" Yohane: "Wow! I want to try making something, too!" Kanan: "Really? If you two don't mind, there's something I'd like your help with." Yohane: "Oh, er, I just meant..." You: "I'm done with today's deliveries thanks to Yohane-chan. And with a professional errand girl like her, we'll be unstoppable!" Yohane: "Er, uh... I'm a fortune teller..." You: "See? Lailaps says she wants to help, too." Kanan: "Thanks! Well, it's good to have you." Yohane: "What is this?" Kanan: "That's her request. She'd like us to fix these swings." Yohane: "Can you fix them?" Lew: "Hey, it's Yohane! Whatcha doin'?" Yohane: "You three... You mean "Yohane-san."" Rahn: "Hey, does this mean the swings will be fixed?" Setsu: "That's great!" Rahn: "Yeah!" Yohane: "Uh..." Setsu: "Let's step back so we don't get in their way." Lew: "Yeah. We're counting on you, Errand Girl!" Yohane: "Again, I'm a fortune—" Rahn: "Yohane-chan! We're really looking forward to this!" Lew: "Let's check out the rabbits while they're working on that." Setsu: "You mean Hanataro?" Kanan: "Knowing the kids are waiting really makes you want to hurry, doesn't it?" You: "I guess this is truly a job for the Recycling Queen, Kanan." Kanan: "Yes." Kanan: "I'm going to totally renew it with junk from the sea." You: "Wow, nice!" Kanan: "Right?" Kanan: "Yohane-chan." Kanan: "What do you think?" Yohane: "Well, um..." Yohane: "I mean, can we really fix something that's so run-down?" Yohane: "Oh, sorry! For calling it so run-down..." Kanan: "No, I mean... it's pretty run-down." Kanan: "But doing this job has taught me a few things..." Kanan: "That anything can be reborn." Kanan: "That something unnecessary to someone could be necessary to someone else." Kanan: "That there's nothing that's truly unnecessary!" You: "And there's the quote to live by." Kanan: "Heh." Yohane: "Be reborn..." Kanan: "Okay, let's get started!" You: "Yeah!" Yohane: "Yeah..." Yohane: "Oh, no..." Yohane: "Now I've done it. I guess I don't have any sense for this." Kanan: "Yohane-chan, you want me to tell you the trick behind fixing stuff?" Yohane: "Yeah." Kanan: "First, look up." Yohane: "Huh? Oh, right." Kanan: "What can you see?" Yohane: "Um... Run-down swings? Oh, I said run-down again..." Kanan: "Look past that. Into the future." Yohane: "The future?" Kanan: "I can see children playing on these swings." Kanan: "Everyone's smiling. Aw, I'm so glad I worked hard to fix these! You see?" Yohane: "Yeah." Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan!" Hanamaru: "Great job! The children told me what you're doing, so I came to help." Yohane: "Th-Thanks." Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan, you've got paint on your face." Yohane: "Huh?" Hanamaru: "Oh, don't touch it! You should just go wash it off." Yohane: "Yeah." Lailaps: "Yohane." Yohane: "Lailaps?" Yohane: "Thanks." Lailaps: "So, hey... Aren't these swings..." Yohane: "Yeah." Yohane: "Takes you back, right?" Yohane: "I'd always feel so alone..." Yohane: "I was trying to forget." Lailaps: "Then why don't you recycle those memories, too?" Yohane: "Huh?" Lailaps: "You can just work hard to make these new swings" Lailaps: "and turn them into the best memories ever." Yohane: "Yeah!" You: "Yohane-chan! We're almost done!" Kanan: "Let's keep it up!" Hanamaru: "Zura!" Yohane: "Okay!" Kanan: "Okay." Kanan: "And we're done!" You; Hanamaru: "Yay!" Kanan: "You girls helped out so much. Thank you all." Kanan: "Now, as a reward for working so hard, first..." Rahn: "It's done!" Lew: "It's different than before!" Setsu: "We can all get on together!" Rahn: "Yeah! Thanks, everyone!" Yohane: "Go on. Get on." Setsu: "Can we?" Lew: "Heck yeah!" Rahn: "I wanna get in the middle!" Rahn: "- I'm so glad." Lew: "- What's this mark? Gah! There's still wet paint here." Yohane: "Oh, I forgot!" Lew: "What the heck are you doing?" Yohane: "Don't touch that." Kanan: "We did good work." Hanamaru: "Isn't it great that the kids were so happy?" Yohane: "Yeah." Yohane: "U-Um..." Yohane: "Thanks for teaching me all kinds of things today." Kanan: "You're welcome." You: "Thank you! You helped us out a lot, Yohane-chan." Yohane: "Hopefully I can find it, just like you two have..." You: "Something fun that only you can do?" Kanan: "What's that?" Hanamaru: "That's the homework Yohane-chan's mom left her with, zura." You: "We're all here to support you with your homework!" Yohane: "You all keep saying homework..." Kanan: "I see." Kanan: "But... You probably don't need to rush." Kanan: "That's my reward." Yohane: "Reward?" Kanan: "Yeah." Kanan: "A lot happens every day, but this is my reward to myself for working so hard. Relaxing and seeing that after work makes all my exhaustion melt away." Kanan: "I really love this view and Numazu." Kanan: "You need to treat yourself on days you work hard, too, Yohane-chan." You: "Yeah! You need to have a blast, like, blam! Then you can think about all that stuff later." Yohane: "Yeah!" Yohane: "Um..." Yohane: "If I find out what I want to do..." Yohane: "Will you hear me out?" Both: "But of course!" Yohane: "And you, Hanamaru?" Hanamaru: "Of course, zura!" You: "But relaxing like this is great. Especially after we worked up a sweat." Kanan: "Since we're all here, want to go have some fun?" Yohane: "Huh?" Yohane: "Huh? Wait..." Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan." Hanamaru: "Let's go!" Yohane: "Huh? Whoa!" Kanan: "Whoa!" Yohane: "Huh?" You: "Oh, my." Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan..." Kanan: "I know I said we should go have some fun, but I didn't think you'd dive in..." Yohane: "Well, you said to relax." Kanan: "Sorry, my bad." Yohane: "Forget you! This town has all kinds of people, all kinds of jobs," Yohane: "and someone waiting beyond each of those jobs." Yohane: "I guess everyone's connected." Yohane: "I'm home, Numazu!" Yohane: "I hope you'll keep treating me kindly!" Yohane: "I wonder if there's some way I can be helpful, too." Lailaps: "I'm sure there is. As long as you don't forget those feelings." Yohane: "I guess I couldn't see anything." Yohane: "Lailaps..." Yohane: "Even if I find the answer to the homework..." Yohane: "This time..." Lailaps: "Yeah."
{ "raw_title": "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR Episode 4 – Between the Sky and Sea", "parsed": [ "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR", "4", "Between the Sky and Sea" ] }
Yohane: "I'm thinking about going to Tokai." Yohane: "I'm going to make it big in Tokai. If you want my autograph, now's your chance!" Yohane: "Why aren't you happy for me?" Yohane: "Lailaps!" Yohane: "What was that again?" Wife: "Okay." Wife: "Oh, dear. That usually does the trick, but..." Yohane: "I'm pretty sure I've hit it about a hundred times..." Wife: "There seem to be a lot of strange things happening lately. Maybe it finally broke." Mamoru: "Hey!" Wife: "Oh, Mamoru-kun. Welcome." Wife: "Sorry, he's not feeling well again." Mamoru: "I see." Mamoru: "I'll come by later." Wife: "Thanks." Yohane: "Someone's not feeling well?" Wife: "They keep saying they hear scary sounds. I have no idea what he's talking about, but apparently his friends can hear it, too." Lailaps: "It might just seem strange to the adults, but it must be scary actually being able to hear it." Yohane: "I'd like to do something for them, but..." Yohane: "Why are you laughing? I'm being serious here." Lailaps: "Well, you saying, "I'd like to do something for them" isn't exactly like you." Yohane: "Well, that's rude! I'm just a little worried." Yohane: "I mean, I do live in this town, after all." Lailaps: "Yes, that's true. You sure do love Numazu, though." Yohane: "Stop teasing me!" Yohane: "Pellapie?" Yohane: "Mari's calling for me?" Mari: "I've been waiting for you, Yohane." Yohane: "Could you hear us again?" Mari: "Yes." Mari: "I kept hearing you hitting something over and over." Yohane: "I-I was just doing my job!" Yohane: "Is this... from the other day?" Yohane: "I-I can't read it..." Mari: "This is written in an ancient language." Mari: "I don't know the finer details either, but..." Mari: "But this tome has been handed down in my family for generations." Mari: "The same goes for these horns. And the ability to sound the alarm" Mari: "about what's going wrong in this town." Mari: "Basically, it's genetics." Yohane: "Is that how it works?" Mari: "Now, this is the important part." Mari: "The calamity brought forth by the stagnation..." Yohane: "You know what's causing it? The Resonances vibrated together" Yohane: "and flowed together like a single giant melody. Resonances?" Mari: "I think Resonance is something we all have inside of us, and that might've been what was protecting Numazu." Yohane: "Do Resonances..." Yohane: "have anything to do with this?" Mari: "That's certainly possible." Yohane: "I think more symbols have appeared since I met everyone. I just figured it was a sign that I made more friends, but..." Yohane: "It might do that for you, too, Mari!" Mari: "Huh? Me?" Yohane: "Yeah! Mari, I wanna be—" Mari: "That's impossible." Yohane: "Oh... sorry. Did that upset you?" Mari: "I left this island just once when I was a child." Mari: "That's when I swore I'd never go back to the town again." Yohane: "Mari..." Mari: "When I get anxious, I can hear them... The voices of the people... Those awful sounds..." Mari: "If I appear in town looking like this... Everyone's just going to think I'm weird." Mari: "If only I were like everyone else..." Mari: "But there's nothing I can do about that." Mari: "This is my duty." Mari: "Pellapie, see them out, please." Lailaps: "Yohane." Yohane: "Do I seem cold?" Lailaps: "Why do you ask?" Yohane: "Because Mari looked so sad... but I couldn't say anything to help her." Lailaps: "And you think it's because you're cold?" Lailaps: "Maybe you didn't know what to say because you understood how she felt." Yohane: "She just assumes everything's gonna be this way or that way..." Lailaps: "Sounds a lot like someone I know..." Yohane: "I see. It does seem like a waste." Yohane: "There are so many people, and they're all different... And that's okay, so..." Dia: "I see. So you were able to speak with Mari-san." Yohane: "Have you met Mari-san, Dia-san?" Dia: "No... Though I've tried to visit her numerous times." Dia: "She would not meet with me." Dia: "But..." Dia: "This is..." Dia: ""The bridge leading to Uchira is creaky. You should probably check it."" Mari: "The slide in the square is a bit worn." Mari: "It probably won't last much longer." Dia: "Thanks to her letting me know these things, we were able to prevent any accidents from happening." Dia: "Yohane-san, thank you very much." Yohane: "Huh?" Dia: "We've been able to get hints about the calamity from Mari-san. I believe you might be able to open up Mari-san's heart as well." Yohane: "You... think so?" Dia: "I will do everything I can to help as chief and as a friend. Please ask me anything!" Yohane: "What should I do?" You: "Yohane-chan!" Yohane: "Girls!" You: "I see. So the Demon Lord of Warshimer Island is named Mari-chan?" Kanan: "I had no idea either." Yohane: "Yeah. She can be a bit blunt, but she's a really nice person." Yohane: "But she calls herself weird, and can't seem to find any confidence." You: "I get that." Kanan: "Me, too." Yohane: "You two understand that?" You: "Of course!" Kanan: "Sometimes, you get sad wondering who you're supposed to be." You: "Right? And you just can't shake that feeling at times." Yohane: "I see." Yohane: "If only I could tell Mari-chan that everyone feels like that and not just her..." Ruby: "I know, right?" Kanan: "But when you've convinced yourself of something, it can be hard to listen to what others have to say, too." Ruby: "Yup, yup." Ruby: "I'm sorry! I was just so curious!" Yohane: "Allow me to introduce her. This is Ruby-chan." Ruby: "Hello." You And Kanan: "Stare..." Ruby: "Er, I think you might be staring too much." You: "Oh, I'm sorry. I know who you are. You're Dia-san's little sister, right?" Ruby: "Huh? You know me?!" Kanan: "We also know that you're a fairy." Ruby: "What? But I was trying so hard to hide that." Kanan: "So your name is Ruby-chan? I've always wanted to talk to you." You: "You're so small, and..." Kanan And You: "...so cute!" Ruby: "Thank goodness. I was so worried about what you'd say to me when you found out I'm a fairy." Yohane: "You were hiding because you're a fairy?" Ruby: "That's not the only reason... But when you're different from everyone, you start worrying about how everyone thinks of you. It's not like everyone will think you're weird, but it's scary to even find out what people think of you," Ruby: "so I kept myself away from everyone." Ruby: "But once I took that first step, I wasn't scared anymore." Kanan: "It's always hard when you start anything." You: "Then once you get used to it, it feels like no trouble at all." Ruby: "Mari-san's a really good person who's always thinking about our town! I wanted to tell you that your feelings can get through to her." Yohane: "Thanks, Ruby." Yohane: "I guess I'll try a little harder." You: "Yeah! That's the spirit!" Kanan: "We should all go to Warshimer Island together sometime." Yohane: "Yeah, I'll tell her." Yohane: "Mari." Mari: "What are you doing here?" Mari: "I did everything I could already." Yohane: "Well, it's not like I have a concrete reason to be here... I was just wondering how you were doing." Mari: "That's it?" Yohane: "Yeah..." Yohane: "This place is very... mysterious, isn't it?" Yohane: "Oh, I know." Yohane: "You can't see it from here, but there's a park in that direction. Wait, is it over there? But we made a brand-new swing set at that park!" Yohane: "A girl named Kanan-chan can make anything from junk she gathers from the sea! She's called the Recycling Queen of Uchira! So yesterday, we fixed an old swing set together with You-chan. It was really hard at first, but the kids were so happy, so I realized Kanan-chan was right when she said anything could be reborn. Um..." Yohane: "So... And then... Well... We all thought—" Mari: "I'm not interested." Yohane: "Huh?" Mari: "I don't need any people in my life. I don't need any friends." Yohane: "But why?" Mari: "Being treated like a boil just because I'm different..." Mari: "It's a pain. It's stupid." Mari: "In the end, everyone's just a stranger. They only think of themselves." Mari: "The same goes for me, and that's fine." Yohane: "Why do you assume it has to be like that?!" Mari: "I don't assume anything! That's just how it was!" Yohane: "Everyone was worried about you! One was even super grateful towards you!" Mari: "You may all be smiling on the surface, but deep down, who knows what you're all thinking?!" Yohane: "Well, I want to believe in everyone!" Mari: "But believing in others is really scary..." Mari: "I can't do it." Mari: "I'll just stay here alone forever." Yohane: "Mari..." Yohane: "Are you really alone though?" Mari: "Huh?" Yohane: "I used to think that, too. That I was all alone." Yohane: "But once I made some friends, everything fun became even more fun. And everything that made me happy made me even happier." Yohane: "That's why I want you to understand that, too..." Yohane: "And I want to be your friend." Yohane: "But I just assumed that would be fine, without considering your own feelings." Yohane: "So I'm sorry." Mari'S Father: "Mari." Mari'S Father: "I guess you can hear them." Mari'S Father: "That's a special power that only you have." Mari'S Father: "Use that power to help those in need." Mari: "Mm." Lailaps: "Yohane." Yohane: "Mari was the same." Lailaps: "You might be right." Yohane: "I couldn't express to her how everyone felt. I'm so selfish and terrible at talking, so—" Mari: "Yohane!" Mari: "I can't believe in everyone the way you do, Yohane..." Mari: "But..." Mari: "Can I go see the swing set with you?" Yohane: "Yeah!" Mari: "I realized something after everything you said." Yohane: "Huh?" Mari: "Maybe it was me who was blaming others and running away." Mari: "I've heard many voices because of these horns." Mari: "Sad things, things left unrewarded..." Mari: "I felt the same." Mari: "That's why I decided nothing good ever happened outside." Mari: "I was going to hide away just like the cloud covering that island." Yohane: "Mari..." Mari: "I'm still slightly scared of others," Mari: "but I want to move forward just like you have, Yohane." Yohane: "Sure." Lady A: "Oh, Yohane-chan." Yohane: "Hello." Lady A: "Oh? I don't think I've seen her around before." Yohane: "She's my friend." Yohane: "Are you okay, Mari?" Mari: "Sorry, I'm still a little scared." Yohane: "It'll be okay!" Mari: "Thanks." Yohane: "It's okay! It'll totally be okay!" Miki-Chan: "Oh, it's Yohane-chan!" mi-Chan: "And Lailaps!" Miki-Chan: "Oh? Who's that?" mi-Chan: "Why's she hiding?" Yohane: "Um, this is my friend..." Tsuki: "Oh?" Tsuki: "Yohane-chan." Miki-Chan And Nami-Chan: "Tsuki-oneechan!" Tsuki: "Are you two friends with Yohane-chan?" Miki-Chan: "Yup, we're friends!" mi-Chan: "We're really good friends!" Tsuki: "Yohane-chan, thanks for looking after these two." Yohane: "Huh? Uh, um..." Tsuki: "Oh, I know. Do you have some time right now, Yohane-chan?" Yohane: "Huh?" Tsuki: "I have a favor to ask." Tsuki: "Sorry this is so sudden. I've been taking photos with the theme of "modern Numazu girls."" Yohane: "Uh, are you sure I should be in this?" Tsuki: "I specifically wanted you for these photos. Go on, smile." Yohane: "Now I feel pressured, but I'll do my best." Lew: "Hey, it's Yohane." Rahn: "What're you doing?" Yohane: "You three again?!" Yohane: "Hey, no getting in the way!" Setsu: "You're doing that weird pose again?" Yohane: "My friend's here, so let me show off!" Tsuki: "Oh, yeah!" Tsuki: "Would you mind getting in the pictures, too?" Yohane: "What do you think, Mari?" Lew: "What the heck are those?" Rahn: "Are they floating?" Setsu: "I've never seen those before!" Yohane: "Hey—" Lew: "Hey, what the heck are you?" Yohane: "Mari!" Yohane: "What's the matter, Mari?" Mari: "Everyone's eyes... Their voices..." Mari: "I'm scared." Yohane: "Mari, I just closed my eyes, too." Yohane: "Why don't we open them together on, "Ready, set..."?" Yohane: "Then the whole world will change... I think." Mari: "Really?" Yohane: "Really. Trust me." Mari: "All right." Yohane: "Okay, here we go." Yohane And Mari: "Ready, set..." Randos: "Hey, look at her! I guess her name's Mari-chan? She's so cool. I'm so jealous. She's so stylish!" Girl A: "Mari-chan. Are you the Mari-chan from Warshimer Island?" Girl B: "I heard you warned us about the bridge. Thank you." Mari: "Uh, um... It's not..." Yohane: "Oh, I finally saw you smile, Mari-chan." Tsuki: "I caught that lovely smile on film!" Tsuki: "Say, Mari-chan. It'd really help me out if I had one more model..." Mari: "Yohane," Mari: "thanks for bringing me out today." Yohane: "I didn't, though. You decided to come out here yourself." Yohane: "Oh, it's Dia-san. Is she working?" Mari: "That's..." Yohane: "That's her little sister Ruby-chan. She's a fairy." Mari: "Did you hear that? She's a fairy." Dia: "You're Mari-san, right?" Dia: "I'm glad to finally meet you." Mari: "I'm sorry. I've been so rude despite you visiting me many times." Dia: "No, it's fine." Dia: "I was just hoping I could thank you in person someday." Dia: "Thank you for caring so much about Numazu." Mari: "No problem." Mari: "These little ones help me out, so I just want to do everything that I can." Mari: "Hey, Yohane. Where are we going?" Yohane: "A really special place!" Mari: "Here?" Yohane: "This is the most important place in the world to me." Yohane: "Doesn't it look like a stage? I used to sing here all the time when I was a child." Mari: "I know. I've heard you before." Mari: "Didn't you know? I have really good ears." Yohane: "I'm not sure why, but I have so much fun singing here. No matter what, I can go back instantly to when I wasn't thinking about anything and just having fun singing." Mari: "Yohane, sing for me." Yohane: "Huh? Right now?" Mari: "I'd love to hear you sing in person." Yohane: "Okay... Just a little bit." Mari: "That scream cut through the sky,"
{ "raw_title": "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR Episode 5 – The Demon Lord's Secret", "parsed": [ "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR", "5", "The Demon Lord's Secret" ] }
Yohane: "I-Is there still something...?" Yohane: "Oh, you're..." Riko: "I-It's been a while..." Yohane: "I-It's okay..." Riko: "It's been so long, Lailaps! Have you been well?" Yohane: "Um, so this is the zoologist, um..." Riko: "Oh! I apologize for my late introduction. My name is Riko." Mari: "I-I'm Mari. It's nice to meet you." Riko: "I've been researching the strange behavior of the animals in Numazu. I heard a rumor that the animals in the mountains were acting strange, so I was investigating." Riko: "By the way..." Mari: "Huh? Um, I..." Riko: "Wh-What in the world are these little ones?! I've been curious about them since the other day. Please allow me to investigate them closely!" Yohane: "H-Hey... There's something I wanted to ask you, Riko-san." Riko: "This is documentation of the strange behavior of the animals in Numazu." Yohane: "Wow..." Riko: "Sadly, this is all just based on speculation... All I've got down is that the strange behavior of the animals is observed when the calamity happens." Mari: "Yohane, this part..." Yohane: ""Effects of the calamity"? Are the animals able to hear that noise, too?" Riko: "Yes. Animals have much better hearing than humans." Yohane: "So, just like the children in this town were scared of that noise, is it also causing all those animals pain?" Riko: "I can't be exactly sure, but I can't rule out that possibility either." Yohane: "Does Resonance have something to do with this?" Riko: "Resonance?" Mari: "Resonance is a traditional term handed down through generations in Numazu. Apparently, incidents like this have happened countless times in this town in the past." Mari: "My people have observed these incidents and helped when we could. And we've passed down a tome with all the information we amassed over the years. This incident is just another occurrence." Mari: "I believe this "Resonance" is what has been protecting this town." Mari: "Also, the strange thing that happened to Yohane may also factor into this. But I don't have a solid solution." Riko: "I see..." Yohane: "If only we knew someone else who knew a lot about this town..." Riko: "I can help when it comes to animals, but I don't think I can be of much help otherwise." Mari: "Riko-san, if it's not too much trouble, could you come with us?" Yohane: "Huh? To where?" Mari: "Since Dia-san is the chief of staff, she may know something about the history of this town." Mari: "The administration bureau is where all the information in this town is gathered." Yohane: "Even the littlest thing might give us a clue!" Riko: "I'm not sure how much I can help..." Mari: "There might be some information regarding the animals' strange behavior." Riko: "But..." Yohane: "Riko-san." Yohane: "If you come with us, you can examine Lailaps all you want." Riko: "I'll go!" Lailaps: "Huh?" Dia: "I see. This is the first time I'm hearing about this "Resonance," but we are aware of this bizarre phenomenon you call the calamity." Dia: "It's been happening more in the past couple of months, and to a greater extent. Some people don't see it as a big deal," Dia: "but we consider it an important matter that must be resolved immediately." Yohane: "Do you know what's causing the calamity?" Dia: "We've been making progress on research about the miasma that's also documented here, but we still haven't been able to track down a cause." Dia: "Did you compile this information yourself, Riko-san?" Riko: "Huh? Um, yes..." Dia: "I can tell that you put a lot into this research... But I cannot praise you for going into dangerous places alone." Riko: "I-I'm sorry..." Yohane: "Now, now..." Dia: "That goes for you, too, Yohane-san." Dia: "You're important citizens to this town. Not to mention, Yohane-san, you have no way of protecting yourself, so if something were to happen to you..." Ruby: "O-Onee-chan! You're being too harsh." Riko: "Why's she calling you "Onee-chan"?" Riko: "You! You're such a cute little creature!" Riko: "Oh, you don't need to be frightened! I promise I'll be gentle!" Yohane: "Hey, Riko-san... That might be a bit dangerous..." Mari: "Are you okay?" Riko: "Th-Thanks..." Yohane: "Riko-san, you're getting way too excited." Riko: "I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself!" Yohane: "Something goes off in Riko-san's head whenever she sees a rare creature." Dia: "I'm just glad no one's hurt. More importantly, you all seem very close." Mari; Riko; Yohane: "Huh?" Ruby: "They were all in sync." Kohaku: "It's rather hard to believe that you've all just met." Dia: "Anyway, please refrain from solo engagement with the calamity from now on." Dia: "But..." Yohane: ""I hope you three continue investigating together," she says..." Mari: "I guess we got grouped together." Yohane: ""Please keep an eye on Yohane-san in particular," she says..." Mari: "I didn't even do anything dangerous, but I still got yelled at..." Riko: "U-Um..." Riko: "I can't go with you." Mari: "You think we'd be a burden?" Riko: "I'm actually planning to leave this town soon." Yohane: "But didn't you just come to Numazu?" Mari: "When are you leaving?" Riko: "Um..." Riko: "Tomorrow." Yohane: "Tomorrow?!" Mari: "That's so sudden." Riko: "Thank you for being so kind to an outsider like me. My research went well because of all of your help, and I'm glad I was able to meet so many animals." Yohane: "Hey, Riko-san. Why don't we make some memories before you leave?" Yohane: "We just became friends, after all." Riko: "I don't need any memories." Yohane: "Did I mess up again?" Mari: "I think... I understand how Riko-san feels. But right now," Mari: "I understand how you feel, too, Yohane." Yohane: "Mari..." Mari: "I think I understand for the first time..." Mari: "that there are feelings I can't hear with these." Yohane: "Feelings you can't hear..." Mari: "This must be the Resonance." Lailaps: "Riko-san called herself an outsider." Yohane: "I think Mari and I also felt that way not so long ago. That we didn't belong to this town, and didn't have the right to make any memories here." Yohane: "Feelings you can't hear..." Yohane: "I thought we'd gone and become friends... I guess I really don't understand people who aren't me." Lailaps: "That makes you sound like you understand everything about yourself." Yohane: "Jeez, I know, okay?!" Lailaps: "Okay, I'm sorry." Lailaps: "What are you going to do tomorrow?" Yohane: "Okay." Yohane: "Mari!" Mari: "Good morning, Yohane." Yohane: "Mari, I'm going to go see Riko-san, and..." Mari: "Yes. Me, too." Mari: "Riko-san." Riko: "You two..." Yohane: "I thought we could at least help you clean up... But I guess you're done." Riko: "Sorry for the trouble. I was about to leave." Mari: "Then let us at least see you off." Yohane: "We'll go to the station with you." Mother: "They don't seem to be feeling well again, but the doctors said they'd be fine, so don't worry." Wife: "I'm sorry again." Boy D: "It's okay!" Mari: "Who's that?" Yohane: "He's been coming by to cheer up the child here who's afraid of the calamity." Yohane: "I've met him before." Riko: "I guess it's not just the animals that are suffering." Yohane: "Hey, Riko-san. Want to take a detour?" Yohane: "It's such a nice day that it's perfect for a nap." Mari: "This is different from my island. It's nice." Riko: "Is there somewhere you want to go?" Yohane: "Er, no, not really." Mari: "Wait, there's not?" Yohane: "So, hey..." Riko: "I'm not any good at this." Yohane: "At what?" Riko: "Walking together side by side." Riko: "We all just met, so it's not like we're all friends." Riko: "Not to mention, I'm an outsider." Mari: "So am I." Mari: "I'm even more of an outsider than you." Mari: "I thought I knew about this town because of my powers, so I holed up on my island." Mari: "I pretended like I couldn't hear what everyone was thinking." Mari: "But then Yohane reached out to me. Yohane can be a bit too persistent at times." Yohane: "Huh?" Mari: "But..." Mari: "It made me really happy." Mari: "That's why we were able to tell each other how we really feel." Yohane: "I'm the same way." Yohane: "I couldn't really open up to anyone, but everyone treated me so kindly." Yohane: "I felt that you were like me. That's why I wanted to talk to you." Yohane: "I thought I could approach you and we could take a step forward." Riko: "I guess the one who had closed herself off" Riko: "and given up..." Riko: "was me." Riko: "Do you think..." Riko: "Could you two listen to my story?" Riko: "I moved around a lot because of my parents' jobs." Riko: "No matter how close I got to someone, we'd soon have to say goodbye." Riko: "That's why I stopped getting involved with others completely." Riko: "That way, goodbyes wouldn't feel so lonely." Riko: "One day, I took in a lost dog. Up until then, I wasn't good with animals. But this dog was so friendly, and I had so much fun being with them. It felt like I had finally made a friend." Riko: "Later on, we found their owner, and the dog seemed so happy." Riko: "I was happy... but I felt so lonely." Riko: "My mom asked me if I wanted some kind of animal, but I declined." Riko: "I tried to act tough because I was too scared to say goodbye again..." Riko: "Even though I was so lonely that I couldn't bear it." Riko: "It could be because of that, but I ended up loving to read books about animals." Riko: "Before I knew it, I started researching animals. I went around to various places for that research, but I made sure not to get involved with other people." Riko: "I was scared to make memories, so I ran away from that kind of thing." Riko: "That's what happened this time, too." Riko: "I had no intention of staying long, but before I knew it, we had talked so much." Riko: "It was so much fun." Riko: "I was sure I'd just get hurt in the end, but..." Riko: "That's why I wanted to leave. I lied when I said I had to leave today." Riko: "That's all I wanted to tell you." Yohane: "Riko..." Yohane: "Riko, you liar!" Riko: "You're not mad?" Riko: "I was so mean earlier..." Yohane: "I told you! We're the same." Mari: "This must've been what I couldn't hear from you, Riko." Yohane: "If we're able to meet like this despite how we used to be," Yohane: "I guess being shy's not so bad!" Riko: "Yeah!" Yohane; Mari; Riko: "Ready, and..." Yohane; Mari; Riko: "So good!" Riko: "Right? The katsu sandwiches here are so good. I wanted to tell you two about them." Yohane: "To think you'd be the one to tell us about a place in Numazu..." Riko: "It's so nice to be able to say something's delicious to someone else. I'd forgotten what this felt like." Mari: "It's been so long since I laughed this much." Riko: "It's like we've always been friends." Yohane: "We never would've known if we hadn't built up just enough courage to say hi and speak with each other." Mari: "Right." Yohane: "It's times like these that I'd love to just start singing," Yohane: "but I can't stand on that stage anymore." Mari: "It's okay. You'll be able to stand on that stage again someday." Riko: "Yeah, I think so, too." Mari: "You're the one who taught us that we can change ourselves and our futures, Yohane." Yohane: "You're right." Yohane: "I want to make this a town where everyone can live in peace and have fun. If I can be of help, I'd be happy to do that." Mari: "I didn't know what the Resonance was." Mari: "But I think it might be everyone's feelings I can't hear." Yohane: "Feelings you can't hear?" Mari: "Just like how we were..." Mari: "There's someone who can sing Resonances as a song and fill the world with song. That song will resonate with many hearts and make the world whole once again." Mari: "I think, a long time ago, people who sang disappeared from this town." Mari: "That's why everyone's Resonances..." Riko: "So, if a new singer appears..." Yohane: "A singer..." Riko: "Does that mean Yohane-chan's going to sing?" Mari: "The book said, "The singer has to want to sing."" Mari: "That's proof she will." Mari: "It's not that I want you to take on this responsibility." Mari: "But..." Mari: "Yohane, what do you want to do?" Dia: "I see. So Yohane-san..." Yohane: "I hope my song can be of help." Ruby: "I'm looking forward to Yohane-chan's songs." Dia: "I'm looking forward to seeing what all of this entails. Mari-san." Mari: "Yes?" Dia: "I'm glad we were able to find a hint of a solution because of Mari-san's information." Dia: "You've been so much help because you know the history and legends of Numazu." Dia: "Riko-san." Dia: "Because you understand animals, your opinions are very important. I heard you were leaving town, but..." Riko: "Oh, no!" Riko: "I'm going to stay here a little longer." Riko: "If my insight as a researcher can help this town..." Riko: "I'd love to help all of you out." Dia: "That's wonderful." Dia: "I thank you for your assistance." Yohane: "Riko!" Yohane: "I'm looking forward to working with you even more." Riko: "Yeah! Likewise!" Dia: "Yohane-san. I have an idea for a place you can use as a stage, but could you give us a bit more time?" Yohane: "Th-Thank you very much." Mari: "It's okay, Yohane." Riko: "We'll support you as much as we can, too!" Yohane: "You two..." Kohaku: "Chief." Dia: "We've only just met. In order to help each other out more effectively, we'll have to get to know each other better." Ruby: "In that case..." Ruby: "Time for a girls' night!"
{ "raw_title": "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR Episode 6 – The Harmony of the Shy", "parsed": [ "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR", "6", "The Harmony of the Shy" ] }
Yohane: "A girls' night..." Lailaps: "You seem happy." Yohane: "Th-That's not true." Lailaps: "By the way..." Lailaps: "What do you do on a girls' nights?" Ruby: "Time for a girls' night!" All: "Girls' night?" Mari: "I've heard of those before. It's a gathering where girls dress up and fake laugh at each other." Riko: "According to the texts, it's a terrifying gathering where women show their true natures to each other." Ruby: "I don't think that's quite right." Dia: "That's a lovely idea. I'd expect nothing less from you, Ruby. Under normal circumstances, as the one who manages the town, I would manage the event, but..." Dia: "Yohane-san." Dia: "Do you think you could put together this girls' night?" Mari: "You're asking me what I want to do?" Mari: "I've never been to a girls' night before." Chika: "I want to play some softball! I think we can probably play 5 on 4! Don't worry. I'll join the team with 4." Kanan: "I want to play in the ocean with everyone. Then we can do some stargazing at night!" You: "I mean, we should definitely do a sleepover. Oh, when you decide on the day, let me know. Leave the weather report to me!" Riko: "What? We're spending the night? I've never spent the night with anyone other than my family. I'm not sure if I can do this..." Hanamaru: "Well... it's summer, so maybe splitting watermelons? Oh, isn't the girls' night so exciting, zura? Let me know if there's anything I can help with." Yohane: "So when it came to the girls' night... Everyone wanted something different." Lailaps: "But because of that, it sounds like you'll have plenty to do." Yohane: "Jeez... All I did today was hear everyone out and I'm exhausted." Lailaps: "Say, Yohane... Where exactly are you all spending the night?" Dia: "I see. So you'd like me to track down a place we could all stay. Leave it to me. I'll be happy to take care of that for you." Yohane: "Th-Thank goodness..." Yohane: "Is there anything you'd like to do on this girls' night, Dia-san?" Dia: "Why don't we all discuss how ladies should conduct themselves from now on?" Yohane: "Isn't that a bit heavy?" Lailaps: "That definitely didn't sound like a girls' night." Ruby: "Yohane-chan!" Yohane: "Oh, Ruby-chan. Thank goodness I bumped into you." Ruby: "Sorry. This is the first time my sister's going somewhere with girls her age, so I don't think she completely understands." Yohane: "No worries. Is there anything you want to do, Ruby-chan?" Ruby: "Maybe making some sweets?" Yohane: "Do you like making sweets?" Ruby: "Yeah! So does my sister." Ruby: "We used to make them together... But she's been so busy lately." Yohane: "Uh-huh... Making sweets..." Ruby: "Um... Since we're doing this girls' night and all. On the day... I..." Yohane: "Huh?" Ruby: "A-Anyway! Don't be shocked on the day, okay?!" Yohane: "S-Sure?" Yohane: "Okay." Lailaps: "Yohane. You should head to bed." Yohane: "Yeah..." Lailaps: "I know you feel like you should take care of this, but you should rest when you ca—" Yohane: "Yeah, yeah." Lailaps: "It's great that you're working so hard for everyone, but if you work too har—" Yohane: "Oh, for crying out loud!" Yohane: "You're such a busybody, Lailaps!" Lailaps: "I'm just..." Yohane: "Okay, okay. I can't concentrate since you keep yapping at me, so I'll go to bed!" Lailaps: "Yohane." Lailaps: "Will you be okay on your own today?" Yohane: "I told you. I'll be fine." Yohane: "Today's the first girls' night I've ever been to." Yohane: "Everyone's looking forward to it..." Yohane: "So I have to make it a success." Yohane: "Even if Lailaps isn't with me..." Yohane: "I'll be just fine." Yohane: "Huh?" Dia: "Yohane-san, good morning!" Yohane: "Um, is this the right place?" Dia: "Yes! We've rented out the place for the day! There's a place we can sleep inside, and we can easily head out to the ocean. I do hope everyone likes it..." Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan!" Yohane: "M-Morning!" Yohane: "Here's our schedule for today." Hanamaru: "Did you make this, Yohane-chan? Wow! I'll help hand them out, too. Here are some snacks for you." You: "See? I told you it'd be sunny! Wow, we all look different in our casual clothes." Chika: "Morning!" Chika: "Oh, hey. I brought some rations." Hanamaru: "Those are some lovely mikan, zura!" Chika: "Ooh, we get programs? Wow, it's thick." Kanan: "Morning! This place seems pretty amazing." Mari: "H-H-He..." Riko: "H-Hello—" Mari: "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Riko: "No, that was my fault! Oh, Mari-chan?" Yohane: "Welcome. Take a program." Riko: "Thanks." Riko: "There's so much scheduled. I wonder if I'll be able to get closer to everyone." You And Kanan: "Nice to see you!" Ruby: "G—" Ruby: "Good morning." Yohane: "G-Good morn..." Yohane: "Uh, sure." Chika: "This is great! And the scenery is wonderful!" Kanan: "Looks like girls' nights have definitely evolved." You: "But, uh..." Yohane: "I-Isn't it great that everyone seems to love this place, Dia-san?" Dia: "It seems my hard work paid off!" Yohane: "Um... So first, let's all gather around and review our schedule..." Kanan: "Wow, we can go out to the ocean." You: "This is great!" Chika: "So cool!" Hanamaru: "So huge!" Chika: "So cool!" Hanamaru: "So huge!" Mari: "I missed my chance to give these to everyone..." Riko: "We'll find some time later. By the way, where are your monsties, Mari-chan?" Mari: "They stayed home." Riko: "Why's that?" Mari: "Well, since it was a girls' night... It doesn't look like Lailaps is here either." Riko: "Mari-chan, don't leave my side, no matter what!" Mari: "Likewise." Dia: "Can I go ahead and make my opening speech now?" Dia: "Now, then..." Dia: "You know what they say. Keep speeches and summer hair short. Which means that's enough of a prelude. Now then, everyone... Are you ready?" Dia: "I now declare the first annual Numazu Girls' Night officially begun!" Kohaku: ""I hereby declare."" Dia: "I hereby declare!" Yohane: "Something... seems off..." Kanan: "Hey, girls! Let's go into the ocean!" You: "Let's split some watermelons!" Chika: "So cool!" Hanamaru: "So huge!" Chika: "So cool!" Hanamaru: "So huge!" Riko: "My hair's super long... is that not okay?" Mari: "My hair's long, too... Oh, no..." Hanamaru: "I know! Me and the other girls would love to hear you sing, zura." Ruby: "Wow, I'd love to hear you!" Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan's the best singer in Numazu, zura." You: "I know. We should do a performance here!" Yohane: "Hey, everyone, um..." Dia: "A performance! That's right, Yohane-san! We've secured a venue for your performance!" Dia: "The summer festival!" Yohane: "Th-The summer festival?!" Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan, you're going to sing at the summer festival?" Chika: "That's amazing! I'll look forward to it." You: "We'll all hype up the event!" Kanan: "I'll help with building the stage." Mari: "Yohane?" Yohane: "Th-The... summer festival..." Mari: "Oh, no..." Riko: "Not good." Yohane: "Um..." Yohane: "Who exactly... are you?" Ruby: "Oh, I'm Ruby." Yohane: "Huh?" Yohane: "Ruby-chan?" All: "- Yohane-chan! - Yohane!" Ruby: "Yohane-chan?" Ruby: "I'm so sorry!" Ruby: "Yohane-chan!" Ruby: "I'm so sorry I startled you like that!" Yohane: "I'm so sorry!" Hanamaru: "Why are you apologizing, Yohane-chan?" Yohane: "B-Because..." Kanan: "We're the ones who should apologize." You: "Sorry that we got too excited." Yohane: "No, it's totally fine." Chika: "We should've just followed your directions." Yohane: "Thanks." Yohane: "Sorry for startling all of you." Dia: "I'm sorry, as well. I should've thought about the situation a bit more." Hanamaru: "To cheer Yohane-chan up even more..." Hanamaru: "Ta-dah!" Yohane: "Lailaps?!" Hanamaru: "She was waiting at the entrance. Lailaps was worried about you, too." Yohane: "Thanks, Lailaps." Dia: "We were all just talking about you, Yohane-san." Yohane: "About me?" Dia: "Yes. We were talking about the fact that you worked harder than any of us could have possibly imagined for this girls' night." Mari: "You set up a schedule for today down to the finest detail, made sure to get everything that we needed... You did everything yourself." Riko: "We also offered to help out, but you just kept saying, "Don't worry. I'll be fine."" Mari: "You took on everything yourself, so you must've been exhausted." Riko: "We knew all that... But we were so anxious today that we didn't realize anything was wrong until you fainted." Yohane: "I'm sorry that I worried you two." Yohane: "Oh, look at the time! Next up is, um... Where's my program?" Hanamaru: "Actually, before that..." Hanamaru: "You wrote what all of us wanted to do in this program... But you didn't write down what you wanted to do, zura." Yohane: "Oh... You don't need to worry about me." Hanamaru: "But..." Yohane: "I just want all of you to have fun." Riko: "Huh? Does Lailaps want to talk to you, Yohane-chan?" Yohane: "Man... I worked so hard... and ended up showing them my really bad side." Yohane: "I'm probably not cut out to do stuff like this." Lailaps: "You really think so?" Yohane: "Huh?" Lailaps: "The girls' night is not over yet." Yohane: "Well, yeah, but..." Lailaps: "I think you might be trying a bit too hard, Yohane." Yohane: "You... think so?" Lailaps: "You tried to prepare this all on your own to impress them, and tried to be considerate in ways you're not used to being." Lailaps: "You don't need to take this on alone. The others can help you. If you have something you want to do, just tell them." Lailaps: "I'm sure that's how the others feel, too." Yohane: "Do you really think so?" Yohane: "They probably think I'm annoying for trying too hard." Lailaps: "Do they really look like they think that way? They're all probably thinking about completely different things, but I think they all agree on what's most important." Yohane: "I guess I might've tried too hard because I wanted them all to acknowledge me." Lailaps: "I'm glad you can be honest with yourself." Yohane: "But originally, I just wanted to talk to all of them and make some memories..." Lailaps: "See? You do have something you want to do." All: "- Yohane! - Yohane-chan!" You: "Let's start making some sweets!" Yohane: "Okay!" Yohane: "Huh? Where did your secretary go, Dia-san?" Dia: "This was my first time at a girls' night... and I was anxious, so I had Kohaku accompany me. But a girls' night is not part of my administration bureau duties. Rather than engaging in formalities, I'll be informal just for today!" Ruby: "Well, the way you're saying that is pretty formal..." Dia: "Well? Shouldn't you decide on the groups to make the sweets?" Yohane: "Decide on the groups? Um, uh..." Riko: "Hey... Why don't we use these to split up into groups?" Ruby: "Wow, they're so cute!" Kanan: "Nice!" You: "Let's draw on our captain's signal!" Hanamaru: "Okay, zura." Yohane: "Um..." Yohane: "Ready, set, go!" Yohane: "What are you three making?" Kanan; Dia; Mari: "Matcha pudding!" Chika; Riko; You: "We'll be making mikan pie!" Yohane: "And the three of us will be making..." Yohane; Ruby; Hanamaru: "...chocolate cake!" Yohane: "Okay, let's hope that all of our teams will be able to make some yummy sweets!" Ruby: "I'll do my Rubesty!" Yohane: "Okay! Ready, and... start!" Riko: "- Can you hand me that, Mari-chan?" Mari: "- Yeah, sure." Dia: "- It was delicious." Yohane: "Is this how girls' nights should be?" Hanamaru: "Well, this is how our girls' nights should be, zura." Yohane: "Well, next up..." Yohane: "Um, I experienced so many firsts today, and caused you all some trouble. We all work different jobs, so we rarely get opportunities to talk like this." Yohane: "I wanted to get to know all of you more... And wanted all of you to get along, too." Yohane: "I wanted to make sweets with all of you, and play outside..." Yohane: "I had no idea just doing that would be so much fun." Yohane: "I feel so stupid about when I tried to act tough and left Numazu..." Yohane: "and when it didn't work out, I tried to handle it all on my own..." Chika: "Who cares if it was stupid?" Chika: "You're amazing, Yohane-chan!" Chika: "I've been in Numazu ever since I was born. I think it takes a lot of confidence to go somewhere else. But even then, you were able to do that all alone and challenge yourself, Yohane-chan!" Yohane: "Chika-chan..." You: "It's because you were stupid in the past that we have the current you, too!" Kanan: "If things had gone well for you back then, today wouldn't have happened. That's something to think about." Yohane: "You keep saying "stupid"..." Yohane: "But you're right. Maybe I wouldn't have been friends with all of you." Hanamaru: "Say, Yohane-chan. Were you able to do what you wanted to with everyone?" Yohane: "Actually, yeah." All: "Huh?" Yohane: "I was able to make today a memory." Hanamaru: "Yeah!" You: "I guess we did make some memories!" Yohane: "I see..." Yohane: "So, hey!" Yohane: "At the summer festival, I don't want to sing alone." Yohane: "I want to sing with all nine of us together!" Yohane: "I want everyone to hear our song! Our feelings!" Mari: "Us, too?" Dia: "Sing with you?" Kanan: "I never thought of that." Ruby: "That's a great idea!" Hanamaru: "I want to sing with all of you, too!" Riko: "I can't say that I'm confident about this, but I'll do my best." Chika: "Well, I guess that's settled!" You: "Okay, let's do our best together!" All: "Yeah!" Yohane: "I guess we weren't able to do any stargazing." Yohane: "I can't wait to sing with all of them." Yohane: "Mother, I think I might've finally found it."
{ "raw_title": "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR Episode 7 – What's a Girls' Night?", "parsed": [ "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR", "7", "What's a Girls' Night?" ] }
Lailaps: "You're in a good mood, Yohane." Yohane: "Yup." Lailaps: "And you're being honest today." Yohane: "It doesn't hurt every once in a while." Yohane: "I mean, because today is..." Yohane: "The festival that only happens once a year!" Lailaps: "Huh... Just a while back, you'd just stare out at it longingly." Yohane: "Th-That's not true!" Yohane: "Well, a-ny-way!" Yohane: "I need to do my afternoon work! My business as a fortune teller is booming!" Yohane: "And tonight, all of us will..." Lailaps: "Yohane?" Yohane: "Now, the calamity will..." Lailaps: "It'll be okay. Because you have a special power, Yohane." Yohane: "Yeah!" Hanamaru: "Hello! We're selling our special Numazu Summer Festival Hanamaru Bread." Ruby: "Would you like some?" You: "Welcome! We've got some merchandise from the Numazu Postal Guild! Would you like a letter set?" Kanan: "Ooh, a third prize! You got this Tonosama figure!" Tonosama: "Splendid!" Kanan: "Congratulations!" Riko: "Ready?" Riko: "Just look them in the eye and gently pet them, okay?" Riko: "There, there." Mari: "Now then, I'll give a brief explanation of Warshimer Island. Because of the natural state of Warshimer Island, it's a bit dark..." Mari: "but it's not a scary place. When it gets dark, these little ones will guide you." Boy A: "Huh..." Girl A: "So cute!" Mari: "Make sure you're gentle with them." Chika: "The best way to cool off in the hot summer is to have some classic Numazu mikan shaved ice!" Mito: "Three orders of shaved ice! One with muchly mikan!" Shima: "Got it. Thanks for the muchly order!" Chika'S Mom: "Okay, here you go! Be careful holding it." Chika: "Thank you very much!" Chika; Chika'S Mom; Shima; Mito: "Thank you muchly!" Dia: "This year seems like another lively event." Kohaku: "Hopefully there'll be some matcha-flavored sweets." Dia: "Indeed!" Dia: "Ahem. Kohaku-san, we're on duty right now." Kohaku: "Oh? That's..." Hanamaru: "Thank you for waiting." Male Customer A: "Thanks." Hanamaru And Ruby: "Thank you very much." Dia: "Good work, you two." Hanamaru: "Oh, Dia-san." Ruby: "Onee-cha— Chief! Good work to you, too." Dia: "Thank you." Hanamaru: "Dia-san!" Hanamaru: "Ta-dah!" Hanamaru: "Some Hanamaru Bread made with Numazu tea." Dia: "Oh! That's guaranteed to be delicious!" Hanamaru: "Heh. I'm really proud of this one, zura. Would you like one?" Dia: "May I?" Kohaku: "Ahem. Chief." Dia: "I-I know!" Dia: "Hanamaru-san, I shall stop by again later." Hanamaru: "Don't worry. I'll save you one." Yohane: "H-How did this happen?" Yohane: "Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup! Here you go! Piping hot takoyaki!" Yohane: "Now, come forth from the darkness, gather here, and lend me your power!" Yohane: "D-D-D-D-D-Darkness!" Yohane: "Strangers are like mirrors. They might be thinking the exact same thing as you." Yohane: "So when you don't know what to say, just tell them that! Then you shall surely see the light!" Takoyaki Stand Owner Wife: "Hey, excuse me a sec." Takoyaki Stand Owner Wife: "Yohane-chan, I forgot something really important at home." Takoyaki Stand Owner Wife: "Could you watch over my grill while I go grab it?" Yohane: "Huh?" Takoyaki Stand Owner Wife: "My husband's gone at the moment, too. Sorry about this. Thanks, bye!" Yohane: "U-Um...?" Yohane: "For crying out loud!" Mari: "Huh? Now you're running a takoyaki stand?" Yohane: "Th-There's a very good reason for this..." Riko: "Are you okay?" Yohane: "No, not at all!" Riko: "Well, in that case..." Mari: "We'll help you out." Yohane: "Girls!" Mari: "What's wrong?" Riko: "Hey, you've got customers!" Mari: "You, too!" Mari And Riko: "Sorry!" Yohane: "Huh? C-Come on, you two..." Yohane: "O-Oh, no!" emale Customer C: "I'd like one, please." Yohane: "Huh?! S-Sure! One moment, please! Thank you very much!" Male Customer B: "I'd like three, please." emale Customer A: "I'd like five, please." Yohane: "Huh?" Male Customer C: "I'd like one, please." Yohane: "Here you go!" emale Customer B: "Could I have two?" Yohane: "You know, if I had to... I could just use magic to make 100, 200, 300, takoyakis like bam!" Lailaps: "I don't think you have magic like that." Yohane: "What's that I see there? A bug?" Lailaps: "Ha. I'm not falling for that anymore." Yohane: "Full of octopi! Your tummies are full, too! And full of dreams..." Lew: "What the heck?" Rahn: "You're so weird." Yohane: "Ahem. If you're here to mock me again, get the heck out." Rahn: "We're not!" Setsu: "We got some allowance." Lew: "We're customers!" Yohane: "Mrr..." Male Customer D: "Pardon me." Rahn: "Welcome!" Lew: "Would you like some takoyaki?" Yohane: "Huh?" Rahn; Lew; Setsu: "Full of octopi! Your tummies are full, too! And full of dreams! Full of octopi! Your tummies are full, too! And full of dreams! Full of octopi! Your tummies are full, too! And full of dreams!" Takoyaki Stand Owner Wife: "Sorry about this, Yohane-chan." Takoyaki Stand Owner Wife: "Thanks for watching our stand!" Takoyaki Stand Owner: "Sorry for the trouble!" Lew: "Where's our reward, ma'am?" Takoyaki Stand Owner Wife: "Well, aren't you cheeky?" Takoyaki Stand Owner Wife: "Here you go. Thanks for everything." Lew; Setsu; Rahn: "Yay!" Takoyaki Stand Owner Wife: "You too, Yohane-chan." Takoyaki Stand Owner Wife: "Thank you so much." Yohane: "Yum!" Lailaps: "Good job." Yohane: "I'm so exhausted." Lailaps: "I'm glad everything at the takoyaki stand went okay." Yohane: "Leave it to me and it's a piece of—" Ruby: "Yohane-chan." Hanamaru: "What a coincidence." Yohane: "Huh? Hey, you two..." Ruby: "You're on a break, right?" Hanamaru: "Want to relax a little bit and walk around the festival?" Yohane: "But my shop..." Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan, you weren't able to go to the festival with me before, so I'd love to go with you now." Ruby: "You're coming, too, Lailaps!" Little Girl: "My balloon!" You: "Look out, Yohane-chan!" Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan, are you okay, zura?" Daifuku Lady: "Oh, Chief. Here are some daifuku made with Numazu tea." Dia: "Oh, my! They look absolutely delicious!" Kohaku: "Ahem. Chief." Dia: "Oh, what's that?!" Yohane: "How cute." Riko: "Oh." Riko: "Yohane-chan. Are all of you taking a break?" ur: "Yeah." Kanan: "Girls! Wanna give this a try?" Yohane: "Yeah, let's do it! Okay, I'm gonna hit it!" Tonosama: "You got a third-place price!" Kanan: "You were so close, Yohane-chan!" Hanamaru: "You still have more chances." Chika: "Try aiming for the first-place prize." Ruby: "A little more this way." You: "No, a little more this way." Chika: "No, not that way." Yohane: "Ugh! I have no idea what to do!" Kanan: "Ooh, nice! First prize! You've won an extra-large Tonosama figure!" Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan, you're amazing, zura!" Yohane: "I-I did it!" Tonosama: "You're a cut above the rest!" Yohane: "I want to hurry up and sing with everyone." Lailaps: "You're not nervous?" Yohane: "Not at all! And I have some super-special magic!" Lailaps: "Yohane, that's..." Yohane: "Huh?" Yohane: "No way..." Yohane: "My staff... is gone..." Yohane: "What should I do?" Yohane: "My staff..." Yohane: "Every time I've sung lately, I've always had my staff." Yohane: "So, if I don't have that staff... I..." Yohane: "I might not be able to sing with all of you." Hanamaru: "Did you drop it?" You: "Do you have any idea where you lost it?" Dia: "We still have some time." Kanan: "She's right." Ruby: "I'll go fly around and look for it." Riko: "Let's split up..." Mari: "...and search for it." Yohane: "What should I do?" Lailaps: "Let's look together." Dia: "Analytical Team. If you see anything resembling a staff, please let me know." Hanamaru: "Really? You saw the staff?" Boy B: "Here it is." Hanamaru: "Sadly... This isn't it." Riko: "We're looking for a staff!" Hanamaru: "Has anyone seen a staff?" Yohane: "It's not here, either." Yohane: "Hey, girls..." You: "No luck over here, either." Riko: "I couldn't find any clues, either." Mari: "It's too lively here, so I couldn't find anything either." Chika: "I looked all over town but couldn't find it." Hanamaru: "I found a different staff, but..." Dia: "It hasn't shown up in any of the footage we've checked, either." Kanan: "No one delivered it to the lost and found either." Ruby: "We searched from up high, but..." Riko: "Maybe a black kite took it to add to its nest." You: "Maybe the wind made it launch into the air like whoosh! Nah, unlikely." Mari: "Was it spirited away?" Chika: "This is definitely a job for Million Dollar..." Riko And You: "Million Dollar?" Chika: "A-Anyway, all we can do is continue looking for it together! No more dilly-dallying!" Hanamaru: "Yohane-chan, think back one more time." Mari: "Where did you see the staff last?" Yohane: "It was back then..." Hanamaru: "Back then?" Yohane: "Yeah..." Yohane: "Back then..." Yohane: "Yeah..." Yohane: "The target shooting!" Kanan: "Wanna give this a try?" Yohane: "Yeah, let's do it!" Yohane: "I set it down somewhere back then." Dia: "We need you to be a little more specific." Yohane: "Um..." Yohane: "I think there were some ponies..." Dia: "Ponies?" Yohane: "They were pulling something." Dia: "What?" Kanan: "The float!" Kanan: "It's the hawk float!" All: "That's it!" Yohane: "That's it!" Chika: "It should definitely be over there!" Dia: "Let's all split up and look for it, everyone." Mari And Kanan: "Right!" Dia: "If we cause any more trouble, it'll disturb the crowd." Kanan: "Should we try later?" Mari: "But our performance is coming up!" Lailaps: "Yohane." Lailaps: "Hey, Yohane. Even if you don't find your staff, I'm sure you can sing. Because your power is—" Yohane: "I want to sing together with everyone on the best stage ever." Yohane: "And to make that happen, I need that staff." Lailaps: "Yohane, that staff—" Yohane: "You were right next to me!" Yohane: "You were right next to me when I lost the staff, so you should've noticed it!" Lailaps: "Huh? But I..." Yohane: "What should I do?" Yohane: "What should I do?" Yohane: "What should I do?" Lew: "H-Hey. Look over there!" Lew: "It's a bug!" Lailaps: "Oh, it's just a butterfly..." Lailaps: "Yohane!" Yohane: "You found it!" Yohane: "Thank goodness..." Yohane: "Lailaps." Yohane: "I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I got irritated and took it out on you." Lailaps: "You always get annoyed so quickly, Yohane." Lailaps: "It's fine. I'm glad you found your staff." Yohane: "Yeah!" Yohane: "I'm glad I met everyone and was able to become friends with them." Yohane: "I want to sing my gratitude towards all of them!" Lailaps: "Yeah, you should." Lailaps: "What's wrong?" Yohane: "Once we sing, the festival will be over, right?" Yohane: "It feels a little lonely..." Lailaps: "I think you should just sing about that lonely feeling, too." Yohane: "You're right!" All: "Yohane-chan!" Hanamaru: "It's almost time." Yohane: "Okay!" Yohane: "Everyone, thank you for today. I didn't know what I'd do if I couldn't find the staff, but you all looked for it with me." Yohane: "And I was really nervous to sing all by myself." Yohane: "But... If you're all by my side, I won't be scared at all!"
{ "raw_title": "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR Episode 8 – Reach them! Sea breeze", "parsed": [ "YOHANE THE PARHELION -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR", "8", "Reach them! Sea breeze" ] }
Hak: "Princess Yona, let us depart." Yona: "It is cold here." Hak: "It does border the mountains." Yona: "Back then, I had no idea it was so cold outside the castle." Yona: "This is the Kingdom of Kouka, and that was once my castle. At the time, the king lived in Hiryuu Castle with no male heir, nor any queen to bear him one. Only his beloved fifteen-year-old daughter was raised there." King: "This is the tenth year since the death of my father, the former king Junam. Our Kingdom of Kouka is a small nation surrounded by powerful nations to the north and south, involving us in many wars. However, thankfully, these ten years have passed with no significant battles," Hak: "Where's the princess?" Guy: "It seems she is still getting ready..." Hak: "I see... Because he's coming today." King: "and to this day, we have enjoyed prosperity on this land." Hak: "She's such a child." King: "My daughter, Yona, will soon be sixteen years old. I pray that, under the divine protection of Hiryuu, the king of old, the peace in this nation will last for all eternity!" All: "Long live King Il!" Minsoo: "You look wonderful, Princess. Forgive me, but you should proceed to the courtyard soon..." Yona: "No! This isn't right. Hey, where is that chintz?" Yona: "Father! What about the ceremony?" King: "As you can see, it's over." Yona: "Oh, no... I'm sorry, I..." King: "Well, no matter. It was merely a formality. There is no need for you to appear before the people." Yona: "Um, Father... Isn't there something odd about my hair?" King: "Of course not! Your beauty surpasses that of any jewel—" Yona: "Yes, that of my face. I believe I was born with quite a cute face. But why is this hair so red and unruly?" Yona: "Grr! It won't behave at all!" King: "That isn't true at all. Right, Hak?" Hak: "Yes, King Il." Hak: "Who would ever say that the princess's hair looks strange? If anything is not right," Hak: "it would be her brain." Yona: "Quiet, knave! Father, do something about this impertinent cretin!" King: "Now, now... Hak has been your friend since childhood." King: "And he is one of the five generals who protect this castle. He is the Wind Tribe's—" Yona: "I don't care! If you need guards, pick someone more lovable!" Hak: "Speaking of lovable... Shouldn't you be trying to look lovable yourself?" Yona: "Huh?" Hak: "It seems Lord Soo-Won has arrived." Yona: "Y-You should have said so sooner!" King: "Soo-Won? Is that why you were concerned about your hair?" King: "But why now?" Hak: "It must be that thing they call a "maiden heart."" Woman: "Princess!" Yona: "Soo-Won... Soo-Won!" Yona: "Kind Soo-won, who has been by my side since we were children..." Yona: "My cousin, three years my senior! For the first time in so long, today I get to..." Soowon: "Whoa, there." Yona: "...see him!" Soowon: "You are as energetic as ever, Princess Yona. Why the rush?" Yona: "I-I heard you had arrived, so I came to meet you." Soowon: "My, what a good girl." Yona: "Y-You can stay for a while this time, right?" Soowon: "Of course. I came to celebrate your birthday in a week. Wow... You're going to be sixteen years old!" Soowon: "You really have grown! So, where are King Il and Hak?" Soowon: "I must say hello!" Yona: "He treats me like a child... Like a child... Like a child! And I perfumed my clothes with the finest incense all morning, and applied only the highest quality lotions and makeup..." Hak: "All gone to waste." Yona: "You be quiet!" Yona: "Stupid Soo-Won..." Soowon: "Yona, what's wrong?" Yona: "Go away!" Soowon: "I heard you haven't been eating lately. King Il has been worried—" Yona: "Quiet!" Soowon: "It's all right. This way, no one else will see." Soowon: "You can cry if you want to." Yona: "I haven't been able to sleep" Yona: "without Mother beside me..." Soowon: "Yes... I heard the queen passed away recently." Soowon: "I know! I'll be your mother, Yona!" Soowon: "First of all, you need to eat." Soowon: "I'll give you this pear my master gave me!" Soowon: "I'll hold your hand until you fall asleep, like the queen did." Soowon: "If you shed tears, I'll wipe them so no one will see." Soowon: "So please, smile tomorrow!" Yona: "Stupid... My heart is beating so loudly, it's even harder to fall asleep..." Yona: "You are my most special one." Yona: "G-Good morning, Soo-Won! I have some of our best sweets! Would you like... to..." King: "What's the matter, Yona?" Minsoo: "If you're looking for Lord Soo-Won, he is with General Hak." Yona: "No fair, Hak! How could you set me aside and have fun with Soo-Won?" King: "Now, now... They haven't seen one another in some time, either." Soowon: "Well done, Hak." Hak: "You were magnificent yourself, Lord Soo-Won." Soowon: "Next time, I'll strike dead center, as well." Yona: "I'm going to do archery with Soo-Won, too!" King: "No! You mustn't handle weapons! I don't even want to let those two use them..." Yona: "Then you do it!" King: "But I would get hurt." Yona: "You coward! You know, you're just..." Soowon: "Yona!" Soowon: "Come down. I'll let you ride with me." Yona: "Okay!" King: "Soo-Won!" Soowon: "Relax. We'll both hold on to you." Yona: "But..." Hak: "Hak is about to die under the weight of the princess." Yona: "I will beat you down!" Soowon: "Don't worry. You like horses, don't you?" Yona: "I do..." Yona: "I love you." Soowon: "Entrust your body to me." Yona: "His voice... His breath..." Yona: "When he was a child, he was cute like a little girl..." Yona: "Isn't this against the rules?" Soowon: "Huh?" Yona: "I mean, you seem to be accustomed to dealing with women. I bet you bring lots of women into your mansion." Yona: "Gosh, what am I saying?" Yona: "I'm right?!" Soowon: "Please... You're mistaken." Soowon: "There have been a few discussions of engagement, but..." Yona: "Engagement?!" Soowon: "Oh, but nothing is decided yet... Let's not talk about this, okay?" Soowon: "There's no need for you to know." Yona: "Treating me like a child again... I-I've had offers of engagement, too!" Soowon: "What? With whom?" Yona: "Hak, for one!" Yona: "Idiot! Of all the names to give him, Hak makes it too obvious! I can't help it! I don't know any other guys near my age! So stop giving me that suspicious look, you servant!" Yona: "Um... I meant..." Soowon: "I think that sounds nice." Soowon: "Congratulations!" Yona: "You're cruel! You're too cruel, Soo-Won! How could you believe that lie?!" Hak: "You're the cruel one. You're also a nuisance." King: "Your marriage may not be a lie after all." Yona: "Huh?" King: "It would only be natural for you to be betrothed by now." Yona: "No... No! I want Soo-Won to—" King: "You can't have Soo-Won!" Minsoo: "Princess..." Yona: "I don't want to hear you speak of my love life! I'm—" King: "Yona, I have always given you anything you desired. Beautiful hair ornaments, earrings, a royal villa and a flower garden..." King: "I would give you anything that is not a weapon." King: "But no matter how you wish it, I cannot give you Soo-Won." King: "You are the princess of the Kingdom of Kouka. The man who marries you will become the next king." Yona: "Soo-Won is the son of my father's brother, Yoo-Hong. He is of royal blood." King: "True... But it is my duty as king to choose my heir." Yona: "Why? Soo-Won is a fine man." Yona: "You're a cowardly king who is too afraid to touch a weapon." King: "I am indeed a cowardly king." King: "Your mother was captured and killed by insurgents." King: "Such dangers go hand in hand with being part of a king's family. That is why I have found no desire to take a new wife." King: "Yona, you want Soo-Won to be happy, do you not?" Yona: "I don't understand." Yona: "I don't understand, Father." Yona: "Does that mean it's all right for the man I marry to meet with misfortune?" Yona: "Am I not allowed to be happy? But it's true... Even if Father allowed it," Yona: "in Soo-Won's eyes, I'm still the same child I was back then." Yona: "Soo-Won and I were never meant to be..." Yona: "Who's there?" Yona: "Hak? It's you again, isn't it?" Yona: "Only you would do something so senseless." Yona: "No... It can't be!" King: "Your mother was captured and killed by insurgents." Yona: "No!" Yona: "Help! Someone... Someone!" Yona: "Soo-Won!" Soowon: "Yona?" Yona: "Soo-Won..." Soowon: "I'm sorry. Did I frighten you?" Soowon: "I did come in without warning." Soowon: "Yona?" Yona: "A s-strange man came after me..." Soowon: "There's no one there." Yona: "That can't be! I..." Yona: "He ran away." Yona: "A castle guard would have said something..." Soowon: "Yona?" Yona: "Was he targeting me? Because I'm the king's daughter?" Soowon: "Yona." Soowon: "It's all right. I'm here." Yona: "Soo-Won..." Yona: "No. I can't be with you." Soowon: "Why not?" Yona: "Because..." Yona: "If you stay with me, you'll be in danger..." Soowon: "If you would rather be with Hak, I will take you to his quarters." Soowon: "He is your betrothed, isn't he?" Yona: "That's not..." Soowon: "You don't need to hide it." Soowon: "Hak would be angry if he knew the two of us were alone here." Yona: "No... Soo-Won, that's not it..." Yona: "You don't have to turn around... So..." Yona: "Soo-Won, I have always..." Yona: "So I can love you, can't I?" Soowon: "It looks like it's started to rain." Yona: "He ignored me?" Soowon: "Let me walk you to your room. I'll call a guard." Yona: "S-Soo-Won, I..." Soowon: "I'm sorry. Please don't come close to me." Soowon: "I may make a mistake." Yona: "What?" Soowon: "That is, a moment ago, it sounded as if you were saying that you..." Yona: "And if that weren't a mistake?" Yona: "If it weren't a mistake, would that upset you?" Soowon: "I can't let this happen." Soowon: "I can't let myself see you as a woman." Yona: "What was I until now, then?" Soowon: "Huh? Oh, well... A younger sister, perhaps?" Yona: "I knew that!" Soowon: "R-Right..." Soowon: "I'm sorry. I am unfamiliar with things like this..." Yona: "Soo-Won is turning red..." Yona: "So you lied about your engagement?" Soowon: "I just meant such discussions have come up." Soowon: "I'm not engaged yet." Yona: "Soo-Won, do I look like a woman to you?" Soowon: "At the least, I could not sleep holding hands with you anymore." Soowon: "My nerves would prevent me from sleeping." Yona: "Well, that's fine. If you've given me even the slightest consideration, that's enough for now." Soowon: "Yona..." Yona: "Father, I still love Soo-Won." Yona: "I don't know anything about the kingdom or kings yet..." Yona: "But, Father, just being by his side is my greatest happiness. Five days later, a banquet to celebrate my sixteenth birthday was held in Hiryuu Castle." Guys: "Princess, we wish you a happy birthday." Yona: "Thank you!" King: "Sixteen years old..." King: "How my Yona has grown!" Minsoo: "Yes." King: "Yona!" Yona: "Father... My hair still won't lay flat! I wanted to wear it up today!" King: "It's hopeless... All she thinks about is her hair..." Yona: "Soo-Won!" King: "Yona!" Minsoo: "Your Majesty, if you like..." King: "Thank you, Min-Soo." Yona: "I-Is there something you need?" Soowon: "Give me your hand." Yona: "A hair ornament?" Soowon: "I'm sorry to bring you out here. I thought it would suit you, so I wanted to give it to you personally." Yona: "My hair..." Yona: "is red and unruly, and it won't behave at all." Yona: "This wouldn't look right on me." Soowon: "What?" Soowon: "But I love your hair, Yona." Soowon: "It's a beautiful red, like the sky at dawn." Yona: "How simple am I?" Yona: "Just like that, I suddenly love my own hair." Yona: "Hak?!" Hak: "His Majesty is looking for you." Yona: "Is he? Tell him I'm resting in my room." Hak: "Well, I figured this is what was going on." Soowon: "Huh?" Hak: "I'm sure you could persuade the king, Lord Soo-Won." Soowon: "You misunderstand, Hak. And would you stop speaking so formally? Just call me Soo-Won, like you used to." Hak: "I am well aware of my place." Hak: "More importantly, do you not sense something? I can't place it clearly, but something feels off," Hak: "like something has made its way into the castle..." Soowon: "Now that you mention it, Yona said something similar." Hak: "What?" Soowon: "It may be wise to keep an eye on those entering and leaving today." Hak: "Understood. I'll increase security in the courtyard. You stay with the princess." Yona: "Soo-Won said he loved my hair." King: "No matter how you wish it, I cannot give you Soo-Won." Yona: "I need to discuss it with Father once more." Yona: "I can't forget about Soo-Won." Yona: "I'm sure Father will understand." Yona: "The door is..." Yona: "How careless, not to post guards here." Yona: "Come to think of it, why are there no guards? I didn't see a single one on my way here." Yona: "Father?" Yona: "F-Father!" Soowon: "Oh... You were still awake," Soowon: "Princess Yona?" Yona: "S-Soo-Won... Quickly, call a doctor..." Soowon: "King Il will not wake again." Soowon: "I killed him." Hak: "It's too quiet..." Minsoo: "General Hak!" Minsoo: "You must be tired from your patrol." Hak: "As always, you're so considerate, Min-Soo." Minsoo: "But are you sure you shouldn't be with the princess?" Hak: "Oh, I couldn't interfere. The princess is with Lord Soo-Won." Minsoo: "Then, the princess's feelings have finally reached Lord Soo-Won?" Hak: "Who knows? But I'm sure it's a matter of time." Minsoo: "You know the two of them well, don't you?" Hak: "I've been watching them for a long time." Hak: "I just... Well, how should I put it?" Hak: "I want them both to be happy." Guy: "Prepare yourself, Princess. All this is for the Kingdom of Kouka." Yona: "I've loved no one but Soo-Won since we were children..." Yona: "Soo-Won!" Hak: "What is the meaning of this," Hak: "Lord Soo-Won?" Yona: "Soo-Won..."
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 1 – The Princess Yona", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "1", "The Princess Yona" ] }
Yun: "Hey! Come on! Let me out!" Yun: "I may be handsome, but putting me in a cage is in poor taste! Just so you know, the heavens favor these good looks." Yun: "If anything happens to me, you'll suffer divine punishment!" Man: "Our dragon decides who will be punished." Yun: "The people of this clan have the dragon's blood." Yun: "How will I escape?" Yun: "I hope the others haven't been captured." Man: "To your left, you will see the White Dragon's—" Yun: "Hey! Why are you taking a casual tour of the village?!" Yona: "Hey, Yun. How're you doing?" Yun: "I'm tied up, but I'm just fine!" Man: "I apologize for our treatment of your companion. Let him out. But..." Man: "Our guest has red hair." Man: "Excuse me!" Yun: "What's going on?" Hak: "I don't know. The moment they saw the princess, their attitude changed." Hak: "No, it wasn't the princess. It was..." Man: "Please forgive our insolence. Since the age of myth, the White Dragon, one of the four dragons, has lived here, after fulfilling his duty during the war. Until now, we have eliminated the scoundrels who have come to claim the White Dragon's power for their own. Our clan's proud calling is to protect the White Dragon, ensuring his blood is passed on to the next generation." Man: "We cannot allow outsiders into this land so readily." Hak: "I understand your situation, but..." Hak: "What is this about?" Villagers: "Red hair! She has red hair!" Villagers: "It's so beautiful!" Yona: "Hak, did you hear? They called me beautiful." Hak: "Yeah, your hair." Yun: "It is unusual, but do the people here worship red hair or something?" Man: "Red hair evokes special memories within our clan." Man: "The first White Dragon served a red-haired master." Yona: "I hated my hair..." Man: "You mustn't say such things! You were sent here by the priest." Man: "You may be the one we've been waiting for." Man: "But you also may not be." Yun: "If she isn't, what will you do to us, now that we know of this place?" Man: "In any case, you must meet the White Dragon." Yun: "Hey! You hesitated too long!" Yun: "Hey, Thunder Beast. Protect me. If it comes down to it, protect me, okay?" Hak: "I don't know..." Yun: "What makes the White Dragon so special? Aren't all these villagers the White Dragon's descendants?" Man: "That's right." Man: "However, only one villager possesses the power of the White Dragon." Man: "He is born with a dragon inside his right hand." Kija: "For some reason, my right hand has been throbbing this morning." Woman: "Quickly, quickly!" Woman: "The White Dragon is injured!" Kija: "It isn't serious! Don't make such a fuss over it!" Woman: "I thought my heart was going to stop... I thought you had injured your precious hand." Kija: "You always make such a big deal of everything. Since I was young, you have protected me, to prevent my power from falling into outside hands." Kija: "But in truth, I should be the one protecting you." Woman: "What are you talking about? You possess the power of the gods." Woman: "You are our pride and reason for living. You shine brighter than all the White Dragons that came before you." Kija: "But, I feel impatient." Kija: "When am I supposed to use this power? And for what purpose?" Woman: "When the time comes, you will use it for that person." Woman: "Your late father and mother watch over you now." Woman: "It's possible this era doesn't need your power. However, I'm sure the next White Dragon and the one after that will also use it to protect their masters, where you, perhaps, could not." Kija: "The next White Dragon?" Woman: "You need only stay in the village and not worry about anything." Kija: "When will the master I must protect appear?" Kija: "I want to meet the master who needs me soon!" Woman: "By the way, White Dragon..." Woman: "You turned twenty this year, didn't you?" Kija: "Yes..." Woman: "By now, you're old enough to have a few wives." Kija: "Just one is fine." Woman: "You don't have even one! Are there no girls in the village you like?!" Kija: "Hurry... Please hurry, my master!" Kija: "The village is awfully lively this morning." Woman: "Yes, it seems some outsiders have arrived." Kija: "What? They must eliminate them immediately!" Woman: "But apparently, they're rather unusual. People are fussing over them in the middle of the village." Kija: "Did they invite them in?" Woman: "But I heard there's a cute girl with them!" Kija: "So what?" Kija: "We must be especially careful of female assassins!" Kija: "I'm going!" Woman: "White Dragon!" Kija: "I will, at least, use my power to protect this village!" Hak: "What's wrong, Princess?" Yona: "It's extraordinary..." Hak: "Huh?" Yona: "When a child is born with the power of the White Dragon, the dragon's blood disappears from the previous White Dragon." Yona: "The bloodline must be maintained until the dragon's power is needed again." Yona: "I came to borrow such a power." Hak: "Should we give up?" Yona: "Hak!" Yona: "Lend me your sword!" Yona: "I've made my decision. I won't turn back. But if the White Dragon won't help us, you'll have to train me more!" Kija: "Where are the intruders?" Kija: "There they are." Kija: "How dare you throw the village into confusion, scoundrels?" Kija: "I will tear you apart with my claws." Kija: "You woman..." Kija: "Red hair?" Kija: "What is this? My arm! It feels like my blood is flowing backward!" Dragons: "You are now our other halves." Dragons: "You will serve Hiryuu as your master, protecting him with your lives. You will love him, and never betray him." Kija: "This person... This is the one I have longed for." Kija: "My master..." Villagers: "White Dragon! White Dragon! White Dragon!" her: "Gija..." her: "In the age of myth, the dragon warriors were born to protect King Hiryuu." her: "The king will appear again, and require your strength." Kija: "Father, when will my king appear?" her: "When you meet him, you'll know." her: "Your blood will seek the king." her: "The blood of the White Dragon." her: "You will see a dazzling light." her: "That is when you must depart." Villagers: "White Dragon! White Dragon! White Dragon! White Dragon!" Villagers: "White Dragon!" Yona: "Are you all right?" Man: "Look! The White Dragon's hand..." Kija: "Father..." Kija: "Generations of White Dragons who protected our blood and clan..." Kija: "I am grateful!" Yona: "Um, White Dragon?" Kija: "Yes, I have inherited the ancient dragon's blood." Kija: "I have been waiting for you, my master!" Yona: "Master?" Yona: "What are you talking about?" Man: "Congratulations, White Dragon! Our king has finally appeared!" Yona: "King?" Hak: "They think you're the king." Yun: "Maybe they think you're King Hiryuu because you have red hair." Kija: "My master..." Yona: "Huh?" Kija: "Please tell me your name." Yona: "Yona." Kija: "Lady Yona..." Yona: "This person is the White Dragon. He has silver hair, and skin so pale, it's almost transparent." Yona: "He doesn't seem human." Yona: "You're beautiful." Kija: "Not at all. You look far more divine." Yona: "Oh, my!" Yona: "I'm not your king or master." Kija: "Huh?" Yona: "I am a scoundrel who seeks the power of the gods to protect herself and her friends." Yun: "Hey! Don't tell him that." Yona: "I am traveling to acquire the other three dragons, as well." Yona: "I ask that you grant me your power first." Yona: "Would that be all right?" Kija: "There is no greater honor. No matter who you are or what your goals, I am now your dragon." Kija: "That is what the blood inside me says." Kija: "Elder, I will leave immediately with my master." Man: "Yes, sir." Woman: "What are you saying?!" Woman: "We must throw a banquet first! Prepare a banquet to celebrate King Hiryuu's revival!" Man: "Y-Yes, ma'am." Woman: "Red-haired king, we have been waiting for you. Your beautifully blazing red hair, wise and lovely eyes, and smooth skin..." Woman: "I regret that you do not have these things..." Yun: "Well, this is a surprise... Ik-su's prophecy was right, but I didn't think he'd join us that easily." Yona: "When I told him I'm a princess, he was surprised." Yun: "You called yourself a scoundrel." Yona: "Well, it's true. I didn't want to lie to him." Yun: "And that guy was creeping me out, grinning the whole time." Hak: "I'm not grinning. I was just excited to hear the princess pick a fight with a god." Yona: "Are you being sarcastic again?" Hak: "Of course not!" Kija: "My right arm and body are still hot." Kija: "The moment I saw her, all the blood in my body boiled." Kija: "The dragon's voice echoed in my soul." Kija: "Since I was a child, I've been told of my clan's greatest hope." Kija: "The calling entrusted to me over a thousand years ago." Kija: "Father, please watch over me." Hak: "Excuse me." Kija: "Huh?" Kija: "Insolence!" Kija: "How dare you enter the White Dragon's dwelling without permission?" Hak: "Yeah, sorry." Kija: "What are you doing?" Hak: "I came to get some things that might help us on our journey." Hak: "Do you have anything?" Kija: "Here." Hak: "Huh?" Hak: "You're so generous, White Dragon." Kija: "Take this, and leave the village." Hak: "Huh?" Kija: "I appreciate your efforts up to now. I will protect the princess from now on, so you may leave." Hak: "Huh?" Yun: "He's back." Yun: "This looks pretty ominous." Yona: "What's wrong?" Hak: "Princess, we can't use him. Let's find someone else." Kija: "You must leave! I can protect the princess myself!" Hak: "A sheltered kid couldn't handle the outside world." Kija: "Princess, why does such a boorish man escort you?" Yun: "What happened?" Hak: "The White Dragon said he would pay me to leave." Yun: "And what's that bulge on your stomach?" Hak: "Maybe I'm getting fat." Kija: "Protecting the princess is the duty of the four dragons. Those who are not dragons should leave!" Yona: "No!" Yona: "Hak is my childhood friend. Since I left the castle and ended up alone, he hasn't abandoned me." Yona: "He's important to me." Yona: "I want Hak with me!" Hak: "Well, you know... That's that. It can't be helped." Yona: "I'm returning this." Kija: "If you insist, Princess..." Yona: "But I need you, too. Otherwise, Hak will die protecting me." Yona: "I want you to protect Hak, so he won't die." Kija: "I see." Kija: "That's how it is? You sought my help because he's weak? Leave it to me. I will protect you and this man." Hak: "Huh?" Hak: "No, thank you. I haven't fallen so far that I need to be protected by a white snake." Kija: "A white snake? Did you just call the sacred dragon a snake?" Yun: "This is gonna be a pain." Woman: "Up to now, I have raised four White Dragons." Woman: "How many tears have I shed every time I imagined this day?" Man: "Yes, ma'am." Woman: "Hey!" Woman: "Don't cry on such a joyous occasion." Man: "Y-Yes, ma'am." Villager: "White Dragon..." Kija: "I told you all you didn't have to see me off." Villager: "This is too much! We didn't think you would leave so soon!" Kija: "What are you saying? My master has appeared." Kija: "She needs my power. The power that generations of White Dragons have passed down for this very day." Man: "White Dragon..." Kija: "If I let you spoil me on the day I depart, I will incur the wrath of the heavens." Man: "Until you return, we will protect this village." Kija: "I'm counting on you." Kija: "Even if I die, a new White Dragon will be born, as long as the village remains secure." Man: "Don't say such things!" Villager: "You'll make us cry! You idiot, White Dragon!" Kija: "I-I'm sorry." Woman: "White Dragon!" Kija: "Granny..." Woman: "Take these rice balls with you!" Woman: "You'll get cold on your journey. Wear these coats I made for you. Also, here's ten years' worth of medicine and a serum to preserve your good looks!" Woman: "Take this beauty with you, too!" Kija: "Granny, I can't hold all this!" Kija: "Granny..." Kija: "I will be gone for a while." Kija: "The elders will handle the village." Woman: "No one told me anything. As the village's oldest member, it is my responsibility to look after it." Kija: "But I heard your eyesight has worsened." Woman: "No one in the village is healthier than me." Kija: "You certainly are energetic." Woman: "But..." Woman: "This is discouraging." Woman: "Tomorrow morning, I won't be able to wake you..." Woman: "Our clan's greatest hope has come true, but I didn't think it'd be so sudden..." Kija: "Granny, lift up your face." Kija: "I have spent more time with you than with my parents. You have watched over my growth. You are my dear granny." Kija: "Even from distant lands, I will pray for everyone's happiness, as well as yours." Kija: "You should rest your body, and live a quiet life." Woman: "Inexcusable! You make it sound as though I have but a few years left to live." Woman: "I haven't lived long enough yet... Once you fulfill your duty and return," Woman: "I'll be the first to welcome you home. I promise... No matter how many years pass, even if I'm blind, I will always be able to see your radiance." Woman: "You must fulfill your duty and return..." Hak: "Which way should we go now?" Yona: "Yun, did Ik-su tell you anything?" Yun: "No, I have no more leads from here." Hak: "What's wrong? Your eyes are red." Yun: "Shut up!" Yona: "This is a problem." Kija: "You're looking for the four dragons, aren't you?" Yona: "Yes." Kija: "I can detect those who possess the power of the dragons." Yona: "Really?" Kija: "Yes." Kija: "Though the link is faint, the four dragons are something akin to siblings." Kija: "Since ancient times, our blood has called out to one another across great distances." Kija: "I've never met them, though." Yona: "How convenient!" Kija: "Convenient?" Hak: "Well, for now, let's start down the mountain." Yona: "By the way..." Yona: "White Dragon, what's your name?" Yona: "Everyone calls you "White Dragon," but that isn't your name, is it?" Yona: "Can I call you by your name?" Kija: "I thought no one would use the name my parents called me ever again. Please call me "Gija."" Yona: "Gija." Yona: "That's a nice name." Yun: "Hurry up! If you keep dawdling, we'll leave you behind!" Kija: "You should be careful what you touch." Kija: "Not even I can control this strength. Next time, Yona of the Dawn episode 11:"
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 10 – Anticipation", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "10", "Anticipation" ] }
Kija: "What a pleasant feeling." Kija: "The king I have been waiting for has finally appeared." Kija: "My clan's greatest wish has been passed down since the age of myth." Kija: "To the people I left behind in the White Dragon's village..." Kija: "I promise I will protect the king." Hak: "White Snake, you must be exhausted from the long journey." Kija: "Call me "White Snake" again, and I'll tear out your throat." Kija: "This isn't enough to exhaust me." Hak: "Well, I thought you must be missing your village by now." Kija: "What are you talking about? The princess asked me" Kija: "to protect you if it becomes necessary." Hak: "Does a sheltered boy like you know how to fight?" Yona: "That's enough!" Yona: "We're going to be traveling together, so don't fight." Kija: "I'm sorry, Princess." Yona: "Hak, Gija is anxious about leaving his village for the first time. Don't tease him!" Kija: "I'm not..." Yona: "Gija, teasing people is Hak's hobby. Don't let it get to you." Hak: "My hobby?" Yun: "Let's get going!" Yona: "Okay!" Yun: "Gija, you can sense the other dragons, right?" Kija: "Your name is Yun, yes? Of course I can." Kija: "By sharpening my mind's eye, I can feel their presences." Yun: "Tell us who's closest, then." Kija: "I shall try." Kija: "I believe the closest one is the Blue Dragon." Yun: "You even know who it is?" Yun: "Where is he?" Kija: "Well..." Kija: "I feel something coming from over there." Yun: "That location's awfully broad..." Kija: "Don't worry." Kija: "Follow me, everyone." Yun: "I will worry! I'm worried about following someone who's never left his village before!" Kija: "This may be my first time outside, but I know about the world. My clan has visited various regions and gathered information—" Yona: "Gija!" Kija: "Wh-Wh-What are these? Who gave them permission to make their home here? W-Wait... Stop... No more!" Kija: "No! Stop! Stay back!" Yun: "You can follow behind us, White Dragon." Kija: "I can still feel them crawling all over me..." Hak: "I see that dragons are weaker than insects." Kija: "N-No! I just dislike creepy, crawly creatures!" Kija: "I have been granted the proud, divine strength of the White Dragon. It isn't like that of ordinary men." Hak: "Look. More bugs." Hak: "Well, whatever. I'm not expecting anything from your dusty old power." Kija: "What? Want to test it right here, then?" Hak: "Oh?" Hak: "Princess, hide." Yona: "Hak?" Yun: "What's wrong, Gija?" Kija: "Someone's coming." Yun: "Someone? Who?" Hak: "There are quite a few of them." Kija: "Their footsteps sound unrefined." Yun: "That's bad! We're near the Fire Tribe's land." Kija: "Is the Fire Tribe our enemy?" Hak: "Yeah, basically." Yona: "Hey! Hak, can I use my bow?" Hak: "I won't allow it. Go hide." Yun: "Let's go." Bandit A: "Well, who would've thought we'd find prey out here?" Bandit B: "They don't look like they have much." Hak: "Oh, they're just bandits." Kija: "What does that mean?" Bandit A: "No, look. There are two women over there." Yun: "I'm a handsome young man." Bandit A: "This boy's wearing some nice clothes. I bet we could sell him, too." Kija: "Hey, it's all right if I tear them apart, isn't it?" Hak: "Or you can hide, if you want." Kija: "Who would hide?" Bandit A: "What's wrong, boy? Are you trembling? Don't worry. If you behave, we won't kill y—" Bandit B: "What happened?" Bandit A: "I-I don't know, but his hand is boiling hot!" Bandit B: "Huh? Don't be stupid." Kija: "You should be careful what you touch." Kija: "This power has waited thousands of years to protect its master." Kija: "Not even I can control it." Bandit B: "Huh?" Bandit C: "What is that?" Bandit D: "His arm!" Kija: "Sorry to have kept you waiting, arm of the White Dragon!" Bandit E: "H-He's a monster!" Hak: "That's the power of a dragon's claw..." Hak: "You're more heartless than you look." Kija: "This still isn't enough." Kija: "Hak, was it? Shall I also protect you, as the Princess instructed?" Hak: "Don't worry about me." Hak: "I can handle myself." Bandit G: "Don't mess with us!" Bandit I: "Wh-Who are these guys? They're not normal!" Hak: "How rude. The White Snake is the only one who isn't normal!" Hak: "Where are you aiming that thing, White Snake?" Kija: "I told you I'd tear your throat out if you called me "White Snake" again." Hak: "Don't let it get to you. It's just my hobby." Hak: "Anyway, aren't you getting a bit too excited? You're attracting too much attention." Kija: "Nothing delights me more than protecting the princess. It's your blade that's getting in my way!" Hak: "You dragons certainly are devoted, aren't you?" Kija: "Why do you protect the princess, then?" Hak: "I'm not telling someone I just met, idiot." Kija: "I-Idiot?" Hak: "Let's go." Kija: "I thought he was a helpless human, but he's incredibly strong." Kija: "I hate to admit it, but he may be as strong as the dragon's arm." Yun: "They're weird. They're definitely weird. It's as if Gija isn't of this world, and the Thunder Beast's speed isn't even human." Yun: "Do you want to be useful?" Yona: "Hak told me not to do it." Yona: "I'm restraining myself." Yun: "But didn't you practice for a time like this? According to my calculations, that guy coming up behind the Thunder Beast should be within your range." Yun: "Aim a little higher." Yun: "Now!" Yun: "All right!" Yona: "Yun, that was amazing! You're a better teacher than Hak!" Yun: "It's easy to help others. I can hardly hit anything myself." Bandit L: "Stay still, girls." Bandit L: "You're going to be my hostages." Both: "Princess, are you all right?" Yona: "Thank you." Yun: "What a pain." Yona: "It is over already?" Kija: "How many did you defeat?" Hak: "Huh? I don't remember." Kija: "I defeated twenty-eight." Hak: "Then I defeated forty." Kija: "Liar! You said you didn't remember! Besides, there weren't even that many—" Yona: "Gija! Are you all right?" Kija: "Yes, I fought a little too hard..." Kija: "I meant to fight more elegantly." Hak: "Actually, I like that the white dragon god has such a bloodthirsty fighting style." Hak: "I'm thrilled. At the castle, no one could keep up with me. Someday, I hope we can fight—" Yona: "Hak!" Kija: "Did he die?" Yona: "He isn't dead!" Yun: "You idiot... You opened your wound." Yun: "His wound hasn't healed yet." Yun: "He acts fine, but he's still a mess." Kija: "He moved so quickly, with those injuries? This man is unbelievable." Kija: "Is he a monster?" Yun: "He probably wouldn't want to hear that from you." Yun: "The sun is setting." Yun: "We should find somewhere to sleep." Kija: "Is there an inn around here?" Yun: "Under the stars." Kija: "Under the stars?" Yun: "This is why I can't stand rich kids. Just follow behind us, White Dragon." Yun: "What are you doing, Princess?!" Yona: "Hak can't move. We have to carry him..." Yona: "Gija, that's amazing!" Kija: "The dragon's arm is ten times stronger than an ordinary person's." Kija: "Uh, it's just my right arm, actually..." Kija: "He'll be all right." Yona: "Huh?" Yona: "Yeah. Hak is strong." Yona: "He protects me all the time now, but someday, I want to protect him." Kija: "You are strong, despite living in the castle your whole life." Yona: "I'm not strong." Kija: "But you weren't that shaken by the bandits." Yona: "You're right. I'm not afraid of bandits." Yona: "Nothing could terrify me more than that night." Yun: "Hey!" Yun: "Hurry up!" Yona: "Let's go." Kija: "Perhaps it's because of the White Dragon's blood that I was granted to protect King Hiryuu, but I wish to support the back of this frail girl who tries to be strong, while verging on tears." Kija: "What is this?" Yun: "It's dinner. Is there a problem?" Kija: "Dinner? These are the weeds that were growing on the mountain path!" Yun: "They aren't weeds! They're mountain vegetables you can eat. You should be grateful I didn't add any insects." Kija: "Insects? You eat insects?" Yun: "Insects are nutritious." Kija: "Are you all right with this food, Princess?" Yona: "I still can't eat bugs, but I've gotten used to most of it. After all," Yona: "I couldn't afford to dislike it. But since Yun arrived, the food has gotten better!" Yun: "Twitch." Yona: "When it was just Hak and me, it was awful." Yona: "Huh? Why are you crying?" Kija: "Princess, your journey has been so harsh..." Hak: "What was that about my cooking?" Yona: "Hak, you're awake?" Hak: "I can't let that one slide." Yona: "Is your wound okay?" Hak: "My wound? What are you talking about? Anyway, what did you say about my cooking?" Yona: "Cooking? What are you talking about?" Yona: "Oh, are you hungry?" Hak: "You're starting to dodge my questions." Yona: "Can you move? Do you want me to feed you?" Yona: "Open your mouth." Kija: "Princess, allow me to perform this menial task." Hak: "White Snake, don't butt in at the good part." Kija: "How dare you allow the princess to feed you?" Yun: "If you've finished eating, I'd like to discuss the Blue Dragon's location." Yun: "Gija, can you sense the Blue Dragon?" Kija: "I feel something over there." Yun: "Yeah, okay. Sorry to bother you." Yun: "Does the Blue Dragon have a village like the White Dragon, or does he live alone?" Kija: "I'm not sure. According to the information of my compatriots living abroad..." Kija: "Long ago, the Blue Dragon clan lived secretly in the Earth Tribe's land. However, the Blue Dragon village suddenly disappeared, and the clan went missing." Yun: "Disappeared? But they weren't destroyed, right?" Kija: "When I close my eyes, I can feel the pulse of the Blue Dragon." Yun: "Ik-su said the other dragons move around. The Blue Dragon's clan must have moved somewhere." Yun: "Gija is pointing east-northeast toward the Fire Tribe's land. I'd say there are about six locations where the village might be." Yona: "Yun, have you been there?" Yun: "No, but the largest city after Saika is here. There are merchant roads and aristocratic villas in this area. There are only about six other places that are infrequently traveled and away from human eyes." Yona: "Amazing! You really do know everything, Yun." Yun: "Could you stop treating me like a little kid? We're only one year apart." Yun: "All right, boys! Tomorrow, we'll start searching for the Blue Dragon! Anyway, goodnight." Kija: "Goodnight? Wait, here?!" Yona: "Goodnight..." Kija: "Wait..." Hak: "Shut up, White Snake." Kija: "What?" Yona: "Gija, your beautiful face looks awful!" Kija: "I'm sorry you had to see that..." Hak: "Hey, there's a bug on your back!" Yona: "Gija, wait! Hak is lying!" Yun: "Be quiet, you jolly exotic beasts." Yun: "Listen up. We're about to enter a village. And we're in Fire Tribe territory, so don't draw attention to yourselves!" All: "Okay." Yun: "Not that it's possible." Yun: "Gija..." Kija: "He isn't here." Yun: "I guess it won't be that easy. Next, we'll go forty kilometers ahead to..." Hak: "Wait, we can't go there." Hak: "That's a training ground for the Fire Tribe army." Yun: "Huh? What about here, then?" Hak: "That area was recently developed." Yun: "I'm glad we didn't go there." Yona: "Gija, what's wrong?" Kija: "Nothing." Yun: "We've reached a decision. It's a bit of a walk, but we're down to three possibilities. The village will probably be one of them." Yona: "Really?" Yun: "You know a lot about this area, Thunder Beast." Hak: "Well, I was a general. I'm sensitive to changes in the tribes and their armies." Yun: "Tell me more sometime." Hak: "Sure thing." Yun: "Let's go." Yun: "Gija..." Kija: "Not here, either." Kija: "Or here." Yun: "Gija, anything?" Yun: "He isn't here, either?" Kija: "I feel something from over there." Yun: "What? He's still farther away? That's odd... We visited all the likely places." Yun: "The Blue Dragon didn't cross the border, did he?" Hak: "Maybe your nose is congested, White Snake." Kija: "I'm not sniffing him out with my nose!" Kija: "Princess, did you hurt your leg?" Yona: "I'm all right. I'm just a little tired." Yun: "Drink this." Yona: "It's good! What is this?" Yun: "Loquat juice. It eases fatigue." Yun: "I'll wrap your legs in honeywort. You should rest for today." Yona: "Yun, you're amazing! You know so much!" Kija: "H-How can they sleep in a place like this?" Kija: "They're all tired." Kija: "They've been walking off the beaten trail for days, while concealing themselves. If I could detect the dragons' locations more clearly," Kija: "the princess wouldn't have to exhaust herself." Kija: "To have to rely on Hak and Yun's knowledge and wisdom..." Kija: "It's so frustrating." Kija: "Blue Dragon, brother of dragon's blood... I have been calling out to you all this time." Kija: "Our master is searching for you!" Kija: "You're waiting there, aren't you?" Kija: "You are waiting for the king, aren't you?" Kija: "I fell asleep..." Kija: "What was that?" Kija: "Princess..." Kija: "It's the middle of the night. Princess—" Hak: "Don't disturb her." Kija: "When did the princess begin practicing with a bow?" Hak: "She's been practicing every chance she gets since before we met you. She shoots up to two hundred arrows a night." Kija: "Two hundre—" Hak: "Keep it down." Kija: "Why does she push herself so hard? She has me. She has no need for martial arts." Hak: "Yeah, the princess has me, so she doesn't have to do anything." Hak: "But the princess can't allow herself to be powerless." Hak: "Her father was killed, and she was exiled from the castle. But in order to survive in this world, her shame for her inability to do anything herself drives her to struggle to find what she must do." Kija: "You don't stop the princess from wielding a weapon?" Hak: "I don't want her to fight. But I am conflicted," Hak: "as I also want to watch her struggle like a human being." Kija: "Damn these insects!" Kija: "I want to help her. I want to be useful to her." Yona: "He protects me all the time now, but someday, I want to protect him." Kija: "She's just like me." Kija: "All right! I will find you today, Blue Dragon!" Yona: "Gija, did you get any sleep last night?" Kija: "Huh? Ah, um..." Yona: "You're tired, aren't you? I can tell you haven't had any rest, since you aren't used to sleeping outside." Yona: "Take care of yourself. We can't progress if you're not feeling well." Kija: "Princess..." Kija: "Am I useful to you?" Yona: "Of course! No one could replace you!" Kija: "What is this? My chest hurts." Kija: "Is the dragon's blood excited again?" Yun: "I got it!" Yona: "Yun?" Yun: "The Blue Dragon's village! I missed it! I didn't think anyone could live there, but there is a place! It's right on the border," Yun: "in those mountains." Yona: "The Blue Dragon lives there..." Yona: "The hand I touched in the darkness was so gentle and warm. Next time, Yona of the Dawn episode 12:"
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 11 – The Dragon's Claw", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "11", "The Dragon's Claw" ] }
Shinah: "My eyes tingle more than usual today." Shinah: "Intruders? A small and weak female voice." Shinah: "They intend to trap her underground." Shinah: "They mustn't." Dragons: "Warriors of the four dragons..." Shinah: "What is this?" Dragons: "You are now our other halves." Dragons: "You will serve Hiryuu as your master, protecting him with your lives. You will love him, and never betray him." Shinah: "What is this voice?" Shinah: "My eyes throb..." Shinah: "The moment I touched that girl, a voice echoed through my head. I nearly collapsed where I stood." Shinah: "There was a white dragon..." Shinah: "Why did I think he was a white dragon? Why does it feel" Shinah: "like my blood is boiling?" Shinah: "My eyes throb..." Shinah: "Be still." Shinah: "No one must learn of this power again." Yun: "A villager nearly took you below ground?!" Yona: "Yeah." Kija: "Damn them. Not only do they refuse to respect you, but they tried to trap you underground. They must be determined to incur my wrath!" Yona: "Gija, your face!" Hak: "Calm down. You're such a sheltered kid. You want to kill common villagers? Grow up." Yun: "You should grow up yourself, former general." Yun: "But you're sure that man was the Blue Dragon?" Kija: "Yes." Hak: "Then why did he run away?" Kija: "I don't know." Kija: "The Blue Dragon, the villagers... What's going on with this place?" Yun: "They're both dragon villages, but this one's the polar opposite of the White Dragon's village." Kija: "What?" Yun: "Since we saw the White Dragon's village first, this village appeared different..." Yun: "But now that I think about it, maybe the White Dragon's village was the exception. These villagers don't revere red hair, and they don't regard the dragon's power as exalted. They may even think it's abominable." Yun: "The villagers and the Blue Dragon may actually regard us only as intruders." Kija: "That's ridiculous!" Kija: "The four dragon warriors must hasten to join their master immediately. Once I met the princess, up until the moment I left my village, I did not hesitate." Yun: "You don't hesitate enough." Kija: "Of course not." Yun: "That wasn't a compliment." Yona: "But he saved me." Yona: "The Blue Dragon had gentle hands." Yona: "I want to meet and speak with him." Yun: "So you're going back into that maze?" Yona: "Yes." Yun: "Even after that scary ordeal, you're not fazed at all." Yun: "You have guts, Princess." Yun: "Let's go." Yun: "There was something at that dead end, right?" Hak: "You stay here, Princess." Yona: "Hak?" Hak: "Yun and I will find the Blue Dragon." Kija: "What are you saying? I shall go." Hak: "Okay. We're counting on you, White Snake." Kija: "What?!" Hak: "In any case, don't go back in there, Princess. Wait outside and—" Yona: "No." Yona: "Gija, Yun, and I will go." Yona: "You wait here, Hak." Yona: "Gija knows the Blue Dragon's location, and Yun knows the way." Yona: "And I must meet the Blue Dragon." Yona: "I believe that is my job." Yona: "Please." Hak: "And someone has to stay outside and watch for the villagers. I'm the only one left, so I have to do it?" Yona: "Because I know I can depend on you." Yona: "I'll be careful not to let anything like that happen again." Yona: "Hak?" Hak: "This time, come back." Hak: "Otherwise, I'll stick annoyingly close to you from now on." Yona: "Hak..." Yona: "I don't want to be annoyed." Yona: "So I'll be careful." Hak: "Yes, please do." Yun: "I pity him." Hak: "Hey, White Snake." Kija: "I'm not a White—" Hak: "I'm counting on you." Kija: "I know." Hak: "They're watching." Hak: "They've been observing us this whole time." Hak: "What a creepy bunch." Hak: "I'll just have to intimidate them." Yun: "Princess, you're actually a bit scared without the Thunder Beast, aren't you?" Yona: "Yun, don't say that!" Yona: "When Hak's around, I rely on him too much." Yun: "Doesn't the Thunder Beast want you to rely on him?" Yona: "Yes, but Hak actually served my late father." Yona: "He's still following my father's orders." Yun: "I don't think that's the only reason..." Yona: "Hak didn't like being a general or a bodyguard. I can't do it yet," Yona: "but someday, I'd like to set Hak free." Yun: "Huh? The dead end has a hidden passage?" Yona: "Yes." Yun: "It's open! How interesting!" Yun: "Gija, let's go." Yona: "What's wrong?" Kija: "Ah, nothing..." Kija: "The Blue Dragon is in there. I'll wait out here." Kija: "You two go ahead." Yona: "Huh? Why?" Yun: "It's all right. This handsome genius knows the way." Kija: "I'll depend on you." Yun: "Got it." Kija: "Now, then..." Kija: "What do you want to do in this narrow space?" Villager: "We cannot allow those who follow that path to leave." Kija: "Quiet." Kija: "You are scoundrels that have forgotten the Red Dragon's nobility." Kija: "I, the White Dragon, shall not allow you to approach her." Shinah: "The White Dragon is nearby." Shinah: "Someone is walking through the passage." Shinah: "Ao, hide." Shinah: "Intruders?" Shinah: "I will defeat any enemies!" Yona: "Hello." Shinah: "What is this?" Shinah: "Who is this person?" Yun: "This isn't good, Princess! A masked man crouching at the back of a hole like this must be dangerous!" Yona: "It's you again." Yun: "Huh?" Yun: "What's this little creature with swollen cheeks? He's stuffed too much in there!" Yona: "What's his name?" Shinah: "Ao." Yun: "He answers questions?" Yona: "That name doesn't suit him at all." Yun: "Try to meet him halfway, Princess!" Shinah: "It doesn't suit him..." Shinah: "I knew it. I agree." Yona: "I'm Yona. What's your name?" Shinah: "The Blue Dragon." Yona: "No, your name." Yona: "That isn't your name, is it?" Shinah: "I don't have a name." Shinah: "I'm just the Blue Dragon." Shinah: "Stay back!" Shinah: "Who are you people? Why have you entered this village?" Shinah: "Why do you approach me? Why is the White Dragon..." Yona: "I came here to see you." Shinah: "Why do I so strongly feel..." Yona: "Blue Dragon, I'd like you to lend me your power." Yona: "I want you to come with me." Shinah: "...as though I've wanted to meet this girl?" Shinah: "My power..." Yun: "Princess!" Shinah: "An enemy." Shinah: "Those who desire the power of the Blue Dragon are enemies!" Dragons: "Warriors of the four dragons... You are now our other halves." Shinah: "You..." Shinah: "Who are you?" Shinah: "Why do my hands tremble?" Shinah: "I don't know you..." Shinah: "Why?" Shinah: "Why do I want to cry?" Yona: "Blue Dragon, I am not your enemy." Yona: "I am searching for the four dragons, so that my friends and I may live." Yona: "I want you to become my ally." Shinah: "Ally..." Shinah: "Ally." Shinah: "I am cursed..." Yona: "Cursed?" Shinah: "The outside world must never learn of this power." Shinah: "This power of destruction." Yona: "Who told you that?" Shinah: "It's the truth." Yona: "That's why you won't go?" Yona: "No matter what?" Shinah: "Leave." Shinah: "Leave!" Yun: "Princess..." Yona: "Let me say one thing." Yona: "Your hand was very warm." Yona: "I don't know anything about your curse. But if that was the hand of a cursed man," Yona: "then I don't care, even if you do bear a horrific curse." Shinah: "She's leaving." Shinah: "It feels as if my heart is being torn apart." Yona: "I want you to become my ally." Shinah: "Ally..." Shinah: "Ao... I want friends." Shinah: "I had finally forgotten about that..." Yun: "Princess..." Yun: "You look really displeased." Yona: "There was nothing in that room." Yona: "Is he getting enough to eat?" Yona: "I feel like I've left someone very important in a dark cage." Yona: "It's strange. That was our first meeting, and yet..." Kija: "Get back!" Yona: "Gija..." Villager: "They're back." Villager: "They came back. Finish them." Kija: "Princess, stay back." Yun: "I knew it." Kija: "They intend to eliminate us, to keep the Blue Dragon hidden." Yona: "Eliminate us? Why?" Villager: "Now that you know about him, we can't let you leave here alive!" Yona: "Why? Why do you hide the Blue Dragon?" Kija: "Perhaps this place really is the opposite of my village. They called the noble dragon's power a curse..." Villager: "Quiet!" Yun: "Don't fight in this narrow space!" Yona: "Gija!" Kija: "Don't worry. I'm not using my power against amateurs!" Yun: "You only punched him with tens of times the strength of most men." Yona: "Please tell me. Why does the Blue Dragon have to be shunned? What is this curse?" Villager: "Quiet!" Yun: "An earthquake?" Villager: "Run!" Kija: "Princess!" Yona: "Hak!" Hak: "An earthquake?" Villager: "Help!" Hak: "Princess!" Hak: "The princess and the others are in there." Hak: "Damn it!" Hak: "You can't be serious..." Hak: "Princess..." Hak: "Princess! Yun! White Snake!" Yona: "I'll be careful not to let anything like that happen again." Hak: "I shouldn't have let her go..." Hak: "Why didn't I anticipate this?" Hak: "I can't believe I failed to protect her here." Hak: "Please, King Il..." Hak: "Don't take her from me." Yona: "Hak..." Yona: "I'm actually really scared." Yona: "I wanted to do my best without you." Yona: "But I end up looking to you out of fear." Yona: "I'm so weak..." Yona: "I don't want to fail, but I..." Kija: "Princess... Princess..." Kija: "Princess!" Yona: "Gija?" Kija: "Are you all right?" Yona: "Huh? What happened?" Kija: "The earthquake subsided, but..." Villager: "It's no use!" Villager: "The exit is blocked! No... You can't be serious! Are we going to die?" Yona: "We can't get out?" Villager: "You must be joking!" Yun: "We're trapped..." Yona: "Yun?" Yun: "We won't be able to breathe for long in this small space." Villager: "I don't want to die! Help me!" Yona: "No. At this rate..." Yona: "I'm scared, Hak." Kija: "Why did you have to say that to me?" Yona: "Gija?" Kija: "Oh, forgive me." Kija: "For some reason, that rude man suddenly..." Hak: "I'm counting on you." Kija: "...just spoke inside my head. It made me very angry." Kija: "It is my job to protect you, Princess." Yona: "I'm feeling better." Kija: "So am I!" Yona: "It's okay, Yun." Yona: "Help will come for us." Hak: "You just wait, Princess. I'll..." Kija: "We don't need to wait for help." Kija: "As long as you have me, you've nothing to fear." Yun: "G-Gija, what are you going to do with those claws?" Kija: "Dig!" Villager: "Monster!" Kija: "Don't be so noisy." Kija: "The guardians of the Blue Dragon's village are pathetic. I told you that I am the White Dragon." Villager: "Th-The White Dragon! There really are other dragons that possess cursed powers!" Villager: "I've had enough!" Villager: "It's him... It's his fault. We're stuck in this hole because of him." Villager: "Let me out! Let me out!" Yona: "Why? Why is the Blue Dragon's power a curse?" Yona: "But... But his hands are so gentle." Villager: "You don't know how evil he can be." Yona: "He isn't evil—" Villager: "Outsiders wouldn't understand!" Villager: "For generations, monsters with the dragon's eyes have been born in our village." Villager: "We live in fear of the Blue Dragon's power. Even if the Blue Dragon dies, someone else's child becomes the new Blue Dragon." Villager: "You don't know how it feels to live in fear that your own child will be next!" Villager: "Those of us who bear that curse must never leave the village. A mask is placed on the Blue Dragon as soon as they're born, and we rarely let them outside. Those are our rules. But the Blue Dragon used his cursed power to kill many soldiers" Villager: "when he was only a child." Villager: "We feared more soldiers would come, so we moved here." Villager: "I can't take it anymore!" Villager: "What is this, if not a curse?!" Kija: "He's here." Villager: "B-Blue Dragon..." Villager: "I didn't tell the outsiders anything..." Villager: "Stay back!" Yona: "I know nothing about his curse. But his eyes" Yona: "are breathtakingly beautiful."
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 13 – Echoing Fear", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "13", "Echoing Fear" ] }
Villager: "The mask... The Blue Dragon's mask..." Yun: "What's wrong?" Villager: "Looking at his eyes will turn you to stone!" Yona: "Stone?" Villager: "H-He's come to kill us." Yona: "The Blue Dragon saved me. He would never kill someone for no reason." Yona: "He closed his eyes." Yona: "Is he telling them he means no harm?" Gija: "Why did you come here, Blue Dragon?" Gija: "You have no intention of coming with us, do you?" Gija: "If you've come to help us escape, say so! I despaired at the thought that I might have to fight another dragon warrior!" Gija: "Where are you digging, anyway? The exit is over there." Sinha: "This leads to the outside." Sinha: "It's faster to break through here." Gija: "You should have said so sooner! Princess, I shall dig us out of here momentarily." Yona: "I'll help dig, too." Yona: "Let me see that." Villager: "Huh? Er..." Gija: "You mustn't. Rescuing the princess is our responsibility as dragon warriors!" Yona: "Let me..." Yona: "Let me help!" Yona: "Let's get out of here as soon as possible!" Gija: "Yes, Princess!" Yun: "If you guys want to live, help us dig." Yona: "Hak..." Yona: "Are you all right, Hak?" Yona: "I'll come back." Yona: "I promise I'll come back!" Hak: "Damn it. It's solid." Hak: "Just how much is there?" Hak: "No..." Hak: "I will rescue her!" Hak: "What?" Villager: "M-My son is trapped in there." Hak: "My friends got trapped while looking for the Blue Dragon. You say your family members are around there, as well?" Hak: "Answer me!" Hak: "Hiding the truth now won't help you." Villager: "Elder, if we dig from the outside... But..." Hak: "What is it?" Hak: "If you know something, tell me." Hak: "My friends' lives are at stake." Hak: "Hurry up." Hak: "Sorry, but I don't have any time to waste." Yona: "I won't give up. I have to break more rocks and get out of here..." Yona: "Blue Dragon..." Yun: "Are you all right?" Gija: "Blue Dragon, take the princess to your room. It should be easier to breathe there." Yona: "I'm fine." Yona: "I said I'm fine." Yona: "I-I'm not cold. I'm fine." Yona: "He's a kind person." Yona: "Why... Why doesn't anyone try to understand the Blue Dragon's kindness?" Yona: "He probably came here because he was worried about the villagers." Yona: "I'm sure he's protected the villagers in his own way all this time." Yona: "It's frustrating." Yona: "I hate to see you alone like this." Yona: "Is it impudent of me to want to help you, when we've only just met?" Yona: "Okay." Yona: "I can keep going." Yona: "I can keep trying." Yona: "Blue Dragon, for fifteen years, I didn't go outside." Yona: "My life was free of concerns." Yona: "Within my tiny world, I protected my tiny happiness." Yona: "When it was suddenly taken from me, I learned..." Yona: "What it means to be hungry." Yona: "How it feels to have your heart broken." Yona: "The knowledge that, still, you must keep breathing." Yona: "That you still desire to live." Yona: "I am alive." Yona: "So are you." Yona: "I won't let anyone say it's pointless." Yona: "So I'll tear down this darkness for you." Yona: "I'll take you to a place where you can stretch your legs and be yourself!" Sinha: "Does such a place exist?" Sinha: "Where can I find it?" Sinha: "No. Don't I know already?" Gija: "H-How much farther to the outside?" Gija: "Princess, you should rest." Yona: "I'm fine." Yun: "Are you okay?" Yona: "I'm fine." Hak: "Princess!" Yona: "Hak!" Yona: "Hak..." Sinha: "In truth, I already knew from the moment I first saw her..." Sinha: "There is a place full of light at this girl's side." Yona: "Hak, I'm surprised you knew where to dig." Hak: "I got it out of the villagers. When their families' lives were endangered, they finally confessed their secret." Yona: "I'm glad they aren't people who would abandon their families." Yun: "Inability to overcome fear is human." Hak: "What are you going to do about that, Princess?" Yona: "It's a problem." Yona: "I can't give up on him." Yona: "Blue Dragon!" Yona: "I'll say it again." Yona: "Let's travel together." Yona: "I want to take you with me." Sinha: "I..." Yona: "You don't have to close your eyes with me." Yona: "Does your power truly allow you to kill indiscriminately?" Yona: "Even though Ao loves you so much?" Yona: "Ao knows." Yona: "You are not destructive." Sinha: "Can I be allowed to live the way I am?" Sinha: "Can I grasp the hand of one who says she doesn't mind?" Sinha: "Can I trust her?" Hak: "Shall we go?" Yona: "Thank you for your hospitality!" Ao: "I'm sorry..." Ao: "for leaving you alone... I'm sorry!" Sinha: "I'm fine now. Would you laugh if I told you I made friends I can talk to without the sound of bells?" Sinha: "I can't even remember the face of the man who meant so much to me." Yun: "Gija, do you know where the next dragon is?" Gija: "Right... The next dragon is..." Yona: "Gija?" Yun: "Gija?" Yun: "Maybe it's exhaustion..." Yun: "He was digging for a while." Yona: "Gija..." Hak: "Rest in peace." Gija: "I'm alive!" Yona: "There, there." Gija: "I-I'm sorry. My body feels so heavy. The locations of the four dragons are fainter than ever." Yona: "Don't push yourself too hard." Yun: "We have another guy who can sense where the dragons are." Hak: "He's here?" Yun: "He's been here for a while." Yona: "Blue Dragon, do you know where the other dragons are?" Hak: "He doesn't even seem to know what the "dragons" are." Gija: "How lamentable..." Gija: "I understand. It's not your fault." Gija: "No one has told you about them before." Gija: "From now on, I shall teach you about the four dragons. You may call me "Brother."" Gija: "He's running away?!" Hak: "Maybe he didn't want to call you "Brother."" Yona: "Blue Dragon!" Gija: "Blue Dragon?" Gija: "Is he drowning himself?!" Hak: "What are you going to do, White Snake? He's trying to drown himself." Gija: "It's my fault? Is it my fault?" Yona: "B-Blue Dragon?" Gija: "Is this..." Gija: "You want me to eat this and regain my strength?" Gija: "I appreciate it, but could you use words?" Hak: "What will you do, Brother White Snake? He's cold." Gija: "It's my fault?" Yona: "Are you okay?" Yun: "I'm surprised you knew there was a river here." Yun: "Oh... Those eyes can see across great distances." Yun: "You caught that fish in an instant. Your kinetic vision must be excellent, too." Yun: "Is it true that looking at your eyes will turn one to stone?" Yun: "Really? Then why don't you take off your mask?" Yona: "First, let's make a fire, warm ourselves, and eat the fish the Blue Dragon caught for us." Hak: "Miso hotpot, huh? Looks good." Hak: "Where did you get the ingredients?" Yun: "I traded them for medicine in the Blue Dragon's village." Yun: "I got this pot, too." Hak: "When?" Yona: "Yun, there's a problem! There's a bug inside the pot." Gija: "A bug?" Yun: "Scoop it out." Yona: "The Blue Dragon's clothes still aren't dry." Yun: "Yeah." Yun: "Still..." Hak: "What kind of monster is that?" Yun: "This group just keeps getting weirder." Gija: "Don't say that! It's my fault that happened to the Blue Dragon. It must be very humiliating!" Yun: "Blue Dragon, you'd better hurry up. Ao's eating everything." Yona: "How does it taste?" Yona: "It's good, isn't it? Isn't that great, Yun?" Yun: "Yeah, yeah." Yona: "Are you cold? Want to borrow my coat?" Sinha: "Th-Thank you, Yona." All: ""Yona"?!" Gija: "H-He used her first name..." Hak: "Without hesitation, either." Yona: "It's been so long since someone called me by my name. I'd like to call you by your name, too." Yona: "You don't have a name, right?" Yona: "What do you want to be called?" Yona: "He rolled into a ball." Hak: "How about "Furball Monster"?" Yona: "Hey, Yun..." Yona: "The Blue Dragon says we can call him whatever we want. What should we call him?" Yun: "If I were to express the Blue Dragon in a word, it would be "silence."" Yona: "Silence..." Yun: "Why don't you call him whatever sounds right to you?" Yun: "You're the one who brought him out of that prison-like cave." Yun: "There's probably some psychological reason he doesn't take off that mask. But he seems to have opened up to you." Yun: "Anyway, are you sure you're really a princess?" Yun: "When the Blue Dragon drew his sword on you, you didn't flinch. Even when we were trapped inside the cave, you didn't lose heart." Yona: "I was scared, but I'm not afraid of the Blue Dragon." Yun: "What? You shouldn't underestimate fear!" Yona: "It's true. Just remembering it makes me tremble." Yun: "When I think about it, I can hardly breathe." Yona: "Take deep breaths." Yun: "Yeah." Yun: "I thought royalty was dishonest and unfair, but I'll admit I was wrong." Yun: "But I hate kings and nobles and the like..." Yun: "I'm sorry for being so harsh when we first met." Yona: "Has that been bothering you this whole time?" Yona: "You're so cute." Yona: "I'm going to get a drink." Yun: "A-Also..." Yun: "Can I call you by your name, too?" Yun: ""Yona"?" Yun: ""Princess" is so long. Saying it is too much trouble." Yona: "You're so cute." Yun: "Why?" Yona: "How long are you going to keep following me, Hak?" Hak: "I'm not sure, but I think I promised to stick annoyingly close to you." Yona: "That was only if I didn't make it back in one piece. I'm fine. I'll be careful." Hak: "Wait, Yona—" Hak: "Princess." Yona: "Hak, I want you to call me "Princess."" Yona: "I don't mind if Yun and the others don't. I didn't meet them as the princess. I'm glad they're so friendly to me. But I want you to call me "Princess."" Yona: "Don't forget that I'm the daughter of King Il. Even if the rest of the kingdom forgets," Yona: "I want you to remember my father and his daughter." Hak: "When you were trapped, I prayed to the king not to take you away." Hak: "I asked him not to take you away." Hak: "I said I wouldn't wish for anything else, as long as he didn't do that." Hak: "I'm painfully aware that you're King Il's daughter." Yona: "Hak, what word do you think is suited to the Blue Dragon?" Hak: "Huh? "Mask."" Yona: "Be serious." Hak: ""Night," then." Yona: "Night?" Yona: "Silence..." Yona: "I think... Well..." Yona: "Despite the darkness, he was peaceful and warm. But he is quieter and bluer than the sun." Yona: "Something like..." Yona: "The moon." Yona: "Sinha... It means "moonlight." Your name is "Sinha."" Yona: "You led me by the hand through the darkness." Yona: "Blue Dragon, you are my moonlight." Yona: "What do you think?" Hak: "Did he not like it?" Yona: "I think it's okay." Sinha: "Ao, my name is "Sinha."" Sinha: "The first name I've ever had..." Yona: "Sinha." Sinha: "She gave it to me." Sinha: "I will treasure it." Yona: "Gija, how are you feeling?" Yona: "Gija?" Gija: "Green..." Yona: "Huh?" Gija: "I sense the Green Dragon."
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 14 – Light", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "14", "Light" ] }
Yun: "Okay... Following the direction Gija pointed out, the Green Dragon should be in this area." Gija: "Yes." Hak: "If we keep heading this way, we'll run right into Saika and Hiryuu Castle." Yun: "You're right. We should follow the mountains, and verify the Green Dragon's location as we go." Yona: "Yes." Yona: "Sinha, is anyone there?" Yun: "No? Then let's go." Yun: "Your long-distance vision is fantastic! It makes searching deserted places so easy." Gija: "You are useful, Blue—" Gija: "I heard the princess gave you a name." Gija: ""Sinha"... It is a good name." Gija: "You should treasure it." Gija: "Listen up. The story of the four dragons reaches back to Kouka Kingdom's birth..." Yona: "Gija seems happy to have Sinha with us." Yona: "During our travels, we entered a certain village." Yona: "This place..." Yun: "This village has been abandoned by the generals and the king." Yun: "For years, this area has been barren and dry." Yun: "The men must have been taken to the capital to be trained as soldiers. Disease plagued the village, and those who lacked the strength to move were forced to die here." Yona: "How awful." Yun: "The village I was born in was like this, too." Yun: "The Fire Tribe's territory is broad, but most of the land is infertile." Yun: "But the chief, General Gang Su-jin, keeps spending money on the army." Gija: "What a fool." Yona: "Are you all right?" Yun: "Stay back. You'll get sick, too." Yona: "But..." Yun: "It may not help much, but here's some medicine and water." Yun: "And also some fruit." Yona: "Here." Villager: "Are you from Saika?" Yun: "No, we're travelers." Villager: "I see." Villager: "Have you been to Kuuto, then?" Villager: "They say a new king has been crowned." Villager: "I wonder what he's like..." Villager: "The previous king, Il, was a terrible king. He crumbled under pressure from other kingdoms, focusing only on not creating waves." Villager: "The five clans were divided, and the kingdom fell into chaos." Villager: "He wouldn't even save weak commoners like us." Villager: "Whose king was he supposed to be?" Villager: "I hope the new king is a good man." Villager: "I hope he changes this kingdom..." Villager: "Thank you, miss." Villager: "It's been years since someone touched me." Yona: "It's all right." Yona: "Please take care." Yona: "I need to use the bathroom... Don't follow me." Yun: "I couldn't say anything." Yun: "I didn't think highly of King Il, either." Yun: "But to Yona, he was her only flesh and blood." Gija: "It is likely no one grieves for the late king." Gija: "He will go down in history as a foolish king." Gija: "No one cares about a single princess." Hak: "You're right. A world without weaponry and war, where no one gets hurt, is but a pipe dream. But I could never think of the king as a fool for his unwavering belief that such a world was ideal." Hak: "He hid his own wounds." Hak: "I didn't see him as a coward at all." Hak: "I would never serve a fool. I'll probably regret my inability to protect him at Hiryuu Castle" Hak: "for the rest of my life." Yun: "You acknowledged King Il as your master," Yun: "regardless of the fact that he was Yona's father." Hak: "Of course." Yona: "Don't forget..." Yona: "I want you to remember my father and his daughter." Hak: "I could never forget." Hak: "The princess, once the kingdom's most beautiful girl, is now alone." Hak: "She has nothing but herself." Hak: "The only pride she has left is her connection to the father she loved." Yona: "I have to become stronger..." Yona: "I have to become stronger." Yona: "So I don't lose Hak or anyone else!" Yona: "What can I do?" Il: "Yona..." Il: "No! You mustn't handle weapons!" Yona: "Father..." Suwon: "So this is Chishin, capital of the Earth Clan." Cheolran: "Lord Geun-tea!" Cheolran: "Lord I Geun-tea!" Geuntea: "What is it? You're too loud, Cheol-ran." Cheolran: "A general shouldn't lounge around dressed like this during the daytime." Geuntea: "I'm still the same man, no matter what I wear. I'm not bothering anyone." Both: "Live as the wind blows." Geuntea: "Besides, in the Wind Tribe, Hak and the youngsters wear practically anything they want." Both: "Ambition? What's that? Does it taste good?" Cheolran: "Don't worry about them." Geuntea: "The Earth Tribe's been so dull lately. I hardly see any merchants or travelers from other kingdoms, and our mineral resources are running low." Geuntea: "Things were good during King Junam's reign!" Geuntea: "The capital was full of people. During times of war, under the Kouka Kingdom's banner, I struck down attackers with the strength of a fierce god!" Cheolran: "It can't be helped." Cheolran: "Under King Il's reign, war was forbidden. Besides, you call yourself a fierce god, but you were defeated by the youngster known as the Thunder Beast." Geuntea: "Very funny, Cheol! That's right. I've grown powerless because I'm so out of shape." Cheolran: "I'm sorry... I went too far..." Official: "Lord Geun-tea! Lord I Geun-tea!" Geuntea: "What now? Are you going to tell me to shave?" Official: "The king... King Su-won has arrived!" Both: "Huh?" Geuntea: "It's really him." Cheolran: "This is why I warned you! Hurry and get changed! You can't stay dressed like this. The Sky General, Lord Hang Ju-do, is here, too." Geuntea: "Why did they come to see me with so few people?" Cheolran: "I don't know!" Suwon: "I haven't seen you since the coronation, General Geun-tea." Suwon: "Have you been well?" Geuntea: "Yes, sir." Geuntea: "Su-won..." Geuntea: "The eighteen-year-old king, only recently crowned. Though there are some mysteries surrounding the death of King Il and the disappearances of Princess Yona and General Hak, he is still the heir of Lord Yu-hong, the man I revered as my mentor." Suwon: "General Geun-tea, I have a favor to ask of you..." Geuntea: "Yes, sir." Cheolran: "He needs a favor from a general. It must be a top-secret mission!" Suwon: "I am thirsty from my long journey. May I have a cup of tea?" Both: "Huh?" Suwon: "This tea is wonderfully fragrant." Geuntea: "The leaves are from my wife's prized tea plantation. Though it is too fragrant for me, personally." Suwon: "It smells of flowers." Geuntea: "It's my wife's hobby. Please forgive any strange flavors." Suwon: "Really? I like it. Don't you agree, General Ju-do?" Judo: "The flavor of the tea doesn't concern me," Judo: "but Geun-tea, how dare you serve the king low-quality tea?" Geuntea: "Huh? No one said it was low-quality. You're as stiff as ever. You still don't have a woman to serve you tea because you furrow your brow year-round." Judo: "You bastard!" Geuntea: "You want to fight? Cheol, bring me my sword." Cheolran: "Lord Geun-tea, you just want to fight!" Suwon: "General Geun-tea..." Geuntea: "Y-Yes?" Suwon: "It was delicious. I'd like to see your tea plantation later." Judo: "It's because you're so relaxed that people don't take you seriously! You must have the self-awareness and dignity of a king!" Suwon: "You're right. I'm sorry..." Geuntea: "This is Lord Yu-hong's heir?" Geuntea: "What a languid and unreliable man." Geuntea: "I don't see a shred of the Lord Yu-hong I admired in him. If anything, he's more like King Il. Lord Yu-hong was a peerless, powerful warrior. In my mind, he was the only true king." Geuntea: "Will this man be all right?" Suwon: "This is my first time at Chishin Castle. It's fascinating." Cheolran: "It's beginning to show its age here and there..." Cheolran: "We hope to remodel soon. I'm embarrassed to show you." Geuntea: "We can't afford to remodel now." Cheolran: "But I heard the castle is in shambles due to your rampages as a young man." Hidea: "Lord Geun-tea!" Geuntea: "What is it, Elder Hi-dea?" Hidea: "Udo Mine collapsed again." Geuntea: "What? Was anyone hurt?" Hidea: "A few more than ten youngsters." Geuntea: "That place is dangerous. Has it been exhausted?" Cheolran: "King?" Hidea: "Recently, the amount of iron ore extracted has declined," Cheolran: "King!" Suwon: "Yes?" Cheolran: "What brings you to Chishin?" Hidea: "but the miners were digging new tunnels in an attempt to do something about the situation." Cheolran: "We are honored that you came here yourself." Geuntea: "And it backfired." Cheolran: "You must have something important to discuss." Geuntea: "Send a horse." Suwon: "No, I'm just sightseeing." Geuntea: "Close the unfinished tunnels. I'll visit the injured later." Cheolran: "Sightseeing?" Suwon: "Yes." Hidea: "Yes, sir." Cheolran: "Kouka Kingdom is in turmoil, and the new king is going sightseeing? Some our own tribe's regions are unstable, such as Awa— Ow." Geuntea: "Watch your mouth. Don't talk to him like you talk to me." Suwon: "I don't mind." Geuntea: "King..." Geuntea: "What did you think of the previous king?" Cheolran: "Lord Geun-tea?" Geuntea: "Please excuse me for saying so, but I had many problems with the previous king." Geuntea: "He avoided conflict, gave up land, and let the kingdom's strength decline. Though he claimed it was for the people, where are these people he saved? The southern Shin and Sei kingdoms took us lightly, and I feared the Kai Empire would attack at any time. Had you intended to allow further disgrace and endanger Kouka Kingdom," Geuntea: "then I may have been the one to start a rebellion." Cheolran: "Lord Geun-tea!" Judo: "Geun-tea!" Geuntea: "Oh, my mistake..." Geuntea: "I may be the one to start a rebellion." Judo: "This man..." Cheolran: "Y-You mustn't do either! He doesn't mean that, King! O-Our tribe would never start a rebellion!" Geuntea: "What I mean to ask is how you differ from King Il." Geuntea: "In this time of crisis, you are casually going sightseeing and drinking tea. Will that save our kingdom? At the coronation ceremony, you said you would restore this kingdom to the mighty nation of two generations ago." Geuntea: "Can you tell me with conviction that you weren't lying?" Suwon: "Yes." Suwon: "I meant it." Geuntea: "He has no ambition..." Geuntea: "He says he meant it, but why is he so languid?" Suwon: "What is this stone?" Judo: "Who cares about some rock?" Suwon: "But, General Ju-do, who would expect to find a stone enshrined here?" Geuntea: "It's no use..." Geuntea: "He's useless. He is nothing like Lord Yu-hong. He cannot rebuild this kingdom..." Geuntea: "That stone came from Udo Mine." Suwon: "Oh? From the mine?" Geuntea: "Our tribe has a custom of enshrining stones for good fortune and happiness." Suwon: "Upon closer inspection, it certainly is beautiful. Is this stone valuable?" Geuntea: "No, the stone itself has no value. What we want is iron ore." Geuntea: "Excuse me, King... I'm busy. I must return to my chambers. If you need anything, please speak to a castle servant." Judo: "Hey, Geun-tea! You bastard!" Cheolran: "How, exactly, are you busy?" Suwon: "Very well. Let us speak another time, General Geun-tea." Cheolran: "U-Um, King..." Cheolran: "The rebellion Lord Geun-tea spoke of was just, well, a figure of speech... He causes us all kinds of trouble with his exaggerated lies. That is, it isn't how he actually feels..." Suwon: "It's all right." Suwon: "He won't be punished." Cheolran: "I'm sorry. Lord Geun-tea is slightly depressed." Cheolran: "Since King Junam's reign, he's been known as a great general. He believes he belongs on the battlefield." Cheolran: "During this age, his inability to protect Kouka Kingdom with his strength has vexed him." Cheolran: "Though his slovenly appearance does seem defiant." Suwon: "I understand General Geun-tea. It's clear from watching you two." Suwon: "You boldly speak to one another without concern for rank." Suwon: "It must be his character that allows it." Suwon: "That reminds me of the people I love." Suwon: "You love General Geun-tea, don't you?" Cheolran: "What?" Suwon: "Your hair matches the general's." Suwon: "I have seen that ponytail everywhere throughout the Earth Tribe." Cheolran: "Well, he truly looked gallant and heroic on the battlefield. Everyone admired him!" Cheolran: "Just between us, becoming his servant was an extremely competitive process. Don't tell him, though. It'll just go to his head..." Judo: "What's so great about him? I don't get it." Suwon: "If he's as impressive as you say, I'd like to see the gallant General Geun-tea." Cheolran: "Of course, but there are no wars." Suwon: "I understand." Suwon: "In that case..." Cheolran: "Lord Geun-tea! Lord Geun-tea!" Cheolran: "Lord Geun-tea! Lord Geun-tea! Lord Geun-tea!" Geuntea: "What is it? Shut up." Cheolran: "The king..." Geuntea: "I refuse to talk to that pampered boy." Cheolran: "It's not that. Apparently, King Su-won is preparing for war!" Geuntea: "King Su-won! King Su-won! King Su-won! King Su-won!" Judo: "Shut up! We heard you the first time!" Geuntea: "You've decided to go to war? Who will we be fighting? Is it Shin? Sei? Is it Kai?" Geuntea: "Leave it to me! No, I know. First, we must prepare soldiers and weapons..." Suwon: "General Geun-tea," Suwon: "it is only a war game." Geuntea: "Huh?" Suwon: "The generals are starved for battle, and the people wish to see their gallant heroes." Suwon: "I thought we might hold a festival in Chishin." Geuntea: "U-Um, in other words, it's a mock battle?" Suwon: "It won't be a serious affair. I cannot allow anyone to die at a festival. We won't be using real swords." Geuntea: "Ju-do, you sycophant... That's what I'd like to say, but I should thank you. My hands made fists on their own." Judo: "You bastard, how dare you... That's what I'd like to say, but I understand how you feel. If you hadn't done it, I would have. King!" Judo: "I told you this isn't the time for games!" Suwon: "You should enjoy yourself once in a while, General Ju-do." Suwon: "The festival will be held in a week." Geuntea: "King," Geuntea: "the Earth Tribe doesn't have time to play games with you. You should return to Hiryuu Castle." Cheolran: "Huh?! We aren't going to do it?" Hidea: "We were secretly looking forward to it." Geuntea: "What? You want to play games?!" Suwon: "They don't want to play." Geuntea: "Huh?" Suwon: "General Geun-tea, you seem unaware of your own appeal." Geuntea: "Huh?" Suwon: "I'd like to visit the men who were injured at Udo Mine later." Hidea: "I will show you the way." Geuntea: "I don't understand. I shouldn't have compared him to Lord Yu-hong. He may be even worse than King Il..." Suwon: "Such delicious tea." Geuntea: "What's going to happen to this kingdom?" Suwon: "If this place were a battlefield, you would certainly die." Suwon: "Then, what will you do? Next time, Yona of the Dawn episode 16:"
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 15 – To a New Land", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "15", "To a New Land" ] }
Suwon: "Look, General Geun-tea. That dance is very interesting." Geuntea: "My king..." Geuntea: "I believe I'm supposed to appear in the mock battle. So what are these frilly clothes?" Suwon: "They're festival clothes. You are the star today, General Geun-tea." Suwon: "Aren't they beautiful? They look foreign!" Geuntea: "These clothes aren't suited for battle. Especially these stones! They're in the way." Yuno: "Lord Geun-tea!" Geuntea: "Yuno..." Yuno: "What shall I do?" Yuno: "You look super-duper cute!" Geuntea: "You'd better not grab me and call me cute." Yuno: "I chose that outfit for you." Geuntea: "It was you?!" Geuntea: "Damn you... Oh, my..." Geuntea: "King, this is my wife, Yuno." Suwon: "Lady Yuno, hello." Yuno: "You look cute, too." Geuntea: "How do you know him?" Yuno: "The king said he likes my tea. We're tea buddies now. Right?" Geuntea: "When did this happen?" Suwon: "Right." Cheolran: "It's your fault for ignoring the king all week, Lord Geun-tea." Geuntea: "The sound of festival music. The voices of my tribe. War games of a people who have forgotten a war fought against the black shadows of looming nations." Geuntea: "This isn't the time for these things." Suwon: "Now, for this mock battle, you will be divided into red and white armies, and must break opponents' plates with wooden swords." Gyok: "General Ju-do, you're already wearing yours?" Mua: "You're really taking this seriously..." Suwon: "General Geun-tea and I will be the kings of the red and white armies respectively. The other participants are divided into nobles and commoners. A commoner's plate is worth one point, a noble's is worth five, and a king's is worth ten. The army that earns the most points wins. If all an army's plates are broken, the battle ends." Suwon: "You must pay close attention to the ranks." Suwon: "People of the same rank fight as equals." Suwon: "A king can break a noble's plate, but he cannot break a commoner's." Suwon: "Nobles can break a commoner's plate, but they cannot break a king's." Suwon: "Commoners can break a king's plate, but they cannot break a noble's. Those whose plates are broken become the opposing army's prisoners, and may be revived only once by receiving spare plates from their allies. Breaking the ranking rules or deliberately hitting something other than a plate with your sword will result in disqualification." Suwon: "Play safe and fight hard." Geuntea: "What an uninspiring man." Judo: "I agree." Geuntea: "For once, we agree. This is meant to be a competition, but can the king even fight?" Geuntea: "The Thunder Beast, the king's childhood friend, was a prodigy." Geuntea: "A warrior hones his skills by gaining experience on the battlefield." Geuntea: "But he possessed the strength of a thousand men, without ever truly going to war." Geuntea: "But I haven't even heard rumors of the king's combat prowess." Geuntea: "He is pale, and his arms are thin. If the Thunder Beast is a tiger, then the king is a rabbit." Judo: "I would never agree with you!" Geuntea: "Huh? What are you so upset about?" Judo: "Are you so blinded by natural talent? You're so dazzled by the tiger's earth-rending appearance, you don't understand the true nature of the so-called rabbit." Judo: "Both you and your adoring tribesmen are blind!" All: "Lord Geun-tea! Lord Geun-tea! Lord Geun-tea!" Cheolran: "Thank you for waiting, everyone. The red-versus-white, plate-smashing battle will now begin! I, Cheol-ran, Lord Geun-tea's personal attendant, will be your commentator! The fire blazing at the eastern gate is the color of righteousness." Cheolran: "Our hero, Lord Geun-tea, leads the red army! At the western gate is a beautiful angel, descended from the heavens." Cheolran: "King Su-won, of the Sky Tribe, leads the white army." All: "What?" All: "The king? Did he say the king?" Cheolran: "Should I have said that? If someone comes after you, don't blame us." Yuno: "The plates on their heads are so cute!" Geuntea: "What's Ju-do's problem? You're the one who's always criticizing him." Geuntea: "Look... The more you look, the more he resembles a rabbit. If he isn't a rabbit, he must be a squirrel." Geuntea: "Either way, he will only be eaten by the tiger on the battlefield. Whatever... Let's see what he can do." Cheolran: "Begin!" Cheolran: "What's this? The white army makes a sudden, bold move!" Cheolran: "Their king, King Su-won, is standing in the center!" Geuntea: "Oh?" Cheolran: "Our Lord Geun-tea is meeting their challenge!" Geuntea: "Men, follow me!" Cheolran: "The red army's battle cry rings throughout the arena! Though nothing has happened yet, the audience is exhilarated! King Su-won prepares for a direct confrontation!" All: "Eh? Huh?" Cheolran: "What's this? King Su-won has fled! Lord Geun-tea, who gallantly accepted his challenge, is disappointed!" Geuntea: "You're running? What a coward!" Cheolran: "But the commoners of the white army catch Lord Geun-tea off guard and attack! Lord Geun-tea, watch out!" White D: "Lord Geun-tea!" White E: "Lord Geun-tea!" White A: "Please step back. We will become prisoners of the red army." White B: "We're Earth Tribe members, forced to join the white army for the sake of numbers." White C: "Our hearts belong with the red army." White A: "Victory to Lord Geun-tea!" All: "Long live Lord Geun-tea!" Geuntea: "I don't want you fools! Are you mocking me? You think I can't win unless I cheat? There is nothing I despise more than giving up. I don't need your cowardly loyalty! Go feed it to the dogs!" Geuntea: "Don't cry!" White A: "We're just so proud of you, Lord Geun-tea!" White B: "We were fools. Forgive us." White D: "We shall mend our ways, and in a fair fight..." All: "We'll defeat you, sir!" Geuntea: "Crap. They're all commoners." Cheolran: "Lord Geun-tea is in trouble! A king cannot attack commoners!" Red A: "Lord Geun-tea, are you all right?" Geuntea: "Yeah." Cheolran: "A noble of the red army takes out five white commoners at once! They are now prisoners, but..." Geuntea: "So you've come, nobles? I've been waiting for you." Geuntea: "Nobles! Step forward if you want to die!" Cheolran: "Lord Geun-tea fells one white army noble after another! By the way, if you kill them, you'll be disqualified!" Yuno: "That's it! Draw that expression!" Cheolran: "That isn't fair, Lady Yuno! I want one, too! The white army's King Su-won is still running around the battlefield, pursued by commoners! By contrast, the red army's General Geun-tea charges forward to strike down the next opponent!" Geuntea: "A noble!" Cheolran: "It's white army noble General Hang Ju-do!" Cheolran: "It's a showdown between Sky and Earth Generals!" Geuntea: "Ju-do, you're a noble. How dare you raise your sword against a king?" Judo: "I'm not raising it against you. I'm defending myself. You're only pretending to be a king. Don't let it go to your head!" Geuntea: "Impressive, General Ju-do. If you were using your two-sword style and we were on the battlefield, that blow might have cut me in two." Geuntea: "This is starting to get interesting. I shall kill you." Judo: "Such a simple man. And you call yourself a king?" Geuntea: "Huh?" Judo: "If we were on the battlefield, you would be a fool of a king to look only at me, and not pay attention to your surroundings." Geuntea: "What?" Cheolran: "Friendly fire! Red soldiers are smashing each other's plates! King Su-won seems to have tripped! The red soldiers have accidentally struck their allies. What incredible luck! These points will be counted in favor of the white army!" Geuntea: "Luck?" Cheolran: "King Su-won uses the confusion to plunge deeper into the red army's position!" Geuntea: "You aren't going anywhere!" Cheolran: "Lord Geun-tea is on the move!" Red B: "King, prepare yourself!" Cheolran: "King Su-won is in a desperate situation!" Cheolran: "What an incredible coincidence!" Cheolran: "A little farther, and he would have broken his plate. No, perhaps he would have broken his skull!" Geuntea: "What?" Geuntea: "Was he just looking at me?" Geuntea: "Was he aiming for me?" Suwon: "I'm sorry, General Geun-tea! Are you all right?" Geuntea: "Is this man really a rabbit?" Cheolran: "What an incredible coincidence! The wooden sword deflected by King Su-won nearly struck Lord Geun-tea's head!" Geuntea: "A coincidence? No... He was aiming right in front of me." Geuntea: "Are those the eyes of a rabbit?" Cheolran: "King Su-won releases the white army prisoners! Though they now have more soldiers than the red army, if their plates are broken again, that will mean more points for their opponents! Will this work for them, or against them?" Cheolran: "The released prisoners scatter to engage the red army! And King Su-won" Cheolran: "is being chased by commoners again!" Geuntea: "What is he doing? Was I mistaken?" Cheolran: "A sudden gust sends clouds of dust flying throughout the arena!" Geuntea: "I can't see." Geuntea: "Whose soldier was that?" Geuntea: "White shadows? Damn!" Geuntea: "They didn't scatter at random. They're attacking the red army with mixed groups of nobles and commoners." Geuntea: "Red army, stay together! We'll regroup! Come to me!" Geuntea: "Damn it." Geuntea: "How is the white army controlling its forces amidst this dust?" Geuntea: "Red army!" Geuntea: "Have you come for my head?" White F: "I would never!" White F: "But the king told us you like heroes who challenge their enemies..." Geuntea: "The king?" Geuntea: "He knows how to motivate my people." Geuntea: "I'm impressed you were able to move around in this dust." White F: "The king instructed us to stand upwind when the wind came." Geuntea: "He was expecting the wind?" Geuntea: "Is your king directing this strategy, as well?" White F: "Y-Yes, sir." Geuntea: "I underestimated him." Cheolran: "After that sandstorm, the red army's numbers are severely diminished! Will this be our first and final battle of the kings?" Yuno: "Lord Geun-tea..." Geuntea: "The king isn't fleeing." Geuntea: "He's luring the red army to its death." Geuntea: "The white army is composed primarily of meek Earth Tribe members. But they raised their morale by reviving their prisoners, and are somehow moving effectively. He's only pretending to flee like a rabbit." Geuntea: "What is his true nature?" Suwon: "General Geun-tea, that hurts!" Geuntea: "Despite what he says, he's stopping my blows." Cheolran: "The red army has lost more soldiers!" Cheolran: "How can this be? Lord Geun-tea is the last remaining member of the red army!" Cheolran: "Not even Lord Geun-tea can escape this situation..." Suwon: "You are alone, General Geun-tea." Suwon: "If this place were a battlefield, you would certainly die." Suwon: "What will you do?" Geuntea: "The fleeing rabbit now seems like a hawk fixated on its prey." Geuntea: "Does he seem larger because of the situation?" Geuntea: "Even though it's only a game?" Geuntea: "No, that's not it. That's not it at all." Suwon: "I have a suggestion." Suwon: "This may be a friendly competition. But if you lose in front of your people, you will lose face." Suwon: "I shall grant you a second chance." Suwon: "Why don't I release the prisoners, so we may battle once more?" Geuntea: "I decline your offer." Geuntea: "On the battlefield, the dead do not come back to life. Even if a thousand enemies stand before me, I will fight!" Geuntea: "Worrying about my reputation will not save the kingdom!" Geuntea: "This isn't just a game anymore. It's an opportunity for me to determine whether this nation's king is worth serving." Suwon: "Then I shall accept your challenge." Geuntea: "I don't mind taking you all on!" Cheolran: "Lord Geun-tea seemed to be in a desperate situation, but now he's fighting the king one-on-one!" A: "Lord Geun-tea!" B: "Lord Geun-tea!" Geuntea: "He wields his sword calmly against me. But that doesn't tell me enough." Geuntea: "Is this man a true king or not?" Geuntea: "You're mine!" Yuno: "What?" Cheolran: "All right! Victory! He hasn't won yet, though." Cheorlan: "But Lord Geun-tea is victorious!" Cheolran: "I knew our general could do it! He's got it! He has won the battle!" Suwon: "That was impressive, General Geun-tea. You defeated me." Geuntea: "What was that?" Suwon: "You truly are strong." Geuntea: "Don't play games." Suwon: "Uh..." Geuntea: "Once more. Stand." Gyok: "Wh-What shall we do? He's starting to sound strange." Judo: "The competition isn't over yet. Go." Cheolran: "Later, General Geun-tea's plate was finally broken, and the red army was annihilated..." Cheolran: "However, the general didn't go down without a fight. Refusing to go quietly, he took out four nobles, earning the red army enough points to win." Cheolran: "In Chishin, the miraculous victory was celebrated all night." Suwon: "That was a fun festival." Suwon: "What's wrong, General Geun-tea?" Cheolran: "What are you upset about?" Geuntea: "Why did you come here, King? All you did was wander around the castle, have tea with my wife, and frolic about at a festival." Suwon: "General Geun-tea, you're starting to sound like General Ju-do." Judo: "Don't compare him to me!" Geuntea: "I thought I sensed something in this king, but was I wrong?" Yuno: "Lord Geun-tea, Lord Geun-tea... Listen to this. It's incredible." Geuntea: "What is it?" Yuno: "Some merchants from the Kai Empire want to buy my tea." Geuntea: "Your tea? You mean this smelly tea?" Yuno: "It isn't smelly! It has a floral fragrance!" Yuno: "The people of the Kai Empire love fragrant, floral teas." Geuntea: "Seriously?" Yuno: "But what will I do? My tea plantation is too small to supply the Kai Empire." Suwon: "As long as you gradually expand, you'll be fine. Instead of selling large amounts cheaply, if you market it as a high-quality specialty tea of Chishin, people will come to this city. The more difficult something is to acquire, the more desperately people want it." Yuno: "Yes, King." Hidea: "Lord Geun-tea, Udo Mine is..." Geuntea: "Elder Hi-dea, did it collapse again?" Hidea: "No, it's not that. We don't have enough workers. We're so busy." Geuntea: "Busy?" Hidea: "Remember the stones you wore to the mock battle? We received an overwhelming number of orders for them." Geuntea: "Huh? That's impossible. Those stones hardly even sparkle." Hidea: "That's why no one thought they had any value until now. However, after our artisans polish them, they're quite beautiful. More than anything, they're the stones of victory that you wore when you won. Of course everyone wants them. I've already got my own." Geuntea: "Why would you wear that?" Hidea: "Doesn't it look cool?" Yuno: "How pretty. I want one, too." Suwon: "The tea was delicious." Cheolran: "Mister Hi-dea, I'd like one, too!" Suwon: "General Ju-do, shall we go?" Cheolran: "This will have a great effect on our economy!" Judo: "Yes, sir." Geuntea: "Anyway, Yuno, you're amazing." Yuno: "Why?" Geuntea: "While I wasn't watching, you negotiated with the Kai Empire and discovered a valuable jewel." Yuno: "I didn't do anything." Geuntea: "But you..." Yuno: "During the competition, I simply served tea to a guest introduced to me by the king. I chose your outfit, but the king suggested you wear the stones." Geuntea: "Where is the king?" Hidea: "The king left." Geuntea: "He left?" Judo: "You're unbelievable. How much of that did you plan?" Suwon: "Don't you think it's a waste? He lounges around his castle, unaware of the influence he has over his people." Judo: "I don't understand the Earth Tribe. What's so great about that rude man?" Suwon: "I like General Geun-tea." Suwon: "And now I want him even more. If we're eventually forced to go to war, the Earth Tribe forces he leads will be the most spirited among the five tribes." Suwon: "Their intensity will be a great asset to Kouka Kingdom." Geuntea: "He really left. I knew it. That pretender lost intentionally!" Geuntea: "Everything he did was for this purpose. The war games, his visits to the tea plantation and mine, everything..." Geuntea: "For a boy so young, that was damned interesting! You're going to make Chishin rich, you idiot!" Geuntea: "I wasn't wrong about his eyes." Geuntea: "He pretends to be weak, but his eyes burn with unfathomable heat." Geuntea: "In some ways, he is more terrifying than Lord Yu-hong." Geuntea: "He's a promising man." Geuntea: "Can I place my hope in him?" Geuntea: "Well, it'll all become clear when I go to see him eventually." Jeaha: "I will escape my destiny."
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 16 – War Games", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "16", "War Games" ] }
Yona: "After leaving the Blue Dragon's village, we walked for days while resting, and rested while we walked." Yona: "Then, finally..." Yona: "It's the port city." Yona: "Hak, is that the ocean? It's so beautiful. I've never seen it before." Hak: "It's the Earth Tribe's Awa Port. I never thought I'd be back here." Yun: "Thunder Beast, you've been here before?" Hak: "Long ago. The geezer brought me here." Yona: "Gija, is the Green Dragon here?" Gija: "Well... He seems to be moving about at a dizzying speed..." Yona: "Gija?!" Yun: "I guess the dragons' powers aren't indefinite. After a certain point, they lose a lot of strength." Yun: "I'd like to look for the Green Dragon, but we're exhausted from our long journey. We should get more food, too." Yona: "Okay, let's go to the port city!" Yun: "We're not going! We can't take you guys down there! Especially not the one in the mask!" Hak: "I'll go, then. I remember how to get around the city." Yona: "Hak, I want to go, too." Hak: "Princess, you've grown uglier lately." Yona: "Hey!" Gija: "How dare you?! The princess is b-beautiful." Hak: "You have bags under your eyes." Hak: "Your hands are covered with cuts." Hak: "You're pushing yourself too hard. You should get some rest." Yona: "I don't know what you're talking about." Yona: "I hate how Hak always notices everything." Yun: "Just be careful. Don't start any trouble." Hak: "You guys should hide. Oh, this thing will draw attention, so I'll leave it here." Yun: "It's so heavy." Hak: "And White Snake..." Gija: "You don't have to tell us!" Hak: "Well, whatever. It's just a gut feeling, but he seems to be a capable guy." Yona: "Hak!" Yona: "Come back soon." Hak: "I haven't been to a lively city in a while." Hak: "I'd like to take a look around, but..." Woman: "Sir, why don't you stop by?" Hak: "I need to get back to the others quickly, after all!" Hak: "It must be my imagination... Everyone's eyes seem so lifeless." Hak: "Not that it matters. I need to do what I came to do and get back to—" Woman: "No! Please stop!" Man B: "What? We're officials of Awa." Man A: "We're willing to pay the asking price." Man A: "It's not a bad deal, is it?" Woman: "I can't! Let go of me!" Hak: "Lowlifes... I ran into a couple of lowlifes. And they're officials?" Hak: "If I were traveling alone, I could do something about this, but..." Woman: "Please, let me go! Come on! Someone, help!" Hak: "Now I've done it." Jeaha: "That wasn't a very beautiful way to seduce a lady. I had no choice." Man A: "Wh-Who are you guys? You think you'll get away with this?!" Jeaha: "You were rough with a woman, and now you get angry? You need another lesson in beauty." Man C: "What happened? What's going on?" Hak: "Crap." Jeaha: "Oh, my..." Jeaha: "Let's run. Come with me." Woman: "U-Um..." Man C: "Stop!" Hak: "You're in the way!" Both: "Wha—" Jeaha: "Are you a soldier? You seem pretty strong." Hak: "No, I'm just a traveler." Jeaha: "A traveler, huh?" Hak: "The way you handle yourself is pretty extraordinary, too." Jeaha: "What? I'm extraordinarily beautiful?" Hak: "I didn't say that." Man D: "Damn it! Search the other side!" Man E: "Got it!" Hak: "We lost the officials..." Jeaha: "I'm sorry. I wish I could spend more time with you, but I must go." Hak: "Hey." Jeaha: "Have this man walk you home." Hak: "Wait just a minute. I don't know this area that—" Hak: "He's gone." Hak: "Who was he?" Gigan: "Can't you come back a little more quietly, Jeaha?" Jeaha: "That was a gorgeous return, Captain Gigan." Gigan: "You're so childish, it's unbelievable." Gigan: "You're the one who doesn't want the attention." Jeaha: "I was in a hurry." Gigan: "Why? Were the officials after you?" Jeaha: "Yes, but I detected the presence of someone more dangerous." Gigan: "Oh? You mean that thing you once mentioned?" Jeaha: "Yes. It seems the White and Blue Dragons have come to this city." Yun: "What? You didn't buy anything? Why did you even go into the city? You're useless." Hak: "Sorry, I couldn't find the right shop." Yun: "It's no use sending you, Thunder Beast. Tomorrow, we're all going into the city." Yona: "Hooray!" Hak: "I shouldn't tell them that I clobbered those officials yet." Gija: "Sinha, do you also..." Sinha: "I feel it." Gija: "The Green Dragon is toward the ocean." Yun: "According to Gija and Sinha, the Green Dragon's presence disappeared somewhere over there." Hak: "I'm going on my own for a bit." Yona: "Huh?" Hak: "I want to look at some weapons in the city. I'm the only one who knows what to look for. Lord White Snake, hold on to this." Gija: "Why me?!" Yona: "Hak..." Hak: "The officials saw my face yesterday. If I stay with her, I'll put her in danger." Yun: "Make sure you actually buy something this time." Hak: "Sure." Yun: "The Thunder Beast is acting weird." Yona: "Huh?" Yun: "He's hiding something." Yun: "He's normally stuck to you, but he went off on his own." Yona: "It just means he trusts all of you." Gija: "R-Really?" Yun: "Maybe he's meeting a woman." Yona: "What?" Gija: "Oh, it's around here." Yun: "That's a pirate ship." Yona: "What?" Yun: "At the very least, it isn't a merchant or government ship. Don't tell me he's in there." Gija: "Huh?" Yun: "What is it?" Gija: "His presence..." Sinha: "It disappeared." Jeaha: "Oh, it's you." Jeaha: "It must be fate that brought us together again. Could you come with me?" Hak: "Huh? No, I..." Jeaha: "Someone's after me, you see." Hak: "An official?" Jeaha: "Something like that. Don't worry. You won't get hurt." Hak: "Look, you..." Hak: "What are we doing here during the daytime?" Jeaha: "It's easier to hide in these places." Hak: "I don't have time for this right now." Woman: "Sir, don't go!" Hak: "Huh?" Woman: "Th-That man could kill a woman with one look..." Jeaha: "Really? Try it on me." Hak: "I didn't do anything. Of course, there were plenty of attractive women in my village." Jeaha: "What? Where is your village?" Hak: "Fuu— Uh, I mean, you're wearing some strange clothes. Where were you born?" Jeaha: "Huh? Me? I was..." Jeaha: "I was born... here. Here in Awa. These clothes were imported from the Kai Empire. It's a port city. You can get anything here." Hak: "Oh?" Hak: "Speaking of the city, this place seems strange somehow." Hak: "It appears normal at first glance, but everyone's eyes look kind of lifeless." Jeaha: "You're quite perceptive." Jeaha: "The lord of this region, Yan Kumji, has a lot of power here in the Awa Port. Everyone in the city is afraid of him." Hak: "I see." Jeaha: "He conducts shady business without the kingdom's knowledge, too." Hak: ""Shady," how?" Jeaha: "Who knows?" Jeaha: "Taking away someone's freedom is the most awful thing you can do." Jeaha: "People who do that should rot in the ground and be reborn as roses." Jeaha: "Don't you agree?" Hak: "Well, I'm a bodyguard." Jeaha: "How awful for you!" Hak: "It's not so bad. It was my choice." Hak: "Whoops, maybe I said too much. It's because he's so talkative..." Jeaha: "I can't understand it." Jeaha: "Though I wouldn't mind protecting you ladies." Hak: "You're pretty particular about freedom." Hak: "Did something unpleasant happen to you?" Jeaha: "I—" Yun: "What are you doing?!" Hak: "Yun! Princess!" Hak: "What are you doing here?" Hak: "This isn't what it looks like. He forced me to..." Hak: "He's gone?!" Hak: "Where did he go?" Yun: "What are you doing here, in the middle of the day?" Hak: "What are you guys doing here?" Yun: "Gija said he sensed the Green Dragon nearby. I wasn't expecting a place like this," Yun: "or to find you here. It's indecent." Hak: "Don't get the wrong idea. I was..." Yona: "Hak..." Yona: "When you want to come to a place like this, just tell me. I didn't realize." Hak: "It's not that!" Yun: "Yes, thank you for saying that!" Hak: "Where did that guy disappear to?" Jeaha: "That was close... I let down my guard. The White Dragon just appeared near that place out of nowhere." Jeaha: "But in addition to the White Dragon..." Jeaha: "There was another powerful, agitating presence." Hak: "You're pretty particular about freedom." Jeaha: "Of course I am." Jeaha: "The legendary four dragons?" Jeaha: "A master I must protect?" Jeaha: "Nonsense. Being destined from birth to do something goes against my aesthetic." Jeaha: "I will escape my destiny." Jeaha: "Even if King Hiryuu appears, I will kick him away." Gija: "What?!" Gija: "He lied to the princess and went to a slovenly establishment like that?" Yun: "I'm so disappointed." Hak: "Hey, wait. Would you guys just listen to me?" Yona: "Gija, Yun... You shouldn't say those things. Even Hak wants to have fun with women sometimes." Hak: "Don't say ridiculous things like you know what you're talking about." Hak: "Quiet." Hak: "They're officials. Once we finish our business, we should leave quickly." Yun: "We do stand out." Hak: "By the way, is the Green Dragon in the city?" Gija: "I can't sense his presence anymore." Woman: "Excuse me..." Hak: "Huh?" Hak: "You're the girl from yesterday." Woman: "Yes. Thank you for helping me then." Hak: "Hanging out where officials are wandering around is dangerous." Woman: "I can't help it. I work here." Hak: "But..." Hak: "Let's go somewhere else." Yun: "What? You punched and kicked some officials?" Hak: "Yeah. It was some other guy passing by who kicked them, though." Yun: "That was one brave passerby. You drew that much attention to yourself, Thunder Beast?" Hak: "I was careful." Yun: "Oh? This city's officials do that in broad daylight?" Woman: "Yes... They trash stores, and carry off women who catch their eye." Woman: "We have no choice but to avoid angering the officials." Yona: "Why?" Hak: "It's Yan Kumji, isn't it?" Yun: "Kumji?" Hak: "I heard he's the lord of the Awa region." Hak: "The people of the city are all afraid of him." Woman: "Yes... All the officials work for Kumji." Woman: "For permission to conduct our business, we're forced to pay Kumji unreasonably high taxes." Woman: "There are disquieting rumors floating around town, but there's nothing we can do." Yona: "No wonder everyone seems so depressed." Gija: "Really? I thought it was a lively city." Yona: "It seems lively, but their smiles seemed fake." Hak: "A princess who knows nothing about cities notices that?" Yun: "What about the pirates?" Hak: "Pirates?" Yun: "There was a boat resembling a pirate ship anchored nearby. It must make the city even less secure." Woman: "No. They have never harmed the city folk." Yun: "Oh? Really?" Woman: "They do attack boats, but they only attack Yan Kumji's boats." Official E: "Where is it?" Official F: "It's all loaded." Official F: "Now we just have to hand it over to the envoy at the port. Hey, guard! See any suspicious boats?" Jeaha: "No." Official E: "I see... Looks like the pirates didn't notice our ship tonight." Jeaha: "Excuse me." Official F: "What is it, guard?" Jeaha: "What "thing" were you talking about?" Official E: "Huh? Why would you ask now? It's a new type of drug smuggled in from the Kai Empire." Jeaha: "What are you going to do with it?" Official F: "What are we going to do? Sell it to the residents of the city, and make a killing, of course." Jeaha: "That isn't very nice." Jeaha: "It isn't beautiful." Official F: "Guard?" Official F: "Wha? Hey!" Jeaha: "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the beautiful newcomer who took over" Jeaha: "the watch just a moment ago." Official F: "P-Pirates!" Gigan: "Sink it, boys." Officials: "To your posts! Defend the ship!" Jeaha: "This power really is the best." Jeaha: "I'll return the favor." Official E: "H-He's flying?" Jeaha: "Goodnight. Sweet dreams." Official F: "Damn pirates... How dare you?! Die!" Jeaha: "Why are you having trouble with a lousy official?" Tok: "Jeaha, quit playing around and help us." Jeaha: "If you don't do it yourself, Captain Gigan will sink you next." Tok: "I can't help it. Until five years ago, I was only a fisherman." Jeaha: "In other words, you've been a pirate for five years." Tatsu: "Captain Gigan, we found the drugs!" Gigan: "Burn the whole ship, boys." Gigan: "Kumji doesn't seem to be here. Where are the officials?" Tatsu: "We packed them into a little boat and set them adrift." Gigan: "You didn't kill them, did you?" Maya: "Captain, you're too strict!" Ryo: "They're trying to kill us, but you won't let us kill them." Tok: "Awa would be better off without those officials." Gigan: "I love you boys, no matter how stupid you are." Gigan: "I won't let the people I love burden themselves with murder." Tok: "Mom!" Ryo: "I love you!" Maya: "I love you, too!" Gigan: "I don't remember giving birth to such ugly children." Pirate: "Me, too!" Gigan: "What's wrong? You're awfully quiet." Jeaha: "It's nothing serious. My right leg has been tingling since yesterday." Gigan: "But you like the feeling, don't you?" Jeaha: "A little, yes." Gigan: "Shall I step on you?" Jeaha: "Thank you, Captain. I'm fine now..." Jeaha: "This has never happened before." Gigan: "The soaring legs of the dragon." Gigan: "They say it's an ancient power, but I never get used to seeing it." Maya: "I really envy your power, Jeaha." Tatsu: "It's so cool how you look like you're flying." Tatsu: "There's no one else I'd rather have on our side." Jeaha: "I'd rather have cute girls depend on me. It doesn't mean much, coming from a bunch of smelly men." Maya: "What did you say, droopy eyes?" Tatsu: "You pervert!" Tok: "You aren't cute at all!" Gigan: "You aren't very honest." Jeaha: "Oh, I'm incredibly honest." Jeaha: "I just feel uneasy." Jeaha: "This place is too comfortable. Thirteen years ago, I left my village, and ended up here after an exhausting journey." Jeaha: "No one is creeped out by my ability, and they don't mention it to others." Jeaha: "They're such kind idiots..." Gigan: "No one's that interested in you." Jeaha: "That's no good! You should be more interested in me!" Jeaha: "In any case, I'll be staying here for a while." Jeaha: "I hope you'll keep me around, Captain." Gigan: "Aren't your friends here to get you?" Jeaha: "My friends? You mean the dragons? You must be joking." Gigan: "Speaking of friends, I wish we were a little stronger, honestly." Gigan: "We'll track it down eventually." Gigan: "When we do, it'll be a pretty intense fight." Jeaha: "You're not normally so timid, Captain Gigan." Gigan: "I can't let my idiots die. Aren't there any good young men around?" Jeaha: "There's a beautiful young man right here." Jeaha: "No, there is one! A good young man!" Gigan: "I've heard enough about you." Jeaha: "That's not what I meant. I met him in the city." Gigan: "Really? Is he strong?" Jeaha: "I only caught a glimpse, but he's crazy strong." Gigan: "Oh? He's crazy strong?" Jeaha: "Yeah, he's crazy strong and handsome. Captain, you'd like him." Gigan: "Secure him immediately." Jeaha: "Aye, Captain." Jeaha: "He's perfect. He is worthy to fight by my side." Jeaha: "Wait, didn't he say he was someone's bodyguard? So what? I know I can convince him. I'll look for him in the city tomorrow." Jeaha: "You just wait!" Gija: "This way... That way... Which way?"
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 17 – The Pirates of Awa", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "17", "The Pirates of Awa" ] }
Tok: "Jeaha, you're going into town again? Why have you been going there so often lately?" Jeaha: "I'm going to recruit someone." Hak: "I've been feeling a chill since yesterday..." Yona: "Is something wrong?" Hak: "No..." Yun: "Let's try that way." Yona: "Okay." Yona: "We made Sinha stay behind alone again. We'd better find the Green Dragon soon." Yun: "He's been strangely restless..." Yona: "Gija, where's the Green Dragon?" Gija: "I believe he's in this town," Gija: "but he's very quick and keeps darting around." Official: "You're in the way! Move!" Manager: "Stop!" Manager: "Please stop!" Official: "Shut up!" Yona: "Wh-What's going on?" Hak: "Looks like an official's going on a rampage in that store." Gija: "You mustn't, Princess!" Yona: "But..." Gija: "Allow me to handle this." Hak: "You'll draw too much attention. Stay out of this. I'll..." Yun: "That goes for you, too, Thunder Beast!" Yun: "Do you wild beasts understand the position you're in?" Gija: "But..." Yun: "The townsfolk were saying" Yun: "the officials are on edge because some pirates sank one of Kumji's ships last night." Yun: "I know how you feel, but we need to lie low." Official: "What were those idiots thinking?" Yun: "Look. They've already left." Yona: "Yeah." Yun: "Let's go." Hak: "Hey." Hak: "I'm going off on my own. Look after the princess." Yun: "Huh? Wait, Thunder Beast!" Yun: "What's gotten into him?" Jeaha: "How ugly! But I get it! I understand what it's trying to say! If this means he's a wanted man now, he'll be easier to recruit." Hak: "Who'll be easier to recruit?" Jeaha: "Well, the thing is that I have no idea what his name is..." Jeaha: "Wait, whoa!" Hak: "Should you be laughing? Your picture and description are up there, too." Jeaha: "Mine?" Jeaha: "What a delightful face." Hak: "It's your own face." Jeaha: "I didn't hear you..." Hak: "It's your own face." Jeaha: "They must be blind." Hak: "I agree." Jeaha: "Oh, right! You..." Jeaha: "I nearly forgot why I came." Jeaha: "I came here to see you." Hak: "Huh? I'm not going back to that place." Jeaha: "No, no. Today, I..." Jeaha: "I want you." Hak: "I'm not into that." Jeaha: "Ah, w-wait, wait. I didn't mean it like that! I just think you're a handsome man... Why don't we talk somewhere more private?" Hak: "What are you planning to do to me in a place where no one's around?" Jeaha: "I..." Hak: "You're annoying!" Hak: "Crap. Did I hit him too hard?" Hak: "H-He smiled..." Hak: "Why does he look so happy, when his nose is bleeding?" Hak: "He's a pervert!" Jeaha: "That punch was a real turn-on..." Hak: "Crap. He's saying something." Hak: "This guy's bad news!" Jeaha: "You think you can run from me?" Yona: "Hak..." Hak: "Princess, what are you doing here?" Yun: "He sensed the Green Dragon in this area." Hak: "What?" Gija: "I'm going to search over there!" Hak: "Hey, wait..." Yona: "Hak, what were you doing?" Hak: "I was being chased by a pervert." Yona: "A pervert?" Hak: "You don't need to know the details, Princess." Hak: "He stopped following me." Hak: "That's the first time I've felt afraid of a human." Hak: "I should steer clear of him..." Hak: "Let's go, Princess." Yona: "Yeah." Jeaha: "The White Dragon came close again." Jeaha: "I don't have time for him right now. At this rate, I won't be able to convince that guy to join the pirates..." Jeaha: "But I never let my prey escape." Jeaha: "Sorry, but I'm persistent." Jeaha: "I need to try convincing him again." Jeaha: "This presence..." Jeaha: "Ouch... I'm quite tough, if I say so myself—" Yona: "This is the man who saved that woman from the officials?" Hak: "Yeah, though he's not someone I want anything to do with." Yona: "I'd like to meet him." Hak: "You shouldn't." Hak: "That's the store we passed earlier." Hak: "Princess!" Yun: "Yona!" Yona: "Excuse me..." Manager: "He won't move." Manager: "This child was struck when he stood up to the officials... And since then," Manager: "he hasn't moved." Yona: "If we had gone to help them..." Yona: "Hak..." Yona: "How... How can we help those people?" Yun: "Yona, we're powerless right now." Yona: "I know, Yun." Yona: "But I can't keep using my powerlessness as an excuse." Yona: "If this town has been twisted since my father's reign, I must do something." Yona: "How? How can they do something like this?" Yona: "Is there really nothing I can do?" Jeaha: "That's the first time I've thought of myself as an idiot." Jeaha: "When I was a child, I escaped from the prison that was the Green Dragon village. Several times, uncharacteristically," Jeaha: "I even concealed my presence so the other dragons wouldn't find me." Jeaha: "Then I finally discovered this peaceful place." Jeaha: "I was sure I could keep running if I had to..." Jeaha: "And in the end, the pot fit my butt so perfectly, I can't move! I don't care about anything anymore!" Jeaha: "Now, where were we? Nice to meet you, White Dragon." Jeaha: "I never wanted to meet you, but clearly, you also possess a dragon's blood." Jeaha: "The White Dragon is a beautiful young man, as well." Gija: "I found the Green Dragon!" Jeaha: "Huh? We're going like this?" Gija: "We are bound by fate. I can't believe the Green Dragon fell from the sky." Jeaha: "Wait, wait, White Dragon... We'll draw too much attention like this. We don't want that, do we?" Gija: "Oh? You have quite a strange bottom." Jeaha: "Just how fat do you think my butt is?" Gija: "I've been looking for you." Jeaha: "What? We're going to talk like this?" Gija: "Our master is waiting for us." Gija: "My dragon brother, we must protect our master together." Jeaha: "Protect? Why?" Jeaha: "Is this person a king or something?" Giija: "No, not at the moment, but she is—" Jeaha: "Unfortunately..." Jeaha: "I like my current life, and there are things I want to do. So I won't be following some stranger who just asks me to come with him." Jeaha: "Sorry about that." Gija: "Wait. Aren't you a dragon? The dragons live and die in order to protect the king. After thousands of years, our master has finally come for us. We have inherited not only the blood of the dragons, but also the great wish past generations could not fulfill, even if they wanted to." Jeaha: "Good grief..." Jeaha: "It had to be a dragon puppet who came to find me." Jeaha: "Does this great wish of the past dragons include your own thoughts, too? If you simply obey orders without question to protect your master," Jeaha: "that isn't your greatest wish, but your greatest tragedy." Jeaha: "Poor White Dragon." Jeaha: "There he is." Jeaha: "Hey." Hak: "Ugh." Jeaha: "Hey, now... Sorry about earlier. I only wanted to talk." Hak: "My grandfather told me not to speak to strangers." Jeaha: ""Jeaha."" Jeaha: "That's my name. I'm also a pirate. Now we aren't strangers, right?" Hak: "What do you want with me?" Jeaha: "My captain wants you. She's enamored by your strength, and she'd like you to use that strength to—" Hak: "Not interested." Jeaha: "Just meet my captain once. Your master can come along, too." Hak: "Even less interested." Jeaha: "Your master must be quite important to you. You don't have to worry." Yona: "Hak, thanks for waiting." Yona: "Who are you?" Dragons: "You are now our other halves." Dragons: "You will serve Hiryuu as your master, protecting him with your lives." Dragons: "You will love him, and never betray him." Jeaha: "M-My leg tingles..." Jeaha: "I feel as though my blood is boiling..." Hak: "What's wrong? Hey." Yona: "Are you okay?" Jeaha: "Is this girl" Jeaha: "the ruler of the four dragons I've been avoiding?" Yona: "You're burning up." Jeaha: "No..." Jeaha: "I have to leave immediately." Jeaha: "But why can't I move?" Jeaha: "Why is it so difficult for me to pull away?" Jeaha: "Thank you, miss... I'm fine now." Yona: "The Green Dragon?" Yona: "You're the Green Dragon, aren't you?" Hak: "How..." Yona: "It's just a feeling." Yona: "Am I wrong?" Jeaha: "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a passerby—" Gija: "Princess, that's the Green Dragon!" Hak: "A passerby?" Jeaha: "I'm the Green Dragon." Hak: "So you're the Green Dragon. And I wanted nothing more to do with you..." Yona: "Oh, are you the wanted man?" Yona: "After Hak told me about you, I wanted to meet you." Yona: "I'm glad you're the Green Dragon." Jeaha: "It seems I underestimated the connection between the four dragons and Hiryuu." Yona: "I'm Yona. What's your name?" Jeaha: "Her image and voice are like a sweet seduction." Jeaha: "But it's only the dragon's blood inside that makes me feel this way." Jeaha: "These are not my own feelings!" Jeaha: "Nice to meet you. My name is Jeaha. I sincerely didn't want to meet you, miss." Yona: "You knew I would come?" Jeaha: "I wasn't expecting such a cute girl," Jeaha: "but I had been sensing the presence of the White and Blue Dragons lately." Jeaha: "If they brought their master with them, I'd planned to tell them this. "I have no intention of serving you. Please leave."" Yona: "I'm not the master of the White or Blue Dragons. I've asked them to lend me their strength. I came because I'd like yours, as well." Jeaha: "I enjoy having cute girls depend on me, but I'm sorry." Jeaha: "Unlike the White Dragon, I don't wish to live and die for King Hiryuu." Jeaha: "I will choose whom I wish to protect, and I will choose where I die, as well. I have no intention of helping you, miss." Yona: "Jeaha, you don't need to try to intimidate me." Yona: "I understand." Yona: "I will give up on you." Gija: "Princess..." Yona: "I'm only asking for a favor, not issuing a command." Jeaha: "You're just going to withdraw?" Yona: "After such a clear rejection, it would be disgraceful to act unreasonably." Yona: "Actually, I'm really disappointed!" Yona: "I wonder why it's so difficult for me to leave the dragons, once I meet them." Jeaha: "I'm disappointed, too. It's been a long time since I met such a cute girl. Besides," Jeaha: "I had intended to recruit him..." Hak: "It's disgraceful to act unreasonably." Yona: "You mean Hak?" Hak: "Apparently, he's a pirate. He won't shut up about my meeting his captain." Jeaha: "You're so cold..." Yona: "A pirate?" Yona: "I want to speak with your captain." Jeaha: "Why? Are you giving us Hak?" Yona: "No, I'm not." Yona: "You're fighting against Lord Yan Kumji of Awa, aren't you?" Jeaha: "So what if we are?" Yona: "I saw a child killed by an official." Yona: "I still quiver with rage when I think about it." Yona: "At the official, Yan Kumji, and at my own inability to act." Yona: "I don't want to see any more children killed unjustly." Jeaha: "Miss, your request for my help aside," Jeaha: "if you're willing to bring Hak, I will take you to see my captain. Come to our ship tomorrow." Yun: "Don't surprise me like that." Yun: "I can't believe you suddenly said you wanted to meet pirates." Yona: "I'm sorry for not discussing it with you first." Yona: "I just really want to meet their captain." Yun: "What are you going to do if they get violent?" Yona: "This was my decision. You stay here, Yun." Yun: "Don't mock me! I'm going with you!" Gija: "I shall join you, as well." Jeaha: "It had to be a dragon puppet who came to find me." Yona: "Hak, you're forced to come with me..." Hak: "It's fine. It annoys me that things seem to be going his way, though." Hak: "Are you sure you want to give up on having him join us?" Yona: "If Jeaha doesn't want to, I don't have a choice." Hak: "You're so understanding. You weren't so understanding when I tried to leave the Wind Tribe or when you demanded that I be yours." Hak: "Princess?" Yona: "Shut up. You're different." Hak: "Different?" Hak: "Different? Different how?" Yona: "It's not worth discussing. Don't dig up the past." Hak: "Come to think of it, you did say I was the only one who had to stay by your side." Yona: "I hate that side of you!" Yun: "Okay, okay. Food's ready." Yona: "I'm Yona. Are you the captain?" Gigan: "I'm Captain Gigan." Gigan: "Jeaha told me about you." Gigan: "He said you want to help us." Yona: "Yes." Tok: "It's a girl." Tatsu: "She's cute!" Ryo: "But wait..." Gigan: "What's with the mask?" Tok: "Exactly, Captain!" Tatsu: "It's awfully curious, isn't it?" Gigan: "Take it off!" Gigan: "Show me your face!" Yun: "He's incredibly shy!" Gigan: "Above all else, I value trust." Gigan: "Who would ask for help from someone they can't trust?" Hak: "But you need fighters, don't you, Captain?" Gigan: "If you can beat all these guys, you pass." Maya: "Captain, don't you think these numbers are too unfair?" Hak: "Yeah, you're right... This is too many, right?" Gija: "Yes." Both: "I can handle this on my own." Pirate A: "Let's see you try!" Hak: "How was that?" Hak: "I bet you want us now, Captain Gigan." Jeaha: "Don't, Captain. Their strength is extraordinary." Jeaha: "It would be like having three of me." Gigan: "You pass." Yona: "Good." Yun: "Yeah." Gigan: "Don't relax yet, kids." Gigan: "What can you do?" Yun: "I don't like violence, so I don't fight. Aside from fighting, I can do anything." Yun: "Cooking, sewing, hunting, treating the wounded. With the right ingredients, I can even make explosives." Yun: "Also, I'm a handsome young man." Gigan: "I see." Gigan: "What about you?" Yona: "Ah..." Gigan: "What can you do?" Yona: "I... I can..." Gigan: "You can't do anything." Gigan: "Those who can't do anything will only slow us down." Yona: "I..." Gigan: "Plenty of people in this town hate Kumji." Gigan: "But if they lack the strength, they'll only die by standing against him. There's nothing you can do, girl. Leave." Gija: "Without her, we will not work with—" Yona: "Gija, it's all right." Yona: "Captain Gigan is right." Yona: "But..." Yona: "I have my own reasons for not backing down!" Gigan: "I like the look in her eyes. Very well. You'll do a job to prove to me that you're useful and worthy of my trust." Gigan: "A life-threatening job." Yona: "Move, legs! Little by little, one step at a time."
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 18 – Ties", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "18", "Ties" ] }
Jeaha: "That's the Mist-Shrouded Cape." Jeaha: "What will you do? This is your last chance to back out." Yona: "A life-threatening job?" Gigan: "Right now, you're useless baggage. But if you insist on fighting Kumji with us, you must demonstrate your resolve." Yona: "My resolve..." Yona: "I understand. What do I have to do?" Gigan: "Pick me some senjuso." Tok: "Captain, isn't that—" Gigan: "Don't interrupt me. You could never do it." Yun: "What's senjuso?" Gigan: "It's a valuable medicinal herb that grows only on the Mist-Shrouded Cape... A cure-all that greatly accelerates the healing of illnesses and wounds." Yun: "A medicinal herb?" Gigan: "With the senjuso, my injured men will recover quickly." Gigan: "In our upcoming battle, we will have great need for it." Gigan: "The man I usually send to pick it is currently injured. If you'll do it in his place, I'll accept you." Yona: "Fine." Gigan: "Oh, I forgot to mention..." Gigan: "The senjuso grows in the middle of a sheer cliff. You'll go alone, without anyone's help." Gija: "Huh?" Yona: "That was already my intention." Yun: "Yona, this is crazy!" Yona: "Yun, please." Yona: "This is my job." Gigan: "Good attitude." Gigan: "Jeaha, show her the way." Jeaha: "All right, all right." Yona: "Well, I'm off." Yona: "I'll be back soon." Jeaha: "You see that narrow path? It will take you to a cave just large enough for you to fit in." Jeaha: "Pick the senjuso there. That's all." Jeaha: "Easy, right?" Jeaha: ""Easy"? Even I know that was mean." Jeaha: "This situation would paralyze anyone with fear." Jeaha: "Captain Gigan's tests are ruthless..." Yona: "Okay!" Yona: "It's all right." Yona: "Captain Gigan gave me this job after seeing how small I am." Yona: "My legs won't move..." Yona: "I don't want to be here! Help me! I'm afraid! I'm afraid! I don't want to die!" Jeaha: "Calm down. The wind isn't that strong. My predecessor told me that" Jeaha: "absolute devotion to King Hiryuu was etched into the blood of the four dragons." Jeaha: "I wondered what sort of man would come. I imagined a conceited man, who would use force to command the dragons." Jeaha: "However, the one standing here is a weak girl, without any special strength." Jeaha: "At that moment, my blood recognized her as the one to rule the four dragons. But is this weak girl trembling before me that person?" Jeaha: "Is she really the four dragons' master?" Jeaha: "Yona, you don't need to force yourself." Jeaha: "If you're afraid, come back." Jeaha: "The job the captain gave you is impossible. It would mean you can't fight against Kumji with us," Jeaha: "but no one is forcing you to do this. You don't need to put yourself in danger!" Jeaha: "That's right... Come back." Jeaha: "You're only a girl. Come back..." Jeaha: "Yona!" Yona: "I won't go back..." Yona: "It's okay." Jeaha: "It isn't okay!" Yona: "I have to do this simple job." Jeaha: "It isn't simple!" Yona: "If I don't, I won't be able to face Captain Gigan or Hak and the others." Yona: "Ao, thank you." Yona: "I'll do my best." Jeaha: "How can you keep moving forward, when you're still trembling and crying?" Jeaha: "You're only a powerless girl!" Jeaha: "Yona?" Yona: "I'm glad I'm here to get the medicine." Jeaha: "Why?" Yona: "Suppose Hak, Yun, Gija, or Sinha were gravely injured right now." Yona: "If the senjuso could heal them, I'd do anything to acquire it. Even if it were growing in the middle of a battlefield with arrows raining down, I would still go to pick it." Yona: "When I think of it that way, I can go anywhere." Jeaha: "Your legs are shaking." Jeaha: "Are you afraid of losing someone?" Yona: "I am afraid." Yona: "I fear that more than anything else." Yona: "I fear seeing someone crying over losing another, too." Jeaha: "Her desire not to lose anyone moves her shaking legs forward..." Jeaha: "Right now, she acts for the people of Awa who are terrified of Kumji." Jeaha: "She reminds me of some idiots I know." Jeaha: "No, at least an idiot is better off for having a little strength." Jeaha: "I can't watch this anymore." Yona: "Jeaha..." Yona: "You're coming with me?" Jeaha: "Huh? Oh..." Jeaha: "Well, partway... I'm keeping an eye on you." Yona: "Thank you." Jeaha: "Just so you know, I won't help you." Yona: "I know, but having your voice nearby is reassuring." Yona: "Just having you near." Yona: "I wonder why." Jeaha: "Why? I'd like to ask you the same question." Jeaha: "Why do I want to hear and see you now, even more than when we first met?" Jeaha: "It must be because of the dragon's blood flowing through my veins." Jeaha: "That must be it." Jeaha: "What else could it be?" Jeaha: "The dragon's blood is such a pain in the ass." Jeaha: "This is as far as I'll go." Jeaha: "The path ahead is too narrow for me. You'll have to go alone." Yona: "I always wanted to become stronger." Yona: "At first, it was to protect myself." Yona: "Next, it was to protect Hak, who gave up everything for me." Yona: "Now, it's to repay my friends, who enabled me to live." Yona: "Move, legs!" Yona: "Little by little, one step at a time..." Yona: "If I can beat this fear, surely I will be that much closer to the strength I desired." Yona: "This is the senjuso?" Yona: "Thank goodness..." Yona: "I made it here." Tok: "What is it, Captain?" Gigan: "The water's getting choppy." Tok: "Huh? It is?" Gigan: "That girl will be in trouble if she doesn't hurry." Yun: "Thunder Beast?" Gigan: "What do you want?" Hak: "Show me the way." Jeaha: "Yona, are you okay?" Yona: "Yes." Jeaha: "Yona! Go back inside!" Jeaha: "Yona?" Jeaha: "Yona!" Jeaha: "Yona!" Jeaha: "I don't believe it... I was so close, but I couldn't save her." Jeaha: "That weak... That weak girl." Yona: "Jeaha..." Jeaha: "Yona!" Jeaha: "Are you okay? I'll save you." Yona: "No!" Yona: "If you help me now, then my promise to Captain Gigan..." Jeaha: "You're unbelievable..." Yona: "Jeaha?" Jeaha: "You know, you're incredible." Jeaha: "You manage to leave me breathless." Yona: "I needed your help, after all." Jeaha: "Don't get the wrong idea." Jeaha: "Treating women with the greatest care is one of my principles." Jeaha: "What are you laughing about?" Yona: "You were ready to jump into the sea to save me." Yona: "Thank you." Jeaha: "Don't tell the captain." Yona: "Huh? But..." Jeaha: "It's that." Jeaha: "You picked and protected the senjuso yourself." Jeaha: "You kept your promise to the captain." Jeaha: "What I did was just a bonus." Jeaha: "You don't need to tell the captain about it." Yona: "I haven't done anything yet." Yona: "I need to take this back to the others." Yun: "So, the senjuso grows here?" Gigan: "I told you it was a sheer cliff." Yun: "Yeah, but it's too steep! This is crazy! The waves are choppy. The wind would blow Yona away!" Gija: "I shall go rescue her!" Gigan: "Wait!" Gigan: "That girl accepted this job to earn my trust." Gigan: "Are you willing to crush her resolve beneath your feet?" Giga: "But if something happened to her..." Yun: "Yona is a girl!" Gigan: "Sometimes, women must fight, too." Gigan: "Don't underestimate us." Gija: "Hak, are you all right with this?" Gija: "Hak!" Yun: "Yona..." Yun: "Yona!" Yun: "Stupid, stupid! You're always so reckless!" Yona: "I'm sorry." Gigan: "Where is the senjuso?" Yona: "Here." Gigan: "So it is. Then, as promised, you—" Yona: "No." Yona: "Jeaha helped me." Yona: "A sudden wave nearly carried me out to sea, and he saved me." Yona: "I couldn't do it alone." Gigan: "Then you're giving up?" Yona: "No." Yona: "I'm going to get it myself this time." Gigan: "If Jeaha had let a girl tossed into the sea die, I would have thrown him into the sea myself." Gigan: "Your eyes are red. You must have cried a lot." Yona: "I just got salt water in my eyes!" Gigan: "Your hands are covered in cuts. Your legs are shaking." Gigan: "You've got guts. Someone like you would never betray their friends, even in the most desperate of situations." Gigan: "I don't mind idiots like you." Gigan: "Climb aboard!" Yona: "Huh?" Jeaha: "You pass, Yona." Yuna: "All..." All: "All right!" Pirates: "That's great, Yona! You did so well! Yona, how old are you?" Gija: "Hey! Don't touch her with your filthy hands!" Jeaha: "So that's the kind of expression she puts on your face." Hak: "Look who's talking." Hak: "You look ten years older." Jeaha: "Huh? That's not good! Really?" Jeaha: "She was so determined to keep going, I thought I'd lose years off my life." Hak: "You're really interested in her." Jeaha: "I'm always interested in girls." Jeaha: "But I've never met anyone like her." Jeaha: "If you must touch her, at least wash your hands first! She's pure and stubborn, but unsteady on her feet." Jeaha: "I'd consider her a huge pain in the ass." Jeaha: "I can't understand why anyone would want to protect her." Hak: "I guess..." Jeaha: "She must be really important." Hak: "Well, we're old friends." Jeaha: "Lovers?" Hak: "Yeah, right." Hak: "She's an important person left in my care." Jeaha: "Left in your care, huh?" Hak: "What?" Jeaha: "I get the impression you're very close, but there's some distance between you." Hak: "Huh?" Jeaha: "Maybe it's because you don't really want her." Hak: "Mind your own business. Why would you say that?" Jeaha: "Why, indeed?" Jeaha: "Maybe it's because I'm interested in her." Jeaha: "Just kidding..." Jeaha: "That was an interesting face you just made. I feel a bit rejuvenated." Jeaha: "Maybe it's because you don't really want her." Hak: "Whatever..." Hak: "We've... We've been like siblings forever. I lived every day sworn to protect the kingdom" Hak: "he and the princess would rule together." Hak: "Now, the princess who is just trying to survive..." Hak: "This princess left in my care by King Il..." Hak: "There is nothing more I could ask of her." Hak: "What are you crying about?" Yona: "N-Nothing." Yona: "Ow, ow, ow!" Hak: "What's this?" Yona: "I pricked myself on a lot of thorns when I went to pick the senjuso. I heard I could get them out with a needle." Hak: "So you tore up your hands with a needle?" Yona: "It really hurt, but I couldn't get anything out!" Hak: "Did you heat the needle with a flame?" Yona: "Huh? Why would I do that?" Hak: "This is terrible! Your wounds will fester, and tomorrow, your hands will rot off!" Yona: "Huh?!" Yona: "I'll stab you!" Hak: "In any case, clean your wounds." Yona: "Okay." Yona: "Yun will get mad at you for digging through his things." Hak: "This is an emergency. I have no choice." Hak: "Here it is." Yona: "Is that honey?" Yona: "Huh? What are you doing?" Hak: "If you leave it on the affected area for a while, the thorns will come out on their own." Yona: "Really?" Hak: "The old man used to stab me with needles all the time. When I learned there was an easier way to get them out, I wanted to kill him." Yona: "That sounds like Mun-deok." Hak: "I can't believe the way your hands look, Princess." Yona: "Do you think I've gotten stronger?" Yona: "Am I closer to you now?" Jeaha: "You're very close, but there's some distance between you." Jeaha: "Maybe it's because you don't really want her." Hak: "Shut up, droopy eyes." Hak: "You're probably right." Hak: "Up to now, I've suppressed the desire countless times." Yona: "Hak? The honey is dripping!" Yona: "Eh?" Yona: "U-Um, H-Hak..." Yona: "Ha... Hak!" Yona: "That's enough..." Hak: "What am I doing?" Hak: "The princess can live freely." Hak: "Be satisfied with that, you idiot." Hak: "I don't need desire making an appearance now." Gigan: "My men are recovering because of the senjuso you brought." Gigan: "Everyone is grateful to you." Yona: "I'm glad." Gigan: "I don't want to lose anyone else." Yona: "Have you lost people?" Gigan: "Of course. We are pirates." Gigan: "Injuries are part of our life. Once this battle is over, I want to disband my pirate crew," Gigan: "so they can return to living normal lives." Yona: "Really?" Gigan: "There's just one problem." Yona: "A problem?" Gigan: "Jeaha." Gigan: "This ship is his home." Gigan: "Because he's different, he feels most comfortable here." Yona: "Once the pirates disband, will Jeaha be alone?" Gigan: "Would you take him with you?" Yona: "I'd like to, but he doesn't want to go with me." Gigan: "Maybe he's not ready to leave the nest." Jeaha: "That's not true, Captain." Jeaha: "I like being alone. Once the pirates are gone, I'll simply do as I please." Jeaha: "What good will joining those other dragons do?" Jeaha: "But I'd consider traveling with only Yona." Jeaha: "Oh, but I'm not interested in looking after a child. I'll join you once you're a little older." Yona: "You're so mean, Jeaha! You're just like Hak!" Jeaha: "Oh? Interesting." Gigan: "How unusual. Usually, you only sweet talk women." Gigan: "Are you interested in her?" Jeaha: "You must be joking." Yona: "Sinha? What's wrong?" Sinha: "Boats are gathering in the harbor..." Gigan: "How many?" Sinha: "Seven." Jeaha: "Seven ships?" Sinha: "People with weapons are riding in the ships..." Gigan: "Is Kumji trying to intimidate us? Interesting." Jeaha: "He's finally making his move." Yona: "What's going on?" Gigan: "The battle is finally starting." Gigan: "Gather the men." Gigan: "Kumji is strengthening his forces." Gigan: "It's probably because his most important deal is coming up." Gigan: "With the Kai Empire." Yona: "The Kai Empire?" Gigan: "Just with a group near Awa, actually." Gigan: "They're one of Kumji's regular trading partners." Yona: "What makes the deal so important?" Gigan: "It's human trafficking." Yun: "It's okay." Yun: "Since I'm going, I can guarantee Yona won't die. Next time, Yona of the Dawn episode 20:"
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 19 – The Senjuso Test", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "19", "The Senjuso Test" ] }
Yona: "S-Soo-Won... Quickly, call a doctor!" Soowon: "King Il will not wake again." Soowon: "I killed him." Yona: "What are you talking about?" Yona: "Y-You aren't someone who could do this..." Soowon: "You don't know how I have lived for this day." Hak: "It's too quiet..." Guard A: "Then, no one has noticed yet?" Guard B: "No, sir. The honored guests and civil officials are all drunk from the party and fast asleep." Guard A: "I see." Guard C: "Only General Hak's movements are cause for concern." Hak: "Who is cause for concern?" Hak: "Why don't you tell me in detail?" Yona: "Wh-Why?" Yona: "My father cared for you since you were a child..." Soowon: "You're right." Soowon: "I loved King Il, too. Even though people whispered that he was a coward who feared conflict, I used to believe that was what made him kind." Soowon: "However, I was wrong." Soowon: "That wasn't the case." Soowon: "Do you remember my father, Yoo-hong?" Yona: "My uncle?" Soowon: "Ever since my father was young, he was courageous and intelligent. He grew into a man who always led our armies to victory. Everyone wanted him to become the next king, and no one doubted he would. However, ten years ago, the former king, Junam, chose not my father, but Uncle Il, as King of Kouka." Soowon: "No one understood his choice. The eldest son was the rightful successor to the throne, so why did he choose the weak Il?" Soowon: "But my father kept smiling." Yoohong: "The throne is no big deal to me. I will continue to fight on the front lines, to protect my younger brother and my people." Soowon: "I was proud of my father, and had great respect for him. Someday, I hoped to stand alongside him on the battlefield, and offer my life to him. But after succeeding the throne, for reasons unknown, King Il killed Yoo-hong, his own brother." Yona: "No... My uncle died in an accident..." Soowon: "That's the official story." Soowon: "But King Il stabbed my father to death with a sword." Soowon: "Do you understand? King Il, who was thought to hate weapons and avoid conflict," Soowon: "killed my father with a sword." Yona: "No... It's not true..." Soowon: "It's the truth. I have avenged my father, and to honor his final wish, I will become King of Kouka." Yona: "It's not true..." Yona: "This is a dream... A nightmare... After all, Soo-won," Yona: "you smiled so kindly when you..." Soowon: "I love your hair, Yona." Yona: "...when you gave me this hair ornament..." Soowon: "I wasn't expecting you to be awake in the middle of the night." Soowon: "I had heard you hardly ever visited the king's quarters." Soowon: "Why did you come, Princess Yona?" Yona: "I wanted to tell him... I wanted to tell my father" Yona: "that I could never forget you..." Keishuk: "Lord Soo-won." Soowon: "Kye-sook." Keishuk: "Everything is ready." Keishuk: "You've achieved your long-cherished desire." Keishuk: "Did Princess Yona see you?" Keishuk: "This will make things quick." Keishuk: "Kill her, Lord Soo-won." Keishuk: "Silence the princess." Yona: "Soo-won?" Keishuk: "Put it out! We don't want anyone suspecting anything!" Guards: "Yes, sir!" Soowon: "Seize her." Guard F: "Yes, sir!" Yona: "Who... Who was that person? That person who killed my father, and who is trying to kill me," Yona: "is not Soo-won!" Yona: "He isn't my beloved Soo-won!" Guard F: "Prepare yourself, Princess. This is for the Kingdom of Kouka." Yona: "Did he hate me?" Yona: "Since we were young, I..." Yona: "I only ever loved Soo-won." Yona: "I didn't ask for much." Yona: "As long as I could see Soo-won's smile, I was happy." Yona: "Soo-won!" Hak: "I knew Lord Soo-won was here tonight, so I was trying to stay out of your way." Hak: "The guards who were supposed to be on watch are all gathered here. There are people I don't recognize, too." Hak: "What's going on here?" Hak: "Huh, Lord Soo-won?" Yona: "H-Hak?" Hak: "I'm sorry for leaving your side, Princess Yona." Yona: "Hak..." Yona: "Hak, are you on my side?" Hak: "The king told me to protect you. No matter what happens," Hak: "I will obey his orders!" Keishuk: "Withdraw, servant. You are standing before King Soo-won, the new master of Hiryuu Castle." Hak: "Who's the master of what, now?" Hak: "I have a bad feeling about this, but I must ask. Lord Soo-won, where is King Il?" Soowon: "I just sent him to hell." Hak: "Are you drunk?" Hak: "That's going too far, even for a joke." Soowon: "Ask Princess Yona." Soowon: "She confirmed the king's death with her own eyes." Hak: "Tell the truth!" Soowon: "I'm not lying." Hak: "Soo-won! You're telling me you killed your king?" Hak: "You killed our kind king?!" Keishuk: "Lord Soo-won..." Soowon: "Stay back. If you get any closer, you'll lose your head." Soowon: "The man standing before you is Son Hak." Keishuk: "This man is..." Soowon: "Yes. He is the heart of Castle Hiryuu, and one of the five generals..." Keishuk: "The Thunder Beast of Kouka." Hak: "Soo-won, why? Are you trying to usurp the throne?" Hak: "No, you're not the type to fixate yourself on that kind of thing." Hak: "Did you turn your sword on our kind king, who detested weapons?" Hak: "Your pride allowed that?!" Soowon: "Kindness?" Soowon: "This kingdom has no need for a weak king!" Keishuk: "Son Hak... The grandson of Son Mundok, former head of the Wind Tribe," Keishuk: "he rose to lead the tribe at a young age. A single blow from his blade is like lightning, earning him the nickname of the "Thunder Beast of Kouka."" Keishuk: "That's enough!" Guard H: "Lay down your weapon, Thunder Beast." Keishuk: "Lord Soo-won, are you all right?" Hak: "Soo-won..." Hak: "Was the Soo-won I saw an illusion?" Hak: "I thought I could entrust you with the princess." Keishuk: "Fool. You may be one of the five generals, but you are still young." Hak: "What?" Keishuk: "At this rate, the Kingdom of Kouka will fall into ruin before long. For you and Princess Yona, who have indulged in peace at Castle Hiryuu, there is no way to imagine Lord Soo-won's feelings—" Soowon: "Quiet, Kye-sook." Hak: "What does that mean?" Soowon: "The Soo-won you know never existed. Should anyone get in my way, I will cut him down," Soowon: "no matter who he is." Yona: "I don't want to hear this." Yona: "I don't want to hear any of this anymore..." Guard H: "Wh-What?" Keishuk: "After them! Don't let them escape!" Guard J: "Yes, sir!" Minsoo: "This way, General Hak!" Hak: "Were you the one who made that terrible shot, Min-soo?" Minsoo: "Huh?" Hak: "Take the princess and follow me. Don't fall behind." Minsoo: "Y-Yes, sir." Hak: "Out of the way!" Hak: "This way!" Minsoo: "Yes, sir." Minsoo: "General Hak, behind you!" Hak: "We should find somewhere to hide." Minsoo: "You're right." Hak: "Let's go." Minsoo: "Yes, sir." Minsoo: "There's no end to them." Minsoo: "Princess, is King Il really dead?" Minsoo: "I see." Minsoo: "I'm sorry. I just couldn't believe it." Minsoo: "Until just a while ago, he was smiling so happily about your birthday." Hak: "It's only a matter of time until they find us." Minsoo: "The soldiers that Lord Soo-won brought here, along with the guards loyal to him, are gathering within the castle." Hak: "If we're caught, they'll definitely kill us..." Minsoo: "Yes." Minsoo: "I'll secure an escape route for you." Minsoo: "You two must escape from the castle." Hak: "But you..." Minsoo: "Don't worry about me. I promise I'll get away." Guard Q: "They're around here somewhere! Find them!" Guard R: "Yes, sir!" Hak: "Six soldiers in front of the rear gate. More waiting in ambush." Hak: "Min-soo, you..." Minsoo: "I'll draw them after me. You use that opportunity to escape. Princess," Minsoo: "take care." Guard R: "There she is!" Guard Q: "She's over there! Don't let her escape!" Hak: "Min-soo..." Hak: "Princess, hurry!" Guard T: "There she is! This way!" Minsoo: "Princess... King..." Keishuk: "They seem to have escaped into the mountains." Keishuk: "I will organize a party to search the mountains immediately." Soowon: "General Hak was raised in the precipitous mountain village of Capital Fuuga. Even if he has the princess with him, it will be difficult for the men of the castle to find them." Hak: "Princess Yona," Hak: "should we rest a while?" Yona: "Is Min-soo dead?" Yona: "Am I going to die, too?" Yona: "Is Soo-won going to kill you, too?" Hak: "I don't have a life to give to that piece of crap." Yona: "Please don't die, Hak." Yona: "If you die, I won't forgive you..." Hak: "I still can't believe it. I can't believe King Il died," Hak: "and left the princess alone..." Hak: "You good-for-nothing king." Hak: "Soo-won..." Keishuk: "I'm sorry." Keishuk: "I had them comb the mountains all night, but they still haven't found anything." Soowon: "How are things inside the castle?" Keishuk: "People are beginning to notice something is wrong, and unrest is growing." Guest A: "General Joo-doh, what's going on?" Guest B: "Is this the work of insurgents?" Judo: "We're investigating the matter as quickly as we can." Keishuk: "What shall we do, Lord Soo-won?" Hak: "Let's go, Princess. Our pursuers are coming." Yona: "Where are we going? During the party, even though my father was crying tears of joy," Yona: "I didn't utter a single word of thanks to him. Where am I supposed to go now," Yona: "leaving my father behind?" Yona: "Hak..." Hak: "We'll go anywhere, as long as it means you'll live." Hak: "That is how you can return the king's feelings." Yona: "My sixteenth birthday... That night, I lost my family, my home, and the people I loved." Yona: "And then, I had the encounters that led me to the present." Commander: "What is that?" Commander: "Fire!" Commander: "Who are you?" Aide: "A new enemy!" Yona: "Quietly depart" Yona: "from the Kingdom of Kouka!" Yona: "I won't let you do as you please to this kingdom!" Commander: "Damn you..." Commander: "What?" Yona: "I will live" Yona: "to repay my late father's love, and my friends' kindness!" Hak: "Princess, use me so that you may live."
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 2 – Torn Bonds", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "2", "Torn Bonds" ] }
Yona: "Human trafficking..." Jeaha: "Mostly women and children." Yun: "But slavery is illegal in this country." Gigan: "That isn't their only goal. With the forces they've gathered, they must intend to crush us, the pirates who have opposed them for years." Loen: "Let's hit them first!" Gigan: "Don't be hasty. If we brawl at Awa Port, the residents will be caught in the crossfire. So we'll attack Kumji's ships here, in the ocean between Awa and their likely trading partner, the Kai Empire." Jeaha: "The question is when, and how, they'll act, and which of the ships the women will be on." Gigan: "Yes. Kumji will likely use the people he's selling as hostages, so we mustn't attack recklessly." Gigan: "Is there any way to secure the women's safety?" Ryo: "But if it's an important deal, isn't Kumji likely to be there himself?" Ryo: "Wouldn't it be faster to find their leader and secure him?" Maya: "Yeah, after all, we have powerful allies this time!" Gigan: "Either way, we need more information." Gigan: "This is an excellent opportunity for us. We'll beat up Yan Kumji and his officials, who have corrupted Awa and terrorized its people for over ten years. We'll return freedom to this town." Gigan: "This time, I'll fight with you." Gigan: "Stick with me until the end, boys!" Yona: "I thought Captain Gigan didn't want to make anyone fight." Yona: "But they all understand their captain and live with courage." Yona: "I want to do something for these people." Yona: "I'd like to see the real Awa, once it's better." Pirates: "Hey, hurry up!" Pirates: "Face forward!" Tatsu: "Yona, it's okay." Gija: "That's right. Allow me to handle this." Yona: "Huh?" Tatsu: "Man, you're strong..." Gija: "This is nothing." Yona: "H-Hak..." Maya: "Master, teach me how to fight!" Pirates: "Me, too! Me, too!" Hak: "Lessons cost ten thousand rin." Pirates: "Huh?! Seriously? You're so mean!" Yona: "Yun..." Yun: "Hey, you! The one who shouldn't even be alive! Why won't you sit still? I'll kill you myself." Jeaha: "Yona..." Jeaha: "I'm going to scout out the town. Care to come with me?" Yona: "Amazing! So the Green Dragon can fly?" Jeaha: "It isn't so much flying as jumping." Jeaha: "You don't mind heights?" Yona: "No." Jeaha: "Even though you were so terrified at the Mist-Shrouded Cape?" Yona: "It's strange. I feel much closer to you now." Yona: "Being near you eases my mind." Jeaha: "Curse this infernal dragon's blood..." Jeaha: "Hide." Yona: "What is it?" Jeaha: "It's Yan Kumji." Yona: "That's him?" Jeaha: "From up here, it's clear how twisted the city is." Yona: "Huh?" Jeaha: "When Kumji comes, women and children hide in their homes so that he won't find them." Yona: "What's wrong?" Yona: "Do you not feel well?" Man: "I-I'm fine..." Jeaha: "You..." Man: "L-Let go!" Jeaha: "You dropped this, miss." Woman: "H-How could you tell?" Jeaha: "If I have to give a reason, your scent." Woman: "You pervert!" Yona: "Ah. So this is a pervert." Jeaha: "You disguised yourself as a man to escape the officials?" Woman: "Y-Yes..." Jeaha: "But you seemed extraordinarily frightened. Did something happen?" Jeaha: "Did the officials... No, did Kumji do something to you?" Woman: "I don't know! I don't know!" Woman: "A few days ago, my friend and I heard there was a decent job..." Woman: "So we went into a certain shop." Woman: "My friend was very beautiful. We were allowed inside, but ultimately, only my friend was called to the back room." Woman: "They told me I could leave, but..." Woman: "I was curious, so I looked inside the small room she'd gone into." Woman: "It happened in a flash." Woman: "She hasn't come back since." Woman: "Later, I learned the shop belonged to Yan Kumji." Woman: "Since then, I've been afraid of the officials." Jeaha: "That must be the entrance to the human trafficking detention facility." Jeaha: "One of many, that is." Woman: "Huh? Human... Y-You don't mean..." Jeaha: "Don't worry. Your friend is fine. I'm sure she'll come back. There, there. Poor girl. It must have been quite scary. Wipe your tears. I'll do something about it. Until then, disguise yourself and hide in your home. Normally, dressing like a man would be a waste for you, but it's the only way to fool those idiots. And once I save her, will you introduce me to your friend? If you like, maybe someday..." Pirates: "Yum! This is great!" Yun: "Of course it is. It's my special pirate soup, full of seafood." Yun: "I went all-out with the ingredients, so there's no way it isn't good." Ryo: "This is delicious!" Gija: "Wh-What sort of insect is this?" Yun: "That's a crab! Follow Sinha's example and learn to eat anything!" Loen: "This really is good, kid. Be my bride." Yun: "No way. I'm not marrying an unemployed bum." Yun: "Thunder Beast, food's ready." Yun: "Why are you glaring at the sky?" Yun: "By the way, have you seen my honey?" Hak: "Man, this pirate soup really warms you up. Yun, you're a genius." Yun: "Maybe the squirrel took it." Sinha: "Yona..." Jeaha: "Captain, they'll probably act the night of the day after tomorrow." Ryo: "The day after tomorrow?" Gigan: "What makes you say so?" Jeaha: "I found a store gathering people to sell." Jeaha: "Outwardly, they offer decent jobs to women. But they're actually sending women who will fetch a high price somewhere. According to hearsay, the workers at the shop have said they're recruiting people until the afternoon of the day after tomorrow." Jeaha: "Kumji is greedy. If there are quality goods, he'll wait until the very last minute." Jeaha: "In other words, he'll make the deal on this day. He'll send his ships after dark." Gigan: "But we don't know which ship the women will be on." Yona: "From inside... If we launch something like fireworks from inside the ship the women are on, would it be possible to rescue them faster?" Gigan: "Yes, but who's going to launch it?" Yona: "I will." Yona: "I'll infiltrate the ship and set off fireworks." Yona: "I'll infiltrate the ship and set off fireworks." Jeaha: "Yona..." Yona: "Isn't our priority saving the women over defeating Kumji?" Yona: "We must find the ship they're on quickly, and take them to a safe place." Yona: "To do that, I'll sneak onto the ship and tell you where they are." Hak: "Wait." Hak: "I wouldn't recommend that." Gija: "He's right. It's too dangerous. You can't enter Kumji and his officials' stronghold." Yun: "I'm against it, too." Yona: "Yun..." Yun: "Launching fireworks would involve carrying gunpowder past the guards to sneak onto the ship's deck!" Yun: "If they find you, they'll kill you! There's no way!" Hak: "Besides, it will be difficult to signal us with fireworks small enough for you to carry on board." Hak: "We'll probably be fighting, too." Yona: "But Sinha should be able to notice my signal from far away." Yun: "Yeah, but..." Yona: "We don't have time to search every ship." Yona: "If the women reach the Kai Empire while we fight, it will be too late." Yona: "I'm the only one who can sneak on with the women to secure their safety, right? Captain Gigan," Yona: "let me fight with you." Gigan: "This girl... She was raised far from this world's conflicts," Gigan: "but sometimes, she has a seasoned warrior's eyes." Gigan: "I can't believe she's overpowering me." Gigan: "If you succeed, we will indeed be able to rescue the women." Jeaha: "Captain..." Gigan: "But you can't go alone." Gigan: "We must send at least one other if we are to succeed." Hak: "I'll go." Gija: "I will go." Gigan: "Just so you know, it has to be someone who can pass for a woman." Gija: "What?" Gigan: "These are Kumji's prized goods. If you aren't at least as beautiful as the other women, you'll be chased off." Hak: "I'll go." Gija: "I will go." Jeaha: "I'll go." Gigan: "I can't tell if you're not listening, or are just really confident." Gigan: "I have another brawny volunteer now, too." Gigan: "Amidst all these filthy men, the only possible candidate is..." Yun: "Huh?" Gigan: "You're sharp, and you know how to handle gunpowder." Yun: "W-Wait a minute!" Yun: "It's true that I'm beautiful when I'm disguised as a woman. After all, I'm a handsome young man." Yun: "But we're dealing with an evil lord. I'm still opposed to Yona's going. There's no telling whether we'll succeed if I join her." Yun: "Well, if we're using gunpowder, I guess I have to go." Yona: "Yun..." Yun: "What a pain in the butt. I'll have to prepare before tomorrow." Yun: "Yona, don't worry." Yun: "I don't fight losing battles." Gigan: "The deal is the day after tomorrow. We'll infiltrate them tomorrow. Let's come up with a plan." Pirates: "Yeah!" Yona: "Thank you." Gigan: "For what?" Yona: "For listening to my request." Gigan: "I merely thought it was necessary for our plan." Gigan: "The captured women must be feeling terrified and hopeless." Gigan: "You have to protect them." Yona: "I will." Gigan: "This battle will cost us, as well." Gigan: "I always ask them for too much." Gigan: "Beating your enemies without killing them isn't easy." Yona: "It'll be fine. You have Hak and the others." Gigan: "You mustn't waste your own life, either." Gigan: "Once I let you on the ship, you became as a daughter to me." Gigan: "I won't allow you to just go off and die." Gigan: "What's wrong?" Yona: "I don't really remember my mother." Yona: "But seeing and listening to you..." Yona: "Your strictness and kindness bring tears to my eyes." Yona: "I wonder if this is what a mother is like." Yona: "It feels so nostalgic, my chest hurts..." Hak: "How can I convince you not to do this?" Yona: "Hak..." Hak: "Do you have any idea how dangerous going to Kumji will be?" Hak: "Why are you always so reckless, Princess?" Hak: "Sometimes, I wish I could tie you up..." Yona: "M-Move, Hak!" Yona: "Hak, I thought Kouka Kingdom was a peaceful and prosperous place." Yona: "A kingdom without conflict where everyone smiled, just like my father wanted..." Yona: "But the Fire Tribe lands and the Port of Awa haven't changed since my father's rule." Yona: "I'm still not sure if my father was wrong or not. But I'm just as responsible for allowing the Fire Tribe lands and this town to end up this way." Suwon: "You don't know." Yun: "You lived in the castle, but you don't know?" Yona: "I never tried to learn what my responsibilities were, or even wanted to." Yona: "That's why I must fight." Yona: "Let me go, Hak." Hak: "Something's wrong with me." Hak: "I know I don't want to let her go, but..." Hak: "Am I shaking?" Hak: "I don't know this Princess Yona." Hak: "I want to know more." Hak: "More..." Hak: "I want to see the princess succeed." Jeaha: "Yona, you're so cute. You'll nail it." Yona: "I'll do my best." Lowen: "Go become Kumji's lover!" Yun: "You know it. I'll best his actual wife, even." Yona: "Yun, do you have the gunpowder?" Yun: "It's inside my sash." Yun: "I rubbed gunpowder on the end of a wire." Yun: "It may be small, but it'll fly high." Gigan: "From here, just stick to the plan." Yona: "Okay. We're off—" Gija: "Don't you have anything with longer sleeves?" Ryo: "It's impossible to hide that hand, mister." Yona: "No, Gija. It is funny, though." Gija: "If only this arm were smaller..." Yona: "That isn't the problem." Hak: "Yun..." Yun: "Thunder Beast, once we give the signal, come rescue us." Hak: "Are you okay?" Yun: "What do you mean?" Yun: "You think I'm pathetic because Yona's so brave, but I'm shaking?" Yun: "That's what makes me the best choice." Yun: "I've lived more carefully and wretchedly than anyone else." Yun: "I'm proud of it." Yun: "Thunder Beast, it's okay." Yun: "Since I'm going, I can guarantee Yona won't die." Hak: "I'm counting on you." Employee: "You want to work here?" Yun: "Yes. We heard the pay is really good." Employee: "Very well. We'd be delighted to have you." Yun: "I'm so happy. I look forward to working here." Employee: "Come inside." Employee: "These girls are beautiful!" Employee: "Wait here." Employee: "I'll get the manager." Yona: "We're here." Yona: "Once we open this door..." Employee: "Wait here a moment." Yona: "My legs are shaking?" Yona: "Now?" Yun: "Yona..." Yona: "One day until the battle." Yona: "It was the beginning of a long, dark night."
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 20 – Chain of Courage", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "20", "Chain of Courage" ] }
Employee: "Wait here a moment." Yona: "One day until the battle against Yan Kumji." Yona: "It was the beginning of a long, dark night." Yona: "It's pitch black..." Yona: "Are we being taken somewhere?" Yona: "It's okay." Kumji: "How are the goods?" Official A: "They're doing fine." Official A: "We just acquired two that should fetch a high price." Official A: "I'm told one has unusually red hair." Kumji: "Oh?" Kumji: "Red hair..." Yona: "This has been going on for a long time..." Official B: "Get inside!" Yona: "Ouch!" Yun: "Are you okay?" Yun: "It's sprained. You hurt your leg when you fell." Yona: "Will I be able to carry out our plan like this?" Yona: "If we fail..." Yona: "Yan Kumji!" Kumji: "I see... You're all excellent. Awa still has some value left in it." Girl A: "Lord Kumji, what is the meaning of this? We came looking for work..." Kumji: "There is work. Work so fun, you may not be able to handle it." Kumji: "Red hair? Unusual, indeed." Kumji: "Your face isn't bad, either. I almost regret having to sell you." Yun: "Yona!" Kumji: "With so many excellent goods, keeping one for myself would be no great loss." Yun: "Lord Kumji!" Yun: "I-I'm sure I can satisfy you better than she can. Ugh! What am I saying?" Kumji: "Oh?" Yun: "Forget about her. Choose me instead. No, no. Who do you think you are? Once he finds out you're a man, he'll kill you." Yun: "But I promised I'd protect Yona." Kumji: "You're quite beautiful, as well. But..." Kumji: "Don't interrupt me while I'm having fun!" Official A: "Lord Kumji, you'll damage the merchandise..." Kumji: "I told you not to interrupt me." Kumji: "Good, good..." Kumji: "Nothing pleases me more than obedient women who tremble in silence. Just like this redhead." Kumji: "What?" Kumji: "Did she intimidate me?" Kumji: "This little girl?" Kumji: "No, wait." Kumji: "Girl, are you from Awa?" Yona: "Yes." Kumji: "Long ago, I once saw red hair like yours at Hiryuu Castle." Kumji: "For just a moment, in the distance, I saw her hair reflecting the sun." Kumji: "The girl was Princess Yona." Kumji: "She was around your age." Kumji: "Are you Princess Yona?" Yun: "He noticed!" Yona: "I am the daughter of a poor Awa merchant." Yona: "I came because I heard you were offering work. I don't know your red-headed princess, but if being her would please you, I will call myself "Princess Yona."" Kumji: "I let myself go too far. Unlike you, Princess Yona would be too self-respecting to rub her face on the ground and grovel before me for work, filthy wench!" Kumji: "That's right. How could I be so stupid? I heard the princess was carried off by attendants and killed. A daughter brought up under King Il's protective pampering" Kumji: "wouldn't have the eyes of a wild beast." Yona: "Yun! Hang in there!" Yun: "Who kicks a cute, delicate little girl? What a jerk." Yona: "Yun..." Yun: "Yona, your foot is turning blue. It must hurt." Yona: "I'm fine. I'd forgotten about the pain." Yun: "Things are starting to get interesting. I'm not about to forget my pain. I'll pay him back a hundred times over." Girl B: "What Lord Kumji said..." Girl C: "Does he plan to sell us?" Girl D: "Let us out! Let us out of here! Someone... Someone help! Somebody, please!" Yuri: "There's no point." Yuri: "I've been in here for two weeks." Yuri: "You can cry or scream, but no one will hear you." Yuri: "Lord Kumji only sees us as a source of money." Yuri: "This city has always been that way." Yona: "Have you ever wanted to change that?" Yuri: "Change what?" Yona: "This town. Have you ever thought about fighting Yan Kumji and running him out of town so you can all live here freely?" Yuri: "What?" Yuri: "Are you really from this town? The only people who talk like that are outsiders and the strong... And idiots, too." Yona: "I'm not particularly strong, but I know people risking their lives to change this town." Yun: "And there's an even more powerless girl who's trying to support those idiots." Yona: "Who are you talking about, Yun?" Yuri: "What are you talking about? Is someone coming to rescue us? No one's that stupid." Yona: "I don't know about that. But if one of those idiots of yours reaches out to save you," Yona: "you should trust them and take their hand." Yona: "If you want to live, please..." Yona: "Do everything you can to survive." Yona: "I know that I have no strengths to offer." Yona: "It irritates me how weak I am." Yona: "But let me protect them!" Yona: "As this kingdom's princess, and as any other human being, please let me fight." Jeaha: "Hak..." Jeaha: "Get some rest. You've been standing like that since yesterday." Hak: "This is how I sleep. Besides, you should tell that to the White Snake." Gija: "Damn you, Kumji!" Tatsu: "Hey, you're dreaming again." Gija: "You'll pay for this!" Jeaha: "What's he doing?" Hak: "Every time he nods off, he jumps up to pick a fight with the air." Jeaha: "Good grief... Gija's ruining his good looks." Sinha: "Green Dragon, you have dark rings under your eyes." Jeaha: "Don't sneak up on me like that, Sinha." Sinha: "You haven't slept, either." Jeaha: "Who, me? Don't be absurd. I ate well and slept well." Jeaha: "I even had some fun with the ladies last night. I'm the very image of composure. Huh?" Hak: "Let me see your face!" Jeaha: "What are you doing?" Gija: "Show me your eyes!" Jeaha: "Gija, you're stabbing me with your hand!" Hak: "Look this way!" Jeaha: "I've been defiled... But that hurt so good." Hak: "Keep your clothes on." Gija: "You have dark rings under your eyes!" Jeaha: "I told you, I had fun with the ladies last—" Sinha: "Green Dragon, you were in the crow's nest all last night." Jeaha: "You've been watching me pretty closely. Come on, now... Do you love me that much?" Gija: "You're worried about her, too, aren't you?" Jeaha: "So what if I am? Of course I'm worried about Yona. Who wouldn't be? She's a girl, after all." Gija: "Whatever your reason, as long as we feel the same way, I can trust you to watch my back in a fight." Jeaha: "Do as you please." Jeaha: "But shouldn't you be worried about him? You know, the cute, talkative one. Yun, right?" Jeaha: "He seems pretty weak, too. He could be in danger." Hak: "He'll be fine." Gija: "That's right. For his age, Yun is very clever and hard-working. Sometimes, even I respect him." Gigan: "Sinha." Sinha: "The ships in the harbor are moving." Gigan: "It's time, boys." Gigan: "Tonight, our eyes are set on the greatest treasure of all..." Gigan: "The head of Yan Kumji, Lord of Awa!" All: "Yeah!" Yun: "Ao." Guard: "Hey! What's all the—" Guard: "Huh?" Guard: "Hey, who was making all that racket?" Guard: "Damned girl... How did you undo the ropes? Stay—" Yun: "Down!" Girl A: "I-Is he dead?" Yun: "No. The anesthetic I rubbed on the needle just knocked him out." Yun: "He'll be asleep for half a day." Yuri: "Are you really trying to escape?" Yuri: "Are you shaking? Your leg is injured, as well. I'm impressed you pulled that off in your condition." Yuri: "Don't do this. We don't want to get involved." Yona: "I came to rescue you." Yuri: "Rescue us?" Yona: "Our job is to signal the ship's position to our allies." Yuri: "But how?" Yuri: "The ships have left the harbor. We're in the middle of the sea." Yona: "I'm going to go up on deck and launch a firework." All: "Huh?" Yona: "It's a small firework, but I'm sure our allies will notice." Yona: "They're out at sea, too." Yona: "Wait here. I promise we'll rescue you." Yun: "Let's go." Yona: "Okay." Yona: "Have you ever wanted to change that? This town." Yuri: "Wait!" Yuri: "It's swarming with officials out there." Yuri: "I'll help." Both: "Huh?" Yuri: "My father builds ships." Yuri: "I know a lot about how boats are constructed. I can show you a shortcut." Yona: "Thank you!" Yun: "But why?" Yuri: "You said so yourself... When help arrives, we should have faith and take their hand. We, too, want to change" Yuri: "this town." Yuri: "My name is Yuri." Yona: "My name is Yo— Uh, Rina." Yun: "I'm, uh... I'm Yun. Try not to slow us down." Yuri: "You're sassy, aren't you?" Yun: "It's started." Yona: "Yes." Gija: "Where is Kumji?" Gija: "I will kill him!" Hak: "Don't pass out from all the excitement, White Snake." Gija: "I'm not a white snake!" Hak: "Sinha, where's the princess?" Sinha: "I don't see her yet." Hak: "Don't kill them. You'll get in trouble with the old lady later." Jeaha: "The captain would kill you if she heard you say that, Hak." Hak: "There sure are a lot of them, though." Jeaha: "Kumji seems to have hired a bunch of mercenaries." Hak: "Princess, Yun... Get out here already!" Maya: "Damn it. There are so many of them." Ryo: "Kumji means to destroy us tonight." Maya: "Jeaha?" Jeaha: "You're already tired? But you're so young." Maya: "I'm just getting started!" Maya: "Is he going to jump around all night, helping people out?" Ryoo: "Not even Jeaha can keep that up..." Maya: "But that's Jeaha for you." Official C: "Finally, it's time for our showdown with the pirates." Official D: "We hired all those mercenaries. They won't reach this ship." Official C: "It'll be an easy battle." Official C: "A woman! A woman escaped!" Official D: "Stop!" Official C: "Fool. That's a dead end." Official D: "Give yourself up!" Yun: "Time for you to take a nap, mister." Yun: "Crap!" Official C: "Don't move!" Yona: "Yuri!" Yun: "Aren't we your precious goods? If you hurt someone by swinging that around, Lord Kumji will—" Official C: "You're defective products that tried to escape!" Official C: "I'll kill you as examples so the Awa citizens will never rebel again." Yona: "Stop! Yuri has nothing to do with this!" Yun: "What should I do?" Yun: "I have the firework." Yun: "I could rush onto the deck and signal the pirates." Yun: "No, that would endanger Yona and Yuri. If I got caught on deck..." Yun: "This is terrible..." Yun: "We're stuck here, unable to launch the firework." Yun: "What should I do? What should I do?" Yun: "What should I do?" Yun: "The old me would have prioritized my own life." Yun: "I would have thought of the most effective way for me to escape." Yun: "But now..." Yun: "I think I might have become an idiot, Ik-su." Yun: "Yona's courage..." Yun: "I won't let her courage go to waste." Official C: "Huh?" Yun: "I threatened them into helping me. They have nothing to do with this, so let them go." Official D: "A man?" Yun: "I'm actually a pirate. I stowed away on this ship as a spy." Official C: "A pirate?" Official D: "Damn you!" Official D: "Don't think we'll show any mercy, pirate! How dare you mock us? I'll beat you to death!" Yona: "Stop!" Yun: "Wait... I have something to tell you." Yun: "I've rigged the deck with explosives..." Official D: "Rigged the deck with explosives?" Yun: "If I don't stop them, they'll explode soon." Official C: "Liar! There wasn't anything like that on deck." Yun: "Of course not. Only I know where they are." Yun: "I'm not going down without a fight. If I can get on deck and Sinha sees us, we can still pull this off." Official D: "What should we do?" Official C: "Damn it!" Official C: "You take the women back down. I'll take this guy to the deck." Official D: "And?" Official C: "Explosives or not, I'll cut off his head before returning him to the pirates." Official C: "Come!" Yona: "Yun!" Official D: "Hey, behave yourself!" Official C: "Come on, get moving!" Official D: "Where are you going? I'm taking you down to— Y-You little..." Official D: "What?" Official C: "Wait!" Official C: "Where? Where are they?" Official C: "There's nothing here!" Yun: "They aren't over here. They're farther down, near the bow..." Yun: "Damn it. We're in a blind spot. I need to get somewhere more open." Official C: "I knew you were lying. I'll cut off your head and send you back to your buddies, pirate." Yun: "Yona?" Yona: "Get away from Yun." Yona: "I'll shoot anyone who approaches him." Official C: "Oh, it's the girl from before. How are you going to shoot anyone with—" Yun: "Yona!" Yun: "Light the gunpowder quickly with that flame!" Yona: "Yun, do you have the gunpowder?" Yun: "It's inside my sash." Official C: "Get her!" Yona: "Launch!" Yun: "Launch!" Yona: "It launched!"
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 21 – Spark", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "21", "Spark" ] }
Yona: "Launch!" Yun: "Launch!" Official A: "What was that?" Yona: "It launched!" Sinha: "The firework." Hak: "Where?" Hak: "It's far." Hak: "Princess..." Official D: "You bitch!" Official D: "Are you working with the pirates, too? You and that kid slipped in with the other goods, didn't you?" Official E: "Then that firework..." Official D: "They signaled this ship's location to their allies? Is that what you did?" Official E: "Kill them quickly, before the rest come!" Yun: "Don't! You can take my arms or head, or anything else you want, but don't touch Yona—" Yun: "No!" Jeaha: "I can't believe you..." Jeaha: "You actually did it." Jeaha: "That was pretty cool." Yona: "Jeaha!" Official F: "Y-You're the one who sank all those ships..." Official A: "The flying pirate." Jeaha: "That's not important right now. You don't want to approach me carelessly." Jeaha: "I'll kill you." Yona: "Huh?" Jeaha: "I'm not virtuous enough to go easy on the men who hurt her." Yun: "I'm alive?" Yun: "Jeaha really does have the power of a dragon." Yun: "He's exceptionally strong." Yun: "And I, on the other hand..." Yona: "Yun? Yun!" Yun: "Yona?" Yona: "Yun!" Yun: "Is Yona crying?" Yun: "For me?" Yun: "Yona..." Yona: "They really beat you up." Yona: "Yun!" Yona: "I'm so glad you're alive..." Yun: "You're a mess yourself..." Yun: "I can't protect her." Yun: "I can't protect Yona." Yona: "You made the plan a success." Yona: "You really are a genius!" Yun: "I'm not a genius." Yun: "You're the one who's amazing." Yun: "We did it." Mercenary: "Get them!" Jeaha: "Mercenaries... Out of the way!" Jeaha: "Yona!" Yona: "Sinha!" Merceneary A: "He's strong." Yona: "Sinha, you came." Yun: "I thought the Thunder Beast would come." Jeaha: "Hak's an important part of our force. I came because I can jump, and Sinha came because of his night vision." Sinha: "The firework." Hak: "Where?" Hak: "It's far." Hak: "Princess..." Hak: "Jeaha!" Jeaha: "I know." Sinha: "Green Dragon, you're tired." Jeaha: "No way." Jeaha: "It just isn't like carrying a girl." Jeaha: "I'm sure those two would jump here if they could." Hak: "White Snake, what're you slowing down for?" Gija: "Your movements have slowed, as well." Hak: "It's a real pain," Hak: "not being able to kill them." Gija: "With your brutish weapon, I'm sure it is." Hak: "Anyway, there's no end to these guys." Gigan: "I know you're feeling restless, but if you're staying here, you'd better do your jobs." Gigan: "If you slack off, I might miss." Hak: "Not bad, old lady." Gigan: "You're the only ones on our side with any energy left!" Gija: "No one has more energy than you, Captain." Gigan: "We've taken out more than half of their forces." Gigan: "Now we just have to drag Kumji out of hiding." Gigan: "Once we defeat Kumji, this battle ends!" Gigan: "Then you'll be free to rescue that girl, or hit on her, whatever you want." Gija: "Hit on her?" Gija: "Wh-What are you talking about? We are the princess's loyal servants!" Hak: "That's not a bad idea." Gija: "Hak!" Mercenary C: "Get them!" Hak: "I'm fired up now." Gija: "You mustn't!" Tatsu: "Jeaha, are you all right?" Ryo: "If we sink two more, we'll win!" Tatsu: "Jeaha!" Jeaha: "Hey." Yona: "The mercenaries are fighting hard on the ship next to ours." Yona: "Where is Kumji?" Yun: "He must be near his merchandise." Yona: "Near?" Yun: "If he's not on this ship..." Yun: "That ship has far too many mercenaries." Official A: "Lord Kumji, four companies of mercenaries have been annihilated. Most of the pirates are out of the action, as well. But those monsters keep sinking our ships..." Official A: "And the goods..." Kumji: "What about them?" Official A: "The pirates will soon capture the ship that's carrying the goods." Kumji: "I see. Not only did we fail to sell the girls, but we couldn't even use them as hostages." Official A: "Yes, sir. I-I don't know the specifics, but someone among the merchandise led the pirates to the ship. The attack hit them out of nowhere." Kumji: "Among the merchandise?" Kumji: "It was that girl." Kumji: "I have no solid proof." Kumji: "But I can't stop thinking about her." Kumji: "That girl must have done something." Official A: "We've sent mercenaries, also. But there's no end to the strength those monsters have." Official A: "Only this ship has withstood them." Official A: "Lord Kumji, we should pull up the ladder bridge between the ships and retreat!" Kumji: "You're telling me," Kumji: "Yan Kumji, to abandon my ship and flee?" Kumji: "It took me twenty years to become Lord of Awa." Kumji: "Since I became the lord, it's been ten years. You think a group of pirates, led by an old woman and a little girl, will destroy in one evening what I spent thirty years building?" Official: "F-Forgive me!" Kumji: "Leave the rat." Yun: "Jeaha! Sinha! That's the ship!" Yun: "Kumji should be somewhere on that ship!" Jeaha: "Leave it to us." Yun: "Yona, help us." Yona: "Yona?" Tok: "Jeaha!" Tok: "Kumji's back there, in a hidden room!" Jeaha: "Aw, man. I wasn't the first one to get here?" Jeaha: "I'll let you handle things here." Tok: "Sure thing!" Jeaha: "Kumji, on your guard!" Kumji: "I can hire all the mercenaries I need." Kumji: "Damn pirates... I'll go back to my estate, recover my strength, and come back to tear you apart." Kumji: "Let me tell you something, Captain. A truly powerful man is one who will use any dirty trick necessary, without the slightest shame, in order to protect himself." Kumji: "As long as I, Yan Kumji, am alive, the battle is not lost." Kumji: "The pirates waste their efforts." Jeaha: "Abandoning your subordinates and fleeing is hardly beautiful!" Captain: "Lord Kumji, he's coming." Kumji: "So you're the flying dragon I've heard about." Kumji: "Perfect." Kumji: "I've always wanted to shoot you down." Kumji: "You're naïve!" Kumji: "Well, flying dragon?" Kumji: "You can't fly, now that you've fallen into the sea!" Kumji: "Wh-What is this bloodlust I sense?" Kumji: "Someone is aiming for me." Kumji: "Where are they?" Kumji: "Red hair?" Kumji: "Why?" Kumji: "Why am I so afraid?" Kumji: "She's just a little girl." Kumji: "Long ago, I once saw red hair like yours at Hiryuu Castle." Kumji: "For just a moment, in the distance, I saw her hair reflecting the sun. The girl was" Kumji: "Princess Yona." Kumji: "I see." Kumji: "I knew it." Kumji: "You are Princess Yona!" Yona: "Father..." Tatsu: "Captain! Captain Gigan!" Tatsu: "Kumji took an arrow and fell into the ocean!" Gigan: "Dawn has broken." Ryo: "It's really over..." Maya: "Come on, guys. We should be celebrating." Maya: "You're right, though. We were fighting all night." Gigan: "You're all a mess. Are you going to sleep?" Maya: "Yes, Captain..." Gigan: "But when you wake up, you'll be ordinary fishermen." Gigan: "Let's go back to Awa." Gija: "Princess, I'm glad you're all right." Yun: "You guys don't have a single scratch on you. I hate you." Hak: "But you two..." Yun: "Calm down, you rare beasts. You'll just cause more trouble." Yuri: "I had no idea all these people were fighting all night against Kumji." Yuri: "Thank you." Jeaha: "Of course we rescued you. Actually, I simply followed my destiny to protect you. By the way, what's your name?" Tok: "Jeaha!" Maya: "Quit talking nonsense like it's second nature!" All: "Yeah!" Yuri: "We did nothing to help you." Yona: "No." Yona: "You risked your life to help us." Yuri: "Rina..." Yona: "Yuri, my real name is... actually..." Yona: "As long as people like you are around, I'm sure Awa will be fine." Yuri: "Thank you, Rina." Girl A: "So, um..." Girl B: "Is there some way we can thank you?" Lowen: "Thank us? We don't need—" Gigan: "Pirates demand a pretty high price." Gigan: "Bring us all the liquor it will take to get the entire town drunk." All: "All right!" Girl A: "Understood!" Yun: "What are you talking about?" Yun: "Everyone's seriously injured. We need to treat them first." Lowen: "Kid, get some snacks!" Yun: "What am I, your wife? I need to treat them first—" Lowen: "You idiot! When they win, pirates drink and party until they collapse." Yun: "It's still only morning!" Hak: "That sounds fun." Yun: "Don't encourage them, Thunder Beast!" Gija: "A party? That brings back memories." Gija: "Every year on my birthday, everyone would dance the dragon dance. Where are the dancers and musicians?" Yun: "Huh?" Yona: "I look forward to the music and plays." Yun: "Shut up, moneybags!" Sinha: "I'm hungry." Yun: "Don't eat Sinha, squirrel!" Jeaha: "They can't help it, Yun. Today is special." Jeaha: "We won. Isn't that splendid?" Jeaha: "The pure and beautiful Port of Awa and its lovely young ladies... To celebrate this day, in all of my beauty," Jeaha: "I'll strip." Lowen: "You're not playing a song?" Maya: "Get out of here, pervert!" Jeaha: "I'll take it all off." Yun: "You're bleeding everywhere! Just die already!" Lowen: "Kid, where are those snacks?" Yun: "I don't know, idiot!" Man A: "Thanks for waiting! Your liquor has arrived!" Yona: "It's quiet..." Yona: "Last night's battle seems so far away." Yona: "I hope I did something to help this town's people." Yona: "Father, have I become stronger?" Yona: "If I go too far, everyone will worry." Yona: "I'd better head back." Yona: "I-I'm sorry." Suwon: "It's all right..." Suwon: "I wasn't looking where I was going." Yona: "This voice..." Suwon: "I cannot die yet."
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 22 – The Night History Is Made", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "22", "The Night History Is Made" ] }
Yona: "Su-won..." Suwon: "Yona?" Suwon: "King Il will not wake again." Suwon: "I killed him." Suwon: "Are you an illusion?" Suwon: "You're..." Teajun: "Princess Yona is dead." Suwon: "I heard you died on the cliffs of the northern mountains..." Suwon: "You really are Princess Yona." Suwon: "I'll hold your hand until you fall asleep, like the queen did." Suwon: "If you cry, I'll wipe the tears away, so no one will see." Suwon: "So please smile tomorrow." Suwon: "What are you doing here?" Suwon: "Where is Hak?" Suwon: "No, that's a stupid question." Suwon: "You're safe. I'm sure it's because he's still risking his life to protect you. I came to investigate because I'd heard Yan Kumji, the Lord of Awa, was conducting illegal business with another country." Judo: "Lord Su-won!" Yona: "Let go—" Suwon: "Quiet. Be still." Judo: "Lord Su-won..." Judo: "You can't walk off on your own!" Suwon: "General Ju-do, I apologize. I'm just so excited to be in a new city..." Judo: "You're excited?" Judo: "Is that why you're with a woman?" Suwon: "Huh?" Suwon: "Please, General Ju-do! That's surprisingly crude of you..." Judo: "Where you flirt with women is your business! But in the middle of a secret reconnaissance mission isn't the time!" Judo: "Do it when we get home!" Gyok: "General, not so loud." Mua: "Calm down." Suwon: "Fine, fine... I'll send her away." Suwon: "By the way, where is Yan Kumji?" Judo: "He's missing. Last night, on his way to sell slaves to the Kai Empire, he was attacked by pirates." Suwon: "What about the people Kumji was trying to sell?" Judo: "They all seem to be fine." Suwon: "That's good..." Suwon: "Then no one was hurt." Suwon: "I'd heard rumors of human trafficking, but I had trouble finding evidence." Suwon: "I must thank the pirates." Gyok: "Huh?" Judo: "Thank them?" Suwon: "We will overlook this incident." Judo: "Who will succeed Yan Kumji?" Suwon: "I'll decide after we return to the capital." Suwon: "Is that all, General Ju-do?" Judo: "Do as you please!" Suwon: "You're so hot-headed..." Suwon: "Do you want to kill me?" Suwon: "Of course you do." Suwon: "But I cannot die yet." Suwon: "There's something I must do." Suwon: "Goodbye, Yona." Hak: "Princess! Hey, what's wrong? What happened?" Judo: "He's earlier than I expected." Judo: "I thought you wouldn't return until dusk." Suwon: "Oh, please... Don't tease me." Judo: "You shouldn't have time to play around! Have you forgotten why you rushed your coronation?" Suwon: "No, I haven't forgotten." Gyok: "But it's unusual for you to chase women." Mua: "You don't even look at the women in the castle." Gyok: "Was she that attractive?" Suwon: "Well..." Suwon: "I suppose she is unforgettable." Suwon: "Anyway, we should hurry." Judo: "Where to next?" Suwon: "I'm done making preparations. Let's return." Suwon: "To Hiryuu Castle." Yona: "Gija, wake up! How long are you going to sleep?" Gija: "Y-Yes! I'll do my best!" Yona: "Gija, you look funny!" Gija: "Princess, you seem well." Yona: "Of course! I'm great!" Hak: "Whoa, there." Yona: "I'm great! Yun," Yona: "what are you making?" Yun: "Abalone porridge. Drinking nothing but alcohol will strain everyone's stomachs." Yun: "I thought I'd slip this in." Yona: "It looks delicious! I'll serve it." Yun: "Huh?" Yona: "Ah, hot!" Yun: "Yona! Are you okay?" Yona: "I-I'm fine... Time to eat, everyone!" Pirates: "Food! Yona, over here!" Yona: "It's delicious!" Yona: "You really are a genius, Yun." Tok: "Y-Yona, you're spilling." Lowen: "What are you doing, miss?" Maya: "Wipe it up with this." Tok: "Uh, Yona? Yona!" Hak: "If you're going to change, use the captain's quarters." Yona: "Hak..." Hak: "That'll be a thousand rin." Tok: "Huh?" Maya: "That was an act of God!" Jeaha: "And it was just getting good. Why did you st—" Jeaha: "What's wrong with her?" Hak: "Nothing." Jeaha: "Huh..." Jeaha: "That's quite a blade." Jeaha: "People will be shocked to see you walking around town with it." Hak: "Yeah. Until now, I've avoided carrying it in town." Hak: "I've been complacent lately." Hak: "I need to be careful." Jeaha: "That's rich... You were fighting until morning, and you say you're complacent?" Jeaha: "I'm curious to know who you're staring at so intently." Jeaha: "Ah, either way..." Jeaha: "What sorrowful bloodlust." Sinha: "Ao..." Suwon: "But I love your hair, Yona." Suwon: "It's a beautiful red, like the sky at dawn." Yona: "A lot's happened since I left." Hak: "It sure has." Yona: "You scared me..." Yona: "You're everywhere, Hak." Hak: "Everywhere you are." Hak: "This morning, I let you out of my sight." Hak: "But since I'm your bodyguard, I'll stick annoyingly close to you. If you need anything, call me." Yona: "Yeah." Yona: "Hak, I'm leaving." Yona: "Come with me." Hak: "You got it." Yona: "Huh?" Yona: "What are you doing?" Gija: "Oh, I, um..." Yun: "You should have told us!" Yona: "Huh?" Yun: "Don't "Huh?" me! About you leaving! You can't talk about that without all of us here." Gija: "That's right, Princess. If you command, the Four Dragons will travel to the ends of the Earth." Hak: "Oh, you can leave now." Gija: "What?!" Hak: "There are only two dragons here, anyway." Gija: "Shut up!" Yona: "Stop it— Guys..." Yona: "I'm leaving Awa tomorrow." Yona: "Will you come with me?" Gija: "I shall accompany you." Sinha: "Yes." Yun: "What a pain." Yona: "Huh?!" Woman A: "You're cute. Marry me." Gija: "Marry you? I can't do that!" Woman B: "How cute. He's half-asleep." Yona: "What a beautiful sound." Jeaha: "Would you like to try?" Jeaha: "You make a better pirate." Yona: "I can play the harp and dance a little." Jeaha: "Harp and dance, huh?" Yona: "You're still laughing at me, Jeaha?" Jeaha: "No, I was just thinking you really are a girl." Jeaha: "You're a small, unsteady, and powerless pain in the butt." Yona: "You're insulting me?" Jeaha: "You also came all the way here to look for me. You're an enormous nuisance." Yona: "Don't worry!" Yona: "I won't push you to come with me anymore. Goodbye." Yona: "I don't understand you, Jeaha." Jeaha: "I'm a very straightforward guy." Jeaha: "I like to spend the night of a party with a cute girl." Lowen: "That's enough, Jeaha. That song makes me sleepy." Jeaha: "Why don't you sleep, then? Most of the townsfolk are asleep." Tok: "Sleep? I haven't had enough to drink!" Ryo: "Me, neither!" Jeaha: "Lullaby..." Maya: "Stop that, you idiot! You'll put us to sleep!" Jeaha: "So why not sleep?" Maya: "I won't sleep, damn it! I'm not... going to sleep..." Jeaha: "I don't take care of drunks, Maya." Maya: "If we go to sleep, the dream will end..." Jeaha: "Dream?" Maya: "Of being a pirate." Maya: "This is our last night as pirates." Maya: "That's why..." Jeaha: "Idiots." Jeaha: "Even if you're not pirates anymore, you'll keep fishing in Awa, won't you? That hardly changes anythi—" Maya: "But you're leaving! You're leaving Awa with the girl and her friends!" Jeaha: "Lullaby..." Maya: "Jeaha... I'll kill you..." Jeaha: "How annoying. I really do love you guys." Jeaha: "May I join you, my beauty?" Gigan: "Go away, you lanky brat." Jeaha: "Your vitriol still sends shivers up my spine." Jeaha: "You're my ideal woman, Captain. If only I were fifty years older—" Gigan: "Is this where Kumji shot you?" Jeaha: "Did the "fifty years" thing offend you?" Gigan: "You're always running off to see other women." Jeaha: "Oh, so you're jealous." Gigan: "Do you understand who she is?" Jeaha: "Well, more or less..." Gigan: "Following her won't be easy." Gigan: "Is this the dragon's destiny?" Jeaha: "I don't know." Jeaha: "But it seems I just can't stand it when she's out of my sight." Jeaha: "Indeed, even though she's powerless." Jeaha: "She's unreliable, crying as she moves forward." Jeaha: "But her brilliance consumes me..." Jeaha: "The way she shot that arrow roused something inside me." Jeaha: "I was sort of jealous she shot Kumji instead of me." Gigan: "You should have died with him." Gigan: "Get out of here already, you pervert!" Gigan: "Don't come back." Jeaha: "You're no fun..." Jeaha: "You won't even tell me I'll always have a home here?" Gigan: "If that's what you want," Gigan: "you'll need to do a better job wooing me, you snot-nosed brat." Gigan: "Who are you? You fell out of the sky." Gigan: "If I let you stay, you'll do anything, eh? You're a foolish brat. Don't you know how to woo a woman?" Maya: "You're finally leaving, Yona?" Lowen: "Come back soon, kid! Promise you'll come back, even if it kills you!" Yun: "That hurts!" Gija: "What's wrong?" Yona: "Jeaha's missing. I wanted to talk to him, and thank him..." Hak: "Who cares about that droopy-eyed—" Yona: "I care! I can't leave like this..." Gigan: "Jeaha, huh?" Gigan: "If you ever come back, you'll see him." Yona: "All right." Gigan: "Let me know if you need a boat. I'll keep one ready for you." Yona: "Thank you." Gigan: "Your face is still swollen." Yona: "I'm fine." Gigan: "You're not the frail little girl you used to be." Yona: "Frail little girl?" Gigan: "You can't even clean, wash clothes, or cook properly. That's part of being a woman." Gigan: "You should learn soon." Gigan: "No one wants to marry a girl who's nothing but reckless." Yona: "That's none of your business!" Hak: "It's not a problem. Just find a husband to wash your clothes while you cut grasses in the mountains." Yona: "You be quiet, Hak!" Tatsu: "Miss, in Awa, you only need to be able to cook fish." Ryo: "That or serve it raw." Maya: "If you can't find a husband, come marry me!" Yona: "I'm not marrying you!" Yona: "You're all so rude. I'm leaving!" Gigan: "Wait." Gigan: "Take this." Yona: "Huh?" Yun: "Oh, senjuso! That'll help." Yona: "This is too much..." Gigan: "Don't catch a cold." Tok: "The captain sort of sounds like a mom." Yona: "Thank you for everything." All: "Take care!" Maya: "Come see us again!" Lowen: "I'll be waiting for you, kid!" Yuri: "Goodbye!" Yun: "Yona?" Tok: "They're gone..." Maya: "Well, time to fish!" Man A: "The girl wasn't one of the pirates?" Man B: "I knew she was too cute to be one." Yuri: "Oh? She may look cute, but she's stronger than your average soldier. After all, she shot Kumji." Man A: "Huh? That girl shot Kumji?" Yuri: "It was so cool!" Man B: "That girl did, huh?" Man C: "What are you talking about?" Yun: "Yona, stop crying..." Gija: "You're crying, too, Yun." Hak: "You're crying more than anyone, White Snake." Yona: "I didn't get to say goodbye to Jeaha..." Gija: "Jeaha? I thought he joined us." Yona: "Huh?" Yona: "Jeaha!" Jeaha: "Hey." Yona: "Why?" Sinha: "The Green Dragon was always nearby." Jeaha: "I didn't have anything else to do, so I thought traveling with you might not be so bad." Jeaha: "But seeing you in tears while looking for me was unbearably exciting, so here I am." Jeaha: "I missed my chance to speak to you." Hak: "I see you're still a pervert." Yun: "He reminds me of you, Thunder Beast." Yona: "But you said you didn't want to be bound by the laws of the Four Dragons." Jeaha: "This isn't about the Four Dragons." Jeaha: "I'll continue to pursue the path I choose for myself, as I always have. That's still in accordance with my aesthetic." Jeaha: "I just can't leave you now." Jeaha: "Take me with you, Yona." Hak: "Don't get ahead of yourself." Yun: "That's right. You aren't just traveling with Yona. You'd better acknowledge us, too." Gija: "He's right. We value etiquette," Gija: "Green Dragon." Jeaha: "Please excuse me." Jeaha: "Allow me to reintroduce myself." Jeaha: "My name is Jeaha." Jeaha: "I'm a beautiful monster with a dragon in my right leg." Jeaha: "It's a pleasure to meet you." Yona: "I'm sorry, Hak..."
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 23 – Morning of Promise", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "23", "Morning of Promise" ] }
Yun: "It's a fawn. Nice catch." Jeaha: "Flying with it was a bit tough." Yona: "Your legs are amazing, Jeaha. We should find the Yellow Dragon in no time." Jeaha: "Yeah... The Yellow Dragon's the last one, right? After coming this far, I wouldn't mind seeing his face. I'll find him." Gija: "No, I shall." Jeaha: "No, let me handle this." Gija: "No, I'm much better at searching for dragons." Yun: "Let's just take our time. I'm going to prepare dinner. Thunder Beast, start a fire." Hak: "Okay." Yun: "Yona, you don't mind butchering animals anymore?" Yona: "It's still a little hard." Yona: "When I lived in the castle, I thought nothing of our taking of living creatures' lives." Yona: "Turning away would mean ignoring that this fawn was alive." Jeno: "I'm impressed, miss." Yona: "Huh?" Jeno: "But all living things one day return to heaven." Jeno: "You were expressing your gratitude. I'm sure it'll forgive you." Yun: "You're drooling... Your stomach's growling. Who are you, anyway?" Jeno: "Don't worry about that. I'm just a passerby. And I'm always drooling." Yun: "Wipe your mouth!" Jeno: "I came because I smelled something yummy." Yun: "It still just smells bloody." Yona: "Are you hungry?" Jeno: "Extraordinarily hungry." Hak: "That looks good." Yun: "You can gorge yourselves today." Hak: "Nice... We haven't had meat in a while." Hak: "By the way..." Hak: "Who is he?" Yun: "A traveler, I guess. I'm not sure." Yona: "He seemed hungry, so we invited him." Yun: "By the way, Gija, do you know anything about the Yellow Dragon?" Yun: "Where he lives or about his traits?" Yona: "According to the founding myth, he has a "stout body."" Yun: "Maybe he's covered in hard scales." Hak: "Or he's a big, burly man." Yun: "Hey, you guys. Come over here and eat." Gija: "What do you think?" Jeaha: "Most likely..." Yun: "Huh? What is it?" Jeaha: "Well, actually... I think that kid eating meat over there" Jeaha: "is the Yellow Dragon..." Yun: "Huh?" Jeno: "Hm? Did you call me?" Jeno: "Hey, I see you've got the White, Blue, and Green Dragons with you. Well, well..." Jeno: "The whole gang's here." All: "What?!" Yona: "Yellow Dragon? You mean the Yellow Dragon?" Yun: "Why? Why is he here?" Gija: "Why is he eating meat with us as if it's no big deal?" Jeno: "You guys need to relax. Jeno sits like a good boy when he eats. See? Oh, Jeno's my name." Yun: "What kind of self-introduction was that?" Gija: "I sensed the Yellow Dragon nearby, but he seemed so close, I doubted myself." Jeaha: "I know what you mean." Jeaha: "You didn't notice we were near?" Jeno: "I don't care either way. I'm just wandering around." Jeno: "I'm not concerned with the other dragons." Jeaha: "Not concerned?" Hak: "Despite all you said, you seemed really concerned with the other dragons." Gija: "Jeno, you don't feel anything when you look at her?" Gija: "This is Princess Yona! Master of the Four Dragons!" Yona: "You're exaggerating again." Jeno: "Princess..." Jeno: "Master..." Jeno: "It's pretty rude of you to say I don't feel anything. She's really cute. My heart is pounding." Gija: "I know that! That isn't what I meant!" Gija: "Did you not feel that awakening?" Jeaha: "It had even me saying, "Boil me, take me, do as you please."" Hak: "What kind of awakening is that?" Jeaha: "Is he strong or just really dense?" Yona: "But since you're traveling alone, maybe..." Jeno: "Maybe what?" Yona: "Would it be difficult for you to do us the favor of joining us? We've been looking for the Four Dragons and asking for their help, so I'd like you to—" Jeno: "Sure." Yona: "Huh?" Jeno: "Okay." Jeno: "I'm just wandering around." Jeno: "I don't have a destination or anything to do." Jeno: "Above all, the food was great. Showing my gratitude for good food is my hobby!" Yun: "You mean principle." Jeno: "Nice to meet you. I look forward to more great meals from tomorrow onward." Gija: "Unbelievable... He wandered in and joined us fastest of all." Yun: "Maybe he was just starving." Hak: "He broke your record for speed of joining, White Snake." Jeno: "Nice to meet you, too." Gija: "Yellow Dragon Jeno..." Jeno: "Huh?" Gija: "I am the White Dragon, Gija. I possess the dragon's power in my right hand. If you wish to protect the princess with us, show us your power." Jeno: "My power?" Gija: "Yes." Jeno: "I'm not too strong, but my body's real tough." Gija: "So it's true." Hak: "How tough?" Hak: "That hurt you?" Yun: "You're weak! You're a normal person! Are you really the Yellow Dragon?" Jeno: "No, there's just something wrong with him! His arms are ridiculously strong!" Jeaha: "Hak punches me all the time, too, and they really do hurt." Yun: "You always seem to be enjoying yourself, Jeaha." Yun: "Your body isn't particularly hard. Your skin is squishy, too." Jeno: "Jeno's skin is silky smooth." Yun: "The Thunder Beast's body is way harder." Yun: "I'd sooner believe he's the Yellow Dragon." Hak: "I've been keeping it secret, but I'm actually the Yellow—" Gija: "If you were a dragon, you'd be the evil Dark Dragon!" Hak: "The Dark Dragon..." Gija: "Aren't you upset?! He's threatening your position! Remember your pride as a dragon!" Jeno: "Yeah, but..." Jeaha: "Now, now. The Yellow Dragon has his own life to live. You shouldn't force your values on others." Gija: "But..." Gija: "But the ancient brotherhood of dragons is finally reunited. Thousands of years after the age of myth," Gija: "the reunion is fulfilled in our generation!" Gija: "I..." Gija: "I'm truly moved to have met all of you..." Jeaha: "Okay, okay." Yun: "We have all four of the legendary dragons. When you think about it, it should be amazing, but I'm underwhelmed by how easy it was." Jeno: "Miss..." Yona: "Uh..." Jeno: "I'll carry that." Jeno: "This is pretty heavy." Yona: "Gija carries it one-handed, like it's nothing." Jeno: "He does what? I can't keep up with that." Jeno: "But the White Dragon is kind of cute." Yona: "Yeah." Yona: "Gija's cute." Jeno: "They're all cute." Jeno: "You're cute, too." Yona: "I know what the others said..." Yona: "But I believe you're the Yellow Dragon. It's hard to explain," Yona: "but you feel different from ordinary people." Yona: "You feel like a warm, golden patch of sun." Yona: "We've never met before, but I feel cheerful being around you." Yona: "Let me properly introduce myself." Yona: "I'm Yona." Yona: "It's nice to meet you, Yellow Dragon Jeno." Jeno: "Heavens, thank you for this day." Jeno: "The moon is beautiful tonight." Yun: "When darkness falls upon the land," Yun: "the dragons' blood will restore life once more. In accordance with the ancient pact, when the four dragons are gathered," Yun: "the sword and shield that protect the king will awaken. The red dragon will return at dawn." Yun: "I've decided. We're going." Jeaha: "So this priest of yours lives here?" Jeaha: "Yun, did you once live here?" Yun: "Yeah." Yun: "It hasn't been that long, but it feels like I've been gone for years." Yun: "Ik-su! We're back." Yona: "What is this?" Yun: "Ik-su!" Yun: "Why?" Iksu: "Huh?" Iksu: "Yun..." Yun: "Wait. I'll treat your wounds." Iksu: "I'm sorry." Iksu: "I was so hungry, I slipped and fell." Yun: "Huh?" Iksu: "Whew... I narrowly escaped death." Yun: "You can't be serious, you stupid priest! How do you wreck the house, starve, and hurt yourself falling if you're living normally? Without me, you really are hopeless! You're a huge pain in the butt! I hope you die!" Iksu: "Yun's shouting!" Jeaha: "You were so upset, you cried." Yun: "I didn't cry, and I'm not upset." Gija: "Priest, please forgive our sudden visit. It's an honor to meet you." Iksu: "No, I am honored to meet you." Iksu: "Your group certainly has grown." Iksu: "You look like you've experienced many things, Princess Yona." Yun: "Ik-su, we have all four dragons. What are the "sword and shield that protect the king"?" Yun: "Is Yona the king? Or is it the current king, Su-won?" Iksu: "We'll need some more time before the sword and shield appear." Iksu: "When the time comes, you'll know." Yun: "Huh. So it isn't time yet." Yun: "Then what should we do now?" Jeno: "Why is everyone avoiding the main question?" Jeno: "Miss, what do you want to do with the Four Dragons?" Yona: "Huh?" Jeno: "You two were chased from the castle, so I know you need fighters to survive." Jeno: "But what about after that?" Jeno: "Will you keep running?" Yona: "No." Jeno: "No?" Jeno: "Then, will you defeat Su-won, who stole the throne, and retake Hiryuu Castle from him?" Yun: "W-We can't attack the castle. Even with the Four Dragons, these numbers aren't enough..." Jeno: "Whether we can or not doesn't matter." Jeno: "I'm asking if that's what she wants to do. Besides, it isn't impossible to take a single castle with the dragons' true strength." Jeno: "I'm not that strong, though." Gija: "You little..." Jeno: "Sorry, I know I'm new. I'm not telling you to do that. I was just wondering what your plan was." Jeno: "Following you was my choice. You're free to come up with your own plan." Jeno: "Anyway, I'm hungry." Gija: "You never quit, do you?" Yun: "Well, we might as well eat." Jeno: "Hooray, food!" Jeaha: "That was a surprise. I wasn't expecting Jeno to go after Yona like that." Gija: "Yes. He's difficult to understand." Gija: "It was only recently that the princess lost her father." Gija: "She can barely protect herself. It's too heavy a question for her." Jeaha: "She isn't simply trying to avenge her father." Jeaha: "Yona sees Su-won as a traitor, but the rest of the kingdom may not." Jeaha: "Retaking the throne means taking responsibility for the entire kingdom." Jeaha: "That's ill-advised for a sixteen-year-old girl." Gija: "Hak, you know the king." Gija: "What is he like?" Hak: "Hard to say." Gija: "He still refuses to speak about Su-won." Jeaha: "Have you noticed? Whenever you say that name, Hak's face darkens." Gija: "He must really hate him." Jeaha: "No." Jeaha: "He must have been a very dear friend." Iksu: "Pleasant night, isn't it?" Yona: "Ik-su..." Iksu: "Are you thinking about what he said?" Iksu: "But I see no doubt in your face." Yona: "For the first time, I spoke with people outside the castle." Yona: "I walked myself ragged, carrying the weapons my father had forbidden." Yona: "I heard their bitterness toward the reality that hadn't changed since my father's rule." Yona: "It was mortifying." Yona: "My father loved peace above all, but his kingdom wasn't happy." Yona: "The more I learned, the more powerless I was." Yona: "But when I reached out in desperation, someone reached back." Yona: "I wasn't strong enough to pull myself up, but others pushed me from behind." Yona: "There are many in this kingdom I want to protect." Yona: "I don't regret shooting Kumji, Lord of Awa." Yona: "Since then, I've been thinking." Yona: "There must be other cities in Kouka Kingdom like Awa." Yona: "So I will gaze across the kingdom, and help those in distress!" Yona: "Father, forgive me." Yona: "I will take up weapons to protect your kingdom." Yona: "Before returning to the castle, there is something I must do." Suwon: "There's something I must do." Yona: "Ik-su, I think you know this, so I'll tell you." Yona: "In Awa, I saw Su-won." Yona: "I thought I hated him, that I could never forgive him." Yona: "But I couldn't draw a sword." Iksu: "No matter how foolish or incomprehensible, some love cannot be discarded. You may try to stop your heart, unable to forgive yourself," Iksu: "but there will be times when you lose hope as your heart is moved again." Iksu: "King Hiryuu said so himself." King: "No, I am human now." King: "Though the humans may hate and betray me, I cannot help but love them." Iksu: "That is why I love people." Hak: "Are you practicing with a sword?" Yona: "Hak..." Hak: "You'll catch a cold." Hak: "Let's find shelter by the rocks." Hak: "It isn't stopping. I hope the river doesn't flood." Yona: "Are you mad at me, Hak?" Hak: "I'm not mad." Hak: "Just a little scared." Yona: "Because using a sword could put me in danger?" Yona: "I'm afraid of seeing you in danger, too. That's why I won't use you as a shield." Yona: "On our way here yesterday, Jeaha told me something." Jeaha: "You want me to teach you to use a sword?" Yona: "Hak told me he wouldn't do it. He said a bow was one thing, but a sword was too dangerous." Jeaha: "I understand." Jeaha: "If I were Hak, I would do everything I could to shield you from danger." Yona: "But..." Jeaha: "I like the way you struggle to become stronger." Jeaha: "That's why I came with you. "I want you, more than any other, to be safe and happy."" Jeaha: "That's probably what Hak thinks." Yona: "I can't." Jeaha: "You're right." Jeaha: "In some ways, that restricts you." Jeaha: "Maybe he does want to keep you tied up." Jeaha: "Hidden away where other men can't see you..." Jeaha: "Just kidding." Yona: "Can't see me? Who are you talking about?" Jeaha: "About the man who wants to keep you to—" Yun: "Hey! Hurry up, you two!" Yona: "Okay!" Hak: "I'll kill that droopy-eyed bastard. Princess, you shouldn't listen to—" Yona: "Yeah, he's lying." Yona: "I know that. I don't understand why you'd want to hide me from people." Hak: "Yeah, it's a lie." Hak: "In fact, the opposite is true." Hak: "I wish I could show you to Mun-deok and King Il." Hak: "To those idiots who chased you from the castle." Hak: "To the people of Kouka Kingdom." Hak: "Look... This is Princess Yona." Hak: "She cut her hair and took up a sword." Hak: "She works harder than anyone to support this kingdom." Hak: ""Princess Yona is here," I'd tell them." Yona: "What is this? You don't sound like yourself." Hak: "You're right." Hak: "Forget I said it." Yona: "Too late." Yona: "I won't forget." Yona: "I'm sorry, Hak..." Yona: "Once the rain stops, I'm taking up a sword again." Hak: "The rain stopped." Hak: "Princess..." Keishuk: "When did you come here? What about Fuuga?" Mundok: "I'll return there soon. He's still young. There are still things this old fart has to teach him." Keishuk: "My, my. We're counting on you, new leader of the Wind Tribe." Mundok: "Good work in the Earth lands." Mundok: "What's your next step?" Suwon: "See for yourself, along with the gods in heaven." Suwon: "I have not accomplished anything yet." Suwon: "I cannot stop now." Suwon: "I must keep this kingdom alive." Yona: "I'm still weak." Yona: "But..." Yona: "I don't want to pretend I don't see what's happening around me." Yona: "I won't let anyone hurt the kingdom and people my father loved." Yona: "Lend me your strength, everyone." Gija: "Of course." Sinha: "Me, too." Yun: "Leave it to this handsome genius." Jeaha: "As you wish, Yona." Jeno: "Me, too!" Hak: "As you wish."
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 24 – From Now On", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "24", "From Now On" ] }
Hak: "Shall we rest a while?" Hak: "I've watched her for a long time." Hak: "The princess had never known uncleanliness or pain..." Mundok: "Boy, I told you to attend today's clan meeting." Hak: "You're the only one who needs to attend the meeting, Lord Mundok. Besides, I can't be bothered to listen to King Il's happy-go-lucky nonsen—" Mundok: "Fool!" Mundok: "Don't call me "Lord Mundok"! Call me "Grandpa"!" Hak: "That's what you're upset about? We aren't even related by blood!" Mundok: "Blood? In the face of love, blood is powerless!" Il: "Now, now..." Il: "If you two keep fighting, Castle Hiryuu will blow away." Mundok: "I apologize, King Il." Il: "It's all right." Hak: "Uh-oh... I called him "happy-go-lucky."" Il: "It's been a while, Hak. It's been lonely since you stopped coming to play." Hak: "A commoner like me can't just walk into the castle freely..." Il: "Don't worry about that. Yona's been lonely without you, too." Hak: "You happy-go-lucky liar." Il: "Happy-go-lucky?" Mundok: "What's that supposed to mean?" Il: "Violence is wrong, Mundok." Il: "Hak's honesty is what I love about him." Il: "Have a steamed bun." Il: "So, Hak, would you stay at the castle permanently, as Yona's bodyguard?" Hak: "Your Majesty," Hak: "I find nobility a terrible bother. If I served at the castle or became a general, I wouldn't be able to take long naps at home." Il: "Hak..." Hak: "You hate weapons, don't you? Then see if you can find such a precious rarity as a guard who can protect without a weapon." Il: "Hak..." Hak: "Frankly, I don't want anything to do with nobility or the royal family. The way they probe each other's intentions and drag each other down is ridiculous." Hak: "The king has no sense for danger, either." Hak: "And the other reason I don't want to come to this castle permanently is..." Yona: "Hak!" Yona: "Hide me." Hak: "When I'm around the princess, I lose my mind." ble: "Princess Yona! Where are you? Princess Yona!" Hak: "That's no good, Princess Yona." Hak: "You can't get caught playing your pranks." Yona: "That's not what I was doing." Hak: "Huh? He's courting you?" Yona: "It's true! That man called Kang Tae-jun keeps visiting the castle to give me gifts and invite me to play with him." ble: "Princess, let's play!" Hak: "The son of the Fire Tribe's chief, huh?" Yona: "He's awfully persistent." Hak: "Then why not tell him you have your heart set on Soo-won?" Yona: "But he doesn't feel the same. If I said that, Soo-won would hear about it." Hak: "That's not my problem." Yona: "Don't make it sound like such a bother." Hak: "This is why I hate coming to the castle." Hak: "Then you'll have to find a way to get along with Lord Kang Tae-jun." Yona: "You're so cold, Hak." Yona: "Soo-won would never say that." Hak: "In that case, go cry to Lord Soo-won and ask him to protect you!" Hak: "Let's hurry back to the clan mansion, General Mundok." Mundok: "What are you so irritated about? Also, call me "Grandpa."" Hak: "I'm not irritated." Mundok: "You are irritated." Hak: "Princess Yona..." Hak: "What are you doing here?" Yona: "There..." Yona: "I'm sorry about this afternoon. You got angry because I was acting helpless, right?" Yona: "I'm the proud princess of the Kingdom of Kouka. Instead of complaining, I'll do something about it myself." Yona: "Bye." Hak: "H-Hey..." Yona: "You can have those. I'm bribing you to reconcile with me." Hak: "This is why I want nothing to do with the princess." Guards: "At this rate, the clans will gain power, and the king's power will wane. Should we really be letting that cowardly king handle this country?" Hak: "They're really letting him have it." Hak: "Considering the kind of king he is, I guess it's no wonder..." Hak: "If I succeed Grandpa and become a general, I'll be the royal family's dog." Il: "Hak, would you stay at the castle permanently, as Yona's bodyguard?" Hak: "You don't want to do that, Your Majesty. I'm..." Yona: "No!" Yona: "I won't go to the imperial villa with you." ble: "Don't be so cold. Won't you show me the way?" Yona: "Let go!" Hak: "They're so annoying. If only Soo-won were around..." Guards: "Someone should stop him! But that's General Kang's son. One wrong move, and... Then go get the king." Hak: "Nobles truly are bothersome creatures. Don't get involved. Leave them be. Otherwise, for the rest of my life, I'll..." Yona: "Let go!" ble: "Let go of me! You really are adorable." ble: "When you struggle with a kitten's strength, it makes me want to touch you more." Yona: "That's enough..." Hak: "That's enough, Lord Kang Tae-jun." ble: "Ouch!" Yona: "Hak..." ble: "H-How rude!" ble: "How dare you casually touch the princess?!" Hak: "And who gave you permission to touch my princess?" ble: ""My"?" Yona: "Whose?" ble: "Y-You should watch your mouth, brat!" Hak: "I'm not lying. When the princess and I were children, we pledged to spend our futures together. Right, Princess?" Yona: "Huh?" Hak: "Princess, there's no need to be shy." Yona: "Ha, ha... Not in front of other people!" ble: "Princess, do you love him?" Yona: "Y-Yeah." Yona: "I love him." Yona: "I really love him." ble: "I-I refuse to accept this! You may have pledged your futures to one another, but I am the second son of the Fire Tribe's General Kang, Kang Tae-jun! And who, exactly, are you?" Hak: "I'm the Wind Tribe's next general, Son Hak. The king personally appointed me to be Princess Yona's bodyguard." Hak: "Any objections?" ble: "Then show me your true strength—" ble: "Your Majesty!" Il: "Don't do that." ble: "Please forgive me." Il: "It's all right." Il: "I had no idea you felt that way about each other." Yona: "F-Father, this is a misunderstanding!" Hak: "But after what we said, I doubt he'll be back." Il: "Hak, you've finally come around to the idea of being Yona's bodyguard... I knew I could count on you." Hak: "I don't come cheap." Il: "Please... Look after Yona." Hak: "As you wish." Hak: "Jeez... He's terribly persistent. I just can't stand it. I can't leave this father and daughter alone." Hak: "Besides, this king is no coward. And he won't listen to me at all." Hak: "King Il, are you still watching over us somewhere?" Hak: "I will protect your unfinished business!" Yona: "Don't cry, Father." Yona: "Even if Mother is gone, I'm still here. You're not alone, Father." Yona: "And I have Soo-won." Soowon: "Yona!" Soowon: "Look, it's snow!" Yona: "Yeah." Soowon: "I made a ball." Soowon: "I made some strange thing." Soowon: "Yona..." Yona: "I-I'm doing great! I have to stay cheerful, so my father won't cry! Huh?" Hak: "You're heavy..." Yona: "Hak!" Soowon: "Hooray, it's Hak!" Hak: "Princess, watch your step. I was in a good mood, too." Yona: "Why are you lying down there?" Hak: "I was engraving proof of my existence on the Earth." Both: "Huh?" Hak: "When the ground is white with snow, it's human nature to want to lie down in it." Yona: "You're the perfect target for snowballs." Hak: "Really?" Soowon: "Well done, Hak! Yona is full of energy again!" Soowon: "Yona's energy has disappeared..." Hak: "I guess playing in the snow was a bit too much for the princess." Soowon: "I'm sorry, Yona." Woman: "If you rest and take your medicine, you'll get better." Yona: "Where is Father?" Woman: "His Majesty is busy right now." Woman: "But he will come to see you soon." Soowon: "It's okay, Yona." Hak: "When he hears you're sick, the king will come running." Yona: "You two can leave now. If you get close to me..." Soowon: "We're fine. We feel great. Our bodies are really warm!" Hak: "I played so hard, I can still see snowballs." Yona: "Doctor, you have more patients!" Hak: "No wonder I saw snowballs flying around me..." Yona: "Don't you two need to leave?" Soowon: "Apparently, it's best for us to recover here, so we don't spread our illness. But since I've been holding your hand when you sleep, nothing has changed." Hak: "You've been doing that? I'm leaving." Soowon: "Huh? Let's all hold hands." Hak: "You can't be—" Hak: "Grandpa!" Mundok: "Boy, I heard you threw snow on the princess and made her sick." Hak: "When there's snow lying around, it's only right to throw it!" Mundok: "Show me your rear!" Mundok: "I'll give you a whipping!" Doctor: "General, that's enough!" Doctor: "They're sick." Hak: "I'll stay here, after all. If I went home, he'd kill me." Soowon: "That's the Wind Clan's head, General Mundok, isn't it?" Hak: "Yeah." Soowon: "I admire General Mundok!" Soowon: "I had no idea he was your grandfather." Hak: "I'm an orphan. We aren't blood relatives." Soowon: "I see..." Hak: "I'm only his adopted son." Yona: "But Mundok came to see you." Yona: "He must love you." Hak: "I don't know..." Yona: "Someone's here again." Soowon: "F-Father, what are you doing here?" Yoohong: "Is there something wrong with a father coming to see his ill son?" Soowon: "You'll catch my illness, Father." Yoohong: "You think your illness could defeat me?" Soowon: "N-No! But I know this is a busy time for you..." Yona: "Uncle Yoo-hong is so strong and strict. He's nothing like Soo-won." Yoohong: "You must beat down this illness quickly." Soowon: "I will!" Hak: "His intensity is amazing. I think my fever's gone down already." Yona: "That was scary..." Soowon: "Today's such a happy day..." Soowon: "Okay! I will do my best to beat down my illness!" Hak: "Go to sleep, idiot." Yona: "Father..." Yona: "It hurts." Yona: "Why won't you come see me? Don't leave me alone." Maid: "Princess, at least take one bite." Yona: "I don't want to." Soowon: "Yona, you have to eat something." Hak: "Or you'll get even uglier." Guard: "His Majesty hasn't come yet?" Maid: "No, I told him about the princess, but..." Guard: "This is the king we're talking about." Guard: "Perhaps he's too afraid of the illness to approach his own daughter." Soowon: "Quiet!" Hak: "He's the king, after all." Hak: "Even at a time like this, he's hard at work. I respect the old man." Yona: "Yeah!" Yona: "I'm sorry..." Yona: "I'm sorry for thinking I was alone." Hak: "That was a huge growl. Ow!" Soowon: "Yona, are you hungry? I'll have something brought to you." Yona: "Chicken porridge!" Yona: "It's unbelievably disgusting!" Il: "Really? It tastes bad, huh?" Yona: "Father!" Il: "I made that." Il: "I thought I'd prepare your favorite food to make up for not coming to see you. I made it according to the recipe..." Il: "Oh? I thought it tasted bad." Yona: "It tastes terrible!" Yona: "Aw... We're all better." Hak: "You sound disappointed, Princess." Yona: "Not really!" Soowon: "I'm disappointed." Hak: "Because you can't sleep next to the princess anymore?" Soowon: "I can sleep next to Yona anytime." Soowon: "But I wish the three of us could have slept together, with our colds, forever." Hak: "Even if we aren't sick, that's easy enough." Hak: "We can stay together." Soowon: "You're right." Yona: "Soo-won, Hak... Come again tomorrow." Yona: "Come play with me always." Yona: "Huh?" Yona: "There's no one here." Yona: "Father!" Yona: "Father!" Yona: "S-Soo-won..." Yona: "Hak..." Hak: "I'm sorry. I went to get water." Yona: "The sky that the three of us looked up at together is gone." Hak: "You should eat something." Hak: "From here on, I don't know if we'll be able to secure food." Hak: "She's growing weaker." Hak: "Not only her physical strength. Even after time has passed, she still can't face reality." Yona: "What are these?" Hak: "They're leeches. Hold still." Hak: "They live in lakes and swamps, and they suck your blood." Yona: "Blood..." Hak: "They won't kill you." Hak: "I'll leave your clothes here. Once we gather our belongings, we'll leave." Hak: "Will the princess stay like this forever?" Hak: "She doesn't eat. She only walks, as I pull her along by the hand. She's like a doll." Hak: "Are you satisfied, Soo-won?" Hak: "You destroyed the days we spent together, and the princess you treasured." Hak: "Does that satisfy you?" Hak: "This is..." Hak: "She still had this." Hak: "We'll rest here today." Hak: "What's wrong? Did you lose something?" Yona: "I don't need it..." Yona: "I definitely don't need it." Soowon: "But I love your hair, Yona." Soowon: "It's a beautiful red, like the sky at dawn." Hak: "Where are you going?" Yona: "I'm... I'm just... I'll be right back." Soowon: "The Soo-won you know never existed." Soowon: "Should anyone get in my way, I will cut him down." Hak: "Are you all right?" Hak: "Why did you come this far? Do you want to die?" Hak: "Damn it... Is this their nest?" Hak: "B-Bring it on." Yona: "Hak..." Hak: "Keep your mouth shut and hang on, Princess." Hak: "Think of me as a tool." Hak: "Use me so that you can live!" Hak: "That's what I'm here for!" Yona: "Hak, I'm sorry—" Hak: "Is this what you were looking for?" Hak: "I can't forgive Soo-won." Hak: "But more than that, I want you to live." Hak: "To find that, you made a move for the first time since we entered these mountains." Hak: "If it can keep you alive, I don't care what it is." Hak: "Even if it's a feeling you still can't throw away." Soowon: "I see... You haven't found them." Guard: "Shall we send more after them?" Soowon: "No, leave them." Guard: "You're allowing them to live?" Soowon: "Now that they've left the castle, they cannot do anything." Soowon: "Besides, there is something we must do immediately." Yona: "The place we reached after escaping our pursuers was a place overflowing with warm smiles. Next time, Akatsuki no Yona episode 4:"
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 3 – The Distant Sky", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "3", "The Distant Sky" ] }
Hak: "I'm fine." Hak: "A little snake bite isn't going to stop General Hak." Yona: "Um, Hak?" Hak: "Yes?" Yona: "Couldn't we head down into some village for food and medicine?" Hak: "Villages are dangerous. Even if the villagers don't recognize us, castle soldiers could be anywhere." Yona: "Then, where are we heading now?" Hak: "Probably the only place we can count on now." Hak: "Capital Fuuga, my hometown." Hak: "Does guard duty mean nap time in this clan?" Heangdea: "Lord Hak?!" Hak: "Hey." Teu: "It's been a while... Ten years?" Hak: "It's been three." Teu: "What are you doing here?" Heangdea: "Did the great general get fired?" Hak: "You guys are as laid-back as ever." Heangdea: "We are the Wind Clan. We live only as the wind blows." Teu: "When we're sleepy, we sleep." Hak: "Who put these guys on guard duty?" Man 1: "Hey, that's Lord Hak!" Man 2: "The young lord!" Woman 1: "Lord Hak!" Woman 2: "When did you come back?" Woman 1: "You've become even more handsome!" Hak: "Please, one at a time." Hak: "Looks like they haven't heard anything from the castle yet." Woman: "Who is this girl?" Woman 1: "Is she your woman?" Woman 2: "What?" Hak: "No, she's a court lady in training." Man 1: "No way! So, what's your name?" Yona: "Huh?" Woman 1: "Where are you from? Are you from the sky capital?" Man 2: "Hey, what's Hiryuu Castle like?" Woman 2: "How old are you?" Yona: "Um..." Woman 1: "She collapsed!" Woman: "Oh, my... What a weak girl." Hak: "Prepare a bed and food immediately." Heangdea: "The young lord's being kind to a woman." Hak: "Did you not hear me?" Heangdea: "Y-Yes, sir." Hak: "Where's the old man, Elder Mun-deok?" Heangdea: "He's at Hiryuu Castle." Hak: "What?" Heangdea: "You didn't know?" Heangdea: "A meeting of the five tribes was suddenly called at the castle." Hak: "A meeting of the five tribes?" Heangdea: "Normally, the young lords at the castle attend. I thought it was strange that they'd summon Elder Mun-deok, when he's retired from being a general." Heangdea: "Lord Hak, were you really fired?" Geuntea: "What's the meaning of this?" Geuntea: "We're suddenly called here, and they tell us the king is dead?" Junggi: "Princess Yona and General Hak are missing, too." Sujin: "Elder Mun-deok, do you not have some idea where General Hak might be?" Mundeok: "What are you trying to say, Fire Tribe boy?" Sujin: "There's a rumor going around the castle that General Hak killed the king, and has taken Princess Yona as a hostage." Junggi: "It isn't good to make assumptions. We don't know where General Hak is. Perhaps something happened to him, as well." Geuntea: "That Thunder Beast's strength surpassed mine when he was just thirteen years old." Geuntea: "He wouldn't die so easily." Keishuk: "Quiet." Suwon: "Three days ago, the king was murdered, and both Princess Yona and General Hak are missing." Sujin: "Then, it is true?" Suwon: "Leave this matter to us. If you find them, contact the castle. Do not harm them or inform anyone else without permission." Geuntea: "But..." Suwon: "Publicizing this information would bring chaos to the kingdom. The tribes would begin fighting amongst themselves. What the five tribes must do now is work together to strengthen Kouka Kingdom, to avoid its invasion by another country." Junggi: "You're right." Junggi: "To avoid conflict, King Il gave other countries land, and made offerings to them." Geuntea: "The Kingdom of Kouka's power has fallen. Now is no time for civil war." Sujin: "In that case, we need a new king." Keishuk: "With all due respect, in Princess Yona's absence, the only one with royal blood is Lord Su-won." Keishuk: "He is the man who should have been the crown prince. There is no problem with crowning him the new king." Sujin: "I, Gang Su-jin, sincerely approve of Lord Su-won's becoming the new king." Keishuk: "How do the other clan leaders feel?" Junggi: "Yes, I approve of Lord Su-won." Geuntea: "No objections here." Mundeok: "I'm tired. I'm so tired. Complex discussions tire the elderly. I'm leaving." Keishuk: "Lord Mun-deok, we aren't finished yet!" Mundeok: "I'm no general." Mundeok: "You should discuss this matter after you've summoned Hak." Keishuk: "If you refuse to acknowledge Lord Su-won as the king, people will suspect the Wind Clan of rebellion even more." Suwon: "Without approval from all five tribes, I cannot become king." Suwon: "But a kingdom cannot last without a king." Mundeok: "If you were to marry Princess Yona and formally become king, I would happily present you with a celebratory gift." Mundeok: "Hak wouldn't leave the castle without reason." Suwon: "Three days from now, we will hold the coronation ceremony." Suwon: "I know you will come, Elder Mun-deok." Suwon: "For the sake of the people of Capital Fuuga." Mundeok: "It's sad." Mundeok: "Lord Su-won, I used to think of you as a grandson, like Hak." Suwon: "Good work." Sujin: "Don't you think you're going too easy on them? If you don't hunt down Princess Yona and General Hak and kill them, and they spread the truth—" Suwon: "Hak is no fool." Suwon: "If he spreads the truth and starts an uproar, Princess Yona will be the one in danger." Suwon: "I'm sure he is waiting in silence for the time being, to protect the princess." Suwon: "General Gang, begin preparations to quell a Wind Tribe rebellion." Sujin: "As you wish." Suwon: "Thank you." Suwon: "I was happy to hear you say you considered me a grandson, Master Mun-deok." Yona: "Where am I?" Yona: "I have new clothes." Taeyeon: "Are you awake?" Taeyeon: "Good. Your fever's gone down. Eat lots of food, and get well soon." Yona: "It smells nice." Taeyeon: "It's good." Taeyeon: "Why are you crying? D-Does it taste bad?" Yona: "It's so warm." Taeyeon: "You're crying because it's warm? You're strange." Yona: "It made me remember my father." Taeyeon: "I'm Tae-yeon, Hak's younger brother." Yona: "Hak's younger brother?" Taeyeon: "Are you Hak's friend?" Yona: "Probably..." Both: "You're probably friends?!" Teu: "That's awful... Even if you can't be lovers..." Heangdea: "You might not even be friends? So he's totally out! Poor Lord Hak! His feelings aren't returned—" Hak: "Who are you calling your friend?" Yona: "Huh? Then, my attendant—" Hak: "Your name is Rina. You're a court lady in training. Got it?" Hak: "Okay, that's a good girl." Both: "There's something naughty about this, Lord Hak!" Hak: "We aren't doing anything Tae-yeon shouldn't see!" Taeyeon: "Rina, what is my brother like at the castle?" Yona: "At the castle, Hak is..." Hak: "If anything is not right, it would be her brain." Yona: "...rude. No, he's insensitive, arrogant... Oh, and not lovable. Also—" Hak: "Okay, we get it. That's enough." Henda: "Miss Rina, you're the best. Nothing lovable about him!" Hak: "You two look like you're having fun." Yona: "Everyone's smiling and lively." Hak: "Come here." Yona: "This is where Hak grew up." Taeyeon: "Hey, what's the castle like? Do they have lots of good food?" Yona: "Yes, but your food tastes the best." Taeyeon: "There's more, so eat lots!" Yona: "Okay." Woman: "Rina, did you sleep well last night?" Woman: "Hey, Rina!" Yona: "Oh, yes." Yona: "Right, Rina is me..." Woman: "You're such an absent-minded girl. I heard you were thrown out of the castle. They said you couldn't cook, sew, clean, do laundry, play the koto, or even dance." Woman: "Don't worry. I'll teach you everything from scratch." Woman: "First, wash these." Yona: "W-Wash them?" Woman: "I'll leave it to you." Yona: "Um, I..." Hak: "This way, my lady." Hak: "What is it?" Yona: "I can play the koto and dance a little." Hak: "Oh, right. That cacophony." Hak: "You're a bit more like yourself." Yona: "Huh?" Hak: "Nothing." Yona: "So, you have a younger brother." Yona: "He's so cute, nothing like you." Hak: "Sorry about that." Hak: "Grandpa took Tae-yeon in, just like me." Hak: "Unlike me, he's frail. That's why everyone's especially nice to him." Hak: "He got a bit too excited yesterday." Hak: "We're here. We wash clothes in that river. That water is the Wind Tribe's life, so be careful with—" Yona: "Hak, I can't." Hak: "You haven't done anything yet." Yona: "But..." Hak: "The river's dried up..." People: "There's no water in the river." Hak: "Calm down!" Hak: "We're sending Heang-dea to check the conditions upriver." Man 1: "Young lord, this isn't the time to be so leisurely!" Hak: "Making a fuss won't fix anything." Hak: "For now, we can buy water from the merchants." Hak: "They should have enough reserves to see us through the current situation." Man 2: "Elder Mun-deok has returned!" Hak: "Grandpa!" Mundeok: "Princess..." Mundeok: "You're all right." Mundeok: "Thank goodness. I didn't want to believe it," Mundeok: "but when I heard the king was dead, and you'd left the castle with Hak..." Mundeok: "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you then!" Yona: "Mun-deok..." Yona: "I can't breathe." Mundeok: "Have you lost weight?" Yona: "No, I've received many warm and delicious things to eat." Yona: "The Wind Tribe is like you, Mun-deok. It's warm and relaxing here." Taeyeon: "Brother!" Taeyeon: "Grandpa!" Teu: "Heang-dea's back." Mundeok: "Heang-dea, your injuries..." Hak: "What happened?" Heangdea: "I messed up... I went upriver, and would you believe it... Some guys from the Fire Tribe were damming it up." Heangdea: "I thoughtlessly picked a fight with the guys, but they were armed. They beat the snot out of me." Mun-Deok: "The Fire Tribe..." Teu: "What are they trying to do?" Man 1: "Do they want a war with us?" Man 3: "Lord Hak, let me go!" Man 4: "I'll beat them up." Mundeok: "Wait. You mustn't attack the Fire Tribe." Teu: "Why? They stopped up the river and killed Heang-dea!" Man 2: "At this rate, Capital Fuuga will be..." Mundeok: "Calm down. Don't worry about the river. In any case, hurry up and treat Heang-dea." Teu: "Yes, sir. Let's go." Heangdea: "Wait! I'm still alive!" Hak: "Grandpa..." Mundeok: "This is a warning from the Fire Tribe." Hak: "A warning?" Mundeok: "They want to crown Lord Su-won king." Mundeok: "They're pressuring us because I didn't approve." Yona: "Su-won, who killed my father, will be king of this country?" Mundeok: "Princess..." Mundeok: "It's all right. I'll never approve. If I acknowledge Lord Su-won as king, it would also mean acknowledging that Hak may have killed the king." Hak: "You're right. Blaming me would be the fastest way." Yona: "Hak..." Mundeok: "Don't worry. The Fire Tribe won't do anything worse than this." Taejun: "How does the Wind Clan look?" ukuchi: "They haven't made a move yet. At this rate, we should see some commotion in a few days—" Taejun: "It isn't enough. Are we just damming the river?" ukuchi: "Yes. That's what General Su-jin ordered us to do." Taejun: "Merchants visit the Wind Tribe regularly. If they just purchase water from the merchants, there's no point." Taejun: "Crush them before they reach Capital Fuuga." ukuchi: "But we shouldn't act without General Su-jin's approval..." Taejun: "Make it look like the work of bandits!" ukuchi: "Why are you so upset, Lord Tae-jun?" Taejun: "If I had acquired Princess Yona, the throne would have been mine. If only Hak hadn't interfered!" ukuchi: "Are you being serious?" Yona: "Su-won will ascend the throne. The other clans approved." Yona: "What will happen to the Wind Clan?" Taeyeon: "Rina..." Taeyeon: "What's wrong? Are you hungry? It's time for dinner." Yona: "There's not enough water, but you're giving me so much." Taeyeon: "It's okay. Hak told me to fatten you up. Besides, Hak said the Wind Clan's way is to pamper guests, so they'll give us money—" Yona: "Tae-yeon?" Yona: "Tae-yeon?!" Hak: "What's wrong?" Yona: "He suddenly collapsed!" Mundeok: "He's having an attack." Mundeok: "Tae-yeon's lungs have always been weak. Sometimes, he gets respiratory paralysis. Once he takes his medicine, he'll be fine." Hak: "But the merchants who were supposed to bring medicine today haven't come yet." Teu: "I'll go check it out." Man 1: "It's an emergency! The merchants were attacked on their way here!" Teu: "No!" Man 1: "They're all seriously injured." Mun-Deok: "Then we've lost our means of acquiring water?" Yona: "The medicine..." Yona: "What about Tae-yeon's medicine?" Teu: "Damn it." Woman 1: "This must be the Fire Tribe's work!" Man 2: "I'll never forgive them!" Man 1: "Young lord, why aren't you saying anything?" Man 2: "This isn't like you, Elder." Mundeok: "The royal family stands behind the Fire Tribe." Hak: "If we antagonize them, the Wind Tribe won't escape unscathed." Yona: "No... I don't want to see anyone else die." Teu: "Heang-dea, your injuries..." Heangdea: "Okay, okay! Calm down, you hot-blooded idiots!" Teu: "You attacked them first." Heangdea: "The most important thing right now is Tae-yeon's medicine, isn't it? I'll go to the doctor in the eastern forest and get some medicine." Teu: "You're going all the way there, with those injuries?" Heangdea: "I'm the fastest rider in the Wind Clan." Heangdea: "You okay with that, young lord? Leave it to Heang-dea!" Hak: "Haggle down the price of the medicine." Heangdea: "I'm off." Teu: "He's so reckless." Hak: "Listen, everyone." Hak: "I understand your rage, but the Fire Tribe is strong." Hak: "I won't let you start a war with them now." Hak: "I promise I'll do something about this. Just because the river dried up, it's not like us to shrivel up." Hak: "Entrust your lives to me, and wait quietly." Hak: "Those are the orders of Son Hak, Chief of the Wind Clan." Man 1: "Did you hear that?" Man 3: "The young lord gave us orders." Man 2: "Lord Hak..." Woman 1: "The Lord Hak who said becoming a general would be too much work..." Hak: "His condition is improving." Hak: "You should get some rest. You'll collapse again." Yona: "Hak, is there anything I can do?" Hak: "Well, a court lady should try to be a little sexier." Yona: "Wha— Hak, I'm being serious here—" Hak: "It's fine. You can live a carefree life here." Mundeok: "What's wrong? You can't sleep?" Hak: "What about you?" Hak: "Since neither of us can sleep, why don't we have a drink?" Mundeok: "It's rare for you to offer me such good sake." Hak: "No. This is from your prized sake cellar." Hak: "What a waste." Mundeok: "So, what do you want?" Hak: "I was just thinking. If it were you alone, you probably would've charged into the castle with a single spear." Mundeok: "You're one to talk." Hak: "You're putting too much stress on your body, old man." Hak: "I have a request." Hak: "I need you to approve of Su-won's becoming the new king." Hak: "Tomorrow morning, I'm leaving the Wind Clan. You can have the Son name back, too." Hak: "Think only of protecting the Wind Clan." Hak: "Once you approve, the Fire Tribe should stop bothering you." Mundeok: "You may end up with a bounty on your head." Hak: "That sounds cool. Maybe I'll become Kouka's greatest villain." Mundeok: "Are you leaving the princess behind?" Hak: "She's finally able to smile a little again." Hak: "I'm glad I brought her here." Hak: "I have another favor to ask of you. Hide Princess Yona from the castle, and let her live her whole life as a member of the Wind Clan!" Mundeok: "No." Mundeok: "I refuse to take requests from my grandson. I won't let you go." Hak: "Old man..." Mundeok: "Though I suppose I can't disobey my chief's orders." Hak: "Those are the final orders of Son Hak, Chief of the Wind Clan." Mundeok: "As you wish."
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 4 – The Wind Clan", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "4", "The Wind Clan" ] }
Hak: "I wish they had something smaller..." Man: "Hey, Lord Hak, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Hak: "Sorry, did I wake you?" Man: "No, that's not what I meant. The door is broken." Hak: "I want a small sword and bow." Man: "Are you going hunting?" Hak: "Yeah." Hak: "I'm going." Hak: "I may be gone for a while." Hak: "Sorry to bother you." Man: "Lord Hak, you're paying for these?" Man: "You always say to put it on your tab." Hak: "Thanks for everything. Live a long life." Man: "You're so serious now, you dumb Thunder Beast." Taeu: "He's back! Heang-dea's back!" Yona: "Tae-yeon, are you all right?" Taeu: "That was inhumanly fast, Heang-dea." Heangdea: "Leave it to Heang-dea..." Yona: "Are you in pain? Is there anything you need?" Taeyeon: "Thank you. I'm fine." Man A: "What an adorable creature!" Woman A: "Let me nuzzle you!" Yona: "Let me hold you!" Taeu: "Heang-dea, live." Taeu: "Okay, I'm going to check on the merchants." Taeu: "I'll bury this corpse while I'm at it, too." Heangdea: "But I'm alive..." Woman: "Move, move." Woman: "Oh, Rina..." Yona: "Ma'am?" Woman: "Oh, my. Did you call me "ma'am"?" Woman: "Perfect timing... Take these." Woman: "Really, those Fire Tribe men are out of control." Woman: "It's full of injured people inside." Yona: "The merchants that were attacked by the Fire Tribe..." Woman: "Why did this happen?" Woman: "What did we do? As long as you're alive, things will work out." Woman: "If it comes to it, I'll take care of you." Heangdea: "Whoops." Heangdea: "Sorry, Rina... I'm a little unsteady." Heangdea: "Rina?" Yona: "The Fire Tribe would go this far to put Su-won on the throne?" Yona: "This absurdity is allowed?" Yona: "Can you..." Yona: "Can you allow this, Su-won?" Heangdea: "It's all right!" Heangdea: "We'll be fine with the young lord and the elder around. Despite how they seem, they look out for their family." Yona: "Family..." Heangdea: "Yeah! Everyone in the Wind Tribe is family. So you're part of our family now, too." Heangdea: "Ah..." Taeu: "Aww... You made her cry, Heang-dea." Heangdea: "Lord Hak's gonna kill me!" Yona: "Hak and Mun-deok... The kind people of the Wind Tribe..." Yona: "They must be feeling such terrible pain, and intense rage." Yona: "The proud wind hides these feelings within, and smiles." Both: "Huh?" Heangdea: "Rina, are you all right?" Yona: "I can't let these people get caught up in this!" Yona: "Hak..." Yona: "Tae-yeon?" Taeyeon: "Rina..." Yona: "Was that Hak?" Taeyeon: "Yeah." Taeyeon: "What is it, Rina?" Yona: "I wanted to thank you." Taeyeon: "Thank me?" Yona: "You gave me warm food, wiped away my tears, and brought me cheer." Yona: "Thank you." Yona: "Thank you for everything." Taeyeon: "I thought you were going to stay here forever." Taeyeon: "Oh, well..." Taeyeon: "Oh, well..." Yona: "Some nights, I wanted to die. But with this small body, with his strength and smiles that never showed the slightest sign of pain, he gave me courage." Yona: "I will not forget you or the people who live here." Yona: "Stay well, and take care." Taeyeon: "I'm sorry, Hak. I just promised I would protect Rina," Taeyeon: "but I don't think I'll be able to..." Hak: "Looks like you're actually keeping watch today." Taeu: "I can't sleep without someone at my back." Hak: "Don't sleep." Taeu: "Where are you going, Lord Hak?" Hak: "I'm leaving." Taeu: "Really? See you later." Taeu: "Seriously?" Hak: "That means you're the Wind Tribe's next chief." Taeu: "No way! It's too much work! Wait, are you leaving Rina behind?" Hak: "I thought about seeing her before I left, but..." Hak: "Take care of her, too." Taeu: "Princesses with baggage are a heavy burden." Hak: "You knew?" Yona: "Hak!" Yona: "I'm leaving this place." Yona: "Come with me!" Hak: "What did you say?" Yona: "I'm leaving. If I stay here, Capital Fuuga will be caught in the conflict." Hak: "Go back." Hak: "I've already spoken to the elder." Hak: "This place is safe now." Hak: "You should live quietly here." Yona: "I don't remember allowing you to leave alone." Yona: "You told me to use you as a tool to live." Hak: "I returned the name of "Son."" Hak: "I'm no longer a general or your servant." Hak: "I'm about to leave on a free journey." Hak: "I don't have to take care of you." Hak: "If you keep quiet, Su-won won't do anything." Hak: "Move." Yona: "I've already decided!" Hak: "No matter what you think, I'm not taking you with me." Hak: "Do you have money?" Hak: "If we're going to be traveling together, I'll have to protect you." Hak: "I'm asking if you have the money to pay for my services." Hak: "Or will you pay with your body?" Yona: "I don't have anything to give you." Hak: "You catch on quick." Hak: "Now, go." Hak: "Goodbye, Princess Yona." Yona: "But I want you!" Yona: "Give yourself to me, Hak!" Hak: "What are you talking about?" Hak: "You're so willful..." Hak: "Damn it, it's so annoying." Hak: "This is why..." Hak: "You win, Princess." Mundeok: "Hak..." Hak: "Old man!" Mundeok: "Call me "Grandpa"!" Hak: "Were you there the whole time?" Mundeok: "I heard you being rude to the princess!" Yona: "Mun-deok..." Mundeok: "It seems I must let another grandchild go." Yona: "Everyone told me" Yona: "that I was family." Yona: "It made me happy." Yona: "That's why I'm leaving." Yona: "Mun-deok, please protect the Wind Tribe." Mundeok: "Don't forget, Princess... If you ever lose hope again and need assistance, the Wind Tribe is always on your side, no matter who stands against us," Mundeok: "nor how far you may be." ukuchi: "Lord Gang Tae-jun..." Taejun: "Tell me later. I'm miserable." ukuchi: "What?" Taejun: "My father scolded me. He told me not to act without permission." ukuchi: "I have good news for you, Lord Tae-jun." Taejun: "Huh?" ukuchi: "Princess Yona was spotted near Capital Fuuga." Taejun: "What?" ukuchi: "A soldier saw a girl with red hair." ukuchi: "General Hak was also with her. The two of them headed toward the northern mountains." Taejun: "The northern mountains?" Taejun: "Why would they go to such a desolate place?" ukuchi: "Who knows?" Taejun: "So that man is with her, then?" Taejun: "My luck has turned." Taejun: "Gather the soldiers!" Taejun: "We'll capture Princess Yona!" Yona: "Do you see anything?" Hak: "No. How does the old man expect us to find someone, when we don't know where he is?" Hak: "A priest?" Mundeok: "Yes. Since ancient times, a priest who has seen the Kingdom of Kouka's future is said to live somewhere within the Wind Tribe's territory." Mundeok: "If you are unsure what to do next, you should seek out the priest." Mundeok: "I am sure the priest will show you the way." Hak: "Long ago, the priest lived in a temple at the royal palace, and was deeply involved in the kingdom's rule." Hak: "After Yu-hong began oppressing the priest, he left the castle. Now he lives quietly, somewhere far from people." Yona: "Far from people..." Yona: "This certainly doesn't seem like somewhere a person could live." Hak: "If you tried living here, you might fall off a cliff." Hak: "But I'm sure one could do it if they really tried." Yona: "Even though I called myself the princess of the kingdom, I only know Hiryuu Castle." Yona: "It sounds foolish to say I don't know." Yona: "What path should I follow now?" Yona: "Right now, just trying to live takes everything I have." Hak: "By the way, Princess," Hak: "if we must search every corner of this area, we'll have to sleep outside. What should we do?" Yona: "Sleep outside? I've gotten somewhat used to it." Hak: "Unlike the mountains behind the castle, it gets cold here." Yona: "Then I'll snuggle against you while I sleep." Hak: "Jeez... I don't mind," Hak: "but I'll play pranks on you." Yona: "Pranks?" Hak: "Pranks are" Hak: "things like this." Yona: "Hak, what are you—" Hak: "Quiet." Hak: "Footsteps." Hak: "Forty... No, fifty." Yona: "Pursuers?" Hak: "I thought they weren't chasing us anymore." Hak: "That's quite a lot of people, too." Yona: "Are they the king's men? Or—" Hak: "Princess, if we're going to be snuggling in our sleep, I won't feel like pranking you if you aren't a bit more comfortable to hold." Yona: "What are you talking about?" Hak: "Now, then..." Hak: "I'm all warmed up." Hak: "Time to get to work." Hak: "Stay close, Princess." Soldier A: "He truly is a Thunder Beast." Yona: "Su-won once said..." Suon: "Hak's techniques are like lightning." Suon: "If we fought in earnest, I'm sure he would destroy me." Yona: "Even in these moments, I still remember your face so naturally." Hak: "What's wrong?" Hak: "Are you finished?" Taejun: "I see the Thunder Beast is going strong." Hak: "So it is you." Taejun: "I've been waiting for this moment, General Son Hak and Princess Yona." Taejun: "I, Gang Tae-jun, of the Fire Tribe..." Hak: "Look, Princess. There's nature everywhere." Yona: "What?!" Taejun: "Why are you enjoying nature while I'm talking to you?" Hak: "Oh, you were talking to me?" Hak: "I'm neither a general nor a "Son" now." Hak: "Sorry about that." Taejun: "It's fine, so long as you understand." Taejun: "Wait, what? You're not a general?" Hak: "That's right. I'm just wandering traveler Hak. Which means..." Hak: "Whatever I do now has nothing to do with the Wind Tribe." Taejun: "So that's it... Well, either way, I don't care about the Wind Tribe. I will make those who stand in my way disappear. I have business with Princess Yona!" Taejun: "Don't let him rest!" Taejun: "Stop him! Stop him!" Taejun: "Archers, fire!" Hak: "You've gained weight, Princess." Yona: "That was unnecessary!" Hak: "We're gonna run." Soldiers: "After them!" Yona: "I'm scared. There are arrows and soldiers closing from all sides." Yona: "Not even Hak can handle all of these." Soldier A: "Aim for the princess!" Yona: "Hak!" Yona: "Hak, are you all right? Hak..." Hak: "Don't worry about me. It's creepy." Yona: "Why, you—" Soldier A: "Amazing." Soldier B: "Don't stand around impressed! He's injured! After him!" Soldiers: "We haven't found them yet. What about over there? They're not here!" Hak: "Don't move, no matter what." Yona: "Hak, you're bleeding..." Hak: "It isn't mine." Yona: "But... Wait, Hak..." Hak: "If we're going to be traveling together, I'll have to protect you." Yona: "To protect me, you..." Taejun: "Where's the princess? Where did Princess Yona disappear to?" Yona: "Gang Tae-jun..." Soldier A: "Hak must have helped her escape." Taejun: "Find her!" Taejun: "The Thunder Beast is human, too. He seems to be tiring." Soldier A: "The arrow that hit him was poisoned." Taejun: "What?" Taejun: "You fired those at the princess?" Soldier A: "I knew Hak would shield the princess with his body if we fired at her." Soldier A: "An ordinary person wouldn't be able to move." Soldier A: "He's a terrifying man." Taejun: "Then, when he turns his back, fire at him." Yona: "They're going to kill Hak?" Hak: "Don't move, no matter what." Yona: "That's right." Yona: "If I reveal myself, I'll only slow him down." Yona: "It'll be fine." Yona: "Hak is so strong." Yona: "Hak... Hak can dodge an arrow." Yona: "I should quietly wait here for Hak to come." Yona: "Hak won't die..." Yona: "No... Why did I leave Capital Fuuga?" Yona: "So I could live in hiding, under Hak's protection?" Yona: "If that were the case, I should have stayed in Capital Fuuga." Yona: "I'm just a burden on Hak." Mundeok: "I am sure the priest will show you the way." Yona: "Before I question the gods," Yona: "there are questions I should ask myself!" Taejun: "Yona..." Taejun: "Wh-What is this?" Taejun: "Princess Yona..." Taejun: "I never thought you'd come to me yourself." Yaejun: "I wanted to speak to you." Taejun: "There's no need to be so cautious." Taejun: "I came to get you." Yona: "Get me?" Taejun: "Tomorrow morning, Lord Su-won will be crowned the new king." Taejun: "Poor princess..." Taejun: "It must have been painful, losing the king and being chased from the castle." Taejun: "Come with me, and we'll make this known. We can drag the detestable Su-won, who chased you from the castle, off the throne, and avenge the king." Hak: "Why did you move?" Taejun: "So, Princess, come with me—" Yona: "If you knew that, why did the Fire Tribe put pressure on the Wind Tribe?" Taejun: "Huh?" Taejun: "Those were my father's orders. It wasn't my will..." Yona: "Why did you attack the merchants? If you know the truth, then instead of driving the Wind Tribe into a corner, instead of trying to kill the innocent Hak," Yona: "there's something else you should be doing!" Taejun: "Those burning eyes..." Taejun: "Why? I can't look away." Yona: "I may be an ignorant princess, but I'm not desperate enough to listen to someone who doesn't understand reason!" Hak: "Princess!" Taejun: "The red hair of what should have been the young, weak princess" Taejun: "appeared to be a flame consuming her." Yona: "Next time, Akatsuki no Yona episode 6:"
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 5 – Howl", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "5", "Howl" ] }
Taejun: "So hot." Taejun: "It's like fire..." Taejun: "I can't look away. Has the princess always made these expressions?" Hak: "You idiot!" Hak: "I told you not to move!" Hak: "Why did you come out?" Soldiers: "H-He's a monster." Hak: "Princess!" Yona: "Hak!" Hak: "Damn it." Hak: "The poison on that arrow..." Soldier: "Now's our chance. Get him!" Yona: "Hak!" Taejun: "Yes! There's an abyss below him! Throw the Thunder Beast down!" Yona: "At this rate..." Yona: "At this rate..." Yona: "At this rate, Hak..." Yona: "Hak will..." Yona: "Hak will..." Yona: "Hak will die!" Taejun: "Princess!" Taejun: "Wait!" Taejun: "No, Princess. You mustn't go to him." Taejun: "You're going to the castle with me!" Yona: "I won't let you kill him." Yona: "I won't let you kill him!" Yona: "I won't let you kill him!" Yona: "Never!" Soldier: "To defeat General Son Hak, Kouka Kingdom's greatest warrior," Soldier: "would bring incredible honor." Yona: "Get away!" Yona: "Get away from Hak!" Soldier: "Princess..." Yona: "Get away from him!" Soldier: "Stop, Princess!" Soldier: "A princess should keep quiet and..." Taejun: "Don't!" Taejun: "Don't hurt the princess!" Soldier: "But, sir..." Soldier: "Th-This is Princess Yona?" Hak: "Princess..." Yona: "Hak, I'll save you." Hak: "You idiot! Run!" Hak: "You can't do it! Run far away!" Yona: "No! Never!" Yona: "Hak, I'd never forgive you for dying!" Yona: "I'd never forgive you!" Taejun: "Wh-What are you doing? Get the princess away from Hak!" Soldier: "Lord Tae-jun!" Taejun: "Find her..." Taejun: "Find her!" Taejun: "We must rescue the princess immediately!" Soldier: "Calm down, sir! We cannot enter this valley. You'd never survive this fall!" Taejun: "Let go! The princess... I must save the princess!" Soldier: "Lord Tae-jun!" Soldier: "The princess is already..." Taejun: "Princess Yona..." Keishuk: "Lord Su-won." Soowon: "What is it, Advisor Keishuk?" Keishuk: "Though I hate to disturb you on the eve of an important day," Keishuk: "the son of General Gang Su-jin, chief of the Fire Tribe, insists on seeing you." Soowon: "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Lord Tae-jun." Soowon: "What brings you here today?" Taejun: "I apologize for coming at such an hour, on the night before your coronation." Taejun: "I have come because there is something I must give you." Taejun: "Princess Yona is dead." Taejun: "In the northern mountains that separate the Wind and Fire Tribes' lands..." Taejun: "I cornered General Hak and Princess Yona." Taejun: "Just when they were within my reach, they fell into the valley." Keishuk: "What? They fell from those cliffs?" Keishuk: "Lord Su-won instructed you to contact him the moment you found them." Keishuk: "Instead, you cornered and killed Princess Yona." Keishuk: "This is treason, Lord Gang Tae-jun." Taejun: "That's right... I killed her." Taejun: "Please punish me." Keishuk: "Lord Su-won..." Soowon: "Rest at the castle today." Soowon: "You will attend tomorrow's coronation." Taejun: "Huh?" Taejun: "No! You must punish me! Please!" Keishuk: "Lord Tae-jun..." Taejun: "Lord Su-won!" Taejun: "Lord Su-won!" Taejun: "Lord Su-won!" Yun: "Long, long ago, when the big red sun was gobbled up, and the world was stained black..." Yun: "What a bother." Yun: "Someone's dead." Keiishuk: "Lord Su-won..." Keishuk: "Elder Mun-deok, of the Wind Tribe, has arrived." Keishuk: "The next general is with him." Soowon: "The next general?" Soowon: "Then they have chosen one." Keishuk: "They must have thought it necessary, to protect their tribe." Keishuk: "Though given Lord Mun-deok's temperament, it is something of a disappointment." Soowon: "Perhaps someone encouraged him by cutting ties with the tribe." Keishuk: "Huh?" Soowon: "Nothing." Soowon: "Who is the next general?" Keishuk: "He's younger than General Hak." Keishuk: "The youngsters of the Wind Tribe are so full of energy." Soowon: "Keishuk, for someone so young, you sound like a grandfather." Keishuk: "You're one to talk." Soowon: "It's dawn." Keishuk: "What a truly fitting dawn sky for a coronation ceremony." Soowon: "The Castle of the Red Dragon symbolizes the King of Kouka Kingdom." Soowon: "I swore to myself that I would return to this castle one day." Yona: "Su-won!" Yona: "Su-won, welcome! Come quickly!" Yona: "Today, we have stewed pears." Hak: "You're open!" Soowon: "Ouch." Soowon: "Hak..." Hak: "You're too slow, Lord Su-won." Hak: "You'll get in trouble with the old man." Soowon: "What are you talking about? Master Mun-deok said I had a natural aptitude for combat." Hak: "Oh? Have you ever beaten me in practice?" Soowon: "It's natural for you to be strong, since you must protect Princess Yona." Hak: "What's that supposed to mean?" Soowon: "But I truly am jealous. That Yona has you for a servant." Hak: "You have servants, too, Lord Su-won." Soowon: "I want you!" Hak: "Become the king, then." Soowon: "Huh?" Hak: "Marry Princess Yona, and become king." Soowon: "Wh-What? But I could never marry Yona..." Hak: "You want me, don't you?" Soowon: "It was a figure of speech..." Hak: "Either way, as far as I'm concerned, you're the only man who could become the next king." Hak: "When you do, I'll be your right arm. I'll stand by both of you, until the day you die." Hak: "By the way, I'll need three meals a day and naps." Hak: "It's a great deal!" Hak: "After all, I'm the Thunder Beast of Kouka." Soowon: "Ah, that is..." Soowon: "a wonderful dream." Yona: "Su-won, hurry!" Soowon: "Hak, please protect Yona. When I become king," Soowon: "Yona and Hak will not be by my side." Soowon: "Warm days like today make me doubt myself a bit." Soowon: "But now, my right arm is gone." Soowon: "As is the girl who gave me warmth." Soowon: "By crushing them underfoot and casting them off, I have made it this far." Subjects: "That's the new king? He's still young, but he's Lord Yu-hong's son." Subjects: "Lord Yu-hong's son?" Subjects: "Then I'm sure he'll make a great king." Soowon: "So I will not doubt myself any longer!" ble: "With the approval of the five tribes, King Su-won is crowned the Sky Tribe's eleventh king of the Kingdom of Kouka." Sujin: "Your Highness, my new king." Sujin: "I congratulate you on your coronation. I, Gang Su-jin, leader of the Fire Tribe, on behalf of all my people, pledge to you the absolute loyalty of the Fire Tribe." Soowon: "The Fire Tribe..." Soowon: "They pretend to support me, but their eyes are always on the throne." Soowon: "The Earth Tribe submits to a powerful master." Soowon: "The Water Tribe waits to see how things go." Soowon: "And the Wind Tribe... Though they have been quiet since we put pressure on them, they have many strong warriors trained by Mun-deok." Soowon: "There's no telling when they will learn of Hak's death, and bare their teeth. The crowning of a new king will draw the attention of the Kai Empire to the north, and Shin and Sei in the south." Soowon: "However, first..." Soowon: "I must unite these divided clans." Mundok: "Your Highness..." Mundok: "As you know, there is currently no priest within the castle." Mundok: "However, the gods above are watching. They will see what you accomplish, on the backs of what sacrifices..." Mundok: "As will this old man. Only after I have seen that will I join the late King Il." Keishuk: "Lord Mun-deok—" Soowon: "You're right." Soowon: "I want you to watch, Elder Mun-deok." Soowon: "However, a heaven that only watches has no meaning for me." Soowon: "I do not want gods, but the power of people." Soowon: "I will restore the Kingdom of Kouka to the mighty nation it once was. Should anyone stand in my way, even if they be a god, I will crush them underfoot!" Subjects: "Long live the king! Long live the king! Long live the king!" Teu: "Elder, can we go now?" Subjects: "Long live the king!" Teu: "This place is full of annoying people." Subjects: "Long live the king!" Mundok: "Since when has he had that look in his eyes?" Subjects: "Long live the king!" Soowon: "Master Mun-deok, please teach me how to use a spear today." Mundok: "Will I never see that kind smile again?" Yona: "I can hear voices." Yona: "The voices of a crowd." Yona: "Who's there?" Yona: "Su-won?" Yun: "You're awake?" Yun: "My hands are tired. Eat up." Yona: "Who are you?" Yun: "I'm Yun. I'm just a passing, handsome boy, so you don't have to remember me." Yun: "Who are you two?" Yun: "To survive a fall from that cliff, you must be pretty tough." Yona: "The cliff..." Yona: "That's right. I..." Yona: "Hak! Where's Hak?" Yun: "Hak? Oh, the black-haired man you were with is over there." Yona: "Hak!" Yona: "Hak..." Yun: "He's alive, just barely." Yun: "I removed the poison, but he had a cut on his chest, and he's bruised all over. A bunch of his ribs are broken, too." Yun: "He'd lost so much blood. If he'd received treatment any later, he would've died." Yun: "He probably protected you during your fall." Yona: "What?" Yun: "He was holding you when you fell." Yona: "Hak..." Yun: "The trees must have cushioned your fall." Yun: "What a bother." Yun: "Why is he so devoted to you? Is he your lover?" Yona: "No, not at all." Yun: "I feel bad for him..." Yona: "Is this the bottom of the valley? Do you live here?" Yun: "I guess." Yona: "Are you a doctor? I'm looking for someone..." Iksu: "Yun! Yun!" Iksu: "Listen! Listen to this!" Yun: "Hey! Why are you covered in mud?!" Iksu: "I was praying for everyone's happiness when I slipped and fell..." Yun: "What a bother! Heaven has abandoned you." Iksu: "You're awake. Thank goodness..." Iksu: "Hello." Iksu: "My name is Ik-su." Iksu: "I'm something like Yun's guardian." Yona: "Um, I'm..." Yona: "They don't seem like bad people, but I can't tell them my name." Iksu: "It must have been very hard..." Yona: "No, I didn't..." Yona: "Hak protected me from the fall." Iksu: "No, I am impressed you resolved to go on this journey." Yona: "Journey?" Iksu: "To think that Princess Yona herself would..." Yona: "Wait." Yona: "How do you know who I am?" Iksu: "Oh, the gods told me..." Yun: "Are you stupid? How could you tell her all that? What's the point of living here in secrecy?" Yun: "You really don't know how to lie." Yona: "Are you..." Mundok: "A priest is said to live somewhere within the Wind Tribe's territory." Iksu: "I'm sorry... I meant to receive you in proper attire, Princess." Yona: "This person is the priest?" Iksu: "Your life will create a storm that will shake this kingdom. Next time, Yona of the Dawn episode 7:"
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 6 – Red Hair", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "6", "Red Hair" ] }
Yona: "You're the priest?" Yona: "Did you know I would come here, too?" Iksu: "Yes." Iksu: "My job is to convey God's voice to the people. God teaches me everything there is to know about this world!" Yun: "What do you mean by your "job"? You don't make any money. All you do is pray every day. Hurry and remove your dirty clothes! You were driven out of the castle for making dubious claims about hearing God's voice, you know." Yona: "Why were you driven out of the castle?" Yun: "I'm surprised." Yun: "You lived in the castle, but you don't know?" Yun: "Move, move! Out of the way!" Yun: "You lived in the castle, but you don't know?" Yona: "I don't even know what was happening within the castle." Yona: "Hak! Hang in there! Can you hear my voice?" Yona: "Hak!" Yun: "Hold this." Yun: "Move." Yun: "He has a fever." Yona: "Hak..." Yun: "I've treated it, but the fever won't break for a while." Yun: "Tonight will probably be the worst of it." Yona: "Save Hak!" Yun: "I'm working on it. I don't want him dying on me." Yun: "But I'm not a doctor. Don't just assume I'll save him." Yun: "You still haven't thanked me for saving you." Yun: "And what about him? Have you ever thanked him? He nearly died to protect you." Iksu: "It's all right." Iksu: "The god of death hasn't come for him yet." Iksu: "He'll come back." Iksu: "Yun, you should be kinder." Yun: "But I hate kings and nobles and the like..." Iksu: "In her own way, she's fighting." Iksu: "Would you like to go for a walk?" Iksu: "Yun's medicines are very effective. He's saved me countless times." Iksu: "Ouch..." Yona: "Are you okay?" Yona: "Why do you live out here?" Iksu: "I was living with the flow, and I ended up here naturally." Iksu: "I suppose that doesn't answer your question." Iksu: "It's just..." Iksu: "Even here, there are flowers that bloom." Yona: "Um..." Yona: "Thank you for saving me." Yona: "I'd like you to tell me about you priests." Yona: "I may not know anything, but I don't want to remain ignorant." Yun: "Actually, I'm not a priest. I just look after that useless priest who can't look after himself." Yun: "Long ago, priests had greater influence than even the king." Yona: "Than even the king?" Yun: "Yeah. They were revered as messengers of God. Priests were deeply involved in ruling the kingdom, and sometimes, they even influenced wars." Yun: "One priest even deposed a king, saying he had angered God." Yun: "So priests became a problem for the king. During King Junam's reign, Kouka Kingdom was expanding into other kingdoms' territories, and growing stronger." Yun: "Apparently, Prince Yu-hong's achievements played a major role. For Yu-hong, the priests that could threaten a king's power were a nuisance." Yona: "So that's why my uncle drove the priests from the castle." Yona: "Isn't living in the middle of nowhere difficult?" Yun: "Not at all. I find villages troublesome, and Ik-su can relax more easily here." Yun: "Villages are full of poor people." Yun: "Only certain cities are wealthy." Yun: "Ik-su is too nice. He once tried to help everyone, and then suffered from depression when he couldn't." Yun: "He can't live without me." Yona: "Thank you." Yona: "Teach me more sometime." Yona: "Hak is gone?!" Yona: "Hak..." Yona: "Stupid Hak!" Hak: "I'm appalled." Hak: "You're sitting in the dark, badmouthing me? "I'm glad you made a miraculous recovery and seem to be feeling well."" Hak: "What's wrong? Did you have a scary dream?" Yona: "I wouldn't cry over that." Hak: "Oh?" Yona: "Where were you?" Hak: "I was looking for this." Yona: "Then you should have woken me!" Hak: "I understand. You can't sleep alone. Shall I sleep next to you? Here." Yona: "You fool!" Yona: "You're injured..." Hak: "Now I'm a fool?" Yona: "You're behaving recklessly, when you're a total wreck." Yona: "I thought you were going to die." Yona: "Don't go off without saying anything! You have to stay by my side!" Hak: "I want to die now..." Yona: "Huh?" Hak: "I've had all I can take of that ugly crying face. I really want to die," Hak: "and see how much you'd cry then." Hak: "If it's not okay, just turn your head." Yona: "Not okay?" Yona: "I thought you wanted to check your temperature, so I stuck my forehead out." Yona: "Wasn't that it?" Hak: "Oh, right... The fever's making me irrational." Yona: "It's come down, though." Hak: "Your hair..." Hak: "I'm sorry. It was my fault." Yona: "I don't mind. It's lighter now." Yona: "Besides, I've always hated my red hair..." Soowon: "I love your hair, Yona." Yona: "This isn't so bad, is it?" Hak: "You're right." Hak: "She says I have to stay by her side like it's so easy." Hak: "Your brains might not be so good, but your hair's all right." Yona: "I should sew your mouth shut." Hak: "Even now that she doesn't have enough hair to fasten," Hak: "she still hasn't thrown away that hair ornament..." Hak: "Huh? The priest's house?" Hak: "This place?" Yona: "Yes." Hak: "What a coincidence. I know you're living in hiding, but I would've expected a priest's house to look more like a shrine." Yun: "Hey! Don't eat that without asking!" Hak: "Please, priest, grant me your hospitality..." Yun: "I'm not the priest!" Yona: "Where did the priest go?" Yona: "Priest?" Yona: "What's wrong?" Iksu: "I was dreaming about you..." Iksu: "A dream about you and this world." Iksu: "Princess Yona, would you like to hear the voice of God?" Yona: "Mun-deok told me to have the priest show me my path." Yona: "Is a path something that must be shown to you?" Yona: "I thought I was supposed to sit still, not doing anything. But after being chased, Hak nearly getting killed, and nearly dying myself," Yona: "my blood is so hot, it's practically boiling." Yona: "I can walk on my own two legs." Yona: "I want to live. I won't let anyone take my life or Hak's!" Yona: "That is my only wish." Yona: "I have nothing to ask God." Iksu: "No... For you, living doesn't mean spending your days in ordinary peace." Yona: "Huh?" Iksu: "Your life will create a storm that will shake the Kingdom of Kouka." Yona: "Priest?" Iksu: "If you wish to simply live an honest life, and cannot stop the hot blood in your veins," Iksu: "I will convey the voice of God to you." Iksu: "Conveying God's voice requires spiritual strength..." Yun: "Quit acting so old, you pain." Hak: "I don't know what this business is about dragons or gods, but I'm not buying anything this crackpot is selling!" Yun: "He's not selling anything." Yona: "Does the "red dragon" in the prophecy mean the mythological king?" Iksu: "You are familiar with the kingdom's creation myth?" Yona: "Yes. The red dragon god took on human form, descending from heaven to rule a kingdom on Earth." Yona: "He was the first king of Kouka, King Hiryuu." Yona: "My father used to tell me about him all the time." Iksu: "But once King Hiryuu became human..." Il: ""He eventually had to fight humans. The people's hearts filled with evil, they forgot their god, and their country fell to ruin." Il: "Even King Hiryuu was captured by humans who desired power. Just when everything seemed on the brink of destruction," Il: "four dragons descended from heaven." Dragons: "Hiryuu, we have come for you." Dragons: "Let us destroy the humans, who have forgotten their faith, and return to heaven!" Il: "Hiryuu rejected them." Hiryuu: "No, I am human now." Hiryuu: "Though the humans may hate and betray me, I cannot help but love them." Il: "The dragons loved Hiryuu, as well, and did not wish to lose him. In order to protect Hiryuu, they gave their blood to human warriors, and granted them strength." Il: "One gained sharp claws that could tear apart anything. One gained eyes that could see across great distances. One gained legs that could jump high into the sky. One gained a strong body that could never be injured." Dragons: "You are now our other halves." Dragons: "You will serve Hiryuu as your master, protecting him with your lives. You will love him, and never betray him." Il: "With the power of the dragon gods, the warriors led their clans to protect Hiryuu, and brought order to the kingdom." Il: "Before long, the red dragon grew tired of fighting, and fell asleep. The mission of the four dragon warriors thus ended." Il: "They thought of their king, no longer moving, and wept. They did not know whether they grieved the loss of someone precious, or if the dragon god blood within them mourned Hiryuu's death. Realizing their power was beyond human control, the four dragon warriors left their tribes and disappeared. The tribes they left behind continued developing on their own, forming the five tribes of today."" Yona: "The kingdom's creation myth..." Yona: "What does that have to do with me?" Iksu: "You said you wanted to live, correct?" Yona: "Yes." Iksu: "But you cannot live on your own. If you leave this place, your life will be endangered again." Iksu: "You have Master Hak supporting you." Iksu: "However, at this rate, Master Hak will die." Hak: "Hey, wait. Don't assume I'll die. I can't hear the voice of God. I'm not—" Hak: "I'm not giving you alms, no matter how much you threaten me..." Iksu: "As you can see, the situation is grave." Iksu: "You need allies." Yona: "But who?" Iksu: "You must search for the four dragon warriors." Yona: "You mean the four dragon warriors from the legend? They exist? They really exist?!" Hak: "Yeah, right. They're from the age of legend." Iksu: "They do exist." Iksu: "Even now, they live quietly in this kingdom, with the dragon blood they inherited." Iksu: "They will lend you their strength." Yona: "Priest, I don't want Hak to die." Yona: "But I'm not sure the legendary dragons will lend their strength to one such as me." Iksu: "That night, you miraculously escaped death, you miraculously escaped the castle," Iksu: "and you miraculously survived a fall into this abyss." Iksu: "I believe those were not miracles, but God's will leading you here. If you find the legendary dragons, it will be not only your wish, but God's will." Yona: "God's will..." Iksu: "However, heaven can only show you the way. You must walk the path yourself." Yona: "I don't know anything." Yona: "Not about the castle or the rest of the world." Soowon: "King Il will not wake again." Yona: "I don't know." Soowon: "I love your hair, Yona." Yona: "I want to know the feelings of others, and the many other things" Yona: "that I once passed by heedlessly." Yona: "I want to become stronger." Hak: "Princess?" Yona: "Hak, don't! You should lie down!" Hak: "I'm all better now." Hak: "I'm not going to die." Yona: "Hak, I want to meet the people with the dragon blood." Hak: "Why meet them? They may not exist. And if they do, they may not be your allies." Yona: "I'll worry about it then." Yona: "At this rate, I can't even leave this place." Yona: "I want to move forward somehow." Yona: "I will become stronger." Yona: "Teach me to use a sword and bow. I'll learn." Yona: "I don't want to die in this absurd state." Yona: "Even more, I don't want to lose you!" Yona: "To prevent that, I will acquire even the power of the gods." Hak: "I'm telling you that I won't die... Well, if that's what you want, I guess I'll take a chance on God's will, or whatever it is." Yona: "Hak, you've been a good boy lately. There, there..." Hak: "Please don't get too close." Yona: "Why?" Hak: "Because it's annoying." Yona: "What?" Hak: "You have more wrinkles." Yona: "You're kidding!" Hak: "If you're angry all the time, you'll become a wrinkly old lady." Yona: "That's none of your business!" Hak: "Now you have even more!" Yona: "Hak, you idiot!" Iksu: "Have you made up your mind?" Yona: "Yes." Iksu: "I have a favor to ask of you two." Yun: "That should do it." Yun: "Ik-su, to me, your words are absolute. Next time, Yona of the Dawn episode 8:"
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 7 – God's Will", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "7", "God's Will" ] }
Keishuk: "So this is where you were." Keishuk: "As you predicted, I discovered a secret account." Keishuk: "There are signs that taxes were being illegally managed." Soowon: "Good work." Keishuk: "I have already dismissed the man in charge." Keishuk: "Evidently, the corruption runs deep." Soowon: "King Il was a kind man..." Soowon: "Kindness is not a crime." Soowon: "But sometimes, it awakens the weakness and greed in others." Keishuk: "Yes..." Keishuk: "Your Majesty, the late King Il forbade anyone from reading that." Soowon: "Yes." Soowon: "It's a book on the legend of the four dragons. When I was a child, I would often sneak in here and find great excitement in reading this book." Soowon: "But it's only a fairy tale." Soowon: "Gods of fantasy cannot put the Kingdom of Kouka back aright." Man: "It's been a while. I've been waiting for your medicine." Yun: "Sir, do you have any rice?" Man: "Sure." Man: "But it's rare to see you traveling with someone. Who's the big guy?" Yun: "Oh..." Hak: "I'm a fellow merchant. We have business near the border." Hak: "Princess..." Hak: "Princess!" Hak: "What are you so upset about?" Hak: "Because I stuffed you in a bag and carried you? Because I said there were clothes in the bag, and handled you roughly? Because I took advantage of you being in a bag to put my hands all over you?" Yona: "All of it. How should I punish you for that?" Yun: "I was so afraid we'd be discovered, my heart was pounding." Yun: "Listen up, you two. A red-haired princess." Yun: "A former general and beast." Hak: "It's "Thunder Beast."" Yun: "And a handsome genius! We all stand out, so don't draw attention." Yun: "Plus, we're near Fire Tribe territory and its capital city. You understand it'll be bad news if they find us, right?" Both: "Yes, sir." Hak: "Still, the priest and the four dragons sure live in obnoxious places." Hak: "Priest, do you know where we can find the four dragons?" Priest: "The warriors who inherited the dragons' blood now live and move around separately. Pinning down their locations is difficult." Both: "What a pain in the ass!" Priest: "But one of them..." Priest: "Since the age of myth, a clan has lived atop a mountain shrouded in mist. Though they live in secret, I'm certain they can still be found there, protecting the dragon's blood. They don't belong to any of the tribes, and they never accept outsiders." Hak: "That's near the border." Priest: "Yes. You'll have to cut across Fire Tribe territory and pass by the capital, so the journey will be dangerous." Hak: "It isn't just the capital. It's near the Kai Empire, too." Yun: "I finally got to go outside, so I'm really excited to see this mysterious village." Yun: "Once I travel across the kingdom, I'll record my personal experiences!" Hak: "What's wrong? Your eyes are red." Hak: "If you miss the priest, you can return to those mountains anytime." Yun: "What's your problem? My eyes aren't red!" Yun: "Shut up!" Hak: "Hey, Princess!" Yona: "Hak, your injuries haven't healed yet." Yona: "You can't carry me for the whole journey." Yona: "Besides, I want to see this kingdom with my own eyes." Hak: "Okay, fine. But don't let your guard down. As I mentioned earlier, it may appear peaceful, but..." Yona: "Hey, Yun, what is that?" Yun: "It's a huge water wheel!" Yun: "I've never seen one that big!" Yona: "Hak, what is this?" Hak: "Wheat. They're growing rice over there, too." Yun: "This area is under the capital's protection." Yun: "Most of the food you ate in the castle was probably produced here." Yona: "Really?" Child: "Hey! Look!" Mother: "Oh, my... Well done." Mother: "That's very good." Yun: "We have most of the things we need." Yun: "But we don't know how long we'll have to stay in the mountains. I guess I'm a little uncertain..." Hak: "Yeah." Yona: "Hak, is something wrong? Did you forget to buy something?" Hak: "No." Yona: "You can go. I'll wait here with Yun." Yun: "It's probably fine. From the looks of things, this village doesn't seem to have dangerous connections." Hak: "Run at the slightest sign of danger. We'll meet outside the village..." Yun: "By that big tree, right? We know." Yona: "Yeah." Hak: "I'll be right back." Hak: "I found my glaive and sword, but I lost my bow in the mountains." Man: "It's a self-defense sword. It's small enough for a frail girl to use." Hak: "I don't need it." Hak: "Protecting her is my job." Man: "Huh?" Man: "Really?" Man: "A new king really was crowned, then? Yeah. According to the rumors, he's quite young and handsome. But he's Yu-hong's son, right? He must be a terrifying man." Yona: "I see... Then Mun-deok must have given his approval to Su-won's coronation." Yona: "I'm relieved. Now the Wind Tribe will be safe." Yun: "What's wrong?" Yun: "Are you all right?" Yona: "Yeah." Yona: "Su-won is the ruler of the castle." Yona: "He has taken my late father's throne." Yun: "Are you listening?" Man: "Miss?" Man: "Would you like another drink?" Yona: "Thank you." Yona: "But I'm fine." Yun: "Hey..." Yun: "Wait!" Yun: "Sir, here's payment." Man: "Th-Thank you." Yun: "What's gotten into you?" Yun: "You should try not to act too suspicious." Yun: "Hurry! This way!" Yun: "This isn't good..." Yun: "They probably weren't here before because they were visiting the capital." Soldier: "Hey!" Man: "Hello. When did you return from Kuuto?" Soldier: "Just now." Man: "Really?" Soldier: "The capital was gorgeous." Man: "Yeah?" Soldier: "It was as lively as a banquet. Everywhere I looked, I saw food and drink I'd never seen before." Man: "That's incredible." Soldier: "Yeah. You should come with me sometime." Soldier: "It was as lively as a banquet. Everywhere I looked, I saw food and drink I'd never seen before." Man: "That's incredible." Hak: "Be quiet, Princess." Hak: "Let's go. We shouldn't linger." Hak: "I'm sorry. I was careless." Hak: "I shouldn't have left you two alone." Yun: "No, I..." Yona: "I'm sorry." Man: "I heard that, since a new king was crowned, taxes will be decreased." Man: "Don't expect too much. No matter who rules, they'll never understand our hardship and pain." Yun: "Climbing is rough, but I'm glad we don't have to worry about being watched." Hak: "Don't lower your guard. There's no guarantee that Fire Tribe soldiers aren't patrolling the area." Yona: "I need to learn swordsmanship." Yona: "Hak, you said you would teach me." Hak: "No, I didn't." Yona: "You can teach me while we travel. I need to be able to repel attackers." Hak: "Princess, could you kill someone?" Hak: "You may try to repel enemies, but they won't just run away." Hak: "You must kill or permanently incapacitate them." Hak: "Can you do that?" Yona: "When we were cornered in the mountains," Yona: "I had a sword, but I couldn't use it... Even if I can't kill or stand toe-to-toe with someone," Yona: "I want to be able to, at least, create opportunities for escape." Hak: "Self-defense swordsmanship..." Yona: "Will you teach me?" Hak: "Very well." Yona: "A bow?" Hak: "I'll fight on the front lines." Hak: "You'll fire at our opponents while hidden." Yona: "Okay." Yona: "Give me a sword, too." Hak: "For now, I'll only teach you the bow." Hak: "Princess, King Il never let you handle weapons." Hak: "Now I disobey the orders of my king." Hak: "You should consider why the king hated weapons." Yun: "But how are you supposed to train with a bow while you hike through mountains?" Hak: "Well..." Hak: "If we weren't traveling, I'd make her shoot two hundred arrows a day." Yona: "Two hundred?!" Hak: "But for now, I guess you can practice shooting birds or rabbits." Yun: "I approve. If you shoot something, we can eat it for dinner. I'm counting on you, Princess." Yona: "What?!" Yona: "Hak, I can't hit anything. What am I supposed to do?" Hak: "That." Yona: "How did you do that?" Hak: "I aimed." Yona: "I don't get it." Hak: "Don't get what?" Yun: "Prodigies don't understand how the incompetent feel." Yona: "You could never be a teacher, Hak." Hak: "Hold it." Hak: "Listen up." Hak: "You lack basic strength." Hak: "You must build the strength to draw the bow without shaking, and then..." Hak: "Learn by doing." Hak: "A master archer can strike a target with their eyes closed." Hak: "Don't be deceived by what you see." Hak: "For now, focus on shooting straight." Yun: "What's that sound?" Yun: "She's practicing archery this late at night?" Yun: "This morning, we're having poultry and rice." Yona: "That looks delicious! You really can do anything." Yun: "Well, I am a genius." Yun: "Your shooting posture is getting better." Yona: "Really? Can you shoot a bow?" Yun: "Well, I'm not unable..." Yun: "But it's best not to take up weapons half-heartedly." Yona: "Huh?" Yun: "I'm talking about whether you can kill someone. You say it's for self-defense, but do you really think powerless people like us are shown pity on the battlefield? For us to survive, we need to learn merciless techniques to strike vital points, or use this and rely on mental battles." Yun: "The Thunder Beast can afford to hold back because of how strong he is." Yona: "It's cute." Yona: "Even if it were human, I'd have to shoot it on the battlefield." Yona: "Drawing a bow means taking and losing lives." Yona: "My father hated pain." Yona: "But, Father, if I do not take lives, I cannot live." Hak: "You almost had it." Yona: "I needlessly injured it." Yona: "That's just cruel." Hak: "Because you hesitated." Hak: "Yun, you go ahead." Yun: "Sure, but you'd better come soon. We're nearly at the place Ik-su mentioned." Hak: "Okay. We'll be right there." Hak: "Now, then. Show your teacher how much progress you've made." Hak: "Okay! First, try to hit this tree." Hak: "Congratulations! I knew you could do it. You hit the tree." Yona: "For some reason, I resent you right now." Hak: "What else? Well..." Hak: "Aim for me." Yona: "I can't!" Hak: "It's all right. I'll dodge it." Hak: "You'll practice hitting a moving target. No, you'll practice shooting a person." Hak: "I'll move around. Try to shoot me." Yona: "Don't blame me if I hit you!" Yona: "Hak! Don't move around so much!" Hak: "You aren't even close to hitting me." Hak: "You lack the intention to kill." Yona: "Th-The intention to kill? Of course I don't have that." Hak: "Then imagine I'm one of your pursuers." Hak: "Envision the men who want to kill you." Yona: "No one like that exists!" Hak: "Really? Then..." Hak: "Imagine I'm Su-won and shoot." Yona: "I hate this side of you." Yona: "But... To protect you, I'm willing to take up a weapon," Yona: "even if it means sacrificing someone!" Yona: "Hak..." Hak: "Don't say you'll protect me." Yona: "Why not?" Hak: "It stirs my desire." Hak: "In any case, it's my job to protect you." Hak: "I told you to think of me as a tool." Hak: "You don't have to worry about your tools." Hak: "It's gotten harder to see." Yona: "How far did Yun go?" Hak: "A mysterious village, shrouded in mist." Hak: "It should be around here somewhere, but where is the village?" Yona: "Hak, there's trouble!" Hak: "I can't see anything. Where are you?" Yona: "Here! Come quickly!" Yona: "Hak, these are Yun's belongings." Yona: "Yun! Where are you? Answer me!" All: "Leave! Leave!" Man: "Leave this land immediately." Yona: "Who's there?" Man: "If you intrude any further, the gods will punish you." Hak: "Your gods must be quite magnificent to punish people while hiding in the mist!" Man: "Who are you? You cleared our mist with a single swing." Hak: "Are you from the dragon's village?" Man: "You're familiar with our clan. All the more reason we cannot let you leave alive." Man: "Is the boy one of your friends, too?" Yona: "Did you take Yun?" Yona: "What did you do to Yun?" Man: "The boy..." Man: "You!" Man: "Red hair... Red hair. Could it be? But she's a young girl." Man: "Where did you come from, red-haired girl?" Yona: "From the Wind lands." Yona: "A priest instructed me to seek out the four dragon warriors. Do you possess the blood of a dragon?" Man: "A priest?" Man: "No... We are guardians of the white dragon." Man: "We will show you the way to the village of the White Dragon." Man: "I have inherited the blood of the ancient dragon." Man: "I have been waiting for you, my master. Next time, Yona of the Dawn episode 10:"
{ "raw_title": "Yona of the Dawn Episode 9 – Shaking Resolve", "parsed": [ "Yona of the Dawn", "9", "Shaking Resolve" ] }
Aunt: "You're in such a good mood, Neneko-chan." eneko: "I finally get to go out with you for once, Auntie. I've wanted you to help me pick out a bow this whole time." Aunt: "I'm happy to see my niece get into kimonos, too." eneko: "Are you feeling okay, though? Aren't you tired? Should we take a break?" Aunt: "Well..." Aunt: "I wonder if there's a good place around here." eneko: "Are you looking at a review site?" Aunt: "Yes." Aunt: "Oh, there's a popular place nearby." eneko: "Y-You can't trust reviews, Auntie!" eneko: "Just don't trust reviews!" eneko: "Have you forgotten? We reserved a restaurant for your hospital discharge celebration because it had good reviews, but it was awfully uncomfortable." Aunt: "Did that happen?" eneko: "It did. I was hoping to give you a good time." Aunt: "I was happy just knowing you put a lot of work into choosing for me." eneko: "You say that, but it was still a disappointment." eneko: "So even if it has good reviews, it's bound to disappoint you again, so..." Aunt: "Here's the entrance." eneko: "We're already here?" Aunt: "They're called Rokuhoudou. It looks nice." eneko: "I can't let my guard down. Hey, wait, Auntie..." eneko: "Oh, no. I can't force her not to go in, either, though." Sui: "Kinako. It's purrty warm today, huh?" Sui: "What's on your meowind?" Sui: "Oh, yeah? Good for mew." Sui: "Lots of work being the grrrreeter cat, eh?" eneko: "Let's go, Auntie." Aunt: "Hello." Sui: "Welcome. For how many?" Aunt: "Two, please. Are you open?" Sui: "Yes, follow me." Aunt: "Thank goodness, they're open." eneko: "What was that just now?" Sui: "Table for two." Aunt: "I like the mood here." Sui: "Here's your menu." Aunt: "Thank you." Aunt: "I think I'll have a latte." eneko: "Not tea?" Aunt: "The reviews said the latte is a must. Oh, sorry for talking about reviews. We actually came here after seeing a review site. This shop is popular, so I'm excited." Sui: "Oh, really? Thank you." eneko: "I told you, you can't believe in reviews. Oh, nothing." Aunt: "Well, what are you going to have, Neneko-chan?" Sui: "I'll come back when you've decided." Aunt: "How about anmitsu?" eneko: "I don't want to have to leave some behind if there's too much." Aunt: "Don't worry, then. I'll help." eneko: "Really? Okay..." Gure: "Are you ready to order?" eneko: "He's so quick to react." Gure: "I'll take your order." eneko: "Um... A cream anmitsu set, a caffè latte, and..." Aunt: "I'd like a black bean matcha chiffon cake." Gure: "Understood." Aunt: "Would you like vanilla or matcha ice cream for the anmitsu?" eneko: "I can choose?" Gure: "Yes." eneko: "What should I do? Which one should I choose?" Gure: "Miss," Gure: "you could do double, if you'd like." Gure: "Our chef is proud of that." Tsubaki: "I could never choose! I'd do both!" Aunt: "How nice. You should do that." eneko: "O-Okay." eneko: "I'll have both, then." Gure: "Understood." Tsubaki: "We're on a review site, huh?" Sui: "Yes." Tokitaka: "It's nice to know that we have customers who come after they see us on a website." Sui: "It really is something to be grateful for." Gure: "All right, time to bust out my awesome latte art again." Tsubaki: "Don't worry about it, Gure." Gure: "Huh? Why?" Sui: "It was in the buzz, though." Gure: "See? My latte art's popular." Tokitaka: "Our work's finally taking shape, huh?" Tsubaki: "That's obviously not true." Gure: "Is, too." Tsubaki: "Is not." Gure: "Is, too." Tokitaka: "We have to work hard." Tsubaki: "Is, too." Gure: "Is not." Sui: "Yes." Gure: "Pardon me." Gure: "Here's your latte." Gure: "I've taken the liberty of doing latte art today." eneko: "Latte art?" Gure: "I call it the Happy Bouquet of Blooming Smiles." Aunt: "My, it's unique." Gure: "I was inspired by your charm. Please enjoy." eneko: "What is that? It's terrifying." eneko: "Is that really what people are recommending? If it makes you sick..." Aunt: "Wow, it's delicious." Aunt: "Try some, Neneko-chan." eneko: "I can't, Auntie." Aunt: "Just try it." eneko: "You're awful, Auntie." eneko: "You're right. It's really fragrant and tasty." Aunt: "See?" Aunt: "I knew this was a good restaurant." eneko: "Th-The latte's good, but it's too early to relax. We still don't know what's going to disappoint you." Gure: "Pardon me." Gure: "Here you are. Matcha black bean chiffon cake and anmitsu tea set." Aunt: "It looks great." Aunt: "Let's eat." Aunt: "It tastes wonderful. How's yours?" eneko: "I-It looks nice. But I don't know how it tastes yet." eneko: "Time to eat." Aunt: "Well?" Aunt: "Neneko-chan?" eneko: "The kanten's jiggly, the red bean's not too sweet, the shiratama's plump," Aunt: "What's wrong, Neneko-chan? Are you okay?" eneko: "and the fruit..." eneko: "The fruit..." eneko: "Yum!" Aunt: "My." eneko: "This anmitsu's delicious. Try it, Auntie." Aunt: "You're right. The red bean melts." eneko: "You can taste the salt on the beans, and the fruit is light. The shiratama is plump, and... This kuromitsu..." Sui: "I'll bring you another one." Sui: "Here you are." eneko: "Thank you." Aunt: "She got worked up about the anmitsu." eneko: "No, that's... Auntie!" Aunt: "The anmitsu really is delicious, though. The kuromitsu is fragrant, too." Sui: "Our chef is especially particular about the kuromitsu. The brown sugar in it takes advantage of the unique flavor of the sugarcane harvested from the eight islands of Okinawa. It's an original blend." Sui: "Tsubaki-kun, your anmitsu was a hit." Tsubaki: "Oh, really?" Gure: "Nice." Sui: "You're especially particular about your anmitsu, aren't you?" Tsubaki: "But..." Tsubaki: "it's still not the ultimate anmitsu. I must elevate it further." Gure: "Tsubaki-kun's on fire." Tokitaka: "Y-You can feel his intensity." Kid: "That's good grub." Mom: "You mean it's delicious." eneko: "The grapes are good, too." Aunt: "It'll be gone before we know it." Tokitaka: "It really is nice seeing your customers happy." Sui: "It is." Gure: "That girl was so moved by my latte art, she was in tears. I'm so happy." Tsubaki: "I hope she wasn't crying in fear." Aunt: "It was delicious. Right, Neneko-chan?" eneko: "U-Um..." eneko: "I didn't trust the reviews at first." eneko: "But you're, um, well..." eneko: "It's homely here. It's comforting. The drinks and anmitsu were delicious. Wh-What I mean is," eneko: "it's a beautiful shop." eneko: "I couldn't say what I wanted." Aunt: "Don't worry, you expressed yourself well." eneko: "Hey, let's come back again, Auntie." Aunt: "Yes, of course." Sui: "Thank you." Sui: "Please come back any time." Tokitaka: "So this is that review site, huh?" Sui: "We have a lot of reviews to be thankful for." Tsubaki: "Wh-What the hell?!" Tokitaka: "Gure-kun might have been right." Gure: "Huh? What?" Tsubaki: "Gure, don't look!" Tv: "My mom's cooking..." Tv Mom: "Welcome home." Tv: "...is my favorite thing to eat." Koto: "Thank God I made the last train." Koto: "Tomorrow's finally my day off." Tv: "And now for the results." Tv: "Tonight's King of the Café Menus..." Koto: "Kikuko-nee's working hard." Tv: "Is the Napolitan!" Tv: "As strong a contender as always. Napolitan never lets us down." Gure: "Napolitan's the king today, huh?" Tsubaki: "Our Napolitan's popular, too." Sui: "I inherited that item from my grandfather. His Napolitan was a hit with a lot of customers." Sui: "I wanted to pass it down." Tsubaki: "Huh. Good thing we had the recipe, huh?" Tsubaki: "Wh-Why are you reacting like that?" Sui: "Yes, well..." Sui: "It happened when we'd just decided to open Rokuhoudou and began preparing." Tsubaki: "What's going on?!" Tokitaka: "Sui!" Sui: "I-It's no good." Sui: "Am I never going to recreate it?" Tokitaka: "What..." Sui: "It's my grandfather's classic menu. I wanted to bring it to the new Rokuhoudou, too." Sui: "If only just this Napolitan." Tokitaka: "Did he just call it Napolitan?" Sui: "But I just can't replicate it. I remember how it tastes vividly. If I give up, it's over. This time!" Tokitaka: "Sui! You can't cause any more destruct— I mean, you must be exhausted." Tokitaka: "Shall I try making it for you?" Tokitaka: "And you can taste it until we get close." Sui: "Great idea." Sui: "And so we experimented countless times. And we finally arrived" Sui: "at today's Rokuhoudou Napolitan." Tsubaki: "I-I see." Gure: "You worked really hard on it, huh?" Sui: "I'm glad our customers appreciate it." Tsubaki: "Gure made fun of it at first, though." Gure: "Ketchup on pasta? Pfft. I love it now, though. Jeez, Tsubaki-kun, you didn't have to bring that up now." Tokitaka: "Maybe it's the reassurance of knowing there's a flavor that never changes." Tsubaki: "Hey, why not?" A: "Pardon me, I'd like the Napolitan." B: "A Napolitan." A: "Two Napolitans, please." Sui: "Napolitan. Six in total." Tsubaki: "We're getting so many orders because of that show last night." Tokitaka: "It sure is a popular show." Gure: "Two Napolitans." Tsubaki: "Do we have enough supplies?" Sui: "I'm worried about that, too." Tokitaka: "W-We don't have enough wieners." Tsubaki: "It's over." Tsubaki: "It's not a Napolitan without wieners." Sui: "But we'll let our customers down." Tokitaka: "It's too late to go shopping." Sui: "Gure..." Sui: "How many minutes can you make it in?" Gure: "Twenty should be enough." Gure: "I traveled the world with just a bicycle. There's nothing Bike Man Gure can't do." Tokitaka: "Let's make more sauce while we wait." Sui: "I'll take care of the dining room." Tsubaki: "It's always within reach." Tsubaki: "A practical symbol of nostalgia." Tsubaki: "That is what we know..." Tsubaki: "As a café Napolitan!" Sui: "Welcome." Sui: "Hello, Inukai-sama." Kikuko: "Hello. I'm here with my sister today." Sui: "Your sister?" Koto: "Hey." Sui: "Please come with me to your table." Koto: "You come here so often that they remember your name?" Kikuko: "Yeah. For meetings with my editor." Kikuko: "It's been a while since we ate together, Koto. I was surprised when you said you wanted Napolitan all of a sudden." Koto: "I saw it on TV, and it looked delicious, so y'know." Kikuko: "I've been curious to see Rokuhoudou's Napolitan, though. This is a good opportunity." Kikuko: "Hi." Kikuko: "We'll have two Napolitans." Sui: "I'm sorry, but it's going to take about half an hour to serve Napolitan right now." Kikuko: "What should we do?" Koto: "Thirty minutes isn't long if we're talking." Kikuko: "Yeah." Kikuko: "We'll wait." Sui: "Thank you." Koto: "Oh yeah, I read your new series. The last one was good, too, but this one's really good." Kikuko: "Really? Thanks." Koto: "You're amazing, Kikuko-nee. You're doing great as a manga artist." Kikuko: "I manage. There are people who started later than me and are selling well, though. I still have lots of work to do." Kikuko: "What about you?" Kikuko: "Are you busy with work?" Koto: "Well, these days, like..." Kikuko: "Is it hard working in apparel?" Koto: "Yeah... We have a new manager, and they're a lot more demanding." Koto: "That aside, I've been thinking... Remember how I left home to work in apparel because I love clothes so much? But now that I'm actually doing it, it's just not what I expected. I'm starting to have doubts." Koto: "I'm just starting out, so I know I still have lots of learning to do. But I'm not sure if I'm cut out for this job anymore." Koto: "What was I trying to accomplish?" Sui: "Pardon me." Sui: "Our rich and creamy Napolitan." Sui: "Sorry to make you wait." Koto: "No, it hasn't been half an hour yet, has it?" Kikuko: "I know. Thank you." Koto: "Well, let's eat." Kikuko: "Yeah." Sui: "Enjoy your stay." Koto: "Time to eat." Kikuko: "This is it!" Koto: "This flavor! It's so good. How long has it been? Napolitan really mellows you out." Kikuko: "I know." Koto: "I mean, this tastes like our Napolitan back home." Kikuko: "It does." Sui: "Thank you, Gure-kun." Gure: "Not a problem." Koto: "This is one thing I can always eat, no matter how tired I am." Kikuko: "I remember. Mom always made Napolitan for us when we were in a bind. No matter how busy she was, she always started with the sauce. Right, even on the day you moved to Tokyo..." Koto: "Yeah, we all had Napolitan together that day." Kikuko: "Hey, I didn't notice at the time, but maybe the reason Napolitan always cheered us up is because Mom put so much heart into it." Kikuko: "I put in all kinds of personal feelings when I draw manga, too." Koto: "Right. What I wanted to do was to express the thoughts that had been put into the clothes." Koto: "So that people can have a good day wearing them." Kikuko: "Yeah." Koto: "I'm going to try some more, Kikuko-nee." Kikuko: "I'm rooting for you." Kikuko: "I can't believe Mom cooked for us every day, though." Koto: "I know, right?" Kikuko: "Thank you. It was delicious." Koto: "I feel all better. I'll be back again." Sui: "Of course." Sui: "We had more customers than usual enjoy our Napolitan today." Tokitaka: "Yes." Tokitaka: "It was worth all the effort." Sui: "The Napolitan that I also loved..." Grandpa: "All right, it's ready." Blue: "Yay, Napolitan!" Yellow: "I love your Napolitan, Grandpa." Gure: "You have to know about Naples if you're going to have Napolitan. You can't talk about Naples without talking about Mount Vesuvius." Gure: "It's pronounced Vesuvios, Vesuvio or Vesuvius." Gure: "What should I call it? What do you think, Tsubaki-kun?"
{ "raw_title": "Yotsuiro Biyori Episode 10 – She Doesn't Know Rokuhoudou Yet | The Café's Napolitan", "parsed": [ "Yotsuiro Biyori", "10", "She Doesn't Know Rokuhoudou Yet | The Café's Napolitan" ] }
_All: "The best Hamburg steak topping..." Tsubaki: "...is demi-glace." Gure: "...is tomato sauce." Sui: "...is grated daikon radish." Gure: "Everyone wants something different." Tsubaki: "No, it has to be demi-glace topped with a sunny-side up egg!" Tsubaki: "Just picture it! Once you cut open the runny egg, the yolk and demi-glace will be in perfect harmony. It's the golden pairing." Gure: "But don't forget how well tangy tomato sauce and cheese go together. A Hamburg steak topped with hot cheese that you have to blow on while it's in your mouth." Tsubaki: "Cheese is powerful." Sui: "Japanese style must not be overlooked. The light grated radish and crisp ponzu sauce bring out the juiciness of the meat. A beast which causes no indigestion." Tsubaki: "He's right. That would taste exceptionally delicious!" Tsubaki: "So, what do you think, Toki-kun?" Toki: "It's difficult to decide." Sui: "People have lots of opinions about the basic menu items." Toki: "Can I take a little more time to think it over?" Sui: "Of course." Gure: "I can't wait for the winter Hamburg plate!" Gure: "I'll make some coffee." Tsubaki: "Thanks!" Bg_Tsubaki: "Oh, Gure, I noticed you used my cup without asking yesterday." Bg_Gure: "How did you know?" Bg_Tsubaki: "Because you cleaned it so well." Bg_Gure: "I was trying to erase all the evidence that I used it." Bg_Tsubaki: "That made it easy to tell." Sui: "This year is drawing to a close." Osada: "This is delicious!" Osada: "Right, Sensei?" Toki: "It is indeed." Ponytail: "It will be lonely without you here, Osada-san." Muffler: "I wanted to do more pottery with you." Old Guy: "Come on, don't dampen the mood!" Guy: "Hey, Sensei!" Gure: "It's ready." Toki: "I see." Toki: "Okay, everyone, gather around Osada-san." Osada: "What? What's going on, Sensei?" Old Guy: "Bring the camera!" Glasses: "It's a farewell party, after all! Let's go while Osada-san is still confused." Osada: "What do you have planned?" Glasses: "This will be a great group picture. The look on Osada-san's face was priceless!" Osada: "Don't remind me!" Osada: "Sensei." Toki: "Yes?" Osada: "There's a favor I'd like to ask." Toki: "A favor?" Osada: "Could you throw out the dishes I was making in the classroom?" Toki: "The ones you made?" Toki: "You can't take them when you move?" Osada: "Don't worry about them. They're not very well done, so... You know?" Toki: "They are beautiful dishes." Osada: "I've lived on my own for a long time, right? I didn't have any hobbies, so I just sat in silence. Rokuhoudou introduced me to pottery, and I made lots of friends." Osada: "I'm so grateful to you and Rokuhoudou. I have so many pleasant memories," Toki: "Osada-san." Osada: "Oh, right!" Osada: "I wanted to take my son and his wife to your restaurant." Osada: "Will you be open Thursday?" Toki: "Yes. I'll prepare something you will all enjoy." Osada: "Thank you! I've always wanted to take them." Toki: "Please do." _All: "Japanese-style sauce?" Toki: "Yes. In order to satisfy the widest range of ages, we'll use plenty of winter vegetables to make a Japanese-style sauce that's not too light." Sui: "That sounds good." Tsubaki: "But I think we'll need a light dessert for the set." Gure: "What are you thinking?" Bg_Tsubaki: "Let's see..." Toki: "Sui, can we serve the Hamburg plate tomorrow for lunch?" Bg_Tsubaki: "Something for winter..." Bg_Gure: "With that sauce, maybe dessert should be something rich." Lady: "Mom, are you warm enough?" Osada: "I'm fine." Osada Son: "It looks so nice." Lady: "It really does." Osada: "Right?" Osada: "Hello." Sui: "Welcome, Osada-san." Sui: "Please follow me." Osada: "I won't get to drink your tea any more. It's always so good." Sui: "It's been a pleasure having you as a customer." Sui: "Nagae was saying he would miss you, too." Osada: "I'm glad to have met Sensei, as well." Osada Son: "Sensei?" Osada: "My pottery instructor works in the kitchen here." Osada Son: "Oh, really? I didn't know you were taking a pottery class." Wife: "Oh? But I didn't see anything like that in your luggage." Osada: "Well, yes..." Osada: "Oh, right. I have the pictures from the pottery class farewell party. I had them developed." Osada: "Would you please give this to Sensei?" Sui: "This is from Hotel East Side." Osada: "Yes, they gave me this when I was checking out." Osada: "It's such a nice hotel. The food was delicious and they surprised me with a pottery wheel cake!" Osada Son: "A pottery wheel?" Osada: "We asked the hotel, expecting them to say no, but they worked hard on it." Wife: "That's great!" Osada: "It really was! Everyone was so excited!" Osada Son: "Hotel East Side used to be so business-like and systematic." Osada Son: "I've heard a lot changed when they got a new vice president." Osada: "The hotel staff were so professional and accommodating. Yes, they made me feel the same way I do here." Osada: "It's so nice to go there. I can't help but smile." Sui: "I see." Gure: "Osada-san, thanks for waiting!" Gure: "Our relaxing winter Hamburg plate!" Gure: "There you go!" Osada Son: "Wow, this looks delicious!" Wife: "I don't see turnips served with Hamburg steaks very often." Sui: "Enjoy your meal." Osada Son: "Thank you for the food." Osada Son: "It's really good!" Wife: "Yes, this is delicious!" Osada: "Right? Their food is delicious, so I've wanted you to try it." Wife: "This is a Japanese-style sauce." Osada: "Looks like it." Osada Son: "It goes great with rice." Osada: "It's so easy to eat." Osada Son: "Do you think you could make this at home?" Wife: "I wonder if they use mirin and soy sauce." Tsubaki: "Here is your dessert, a houjicha pudding." Osada Son: "Oh? Houjicha?" Wife: "Let's try it." Wife: "This is delicious, too!" Osada: "It's my first time trying this, too." Osada: "It's fragrant as well as delicious." Osada Son: "I like how the taste isn't too strong." Wife: "Right, just like with the Hamburg steak, this restaurant uses tasteful dishes. They look handmade." Osada Son: "Yes, I think you're right." Osada: "Yes, they are." Osada: "They're very particular about their cups." Osada: "Sensei makes them, after all." Osada: "What?" Osada Son: "What's wrong, Mom?" Osada: "Oh, my... How? C-Could this be..." Toki: "So you've noticed." Osada: "Sensei, are these..." Toki: "Yes, they're the cups you made." Osada: "The other plates were mine as well!" Wife: "You didn't notice?" Osada: "Well..." Osada: "I didn't expect to be served with my own dishes." Toki: "Sorry for not asking permission. You worked so hard on them, so I thought everyone should have a chance to use them." Osada: "You must be joking!" Osada: "These... To think these two ate at this restaurant off plates that I made..." Osada: "It's like a dream come true." Osada: "Sensei, thank you for this wonderful memory." Toki: "Thank you as well." Osada Son: "Mom, since you enjoy it so much, why not continue making pottery in Okinawa?" Wife: "This is so cute. I'd like to have some at home, too." Osada Son: "They're tasteful. I like them." Wife: "Yes." Osada: "R-Really? I'm rather embarrassed." Osada: "But..." Osada: "You're right." Osada: "I think I will." Osada: "Making pottery would help me feel connected to everyone, as well as Sensei." Toki: "I would like that very much." Sui: "Thank you very much, Osada-san." Sui: "We will..." Sui: "be waiting for your next visit." Osada: "Yes, I'll be back." : "Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori." Sui: "You had the farewell party" Sui: "at the East Side Grande." Toki: "Yes. I didn't know how you'd feel, so I didn't say anything." Sui: "No, it's fine." Sui: "It really is a nice hotel." Toki: "Everyone smiled and said they wanted to go back there." Sui: "I see." Tsubaki: "Anyone want some houjicha pudding?" Sui: "Yes, please." Gure: "This hotel looks really nice." Tsubaki: "Hotel East Side... Is that related to the place where Tsunozaki-san works?" Toki: "Yes, it was a wonderful hotel." Tsubaki: "Come to think of it, Sui... Do you have some relationship with Tsunozaki-san?" Gure: "I was wondering the same thing!" _Tsunozaki: "Little brother." Gure: "Tsunozaki-san called you "little brother," right?" Sui: "It's actually my older brother who has a relationship with him." _Both: "Your older brother?" Sui: "My father built Hotel East Side." Tsubaki: "Your father?" Gure: "Wow, that's incredible!" Sui: "My brother works there." Sui: "But we haven't been in touch." Sui: "We used to come here to play a lot." Sui: "We really loved it here. We'd run through the bamboo grove, racing to see who could open the door first." Sui: "There're too many memories to even talk about." Tsunozaki: "You're definitely tired." Tsunozaki: "Oh, driver." Tsunozaki: "Time to get out, Kyou-kun." Tsunozaki: "I figured we could eat an early dinner. You forget to eat dinner when you put it off. Mr. Vice President." Kyou: "This place..." Sui_Young: "Yakyou!" Sui_Young: "Hey! Come on over!" Grandpa: "Come on! You must be hungry." Tsunozaki: "What's wrong? Let's go in. I'm starving." Tsunozaki: "The way you look at it, I can tell you like this place." Tsunozaki: "Do you really not want to see your brother?" Tsunozaki: "Everyone can see you're doing great work as an heir." Tsunozaki: "Absolutely everyone." Tsunozaki: "I don't think you have anything to feel guilty about." Tsunozaki: "After all, this place is important to you." Kyou: "This isn't my place." Tsunozaki: "Yes, your place is somewhere else. But what is important to you?" Tsunozaki: "It's about time, isn't it?" Tsunozaki: "You can be honest with yourself." Shibano: "Welcome. Sui-san! I'm so hungry!" Shibano: "Please..." Shibano: "Do you have any chicken tempura bowls?" Sui: "Yes." Shibano: "Thank goodness!" Sui: "One chicken tempura bowl for Shibano-san." Toki: "Okay." Tsubaki: "Shibano-san was working until this hour?" Sui: "Looks like it." Gure: "Look at this!" Gure: "My new special latte art!" Sui: "So this one is a snowman and next to it is a feudal lord?" Gure: "No, no, it's a crane and turtle!" Tsubaki: "Why a crane and turtle?" Gure: "Shibano-san has been working a lot this year, and he's spending New Year's Eve alone, so I made an early New Year's design to cheer him up!" Tsubaki: "You should really stop doing that." Gure: "What's with the serious tone?" Toki: "Sui, the chicken tempura bowl is ready." Sui: "Right." Tsubaki: "Shibano-san is working himself to the bone. I hope he doesn't affect his body." Gure: "His body, yes, but his heart, too. If there's something to look forward to for New Year's, you can work hard for that day, right?" Tsubaki: "Yeah, I get that." Toki: "New Year's Eve..." Toki: "It's a special day, so maybe we could do something." Gure: "We could have a New Year's party! With fireworks and stuff." Tsubaki: "Fireworks?" Gure: "In Italy, they use fireworks to ring in the new year!" Tsubaki: "We won't do anything that extreme!" Gure: "Just a few?" Tsubaki: "Absolutely not!" Tsubaki: "Why does it need to be so flashy and loud?" Gure: "It's more fun that way." Gure: "Maybe we could just do the bangs?" Sui: "Rokuhoudou Night for New Year's?" Toki: "Yes." Gure: "We're making invitations and flyers like this." Toki: "It will take a while for people to arrive, so we'll be open until late on New Year's Eve." Tsubaki: "I'm thinking of some special sweets to serve." Gure: "I'll be doing my special New Year's latte art, too!" Sui: "A New Year's Eve party sounds great." Hayashi: "It's nice to have something sweet on a cold day." Sakin: "Yes." Sui: "Are you working today, too?" Sakin: "Yes." Sakin: "There are a lot of events, so we're reporting on them." Sui: "We're actually planning a New Year's Eve event, as well." Sakin: "An event?" Hayashi: "What kind?" Tsubasa: "You're going to open the restaurant at night?" Toki: "Yes." Toki: "Please come, if you'd like." Shibano: "That sounds like a lot of fun!" Shibano: "I'll finish work and come straight here!" Gure: "Thank you." Shibano: "Hooray!" Lady: "Maybe I'll come, too." Man: "Me, too." Lady: "Indeed. My grand kids won't be here until after New Year's, so maybe I'll come, too." Gure: "Please do." Tsubaki: "It'll be great to spend New Year's Eve with everyone!" Int_Sui: "Yakyou will see it, too." _Grandpa: "Everyone smiling together is a wonderful thing." Int_Sui: "I thought I'd lost touch with that kind of emotion." Int_Sui: "Could it be..." Sui: "There may still be time." Secretary: "Vice President, were you working late again last night?" Kyou: "Hm? Yes." Secretary: "Would you care for some coffee?" Kyou: "Please." Tsunozaki: "Hi, Yakyou-san. Thanks for waiting. Here's your coffee!" Kyou: "Tsunozaki..." Tsunozaki: "I met Miyazawa-san outside, so I brought your coffee in." Tsunozaki: "And one more thing..." Tsunozaki: "This just arrived for you." Tsunozaki: "You can handle the rest." Sui: "Tokitaka-kun." Toki: "Good morning." Sui: "I need to ask a favor." Toki: "Next time, we should serve Hamburg steaks with demi-glace and tomato sauce, too." Gure: "It'll be hard for Toki-kun to decide again." Toki: "How about all three Japanese, demi, and tomato Hamburg steaks on a skewer?" Tsubaki: "That sounds like meatballs."
{ "raw_title": "Yotsuiro Biyori Episode 11 – Life is a Hamburg", "parsed": [ "Yotsuiro Biyori", "11", "Life is a Hamburg" ] }
Sui: "Ankoro mochi or kinako mochi..." Sui: "Which one do you want, Yakyou?" Yakyou: "I don't know. What about you, Kyousui?" Sui: "I'll have either." Yakyou: "Kinako... But anko, too..." Sui: "How about this... We play rock-paper-scissors, and the winner gets ankoro, and the loser gets kinako. All right." Sui: "Rock, paper, scissors." Sui: "All right! I win, so I get ankoro. Yay!" Yakyou: "Sure. I like kinako." Grandpa: "Tea's ready." Sui: "Thanks, Grandpa. Time to eat." Grandpa: "Two bad we didn't have two of the same one." Sui: "It's okay. We settled it with rock paper scissors." Grandpa: "Oh, yeah?" Grandpa: "You two never fight. Good for you." Sui: "Good morning." Tokitaka: "Good morning." Gure: "Morning, Sui. The weather's nice this New Year's Eve." Sui: "It is." Sui: "It's so colorful." Tsubaki: "I thought we should do a temari sweets buffet tonight." Gure: "He's practically asleep." Tokitaka: "He was up all night prepping." Gure: "Really? It's only about to get busy, though. I'll you wake you up, then." Tokitaka: "Morning." Sui: "Good morning." Gure: "What are you doing, Gure? No, nothing. You have such a tough head." Gure: "Chestnut manjuu, yuzu youkan, sake manjuu... I'm also thinking of doing western snacks, too." Sui: "Let's make two spaces, then." Tokitaka: "I'll try to do the salted things as much as I can." Gure: "Nice. It sounds like a party. All right, I'll write the banner and set it up outside." Tokitaka: "I'll write it." Gure: "Why? I'll do it." Tokitaka: "No man, you'll end up drawing pictures." Gure: "I've built up a lot of artistic talent from my latte art. I got this." Sui: "We should set up, too." Tokitaka: "Just so you know, your artistic talent is dead." Gure: "What kind of diss is that?!" Sui: "Tokitaka-kun, how's the other one coming?" Tokitaka: "I'll start prepping when the time's right." Sui: "Something sure is different." Sui: "It's exciting." Sui: "I feel restless." Sui: "I hope people like it." Tokitaka: "Um, Sui..." Sui: "Yes?" Tokitaka: "Here." Tokitaka: "It's what you asked me about the other day." Sui: "Wow." Tokitaka: "I tried repairing it in the kintsugi style." Sui: "Thanks, Tokitaka-kun." Tokitaka: "Sure." Sui: "I hope he'll use it himself someday." Tokitaka: "Yes." Gure: "Guys, over here." Tokitaka: "A mortar and mallet?" Sui: "Wh-What's that?" Tsubaki: "Get this... Itou-san just brought it up to the shop on a pickup truck." Ito: "I'd like you to use it at Rokuhoudou, if that's all right with you." Tsubaki: "...he said." Sui: "This is so nice, though." Gure: "Apparently he'd been using it every year end, but his back can't take it anymore." Tsubaki: "He said the mortar and mallet would probably be happier being put to use." Tokitaka: "Sui, hey..." Sui: "Why don't we pound some mochi tomorrow?" Tsubaki: "I want to try pounding mochi." Sui: "This is really starting to pick up." Sui: "Kinako." Sui: "Dinner time." Sui: "That's it for this year's pictures of you, huh?" Sui: "Nice! Photogenic!" Sui: "Welcome." Kozuru: "Good evening." Grandpa: "This man was in such a hurry to shut down his own place." Grandma: "I'm here to make sure you haven't let loose, serving crazy tea just because it's New Year's Eve." Gin: "So this is Rokuhoudou, huh?" Gin: "It's so classy old school." Sui: "You must be..." Kozuru: "Gin-chan." Gin: "Good evening." Sui: "Make yourselves at home." Kozuru: "Hey, you'll be amazed when you try the food here." Gin: "I can't wait." Grandpa: "So the so-called Rokuhoudou Night has started already, has it not?" Sui: "Yes." Sui: "Please, come inside." Kozuru: "So they have all kinds of desserts here, and..." Tsubaki: "Welcome. You're free to have as much as you want of whatever you want." Gin: "It's a buffet?!" Tsubaki: "Y-Yes." Gin: "Let's go get some food, Kotsuru." Kozuru: "Yeah." Gin: "It's like a treasure hunt. This is going to be fun." Kozuru: "There're so many options! I don't know where to start." Sui: "Tokitaka-kun, how's it coming?" Tsubaki: "Sui, Kotsuru-chan and her friend are asking for tea." Sui: "Okay." Tsubaki: "We got more people than I was expecting." Sui: "We did." Tsubaki: "It's busy, but this isn't a bad way to spend the new year." Gure: "Thanks to me, right, Tsubaki-kun? Sui, is it ready?" Sui: "Soon, it seems." Gure: "Just a little more work." Tsubaki: "A lot more work for you, Gure. A lot, lot more work." Gure: "A lot, lot?" Tsubaki: "A lot, lot, lot more work." Gure: "Okay, I'll work!" Sui: "Everyone," Sui: "how about Rokuhoudou's special New Year's soba to end the year?" Sui: "It's on the house." Gure: "And these are the toppings." Sui: "Shrimp tempura, a symbol of longevity. Date-maki, a symbol of prosperity and well-being." Sui: "Abura-age, in the image of Inari, the god of business success. Nishin, as a prayer that you may be blessed with a healthy child." Person: "Oh, my." Person B: "Is this on the house, too?" Tokitaka: "Yes. Have some pickles for a change of pace, too." Grandpa: "Does that soba happen to be santate?" Grandma: "Santate?" Tokitaka: "The three conditions said to be needed for making good soba. Freshly milled, freshly kneaded, freshly boiled. We received some soba powder, so we made soba here." Editor: "Really?" Grandma: "Sure." Editor: "Let's all have some together for a happy life next year." Person A: "No way we're going to get through the year without having some of this first." Chief Editor: "I heard you're supposed to chew soba with your molars." Editor: "Oh, really?" Editor: "Hayashi-san, the fact that I get to have New Year's soba with you..." Chief Editor: "The soba grains are so big." Editor: "You really get a mouthful of the rustic flavor of soba." Person A: "It's quite nice bringing in the new year connected to all sorts of people." Person B: "It is. It's quite fun." Person C: "I know. I was going to spend it alone, so this is great." Person D: "It really is." Tokitaka: "Rokuhoudou Night's a success." Sui: "Yes." Sui: "Rokuhoudou!" Sui: "Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori." Person A: "Thanks for your services again this year." Sui: "Thank you. Thanks a lot! That was so good! Happy New Year." Person A: "Happy New Year." Sui: "Snow." Sui: "I thought it was cold." Sui: "Is that..." Sui: "No..." Sui: "Yakyou." Sui: "You came." Yakyou: "I wonder why I'm here." Sui: "Yakyou..." Sui: "Can we talk for a bit?" Sui: "Give me a second." Sui: "Yakyou." Yakyou: "You haven't thrown it out?" Sui: "I had my friend mend it for me." Yellow: "I win." Blue: "I was faster." Yellow: "Oh, who cares?" Blue: "Yeah." Yellow: "Let's go inside." Yellow: "Grandpa." Yakyou: "This place hasn't changed, has it?" Sui: "I still don't have anything on Grandpa." Yakyou: "You do have a ways to go." Yakyou: "I'm never coming back." Sui: "Please, come again soon. We may walk a different path," Sui: "but maybe we're still connected somewhere." Gure: "Sui! We're all going to the first shrine visit of the year." Sui: "Now?" Grandpa: "Buck up, kid. Let's go." Gure: "It's snowing." Sui: "Tokitaka-kun." Tokitaka: "What shall we do with this?" Sui: "Let's leave it for a little longer." Tsubaki: "I wonder if the year will be over while we're walking." Gure: "The New Year's bell is ringing." Gure: "What's wrong, Sui?" Sui: "Nothing." Sui: "Let's go." Tokitaka: "The mochi rice is done steaming." Tsubaki: "It's so steamy." Tokitaka: "Huh, what happened to Gure-kun?" Tsubaki: "He said he was getting something ready." Gure: "I'm ready." Gure: "Hooah." Tsubaki: "Wait, Gure, why are you dressed like that?" Gure: "We're pounding mochi. It's a traditional event. We've gotta raise the roof." Gure: "Kapow." Gure: "So I just have to pound this, right? Can I start?" Tokitaka: "Oh, no. First, you need to prepare it. You have to knead it first, like this," Tokitaka: "or the rice grains fly out." Gure: "I see." Tokitaka: "That should do." Gure: "Can I pound it?" Tokitaka: "Yes." Tsubaki: "All right, I'll keep rhythm and do the kneading. Be careful." Gure: "I got this. Here I go." Tsubaki: "Wait!" Tsubaki: "Listen, you don't need to pound it too hard. Just drop it with the weight of the mallet. Okay?" Gure: "Oh, really? That's all I need to do?" Tokitaka: "The mallet was about to get vaporized." Sui: "Yeah, uh... Why don't the two of us experienced people try first?" Sui: "All right." Sui: "Fold it from the outside in, so the mortar hits it evenly." Sui: "Gather the mochi into the middle." Tsubaki: "Wow." Gure: "An impressive pair. This team is perfect." Sui: "Piece of cake." Tokitaka: "Now, your turn." Gure: "Tsubaki-kun..." Tsubaki: "Gure..." Gure: "Let's destroy them." Tsubaki: "Yeah. No mercy!" Sui: "M-My..." Sui: "They're pounding the mochi so fast." Tokitaka: "One wrong move, and neither would be unscathed." Sui: "Absolute trust." Sui: "An unwavering bond. And this perfect sense of rhythm." Sui: "This unity and passion..." Sui: "The whoosh of the mallet slicing through the air..." Sui: "It's like..." Sui: "It's like a festival!" Tokitaka: "One more!" Gure: "It's so stretchy." Tsubaki: "I've put together salty ones and sweet ones." Tsubaki: "So soft." Tokitaka: "This is exceptionally soft." Tokitaka: "It's plump, too." Gure: "Karamimochi never disappoints, either." Tokitaka: "How about this, Tsubaki-kun?" Tokitaka: "Nattou mochi." Tsubaki: "Nattou?" Tokitaka: "Yes." Tsubaki: "It does down easy. It's good." Tokitaka: "It's good, isn't it?" Gure: "Tsubaki-sensei, how about this?" Gure: "Uncured ham and cheese." Gure: "The saltiness of the raw ham pairs so nicely." Tsubaki: "Say what?" Tokitaka: "That's interesting." Sui: "What mochi do we have for the guests?" Tsubaki: "Anko, kinako, mitarashi, sesame, karamimochi." Gure: "Uncured ham and cheese." Tokitaka: "Nattou." Sui: "Right." Sui: "Let's have our guests eat plenty." Tokitaka: "Yeah." Person A: "Hey." Person B: "Hey." Sui: "Now, what kind of guests will tomorrow bring?" Sui: "I can't wait."
{ "raw_title": "Yotsuiro Biyori Episode 12 – Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori", "parsed": [ "Yotsuiro Biyori", "12", "Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori" ] }
Sui: "When I was little, I liked to peek at the customers," Sui: "seeing them enjoy their time. My grandfather always smiled pleasantly," Sui: "and Rokuhoudou was always warm." Sui Grampa: "Kyousui..." Sui Grampa: "Do you really love this place that much?" Tsubaki: "Gure, could you give me a hand?" Gure: "Coming." Gure: "Are we moving that?" Tsubaki: "Yeah. I thought I'd put it in the sun." Gure: "There." Gure: "Let's give you plenty of sunlight." Tsubaki: "H-How about we put this one in the sun, too?" Gure: "All right, let's move all of them, then." Tsubaki: "All of them?!" Sui: "Thanks for working so hard all day, everyone." Sui: "Let's take a break." Gure: "Tea, huh? Nice." Tsubaki: "I'm exhausted." Sui: "I'll go switch out Kinako's water, too." Sui: "Kinako, would you like some water?" Sui: "I'll leave it here, then." Sui: "Long day for you, too, huh?" Sui: "It feels so nice here." Boss: "Good work, everyone." Everyone: "Good work." Boss: "Are you not leaving yet, Kyousui-kun?" Sui: "I'm almost done. I'm going to finish it off." Boss: "Don't work too hard." Sui: "Okay." Sui: "Today's omurice turned out pretty good." Sui: "It's a little on the sour side, though." Sui: "Now, then... Let's start." Text: ""Let it settle at medium heat."" Sui: "It's pretty bitter." Sui: "Maybe I should use hotter water." Sui: "Sheesh." Sui: "I'm nowhere near Grandpa's coffee yet." Sui: "I wonder what my grandfather felt as he stood here every day." Sui: "I have a dream." Sui: "I want to inherit Rokuhoudou one day." Sui: "That dream is within reach for me now." Sui: "But..." Sui: "Oh, dear." Sui: "I've been using it for a long time now." Sui: "I wanted some new tableware, anyway." Sui: "It's a good time. I think I'll go back there again." Sui: "There're all kinds of things here." Sui: "This would be great to have at Rokuhoudou." Sui: "It would stand out on the amber-colored tables." Sui: "It sits well in the hand, too." Tokitaka: "Do you like it?" Sui: "Yes." Sui: "I'd love to have it at my shop..." Sui: "Tokitaka-kun, is that you?" Tokitaka: "S-Sui?" Tokitaka: "I didn't think we'd meet at a place like this. We haven't met since our middle school graduation, have we?" Sui: "That's right." Sui: "So you live in this area now, huh?" Tokitaka: "Yeah. I live on my own, working part-time, and come to these markets to sell the wares I make." Sui: "As a nameless artist?" Sui: "I see." Tokitaka: "Say, you run a shop, don't you?" Sui: "No, I work in an office." Tokitaka: "You just said you'd like something for your shop." Sui: "I want to do it someday, but I just can't take the plunge. Yet, when I saw your work," Sui: "I couldn't help but think about having it at the shop." Sui: "Sensei, I have a question. We're buying lunch today! Let's run!" Tokitaka: "I never knew you could be indecisive about anything." Sui: "Was I ever that quick on my feet?" Tokitaka: "I thought you were a no-time-like-the-present type of person." Tokitaka: "Is it a financial problem?" Sui: "That place has always been special to me. It worries me when I think I might make a bad move and destroy what my grandfather had created." Sui: "I'm afraid to take the first step." Tokitaka: "It's been a while. I'd like to visit the shop again." Tokitaka: "I'll bring some of my tableware over someday." Sui: "You'd be up for that?" Tokitaka: "Sure." Sui: "That should do it." Sui: "Rokuhoudou's still going strong, when you look at it like this." Sui: "Tokitaka-kun." kano: "Hey, boss!" kano: "Long time." Sui: "Eh?" kano: "Man, I can't believe you'd shut down the shop already." Tokitaka: "I tried to tell him about your grandpa..." kano: "Hey, are you here for tea?" Tokitaka: "I couldn't find the right moment." Sui: "I see." Tokitaka: "Sui, I'm going to use your counter." Sui: "Okay." kano: "Sorry about that, kid." Tokitaka: "Not at all. My grandfather passed away from an illness a few years ago." kano: "Really? That's a shame." kano: "My daughter lives in the area. I wanted to see the boss while I was here." Sui: "I see." kano: "This is my grandkid, Tetsurou." Grandkid: "Hello..." Sui: "Hello, Tetsurou-kun." kano: "You've gotten so tall, though, kid." Sui: "You remember me?" kano: "Yeah, I remember you running around all over." kano: "There was another one just like you, wasn't there? You two would always be smiling, helping the boss." kano: "Hey, Tetsu! Don't get in his way." Tokitaka: "It's fine." kano: "Are you opening up shop here or something?" Sui: "Oh, no. Nothing like that yet." kano: "Oh, really?" kano: "It's so nice inside and you look great in the apron. I thought you were about to start something." kano: "I mean, I guess it's not easy inheriting a restaurant in this economy." kano: "It's a little sad, though. It's all empty." kano: "I always felt at home here." kano: "And the boss was always smiling." kano: "I sure did love this place." kano: "But it's over now, huh?" kano: "Oh, yeah. Are there any good places to eat around here?" Sui: "There are no good restaurants in this shopping district." kano: "Oh, yeah? See, I was hoping to have something here, you know." kano: "Guess I'll find a convenience store or something." Sui: "Sorry about that." kano: "Not at all, it's fine. Sorry for getting in your way. Too bad about the boss, but I'm glad I got to take a look inside the shop." kano: "Let's go, Tetsu." kano: "Thanks, boys." Sui: "Hey, if it's all right with you, would you like to stay for tea and a light meal?" Sui: "Tokitaka-kun, is it all right if we use the tableware you brought?" Tokitaka: "Of course." Sui: "Let's start with this teacup, then." Tokitaka: "Hey, by the way, Sui... What are you going to do for a light meal?" Sui: "I got this. I'll whip something up in no time." Student A: "Group 3's pepper steak is on fire!" Tokitaka: "I'll never forget Sui's tales of triumph during cooking class." Student B: "What the heck are you doing, Kyousui?!" Tokitaka: "Sui, would you please let me cook?" Sui: "Really?" Tokitaka: "I'm good at cooking." Sui: "Thanks, Tokitaka-kun. I owe you." Sui: "Feel free to use anything here." kano: "Sorry for imposing, kid." kano: "Lucky us, huh, Tetsu?" Tetsu: "Yeah." kano: "I'm happy, to be honest, though. I can't believe I get to have tea here again. I usually have coffee, but I'd always have tea when I was here." Sui: "Is that so?" Tetsu: "Grandpa, look, it's a kaiju!" kano: "You're amazing, Tetsu." Tetsu: "Look, now it's an airplane." kano: "Show me more." Sui: "I'm making tea for someone who loved Grandpa's Rokuhoudou." Sui: "If he doesn't like my tea... If I find out that I'm not cut out to take over Rokuhoudou..." Sui: "But..." kano: "It's over now, huh?" Sui: "When I heard him say that, I felt like shouting that I wouldn't have it. I may not be able to make it the same way he did, but I don't want that man to go home feeling empty." Sui: "Here you are. Sencha and Japanese omurice." kano: "Well, this is fancy." kano: "I've never seen grated daikon on omurice before." Sui: "And for you, Tetsurou-kun, milk tea." Tetsu: "Thank you." kano: "The tableware is nice and classy, too." kano: "All right, Tetsu, let's appreciate the meal." Tetsu: "Okay. Time to eat." kano: "The egg's nicely soft-boiled. And what's this? The rice inside is so delicious." Tokitaka: "We had onions and carrots and small fish, so I made small fish butter rice. The sauce is made from noodle soup base." kano: "You're right. There's small fish in here. You're okay with it, Tetsu?" Tokitaka: "Did he not like small fish?" kano: "No, well, he doesn't like fish. He'd never eat even the smallest piece of fish at home." kano: "But look at him." Tokitaka: "Your fish rice is so good, mister. I love it." kano: "Oh, yeah? We'll have to report to Mom about this. Come on, now. I know it's good, but take your time." kano: "So this is the second generation's tea." Tokitaka: "What a pretty sunset." kano: "It's not quite like the boss's." Sui: "Am I not good enough?" kano: "How should I put it..." kano: "It's not as bitter as his. It makes me want more." kano: "Yeah, it goes down easy." kano: "So, with that said, more, please." kano: "Get a grip, man." Sui: "Oh, sorry." Sui: "I thought you might not like it." kano: "Have some confidence." kano: "It doesn't taste the same, but you put care into your work, just like the boss. I love it." Sui: "For a second, when I thought I blew it, my mind went blank." Sui: "But when I knew he liked it, I was so happy, I had the shivers." Tokitaka: "It started with your grandpa's Rokuhoudou," Tokitaka: "but it was the current Rokuhoudou that brought those two smiles." Tokitaka: "Your Rokuhoudou, Sui." Sui: "I think I get it now. It's because of that smile that Grandpa could work every day," Sui: "whether it was sweaty or chilly. "Someday" is never going to come if I keep saying "someday."" Tokitaka: "Sui, so..." Sui: "Thank you very much, too, Tokitaka-kun." Sui: "It's partly thanks to you that the two enjoyed their visit." Tokitaka: "I've always been making tableware," Tokitaka: "but I haven't had much of a chance to see people use it." Tokitaka: "So it was really new to me. The food, the plates... Seeing my work make people happy really is amazing." Sui: "Tokitaka-kun..." Tokitaka: "Hey, if it's all right with you..." Tokitaka: "Is there anything I can help with?" Sui: "Oh, right. I need to let him know, too." Gure: "Hey, you're awake." Gure: "I'm getting back to cleaning." Sui: "Right. I'll be right there." Sui: "Sorry, I dozed off." Tsubaki: "Sui. I've rarely seen you sleep so well." Tsubaki: "Let's finish cleaning and have some sweets." Gure: "Tsubaki-kun's making us some special desserts." Tsubaki: "I never said that. But it's going to be something that's not on the menu." Sui: "Thank you." Gure: "I can't wait for Tsubaki-kun's desserts." Tokitaka: "Sui, can we talk later?" Sui: "It's all clean." Tokitaka: "Sui, uh..." Tokitaka: "I found this while I was cleaning the kitchen." Tokitaka: "Sorry, I might have broken them at some point." Sui: "I didn't know we still had these." Sui: "No, these broke a long time ago. I just couldn't bring myself to throw them out." Sui: "It's been a while since we've had you over, Yakyou." Yakyou: "Yeah..." Sui: "You don't have to go, just because it's the school your dad picked out for you." Sui: "Knowing you..." Sui: "I've been thinking, too." Sui: "Grandpa's slowly teaching me how to make tea right now." Sui: "I want to learn to make tea and coffee like Grandpa does. And someday, I want to run this shop. And then one day, maybe the two of us can..." Sui: "Are you all right? That's your teacup." Yakyou: "You can throw it out." Yakyou: "I'm not coming back." Sui: "Sorry, could you put this back away?" Tokitaka: "Sure." Tsubaki: "Sui, the desserts are ready. Can you make tea?" Sui: "I'll be right there." Tokitaka: "Thank you." Tokitaka: "I hope you can have tea together again." Tsubaki: "Sui. Let's eat here." Gure: "It looks good." Sui: "Sure, sure. Hang on. I'm going to make some tea." Gure: "Yoink." Tsubaki: "Hey!" Sui: "It hasn't been all happy things since we opened Rokuhoudou." Gure: "It's good." Sui: "There's been sad things and important things that happened." Sui: "It's not as though I'm not worried about the future, either. But still," Sui: "all those smiles have kept me going until now." Sui: "If he asked the same question again today..." Sui Grampa: "Kyousui... Do you really love this place that much?" Sui: "I would probably answer the same way." Sui: "Yes." Sui: "Omurice has some depth, doesn't it?" Tsubaki: "What do you mean?" Sui: "Whether it's omusoba or omucurry, it can envelop even strong flavors nicely." Tsubaki: "Maybe I'll try putting Japanese snacks in omurice."
{ "raw_title": "Yotsuiro Biyori Episode 6 – It Begins with Omurice", "parsed": [ "Yotsuiro Biyori", "6", "It Begins with Omurice" ] }