Onoda: "Diving into a futon after a bath is the best." uko: "Nothing beats a post-race soak in the hot springs! The Inter-High sure picks great venues every year!" Onoda: "Some of my lower-body muscles are still sore." Onoda: "The race today was really tough." uko: "Yeah." Onoda: "Oh, sorry! Did that bring back bad thoughts?" Onoda: "Today's finish line..." uko: "It's fine. What's done is done." uko: "I'm sorry for letting you down." Onoda: "That's not..." uko: "I disappointed myself." uko: "When you're disappointed, you must let go and feel as disappointed as you can. Feel disappointed, get pissed off, think of everything you would have done differently, regret it all, cry," uko: "and sleep." uko: "And then, forget it all the next day and snap back." uko: "That's Naruko's flashy snap back technique!" Onoda: "Yeah!" uko: "Ask me anything you want to know! I'm a genius—" Mom: "I'm here, Sakamichi!" uko: "It's Onoda-kun's typhoon mother!" Onoda: "You came again?!" Mom: "Yes, with the same housewife alliance. I wanted to see your race, but the roads were closed, so I just got here. Were they working on the roads or something?" Mom: "So I went to the Toshogu Shrine instead! The Nikkou Tosho Shrine! And I had some yuba tofu skin with soy sauce and wasabi. It's so good! No wonder Nikkou is famous for it!" Onoda: "What did you even come here to do?" Mom: "By the way..." Mom: "I see you're staying in the annex instead of the fancy main hotel." Mom: "Is that because your school isn't private, but prefectural?" Onoda: "D-Don't ask me!" Koga: "Is something going on?" uko: "We're being raided by Onoda-kun's mother." Koga: "Nice to meet you. I'm Koga, a third-year with the cycling club." Aoyagi: "Likewise, I'm Aoyagi." Mom: "The third-years don't look as old this year." Onoda: "Seriously, Mom! What are you even here for?" Mom: "Oh, right! I came to give this to you." Mom: "Here, a tire pump! You forgot it!" Mom: "And..." Mom: "This, too." Mom: "The sun can get in your eyes when you ride, right? So I bought you this!" Aoyagi: "Best..." Koga: "...Boy?" Mom: "Not to worry! I have enough for everyone!" Mom: "If you wear those, you'll recognize your teammates even from afar. It's a great idea, don't you think?" uko: "Y-Yes." Mom: "I'm sorry. I only have five left." Mom: "When we got here..." _Mom: "Oh, dear! Where is the annex? This one is so nice..." _Mom: "Excuse me! Could you give us some directions?" _Manami: "Oh, the annex is down this road. It's dark, so drive carefully." _Mom: "You're such a nice boy! Please accept this. I'm sure it will come in handy." Mom: "I gave him one." Mom: "Yes, I think his shirt said Hakone Academy on it." Mom: "It made me so happy..." Mom: "...when you said you'd work hard this year, too." _Onoda: "I-I'm going to race again at the Inter-High." _Onoda: "I'm going to Nikkou for three days." Mom: "You worked so hard last year," Mom: "but if you work too hard, you might burn yourself out." Mom: "I was worried you'd say you wanted to quit." Mom: "Live up to their expectations." Onoda: "Right." Mom: "I went to the Toshogu Shrine." Onoda: "You just said that!" Mom: "I prayed..." Mom: "...that you would reach the goal for these three days." Onoda: "Yes, thanks!" Mom: "You seem a little more reliable than you were last year." Mom: "You third-years, please take care of Sakamichi!" _Both: "Sure." Mom: "Work hard in your anime club!" Aoyagi: "We're the cycling club." Mom: "Do you sing anime songs out loud, too?" Aoyagi: "No, I don't." Mom: "Okay, do your best! Kakegawa-san, let's head to the inn! They have three baths! How wonderful!" uko: "The goal, eh? It's a long way off. We can't let our guard down, right, Onoda-kun?" Onoda: "Yeah!" uko: "Let's put our hearts into it!" Manami: "This is really cool. She has exquisite taste." Manami: "It'll come in handy, eh?" Manami: "She was at the finish line last year." Manami: "I'm looking forward to tomorrow." Manami: "Let's ride full force when the time comes, Sakamichi-kun." Mizuta: "What? He's gone?" ushimi: "We searched the whole inn, but couldn't find him. His bicycle is gone, too." Mizuta: "Wh-Why?! Why did Midousuji-kun disappear again?!" ushimi: "And Komari... I mean, Kishigami-kun is gone, as well." Mizuta: "I don't care about him!" Mizuta: "Right now, everyone is to look for Midousuji-kun!" ushimi: "Right!" _Midosuji: "...is trash!" Midosuji: "Tomorrow, at dawn, it will begin." Midosuji: "How lovely. I'll overcome every one of those flies. No matter what!" _Midosuji: "Sorry, but I'm quitting the Kyoto Fushimi Bicycle Club today." Yamaguchi: "Midousuji!" _Ishigaki: "Yama, you have to be Midousuji's conscience." _Yamaguchi: "We're going to ride together tomorrow. Come back, Midousuji!" unatsu: "That's your strategy?" Mizuta: "That's right. Kiriya, Funatsu, you two have to catch everyone who breaks away from the pack!" Kiriya: "Uh, that's easier said than done." unatsu: "Catching all of them would be impossible." Mizuta: "You'll do it!" Midosuji: "Mizuta-kun!" unatsu: "Midousuji-san!" Midosuji: "What do you think you're doing? You know not to have a meeting without my permission, correct? You aren't the leader. Y-Yes, Midousuji-kun!" Int_Kiriya: "Kishigami!" Int_Funatsu: "Where has he been?" Kishigami: "What is it?" Kiriya: "N-Nothing." unatsu: "We were wondering where you've been." Kishigami: "Ah." Yamaguchi: "Huh? I see. Okay, I'll head back." Yamaguchi: "Maybe he was just riding to blow off some steam. A false alarm, I guess." Midosuji: "There are two crucial points." Midosuji: "Anyone who falls out of line or doesn't do as I say will get left behind. Ride like your lives depend on it. Tomorrow, we're definitely taking..." Midosuji: "the finish line!" _All: "Yes, sir!" Izumida: "Are you sure, Yuki?" Kuroda: "Yeah." Kuroda: "The Black Cat Deliveryman never dies." Kuroda: "I'm riding tomorrow." Tachibana: "Oh, you're right. It said "Goal" yesterday, but now it says "Start."" Kanzaki: "Yep." Tachibana: "They're going to have another day of that long battle." Tachibana: "The third-years, the first-year, Naruko, Imaizumi-kun, and four-eyes." Kanzaki: "Yes." Kanzaki: "It's a battle they only have one shot at." Tachibana: "I hope they can pull it off." Kanzaki: "Yes." Kanzaki: "The second day of the Inter-High is about to start." Guy: "Hey, the riders are coming out! It's Hakone Academy!" Dobashi: "What's with that lame hat, Manami?" Manami: "Like it? It was a present." Shinkai: "People sure like giving you things, Manami-san." Manami: "You can't have it." Dobashi: "I don't want it!" Ashikiba: "Are you sure you won't give it away, Manami?" Manami: "Yes, of course not." Dobashi: "Sounds like someone wants it!" Kuroda: "That's enough goofing around." Guy: "It's Kuroda! He fell yesterday while pushing their ace's back. Is he gonna ride? Look, there's Izumida, too!" Guy: "All six of them are here! What an impressive aura! They'll be this year's champions, Hakone Academy!" Izumida: "Abs, Yuki!" Kuroda: "We won all of the tags! But that's yesterday's news!" Kuroda: "We'll win them today, too!" Kuroda: "Don't get a big head! Let's go, Hakone Academy!" _All: "Right!" Guy: "Getting first place in a road race changes your world overnight." Guy: "What's that supposed to mean? There's a saying like that!" Guy: "Whether by coincidence or luck, victory means that much. And of course, it's a victory at the Inter-High." Guy: "They have all of the colored tags. It gives them a powerful presence." Onoda: "What is it? Hakone Academy seem different from yesterday." uko: "Yeah, they're pumped up. That's the strength of those who made good on their word." Imaizumi: "We have to watch out, or they'll start to control the race." Imaizumi: "But even so, we won't lose." uko: "This is good. The chase is always more exciting." Onoda: "Yeah, let's ride with everything we've got!" Onoda: "I didn't zip my bag shut!" Imaizumi: "You brought this stuff to a race?" uko: "You sure you need that, Onoda-kun?" Onoda: "It helps me calm down before I go to sleep." uko: "I guess you do!" Onoda: "Oh, there it is. Thank goodness." Shinkai: "They say everyone who goes to see you after hearing the rumors doesn't recognize you, and I guess that must be true." Shinkai: "Click." Shinkai: "Kawhap!" Shinkai: "That was how my brother said he'd beat someone. Huh? Maybe it was "kapow" instead of "kawhap."" Shinkai: "You know my brother, Shinkai Hayato, right? Hayato-kun?" Onoda: "Shinkai-san?" Shinkai: "My name's Yuto." Shinkai: "I'm a first-year." Onoda: "Thank you." Shinkai: "My team doesn't know this, but..." Shinkai: "I came to the Inter-High to challenge you." Shinkai: "I was ordered to stop you if you made a move in the mountains yesterday." Shinkai: "Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance." Shinkai: "Let's race at some point today." Onoda: "R-Race?" Shinkai: "Is your answer yes, Mountain King?" Onoda: ""Mountain King"?" Shinkai: "It's your nickname." _Makishima: "My nickname is the Peak Spider!" Onoda: "A nickname? For me? That's great news! Mountain King, you said?" Onoda: "Is that like "see-king" mountains to climb?" Onoda: "That's not bad at all! But, an animal... A name with a bug in it would have been nice." Shinkai: "No, the supreme king of the mountain, the ruler of its peak." Onoda: "The king?" Shinkai: "You're strong. Even yesterday, you broke through several teams, climbed the mountain, and caught up to the leading pack at the end." Onoda: "N-No, Imaizumi-kun just said I could go. And Teshima-san helped me, too. I didn't do anything that great." Onoda: "But..." Onoda: "I would really prefer an animal nickname." Guy: "Hey, #16 from Hakone Academy and the Mountain King are talking! Do they know each other? Let's get a picture!" Shinkai: "I don't want people talking about this, so I'll be going. Let's talk on the road." Onoda: "Um, Shinkai-kun...." Shinkai: "Oh, yeah. You didn't give me an answer to my challenge. It's "yes," right?" Onoda: "Oh, not that." Onoda: "Do you have a nickname, too?" Shinkai: "Yes, I do. It's not that famous yet, though." Shinkai: "The Peak Hornet." Onoda: "Peak... Hornet?" Shinkai: "It'll hurt if I sting you." uko: "Onoda-kun, time to go!" Imaizumi: "We'll lose our warm-up time." Onoda: "Oh, right." _Teshima: "We don't have a single second to spare in today's race!" _Teshima: "All six of us will ride..." _Teshima: "for the second day of the Inter-High!" Guy: "Good luck!" Kuroda: "Ow..." Manami: "Here!" Kuroda: "That hurts! Knock it off!" Kuroda: "Don't laugh!" Ashikiba: "Yuki-chan, you need to soak up to your shoulders." Izumida: "Yuki, you must relieve your fatigue so you can race tomorrow."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Glory Line Episode 7 – Footsteps of Hope", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Glory Line", "7", "Footsteps of Hope" ] }
: "Hakone Academy! Go!" : "Go, Sohoku! Kyoto Fushimi!" Kaburagi: "Huh?" Teshima: "Kaburagi, how are you feeling?" Kaburagi: "Huh? What was that?" Kaburagi: "I can't hear anything over the crowd!" Teshima: "You seem pretty nervous." Kaburagi: "Nervous? About the Inter-High? As if!" Teshima: "Your anger's misplaced..." Sakamichi: "I-Is Kaburagi-kun okay?" Aoyagi: "He collapsed yesterday. He's experienced firsthand that the Inter-High is bigger than he thought." Kaburagi: "I'm pathetic." Kaburagi: "I can't believe I collapsed. Damn it." Aoyagi: "I thought you didn't need to worry. Isn't God on your side?" Kaburagi: "Yeah, but..." Aoyagi: "He's not denying it." Aoyagi: "Kaburagi..." Kaburagi: "Huh? What was that, Aoyagi?" Teshima: "Hey, watch your mouth." Aoyagi: "These are for you." Kaburagi: "G-God's stationery? Why do you have those? So many of them, too! Please... Aoyagi. Give those... ...to me!" Kaburagi: "What's your problem? Aren't they for me?" Aoyagi: "I was told to give them to you at the appropriate time." Kaburagi: "What does "appropriate" mean?" Aoyagi: "It means under the right circumstances." Aoyagi: "First, calm yourself." Kaburagi: "Got it!" Kaburagi: "I've regained my composure." Aoyagi: "Good." Kaburagi: "Now, give me the notes." Aoyagi: "I'll give them to you if you follow me." Kaburagi: "You cheapskate, Aoyagi!" Teshima: "You mean, "Aoyagi-san."" Kaburagi: "Sorry." Aoyagi: "Follow me. Don't fall behind." Kaburagi: "Piece of cake." Imaizumi: "Let's go! It's the second day!" Imaizumi: "We won't lose today!" uko: "You're here, hotshot?" Imaizumi: "I'm here, Naruko." Teshima: "The Inter-High follows special rules. We start in the order we finished." Teshima: "Yesterday we finished three minutes and 15 seconds after first." Teshima: "Today we start three minutes and 15 seconds behind." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Kaburagi: "Why are you stopping me?" Kaburagi: "They already left! Let's go! Aoyagi, come on!" Aoyagi: "How many times did I tell you we start in the order we finished?" Kaburagi: "What?" Sakamichi: "Kaburagi-kun..." Teshima: "Onoda..." Teshima: "Before we start, I should thank you for rescuing me in the mountains." Teshima: "Thanks to you, I'm here to see this sight." Ref: "Starting in ten seconds." Teshima: "Just seeing this makes my hair stand on end. This view from the second day's starting line." Teshima: "Cycling really is the best." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Manami: "Huh?" Manami: "You're back, Teshima-san." Teshima: "Hey, Manami." Manami: "You were exhausted." Teshima: "And who did that to me?" Teshima: "I recovered as only an ordinary man can. Recovery is key in multi-stage races." Manami: "I'm excited to see how you do." Teshima: "The race has started! Does everyone remember their orders?" All: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "Let's go over the second day's course." Teshima: "The race starts at yesterday's finish line. We'll ride north on National Route 120, which cuts through Senjougahara at 1,400 meters above sea level. The long, winding climb begins shortly after the starting line, and rises to approximately 1,800 meters." Teshima: "The road leads to the Konsei Pass and the Konsei Tunnel." Teshima: "After clearing the pass, we'll enter a long downhill." Teshima: "Past the ski slope and lake is a downhill-sloping flat road. We'll pass by the scenic Fukiware Falls," Teshima: "through Numata City where Route 120 ends, then keep on riding." Teshima: "It's the longest stage of the three-day race." Teshima: "Imaizumi, meet up with Naruko immediately." Both: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "The rest of us will follow. The mountains begin shortly after we start. Onoda..." Teshima: "Climb as hard as you can and catch up to Imaizumi and Naruko!" Onoda: "Yes, sir!" Onoda: "Those are practically the same orders I got last year." Teshima: "To be honest, Sohoku is barely hanging on. But we have two advantages going into the second day." 1: "It's the leading pack!" 2: "Two Sohoku riders are in front!" Teshima: "First, we have two guys in the front. Imaizumi and Naruko had nearly the same times yesterday. They'll be able to meet up immediately." Teshima: "Together, they'll be able to keep the other teams in check." Teshima: "And if they use a rotation, they can conserve their strength. In other words, we can move the front at our own pace." uko: "Now this makes it easy to ride. Try to catch up quickly, Teshima-san!" Teshima: "The other advantage is..." Sakamichi: "We've entered the mountains! I'm moving up!" Teshima: "We're counting on you, Onoda!" Teshima: "Our other advantage isn't certain. It depends on what Hakone Academy does. If Hakone Academy slows its pace when we enter the mountains, move up and pedal as hard as you can. It'll be our chance to get ahead of Hakone Academy." Sakamichi: "Hakone Academy isn't slowing down." Teshima: "Not yet." Kaburagi: "Teshima-san, weren't your orders this morning too vague? Move up if Hakone Academy slows down? Why would they ever do that?" Sakamichi: "Hakone Academy is accelerating!" Teshima: "Don't fall behind, Onoda!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "If we fall behind now, having two riders in front and our other chances will go up in smoke!" Sakamichi: "Hakone Academy is accelerating again!" Teshima: "Don't let them get away, Onoda!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "Soon. They'll slow down soon. That's what I would do." Teshima: "We need to make them slow down! Try to get ahead of Hakone Academy, even if it's just for a second! Once we make it past that turn..." Teshima: "Pull as hard as you can!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Sakamichi: "They..." Kaburagi: "You can't be serious! What's going on? Are they already exhausted?" Aoyagi: "No!" Teshima: "Go, Onoda! Now's our chance to get ahead!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Kaburagi: "They actually slowed down." Teshima: "It's what I would do." Teshima: "Hakone Academy has one more, Kuroda, left on their team!" Teshima: "Kuroda didn't move for a while after he fell before the finish line. He finished after we did." Teshima: "Kuroda is part of Hakone Academy's chain of command." Teshima: "They'll want him to ride with them." Kaburagi: "Wow..." Teshima: "That's how I knew they would slow down. If we pass Hakone Academy and keep up this pace, Sohoku will have an overwhelming advantage!" Kaburagi: "I thought they were exhausted." Kaburagi: "Whoops! I spaced out. I could never fall behind here." Sakamichi: "Teshima-san, is this pace okay? We'll be able to group up with the others soon." Teshima: "Yeah. Keep it up, Onoda!" Kaburagi: "Huh? What?" Teshima: "Onoda, let's switch." Onoda: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "We can stay ahead of them while they're picking up Kuroda! Let's get our team together before they do!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "What's wrong, Kaburagi? I can't hear you! Are you keeping—" Kaburagi: "What is it?" Kaburagi: "I answered." Kaburagi: "We're headed for the front, right? Let's get ahead of Hakone Academy and that pig." Teshima: "All right. I like your enthusiasm. It'll be hard, but make sure you keep up." Kaburagi: "Who do you think you're talking to? I'm the genius all-rounder Kaburagi Issa!" Teshima: "Sounds promising." Kaburagi: "Huh? What?" Kaburagi: "What?" Kaburagi: "Why are my feet on the ground? I can't get left behind here. This isn't good." Kaburagi: "I'm Kaburagi Issa, the man who will make Sohoku stronger. I'm secretly aiming to stand on the highest point of the final winner's podium. Damn it!" Aoyagi: "Are you keeping up? It seemed like you were falling behind." Kaburagi: "What? You must be seeing things! Are you sure you don't need glasses?" Aoyagi: "I see." Rider 1: "Hakone Academy's fallen back to the pack?" Rider 2: "What's going on? Is someone not feeling well?" Rider 3: "Doesn't look that way to me." Rider 4: "Are they waiting for #12 so their whole team can ride together?" Rider 5: "So they slowed down and fell back to the pack?" Izumida: "Everyone's here now. Let's go. Abs ready..." Izumida: "Go!" Rider 3: "Hakone Academy's charging ahead! They're fast!" Rider 4: "There's still only five of them, but it's like all six of them are there!" Rider 6: "The second day's going to get crazy. Sohoku's trying to stay ahead as four! Hakone Academy's chasing from behind as five!" Aoyagi: "You look pale." Kaburagi: "What? I'm fine. Maybe it's the light. Seriously, I'm great." Kaburagi: "Piece of cake." Kuroda: "Sorry, Touichirou." Izumida: "We only did what made sense, Yuki." Izumida: "We're stronger this way!" Manami: "Welcome back, Kuroda-san." Kuroda: "Thanks, Manami. Have you been good?" Doubashi: "Don't drawl. You're not serious enough, Manami." Izumida: "Too bad. You're not the ones who will catch up to the front first." Kaburagi: "Damn, no way! Hakone Academy? No! No!" Kaburagi: "Kaburagi Issa, you left Hakone Academy behind! Don't let them pass you!" Kaburagi: "What am I doing? What am I doing?" Kaburagi: "Damn it. I suddenly felt tired and fell behind the team." Kaburagi: "I only meant to rest for a second, but I stepped off my bike and stopped. If I get left behind Hakone Academy, my race will be over! No! It's not over yet!" Kaburagi: "The pig's wheel..." Kaburagi: "I have a request, pig. Take me to the front." Kaburagi: "I'm your enemy. I know you don't like having me behind you. But... I don't want it to end yet! Let me ride here. Please, pig!" Doubashi: "That's your pride? Sticking to your opponent's behind like crap, you want an easy ride to the best part, so you can fight against us? Does your pride permit that?" Kaburagi: "No! Of course not! But this is the only way! I don't want to do this! But my limbs are numb and won't move the way I want them to!" Kaburagi: "I want to keep riding in the Inter-High! Please!" Doubashi: "Then don't bother. You wouldn't be able to keep up with Hakone Academy's pace anyway." Doubashi: "You're a first-year, right? I'm a second-year. We'll race again next year in a head-to-head battle!" Kaburagi: "Hey, wait! Wait, pig!" Doubashi: "Bowing your head to your enemy, abandoning your pride, and frantically searching for a lifeline..." Doubashi: "I don't mind guys like you." Yuto: "#6, Sohoku's Kaburagi Issa, has fallen." Izumida: "Yeah." Izumida: "It only took a second." Sakamichi: "Kabu..." Teshima: "I was so focused on catching up, I didn't notice." Teshima: "How long?" Teshima: "How long has Kaburagi been missing?" Teshima: "Did he fall behind on the way here?" Sakamichi: "M-Maybe there's something wrong with his bike. Like a flat tire." Teshima: "No, then he'd shout." Teshima: "We've done it countless times in practice. I told him to report any issues." Sakamichi: "M-Maybe he's not feeling well." Sakamichi: "But during this morning's meeting..." Teshima: "It'll affect our strategy. Notify me if you don't feel well." Kaburagi: "Piece of cake." Teshima: "He likes to show off. He was just acting fine in front of us." Sakamichi: "He could've told me or Imaizumi-kun..." Teshima: "Koga said lone first-years try to take on everything themselves at the Inter-High. Not having a classmate you can talk to and being a first-year on top of that" Teshima: "puts an incredible amount of pressure on you." Teshima: "So much is expected of them. They're given orders, made to fight in an Inter-High they know nothing about, and pushed to their physical and mental limits. But they still desperately work to meet expectations." Koga: "That's how it is." Koga: "They're so overwhelmed, they don't listen to their own bodies." Koga: "They only notice later, once they've suffered damage. Just like I did." Koga: "Watch Kaburagi closely." Koga: "He's a reckless idiot." Koga: "He's just like I used to be." Sakamichi: "As a first-year, Kaburagi-kun was doing the best he could on his own. In that case..." Sakamichi: "We have to go help him!" Sakamichi: "Let me help him, Teshima-san! I'll drop back and bring him back to the team!" Teshima: "Don't go, Onoda!" Teshima: "Don't. You can't fall back. I won't allow you to help him." Sakamichi: "What?" Teshima: "We'll catch up to the front. That's our top priority!" Teshima: "We were lucky to get ahead of Hakone Academy. Lucky! We'll use this opportunity to get our team together first!" Teshima: "If Hakone Academy gets all six members together first, we won't stand a chance!" Sakamichi: "I'm saying I'll go alone! I promise I'll bring him back! So—" Teshima: "No!" Teshima: "It was the second day when you brought Tadokoro-san back to the team last year, too. Is that why you think you can do it? It's different now, Onoda. Get that through your head." Teshima: "You're in a different position from last year. You're #1, last year's champion! Not having #1 leading your team is like night and day!" Teshima: "Who will stop Manami if he attacks? Who will chase after Shinkai if he attacks?" Teshima: "Some moves can be stopped just by having #1 there." Teshima: "You have a job to do." Teshima: "You can't do what you want like you did last year." Sakamichi: "Then Kaburagi-kun... Kaburagi-kun, who worked so hard during the first day's sprint..." Teshima: "We'll leave him behind." Sakamichi: "Let's at least wait! We can drop our pace, so Kaburagi-kun can catch up!" Teshima: "We can't." Sakamichi: "We can!" Teshima: "No. We can't, Onoda." Teshima: "Look. Hakone Academy's right behind us!" Teshima: "We'll catch up to the rest of the team! Eyes forward, everyone!" Teshima: "Face forward!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Aoyagi: "Junta, I just remembered I have something to do." Aoyagi: "Can I drop back?" Aoyagi: "I forgot an idiot behind us."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Glory Line Episode 8 – Second Day, Start!!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Glory Line", "8", "Second Day, Start!!" ] }
Aoyagi: "Junta, I just remembered I have something to do." Aoyagi: "Can I drop back?" Aoyagi: "I forgot an idiot behind us." Teshima: "You can't! Hakone Academy is approaching! We can't lose anyone else!" Aoyagi: "I promise, I'll bring him back." Teshima: "Makishima-san must've said the same thing to Onoda last year." Teshima: "Dropping back is easy. But bringing someone back with you takes twice as much strength. It's a gamble." Teshima: "And we're 1,800 meters up in the mountains. You're a sprinter. You can't do it. Letting you go back to save him now" Teshima: "would be the same as losing two members of our six-man team." Aoyagi: "We'll be stronger with all six of us." Aoyagi: "I'm bringing him back." Teshima: "Aoyagi, I can give you about seven more reasons why your choice is reckless. Wanna hear them?" Aoyagi: "No, I'm good." Teshima: "You're going, then?" Aoyagi: "I'm going." Teshima: "Then this is goodbye." Sakamichi: "A-Aoyagi-san... You're going to rescue Kaburagi-kun and come back, right?" Aoyagi: "There are no certainties in road racing. Junta's right. This is reckless." Aoyagi: "You must always be prepared for your plans to fail." Teshima: "We're third-years. This is our last race." Teshima: "If you can't make it back, this will be the last time we ride together." Teshima: "Thanks for riding with me these last three years, Hajime." Teshima: "Our two-man team was the greatest." Aoyagi: "Yeah, Junta." Both: "I made it this far because of you." Sakamichi: "Aoyagi-san!" Aoyagi: "Don't look back, Onoda. Ride with Junta and reach the front before Hakone Academy. Support Imaizumi and Naruko as best you can." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Aoyagi: "That's your job!" Sakamichi: "Yes!" Aoyagi: "Junta, tell me one last thing. Those seven more reasons my choice is reckless... Is there an eighth?" Teshima: "What? The eighth? There's..." Teshima: "There is one." Teshima: "It's a tiny shred of hope!" Aoyagi: "Then pray the eighth turns out to be true, Junta!" Sakamichi: "Aoyagi-san's been swallowed by Hakone Academy!" Teshima: "I know! Face forward! We'll catch them first! Raise the pace!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Yuto: "Sohoku's second rider has fallen." Kaburagi: "Damn it! I feel weak. Why?" Obori: "I'm Fukuoka Josei's Obori!" Obori: "You were showing off during yesterday's sprint, Sohoku's Kaburagi! And now you're mine!" Kaburagi: "You can't catch me!" Obori: "I will!" Teshima: "Kaburagi probably won't be able to group up with Aoyagi right away." Sakamichi: "What?" Teshima: "He's too far behind. He may be trying to rescue him, but at the very least, Kaburagi will have to reach Aoyagi on his own." Teshima: "If his spirit is broken, and he's stopped moving, they'll never meet up." Sakamichi: "B-But..." Teshima: "He'll be fine if someone's there to give him a push." Teshima: "But that won't happen. Before we started, nobody noticed that he wasn't feeling well." Koga: "Don't stop, Kaburagi!" Kaburagi: "Huh?" Koga: "Keep moving forward!" Koga: "Put your feet on the pedals. The race isn't over yet." Kaburagi: "Koga-san?" Kaburagi: "Huh? What?" Kaburagi: "What are you doing here? Did you warp here? Cast a magic spell?" Koga: "There's no time to talk. Focus on the race. Put your feet on the pedals." Koga: "Move forward, Kaburagi! Don't stop!" Koga: "You must always move forward in a road race." Koga: "Standing still is the same as forfeiting. If you abandon the Inter-High now... I'll make sure you pay for it!" Koga: "Move!" Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Koga: "No matter what happens, keep moving forward, Kaburagi!" Kaburagi: "Yes!" Sugimoto: "Koga-san, the van is leaving soon." Koga: "Go on without me." Sugimoto: "Huh?" Koga: "I'll stay here." Sugimoto: "What? Why do you want us to leave without you?" Koga: "There's something bothering me." Koga: "You take command of the feed zone, Sugimoto." Sugimoto: "What? Wait a minute. What do you..." Koga: ""I've been worried about Kaburagi since this morning." It'd be a disaster if I said that, and it turned out to be true." Toji: "You're staying?" Koga: "I imagined the worst case scenario." Toji: "For the team, huh? If you stay now, you won't make it to the feed zone." Koga: "Sorry for being stubborn." Koga: "Let this hike have been a waste of time, Kaburagi." Koga: "If you can't move..." Koga: "Then I'll push you!" Kaburagi: "A short push is fine, but a long push from anyone other than another rider is against the rules. I'll be penalized." Koga: "Then I'll push little by little. That shouldn't be a problem." Koga: "Supporting you as best we can is our job!" Kaburagi: "Sorry, Koga-san! Thank you!" Koga: "Believe that you'll rejoin the team!" Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Koga: "Imagine yourself returning to form as you ride!" Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Koga: "Keep racing and grow with everything you've got! I know you can do it!" Koga: "You have the most potential!" Kaburagi: "Huh?" Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Kaburagi: "Imagine, imagine, imagine!" Kaburagi: "Imagine your recovery!" Ref: "Slow riders, please move to the left!" Kaburagi: "Huh?" Ref: "The pack is coming through!" Kaburagi: "The pack... passed us." Koga: "In an instant..." Koga: "Go, Kaburagi! You can still make it! Your teammate is waiting for you!" Koga: "Tie your sash of wishes to his!" Kaburagi: "Huh?" Koga: "Go, Kaburagi!" Koga: "Connect that thread of hope!" Kaburagi: "Koga-san, thank you!" Kaburagi: "Huh?" Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san?" Aoyagi: "That's right." Kaburagi: "Seriously?" Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san..." Kaburagi: "You were riding in front of us during the chase, so we could reach the front. But you're..." Aoyagi: "That's right." Kaburagi: "You're a third-year. This is your last Inter-high." Kaburagi: "But you're here now, which means..." Aoyagi: "That's right." Kaburagi: "You fell behind the team, too?" Kaburagi: "Did you fall behind the team, too?" Aoyagi: "No!" Aoyagi: "Can't you tell from the situation? I was waiting for you!" Kaburagi: "The situation?" Aoyagi: "Wait. Why do you look like you feel sorry for me?" Kaburagi: "Oh, no. I understand. I get it." Kaburagi: "You don't want to admit that you fell behind the team. You're desperately trying to save face." Kaburagi: "I was hoping you were Onoda-san or Teshima-san." Aoyagi: "It doesn't matter. Follow me." Aoyagi: "Let's go, Kaburagi!" Aoyagi: "We're going to reach the team at the front together!" Kaburagi: "Seriously? You and me?" Aoyagi: "That's right. It'll be hard, but we'll do it." Aoyagi: "So follow me. Don't fall behind." Aoyagi: "No complaining." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Aoyagi: "Supersonic Oxygen Muscle Climb!" Kaburagi: "You're knitting your brows. You look pained, Aoyagi." Kaburagi: "You called it your "Muscle Climb," but your pace has fallen so quickly." Kaburagi: "Then I don't have a choice, Aoyagi!" Okutani: "See that? Sohoku's already lost two of their riders." Kawamoto: "They were doing so well yesterday. Maybe they're just not that good this year." Yamagiwa: "Enough, Kawamoto, Okutani." Okutani: "Yamagiwa-san..." Yamagiwa: "#4 is trying to bring their out-of-form #6 back to the team." Okutani: "What? From back there?" Kawamoto: "But that's impossible." Yamagiwa: "Maybe." Yamagiwa: "But last year they won from #170." Yamagiwa: "I think..." Yamagiwa: "Sohoku might be strongest when they're facing adversity." Kaburagi: "I don't have a choice!" Aoyagi: "What are you doing, Kaburagi? Why are you pulling? Fall back! I'll pull!" Kaburagi: "Look at you showing off and pushing yourself. Fine, then. I'll pull, too!" Aoyagi: "Hey, listen!" Kaburagi: "I'm fine. I feel a little better now. Koga-san gave me power. "Grow." "You have great potential."" Kaburagi: "You should quit showing off and rest behind me, Aoyagi." Kaburagi: "You're a lot of trouble, Aoyagi." Kaburagi: "Are you keeping up, Aoyagi?" Aoyagi: "Yeah." Aoyagi: "I'm a little surprised, though." Kaburagi: "By what? The view?" Kaburagi: "The view is nice." Kaburagi: "Aoyagi, how are you feeling?" Aoyagi: "Like I've been saying, I feel great." Kaburagi: "There you go again. You can be honest with me." Kaburagi: "Breathe with me! Ready and..." Kawamoto: "But isn't one of Sohoku's riders out of sorts?" Yamagiwa: "That's right. The unexpected doesn't happen. If they're able to catch up to the pack, it'll be in a style that defies common sense." Rider A: "Someone's coming up from behind!" Rider B: "It's the two Sohoku riders!" Okutani: "Th-The redhead is in front!" Kawamoto: "Isn't it the other way around? Didn't #4 go to save him?" Kaburagi: "I see them! It's the pack that passed us earlier!" Kaburagi: "We caught up to them!" Kaburagi: "We're almost there! Once we catch up and enter the pack, you'll be able to rest, Aoyagi!" Kaburagi: "Docking!" Rider C: "Sohoku returned to the pack!" Rider D: "But they were stopped earlier! Seriously?" Rider E: "Who are those guys?" Kaburagi: "We joined the pack..." Aoyagi: "Did you feel exhausted for a second?" Kaburagi: "What? N-No. I was just looking at a rare bug on the ground." Aoyagi: "What kind of bug?" Kaburagi: "Huh? Uh, kinda like a rhinoceros beetle or a stag beetle. It's called a rhinostag beetle." Kaburagi: "Anyway, you should get some rest, Aoyagi." Aoyagi: "Yeah, you should." Aoyagi: "Let's move up, Kaburagi!" Kaburagi: "Huh?" Aoyagi: "I get it. We're counting our opponents." Kaburagi: "Huh?" Kaburagi: "Kyoto Fushimi's not in the pack." Kaburagi: "This isn't good. Did I notice first?" Aoyagi: "That doesn't matter." Kaburagi: "So you agree it was me, then?" Aoyagi: "They have #116 this year, too." Aoyagi: "If they meet up with Midousuji..." Komari: "M-Muscles!" Aoyagi: "Sohoku will be at a massive disadvantage!" Aoyagi: "The other strong teams are missing, too." Kaburagi: "Then we don't have time to rest, Aoyagi!" Aoyagi: "I could say the same thing to you." Kaburagi: "We're ditching this pack, Aoyagi!" Rider C: "Sohoku's pulling ahead!" Aoyagi: "Did you see a rare bug?" Sakamichi: "What? They won't be able to escape the pack?" Teshima: "Yeah, even if they do make it to the pack." Teshima: "Leaving the pack is fairly difficult." Teshima: "That's reason four of seven that his choice was reckless." Sakamichi: "Is it really impossible?" Teshima: "It's a different story if he's made special preparations." Sakamichi: "Special preparations?" Aoyagi: "Kaburagi, do you want to leave the pack, no matter what?" Kaburagi: "Of course, damn it." Aoyagi: "What if there was a way?" Kaburagi: "Huh?" Kaburagi: "Do you have something?" Aoyagi: "I wasn't expecting to use this here." Kaburagi: "I'll do anything. Tell me!" Aoyagi: "It's this." Kaburagi: "G-God's stationery?" Kaburagi: "I knew God would come through. He's written a hint on it. The princess...?" Aoyagi: "Those are the lyrics to a certain song." Kaburagi: ""You are the princess"?" Kaburagi: "Hikki the Third, grow up big and strong!" Aoyagi: "Hey." Kaburagi: "Huh?" Aoyagi: "What are you doing?" Kaburagi: "Wait!" Kaburagi: "Hey! What was that for? What about my Hikki-san? You idiot!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Glory Line Episode 9 – Sash of Wishes", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Glory Line", "9", "Sash of Wishes" ] }
Kinjou: "Onoda, carry our team up this slope to the leaders!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Kinjou: "Good work." Kinjou: "Yeah." uko: "That was super awesome, Onoda-kun!" Sakamichi: "Thanks." Sakamichi: "But I can't ride anymore. I'm dropping—" uko: "Onoda-kun..." uko: "Hotshot!" Imaizumida: "No. I won't allow it." Imaizumi: "We're going to the third day! We're going to see the finish line!" Imaizumi: "Don't make those words a lie." Imaizumi: "But if you say you can't ride and your legs won't move anymore..." Imaizumi: "...then I'll take you to the finish line!" Kinjou: "It's on, Hakone Academy... ...and Kyoto Fushimi!" Kinjou: "Bring it on. Let's settle, once and for all, who the kings of the second day are!" Toudou: "Fall back, Manami!" Toudou: "I'll pull!" Tadokoro: "Switch with me, Makishima." Tadokoro: "Let me pull." Tadokoro: "I came here for the team." Makishima: "On a climb?" Tadokoro: "It's gotta be done." Tadokoro: "Fear us, Hakone Academy!" Tadokoro: "This is the famous Sohoku..." Tadokoro: "...human bullet train!" uko: "Old man!" uko: "I'll help you!" Tadokoro: "Don't push yourself too hard, redhead!" uko: "Same goes to you!" Midousuji: "Looks like we should start early." Midousuji: "Put phase 49 in motion." Mizuta: "What?" Ishigaki: "49!" : "The aces and assistants are pulling ahead!" Kinjou: "Can you do it, Imaizumi?" Imaizumi: "Yes, sir!" Kinjou: "Let's go! It's the final battle!" Imaizumi: "Yes, sir!" ukutomi: "Come, Kinjou! Rise!" B: "What's wrong?" C: "Hakone Academy's only sending one!" Midousuji: "Kyoto Fushimi's phase 49... ...is blocking the assistants!" Arakita: "What?" D: "Sohoku sent their ace and assistant for the last four kilometers..." E: "But Hakone Academy only sent the ace!" Mizuta: "An ace can't compete at the finish line alone." Mizuta: "Ace assistant #2, I won't let you go anywhere!" Mizuta: "Arakita-san!" Arakita: "Get outta the way, you annoying brat! What are you, a fly?" Mizuta: "A fly? I could ask you the same thing, Hakone Academy!" Mizuta: "The new champions..." Mizuta: "...are us!" F: "Kyoto Fushimi's rising!" G: "It's the man with all the number tags, #91! It's Midousuji, the ace!" H: "Where'd he come from?" I: "He was hiding behind Sohoku!" Arakita: "Kyoto Fushimi!" Mizuta: "Wh-Why do I have to do phase 49? You've got Ishigaki-san and Tsuji-kun!" Mizuta: "I'm taking the ace to the finish line!" Mizuta: "I'm Kyoto Fushimi's first launch pad!" Midousuji: "Mizuta-kun, I expect great things from you." Mizuta: "What?" Midousuji: "You smell different from the others." Midousuji: "I secretly believe you may be like me." Midousuji: "You'll do it, won't you, Mizuta-kun? Do a good job here, and next year's ace will be..." Mizuta: "I won't let him through!" Mizuta: "I won't let you pass!" Mizuta: "Champion Kyoto Fushimi's..." Mizuta: "...new ace is me, Mizuta Nobuyuki!" Mizuta: "I'm the ace!" ukutomi: "Kyoto Fushimi!" Midousuji: "Are you sure your assistant isn't a little worn out? Our Mizuta is holding him back." ukutomi: "You're right." ukutomi: "I asked Arakita to assist our assistant for the second day." ukutomi: "He must be exhausted from pulling him." Mizuta: "I won't let the assistant through!" Arakita: "You idiot. What are you talking about, you Midousuji goon?" Arakita: "I'm not the ace assistant today!" Mizuta: "Huh?" Mizuta: "What?" Arakita: "Sheesh. Look, the climb's over! Go on. Fuku-chan's waiting!" Arakita: "I carried you this far. You'd better not lose." Shinaki: "I know. Thanks." Midousuji: "Ishigaki-kun, ride as hard as you can!" ukutomi: "Rise..." ukutomi: "...Shinkai!" J: "He's so fast!" K: "Hakone Academy's second day assistant isn't Arakita!" L: "It's #4, their ace sprinter!" L: "It's Shinkai!" ukutomi: "You're late." Shinkai: "There was some traffic on the road." ukutomi: "Can you ride, Shinkai? Sohoku and Kyoto Fushimi have pulled far ahead." Shinkai: "No problem, Juichi." Shinkai: "It'll just be 20 seconds!" Shinkai: "Go!" N: "#4's so fast!" D: "They're catching up!" Shinkai: "Ten seconds!" Shinkai: "We meet again, Midousuji-kun!" Midousuji: "Go! Harder, pedal harder!" Ishigaki: "Yes, sir!" Midousuji: "Pedal!" Shinkai: "Fifteen seconds... ...with five to spare." Midousuji: "Pull like you mean it, Ishigaki-kun! It's a downhill! Can't you go faster?" Shinkai: "Don't be so impatient, Midousuji-kun." Shinkai: "The race isn't over." Shinkai: "Let's enjoy the tension before the finish line." Midousuji: "Wh-What are you, a zombie?" Shinkai: "Just..." Shinkai: "...20 seconds, exactly!" Shinkai: "Sorry, but we're winning this time." Midousuji: "You trash!" Shinkai: "Sorry, Sohoku, but we won't..." Shinkai: "...lose to you, either!" P: "He's falling!" Q: "And at downhill speed! Watch out!" R: "Did he hit it on purpose?" S: "No way!" T: "He did it to regain his posture!" U: "Amazing!" Imaizumi: "Midousuji, I don't care" Imaizumi: "about you anymore." Imaizumi: "I wouldn't have made it this far without my team." Imaizumi: "That's why..." Imaizumi: "...I'll do the greatest job here." Imaizumi: "I..." Imaizumi: "Kinjou-san, come on!" Imaizumi: "I'll pull you to the finish line!" Kinjou: "Yeah!" Midousuji: "He's no zaku, huh?" Midousuji: "Ishigaki-kun." Midousuji: "Cancel all phases. From here on out, we'll adjust our plan according to the situation." Midousuji: "Three kilometers left. In the face of champions and their kind, silly little plans won't work." Midousuji: "Ishigaki-kun, let's go." Midousuji: "No more cliched tricks." Midousuji: "It's a battle..." Midousuji: "...of strength..." Midousuji: "...versus strength!" Teshima: "All the members of Sohoku should have met up and be finishing the climb around now." Toji: "Yeah. Imaizumi and Kinjou must be headed for the finish line. Route 139 is a gentle climb up the west side of Mt. Fuji, heading into Yamanashi after reaching its peak at 978 meters." Toji: "Beyond that waits a continuous stretch of technical curves." Toji: "The second day's finish line is here at Lake Motosu." Toji: "They should be entering a grueling downhill battle now." A: "Sohoku cut to the inside on the curve and took the lead!" B: "Sohoku's in the lead!" C: "#175 is amazing!" A: "There are three kilometers left!" A: "He's pedaling hard downhill!" B: "No way. He's so fast! How fast is he going?" C: "Sohoku's pulling ahead!" Shinkai: "I can see you're determined from your riding..." Shinkai: "...Sohoku first-year, Imaizumi-kun." Shinkai: "But so am I!" Shinkai: "Will you pray, Imaizumi-kun?" Imaizumi: "No!" Shinkai: "Go!" Imaizumi: "Damn it!" A: "What was that speed? They must be crazy." B: "Wow. Chiba and Hakone Academy are both amazing!" C: "Where's Kyoto Fushimi?" C: "They're right behind them! It's the super-tenacious pull of third-year Ishigaki!" B: "Two kilometers left! It's a three-way battle between Kyoto Fushimi, Hakone Academy, and Sohoku!" Shinkai: "Go!" A: "Kyoto Fushimi's amazing!" B: "They may fall behind on corners, but they always catch up!" A: "They're coming!" B: "It's a right angle turn!" C: "After this, it's Lake Motosu!" Yassan: "I see." Yassan: "You're not this year's ace, huh?" Ishigaki: "I'm sorry, Yassan. We have an incredible new first-year." Ishigaki: "I'm the assistant." Yassan: "Don't let it get you down, Koutarou." Yassan: "Your style of riding has patience and willpower." Yassan: "Carry your ace to the best possible position with your strength." Yassan: "You're the one who gets the ace his number tag." Ishigaki: "Yes, Yassan." Yassan: "Oh, right. During the Inter-High," Yassan: "I'll be training in Yamanashi. I should be able to go cheer you on." Ishigaki: "Seriously?" Yassan: "At Lake Motosu?" Ishigaki: "Yes, sir." Yassan: "I look forward to seeing your new team." Ishigaki: "Midousuji-kun..." Ishigaki: "I'm sorry! Thank you!" Midousuji: "Of course. I can't have you slipping up here. I need you to pull me these last 250 meters." Midousuji: "After all, you're my assistant." Ishigaki: "Got it!" A: "Look. Kyoto's catching up!" B: "That's incredible! Third-year Ishigaki's willpower is amazing!" A: "There's 1,200 meters left! Kyoto Fushimi made it to the front!" Ishigaki: "Let's go, Midousuji!" Mizuta: "Midousuji-kun, good work. We have watermelon." Ishigaki: "Our old friend, Yassan, gave it to us. Have some while it's cold, Midou—" Midousuji: "Don't dawdle. Hurry up and get ready."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 1 – ROAD.1 Phase 49", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "1", "ROAD.1 Phase 49" ] }
Machimiya: "Arakita! Hakone Academy! Fall, fall!" Arakita: "I like those eyes." Arakita: "I don't mind guys like you." Machimiya: "What are you doing? Is this a diversion?" Arakita: "I used to be just like you. You're aggressive, irritable, combative toward everyone, and obsessed with the past. You drag out the past again and again so you can take your anger out on others." Teammate 1: "His pitching still lacks force." Teammate 2: "I feel bad for him, but he probably can't throw like he used to." Teammate 1: "Whoa." Teammate 2: "Let's go." Senpai: "Could you get out of the way? You don't belong here anymore." Senpai: "How could you break your elbow before the tournament? I've been careful in preparing for the tournament. I'm not like you." Senpai: "You're finished." Arakita: "Don't be ridiculous!" Student 1: "Arakita!" Student 2: "Don't!" Arakita: "Who are you calling finished, huh?" Arakita: "What good is riding your slow, ugly bicycle, huh?" uku: "It moves me forward." uku: "With certainty." uku: "We'll race. You'll ride your scooter, and I'll ride my bicycle." Arakita: "This is reality!" Arakita: "Hey, you!" Arakita: "How did you beat me?" uku: "You won't understand unless you ride." Arakita: "Damn it." Arakita: "Why am I so unsteady? Why can't I ride this? Why can't I move forward? Why?" uku: "Because you're not facing forward." uku: "Bicycles won't move forward when you're facing down." Arakita: "Stone-face!" uku: "Look far ahead of you." Arakita: "What?" uku: "Forget everything." uku: "Your past, your ties." uku: "Only look forward. Unless you give your all to moving forward," uku: "you will never ride faster." Arakita: "I can't move forward unless I face forward?" Arakita: "What are you talking about, you damn stone-faced bastard? Who do you think you are? What are you calling ties, huh? Moron! You're a moron! Why am I cutting my hair, anyway?" Arakita: "Damn it!" Arakita: "This is a road bike, huh?" Arakita: "It shakes so much, my hands tingle. But what is this? I can hear a voice welling up inside me asking if this is my limit..." Arakita: "telling me I can go farther." Arakita: "I'm here." uku: "I see." Arakita: "Tell me how I can become faster." uku: "How far do you want to go?" Arakita: "Where's the top?" uku: "The largest race held every summer." uku: "The Inter-High." Arakita: "There, then!" Senpai 1: "You want to go to the Inter-High? You haven't even started training." Senpai 2: "Only six guys can ride in the Inter-high. We always win, too. We're the champions." Senpai 3: "You have to beat tons of guys just to participate." Arakita: "Is that the truth, Senpai?" Arakita: ""I can't do it"?" Arakita: "In that case, I'll flip your reality on its head!" Arakita: "Until recently, I didn't think reality couldn't be changed, either." Arakita: "But I saw the moment it turned around." uku: "Come." Senpai 1: "He can't do it." Senpai 2: "It's not that easy." uku: "Use this." uku: "It belongs to the cycling club." uku: "Ride the rollers for two hours." Arakita: "What?" Arakita: "You want me to do this boring crap for two hours? I'm not a hamster!" uku: "Do it." Arakita: "Shut up! Don't order me around! Let me ride outside!" uku: "Do it." Toudou: "Who is he?" Arakita: "I told you not to give me orders!" Shinkai: "Juichi brought another weird one to the club." uku: "Just do it." Arakita: "Damn! Damn!" Arakita: "Damn!" Arakita: "Wait..." Arakita: "I can't move forward like this!" uku: "Are you finished?" Arakita: "No! This bicycle doesn't go anywhere!" uku: "Rollers are basic. If you can't ride one, you can't go fast." Arakita: "It's goddamn boring!" Arakita: "Shut up!" Arakita: "I just finished." Arakita: "I was thinking about you the whole time I was riding the rollers." Arakita: "I figured it out. You're bullying me." Arakita: "I'll beat the crap out of you, stone-face!" uku: "That's plenty of sweat. You didn't skip practice today, either." Arakita: "Shut up! I'm gonna beat the crap out of you! Imma beat yer face in, Fuku!" Senpai 4: "He's out cold. He's been riding every day." Senpai 5: "Someone get water." Senpai 3: "Hey. Can you hear me, Arakita? Hey." Shinkai: "You're talking about Arakita-kun?" Toudou: "To be honest, I don't like him." Toudou: "He's creating disorder in the club." Toudou: "He never stops shouting, and he's even rude to the upperclassmen." Toudou: "He won't clean or put his roller away." Toudou: "To top it all off, he told me..." Arakita: "What's with the weird head band? Talk about lame." Toudou: "Can you believe he said that to me?" Shinkai: "Yeah, but he has endurance, balance, and strength." Shinkai: "He must have been on some kind of athletic team." Toudou: "I asked him about it once, but..." Arakita: "Shut up." Toudou: "He doesn't like to talk about his past." Toudou: "He must have some bitter memories. Everyone wants to brag about a brilliant past." Arakita: "What?" Arakita: "You're Shinkai, right?" Shinkai: "Toudou doesn't like you." Arakita: "I know. He's not the only one. Everyone hates me." Arakita: "You want me to quit 'cause I'm in the way? Is that what you're talking about, huh?" Shinkai: "No. I just have a question for you." Arakita: "What?" Shinkai: "Why do you ride a bicycle?" Arakita: "Because I want to prove I'm here!" Arakita: "I want to prove I am who I am!" Arakita: "Don't ask stupid questions, moron." Arakita: "I want..." Arakita: "I want to see how far I can go again." Arakita: "I don't know why I ride a bicycle! I just happen to be doing it!" Shinkai: "I see." Shinkai: "I get it." Arakita: "Don't act like you understand! You know nothing about me!" Shinkai: "I'm saying I understand Juichi." Shinkai: "I've known him a long time." Shinkai: "Juichi probably likes guys like you." Arakita: "What? What are you talking about? Everyone hates me!" Arakita: "I'm hopeless." Arakita: "No one tried to get close to me." Shinkai: "Juichi likes people who are different." Shinkai: "They're strong-willed." Shinkai: "Juichi tells me all the time... "You can't bike faster without a strong will."" Shinkai: "You seem happy, Juichi." Shinkai: "Should we let him ride outside?" uku: "No, he..." Arakita: "Stone-face!" Arakita: "I did tell you to let me ride outside, but..." Arakita: "I didn't ask to be thrown into a race! I don't know the rules!" uku: "The rules are simple." uku: "Cross the finish line first." Arakita: "That's not what I mean! I mean stuff like double dribbling in basketball!" uku: "I'll be riding in this race." uku: "If you have any questions, come to the front." Arakita: "What?" Shinkai: "I'm riding, too. I look forward to riding with you, Yasutomo-kun." Arakita: "Shut up! Don't call me by my first name!" Announce: "The high school first-year class C race will begin shortly." Arakita: "Are the faster guys in the front? Damn it. You should've told me." Arakita: "In any case, this is my first race." Arakita: "I'll flip it on its head." Arakita: "They're so fast!" Arakita: "Damn it! They're so fast!" Arakita: "Damn it. My heart's ready to burst. What should I do?" uku: "If you have any questions, come to the front." Arakita: "Bring it on. I'll do it!" Arakita: "If my heart's gonna burst, go ahead and burst!" Arakita: "Move! Get out of the way! I don't care about the finish line! I don't care about the race, either!" Arakita: "I'll catch up to that stone-faced bastard and leave him speechless! Move, morons!" Arakita: "Hey, stone-face." Arakita: "How's that? It took me four laps, but I caught up!" Arakita: "Say something!" uku: "What do you want to ask?" Arakita: "What?" Arakita: "I forgot." Shinkai: "He's not bad." Shinkai: "Juichi, he has potential." uku: "Yes. He may transform in the next race." Arakita: "How much more, stone-face?" Arakita: "How much more until I can win a race?" uku: "Only one person wins a race." Arakita: "What?" uku: "If 150 riders race, 149 lose." uku: "That one..." uku: "Can you become that one rider?" Arakita: "I will! You've done it, right? Then I'll do it, too!" Takemura: "You're passionate, newbie." Takemura: "But winning's not that easy." Senpai 1: "You need to face reality." Takemura: "What place are you aiming for at the Manazuru race?" uku: "Second." Takemura: "You see that? Guys who understand don't have ridiculous expectations." Takemura: "It's reasonable." Takemura: "After all, I'm riding." Arakita: "What's going on? He was totally making fun of you! Why didn't you say anything back?" Arakita: "Second place? Don't be so noncommittal, moron!" uku: "I can't help but aim for second." Arakita: "You can help it! Show him you're better than that!" uku: "He's not my opponent." Arakita: "What?" uku: "I said I'd take second place" uku: "because I know your will to win is genuine." uku: "But you can't win..." uku: "...without my assistance." Arakita: "Second place?" Arakita: "Assistance?" Arakita: "You mean..." uku: "I ask for only one thing." uku: "Don't let your motivation to win fall before the race." Announce: "The Manazuru circuit road race will begin shortly." Announce: "Riders, please gather at the starting gate." uku: "Arakita." uku: "Ride this during the race." Arakita: "That's your bike." uku: "The frame of the bike you're borrowing from the club" uku: "won't stand a chance during the crucial moments before the finish line." Arakita: "This one certainly is different." Arakita: "It practically pulls itself forward." Arakita: "Does he really mean to take me to the finish line?" Announce: "The race will begin in one minute." uku: "Arakita, if you want to win this race," Arakita: "stay right behind me." Arakita: "I'll do it, even if it kills me!" Arakita: "Reality doesn't change! It never changes!" Arakita: "That's why..." Arakita: "...I'll change it with my own strength!" Arakita: "You're going too fast, stone-face!" Arakita: "Damn you, stone-face!" uku: "I see him!" uku: "He's the last one!" uku: "The finish line is close." uku: "Move forward so you can pass him." uku: "Now! Go!" uku: "Sprint for the finish line!" uku: "Go!" uku: "Win, Arakita!" Arakita: "I hate to admit it, but I won this race thanks to you, stone-face." Arakita: "I'll affectionately call you Fuku-chan." Announce: "Arakita, the rising star of Hakone Academy, achieves his first victory!" Arakita: "Machimiya." Arakita: "I'm using all my strength to move forward. If you'd been facing forward and riding with all your strength, you'd probably be good enough" Arakita: "to make Hakone Academy cower in fear!" Arakita: "Machimiya!" Higashi: "Hakone Academy is accelerating before us!" Higashi: "I don't believe it! His acceleration is incredible!" Ibitani: "Damn it. He's saying something! I can't hear him!" Arakita: "Once the race is over, let's share a drink." Arakita: "I'll buy you a Bepsi." Arakita: "You're... strong." Higashi: "Eikichi-san, they're two flags ahead!" Higashi: "No, three..." Ibitani: "Damn it. Let's chase them, Miya! Who cares about the rules? Once we catch up to the front, we can still—" Machimiya: "Don't, Ibitani." Machimiya: "He shook us off here." Machimiya: "Even if we follow him, we can't fight in the domain that lies ahead." Machimiya: "Willpower, stamina, and fighting spirit." Machimiya: "We gave everything we had and still lost." Machimiya: "Whatever he's got supporting his fighting spirit is greater than ours." Ibitani: "Miya!" Michimiya: "I hate to admit it, but..." Machimiya: "...he might be right." Ibitani: "Miya..." Ibitani: "Miya..." Ibitani: "Miya!" Ibitani: "Miya!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 10 – ROAD.10 The Domain that Lies Ahead", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "10", "ROAD.10 The Domain that Lies Ahead" ] }
Arakita: "Machimiya." Machimiya: "What?" Arakita: "I'm using all my strength to move forward. If you'd been facing forward and riding with all your strength, you'd probably be good enough to make" Arakita: "Hakone Academy cower in fear!" Ibitani: "Damn it. He's saying something! I can't hear him!" Arakita: "Once the race is over, let's share a drink." Arakita: "I'll buy you a Bepsi." Arakita: "You're... strong." Ibitani: "Damn it. Let's chase them, Miya! Who cares about the rules? Once we catch up to the front, we can still—" Machimiya: "Don't, Ibitani." Machimiya: "He shook us off here." Machimiya: "Even if we follow him, we can't fight in the domain that lies ahead." Machimiya: "Willpower, stamina, and fighting spirit." Machimiya: "We gave everything we had and still lost." Machimiya: "Whatever he's got supporting his fighting spirit is greater than ours." Ibitani: "Miya!" Machimiya: "Arakita, sorry." Machimiya: "I hope you'll buy me that Bepsi." Arakita: "We're almost at the front!" Both: "Are you all right?" Arakita: "Shut up! Quit supporting me!" Manami: "That was incredible, Arakita-san." Sakamichi: "Uh, um... It was incredible!" Arakita: "You said the same thing! You guys did a good job" Arakita: "keeping up." Arakita: "I forgot about you a few times during that." Arakita: "Manami, Onoda-chan." Arakita: "Nevermind. It's nothing. Come on! Follow me! I'll carry you to the lead pack!" Arakita: "We're almost there!" Arakita: "Hey, Fuku-chan!" Sakamiichi: "I see them. It's the lead pack!" Arakita: "We're a little late..." Arakita: "...but I brought your wonder boys!" Sakamichi: "Sorry I'm late. I'm here now." Manami: "Sorry I'm late." Shinkai: "Took you long enough, Yasutomo." Arakita: "We hit a bit of an obstacle. I beat those Hiroshima guys." Manami: "Arakita-san was really cool." Manami: "Can I tell Shinkai-san what I heard you say?" Arakita: "Don't tell him, you idiot!" Arakita: "Sheesh." Sakamiichi: "Um, Arakita-san." Arakita: "What?" Sakamichi: "Thank you. Um, if not for you, I..." Sakamichi: "I don't think I could've made it out of the pack. A-Also, Hiroshima—" Arakita: "Shut up!" Arakita: "We were working together. Of course I helped you." Arakita: "But that ends here. From here on out, we're opponents. So don't get too used to it, Onoda-chan." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Sakamichi: "Thank... Thank you." Arakita: "Quit thanking me. It's annoying." Arakita: "Anyway, Fuku-chan..." Arakita: "...you always ask for too much!" uku: "I know." uku: "I knew you could do it, Arakita." 2: "Look! Some more guys are coming up from behind!" Shinkai: "I thought you left them behind." Arakita: "Idiot." Arakita: "They wouldn't drop out!" Tadokoro: "Thanks for waiting, Kinjou!" Makishima: "Hey!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" uko: "All six of us are here!" Toudou: "You left us behind, Arakita!" Arakita: "Huh? Oh, yeah. I was chasing those Hiroshima guys and, you know..." Izumida: "Fukutomi-san, everyone's here." uku: "Yeah." Toudou: "What does that mean?" Arakita: "You know... Fine, I'll come out and say it. You were holding me—" Shinkai: "Who cares? Everyone's here now. Want one?" Tadokoro: "Let's switch, Imaizumi." Imaizumi: "Yes, sir. Thank you." Aya: "They're coming!" Sugimoto: "They're here!" Teshima: "Look! Everyone's there!" Miki: "Guys!" Sugimoto: "I believed in you!" Aya: "You were more anxious than everyone else." Sugimoto: "What?" Teshima: "Do your best!" Kinjou: "Yeah!" Miki: "Naruko-kun, Onoda-kun!" uko: "Thanks!" Sakamichi: "Thanks!" Tadokoro: "Let's go!" Imaizumi: "Yes, sir!" Kinjou: "It's time." Kinjou: "The second half starts now." Imaizumi: "Yes, sir!" Tadokoro: "It'll be a desperate battle. Keep up, first-years!" uko: "Yes, sir!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Makishima: "Yeah!" Miki: "You can do it, Sohoku!" Teshima: "Go!" Sugimoto: "Sohoku!" uku: "Everyone's here." uku: "Let's win this race." uku: "Hakone Academy, let's move." All: "Yeah!" Ishigaki: "Midousuji, do you think..." Ishigaki: "Do you think Hiroshima might not catch up?" Ishigaki: "Sohoku and Hakone Academy both have all six members." Ishigaki: "We only have two." Midousuji: "Who cares?" Midousuji: "If they couldn't catch up, it means they weren't good enough." Midousuji: "It means their lust for victory wasn't pure." Midousuji: "Even if they did catch up, they couldn't help us. If that's who they are, I don't need them." Midousuji: "Don't worry. Today is the third and final day, Ishigaki-kun, and only half of the race remains." Midousuji: "It is a true battle for survival." Midousuji: "There's no need to carry everyone. The team drops players as it rides. One..." Midousuji: "Two... And another..." Midousuji: "They'll drop off one by one." Midousuji: "Only a handful make it to the finish line." Midousuji: "Going forward, numbers are hardly a problem..." Midousuji: "Ishigaki-kun." Midousuji: "It's about individual strength." Midousuji: "Watch." Midousuji: "Those who seem the most energetic now will be first to fall." Imaizumi: "Hakone Academy's ace sprinter, Shinkai-san, is moving!" Imaizumi: "Is he going for the third day's sprint checkpoint?" uko: "No, it's not that!" uko: "He's taking his ace with him!" Both: "They're heading for the finish line!" Tadokoro: "So, what?" Tadokoro: "Come on, come on! Trying to keep us in check, are you? That's not enough!" Tadokoro: "You won't get away from us, Hakone Academy." Shinkai: "Looks like it." Tadokoro: "What's wrong? Did you get a sudden desire to win a sprint number tag?" Shinkai: "It would look perfect framed." Makishima: "Enjoy the tension for now." Makishima: "We finally made it this far. We can compete for the last finish line. We were broken again and again, but we're finally part of these select few. We don't often get to taste this tension." Makishima: "I've dreamed of this situation for three years." Makishima: "Isn't it fun, Onoda?" Makishima: "All six of us..." Makishima: "are here together." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Makishima: "That's right. Enjoy it." Arakita: "Shinkai! Switch with me! It's the final stage of the Inter-high! I'll pull Hakone Academy!" Tadokoro: "You were just duking it out with Hiroshima! You're one tough guy, Arakita!" Arakita: "Sorry, guys! I feel great today! I got a lot of rest yesterday!" Arakita: "I'm at my peak! I'm gushing adrenaline!" Arakita: "I'm going to put the ace on my back..." Arakita: "...and take him all the way to the finish line!" 1: "Their ace assistant #2 is amazing!" 2: "He's pulling like he's at the finish line!" Arakita: "Shut up! Don't compliment me!" 3: "Hakone Academy's #2 will take the checkpoint!" 4: "Go!" Arakita: "Tell me how to get there!" Arakita: "There's a way to reach the Inter-High, right?" uku: "There is." Arakita: "That's it. That'll help. I'm sick of hearing the third-years tell me I can't do it." uku: "Every day, train three times harder than everyone else." Arakita: "What?" uku: "By yourself." uku: "If you do that..." uku: "In two years, you can make it." Arakita: "What?!" s: "Go! Sprint!" Arakita: "I'm out! I can't do this!" Arakita: "Tell me, you bastard! What's at the Inter-High?" uku: "You'll understand when you're there." Arakita: "That again?" Arakita: "Damn it! Damn it!" : "Hakone Academy's ace sprinter Shinkai is moving up!" 3: "Hakone Academy is switching leads! Do they want #4 to take the final sprint?" Shinkai: "Yasutomo!" uku: "By yourself." uku: "Yes, Yasutomo." uku: "No one could have rode better." 6: "Number 2's falling behind!" 7: "Hakone Academy isn't picking him up!" Sakamichi: "What? Arakita-san..." Sakamichi: "Arakita-san!" Sakamichi: "Hako... Hakone Academy's #2 fell behind!" Sakamichi: "Hakone Academy's #2 fell behind!" Imaizumi: "Onoda." Imaizumi: "He's out of strength. He gave everything working for his team, and he finished his job." Imaizumi: "That's all. The other five jerseys are sacrificed to get just one across the finish line before everyone else." Imaizumi: "That's road racing." Imaizumi: "The third-years don't turn back because they know that." : "Hakone Academy only has five now! They're accelerating even more!" Shinkai: "Yasutomo!" Arakita: "I'll help you train!" Arakita: "Let's ride!" Shinkai: "Don't ride too hard." Arakita: "What's with the headband?" Toudou: "A Philistine like you could never understand!" Arakita: "Who gives a damn?" Arakita: "Fuku-chan!" uku: "Go to your room to sleep." Arakita: "What?" Arakita: "I'm exhausted. Fuku-chan, take me there." uku: "Walk with your own legs." Arakita: "Yeah, yeah." Arakita: "But don't worry. I'll take you to the finish line tomorrow." uku: "I'm not worried." uku: "I wouldn't expect less from a member of Hakone Academy." Arakita: "Sheesh." Arakita: "Fuku-chan." Arakita: "I am strong." uku: "Go to sleep."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 11 – ROAD.11 Survival", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "11", "ROAD.11 Survival" ] }
uku: "Yes, Yasutomo." uku: "No one could have rode better." Sakamichi: "Arakita-san!" Imaizumi: "Onoda." Imaizumi: "Prepare yourself." Imaizumi: "Eventually Sohoku will fall apart, too." Imaizumi: "Keep that in mind." Imaizumi: "This is the final moment our team will ride as six!" A: "Look! The lead pack is coming!" B: "It's Hakone Academy!" C: "You can do it!" D: "Sohoku's behind!" E: "Hakone Academy has five guys!" F: "They're accelerating! They're so fast!" G: "They're pulling ahead of Chiba!" H: "They can't keep up with Hakone Academy?" Sakamichi: "This is our last time riding together!" Sakamichi: "In that case..." Sakamichi: "In that case, I'll do anything to win! If there's anything I can do for the team, I'll do it!" Both: "Me, too." Makishima: "First-years, you're embarrassing me with those eyes." Makishima: "I'm glad to hear you say that, though." Tadokoro: "If you're not at least that determined, we can't win the real race!" Kinjou: "This is my first order now that all six of us are here. We will chase after Hakone Academy." Kinjou: "Give me everything you have!" All: "Yes, sir!" I: "They're here! Hakone Academy's in the lead!" J: "They're pulling ahead of Sohoku!" Jan K: "They're 100 meters... No, 200 meters ahead!" uko: "Bring it on." Both: "We'll catch up to them in an instant with me pulling!" uko: "What are you doing, hotshot? I'm pulling!" Imaizumi: "You're too small! You can't shield Tadokoro-san from wind!" uko: "Don't call me small! You're tired from pulling Kinjou-san! You should rest!" Imaizumi: "Shut up! I'll handle this!" uko: "Fine, then." Both: "We have no choice! We'll pull together!" Makishima: "Tadokorocchi, are these guys morons?" Tadokoro: "No..." Tadokoro: "They're total idiots!" L: "Sohoku's catching up!" M: "But they're so far behind!" N: "Can they catch up?" uko: "Hey, hotshot, sure you're not pedaling hard enough? Is that the best you can do?" Imaizumi: "Don't be stupid. Don't compare me to you. I'm still only at 70%!" uko: "Then I'm at 50%!" Imaizumi: "I'm at 30%!" uko: "10%!" Imaizumi: "Then pedal harder." uko: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "Yeah. Okay, then." uko: "We'll go on three!" Imaizumi: "Do your best!" Both: "One, two, three!" O: "Sohoku's so fast!" P: "They've accelerated since the first-years started pulling!" Sakamichi: "Um, third-years." Sakamcihi: "Thank you for bringing us this far." Sakamichi: "Um, we'll do our very best." Sakamichi: "Promise us you'll win the Inter-High!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun, Imaizumi-kun, let's switch!" Tadokoro: "Wait, Onoda! The shoulder's rough!" Sakamichi: "I'm fine!" Sakamichi: "Let's switch, Naruko-kun, Imaizumi-kun." Sakamichi: "We're getting closer." Imaizumi: "Yeah." uko: "Move, Hakone Academy. That position..." Both: "...belongs to us!" Sakamichi: "Let's switch!" uko: "Thanks!" uko: "I'll carry our jersey!" Imaizumi: "We will..." Sakamichi: "Do everything we can do!" uko: "Hey, wait up!" Imaizumi: "Wait!" Both: "Hakone Academy!" uko: "Just as you ordered..." Imaizumi: "We caught up." Both: "Kinjou-san!" Kinjou: "Well done." Tadokoro: "Fukutomi, how was that?" Tadokroo: "Now we're even!" uku: "Accelerate, Izumida." Izumida: "Yes, Fukutomi-san! Abs, abs, abs, abs, abs, abs!" uko: "Seriously?" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs, abs, abs, abs, abu!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs!" Q: "Hakone Academy is accelerating!" R: "#5 is amazing!" S: "How can he do that?" Izumida: "Abs!" Izumida: "We've pulled ahead of Sohoku!" Izumida: "The rest is up to you." Shinkai: "Leave it to us, Izumida!" Izumida: "Shinkai-san..." Izumida: "There's something I was always too embarrassed to tell you." Shinkai: "Pedal harder, Izumida!" Izumida: "Yes, sir!" Shinkai: "That's it! Pedal harder!" Shinkai: "Pedal harder!" Izumida: "Yes, sir!" Shinkai: "Don't let it get you down. You're still only a first-year. You have time-" Izumida: "I don't!" Izumida: "Oh, I mean..." Izumida: "Please teach me, Shinkai-san." Shinkai: "S-Sure..." Izumida: "Do you have any strategies for the finish line?" Shinkai: "For the finish line?" Shinkai: "Well..." Shinkai: "I guess there's giving everything you have." Izumida: "Giving everything I have?" Izumida: "What do I have inside of me?" Izumida: "Is there anything I'm not giving?" Izumida: "Andy, Frank." Izumida: "That's right. The thing inside me..." Izumida: "My heart's greatest desire..." Izumida: "I want to ride with Shinkai-san." Izumida: "I want to ride with Shinkai-san in the Inter-High before he graduates." Izumida: "To do that..." Izumida: "Abs!" Izumida: "I did it, Shinkai-san!" Izumida: "I placed first in my category!" Izumida: "It's thanks to your advice!" Shinkai: "What's that?" Izumida: "What?" Shinkai: "You won on your own strength." Shinkai: "You're too hard on yourself." Shinkai: "You should praise yourself more." Izumida: "Please win the race, Hakone Academy!" T: "Hakone Academy is so fast!" U: "There's only four of them left!" T: "They're shedding baggage, one by one, to make themselves lighter!" U: "Look behind them! They're nearly 700 meters ahead of Sohoku!" Imaizumi: "Hakone Academy dropped #5!" uko: "They're pulling ahead!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, Naruko-kun!" Imaizumi: "Yeah!" uko: "I know. If someone pulls ahead, you just have to catch up!" Imaizumi: "We'll go with a short rotation, Onoda! We'll switch off every 20 seconds!" Sakamichi: "Got it!" uko: "Pedal for your lives! This is our last job! Let's show them our strength!" Sakamichi: "Yeah!" Imaizumi: "Let's carry our jerseys!" Kinjou: "Fall back, first-years." Tadokoro: "You did well." Sakamichi: "Did you tell us to fall back?" Kinjou: "Onoda, Naruko, Imaizumi." Kinjou: "This is my final order for you." Kinjou: "Raise the pace and catch up to Hakone Academy." Kinjou: "Just before we enter the mountains, you will separate from the team." Imaizumi: "Separate..." uko: "...from the team?" Sakamichi: "You mean..." uko: "I can still ride! I've got more to give!" Kinjou: "Naruko, you must understand." Kinjou: "It's not a question of strength now." Kinjou: "It's about whether or not we catch up to our opponents." Kinjou: "In road racing, a moment's decision can create an insurmountable gap. Slopes and roads that seem ordinary at first glance" Kinjou: "determine the winner." Kinjou: "On the flats before the mountain..." Kinjou: "Hakone Academy is trying to create a decisive gap between us." Shinkai: "They're not coming." Shinkai: "Maybe they stopped to buy souvenirs." uku: "Don't stop. The race isn't over yet." uku: "We'll pull one kilometer ahead before entering the mountains... And shake them off." Shinkai: "Okay." uku: "The race isn't always decided near the finish line." Sakamichi: "Sohoku's in danger of losing right now." Makishima: "We're hanging by a thread. In road racing, you have to overcome several hurdles to even compete at the finish line." Makishima: "Luck, strength, teammates..." Makishima: "It's just like life. It's always unfair." Makishima: "But so, what? There's only one thing to do. You have to think of ways to turn the situation around." Tadokoro: "I'll take us there!" Kinjou: "No..." Kinjou: "So will I." Imaizumi: "So fast..." uko: "Hotshot." Imaizumi: "Yeah." uko: "Makishima-san!" uko: "We're ready." uko: "Leave us behind." uko: "We're just keeping you from catching up to Hakone Academy." uko: "Leave us behind and go on ahead." Makishima: "We can't." Makishima: "Kinjou told us you still have a job to do." Makishima: "See us off." Makishima: "Stay with us until the mountains." Kinjou: "These are your orders!" Kinjou: "The first-years will pull us hard as they can." Kinjou: "Makishima and I will assist Tadokoro with all our strength." Kinjou: "We must entrust everything to Tadokoro..." Kinjou: "Our ace!" Employee: "Here are your big eater's okonomiyaki sets. Pork and egg, squid and egg, mixed meat and egg... Shrimp and egg, Hiroshima mentai style, stewed beef tendon and egg, shrimp and pork mixed yakisoba, Hiroshima pork and egg, Hiroshima squid and eggs, Hiroshima pork with kimchi and egg... Fried yams and onions, cabbage and beans, buttered corn, french fries, squid rice, fried squid legs, octopus and wasabi, fried chicken, Chinese cabbage kimchi, and cheesy potatoes, With vanilla and chocolate waffles for dessert. You have 60 minutes to finish." Kinjou: "Here we go!" Kinjou: "All six of us will work together to get our ace to the finish line!" All: "Yes, sir!" Imaizumi: "I can't move..." uko: "Neither can I. Hey, geezer! Why did you have to upset your stomach?" Tadokoro: "I'm sorry..." uko: "What do you mean, "sorry"?" Employee: "The 28 big eater dishes and soft drinks come to..." uko: "You're the ace!" Employee: "24,800 yen." Kinjou: "I'll pay." Kinjou: "Thanks for the food."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 12 – ROAD.12 Izumida's Pride", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "12", "ROAD.12 Izumida's Pride" ] }
Kinjou: "So will I." Imaizumi: "So fast." uko: "Hotshot." Imaizumi: "Yeah." uko: "Makishima-san!" uko: "We're ready." uko: "Leave us behind." uko: "We're just keeping you from catching up to Hakone Academy. Leave us behind and go on ahead." Makishima: "We can't." Makishima: "Kinjou told us you still have a job to do." Makishima: "See us off." Makishima: "Stay with us until the mountains." 1: "They're so fast!" 2: "Champs Hakone Academy are in the lead!" 3: "Where's Sohoku?" Tadokoro: "We can't fall behind now!" 1: "Sohoku's third-years are in front!" 2: "They're really moving now!" s: "You can do it!" Tadokoro: "Let's switch!" Kinjou: "Let's switch!" 1: "They're so fast!" Tadokoro: "Switch, Kinjou!" Kinjou: "Fall back, first-years." Tadokoro: "You did well." Imaizumi: "No! What am I thinking? This is an order. This is a team battle." Imaizumi: "Right now, I have to focus on what's in front of me!" Imaizumi: "What, Naruko?" uko: "I feel the same way you do right now." uko: "Ending my race here..." uko: "And being told to watch their backs as we ride is killing me." uko: "My Inter-High is over." uko: "It's over..." uko: "Because I wasn't strong enough." Imaizumi: "I'm not like you! I-" uko: "We are the same! You've got all this energy, but you're indecisive!" Imaizumi: "I could say the same thing about you!" Both: "Damn it!" Imaizumi: "We're..." uko: "...finished." uko: "Onoda-kun." Imaizumi: "He's watching..." uko: "...their backs." Makishima: "See us off." Sakamichi: "Look. It's incredible." Sakamichi: "The third-years are going all-out." Sakamichi: "It's amazing." Sakamichi: "I've never seen this from up close before. When I rode with Makishima-san before," Sakamichi: "he told me something about cycling." Makishima: "I can only communicate through cycling." Sakamichi: "He said he communicated through cycling." Sakamichi: "I feel as though we're having a conversation." Sakamichi: "It may sound weird, but that's how I feel." Sakamichi: "I think the third-years are trying to tell us..." Sakamichi: "...to become stronger." Both: "Stronger..." Imaizumi: "Naruko!" uko: "Yeah, hotshot!" Sakamichi: "What?" Imaizumi: "Thank you, Onoda." uko: "Thanks, Onoda-kun." Sakamichi: "What?" Iimaizumi: "My eyes are open!" uko: "Yeah!" Imaizumi: "Who said our job was over?" uko: "It was you!" Imaizumi: "Yeah, it was me!" uko: "So did I!" Kinjou: "Raise the pace, Tadokoro! Don't fall behind, guys!" All: "Yeah!" Kinjou: "We've caught up to Hakone Academy!" Tadokoro: "Think we have a shred of hope now, Kinjou?" Kinjou: "No, not yet!" uku: "They're here." uku: "Shake them off, Shinkai." Shinkai: "Okay, Juichi." Kinjou: "Get us beside them, Tadokoro!" Tadokoro: "Yeah!" Imaizumi: "We really caught up!" Tadokoro: "It's not over yet, first-years. Focus! We've got to get beside them. Let's line up!" Tadokoro: "Let's fight!" Kinjou: "Switch, Tadokoro!" Tadokoro: "Okay!" All: "We're beside them!" Kinjou: "Every step we take brings us closer to our goal." uku: "And that has produced results." Kinjou: "The most important part of fighting a champion..." Kinjou: "...is to never hesitate." Kinjou: "To pursue the methods you believe in without doubting yourself." Kinjou: "This jersey is complete when all six are together." Kinjou: "That is why we caught up as six." uku: "Is that your answer to my culling?" uku: "It is very much like you. Your team is very much like you." uku: "But..." uku: "Your ideas about friendship are naïve." uku: "Pull with all your strength, Shinkai." Tadokoro: "It's two kilometers to the mountains!" Tadokoro: "We're here, Kinjou!" Imaizumi: "Hakone Academy!" uko: "How can he accelerate like that?" Kinjou: "Switch, Tadokoro!" Tadokoro: "Yeah!" 1: "They're pulling ahead!" 2: "Hakone Academy's #4 is so fast!" Tadokoro: "Switch, Kinjou!" Tadokoro: "Kinjou!" Tadokoro: "Rest your legs for a while! We'll catch up to them on my strength alone!" Tadokoro: "Tomorrow, if we're still competing with Hakone Academy... ...at Lake Yamanaka..." Tadokoro: "I'll pull you guys to the best possible position... ...before cutting you loose." Tadokoro: "Don't complain. Leave it to me." Tadokoro: "For a sprinter like me... ...the flats by Lake Yamanaka are the finish line." Tadokoro: "Let me be the first to say it." Tadokoro: "Thanks for these three years." Tadokoro: "This is Sohoku's famous human bullet train! Get out of the way, Hakone Academy!" 1: "He's so fast!" 2: "They're keeping up with Hakone!" 3: "Sohoku's catching up!" uko: "Is the old man..." Imaizumi: "Yeah. He'll pull Kinjou-san and Makishima-san... ...to the mountains before cutting them loose!" Sakamichi: "What? You mean..." Sakamichi: "Arakita-san!" Imaizumi: "Onoda." Imaizumi: "Prepare yourself." Imaizumi: "Eventually Sohoku will fall apart, too." Kinjou: "Tomorrow, you won't help each other as you did today." Kinjou: "We will make ourselves the strongest team." Kinjou: "Let our power shock you, Hakone Academy. This year, the first ones to reach that finish line will be..." Kinjou: "these jerseys!" Tadokoro: "Don't be ridiculous!" Tadokoro: "Let's show them our true strength!" Tadokoro: "Don't worry. Follow me." Tadokoro: "I will catch up to Hakone Academy." 1: "Sohoku's so fast!" 2: "It's an all-out sprint!" 3: "They're closing the gap!" uku: "Shinkai." Tadokoro: "You're not going anywhere!" Tadokoro: "These flats are a sprinter's finish line!" 1: "It's 500 meters to the mountains!" 2: "Sohoku caught up to Hakone Academy's wheels!" Sakamichi: "Tadokoro-san!" 1: "Tadokoro's amazing! He's pulling so hard! Super hard!" 2: "He caught up to Hakone before the mountains!" Tadokoro: "It's not over yet! Let's get beside 'em!" 1: "They're beside Hakone Academy!" 2: "Sohoku's amazing!" 3: "Two hundred meters to the mountains! There's no telling which way this race will go!" Tadokoro: "No one is more determined than me." uko: "My name will sound across the country!" Tadokoro: "No, mine will! "I might make it!"" Tadokoro: "I'm back! Team Sohoku!" uko: "Old man!" 1: "They're finally at the mountains! Who'll pull ahead?" 1: "The ace climber, Toudou Jinpachi!" 2: "The first-year climber, Manami Sangaku!" 3: "Yesterday's champion and tag #1, Fukutomi Juichi!" 1: "Hakone has no weaknesses!" 2: "Their powerful lineup will control the mountains!" 3: "What about Sohoku?" 1: "No one's coming!" Makishima: "Hey, Kinjou! Aren't we going? Hey! What's..." Makishima: "Could it be?" uko: "Hello, everyone. Today's afternoon broadcast is brought to you by Naruko Shoukichi, the Speedman of Naniwa." uko: "I've got another song for you today. Today's song is a request from first-year Imaizumi Shunsuke-kun. It's the main theme from the movie Melody of Wind and Memories. Its sad and touching melody will go down in cinematic history." uko: "Man, today's intro is as fake as ever."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 13 – ROAD.13 Flat-Out Run at Lake Yamanaka", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "13", "ROAD.13 Flat-Out Run at Lake Yamanaka" ] }
Tadokoro: "Switch, Kinjou!" Tadokoro: "Rest your legs for a while! We'll catch up to them on my strength alone!" Tadokoro: "Let me be the first to say it." Tadokoro: "Thanks for these three years." Tadokoro: "These flats are a sprinter's finish line!" 1: "Tadokoro's amazing! He's pulling so hard! Super hard!" 2: "He caught up to Hakone before the mountains!" 1: "They're beside Hakone Academy!" 2: "Sohoku's amazing!" 3: "Two hundred meters to the mountains! There's no telling which way this race will go!" uko: "Old man!" 1: "Hakone Academy jumped ahead!" 3: "What about Sohoku?" 1: "No one's coming!" Makishima: "Hey, Kinjou! Aren't we going? Hey! What's..." Makishima: "Could it be?" Kinjou: "Let's go, Makishima!" A: "Sohoku's finally moving!" B: "Two guys jumped ahead!" C: "It's the ace, Kinjou, and the climber, Makishima!" D: "It's going to be the third-years in the end!" Kinjou: "Let's go, Makishima! It's the final battle!" Kinjou: "Let's break through the finish line!" uku: "Kinjou." Toudou: "Fuku, Sohoku's ace Kinjou..." uku: "I know." uku: "It must be yesterday's final sprint." uku: "Makishima alone can't beat us." uku: "It's over." Toudou: "It's the end of the line for Sohoku." uku: "Toudou." uku: "Head for the finish line at full speed." uku: "It's the only tribute we can offer them." E: "They're so fast! This is a climb!" F: "It's Mountain God Toudou's divine climb!" Sakamichi: "Are you okay, Kinjou-san?" Sakamichi: "Does your head hurt?" Sakamichi: "You were cradling your head, so I thought..." uko: "I tried to stop him. I told him you were focusing for the final push." Imaizumi: "You said he was holding in a dump." uko: "Shut up! I was joking! There's no way that's it! He's the ace!" Sakamichi: "Um, before..." Sakamichi: "...you told me to support my teammates when they fall." Sakamichi: "That's why I spoke to you." Kinjou: "You don't need to try so hard by yourself." Kinjou: "If you fall, I will support you." Kinjou: "But if someone else should fall, you must support them." uko: "See, Onoda-kun?" Kinjou: "Naruko, Onoda, Imaizumi." Kinjou: "It's 20 kilometers to the finish line." Kinjou: "Do you think Sohoku can win?" uko: "Of course!" Sakamichi: "Yes!" Imaizumi: "Definitely!" Kinjou: "First-years, Makishima! Listen closely!" Kinjou: "I'm changing your orders!" Sakamichi: "What?" uko: "Y-You're... changing our orders?" Imaizumi: "Here?" Kinjou: "Yes, and..." Kinjou: "You must execute them!" Kinjou: "Here are your orders, first-years!" Kinjou: "Climb the mountains with Makishima! It doesn't matter who does it." Kinjou: "Take this jersey across the finish line before anyone else!" uko: "The mountains..." Imaizumi: "The finish line..." Sakamichi: "Us?" Kinjou: "You'll have only one chance. Don't miss it. Find it. Grab it. Pull it to yourselves." Kinjou: "You're going up against the strongest Hakone Academy lineup." Kinjou: "But you should be able to do it." Kinjou: "Bring our desires together." Kinjou: "Mine and Tadokoro's, too." Kinjou: "Take it there!" Kinjou: "Grow. You still have more left to give, Imaizumi Shunsuke. Naruko Shoukichi," Kinjou: "you're still not flashy enough." Kinjou: "Twenty kilometers remain." Kinjou: "Go grab everyone's attention!" Kinjou: "Onoda Sakamichi." Kinjou: "Ride." Kinjou: "You still have a job to do. Get to the finish line." Kinjou: "Don't worry." Kinjou: "Just keep doing what you've been doing." Kinjou: "Our three years..." Kinjou: "...and Makishima's ride on your shoulders." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Kinjou: "Go!" Kinjou: "We never give up!" Kinjou: "That is Team Sohoku!" All: "Yes, sir!" G: "Sohoku's finally moving!" H: "Aren't those three guys..." I: "They're first-years!" J: "They're sending first-years against Hakone Academy?" K: "They left their ace behind!" L: "Did Sohoku give up?" M: "Hey, look." N: "What? You're kidding, right?" O: "Their ace got off his bike..." : "Is he hurt?" : "With only 20 kilometers left? He seems frustrated." All: "Yes, sir!" A: "They have a huge lead!" B: "The reigning champions win again!" uku: "They never give up." Manami: "I can hear cheering from below." uko: "Kinjou-san! Damn it! He dropped—" Imaizumi: "Say no more, Naruko!" Imaizumi: "He's counting on us! Knowing that, all we have to do is move forward!" Makishima: "Let's go, first-years! Let's chase Hakone Academy!" All: "Yes, sir!" Imaizumi: "Sohoku is persistent." Shinkai: "You're right, Imaizumi-kun. I wasn't expecting you to enter the final mountains" Shinkai: "like that." Shinkai: "Jin-kun." Shinkai: "You caught up to me again." Tadokoro: "Keep talking, Shinkai." Shinkai: "You fought well." Tadokoro: "We both did." Tadokoro: "So, what didn't you expect?" Tadokoro: "I wasn't expecting what happened to Kinjou, either." Tadokoro: "But we're connected. That's more than enough," Tadokoro: "even if it's just by a thin thread." Tadokoro: "Staying connected is important to us. For reigning champions Hakone Academy, the finish line may be something to protect." Tadokoro: "But for us..." Tadokoro: "The finish line is something we have to break open." Tadokoro: "Did you say something?" Shinkai: "No, just talking to myself." Aya: "I feel kind of guilty." Aya: "For the ride." Miki: "It's fine. As long as you're here, you should watch everyone cross the finish line." Aya: "Yeah." Aya: "So, where's the finish line?" Toji: "There are four ways into Mount Fuji." Toji: "The steepest of them all is Route 150." Toji: "The Subashiri Entrance, also known as the Fuji Azami Line." Toji: "It's a hellish stage with inclines sometimes steeper than 20%. At the very top of the Azami Line is the finish line of the Inter-High's third day." Toji: "It's halfway up famous Mount Fuji, at 2,000 meters above sea level." Toji: "They'll climb into a world above the clouds... ...without any flats... ...to finish at the summit." Teshima: "A summit finish..." Sugimoto: "D-Do you think Sohoku can win?" Teshima: "They will win." Teshima: "Kinjou-san and the others trained three years for this day." Toji: "We're not the only ones. The same is true of every team." Toji: "But only a handful of teams will remain to compete in the final stage." Teshima: "Right now, in that handful..." Teshima: "Sohoku still remains." Miki: "On the first day, Onoda-kun fell." Miki: "On the second day, Tadokoro-san couldn't start. But everyone kept trying and made it this far." Toji: "Yeah, they're doing well." Toji: "But the race is getting harder. It wouldn't be strange if several members of Sohoku and Hakone Academy had dropped out by now. The inexperienced first-years may have been cut loose before the final stage." Toji: "In any case, let's hurry." Toji: "It's all right. They'll do it." Shinkai: "Now, then..." Shinkai: "Let's climb." Tadokoro: "Yeah." Shinkai: "I'm feeling faint." Tadokoro: "Yeah." Shinkai: "You want some?" Tadokoro: "Thanks." Shinkai: "Will Sohoku catch up? Huh? Sorry, but the difference in our strength comes from Manami, Jinpachi, and Juichi." Shinkai: "Our lineup is perfect." Shinkai: "What's your strategy?" Tadokoro: "We don't have one." Tadokoro: "We probably ran out of ideas when Kinjou dropped out." Tadokoro: "All that's left is to go with the flow. We'll probably read the situation carefully and do what we can." Shinkai: "That's pretty vague." Tadokoro: "That's what suits us best." Tadokoro: "Especially that idiot." Tadokoro: "He thrives in these situations." Shinkai: "You think he can catch up to Hakone Academy?" Tadokoro: "Yeah. He'll probably surprise you." Tadokoro: "Our team has a limitless..." Tadokoro: "...little red bean!" uko: "Let's switch, Onoda-kun." Sakamichi: "Okay." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun's sprint climb!" A: "Who's that redhead?" B: "He's using his lower handlebars to climb?" uko: "Out of the way! I'm the Speedman of Naniwa, Sohoku's prodigal rocketeer, Naruko Shoukichi!" Makishima: "Naruko..." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" 1: "Wait, #174..." 2: "He's a sprinter!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 14 – ROAD 14. The Final Strategy", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "14", "ROAD 14. The Final Strategy" ] }
Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" uko: "I'll gather their attention. It's time to stand out." 1: "Sohoku's amazing! Go red!" 2: "You're right! He's so red!" uko: "I am Naniwa's Red Bullet!" 3: "Isn't he a sprinter?" 4: "But it's a climb!" uko: "The Prodigal Rocketeer, Naruko Shoukichi!" 2: "He's using his lower handlebars!" 5: "What is he doing?" uko: "More! Cheer more! I'm not done climbing yet!" s: "Amazing! The Red Bullet? He's so fast!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun, you're amazing!" Makishima: "What's gotten into you, Naruko?" uko: "Damn! Damn it!" uko: "Damn it, hotshot!" Imaizumi: "Why am I hiding?" Makishima: "He's fascinating, isn't he? I feel the need to watch him and Onoda, but for different reasons." Sakamichi: "He really is incredible! Do you think he had something good to eat?" Makishima: "What?" Sakamichi: "Something tasty..." Makishima: "Probably. He's really enjoying it." 6: "He's climbing so fast!" 7: "That red guy's incredible!" uko: "More!" Makishima: "This situation, that is..." 8: "You can do it! You can catch Hakone Academy!" Sakamichi: "Watch out!" uko: "Thanks!" uko: "Keep cheering!" Sakamichi: "A high five!" Imaizumi: "With the fans?" 8: "I'm going to root for Sohoku!" s: "Sohoku! You can do it!" s: "Don't let them beat you!" uko: "Thanks!" uko: "Thanks!" uko: "Thanks!" Imaizumi: "What is he doing?" Girl 1: "Did you see that guy?" 2: "Yeah, I did! He's so cool!" 9: "He's looking into the camera?" 10: "Sohoku, Naruko!" Makishima: "This is the situation I was talking about." Makishima: "A lot of people come to watch the third day of the Inter-High." Makishima: "More than you'd believe. Far more than on the previous two days come to watch the race's finish." Makishima: "But they won't cheer for you if you just ride." Makishima: "Strange guys, hardworking guys, guys who stand out... Guys who ride flashy red bikes and show off, climbing despite being sprinters..." Makishima: "The voices and eyes of the fans are drawn to those kinds of guys." Imaizumi: "You love standing out!" s: "Sohoku! Sohoku!" uko: "Come on, come on! Watch this!" s: "Sohoku! You can do it!" uko: "I am Naruko Shoukichi! I call this shocking final attack the Naruko Super-Flashy Climb!" uko: "Don't miss this, cameraman!" 12: "He's so fast!" 12: "The red guy's climbing this incline like it's nothing!" Shinkai: "The red bean..." Shinkai: "Naruko-kun, right?" Shinkai: "He's a first-year, isn't he?" Tadokoro: "Yeah. A little upstart who loves standing out." Tadokoro: "But if you think that's all he is, he'll surprise you. That red bean will probably" Tadokoro: "become even faster on this climb." uko: "Cheer even louder for Sohoku, everyone!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun's amazing! He's inspiring the fans!" Sakamichi: "It's like a festival, Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Will he be all right?" Imaizumi: "At this rate, Naruko will lose speed." Sakamchi: "What?" Imaizumi: "Naruko is a sprinter. He can't climb at full speed for long. The next time he sits on his saddle" Imaizumi: "to rest his overworked legs..." uko: "Oh, yeah!" Imaizumi: "...will be the end!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" uko: "I've been waiting for you to say that, hotshot!" uko: "You don't understand what it means to love to stand out." uko: "Saving the best for last is the true way to stand out!" uko: "A hero breaks out his killer move when his friends are in trouble." Sakamichi: "A killer move..." uko: "Here we go! Naruko's killer move!" uko: "What did you want to talk about?" Tadokoro: "You were chosen to be one of the six members of the Inter-High team." Tadokoro: "You're a sprinter like me." uko: "Of course." uko: "I'm not giving you back your jersey now. It belongs to me now. I'll ride, ride, ride my butt off." uko: "Wh-Why do you look so serious?" Tadokoro: "I have some advice for you, as an older sprinter." uko: "Advice?" Tadokoro: "Listen closely." Tadokoro: "You..." Tadokoro: "...must climb." uko: "That has nothing to do with sprinting!" Tadokoro: "I'm not finished. The Inter-High has a lot of flats, but it has mountains, too." uko: "I know that!" Tadokoro: "The mountains are an important stage where it's easy to fall behind. We need more members who can make it through them." uko: "Then you do it." Tadokoro: "No, I can't. You have to do it." uko: "Why?" Tadokoro: "Body weight is everything in the mountains!" Tadokoro: "I'm a heavy tank!" Tadokoro: "You're a little bean." uko: "Who are you calling a bean?" Tadokoro: "Hey, wait! Calm down!" uko: "You keep comparing yourself to cool crap!" Tadokoro: "Don't throw water bottles at me!" uko: "You're making me practice climbing because you're afraid I'll be faster than you, aren't you?" Tadokoro: "What?!" uko: "You're trying to pull ahead while I'm training!" Tadokoro: "Do I look that small-minded to you?" uko: "Yes, as small as a bean." Tadokoro: "You bastard! Let me see your head!" Makishima: "What is this, a comedy sketch?" uko: "I'm not going to practice climbing. At the Inter-High, I'm making my flashy debut as Naruko Shoukichi, the Fastest Man Alive, so stay out of my way. See you later." Tadokoro: "I think a sprinter who can climb makes for someone who stands out. "He's so fast on the flats, but he can climb, too."" Tadokoro: "If you pulled that off at the Inter-High, the crowd would cheer for you." Tadokoro: "Wouldn't it really make you stand out?" Tadokoro: "What do you think, Naruko?" uko: "No, no, no! That was close! I almost fell under your spell!" uko: "I'm definitely not practicing climbing! If that's what I thought, then why am I standing at the entrance to Minegayama this early in the morning?" uko: "Well, you know. It's for the team. Yeah, that's it. It's got nothing to do with the old man." uko: "I can't power through dancing." uko: "There are limits to sprint climbing." uko: "If I stay seated, I'll lose speed." uko: "That's no good." uko: "Is there anything else I can use?" uko: "Instead of my legs, I can use my hips and neck." uko: "I can't pedal as fast as Onoda-kun on a climb." uko: "I can't copy Makishima-san's dancing style." uko: "I'm not a climber. I'm a sprinter." uko: "A sprinter!" uko: "That's it! I got it!" Teacher: "What? Naruko, you know the answer already?" uko: "Can I go ride my bike?" Teacher: "Why?!" uko: "It'll work! That's it! I'm a sprinter!" uko: "I should just use my strength!" uko: "Hot damn! I really am a genius!" Tadokoro: "His tires are worn down to nothing." Tadokoro: "He's not so defiant in the end." 13: "Why is he riding like that?" 14: "It's so fast!" Imaizumi: "You've been hiding this..." Imaizumi: "...until now?" uko: "By sitting on the front of the saddle, I can preserve my strength. Then... By swinging my arms like I'm sprinting to the finish line, I'll propel myself forward. It's a technique developed by Naruko Industries, the Armstrong Climb!" Sakamichi: "The Armstrong Climb!" uko: "Climb!" uko: "Climb!" Shinkai: "I can hear their cheers on the wind." Tadokoro: "Yeah." Tadokoro: "He's earnest, straightforward, and loves to show off..." Tadokoro: "He's a true sprinter." s: "Sohoku! Sohoku!" uko: "Here we go!" uko: "Get on!" uko: "Onoda-kun, hotshot, Makishima-san! This is the Naruko Super Express to Hakone Academy!" Sakamiichi: "Naruko-kun is amazing." Imaizumi: "He's going faster." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" Imaizumi: "He cut himself..." Sakamichi: "Let's switch, Naruko-kun!" Imaizumi: "Fall back, Naruko!" Imaizumi: "Naruko!" uko: "Excuse me, sir. Please keep your arms and legs inside the train while it's moving. On the Naruko Super Express," uko: "I belong at the front of the team." uko: "Keep a firm grip on your handles!" Imaizumi: "Don't be stubborn, Naruko!" Imaizumi: "Fall back! You have to rest! We'll rotate!" uko: "Whoa there, hotshot. Who do you think you're talking to?" uko: "I'm Naruko Shoukichi." uko: "Stubborn?" uko: "What could be better than being stubborn?" uko: "You're being too soft. The heat must've gotten to you if you're worried about my health. We're in the middle of a race. "Only one man wins at the finish line." The hotshot Imaizumi I know is cooler than that!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" Imaizumi: "He can't see!" uko: "Damn it!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun, I'll pull!" uko: "Onoda-kun, don't be stupid. You worry too much." uko: "You think I'm going to drop out?" uko: "We made a promise at the beginning..." uko: "That the three of us would take first together." uko: "That we'd make it to the finish line before anyone else." uko: "I keep the promises I make to my friends. Stay out of the wind and preserve your energy until we reach Hakone Academy." uko: "Can you do me one favor, though?" uko: "I'm a sprinter. I'm not a great climber. I keep riding with my head down since it's so tough, so could you watch from behind and tell me if I have to go left or right on the next turn?" uko: "Then we'll definitely catch up to Hakone Academy!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun... but..." uko: "I'm counting on you, Onoda-kun!" Sakamichi: "Left turn 50 meters ahead!" Sakamichi: "Go straight for a while!" Sakamichi: "Right!" Sakamichi: "Take a big left turn!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun, I can see them." Sakamichi: "I see them!" Sakamichi: "The lead pack!" Sakamichi: "It's Hakone Academy!" uko: "I wanted to see..." uko: "...the look on their faces!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" uko: "You must be Imaizumi-kun. Onoda-kun mentioned you." uko: "That's some cold logic!" uko: "Onoda-kun climbed that mountain as hard as he could for us! If we don't help him now, when do we?!" uko: "Stubborn? What could be better than being stubborn?" Sakamichi: "I always get D's in P.E." uko: "Bicycles are fast regardless of that." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun. Could you give me some spirit before we go?" uko: "But let's go all out, Onoda-kun. These three days will be a long battle," uko: "but let's stay strong, go all out, and survive. I think it'd feel amazing if we finished first all three days together." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" Makishima: "Tadokorocchi, could you recycle this?" Tadokoro: "Leave it to me." Tadokoro: "Tadokoro's final attack..." Tadokoro: "...Rampaging Human Bullet Vacuum!" Makishima: "That's amazing!" Tadokoro: "I'm starting to feel a little dizzy." Makishima: "Tadokorocchi," Makishima: "we must be environmentally conscious!" Tadokoro: "I'll do it!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 15 – ROAD.15 Naruko's True Worth!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "15", "ROAD.15 Naruko's True Worth!" ] }
Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" Makishima: "Naruko, that was impressive." Imaizumi: "Let's go, Onoda!" Sakamichi: "Yeah!" uku: "Let me ask you a question, then." uku: "Without Kinjou, who is your ace?" Imaizumi: "I am Sohoku's ace." Makishima: "Well said, Imaizumi." Sakamichi: "Um, I thought you were the ace now, since you're a third-year..." Makishima: "Imaizumi understands." Makishima: "If Toudou or I try to jump ahead, the other will keep him in check." Makishima: "I'm the only one who can stop him, and he's the only one who can stop me." Makishima: "We'd end up destroying each other." Sakamichi: "Destroying each other?" Makishima: "In that case, you need someone who can actually race for the finish line. Hakone Academy has Fukutomi." Makishima: "We have Imaizumi. Since they carry the pressure, responsibility, and the fate of the team" Makishima: "They are prepared to do that." Makishima: "I never thought I'd be the one to say that." Imaizumi: "I challenge you, Fukutomi-san." uku: "You won't let me take the finish line." uku: "It's written all over your face, first-year." Imaizumi: "Yes." uku: "Then show me..." uku: "...if there's truth in your expression!" Sakamichi: "Hakone Academy's jumping ahead!" Makishima: "I know! Follow me, Imaizumi!" Makishima: "I'll pull you to the finish line!" Makishima: "Kinjou's, Tadokoro's, Naruko's, and mine!" Makishima: "This jersey packed full of our desires rides with you now, Imaizumi!" Imaizumi: "Yes, sir!" uku: "Fall back, Toudou!" Sakamichi: "The ace is jumping ahead!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, the wall..." uku: "I see." uku: "You're not the ace in name only, Imaizumi." Imaizumi: "Yes." uku: "But you should know..." uku: "I am strong!" Imaizumi: "Then..." Imaizumi: "...I will exceed your strength!" Imaizumi: "I am the ace." Imaizumi: "I will exceed your strength, Fukutomi-san, ace of Hakone Academy." uku: "Imaizumi Shunsuke." Makishima: "Imaizumi!" uku: "Sohoku's attacking?" A: "One of Sohoku's guys jumped ahead!" uku: "Their ace is attacking now?" Imaizumi: "Unlike you, I won't use any feints. I will ride alone and cross the finish line." Imaizumi: "There are 15 kilometers left." Imaizumi: "I will take first place." uku: "He's serious! Toudou!" Toudou: "I know!" Toudou: "I'll stop you, Imaizumi-kun!" Makishima: "Your fight is against me!" Toudou: "You're in the way, Maki-chan!" B: "Hakone Academy's letting Sohoku ride alone!" uku: "I'm going!" Toudou: "Fuku!" Imaizumi: "In a battle of strength, who do you think wins?" uku: "What?" Imaizumi: "It's simple." Imaizumi: "The strongest one." Imaizumi: "I've always liked riding at the front." Imaizumi: "I know. Right now..." Imaizumi: "...I am stronger than anyone else." uku: "I won't allow it!" Imaizumi: "We've pulled pretty far ahead of the others." Imaizumi: "Are you all right?" Imaizumi: "I'm going to attack again." Imaizumi: "Can you keep up?" Toudou: "Move, Maki-chan!" Makishima: "Sorry, but I can't!" Toudou: "I didn't think your ace would suddenly jump ahead!" Makishima: "You weren't expecting that, were you?" Toudou: "Damn it! Was that Sohoku's plan all along, Maki-chan?" Makishima: "No. I wasn't expecting it, either!" Makishima: "I couldn't have. It didn't even occur to me. Attacking with 15 kilometers left is reckless. The final day is a climb." Makishima: "The Inter-High is an important race. It's been drilled into all of us, but especially us third-years." Makishima: "It makes us careful. We understand the flow and feel of the Inter-High." Makishima: "The finish line of a big race is won at the very, very end. I know it, you know it, and Fukutomi knows it." Toudou: "Damn it! Fuku!" Makishima: "You're not going anywhere!" Makishima: "Toudou, the young always try and fail." Makishima: "They ruin themselves when things don't go as expected. But every once in a while," Toudou: "Move!" Toudou: "You're in the way, Maki-chan! Move!" C: "Huh? What did you say? Could you repeat that?" D: "#1 from the reigning champs, Hakone Academy..." D: "Hakone Academy's ace..." D: "...is more than 50 meters behind a Sohoku first-year!" Boy A: "Hey, let's play games at your place today." Boy B: "Sure. Who else is coming?" Boy A: "Take-chan, Yuji, and..." Boy A: "Hey, do you want to come?" Imaizumi: "No, thank you." Boy B: "You idiot. Why did you invite him?" Boy A: "I thought he might come." Boy B: "He never comes." Imaizumi: "A present?" her: "That's right. It's almost your birthday." her: "What do you want? What sorts of things do you like?" Imaizumi: "Nothing, really." her: "There must be something. Is it games? Comics?" Imaizumi: "I'm not interested in those things." her: "I see. Well, that's a problem." Mother: "What about a bicycle?" Mother: "Isn't the one you're using too small?" Imaizumi: "A bicycle?" her: "Great idea." her: "What do you think?" Imaizumi: "Yeah. That's fine." Takahashi: "How about this one, sir? It's just the right size for you." Takahashi: "What about this one? It's a beautiful blue color." Imaizumi: "If you like it, it's fine by me." Takahashi: "But this bicycle is for you, sir." Imaizumi: "All bicycles are the same. Just pick one." Toji: "You don't like bikes?" Imaizumi: "It's not that I don't like them..." Toji: "But?" Imaizumi: "I don't ride them." Imaizumi: "I'm too busy with cram school and lessons." Imaizumi: "Takahashi drives me to and from school." Toji: "I see." Toji: "It's cool, isn't it?" Imaizumi: "N-Not really..." Toji: "It's called a road racer." Imaizumi: "A road racer?" Toji: "Yeah." Toji: "There's nothing unnecessary on it to slow it down. It's a bike designed to reach the finish line even one tenth of a second faster." Toji: "Do you want to ride one?" Imaizumi: "What?" Toji: "Of course, that's the tallest one we have. You won't be able to ride it." Toji: "This one's good, though. I can vouch for it." Imaizumi: "It's light." Imaizumi: "I'm not riding downhill, am I?" Imaizumi: "But I keep going faster and faster." Imaizumi: "Incredible. I'm going even faster!" Imaizumi: "Amazing." Imaizumi: "I'm leaving all the sights, smells, and sounds behind." Imaizumi: "It's so pure and quiet." Imaizumi: "I had no idea this world existed." Takahashi: "What's going on?" Takahashi: "The young master still hasn't returned." Takahashi: "It's been two hours already." Toji: "He's taking longer than I thought." Takahashi: "Could he have had an accident?" Takahashi: "Sir!" Takahashi: "Sir! Are you all right?" Imaizumi: "Takahashi, I've decided." Imaizumi: "I want this one." Toji: "There he is." Toji: "Takahashi-san." Takahashi: "Why, if it isn't the Kanzaki Cycle Shop's young master." Toji: "Don't call me that." Takahashi: "Who is she?" Toji: "My little sister, Miki." Miki: "Nice to meet you." Toji: "When I told her about him, she said she wanted to watch, so I brought her. Don't be fooled by her looks. She loves bikes more than I do." Miki: "They're here!" Takahashi: "Sir! You can do it!" Toji: "He doesn't seem to be doing very well..." Rider A: "Move! Don't block the way!" Rider B: "Shut up! You pull, then!" Rider C: "Go faster!" Imaizumi: "Damn it. What is this? Are races always this noisy?" Rider A: "Shut up!" Imaizumi: "Shut up." Rider A: "If you've got a problem, you pull!" Imaizumi: "Shut up! Shut up!" Miki: "You can do it!" Takahashi: "Sir!" Imaizumi: "Shut up, all of you!" Imaizumi: "It's quiet." Imaizumi: "That's right. I should just leave all the nuisances behind." Imaizumi: "It's simple." Imaizumi: "I just have to turn my pedals and go faster." Miki: "Nice to meet you. I'm Miki." Imaizumi: "Did you know?" Miki: "Huh?" Imaizumi: "First place is the quietest." E: "Hey, did you hear? Sohoku's in the lead." F: "Yeah, and the rider's a first-year, right?" Toji: "Cycling is a team sport, and a battle against yourself." Toji: "Climbs are so hard, you'll feel like your heart's going to burst. You can't help but want to brake on downhill slopes." Toji: "The final wall that stands before a rider is inside his heart." Miki: "Yeah." Toji: "In order to break through that wall and grow," Miki: "It's okay. Imaizumi-kun has that." Toji: "Yeah. He's grown stronger." Toji: "No, he's becoming stronger right now." G: "What quick reactions!" H: "Does he have eyes in the back of his head?" Man A: "Yes. #174 is dropping out." Man A: "Yes, he's fine." Man B: "Riders are coming! Make way, everyone!" Man B: "Riders are coming!" Ishigaki: "The rest is up to you." I: "Another rider fell!" I: "It's Kyoto Fushimi!" J: "The other one is still climbing!" I: "Is he trying to reach the finish line from here?" Midousuji: "Keep going, keep going." Midousuji: "This is a narrow road up Mount Fuji." Ishigaki: "Midousuji, you're pretty patient. Nobu and the others already left. But you shouldn't push yourself too hard. Despite how I look, I'm actually a master of endurance. Listen to me!" Ishigaki: "Midousuji, you don't like to lose, do you? But you won't beat me. I can't look lame in front of my juniors." Ishigaki: "Midousuji, is there anything bothering you? If you're worried about something, you can tell me. Although questions about perseverance are really all I can answer." Ishigaki: "Patience is good." Ishigaki: "I first began to realize I was very patient around the time I started grade school. You know those stag beetles?"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 16 – ROAD.16 Imaizumi the Ace!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "16", "ROAD.16 Imaizumi the Ace!" ] }
Man B: "Riders are coming!" Ishigaki: "The rest is up to you." Midousuji: "Keep going, keep going." Midousuji: "This is a narrow road up Mount Fuji." Man 1: "Are you okay?" Man 2: "Get some water and a cold towel!" Man 1: "His skin is the color of mud!" Man 2: "Contact the guys below! Quickly!" 1: "#91's climbing incredibly fast!" 2: "He's alone!" Midousuji: "Gross. Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross!" Midousuji: "Come on, Ishigaki-kun. The vermin have gone on ahead. If we don't speed up, we'll be left behind." Ishigaki: "I know!" Ishigaki: "Not yet... You're not finished yet, Ishigaki Koutarou! You must endure it!" Midousuji: "Faster, Ishigaki-kun. Pull me to the mountains like your life depends on it. After that, I don't care if you collapse. You just have to work until then." Midousuji: "You're glad I came back for the third day's race, aren't you?" Ishigaki: "Yes!" Midousuji: "What are you doing, Ishigaki-kun? That's enough. Your job ended when we entered the mountains." Midousuji: "I can do the rest myself." Ishigaki: "Let me pull for you, Midousuji." Midousuji: "Huh?" Midousuji: "Is this your pride as the former ace? Do you think this makes you look cool? You should abandon—" Ishigaki: "Yeah, I've abandoned it." Midousuji: "What?" Ishigaki: "Honestly, until yesterday, I thought of myself as the former ace." Ishigaki: "But riding with you at the finish line changed that." Ishigaki: "It was the same. Our methods are different, but we both want to win!" Ishigaki: "The pride I have now is the pride of an assistant." Ishigaki: "If you think I'm useless to you, cut me free. Until then, I'll pull as hard as I can." Midousuji: "Gross. You're so gross, Ishigaki-kun. Abandoned it? An assistant? What? An assistant's pride? Ridiculous. You're lying to yourself." Midousuji: "Everyone wants to finish first. There is no greater sweetness in road racing. You're just lying about your true nature when you say you're the assistant." Ishigaki: "You really are pure-hearted." Ishigaki: "I'm sorry." Ishigaki: "I didn't realize that when we met." Midousuji: "What's this? You're playing my senior now? Gross." Ishigaki: "I'm distracted by many thoughts." Ishigaki: "I make excuses when I lose." Ishigaki: "I'm stuck in the past." Ishigaki: "I'm not strong enough to win a national event." Ishigaki: "But I'm riding far in the front at the Inter-High right now. It's because you pulled me here," Ishigaki: "You changed me. Strength, insight, and adaptability... The purity of heart needed to move forward, no matter what." Ishigaki: "That's why my greatest desire is to assist you." Ishigaki: "I dream of you becoming the national champion." Ishigaki: "Midousuji!" Ishigaki: "This number tag contains three years of my effort! It is my soul!" Ishigaki: "Will you take it with you to the finish line?" Midousuji: "No, that's gross." Ishigaki: "That's right." Ishigaki: "That's the person you are, Midousuji!" Midousuji: "What?" Midousuji: "Are you putting on a show for me, Ishigaki-kun?" Ishigaki: "I'm sorry. My legs will give out soon." Ishigaki: "Before then, yesterday's events..." Midousuji: "I'm not riding in the race." Ishigaki: "I need to know if you've changed your mind." Midousuji: "What?" Midousuji: "Road racing is a high-speed competition about shedding everything unnecessary." Midousuji: "A stupid piece of fabric is a heavy load. The only thing I desire..." Midousuji: "...is victory!" Makishima: "I'm not letting you reach the aces, Toudou!" Toudou: "Maki-chan, move!" Toudou: "Wait!" Toudou: "I thought you'd fallen far behind, Kyoto Fushimi's Midousuji!" Midousuji: "You seem quite tired, ace climbers." Midousuji: "This wouldn't have happened if you weren't so tired. It's hilarious, though. Sohoku sent Weakizumi-kun as their ace. I can only assume you've given up." Makishima: "All of us are counting on Imaizumi to reach the finish line!" Makishima: "So I can't let you reach him!" Toudou: "After him, Manami!" Toudou: "Protect the ace!" Manami: "Yes, sir." Midousuji: "Who are you? A secret weapon?" Manami: "I guess it's a race to see which of us is faster." Midousuji: "Those eyes... You don't intend to protect your ace." Sakamichi: "Excuse me." Sakamichi: "Should I go after them, too?" Sakamichi: "Makishima-san!" Makishima: "Yeah, go!" Makishima: "Don't hold anything back anymore!" Makishima: "Pedal! Pedal hard! Give it all you've got! Sakamichi, protect our ace!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Makishima: "Sakamichi, these are my final words to you!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Makishima: "Protect the ace! Take Sohoku's jersey across the finish line with Imaizumi! Kinjou's, Tadokoro's, Naruko's... Our dream! Be the first one to take it across the finish line!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Midousuji: "You're keeping up." Manami: "Of course." Manami: "I like hills." Midousuji: "What is that? Some kind of stunt?" Manami: "No, this is just a bonus." Manami: "It's for you. Isn't it more exciting to race an opponent who's so composed?" Midousuji: "Manami." Midousuji: "Hakone Academy #6, Manami Sangaku. A climber. No... data!" Manami: "He's fast. I knew it." Manami: "Ordinary methods won't work on you." Manami: "So let's race to see who can reach the aces first." Midousuji: "Isn't it your job to keep me from reaching them?" Manami: "No matter what I do, you'll catch up." Manami: "So it'd be a waste not to compete." Midousuji: "A waste? You're a monster." Manami: "A monster? You're the monster." Manami: "Come on, Midousuji-kun. Let's race using all five of our senses!" Manami: "Come on!" Midousuji: "He's trying to egg me on by showing me what he can do. Very well. I accept. Either way, I have to scatter all the opponents before me to reach the finish line. Fukutomi-kun, Imaizumi-kun, and..." Midousuji: "...Manami!" Manami: "You're here, Midousuji-kun." Midousuji: "The way you smile while you ride is gross." Manami: "Really? A close race like this would have anyone smiling!" Manami: "Wow, you're really going hard." Midousuji: "Not really." Manami: "There are only 15 centimeters between us." Midousuji: "That's more than enough. In road racing, the width of a single white line..." Midousuji: "...can be exploited to achieve victory!" s: "Kyoto Fushimi's moving! He's so fast! What did he just do?" Midousuji: "Manami-kun, this race isn't to my advantage. If we keep going, Hakone Academy will have two riders." Midousuji: "Why don't we add a condition to our race toward the aces? "The loser won't pass the winner until the finish line."" Midousuji: "How does that sound?" Manami: "Sounds interesting! It'll be a close race!" Girl: "It's been years since you were home this early." Manami: "Yeah. I wanted to ask you about an entrance exam." Manami: "If I get into this school, I can ride with some really fast guys." Girl: "H-Hakone Academy? Sangaku wants to attend my first-choice school?" Manami: "Is it hard to get in?" Girl: "You'll have to study pretty hard. But I wouldn't be opposed to telling you what" Girl: "Where did you go?" Manami: "Thanks, Class President! I think I can do it now!" Girl: "Wait, Sangaku!" Girl: "As far as I know, he mostly rode his bike and hardly studied at all." Girl: "You're late again?" Manami: "Yeah. Sorry, Class President." Girl: "We haven't been in school for a month yet, and you've already been late 18 times. Even the teacher called it an unprecedented achievement—" Girl: "Sangaku?" Girl: "He's asleep!" Girl: "I believe Manami-kun's late all the time because he's become obsessed with cycling." uku: "Manami's lateness has nothing to do with his club activities." Girl: "H-How do you know that?" uku: "He's always late for his club activities, too." uku: "He hasn't come yet today." Girl: "What? Should you allow that?" Arakita: "Manami, you're late." Manami: "Sorry. I was just riding around a bit." Toudou: "You're trying to get girls by being fashionably late." Arakita: "Do you see any girls around here?" Toudou: "There's one right there." Manami: "Class President? Why are you here?" Girl: "No particular reason." Manami: "Fukutomi-san, the rollers are still occupied, right?" uku: "Yes." Manami: "I'll use them later, so can I go out for another ride now?" Manami: "The wind feels really nice today." uku: "As long as you do your work, that's fine." Manami: "Thank you." Shinkai: "Where have you been until now?" Manami: "I did two laps to Odahara." Arakita: "Liar." Arakita: "You're too easy on him, Fuku-chan. He's just a weird first-year kid who climbs okay." Shinkai: "Don't be that way. Juichi likes peculiar people." Toudou: "You were way weirder than him when you first joined." Manami: "Really?" Arakita: "Shut up! Don't listen to him!" Manami: "I'll see you guys later." Girl: "Um, Hakone Academy's bicycle club is known for being strict, isn't it?" uku: "Yes. We are strict." uku: "But we merely insist that our members be strong." Girl: "What?" uku: "Being strict doesn't just mean following the rules." Girl: "The guys in the cycling club relate to Sangaku better than I do." Girl: "I don't understand. How can he look so happy when he seems to be in so much pain?" Manami: "See you tomorrow, Class President!" Girl: "Y-Yeah." Girl: "Maybe I don't have to understand for now." Girl: "He has them for talking about bicycles." Girl: "I'll stick to helping him with classes and tests." : "#6 is riding on the gravel! He's outta control, but he's so fast!" Midousuji: "Gross!" Midousuji: "Gross!" Manami: "It's close. It's such a close race. But I enjoy these kinds of races!" Manami: "I am alive!" Manami: "Midousuji-kun, do you feel alive when you're in class?" Manami: "I don't." Midousuji: "What?" Manami: "When I go outside and feel the air... When I feel the wind, rain, sunlight, and cold..." Manami: "When I struggle to use the strength in my body and push myself to the very limit..." Manami: "...I feel so close to death!" Manami: "But you must understand. Everyone does. That's when you feel it." Manami: "That's when you feel truly alive!" Manami: "That's why I ride bicycles!" Midousuji: "You're not gross." Manami: "Do you want to see?" Manami: "I still have something up my sleeve." Midousuji: "To win, I have taken everything I don't need..." Midousuji: "...and cast it off." Midousuji: "I have cast off everything."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 17 – ROAD.17 Hakone Academy #6", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "17", "ROAD.17 Hakone Academy #6" ] }
Toudou: "After him, Manami!" Toudou: "Protect the ace!" Manami: "Yes, sir." Midousuji: "You're not gross." Manami: "Do you want to see?" Manami: "I still have something up my sleeve." A: "What about Toudou-san?" A: "He's being held back by Sohoku's Makishima?" B: "Seriously?" A: "Wait. That means the only one chasing Kyoto Fushimi's Midousuji is..." B: "It's just Manami!" A: "There's no way he can do it." B: "He's so out of it. People still think he only made the team because he got lucky." A: "Hakone Academy's screwed. We're in serious trouble." Kuroda: "No, he may be able to keep Midousuji in check." B: "What?" A: "Kuroda-san!" Kuroda: "When he won the Group F race and the right to participate" Kuroda: "in the Inter-High..." B: "Oh. Come to think of it, Kuroda-san..." Kurda: "People say he beat me because of a chance gust of wind," Kurda: "but that's not what I believe." Kuroda: "Climbing isn't that forgiving." Kuroda: "He had an opportunity to win. That's why he went." Kuroda: "Climbing is a race against gravity." Kuroda: "No one wins by coincidence. The difference between riders is decided" Kuroda: "by their ability to spot opportunities." Kuroda: "He saw it." B: "But he's so out of it..." A: "I train with him..." A: "But he's not that impressive." Kuroda: "Because it's just practice." Kuroda: "When he's really racing..." Kuroda: "I can tell." Kuroda: "He may be smiling, but it's chilling..." Kuroda: "...how intensely focused he is." Manami: "Go!" Manami: "Way to keep up, Midousuji-kun. You're not falling behind." Midousuji: "You're not gross." Midousuji: "Are you sure you should be riding so hard?" Midousuji: "Even if you catch up, you won't be able to protect your ace." Manami: "But someone as strong as you caught up." Manami: "Like I said, it'd be a waste for us not to race." Manami: "Besides, you don't have to worry about when I catch up to the aces..." Manami: "...because I'll pull ahead at the next curve." Midousuji: "A prediction? Is this psychological warfare, Manami?" Manami: "Midousuji-kun, road racing is a battle against nature." Manami: "But nature is enormous. It doesn't listen." Manami: "Complaining that a road is too steep doesn't make it flatter." Manami: "Complaining it's too hot doesn't make it cooler." Manami: "It's impossible to control nature." : "Kyoto Fushimi's pulling ahead!" Manami: "That's why..." Manami: "...I listen to its voice." Midousuji: "A gear shift? Did he shift up?" 1: "What did #6 just do?" 2: "That acceleration was creepy!" 3: "It's the wind! He rode the gust!" 4: "No way!" 2: "Kyoto Fushimi's falling behind!" Manami: "I still have something up my sleeve." Manami: "Sorry, but I win this round." Midousuji: "You're so fast!" Midousuji: "That's what you were hiding up your sleeve?" Midousuji: "So what?" Midousuji: "There will always be..." Midousuji: "...another gust!" Midousuji: "Ma..." Midousuji: "...nami!" Midousuji: "How's that?" Manami: "Midousuji-kun!" Midousuji: "Manami." Makishima: "Give it all you've got! Sakamichi, protect our ace!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Sakamichi: "Princess!" 1: "He's so fast!" 2: "Oh, man! #176 is insanely fast!" 1: "How is he even riding like that?" 1: "He just rode way on the outside. That's really inefficient." 2: "But he rode kind of... ...straight through, you know?" 1: "Yeah." Kinjou: "Not everyone will be able to cross the finish line..." Kinjou: "Leave the injured and exhausted behind." Kinjou: "Tomorrow, you won't help each other as you did today." Kinjou: "The situation will change moment by moment. The unexpected will occur." Kinjou: "Respond to change, and don't let a chance pass you by. Those who take that chance ride with the hopes of those they leave behind." Kinjou: "But if someone else should fall, you must support them." Makishima: "What? My dreams for the Inter-High?" Sakamichi: "Um, if it's a difficult question to answer, you don't have to." Sakamichi: "Um... I just thought there might be something. Sorry." Sakamichi: "E-Excuse me." Makishima: "I have only one dream." Makishima: "The same dream every climber has." Makishima: "To be the first to reach the mountain peak finish line." Sakamichi: "Be stronger!" Sakamichi: "More!" Sakamichi: "More!" Sakamichi: "Thirty more rpm!" Toudou: "I never imagined we'd be this far behind" Toudou: "during the Inter-High's final climb, Maki-chan." Makshima: "It's impossible to predict how a race will go." Toudou: "Midousuji, huh?" Toudou: "He's definitely exceptional." Toudou: "I didn't think he'd catch up like that." Makishima: "You're not usually so faint of heart, Toudou." Toudou: "We have our own exceptional rider." Toudou: "I'm not worried." Makishima: "Manami, huh?" Toudou: "He flies to catch people, like the race has just begun. His focus is exceptional, too. Now I understand why Fuku said to keep him behind me and let him conserve his energy." Toudou: "He even used Arakita to bring him back from the pack. Those two incredible guys are riding ahead of us," Toudou: "and Four-Eyes went after them." Toudou: "The difference in strength is clear." Toudou: "Maki-chan, with Midousuji's physical strength and judgment..." Toudou: "...and Manami's first-rate climbing..." Toudou: "...do you really think Four-Eyes can catch up to them after a late start?" Makishima: "Of course!" Makishima: "That's why I gave him my soul!" Sakamichi: "I'm almost there..." Sakamichi: "Just a little more..." Sakamichi: "...and Imaizumi-kun..." Kinjou: "All right! In that case, raise your cadence by 30 rpm!" Miki: "Thir..." Makishima: "Thirty?!" Tadokoro: "Kinjou, that's not..." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir! I'll raise my cadence by 30 rpm!" Makishima: "He raised his cadence to catch up to Naruko and Imaizumi, and..." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, Naruko-kun!" Sakamichi: "I caught up!" Imaizumi: "You won't!" Makishima: "Go, Onoda!" Sakamichi: "Princess!" Makishima: "It's a miracle!" Kinjou: "Individual training starts tomorrow." Kinjou: "You'll take Onoda." Makishima: "Me?" Kinjou: "I'm counting on you." Makishima: "So this is the high-cadence climb I've heard about." Makishima: "His cadence is amazing. He's in total control of his pace. He accelerates and decelerates evenly." Makishima: "He's unrefined, but he has the right idea." Sakamichi: "Look at this. The left and right arm... The holes you pop them into have different shapes!" Sakamichi: "The paint job is detailed, too!" Sakamiichi: "Look at the shading on its hair!" Sakamichi: "It's so show-accurate! I wanted this Black Manyu so bad that I worked really, really hard to finally get my hands on one!" Makishima: "I have no idea what he's talking about..." uko: "Wait!" uko: "Makishima-san, you're a climber, too!" Makishima: "Sorry, Naruko. I'm not much of a friend." Sakamichi: "I'm sorry, everyone!" Sakamichi: "I just caught up!" Midousuji: "Four-Eyes?" Manami: "What are you doing over there, Sakamichi-kun?" Sakamichi: "I caught up." Sakamichi: "I caught up, Makishima-san!" Sakamichi: "I caught up!" Sakamichi: "Midousuji-kun! Manami-kun!" Sakamichi: "U-Um, are you going shopping, too, Midousuji-kun?" Sakamichi: "M-Midousuji-kun, um, can I ask you something?" Sakamichi: "You always call small fry "Zaku." Do you like anime?" Sakamichi: "Over summer vacation, I went to Akiba every single day!" Sakamichi: "Manami-kun, Midousuji-kun..." Sakamichi: "I'm so glad..." Sakamichi: "...I caught up to you." Sakamichi: "I thought of you guys a bunch while I was climbing." Sakamichi: "Knowing you were riding ahead of me..." Sakamichi: "It was exciting! It gave me strength." Sakamichi: "It made me..." Sakamichi: "...smile." Sakamichi: "Thinking we'd get to ride..." Sakamichi: "...together again..." Sakamichi: "That made me really happy." Sakamichi: "But..." Sakamichi: "Makishima-san told me to protect our ace." Sakamichi: "Everyone is counting on us." Sakamichi: "He told me to win with Imaizumi-kun." Sakamichi: "So, Midousuji-kun!" Sakamichi: "I will stop you! I won't let you reach our ace!" Midousuji: "Stop me?" Midousuji: "That makes things easier to understand." Midousuji: "In other words, I just have to pull ahead!" Midousuji: "Isn't that right?" A: "What was that?" B: "#91 is so fast!" Sakamichi: "No, no, no, no! I'll stop you!" Sakamichi: "I will stop you, Midousuji-kun!" Sakamichi: "I'll do it! When I'm riding a bike, especially when I'm riding with someone else," Sakamichi: "I end up smiling because I'm having fun." Midousuji: "Sakamichi..." Toudou: "You're late, Manami!" Toudou: "It's your turn to clean up today!" Manami: "Sorry." Manami: "I forgot." Toudou: "Don't think you can get out of this by smiling! Starting today, I'm going to be harder on you!" Manami: "What?" Manami: "Can't you be nice to me, Toudou-san?" Manami: "Huh?" Manami: "I forgot my wallet. What am I going to do? I can't buy a drink..." Toudou: "It's your own fault for not making sure you had it. If you don't change, once we're gone..." Manami: "You're right." Toudou: "What?" Manami: "I'll be lonely once you graduate. You're a good climber, handsome, a great conversationalist, and dependable. Toudou-san, I look up to you..." Manami: "...more than anyone else." Toudou: "Wh-What are you..." Toudou: "Go buy yourself something with this! Keep the change!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 18 – ROAD.18 Step by Step", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "18", "ROAD.18 Step by Step" ] }
Sakamichi: "Makishima-san told me to protect our ace." Sakamichi: "Everyone is counting on us." Sakamichi: "He told me to win with Imaizumi-kun." Sakamichi: "So, Midousuji-kun!" Sakamichi: "I will stop you! I won't let you reach our ace!" Midousuji: "Stop me?" Midousuji: "That makes things easier to understand." C: "A first-year? Seriously?" D: "Amazing!" E: "Hakone Academy!" F: "You can do it, ace!" G: "You're the champ!" Makishima: "Protect our ace!" Sakamichi: "I will stop you!" Midousuji: "You left the inside wide open. You suck at making efficient lines." Midousuji: "Stop me?" Midousuji: "That sounds cool, but it's impossible..." Midousuji: "Because you lack technique." Midousuji: "Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "Midousuji-kun!" Midousuji: "You came, Manami." Midousuji: "There was some interference, but our rule still applies, doesn't it?" Midousuji: "Why don't we add a condition to our race toward the aces? "The loser won't pass the winner until after the finish line." How does that sound?" Manami: "Of course. If you're still up for it." Midousuji: "Of course I am." Manami: "But Sakamichi-kun's here, too. What if he wins?" Midousuji: "If he wins..." Midousuji: "If he catches up first..." uko: "There's something you'll be good at." Imaizumi: "And once he catches you," Imaizumi: "he never lets go!" Midousuji: "...the same rules apply!" H: "Sohoku rode off course!" Sakamichi: "Stop, stop, stop!" J: "He's falling!" Sakamichi: "Stop!" Sakamichi: "Excuse me! Coming through!" N: "Are you okay?" Tadokoro: "All right, ride!" Tadokoro: "The rest of the course is a descent! You can do it! Get on your bike!" Makishima: "You need to overcome it. If there's something you still want to do, quit complaining and do it." uko: "Don't break." uko: "Don't lose heart." Imaizumi: "Then I'll take you to the finish line myself!" Kinjou: "Go!" Kinjou: "We never give up!" Kinjou: "That is Team Sohoku!" O: "Wow, they're so fast!" P: "They're going to catch up to the front!" Midousuji: "Sakamichi really was a big "if." Manami," Midousuji: "we've almost reached the aces." Sakamichi: "Princess!" Midousuji: "I see the ace. It's Fukutomi-kun. Whoever gets beside Fukutomi-kun first wins, Mana..." Midousuji: "Sakamichi!" Midousuji: "You ran off the course earlier!" Midousuji: "Gross!" Sakamichi: "Stick to him, stick to him, stick to him!" Sakamichi: "Stick to him!" Manami: "You're even with us!" Sakamichi: "Huh?" Sakamichi: "I'm even with you guys!" Manami: "Good! Keep going!" Sakamichi: "Okay!" Manami: "Go!" Manami: "Catch up!" Midousuji: "It's just as I predicted, Manami." Midousuji: "Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross... Gross!" Midousuji: "We're even!" Midousuji: "Pull ahead!" Manami: "Races are truly interesting!" Sakamichi: "Does "keep going" mean "stay even"?!" Midousuji: "Sakamichi!" Manami: "Let's go!" Q: "Amazing! They caught up!" R: "They're so fast!" Manami: "Too bad... We tied." Manami: "We'll settle this at the finish line." Manami: "Let's shake. That was a good race." Midousuji: "No, that's gross." Manami: "Sakamichi-kun, you, too." Sakamichi: "Th-Thanks." Sakamichi: "This is kind of embarrassing. I didn't know we were racing." Sakamichi: "S-Sorry." Manami: "You kept up." Manami: "That's worth a handshake." Sakamichi: "What?" Manami: "Only the chosen..." Manami: "...make it to this final stage." Manami: "To this place." Manami: "You're more than good enough." Sakamichi: "What?" Manami: "Let's fight for the last five kilometers." Manami: "It's the final finish line!" S: "Three riders caught up with only five kilometers to go!" T: "Five guys are in the lead pack!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun!" Sakamichi: "I'm really, um..." Sakamichi: "I'm sorry!" Sakamichi: "I was told to protect our ace." Makishima: "Protect our ace!" Sakamichi: "Makishima-san counted on me to do it," Sakamichi: "but I..." Sakamichi: "I couldn't stop Midousuji-kun! Imaizumi-kun, I'm really so—" Imaizumi: "You astonish me." Imaizumi: "We're at the front of the final battle of the Inter-High. You jumped out from behind, climbed," Imaizumi: "kept up with the others, and caught up to us." Imaizumi: "Just now. You've done something incredible," Imaizumi: "but the first words out of your mouth are, "I'm sorry"? You should hold your head high and say, "That's right, I'm here. You should be grateful."" Imaizumi: "You shouldn't be apologizing, idiot." Imaizumi: "I'm impressed you made it here, Onoda. No, Sakamichi." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun..." Imaizumi: "You catch up to me all the time, don't you?" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, Naruko-kun!" Sakamichi: "I caught up!" Imaizumi: "You're amazing." Sakamichi: "Oh, I'm not... This isn't..." Sakamichi: "I-I think it's because you're so strong!" Sakamichi: "You have the power to pull people forward, Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "I don't have a virtue like that." Imaizumi: "But when you say it, it sounds like I do." Sakamichi: "You do! You're strong, c-cool, friendly..." Imaizumi: "I tried talking to people who might be interested in that thing on your flier... Anime or manga or whatever." Imaizumi: "No, I'm not friendly." Sakamichi: "Also, you care about your friends." Imaizumi: "Sakamichi." Imaizumi: "Let's go." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "Naruko, we'll take your dreams" Imaizumi: "to the finish line." Sakamichi: "Yeah!" Sakamiichi: "Midousuji-kun!" Imaizumi: "Where are you going, Midousuji?" Midousuji: "I thought you were busy enjoying your reunion..." Midousuji: "...Grossizumi." Imaizumi: "In the moment of calm that follows after someone catches up" Imaizumi: "or are swallowed by the pack, it's easiest to attack. That's why you jumped ahead." Imaizumi: "You do things surprisingly by the book." Imaizumi: "Did you think I was just enjoying a pleasant ride..." Imaizumi: "...Grossuji?" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, what should I do now? Makishima-san told me to assist you" Sakamichi: "and take our jersey across the finish line together." Imaizumi: "Do exactly what he said, Sakamichi. We need to get one of our two jerseys" Imaizumi: "to the finish line." Imaizumi: "There are no flats before a mountaintop finish line. An assistant's "launching pad" is useless." Imaizumi: "Climbs are a battle of individual strength." Imaizumi: "Mental strength, inspiration, and judgment... Everyone will give everything they have," Imaizumi: "and whoever pulls slightly ahead of the others wins." Imaizumi: "Right now, Sohoku has two jerseys." Imaizumi: "You must try to take the finish line, too, Sakamichi." Imaizumi: "Our opponents are Hakone Academy and Midousuji." Imaizumi: "The battle for the finish line will be fierce. If you think you've found an opportunity amidst the confusion, jump ahead." Imaizumi: "Take the finish line." Imaizumi: "Let's give this everything we have." Imaizumi: "Everything." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun..." Sakamichi: "Okay! Got it!" Manami: "It seems reaching the front and meeting Imaizumi-kun..." Manami: "...has awakened that will..." Manami: "...within him." uku: "Manami," uku: "allow me to be blunt." uku: "I wasn't expecting #176 to join the lead pack." uku: "What do you think..." uku: "...of him?" Manami: "Yes..." Manami: "He's a threat." Staff: "Why is he eating like that?" Midousuji: "Grossizumi!" Midousuji: "Gross?" Midousuji: "You're glaring at me now?" Midousuji: "I'll show you what you're really like." Midousuji: "I'll show you just how gross you are!" Midousuji: "I will show you myself!" Midousuji: "No matter how hard a fledgling tries..." Midousuji: "...he cannot fly!" Midousuji: "Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp!" Midousuji: "Chirpizumi!" Midousuji: "The other side is wide open!" Midousuji: "Gross, gross, gross, gross! Gross!" Imaizumi: "I told you, Midousuji." Imaizumi: "You're not going anywhere." Imaizumi: "You can try again and again." Imaizumi: "I'll stop you every time." uku: "Manami!" uku: "Ringo (apple)." Manami: "Huh?" Manami: "Gorira (gorilla)." uku: "Rainendo (next year)." Manami: "Donuts." uku: "Tsuukin (commute)..." uku: "Tsuukin densha (commuter train)!" Manami: "Shashin tate (picture frame)." uku: "What? Te... te... te..."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 19 – ROAD.19 Sakamichi's Role", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "19", "ROAD.19 Sakamichi's Role" ] }
ukutomi: "Rise..." ukutomi: "...Shinkai!" K: "Hakone Academy's second day assistant isn't Arakita!" L: "It's #4, their ace sprinter! It's Shinkai!" 1: "It's a three-way battle!" 2: "The teams are neck and neck!" 3: "Kyoto Fushimi's ahead!" 4: "Just 1,200 meters left!" Ishigaki: "I pulled you exactly 250 meters, Midousuji!" 1: "Kyoto Fushimi's breaking away!" 2: "Kyoto Fushimi made the first move!" 3: "He's heading into the turn alone!" Imaizumi: "Kyoto Fushimi's ace rode ahead!" Imaizumi: "Kinjou-san!" Shinkai: "Juichi!" ukutomi: "We'll keep going as is." Kinjou: "I'm not changing my orders." Both: "Take the turn with all your strength!" Imaizumi: "Yes, sir!" 1: "He's not falling over!" 2: "Huh? What was that?" 2: "He's taking the turn with such weird speed!" 3: "Amazing!" 1: "He's so fast!" 3: "Why isn't he falling?" 4: "Something's hitting the ground!" 1: "He's so fast!" 2: "Kyoto Fushimi's amazing! He's three seconds... no, four seconds ahead of the guys behind him!" Girl: "Four seconds?" Girl: "No way. Four seconds is that much distance?" Girl: "There's no way for the guys behind him to catch up now." uko: "Hotshot, we're at the very end." uko: "Take that jersey packed with our souls across the finish line." uko: "If you screw this up, I'll wrap you in a takoyaki and eat you!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun..." Sakamichi: "Um..." Sakamichi: "Do your best." Imaizumi: "Yeah. Leave it to me." Imaizumi: "I'm sorry, Kinjou-san!" Kinjou: "Don't take it all yourself, Imaizumi." Kinjou: "You did a good job." Kinjou: "You pulled me as fast as you could towards the finish line." Kinjou: "Hold your head high." Imaizumi: "Kinjou-san." Kinjou: "Frustration, regret, failure, success," Kinjou: "hope, and will. Everything." Kinjou: "Just as your friends did for you, do the same for me." Kinjou: "Entrust your heart to me." Kinjou: "This is the end. Carrying the wishes and hearts entrusted to me" Kinjou: "across the finish line... ...is my job as the ace!" Imaizumi: "Kinjou-san, please!" Imaizumi: "Please catch up to him! Promise me you'll win!" Imaizumi: "I entrust to you..." Imaizumi: "...my heart!" Shinkai: "Catch up, Juichi!" Shinkai: "I'm counting on you, Juichi." Imaizumi: "Please, Kinjou-san." ukutomi: "I knew it. You haven't given up yet, Kinjou." Kinjou: "No matter the situation, it's the ace's job to deliver the wishes entrusted to him to the finish line." ukutomi: "There's not much distance left, but we'll turn around this four-second lead." Kinjou: "Yeah." 1: "Kyoto Fushimi's in the lead! It's #91, Midousuji!" 2: "He's so fast and riding alone! It's over!" 3: "Go!" 4: "There isn't an athlete alive who can turn around this margin." 5: "Kyoto Fushimi's amazing." 6: "No, behind him!" 6: "It's Sohoku and Hakone Academy!" 6: "It's the aces!" 1: "The aces are on the move!" 2: "They feel totally different!" 3: "Hakone Academy's ace, Fukutomi, is called the Strongest Man," 3: "and Sohoku's ace Kinjou is known as the Man Who Never Gives Up." 4: "Seriously?" 6: "And they're chasing #91, the completely unknown guy!" 4: "Will they catch up?" 6: "Normally, it'd be impossible, but they're aces." 6: "It's a four-second margin." 6: "There's only 800 meters left!" Imaizumi: "Please, Kinjou-san!" 1: "Sohoku's accelerating!" 2: "No way! He's already riding incredibly fast, and he's accelerating?" 1: "Do aces have no limits?" Tadokoro: "It's about time..." Tadokoro: "They're probably in the final showdown now." uko: "They're at the finish line?" Sakamichi: "What's wrong, Naruko-kun?" uko: "Nothing. It's just... It was the end of the second day when the captain fell, right?" uko: "I don't expect the same thing to happen today, of course." Tadokoro: "Don't worry." Tadokoro: "No matter what happens, he'll keep riding." Makishima: "Yeah. He'll jam our wishes across the finish line." 1: "Sohoku's amazing!" 2: "Hakone Academy hasn't given up, either!" Kinjou: "You're here, Fukutomi?" ukutomi: "Of course." ukutomi: "I am strong!" Kinjou: "That's... a problem!" 1: "Hakone Academy and Sohoku's aces are chasing Kyoto Fushimi!" 1: "There's only 750 meters left before the finish line!" ukutomi: "I am strong!" Kinjou: "You really are a problem!" Kinjou: "Fukutomi!" ukutomi: "Kinjou!" ukutomi: "I have been waiting for this moment!" ukutomi: "For the day we could fight like this." ukutomi: "I came to formally apologize." ukutomi: "I'm really sorry." Kinjou: "Wait." Kinjou: "The weather is nice today." Kinjou: "Let's talk while we drink." ukutomi: "Kinjou." Kinjou: "What?" ukutomi: "Kinjou, listen." ukutomi: "I need a favor." ukutomi: "Will you race me again? If we're neck and neck in next year's Inter-High," ukutomi: "will you go all-out and fight me?" ukutomi: "My battle with you taught me just how weak I am." ukutomi: "I want to overcome that." ukutomi: "I want to become faster." ukutomi: "In order to do that..." ukutomi: "I need to fight you fair and square, and win." Kinjou: "Everyone's riding for their lives." ukutomi: "Kinjou..." Kinjou: "My wounds will heal. Until then, I will gather the strongest possible team, challenge the reigning kings, and take on the Inter-High." Kinjou: "Don't worry, Fukutomi." Kinjou: "I will not lose." ukutomi: "This situation has my heart pounding and my body shaking." ukutomi: "Because you rose again to put yourself in this situation, Kinjou Shingo." ukutomi: "I will pass Kyoto Fushimi." ukutomi: "I will beat you!" ukutomi: "I am the strongest!" Kinjou: "No," Kinjou: "we will win!" ukutomi: "Kinjou!" Kinjou: "Fukutomi!" ukutomi: "Kinjou!" 1: "Look! The gap behind Kyoto Fushimi is closing!" 1: "Hakone Academy and Sohoku are giving incredible chase! The gap's closing as we watch!" 2: "They're three... no, two..." 2: "No, one second behind!" 1: "They can see his back clearly!" 1: "Five hundred meters to the finish line!" 1: "They caught up to Kyoto Fushimi! It's a matter of time!" 2: "Pedal hard, Sohoku!" 3: "Go, Hakone Academy!" 1: "They're catching up! They can do it!" 1: "Kyoto Fushimi is accelerating! He's pulling ahead!" 2: "Only 400 meters to the finish line!" 3: "He's so strong!" 1: "Kyoto Fushimi!" Girl: "What? But isn't the way the guy in the front rides..." Girl: "...kind of gross?" 1: "Kyoto Fushimi's accelerating!" 2: "He's going even faster!" 3: "Seriously? He's incredible!" 1: "His dancing..." 2: "It's gross." 3: "But doesn't the monstrous way he rides seem unbeatable?" 3: "What will the aces of Hakone Academy and Sohoku do? Once they're past this turn, the finish line is only 300 meters ahead!" 1: "What was that?" ukutomi: "He's..." Kinjou: "Midousuji..." Kinjou: "This is a problem, Fukutomi." ukutomi: "No matter. I will pass him." ukutomi: "I'll..." ukutomi: "...pass you, too, Kinjou!" Kinjou: "I'm thinking the same thing, Fukutomi!" Kinjou: "The remaining 300 meters will be an all-out sprint battle!" Makishima: "Hello, everyone." Makishima: "First, pour in some balsamic vinegar! Next, put in some of Tadokorocchi's bread" Makishima: "and sprinkle cheese over it. Then add olives, zucchini, anchovies, black olives," Makishima: "and finally..." Makishima: "...some balsamic vinegar to top it off!" Makishima: "This is what I'm having today. My very own spider toast is complete." Makishima: "It's so good." Makishima: "Give it a try."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 2 – ROAD.2 The Aces", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "2", "ROAD.2 The Aces" ] }
Q: "Amazing! They caught up!" R: "They're so fast!" Imaizumi: "I'm impressed you made it here, Onoda. No, Sakamichi." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, what should I do now? Makishima-san told me to assist you" Sakamichi: "and take our jersey across the finish line together." Imaizumi: "Do exactly what he said, Sakamichi. We need to get one of our two jerseys" Imaizumi: "to the finish line." Imaizumi: "You must try to take the finish line, too, Sakamichi." Sakamichi: "You want me to go for the finish line?" Imaizumi: "Let's give this everything we have." Imaizumi: "Everything." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun..." Sakamichi: "Okay! Got it!" Midousuji: "The other side is wide open!" Midousuji: "Gross, gross, gross, gross!" Imaizumi: "I told you, Midousuji." Imaizumi: "You're not going anywhere." Imaizumi: "You can try again and again." Imaizumi: "I'll stop you every time." A: "Sohoku's #175 is holding Kyoto Fushimi in check! Can he keep it up until the finish line?" B: "What happened to Hakone Academy?" Midousuji: "The power of friendship? Did punching each other on the shoulder and lifting your spirits make you stronger, too?" Midousuji: "With two jerseys, do you have four times the strength?" Midousuji: "P-i-g-s." Sakamichi: "From the left this time!" Midousuji: "I thought you were birdies, but you're a drove of pigs, useless by yourselves!" Midousuji: "You'll stop me?" Midousuji: "I'm going." Imaizumi: "I said you're not going anywhere!" Sakamichi: "He's coming from the inside!" Sakamichi: "Oh, no!" Sakamichi: "Midousuji-kun pulled ahead!" Midousuji: "Couldn't you have stopped me by yourself, Piggyzumi-kun?" Midousuji: "That's the last thing you need in a road race!" Midousuji: "Gross!" C: "Kyoto Fushimi's charging ahead!" A: "Kyoto Fushimi's #91 caught up from behind to the front of the pack!" B: "He's climbing this 20% incline like it's nothing!" C: "Incredible!" D: "Sohoku's behind him, and Hakone Academy's last!" E: "Is Kyoto Fushimi going to win the race?" Imaizumi: "I won't let anyone else take the finish line!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Don't worry about me. I'll take back..." Imaizumi: "...our lead!" Imaizumi: "So you..." Imaizumi: "...have to keep up with me!" Sakamichi: "Okay!" F: "Look! Sohoku's slowly gaining on Kyoto Fushimi!" G: "On this hill?" Imaizumi: "Move." Imaizumi: "Move!" Imaizumi: "Move!" Imaizumi: "Get out of the way, Midousuji!" Cameraman: "Is Sohoku's #175 trying to pass him?" H: "On this hill?" Midousuji: "You never give up. You should just rest." Midousuji: "It's true. The staff were just looking for you." Midousuji: "She was run over by a bike." Midousuji: "Your mom was calling your name." Midousuji: "Stop pedaling and rest your legs like you did then. You're the one who exhausted Fukutomi-kun, aren't you? That's impressive. But that's not enough" Midousuji: "to reach me!" Imaizumi: "I can't reach you, huh?" Imaizumi: "All the training I've done is so I can beat you." Imaizumi: "I can't beat him like this." Imaizumi: "I lost to him on the climb." Imaizumi: "I fell more than five minutes behind over three hills." Imaizumi: "But this time I will win." Imaizumi: "I'll win!" Midousuji: "How about taking a ride on the Kyoto Fushimi train?" Midousuji: "You're so third-rate." Midousuji: "I never considered Sohoku a real opponent." Imaizumi: "It's ironic." Imaizumi: "I've abandoned my obsession with beating you. But now I have to beat you" Imaizumi: "so Sohoku can win!" Midousuji: "Beat me?" Midousuji: "But you're a pig. Gross..." Midousuji: "Gross! Gross, gross!" Imaizumi: "A flashy redhead taught me that when your time has come, you go big or go home!" Imaizumi: "A plain kid with glasses taught me you have to break through the walls in your way!" Sakamichi: "What?" Imaizumi: "He's encountered nothing but walls. Ever since he started riding, it's been one after another. Though he struggled with every single one of them..." Imaizumi: "He broke through them all, right before my eyes!" Sakamichi: "Oh, I'm not... uh, um..." Imaizumi: "They taught me. If not for those ridiculously amazing guys," Imaizumi: "I wouldn't be here now!" Imaizumi: "You asked if you would have passed me if I had been alone. This is my answer to your question, Midousuji!" Midousuji: "What?" Midousuji: "What are you talking about? Friendship? If friendship was all you needed to reach the finish line, everyone would place first! If friendship's that important to you, why don't you cross the finish line holding hands?" Midousuji: "One. Only one man wins." Midousuji: "That's the truth of road racing!" Imaizumi: "The redhead's dream of crossing the finish line while holding hands didn't become reality." Imaizumi: "But it gives me strength. In moments like these," Imaizumi: "all that built-up emotion pushes you forward!" Imaizumi: "Naruko!" I: "Sohoku passed Kyoto Fushimi!" J: "Sohoku's #175 is amazing!" K: "He passed him on this steep incline!" L: "There are less than four kilometers to the finish line!" M: "Sohoku's in the lead! He's so fast!" N: "Kyoto Fushimi's chasing! Hakone Academy's last!" P: "What? Hakone Academy is?" Sakamichi: "He's fast!" Imaizumi: "3,700 left!" Midousuji: "Fine. I'll show you my true form." Midousuji: "This is where..." Midousuji: "...you'll fall." Midousuji: "Release." Midousuji: "Release everything!" Sakamichi: "He's leaning farther forward. Almost to the ground!" Midousuji: "Break!" Midousuji: "Break!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Move..." Imaizumi: "Get out of the way." Imaizumi: "I'm riding..." Imaizumi: "...in the front!" Midousuji: "That's why I'm telling you to break!" P: "What just fell?" Q: "Sweat?" R: "Blood?" Midousuji: "Break!" S: "What are they doing?" T: "Should they go into the next section at that speed? They're heading into the Azami Line's only downhill slope!" Girlfriend: "There are so many people." Boyfriend: "Aren't you glad we came? The excitement of waiting for the riders is one of road racing's greatest experiences." Girlfriend: "You know everything, Hiro-kun." Boyfriend: "About bicycles, yeah. Ask me anything." Boyfriend: "It's been a year since I, Hirota Hiroshi, started road racing!" Girlfriend: "This is a really steep downward slope. I heard this place was all inclines." Boyfriend: "Among cyclists, the Fuji Azami Line is known as one of the hardest climbs. Even among us cyclists!" Girlfriend: "Really?" Boyfriend: "But there's one downhill section." Boyfriend: "The only downhill slope on a hard climb..." Boyfriend: "It was heaven. I got to rest my legs and heart." Girlfriend: "What? You've climbed this hill? That's amazing!" Boyfriend: "Yeah, it is. Though I had to stop partway up." U: "It's not heaven!" Boyfriend: "What?" U: "They're competing for first. They won't stand a chance if they slip and fall. High speed downhills are risky. That's the real battle." U: "If anything, it's hell." Boyfriend: "I was just about to say that." Girlfriend: "You're so deep, Hiro-kun. Come to think of it, those high school boys we met while cycling last spring are competing, aren't they?" Boyfriend: "I wonder how they're doing." Girlfriend: "Wow. Who were those kids?" Girlfriend: "What about him?" Hiro: "A track suit and glasses..." Hiro: "He's nothing special." Hiro: "I'll teach him the basics." Hiro: "Follow me, kid!" Hiro: "What?!" Girlfriend: "Hiro-kun..." Boyfriend: "There's only one thing I can say. National competitions are rough! Too rough for those kids to accomplish much!" V: "They're coming!" W: "It's the front!" Midousuji: "Gross!" Imaizumi: "Move!" Midousuji: "Break!" Girlfriend: "They're so fast!" Boyfriend: "They told me to move!" Girlfriend: "Did they just hit each other? Look!" Girlfriend: "They're incredible." Girlfriend: "Their bikes keep going forward, even when they're leaning and twisting." Girlfriend: "That kid in the yellow jersey..." Girlfriend: "He may have been riding that day." Boyfriend: "What? Impossible!" X: "Sohoku pulled ahead!" Y: "Amazing!" Midousuji: "Break! Break! Break!" Midousuji: "Break..." Midousuji: "Break!" Imaizumi: "Good. Bring it on, Midousuji!" Z: "Kyoto Fushimi pulled ahead!" A: "Sohoku's shoulder hit the guard rail!" B: "Sohoku's using the inside to pull ahead!" C: "Kyoto Fushimi's pedaling hard!" G: "Whoa!" H: "He pushed himself back up through brute force! #91 is amazing!" I: "The battle isn't over!" J: "A downhill right turn is coming up!" J: "This won't be good!" Manami: "Sakamichi-kun, are you shopping, too?" Sakamichi: "Manami-kun, when did you get here?" Manami: "Are you buying cards?" Sakamichi: "Yeah. I'm collecting the Love Hime "Heart Pounding Surprise" series," Sakamichi: "but I never get any rares." Manami: "Really?" Manami: "In that case..." Manami: "...I'll help." Sakamichi: "What?" Manami: "This pack of cards... doesn't have any." Manami: "But these..." Manami: "These are good. I sense something good in these."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 20 – ROAD.20 Imaizumi VS Midousuji", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "20", "ROAD.20 Imaizumi VS Midousuji" ] }
Midousuji: "Fine. I'll show you my true form." Midousuji: "This is where you'll fall." : "A downhill right turn is coming up!" : "This won't be good!" A: "The lead pack is coming! It's Sohoku and Kyoto Fushimi!" B: "Sohoku's in front! Kyoto Fushimi's behind him!" A: "Whoa! They're leaning over so far!" B: "They're so fast!" C: "I'm amazed they don't fall!" A: "Incredible! Look at them go!" Midousuji: "Break!" A: "#91 can't be serious! He's trying to force his way into the inside with his head!" B: "Whoa!" C: "Amazing!" D: "At that speed?" Midousuji: "Pig..." A: "The Fuji Azami Line fifth parking lot." A: "It's the finish line." B: "They're coming." C: "I'm excited." D: "It's a little chilly." E: "We're 2,000 meters above sea level." F: "I'm next." Mother: "Mt. Fuji in the summer, huh?" Mother: "This place is booming!" Mother: "It's so impressive. It's what they call a power pocket." G: "You mean a power spot..." Mother: "Oh, my!" Mother: "What an impressive view of Mt. Fuji." Mother: "Aren't you glad we came? Shinohara-san, Kakegawa-san!" Mother: "Oh, right. I lost the rest of the group. I was so excited that we were spending an extra day to go see Mt. Fuji." Mother: "What is this? I caught a bus to the summit at the parking lot below, but..." Woman: ""Inter-High spectator shuttle bus stop." Did Onoda-san take that bus?" Mother: "Maybe I should go back down just to make sure. How do I get back?" Mother: "That girl was sitting next to me on the bus." Mother: "Are you a student?" Girl: "Huh?" Girl: "Yes, I'm a high school student. I attend Hakone Academy in Kanagawa." Mother: "Do you like it that much?" Girl: "Huh?" Mother: "Mt. Fuji." Girl: "What?!" Mother: "Miss." Girl: "Um, thank you for earlier." Mother: "It's fine. It's just a piece of candy. Did you like it? Do you feel better now?" Girl: "Yes." Mother: "Anyway, where's the bus that goes back down?" Girl: "What? Um, I think it's coming after they reach the g-goal and they finish the awards ceremony. That should be around 16:00—" Mother: "Goal? Like soccer?" Girl: "What?!" Mother: "They play soccer up here?" Girl: "I don't think so..." Girl: "Th-There's a bicycle race going on. My classmate, Hakone Academy's Mana..." Girl: "Manami Sangaku-kun is..." Girl: "Not that it matters. I just thought I'd come watch him ride today." Girl: "I wanted to come see Mt. Fuji, so as long as I'm here..." Mother: "So you do like him." Girl: "What?" Mother: "Mt. Fuji, I mean." Girl: "Huh? Mt. Fuji?" Mother: "That's unusual for such a young girl." Girl: "Today they started at Lake Motosu." Girl: "They rode clockwise up National Route 139 this morning." Girl: "They passed Lake Kawaguchi and Lake Yamanaka." Girl: "Now they're riding up Mt. Fuji." Mother: "On bicycles." Mother: "On bicycles?" Mother: "What are you talking about? You can't ride all the way up here on a bicycle. How many kilometers is it? It's a long enough trip by car." Girl: "Yes. That's what it says. I think it's amazing, too." Mother: "What? A race? What's that?" Girl: "It's apparently called a cycling road race." Mother: "Cycle..." Mother: "Recycle?" Girl: "Yes!" Girl: "They're so fast." Girl: "The wind is incredible." Girl: "I was watching yesterday so I could give him rice balls, but..." Girl: "...he was just so fast." Girl: "I didn't get the chance." Girl: "Y-You'll see. The riders should be coming soon." Mother: "So you do like him." Girl: "Huh? You mean Mt. Fuji?" Mother: "No, that Manami Sangaku boy." Girl: "What?!" Girl: "We're just old friends! He's always napping, and..." Mother: "I don't mind talking about relationships. "I try to help him study, but he always puts it off for cycling." "I have all these pent-up feelings I can't ever tell him." Right?" Girl: "They ride skinny bikes like that one. The tires are thin, too." Mother: "You're changing the subject." Mother: "I have a son in high school." Mother: "He rides bicycles, too." Girl: "What?" Mother: "I don't know exactly what he does, but he probably rides mommy bikes. He used to bike to Akiba all the time. I was so worried about him." Mother: "I asked a cycling shop to fix his bike so it couldn't go far." Girl: "Oh, my." Mother: "He has trouble making friends." Mother: "He's doing something with his club right now. His anime club, I think." Mother: "He's a cheerful boy. He's empathetic. But his excessive kindness is his flaw. I hope he's been given some great responsibility" Mother: "to help everyone else." Mother: "That's how boys grow." Imaizumi: "You have to keep up with me!" Sakamichi: "Okay!" Midousuji: "I'll tear it open!" Midousuji: "Open!" Midousuji: "Again!" Midousuji: "Open!" A: "Something just snapped!" B: "Did their bikes touch?" C: "It sounded like something broke!" A: "He moved up beside him! Kyoto Fushimi drew even at the bottom!" B: "Sohoku's slowing down!" Imaizumi: "I'm glad." Imaizumi: "That it wasn't my tire or chain." Imaizumi: "Frames don't break that easily." Imaizumi: "I can keep riding to the finish line!" Imaizumi: "I..." Imaizumi: "I'll win!" Imaizumi: "I will win!" Midousuji: "You're wasting your breath, loser!" Imaizumi: "Move! Move!" Imaizumi: "Midousuji!" Midousuji: "Gross! Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross!" Midousuji: "Stretch!" A: "They're neck-and-neck!" B: "Amazing!" C: "Who's going to pull ahead?" Midousuji: "Materialize!" Mother: "No matter what happens, you have to keep moving forward." A: "Sohoku's in front! He's not giving up!" B: "Amazing! Sohoku won the downhill! He held back Kyoto Fushimi!" C: "All that's left is the climb! They're still going!" Reporter A: "Midousuji-kun, Midousuji-kun!" Reporter A: "Congratulations on your victory." Reporter A: "Tell us how you feel. Your acceleration before the finish line was incredible." Midousuji: "I don't really feel anything." Midousuji: "Of course I'll move forward." Ishigaki: "You changed me." Ishigaki: "Strength... The purity of heart needed to move forward," Ishigaki: "no matter what." Ishigaki: "My legs will give out soon." Ishigaki: "Before that happens, let me tell you something, Midousuji." Ishigaki: "Your heart is too pure." Ishigaki: "Sometimes desires that are too pure..." Ishigaki: "...can eat away at you!" Midousuji: "You're giving me advice?" Ishigaki: "I'm telling you this..." Ishigaki: "...just in case you ever need it." Ishigaki: "If you ever need them, remember these words!" Midousuji: "No." Ishigaki: "You have a future." Midousuji: "Gross." Ishigaki: "It'll pay off someday!" A: "He fell!" Imaizumi: "There's no reason for me to ride in the Inter-High anymore." Kinjou: "You dropped something." Kinjou: "If you see anyone struggling, support them with everything you have." Kinjou: "Grow. Over these three days." Kinjou: "We'll take the finish line!" Imaizumi: "Yes, sir!" uko: "The Armstrong Climb!" uko: "What could be better than being stubborn?" uko: "I'm sorry, hotshot, Onoda-kun." Sakamichi: "We caught up to the team! Sorry!" Sakamichi: "I couldn't stop Midousuji-kun!" : "Sohoku's in the lead! Sohoku's in the lead! Amazing!" : "Only three kilometers left! You can do it!" Manami: "Hey. We finally caught up, Imaizumi-kun." uku: "We are..." uku: "We are..." uku: "...strong!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun." Imaizumi: "Onoda." Imaizumi: "Let's give it everything we have." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "Okay, Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Let's go." Both: "To the finish line..." Both: "...at the end of this road!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 21 – ROAD.21 #91", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "21", "Road.21 #91" ] }
uku: "Go, Manami!" Imaizumi: "Manami!" Imaizumi: "I knew you'd keep up." Imaizumi: "Rise, Sakamichi!" Manami: "Yes." Manami: "He's a threat." Man: "The top rider has only 2,500 meters to go." Kinjou: "Go, Sohoku." Imaizumi: "You know what you have to do!" Sakamichi: "I know!" Imaizumi: "Take it! You're the only one who can chase after Manami!" Sakamichi: "Yes!" Imaizumi: "Stop your own hands from shaking." Imaizumi: "Decide when you have to make your move." Imaizumi: "You're the only one!" Imaizumi: "But don't worry." Imaizumi: "The entire team's will is behind you!" Sakamichi: "Yeah!" Imaizumi: "Climb, Onoda Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "I know!" Sakamichi: "I'll climb, Imaizumi-kun!" : "Sohoku's charging ahead!" : "Two riders are leading the race! Only 2.5 kilometers remain!" Imaizumi: "You know what you have to do!" Sakamichi: "I know!" uku: "Imaizumi." Imaizumi: "Yes?" uku: "We watched the progress of the race, judged your and Midousuji's movements, and sent our strongest climber at the perfect time." uku: "He should be riding alone right now." uku: "Were you expecting us to do that?" Imaizumi: "No." Imaizumi: "Honestly, I was surprised. I wasn't expecting that." Imaizumi: "It's hard to explain, but in that moment..." Imaizumi: "I believed." Imaizumi: "I believed that he'd kept up with us." Imaizumi: "I told him to keep up with me." Imaizumi: "He said he would." uku: "That's all?" uku: "That's all your strategy was?" Imaizumi: "Believing, trusting..." Imaizumi: "And riding as hard as we can." Imaizumi: "That's how simple Sohoku's strategy is." Imaizumi: "I just realized it myself." Imaizumi: "That must be the joy of road racing." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun, I..." Sakamichi: "I'll pass you and take the finish line!" Manami: "I actually wasn't expecting you to chase me this far." Manami: "I can't believing we're competing for first place..." Manami: "On the third day of the Inter-High!" : "Hakone Academy!" : "Sohoku!" Manami: "This is why I can't quit road racing." Manami: "Maybe this was meant to happen, ever since that day." Manami: "Ride!" Manami: "I won't let you take it that easily." Manami: "Our time has come!" Sakamichi: "I will pass you!" Sakamichi: "Turn!" Manami: "You're here! You're keeping up, Sakamichi-kun!" : "Hakone Academy's #6 is accelerating! On this slope?" Manami: "Go!" : "He's trying to finish the race!" Sakamichi: "Turn, turn! For the team!" Makishima: "Seriously?" Toudou: "Four-Eyes?" Makishima: "He never ceases to amaze me!" Shinkai: "Isn't #176 on your team?" Tadokoro: "Yeah. Our #6..." Tadokoro: "is a tiny climber with glasses." Kinjou: "Naruko, are you awake?" uko: "Kinjou-san." Kinjou: "Stay there. Just listen." Kinjou: "They're about two kilometers from the finish line." Kinjou: "The guy chasing Hakone Academy's climber, Manami..." Kinjou: "The guy carrying our jersey to the finish line..." Kinjou: "...is Onoda." uko: "Onoda-kun?" Kinjou: "He's fighting alone." Manami: "Your cadence is incredible." Manami: "You're pedaling faster than ever." Manami: "But..." Manami: "How's this?" Manami: "Go!" Sakamichi: "You..." Sakamichi: "I will pass you!" Sakamichi: "Turn, turn, turn!" : "He passed him! Sohoku passed Hakone Academy!" : "He's amazing!" : "There are only two kilometers to the finish line!" : "That must be hard... Amazing. They're both first-years!" Aoyagi: "What..." Teshima: "...did he just say?" Sugimoto: "First place is... No, no! I may have misheard him!" end: "Four-Eyes!" Girl: "S-Sangaku is in second? No, he'll be fine. He's fast. I'm sure he'll take first." Girl: "Huh? Is something wrong?" Mother: "O-Onoda Sakamichi..." Girl: "Yes, he's on an opposing team." Mother: "Wow, someone else has the exact same name!" Manami: "Hey." Manami: "Wait up. Let's ride until we've given all we have." Manami: "Otherwise, it'd be a waste." Manami: "You understand, don't you? Races, opportunities, and lives..." Manami: "There are no second chances!" Manami: "There are no second chances." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun..." Manami: "This will probably be our final battle!" Imaizumi: "Fukutomi-san, can I ask you something?" uku: "What?" Imaizumi: "Why did you send Manami?" Imaizumi: "You're exhausted, but you're the ace." Imaizumi: "You should've been able to pass me and my broken bike." uku: "You're right. Hakone Academy has never trusted" uku: "a first-year with taking the finish line." Imaizumi: "So why did you?" Imaizumi: "Is it because he's an exceptional climber?" uku: "If that were the only reason, no matter how exhausted I was, I would go myself." uku: "The reason I sent him is..." uku: "...because he's a winner." Arakita: "Kuroda's the only choice for #6!" Arakita: "He actually makes some sense, and he climbs well during practice." Arakita: "Manami's still a first-year. It's too soon for him." Arakita: "Cool your head, Fuku-chan." Arakita: "He won because he got lucky. The wind doesn't always blow." Arakita: "What about you, Toudou?" Toudou: "Manami, huh? Honestly, having to share the girls' attention with him is—" Arakita: "What about you, Shinkai?" Toudou: "What?!" Shinkai: "We said we'd use a tournament to decide our Inter-High lineup, and he won." Shinkai: "Let him race. He won fair and square." Arakita: "We can't let him race, moron! What if that oddball ends up last man standing? Can you really trust him to carry Hakone Academy's flag?" Manami: "You don't often invite me to ride." uku: "This guy is still a mystery." Manami: "It's exciting, isn't it? Up ahead is the mountain pass and the summit parking lot." Manami: "Is this where we start?" Manami: "Let's go. Let's race!" uku: "He's fast, but..." uku: "...I can still stop him." Manami: "Wow." uku: "There's no wind today." uku: "You can't use your wings." Manami: "I heard everyone calls my final burst "wings."" Manami: "It's embarrassing." Manami: "I can still use them without the wind." Manami: "Though I'll need to be closer to the summit." Manami: "To be precise, I can't control when I use them." uku: "What is that acceleration?" uku: "Manami!" uku: "One question." uku: "Why do you want to ride in the Inter-High?" uku: "For fame?" uku: "For a colored tag?" Manami: "I love slopes because they lead to the peak. I always want to be the first to see the summit." Manami: "I want to make that pure and untouched peak..." Manami: "...mine." Imaizumi: "A winner, huh?" Manami: "I'm on top of the world!" uko: "Downshifting gears is a basic part of climbing. You climb using the revolutions of your cadence, so it matches your style." Manami: "Sorry, but I get impatient as I approach the peak." Sakamichi: "Again!" Manami: "I naturally shift up!" Manami: "I can see the finish line's gate!" Manami: "So I'm anxious to reach the peak!" : "Amazing! Hakone Academy's accelerating!" Manami: "Go!" : "Sohoku's falling behind!" Manami: "It's time" Manami: "to reach the summit!" Manami: "The gears are so heavy!" Manami: "They're so heavy! But it feels great!" Toudou: "Ride free." Toudou: "You can forget about the team." Sugimoto: "This isn't good! We made it this far, but..." Teshima: "You idiot! What are you talking about?" Aoyagi: "Don't give up." Teshima: "He's at his strongest" Teshima: "when he's chasing someone." Sakamichi: "Princess!" : "Hakone Academy's riding alone!" Manami: "Go!" : "He's so fast! He's unbelievable!" Imaizumi: "Makishima-san!" Makishima: "Hey. I caught up." uku: "You're here." uku: "I'm not surprised." Toudou: "Of course. I'm Hakone Academy's ace climber." Makishima: "Good job." Imaizumi: "Sorry. I should've gone instead, but..." Toudou: "You sent Manami, after all?" uku: "Yeah. He'll have no trouble taking the peak." uku: "I told him not to go higher than his eighth gear." Toudou: "Eighth gear?" uku: "When I rode with him before, he went up to his eighth gear." uku: "He was overwhelmingly fast." uku: "He flew uphill as though he were skipping up it." uku: "But it's a double-edged sword." uku: "It's fast, but the damage to his legs is too great." uku: "His wings are glass that shatter when he flies." Toudou: "Fuku, you don't get it." Toudou: "You still don't understand climbers." Toudou: "Our brains are only good for climbing." Toudou: "It's our only source of pride. We climb to prove our self-worth." Toudou: "Our thirst for the peak is incomparable to others." Toudou: "His is especially strong." Toudou: "Though I don't know why." Toudou: "That's why I told him to ride free." Toudou: "To give everything he had on a stage where he could shine." Toudou: "He'll shift higher." Toudou: "But don't worry." Toudou: "He won't return defeated." : "He's still accelerating!" Arakita: "Bepsi, Bepsi..." Manami: "Arakita-san!" Arakita: "Huh?" Arakita: "Manami, what's up? Hey!" Manami: "Boom!" Arakita: "What do you think you're doing?" Manami: "I'm sorry!" Kinjou: "Need a hand?" Arakita: "What?" Arakita: "You're..." Arakita: "Kinjou!" Kinjou: "Here I go!" Arakita: "That's incredible, Kinjou!" Kinjou: "It's the power of the hand." Arakita: "No matter how you look at it, it's a bottle of Bepsi..." Arakita: "Wrong!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 22 – ROAD.22 Manami and Sakamichi", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "22", "ROAD.22 Manami and Sakamichi" ] }
: "He's still accelerating!" uku: "Stop at eight." uku: "You need to be rational to win." Toudou: "Ride free." Manami: "I'll shift up to tenth gear!" Manami: "Come out, wings!" Manami: "Go!" Manami: "Turn!" Manami: "Go!" : "The top is here! It's Hakone Academy, the reigning champions!" Man: "He's amazing. He's racing up the climb before the finish line." Man: "He's still only a first year." Man: "Watch closely." Man: "This is road racing." Man: "Those who make it to the stretch before the finish line... ...grow under the pressure." : "It's over! This year's winners are Hakone Academy!" Sakamichi: "Princess!" Kinjou: "It doesn't matter who does it." Kinjou: "Take this jersey across the finish line before anyone else!" : "That's right. When you see the rider in front of you as a tiny speck, you're shocked, and your legs stop moving." : "Look. He looks like he's in pain." : "He worked hard, but this is the end." : "Sohoku's closing the gap! You're kidding!" : "Sohoku's catching up!" : "He just hit the wall! Is he at his limit?" : "He's only looking in front of himself! He sucks at riding a bike!" : "But he's amazing!" : "They're neck and neck! Amazing! He caught up at the last second!" : "The final battle is starting!" Teshima: "Damn it. What is the announcer doing? What's happening?" Aoyagi: "I can see the course from here!" Teshima: "What?" Sugimoto: "I'm okay with second place! Onoda did his best! So please—" Teshima: "You idiot, Sugimoto!" Teshima: "The race isn't over yet!" Sugimoto: "What?" end: "Four-Eyes!" Miki: "Onoda-kun!" Teshima: "Onoda caught up to Manami." Teshima: "He's doing his best to take our jersey to the finish line first!" Onoda: "I caught up, Manami-kun." Manami: "You're amazing." Manami: "I'm exhausted and falling apart..." Manami: "But let's race. Five hundred meters ahead, at the end of this winding road, there's a gate." Manami: "Whoever passes under it first wins." Sakamichi: "Okay, I'm in. Let's race, Manami-kun." : "He's pulling ahead by standing on the turn!" : "He's so fast!" : "He's on the move! Hakone Academy's leading!" : "What's with his cadence?" : "He caught up on the straight!" Manami: "Go!" Girl: "The riders should come into view soon, ma'am." Mother: "You're right." Girl: "They're here! That's Sangaku-kun!" Manami: "A gift?" Girl: "Yeah." Girl: "I went on a family trip." Manami: "Really?" Girl: "What's with the reaction? Do you not like it?" Manami: "No, I do." Manami: "I just thought I'd like to go somewhere far away." Girl: "Y-You can." Girl: "Once you get stronger..." Manami: "Yeah." Manami: "Hey, Class Prez!" Manami: "Let's have a bike race." Manami: "I've practiced a lot." Girl: "Wh-What are you talking about? I'd never race you." Manami: "What about this Sunday?" Girl: "I'm busy, of course. Besides, why race me?" Manami: "Because I've never beaten you." Girl: "What?" Manami: "No matter how hard I pedaled, I couldn't catch you that day. You were really fast. Probably the fastest in the world." Girl: "I-I'm not..." Manami: "But if you're busy, I guess it'll wait." Girl: "Win, Sangaku!" Girl: "I'll be mad if you lose!" Mother: "Do your best, Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "I will!" Girl: "Ma'am?" Mother: "That's my son!" Girl: "What?!" Mother: "He was riding as hard as he could." Girl: "Yes." Mother: "My Sakamichi has grown so strong." : "They're neck and neck again!" : "Amazing! They're both at their limit! They're desperate!" : "Road racing is incredible..." Manami: "The finish line..." : "The finish line sprint is starting!" Arakita: "Seriously, Izumida?" Izumida: "Yes. With 500 meters left, Sohoku's #176..." Izumida: "...caught up to him." Arakita: "Manami, Onoda-chan." Arakita: "Maybe I should've left Onoda-chan behind." uko: "Onoda-kun!" Arakita: "What?" uko: "Ono..." uko: "Full speed ahead!" uko: "Ride as hard as you can!" Kinjou: "Calm down, Naruko! Your injury..." uko: "Ride as hard as you can..." Kinjou: "He is." Kinjou: "That's the kind of guy he is." Tadokoro: "Damn it. When will this climb end?" Shinkai: "At the finish line." Tadokoro: "Sheesh. I don't understand how anyone enjoys climbing. They must be idiots." Sakamichi: "They probably feel the same way about us." Tadokoro: "Does that make all bike riders idiots?" Sakamichi: "It means we're pure of heart." Sakamichi: "They should be finishing soon." Tadokoro: "We won't lose." Sakamichi: "Neither will we!" : "Sohoku's sprinting!" Imaizumi: "Please, Makishima-san!" uku: "Go, Toudou!" : "It'll be one of these guys! The third day's third place!" uku: "Take it!" Toudou: "Of course! That's why I'm here!" Teshima: "Onoda!" Aoyagi: "Pedal!" : "Manami!" Izumida: "Manami." Arakita: "Win, oddball." Makishima: "Do it, Sakamichi." Toudou: "Take the peak, Manami." uko: "Don't lose, Onoda-kun." Kinjou: "Ride with the spirit of Sohoku, Onoda." Tadokoro: "Take our jersey to the finish line!" Shinkai: "Hakone Academy's championship is riding on your shoulders!" Both: "Pedal hard, Onoda!" Imaizumi: "Sakamichi, take the finish line!" uku: "Go, Manami! We are strong!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 23 – ROAD.23 The Promised Road", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "23", "ROAD.23 The Promised Road" ] }
Sugimoto: "Onoda!" end: "Go, Four-Eyes!" Miki: "Onoda-kun!" Teshima: "Onoda!" Aoyagi: "Pedal!" : "Manami! Go, go, go! Go for it!" Sugimoto: "Five meters!" Miki: "You can do it!" Toji: "Onoda!" Both: "Go!" : "It's Sohoku! Amazing! I have goosebumps! This is crazy!" Manami: "Sakamichi-kun..." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun..." Manami: "I gave everything I had." Manami: "I have nothing left." Manami: "Congratulations." Manami: "You won." Manami: "Uh-oh..." Manami: "I don't have the strength left for a handshake." Sakamichi: "Me, neither." Sakamichi: "Sorry." Manami: "I'm glad..." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Both: "...I got to ride with you." Both: "Onoda!" Hakone: "Manami! Is he okay?" Miki: "Onoda-kun!" Teshima: "Onoda, you did well!" Sugimoto: "You're amazing!" Teshima: "He's more than amazing, you twit!" Sugimoto: "I watched you cross the finish line with my own eyes!" Aoyagi: "Your hands were covering them." Teshima: "This guy took first with our jersey... I can hardly speak!" Teshima: "Take his shoes off, Aoyagi." Teshima: "Manager, his gloves." Teshima: "You did a great job, Onoda!" Sakamichi: "The sky..." Sakamichi: "It's such..." Sakamichi: "...a sunny day." Sakamichi: "I'm... tired..." Hakone: "Good work, sir." Makishima: "My legs are totally dead." Imaizumi: "I thought I gave you a push, Makishima-san." Makishima: "Who cares?" Imaizumi: "What?" Makishima: "He took first for us." Sakamichi: "I did it." Imaizumi: "Yeah. I knew you would." Makishima: "Can you walk?" Sakamichi: "Yes." Sakamichi: "Makishima-san." Sakamichi: "It was actually really painful." Sakamichi: "So painful..." Sakamichi: "I thought about stopping many times." Sakamichi: "But... Each time," Sakamichi: "I thought of your voices..." Sakamichi: "And your faces." Sakamichi: "Somehow, it kept me going." Makishima: "I know it wasn't easy." Makishima: "Thanks, Sakamichi." Kinjou: "Onoda..." Kinjou: "Onoda, Onoda..." uko: "You're like a broken record, Kinjou-san! Aw, man! Seriously!" uko: "Onoda-kun!" : "That was amazing. I would've cheered, no matter who won. I don't know why, but I started crying. I'm glad we came to watch." : "The awards ceremony is starting soon." Tadokoro: "The awards ceremony, huh?" Tadokoro: "Teshima, Aoyagi, manager." Tadokoro: "Thanks for supporting us." Tadokoro: "It must have been hard." Tadokoro: "Thanks again." Both: "Yes, sir." Miki: "Good work." Tadokoro: "You, too, Sugimoto! You supported your first-year friends." Sugimoto: "Y-Yes, sir. Yes, Tadokoro-san." Sugimoto: "I'm surprisingly delighted to hear that. If not for me, we may not have won this year. Yes, that's it..." Tadokoro: "And there's Onoda, too." Reporter: "I'm with Cycle Time. How are you feeling? Can I get a picture?" Sakamichi: "Okay." Reporter: "Talk to us." Sakamichi: "Who, me?" Reporter: "How did it feel to finish?" Reporter: "What that your plan?" Sakamichi: "Plan? Actually, um... they asked me to..." Reporter: "Could you look this way?" Sakamichi: "Which way?" Tadokoro: "He's not answering." Teshima: "You mean Kinjou-san?" Teshima: "Do you think he's still resting at the Lake Yamanaka first aid tent?" Tadokoro: "Maybe." Tadokoro: "He wanted to see this more than any of us. I wanted him to at least hear the award ceremony." Tadokoro: "You're not leaving yet, Kinjou?" Kinjou: "Yeah. I'm going to stay another hour." Kinjou: "I'll lock up." Tadokoro: "He practiced harder and was more determined than anyone else. For three years," Tadokoro: "we gave everything we had..." Tadokoro: "Just to stand on that measly 15-centimeter winner's platform." Hakone: "Second place, huh?" Hakone: "You go in. You idiot! I can't go in there now. Just tell them the awards ceremony's starting soon. You go! I can't! What? Where the hell is Manami, anyway?" Manami: "Did you call?" Both: "Manami! You go in!" Manami: "Excuse me." Both: "He went inside!" Manami: "The awards ceremony is starting soon." Manami: "The guys outside were too scared to come in." uku: "Where have you been, Manami?" Manami: "The tears..." Manami: "They began welling up." Manami: "I went to look at the scenery until they stopped." Manami: "I lost." Manami: "Just before the finish line, I let him get ahead." Manami: "You put together the strongest team." Manami: "But I couldn't win." Manami: "I ruined everything." Manami: "Even your efforts." uku: "Manami." Manami: "Yes, sir." uku: "We placed second." uku: "Do you know what that means?" Manami: "Yes, sir." uku: "Champions must win." uku: "Excuses are meaningless." uku: "That's how we rode." uku: "This year is over." uku: "Hakone Academy..." uku: "...must win the next Inter-High." uku: "But we won't be there." uku: "Manami!" uku: "Do you have the strength to take back our crown next year?" Manami: "Yes, sir!" uku: "Change into a dry jersey." uku: "Let's go. It's our last award ceremony. Through hard work and teamwork," uku: "the tattered and torn Sohoku team beat us." uku: "Let's applaud their magnificent effort." Toudou: "You heard him, Manami." Toudou: "Do something about that bird's nest on your head." Toudou: "You're going up on the individual podium." Shinkai: "You must be tired." Shinkai: "Want some?" Manami: "Yes, sir." Tadokoro: "Kinjou. Naruko." Makishima: "We couldn't get in touch with them." Tadokoro: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "Hey, wait! You're too nervous, Onoda! You're going the wrong way!" Tadokoro: "Kinjou!" Kinjou: "The staff were very considerate." Kinjou: "I'm glad we made it." Tadokoro: "Kinjou." Onoda: "Naruko-kun!" uko: "The driver raced to get here." Kinjou: "You did well, Onoda." Onoda: "Yes, sir." uko: "You're amazing, Onoda-kun. So amazing that I'm bleeding!" Tadokoro: "Everyone's here." Makishima: "Okay, then." All: "Ready, and..." Arakita: "Raise your head, Izumida." Arakita: "We're counting on you next year." Izumida: "Y-Yes, sir!" Tadokoro: "You're late, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Sorry." Kinjou: "Today's practice will be decided by the guy who took Sohoku to the greatest heights of the Inter-high," Kinjou: "Onoda." Kinjou: "Ride whatever course you wish." Sakamichi: "There's a place I've been wanting to go. Is that okay?" Kinjou: "That's fine." Sakamichi: "We'll have to walk when we get there. Is that okay?" Kinjou: "Yes." Kinjou: "Today you're our leader!" Sakamichi: "I always wanted to go with the team." Sakamichi: "To Akiba!" Kinjou: "Akihabara..." Makishima: "Akiba..." uko: "I knew it." Sakamichi: "They have figures, DVDs, and Blu-rays! Everything you could want! Where should we start?" Imaizumi: "Will we be okay in these jerseys?" uko: "We're okay, but the upperclassmen are totally out of their element." uko: "So what are you going to buy, Onoda-kun?" Sakamichi: "Well..." Sakamichi: "Kinjou-san how about a popular Amida-kun figure? He's a shaved-head character, just like you!" Kinjou: "Character? What does that mean?" Sakamichi: "For you, Tadokoro-san..." Sakamichi: "I recommend this!" Tadokoro: "This is what I was singing?" Both: "You are who you are! Princess! Love Hime, fight!" Tadokoro: "I knew the words..." Sakamichi: "This is perfect for you, Makishima-san." Sakamichi: "It's the soothing Kumotaro from the anime Mogu-Mogurinko." Makishima: "I... I see." Makishima: "It's wonderful." Sakamichi: "You can tell?" Makishima: "Actually, no." Sakamichi: "Kumotaro shoots webs from his butt. He's venomous despite his sweet face. Whenever he shoots his web, a certain BGM plays. It matches the sound effect in the original work! Just once, his web broke, and that episode..." Sakamichi: "That was fun." Sakamichi: "Um..." Sakamichi: "This may be too forward, but..." Sakamichi: "Th-Those were my presents to you." Sakamichi: "Y-You put me on a bike and took me to the Inter-High." Sakamichi: "Thank you!" Sakamichi: "I never would have made it on my own." Sakamichi: "My... potential..." Sakamichi: "Thank you!" Tadokoro: "Thanks." Kinjou: "I'll treasure it." Makishima: "Yeah." Makishima: "So, Sakamichi..." Makishima: "Why did you give me ten of these?" Sakamichi: "Because I got a lot of help from you." Sakamichi: "You encouraged me and gave me climbing advice." Sakamichi: "Because of you, I..." Makishima: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "My dream came true..." Sakamichi: "I went to Akiba with my friends!" uko: "That was your dream?" Sakamichi: "But now I have a new dream." Sakamichi: "The spirits of the upperclassmen and Sohoku..." Imaizumi: "Yeah. They'll live on through us." uko: "That's our dream." Sakamichi: "Yeah." uko: "Let's race!" Imaizumi: "Bring it on!" Sakamichi: "What?"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 24 – ROAD.24 Winner", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "24", "ROAD.24 Winner" ] }
1: "Hakone Academy and Sohoku's aces are chasing Kyoto Fushimi's!" 1: "There's only 750 meters left before the finish line!" Kinjou: "Fukutomi!" ukutomi: "Kinjou!" ukutomi: "I have been waiting for this moment!" ukutomi: "For the day we could fight like this." Kinjou: "This is a problem, Fukutomi." ukutomi: "No matter. I will pass him." ukutomi: "I'll..." ukutomi: "...pass you, too, Kinjou!" Kinjou: "I'm thinking the same thing, Fukutomi!" Kinjou: "The remaining 300 meters will be an all-out sprint battle!" 1: "They're here!" 1: "The leader is... ...Kyoto Fushimi!" Miki: "Kinjou-senpai!" Teshima: "They're pretty far apart!" Teshima: "Pedal harder, Kinjou-san!" Aoyagi: "Kinjou-san!" Ha Fan 1: "Captain Fukutomi! Pedal harder!" Miki: "Kinjou-senpai!" Teshima: "Kinjou-san!" Ha Fans: "Captain Fukutomi!" 5: "D-Did #91 just let go of his handlebars?" 6: "No way! I wasn't watching!" 7: "He knows he won!" 8: "What's wrong, Hakone Academy? You're the champions!" 9: "Chiba, come on! Pedal!" 10: "Don't lose!" Imaizumi: "I only came to say this." Imaizumi: "I won't use underhanded tactics like you. I'll face you fair and square in the Inter-High and get my revenge for that race!" Midousuji: "Who would believe it if they were told their mother died during a race?" Mother: "You came, Akira?" Mother: "You should've said something." Midousuji: "No." Mother: "Why not?" Midousuji: "If I'd said something while you were sleeping, I would've woken you." Midousuji: "It takes two hours to bike here." Midousuji: "If you don't get out of the hospital soon, it'll wear me out." Mother: "I'm sorry." Mother: "Oh, right. I heard from Uncle Hisaya." Mother: "He said you started cycling." Mother: "With handles like this." Mother: "I saw a picture on the phone." Mother: "It's a keirin bike, right? That's amazing." Midousuji: "It's a road racer." Mother: "Road racer?" Midousuji: "It's not that impressive." Midousuji: "There's this thing called the Tour de France." Mother: "Chair de..." Midousuji: "Tour de France." Midousuji: "They go everywhere on bikes." Midousuji: "They race for days." Midousuji: "They ride 3,500 kilometers." Mother: "That's incredible." Midousuji: "They're super-fast." Midousuji: "I know. When I become a racer, I'll call you." Mother: "What?" Midousuji: "I'll let you ride on the back of my bike and cross the finish line." Midousuji: "I'll win." Mother: "I see." Mother: "I look forward to that." Mother: "I'm sure you can do it, Akira." Mother: "Right?" Mother: "Your teeth are beautiful, too." Mother: "I heard them say on TV that athletes need beautiful teeth. Akira, you've been smiling a lot since you started cycling." Aunt: "Akira-kun!" Aunt: "How did you get so scratched-up?" Midousuji: "I fell." Aunt: "You fell?" Midousuji: "The batteries in my light ran out." Midousuji: "It was dark on the road." Midousuji: "It takes three AA batteries." Aunt: "Did you cross the mountains to go see your mother in the hospital again?" Cousin: "Akira-niichan, you're a mess." Midousuji: "Oh, yeah. She seemed..." Midousuji: "She seemed fine." Midousuji: "She..." Cousin: "Mom!" Cousin: "Grandpa has to go to the bathroom!" Aunt: "Sheesh." Midousuji: "...seemed..." Aunt: "You and Yuki-chan go to bed." Aunt: "Akira-kun, you should take a bath." Aunt: "Grandpa, come on. This way." Midousuji: "She seemed fine." Mother: "Your teeth are beautiful, too." Mother: "I heard them say on TV that athletes need beautiful teeth." Mother: "I look forward to that." Midousuji: "An athlete..." Teacher: "Hey, Midousuji! You can't even jump over four steps?" Student 1: "Seriously, Midou-kun?" Student 2: "Even all the girls can jump four." Teacher: "You're stepping on the board at the wrong time. Listen..." Teacher: "Midousuji, kick higher! Draw your thighs up into your stomach! Forcefully!" Student 1: "Lame." Teacher: "Midousuji, shoot!" Children: "Here we go!" Children: "Pass, pass! Wait! Go, go!" Teacher: "You should focus on your studies, Midousuji." Student 2: "Hey, Midou. Is your dream for the future supposed to be a joke? Don't make me laugh." Student 1: "This is impossible. You still use a kickboard when you swim. You're terrible at vaulting and the horizontal bar." Student 3: "When you say bike, you mean keirin, right?" Student 2: "Keirin racers have huge thighs." Midousuji: "Not keirin." Student 3: "I'll fix it for you." Student 3: "Hey! What do you think you're doing? Don't push me!" Midousuji: "Road racing." Student 3: "Huh? Say what?" Midousuji: "It's called road racing. Your body becomes one with your bike, and you ride over 100 kilometers per day. It's the most brutal sport in the world. It's amazing! It's super-fast! You'll never understand!" Midousuji: "Why? They're good at soccer, baseball, basketball, studies, and say funny things, too!" Midousuji: "I don't need anything else anymore! I just need to become faster!" Midousuji: "Instead of being good at many things..." Midousuji: "...it's much better to do one thing really well!" Mother: "You're so cool, Akira. You look like an athlete." Midousuji: "You'll get sick if you go outside." Midousuji: "And I'm not an athlete yet." Mother: "This is your bike." Mother: "It really does seem fast from up close." Midousuji: "It's fast. It moves forward really quickly." Mother: "Forward, huh?" Mother: "It's a wonderful vehicle." Mother: "It's perfect for a hard worker like you." Midousuji: "Perfect... Forward," Midousuji: "forward!" Midousuji: "Farther forward!" Mother: "You really are amazing! Did you practice a lot?" Mother: "You're amazing, Akira!" Midousuji: "It's not that impressive." urse 1: "Time to take your temperature." Mother: "Akira won a race." urse 1: "Really? That's amazing." Mother: "I'm so happy." Mother: "I'm so proud of him." Midousuji: "Happy..." Midousuji: "Proud..." Midousuji: "Teeth..." Midousuji: "I grit my teeth and did my best." Midousuji: "Every day when I come to the hospital, I time myself. I time myself with a watch." Midousuji: "You look..." Midousuji: "...pale." urse 1: "Hurry!" urse 2: "Excuse us! Coming through!" Midousuji: "Th-This Sunday..." Midousuji: "You're getting out of the hospital for a bit, right? I have a race then! Come see me!" Midousuji: "You can come in the middle! I promise I'll win! I'm confident I will!" Mother: "Okay." Mother: "Yeah." Mother: "I'd like to see you win." Midousuji: "Of course I'll win! After all, you're coming to see me! I'll pedal real hard!" Mother: "Akira," Mother: "do your best..." Mother: "No matter what happens, you have to keep moving forward." Midousuji: "Of course I will." Mother: "My little boy is going to win..." Midousuji: "There's nothing different about this morning..." Midousuji: "...but for some reason..." Midousuji: "...I feel like something's missing." Midousuji: "I won Sunday's race..." Midousuji: "...but my mom didn't come." Mother: "I'd like to see you win." Mother: "Become an athlete." Mother: "You have beautiful teeth." Midousuji: "Yeah, that's it." Midousuji: "I'll win." Midousuji: "I'll become an athlete." Midousuji: "I'll..." Midousuji: "...keep on winning." Midousuji: "With this." Midousuji: "With this bicycle." Mother: "No matter what happens..." Midousuji: "Forward..." Midousuji: "I will move forward!" Midousuji: "All alone, I will push myself to the limit!" 1: "Hakone Academy and Sohoku! They're coming up!" 2: "Kyoto Fushimi's in the lead!" 3: "It's almost over!" 4: "Amazing! They're so fast!" 5: "Break away, Kyoto Fushimi!" Athlete: "In road racing, the cunning win." Midousuji: "Cunning?" Athlete: "It means sneaky but smart. The way you ride is cunning." Athlete: "That's why I lost this race." Midousuji: "What?" Miki: "Kinjou-senpai!" Teshima: "Kinjou-san!" Aoyagi: "Pedal harder!" Ha Fan 1: "Captain Fukutomi!" Ha Fan 2: "Dig deep!" Kf Fans: "Kyoto Fushimi, go!" Mother: "You have beautiful teeth. Athletes need beautiful teeth." Mother: "I'm so happy." Mother: "Move forward..." ukutomi: "I-I am..." ukutomi: "...strong!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 3 – ROAD.3 Akira", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "3", "ROAD.3 Akira" ] }
Midousuji: "Victory!" Midousuji: "What?" : "Will it be Hakone Academy or Sohoku?" : "Did Kyoto Fushimi lose speed?" Teshima: "No, the two of them accelerated!" : "Ten meters left! Five meters!" : "One meter!" ukutomi: "Kinjou." ukutomi: "It's over. Finally," ukutomi: "the Inter-High second stage, which haunted me for the last year..." ukutomi: "Thank you for fighting me with all your strength." ukutomi: "Now I can laugh from the bottom of my heart." Kinjou: "You're so awkward." Kinjou: "Fukutomi Juichi, you've got it wrong. You're not smiling. You're crying." ukutomi: "You're right, Kinjou Shingo." ukutomi: "Today's battle was good." Kinjou: "You are strong." Kinjou: "But I won't lose tomorrow!" Hakone: "Captain, good work! Good work! I was moved when you were at the finish line!" Teshima: "Kinjou-san!" Miki: "Kinjou-senpai!" Kyoto: "Hey! Who left his bike on the ground? Ishigaki-san's gonna yell at him! Oh, it's Mi—" Midousuji: "Loser..." uko: "Aw, crap! The sky's spinning!" uko: "This is more brutal than the finish line of the first year race." Sakamichi: "It's twice as tough as the training camp." uko: "My heart's gonna burst out of my chest. I'd pay a million yen not to run the third day right now." Sakamichi: "But because I had you and Imaizumi-kun, I made it to the finish line. Thank you." uko: "Sure, but we only caught up to Hakone Academy and got to compete because of you." Tadokoro: "You guys done patting each other on the back? Let's go to the tent." Makishima: "If you don't move, the other racers will run you over." uko: "You ruined the mood!" uko: "Don't you guys have any sympathy?" uko: "We were having a great moment! How are you walking, anyway? Are you made of iron?" Tadokoro: "You've got the energy to talk back." Imaizumi: "Good work, everyone." Tadokoro: "Hey, Imaizumi." Imaizumi: "Teshima-san and the others are with Kinjou-san. I crossed the finish line first, so..." Tadokoro: "Oh, yeah?" Makishima: "Thanks." uko: "Hey, hotshot! It's hotshot! How'd it go? Did you we do it?" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun." uko: "Did we win the stage?" Hakone: "We did it! That was incredible!" uko: "It was Hakone Academy, huh?" Imaizumi: "I'm sorry. It was by only a few centimeters. I wasn't a strong enough assistant..." Tadokoro: "It's fine." Makishima: "Yeah." Tadokoro: "It means we're only a few centimeters behind the champions, Hakone Academy." Tadokoro: "Let's go!" Imaizumi: "Yes, sir." Kinjou: "Push more to the left." Teshima: "Okay. I'll go slow." Miki: "I'll close the flap so no one sees in." Kinjou: "Good work, guys. Did all six of our members cross the finish line?" Tadokoro: "Yeah, somehow." uko: "Shades... I mean, Kinjou-san! What's wrong?" Sakamichi: "A-Are you all right?" Makishima: "Your knee, huh?" Kinjou: "Yeah. I pushed myself too hard." Kinjou: "I'm sorry. I still failed to win the stage." Sakamichi: "Kinjou-san." Tadokoro: "Since you didn't even win after hurting your knee, maybe today was just Fukutomi's day?" Makishima: "Yeah." uko: "No, hold on!" uko: "Why are you two acting like that?" uko: "Are you okay with this?" uko: "You're acting like it's natural we lost! Aren't you frustrated? We lost! We rode as hard as we could, but we lost!" uko: "I..." uko: "I'm frustrated." Sakamichi: "Um, Kinjou-san, will you be able to ride tomorrow?" Sakamichi: "It's the last day's race..." Sakamichi: "The six of us make the team, right?" Makishima: "Onoda." Makishima: "Naruko and Imaizumi, you guys, too." Makishima: "Take a short break and come outside. There's something I want to show you." uko: "The finish line?" Makishima: "Yeah." Makishima: "Do you know why those guys ride so desperately?" Sakamichi: "Um, because they can see the finish line, and... ...they want to place as high as possible for tomorrow?" Makishima: "Not quite." uko: "Maybe they gotta take a dump." Imaizumi: "Hey." Makishima: "Naruko, Imaizumi, this is your first time in a race as big as the Inter-High, right?" Both: "Yes, sir." Makishima: "Look at them." Makishima: "Tomorrow, you'll be riding on top of their corpses." Sakamichi: "The award ceremony's starting a little early. Only 50 people have crossed the finish line." Sakamichi: "There are twice that many left racing. Is it some kind of mistake?" Makishima: "It's fine. The race is over." Makishima: "They're out of time..." Makishima: "I told you before that road races are a brutal battle for survival. It's been exactly 40 minutes since Kinjou and the others finished." Makishima: "Those who don't finish by then..." Makishima: "...can't ride in tomorrow's race." Rider: "Damn it!" Rider: "Damn it! I rode so hard, too!" Makishima: "They don't have all the time in the world." Makishima: "Not everyone's given an equal chance." Makishima: "They can't keep the course closed off forever." Makishima: "Those without the strength to cross the finish line are cut." Makishima: "That's road racing." Makishima: "You asked if we weren't frustrated, Naruko." Makishima: "It was just a few centimeters. Of course we are. I wish I could fall to the ground and claw at my throat." Makishima: "But I'll hold onto it as my source of energy tomorrow." Makishima: "If I let it out now, it'll only rot." Makishima: "I'll let it explode on the course." Makishima: "Prepare yourselves to ride over their corpses. Once the race begins, don't waste a single second. Don't let any opportunity pass you by." Makishima: "You asked if Kinjou could ride tomorrow, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Makishima: "He'll ride. Of course he will." Makishima: "He knows that better than anyone." Makishima: "The first-years can be such a pain." Tadokoro: "Good job getting out of your comfort zone." Makishima: "That race was so tough, I thought my limbs would fall off." Tadokoro: "You want some?" Makishima: "No, I'm good. I don't have the strength to accept that." Tadokoro: "You, too, huh?" Reporter: "Good work, Kinjou-kun." Reporter: "We're with Cycle Time. Can I get some photos?" Izumida: "Fukutomi-san." Izumida: "Congratulations for placing first on the second day." Arakita: "I knew you could do it, Fuku-chan." Toudou: "You're taking away all my fans, Fuku." Arakita: "Your fans weren't anywhere to be found!" Manami: "I heard the news. After Fukutomi-san crossed the finish line, he was crying. Apparently he was smiling, too." Arakita: "Which was it?" Arakita: "I just don't get you, Wonder Boy." Shinkai: "Thank you, Juichi. Good work." Toudou: "Me, too." Arakita: "Sheesh." Arakita: "All right! Let's push you through first tomorrow, too!" ukutomi: "Yeah. Toudou, we'll count on you in the mountains tomorrow." Toudou: "Leave the mountains to the mountain god." Izumida: "Victory is right before our eyes." ukutomi: "But road races are unpredictable." Araki: "You worry too much, Fuku-chan." ukutomi: "I hope that's all it is." ukutomi: "Either way, we will win the third day tomorrow." ukutomi: "We are strong!" Miki: "Aya-chan, you came to cheer the team on?" Aya: "Yeah. I have relatives in Hakone, so I thought I'd stop by. I was watching the finish line. That was a close one." Miki: "But there's still tomorrow." Aya: "I heard four-eyes rode pretty hard." Miki: "Yeah. Onoda-kun brought Tadokoro-san back to the team just when it looked like he'd drop out. Everyone else worked really hard, too." Toji: "Yeah. We have a shot at victory with this team." Aya: "I'll cheer my heart out tomorrow." Miki: "Yeah." Toji: "Where's Kinjou's guys?" Miki: "They weren't in their room." Toji: "Could you go look for them? I'm worried about his knee." Miki: "Okay, got it." Kinjou: "Makishima, I heard you looked after the first-years." Makishima: "I didn't do much." Tadokoro: "They rode hard today." Kinjou: "Yeah. They put up a better fight than I expected." Tadokoro: "They might be more impressive than we were as first-years." Kinjou: "Maybe." Makishima: "The three of us didn't take shape until the fall tournament." Tadokoro: "Good work." Makishima: "Huh? What are you writing?" Kinjou: "My training notes." Makishima: "Training notes?" Kinjou: "I write notes every day." Tadokoro: ""Today I focused on improving my cardiorespiratory capacity." "I need more explosive power."" Kinjou: "That's my assignment." Kinjou: "For you, Tadokoro..." Tadokoro: ""Requires strength training."" Makishima: "And I need to "improve my endurance on climbs."" Tadokoro: "You write about everyone?" Kinjou: "Yeah. In order to become the strongest team." Makishima: "The strongest team?" Kinjou: "Next year we'll ride in the Inter-High and aim to win." Kinjou: "Next month there's a tournament in Chiba. Want to be in it?" Tadokoro: "A tournament?" Kinjou: "There's something I want to test." : "Sohoku took first? Has Sohoku always been that strong? And they're a team of all first-years!" Tadokoro: "You won." Kinjou: "You guys helped me win." Makishima: "It's because you made the most of our strengths when you prepared for the race. Right, Tadokorocchi?" Tadokoro: "Tadokorocchi? Don't call me that." Kinjou: "This may be our true form." Kinjou: "We win on our combined strength." Makishima: "Since then, I started believing things would always work out if I followed you." Tadokoro: "We did make it this far." Kinjou: "Tomorrow is our last race." Kinjou: "We can't lose tomorrow." Kinjou: "We have to teach the first-years how Sohoku fights, too." Miki: "There they are. It's almost time for..." Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs. Abs, abs, abs, abs." Arakita: "Fuku-chan, I'm gonna take a bath." ukutomi: "I'll pass." Arakita: "Got it." Shinkai: "Hey, Yasutomo." Arakita: "You're still here?" Shinkai: "I'm still tired." Arakita: "It's been way too long!" Shinkai: "You think so?" Toudou: "There you are, Manami." Manami: "Toudou-san." Toudou: "I'm taking the mountains tomorrow." Manami: "I know! Fuhuhomi-han haid ho!" Toudou: "Rinse your mouth out first, idiot! You're spitting!" Manami: "I know. Fukutomi-san just told me." Toudou: "That's right. Once we exhaust Makishima and knock out Kinjou," Toudou: "as the ace climber, I'll take the home stretch." Manami: "Okay." Toudou: "However, sometimes the situation changes." Toudou: "What will you do if something comes up and you have to go instead?" Manami: "I'd be super excited! That means I'd reach the peak first, right?" Manami: "But it's not like I'd be riding by myself..." Manami: "I'd get in trouble if I rode as I pleased. After all, the Inter-High's a team battle." Toudou: "It's just a hypothetical." Toudou: "But..." Toudou: "Don't forget this." Toudou: "I have some advice for you, as one climber to another. If you have to ride to the finish line alone, carrying Hakone Academy's jersey, history, and pride on your back..." Toudou: "Ride free." Toudou: "You can forget about the team." Sakamichi: "Good work, everyone." Teshima: "Yeah." Sugimoto: "Kinjou-san asked us to buy tape and spray." Teshima: "I think there was a pharmacy on the national route." Sakamichi: "Um, would you like me to go get it?" Midousuji: "Tomorrow..." Midousuji: "...I'm not riding in the race." Arakita: "What are you doing here, Fuku-chan?" ukutomi: "I wanted to take a bath." Shinkai: "What's the problem?" Shinkai: "Anyway, Yasutomo... Did you decide what you're doing for Jinpachi's birthday party?" Arakita: "What? Why do I have to do something?" ukutomi: "It's natural to celebrate a teammate's birthday." Arakita: "Yeah? What are you doing, then, Fuku-chan?" ukutomi: "I..." ukutomi: "It's a secret." Arakita: "Huh? Fuku-chan, are you doing something?" Shinkai: "Yeah. I'd like to know what you're doing, too." Arakita: "Fuku-chan, what are you going to do?" Arakita: "Hey. Hey, come on. Hey, hey—" ukutomi: "I-It's a secret!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 4 – ROAD.4 Resolution", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "4", "ROAD.4 Resolution" ] }
Ishigaki: "What?" Midousuji: "Tomorrow..." Midousuji: "...I'm not riding in the race." Ishigaki: "Wait..." Ishigaki: "...Midousuji. You couldn't make it to the award ceremony, but you're feeling a lot better, right?" Ishigaki: "Look. You won these red and green number tags today. Tomorrow, you can put—" Midousuji: "I don't need them." Ishigaki: "I-It's the final stage of the Inter-High. All of us finally made it this far." Midousuji: "I won't ride." Midousuji: "You can throw away those number tags." Ishigaki: "Midousuji..." Ishigaki: "Please!" Ishigaki: "Will you ride for us?" Ishigaki: "Kyoto Fushimi's team is built around you." Ishigaki: "We've produced good results." Ishigaki: "We need you. If you leave now, we won't be able to win the race." Ishikgai: "This is how I really feel." Ishigaki: "Look at me." Ishigaki: "It's okay if you just ride for the team." Midousuji: "I gave it my all. I did everything I could." Midousuji: "But I still couldn't win." Midousuji: "Now..." Midousuji: "There's no reason for me to ride tomorrow. Sorry," Midousuji: "but I'm quitting the Kyoto Fushimi Bicycle Club today." Mizuta: "Midousuji-kun's only acting like that because his plan didn't work, right? O-Once he calms down, he'll come back, right?" Ishigaki: "What did he say at the end?" Club: "That he's biking back to Kyoto." Mizuta: "What? Seriously?" Midousuji: "I had nothing left at the end of the Inter-High." Sakamichi: "Uh, um..." Sakamichi: "What a coincidence, M-Midou..." Sakamichi: "U-Um, are you going shopping, too, Midousuji-kun?" Sakamichi: "Oh, uh... Kinjou-san, the captain, asked me to go buy more tape and sprays. The people at the inn said the only pharmacy around is the big one off the national route in the mountains up ahead, so I took my bike..." Sakamichi: "I thought it would be rude to pass you..." Sakamichi: "...without saying anything." Sakamichi: "M-Midousuji-kun, um, can I ask you something?" Midousuji: "No. Don't talk to me." Sakamichi: "Th-There's something I've been wondering for a while now." Sakamichi: "You... You..." Sakamichi: "You always call small fry "Zaku." Do you like anime?" Sakamichi: "I think Zakus are wonderful! They're foot soldiers. The Zaku is a standard model designed for strength and functional beauty. And as their leader, Midousuji-kun... ...you're their crimson command unit!" Sakamichi: "Sorry. Everyone knows about Zakus, right? I jumped the gun." Sakamichi: "Um, sorry about that. Don't worry about it." Midousuji: "What are you, stupid? If I'm a crimson unit, I should be the Royal Forces Humanoid Battle Weapon Unit-02." Sakamichi: "The crimson Unit-02?" Sakamichi: "M-Midousuji-kun, do you want to ride to the pharmacy together? There's a lot I want to discuss with you. On top of that mountain—" Midousuji: "There's no point in riding together." Midousuji: "Either you go on ahead, or I will." Sakamichi: "I was always alone." Sakamichi: "I didn't have anyone to discuss anime with." Sakamichi: "I would ride to Akiba alone. I collected CDs, figures, and books, and made the 90-kilometer round trip every week." Sakamichi: "Over summer vacation, I went every single day." Midousuji: "If you want a fight that badly, I'll give you one." Sakamichi: "A fight?" Midousuji: "We'll race to the pharmacy." Midousuji: "If you win, we can have a nice, long conversation about anime." Sakamichi: "Okay!" Sakamichi: "Midousuji-kun!" Sakamichi: "You're so fast, Midousuji-kun!" Sakamichi: "I would ride to Akiba alone." Sakamichi: "I went every single day." Sakamichi: "You're so fast." Sakamichi: "You even have a bag, but I couldn't catch up." Sakamichi: "But I'm really, uh..." Sakamichi: "I'm really disappointed we won't get to talk about the Royal Army or anime... Or Love Hime, or Mogurin, or..." Midousuji: "There's one thing..." Sakamichi: "Is it about anime?" Midousuji: "...I want to ask you." Sakamichi: "Darn..." Sakamichi: "Yes, what is it?" Midousuji: "Why were you smiling when we were racing earlier?" Midousuji: "Because you wanted to win and discuss anime?" Sakamichi: "D-Did that bother you? I'm sorry! You're telling me to take the race seriously, right? K-Kyoto Fushimi does seem like a team that takes races seriously!" Midousuji: "No. I just want to know why." Sakamichi: "What?" Sakamichi: "Discussing anime was part of it, but..." Sakamichi: "...I can't help myself. When I'm riding a bike, especially when I'm riding with someone else," Sakamichi: "I end up smiling because I'm having fun." Sakamichi: "But I do take races seriously!" Sakamichi: "I did enjoy singing and riding with Tadokoro-san, though... Uh, no! I'm always very serious!" Midousuji: "You're gross." Sakamichi: "What? You think so?" Sakamichi: "I knew it..." Mother: "Akira, you've been smiling a lot since you started cycling." Sakamichi: "Since tomorrow's the last day, um..." Sakamichi: "Let's do our... best...?" Sakamichi: "Huh?" Sakamichi: "He didn't come to shop?" Toudou: "One of the bikes is missing." Club: "Yeah. He insisted on training." Club: "He never stops. He already rode a ton today." Toudou: "He can't help it." Toudou: "He can't sit still. Tomorrow, on the third and final day..." Toudou: "...waits the largest climb of the Inter-High." Manami: "This is terrible." Manami: "I should feel nervous, but when I'm climbing..." Manami: "...I can't help but smile!" uko: "All right." uko: "It's finally here, hotshot." Imaizumi: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "Today is the final stage." Sakamichi: "The team that crosses the finish line first today wins the Inter-High." Makishima: "Let's go!" Makishima: "To the top!" All: "Yes, sir!" Tadokoro: "How's your knee, Kinjou?" Kinjou: "It's not a problem. It has recovered." Kinjou: "The six members of Sohoku have come this far." Kinjou: "Now, we must ride with all our strength... Ride with one will, and take the finish line." Miki: "Do your best, everyone." Kinjou: "Let's go, Sohoku!" All: "Yeah!" : "Hakone Academy's here!" s: "They're so cool! Go, Hakone Academy!" Toudou: "Listen to them cheer." Shinkai: "You mean how it's mostly girls cheering for me?" Toudou: "You finally get it, Shinkai." Arakita: "It's so annoying." Toudou: "Don't sulk, Arakita. There are three or four people cheering for you." Toudou: "Of course, they're not girls." Arakita: "I don't need them! And I'm not sulking!" Shinkai: "You're not interested in that, Yasutomo." Arakita: "It's such a pain. All that matters is winning." Manami: "Nice." Manami: "What an awesome wind." Mizuta: "Midousuji's not coming." Club: "Yeah." Ishigaki: "Nobu," Ishigaki: "could you watch this for me?" Mizuta: "What?" Club: "Hey, Ishi-han." Ishigaki: "I'm gonna go look for him one more time." Club: "Ishigaki-san!" Ishigaki: "I'll be back!" Club: "What?" Ishigaki: "I forgot something! I'll be right back!" Ishigaki: "Midousuji!" Ishigaki: "No, not yet." Club: "Ishigaki-san, what about the race?" Ishigaki: "I'm looking for Midousuji." Club: "What? I thought he quit the club and headed back to Kyoto." Ishigaki: "I know!" Ishigaki: "What?" Club: "Y-Your hair..." Midousuji: "What's this? You shouldn't" Midousuji: "be wandering around here now, Ishigaki-kun." Midousuji: "You should be waiting at the starting line." Midousuji: "You're my assistant." Ishigaki: "Midousuji." Midousuji: "Right?" Ishigaki: "I'm sorry!" Teshima: "When you're nervous, don't look at your surroundings. Ignore the other teams and focus only on Hakone Academy." Teshima: "It's important for a team to have all six of its members." Teshima: "The more members you have, the greater your opportunity. You can help each other. Yesterday, other strong teams lost members who didn't cross the finish line in time." Teshima: "Honestly speaking, today's race..." Teshima: "...is just between us and Hakone Academy." : "I wonder who's gonna win. Will it be Chiba? No way. It'll be Hakone Academy. They're the champs." : "Hey..." Hiroshima: "The weather's nice." Hiroshima: "I'm glad the Inter-High's rules are so simple. No matter what happens during the event, whoever crosses the finish line first today wins." Hiroshima: "You're cute." Hiroshima: "Do you have a boyfriend? Are you a first-year? Huh? You don't have one?" Hiroshima: "Why don't you go out with me once this race ends, then?" Teshima: "Hey! Get away from her!" Sakamichi: "Kanzaki-san!" uko: "Who the hell is he?" Hiroshima: "Of course, I don't mean for nothing." Hiroshima: "That's right..." Hiroshima: "How about if I finish first in this race?" Miki: "That's impossible. The front teams start ahead of the others, and we've trained hard for this day." Hiroshima: "You have a good understanding of road racing." Hiroshima: "You've got a point." Hiroshima: "But I have..." Hiroshima: "...stars. I'm a third-year student at Hiroshima's Kureminami Technical School," Hiroshima: "Machimiya Eikichi." Machimiya: "I've always had the devil's luck. I win at the very, very end of a race. It's hilarious how often it happens. The first day," Machimiya: "three of our members got caught up in the fall around the sharp Odawara turn." Machimiya: "But we rode together and caught up." Machimiya: "Before we knew it, fifty people made yesterday's time limit. And among the people who can ride today..." Michimiya: "Yes," Michimiya: "all six of us still remain!" Machimiya: "Sohoku, do you have stars?" Sakamichi: "All six members..." Both: "Metamorphose!" Sakamichi: "Princess, Princess!" Tadokoro: "Princess!" Both: "I love, love, love you!" Sakamichi: "Princess!" Both: "Twinkle, twinkle! As long as I have you and all my friends, I'm invincible!" Makishima: "When did he get so into that song?" All: "Princess, Princess! Princess! I love, love, love you! Princess! Twinkle, twinkle!" Makishima: "Kinjou?" Both: "Even with a spell to make you bigger, you're still my princess!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 5 – ROAD.5 The Three Kilometers to the Pharmacy", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "5", "ROAD.5 The Three Kilometers to the Pharmacy" ] }
Machimiya: "Sohoku," Machimiya: "do you have stars?" Machimiya: "Stars to bring you victory and luck." Machimiya: "Who, me?" Machimiya: "I've got them!" Machimiya: "And probably more than you've got." uko: "Hey, we're trying to focus! Don't stand out in front, moron!" Machimiya: "It's just for a second. I'll leave once I'm finished here. Besides, we're both trying to focus now." uko: "What does that mean?" uko: "Hey, wait! You forced your way in here! Hey!" Machimiya: "What?" Machimiya: "To tell you the truth, I can use magic." uko: "What?" uko: "Magic? Hey, I told you to wait!" uko: "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Machimiya: "I heard yesterday's finish was really close." Machimiya: "What? Your team fell apart during the race, but before you knew it, you were sprinting to the finish with Hakone Academy." Michimiya: "Kinjou-kun..." Machimiya: "...you've got yourself some stars." Machimiya: "Fukutomi-kun!" Machimiya: "What?" ukutomi: "What do you think you're doing? Stop." Machimiya: "Yeah, you've got them. You've got yourself some stars, too." Machimiya: "You won the first and second stages." Machimiya: "You have double yellow number tags. How very, very cool." ukutomi: "I told you to stop." Machimiya: "A little more." Machimiya: "Just a little more, please." Machimiya: "This is my magic." Machimiya: "I can suck the stars out of someone just by touching them." Machimiya: "Wait until I finish sucking all of them out, all right?" Toudou: "Hey!" Arakita: "We've had enough of your bullshit diversion, you idiot!" ukutomi: "I don't mind." ukutomi: "I don't believe in such things." Machimiya: "I was the ace at last year's Inter-High. On the third and final day, I was riding in sixth place at the last five kilometers." Machimiya: "The time difference was hopeless, but in the final three kilometers..." Machimiya: "...someone in front of me got a flat tire." Machimiya: "In the final kilometer, someone in front of me fell. The guy in front of him left the course." Machimiya: "Before I knew it, I'd risen to third place on the podium." Machimiya: "In today's race, Kureminami's starting 15 minutes after the leaders. Honestly, the difference is brutal." Machimiya: "It would be really hard to turn that around. But it's not completely impossible." Machimiya: "No one knows what will happen in a road race!" Sakamichi: "Uh, I..." Sakamichi: "Um, please wait!" Sakamichi: "Sohoku will..." uko: "Onoda-kun!" Tadokoro: "Onoda!" Makishima: "Hey!" Sakamichi: "So..." Sakamichi: "Sohoku will do their best. I-I don't know if we have what you talk about, but Sohoku will do its best!" Machimiya: "Falling before the race starts? You're not very lucky. You haven't got them." Machimiya: "While I feel sorry for you, let me ask you something." Machimiya: "Onoda-kun, are you a first-year?" Machimiya: "What do you think is the most important thing to have in a road race?" Machimiya: "If you listened to what I said, this should be an easy question." Machimiya: "That's right." Machimiya: "Sta..." Sakamichi: "A b-bicycle!" Sakamichi: "I-Is that right?" Sakamichi: "Am I wrong?" Machimiya: "Sohoku's got its very own jester, huh? You must think this is going to be easy." Machimiya: "Do your best, Onoda-kun." Rider: "Kureminami was standing on the winner's podium last year." Rider: "Yeah." Rider: "Why are they starting so far back?" Machimiya: "We have our own way of winning." Arakita: "Is that trash-talker Midousuji not coming?" Shinkai: "You're not one to talk, Yasutomo." Arakita: "What?" Izumida: "They sent a stand-in to yesterday's award ceremony." Izumida: "He must have suffered greatly." s: "Hakone Academy! Sohoku!" Toudou: "Manami, remember this feeling." Toudou: "Without the strength to swallow this pressure, you can't win." Toudou: "He's asleep!" Minami: "It's coming. I can feel it." Minami: "Huh? Toudou-san, were you talking to me?" Toudou: "You must be pretty bold to sleep here." Arakita: "Don't sleep before the race starts, you idiot!" Manami: "I was focusing so hard. When you shut out the noise around you, doesn't it make you sleepy?" Arakita: "No, it doesn't!" Manami: "I always ride after resetting once..." Manami: "...when I'm serious. I'm about to face the toughest battle on the Inter-High's largest mountain." Manami: "I can't help but be excited." uko: "Whoa! He shaved his head!" Manami: "It's time..." Manami: "...to keep our promise." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Midousuji: "Shall we go, then? All the major players are here." Kinjou: "Today's orders are largely unchanged from yesterday's." Kinjou: "Catch up to me." Kinjou: "Also, Imaizumi, stick behind Shinkai." Sakamichi: "We're next." uko: "Onoda-kun." uko: "Do you remember... ...the ideal finish I described to you when the Inter-High started?" Sakamichi: "You mean the three of us..." Sakamichi: "Yeah." uko: "I'm glad." uko: "We all survived to the third day of the Inter-High." uko: "We can aim for the finish line together." uko: "Just that is..." Onoda: "The finish line." Onoda: "Yeah." Onoda: "I'm really... Um, I'm really... Thanks for everything! Really! Really, Naruko-kun!" uko: "What are you, stupid? You're saying "really" too much." uko: "Let's go! It's the final day! Let's do this, Onoda-kun!" Sakamichi: "Yeah!" Toudou: "We have a deal, four eyes." Manami: "Hey, Sakamichi-kun." Sakamichi: "H-Hey." Sakamichi: "#2 and #5." Sakamichi: "They're riding in line with us!" Tadokoro: "We're cooperating." Toudou: "When you share the same goal or enemy... ...you overcome team lines to work together." Arakita: "This stuff ain't my style." Tadokoro: "It's a common practice in road racing." Toudou: "The more people you have riding together, the less burden there is on an individual." Toudou: "As a result, everyone's speed increases." Makishima: "The battle will start once we catch up. Until then, it's a ceasefire." Makishima: "Don't fall behind, Onoda!" Toudou: "He's right, four-eyes!" Machimiya: "Cooperation?" Machimiya: "Guys, today's the last day! There's no reason to hesitate!" Machimiya: "Our goal is one and the same!" Machimiya: "I'm sure some of you resent the guys in the front!" Machimiya: "They assume we won't catch up to them." Machimiya: "Let's show them the speed of the pack." Daiichi: "Go on ahead, Taura-san, Ise-san!" Daiichi: "Masa! Fujiwara!" Daiichi: "I can't." Daiichi: "I can't go any farther. Don't worry about me and just go!" Daiichi: "We're the Higo Super Express of Kumamoto Daiichi! You can't fall now!" Daiichi: "We just started! Once we get to the top, it's downhill!" Daiichi: "We'll go together! Come on, Fujiwara!" Daiichi: "I can't do it anymore." Daiichi: "Go on ahead." Daiichi: "Fujiwara!" Daiichi: "Taura-san, do you hear that?" Daiichi: "The sound of a ton of wheels..." Daiichi: "What?" Daiichi: "The pack is coming!" Daiichi: "The pack has already caught up?" Daiichi: "Once that thing swallows us, our race is over! There should be a more guys behind us!" Daiichi: "Did they already get swallowed?" Daiichi: "They swallow everything, and ride even faster!" Daiichi: "They're like..." Daiichi: "...a giant snake!" Daiichi: "Fujiwara!" Machimiya: "Get them!" Daiichi: "The proud Kumadai team momentarily rode in third place yesterday!" Daiichi: "You won't catch us here!" Daiichi: "We're the stubborn men of Kumamoto! Taura-san, I can't..." Daiichi: "Ise!" Machimiya: "Once more!" Kinjou: "Fukutomi, what do you think of him?" ukutomi: "You mean Hiroshima's Machimiya?" Kinjou: "Yes." Kinjou: "He's declared war on us." ukutomi: "This isn't like you, Kinjou." ukutomi: "Or..." Kinjou: "Yeah. That level of confidence isn't a bluff." Kinjou: "He must have a plan." ukutomi: "But 15 minutes is a hopeless number." Kinjou: "If he brought the rear pack together..." Kinjou: "The more members a pack has, the faster it goes." ukutomi: "Even if he does gather them, their wills are divided. If he does somehow manage to catch us," ukutomi: "he must truly be a magician..." ukutomi: "...or a con artist, manipulating people." Machimiya: "How does it feel inside the belly of the pack?" Machimiya: "You're lucky, Taura-kun." Machimiya: "This pack is headed for..." Machimiya: "...the front!" Daiichi: "Th-The front?" Daiichi: "Are you stupid? How many minutes behind do you think we are? That's impossible!" Machimiya: "Keep riding." Machimiya: "We'll catch them using everyone's strength." Machimiya: "All we have to do is send one sprinter." Machimiya: "The third day has a lot of mountains, but it's mostly flat until then." Machimiya: "Sprinters will be crucial." Machimiya: "If you pull for one minute, you can rest for ten. It's a good deal, right? It's easy." Machimiya: "We can take turns pulling, since we have so many people." Machimiya: "The speed of a team with only one or two sprinters can't compare. That is the pack." Daiichi: "Taura-san." Daiichi: "Wait, Ise. Machimiya-kun," Daiichi: "there are three riders from Kumamoto Daiichi left." Daiichi: "Fujiwara, who you swallowed first, is a climber." Daiichi: "Yesterday he fell and injured himself." Daiichi: "What would you do with an injured climber? Would you leave him behind since he's slow?" Machimiya: "Well..." Machimiya: "That's serious news! Kumadai's third man is injured!" Machimiya: "Shiono, Higashimura! Bring him to the middle!" Daiichi: "S-Senpai..." Daiichi: "Fujiwara!" Machimiya: "We'll gather our injured and climbers in the middle." Machimiya: "The wind resistance in the middle of the pack is zero." Machimiya: "The pack is like a cocoon or a shell." Daiichi: "Are you all right, Fujiwara? Y-Yes, sir." Machimiya: "It's so still, a praying mantis can rest. The pack's inside is like another world." Machimiya: "It's easy, like you're enjoying a nice ride." Machimiya: "We could never leave the injured behind. They can rest in the middle." Machimiya: "We are one." Machimiya: "The colors of our jerseys and the numbers on our backs are irrelevant now." Machimiya: "Riding with the same goal, we are..." Machimiya: "...all teammates now!" Rider: "We'll get them!" Rider: "They've gone too far this time!" Daiichi: "One more chance!" Rider: "We'll catch them, no matter what!" Daiichi: "I'm going to pull." Daiichi: "We're counting on you, Ise." Shinkai: "They're good." Shinkai: "Yasutomo, you should try one. These chocolate banana potstickers are good." Arakita: "What? I don't want any." Shinkai: "Here." Arakita: "I don't want any." Shinkai: "Yasutomo."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 6 – ROAD.6 Those Who Have", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "6", "ROAD.6 Those Who Have" ] }
Manami: "Arakita-san, they're coming." Arakita: "Huh? What is?" Manami: "A whole bunch of them." Arakita: "What? What the hell does that mean? What have you been doing, anyway? You're not leaking our orders to..." Tadokoro: "Hey, Makishima." Makishima: "What?" Tadokoro: "This doesn't look good." Makishima: "Honestly..." Makishima: "I didn't expect this." uko: "Onoda-kun!" uko: "Don't get out of line! Grab on!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" Sakamiichi: "Naruko-kun!" uko: "Onoda-kun!" uko: "Damn it!" Rider C: "I heard we're working together to reach the front." Rider A: "Then what is that?" Rider C: "They must intend to bring Hakone Academy and Sohoku back to the pack." Rider B: "Just the six of them?" Taura: "Don't worry! They've got a plan!" Taura: "Machimiya may look frivolous, but he's..." Ise: "Taura-san!" Ise: "They tricked us!" Taura: "Yeah, but..." Taura: "What do you want us to do about it, Ise? We burned ourselves out trying to reach the front like he told us to." Taura: "There aren't any sprinters left..." Taura: "...to chase after the six of them!" Rider: "Damn it! They got us!" Rider: "I knew we were going too fast." Rider: "I thought we'd been given another chance. Come to think of it..." Rider: "None of them ever pulled the pack. Hey! We're slowing down!" Rider: "What are you doing? Move! Aren't we trying to reach the front? Why isn't Hiroshima coming back?" Rider: "Did they really jump ahead?" Rider: "Seriously? Damn it..." Machimiya: "They must be in chaos by now." Machimiya: "A disorganized pack loses speed quickly." Ibiya: "You made them do it." Machimiya: "Yeah." Machimiya: "It's their fault for trusting me." Machimiya: "It's their fault for putting their hopes in me." Machimiya: "They brought it on themselves." Machimiya: "Those puppets can drop out or fight for last place." Machimiya: "Now, then. Let's..." Machimiya: "...catch our fleeing prey!" uko: "Hiroshima's coming! The side-part guy's with them!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs!" Rider: "Damn it!" Ise: "We're finished!" Rider: "We can't catch up!" Sakamichi: "E-Excuse me. I'd like to start chasing that guy, but, um..." Sakamichi: "Can we work together?" Rider: "What? I can't..." Sakamichi: "Excuse me." Sakamichi: "Can we work together?" Rider: "I don't have the energy." Sakamichi: "Excuse me." Rider: "I can't." Sakamichi: "U-Um..." Sakamichi: "I want to chase the guys up front." Sakamichi: "Would you like to help... me..." Arakita: "What?" Arakita: "You're the skinny four-eyed kid!" Arakita: "What are you looking at?" Sakamichi: "Sorry, uh..." Sakamichi: "Please, um..." Sakamichi: "Please work with me to catch up to the guys in front of us!" Arakita: "Shut up! Why do I have to ride with you, huh? Moron!" Arakita: "Right now..." Arakita: "I'm pissed because those Hiroshima bastards passed me!" Arakita: "I don't have time for your games!" Rider: "It's Hakone Academy. What's he doing here?" Arakita: "Move! You're in the way!" Arakita: "That idiot!" Arakita: "This'll cost you, Machimiya!" Rider: "Amazing. He went through a 20-centimeter gap." Rider: "He's so fast. He's trying for the pack's front! Hakone Academy is amazing!" Sakamichi: "E-Excuse me." Both: "Huh?" Sakamichi: "I'd like to catch up to #2!" Sakamichi: "Please let me through!" Arakita: "I don't see them." Sakamichi: "Please! Wait!" Arakita: "What?" Arakita: "You still haven't given up yet, Four-Eyes?" Sakamichi: "Please let me ride with you. You're the only one." Arakita: "That's not my problem, moron!" Sakamichi: "I want to catch up to Hiroshima." Sakamichi: "I'm not very strong on flats, but... I hate the way he's willing to betray people to get ahead!" Sakamichi: "Hakone Academy's riders seem strong..." Sakamichi: "But I think they're earnest." Sakamichi: "Even Midousuji-kun..." Sakamichi: "He may not be very talkative... But I don't think the way he rides is wrong." Arakita: "Not talkative?" Arakita: "You're naïve. That's just a strategy. It's road racing, moron!" Sakamichi: "Y-Yes, sir!" Sakamichi: "Please! I'll do anything to catch up!" Arakita: "What?" Arakita: "Hey, kid!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Arakita: "What do you think of Fuku-chan?" Sakamichi: "Fuku?" Sakamichi: "Oh, you mean Hakone Academy's ace?" Sakamichi: "Um, I've never spoken to him." Sakamichi: "At first glance, he seems scary, but I think he's a pretty cool guy." Sakamichi: "And everyone trusts him." Arakita: "You're right. He's a stone-faced jerk, too." Sakamichi: "Really?" Arakita: "What about me, then?" Sakamichi: "Um..." Arakita: "What's wrong? What do you think of me?" Sakamichi: "Um, uh..." Arakita: "Answer me, moron!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir! You're so scary, I'm afraid you'll eat me!" Arakita: "Why'd you talk to me, then? If you're so scared of me, you should stay away. You could just avoid me." Sakamichi: "I can't do that." Sakamichi: "I want to ride for my team." Sakamichi: "Um, I..." Sakamichi: "I was told to do..." Sakamichi: "...everything I can, if there's something I want to do!" Arakita: "Moron." Arakita: "You're honest to a fault, and you're awkward, too! You're not meant for road racing, kid!" Arakita: "I'll work with you." Arakita: "Pull for me." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Arakita: "Let's chase them!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir! Thank you!" Rider: "Hakone Academy and Sohoku are going ahead!" Rider: "Are they chasing Hiroshima? They can't do it!" Sakamichi: "Is something wrong?" Arakita: "Yeah. We're bringing one more guy with us." Arakita: "You finally made it." Arakita: "You knew they were coming. Don't get swallowed by the pack, moron." Manami: "Hey, Sakamichi-kun." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun?" Manami: "If we three work together, we'll catch up three times faster." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Arakita: "Go, Four-Eyes!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" A: "Three guys have pulled ahead of the pack!" B: "It's Hakone Academy and Sohoku!" s: "They're so fast!" A: "They're pulling farther ahead!" Sakamichi: "Um, A-Arakita-san." Arakita: "What? Are you at your limit already, Four-Eyes?" Sakamichi: "Can I ride as hard as I can?" Manami: "Arakita-san." Manami: "He can pedal even faster." Arakita: "You're terrible at this! Just watching you ride is aggravating!" Sakamichi: "What?" Arakita: "You're better than I thought, Onoda-chan!" Manami: "It's my turn." Manami: "Let's switch." Sakamichi: "Okay, thanks." Manami: "Here we go." Sakamichi: "Okay!" Sakamichi: "He's so fast!" Arakita: "Damn you, Wonder Boy! Manami, go easy when you turn it on, moron!" Manami: "It's fun. Isn't this fun, Sakamichi-kun?" Sakamichi: "Yeah!" Manami: "We'd have even more fun on a climb." Sakamichi: "Yeah!" Arakita: "What? You want me to bring the wonder boy back to the front?" ukutomi: "Yeah. If Manami falls behind tomorrow, I want you to bring him back." Arakita: "Why? I would understand Shinkai. He's competent. But Manami's absent-minded and he's just all right as a climber." ukutomi: "Bring him back." ukutomi: "There's probably something within him that hasn't awakened yet." Arakita: "He's just a first-year kid. Aren't you overestimating him?" ukutomi: "Arakita..." ukutomi: "I'm asking you to do this because you're a strong puller." Arakita: "Hey, first-years!" Arakita: "Climbers are too slow on flats. I'll show you how I carried the reigning champions' ace to the finish countless times!" Arakita: "I'll show you how Hakone Academy's #2 pulls!" Arakita: "Don't get left behind, first-years!" Sakamichi: "Manami-kun." Arakita: "I see them!" Sakamichi: "Is it Hiroshima?" Arakita: "No." Arakita: "It's our consolation prize, Onoda-chan!" uko: "Onoda-kun!" Sakamichi: "Makishima-san! Tadokoro-san! Naruko-kun!" Toudou: "Arakita!" Tadokoro: "Onoda!" Arakita: "Izumida! Don't let Hiroshima pass you when you're pulling, you moron!" Izumida: "I'm sorry!" Sakamichi: "I'm glad we got to meet up again, though. Um, I made it this far thanks to Arakita-san and Manami-kun." Sakamichi: "What?" Sakamichi: "We're not meeting up with them, Arakita-san?" Arakita: "Onoda-chan." Arakita: "Don't you understand?" Sakamichi: "When we're fighting for every minute and second in the final stage of the Inter-High..." Sakamichi: "We don't have time to meet up with our teams?" Arakita: "You moron!" Arakita: "Can't you smell it?" Arakita: "That awful stench!" Arakita: "We can't stop here!" Arakita: "We're close! I'm on fire! I can't wait! I'm ready to devour my enemies!" Machimiya: "What?" Arakita: "Man, you guys stink!" Arakita: "You smell like sewer rats who scurry around using cheap tricks!" Machimiya: "H-How? You were caught in the pack! What are you doing here?" Arakita: "That's it! That's the face I wanted to see, Machimiya!" Izumida: "Abs!" Izumida: "Abs!" Izumida: "Abs!" Izumida: "Abs!" Machimiya: "Well, well. Looks like you've got them." Izumida: "What?" Machimiya: "You've got them. Yup, you've got them." Izumida: "Wh-What are you doing?" Machimiya: "Yeah, you've got them." Machimiya: "You've got a ton of them." Izumida: "Stop!" Izumida: "Abs..."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 8 – ROAD.8 Arakita", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "8", "ROAD.8 Arakita" ] }
Machimiya: "Faster! Shake off Hakone Academy!" Machimiya: "Satozaki, Shiono! Pull harder!" Both: "Yes, sir!" Arakita: "You guys..." Arakita: "...are nothing special!" Arakita: "Don't run. Let's do this. I'm starving. You tried to outfox us..." Arakita: "...and now I'm raring to eat you!" Kurosaki: "Machimiya-san!" Machimiya: "Arakita the Beast!" Machimiya: "What are you doing? Pull harder!" All: "Yes, sir!" Arakita: "You can't run! Machimiya, you scum!" Arakita: "Once I eat you, you're finished!" Ibitani: "You're strong. Hakone Academy is pretty good. I wouldn't expect less." Ibitani: "Tricks and false appearances aren't enough to shake you off." Arakita: "What?" Satozaki: "Ibitani-san." Ibitani: "Miya, give up." Ibitani: "We can't pull ahead of him if we don't do that." Machimiya: "I wanted to wait until we got to the front..." Machimiya: "...to use this." Ibitani: "If you want a fight that badly, we'll give you one, Arakita-kun." Ibitani: "But we'll only exhaust ourselves if we keep riding like this. Let's set some rules." Arakita: "What? Rules?" Ibitani: "20 meters." Ibitani: "If either of us gets 20 meters ahead of the other, we'll stop chasing each other." Ibitani: "It's a 20 meter lead race." Ibitani: "Whoever pulls 20 meters in front of the other wins." Ibitani: "There are flags up ahead leading to the feed zone. The distance between them is roughly ten meters." Ibitani: "Whoever pulls two flags ahead of the other wins." Ibitani: "It's simple. What do you think?" Arakita: "I'll pull ahead without your stupid rules!" Ibitani: "If that's how you feel, accept my terms. Don't worry. We'll play fair. We'll fight you three-on-three." Ibitani: "Shiono, Satozaki!" Both: "Yes, sir!" Ibitani: "Fall back!" Both: "Yes, sir!" Ibitani: "Hakone Academy researches their opponents to some degree. I'm sure you've heard" Ibitani: "Hiroshima has three sprinters!" Ibitani: "Higashimura!" Higashimura: "Yes, sir." Arakita: "Four-eyes? The four-eyes is a sprinter?" Ibitani: "Tag #32, Ibitani. I'm one of them. Our final sprinter is tag #31, our ace..." Ibitani: "...Machimiya Eikichi." Machimiya: "I didn't get here on the devil's luck alone, Hakone Academy!" Machimiya: "It's time for the 20-meter lead battle!" Machimiya: "Whoever wins will head to the front!" Machimiya: "Scum?" Machimiya: "You're the one who's scum, Arakita!" Machimiya: "If I don't hold back, I run out of control." Machimiya: "I'm a little bit wild." Arakita: "This is Machimiya's true nature!" Ibitani: "Once Machimiya shows his true colors, we can't stop him. He's a true battle sprinter who latches onto his opponents and clings to them until their last breath." Ibitani: "They call him..." Ibitani: "The Fighting Dog of Kure!" Sakamichi: "Arakita-san!" Arakita: "What?" Sakamichi: "Um, Hiroshima is pulling ahead of us." Arakita: "I know that, you idiot!" Sakamichi: "Um, I don't want to let him get close to Kinjou-san or Imaizumi-kun." Sakamichi: "Um... If there's anything I can do, let me know! I'll do anything!" Arakita: "That's the spirit. In that case, don't complain. We've got our two little climbers." Arakita: "Pedal until your legs fall off! Don't fall behind!" Both: "Yes, sir!" Arakita: "I get more excited getting glimpses of people riding just ahead of me!" Arakita: "Let's start over, Machimiya. I'm sure you expected to finish this in one go, but sorry to disappoint you." Arakita: "I won't let you do that." Machimiya: "One go?" Machimiya: "Come on, now. I was just warming up. A fighting dog doesn't go for the neck right away." Machimiya: "He avoids vital areas and measures his opponent's strength first." Machimiya: "Then the battle to the death begins. I wanted to see how fast you could go with two climbers, but it's nothing special." Machimiya: "Is only Hakone Academy's ace exceptional?" Machimiya: "We'll easily reach the front." Arakita: "Bastard." Machimiya: "I need to get to the front soon." Machimiya: "I have a promise to keep..." Machimiya: "...with Midousuji!" Arakita: "Mi..." Sakamichi: "What?" Machimiya: "It was on the first day while we were climbing Hakone." Machimiya: "Fine. Kyoto Fushimi can control the pack. Let's keep climbing. We won't jump ahead, either." Machimiya: "But promise me one thing, Ace Midousuji-kun." Machimiya: "I can tell from your aura that you've got them. If we find ourselves fighting for first on the third and final day," Machimiya: "why don't we work together?" Midousuji: "Why?" Machimiya: "I'm not like the other zaku. Besides, we have the same goal." Machimiya: "Crushing Hakone Academy." Machimiya: "You think it's time to pass the crown, don't you?" Machimiya: "Hakone Academy beat us last year, too." Machimiya: "Let's cooperate and crush them together!" A: "The lead pack is coming!" B: "Hakone Academy!" C: "You can do it, Chiba!" Imaizumi: "Hiroshima is right behind us?" Shinkai: "Juichi, this isn't good." uku: "Yeah." Midousuji: "Machimiya-kun is finally making his move." Midousuji: "Cooperation..." Machimiya: "Come on! Let's settle this!" Machimiya: "I'll bite you to death, Hakone Academy!" Manami: "He headbutted him!" Sakamichi: "Arakita-san!" Sakamichi: "That was close." Machimiya: "Just looking at that jersey makes me want to puke! It puts me in the worst of moods!" Sakamichi: "Blood! You're bleeding, Arakita-san!" Arakita: "Bastard!" Machimiya: "Headbutt me back." Machimiya: "It's a substitute for a gong..." Machimiya: "...to mark the fall of Hakone Academy!" Machimiya: "Arakita!" Machimiya: "I heard they call you the Wolf of Hakone Academy!" Machimiya: "A wolf!" Machimiya: "You're a tame pet wolf!" Machimiya: "A pet!" Sakamichi: "Arakita-san, we're one flag behind." Sakamichi: "No... It's one and a half!" Arakita: "Shut up and follow me!" Machimiya: "...that desperate face, Arakita!" Machimiya: "The ace number?" Kure: "Hold your head high. You won that number with your strength." Machimiya: "Lend me your strength, third-years! I swear I'll take first place!" 1: "You can do it, Kureminami!" 2: "We're counting on you, Machimiya!" Girl: "Machimiya-kun." Kure: "We caught up!" Kure: "It's Hakone Academy. He's trying to pull ahead. He's going for the front!" Machimiya: "If we fall behind now, we can't take the second day." Machimiya: "Leave it to me! I'll chase after him!" Kure: "We're counting on you, Machimiya." Kure: "Take our hopes to the finish line!" Machimiya: "I feel good. Because my seniors pulled me, my legs still have their strength. I can take the stage!" Machimiya: "It's cracked!" Machimiya: "Both of them!" Machimiya: "Damn it. I won't last long in this heat without water." Machimiya: "I'm out of luck." Machimiya: "I can't give up. My seniors pulled me this far." Machimiya: "I'm nearly at my limit." Machimiya: "No. I could never do something so shameful." Machimiya: "But..." Machimiya: "I have to ride for the team." Machimiya: "Fukutomi-kun, I need a favor. It's not easy to ask, but could you share one of your bottles with me?" Machimiya: "I must have hit them against something. They're both cracked. It was an accident. Please." Machimiya: "If I don't catch up to Sohoku now, there's no way I can win today. I'm the ace. I've got my team to support." Machimiya: "Expectations are high since the race is local. You understand, right?" Machimiya: "I'm desperate here. Please." uku: "I can't." uku: "I intend to catch Sohoku, too." uku: "I can't lose my bottles if I want to make it to the finish line." Machimiya: "Yeah, but couldn't you let me have one anyway?" Machimiya: "Damn. My throat..." Machimiya: "It was an accident! Please!" uku: "There are people behind us who can afford to give away their bottles." uku: "Get one from them." Machimiya: "Wait! I can't get one from the guys behind us! I can't catch him if I don't go now!" Machimiya: "I have to win! Wait, Hakone Academy!" Machimiya: "You won the first day! Come on!" uku: "I'm sorry, but there's something I must do." Machimiya: "Wait." Machimiya: "Damn it." Machimiya: "Wait, damn it. I can still win. I still have the strength." Machimiya: "But I'm the ace of the local team..." Machimiya: "I..." Announce: "Hakone Academy takes the second stage with a first, second, and third place finish! The champions maintain their dignity!" Machimiya: "If I had just one bottle..." Machimiya: "You just wait, Hakone Academy!" Higashi: "Eikichi-san, it's checkmate." Higashi: "Two of our opponents are climbers. They can't switch leaders at this high speed." Higashi: "The situation is nearly three against one. I will pull. Let's pull 20 meters ahead." Higashi: "Let's trade places." Machimiya: "Stay out of this!" Machimiya: "Moron!" Machimiya: "Stay out of my way! I'll beat both of the members of Hakone Academy here!" Higashi: "Eikichi-san..." Ibitani: "You must be stupid, Higashimura. I told you, Miya can't be stopped once he gets like this." Ibitani: "We just need to follow him. He's fueled by his hatred for Hakone Academy alone now." Ibitani: "He can't lose!" Ibitani: "He's a class A sprinter. We can't compare." Ibitani: "He carries an explosive hatred with him. Watch, Higashimura." Ibitani: "This is how Kure's Fighting Dog Machimiya really rides!" A: "They're pulling ahead!" B: "Hiroshima's pissed!" Sakamichi: "Arakita-san, we're nearly two flags behind!" Arakita: "Shut up! I know that!" Machimiya: "Hakone Academy! Hakone Academy! Scumbag champions, Hakone Academy! It's over!" Higashi: "We did it!" Machimiya: "I see! You're over there!" Machimiya: "Arakita! Hakone Academy! Fall, fall!" Machimiya: "My second day victory! My hometown pride!" Machimiya: "You trampled it underfoot, Hakone Academy!" Sakamichi: "Arakita-san!" Sakamichi: "Arakita-san, let me know if there's anything I can do!" Sakamichi: "I... I..." Manami: "Arakita-san!" Arakita: "Shut up! I told you guys to shut up and follow me!" Arakita: "Fuku-chan told me to carry you!" Machimiya: "There it is! You're Fuku-chan's pet! You've been completely domesticated, wolf! Where are your fangs? Did your claws fall off, too?" Machimiya: "This year's Hakone Academy is no match for me!" Machimiya: "I'll flip the situation on its head! I'll make you taste the pain of last year's second stage!" Machimiya: "I'll pull 20 meters ahead of you, and..." Machimiya: "Why are you smiling?" Arakita: "I know how you feel." Machimiya: "Don't touch me! You don't understand!" Arakita: "You've got spirit. You're more than just a con artist. Even if we trade blows, you have the backbone to reach your goal." Arakita: "I like those eyes." Arakita: "I don't mind guys like you." Machimiya: "What are you doing? Is this a diversion?" Arakita: "But it's not enough to win." Machimiya: "What? Not enough to win?" Machimiya: "You've been on the defensive this whole time. Whether you're a wolf or a mule, your true ability is plain to see. Not enough to win?" Machimiya: "An elite rider of Hakone Academy understands nothing!" Arakita: "I used to be just like you. You're aggressive, irritable, aggressive toward everyone, and obsessed with the past. You drag out the past again and again so you can take your anger out on others." Arakita: "You're just like I was." Arakita: "He's late." Arakita: "He's late!" Arakita: "How long is he going to make me wait?" Arakita: "Moron!" Ibitani: "What are you doing, Miya?" Machimiya: "I was making this." Ibitani: "Th-That's..." Machimiya: "I made some improvements based on last year's lesson." Machimiya: "It's a bottle that can't be broken!" Machimiya: "We've as good as won this year's race!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 9 – ROAD.9 The Fighting Dog of Kure", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road", "9", "ROAD.9 The Fighting Dog of Kure" ] }
Girl: "Could you take our picture, please? Thank you." Aya: "Miki, I brought the towels." Miki: "Thanks." Aya: "Is there anything else that needs doing?" Miki: "Could you help get the food supplements ready?" Aya: "Got it." Teshima: "Let's go, Sohoku!" Teshima: "This is the end. We made it to the final day. The six of us all made it together!" Teshima: "Naruko!" uko: "Yeah!" Teshima: "Imaizumi!" Imaizumi: "Yeah!" Teshima: "Onoda!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "Kaburagi!" Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "And Aoyagi!" Teshima: "Do you believe in miracles?" Aya: "They've been through a lot." Miki: "Yeah. On the first day, shortly after Hakone Academy passed the sprint line," Miki: "Onoda-kun got separated from the team and swallowed up by the pack." Miki: "Teshima-san had to fight for the team on the climb." Miki: "He lost that battle, but it raised the team's morale." Miki: "Naruko-kun participated in the sprint for the finish line." Miki: "But Hakone Academy won again. In the end, Hakone Academy took the first result, the mountain result, and won the first day, earning them all three colored number tags. On the second day, Kaburagi-kun fell behind as soon as the race started," Miki: "and Aoyagi-san went to help him." Miki: "During that time, Hakone Academy won the sprint again. Kaburagi-kun and Aoyagi-san finally caught up so they could participate in the finish line sprint. On the second day, it was Midousuji-kun of Kyoto Fushimi who crossed the finish line first." Miki: "After the second day, Sohoku still hasn't won anything." Miki: "They haven't won a single colored number tag." Miki: "But..." Aya: "But there's still today, the third day. Whichever team crosses the finish line first today..." Miki: "...will become Inter-High champions and this year's overall winners." Teshima: "Today's our last chance to set off everything we've built up. Even if we give everything we've got and collapse at the finish line, our faith in miracles will take us there." Teshima: "We'll keep our faith alive." Teshima: "If one of us ends up in a race of centimeters before the final finish line..." Teshima: "That faith will push him across it!" uko: "Of course." Sakamichi: "Teshima-san!" Teshima: "Let's go, Sohoku! This is our final race!" All: "Yeah!" A: "It's finally time." B: "Yeah. Check it out. Everyone's so hyped up." C: "Chiba! Sohoku!" A: "They haven't had the best showing through yesterday, but they're last year's champions. They won't end like this." B: "Yeah, you're right." A: "They're here. It's the champions, Hakone Academy." B: "Man, they're so dignified. Huh? Five? One of them's missing." C: "Speaking of missing, there's a team missing. Yesterday's winners, Kyoto Fushimi." A: "No, they're here." B: "But look..." Midousuji: "There's no reason to act so surprised." Midousuji: "We just shed a little weight." B: "They all shaved their heads?" Midousuji: "Throw it away, throw it away... Your useless pride, your useless celebratory mood, your useless showing off. With victory right before our eyes, we must throw everything away!" D: "Did Kyoto Fushimi really have to take it that far, though?" Midousuji: "We'll be taking it again today. Right, Yamaguchi-kun?" Yamaguchi: "I know." A: "The Inter-High uses special rules." A: "They're doing a staggered start." B: "The teams will start one after another according to the previous day's times." Manami: "They're starting already? That's not good. I'm totally late." Class Rep: "Excuse me. Um, excuse me. Why are there so many people at this bicycle race? I even stayed at a hotel and changed buses so I could watch the start of the last day. The course is packed. I won't even be able to see Sangaku start." Manami: "Hey." Manami: "Morning, class rep." Class Rep: "Good morning." Manami: "Did you come to watch the start of the race?" Class Rep: "What's this?! What are you doing here, Sangaku?" Manami: "I'm late." Class Rep: "You're..." Manami: "Is this your first time watching the start of a race?" Manami: "Isn't the tension crazy?" Class Rep: "Who cares about that? Just go!" Manami: "You're right. Sorry, but could you hold onto this for me?" Class Rep: "What?" Manami: "I've gotta go race in the Inter-High." Class Rep: "Amazing. In an instant, Sangaku's face changed from his usual sleepy one he always wears as at school into a fighter's." uko: "You're finally up next, Onoda-kun." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "I'll see you later." uko: "Meet up with hotshot as soon as you can." uko: "He might be cryin' right now because he's so lonely." Sakamichi: "I will." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun, could you?" uko: "You've been infused with my grit!" Sakamichi: "Thanks." Teshima: "We're counting on you, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Aoyagi: "We'll catch up soon." Kaburagi: "Onoda-san, you've got this." uko: "Go!" Sakamichi: "Got it." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun!" Manami: "I'll see you later on the course, Sakamichi-kun." Sakamichi: "Yeah. Did you go to the b-bathroom?" Manami: "No, I overslept." Doubashi: "Hey. What are you doing, Manami?" Manami: "Sorry." Kuroda: "Are you at least focused?" Manami: "Yeah, totally." Izumida: "Let's go, Hakone Academy. This is the final first step we'll take towards reclaiming our throne!" Teshima: "Let's go, Sohoku." uko: "We can't let Hakone Academy and hotshot hog the spotlight! Let's make a splash on the final day, guys!" Kaburagi: "The final day of the Inter-High is finally starting! It's my time to shine! I'm ready to go anytime! Just say the word!" Aoyagi: "Don't go." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Kaburagi: "Huh? What? You just told me to go." Aoyagi: "I said don't go. As in "do not."" Kaburagi: "Oh, don't go." Midousuji: "Morph, morph, morph!" Midousuji: "Morph, morph, morph!" Ashikiba: "I caught up, Yuuto." Yuuto: "You're so quick, Ashikiba-san." Ashikiba: "How do you feel?" Yuuto: "Not bad." E: "Hakone Academy's on the move!" Imaizumi: "Damn it. Of course they are." Imaizumi: "Today's the third and final day. The lead pack is the place closest to the finish line." Imaizumi: "Hold it right there. You're not going anywhere, Shinkai." Yuuto: "Hey, Imaizumi-san." Yuuto: "I can't let you stop us." Yuuto: "We're obviously going to attack. We've got an overwhelming advantage right now." Sakamichi: "I see him. It's Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Ashikiba-san will most likely meet up with the lead pack as soon as the race starts." Imaizumi: "If that happens, Hakone Academy will have two members there. And not just two ordinary riders." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "I'm counting on you, Onoda. If those two make a move, it'll be bad news for us." Imaizumi: "I know it'll be hard, but I need you to catch up to me as soon as possible." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "I wonder what it is. There's something so reassuring about the way you say "yeah."" Sakamichi: "Huh?" Sakamichi: "Oh, no, I'm not..." Imaizumi: "I have a feeling you'll be smiling when you tell me you've caught up." Imaizumi: "Not that it'll be easy." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "But you've overcome countless walls until now." Imaizumi: "Honestly, I thought you'd quit the bicycle racing club after last year's Inter-High. During our first practice after the Inter-High ended, I asked if you wanted to go together." Imaizumi: "I was nervous." Imaizumi: "But you said..." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "You were smiling when you said it." Imaizumi: "I felt so relieved." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun..." Imaizumi: "Let's go together again, Sakamichi," Imaizumi: "to the final finish line of the Inter-High." Imaizumi: "Let's overcome countless walls." Mizuta: "Phase 82." Sakamichi: "Mizuta-san?" Mizuta: "It seems your full attention is on what's ahead of you, Onoda. But I, Mizuta, as captain of the great Kyoto Fushimi Bicycle Racing Club—" Sakamichi: "Sorry, but I'm in a hurry." Mizuta: "What? He's gone." Mizuta: "You must be joking. He disappeared in an instant." Toji: "How do you think the start will go?" Koga: "Well, it'll depend on whether or not Onoda catches up." Toji: "If he can catch up to Imaizumi?" Koga: "No, to the two Hakone Academy riders ahead of him. If they allow the two of them to get away," Koga: "today's race might be over for them." Sakamichi: "I see him." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Onoda!" Midousuji: "Oh? Sakamichi..." Sakamichi: "I caught up, but Hakone Academy isn't here." Imaizumi: "I know. They're gone." Yuuto: "Yeah!" Imaizumi: "Damn it!" Yuuto: "We'll be going now. Once this climb is over, there's a long downhill up ahead." Yuuto: "We'll be racing down at 80 kmph." Imaizumi: "They knew I'd be waiting for you so I couldn't increase my pace or cooperate with Midousuji." Sakamichi: "Sorry. It's because I didn't get here sooner." Imaizumi: "No, you just barely made it in time." Imaizumi: "Stick behind me. Don't look at the scenery. Copy my gear, cadence, and how I shift my weight exactly." Sakamichi: "What?" Imaizumi: "We can still catch up to them. You caught up at just the right moment, Sakamichi." Imaizumi: "Let's hurry. You're about to ride down this mountain faster than you've ever ridden. One mistake and you'll crash into the shoulder on this deadly high-speed downhill." Imaizumi: "Prepare yourself. We're about to accelerate to 90 kmph." Sakamichi: "Ninety...?" Sakamichi: "Yeah. Let's do it." Imaizumi: "All right." Imaizumi: "Let's go." Midousuji: "Oh?" Imaizumi: "Can you go keep going, Sakamichi?" Sakamichi: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "Your back always feels reassuring, so I'll be fine." Imaizumi: "What?" Sakamichi: "It's like it's always telling me, "Come on."" Sakamichi: "It's like it's always..." Sakamichi: "gently pulling me forward." Imaizumi: "That's not something you should be saying right now." Sakamichi: "You're right. Sorry." Imaizumi: "No, that's not right. If you felt like saying it during a race, then that's the time to say it." Sakamichi: "Huh?" Imaizumi: "Road races are similar to the passage of time. At times they change at dizzying speeds, and there's no going back." Imaizumi: "Whatever you're thinking at that time has to be said in that moment." Imaizumi: "Thanks for what you said earlier. It's encouraging. Not that I'm particularly gentle or kind." Sakamichi: "That's not true." Imaizumi: "Now, then, Hakone Academy are finally coming into view." Yuuto: "Man, you gotta be kidding me." Yuuto: "They closed the gap on the downhill." Ashikiba: "Not only that, but there are two of them now." Yuuto: "Then let's accelerate again and pull ahead of them. Yeah!" Ashikiba: "Don't, Yuuto." Ashikiba: "It's two against two now. Continuing to race against them would only exhaust us." Ashikiba: "We should cruise along for a while and wait for the rest of the team." Yuuto: "Roger that." Teshima: "There are four riders in the lead pack." uko: "Onoda-kun really did it." Kaburagi: "Take that, Hakone Academy! Bladdy-blah-blah! See how powerful Sohoku is?" Teshima: "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Kaburagi." Kaburagi: "What? Why not?" Kaburagi: "Road racing is a team sport. It's better to make it clear who your friends and foes are." Kaburagi: "How could you talk to the enemy captain when I just finished saying that, Aoyagi-san? Hey, Aoyagi. Get away from him." Aoyagi: "We have a deal." Kaburagi: "What? A deal?" Kaburagi: "Huh? Wait, Teshima-san, that Hakone Academy pig is—" Kuroda: "Excuse us." Kaburagi: "What?" Izumida: "Abs." Kaburagi: "What? Naruko-san, you, too?" Manami: "Hey, you must be the energetic first-year Sakamichi-kun mentioned." Kaburagi: "Even the late guy? What's going on here?" Teshima: "We're cooperating." Teshima: "The more cyclists that ride together, the faster you go." Teshima: "Four is faster than two, and eight is faster than four. The more cyclists you have, the easier, faster, and farther you can go. If your interests are aligned, then you'll even work with your opponents for an advantage." Teshima: "That's cooperating." Teshima: "Onoda and Imaizumi have made this an evenly-matched race. In this situation, both we and Hakone Academy want to reach the lead pack as quickly as possible and get our teams together." Teshima: "You've never experienced this before?" Kaburagi: "No. This is my first time. In other words, until we reach the lead pack, Hakone Academy are our allies and teammates." Teshima: "That's right." Kaburagi: "This is kind of inspiring, isn't it? I'm so excited." Kaburagi: "I'm Sohoku first-year Kaburagi Issa." Kaburagi: "I have a pet rhinoceros beetle." Doubashi: "What are you getting so excited about? Did you forget what you just did to us earlier?" Kaburagi: "Bladdy-blah-blah!" Doubashi: "I'll knock you on your butt, orange!" Doubashi: "Get to the front." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir." E: "It's Kyoto!" F: "The rest of Kyoto Fushimi's here!" G: "Why aren't they working with Hakone Academy and Sohoku? They're clearly going slower." E: "And the two guys riding ahead haven't met up." F: "Did they make a strategic error?" unatsu: "Yamaguchi-san, at this rate, they'll get away from us." unatsu: "You and I are sprinters, but they've got numbers." Komari: "What? Did you say something, Funatsu-san?" unatsu: "I said I don't know if you're a sprinter or what." Komari: "Oh." unatsu: "Yamaguchi-san, are things really going according to plan? We haven't been abandoned, have we?" unatsu: "By Midousuji-kun." unatsu: "He has, hasn't he? He even made us shave our heads." unatsu: "Nobody's told me anything. He's always doing stuff I've never heard of. I've never heard of a team shaving their heads after winning. Normally you'd celebrate together. I can never tell what he's thinking." unatsu: "I was really trying to grow my hair out." Yamaguchi: "Did you say everything you wanted to say?" Yamaguchi: "If you have, then ride in silence. Keep this pace." unatsu: "Huh?" Yamaguchi: "The next phase has already begun."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 1 – The Final Day Begins!!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "1", "The Final Day Begins!!" ] }
Ashikiba: "Winning the King of the Mountains is our goal!" Teshima: "You're attacking, Shikiba?" : "Look! It's Ashikiba's Metronome Dancing! He's so fast! He's catching up to Sohoku right before our eyes!" : "He caught up in an instant!" : "Hakone Academy passed him!" : "What's wrong with Teshima? He's slowing down after being beaten? Is this the end for him?" Teshima: "Wait up, Shikiba!" : "Sohoku caught up! He's so determined! Incredible! I'm overwhelmed! There are two kilometers left to the mountain line!" : "One of them's pulling ahead! This time, it's Sohoku! He's attacking right as he caught up!" : "He's trying to pull away from Hakone Academy!" Both: "1.5 kilometers!" Both: "Go!" : "Sohoku and Hakone Academy are locked in a fierce battle! They're so fast! I can feel their intensity!" : "They looked like they were really struggling. Both of them are going for the mountain line. Who has the advantage?" : "The guy in front is trying to stay ahead. If he can maintain his lead until the mountain line, then the guy ahead has an advantage. On the other hand, the guy in back can watch his opponent and look for an opportunity to attack." : "If he's got the strength left to do it, then he has an advantage." : "But it's a close battle. It's probably tough on them physically. In battles like these, letting your guard down for even a few seconds can mean defeat." : "Whoever has the stronger will wins." : "One kilometer left to the mountain line!" : "Hakone Academy's closing the gap!" : "Teshima accelerated again! Wow!" Teshima: "I have no limits!" : "What's going on? Watching number 5 ride is making me tremble." : "Me, too." : "You've got this, Teshima! I'm rooting for you, too! Teshima!" : "500 meters left to the mountain line! Go, Teshima! Teshima!" : "Sohoku increased his pace again!" Tadokoro: "Two riders are approaching the mountain line." Tadokoro: "One yellow jersey and one blue jersey. It's us and Hakone Academy. The Hakone Academy rider is that tall guy named Ashikiba who came to Minegama last year." Tadokoro: "And Sohoku's rider is..." Tadokoro: "Teshima Junta!" Kinjou: "It's Teshima?" Kinjou: "You're certain it's him, Tadokoro?" Tadokoro: "Yeah, definitely." Tadokoro: "Kinjou, just how much do you think I've watched them?" Tadokoro: "That form! Those head movements! That's definitely Teshima. Right there! Go! Pull ahead of him! That's it!" Makishima: "He can't hear you from all the way up here, Tadokorocchi." Kinjou: "Teshima made it this far..." Makishima: "Kinjou, are you talking about our earlier conversation?" Makishima: "Did you think he'd dropped out partway through the race? "I didn't think he'd make it this far." It's written all over your face. "I'm sorry."" Kinjou: "Makishima..." Makishima: "You've got nothing to be sorry for." Makishima: "I even asserted he had no talent or knack for riding." Makishima: "But he's well-liked and hard-working. He had a vibe that made you think he'd somehow get it done if you left things up to him." Makishima: "Talent is a complicated thing." Makishima: "Those who know what their talent is from the start speed off in flamboyant fashion." Makishima: "Those who don't spend so much time lost." Makishima: "But they've probably got it from the start. They just can't find it themselves because it's stuck on top of their heads or on their backs." Makishima: "That's why someone else has to find their talent for them. "So skilled. So amazing." "Faster than others. A unique feel." But when you're too close to someone, it becomes harder to identify," Makishima: "because you're facing the same way as them. Someone you only see once in a while or who suddenly shows up has the easiest time" Makishima: "identifying it." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan!" : "Hakone Academy caught up in an instant! They've got 300 meters left to the mountain line!" Teshima: "You caught up in the last 300 meters! I worked so hard, and now I'm back at square one?" Ashikiba: "You're amazing, Jun-chan!" Teshima: "You're far more amazing for catching up to me now. I'm not—" Teshima: "I feel like believing your words." Teshima: "What's amazing about me?" Ashikiba: "Take a look at the spectators around us." Ashikiba: "They're all cheering for you. When my seniors asked me what kind of person Sohoku's Teshima was," Ashikiba: "I said he was good at karaoke." Ashikiba: "That he's always been good at entertaining others. He sings medleys that make everyone laugh." Ashikiba: "I can't do that. It's an amazing talent." Teshima: "You told them about my singing? Th-That has nothing to do with racing. Why does your air-headedness have to come through now?" Ashikiba: "No, they're the same." Ashikiba: "You've just swapped singing for bicycle racing. You're entertaining everyone right now." Ashikiba: "Take a look." Ashikiba: "They're all hoping your efforts will produce incredible results." Teshima: "They expect something from me?" Ashikiba: "You're probably stronger when you're swaying a group from the inside" Ashikiba: "than when you're riding for yourself." Makishima: "It's through struggle and repeated effort that hard work becomes talent." : "There are 250 meters to the mountain line!" Onoda: "You can hear the spectators' cheers on the wind." Imaizumi: "Yeah." uko: "You're right. Not only that, but they're comin' from right around the mountain line gate." Onoda: "That must mean Teshima-san is working really hard. He's using the last bit of strength he has remaining." Imaizumi: "That's right. The climber we trusted and put our faith in" Imaizumi: "is currently in a dead heat with Hakone Academy's ace." uko: "Judgin' by their cheers, it must be a close race." uko: "Our Perm-senpai must be really puttin' on a show." Onoda: "We're counting on you!" Imaizumi: "This is the end." uko: "Go out with a bang!" All: "Captain!" Teshima: "Shikiba, it's the last 200 meters!" Teshima: "Let's become King of the Mountains!" : "Wow! They're accelerating at full speed into the mountain line! They're bumping shoulders! Neither one is yielding any ground!" Teshima: "Shikiba!" Ashikiba: "Jun-chan!" : "They've got 100 meters to go!" Ashikiba: "Is that true, Machida-kun?" Higashido: "My name isn't Machida, it's Higashido. My nickname is Higashimaru." Higashido: "Remember how Teshima was really depressed after our last race the other day?" Ashikiba: "Yeah. He said something about losing to second-year Ima-something and finishing 43rd." Higashido: "He said he's quitting because there's no point in racing if he can't win." Higashido: "There he is. Teshima!" Ashikiba: "Jun-chan!" Teshima: "Hey, Higashido. Shikiba." Higashido: "Don't quit. You like bicycle racing, don't you?" Teshima: "That's what you want to talk about? That rumor's spread this far already?" Ashikiba: "We promised we'd become champions together." Teshima: "It's true." Teshima: "There's no point in racing if you can't win. Liking something and winning are different after all." Teshima: "I prepared for that race. I rode in my final race with the intention of winning. I even worked as hard as I could." Teshima: "But I still achieved nothing. There's nothing else I can do." Teshima: "It's simple. It's obvious." Teshima: "It means I didn't have talent." Teshima: "That's what it means." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan, you're wrong." Ashikiba: "You can't quit, Jun-chan." Ashikiba: "You can't quit, Jun-chan. You're always talking about how heart matters in bicycle racing. You're the one who taught me that riding is always fun." Teshima: "About that "heart," Shikiba..." Teshima: "I'm sorry, but mine's been broken." Teshima: "I seem to have some talent for karaoke, so I'll form a karaoke club in high school." Teshima: "I think I'll make up for lost time by having plenty of fun."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 10 – Resonating Vibrations", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "10", "Resonating Vibrations" ] }
Teshima: "There's no point in racing if you can't win." Teshima: "It means I didn't have talent." Teshima: "I'll form a karaoke club in high school." Teshima: "I think I'll make up for lost time by having plenty of fun." Ashikiba: "No! He's wrong. There's no way he's serious about forming a karaoke club! It's beneath him! That's right. Last fall," Ashikiba: "Jun-chan saved me in the rain." Ashikiba: "Now it's my turn to save Jun-chan from this crisis." Ashikiba: "All right, let's do this!" Ashikiba: "I'm home." Ashikiba: "First, I need to come up with a plan." Ashikiba: "I'll make him go somewhere with me." Ashikiba: "We'll do some fun cycling together. His mind will recover while we're riding. Huh? That was surprisingly simple." Ashikiba: "Bicycles really are amazing." Ashikiba: "But the question is when. We're third-years now. We have exams to study for." Ashikiba: "It's already December, too. I'll need a reason to invite him. Christmas... would be weird." Ashikiba: "New Year's could work, though." Ashikiba: "I know! We can visit a shrine that's somewhere far away! We'll ride our bikes to our first shrine visit of the year, and pray we pass our exams! That'll work!" Ashikiba: "I might be a genius." Tsubasa: "Onii-chan's being creepy. He's smiling about something." Mom: "Takuto, did something good happen?" Ashikiba: "Sort of. Mom, we're not going anywhere over New Years, right?" Mom: "Oh." Mom: "I'm sorry." Mom: "I know it's last minute again, but yesterday Dad's company reassigned him." Mom: "We're moving to Kanagawa at the end of the year." Ashikiba: "What?" Mom: "I'm sorry. I know you have exams. I need to start gathering applications for high schools in Kanagawa." Ashikiba: "What?" Mom: "We'll be spending New Year's there." Tsubasa: "This is so funny!" Ashikiba: "What?" Ashikiba: "What?" Ashikiba: "What?" Ashikiba: "What?" Ashikiba: "Why? But what about New Year's?" Teshima: "Have you heard Hiraken's new song?" end: "Yeah." Teshima: "It's good, right?" end: "Yeah!" Ashikiba: "Jun-chan..." Ashikiba: "You need help, but I..." Ashikiba: "I can't do anything for you!" Teacher: "Winter break starts tomorrow, but make sure you study for your exams so you don't have any regrets. It's easy to catch a cold this time of year if you're not careful, so take care of yourselves." Student A: "All right, it's winter break." Student B: "How was your report card?" Student C: "Real bad." Student D: "Wanna stop by the convenience store?" Ashikiba: "Jun-chan!" Ashikiba: "You're still here. Good." Teshima: "What's up, Shikiba?" Ashikiba: "Thank you for everything until now." Teshima: "What's gotten into you? We didn't graduate today. Are you saying goodbye forever? We still have the third semester." Ashikiba: "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything for you." Teshima: "Huh?" Ashikiba: "But you're always doing things for me." Teshima: "What are you talking about?" Teshima: "You're an incredible guy. Don't worry about it." Teshima: "Be more confident in yourself." Ashikiba: "Before it's over, let's shake hands." Teshima: "What? Over?" Ashikiba: "Humor me." Teshima: "Is this some kind of magic spell?" Ashikiba: "Yeah." Ashikiba: "Bye." Teshima: "Huh? H-Hey!" Ashikiba: "That's Hakone, huh?" Ashikiba: "What am I doing?" Ashikiba: "My bicycle..." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan said he was quitting, but if..." Ashikiba: "If he keeps riding, then someday..." Ashikiba: "Somewhere, I might get to see Jun-chan again." Shinkai: "Do you want to try racing with Teshima-kun?" Ashikiba: "What?" Ashikiba: "A race. I haven't been in a race in forever..." Ashikiba: "Not only that, but I'll be wearing a Hakone Academy jersey." Kaneyan: "Hey, Ashikiba." Ashikiba: "Kaneyan." Kaneyan: "They say your ban was lifted." Kaneyan: "I heard the news. You're going to race, right?" Ashikiba: "That's right." Kaneyan: "That's great. You've been practicing so hard." Ashikiba: "Thanks, but it's a heavy responsibility, since I'll be wearing a jersey." Kaneyan: "I'm sure you can do it now." Kaneyan: "Hold your head high when you get there." Kaneyan: "Do you have to be up early tomorrow?" Ashikiba: "Yeah. I'm taking the first train to Minegayama in Chiba." Ashikiba: "He's somewhere up ahead on this course." Ashikiba: "I searched for him as soon as I arrived and only saw him from behind." Ashikiba: "It brought back memories." Ashikiba: "He's grown a little. He's taller now." Ashikiba: "I wonder if he'll be angry that I couldn't get in touch for two years." Ashikiba: "That I moved without saying anything." Ashikiba: "It's okay if he's mad. It's okay if he never wants to be friends again. I actually kind of think today might be fate." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan said he'd quit riding, and I moved away. But we're finally getting to meet again on Minegayama here in Chiba," Ashikiba: "where we used to ride all the time." Ashikiba: "There he is. He's on his bike." Ashikiba: "He's racing. Jun-chan!" Teshima: "Have you been well?" Ashikiba: "Yeah." Teshima: "Are you still playing the piano?" Ashikiba: "Sometimes." Ashikiba: "I'm glad you haven't quit racing." Teshima: "I felt like riding again." Teshima: "I'm Sohoku's captain now, which means I have to fight against you and Hakone Academy." Ashikiba: "And I'm Hakone Academy's next ace, so..." A: "They're both racing up the hill as fast as they can!" B: "Only 80 meters left to the third day's mountain line!" B: "50 meters left!" Sugimoto: "That's right. I found him. Me! I did. I know why you're so shocked. He's from Hakone Academy, after all. If he's coming all the way from Kangawa, then that must mean..." Teshima: "Bicycles are awesome!" Ashikiba: "Yeah, Jun-chan." Teshima: "Let's ride at full power to the other side of that gate." B: "40 meters left to the third day's mountain line!" C: "They're neck and neck!" D: "Who will it be? They're neck and neck again!" C: "Go!" C: "The line..." D: "It's approaching!" B: "10 meters to go!" B: "It's been decided." Aoyagi: "Junta..." Tadokoro: "He did it." Tadokoro: "Teshima pulled off the upset!" : "Teshima! All right! Sohoku's got guts! No, Hakone Academy! What an amazing fight!" : "Ashikiba was amazing, too! Congratulations!" Teshima: "Wow." Teshima: "The sky's never looked so blue." Teshima: "Did I just win a colored number tag at the Inter-High?" Teshima: "You're kidding, right?" Teshima: "How truly fantastic. There's no telling what will happen on bicycles." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan..." Ashikiba: "We won the King of the Mountains." Ashikiba: "We won it together." Ashikiba: "You were strong today, Jun-chan." Ashikiba: "More than you were in any moment before. We stayed neck and neck until the very end, when I thrust my bike across the line." Ashikiba: "Honestly, I thought I finished first. But you didn't stop pedaling until the end." Ashikiba: "When I saw your back wearing that yellow jersey pass me on the left, I was amazed." Ashikiba: "I was disappointed, but at the same time, I thought you were cool." Teshima: "I'm not that great." Teshima: "Shikiba, I..." Ashikiba: "Be honest, Jun-chan. You're the one who won over the crowd," Ashikiba: "enthralled them with your riding, and crossed that line first. When we were riding side by side, I could feel the pressure coming off you rising every time they cheered." Ashikiba: "Turning the spectators' strength into your own is a skill. It's something you used to do all the time at karaoke." Teshima: "Are you saying I should let it get to my head a little?" Ashikiba: "Yes, exactly." Teshima: "All right, I won the King of the Mountains. I'm amazing. I won the King of the Mountains at the Inter-High! I'm Teshima Junta, the genius climber!" Teshima: "How was that?" Ashikiba: "Great." Teshima: "I probably would've let it get to my head like that a long time ago, but I've experienced a lot since then." Teshima: "I've suffered a lot, too." Teshima: "The happiness will probably come later, but right now, all I feel is gratitude. For my teammates who supported me, for my juniors who sent me off," Teshima: "for my seniors who taught me so much, and..." Teshima: "For you, for riding with me." Teshima: "Thank you. Shikiba, I'm here now because of you and everyone else." Teshima: "If any of it had been missing, I wouldn't have made it here." Teshima: "I believe it was a miracle." Teshima: "Though right now I'm so exhausted I can barely ride straight." Ashikiba: "Yeah. I'm sure everyone's just as grateful to you after hearing the results." Makishima: "Tricks don't work on climbs." Makishima: "So climb." Kuroda: "Pull, Yuuto." Yuuto: "Yes, sir. I know." uko: "They raised their pace when they saw the results on the board. Don't fall behind, Onoda-kun." Sakamichi: "Right!" Imaizumi: "Don't let your guard down, Naruko, Onoda! From here on, it'll be a race for the finish line." Sakamichi: "Yeah." uko: "Of course. The overall victory is riding on that finish line." uko: "It's mine. I'll take it." uko: "I'll do whatever it takes." uko: "You're awfully assertive, Little Shinkai." Yuuto: "You're awfully close, Naruko-san. You seem full of energy, too, even though you've been working hard the last two days, and despite being a sprinter." uko: "The sprinter's blood flows through your veins, too, doesn't it?" uko: "Looks like I'm right." uko: "I can tell. Shall we race if we meet on some flats again somewhere?" Yuuto: "Race? We could do that right here, though it's a climb." Yuuto: "After all, I'm a climber."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 11 – The Skies Above", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "11", "The Skies Above" ] }
Kinjou: "They've overcome all manner of challenges to make it this far. They've lifted each other's spirits, helped one another, and at times, sacrificed their teammates to keep going." Makishima: "Yeah, all so they can reach that point up ahead..." Makishima: "The final destination of this race... on the third and final day." Makishima: "The last gate several kilometers ahead is the overall finish line." Kuroda: "Pull, Yuuto." Yuuto: "Yes, sir. I know." uko: "It's mine. I'll take it." uko: "I'll do whatever it takes." Mkaishima: "We don't know yet who will reach it first." Makishima: "There's no way to know how a race will turn out until it's over." Makishima: "That's why we ride. We use our entire bodies and give everything we have," Makishima: "believing in our own potential." Mob: "Are they okay?" A: "The two lead guys just bumped into each other." B: "But neither one flinched." C: "They're both wearing such determined expressions." uko: "Not bad, Little Shinkai." Yuuto: "What? Sorry, but I've got a name. It's Yuuto. Could you not address me relative to my brother?" uko: "You've got the willpower to withstand bein' pushed around, and you're assertive, too! I like you, Yuuto!" Yuuto: "I'm impressed. You still have the strength to hand out compliments? Is it because you're a second-year? Or..." Imaizumi: "It's coming, Naruko!" Yuuto: "Yeah!" Sakamichi: "Shinkai-kun jumped ahead!" Yuuto: "Is your answer yes?" uko: "Yeah, that's it. I've been lookin' forward to seeing that shocked expression." uko: "My answer is no!" uko: "Yuuto, you asked earlier if I had strength to spare because I'm a second-year." uko: "Let me answer you now." uko: "Of course I don't." uko: "I'm here after practicin' a ton and endurin' all kinds of experiences. I feel more pressure now than I did in my first year." uko: "I've pushed myself right up to the limit." uko: "If I let my guard down even a little, I'll suffer defeat." uko: "I'm obviously tryin' as hard as I can." uko: "But that suits me just fine. You know what I mean? That's right. That's what you call..." uko: "bein' the flashiest man around!" D: "Naruko attacked on the corner this time!" E: "Wow. He's climbing so nimbly despite being a former sprinter." F: "Red hair, red bike! Everything he does is so flashy!" uko: "Behold. This is how I do it. My Loud and Flashy Climb!" uko: "Get pumped, spectators!" D: "He's hyping up the crowd." E: "What a character!" F: "Naruko, you can do it!" uko: "I'll turn that into power!" Yuuto: "Damn it. Yeah!" Yuto: "I caught up! I won't let you have your way." uko: "Sorry, Yuuto, but I'm already doin' things my way!" uko: "The flashy way!" Sakamichi: "We caught up, Naruko-kun!" Imaizumi: "Don't jump ahead like that when you're pulling the team." uko: "Don't be jealous I'm so popular, hotshot." Both: "Teshima-san!" uko: "Perm-senpai." Teshima: "G-Guys..." uko: "That was awesome!" Sakamichi: "Good work!" Imaizumi: "Thank you!" Sakamichi: "Um, that was really amazing!" Teshima: "Thank... you..." Teshima: "The rest is up to you guys, Naruko, Onoda..." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" G: "They've passed #11 and #5 to take the lead!" H: "Between Hakone Academy and Sohoku, there are six leaders." H: "He fell!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, Naruko-kun, did they say someone fell?" Imaizumi: "Yeah." uko: "I heard it, too." uko: "It was probably Teshima-san. Knowin' him, he was probably so exhausted from givin' everything he had that he could barely ride in a straight line." uko: "But he waited for us to catch up and pass him. Then gave us a push, saw us off, and hung on until we were out of sight before he fell." Teshima: "Naruko, Imaizumi, Onoda..." Teshima: "These are your final orders." Teshima: "Work together to take the finish line." Imaizumi: "Face forward. Don't look back, Onoda. We've been entrusted with this race." Imaizumi: "What we need to do only lies ahead." Imaizumi: "We'll keep advancing at full power. That's our job right now." Sakamichi: "Yeah. Got it." Yuuto: "Sohoku's accelerating!" Yuuto: "I told you, I won't let you keep having your way, Naruko-san." Yuuto: "Not again." uko: "You think you stopped me?" Yuuto: "What?" uko: "Did you assume Sohoku would keep waitin' to see what Hakone Academy does instead of attackin'?" Yuuto: "I won't let you." uko: "You're not goin' anywhere." I: "Two of Sohoku's riders accelerated and jumped ahead!" J: "They're so fast!" Yuuto: "Please move, Naruko-san." uko: "I'm not goin' anywhere." Yuuto: "Damn it..." Yuuto: "When did you and Imaizumi-san become such good friends? I heard you were fighting over who'd get to be the ace on the first day." uko: "We've been ridin' all-out for three days." uko: "We've learned how the other thinks even if we haven't gotten any closer! I could tell he was itchin' to do something," uko: "so I drew you away from the rest of your team." Kuroda: "They got us!" Kuroda: "I thought it was a flashy attack by Naruko, but #1 and #2 have jumped ahead!" Kuroda: "We're going after them, Manami!" Kuroda: "What are you doing? We're accelerating." Kuroda: "What's wrong with you?" Kuroda: "We're racing for the finish line. Move, Manami! Don't start with your oddball crap now!" Manami: "Not yet, Kuroda-san." Manami: "It'd be a waste to raise my focus now." Manami: "Can't you feel it?" Manami: "This race is going to get even crazier." K: "That mountain race was incredible." L: "Yeah, I could feel their passion." K: "The next six guys will be competing for the finish line." L: "Yeah. No, wait. Someone else is coming." K: "Huh?" K: "You're right. He's just barely in range to catch up." L: "No, look at that jersey." L: "They're gonna try to catch up! And there's two of them, not just one." K: "That's the yellow number tag of the second day's overall winner." K: "It's Kyoto Fushimi!" L: "That's #111, their ace Midousuji Akira, and Kishigami Komari, the rider who finished second in yesterday's sprint after being subbed in." L: "Wh-What was that?" K: "He was exuding so much pressure as he passed us that he looked huge." L: "He's a monster." Midousuji: "See? What did I tell you, Mizuta-kun? Before we entered the mountains, I said Sohoku would challenge Hakone Academy and reduce their numbers if we let them go." Midousuji: "Exactly as planned!" Komari: "Mizuta-san disappeared at some point while drenched in sweat, gnashing his teeth and screaming complaints. I've already forgotten where." Komari: "He hasn't been with us for quite some time now." Ashikiba: "You can't be serious." Ashikiba: "I thought they'd completely fallen behind." Midousuji: "Ah, there you are. I found you, Hakone Academy's ace!" Ashikiba: "He caught up so quickly!" Midousuji: "What's wrong? Your legs seem exhausted. You're riding all the way back here all alone, Ashikiba-kun. Could it be that you challenged Sohoku's skinny seaweed head, who I saw lying on the ground back there, to a pointless mountain race?" Ashikiba: "It wasn't pointless, Midousuji!" Midousuji: "So valiant! What are you screaming wide-eyed at me for? Friendship? Pride? Values you won't compromise on? You're such a cool guy, Ashikiba-kun. So tall, kind, and considerate of your friends." Midousuji: "But let me tell you something." Midousuji: "When it comes to winning road races, you don't need any of that. All that crap is worth less than trash." Kuroda: "No regrets, Takuto?" Kuroda: "Leave the rest to us." Midousuji: "You suddenly got a scary look in your eye. So scary. I was hoping we could have a nice long chat about your awesome victory at the second day's mountain line, or your disgraceful loss at the finish line despite there being two of you." Midousuji: "But now you're suddenly looking at me like you won't let me pass you." Midousuji: "Sorry, but I've gotta go. I'm in a hurry. See you later, Ashikiba-kun." Ashikiba: "Damn. He's fast!" Ashikiba: "Wait!" Komari: "The flesh of Hakone Academy's ace..." Komari: "I wish I could've touched it 15 minutes ago. It could be worse, but your parched and used-up flesh doesn't inspire me to make any noise." Midousuji: "You really have no restraint, do you?" Komari: "Let's go, Midousuji-san." Kuroda: "Is that what you meant when you said the race would get crazier, Manami?" Manami: "Yes, that's right, Kuroda-san." Yuuto: "What is this strange feeling coming from behind us?" Imaizumi: "Someone's coming." Kuroda: "Damn! Kyoto Fushimi caught up at the end of the race... On this mountain road running up a volcano over 1,800 meters high, zigzagging across a field to the finish line at the highest point on the national route with only ten kilometers remaining!" Midousuji: "Now then..." Midousuji: "Who should I crush first, the house fly or the sand fly?" Midousuji: "Gross!" Kuroda: "Damn it! Those are the eyes of a man going for the finish line." Kuroda: "I thought you were happy to drop back after the second day's victory, Midousuji." Midousuji: "So gross!" Midousuji: "I caught up with ten kilometers to go, Hakone Academy. After riding hundreds of kilometers since the first day's start, with ten kilometers remaining... When Hakone and Sohoku's teams are scattered after a desperate battle," Midousuji: "I finally caught up." ukutomi: "Hakone Academy, Sohoku, and Kyoto Fushimi! It will be an era of three powerhouses!" Kuroda: "Damn! It's come to pass!" Midousuji: "Just... as planned!" Komari: "Can I really touch him, Midousuji-san?" Midousuji: "Sure. You'd touch him even if I tried to stop you." Komari: "Okay, I'll touch him. The ultimate climber's flesh, built up by the mountains, is right before my eyes!" Komari: "How could I resist such a delectable mountain dish?" Komari: "Buffet!" Sakamichi: "Kyoto Fushimi is right behind us, Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "There are less than ten kilometers left to the finish line." Imaizumi: "We should stop for a moment to prepare ourselves." Imaizumi: "No, it doesn't look like we'll have time for that!" Imaizumi: "Let's go, Sakamichi. We'll keep accelerating." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "The rest of the team entrusted us with these jerseys." Imaizumi: "We'll take them across the finish line first!" Sakamichi: "Let's go, Imaizumi-kun!" Kuroda: "I won't let you keep pulling the same tricks! It's just plain creepy." Manami: "Impressive, Kuroda-san. You're always so quick." Kuroda: "This is no time to be impressed. #1 and #2 have accelerated. Now we're dealing with Kyoto Fushimi, too." Kuroda: "You're the only one who can do anything about this situation." Komari: "No... This isn't the flesh I wanted to touch." Kuroda: "Go after them! I'll hold these guys back and catch up to you!" Komari: "My mountain dish is climbing away." Manami: "I'll be waiting." Kuroda: "Don't worry, I won't let you get lonely. There's still more I wanted to talk to you about." Komari: "It's climbing away!" Kuroda: "Move up." Kuroda: "I like that look in your eyes, Manami. Good." Kuroda: "You're always most dependable when you've got that look in your eyes." Kuroda: "Go, Manami Sangaku!" Manami: "Yes, sir!" Kuroda: "Kyoto Fushimi... Sorry, but I'm not letting you get past me." Midousuji: "How are you going to stop us when it's two against one, Kuroda-kun?" Midousuji: "Your determination was for naught." Kuroda: "Midousuji's getting ahead. Yu—" Yuuto: "Who said it was two against one?"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 12 – Onslaught!!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "12", "Onslaught!!" ] }
Imaizumi: "Someone's coming." Sakamichi: "Kyoto Fushimi is right behind us, Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "There are less than ten kilometers left to the finish line." Imaizumi: "We should stop for a moment to prepare ourselves." Imaizumi: "No, it doesn't look like we'll have time for that!" Imaizumi: "Let's go, Sakamichi. We'll keep accelerating." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "The rest of the team entrusted us with these jerseys." Imaizumi: "We'll take them across the finish line first!" Sakamichi: "Let's go, Imaizumi-kun!" Kuroda: "I like that look in your eyes, Manami. Good." Kuroda: "You're always most dependable when you've got that look in your eyes." Kuroda: "Go, Manami Sangaku!" Manami: "Yes, sir!" Midousuji: "How are you going to stop us when it's two against one, Kuroda-kun?" Midousuji: "Your determination was for naught." Kuroda: "Midousuji's getting ahead. Yu—" Yuuto: "Who said it was two against one?" Kuroda: "Yuuto!" Yuuto: "Now it's two against two. Sorry, Midousuji-san, but I'm not letting Kyoto Fushimi get any farther ahead." Midousuji: "You're spitting fighting words at me? After you disgracefully lost to me at such a critical moment during yesterday's final sprint?" Midousuji: "Oh? Who are you, exactly?" Yuuto: "Well, they call me the Peak Hornet." Midousuji: "You're fast." Yuuto: "Yes, I am." Midousuji: "That was your maximum acceleration." Yuuto: "Well, we are in the final stages of the race." Midousuji: "So you're driven by your hopes and dreams for the Inter-High?" Yuuto: "I've been wanting to race in the Inter-High for a while. In my case, I had something to prove. Of course, now—" Midousuji: "Now!" Yuuto: "Now that's changed a little." Midousuji: "So cool... Your composed manner of speaking, the power bar you keep with you..." Midousuji: "Your impressive reflexes, your precise movements... But I can tell. When I look closely, I can tell those are the movements of a man nearing his limit. You're actually straining yourself, aren't you?" Yuuto: "You knew?" Kuroda: "Yuuto!" Yuuto: "Kuroda-san." Yuuto: "Not even you could've stopped these two by yourself." Kuroda: "Yuuto, you idiot. Why'd you drop back? You were riding with Naruko." Kuroda: "We sent Manami. You should've outmaneuvered Naruko and gone with Manami." Kuroda: "There were two Sohoku riders ahead of you trying to get away. What Hakone Academy should be doing is chasing after them with as many riders as possible." Yuuto: "Well, you know..." Yuuto: "I thought the mountains up ahead might be a little too steep for me right now." Yuuto: "Besides, you're better suited to ride with Manami-san." Yuuto: "I can be egotistical. Once we're near the finish line, I might end up challenging Manami-san and try to push him aside." Yuuto: "So you go on ahead, Kuroda-san." Yuuto: "I'll stop these two..." Yuuto: "Yeah!" Yuuto: "While my legs still move!" Midousuji: "Gross!" Yuuto: "I've stopped him! Move up on the counter, Kuroda-san!" Yuuto: "My team doesn't know this, but..." Yuuto: "I came to the Inter-High to challenge you." Yuuto: "Win the race, Kuroda-san!" Kuroda: "I'm already on it!" Midousuji: "You let your teammate get ahead by blocking the inside of a 180-degree turn. A clever plan, Yuuto." Yuuto: "Well, you know..." Yuuto: "But stopping you guys by myself won't be easy." Midousuji: "Why are you looking at me like that?" Midousuji: "You're so cool, aren't you?" Midousuji: "What? What's wrong? Your movements are slow. You're short of breath. What happened to your cool mannerisms and smart remarks? Look at how close I am. I thought speed and proximity were supposed to be your specialties." Midousuji: "Now then, maybe I'll go after him. I could still easily catch up to Kuroda-kun and Manami." Midousuji: "What a shame. Your desperate attempt to buy time was for nothing!" Yuuto: "Yeah!" Yuuto: "Yeah!" A: "Did you see that?" B: "He accelerated to stop Kyoto Fushimi!" C: "Wow!" D: "But #16 looks like he's struggling. He's sweating so much." Midousuji: "Huh? I thought Komari-kun had caught up, but it's you again." Midousuji: "You're persistent." Midousuji: "Huh?" Midousuji: "Did you just wobble a little?" Midousuji: "Are you okay? Are your legs shot? Your hands must feel numb, too. You don't need to push yourself so hard. You should seek treatment right away. After all, nothing's more important than your health. You should get off your bike as soon as you can." Midousuji: "You'll feel more comfortable." Midousuji: "You don't have to keep going. Your seniors will forgive you if you shamefully stop pedaling now. After all, you're still only a first-year." Kaneyan: "Congratulations, Yuuto." Kaneyan: "You're the sixth member of the Inter-High team, #16." Shinosan: "Good luck." Yuuto: "Thank you." Kaneyan: "Pretty impressive for a first-year." Shinosan: "Yeah." Yuuto: "I have your guidance to thank for that." Kaneyan: "Yeah, right." Shinosan: "You looked down on us at first, didn't you?" Kaneyan: "We're third-years now. We'll never wear Hakone Academy's jersey at the Inter-High." Kaneyan: "Look after Takuto, Yuki, and Izumida for us. You're still only a first-year. You'll probably be made to take on drab and tough jobs. They might feel like forgotten and thankless jobs, but I guarantee those efforts will help the team down the line. This is my advice for you:" Kaneyan: "No matter how tough things get, remember these words. Yuuto..." Kaneyan: "Don't give up." Komari: "What are you doing, Midousuji-san?" Komari: "Just ignore his obviously exhausted flesh. I have no interest in it or him." Komari: "Let's go to the climbing flesh that waits ahead of us! To Manami Sangaku." Komari: "Or would it be all right for me to go without you?" Midousuji: "Yeah, sure." Komari: "Climbing flesh! To the flesh!" Yuuto: "Yes!" Yuuto: "I won't give up!" Midousuji: "Shall we go now, Komari-kun?" Midousuji: "We're running out of time for playing games." Midousuji: "We'll resume our pursuit." Komari: "I'm sorry, Midousuji-san. You go on without me. I've become interested in this flesh. This flesh that should be exhausted is still moving. They say skilled riders use completely different muscles at the start and end of a race." Komari: "The glutes, the lats, the quads, and of course, the abs. The muscles extending from the hips to the muscles of the upper leg, and the muscles attached to the scapula. Each muscle that we think of a singular muscle has an important function and is split into many parts. Muscles lose their mobility as they accumulate lactic acid. In bicycle racing, it's the sensation of your legs being completely spent. But what if you had other muscles you could use? What if you could turn your pedals with something other than your leg muscles? That's right. You could continue moving even after you thought your muscles were exhausted!" Komari: "But this is all theoretical." Komari: "That's right. Normally it's impossible to have such precise control over which muscles you're using." Komari: "But think about it. The human body is made of blood, flesh, and bone. Imagine it. Can you control your blood? Can you control your bones? No, but that's right. You can control your flesh." Komari: "See? He moved again. I knew it." Komari: "Don't get the wrong idea. It's not your powerful will or determination that's moving your body right now." Komari: "It's your muscle control. They say it's possible to manipulate specific muscles by knowing them well, being aware of their parts, and imagining their movements. But there are those who consciously achieve that through hard work and geniuses who naturally achieve that through feel. And there's one essential condition to controlling your muscles by feel. High quality flesh that obediently submits to your instincts." Komari: "Your legs appear to be exhausted, and yet they're still moving." Komari: "You're hiding something, aren't you?" Komari: "You must be hiding something, Hakone Academy first-year Shinkai Yuuto!" Komari: "What are you using to ride? Your iliopsoas? Your obliques? No, if you're doing it subconsciously, then you wouldn't know." Komari: "Your ability to move exceeds my imagination. Your exceptional flesh comes from good stock." Komari: "Let me touch your Stealth Impact so I can feel it for myself! Impact!" Yuuto: "This is what Kuroda-san was worried about. I'm not letting you touch me!" Midousuji: "Komari-kun, you really have no restraint." E: "Whoa, did you feel that gust?" F: "He rode just inside the white line on this wide course!" E: "Is he trying to shave centimeters and seconds off his time?" E: "It's finally go time for Kyoto Fushimi!" Manami: "I see. After that, Yuuto..." Kuroda: "Yeah. Thanks to him, I caught up to you." Kuroda: "I was worried we were babying him. There was a time when I thought he didn't know his place on the team because everyone treated him so gingerly as Shinkai-san's younger brother." Kuroda: "But he understood what he had to do." Minami: "Sounds promising." Kuroda: "You know, he once asked me for advice." Minami: "Advice?" Kuroda: "About you, Manami." Manami: "Huh?" Yuuto: "Tell me, Kuroda-san. There's something I need to make clear before the Inter-High." Yuuto: "How can I make Manami-san take me seriously?" Yuuto: "Didn't the legendary climber Toudou-san recognize his skill? I want to beat him. But he's always dodging my challenges, smiling, and won't climb all-out against me." Kuroda: "The other day at practice, you celebrated because you reached the top of the mountain before him." Yuuto: "I found out later that he wasn't even trying." Yuuto: "He was gossiping about how I must've tried really hard." Kuroda: "He did that to build up your confidence." Kuroda: "Shouldn't you be thanking him?" Yuuto: "Well, it's not working. I rode like crazy to win group F of the selection tournament." Yuuto: "But Manami-san got out of climber group C with Hakone Academy's first-ever bye. He won a number tag without having to fight for it." Yuuto: "I want to know how he rides. I want to beat him, so I can prove I'm the climber, Shinkai Yuuto." Kuroda: "Don't glare at me like that." Kuroda: "There is definitely a way to make him go all-out." Kuroda: "But..." Kuroda: "I doubt you'll see it. I'm not even sure I will. "Because he only goes all-out on the third and final day of the Inter-High," "before the finish line in the final mountains."" Manami: "You really talked me up, Kuroda-san. Don't expect anything impressive from me." Kuroda: "Oh, but you will impress me." Kuroda: "I know how hard you've worked this past year. I know you burdened yourself with a heavy responsibility and became depressed after placing second at last year's Inter-High. And I know you got over it and have become unbelievably strong, too." Manami: "It's not like I worked that hard. I was always late to Sunday practice." Kuroda: "You're just that confident, huh?" Kuroda: "That's why it doesn't bother you that this red guy is right behind us." Manami: "I tried to accelerate past him, but Naruko-kun followed me up here." uko: "I'm not lettin' Hakone Academy slip past me. I jumped on board." uko: "I won't let y'all have it your way." Kuroda: "Manami, are you confident?" Manami: "Yes. He's not much of a climber. I could accelerate and leave him in my dust at any time." uko: "I feel like I'm on fire! My red blood's about to start boilin'!" uko: "You could leave me in your dust anytime? Is that what you said, Manami?" Manami: "Yeah, I stated it clearly." uko: "On this climb?" Manami: "Yes, since you're not much of a climber." uko: "In that case..." uko: "Shall we race, Manami?" Manami: "Your riding's faster and more precise than it was last year." uko: "I'm the man who never stops evolvin', the genius Naruko Shoukichi!" uko: "You interested, Manami?" Minami: "You're challenging me here, in these mountains?" uko: "Your hearin' must be pretty good if you caught all that."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 13 – Shinkai Yuuto's Resolve", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "13", "Shinkai Yuuto's Resolve" ] }
uko: "Shall we race, Manami?" Manami: "You're challenging me here, in these mountains?" uko: "Your hearin' must be pretty good if you caught all that." Manami: "Let's go!" uko: "Damn, he's fast." uko: "Are you a flippin' bullet train?" Manami: "Oh? You kept up. I can tell you're straining yourself." uko: "Of course I am. I'm racin' against a bullet train here." Manami: "How far do you plan on riding this train?" uko: "All the way to the last stop in Hakata. After all, I love mentaiko." Manami: "There's no chance of that happening." Manami: "Why don't you get off at Nagoya?" uko: "You know more about railways than I thought, Manami. You're really gettin' on board with it." Manami: "You mean the train, or your joke?" uko: "The joke." Manami: "Now that I think about it, even though we both raced in the Inter-High last year..." Manami: "We've never spoken much before." Manami: "What a novel experience." uko: "Of course we didn't. You're a climber, and last year I was a sprinter." Kuroda: "Wait, Manami." Manami: "Kuroda-san..." Kuroda: "Your contest is over. Quit racing him immediately." Kuroda: "There's no need to accept his challenge." Kuroda: "That was pretty clever of you, Naruko. Your plan was to challenge Manami and exhaust him just before the finish line, wasn't it?" Kuroda: "Even if it meant sacrificing yourself." uko: "Sacrifice? Not a chance, Kuroda-san." uko: "I'm on my way to the front of the race... by pullin' ahead of Manami." uko: "I've got an old promise left unfulfilled from last year." uko: "I'm headin' to the front so I can make good on that, too." Kuroda: "You're not capable of that!" uko: "Oh, right. I forgot to mention the rule I came up with." uko: "Just ridin' normally wouldn't be any fun." uko: "Our destination is the lead riders. Until we reach them, no ridin' two against one. Sorry, Kuroda-san, but you're not allowed to interfere." uko: "But in exchange, I'll give something up, too." uko: "If I lose this race, I'll stay behind Kuroda-san until I cross the finish line. How does that sound?" Manami: "Sounds good. Let's do it, Naruko-kun." uko: "I'm glad you're so understanding, Manami. Shall we go, then?" Kuroda: "He responded instantly. Wait, Manami. There's no reason to accept such a risky—" Manami: "Risky?" Manami: "That's why I'm accepting his challenge, Kuroda-san." uko: "Let's go, Manami! Our tense battle starts now! Our race ends once we can see the backs of the two lead riders and one of us catches up to them." Manami: "Sounds good, Naruko-kun. It would a waste to miss out on..." Manami: "a tense last-minute race like this." A: "Hakone Academy accelerated!" B: "He instantly caught up to Sohoku!" uko: "Crap, you caught up already?" Manami: "Did you just say, "Crap, you caught up already?"" uko: "Whoa! Nah, you must've misheard me." Manami: "Are you sure you're okay?" uko: "Shut up. I said, uh, "Crap, I love being red."" Manami: "Before long, you'll be saying I passed you. Look." Manami: "You'd better pedal like your life depends on it." C: "Hakone Academy is so fast!" uko: "He passed me already." Manami: "You're one step behind." Manami: "That's what makes you different from a pure climber." Manami: "Do you want to forfeit this race?" Manami: "I can already see how this ends." uko: "Oh, yeah? And where do you see that? There isn't an outcome in this world that can be seen before it happens. In 100% of cases, you won't know until you try." Manami: "That's exactly what I'd hoped you say." uko: "Then don't ask, dummy." Manami: "I guess you could say I wanted to confirm..." Manami: "if I could really go all-out against you." uko: "Overconfident much? You were appraising me?" Manami: "You're expensive, Naruko-kun. You're A5." uko: "Are you callin' me a tasty piece of wagyu?" Manami: "No, you're a fighting bull. You're a sucker for red things, aren't you?" Manami: "You charge straight at your opponents with your horns out." uko: "Of course. I'm always puttin' my life on the line with everything I do!" Manami: "Naruko-kun, there are two things surprising me right now." Manami: "The first is that you're keeping up better than I expected. I thought you'd have fallen behind a while ago, but you've doggedly kept up with all my accelerations." Manami: "On this climb, no less." Manami: "Then there's the other thing." Manami: "Battling you right now is more fun than expected. That goes for me and for you. We're both enjoying this tension. I always feel most alive when I'm brushing up against death." Manami: "Right now, I feel alive." uko: "Manami, you're a pretty flashy daredevil, too." uko: "Each time I've kept up with you, I've felt a fire burnin' inside me." Manami: "I'm glad I took you up on your challenge." Manami: "It was fun. Thanks." Manami: "But unfortunately, our race is over." Manami: "We'll probably catch up to the lead riders once we're past the next turn." Manami: "Then I'll accelerate at full speed. You won't be able to keep up. I'll get there first. I don't know what your plan was, but challenging me on this climb really was a reckless gamble." uko: "That's right, I took a gamble." Manami: "On your own potential? Look, the backs of the lead riders are coming into view." uko: "Our race isn't over yet." Manami: "Huh? I don't see them." Manami: "The lead riders aren't here." Manami: "Huh, I guess our race isn't over yet." Manami: "Shall we race a little longer? They're farther ahead than I—" uko: "You're right. Looks like they're farther ahead than you guys expected, Manami." uko: "So that's what Hakone Academy expected after all. You thought you'd catch up to the lead riders around here on the climb." uko: "In road races, predicting future events affects the outcome." uko: "I expect we'll catch up to the lead riders farther ahead." uko: "I made a different prediction from Hakone Academy. That's why I challenged you." uko: "Do you know what I mean by "farther ahead," Manami?" uko: "That's right. I'm sure you saw it on the course map. Once we're out of the next two turns, the climb will end temporarily." uko: "The course turns into a flat road passing by the beautiful Lake Yumi." Manami: "A flat road?" uko: "I'm at a total disadvantage on a climb. But if I can drag it out into the flats, then I've got a chance." uko: "The difference in our predictions determined this contest. We're risking everything in this tense last-minute battle as we push ourselves to the limit." uko: "You're right. This is truly fun. Come on, Manami. It's time for the final battle." Manami: "I see. I'm surprised. I didn't realize this was your strategy." Manami: "We expected to catch up on the climb." Manami: "You expected our race to continue into the flats past the climb." Manami: "And you used the difference in our expectations against us." Manami: "Not bad." Manami: "As it should be." Manami: "Let's go!" Manami: "Two? That's right. There's still two whole turns' worth of climbing." Manami: "Our race isn't over yet." Manami: "Show yourselves, lead riders." uko: "Damn, he's freakin' fast. Is Manami even human? Oh, right. He's a bullet train." Manami: "They're not here?" Manami: "One more turn to go." Manami: "The wind's picking up..." Manami: "Naruko-kun..." uko: "Crap, what was that? He accelerated like some kind of CGI model. I saw wings for a second. I'm accelerating at full speed, but I can't keep up. What are you, the Linear Shinkansen?" Manami: "This is the last turn. Show yourselves." Manami: "Show yourselves, show yourselves!" Manami: "Show me the lead pack!" Manami: "I see. The lead riders still aren't in sight." Manami: "I'm impressed, Naruko-kun." Manami: "Congratulations. You won your gamble." Manami: "It was a long shot, but you didn't hesitate. Why not?" uko: "Before I answer your question, you're too friggin' fast. Were you tryin' to kill me?" Manami: "Look. The lead riders are on the other side of the flats." Manami: "We failed to catch up to them on the climb like we expected." uko: "Why didn't I hesitate?" uko: "It's not that I didn't have doubts. After all, I was up against you. And the conditions were tough." uko: "I barely made it." uko: "But still, I gambled." uko: "Like you said, on my own potential." uko: "I persevered. But I couldn't have won this gamble alone." Manami: "What?" uko: "There was another thing I bet on:" uko: "the potential of my teammates. I didn't stand a chance unless they sped up the mountains faster than Hakone Academy expected and far ahead on the flats where I'm strongest. While racing against you, I kept praying in my head, "Go, Onoda-kun. Hurry it up, hotshot."" Manami: "A prayer, huh? I see." Manami: "This race was actually three against one." Manami: "I know I wasn't any weaker than you, though." Manami: "Maybe I enjoyed chatting too much." Manami: "Sorry, Kuroda-san." Kuroda: "Listen to me, Manami." Kuroda: "You can go, but promise me one thing." Kuroda: "Even if something goes wrong and it looks like he's going to win, don't over-commit." Kuroda: "There's no need." Kuroda: "He's..." Kuroda: "working too hard. In this race," Kuroda: "before he reaches the finish line..." Kuroda: "he'll drop out." Onoda: "Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Yeah, I see him. Honestly, I'm surprised." Imaizumi: "It's not a blue jersey or a purple one." Imaizumi: "It's hard to believe, but it's our team's yellow jersey." uko: "The flashy genius of Naniwa is finally here, Onoda-kun and hotshot. I, Naruko Shoukichi, have finally made the flashiest" uko: "of returns!" Onoda: "Naruko-kun!" Imaizumi: "Naruko." Imaizumi: "I'm glad you made it back." uko: "You surprised, hotshot? Does my flashiness make you dizzy? Good, that shocked expression is exactly what I wanted to see." Imaizumi: "Yeah, I'm genuinely surprised. You let me and Onoda get ahead. The Kyoto Fushimi pair caught up just as you put a lid on Hakone Academy." Imaizumi: "And you escaped from that melee all on your own." Imaizumi: "You couldn't have done it with calculation and stamina alone." uko: "Sorry, but like I told you, I'm a genius. I'm overflowing with inventiveness, ingenuity, and competitive instincts." Imaizumi: "Aren't inventiveness and ingenuity the same thing?" uko: "Don't correct me like some kind of hotshot, hotshot!" Imaizumi: "I was just thinking you lack language skills." uko: "Shut up! I was baskin' in my glory. Just make some sounds of amazement." Imaizumi: "Oh, wow." uko: "With feeling!" Imaizumi: "Wow..." uko: "Sixty points." Imaizumi: "Personally, I think that was worth 100 points." uko: "That was 100 points? You're emotionless. Emotionally bland. You're like salt-flavored rice crackers." Imaizumi: "What kind of metaphor is that?" Onoda: "But, um, I really, um..." Onoda: "Thank you, Naruko-kun." Imaizumi: "What are you thanking him for?" uko: "Don't say that!" Onoda: "It must've been really hard." Onoda: "To make it here, I mean. Like Imaizumi-kun said, it must've been really hard." Onoda: "Your back..." Onoda: "Even your number tag is soaked with sweat." uko: "Well, yeah. I mean, it was no big deal. He was a pushover." Imaizumi: "What exactly did you fight against?" uko: "A mountain-going bullet train." Imaizumi: "What?" Onoda: "I think you must've worked really hard." Onoda: "But because of that, look." Onoda: "The three of us are currently riding at the front of the Inter-High." D: "The lead pack is here!" E: "It's three Sohoku riders!" F: "What? Just one team?" G: "Yeah, riding all by themselves!" H: "If they hold their positions, they'll sweep the top three!" Imaizumi: "You're right, Onoda. There are seven kilometers remaining to the finish line." Imaizumi: "Once we ride out those last seven kilometers, we'll finish first." Onoda: "Yeah." uko: "We get it, you yahoo. You don't have to spell it out for us." uko: "We're this close to achieving our promise." Makishima: "Dream, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Huh? Did you say "dream"?" Makishima: "Dream dreams with no hope of coming true." Sakamichi: "What? You mean during a race?" Makishima: "Sure I do." Sakamichi: "I'm not sure that's a good idea." Sakamichi: "Calm judgment and decisiveness are vital during races. Like K-Kinjou-san." Makishima: "Don't worry." Makishima: "You could spend your whole life trying, and you'd never become Kinjou." Sakimichi: "You're right..." Makishima: "I'm a realist. I think too much, and I don't dream." Makishima: "But you're different." Sakamichi: "Huh?" Makishima: "Until now, you've made many dreams come true." Makishima: "In your first-year race, you caught up to Imaizumi. At the Inter-High, you brought Tadokorocchi back to the team" Makishima: "and took our jersey across the finish line first." Makishima: "You made the impossible possible with your dreams of who and what you wanted to be." Makishima: "That power of yours is stronger than anyone else's." Onoda: "Power? I have power?" Makishima: "So dream. Dream outrageous and impossible dreams." Makishima: "Sometimes you'll fail. Sometimes they won't come true." Makishima: "But your repeated efforts will draw in the people around you... and become a powerful force that pushes you forward." uko: "When we do, I'll be in the center." Imaizumi: "The center? You mean when we finish? It should be me." uko: "What? Why?" Imaizumi: "I know, I'll rush ahead when we're right in front of the finish line." uko: "Even though we're teammates?" Onoda: "Come on, guys. Don't fight. What are you talking about?" uko: "Who would you prefer to be in the center?" Imaizumi: "When we cross the finish line." Onoda: "Um, who? I'm not sure. Uh..." uko: "For now, it doesn't matter. Let's go." Onoda: "What? Uh, yeah." uko: "The race isn't over yet." Imaizumi: "Yeah." Onoda: "Yeah." uko: "We'll pull ahead of our opponents on these flats." Imaizumi: "You seem pretty energetic for someone who just worked his butt off." uko: "Don't make me say it again. I'm a genius! Shall I pull for the seven remainin' kilometers?" Imaizumi: "Yeah, I'd appreciate it. Thanks." Onoda: "Imaizumi-kun?" Onoda: "Let's take turns instead." I: "Sohoku's all alone!" J: "Will they hold their lead?" K: "Seriously?" Imaizumi: "Naruko, Onoda, the flats are ending. We're entering the downhill. Try not to fall behind." uko: "Who do you think you're talking to, dummy?" Imaizumi: "Let's go." Onoda: "Yeah."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 14 – Naruko VS Manami, a Tense Battle", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "14", "Naruko VS Manami, a Tense Battle" ] }
Onoda: "Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Yeah, I see him. Honestly, I'm surprised." Imaizumi: "It's not a blue jersey or a purple one." Imaizumi: "It's hard to believe, but it's our team's yellow jersey." uko: "The flashy genius of Naniwa is finally here, Onoda-kun and hotshot. I, Naruko Shoukichi, have finally made the flashiest of returns." Onoda: "Naruko-kun!" Imaizumi: "Naruko." Imaizumi: "I'm glad you made it back." uko: "You surprised, hotshot? Does my flashiness make you dizzy?" Onoda: "But, um, I really, um..." Onoda: "Thank you, Naruko-kun." Imaizumi: "What are you thanking him for?" uko: "Don't say that!" Onoda: "It must've been really hard." Onoda: "Your back..." Onoda: "Even your number tag is soaked with sweat." I: "Sohoku's all alone!" J: "Will they hold their lead?" Imaizumi: "Naruko, Onoda, the flats are ending. We're entering the downhill." Imaizumi: "Try not to fall behind." uko: "Who do you think you're talking to, dummy?" Imaizumi: "Let's go." Onoda: "Yeah." uko: "Go on, hotshot!" C: "I don't see anyone behind them!" A: "Will Sohoku finish by themselves?" B: "The course is entering a downhill! The flats are ending!" uko: "Onoda-kun, it's a downhill. We'll gain speed. Stick close so you don't fall behind." Sakamichi: "Okay!" uko: "That's a nice determined response." Manami: "Now, then... What shall we do, Kuroda-san?" Kuroda: "Don't worry. We'll catch up on the downhill up ahead." Kuroda: "You just wait, Sohoku." uko: "Whoa!" Imaizumi: "What are you doing? Don't fall behind, Naruko. Avoid gaps in the road's surface. Even those will slow you down a little." uko: "I know that, hotshot. Ain't no big deal." uko: "I was just enjoyin' the scenery since it's so pretty. Quit nitpickin'." Imaizumi: "What if you fall or get a flat?" Imaizumi: "I have to nitpick because we're in the lead. The riders behind us are closing in at full speed so they can knock us out of position." Imaizumi: "Road racing is an equipment-based sport. You can blame your loss on equipment issues, but whoever finishes first wins. We're battling against the terrain, too." Imaizumi: "After this downhill, there's a steep climb." Imaizumi: "We're trying to stay ahead, and the guys behind us are trying to catch up. The slightly less than seven kilometers remaining may seem short, but they're not." Imaizumi: "You can't assume things will go as expected. That's why you need to carefully and consistently get the details right." Imaizumi: "All of us do." uko: "You're exactly right, hotshot. Every single thing you said is correct. But if I could add just one thing..." uko: "It's that you gotta be bold sometimes." uko: "Opportunities are only born from bold moves." Imaizumi: "You're right." Imaizumi: "Sounds like you really do know what you're doing, Naruko." uko: "Of course I do. Sometimes a man's gotta be bold." uko: "And flashy." Imaizumi: "Let's go. Don't let your guard down." Imaizumi: "And let's raise our pace a little more. We'll create a decisive lead over the riders behind us." Imaizumi: "We'll do our best to stay out of reach until the finish line." Sakamichi: "Got it." uko: "Sure thing. That'd be supremely flashy." D: "The last rider's going up the hill!" E: "You can do it!" F: "Damn, the lead pack's already on top of the mountain!" G: "Wow, just seven kilometers to go!" Kaburagi: "S-Seriously?" urse: "Don't get up. Your wounds will open!" Kaburagi: "Wow! That's amazing, Imaizumi-san, Naruko-san, and Onoda-san!" urse: "Don't get too excited." Kaburagi: "Heck yeah! Huh?" Kaburagi: "Aren't my seniors amazing, nurse? They're gonna win a one-two-three finish!" urse: "Actually, I don't think they've finished yet." Kaburagi: "Oh, crap. Aoyagi-san! My super cool senior Kaburagi-san is resting in the next tent over. I need to tell him the news." urse: "No, you have to rest." Kaburagi: "Let go! Let me go!" urse: "No!" Doubashi: "The tent next door sure is noisy." Doubashi: "Right, Sohoku's Aoyagi-san?" urse: "No!" Aoyagi: "Yeah, sorry. Our idiot's making all that noise by himself." Doubashi: "You're not going to make any noise, Aoyagi-san?" Aoyagi: "It's incredible. I'm thrilled after hearing the announcement, too." Aoyagi: "But we won't know for certain until the race is over." Aoyagi: "Favorable situations are frequently turned around. But if I could talk to them now," Aoyagi: "I'd praise them. I'd tell them they did a good job." Aoyagi: "It's not easy to achieve such a huge lead in the final stages of a race." Doubashi: "Our team won't let your guys get away." Doubashi: "We've got Manami and Kuroda-san. I know they'll do it." Aoyagi: "Probably. It won't be easy." Aoyagi: "And my words won't reach them." Aoyagi: "So I'll pray." Doubashi: "Pray?" Aoyagi: "We all put our faith and trust in each other." Aoyagi: "That's how Team Sohoku rides." uko: "Looks like things won't go as planned after all, hotshot." Imaizumi: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "What?" Imaizumi: "We're raising our pace on the downhill," Imaizumi: "but our opponents have raised their own speed quite a bit." Kuroda: "Look, Manami." Kuroda: "You can see the lead Sohoku riders." Sakamichi: "I just caught a glimpse of the riders behind us. Two blue jerseys. It's Hakone Academy." Sakamichi: "They're behind us. They're right behind us." Imaizumi: "I know. I'm doing everything I can." Kuroda: "I'm not letting you..." Kuroda: "have your way, Sohoku!" Kuroda: "Hold up, Sohoku!" uko: "They're coming, hotshot." Sakamichi: "They're closer than before." Sakamichi: "Hakone Academy is 50 meters behind us." Sakamichi: "40 meters." Sakamichi: "30 meters." Sakamichi: "They're right on our tails." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, your shoulder..." Imaizumi: "I'll pull ahead of you." Kuroda: "Sohoku's Imaizumi... ran up against the guardrail to slow himself down instead of braking. Interesting. He's challenging me to a downhill battle? He wants to go head to head?" Kuroda: "Bring it on. Flex, cat legs!" Sakamichi: "That let us pull ahead of them to about 80 meters." Imaizumi: "It's still going. Don't relax yet." Sakamichi: "60 meters... They're closing in again. 50 meters." Kuroda: "Hey, elite!" Imaizumi: "It's all right. We'll reach the climb ahead of them. If we can get there without them catching up," Imaizumi: "then we'll hold whatever lead we have on the climb." Imaizumi: "It's difficult to close gaps on a climb. Let's stay focused." Sakamichi: "40 meters." Sakamichi: "Hakone Academy is on us." Imaizumi: "Let's speed up again." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun!" Sakamichi: "Um, behind us..." Imaizumi: "I know. You mean Hakone Academy, right?" Sakamichi: "No, actually. I just caught a glimpse of the guy behind them." Sakamichi: "He's catching up from behind Hakone Academy." Sakamichi: "It's Kyoto Fushimi!" Sakamichi: "Midousuji-kun..." Midousuji: "I caught up on this downhill." Midousuji: "Just as planned." Midousuji: "Gotcha, housefly! Sand fly!" Manami: "Kuroda-san, he caught us." Midousuji: "Fly, fly, scum! Gross. Gross." Midousuji: "Gross." Manami: "He's gone, Kuroda-san!" Sakamichi: "Midousuji-kun passed Hakone Academy behind us." Imaizumi: "Already?" Sakamichi: "He's right behind us in the turn." Sakamichi: "He's trying to catch up to us on this downhill, too." Sakamichi: "He's right behind us." Imaizumi: "It's all right. This downhill is ending soon. It's a straight line after that. Don't let up. We're nearly at the climb." Imaizumi: "He's fast, but not much faster than us. We can hold our lead." Sakamichi: "Yeah!" uko: "Stay ahead of them, hotshot!" Imaizumi: "Part of the road is uneven. Be careful." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "We're entering the climb. Shift to a lighter gear when we do." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Midousuji: "Gross!" Imaizumi: "Naruko!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" uko: "Sorry, I hit a bump." Imaizumi: "Midousuji!" Midousuji: "Status, praise, and useless assertions are nothing more than vanity." Midousuji: "Everything not necessary to victory will be discarded without hesitation." Midousuji: "And finally, I search only for things that will lead me to victory. Find, secure, and execute." Midousuji: "A teammate slipped? A friend is in trouble? Who turns around out of concern during a race?" Midousuji: "Haven't I told you again and again..." Midousuji: "that friendship should be the first thing you throw away?" H: "It's #111 with the number yellow tag!" I: "Kyoto Fushimi's Midousuji reached the bottom first!" J: "After placing second on day one and winning yesterday, he's trying to win today, too!" H: "He's racing uphill in the lead!" I: "And all that remains is..." I: "5.5 kilometers!" J: "Sohoku's chasing after him!" H: "Yeah, but there's a significant gap." I: "100 meters..." I: "No, it's 200 meters!" Imaizumi: "Damn. That's bigger than I thought." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, he's already way up there." Imaizumi: "He got us." uko: "We're about..." uko: "200 meters behind." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, I'll go after him." uko: "What are you thinkin' so hard for, hotshot?" uko: "We'll chase after anyone who attacks. That's it." uko: "You worry too much about details. You really need to work on that." Imaizumi: "What?" uko: "If things don't always go accordin' to plan," uko: "then not plannin' at all is an option." uko: "Didn't I tell you?" uko: "Sometimes you gotta be bold." uko: "All three of us just need to catch up, right? Hold on tight, you two. I'll pull the rest of the way." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun..." Imaizumi: "Naruko..." uko: "The Naruko Super Express is leavin' the station!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun, your eyes..." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun, fall back." Sakamichi: "Huh?" Imaizumi: "You're going to pull for us, Naruko?" uko: "Ain't no big deal." Imaizumi: "Can you do that for us?" uko: "Yeah, you can count on me." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi—" uko: "Y'all can pay me back later." uko: "Hop on, Onoda-kun. I guess you can come, too, hotshot."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 15 – Downhill Attacking and Defending!!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "15", "Downhill Attacking and Defending!!" ] }
uko: "We're about..." uko: "200 meters behind." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, I'll go after him." uko: "What are you thinkin' so hard for, hotshot?" uko: "We'll chase after anyone who attacks. That's it." uko: "You worry too much about details. You really need to work on that." Imaizumi: "What?" uko: "If things don't always go accordin' to plan," uko: "then not plannin' at all is an option." uko: "Didn't I tell you?" uko: "Sometimes you gotta be bold." uko: "You can count on me. I'll pull." uko: "Hop on, Onoda-kun. I guess you can come, too, hotshot." uko: "This is the Naruko train's super-flashy final trip." Imaizumi: "We're counting on you, Naruko." uko: "We'll catch up to them easily! Here we go! Don't fall behind!" uko: "The Naruko Super Express is movin' at full speed!" B: "Naruko, their #3, is in front!" C: "They're on a climb, but he's so fast!" A: "He's tearing up the hill!" B: "Wow, Sohoku! Go!" uko: "I'm the genius Naruko Shoukichi. Don't worry. You can count on me. We're movin' slower than we were on that downhill. My vision's still limited, but I can see what's in front of me." uko: "I see you." uko: "I can see you up there." uko: "I'll catch up to you, Midousuji. Midousuji!" Midousuji: "You should've quietly given up." Midousuji: "But you're still fighting? Gross!" Midousuji: "You're awfully persistent, Naruko!" uko: "Challenges don't end until a winner is chosen. Let's make our final race a flashy one." D: "Sohoku's Naruko accelerated again!" E: "He's slowly closing the gap on the climb!" F: "He's catching up! He's only 150 meters behind!" uko: "Reducing weight is essential to climbing. I'm getting rid of stuff I don't need anymore." uko: "I'll shed weight and accelerate again." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun—" uko: "Hold up." uko: "Hold up, Dumbosuji! You're not gettin' away!" G: "Sohoku is still closing the gap!" H: "They're 100 meters behind!" Sakamichi: "We have a clear view of Midousuji-kun's back." Midousuji: "What? That man..." uko: "Oh, right. I've got one last bit of weight to shed." uko: "Reducing weight is essential to climbing. Throw away everything you don't need. What do you think of my Naruko-style flashy ultimate lightweight climb?" uko: "We're just 100 meters behind now. Dancin' will be enough to catch up to you, Midousuji." uko: "I won't need that thing anymore." Midousuji: "You're doing that again, Naruko? You've thrown away something important without hesitation for that last bit of resolve..." Midousuji: "to settle our drawn-out contest at last?" Midousuji: "Settle it? Too bad, though. Your resolve will be for nothing..." Midousuji: "Because it's impossible for you to catch up to me." uko: "I swear I'll catch up to you." I: "Kyoto Fushimi accelerated! Sohoku accelerated in pursuit, too!" J: "They're still 100 meters behind!" uko: "I'll do whatever it takes to catch up with my original sprint climb!" uko: "Come on, flashy body. Move it. I told you to wait, Dumbosuji!" K: "Wow, Sohoku is catching up!" L: "They're 80 meters behind the leader!" M: "70 meters! 60 meters!" K: "They're going to catch up!" Sakamichi: "We're 50 meters from the front." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun lost consciousness..." Sakamichi: "He's going to fall..." Imaizumi: "What's wrong, Naruko?" Imaizumi: "Why did you suddenly stop pedaling and look at the ground? Remember what you told me?" Imaizumi: "I thought you were burning at 300 degrees." uko: "Stupid hotshot..." Koga: "Naruko... Looks like you're working on something new to surprise us again this year." uko: "It'll be a piece of cake. I'll be heating things up this summer to 300 degrees!" Imaizumi: "Naruko, I thought your body was harder than iron." uko: "Yeah, you can count on me." uko: "Don't rush me, hotshot. I've just reached 280 degrees." uko: "I'm almost there." uko: "I'm heating up to 300 degrees." Imaizumi: "That pathetic wobble of yours widened the gap again." Imaizumi: "We'd brought it down to 50 meters, but now we're about 120 meters behind again." Imaizumi: "I thought you were going to pull us to the front. I thought you were a super express." uko: "That was a single-track section. I was just waitin' for the train comin' the other way." uko: "Don't underestimate the Naruko Super Express. The Naruko Super Express always makes good on its promises. It's got red cars and never runs late." uko: "As planned, it'll reach its destination right on schedule!" uko: "At maximum speed..." Imaizumi: "Naruko Shoukichi!" Imaizumi: "The man called Naruko Shoukichi! The Naruko Shoukichi I know always overcomes all obstacles." Imaizumi: "He's a powerful man who charges straight ahead." Imaizumi: "Do it. Complete the final task you chose for yourself." uko: "Now you're talkin', hotshot." uko: "Thanks. I'll accept your injection of determination." Makishima: "So dream. Dream outrageous and impossible dreams." Makishima: "Sometimes you'll fail. Sometimes they won't come true." Makishima: "But your repeated efforts will draw in the people around you..." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" Sakamichi: "It must be tough. It must be really tough." Sakamichi: "But, um, thank you for doing this." Sakamichi: "So let me give you all the determination I can, too." uko: "Thanks, Onoda-kun, hotshot." uko: "I just reached 300 degrees." N: "Sohoku's catching up like crazy!" O: "Look! His bike doesn't have a saddle!" P: "Sohoku's red guy, Naruko, is dancing without a saddle! Wow!" Midousuji: "Naruko!" uko: "Midousuji, I'm here. Just like you said, I threw away everythin' I didn't need!" uko: "I threw away my bottles, my saddle, and even finishin' the race! I threw it all away to get here. And after throwin' it all away," uko: "the last thing remaining is the thing you said to throw away first." uko: "It's friendship." Ql: "Sohoku caught up to the lead Kyoto Fushimi rider on the climb!" uko: "We caught up. Right, hotshot?" uko: "Right, hotshot? We should be next to him." uko: "I can sense him. We're right next to Midousuji, right?" Imaizumi: "Yeah, we caught right up to him. You did well." Imaizumi: "Thank you." uko: "I'm glad... to hear... that." R: "#3 is falling back after all that hard work." S: "They're letting him rest in the back." R: "Wait, no. They didn't send him back." Sakamichi: "Thank you, Naruko-kun." Midousuji: "You didn't even spare a glance for your friend when he dropped out just before the finish line? I thought friends were supposed to rush to their side and ask if they're okay. I thought friends cried and screamed out of sadness." Imaizumi: "Naruko wouldn't want that. Don't look back. Head toward the finish line." Imaizumi: "That's Naruko's last wish." Imaizumi: "Attack all you want. I'll stop you. And I'll cross the finish line before you," Imaizumi: "as our team's ace." Midousuji: "You'll stop me? You were so weak last year. I thought you'd grown a little after a year, but you made errors in judgment, chirped like a baby, and broke again this year. You groaned and gasped in surprise. You haven't changed at all, but you think you can stop me?" T: "Sohoku and Kyoto Fushimi collided!" U: "They're raring to go!" Imaizumi: "What's the matter?" Imaizumi: "Bring it on." Imaizumi: "We're at the front of the race. The front of the race is always a battlefield. Let's tear each other apart, Midousuji." Midousuji: "Groanizumi, what is this pressure? You look like you've just been released from the limits that had been restraining you." Midousuji: "In that case, shall we go? Either way, the only way to win is to either outsmart you or pull ahead by brute force." Midousuji: "Gross!" Official: "We'll be restricting traffic shortly." Official: "The riders will be arriving soon. Please don't enter the course." Official: "Private vehicle in front, please hurry." Tadokoro: "I'm glad we got here just before they started restricting traffic." Makishima: "You cut it too close. I thought we'd be stuck cheering from up there until the end." Tadokoro: "You can't miss the finish." Tadokoro: "After all, it's the culmination of all their efforts." Kinjou: "Yeah, win or lose." Makishima: "Don't make it sound so sad." Makishima: "At least dream with them. Dreaming is free." Kinjou: "You don't often talk about dreams, Makishima." Makishima: "What can I say? Those three were dreamers." Makishima: "Onoda, Naruko, and Imaizumi... Those three always shrieking and squabbling. They kept facing forward when the going got tough" Makishima: "and worked together to find solutions. They were always dreaming outrageous dreams." Makishima: "And they passed that on to me." Makishima: "It's too bad about Naruko, though. But he probably conveyed his hopes to the other two and gave them a push, trusting his dreams to them." Tadokoro: "Yeah, no doubt about it." Kinjou: "Stop the car, Tadokoro." Tadokoro: "Huh?" Tadokoro: "What is it, Kinjou?" Kinjou: "I saw someone I know from college." Tadokoro: "College?" Kinjou: "Hey, are you going to the finish line?" Kinjou: "We'll give you a lift." Arakita: "What? Kinjou? What are you doing here?" Kinjou: "As long as you're here, let's watch the finish together." Arakita: "Man, talk about perfect timing." Makishima: "Who's that?" Tadokoro: "Who knows?" Arakita: "Move it, spectators."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 16 – The Naruko Super Express!!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "16", "The Naruko Super Express!!" ] }
Kinjou: "Stop the car, Tadokoro." Tadokoro: "Huh?" Tadokoro: "What is it, Kinjou?" Kinjou: "I saw someone I know from college." Tadokoro: "College?" Kinjou: "Hey, are you going to the finish line?" Kinjou: "We'll give you a lift." Arakita: "What? Kinjou?" Arakita: "What are you doing here?" Kinjou: "As long as you're here, let's watch the finish together." Arakita: "Man, talk about perfect timing." Makishima: "Who's that?" Tadokoro: "Who knows?" Arakita: "Move it, spectators." Kinjou: "It's someone you guys know well. Former ace assist of Hakone Academy and Yonan University first-year, Arakita Yasutomo." Official: "Please keep moving!" Arakita: "Excuse the intrusion, then." Arakita: "Thanks." Makishima: "Ara..." Tadokoro: "...kita?" Arakita: "Good to see you again, Tadokoro, Makishima." Official: "Vehicle in front, please move!" Tadokoro: "Whoops. I'm flooring it." Kinjou: "So you came." Arakita: "Huh? Yeah. I didn't have anything else to do." Arakita: "Actually, I got an itch to come. Toudou kept texting me, too." Arakita: "I followed the updates on the first and second days." Arakita: "But I got here late, and the bus didn't take me all the way there." Kinjou: "I'm sure your juniors on the Hakone Academy team will be glad to see you here." Arakita: "They're not like that. They'd consider me a frightening nuisance." Arakita: "Wait a sec, Makishima. Aren't you supposed to be overseas in England?" Makishima: "What? Oh, uh..." Arakita: "I'll let Toudou know. He was screaming about something." Arakita: "What? Seriously? You guys already met up last night and went for a ride?" Tadokoro: "I see it, Kinjou. It's the goal gate." Kinjou: "That's a huge crowd." Makishima: "Private vehicles are being directed to park in the lot behind it." Arakita: "The goal gate, huh?" Arakita: "It's my first time passing though one." Arakita: "I was a third-year last year, and it was my first Inter-High." Arakita: "I dropped out of the race and was resting when it ended." Arakita: "Let's see who passes through this gate first this year." Imaizumi: "Attack all you want. I'll stop you. And I'll cross the finish line before you," Imaizumi: "as our team's ace." Midousuji: "You'll stop me? You were so weak last year. I thought you'd grown a little after a year, but you made errors in judgment, chirped like a baby, and broke again this year. You groaned and gasped in surprise." Midousuji: "You haven't changed at all, but you think you can stop me?" T: "Sohoku and Kyoto Fushimi collided!" U: "They're raring to go!" Imaizumi: "What's the matter?" Imaizumi: "Bring it on." Midousuji: "Groanizumi, what is this pressure? You look like you've just been released from the limits that had been restraining you." Midousuji: "In that case, shall we go? Either way, the only way to win is to either outsmart you or pull ahead by brute force. Gross! Gross!" Midousuji: "Gross!" Cameraman: "Both of them looked so determined." Cameraman: "Especially their expressions. Their eyes were pure, seeking victory. Riders always scowl like demons during the all out sprint before the finish line," Cameraman: "but for them, this is the area in front of the goal." Cameraman: "They're the two riders at the front of the whole race. I'm not rooting for one or the other, but I hope they both finish without any regrets." Cameraman: "There are only 4.5 kilometers remaining to the finish line." Imaizumi: "Move, Midousuji." Midousuji: "Fall back, Groanizumi." A: "Whoa, the sign!" B: "He rode right on the edge!" Midousuji: "Feel free to slow down if your legs are getting tired, Groanizumi. Groanizumi!" C: "Sohoku wobbled!" D: "Their wheels collided!" E: "Kyoto Fushimi accelerated in the meantime!" Midousuji: "You lost focus for a moment there. What's wrong? Were you thinking about your teammate behind you?" F: "Did he take advantage of a moment's opening on purpose?" F: "Does that mean Kyoto Fushimi expected this to happen?" F: "The course is about to enter a downhill along a steep ridge." G: "Kyoto Fushimi's coming down in the lead!" H: "Why is he leaning so far forward?" I: "He's practically on top of his handlebars!" J: "He's reducing his wind resistance by streamlining his profile!" G: "Kyoto Fushimi's all alone!" H: "He's more than three seconds ahead of the guy behind him!" Imaizumi: "Damn it!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Don't worry, Onoda." Imaizumi: "I'm so calm right now, I can hardly believe it myself." Sakamichi: "What?" Imaizumi: "I felt this once before last year on the third day of the Inter-High. While fighting on the climb up Mt. Fuji," Imaizumi: "all sounds faded away. My senses were heightened." Imaizumi: "Riding at the front is so quiet." Imaizumi: "It feels great. It's a good feeling." Imaizumi: "I'm growing right now." Imaizumi: "I'm going to catch up to him now." Imaizumi: "I can do it. I can tell. I can feel it." Imaizumi: "I'll ride in front." Imaizumi: "Midousuji Akira!" I: "Sohoku's closing in! He's stupid fast!" J: "He's crazy!" I: "That's Imaizumi! The second-year, Imaizumi. He's famous in Chiba." I: "He's swept every tournament title since he was little. Last year he served as his team's ace assist in the Inter-High as a first-year. On the third and final day, on the climb up Mt. Fuji, he even fought against Hakone Academy's ace Fukutomi and won the mountain result." K: "He caught up to Kyoto Fushimi!" Midousuji: "I thought I'd finally pried open the gap. You closed my precious three-second lead. Not bad." Midousuji: "I'd expect nothing less from Sohoku's ace. So cool. But you rode so hard to catch up. You may look fine," Midousuji: "but you're short of breath, aren't you?" L: "Kyoto Fushimi accelerated! The gap's widening again!" Midousuji: "I will pull ahead. You'll fall here, Groanizumi." Imaizumi: "Didn't I tell you to bring it on and that I'd stop you?" Midousuji: "What?" Imaizumi: "You were right earlier. I haven't changed at all since one year ago. You outsmarted me and won yesterday. I hadn't achieved anything over the past three days." Imaizumi: "But there are people who praised me regardless. "Good job." "You're amazing." "Not bad."" Imaizumi: "Sometimes I hear their voices in my head. They encourage me to keep going." Imaizumi: "They're telling me to fight. To stand strong. To move forward!" uko: "Catch, hotshot." uko: "Don't dodge it, you jerk!" Imaizumi: "I thought it might be poisoned." uko: "Why would I poison you?" Imaizumi: "So it's not poisoned? How unusual." uko: "I've been wondering lately about when a person grows." Imaziumi: "Grows? Are you trying to get taller?" uko: "That's not what I meant, you jerk! When they've lost something important, their pride has been shattered," uko: "and they've hit rock bottom. From there..." uko: "I think people grow when they've gotta start all over from nothing." Imaizumi: "Oh, you were being serious." uko: "Yeah... Real serious." Imaizumi: "When the struggle makes people give up once, but they're still struggling to move forward and rise back up," Imaizumi: "that's when people grow. That's when they become stronger." M: "Sohoku's attacking! He's pulling ahead of Kyoto Fushimi!" N: "Wow, he's pulling ahead!" M: "Is he going for the finish line from back here?" O: "Go!" P: "Keep it up and you'll win again this year!" Q: "Kyoto Fushimi's desperately chasing him!" R: "But he's slowing falling behind!" S: "That's it! He's gonna make it! This year's winner is Sohoku!" Q: "No, we don't know yet." All: "What?" Q: "There's a sudden wind blowing." Q: "And some cold air has suddenly blown in and darkened the skies." Q: "The weather changes quickly in the mountains." Q: "Maybe it's temporary, but it's possible that on the downhill ahead..." Q: "It'll rain." Midousuji: "Rain! Such unfortunate weather we're having." Midousuji: "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Midousuji: "You just said you'd ride alone, didn't you?" Midousuji: "Don't be so surprised. I just turned my pedals and caught up to you" Midousuji: "while you were hesitating because of the rain." Midousuji: "I showed up while you were regaining your balance after slipping." Midousuji: "I closed the gap you so desperately created." R: "Kyoto Fushimi's so close! They're colliding!" S: "They're riding right next to each other! Aren't they scared? It's raining!" Midousuji: "Fall, and it's over." Midousuji: "You'll fall dozens of seconds behind." Midousuji: "An irrecoverable loss." Midousuji: "I wonder who summoned this rain. It's a passing shower. Ten minutes from now or ten minutes earlier, and we wouldn't have been rained on. But it's raining now on this downhill." Midousuji: "Either you or I summoned it. Road racing is about terrain, weather, and luck. The luckiest survive. Shall we find out whether it was lucky or unlucky that it started raining? Which of us is luckier? We'll race around this last turn and see who enters the climb first." Midousuji: "Doesn't that sound fun?" Imaizumi: "A race?" Midousuji: "That's right. To the final climb on the third and final day of the Inter-High. One last contest." Imaizumi: "Fine. Bring it on." Midousuji: "Shall we decide which of us is worthy of the champion's title, then? Which of us is luckier? It'll be decided on this rainy downhill." Midousuji: "Gross! So gross!" Imaizumi: "Sorry, though. I'm confident in my own abilities as well." Midousuji: "You caught up. But should you be going that fast? There's a sharp turn up ahead. Shouldn't you be braking?" Imaizumi: "You first." Midousuji: "No, you go ahead. You'd better hurry. Everyone's worried about you." G: "Are they okay? They won't make the turn at that speed." H: "They're charging right in." Imaizumi: "I know your tricks." Imaizumi: "You're going to slide right through." G: "Their frames and styles are different, but..." H: "Yeah, they were perfectly in sync." I: "Hey!" J: "Wait, stop! The wind blew the banner into the road!" Imaizumi: "No problem." Midousuji: "None at all." Imaizumi: "Move." Imaizumi: "I'll jump over it." All: "They jumped on their bikes!" I: "Wow. They're both amazing, but a winner will be chosen after this." I: "After all, it's a race." Sakamichi: "The rain's getting in my eyes." Sakamichi: "Whoops."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 17 – Shifting Wind", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "17", "Shifting Wind" ] }
Sakamichi: "Calm down, calm down." Sakamichi: "Don't lose control." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Don't worry, Onoda." Imaizumi: "We'll catch up to him soon, and then pass him." Imaizumi: "So follow me." Imaizumi: "Do whatever you can to keep up. Whether it's 100 meters or 10 centimeters before the finish line," Imaizumi: "pass Midousuji." Imaizumi: "Our flashy red teammate used the last of his strength to bring us here. His nonsensical pipe dream of a three-way finish makes you laugh, doesn't it?" Imaizumi: "So let's do it together, you and I." Imaizumi: "Sohoku will finish first and second." uko: "I think it'd feel amazing if we finished first all three days together." Sakamichi: "Yeah..." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "Got it." Imaizumi: "Let's go. I'll pass Midousuji ahead of us." Imaizumi: "I'll ride in the lead." Sakamichi: "Calm down, calm down." A: "He's coming this way!" Sakamichi: "Calm down!" Sakamichi: "It calmed down!" B: "That was some crazy cornering!" C: "Did he just drift on a bike?" D: "That couldn't have been on purpose." A: "But that boy was amazing." A: "He was looking forward and riding straight ahead as hard as he could. Watching him gives me courage." Imaizumi: "We're almost there." Midousuji: "We're almost there." Both: "To the end of the downhill." Imaizumi: "Midousuji, if you're tired, feel free to brake and fall back." Midousuji: "Why don't you go ahead, Groanizumi? Go on, fall back." Midousuji: "There." Imaizumi: "I see it." Midousuji: "Gross!" Imaizumi: "There's a huge puddle at the critical point on the course. But you'd never suggest we safely and slowly cross it, right, Midousuji?" Midousuji: "Of course not." Midousuji: "We're in the middle of the race. Doesn't this make it more interesting? It's the perfect thing for the end of a race when we're running on fumes." Midousuji: "Into the puddle..." Imaizumi: "We'll dive at full speed." Midousuji: "How deep is it?" Midousuji: "Too deep, and the water resistance will stop our bikes." Midousuji: "We want to cross the shallowest point. But the depth varies across the puddle." Midousuji: "Is the inside shallowest? Is the outside shallowest? Or is the middle?" Midousuji: "Cornering theory calls for taking the shortest route on the inside. But that doesn't apply now. Not only that, but because of the muddy rainwater that's accumulated, we can't visually discern the road's surface condition." Midousuji: "Didn't I say you need luck?" Midousuji: "Luck, luck, luck, luck... Whoever's luckier will win." Midousuji: "Now dive into the water gate of fate." Imaizumi: "I'll trust my fate to the heavens and charge in." Midousuji: "Groanizumi got ahead." Midousuji: "How are you so spirited?" E: "Sohoku moved up!" F: "He's charging in at full speed!" E: "He's trying to brute force his way through!" F: "Will he be okay?" G: "I got stuck down there earlier, and it was pretty deep!" Midousuji: "Why are you so spirited?" F: "What?" E: "Kyoto Fushimi shifted to the edge of the course!" Midousuji: "Underhanded?" Midousuji: "You shouldn't be blaming others. That's what you call unjustified resentment. You're a nasty, nasty person." Midousuji: "Now dive into the water gate of fate." H: "They're both charging into the puddle! Sohoku's crossing the middle! Kyoto Fushimi's right on the edge!" Imaizumi: "" Imaizumi: "But you'd never suggest we safely and slowly cross it, right, Midousuji?" I: "Look! That spray is all the water he's displacing!" I: "The rider with the smaller spray is facing less resistance. He's following the better route." J: "Sohoku's heading towards Kyoto Fushimi!" Imaizumi: "Midousuji!" H: "Now that I think about it, riding through water is really risky." H: "You can't see anything. Worst case, you could get a flat." I: "Yeah, which means their luck is being tested." Midousuji: "Groanizumi!" Imaizumi: "Midousuji!" K: "Sohoku lifted his bike onto the drain cover!" K: "He's on!" Imaizumi: "I told you, this is our last contest." Imaizumi: "Let's tear each other apart." L: "Sohoku's right behind Kyoto Fushimi!" Imaizumi: "Move. I'm riding in front." Midousuji: "You're trying to pass me on this narrow drain cover?" Imaizumi: "The luck you mentioned is definitely real. Lucky and unlucky are real concepts." Imaizumi: "But it's not determined from the start." Imaizumi: "And it never falls into your lap. So I'll go and get it, with all my strength, no matter how uncool I look, by brute force. Using strength beyond my limits." M: "Sohoku forced his shoulder in!" N: "He's passing Kyoto Fushimi! He's exiting the puddle!" O: "On the third and final day of the Inter-High, the first rider to enter the final climb..." P: "...is Sohoku's ace and #2, Imaizumi Shunsuke!" Q: "Sohoku's so fast!" R: "He's insanely spirited!" P: "He's still accelerating on the climb!" O: "The gap between Sohoku and Kyoto Fushimi is widening!" Midousuji: "That's impossible." S: "Kyoto Fushimi's chasing him!" T: "He hasn't given up!" U: "Sohoku's accelerating again!" V: "He's trying to leave Kyoto Fushimi behind!" Midousuji: "Groan, groan, Groanizumi!" Midousuji: "Gross!" W: "Sohoku's accelerating at full speed!" V: "He's rapidly climbing the final hill!" W: "Kyoto Fushimi's chasing him!" V: "Yeah, but he's fallen behind!" Midousuji Mom: "There's a proper way to catch fireflies." Midousuji Mom: "Like this, so you don't crush them. Gently." Midousuji Mom: "That goes for everything." Midousuji Mom: "Everything precious should be held gently." Midousuji Mom: "You've got more scrapes again." Midousuji Mom: "Akira, take good care of your body. You're a hard worker," Midousuji Mom: "so I worry about you a little." X: "He fell!" Y: "That's Kyoto Fushimi's #111!" Z: "He was magnificent." Midousuji: "Open, hole." Midousuji: "Open, come on." Imaizumi: "Move, Midousuji." Midousuji: "Gross." Z: "Last year he raced with two colored number tags." Z: "Spectators trembled at how hard he fought." Z: "At the three-kilometer marker, he collapsed and dropped out of the race. This year," Z: "he fell 100 meters closer to the finish line." Kyofushi: "Excuse me." Kyofushi: "Yamaguchi-san, Funatsu-san." unatsu: "What? Midousuji fell?" Kyofushi: "Yes, they just announced it." unatsu: "He fell? But I just heard he was riding at the front." unatsu: "Did he slip?" Kyofushi: "No, we don't know why yet." unatsu: "But we completed all his phases, too." Midousuji: "In order to ensure the third day goes advantageously for us, I need you to complete this phase." Midousuji: "It's all riding on your shoulders, Yamaguchi-kun." Yamaguchi: "Why does he keep making unreasonable requests?" Yamaguchi: "It's unreasonable! Unreasonable! Unreasonable!" Yamaguchi: "Maybe we made the most unreasonable request of him." Yamaguchi: "He was incredible at practice and won yesterday." Yamaguchi: "He's superhuman. I thought we could count on him to do anything." Ishigaki: "Yama, you have to be Midousuji's conscience." Sakamichi: "Sorry, Midousuji-kun." Imaizumi: "Onoda!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun." Imaizumi: "Seriously?" Sakamichi: "I caught up." Imaizumi: "You're amazing, Sakamichi." Sakamichi: "Sorry I took so long. I did my best to keep up," Sakamichi: "but the rain gave me a lot of trouble." Sakamichi: "The course was badly flooded at the bottom of the final climb." Sakamichi: "It slowed me down." Imaizumi: "You made it in time." Imaizumi: "Good job catching up. You're the best, Sakamichi." Imaizumi: "Let's go. Sohoku's finishing first and second."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 18 – Water Gate Dive", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "18", "Water Gate Dive" ] }
Sakamichi: "The downhill is finally over." Sakamichi: "I'm finally entering the climb." Sakamichi: "What?" Sakamichi: "Midousuji-kun?" Sakamichi: "He's on the ground." Sakamichi: "He fell." Imaizumi: "So follow me." Imaizumi: "I see. Midousuji's out." Sakamichi: "Yeah, before the end." Imaizumi: "Well, we did push ourselves to the limit." Sakamichi: "Yeah. For a while, I could still see your backs. You were both riding like crazy." Imaizumi: "Honestly, it was a close call for me, too." Imaizumi: "I was at my limit, my body was exhausted, and the rain made everything slippery." Imaizumi: "Despite all that, I kept turning my pedals to get as far ahead as possible." Imaizumi: "The team must've given me the push I needed." Sakamichi: "What?" Imaizumi: "I felt like I couldn't afford to lose as long as I was wearing this jersey." Imaizumi: "Thank you, Sakamichi. When I saw you just now..." Imaizumi: "I was actually pretty moved." Sakamichi: "What?" Sakamichi: "Yeah, great." Sakamichi: "We're almost there." Imaizumi: "Yeah. I feel kind of excited. We're just over two kilometers from the finish line." Sakamichi: "Two kilometers? We're that close already?" Sakamichi: "It was a long course, but we're finally here." Imaizumi: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "I wonder if Naruko-kun would be happy to hear about the one-two finish you mentioned." Imaizumi: "What is this pressure?" Sakamichi: "Something's coming from behind us." Aya: "All right!" Sadatoki: "Onoda-san!" Aya: "That's amazing." Sadatoki: "Yeah. Onoda-san is amazing." Aya: "Nice work, Sohoku. Right, Miki?" Miki: "Yeah." Aya: "Hooray! I'm starting to look forward to the finish." Aya: "They're gonna win. They're gonna place first at the Inter-High." Miki: "Yeah." Aya: "I play tennis pretty seriously, so I understand the weight the Inter-High carries." Miki: "Yeah." Aya: "We're talking about first place. That's a pretty huge deal." Miki: "Yeah." Aya: "Oh, no. I'm already tearing up." Miki: "Aya-chan, it's too soon." Aya: "But I woke up early and stayed up late working." Miki: "That's why?" Sugimoto: "Koga-san, Imaizumi is an impressive rider after all." Koga: "Yeah." Sugimoto: "It's not certain yet, but they're finishing first and second after all the difficulties they faced yesterday and the day before." Sugimoto: "They finished second yesterday, and today they..." Sugimoto: "Imaizumi..." Danchiku: "Wow, there could be a one-two finish..." Gorizo: "High five!" Koga: "For the remaining 2.5 kilometers... I pray that" Koga: "nothing happens." Imaizumi: "The pressure is incredible." Sakamichi: "Someone's coming." Imaizumi: "Let's raise our pace, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Go, Onoda. Accelerate on your own." Sakamichi: "What?" Imaizumi: "Just go." Imaizumi: "Let's go. Sohoku's finishing first and second." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "I wonder if Naruko-kun would be happy to hear about it." Imaizumi: "If they catch up to us, it's all over." Imaizumi: "You need to stay ahead. Pedal as hard as you can to the finish line." Sakamichi: "What about you?" Imaizumi: "I can't go with you. Just ride, Onoda Sa..." Kuroda: "You issued those orders a little too late, Imaizumi." Manami: "I'm here, Onoda Sakamichi-kun, just as promised." Sakamichi: "M-Manami-kun..." Kuroda: "I pulled as hard as I could so he could rest behind me." Kuroda: "And now we've caught up to Sohoku." Kuroda: "All that's left is for you to fly up toward the sky." Kuroda: "Go on!" Kuroda: "Fly, Manami Sangaku!" Manami: "Thank you, Kuroda-san!" : "What? When did they get there? Whose jersey is that?" A: "I'm telling you, the situation changed! It's not Sohoku. Hakone Academy's ace climber is currently in the lead." A: "#13, Manami Sangaku." A: "Hakone Academy is so fast. And he's smiling." Imaizumi: "Go after him, Onoda." Imaizumi: "He's going for the finish line. Go. You're the only one who can do anything right now." Sakamichi: "But... why now?" Imaizumi: "Onoda!" Sakamichi: "Manami-kun said "promise."" Sakamichi: "Promise..." Sakamichi: "At the starting line on the first day..." Manami: "On that mountain..." Manami: "Let's squeeze every bit of strength and fight to the end!" Sakamichi: "In the mountains on the second day..." Sakamichi: "I'd like to race against Hakone Academy's Manami Sangaku-kun." Teshima: "Can you do it, Onoda?" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Sakamichi: "Sorry, Manami-kun. I... I..." Sakamichi: "I'm going!" Sakamichi: "And today, when the third day started..." Manami: "I'll see you later on the course, Sakamichi-kun." Sakamichi: "We promised we'd race somewhere. That we'd give everything we had together again." Sakamichi: "But this is the critical moment when the outcome of all our efforts will be decided." Sakamichi: "I didn't think it would happen now." Imaizumi: "Onoda!" Makishima: "Don't be so irritable, Imaizumi." Imaizumi: "Onoda's slow to make decisions. It's fine in the mountains, but on flats, he'd get left behind, like just now." Makishima: "Well, you know, he needs time." Imaizumi: "But he won the Inter-High. He needs to get stronger on the flats so that next year—" Makishima: "Don't be so impatient." Makishima: "Honestly, he is slow to make decisions." Makishima: "Unlike others, he needs time to think about things." Makishima: "So when he's having trouble deciding, wait for him, Imaizumi." Imaizumi: "Me?" Makishima: "Don't worry. He'll find his answer and move forward. He's always" Makishima: "straightforward and earnest." Sakamichi: "But I've reconsidered. I wondered why this had to happen now, but it's probably because it's such a difficult and critical moment." Sakamichi: "This is exactly when these things happen." Sakamichi: "So I'm sorry, Imaizumi-kun." Sakamichi: "I can't finish first and second with you anymore." Imaizumi: "Don't hold back, Onoda. Those orders are now rescinded." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun..." Imaizumi: "The situation has changed. Your intuition is right. We're really screwed." Imaizumi: "So these are your final orders for this race." Imaizumi: "Take our jersey to the finish line first." Imaizumi: "These orders come from everyone on the team!" Sakamichi: "Got it!" Imaizumi: "Go!" Imaizumi: "Steel your resolve! Don't look back!" Imaizumi: "Be strong, Onoda Sakamichi!" Onoda: "Yes, sir!" B: "Sohoku is jumping ahead!" C: "He's climbing like crazy!" B: "That's #1, Onoda Sakamichi, the guy who conquered Mt. Fuji at last year's Inter-High!" C: "What? That little guy is the legendary climber, the Mountain King?" Sakamichi: "Thank you for giving me a push." Imaizumi: "Be strong!" Sakamichi: "Be strong!" Sakamichi: "I see Manami-kun." D: "Wow. Sohoku's Onoda chased after Hakone Academy's Manami when he jumped ahead. They're going to battle with only two kilometers to go?" E: "Didn't they battle last year, too?" D: "Yeah, but it has more meaning now. It's been a year since then." D: "In one year, Onoda's been nicknamed the Mountain King. He's famous enough to attract a crowd at hill climbs." D: "Meanwhile, Manami has won every hill climb he's raced in over the past year. In most cases, he set a new course record. Those who raced against him say he climbed so lightly, they thought he'd fly up into the sky." D: "Apparently, he instantly passes people with a pleasant smile on his face." D: "They call him..." D: "The winged noble of the heavens, the Sky Prince." D: "All those racing against him could do was watch his back recede." Manami: "I knew you'd come to the front of the Inter-High, Sakamichi-kun." Sakamichi: "Yeah, Manami-kun." Manami: "It didn't have to be at the very end." Sakamichi: "What?" Manami: "If you get two meters closer to me, we'll have to race. I know we promised we'd race, that it'd be nice if we could go all-out against each other at the Inter-High," Manami: "but it didn't have to be at the very end of the third day." Manami: "It carries too much weight." Manami: "Any contest between us would be a contest between our teams. I was hoping for something more relaxed, like a mountain result line or competing for third place." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "I understand that. I feel the same way." Manami: "But things don't always go as planned." Manami: "You didn't come in the mountains on the first day." Manami: "We didn't get to race on the second day. And today, on the third and final day," Manami: "we're both riding as the last remaining members of our teams. We finally have the opportunity to race, and it's at the very end," Manami: "with two kilometers remaining to the finish line." Manami: "But I believe..." Manami: "Suppose there's a God watching over us who decides our fates." Manami: "People say these things all the time. "Something good happened." "I feel lucky lately." "Bad things keep happening to me." "Why does God keep testing me?" "A series of unfortunate events." "I pulled the short straw."" Manami: "But I don't think God differentiates between good and bad things." Manami: "God's just placing events in our path." Manami: "Do you understand what I mean? Depending on your perspective and your response, you can turn events into good or bad ones." Manami: "What's important is that we now have the opportunity to race against each other." Manami: "And we should be grateful for the opportunity and live life to the fullest." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Manami: "That's what it means to accept fate." F: "Sohoku's accelerating!" G: "He's closing in on Hakone Academy!" Manami: "You've steeled your resolve, Sakamichi-kun. Very well. Let's race. This two-kilometer sign will be our starting line." Manami: "And our race will end..." Manami: "at the finish line beneath the gate up ahead." Sakamichi: "Yeah." H: "They're both accelerating!" I: "Hakone Academy versus Sohoku! They're climbing crazy fast!" J: "They were talking." I: "Yeah." H: "They were even laughing." I: "But Sohoku got a determined look in his eye when they reached the sign." H: "Then he closed the gap." I: "His pace rose a shocking amount." H: "It must've started at two kilometers to the finish line." J: "This year's duel to determine the winner of this year's Inter-High has begun!" Manami: "Go!" : "They sped by! So fast!" Manami: "The tension is pleasant." Manami: "I won't hold back, Sakamichi-kun." Manami: "After all, it'd be a waste not to go all-out against you." Manami: "We can never experience this moment again."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 19 – Final Orders", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "19", "Final Orders" ] }
Midousuji: "So, what did you want to discuss, uh..." Yamaguchi: "His name is Ise. He's a third-year at Kumamoto Daiichi." Midousuji: "Kumamoto? Ise-kun?" Midousuji: "Oh, the guy we used yesterday." Ise: "We finally caught up to the front." Midousuji: "Now, Zakus!" Ise: "That's right. Because of you, our team was scattered. Our only option was to get swallowed by the pack and cross the finish line that way." Midousuji: "Don't tell me you came to complain. That was a race. If you're going to resent anyone, then resent yourselves for not predicting what would happen and being too weak to keep up." Yamaguchi: "Midousuji, you shouldn't say that." Ise: "You're right." Yamaguchi: "What?" Ise: "It was all our—no, my fault. Despite being responsible for leading Kyushu's great Kumamoto Daiichi team," Ise: "at this rate, I'm heading for a disappointing finish two years in a row. I can't allow that to happen, so..." Ise: "Please." Midousuji: "Oh?" Ise: "Midousuji, you're a strategist. You took advantage of the confusion to win the race yesterday. You must have some method we can use to turn our situation around." Midousuji: "A method? Method? Method?" Midousuji: "Come up with one yourself." Midousuji: "Didn't I tell you? This is a race. I'm not obligated to tell you anything." Midousuji: "That's what I'd like to say, but... Fine, then. It seems like I apparently owe you guys something, so I don't mind showing you a method that'll turn your situation around. But I have one condition." Ise: "A condition?" Reporter A: "The last group is starting at last, huh?" Reporter B: "They're pretty far behind the lead pack." Reporter C: "Yeah. Honestly, it'll probably impossible for any of them to reach the lead pack." Ise: "Don't give up! Listen up, guys!" Ise: "I am Kumamoto Daiichi's captain, Ise Shinya!" Reporter A: "Ise?" Reporter B: "Higo's Drill Sergeant, huh?" Reporter C: "What's he doing now?" Ise: "I'm taking command of this pack!" All: "What?" Ise: "The whole pack's gonna come together, cooperate, and chase after the front!" Rider A: "The front?" Rider B: "As in the lead pack?" Ise: "That's right! Today's the last day! We've got nothing to lose! Give everything you've got! Let's work together to reach the lead pack!" Ise: "Fukuoka Jousei!" Ise: "Yamaguchi teams Yamagiwa and Okutani!" Ise: "Niigata teams Joetsu Higashi and Yaguramaru! Local Tochigi teams Utsunomiya Chuo," Ise: "Tosaumi High School, and Shimizu! None of you want it to end like this, do you? This is your last Inter-High!" Ise: "Shouldn't we show them how strong we really are?" Utsunomiya Chuo A: "The lead pack? Can we really do that?" Utsunomiya Chuo B: "But it's true that we've got nothing to lose." Rider D: "We might be able to do it with this many guys. Yeah, with a pack this large..." Rider F: "To the front!" Rider G: "To the front!" Utsunomiya Chuo A: "Let's do this." Utsunomiya Chuo B: "We'll show them what we can do." Ise: "All right! That's the spirit! Now, let's accelerate!" All: "Yeah!" Kaburagi: "Man, this feels awesome." Kaburagi: "You just wait, Onoda-san, Imaizumi-san. This Coordinated Kaburagi Superexpress will catch up in no time." Doubashi: "What are you calling the Kaburagi Superexpress, orange? It's not your place to name us." Kaburagi: "Don't sweat the small stuff, Doubashi-kun." Doubashi: "That's Doubashi-san to you!" A: "They're so fast!" B: "Last year's winners Sohoku and champions Hakone Academy are cooperating!" C: "What an incredible sight!" Izumida: "Yuki, what do you think the riders behind us will do?" Izumida: "Huge packs are likely to form on the last day." Izumida: "If they work together to chase after us..." Kuroda: "You worry too much, Touichiro." Izumida: "It caused a lot of chaos last year." Kawahara: "Are you listening, Bunya and Ishimaru?" Both: "Yes, sir." Kawahara: "Our team is currently in fourth place behind Hakone Academy, Sohoku, and Kyoto Fushimi." Ineshiro: "Yes, sir." Kawahara: "We had to stop pedaling in the mountains on the first day, but yesterday, we put our legs to good use on Mt. Haruna and finished in a decent position. The front is still within our grasp." Both: "Gunpei-san!" Kawahara: "Let's go. It's the final day. We'll show them how strong Yamagata Mogami really is." Both: "Yes, sir!" Ineshiro: "Huh?" Ishimaru: "This sound... It's the pack." Ineshiro: "You're kidding. How'd they get here so quickly?" Ise: "A condition?" Midousuji: "You'll be piranhas." Ise: "What?" Midousuji: "They're fish that live in the Amazon and have lots of sharp, little teeth." Ise: "Uh, okay..." Midousuji: "But even piranhas are puny little small fry. No matter how sharp their teeth are, a single one can easily be swatted away." Midousuji: "But what about two? Or three? Four? Five? What about ten, twenty, fifty?" Kawahara: "If we get swallowed up by this pack..." Midousuji: "Each individual fish is no serious threat. But piranhas are terrifying in large groups." Ise: "Get him!" Rider D: "All right. Got another one." Rider E: "We've got this." Rider F: "If we keep this up, we can do it." Rider G: "To the front!" Ise: "Faster. Let's go even faster." All: "Yeah!" wazuma: "They're cooperating, huh?" wazuma: "That's our strongest strategy." wazuma: "The more people there are in a pack, the faster it goes. But on the other hand, it also becomes more difficult to control." wazuma: "The leader of a pack needs charisma to unite those around him." Urakubo: "That's right." wazuma: "But even if you know that, it's no easy task. Like with Machimiya-san last year," wazuma: "the pack needs strength and hope to reach the front." Urakubo: "Sorry, Niwazuma." wazuma: "Enough already, Urakubo." Urakubo: "I brought you down with me when I fell yesterday." Urakubo: "You should be out there chasing down a big one, too." Urakubo: "We were going to take down those Sohoku third-years Teshima and Aoyagi." wazuma: "A single mistake can take away your opportunities in road racing." wazuma: "I can't help that I dropped out of the race." wazuma: "And besides, as Kure's Landshark, you must be more frustrated." Urakubo: "Nah, I just wanted you to see me take down a big one." wazuma: "Urakubo..." Kaburagi: "What's wrong, Aoyagi-san? Did you drop something?" Kaburagi: "You gotta keep your supplements safe and secure in your back pocket." Kaburagi: "Oh, are you worried about the pack?" Kaburagi: "It's all right. We're more than ten minutes ahead of them. Not even a pack can close that gap." Manami: "The wind has changed." Kaburagi: "Don't worry. Nothing's going to happen. After all, the Cooperative Kaburagi Superexpress..." Kaburagi: "is so fun and fast! What's better than that?" Kabruagi: "We'll catch up to the lead pack in no time and meet up with our teams." Kaburagi: "Look, I see two of them now." Kaburagi: "Two guys are no match for our Superexpress. Let's pass them right quick." Kaburagi: "And they worked so hard yesterday, too. They probably worked too hard. They couldn't keep up, so Kyoto Fushimi fell back from the lead pack." uko: "Midousuji!" Kaburagi: "Since we're passing these two, the lead pack must be just ahead. Whoa there, Kyoto Fushimi." Kaburagi: "You want to cooperate? Non, non. You're not getting on this train." Kaburagi: "You can join us later, if you can." Teshima: "Naruko!" Kaburagi: "Huh? Naruko-san?" uko: "Hey, seaweed head!" Izumida: "Yikes. Sohoku?" uko: "Seriously?" uko: "Did you fall behind for real?" Midousuji: "Naruko, are you sure you should be leaving your line?" Midousuji: "Your train will leave without you." uko: "It's just for a second. I'll head back as soon as I'm done talkin' to you. Were you unable to keep up? Are your legs exhausted from yesterday?" Midousuji: "What, are you worried about little old me?" uko: "Yeah, that's why I'm askin'!" uko: "Races are no fun if your opponents aren't strong. Winnin' a race because your opponent was sick or his legs were in poor shape is lame." uko: "On the first day, you and I tied for second." uko: "Yesterday, you pulled off a crazy strategy and claimed first place. I was super pissed when I heard about that, but after that, I thought you were amazing, honestly." Kaburagi: "Naruko-san, just leave him. Let's go." uko: "If this is a strategy of yours, then bring it on. But if you've really fallen behind because you don't have the strength, and your race ends here, then..." Midousuji: "Then?" uko: "Then I'll roll you up in a takoyaki and swallow you whole." uko: "Last winter, I lost to you. I lost, I cried, and I quit being a sprinter." uko: "Until now, I've trained with the intention of beating you and reclaiming that. But if that's all gonna end like this," uko: "I won't be able to sleep at night." Midousuji: "Winners should be able to sleep well, drunk on their own victory." uko: "Don't dodge the question, Midousuji." Teshima: "Naruko, come back up. We can't wait any longer." uko: "Damn it. See you later, seaweed head." Midousuji: "See you later, chicken-headed bean." Mizuta: "What was that about? He must be out of his mind to leave the line in the middle of a race just to talk to an opponent." Mizuta: "I think that's the first time someone's worried about you, Midousuji-kun. He really meant it." Mizuta: "What?" Mizuta: "M-Midousuji-kun, what did you just say?" Midousuji: "I said I want everyone to shave their heads by tomorrow morning." Midousuji: "It seems like you're confused about something." Mizuta: "Wait, wait, wait. But we won. We won the second day. Can't we at least celebrate today—" Yamaguchi: "Midousuji-kun..." Yamaguchi: "I-I'd like to ask you to reconsider, too." unatsu: "Yamaguchi-san?" Mizuta: "How unusual." Yamaguchi: "I think shaving our heads is a step too far. You've made your point. The team is ready for tomorrow." Midousuji: "Oh, yeah? You're ready?" Midousuji: "Then why don't we cut our hair right now?" Yamaguchi: "What?" Midousuji: "You can, can't you? If you're really so mentally prepared for tomorrow, then cutting your hair should be no big deal!" Midousuji: "You've gotta throw away all meaningless vanity and adornments." unatsu: "Damn it. Why do we have to cut our hair after we won?" Mizuta: "Wait. Take one last picture before you cut it." st Year A: "Okay." st Year B: "Are you sure, Yamaguchi-san?" Yamaguchi: "Huh? Yeah." Yamaguchi: "Sorry, Ishigaki-san." Yamaguchi: "I failed to become Midousuji's conscience." Yamaguchi: "He's not someone I can handle." Yamaguchi: "I don't mind being in the background after all. I'm not meant to fight on the front lines." Yamaguchi: "Kishigami..." Yamaguchi: "Is he really letting them cut his hair?" Yamaguchi: "Guys like him who have something exceptional aren't even shaken by it." Yamaguchi: "I certainly do feel like I've got nothing left to throw away." Midousuji: "Yamaguchi-kun?" Yamaguchi: "Midousuji-kun." Midousuji: "Tomorrow is the last day. We won today." Yamaguchi: "Y-Yeah, thanks to your efforts." Midousuji: "Today was such a nice day, wasn't it?" Yamaguchi: "Does he want me to compliment him?" Midousuji: "But that's in the past now." Midousuji: "We'll advance. Forward, forward, forward." Midousuji: "I came to talk to you about tomorrow." Midousuji: "I thought I'd have you perform an important job." Yamaguchi: "An important job?" Midousuji: "I'm only going to tell you about this phase." unatsu: "Yamaguchi-san, the pack's right behind us." Yamaguchi: "Funatsu Kazuho, Kishigami Komari." Yamaguchi: "It's time for phase number 99. The rest of the Kyoto Fushimi team is going to keep cruising along." unatsu: "Cruise along?" Yamaguchi: "Entrust your fates to me." unatsu: "Phase, my ass. Fate, my ass. We haven't accomplished anything! We shaved our heads for nothing!" Urakubo: "It takes a big one." wazuma: "What?" Urakubo: "Chasing after the front requires a leader." Urakubo: "One who never breaks, no matter the circumstances. A big one with an unyielding will." wazuma: "What would happen if that pack got a leader like that?" Urakubo: "Then they just might catch up to the lead pack." Yamaguchi: "Funatsu, raise your head." unatsu: "Huh?" Yamaguchi: "It's not over yet. No, our phase begins now." Yamaguchi: "Ise." Ise: "You came, Yamaguchi." Yamaguchi: "Yeah. We're piranhas now, too. Let's go after the front together." Ise: "Yeah." Rider N: ""You came?" What's that mean?" Rider O: "Didn't we swallow them up?" Rider P: "No, that's not how it felt." Rider N: "Were they waiting for us to catch up?" Yamaguchi: "Listen up. Starting now, I'm taking command of this pack. Me, Yamaguchi Noriyuki of Kyoto Fushimi." Rider K: "Yamaguchi of Kyoto Fushimi?" Rider L: "Was he the type of guy to say stuff like that?" Rider M: "I'm not so sure. Honestly, I have practically no memory of what he's like." Rider L: "Me, neither. After all, he doesn't stand out much. He's always hiding in Midousuji's shadow." Both: "Midousuji?" Yamaguchi: "Ohori, Yaguramaru." Yamaguchi: "Two minutes." Yamaguchi: "I want the two of you to pull from the front for two minutes." Ohori: "What?" Yaguramaru: "You can't just suddenly issue us orders." Yamaguchi: "In two minutes, I'll pull. Is that good enough for you?" Ohori: "Uh... Fine." Rider H: "That must be it." Rider I: "This isn't Yamaguchi's decision." Rider J: "It's Midousuji's strategy." ujiwara: "Ise-san, was what they just said true?" Ise: "It is. Today's starting order means Midousuji will be riding alone with his assist at the start of the race. Once Hakone Academy and Sohoku get their members together, they'll be at a major disadvantage. That said, if they slow down to meet up with the rest of their team, naturally, they'll get left behind. In order to keep that gap as small as possible, we'll raise the pack's pace and meet up with Yamaguchi's group. Then we'll ride that momentum all the way to Midousuji." ujiwara: "What happens after we meet up with Midousuji?" Ise: "We'll probably go after the lead pack." ujiwara: "The lead pack?" Rider H: "We've got this!" Rider I: "Yeah. As long as we keep following Yamaguchi's orders..." Rider J: "We'll reach Midousuji, and then..." Rider H: "We could actually catch up to the lead pack." Yamaguchi: "Let's swap." Ohori: "Got it." Yaguramaru: "I'm gonna rest a bit." Yamaguchi: "Funatsu, don't fall behind." unatsu: "What?" Yamaguchi: "It'll be your turn after mine. We'll be swapping right away." unatsu: "He's like a different person, Komari." Yamaguchi: "Funatsu, swap." unatsu: "Fine, fine." Midousuji: "Because of Ise-kun, my strategy required some fine tuning, but that doesn't change what you need to do. Do exactly as I told you yesterday, Yamaguchi-kun." Yamaguchi: "I know." Yamaguchi: "Swap leaders. I'll pull." wazuma: "A big one, huh? You think there's someone like that inside that pack?" Urakubo: "Not right now, but once he joins them, the pack will become stronger than you could ever imagine." Midousuji: "Splish, splash. Splish, splash." Mizuta: "Huh? Did you say something, Midousuji-kun?" Midousuji: "I can hear the small fry coming." Mizuta: "What?" Midousuji: "The pack. The pack of small fry." Mizuta: "What? Yama..." Mizuta: "Why is he pulling the pack?" Midousuji: "No, not small fry. That's a school of piranhas." Mizuta: "P-Pira...? What are those?" Midousuji: "You don't need to know." Midousuji: "Let's raise our pace." Mizuta: "Huh? Hey, wait!" Yamaguchi: "I'm here, Midousuji."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 2 – Piranhas", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "2", "Piranhas" ] }
Sakamichi: "Wow, look at the sea." Pierre: "Go enjoy yourselves. Today's race has ended, so you've got some free time." Sakamichi: "Huh? But..." Pierre: "Go on." uko: "Free time? What are we, middle schoolers on a class trip? We're comin' back from a race. We could've gone straight home." Imaizumi: "Pierre-sensei's trying to give us a break." uko: "What?" Imaizumi: "Our teamwork's been suffering lately because we've been trying too hard." uko: "And we lost today, too." Imaizumi: "That bothers you?" uko: "Of course it does. We lost to some weirdo named Daikanji from Fujigawa while we were arguin'. That's the worst thing that could've happened. Not only that, but after the race..." Daikanji: "There is no mountain taller than Mt. Fuji." uko: "What the hell was that about? That's just a fact! It's trivia! Obviously there's no mountain taller than Mt. Fuji, but that's all there is to it. God, he's so annoyin'." Imaizumi: "Don't whine to me about that. What matters now is the journey, not the destination. We just need to reach peak performance by the Inter-High." uko: "Easier said than done." uko: "Is this why he told us to take a break?" Imaizumi: "Probably." Imaizumi: "Honestly, I'm anxious, too." uko: "Where's Teshima-san?" Imaizumi: "He said he's going to a café with Aoyagi-san." uko: "What about Kabu?" Imaizumi: "He went to a surf shop with Danchiku." uko: "So, what are we gonna do?" Imaizumi: "We're going to the aquarium." uko: "What?" Imaizmi: "The aquarium. Pierre-sensei gave us free passes." uko: "What kind of modern-day high school student enjoys aquariums?" Sakamichi: "What? The aquarium?" uko: "Onoda-kun's really into the idea. Fine, then." uko: "It's just a bunch of fish swimmin' around. Ain't nothing to get so excited about." uko: "Wow! It's a turtle. I spy a turtle! Oh, damn! Jellyfish! Look at 'em! The way they move is so strange! I could watch them for hours. I haven't been to the aquarium since my second year of grade school, but these modern ones are amazin'." Imaizumi: "Naruko, you're scaring the children." Sakamichi: "I'm glad you're having fun, Naruko-kun." Imaizumi: "I should go get him before they throw us out." Sakamichi: "I'll go buy some drinks." Imaizumi: "Thanks, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Good. Naruko-kun's been so on edge recently." Sakamichi: "Must be because things are new and different this year." Sakamichi: "We have different teammates now. As second-years, we have to make more decisions. We're uncertain about everything, and nothing goes as expected. I couldn't do anything today." Sakamichi: "Huh? Are they this way? That way?" Sakamichi: "What? No?" Sakamichi: "I got separated from the others while deep in thought." Sakamichi: "Where's my phone?" Sakamichi: "I left it in the car..." Sakamichi: "What am I going to do? We're leaving at a set time." Sakamichi: "What am I doing? How can I contact them without my phone? I need a phone..." Manami: "You need a phone?" Sakamichi: "Huh?" Manami: "Wanna use mine?" Pierre: "Is everyone enjoying their break? It's important to do your best, but if that's all you do, you'll exhaust yourself and become unable to progress. Being surrounded by nature, walking on your own two feet, and thinking for yourself... Reaffirming your love for bicycles..." Pierre: "It's important to take a break sometimes, too." Pierre: "Bicycles are often compared to life." Pierre: "You need two things to live a rich and interesting life. Ideas..." Pierre: "and encounters." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun?" Manami: "Sakamichi-kun?" Both: "What are you doing here?" Both: "Jinx." Manami: "We even jinxed our jinx." Sakamichi: "Sorry, I spoke just as you did." Sakamichi: "It's really you, right?" Manami: "Is that really you? Amazing, isn't it? I guess things like this really do happen." Manami: "What a coincidence." Sakamichi: "Maybe it's because I haven't seen him since that snowy day," Sakamichi: "but Manami-kun seems really mature." Manami: "What is it?" Sakamichi: "It's nothing." Manami: "Sakamichi-kun, you look a lot more mature now." Sakamichi: "What? Who, me?" Manami: "Did your team get a lot of first-years?" Sakamichi: "Yeah, a bunch." Manami: "We got a lot, too. But I can't remember any of them." Manami: "The Inter-High's this summer." Manami: "You'll be there, right?" Sakamichi: "Yeah. I'm planning to race, but we haven't chosen our lineup yet." Manami: "If you go, let's race." Sakamichi: "Race..." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Manami: "Good. That's what I hoped you'd say." Manami: "Where should we choose?" Sakamichi: "Where?" Manami: "At Irohazaka on the first day? Konsei Pass is good, too." Sakamichi: "Y-You're choosing a location for our race?" Sakamichi: "You're moving too fast, Manami-kun." Manami: "How about Haruna?" Sakamichi: "Mt. Haruna..." Manami: "Yeah, at the end of the second day." Manami: "It's the mountain result line." Manami: "Just thinking about it fires me up." Sakamichi: "Yeah. It'll be hard, but also fun." Manami: "By the way, weren't you going to use this?" Sakamichi: "Oh, right!" Sakamichi: "Thanks for the help. Well, I should go." Manami: "Okay." Manami: "It was just a coincidence, but I had fun." Sakamichi: "U-Um..." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun, today..." Manami: "I'm thrilled." Manami: "And I don't think this excitement will go away until I'm on a bike." Manami: "Let's make this coincidence an inevitability, Sakamichi-kun." Manami: "I'll be waiting for the moment we meet on our bikes at the Inter-High." Manami: "No matter the circumstances." Manami: "It could be ten meters, or even one." Manami: "Let's hold nothing back and race." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Manami: "I'm glad I chose this place to complete my sketchbook assignment." Manami: "Do you remember the promise we made that day?" Manami: "I'm so thrilled right now." Manami: "More than any other time over the last three days." Manami: "What about you?" Sakamichi: "I'm the most excited I've been over the last three days." Manami: "That day's coincidence has finally become an inevitability." C: "Only 1,700 meters to the finish line!" A: "Neither one's backing down!" B: "One of them will become the overall champion of this Inter-High" B: "in less than ten minutes!" Sakamichi: "I'm going to pass you." Manami: "Good. This is intense." Manami: "As it should be." Manami: "As it should be. Good. This is fantastic." C: "Sohoku passed Hakone Academy's Manami!" D: "They swapped places! Sohoku's #1 is in first! It's the Mountain King!" C: "What's wrong with Hakone Academy?" Manami: "This is truly fantastic." Manami Fan: "Manami-kun... He's smiling?" Manami: "As it should be." Manami: "You're as incredible as I hoped, Sakamichi-kun. When our race began with less than two kilometers to go, I raised my pace. I wondered if you'd be able to keep up, and you did. Not only that, but you passed me. I'm so eager. I'm so eager, I can't help it." Manami: "I keep shifting up gears." Manami: "Isn't climbing so much fun?" Sakamichi: "He shifted up again." E: "Hakone Academy's Manami instantly passed him while smiling!" F: "So light, so skillful, so invigorating! He's so strong!" E: "That's Hakone Academy's ace climber, Manami Sangaku the Sky Prince!" Imaizumi: "Go! Steel your resolve! Don't look back!" Imaizumi: "Be strong, Onoda Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "I'm all right. I can keep going." G: "They've already passed the two-kilometer mark." H: "They're coming." Toudou: "There's no telling what will happen in road races until the end. I can't believe the final battle on the third day has come down to those two again" Toudou: "or that I'd meet you at the last turn before the finish line, Maki-chan." Makishima: "I can't believe you of all people had to be here, Toudou. I can't get rid of you." Toudou: "It was fate that brought us together." Makishima: "But we just met last night." Toudou: "Do you believe in fate, Maki-chan?" Makishima: "What?" Toudou: "Naturally, I do." Makishima: "Hey..." Toudou: "I believe my fate's tied to yours, Maki-chan." Makishima: "Let me speak." Toudou: "Normally you're in England, but right now, you're in the mountains of Japan watching a road race right next to me." Toudou: "That alone makes it a big deal, Maki-chan." Makishima: "What a warm welcome." Toudou: "Of course. Not only that, but the battle that will determine the outcome of the Inter-High is between the four-eyes you trained and Manami Sangaku, who I put my trust in." Toudou: "What is fate if not this?" Makishima: "I wouldn't say I trained him." Toudou: "Two climbers joined our teams two years after us." Toudou: "The two of them met and fought one another. They caught each other's attention and were drawn together. They're just like us, don't you think?" Makishima: "Are they?" Toudou: "Not only that, but their riding styles are complete opposites." Makishima: "I guess..." Toudou: "They're almost here. They'll be here in less than ten minutes. It's a mere ten minutes, but for them" Toudou: "it'll feel like an eternity." Makishima: "Yeah, it's an eternity. Burdened with responsibility," Makishima: "they'll give all their strength to risk it all." Makishima: "Only those riding understand what it's like." Toudou: "And since they missed their chance to determine a King of the Mountains on Mt. Haruna on the second day, this battle will decide who claims that title." Makishima: "Yeah, that's just in your head." Toudou: "No, that title can only be awarded to the winner of a race between the two of them." Toudou: "Let's see this historical event through together." Makishima: "Sure." Makishima: "I owe Onoda for watching our race yesterday." Toudou: "Yeah." Makishima: "I can only speak through my riding." Makishima: "After all, if you're fastest at your own style..." Makishima: "nothing's cooler than that." Manami: "Go!" Manami: "Good. It wouldn't be fun if it were too easy. As it should be." Manami: "We wouldn't feel alive if we acquired things too easily." Manami: "We're right on the edge. We're in the very final stages of the race. We're already above 2,000 meters of elevation and the air is thin. I'm out of breath. My heart rate is rising. My body is screaming. And I have an opponent to race against." Manami: "But that's always true. It's when we're right on the edge of our limits and closest to death that we feel it." Manami: "I am alive. I'll raise my heart rate even higher. To the limit. Go!" : "Sohoku's sticking to Hakone Academy! No, look closely! He's doing his best to keep up, but he's slowly falling behind!" Announce: "The third day will begin shortly." Teshima: "Today's finish line is at the top of a mountain at 2,000 meters of elevation." Teshima: "At that elevation, the air will be thin. You'll hardly do anything and you'll be out of breath." Teshima: "If you end up in an all-out battle up there, your body will be screaming. Your limbs will go numb, and you'll have trouble breathing." Teshima: "If you find yourself in a difficult situation, say this out loud." Teshima: "It'll make it easier. "We're in the same boat."" Teshima: "Don't be fooled by the pain. Everyone's riding under the same circumstances." Teshima: "Don't look at your speedometer. Don't compare yourself to your normal performance." Teshima: "Look only forward and let your emotions take over your body. Rely only on your instincts and ride." Teshima: "I know you can do it. I know you can do it." Sakamichi: "We're in the same boat. Don't look at your speedometer. Don't compare yourself to your normal performance. Listen to your feelings. I want to catch up to Manami-kun." Sakamichi: "Raise your cadence. I want to catch up. I want to pass him." : "Sohoku zipped past Hakone Academy! It's the Mountain King's high-cadence climb!" : "Sohoku's in the lead! They've got 1.5 kilometers left to the finish line!" Manami: "No, that's not right." Sakamichi: "What? Me, the ace on the third and final day?" Manami: "Yeah, I figured you might be." Sakamichi: "No, no, no. I can't do that." Manami: "You can't?" Sakamichi: "Sohoku's goal is winning, of course. But, um..." Sakamichi: "I'm just hoping someone on my team wins." Sakamichi: "It'd be nice if I could help them do it." Kuroda: "We've entered the final climb, Manami." Kuroda: "We're almost there. Sohoku should be coming into view soon. Until then, stay out of the wind and preserve your strength." Kuroda: "Don't go until I tell you to." Manami: "Sure, but you're nearly at your limit." Manami: "The injury you suffered falling before the finish line on the first day..." Manami: "It hasn't healed yet. It hurts pretty bad, doesn't it?" Kuroda: "You noticed?" Manami: "You've been avoiding pedaling too hard with your right knee." Kuroda: "There's nothing I can do about that." Kuroda: "I decided I'd get you there." Kuroda: "And I've never been able to tolerate things not going as planned." Kuroda: "I'm a proud elite athlete. But I know there's a price I have to pay for things to go as planned." Kuroda: "I'm determined to make this long shot work. Of course, there will be a little pain." Manami: "It must hurt even more than I thought. Could it be? On second thought, let's switch." Kuroda: "Not yet." Kuroda: "Manami, hang tight. I told you. I'll pull until we catch up to Hakone Academy." Kuroda: "Right now your job is to wait." Kuroda: "Just shut up and follow me." Kuroda: "I promise I'll get you there." Manami: "Kuroda-san..."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 20 – At the Aquarium in May", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "20", "At the Aquarium in May" ] }
Kuroda: "Manami, hang tight. I told you. I'll pull until we catch up to Sohoku." Kuroda: "Right now your job is to wait." Kuroda: "Just shut up and follow me." Kuroda: "I promise I'll get you there." Kuroda: "Are you bored, though? In that case, let's reminisce about the past. Last year, in one intra-squad tournament to determine our Inter-High lineup," Kuroda: "I lost to you." Kuroda: "I was depressed." Kuroda: "I had no place to vent my frustration and rage. My head was a mess because I didn't understand my own feelings." Kuroda: "I couldn't even speak to you." Hakone A: "It's not fair how fast Manami is despite being so easygoing." Hakone B: "Honestly, it's impossible to hate him, too." Hakone C: "He's like a new generation of climber." Hakone A: "Yeah." Kuroda: "Every time someone praised you, I became enraged" Kuroda: "because I believed I'd be the one who'd make a name for himself at the Inter-High." Kuroda: "I really don't get to race at this year's Inter-High?" Kuroda: "Until then, I'd been the best at everything I did." Kuroda: "That may have been the moment my pride truly came crashing down." Kuroda: "Damn it!" Kuroda: "But time gradually smoothed over my emotions. By the time the Inter-High started," Kuroda: "I was thinking about what I needed to do to participate next year." Kuroda: "Luck's not enough to race. And on top of that, people think of this team as champions. Ultimately, I was naïve. I wasn't good enough." Kuroda: "I've just gotta do it." Kuroda: "But I'd heard a rumor..." Arakita: "No matter how you look at it, Kuroda should wear #6. He actually makes some sense, and he climbs well during practice. Manami's just a first-year." Arakita: "It's too soon." Kuroda: "When I heard Arakita-san wanted me instead of Manami to wear #6, it made me really happy." Kuroda: "That's my one ray of hope." Kuroda: "Thank you, Arakita-san." Kuroda: "But shortly after, I'd witness a shocking truth." Kuroda: "On the final day of last year's Inter-High... What? You can't be serious." Kuroda: "This must be a joke." Kuroda: "Hakone Academy lost." Team: "Good work!" Hakone A: "Good work!" Kuroda: "This was the only outcome I hadn't expected. And I never imagined..." Kuroda: "that I'd see this man lose." Arakita: "Quit crying about every little thing." Team: "Good work!" Kuroda: "Arakita-san is someone who gets things done. He had a terrible attitude and a mouth to match, but his skills were top class." Kuroda: "He saw through my elite mindset and taught me that efficiency wasn't enough to win." Kuroda: "He was the only man I'd ever bowed to." Kuroda: "I assumed it was a forgone conclusion that he'd win the Inter-High..." Arakita: "Of course we won." Kuroda: "...is what I thought he'd say." Kuroda: "I can't say a word. There's nothing I can say to him." Arakita: "Kuroda!" Arakita: "Don't you have something to say to me?" Arakita: "Your senior's back from a race, and you're ignoring him?" Kuroda: "Y-Yes, sir. I'm so—I mean, uh... I couldn't find the words to—" Arakita: "No excuses!" Arakita: "Don't make excuses." Arakita: "You don't get to make excuses anymore. You've gotta do what you gotta do when you gotta do it." Arakita: "You only get one chance. No matter what happens, don't let it get away from you. No matter what they do or what's done to them, there's no room for losers to spout excuses." Arakita: "Doesn't matter whether it's big stuff or small stuff." Arakita: "Kuroda, I'm counting on you next year." Kuroda: "Yes, sir!" Kuroda: "Good work, sir!" Arakita: "Quit shouting, dumbass." Kuroda: "At some point, I'd started crying." Kuroda: "That's when I realized the man I used to hate had become someone I looked up to." Kuroda: "I'll do it." Kuroda: "Next year, I'll do it, Arakita-san. I'll restore Hakone Academy to the throne." ukutomi: "The next captain of Hakone Academy is Izumida Touichirou." ukutomi: "The vice captain is climber and second-year Kuroda Yukinari." Kuroda: "Summer ended, and the torch was passed. The third-years who used to be a constant presence in the team room were rarely seen anymore." Kuroda: "Captain Izumida's strengthening program was simple." Kuroda: "We'd practice adequately and enter more races." Kuroda: "We participated in races we'd skipped before." Kuroda: "It happened during one such race near the end of the season." A: "Wow, it's Hakone Academy!" B: "They've got team jerseys!" Shinozaki: "Should I be wearing this jersey?" Kuroda: "Shino, you're an Inter-High candidate, too." Kuroda: "In this race, I'll be your workhorse." Kuroda: "I'll shut down and control anyone who tries to get ahead." Kuroda: "Either you or Touichirou will take the finish line." Kuroda: "However..." Kuroda: "Victory is a prerequisite." Kuroda: "While we're wearing these jerseys, we're not allowed to lose." Rider A: "Someone's leaving the pack!" Rider B: "They're using the climb to attack!" Kuroda: "I'm going to crush them, Touichirou." Izumida: "I'm counting on you, Yuki." Kuroda: "Hardly anyone notable was participating in that dull little race." Kuroda: "But Touichirou and I raced in earnest." Kuroda: "We swore to each other that we'd achieve total victory in every race." Kuroda: "We'll show no overconfidence. When we race, we go all-out." Kuroda: "We're fighting a battle we're never allowed to lose." Rider C: "It's Hakone Academy!" Rider D: "He already caught up!" Rider C: "This race doesn't matter to Hakone Academy. Let us go this time." Kuroda: "Sorry, but I can't do that." Both: "What?" Rider E: "Come on. What's wrong with you guys?" Kuroda: "Huh?" Rider E: "Quit going on about Hakone Academy. He's just another second-year racer like us. What I'm trying to say is..." Rider E: "Don't get ahead of yourself, Hakone Academy! You lost at the Inter-High!" Kuroda: "What?" Rider C: "Don't make him angry." Rider D: "You'll ruin our chances of winning." Rider E: "It's the truth. These guys lost to a first-year of all people. This year's lineup must've been really pathetic, especially the third-years. Fukutomi? Shinkai? Toudou? Was there someone named Arakita, too?" Kuroda: "Hey, asshole." Rider E: "You're resorting to violence? Hakone Academy guys are scary." Kuroda: "Take it back." Kuroda: "You can speak the truth, but that last bit was wrong. Take it back." Kuroda: "The third-years were strong. They were far better than you can imagine." Rider E: "You're the one who grabbed me first. No hard feelings." Rider E: "Oh, no. My handlebars hit him." Kuroda: "This jerk did that on purpose." Rider E: "Two years ago in middle school, I was the captain of my basketball team." Rider E: "I lost because of Kuroda-kun the last-minute substitute. My elbow still hurts. I doubt you remember, but do you know what you said then? "You're so clumsy."" Rider E: "Pick up the pace. We're holding this lead all the way to the finish line." Rider C: "O-Okay." Kuroda: "After striking the ground, I didn't move for a while." Kuroda: "I stayed there for about 30 seconds." Kuroda: "Even if I'd stayed down, either Touichirou or Shino would probably win the race." Kuroda: "As far as the team was concerned, there was no problem." Kuroda: "I could report his dangerous behavior later." Kuroda: "The thought crossed my mind. But I..." Kuroda: "Sorry, but I'm Kuroda Yukinari." Kuroda: "I'm not so serene that I'll stay down after someone mocks Hakone Academy." Kuroda: "You just wait, jerk. You're not getting away. I'll catch you." Kuroda: "I'll make you apologize for what you said." Rider C: "Is Kuroda-kun okay?" Rider D: "Should we go back and apologize?" Rider E: "What are you talking about? Don't be so noncommittal. This is a race. In other words, a battle." Rider E: "Races are cutthroat survival games. Only one rider wins. If 80 riders race, then 79 of them lose." Kuroda: "Those are Fukutomi-san's words." Rider E: "Yeah, I'm surprised you knew that. I quoted something Hakone Academy's Fukutomi said a long time ago." Rider C: "What? Did you say that?" Rider D: "No. Who said that?" Rider E: "Forget about Kuroda. He's gone. He got what he deserved. He elbowed me and called me clumsy." Kuroda: "Sorry about that. I apologize. That was the old me. Honestly, it sounds like something I'd say." Rider E: "What?!" Kuroda: "But we're in the present now. Let's play fair." Rider E: "He caught up alone after getting injured?" Kuroda: "Apologize. Then I'll forget what you did." Rider E: "S-Sorry for pushing you?" Kuroda: "No, not that. Before that." Kuroda: "For mocking Hakone Academy." Announce: "Kuroda Yukinari has won the sprint to the finish! Hakone Academy wins!" Kuroda: "I'm suffering from a bit of blood loss, but the lack of blood kept me calm." Kuroda: "It's actually pretty all right." Hakone A: "Kuroda-san!" Hakone B: "Are you all right?" Hakone C: "Kuroda-san!" Rider E: "Hakone Academy is incredible." Kuroda: "That event was the origin of what I call my switch now." Kuroda: "I looked up to my seniors and Hakone Academy itself, too. They're all strong. Fukutomi-san, Shinkai-san, Toudou-san, and Arakita-san are beyond our reach. They're gods." Kuroda: "But last year, they still didn't win. So it's up to us to prove ourselves now that we've been entrusted with the team." Kuroda: "It's our pride that allows us to continue being champions." Kuroda: "The Sohoku lead riders will be coming into view soon. You think "my injury hurts" or "my wound stings" are adequate excuses, Manami?" Arakita: "Don't make excuses." Kuroda: "Let's go, Manami! Let's catch up to Sohoku!" Manami: "Yes, sir!" Kuroda: "Flex, cat legs." Kuroda: "I see Sohoku!" Kuroda: "Sorry for dumping everything on you at the end again, Manami." Manami: "It's fine. I don't mind." Kuroda: "You've grown. You truly are dependable." Kuroda: "Go on. You can go now." Kuroda: "There's nothing left for me to do." Kuroda: "All that's left is to watch you fly up into the sky." Kuroda: "Fly. Don't worry about what's behind you." Kuroda: "Fly your way. Ride freely. But if I can ask you for one last thing before the end, make me say my first and last Inter-High in my third year" Kuroda: "ended the best way possible!" Kuroda: "Yes, sir!" D: "The lead riders are here!" E: "Sohoku's in front! He pulled ahead of Hakone Academy! He's 20—no, 30 meters ahead!" Imaizumi: "Go!" Imaizumi: "Steel your resolve! Don't look back!" Imaizumi: "Be strong, Onoda Sakamichi!" F: "The Mountain King is dancing!" G: "He's so small, but so intense!" H: "1,300 meters to go!" I: "Keep going, Mountain King!" s: "Mountain King! Mountain King! Mountain King!" Manami: "The wind's picking up." Manami: "Too slow. Go!" Sakamichi: "Manami-kun..." Sakamichi: "It's a good thing you noticed, but you were a little too late." Sakamichi: "This time I'll be going ahead, Sakamichi-kun." J: "Hakone Academy instantly passed Sohoku!" K: "Seriously? Using that gust?" L: "He read the direction of the wind!" M: "That's Manami Sangaku, the Sky Prince! With 1,200 meters to go, Hakone Academy is in the lead!" : "Don't give up!" : "What's wrong, Mountain King? Raise your head!" Sakamichi: "He's strong. Manami-kun is incredible." N: "You've got this! He's pulling way ahead!" O: "No, wait. The Mountain King is saying something." Sakamichi: "Lovely chance pancake girl..." N: "What? Something about a chance? No..." N: "It's got a rhythm." Sakamichi: "you're still my princess!" Sakamichi: "You are who you are!" N: "He's singing." Sakamichi: "Even though he passed me, watching Manami-kun's incredible riding makes" Sakamichi: ""Love Hime-Hime Pancake Girl" is playing endlessly in my head." Sakamichi: "Princess, Princess! Princess! I love, love, love you! Princess! Princess! Twinkle, twinkle!" O: "I've heard about this. When Sohoku's Mountain King starts singing during races, his cadence increases." O: "It makes him faster." N: "What?!" Sakamichi: "You're still my princess!" Sakamichi: "You are who you are!" Manami: "You're making this thrilling, aren't you? You truly are special." P: "Hakone Academy accelerated again!" Q: "He's away from Sohoku!" Sakamichi: "Even with a spell to make you bigger, you're still my princess! You are who you are!" Sakamichi: "Manami-kun, you're amazing. You're so amazing, Manami-kun." Manami: "So are you." R: "The Mountain King caught up to Manami!" S: "Wh-What's with this battle? It's crazy!" T: "Neither one's giving any ground!" Manami: "I see it." Manami: "The red upside-down triangle flag with the number one." Manami: "It means we're one kilometer from the finish line." Manami: "Let's settle this." Manami: "The finish line is one kilometer ahead of us." Class Rep: "The sun's so strong in the mountains." Class Rep: "I'm pretty sure I have a hat in my bag..." Class Rep: "Here it is." Class Rep: "I'm borrowing this, Sangaku." Sakamichi Mom: "Oh, my. My, my, my." Class Rep: "Huh?" Sakamichi Mom: "Where did you get that hat? What a wonderful hat." Class Rep: "Who, me?" Sakamichi Mom: "Oh, my. You're that student."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 21 – Switches and Humming", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "21", "Switches and Humming" ] }
Sakamichi Mom: "My, my, my... What a coincidence. It's you again." Class Rep: "Hello. It's been a year since—" Sakamichi Mom: "It's been a year since I last saw you." Class Rep: "Uh, yes." Sakamichi Mom: "How do you think I recognized you?" Class Rep: "Huh? Say what?" Sakamichi Mom: "Pop quiz. No hints." Class Rep: "What? A quiz?" Sakamichi Mom: "The answer is that hat." Class Rep: "You're already telling me the answer?" Sakamichi Mom: "I gave that hat..." Sakamichi Mom: "to a considerate student as a gift." Sakamichi Mom: "Oh, right. I remember now. You were cheering for him a year ago." Sakamichi Mom: "That boy riding ahead of Sakamichi." Sakamichi Mom: "Have you started dating yet?" Class Rep: "What? No. No, no! Wh-Why are you talking about dating? Not yet. I m-mean..." Sakamichi Mom: "Even though a whole year has passed?" Class Rep: "I-I-It's n-n-not like that. I just..." Sakamichi Mom: "You're young. Why don't you go for it? He seems like such a nice young man." Class Rep: "You're not wrong about that." Sakamichi Mom: "Don't you like him?" Class Rep: "What? Uh, I never I said I liked him." Sakamichi Mom: "It's obvious from your attitude that you do." Class Rep: "F-For now, I'm just cheering for him." Class Rep: "Sangaku's preoccupied with cycling right now." Sakamichi Mom: "It's hopeless, isn't it?" Class Rep: "Why do you care? It's my business." Class Rep: "Huh?" Sakamichi Mom: "They're always preoccupied with something even though we're worried sick about them." Class Rep: "Ma'am..." Sakamichi Mom: "My son used to be a timid boy who couldn't even enter tall grass by himself. I hoped he'd pull himself together and be more assertive, but these days, when he falls during practice, he tapes his injuries himself and declines my offers to help." Sakamichi Mom: "When I watch him clumsily doing his best... I'm glad he's toughened up, but I'm also sad that he's drifting away." Class Rep: "Oh." Sakamichi Mom: "He's always telling me about how he has to work hard for the team and rushing out of the house." Sakamichi Mom: "He tells me stories about how they won or how amazing it was." Sakamichi Mom: "But that's not what I want from him." Sakamichi Mom: "All I want is for him to make it back home in one piece." Manami: "One kilometer..." Sakamichi: "...remaining!" Sakamichi Mom: "Who wouldn't want to see their own son looking valiant? I came so I could get a picture of it." Sakamichi Mom: "But then I left my camera in Shinohara-san's car." Class Rep: "What are you going to do?" Sakamichi Mom: "What should I do?" Class Rep: "Uh, um..." Sakamichi Mom: "I've been calling her, but the signal's weak." Class Rep: "Oh, there!" Sakamichi Mom: "Oh, my. This thing has a camera? These smooth phones are amazing." Class Rep: ""Smartphone."" Sakamichi Mom: "Boop." Class Rep: "Please win, Sangaku!" Class Rep: "The race must be over." Announce: "Goal!" Class Rep: "Sangaku!" Announce: "The first to cross the finish line on the third and final day is #176..." Class Rep: "What?" Class Rep: "I couldn't speak to him." Class Rep: "I don't know much about road racing, but nobody likes losing." Class Rep: "But maybe that's all the more reason why I should've said something to him." Class Rep: "No, that would've been impertinent. But I came all the way here. What's the right answer?" Class Rep: "Going all the way to his house would be too much." Class Rep: "I'll pretend it was a coincidence. He always takes this route on the way home." Class Rep: "Sangaku, I just happened to..." Manami: "Hey, class rep." Class Rep: "You even bike on rainy days, huh?" Manami: "It's nice and cool during the summer when it rains. And I won't get sick even if I get rained on." Manami: "That said, it's been a while since I last rode." Manami: "I finally felt like riding again." Class Rep: "A while?" Class Rep: "I was under the impression he rode every day. He couldn't ride when he loves his bike so much?" Class Rep: "O-Oh, really? Huh. I should change the subject." Class Rep: "Um..." Class Rep: ""I went to see the Inter-High." No, not that." Class Rep: ""It was close. Too bad you placed second." Definitely not that. I shouldn't mention the Inter-High." Class Rep: "I know. Have you done your summer work..." Manami: "You came to the Inter-High." Class Rep: "...sheets?" Manami: "I heard you." Manami: "Thanks." Class Rep: "You're welcome. I'm surprised you could hear me." Manami: "Yeah. I could hear everyone's voices and my teammates' cheers of "go," "You can do it," and "Manami!" But I couldn't answer them." Manami: "I had to answer them. I'm an idiot. I finally understand the weight of what Fukutomi-san, Arakita-san, Toudou-san, Shinkai-san, and Izumida-san were trying to do after I lost." Class Rep: "Cheer up. This isn't like you. You forget everything, from your homework to your worksheets. Just forget about all that unpleasantness." Manami: "Thanks, class rep. But I can't cheer up." Manami: "I've cried so many times since the race, but nothing changes." Manami: "My senior Toudou-san told me something." Toudou: "It's not your fault." Toudou: "Don't feel bad about the outcome." Toudou: "But when your final loss is the team's loss, we blame ourselves." Toudou: "Though the pain will tear you apart, it can't be helped. Not for a while." Toudou: "It takes time." Toudou: "You just have to endure it until you can face it." Class Rep: "There was nothing I could say to him as he sadly smiled." Class Rep: "It must've really come as a shock to him." Class Rep: "Of course it did. What should I have said to him?" Class Rep: "I don't know. Sangaku's always so carefree. I've never really seen him depressed before. Should I take him cycling like I used to? No." Class Rep: "I know, games! Sangaku plays video games." Class Rep: "Here." Class Rep: "Try this. They said on TV that games are a good distraction. And this thing was expensive. You'd better play it." Manami: "How unusual. You're giving me a gift?" Class Rep: "No... Well, yes. But don't read into it too much." Manami: "Thanks." Class Rep: "Don't play too much. You'd better do your homework, too." Manami: "I know." Manami: "Don't worry. I won't." Manami: "Sorry." Teacher: "Manami." Class Rep: "Jeez!" Class Rep: "But that relief didn't last long." Class Rep: "After that, Sangaku collapsed several times during practice and intrateam races." Class Rep: "Excuse me." Manami: "I fell again. I'm so clumsy." Manami: "I have to win. I have to win every team and official race. I have to become even stronger." Teammate A: "Hey, it's been two hours." Teammate B: "If you don't stop, you'll collapse again, Manami." Manami: "I'm fine." Teammate A: "But..." Manami: "I'm fine." Class Rep: "He's not back to normal at all." Class Rep: "I've never seen Sangaku scowl like that before." Toudou: "Do you know Manami?" Toudou: "You've been coming to watch a lot recently." Class Rep: "Yes, I'm sorry. I promise I won't get in the way." Toudou: "He's put it all on himself." Toudou: "No, we put it on him." Toudou: "He's currently inside a long tunnel." Toudou: "Unfortunately, he won't be back for a while." Touduo: "Not until he realizes a certain truth for himself." Class Rep: "A certain truth?" Class Rep: "Could you please tell Sangaku about that truth right this instant?" Toudou: "We've already told him numerous times. Me, Fuku, and Shinkai." Toudou: "But listening and understanding are different things. It takes days for the things we've heard to pass through our bodies and sink in." Toudou: "I also want to take away Manami's pain." Toudou: "The legendary Hakone Academy bicycle racing team lost at the Inter-High." Toudou: "Not only that, but he was our final rider." Toudou: "And it's not a burden he could carry as a scrawny little first-year." Teammate A: "Manami!" Teammate B: "Are you okay?" Class Rep: "Toudou-san..." Class Rep: "You're him, right? The third-year." Class Rep: "There's... There's nothing I can do for him." Class Rep: "I attended the race, but I couldn't say anything. I can't think of anything clever to say, and frankly, I don't know much about bicycles." Class Rep: "But..." Class Rep: "But is there anything I can do?" Toudou: "Listen to him." Class Rep: "What?" Toudou: "You don't have to respond. You can just nod along to his idle chitchat." Class Rep: "Okay." Manami: "My teammate put his jersey in the wash with an energy bar in the pocket." Class Rep: "Uh-huh. And?" Manami: "What? That's the whole story." Class Rep: "That's it? There must be more. Like it got on the other laundry or attracted birds." Manami: "But he didn't say what happened after that." Class Rep: "Oh, no. I'm supposed to be listening. I took his story too seriously." Manami: "You know, class rep..." Class Rep: "Yes?" Manami: "You seem awfully interested in energy bars." Class Rep: "Yes." Manami: "Do you want one?" Class Rep: "Yes." Manami: "Class rep." Manami: "Are you busy?" Class Rep: "Actually, I... Not at all." Manami: "What do you think of the new cafeteria menu?" Class Rep: "He wants to talk about that?" Class Rep: "Well... Do we have to talk about that right now? While standing, no less?" Manami: "I preferred the old one." Class Rep: "Y-Yeah..." Manami: "Om nom nom nom..." Class Rep: "What is he saying?" Class Rep: "U-Uh, yeah." Manami: "Class rep..." Manami: "Are you free now?" Class Rep: "Yeah, sure." Manami: "I found it." Manami: "All of a sudden, while riding my bike yesterday." Manami: "I found a kind of—how can I explain it?" Manami: "I arrived at a certain truth." Toudou: "The truth is very simple." Toudou: "When people fail, they immediately try to make up for it." Toudou: "They're desperate to wipe away their failure." Toudou: "They rush to produce results." Toudou: "But as long as they're doing that, they can't." Toudou: "He'll fail again. Once he's tried to his heart's content, given everything he has physically and emotionally," Toudou: "and is finally empty, he'll realize it." Manami: "In the end, that's how it is." Teammate A: "Manami placed third in the recent team race." Teammate B: "That's good. He's returning to form." Manami: "I forgot to sign the participation agreement, so my victory was invalidated." Teammate A: "What?" Teammate B: "Seriously?" Manami: "In the end, that's how it is." Manami: "It's simple." Manami: "A loss at the Inter-High can only be made up for at the Inter-High." Class Rep: "Such powerful words." Teammate A: "The lead riders are coming!" Class Rep: "Sangaku!" A: "Go!" B: "Hakone Academy!" C: "Pedal hard!" Class Rep: "What? No way." A: "The two lead riders are the same as last year!" B: "Will one get revenge, or will the other win again?" C: "This is so exciting!" Class Rep: "Please win, Sangaku!" D: "Hakone Academy accelerated!" E: "He's got a slight lead!" Sakamichi Mom: "He's here. It's my son." Sakamichi Mom: "Go after it, Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "Yeah!" Sakamichi Mom: "He's gone." Sakamichi Mom: "I got lots of photos of the ground." Sakamichi Mom: "Go after it!" Sakamichi Mom: "Come on. Try harder to go after it." Young Sakamichi: "But, Mom..." Sakamichi Mom: "Go get it yourself." Young Sakamichi: "I can't. There are bugs in there." Sakamichi Mom: "You'll be fine. Go on." Sakamichi Mom: "Just go after it. Why do you always give up partway?" F: "Look at Sohoku!" G: "He caught up to..." G: "Hakone Academy again!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 22 – Let My Voice Reach You", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "22", "Let My Voice Reach You" ] }
A: "They're 700 meters from the finish line!" B: "The Mountain King caught up to Hakone Academy!" C: "It's a clash between the historical champs and last year's champs!" A: "The Mountain King's moving up!" B: "Hakone Academy is forcing his way inside!" B: "He bumped into him!" C: "He moved ahead from the inside!" B: "But neither one has stopped pedaling!" Arakita: "Which team, huh? In road racing, you never know who's gonna win until it's over." Arakita: "But, Kinjou..." Arakita: "If I had to predict a winner, I'd say Manami's way more likely to win." Arakita: "He struggled this past year. At first, I called him an oddball and opposed him joining the team, but he was strong." Arakita: "And losing made him even stronger." Arakita: "Toudou said the same thing." Arakita: "The look in his eyes has changed." Arakita: "So has his smell." Arakita: "It's like his focus has improved. He jokes around, but his smell has gotten stronger." Arakita: "Onoda-chan is a hard worker. I'm sure he worked hard this past year." Arakita: "But it takes a certain kind of person to cross the finish line at the peak first." Arakita: "In his first year, he seized the champion's glory without understanding anything." Arakita: "Then he won at Minegayama, too. Someone who's been having such a cheerful, fun time can't— Sorry, Kinjou. I'm not trying to put him down. It's just cold, hard judgment." Arakita: "He can't break through that wall." D: "What's wrong, Mountain King?" E: "He's fallen behind because he can't keep up with Manami's increased pace!" Arakita: "They're closing in on the 500-meter mark. If one of them falls more than ten meters behind, then whoever's in front will win." Arakita: "In a one-on-one with 500 meters to go, they'll be out of stamina. It'll come down to willpower. And willpower is the product of everything you've experienced until now." Arakita: "Failure. Frustration. Feelings you can't do anything about." Arakita: "They prop you up." Arakita: "And guys who don't have that..." Arakita: "Honestly, they can't win." D: "The gap is widening! Five meters, six meters... No, he's eight meters behind!" E: "They're 600 meters from the finish line!" Kinjou: ""Feelings you can't do anything about," huh? If that's the condition for surviving the battle before the finish line," Kinjou: "then Onoda is worthy, too." Kinjou: "Did you think Onoda's growth has been smooth and steady?" Arakita: "What? You mean it hasn't?" Arakita: "Are you talking about the pressure of winning?" Kinjou: "No, not that." Kinjou: "I doubt anyone outside the team would know." Kinjou: "At nearly the same time he won the Inter-High, he lost something important. The man he admired from the bottom of his heart," Kinjou: "who rode with him at the Inter-High and always offered advice..." Kinjou: "The senior he looked up to..." Kinjou: "suddenly disappeared from his sight. It had only been a few months since they met, but as they were both climbers, Onoda was drawn to him and admired him." Kinjou: "Victory isn't what motivates him. To him, connections are more important than anything." Kinjou: "He rides to stay connected with his friends and seniors." Kinjou: "That's the kind of man he is." Kinjou: "Let me tell you about what he lost." Kinjou: "Hey." Kinjou: "Going to the library again today? You're studying hard." Makishima: "I guess. You are, too." Kinjou: "I was asked to attend a meeting for our celebration." Makishima: "Is your knee okay?" Kinjou: "It's doing better." Makishima: "I see. That's good." Makishima: "It's hot again today." Kinjou: "It sure is." Kinjou: "By the way, Makishima, are you free next Tuesday?" Kinjou: "Cycle Time wants to take photos and get a comment from you." Kinjou: "What's the matter?" Makishima: "I've been meaning to tell you something. It's important, Kinjou." Makishima: "I know this isn't the time or place for this, but..." Makishima: "Sorry. I never got the chance to tell you." Makishima: "You and Tadokoro did a lot for me. We rode hard together for three years." Makishima: "You supported me through difficult practices." Makishima: "Winning the Inter-High felt amazing." Makishima: "I've told the teachers." Makishima: "They're letting me submit reports instead of attending class so I can graduate." Makishima: "I'm going to England in September." Makishima: "I've submitted my club resignation. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Sakamichi: "Lovely chance pancake girl." Sakamichi: "You're still my princess!" Imaizumi: "He's in a good mood." Sakamichi: "You are who you are!" uko: "He's in an exceptionally good mood." Sakamichi: "Love Hime fight!" uko: "You're in a real good mood, Onoda-kun." Sakamichi: "Huh? What? You could tell?" Imaizumi: "Yeah, it's obvious." Sakamichi: "I'm just so happy because one of my dreams came true." Imaizumi: "His dream? Is he talking about the other day?" uko: "Winnin' the Inter-High?" Sakamichi: "We all went to Akiba together." Both: "That's what he meant?" Sakamichi: "I got to visit Akiba with everyone and thank all of you. I have no regrets." uko: "There must be somethin' you still wanna do." Imaizumi: "What about winning the Inter-High?" Sakamichi: "That was fun." Sakamichi: "It's always been my dream..." Sakamichi: "to go to Akiba with my friends." Sakamichi: "You know, because I always went there alone." Imaizumi: "I guess that sounds like you." uko: "Yeah, you are who you are." Sakamichi: "Do you think the seniors will go to Akiba with me again?" uko: "I hate to say this, Onoda-kun..." Imaizumi: "But I seriously doubt it." uko: "Don't come out and say it, hotshot!" Sakamichi: "Even Makishima-san?" Imaizumi: "He's the hardest sell." uko: "Watch it, hotshot!" Sakamichi: "Huh? What?" uko: "You didn't hear that, Onoda-kun?" Tadokoro: "What? Why? Makishima's going to England? No one told me anything about that!" Kinjou: "No one told me, either." Kinjou: "He just told me in the hallway, too." Makishima: "I'm sorry, Kinjou. Really." Makishima: "Tell Tadokorocchi for me." Makishima: "I won't be able to attend graduation with you guys." Sakamichi: "Makishima-san!" Makishima: "Onoda, I'm on my way up Minegayama." Makishima: "Want to join me?" Makishima: "Hey, Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Makishima: "Do you enjoy riding your bike?" Sakamichi: "Yes!" Makishima: "We're counting on you to carry our Sohoku, Sakamichi." Sakamichi: "Good evening. What are the two of you doing here?" Sakamichi: "I just went for a ride with Makishima-san. He invited me. Makishima-san said he was heading straight home." Sakamichi: "He's amazing, isn't he?" Sakamichi: "He's so fast and cool. He doesn't like it when I call him cool, but today his back looked exceptionally awe-inspiring. And he said something really nice, too." Sakamichi: "Oh, I'm sorry for rambling on." Sakamichi: "Were you waiting for someone?" Tadokoro: "Yeah, you." Sakamichi: "What?" Kinjou: "Onoda, we need to talk." Sakamichi: "Did I do something?" Kinjou: "It's not about you. It's about Makishima." Sakamichi: "What is it? Will Makishima-san be racing again?" Sakamichi: "Do I get to race with him?" Sakamichi: "There's so much I still want to learn from him." Kinjou: "Try to stay calm, Onoda." Sakamichi: "What?" Sakamichi: "England? You mean he's not coming back?" Sakamichi: "Not to practice, or even school?" Kinjou: "Makishima is quitting the team today." Kinjou: "It even hurt us to see how dispirited and lifeless Onoda became." Kinjou: "He forced himself through practice and often fell." Kinjou: "He began staring off into space from time to time." Sakamichi: "No, I shouldn't be like this. I promised I'd make Sohoku stronger, but..." Kinjou: "Teshima." Teshima: "Yes, sir." Kinjou: "I've retired from the team and left it in your hands." Kinjou: "I'm in no position to tell you what to do." Kinjou: "But I realized there was one thing I forgot to do as captain." Kinjou: "Could I borrow Onoda tomorrow?" Teshima: "Yes, sir." Sakamichi: "U-Um, where are we going today?" Sakamichi: "Teshima-san said I'd be training directly under you." Kinjou: "I thought we could check out the beach today." Sakamichi: "That sounds incredibly difficult. Wait, what? The beach?" Sakamichi: "We actually came to the beach." Kinjou: "Onoda, do you think you could hit that buoy with a rock?" Sakamichi: "What? A rock?" Kinjou: "When I was in middle school, I had a senior I looked up to." Sakamichi: "You had a senior? Oh, I'm sorry. You've been my senior ever since I started high school, so I was just surprised you ever had one, too." Sakamichi: "I mean, of course you did." Sakamichi: "You have seniors, too. Your senior, huh? I can't imagine what that would be like." Kinjou: "In middle school, I was on a local shop's club team." Kinjou: "I practiced alongside adults." Kinjou: "Not that it was an especially high-level team." Kinjou: "But Koseki-san was there." Kinjou: "He was a former pro. He was a strict but kind and awesome guy." Kinjou: "I copied his riding style, his clothes, and even his bike brand." Sakamichi: "You looked up to him?" Sakamichi: "He must've been incredible." Kinjou: "Yeah. Every time he told me, "Good job, Shingo," I was overjoyed. It made me feel like I'd become a hundred times stronger." Sakamichi: "I know that feeling. When Makishima-san praised me, I..." Sakamichi: "I felt the same way. Oh, I'm all right. I promised I'd do my best to become stronger, so I..." Kinjou: "But in the fall of my second year of middle school, Koseki-san moved away because of his job." Kinjou: "He was suddenly so far away. I used to come here with Koseki-san during practice and try to hit that buoy with rocks." Sakamichi: "A-Amazing, Kinjou-san. You got it in one try." Kinjou: "The first time he told me to do it, I couldn't hit it once. After Koseki-san moved away, there was no one to praise me when I came here alone and hit it." Kinjou: "Chance encounters can be cruel sometimes." Kinjou: "They're not there when you wish they were. When you're troubled, when you're suffering, when you're happy, when you're overwhelmed..." Kinjou: "They're gone." Kinjou: "What would you do, Onoda?" Kinjou: "Would you look for their replacement?" Sakamichi: "What? A replacement?" Kinjou: "That's right. You already have your answer. There's no one" Kinjou: "who can replace them." Kinjou: "Then what do you do?" Kinjou: "You ask them for guidance in your heart and choose the path you should follow." Kinjou: "That's all you can do." Kinjou: "You can't recover from something like that right away." Kinjou: "But unlike the trip here, his pedaling has become natural." Kinjou: "He's not tensing up." Kinjou: "That's it, Onoda. One step at a time." Kinjou: "I came to this beach to make you face the truth." Kinjou: "There's nothing you can do about Makishima going to England." Kinjou: "But you can think back on everything Makishima taught you, just like I once did." Kinjou: "Those joyful moments, those moments that moved you..." Kinjou: "And after all that thought, the path you choose." Kinjou: "Onoda." Sakamichi: "Huh? Yes, sir." Kinjou: "When you're struggling or troubled, you have to decide for yourself." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Kinjou: "The answer can only be found within yourself." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Kinjou: "But when things get so difficult that you can't stand..." Kinjou: "Lean on me. I'll support you." Sakamichi: "What?" Kinjou: "You know what I mean." Kinjou: "That's right. Sohoku is a team that supports each other." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Kinjou: "The path you choose after all that thought leads to the future." Kinjou: "That fall, Onoda won the Minegayama hill climb." uko: "Nice work today, Onoda-kun." Sakamichi: "A-Aw, shucks." uko: "I was shakin' when you passed that lanky guy from Hakone Academy at the end. Meanwhile, hotshot did absolutely nothin' while ridin' in the back." Imaizumi: "I did plenty. You just weren't watching." uko: "Yeah, yeah. Sure you did." Kinjou: "Good work, Teshima." Kinjou: "That was the new Sohoku's first victory." Teshima: "I was just there when it happened. I didn't do anything." Kinjou: "I'm not so sure about that." Sakamichi: "But I didn't come close to beating Makishima-san's time." Sakamichi: "Makishima-san is the winner." Both: "That's not right!" Kinjou: "Onoda couldn't have attacked if you hadn't ridden so recklessly during the middle of the race." Teshima: "I wouldn't say that." Kinjou: "Little by little, Onoda's condition improved." Kinjou: "He stopped falling during practice." uko: "That's it, Onoda-kun." Teshima: "Onoda's climbing reasonably well again. Kinjou-san, what did you do that day?" Kinjou: "I simply told him the obvious. Sohoku is a team that supports each other." Kinjou: "That doesn't change once the race ends and we've gotten off our bikes." Kinjou: "Onoda's recovery is in part due to you carrying on that spirit and leading the team." Kinjou: "That's good news." Teshima: "He seems to be doing well physically." Teshima: "But sometimes he still spaces out during practice." Teshima: "He falls back when he needs to try harder." Kinjou: "So it's an emotional problem." Teshima: "Yes. I don't think he's over it yet." Kinjou: "Normally winning a race would fix it." Teshima: "It's all right. We'll do something about it." Teshima: "Come visit the team room from time to time." Sakamichi: "Hello, Kinjou-san." Kinjou: "Another letter?" Sakamichi: "Yes. Practice was canceled due to the snow, so I'm catching him up on everything that's happened." Kinjou: "I'm impressed. You must've sent more than 20 letters by now." Sakamichi: "But, well... I enjoy doing this, so it's fine," Sakamichi: "but I've never received a response from Makishima-san." Kinjou: "He can be a bit odd. He's not much of a writer, either." Kinjou: "But he'll enjoy receiving your letters." Sakamichi: "I hope you're right." Kinjou: "The other day, I sent him the Inter-High results. On the edge of the envelope sent back, he wrote, "Tell Onoda thank you for the letters."" Kinjou: "He wrote it directly on the envelope instead of writing a letter. He's a weird guy." Sakamichi: "Is that true?" Sakamichi: "That means my letters are reaching Makishima-san, right?" Sakamichi: "That means he's reading them, right?" Sakamichi: "That's great. I'm so glad." Sakamichi: "Thank you." Kinjou: "This rising pressure..." Kinjou: "All this from one sentence scribbled on the edge of an envelope?" Sakamichi: "Oh, right. I'd better keep writing." Kinjou: "Onoda, you truly are a surprising man."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 23 – Kinjou's Final Job", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "23", "Kinjou's Final Job" ] }
uko: "Seriously?" Teshima: "He caught up already." Imaizumi: "With a smile, no less." Sakamichi: "Thanks for waiting, everyone." uko: "You're really zoomin'." Teshima: "I thought it'd take you a few more minutes." Imaizumi: "Just how fast did you climb?" uko: "You even brought Aoyagi-san with you after he got separated from the team." Imaizumi: "He's a sprinter. Don't push him so hard on a climb." Aoyagi: "He's too fast." Sakamichi: "Sorry." Imaizumi: "You're in great shape, Onoda." uko: "Somethin' good happen?" Sakamichi: "Huh? Makishime— I mean, nothing." Imaizumi: "What did you say?" Teshima: "Onoda..." uko: "Don't hide it." Teshima: "He's back. Has he recovered?" Sakamichi: "It's nothing, really." uko: "You were about to say somethin'." Teshima: "All right." Teshima: "Change of plans." Imaizumi: "What?" Teshima: "Originally, I thought everyone could climb at their own pace, but Onoda..." Sakamichi: "Yes?" Teshima: "Do you think you can reach the peak first?" Teshima: "Let's race." Sakamichi: "Huh?" Teshima: "But there's a condition." Teshima: "You have to wait for one minute at that vending machine." Sakamichi: "What?" Teshima: "You'll be racing against Imaizumi, Naruko, and me. Think you can beat us?" Sakamichi: "One minute. Four kilometers." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir. I'll give it a shot." Teshima: "The rest of you, don't let Onoda catch up to you." Teshima: "His willingness to give it a shot is a sign he's recovered." uko: "Seriously?" Teshima: "You came, Onoda. I'm impressed." Teshima: "Think you can pass me?" Sakamichi: "I will." Teshima: "What?" Imaizumi: "Damn. I let my guard down. I didn't think he'd come now." Imaizumi: "What? Hey, where are you going?" Imaizumi: "Are you okay?" Sakamichi: "Sorry." Teshima: "He actually did it." Teshima: "Those eyes..." Teshima: "He's definitely made a complete recovery." Teshima: "Good, Onoda." Teshima: "I'll have to report this to Kinjou-san right away." Kinjou: "And that's how Onoda finally made it out of the darkness. I didn't realize until then" Kinjou: "what motivates Onoda to ride." Kinjou: "Do you want to win next year's Inter-High?" Sakamichi: "What? Oh, no. Someone else can win." Sakamichi: "I'd be happy just supporting them." Kinjou: "At the time, I thought he was just being modest." Kinjou: "But he truly felt that way." Kinjou: "Just as he was delighted by a brief note from Makishima... Just as he jumped onto a bike he'd never ridden before at the first-year race to chase after the other two..." Kinjou: "He doesn't desire victory." Kinjou: "Within the team's hierarchy, he's rather low-ranking." Kinjou: "I'm constantly surprised by his unexpected behavior." Kinjou: "To chase after those ahead of him." Kinjou: "To connect with his teammates." Kinjou: "He rides for those simple reasons." Kinjou: "What could be easier to understand? And the way he rides as hard as he can when he's been trusted with something" Kinjou: "is the epitome of road racing." Sakamichi: "Come on. Get in there, get in there, get in there!" Sakamichi: "It's in!" A: "The Mountain King accelerated!" B: "He's come around!" C: "But he can't close the gap!" Arakita: "I see. Then maybe Onoda-chan has what it takes" Arakita: "to fight for the finish line at the Inter-High." D: "500 meters to go!" D: "Hakone Academy's Manami sped by so effortlessly!" Manami: "Go!" E: "Such brilliant dancing!" F: "Second-year ace climber, the Sky Prince, Manami Sangaku, #13!" Toudou: "A final battle against Four Eyes again?" Toudou: "You must really enjoy it." Toudou: "It must be fate." Toudou: "That's it. Just like that." Toudou: "Ride freely, Manami." Manami: "Yes, sir. Thank you." G: "The Mountain King's got 500 meters to go!" H: "The size of the gap hasn't changed!" Sakamichi: "M... M..." Sakamichi: "Makishima-san!" Makishima: "Sakamichi!" Makishima: "Why do you always ride so hard?" Makishima: "Why are you always straight as an arrow?" Makishima: "Move!" Makishima: "Out of the way!" Sakamichi: "Thank you so much." I: "What the hell?" J: "Someone jumped onto the barrier!" K: "He's leaning so far over!" Makishima: "Sakamichi!" Makishima: "I'm always riding with you!" Makishima: "So pass me, Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "Makishima-san..." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Makishima: "I'm always riding in front of you." Makishima: "So pass me." Makishima: "Can you pass me, Sakamichi?" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir. Thank you." Makishima: "What's the matter, Sakamichi?" Makishima: "Don't hold back." Makishima: "Pass me." Sakamichi: "Thank you." Makishima: "You've gotten stronger, Sakamichi." L: "Sohoku's Mountain King is insane!" M: "He's closing the gap!" N: "350 meters remain until the third day's finish line!" O: "He caught up to the leader, Hakone Academy's Manami!" Manami: "You got me. I thought the race was already over." Manami: "Honestly, I thought I had it in the bag." Manami: "I thought you'd already given everything you had." Manami: "Where were you hiding that strength?" Sakamichi: "This strength was given to me by my friends." Sakamichi: "By my juniors." Sakamichi: "By my seniors." Sakamichi: "By all kinds of people." Sakamichi: "It was given to me on the way here, along with all their hopes." Manami: "Oh, really? I see." Manami: "You mean you're always growing with help from all kinds of people?" Manami: "That you're continuously and endlessly improving? Sounds like you. You intrigue me, Sakamichi-kun." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun!" Manami: "Shall we begin?" Manami: "Our final race." Manami: "Our battle to that yellow gate." Manami: "There are 300 meters left." Manami: "Let's give everything we've got." Manami: "I'm going all out." Sakamichi: "Me, too." Manami: "Sakamichi-kun." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun." P: "They're both accelerating!" Q: "It's begun!" P: "Hakone Academy and Sohoku are going all out!" R: "Whoa, his handlebars are hitting the barrier!" S: "They're accelerating towards the finish line!" Koga: "They're coming." Sugimoto: "I see them." Miki: "Onoda-kun." Aya: "Come on, Four Eyes." Tadokoro: "300 meters to go!" Hakogaku A: "Manami-san." Hakogaku B: "Sangaku." Hakogaku C: "Come on." Hakogaku D: "Manami-san." Hakogaku E: "Manami." Hakogaku F: "Manami." Hakogaku G: "Manami-san, please avenge last year's dishonor." T: "Wow, they're only looking ahead!" U: "I've heard of this. When riders are totally focused, they can feel where their opponent is." U: "They know how far behind and on which side the other is." U: "And their eyes are only looking at the goal gate at the summit." Tadokoro: "They're coming, Kinjou. 200 meters to go." Kinjou: "Road racing is a brutal sport." Kinjou: "Though over a hundred riders race for victory, there is only ever one winner. I wish I could stop both of them, pat them on the shoulder, and tell them, "You did well. You're both winners."" Kinjou: "But they know that won't happen. They're prepared for that." Kinjou: "After this, one of them will win, and one of them will lose." Manami: "Go!" V: "They're neck and neck at the final 150 meters!" W: "But there's a slight incline ahead!" X: "The Mountain King shifted down and is pedaling at the same cadence!" Y: "He's so fast!" X: "What about Manami?" Y: "What?" X: "He shifted up and is swaying up the hill!" Manami: "Go!" Z: "Such power!" 1: "This year's Hakone Academy is serious about getting revenge!" 2: "The difference in gears equates to a difference in speed! Now that the change in grade is over, Manami's one bike's length ahead!" 3: "100 meters to the finish line!" 4: "They've entered sprinting posture!" 5: "They're sprinting all out to the finish line!" Sakamichi: "Yeah!" 6: "Sohoku's Onoda!" 7: "He caught up to Hakone Academy at the last second!" Miki: "Onoda-kun!" Sugimoto: "Onoda!" Miki: "Onoda-kun!" Aya: "Four Eyes!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 24 – Their Last Sprint", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "24", "Their Last Sprint" ] }
A: "40 meters to go!" Sugimoto: "Onoda!" Miki: "Onoda-kun!" Both: "Onoda!" A: "30 meters!" Hakogaku A: "Manami!" Hakogaku B: "Manami-san!" Arakita: "Manami! Turn it around this year, oddball!" A: "20 meters!" A: "10 meters left!" A: "They're entering the finish line neck and neck!" A: "It's over!" Official A: "This is first-aid station #4." Official A: "I've confirmed rider #5, Teshima, is dropping out of the race." Official A: "Yes, that's correct." Official A: "Since he won't be finishing, he'll forfeit the mountain tag." Official A: "It's unfortunate, but..." Koga: "Onoda!" Sadatoki: "Onoda-san!" Miki: "Onoda-kun!" Hakogaku A: "Manami!" Hakogaku B: "Manami-san!" All: "Sohoku! Hakone Academy!" Manami: "They're all so excited." Manami: "I was so focused while I was riding that I didn't notice." B: "I'll be cheering for Hakone Academy again next year!" C: "Good race!" Manami: "I had no idea so many people were cheering for us." Sakamichi: "Yeah. They're cheering so loud." Sakamichi: "I just noticed, too." Sakamichi: "The race is over." Sakamichi: "Our three days..." Sakamichi: "Our all-out battles..." Manami: "Yeah. Our second race is over." Sakamichi: "This might sound weird, but..." Sakamichi: "Thank you, Manami-kun." Manami: "What? You're thanking me?" Manami: "I'm super disappointed right now." Sakamichi: "Oh, right. S-So—" Manami: "But..." Manami: "I went all out. I gave everything I could." Manami: "You just wanted it a little more." Manami: "I don't have regrets this time." Manami: "This year, I'm not thinking about what I could've done differently." Manami: "My mind is clear, like that sky." Manami: "Anyway, racing at the very end of the final stage was too much pressure." Manami: "If we both get to ride in the Inter-High next year..." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Manami: "Let's race for the first day's mountain result line instead." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Manami: "Like Toudou-san and Makishima-san did last year." Hakogaku A: "Manami!" Hakogaku B: "Manami-san!" Koga: "Onoda!" Hakogaku A: "Get his helmet off!" Koga: "Danchiku, water!" Manami: "Boy, that's refreshing." Manami: "I feel like it's been forever since I last got off my bike." Koga: "You did an amazing job, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Koga-san." Sugimoto: "You were incredible, Onoda. You did it. You really did it, Onoda. Right, Sadatoki?" Sadatoki: "Yes, Brother!" Sugimoto: "Onoda!" Aya: "Four Eyes! You were amazing! I'm overjoyed!" Miki: "Aya-chan, you're choking him." Sugimoto: "I missed my chance." Sugimoto: "What is it, Sadatoki?" Sadatoki: "Brother, I'm going to win the Inter-High next year." Sugimoto: "Wh-What's gotten into you? Either way, it's good to set your sights high. Good luck, Sadatoki." Imaizumi: "Onoda!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "You didn't need to get up. Don't push yourself." Imaizumi: "You did well, Sakamichi." Imaizumi: "It must've been tough." Imaizumi: "After all, it was your second time." Sakamichi: "Yeah. I really feel like I gave everything I had." Imaizumi: "I'm sorry for asking you to do this twice, Sakamichi." Sakamichi: "I'm sorry we couldn't pull off a one-two finish." Imaizumi: "That was forever ago. It's not your fault. You did plenty. Thank you." Sakamichi: "At the very end, when Manami-kun pulled ahead of me..." Sakamichi: "When I was struggling, I saw a mirage for a moment." Sakamichi: "The whole team was waiting for me beneath the goal gate." Sakamichi: "I saw you." Imaizumi: "That probably wasn't a mirage that you saw." Imaizumi: "Bicycles have that power." Aya: "Oh, right. Who's finishing next? I gotta get their bottles and towels." Miki: "You don't need to do that, Aya-chan." Miki: "They all gave everything they had. It must've been difficult. This year Onoda-kun and Imaizumi-kun" Miki: "are the only members of Team Sohoku completing the race." Kaburagi: "Teshima-san!" Teshima: "Kaburagi?" Kaburagi: "We're going to the award ceremony." Teshima: "You came in that way?" Kaburagi: "The race staff were considerate enough to give us a ride." Kaburagi: "Step on the clutch, driver!" Aoyagi: "It's the "gas," not the "clutch."" Kaburagi: "Come on! Step on it!" Teshima: "He's rather intense." Aoyagi: "Junta..." Teshima: "Aoyagi..." uko: "Hey!" uko: "Thanks for givin' me a ride again this year, driver!" Driver: "Oh, you're that boy from last year." uko: "Could you step on it again this year?" : "Someone's coming." D: "Huh? He's already wearing a red mountain tag." E: "Ashikiba won the mountains yesterday, too." E: "In other words, he won it two days in a row." D: "What? But didn't he win the first day, too? Wow, he won a tag every day?" : "Ashikiba-kun!" E: "He won two tags in a row, too." D: "What?" D: "But I thought they crossed today's sprint line as a group." E: "They get ranked regardless. Izumida crossed the line fourth, but the three riders before him dropped out, so he won it instead." E: "That means Hakone Academy won the third day's mountain and sprint tags." Kaburagi: "Onoda-san!" Miki: "Kaburagi-kun." Kaburagi: "Sorry to keep you waiting. New-generation Sohoku rookie Kaburagi Issa has arrived!" Koga: "You're awfully lively for someone who's injured." Imaizumi: "The dumber they are, the quicker they heal." Kaburagi: "The award ceremony can't get started without super rookie Kaburagi Issa." Arakita: "There you are." Arakita: "Kuroda's looking for you, oddball." Manami: "Arakita-san, you came?" Arakita: "I thought you'd be crying like last year, but it looks like you're doing all right." Manami: "I'm sorry. I lost again this year." Arakita: "I already graduated. I'm not on the team anymore. You've got no reason to apologize to me." Arakita: "You couldn't get revenge, huh?" Manami: "No. He'd gotten even stronger than I expected." Manami: "No, maybe he became stronger in that moment." Manami: "He exceeded my expectations." Manami: "Most of the time he doesn't seem strong at all." Arakita: "You're actually pretty similar." Arakita: "Well, you know, in reality, it's always hard to turn things around." Arakita: "My seniors laughed at me when I said I'd ride in the Inter-High. I finally made it after three years." Arakita: "Sometimes no matter how hard you struggle, you can't make any progress." Arakita: "But eventually, an opportunity comes around." Manami: "Are you trying to cheer me up? Is that why you came here?" Arakita: "What?" Arakita: "Yeah, that's right. When you were carrying Hakone Academy on your back as you raced for the finish line," Arakita: "you were freakin' awesome." Manami: "Please, Arakita-san. Since I went all-out this year, I decided I wouldn't cry whether I won or lost." Manami: "Thank you." Official: "Huh? There was a rider sleeping in here..." Official: "Did he go to the bathroom?" Miki: "I found the spare jersey." uko: "Thanks. Mine got ripped up 'cause I fell." Official C: "This way, please." Sakamichi: "Okay." Sakamichi: "U-Um, I'm really glad that you all made it to the ceremony. So that all six of us will be going up together." Aoyagi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "Totally." Teshima: "Thank you, Onoda." Teshima: "For taking our Sohoku to those heights again." Sakamichi: "Oh, no. I couldn't have done without all of you. I won because of you." Sakamichi: "Thank you." Imaizumi: "Teshima-san... In that moment," Imaizumi: "past the mountain gate, you sent us off without hesitation." Imaizumi: "You gave no sign of wanting to defend your own mountain result title." Imaizumi: "Your resolve lit a fire in us. We got our team's jersey to the finish line despite the struggle because of you, Teshima-san." Teshima: "You're giving me too much credit, Imaizumi." Imaizumi: "I disagree." Teshima: "Let's do it together." All: "Ready, and..." Makishima: "Impressive work, Teshima." Izumida: "Nice third-place finish, Yuki." Kuroda: "Of course. As a member of Hakone Academy's team, how could I do less?" Izumida: "Manami, well done. Second place is plenty impressive for the Inter-High. You have no reason to look at the ground. Hold your head high." Manami: "Yes, sir." Izumida: "Onoda-kun." Sakamichi: "Y-Yes?" Izumida: "I heard either one of you could've won your battle against Manami." Izumida: "As Captain of Hakone Academy, thank you." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Izumida: "Your name will be called next." Izumida: "Then we'll be awarded our mountain and sprint titles." Izumida: "Will you applaud for us?"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 25 – The Man Who Raised His Hand Up to the Sky", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "25", "The Man Who Raised His Hand Up to the Sky" ] }
Izumida: "Teshima-kun..." Izumida: "Do you have a moment?" Teshima: "Izumida..." Izumida: "Our cooperative group will reach the four riders in the lead pack shortly." Izumida: "When that happens, we'll become opponents again." Teshima: "What, so you want to chat before then? I don't know any girls I could introduce you to." Izumida: "I thought I'd apologize to you..." Izumida: "For my rudeness on the first day." Izumida: "I underestimated you on the first day in the mountains." Izumida: "But you squarely took on Manami." Teshima: "But the view was incredible. So I was taking a tea break." Izumida: "It's not something just anyone could do." Izumida: "You're a strong and courageous man." Izumida: "I apologize for underestimating you." Izumida: "Sohoku chose a strong captain." Teshima: "D-Don't, you'll make my face catch fire from embarrassment. It's a coincidence that I was chosen." Aoyagi: "I hear wheels." Kaburagi: "What?" Kaburagi: "But there's nobody there." Teshima: "No, I hear them." Teshima: "That's the sound of a tremendous number of wheels." Teshima: "I can see that! Aoyagi and Kaburagi, get in front." Teshima: "We're going to shake them off and catch up to Onoda and Imaizumi! We'll get all six of us together, no matter what! Those are your orders!" Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Kuroda: "Manami, I'm sorry I underestimated them." Kuroda: "But it's not your time yet." Kuroda: "Doubashi, take Manami with you." Manami: "What about you, Kuroda-san?" Kuroda: "Packs settle down when they swallow someone up. That'll allow me to control it. I'll fall back for now and—" Izumida: "Fall back?" Izumida: "As your captain, I, Izumida Touichirou, will not allow it!" Kuroda: "Touichirou..." Izumida: "Arakita-san told me something last year." Izumida: "He said we third-years were responsible for this year's race." Izumida: "After all, we assembled the team, trained them, and built them up this point." Izumida: "See it through, Kuroda Yukinari!" Izumida: "That's how you can take responsibility for this race. The team can't function in the mountains without your playmaking!" Izumida: "You still have a job to do." Izumida: "How could you break away from the team now?" Kuroda: "Fine. I get it, Touichirou." Izumida: "Abs, Yuki." Teshima: "I can't believe he caught up with the whole pack." uko: "So that was your plan, Midousuji!" Doubashi: "Orange!" Doubashi: "Stay behind us. We're accelerating. We haven't stopped cooperating yet." Kaburagi: "Thank you, Doubashi-san!" uko: "Teshima-san!" uko: "Teshi..." uko: "Teshima-san!" Rider A: "All right. We got one of Sohoku's guys." Rider D: "We did it." Rider C: "We're amazing." Rider A: "Huh? Where are Midousuji and Yamaguchi?" Rider D: "What's going on? All the Kyoto Fushimi guys are gone." Rider C: "Hey, look!" All: "They're attacking?" Rider A: "What's going on here?" Rider D: "I thought we were going after the lead pack together, Kyoto Fushimi." Midousuji: "Thank you for your contribution, piranhas. Your job ends here." Midousuji: "Because of you, my legs are well rested." Teshima: "Hey, anyone will do. Will anyone cooperate with me? Let's go after the guys ahead of us." Rider D: "I can't." Rider E: "My legs are blown from pedaling so hard until now." Rider F: "I can't catch up." Teshima: "Please, someone chase after them with me! Cooperate with me. Anyone! Anyone, please!" Teshima: "Onoda, I'm counting on you to carry us through the mountains today." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "But don't worry. I'm a Sohoku climber, too. I'll do everything I can to support you." Teshima: "I don't have your incredible climbing ability, though, so I'll do the best I can." Sakamichi: "Oh, no. Thank you." Teshima: "Anyone will do! Someone cooperate with me!" Teshima: "Someone... Anyone... Hey, you." Teshima: "Will you... huh?" Aoyagi: "Junta, stick behind me." Aoyagi: "We'll accelerate soon." Teshima: "Wh-What are you doing here?" Teshima: "You need to reach the lead pack. Why?" Teshima: "Why did you come..." Aoyagi: "Because you were swallowed by the pack." Aoyagi: "I came here to drag our climber back to the team." Aoyagi: "Get behind me, Junta." Teshima: "Sure, Aoyagi." Aoyagi: "What's wrong, Junta? You look worried." Aoyagi: "Remember what we said after yesterday's award ceremony?" Aoyagi: "We said we wanted to use our Synchronized Straight Twin in our final race." Aoyagi: "I want to hear you say it, Junta." Aoyagi: "Tell me you believe in miracles." Rider A: "Sohoku jumped ahead!" Rider B: "Don't let them go! Someone go after them!" Rider C: "Someone? You do it." Rider B: "There's no way I can!" Rider C: "Well, neither can I." Iwasaki: "Ise-san?" ujiwara: "Shouldn't we stop them?" Ise: "Iwasaki, Fujiwara." Iwasaki & Fujiwara: "Yes, sir." Ise: "Our Inter-High is over." Iwasaki: "What?" ujiwara: "Ise-san?" Ise: "I don't have the strength left to go after them. Neither do you guys, right?" Ise: "But I'm satisfied." Ise: "I did everything I could. People might mock me for being mediocre," Ise: "but I can go back to Kumamoto with my head held high." Ise: "Next year is up to you guys." Iwasaki & Fujiwara: "Yes, sir." Aoyagi: "It must be hot. I'm thirsty." A: "Wow, look at those two." B: "That's too close." C: "Are they sharing a bottle?" Aoyagi: "Junta..." Aoyagi: "How hard should I pedal? Tell me, what's your plan?" Teshima: "Start by pulling at 80% strength. You can drop to 60% on the downhill and rest your legs." Teshima: "Once our opponents come into view, go up to 100%. If it becomes a race, go to 120%. We'll slip past our opponents and meet up with our team." Teshima: "It's all right." Teshima: "We've got this. The two of us can do this." Teshima: "I believe in miracles." Aoyagi: "Got it, Junta." Teshima: "Let's swap. Rest behind me for two minutes." Aoyagi: "It's been two minutes. Let's swap." Teshima: "Okay, thanks." Aoyagi: "Are you shaking?" Teshima: "I must be crazy, since we're in the middle of a crisis, but my heart is pounding with excitement." Aoyagi: "So is mine." Aoyagi: "Junta..." Teshima: "Yeah. Let's go, Aoyagi." Teshima & Aoyagi: "Let's deliver this jersey to the end of this road!" Doubashi: "I see 'em, Izumida-san. Finally! We finally caught up to the lead pack." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, it's the team." Imaizumi: "Took you long enough, Naruko." Ashikiba: "You came." Yuuto: "You kept us waiting a long time, Izumida-san." Yuuto: "Now all six of us are here. Let's accelerate at full speed." Izumida: "No." Izumida: "Wait, Yuuto." Sakamichi: "What? Teshima-san was..." Kaburagi: "Yes." Imaizumi: "Is that true, Naruko?" uko: "Yeah, it's for real." Izumida: "Wait until they're settled." Izumida: "Teshima-kun's sacrifice is the reason the pack stopped." Sakamichi: "A-And Aoyagi-san, too?" Kaburagi: "That's right. I tried to stop him, but..." Sakamichi: "Aoyagi-san and..." Imaizumi: "...Teshima-san." Kaburagi: "We finally met up with the lead pack, and Hakone Academy has all six members while we only have four. We're at a terrible disadvantage." Kaburagi: "If Aoyagi-san had stayed, then at least we'd have five." Sakamichi: "Aoyagi-san and..." Imaizumi: "...Teshima-san!" Kaburagi: "Huh? What? Why are you smiling? We're screwed. This is hopeless. They're not coming back." uko: "You think they won't come back, hotshot?" Imaizumi: "Normally, it'd be impossible." Kaburagi: "Right?" Imaizumi: "But it's the two of them together." Kaburagi: "Huh?" uko: "Kabu doesn't know about it." Imaizumi: "Those two used to race together as a two-man team." Imaizumi: "We know better than anyone how strong they are." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "Don't abandon hope yet. Those two will come back." Imaizumi: "Sohoku will wait as long as it can for them." Teshima: "Let's catch up to the team, Aoyagi." Aoyagi: "Yeah, Junta." Aoyagi: "Junta, I see riders ahead." Aoyagi: "Those jerseys..." Teshima: "It's Kyoto Fushimi." Midousuji: "Oh?" Teshima: "Let's swap, Aoyagi." Midousuji: "What's the matter? You look absolutely dumbfounded." Teshima: "I didn't think you'd let us come up beside you without a fight." Midousuji: "How could you? I'm not that mean." Teshima: "Yeah, right. Aoyagi!" Midousuji: "If you want to go after the lead pack, you'll have to do something about that wall first." Teshima: "So these two are going to block our path." Teshima: "Are you planning to wall us off?" Yamaguchi: "No." Yamaguchi: "We'd like to challenge you to a race, two-against-two." Teshima: "A two-against-two race?" Yamaguchi: "A team battle. You remember the course map, don't you?" Yamaguchi: "Beyond these flats is a large bridge." Yamaguchi: "The finish line will be the end of that bridge." Yamaguchi: "However..." Yamaguchi: "In a team battle, there's no point unless both riders finish. We won't be competing to see who crosses the finish line first," Yamaguchi: "but whose second rider crosses the bridge first." Midousuji: "Yamaguchi-kun... In the end, you'll crush one of Sohoku's riders. Two, if things go well. In order to ensure the third day goes advantageously for us, I need you to complete this phase." Midousuji: "It's all riding on your shoulders, Yamaguchi-kun." Yamaguchi: "This is ridiculous. It's unreasonable." Yamaguchi: "Just getting into Kyoto Fushimi and becoming a regular was a miracle for me." Yamaguchi: "I get weirdly nervous and can't speak properly. I've told the others countless times that I can't be trusted with important tasks. So why? Why does he keep making unreasonable requests? It's unreasonable! Unreasonable! Unreasonable!" Ishigaki: "Yama, you have to be Midousuji's conscience." Yamaguchi: "This is the first time I've ever grabbed someone by the collar." Yamaguchi: "Forgive me, Midousuji." Yamaguchi: "At least year's Inter-High, I was abandoned in the mountains and left behind." Yamaguchi: "You always do this. Your practice schedules and orders are always unreasonable." Yamaguchi: "But I don't like conflict. Even if I had something to say, I've kept quiet until now. But after being forced to comply with all your unreasonable requests, I finally figured it out." Yamaguchi: "That must be my fate. Fine, then." Yamaguchi: "I accept it. Tomorrow, on the third day, I'll complete your phase" Yamaguchi: "like my life depends on it." Yamaguchi: "I am a third-year sprinter for Kyoto Fushimi, Yamaguchi Noriyuki." unatsu: "And I'm a workhorse on the flats, second-year Funatsu Kazuho." Aoyagi: "Junta!" Aoyagi: "We don't need to accept their challenge." Teshima: "No, this is a wall we have to overcome" Teshima: "if we want to meet up with our team." Teshima: "Isn't that right, Yamaguchi?" Aoyagi: "What do you mean?" Teshima: "I'm sure Midousuji told you that even if we win this race and meet up with the lead pack..." Midousuji: "We won't hinder you or chase after you. You'll be free to go after your team." Yamaguchi: "That's right." Yamaguchi: "And if we win, then you'll give up on going after the front." Yamaguchi: "That's our condition." Aoyagi: "Junta..." Teshima: "I know. It's just their word. There's no guarantee Midousuji will keep his." Teshima: "But the fact is, we can't meet up with our team unless we get past these guys." Teshima: "I'm sorry." Teshima: "I know it'll take a toll on you, but..." Teshima: "I have to get back to the team so I can do what I need to do." Aoyagi: "Junta..." Teshima: "Fine. We accept your challenge, Yamaguchi." Yamaguchi: "I see." Teshima: "The two-against-two sprint race..." Teshima & Yamaguchi: "...is on!" Aoyagi: "How long are you going to keep pulling, Junta?" Teshima: "Well, you know... the weather's nice." Teshima: "And you're wearing leg covers in this scorching heat." Teshima: "I thought you might be feeling a little under the weather." Aoyagi: "Don't worry about me, Junta." Aoyagi: "I've gotten plenty of rest riding behind you." Aoyagi: "Supersonic Oxygen Human Bullet, Third Style." unatsu: "What? He inflated?!" Aoyagi: "Muscles expand when you use them. And mine are just a little bit special." unatsu: "A little bit?!" Aoyagi: "My core and leg muscles expand to an abnormal size!" unatsu: "That's absurd!" Aoyagi: "Junta, I'm going to accelerate now. Stick right behind me." Teshima: "You're already accelerating." Aoyagi: "Here we go." Teshima: "Got it." unatsu: "What?" Teshima: "We caught up, Yamaguchi." Mizuta: "They've probably caught up to Yamaguchi and Funatsu by now."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 3 – The Power to Move Forward Together", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "3", "The Power to Move Forward Together" ] }
Teshima: "Aoyagi!" Yamaguchi: "We'd like to challenge you to a race, two-against-two. We won't be competing to see who crosses the finish line first," Yamaguchi: "but whose second rider crosses the bridge first." Teshima: "Fine. We accept your challenge, Yamaguchi." Yamaguchi: "I see." Teshima: "The two-against-two sprint race..." Teshima & Yamaguchi: "...is on!" Aoyagi: "Supersonic Oxygen Human Bullet, Third Style." Aoyagi: "Junta, I'm going to accelerate now. Stick right behind me." Teshima: "We caught up, Yamaguchi." unatsu: "What are we gonna do, Yamaguchi-san? Teshima may not be a threat, but Aoyagi is a first-class sprinter. We were pulling the pack until a few moments ago. We can't—" Yamaguchi: "Get in front, Funatsu." unatsu: "What?" Yamaguchi: "Don't think. Just keep pulling until you drop out of the race." unatsu: "Drop out?" Yamaguchi: "We've got four kilometers to go. The other side of the bridge is our finish line." Yamaguchi: "Don't worry. I'll pull until I can't anymore, too." Yamaguchi: "That's the phase we've been tasked with." unatsu: "Yes, sir!" Aoyagi: "We're going after them, Junta." Teshima: "Yeah." Aoyagi: "Don't worry about me, Junta. It feels like we're going slower because I'm riding at 40% strength so I don't exhaust my legs." Aoyagi: "Sprinting isn't just about going fast." Aoyagi: "That's what Tadokoro-san taught me last year." Tadokoro: "Listen up, Aoyagi. Sprinting is about strategy." Tadokoro: "In certain situations, it's important to allow your opponent to run." Aoyagi: "Allow them to run?" Tadokoro: "That's right. The longer you make them run, the more power they use. Conserving your energy and catching up slowly rather than immediately gives you an advantage." Tadokoro: "You get it, don't you? Sprinting is surprisingly intellectual." Tadokoro: "Huh? Uh... Yeah, okay." Tadokoro: "I'll show you how it's done." Tadokoro: "You need strong legs to catch your opponents." Aoyagi: "Yes, sir." Tadokoro: "You gotta practice like crazy, and finally, it takes experience and guts." Aoyagi: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "I received a lot of help from Tadokoro-san, too." Teshima: "He taught me a lot of things." Teshima: "But maybe you learned more from him than I did. Honestly, I'm jealous." Aoyagi: "What?" Teshima: "It probably made Tadokoro-san happy that of the two racers he looked after and trained," Teshima: "one of us followed the same sprinter path that he did." Aoyagi: "You think so?" Teshima: "I do. You're special." Aoyagi: "Now that I think about it, he did pat my head a lot." Teshima: "Look. While we were reminiscing," Teshima: "we caught up to them." unatsu: "It's not possible for us to shake off Aoyagi." Yamaguchi: "You did well, Funatsu. I'll pull now. Try to keep up." Aoyagi: "Stick to me, Junta." Teshima: "Yeah." Teshima: "Aoyagi, catch up to Yamaguchi and Funatsu. From there, we'll go all out. Pull ahead of them and race through to the finish line." Teshima: "I'll be fine. I'll keep up, even if it kills me." Aoyagi: "Got it. You can count on me, Junta." Aoyagi: "Supersonic Oxygen Human Bullet!" Imaizumi: "Do you feel the tension in the air, Naruko?" uko: "Unfortunately, I totally do." Imaizumi: "They're raring to go." Imaizumi: "Hakone Academy is showing us kindness, but it won't last that long." Imaizumi: "Prepare yourselves. We'll accelerate when they make their move." Kaburagi: "Damn it!" Kaburagi: "That really was the last time, wasn't it?" Onoda: "Kaburagi-kun..." Kaburagi: "I mean, right?" Kaburagi: "If we're accelerating and they still haven't caught up yet, then..." Kaburagi: "I should've tried harder to stop him." Kaburagi: "I can't believe that was the last time I'll race with Aoyagi-san." Kaburagi: "I'm an idiot after all. Yesterday, when Aoyagi-san came to help me, I thought he'd fallen behind." Kaburagi: "He's always giving me nonsensical orders and making me sing weird songs." Kaburagi: "I thought he was a nutty guy who never did anything, but..." Kaburagi: "Yesterday, I figured it out." Kaburagi: "When I thought about what I'd have done in his position..." Kaburagi: "I wouldn't have gone to help him!" Kaburagi: "But without a word..." Kaburagi: "Without bragging about it, without speaking, he gets it done." Kaburagi: "He does things even when no one thanks him for it." Kaburagi: "He's crazy." Kaburagi: "He doesn't walk the talk, he just walks." Kaburagi: "So in the end, I wanted to race my heart out and tell him how much I respect him." Kaburagi: "I get it, though. This race will be difficult." Imaizumi: "That's right." Kaburagi: "Then let's go and not look back." Kaburagi: "Onoda-san?" Onoda: "U-Um, I think you should tell him that." Kaburagi: "Huh?" Kaburagi: "But I can't possibly given the circumstances." Onoda: "Tell him, Kaburagi-kun. Maybe it won't happen, and maybe it's unlikely, but keep thinking you want to tell him that until the end." Onoda: "Isn't that what it means to believe in someone?" Imaizumi: "Our thoughts will reach them." Imaizumi: "Showoff, think. Appreciate the words of wisdom Onoda-senpai has given you." uko: "That's it. Think as hard as you can." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir." Onoda: "Uh, I didn't think it was that big a deal." Yuuto: "I'm not sure what happened, but the pressure Sohoku's exuding suddenly increased." Izumida: "Yeah, you're right." Onoda: "Let's believe in them. I'm sure they'll catch up." Kaburagi: "Got it. I'll do it." Kaburagi: "I'll keep thinking about what I want to tell Aoyagi-san even if things get dicey." Teshima: "There's the bridge!" Yamaguchi: "To the other side of the bridge..." Aoyagi & Teshima: "...there's one more kilometer." Aoyagi: "We caught up!" Teshima: "Go, Aoyagi! All-out! Pedal at 120%." Aoyagi: "Got it, Junta." Aoyagi: "Junta, we're going faster." Yamaguchi: "Don't fall behind, Funatsu." unatsu: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "I'm sorry for pushing you so hard, Aoyagi." Teshima: "I'll handle the rest of the sprint. Stick behind me." Teshima: "Thanks for pulling me this far." Teshima: "You're a pretty decent climber." Teshima: "I'm Teshima Junta from Minami Middle School. What's your name?" Aoyagi: "Aoyagi Hajime." Aoyagi: "Hajime is written with the character "one" for number one." Teshima: "You were in that race?" Teshima: "Higashido from class four used to race, too." Teshima: "Today's practice was really tough." Teshima: "Hey, Aoyagi..." Aoyagi: "I-Isn't it boring always talking to me?" Teshima: "No, it's fun. You actually listen to what I'm saying." Teshima: "We've proven we're strong enough to do it. That satisfies me." Teshima: "I'm happy." Teshima: "Thanks for pulling me this far." Aoyagi: "Road races end when you give up!" Aoyagi: "Junta!" Aoyagi: "Junta, I've got an idea!" Teshima: "What?" Aoyagi: "There's no time to explain! Let's do it!" unatsu: "It's Aoyagi!" Yamaguchi: "He's pushing him with his hand?" unatsu: "Why isn't he launching?" Teshima: "Aoyagi..." Aoyagi: "Match your movements, gear, and breathing to mine, Junta." Aoyagi: "I'm going to keep pushing you at max speed until we cross the last line." Aoyagi: "Here we go, Junta." Aoyagi: "Let's go, Junta. One last acceleration." Aoyagi: "In that case..." Aoyagi: "Let's make it two." Aoyagi: "Junta, I can feel your gratitude through my hand." Yamaguchi: "I can't believe they did that." Yamaguchi: "Funatsu..." Yamaguchi: "You did well. Thank you, Funatsu." Mizuta: "M-Midousuji-kun, someone's coming up from behind." Komari: "Sohoku..." Mizuta: "Those two lost?" Midousuji: "What is it, Komari-kun?" Kishigami: "Nothing. Just thinking about how" Kishigami: "steadfastly riding through to the end is a beautiful way to go, too." Midousuji: "You mean Yamaguchi-kun, huh?" Teshima: "You really saved my neck." Teshima: "Thank you, Hajime." Aoyagi: "Sure thing, Junta." Teshima: "Is your knee okay?" Aoyagi: "It hurts, but I'm okay. I feel amazing." Aoyagi: "Look. You can see them." Teshima: "That's... Those jerseys..." Aoyagi: "Yeah. It's Team Sohoku." Onoda: "Th-They're here! It's them!" Imaizumi: "Teshima-san." uko: "For real?" Kaburagi: "Aoyagi!" Teshima: "Onoda, Imaizumi, Naruko, and Kaburagi, sorry I'm late." Aoyagi: "I'm back with one of our climbers." Onoda: "Now Team Sohoku has all six of its members." Kaburagi: "Aoyagi! I'm glad you made it back, Aoyagi!" Aoyagi: "I keep telling you this, but I'm a third-year, and you're just a first-year." Kaburagi: "There's something I wanted to tell you." Aoyagi: "Are you listening? You're not listening." Kaburagi: "Listen, I..." Kaburagi: "I'm so overwhelmed, I can't speak." Onoda: "Teshima-san, I know you just caught up, but there's no time to waste." Teshima: "I'm sure. I see what's going on here. You guys were supposed to be riding with Hakone Academy," Teshima: "but they're already gone." Izumida: "Enough. We've waited long enough." Izumida: "Let's go. Hakone Academy, it's time to accelerate. Abs!" All: "Yeah!" Imaizumi: "And then they disappeared from our sight a few minutes ago." Teshima: "I see." Onoda: "Give us our orders, Teshima-san." Teshima: "No matter how many climbers we bring for the critical moment, you don't stand a chance unless you're at the front in road races." Teshima: "Let's do whatever it takes to catch up." Teshima: "These are your orders. We'll catch up to Hakone Academy on these flats before the mountains begin. Kaburagi, get up there." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "Naruko!" uko: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "Aoyagi!" Aoyagi: "Yeah, Junta." Teshima: "After them!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 4 – Two-Man Team", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "4", "Two-Man Team" ] }
Kaburagi: "This is crazy. Cooperating with Hakone Academy was tons of fun," Kaburagi: "but nothing beats racing with all six of our teammates!" uko: "Are you stupid, Kabu? How can you be having fun when we're facing a tough situation?" Kaburagi: "Oh, sorry." uko: "I'm having fun, too, though." Kaburagi: "Huh?" uko: "Check me out. Behold the blazing fast speed of the flashy man from Naniwa, former sprinter and speedster Naruko Shoukichi!" Kaburagi: "He's so fast!" Onoda: "Imaizumi-kun, have you noticed? This is the first time the six of us have ridden together at this Inter-High since the first day's sprint." Imaizumi: "Is that right? No wonder my legs feel so light." Onoda: "Yeah." Aoyagi: "Let's swap." uko: "Why do you look so calm? Aren't you enjoying this super-difficult situation?" Aoyagi: "How could I not? Riding with the whole team feels amazing." All: "Yes, sir!" A: "They're so fast." B: "Are they really trying to catch up to Hakone Academy?" Koga: "Hey!" Teshima: "Imaizumi, we don't have time to slow down." Teshima: "Go gather our supplies by yourself!" Imaizumi: "Roger that!" Imaizumi: "Put everything together. I'm picking up supplies for all six of us." Miki: "Got it." Miki: "Good luck!" Sugimoto: "Catch up to them, Imaizumi!" Imaizumi: "You got it. The three guys in front..." Imaizumi: "are currently doing their best to make that happen." Koga: "They finally got all six members together in the eleventh hour." Sugimoto: "Koga-san..." Koga: "But..." Sugimoto: "You're right. That doesn't guarantee they'll catch up." Koga: "We'll see how much it cost them to wait for Teshima and Aoyagi." Aya: "Do you think they'll catch up to Hakone Academy?" Miki: "Yeah. At the very least, those six guys think they will." Kaburagi: "Wh-Whoa... How is he pulling so fast?" uko: "Kabu, what are you cryin' for?" Kaburagi: "I don't know, either. Huh? Wait, why am I crying? I don't know." Kaburagi: "I respect Aoyagi-san more than anyone in the world. Watching him ride at full power in front of me..." Kaburagi: "reminds me of everything that's happened." Kaburagi: "For some reason, I started crying." Kaburagi: "What are these tears for?" Kaburagi: "For some reason, watching Aoyagi-san ride is making me cry." uko: "Hotshot." Imaizumi: "I know." Imaizumi: "So does Onoda." Imaizumi: "He's giving 110%. This is his last ride." Kaburagi: "What do you mean, last ride?" Imaizumi: "I meant exactly what I said." Kaburagi: "What?" Imaizumi: "It always happens on the third and final day." Imaizumi: "There comes a moment when your teammates drop out." Kaburagi: "What? Drop out? What are you talking about?" Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san is strong like steel. He's always been there in front of me to help and lead me." Kaburagi: "It's not possible. I believe in miracles. The third-years caught up to us earlier. I believe he can do it again!" Imaizumi: "Face forward, Kaburagi." Imaizumi: "Accept the truth." Imaizumi: "Even if your brain refuses to understand it, your body knows. That's why you're crying." Imaizumi: "Everyone's moved by the sight of a man finishing his job." Imaizumi: "What you should be doing now is watching his final moments. You should be listening to his hopes and dreams..." Imaizumi: "and taking them on with all your heart and soul." Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san!" Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san has fallen." Kaburagi: "He's been separated from the team." Kaburagi: "And..." Kaburagi: "We just caught up to Hakone Academy!" Doubashi: "You came, orange!" Izumida: "I thought we'd pulled ahead completely, but this year's Sohoku seems to be rather persistent again." Izumida: "You did well to catch up." Izumida: "Allow me to congratulate you." Izumida: "The entrance to the mountains is 3.3 kilometers ahead. If you hadn't caught up to us by then, the odds of you winning this race would've been close to zero." Izumida: "Your team would've been scattered by the steep, narrow, and long climb. It was the dispassionate and correct choice" Izumida: "to give up one of your teammates to catch up to us now." Kaburagi: "Don't call it a dispassionate choice. Don't talk about him like a card or piece we sacrificed." Kaburagi: "No one is stronger than Aoyagi-san! He's faster and kinder, too!" Izumida: "He didn't seem to make much of an impression, though." Kaburagi: "Don't you know?" Kaburagi: "That's what makes Aoyagi-san so cool." Teshima: "What?" Teshima: "Don't conserve your strength?" Aoyagi: "Even if we meet up with our team and end up battling or chasing after Hakone Academy," Aoyagi: "don't conserve my strength." Aoyagi: "Use me without hesitation." Teshima: "But..." Teshima: "You're pulling me now after that reckless sprint on that knee." Teshima: "You've ridden enough already. If you go any harder..." Aoyagi: "I'm prepared to drop out." Aoyagi: "This is a race." Teshima: "Aoyagi, you're smiling..." Aoyagi: "Set your kindness aside. You're the captain. If you waver, so will the team." Aoyagi: "Don't hesitate, Junta." Aoyagi: "Then I'll feel better about saying it at the end without any reservations." Aoyagi: "Thank you, Junta." Aoyagi: "Because of you, I was able to keep riding until the end." Teshima: "Don't turn back, Naruko." Teshima: "We've been entrusted with a mission!" Teshima: "He wants us to move forward!" Teshima: "We should be facing forward, toward our opponents and the finish line ahead of us!" uko: "Yes, sir!" Izumida: "Then let us begin." Izumida: "Go, Doubashi." Doubashi: "Am I correct in assuming what this timing means, Izumida-san?" Izumida: "Yes. Pull as hard as you can." Izumida: "Leave them in our dust." Doubashi: "Roger that, Izumida-san." Kaburagi: "No, you don't. Aoyagi-san pushed himself until he fell so we could catch up to you. We're not letting you get away. We'll chase you to the ends of the earth!" Aoyagi: "That's it." Aoyagi: "Ride straight ahead, Kaburagi." A: "Hakone Academy is accelerating!" B: "So is Sohoku!" A: "It must be starting." B: "Yeah, today's the third and final day." B: "This is the last place where sprinters will be needed in this race." Doubashi: "Hey, orange. You and I haven't raced alongside each other since the first day." Kaburagi: "Pig!" Doubashi: "I told you to call me Doubashi-san! After battling me on the first day, and ending up exhausted on the second, I didn't think you'd be back." Doubashi: "But I'll commend you for surviving this long. Not bad for a first-year. Seems like you're more than just an idiot with a full head of steam." Doubashi: "I bet you take practice surprisingly seriously." Kaburagi: "What?" Kaburagi: "Absolutely not! I never practice in secret! After all, I'm a genius!" Doubashi: "Yeah, right. Someone who doesn't practice wouldn't have made it this far." Doubashi: "I like guys who take practice seriously. It's the right thing to do." Kaburagi: "Huh?" Kaburagi: "You're confessing your love for me now?" Doubashi: "No, idiot! Pay attention to the context!" Doubashi: "The gate's finally come into view." Doubashi: "It's the last finish line for the green number tag, sign of the fastest sprinter." A: "Sohoku and Hakone Academy are neck and neck!" B: "#6 and #15 are in front! They're the guys who competed in the sprint on the first day!" C: "Who's gonna win?" Doubashi: "Go on, orange. Look, the finish line's in view." Doubashi: "Izumida-san said neither the sprint nor the mountains matter. You can have 'em." Doubashi: "We've claimed plenty of number tags already." Doubashi: "The only thing left for us to take is the finish line." Doubashi: "The number tag's right there. Go on." Doubashi: "Abandon the teammates following behind you." Onoda: "T-Teshima-san..." Doubashi: "Don't you want honor? Your own medal? Go on, orange." B: "There are 500 meters to go!" A: "They're still neck and neck!" C: "Will it be #6 or Hakone Academy?" B: "Seventy meters left!" A: "They're still not attacking!" Kaburagi: "Pig, after the first day's sprint, I swore to Aoyagi-san" Kaburagi: "that if I fought you again, I wouldn't lose!" Kaburagi: "So..." B: "Fifty meters to go!" Onoda: "Teshima-san, if Kaburagi-kun goes alone now, the team will scatter." B: "Thirty meters to go!" C: "Who's gonna go for the sprint?" A: "What was that?" B: "Nobody accelerated?" C: "Was it a tie?" A: "No, Hakone Academy was a little faster." Doubashi: "That was an impressive display of patience, orange." Kaburagi: "Of course. Aoyagi-san taught me through his riding and trusted me to pull the team. So..." Kaburagi: "My race against you lasts until we reach the mountains, not here!" Doubashi: "So our race will take place over the remaining two kilometers." Onoda: "Teshima-san..." Onoda: "Kaburagi-kun has grown!" Teshima: "Yeah, he's a promising first-year." Teshima: "He'll grow straight and true. He's got the most potential. Aoyagi and Koga said the same thing." Onoda: "Yeah." Kaburagi: "You're not getting away from me, Hakone Academy." Doubashi: "I'll snap your hopes in half, orange." Kuroda: "Touichirou, their pressure has suddenly increased. That can't be good." Izumida: "Fine." Izumida: "It's time. Go, Doubashi." Izumida: "Turn their raised morale into despair." Doubashi: "Sorry, orange. Playtime is over." Doubashi: "This jersey is too tight." Doubashi: "I'm the man who can't be contained, Doubashi Masakiyo." Doubashi: "I am right." Kaburagi: "Damn it. I'll catch up, no matter what. He can't pull ahead of me." Izumida: "Perhaps it was too great a responsibility for a first-year." Izumida: "Unfortunately for you, we've won this race." Teshima: "Don't you know, Izumida?" Teshima: "We're a team that supports each other." Kaburagi: "Huh? What?" Onoda: "Kaburagi-kun, let's swap." Kaburagi: "Naruko-san, Onoda-san, Imaizumi-san!" uko: "Is your leg crampin', Kabu? Fall back until it's better." uko & Imaizumi: "Don't copy me!" Imaizumi: "Let's go, Naruko. Don't fall behind." uko: "No, you." Onoda: "You can lean on me." Kaburagi: "Onoda-san!" Onoda: "Fix your leg while you're doing that." Kaburagi: "Thank you." Kaburagi: "Our twin aces are pulling the team, and our best climber is letting me lean on him." Kaburagi: "This is awesome. I'm so hyped up. Okay, all better." Onoda: "Great." Imaizumi: "Kaburagi, you're going to catch up, right? You're not going to lose to Doubashi, are you?" Kaburagi: "No, sir." uko: "Go on and show off. Seize the spotlight. A man's gotta be flashy." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir." Onoda: "Good luck, Kaburagi-kun." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Kaburagi: "Thanks. I thought I'd say it beforehand. I'm going all-out after this, so I probably won't be able to speak at the end due to lack of oxygen." Onoda: "Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Yeah." Kaburagi: "I'm gonna catch up to you, Hakone Academy." Imaizumi: "He's steeled his resolve. He figured out what his role is." Imaizumi: "He knows..." Imaizumi: "He'll be leaving the team soon." Onoda: "Kaburagi-kun!" Kaburagi: "What is it, Onoda-san? Are you wondering why we haven't caught up to Hakone Academy yet?" Onoda: "No, it's not that." Kaburagi: "It figures last year's champion would have harsh words for me." Kaburagi: "It's all right. We're almost there. When I accelerate, I imagine giant gears." Kaburagi: "When those mesh together completely, I get a huge burst of speed." Kaburagi: "I think I've got this. Mesh together, mesh together, mesh together. Mesh together, mesh together, mesh together." Kaburagi: "They're in. Time to accelerate!" Kaburagi: "Onoda-san, watch this!" Teshima: "Does it hurt, Onoda? Does it hurt not being able to do anything to help the first-year who's giving his all?" Teshima: "It must. After all, you've never had a junior before." Teshima: "In times like these, Onoda, you watch them." Onoda: "Huh?" Teshima: "Watch his growth, failures, and attempts closely. And when he uses up everything he's got to finish the job," Teshima: "shower him with praise." Teshima: "That's all you need to do." Teshima: "Juniors always want their seniors to watch them. The paths they've walked until now," Teshima: "and the paths they'll walk in the future." Kaburagi: "Come on, turn!" uko: "So pass on their kindness to your juniors." Onoda: "You can do it, Kaburagi-kun. Go, Kaburagi-kun!" Onoda: "I'm watching you, Kaburagi-kun!" Onoda: "No, Kaburagi Issa!" Kaburagi: "What's gotten into you, Onoda-san?" Kaburagi: "You suddenly dropped the honorifics." Kaburagi: "That really hypes me up! After all, I joined Sohoku because I looked up to you!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 5 – Seniors", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "5", "Seniors" ] }
Kuroda: "Crap. Touichirou, Doubashi's lost consciousness." Kuroda: "Hey, Touichirou!" Izumida: "Yuki..." Izumida: "I'm not stopping him. As another sprinter, I know... he's currently experiencing" Izumida: "total satisfaction." Izumida: "I can't stop him. On the first day," Izumida: "he won the sprint. On the second day, he pulled the team through the flats." Izumida: "On the third day, he pulled our cooperating teams, and now..." Izumida: "He's attempting to complete his final job." Izumida: "Two second-years will be joining our Inter-High team this year." Izumida: "Manami and Doubashi." Hakogaku A: "Manami the airhead and Doubashi the bulldozer, huh?" Hakogaku B: "They're total opposites." Izumida: "Could the two of you tell us your goals?" Manami: "Okay." Doubashi: "Yes, sir, Izumida-san." Manami: "Well, you see—" Doubashi: "I want to make Hakone Academy— I want to make Hakone Academy—" Manami: "I'm thinking about following orders a little more." Doubashi: "I want to make Hakone Academy—" Manami: "I'd like to win King of the Mountains at Irohazaka, and..." Doubashi: "Stop talking while I'm talking, Manami. I'll speak first, got it?" Manami: "I already more or less said what I wanted to say." Doubashi: "What?!" Hakogaku C: "They're like oil and water." Doubashi: "Manami Sangaku, huh?" Doubashi: "We've never talked much, but I guess that's different." Manami: "You want me to tell you about the Inter-High?" Doubashi: "That's right. I wanna know what you thought about riding in that race." Doubashi: "Tell me all about it." Doubashi: "I don't know jack about the Inter-High." Doubashi: "Last year, I wasn't even allowed to go to the course." Doubashi: "So I haven't seen it for myself. I don't know how it feels." Manami: "It's lively. Everyone waves little flags." Doubashi: "Not that. I'm asking about how you felt on the inside. You've gotta have something for me, like a "watch out for this or that" kind of thing. Anything helps. I have to achieve something. I go to practices and run simulations, but it's like a tiny thorn stuck in my heart." Doubashi: "I fear the Inter-High." Manami: "But it's fun." Doubashi: "I'm looking for something more specific!" Manani: "It's fun. You'll experience all kinds of emotions." Doubashi: "What?" Manami: "Joy and sadness. Happiness and suffering. You'll even experience strange coincidences and what feels like fate." Manami: "There are goodbyes, loneliness, frustration, impatience, and even dread, too. But despite all that, everyone pours their best efforts into moments they'll never see again as they ride together toward the same place." Manami: "The tiny lone gate at the finish line. I feel like that's how all bicycle races are, but I get the strongest version of that feeling at the Inter-High." Manami: "Right? Doesn't that sound fun?" Manami: "Since you're such an emotional guy, I'm sure you'll really enjoy it." Doubashi: "What kind of answer is that? I don't get it." Doubashi: "But in other words, you're telling me not to be afraid and to have fun, Manami." Doubashi: "I'll do anything. Please." Arakita: "Shaddup. You shout too much." Doubashi: "Sorry, Arakita-san." Arakita: "Come to think of it, you didn't get to go this year." Doubashi: "No, sir." Doubashi: "I'm determined to ride in the Inter-High next year." Doubashi: "I only know about the Inter-High through the team's records." Arakita: "Then that's all there is to it. Nothing happened besides what's recorded in the logs." Doubashi: "No, but..." Doubashi: "I see..." Arakita: "There is one thing, though I doubt it'll help you at all." Arakita: "You can't understand it unless you experience it for yourself." Arakita: "I certainly didn't." Arakita: "But if you go, you'll see." Arakita: "Riding at the front in the final stage of the Inter-High..." Arakita: "feels unbelievably awesome." Doubashi: "I won't stop. I won't stop pedaling. I'll keep charging forward. My dignity demands I perform this final act!" A: "Hakone Academy's in front!" B: "Sohoku's here, too! They're going as fast as they can so they can send off their climbers from the best possible position!" Kaburagi: "Turn faster! Faster, gears!" Onoda: "Kaburagi-kun, I've caught up to Hakone Academy's last rider." Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san said Sohoku always gets things done in the nick of time. So I'll catch up to Doubashi in the front in the nick of time!" Yuuto: "Sohoku's accelerating even more." A: "Three hundred meters left!" B: "Two hundred meters!" C: "One hundred meters!" Teshima: "We're almost at the mountains. Get ready." All: "Zero!" Kaburagi: "Go, climbers!" Sohoku: "You did great, Kaburagi!" Onoda: "Thank you!" Manami: "Was that tough? Did it make you happy?" Manami: "Didn't you experience all kinds of emotions, Bashi-kun?" Doubashi: "The only thing I felt was joy." Doubashi: "I never imagined, orange..." Kaburagi: "Huh?" Doubashi: "...that you'd catch up to me at the last second." Kaburagi: "Of course I did." A: "The lead pack is here." B: "It's finally time for the climb." C: "Sohoku's got four riders." D: "Onoda's pulling his team." E: "He's the little climber who took the final mountain finish line last year as a first-year. He's the King of the Mountains, Onoda Sakamichi." F: "Third-year Teshima Junta, who performed unexpectedly well in the mountains on the first day, is right behind him. Second-year ace Imaizumi Shunsuke." E: "Red and flashy Naruko Shoukichi." F: "Wow, Sohoku's in great shape." F: "With this team, they're sure to do it again this year." E: "Yeah, they could win the whole thing." G: "No, look at the Hakone Academy team behind them." F: "Hakone's fastest deliveryman, third-year Kuroda Yukinari." E: "The third-year who seized victory on the first day, the towering ace Ashikiba Takuto." E: "The second-year who wears Hakone Academy's mountain ace number, Manami Sangaku." G: "First-year climber and Peak Hornet, younger brother of the Straight Line Demon, Shinkai Yuuto." H: "They're incredible." I: "Yeah, their aura is out of this world." E: "I don't feel like we can beat them. At least hang in there until the end, Sohoku." Yuuto: "The road winds as it gains elevation." Yuuto: "I wonder which mountain it is that we can see ahead of us." Yuuto: "Did you know..." Yuuto: "that this route is apparently an old road to a famous hot spring?" Yuuto: "Do you like hot springs?" Teshima: "Be careful, Onoda. He's trying to disrupt our pace." Yuuto: "Is that a yes?" Onoda: "That's too close!" Yuuto: "You've been pulling your team since we entered the mountains, King of the Mountains." Yuuto: "Why is that? Why would your team have their number one rider pull in the mountains" Yuuto: "when they should be saving his strength? Is this your strategy? Or is it..." Onoda: "Shinkai-kun accelerated." uko: "Crap!" Teshima: "Go, Onoda and Imaizumi." Imaizumi & Onoda: "Yes, sir." Imaizumi: "There's no reason to rush, Shinkai. We've got plenty of mountain to climb." Imaizumi: "Or are you eager to visit the hot springs up ahead?" Yuuto: "I suppose you're right. It'll feel better once I've worked up a sweat." Kuroda: "Aw, man. It didn't work." Manami: "The timing was good, though." Ashikiba: "Imaizumi's fast, too." Teshima: "Naruko, have you noticed?" uko: "Of course. One guy you don't normally see in the mountains is taggin' along." Teshima: "Hakone Academy captain and sprinter, Izumida Touichirou." Izumida: "What are you staring at?" Izumida: "I practiced with Hakone Academy for three years." Izumida: "I'm capable of keeping up on a little climb like this." Teshima: "Is this your strategy?" Izumida: "Since this is my last Inter-High, I thought I'd enjoy the mountain view. Andy and Frank are delighted, too." Miki: "Mt. Haruna. The third and final day's race that started at Lake Haruna heads west along the gently sloping hills of National Route 145 after a long downhill. It turns right at Sukawa Bridge over the Agatsuma River and heads north along National Route 292. It takes a left at the fork beyond that point and rises along a steep mountain road. Beyond the trees on that steep and narrow path" Miki: "is an old hot spring town surrounded by mountains. At 1,156 meters above sea level, 30,000 liters of water gush forth every minute." Aya: "Oh, I know. You're talking about the Kusatsu Hot Springs, right?" Miki: "Correct." Aya: "That place is famous." Miki: "But we'll be passing through today." Aya: "What? That's not where the finish line is?" Miki: "Nope." Aya: "We won't get to visit the hot springs? No Yubatake? No Yumomi?" Koga: "The Kusatsu Hot Springs are at 1,100 meters above sea level, but there's an even taller mountain providing the area with an abundance of water and geothermal energy." Koga: "It's known as the Mt. Kusatsu-Shirane. This Inter-High's finish line is at the top of that mountain, at over than 2,000 meters above sea level. On the border between Gunma and Nagano Prefectures at Shibu Toge Pass, the highest point in the Japanese national highway system," Koga: "the finish line is at 2,172 meters above sea level." Aya: "The highest point? That's where they put the finish line? Wait, there's way more mountain ahead. They've got so much farther to climb." Miki: "You're right." Koga: "On the final climb after Kusatsu, the roads are wide, but not only is there hardly anywhere to rest, but the trees are short, and the wind is strong. If they fall behind on the gentle climb leading to Kusatsu," Koga: "Team Sohoku will have no chance of winning." uko: "This ain't good. Kuroda and Ashikiba are attackin'." Teshima: "If we fall behind now, it's over. Let's go, Naruko." uko: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "Are they going to leave their sprinter behind?" Manami: "Here we go." Izumida: "Abdeed." uko: "Teshima-san, Hakone Academy's last two guys are acceleratin', too." Teshima: "Let's raise our pace, Naruko." uko: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "Not bad. You launched an all-out attack as soon as the climb started. Are you trying to scatter our team before the final climb, Izumida?" Izumida: "I wish I could say you're correct, but you're mistaken about one thing, Teshima-kun." Izumida: "This plan isn't mine. Since the moment the climb started, control of Hakone Academy shifted..." Izumida: "to this man, Kuroda Yukinari." Kuroda: "Huh?" Kuroda: "Don't give it away, Touichirou." Kuroda: "Now let's see, who should I attack with next?" Koga: "And if they think Hakone Academy is their only opponent, their situation is even more desperate." Koga: "They'll be coming for the finish line, too." Midousuji: "Mizuta-kun..." Midousuji: "Come on, pull harder." Mizuta: "I'm already pulling as hard as I can." Midousuji: "More." Midousuji: "More, Mizuta-kun." Mizuta: "Shouldn't Komari be doing this?" Midousuji: "No." Mizuta: "No?" Mizuta: "Your faults have been exposed, Midousuji." Midousuji: "What?" Mizuta: "Are you satisfied after winning the second day? You made us shave our heads because we got carried away, but ultimately you were the one most drunk on victory." Midousuji: "Huh?" Mizuta: "There you go again, making your noises. I kept quiet until now because I thought you had a plan, but I can't take it anymore." Mizuta: "Let me make this clear. Komari, you'd better listen closely, too. I, Kyoto Fushimi Captain Mizuta Nobuyuki, have a shocking announcement to make." Mizuta: "No matter how fast we ride, we'll never catch up to the guys ahead of us. Though he acts like a leader, Midousuji has made a strategic error." Mizuta: "I see. You're so surprised, you can't even speak, Komari. Does that frustrate you? Does that make you sad? But this is the truth. This guy's judgment has been clouded after yesterday's events. So, Komari, from here on out, I'll be the team's leader, and together—" Midousuji: "Are you done talking? Your cruising speed has dropped." Midousuji: "Your job is to pull me. And unfortunately..." Midousuji: "when we didn't go after those two Sohoku riders..." Midousuji: "That was on purpose." Mizuta: "What?" Imaizumi: "Hakone Academy's launching their fourth attack. It's Ashikiba-san." Imaizumi: "Damn it. How long are they going to keep this up?" Teshima: "Onoda, fall back and rest." Onoda: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "Naruko, go." uko: "Yes, sir." uko: "You're not goin' anywhere." uko: "Especially not you, beanpole." Kuroda: "Sohoku's damned persistent." Midousuji: "It would've been possible to catch up to those two. But what we should be doing is winning. The most fearsome situation in road racing is..." Midousuji: "a single dominant team." Midousuji: "When one powerful team rides in front with complete control over the race." Midousuji: "But with only three of us, we're at a disadvantage. So I allowed those two to join their team." Midousuji: "Then they were guaranteed to go after Hakone Academy. If someone can catch up to the dominant team and challenge them..." Midousuji: "their control is disrupted. An opportunity is created." Midousuji: "Don't worry. We're sailing along smoothly." Midousuji: "Now face forward. Don't bother looking back again. Don't speak. Just face forward, and devote your entire body and soul to pulling us until you're spent." Mizuta: "Yes, sir. Wait, did you say us?" Midousuji: "You only need to make it until the end of the first climb." Midousuji: "The two of us will take it the rest of the way." Midousuji: "We'll be attacking soon, Komari-kun." Komari: "Understood, Midousuji-san." Midousuji: "The thing you desire most lies ahead of us on the path ahead." Komari: "The thing I desire most?" Komari: "Ah..."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 6 – Doubashi Masakiyo's Inter-High", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "6", "Doubashi Masakiyo's Inter-High" ] }
Teshima: "Yeah." uko: "Little Shinkai started them off with a splash," uko: "then their commander Kuroda-san attacked, then Manami." uko: "And just now, it was the lanky Ashikiba." Teshima: "It's an all-out attack. Are you struggling, Naruko?" uko: "Who do you think you're talkin' to? This is nothin'. I'm the flashy genius from Naniwa, Naruko Shoukichi." Teshima: "You guys are doing great." Teshima: "The first climb will be ending soon." Teshima: "From there, we'll be on the highland road." Teshima: "Thank you, Naruko." uko: "Huh?" Teshima: "For becoming an all-rounder." uko: "Where'd this come from?" Teshima: "I'm grateful we have four riders at this moment. Not only that, but you've got a nose for the finish line." Teshima: "You could go for the goal." uko: "I'll seize just about anythin' if you order me to do it. Should I put my arms around Onoda-kun and hotshot's shoulders" uko: "and hold their hands so the three of us can finish at the same time? I think it'd feel amazing if we finished first all three days together." Sakamichi: "You were still holding onto that promise." Imaizumi: "Have you been hiding that until now? This year you became an all-rounder. You can even climb mountains." Imaizumi: "Are you saying there's real potential for that now?" uko: "I'll miraculously pull off the world's first three-man finish in spectacular fashion." Imaizumi: "That's ridiculous. But I like the sound of it, Naruko." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun..." Teshima: "Imaizumi, accelerate. Bring us next to Hakone Academy right away." Imaizumi: "What? What do you mean?" Teshima: "How did I not notice when it's so simple?" Teshima: "There's only one man Hakone Academy would send now." Teshima: "It's their sprinter Izumida." Teshima: "He's going to accelerate and pull his team along with him." Imaizumi: "Izumida-san!" uko: "Lashes, huh?" Teshima: "Damn." Kuroda: "Go! Scatter the enemy." Kuroda: "It's the flats you've been waiting for. Zip up your jersey..." Kruoda: "Izumida Touichiro." Izumida: "Of course, Yuki." Izumida: "I zip up my jersey all the way to the top..." Izumida: "whenever I get serious." Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs!" Teshima: "Imaizumi, don't fall behind. Go after him at full speed." Imaizumi: "Yes, sir." Izumida: "A change of plans?" Izumida: "You want to use me in the mountains?" Kuroda: "That's right." Kuroda: "Tomorrow, every team will bring out their sprinters before the climb begins." Kuroda: "But there are 2.5 kilometers of flats before the climb at the hot springs. Normally teams would consider it a place to rest, but I'd like to attack there instead." Izumida: "Wait. That would mean the flats before that..." Kuroda: "Will be handled by Doubashi alone." Doubashi: "I don't mind, Izumida-san." Izumida: "Doubashi..." Kuroda: "I want to establish a solid lead." Izumida: "Yuki..." Izumida: "With that plan, I'd have to climb the initial mountains with the team." Izumida: "I'm best on flats." Izumida: "It could be a risky gamble." Kuroda: "No, I actually think you might be able to pull it off. Not only have you ridden with Hakone Academy for three years, but you've also carried on the role of captain while being a sprinter." Kuroda: "I know because I've always been watching you." Kuroda: "You're probably three times stronger than you think. You're probably three times stronger than you think." Izumida: "Abs, Yuki!" Izumida: "Don't worry, Yuki." Izumida: "You have a lot of potential. Even if you don't make it this year, next year—" Kuroda: "Don't try to cheer me up!" Kuroda: "You're lucky you get to race. Go ride your heart out at the Inter-High." Izumida: "Yuki..." Kuroda: "They called me a genius, but I..." Kuroda: "I'm sorry." Kuroda: "I know grabbing you by the collar won't change anything." Kuroda: "I know." Kuroda: "Touichirou, I'm frustrated. I'm so damn frustrated." Izumida: "Yuki..." Yuuto: "Sohoku's still keeping up." Yuuto: "Izumida-san!" Izumida: "Don't worry, Yuuto." Izumida: "I've been listening to their newborn cries." Izumida: "From my muscles, I mean." Izumida: "Soon they'll appear in response to my summons." Izumida: "Come on out, my right pec, Andy, and my left pec, Frank. My back muscles Fabian are waiting, too." Izumida: "The muscles that produce fierce acceleration in the sprint before the finish line..." Izumida: "are the quads. Using the legs on the top side of my legs allows me to generate overwhelming instantaneous and explosive power. However, at the same time, once I've exhausted them, it's over. My legs stop moving. Therefore, they are the Final Muscles." Izumida: "I see. Sorry, sorry." Izumida: "I hadn't called you by your names yet." Izumida: "Come on out, both of you..." Izumida: "Left quad, Peter!" Izumida: "Right quad, Mark!" Izumida: "Let us ride together as a spear of light!" Izumida: "The remaining two kilometers of highland flats are our final job!" Izumida: "Ab you ready? Final road!" Izumida: "Go! Abs!" Izumida: "What? Hakone Academy accelerated again?" Izumida: "Let us go beyond the light! Abs! Abs, abs, abs, abs!!" Izumida: "The world's fastest spear!" Imaizumi: "Damn. I even chased after him at full speed. It's only been one kilometer since the flats started," Imaizumi: "and they've vanished from sight." Yuuto: "Heck yeah! We did it. Sohoku has vanished from sight, just as we planned." Yuuto: "We've established a definitive lead in the flats, Izumida-san." Izumida: "Burn this into your eyes, first-year Shinkai Yuuto." Izumida: "This is how the man who wears the number four for Hakone Academy rides." Yuuto: "Huh?" Izumida: "This is everything I've got! Abs!" A: "The leaders are here!" B: "It's Hakone Academy!" s: "Their sprinter Izumida is pulling! Hakone Academy are riding like champions!" s: "You can do it!" s: "You're almost at the last climb! Go, Hakone Academy!" s: "They're passing the hot springs! The climb starts here!" s: "One of Hakone Academy's riders is falling!" Izumida: "So allow me to say in the end, as your captain..." Izumida: "Be champions, Hakone Academy!" Yuuto & Manami: "Yes, sir!" Ashikiba & Kuroda: "Yeah!" Izumida: "Thanks to you, the team established a solid lead over Sohoku." Izumida: "It must be 500 meters—no, perhaps 700." uko: "We've entered the climb, but I don't see Hakone Academy anywhere, Teshima-san." Sakamichi: "How far ahead do you think they are, Imaizumi-kun?" Imaizumi: "Judging by the power of Izumida-san's pulling and his acceleration, probably 500 meters." Sakamichi: "500 meters..." uko: "That's probably an underestimate, hotshot. Check out the fans by the road." uko: "Some of them are sittin'." uko: "They're even drinkin', too. That's proof it's been a while since the lead pack passed through." uko: "Honestly, I think they're 700 meters ahead, though I hate to say it." Imaizumi: "700..." Sakamichi: "That much?" uko: "Several millimeters of difference determine who finishes first in road racin'." uko: "100 meters is already hopeless. 200 meters is enough to make anyone give up, but we're talkin' about 700." Imaizumi: "700, huh?" uko: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "That much?" Imaizumi: "Catching up to them now would be excruciatingly difficult." uko: "It'd be extra spicy and super hard." Sakamichi: "Wow, that sounds d-difficult." Imaizumi: "All right, Naruko. You'll pull first." uko: "You're not gonna go first, hotshot?" Teshima: "They never give up?" Kinjou: "That's right. Especially in tight corners and hopeless situations, the desire of those three first-years to turn the situation around increases." Kinjou: "You feel a rising pressure." Teshima: "I don't feel that much from them during practice." Kinjou: "You'll experience it once you race with them." Kinjou: "And that power will effect a tremendous change on how the race goes after that." Teshima: "What should I do?" Kinjou: "It's simple. Look into their eyes and tell them you're counting on them." Sakamichi: "Okay, I'll pull." Imaizumi: "Thanks." uko: "Onoda-kun's the biggest man among us." Teshima: "What's with you guys? I thought you'd lose hope after Hakone Academy flexed their strength." Imaizumi: "Hakone Academy certainly is strong. Exceptionally so. But we can't win by fighting back using the same methods. Izumida-san is fast, but our legs will never last if we try to chase him on the flats." uko: "I offered to catch up by pulling the team, but hotshot said..." Imaizumi: "We don't need to exhaust Naruko when he's finally learned to climb." Imaizumi: "We can close the gap established on the flats in the mountains." uko: "It's a huge friggin' gap, though." Sakamichi: "Yeah, but we'll do our best." Teshima: "Can I count on you to do that?" uko: "We gotta try." Imaizumi: "Of course." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir. We'll go all-out to catch up." uko: "Hotshot, Onoda-kun's outta control. He's real amped up. He's crazy fast." Imaizumi: "Yeah. He's always like that. More than when riding for himself..." Imaizumi: "Can you catch up to them, Onoda?" Sakamichi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "...he's fastest when someone's counting on him." Imaizumi: "Don't push yourself too hard, Onoda." Sakamichi: "It's tough. I'm struggling to breathe, and my chest hurts." Sakamichi: "But it's strange. When I'm riding with the team, it's so fun." Imaizumi: "Yeah." uko: "You're right." Teshima: "You're having fun?" Sakamichi: "Sorry, Teshima-san." Teshima: "Huh?" Sakamichi: "You must be wondering how I'm having fun when we're in a dire situation." Teshima: "No, keep pulling the way you are." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "They're yours. Use them." Teshima: "It's the race official's car. The one that follows the lead pack! They must be close. We're closing the gap between us and Hakone Academy." uko: "Onoda-kun, let's switch." Sakamichi: "Okay, thanks." Imaizumi: "Don't try to stand out, Naruko." uko: "Shut up and watch my super climb. Here comes the flashiest man in Naniwa, Naruko Shoukichi—" Imaizumi: "Want me to switch with you?" uko: "Shut up! That was quick! I thought I told you to shut up and watch!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun..." Teshima: "I'm sorry, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Huh?" Teshima: "About the third day's—today's orders." Sakamichi: "Don't worry about it. It's fine. As long as we get to work together as a team." uko: "Huh? What did you just say?" Teshima: "Did you not hear me?" Teshima: "Then I'll say it again. I'm thinking about having Onoda step down from being the mountain ace"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 7 – FINAL ROAD!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "7", "Final Road!" ] }
uko: "What do you mean, Onoda won't be our mountain ace on the third day?" uko: "Onoda-kun is last year's champion! He beat Manami in the mountains at the end of that race." Imaizumi: "I can't accept this decision, either." Imaizumi: "I'd understand if Onoda wasn't doing well. But he's fine. I made sure he'd be in peak condition during the Inter-High." Sakamichi: "Yeah, I appreciate it. I'm doing better than ever. But if that's the decision Teshima-san made after giving it a lot of thought, then I'll accept those orders." Imaizumi: "Onoda..." Teshima: "I'm having you step down" Teshima: "because I expect we'll face circumstances that will force you to anyway. By the time we enter the final mountains on the third day, Hakone Academy will be well-prepared." Teshima: "And it'll probably be Manami who gives us the most trouble. He was Hakone Academy's first ever first-year regular and a finalist at last year's Inter-High. Rumor is he's even stronger this year. Manami will be launched from their rock-solid position and race straight to the finish line." Teshima: "That's the worst possible scenario I can think of." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun..." Sakamichi: "Can I beat Manami-kun now that he's even stronger?" Sakamichi: "I..." Sakamichi: "There's a road leading to the finish line." Sakamichi: "A slope climbing up into the sky." Sakamichi: "There's no telling what will happen there. Everyone rides as hard as they can" Sakamichi: "toward a totally undecided blank slate of a future." Sakamichi: "If I got to race against a stronger Manami-kun and was able to keep up, then I..." Sakamichi: "I would be really happy." Teshima: "For Sohoku," Teshima: "it's best for us to take down Manami early." uko: "Take him down..." Imaizumi: "...early." Teshima: "We'll make the first attack once we enter the final mountains. When we catch up to them, we'll send one attacker." Teshima: "They'll send someone after him." Teshima: "We'll pull him at full speed, keep him in check, and exhaust his legs." Teshima: "But the third day's mountains are long. Whoever makes the first attack will become exhausted before the end, be passed by the team, and stop pedaling because he doesn't have the stamina to even reach the finish line." Teshima: "One of us will drop out of the race and take one of our opponents down with him. That will be our first attack in the mountains." Sakamichi: "Drop out..." Teshima: "The only person who can lure Manami and take him down is you, Onoda." Teshima: "Tomorrow, if what I'm expecting happens..." Teshima: "Can you do it, Onoda?" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "It's the race official's car. The lead pack must be close." Imaizumi: "Let's swap, Naruko." uko: "Go get 'em, hotshot." Imaizumi: "You don't have to tell me twice." Teshima: "Let's swap, Imaizumi." Imaizumi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "Show yourselves, Hakone Academy!" Teshima: "I see them." Kuroda: "Sohoku's here?" Teshima: "We've come crawling back up from the depths of despair, Kuroda." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan..." Teshima: "It's just as I expected. Onoda, save your strength for our first attack." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "Naruko, Imaizumi..." Imaizumi: "Yes, sir." uko: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "Thank you." Teshima: "I would've stopped pedaling if not for your hope." Teshima: "I'll bring us next to Hakone Academy. I'll pull at full speed." Teshima: "I'm sorry. After that, it'll be up to you three to reach the finish line." Makishima: "You think they're starting the race for the finish line about now?" Kinjou: "Yeah." Makishima: "At 1,700 meters, it's cool even during the summer." Kinjou: "Yeah." Makishima: "By the way, Kinjou... You think Teshima Junta, the man you appointed Captain of Sohoku, will make it up here? Through the hot spring town of Kusatsu and" Makishima: "the endlessly zig-zagging road, all the way up here..." Kinjou: "Will Teshima make it, huh?" Tadokoro: "He will. I trained Teshima and Aoyagi. They've got more guts than anyone." Tadokoro: "That's what I hope, anyway." Tadokoro: "It'll probably be tough, though." Makishima: "Yeah." Tadokoro: "He's got guts, but his legs are average." Kinjou: "Unfortunately, Tadokoro's right." Makishima: "You need something exceptional to survive at the Inter-High," Makishima: "and Teshima lacks that. Then why'd you choose Teshima to be captain if he's an average guy who can't make it up here? I know he's injured," Makishima: "but you could've made Koga captain instead." Makishima: "He might've made it up here." Kinjou: "It's true that Teshima is weak and ordinary." Kinjou: "He often said so himself. "I'm at the bottom. I'm a low-level player."" Kinjou: "But Teshima continued working hard regardless. He used every minute and every second carefully" Kinjou: "and struggled to climb higher many times." Kinjou: "Last year, by reeling in a thin thread of hope, Sohoku won." Kinjou: "We reached the top. But those who achieve the highest result in competition always pay for it in the form of stagnation." Kinjou: "The satisfaction of reaching the highest level diffuses the winner's tension. He becomes weak and uncertain about which way to proceed. Sohoku won. What the new generation needs now more than anything else is the strength to push even farther. The mental strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other no matter the circumstances." Kinjou: "A powerful heart that never loses sight of its goals." Kinjou: "And he had that in spades." Kinjou: "That's why I chose him." Kinjou: "There are sights that can only be seen from the bottom." Kinjou: "The hunger to break through stalemates and shatter preconceptions." Makishima: "Yeah." Kinjou: "And the efforts of an ordinary man become a vibration that resonates through the other players." Kinjou: "It becomes the strength that pushes them forward." Makishima: "Kinjou, wouldn't that be the special something you mentioned that everyone needs to survive until this point?" Teshima: "Come on, body. Don't start screaming now. Fight, Junta. This is your last Inter-High!" Imaizumi: "We're catching up to Hakone Academy." Sakamichi: "Teshima-san..." uko: "Hey, what'd you mean when you said the rest is up to us? It'd be better for us to take turns pulling—" Teshima: "Rest for now. You'll need your strength. That's an order. Naruko, Imaizumi..." Teshima: "Our opponents have an advantage from Izumida pulling. If our whole team is exhausted when we catch up, we'll be beaten by an immediate attack. One of us has to pull for the team. And it has to be me." Teshima: "So, heart, keep on pumping until then." Imaizumi: "Incredible. He's..." uko: "Crap. What is this?" uko: "My hands are startin' to shake." Sakamichi: "I can feel Teshima-san's passionate vibrations from his determination to move forward no matter what." Yuuto: "Kuroda-san, I'm not sure what's going on, but they've nearly caught up." Kuroda: "Yuuto, the two of us will pull together." Yuuto: "Yes, sir." Ashikiba: "Yuki-chan, can I make just one selfish demand?" Ashikiba: "Let me pull. I was trying to stay calm, but after seeing Jun-chan ride like that, I can't contain it anymore." Ashikiba: "Let's race, Jun-chan." Ashikiba: "Your vibrations are reaching me." Ashikiba: "The classical music has already begun playing in my head." Ashikiba: "It's cliché, but it's the Ninth." Teshima: "I'm trying to complete my last job for the team by bringing them next to Hakone Academy." Ashikiba: "That's it, Jun-chan! That's the vibration! Let's race!" Teshima: "What situation do you see that makes you say that, Ashikiba?" Teshima: "What are you doing, Imaizumi?" Imaizumi: "Do you still have the will and strength left to fight?" Teshima: "What?" Imaizumi: "Conserve your strength in the back as much as possible. And prepare yourself for the biggest moment of this Inter-High." Imaizumi: "Hakone Academy is attacking." uko: "I agree with hotshot." Teshima: "You, too?" uko: "They're comin'. It's gonna be a strong one." Imaizumi: "You're the one who created this situation, Teshima-san." Imaizumi: "Your self-sacrifice moved everyone around you, including Hakone Academy's ace." Teshima: "I did?" Sakamichi: "Sometimes it's hardest to notice when you're the one doing it." Imaizumi: "You're the only one who can stop Ashikiba-san now." Sakamichi: "Please." uko: "We're countin' on you." Imaizumi: "Go." All: "Sohoku captain and climber, Teshima Junta!" Teshima: "Bicycle racing is fantastic. We're at the front of the Inter-High." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan!" Teshima: "Shikiba!" Ashikiba: "You came! Oh, you came. I'm so happy. Let's race!" Teshima: "Yeah, let's do it. I'm ready." A: "The front is here!" B: "From Hakone Academy, it's the first day's winner, wearing the red mountain tags from the second day." B: "He's the unstoppable and towering ace, Ashikiba Takuto." C: "Racing against him is Sohoku's #5 and captain, Teshima Junta, a climber." A: "Teshima's racing for Sohoku, huh?" B: "Teshima lacks an impressive record, but he narrowly lost the first day's mountain battle." C: "An uncrowned man, someone who's never won a title, is going to beat Hakone Academy's ace." C: "Maybe that's their plan for sending #5." Ashikiba: "I'm glad you came." Ashikiba: "How do you feel right now, Jun-chan?" Ashikiba: "As for me..." Ashikiba: "I..." Ashikiba: "I feel amazing!" Teshima: "Wait, Shikiba!" Ashikiba: "That's it. This is so thrilling. Let's go again, Jun-chan." Teshima: "Seriously?" Teshima: "My heart's about to stop. Take a break, Shikiba." Kuroda: "What's wrong, Sohoku? Are you giving up the race because things have gotten tough?" Kuroda: "I'm surprised you sent Teshima. Did his miraculous second-place finish at Irohazaka on the first day make you hope for more? But don't they call it a miracle because it'll never happen again?" Kuroda: "From here, it's roughly 15 kilometers to the finish line." Kuroda: "If one of the two guys who left can't keep up, the other will take the finish line." Kuroda: "The race will end without us doing our jobs." Imaizumi: "We sent Teshima-san so that wouldn't happen." Kuroda: "Sorry, but Teshima doesn't have the strength to stop our Ashikiba." Imaizumi: "I doubt he does." Imaizumi: "But he'll stop him." Kuroda: "Is that a riddle? How's he going to stop him?" Kuroda: "I'm saying Teshima doesn't stand a chance." Sakamichi: "Excuse me." Kuroda: "What?" Sakamichi: "Um, well..." Sakamichi: "The reason we sent Teshima-san is because he's... very, uh..." Sakamichi: "He's very hard-working." Kuroda: "Hard-working?" Kuroda: "I was wondering what you'd say. You think hard work and effort are enough to succeed?" Kuroda: "Do you, Onoda-kun?" Sakamichi: "Um, but Teshima-san has worked really hard this past year." Sakamichi: "He tirelessly built up his strength little by little." Sakamichi: "I thought it was amazing." Sakamichi: "Couldn't you call the ability to gradually build up your efforts talent?" Imaizumi: "Do you still have the will and strength left to fight?" Teshima: "Wait, Shikiba! Let's ride together for a little longer." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan! Incredible! You truly are amazing." Teshima: "Wouldn't want to waste the opportunity. Shikiba, I hadn't answered your question yet..." Teshima: "about how I feel." Teshima: "I should be exhausted, so I wonder why... It's strange." Teshima: "I feel strength welling up inside me. I feel great, too." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan..." Higashido: "What?" Masuda: "Hey, don't suddenly stop like that." Masuda: "Teshima? From class four?" Higashido: "Yeah, that's him." Masuda: "You're friends with him, right, Higashido? Didn't you say you were going to Tochigi the other day?" Higashido: "Yeah." Higashido: "I spoke with him briefly before the race started." Higashido: "Ashikiba?" Girl B: "Who?" Ashikiba: "I feel the same way, Jun-chan." Ashikiba: "I can feel it." Ashikiba: "Sorry. My senses are keen right now." Ashikiba: "I'm strong when I get like this." Teshima: "Shall we race for real?" Ashikiba: "Isn't that why you came?" Ashikiba: "Let's do it for real. You're strong. I want to try it." Teshima: "Don't overestimate me. I lost to you last year at Minegayama." Teshima: "Everyone says I've got average legs." Teshima: "But it hasn't made me spineless. I am who I am now knowing that. I want to believe the path I've traveled and the goals I've worked toward weren't wrong. So I want to prove that by fighting and beating you. What's an ordinary climber, a #5 like me doing picking a fight with Hakone Academy's ace? I know I wouldn't be able to contain my laughter if I calmed down and thought about it." Teshima: "But we stand in the same ring. I'm on this side of the road at the Inter-High." Teshima: "I have the right. From another perspective, this is an opportunity. For the rest of my life, I'll probably never have another opportunity to ride at the front of a big race with you. I consider this a miracle." Teshima: "So I'm riding this miracle all the way to the end. After all, miracles hardly ever happen, no matter how hard you wish for them, but when it rains, it pours." Teshima: "Isn't that how it works?" Ashikiba: "I like the way you think." Teshima: "Why don't we race the remaining three kilometers to the mountain result line?" Teshima: "Don't you think it's fitting for a race between us?"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 8 – Teshima's Orders", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "8", "Teshima's Orders" ] }
Ashikiba: "Yuki-chan, can I make just one selfish demand?" Ashikiba: "Let me pull. I was trying to stay calm, but after seeing Jun-chan ride like that," Ashikiba: "I can't contain it anymore." Ashikiba: "Let's race, Jun-chan." Teshima: "Bicycle racing is fantastic. We're at the front of the Inter-High." Teshima: "Why don't we race the remaining three kilometers to the mountain result line?" Teshima: "Don't you think it's fitting for a race between us?" Teshima: "It's just like in middle school... when we raced on the same team." Ashikiba: "I'm Ashikiba Takuto. I lived in Hokkaido before this." Girl A: "He's so tall." Girl B: "Yeah." Girl C: "Is Hokkaido as cold as they say?" Girl D: "Where did you live? Sapporo? Hakodate?" Girl E: "Did your family have cows?" Boy A: "Is Hokkaido really that remarkable?" Boy B: "It's just cold." Girl F: "Ashikiba-kun, your hands are so big. Did you play any instruments?" Ashikiba: "Yeah, piano." Girl H: "Wow, play for us sometime." Boy A: "How hard is he gonna try to win the girls over?" Ashikiba: "Did you know the piano is a stringed instrument, like the guitar." Teshima: "Really?" Ashikiba: "Check this out. When you do this..." Ashikiba: "the hammers inside strike the strings, which produce a sound." Teshima: "You're right." Ashikiba: "I love stringed instruments. Each and every sound reverberates. See? Can't you feel the rhythm building? It makes my body sway. And allowing my body to be moved by that sound makes me feel better and better." Teshima: "He's really good." Ashikiba: "I can play J-pop songs, too, like HiraKen." Teshima: "For real?" Ashikiba: "Wow..." Teshima: "It's called a road bike." Teshima: "I'm thinking about trying it." Ashikiba: "It's so beautiful. It's like an instrument." Teshima: "I've actually been pretending with my own bike by lowering the handlebars as much as possible." Ashikiba: "What?" Teshima: "I ride about a hundred kilometers on weekends." Ashikiba: "A hundred kilometers on a bike? Wait, handlebars can be lowered?" Teshima: "That's what caught your attention? In real road races, they ride about 200 kilometers." Ashikiba: "Two hundred..." Ashikiba: "I could never do that." Teshima: "I thought the same thing, at first. My legs were exhausted, and I was drenched in sweat, but when I checked my odometer, I'd only gone 20 kilometers. But the next week, I rode 40 kilometers." Ashikiba: "Seriously?" Teshima: "The week after that, I rode 70 kilometers. It isn't magic." Teshima: "I think it's something humans inherently possess..." Teshima: "The ability to improve through acquiring experience." Ashikiba: "Acquiring experience?" Teshima: "I can't ride 200 kilometers yet, but if I keep trying, I think I'll be able to eventually." Teshima: "So..." Ashikiba: "Huh?" Teshima: "Do you wanna try road racing with me?" Ashikiba: "Wow, what a great sound. It really is like an instrument. Isn't this fun, Jun-chan?" Teshima: "Yeah, Shikiba." Senpai A: "Pedal hard, Shikiba." Ashikiba: "Okay." Senpai B: "AshiTeshi are pretty good for first-years." Senpai C: "AshiTeshi?" Senpai B: "They're inseparable, you know? So..." Senpai B: "Ashikiba plus Teshima makes AshiTeshi." Higashido: "Man, they're fast." Senpai B: "Don't be a wimp." Senpai A: "Keep working at it, Higashido. You're a first-year, too." Higashido: "Yes, sir. I'll strive to achieve AshiTeshiHiga." Both: "That sounds awful." Ashikiba: "Those three were really fast." Teshima: "You dummy, we let them get away from us." Ashikiba: "Get away?" Teshima: "They're gonna reach the finish line before us. We had to keep up with those three. They planned this attack and were quietly waiting for an opportunity. Damn it." Teshima: "We still haven't gotten any chances yet." Teshima: "I placed 18th in that last race." Ashikiba: "I was 16th." Teshima: "That's not much different." Teshima: "Road races are all about winning. To achieve that, you need to try countless times, fail countless times, and seize opportunities that are as difficult as threading a needle. That's what the upperclassmen said." Ashikiba: "Opportunities?" Teshima: "Maybe you just need to develop a feel for it." Teshima: "A feel for riding a bike. I have no idea what I'm supposed to be seeing." Teshima: "All I ever get out of racing is regret and things I could've done better." Ashikiba: "They're fun for me," Ashikiba: "because I get to ride with you." Teshima: "I appreciate that, but I feel conflicted." Ashikiba: "There's something else I enjoy about racing." Ashikiba: "There's something I see when I start having fun during races. I start to see a path that seems like it would lead me to the front if I did this, that, and the other thing. But force myself to hold back." Ashikiba: "I mean, if I followed it, I'd be separated from you. I race because I want to ride with you." Teshima: "What path? Is that what it means to have a talent for riding bikes? Is this guy actually way closer" Teshima: "to finding his opportunity than I am?" Teshima: "Shikiba!" Ashikiba: "Huh?" Teshima: "You..." Teshima: "Damn, damn." Ashikiba: "You're so funny, Jun-chan. You're powerful." Teshima: "I lost today's race because I'm not powerful." Ashikiba: "No, I can feel it in my heart. You're emotionally powerful." Teshima: "Huh?" Ashikiba: "I'm having so much fun right now. I'm glad I came to Chiba." Teshima: "I wonder how it feels to move. Is it a lonely experience, or is it more complicated than that?" Teshima: "Hey, Shikiba. Have you been thinking about high school? In Chiba—" Ashikiba: "I don't know if I'll still be in Chiba by high school." Teshima: "Oh, right. Shikiba, you..." Teshima: "Your time is limited. You practice road racing and piano knowing that." Ashikiba: "Huh? What's the matter, Jun-chan?" Teshima: "I love bicycles." Ashikiba: "Huh?" Teshima: "So I want you to learn to love them even more, too." Ashikiba: "I'm already having plenty of fun." Teshima: "That's not what I meant." Teshima: "I don't know how to explain it. I want him to achieve something that will make him glad he decided to take up bicycle racing." Teshima: "But suddenly winning a race would be too much." Teshima: "The King of the Mountains..." Teshima: "A title awarded to the first rider to reach the top of a difficult climb." Teshima: "It's an honor and something to be proud of. The winner receives a special jersey. There are no jerseys in middle school-level regional races, but you get to stand on the winner's podium, and you receive a simple prize, too." Ashikiba: "It's so cold in the morning." Teshima: "Shikiba, I want to help you achieve something." Teshima: "I want you to be glad you chose to ride bikes with your limited time." Teshima: "Once you stand on the winner's podium, I'm sure..." Teshima: "you'll come to love bikes even more, too." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan, you seem even more hyped up than usual. I can feel your competitive spirit." Teshima: "I told you, today you're going to be the King of the Mountains. Leave it to me. I'll make sure you win it." Ashikiba: "I told you, that's not possible. Let's ride to have fun, like we always do." Teshima: "Listen to me, Shikiba. In road races, most everyone is riding for the finish line. In a hill climb, since the finish line is at the peak, that's what everyone's going for. There's a lot of competition. But the mountain result line is on the middle of the course. Making an attempt on the mountain result line would exhaust them, so guys aiming for the finish line won't make a move. There's less competition. Not many guys are going for it." Teshima: "Even you could be the King of the Mountains if you work hard enough." Ashikiba: "Really? I see, it's because there's less competition. You're so smart, Jun-chan." Teshima: "Hey, don't look at me like this is the first time you're hearing about it." Rider A: "We've entered the climb." Rider B: "The road is getting steeper." Teshima: "It's time. Earlier I said there wouldn't be much competition, but it's not easy." Teshima: "The winner's podium is still for winners." Teshima: "There are always a few guys willing to give up the finish line for that honor." Teshima: "Let's go, Shikiba. Raise your pace. We're gonna keep up with those four." Teshima: "You can do it. This is the moment of truth." Teshima: "What's wrong, Shikiba? Pedal! If we don't keep up now, your King of the Mountains—" Ashikiba: "Look, Jun-chan. We have a great view of the scenery from here." Teshima: "The... scenery?" Teshima: "Why were you enjoying the view during a race? What the hell was today's race? We took our time reaching the finish line and got buried like we always do, finishing 24th and 25th. What are you doing? This is pointless. I even told you when to go and what our goal was today." Ashikiba: "I turned you down!" Ashikiba: "That's not possible." Ashikiba: "The view was nice. It was sunny, the air was dry, and we were up high." Ashikiba: "Is it really so wrong to want to show someone else when you see a beautiful view?" Teshima: "There's a time and place for that." Teshima: "Damn it. What was all my effort for?" Teshima: "Forget it. Let's get ready to go home." Ashikiba: "I'm over it, too." Ashikiba: "It's so cold. I bet it'll be cold if my shoes get wet on the way home." Higashido: "Hey, Ashikiba." Ashikiba: "Oh, uh..." Higashido: "You should know my name by now. It's Higashido. My nickname is Higashimaru." Ashikiba: "Do you need something? It's raining today, so there's no practice, right?" Higashido: "Lately you've been skipping practice even when it's sunny." Ashikiba: "Oh, well, you know..." Higashido: "I heard you and Teshima had a falling out." Higashido: "You're thinking about quitting, aren't you?" Ashikiba: "What? No, uh..." Ashikiba: "How did you know?" Higashido: "Teshima said that might be the case." Higashido: "You didn't come to last week's event." Higashido: "Teshima was waiting the whole time. Even after the race started, he waited there at the starting line by himself like he was half-asleep." Ashikiba: "What?" Ashikiba: "But..." Ashikiba: "Being grabbed and screamed at would make anyone want to quit riding." Higashido: "Have you thought about why Teshima grabbed you by the collar?" Higashido: "He told me a while ago on the way home after practice." Higashido: "You're gonna make Ashikiba the King of the Mountains?" Teshima: "It's a good idea, right? He's a pretty good climber once he gets going." Higashido: "Well, yeah, but..." Teshima: "I'll have to work hard, too." Higashido: "You?" Teshima: "Someone needs to take Shikiba to the top of the mountain. Winning requires sacrifice." Ashikiba: "Sacrifice..." Higashido: "That's right. After all, road racing is a team sport. When multiple opponents come at you, you can't fight them off alone." Higashido: "You need someone to set things up for you." Higashido: "I can't do it. But maybe he's the kind of guy who gets excited about working hard for someone else's sake." Higashido: "Do you know where Teshima is today?" Ashikiba: "Huh?" Higashido: "He needs to be able to climb, too, if he's going to set you up. He has to practice climbing. But on normal days, his schedule's full with team practice. So he told me..." Higashido: "On rainy days when the team doesn't practice, he practices climbing alone." Teshima: "It's so cold. The water's seeped all the way into my gloves." Teshima: "What am I doing?" Teshima: "I can't believe I'm practicing for a guy who's about to quit the team. I must be stupid." Higashido: "He trained pretty hard for that race, too." Higashido: "He told me not to tell you because it'd put pressure on you, though." Teshima: "Damn it. What was all my effort for?" Ashikiba: "Jun-chan..." Higashido: "Also, Ashikiba, he said you've probably got more talent than he does." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan!" Higashido: "Hey, where are you going?" Ashikiba: "Jun-chan!" Ashikiba: "Jun-chan... Jun-chan... Jun-chan..." Ashikiba: "I'm sorry, Jun-chan. I'm an idiot." Ashikiba: "What have I been doing?" Ashikiba: "Where is he? Where is he?" Ashikiba: "Where is he? Is he up this way?" Ashikiba: "He's not here." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan!" Ashikiba: "This way?" Ashikiba: "Come to think of it, Jun-chan had always said..." Teshima: "Let's do this tomorrow. You'd better show up to the race in peak condition." Ashikiba: "Huh? What?" Teshima: "I'm gonna show you the ultimate sight." Ashikiba: "Is there a observation platform with a view of the sea or something?" Teshima: "That's not what I meant..." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan was trying to sacrifice himself to show me the view from the winner's podium. But I heedlessly enjoyed the view of the mountains that day. I made myself the victim and skipped practice alone." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan!" Ashikiba: "He's not up here." Ashikiba: "Where are you, Jun-chan?" Ashikiba: "Is he up this long road?" Ashikiba: "It's cold. The water's seeped all the way in." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan's always good at karaoke." Ashikiba: "He entertains everyone with funny medleys." Ashikiba: "I laugh, too." Ashikiba: "I'm always the one being entertained." Ashikiba: "I've never once thought about how it feels to be the entertainer." Ashikiba: "Where are you, Jun-chan?" Ashikiba: "You're not here..." Ashikiba: "You're not here." Ashikiba: "Come on out." Ashikiba: "Let me apologize to you, Jun-chan!" Ashikiba: "I hear someone breathing." Teshima: "Hey, Shikiba. What are you doing riding your bike in your uniform?" Teshima: "You'll catch a cold if you don't wear a raincoat." Ashikiba: "Jun—" Teshima: "But I'm glad you're riding your bike again." Teshima: "Since you stopped coming to practice, I've been worried. I was actually just thinking it was wrong of me to force you to go for the King of the Mountains." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan!" Teshima: "Hey, whoa! Careful! Watch what you're doing." Ashikiba: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Jun-chan. I..." Teshima: "Well, it's not like I fell. You don't need to—" Ashikiba: "I didn't understand how you felt." Teshima: "Oh, that?" Ashikiba: "I'm sorry I didn't go to last week's event." Ashikiba: "I heard from, uh, that guy that you waited at the starting line." Teshima: "You mean Higashido." Teshima: "I just happened to feel like riding alone that day, so I was waiting." Teshima: "Don't worry about it." Ashikiba: "Next time, I'll be the King of the Mountains." Ashikiba: "Help me do it, Jun-chan." Teshima: "Shikiba..." Teshima: "I'm glad you feel like riding your bike again. I don't know when it'll happen, but I promise I'll help you become the King of the Mountains." Ashikiba: "Yeah." Teshima: "Shikiba, you wanna start practicing climbing together from now on?" Ashikiba: "Yeah, Jun-chan." Teshima: "Ultimately, we were still inexperienced back then." Teshima: "We never won the King of the Mountains." Ashikiba: "Yeah." Teshima: "And then we went on to different high schools. Since then, I've worked myself to death," Teshima: "and you've developed your talent." Teshima: "It's taken quite a while." Teshima: "Our positions and environments have changed, too." Teshima: "The mountain result line up ahead will be mine." Ashikiba: "It's on." Ashikiba: "But some things haven't changed. I still feel the same way. I think you still feel the same way." Ashikiba: "Winning the King of the Mountains is our goal!" Teshima: "You're attacking, Shikiba?" Ashikiba: "Let's go, Jun-chan!" Ashikiba: "This is our last race!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break Episode 9 – Transfer Student", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal Limit Break", "9", "Transfer Student" ] }
Mom: "You've been keeping secrets from me, Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "B-But, mom, I've explained it so many times." Mom: "You took your bike all the way to Mt. Fuji!" Sakamichi: "Well, actually..." Mom: "I heard you were going to Hakone, but nobody told me you were going to Mt. Fuji!" Sakamichi: "What? I did tell you." Imaizumi: "Excuse me, ma'am. My name is Imaizumi." uko: "Excuse the intrusion. I'm Naruko. Written "cry" and "child," then "sentence" and "lucky," my name is Naruko Shoukichi. Onoda-kun did something super amazing." Imaizumi: "At the Inter-High, the year's biggest race..." uko: "Onoda-kun won the general classification!" Imaizumi: "He carried our wishes..." uko: "...to the finish line." Mom: "What on earth is the Inter-High?" uko: "That's your question?" uko: "Basically, he climbed Mt. Fuji faster than any other man in the country." Mom: "That is amazing." Mom: "That's why you slept for three days after coming home." Sakamichi: "I was so exhausted, I couldn't move." uko: "Oh, right. Ma'am, we brought this." uko: "Onoda-kun's in a magazine." Mom: "Oh, my. How cool. Look at this, Sakamichi. This is a nice photo." Sakamichi: "I'm good. I've already seen it." Mom: "This is great. I forgot my camera in the car, so I didn't get to take a picture of you." Sakamichi: "You were there?!" uko: "You were there?!" Mom: "Oh, didn't I tell you? I was watching all through the award ceremony." Imaizumi: "You were watching, and you still don't understand?" Sakamichi: "Then that voice I heard then..." Mom: "Do your best, Sakamichi!" Mom: "Imaizumi-kun, Naruko-kun... Take care of Sakamichi for me." Mom: "Sakamichi..." Mom: "Be careful, and keep riding your bike." Sakamichi: "Okay." Sakamichi: "I'm off!" Miki: "I can hardly believe it rained yesterday." Miki: "The weather's so nice." Imaizumi: "Hey." Miki: "Good morning, Imaizumi-kun. You're right on time for opening. Did you take the bus today?" Imaizumi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "This place is pretty far from the bus stop." Miki: "But you'd do anything for love, right?" Imaizumi: "What do you mean by love?" Imaizumi: "Is it ready?" Toji: "Hey." Imaizumi: "Hey, Kanzaki-san." Toji: "It's ready." Toji: "Your last one broke during the Inter-High." Toji: "It's got a new frame. I stuck new components and wheels on it, too." Toji: "It's your new bike." Toji: "This time I made the components electric, too." Imaizumi: "Electric?" Toji: "The wires you've used to physically shift gears until now have been switched out for electric signals sent to motors that do it for you." Toji: "It's like shifting gears using a switch." Toji: "On this battery, you'll be able to ride about 1,500 kilometers. It's not that one's better than the other," Toji: "but you're the type to manage your body by shifting gears a lot. Even when you're pushed to your limit, you'll be able to accurately shift gears. This'll be a huge advantage for you." Sakamichi: "Um, hello." Miki: "Welcome, Onoda-kun." Sakamichi: "H-Hello. Um, Kanzaki-san asked me to come." Miki: "Yeah, I heard. Come in." Toji: "Hey." Sakamichi: "Hello. Thanks for all your help at the Inter-High. What did you want to talk about?" Toji: "The chromoly frame out front's the one you rode in the Inter-High, right?" Sakamichi: "Oh, yes. Thank you. Thanks to you, I..." Toji: "Give it back." Sakamichi: "What?" Sakamichi: "What? I know I've been borrowing it from you, but..." Sakamichi: "But..." Toji: "Ride this instead." Toji: "It's a carbon module cast. The frame's made entirely from carbon fiber. It weighs half as much as the chromoly frame you've been riding." Sakamichi: "Half?" Miki: "Even I can lift it easily." Toji: "Weight is key for climbers." Toji: "Take the next step forward, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Forward..." Toji: "That bike will be able to meet your needs." Toji: "This bike moves easily, far, and quickly. You can really pedal when you need to." Toji: "It's the right bike for you." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun! Naruko-kun!" Imaizumi: "Onoda!" uko: "Onoda-kun!" uko: "What's your new weapon?" Sakamichi: "Kanzaki-san just gave it to me." uko: "A yellow carbon frame, huh? Pretty flashy and cool." Imaizumi: "How's the new bike?" Sakamichi: "G-Good! Since the way you ride heavy bikes is different from how you ride light bikes, it'll take some getting used to. But Kanzaki-san said once I get used to it, I'll be dramatically faster." uko: "Hotshot's got a new frame and electric components, and Onoda-kun's got a new bike?" uko: "Looks like we had the same idea." Sakamichi: "What?" Sakamichi: "They're thick and huge. What are those?" uko: "On hills, the lightness of your wheels is important. I think Makishima-san said that." uko: "On flats, your wheel's wind resistance is important. They negate the wind blowing toward you and convert it into thrust. These are the ultimate wheels for sprinters..." uko: "Carbon deep-rimmed wheels!" Sakamichi: "Amazing." Imaizumi: "Why don't the three of us go for a shakedown ride, then? Try to keep up, Naruko." uko: "Shut up. I'll be leading the group. I'll show you just how fast my new weapon is." uko: "Ready, and..." Sakamichi: "Wait!" Makishima: "Yeah. I know, Bro." Makishima: "I've packed most of my things." Makishima: "I'll be fine. I'll talk to them, too. Yeah, bye." Makishima: "Why do I look so dejected? We finally won the Inter-High." Makishima: "I should be leaving with a smile." Tadokoro: "Why'd you write "idiot" on it?!" Makishima: "Time for one last climb up Minegayama." uko: "What do you want, old man? I'm not slacking off just because it's summer break." uko: "What? I'm training with hotshot right now." uko: "Huh? Onoda-kun's off training by himself. What?" uko: "Makishima-san is?" uko: "Yeah, I heard he was going to college. But why's he going overseas?" Tadokoro: "His brother's living in England by himself. He's going to help him while living abroad there." Tadokoro: "No one told me, either. We just heard the news, too." Tadokoro: "Their school year starts in September over there." Tadokoro: "Yeah. I did think he was spending a lot of time in the library since the Inter-High ended. Apparently, he was finishing all his credits here ahead of schedule" Tadokoro: "so he could go to college there." uko: "Are you serious? What about the race to send off the third-years, then?" uko: "What about his bike?" Sakamichi: "Makishima-san!" Sakamichi: "Are you on your way to practice now?" Makishima: "That bike seems to be working out well. It's a good fit for you." Sakamichi: "Oh, I'm not nearly good enough for it yet." Sakamichi: "I haven't tapped into my full potential yet. I still have old habits to shake." Makishima: "Imagine sliding your feet forward when your toes are applying torque to the crank." Makishima: "You'll move farther on a lighter frame that way." Sakamichi: "Slide my feet?" Sakamichi: "Oh, I see. Thank you. I'll give it a try." Makishima: "Onoda, I'm on my way up Minegayama." Makishima: "Want to join me?" Sakamichi: "I just came back from Minegayama. Would it be all right if we rode another time?" Makishima: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "Actually, can I come with you after all?" Sakamichi: "I got a strange feeling in my chest." Sakamichi: "Let's go up Minegayama together." Makishima: "Yeah, let's go!" Makishima: "You've gotten faster." Sakamichi: "Yeah. Um, Makishima-san, you're cool, too." Makishima: ""Scary" is good enough for me." Makishima: "Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Makishima: "Hey, Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Makishima: "Do you enjoy riding your bike?" Sakamichi: "Yes! Lately, I've been talking with Naruko-kun and Imaizumi-kun about how we'll "surpass the third-years by the time they graduate."" Makishima: "That sounded just like him." Sakamichi: "What? Really? You beat me again at the end today, but I'm hoping to get stronger by the time you graduate. At least, I hope I do." Sakamichi: "Will you race me again then?" Makishima: "I'm always riding with you. When you think of it that way, we can race anytime. On zigzagging climbs, on straight roads that stretch on forever," Makishima: "on overgrown country roads..." Makishima: "Next year and the year after, I'll always be riding in front of you." Makishima: "So pass me." Makishima: "Become stronger." Makishima: "We're counting on you to carry our Sohoku, Sakamichi." Sakamichi: "Makishima-san..." Kinjou: "I'm happy to have served as your captain." Kinjou: "You endured hard practices and rode well at races." Kinjou: "I'm truly grateful to all of you. Thank you." Imaizumi: "It was nothing." uko: "Same goes to you, Captain." All: "Thank you!" Tadokoro: "We really are blessed. I had an awesome time." Kinjou: "Teshima..." Teshima: "Yes, sir." Kinjou: "You're the next captain of the Sohoku Bicycle Racing Club." Kinjou: "Second-year, Teshima Junta!" Teshima: "Yes, sir!" Kinjou: "Aoyagi Hajime!" Aoyagi: "Yes, sir." Kinjou: "You're the vice-captain." Aoyagi: "Yes, sir." Tadokoro: "The rest is up to you guys." Kinjou: "Ride." Kinjou: "Fight for every second. Next year's Inter-High has already begun." All: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "Sohoku won. We beat reigning champions, Hakone Academy. And at the same time, we became burdened... ...with the weight, responsibility, and pressure of being the winning team of the Inter-High. At the next Inter-High—no, starting with our next race, the other teams will be gunning for us. We must leap past them and win again." Teshima: "No matter the circumstances." Teshima: "After all, at the next Inter-High, we'll be riding with single-digit tags... Because we are the champions." Teshima: "Come. Let me see how much stronger you became during the Inter-High." uko: "Interesting. Does this mean a race, perm guy?" Teshima: "Didn't you hear me? That's what I said. To the traffic signal at the end of this 15-kilometer flat. Let's race!" Imaizumi: "Naruko!" uko: "Yeah!" Imaizumi: "They're trying to pull ahead of us with brute force!" Imaizumi: "Let's accelerate at full speed!" uko: "I know!" uko: "Can we close this gap?" Imaizumi: "We will catch them!" Tadokoro: "Will the first-years catch them?" Kinjou: "I'm not so sure. While they were looking toward the Inter-High, Teshima and Aoyagi never stopped practicing. And they've gotten stronger." Kinjou: "Especially Aoyagi." Kinjou: "His abilities as a sprinter are blossoming." Teshima: "Aoyagi..." Teshima: "What percent are you at right now?" Aoyagi: "70%." Teshima: "Then let's go to 100% for the last two kilometers and pull ahead of them." Aoyagi: "Got it." Teshima: "What's wrong, Naruko? Are those deep-rimmed wheels just for show?" Teshima: "Imaizumi, don't think you'll be the ace forever." Teshima: "You're not strong enough yet. We will—Sohoku will become even stronger!" Teshima: "We are the second generation of Sohoku!" Both: "Yes, sir!" Tadokoro: "Looks like the second-years won." Tadokoro: "Check it out. They look frustrated." Kinjou: "Thinking they were better for even a moment let their biggest chance slip away from them. That's part of road racing, too." Tadokoro: "But..." Tadokoro: "I'm most worried about him." Tadokoro: "Onoda..." Sakamichi: "I can't be weak. I can't be weak." Makishima: "Become stronger." Teshima: "It's tea time." Aoyagi: "Junta."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 1 – The Last Minegayama", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "1", "The Last Minegayama" ] }
Toji: "Hey, look." uko: "The first-years have already scattered." uko: "Someone must've raised the pace and broken the group apart." Teshima: "Probably. And a fake attack couldn't have scattered them this much." Teshima: "It's someone who can maintain a high average speed over a long period of time." Teshima: "It must be the experienced first-years..." Teshima: "Kaburagi and Danchiku." Kaburagi: "Sorry, Onoda-senpai! Forgive me for being rude on the first day of the school!" Sakamichi: "It's fine! I'm not worried about it." Kaburagi: "You forgive me?" Imaizumi: "You should make him obligated to you." Sakamichi: "Uh, if you're so worried about it, why don't you show me with your riding at the upcoming first-year race?" Kaburagi: "I'll show you..." Kaburagi: "...exactly how I ride!" Rider A: "Kaburagi and Danchiku are riding alone!" Rider B: "No, someone's going after them! Who is it?" Rider A: "That jersey..." Teshima: "We still can't see the front." Toji: "They're riding pretty fast." Sakamichi: "We've passed most of the first-years." Sakamichi: "Have Kaburagi-kun and Danchiku-kun already won the first-year race?" Imaizumi: "We have passed most of the first-years, but... we haven't passed any second-years yet." Teshima: "I see the front!" Teshima: "It's Kaburagi and Danchiku! And there's one more guy!" Sakamichi: "Sugimoto-kun!" Teshima: "Who wears the remaining one will be determined in this first-year race." Sakamichi: "Sugimoto-kun is amazing." uko: "Not bad, Sugimoto." uko: "He's sticking right to them." Sakamichi: "Sugimoto-kun's dancing with intensity." uko: "Sugimoto's still keeping up. He's not dropping his pace." Sakamichi: "Amazing." uko: "Hey, hotshot, don't you have anything to say? That's our Sugimoto." Imaizumi: "Not really." Both: "What?" Imaizumi: "He still has a lot to learn." uko: "Talk about unpleasant. Go on being a hotshot forever, hotshot." Imaizumi: "He hasn't shown his true strength yet." uko: "What's going on? He's breaking away from the group. Aw, no." uko: "Is he out of strength? He's wobbling. What on earth is he doing?" uko: "No way! He passed Kaburagi and Danchiku!" uko: "And he's pulling ahead of them! He's trying to break away!" Sakamichi: "Amazing." Imaizumi: "I heard you're going to ride in the first-year race." Sugimoto: "Yeah. Thanks for all your help, Imaizumi." Sugimoto: "I don't have time to worry about being a second-year or my pride." Sugimoto: "I know it's an unreasonable request, but I..." Sugimoto: "Actually, the rest is just my delusion, so forget it. I'll do my best." Imaizumi: "I see. Good luck." Sugimoto: "Yeah. Watch me from the van." Sugimoto: "We're counting on you, Imaizumi!" Imaizumi: "I know, Teru!" uko: "He's pulling ahead again!" uko: "Not bad, Sugimoto!" Sakamichi: "But the guys behind him seem like they have a lot of strength left." Imaizumi: "You're exactly right, Onoda. It's not that they can't go after him." Imaizumi: "They're choosing not to." Sakamichi: "Why would they do that?" Imaizumi: "They still have half the course left, and the second half includes the brutal Minegayama. If he's weak, then letting him get away won't have any consequences. He'll quickly exhaust himself and come falling back. Needlessly exerting themselves would be a waste. They have the advantage of ability and numbers. If it comes down to it, they can make up a few minutes' difference. That's what they're thinking." Imaizumi: "They're treating him like a bird inside a birdcage. No matter how much it flaps its wings, it can't fly. But that can lead to a sudden comeback" Imaizumi: "when they miscalculate that bird's strength." Imaizumi: "Sugimoto is a weak sprinter." Imaizumi: "They must've thought the same thing. But his legs are built for long rides. He can maintain a high average speed over a long period of time." Imaizumi: "Sugimoto's probably gone much farther ahead than they're imagining." Kaburagi: "This isn't good. This doesn't feel right." Kaburagi: "Danchiku, I judged him to be beneath our concern with the weak way he passed us. But his legs might be..." Teshima: "There's no way they won't notice." Kaburagi: "Have you loosened up yet, Danchiku?" Danchiku: "Yeah. That was enough to relax me." Danchiku: "Let's ride all out to catch him, Issa!" Kaburagi: "Yeah, Danchiku!" Kaburagi: "Go!" Sakamichi: "They're fast!" uko: "They made it to the dam in no time!" Kaburagi: "We still haven't caught up yet, Danchiku. He's way faster than we thought." Kaburagi: "Roar, Danchiku!" Teshima: "The SS logo on their chests... Team SS the one of the strongest major teams in Chiba, composed of riders ranging from middle school students to adults. It has a fifteen-member roster, and every month they race to compete for slots." Teshima: "And they've remained on the team. The "SS" in their name stands for "Speed Shot."" Teshima: "They take down their prey at top speed." Kaburagi: "Hey, you had me scared for a moment. If we'd been just a few minutes slower..." Kaburagi: "You might've gotten us." uko: "They passed Sugimoto in a second!" Sakamichi: "He managed to get ahead of them, too." Imaizumi: "After them, Sugimoto!" Imaizumi: "Go after their butts!" Imaizumi: "If you don't chase now, you'll fall behind completely! Your defeat will be certain!" Imaizumi: "Is it hard? Don't think you can do it? Whenever you feel that way, just remember... It's hard for you, but it's just as hard for them!" Imaizumi: "Whoever manages to hold on wins!" uko: "He got a second wind!" Sakamichi: "Sugimoto-kun's accelerating again!" uko: "What, hotshot? You're not putting on airs?" Sakamichi: "That was amazing. You were so passionate just now." Imaizumi: "Don't mock me. I was just telling him it's time to go for it." Imaizumi: "I'm not trying to provide Sugimoto any extra support. If he wins, it'll be because he caught up. He's desperately trying to catch up now, but there's no telling if he will." Sugimoto: "No, don't think about it." Sugimoto: "Just catch up. Catch up." Toji: "What should we do, Teshima?" Teshima: "Go after the leaders." Teshima: "Realistically, Sugimoto won't catch up to Kaburagi and Danchiku. They should already be beginning the final climb up Minegayama." Sakamichi: "But Sugimoto-kun is—" Teshima: "We have to watch the leaders ride. This race will determine the final member of the Inter-High team." Toji: "Got it." Sugimoto: "Wait, what?" Sugimoto: "Wait." Sugimoto: "Wait. This is the last..." Suigmoto: "Wait, Imaizumi!" Sakamichi: "Sugimoto-kun stopped pedaling. Can't we turn the car around and—" Teshima: "Onoda, this is a race." Teshima: "Knowing this could happen, Sugimoto chose to participate." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun..." Imaizumi: "I thought he could do more." Sadatoki: "All right. I finally caught up. You really are fast, Brother." Sugimoto: "Sadatoki..." Kaburagi: "No one's pursuing us. Once we reach the top of this mountain, it's all downhill to the finish line, Danchiku." Kaburagi: "This race is ours." Kaburagi: "We're going to the Inter-High, Danchiku." Danchiku: "Don't celebrate so much, Issa. You're like a child." Kaburagi: "When would I celebrate, if not now? I am a child, Danchiku. One who's been presented with all the toys he wanted and told to play with them to his heart's content." Kaburagi: "I am a child!" Kaburagi: "I'm excited. I'm getting chills, Danchiku." Kaburagi: "I finally get to go. The race I saw when I tagged along on my father's business trip was my first Inter-High." Kaburagi: "I was dumbfounded. I was so excited, I leaped into the air. It blew away my concepts of "fast" and "strong."" Kaburagi: "It was an awesome race." Kaburagi: "I decided then that I would participate in that race." Kaburagi: "Not that I could, but that I would. I'd get stronger and participate." Kaburagi: "There are plenty of strong riders in the world, but that's fine. I've become super strong. I'll battle them and win." Kaburagi: "Conquering the Inter-High is my goal!" Kaburagi: "Let's do it. We can do it, Danchiku. After all, I have you with me." Danchiku: "Stop. You're embarrassing me." Sakamichi: "Huh?" uko: "They're falling back." Kaburagi: "Teshima-san!" Teshima: "What is it?" Kaburagi: "You haven't forgotten our promise, have you? If Danchiku and I finish first and second in this race, you'll let both of us onto the Inter-High team." Teshima: "Yeah." Kaburagi: "All right! I, Kaburagi Issa, along with Danchiku, will ride in the Inter-High!" uko: "Hey, what kind of promise is that?" Sakamichi: "B-Both of them? Does that mean someone from the current lineup is out?" Teshima: "It's a world dictated by ability. It happens." Sakamichi: "Um, who is it? Who is it? It's me, isn't it? Good luck, everyone." Imaizumi: "He's so mentally weak." Kaburagi: "Onoda-san, it's on." Kaburagi: "I went to see the Inter-High last year." Kaburagi: "The finish line was at Mt. Fuji." Kaburagi: "Honestly, it was a mesmerizing race." Kaburagi: "Indescribably so." Kaburagi: "My entire body went numb. I became depressed on the way home and couldn't sleep for three days." Kaburagi: "I was frustrated from the bottom of my heart that I wasn't on that stage." Kaburagi: "Because I was shown that you were far stronger than me." Kaburagi: "That's why..." Kaburagi: "I'll surpass you at this summer's Inter-High. I'll surpass you!" Kaburagi: "What's your goal for this year's Inter-High?" Kaburagi: "A second consecutive general classification victory?" Sakamichi: "I don't have to win. I want to be with Imaizumi-kun and Naruko-kun, Teshima-san and Aoyagi-san," Sakamichi: "riding together as hard we can. I want to give everything I have against Manami-kun and Midousuji-kun. And in the end, I hope someone on our team has the chance to finish first. Also, this is just me being greedy, but I'd like to report to the upperclassmen..." Sakamichi: "That we did it." Kaburagi: "Report?" Imaizumi: "You are greedy. You couldn't be greedier." uko: "We'll have to practice super hard, Onoda-kun." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Teshima: "Kaburagi!" Teshima: "Last year we reeled in a thin thread that was about to break and won together." Teshima: "It may seem unrefined, but that's how Sohoku High School races." Teshima: "Sound lame? Kaburagi, you already think you've won, even though you haven't broken the finish line's tape." Kaburagi: "What?" Teshima: "Sugimoto, the man you passed and left behind, may be unreliable, but he possesses the spirit of Sohoku High School." Teshima: "If he hasn't given up on winning this race, then he'll come." Teshima: "He'll catch up to you." Kaburagi: "Is that a threat? That's impossible. In other words, you want me to stop talking and ride. I understand. Sorry!" Kaburagi: "Let's head to the finish line, Danchiku!" Danchiku: "Yeah!" Teshima: "A threat?" Teshima: "No." Teshima: "I've just seen miracles like that happen plenty of times." uko: "Is it Sugimoto?" Sakamichi: "Sadatoki-kun!" Sugimoto: "Not yet. I won't give up yet." Sadatoki: "I see them, Brother! It's the van." Teshima: "I can't believe the brothers caught up together. This is unexpected." Sakamichi: "Sugimoto-kun caught up!" uko: "Their synchronization is unbelievable." Sakamichi: "Amazing. Sugimoto-kun hasn't given up yet." uko: "But there's two more kilometers to the peak. Once they're past that, it's downhill." uko: "Sugimoto's legs aren't enough to close the gap. How much they can catch up to Kaburagi and Danchiku on this climb will be key." Sugimoto: "I'll become the sixth man. Go! Go, Sadatoki!" Sadatoki: "Yeah, Brother!" Sadatoki: "Brother, we'll catch up to Aburagi-kun and Danchiku-kun." Sugimoto: "I'm counting on you, Sadatoki. But it's Kaburagi." Sugimoto: "Sadatoki, how? Did you make it here on your own?" Sadatoki: "Yeah." Sadatoki: "I wanted to ride with you, Brother." Sugimoto: "Sadatoki, can you keep riding?" Sugimoto: "Kaburagi and Danchiku just passed me. I want to catch up and pass them again." Sugimoto: "Will you help me, Sadatoki? I want to go to the Inter-High as the sixth man." Sadatoki: "That was the first time. The first!" Sugimoto: "What?" Sadatoki: "You're cool and strong and know everything. You've always pulled me forward. But that's the first time you've asked me for something. So, I'll do it. I promise I'll take you there." Sadatoki: "Also, um..." Sadatoki: "You really do look cool in that jersey. It looks great on you, Brother!" Sugimoto: "Follow me. You can do it, Sadatoki. We'll cross the finish line together." Sadatoki: "Yeah!" Teshima: "Sugimoto caught up to Kaburagi and Danchiku just 50 meters before the peak!" uko: "Sugimoto's amazing!" Sakamichi: "Sadatoki-kun and Sugimoto-kun are both amazing!" Toji: "Was this unexpected, too, Teshima?" Teshima: "Road races certainly are fantastic, aren't they?" Kaburagi: "Damn it! I underestimated them." Kaburagi: "Who's that big guy?" Sugimoto: "Let's head to the finish line, Sadatoki!" Sadatoki: "Yeah, Brother!" Kaburagi: "Pedal harder! Faster, Danchiku!" Teshima: "They're neck and neck at the peak! Now it's downhill to the finish line!" uko: "I've been thinking, since we're the new generation of Sohoku High School, why don't we change our jersey's color? A flashy red would be cool." Imaizumi: "You have terrible taste. Blue is better." uko: "Then we'd be the same as Hakone Academy High School. Onoda-kun, what do you think?" Sakamichi: "Well, red is flashy, but blue is cool. But I like yellow because it's a modest but noble color. I guess you could say it's simultaneously cool and cute. What do you guys think?"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 10 – The Sugimoto Brothers' Bond", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "10", "The Sugimoto Brothers' Bond" ] }
uko: "Now that they're on the downhill slope, Kaburagi and Danchiku are accelerating!" Sakamichi: "Sugimoto-kun and his brother are falling behind!" Teshima: "They're as good as you'd expect going downhill." Teshima: "What do you think will happen, Imaizumi?" Imaizumi: "They'll fall behind." Sakamichi: "What?" Imaizumi: "But they'll probably catch up on the next corner." Sugimoto: "Don't let go. Don't let go, Sadatoki. Let's go to the finish line." Sadatoki: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "Team SS is a mixed team. Since their fifteen members are determined through races, they've probably never experienced that feeling..." Imaizumi: "Of riding with your friends." Imaizumi: "Currently, Kaburagi and Danchiku are stronger. But if Sugimoto has any chance at victory," Imaizumi: "it's because their wavering spirits don't understand that feeling." Kaburagi: "Why are you riding in front of us?" Danchiku: "Issa!" Danchiku: "Don't waver! Focus on the race! You saw some guy pass you. That's all!" Danchiku: "Face forward and think only of winning. We can do this. Don't worry." Danchiku: "You're fast." Danchiku: "You've practiced hard. You've endured thousands of difficult moments. Aren't you going to race in the Inter-High?" Danchiku: "So what's wrong with you? Frolic more!" Danchiku: "You're a genius, Kaburagi!" Kaburagi: "That did the trick. I'm fast? I'm a genius? I know. I know that better than anyone else, Danchiku! Yeah!" Danchiku: "Switch with me, Issa. I'll pull. The downhill is ending. I'll make sure you take first place!" Sugimoto: "It's the final spurt! Dig deep, Sadatoki!" Sadatoki: "Yeah!" Sugimoto: "I don't have time for excuses." Teshima: "At the bottom of the hill is Fumotogaoka Park. There's a short 200-meter climb from there." Teshima: "It's the final goal sprint of the first-year race!" Sakamichi: "Danchiku-kun's in front!" uko: "Kaburagi-kun's behind him! They're going for the one-two finish!" Sakamichi: "Sadatoki's falling back!" Kaburagi: "We're going to the Inter-High, Danchiku! We'll finish first and second!" uko: "From behind Danchiku, who was pulling with all his strength..." Danchiku: "Go, Issa!" uko: "The Kaburagi Super Express is leaving the station!" Kaburagi: "Follow me, Danchiku!" Kaburagi: "It's ours. It's perfect." Kaburagi: "We're going to make Sohoku High School stronger." Kaburagi: "Come, Danchiku! It's just us now!" Danchiku: "Yeah!" Danchiku: "Pedal, Issa! Don't worry about me! Pedal!" uko: "Sugimoto passed him without any help from Sadatoki!" Teshima: "It's a long sprint." Sakamichi: "Sugimoto-kun." Sadatoki: "Sorry I couldn't help you in the end, Brother." Teshima: "Sugimoto!" Both: "He caught up!" Kaburagi: "You can't be serious!" Teshima: "Only forty meters left!" Teshima: "Twenty meters left!" Teshima: "Ten!" Sugimoto: "It's the goal. The finish line. I'll throw everything away if it means I'll reach it first!" Kaburagi: "No way! I'm the man who will surpass Onoda Sakamichi!" Sugimoto: "I'm going to be the sixth..." Sugimoto: "The sixth man!" Kaburagi: "Yeah!" Sakamichi: "Sugimoto-kun!" Teshima: "Are you okay, Sugimoto?" Sugimoto: "I felt it." Sugimoto: "I was looking down when I crossed the finish line, so I couldn't tell." Sugimoto: "But I..." Sugimoto: "I won." Sugimoto: "I took first, right?" Sugimoto: "I did it! I'm going to the Inter-High! I did it! I did it!" Sugimoto: "I did it!" Imaizumi: "Sugimoto." Imaizumi: "You did your best." Sugimoto: "I did it." Sugimoto: "I did it, Imaizumi. Thank you." Sugimoto: "Thank you, thank you. Words can't express how grateful I am." Sugimoto: "Huh? Why do you all look so uneasy? Is it because you don't want me to be the sixth man? Don't worry. I can do it. I, Sugimoto Terufumi, will become even stronger." Kaburagi: "We did it." Sugimoto: "I see." Sugimoto: "I wasn't first." Sakamichi: "B-But you were amazing. Sugimoto-kun, you were amazing." uko: "It's true." uko: "You rode really well. I was shouting when you caught up at the end. Seriously." Sugimoto: "That was close. Second, huh?" Sugimoto: "That was truly close." Sugimoto: "I almost had it. Even I was confused. Sorry, guys. Did I get your hopes up?" Sugimoto: "Sorry, sorry." Sakamichi: "Teshima-san, Sugimoto-kun did his best. He tried really, really hard. So, uh..." Sakamichi: "Why don't we wait until the training camp to decide the Inter-High team?" Teshima: "Until the training camp?" Sakamichi: "Last year, Kinjou-san ultimately decided—" Sugimoto: "Onoda..." Sugimoto: "I was in this race with a different intention." Sakamichi: "Sugimoto-kun..." Sugimoto: "Teshima-san gave me a chance to ride in this race." Sugimoto: "His condition was that I take first." Sugimoto: "It was my last chance." Sugimoto: "Ultimately, though, there is no next time. I couldn't do anything." Imaizumi: "Sugimoto..." Imaizumi: "You worked diligently every day." Imaizumi: "You're the only one who kept up with their initial acceleration. You're the one who followed Sadatoki through the mountains and caught up to them again. During the final downhill sprint to the finish line," Imaizumi: "it wasn't because of anyone else's strength or thanks to anyone else. You're the one who was riding." Imaizumi: "Be proud. You had the strongest ride in this race." Sugimoto: "Thanks, Imaizumi." Sugimoto: "Sorry I couldn't win after all the advice you gave me." Sugimoto: "I'm going to go cool down." Sadatoki: "Brother..." Teshima: "That was an impressive victory, Kaburagi." Kaburagi: "Thanks." Teshima: "But since Danchiku placed third, you didn't fulfill our agreement that a one-two finish meant both of you could become members." Teshima: "Will you ride alone?" Kaburagi: "Yes, sir." Danchiku: "Good, Issa." Teshima: "Get stronger." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir." Miki: "It's nearly time." Aya: "Yeah." Teshima: "These are the Inter-High jerseys passed down to us from our seniors." Teshima: "Winner of the first-year race, Kaburagi Issa." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "You'll be wearing this. Take it." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir." Miki: "They're here." Aya: "Vying for a consecutive victory..." Miki: "The six members of the new Sohoku High School team." Kaburagi: "I did it, I did it!" Kaburagi: "I did it!" Kaburagi: "Naturally, I intended to become a member, but now that I am one, I'm ecstatic. I tried on my jersey a bunch of times yesterday." Danchiku: "Keep it down. Everyone will hear you." Kaburagi: "Listen to this! I'm going to be in the Inter-High!" Danchiku: "He's shouting even louder?" Kaburagi: "As one of the champions, I'll lead Sohoku High School to our second consecutive victory." Kaburagi: "Thank you!" Kaburagi: "He was strong. If the finish line had been five meters closer, I would've lost. I seriously respect him." Sugimoto: "Push Imaizumi's back." Kaburagi: "What?" Sugimoto: "In my place." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Sakamichi: "Excuse me..." Student: "Yes?" Student: "Who is he?" Student: "Are you Onoda-san from the bicycle club? Th-The national champion?" Sakamichi: "Y-Yes." Student: "How does it feel to be number one?" Sakamichi: "Uh, well..." Student: "Are your glasses for camouflage?" Sakamichi: "I'm here to see Kaburagi-kun..." Student: "Can we take a picture? Yeah! Thank you!" Sakamichi: "No, wait. Could you please get Kaburagi-kun for me? No, will you? I have a message for him from our captain, Teshima-san." Student: "Stand. Bow." Kinjou: "Is Onoda here?" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Student: "Did you finish your report? Yeah." Arakita: "What? What the hell is this? I rushed here, too. First period is canceled?" Arakita: "This college campus is too big. They should make it more compact so I don't get so tired. I didn't think I'd get into a school this good." Arakita: "Must've been my wild instincts at work." Arakita: "Anyway, college is a tough place." Arakita: "I have some time before second period. Guess I'll go to the club room." Arakita: "Since they have all kinds of clubs, I should do something." Arakita: "But I always end up here. First-year Arakita coming through." Arakita: "I wasn't expecting to end up on the same team as you..." Arakita: "Kinjou." Kinjou: "What are you mumbling about, Arakita?" Kinjou: "Did you go to class because you didn't know it was canceled?" Arakita: "Shut up. And if you knew, you should've emailed me." Kinjou: "I don't have your address." Arakita: "It's this." Kinjou: "A-K-I..." Kinjou: "What's "Aki-chan"?" Arakita: "Shut up. It's my family's dog." Arakita: "What're you going to do about the next inter-school race? We're eligible." Arakita: "Fuku-chan and Shinkai are coming to the race. Meisou University's bike club is strong." Kinjou: "You think we'll win?" Arakita: "If we're in it, we'd better." Kinjou: "Interesting." Kinjou: "Let's show them the power of Younan University." Arakita: "We're a really mismatched duo, though." Kinjou: "Maybe not." Arakita: "Anyway, did you hear? This year's Inter-High is going to be on that slope." Kinjou: "That slope, huh?" Arakita: "I'm glad it wasn't last year. Climbing that slope is exhausting." Arakita: "How do you think Sohoku High School will do?" Kinjou: "They've already picked out all six of their members." Arakita: "That was quick." Kinjou: "Captain Teshima probably intends to use that time to increase the team's strength as a whole." Arakita: "That Teshima guy's pretty smart. But I heard Izumida's been putting Hakone Academy High School through hellish training." Kinjou: "Sounds tough." Arakita: "Since everyone's moved up a year, then that oddball—no, Onoda-chan..." Arakita: "Is he a second-year now?" uko: "You sound like a tire going flat. You got the sniffles, Onoda-kun?" Sakamichi: "Y-Yeah." Sakamichi: "Maybe someone's talking about me." Sakamichi: "Kaburagi-kun! I went to your classroom this morning, but I missed you. Today—" Kaburagi: "I heard from Teshima-san. We're doing individual training, right?" Sakamichi: "Great. I went during lunch, too, but you weren't there." Teshima: "You'll be practicing one-on-one with Onoda. Learn all you can from him." Teshima: "The practice follows a race format. The course is simple, running from the front gate and up the rear gate slope. If you see an opening, pass him." Sakamichi: "Wh-Where did you go for lunch?" Kaburagi: "You could've left a message with one of my classmates to come see you during the next break." Sakamichi: "I couldn't do that. I wanted to tell you directly." Kaburagi: "I'll listen to your orders." Kaburagi: "After all, I'm your junior." Sakamichi: "Sorry. Are you mad?" Kaburagi: "I'd apologize." Sakamichi: "Sorry." Sakamichi: "Huh? Kaburagi-kun?" Sakamichi: "Juniors are so difficult to handle." Kaburagi: "My classmates told me—damn it. That Onoda's pathetic." Kaburagi: "That he's unreliable, scrawny, and weak." Kaburagi: "They made fun of me for looking up to him!" Kaburagi: "Damn it!" Kaburagi: "Can't he be a more dignified senior? He's embarrassing me!" Sakamichi: "Sorry." Kaburagi: "Onoda-san, when did you get there? Crap! S-Sorry... Did you hear me talking to myself?" Sakamichi: "Yeah, sorry. From around "where my classmates told me."" Sakamichi: "Sorry. I'm not much of a senior, am I?" Sakamichi: "But I intend to do my best for the team." Kaburagi: "Excuse me, uh... C-Could you ride as hard as you can?" Sakamichi: "Th-This practice is about riding as hard as we can. Of course I will. Right!" Sakamichi: "Here I go." Kaburagi: "Okay." Kaburagi: "He's fast. What is this?! Is this him really climbing?" Kaburagi: "It took only a moment." Kaburagi: "I can't beat him. I don't think I can beat him. Racing against him is totally different from watching him." Kaburagi: "This is his high-cadence climb. Amazing!" Sakamichi: "Keep up." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir." uko: "You think Kaburagi's flustered around now?" Teshima: "Probably." Teshima: "Most people are when they experience Onoda's riding firsthand. He even smiles while he climbs." Teshima: "But we need Kaburagi to get stronger. And we have to as well." Teshima: "The next Inter-High is being held on that slope." uko: "That slope?" Teshima: "Japan's most famous and endless winding slope. Through cedar-lined roads, World Heritage Site Toushougu Shrine, and beyond." Teshima: "The Nikkou Irohazaka. Among cyclists, it's known as "The Sprinter Killer." Its highest point is 1,840 meters above sea level." Teshima: "It's literally twice the size of last year's Hakone Mountain." Kinjou: "Want to go for a short ride before second period?" Arakita: "Not like I've got anything better to do." Arakita: "Kinjou..."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 11 – Conclusion", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "11", "Conclusion" ] }
A: "It's Sohoku High School. Sohoku High School's here." B: "Last year's champs sure are intense." C: "That guy's huge. It's Imaizumi." D: "That red! It's Naruko." B: "Their captain Teshima, Aoyagi, and... Last year's general classification winner, Onoda." A: "Huh? Who's the last guy?" C: "It's a first-year. Kaburagi Issa of Kanamegawa Middle School." A: "Kaburagi? I've never heard of him." D: "But if he's a regular as a first-year..." B: "Then he must be pretty strong." Kaburagi: "Your habits are rubbing off on me, Danchiku." Kaburagi: "Crap. My stomach hurts..." uko: "Kabu's always thinking by himself." Imaizumi: "Maybe he doesn't understand that Sohoku High School fights as a team." Teshima: "Kaburagi, are you okay?" Kaburagi: "I'm great." Teshima: "I see." Teshima: "Before the race, I want to ask you something." Teshima: "Kaburagi, what do you ride for?" Kaburagi: "Isn't it obvious? I ride..." Kaburagi: "...to win!" Kaburagi: "We endure long, grueling races because of that goal. Am I wrong?" Teshima: "Endure, huh? You're not wrong. It's a good answer." Teshima: "Okay, we're finished warming up. Meet inside the bus. We'll start the meeting." Kaburagi: "It's the genius Kaburagi's debut race." uko: "And why are you agreeing to this, perm head?" Teshima: "Why not? He wants to do it." Kaburagi: "I promise I'll win this race." Teshima: "Fine. Let's see you do it. We'll support you as best we can, too." Kaburagi: "No, I won't need your support. I'll ride solo ahead of the pack until the end." Rider A: "One guy jumped ahead!" Rider B: "It's Sohoku! Don't let him go!" Kaburagi: "What? A flat tire!" Kaburagi: "W-Wait!" Kaburagi: "What?" Kaburagi: "Senpai..." Kaburagi: "Wh-Why? Why are you stopping? You're in the middle of a race!" Imaizumi: "You're our ace in this race." Imaizumi: "We're riding to support you." Kaburagi: "What?" uko: "You're the one who said he wanted to be the ace." Sakamichi: "Oh, uh... looks like you weren't so lucky. But you can't help it if you have a flat. Our seniors used to say luck was part of the race, too." Kaburagi: "Please go! Just keep going! If we don't win today, we can't go to the Inter-High!" Kaburagi: "Who cares about me?" Teshima: "Kaburagi... Last year's captain, Kinjou-san, said this jersey is complete when all six are together." Kaburagi: "It doesn't matter how many there are!" Kaburagi: "This is a lap race. If you fall behind, you're forced to drop out!" Kaburagi: "The pack is coming. Hurry!" Teshima: "During the second stage of last year's Inter-High, Onoda stopped and waited for a senior named Tadokoro-san. He pulled the sick Tadokoro-san to the Team Sohoku jerseys that were so far ahead of them. All six were united." Teshima: "Some guys would probably say that didn't mean anything. But after that, Tadokoro-san pulled the team. We depended on each other and worked together. In the end, Onoda was entrusted with the team's hopes and took our jersey to the finish line." Teshima: "I believe in the power of six." Miki: "Thanks for waiting." uko: "The manager's here." Miki: "Hurry. The leaders are just around the corner." uko: "We know." Sakamichi: "They're here." Teshima: "It's done." uko: "This team always likes to cut it close." Teshima: "Don't say that, Naruko." Teshima: "We've got all six. Let's go." Teshima: "Sohoku High School's moving again. Pedal as hard as you can!" All: "Yeah!" Rider D: "They got away." Rider E: "But they're still within range." Yanagida: "I'll overtake you on the remaining nine laps and force you to drop out. The Inter-High will be attended... By us!" Imaizumi: "The guys behind us are raring to go. What are we going to do, Teshima-san?" uko: "I guess we don't have a choice." Sakamichi: "We'd better do our best." Teshima: "We need to catch up first to the group behind us." Yanagida: "What?" Teshima: "Sorry, Yanagida. Could you hold onto that for a while?" Yanagida: "What?" Teshima: "I'll come back for it later." Teshima: "Yeah, around the ninth lap." Yanagida: "What?" Teshima: "Oh, right. You can drink it. It's probably heavy." Teshima: "Enjoy your tea time." Yanagida: "T-Teshima!" Teshima: "Let's start catching up, Aoyagi. We'll ride at 80% to pull ahead." Aoyagi: "Got it." Teshima: "Let's start this game of tag." All: "Yeah!" uko: "I haven't seen the evil Teshima-san in a while." Kaburagi: "What?" Imaizumi: "The ingenious strategies that once tortured us are going strong." Teshima: "Is that a compliment?" Teshima: "The group is scary because it's a group." Teshima: "But if you break them apart, it's not." Yanagida: "Damn it! We'll catch up no matter what, Teshima!" Rider D: "Don't underestimate us, Sohoku High School!" Teshima: "My declaration that we'll catch up will break the group apart." Teshima: "With fewer riders, the pack will slow down. They're wasting their chance to pass us." Teshima: "Besides..." Teshima: "We have all six of our members." Rider D: "Yanagida, we're overpacing ourselves." Rider E: "At this pace, we won't even finish the race, let alone win." Yanagida: "Shut up. We just have to catch up to Sohoku High School. I'll pull them out of the race!" Teshima: "It's a little early, but let's do it, Aoyagi." Aoyagi: "Got it. We'll go at 100%." Aoyagi: "Ultimate technique..." Aoyagi: "The improved version of Tadokoro-san's Sohoku High School Human Bullet Train." Aoyagi: "The Supersonic Oxygen Human Bullet Aoyagi Train!" Rider D: "Th-They're fast." Rider E: "I can't catch up." Yanagida: "Sohoku High School's too strong." Kaburagi: "Teshima-san, did you predict this, too?" Teshima: "Sorry, Yanagida. I'm back for my water bottle." Tanagida: "Take it." Teshima: "Don't make too much of it." Teshima: "There's one lap left. You're up now." Kaburagi: "Me?" Imaizumi: "We'll take you to the finish line. Ride like your life depends on it." Kaburagi: "I-Imaizumi-san?" Imaizumi: "I told you, you're the ace today. Your job is to take the finish line. Whatever you do, don't fall behind." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir." Sakamichi: "A-Are you okay?" uko: "He told you not to fall behind. Since you're the ace, pedal until your nose bleeds." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Sakamichi: "You can do it." uko: "That's it. Pedal hard, Kabu. Just so you know, the Inter-High's a hundred times harder than this!" Imaizumi: "Let's go!" Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Kaburagi: "Naruko-san, Imaizumi-san, thank you." Imaizumi: "Don't forget to thank Teshima-san and Aoyagi-san." uko: "Get up there and show the fans your jersey. The man who receives the most praise in a road race..." uko: "...is the one who crosses the finish line first." Sakamichi: "Hey, Naruko-kun." uko: "I actually wanted to take first, though." Sakamichi: "What?" Imaizumi: "The finish line was right in front of me. Darn it..." Sakamichi: "What?" uko: "Ace, my butt. Who does he think he is?" Imaizumi: "Why did we have to let him take the finish line?" uko: "Hey, hotshot. We agree for once." Imaizumi: "Starting today, his nickname is "showoff."" Sakamichi: "What? But I was just thinking the team's in great form." Teshima: "This is fine." Sakamichi: "What?" Teshima: "First place is special. No one wants to give it up. Not even to a teammate or a junior." Sakamichi: "But..." Teshima: "It's okay if they don't get along." Sakamichi: "What?" Teshima: "The determination to not lose holds them together. Even if they bicker normally, when things get tough and they can't ride, they'll turn it around in a second." Teshima: "Riders determined not to lose give the team strength. "Don't follow me," becomes, "Keep up." And that connection causes miracles." Teshima: "That's what I believe." uko: "Listen up. Starting today, you're "showoff."" Imaizumi: "If you've got anything to say, you can say it once you can keep up with us." Kaburagi: "Understood! I accept! I'll practice super hard and surpass you someday! Imaizumi Shunsuke, I promise I'll surpass you!" Imaizumi: "Are you going to say that to everyone?" Kaburagi: "Naruko Shoukichi, I'll surpass you, too!" uko: "I'll be waiting." Imaizumi: "He said the same thing to you, didn't he?" Reporter A: "Finally, why do you race?" Kaburagi: "Today, when I crossed the finish line, I had a thought." Kaburagi: "That I'm riding for my team." Kaburagi: "But I was wrong! It's to win! That's all! That's my only motivation!" Teshima: "He's really glaring at us." Teshima: "But he's finally showing his true colors, I guess." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Recon: "The champions, Sohoku High School... They certainly are strong. It's going to be another hot summer this year." Mizuta: "This is seriously bad." Mizuta: "Sohoku High School had a perfect finish. They're going to be strong, Midousuji-kun." Midousuji: "The vermin champions, huh?" Midousuji: "Good." Mizuta: "What?" Midousuji: "The more perfect they are, the weaker they are. The riper the fruit, the sooner it falls." Mizuta: "But it's okay. I found a weakness. I, Mizuta Nobuyuki, as the new captain of Kyoto Fushimi High School, will... huh?" Midousuji: "Don't worry, zaku. I've gotten stronger this year, too." Midousuji: "And I have you." Komari: "Midousuji-san, your muscles are looking great today. They're excellent." Hiranishi: "I'm exhausted." Rider B: "Hey, Komari. Massage me again today." Komari: "Yes, sir." Hiranishi: "It really works." Komari: "It's finally time for practice." Komari: "I always wash my hands..." Komari: "Before I ride you." Sakamichi: "Okay, perfect." Sakamichi: "I feel great when my bike's sparkling clean." Sakamichi: "It's so hot. Summer's coming soon." Sakamichi: "And with it, the Inter-High." Sakamichi: "We'll get to ride together again, Manami-kun." Sakamichi: "Huh? The call light is on." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun? Why? He never calls me." Sakamichi: "S-Sorry, Manami-kun. I didn't notice my phone was ringing." Sakamichi: "It's his answering machine..." Sakamichi: "Uh, this is Onoda. Thanks for calling." Sakamichi: "We're going to the race." Sakamichi: "I hope we get to ride together again." Sakamichi: "I'm looking forward to it." Manami: "Yeah, so am I." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun? H-How?" Sakamichi: "Oh, right." Manami: "We won our prefecture's preliminary, too. Izumida-san was really into it. We finished ten minutes ahead of the second place team. They say it's a new race record." Sakamichi: "What?" Manami: "It's a place you told me you like." Sakamichi: "Could it be?" Manami: "Yeah." Manami: "I'm in Akihabara. We're on our way to check out the Inter-High course, but we stopped by because a senior named Ashikiba-san forgot his phone charger." Sakamichi: "I'll be right there." Sakamichi: "I'll still go." Sakamichi: "I'm an idiot." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun..." Reporter B: "Thanks for letting me come along with you." Izumida: "It's fine. Since it'll save time, it helps us, too." Reporter B: "I appreciate you saying that." Reporter B: "So, do you think you can beat Sohoku High School this year?" Izumida: "The question isn't whether or not we can beat them. It's—" Doubashi: "That's right. It's whether or not they can keep up with us." Doubashi: "We're Hakone Academy High School. It won't take me a second to crush them." Izumida: "That's enough, Doubashi. I know I've said this before," Izumida: "but all six members of Hakone Academy High School are aces." Izumida: "Let me be clear. Last year they took the title of champions from us, but we haven't lost our pride." Izumida: "We're strong. And..." Izumida: "I am strong." Kaburagi: "Onoda-san, let me hold your basket. These gummies are really good. Onoda-san, let's get some ice cream. It's hot out." Sakamichi: "Yeah, okay. They look good. What should we get?" Kaburagi: "It's gotta be Papeko. We can split one." uko: "You look like you're having fun, showoff. We're getting Papeko, too." Kaburagi: "Let's get donuts instead, Onoda-san."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 12 – Trouble!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "12", "Trouble!" ] }
Gorizo: "Onoda-san is carsick!" Imaizumi: "on the cycling sports center's circuit course." Kaburagi: "One thousand?" Kaburagi: "We're not going to do two-minute sprints or heartbeat training? Seriously? Two hundred and fifty kilometers a day? That's insane!" Kaburagi: "Oh, I know. You're joking, aren't you?" Imaizumi: "We're serious." uko: "It's for real." uko: "You'll lose consciousness before you finish." Imaizumi: "You'll master the ability to remain focused while riding." Kaburagi: "What?" Teshima: "You're all responsible for managing your own physical condition. If you're tired, rest. I won't blame you for dropping out, either. Ride with a light at night." Club 1: "We're going to be riding at night?" Sawada: "Just riding during the day won't be enough." Kaburagi: "What should we do, Danchiku?" Danchiku: "Don't worry, Issa. I'm with you." Kaburagi: "I appreciate it." Teshima: "You'll attach a sensor to your bike. Your rank will be displayed on this digital scoreboard. If you're an Inter-High regular, not only do I expect you to finish, but at the end of the fourth day..." Teshima: "I expect you to place in the top six." Gorizo: "We're going so fast." Teshima: "Last year Imaizumi, Naruko, and Onoda completed one thousand kilometers after modifying their bikes." Kaburagi: "Modifying?" Teshima: "They switched out their shifters, handlebars, and wheels." Kaburagi: "Amazing." Teshima: "I'll be modifying your bike, too." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir." Kaburagi: "Is it my wheels or gears?" Teshima: "I haven't done anything to those." Teshima: "It's you." Kaburagi: "What?" Teshima: "Obey the following rule. While riding on the course, don't get within ten meters of Danchiku." Teshima: "You're the only one who will be riding in the Inter-High. Danchiku won't be on the Inter-High course." Teshima: "Both of you ride while wearing these meters. I've set their sensors to ten meters. If you approach each other, an alarm will sound." Imaizumi: "Teshima-san..." Imaizumi: "What are you going to do if we don't finish in the top six?" Teshima: "You'll be removed from the lineup." uko: "Isn't that a little harsh? Showoff seemed depressed." Teshima: "If he can't make the top six under these conditions, I'm removing him from the lineup." Teshima: "During this training camp, our perfect teamwork style, the two-man team..." Teshima: "...will be dissolved." Teshima: "We'll become stronger. We have to. You know that. We're third-years. But we've still never finished a thousand kilometers." Toji: "Hey, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Kanzaki-san!" Toji: "Sorry I'm late. There was traffic." Sakamichi: "It's totally fine. Thank you. I was able to get some rest." Toji: "I've got some stuff in the passenger seat. Ride in the middle." Sakamichi: "Okay." Koga: "Hey." Sakamichi: "Koga-senpai..." Koga: "I heard you got carsick, too." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Kaburagi: "I'm asking for your help. During the training camp that starts tomorrow..." Kaburagi: "Ride with me, Danchiku." Kaburagi: "There's something I've come to realize during practice lately." Kaburagi: "Without you, there's no one I can depend on when my stomach starts to hurt." Kaburagi: "I'm only able to be myself because of you." Kaburagi: "Danchiku!" Kaburagi: "Ow..." Kaburagi: "Answer me, Danchiku. Save me, Danchiku..." Danchiku: "It's now or never! Go, Issa!" Danchiku: "Frolic more, Genius Kaburagi!" Kaburagi: "Give me praise. Tell me what to do. Lift me up, Danchiku!" Kaburagi: "Oh, right. The training camp. Damn it. The first-year amateurs passed me at some point." Kaburagi: "That means I'm last!" Kaburagi: "D-Damn it. My cleat won't snap in." Imaizumi: "You're not last." Imaizumi: "You're being lapped." Kaburagi: "While I was spacing out..." Kaburagi: "They finished one lap on this five-kilometer circuit course!" uko: "Hotshot, you've got some pretty lame-looking wheels." uko: "What's wrong? Did you lose your allowance?" Imaizumi: "Yeah, when I went into town the other day." Imaizumi: "Don't worry about it." uko: "I feel sorry for you. But honestly, my wheels look lamer." uko: "Don't worry about me, though." Imaizumi: "Kaburagi!" Imaizumi: "What's wrong? I thought you were going to beat us. Pass us! If you place sixth at this training camp, you won't be any use to us at the Inter-High." Kaburagi: "It's in!" Kaburagi: "Damn, damn..." Kaburagi: "Seriously?" Danchiku: "Issa, are you all right?" Kaburagi: "Danchiku." Kaburagi: "Danchiku, I don't have confidence. I'm not confident I can finish a thousand kilometers. I..." Kaburagi: "Danchiku... This must be what they call "pressure." Now that I'm alone, I finally feel it. The pressure of having to ride a thousand kilometers..." Danchiku: "You're letting it get to you." Kaburagi: "I can't do it." Danchiku: "Frolic, Issa." Kaburagi: "I can't." Kaburagi: "I have to stop riding." Danchiku: "I see two lights in you." Danchiku: "Two lights I don't have." Danchiku: "One is the explosive acceleration that comes from your focus before the finish line." Danchiku: "The other is your desire to beat anyone and everyone." Danchiku: "I'm the oldest of three siblings. Maybe it's because my younger siblings are selfish, but I tend to yield at crucial junctures." Danchiku: "As the youngest of four siblings, you can do what you want. You've been spoiled." Kaburagi: "What? Is that really relevant right now, Danchiku?" Danchiku: "Until now, you've acquired the things you wanted." Danchiku: "You do whatever it takes to acquire the things you really want." Kaburagi: "Buy it, please! Buy it!" Danchiku: "You never let go until you get what you want." Kaburagi: "Is that relevant?" Danchiku: "You flip over the shogi board when you're about to lose." Danchiku: "You even want to win at rock-paper-scissors." Kaburagi: "Wait, Danchiku! What are you talking about? Are you trying to finish me off when I'm already feeling down?" Danchiku: "That mentality, which makes people dislike you in everyday life," Danchiku: "becomes an asset in the competitive world. When you're pushed to your limit and nearly exhausted, when your body is screaming, your last remaining drop of mental strength tries to win." Danchiku: "That's talent." Danchiku: "That's right." Danchiku: "People don't recognize their talents for what they are. To them, it's natural." Danchiku: "Notice it. Work hard. I can't help you, but you can do it, Genius Kaburagi." Danchiku: "If you want to win, you'll find plenty of chances." Danchiku: "There's still easily more than 900 meters left on this course." Danchiku: "You recover quickly, too. That's another one of your talents." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun! Imaizumi-kun!" uko: "Hey, the latecomer's here." uko: "Onoda-kun, you're five laps behind. Pedal hard." Sakamichi: "Yeah. I'll have to ride more than you guys tonight. Anyway, that upperclassman's going to be riding with us this year. He rode here in the van with me. Koga-senpai!" uko: "Koga-senpai? You mean that third-year with glasses who's always messing with machines?" Koga: "It's been two years since I've been on this course." Sakamichi: "He was really nice in the van." Sakamichi: "He was easy to talk to." Koga: "Want some? It's for motion sickness. It works." Sakamichi: "Come to think of it, I heard Koga-senpai rode 980 kilometers at the training camp they had when he was a first-year." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun?" Imaizumi: "Teshima-san!" Imaizumi: "Apparently, Koga-senpai is participating." Teshima: "I know." Imaizumi: "Why didn't you tell us?" Teshima: "Were you hoping for a list?" Imaizumi: "Don't avoid the question. Koga-senpai didn't skip the training camp last year because" Imaizumi: "he couldn't keep up, did he?" Teshima: "You're right. That wasn't why. He was injured." uko: "What was that?" Sakamichi: "Koga-senpai... He created so much wind pressure just by riding past us." Koga: "This year is my last chance at the Inter-High." Koga: "I came here because I wanted to participate. If you're a baby who thinks you'll be able to participate in the Inter-High just by finishing this course, step forward." Koga: "I'll crush you and wear your jersey." Koga: "I'll show you the burden of riding in the Inter-High... by force." Imaizumi: "Koga-senpai was in the Inter-High two years ago? But wait. Isn't finishing a thousand kilometers at this training camp one of our team's conditions for being in the Inter-High?" Imaizumi: "That's why Onoda worked himself until he was exhausted last year." Teshima: "It was only twenty kilometers, but he didn't fulfill the conditions. So why?" Teshima: "To cut to the chase, there were too many reasons." Teshima: "Koga shouldn't have ridden in the Hiroshima race that year." Teshima: "It's all in the past now." Teshima: "There's no point in rehashing it. To me and Aoyagi—no, Kinjou-san and the others," Teshima: "he was a significant member of the team. He was the most promising hope of our year." Imaizumi: "Koga-senpai was?" Koga: "What's wrong? Are those jerseys just for show, Naruko? Kaburagi? Onoda? Or are you bewildered because the man who's always performing maintenance in the corner of the club room is speaking so sharply to you?" uko: "No, not at all." Koga: "That's why I wore this." Koga: "I didn't think I'd wear it again... But I'm here with the resolve to wear this. It's the Sohoku High School Inter-High jersey I wore to the Hiroshima race two years ago." Koga: "I thought showing you this would be the fastest way." Koga: "But to be honest, you're no match for me." uko: "What do you mean we're no match for you, Koga-senpai?" uko: "He's trying to pull ahead! Let's stick to him, Onoda-kun! Showoff!" Sakamichi: "Yeah!" Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Kaburagi: "He's fast." Sakamichi: "He's pulling like crazy, Naruko-kun." Koga: "In middle school? I never skipped practice and was always the last one to quit," Koga: "so I had a weird nickname." Koga: "They called me the Stamina Simpleton." Kinjou: "That's a good nickname. It's simple and single-minded." Koga: "Kinjou-san praised my nickname." Teshima: "You came, Koga." Koga: "We need you. That's why I said you were no match for me." Koga: "The man I'm trying to knock out at this training camp is you, Teshima." Koga: "Onoda, you know who's the weakest member of the current Inter-High team." Teshima: "I'm weak." Koga: "Let's race, Teshima. Switch with me. I'll become the new captain. He should've told you before this training camp started that he'd cut anyone who didn't place in the top six." Koga: "It's because he knew I was coming. You'd better be ready for this." Teshima: "Imaizumi, Naruko, Onoda, Kaburagi... Sorry. I lied when I said I'd chosen the lineup." Teshima: "I'm the only one who's not a sure thing." Koga: "The old you would've fallen to that!" Teshima: "Koga!" Koga: "It's been a while since we last raced all out, Junta!" Teshima: "This is my first time! I always fell behind when we used to ride together!" Teshima: "Are you over your injury?" Koga: "Yeah. I lost a year and a half because of it." Koga: "But I've made a complete recovery. I made sure I did, so I could ride in my last Inter-High! Switch with me, Teshima! I can make Sohoku High School stronger!" Koga: "A Sohoku of strength! That's my plan for the team." Koga: "I'll make Aoyagi and Naruko ride on the flats. I'll have Kaburagi assist. Onoda will take the mountains. Imaizumi and I will handle the finish line. We can achieve a consecutive championship this way!" Koga: "Don't worry. It won't take long for me to get along with the other members. I know them well." Koga: "I've been watching them from the corner of the club room." Koga: "It must've been hard bringing that prickly group together." Koga: "But it's all right now. Leave the rest to me." Teshima: "Don't worry about me. I'm doing this because I want to. I don't have any intention of handing it over to you!" Teshima: "Isn't that why we're racing a thousand kilometers, Koga?" Koga: "Teshima!" Kaburagi: "Wait, what? Is our captain changing?" Sakamichi: "But we couldn't have won the preliminaries without Teshima-san." Kaburagi: "After watching him ride, Koga-senpai seems honestly—" Imaizumi: "After them!" Both: "Yeah!" uko: "Of course!" Koga: "Teshima, it's 800 meters to the starting line. Show me how much faster your once-ordinary riding has become." Koga: "Don't bother holding back. Let me be clear. I won't let you finish a thousand kilometers." Koga: "I'll tear it from you. I'll corner you through brute force." Koga: "I'm going to make you drop out. Four hundred meters left!" uko: "They're getting ready to sprint." uko: "Is the distance to the starting line their first test of strength?" Sakamichi: "Teshima-san..." uko: "He jumped ahead! He's got it!" Koga: "That's how strong you are." Koga: "Feel like giving up yet?" Teshima: "Looks like there won't be any time for tea until I finish a thousand kilometers." Koga: "You always had to have the last word. I said I'd make you drop out." Koga: "I'll push you until you can't talk anymore. I'm the guy known as the Stamina Simpleton." Sakamichi: "Kaburagi-kun, Danchiku-kun... Kanzaki-san gave these to me before we left this morning so we could share them." Kaburagi: "What? The manager? They're from a girl?" Kaburagi: "I don't want any!" Sakamichi: "Why not? They're good." Danchiku: "It'd be a waste, Issa. No one's watching."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 13 – 1000km Again", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "13", "1000km Again" ] }
Koga: "Let me be clear. I won't let you finish a thousand kilometers." uko: "He jumped ahead! He's got it!" Koga: "You've gotten stronger. I hardly recognize you." Koga: "But you're still..." Koga: "Ordinary!" Koga: "That's how strong you are." Koga: "Feel like giving up yet?" Teshima: "Looks like there won't be any time for tea until I finish a thousand kilometers." Koga: "I'll become the captain of Sohoku High School." Sakamich: "Teshima-san!" Teshima: "Who's becoming captain?" Teshima: "In any case, if we're celebrating, I'll have to order..." Teshima: "One of your favorite pizzas." Koga: "Keep up, Teshima!" Teshima: "What? Damn it!" Koga: "Are your legs cramping up?" Koga: "Disappointing." Koga: "That's your limit as an ordinary man!" Koga: "An ordinary man can't lead men overflowing with talent." Teshima: "There was a bug on my leg, so I shooed it away. Anyway, sorry, Koga." Teshima: "I believe there are things only an ordinary man like me can do!" Koga: "I..." Koga: "...don't think so." uko: "That was surprising, though." uko: "I had no idea Koga-senpai was such an incredible rider." Imaizumi: "He was the team's hope as a first-year." Imaizumi: "He couldn't ride for a long time due to an injury." Imaizumi: "Because he wanted to stay involved with the team, he'd been working as a mechanic." Sakamichi: "Huh? About the Inter-High..." Koga: "Yeah, I'm not going. I'm staying here." Koga: "Everyone's bikes are in perfect condition." Sakamichi: "What? But, uh..." Koga: "It's just a stupid superstition, but if I'm around..." Koga: "I have a feeling things will turn out like they did last year." Sakamichi: "What?" Koga: "It's fine." Koga: "Don't worry about me. Good luck." Koga: "I'm counting on you, first-years." Koga: "Imaizumi, Naruko, Onoda..." Koga: "Help Kinjou-san and the others win." Sakamichi: "That was painful for Koga-senpai." Sakamichi: "Teshima-san fights knowing all that." Imaizumi: "The same goes for Sugimoto." Imaizumi: "We carry the hopes of those who have fallen and can't participate in the Inter-High." Imaizumi: "Four days from now, either Teshima-san or Koga-san will carry those hopes." Sakamichi: "Then we have to get stronger during these four days." Imaizumi: "Yeah." Teshima: "That was rough, but I endured it." Teshima: "What do you think, Koga?" Koga: "Tomorrow will be harder." Teshima: "Seriously?" Teshima: "And give me a hand. Hey, Koga!" Teshima: "I can't stand up." Aoyagi: "Your pace is dropping with each lap." Aoyagi: "Are you okay, Junta?" Teshima: "Koga's a genius. I don't stand a chance against him." Aoyagi: "Junta..." Teshina: "That's why I'm thinking of doing..." Teshina: "...what only an ordinary man can do." Aoyagi: "Supersonic Oxygen Ten Thousand Bites of Food!" uko: "A man eats plain white rice in silence!" st-Year: "Aoyagi-san and Naruko-san are amazing!" Koga: "They sure do eat a lot." Koga: "The skies cleared up, though. The fog was crazy this morning. Right, Onoda?" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Koga: "We went for a ride first thing this morning" Koga: "to make up for being late to the training camp." Koga: "Now I'm back to being five minutes behind Teshima." Aoyagi: "Envision your assignment and goal while you ride." All: "Yes, sir!" Aoyagi: "Help provide food and water if you've dropped out. If you're free, work out." All: "Yes, sir!" Aoyagi: "I'm off." Teshima: "What's this? I thought I'd gotten ahead of you." Koga: "This is pointless. Choose. Will you push yourself today and drop out because of an injury," Koga: "or keep riding and drop out when you're exhausted tomorrow?" Teshima: "Sorry, but I choose the third option!" Teshima: "I'll complete a thousand kilometers in four days..." Teshima: "...and cross the finish line before you!" Koga: "You may be a skilled strategist, but you're not good enough. Give up, Teshima." Koga: "What are you smiling about, Teshima? Are you approaching your limit?" Teshima: "Koga! I'm an ordinary man!" Teshima: "That's why I'll take one step at a time, and during this training camp..." Teshima: "Become everything you said I'm not." Koga: "Looks like you'll have to learn your lesson the hard way." Koga: "You've always got to have the last word. I'll shut you up!" Koga: "It's warped." Tadokoro: "That's enough, Koga." Koga: "But Kinjou-san asked me to fix it!" Makishima: "We only have one ace, and our mechanic doubles as one of our riders." Makishima: "It was wrong for a team as weak as ours to dream of winning." Koga: "I'll fix it!" Tadokoro: "We're saying you don't have to! Sohoku High School's second-year ace, Kinjou, is dropping out on the second day after a hard fall." Teshima: "Excuse me." Teshima: "Kinjou-san's being examined at the hospital." Teshima: "His has broken ribs, and abrasions in seven places. One of the third-years is going to stay with him." Tadokoro: "I see." Koga: "Tadokoro-san, tomorrow I'll be—" Tadokoro: "Get changed. You've done enough. Get some rest." Tadokoro: "We still have to race tomorrow." Teshima: "The ace?" Koga: "Keep your voice down, Junta." Teshima: "The ace, though? Are you serious?" Koga: "Kinjou-san's done a lot for me." Koga: "That's why I have to fill his spot." Koga: "They won't be looking out for the first-years. I'll be free to do as I please." Koga: "I'll sneak my way to the top just before the finish line tomorrow. I'm confident in my sprinting ability, so I'm going to go for it." Koga: "If things go well, we could win. It'll be a huge comeback. We'll get single-digit number tags." Teshima: "Don't, Kimitaka." Teshima: "I understand how you feel. I dropped out of the thousand kilometer training camp, so you might not like me saying it," Teshima: "but you can't do it. Listen to the upperclassmen tomorrow." Koga: "Junta!" Koga: "I thought you'd understand!" Teshima: "You're injured!" Teshima: "Kinjou-san said you didn't have to push yourself. He told you to ride in the Inter-High, get experience, and use it next year." Koga: "What about this year?" Teshima: "He told you not to push yourself because you're talented and have promise!" Teshima: "It was the same during the training camp. You started hurting on the fourth day, so you were told to stop at 900 kilometers." Teshima: "But you injured yourself further by pushing yourself eighty kilometers more. You still haven't been able to get over that!" Koga: "I've healed. There's nothing to worry about. I recover quickly." Aoyagi: "Kimitaka..." Koga: "You know my nickname, don't you? I'm the iron man, the Stamina Simpleton." Rider A: "Sohoku High School's first-year jumped ahead!" Koga: "I'm the team's hope." Kinjou: "Your body is made for cycling. If you keep at it, you'll get better." Koga: "They expect great things for me." Koga: "Kinjou-san's hopes..." Koga: "I'll..." : "There's a sharp turn at the bottom of the hill!" Koga: "I have to do well." Koga: "I have to do..." B: "Someone fell!" C: "Are you okay?" Aoyagi: "Teshima..." Teshima: "Kimitaka..." Announce: "Number 73 has dropped out of the race. He seems to have hit his left shoulder hard." Teshima: "They took him away." Teshima: "Should I have done more to stop him?" Teshima: "Damn it. Why, Kimitaka?" Teshima: "It's nighttime now, Koga." Teshima: "No, Kimitaka. They'll be putting out the no passing board by the finish line soon, so we don't push ourselves too hard at night and injure ourselves." Teshima: "Kimitaka... That brings back memories. I used to call you that when we were still friends. After your fall, as you were stoically blaming yourself, I couldn't say anything to you." Teshima: "I'm glad you returned to this training camp so we could speak our minds." Teshima: "I believe there's a moment when an ordinary man beats a genius." Teshima: "Want to give it a try?" Teshima: "Let's race to the finish line where the no passing sign is." Koga: "Can I assume this race will settle everything," Koga: "Junta!" Teshima: "Yeah, that's right." Teshima: "Kimitaka!" Sakamichi: "A-Aoyagi-san!" uko: "Are you taking a break?" Aoyagi: "You guys should watch this, too." uko: "Is this the end of their race?" Kaburagi: "Teshima-san and Koga-senpai are..." Aoyagi: "They probably intend to decide who will ride in the Inter-High." Aoyagi: "Sorry for winning again, Teshima." Teshima: "It's fine. I'm satisfied. We beat the elites together." Aoyagi: "You're the one who deserves to be first, Teshima." Aoyagi: "I'll assist you in the next race." Teshima: "Don't you know?" Teshima: "I've never won a sprint to the finish before." Aoyagi: "Teshima!" Teshima: "I struggled hard, but it was no use. I'm 11th." Teshima: "One shy of the top ten. Sounds like me, right?" Teshima: "Even after you pulled for me. Sorry." Teshima: "My race with Koga will probably end either tomorrow or the day after. In my exhausted state, I have to beat the genius Koga" Teshima: "in a finish line sprint, which I've never won before." Aoyagi: "Junta..." Teshima: "If it comes down to it, Aoyagi..." Teshima: "Will you cheer for me?" uko: "They're close. I see two lights." Teshima: "Will you cheer for me?" Aoyagi: "Junta!" uko: "Is Koga-senpai riding alone?" Imaizumi: "No, Teshima-san is right behind him." uko: "Teshima-san is avoiding the wind by staying behind, but he looks like he's struggling." Teshima: "Koga will go all out at the training camp." Teshima: "I probably won't have time to be the captain." Teshima: "Could you lead the team for me, then?" Aoyagi: "I understand. I'm the vice-captain." Teshima: "I don't want to have any regrets." Teshima: "If I fail, this will be the last time." uko: "They're neck and neck!" Kaburagi: "Teshima-san's pulling ahead!" Kaburagi: "I've never seen Teshima-san so strong before. He's going to make it." uko: "Did you notice, hotshot?" Imaizumi: "Naruko..." uko: "Since the sprint started, Koga-senpai hasn't..." Imaizumi: "...stood up from his saddle once." Imaizumi: "Koga-senpai..." uko: "Stood up!" Senpai A: "Class 1-5, Teshima Junta." Teshima: "Yes, sir." Senpai B: "You're skinny." Senpai A: "Your jersey looks new. Are you a beginner?" Teshima: "Ah... I rode in middle school." Teshima: "I thought I could turn over a new leaf with this jersey." Senpai B: "You're Koga, huh?" Senpai A: "We've heard about you." Senpai: "This training camp is hard. Do your best. Kinjou, Tadokoro, Makishima, and first-year Koga, finish your thousand kilometers." Senpai: "Teshima, ride as hard as you can." Teshima: "Huh? Yes, sir. "As hard as I can?"" Tadokoro: "I'm the one who trained Teshima and Aoyagi." Tadokoro: "That's enough, Teshima, Aoyagi." Aoyagi: "Junta, win!" Aoyagi: "Junta!" uko: "Teshima-san won the race!" Koga: "I... lost? I lost a sprint?" Teshima: "I believe there's a moment when an ordinary man beats a genius." Teshima: "Crap. I'm at my limit." Koga: "An ordinary man beats a genius..." Teshima: "Kimitaka!" Teshima: "That was close." Koga: "I can't believe you wore me down so much." Koga: "Me, the Stamina Simpleton." Koga: "Thank you, Junta." Koga: "Your eyes are brimming with confidence." Koga: "Sohoku High School's fate is in your hands." Koga: "Go win, Junta." Aoyagi: "Junta..." Teshima: "Aoyagi, my hair's silky now, too." Aoyagi: "Junta?"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 14 – The Ordinary Man and the Genius", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "14", "The Ordinary Man and the Genius" ] }
Teshima: "I knew you were coming right away." Teshima: "That's a convenient device." Aoyagi: "Junta." Teshima: "Sorry. I'm taking a break." Koga: "A break? You said your legs and back were cramping and brought me down with you." Teshima: "Your leg cramped up first." Koga: "M-My legs didn't cramp! I'm the one they call the Stamina Simpleton!" Teshima: "You're the one who lost his balance first, Kimitaka!" Koga: "No, it was you, Junta!" Teshima: "No, you!" Koga: "No, you!" Aoyagi: "It doesn't matter who it was." Teshima: "You're right, Aoyagi." Koga: "You're right. It doesn't matter." Koga: "It's been a while since we spoke face to face." Koga: "Our first-year Inter-High was the last time." Koga: "But I'm glad I gave everything I had then." Koga: "Given the team's situation, I was the only one who could go for it." Koga: "Even when I had it to do over, I think I would still do it." Koga: "I gave everything I had in that race." Koga: "What happened was unfortunate, but I don't regret it." Koga: "It's frustrating, but it can't be helped. Let's ride." Teshima: "What?" Koga: "Isn't this a training camp?" Koga: "There's still something I have to do before my three years are up." Koga: "I'm a man of only 980 kilometers." Koga: "So I must complete one thousand kilometers." Sakamichi: "Good work, Koga-san. That was amazing. During last year's Inter-High, thanks for staying behind for us and supporting Sohoku High School." Koga: "I'll be going this year, Onoda. I'll support the team with all my might." Sakamichi: "Thank you." Koga: "Imaizumi..." Koga: "You're a second-year ace, just like Kinjou-san was back then." Koga: "Don't waver. Attack." Koga: "We'll be counting on you near the finish line." Imaizumi: "Yes, sir." Koga: "Naruko... Looks like you're working on something new to surprise us again this year." uko: "It'll be a piece of cake. I'll be heating things up this summer to 300 degrees!" Imaizumi: "Don't burn yourself to death." Koga: "Kaburagi, are you feeling uneasy?" Koga: "You're the only first-year. I was the only one, too." Koga: "Give everything you've got. It's the only way you'll be able to see the next step." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "Don't be too unreasonable, Kimitaka." Koga: "And you guys... I don't have to tell you what to do. I know how hard you've worked until now." Koga: "One last thing. Get injured." All: "What?" Koga: "And then I'll ride in the Inter-High for you!" uko: "No way." Teshima: "Does that mean you'll replace us if we let our guard down?" Sakamichi: "We'll be careful." Midosuzi: "Here we go." Employee: "I'm sorry, but the five-kilometer course is reserved." Midosuzi: "Well, that's a shock. I heard this place was famous. I took the train and a taxi to get here." Employee: "There's actually a high school bicycle club holding a training camp here. They're here for four days until tomorrow." Imaizumi: "You're so annoying. Stop getting ahead on corners." uko: "Are you stupid? It's your fault for riding so slowly that I'm overtaking you on them." Imaizumi: "You're not overtaking me. I'm letting you pass me." uko: "Hotshot, you take it easy. I'll definitely win." uko: "I'll pay the price." uko: "I'm always riding right on the edge. Sorry, but that's how I'm prepared to ride." Sakamichi: "He's fast. He's accelerating! Naruko-kun's accelerating on a climb!" Imaizumi: "That idiot." Midosuzi: "In that case... Could we at least take a look at the track?" Employee: "Sure." Rider A: "Fight!" Rider B: "Good work." Midosuzi: "What? What is this fun and games cycling event? This is a training camp? Gross." Midosuzi: "I came to see how they were doing since they're the champions. But all they have are more members now. Are they sure they weren't stronger last year? He's no good." Midosuzi: "He's weak, too." Midosuzi: "This one's not so bad." Midosuzi: "But since he's not wearing a yellow jersey, does that mean he's not a regular?" Midosuzi: "Hey, it's rooster head. The rooster head's here. So he hasn't quit. He's still riding. Riding hard, too." Midosuzi: "I don't know what he's riding for, though." Komari: "Is that tall guy behind them their ace?" Midosuzi: "That's right. That's Caterpillizumi-kun," Midosuzi: "who hasn't learned to fly yet." Komari: "It's hard to tell from so far away." Komari: "I wish we could get closer. Ideally, I'd like to feel his muscles for myself." Sakamichi: "It's getting cloudy. It might rain." Sakamichi: "I should get some rain gear. Maybe I'll take some for Naruko-kun and the others." Komari: "Hello." Sakamichi: "Who are you?" Komari: "My name is Komari." Komari: "I'm interested in a few things." Komori: "Could I ask you some questions?" Midosuzi: "To meet them face to face." Midosuzi: "That guy has no restraint." Sakamichi: "What? Uh, Komari-kun?" Komari: "That's right. I'm a first-year." Komari: "I'm looking for him so I can touch him." Komari: "Could you tell me all about..." Komari: "Your ace, Imaizumi-san?" Sakamichi: "Oh, Komari-kun. Yeah, right. Komari-kun." Sakamichi: "I know you. I asked who you were because you showed up so suddenly. You're the new student, uh..." Sakamichi: "Komori-kun, right? I remember you." uko: "Everyone looks up to you, Onoda-kun. You should remember the faces and names of the first-years. They'd be disappointed if they knew you didn't recognize them." Sakamichi: "Ahem. Komori-kun..." Sakamichi: "What..." Sakamichi: "What do you do for fun?" Komari: "Wash my hands." Sakamichi: "The sky sure is blue." Komari: "It's raining." Komari: "Is your ace Imaizumi-san strong?" Komari: "Or is he weak?" Sakamichi: "What? Weak? No way. He's strong. He's fast. Can't you tell by watching him? He's always calm. He's a good guy and easy to get along with." Komari: "Is he stronger than Midousuji-san?" Sakamichi: "What?" Sakamichi: "Not Naruko-kun? Wh-Why would you ask about Midousuji-kun?" Komari: "Which is it?" Sakamichi: "I'm not sure." Sakamichi: "From my perspective, they're equally amazing, and they're both good people." Sakamichi: "This is just my opinion, but..." Sakamichi: "I don't think it matters if one is better than the other." Komari: "Are you rejecting bicycle racing itself?" Komari: "Once they start riding, their relative strength and weakness becomes clear." Komari: "That's how road racing works. Am I wrong?" Sakamichi: "I'm not sure how to put it. I think you'll understand once you start riding." Sakamichi: "But I don't think that's all there is to it." Sakamichi: "Oh, sorry, Komori-kun. I came to get rain gear. I'm heading back to the track." Komari: "How disappointing." Sakamichi: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Komari: "Onoda-san..." Sakamichi: "Huh? What?" Koga: "What are you doing?" Koga: "You're not from our team." Sakamichi: "What?" Komari: "No, I'm just visiting. I'm Kyoto Fushimi High School first-year Kishigami Komari." Sakamichi: "What?" Komari: "I'm a simple masseuse. Don't glare at me like that." Koga: "What's Kyoto Fushimi High School doing here?" Komari: "It looked like rain, so I came here to stay dry." Koga: "I'm Sohoku High School third-year Koga. If you have business with us, you can speak to me." Komari: "I was mostly finished anyway." Komari: "Don't worry about it. I'll leave." Koga: "There's another one of you up there. Both of you, get out of here." Komari: "I'm excited for this summer, Koga-senpai." Komari: "Oh, I'm sorry." Komari: "Since you're wearing that jersey, you won't be riding in this summer's race." Komari: "It looks like the rain's letting up. I'll be leaving now." Midosuzi: "How did it go?" Komari: "It had me panting. I nearly said something twice!" Teshima: "Two riders are coming." Aoyagi: "Who will it be?" uko: "Idiot!" Imaizumi: "You can't be serious!" uko: "All right!" Rider A: "Naruko-san finished a thousand kilometers first!" Kaburagi: "How did he pull ahead at the finish line?" uko: "Hey, idiot. I won." Imaizumi: "Shut up. Don't celebrate so much just because you happened to win." Rider B: "Naruko-san, here's a towel andー" uko: "Nah. Boy, I'm thirsty. Maybe I'll have Imaizumi-kun go get mine." uko: "Just like he promised." uko: "Hotshot, we're almost on our final lap. How do you feel about second place doing whatever the first to finish a thousand kilometers says for a day?" Imaizumi: "Fine." Imaizumi: "Here." uko: "Ow! What was that for?" Imaizumi: "My hand slipped." uko: "I heard you say, "Here!"" Teshima: "What are they, kids?" Koga: "Oh, right, Onoda. When there's a crosswind, ride one wheel closer downwind." Sakamichi: "Okay." Koga: "Usually, you ride directly behind the wheel to avoid the wind, but in the case of a crosswind, you'll be blown by less wind by riding slightly ahead. You're a climber. Your ability to reduce how much energy you spend on flats affects your team's performance. During this training camp and our practices until the Inter-High, I'll teach you everything I know about racing." Koga: "Focus while you ride." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Sakamichi: "Kaburagi-kun!" Kaburagi: "You caught up? Imaizumi-san and Naruko-san beat me, and now you, too? Damn it." Koga: "Kaburagi's struggling. His body's not moving the way he wants." Koga: "Of course it isn't. This course has steep slopes." Koga: "He hasn't realized it yet, but once he does, he'll get faster." Koga: "Kaburagi Issa is definitely a sprinter." Sakamichi: "A sprinter? Kaburagi-kun?" Koga: "Aoyagi said he might surpass Tadokoro-san by the time he's a third-year, if he trains hard." Sakamichi: "Th-That's amazing. But you're not going to tell Kaburagi-kun?" Koga: "I thought he'd notice after riding a thousand kilometers." Koga: "He's either a total idiot or a genius." Sakamichi: "Hime!" Kaburagi: "Spri..." uko: "He's coming!" Sakamichi: "You can do it, Koga-san!" Teshima: "Good work, Kimitaka." Koga: "That was a long thousand kilometers." Teshima: "I know." Koga: "It took me three years." Teshima: "That doesn't change the fact that you did it." Teshima: "The Sohoku High School training camp is now over!" All: "Thank you, sir!" Miki: "Good morning." Miki: "How'd the training camp go?" uko: "I won." Imaizumi: "By a millimeter." Miki: "Good work, guys. Now, it's time for one last push." Miki: "At your makeup classes." Sakamichi: "I-I forgot!" Kaburagi: "That can't be right." Rider: "He is very fast. Green Japanese boy..." Makishima: "Teshima made it at the training camp." Makishima: "The Inter-High is starting soon." Makishima: "If I don't go to show my support..." Maksihima: "They'll probably yell at me." Sakamichi: "Ready, start." uko: "I'm the fastest." Kaburagi: "That one doesn't count. Reset, reset. One more time." uko: "No way." Aoyagi: "It'll always turn out the same."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 15 – Koga's Goal", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "15", "Koga's Goal" ] }
Teshima: "It's starting." Teshima: "The scorching three-day race that is the Inter-High." Sugimoto: "The training camp and our practices were all for this day. We won't be riding the day of the Inter-High, but our team can't ride without us. Hold your heads high, first-years. We are the team's support. Yes, we are the seventh member of the Inter-High team." All: "Yes, sir." Sugimoto: "Ask me if you have any questions. Ask me anything." All: "Yes, sir." Sugimoto: "That's right. After all, I was at the Inter-High last year." Aya: "That happy guy is really taking charge." Miki: "Yeah. Since Sugimoto-kun's a hard worker, the first-years listen to him." Aya: "The bicycle team is pumped. After all, they're going to the Inter-High." Aya: "Hey." Sakamichi: "T-Tachibana-san? You're Kanzaki-san's friend. What are you doing here?" Aya: "Took you long enough to notice. You finally remembered my name, huh?" Sakamichi: "S-Sorry." Aya: "The tennis club lost in the Inter-High qualifier. I didn't have any plans for summer break, so I emailed Miki to say I was thinking about coming to cheer on the bicycle club again this year." Miki: ""Want to take the bus with us this year?"" Aya: "And she invited me along." Aya: "I got Teshima-senpai's permission." Sakamichi: "Really?" Miki: "You'll be working hard to earn your place." Aya: "Yikes, you're strict. Anyway, I thought I'd watch you ride again." Sakamichi: "What?" Aya: "It's hot, but good luck." Sakamichi: "G-Good..." Miki: "You told him exactly how you felt, Aya-chan." Aya: "D-Don't say it like that. He'll think it means something." Aya: "Stop smiling. Stop clapping." Miki: "Onoda-kun doesn't know how to react." Imaizumi: "We're here." Both: "Huh?" Woman: "Let's go over there." A: "I heard it's already over 25 degrees, and it's still morning! It's so hot." Aya: "Are they the press? Wow." Kaburagi: "Seriously? Whoa." Kaburagi: "Hey, what's their problem?" Aya: "That bus is huge." Sakamichi: "Hakone Academy High School." Press A: "They're coming out." Press B: "They're here." Press C: "The absolute champions, Hakone Academy High School!" B: "Their captain, Izumida, grew his hair out." C: "They're so intense." Press D: "Look this way, please." D: "Ashikiba's huge." E: "It's Kuroda. He swept the newbie races as a first-year." Kuroda: "There's more press here than we expected. Who said there wouldn't be so many since we placed second last year, Touichirou?" Izumida: "It's the champion's destiny, Yuki." Doubashi: "I'm Doubashi. Take pictures of me. I'm Hakone Academy High School's next fastest man." Ashikiba: "Yuki-chan." Kuroda: "What's up?" Ashikiba: "I forgot my charger again." Kuroda: "Forget it." Girl A: "Manami-kun!" Girl B: "He looked this way!" Girl C: "Hold that pose!" Kuroda: "You're popular, Manami." Manami: "I wonder why." Cameraman: "Huh? One, two, three... One's missing." Yuuto: "We're finally here." uko: "Wait up, reporters!" Press: "Izumida-kun, could you look this way again?" uko: "Hey, come on. We're the ones who won last year. Come and get us. Have you forgotten last year's fierce battle? Sohoku High School's right here. The flashiest man around is right here. Who cares about Hakone Academy High School? Hey!" Aya: "We won last year, right?" Sakamichi: "Uh, yeah." Miki: "Aya-chan, weren't you watching?" uko: "I knew it." Imaizumi: "That's just how it is, Naruko. The press's actions tell us exactly what everyone thinks of us." uko: "I know." uko: "Bring it on. In other words, we don't stand out enough." Teshima: "Anytime you reach great heights, people always say the first time is a fluke. You have to win twice before they'll acknowledge you." Koga: "We can do it. I'll support you with all my might." Teshima: "Let's win again this year." All: "Yeah!" Club A: "Murakami, the wheels go over there." Club B: "Okay." Club C: "I told you to tidy up the upperclassmen's shoes." uko: "All the teams are here." uko: "There are tons of teams. They're raring to go." Kaburagi: "I expect no less from the Inter-High." uko: "Teams from all over the country are here." Sakamichi: "The entire country..." uko: "They've put their lives on the line for this day, for just three days. Of course they have. All their hopes from the past year are riding on this race." uko: "Oh, right. Teshima-san..." Teshima: "What is it?" uko: "After we check in and get our number tags, I need to disappear to take care of something." Teshima: "Something?" uko: "Just some minor business." Sakamichi: "K-Kaburagi-kun, aren't you nervous? Last year, I..." Sakamichi: "Huh? Kaburagi-kun's not here." Imaizumi: "You mean the showoff? He's off at the usual place." Kaburagi: "Aw, crap..." F: "Wow, that's new." G: "Of course. This year's are assigned based on last year's results." F: "The perennial champions, Hakone Academy..." G: "...are wearing two-digit tags." Teshima: "Make sure they're secured with safety pins." Imaizumi: "Got it." Teshima: "Onoda!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Sakamichi: "What?" uko: "What do you think of this? I knew these were coming, but just look at these single-digit tags! I'm super hyped now! Take a picture of me, manager. Get a real good shot." Miki: "Okay." Aya: "They're so excited. Are single-digit tags that big a deal?" Miki: "Yeah. Look. The other teams have two or three-digit tags." Aya: "You're right." Miki: "The number on the left represents their approximate rank last year. The single digit tags mean they won last year." Aya: "Huh." Miki: "The number on the right is their rank within their team. Since each team has six riders, they range from one to six." Miki: "One is a special number. It's the ace's number." Aya: "Cycling is interesting." Miki: "Isn't it?" Sakamichi: "Um, Teshima-san..." Sakamichi: "This tag..." Teshima: "Why not? I think it looks good on you." Sakamichi: "But isn't this Imaizumi-kun's?" Imaizumi: "Huh?" Teshima: "Every race is the same. When the previous winner rides again, he's given that tag." Teshima: "It's a symbol of victory." Teshima: "The #1 tag." Teshima: "It's a symbol of victory. The #1 tag." Sakamichi: "I'm... #1." Teshima: "If last year's winner was a third-year who's since graduated, its meaning may be different." Aoyagi: "Good." Imaizumi: "You earned that number when Kinjou-san, Tadokoro-san, Makishima-san, Naruko, and I entrusted you with our hopes last year, and you took them to the finish line." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun..." Imaizumi: "Onoda, you'll be carrying all our hopes as you ride." Imaizumi: "Hold your head high." Sakamichi: "Got it." Teshima: "Kaburagi's still not back. Where's Naruko?" Imaizumi: "He just headed that way." Teshima: "Come to think of it, didn't he say he had some minor business to take care of?" uko: "Excuse me for a second." Kyofushi: "Who the hell are you?" uko: "Don't mind me. It's been a while. Haven't seen you since last winter, Midousuji." Midousuji: "Well, well, well, well, well, well, well... If it isn't Chiba's redhead. What are you doing here? Cheering us on?" uko: "I'm here to race on my bike." Mizuta: "Hey, this is the Kyoto Fushimi High School tent! I, Captain Mizuta, will deal with any outsiders who—" Midousuji: "I thought you quit sprinting after losing to me. So why are you still riding your bike?" uko: "I love my bike and my friends above all else. That's the kind of man Naruko Shoukichi is." Midousuji: "Nonsense. Friends? Race?" Midousuji: "Race who?" uko: "You, Idiotsuji." Mizuta: "We can't promise that! Get out of—" Midousuji: "Sure." Mizuta: "Midousuji-kun?" Midousuji: "After all, you're the one who made me fly." Midousuji: "I'll race you. However, you'll only get one chance. Don't miss it." uko: "That's plenty. Thanks." uko: "Later." uko: "Oh, right. Let me tell you something. If you're thinking about pulling ahead of me on a climb, since I'm stronger on the flats, don't waste your time." uko: "This year..." uko: "I switched to being an all-rounder." All: "What?" uko: "See you later." Kaburagi: "Crap! I can't do it! I can't hold it in anymore! I'm going to poop my pants! Oh, come on! Why does my stomach have to do this at the Inter-High? I can't hold it anymore! Hurry up!" Kaburagi: "It's open." Doubashi: "Quit banging on the door!" Kaburagi: "Huh?" Doubashi: "I hope you knew you were banging on the door of Hakone Academy's next fastest man, Doubashi-sama!" Club A: "Crap, it's Doubashi." Club B: "From Hakone?" Club A: "Let's go." Doubashi: "Hey, you!" Club B: "Y-Yeah." Kaburagi: "What?" Doubashi: "I'm talking to you, orange head!" Kaburagi: "Let me take a dump first!" Kaburagi: "Okay, now let's talk." Doubashi: "Quit sparkling! You've got some nerve! You were shouting at me while you knocked on my door, weren't you?" Kaburagi: "Sorry about that." Doubashi: "Before every race, I go someplace isolated to focus myself. But you..." Kaburagi: "Come out! Just come out already! One more second! I'll hate you forever! I'll curse you to death! Just come out! Come out already, you pig!" Doubashi: "You distracted me! Who are you calling a pig, huh?" Kaburagi: "Sorry. I was having an emergency, so I let that slip out." Doubashi: "Slip out, my ass! How did your parents raise you?" Kaburagi: "What?" Doubashi: "That jersey... You're from Sohoku High School. You're a Chiba country bumpkin." Kaburagi: "What?" Doubashi: "Don't let your lucky victory go to your head." Both: "You wanna fight, huh?" Kaburagi: "It wasn't luck that Sohoku High School won. Take it back, pig." Doubashi: "How could it have been anything but luck that let your skinny Onoda kid win at the very end?" Kaburagi: "Onoda-san is strong!" Doubashi: "You just think he's strong!" Kaburagi: "What?" Doubashi: "There are two types of truth. The real truth, and the lie that people are convinced is the truth. He's the latter. He's wearing a crown he won through sheer luck, but everyone's too scared to doing anything about it." Kaburagi: "You're wrong!" Doubashi: "Have you ever tested him? Have you ever really raced him?" Doubashi: "He disguises himself as an Inter-High champion. Everyone fawns over him and thinks he's amazing." Doubashi: "Is he actually strong? Is he stronger than everyone else you've ever met?" Kaburagi: "No, I know how he rides!" Kaburagi: "I saw him on Mt. Fuji at last year's Inter-High! He's the real thing!" Kaburagi: "He's the reason I abandoned the other schools and chose to come to Sohoku High School!" Doubashi: "Are you sure you're not just viewing things through a self-imposed filter?" Kaburagi: "What?" Doubashi: "Sohoku High School is strong. At least, they should be. They have to be strong. Otherwise, the path you've followed and all your work would be meaningless." Doubashi: "Face the truth, orange kid." Doubashi: "Hakone Academy High School has the most members of any team. No one can compare to how much we practice." Doubashi: "Who's stronger? There's only one truth. The strongest team..." Doubashi: "...is us, Hakone Academy High School!" Kaburagi: "The strongest..." Kaburagi: "There's only one truth." Izumida: "The reinstatement of Hakone Academy High School as the champions. It's what we must do one week from now at the Inter-High." Izumida: "There's no need to let any threats stay in the race. Keep a close eye on them and push them out." Izumida: "There's no need to hold back." Doubashi: "Push them out, huh? Sure, I'll do it. In the name of Hakone Academy High School, I'll do it." Sakamichi: "He's back. Kaburagi-kun!" Sakamichi: "Is your stomach okay? You should warm up a little bit." Sakamichi: "Do you want to take some medicine? The race is starting soon. The opening ceremony is being held at the stage over there. Should I go get you some medicine?" uko: "Onoda-kun! What are you doing?" Sakamichi: "Sorry, sorry." Mc: "Welcome last year's champions, representing Chiba prefecture, Sohoku High School." Sadatoki: "Th-The cheers are so loud. Winning really is amazing. They're going onstage. Isn't it cool, Danchiku-kun?" Danchiku: "Yeah." Mc: "Captaining the team this year is third-year Teshima Junta." Mc: "Then we have another third-year, sprinter Aoyagi Hajime." Mc: "Acting as the team's ace this year is second-year Imaizumi Shunsuke." Girl A: "Imaizumi-kun!" Girl B: "He said he's the ace." Mc: "And another second-year, the Man of Red Flames, Naruko Shoukichi." Man A: "It's the red guy!" Man B: "Heat up the race!" Man C: "Stand out again this year!" Imaizumi: "All your fans are dudes." uko: "Shut up! What's wrong with that?" Mc: "Let's not forget about this man." Mc: "Last year's general classification Inter-High champion. Despite being new to road racing, he climbed all the way to the top. Bearer of number tag #1. The little climber, Onoda Sakamichi." Mc: "Your dramatic riding during the final stage of last year's third day was fantastic. Could you give us a few words?" Sakamichi: "What? Uh, um... h-hello... I'm Onyoda Chakamichi!" Mc: "What are your goals for this year?" Sakamichi: "Th-This year?" Sakamichi: "This year I've been going to Akiba every Thursday..." uko: "Onoda-kun, the audience already loves you!" Sakamichi: "Well, I..." Mc: "You don't need to hold the mic." Sakamichi: "Oh, uh, is that enough?" Izumida: "You're doing well, Doubashi, but don't go too hard." Izumida: "Our mechanic was crying about it. I heard you bent another one out of shape, even though he just swapped it out yesterday." Doubashi: "The handlebars were too weak. They can't withstand the power of my sprinting." Reporter A: "He's only on rollers, but he's still intimidating." Reporter B: "I heard he's won all the sprint races he's participated in this year." Reporter A: "Yeah, apparently it's unprecedented. They call him the Monster of the Road." Reporter: "Road Monster Doubashi!" Doubashi: "No one stands a chance against me!" Girl B: "He looked this way!" Girl C: "Hold that pose!" Kuroda: "He sure does have a lot of fans." Kuroda: "He might have more than Toudou-san did last year." Doubashi: "Manami, make them shut up! I can't focus!" Manami: "What?" Manami: "Oh."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 16 – The Second Inter-High", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "16", "The Second Inter-High" ] }
Komari: "Always." Komari: "I always wash my hands before riding you." Komari: "When I touch you with the honed nerves of my hands, I see right through you. I understand you better." Komari: "I'll be riding you a lot today. After all, it's the Inter-High." Midousuji: "You have a lot of friends, don't you? That's why." Hironishi: "What?" Midousuji: "You told all your friends you'd be riding in the Inter-High." Hironishi: "Of course I did. It's an honor. Everyone wants to ride in the Inter-High." Hironishi: "My tag is #116. You told me I was the sixth man." Midousuji: "Because I knew you'd tell everyone. Everyone must've thought this year's Kyoto Fushimi High School was so weak that even you made the cut." Hironishi: "My parents came all the way from Kyoto to watch. My friends came to cheer me on, too." Midousuji: "That's your own doing. This is strategy." Hironishi: "Strat—" Midousuji: "Alternates can be subbed in at the last second. The system's designed to prevent sick or injured members from riding, but..." Hironishi: "I'm fine!" Midousuji: "You're weaker than a Zaku." Midousuji: "You're always falling behind in practice. You could never keep up. Did you think you were strong enough to ride on my team?" Hironishi: "I thought I had some hidden talent or something." Midousuji: "That's why you'll never be more than a Zaku. How naïve. I'll use Komari-kun during the race. Your job is finished. Over. Haven't I always told you?" Midousuji: "Keep your trump cards until the end." Yamaguchi: "Hironishi seemed depressed. Did you know he'd be kicked off the team?" Mizuta: "No." Mizuta: "Anyway, all Komari ever does is massage people." Mizuta: "Can he really ride a bike?" Rider 1: "He's fast." Rider 2: "His form is beautiful, too." Rider 1: "Yeah. Wait, this is no time for that. He's our opponent, too." Rider 2: "Kyoto Fushimi High School seemed like an army last year, but now they've got guys like him." Rider 2: "The way he rides is rhythmical. It's like he's been set loose." Komari: "Anyway, I feel great. I think I'll be able to hear plenty of your voice today." Komari: "There he is!" Sugimoto: "I'm honored you invited me to ride with you, Imaizumi. I know you're just warming up, but I can't believe we're riding together at the Inter-High grounds." Imaizumi: "It could've been anyone." Sugimoto: "What?" Imaizumi: "Teshima-san said it wouldn't be good if something happened while I was riding alone, so he told me to go with someone." Sugimoto: "Y-You're right. Problems can be difficult to handle when you're riding alone. You can count on me. Problems are something I've—" Imaizumi: "You seemed the least busy." Sugimoto: "What?" Sugimoto: "It's still an honor, though. Sugimoto Terufumi has never been more honored in his life, Imaizumi." Sugimoto: "You chose me during a time as important as just before the Inter-High. You're strong, Imaizumi." Sugimoto: "Sometimes, I think about the amazing guys on our team, including Naruko and Onoda. On top of that, we're in the same class." Sugimoto: "It must be a miracle." Sugimoto: "Since I lost to Kaburagi that day, I can't ride in the Inter-High. But during that first-year race, you told me to hold my head high." Sugimoto: "I failed to accomplish anything, but rather than scolding me, that's what you said." Sugimoto: "I've been thinking since that day." Sugimoto: "I worked hard because I was influenced by you and Onoda. Maybe, just maybe my riding— and this may be brazen of me— But maybe I'm influencing you and Onoda just a little bit." Sugimoto: "It builds up over time. This warm up could be part of it. And if it helps you during the Inter-High..." Sugimoto: "Then I have no regrets. I'm proud of myself." Sugimoto: "Go ride your heart out, Imaizumi." Imaizumi: "That hurts. Where did that come from?" Sugimoto: "Huh? What? Sorry. I guess you could say it's my dream. I got carried away." Imaizumi: "I'm joking. You've definitely moved me." Sugimoto: "What?" Imaizumi: "You can count on me." Sugimoto: "Imaizumi!" Komari: "You're Imaizumi-san. I heard you did a lot last year. I've heard about you." Komari: "I'm glad we got to meet." Komari: "I'm sorry. I was so delighted, I lost my balance." Komari: "Are you not feeling well?" Sugimoto: "Wh-What's wrong with you? Imaizumi's always in perfect shape. How rude." Komari: "It was rough." Komari: "Am I right?" Sugimoto: "I told you..." Komari: "See you at the starting line." Sugimoto: "Hey, you're running? Hey!" Sugimoto: "Hey!" Higashido: "I'm here to cheer you on." Teshima: "Higashido!" Higashido: "This is for you." Teshima: "Thanks. Did you come from Chiba?" Higashido: "Yeah." Teshima: "But don't you..." Higashido: "The volleyball team lost. We made it pretty far, but we were still a long way from nationals." Teshima: "I see." Higashido: "I'm jealous." Higashido: "That you get to fight at nationals, and in your final, third year." Higashido: "My time in a club is over." Higashido: "Good luck, Teshima." Higashido: "You're a star." Higashido: "I quit the Minami Middle School bicycle club we rode in to join the volleyball club." Higashido: "You kept riding." Higashido: "It must've been hard to become a regular on a team that won nationals." Higashido: "But you bounced back. It's amazing." Higashido: "Don't feel bad about it. I know you haven't accomplished much, but I believe from the bottom of my heart..." Higashido: "You're the star of Minami Middle School." Teshima: "You can tell me that once I accomplish something." Teshima: "Sorry, it's nearly time. I'm going." Higashido: "Sure. Sorry to have bothered you when you're so busy." Ashikiba: "It's been a while, Jun-chan." Ashikiba: "No, Teshima-kun." Ashikiba: "I thought I'd come say hi before the race started." Higashido: "He's huge." Teshima: "Shikiba..." Higashido: "What? That's Ashikiba?" Higashido: "Well, if it isn't Ashikiba. Man, it's been a while." Higashido: "It's me. We rode together on the Minami Middle School bicycle team. This brings back memories. You're still riding?" Higashido: "Hako... Hakone Academy High School?" Higashido: "That Hakone Academy High School? Isn't that place super strong? You're a regular there?" Ashikiba: "Sorry, who are you?" Higashido: "It's Higashido. My nickname was Higashimaru. Remember when your saddle fell off during practice? I fixed it for you." Ashikiba: "Oh, that Machida-kun." Higashido: "Yeah—no, not Machida. He barely ever came to practice." Ashikiba: "Oh, Machida-kun. This brings back memories. You haven't changed, Machida-kun." Higashido: "You remembered my name completely wrong." Higashido: "Well, whatever. As long as you remember me." Teshima: "Shikiba..." Higashido: "Come here. Let's take a picture together." Ashikiba: "Sorry, Machida-kun. Since we're enemies, I can't go any closer." Ashikiba: "Overthrowing Sohoku High School is our mission." Ashikiba: "I'll beat you." Ashikiba: "That's all I came to say." Teshima: "I see." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan, you said we'd conquer the world together." Ashikiba: "But sorry. Only one of us can win at this Inter-High." Ashikiba: "We can't do it together." Teshima: "I guess not, since we're on different teams." Ashikiba: "It'll be Hakone Academy High School." Teshima: "I can't allow that." Teshima: "Good luck to both of us." Ashikiba: "I can't accept something from an enemy." Ashikiba: "You were nice to me. You taught me how to ride a bike. But the seniors at Hakone Academy High School, who have graduated now, taught me how to become stronger and where I belonged." Ashikiba: "So I'm going to help this team win this year." Ashikiba: "Bye." Higashido: "Hey, wait. Ashikiba!" Ashikiba: "Oh, right." Ashikiba: "This year, our sixth man is incredible." Ashikiba: "Unfortunately, Sohoku High School's steady advance won't continue. Following Manami last year, he's Hakone Academy High School's second ever first-year member." Ashikiba: "He's #16." Takadajou: "Hey, Yuto. How long are you going to keep riding that roller? We've already been called to the starting line." Yutao: "Oh, Takadajou-san. Seriously?" Takadajou: "Kuroda-senpai's on edge. You're just too relaxed." Yuto: "That doesn't sound good." Takadajou: "I brought Yuto." Izumida: "What were you doing?" Yuto: "Sorry, I got caught up in riding a roller." Kuroda: "You're late. And why do you always wear that weird mask?" Yuto: "It's cute, right? I kinda want to be a little girl. I like it. I have three of them." Kuroda: "What are you, a dreamy-eyed girl? Get ready." Yuto: "Okay." Izumida: "Let's go, Yuto." Izumida: "This is the Inter-High you said you wanted to come to..." Izumida: "Shinkai Yuto." Yuto: "The atmosphere and fans are awesome. It makes my heart skip a beat." Yuto: "Izumida-san, didn't you ride with my brother last year? How was Hayato-kun?" Izumida: "He was fast and unbelievably beautiful." Izumida: "No one was better suited to wear tag #4." Yuto: "Oh, really? I've never really ridden with him, so I wouldn't know." Yuto: "After all, I'm a climber." Sakamichi: "It's starting!" Sakamichi: "The Inter-High is starting soon. Twenty more minutes. What am I going to do?" Sadatoki: "Onoda-san..." Aya: "Your #1 is freaking out. Will he be okay?" Miki: "You're right." Sakamichi: "O-Okay, I've calmed down. I'm calm." Sadatoki: "Are you okay? Here's a towel." Sakamichi: "Yeah, I'm fine. Yeah, I'm great." Miki: "Onoda-kun..." Sakamichi: "Yes?" Miki: "Your socks don't match." Aoyagi: "Second time pressure?" Koga: "That's right. He's a serious man. There's no telling how much pressure he's feeling from how he performed at the last Inter-High." Koga: "Not only that, but he won. He took first. The expectations of those around him skyrocketed." Koga: "He must be feeling it." Koga: "I tried to keep it from bothering him, though." Koga: "The first time you can ride freely because everything is new." Koga: "But the second time..." Koga: "Doing the same thing twice is a herculean task. If Onoda's mental condition hasn't recovered by the time the race starts, then Sohoku High School..." Aoyagi: "That's all, Kimitaka?" Aoyagi: "You said you wanted to talk." Koga: "Aoyagi..." Aoyagi: "It's simple. I know." Aoyagi: "You didn't know, Kimitaka? He's..." Sakamichi: "I can finally get in line and take a breather." uko: "Nah, we're in the front." Imaizumi: "We were last year's winning team." Sakamichi: "Huh? What?" 2: "You've got this!" 3: "Show us again this year!" Sakamichi: "I can't handle being the center of attention." uko: "You can't tell them not to look at you up here." Imaizumi: "There are plenty of cameras here, too." Reporter 1: "What kind of call was that?" Reporter 2: "What does it mean?" uko: "You're awful." Aya: "That can't be good." Miki: "Onoda-kun's shaking." Aya: "Should I jump in there and pop him one? The pain might knock the tension out of him." Miki: "We can't go inside since the race is starting." Aya: "What are we going to do about him, then? He's #1." Sakamichi: "Aoyagi-san..." Aya: "Just one punch." Aoyagi: "Are you trying to relax?" Sakamichi: "Um, I..." Sakamichi: "Yes." Aoyagi: "Then I have one thing to say to you." Sakamichi: "Okay." Aoyagi: "I learned a lot from Tadokoro-san. How to ride. How to race. How to endure. Etiquette and greetings. How to eat." Aoyagi: "The will to win. The importance of aiming for the finish line." Aoyagi: "It's not just things he taught me. I learned a lot from watching him, too." Aoyagi: "What did you learn from Makishima-san?" Sakamichi: "I... I... I, uh..." Aoyagi: "It may be hard to put into words, but there should be a lot of things you learned from him." Aoyagi: "It should be flowing through the veins inside your body." Aoyagi: "Think you can't do what you did last year?" Aoyagi: "Of course not." Aoyagi: "Because you've gotten stronger. You bear the souls of our seniors." Aoyagi: "Sohoku High School is a team that supports one another. It applies to races, but that's not all." Aoyagi: "You're a second-year now. That's the most different thing about you. There's going to be a first-year riding this year." Aoyagi: "Carry on their legacy. Teach him. Show him with your riding. Show him everything you have in this race." Aoyagi: "Then Kaburagi will pass it on to the next generation. Sohoku High School will become even stronger." Makishima: "Become stronger." Makishima: "We're counting on you to carry our Sohoku, Sakamichi." Sakamichi: "Got it." Sakamichi: "Guys!" Aoyagi: "It's simple. I'll give him a job." Koga: "A job?" Aoyagi: "I'll narrow down what he has to do to one thing." Aoyagi: "That will make him strong." Teshima: "Climb past 100 guys!" Aoyagi: "He already has the mindset to charge straight ahead." Sakamichi: "Let's go!" uko: "Yeah!" Imaizumi: "I've been waiting for this!" Teshima: "I was going to do that. Don't take that from me!" Sakamichi: "We are one!" All: "Yeah!" 1: "Wow, it's starting to heat up." 2: "This year's Inter-High should be on fire, too." 4: "It's starting!" Makishima: "I wonder how many will remain after this year's." Kinjou: "Who knows? Sakurai is a second-year. He's riding with Aoyagi." Sakurai: "Th-Thank you." Kinjou: "Sugimoto is a second-year. He's riding with Teshima." Teshima: "Hey." Sugimoto: "Thank you."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 17 – Start!!!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "17", "Start!!!" ] }
s: "You can do it!" Imaizumi: "Calm down. We're still in the parade section." Sakamichi: "What?" Imaizumi: "Don't you remember last year? The first two kilometers of the race are a parade." Imaizumi: "It's a chance to respond to the cheers of the crowd." Imaizumi: "We're last year's champions." Sakamichi: "R-Right." Imaizumi: "Look at him. He's really getting into it." uko: "Thank you, thank you! Thank you, thank you! That's right! I'm Naruko Shoukichi, the Red Bullet! I'm going to be flashy again this year!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun is amazing." Imaizumi: "He's overdoing it. No, wait. Hakone Academy High School might've been just as... No, they weren't." Teshima: "The pressure's different when there are this many people in the crowd. Right, Aoyagi?" Teshima: "The Inter-High is on its own level." Teshima: "This is our last chance to relax. Let me say this while I still have the chance, Hajime." Teshima: "We finally made it." Teshima: "We're on this side of the fence." Teshima: "It took three years from that day." Teshima: "We couldn't bring Tadokoro-san with us." Teshima: "It's our first and last Inter-High. I'm counting on you, Hajime." Aoyagi: "Yeah, Junta." Teshima: "I'm trembling." Aoyagi: "Don't worry. I'll stop it for you." Teshima: "I'm relieved." Rider A: "Hakone Academy High School." Rider B: "The repeat champions possess a different kind of intensity." Rider C: "They seem so composed despite the tension. They're like predators closing in on prey." Rider A: "Prey? You mean Sohoku High School?" Rider C: "No, you idiot." Rider B: "Then who?" Rider C: "Isn't it obvious? Hakone Academy High School's prey is all of us!" Rider C: "The first result and green tag for the fastest sprinter on the flats. The glorious red tag for the best climber in the mountains. The champion's yellow tag. They'll be going for all of them. They have the right members to do it." Sakamichi: "Excuse me. Excuse me. Coming through." Rider A: "What's going on? Someone's coming back." Sakamichi: "Excuse me. Sorry." Rider B: "Is that Sohoku High School?" Sakamichi: "Excuse me. Coming through." Rider C: "And he's wearing tag #1!" Sakamichi: "Manami-kun!" Sakamichi: "I finally found you." Manami: "Sakamichi-kun..." Izumida: "Onoda..." Sakamichi: "I tried to go see you before the race started, but I was too busy. I, um..." Sakamichi: "I'm a second-year now." Manami: "I know. So am I." Manami: "It's been a while." Sakamichi: "Yeah. I didn't get to see you guys in Akiba. I got your water bottle, though." Manami: "That's great." Manami: "We haven't ridden together since that day." Toudou: "What's wrong? You both seem down. We're in the mountains. We're climbing." Sakamichi: "But it's winter." Manami: "It's cold, Toudou-san." Toudou: "That's all right. You'll warm up once you start riding." Sakamichi: "Um, where's the party you mentioned in your letter?" Toudou: "This is it!" Toudou: "Unfortunately, the snow will limit your vision a bit, but it shouldn't be a problem." Manami: "It's definitely a problem." Toudou: "Nope." Sakamichi: "H-How far are we climbing?" Toudou: "To the top, of course." Manami: "Just the two of us?" Sakamichi: "What about you, Toudou-san?" Toudou: "I'd never ride in this freezing cold snow." Both: "What?" Toudou: "Ride. If you don't ride, it's meaningless." Both: "What?" Toudou: "I'll be graduating soon. Before I do, I need to pass on the titles "King of the Mountain" and "Mountain God."" Toudou: "It has to be one of you." Manami: "This road sucks. The patches of snow are making my tires slip." Sakamichi: "Yeah. The falling snow's bad, too. I can't see." Manami: "But it's kind of..." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Manami: "It's fun." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Toudou: "How did it go? Who won? Manami, Four-Eyes..." Both: "We couldn't do it." Sakamichi: "Partway up the mountain there was too much snow. We couldn't keep riding." Toudou: "I see. That's unfortunate. It can't be helped, then. We'll have to postpone this race until the summer's Inter-High." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Manami: "I guess so." Toudou: "Don't be late this year, Manami." Manami: "I can't guarantee that." Toudou: "Oh, right. Give Four-Eyes your number. Have him call you the day of the race." Sakamichi: "Your number? Okay." Manami: "Sakamichi-kun..." Manami: "Do you still like climbs?" Sakamichi: "Yeah." Manami: "Then let's race. It's decided." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Manami: "On that mountain..." Manami: "Let's squeeze every bit of strength and fight to the end!" Sakamichi: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "Well, I'd better get going." Yuto: "Should you have made that promise?" Yuto: "Izumida-san told me to beat him once we enter the mountains." Manami: "You're only able to say that because you've never ridden against Sakamichi-kun before." Manami: "Don't worry. Where and when don't matter." Manami: "We only agreed to ride together. It's a small promise, but he always keeps his promises." Imaizumi: "They'll be coming soon." Imaizumi: "Once they wave that flag, the parade run will be over." Imaizumi: "The race will start." Sakamichi: "Okay." Ohori: "Move aside, small fries! The sprinter's pride and first result belongs to Ohori from Fukuoka Jousei High School!" Izumida: "Go, Doubashi." Rider A: "It's Hakone Academy High School's Doubashi." Rider B: "He's huge. He makes Izumida look small." Rider C: "He's Hakone Academy High School's undefeated sprinter who tears up the road, Road Monster Doubashi!" Doubashi: "This race is starting to heat up." Izumida: "This is the Inter-High. As captain of Hakone Academy High School," Izumida: "I know I should keep my personal feelings out of the race." Izumida: "But..." Izumida: "First, Doubashi, push aside the other teams and take the first result." Izumida: "And..." Izumida: "Whatever you do, don't lose to Sohoku High School!" Doubashi: "Simple. That's an easy order, Izumida-san." Izumida: "Go, Doubashi!" Rider C: "They released a rampaging beast on the Inter-High course!" Doubashi: "Move! Move, or I'll crush you!" Rider D: "Doubashi?" Doubashi: "Come on! Go faster! If you ride that slowly, even the ants will catch up to you!" Teshima: "Aoyagi, Kaburagi." Kaburagi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "Go." Rider A: "Sohoku High School's making their move, too. It's third-year sprinter Aoyagi Hajime." Rider B: "And first-year Kaburagi, #6!" Rider C: "Sohoku High School's sending two guys this year, too." Teshima: "Begin the pursuit. Chase down the sprinters in front of us and Hakone Academy High School!" Kaburagi: "Wait, Teshima-san." Kaburagi: "We should have Naruko-san go here and save me for the finish line. After all, I'm an all-rounder." Sakamichi: "Huh? What?" Kaburagi: "Who will race for the finish line if not me?" Aoyagi: "Quit complaining. It's an order." Aoyagi: "Let's go." Sakamichi: "You haven't told Kaburagi-kun what Koga-san said about his legs at the training camp?" Teshima: "Nope." Teshima: "I'm counting on you, Aoyagi." Koga: "Hurry, Sugimoto." Sugimoto: "Yes, sir." Aya: "There's always a rush right after the start." Miki: "Yeah, it's hard work." Aya: "Why do you look so happy?" Sugimoto: "Sawada, Gorizou, Sadatoki..." Sugimoto: "Follow us in the bus." All: "Yes, sir." Aya: "Is it really okay for us to ride in the van?" Miki: "Of course. There's a lot to do in the feed zones that require a woman's touch." Aya: "I don't really have that. Well, I'll do my best." Koga: "Kanzaki-san, we're counting on you." Toji: "Leave it to me." Danchiku: "Sugimoto-san..." Sugimoto: "Danchiku." Danchiku: "Please take care of Issa—of Kaburagi Issa." Danchiku: "Cheer him on at the feed zone for me." Sugimoto: "Got it." Danchiku: "I want him to ride with no regrets in the race of his dreams." Danchiku: "Issa and I always rode together during middle school." Sugimoto: "Kaburagi's got a good friend in you." Koga: "Danchiku, get in." Danchiku: "What?" Koga: "Sugimoto, could you pack our gear in tighter and get out the spare seat?" Sugimoto: "I'll try." Danchiku: "But I..." Koga: "You should tell him your pure wish yourself. You'll give him strength as he rides." Danchiku: "Yes, sir." Toji: "Okay, let's go." Kaburagi: "Why am I being made to participate in a sprinter's race?" Kaburagi: "Did Teshima-san make a mistake? I told him I'm an all-rounder a bunch of times. Maybe he thought I said "all-binder." A binder closes, the way I'm a closer of races." Rider E: "It's Sohoku High School." Rider F: "They caught up." Rider G: "Two? Sohoku High School sent two sprinters again this year?" Kaburagi: "What?" Kaburagi: "I'm not a sprinter!" Kaburagi: "You got that?" Rider G: "Hey, I'm a second-year!" Kaburagi: "I don't care! I'm Sohoku High School's secret ace! I'm the all-rounder, Kaburagi Issa!" Rider G: "You should care." Aoyagi: "Sorry." Rider G: "Oh, no. It's fine." Aoyagi: "Question, Kaburagi." Aoyagi: "This pack isn't the lead pack yet. Forty-three sprinters jumped ahead at the signal." Kaburagi: "You were counting?" Aoyagi: "We've passed thirteen so far. So..." Kaburagi: "There's twenty left!" Aoyagi: "Thirty." Kaburagi: "Huh?" Aoyagi: "Excluding the eight guys here, there are twenty-two in front of us. Among them is one of Hakone Academy High School's riders." Kaburagi: "I see." Aoyagi: "The first day of the course runs north along National Route 119." Aoyagi: "We'll pass through wide two-lane city streets in practically a straight line." Aoyagi: "That'll turn into a one-lane road passing under the highway." Aoyagi: "Just past where the road starts to be lined with pine trees is a three-way intersection. That's the first result line. The green number tag line." Kaburagi: "Really?" Aoyagi: "The road just before the line is lined with pine trees. We'll be mostly unaffected by the wind." Aoyagi: "If we don't pass those twenty-two sprinters, they'll take first place away from us." Kaburagi: "I see." Aoyagi: "Pull. It's your turn next." Rider E: "Damn. Sohoku High School's moving." Rider F: "Stop them." Kaburagi: "You can't stop us!" Rider E: "They're fast." Shimizu: "There's a ninety-degree turn ahead. I'll push my way into it." Shimizu: "I'm Kochi Tosaumi High School's sprinter, Shimizu. They call me the Corner Magician." Shimizu: "No one's cornering is sharper than mine!" Shimizu: "You can't be serious!" Shimizu: "They're unbelievable. That switch, that rise..." Shimizu: "He's a natural-born sprinter!" Kaburagi: "I don't know if this is the second or third, but we've caught up to the pack in front of us. You're next, Aoyagi-san." Aoyagi: "Got it." Yagura: "You've arrived, Sohoku High School." Yagura: "I'm the sprinter of the North, Niigata Jouetsu Higashi High School's Yaguramaru. Last year you had Tadokoro, but this year's Sohoku High School is so small." Yagura: "H-He's not small! His body transformed!" Aoyagi: "You mean torso. Your muscles expand when you use them. Apparently, my difference in size is a bit extreme." Aoyagi: "My torso has currently expanded to its maximum size. In other words, I'm about to..." Aoyagi: "Start riding as hard as I can!" Aoyagi: "Tadokoro-san's Supersonic Oxygen Human Bullet!" Yagura: "Huh? They're already out of sight." Kaburagi: "Wow, we pulled ahead of them in no time. It feels seriously awesome to do something like this at the Inter-High." Kaburagi: "But spare a thought for the guy behind you, Aoyagi-san. After all, I'm not a sprinter. I almost fell behind." Aoyagi: "Yaguramaru's a top-class sprinter, too." Kaburagi: "What?" Aoyagi: "All out?" Teshima: "That's right. If you have the opportunity, test him. Sprint as hard as you can with him behind you." Aoyagi: "Are you sure you want 100%? What if he falls behind?" Teshima: "Then you'll have to leave him behind. Unfortunately, if he can't keep up, either way..." Teshima: "He won't stand a chance at the front." Kaburagi: "What are you talking about? That Yagura-san can't be top-class." Kaburagi: "Are you sure he's not a climber?" Kaburagi: "I see the pack in front of us. Once we catch up, it'll be my turn. Let's switch." Kaburagi: "Finally." Aoyagi: "Let's head to the front, Kaburagi." Kaburagi: "What's gotten into you, Aoyagi-san? You seem happy." Aoyagi: "Shut up, and follow me!" Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Aoyagi: "Human Bullet!" Rider A: "The sprinters who gave up on the first result are falling back." Rider B: "Is Hakone Academy High School's Doubashi in the front?" Rider C: "He went flying ahead at a crazy speed." Rider A: "I heard Fukuoka's Ohori is in good shape this year." Rider B: "Who's the fastest sprinter?" Imaizumi: "You're enduring it well, Naruko." uko: "W-Well, yeah. Th-This is nothing." Imaizumi: "As a guy who loves being flashy, it must've been hard not participating in a sprint through the city." uko: "I'm totally fine." Imaizumi: "Your expression fails to match your words." Imaizumi: "Whatever the case, I'm grateful you switched to being an all-rounder." uko: "I didn't do it for you, idiot." Izumida: "You're not going, Sohoku High School's Naruko Shoukichi?" uko: "Hakone Academy High School's Lashes!" uko: "I thought it'd be no fun if I raced, since it'd be a blowout. I let my senior and junior go instead." Izumida: "We sent Doubashi since he's been doing well since this spring." uko: "You're acting calm, but you're actually desperate to go, aren't you?" Izumida: "There's no point in hiding it." Izumida: "That's exactly right, Naruko-kun." Izumida: "Are you sad you don't get to hear me shout "abs, abs"?" uko: "It's the perfect way to cheer someone up. I wanted to show off my secret weapon, too." Izumida: "Then shall we race, Naruko-kun?" uko: "Bring it on, Lashes!" Izumida: "All the muscles in my body are screaming!" uko: "My blood's about to boil because of you! You've reminded me of last year's battle!" uko: "It's 200 meters to the big flag up ahead. Let's see who reaches it first!" Izumida: "Very well! Abs!" Both: "It's on!" Imaizumi: "Wait, Naruko." Imaizumi: "Don't waste your energy. The race has only just started." Kuroda: "Don't jump ahead, Touichirou. What are you, a grasshopper?" Izumida: "My muscles are delighted to have returned to the Inter-High. I was expressing how they felt." Kuroda: "Are you a pervert?" Izumida: "Is that a compliment, Yuki?" Izumida: "My muscles have gotten stronger. They've become more flexible." Izumida: "Far more than last year." Izumida: "We'll race later, Naruko-kun." uko: "Yeah." Izumida: "By the way, what kind of sprinters did Sohoku High School send to the sprint battle?" uko: "What?" Izumida: "Our Doubashi is even more abnormal than me." Izumida: "He never slacks off." Izumida: "He's proud to be a part of Hakone Academy High School." Izumida: "He's blessed with a powerful body, and he's as competitive as a beast. It's as they say. He's a monster. If all you're challenging him with is a bit of hard work or talent, you won't beat him." Izumida: "Everyone who has challenged him and lost says the same thing. "The moment I caught up to him, all the hairs on my body stood up, and my legs quailed."" Izumida: "He's even more abnormal than I am." Manami: "It's cold. I need a kotatsu." Toudou: "It's because you're so lightly dressed." Toudou: "Here, put this on. You, too, Four-Eyes." Sakamichi: "B-But won't you be cold, Toudou-san?" Toudou: "Don't worry."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 18 – The Swelling Aoyagi", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "18", "The Swelling Aoyagi" ] }
A: "There's two guys coming from behind!" A: "Two guys from Sohoku High School caught up at the very end!" B: "You idiot! Didn't you watch last year's race?" A: "What?" B: "Sohoku High School always cuts it close!" Kaburagi: "We caught up to the front!" Kaburagi: "We caught up." Kaburagi: "What? But there's one, two, three..." Kaburagi: "That's amazing!" C: "Sohoku High School caught up to the front!" D: "There's only four kilometers left to the first result line!" Kaburagi: "Hey, it's you." Kaburagi: "That jersey, that number tag..." Kaburagi: "You're that guy from Hakone Academy High School!" Both: "You wanna fight, huh?" Kaburagi: "You're that pig from Hakone Academy High School! What are you doing here, pig?" Doubashi: "You're the orange from this morning. You're a sprinter, huh?" Kaburagi: "I'm not a sprinter. I'm just here because of a mistake." Kaburagi: "You're wearing tag #15." Kaburagi: "That means you're 15th on the Hakone Academy High School lineup. I can't believe you're here when you're just a sub." Doubashi: "I bet you're an unbelievable idiot." Kaburagi: "I'm not an idiot! If anything, I'm... That's right! A genius!" Aoyagi: "Kaburagi!" Doubashi: "Fine. Riding's the best way to shut an idiot up." Doubashi: "I was just getting bored with taking it easy." Rider A: "Crap, Doubashi's going to increase his pace! After him!" Rider B: "Senpai, I can't. My legs are too weak to move." : "Wow, look at him accelerate!" Kaburagi: "Is it time yet? Are you ready? How much longer?" Kaburagi: "I'm ready to pull. Isn't that our strategy to catch up? I heard what they said. Sohoku High School always cuts it close, right?" Aoyagi: "You think we can catch up?" Kaburagi: "Well, with the way that pig accelerated, even an all-rounder like me could catch up!" Kaburagi: "I'm catching glimpses of him." Kaburagi: "We're keeping up in acceleration. We'll gradually catch up to him." Kaburagi: "But there's two and a half kilometers left." Kaburagi: "We don't have time to take it slow!" Kaburagi: "Here we go. Don't fall behind. Did you notice? I just grabbed my lower handlebars for the first time this race." Kaburagi: "I'd been holding my uppers this whole time. I thought it'd be cool to have a sealed move in reserve." Kaburagi: "I was hoping to hold onto it until just before the finish line, though." Kaburagi: "Lower handlebar released!" Aoyagi: "You're not going home yet?" Kaburagi: "Oh, no. Well, actually..." Kaburagi: "The vending machine below the school is the only one with the soda I like. I'm going to go get some." Kaburagi: "One minute, twenty-one seconds!" Kaburagi: "The straight behind the reservoir. Damn it. I can't break 1:20." Kaburagi: "Maybe I'm rising too far up when I'm dancing, but sometimes my rear tire slips. Maybe I'm putting too much load on the front. Maybe I'm using too much power too early." Kaburagi: "One more time." Kaburagi: "Don't lose speed now! Pedal! One minute, twenty seconds! I'm so close!" Kaburagi: "I was so close. Damn it." Kaburagi: "Crap!" Kaburagi: "One minute, eighteen seconds! I broke nineteen seconds in just a few days." Kaburagi: "Ten percent... I didn't think I could manage something so precise, but I did it." Kaburagi: "Who left this note? Was it the god of bicycles?" Kaburagi: "No. It was the god of Orange Beena, since I always buy that!" uko: "Are you stupid, showoff?" uko: "You're expending too much energy when you pull. You'll exhaust yourself." Imaizumi: "You can reduce your power by 20%, showoff." Kaburagi: "What? Twenty percent? Don't you mean one or 100? I can't manage something that precise." Kaburagi: "Imaizumi-san, you do it." Imaizumi: "This is 80, and this is 60." Kaburagi: "I can't tell the difference at all." Imaizumi: "That's because you're stupid." Kaburagi: "I'm not stupid." Imaizumi: "You're clearly stupid." Aoyagi: "Is he..." Kaburagi: "What?" Kaburagi: "God left me something again!" Kaburagi: "I see. God has orders for me this time." Kabruagi: "Okay, I'll try it!" Kaburagi: "Eighty percent, eighty percent..." Kaburagi: "Eight pieces of a ten-segmented orange." Kaburagi: "One minute, twenty-one seconds! So close! "Your knees are too wide when you're dancing." I see. "You can make better use of your arm muscles if you stay under 90." Really?" Aoyagi: "He won't listen to people, but he will listen to notes." Kaburagi: "Use your scapula well? Huh, this god knows everything." Kaburagi: "What?" Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san..." Kaburagi: "Are you..." Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san, are you training in secret, too?" Kaburagi: "I just got some amazing information." Aoyagi: "What?" Kaburagi: "You use the muscles around your scapula to... Wait, Aoyagi-san. Don't buy any Orange Beena from this vending machine. I'm going to buy them." Aoyagi: "R-Really?" Aoyagi: "He's amazing, in his own way." Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san, do you believe in God?" Aoyagi: "Where did that come from?" Kaburagi: "During middle school, Danchiku and I joined Team SS." Kaburagi: "They were tough and strict. They had a lot of rules, too." Kaburagi: "But I wanted to get stronger, so I grit my teeth and kept riding." Kaburagi: "I was always frustrated. They told me not to smile, except when I won." Kaburagi: "I thought I was riding to win." Kaburagi: "I worked hard, but I didn't really see results." Kaburagi: "It's strange, though." Kaburagi: "Since I started high school and joined this team..." Kaburagi: "Imaizumi-san is too logical and sarcastic." Kaburagi: "Naruko-san is overbearing and annoying." Kaburagi: "And Onoda-san, who I thought I admired, is unreliable." Kaburagi: "But I'm having so much fun." Kaburagi: "What do you suppose this feeling is? Chasing after the pig in front of us is really tough and takes everything I have, but I'm having a lot of fun." Kaburagi: "I feel like I've gotten stronger since joining this team. Watching Koga-san, Sugimoto-san, Teshima-san, and everyone else ride" Kaburagi: "has made something well up inside me. I feel like they're pushing me forward." Kaburagi: "Oh, but not so much you, Aoyagi-san. You don't really push." Aoyagi: "Hey. Quit complaining. Do you think we can catch up?" Kaburagi: "I honestly have a feeling we can. I've been conserving my energy." Kaburagi: "And this is the first time I've told anyone, but I have God on my side." Kaburagi: "The god of Orange Beena!" Aoyagi: "You're right." Doubashi: "That idiot is catching up?" Kaburagi: "I'm here, pig! Right at the end!" Izumida: "Make fools of them, Doubashi." Doubashi: "Either way, I'll win. After all, I'm right!" Doubashi: "Why do I have to assist?" Senpai: "I've told you a bunch of times already. It's because you're a first-year and Hamauchi's a third-year." Doubashi: "I'm faster than him. Speed wins. That's how racing works." Senpai: "Control yourself. Hamauchi's a third-year. It's his last race. You know what your job is, Doubashi." Manager: "Why did you hit him? Why would a first-year hit third-year Hamauchi?" Doubashi: "I controlled myself. I did as I was told. I controlled myself and launched Hamauchi-san before the finish line. I put him in the perfect position. But then..." Doubashi: "Damn it. I pulled you here. Go, Hamauchi-san." Doubashi: "Go, hurry!" Hamauchi: "You idiot, you pulled too fast. It took everything I had to keep up. I don't have the strength left to sprint." Doubashi: "Can you believe he said that? He ended up placing twenty-first. So I asked him what he spent the last three years doing and hit him." Manager: "Write your name on this by tomorrow!" Manager: "You're out of the club. Captain Fukutomi asked me to manage the club while he was focusing on the race. Everyone expected great things from you." Manager: "They said an amazing first-year joined the club. But you can't control your emotions." Doubashi: "I control myself plenty." Manager: "It's not enough! The club can't keep you any longer! You missed this year's Inter-High member selection because you hit second-years Takayama and Shirakawa!" Doubashi: "They were afraid of my ability, so they reduced the air pressure in my tires. That's why I hit them. I don't regret it. I'm right!" Manager: "Your way is wrong for being part of a team." Manager: "Doubashi, quit the bicycle club." Doubashi: "I'm first-year Doubashi Masakiyo, and I'm joining the bicycle club today. I have experience." Manager: "He joined again." Doubashi: "I'll never quit riding." Hamauchi: "Can he seriously rejoin the club?" Manager: "There's no rule against it." Doubashi: "You can't be serious. I'll never quit this over your stupid reasons!" Doubashi: "What? Why do I have to clean up again today? I did it yesterday, Azuma-san." Azuma: "Now, now. This is part of your training. They're always telling you to control yourself." Second-Year: "And we're second-years. You should fix the way you talk to us." Doubashi: "Shut up! You may be a second-year, but you've never beaten me. Quit acting so self-important!" Azuma: "Just do it, okay?" Second-Year: "Control yourself, Doubashi. Later." Doubashi: "Shut up! Wait!" Doubashi: "Damn it." Doubashi: "I rode really hard today at practice." Doubashi: "My thighs hurt." Doubashi: "They were slacking off." Doubashi: "I hate guys who talk like that when they don't even take practice seriously. Damn it." Manager: "You missed the Inter-High member selection." Doubashi: "I don't regret it! I'm right!" Doubashi: "I missed the Inter-High member selection." Doubashi: "I said I didn't regret it, but I wanted to ride in the Inter-High." Doubashi: "If I rode, I guess I'd be taking either Izumida-san or Shinkai-san's position." Doubashi: "Crap. They train a lot and are crazy strong. That's a tough hurdle to clear." Doubashi: "I need to get stronger." Doubashi: "Maybe I do need to control myself better." Doubashi: "I just can't help it. It's because I don't think I'm wrong, but..." Doubashi: "Okay, I'll start controlling myself tomorrow." Senpai: "Doubashi did it again!" Club: "Again?" Doubashi: "He started it!" Club: "Stop, Doubashi! Stop!" Doubashi: "I just told him to move because he was blocking me with his crappy riding!" Club: "Stop!" Manager: "You're out of the club! That's enough!" Hamauchi: "He's gotten quieter lately." Second-Year: "It's already his third time joining the club." Hamauchi: "I heard they made him sign an agreement that he'd quit the club forever the next time he hit someone." Second-Year: "Seriously? His performance has quieted down a lot, too." Izumida: "Doubashi, we need to talk." Doubashi: "What? Yes, sir." Izumida: "Why don't we go for a ride?" Izumida: "What's wrong? You've been quiet lately, Doubashi." Doubashi: "Well..." Izumida: "Your performance is declining, too." Doubashi: "They kept telling me performance wasn't everything, so I did my best and tried to control myself." Izumida: "You've quit the Hakone Academy High School bicycle club more times than anyone else, Doubashi Masakiyo." Izumida: "I talked Fukutomi-san into letting me handle your future..." Izumida: "...as another sprinter." Doubashi: "Wait! Wait, Izumida-san. I want to keep riding. I want to keep riding at Hakone Academy High School." Doubashi: "I have to control myself, right? I know I have to." Izumida: "What are you talking about, abs? What I meant, abs..." Doubashi: "Abs?" Izumida: "You're blessed with a great build and explosive power." Izumida: "Telling you to control yourself is the same as not polishing the spear you have." Izumida: "Not many sprinters hold true spears." Izumida: "You should stand out." Izumida: "Bare your overflowing emotions." Izumida: "Don't you want to see how far they can reach?" Izumida: "Not reason. Not words. Your inner self." Izumida: "Your irrepressible emotions. That's strength. Why wouldn't you use them? Why keep your spear sheathed?" Doubashi: "Strength..." Izumida: "There's no need for control. Release." Izumida: "Control your emotions with concentration. Focus only during races." Izumida: "Then the noise of your surroundings won't bother you anymore." Doubashi: "Noise..." Izumida: "Come, abs! Follow me! Pedal to your heart's content!" Izumida: "Show me the abomination inside you, abs!" Izumida: "Abs, abs!" Doubashi: "Izumida-san's fast!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs!" Doubashi: "He's pulling away. Crap. Interesting. Emotion is strength. You say I can do it, Izumida-san? Then I'll do it. I'll put the man inside me on full display!" Doubashi: "I'll crush you!" Izumida: "Abs!" Doubashi: "I won't let anyone stand in front of me. I'm right!" Doubashi: "I'll win! I am Hakone Academy High School!" Doubashi: "It's been decided since the beginning." Doubashi: "There's only one truth, and that's winning!" Doubashi: "Irrepressible emotion! That's strength!" 1: "What was that? That was different from his other shouts." 2: "He's like a wild animal." Kaburagi: "He's up to something, Aoyagi-san! Let's catch up to him before he accelerates again!" Kaburagi: "Hey, Hakone Academy High School pig! This is the strength of Sohoku High School that you mocked!" 3: "The pursuing Sohoku High School duo..." 4: "They caught up to Hakone Academy High School!" Kaburagi: "The rest is up to you, sprinter Aoyagi-san!" Kaburagi: "I'm counting on you!" Aoyagi: "Supersonic Oxygen Bullet!" 5: "Sohoku High School made a comeback at the last second!" Kaburagi: "He did it!" s: "Sohoku High School's riding alone!" s: "He's so round!" Kaburagi: "What do you think, pig? This is the eleventh hour power of Sohoku High School." Doubashi: "The hunt doesn't start until my prey's in front of me." Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs." Izumida: "Abs." Izumida: "Abs."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 19 – Road Monster Doubashi", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "19", "Road Monster Doubashi" ] }
Sakamichi: "Makishima-san..." Makishima: "Why do you look so dejected, Sakamichi?" Sakamichi: "No, no!" Sakamichi: "Makishima-san asked me to make Sohoku stronger." Makishima: "We're counting on you to carry our Sohoku." Sakamichi: "I'm taking the lead!" Teshima: "Are you hurt?" Sakamichi: "N-No, I'm fine." Imaizumi: "You're always diving into the grass. Are you still not used to your bike?" Sakamichi: "Y-Yeah, that's it. Riding a new bike sure is hard." Sakamichi: "It's too light, and the brakes work too well." uko: "Can I refill my water bottle at the vending machine up ahead?" Imaizumi: "Yeah, same." Sakamichi: "Teshima-san..." Teshima: "Is this about Makishima-san?" Sakamichi: "Huh?" Kinjou: "Makishima is quitting the team today." Sakamichi: "N-No..." Teshima: "Really? That's fine, then." Teshima: "It's dangerous to practice while lost in thought. Be careful." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "Now that Makishima-san is gone, you're Sohoku's only climber." uko: "Shall we sprint to the top, like usual?" All: "Yeah!" uko: "It's just a 200 meter slope. That's short enough to sprint up." Imaizumi: "Don't push yourself too hard." Teshima: "Onoda..." Sakamichi: "Sorry, Teshima-san! Er, Captain! You must be here to ask me what I'm doing when I'm supposed to be a climber." Sakamichi: "I... I'll get my head back on straight and climb!" Teshima: "No, it's fine. Let's take it slow." Sakamichi: "Huh?" Teshima: "The weather's nice." Teshima: "Does it hurt, Onoda?" Teshima: "Despite how he looked, Makishima-san was a nice guy." Teshima: "When we were first-years..." Makishima: "You want me to give you tips on climbing? Well..." Makishima: "Swing your bike back and forth really hard." Tadokoro: "You're the only one who can do that!" Makishima: "Oh, really?" Teshima: "He was always kind." Sakamichi: "I still..." Sakamichi: "I still had a lot to learn! So why..." Teshima: "If you're hurting, you can rest." Teshima: "Forcing yourself to practice now won't help you." Teshima: "Remember what he said. When you aim for the top, you learn where you stand. Choosing your course of action based on how others see you or think of you won't get you anywhere." Teshima: "I'm weak." Teshima: "Naruko and Imaizumi are strong." Teshima: "They fought as equals alongside the third-years during the Inter-High." Teshima: "Aoyagi and I still don't stand a chance against them in sprints. Even though I'm the captain, I'm the weakest one. I'm not strong mentally, either." Teshima: "But I know that." Teshima: "What I need to do is make up for those weaknesses little by little." Teshima: "That's where I'll find my breakthrough. That's what I believe." Teshima: "You can rest. You can worry, Onoda." Teshima: "Even that can be a way to move forward." Teshima: "Believe in yourself. You'll find the light." Teshima: "Didn't Makishima-san entrust his soul to you, too?" Sakamichi: "Yeah." Makishima: "Jeez. I'm about to get on a plane. Why'd you have to call me last minute, Toudou?" Makishima: "Well, yeah." Makishima: "I told them to practice if they had time to see me off." Toudou: "We lost this year, but we'll win next year, Maki-chan. Even after I graduate," Toudou: "No matter how strong he is, he can't win by himself." Makishima: "No, we've got climbers." Toudou: "Really? Are they strong? Do they have good instincts?" Makishima: "Not at all." Toudou: "What?" Makishima: "But maybe that's Sohoku's type. No talent and no instinct... So he climbs through sheer effort." Makishima: "Teshima, you're a climber." Teshima: "What?" Makishima: "Tricks don't work on climbs. Unlike flats, you can't hide behind other riders to get out of the wind." Makishima: "Your weakness can't be overcome with knowledge or technique." Makishima: "So climb." Makishima: "Keep climbing until your legs stop moving." Higashida: "Teshima, I heard the news." Teshima: "Higashida." Higashida: "You're the captain of the bike club now?" Teshima: "Yeah." Higashida: "The team's strong, right? I heard you won nationals." Higashida: "That must be a lot of pressure." Teshima: "Every day I feel like puking. The first-years are so strong, I can't keep up." Teshima: "How's the volleyball club?" Higashida: "Unfortunately, we only made it to the second round. Because of that, our practices are hellish now. How about you?" Teshima: "It's hard. It makes me realize the difference between being made to do something and making yourself do something. I was just coming up with the lineup for our next race." Teshima: "There's a lot to do as the captain. Practice, paperwork, and other stuff. When I think about how Kinjou-senpai used to do this, it makes me realize how tough he really was." Higashida: "Want to go karaoke after practice, then?" Teshima: "What?" Higashida: "I've been planning it since I heard you became the captain. Let me hear that Teshima medley again." Higashida: "I got together the guys we rode with in middle school, too." Higashida: "Everyone wants to congratulate you. You once said you were quitting, and now you're the captain of the team that won nationals." Higashida: "Teshima! Why? You can't quit! Don't you like riding your bike?" Student: "We swore we'd win together." Higashida: "Oh, right. I invited Iwase-chan from the girls' volleyball team, who you said you were interested in." Higashida: "When I told her about your medley of impressions, she said yes right away." Teshima: "Sorry, but I don't have time." Higashida: "Really?" Higashida: "That's too bad." Teshima: "Thanks." Teshima: "These contain essential information and regulations for our next race. Could you hand them out to the first-years?" Imaizumi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "How has Onoda been doing?" Imaizumi: "He stopped falling. He's still slow, but he seems to be getting used to his new bike." Teshima: "That's great." Teshima: "Little by little is fine. Let him know I said that." Aoyagi: "Junta..." Teshima: "Aoyagi." Teshima: "How did yesterday go?" Aoyagi: "I attacked just before the 200 meter mark." Tadokoro: "I knew you'd come, so I've been saving my strength. Pedal with all you've got, Aoyagi!" Aoyagi: "Yes, sir!" Aoyagi: "I won." Teshima: "All right! That's great!" Aoyagi: "But I've still only won once." Teshima: "That's fine." uku: "Hakone Academy's next captain will be Izumida Touichirou." Izumida: "Yes, sir." Arakita: "Jeez, this ceremony is a pain in the ass." Arakita: "All you need to do is win." Toudou: "With a man who went through that bitter experience at the Inter-High as captain, we can't lose." Shinkai: "You're a perfect fit, Izumida." uku: "The next generation of Hakone Academy will led by the three second-years." Toudou: "Three?" uku: "The vice-captain will be second-year Kuroda Yukinari." Kuroda: "Touichirou, let's go wild at the next Inter-High." Izumida: "Yuki!" uku: "Captain Izumida and vice-captain Kuroda..." uku: "These two were obvious choices for their positions." uku: "But I'm surprised you recommended him for the third, Shinkai." Shinkai: "He's promising. Don't you agree?" Shinkai: "From Chiba Minami Middle School, he moved here for his parents' work." Shinkai: "Apparently he was on the same middle school team as Sohoku's next captain, Teshima-kun." Ashikiba: "Excuse me, Shinkai-san." Ashikiba: "My jersey's a little small." Shinkai: "Second-year Ashikiba Takuto..." Shinkai: "He's Hakone Academy's tallest member ever, at 202 centimeters." Shinkai: "Ashikiba, what was Teshima-kun like in middle school?" Ashikiba: "Him?" Ashikiba: "He's good." uku: "Good, huh?" Ashikiba: "Yeah, at karaoke." Ashikiba: "His medley of impressions is truly exceptional." Ashikiba: "Ow..." Ashikiba: "Heave-ho..." Student: "Don't, Ashikiba! I won't be able to get my bike down!" Shinkai: "Ashikiba..." Shinkai: "How would you like to race against Teshima-kun?" Ashikiba: "A race? I can race already?" Ashikiba: "Okay. If that's what you want, I'll give it everything I've got. Basically, you want me to beat him in that race, right?" Shinkai: "No, you don't have to worry about that." Shinkai: "Someone else will be participating in that race." uku: "Our methods weren't wrong." uku: "Arakita and Izumida pulled ahead of them." uku: "Shinkai pulled us through the flats." uku: "Then we sent our climbers." uku: "Toudou kept Makishima in check, leaving Manami and me." uku: "Almost everything went according to plan." uku: "But Sohoku faced problem after problem." uku: "Their ace, Kinjou, was injured." uku: "He fell behind immediately." uku: "Their ace switched to an inexperienced first-year." uku: "We had an overwhelming advantage." Arakita: "But we lost!" Toudou: "But not because we underestimated them." Arakita: "What? We totally underestimated them." Arakita: "Although I can't imagine there's any way Fuku-chan did." Arakita: "I want to say we rode as hard as we could. It was our last race. When I hear we lost by five or ten centimeters... In road racing, the difference between first and second is the difference between heaven and earth. On top of that, it was the Inter-High. That's on a whole different level." Arakita: "And that inexperienced little airhead didn't understand that." uku: "No, he gave everything he had." uku: "He understood how important it was and rode with the greatest strength he had." uku: "We lost because..." uku: "No, because I was naïve in my predictions." uku: "Number 176, Sohoku first-year Onoda... A total amateur. Though his face didn't show a shred of competitive spirit," uku: "hidden inside him was a determined and indomitable spirit. And that was enough to beat Hakone Academy's greatest climber, Manami." uku: "Manami said he was dangerous, but I couldn't predict it. That was only natural." uku: "He was the unpredictable element that Sohoku created during that race." uku: "That's not something which can be made on purpose." uku: "But it was the only way they could take down the champions." Shinkai: "In other words, that's what Kinjou was going for." Shinkai: "Jin-kun said the same thing." Shinkai: "Do you have a plan?" Tadokoro: "Nope." Tadokoro: "For us, being connected to each other is important." Shinkai: "Isn't that why we need to show the next generation of Hakone Academy how he rides?" : "You can do it!" : "Hey, look. It's the Inter-High general classification winner, Onoda." Teshima: "At the next Inter-High—no, starting with our next race, the other teams will be gunning for us. We must leap past them and win again." Teshima: "Because we are the champions." Teshima: "Onoda..." Teshima: "Team Sohoku supports each other." Teshima: "Sounds like something Kinjou-san would say, right?" Teshima: "We can take it slow. Don't try to do everything yourself, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Teshima-san..." Imaizumi: "He's right. We wouldn't want you getting overeager and falling again." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun?" Imaizumi: "Don't get so nervous that you forget we're here." Teshima: "Just climb at your own pace." Teshima: "Even if you're late, we'll be waiting for you at the top." Sakamichi: "Okay." Shinkai: "Someone else will be participating in that race. This year's Inter-High champion, Onoda-kun." Ashikiba: "Onoda?" Shinkai: "Ashikiba, experience what it's like to ride against him." Shinkai: "And if possible, beat him." Ashikiba: "He was near the front, so I didn't get a good look at him." Ashikiba: "Well, whatever." Ashikiba: "I'll see what he can do during the race." Ashikiba: "Onoda-kun..." Makishima: "Jeez!" Toudou: "I can't believe you're crying already, Maki-chan." Makishima: "That voice!" Makishima: "Toudou?" Toudou: "Starting today..."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 2 – What Makishima Left Behind", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "2", "What Makishima Left Behind" ] }
Doubashi: "Run." Doubashi: "Hey, run faster!" Doubashi: "This jersey is too small." Doubashi: "It's in the way. Come on, run. I'll... ...crush you and your bike underfoot!" Doubashi: "I broke it again!" Doubashi: "The zippers on these jerseys are so weak!" Sakamichi: "Uh, Teshima-san. It's been a while since Aoyagi-san and Kaburagi-kun left. Do you think they've caught up to the front?" Teshima: "Are you worried, Onoda? If everything's gone well, they should be getting there soon. The leaders should be reaching the first result line around now." Sakamichi: "It'll be decided soon... Who's the fastest sprinter of this race." Doubashi: "Seven hundred meters left!" Doubashi: "Flee! Flee!" Doubashi: "Interesting, interesting..." Doubashi: "Nothing beats chasing someone down!" Aoyagi: "Ultimate Aoyagi Technique! Human Bullet Bambi Style!" Doubashi: "What? He transformed again!" A: "Sohoku High School's accelerating! He's so fast!" B: "What's up with his legs? Are those logs?" C: "He was already round, but he transformed again!" D: "He pulled farther ahead out of the corner!" E: "Sohoku High School's #4 is amazing!" Teshima: "You know how you'd run from me when we played tag?" Teshima: "I wonder if you could make it stronger." Aoyagi: "Stronger?" Teshima: "I have a feeling it has more potential." Teshima: "You might be able to use it at the next Inter-High." Aoyagi: "Strengthening my running..." uko: "Aoyagi-san's Human Bullet is insane. He's going super fast." Sakamichi: "His pulling is amazing." Aoyagi: "They're right. I'm pulling, not running. Running requires stronger acceleration." Aoyagi: "Which means..." Doubashi: "Do you know how much Hakone Academy High School trains every day?" Doubashi: "Do you know how unforgiving the member selection tournament is?" Doubashi: "You're trying to run from me, aren't you?" Doubashi: "Sorry, but prey that's fleeing as fast as it can is my favorite!" Sakamichi: "T-Teshima-san, do you think Aoyagi-san will win?" Teshima: "Huh?" Sakamichi: "Oh, I just... Hakone Academy High School's #15 was big and seemed strong, so I thought..." Teshima: "You mean Doubashi? He's in your grade. He's a second-year." Sakamichi: "What?!" Teshima: "If size were the determining factor, then Aoyagi would lose. But that's not what road racing is about." Teshima: "It's a combination of willpower, conditions, teamwork, and strategy." Teshima: "You use everything you can to find an opportunity. You work together, strategize, look out for your teammates, give everything you've got, and throw your wheels across the finish line." Teshima: "I'm betting on Aoyagi." Teshima: "Believe in the strength of Aoyagi and Kaburagi, Onoda." Teshima: "Remember what he said? It's not the two of them." Teshima: "The six of us together are a team." Doubashi: "Run faster, little Bambi!" Doubashi: "It's right there. This'll be easy." Doubashi: "Thanks for the meal, Bambi!" Izumida: "Whatever you do, don't lose to Sohoku High School!" Doubashi: "But they were nothing special!" Doubashi: "Move, Sohoku High School! It's over!" : "There's 400 meters left! They're finally neck and neck! All three of them!" Doubashi: "Three?" Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san! I got a really bad feeling about this, so I followed him!" Teshima: "We have two cards up our sleeve, so we'll make full use of both of them. That's Sohoku High School's style," Teshima: "Hakone Academy High School!" Doubashi: "What are you doing here, orange?" Doubashi: "Orange!" Kaburagi: "Pig!" Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san!" Kaburagi: "Get behind me!" Kaburagi: "I'll pull for you again. I'll launch you. I need you to sprint." Kaburagi: "Let me handle this pig, Aoyagi-san!" : "Three hundred and fifty meters left!" Doubashi: "Don't get ahead of yourselves. Increasing your numbers from one to two won't change anything." Doubashi: "I'll pass you, too, orange!" Kaburagi: "A sprinter like Aoyagi-san won't have any trouble with a sub like you, pig!" Aoyagi: "There's a light shining..." Aoyagi: "On Sohoku High School. If I used my Bambi Style, I thought..." Kaburagi: "What? Where's the light?" Aoyagi: "I thought I could pull ahead of Doubashi. I thought I'd make it to the result line." Aoyagi: "But he's stronger than I thought. He stopped my legs of certain escape and caught up." Aoyagi: "I thought I might not be able to win." Aoyagi: "You should take the sprint." Aoyagi: "You're the light, Kaburagi." Aoyagi: "You can do it." Kaburagi: "I can't! I'm an all-rounder!" Aoyagi: "Do it!" Kaburagi: "I can't!" Aoyagi: "Take it!" Kaburagi: "I can't!" Kaburagi: "The pig is accelerating. He's entering a sprinting form." Kaburagi: "Why are you jumping ahead, Aoyagi-san?" Aoyagi: "I'm blocking the wind!" Kaburagi: "Why would you spend your strength for the result line now?" Aoyagi: "When I give the signal, go!" Kaburagi: "I'm not going!" Aoyagi: "I thought you believed in God!" Kaburagi: "What? I do, but so what? Where's God right now? There are no vending machines around." Kaburagi: "G-God's notepad..." Teshima: "You should imagine all possible scenarios and think of how to deal with them. Hakone Academy High School's Doubashi is strong. You should simulate how you can use Kaburagi, too." Teshima: "What are you writing?" Aoyagi: "A magical note." Kaburagi: "This is..." Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san." Aoyagi: "Take it! It's God's final note for you! "Sprint as hard as you can for the result line!"" Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Kaburagi: "I understand, God. I'll do it. I'll use everything you taught me..." Kaburagi: "...to win this sprint!" Aoyagi: "Go, Kaburagi!" Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" : "They're neck and neck! Two hundred meters left!" : "Sohoku High School's resting!" Doubashi: "He's accelerating!" Doubashi: "But he's an idiot!" A: "Hakone Academy High School's sticking right behind him!" B: "He's saving his strength by hiding from the wind!" Doubashi: "I'll show you my monster sprint! I don't lose! I'm Hakone Academy High School!" : "This year's fastest sprinter is about to be decided! One hundred meters left!" Kaburagi: "Go in, go in, go in, go in..." : "Doubashi's making his move! He's jumping ahead!" Kaburagi: "Go in!" Kaburagi: "What? What do I think about before the finish line?" Kaburagi: "Big gears." Aoyagi: "What?" Kaburagi: "I imagine gears." Kaburagi: "Strangely enough, when they fit together, it makes me feel really strong." Kaburagi: "Go in." Kaburagi: "Go in! It's in!" Kaburagi: "Pig!" Doubashi: "Orange!" Both: "Sprint!" : "They're both accelerating!" Both: "I'll win!" : "Fifty meters left!" : "Thirty meters left!" Kaburagi: "Win, win, win! I'll win!" : "They're neck and neck again! It's the final sprint!" 1: "I thought Doubashi looked like he would play dirty, but he's an honorable racer." 2: "I've seen most of his races. He talks a big game and has a huge attitude, but he always fights head-to-head. He always plays fair." 2: "That's why he has so many fans!" : "Doubashi! Go, Hakone Academy High School's Doubashi!" Club 1: "Doubashi-senpai, you can do it!" Club 2: "Pedal harder, Senpai!" : "The first result has been decided! Hakone Academy High School's Doubashi wins! Sohoku High School caught up at the end! Hakone Academy High School stayed ahead! It was Sohoku High School!" Doubashi: "You idiot, you didn't win." Kaburagi: "Fool. You didn't notice? I got you in the end." Doubashi: "No, you didn't. That was me." Kaburagi: "It was me." Doubashi: "It wasn't you." Kaburagi: "I'd never lose to a sub like you." Doubashi: "I'm a regular, you idiot." 1: "They're arguing. Who won just now?" 2: "Wasn't it Hakone Academy High School?" 3: "It looked like Sohoku High School to me." Danchiku: "Issa..." Aoyagi: "You're always working hard, Kaburagi-kun. It's me."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 20 – Full Throttle, Kaburagi!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "20", "Full Throttle, Kaburagi!" ] }
Doubashi: "There's 80 meters to the first result line." Kaburagi: "I..." Doubashi: "I..." Both: "I'll win!" Kaburagi: "Pig!" Kaburagi: "I got this!" Doubashi: "Orange! He's coming!" Both: "Sprint!" : "They're both accelerating!" Both: "I'll win!" : "They're neck and neck again! It's the final sprint!" : "Hakone Academy High School! Of course it's Hakone Academy High School! Doubashi's the champion! That's the pose I wanted to see!" Doubashi: "I'm Hakone Academy High School!" Rider: "Hakone Academy High School's moving up!" Izumida: "Excuse us." Izumida: "Make way, Teshima-kun." : "Kanagawa's ultimate champions, Hakone Academy High School, moved up! They're so intimidating! The team that takes the first result controls the pack!" Izumida: "Well done, Doubashi." Ashikiba: "Basshi..." Kuroda: "It went just as planned, Touichirou." Manami: "I can't believe he won one against two on the flats. It's amazing." Yuto: "Hayato-kun said Doubashi-san could do it." Rider 1: "Things feel more stable with Hakone Academy High School in the front." Rider 2: "That position's a perfect fit for them. Their aura is different." Rider 1: "Yeah. I feel calmer with Hakone Academy High School forming the pack. Let's absorb our sprinters as we ride to the foot of the mountain. We can take a break." Izumida: "Time to go to work." Izumida: "Andy, Frank..." Izumida: "Our job starts now." Rider 2: "Huh?" Rider 1: "Hey, there's space behind you." Teshima: "They're doing it on purpose." Rider 1: "What?" Teshima: "They're planning to increase their speed and decrease the pack's numbers..." Teshima: "At the start of the Inter-High's first day!" Izumida: "Abs!" Rider 1: "Seriously? But we're still so far from the mountains." Rider 3: "We underestimated them. They're fast." Rider 3: "Sohoku High School's jumping ahead, too!" Teshima: "But I knew they'd do this. Let's go as hard as we can." Teshima: "Onoda, Naruko, Imaizumi!" All: "Yes, sir!" Izumida: "You came, Sohoku High School." Teshima: "Sorry, but you're not getting away, Hakone Academy High School." Teshima: "You seem pretty desperate, Izumida. You're already trying to reduce your competition at the start of the race." Izumida: "We're wearing double-digit tags when we should be wearing single digits." Izumida: "Do you know what that means, Teshima-kun?" Teshima: "I do. After all, we were wearing triple digits last year." Izumida: "It means that by any means necessary, we must retake the title of champions." Izumida: "I didn't participate in the first result so I could create this situation. Abs!" Sakamichi: "Hakone Academy High School is accelerating even more." Teshima: "After them!" All: "Yes, sir!" Izumida: "The way you ride is so ordinary, Teshima-kun." Izumida: "Are you struggling?" Izumida: "Isn't it because you sent two riders to compete in the sprint?" Teshima: "I'm weak." Teshima: "That's why I use my head. It's why I work hard. I have a plan. Go!" Teshima: "Naruko Shoukichi!" uko: "You got it!" Teshima: "We held onto our best man on the flats, too." uko: "I'm itching to go! Wanna pick up where we left off, lashes?" Izumida: "I couldn't ask for more, redhead!" Izumida: "Abs!" Both: "I won't stop you this time!" Imaizumi: "Naruko!" Kuroda: "Touichirou!" Both: "Go!" Kaburagi: "I gave everything I had and lost." Danchiku: "Issa!" Danchiku: "Issa!" Danchiku: "Issa!" Kaburagi: "Danchiku..." Kaburagi: "I'm Kaburagi Issa. This is Danchiku Ryuuhou. This race is mine." Kaburagi: "We're going to the Inter-High, Danchiku." Danchiku: "I see two lights in you." Danchiku: "Two lights I don't have." Danchiku: "Issa!" Danchiku: "Don't waver!" Danchiku: "I won't be in the race, but you go all-out at the Inter-High, Issa." Kaburagi: "I will. You just watch me, Danchiku." Danchiku: "I was watching!" Sugimoto: "Kaburagi!" Sugimoto: "I was watching!" Kaburagi: "Sugimoto-san..." Sugimoto: "Push Imaizumi's back." Kaburagi: "I will. Thank you." Koga: "Kaburagi!" Miki: "Kaburagi-kun!" Aya: "First-year!" Koga: "We were watching!" Kaburagi: "Yes, sir!" Koga: "We'll be waiting for you at the feed zone up ahead!" Kaburagi: "Why? What was that, Aoyagi-san?" Kaburagi: "I didn't win. They should be asking me, "What are you doing?" "How could you lose when you were so close?" They should be rebuking me and telling me I'm the worst, but instead..." Kaburagi: "They just said they were watching and nothing else." Kaburagi: "Their hands were so warm." Kaburagi: "Why?" Kaburagi: "Koga-san, Sugimoto-san, and Danchiku..." Aoyagi: "Because they're your teammates." Aoyagi: "And because they all know the pain of losing." Koga: "I know a lot about injuries." Sugitomo: "I did everything I could!" Danchiku: "Good, Issa." Kaburagi: "Damn!" Kaburagi: "Damn, damn, damn!" Kaburagi: "Aoyagi-san, I promise!" Kaburagi: "If I end up racing against him again at this Inter-High..." Kaburagi: "I promise I'll beat him!" Aoyagi: "Good." Kaburagi: "I'm riding with the team's hopes on my back. Why didn't I realize that?" Kaburagi: "I'm an idiot." Izumida: "Abs!" Sakamichi: "Hakone Academy High School's accelerating even more." Teshima: "We're counting on you, Naruko!" uko: "Got it!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs, abs, abs! Abs!" Kuroda: "Touichirou, you're raising the pace again? Don't you feel bad for them? They disappeared behind the corner in the blink of—" Kuroda: "They're keeping up." Izumida: "How persistent." Izumida: "Team Sohoku's persistent again this year. Naruko-kun's reactions are first-class, too." Izumida: "Yuki, remember this tenacity." Izumida: "They used it to steal the title from us last year." Izumida: "You have a good team, Teshima-kun." Izumida: "You're worthy of being crushed with all our might." Izumida: "Are you supporting each other?" Izumida: "That's what Sohoku High School's captain Kinjou-san said last year. On your team, when one man falls, the others support him." Izumida: "A team that supports each other." Teshima: "That's right. I've added the sauce of faith to that and made it in my own style." Izumida: "Are you planning on cooking something?" Teshima: "Yeah, something Mediterranean." Izumida: "That sounds good. I'll eat it for you." Teshima: "It's super spicy. You'll upset your stomach." Izumida: "I see. You sound confident." Izumida: "Then let me ask you this." Izumida: "Why did your spicy team send two sprinters against our Doubashi and lose?" Izumida: "You wasted your time." Teshima: "Because one man isn't enough." Teshima: "I told you. We're a team that supports each other." Teshima: "We're not complete until there's more than one. That's why I sent two." Teshima: "I know Kaburagi and Aoyagi believed in each other as they fought." Teshima: "Wasted our time? Don't worry about us." Teshima: "Defeat is the first step towards victory. It gives rise to the next will and action. And we pass that will along. Carefully, between all of us." Izumida: "That's your team, this year's Team Sohoku." Izumida: "I understand." Izumida: "Since we have the chance, let me introduce my team. This year I created" Izumida: "the most passionate team Hakone Academy High School has ever seen." Izumida: "Powerfully, coolly, passionately, we'll aim for victory." Izumida: "We're the strongest team." Makishima: "Onoda. If you have one thing you're good at, and you're prevented from doing it, what would you do?" Makishima: "Wait? Run? Go around it? Would you become depressed?" Makishima: "You've gotta break through, yeah?" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir. We have to break through, yeah." Sakamichi: "Through the giant wall of Hakone Academy High School." Imaizumi: "You're right. We have to break through, yeah." Teshima: "Yeah." uko: "You're right, Onoda-kun. Yeah." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "Wait, what? Um, did I say that out loud? Did I?" Imaizumi: "Yeah." Teshima: "You did." Sakamichi: "I-I meant to think "break through" inside my head..." Teshima: "Are you serious?" uko: "You said it really loud." Imaizumi: "Sometimes you say "yeah" when we're in class, too." Sakamichi: "What?" Sakamichi: "D-Don't fall asleep, yeah." Sakamichi: "I have to do my best, yeah." Kuroda: "Touichirou..." Kuroda: "What are they? They're at a disadvantage." Kuroda: "They lost the first result, too." Kuroda: "But they're overflowing with pressure." Izumida: "I thought so." Izumida: "It's the one with the glasses." Izumida: "Second-year Onoda. He's creating that atmosphere." Kuroda: "It doesn't look that way to me. You told me to be careful, but he doesn't feel strong." Kuroda: "Doubashi said it was just a fluke, too." Doubashi: "It must've been a fluke. Otherwise, there's no way those guys would've lost. Right, Kuroda-san?" Kuroda: "I get it. You already told me that." Doubashi: "No, I'm not finished. It must've been a fluke that Onoda won the general classification." Kuroda: "That skinny kid..." Izumida: "He brings out the unlikely in road races. The unexpected, Yuki." Izumida: "Sohoku High School's key man, Onoda Sakamichi..." Izumida: "We need to eliminate him from the race sooner rather than later." Sakamichi: "We've caught up to the lead sprinters." Imaizumi: "Aoyagi-san!" uko: "Kabu!" Kuroda: "Doubashi!" Izumida: "Good job, Doubashi." Doubashi: "Izumida-san!" Ashikiba: "Basshi..." Doubashi: "I beat Sohoku High School to win the first result." Izumida: "Well done." uko: "Why'd you lose, Kabu?" Imaizumi: "How could you lose after running off like that, showoff?" Kaburagi: "Why?" Kaburagi: "Everyone else was so nice." uko: "Because we don't like you." Imaizumi: "You're a disappointment." Kaburagi: "Seriously? Really? Really? Really?" Aoyagi: "Sorry, Junta." Teshima: "It's fine. The race is long. We can still make up for it." Teshima: "Onoda..." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir?" Teshima: "I have orders for you." Sakamichi: "Orders? Yes, sir." Aoyagi: "Junta?" Teshima: "Stay close to us." Sakamichi: "What?" Teshima: "Stay toward the front." Sakamichi: "Is it because the mountains are close?" Sakamichi: "Because Hakone Academy High School will make a move? But we still have a little ways to go before the mountains." Teshima: "They're making their move!" Kaburagi: "B-But their pace isn't that fast." Teshima: "Not fast? It's the opposite, Kaburagi." Kaburagi: "The opposite?" Teshima: "You haven't noticed because we've been matching their pace. Hakone Academy High School has been gradually and deliberately slowing their pace," Teshima: "so we wouldn't notice as they drew them in..." Teshima: "The pack behind us!" Rider 1: "There's Sohoku High School!" Rider 3: "And Hakone Academy High School!" Rider 4: "All right! We caught them!" Rider 1: "You're not getting away!" Teshima: "We'll join the pack temporarily. There are advantages. We'll be able to rest. In any case, stay with the team." Rider: "Sohoku High School! Chiba!" Teshima: "Damn it." Teshima: "Onoda!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Onoda: "To the front." Rider 1: "We absorbed Sohoku High School and Hakone Academy High School!" Rider 2: "All right!" Rider 3: "You can't just do as you please!" Rider 4: "See how strong we are?" Rider 1: "We're passing through old Imaichi City and heading towards Nikkou City. We're almost at the mountains. Keep it up." Teshima: "Onoda? Where's Onoda?" Sakamichi: "Teshima-san..." Teshima: "Stay close to us." Sakamichi: "What?" Teshima: "Stay toward the front." Sakamichi: "Um, it's dangerous to stick too close. Could you—" Sakamichi: "Y-You're too close, guys. It's dangerous while we're riding. I can't move ahead when you're so—" Ineyo: "Sorry, but we're doing it deliberately." Ineyo: "We're not letting you get to the front." Sakamichi: "What?" Kaburagi: "Onoda-san's been separated." Kaburagi: "He's too small. I can't see him." Kaburagi: "Do you think he's all right? Will he come up to us?" Teshima: "No, that may be difficult." Kaburagi: "What?" Teshima: "We're almost at the mountains." Teshima: "And he's wearing tag #1." Kaburagi: "Tag #1?" Teshima: "He's last year's champion and a climber. The other teams will be looking out for a #1 who won a climb. They'll be keeping him in check. Onoda will experience for the first time" Teshima: "the real pressure that comes with tag #1." Izumida: "Looks like we won't have to use Yuto." Kuroda: "Are you hungry?" Kuroda: "Are you sure you should be acting that way toward me?" Kuroda: "Hey, what's with the change in attitude? Are you an idol who's only nice at handshake events? Were you faking it?" Izumida: "Yuki..."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 21 – Hakone Academy High School Makes Its Move!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "21", "Hakone Academy High School Makes Its Move!" ] }
Miki: "National Route 119, Nikkou Kaidou. This mountain road lined with tall cedar trees leads to Nikkou Toushou-guu Shrine," Miki: "a national treasure with over 400 years of history. The road becomes National Route 120 at the intersection of the sacred bridge." : "Go! You can do it!" : "Everyone's riding together. Are they friends? Well, actually..." : "When the road's gently sloping, it's easier for everyone to ride together. The wind resistance is—" : "Let's just say they're working together. But there's a hill ahead, right? Yeah. Then they won't be able to ride together anymore. What?" : "The line they're riding in now will get longer and longer. By the end, they'll be separated." Both: "What?" : "Separated? Differences in strength become apparent on climbs. Won't they be lonely? Each team establishes its own strategy so that doesn't happen. Strategy? Then they'll be fine. But what if they mess up?" : "If that happens, then they'll have to ride alone." Rider: "I told you, we're not letting you go to the front." Rider: "After all, you're a climber wearing tag #1." Sakamichi: "I just want to get back to Teshima-san—to my team. Can't you—" Rider: "What will you do then?" Rider: "Receive orders from your team and ride to win the mountain stage, right?" Sakamichi: "What?" Rider: "That's what we fear most. We have climbers on our teams, too." Rider: "The first day's mountain stage is the Inter-High's medal. Everyone respects the first day because we can fight without restraint." Rider: "The red number tag is a badge of pride. Everyone wants it. Every team is riding for it." Rider: "Sorry, but we need you to stay out of it." Sakamichi: "I just... I just..." Sakamichi: "I just want to do my job." Rider: "Stop Sohoku High School's Onoda, the bearer of tag #1. That's my job." Rider: "I plan to do my job, too. For my team." Aoyagi: "What did you learn from Makishima-san?" Aoyagi: "Carry on their legacy. Teach him. Show him with your riding." Sakamichi: "Move, please!" Sakamichi: "Please!" Rider: "Get back in line, #1!" Sakamichi: "No!" Rider: "I'm Yamagata Mogami High School second-year Inashiro Bunya. I'm Mogami's assistant in the mountains. I won't let you go. I'd sacrifice my legs to keep you here. I'll block like my life's at stake." Rider: "The incline has increased sharply since we passed Nikkou Station. The real race starts now. Hang in there. Yes, sir." uko: "What is Onoda-kun doing? He's supposed to be good at climbs!" Kaburagi: "He's really not coming. What happened? Should I have dropped back to bring him to us?" Rider: "I'm Nagano Chuou High School's climber. They call me the Guardian of the Alps. I am Awagashira Yumichika. Though he temporarily lead the race, he sadly ended up third at the end of the mountain stage. I will vindicate the honor of Tatebayashi-senpai. I'm Shizuoka Fujigawa High School's climber Daikanji Haruichi." Rider: "Mt. Fuji is my home turf. There's no mountain taller than Mt. Fuji." Rider: "Look! It's Yamagata Mogami High School third-year Kawahara Gunpei! Rumor has it he's the strongest climber at this tournament!" Rider: "They're so fast! They're making their move already?" Teshima: "We'll slow down as much as we can and wait for Onoda." Teshima: "Whatever you do, don't let Hakone get farther ahead." Both: "Yes, sir." Imaizumi: "We can't wait any longer." uko: "Okay, then." uko: "Kabu and I will go rescue Onoda-kun real quick." Rider: "He stopped! He braked hard! Is he having trouble with his bike?" Rider: "No!" Rider: "Crap! I wasn't expecting him to use being in last place! Catch him! We've already started to enter the climb! He's unbelievably fast going uphill!" Rider: "He's fast! You can't be serious! How can he accelerate like that? Ride as hard as you can! Damn it!" Rider: "Mogami High School's Inashiro jumped ahead! If we don't, he'll get away!" Rider: "Stop, Sohoku High School's Onoda! Yamagata Mogami High School's Inashiro cut in front of him!" Rider: "Sorry. That was a little rough, but I can't let you get to the front." Rider: "Yamagata Mogami High School will take the mountain number tag." Rider: "You're not getting away, Sohoku High School." : "The leaders are here! It's Nagano Chuou and Shizuoka Fujigawa! There's one more behind them! He's so fast! It's Yamagata Mogami High School third-year Kawahara Gunpei! Wow, look at him climb! He's not even breaking a sweat! He's in first!" uko: "What do you mean we can't go back for him, Teshima-san?" Teshima: "I meant exactly what I said. I won't allow it." uko: "Why not? Is it because we're in the mountains? Because he'll make it back at the last minute? I'm saying we should rescue him because he hasn't come back. The other teams are getting in his way. Anyone would keep last year's champion in check. He can't ride at his own pace." uko: "Kabu and I will go back and get him. Onoda-kun's never experienced something like this." Teshima: "Shouting at the night's darkness won't create light. All you can do is wait for dawn." uko: "What is that, some kind of riddle?" Kaburagi: "What? A riddle?" uko: "We're in the mountains, and Onoda-kun's not here. There's no telling when Hakone will make their move. And you want us to wait in silence?" Teshima: "I'm telling you not to act recklessly!" uko: "What?" Teshima: "If we changed our formation, we'd be playing into their hands. It may look like they're not paying attention, but they're keeping a close eye on us. If our numbers decrease, they'll attack. We'll fall behind." Teshima: "If you and Kaburagi go back, leaving three of us, it'll be three against six." Teshima: "They're waiting for just that kind of situation. Their goal is to force our entire team out of the race." uko: "What?" Kaburagi: "Then we can't rescue him." Teshima: "We're at an overwhelming disadvantage. We have to climb this mountain without our ace climber and two exhausted sprinters. We're about to start up the hellish Irohazaka." Teshima: "And this year's Hakone Academy High School has Kuroda, Ashikiba, Manami, and Shinkai." Teshima: "They have four climbers." Kaburagi: "Then will we give up on winning the mountain stage? Onoda-san's not back yet." Teshima: "We can't. If they make their move, we'll have to, as well." Kaburagi: "Why? We can just let them do whatever they want." Teshima: "If we do that, they'll head straight for the finish line." Aoyagi: "The results of the mountain stage affect the finish line after that." Aoyagi: "We can't let them take the mountains so easily." uko: "Aoyagi-san..." Kaburagi: "What are we going to do, then?" Teshima: "I have orders for you." Both: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "Imaizumi..." Imaizumi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "You and Naruko take turns pulling the team and prepare for the finish line." Teshima: "You're our ace. Without you at the finish line, we'll lose what should be ours. Sorry for making you spend your energy, but take our exhausted sprinters to the top of the mountain." Kaburagi: "Exhausted sprinter?" Kaburagi: "He must be talking about you." uko: "Then who's—" Rider: "Hakone's making their move!" Izumida: "It's nearly time. Go win the mountain stage." Izumida: "Go, Manami." Manami: "Yes, sir." Manami: "The weather's great today." Manami: "These kinds of days are the most fun for climbing hills." Kuroda: "Hey, Manami. Don't be so relaxed. The other climbers are already climbing." Manami: "Don't worry, Kuroda-san. I'll go enjoy the hill." Kuroda: "Strangely enough, he's managed to hone his skills." uko: "Are you for real?" Teshima: "Yes, for real. Without Onoda, we don't have a choice." Izumida: "Who will Sohoku High School send?" Izumida: "You can't be serious." Izumida: "You're challenging the mountains?" Izumida: "Sorry to be rude, but I don't think you have a climber's ability or instinct." Teshima: "Yeah, that's why I'll climb with hard work!" : "Hakone's making its move! The first day's mountain race has begun! It's last year's second place finisher, second-year Manami Sangaku!" : "Sohoku High School's coming, too! Is it Onoda?" : "What? It's not Onoda. I'm kind of disappointed. I came to see last year's champion race. Is he holding back?" : "No, look at that. Onoda's not with Sohoku High School? Is he having problems?" : "Number 5, Teshima Junta. He seemed pretty ordinary." Izumida: "Abs!" Izumida: "Excuse me." Izumida: "I mustn't laugh." Izumida: "I feel sorry for you. Your captain, Teshima-kun, became emotional. He lost Onoda Sakamichi, the man he meant to send, when he was swallowed by the pack. He felt responsible. He lost his #1 due to his own mistake. Isn't that right?" Izumida: "But I can't believe he sent himself." Izumida: "Imaizumi-kun, shouldn't you have gone?" Izumida: "I can tell from watching him so far. He's smart, but he's an unexceptional rider. Climb with hard work? No, let me be blunt." Izumida: "He doesn't stand a chance..." Izumida: "...against our Manami." Imaizumi: "Let me say my piece, too." Imaizumi: "For the past year, he's been working hard every time I saw him." Makishima: "Teshima, you're a climber." : "Sohoku High School caught up to Hakone Academy High School's Manami! It's #5! Who's #5?" Manami: "You're Sakamichi-kun's senpai." Teshima: "Hey. I saw your amazing race to the finish last year, Manami Sangaku." Teshima: "Let's ride to the peak together, since we have the chance." Manami: "I hate to waste an opportunity..." Manami: "But I'm in a bit of a hurry." Manami: "I was told to win the mountain stage." Teshima: "I'll catch him!" Teshima: "Let's ride together." Manami: "Wow, you caught up." Manami: "You're better than I thought." Teshima: "I'm still your elder. Show some respect and ride slower." Manami: "I still don't see the climbers in front of us." Manami: "Ah, found one." : "It's Hakone Academy High School and Sohoku High School!" : "He's so cool!" Manami: "Hello." Rider: "Whoa, it's Manami! Sohoku High School!" : "Sohoku High School's #5... He really seemed to be struggling." : "There's one Sohoku High School rider following him!" Manami: "Huh? You're amazing. You're keeping up with me, Sakamichi-kun's senpai. Was your name Kojima-san?" Teshima: "It's Teshima." Teshima: "I'm wearing a Sohoku High School jersey, too. It won't be that easy to—" Manami: "Do you like slopes?" Teshima: "Not particularly." Manami: "Really? Then you don't need to keep up." Manami: "You won't make any progress doing something you don't like." Teshima: "My situation doesn't allow for that." Manami: "At school, there's a class rep who's always getting mad at me." Manami: "She wears half-moon glasses. She told me to stop coming late and do my homework since I'm a second-year now. She hates bugs, but she comes to cheer the team on at these courses in the middle of nature." Manami: "When I asked if she likes road races, she said..." Girl: "Not really. I don't particularly like bicycles." Manami: "Can you believe it? But she's coming again this year." Girl: "Well, it's close enough that I can take the train." Manami: "People are so strange, aren't they?" Teshima: "Maybe. I'm wondering why I'm chasing after first-rate Hakone Academy High School climber Manami Sangaku with such an elevated heart rate. But I always arrive at the same answer." Manami: "Ah, found another one." Teshima: "You idiot! I wasn't finished talking!" Rider: "Manami!" Rider: "The man who inherited tag #3 from Hakone Academy High School's Mountain God." Rider: "You won't pass me. I'm Shizuoka Fujigawa High School's Daikanji. My home turf is Mt. Fuji. He's unbelievable. He passed me so easily." Rider: "Sohoku High School, too? What? Number 5? That's their captain, Teshima. I thought he was their leader. Why's he chasing after Hakone by himself?" Manami: "Wow. You're amazing, Teshima-san. You kept up with that." Manami: "But are you sure you should be riding so fast? Irohazaka has a long ways to go. And there are still riders in front of us." Manami: "What? In front of me?" Teshima: "Don't worry... about me." Teshima: "I'm Sohoku High School's captain, third-year Teshima Junta. People laugh at me all the time for being ordinary. Racing and exhausting you, Hakone Academy High School's ace climber, and winning the Inter-High's mountain stage is my job!" Manami: "I'm starting to get interested." Kuroda: "He's so cold when I don't have food." Manami: "Kuroda-san!" Kuroda: "Oh, Manami." Manami: "Hey, it's a cat." Manami: "Wow."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 22 – The Pressure of Tag #1", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "22", "The Pressure of Tag #1" ] }
Sakamichi: "I'm in great shape today. I beat my time up the rear gate slope by ten seconds." Sakamichi: "I won the Minegayama race the other day, Makishima-san." uko: "What's up, Onoda-kun? You writing a letter? To a girl?" Sakamichi: "N-No, it's a report. It's for my math homework." uko: "Sucks for you. That's a lot of pages." Imaizumi: "Will you even be able to pass this year?" Sakamichi: "What?!" Sakamichi: "I don't know his address, though." Teshima: "Finished your homework?" Sakamichi: "Teshima-san..." Teshima: "Don't get your hopes up." Teshima: "He hardly ever writes back. Even if you pour your concerns out to him, he just says, "Yeah."" Teshima: "It's Makishima-san's address." Sakamichi: "What?" Teshima: "I got it from Pierre-sensei. Now you'll be able to solve lots of math problems." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "Things change over time." Teshima: "Until now, you've only needed to listen to your seniors." Teshima: "But going forward, you'll have to use your own judgment." Teshima: "The first-years will be joining soon. We'll race in the Inter-High again." Teshima: "As you lead those first-years, you'll have to decide your own path for yourself." Teshima: "If you're ever unsure, do this." Teshima: "Consider all your options, and pick the first one that comes to mind." Teshima: "Irohazaka will be difficult. It'll be the turning point. Each team will be sending their ace climber." Sakamichi: "Excuse me. I'm going to pass you now!" Inashiro: "A direct..." Both: "...declaration of war?" Sakamichi: "Princess!" Inashiro: ""Princess"? What's that?" Shizuoka: "I've heard of this! When Sohoku High School's Onoda starts singing to himself..." gano: "He gets faster!" Sakamichi: "I've always kept these feelings secret! Be my princess forever, ta-tum-tum-tum!" Inashiro: "Just block him!" Sakamichi: "The anime I most highly recommend, Love Hime, ended its first season amidst great popularity. After taking a break in September, the long-awaited second season started the other day." Shizuoka: "First? First what?" gano: "Does he think he can place first? You won't pass us." Sakamichi: ""The Princess's Spinning One-Sided Love" is the powered-up second season opening theme of Love Hime Pettanko, which is back on the air!" gano: "Opening? What's back?" Inashiro: "I have no idea what he's talking about!" Sakamichi: "Princess!" Sakamichi: "I've always kept these feelings secret! Be my princess forever!" Sakamichi: "I've always kept these feelings secret! Be my princess forever! Princess! Spin, spin, spin!" Shizuoka: "He passed us!" Inashiro: "A miracle?" gano: "But we slowed him down for five minutes. He can't catch up to the front now." Inashiro: "I'm not so sure." Inashiro: "While we were keeping him at a slow pace, he may have been saving his strength." Inashiro: "It's possible his dramatic pursuit is about to begin..." Sakamichi: "Princess!" Rider A: "We're going uphill!" Rider B: ""Princess"?" Rider A: "What was Sohoku High School's #1 doing behind us?" Shizuoka: "What do you mean, "dramatic pursuit"?" Inashiro: "He means to catch up to the front." Shizuoka: "That's impossible. We slowed him down for so long." Shizuoka: "And the pack's ahead of him. It's impossible for him to race for the mountain results." gano: "When I cut in front of him, instead of reflexively dodging me or braking like normal, he just kept staring off into the distance." gano: "Like his goal was far ahead of him." Sakamichi: "I've always kept these feelings secret! Be my princess forever, ta-tum-tum-tum! Princess! Spin, spin, spin!" Iwakuni: "It's Sohoku High School's Onoda's Singing Climb!" Okutani: "Don't let him through! Block the road!" Both: "Yes, sir!" Yamagiwa: "Don't bother." Okutani: "Yamagiwa-san..." Yamagiwa: "Road racing is a gentleman's sport. Last year's champion deserves the most respect." Yamagiwa: "We didn't even send a climber to compete for the mountains." Yamagiwa: "Blocking him for no strategic reason would be uncool." Yamagiwa: "This is the respect we have for tag #1." Sakamichi: "Thank you! Thanks for the help. Excuse me." Rider 1: "His hips are so low." Rider 2: "That's #1..." Rider 3: "I would've bragged like crazy if I took #1." Rider 4: "He's our opponent, but he's still amazing." Rider 3: "He makes me want to cheer for him." 1: "It's tag #1!" 2: "The pack's right in front of you!" 2: "Once you pass that, your team's right there!" Sakamichi: "Excuse me. Let me through, please!" Sakamichi: "Thank you!" Okutani: "You think he'll make it all the way there?" Yamagiwa: "It's not that simple." Yamagiwa: "Road racing is aiming for victory as a team. Naturally, there will be some who won't want to let him pass." Sakamichi: "Kyoto Fushimi High School..." Midousuji: "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Sakamichi: "Midousuji-kun..." Midousuji: "You in a hurry?" Midousuji: "Lose something important?" Midousuji: "Something similar happened last year, didn't it?" Midousuji: "What did you lose? Sorry, but I'm controlling this pack." Sakamichi: "Komori-kun..." Midousuji: "You must've lost something irreplaceable to you. Was it your trust? Your role? Your eyes are desperate." Midousuji: "But whatever you've lost isn't coming back." Sakamichi: "Let me through!" Mizuta: "You're not getting through, #1. As Kyoto Fushimi High School's captain and secret ace," Mizuta: "and as a rider must stronger than I was last year, I, Mizuta Nobuyuki, will stop you. I'm the guy who stopped Hakone Academy High School's #2, Arakita Yasutomo. I am Kyoto Fushimi High School's Iron Wall!" Midousuji: "Mizuta-kun! All I did was instruct you to enter Phase 9." Midousuji: "Stop #1 if he tries to get ahead. I didn't say you could chat with him." Mizuta: "I-I'm not. As the team's captain, I was just telling him who we are." Midousuji: "We don't need that kind of vanity." Midousuji: "What my team needs is perfect soldiers. True Zakus. With only the will to move forward, even if their arms and legs fall off. If you're going to show off your individuality just because it's the Inter-High, I'll let you go..." Midousuji: "At any time." Mizuta: "I-I get it, Midousuji-kun." Midousuji: "We have only one goal this year. And that's victory." Yamaguchi: "He seems bigger lately. That pressure..." Midousuji: "Anyone thinking too many stupid thoughts to keep up can quit." Yamaguchi: "There you are, Ishigaki-san." Ishigaki: "I graduated. I need to thank you, Yama." Ishigaki: "Thanks for your help." Yamaguchi: "Oh, no. Thank you." Ishigaki: "You worked hard at the Inter-High. I remember how you pulled on the flats during the second day. It was amazing." Yamaguchi: "I dropped out in the mountains after that, though." Ishigaki: "I'm counting on you to carry the team next year." Yamaguchi: "What?" Yamaguchi: "You should be telling Mizuta and Midousuji that. I'll just be doing my best as their assistant." Yamaguchi: "Everyone's waiting. Let's go to the third-year sendoff party." Yamaguchi: "Midousuji won't be there, though." Ishigaki: "Yama..." Ishigaki: "You're a patient guy." Yamaguchi: "What?" Ishigaki: "Midousuji is a talented rider. His legs are strong, and his instincts are good. He has leadership qualities, too. But to win at road races," Ishigaki: "in the end, you need a conscience to tell you to believe in each other." Ishigaki: "Yama, you have to be Midousuji's conscience." Yamaguchi: "What?" Ishigaki: "When the time comes, the one who stops Midousuji will be..." Ishigaki: "...you, Yama." Midousuji: "I know this guy can be trouble, too." Midousuji: "After all, he took the final peak last year." Midousuji: "It's been a while, Sakamichi." Sakamichi: "Midousuji-kun..." Sakamichi: "Let me through!" Midousuji: "Let you through?" Midousuji: "Do you want to go? No matter what? In that case..." Midousuji: "Shall we work together?" Sakamichi: "Work together?" Midousuji: "You really think you'll make it to the front when you're this far behind?" Midousuji: "Even if you did catch up, you'd be exhausted. You might not be able to accomplish anything. But if you and I ride together," Midousuji: "we'll be half as tired. I know. I'll send Yamaguchi-kun, too." Midousuji: "We'll have him pedal, too." Midousuji: "Then we'll be one-third as tired." Midousuji: "I want to go to the front. So do you. Our goals are aligned. What could be more convenient?" Midousuji: "Come on." Midousuji: "We fought each other last year." Midousuji: "There's no need to hold back. I'll pull first." Midousuji: "Why are you thinking? Don't think so much. Anyone would take the faster train to get to their destination, if the express and regular trains cost the same." Midousuji: "You're supposed to say yes." Midousuji: "It's simple." Midousuji: "Hurry up. The train's leaving. Beeeeep." Midousuji: "Please hurry if you're boarding the train. Tweedle, tweedle, tweedle..." Teshima: "You'll have to decide your own path for yourself." Teshima: "If you're ever unsure, do this." Teshima: "Consider all your options, and pick the first one that comes to mind." Sakamichi: "Sorry, but I'll pass. I'll reach the front on my own." Sakamichi: "Sorry for rejecting your offer, Midousuji-kun!" Midousuji: "Huh..." Sakamichi: "So let me through!" Midousuji: "I can't do that, but if you can break away from him, you can go." Midousuji: "Yamaguchi-kun." Yamaguchi: "What?" Midousuji: "You're up." Sakamichi: "This guy..." Sakamichi: "I just have to break away from this guy." Midousuji: "You can handle Phase 11, can't you? Go stop #1." Yamaguchi: "What?" Mizuta: "You're not sending me, Midousuji-kun?" Midousuji: "You can do it if you throw away the unnecessary things you're dearly holding onto." Ishigaki: "You have to be Midousuji's conscience." Sakamichi: "Princess!" Yamagushi: "Why am I chasing after #1 in the mountains?" Yamaguchi: "I'm... I'm a sprinter, Midousuji." Ishigaki: "Be his conscience." Yamaguchi: "Why does everyone always make such unreasonable demands of me?" Ishigaki: "Are you a first-year? Still deciding which club to join?" Yamaguchi: "Yeah. I used to play basketball, but I thought I'd do something different in high school." Ishigaki: "Why don't you try biking? We've got a good team, and we win regularly in Kyoto." Yamaguchi: "I can't join a club that's too strong. I could never be the best, and I don't like being the center of attention." Ishigaki: "Bike riding is a team sport. It's a sport of people who work behind the scenes." Yamaguchi: "A team sport..." Ishigaki: "That's it. Hold that position." Yamaguchi: "Yes, sir." Ishigaki: "Hold that position until you make it through the corner." Yamaguchi: "Yes, sir." Ishigaki: "Thanks, Yama. Thanks to you, I won." Yamaguchi: "Yes, sir." Yamaguchi: "Wa..." Yamaguchi: "Wait!" Yamaguchi: "Who waits when their opponents tell them to wait?" Yamaguchi: "You were right to reject Midousuji's offer." Yamaguchi: "If you'd worked together with Midousuji, Sohoku High School would've lost." Sakamichi: "Really?" Yamaguchi: "You have good instincts." Sakamichi: "Th-Thank you, um..." Yamaguchi: "I'm a third-year, Yama." Sakamichi: "Yama-san..." Sakamichi: "Excuse me!" Kaburagi: "Onoda-san!" Sakamichi: "Sorry I'm late!" uko: "You idiot! How long were you gonna make us wait?" Sakamichi: "Sorry." Kaburagi: "You made it through that pack? That's amazing." Aoyagi: "Good work catching up. Rest in the back." Sakamichi: "Um, I-I..." Kuroda: "Touichirou..." Kuroda: "Trouble caught up." Yuto: "Want me to keep him in check?" Izumida: "No, don't bother." Izumida: "There's no need to waste our energy." Imaizumi: "I'm directing the team right now." Imaizumi: "This is what Teshima-san told us." Teshima: "If Onoda makes it through the blockade and catches up to the team, send him to the front if he's less than three and a half minutes behind." Teshima: "Onoda's strong enough to catch up to the front." Teshima: "But if it's more than that..." Imaizumi: "You can't catch up to the front. It's already been four and a half. It's been too long." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun..." Imaizumi: "No matter how hard you pedal, you may not even catch a glimpse of Teshima-san's back." Imaizumi: "It's smarter for you to rest your legs with the team." Imaizumi: "Do you still want to go?" Sakamichi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "Sheesh. You're unbelievable." Sakamichi: "Sorry." Imaizumi: "Take this. When Teshima-san left, he left one behind to lighten his load." Imaizumi: "He's probably parched." uko: "Tell him we're rooting for him." Aoyagi: "Onoda..." Aoyagi: "Junta is fighting." Aoyagi: "Take our hopes." Aoyagi: "Take them to him, Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Kotori: "I'm going to be late." Mage: "Unbelievable. You're a second-year starting today. You haven't matured at all, Kotori-sama." Kotori: "Yeah, but... When I think about seeing Arimaru-kun again..." Kotaro: "You're as defenseless as ever, Kotori." Kotori: "Sheesh. You're so mean, Kotaro-kun." Kotaro: "I'll take care of you from now on."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 23 – Sakamichi's Pursuit", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "23", "Sakamichi's Pursuit" ] }
Teshima: "If Onoda makes it through the blockade and catches up to the team, send him to the front if he's less than three and a half minutes behind." Teshima: "Onoda's strong enough to catch up to the front." Teshima: "But if it's more than that..." Imaizumi: "You can't catch up to the front. It's already been four and a half." Imaizumi: "No matter how hard you pedal, you may not even catch a glimpse of Teshima-san's back." Imaizumi: "Do you still want to go?" Sakamichi: "Yeah." Aoyagi: "Take them to him, Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "Racing you and taking the first day's mountain number tag is my job!" Manami: "I'm starting to get interested." s: "You can do it!" : "Sohoku High School's in front! On the winding roads of Irohazaka? That's amazing! But Hakone Academy High School's rider seems more composed. Is he smiling?" : "He's letting #5 get in front of him!" Manami: "Are you okay, Teshima-san? Are you sure you're not pushing yourself too hard by keeping up that high pace?" Teshima: "I am. But I'm racing against you. It's worth it." Manami: "I'm honored." Manami: "Mind if I ride alongside you?" Teshima: "What are we doing, sitting on a park bench? Want to switch places? We just ran into a headwind." Manami: "No, we'll keep going like this." Manami: "Once we make it through the next turn, I'll move to the front." Manami: "After all, the wind will change directions." Teshima: "A tailwind?" Manami: "The wind's coming." Manami: "Coming through." Manami: "I feel alive." Manami: "It feels awesome." Koga: "Teshima went?" Koga: "What happened to Onoda?" Miki: "Hakone Academy High School sent Manami-kun." Koga: "Manami?" Aya: "Is he strong? Is that Manami guy bad news?" Miki: "He's the climber we fought at the finish line last year." Aya: "Yikes. That guy?" Aya: "But Teshima-san's strong, too, right?" Aya: "He's the captain." Aya: "Hey, why isn't anyone talking?" Aya: "Did you guys give up?" Sugimoto: "I haven't given up. M-Manami's just a little fast! Who cares about Hakone? We've practiced a lot, too." Danchiku: "Sugimoto-san..." Sugimoto: "Teshima-san always states the obvious." Teshima: "Don't apply any unnecessary force to your pedals." Sugimoto: "Yes, sir. I know." Teshima: "Sugimoto, you'll get there faster if you climb stairs one step at a time." Sugimoto: "I saw that on TV. Your muscles last longer than if you skip steps." Sugimoto: "I know. It's obvious. Even I know. But he's the kind of person who puts" Sugimoto: "each and every one of those obvious facts into practice." Teshima: "Actually, he already passed me." Teshima: "Wait, Manami." Teshima: "What's the hurry?" Manami: "I thought your spirit broke when I passed you earlier." Manami: "You don't have to force yourself to keep up." Teshima: "It's just like your wings." Teshima: "Pushing myself too hard is my strongest technique." Manami: "Your body is screaming." Teshima: "Want to try me?" Manami: "Are your hands numb?" Teshima: "They're trembling with excitement." Manami: "That's promising. I guess I'll start, too..." Manami: "Going all out." Manami: "Go!" Teshima: "So fast!" Teshima: "Whew. Nothing beats the moment you fall into bed after finishing practice, taking a bath, and eating dinner." Teshima: "Since I don't have any assignments tonight, I might fall asleep like this. Someone turn out the lights." Teshima: "My bed feels good. I don't have to move. I can forget all my pain." : "He pushed himself back up when he started to fall." : "He might have lost consciousness for a second. What?" : "Your brain turns off under brutal circumstances." Manami: "You seem to be struggling. You're lucky, Teshima-san. This is enough to make you feel alive." Teshima: "I only feel like I'm dead," Teshima: "Manami!" Manami: "Isn't this starting to get fun, Teshima-san?" Teshima: "Is your focus heightened, too, Manami?" Manami: "It is. I wasn't expecting today's mountains to be this much fun." Manami: "You're at your limit, but you're keeping up. You're not flashy." Manami: "You're not strong." Teshima: "Leave me alone." Manami: "Come to think of it..." Teshima: "But I always arrive at the same answer." Manami: "What's your "one answer"?" Teshima: "You were listening?" Manami: "Is it because you're the captain? Because you're a third-year?" Teshima: "You accelerated before I was finished talking." Manami: "I wasn't interested then." Manami: "Is it because you wear a single-digit number tag?" Teshima: "No. It's simpler than that." Teshima: "I..." Teshima: "I love bikes." Teshima: "They always take you to your destination. That's why I ride." Teshima: "I chase. I pedal. I help. I believe in miracles." Teshima: "After I started racing, I thought about quitting, since I'd never place first. But I met a guy named Aoyagi and realized that wasn't everything." Teshima: "I met the bespectacled Onoda, the giant Imaizumi, and the red Naruko." Teshima: "Seeing them and a bunch of others ride, I learned something." Teshima: "Even if the going gets rough and you want to quit, you have to stay strong." Teshima: "They're all connected through bicycles." Teshima: "I think Onoda said something similar." Manami: "Is your plan to have Sakamichi-kun come?" Manami: "Do you think you can win the mountains like that?" Teshima: "Wouldn't it be all right if even I placed first, just once?" Teshima: "It's what I secretly think." Kuroda: "He left right away." Ashikiba: "Sohoku High School's Onoda..." Doubashi: "Despite being small, his pressure was amazing." Izumida: "They're wasting their time." Izumida: "He's too far behind. Even if he goes, he can't catch up." Izumida: "The race will come down to those two..." Izumida: "Manami and Teshima-kun." : "You can do it!" Manami: "It's amazing that you're still keeping up. Just how stubborn are you?" Teshima: "I'll stick with you until the mountain result line." Teshima: "That's why I'm riding." Manami: "There's three kilometers left to the line." Manami: "It doesn't look like Sakamichi-kun is coming." Teshima: "Don't worry. I gave up hope that he would at the four kilometer mark." Manami: "So you're challenging me to a one-on-one mountain race." Teshima: "That's what I've been saying." Manami: "Then it's on. The end of Irohazaka lies three kilometers ahead at the mountain result line of the Akechidaira observation platform." Teshima: "If you're unhappy with your opponent, you'd better say so now. Even I'd be depressed if you told me after this is over." Manami: "No, I said plenty when we started. But now I feel differently." Manami: "This is the first time I've encountered someone like you." Manami: "Most people give up after falling behind a couple times." Manami: "But you don't give up, no matter how many times I trample you. You're like a summer weed." Teshima: "That's not a compliment." Manami: "That's why I feel this way." Manami: "If I don't ride as hard as I can, it'd be a waste." Teshima: "What?" Manami: "Go!" : "He shifted up a gear on a climb! He's so fast! Sohoku High School's #5 is keeping up!" : "I can't believe he accelerated on the steep part of Irohazaka." : "Manami is a natural climber, too." : "But isn't that guy keeping up with him the most amazing of all?" Kaburagi: "They should be coming up on the mountain result line." Kaburagi: "Anyway, I was surprised when Teshima-san left." Kaburagi: "He's up against their mountain ace. He doesn't stand a chance. He always talks about how weak he is. I thought Imaizumi-san should've gone, too." Aoyagi: "You don't understand, Kaburagi." Aoyagi: "Junta left because he knows he's weak." Kaburagi: "What?" Aoyagi: "If Imaizumi had gone, Ashikiba would've gone." Aoyagi: "If Naruko had gone, Kuroda would've gone after him." Aoyagi: "But Junta is different. He knew Hakone Academy High School wouldn't send someone after him, because they believe Manami would be enough to stop him." Kaburagi: "It was on purpose? That was on purpose? Does that mean this was all part of Teshima-san's plan?" Kaburagi: "Seriously? Teshima-san is amazing." Kaburagi: "He might have some plan for beating Manami-san, too." Aoyagi: "A plan?" Aoyagi: "Probably not." Teshima: "Manami!" Manami: "It's strange, Teshima-san. Your riding has been sharper since you realized Sakamichi-kun isn't coming." Teshima: "I wonder why." Manami: "You said you gave up hope earlier, but you never had hope." : "You can do it!" Manami: "Road racing really is fun. Right, Teshima-san?" Teshima: "Yeah, you're right." Teshima: "It's fun, Manami." Manami: "That's the first time you agreed with me." Teshima: "Of course riding a bike is fun!" : "It's Yamagata Mogami High School, who was riding alone!" : "They passed the favorite to win the mountains, Kawahara Gunpei! Now Hakone Academy High School and Sohoku High School are racing for first!" Teshima: "Damn it, I fell behind!" Manami: "You're keeping up. You're keeping up, Teshima-san!" Manami: "I keep shifting up." : "#5 is amazing! He's giving Manami a run for his money! I kind of like all-out, reckless riders like him!" : "You can do it, Sohoku High School! Take it, Teshima!" : "Teshima, go!" : "You're almost at the end of Irohazaka!" Teshima: "Now's my chance!" : "Sohoku High School passed him! There's 400 meters left!" Teshima: "I can't keep going. I can't move another millimeter. I'm going to sleep here." Koga: "What about dinner?" Teshima: "I'm not hungry. We ordinary men have reached their limit. Good night." Aoyagi: "Junta, you completed a thousand kilometers at this training camp." Aoyagi: "You're not ordinary anymore." Teshima: "Aoyagi..." Koga: "Yeah. If you're ordinary, what does that make me? You're a proper captain now." Koga: "I'm counting on you at the Inter-High." Teshima: "Kimitaka..." Koga: "Okay, time for dinner!" Aoyagi: "We'll start without you, Junta!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 24 – The Ride of Weeds", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "24", "The Ride of Weeds" ] }
Teshima: "Now's my chance!" : "Sohoku High School passed him! There's 400 meters left!" 1: "Go, Sohoku High School! Keep going!" 2: "Take the mountains, #5!" 3: "Teshima, last spurt!" 4: "Go!" 4: "Don't worry about him! Just go!" 5: "Don't turn around!" 9: "It's his chain. His chain came loose." 10: "What happens if your chain comes off during a race?" 11: "There's nothing you can do." 11: "The support car can bring you a spare wheel if you get a flat." 11: "But you have to fix your chain on your own." 10: "But..." 11: "An experienced rider should be able to return to the race in less than a minute. But sometimes that can decide the race. It can be caused by the smallest thing, and it's terrible luck." 10: "But I thought bicycle races were supposed to be fair." 11: "Sometimes riders do wait when their opponents have mechanical issues. If they notice, that is." 10: "You mean..." 11: "If they don't notice or claim they didn't, there's nothing anyone can say." 12: "His chain's back on!" 13: "Go, Manami!" 14: "Don't give up!" 15: "Hakone Academy High School!" 16: "You can still make it!" 10: "Will Hakone Academy High School's rider catch up?" 11: "No, probably not. They're right before the finish line. If I were Sohoku High School, I wouldn't wait." Manami: "Go!" Manami: "Teshima-san..." Manami: "Why?" Teshima: "I know it's stupid, too." Teshima: "But the view was incredible. So I was taking a tea break." Teshima: "I'll find another chance with my own strength!" Manami: "I'll ride with everything I've got!" Teshima: "Bring in on, Manami!" Teshima: "Manami!" Manami: "Teshima-san!" Manami: "The final..." Both: "Battle!" 17: "Two hundred and fifty meters left!" 18: "So fast!" 19: "Go, Hakone Academy High School!" 20: "Don't let him beat you, Sohoku High School!" Manami: "Go!" 21: "Neither one's giving any ground!" Hakogaku: "Manami-san, take it!" Hakogaku: "Manami-san, fight!" Sohoku: "Chiba, you got this! Teshima!" 22: "They're passing through the disaster prevention tunnel!" 23: "There's 100 meters left to the finish line!" 24: "Eighty meters left! They're neck and neck!" Manami: "What?" Manami: "You're giving #3 to me?" Toudou: "That's right. It's the number of Hakone Academy High School's mountain ace. It's yours. Wear #3 at the next Inter-High." Manami: "But there's Kuroda-san..." Toudou: "I've talked to him. He said it's not a problem." Toudou: "Is it heavy?" Manami: "#3..." Toudou: "I guess you'll be 13, though." Toudou: "That's an unlucky number. You could flip it upside down if you're superstitious." Manami: "I'll wear it right side up and overcome it." Toudou: "That sounds like you." Manami: "I'm going all out!" Teshima: "Grab your dream!" Teshima: "Now's my chance! My only chance!" Manami: "I'll overcome!" 25: "Sixty meters left!" 26: "Fifty!" 27: "Forty!" 28: "Thirty!" 29: "This is it!" 30: "Who will it be?" 31: "Ten meters left!" Miki: "It's the announcement." Miki: "Two wishes..." Miki: "But only one can come true." Miki: "A battle between climbers is brutal. That's why the winner shines beyond the shadow of a doubt." Hakogaku A: "All right!" Hakogaku B: "Yeah!" Hakogaku C: "Manami, good job!" Hakogaku D: "Manami-san!" Hakogaku C: "We're the strongest!" Hakogaku E: "I've never seen Manami shout after he's won before." Manami: "Teshima-san..." Manami: "Thank you." Manami: "For waiting." Teshima: "I told you. I was just enjoying my tea time." Teshima: "I didn't wait for you. You don't need to thank me." Teshima: "I just..." Teshima: "I want everyone who takes cycling seriously..." Teshima: "to be equal while they're riding." Teshima: "That thought made me hit the brakes." Teshima: "But holding onto ideals like equality are why everyone calls me ordinary." Manami: "Teshima-san!" Manami: "You were strong." Manami: "You kept up with my attacks countless times at the Inter-High." Manami: "Normally, a person wouldn't wait at 300 meters. They'd say it could be fixed quickly. That it was bad luck." Manami: "That I was just unlucky. Everyone wants to win. The climber's medal was right in front of you." Manami: "But you stopped. A man who does things others can't is strong." Teshima: "Don't flatter me." Teshima: "I'm weak." Koga: "Teshima was a close second?" Koga: "Is it true?" Miki: "Yes, he was milliseconds behind." Danchiku: "Isn't this amazing?" Aya: "See? I told you he could do it. Second blows, though." Toji: "Wow." Danchiku: "What happened?" Miki: "The report doesn't say exactly. But it says #13 had mechanical problems." Koga: "Manami did?" Danchiku: "Is that when he caught up?" Danchiku: "Had he fallen behind?" Sugimoto: "I don't think so, Danchiku." Danchiku: "What?" Sugimoto: "I don't know how the mechanical issues affected the race, but I think Teshima-san worked hard to stick to Manami the whole time." Kuroda: "That was really close, though." Izumida: "He's the man who makes it happen." Izumida: "Well done, Manami. No, perhaps I should be praising the other man instead. I'm impressed Teshima-kun was able to keep up with his ordinary riding." Izumida: "Manami seems to have enjoyed himself. But that doesn't change the results. Too bad, Sohoku High School." Izumida: "Your leader lost." All: "Teshima-san is amazing!" Kaburagi: "That's amazing. Honestly, I'm on fire now. I'm trembling with excitement. Teshima-san, I'm sorry for making fun of you." Kaburagi: "I wish I could go right now and race to the finish line." Aoyagi: "You'd better not." uko: "So the permed one did it. Our leader is..." Imaizumi: "Yeah. A hard worker who does what he says he'll do." Imaizumi: "He's Teshima Junta." 31: "Watch out!" 32: "#5 is falling!" Sakamichi: "Teshima-san!" 34: "It's another Sohoku rider!" Sakamichi: "Gotta make it!" Teshima: "It's you, Onoda." Sakamichi: "I made it." B: "It's #1!" Sakamichi: "I pedaled as hard as I could when I saw you." Sakamichi: "I'm glad I made it." Teshima: "What are you doing here?" Sakamichi: "I got your message. Imaizumi-kun gave me permission to come support you." Sakamichi: "And..." Sakamichi: "To give you these water bottles." Sakamichi: "They thought you'd be parched. They're from Imaizumi-kun and Naruko-kun." Teshima: "Support, huh?" Teshima: "Thanks for the help, Onoda." Teshima: "Let's ride a little longer." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Komari: "Hakone Academy High School took the mountains. Sohoku High School came in second and third." Komari: "The guys in front of us are probably increasing their pace." Midousuji: "In that case, shall we go as well, Komari-kun?" Komari: "Yes." 35: "Hakone Academy High School just took the mountains." 36: "Hakone Academy High School's so strong." 37: "It's Hakone Academy High School!" 35: "They've increased their pace!" 36: "Sohoku High School's keeping up!" Izumida: "Doubashi took the flats. Manami took the mountains." Izumida: "All that's left is the finish line." Yuto: "Should we go a little faster?" Izumida: "Not too fast, Yuto." Izumida: "All we have to do now is strike fear in the hearts of Sohoku High School." Kuroda: "There's still more than ten kilometers to the finish line." Yuto: "Roger that." Imaizumi: "Not too fast." uko: "Just so-so." Kaburagi: "They're trying to pull ahead of us, but they can't." Aoyagi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "Onoda overcame a hopeless time difference and caught up to the front. And most importantly..." Imaizumi: "He received Teshima-san's passionate vibrations. We never give up." Imaizumi: "Let's go, Sohoku High School!" All: "Yeah!" uko: "The first day of the Inter-High..." Imaizumi: "The final battle is about to begin." Makishima: "Sorry, Bro." Makishima: "Anyway, they've got directions, announcements, automatic doors, and moving sidewalks. They've even got AC." Makishima: "They're too considerate." Makishima: "So hot." Makishima: "It's so humid. It feels like summer in Japan. Nothing's like it." Makishima: "I really feel like I'm back in Japan." Makishima: "Nah, it's too hot." Makishima: "I'm amazed I rode in this heat last year." Makishima: "They're riding right now. I meant to arrive just before they started to inspire Sakamichi," Makishima: "but my flight was six hours late." Kinjou: "We waited a long time for you." Makishima: "What?" Kinjou: "Makishima, how have you been?" Makishima: "K-Kinjou!" Kinjou: "How's life in England?" Makishima: "Huh?" Kinjou: "It's been a while." Makishima: "Kinjou!" Kinjou: "Makishima." Makishima: "What are you doing here?" Kinjou: "When I called your house, they told me you were coming back. You're going to the Inter-High, right?" Makishima: "Huh?" Kinjou: "Let's hurry. The race has already started." Makishima: "You've been waiting for six hours. You could've gone without me." Kinjou: "Someone said we have to wait for anyone who's late." Tadokoro: "Hey. How long were you going to make us wait, Makishima?" Makishima: "T-Tadokorocchi..." Tadokoro: "We can talk later. Get in." Makishima: "Sure." Makishima: "Will we make it in time for the race?" Tadokoro: "Who do you think you're talking to?" Tadokoro: "I'm Sohoku High School's human bullet train, Tadokoro Jin."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 25 – Look Up At The Sky", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "25", "Look Up At The Sky" ] }
Rider 1: "Hey, look. It's Hakone Academy." Rider 2: "What is he doing at a Chiba race?" Rider 1: "He's huge!" Rider 2: "He must be at least two meters tall!" Girls: "Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "A giant banner?" Girl 1: "He looked this way!" Imaizumi: "What was that?" Teshima: "Groupies, huh? Looks like you have more than before." Imaizumi: "Teshima-san!" Teshima: "Their support makes us stronger." Imaizumi: "Yeah, but they're taking it too far." Girl 3: "Onoda-kun! You're so cute!" Sakamichi: "Huh? What? Thanks!" Teshima: "This guy is cute?" Imaizumi: "They'll like anyone as long as they win." Teshima: "Onoda!" Teshima: "How's the pace?" Sakamichi: "I'm fine." Teshima: "Okay." Teshima: "Make sure you keep up." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Rider: "What's this? He's huge!" Harada: "H-Hey, you're Chiba Minami Middle School's Ashikiba, right?" Rider 1: "Harada-san, do you know him? Is Hakone Academy trying to scope us out?" Harada: "No." Harada: "He's here to win." Harada: "That's the kind of guy he is!" Ashikiba: "Move!" Ashikiba: "I have business at the front of the pack! I haven't raced in a while!" Ashikiba: "I'm in an awesome mood!" Rider 1: "He's so fast!" Rider 2: "He passed us in a second!" Harada: "He rhythmically moves his giant body back and forth while dancing." Harada: "Almost as if he's a metronome." Imaizumi: "Teshima-san, there's something bothering me." Imaizumi: "There's a Hakone Academy second-year named Ashikiba riding in the race. I saw his name on the participant list." Sakamichi: "What? Hakone Academy?" Teshima: "Seems that way." Imaizumi: "You're a second-year, too. Do you know him, Teshima-san?" Teshima: "Yeah, I know him well." Teshima: "We used to ride on the same team." Teshima: "He's coming." Sakamichi: "Hakone Academy!" Imaizumi: "So this is the second-year, Ashikiba. He's huge. He's bigger than me!" Ashikiba: "I caught up, Sohoku High." Ashikiba: "So you're Onoda." Sakamichi: "Yes." Ashikiba: "So you're Onoda." Ashikiba: "I've heard about you. You'll race up any hill with your extraordinary cadence." Ashikiba: "And you're another first-year..." Imaizumi: "Yeah." Ashikiba: "The red bean, Naruko." Ashikiba: "I've heard about you." Imaizumi: "Um, can I offer a correction?" Ashikiba: "Huh? Yeah, go ahead." Ashikiba: "No, wait." Ashikiba: "I haven't said anything that needs correcting." Imaizumi: "Sohoku has another first-year." Ashikiba: "I know." Ashikiba: "Don't underestimate Hakone Academy's information network." Imaizumi: "It's me." Ashikiba: "The silky-haired Sugimoto Terufumi." Imaizumi: "That's right, Sugimoto Teru..." Sugimoto: "Hello!" Ashikiba: "Did Sohoku not bring all their members?" Teshima: "Ashikiba!" Teshima: "How have you been?" Ashikiba: "Good." Teshima: "Are you still playing the piano?" Ashikiba: "Sometimes." Teshima: "I heard you joined Hakone Academy." Ashikiba: "I passed their exam." Teshima: "We used to ride together a lot." Ashikiba: "Yeah." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan..." Teshima: "Shikiba..." Teshima: "Shikiba, that's amazing." Ashikiba: "Since my fingers are so long, they said I'd be good at the piano." Ashikiba: "I can play J-Pop songs, too, like Hira Ken." Teshima: "Seriously?" Teshima: "Do you know what a road bike is?" Ashikiba: "Yeah, those thin ones." Ashikiba: "Wow." Teshima: "I wanted to try it out after watching a DVD." Teshima: "Shikiba, want to join me?" Ashikiba: "It's so cool. It's like an instrument." Ashikiba: "It's so thin and shiny. There's nothing unnecessary on it." Ashikiba: "I wonder if it makes a nice sound." Teshima: "The ratchets on the wheels will send shivers down your spine." Ashikiba: "This sound, this energy... This vibration! This is amazing." Ashikiba: "It truly is an instrument!" Teshima: "I'm thinking about doing this pretty seriously." Teshima: "I'm going to race internationally." Ashikiba: "Internationally?" Teshima: "Just kidding. Are you gonna laugh because I'm dreaming too big?" Ashikiba: "Of course not. That's amazing. It's cool. You have my support." Teshima: "Let's ride!" Teshima: "I'll become the best in the world!" Ashikiba: "Jun-chan!" Teshima: "Let's become the best together. You'll be right there with me." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan..." Teshima: "Shikiba." Teshima: "Honestly, I was shaken when I saw the participant list..." Teshima: "When I learned you were on Hakone Academy's team." Ashikiba: "When I heard you became the captain of Sohoku," Ashikiba: "I thought you were worthy of the position." Ashikiba: "I knew you were good enough to do it." Teshima: "Do you remember how I told you we'd become champions together?" Ashikiba: "Yeah, of course." Teshima: "But I'm the captain of Sohoku now. In other words, their pillar. Now I have to fight against you and Hakone Academy, Ashikiba!" Ashikiba: "Same here..." Ashikiba: "Since I'm Hakone Academy's next ace." Sakamichi: "There's so much pressure." Teshima: "Shikiba..." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan..." Ashikiba: "Jun-chan, I don't want to crush the team you made. I wish I could join it instead." Ashikiba: "But I owe the seniors of Hakone Academy... I told them I would win this race!" Sakamichi: "How is he dancing like that? His body's swaying back and forth!" Imaizumi: "He's accelerating so quickly! In just a single step, too!" Tadokoro: "Thanks for the ride." uko: "Old man, your elbows and ass are in the way!" Tadokoro: "What are you complaining about? Look at Aoyagi. He's sitting quietly, without saying a word." uko: "He never says anything!" Sugimoto: "I'm sitting quietly, too." uko: "You're just too big!" Driver: "You boys sure make a lot of noise." Tadokoro: "Shut up! You're just..." Driver: "Kinjou-kun, as their former captain, which of the Sohoku members do you think will win? Will it be Onoda-kun again? Or Imaizumi-kun?" Kinjou: "I don't know. Personally speaking, I think the Hakone Academy second-year on the participant list could win." Kinjou: "I think this race could determine the future of Sohoku's new generation." Sugimoto: "But we're the champions. Champions would never..." Rider 4: "Damn it. I ran from the pack to try to win, but someone's catching up. And he's huge!" Rider 4: "There's someone right behind him. It's Sohoku." Rider 4: "Their captain, Teshima!" Teshima: "Ashikiba!" Ashikiba: "Jun-chan!" Teshima: "Shikiba! We're the champions! We won't let you take the Minegayama title!" Ashikiba: "You really are amazing, Jun-chan! The seniors who scoped out the CSC training camp said second-year Teshima was nothing special." Ashikiba: "I couldn't tell them, but I didn't think that was possible." Ashikiba: "I'll make them revise their evaluation later." Ashikiba: "Are you ready to go?" Ashikiba: "There's only four kilometers left." Ashikiba: "We used to climb together a lot and get frustrated when we had to stop." Ashikiba: "On Minegayama's iconic..." Ashikiba: "Kabesaka!" Ashikiba: "Amazing. I can hear Beethoven's Fifth playing inside my head!" Sakamichi: "T-Teshima-san is amazing." Sakamichi: "He's amazing." Sakamichi: "Amazing!" Imaizumi: "Two kilometers left!" Ashikiba: "Beethoven's Fifth won't stop playing!" Teshima: "Metronome Dancing! This is it!" Teshima: "Shikiba!" Tadokoro: "He caught up!" Ashikiba: "You caught up again. Jun-chan, you really are amazing." uko: "That Hakone Academy guy is huge! I've never seen him before! Who is he?" Aoyagi: "Classmates?" Teshima: "Yeah, from middle school. He's tall and kind. He's always complimenting other people." Teshima: "We used to ride together a lot." Teshima: "I've never told you about him before." Aoyagi: "Your teammate, then?" Teshima: "We promised to become champions together. But..." Teshima: "Unfortunately, today he's my opponent." Tadokoro: "He's still hanging on." uko: "Perm head!" Tadokoro: "1.5 kilometers left." uko: "Sorry, Teshima-san. Honestly, I didn't think much of you." uko: "Look at this, old man." uko: "The gutsy way he's riding is making my hands shake." Tadokoro: "Of course it is. I'm the one who trained Teshima and Aoyagi." uko: "You didn't teach them how to climb." Tadokoro: "He might just make it to the finish line like this." Kinjou: "He can't." Kinjou: "Like Makishima said, Teshima has no talent or instinct for climbing. When it comes to climbing, he's mediocre. And mediocre riders have their limits." uko: "Why would you say that, Kinjou-san? Did he not impress you? You should be cheering him on!" Tadokoro: "Naruko..." uko: "Are you saying Sohoku's going to lose to that lanky Hakone Academy guy?" Kinjou: "No, not necessarily." Kinjou: "Teshima's riding is affecting them the same way it affected you." Kinjou: "More than we ever did." Kinjou: "The two riding behind Teshima are feeling his passionate vibrations." Imaizumi: "I'm shaking. I'm on fire. How can he ride like that?" Imaizumi: "How can he keep up?" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun..." Sakamichi: "I want to ride all out and catch up to Teshima-san!" Teshima: "Imaizumi... If... If Onoda says he wants to attack during the race..." Teshima: "gently push him forward." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "There's no need to hold back." Imaizumi: "Teshima-san will accept you with open arms." Imaizumi: "If you want to catch up to him, charge straight ahead..." Imaizumi: "Onoda Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "Got it!" uko: "Onoda-kun's going for it!" Tadokoro: "He's trying to catch up." uko: "Hotshot sent Onoda-kun off." Kinjou: "Teshima's an average rider." Kinjou: "But that's why he moves the people around him." Kinjou: "And those vibrations become their strength." Kinjou: "That power is transmitted to his teammates." Kinjou: "Teshima, is that how you captain your team?" Sakamichi: "Teshima-san!" Kinjou: "Don't worry, Naruko." Kinjou: "The race isn't over yet." Girl 3: "You're so cute!" Sakamichi: "Huh? What? Thanks!" Imaizumi: "Teshima-san, I think you're, uh... I think you're handsome."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 3 – Teshima's Ride of the Soul", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "3", "Teshima's Ride of the Soul" ] }
s: "You can do it!" Sakamichi: "Teshima-san!" Teshima: "Onoda!" Ashikiba: "So this is Onoda, huh? Wow. You're fast, but..." Ashikiba: "I won't let you win this race!" Sugimoto: "Th-There's only one kilometer left!" Teshima: "I'm glad you came." Teshima: "I'm glad you came, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Uh, wh-while I was watching you ride, my body got so hot. My legs wouldn't stop pumping." Teshima: "I'm happy to hear that. I'll note that in my journal." Teshima: "How are you feeling? Better? How's your body? And your new bike?" Teshima: "Can you go after him?" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Sakamichi: "He seems strong. He's big and fast. But I think I can do it." Teshima: "He's fast?" Teshima: "Is he faster than Makishima-san?" Sakamichi: "No, absolutely not. After all, Makishima-san is the fastest and coolest climber in the world!" Teshima: "Then go prove it by beating him!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Sakamichi: "Makishima-san is..." Ashikiba: "Makishima? Who is that?" Sakamichi: "Makishima-san is way, way..." Sakamichi: "Faster!" Sakamichi: "Yeah!" : "He's incredible!" Ashikiba: "I see. I understand now, Shinkai-san." Ashikiba: "This is Sohoku." Ashikiba: "They certainly are strong." Teshima: "Onoda, good job. You did great." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "I'm not good enough." Teshima: "I gave too much." Teshima: "Crap. That was lame." Sakamichi: "I wasn't good enough, either." Teshima: "He really is amazing..." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir." Girl A: "Look." Girl B: "He's amazing." Ashikiba: "My stop's coming up. Go ahead." Woman: "Oh my, but you're a tall one. Are you sure?" Ashikiba: "Yes, go ahead. It's fine." Ashikiba: "My stop..." Hakogaku: "You gave us a shock." Hakogaku: "I was waiting at the station with the coach, but you never got off the train. Please keep your phone on." Ashikiba: "It was out of battery, so I left it." Hakogaku: "You left it? At home? You should keep your cell phone on you." Ashikiba: "Keep my phone on me? That's a good one." Hakogaku: "It's not that funny." Hakogaku: "Did you show them your Metronome Dancing today? Were the Chiba guys scared?" ukutomi: "How did it go, Ashikiba?" ukutomi: "Did you win the race?" Ashikiba: "Fukutomi-san..." Ashikiba: "Yes, sir." Ashikiba: "I was in all right shape." Ashikiba: "There was classical music playing inside my head." Ashikiba: "I tend to do well when that happens, so I was convinced I could win. Sohoku's first-year, Onoda, caught up to me in the last kilometer, so I counterattacked and rode as hard as I could." Ashikiba: "The race played into my specialty, but..." Ashikiba: "In the end, he passed me." Hakogaku A: "Ashikiba!" Hakogaku A: "Could you take these?" Ashikiba: "Sure. Just leave them right there." Hakogaku B: "He's "the best," right?" Hakogaku A: "You're slow, Ashikiba! Stop wobbling!" Ashikiba: "Yes, sir." Hakogaku A: "You're too big. You wobble so much because your center of gravity is high." Hakogaku B: "Honestly, you may not be cut out for bike racing." Ashikiba: "Yes, sir." Ashikiba: "They're right." Ashikiba: "I could ride a bike in middle school, but I was ten centimeters shorter then." Ashikiba: "It was so much fun." Ashikiba: "But now, even I feel like my body's heavy. I wobble too much." Ashikiba: "Why do I keep growing?" Ashikiba: "I can't catch up to anyone during practice." Ashikiba: "Why can't I be shorter?" Shinkai: "What are you doing?" Ashikiba: "Shinkai-san and Fukutomi-san..." Shinkai: "The lights were on." Ashikiba: "Do you have laundry? I'll take care of it. Since I'm so big, I'm the best at doing laundry." Ashikiba: "I'm actually thinking about quitting the team and becoming a team manager instead." ukutomi: "Ashikiba..." ukutomi: "The only path you should take is the one that leads forward." ukutomi: "What do you want to be?" Ashikiba: "The best ri..." Ashikiba: "Rider." ukutomi: "Then raise your head and look upon the sights only you can see." ukutomi: "Only you can see what you're looking at right now." ukutomi: "You already have something others don't." Ashikiba: "But it's..." ukutomi: "A disadvantage? Who decided that?" ukutomi: "You did." ukutomi: "The only way to get stronger is to practice." ukutomi: "That means training to get the most out of what you possess. If you hone it enough, you will be able to see it..." ukutomi: "Your own style of riding!" Ashikiba: "Make the most out of what I possess!" Hakogaku A: "Why is he riding like that? He's swaying his body on purpose!" Shinkai: "Let's make the stem ten millimeters longer and raise your saddle five millimeters." Ashikiba: "Yes, sir." Shinkai: "What do you like?" Ashikiba: "The piano." Shinkai: "Good. Use that to ride." Shinkai: "Don't be offended." Ashikiba: "Oh, I'm not." Shinkai: "We went to the club room that day because we heard you were going to become the laundry boy." Shinkai: "Juichi was trying to cheer you up." Hakogaku B: "The laundry boy won First-Year Race B!" Ashikiba: "All right. I did it, Shinkai-san, Fukutomi-san! What? Me? You want me to wear a Hakone Academy jersey and appear in an official race?" Ashikiba: "I'll do it! I promise I'll win!" Man: "He's riding the wrong way! Watch out!" ukutomi: "I'm placing you on house arrest indefinitely. I'm not letting you race." Ashikiba: "I'm sorry." Ashikiba: "I placed second." Ashikiba: "I failed to meet your expectations again." ukutomi: "You're all talk, Ashikiba." ukutomi: "I thought I'd get to hear you tell me you won today." Ashikiba: "I'm sorry." ukutomi: "I thought you were going to repay me." ukutomi: "You'd better win the next one." ukutomi: "Ashikiba, we never lose to someone who's beaten us once." ukutomi: "That's the duty of Hakone Academy's ace." Ashikiba: "Yes, sir." Hakogaku: "He's crying and smiling at the same time..." uko: "Old man, let's settle this today. Let's see who's really the number one sprinter." Tadokoro: "Fine. Bring it on, redhead. You, too, Aoyagi." Rider A: "Aren't they on the same team?" Rider B: "Does that mean they don't think we stand a chance?" A: "There's three guys leading the race!" B: "Who will win the race?" Tadokoro: "Me!" Aoyagi: "Me!" uko: "Me, of course!" Sakamichi: "N-Naruko-kun and Tadokoro-san are so fast. So is Aoyagi-san. They're going way faster than they were on the previous lap." Imaizumi: "That's because it's the final lap." Kinjou: "Tadokoro... This Criterium involves over ten laps of a two to three kilometer course on closed city streets. Their positioning, corner speed, and sprinting power are important in this race. And you insisted during the meeting on looking toward next year's Inter-High. When a team enters a race with multiple participants, normally they pick an ace and act to make him win." Kinjou: "But our sprinters are incorrigible." Kinjou: "All three of those idiots are trying to win." uko: "I'll pull, too. I won't feel good about winning if you complain later that you lost because you had to lead the group the whole time." Tadokoro: "You think you're going to win?" Aoyagi: "I'll pull, too." uko: "Aoyagi-san! So the quiet one wants a fair fight, too? In other words, it'll come down to the sprint to the finish." A: "The three Sohoku guys are leading the race! Nobody can catch them!" B: "The Inter-High champions are way stronger than the rest!" Sugimoto: "They're so fast!" B: "Damn it!" Tadokoro: "Go for the finish line!" Both: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "I'm sorry!" Aoyagi: "I'm sorry..." Both: "Tadokoro-san!" Tadokoro: "You're a little bean." uko: "And today's my last chance to do that!" Aoyagi: "That's why..." uko: "That's why I have to..." Both: "Win!" Tadokoro: "I'm sweating a lot today." Tadokoro: "You don't have to look so unhappy." uko: "You were supposed to quietly pass the baton to us!" Tadokoro: "I did it for you guys." Tadokoro: "Right, Aoyagi?" Tadokoro: "Say something!" Tadokoro: "Kinjou!" Imaizumi: "Good work." Kinjou: "You rode well." Tadokoro: "Thanks, Aoyagi, Naruko. You made that a memorable race." Both: "Thank you!" Tadokoro: "You're unusually submissive today." Both: "Into..." Both: "A special goodbye punch!" Tadokoro: "You bastards!" uko: "Aoyagi-san, run for it!" Kinjou: "Sprinters..." Aoyagi: "Yeah!" Tadokoro: "Wait!" Miki: "Thank you for three years of membership." Sugimoto: "We won't get to practice with you anymore." Kinjou: "We have to get serious about studying for exams soon." Tadokoro: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "U-Uh... Um, Kinjou-san, Tadokoro-san... Th-Thanks for your help. This is for you." Tadokoro: "Sure, thanks." Kinjou: "Thank you." Sakamichi: "I'll send this to Makishima-san. He helped me a lot, too." Kinjou: "Yeah. I'm sure he'll appreciate it." Tadokoro: "Although it'll be hard to tell from his expression if he does." Teshima: "Kinjou-san, Tadokoro-san. Thank you for all your hard work. We'll keep riding just as hard as you did." Teshima: "Thank you." All: "Thank you." uko: "We'll now put on a performance to send off the graduating upperclassmen. I call it "Sohoku's Giant Sprinter!"" uko: "I'm the Rampaging Human Warhead! Hear me roar!" uko: "I'm the Human Bullet Train! All aboard!" Tadokoro: "Don't be ridiculous! I'm not a tiny little bean!" uko: "Who are you calling a bean?" Tadokoro: "Don't sully my retirement!" uko: "What'd you want to talk about, hotshot?" Imaizumi: "You must've noticed, too." Imaizumi: "It's about that." Employee: "Start!" uko: "Watch this!" Aoyagi: "Consume!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 4 – The Fastest Man on Minegayama", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "4", "The Fastest Man on Minegayama" ] }
uko: "What'd you want to talk about, Hotshot?" Imaizumi: "You must've noticed, too." Imaizumi: "It's about that. Since Makishima-san left and Tadokoro-san and Kinjou-san stopped coming to practice, we've started practicing with just Teshima-san and Aoyagi-san." Imaizumi: "You must feel it, too. Keenly." Imaizumi: "The huge size of the hole left by the third-years." uko: "Not really." Imaizumi: "It's not Teshima-san and Aoyagi-san's fault. They've gotten more than strong enough. But the reality is our practices have gotten weaker than when the third-years were around." Imaizumi: "We experienced it firsthand at this year's Inter-High." Imaizumi: "Its fierceness, its level, its brutality. At this rate..." Imaizumi: "We can't win next year." Imaizumi: "Not even a single stage." Imaizumi: "Even the sprint and mountain tags could fall out of our reach." uko: "What are we supposed to do, then? All we can do is practice." Imaizumi: "Naruko..." Imaizumi: "You should become an all-rounder like me." Imaizumi: "Abandon the sprint." uko: "Hotshot, who do you think you're talking to?" Imaizumi: "Cry all you want, but the third-years aren't coming back. We have to change." uko: "Are you stupid? I'm the Speedman of Naniwa, Naruko Shoukichi!" Imaizumi: "Our team doesn't have enough riders who can aim for the finish line right now." Imaizumi: "Road racing is a race to reach the finish line." Imaizumi: "If you start working on it now, you'll be ready by the Inter-High." uko: "What?" Imaizumi: "Spend less time practicing on flats and climb. You need to change your style completely." uko: "I can't do that. No way. I refuse. Besides, we're classmates. I don't take orders from you." Imaizumi: "It's for the team. It's so we can win. You already showed a glimpse of that at the Inter-High." Imaizumi: "You climbed despite being a sprinter. That's not something a normal rider can do." Imaizumi: "You can climb. You have the right feel for it. Your body is light, too. You already have a keen nose for the goal. Do it." uko: "I can't." uko: "I can't let the quiet one pass me now. Sorry, Hotshot." uko: "I'm a pure sprinter." Boy: "I'm nervous. I know. I'll use this to relax." Boy: "Okay, I'm ready. Ready, and... Thanks for the food!" Teshima: "We had an unexpected visitor. A local middle school student came to watch us practice. He didn't realize the door was locked and pulled as hard as he could." Aoyagi: "Rice Boy..." Sugimoto: "You're the one who broke our legendary club's door?" Boy: "Teru-chan, I'm here." Sakamichi: "He's huge!" Sugimoto: "Sadatoki!" Sakamichi: "What?" Aoyagi: "You know him, Sugimoto?" Sugimoto: "Yes. Can you introduce yourself, Sadatoki?" Sadatoki: "Yeah, Teru-chan." Sadatoki: "I'm studying to get into Sohoku! If I pass the exam, I hope to join the bicycle club! My name is Sugimoto Sadatoki!" Teshima: "Sugimoto?" Sadatoki: "My dream is to race with my brother Teru-chan!" Sakamichi: "Y-You're Sugimoto-kun's younger brother?" Sadatoki: "One, two. One, two. One, two." Sugimoto: "Go, Sadatoki! Go, go! Strong, isn't he?" Sakamichi: "Th-That's amazing." Sadatoki: "Um, are you Onoda-san?" Sakamichi: "Yes." Sadatoki: "My brother's told me all about you. I'm a huge fan of yours." Sakamichi: "Huh? What?!" Sadatoki: "Onoda-san, you're small. Far smaller than I imagined. But you're strong. You're so cool." Sakamichi: "Oh, I'm not..." Sadatoki: "If I get accepted by Sohoku and get into the bicycle club, I want to become an incredible rider like you." Sakamichi: "Yeah, g-good luck." Sadatoki: "Thank you!" end: "I can't believe you have someone who wants to join the club already. The bicycle club's all set." end: "Miki?" Miki: "Sorry, yeah. You're right." Sugimoto: "Shall we get practice started, then? We're training on Minegayama today, right, Teshima-san? Sadatoki's been wanting to ride with you, Onoda." Sakamichi: "What?" Imaizumi: "I'm against it." Imaizumi: "I've been listening. Hey, big boy. Ride this." Both: "A th-three-drum roller?" Imaizumi: "It's a test. If you can't ride this, I won't let you participate in our practice." Sugimoto: "You can't be serious. Sadatoki's never rode one before." Imaizumi: "Every day of practice counts for us. We're desperate." Imaizumi: "We can't give you special treatment just because you're someone's brother." Imaizumi: "You have only one chance. If you fail, leave." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun." Sugimoto: "But it's hard to balance on three-drum rollers... At least give him a few chances." Imaizumi: "Huh." Sugimoto: "Well, that was easy." Teshima: "We can afford to take him to one practice to see how he does." Imaizumi: "Yes, sir." Teshima: "So, how good is he on a bike?" Sugimoto: "You mean Sadatoki? He's fine. After all, I've taught him everything I know about road racing." Imaizumi: "He's so slow. He's strong enough to lift a mommy bike, but he's a slow sprinter." Teshima: "Maybe it's his form." Imaizumi: "His form is awful. It's just like Sugimoto's. It's inefficient." Imaizumi: "He may have been good enough to ride on the roller, but he's no good on a bike." Sakamichi: "Wait, Imaizumi-kun." Sakamichi: "Sadatoki-kun's strength could be climbing." Imaizumi: "Looks like you were wrong." Imaizumi: "It's another exact copy." Sakamichi: "Sadatoki-kun, you can do it. I mean, when you're climbing, uh..." Sadatoki: "Yes, sir. What am I supposed to do?" Imaizumi: "He's wasting his time. Let's go, Teshima-san." Imaizumi: "If there's anything he's specialized at, it's being in perfect sync with his brother." Sugimoto: "Let's go." Teshima: "Synchronization?" Imaizumi: "Let's go, Onoda." Imaizumi: "Unfortunately, we have to leave them behind." Imaizumi: "We don't have any more time for them." Both: "What?" Imaizumi: "We have things we have to do today." Imaizumi: "We're facing the entire country." Sadatoki: "Thanks for the food. No, wait. I mean thank you. I had fun riding with you, Onoda-san." Sugimoto: "It's okay. I'll ride with Sadatoki." Sakamichi: "Sorry I couldn't do anything for you." Teshima: "Imaizumi, do you have some time to spare? Maybe about three minutes." Imaizumi: "Teshima-san?" Teshima: "Go ride with Rice Boy for three minutes." Imaizumi: "No, thank you. We've already reached a conclusion." Teshima: "Are you sure?" Teshima: "Unlike his brother, he's big and powerful. He even had a good enough sense of balance to ride on the roller. But he was slow on a bike. Why?" Imaizumi: "Because of his form. He's copying his brother's form." Imaizumi: "Sugimoto's form makes him lose power. Without power, you get left behind in road racing. That's why he always falls behind." Teshima: "Then what if his form were improved?" Imaizumi: "Then... No, it can't be fixed that quickly. At the very least, not in three minutes." Teshima: "Are you sure? Couldn't you do it?" Teshima: "You said he had the power to synchronize." Teshima: "Go test it out. It means he has potential." Teshima: "Imaizumi, isn't that how you brought Team Sohoku..." Teshima: "its top-class ace climber?" Sakamichi: "Huh? Imaizumi-kun?" Sadatoki: "Imaizumi-san?" Imaizumi: "Big boy, you get one chance. Forget everything your brother taught you about road racing." Sugimoto: "What are you talking about?" Imaizumi: "Copy that small bespectacled guy's form and do your best to catch up to him." Sadatoki: "My idol Onoda-san's form?" Sugimoto: "He should be able to handle that. Sadatoki's a fast learner. And Sadatoki's watched videos of the first-year race and our training camp over and over." Sadatoki: "Onoda-san!" Sadatoki: "Onoda-san!" Sakamichi: "H-How?" Sadatoki: "I-I caught up." Sakamichi: "Sadatoki-kun!" Sugimoto: "Are you okay, Sadatoki?" Sadatoki: "Thanks for the food, Onoda-san." Sakamichi: "Oh, it's fine." Sadatoki: "Thanks for the food." Sakamichi: "No, really. Thank you." Sadatoki: "Thank you." Teshima: "Smile, Imaizumi. You're supposed to praise your juniors when they do well." Sadatoki: "Thanks for the food." Sakamichi: "Really, it's okay." Imaizumi: "Rice Boy." Sadatoki: "Yes?" Imaizumi: "G-Good job." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, what's wrong with you?" Sugimoto: "I-Imaizumi is making a conflicted face!" Imaizumi: "I can't do it. I don't compliment people often." Sadatoki: "Thanks for the food." Imaizumi: "Uh, I..." uko: "Thanks for staying late." Teshima: "What did you want to talk about?" uko: "Could I take time off practice over the holiday?" uko: "I'm having doubts about what's right for me and the path I should take." uko: "I'm sorry. It's only a possibility, but..." uko: "Could I quit being a sprinter?" Teshima: "Quit being a sprinter?" uko: "It's only a maybe. I'm just saying it's a possibility." Teshima: "That's alarming. It affects our team." Teshima: "Tadokoro-san passed on the role of sprinter to you. Your abilities leave nothing to be desired. What is there to worry about?" uko: "I'm sorry! Please don't ask, just give me the three days off!" uko: "I'm thinking of going home to Osaka. I want to return to where I started and think things over. I want to find my own answer." Teshima: "You're not too smart, are you? You've been too stubborn to ask Tadokoro-san about whatever's bothering you, haven't you?" uko: "I..." Teshima: "It means it's too heavy a concern to discuss with others. Naruko, that sounds just like you." Teshima: "You can go until you're satisfied." uko: "I'm back to the city where I was born and raised, Osaka!" uko: "This brings back memories. It's been six months." uko: "That sign's the finish line." uko: "The fastest guys in Osaka gather here." uko: "I learned to sprint by racing here every day." uko: "They're so cool." uko: "This is where I first encountered road racing!" uko: "My home course!" uko: "This is where everything started! One lap is 600 meters of 250-meter straights and one turn. Fighting against and utilizing the sea breeze, I used tricks, instinct, and technique to seize victory!" Man 1: "He's fast!" Man 2: "His cornering and speed are incredible!" Man 3: "That jersey..." Man 3: "That's Chiba's Sohoku!" Man 1: "What? You mean this year's Inter-High winners?" Man 3: "I heard a red-headed sprinter from Osaka joined Chiba's Sohoku." Man 1: "The sprinter Naruko Shoukichi!" Kakimoto: "Let's race, Sohoku. How does three laps sound?" Kakimoto: "I'm Handai High School's sprinter, Kakimoto Ryudai. They call me the Dragon of Rokko's Winter Winds. I'm undefeated on this course." uko: "Bring it on. Let's do three laps." Kakimoto: "Ready, go!" uko: "You won't beat me!" Man 1: "First lap! It's a race between the red-haired Sohoku rider Naruko and Handai High's Kakimoto!" Man 1: "Third lap! One lap left!" Kakimoto: "Sohoku's Naruko, your sprinting and cornering are incredible. It's no wonder you won nationals. But this is an unofficial race. Anything goes on this different kind of track." Kakimoto: "I'll show you why they really call me the Night Dragon of Rokko's Winter Winds." Man 1: "There it is!" Man 2: "The Night Dragon Kakimoto special!" Kakimoto: "Surprised? Of course you are. Not only am I fast, but I glow! Like a nightscape of Kobe seen from Mt. Rokko, I'm worth a million dollars. Why Kobe when I'm from Osaka? They're close enough. Don't worry about the details." uko: "That's so cool!" Kakimoto: "Now it's full speed ahead! It's a straight line to the finish line!" Man 1: "Naruko's fallen behind!" uko: "Move, idiot! The flashiest man here..." uko: "is me, Naruko Shoukichi! Yeah!" Man 1: "What was that? Amazing! He stretched so far ahead before the finish line!" Man 2: "That's how the champions, Sohoku, sprint!" Daitsubu: "If I beat you, I'll be top-class. Sohoku's Naruko, I'm your next opponent." Daitsubu: "It's been a while." Daitsubu: "I'm Nara Sanri Academy's white-hot sprinter, Daitsubu Takeshi. I'll only turn the other cheek thrice." Daitsubu: "This is my bike." uko: "That's..." Daitsubu: "They're popular in Europe. It's a track bike. Even the gears have been removed. It's light. It's strong. It's a bike made exclusively for riding flats." Daitsubu: "The hollowed out tube... The super-light handles made for track racing... Do you know what happens when I combine them with my barrel-like legs, which were made for sprinting?" Daitsubu: "In scientific reactions, when you combine pure reagents, you get miraculous results." Daitsubu: "Come, Sohoku sprinter! It's a three-lap race!" Daitsubu: "I'll only turn the other cheek thrice!" uko: "Is that your catchphrase?" uko: "You're pretty fast." uko: "I'm just unthinkably fast. I excel at straight lines as I ride with flair! I'm the prodigal speedster!" Midousuji: "Shall we race?" Man 1: "Isn't that Midousuji, who won the first day's race and two number tags on the second?" Man 2: "He beat Hakone Academy's ace sprinter, #4 Shinkai, in a sprint!" Midousuji: "I came to Osaka since I was bored and heard a gross freak in a yellow jersey was here." uko: "Thanks for the compliment. Does that mean you came to see me? Thank you." Midousuji: "Since it's a 600-meter track, how does a ten-lap, six-kilometer race sound?" uko: "Sure. It's my last race. Give me everything you've got." Midousuji: "It's your last race. Make sure you squeeze out every last drop." Midousuji: "But it wouldn't be fun to just race. Why don't we each bet something important?" uko: "Sure. I'd already decided for myself, no matter who I was racing..." uko: "If I win the next race, I'll keep riding as a sprinter." uko: "If I lose..." uko: "I'll quit sprinting!" Sugimoto: "Imaizumi, you dropped something." Sugimoto: "Huh?" Imaizumi: "Uh, that's..." Sugimoto: "Oh, don't worry. I don't have any problem with this kind of thing. As a kid, I used to watch this stuff all the time with my brother. I'm an experienced anime watcher." Teshima: "Well, we all have our own tastes." Imaizumi: "It's not that!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun, good morning. The other day when we went to Love Hime—"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 5 – A Different Bicycle Race Track!!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "5", "A Different Bicycle Race Track!!" ] }
Midousuji: "Shall we race?" uko: "M-Midousuji? Kyoto Fushimi's ace?" Midousuji: "Since it's a 600-meter track, how does a ten-lap, six-kilometer race sound?" uko: "Sure. It's my last race. Give me everything you've got." Midousuji: "But it wouldn't be fun to just race." Midousuji: "Why don't we each bet something important?" Mob 1: "That's Naruko, the sprinter from national champion Sohoku, and Kyoto Fushimi's first-year ace Midousuji!" Mob 2: "And they're about to have a sprint showdown?" Mob 3: "Seriously? I can't believe we get to watch that race here!" uko: "If I win the next race, I'll keep riding as a sprinter." uko: "If I lose..." uko: "I'll quit sprinting!" uko: "Yeah, what do you think? This race just got really interesting, didn't it?" Midousuji: "Gross!" Midousuji: "Gross, gross!" Midousuji: "Mizuta-kun, Yamaguchi-kun..." Midousuji: "If I lose this race, the five of you can ride in next year's Inter-High. I'll put on a yellow jersey and do everything I can to help" Midousuji: "reigning champions Sohoku for three days." Both: "Yes, sir." Midousuji: "Of course, if that ever happened, my head would split in two. I couldn't do it. So I have to win here." uko: "I heard you were lying in the first aid tent at the Inter-High for a long time. Did all that sleep leave you out of shape?" Midousuji: "I was just resting. I can't do anything if the vessel carrying my soul is a wreck." Midousuji: "Thanks to that, I recovered. Gradually, I recovered. Now, I'm even more flawless than before." Mob 1: "They're coming around the turn!" Mob 2: "They're passing under the fire hydrant sign!" Mob 1: "Their ten-lap sprint..." Mob 2: "...is starting!" Mob 1: "Kyoto Fushimi's accelerating!" Mob 2: "How can he lean so far forward while dancing? He's so fast!" Mob 2: "But there's a turn coming up!" Mob 1: "If he goes that fast into the turn, he'll fall!" Mob 4: "How can he turn at that speed?" Mob 5: "Sohoku's falling behind!" uko: "They can't be serious!" uko: "You going somewhere? You seem to be in a hurry. Are you holding back a poop?" Midousuji: "Sohoku sprinter, are you talking about yourself? You're pedaling as fast as you can." Mob 1: "Whoa! What? They finished two laps in the time I finished one!" uko: "Show me what you've really got!" Midousuji: "No, you." Daitsubu: "They're so fast." Kakimoto: "What's wrong with them? Was Naruko holding back when he raced us?" Ishigaki: "They're both pushing each other forward." Both: "What?" Ishigaki: "Both their ability and competitive spirit." Daitsubu: "Kyoto Fushimi third-year..." Kakimoto: "...Ishigaki!" Mob 2: "Sohoku's pulling ahead!" uko: "You're too slow, Turtle-suji." Midousuji: "That's not something you should say when you're drenched in sweat, you chicken-headed bean!" Midousuji: "Fall!" uko: "Shut up!" Midousuji: "Fall!" uko: "No, you fall!" Midousuji: "Fall!" uko: "Idiot!" Kakimoto: "Second lap!" Daitsubu: "Third lap!" Midousuji: "Fall!" uko: "I'm not falling, seaweed!" Mob 2: "They're running into each other..." Mob 3: "As they pass us!" Midousuji: "Fourth lap! You want to keep going? This race is about to become so back-breakingly intense, you'll wish you'd dropped out now." uko: "Thanks. That's exactly what I'm looking for. Make it as hard as you can." Midousuji: "You must be stupid. Why'd you scream about seaweed?" uko: "That's you." uko: "You're long and drift around everywhere!" Kakimoto: "They're changing positions as they ride with dizzying speed!" Mob 1: "They've gotten even faster on this lap!" Mob 2: "Will this race be a draw?" Midousuji: "Seaweed!" Midousuji: "Seaweed!" Daitsubu: "Fifth lap!" Midousuji: "You've been speaking less. After becoming the champions of the Inter-High and hugging each other, praising each other, congratulating each other, and discussing how important your friends are... Are you sure you didn't forget to practice?" uko: "You're right. I may have forgotten." Mob 1: "Sohoku's Naruko pulled ahead of him in the turn!" Mob 2: "He's trying to keep Kyoto Fushimi in check!" uko: "Keep you in check? I wouldn't do that. I'm the Sprinter of Naniwa!" uko: "I always aim to be flashy!" uko: "Playtime is over!" uko: "I'm pulling ahead!" Kakimoto: "Sixth lap!" Mob 1: "Kyoto Fushimi's falling behind!" uko: "Unfortunately for you, Midousuji, since the Inter-High," uko: "I've gotten stronger not during practice, but during actual races!" Mob 1: "He's so fast!" Mob 2: "Sohoku's been riding exceptionally fast since he jumped ahead!" uko: "This is how fast the genius Naruko sprints!" Daitsubu: "They're starting their seventh lap. There's four laps to go." Kakimoto: "Kyoto Fushimi's falling behind." Mizuta: "If Midousuji-kun loses, only five of us will ride at next year's Inter-High." Mizuta: "Anything goes in an unofficial race. No one said it had to be one-on-one." Mizuta: "I'm going to go help Midousuji-kun." Ishigaki: "You don't need to go, Nobu." Mizuta: "Are you sure it's okay for you to call me Nobu, Ishigaki-san? Midousuji-kun told us to call each other by our numbers or use honorifics." Ishigaki: "It's fine. I retired from the club. I'll call you whatever I want, Nobuyuki." Mizuta: "What do you mean, we don't have to go help him?" Ishigaki: "He's been waiting for this moment." Ishigaki: "For someone as physically and mentally strong as he is to accept his challenge." Ishigaki: "He's become too strong. No one can challenge him anymore." Ishigaki: "Since the Inter-High ended, his riding style has changed." Mizuta: "Really? It looks the same to me." Ishigaki: "No, he's started carefully considering and treating each practice and each race." Ishigaki: "He's always been that way, but it's like he's honed it. Like he's searching for something." Ishigaki: "It seemed to me like he was waiting for something to break him out of his shell." Ishigaki: "He's the one in control of this race. Just as an insect breaks through its exoskeleton to become stronger and larger," Ishigaki: "he's trying to shed his skin, too." Mizuta: "A battle cry? Midousuji-kun!" Kakimoto: "Eighth lap!" Daitsubu: "What the hell is that?" Mob 1: "He stretched his back straight forward!" Mob 2: "His form is so strange, but..." Mob 2: "He's fast!" Kakimoto: "He's trying to catch up with less than 1.8 kilometers to go. But he's almost half a lap behind." Mob 2: "Can he do that?" Club 1: "Good work." Midousuji: "It's no good." Ishigaki: "What's wrong, Midousuji?" Ishigaki: "I know your time wasn't good today, but it happens." Ishigaki: "You rode incredibly at this year's Inter-High." Ishigaki: "You're the pride of the team." Ishigaki: "You don't need to be so hard on yourself." Midousuji: "It's not a physical burden." Midousuji: "I can't move onto the next stage like this." Midousuji: "It's something different." Midousuji: "Something mental, as well." Midousuji: "Something back-breaking..." Ishigaki: "You've been wearing those while you practice?" Ishigaki: "Midousuji..." Midousuji: "A race..." Ishigaki: "He can't hear me." Midousuji: "Living creatures only evolve under truly difficult circumstances." Kakimoto: "Two laps left!" Mob 1: "Sohoku's riding ahead!" Mob 2: "He's going to make it!" uko: "Interesting." uko: "I'm impressed, Midousuji." uko: "You still had that much potential left?" uko: "But I won't let you catch up!" uko: "No way!" Midousuji: "Oh, you're behind me now, bean?" Midousuji: "I'm facing downwards, so I didn't notice." Midousuji: "That's not good. I can't go fast unless I face forward." Kakimoto: "One more lap!" Mob 1: "Kyoto Fushimi's ahead of Sohoku!" Midousuji: "You seem desperate, bean. But I can see it. I can see myself raising my hands in victory!" uko: "My nose is bleeding." Daitsubu: "Naruko..." Kakimoto: "Honestly, I want Naruko to win. The way he stretched for the finish line was the real deal." Daitsubu: "Me, too. He's a pure sprinter. And the third time's the charm." Daitsubu: "Naruko, you can do it!" uko: "...always win, no matter the circumstances!" uko: "Win or lose... That's why I'm on fire!" Daitsubu: "He caught up on the straight!" Mob 1: "He threw away his water bottle!" Kakimoto: "He's making himself lighter for the sprint!" Daitsubu: "He zipped up his jersey to reduce his wind resistance!" Mizuta: "He even threw away his saddle!" uko: "I will win!" Daitsubu: "He's made himself as light as possible!" Kakimoto: "I don't believe it. He's determined to win." uko: "I'm Naruko Shoukichi!" Daitsubu: "They're entering the last turn!" uko: "When will I go, if not now?" Kakimoto: "One hundred and twenty meters left!" uko: "If I lose, I'll quit sprinting." uko: "I can't quit! Sprinting is my way of life! My pride!" Midousuji: "Bean, bean... You're not a bean. You're a chicken-headed turtle." Midousuji: "I did it. If I lost here, no matter how cutting-edge the change, it couldn't be called an evolution." Midousuji: "But I won. I am victorious. I did it." Midousuji: "I achieved my next form." uko: "Damn it!" uko: "I'm always the loser! Idiot! Moron! I wish I could die!" Kakimoto: "Naruko..." Daitsubu: "Don't." Midousuji: "Aren't you going to quit, sprinter? That's what you said before we started." uko: "Yeah, I'll quit." uko: "A man never goes back on his word." Midousuji: "Sohoku has lost one of its feathers. And they just became champions, too." Ishigaki: "Naruko-kun might come back to race again." Midousuji: "What? What does that mean?" Ishigaki: "Midousuji..." Ishigaki: "Frustration makes people stronger." Ishigaki: "There it is." Ishigaki: "Patience, patience." Midousuji: "Gross!" Ishigaki: "Was that you?"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 6 – Naruko VS Midousuji", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "6", "Naruko VS Midousuji" ] }
Shinkai: "The traditional Hakone Academy fun ride to send off the third-years" Shinkai: "I never even thought about it when we were first-years." Toudou: "I can't believe we're the ones being sent off now." Shinkai: "Let's go. It's our last run as part of the Hakone Academy bicycle racing club." ukutomi: "Yeah." Toudou: "Yeah." Arakita: "It's cold." Izumida: "I look forward to riding with you today." Toudou: "Sure." Shinkai: "We're counting on you." ukutomi: "Izumida." Arakita: "Try not to fall." Izumida: "Yes, sir." Club A: "The third-year send-off fun ride will now begin!" All: "Thank you! Thank you!" Second-Year: "Make sure you obey all traffic signals. This 120 kilometer course follows the national highway and heads south along the coast, turns right at Kawazu, crosses Amagihara Pass, and finishes at the city parking lot." st-Year B: "A hundred and twenty kilometers? Isn't that a little long for a fun ride?" Second-Year: "This is the course we ride every year. We keep up a brisk pace, so try not to fall behind." Both: "What?" Girl A: "Hakone Academy!" Girl B: "Toudou-kun!" Girl C: "You can do it!" Toudou: "There are my fangirls." Toudou: "Thanks for your passionate send-off." Girl B: "Toudou-sama!" Girl C: "The last time we'll see his valiant figure!" Arakita: "You idiot, eyes forward!" Girl A: "Toudou-kun, point your finger at us!" Toudou: "The heavens granted me three things. Not only can I climb, but I'm also a skilled conversationalist, and then there's my great looks. Even the forest sleeps through my—" Arakita: "I told you to face forward, you idiot!" Club E: "Toudou-san's amazing." Club D: "Yeah. I don't really get it, but he's amazing." ujiwara: "No, Toudou actually is amazing." Club D: "Fujiwara-senpai!" Club D: "Thanks for your three years of service." ujiwara: "Yeah. The next generation of Hakone Academy is counting on you. Toudou seems to joke around, but when the team needs him, he always shows up in top condition." ujiwara: "Remember what happened at the Inter-High?" Club D: "Yes, sir." ujiwara: "He works hard while we're not watching. Back-breakingly hard." Toudou: "Not at all, Fujiwara." ujiwara: "What?" Toudou: "It's just the talent heaven has granted me. I'm what they call a ge—" Arakita: "Eyes forward!" Toudou: "What's your problem? That's the best part." Arakita: "Shut up and ride! You're distracting me!" Shinkai: "Thanks, Juichi." Shinkai: "For six years." ukutomi: "Yeah, Shinkai." ukutomi: "We've known each other since middle school. We've been together a long time." Shinkai: "It couldn't have been better. I'm glad I had you, Juichi." Shinkai: "Thanks to you, I was able to keep riding." ukutomi: "You're the fastest man alive. What are you talking about?" ukutomi: "In order to become strong, you must endure the pain and persevere. I was able to do that for six years because I had someone as strong as you riding beside me, Shinkai." ukutomi: "Thank you." Shinkai: "It's embarrassing when you put it like that, Juichi." Shinkai: "Want some?" Arakita: "Don't look at me so expectantly! I don't have anything heartfelt to say!" Toudou: "No, the team came together because of you." Arakita: "Tou—" Shinkai: "Thanks for practicing with us." Arakita: "Shinkai." ukutomi: "Arakita, no one could've carried us better." Arakita: "Fuku-chan, you, too?" Arakita: "Shut up! Stop complimenting me!" Shinkai: "We're on the seaside highway now. It's a two-lane road from here on out." Club A: "Huh? The third-years are moving ahead." ujiwara: "It's time." Club A: "Huh?" ujiwara: "This is where it always starts." Club A: "But I thought this was a fun ride." ujiwara: "You must be stupid. Today's course has a finish line, and we're Hakone Academy. There's no way it won't turn into a race." Club A: "Izumida-san's group is moving ahead, too!" ukutomi: "Someone's missing." Izumida: "It's not a problem. He'll be here soon." Izumida: "Come, Manami!" Manami: "Yes, sir." Club A: "Even Manami?" Izumida: "Since I have the opportunity, let me be clear." Izumida: "You are..." Izumida: "Weak! You smeared mud on your school's proud history, and you failed to win the general classification at the Inter-High." Izumida: "You called yourselves the strongest team, but placed second! As far as Hakone Academy is concerned, second place is last place!" Izumida: "How are you going to take responsibility for that?" Izumida: "Will you reclaim your honor next year?" Izumida: "You can't. After all, you're third-years." Izumida: "You're graduating." Izumida: "So we will inherit that responsibility and desire!" Arakita: "Well said." Izumida: "I used to look up to and chase after you, but now I will surpass you." Izumida: "Let me show you our strength by beating you in your final race!" Club A: "Izumida-san zipped up his jersey!" Club B: "He's declaring war on the third-years!" ukutomi: "Izumida." Toudou: "Now you've said it." Arakita: "Kuroda, Ashikiba, and Manami, huh?" Shinkai: "Nice. We should answer their challenge. Besides..." Club A: "There it is! It's Shinkai-san's ka-pow pose!" ukutomi: "Go, Shinkai!" Izumida: "Follow me, Yuki, Ashikiba, Manami!" Club A: "Th-They're so fast!" ujiwara: "Pedal, first-years! If you fall behind now, you'll never catch up!" All: "Yes, sir!" Shinkai: "Go!" Ashikiba: "They're so fast." Kuroda: "This isn't good. They're pulling ahead a little bit. What should we do, Touichirou?" Ashikiba: "What? That's not a little. They're pretty far ahead of us, Yuki-chan." Kuroda: "I wasn't being literal. I meant the opposite of what I said. Learn to read the atmosphere, stupid." Ashikiba: "How rude. There's nothing stupid about me." Kuroda: "That's what makes you stupid! Ninety percent of stupid people don't realize they're stupid and find out from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications." Ashikiba: "Really?" Kuroda: "Of course not! It's a joke! You should've known!" Ashikiba: "D-Do you... think I'm one of those people?" Kuroda: "I told you, it's not true! Who would even investigate that? Don't let the name of the Ministry make you doubt yourself so much!" Izumida: "Are you finished with your comedy routine, Ashikiba, Yuki?" Kuroda: "For now." Ashikiba: "That was a comedy routine?" Kuroda: "What are we going to do?" Izumida: "Follow them, of course." Manami: "I'll pull." Manami: "I can't lose any more." Manami: "I can't make the same mistake twice." Manami: "I promise I'll win." Manami: "I'll pull until my legs fall apart. I'll catch up to them! Let me lead us to victory!" Izumida: "No, it's fine. Head to the back." Manami: "Why? I'll pull for us." Izumida: "Fall back." Manami: "I know I'm a climber, but—" Kuroda: "What's this? According to the Ministry's investigation, there's another idiot in the group." Kuroda: "He's aloof, smiley, and absent-minded. But he's unbelievably fast on hills. To borrow Arakita-san's words, he's a wonder boy." Izumida: "Yuki..." Kuroda: "You've been working too hard since the Inter-High, Sangaku!" Kuroda: "A first-year shouldn't be shouldering that kind of responsibility. Just say there was a pebble in the road or make some other excuse." Kuroda: "You pushed past me to attend the Inter-High." Kuroda: "You didn't win the group F race that day because you had guts." Kuroda: "It was your bottomless focus." Kuroda: "But what about now? The burden you're carrying is making you unsteady." Kuroda: "You're unfocused, and your pedaling is a mess." Kuroda: "You're a climber, but you want to pull on the flats?" Kuroda: "You're supposed to be the guy who says he's too tired to pull when he's told to!" Kuroda: "Quit putting on airs and working so hard." Kuroda: "Are you trying to look bigger than you are? Are you an idol who can't wait to grow up? Let the others handle the flats." Kuroda: "These seaside flats will end soon." Kuroda: "There are mountains waiting for us after that." Kuroda: "That's when we climbers can go wild." Kuroda: "That's what Touichirou was trying to say." Izumida: "You finally smiled." Izumida: "Fall back and rest. Resting improves your focus." Izumida: "Right, Manami?" Manami: "Yes, sir." Izumida: "I prepared these for today's race." Kuroda: "Is it a map?" Izumida: "They're number tag stickers." Ashikiba: "Wow." Manami: "Single digit?" Kuroda: "You're starting to act like a captain, Touichirou." Izumida: "Ace #1, Ashikiba!" Ashikiba: "You're making me nervous." Izumida: "Number 2, Yuki!" Kuroda: "Crap, that's Arakita-san's number." Izumida: "Number 3 is for our climber, Manami!" Manami: "That's Toudou-san's number." Izumida: "And my number tag is the one I've always wanted." Izumida: "The number of Hakone Academy's fastest rider, #4!" Izumida: "After them!" Kuroda: "Yeah!" Club A: "The captain's group is accelerating now!" ujiwara: "Follow them!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs!" Shinkai: "I thought we had pulled pretty far ahead. That's odd. I guess we hadn't." Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs!" Kuroda: "I see them, Touichirou. It's the third-years." Izumida: "We'll beat them." Kuroda: "Let's go." Both: "Yeah!" Shinkai: "Izumida, you know about the demon of Hakone that appears on straight roads..." Shinkai: "Don't you?" Izumida: "Abs! Let's go, Andy!" Izumida: "Frank!" Izumida: "Come..." Izumida: "Fabian!" Shinkai: "Bring it on, Izumida!" Club A: "It's Hakone Academy's Demon of the Straight Road!" Club B: "Shinkai-san began his counterattack after the captain's group caught up!" Club C: "And Izumida-san reacted instantly with his Full-Body Muscle Sprint!" Club A: "They're both continuing to accelerate!" Takadajou: "Such incredible acceleration! They're on a different level!" Kuroda: "You're a first-year, aren't you?" Takadajou: "Yes, sir. I'm Takadajou." Takadajou: "I wanted to experience the third-years' last race and how Izumida-senpai rides." Takadajou: "But I can't keep up." Kuroda: "You've got guts." Takadajou: "Um, what about Shinkai-san and Izumida-san?" Kuroda: "Once we turn right at the intersection at Kawazu, the flats of this seaside road will end. Right under the giant sign in front of it, there's a white line that's just like a finish line." Kuroda: "They'll be riding all-out to that line." Izumida: "Shinkai-san! Abs, abs, abs, abs, abs!" Shinkai: "Izumida! Bring it on!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs!" Izumida: "Abs! Turn... Fabian!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs!" Izumida: "Shinkai-san, may I join you?" Shinkai: "Sure." Izumida: "I can't beat him!" Izumida: "Next time, Shinkai-san." Izumida: "Shinkai-san..." Izumida: "Shinkai-san!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs, abs!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs!" Izumida: "I did it! Abs!" Izumida: "Thank you, Shinkai-san." Izumida: "In our final race, I rode with your #4 on my chest." Shinkai: "Don't steal that. That's my number." Shinkai: "But I guess it's time I let you have it." Izumida: "Thank you!" Izumida: "I have one last question." Izumida: "Shinkai-san, why did you smile then?" Shinkai: "Yeah, I wonder why." Shinkai: "I was just having so much fun that I couldn't contain it." Shinkai: "The climber and ace stages are after this one." Izumida: "Yes, sir." Toudou: "Let's have one last race. Come with me. I'll give you a workout, Manami." Manami: "Yes, sir." ujiwara: "It's time." Club D: "Huh?" ujiwara: "On this course, after the right turn at Kawazu..." ujiwara: "...waits Amagihara Pass, the tallest peak on the Izu Peninsula." Club D: "Toudou-san and Manami?" ujiwara: "That's right. You'll never see a race between Hakone Academy climbers like this one again. Not that we'll be able to watch it." Club D: "Let's ask them how it went later." ujiwara: "Yeah." Toudou: "There's a mountain ahead of us. Let us climb." Toudou: "To the highest point on this road, the place closest to the sky." Toudou: "Let's race to see who gets there first." Toudou: "Don't hold anything back, Manami Sangaku." Manami: "Yes, sir." Toudou: "Attack me anytime. I'll crush each and every one of your attempts." Shinkai: "Jinpachi, Yasutomo's glaring at you." Toudou: "I don't mind. Now, what will you do? You're in check, Kuroda." Arakita: "Don't let him beat you, Kuroda. Get him." Manami: "The tension is intense."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 7 – The Last Meet", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "7", "The Last Meet" ] }
Toudou: "What's wrong?" Toudou: "If you see an opening, come and get me." Toudou: "Are you overwhelmed by my Sleeping Climb, Manami Sangaku? What's wrong? Aren't you going to attack? Are you just going to let me win? Both this race and in popularity with the girls?" Toudou: "You just thought I needlessly speak too much, didn't you? I'm your senior, you know." Toudou: "Well? Can we agree I'm more popular with the girls?" Manami: "Well, uh... Okay." Toudou: "Good." Toudou: "By the way, Manami, have you been keeping in touch with Four-Eyes?" Manami: "No, I've... been busy." Toudou: "Really? I'd been wondering about that." Manami: "We're racing!" Toudou: "What did you do with that thing he gave you after the award ceremony?" Announce: "The last bus heading down the mountain will be leaving at..." Sakamichi: "Um, T-Toudou-san, I'm looking for Manami-kun." Toudou: "Manami?" Sakamichi: "I-I promised I'd return this to him if I attended the Inter-High." Sakamichi: "It was originally Manami-kun's." Sakamichi: "He helped me when I was having trouble in the mountains." Sakamichi: "Thanks to this, I've been able to work hard." Toudou: "So you're connected by fate, huh?" Toudou: "Manami!" Sakamichi: "Manami-kun, here. I, uh... Thank you so much." Sakamichi: "Thanks to you, I— I'm not sure how to thank you, but..." Toudou: "What did you do with that bottle?" Manami: "I threw it away." Manami: "Hakone Academy placed second because he won." Manami: "Because I told him to come to the Inter-High. Because that day..." Manami: "I helped him by giving him that water bottle! How could I keep that bottle around?" Toudou: "I see. Let me ask you something, then. If you had known that would happen, and found him collapsed in the mountains, what would you have done?" Toudou: "Would you not have helped him?" Toudou: "No, you would have. You can't ignore a person who's having trouble in the mountains, Manami Sangaku." Toudou: "It means you didn't make the wrong choice." Toudou: "It takes only a moment, and there's no going back." Toudou: "You gave everything you had and lost. That's all." Toudou: "If the past continues to make you suffer, it's simple." Toudou: "Take off your jersey. I told you to" Toudou: "ride freely, Manami." Toudou: "After all, it's the riding style that suits you best." Toudou: "It makes me sick to watch you hide in your cocoon and worry about reason and rank. When you ride that way, you're hardly my rival when it comes to girls!" Toudou: "I can tell. Onoda-kun has already become important to you." Toudou: "He'll be someone you compete with." Toudou: "You'll help each other grow and make each other stronger." Toudou: "Take good care of him." Toudou: "Call him every day." Manami: "Every day?" Toudou: "I'm jealous you have someone to envy and despise." Toudou: "Your rival is close enough that you can see and race with him anytime." Toudou: "There's not much left." Toudou: "Give me everything you've got, Manami Sangaku!" Manami: "Yes, sir." Toudou: "That's it. That expression, Manami." Toudou: "That's the one you should wear." Toudou: "I can't let you take the mountains, though." Toudou: "I am the Mountain God, Toudou Jinpachi!" Manami: "You're amazing, Toudou-san." Manami: "Thank you." Arakita: "Once we exit the Shin-Amagi Tunnel, to the finish line there'll be..." ukutomi: "...two thousand meters left." Ashikiba: "Four men left." Kuroda: "I withdrew during the mountains all for this moment." Kuroda: "We'll show you our backs at the finish line." Arakita: "You sure do talk a lot, Kuroda." Student: "Yeah!" Student: "That's the tenth point he's scored! Amazing!" Student: "Come to next week's game, too, Kuroda." Kuroda: "Sorry. The baseball team asked me to play for them next week." Student: "Apparently, the baseball team won the district tournament!" Student: "Kuroda-senpai! I heard he beat a high school team with the swim club, too! Maybe he'll go to the Olympics!" Kuroda: "You're slow. Twist your body more." Kuroda: "I'll be waiting for you at the top, Izumida." Izumida: "Wait, Kuroda-kun." Kuroda: "Bike riding, huh? This isn't bad." Kuroda: "Other sports like basketball and baseball can only be played in designated areas." Kuroda: "But as long as there's a road, you can ride a bike anywhere." Kuroda: "A cage is too cramped for my talent to explode in!" Kuroda: "I've made my decision, Izumida." Kuroda: "I'm going to ride bikes." Kuroda: "I'll go to Hakone Academy for high school with you." Izumida: "Kuroda-kun..." Kuroda: "Teach me all the little rules, Touichirou." Izumida: "Okay." Student: "Kuroda, we heard you're going to Hakone Academy. Is it for bike racing? You'll be a regular in no time." Kuroda: "I'll place first at the Inter-High." Student: "First-years, line up!" All: "Yes, sir!" Arakita: "You guys stink." Arakita: "I'll smell every one of you." Student: "Stink? You mean sweat?" Arakita: "You smell like you'll quit right away." Student: "What?" Arakita: "You smell like you'll start skipping right away." Student: "What?" Arakita: "You have promise. You smell like a hard worker." Izumida: "What?" Izumida: "Th... Thank you!" Arakita: "Shut up! You're too loud, idiot!" Kuroda: "Senpai, how do I smell?" Arakita: "Huh?" Kuroda: "Exceptional talent? Immediate regular?" Kuroda: "Do you smell anything?" Arakita: "Yeah." Arakita: "You smell like a shitty elite. A stinking ball of pride." Arakita: "You stink like someone who thinks he's a superstar at the center of the world." Arakita: "I bet you've mastered all kinds of sports with that cool body of yours." Arakita: "Are you sure you won't quit cycling? And say something like, "Basketball is the real me"?" Kuroda: "That's not true!" Kuroda: "He's fast. And he stopped just a hair short." Kuroda: "If he had extended his elbow another millimeter, he would've hit me in the face." Arakita: "Was I right? Did you get mad because I was right, first-year?" Arakita: "Looks like I was right on the money." Kuroda: "Take it back." Arakita: "Bike riding is unforgiving and plain. Talent's not enough to get you anywhere. It'll make you want to quit. Every day is difficult." Arakita: "If you can play all kinds of sports, you'll end up running to one of those." Arakita: "Are you sure you can ride a bike, you little baby?" Kuroda: "Let go!" Arakita: "What's wrong? Did you see a mosquito?" Arakita: "I won't fight you." Arakita: "Fuku-chan told me not to." Kuroda: "I hate guys like you! You're all talk! You're always looking for ways to upset people! You're not even strong, but you rely on violence!" Izumida: "Kuroda-kun..." Student: "Yikes." Arakita: "I told you I was right." Arakita: "Fine." Arakita: "I'll take you on anytime." Arakita: "I'll show you how I ride when all I have is cycling!" Arakita: "I can smell it. I smell the finish line." Arakita: "We're getting closer to our last finish line!" Arakita: "Fuku-chan!" ukutomi: "Yeah." Arakita: "Bring it on, Kuroda!" Kuroda: "Keep up, Ashikiba!" Izumida: "It should be soon." Izumida: "It's about the right time." Shinkai: "You're right." Shinkai: "I wonder if Juichi and Yasutomo will win." Izumida: "We won't lose. Yuki—Kuroda-kun is a climber, but he should've hung back during the mountain stage in order to help the team achieve victory." Shinkai: "You two are close, right?" Izumida: "Our houses are close." Izumida: "In the past, he would've charged ahead." Izumida: "But he's changed since then. Instead of seeing himself as the center, he's started viewing himself as a part of the rest of the world. His ability to determine the appropriate action he should take in those situations has become extremely accurate." Izumida: "He quit playing basketball and baseball for fun." Izumida: "He started focusing on cycling." Izumida: "He can do it." Izumida: "I should know." Izumida: "He's always had great potential." Arakita: "Kuroda!" Kuroda: "I'll overtake you." Kuroda: "I'll overtake you!" Arakita: "He kept up with my corner entry!" Kuroda: "Damn it. Why?" Arakita: "What did you want to talk about, Kuroda?" Arakita: "Huh?" Kuroda: "Tell me how I can get stronger! Please, Arakita-san!" Arakita: "Ha, idiot! Don't think you can get whatever you want just by bowing." Arakita: "But... Your desire must be pure if you're willing to bow your head to the guy you hate most in order to become stronger." Arakita: "Not bad." Arakita: "You managed to throw away your pride." Kuroda: "What?" Arakita: "Steal someone else's way to get stronger." Arakita: "That's what I did." Arakita: "You can do that, can't you? That's the type of person you are." Arakita: "Sorry, Fuku-chan! I let them get ahead of us!" ukutomi: "Five hundred meters left!" Kuroda: "Go, Ashikiba!" Arakita: "Go, Fuku-chan!" Kuroda: "Fukutomi-san's fast!" Arakita: "You got ahead of me on the last turn." Arakita: "I wasn't expecting that." Arakita: "But I'm not complimenting you. What are you, stupid? You took too long to go all out, idiot." Kuroda: "That's plenty." Kuroda: "Thank you." Ashikiba: "Sorry. I'm going to win, Fukutomi-san. I never let anyone beat me twice." Ashikiba: "That's the job of Hakone Academy's ace." ukutomi: "Ashikiba!" Ashikiba: "I-I won." Ashikiba: "Fukutomi-san." ukutomi: "Yeah." Arakita: "How could you lose, Fuku-chan?" Arakita: "Don't laugh at me." Kuroda: "Yeah! Nicely done, Ashikiba." Kuroda: "I'll pay you a million yen later as a bonus." Ashikiba: "R-Really?" Kuroda: "No." Kuroda: "Hey, come on. You can't actually be disappointed." Arakita: "They're not bad." Izumida: "Thank you!" All: "Thank you for three years of service!" Kuroda: "Ashikiba!" Kuroda: "Keep a straight face in front of the upperclassmen!" ukutomi: "This belongs here!" ukutomi: "Become stronger. And at next year's Inter-High..." ukutomi: "Return Hakone Academy to its rightful place!" All: "Yes, sir!" Izumida: "We will." Arakita: "Line up!" Sakamichi: "Good work, everyone. I look forward to riding with you again tomorrow." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun, welcome back." Sakamichi: "You went to Osaka, right?" Sakamichi: "Did you get some rest?" uko: "These are for you." Sakamichi: "What? Takoyaki?" uko: "I'm back, Teshima-san." Arakita: "Okay, let's do this." Shinkai: "Now that the fun ride is over, we can focus on exams." Toudou: "I knew it was getting colder, but I can't believe it's the first snow. Huh? What is it, Fuku?" Shinkai: "Juichi, do you want to play in the snow?" Arakita: "What? Fuku-chan wouldn't do something so childish, idiot." Shinkai: "Good idea." Arakita: "Let's do it, Fuku-chan. For real."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 8 – Finish Line", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "8", "Finish Line" ] }
Sakamichi: "Princess, princess, princess. I love, love, love you." Sakamichi: "I'd better do my best." Sakamichi: "Starting today, I'm a second-year. Princess, princess. Twinkle, twinkle. As long as I have you and all my friends..." Sugimoto: "For a while there I was worried what was going to happen." Sugimoto: "You had a sweltering 38-degree fever on the day of the exam. You had your backup private school, but I believed that you would pass spectacularly... my brother, Sadatoki!" Sadatoki: "Yeah, Bro." Sugimoto: "Don't cry, Sadatoki. Congratulations." Sadatoki: "Yeah." Both: "Long live the Sugimoto family!" Sadatoki: "Now we can ride together." Sugimoto: "That's right. At the Inter-High, too." Sadatoki: "The Inter..." Sadatoki: "Really?" Sugimoto: "What? Uh, yeah. You should always aim high." Sadatoki: "Yeah." Sadatoki: "I should get going, Bro." Kaburagi: "I'll make national champions Sohoku's bicycle club stronger by joining it." Kaburagi: "Right, Danchiku?" Danchiku: "I..." Kaburagi: "What? Did you say something?" Danchiku: "Sorry. I'm nervous about my first day of high school and can't think of anything to say." Danchiku: "Where's the bathroom?" Kaburagi: "Hey, the school building's that way! They showed us during the new student tour!" Kaburagi: "I heard a bicycle." Kaburagi: "They're coming from the rear gate." Kaburagi: "A bicycle racing helmet. And those round glasses. That's..." Sakamichi: "Princess, princess, princess." Kaburagi: "A mommy bike, huh?" Kaburagi: "That's all? He scared me for nothing." Kaburagi: "He's singing a strange song." Sakamichi: "A banner? With my name on it?" Sakamichi: "There we go." Kaburagi: "Since you were surprised to see that banner..." Kaburagi: "Does that make you a first-year?" Sakamichi: "What?" Kaburagi: "That's the name of cycling superstar and Sohoku second-year Onoda-senpai." Kaburagi: "If you've got the guts to wear that helmet, you should remember his name. He's the one who won the Inter-High." Sakamichi: "The characters are so big..." Kaburagi: "Right!" Kaburagi: "He is a huge man. His scale, that is." Kaburagi: "And I will surpass him." Sakamichi: "The Kimanyu I got yesterday!" Kaburagi: "Hey! Listen to me, mommy bike boy!" Sakamichi: "G-Good morning." Aya: "He's here." Miki: "Good morning, Onoda-kun." Miki: "Did you see the banners?" Miki: "Amazing, aren't they? Let's all take a picture in front of them together later. With you in the middle." Sakamichi: "Huh? What? Oh, no, no, no..." Aya: "Are you nervous about being in a new class? Pull yourself together. You're a national champion." Sakamichi: "No, no, no..." Imaizumi: "You should take the picture." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun..." Imaizumi: "Chances like that don't come along often." Sakamichi: "Okay, then. Maybe I'll take one if you say so." uko: "Hold up, hold up!" uko: "Aren't you guys forgetting someone? The flashiest and most important man! You can't take a photo without me." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun?" uko: "The genius Speedman of Naniwa, Naruko Shoukichi of Class 2-3." uko: "I asked the teachers to put us in the same class." uko: "But it was a near miss. I'm in Class 3." Imaizumi: "Did you really do that?" uko: "What do you think of my hair? I wanted to look like a bullet shooting forward. Cool, right? Flashy, right? It's the new Naruko." uko: "Hey, what are you doing? It's back to normal!" Imaizumi: "Before you started wasting time on your hair, were you doing what you have to do?" uko: "Don't think I came back from Osaka unscathed that day." uko: "I'll show you just how much of a genius I am. You just wait for the real new Naruko Shoukichi." uko: "It's still in development." uko: "And when it's finished, it'll scare the crap out of you." Imaizumi: "Really? Will your development be finished in time for the summer's Inter-High?" uko: "Oh, easily. Although if it were you, it'd probably take until winter." Aya: "Those two sure are close." Miki: "I know." Both: "No, we're not!" Teshima: "We first knocked on the door to this room exactly two years ago." Teshima: "Time has passed, and we're now seniors. We'll welcome new first-years to the team and make it even stronger." Teshima: "Honestly, it'll be a difficult year." Teshima: "But we have to do it for the sake of what the upperclassmen left behind. Every day, every second, is a battle. We'll build ourselves up all to win at the Inter-High." Teshima: "But there will be times when we're discouraged. We won't be able to talk to our juniors. When that happens..." Teshima: "Let's return to our roots." Teshima: "Aoyagi!" Aoyagi: "Junta!" Teshima: "As long as we're together, there's nothing we can't do! Let's go, Aoyagi!" Aoyagi: "Got it, Junta!" Kaburagi: "I'm Kaburagi Issa. This is Danchiku Ryuhou." Kaburagi: "On our first day of school, we'd like to join the club." Teshima: "You're new recruits numbers one and two." Kaburagi: "As you can see, he's nervous." Danchiku: "N-Nice to meet you." Teshima: "You must be really nervous. You're leaning slightly." Kaburagi: "I have a request." Teshima: "What is it?" Teshima: "We got a lot in just three days. Could you pass me that envelope?" Teshima: "Sugimoto's brother submitted an application, too." Teshima: "Thanks." Aoyagi: "Who'll be sixth on the Inter-High team?" Teshima: "We'll see." Imaizumi: "Looks like you're doing as you were told." Imaizumi: "Ten minutes before class, 20 minutes at lunch." Imaizumi: "It's pretty different, isn't it?" Imaizumi: "Your muscles will remember what the burden feels like. Rather than practicing with a heavy load, you'll learn more through frequent practice." Imaizumi: "That's your style, Sugimoto." Sugimoto: "Thank you, Imaizumi. Since I'm an experienced rider, I knew I couldn't go easy on myself." Imaizumi: "I'm just giving you hints. You're the one who has to do it. You don't need to thank me. I was surprised when you came to me at the end of last year and begged me to teach you how to become stronger, though." Sugimoto: "I'm serious about this." Sugimoto: "I saw what Onoda did at the Inter-High and how everyone in the team believes in him." Sugimoto: "Even when they were battered, they never gave up." Sugimoto: "Anyone would be inspired by that. After all, I'm still a member of the Sohoku team." Imaizumi: "That side of you is still annoying." Sugimoto: "Besides, my brother is joining the team." Sugimoto: "I want to stay ahead of him. I can't let him beat me. I should be a role model for him." Sugimoto: "Imaizumi..." Sugimoto: "What do you think? Have I gotten any stronger?" Imaizumi: "You haven't noticed?" Imaizumi: "You are getting stronger, one step at a time." Teshima: "Line up! This year's goal is a repeat championship!" All: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "We'll be setting our sights on this summer's Inter-High!" Teshima: "If you want to become a regular, first-years, rise up! We'll give chances to the strong!" All: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "Don't forget! Carve it into your hearts! We are champions!" All: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "Kanzaki-san." Toji: "Hey, Teshima." Teshima: "We appreciate you helping us again this year." Toji: "This time of year has rolled around again, huh?" Toji: "They all look so nervous." Toji: "Any interesting guys?" Teshima: "Yes, a few." Sugimoto: "Teshima-san..." Sugimoto: "I'd like to talk to you." Sugimoto: "I'll do better than third place this year. I want to become stronger, too." Sugimoto: "Let me ride in the first-year race." Teshima: "The first-year race will start in 20 minutes. Has everyone memorized the course?" All: "Yes, sir!" Teshima: "There are a lot of traffic signals in the city stage. Ride carefully." All: "Yes, sir!" Sohoku A: "I'm so nervous, I think I'm going to forget the course." Sohoku B: "Huh? Where's my helmet?" Sohoku C: "It must be in the club room. There was one in there." Sakamichi: "Starting tomorrow, we're second-years, Onoda-kun. Huh?" uko: "Since we practiced over spring break, there isn't really a clear distinction." uko: "But tomorrow is the opening ceremony. We'll become second-years." Sakamichi: "Yeah." uko: "Even though nothing seems to have changed, we'll have juniors." uko: "Some of our seniors have left, too." Sakamichi: "Yeah." uko: "We can't stay on the bottom forever. We'll have to look after them and lift them up. We'll have to cheer them up when they're feeling down, and praise them when they do well." uko: "Just like our seniors did for us." uko: "Oh, right. Onoda-kun, this is your first time being a second-year in a club, right?" Sakamichi: "Yeah." uko: "Then let me tell you something." uko: "I was in a club during middle school, too." uko: "Even though you can thank your seniors, you can't do for them what they did for you." uko: "So pass on their kindness to your juniors." Sakamichi: "My juniors..." uko: "That's how your feelings pass from one guy to another." Sakamichi: "To my juniors." Sakamichi: "Are you a first-year? I'm second-year Onoda. If there's anything you don't know, just ask." Sakamichi: "You! Just ask!" Sohoku: "Oh, no! Did we make him mad?" Sohoku A: "Sorry, sorry!" Sohoku B: "What did you do?" Sakamichi: "Oh, it's not... um..." Sakamichi: "Y-You... dust." Sakamichi: "Piece of dust." Sohoku B: "Onoda-san is terrifying!" Sakamichi: "No!" Teshima: "You seem to be having fun, Onoda." Sakamichi: "T-Teshima-san..." Teshima: "Want to give it a try?" Sakamichi: "Huh? Try what?" Teshima: "Thed starter." Teshima: "Kinjou-san did it last year, remember?" Sakamichi: "Oh, I couldn't." Sakamichi: "It's an important responsibility. That's the captain's job." Teshima: "Everyone's expecting great things from you. During these three weeks, rumors about you have spread among the first-years." Sakamichi: "I knew it. Do they think I'm weird?" Teshima: "You're the living legend of the first-year race." Sakamichi: "What?" Teshima: "You won the first-year race's mountain stage as a beginner" Teshima: "and rose to the level of the Inter-High in the blink of an eye." Teshima: "You're the man who won the general classification for Sohoku." Teshima: "You understand what it means for you to be the starter." Imaizumi: "Just so you know..." Imaizumi: "All the first-years ask are questions about you." Sakamichi: "What?" Imaizumi: "The first-years don't talk to you because you're too amazing." Imaizumi: "So only you can do it. Raise their spirits." Imaizumi: "Show them how you feel." Sohoku: "It's Onoda-san. Onoda-san is starting the race?" Sakamichi: "Everyone!" All: "Yes, sir!" Sakamichi: "Do your best." Sakamichi: "Good luck." Sohoku B: "Yes, sir!" Sakamichi: "Good luck." Sohoku C: "I'll do my very best!" Sakamichi: "Good luck." Sakamichi: "Good luck." Sadatoki: "Thank you, Onoda-san." Sakamichi: "The first-year welcoming race" Sakamichi: "will now begin!" Sakamichi: "Sugimoto-kun?" Sugimoto: "Teshima-san gave me permission to ride in the race." Sugimoto: "I'm going to take first and become Sohoku's sixth man." Sakamichi: "What?" Sakamichi: "Teshima-san, Sugimoto-kun is..." Teshima: "Yeah, I gave him permission." Sakamichi: "He said he was going to become the sixth man of the Inter-High team." Teshima: "I saw that in his eyes. That's why I gave him permission." uko: "Sugimoto's an interesting guy. Naturally, he must be aiming for first." Sakamichi: "That's what he said." uko: "Declaring he'll win a race against his juniors? It may seem easy, but it's not." uko: "But he must know that. After all, he's an experienced rider." Sugimoto: "The city stage has a lot of traffic lights, so we'll take it slow here." Sawada: "Don't you think we're going too slow?" Sugita: "Sawada, Gorizo..." Gori: "I'll switch with you." Sawada: "Me, too." Sugimoto: "Wait! Go slower! We're still in the city!" Sugimoto: "There's no passing until we reach the rice paddies! Didn't you see that signal? Stop!" Sawada: "We saw it, but we're riding fast anyway to pull away from the pack." Sawada: "Senpai, don't you want to win, too?" Sugimoto: "I..." Sawada: "The three of us can rotate until the finish line." Sawada: "No one's watching." Sawada: "Come on, Senpai." Sugimoto: "I desperately want to win." Sugimoto: "But I reject your offer. No matter what, I never break the rules. Now reduce your speed and wait for the others." uko: "Sawada and Gorizo will be the first to make a move. But they're cunning. I hope Sugimoto doesn't accept any shady offers." Imaizumi: "Don't worry about him." Imaizumi: "He's more serious than he looks." Imaizumi: "Although whether or not he'll win is a different matter entirely." Sugimoto: "What?" Kaburagi: "I have a request." Teshima: "What is it?" Kaburagi: "I heard you hold a first-year race." Teshima: "Yeah." Kaburagi: "If Danchiku and I take first and second," Kaburagi: "can you guarantee we'll be on the Inter-High team?" Teshima: "Sure, I promise. You're on the team if you finish first and second." uko: "We're finally second-years." Sakamichi: "I hope I can talk to the first-years." uko: "We're counting on you, Onoda-senpai." Sakamichi: "L-Leave it to me, Naruko-senpai." Imaizumi: "What are guys doing? Hurry up and eat." Both: "Sorry, Imaizumi-senpai."
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 9 – New Sohoku, Start!", "parsed": [ "Yowamushi Pedal New Generation", "9", "New Sohoku, Start!" ] }
Sakamichi: "I don't have any friends!" Toudou: "Glad you could make it, boys." Toudou: "Welcome to the Toudou Retreat." Sakamichi: "Toudou-san!" Toudou: "What do you think of our inn, Four-Eyes?" Sakamichi: "I-It's incredible!" Makishima: "It might be one of a just a few long-standing inns in Hakone, but it's your place." Makishima: "Well, since we get to stay for free, it was worth coming." Toudou: "Maki-chan, you make it sound like you didn't want to come." Makishima: "You're the one who insisted that we come." Makishima: "Hello?" Toudou: "How are you, Maki-chan? I hope you haven't been relaxing too much since the Inter-High ended. If you eat ice pops in air conditioned rooms, you'll make yourself too cold." Toudou: "An athlete should always keep his body in top condition." Makishima: "What are you, my sister-in-law?" Makishima: "I told you not to call for no reason." Toudou: "Oh, but I do have a reason. I know it's sudden, but you and Four-Eyes should come to my place this weekend." Makishima: "What? Your place? You mean the hot spring in Hakone?" Toudou: "Make sure you tell Four-Eyes! Thanks. I'll be waiting." Makishima: "What?" Toudou: "As long as you're here, you should enjoy yourself." Makishima: "I'm just accompanying Onoda. He said..." Sakamichi: "I-I'd love to go!" Makishima: "If he hadn't, I wouldn't have bothered." Toudou: "I see. You wanted to see my face that badly? You get lonely so easily, Maki-chan." Sakamichi: "There's even an outdoor bath! I've never been in one before." Toudou: "Don't worry." Toudou: "I've prepared hot springs and food for you. Normally my friends don't use the guest rooms, but today is special. I'll give you the best treatment we have to offer." Toudou: "I'll show you everything!" Makishima: "Onoda, let's go to our room." Sakamichi: "Okay." Toudou: "Maki-chan! Take a right." Sakamichi: "This is my first time in an authentic inn. I'm sort of nervous—" Toudou: "Are you okay, Four-Eyes?" Makishima: "He'll calm down now that he's tripped." Makishima: "Besides... We're still in Hakone, but this is nothing compared to the anxiety you felt before the Inter-High." Toudou: "You can't compare this to a race." Toudou: "And the Inter-High didn't start in Hakone. It started in Enoshima." Makishima: "It's just a figure of speech." Toudou: "No, they're totally different. It's Hakone and Enoshima." Makishima: "They're both in Kanagawa." Toudou: "You're so careless, Maki-chan!" Sakamichi: "There are so many people!" uko: "Yeah. The three-day road race starts here." Sakamichi: "There are so many bicycles, too." Sakamichi: "Is this some kind of festival?" Sakamichi: "There's even a stage over there!" uko: "Calm down, Onoda-kun." uko: "What? Are you nervous, too?" Imaizumi: "No." Tadokoro: "It's so hot today." Tadokoro: "It's sweltering." Kinjou: "It'll be a difficult race." Tadokoro: "It doesn't matter. The conditions are all the same for everyone." Teshima: "We'll support you with supplies. You should focus on your racing." Sakamichi: "Supplies?!" Tadokoro: "We're counting on you." Teshima: "Yes, sir." Sakamichi: "I haven't practiced!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun, I haven't practiced getting supplies!" uko: "Oh, is that right?" Sakamichi: "What if I drop my bottle?" Makishima: "You can worry about that once you start riding." Makishima: "If you drop your bottle, pick it up." Makishima: "As long as you remember our goal, you can make up for lost time." Makishima: "Have you forgotten?" Makishima: "We decided that at this year's Inter-High..." Makishima: "We're taking first place." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Manami: "I made it." Arakita: "You're late." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun!" Toudou: "Oh, excuse me." Toudou: "All the girls seem to be looking only at me." Arakita: "They're not looking at you." Toudou: "No, I can feel their piercing gazes." Shinkai: "They're just looking at the stage." Toudou: "No, they're looking at me on the stage." Sakamichi: "Excuse me. Excuse me." Midousuji: "Give me that." Imaizumi: "Midousuji!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun?" Midousuji: "Oh? That guy from Chiba." Midousuji: "Oh, I remember that tryhard gaze. It's been a while..." Midousuji: "Weakizumi-kun." uko: "What's going on, Hotshot? You know that guy from Kyoto?" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun..." Imaizumi: "I only came to say this." Imaizumi: "I won't use underhanded tactics like you. I'll face you fair and square in the Inter-High and get my revenge for that race!" Midousuji: "Gross! Gross, gross, gross, gross... Gross, gross, gross, gross!" Midousuji: "Underhanded? Hey, hey. You lost because you fell five minutes and seven seconds behind me." Midousuji: "Who would believe it if they were told their mother died during a race? I wouldn't stop pedaling just because my mother died," Midousuji: "Weakizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Midousuji..." uko: "Hey, that's enough!" uko: "If you're a cyclist..." uku: "If you're a cyclist, settle your scores on the road." Midousuji: "Yeah, you're right. Roger that." Midousuji: "See you on the road." uko: "It's almost time." Imaizumi: "Yeah." Tadokoro: "You just watch, Hakone Academy." Makishima: "We'll do it." Kinjou: "Let's go!" All: "Yeah!" Man: "They're so fast! Are you sure those bikes don't have engines?" uko: "I'm going on ahead, Onoda-kun." uko: "Sorry." uko: "It's our turn to shine." uko: "I'm so excited, I might soil my pants." Tadokoro: "Let's go, Redhead!" uko: "All right! I've been waiting for this! Naruko Shoukichi's coming!" Makishima: "Hey, Kinjou." Makishima: "You've got a guest." Man: "What's going on? Someone's coming back!" Man: "It's Hakone Academy's ace, Fukutomi!" ukutomi: "Kinjou, I came because there's something" ukutomi: "I need to tell you before it all begins." ukutomi: "I..." ukutomi: "I will beat you with the full strength of the greatest team." Kinjou: "I won't lose, either." Kinjou: "I created a flawless team, as well." Kinjou: "We'll start by taking the first checkpoint." Kinjou: "We sent two top sprinters." ukutomi: "Two, huh?" ukutomi: "That may not be enough." Sakamichi: "What?" uko: "The checkpoint is mine!" Tadokoro: "No, it's mine!" uko: "Who's that?" Tadokoro: "I knew you'd come, Hakone sprinter." Izumida: "Nice to meet you." Izumida: "I'm second-year Izumida Touichirou." Izumida: "Abs!" Izumida: "Abs!" Tadokoro: "I don't have anything up my sleeve, but..." uko: "Neither do I." uko: "But there's no way..." Both: "We'll lose!" uko: "Reducing my wind resistance and weight, I'll charge straight ahead to the finish line!" uko: "Check this out! It's Speedman Naruko..." uko: "Also known as Rocket Man Naruko's..." uko: "Rocket Sprint Style!" uko: "I don't need reason. All I want is speed and attention!" uko: "To be fast and flashy!" Tadokoro: "Fine, then." Tadokoro: "I can't let you take the best part." Tadokoro: "It's time." Tadokoro: "My giant lungs!" Tadokoro: "Tadokoro special technique..." Tadokoro: "The Mach Speed Oxygen Human Bullet! Ox-y-gen!" uko: "That's real interesting, old man!" Tadokoro: "Don't call me old man!" Izumida: "I'm sorry." Izumida: "I underestimated you." Izumida: "I jumped to conclusions when I called you failures. I'll give the 400 meters to the checkpoint" Izumida: "everything I have." Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs! Abs, abs, abs, abs, abs! Abs!" Tadokoro: "He's coming!" uko: "Lashes!" uko: "Forward!" Tadokoro: "Damn it!" Izumida: "Sprinters are often compared to spears. If I am a sharp, long, and polished spear," Izumida: "then you are filthy short ones, reckless and underwhelming." Izumida: "The sharper and longer spear will reach the target first." Tadokoro: "Bring it on." Tadokoro: "I'm filthy because I've been fighting!" uko: "Old man..." uko: "I've fought real hard until now!" Tadokoro: "Good. Let's go! Don't let his feelings beat yours!" uko: "Of course!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs!" Tadokoro: "You're in the way!" Both: "I am the fastest!" Rider C: "The kings let them pass!" Rider E: "The top group is changing!" Rider F: "It's Sohoku from Chiba!" Rider G: "Hakone's falling back!" Sakamichi: "The top sprinters are coming back." Sakamichi: "What's going on?" Makishima: "We're entering the mountains soon. Now that their job's finished, the sprinters will return to the pack and rest their legs." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" Makishima: "Tadokorocchi!" Tadokoro: "I did it, Kinjou. We've made up for one of last year's failures now." Kinjou: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun, you're amazing!" uko: "We wrecked Hakone Academy's eyelash guy." Imaizumi: "It really is amazing." Tadokoro: "That's just how good we are." uko: "But, Hotshot, the old man pushed himself pretty hard." Tadokoro: "Shut up! Don't you mean you did?" uko: "I'm one step ahead of you now, Hotshot." Kinjou: "We'll ride in this order." Kinjou: "Naruko and Tadokoro, stay in the back and rest your legs." Kinjou: "Imaizumi, stay close. Pull me forward." Imaizumi: "Okay." Kinjou: "Makishima," Kinjou: "the other climbers should start coming for the checkpoint in the mountains." Kinjou: "Blow them all away." Makishima: "Got it." Kinjou: "And Onoda..." Sakamichi: "Yes." Kinjou: "When the mountains start, ride in front." Kinjou: "Ride in front of Imaizumi and pull us along. Lead the way up Mt. Hakone!" Kinjou: "What's wrong?" Kinjou: "Do you lack confidence?" Kinjou: "Can you not do it?" Sakamichi: "Is that my job?" Kinjou: "Yes." Kinjou: "No one else can do it." Kinjou: "Okay." Sakamichi: "Yes." Sakamichi: "Yes! I will do it!" Kinjou: "Okay." Makishima: "Be careful. While we're riding through the town, people will jockey for position for the climb." Makishima: "They're coming." Makishima: "All climbers, aiming for the top." Toudou: "Did you call me?" Toudou: "I can climb and talk!" Toudou: "On top of that, I'm beautiful! The heavens blessed me thrice!" Toudou: "I am Hakone Academy's Mountain God and prodigy climber, Toudou! Nice to meet you!" Toudou: "What do you think?" Sakamichi: "O-Okay..." Toudou: "But Hakone is our home." Toudou: "We know it well. We've ridden it thoroughly. We won't let you do" Toudou: "as you please in the mountain stage!" Makishima: "Sorry, but we won't be giving any ground, either!" Imaizumi: "We're almost to the feed zone!" uko: "Crap! Wait, Captain!" Kinjou: "Naruko, what's wrong?" uko: "Onoda-kun's not here." Man 3: "Can you stand?" Kinjou: "Makishima!" Makishima: "Yeah." Makishima: "I know." Kinjou: "I wanted you to keep the other schools in check, but we have no choice." Kinjou: "Pull us along." Kinjou: "Sorry, Makishima." Makishima: "You're too considerate, Kinjou." uko: "Captain, the results didn't say that Onoda-kun dropped out. He's in last, but he can still ride." uko: "Are we going to abandon a teammate who can still ride?" Makishima: "Whoa, Naruko." Makishima: "The weak fall in the mountains. That's just how it is. We can't help what we've lost." uko: "Makishima-san, you're a climber, too!" Makishima: "Sorry, Naruko. I'm not much of a friend." Makishima: "Besides..." Makishima: "This isn't the time." Makishima: "If I don't pull the team, who will?" Teshima: "Onoda!" Miki: "Onoda-kun!" Sakamichi: "T-Teshima-san..." Teshima: "Can you still ride?" Sakamichi: "Yes!" Teshima: "Are you hurt?" Sakamichi: "A little!" Teshima: "Can you go?" Sakamichi: "Yes!" Sakamichi: "Teshima-san..." Sakamichi: "This might not be the time, but can I ask you something?" Sakamichi: "I was given a job." Sakamichi: "That's why I want to catch up to everyone." Sakamichi: "Is it possible for me to catch up?" Teshima: "Climb past 100 guys! Then you'll catch them!" Sakamichi: "Got it!" Teshima: "Take our hopes with you, Onoda!" Sakamichi: "I will!" Izumida: "Oh, no!" Izumida: "Toudou-san, they're attacking! They've been waiting for an opportunity!" Toudou: "Here we go." Toudou: "Toudou Jinpachi..." Tatebayashi: "How?" Toudou: "Even the forest sleeps through my climb!" Toudou: "That's why they all call me..." Toudou: "...Sleeping Beauty, the beauty of the sleeping forest! Toudou of the Sleeping Climb!" Makishima: "Everyone calls you the Forest Ninja behind your back." Toudou: "What? Seriously?" Toudou: "Well, whatever." Toudou: "As long as I can challenge you, that's fine." Toudou: "If it means my wish will come true, I don't mind being a lame ninja." Makishima: "Sorry. It won't come true." Toudou: "What?" Toudou: "What is this? Are you serious?" Toudou: "What are we going to do, then? When are we going to settle the score?" Toudou: "We'll settle this next time, at the summer Inter-High!" Toudou: "That's where we'll settle the score!" Makishima: "Roger that." Toudou: "Why can't it be, Maki-chan?" Toudou: "Let's ride! Let's aim for the peak!" Toudou: "This is the last time!" Toudou: "This is the last time we can fight!" Toudou: "Because..." Toudou: "We're third-years! This Inter-High is our last race!" Arakita: "Toudou!" Arakita: "What are you doing? Go! How long are you going to stay hung up on this nonsense?" Arakita: "You still haven't noticed?" Arakita: "Makishima isn't going because he can't, not because he won't." Arakita: "Sohoku only has one climber this year." Toudou: "You should've come prepared, you idiots! Damn it!" Makishima: "In three minutes, we'll catch up." Arakita: "Catch up? What about your team? You can't do that while you're pulling for your exhausted sprinters." Arakita: "You're the only climber on your team." Arakita: "We know." Makishima: "He'll come." Arakita: "What?" Makishima: "Sohoku's second climber." Rider 1: "How are you going so fast?" Sakamichi: "99 more!" Rider 2: "Someone's catching up!" Arakita: "A second climber?" Arakita: "You mean the guy in last place who fell?" Makishima: "He said he'd do his job." Makishima: "Onoda Sakamichi..." Makishima: "always keeps his word." Midousuji: "Oh?" Midousuji: "Sorry, but I can't just let you break away." Midousuji: "My Zakus are keeping the pack in check." Midousuji: "Do you still intend to pass me?" Sakamichi: "I will!" Midousuji: "Gross!" Midousuji: "The pack is perfect for the likes of you!" Midousuji: "You pedal so hard..." Sakamichi: "I'm sorry, everyone!" Sakamichi: "I just caught up!" Makishima: "You're here, Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "I'm really sorry." Kinjou: "Makishima just left." Kinjou: "Can you start pulling us?" Sakamichi: "Yes! That's why I'm here!" Kinjou: "Okay." Makishima: "Let's go! You just wait, Toudou! I'll catch up soon enough!" Kinjou: "Onoda, I have a message for you from Makishima." Sakamichi: "A message?" Kinjou: ""Thank you. For being a climber, and for overcoming your fall and making it this far."" Kinjou: "They're words of gratitude." Kinjou: "He knows how you feel." Sakamichi: "Okay!" Makishima: "Toudou..." Makishima: "Toudou!" C: "Behind him!" D: "There's someone else behind Nagano!" Toudou: "It's no different whether it's one or two! I won't let anyone ride in front of me!" C: "Look." D: "He's at his limit. He's leaning sharply while he dances." Makishima: "Hey, Toudou!" Makishima: "How are you feeling?" Toudou: "Maki-chan..." Toudou: "I..." Toudou: "I feel great now!" Toudou: "Maki-chan, I can't help but be grateful..." Toudou: "...to the mountain god who blessed us with this ideal situation!" Makishima: "I thought you were the Mountain God!" Toudou: "Thank you for competing with me until now, Maki-chan." Toudou: "This is our last climb." Toudou: "Don't hold back." Makishima: "If I were holding back, I wouldn't be here, Jinpachi." Toudou: "Maki-chan!" Makishima: "Jinpachi!" A: "100 meters left!" B: "Who will take the summit?" C: "Hakone Academy!" A: "It's over! Hakone Academy took the peak!" B: "It's Toudou the Mountain God!" C: "Chiba and Kanagawa took the mountain checkpoint!" Toudou: "Thank you." Toudou: "These last three years were fun." Toudou: "If not for you, I never would've become this fast." Makishima: "Is that sarcasm?" Toudou: "No, it's gratitude." Toudou: "I'm exhausted." Makishima: "We both are." Both: "Ready, and..." Toudou: "One more..." Toudou: "One more game." Toudou: "Okay, Maki-chan?" Makishima: "Bring it on." Toudou: "Here we go." Toudou: "Toudou Jinpachi..." Toudou: "Sleeping Beauty Drive!" Makishima: "Peak Spider Smash!" Sakamichi: "Ow!" Makishima: "Sorry, Onoda." Sakamichi: "It's okay." Toudou: "Four-Eyes, who's winning?" Sakamichi: "Uh, um... That makes exactly seven wins and seven losses." Sakamichi: "A tie makes for a good stopping point. Why don't we stop—" Toudou: "I can't do that, Four-Eyes." Sakamichi: "But..." Makishima: "What's wrong, Toudou?" Makishima: "Flat tire?" Toudou: "I'm doing great." Toudou: "I've been in great condition since this morning." Toudou: "Maki-chan..." Makishima: "Jinpachi..." Makishima: "We'll settle..." Toudou: "...the score." Toudou: "From here on out, Hakone Academy and Sohoku don't matter." Makishima: "They never had anything to do with today." Toudou: "You'd better not hold back!" Makshima: "If I were..." Makishima: "...I wouldn't be here anymore!" Tadokoro: "The mountain stage has been won. I took the sprint. But all of that was just preparation" Tadokoro: "for these four kilometers." Tadokoro: "It's the finish line. The true battle. And it's the ace's job" Tadokoro: "to cross the finish line." Kinjou: "Let's go, Imaizumi!" Imaizumi: "Yes, sir!" Kinjou: "Remove your limiter." Kinjou: "Ride as hard as you can now." Kinjou: "We'll take the finish line! Don't let everyone's hard work go to waste! " Imaizumi: "Yes, sir!" Arakita: "That's hilarious. The mountains and finish line are ours." ukutomi: "You go too far, Arakita." ukutomi: "Strength achieves victory." ukutomi: "That's all." A: "Chiba's first!" B: "They're 30... no, 50 meters ahead!" C: "You can do it! Go for it!" ukutomi: "Go, Arakita!" Arakita: "Don't give me that! We let them get too far ahead!" Arakita: "This blows." Arakita: "I've got extra work to do." ukutomi: "But look, Arakita." ukutomi: "We're close enough to see our opponents on every turn." ukutomi: "Fired up yet?" Arakita: "Sheesh." Arakita: "Yeah, I'm on fire!" Arakita: "Quit dropping in and out of sight, Sohoku!" Arakita: "I'll stampede you!" I: "The aces are here! They're so fast!" J: "Oh, man! He passed right in front of me!" L: "He's falling!" M: "So close!" N: "His helmet just hit the guard rail!" Arakita: "What's wrong? Show some spirit, Sohoku!" Arakita: "You're not bad!" Arakita: "But you're dreaming! You'll cross the finish line while staring at our saddles!" Arakita: "I'll eat the finish line! I'm starving!" Arakita: "Feed me the title of strongest!" Arakita: "You're in the way, Sohoku!" Arakita: "You won't cross the finish line." Arakita: "Because you're a good boy." Kinjou: "These are your orders throughout all the stages." Kinjou: "Grow." Kinjou: "Over these three days." Arakita: "You did good, first-year. But you're not strong enough!" Q: "Hakone Academy finally passed Chiba!" Imaizumi: "Move..." Imaizumi: "Move, squinty! I hate noisy people!" Imaizumi: "I'm riding in the front!" Imaizumi: "You're in the way!" Imaizumi: "Move!" Arakita: "Don't underestimate me, first-year!" S: "Sohoku and Hakone are neck and neck!" Both: "Now..." Arakita: "It's on you, Fuku-chan!" Imaizumi: "It's up to you, Kinjou-san!" Imaizumi: "Take everyone's hopes... ...to the finish line!" Imaizumi: "Please!" Arakita: "Go, Fuku-chan!" T: "Kanagawa and Chiba's aces broke away at 500 meters!" Imaizumi: "M-Midousuji!" Arakita: "Are you going after the aces?" : "He's coming for the aces with 150 meters remaining!" Kinjou: "Do you think he'll come?" ukutomi: "I would." ukutomi: "He's riding for the finish line." ukutomi: "But it's not a problem." ukutomi: "If he catches up, I'll brush him off." ukutomi: "So will you." Kinjou: "Of course. The finish line is a battlefield." Kinjou: "Only one survives." ukutomi: "I will win." ukutomi: "To prove the strength of the reigning champions, Hakone Academy!" Kinjou: "For the hopes my teammates entrusted to me." Miki: "30!" Both: "20!" Announce: "10!" Man 2: "These results are amazing." Man 1: "Yeah." Man 1: "I don't believe this." Man 1: "Three teams tied for first." Sakamichi: "The race was incredible from the first day. Just remembering it makes my heart pound." Toudou: "There are many bicycle races, but the Inter-High is in a class of its own." Makishima: "Yeah." Toudou: "Four-Eyes..." Sakamichi: "Yes?" Toudou: "Maki-chan and I were able to race because of you." Toudou: "Thanks again." Sakamichi: "You don't need to thank me! I-I didn't do anything." Toudou: "I told you." Toudou: "The Inter-High was the best possible stage." Toudou: "The best opportunity we'd ever get to settle the score." Toudou: "I'm grateful." Toudou: "That's why I invited you here." Sakamichi: "Toudou-san..." Toudou: "You, too, Maki-chan." Makishima: "What? Why now?" Makishima: "And I had Kinjou thank him for me then." Toudou: "No! You can't have someone thank him for you!" Makishima: "I'm getting out." Toudou: "You can't, Maki-chan!" Makishima: "What was that for?" Toudou: "You can't get out yet." Toudou: "Our hot springs are famous for providing relief from fatigue. You need to soak up to your shoulders and heal your body's Inter-High exhaustion." Makishima: "You do it, then!" Toudou: "Of course." Toudou: "Let's make it a contest, then." Makishima: "To see who can stay in longer?" Sakamichi: "No, no, no..." Makishima: "Jinpachi!" Toudou: "Maki-chan!" Makishima: "Onoda?" Toudou: "Don't swim in the tub, Four-Eyes." Makishima: "He's not! He's dizzy from being in the water so long and drowning! " Toudou: "Wh-What? Four-Eyes!" Ima: "Okay!" Maki: "Hey, Naruko!" uko: "What is it?" Maki: "How long have we been missing Tadokorocchi?" Man: "You can start now." Tado: "I know." Tado: "I'm giving a handicap to the guys behind me!" Tado: "I've got the green number tag! I'm Sohoku's Tadokoro Jin!" Rider B: "Tadokoro!" Mizuta: "He's not feeling well." Mizuta: "I know because the heat got to me last year. Just like Midousuji-kun predicted, Sohoku will fall apart quickly." Saka: "Makishima-san!" Maki: "Move, Onoda!" Maki: "I'm going to pull the group now!" Saka: "Yes, sir!" Saka: "But Tadokoro-san..." Maki: "We're..." Maki: "...leaving Tadokoro." uko: "What are you talking about, Makishima-san?" uko: "You actually believe in him, don't you?" Maki: "Shut up, Naruko! Don't say any more!" uko: "No, I'll talk! Are you leaving him because he's slow—" Maki: "Tadokoro told me to abandon him." uko: "There's no way he would! He's a ball of energy!" Maki: "Damn it! He told me not to tell you..." Maki: "Tadokoro..." Maki: "Tadokorocchi..." Maki: "...collapsed after the award ceremony yesterday! He got an IV and took a two-hour nap," Maki: "but he still felt awful!" Saka: "Then we have to go help him immediately." Saka: "Immediately!" Saka: "I'm here to meet you, Tadokoro-san!" Tado: "Wh-What are you doing here, Onoda? What happened to the team? What about Makishima?" Tado: "He'd never allow this." Saka: "I got his permission. I promise we'll catch up." Tado: "Idiot! Go back immediately. With your legs, you can still catch them!" Saka: "No. Kinjou-san gave me an order." Saka: "To meet up with him with the whole team in tow!" Dai: "Tadokoro!" Dai: "The green tag has fallen." Tado: "Daitsubu..." Dai: "All right!" Tado: "That bastard... Hey, Onoda! Let's—" Saka: "Should we pass him back?" Tado: "I-It'd be better if we could, but the pace we're at has me at my limit. How are we going to pass him?" Saka: "Um..." Saka: "Could you say "Princess" with me?" Tado: "No way!" Saka: "Y-You won't do it?" Saka: "It doesn't have to be loud..." Saka: "I know! The rhythm. Imaizumi-kun told me climbing is about rhythm..." Tado: "Damn it!" Saka: "I-I'm sorry." Tado: "P-Princess..." Tado: "Damn it! Is this good enough? Princess!" Saka: "Tadokoro-san!" Tado: "Sing, Onoda." Tado: "I have to catch up to the team." Tado: "I'll sing an anime song if it'll help! Let's sing it!" Saka: "Yes, sir!" Saka: "Let's go! Princess, Princess!" Tado: "Princess!" Both: "I love, love, love you!" Saka: "Princess!" Both: "Twinkle, twinkle!" Saka: "As long as I have you and all my friends, I'm..." Both: "Invincible!" Saka: "Princess, Princess!" Tado: "Princess!" Both: "I love, love, love you!" Saka: "Princess!" Both: "Twinkle, twinkle! Even with a spell to make you bigger... You're still my princess! You are who you are!" Midou: "Maybe your team has fallen apart." Ima: "You..." Kinjou: "Imaizumi..." Kinjou: "Hakone Academy is moving." A: "Someone's catching up!" B: "Four of them!" Ima: "They made it!" B: "No, it's five!" A: "That's..." A: "Kyoto Fushimi!" Midou: "There's strength in numbers. Between us, Hakone Academy, and you, it's six on six on two." Midou: "Unfortunately, you're in no position to challenge Hakone Academy." Midou: ""Ride for the team," right?" Midou: "Gross, gross, gross!" Midou: "Sorry, but I..." Midou: "...never considered Sohoku a real opponent." Midou: "Shifting to phase three. Accelerate." Midou: "We'll reach Hakone Academy in two minutes." Midou: "All green." Midou: "Zakus, go!" Kinjou: "Imaizumi!" uku: "I didn't expect Kyoto Fushimi to be the first team to catch us." Midou: "I'll crush Hakone Academy!" Midou: "Starting now." Midou: "The second day's first sprint checkpoint is ahead." Midou: "Shall I take it and prove to you..." Midou: "...who the true champion is?" Izumi: "Kyoto Fushimi should send their fastest sprinter. I will leave him far behind" Izumi: "and achieve an overwhelming victory." Shinkai: "Calm down, Izumida." Shinkai: "I'm Shinkai." Shinkai: "Tag #4." Shinkai: "Hakone Academy's..." Shinkai: "...ace sprinter!" uku: "Shinkai!" Midou: "Ready, and go!" Midou: "Look, I caught up. Weren't you going to ride ahead?" Shinkai: "Midousuji-kun, you're fast." Shinkai: "But sorry." Shinkai: "In a sprinter's battle..." Shinkai: "...only the truly fast win." Midou: "It should be the other way around!" Shinkai: "Midousuji-kun..." Shinkai: "Hakone Academy's tag #4..." Shinkai: "...is that kind of number." A: "Look!" A: "More of Sohoku's team!" B: "Chiba, you can do it!" Taura: "Kumamoto Daiichi, let's go!" uko: "Damn! It's the difference in numbers!" uko: "Hotshot, move up!" uko: "Hey! What are you doing, Hotshot? Move up! Pull us!" uko: "Come on!" Taura: "Oh, right. Speaking of Sohoku's green number tag... ...he was hanging around the back of the pack with #176." uko: "Who was riding in front?" Taura: "They were a funny pair! The little kid with glasses was pulling that big dude!" uko: "Makishima-san!" Maki: "Yeah, Naruko." uko: "The old man's made it back to the pack!" Taura: "Gross. You're so cornered, you've gone crazy. Let's go!" Ise: "Yes, sir!" uko: "Damn it! You won't get away!" Kinjou: "Naruko, fall back." Kinjou: "Rest your legs." uko: "What?" Kinjou: "Now that we know they're coming," Kinjou: "we can't fall any farther behind." Kinjou: "I'll pull us forward." uko: "The ace should stay back to save his energy and prepare for the finish line!" Kinjou: "If there's anything we can do to fight..." Kinjou: "...even if it means the ace pulls the team, we have to do it." Kinjou: "That's how Team Sohoku rides." Kinjou: "If someone's struggling, we do everything we can to support him." Kinjou: "These jerseys..." Kinjou: "...are complete when all six come together." Kinjou: "The Inter-High is a team battle." Kinjou: "The six of us fight to overcome walls we can't climb alone." Kinjou: "Sorry, Kumamoto Daiichi." Kinjou: "I'm Kinjou Shingo, the Snake of the Stone Path." Taura: "What?!" Kinjou: "I never give up!" Shinkai: "It's two kilometers to the sprint checkpoint." Shinkai: "This race is over, Midousuji-kun." Shinkai: "I heard yesterday you were more of a strategist." Midou: "There's no way I'd go for this sprint without any preparation. You're the one who's finished." Shinkai: "What's that?" Shinkai: "Is it a feint?" Midou: "In the mountains where I enjoyed chasing rabbits..." Midou: "You skinned it, boned it, and ate its flesh, didn't you?" Shinkai: "The rumors were right, Midousuji-kun." Shinkai: "You research your opponents." Shinkai: "But that won't make up for the difference in our skill!" Midou: "You're always riding ahead. Why?" Midou: "You're not showing off your powerful sprint to make your opponents despair. I heard that" Midou: "since the day you ran over that rabbit..." Midou: "...you don't pass your opponents on the left." Shinkai: "But if I just gave up because of that, you'd never forgive me, Juichi!" Mizuta: "Midousuji-kun said Shinkai has a major weakness." ukutomi: "So?" Mizuta: "It's a weakness. A weakness!" Arakita: "Shut up already, second-year!" Arakita: "Shinkai will get it done when the time comes!" Toudou: "You're Mizuta-kun, right?" Toudou: "Don't get the wrong idea." Toudou: "Shinkai won't accept defeat just because he's cornered." Toudou: "He didn't make it this far by being half-hearted." uku: "He'll do it." uku: "He consumes the opponents before him." uku: "That is his true worth!" Shinkai: "Have you heard about the demon that appears on Hakone's straights?" Midou: "What? A demon?" Shinkai: "I guess you've never heard of it." Shinkai: "Slow, slow, slow! Can't pass on the left? I'll pass you!" U: "He's fast!" Midou: "Kill!" Shinkai: "I'll win!" Midou: "Just as..." Midou: "Just as planned!" Midou: "I stopped the strongest and fastest rider ever at the Inter-High... Make no mistake. Every victory at this Inter-High exists for me!" G: "They're coming! It's the leading pack!" G: "Kyoto Fushimi's in front!" G: "Hakone Academy's following close behind!" Students: "Fukutomi-san, you can do it! Toudou-san, you can do it!" G: "It's the third-place team!" G: "It's Sohoku! Chiba's Sohoku is in third place!" Teshima: "Kinjou-san's pulling them!" Teshima: "Kinjou-san!" Aoyagi: "Makishima-san!" Maki: "Thanks." Sugi: "Naruko-kun!" uko: "Thanks." Miki: "Imaizumi-kun!" Ima: "Thanks." Teshima: "Kinjou-san, please catch up to the front!" Kinjou: "Yeah." Teshima: "Fight, Sohoku!" uko: "Do you have a plan to catch up? Besides, even if the four of us catch up, we may not be able to match their advantage in numbers." Kinjou: "I have no intention of catching up as a team of four. Isn't that right, Makishima?" Maki: "Good things come to those who wait." Maki: "Look, Naruko." Maki: "The last 40 kilometers to the finish line... ...is a gentle climb up along Route 139! Nothing will stop Onoda from catching up on a climb!" Ise: "Taura-san, Sohoku's on our tail!" Taura: "Why is he smiling?!" Taura: "He's fast!" Saka: "Tadokoro-san!" Tado: "What? Can you go even faster?" Tado: "It's fun climbing together!" Saka: "Let's dance up this hill!" Tado: "Yeah!" Saka: "Tadokoro-san, there's someone in front of us!" Saka: "Could it be?" Tado: "Yeah, I see them." Tado: "Face forward and ride." Saka: "Yes, sir." Tado: "Onoda, I am eternally grateful to you." Tado: "Onoda..." Tado: "Thank you." Tado: "I didn't think..." Tado: "...I'd get to see those jerseys with my own eyes again..." Tado: "I'm back! Team Sohoku!" Tado: "Makishima!" Maki: "Hey!" Kinjou: "Tadokoro! Onoda!" uko: "Onoda-kun!" Maki: "Good work, Onoda!" uko: "Onoda-kun!" Saka: "Kinjou-san, it took me a while." Saka: "We've got all the team members here now!" Kinjou: "I see..." Kinjou: "Good work, Onoda!" Saka: "Yes, sir! Tadokoro-san helped me get this far." Kinjou: "All of Team Sohoku is here!" Kinjou: "Let's go! Let's move!" Kinjou: "In formation!" Kinjou: "This is the last 30 kilometers!" Kinjou: "Onoda!" Saka: "Yes, sir!" Kinjou: "Pedal!" Kinjou: "Carry our team up this slope to the leading pack with Makishima!" Saka: "Yes, sir!" Maki: "Yeah!" K: "You can't be serious..." L: "Hakone Academy..." L: "...is falling apart!" Midou: "Isn't it frustrating? You can't believe it, can you? But those..." Midou: "...are the results!" Izumi: "I can't take this anymore. Shinkai-san... Shinkai-san..." Izumi: "...won't be beaten by you!" uku: "Stop, Izumida." uku: "He's right." uku: "Results are everything." Izumi: "Fukutomi-san!" uku: "Those who lose don't deserve to speak." Izumi: "Shinkai-san fought with us!" Midou: "That's what makes me better than you. Shall we begin phase 13, Zakus?" Ishi: "Wait, Midousuji-kun. You're counting wrong." Midou: "It's fine, Ishigaki-kun." Midou: "We're going to finish this now." Midou: "Let's go." Midou: "Phase 13 is the number of death. Our strategy to abandon..." Midou: "...sprinters that can't handle climbs!" Izumi: "They're leaving their sprinters behind?" Midou: "Abandon dead weight and advance to the finish line. In road racing..." Midou: "...that's common sense!" uku: "You're right." uku: "You are correct." uku: "We don't need dead weight." E: "Hakone Academy's ace is chasing Kyoto Fushimi!" F: "The six-on-six formation has changed completely!" F: "They've really fallen apart now!" Izumi: "Fukutomi-san!" Izumi: "Shinkai-san, Arakita-san!" Midou: "The decisiveness to leave the rear behind... The ability to make quick decisions at the last second..." Midou: "That unchanging, merciless expression..." Midou: "Good." Midou: "You're just..." Midou: "...like me!" Midou: "Toudou-kun!" Midou: "They call you the Mountain God, don't they? I heard you took the first day's checkpoint. Shall we go?" Midou: "It'll be a fair fight between me and you." Midou: "No, no. It won't be fair. Yeah, that's right. You've got to protect your ace. Well, then..." G: "Kyoto Fushimi's #91 took the mountain checkpoint!" H: "He's taken the green and red tags today!" J: "Amazing! The momentum's moved from Hakone Academy to Kyoto Fushimi!" Midou: "Let's move into the next phase." K: "Kyoto Fushimi's accelerating again!" Midou: "Phase 14!" Midou: "We'll accelerate while rotating the lead. Throw off Hakone Academy!" Midou: "What a touching chase! The champions who won't give up until the end! How cool!" Ishi: "Fukutomi, why are you chasing us?" uku: "To win." uku: "I'm aiming for the finish line." Ishi: "The two of you leapt out on your own." Ishi: "It's obvious if you think calmly about it! It's four on two!" Ishi: "Hakone Academy can't win!" uku: "What makes you say that?" Ishi: "You still don't understand? Champions should fall like champions! The moment you abandoned your teammates—" uku: "Abandoned them?" uku: "What are you talking about, Ishigaki?" uku: "I don't remember abandoning them. You don't know" uku: "how hard Hakone Academy trains. Or how hard we work to fulfill the expectations put before champions." uku: "We are already far beyond anything you can imagine." uku: "Hakone Academy's team..." uku: "...has no dead weight to begin with!" Izumi: "Shinkai-san, Arakita-san! Hang in there! I'm with you!" Izumi: "Stay strong! Shinkai-san! Arakita-san!" Ara: "It's so freaking hot..." Ara: "Shut up, Izumida! You're smothering us, you idiot!" Izumi: "Arakita-san!" Ara: "I'm exhausted from pulling Shinkai, who's also exhausted." Izumi: "I'm sorry." Izumi: "Um..." Izumi: "Are you all right?" Ara: "I said I'm exhausted!" Ara: "It's all his fault for losing." Ara: "Kyoto Fushimi edged him out. You shouldn't have jumped ahead just to lose. It's lame." Izumi: "Arakita-san!" Ara: "This is all your fault, you worthless #4!" Shinkai: "Thanks you to, I've mostly recovered." Izumi: "Shinkai-san!" Ara: "But we're doing terribly in the race." Ara: "Kyoto Fushimi's got four guys." Ara: "We only have Fuku-chan and Toudou." Ara: "We're clearly outnumbered." Shinkai: "Then we have to finish our recovery, Yasutomo." Ara: "Yeah, like our lives depend on it." Mana: "Recovery?" Mana: "We should start by catching up to Fukutomi-san." Izumi: "Catching up?" Mana: "Yeah, it's fine." Mana: "I'll pull you with all my strength." Ara: "We have no choice, then." Ara: "Let's ride!" Shinkai: "Don't go too hard." Shinkai: "Sprinters aren't strong climbers." Izumi: "But Fukutomi-san called us dead weight." Izumi: "Does that mean he doesn't want us to follow him?" Ara: "It's the opposite, idiot. We're wearing Hakone Academy's single-digit tags! It means you should quit complaining and follow him!" Ara: "Fuku-chan, you always ask for too much!" Ara: "Stone-Face!" uku: "I'll say it again. Our six Inter-High members..." uku: "...are truly strong!" uku: "You're finally here." Izumi: "Fukutomi-san, we've caught up!" Toudou: "Shinkai! Arakita!" Ara: "Fuku-chan, you pulled too far ahead! I'm exhausted!" uku: "I knew you'd catch up." Mana: "Arakita-san called you "Stone-Face" earlier." Ara: "M-Manami, you jerk!" Mana: "Good work, sir." Mana: "Shall we trade?" Toudou: "Yeah, thanks." Shinkai: "Juichi..." uku: "Shinkai..." Shinkai: "I'm sorry for everything." uku: "It's fine." uku: "The race isn't over yet." uku: "Let's go. We're coming up on the finish line." uku: "Come, challengers!" uku: "We are the champions!" Midou: "This situation is still within the parameters... ...of my simulation!" Midou: "They may have caught up, but they're tired and useless... Or will you say the four of you can still ride?" uku: "You don't seem to understand the situation." Midou: "You still have something else?" uku: "You can feel their pressure, can't you?" uku: "Another team will challenge us before the finish line." uku: "And no matter how beat-up they are..." uku: "...they never give up!" Kinjou: "Fukutomi!" uku: "Kinjou!" Ara: "You're persistent!" Toji: "They finally caught up!" Saka: "Kinjou-san, Makishima-san and I got us to the leading pack!" Kinjou: "Good work. Yeah. Let's go," Kinjou: "Hakone Academy! And Kyoto Fushimi!" uko: "Shall we go, then?" uko: "We're close to the finish line. The real race starts here!" Kinjou: "Fukutomi..." uku: "You're here, Kinjou." Kinjou: "I told you." Kinjou: "I created an unbeatable team." Kinjou: "They wouldn't be here without the will to win!" Saka: "Thank you, Naruko-kun..." uko: "You idiot. We're friends! Of course I'll help you." Saka: "Thank you." Saka: "But I'm sorry... We should've caught up sooner, but my strength was at its limit..." uko: "You idiot! We caught up because of you and Makishima-san's insane pulling!" uko: "It was super-awesome, Onoda-kun!" Saka: "Thanks." Saka: "But I can't ride anymore. I'm dropping—" uko: "Onoda-kun..." Toudou: "Hey, Maki-chan." Maki: "What?" Toudou: "The Inter-High's over." Toudou: "But as long as we keep riding, there will be no end to our rivals." Toudou: "From now on, let's push each other to even greater heights as we compete." Toudou: "Maki-chan?" Maki: "Toudou—" Toudou: "You're awake, Four-Eyes!" Maki: "Onoda, are you okay?" Saka: "I..." Maki: "You got dizzy in the bath and nearly drowned." Toudou: "Unconscious humans feel particularly heavy." Toudou: "I thought his legs would give out while carrying you to your room." Saka: "You carried me?" Maki: "Actually, no." Toudou: "It was the manager Tome-san." Saka: "Who? Sorry, sorry!" Toudou: "I'm just glad you're okay. Anyway..." Toudou: "You were dreaming, weren't you?" Toudou: "Tell us what you were dreaming about, Four-Eyes." Saka: "Dreaming?" Toudou: "Indeed. The facial expressions you were making while dreaming were so interesting, I'm curious." Maki: "Since you were talking about princess this, princess that, it must've been about anime." Toudou: "You can't fool me." Toudou: "You were dreaming about a girl." Makishima: "No, anime." Toudou: "No, girls." Saka: "Um..." Saka: "I've been thinking about the Inter-High." Saka: "So it wasn't either one." Toudou: "You even pedal in your dreams?" Maki: "It's no wonder." Maki: "You gave everything you had in just three days." Maki: "Both you and the team did that for the summit." Saka: "Yeah." uko: "Hotshot!" Ima: "No. I won't allow it." Ima: "Honestly, I wasn't sure you could do it." Ima: "I wasn't sure you could pull an exhausted team to the front." Ima: "But you did it." Ima: "Watching you from behind, I learned anew." Ima: "I remembered." Ima: "We understand how you feel!" Ima: "We're going to the third day!" Ima: "We're going to see the finish line!" Ima: "Don't make those words a lie." Ima: "But if you say you can't ride and your legs won't move anymore..." Ima: "...then I'll take you to the finish line myself!" Toudou: "Fall back, Manami!" Toudou: "I'll pull!" Imaizumi: "If we fall behind now, all our efforts will go to waste!" Saka: "What a luxurious morning." Maki: "Don't get dizzy again." Saka: "I won't. Sorry for the troubled I caused yester—" Izumi: "Abs!"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Re:RIDE – Yowamushi Pedal Re:RIDE", "parsed": [] }
Kinjou: "It's on, Hakone Academy... ...and Kyoto Fushimi!" uku: "Bring it on. Let's settle, once and for all, who the kings of the second day are!" Kinjou: "Let's go! It's the final battle!" Ima: "Yes, sir!" uku: "Rise..." uku: "...Shinkai!" J: "He's so fast!" Midou: "Pull like you mean it, Ishigaki-kun!" Shinkai: "Don't be so impatient, Midousuji-kun." Shinkai: "The race isn't over." Midou: "Wh-What are you, a zombie?" Shinkai: "Sorry, but we're winning this time. Yowamushi Pedal Yowamushi Pedal Yowamushi Pedal Yowamushi Pedal" Shinkai: "I can see you're determined from your riding..." Shinkai: "...Sohoku first-year, Imaizumi-kun." Shinkai: "But so am I!" C: "Where's Kyoto Fushimi? They're right behind them!" Shinkai: "Go!" A: "They're coming!" B: "It's a right angle turn!" Ishi: "Midousuji-kun..." Ishi: "I'm sorry! Thank you!" Midou: "Of course. I can't have you slipping up here." Midou: "After all, you're my assistant." Ishi: "Got it!" 1: "It's a three-way battle!" Ishi: "I pulled you exactly 250 meters, Midousuji!" Kinjou: "Don't take it all yourself, Imaizumi." Kinjou: "You did a good job." Ima: "Kinjou-san..." Kinjou: "Entrust your heart to me." Ima: "Kinjou-san, please! I entrust to you... ...my heart!" Shinkai: "Catch up, Juichi!" Kinjou: "You're here, Fukutomi?" uku: "Of course." uku: "I am strong!" Kinjou: "That's... a problem!" Kinjou: "We will win!" uku: "Kinjou!" 1: "They're catching up! They can do it!" Both: "A graduation trip?" Toudou: "Indeed!" Toudou: "The final event of our high school careers." Toudou: "An event truly worthy of a page in our adolescence." Ara: "Adolescence, my ass. You can go if you want." Toudou: "I'm planning this for Fuku. I wanted to thank him for bearing the responsibility and burden of being Hakone Academy's ace and captain and pulling us this far." Ara: "Quit looking at me!" Shinkai: "Where are we going?" Toudou: "The most standard graduation trip destination is none other than..." Toudou: "...a theme park!" Ara: "Those places are super-crowded!" Shinkai: "We'd spend the whole day standing in line." Toudou: "That's not good. Then I'll have to find somewhere else." Shinkai: "If we're taking a trip, why don't we go a little farther from home?" Toudou: "You mean overseas?" Shinkai: "Uh, no." Shinkai: "How about this?" Toudou: "This would be better." Ara: "If you guys don't decide soon, Fuku-chan will get here." Shinkai: "Want to ask Juichi where he wants to go?" Toudou: "But then it wouldn't be surprise at all." All: "This is it!" Ara: "Won't it be hard to tell him why we chose this?" Shinkai: "Why not? It looks fun." Toudou: "It'll be fine. He'll think we chose it for this beautiful scenery." Toudou: "Or so we thought..." Toudou: "Why?!" Shinkai: "This is a little different from what we expected." Ara: "Not just a little. This place is deserted." Toudou: "This isn't good." Ara: "What?" Toudou: "Fuku looks angry." Toudou: "What should we do, Arakita?" Ara: "There's nothing we can do." Shinkai: "He always looks like that." Ara: "Stone-Face sure is hard to read." Toudou: "This wouldn't have happened if you'd agreed to go to a standard theme park." Ara: "You're making this my fault?" Shinkai: "Actually, I'm enjoying this." uku: "Hey." uku: "How long are you going to stand there? Let's go." Ara: "Well, it can't be helped." Toudou: "To treat Fuku to a grand old time..." Shinkai: "Let's go..." Shinkai: "...to join our ace." uku: "Thank you for fighting me with all your strength. Now I can laugh" uku: "from the bottom of my heart." Kinjou: "You are strong." Kinjou: "But I won't lose tomorrow!" Midou: "Tomorrow..." Midou: "...I'm not riding in the race." Saka: "Uh, um..." Saka: "U-Um, are you going shopping, too, Midousuji-kun?" Saka: "M-Midousuji-kun, um, can I ask you something?" Midou: "No. Don't talk to me." Saka: "Th-There's something I've been wondering for a while now." Saka: "You always call small fry "Zakus." Do you like anime?" Saka: "I was always alone. I didn't have anyone to discuss anime with." Saka: "I would ride to Akiba alone." Midou: "If you want a fight that badly, I'll give you one." Saka: "A fight?" Midou: "We'll race to the pharmacy." Midou: "If you win, we can have a nice, long conversation about anime." Saka: "Okay!" Saka: "You're so fast." Midou: "I have a question." Saka: "Yes, what is it?" Midou: "Why were you smiling when we were racing earlier? Because you wanted to win and discuss anime?" Saka: "Discussing anime was part of it, but..." Saka: "...I can't help myself. When I'm riding a bike, especially when I'm riding with someone else," Saka: "I end up smiling because I'm having fun." Ishi: "Midousuji!" Club: "Ishigaki-san!" Midou: "You shouldn't be here, Ishigaki-kun." Midou: "You should be waiting at the starting line." Midou: "You're my assistant." Ishi: "Midousuji..." Midou: "Right?" Machi: "The weather's nice." Machi: "I'm glad the Inter-High's rules are so simple. No matter what happens during the event, whoever crosses the finish line first today wins." uko: "Let's go! It's the final day! Let's do this, Onoda-kun!" Saka: "Yeah!" Toudou: "We have a deal, Four-Eyes." Mana: "Hey, Sakamichi-kun." Saka: "They're riding beside with us!" Tado: "We're cooperating." Toudou: "When you share the same goal or enemy... ...you overcome team lines to work together." Machi: "Cooperation?" Machi: "Guys, today's the last day! There's no reason to hesitate!" Machi: "Our goal is one and the same!" Machi: "They assume we won't catch up to them." Machi: "Let's show them the speed of the pack." Saka: "What's wrong, Manami-kun?" Mana: "Nothing. I just feel a little anxious." Saka: "What?" Mana: "I feel like things are going to get rough." Saka: "No way! The weather?" Mana: "No, not that..." Machi: "Faster!" Machi: "Go faster!" Machi: "Imagine the leaders around every corner!" Ima: "We caught up to the front!" Shinkai: "You're short of breath." Shinkai: "Imaizumi-kun, are you at your limit?" Shinkai: "This is the front." Shinkai: "It's closest to the finish line." Shinkai: "It's a battlefield!" Ima: "Kinjou-san! Hakone Academy's moving!" Mana: "Sakamichi-kun..." Mana: "Behind us." Mana: "Arakita-san, they're coming." Ara: "What have you been doing, anyway? You're not leaking our orders to..." Maki: "Honestly..." Maki: "I didn't expect this." Tado: "Damn it!" Ara: "Annoying!" Machi: "Get Hakone Academy and Sohoku!" Izumi: "Arakita-san, the pack is going to swallow us!" Ara: "We don't have a choice! Izumida! Take Toudou with you!" Izumi: "What about you?" Ara: "I'll control the pack and slow it down." Ara: "You guys catch up to Fuku-chan by any means necessary." Izumi: "Arakita-san!" Toudou: "Arakita!" uko: "Onoda-kun!" uko: "Don't get out of line! Grab on!" Saka: "Naruko-kun!" Saka: "Naruko-kun!" uko: "Onoda-kun!" Taura: "Did they leave you behind, Sohoku Climber?" Machi: "You really don't have any, do you?" Taura: "What are all you guys doing together?" Taura: "Are you going somewhere?" Machi: "Yeah. We're leaving you to ride for the front." Taura: "What?" Machi: "We're done with you. Only Hiroshima's six riders... ...are catching up to the front!" Machi: "Now, then. Let's..." Machi: "...catch our fleeing prey!" uko: "Hiroshima's coming!" Saka: "E-Excuse me." Saka: "I'd like to start chasing that guy, but, um..." Saka: "Can we work together?" Rider: "What?" Rider: "I can't..." Saka: "Excuse me." Saka: "Can we work together?" Rider: "I don't have the energy." Saka: "Excuse me." Rider: "I can't." Saka: "U-Um..." Saka: "I want to chase the guys up front." Saka: "Would you like to help... me..." Ara: "What?" Ara: "You're the skinny four-eyed kid!" Ara: "What are you looking at?" Saka: "Sorry, uh..." Saka: "Please..." Saka: "work with me to catch up to the guys in front of us!" Ara: "Shut up! Why do I have to ride with you, huh? Moron!" Ara: "Right now... I'm pissed because those Hiroshima bastards passed me!" Ara: "I don't have time for your games!" Rider: "It's Hakone Academy. What's he doing here?" Ara: "Move! You're in the way!" Saka: "Please! Wait!" Ara: "What?" Ara: "You still haven't given up yet, Four-Eyes?" Saka: "Please!" Saka: "I'll do anything to catch up!" Ara: "I'll work with you." Ara: "Pull for me." Saka: "Yes, sir!" Ara: "Let's chase them!" Saka: "Yes, sir! Thank you!" Rider: "Hakone Academy and Sohoku are going ahead!" Saka: "Is something wrong?" Ara: "Yeah. We're bringing one more guy with us." Ara: "You finally made it." Mana: "Hey, Sakamichi-kun." Saka: "Manami-kun?" Mana: "If we three work together, we'll catch up three times faster." Saka: "Yeah." Ara: "Go, Four-Eyes!" Saka: "Yes, sir!" Saka: "Um, A-Arakita-san." Ara: "What? Are you at your limit already, Four-Eyes?" Saka: "Can I ride as hard as I can?" Mana: "Arakita-san..." Mana: "He can pedal even faster." Ara: "You're better than I thought, Onoda-chan!" Mana: "It's my turn." Mana: "Let's switch." Saka: "Okay, thanks." Mana: "Isn't this fun, Sakamichi-kun?" Saka: "Yeah!" Mana: "We'd have even more fun on a climb." Saka: "Yeah!" Ara: "Hey, first-years!" Ara: "Climbers are too slow on flats. I'll show you how I carried the reigning champions' ace to the finish countless times!" Ara: "I'll show you how Hakone Academy's #2 pulls!" Ara: "Don't get left behind, first-years!" Ara: "I see them!" Saka: "Is it Hiroshima?" Ara: "It's our consolation prize, Onoda-chan!" uko: "Onoda-kun!" Saka: "Makishima-san! Tadokoro-san! Naruko-kun!" Ara: "Izumida! Don't let Hiroshima pass you when you're pulling, you moron!" Izumi: "I'm sorry!" Saka: "I'm glad we got to meet up again, though." Saka: "What?" Saka: "We're not meeting up with them, Arakita-san?" Ara: "Onoda-chan..." Ara: "Can't you smell it?" Ara: "That awful stench!" Ara: "We can't stop here!" Ara: "We're close! I'm on fire! I can't wait! I'm ready to devour my enemies!" Machi: "H-How? You were caught in the pack!" Machi: "What are you doing here?" Ara: "That's it! That's the face I wanted to see, Machimiya!" Machi: "Faster! Shake off Hakone Academy!" Machi: "Satozaki! Shiono! Pull harder!" Both: "Right!" Ara: "You can't run! Machimiya, you scum!" Ara: "Once I eat you, you're finished!" Ibi: "Miya, give up." Ibi: "We can't pull ahead of him if we don't do that." Machi: "I wanted to wait until we got to the front..." Machi: "...to use this." Machi: "I didn't get here on the devil's luck alone, Hakone Academy!" Machi: "Come on! Let's settle this! I'll bite you to death," Machi: "Hakone Academy!" Saka: "Blood! You're bleeding, Arakita-san!" Ara: "Bastard!" Machi: "Headbutt me back." Machi: "It's a substitute for a gong..." Machi: "...to mark the fall of Hakone Academy!" A: "They're pulling ahead!" Machi: "Hakone Academy! Hakone Academy! Scumbag champions, Hakone Academy! It's over!" Higashi: "We did it!" Machi: "I see! You're over there!" Machi: "Hakone Academy! Fall, fall!" Saka: "Arakita-san, let me know if there's anything I can do!" Ara: "Shut up! I told you guys to shut up and follow me!" Ara: "Fuku-chan told me to carry you!" Machi: "There it is! You're Fuku-chan's pet! You've been completely domesticated, wolf!" Machi: "This year's Hakone Academy is no match for me!" Machi: "I'll flip the situation on its head! I'll make you taste the pain of last year's second stage!" Machi: "Why are you smiling?" Ara: "I know how you feel." Ara: "I don't mind guys like you." Machi: "An elite rider of Hakone Academy understands nothing!" Ara: "I used to be just like you. You're aggressive, irritable, aggressive toward everyone, and obsessed with the past. You drag out the past again and again so you can take your anger out on others." Ara: "Machimiya..." Ara: "I'm using all my strength to move forward. If you'd been facing forward and riding with all your strength, you'd probably be good enough" Ara: "to make Hakone Academy cower in fear!" Ibi: "Damn it. He's saying something! I can't hear him!" Ara: "Once the race is over, let's share a drink." Ara: "I'll buy you a Bepsi." Ara: "You're... strong." Ibi: "Damn it. Let's chase them, Miya! Once we catch up to the front, we can still—" Machi: "Don't, Ibitani." Machi: "Willpower, stamina, and fighting spirit. We gave everything we had and still lost." Machi: "I hate to admit it, but..." Machi: "...he might be right." Saka: "I see them. It's the lead pack!" Ara: "We're a little late..." Ara: "...but I brought your wonder boys!" Saka: "Um, Arakita-san..." Ara: "What?" Saka: "Um, if not for you, I..." Saka: "I don't think I could've made it out of the pack. A-Also, Hiroshima—" Ara: "Shut up!" Ara: "We were working together. Of course I helped you." Ara: "But that ends here. From here on out, we're opponents. So don't get too used to it, Onoda-chan." Saka: "Yes, sir!" Ara: "Anyway, Fuku-chan..." Ara: "...you always ask for too much!" uku: "I know." uku: "I knew you could do it, Arakita." 2: "Look! Some more guys are coming up from behind!" Shinkai: "I thought you left them behind." Ara: "Idiot." Ara: "They wouldn't drop out!" Tado: "Thanks for waiting, Kinjou!" Maki: "Hey!" uko: "All six of us are here!" uku: "Everyone's here." uku: "Let's win this race." uku: "Hakone Academy, let's move." All: "Yeah!" Toudou: "And so," Toudou: "rule number one for enjoying theme parks..." Toudou: "Forget about your everyday life." Toudou: "As long as you're wearing one of these, anyone can become a citizen of dreamland." Ara: "I don't want to live there! You can't seriously expect me to wear this and walk around! And this isn't much different from what you always wear!" Ara: "It's not fair!" Toudou: "Ha! How naïve of you not to understand the difference, Arakita. Not only can I climb and take charge of trips, Mountain God Tours" Toudou: "but I'm also beautiful and brilliant. I move. Heaven has blessed me with— Hey, listen!" Toudou: "Arakita, these serve the same purpose as jerseys do in road races." Toudou: "Not wearing one is like participating in a road race while naked." Ara: "I'd rather be naked!" Toudou: "Then how about this? These serve the same purpose as number tags do in road races. If you don't wear one, you can't participate." Shinkai: "Juichi, what are you—" Ara: "Fuku-chan, that lion..." uku: "How's this?" Shinkai: "Okay, Juichi." Ara: "It's not okay! Fuku-chan, you're doing this—" Toudou: "This is better than I expected. Let's take a commemorative photo." Ara: "We're taking a picture?" Toudou: "Of course." Toudou: "Rule number two for enjoying theme parks..." Toudou: "Every moment is fleeting. So we should capture every one of those moments in our hearts" Toudou: "and in photos so we don't forget them." Shinkai: "Hey, Juichi. Say cheese." Ara: "Okay, let's go!" Ara: "Rules for enjoying..." Ara: "Uh, what was it?" Toudou: "Theme parks!" Ara: "Yeah, number three. Scream and shout to burn off steam." Ara: "The scream kings of theme parks are roller coasters." Ara: "Get in, Fuku-chan." Ara: "I'll carry you to the finish line." Shinkai: "This is a bit cute for a champion." Ara: "Shut up! This was all they had. We didn't have a choice. Don't let it shake you..." Ara: "What?" Ara: "N-Not bad..." Toudou: "It's about what I expected." Shinkai: "That was fun. Right, Juichi?" Shinkai: "Juichi?" Toudou: "Fuku!" Shinkai: "Juichi!" Ara: "Fuku-chan!" Midou: "Today is the third and final day, Ishigaki-kun," Midou: "and only half of the race remains." Midou: "It is a true battle for survival." Midou: "Only a handful make it to the finish line." Midou: "Watch." Midou: "Those who seem the most energetic now will be first to fall." Ara: "Shinkai! Switch with me! It's the final stage of the Inter-High!" Ara: "I'll pull Hakone Academy!" Tado: "You were just duking it out with Hiroshima! You're one tough guy, Arakita!" Ara: "I'm at my peak! I'm gushing adrenaline! I'm going to put the ace on my back... ...and take him all the way to the finish line!" : "Hakone Academy's ace sprinter Shinkai is moving up!" : "Hakone Academy is switching leads!" Shinkai: "Yasutomo!" uku: "Yes, Yasutomo." uku: "No one could have rode better." Saka: "What? Arakita-san..." Saka: "Arakita-san!" B: "It's Hakone Academy!" D: "Sohoku's behind!" K: "They're 100 meters... No, 200 meters ahead!" uko: "Bring it on." Both: "We'll catch up to them in an instant with me pulling!" uko: "What are you doing, Hotshot? I'm pulling!" Ima: "You're too small! You can't shield Tadokoro-san from wind!" uko: "You're tired from pulling Kinjou-san! You should rest!" Ima: "Shut up! I'll handle this!" uko: "Fine, then." uko: "We'll go on three!" Ima: "Do your best!" Both: "One, two, three!" O: "Sohoku's so fast!" P: "They've accelerated since the first-years started pulling!" Saka: "Um, third-years..." Saka: "Thank you for bringing us this far." Saka: "We'll do our very best." Saka: "Promise us you'll win the Inter-High!" uko: "I'll carry our jersey!" Ima: "We will..." Saka: "...do everything we can do!" uko: "Hey, wait up!" Ima: "Wait!" Both: "Hakone Academy!" uku: "Accelerate, Izumida." Izumi: "Yes, Fukutomi-san! Abs, abs, abs, abs!" Izumi: "Abs, abs, abs, abs!" Izumi: "We've pulled ahead of Sohoku!" Izumi: "The rest is up to you." Shinkai: "Leave it to us, Izumida!" Izumi: "Shinkai-san..." Izumi: "Please win the race, Hakone Academy!" Saka: "Imaizumi-kun! Naruko-kun!" Ima: "Yeah!" uko: "I know. If someone pulls ahead, you just have to catch up!" Ima: "We'll go with a short rotation, Onoda! We'll switch off every 20 seconds!" Saka: "Got it!" uko: "Pedal for your lives! This is our last job! Let's show them our strength!" Saka: "Yeah!" Ima: "Let's carry our jerseys!" Kinjou: "Fall back, first-years." Tado: "You did well." Saka: "Did you tell us to fall back?" Kinjou: "Onoda... Naruko... Imaizumi..." Kinjou: "This is my final order for you." Kinjou: "Raise the pace and catch up to Hakone Academy." Kinjou: "Just before we enter the mountains, you will separate from the team." uko: "I can still ride! I've got more to give!" Kinjou: "Naruko, you must understand." Kinjou: "It's not a question of strength now." Kinjou: "It's about whether or not we catch up to our opponents." Tado: "I'll take us there!" Kinjou: "Raise the pace, Tadokoro!" Kinjou: "Don't fall behind, guys!" All: "Yeah!" Kinjou: "We've caught up to Hakone Academy!" uku: "They're here." uku: "Shake them off, Shinkai." Shinkai: "Okay, Juichi." Kinjou: "Get us beside them, Tadokoro!" Tado: "Yeah!" Kinjou: "Switch, Tadokoro!" Tado: "Okay!" All: "We're beside them!" Kinjou: "Every step we take brings us closer to our goal." uku: "And that has produced results." uku: "Pull with all your strength, Shinkai." Ima: "Hakone Academy!" uko: "How can he accelerate like that?" 1: "They're pulling ahead!" 2: "Hakone Academy's #4 is so fast!" Tado: "Switch, Kinjou!" Tado: "Kinjou!" Tado: "Rest your legs for a while! We'll catch up to them on my strength alone!" Tado: "Let me be the first to say it." Tado: "Thanks for these three years." 3: "They're closing the gap!" uku: "Shinkai..." Tado: "You're not going anywhere!" Tado: "These flats are a sprinter's finish line!" 1: "It's 500 meters to the mountains!" Tado: "Let's get beside 'em!" 1: "They're beside Hakone Academy!" 2: "Sohoku's amazing!" uko: "Old man!" 1: "They're finally at the mountains! Who'll pull ahead?" 1: "The ace climber, Toudou Jinpachi!" 2: "The first-year climber, Manami Sangaku!" 3: "Yesterday's champion, Fukutomi Juichi!" Maki: "Hey, Kinjou! Aren't we going? Hey! What's..." B: "Two guys jumped ahead!" Maki: "Tell me you're joking, Kinjou!" Saka: "Are you okay, Kinjou-san?" Saka: "Does your head hurt?" Saka: "Um, before..." Saka: "...you told me to support my teammates when they fall." Saka: "That's why I spoke up." Kinjou: "First-years! Makishima! Listen closely!" Kinjou: "I'm changing your orders!" Kinjou: "And..." Kinjou: "You must execute them!" Kinjou: "Climb the mountains with Makishima! It doesn't matter who does it." Kinjou: "Take this jersey across the finish line before anyone else!" Kinjou: "You'll have only one chance. Don't miss it. Find it. Grab it. Pull it to yourselves." Kinjou: "You're going up against the strongest Hakone Academy lineup." Kinjou: "But you should be able to do it." Kinjou: "Take mine and Tadokoro's desires." Kinjou: "Take them there!" Kinjou: "Grow." Kinjou: "You still have more left to give, Imaizumi Shunsuke. Naruko Shoukichi," Kinjou: "you're still not flashy enough." Kinjou: "Onoda Sakamichi..." Kinjou: "You still have a job to do." Kinjou: "Get to the finish line." Kinjou: "We never give up!" Kinjou: "That is Team Sohoku!" All: "Yes, sir!" uku: "They never give up." Shinkai: "Rule number four for enjoying theme parks..." Shinkai: "Since we're out here enjoying the freedom and fresh air, we should eat outside." Shinkai: "Almost ready. Want some?" uku: "Yeah, thanks." Ara: "It's all meat." Shinkai: "Don't you like it? Eat up." Shinkai: "Kapow!" uku: "Thanks for the food." Both: "Thanks for the food." Shinkai: "Eat all you want." Ara: "Give me some vegetables, too." Toudou: "You can't expect me to eat at your pace!" Ara: "Watch out!" Toudou: "Oh, no!" uku: "Hot!" Ara: "Fuku-chan!" Shinkai: "Juichi!" Shinkai: "Jin-kun..." Shinkai: "You caught up to me again." Tado: "Keep talking, Shinkai." Shinkai: "You fought well." Tado: "We both did." Shinkai: "Will Sohoku catch up?" Tado: "Huh?" Shinkai: "Our lineup is perfect." Shinkai: "What's your strategy?" Tado: "We don't have one." Tado: "We probably ran out of ideas when Kinjou dropped out." Tado: "All that's left is to go with the flow." Shinkai: "That's pretty vague." Tadokoro: "That's what suits us best." Tadokoro: "Especially that idiot." uko: "Out of the way! I'm the Speedman of Naniwa, Sohoku's prodigal rocketeer, Naruko Shoukichi!" 12: "The red guy's climbing this incline like it's nothing!" uko: "Cheer even louder for Sohoku, everyone!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun's amazing! He's inspiring the fans!" Imaizumi: "Will he be all right?" Imaizumi: "At this rate, Naruko will lose speed." Sakamchi: "What?" Imaizumi: "Naruko is a sprinter." Imaizumi: "He can't climb at full speed for long." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" uko: "I've been waiting for you to say that, Hotshot!" uko: "You don't understand what it means to love to stand out." uko: "A hero breaks out his killer move when his friends are in trouble." Sakamichi: "A killer move..." uko: "It's a technique developed by Naruko Industries, the Armstrong Climb!" uko: "Get on!" uko: "Onoda-kun! Hotshot! Makishima-san! This is the Naruko Super-Express to Hakone Academy!" Sakamiichi: "Naruko-kun is amazing." Imaizumi: "He's going faster." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" Imaizumi: "He cut himself..." Sakamichi: "Let's switch, Naruko-kun!" Imaizumi: "Fall back, Naruko!" Ima: "Don't be stubborn, Naruko!" uko: "Whoa there, Hotshot. Who do you think you're talking to?" uko: "I'm Naruko Shoukichi." uko: "Stubborn?" uko: "What could be better than being stubborn?" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" Imaizumi: "He can't see!" uko: "Damn it!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun, I'll pull!" uko: "Onoda-kun, don't be stupid. You worry too much." uko: "You think I'm going to drop out?" uko: "We made a promise at the beginning..." uko: "That the three of us would take first together." uko: "That we'd make it to the finish line before anyone else." uko: "Can you do me one favor, though?" Sakamichi: "Huh?" uko: "I'm a sprinter. I'm not a great climber. I keep riding with my head down since it's so tough, so could you watch from behind and tell me if I have to go left or right on the next turn?" uko: "Then we'll definitely catch up to Hakone Academy!" Sakamichi: "But..." uko: "I'm counting on you, Onoda-kun!" Sakamichi: "Left turn 50 meters ahead!" Sakamichi: "Go straight for a while!" Sakamichi: "Right!" Sakamichi: "Take a big left turn!" Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun, I can see them." Sakamichi: "I see them!" Sakamichi: "The lead pack!" Sakamichi: "It's Hakone Academy!" uko: "I wanted to see..." uko: "...the look on their faces!" Saka: "Naruko-kun!" uku: "You're here." uku: "Let me ask you a question, then. Without Kinjou," uku: "who is your ace?" Imaizumi: "I am Sohoku's ace." Ima: "I challenge you, Fukutomi-san." A: "One of Sohoku's guys jumped ahead!" Imaizumi: "Unlike you, I won't use any feints." Imaizumi: "I will ride alone and cross the finish line." Imaizumi: "There are 15 kilometers left." Imaizumi: "I will take first place." uku: "I'm going!" Toudou: "Fuku!" Imaizumi: "In a battle of strength, who do you think wins?" uku: "What?" Imaizumi: "It's simple." Imaizumi: "The strongest one." Toudou: "I didn't think your ace would suddenly jump ahead!" Makishima: "You weren't expecting that, were you?" Toudou: "Damn it! Was that Sohoku's plan all along, Maki-chan?" Makishima: "No. I wasn't expecting it, either!" Makishima: "I couldn't have. It didn't even occur to me. Attacking with 15 kilometers left is reckless. The final day is a climb." Makishima: "The Inter-High is an important race. It's been drilled into all of us." Makishima: "The finish line of a big race is won at the very, very end. I know it, you know it, and Fukutomi knows it." Toudou: "Damn it! Fuku!" Makishima: "You're not going anywhere!" Toudou: "Move!" Toudou: "You're in the way, Maki-chan! Move!" Man A: "Yes. #174 is dropping out." Man B: "Riders are coming! Make way, everyone!" Ishigaki: "The rest is up to you." I: "Another rider fell!" I: "It's Kyoto Fushimi!" Man 1: "Are you okay?" Man 2: "Get some water and a cold towel!" Toudou: "Wait!" Toudou: "I thought you'd fallen far behind, Kyoto Fushimi's Midousuji!" Toudou: "After him, Manami!" Sakamichi: "Excuse me." Sakamichi: "Should I go after them, too?" Sakamichi: "Makishima-san!" Makishima: "Yeah, go! Don't hold anything back anymore!" Makishima: "Protect the ace! Take Sohoku's jersey across the finish line with Imaizumi!" Makishima: "Kinjou's, Tadokoro's, Naruko's... Our dream! Be the first one to take it across the finish line!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Manami: "Let's race to see who can reach the aces first." Midousuji: "Very well. I accept. Either way, I have to scatter all the opponents before me to reach the finish line." s: "Kyoto Fushimi's moving! He's so fast!" Midousuji: "Why don't we add a condition to our race toward the aces? "The loser won't pass the winner until the finish line."" Midousuji: "How does that sound?" Manami: "Sounds interesting! It'll be a close race!" 1: "What did #6 just do?" 2: "That acceleration was creepy!" Manami: "Sorry, but I win this round." Midousuji: "You're so fast!" Midousuji: "That's what you were hiding up your sleeve?" Midousuji: "Ma..." Midousuji: "...nami!" Midousuji: "How's that?" Toudou: "Maki-chan, with Midousuji's physical strength and judgment..." Toudou: "...and Manami's first-rate climbing..." Toudou: "...do you really think Four-Eyes can catch up to them after a late start?" Makishima: "Of course!" Midousuji: "Four-Eyes?" Manami: "What are you doing over there, Sakamichi-kun?" Sakamichi: "I caught up." Sakamichi: "I caught up, Makishima-san!" Sakamichi: "Manami-kun, Midousuji-kun..." Sakamichi: "I'm so glad..." Sakamichi: "...I caught up to you." Sakamichi: "But..." Sakamichi: "Makishima-san told me to protect our ace." Sakamichi: "Everyone is counting on us." Sakamichi: "He told me to win with Imaizumi-kun. So Midousuji-kun!" Sakamichi: "I will stop you!" Sakamichi: "I won't let you reach our ace!" Midousuji: "That makes things easier to understand." Midousuji: "In other words, I just have to pull ahead!" Midousuji: "Isn't that right?" Sakamichi: "I will stop you, Midousuji-kun!" Sakamichi: "I'll do it!" Midousuji: "You left the inside wide open. You suck at making efficient lines." Midousuji: "Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "Stop, stop, stop!" Sakamichi: "Excuse me! Coming through!" Midousuji: "I see the ace. Whoever gets beside Fukutomi-kun first wins, Mana..." Midousuji: "Sakamichi!" Manami: "Catch up!" Midousuji: "Pull ahead!" Q: "Amazing! They caught up!" Manami: "Too bad..." Manami: "We tied." T: "Five guys are in the lead pack!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun! Imaizumi-kun!" Sakamichi: "I'm really, um..." Sakamichi: "I'm sorry!" Sakamichi: "I was told to protect our ace." Sakamichi: "But I..." Sakamichi: "I couldn't stop Midousuji-kun! Imaizumi-kun, I'm really so—" Imaizumi: "You astonish me." Imaizumi: "We're at the front of the final battle of the Inter-High. You jumped out from behind, climbed," Imaizumi: "kept up with the others, and caught up to us." Imaizumi: "Just now. You've done something incredible," Imaizumi: "but the first words out of your mouth are, "I'm sorry"? You should hold your head high and say, "That's right, I'm here. You should be grateful."" Imaizumi: "You shouldn't be apologizing, idiot." Imaizumi: "I'm impressed you made it here, Onoda. No, Sakamichi." Sakamichi: "I-Imaizumi-kun..." Imaizumi: "Take the finish line." Imaizumi: "Let's give this everything we have." Imaizumi: "Everything." Sakamichi: "Okay! Got it!" Midousuji: "Chirpizumi!" Midousuji: "The other side is wide open!" Imaizumi: "I told you, Midousuji." Imaizumi: "You're not going anywhere." Imaizumi: "You can try again and again." Imaizumi: "I'll stop you every time." Midousuji: "The power of friendship? Did punching each other on the shoulder and lifting your spirits make you stronger, too?" Midousuji: "P-i-g-s." Sakamichi: "He's coming from the inside!" Sakamichi: "Oh, no!" Sakamichi: "Midousuji-kun pulled ahead!" Midousuji: "Couldn't you have stopped me by yourself, Piggyzumi-kun?" Midousuji: "Gross!" Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun!" Imaizumi: "Don't worry about me." Imaizumi: "I'll take back..." Imaizumi: "...our lead!" Imaizumi: "So you..." Imaizumi: "...have to keep up with me!" Sakamichi: "Okay!" Midousuji: "Gross! Gross, gross!" Imaizumi: "A flashy redhead taught me that when your time has come, you go big or go home!" Imaizumi: "A plain kid with glasses taught me you have to break through the walls in your way!" Sakamichi: "What?" Imaizumi: "If not for those ridiculously amazing guys," Imaizumi: "I wouldn't be here now!" Midousuji: "What?" Midousuji: "What are you talking about? Friendship? If friendship's that important to you, why don't you cross the finish line holding hands?" Imaizumi: "The redhead's dream" Imaizumi: "of crossing the finish line while holding hands didn't become reality." Imaizumi: "But it gives me strength. In moments like these," Imaizumi: "all that built-up emotion pushes you forward!" Imaizumi: "Naruko!" Midousuji: "Fine. I'll show you my true form." Midousuji: "This is where..." Midousuji: "...you'll fall." Midousuji: "Break!" Imaizumi: "Get out of the way." Imaizumi: "I'm riding..." Imaizumi: "...in the front!" Midousuji: "I'm telling you to break!" Midousuji: "Break!" Imaizumi: "Move!" B: "Did their bikes touch?" A: "He moved up beside him! Kyoto Fushimi drew even at the bottom!" Imaizumi: "I'm glad." Imaizumi: "That it wasn't my tire or chain." Imaizumi: "Frames don't break that easily." Imaizumi: "I can keep riding to the finish line!" Imaizumi: "I'll win! I will win!" Midousuji: "Stretch!" Mother: "No matter what happens, you have to keep moving forward." A: "Sohoku's in front! He's not giving up!" B: "Amazing!" Ishigaki: "You have a future." Ishigaki: "It'll pay off someday!" : "Are you okay?" A: "He fell!" Manami: "Hey. We finally caught up, Imaizumi-kun." uku: "We are..." uku: "...strong!" Ara: "Go, Fuku-chan!" Ara: "We'll finish way ahead of them!" Toudou: "I accelerate without making a sound because I move with perfect efficiency." Toudou: "My opponents don't know they're being followed." Ara: "No, they'd notice because you're so freaking loud." Toudou: "By the time they notice, I'm far ahead!" Ara: "Damn it! That noisy bastard passed us!" uku: "Switch with me, Arakita." Ara: "Don't order me around. You let them get too far ahead. You need to pedal harder, Fuku-chan." uku: "But look, Arakita. We can still catch glimpses of them at this distance." uku: "Doesn't that light your fire?" Ara: "Yeah, it does!" Ara: "Quit dropping in and out of sight, damn it!" Shinkai: "I'll pedal next, Jinpachi." Toudou: "Sure." Shinkai: "Yasutomo!" Ara: "What?" Shinkai: "Have you heard about" Shinkai: "the demon that appears on Hakone's straights?" uku: "What?" uku: "Go, Manami!" Imaizumi: "Manami!" Imaizumi: "I knew you'd keep up." Imaizumi: "Rise, Sakamichi!" Imaizumi: "You know what you have to do!" Sakamichi: "I know!" Imaizumi: "Take it! You're the only one who can chase after Manami!" Sakamichi: "Yes!" Imaizumi: "Stop your own hands from shaking." Imaizumi: "Decide when you have to make your move." Imaizumi: "You're the only one!" Imaizumi: "But don't worry." Imaizumi: "The entire team's will is behind you!" Sakamichi: "Yeah!" Imaizumi: "Climb, Onoda Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "I'll climb, Imaizumi-kun!" : "Two riders are leading the race! Only 2.5 kilometers remain!" uku: "Imaizumi..." Imaizumi: "Yes?" uku: "We watched the progress of the race, and sent our strongest climber at the perfect time. Were you expecting us to do that?" Imaizumi: "No." Imaizumi: "Honestly, I was surprised. I wasn't expecting that." Imaizumi: "It's hard to explain, but in that moment..." Imaizumi: "I believed. I believed that he'd kept up with us." Imaizumi: "I told him to keep up with me." Imaizumi: "He said he would." uku: "That's all?" Imaizumi: "Believing, trusting..." Imaizumi: "And riding as hard as we can." Imaizumi: "That's how simple Sohoku's strategy is." Imaizumi: "I just realized it myself." Imaizumi: "That must be the joy of road racing." Manami: "Your cadence is incredible." Manami: "You're pedaling faster than ever." Manami: "But..." Manami: "How's this?" Manami: "Go!" Sakamichi: "Turn, turn, turn!" : "He passed him! Sohoku passed Hakone Academy!" Manami: "Hey." Manami: "Wait up. Let's ride until we've given all we have." Manami: "Otherwise, it'd be a waste." Manami: "I can't wait!" Manami: "Sorry, but I get impatient as I approach the peak." Manami: "I naturally shift up!" Manami: "I can see the finish line's gate!" : "He's still accelerating!" Manami: "Turn!" Manami: "Go!" : "The top is here! It's Hakone Academy, the reigning champions!" Sakamichi: "Princess!" : "Sohoku's closing the gap!" : "They're neck and neck!" Onoda: "I caught up, Manami-kun." Manami: "You're amazing." Manami: "I'm exhausted and falling apart..." Manami: "But let's race. At the end of this winding road, there's a gate." Manami: "Whoever passes under it first wins." Sakamichi: "Okay, I'm in. Let's race, Manami-kun." Manami: "Go!" Manami: "The finish line..." : "Sohoku's sprinting!" Imaizumi: "Please, Makishima-san!" uku: "Go, Toudou!" : "It'll be one of these guys! The third day's third place!" uku: "Take it!" Toudou: "Of course! That's why I'm here!" Teshima: "Onoda!" Aoyagi: "Pedal!" : "Manami!" Manami: "Sakamichi-kun..." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun..." Manami: "I gave everything I had." Manami: "I have nothing left." Manami: "Congratulations." Manami: "You won." Manami: "Uh-oh..." Manami: "I don't have the strength left for a handshake." Sakamichi: "Me, neither." Sakamichi: "Sorry." Manami: "I'm glad..." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Both: "...I got to ride with you." Ara: "Jeez, nothing's bleaker than four dudes riding a Ferris wheel." Shinkai: "It's getting chilly, now that it's nighttime." Ara: "That's not what I meant!" uku: "There's something I have to tell you." Ara: "Are you mad, Fuku-chan? But this all started because this guy—" Toudou: "What did you say? Are you saying it's my fault?" Shinkai: "Now, now, you two. Don't worry about it." Both: "You shut up!" uku: "Thank you." uku: "Shinkai, Hakone Academy's #4, I was pleased by your recovery." uku: "You're the strongest and fastest sprinter in history." uku: "Toudou, no climber is greater than you." uku: "The way you climb is both fast and beautiful." uku: "You truly are worthy of the Mountain God title. Arakita," uku: "your beast-like tenacity toward the finish line is admirable." uku: "Thank you for carrying me and the team." uku: "I was only able to be the team's captain because of you." uku: "Thank you." Ara: "Don't, Fuku-chan." Shinkai: "You're embarrassing me." Toudou: "Why are you being so formal?" Shinkai: "Juichi!" Toudou: "Fuku!" Ara: "Fuku-chan!" All: "We are..." Toudou: "What is this?" Toudou: "All the pictures are out of focus." Shinkai: "This is awful." Ara: "Who took these?" Ara: "Onoda-chan?" Ara: "What? They were here?"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal Re:ROAD – Yowamushi Pedal Re:ROAD", "parsed": [] }
Sakamichi: "Princess, princess, princess! I love, love, love you! Princess, princess! Twinkle, twinkle! As long as I have you and all my friends, I'm invincible! Princess, princess, princess! I love, love, love you! Princess, princess..." Sakamichi: "All right! I got a copy of the Love Hime movie Blu-ray! I even got a limited edition shop wall scroll! It was worth standing in line all day!" Sakamichi: "Th-This is..." Sakamichi: "The anime Mogu-Mogurinko's soothing character Kumotaro!" Sakamichi: "I don't have enough money..." Girl: "How cute." Sakamichi: "I'll buy one the next time I come here!" Girl A: "What's this line for?" Girl B: "Probably people buying anime stuff." Sakamichi: "Excuse me. Excuse me." Sakamichi: "Excuse me!" Mom: "Welcome home, Sakamichi." Sakamichi: "I'm back." Boys: "Good morning." Girls: "Good morning. What'd you do over summer break?" Girl A: "Look. The bicycle racing club won the Inter-High." Girl B: "I heard Onoda Sakamichi is a first-year." Girl A: "Seriously? That's amazing." Girl B: "What's his deal?" Girl A: "I know. Let's go." Girl B: "By the way, remember yesterday's fortune?" Imaizumi: "Here." Sakamichi: "Good morning, Imaizumi-kun." uko: "Everyone's ignoring the flashy and cool Naruko Shoukichi in favor of you, Onoda-kun." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun!" uko: "Oh, Hotshot's with you?" uko: "Don't ignore me!" uko: "Onoda-kun, I'll help you." Sakamichi: "Thanks, Naruko-kun." Sakamichi: "Thanks, Imaizumi-kun." Sakamichi: "If I'd been alone at the Inter-High, I wouldn't have made it." Sakamichi: "I didn't just dream that we won." Imaizumi: "Yeah." uko: "Of course not." Imaizumi: "What is this?" Sakamichi: "I went to Akiba!" Imaizumi: "Love Hime..." Sakamichi: "Have you guys become fans yet?" Imaizumi: "Well, actually..." uko: "Onoda-kun, considering how much you sing the theme song, anyone could learn it." Sakamichi: "Aw, shucks." Sakamichi: "Kinjou-san, Tadokoro-san, good morning." Tadokoro: "Hey, Onoda." Kinjou: "Hey." Sakamichi: "Did you memorize the entire "Love Hime Hime Pancake" song?" Sakamichi: "Okay! Lovely chance pancake girl! Lovely chance pancake girl! Lovely chance pancake girl! Lovely chance pancake girl!" Teacher: "That's all for today." Aya: "It's hot again today." Miki: "And it's already September." Aya: "Four-eyes!" Aya: "Did you see the banner?" Sakamichi: "What? Uh..." Miki: "Onoda-kun, are you on your way to practice?" Sakamichi: "Yeah, Kanzaki-san and the tennis club member..." Aya: "Tachibana Aya! You should remember people's names." Sakamichi: "S-Sorry." Aya: "Anyway, congratulations." Aya: "I can't believe an otaku like you..." Sakamichi: "Would you like to join the anime club? The anime club—" Aya: "...would become such a big deal." Sakamichi: "Y-Yeah, I agree." Sakamichi: "I can't believe a beginner like me made it to the end." Miki: "I'm sure the third-years recognized your strength." Aya: "Really? But the third-years are gonna retire soon." Aya: "They've got exams. The seniors in my club who are going to college are retiring, too." Sakamichi: "Retiring..." Miki: "From now on, the team will focus on the first and second-years." Sakamichi: "From now on..." Sakamichi: "I'm going to be late to practice. I've gotta go." Aya: "Despite the incredible feat he pulled off, he hasn't changed much." Miki: "That's just who he is." Miki: "Brother?" Teshima: "Everyone looks great." uko: "But you still look like a hotshot." Imaizumi: "You should cry harder." uko: "That was just snot!" Imaizumi: "Does snot come out of your eyes?" Sugimoto: "Imaizumi, Naruko, you did well for first-years. Yes, truly." uko: "Get over yourself, Sugimoto!" Imaizumi: "You're a first-year, too." Sakamichi: "Excuse me." Teshima: "Hey, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Teshima-san, Aoyagi-san, sorry I'm late." Tadokoro: "Everyone's here." Teshima: "Kinjou-san! Tadokoro-san!" uko: "What are you eating, old man?" Tadokoro: "I need to build up my stamina for the next race." Imaizumi: "Race?" Kinjou: "We've been invited to a race being held this month." uko: "The Kumamoto Fire Country Mountain Race?" Imaizumi: "It's in Kyushu?" Kinjou: "Yeah. Every year, teams that did well at the Inter-High are invited." Sugimoto: "So this will be the debut race of Sugimoto Terufumi, who supported the team at the Inter-High. I'm ready to go." Kinjou: "We plan to take the six racers who competed in the Inter-High..." Kinjou: "Imaizumi, Naruko, Onoda, Tadokoro, myself, and Makishima." uko: "Sounds interesting. This time I'll settle the score with you, old man." Tadokoro: "Try not to get in my way." Kinjou: "Teshima, Aoyagi..." Both: "Yes, sir." Kinjou: "Sugimoto, Manager..." Both: "Yes, sir." Kinjou: "We're counting on your support." Kinjou: "That's all." All: "Yes, sir." uko: "Hotshot, what's with the new accessory? And Onoda-kun, you've got a new bike, too." Sakamichi: "Kanzaki-san just gave it to me." uko: "A yellow carbon frame, huh? That's flashy and cool." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Imaizumi: "How's the new bike?" Sakamichi: "Light! I feel like I'm floating three centimeters off the ground, and it's really fast. She said riding heavy bikes is different from riding light bikes, and it'd take some getting used to, but once I do..." Sakamichi: "...Kanzaki-san said it would dramatically increase my speed." uko: "Onoda-kun's got a new bike, and Hotshot's got a new electronic groupset?" uko: "Looks like we had the same idea." uko: "These babies evade oncoming wind and turn it into propulsion." uko: "They're the ultimate for a sprinter, carbon deep wheels!" Sakamichi: "Th-They're amazing!" Imaizumi: "Why don't we see how they do, then? Follow me, Naruko!" uko: "Yeah, right! I'm leading the group!" Sakamichi: "Wait!" Kinjou: "From now on, the first and second-years will be the core of the team." Tadokoro: "This will be the last time we third-years ride together as Team Sohoku." Kinjou: "Yeah, this is Team Sohoku's last race." Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs..." Izumida: "Abs!" Arakita: "Sheesh! It's as hot as ever." Shinkai: "Izumida's been working even harder since the Inter-High." Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs!" Toudou: "Because he'll be carrying Hakone Academy next." Arakita: "Seriously, Fuku-chan?" Arakita: "We turn down this race every year. Why are we going?" uku: "Because this year..." uku: "They'll be there." Izumida: "Sohoku will?" Shinkai: "Then we have to go." Toudou: "Indeed. We must avenge our loss at the Inter-High." Arakita: "We're really going?" Shinkai: "Juichi, who's going?" uku: "The core team, of course." uku: "The five guys here, and..." uku: "...Manami." Arakita: "Now that you mention it, he's not here. Sheesh, that Wonder Boy..." Izumida: "Is Sohoku sending their Inter-High team, too?" uku: "Probably." Izumida: "Abs!" Toudou: "If he's coming, then I have to go. Only I, Toudou Jinpachi, Hakone Academy's most handsome climber," Toudou: "can stop him!" Sakamichi: "Makishima-san!" Makishima: "Onoda, you're still riding your mommy bike?" Sakamichi: "Yeah. I ride this to and from school." Makishima: "Sounds like you." Sakamichi: "What happened today? You didn't come to practice." Makishima: "Yeah, I was studying." Sakamichi: "You're going to college after you graduate, right?" Makishima: "Yeah, I'm going to college." Sakamichi: "It must be hard with the race coming up." Sakamichi: "I'm so excited to be riding with the Inter-High team again." Makishima: "Onoda..." Makishima: "I forgot my stuff. You go on without me." Sakamichi: "Okay..." Sakamichi: "Bye..." Makishima: "Hey, bro." Makishima: "The Inter-High is over." Makishima: "I know. I've got most of my stuff packed." Makishima: "My flight..." Makishima: "Yeah, that day is fine." Makishima: "It's okay. I'll get everything in order before I go." Teshima: "Onoda, how's the new bike?" Sakamichi: "I'm not used to it yet, but by the day of the race..." Sakamichi: "And I'll get stronger by the time Makishima-san graduates." Sakamichi: "Someday..." Teshima: "Makishima-san sure is fast." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Sakamichi: "He's fast and always pushes me to do better." Sakamichi: "He's the coolest climber in the world!" Tadokoro: "Is it true, Kinjou?" Kinjou: "Yeah." Tadokoro: "Why didn't he say anything before?" Kinjou: "I'm sure Makishima had a lot to think about." Tadokoro: "Why..." Makishima: "Why do I look so dejected?" Makishima: "We finally won the Inter-High." uko: "What does "unite the nation" mean?" Tadokoro: "I'm Otadokoro Nobunaga." Makishima: "I'll write you an enthusiastic message." Tadokoro: "Makishima! Who are you calling an idiot?" Makishima: "I should leave with a smile." Makishima: "Time for one last climb up Minegayama." uko: "Man, you never give up! Stop following me, Hotshot!" Imaizumi: "You're the one who followed me." uko: "No, it was you." Imaizumi: "It was you." uko: "No, you!" uko: "Who's calling during practice?" uko: "What do you want, old man?" uko: "Huh? I'm training with Hotshot." uko: "What? Onoda-kun went ahead with Teshima-san and..." uko: "College? What? Yeah, I've heard he's going." uko: "Makishima-san is?" uko: "He's going to college overseas?" uko: "September? Isn't September..." Tadokoro: "I thought he'd been spending a lot of time in the library since the Inter-High ended." Tadokoro: "It sounds like he front-loaded his classes so he'll have enough credits to graduate." Tadokoro: "Then he's going to college overseas." Tadokoro: "He's going to live in England and help his brother with his job." uko: "Seriously? No one told me about this!" uko: "What about the Kumamoto race? He won't be able to go! And what about cycling?" Sakamichi: "Thank you!" Teshima: "Later!" Sakamichi: "Makishima-san!" Sakamichi: "Are you on your way to practice now?" Makishima: "Yeah." Makishima: "Your new road bike seems to be working out well." Sakamichi: "Yeah. I had Kanzaki-san's shop tune it up." Sakamichi: "It's even lighter than the one I rode at the Inter-High." Sakamichi: "I'll be able to pedal even faster!" Makishima: "It's perfect for you." Sakamichi: "Oh, I'm still not worthy of it." Sakamichi: "I haven't reached my full potential. I still haven't broken my old habits." Makishima: "Imagine your toes sliding forward when you apply torque to your crankset." Makishima: "It'll help you go faster on a lighter frame." Sakamichi: "Sliding, huh?" Sakamichi: "I see..." Sakamichi: "Thanks. I'll try it out." Makishima: "Onoda, I'm about to ride up Minegayama." Makishima: "Want to come with?" Sakamichi: "I just got back from Minegayama with Teshima-san." Sakamichi: "Could I get a rain check?" Makishima: "Sure." Sakamichi: "Actually, could I go with you after all?" Sakamichi: "Is that weird? I just got a bad feeling." Sakamichi: "Let's go to Minegayama!" Makishima: "Yeah." Makishima: "Let's go." Makishima: "You've gotten faster." Sakamichi: "Makishima-san, you're cool, too." Makishima: "Scary suits me fine." Makishima: "Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Makishima: "Hey, Sakamichi..." Makishima: "Do you like riding bikes?" Sakamichi: "Yeah!" Sakamichi: "Lately I've been talking to Naruko-kun and Imaizumi-kun all the time. They say, "I'll beat them by the time we graduate!"" Makishima: "That sounds just like them." Sakamichi: "Really? I lost to them at the end today. But by the time you graduate, I'm hoping I'll be stronger." Sakamichi: "Wh-When the time comes, can we race again?" Makishima: "We ride together all the time." Makishima: "When you think of it that way, we can race at any time." Makishima: "On zigzagging uphill curves..." Makishima: "On overgrown country roads..." Makishima: "On straight roads that go on forever..." Makishima: "And the next year and the year after that, I'll always be riding in front of you." Makishima: "So pass me." Makishima: "Become stronger." Sakamichi: "Makishima-san?" Makishima: "Take care of Sohoku for us, Sakamichi." Woman: "Kumamoto, right?" Pierre: "How far away is Kumamoto?" Miki: "About an hour and a half." Pierre: "That's not far at all!" Imaizumi: "Makishima-san really isn't coming?" Tadokoro: "It can't be helped." uko: "Then who's going?" Kinjou: "The five of us will fight this time." Teshima: "Is something wrong, Onoda?" Sakamichi: "Teshima-san... Oh, sorry. Yeah, I'm fine." Teshima: "You sure?" Sugimoto: "Is this your first time flying?" Sakamichi: "Yeah." Sugimoto: "Well, my mother's family lives in Hakata..." uko: "Onoda-kun, calm down! F-First we check our bags." Sugimoto: "So I ride planes all the time! I'm an experienced airline passenger." uko: "How much does it cost to check two bags, miss?" Sugimoto: "If you have any questions, just ask me!" Imaizumi: "It's free." uko: "How generous of them!" Sugimoto: "Since it's your first time, I'm sure you have questions. But airplanes are nice!" Aoyagi: "Sugimoto..." Sugimoto: "Huh? Wait for me! My bags! My bags!" Sugimoto: "The oceans of Kyushu are beautiful!" uko: "Don't talk to me! You'll make us crash!" Imaizumi: "Be quiet." Tadokoro: "I heard Hakone Academy's actually coming this year." Teshima: "Yeah, and their entry sheet says their core team is coming." Teshima: "You think it's because we're going?" Aoyagi: "An Inter-High rematch..." Tadokoro: "I couldn't ask for more. I always wanted to take on Hakone Academy's fastest sprinter, Shinkai." Tadokoro: "Teshima, Aoyagi, I'm counting on your support." Hiro: "I'm glad I invited my girlfriend to watch the Kumamoto race with me, but I can't believe Hakone Academy's riding in the same train car." Hiro: "They have so much presence, even though they're younger than me." Girlfriend: "Hiro-kun, do we have to watch both days of the Kumamoto race?" Hiro: "Are Hakone Academy, the champions of Kanagawa, riding in this car because they know I'm a cyclist? No, there's no way." Girlfriend: "Can I go shopping during the race?" uku: "Kyoto..." Yamaguchi: "Is Midousuji-kun..." Tsuji: "Yama, we'll have to do what we can by ourselves." Ishigaki: "Midousuji-kun?" Mizuta: "Don't worry, my Zakus!" Ishigaki: "Nobu..." Ihara: "Mizuta, don't confuse us by showing up like that!" Mizuta: "I'll fill Midousuji-kun's shoes." Mizuta: "Hey, wait!" Ishigaki: "So he's really not coming..." Hiro: "Kyoto Fushimi got on, too!" Ishigaki: "Hakone Academy." uku: "You came, Kyoto Fushimi's Ishigaki." Ishigaki: "It's been a while, Fukutomi." uku: "Yeah." uku: "I don't see your ace." Ishigaki: "Midousuji's... busy." Ishigaki: "The five of us will be riding in the race." Mizuta: "I'll take Midousuji-kun's place. I'll be the ace." Ishigaki: "Nobu, just sit down." Mizuta: "I'm still the next ace!" Ishigaki: "Sorry, Fukutomi." Machimiya: "What's that?" Machimiya: "It's Hakone Academy. Hakone Academy is here!" Ibitani: "Hey, you're right. Even Kyofushi's here. Having a fun field trip?" uku: "So Hiroshima Kureminami's coming, too." Machimiya: "This time I'll win! Machimiya Eikichi, holder of stars!" Izumida: "You seem happy, Arakita-san." Arakita: "Things are starting to get interesting. This'll be a real race." Machimiya: "If Hakone Academy's here, does that mean Arakita's here? Oh, Arakita!" Arakita: "Shut up. Quit shouting inside the train." Machimiya: "You haven't forgotten our promise, have you?" Arakita: "What promise?" Hiro: "What's going on inside this train? This is terrifying." Toudou: "Maki-chan should be in Kumamoto by now." uko: "We're here in Kyushu! Hot! Why is Kyushu so hot? The air is so humid! No wonder they call Kumamoto "Fire Country!"" Imaizumi: "We haven't even gone outside yet." uko: "Kumamon's huge!" Sakamichi: "This is my first time in Kumamoto." Toji: "Hey, you're here." Miki: "Brother!" Tadokoro: "Kanzaki-san!" Kinjou: "Thanks for coming." Kinjou: "Sorry you had to come so far." Toji: "It's fine. I took your bags to the hotel." Imaizumi: "People are really excited about the race here." uko: "Hey, it's Kumamoto Daiichi! They've even got a poster. Figures, since they're locals." Imaizumi: "I've never seen this guy before." Imaizumi: "Yoshimoto..." Imaizumi: "It says he's their ace." uko: "Their ace isn't the tan gorilla?" Girl: "It's Yoshimoto-kun!" uko: "Who's he?" uko: "Wait, he's the guy on the poster." Taura: "Well, if it isn't Sohoku, the champions of the Inter-High!" Taura: "Did you just arrive? Since we're the local team, we came to welcome you." Taura: "Yoshimoto!" Yoshimoto: "You don't need to shout. I can hear you." Yoshimoto: "These legs, which I trained in Aso, are top-notch." Yoshimoto: "They call me the Flaming Climber of Fire Country." Yoshimoto: "I'm Kumamoto Daiichi's ace..." Yoshimoto: "...Yoshimoto Shin." Taura: "He missed the Inter-High because of an injury, but he's even stronger than me." uko: "We're totally out of our element." Yoshimoto: "Onoda Sakamichi," Yoshimoto: "you won the Inter-High and beat Hakone Academy." Yoshimoto: "As another climber, I look forward to tomorrow's race." Taura: "Sohoku, you won't beat us tomorrow!" uku: "We're finally here." Shinaki: "Yeah. I'm hungry." Arakita: "You've been eating anpan since you woke up! Where did you even get that?" Shinkai: "I wonder what's good in Kumamoto..." Izumida: "Kumamoto is famous for horse sashimi, mustard lotus root, and instant dumplings." Arakita: "You sure know a lot." Toudou: "Kumamoto has a lot of good hot springs, too." Toudou: "I'd like to take a long bath and wash away the fatigue from our trip." Ishigaki: "Nobu!" Mizuta: "I'm sending Midousuji-kun a picture so he knows we arrived safely." Machimiya: "Let's head to our hotel, too." Girlfriend: "What's wrong, Hiro-kun?" Hiro: "Kumamoto Daiichi's Yoshimoto has recovered from his injury." Hiro: "Tomorrow's race is going to be crazy!" Midousuji: "Gross." uko: "Let's head to the hot springs first." Sugimoto: "Yeah! Kumamoto has nice hot springs!" Kinjou: "This race takes place over two days. The course is roughly 220 kilometers long." Kinjou: "On the first day, we'll start at Kumamoto Castle and ride down the Pearl Line." Kinjou: "There are a lot of flats here." Kinjou: "Tadokoro, Naruko, we'll be counting on you." Tadokoro: "Sure." uko: "Got it." Kinjou: "Once we make it through the flats, we'll enter the Amakusa Islands." Kinjou: "We'll be depending on you through these hills, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Okay." Kinjou: "Once we make it over the hills, every school will make their move through Jusanbutsu Park towards the finish line." Kinjou: "Imaizumi, you'll be assisting me." Imaizumi: "Yes, sir." Kinjou: "This race has a special rule." Kinjou: "The order we finish on the first day determines where we start on the second. On the second day, we'll start at Kumamoto Castle and head towards Mt. Aso. The finish line is 1,333 meters up at Makinoto Peak." Sakamichi: "The finish line is at the peak..." Kinjou: "And you'll be the mountain ace," Kinjou: "Onoda." Sakamichi: "What?" Sakamichi: "I'm the mountain ace?" Kinjou: "Yeah. Take the mountain checkpoint on the first day and the mountaintop finish line on the second." Kinjou: "Can you do that?" Sakamichi: "I'll do it." uko: "Hotshot, want to play ping pong until dinner?" Imaizumi: "No." uko: "Why not? Are you afraid you'll lose to me?" Imaizumi: "I just don't want to waste any energy." uko: "Hotshot, I bet you're bad at ping pong. I know, I know. You don't want everyone to see you cry when I crush you." Imaizumi: "What?" uko: "Onoda-kun, let's play, then." Sakamichi: "What? Me?" Imaizumi: "No, wait." uko: "What, Hotshot?" Imaizumi: "I'll play." uko: "S-Seriously?" uko: "Just how strong is he? No one told me about this! And he's taking this too seriously!" uko: "Onoda-kun." uko: "What's got you spacing out?" Sakamichi: "Do you think I can handle being the mountain ace?" Imaizumi: "You can." Imaizumi: "You won't be riding alone." Imaizumi: "We'll be there." uko: "We won the Inter-High." uko: "We'll definitely win." Sugimoto: "Is this where you've been?" uko: "Sugimoto, nice timing. Switch with Hotshot!" Sugimoto: "Ping pong? Despite how I look, I'm actually an experienced player." Sakamichi: "I'm Sohoku's only climber." Sakamichi: "I need to do my best." Girl 1: "I'm so glad we get to watch Hakone Academy race." Girl 2: "Who should I cheer for, Toudou-kun or Kumamoto Daiichi's Yoshimoto-kun?" Rider B: "People seem really excited." Rider C: "This year the champions, Hakone Academy, are riding." Rider A: "Hakone Academy is?" Reporter: "Fall has finally arrived this year. A two day race at the base of Mt. Aso as autumn winds blow across the majestic prefecture of Kyushu." Reporter: "It's the Kumamoto Fire Country Mountain Road Race." Reporter: "Kumamon, let's take a look at the course." Girlfriend: "Hiro-kun, what's a checkpoint?" Hiro: "It's an award given to the fastest riders of the sprint and climb courses." Girlfriend: "Does the team that gets the checkpoint win?" Hiro: "No, the team with the first player to cross the finish line wins. But winning checkpoints demonstrates your strength and puts pressure on the other teams. It allows a team to take control of the race." Girlfriend: "That's kind of amazing." Girlfriend: "These instant dumplings are good." Toudou: "Manami..." Manami: "What is it, Toudou-san?" Toudou: "Don't worry about the checkpoints." Arakita: "Toudou, what are you talking about?" Toudou: "Just shut up." Manami: "Arakita-san..." Toudou: "Enjoy the race, Manami." Toudou: "You can even have a rendezvous with Four-eyes." Toudou: "Ride freely, Manami." Manami: "You're right." Manami: "I can't brood over it forever." Manami: "Someday I'd like to race against you, Toudou-san." Rep: "I came all the way to Kumamoto." Rep: "This time I have to give him these rice balls." Rep: "No, wait. I mean these handouts." Rep: "And where is he, anyway?" Miki: "It's finally starting." Toji: "Yeah. For Hakone Academy, this rematch is a chance to take back the crown." Teshima: "Our only climber is Onoda." Teshima: "It'll be a tough battle." Toji: "Yeah." Miki: "Onoda-kun..." Kinjou: "Imaizumi..." Imaizumi: "Yes, sir." Kinjou: "I'm counting on you." Imaizumi: "Yes, sir." Tadokoro: "You know what we have to do, Naruko. We're going for the sprint checkpoint." uko: "Of course." uko: "I'll be sure to stand out." Sakamichi: "I'm climbing the mountain alone..." Sakamichi: "It's okay. I can do it. I will do it." Girl A: "Toudou-san!" Girl B: "Over here!" Girl C: "Do your pointing thing like you always do!" Girl D: "Toudou-san, over here!" Toudou: "Being a star is tough, Shinkai." Shinkai: "Did you say something, Jinpachi?" Toudou: "Those girls kinda seem more earnest..." Toudou: "Well, whatever." Toudou: "The race is the place to show people what you've really got." Toudou: "I'll race for two days and take the mountaintop finish line." Toudou: "And beat him, of course!" uku: "Sohoku." Arakita: "You've gone totally soft, Sohoku." Tadokoro: "So have you." Shinkai: "Hey, Jin." Tadokoro: "Hey. You haven't changed, Shinkai." Izumida: "I won't lose this time." Izumida: "Today my muscles are in tip-top shape from the hot springs. Abs!" uko: "Lashes hasn't changed, either." uku: "We came to this race to beat you." uku: "We won't lose, Kinjou." Kinjou: "I know, Fukutomi." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun." Manami: "Sakamichi-kun." Sakamichi: "Oh, uh..." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun, uh, I... I'm sorry..." Manami: "It's starting." Sakamichi: "It's finally—" Manami: "This time..." Manami: "No, today I'll enjoy our race." Manami: "I hope we'll have another race that takes everything we have." Toudou: "Maki-chan, I've been waiting!" Toudou: "Maki-chan?" Toudou: "He's not here?" Toudou: "Four-eyes!" Sakamichi: "Toudou-sa—" Toudou: "Where's Maki-chan?" Sakamichi: "H-He's not here." Toudou: "What? Say that again, Four-Eyes." Sakamichi: "I'm sorry. Makishima-san is, um... busy getting ready." Toudou: "Ready?" uku: "Toudou..." Toudou: "Sorry to bother you, Four-eyes." Manami: "Toudou-san..." Toudou: "You must be joking." Toudou: "Why, Maki-chan? Why didn't you come?" Taura: "I'm surprised Hakone Academy is here." Yoshimoto: "Let's win this race." Yoshimoto: "I'm counting on your support." Taura: "Leave it to me, Yoshimoto." Announce: "The race will begin in ten minutes. Riders, please gather at the starting line." Kinjou: "Imaizumi, Onoda, Naruko..." Kinjou: "Let's go, Sohoku!" All: "Yes, sir!" Arakita: "This isn't even an official race." Arakita: "You still want to win, Fuku-chan?" uku: "Of course. Since we're participating, we can't lose." Arakiita: "Thought so." uku: "We are strong. We'll get them back for what happened at the Inter-High." uku: "We are the champions!" Shinkai: "Yasutomo, Juichi, let's go." Arakita: "Don't you mean, "Let's eat?"" Izumida: "Riding with you again is like a dream." Izumida: "Toudou-san seems down." uku: "Don't worry, Izumida." uku: "That's not enough to break him." Izumida: "Abs!" A: "It's Kyoto Fushimi!" B: "Midousuji's not in the race." Ishigaki: "Let's go." Ihara: "Today Ishiyan's the ace. Stick behind me and save your energy." Ishigaki: "Thanks, guys. Ride for me." All: "Yeah!" Machimiya: "Could you clear the way?" Machimiya: "Thank you." Ibitani: "Miya, they say every dog has his day." Machimiya: "Yeah, I knew we had them." : "The Inter-High champions, Sohoku, are leading the pack! What? That little kid with the glasses is Onoda Sakamichi?" uko: "Hotshot, you're falling behind!" Imaizumi: "We're just doing a parade run through the city." Imaizumi: "Don't go too fast." uko: "I like to stand out from the very start, like instant dumplings!" uko: "Onoda-kun, stick behind me. Save your legs for the mountains." Sakamichi: "Okay." Teshima: "Let's head to the feed zone. Let's do our best to support them." Both: "Yeah." A: "The parade run is ending." B: "They're speeding up." Yoshimoto: "We know the course from here on out." Taura: "We have the home field advantage." : "Kumamoto Daiichi, you can do it!" Yoshimoto: "Move up, Yoshiaki!" Taura: "Leave it to me, Yoshimoto!" Taura: "Their cheers give me strength! Here comes the rebellious Higo Express!" uku: "Shinkai, Izumida, go." Izumida: "Abs!" Shinkai: "Okay, Juichi." : "Hakone Academy's two sprinters are on the move!" Tadokoro: "Let's go, Naruko." uko: "Sure thing." Kinjou: "Imaizumi, pull. Don't let us fall behind." Imaizumi: "Yes, sir." Kinjou: "We'll take Onoda to the mountain checkpoint." Taura: "Let's move, Ise!" Yoshimoto: "Yoshiaki, our formation will determine everything ahead." Yoshimoto: "Keep our current position." Taura: "Sure thing." Daitsubu: "Nara Sanri Academy's scorching sprinter," Daitsubu: "Daitsubu Takeshi! You only turn the other cheek so many times." Shibata: "Kanazawa Misaki, Gale of the North! The Steadfast Man, Shibata Yasuyuki!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs, abs!" Daitsubu: "Is he even human?" Izumida: "Shinkai-san, let's take the sprint checkpoint." Shinkai: "I don't think it'll be that easy." Izumida: "Abs?" uko: "We're here, here, here!" Shinkai: "You came, Jin-kun, Red Bean." uko: "Of course. And I'm no red bean! You geezer, what did you tell him?" Izumida: "Shinkai-san, let's pull ahead!" uko: "No, you don't!" Mizuta: "It's nearly time." Ishigaki: "Nobu?" Mizuta: "Midousuji-kun, grant me your strength!" Machimiya: "That's..." Ishigaki: "The same way Midousuji-kun rides!" Mizuta: "Gross, gross, gross!" Ibiya: "Why are you so slow?" Machimiya: "You sure don't have any..." Ihara: "Mizuta's so slow." Mizuta: "Why? I'm supposed to be the next ace!" Machimiya: "Thanks for waiting. The Fighting Dog of Kure is here." Arakita: "I wasn't waiting for you." Machimiya: "Hey, you!" Arakita: "What?" Machimiya: "You still haven't bought me a Bepsi!" Arakita: "You never give up! Fine. I'll buy you one at the finish line!" Machimiya: "Watch this!" Machimiya: "Satozaki, Shiono, Harimoto! Pull as hard as you can!" All: "Yes, sir!" Machimiya: "Here we go." Shibata: "Hiroshima Kureminami?" Daitsubu: "They're trying to catch up from back here?" : "The pack leaders are coming! Hakone Academy and Sohoku are racing for the checkpoint!" uko: "We're on the Amakusa Pearl Line!" Izumida: "I'll make Shinkai-san win this sprint battle!" uko: "I'll win the checkpoint!" Tadokoro: "You don't want to help your senior win?" uko: "What are you talking about, old man? There are no seniors or juniors in a race!" Izumida: "You two haven't changed at all." uko: "It's redhead against redhead." Shinkai: "Sure thing, Red Bean." uko: "Quit smiling at me like you're hot stuff!" Machimiya: "Let me join you." uko: "Hiroshima Kureminami? Your team pulled you here?" Machimiya: "The checkpoint is ours!" Shinkai: "The Fighting Dog of Kure, huh?" : "They're neck and neck!" Ibitani: "Fall back, guys!" Izumida: "He sent the three leaders back?" Ibitani: "Higashimura!" Machimiya: "The real race starts now." Ibitani: "Indeed." uko: "This guy's their actual sprinter?" Machimiya: "Let's do this!" Izumida: "Abs!" uko: "They accelerated so quickly!" uko: "Old man!" Tadokoro: "I know!" uko: "Crap!" Ibitani: "We've accounted for crosswinds!" Izumida: "Andy, Frank, let's go." Izumida: "We need to make Shinkai-san win." Izumida: "You can cut through this wind." Izumida: "Abs!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs, abs!" uko: "Andy and Frank? Who the hell are they?!" uko: "Old man!" Tadokoro: "Shinkai and Machimiya don't disappoint!" uko: "Old man..." uko: "Since I'm letting you take this, you'd better not lose." Tadokoro: "Naruko..." Tadokoro: "You..." uko: "I'm the Speedman of Naniwa!" uko: "The Flaming Sprinter!" uko: "Naruko Shoukichi!" : "You can do it!" Higashimura: "Someone's coming from behind!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs!" uko: "You're in the way! Get away from me!" Izumida: "I could say the same to you!" Ibitani: "Why?" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs!" Higashimura: "Why can't we pull ahead, Ibitani-san?" Ibitani: "Damn it..." : "They're here! Hakone Academy and Sohoku are in the lead! They're so fast! Hiroshima Kureminami's falling behind!" Machimiya: "One more kilometer..." Machimiya: "Ibitani, Higashimura, I'll take the checkpoint." Ibitani: "Miya!" Azuma: "Eikichi-san..." : "He's blowing through this crosswind like it's nothing!" uko: "His posture is crazy!" Izumida: "He's like a fighting dog baring its fangs." Izumida: "Abs!" Shinkai: "Nice!" Izumida: "It's Shinkai-san's "kaboom" pose! He's signaling that he'll definitely catch him!" Tadokoro: "I'm the one who'll catch him!" uko: "Old man, there are 700 meters to go. This is the last corner!" : "Sohoku's pulling ahead! No, Hakone Academy's responding, too! Amazing!" Izumida: "Abs, abs, abs, abs!" : "The gap isn't closing! Hiroshima's long sprint is so fast!" Tadokoro: "Naruko!" Shinkai: "Izumida!" uko: "Old man!" Izumida: "Shinkai-san!" : "Hakone Academy's #4, ace sprinter Shinkai Hayato, is pulling ahead! So is Sohoku's Tadokoro, the Rampaging Human Cannonball!" Tadokoro: "I can't lose the race he let me take, Shinkai!" Shinkai: "You're a good senior! But I can't afford to lose, either." Shinkai: "I can't let Izumida down!" Tadokoro: "You're not a bad senior, either. Let's go, Shinkai!" : "They passed Hiroshima Kureminami!" Machimiya: "I will win!" : "He passed Hakone Academy and Sohoku!" : "Has Hiroshima's Machimiya always been that fast?" Tadokoro: "My lung capacity is 8,500 cc. All that oxygen is converted to power." Tadokoro: "Oxygen!" Tadokoro: "Tadokoro Mach Speed Oxygen Human Bullet!" Shinkai: "Not bad, Jin-kun, Fighting Dog of Kure. But..." Shinkai: "Did you know?" Shinkai: "Rumor has it demons appear on the Amakusa line, too." : "300 meters left! It's an all-out sprint!" Izumida: "Shinkai-san, you did it!" Shinkai: "Thanks, Izumida." Izumida: "You weren't just fast! You rode beautifully, too." uko: "What are you doing, old man? I could've won that." Tadokoro: "Did you say something?" uko: "Ow! Timeout, timeout!" Tadokoro: "Then you win it next year as Sohoku's ace sprinter." uko: "Old man..." Shinkai: "Jin-kun!" Tadokoro: "Shinkai..." Shinkai: "You rode well. Thank you." Tadokoro: "Sure thing, Shinkai." Tadokoro: "Thanks." : "Hakone Academy took the sprint checkpoint! No wonder they're the champions! They're strong!" Arakita: "You should've given your all from the beginning, idiot." Kinjou: "Good work." Tadokoro: "I didn't get it." Tadokoro: "Kinjou..." uko: "Seriously..." Tadokoro: "Hey!" Sugimoto: "They're here!" Sugimoto: "Imaizumi!" Teshima: "Kinjou-san!" Miki: "You can do it, Onoda-kun!" Aoyagi: "We'll wait for you at the finish line!" : "He's so small! That's the winner of the Inter-High?" : "What? He beat the champions, Hakone Academy?" Arakita: "Your ace is pulling your team?" Arakita: "Are you sure you want to use him now, Sohoku?" Kinjou: "We'll win it together." Kinjou: "That's Team Sohoku!" Arakita: "Bring it on, then, Onoda-chan." Arakita: "The curves ahead will be the real battle!" Arakita: "All right! Go!" Kinjou: "Go, Onoda!" Sakamichi: "More power! Power, power!" Imaizumi: "Onoda!" Yoshimoto: "Hakone Academy, Sohoku... You're mine!" Yoshimoto: "I am the mountain ace... ...Yoshimoto Shin!" Yoshimoto: "The Fire Country Flash!" Kinjou: "Imaizumi!" Imaizumi: "Yes, sir!" Sakamichi: "He's counting on me to make Sohoku stronger!" Sakamichi: "Whatever I do, I can't break!" Kinjou: "Onoda..." Imaizumi: "Damn, he's fast! I can't catch him." Yoshimoto: "I see them!" Yoshimoto: "Hakone Academy, you're mine!" : "Yoshimoto passed Hakone Academy!" Toudou: "Kumamoto? Where's Four-Eyes?" Manami: "Toudou-san..." Toudou: "Right!" : "The lead rider is coming! It's Kumadai's Yoshimoto! Shin-sama!" Toudou: "I can accelerate without making a sound..." Toudou: "...because I move with perfect efficiency." Toudou: "My enemies don't know they're being followed." Toudou: "By the time they notice..." Toudou: "...I'm far ahead!" Toudou: "Even the forest sleeps through my climb." Toudou: "That's why they all call me Sleeping Beauty." Toudou: "Toudou of the Sleeping Climb!" Yoshimoto: "So this is Hakone Academy's ace climber, the Mountain God..." Yoshimoto: "...Toudou Jinpachi!" Minami: "He sure talks a lot, though." Toudou: "Did you say something, Minami?" Minami: "No, nothing." Yoshimoto: "They're so fast!" Yoshimoto: "My true opponent is Hakone Academy. Sohoku's no match for me." Toudou: "Manami, go." Manami: "Are you sure?" Yoshimoto: "You're mine!" Manami: "Toudou-san." Toudou: "Hurry up and go." Yoshimoto: "You're not going anywhere!" Toudou: "Why don't you take your time?" : "It's Hakone Academy!" Toudou: "We won, Manami." Manami: "Yeah." : "Amazing! Hakone Academy took the sprint and mountain checkpoints!" Yoshimoto: "I look forward to tomorrow's climb." : "Could Hakone Academy win all three titles?" Teshima: "The results are out. Hakone Academy took the mountain checkpoint, too." Miki: "Onoda-kun..." Toji: "That leaves the ace showdown." Ishigaki: "Sorry, Ihara." Ihara: "No worries. We abandoned the sprint and mountain checkpoints for the ace battle." Ihara: "Go, Ishiyan!" Arakita: "Go, Fuku-chan!" Kinjou: "Imaizumi, I'm going!" Imaizumi: "Yes, sir!" : "The aces are on the move!" uku: "I knew you'd come, Kinjou." Kinjou: "You won't beat me, Fukutomi." Ishigaki: "You won't beat me, either!" : "They're here! 300 meters left! It's the sprint for the finish!" Ishigaki: "Patience! Patience!" : "Kyofushi caught up!" Kinjou: "I..." Kinjou: "I'll never give up!" : "Sohoku's in the lead! 50 meters left!" Miki: "Kinjou-san!" Teshima: "Kinjou-san!" ukutomi: "I am strong!" : "Hakone Academy won everything! Hakone Academy is the strongest! Amazing! There's nothing they can't do! Was Sohoku's victory at the Inter-High a fluke?" uku: "How unusual to see you here." Arakita: "Yeah." uku: "Have you chosen a college yet, Arakita?" Arakita: "Yeah. Where are you going?" uku: "Meiso University." Arakita: "Meiso? They've got a distinguished cycling team." Shinkai: "Hey!" Arakita: "Shinkai, you're here, too? How annoying." Shinkai: "Juichi and I are both going to Meiso." Arakita: "I didn't ask. Don't talk about that until you're accepted." Shinkai: "Where are you going?" Arakita: "Yonan, and shut up. I know I won't pass. I'll manage something with my instincts." Shinkai: "It's a long shot for me, too. I need to study harder." uku: "Me, too." Arakita: "Then why do you seem so sure of yourselves?" Shinkai: "Our faces always look like this." Shinkai: "You just can't tell Juichi is worried." Arakita: "Heh, ol' Stone Face... Does that mean you're not going to the Kumamoto race?" Shinkai: "If Juichi goes, I'll go." Arakita: "You never think for yourself!" Shinkai: "What about you, then?" Arakita: "What?" Arakita: "If Fuku-chan goes, I'll go." Shinkai: "Want to high five if we win?" Arakita: "What?" Arakita: "Fuku-chan, did you just smile?" Arakita: "So you can smile!" Toudou: "Me, too!" Arakita: "No one cares about you!" Imaizumi: "Sorry, I wasn't a strong enough assistant." Kinjou: "No, you worked hard today." Sakamichi: "I was told to take the mountain checkpoint." Sakamichi: "But I..." Kinjou: "It doesn't matter." Kinjou: "Everyone has bad days. Don't worry about it." Kinjou: "We'll fight together again tomorrow." Tadokoro: "Yeah." All: "Yeah!" Teshima: "Onoda!" Sakamichi: "Teshima-san..." Teshima: "Can I join you?" Sakamichi: "Sure." Teshima: "There." Teshima: "Why couldn't you ride today?" Teshima: "You can't even tell a weakling who's not even in the race about what's bothering you?" Sakamichi: "I-It's not like that..." Teshima: "I'm joking." Sakamichi: "What?" Teshima: "I was moved." Sakamichi: "What?" Teshima: "I was moved at the Inter-High when I saw you riding as hard as you could with the entire team's hopes resting on you." Teshima: "If you're tired, rest. It's okay to worry." Teshima: "Didn't Makishima share his spirit with you, too?" Teshima: "So you need to face forward and take one step at a time." Teshima: "Believe in yourself, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Teshima-san..." Teshima: "It's time for our meeting. Hurry, Onoda!" Sakamichi: "O-Okay!" Kinjou: "That's all." All: "Yes, sir!" Kinjou: "Onoda. I'm not changing my orders." Kinjou: "You're the mountain ace." Sakamichi: "Right! I'll do my best." uko: "You're looking sharp." uko: "I'll pull you to the mountains." Sakamichi: "Naruko-kun..." Imaizumi: "You can count on me to assist you." Sakamichi: "Imaizumi-kun." Sugimoto: "I'll do my best to support you, too." uko: "Why are you in a yukata, anyway?" Tadokoro: "Let's eat, bathe, and go to sleep." Sugimoto: "Yeah, let's." Kinjou: "Really? Onoda," Kinjou: "what do you see at the end of this road?" Sakamichi: "What do I see?" Makishima: "Onoda..." Sakamichi: "Makishima-san, is that really you? Why..." Makishima: "Nevermind that. Didn't you come here to see this, too?" Sakamichi: "What?" Makishima: "My brother bought me a ticket to Kumamoto." Makishima: "He told me to ride so I wouldn't have any regrets." Sakamichi: "You're going to be in the race?" Makishima: "Yeah. I'll be starting last, but they'll let me ride." Makishima: "Oh, right. You don't have to tell him." Sakamichi: "Him?" Makishima: "He's tough to handle when he gets too excited." Sakamichi: "Okay." Toudou: "You're lucky you have a rival to ride with." Toudou: "And it's a climb, too." Sakamichi: "G-Good morning." Toudou: "Hey, Four-Eyes." Toudou: "I wanted to eat instant dumplings with Maki-chan. And ride horses at Kusasenri and go dolphin watching at Amakusa..." Taura: "How'd it go, Yoshimoto?" Yoshimoto: "Sohoku's not a threat to us. If we can stop Hakone Academy, the race will be ours." Taura: "I knew you could do it, Yoshimoto." Yoshimoto: "I'm going to say hello to Toudou." Taura: "Rebel, rebel." Toudou: "Maki-chan..." Toudou: "What?" Toudou: "Maki-chan is here?" Toudou: "Isn't he? He is, right?" Yoshimoto: "Toudou Jinpachi, today—" Toudou: "Wait! You're in the way." Manami: "Sorry." Toudou: "He's here." Sakamichi: "He definitely didn't come on the last flight of the day yesterday!" Toudou: "You should've said so sooner, Four-Eyes! He's last, right? He's starting last, right?" Toudou: "Maki-chan, it's on!" Makishima: "Onoda couldn't keep it secret." Toudou: "I'm in a great mood now! Thanks, Four-Eyes!" Toudou: "Tell Maki-chan I'll be waiting for him in the mountains." Sakamichi: "Uh, actually..." Sakamichi: "Okay." Toudou: "But naturally, we'll be taking the mountains." Arakita: "Hurry up and get ready, Toudou." Izumida: "Abs!" Arakita: "Sheesh." uko: "You're so obvious, Onoda-kun." Imaizumi: "He's totally in the zone now." Sakamichi: "Sorry about yesterday, Imaizumi-kun." Imaizumi: "You don't have to do it alone." Imaizumi: "If someone falls, we'll all support him." uko: "That's the kind of team Sohoku is, Onoda-kun." Sakamichi: "Yeah!" A: "It's the second group!" B: "They're falling behind the lead pack!" C: "Look!" D: "Sohoku's falling behind!" Ibitani: "Miya!" Machimiya: "Yeah." Mizuta: "Looks like Sohoku's out of gas!" : "The second group is here!" Machimiya: "Beyond here are downhills and flats. Let's catch up to Hakone Academy." Ishigaki: "Ihara!" Imaizumi: "Let's go, too." uko: "Let's go, Onoda!" Sakamichi: "Okay!" : "They're so fast! How fast are they going? Wow!" Machimiya: "Let's accelerate!" Ishigaki: "Patience!" Sakamichi: "Makishima-san!" : "Look! Sohoku has all six riders! It's the complete Inter-High team!" Makishima: "What are you guys doing back here?" Kinjou: "Imaizumi, good work." Imaizumi: "I'm just following orders." Tadokoro: "Nice position, Naruko." uko: "We're ready to go, old man." Makishima: "My rank won't be counted because I joined partway through the race." Kinjou: "The six of us together make Team Sohoku." uko: "That's right, Makishima-san." Imaizumi: "The race starts now." Makishima: "Are you serious?" Sakamichi: "Makishima-san, Toudou-san said he'd be waiting for you in the mountains." Makishima: "These guys..." Kinjou: "Let's go!" All: "Yeah!" Kinjou: "Makishima!" Makishima: "Here we go." Makishima: "Try to keep up!" Machimiya: "Look at him climb!" Ishigaki: "Patience! Patience!" Ishigaki: "Makishima? He made it here from the back of the pack?" Makishima: "Let's go." Ishigaki: "He's fast." : "Look at him dance! He's so unsteady! His limbs are so long! He's like a spider!" Makishima: "I ride with a totally unique style. They call me the Peak Spider!" Higashimura: "Eikichi-san!" Ibitani: "Miya!" Machimiya: "You won't pass us that easily!" Machimiya: "What?" Azuma: "Let's go after them." Ibitani: "It's impossible. No one can stop Makishima on this climb now." Machimiya: "It's our fault for not pulling ahead on the downhill and flats." Makishima: "We're pretty far behind the lead pack." Imaizumi: "I see them!" uko: "Is Hakone Academy in front of them?" Sakamichi: "Can we catch up?" Tadokoro: "Not catch up to them! Pass them!" Tadokoro: "This calls for that, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Right, that!" Tadokoro: "Go to the front, Onoda." Sakamichi: "Okay." Sakamichi: "We'll pass the guys in front of us. Will you follow my lead and say "Princess?"" All: "What?" Kinjou: "That song..." Sakamichi: "Lovely chance pancake girl!" Tadokoro: "Lovely chance pancake girl!" Sakamichi: "It might a common occurrence, but it's important to girls." Sakamichi: "Are my feelings reaching you?" uko: "Yeah!" uko: "All right!" Tadokoro: "Even if they say it's impossible..." Tadokoro: "And I'm still small... My heart that wants to believe is real!" uko: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!" Imaizumi: "Turning the page of today's story..." Tadokoro: "La-la-dee-da!" Imaizumi: "The power hidden in the chest I hold..." Kinjou: "Let's go to a new world that's not on the route map!" All: "Metamorphose!" uko: "Sohoku High, let's go!" All: "Princess, princess!" uko: "Princess, princess!" All: "I love, love, love you. Princess! Princess! Twinkle, twinkle! As long as I have you and all my friends, I'm invincible! Princess, princess!" uko: "Princess!" All: "I love, love, love you." uko: "Princess!" Imaizumi: "Princess!" Kinjou: "Twinkle, twinkle!" Tadokoro: "Even with a spell to make you bigger..." uko: "Princess Pancake!" All: "Princess!" Sakamichi: "Love Hime!" All: "Fight!" Taura: "Rebel! Rebel! Rebels of Higo!" Yoshimoto: "A strange song is coming from Aso..." Ise: "Taura-san, what is this merry song?" Taura: "Yoshimoto, this isn't good! That little climber is smiling!" Yoshimoto: "Onoda Sakamichi?" Yoshimoto: "What's with his cadence?" ujihara: "Go, Yoshimoto-san, Taura-san!" Taura: "Let's go, Yoshimoto!" Yoshimoto: "Yoshiaki..." Yoshimoto: "Sohoku doesn't disappoint after all!" Yoshimoto: "We honed our skills in the mountains of Aso and plains of Kumamoto!" Yoshimoto: "Kumamoto Daiichi's Yoshimoto and Taura will take you on!" Taura: "Here comes the Higo Super Express! Rebel!" Taura: "Shin!" Yoshimoto: "Yoshiaki!" Taura: "Shin!" Yoshimoto: "Yoshiaki!" Yoshimoto: "They're accelerating? How is Sohoku so fast?" Taura: "Shin, let's switch!" Izumida: "Abs?" uku: "They're here." Shinkai: "It's Sohoku." Manami: "They really did catch up." ukutomi: "Go, Toudou, Manami." Manami: "We don't have to wait for them?" Toudou: "You know he... No, they'll catch up." Manami: "Sakamichi-kun..." : "Hey, are you okay?" Yoshimoto: "Onoda Sakamichi..." Yoshimoto: "He's riding like a different man today." Yoshimoto: "He makes climbing look like so much fun." Taura: "Princess..." Kinjou: "Makishima, Onoda, these are your final orders." Kinjou: "Take the peak!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Makishima: "Let's go, Sakamichi!" Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" : "Someone's catching up from behind!" Toudou: "They're here." : "It's Chiba's Sohoku!" Toudou: "This is how it's got to be." Manami: "Toudou-san, I'll pull." Toudou: "Manami..." Toudou: "From here on out, ride free." Manami: "Toudou-san..." Toudou: "I won't let you take the mountain, though." Makishima: "Sakamichi, let's take the mountaintop finish line." Sakamichi: "Makishima-san..." Makishima: "That's what climbers do!" Makishima: "Let's have some fun." Sakamichi: "Yes, sir!" Toudou: "He's here, here, here! Maki-chan's here! I can't keep quiet. I'm too excited!" : "Sohoku caught up to Hakone Academy!" Manami: "Sakamichi-kun..." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun..." Makishima: "Toudou, how's your condition?" Toudou: "Godlike, of course, Maki-chan." Sakamichi: "This pressure is incredible." : "They're accelerating!" Toudou: "I wouldn't have it any other way!" Toudou: "Maki-chan!" Makishima: "Sorry, but I can't let you beat me today, Toudou." Toudou: "You're leaving once the race is over, right?" Makishima: "Yeah." Toudou: "I should thank the mountain god that allowed us to ride together." Toudou: "Thanks, Maki-chan." Makishima: "Toudou..." Toudou: "That's why I can't lose!" Makishima: "Jinpachi!" Sakamichi: "Amazing... Amazing! I want to catch up..." Sakamichi: "I want to catch up to them!" Manami: "Sakamichi-kun..." Sakamichi: "Stronger... I want to become stronger! I need to catch up to them!" Manami: "Toudou-san..." Sakamichi: "Manami-kun!" Manami: "Sakamichi-kun!" Both: "Yeah!" Manami: "Go!" Kinjou: "Makishima, Onoda." Tadokoro: "Win, boys." uko: "Go!" Imaizumi: "You have to win." Izumida: "No, Hakone Academy will win." Shinkai: "Jinpachi, you can do it." Arakita: "I won't forgive you if you lose!" uku: "You are strong." : "They're neck and neck!" Toudou: "Did you get over it, Manami?" Sakamichi: "I caught up!" Manami: "Until the very last drop!" Both: "It's not over yet!" Both: "I won't lose!" Toudou: "Maki-chan!" Makishima: "Jinpachi!" Makishima: "Jinpachi!" Toudou: "Maki-chan!" : "100 meters left! It's the sprint to the finish!" Toudou: "That's eight wins and eight losses." Makishima: "Yeah." Toudou: "Go to England, Maki-chan." Makishima: "Jinpachi..." Makishima: "I'll be back." Manami: "Both Toudou-san and Makishima-san are amazing." Manami: "That was a good race." Sakamichi: "Yeah." Miki: "Onoda-kun..." Sakamichi: "Makishima-sa—" Sakamichi: "Sorry. I lost control..." Makishima: "It's blue." Sakamichi: "What?" Makishima: "Hey, Sakamichi." Makishima: "Isn't riding bikes fun?"
{ "raw_title": "Yowamushi Pedal The Movie – Yowamushi Pedal The Movie", "parsed": [] }
Girl: "Eat up, and feel better." Kuro: "I understand the pain of losing your family." Kuro: "Because I had an ally named Ute, I'm standing here right now." Kuro: "I have allies besides Ute!" Kuro: "I forged strong bonds with new allies, also." Kuro: "By meeting them, I learned the importance of allies!" Woman: "What?" Boy: "What's wrong, dear?" Say: "Syun risked his life in a duel, to tell Kaito about the importance of allies." Say: "While I didn't have the courage to step forward to save Ruri." Say: "So I swear that I'll bring Kaito back!" Say: "The Aquaria Project. In their plan to create an ideal world, the Fusion Dimension's Academia has driven Heartland City, in the Xyz Dimension, to the brink of obliteration." Gon: "Find her?" Saw: "No... Where did she go?" Yu: "Wait!" Al: "Watch where you're standing!" Yu: "I'll go with you. Sayaka's probably looking for Kaito!" Al: "Stay out of this, outsider! I don't know if Ute's really alive inside you, but I haven't acknowledged you as an ally yet." Yu: "Allen still thinks Dad ran away and abandoned them..." Kuro: "Why are you standing around? We'll leave the base's protection to our Resistance allies. We, the Lancers, should go to save Sayaka." Kuro: "Sawatari! Gongenzaka! Stop standing around." Saw: "What was that? Who made you leader?!" Kuro: "We'll split into two teams. Yuya, you're with me. All right?" Yu: "Kurosaki..." Grace: "One is unlikely to find a single Heartland resident, simply walking around." Grace: "And you don't look like you're one of us." Glo: "Then, is she with the Lancers?" Glo: "We are lucky to find our target so soon after arrival, Grace." Gra: "Yes, before we head to the commander's office," Al: "Sayaka!" Say: "Allen!" Al: "Get out of here! I'll handle them!" Gra: "Ah, it appears she has a friend." Glo: "Then we shall get two cards as souvenirs." Al: "Shut up! I'll protect Sayaka! What are you doing? Get going!" Say: "B-But..." Al: "Just run away!" Say: "No. I don't want to run and regret it again!" Al: "Wha? What are you—" Gra: "Sounds good... Let us fight a tag-team duel. Both our teams together, right?" Glo: "Yes." Gra: "A two-on-two tag duel. With the rule that teams share a field, life, and graveyard." Say: "I accept." Al: "Are you serious?!" Say: "Yes, I've made up my mind." Say: "No matter what, I won't run again." Say: "I'll have courage and stand tall!" Al: "Then I'll join you!" Glo: "A real fight... It's been so long." Gra: "I can't wait." Both: "Duel!" Al: "I'll go first. I summon Ruffian Railcar from my hand!" Al: "Lead-off Punch! In exchange for not doing battle," Gra: "My, my... What a lively little boy." Glo: "I guess that's how he says, "Hello."" Al: "I bet you lowered your guard, thinking I couldn't attack on my first turn. I now end my turn." Glo: "I'd never lower my guard during my return to the battlefield. My turn! When I have Amazoness cards in my hand," Glo: "And I tribute Amazoness Spy..." Glo: "To Tribute Summon Level 6 Amazoness Queen!" Glo: "Battle. Amazoness Queen attacks Ruffian Railcar!" Al: "In that instant, I activate the monster effect" Al: "I can Special Summon this card, and switch your attack target to it!" Glo: "Then, I shall have to destroy it." Al: "Signal Red can't be destroyed in this battle!" Glo: "Oh? Not bad." Gra: "But they still haven't used that "Pendulum Summon" method..." Glo: "What? Then we'll have to force their hand. I end my turn!" Al: "Great. All according to plan, so far. I dealt damage to her, and also blocked her attack. Sayaka, our field is shared. You can use my monster however you want." Say: "R-Right." Al: "Now, go! It's your turn!" Say: "I need to destroy Amazoness Queen, which has 2400 attack points." Say: "My turn!" Say: "It's okay! This is all according to my plan, too!" Say: "I summon Little Fairy!" Say: "And I discard one card to activate its monster effect! I increase Little Fairy's level by 1. Then, I activate my spell card Fairy Dust" Al: "There... Now, you've got two Level 4s!" Say: "I overlay Level 4 Little Fairy and Signal Red!" Say: "Let the angel smile upon the heroes who never stop fighting." Say: "Xyz Summon!" Say: "Appear, Rank 4..." Say: "Fairy Cheer Girl! Since Signal Red, targeted by Fairy Dust, was used as an Xyz component, it increases Fairy Cheer Girl's attack points by 500!" Al: "Looking good. Keep it up, Sayaka!" Gra: "She got us... With 500 more attack points, they're 2400. The same number of attack points as Amazoness Queen has." Glo: "Why aren't they using Pendulum?" Gra: "I wonder if they're underestimating us." Glo: "That makes me all the happier." Gra: "Yes, more worth crushing." Glo: "But if we're wrong..." Say: "Fairy Dust will negate Fairy Cheer Girl's destruction by battle, so they won't take each other out." Say: "First, I'll destroy their monster. Then I'll attack directly." Say: "Battle! Fairy Cheer Girl attacks Amazoness Queen!" Glo: "As long as Amazoness Queen is on the field," Glo: "It seems we were wrong." Gra: "Yes. The ones the Professor sent us all the way to this dimension to beat" Al: "What do you mean by "pathetic"?!" Glo: "It means you're weak opponents. And weak in the head, too." Al: "Why, you..." Gra: "After all, that girl lacked the brains" Al: "Sayaka! It's still your turn. There are still things you can do, right?" Say: "Things I can do... I..." Say: "I set one card and end my turn." Al: "No! Your Fairy Cheer Girl's effect lets you use one Overlay Unit per turn to draw!" Al: "You just gave up your chance to get a new card in your hand!" Say: "I-I'm sorry." Al: "Well, it's okay. I'll work hard next turn." Glo: "If you get a next turn." Al: "What?" Gra: "If you aren't with the Lancers, are you Resistance remnants?" Al: "What if we are?" Glo: "Don't you know who we are?" Gra: "If you don't, we'll tell you." Glo: "The terror of the Tyler sisters..." Both: "...and their tag-team duel!" Al: "The Tyler sisters?" Al: "The Tyler sisters? The ones who brought the Resistance's Spade Branch to the verge of total destruction?" Say: "Oh, no..." Gra: "My turn!" Gra: "I activate spell card The Warrior Returning Alive from my hand!" Gra: "I return Amazoness Spy from my graveyard, and add it to my hand. And I activate my spell card Polymerization," Gra: "Jungle beast, with bared claws," Gra: "Fusion Summon!" Gra: "Battle... Amazoness Pet Liger attacks Fairy Cheer Girl!" Gra: "When Liger attacks, its attack points increase by 500!" Say: "Fairy Dust's effect prevents Fairy Cheer Girl from being destroyed by battle!" Gra: "But you still take damage!" Gra: "I also activate Liger's monster effect! After damage calculation, the attack points of a monster" Gra: "After battle, Liger's attack points return to normal." Glo: "But it isn't over yet. I attack Fairy Cheer Girl with Amazoness Queen!" Say: "Fairy Dust's effect prevents Fairy Cheer Girl—" Gra: "From destruction, yes? Then, Liger's effect reduces Fairy Cheer Girl's attack points" Al: "Why do you keep dumping on Fairy Cheer Girl?!" Glo: "You cannot tell even that much?" Gra: "Because you're so boring... You two aren't any kind of challenge." Al: "So you're just playing with us? Watch! On my turn, I'll repay this debt, with interest!" Glo: "He talks big, doesn't he?" Gra: "Talk is cheap, after all." Gra: "I activate my Continuous Spell Amazoness Magic Mirror! It negates effect damage from your cards," Glo: "Now, your Railcar's effect is sealed, as well." Gra: "Do try to repay me, if you can. With ten- or a hundred-fold interest." Al: "Damn..." Gra: "I set one card and end my turn." Say: "Allen..." Say: "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Al: "Sayaka..." Al: "I swore I'd be brave and fight." Al: "But I rushed forward, emotionally. I'm just... dragging you down— What are you talking about?!" Al: "We haven't lost yet. We're only getting started." Al: "My turn!" Al: "I summon Express Train Trolley Olley!" Al: "It's okay to rush forward. My rush of feelings" Al: "I overlay Level 4 Ruffian Railcar" Al: "Impregnable fortress, send tremors through the ground, as you barrel down the tracks where enemy soldiers squirm!" Al: "Xyz Summon! Appear, Rank 4 Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf! In that instant, the use of Trolley Olley as an Xyz component" Glo: "3000 attack points? I see. If that attacks my Amazoness Queen..." Gra: "...even if he can't destroy it, he can deal some damage." Glo: "Basically the same thing we—" Al: "Like hell! I won't play some stupid game of toying" Gra: "Goodness me. "Toying," he says?" Glo: "Then, what will you do?" Al: "I'm gonna smash right into you, of course! I use one of Ironwolf's Overlay Units to activate its monster effect! Ironwolf can attack you directly!" Glo: "I compliment you for attacking us directly, rather than our monsters." Gra: "It must have taken all your meager intelligence to work that one out." Glo: "As a reward, let us tell you one thing." Both: "That attack will not reach us." Al: "What?" Glo: "Amazoness Pet Liger can negate attacks to targets other than itself. And even if you attack Liger," Glo: "Once again, your thinking proved too shallow." Al: "Damn... Isn't there something I can do? Can't... Can't we do something?" Say: "Allen..." Say: "Allen! Use Fairy Cheer Girl's effect!" Al: "That's right! I use one of Fairy Cheer Girl's Overlay Units to activate its monster effect!" Say: "Yeah! Now you can draw again!" Al: "Yeah!" Al: "Okay, let's go!" Al: "Draw!" Al: "I got it." Al: "Go. Battle, Ironwolf... Full speed ahead at Amazoness Pet Liger!" Glo: "I activate my trap Amazoness Substitution! I Special Summon one Amazoness monster, of Level 4 or below," Glo: "Come, Amazoness Swords Woman!" Al: "I dunno what you're trying to do, but a train in motion won't stop so easily! I activate my Quick-Play Spell Limiter Removal!" Al: "Until the end of my turn, it doubles Ironwolf's attack points!" Say: "Allen..." Al: "Eat this!" Gra: "In that instant, Amazoness Swords Woman's effect activates! The damage I would have taken in battle is dealt back to you!" Al: "Back to me?" Say: "I activate my set card!" Say: "Fairy Rail! I use two Overlay Units on my field to negate the damage Allen takes, adding the damage you would have dealt to Fairy Cheer Girl's attack points!" Glo: "What? Our 4500 damage is..." Gra: "...changed to attack points?" Say: "Allen, use my Cheer Girl!" Al: "All right! I attack Amazoness Pet Liger with Fairy Cheer Girl!" Glo: "Amazoness Queen's effect prevents Liger's destruction!" Al: "But you still take damage!" Say: "Fairy Rail's effect means Fairy Cheer Girl" Say: "Fairy Cheer Girl can't be destroyed by battle. And with her in defense position, we won't take damage. So you won't be able to hit us over and over, again!" Al: "Sayaka..." Say: "Allen, thanks for waking me up. You taught me that if I fight, I'd better keep at it until it really ends!" Al: "Y-Yeah, that's right." Al: "I now end my turn. During the End Phase, the monster that Limiter Removal targeted is destroyed!" Glo: "Such an eyesore." Gra: "Yes. Let's finish them off." Glo: "My turn! I activate spell card Polymerization from my hand," Glo: "Queen of the jungle," Glo: "Fusion Summon! Appear, Level 8 Amazoness Empress!" Glo: "Battle! Amazoness Pet Liger attacks Fairy Cheer Girl!" Glo: "In that instant, Liger's attack points increase by 500." Say: "Your attacks don't matter." Glo: "Amazoness Empress's monster effect! When an Amazoness monster attacks a defense-position monster," Glo: "I'll take off the remaining 1100 life, too." Glo: "Amazoness Empress attacks Fairy Cheer Girl!" Gon: "Did you hear that?" Gra: "Now, let's turn them into cards and head for the base." Glo: "Yes." Gon: "Allen! Sayaka!" Saw: "Are you with Academia?!" Glo: "Who are you two?" Saw: "We're the Lancers!" Glo: "Oh? Then, let's try you." Gra: "Yes... That last duel wasn't satisfying at all." : "They're late... They're late." : "They're late... They're late!" : "They're late!" : "They're now 28 minutes and 57 seconds behind schedule. Where are those Tyler sisters?" Man: "I have a report." Man: "The Tyler sisters have engaged the Lancers in battle." : "What?" Man: "City cameras are picking up images of the duel." Man: "I'll inform the supreme commander at once." : "W-Wait! I mustn't let the commander know that I asked the Professor" : "I'll go and fetch the Tyler sisters myself. Until then, keep this a secret from the commander." : "Understand?" Edo: "Why couldn't I beat him?" Edo: "Is it..." Edo: "Is it because he's Yusyo Sakaki's..." Edo: "son?" Edo: "Are you the ones using an Amazoness deck for tag-team duels? The Spade Branch Resistance fought a pair of women who used an Amazoness deck, and were all but destroyed by them. I can't let them go! I understand your sorrow and anger. But I will fight the duel I believe in!"
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 107 – The Duel-Starved Amazonesses", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "107", "The Duel-Starved Amazonesses" ] }
Hu: "Yuzu, don't leave my side." Zu: "Don't worry. I can protect myself." Hu: "I mean it... Stay with me! I swear I'll keep you safe." Zu: "Hugo?" Teacher: "In situations like this, Fusion Su—" Hu: "It's not "Fusion"! It's "Hugo"!" Hu: "Get it right!" Teach: "Hey! Don't ride motorcycles in the halls!" Hu: "It's not a motorcycle... It's a D-Wheel!" Hu: "But just..." Hu: "What is this place?!" Yu: "Serena... Why?" Ser: "Serena here. I have Yuzu Hiiragi in custody." Leo: "Good." Leo: "Now, all the pieces are in place. Yusyo Sakaki," Leo: "it seems the time has finally come, for me to tell you everything. In a world split into four dimensions, four boys exist, all with the same face. Their dragons call to each other," Leo: "almost as if seeking one another." Asu: "Strange... Not a single Academia soldier is here." Sho: "No." Asu: "A trap?" Kai: "Even if it is a trap..." Kai: "If Ruri is still in that tower, we must go save her!" Hu: "Hey!" Hu: "Ow, ow... I give! I give!" Kite: "You Fusion minion!" Hu: "It's not "Fusion." It's "Hugo."" Kite: "Hugo? I see. So you're the one..." Kite: "You hurry, too!" Hu: "Who is that guy?" Asu: "How did you get here before us, Hugo?" Hu: "Yuzu's bracelet lit up and sent me here." Asu: "Sent you? What do you mean?" Hu: "I don't really get it, but I've been thrown around a bit, before. So, what is this place?" Asu: "It's Academia." Hu: "This is Academia?!" Asu: "Yes, and we know where Rin is." Hu: "What?" Hu: "Where is Rin?" Asu: "The top floor of the beach-side tower." Hu: "Why didn't you say that earlier?" Sho: "Be careful! This could be an Academia trap..." Sho: "I see speech won't reach him. But I suppose we should go, too." Asu: "Yes, sir." Sho: "To see Leo Akaba." Hu: "Rin..." Hu: "Up there? Is she up there? Wait for me, Rin. I'm on my way." Kite: "Wait for me, Syun." Kite: "I'm going to save your little sister right now." Hu: "Serena's being manipulated." Gon: "Which means three of them are at Academia," Yu: "No. The girl Hugo's looking for, Rin, is also probably... Yeah. Since he came after me, thinking I was Joeri." Yu: "That means the Professor has all the girls he's looking for... Sora," Yu: "do you know anything? Anything at all?" Yu: "Why is the Professor after Yuzu and the others?" Sora: "I said it before, but I don't know, either. But the Aquaria Project he's working for" Yu: "Every dimension has a girl who looks just like Yuzu." Gon: "Which means that now, the Professor must have all the girls he needs." Sora: "The world is divided into four dimensions. The fact that the Professor was trying to collect the girl" Sora: "suggests that those four must have some connection to the Aquaria Project." Yu: "They do?" Gon: "I see. Then if we save them," Yu: "Yeah." Yu: "So we have to save them as quickly as possible!" All: "Yeah!" Di: "I am the guardian of the western tower, Diana." Kite: "Is Ruri in here?" Di: "You cannot pass unless you beat me!" Kite: "Then, that's just what I'll do!" Both: "Duel!" Di: "I shall go first. I activate my spell card Polymerization from my hand!" Di: "I fuse Guardian Baou and Penumbral Soldier Lady. When the sword that crushes evil reflects the light of the Moon," Di: "Fusion Summon!" Di: "Penumbral Keeper, descend!" Di: "And I activate Penumbral Keeper's monster effect! I Special Summon one Keeper Shield Token. While this token is on the field, attacks cannot target Penumbral Keeper." Di: "Then, I set one card and end my turn." Hu: "Rin!" Ap: "I am the guardian of the eastern tower, Apollo." Hu: "Shut up! Afollo, Popollo, or whatever your name is..." Hu: "Where's Rin? Give her back!" Ap: "If you wish her back, you must defeat me." Yu: "Damn, I don't have time for this..." Hu: "Then, as you wish, I'll destroy you!" Both: "Duel!" Ap: "I shall go first. I activate my spell card Polymerization from my hand!" Ap: "I fuse Guardian Tryce and Luminous Soldier! When the twin, flashing blades reflect the light of the Sun," Ap: "Fusion Summon!" Ap: "Luminous Keeper, descend!" Ap: "And I activate Luminous Keeper's monster effect! I Special Summon one Keeper Shield Token!" Ap: "While this token is on the field, attacks cannot target Penumbral Keeper. Then, I set one card and end my turn." Hu: "Let's go! My turn!" Hu: "I activate my spell card Speedroid Scratch from my hand! I send a Speedroid from my hand to the graveyard," Hu: "Then, I summon the card I added to my hand, Speedroid Double Yoyo! When I succeed in summoning this card," Hu: "Come out, Den-Den Daiko Duke!" Hu: "Level 3 Den-Den Daiko Duke tunes Level 4 Speedroid Double Yoyo!" Hu: "Synchro Summon!" Hu: "Appear, Level 7 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!" Kite: "My turn!" Kite: "I summon Cipher Wing from my hand! When there's a Cipher Wing on my side of the field," Kite: "And I activate Continuous Spell Double Exposure from my hand." Kite: "It doubles the level of two monsters, Level 6 or below, on my side of the field." Kite: "And I overlay the two Cipher Wings, which are now Level 8!" Kite: "Xyz Summon! Descend, Rank 8 Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!" Ap: "Already summoned your ace monster, have you?" Di: "You want to settle this quickly, but I'd rather have a bit more fun." Both: "I activate my Continuous Trap Admiration of the Keepers!" Ap: "I negate Clear Wing Synchro Dragon's effect," Ap: "and Special Summon two Keeper Shield Tokens to my side of the field!" Di: "I negate Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon's effect," Di: "and Special Summon two Keeper Shield Tokens to my side of the field!" Ap: "Your monster can attack all Keeper Shield Tokens at once." Di: "But if you do not attack, your monster will be destroyed." Ap: "Well, what will you do? Will you attack my Keeper Shield Tokens?" Di: "Or..." Di: "...will you fail to attack, and lose your ace monster?" Kite: "There's no need to think about it! Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon attacks Keeper Shield Token! Annihilating Cipher Stream!" Hu: "Battle!" Ap: "In that instant, Luminous Keeper's effect activates! The attack points of a monster that destroys a Keeper Shield Token" Ap: "And it deals 800 points of damage to you! The more of my tokens you defeat," Ap: "Will you continue, regardless?" Hu: "So that's your plan?" Ap: "In that instant, Penumbral Keeper's effect activates! The attack points of a monster that destroy a Keeper Shield Token" Ap: "And I recover 800 life. The more of my tokens you defeat," Di: "Will you continue, regardless?" Kite: "A ridiculous game..." Ap: "If you don't want to lose any more life, why not end your turn right now?" Ap: "Although if you do, you'll lose Clear Wing Synchro Dragon..." Hu: "There's no way I'm doing that!" Hu: "Battle! I attack the second Keeper Shield Token with Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!" Ap: "Luminous Keeper's effect activates! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon's attack points decrease by 800," Hu: "I attack the third one." Ap: "Luminous Keeper's monster effect! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon's attack points decrease by 800," Kite: "No matter what you try, there is only one thing I must do. Battle!" Di: "Penumbral Keeper's effect activates. Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon's attack points decrease by 800," Kite: "Wait for me, Syun." Kite: "I will save your sister, I swear!" Kite: "Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon attacks the third Keeper Shield Token!" Di: "Penumbral Keeper's monster effect. Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon's attack points decrease by 800," Ap: "To retain your ace monster, you've shaved down your life." Ap: "But it has only 100 attack points remaining. Was there a point to keeping it?" Hu: "Of course!" Hu: "Now, Luminous Keeper has no more shields. And by taking damage during the Battle Phase," Hu: "And when I succeed in Special Summoning it," Hu: "Let the clear wings, infused with holy power, shine and strike at the enemy!" Hu: "Synchro Summon!" Hu: "Appear, Level 8 Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon!" Ap: "The destruction of its target monster destroys Admiration of the Keepers." Ap: "He escaped that situation, and summoned an ace monster of a higher level. But that won't be enough to beat me!" Hu: "What are you saying? My turn's not over yet! When Speedroid Gum Prize is used as a Synchro Summon component, I draw one card from my deck. If it's a Speedroid, I send it to my graveyard," Hu: "and add its attack points to those of Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon! I'll end it with this card." Hu: "Rin is right ahead. I have no more time to waste here! Please," Hu: "my cards..." Hu: "Draw!" Hu: "Yeah! Lucky draw! The 1000 attack points of the Ohajikid I drew" Hu: "Battle! Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon attacks Luminous Keeper!" Ap: "Luminous Keeper is destroyed, but my next turn..." Hu: "I'm not done yet! When Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon does battle with a monster of Level 5 or higher, its attack points increase by those of the monster it targets!" Ap: "6400 attack points?" Hu: "Go!" Hu: "Gale Crystallos Edge!" Hu: "Rin..." Di: "To retain your ace monster, you've restored my life points." Di: "But it has only 600 attack points remaining. Was there a point to keeping it?" Kite: "Of course!" Kite: "Now Penumbral Keeper has no more shields." Kite: "I activate my Quick-Play Spell Rank-Up-Magic Cipher Pursuit from my hand! When there's a 2000 or greater difference in our life points," Kite: "Galaxy shining in the darkness... Release your eternal light to guide us to the future!" Kite: "Descend, Rank 9 Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!" Di: "The destruction of its target monster destroys Admiration of the Keepers." Kite: "Cipher Pursuit's effect allows Neo Galaxy-Eyes to use its effect!" Kite: "I use all of its Overlay Units to activate its monster effect!" Kite: "Cipher Super Projection!" Kite: "I take control of as many of your monsters as I can, with their effects negated." Kite: "Monsters I take control of in this way cannot attack on this turn." Di: "My monster..." Kite: "I also activate my Quick-Play Spell Galaxy-Eyes Nova from my hand! I tribute my second Neo Galaxy-Eyes," Kite: "I attack directly with Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon" Di: "No... Stop it!" Kite: "Are you ready to make your confession?" Kite: "Annihilating Double Cipher Stream!" Kite: "Ruri!" Ruri: "Kaito!" Ruri: "What are you doing here?" Kite: "Let's go. Syun's waiting for you." Ruri: "Okay, thank you." Hu: "Rin!" Ri: "Hugo..." Ri: "You're late! What took you so long?!" Hu: "R-Rin..." Ri: "I've been waiting... for so long." Ri: "I was so worried, so disheartened, so afraid..." Rin: "Hugo, you... idiot!" Hu: "Rin..." Hu: "Rin, you're okay now." Rin: "Yeah." Rin: "I'm sorry. I was late in saving you. But I thought first, I should focus" Rin: "I don't care about that nonsense. Right now, you must duel me. Rin, have you forgotten the hard work we put into our D-Wheel?"
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 116 – Guardians of the Sun and Moon", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "116", "Guardians of the Sun and Moon" ] }
Yu: "I was out searching for Yuzu," Ute: "But Ruri's personality suddenly changed, and she challenged me to a duel." Yu: "Then, Serena also entered the battle." Yu: "Duel me. If you beat us in a duel," Yu: "I'll do whatever you want." Ute: "The Academia scientist known as the Doctor has brainwashed them." Yu: "And Yuzu, too." Yu: "How dare you... How dare you hurt Yuzu?!" Yu: "Calm down, Yuya." Yu: "Calm down!" Yu: "You aren't the only one who wants to make them pay. I do, too!" Yu: "Yuya..." Yu: "I hate the man who stole Ruri's smile." Yu: "Yeah, so do I." Yu: "The enemy we need to defeat is the Doctor! And then, without doubt, Ruri," Dialogue: "Serena, and Yuzu..." Dialogue: "...will return to us!" Yu: "And at the same time. Thank you, honor student Asuka." Yu: "Next up..." Yu: "Huh? How?" Yu: "Oh, I forgot to mention..." Yu: "I can work this system. I was just pretending to be trapped. It isn't fun without an audience, you see." Yu: "You... Well, time for your execution, Sora Shiunin! In a world split into four dimensions, four boys exist, all with the same face. Their dragons call to each other," Yu: "almost as if seeking one another." Sora: "I activate my spell card Frightfur Fusion from my hand! I banish Frightfur Bear and two Edge Imp Frightfuloids in my graveyard," Sora: "The inanimate toy that houses the devil, annihilate the fools who oppose me! Fusion Summon!" Sora: "Appear, the magical beast that's a combination of all toys! Frightfur Chimera!" Sora: "I attack Ancient Gear Hydra with Frightfur Chimera!" Sora: "Frightfur Chimera's monster effect activates. The destroyed Ancient Gear Hydra" Sora: "For each monster I take control of with this effect," Sora: "Your monster's mine now." Joe: "Oh, wow! You're doing really well!" Joe: "Not bad at all." Sora: "I attack directly with Ancient Gear Hydra!" Serena: "Go on, attack me. I'll turn the tables." Yu: "Be careful, Ute... She's got a plan." Ute: "Yeah, I know. I'll have to plan one step ahead." Ute: "Action Spell Single Destruction!" Ute: "When only one monster is on your side of the field, I destroy that monster!" Ruri: "Ute used an Action Card?" Ute: "I destroy Parasite Queen!" Ser: "Never!" Ser: "I activate Fusion Parasite's effect! By sending this card to the graveyard, I negate Queen's destruction." Ser: "In that instant, Parasite Queen's attack points decrease by 300." Ute: "She negated Queen's destruction by sending Fusion Parasite to the graveyard?" Yu: "But this will increase the damage you do." Ute: "I'll remove your other Fusion Parasite!" Ute: "Battle! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, attack Parasite Queen!" Ute: "Lightning Disobey of Rebellion!" Ser: "I activate Parasite Queen's effect! When Parasite Queen is attacked," Ser: "When a Fusion Parasite is attached to a monster other than Parasite Queen, it decreases" Ser: "I wanted to get rid of Fusion Parasite, but it merely attached to me." Yu: "Was this her real goal?" Ser: "And I activate my trap card Power Parasite! I equip one Fusion Parasite in my graveyard to Parasite Queen," Ser: "I also activate Parasite Queen's effect!" Ser: "For each Fusion Parasite on the field, Queen's attack points increase by 300!" Yu: "Not good! She'll really damage you!" Ute: "I activate my Quick-Play Spell The Phantom Knights' Round Blaze! I banish two Phantom Knights cards in my graveyard to destroy all monsters, on both our fields, and end the Battle Phase." Ser: "It's no use! I send Fusion Parasite to the graveyard to negate its destruction!" Ute: "Then, I also send Fusion Parasite to my graveyard" Ser: "Using Fusion Parasite's effect... Not bad at all." Ute: "Not so fast." Ute: "It isn't over yet. The Phantom Knights' Round Blaze's other effect. For each monster sent to the graveyard during this turn's Battle Phase, I deal 800 points of damage to you." Ute: "I set one card and end my turn." Ruri: "My turn!" Ruri: "Continuous Spell Parasite Factory's effect. Once per each of our turns, I can equip one Fusion Parasite in my deck to Parasite Queen, to take control of it. The addition of another Fusion Parasite to the field" Ruri: "And I activate my spell card Parasite Reborn from my hand. I equip the Fusion Parasites in Serena's and my graveyards" Ute: "Again?" Ruri: "Parasite Queen's effect" Ruri: "And having two more Fusion Parasites on the field" Ruri: "Time for battle." Ruri: "Parasite Queen attacks Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!" Ute: "Action Spell Evade. I negate Parasite Queen's attack!" Ruri: "I'm not done yet. I activate my spell Parasite Maneuver. Its effect allows Parasite Queen to attack once more, this turn!" Ute: "What?" Ruri: "You cannot dodge this one. Parasite Queen attacks again!" Ute: "Action Spell Miracle. This prevents Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon's destruction this turn," Yu: "Ute..." Yu: "Are you okay, Ute?" Yu: "Ute!" Ruri: "I set one card and end my turn." Ser: "My turn! I activate Continuous Spell Parasite Factory's effect to equip a Fusion Parasite in my deck to Parasite Queen" Ser: "The addition of another Fusion Parasite increases Queen's attack points by another 300!" Yu: "3000 attack points?" Yu: "I'll need Action Cards to dodge this." Ser: "I won't let that happen." Ser: "That's..." Doc: "My bug made it into Yuya Sakaki's head." Doc: "Good... Good... Now, Yuya Sakaki will become another of my servants." Doc: "Swear fealty to me!" Ser: "It seems you're one of us now, too." Yu: "Who are you calling" Yu: "one of you?" Doc: "Why?" Doc: "Why wasn't he brainwashed? Why?" Ser: "Battle. I attack Dark Rebellion with Parasite Queen!" Yu: "Trap card The Phantom Knights of Wrong Magnetring! By discarding a card with the same name as one in my graveyard," Yu: "Then, Wrong Magnetring becomes an Effect Monster" Ser: "I set one card and end my turn." Jo: "My turn!" Jo: "I activate my spell card Ancient Gear Inspection." Jo: "I can activate one Ancient Gear monster on the field by returning it to my hand." Jo: "It lets me draw one card." Jo: "I'd like my Ancient Gear Hydra, if you please." Jo: "Draw!" Sora: "The loss of Ancient Gear Hydra" Sora: "But it still has 2800 attack points!" Sora: "And I still have more life than you!" Jo: "I activate my spell card Polymerization. I send Ancient Gear Golem, Ancient Gear Gadget," Jo: "Appear, Level 10 Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem!" Jo: "Battle." Jo: "I attack Frightfur Chimera with Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem!" Jo: "All done." Hu: "Hold it!" Ute: "Are you okay, Yuya?" Yu: "Ute! Yeah. My turn! I activate The Phantom Knights of Wrong Magnetring's effect" Yu: "And by tributing Wrong Magnetring with four Fusion Parasites equipped," Yu: "In that instant, Parasite Queen's attack points go down by 1200!" Ruri: "Eliminating four Fusion Parasites at once..." Ser: "I didn't think it was possible." Yu: "And I activate my spell card Odd-Eyes Accel." Yu: "It lets me summon Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon without tribute!" Doc: "So he has both of his ace monsters out..." Doc: "But my Parasite deck still has more to show, too." Ser: "I activate my trap Parasite Spell! When I have a Parasite monster on my field, I can activate one spell card from a graveyard." Ser: "I activate Parasite Discharge from Ruri's graveyard!" Ser: "I Special Summon Fusion Parasite from my deck!" Ser: "I activate my Continuous Trap Parasite Generator! When a Parasite monster is Special Summoned, I can summon a Fusion Parasite from my deck." Ruri: "I also Special Summon as many Fusion Parasites" Ruri: "In that instant, each Fusion Parasite counts as two," Ruri: "Additionally, for each Fusion Parasite," Yu: "5400 attack points..." Ruri: "You worked so hard to clear out our Fusion Parasites last turn," Doc: "You see that? The true terror of the Parasite deck." Ute: "He's..." Yu: "Are you the Doctor?" Doc: "I certainly am! I am the Doctor, Yuya Sakaki." Yu: "Where is Yuzu?!" Doc: "Sorry, but you won't be able to see her... Because you're going to die where you stand. Of course, even if you saw her," Doc: "she is a prisoner of my bugs." Ruri: "What? What's going on?" Ser: "The Fusion Parasites... They're afraid?" Yu: "No matter how many you send against me," Yu: "bugs are still bugs!" Yu: "Spell card The Phantom Knights' Possession!" Yu: "I grant an Xyz Monster the level of one monster on my side of the field. I attribute Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's Level 7" Yu: "I overlay Level 7 Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!" Yu: "Dragon with different-colored eyes..." Yu: "Xyz Summon! Come out, dragon of fire who calls disaster, Rank 7 Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon!" Ser: "Odd-Eyes..." Ser: "...Raging Dragon?" Yu: "Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon's effect! I use all of its Overlay Units to destroy all cards except for it." Yu: "And for each card I destroy, its attack points increase by 200!" Ser: "The fool. Has he forgotten?" Ruri: "Parasite Generator's effect prevents Parasite monsters' destruction by effects!" Ser: "And Parasite Factory's effect gives Parasite Queen a second level of protection!" Yu: "When this happens," Ruri: "What?" Ser: "That's awful." Ute: "I've destroyed nine cards. As a result, Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon's attack points" Ruri: "N-No..." Yu: "Battle." Ser: "But there are two of us. Even if you defeat one of us, on the next turn, the other—" Yu: "You won't get a next turn!" Yu: "Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon can attack twice on one turn." Yu: "Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon attacks you directly!" Both: "Furious Destruction Burst!" Yu: "Serena! Are you okay?" Yu: "Where's the Doctor?" Both: "Ruri, speak to me." Kuro: "Ruri..." Yu: "Kurosaki! You're awake?" Yu: "Wait, Serena! Ruri!" Yu: "Kurosaki..." Kuro: "Don't worry about me. Go after those two." Stu: "The Professor will see you. Please come with us." Ute: "Yuya!" Yu: "Wait!" Doc: "Well, well... Welcome, Yuya Sakaki. I am Academia's genius scientist," Doc: "the Doctor." Yu: "Yuzu!" Yu: "Damn! Yuzu, are you okay?" Doc: "What do you think of my special insect cage?" Yu: "Yuzu, it's me! It's Yuya! Don't you recognize me?!" Doc: "Like I said, she is a prisoner of my bugs." Doc: "As you can see, I have Yuya Sakaki in custody." Doc: "Stay where you are, for a while..." Yu: "W-Wait, Doctor!" Yu: "Wait, Yuzu... Don't go!" Yu: "Yuzu!" Stu: "We've brought them, Professor." Leo: "Good. Step back." Leo: "I have been waiting..." Leo: "Yusyo Sakaki." Yu: "Dad! Have you ever wondered" Yu: "There used to be one world, in which they all existed. One world? I dreamed of achieving fame there... Without realizing I had opened Pandora's box."
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 125 – The Dragon of Raging Fire", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "125", "The Dragon of Raging Fire" ] }
Zu: "During the battle royal for the Junior Youth Championship, my bracelet lit up." Zu: "Yuya and the others weren't in this world." Woman: "The escaping D-Wheel has been spotted by Duel Chaser 227, on Highway 8." Woman: "The D-Wheel appears to be ignoring orders to halt." Woman: "Requesting permission to stop it by force." Rog: "You have permission to force a duel. Those who fail to follow security's orders" Dc: "I set Field Spell Speed World Neo!" Voice: "Duel Mode, on. Autopilot, stand by." Man: "A duel!" Voice: "A duel is beginning. A duel is beginning. All cars along the route are requested to withdraw at once." Voice: "A duel is beginning. A duel is beginning. All cars along the route are requested to withdraw at once." Go: "What's your name?" Go: "I haven't asked your name yet." Zu: "I'm Yuzu. Yuzu Hiiragi." Go: "Okay. Hold on tight, Yuzu!" Go: "I'll show you what a riding duel is!" Both: "Riding duel... Acceleration!" : "D-Wheels." : "They combine speed and thrills for the ultimate show," Op: "Speed World Neo activation complete. Link to pursuing D-Wheel confirmed. They have entered the Speed World Neo domain. Chief, Duel Chaser 227 is initiating the duel." Rog: "What's their course?" Op: "Tops Residential Zone-City Center, route STC-06." Rog: "Perfect." Hu: "I'll go first. Let's go! My turn!" Hu: "I summon Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice from my hand! When there's a Wind Attribute Monster on my side of the field," Hu: "Level 3 Tri-Eyed Dice tunes Level 3 Taketomborg! Cross-shaped magical sword," Hu: "Synchro Summon!" Hu: "Come out, Hi-Speedroid Kendama!" Zu: "Synchro Summon?" Hu: "Let's go! I activate Kendama's effect! Once per turn, I can banish a Speedroid in my graveyard" Hu: "Yes! I landed the first hit!" Yu: "I set one card and end my turn." Zu: "Hey, hey. Are you actually going to duel while you drive?" Hu: "You bet." Zu: "N-No way!" Zu: "L-Look out..." Zu: "I really think we should get off the bike first!" Zu: "What now?" Hu: "They're here, huh?" Mel: "Good evening, City residents. I'm the lead Top City TV reporter, Melissa Claire." Mel: "Today, we're bringing you a breathtaking chase and exciting riding duel!" Man: "Director, a news helicopter has appeared in the sky over Speed World." Rog: "Goodness..." Rog: "The Tops really are starved for entertainment, aren't they? We have no choice. It will be a bit of a detour," Man: "Yes, sir." Hu: "Here it comes." Mel: "A Duel Chaser, security's pride and joy, is in pursuit of two people. The duel's first turn is over," Mel: "Who will win, and who will lose? And how will the chase end? It's a pulse-pounding live broadcast. I'm top reporter Melissa Claire," Hu: "Come on, now! The spectators at home are waiting on you!" Dc: "Allow me to warn you." Dc: "I won't lose to a rat like you!" Dc: "My turn! I summon Jutte Fighter from my hand! In addition, when you have a Synchro Monster on your field," Dc: "In addition, Level 2 Jutte Fighter tunes Level 3 Sasumata Gardna!" Dc: "Pursue him to the ends of hell. Appear, sacred soul! Synchro Summon!" Zu: "They can Synchro Summon, too? Then, this really is the Synchro Dimension?" Dc: "Go! I attack Kendama with Goyo Chaser!" Mel: "The fugitive has taken 200 points of damage!" Rog: "It isn't over yet." Rog: "Goyo Chaser's effect activates." Dc: "When I destroy a monster by battle with this card," Hu: "What?" Rog: "Direct attack with Kendama." Hu: "Using my own monster against me? That's pretty low!" Mel: "That must have hurt. The fugitive has taken 1100 damage!" Zu: "A-Are you okay?" Hu: "It's just getting interesting." Dc: "I set one card and end my turn." Rog: "Two turns left, I imagine." Rog: "Amass a security patrol team at Point 5, in Town D-block." Rog: "Things should finish up around there." Man: "Understood." Rog: "In addition, raise the City-wide security level to five," Mel: "It's a real back and forth... How will the fugitive strike back on his next turn?" Hu: "Let's give it all we've got! My turn!" Hu: "I summon Speedroid Ohajikid! The turn I successfully summon this card," Hu: "I choose Jutte Fighter." Hu: "I'll use your monsters, too!" Hu: "Level 2 Jutte Fighter tunes Level 3 Speedroid Ohajikid!" Hu: "Synchro Summon!" Hu: "Constantly moving soul of swordplay... Appear, Level 5 Hi-Speedroid Chanbara!" Mel: "Incredible! The fugitive stole the Duel Chaser's monster for a Synchro Summon!" Hu: "Now, battle! I attack Kendama with Chanbara!" Hu: "At the same time, Chanbara's effect activates." Hu: "When this card does battle, its attack points increase by 100!" Hu: "I'm not done yet!" Hu: "Chanbara's effect allows it to attack twice in one Battle Phase." Dc: "What?" Hu: "Go, Chanbara! Attack Goyo Chaser! And when Chanbara does battle," Hu: "All right!" Mel: "The fugitive's series of attacks has dealt consistent damage to the Duel Chaser! He's having an unexpectedly difficult fight." Rog: "Sad to say, I've seen three moves in advance. And on the third move, it's over." Dc: "I activate my trap Descending Lost Star! This card's effect lets me choose one Synchro Monster in my graveyard," Dc: "Appear once more, Goyo Chaser!" Dc: "But the Special Summoned Goyo Chaser loses its effect." Dc: "I also can't change its battle position." Mel: "Look at this! The Duel Chaser's Goyo Chaser has returned!" Hu: "I end my turn." Mel: "But you have to give it to this fugitive" Rog: "Repulsing him?" Rog: "And you call yourself a top reporter?" Rog: "This is check, I believe..." Mel: "The Duel Chaser has gotten ahead of the fugitive!" Hu: "Not bad at all." Dc: "Now that I'm ahead, I won't let you go left or right. There's no getting around me." Hu: "Oh, really?" Hu: "You're wide open!" Dc: "Damn you!" Mel: "Th-The fugitive..." Zu: "Don't be so reckless!" Hu: "I told you, if we're caught here, we'll be sent to prison!" Hu: "Then, I won't be able to participate in the Friendship Cup." Hu: "And I'll never be able to rise in society!" Hu: "In this place, duels are the only means of upward mobility." Hu: "To live a proper life..." Zu: "Duels are a way of life?" Hu: "Now, bring it!" Hu: "If you want to catch me, you'll have to beat me in this duel!" Dc: "You rat..." Dc: "My turn! I summon Torapart from my hand!" Dc: "Torapart tunes Level 4 Goyo Chaser!" Dc: "Face the fangs of the wild beast." Dc: "Synchro Summon!" Dc: "Level 6 Goyo Predator!" Dc: "Stop your resistance. I attack Chanbara with Goyo Predator! When Chanbara does battle," Rog: "When Goyo Predator destroys an opponent monster in battle, it can Special Summon that monster." Mel: "Look at this! The fugitive's monster just appeared" Mel: "It's time for the climax!" Hu: "Hey, you keep stealing my monsters!" Hu: "You're supposed to be security. You'll keep using dirty tricks?" Dc: "We'll do anything it takes to arrest a fugitive. Taking you into custody is all that matters." Rog: "A direct attack with Chanbara..." Dc: "When Chanbara does battle," Zu: "Chanbara can attack twice." Zu: "If we take that next direct attack..." Dc: "That's right. It's over." Rog: "Checkmate." Rog: "That card he set on the first turn." Rog: "Why hasn't he used it?" Rog: "Duel Chaser 227, hold off on the second direct attack." Dc: "This will extend my win streak! I'll earn a promotion for sure!" Dc: "I attack directly with Chanbara again!" Hu: "I activate my trap card Dice Roll Battle! With 1000 or fewer life points, when I take an attack from your monster, this card lets me send one Dice monster from my hand to the graveyard, and Synchro Summon with another component monster in the graveyard." Dc: "What?" Hu: "I send Red-Eyed Dice to my graveyard. Level 1 Red-Eyed Dice" Hu: "Flap your beautiful and heroic wings, to strike the enemy at the speed of light!" Hu: "Synchro Summon!" Hu: "Appear, Level 7 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! And Dice Roll Battle's effect" Hu: "When it does battle, Chanbara's attack points increase by 100. However, when the effect of a monster," Dc: "What?" Hu: "Dichroic Mirror!" Hu: "In addition... Clear Wing Synchro Dragon's attack points increase" Dc: "4600 attack points?" Hu: "Now, the effect of Dice Roll Battle" Dc: "I-Impossible..." Hu: "Go!" Hu: "Whirlwind Hell Dive Slasher!" Zu: "Yes!" Mel: "H-How can this be? The fugitive has defeated security's pride and joy, the Duel Chaser!" Rog: "When the course clears," Rog: "Seal off all exits on the highway," Man: "Understood." Rog: "227... He's finished." Zu: "We're safe now, right?" Zu: "Don't be stupid." Zu: "W-Walls?" Hu: "Here it comes!" Hu: "Shut up already!" Zu: "Stop! Stop!" Sec: "He's here." Sec: "A-After him..." Mel: "Incredible! Not only did he win the duel," Mel: "He's going to get attention..." Mel: "That's all from Melissa Claire for today!" Man: "Seal off all routes from Town D-block to R-block. Have all security patrols rush to intercept on the double! We have printouts of the fugitive and his accomplice. Distributing now." Sawa: "Dimensional travel isn't easy, huh?" Yu: "Where are we?" Sel: "It's probably the Synchro Dimension." Yu: "Yuzu must be around here, somewhere." Yu: "There's another city over the city? Where's Gongenzaka? Where are the others?" Sec: "We are security." Saw: "What are these guys talking about?" Sec: "We've found him." Sec: "His friend is with him, too." Rog: "Secure them immediately." Saw: "Wait, Layra!" Yu: "Are you okay? This is..." Yu: "Real Solid Vision?" Yu: "They activated it outside?" Sec: "You've been wanted in City since last night! Submit peacefully!" Yu: "You must be kidding... We just got here." Sec: "Shut up! Surrender peacefully!" Saw: "Hey, you! You must think you're pretty hot! Who do you think I am? I'm Shingo Sawatari!" Yu: "No, Sawatari. Wait just—" Saw: "You want a duel, do you?! Sounds perfect. I'll teach you your place." Yu: "W-Wait, Sawatari..." Yu: "H-Hang on. Not you, too, Serena!" Saw: "Action Field, on!" Saw: "Field Spell Crossover." Both: "Duel!" Yu: "A-Are you kidding me?" Sec: "You're under arrest for infiltrating a Tops-only area and causing damage. Surrender peacefully." Yu: "I don't know anything about this!" Sel: "So he's a Synchro Dimension duelist." Sel: "I was expecting a situation like this." Saw: "I'll teach you to know your place!" Yu: "Wait, you guys!"
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 55 – Keeping the Peace Duel Chasers", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "55", "Keeping the Peace Duel Chasers" ] }
Kuro: "Spread your ebony wings, and strike the ground with the speed of lightning!" Kuro: "Synchro Summon!" Kuro: "Rain down, Assault Blackwing — Raikiri the Rain Shower!" Sec: "No one here in B-block's seen the suspects, either." Hu: "Well, that's the best I can do." Hu: "Don't go out!" Hu: "They'll find you." Zu: "This is your hometown?" Yu: "Yeah. Though I don't know where I was born or what my parents look like." Zu: "I'm the same way." Zu: "I don't know what my mom looks like, either." Hu: "The security guys are here, too." Zu: "This is no time to be separating Tops from Commons! Academia will eventually try to unite the dimensions." Zu: "There's no telling when they'll try to attack the Synchro Dimension, too." Gon: "I'm looking for a man named Yuya Sakaki!" Den: "Communications are also being disrupted. Restrictions in this dimension seem awfully strict..." Gon: "Hey, Dennis! Why don't you join me?" Den: "Right, right." Den: "But the sun's so bright..." Kid: "Wow! That's magic, isn't it? You're good!" Den: "Why, thank you!" Kid: "See you!" : "D-Wheels." : "They combine speed and thrills for the ultimate show," Crow: "You're amazing!" Crow: "You were protecting that kid, even in the face of all that security." Crow: "No one who'd protect a child can be bad. I can tell you're a good guy." Yu: "Um, who are you?" Ama: "Crow, welcome back!" Crow: "Hey, Amanda! Where are Frank and Tanner?" Ama: "They went into town." Cro: "What the heck?" Crow: "I got something good today!" Ama: "It's tuna! I'll make tuna sandwiches!" Crow: "You're hungry, aren't you?" Ama: "Let's eat together!" Crow: "I've never seen you guys around. Where did you come from?" Yu: "The truth is—" Saw: "You really saved us before!" Saw: "That was some welcome they gave us. After we came all the way from another dimension!" Cro: "Another dimension?" Saw: "Yeah, I'm Shingo Sawatari. In Maiami City, I'm known as the undefeated duelist. Over there is my apprentice, Yuya Sakaki." Yu: "Hey!" Saw: "And this strong-willed woman is Serena. She came from a different dimension than ours." Crow: "Hey, now. Did I bite off more than I could chew with you guys?" Yu: "No, it's true. We're searching for our teammates in this dimension." Crow: "Whatever... I don't really get it," Crow: "You can stay here until the heat dies down. Make yourselves at home." Gon: "Ladies and gentlemen..." Den: "It's show time!" Den: "One, two, three!" Dan: "Cool!" : "Forget it. Let's go, Tanner." Gen: "This is nonsense!" Den: "But, Gonny..." Gon: "G-Gonny?" Den: "If we attract lots of attention, Yuya and the others will find us." Gon: "Are you sure about that?" Den: "It's fine, it's fine. Take it easy!" Zu: "This is something everyone in City needs to know about!" Zu: "The dimensional war has already started!" Man: "What a weirdo." Zu: "Academia has already attacked the Xyz Dimension." Woman: "You think we should report her?" Zu: "I think they might eventually attack City! Please listen!" Zu: "Please! Trust me! If we're attacked, you'll all be turned into cards, like this! I know it won't be easy, but all I can do is try to convince them." Hu: "Hey, I'm sure you don't believe her, but it's true. I've also been fighting, traveling through dimensions." Boy: "Then, show us! Travel between dimensions!" Girl: "Oh, dear! Don't humor him!" Hu: "Fine, I will! I'll travel dimensions right now, so just watch me!" Zu: "Hugo, are you sure?" Dan: "There's a lot of noise over there." Hu: "Shut up!" : "This is our chance. Flap your beautiful and heroic wings to carry me at the speed of light, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!" Girl: "Yeah, it's bogus." Hu: "It's true!" Man: "You two are causing a lot of trouble." Man: "Sorry, but I had to call security." Girl: "Thieves!" Man: "Hey! You Commons brats!" Hu: "Let's run!" Man: "You wait, too!" Dan: "Crow's gonna love this." Dan: "Crow! We're back!" Crow: "Hey, where have you been?" Both: "Ta-dah!" Crow: "Where did this come from?" Dan: "We stole it. It was so exciting..." Crow: "You idiots! No one asked you to do this!" Dan: "But..." : "You always do everything." Crow: "What if you got thrown into prison for this?!" Yu: "Prison?" Crow: "Yeah. You might not know it," Crow: "Put simply, Tops are winners, and we Commons are losers. Winners get everything, leading lives of luxury. Losers struggle just to get enough food to survive every day." Crow: "And if you resist in any way, security will capture and throw you in prison." Yu: "That's awful." Crow: "Yeah, it's an awful world. But we still have to find a way to live. That's why we Commons huddle together." Dan: "It's that guy from before!" Dan: "Huh? But I think his clothes are different." Crow: "Hey, are you listening to me? I'm trying to—" : "Hey, are you the two who were at the restaurant?" Crow: "You mean Yuya and Serena?" Sel: "Yuzu!" Yu: "Yeah. And the man's probably Hugo!" Sel: "Where are they?" Crow: "Hey, what's going on?" Yu: "Our friends are in this town!" Crow: "Security's after you, right? If they catch you, they'll throw you in prison." Crow: "Fine, I get it!" Crow: "I'll help you search for your friends. Just wait." Yu: "Crow..." Mel: "Hello, City residents! This is Melissa Claire. In this week's "Tell Me Melissa," we introduce you to the rising cutting-edge trends on the street. Today, we're introducing the street performers," Den: "Let's give it everything again today, Gonny!" Gen: "I will not. I'd rather search for Yuya." Den: "It looks like TV reporters are here. If you're really a duelist, you have to maintain your entertainment spirit." Gon: "We're not dueling, though." Den: "Oh, good idea! Let's duel." Gon: "What?" Den: "Many children are here." Gon: "Are you serious?" Den: "I'll play the hero, and you play the villain." Gon: "Why should I?!" Gon: "H-Hey, Dennis!" Den: "Action Field, on!" Voice: "Field Spell Crossover." Gon: "Don't blame me for whatever happens!" Both: "Duel!" Den: "First, Gonny, we have to transform you into the villain. I activate my Continuous Spell Hot Surprise." Den: "I Special Summon a Fire Attribute Monster, Level 4 or below, to your side of the field." Den: "I Special Summon Performage Plushfire to your field!" Gon: "This is outrageous!" Den: "Good acting. Be careful, everyone! A fire monster is on the rampage! And when only you have monsters on your side of the field," Mel: "Today, it seems street performers are offering up a duel. A fight between good and evil is taking place in broad daylight. I, Melissa Claire, will bring you every minute of it!" Den: "Okay... As the hero, I'll lower the hammer of justice on you!" Den: "I activate my spell card Performance Mage Hurricane. When there's a Performage on the field," Den: "When Hot Surprise leaves the field," Den: "Curse you, fire monster! I'm putting you out right now!" Mel: "The hammer of justice dealt 400 damage to the monster!" Kid: "Great job! Our hero!" Den: "I'll protect the peace for everyone!" Gon: "Nonsense." Gon: "Naming me the villain, just so you can look good?!" Den: "Gonny?" Gon: "You won't even properly search for Yuya and the others." Den: "Are you mad at me?" Gon: "Of course I am!" Gon: "Listen, everyone! That man is no hero! He's a bad guy who lit me on fire, just to make himself more popular!" Kid: "What? Is that true?" Gon: "This man, Gongenzaka, will now punish the true villain!" Kids: "Yeah! Get him!" Den: "Well, as long as they're excited..." Den: "So the jig is up, is it?" Den: "As you claim, I am the true villain!" Den: "I set one card and end my turn. Now, give it your best shot, wretched superhero!" Mel: "The true evil has just been unveiled!" Mel: "Don't change that channel!" Gon: "My turn!" Den: "Continuous Trap Mage's Fortress." Den: "When I have a Spellcaster-Type Monster on my side of the field, you cannot declare battle!" Gon: "What?" Den: "Now, you cannot even attack. What will you do now, superhero?" Gon: "Draw!" Mel: "The superhero made an impressive draw!" Gon: "I send Superheavy Samurai Soulhorns to the graveyard," Gon: "to Special Summon Level 2 Tuner Monster Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter!" Gon: "And I summon Level 4 Superheavy Samurai Scales! When this card is successfully summoned," Gon: "Come out, Superhuman Samurai Soulhorns!" Gon: "Level 2 Trumpeter tunes Level 4 Scales!" Gon: "Roar, god demon..." Gon: "Arrive at the raging battlefield of evil." Gon: "Synchro Summon!" Gon: "Come to the front lines, Level 6 Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji!" Kid: "Get him, hero!" Gon: "Leave it to me. When I successfully Synchro Summon Shutendoji," Den: "But it won't come without a cost." Den: "When this card is destroyed, I draw one card!" Gon: "When a Superheavy Samurai Synchro Monster is Special Summoned," Gon: "I activate the effect of Soulhorns!" Gon: "Once per turn, I can equip it to a Superheavy Samurai monster." Gon: "Shutendoji can be treated as a Superheavy Samurai." Gon: "And Soulclaw's monster effect activates! Once per turn, I can equip it to a Superheavy Samurai," Gon: "Shutendoji can attack from defense position. Battle! I attack Wind Drainer with Shutendoji!" Gon: "The equip effect of Soulhorns. When I have no spell or trap cards in my graveyard," Gon: "I attack directly with Shutendoji!" Den: "What?" Mel: "The superhero turned things around," Den: "In that case, it's time for evil show time." Den: "My turn. Draw! I set the Pendulum Scale of evil with" Den: "I can now summon monsters between Levels 4 and 5 simultaneously!" Den: "Behold, the wicked summoning method, Pendulum Summon!" Den: "Level 4 Plushfire!" Den: "And Level 5 Wind Drainer!" Man: "What? He can do that?" Mel: "Summoning multiple monsters at once? What an incredible summoning method. We've never caught this on film before!" Rog: "But it's the second time." Mel: "What a scoop! Melissa Claire is bringing it to you!" Rog: "So Pendulum Summon can also summon monsters that were previously destroyed." Rog: "But regardless..." Rog: "Another new piece is on the board." Den: "Afraid, are you?" Den: "Thus, I can bring them back, again and again!" Kid: "Oh, no! That's against the rules!" Den: "Of course, that isn't the end yet. I activate Wind Drainer's monster effect! When this card is successfully Special Summoned, its level decreases by 1!" Den: "Then, I overlay Level 4 Plushfire and Wind Drainer!" Den: "The show must go on!" Den: "Sky magician, travel around the stage magnificently!" Den: "Xyz Summon!" Gal: "Xyz?" Kid: "Rank? Not "Level"?" Mel: "This previously unseen summoning method" Mel: "There's no telling what hidden power it might have!" Den: "Mirror Conductor's Pendulum Effect activates! As long as long as it's set on the Pendulum Scale," Gon: "What?" Den: "And Fire Dancer's effect..." Den: "It gives Trapeze Magician a piercing effect!" Gon: "What?" Den: "I also activate the effect of Trapeze Magician! I use one Overlay Unit to allow it to attack twice this turn!" Den: "Feel the attack of evil!" Den: "Trapeze Magician, attack Shutendoji!" Gen: "A monster equipped with Soulclaw can't be destroyed by battle!" Den: "But Fire Dancer's effect means you take piercing damage." Den: "Are you feeling the attack of evil, superhero?" Gon: "This is nothing." Den: "But battle occurs a second time!" Den: "I attack Shutendoji with Trapeze Magician a second time!" Den: "Since it's the second time, I think you know... Shutendoji isn't destroyed, but you take piercing damage." Den: "I end my turn." Kid: "Fight! Superhero! Don't lose!" Den: "Just as I'd planned..." Mel: "The superhero has taken big damage. But heroes can't be broken that easily! Can we count on a comeback?" Gon: "I shall meet their expectations. My turn! Draw! Once per turn, I can remove Soulhorn from its equip monster," Den: "The Pendulum Effect of Mirror Conductor! The original attack and defense points of a monster Special Summoned to your side of the field" Gon: "The effect of Soulclaw, equipped to Shutendoji, is that once per turn," Den: "Soulclaw's attack and defense points are equal," Gon: "By removing Soulclaw and Soulhorn," Gon: "But now, I summon Tuner Monster Superheavy Samurai Drum! Level 1 Drum tunes Level 6 Shutendoji," Gon: "Malevolent god, along with the roar of a thousand blades," Gon: "Synchro Summon!" Gon: "Arrive on the front lines, Level 10 Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo!" Den: "But Mirror Conductor's Pendulum Effect" Gon: "Susanowo's monster effect! When this card is in defense position, and I have no spell or trap cards in my graveyard," Gon: "I activate the spell card Performance Mage Hurricane in your graveyard! I return all spell and trap cards to their owner's hand!" Den: "Mirror Conductor's Pendulum Effect ends," Gon: "Susanowo can attack while in defense position. Battle! Attack Trapeze Magician." Gon: "Kusanagi Sword Slash!" Den: "Darn, I lost..." Kid: "Yeah!" Mel: "The hero won magnificently!" Mel: "City's peace has been protected by this fine young man! That's all from Melissa Claire!" Gon: "Are you sure this method isn't a bit dishonest?" Den: "What are you talking about? Gonny, you were—" Gal: "That was quite impressive." Gal: "You are both very skilled. I like you!" Den: "Um, who are you?" Gal: "I am the promoter, Gallagher! I was hoping to make use of your skills." Gal: "I'm asking if you want to fight some strong duelists..." Gal: "Now, we're here! This is City's greatest underground dueling venue. We run illegal gambling duels here. It's a dark gambling den!" Gon: "Gambling duels? How could you bring us to a place like this?" Den: "Wait, Gonny! Not that way!" Gon: "Is that... Kurosaki?" Den: "Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Invitation to the Dark Duels."
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 57 – The Black Whirlwind, Crow Hogan", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "57", "The Black Whirlwind, Crow Hogan" ] }
Gen: "I won't go." Gen: "We should be looking for Yuya, not some duelist we don't even know." Den: "H-Hang on, Gonny." Den: "It's possible that Yuya could be here, too." Gen: "Yuya? Here?" Den: "The Lancers' goal is to find strong duelists here," Den: "So Yuya might have heard the rumors and come here. Right?" Gen: "But are there really strong duelists here?" Gal: "Are there?" Gal: "I am the sharp-eyed promoter, Gallagher. You think I'd lie about something like this?" Gen: "Let's go!" : "D-Wheels." : "They combine speed and thrills for the ultimate show," Gal: "Here, we are! You can see for yourselves if it's the real thing!" Gen: "Wh-What is this place?" Gal: "This is City's biggest underground duel venue. An underworld meeting spot that engages in illegal duel betting." Gen: "Duel betting? You want us to stay in such an ignoble place..." Gen: "What?" Gen: "Kurosaki!" Kuro: "Xyz Summon!" Muk: "I was wondering what the famous Xyz Summon would have to offer." Muk: "So it's just a 100-attack-point monster?" Kuro: "The effect of Rise Falcon. I use one Overlay Unit to add the attack points" Muk: "What?!" Kuro: "Battle. Raidraptor — Rise Falcon, tear through everything!" Kuro: "Flame Claw Evolution!" All: "Kurosaki! Kurosaki! Kurosaki!" Kuro: "Why? To find strong duelists, obviously." Den: "See? I told you we'd find" Kuro: "Because I heard" Kuro: "But it's boring. They're all talk. I haven't met a single one worth fighting!" Gal: "He's taken nine straight wins, with his shocking" Den: "It's no shock to me, of course..." Gal: "I can see that. So you were together, were you? I suppose it stands to reason." Kuro: "The Xyz you learn at LDS is nothing but an imitation." Den: "Oh, really? But your Xyz Monsters aren't actually all that strong, are they?" Kuro: "What did you say?" Gen: "Stop fighting!" Gen: "Kurosaki, where are Yuya and the others?" Kuro: "I don't know. I arrived in this dimension," Kuro: "I thought the rest might have been lost in the gap between dimensions." Gen: "You haven't even looked for them?!" Kuro: "I'm looking for strong duelists." Gen: "Our priority should be searching for our fellow Lancers!" Gal: "Lancers?" Gal: "What's that? And you've been talking about dimensions or something?" Gen: "The truth is, we've come to the Synchro Dimension from the Standard—" Gen: "What are you doing?" Den: "Now, now. We can discuss the complicated stuff later!" Gen: "What was that?" Den: "Explaining about other dimensions will take more time than it's worth." Gal: "Hey, you! What are you whispering about?" Den: "Hey, so you reached out to us because Kurosaki is too strong, didn't you?" Gal: "That's right. I was looking for unaffiliated new players, and I found you." Gal: "Especially you, Dennis!" Gal: "You have what it takes to be a star! I've been doing this a long time, and I don't make mistakes!" Den: "I'm so flattered to have you say that to me, Mr. Gallagher!" Gen: "Dennis, are you seriously..." Den: "Yeah, I think I might give it a try." Gen: "Gambling duels? Outrageous!" Den: "But the duels here certainly are strange." Gal: "D-Wheels. What, you've never seen a riding duel before?" Both: "A riding duel?" : "Riding duels started as a game we Commons played." Yu: "A game?" : "Crow told us so." : "Right?" Dan: "Yeah, then guys started using highways" Dan: "Even the Tops that looked down on us were amazed by them." Saw: "Dueling at high speeds? Sounds exhilarating..." : "Riding duels were a symbol of freedom." Dan: "I mean, all of the Commons are always itching to show up the Tops." Ama: "Hey, why don't you go over there and join in the conversation?" Sel: "Damn. How long do we have to stay here?" : "But the Tops didn't stay quiet." : "They said riding duels disrupted City's peace, and sent security after us. And they formed a specialist squad called the Duel Chasers." Yu: "Duel Chasers?" : "Security that ride on D-Wheels. If you lose the duel..." Dan: "You're arrested on the spot, and taken straight to prison!" Saw: "Without even a trial? Those security guys are cruel." Yu: "That time..." Yu: "If Crow hadn't come, we also would have probably..." Cro: "It isn't just security that's cruel!" Both: "Crow!" Cro: "The Tops stole riding duels from us!" Saw: "Stole? Then none of the Commons do it anymore?" Cro: "We're forced to do it. As a show for the Tops." Yu: "A show?" Crow: "When a highway chase starts," Crow: "The riding duels that we started to thumb our noses at the Tops" Crow: "Yuya, if you go out there now, you'll be chased by security and filmed, too. If you don't want to be humiliated, stay where you are." Crow: "You, too." Sel: "So the city's full of security, and we're supposed to tuck tail and run?" Crow: "What was that?" Yu: "Hey!" Sel: "Don't we have any information on Yuzu?" Yu: "Serena, Crow's working hard to help..." Sel: "Hard work is meaningless if it doesn't produce results!" Yu: "H-Hey, where are you going?" Sel: "Where else? I'm going to search for information myself." Crow: "If you want to get caught, then go ahead!" Saw: "Maybe I'll go, too..." Saw: "I can't breathe, just sticking around here all the time. I need to find clues about where Reiji Akaba and the others are, too." Rei: "My brother?" Yu: "Wait! If you just rush out, we'll be separated aga— Layra!" Yu: "Darn it... What are we going to do?" Den: "I get it! So a riding duel is when you ride a D-Wheel at high speeds to fight a duel. It sounds fun!" Gen: "Fun? We don't have time to participate in gambling duels!" Den: "But it's exciting, isn't it?" All: "Kurosaki! Kurosaki!" Den: "It makes my entertainer's blood boil." Den: "I want to turn those cheers for Kurosaki into cheers for Dennis." Gal: "Well said, Dennis! I knew I didn't make a mistake with you!" Gal: "Okay, it's decided!" Gal: "Kurosaki! Don't tell me you're going along with this!" Kuro: "If I get ten wins in this underground venue," Gen: "The Friendship Cup? What's that?" Gal: "City's greatest duel competition. Tops and Commons come together," Gal: "The event happens once per year! And the winner gets..." Gal: "The right to fight the King of Duelists, Jack Atlas!" Den: "The King of Duelists? So he's the strongest there is?" Gal: "Is he the strongest, you ask? You bet he is! Jack is the champion of City... No, of the whole world!" Den: "Then, it's decided, Gonny." Gen: "What?" Den: "Well, if we take part in the Friendship Cup," Den: "It's the perfect way to achieve the Lancers' objective." Kuro: "I am the one who will fight" Den: "Will you? I don't think we'll know until we try." Gen: "You two..." Gen: "Why is this happening?" Gal: "For you all looking for a big payoff, I, the sharp-eyed promoter Gallagher," Gal: "Next, Kurosaki shoots for his tenth win. If he wins, he'll get to take part in the Friendship Cup! But it won't be that easy. The one who stands in his way is... The bold newcomer who caught my eye! His name... Dennis Mackfield!" Den: "Yes! I'm an entertainer! Let me bring you all into my fun show world! Let's enjoy..." Den: "show time!" Gal: "Now, the reigning champion, Kurosaki, takes the field!" All: "Kurosaki! Kurosaki!" Gal: "In accordance with underground duel rules, this will be a handicap match. The newcomer, Dennis, will start with 4000 life points." Gal: "And Kurosaki, with his nine straight wins..." Gal: "will start with only 1000 points!" Gal: "Even with a quarter of his opponent's life points, Kurosaki's still favored to win! But I, Gallagher, personally attest to Dennis's skill! If you want to make a lot of money, bet on Dennis." Woman: "I'll bet on Dennis!" Man: "I bet everything on Kurosaki!" Gen: "They're all blinded by greed... Outrageous!" Den: "I won't show mercy, just because I've got a handicap." Kuro: "I don't need it." Gal: "Let's go! I activate Field Spell Speed World Neo!" Voice: "Duel Mode, on. Autopilot, stand by." Gal: "Riding duel..." Gal: "Acceleration!" Both: "Duel!" Kuro: "I take the first move. I summon Raidraptor — Skull Eagle!" Kuro: "And I activate my spell card Raidraptor — Call!" Kuro: "It lets me summon another monster, of the same name, from my deck." Kuro: "I overlay my two Raidraptor — Skull Eagles!" Kuro: "Xyz Summon! Appear, Rank 3 Raidraptor — Fiend Eagle! In that instant, the monster effect of the two Skull Eagles used as Xyz components" Kuro: "And I activate the monster effect of Fiend Eagle! I use one Overlay Unit" Den: "All of a sudden..." Kuro: "I set one card and end my turn." Gal: "That's our reigning champion, Kurosaki! In just one turn, he's used Xyz Summon." Gal: "Can he push him down all the way?" Den: "No way. The fun's only getting started." Gen: "That's Yuya's line! Outrageous!" Den: "My turn. Draw! When there are monsters on my opponent's side of the field, but none on mine," Den: "When I succeed in Special Summoning it, its level decreases by 1." Den: "Then I summon Performage Ball Balancer from my hand." Den: "I overlay Level 4 Wind Dancer and Ball Balancer!" Den: "The show must go on!" Den: "Sky magician, travel around the stage magnificently! Xyz Summon!" Man: "He can use Xyz, too?" Girl: "Xyz versus Xyz?" Man: "I've never seen a fight like this before!" Kuro: "I use Fiend Eagle's other Overlay Unit to activate its monster effect!" Kuro: "I deal damage to you, equal to the attack points of one Special Summoned monster." Kuro: "Take damage equal to Trapeze Magician's attack points!" Gal: "Now, this one's tough... Trapeze Magician's attack points are 2500. Dennis's life is 2400. If this goes through..." Gen: "Kurosaki's victory will be decided." Den: "I activate Trapeze Magician's effect. I negate damage equal to, or less than, this card's attack points!" Den: "And I use one of Trapeze Magician's Overlay Units to let it attack twice." Kuro: "What?" Den: "Battle, Trapeze Magician! Attack Fiend Eagle!" Gal: "It's a total turnaround!" Man: "Kurosaki's life points are down to 100! Is he finally going to lose?" Den: "My next move is, of course, a direct attack. Get him, Trapeze Magician!" Kuro: "I activate my trap Necro Raptor! I reduce damage dealt by one direct attack to 0," Kuro: "and Special Summon a Raidraptor from my graveyard. I choose to return Raidraptor — Fiend Eagle!" Den: "He's good with those trap cards. It's a little frustrating..." Den: "I set one card and end my turn." Gal: "It's a tense match. They each have a blade at the other's throat..." Gal: "You can't take your eyes off it for a minute!" Gen: "For Dennis to make it this far..." Gen: "That's LDS for you, I suppose." Kuro: "LDS cultivates such practical dueling skills?" Kuro: "In that case... My turn!" Kuro: "I activate Rank-Up-Magic Raid Force from my hand! I use Rank 3 Raidraptor — Fiend Eagle as a component," Kuro: "Rank 4 Raidraptor — Force Strix!" Kuro: "Force Strix's effect. I use one Overlay Unit to add Raidraptor — Necro Vulture from my deck to my hand, and summon it!" Kuro: "Then I tribute Necro Vulture to activate its effect! And I can add a Rank-Up-Magic from my graveyard to my hand! I add Rank-Up-Magic Raid Force." Kuro: "I use Force Strix as a component, to Xyz Summon a Raidraptor one rank higher! Ferocious falcon, cut through fierce battles and flap your wings" Kuro: "Rank Up Xyz Change! Appear!" Kuro: "Rank 5 Raidraptor — Blaze Falcon!" Kuro: "Blaze Falcon's monster effect. I can use one Overlay Unit to destroy your Special Summoned monsters," Den: "Trapeze Magician!" Kuro: "And now, I'll cut you off completely. I activate my Equip Spell Raptor's Ultimate Mace!" Kuro: "I equip it to Blaze Falcon, to increase its attack points by 1000!" Kuro: "Battle! Blaze Falcon, attack directly!" Gal: "Dennis has 1900 life points! Will this be the end of his fight? When a Special Summoned monster attacks directly," Kuro: "It won't work. Blaze Falcon can attack directly, even if monsters are on your side of the field." Den: "I activate my trap Pinch Breaker! I change your monster's attack points" Gal: "He took the hit! But he managed to hang in there!" Kuro: "Blaze Falcon's effect." Kuro: "When it deals damage to you, it can destroy one of your monsters." Den: "In that instant, Pinch Breaker's effect ends," Kuro: "I set one card and end my turn." Kuro: "Damn you... Are you really from LDS?" Den: "That's right. Why do you ask?" Gal: "They've driven each other's life down to 100. There's no telling which will win!" Den: "I don't know why you doubt my story, but let's make this even more exciting!" Den: "Here it comes! My turn! I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 2 Performage Water Dancer" Den: "Now, I can summon monsters between Levels 3 and 5 simultaneously!" Den: "Pendulum Summon!" Den: "Come to me, my monsters! I summon two Performage Wing Sandwichmans" Man: "Three monsters at once? And without tributing a monster of Level 5 or above?" Gal: "The summoning method that's like magic would make any man lose his nerve. Its name..." Rog: "Pendulum Summon?" Op: "Yes, in the underground duel venue, in City's central region." Rog: "Send someone to monitor the situation at once. They may be hiding there." Op: "I'll take care of it." Gal: "Did you see? The summoning method that's like magic would make any man lose his nerve." Gal: "Will Kurosaki protect his #1 throne?" Gal: "Kurosaki or Dennis? Dennis or Kurosaki?!"
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 58 – Invitation to the Dark Duels", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "58", "Invitation to the Dark Duels" ] }
Den: "Guided by self-styled "sharp-eyed promoter" Gallagher, we entered the underground duel venue." Den: "Kurosaki was already there, looking for strong duelists," Den: "Gallagher wanted us to fight Kurosaki, to put on a big show for everyone." Den: "And so, I challenged Kurosaki to a duel." Den: "Pendulum Summon!" Den: "Come to me, my monsters!" Rog: "Pendulum Summon?" Op: "Yes, in the underground duel venue, in City's central region." Rog: "Send someone to monitor the situation at once. They may be hiding there." Op: "I'll take care of it." : "D-Wheels." : "They combine speed and thrills for the ultimate show," Man: "Three monsters at once? And without tributing a monster of Level 5 or above?" Gal: "Well? Shocked are you? This was the main reason that Dennis here caught my eye." Woman: "Come to think of it, that Central Park duel we saw on TV also..." Man: "That's right. He used it then, too! Was that it?" Gal: "That's right! The summoning method that's like magic would make any man lose his nerve. Its name... Pendulum Summon! This is the sight of sights that I, the sharp-eyed promoter Gallagher," Den: "Now, now. You haven't seen anything yet." Den: "I activate the effect of Wing Sandwichman. When I have two Wing Sandwichmans on the field," Gen: "Wing Sandwichman's effect" Den: "I overlay my two Level 5 Wing Sandwichmans and Ball Balancer!" Den: "Descend, performer of the demon world! Xyz Summon!" Den: "Rank 5 Performage Shadow Maker!" Gal: "Well? What do you think of that? Pendulum Summon, into Xyz Summon!" Den: "I've captured the spectators' hearts." Man: "If Kurosaki takes that hit, he's lost." Girl: "I don't want Kurosaki to lose. But Dennis is great, too!" Man: "If #1 Kurosaki loses to someone who only started today," Gal: "Well, what happens next? Can Kurosaki protect his #1 slot? Or will we see the birth of a new #1?" Gal: "Kurosaki or Dennis? Dennis or Kurosaki?!" Den: "Sorry, but I'll be taking your #1 slot." Den: "You're the one who will lose." Gen: "Are they about to get malicious?" Den: "Battle!" Kuro: "Equip Spell Raptor's Ultimate Mace's effect activates! When the monster it's equipped to is destroyed, damage to me is reduced to 0," Kuro: "I add Rank-Up-Magic Revolution Force!" Den: "Such pointless struggling... Even if you add Quick-Play Spells to your hand, you can't use them during my turn." Den: "You have no monsters on your side of the field. You've lost." Kuro: "I activate my trap card Lightning Quick." Kuro: "Its effect lets me activate Quick-Play Spells in my hand." Kuro: "I activate my Quick-Play Spell Rank-Up-Magic Revolution Force!" Kuro: "I take control of an Xyz Monster on your side of the field!" Kuro: "And I raise it to a Raidraptor of the next rank! Proud falcon, flap your wings that are stained with the blood of heroes" Kuro: "Rank Up Xyz Change!" Kuro: "Appear, Rank 6 Raidraptor — Revolution Falcon!" Gen: "There are no monsters left on Dennis's side of the field. The tide has completely turned." Gal: "Bravo... Bravo! It's an exciting back and forth, worthy of a battle for #1!" Kuro: "I-Impossible!" Kuro: "What's going on?" Gen: "I thought Shadow Maker was a component for Revolution Falcon's Rank Up..." Den: "When Shadow Maker is targeted by effects, I can use one Overlay Unit" Kuro: "A card that can continuously make shadows of itself?" Sec: "All units, report in." Sec: "Unit 2, in place. Units 3, 4, 5, in place." Sec: "Areas C and D are sealed off." Sec: "What about the Tops?" Sec: "Three minutes until they're evacuated." Sec: "All right, we'll execute in three minutes." Den: "Now, let's make this show even more exciting!" Aud: "Wh-What? A power outage?" Sec: "This is security!" Sec: "Stay right where you are! Do not resist!" Sec: "I repeat. You are all under arrest for illegally gambling on riding duels!" Gen: "Hey, wait!" Gen: "You got me." Sec: "We've taken the Commons in the audience thought to be dangerous elements into custody. The two who use Xyz Summon and Pendulum Summon, and their comrade." Rog: "Excellent work. Continue expanding the search area." Rog: "Search every corner of that Commons underground duel venue." Rog: "The fugitives are likely taking shelter among the Commons." Rog: "Arrest anyone who resists, by any means necessary." Sec: "Roger!" Rog: "Perfect." Rog: "Now, I can accomplish my cleanup of City." : "Synchro Summon!" Dan: "You can't do that. That isn't a Tuner Monster." : "You got me..." Dan: "Don't say that!" : "Sorry, sorry. Let's try again!" Lei: "Brother, where are you?" Yu: "Hey... Have you seen Serena and Sawatari?" : "That scary girl and the stuck-up guy?" Dan: "Haven't seen 'em. They aren't inside?" Yu: "No, I can't find them anywhere." Yu: "I guess they're still at the City center." Yu: "I'm sure they couldn't have gone up there, but..." Yu: "What am I gonna do with them?" Yu: "Layra, what's wrong?" Lei: "I'm going to find my brother!" Yu: "No!" Yu: "S-Sorry. I'm not angry with you." Lei: "Brother..." Yu: "Right now, it's dangerous for us to walk around in City." Yu: "Crow told us that." Yu: "Don't worry... I promise I'll get you back to Reiji Akaba." Sel: "I attack directly with Lunalight Cat Dancer!" Saw: "Brilliant." Saw: "For someone who said she was looking for Yuzu, you're pretty focused on dueling. What about Yuzu?" Sel: "Of course looking for Yuzu is important. But finding strong duelists is also important." Sel: "Tell me! Who's the strongest person around?" Duel: "H-Him..." Saw: "Jack Atlas? I've seen these posters around..." Sel: "How can I fight him?" Sec: "Target located. She's the Fusion Summoner from the other day." Sec: "She's with the blond." Rog: "Then, track them both. Wherever they go, we're sure to find the other user of Pendulum Summon." Crow: "Those two went out on their own again?" Crow: "Darn it, I told them not to go!" Yu: "Sorry, I'll warn them when they get back." Shin: "I bought the stuff you asked for..." Shin: "What, you're still here?" Yu: "Aren't you..." Crow: "My friend, Shinji." Yu: "Thanks for before." Shin: "You guys are wanted, you know. You'd better not get the kids drawn into it." Yu: "I'll be careful." Ama: "Shinji, you came!" Both: "Shinji!" Shin: "I brought some good stuff." Tan: "What is this stuff?" Ama: "Did you steal it?" : "Great work!" Shin: "S-Stupid! It was on sale for cheap!" Shin: "What's with those expressions? It's true!" Shin: "Just eat it already." Shin: "Helpful provisions from our fellow Commons. Eat them and be grateful." Shin: "Well, I'm off." Crow: "Sure. Thanks." Shin: "Be careful. Security's still searching the city everywhere for you." Crow: "Sure, got it." All: "Bye!" Shin: "See you later!" Kid: "Delicious!" Crow: "Hey, come join us." Crow: "If you don't hurry, it'll all be eaten." Crow: "Hurry it up." Crow: "What? Still hesitating?" Crow: "No need to hesitate. Just come eat." Rei: "Is that an order?" Crow: "Order? You've been here three days, and that's the first thing you say to me? Okay, you want an order, huh?" Crow: "Before you eat, wash your hands properly." Crow: "Hey! You guys wash up, too!" Tan: "Kinda late for that!" Am: "We're already eating!" Crow: "No complaints... It's an order." Crow: "Why is he so timid about everything?" Yu: "I don't really know, either." Crow: "Kids should be free, doing what they want." Crow: "If they mess up, give a hint for improvement." Yu: "I want..." Yu: "And not just Layra's." Crow: "If you want people to be happy, you need to fill their bellies first." Crow: "You don't get it at all." Yu: "Smiles are the symbols of happiness!" Crow: "Can smiles fill their bellies?" Yu: "No matter how much you eat, it isn't happiness without a reason to smile. That's just sad." Crow: "You have to fill those bellies first! Smiles come second!" Yu: "That isn't true!" Crow: "Sorry, but your way of thought is a sign of your blessed life." Yu: "What was that? Everyone knows having a full belly isn't enough!" Crow: "Wrong! You need to fill someone up first. That's the most important thing!" Yu: "That isn't true!" Crow: "Hey, you guys. You're happier with full bellies, right?" Crow: "Come on, speak up... Layra, what do you think?" Yu: "It's actually all about smiles, right, Layra?" Crow: "Getting full comes first!" Yu: "Smiles!" Crow: "A belly full of food!" Yu: "Smiles!" Crow: "Food!" Yu: "Smiles!" Crow: "You're one ignorant fool..." Yu: "No, you are!" Crow: "Okay, let's settle who's right with a duel!" Yu: "Bring it on." Saw: "He must be pretty famous..." Sel: "I hope it isn't just talk." Sel: "The farther into the center, the stricter the security." Saw: "What can you do? I'm hungry, so let's head back for now." Crow: "I'm going to teach you how important a full belly is, you stubborn fool!" Yu: "I'll make you see that a smile is the most important thing!" Crow: "Food!" Yu: "Smiles!" : "Those guys are hopeless." Tan: "It's so silly." Am: "They're so immature." Both: "Duel!" Voice: "Field Spell Crossover!" Yu: "I'll take the first move! Ladies and gentlemen!" : "Does he mean us?" Yu: "Indeed, I do." Ama: "Pendulum Summon!" Tan: "Hurry! Hurry!" Yu: "And when I win brilliantly, I'd like a round of applause!" Crow: "He's trying to finish me, right off the bat?" Yu: "I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1 Stargazer Magician" Yu: "Now I can summon monsters between Levels 2 and 7 simultaneously!" : "Wow!" Tan: "Hurry up!" Tan: "Swing, my soul's pendulum." Tan: "Draw an arc of light in the sky!" Yu: "Pendulum Summon! Come out, my monsters." Yu: "First, Performapal Silver Claw!" Yu: "Then Performapal Salutiger!" Yu: "And finally, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" : "Wow!" Ama: "Three, at once!" Tan: "Cool!" Yu: "My Pendulum Summon has caused the flower known as a smile" Kids: "Cool!" Crow: "You're making an awful lot out of a slightly good reception." Yu: "I now end my turn! That's the end of the first act." Sel: "What, a duel?" Saw: "While I was gone, they started doing something interesting." Crow: "Let's go! Start the hungry duel!" Crow: "My turn! When there are no cards on my field," Crow: "And when Blackwing is on my side of the field," Crow: "Come out, Blackwing — Oroshi the Squall!" : "Crow got two monsters out, just like that!" Crow: "I tribute Oroshi the Squall," Crow: "It's possible to summon more than one monster without Pendulum Summon." Yu: "I guess we both had a good debut." Crow: "If you use Pendulum, I'll use Synchro Summon!" Yu: "But you don't have a Tuner Monster on your side of the field!" Crow: "Don't underestimate the Blackwings. I activate Kunai the Drizzle's effect! When this card is Tribute Summoned with a Blackwing, it can be used as a Tuner Monster." Crow: "Level 5 Kunai the Drizzle tunes Level 2 Gust the Backblast!" Kuro: "Spread your ebony wings," Kuro: "Synchro Summon!" Kuro: "Rain down, Assault Blackwing — Raikiri the Rain Shower!" : "He finished the Synchro!" Tan: "But Pendulum is also cool, right?" Am: "Tanner, are you on Yuya's side?" : "Crow takes care of us, you know!" Tan: "But still..." Am: "Layra, you're on Yuya's side, aren't you?" : "Of course he is!" Yu: "If Layra's on my side, I have the strength of a hundred guys!" Yu: "L-Layra?" Crow: "Yeah, kids know the score!" Crow: "Hey, now..." Shin: "It's security! Run! We're surrounded!" Yu: "Surrounded?" Sel: "Did they follow us here?" Crow: "Oh, no!" Shin: "Damn it..." Sel: "Let go! Let go!" Yu: "L-Layra..." Yu: "Layra? Where's Layra?" Crow: "Keep your hands off those kids!" Yu: "Layra!" Yu: "Layra!" Yu: "Welcome to the dead end for deadbeats." Yu: "Starting today, this will be your happy home. We're confiscating your duel disks." Yu: "We don't allow you to duel on your own here." Yu: "You're returning our decks? In here, that's worth almost as much as your life. Well, take care of them."
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 59 – Underground Riding Duel!!", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "59", "Underground Riding Duel!!" ] }
Yu: "You have quite an appetite, so early in the morning, Mr. Tokumatsu." Toku: "You bet I do! Food tastes best after a great duel." Toku: "Now, you guys eat up, too. This is delicious, unlike that stuff..." Both: "Let's eat!" Pri: "Give me a break!" Jai: "Just come along." Pri: "No! Stop it! Give me a break!" Man: "It seems some of his friends tried to break out." Yu: "Break out?" Toku: "What a stupid thing to do..." Toku: "They should consider the fate of friends left behind." Yu: "What do you mean?" Toku: "When something like this happens," Yu: "Punishment?" Toku: "Wherever they're taken, no one's ever come back." : "D-Wheels." : "They combine speed and thrills for the ultimate show," Yu: "A card?" Yu: "This is... Crow's..." Shin: "Hey, Yuya! I'm counting on you again tomorrow!" Yu: "What, I'm on cleaning duty again tomorrow?" Shin: "No, I wanted to see another duel like yesterday's," Toku: "He said doing it in front of a big crowd would make it even more exciting," Toku: "Tomorrow, in the dining hall, we'll have a big entertainment duel tournament!" Saw: "In which case, that sounds like my cue." Toku: "You seem awfully confident, little man." Saw: "You bet I am." Toku: "Well, I'll let you stay that way until I pulverize you tomorrow." Yu: "Crow!" Yu: "This is yours, right?" Crow: "Did Shinji tell you?" Yu: "About the duel?" Crow: "Go ahead and enjoy that." Crow: "And..." Yu: "You aren't considering anything crazy, are you?" Crow: "I owe Shinji a favor." Yu: "Crow..." Crow: "I won't make any trouble for you." Da: "Hey, Crow!" Crow: "Damon!" Da: "I came by your house to hang out." Crow: "Oh, come on..." Da: "Hey, so you got caught?" Da: "Weren't you posting the weird fliers with that girl?" Yu: "You mean..." Yu: "Yuzu?" Yu: "Yuzu was doing that?" Yu: "What about the girl? Was she caught?" Da: "Yeah, I guess security had it out for both of you..." Da: "Well, Crow, see you later." Yu: "Security's after Yuzu?" Woman: "I have a report. We've confirmed the two wanted fugitives" Rog: "Oh, so they came to us?" Rog: "Excellent." Rog: "Give them permission." Woman: "Yes, sir." Rog: "If I arrest them both at the Friendship Cup venue," Hu: "Go on." Hu: "That was Rin's room. You can use it for a while." Yu: "Is that all right?" Hu: "I think so... You can wear some of her clothes, too. As far as I can tell, you probably wear the same size." Zu: "Why are you telling a girl that?!" Hu: "Sorry... Ma'am, please let her wash up, too, okay?" Zu: "That was heaven!" Hu: "Rin!" Hu: "I get it. You're Yuzu, right? Yuzu!" Zu: "Are you serious?" Hu: "You bet. I'll win the Friendship Cup." Hu: "That was the promise I made to Rin." Hu: "I submitted one for you, too." Zu: "For me?!" Hu: "Making your appeal in front of a big crowd" Zu: "Jeez..." All: "One, two..." Toku: "Put your backs into it, men!" Den: "Mr. Tokumatsu's pretty excited, huh?" Yu: "Take care, okay?" Zu: "You, too, Yuya." Yu: "If Hugo isn't here, Yuzu's probably still okay, but..." Yu: "If security is after her..." Yu: "Crow... Hey, Crow. If you're thinking about getting out of here," Crow: "Don't act like we're friends. I told you we aren't allies." Crow: "You should take better care of your own." Yu: "Crow!" Sawa: "I got my disk back!" Toku: "Duels are akin to life!" Toku: "You only live once. You win sometimes, and you lose sometimes." Toku: "Don't be ashamed of defeat. Don't be complacent in victory. In other words, let's enjoy!" All: "Enjoy!" Pri: "It really is Enjoy Chojiro! He's back!" Toku: "And invigorated by a certain youngster. Right, Yuya Sakaki?" Toku: "Come up here." Den: "He looks kind of nervous..." Toku: "Having three of us here means a battle royal, right?" Sawa: "Whatever you want. But let's kick it up a notch. How about the ultimate evolution of dueling, an Action Duel?" Toku: "What's that?" Saw: "We activate an Action Field, and use Action Cards spread about the field." Toku: "Sounds interesting!" Saw: "Then, let's do it." Voice: "Field Spell Crossover." Voice: "The duelists meet at the battlefield." Saw: "Hey! A-Along with their monsters, they'll kick the ground and fly through the sky to move around the field! Witness dueling's greatest evolution. Action..." Saw: "Duel!" Saw: "My turn! First, I'll show you how Action Cards work!" Toku: "What are you doing?" Saw: "Even if you can't draw or battle, you can use Action Cards on the first turn. I activate my Action Spell Illumination! Let's make our stage shine with sparkling colors! Incidentally, for this turn," Saw: "I'll show you some creatures you've never seen before. I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1 Evil Heel and Scale 8 Funky Comedian!" Saw: "Now I can summon monsters between Levels 2 and 7 simultaneously!" Toku: "So you can use that, too?" Saw: "Pendulum Summon! Come out, Level 7 Superstar!" Man: "He brought out a high-level monster without a Synchro Summon?" Saw: "Yeah, that's how Pendulum Summon works." Saw: "Now, let's pick up the excitement even more." Saw: "I activate my Continuous Spell Abyss Stage — Treasure Boat of the Lucky Seven! During their turn, all players once can put one monster on this boat," Saw: "Superstar, get on the treasure boat!" Saw: "Now, who else wants to ride it? It's a great way to earn money! I end my turn." Shin: "Do you think it'll work?" Da: "Yeah, no problem." Man: "Hey... Aren't you done yet?" Man: "What are you doing?" Crow: "The fan wasn't working, so we're fixing it." Shin: "He's good at that kind of thing." Man: "I see. Well, hurry it up. The duel's going to end without you." Crow: "Okay!" Toku: "Not bad at all." Toku: "My turn." Toku: "Enjoy!" Man: "There he is! The big boss! Enjoy!" Toku: "I'm gonna enjoy this Action Duel. Action Spell Sound Rebound!" Voice: "Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Let's enjoy!" Toku: "Just once this turn, a spell card effect can't be negated. But I don't care about that. When entertaining people, this lively atmosphere is what's important!" Toku: "I activate Super Koi Koi from my hand!" Toku: "I draw three cards from my deck." Saw: "But any non-Cardians you draw are sent to the graveyard, and for each, you take 1000 damage." Toku: "If I didn't try to enjoy this, I'd have to abandon my name. Now, then... Come on!" All: "Come on, come on, come on!" Toku: "Come on, come on, come on!" Toku: "The first one is Flower Cardian Clover with Boar." Toku: "The second... Come on, come on!" Toku: "The second is Flower Cardian Maple with Deer!" Man: "His draws are as strong as ever! You bet they are." Toku: "And the last one! Come on, come on... Come on, come on! The last is Flower Cardian Peony with Butterfly! The effect of Special Summoning them is that their attack and defense points all become 0," Toku: "Level 2 Peony with Butterfly" Toku: "The courage of the boar, the elegance of the deer," Toku: "Synchro Summon!" Toku: "Level 6 Flower Cardian Boardefly!" Toku: "I'll follow your good fortune!" Toku: "Get on the treasure boat, Boardefly!" Saw: "Not a bad show at all, old man!" Toku: "You'd better believe it! Now, I end my turn. Well, Yuya? It's your turn next." Toku: "Hey, Yuya..." Yu: "My turn. Draw! I summon Performapal Hip Hippo!" Yu: "I have to get out, too. For Yuzu." Crow: "You should take better care of your own." Yu: "I set a card and end my turn." Toku: "Hey, what's with you? Didn't you come here to enjoy yourself?" Saw: "Weren't you the one who fought that legendary duel with me at the Maiami City Championship?" Crow: "Yuya..." Shin: "This wasn't the deal." Gon: "What do you mean, it wasn't the deal?" Gon: "Tell me more." Saw: "This isn't satisfying at all... Then, I'll have to make a comeback! My turn! I activate Treasure Boat of the Lucky Seven's effect!" Saw: "I can draw as many extra cards as I have monsters on the boat." Saw: "I draw two cards!" Toku: "So that's the fortune you reap from it?" Saw: "That's right... But that alone won't satisfy me..." Toku: "Not only did you draw two cards, but you want Action Cards, too? You're a greedy one." Saw: "If you don't like it, keep up with me, old man. You, too, Yuya." Gon: "That's right, Yuya!" Yu: "Gongenzaka?" Gon: "No need to worry." Den: "Hi!" Gon: "You go ahead and do what you need to do!" Gon: "We'll do what we need to do." Yu: "The fun is only getting started!" Toku: "So you're finally ready to enjoy it?" Yu: "Quick-Play Spell Hippo Carnival!" Saw: "S-Stay back, you stupid hippos!" Yu: "Let's go, Hippo!" Toku: "You won't beat me!" Man: "It's a race to the Action Card!" Saw: "What's he doing?" Man: "Hey, kid... Are you all ri— Hey, what are you guys doing?" Man: "He escaped?" Man: "Hey, you!" Kuro: "You, eh?" Kuro: "What are you doing?" Gon: "What do you think? I came to save you." Kuro: "I didn't need your help." Kuro: "Let's go." Gen: "Hey, where are you going?" Ser: "Who's there?" Ser: "You're..." Den: "I've come to save the captive princess." Den: "Your hand, my lady." Men: "It's a jailbreak!" Jai: "Cancel the duel! Everyone, stay right where you are!" Shin: "Hey, Crow!" Man: "Hey, you... A jailbreak is a serious crime." Man: "You get that, don't you? Time for your punishment—" Aud: "Battle!" Gon: "What is he doing?" Man: "You're under arrest..." Toku: "Go over there to enjoy yourself!" Gon: "Hey, we don't have time for nonsense—" Kuro: "You want to try to escape unarmed?" Kuro: "Out of the way!" Man: "Who are you?" Yu: "Mr. Tokumatsu!" Toku: "Brat, you used a duel as a cover for this?" Saw: "What's the meaning of this?" Yu: "I'm sorry, Mr. Tokumatsu. I did it to save Yuzu!" Yu: "Yuzu's working so hard to inform this world about the coming danger. Because of that, security is after her." Yu: "That's why..." Toku: "Go on." Man: "Stay right where you are!" Yu: "Mr. Tokumatsu!" Toku: "I owe you. I'm repaying it here." Toku: "Be well." Jai: "Out of the way, Tokumatsu!" Jai: "A rare card!" Jai: "Amazing... This one's super rare!" Man: "Now, now! Here's today's main event! Enjoy Chojiro's big comeback giveaway!" Man: "Boss!" Man: "Return to the stage of the outside world! Boss, take care!" Toku: "Those guys..." Man: "Come on, more where that came from!" Toku: "If that's what you want, I'll do it!" Toku: "Let's go, Yuya." Yu: "Let's go, Sawatari!" Saw: "Right!" Yu: "I activate my Action Card Curtain Clap!" Yu: "Are you sure this is okay? There's no turning back now. You can't go wrong, following me. A world of freedom unfurls ahead of us! Hey, this is the roof! And those are... We can distract those guards with rare cards. It's no use... They're a special team formed to catch jail breakers."
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 62 – The Great Entertainment Duel Tournament!!", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "62", "The Great Entertainment Duel Tournament!!" ] }
Jai: "A rare card! This is an amazing card, too!" Yu: "Sawatari, where are Crow and Shinji?" Saw: "They've gotten ahead of us. But don't worry. My instincts are telling me to go straight." Yu: "Are you sure about this? After this, there's no turning back." Toku: "I have no intention of turning back... My men encouraged me to do this." Toku: "Yuya, if you've made up your mind to save your friend, never turn back." Saw: "That's right... Follow me, and I'll get you where you need to go! Look! Freedom is just ahead!" Toku: "You're blocking us here! Get out already! We're on the roof!" Yu: "Where are Crow and Shinji?" Man: "There they are! Don't let them escape!" Toku: "Oh, no. They've seen us!" Saw: "We'll just bribe them with a rare card." Toku: "It's no use. They aren't like the guards you're used to. They're the Arrest Squad, a special team for catching escapees. They won't be distracted by rare cards." Squad: "Give yourselves up quietly! We'll show no mercy to those who resist! We'll take you into custody by force!" Saw: "Interesting... In that case, I'll fight you. Come at me, all at once!" Voice: "Field Spell Crossover." Yu: "Don't do it, Sawatari! We need to find Crow and Shinji, and reunite with them!" Voice: "Battle royal mode, tag duel." Both: "Duel!" Squad: "I'll go first. I summon Jutte Fighter from my hand. When I have a Warrior-Type Monster on my side of the field," Squad: "Level 2 Jutte Fighter tunes Level 1 Fire Flint Lady." Squad: "Feel the power of authority!" Squad: "Synchro Summon! Come out, Level 3 Goyo Defender! When there's a Goyo Defender on the field," Yu: "Three at once?" Toku: "That's the Arrest Squad... They aren't like the regular guards." Squad: "I now end my turn." All: "All right, turn yourselves in!" : "D-Wheels." : "They combine speed and thrills for the ultimate show," Saw: "This is getting more and more interesting." Saw: "The power of the authorities or my power. We'll see which is stronger!" Yu: "Sawatari!" Saw: "My turn! Draw!" Saw: "I summon Abyss Actor — Sassy Rookie from my hand!" Saw: "Battle! I attack Goyo Defender with Sassy Rookie!" Squad: "When Goyo Defender is attacked," Saw: "What?" Squad: "Currently, three Goyo Defenders are on the field. In other words, their attack points are 3000." Squad: "It's your monster that will be destroyed!" Saw: "What? But once per turn, Sassy Rookie can negate its destruction!" Squad: "You still take damage." Yu: "You okay, Sawatari?" Saw: "Power of the authorities, my eye... I'll tell my daddy on you!" Yu: "Stop being stupid!" Toku: "For now, we should get out of here!" Saw: "Damn... I end my turn!" Squad: "You won't escape! My turn! When there's a Goyo Defender on the field," Yu: "Three at once?" Saw: "You're so slow!" Toku: "You're one to talk!" Squad: "On the turn they're Special Summoned, Goyo Defenders can't attack. I end my turn!" Saw: "It's no use! There's nowhere left to run!" Yu: "Jump, Sawatari! It's the only way to shake them!" Saw: "F-From here? But..." Toku: "You coward! Let's go!" Yu: "My turn!" Voice: "2000 point penalty for entering the battle." Yu: "I summon Performapal Trampolynx!" Yu: "Help us out, Trampolynx!" Toku: "Good judgment. That's the Yuya I know." Saw: "I see I was right to lead us up here." Toku: "They're here!" Saw: "Run!" Yu: "I set a card and end my turn." Squad: "It's my turn. Since there's a Goyo Defender on the field," Squad: "Goyo Defenders Special Summoned this turn cannot attack. But I summon Jutte Fighter from my hand!" Squad: "Level 2 Jutte Fighter tunes two Level 3 Goyo Defenders." Squad: "Bow before the might of authority!" Squad: "Synchro Summon!" Squad: "Come out, Level 8 Goyo King! When Goyo King does battle," Squad: "Battle! I attack Trampolynx with my Goyo King!" Yu: "I activate my trap Performance Pirouette!" Yu: "I switch Trampolynx to defense position!" Squad: "You think you can avoid damage like that? Goyo King's monster effect..." Squad: "When it destroys one of your monsters, it gains control of a monster on your field!" Saw: "What?" Squad: "I directly attack with my captured Sassy Rookie!" Squad: "I end my turn. In that moment, Goyo King's attack points return to normal." Sawa: "Damn. Using my monster for their own..." Toku: "I'll take over, then!" Saw: "No way, old man. Your "enjoy duel" can't beat them!" Toku: "Shut up! What kind of man would stand by while his allies lose a fight?!" Gon: "That's right!" Gon: "To see one's duty and not act proves lack of courage!" Yu: "Gongenzaka?" Gon: "Leave this to the man Gongenzaka!" Voice: "2000 point penalty for entering the battle." Gon: "I summon Superheavy Samurai Magnet from my hand! When I succeed in summoning this card," Gon: "As long as Magnet is on the field, you can attack only it." Gon: "But because I have two, you can't attack either!" Toku: "Which means... You're invincible!" Squad: "Invincible, nothing. Such things are powerless before the might of the authorities!" Gon: "What?" Squad: "Goyo King's monster effect! The turn you summon, or Special Summon, a monster to your side of the field," Squad: "The other is mine, as well." Yu: "He got both of them!" Gon: "I haven't helped at all. I'm sorry, Yuya. I end my turn." Toku: "I really should step in..." Saw: "You can't do it, old man." Kuro: "My turn!" Voice: "2000 point penalty for entering the battle." Yu: "Kurosaki!" Kuro: "I activate Quick-Play Spell Raidraptor — Rig! Until the end of my turn," Kuro: "I declare Level 4!" Saw: "Level 4 means... My Sassy Rookie..." Gon: "And my Magnets... are Winged Beast-Type?" Kuro: "I also activate my spell card Xyz Rescue! It lets me use monsters stolen by the enemy for Xyz Summoning. I overlay Level 4 Sassy Rookie and two Magnets! Hidden falcon, raise your sharpened claws from adversity" Kuro: "Xyz Summon!" Kuro: "Appear, Rank 4 Raidraptor — Rise Falcon!" Squad: "100 attack points? What can a monster like that accomplish? Goyo King has the ability to take control of monsters, Level 8 or below." Kuro: "Xyz Monsters don't have levels. Thus, they cannot be captured." Squad: "What? Having no level doesn't mean it's Level 0?" Kuro: "Rise Falcon's monster effect. I use one Overlay Unit" Kuro: "Battle! Raidraptor — Rise Falcon!" Kuro: "Slice all your enemies! Flame Claw Evolution!" Toku: "You're another of Yuya's allies? You're incredible!" Den: "Yes, magnificent indeed. As merciless as ever..." Yu: "Dennis!" Gon: "Where's Serena?" Den: "She's safe, of course." Den: "She's met up with Crow and Shinji already. Well, you guys hurry up, too." Crow: "Yuya, so you came, as well." Yu: "To save Yuzu." Yu: "To save my allies. I won't hesitate anymore." Shin: "We're the same." Shin: "In order to save our many captured allies, I really needed to get away. If the Commons can overthrow society," Da: "Our escort has arrived, right on schedule." Da: "There!" Shin: "Jump on! If we reach the far shore, we'll be safe!" Shin: "Wait for me, Yuzu. I'm coming." Tony: "Shinji... Damon... I'm sorry!" Da: "Tony?" Rog: "My, my. I heard there was a duel tournament at the prison tonight," Crow: "I-Is that..." Rog: "Allow me to introduce myself. I am the man responsible for law and order in City." Rog: "Public Order Bureau Director Jean-Michel Roget." Rog: "So we finally meet..." Crow: "Damn! I won't get back to the kids this way!" Shin: "Don't give up. We still have a chance." Yu: "Yuzu..." Ser: "Let go!" Ser: "Where are you taking me?" Rog: "Don't worry. I won't do anything." Man: "The Administrative Council wants them. Hand them over immediately." Man: "This is the Administrative Council's jurisdiction." Rog: "Wait! They were inciting Commons, and sowing seeds of discord in City. It's necessary that security thoroughly investigates—" Gale: "We shall determine if they are sowing the seeds of discord." As: "Bring them to us at once." Gray: "That is an order." Bol: "Right, chairman?" Taki: "Yes, I do hope you will cooperate." Rog: "I'll say it once more. They were inciting Commons, and plotting to sow discord in City." Rog: "That's also clear from the testimony of their captured colleagues!" Saw: "You're kidding! I don't know anything about a plan like that! The escape plan was spur of the moment, too! Just what did we do wrong, exactly?" Rog: "You were resisting security. A serious crime, in itself." Yu: "You're the ones who came after us first! The minute we arrived in this dimension, your security surrounded us!" Rog: "Dimension?" Rog: "Did you hear that? They just said they "arrived in this dimension." What could that mean?" Toku: "Dimension? What does it mean?" Rog: "If we take them at their word, it means they came here from another dimension." Rog: "That would explain their use of summoning methods that are unfamiliar to this world." Rog: "Fusion." Rog: "Xyz." Rog: "And Pendulum. These users of unknown summoning techniques," Rog: "To learn the answer," Toku: "You're from another dimension... Is that true, Yuya?" Yu: "Yeah, we're from another dimension." Yu: "But I want you to believe me. We didn't come here to..." Yu: "We didn't come to the Synchro Dimension to cause trouble!" Rei: "That's right." Rei: "Our goal isn't to disrupt your way of life." Saw: "Reiji Akaba!" Yu: "And Layra!" Ser: "Then, you were safe?" Rei: "We Lancers came to the Synchro Dimension to protect it from Academia's invasion" Crow: "Lancers?" Saw: "Lance Defense Soldiers. Let's lay our cards on the table." Toku: "You, a warrior?!" Saw: "What's so funny?" Rog: "I beg your pardon... But an interdimensional war? It sounds ridiculous." Saw: "It's no lie! Listen to me. You may not believe me, but this world—" Gale: "Enough." Gale: "We heard the whole story from Reiji Akaba." Gray: "About the interdimensional war." As: "And about the Lancers." Bol: "Right, chairman?" Taki: "Yes, we have heard it all." Saw: "What, after I went out of my way to explain—" Rog: "You heard it?" Rog: "And the council believes such nonsense?" Gale: "We don't know that it's nonsense." Gray: "The fact is that they have come from another dimension." As: "You also believe in other dimensions. That's why you took them into custody" Rog: "Their motives, indeed... Can we be sure they are not the true invaders?" Yu: "What?" Saw: "Don't be stupid!" Gon: "You're the one trafficking in nonsense!" Yu: "We're not the invaders!" Saw: "The invaders are from Academia! Reiji Akaba must have told you that we've come to this dimension to protect it!" Rog: "Protecting this world is security's role. Not yours. It's for security to determine what you—" Gale: "No, it is up to us." Gray: "That's why we have put them all under the Administrative Council's supervision." Toku: "All of us? I'm a suspect, too? I've been in prison for ten years!" As: "There are no exceptions." Toku: "No way!" Bol: "If you're on our side, we'd like you to prove it." Yu: "Prove it?" Saw: "How?" Rei: "Participate in the Friendship Cup." Yu: "The Friendship Cup?" Rei: "That is the Administrative Council's wish. They want the Lancers in the tournament," Toku: "Y-You can't mean us, too?" Az: "There are no exceptions." Toku: "I... I've only heard rumors about the great City duel tournament. I... I can take part?!" White: "Personally, I'd love to see it. Chojiro Tokumatsu was the reason that the Friendship Cup was created." Toku: "I was the reason?" White: "Ten years ago, after you were brought in, the Commons youth began to cause trouble. To crack down on them, we formed the Duel Chasers. But the more we cracked down," White: "So we founded the duel tournament," White: "The winner receives the honorary title of "king" among both Tops and Commons. Just like the current champ, Jack Atlas." Crow: "King of both, my eye! I won't take part in any tournament! I won't be used as a show for the Tops!" Yu: "Crow..." Shin: "I understand how you feel." Shin: "All right!" Toku: "Now I can keep my promise to my men!" Saw: "Yeah, Yuya... Let's use our entertainment duel to really excite the Synchro Dimension." Yu: "Forget about that. We need to find Yuzu!" Rog: "Oh?" Yu: "Do you have Yuzu?" Rog: "She isn't in custody or anything. She is an important duelist, who has also entered the Friendship Cup." Yu: "Yuzu's in the Friendship Cup?" Rog: "If you're that worried, you should hurry and show her that you're safe." Rog: "Very well. I approve of their participation in the Friendship Cup. But I wish to make one proposal." Gale: "Proposal?" Gray: "What is it?" Rog: "Every year, during the Friendship Cup's opening ceremonies, the reigning king holds an exhibition match. Why not let him be the opponent?" Yu: "Me?" Az: "Why him?" Rog: "From what I have seen," Rog: "I desire the king to evaluate his skill." Bor: "I see... What do you think, chairman?" White: "Yes, that would be just fine. And you?" Rei: "I have no objection, of course." Mel: "Good evening, City residents. This is Melissa Claire. We have over 200,000 people here, in the Duel Palace." Mel: "Let's enjoy the all-night festival together!"
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 63 – King of the Captors, Goyo King", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "63", "King of the Captors, Goyo King" ] }
Zu: "H-Hey, Hugo! If you go too fast, the Duel Chasers will pursue us again!" Hu: "Yuzu, they're not gonna arrest us." Hu: "We're official Friendship Cup participants. Just because I'm gunning it a little—" Hu: "Oh, no... It's already started!" Man: "We've sighted the two in question." Rog: "I am not so heartless." Rog: "Let us at least allow them to enjoy the opening ceremonies." Rog: "It's Jack Atlas's big duel, after all." : "D-Wheels." : "They combine speed and thrills for the ultimate show," Mel: "Eagerly awaiting the Friendship Cup's start," Mel: "I'm Melissa Claire, and I am here with you, to enjoy the opening ceremony" Mel: "To be chosen for such an important role... I sure am popular!" Yu: "Where could the others have been taken?" Rog: "Every year, during the Friendship Cup's opening ceremonies," Rog: "Why not let him be the opponent?" Yu: "Me?" Yu: "H-Hey! Where are you taking them?" Gale: "Do not worry. We have no intention of harming them." Grey: "They are Friendship Cup participants." Az: "Even if they tried to break out of prison, they are heroes..." Bor: "...just as long as they keep winning." Whi: "Yes. They will be our very welcome guests." Whi: "As long as they keep winning." Gen: "Yuzu must be watching from somewhere nearby! Win and put her mind at ease!" Saw: "Show these Synchro Dimension guys what we can do!" Crow: "Crush that traitor, Jack Atlas!" Yu: "Traitor?" Yu: "Hey, what kind of person is Jack Atlas?" Sam: "Um..." Yu: "Oh, were you told not to talk to me?" Sam: "No... Nothing like that." Yu: "Are you a fan of Jack's?" Sam: "Wh-Why do you ask?" Yu: "I've heard that Jack is king to both Tops and Commons," Yu: "I was wondering if you were one." Yu: "Sorry... Since I'm fighting him, I guess it's hard to discuss. I was just wondering what kind of person he is." Sam: "Um, three years ago," Sam: "Ever since, he's reigned as king, the undisputed champion." Sam: "The way he acts and speaks..." Yu: "Sorry, you seem uncomfortable talking about him." Sam: "W-Well, it's just about time. I'll show you to the arena." Zu: "Wait a minute, Hugo!" Hu: "We're actually here! At the Duel Palace!" Hu: "It's so big! It's too huge! I really get to duel in a place like this?" Zu: "The Maiami City duel stadium was big," Mel: "Now, it's time to begin the main event. City's pride and joy, Duel King Jack Atlas, will now hold a special match!" Aud: "Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack!" Hu: "Jack! Jack! Jack!" Girls: "Mr. Atlas!" Mel: "That's what you get with Jack Atlas, symbol of the Friendship Cup! Tops and Commons come together to call his name! But wait just one minute... I have to introduce the lucky duelist, chosen as the king's opponent" Mel: "His name is" Zu: "Yuya?" Yu: "Crow and the others told me about this," Zu: "Is that Yuya?" Hu: "What's wrong?" Zu: "My bracelet... Is it because you're both here?" Zu: "Which means... That really must be..." Zu: "Yuya!" Hu: "So that's Yuya? I don't know why he was chosen to face Jack," Hu: "He's a sacrifice to the king." Zu: "A sacrifice?" Hu: "Do you know why they hold an exhibition match before the Friendship Cup starts?" Hu: "To show everyone the king's strength." Hu: "The king doesn't fight in the tournament. He only fights the winner. In other words, the Friendship Cup is a contest for the right to duel the king." Hu: "The exhibition match is to show how high he stands above everyone. So, every year, Jack crushes his opponent without mercy," Hu: "Well, it's a bit of a custom." Zu: "Without mercy?" Hu: "Yeah. That's why we call his exhibition opponent a "sacrifice."" Zu: "That's awful." Mel: "Now, the moment you've been waiting for... The king is here." Mel: "City bows before his strength and majesty! Despite his Commons birth, he's driven the road to success, like a proverbial rising dragon. The living legend who stands atop duelists everywhere... Introducing our King of Duelists, Jack Atlas!" Jack: "There is but one king! And that is I!" Girls: "Mr. Atlas!" All: "Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack!" Hu: "Jack Atlas really is cool." Jack: "I have a question for you!" Jack: "What turn should I beat this kid on?" Aud: "That's obvious! Finish him on the first turn!" Jack: "The king's duels must be entertaining!" Yu: "Entertaining?" Jack: "Turn one..." Jack: "I'll take the first move. And after the curtain rises..." Jack: "Turn two." Jack: "I'll allow my opponent to show what he can do." Jack: "Turn three." Jack: "I'll finish with a display of the overwhelming difference in our skills!" Gale: "Let us see what he has." Gray: "Will the power of the Lancers..." Az: "...work against the Duel King?" Bor: "It should be most interesting. Right, chairman?" Whi: "Yes, let us watch very closely." Zu: "Yuya..." Yu: "Me, lose on turn three?" Crow: "Crush that traitor, Jack Atlas!" Yu: "I'll show him how I entertain!" Mel: "First, I'll activate the Field Spell. Today, we'll change the rules up a bit by using an Action Field—" Mel: "Wait, what?" Zu: "An Action Field?" Gale: "We granted your request." Gray: "Duels that use the spell cards known as Action Cards..." Az: "That was the way you Lancers fought." Rei: "Yes, in the battle against Academia." Bor: "Modeling it after a real fight?" Gale: "It should be something to see." Gray: "Right, chairman?" Whi: "Yes!" Mel: "I don't really get it. But Action Field, on." Voice: "Duel mode, on. Autopilot, stand by." Mel: "Riding duel... Acceleration!" Both: "Duel!" Yu: "Autopilot, huh? I see. Then, I can use my hands to duel." Jack: "The first move is mine!" Mel: "Wow! Jack took the first turn, just as he said he would!" Jack: "My turn! I summon Red Sprinter from my hand. When this is the only monster on the field," Jack: "I Special Summon Red Resonator." Jack: "Level 2 Red Resonator tunes Level 4 Red Sprinter!" Jack: "Let the scarlet souls become one." Jack: "Synchro Summon!" Jack: "Come out, Red Wyvern!" Mel: "The king went right to a Synchro Summon! A truly stunning opening to the match! Will the rest proceed as the king predicted?" Hu: "Jack really is cool! He's the best! I hope I can duel Jack soon, too!" Jack: "I set one card and end my turn." Jack: "Now, it's your turn. I'm giving you a chance to show your stuff. Don't disappoint me!" Yu: "I'll show you my entertainment duel!" Yu: "I set the Pendulum Scale" Yu: "Now I can summon monsters between Levels 2 and 7 simultaneously!" Yu: "Swing, my soul's pendulum." Yu: "Draw an arc of light in the sky!" Yu: "Pendulum Summon!" Yu: "Come out, my monsters!" Yu: "First, Performapal Trump Girl. Next..." Yu: "Performapal Teeter Totter Hopper." Yu: "And Performapal Stamp Turtle." Yu: "And now, the leading actor appears! The rare dragon with two eyes of different colors, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" Mel: "Incredible... He's summoned four at once? In an earlier scoop, I, Melissa Claire, saw them summoning" Mel: "Pendulum Summon is just too incredible!" Man: "Wow! Impossible!" Zu: "Yuya... That must really be Yuya!" Zu: "With Performapal Trump Girl, I can use Pendulum Summoned monsters to Fusion Summon." Yu: "I fuse Trump Girl and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! The one who controls mysterious power," Yu: "Fusion Summon!" Yu: "Come out, the sky dragon that wields the secret arts." Yu: "Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" Yu: "And I overlay Level 4 Stamp Turtle and Skeeter Skimmer! From the black darkness," Yu: "Xyz Summon!" Yu: "Rank 4 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!" Hu: "Is that his..." Zu: "Yeah, Ute's dragon." Gale: "Fusion and Xyz..." Gray: "He uses a variety of summons?" Az: "Is this the power of the Lancers?" Bor: "Not bad at all. Right, chairman?" Whi: "Yes, this is quite impressive." Mel: "Yuya Sakaki moves from the shocking Pendulum Summon to the unusual Xyz and Fusion Summons, producing two dragons. But our hero Jack surely won't stand idly by." Jack: "Once, during your turn," Juu: "I destroy Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" Yu: "I won't let you!" Yu: "Yes!" Yu: "I activate Action Spell Mirror Barrier!" Yu: "Its effect negates one monster's destruction." Mel: "He blocked it!" Mel: "Action Cards can do that? Amazing." Girls: "No way." Girl: "Using a card you just picked up... Isn't that cheating?" Man: "What a terribly interesting strategy." Lady: "Indeed." Man: "I guess riding duels have evolved even further. Cool!" Yu: "I can't lose on the third turn." Yu: "This turn, I'll finish you!" Yu: "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon can use one of its Overlay Units to activate its effect." Yu: "I use two Overlay Units! I halve one of your monster's attack points, to increase those of Dark Rebellion by the same amount." Yu: "Treason Discharge!" Yu: "I again use its effect to further halve those attack points." Mel: "Now, the attack points of the challenger dragon are 4300! This is trouble! It's big trouble!" Yu: "Battle! Go, Dark Rebellion! Attack Red Wyvern!" Yu: "Lightning Disobey of Rebellion!" Mel: "3700 damage at once! That's huge!" Yu: "And the finish... Go, Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Attack Jack Atlas directly!" Mel: "No way! Will Jack Atlas lose? King!" Girls: "Mr. Atlas!" Yu: "Continuous Shiny Burst!" Jack: "I activated my Action Spell Evasive Evasion, to Special Summon an Evasive Evasion Token. Once per turn, an Evasive Evasion Token lets me negate one attack. I used this to negate Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's attack!" All: "Great job!" Girl: "Mr. Atlas is so smart! He's already learned how to use Action Cards!" Yu: "But Rune-Eyes attacks depending on the level of monsters" Yu: "Trump Girl's Level 2 lets it attack twice. Therefore, it can attack once more!" Yu: "I attack Evasive Evasion Token!" Jack: "I activate my trap Reject Reborn!" Jack: "I negate one of your monster's attacks, and end the Battle Phase! Then, I destroy all monsters on my side of the field," Yu: "What?" Jack: "I negated two attacks!" Jack: "Be reborn, Red Wyvern! Red Resonator! When Red Resonator is Special Summoned," Jack: "I recover 2400 life points, equal to Red Wyvern's attack points!" Mel: "Incredible! Not only did he evade the attack," Mel: "That's the Jack we know! Our Jack! The champion of champions, king of kings!" Yu: "I end my turn..." Yu: "In that instant, Dark Rebellion's attack points return to normal." Hu: "Great one, Jack! You rock!" Zu: "Yuya..." Jack: "You mentioned having an entertainment duel, didn't you?" Jack: "But your way of dueling is mere self-satisfaction." Jack: "It is a far cry from entertainment!" Jack: "You lack the power to climb to the summit where I stand!" Jack: "My turn!" Jack: "Level 2 Red Resonator tunes Level 6 Red Wyvern!" Jack: "The cry of the champion shakes heaven and earth. Let the conqueror's unique power be carved into your body! Synchro Summon!" Jack: "The raging soul..." Jack: "Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend! Once per turn, Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend" Jack: "And for each, it deals 500 points of damage to you. Absolute Power Flame!" Jack: "Then, I attack directly with Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend!" Jack: "Red Hot Crimson Hell Burning! Kneel before your king!" Zu: "Yuya!" Mel: "The special match of the Friendship Cup's opening ceremonies. And naturally, the winner was our King of Duelists, Jack Atlas!" Jack: "Your duels are mere self-satisfaction." Yu: "My father taught me this way of dueling. I won't let you mock it, Jack!" Yu: "Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Shattered Entertainment."
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 64 – The Duel King, Jack Atlas", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "64", "The Duel King, Jack Atlas" ] }
Mel: "Our first match's duelists are now arriving!" Mel: "They're Crow Hogan and Noboru Gongenzaka!" Yu: "Gongenzaka?" Zu: "Gongenzaka?" Den: "Gonny?" Saw: "Why not me?" Saw: "I'm the one who should shine in the opening spotlight! Me!" Gon: "The man Gongenzaka will show you the power of the Lancers." Crow: "I don't want to be a show for them. But if I must, I'll win." Crow: "I'm going to win and show the kids what we can really do!" Man: "It's rotten luck that we have to work on a day like this..." Man: "No kidding." Man: "Go on in." Ama: "That went perfectly." : "Yeah." Tan: "Hey! Try to walk straighter!" Man: "What's with that guy?" Man: "Wait a minute!" Kids: "Ow..." Man: "Hey, you three!" : "Run!" Ama: "Hurry!" Tan: "Wait for me!" : "D-Wheels." : "They combine speed and thrills for the ultimate show," Mel: "City's biggest duel event, the Friendship Cup, is about to begin! Will the first winner be Crow or Gongenzaka?" Top: "Mr. Atlas is a Tops hero. Could you not lump him in with them?" Com: "King, my butt! He's a traitor! Jack is a Commons hero!" Mel: "Hey, are you guys listening to me?" Gon: "What's going on at this tournament?" Mel: "I'm gonna start, okay? Action Field, on. Field Spell Crossover Acceleration!" Voice: "Duel mode, on. Autopilot, stand by." Crow: "Frank! Amanda! Tanner! What are they..." Voice: "Riding duel..." Both: "Duel!" Mel: "Crow Hogan is slow out of the gate!" Crow: "Did they come here to cheer me on?" Crow: "What were they thinking?!" Mel: "Will Gongenzaka be the first to round the corner?" Zu: "He's going to crash!" Crow: "In that case, I need to end this fast." Mel: "Crow Hogan is the first around the corner, securing the first turn!" Com: "Cheering for Jack makes you a traitor, too! What was that?" Mel: "I'm trying to make this exciting, you know..." Sec: "Wait!" Crow: "My turn! When there are no cards on the field," Crow: "When a Blackwing is on the field," Crow: "Level 1 Oroshi the Squall tunes Level 2 Gust the Backblast!" Crow: "Ebony wings, pierce the heavens and soar." Crow: "Come out, Assault Blackwing — Kuniyoshi the White Rainbow!" Gon: "Completing a Synchro Summon in the first turn..." Gon: "What?" Gon: "What is he looking for?" Crow: "Once per turn, Kuniyoshi the White Rainbow" Mel: "On his first turn, Crow Hogan uses a monster effect to deal damage!" Gon: "No, I need to focus on the duel." Crow: "And I summon Tuner Monster Blackwing — Blizzard the Far North! When I successfully summon this card," Crow: "I Special Summon Blackwing — Jetstream the Blue Sky, which I sent to the graveyard!" Crow: "Level 2 Blizzard the Far North tunes Level 1 Jetstream the Blue Sky!" Crow: "Ebony wings, tear through the heavens in a flash! Synchro Summon!" Crow: "Come out, Assault Blackwing — Kunisada the White Rainbow!" Gen: "Two Synchro Monsters? But their attack points are both just 1000. No match for me yet." Crow: "Once per turn, Kunisada the White Rainbow" Crow: "Their attack points increase by Blizzard's 1300!" Gen: "2300 attack points?" Crow: "On the turn I use this effect, I cannot battle." Crow: "I end my turn." Shin: "What's wrong, Crow? Why are you in such a hurry?" Gen: "But my immovable spirit will not be shaken. It doesn't matter what I'm riding." Crow: "Where are they? Where? They weren't caught, were they?" Gen: "He's looking into the stands again." Gen: "Hey, you! What are you looking at? We're in the middle of a duel! Face me! That's the basic courtesy you owe your opponent!" Gen: "My turn! Draw! I summon Superheavy Samurai Magnet from my hand! When I successfully summon this card," Gen: "Come out, my second Magnet! When Superheavy Samurai Magnet is on the field," Gen: "In other words, with two Superheavy Samurai Magnets on my side of the field," Gen: "This is one form of the immovable duel that I have chosen. I end my turn!" Crow: "He's trying to slow me down." Crow: "My turn! Draw!" Mel: "Kunisada the White Rainbow's effect ends, and their attack points return to normal." Crow: "I activate Kuniyoshi the White Rainbow's monster effect! I send Blackwing — Harmattan the Dust to the graveyard," Gen: "He did it again." Mel: "Crow Hogan is slowly chipping away at his opponent's life points." Crow: "And I summon Blizzard the Far North! Blizzard the Far North's monster effect" Gen: "Kuniyoshi's effect lets him send a Blackwing to the graveyard, dealing effect damage," Gen: "An extremely efficient summoning method." Crow: "Now, let's finish this quickly." Crow: "Harmattan the Dust can add the level of one Blackwing on the field to its own. I choose Level 3 Kuniyoshi the White Rainbow." Kuro: "Spread your ebony wings," Kuro: "Synchro Summon!" Kuro: "Rain down, Assault Blackwing — Raikiri the Rain Shower!" Gen: "Three Synchro Monsters?" Crow: "Once per turn, Raikiri the Rain Shower can destroy cards on your field" Gen: "My Superheavy Samurai Magnets can't be destroyed by battle," Crow: "There are three Blackwings on my side of the field. I destroy your two Superheavy Samurai Magnets!" Mel: "Gongenzaka's immovable defense has crumbled!" Crow: "I attack directly with Raikiri the Rain Shower!" Zu: "Raikiri the Rain Shower's attack points are 2600." Mel: "An Action Card! Action Cards are spell cards, spread out over the duel field. Can Gongenzaka use it to avoid the damage?!" Crow: "I attack directly with Raikiri the Rain Shower!" Mel: "An Action Card! Can Gongenzaka use it to avoid the damage?!" Mel: "He ignored it!" Crow: "What?" Yu: "Gongenzaka!" Mel: "Gongenzaka didn't use the Action Card." Gale: "Isn't your group's style to use Action Cards?" Rei: "This is his style." Crow: "What's going on?" Gen: "You did a brilliant job of crushing my immovable defense. But when I take damage from a direct attack," Gen: "I can Special Summon this card in defense position. Come out, Superheavy Samurai Prepped Defense!" Crow: "Is that why he didn't use the Action Card? But it has 2100 defense points. I'll end it next turn! Wait for me, Frank, Amanda, Tanner!" Crow: "I end my turn." Gen: "My turn! Draw! I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1 Superheavy Samurai General Jade" Gen: "Now I can summon monsters between Levels 2 and 7 simultaneously. Pendulum Summon!" Gen: "Come out, Tuner Monster Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter!" Gen: "Superheavy Samurai Flutist!" Tops: "They were Special Summoned at the same time?" Com: "So he can use Pendulum Summon, too?" Gen: "Once per turn, Superheavy Samurai General Jade" Gen: "I increase Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter's level to 3! Level 3 Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter" Gen: "As immovable as mountains, the soul that dwells in great rocks..." Gen: "Synchro Summon!" Gen: "Appear, Level 9 Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi!" Yu: "From Pendulum to Synchro Summon?" Saw: "That little... He evolved without even notifying me. And he got the crowd really riled up!" Man: "Great one, Gongenzaka!" Top: "He's pretty good!" Mel: "No way... The crowd's going wild? Now, will Gongenzaka begin his counterattack?" Gon: "For every Special Summoned monster on your side of the field, Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi's defense points increase by 900. You have three. Thus, they increase by 2700!" Crow: "5200 defense points?" Gon: "In addition, this monster can attack from faceup defense position, using its defense points!" Crow: "Attacking from defense position?" Gen: "When it does, it can only attack the monster on your field" Gen: "I attack Raikiri the Rain Shower!" Mel: "Crow Hogan takes 2600 damage all at once!" Gen: "I think it's over. When a Superheavy monster destroys a monster by battle," Gen: "allows it destroy itself, so Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi can attack once more." Crow: "Once more? Oh, no." Gon: "Right now, Kyubi's defense points are 4300." Crow: "Are you so sure? Until the end, you don't know how a battle will go." Gen: "No, I know. Duels are a match with your opponent, but also a battle with yourself. A man with a wavering heart cannot defeat me!" Crow: "They're..." Am: "Frank..." Crow: "Run!" : "Let's go!" Sec: "Wait!" Gen: "Are they the cause of your distraction?" Crow: "At first, I just planned to feed them and then kick them right out." Crow: "Slow down... You'll choke. Are you okay?" Am: "Tanner!" Am: "You've got a mustache!" : "So do you, Amanda." Am: "You, too, Frank!" : "Me, too?" Am: "You've got a mustache!" : "Don't laugh! You have one, too!" Crow: "You kids..." Crow: "I hadn't smiled like that in years." Crow: "In the end, I let them stay." Crow: "If not for them, I don't know what would have happened to me." Crow: "That's why I want to be a role model for them. The reason I agreed to take part in this tournament was" Gen: "A role model?" Gen: "Which means, if I beat you..." Tan: "Go, Crow!" : "We'll be fine! So, Crow, do your best!" Gon: "Crow Hogan!" Gon: "You want to be a role model to those children? Then duel me with everything you've got! Shouldn't you be showing those children a real duel right now?" Gon: "Now, come at me, Crow. Let us show no mercy. I destroy Superheavy Samurai General Jade to let Kyubi attack a second time!" Gon: "Go, Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi!" Mel: "Is this the end?" Crow: "I activate Action Card Evasion! I negate one monster attack!" Mel: "Crow Hogan used an Action Card to skirt certain doom!" Gon: "You have magnificent riding technique. But the monster on your side of the field only has 1000 attack points! You cannot defeat Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi." Gon: "I end my turn! During the End Phase of my turn," Crow: "4300 defense points..." Crow: "My turn! Draw!" Crow: "I activate my spell card Against the Wind!" Crow: "I add Blizzard the Far North to my hand, and take its attack points as damage!" Gon: "Intentionally taking all that damage?" Gon: "I like your spirit. Come at me, Crow!" Crow: "I summon Blizzard the Far North!" Crow: "I activate Blizzard the Far North's monster effect! Come out, Jetstream the Blue Sky!" Crow: "Level 2 Blizzard the Far North tunes Level 1 Jetstream the Blue Sky!" Crow: "Ebony sword, echo with these wings! Synchro Summon! Come out, Assault Blackwing — Kunifusa the White Rainbow!" Gon: "Another Synchro Monster on the field" Crow: "When Assault Blackwing — Kunifusa the White Rainbow" Gon: "What? A Tuner?" Crow: "Level 3 Kunifusa the White Rainbow tunes Level 3 Kuniyoshi" Crow: "Ebony wings, spread amidst the gathering clouds," Crow: "Synchro Summon! Descend, Assault Blackwing — Kusanagi the Gathering Storm!" Gon: "A Synchro Summon using three Synchro Monsters?" Mel: "Crow Hogan has completed his Synchro Summon! With fewer Synchro Monsters now on the field, Kyubi's defense points decrease." k: "Great, Crow!" Tan: "Go!" Crow: "Let's go, Gongenzaka. Until the End Phase of the turn when Kusanagi was successfully Synchro Summoned," Gon: "6000 attack points?" Crow: "Battle! I attack Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi with Kusanagi the Gathering Storm!" Gen: "But Kyubi is in defense position. Even if you defeat it, I won't take damage!" Crow: "When Kusanagi the Gathering Storm attacks a monster in defense position, it deals piercing damage!" Gen: "What?" Den: "Gonny!" Mel: "He did it! Crow Hogan wins the opening match with a dramatic victory!" Kids: "All right!" Tan: "Crow won!" Crow: "Attacking from defense position?" Trio: "Crow!" Sec: "Great job, Crow!" : "Uh-oh." : "Let's go, Amanda... Tanner." Sec: "Wait!" : "Crow, good luck next round, too!" Sec: "Let us through!" Gon: "Congratulations. You showed me your real duel." Crow: "Gongenzaka..." Com: "That was really moving, Crow!" Top: "A magnificent duel!" Yu: "The spectators, who were arguing before..." Cho: "Hey! How have you been, Yuya?" Yu: "Mr. Tokumatsu? I thought you couldn't leave your room..." Cho: "Don't sweat the details!" Cho: "The truth is that I heard an odd rumor. They say that those who lose in the Friendship Cup" Yu: "Forced labor?"
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 66 – Opening Battle!! Crow Versus Gongenzaka", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "66", "Opening Battle!! Crow Versus Gongenzaka" ] }
Yu: "Crow and Gongenzaka were the first to fight in the Friendship Cup." Yu: "Crow was so worried about the kids, he couldn't focus on the duel." Yu: "Gongenzaka accepted those feelings. The duel, between two who understood one another," Yu: "And in the end, it earned a huge round of applause." : "D-Wheels." : "They combine speed and thrills for the ultimate show," Mel: "Crow Hogan, who won the first match of the tournament," Man: "I wasn't sure at first, but that was a great match!" Woman: "It was so fun!" Man: "Keep it up for the next round, Crow!" Top: "This Gongenzaka duelist..." Top: "If he were a duelist born in City, I'd gladly back him financially. It's a shame we won't be seeing any more of him." Mel: "What a fabulous sight... This is how the Friendship Cup should be! City really is united as one! We're all friends!" Yu: "Gongenzaka..." Yu: "Gongenzaka won't be able to stay here anymore." Yu: "The sixteen of you will spend the tournament in these penthouses. However, you can only remain for as long as you keep winning. If you lose, you'll be kicked out immediately." Yu: "After being driven from his room, where will Gongenzaka go?" Yu: "He won't be taken back to the prison, will he?" Yu: "I was allowed to stay, even though I lost the exhibition match." Yu: "The door's unlocking?" Yu: "Will I already be next to fight?" Yu: "But I haven't found it yet..." Yu: "How will I get closer to Jack?" Yu: "Can I fight a duel that isn't just self-satisfaction?" Yu: "I haven't found that answer yet!" Toku: "Hey! How are you doing, Yuya?" Yu: "Mr. Tokumatsu?!" Toku: "You're too loud! What if someone overhears?" Yu: "How did you get in?" Toku: "Well, it takes a shrimp to know a snake." Yu: "A shrimp?" Toku: "Did I get it wrong? "To catch a carp, you need a shrimp"?" Toku: ""The road to hell is paved with shrimp"?" Yu: "Look... Forget the sayings, okay?" Man: "Hurry it up!" Man: "If you're discovered, I'll be punished, too." Yu: "You're bribing them with rare cards again?" Toku: "I told you, keep it down!" Yu: "But isn't the Administrative Council monitoring our rooms?" Toku: "What?!" Toku: "Well, no helping it now. This was the only way I could see you." Guide: "That isn't good! Let's go back right now! This is really bad!" Toku: "Shut up! In for a penny, in for a pound. We're all in this together. Give it up!" Guide: "Oh, no..." Yu: "So, what did you need so bad?" Toku: "The truth is that I heard a rumor..." Yu: "A rumor?" Toku: "Yeah. Not him..." Man: "They're acting pretty high and mighty," Man: "Despite Crow, Shinji, and Tokumatsu being Commons like us. Just because they're in the Friendship Cup, they're treated like Tops! I don't like it... I hope those fools lose." Toku: "And just when I thought I'd have a word with those petty, little men..." Man: "Do you guys know what happens to the duelists that lose?" Man: "Well, they're kicked out immediately, right? They're not just thrown out. Rumors say they're taken to a certain place. Like the prison? Even worse. Even worse?" An: "Where is it?" Man: "These are just rumors, of course." Man: "Deep below City, there's a large garbage-processing facility. And they're made to do forced labor there." Yu: "Forced labor? At an underground garbage-processing facility?" Toku: "Yeah, that's what he said. It's all just a rumor, obviously." Toku: "I heard similar rumors in prison." Yu: "Similar rumors?" Toku: "That guys who attempted jail breaks were sent somewhere. When something like this happens," Toku: "Wherever they're taken, no one's ever come back." Yu: "So you think the punishment is forced labor in the garbage-processing facility?" Toku: "Yeah." Toku: "That's why no one ever came back. If you wonder why there's something like that under City," Toku: "It's how this town works." Toku: "It's always been a metropolis." Toku: "Over ten million people are cramped together on this tiny plot of land. The Commons who make up 99% of that figure" Toku: "But the mere 1% of the population... About 100,000 Tops" Toku: "And they produce a tremendous amount of garbage." Toku: "The people in power built a facility deep underground to deal with their trash. But of course, the Tops who generate that garbage" Toku: "They push that work on the Commons, as if it went without saying." Toku: "They give them forced labor to atone for their crimes." Yu: "That's awful." Toku: "They put us in these luxurious rooms... And if we lose, it's right to the basement." Toku: "Truly a move from heaven to hell." Yu: "Then, Gongenzaka is being sent to that forced-labor facility?" Toku: "Most likely." Yu: "No!" Mel: "Well, now you're all excited, so let's move on to the second fight." Mel: "Which duelists will be chosen?" Mel: "Shinji Weber! And the year's youngest participant," Yu: "Layra?" Sam: "Master Layra, I'll escort you to the Duel Palace." Sam: "Master Layra?" Rei: "Layra." Lay: "Brother..." Rei: "What are you doing?" Rei: "Come along now, Layra." Rei: "No need to be afraid." Rei: "What's wrong, Layra?" Lay: "I-I'm not!" Rei: "Then, go." Lay: "No..." Lay: "No." Lay: "No! I don't want to go!" Sam: "Wait!" Rei: "Don't, Tsukikage." Rei: "I'll go." Yu: "He'll make Layra fight a riding duel, too?" Toku: "What, you didn't know?" Yu: "Of course it isn't okay!" Yu: "Layra's still in the Junior Class. He hasn't even fought a Real Solid Vision duel yet." Toku: "I don't understand anything you just said." Yu: "Of course you are. And if he loses, Layra will be sent to do forced labor." Guide: "Um, can I go yet?" Yu: "Layra! What are you doing here?" Yu: "L-Layra... What's wrong?" Rei: "Excuse me." Toku: "You're..." Yu: "Reiji Akaba!" Yu: "Layra..." Yu: "What are you thinking?" Yu: "Why do you have to make Layra fight?" Yu: "Layra's still a kid." Yu: "Even at LDS, he's still Junior Class, right? Why does he have to be unwillingly dragged into a tournament" Yu: "No, even before that..." Yu: "Why did you put Layra in the Lancers?" Yu: "I came across dimensions, of my own free will, to save Yuzu." Yu: "Gongenzaka, Kurosaki, Serena..." Yu: "We're prepared for the danger we'll face in the fight with Academia." Yu: "I'm sure that's the case for everyone." Yu: "But Layra..." Yu: "This little boy, Layra..." Yu: "I can't imagine he came here of his own will!" Yu: "You brought him here! Isn't that right?" Yu: "Why would you bring Layra..." Yu: "Answer me..." Yu: "Reiji Akaba!" Sam: "Yuya..." Rei: "Very well." Rei: "I will answer your question." Rei: "First, why did I force Layra to take part in the Friendship Cup?" Rei: "To give Layra more experience in an actual combat situation." Yu: "An actual combat situation?" Rei: "I know what Layra can do..." Rei: "His ability is on a par with yours." Yu: "Even if he has talent, Layra is still—" Rei: "Then, why did I have Layra join the Lancers? True, he did not choose to join of his own accord." Rei: "He was following my orders." Rei: "Now, why did I force Layra to join?" Rei: "That is because..." Rei: "Layra may be needed in the fight against Academia." Yu: "Needed? Layra, needed in the fight against Academia?" Yu: "What are you talking about?" Rei: "Whether or not you believe me—" Yu: "Shut up." Rei: "Someday, you'll see the truth." Yu: "I told you to shut up!" Toku: "Hey, Yuya..." Sam: "Yuya..." Guide: "Look! I'm seriously gonna be in trouble!" Guide: "I'm returning that, so don't tell them I was involved!" Yu: "Layra... Ever since we came to this city, he's been frightened." Yu: "Wh-Where is my brother?" Yu: "Even after Crow saved us, he was always curled up alone..." Yu: "Or so I thought, but he said he was searching for you." Yu: "Layra, what's wrong?" Lei: "I'm going to find my brother!" Yu: "No!" Yu: "S-Sorry. I'm not angry with you." Lei: "Brother..." Yu: "Right now, it's dangerous for us to walk around in City." Yu: "Crow told us that." Yu: "Even after that, he still wants you." Yu: "But you only brought him because you need him for a fight? Give me a break!" Yu: "I won't let him fight! I won't let Layra take part in a fight where losing might get him sent" Yu: "If you won't protect Layra..." Yu: "Then I will!" Rei: "Layra..." Rei: "Why don't you want to fight?" Yu: "Because he's afraid, obviously!" Rei: "I'm asking Layra. Answer me." Yu: "Stop forcing him!" Lay: "Answer me, Layra." Lay: "C-Crow's... friend..." Lay: "He gave me... candy." Yu: "Back then..." Yu: "You, too! There's plenty, so help yourself." Shin: "Helpful provisions from our fellow Commons." Yu: "Layra remembered, and that's why..." Rei: "I see." Rei: "You don't want to fight someone who showed you kindness." Rei: "Tsukikage..." Tsu: "Sir." Rei: "You will fight in Layra's place." Tsu: "Yes, sir." Lay: "Brother! Brother!" Lay: "Brother!" Yu: "Layra!" Lay: "Don't be mad, Brother! I'll do whatever you say..." Lay: "I'll always do what you say!" Rei: "I'm not angry." Rei: "Actually, I am very happy." Rei: "You have shown that you're acquiring a will of your own." Yu: "A will of his own?" Rei: "The ego's development greatly feeds a duelist's growth." Rei: "It becomes the foothold for devising one's own strategies and practicing them." Yu: "Wait!" Yu: "Do you still intend to make Layra fight?" Yu: "Wait! Hey, come back, Layra!" Toku: "Hold it!" Toku: "You're the one who said not to be reckless. It might be hard for you... But it's clear that kid, Layra," Toku: "You can't pull him away against his wishes." Sam: "Um, excuse me. Could you return to your rooms?" Yu: "Layra..." Rei: "A will of his own..." Rei: "No will of his own?" Hi: "No." Hi: "That boy has no will of his own. He has no desires," Hi: "The researchers believe it is a self-defense mechanism," Rei: "Harsh environment?" Rei: "Where was he taken from?" Hi: "A war-torn region in a certain country." Hi: "There, fighting has raged for decades. With no family, and no one to ask for help, to continue living in a place like that," Rei: "Be whatever someone wanted?" Hi: "He can become absolutely anything. He completely absorbs the orders of others," Hi: "He is a puppet in every respect..." Hi: "That is why he could become a useful asset for us." Hi: "Do you not agree, Reiji?" Rei: "If Mother knew, I'm sure she'd disapprove." Rei: "She'd say that a puppet mustn't have a heart." Mel: "I'm so sorry for the long wait. We had a bit of trouble" Mel: "Once more, let me introduce. Today's second match will be Shinji Weber versus Layra Akaba!" Mel: "Wait... A ninja? Is Layra a ninja?" Mel: "The tournament's youngest competitor is a ninja? Huh?" Mel: "What's going on here?" Mel: "Just who is that ninja? Not even I know what's going on here!" Yu: "Tsukikage is fighting in Layra's place? You Tops caught me while I was escaping from prison," Yu: "But I won't let it go how you want! I'll overturn this society!" Yu: "Shinji..."
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 67 – City's Light and Shadow", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "67", "City's Light and Shadow" ] }
Yu: "To "the prison that is Academia"?" Yu: "I won't abandon Serena to a place like that!" Sora: "Try to understand, Yuya! This is the only way to save Yuzu!" Yu: "Academia needs to be defeated." Yu: "If you're going to work, work for that! You need to wake up soon, Sora." Yu: "Look out!" Sora: "Yuya!" Yu: "Protect Yuzu!" Mel: "Intrigue swirls here, at the Friendship Cup. Have there been backdoor dealings between the Public Order Bureau, on the sponsor side," Crow: "No one cares!" Kuro: "Let us duel already!" : "D-Wheels." : "They combine speed and thrills for the ultimate show," Mel: "I'd love to go after the scoop," Crow: "No one will do anything for me. If I don't win my way to the top, nothing will change." Kuro: "I'll crush anyone who stands in my way." Kuro: "It's the only way to expose all my enemies." Mel: "Now, let's go. Action Field, on! Field Spell Crossover Acceleration!" Mel: "Duel mode, on. Autopilot, stand by." Mel: "Riding duel... Acceleration!" Both: "Duel!" Mel: "Crow and Kurosaki both rush out, at full throttle. The first out of the Duel Palace, to enter the course, earns the first turn. Incidentally, the course selected for this match" Mel: "The organizers probably thought" Rog: "I could easily cover any costs with donations by the Tops. I merely wish to not damage the fine scenery of a place that is about to be mine." Kuro: "Academia has infiltrated every corner of this place. If you're one of them, I won't show any mercy." Crow: "Stop talking about stuff I don't understand." Mel: "Crow takes the first move!" Crow: "I'll win my way to the top, and avenge my allies! Shinji isn't the only one who can forge bonds among the Commons! My turn! I summon Blackwing — Jetstream the Blue Sky! And when there's a Blackwing on my side of the field," Crow: "Level 1 Oroshi the Squall tunes Level 1 Jetstream the Blue Sky! Flap your ebony wings and slice through the wind with your hidden blade!" Crow: "Synchro Summon!" Crow: "Spread your wings, Assault Blackwing — Sayo the Rain Hider!" Crow: "I activate my Equip Spell Charging Blade!" Crow: "The attack points of the monster I equip it to increase by 800." Crow: "Charging Blade's effect. Once per turn, I deal you 400 times the number of monsters" Mel: "Wow! Early damage!" Crow: "You see the power of the bonds between Commons?" Crow: "We call to our allies, and fight with the bonds between us." Crow: "This is how Commons fight!" Kuro: "Taking effect damage lets me Special Summon this card." Kuro: "Raidraptor — Avenge Vulture!" Crow: "You wouldn't let it go unanswered, huh? But that isn't enough to shake the bonds shared by Commons." Crow: "I set one card and end my turn!" Kuro: "I will defeat you! Afterward, I'll decide whether you're friend or foe." Kuro: "My turn! I select one Raidraptor on my side of the field," Kuro: "This card's level equals that of the selected monster until the end of my turn." Kuro: "And I take damage equal to the attack or defense points of the monster I selected." Crow: "What?" Kuro: "I take 100 damage, equal to Avenge Vulture's defense points." Kuro: "Taking effect damage lets me summon a second Avenge Vulture!" Curow: "Taking damage to summon another monster?" Kuro: "When I have three or more Raidraptors on the field," Kuro: "I draw two cards from my deck!" Kuro: "Battle! I attack Sayo the Rain Hider with Avenge Vulture!" Crow: "Sayo the Rain Hider can avoid destruction twice in a turn!" Kuro: "I attack with my other Avenge Vulture." Crow: "I negate destruction a second time!" Crow: "I endured your attacks." Kuro: "I activate my Quick-Play Spell Raidraptor — Rapid Xyz! When you have a Special Summoned monster on your side of the field," Crow: "During battle?" Kuro: "I overlay my Level 4 Avenge Vultures and Pain Lanius! Hidden falcon, raise your sharpened claws from adversity" Kuro: "Xyz Summon! Appear, Rank 4 Raidraptor — Rise Falcon!" Mel: "What a presence!" Kuro: "When I use Rapid Xyz to Xyz Summon a monster," Kuro: "I use one of Raid Falcon's Overlay Units." Kuro: "It adds the sum of the attack points of monsters on your field to its own." Crow: "What? Give me a break with those cheater effects!" Kuro: "Go, Rise Falcon! Attack Sayo the Rain Hider! Rise Falcon's effect ends with my End Phase," Kuro: "I end my turn." Mel: "Kurosaki, with a powerful Xyz Summon!" Mel: "I'm sorry I'm the only one who can watch from this special seat!" Crow: "I can't have you thinking that one monster's destruction is enough to sever our bonds." Kuro: "No matter what you throw at me, I'll destroy it." Crow: "I can't afford to be crushed, either!" k: "We can get to the highway from there." Am: "I bet it's started already!" Tan: "Hurry up, Yuzu." Zu: "Okay..." Lay: "Where's Yuya?" Rei: "Roget didn't cancel the tournament." Rei: "I'm sure Yuya will continue to participate." Rei: "But it's likely that Roget wants to bring Yuya to his side." Sec: "I've brought Yuya Sakaki." Rog: "Enter." Rog: "I'll speak to him alone. The rest of you, take your leave." Yu: "You're not sending me to prison?" Rog: "I shall not subject you to that again. You are my important guest." Yu: "Guest?" Yu: "Crow and Kurosaki!" Rog: "I'd like you to watch carefully." Rog: "The winner of this duel could be your next opponent." Rog: "And I do wish for you to win... In accordance with my plans." Yu: "Plans..." Kuro: "I've been pushed to the brink of despair." Kuro: "Your mere determination will do nothing against me." Crow: "You don't know that, when you know nothing about Commons!" Crow: "My turn!" Crow: "I summon Blackwing — Tornado the Reverse Wind!" Crow: "Tornado the Reverse Wind's monster effect. When there's a monster on your side of the field," Crow: "Come out, Oroshi the Squall!" Crow: "Level 1 Oroshi the Squall tunes Level 4 Tornado the Reverse Wind!" Crow: "Ebony gale, become the tailwind that binds us together!" Crow: "Synchro Summon! Fly high, Assault Blackwing — Sohaya the Rain Storm! When I Synchro Summon Sohaya the Rain Storm," Crow: "Come out, Sayo the Rain Hider! And when Sohaya the Rain Storm is used as a component in a Synchro Summon," Kuro: "What?" Kuro: "Spread your ebony wings, and strike the ground with the speed of lightning!" Kuro: "Synchro Summon!" Kuro: "Rain down, Assault Blackwing — Raikiri the Rain Shower!" Mel: "There it is! He finishes a series of Synchro Summons to bring out his ace monster!" Crow: "I activate Raikiri the Rain Shower's effect! For every Blackwing on the field, I can destroy one of your cards! Get lost, Rise Falcon." Kuro: "Action Spell Mirror Barrier... Its effect negates one monster's destruction." Crow: "Then, battle. I attack Rise Falcon with Raikiri the Rain Shower!" Kuro: "I send Raidraptor — Booster Strix from my hand to the graveyard," Kuro: "to use one Overlay Unit on Rise Falcon." Kuro: "It lets me negate the attack!" Crow: "You even negated the battle?" Kuro: "And the effect granted by Boost Strix" Kuro: "I destroy the monster whose attack against Rise Falcon was negated!" Crow: "Not so fast! Continuous Trap Blade Shade!" Crow: "Once per turn, I can negate Raikiri's destruction by attacks or effects." Crow: "And when I use this effect, I deal 500 damage to you!" Crow: "I end my turn. Now, bring it on... I don't have time to play war with you!" Kuro: "I'm not playing war. Since the day my homeland was stolen and my little sister kidnapped," Ama: "Isn't that Crow?" : "Where?" Yu: "What do you mean, win in accordance with your plans?" Rog: "I shall soon assume control of City. Rather, I already have." Yu: "Reiji... Layra! You..." Rog: "It is all for the sake of City. And to move this plan forward, I require your aid." Crow: "If you want to wage war that much, do it somewhere else. There's probably still a traitor among you Lancers... So, before they make contact with the Tops and cause havoc, get lost!" Kuro: "I don't think of myself as one of the Lancers!" Ama: "Here he comes." Kuro: "I only ally myself with those I lost in my hometown. Everyone else is the enemy!" Zu: "Kurosaki..." : "Crow!" Tan: "Good luck!" Rog: "It is an ugly duel, full of insults and abuse. Not at all like your duels." Rog: "Jack Atlas, Duel Chaser 227, Shinji Weber..." Rog: "The duels you fought with them resonated with me." Rog: "You don't want to win duels by dominating your opponent." Rog: "I could tell that by the way that you fought." Rog: "You are struggling to accomplish something more with your duel. Something that brings winner, loser, and spectator together," Yu: "Smiles." Yu: "I want to use my duel to bring smiles to everyone." Rog: "How splendid! That message of yours will certainly reach the people. It is true that, as Jack so keenly perceived, your duels" Rog: "But every time you win, you evolve. If you keep winning and stand at the top, bringing smiles to everyone," Rog: "To make people smile with your duels... That means eliminating conflict from the world." Rog: "You are throwing body and soul into that clean, pure ideal, aren't you?" Rog: "I agree with you from the bottom of my heart." Ama: "I hate reckless jerks like Kurosaki!" : "He stinks. And he trashed the place in his duel with Dennis." Tan: "I hope Crow smashes him to bits!" Zu: "Kurosaki's home was attacked by Academia, and he lost everything. That's why..." : "We're the same." Tan: "We haven't had anything, from the start." : "But we never do reckless things like he does." : "Well, okay, we do steal a little food sometimes..." Tan: "But when we do, Crow gets mad at us. He tells us we need to live honestly. We must endure, not getting beat down," Rog: "I love peace, as well. What I seek is a world without conflict, without war," Rog: "A world without the labels of "Tops" and "Commons,"" Rog: "If you would help me, I could make it a reality." Rog: "Would you take my hand, and begin walking toward that ideal together? As the first step toward that," Rog: "The worthy king of the world I wish to crown is not Jack." Rog: "It is a pure, proper, idealistic duelist like you." Yu: "Then why arrest me and bring me here?" Rog: "I merely wanted to ensure your safety." Yu: "But the way you did it..." Rog: "Actually, we were after the other boy." Yu: "Sora?" Rog: "Sora? Is that his name?" Yu: "But why Sora?" Rog: "Obviously, because I deemed him a threat to the peace of City." Rog: "He is from Academia, is he not?" Yu: "Wait a minute... Sora's my friend!" Yu: "He said he came to this dimension to save Yuzu from Academia." Rog: "And you believed him? The people of Academia do not have friends. They trust only one person, the Professor." Sora: "But even if I don't know why," Sora: "That is the rule at Academia." Rog: "He will betray you, without fail." Rog: "I know this for a fact." Rog: "Because I originally came from Academia myself." Sora: "Why is security so heavy here? I need to get to Yuzu, fast." Kuro: "None of you are on my side. I will defeat you. My turn!" Kuro: "I activate Rank-Up-Magic Raid Force from my hand!" Kuro: "I use Rise Falcon on my side of the field as an overlay component. I Xyz Summon a Raid Raptor of one rank higher!" Crow: "Rank-Up? Ferocious falcon, cut through fierce battles and flap your wings" Crow: "Rank Up Xyz Change. Appear! Rank 5 Raidraptor — Blaze Falcon!" Kuro: "I activate Blaze Falcon's effect! I use one Overlay Unit to destroy all monsters Special Summoned to your side of the field," Crow: "But Continuous Trap Blade Shade negates the destruction!" Crow: "And when I use that effect, it deals 500 damage to you!" Crow: "With only 1000 attack points, what's his plan?" Kuro: "Blaze Falcon can attack you directly! When Blaze Falcon deals battle damage to you, I can destroy one monster on your side of the field!" Crow: "That's what he was after? The destruction of Raikiri destroys Blade Shade, as well!" Kuro: "I set two cards and end my turn." Mel: "Kurosaki realizes Crow can only use Blade Shade once per turn, and uses that chance to take out Crow's ace monster!" Rog: "I first came to City for my mission. But my interactions with the people of City changed me. From the bottom of my heart, I wish to build a perfect world." Rog: "To make that a reality, I need you." Rog: "Trust in me, Yuya!" Rog: "Give me all you've got. I'll finish you off." Rog: "After I beat you, I have more enemies to defeat." Rog: "Quit underestimating the bonds between Commons! When I use Gofu the Vague Shadow as a synchro component," Rog: "From your graveyard?"
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 81 – Each Man's Battlefield", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "81", "Each Man's Battlefield" ] }
Rog: "Every human has bestial instincts that remain inside them." Rog: "I shall call those out, and bring them to the surface." Rog: "Now, awaken! The berserker power that lies in Yuya Sakaki's heart! Release that power. And rampage." Yu: "My..." Ute: "My..." Jo: "My..." Hu: "My..." All: "...turn!" : "D-Wheels." : "They combine speed and thrills for the ultimate show," Yu: "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon's monster effect." Ute: "I use one Overlay Unit..." Hu: "...to halve the attack points of all your monsters on the field, Level 5 or below, until the end of my turn." Jo: "And those lost attack points are added to those of Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon." Jo: "Treason Discharge!" Mel: "In other words, the attack points of Crow's Raikiri are reduced to 1300," Mel: "A difference of 2500! Right now, Crow's life is 2400! If this goes through, Yuya wins in one hit!" Top: "I didn't realize he was so strong. It's hard to believe he's the same person who made those hippos dance." Com: "Of course, the guy working with the Tops will win!" Com: "The future of the Commons is bleak!" Crow: "I won't let it happen. I activate my Continuous Trap Black Feather Cursed Guard!" Crow: "I negate Dark Rebellion's monster effect on Raikiri!" Rog: "Such pointless struggles." Rog: "It seems I shall need to help him a bit." Rog: "Where are the Action Cards?" Woman: "There's an Action Card at course point TD6." Rog: "See that Yuya gets it." Sora: "This is bizarre... What is Yuya doing?" Yu: "Xiangke Magician's pendulum effect! Once per turn, I can make an Xyz Monster's level equal to that monster's rank!" Yu: "I set Rank 4 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon to Level 4!" Crow: "What's he doing now?" Yu: "I activate Xiangsheng Magician's Pendulum Effect." Yu: "Once per turn, I can set the level of one monster to equal that of another monster. I set Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon's level to 7," Crow: "Two Level 7 monsters? Does he plan to Xyz Summon?" Sora: "Is he going to summon that monster I saw when I fought Yuya before?" Rog: "Changing from LK3 to TD6." Rog: "A little present to you." Rog: "Do accept it, Yuya Sakaki." Hu: "I overlay..." Jo: "...Level 7 Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon..." Jo: "Dragon with different-colored eyes," Jo: "Xyz Summon!" Jo: "Appear, Rank 7... ...dragon with shining eyes of fury! Odd-Eyes... ...Rebellion Dragon!" Rog: "Why did you stop?! The tremendous shockwave from outside" Rog: "The backup circuit was destroyed, too." Yu: "When Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon is a component for Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon," Yu: "Overlord Howling! I activate Continuous Trap Black Feather Cursed Guard's other effect!" Crow: "I reduce Raikiri's attack points by 400, and its level by 1, to negate its destruction." Mel: "Crow protects Raikiri from destruction! He's staved off so many potentially fatal attacks by Yuya! How will this duel end?" Mel: "Th-There's no road!" Mel: "Th-Those two are gonna fall..." Crow: "Don't underestimate the Blackbird!" Crow: "I won't fall that easily!" Crow: "Fly, Blackbird!" Mel: "He flew!" Sora: "What about Yuya?" Yu: "I activate Equip Spell Supreme Wing from my hand." Yu: "I equip it to Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon." Mel: "Yuya's flying, too! Wow! That's true entertainment!" Com: "Looking good, Yuya!" Com: "Crow's doing well, too." Crow: "Why did the course-change stop halfway? I thought Yuya was working with the Tops," k: "Hey, where are you going?" Tan: "Gongenzaka told us to lay low." Zu: "But Yuya... This bracelet always lights up when something is happening with Yuya. Which means he might be in trouble again!" Tan: "What a mysterious bracelet." Ama: "But how are you going to get there?" Zu: "I don't know. I don't know, but..." : "That's right." : "But the minute we leave this room, the guards will catch us." Ama: "You should trust Sora and wait." Zu: "But..." Ser: "At this rate, it's like we're asking security to find us." Ser: "Enough... Just leave me here." Lay: "What are you saying? I promise I'll save you, Serena!" Tsu: "Layra is at his stamina's limits, as well." Tsu: "We cannot go farther, then?" Man: "Director, the shockwave earlier" Rog: "What?" Rog: "Are you saying we cannot give him any more electric shocks?" Man: "No, it's the opposite. The electricity setting is on maximum, and we can't stop it! If the electricity keeps flowing," Man: "It could even kill him!" Crow: "Yuya..." Crow: "Answer me, Yuya. What happened to you, exactly? When we started, you asked me for help. What happened to that?" Yu: "I use one Overlay Unit" Yu: "It can attack as many times as I destroyed monsters in this turn." Crow: "This turn, he destroyed three Blackwing Tokens!" Crow: "Thus, I can attack three times." Crow: "Go, Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon! Attack... ...Raikiri... ...the Rain Shower!" Crow: "Wrath of Rebellion... Strike Disobey!" Crow: "I activate Black Feather Cursed Guard's effect." Crow: "I negate Raikiri's destruction!" Crow: "But you still take the damage. Black Feather Cursed Guard's effect" Mel: "He managed to endure it! But Yuya still has two more attacks. Can Crow endure them all? The maximum electric current is still going." Rog: "If he dies, he dies." Rog: "It would be a shame to no longer have him as my pawn..." Rog: "But right now, Yuya has more than met my expectations. Look. The attention of everyone in the Duel Palace, and across City," Jo: "My second attack." Hu: "Do it, Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon!" Both: "Attack Raikiri the Rain Shower." Crow: "I activate Black Feather Cursed Guard's effect. I negate Raikiri's destruction!" Mel: "He managed to endure it," Sora: "Yuya, what's going on? This duel isn't like you." Rog: "Now, then... I believe it is time." Rog: "Attention, all security squadrons around the Administrative Council building." Rog: "Enter the building at once." Rog: "Take control of both Reiji Akaba and the Council." Rog: "Also take Yuzu Hiiragi and Serena, whom we believe to be with them, into custody." Gale: "It seems he's about to make his move." Grey: "Even if security comes after us again..." Az: "...you will protect us, won't you?" Bor: "We're counting on you. Right, chairman?" Whi: "Yes." Whi: "It's very reassuring to have a duelist of your caliber here." Sora: "Yuya probably can't hear anyone right now." Sora: "Even if I did interrupt the duel, what could I do?" All: "The third attack..." Both: "Finish him." Yu: "Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon! Wrath of Rebellion... Strike Disobey!" Crow: "I activate Black Feather Cursed Guard's effect. I negate Raikiri's destruction!" Mel: "But Crow's life is down to 400." Crow: "I activate my trap Black Feather Hope!" Crow: "I pay half my life, to reduce battle damage to 0!" Mel: "There we go!" Mel: "No matter how many times he's crushed, he rises. Just as Commons pride themselves on doing!" Yu: "I now end my turn." So: "Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon has 3000 attack points." Sora: "To stop him, I'd have to send out a top-class monster from the start. Could I do it?" Rei: "Those are..." Man: "Unidentified flying objects sighted in the sky above City!" Man: "Ten, fifteen... I'm getting twenty readings. Putting them on-screen." Rog: "The Obelisk Force..." Rog: "Academia is coming here now?" Rog: "This is bad. They must be trying to get Yuzu Hiiragi and Serena!" Rog: "Cancel the incursion. Have the security squadrons stand by outside the building," Rog: "Sergey, fight back against the invading Academia army!" Mel: "In this fierce battle, neither is giving an inch. Who will ultimately win this duel?" Mel: "Hey... What are you doing? I know people want to watch the duel from up close, but this is insane!" Sora: "The Obelisk Force is the Professor's personal strike corps." Sora: "They must be after Yuzu and Serena." Yu: "You want me to abandon Serena?" Sora: "No! I told you, she's from Academia in the first place! I'm just taking her back!" Yu: "To "the prison that is Academia"?" Yu: "I won't abandon Serena to a place like that!" Yu: "Or Yuzu!" Sora: "Tsukikage's taken Yuzu to the underground facility. But what about Serena? If a higher-up in City is connected to Academia," Mel: "Calm down, Melissa. At times like these... No! He jumped down!" Crow: "Who the hell are you?" Sora: "I'm Sora Shiunin. I'm Yuya's friend." Crow: "Yuya's?" Sora: "Yuya isn't currently himself." Crow: "His right mind? What are you..." Sora: "The truth is, I wanted to do something." Sora: "But now, I have to protect Serena from them." Crow: "Them?" Crow: "Hey, are those..." Crow: "He said he was Yuya's friend, right?" Crow: "And he thinks the way Yuya's acting isn't normal?" Crow: "Then, I'll get him back in his right mind! Because I'm Yuya's pal!" Crow: "My turn!" Crow: "This is... Drawing this card means" Crow: "it's time to go all-in!" Crow: "I summon my Tuner Monster Blackwing — Decay the Ill Wind from my hand!" Crow: "Listen up, Yuya. Decay the Ill Wind isn't an ordinary Tuner Monster. When the Synchro Monster I use it to summon is destroyed," Crow: "In other words, the monster I summon with it is my final trump card!" Crow: "I'm using it to challenge your Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon to a duel to the death!" Crow: "Level 4 Decay the Ill Wind tunes the now Level 4 Raikiri!" Crow: "Wet your ebony wings, and sound a thunderclap in the pouring rain!" Crow: "Synchro Summon!" Crow: "Pierce through, Assault Blackwing — Chidori the Rain Sprinkling!" Mel: "Crow brings out his trump card! But its attack points are only 2600? I'm not sure how he can have a duel to the death" Crow: "For every Blackwing in my graveyard," Crow: "There are five Blackwings in my graveyard right now. Thus, its attack points increase by 1500!" Mel: "4100 attack points! That's a big boost!" Crow: "Battle! Chidori the Rain Sprinkling attacks Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon!" Crow: "I'm putting my soul into this battle... Wake up, Yuya!" Crow: "Thunderclap Strike Lightning Slash!" Yu: "In that instant, Supreme Wing's effect activates! When the monster equipped with this card is destroyed by battle, the victorious monster is destroyed." Crow: "What?" Yu: "And it deals the attack points..." Jo: "...of the monster it destroyed..." Hu: "...to you!" Mel: "Th-The winner..." Mel: "The winner is Yuya!" Mel: "The winner of the semifinals is Yuya Sakaki!" Zu: "Yuya..." Mel: "What a way to end it! I'd assumed Crow had made a big comeback," Mel: "The way he is now, he might just be able to fight on Jack's level!" Jack: "A foolish duel." Crow: "Hey, Yuya! Hey! Yuya, can you hear me?" Crow: "Yuya!" Yu: "Crow..." Crow: "You're back to your senses, Yuya?" Yu: "Crow? What h-happened?" Yu: "Crow!" Crow: "Listen, Yuya!" Crow: "During the duel, I saw these fishy-looking guys appear! And apparently, they're after Serena. This guy named Sora went to save her... You've gotta go, too!" Yu: "Sora went to save Serena?" Man: "You're done talking now, right?" Yu: "Crow!" Crow: "Don't worry about me... Hurry, Yuya!" Crow: "Join your allies!" Yu: "Crow..." Yu: "Sorry!" Mel: "Hey, wait. You're leaving again? Get back here, Yuya!" Yu: "Crow was told about it by Sora. Which means the ones after Serena..." Yu: "Has Academia finally appeared in this dimension, too?" Yu: "I'd better find Sora, fast!" Yu: "Our communicators are jammed within City." Yu: "Once you find the targets, use the signal flares to contact us." Yu: "Let's begin." Yu: "Is that... The Obelisk Force?" Yu: "Is that what Crow was talking about? Has Academia finally appeared in this dimension, too?" Yu: "I'd better find Sora, fast!"
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Episode 88 – Lightning Strike!", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V", "88", "Lightning Strike!" ] }
Juu: "I'm late! I'm late! I'm late! Why is the train only late on important days like this? No, this is exciting... This is a trial I've been given to overcome. Guts! Just you wait, Duel Academia!" Juu: "Look out!" Juu: "Sorry." Yugi: "Hey... Do you duel?" Juu: "Yeah, I'm taking the Duel Academia entrance exam." Juu: "A-Are you..." Yugi: "This is a lucky card. It wants to go where you're going." Juu: "Huh?" Juu: "Thanks." Yugi: "Do your best." Juu: "R-Right." Juu: "U-Um... Thank you very much!" Kuri: "Kuri kuri!" Juu: "Not good!" : "On that day, practical exams for Duel Academia," : "The Duel Academia entrance exam is divided into written and practical tests. Only those approved after the written exam are allowed to proceed to the practical exam." Juu: "Wait!" Juu: "Exam #110, Judai Yuki! I'm "safe," right?" Juu: "Look at them going at it!" Tester: "No matter how elite you may be, in the face of my hyper-defense deck," Tester: "you won't be able to chip away at my life points any further." Mizawa: "I activate my trap card Ring of Destruction! This trap card destroys one faceup monster on the field," Tester: "Exam duel complete. Congratulations. You won." Miz: "Thank you very much." Blue: "Exam #1, Daichi Misawa. He's very good, isn't he? After hearing the rumors, it was worth coming to see him. Right, Manjome?" Man: "Nonsense. The bar for entrance exam duels is set very low." Man: "Leaving campus was a waste of time. Only one. Duel Academia doesn't need two kings." Juu: "#1 there had a great combo, huh?" Sho: "Of course he did. That's Exam #1. In other words, the one who placed highest on the written exam. That's Misawa." Juu: "So that's what the exam numbers mean?" Sho: "They determine who gets in based on written exam score and your duel. I managed to win my duel, but I'm Exam #119, so I don't know if they'll let me in or not..." Juu: "Don't you worry!" Juu: "If you're lucky, you'll pass. Look at me. I'm #110." Sho: "You're an examinee, too?" Juu: "Yeah." Sho: "But the duels for the 100s already finished in the first heat." Observer: "No deliberation needed for Misawa. He's in. Yes, so he's the last one?" Clerk: "Excuse me. We have one more examinee that made it just before registration closed." Cronos: "What is his exam number?" Clerk: "Exam #110." Cronos: "Arriving just before the deadline suggests carelessness. Our academy needs no drop-out boys." Observer: "But he did make it in time, so I think he has the right to take the exam. And he was late because of a train accident. It seems wrong not to let him take it..." Cronos: "Non problema! Never! Non, non, non!" Cronos: "Scusi. Who might this be?" Cronos: "Oh, Mr. Headmaster..." Head: "I hear you have an examinee who was late due to a train accident and made it just before registration closed..." Head: "Be careful not to deprive him of his chance, just because of a poor written score. Remember, our goal is to bring together a wide variety of talents in order to cultivate more well-rounded duelists." Cronos: "Nothing slips by him, eh? That sly old dog... Duel Academia is a school for the duel elite. Perche? Why does Headmaster Sameshima ally himself with a drop-out boy such as he?" Cronos: "I shall duel with that examinee personally!" Observer: "W-Wait a minute... Instructor Cronos, take this exam deck with you." Cronos: "I have no need for such a thing! I shall use my own deck." Juu: "You're really good!" Mis: "Yeah." Juu: "I'd say you're good enough to be #2 among this year's examinees." Ann: "Exam #110, Judai Yuki." Juu: "All right! It's my turn!" Mis: "You..." Mis: "Why do you think I'm #2?" Juu: "Because I'm #1." Sho: "His written exam score was only nine places above mine. How can he be so confident?" Sho: "I'm so jealous..." Cro: "Buon giorno!" Juu: "I'm Judai Yuki." Cro: "Signor Judai, I am Cronos de Medici. I oversee the academy's practical training." Juu: "What an honor! The one in charge of practical training wants to duel me personally? You must have really high hopes for me, huh?" Cro: "I am simply speechless..." Blue: "Instructor Cronos is facing him personally? Is this Judai kid really that important?" Man: "He shouldn't be!" Cro: "Duel coat on!" Juu: "That's so cool!" Juu: "Teacher, can I buy a coat like that, too?" Cro: "All students who receive superior grades possess them. Though such matters are irrelevant to a drop-out boy such as yourself... And always will be." Juu: "Okay! I'll do my best!" Both: "Duel!" Juu: "My turn!" Juu: "Okay. I summon Elemental HERO Avian in defense position!" Juu: "Then I set one more card on the field." Juu: "Turn over!" Cro: "Now it is my turn!" Cro: "A HERO deck, eh? He considered himself a hero in whatever small town he comes from, eh? Allow me to show you just how large this world is. I activate the spell card Confiscation from my hand." Juu: "What? Confiscation?" Cro: "It allows me to pay 1000 life points to look at my opponent's hand, choose one card from it, and send it to the graveyard." Cro: "A drop-out boy deck, after all." Juu: "Is he talking smack about the deck I put my sweat and tears into? I send Monster Reborn to the graveyard." Cro: "Then I set two cards on the field." Cro: "And then, I activate the spell card Heavy Storm from my hand. This card destroys all spell and trap cards on the field." Juu: "But, Teacher, you hit your own cards with that, too." Cro: "Here we have what we call "a big fish from a small pond." Glub glub." Juu: "What?" Cro: "I Special Summon Wicked Tokens!" Sho: "I have no idea what's going on." Mis: "Statue of the Wicked is a special kind of trap that, after it's destroyed, produces Tokens. In order to use that effect, Instructor Cronos destroyed his own Statues of the Wicked." Sho: "Wow..." Blue: "That isn't an exam deck. That's Instructor Cronos's own Dark Medieval deck! He executed his own combo, while containing #110's trap." Blue: "Could any examinee beat that deck? I doubt it!" Man: "If that examinee thought he was special, he was under a grave misapprehension. Instructor Cronos intends to give that drop-out boy's fragile dreams a thorough crushing." Asu: "That poor boy. It looks like Cronos has it in for him." Ryo: "This is worth watching." Ryo: "The Dark Medieval deck... Thanks to #110, we might have a chance to see a legendary rare card." Cro: "My turn has not yet ended." Juu: "This is fun! What are you going to show me next, Teacher?" Cro: "I now tribute two Wicked Tokens..." Cro: "And summon my Ancient Gear Golem!" Asu: "This is..." Asu: "The legendary rare card!" Juu: "Wow! I've heard rumors about this." Sho: "He went right to a Level 8 monster!" Ryo: "Cronos de Medici has never lost after summoning that card. I didn't think that examinee had the skill to make the teacher get serious." Asu: "It's only Instructor Cronos being temperamental." Asu: "I feel bad, but I can hear the iron door of Academia slamming shut on that boy." Cro: "Here we go!" Cro: "Ultimate Pound!" Sho: "Ancient Gear Golem has 3000 attack points! Avian has 1000 defense points! There's no way he can beat him!" Mis: "And that doesn't finish it. The monster's effect is that, when it attacks a monster in defense position, if its attack points are higher than the other's defense points, the difference is converted to damage to the opposing player." Sho: "O-Oh, no... That monster breaks all the rules!" Cro: "Lost your will to fight already, eh?" Juu: "I'm touched. A head teacher wants to duel me this seriously." Cro: "What?! How deluded are you? I have no intention letting a drop-out boy like you pass through Duel Academia's sacred gates!" Juu: "This is where my real skill is put to the test." Kuri: "Kuri kuri kuri!" Juu: "Who's calling me?" Juu: "Are you the one?" Juu: "No way." Yugi: "This is a lucky card. Do your best." Juu: "I see. Winged Kuriboh, huh?" Kuri: "Kuri kuri!" Juu: "Okay, I'll trust you!" Juu: "I summon Winged Kuriboh from my hand into defense position!" Kuri: "Kuri!" Juu: "Then I set one more card and end my turn." Cro: "A Kuriboh with wings, eh? You do possess an unusual card. But it is naught but a low-level monster! Summoning it in defense position will give you no defense against the piercing effect of my Ancient Gear Golem! But I suppose a small monster suits a small player. Then, it is my turn, eh?" Cro: "Now it is over. Ancient Gear Golem, perform Ultimate Pound on that Winged Kuriboh!" Kuri: "Kuri!" Juu: "Sorry, Winged Kuriboh." Cro: "Why have you not lost any life points?" Juu: "On the turn when Winged Kuriboh is destroyed, any damage you take is reduced to zero." Asu: "A card exists that Cronos doesn't know about?" Ryo: "There are some things even teachers don't know. The world of dueling is fathomless." Asu: "And that's what makes it interesting." Asu: "Is that the small monster's effect?" Juu: "He's a friend who risked his life to save me." Cro: "Such impudence! He is a mere stopgap monster. What am I to call him, if not small?" Juu: "No... Winged Kuriboh's cry was the signal that awakens the monsters of my deck! I activate my trap card Hero Signal!" Juu: "I also Special Summon Elemental HERO Burstinatrix from my deck!" Juu: "My turn!" Juu: "Winged Kuriboh, I heard your encouragement. Now watch me..." Juu: "Next, Avian's indomitable fighting spirit is reborn. I use the spell card The Warrior Returning Alive" Juu: "to return him to my hand from the graveyard, and summon him." Cro: "What can a cheap comic book hero accomplish? He is nothing more than a Normal Monster!" Juu: "Normal Monsters with low attack points are merely temporary identities for Avian and Burstinatrix. Don't be too shocked when you see their true form, Teacher. I activate the spell card Polymerization!" Juu: "I fuse Avian and Burstinatrix... And I Fusion Summon my favorite card, Elemental HERO Flame Wingman!" Sho: "Cool!" Mis: "Flame Wingman can only be summoned with a Fusion Summon. When it destroys an opponent's monster in battle, it deals damage to the opposing player equal to the destroyed monster's attack points." Sho: "But Flame Wingman only has 2100 attack points. It's nowhere near Ancient Gear Golem's attack points." Mis: "Yeah... But if he's really #1, he'll work it out somehow." Sho: "He's actually #110..." Cro: "May I offer you a special lesson? A duel requires none of your extraneous talk. Do remember this! Even if you Special Summon Flame Wingman, its attack points are a mere 2100. It cannot compete with my Ancient Gear Golem!" Juu: "Then let me teach you something, Teacher. Heroes have a superheroic stage they can fight on." Juu: "Field Spell Skyscraper!" Juu: "Now the stage is set... Go, Flame Wingman. Attack Ancient Gear Golem." Cro: "Scherzi. You must be joking. Flame Wingman's attack points do not even approach those of my Ancient Gear Golem!" Juu: "Heroes always win! Skyscraper is a Field Spell. When a HERO fights a monster with superior attack points, that HERO's attack points increase by 1000." Cro: "Oh, Dio! Take this! Skyscraper Shoot!" Cro: "Mama mia! My Ancient Gear Golem!" Juu: "And Flame Wingman's effect means" Juu: "you take damage equal to the destroyed monster's attack points, Teacher." Cro: "What?" Juu: "Gotcha! It was a fun duel, Teacher." Cro: "How? How could I lose to a drop-out boy such as he?" Man: "I can't believe it... Instructor Cronos lost to an examinee?" Asu: "That kid's pretty interesting, huh?" Sho: "Great work, #110!" Mis: "You might make a good rival, #1." Juu: "I won! Yeah!" Juu: "Look forward to working with you, pal." Kuri: "Kuri kuri!" Juu: "Cool, cool, cool! Dueling sure is fun, huh? Huh?" Sho: "Yeah." Juu: "Don't look so depressed... We made it into Duel Academia!" Sho: "Yeah, that's true." Juu: "Hey, Instructor Cronos was incredible, but..." Sho: "Misawa is, too. And I bet there are even more incredible people in this school!" Juu: "Yeah, that's right! I can't wait!" Sho: "Next episode: Flame Wingman."
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled) Episode 1 – Yugi's Heir", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled)", "1", "Yugi's Heir" ] }
Voice: "Judai... Where are you, Judai? My beloved, Judai Yuki..." Amon: "October 11th." Amon: "The ship that the Kaiba Corporation prepared for this voyage has been so comfortable," Amon: "If I have one complaint," Amon: "One is me, Amon Garam." Amon: "Another is Jim Crocodile Cook." Amon: "That seems to be his favorite place." Amon: "The third and fourth are Professor Cobra and Austin O'Brien." Amon: "But those two hardly ever leave their rooms." Aus: "Who's there?" Cobra: "It is I." Aus: "Professor Cobra..." Cobra: "You never change, O'Brien. Who other than I would be coming to visit you?" Cobra: "Amon Garam... He visited you?" Cobra: "I see. He might be a troublemaker. Well, forget that for now." Cobra: "The moment we arrive at Duel Academia, I shall begin the duel we discussed. Be quick with the preparations." Cobra: "I see I have stated the obvious." Amon: "And the fifth is" Amon: "Ghost, a spirit listed on the register, but not aboard the ship. But once we arrive at Duel Academia," Jim: "Blue sky, emerald sea, wild volcano!" Jim: "It's beautiful!" Sho: "Bro!" Sho: "Bro! Oh, Kenzan?" Ken: "Judai? I haven't seen him for a while, saurus." Sho: "Jeez, do you think he forgot?" Ken: "I totally forgot about that, don..." Sho: "Hey, Kenzan, are you going dressed like that?" Ken: "Th-Think I shouldn't, saurus?" Sho: "You can if you want, but I've prepared an all-new look, just for today!" Ken: "Oh, I see..." Ken: "Congratulations, saurus." Sho: "No, the uniform isn't the new look. It's these." Sho: "Since I'm a third-year, I got the latest fashion I could." Ken: "R-Really, don? How are those any different, saurus?" Sho: "That's right! We've gotta find Bro," Juu: "What is this place?" Juu: "Is that Duel Academia?" Juu: "Is someone there?" Juu: "Instructor Cronos! Manjome!" Juu: "Asuka, Sho, Kenzan..." Juu: "Winged Kuriboh... I see. You woke me up from that weird dream, huh?" Juu: "What was all that?" Juu: "What's wrong?" Juu: "What's that thing? A squirrel?" Johan: "Hey, Ruby!" Johan: "So that's where you were." Juu: "Hey!" Juu: "Is that thing named Ruby?" Johan: "Yeah, this is Ruby Carbuncle." Juu: ""Carbuncle"?" Johan: "A legendary creature." Juu: "Legendary?" Johan: "Yeah." Johan: "Is that Winged Kuriboh?" Johan: "Then you must be Judai Yuki." Juu: "Yeah... Hey, you can see Winged Kuriboh?" Johan: "Ever since I was a kid, I've been able to see duel monster spirits." John: "You're the same way, right?" Juu: "Yeah. Ever since I was a kid... Huh?" Juu: "By the way, I haven't seen you around before..." Johan: "Well, in a sense, it is my first year." Juu: "Oh! Welcome to Duel Academia!" Juu: "I feel kind of a weird sensation." Johan: "Same here. Almost like we've met before." Ken: "Bro!" Sho: "The assembly is starting!" Juu: "Oops! I forgot!" Sho: "We're in a hurry." Ken: "We're going without you, don!" Juu: "Okay, I'm off. See you later. Let's go, Winged Kuriboh." Same: "Now, today is the first day of our new year." Same: "I hope you will all work to make this a year you won't regret." Ken: "Manjome, are you sure you want to stay in Red, don?" Man: "It's all the same where I am now. Though if they made a Black dorm, I might consider it. What are you doing here?" Ken: "The dorm doesn't matter to me, don!" p: "Now, as representative of our new first-years," Man: "She will, eh?" Ken: "You finally made it back to Red, and had your room stolen, don?" Man: "Shut up." Ken: "Here she comes, saurus." Rei: "Instructors... We, the freshman class, swear to obey the rules of Duel Academia," Rei: "This is the freshman class representative, Rei Saotome." Ken: "You've got some trouble coming, don!" Same: "Then, in this new term," Same: "Duel Academia, which strives to advance the field of dueling," Same: "This year, I have accepted some students from those schools to Duel Academia." Ken: "You mean the champions from each Duel Academia, saurus?" Juu: "Cool! We're getting guys like that here?" Same: "Now, for the introductions." Same: "Duel Academia West representative," Same: "Duel Academia South representative," Same: "Mr. Jim Crocodile Cook." Same: "And Duel Academia North representative," Cro: "What is occurring?" p: "No one is arriving." Amon: "So he really was a ghost?" Man: "Johan... Johan Andersen? You don't mean Johan, of the Crystal Beast deck?" Juu: "Crystal Beast?" Ken: "Manjome, you know him, saurus?" Man: "Long ago, the Manjome Group tried to pool their financial assets" Ken: "Manjome, you're still doing that stuff?" Man: "This was a long time ago! According to some old writings Industrial Illusions uncovered," Man: "Julius Caesar, the emperor of Rome," Man: "and tried to make stone tablets of them. But on the way to Rome, there was a storm," Man: "President Pegasus found them," Ken: "And those are the Crystal Beasts?" Man: "President Pegasus wouldn't sell those cards." Juu: "Johan's cards are that amazing?" Juu: "I wanna duel him already!" Ken: "But he's not here..." Johan: "Sorry I'm late!" Juu: "Huh? Hey, first-year!" Johan: "Hey! Hey! Is this the opening day assembly?" Juu: "Yeah." Johan: "Huh? Johan?" Same: "Um, Judai... He's..." Johan: "I'm Johan." Johan: "Sorry... I wasn't trying to deceive you. You just assumed I was a first-year." Juu: "Oh, I see." Same: "Well, let me introduce him once more. The representative from Duel Academia North," Amon: "Then you weren't just a ghost." Jim: "So you're Johan, eh?" Jim: "Hello, my friend." Cro: "That crocodile is alive!" p: "Indeed!" Same: "And I have one more introduction. Joining us from Academia West as a special lecturer, Professor Cobra!" Cobra: "Hello, everyone. Normally, I would make a long introduction," Cobra: "Results matter more than speech." Cobra: "That is my motto." Juu: "Well, doesn't he sound understanding?" Cobra: "And in accordance with that motto, I'd like to hold an exhibition match!" p: "An exhibition match?" Cro: "This is the first I have heard of it." Cob: "I shall choose the participants myself. The one I have the most interest in is... Johan Andersen!" Cob: "And his opponent..." Man: "Obviously—" Cob: "Judai Yuki!" Juu: "All right! One day into the new term, and I get to duel some legendary cards... Lucky me!" Man: "Why? Why isn't it me?" Yel: "Now, Bro, calm down." Man: "I won Genex!" Ken: "Well..." Joh: "Hey, he has a funny little partner, too." Cob: "Both of you, hold out your right hands." Juu: "What's this?" Cob: "Presents from me to you, to celebrate the new term." Cob: "Now, we will begin the duel one hour from now." Juu: "Johan, I'm super excited to get to fight a guy like you, right off the bat!" Joh: "I've been looking forward to dueling you for a long time, too!" Juu: "Let's go!" Joh: "Bring it!" Both: "Duel!" Joh: "My turn! Draw!" Man: "Will it be a Crystal Beast?" Joh: "Come out, Crystal Beast! Emerald Tortoise!" Rei: "It's pretty." Juu: "Is this..." Amon: "A Crystal Beast..." Turt: "I was having such a nice nap, Johan." Joh: "This is Duel Academia. I told you about it before." Turt: "Oh, it is?" Turt: "Lots of sharp-eyed youngsters out there..." Joh: "Make me look good today, okay? If we lower our guard for a minute, the guy we're fighting today will beat us." Turt: "I understand. He has the eyes of a real strong fellow." Juu: "Whoa! Your spirits can talk like people?" Johan: "They're my friends..." Juu: "Duel monsters like family, huh?" Ken: "What are those two talking about?" Man: "A lot of pointless back-patting." Joh: "I set one more card and end my turn!" Juu: "Let's go. My turn! Draw!" Juu: "I summon Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin!" Joh: "What a thrill! These are the outer space heroes I've heard so much about?" Jim: "That's great." Amon: "Aliens versus legendary beasts, eh?" Juu: "I discard one card" Juu: "to activate Aqua Dolphin's effect! Echo Location! I destroy the monster with 300 attack points in your hand," Joh: "How dare you hurt Ruby?!" Juu: "And I activate my spell card O — Oversoul from my hand! I can Special Summon one Normal Monster Elemental HERO from my graveyard." Joh: "Then the one you sent to the graveyard was..." Juu: "Come out, Elemental HERO Neos!" Joh: "That's Neos, huh? Cool! Damn, if we weren't in the middle of a duel, I'd ask for his autograph. I was waiting for you to summon a new monster!" Juu: "What?" Joh: "I activate my trap Triggered Summon! When a monster is Special Summoned to your side of the field," Juu: "You scared me..." Turt: "Johan would never do such a thing." Joh: "Aside from counter cards," Joh: "Destroying monsters with effects is easy. But that would basically seal my opponent's potential before I can even see it. I always want to see everything my opponent can do. To fully draw out both of our potentials." Juu: "Wow, you really are an interesting guy." Joh: "Now, Judai! Summon a new monster!" Juu: "Right!" Juu: "Come out, Neo-Spacian Grand Mole!" Joh: "And I summon Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle!" Eag: "Big audience today, eh?" Turt: "Counting on you, Eagle." Cro: "Signor Judai goes without saying..." p: "But Monsieur Johan has such ability." Juu: "Go, Neos! Attack Emerald Tortoise!" Juu: "And Grand Mole attacks, too." Juu: "Okay!" Juu: "Aqua Dolphin, attack directly!" Ken: "All right! He beat the Crystal Beasts, don!" Man: "No..." Juu: "What?" Dol: "I thought we destroyed the Crystal Beasts." Joh: "Sorry, but one effect the Crystal Beasts have" Juu: "What?" Asu: "Then he can't defeat the Crystal Beasts without also destroying those crystals?" Jim: "Wonderful." Amon: "A type of monster I have never seen before." Juu: "Cool! Cool!" Juu: "Your monsters are amazing." Joh: "This is the power that dwells within the Crystal Beasts, the power to stay with me, never giving up on a duel." Joh: "Well, Judai? This is my family, the Crystal Beast deck." Juu: "My Neos deck won't lose, either! Neos! Air Hummingbird! Contact Fusion!" Joh: "Strike back..." Sho: "It's like someone cloned Bro!" Sho: "Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Neo-Spacians Versus Crystal Beasts." Sho: "Hey, Professor Cobra is gone."
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled) Episode 106 – Judai and Johan of the Crystal Beast Deck", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled)", "106", "Judai and Johan of the Crystal Beast Deck" ] }
Jim: "That's some wonder monsters!" Amon: "So those are the Crystal Beasts I've heard so much about. Truly unique monsters." Juu: "Cool... I've never seen monsters like these before!" Joh: "Let's go." Joh: "Come out, Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat!" Cat: "Oh, Johan. Good day. You seem to be having a bit of trouble." Joh: "I guess so." Cat: "If you hurt Johan, I'll make you pay!" Juu: "Scary." Joh: "I activate my spell! Crystal Beacon! When there are two or more Crystal Beasts in my Spell and Trap Zones," Joh: "And you draw one card." Joh: "Come out, Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger!" Joh: "I'm counting on you." Tiger: "I knew you'd bring me out, Johan." Joh: "When Topaz Tiger attacks a monster, its attack points increase by 400. Go, Topaz Tiger!" Joh: "Topaz Bite!" Juu: "Aqua Dolphin..." Cat: "Hey, I can still attack." Joh: "I can halve Amethyst Cat's attack points to enable her to attack you directly. Go!" Joh: "Amethyst Nails!" Rei: "That looked painful..." Asu: "Not good." Asu: "He halved his life points, just like that." Cat: "And there you have it." Joh: "Good work. I set one card and end my turn." Juu: "My turn. Draw!" Juu: "Here we go." Joh: "Another new Neo-Spacian!" Juu: "Neos..." Juu: "Flare Scarab..." Juu: "Contact Fuse!" Juu: "Come out, Flare Neos!" Joh: "Flare Neos! He's cool, too!" Juu: "And here's where Neos really shines! Field Spell Neo Space. Flare Neos's attack points" Juu: "And Neo Space powers up Flare Neos even more." Joh: "Cool." Cat: "Hey, Johan..." Cat: "This is no time to be staring in awe at your opponent's monster." Joh: "Yeah, 4600 attack points... He used the Crystal Beasts' power against me." Ken: "Johan's life points are down to 2900!" Sho: "Bro can win with this attack!" Juu: "Go, Flare Neos! Attack Amethyst Cat." Juu: "Burn to Ash!" Joh: "I activate my trap Last Resort! When one of your monsters attacks, I can use this card" Joh: "If you already have a Field Spell active," Joh: "I activate my Field Spell Ancient City — Rainbow Ruins from my deck!" Juu: "A new Field Spell?" Joh: "That will lower Flare Neos's attack points." Joh: "And the effect of Rainbow Ruins activates. When there are two or more Crystal Beasts in my Spell and Trap Zones," Juu: "Not bad..." Juu: "Well, I didn't think I'd end this so easily." Juu: "I switch Grand Mole to defense position!" Joh: "The destruction of Neo Space causes Flare Neos to return to your deck!" Juu: "My turn is over." Cro: "It is a white-knuckle duel, is it not?" p: "My palms are in a cold sweat." Same: "But where is Professor Cobra, who originally proposed this exhibition match?" Joh: "That was close. But I managed to make it through... My turn. Draw!" Joh: "I activate my spell Rare Value! When there are two or more Crystal Beasts in my Spell and Trap Zones," Tor: "I'm counting on you, Johan." Joh: "Emerald Tortoise... Your sacrifice won't be in vain. Draw!" Joh: "I summon Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth!" Juu: "A new Crystal Beast?" Mam: "Johan, let me be your shield." Joh: "Okay. Topaz Tiger, attack Grand Mole!" Juu: "Grand Mole's effect activates! When this card does battle," Joh: "Nice work avoiding it. But I still have Amber Mammoth! Attack directly!" Joh: "Amber Stomp!" Asu: "Judai!" Joh: "I end my turn." Cro: "Signor Judai is having a hard fight." p: "This time it is Monsieur Johan who is pushing him back." Same: "Professor Cobra, when did you..." Cob: "Judai Yuki and Johan Andersen" Cob: "I wanted to see them both battle to their fullest," Same: "You are so right." Cob: "Yes, fight... Fight hard. Expend all the duel energy you have... And when you do, at last, my wish will be granted." Voice: "Judai... My beloved Judai." Ken: "Bro's down to 300 life points..." Edo: "It's true that this is a type of duelist Judai has never fought before." Ken: "Edo!" Man: "What are you doing here?" Edo: "Hey, don't be like that. I'm a student here, too." Man: "Aren't you in the middle of the pro-league tour?" Edo: "It seems the rumor, that the man with the Crystal Beasts was here, was true." Ken: "What did you mean when you said he was a type Bro had never fought before, saurus?" Edo: "Johan Andersen." Edo: "He has a strong bond with his monsters." Yel: "Just like my bond with you, Bro!" Man: "Scram, you!" Ken: "Bond? What do you mean, saurus?" Edo: "What I feel from his duel is not a bond of fate, like I feel with the Destiny HEROs." Edo: "Nor a destined one, like Judai's with his Elemental HEROs." Edo: "It's a bond of trust and sharing, a bond of family. By not leaving the field, even if they're destroyed," Edo: "He has the reassurance that they'll always be there, in his sight," Ken: "Reassurance from his monsters?" Edo: "I don't know of another player who has a cooperative bond" Edo: "Johan Andersen, the duelist chosen by the Crystal Beasts." Asu: "Chosen by..." Rei: "...the Crystal Beasts?" Man: "What does that mean?" Edo: "I once heard the story directly from President Pegasus." Edo: "I was participating in a duel held by Industrial Illusions." Peg: "Phoenix, my boy!" Peg: "That was a wonderful duel! You are only the fifth duelist I have ever met at such a level. First is, needless to say," Peg: "Second is his eternal rival, Seto Kaiba." Peg: "Third is his eternal friend, Katsuya Jonouchi. And the fourth is you." Peg: "Who is the other?" Peg: "Johan Andersen." Edo: "Johan?" Peg: "Several years ago, I attended a duel in Europe... When my boy Andersen fought, the Crystal Beasts, which I had brought to the arena," Edo: "The Crystal Beasts?" Peg: "I gave them to that boy as a present!" Edo: "I don't believe it..." Peg: "What else was I to do?" Edo: "The cards chose a duelist?" Peg: "Someday, perhaps you will fight the Crystal Beasts, as well. That is a duel I should like to see!" Edo: "Judai is a natural duelist, and Johan is also an extraordinary duelist..." Juu: "Johan and the Crystal Beasts, they're seriously strong. None of them has impressive attack points alone, but..." Juu: "Impressive attack points? Johan, have you..." Juu: "You haven't actually brought out your ace monster yet?" Joh: "Huh? How did you know?" Man: "He still hasn't brought out his ace?" Joh: "You just keep impressing me. Reading the situation this far is truly something." Juu: "Then you really..." Joh: "No, I haven't yet dispatched my ace. The ultimate form of the seven Crystal Beasts combined..." Joh: "The Rainbow Dragon!" Amon: "Rainbow Dragon?" Juu: "Well, heck... If you have something like that, show it off already!" Joh: "No way." Juu: "What?" Joh: "I keep Rainbow Dragon way, way, way up my sleeve. I need the right situation for it!" Juu: "Darn it. Then I'll have to draw it out. My turn. Draw!" Juu: "I activate my spell Convert Contact! When there are no cards on my side of the field," Juu: "Then I draw one card for every monster on your side of the field." Juu: "You have one monster on the field." Juu: "I activate my spell card Cocoon Party. For every Neo-Spacian in my graveyard, I summon one Chrysalis." Juu: "I have three Neo-Spacians in my graveyard." Joh: "What are those cute little monsters?" Juu: "They may be just cocoons now," Juu: "Spell card Contact!" Joh: "Three Neo-Spacians at once?" Juu: "Air Hummingbird's effect activates." Juu: "I recover 500 life points for every card in your hand." Juu: "And I activate my Equip Spell Neos Energy. This increases Dark Panther's attack points by 800!" Juu: "Dark Panther, attack Amber Mammoth!" Joh: "The effect of Rainbow Ruins halves the damage I take! At last, I'm seeing the real power of the Neos Deck." Juu: "That's enough. I end my turn. Now, show me Rainbow Dragon!" Joh: "If it were that easy to summon, I wouldn't have a problem..." Joh: "My turn. Draw!" Joh: "I'm gonna get serious, too!" Joh: "Come, Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus!" Peg: "I'm here at last, Johan." Joh: "Sapphire Pegasus's effect activates!" Joh: "When I successfully summon Sapphire Pegasus," Joh: "Ruby Carbuncle!" Joh: "And Ruby's effect activates. When this card is in my Spell and Trap Zone, Ruby is Special Summoned," Joh: "Come out, Ruby Carbuncle!" Joh: "Ruby Happiness!" Juu: "What?" Joh: "I beat you at Special Summoning." Edo: "This is the hidden power of the Crystal Beast deck..." Peg: "I'll open the way. Follow me, all of you." Joh: "Sapphire Pegasus, attack Dark Panther!" Joh: "Amethyst Cat..." Cat: "Now, let's go, everyone!" Joh: "Attack directly!" Joh: "Cobalt Eagle!" Joh: "Amber Mammoth!" Joh: "Ruby, attack directly!" Ken: "Bro!" Rei: "Judai..." Sho: "Bro!" Joh: "How do you like that?" Juu: "That did hurt a bit, but I haven't lost yet. I don't give up to the very end!" Joh: "Great!" Juu: "Let's go. My turn!" Juu: "I'm counting on you, my deck." Juu: "Draw!" Juu: "I activate my spell card Fake Hero. It lets me Special Summon an Elemental HERO from my hand! Naturally, I choose Neos!" Juu: "And I activate my spell Contact Soul. When Neos is on the field," Juu: "Come back, Air Hummingbird!" Juu: "Contact Fuse!" Juu: "When my life points are lower than my opponent's," Juu: "The difference in our life points is 1200. Thus, Air Neos's attack points increase by 1200! Looks like I win!" Juu: "Sky Rip Wing!" Joh: "Are you so sure?" Joh: "Did you forget I still haven't played my ace card?" Juu: "What?" Edo: "He can call out Rainbow Dragon, at a time like this?" Joh: "When all seven Crystal Beasts are together," Joh: "Behold, the miracle of the Crystal Beasts!" Juu: "Rainbow..." Joh: "Be reborn! The ultimate Crystal Beast, Rainbow Dragon!" Juu: "Rainbow Dragon..." Joh: "Just kidding." Joh: "That hurt..." Juu: "Hey, where's Rainbow Dragon?" Joh: "Well, you see, Rainbow Dragon is" Joh: "not in my deck yet!" Juu: "He's laughing?" All: "What the heck?! You got us all excited! Give us a break! What kind of deck doesn't have an ace? You can't fight like that!" Joh: "Well, what can I do?" Juu: "You don't have it yet?" Joh: "According to the ancient Roman documents," Joh: "It hasn't been found yet, though. If we could find it," Joh: "You guys, too!" Joh: "Though I doubt it'll just fall into your laps like that." Cob: "Students, I applaud your courageous duel!" Cob: "Both of you, come this way." Cob: "It was a brilliant first match." Asu: "First match?" Cob: "As I said before the duel, I believe only in results! Therefore, for this year," Cob: "I hereby announce" Cro: "What is this of which he speaks?" p: "I have heard nothing of this!" Cob: "Fight... You will fight. Fight until you can fight no more," Cob: "students!" Sho: "Did he say "deathclosure"? I've got a bad feeling." Ken: "This is gonna get rough, don... Hey, where's Bro?" Juu: "So, on this turn," Joh: "That's what I wanted to do, but I was going for this, see?" Juu: "I get it." Joh: "Now, on your turn..." Sho: "Bro..." Ken: "He's pretty relaxed, don." Man: "What's with those two?" Edo: "You've got another duel fool among you. I'm going back to the pro league." Joh: "That's it!" Juu: "I see." Cob: "It was a splendid duel, Judai, Johan." Sho: "Disclosure duel?" Sho: "Well, Bro?" Juu: "Johan was so good!" Sho: "Shut up about Johan already!" Sho: "I'm fed up! Someone duel me!" Sho: "Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Professor Cobra's Assassin." Juu: "A blazing-hot duel between burning hearts!"
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled) Episode 107 – Neo-Spacians Versus Crystal Beasts", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled)", "107", "Neo-Spacians Versus Crystal Beasts" ] }
Reds: "Knock it out of the park, Judai!" Sho: "Bro, we're counting on you!" Juu: "Sure, leave it to me. If I can just get a home run..." Juu: "I'll add one..." Juu: "Two... Three runs to our score!" Juu: "I'm gonna finish this!" Mis: "Hey! Wait!" Mis: "Hold the match!" Mis: "Sorry I'm late! I got caught up in a debate about deck-construction." Student: "Are you prepared to pitch?" Mis: "Yes!" Student: "Okay, we're counting on you!" Manager: "We're changing pitchers! Our pitcher is Misawa!" Juu: "So you've finally shown yourself, Misawa. But your pitch is about to go flying right over there!" Mis: "No, you won't hit my pitch. Because I've already calculated how I'm going to beat you!" Mis: "Here I go. Equation... Version one!" Ump: "Strike! Strike two! Strike!" Juu: "I can't stand it!" Ump: "Ball!" Ump: "Ball! Ball four!" Sho: "Time out!" Sho: "Hey, Bro, what's going on? We have two outs, but you gave up three bases on balls in a row..." Juu: "I walked them on purpose!" Juu: "It was the only way I could face Misawa!" Sho: "Huh?! Bro, you wanted to face Misawa so much, you deliberately walked three batters?" Juu: "Yeah!" Juu: "Because I've gotta return the favor from before!" Juu: "Misawa! This time, I'm gonna strike you out!" Mis: "I don't think you can." Mis: "I've also figured out the equation for knocking you off the mound. I'll use that formula to take you down. Then, once you've lost, you'll have to do whatever I say!" Juu: "You're on!" Mis: "Come on, #1!" Juu: "Here I go, #2! Take this! I'm the hero!" Cro: "For pity's sake... Manjome is not useful in the least. I must find someone else to—" Juu: "Um, I'm sorry!" Cro: "You again! It is the drop-out boy!" Sho: "I'm so sorry!" Juu: "A-Are you okay, Instructor?" Mis: "Excuse me! I'm the one who hit that ball." Cro: "Signor Misawa..." Cro: "If I am not mistaken, your grades are far and away the best in your class. A suitable replacement, perhaps, for Manjome..." Mis: "Um, can I pay your hospital fee?" Cro: "Non, non, non, non! At this academy, those with excellent grades receive leniency!" Cro: "However, in exchange..." Cro: "It has nothing to do with you two! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Sha shii shu she shoo!" Sho: "Sorry..." Cro: "Now, Signor Misawa... As I was saying before, there is something you could do rather than paying my hospital fees." Cro: "It is..." Man: "Hey, I'd like a drink and a massage." Student: "What does he want?" Man: "What's that?" Student: "What are you thinking? Who does he think he is?" Man: "Hey, come on!" Student: "Manjome, why are you sitting there?" Man: "Why shouldn't I?" Student: "That isn't your seat anymore. Get out." Man: "What are you talking about? This seat has my name written... nowhere!" Student: "Of course! We moved you over there." Man: "What? You changed my seat? And it's..." Man: "In that corner? Instructor Cronos, what is the meaning of this? Why are you putting me in that seat?" Cro: "It is because you lost to a Slifer Red." Cro: "And that is not all! Tomorrow, you must duel Daichi Misawa, of Ra Yellow," Mis: "A-Are you saying..." Cro: "Now, now... Take your seat at once, in your proper place." Man: "Downgraded?" Juu: "You sure are good at baseball, Misawa!" Sho: "He beat you black and blue, Bro!" Mis: "This is the secret!" Juu: "An equation?" Mis: "That's right. I work out all my pitches based on an equation." Juu: "Wow, you can do that?" Sho: "So what's our punishment again?" Mis: "Come on into my room." Both: "What's all this?" Mis: "They're equations I write down as they come to mind." Mis: "That one there is Schrödinger's cat." Mis: "That's Avogadro's molecular theory. And that one calculates the probability that a butterfly flapping its wings will lead to a hurricane." Mis: "I want you to help me give these stars a Big Bang!" Both: "Big Bang?" Mis: "Yeah, a Big Bang." Juu: "Take that! And that!" Mis: "Take that and that!" Trio: "This is the Big Bang!" Sho: "Disappear! Disappear!" Mis: "Disappear forever!" Juu: "You guys disappear, too..." Sho: "What are you doing, Bro?" Juu: "I swear it wasn't deliberate! I didn't mean to!" Mis: "What are you doing? Take this serious—" Mis: "You two..." Mis: "Don't laugh!" Juu: "Sorry about that, Misawa." Juu: "You were supposed to be punishing us, but you ended up treating us!" Sho: "And talk about a treat!" Mis: "Well, help yourselves. You can have as much as you like." Juu: "I've never had food this good, not even for my birthday!" Sho: "By the way, what were you talking to Instructor Cronos about?" Mis: "Oh, that. It was about a dorm-swap test." Juu: "A dorm-swap?" Sho: "Is that why we had to clean up your room?" Juu: "Misawa, are you..." Juu: "You're finally gonna get promoted to Obelisk Blue?" Mis: "N-Not yet." Both: "You are! You are!" Juu: "I mean, you were crazy strong during your entrance exam, as well!" Juu: "It's only natural you'd get into Obelisk Blue!" Both: "I'm so happy for you, Misawa!" Mis: "W-Well, actually—" Both: "So, so happy!" Cho: "Hey, Jun!" Man: "Yes?" Cho: "You do understand, don't you?" Man: "Yes, my brothers, Chosaku and Shoji." Cho: "I've been busy with the election campaign, and Shoji with accounts at the bank," Shoji: "But you are getting the top grades in your class, right, Jun? Our older brother stands atop the political world, and I am at the top of the financial world. Jun, our plan for the Manjome brothers to achieve world supremacy requires you to reign over the card-game world!" Sho: "You understand, don't you, Jun?" Cho: "The Manjome family's future rests upon your shoulders." Man: "What do I do? Not only am I not at the top, I'm about to get downgraded. I can't tell my brothers about this." Man: "What's that? Daichi Misawa?" Man: "Is he going to Slifer Red's dorm?" Man: "Which means his dorm is..." Hay: "Wh-What's he doing here?" Sho: "We just painted his room, so he doesn't have anywhere to sleep." Hay: "E-Even so... You don't see many Ra Yellows who'd be comfortable staying in a dorm ranked below them." Sho: "But maybe that's why?" Sho: "Misawa and Bro seem to get along really well." Tome: "Awful news! Judai dear, awful news!" Judai: "What's wrong, Ms. Tome?" Tome: "I went down to the wharf for the delivery, and they'd been thrown out... All these cards!" Juu: "Cards?" Tome: "Judai dear... Judai dear!" Juu: "Ring of Destruction!" Juu: "Vorse Raider! That means... These are your cards that were thrown out, Misawa!" Mis: "It was careless of me. The deck was in my desk, which I left out in the hall yesterday." Sho: "Who could have done this?" Juu: "And you finally got your chance to get into Obelisk Blue..." Juu: "And we don't have time to gather up your cards!" Juu: "What will you do?" Juu: "The test's already started, Misawa!" Cro: "You are late, Signor Misawa." Man: "I thought you'd turned tail and run." Juu: "Y-You're Misawa's dorm-swap opponent? Of course!" Juu: "Are you the one who threw out Misawa's cards?" Cro: "What is this you say?" Man: "What kind of excuse is that, Judai?" Asu: "Is it really just an excuse?" Juu: "Asuka... Kaiser Ryo..." Asu: "I saw it." Asu: "Manjome, I saw you throw those cards off the cliff this morning." Asu: "I was concerned, so I came to ask you directly, but..." Juu: "That's dirty, Manjome! Then it really was you?" Man: "Shut up! Those were my cards I was tossing out! Or did you see a name written on those cards?" Juu: "Manjome!" Man: "You'll take responsibility for accusing me of theft." Man: "How about this? Whoever loses this duel will leave the school." Juu: "That's crazy! Misawa's deck is missing so many key cards..." Mis: "No, I'll accept this duel." Mis: "I do have a deck. I'll agree to your condition." Juu: "Misawa!" Mis: "Sorry for worrying you, Judai. The deck that was trashed was just one I threw together for fine-tuning. My real deck is right here!" Mis: "Behold! Six decks, infused with my knowledge, my very soul! Wind: the essence of wind, speed. Water: the essence of water, tranquility. Fire: the essence of fire, aggression. Earth: the essence of earth, steadfastness. Dark: impenetrable. And the light that illuminates it!" Man: "S-Six decks? Such a pointless bluff... I'll burn it all down with the fire of my resentment!" Mis: "I've made up my mind. To defeat you, I'll use this deck!" Mis: "Set up! You'll see at once whether this deck is a bluff, Manjome." Man: "Just try it, Misawa!" Both: "Duel!" Man: "I'll go first. My turn!" Man: "I draw a card! I summon Chthonian Soldier in attack position!" Man: "I set one card and end my turn!" Mis: "My turn. Draw!" Juu: "What attribute did Misawa choose?" Asu: "Wind? Water?" Mis: "I summon Hydrogeddon in attack position!" Mis: "Come forth, Hydrogeddon!" Juu: "Water..." Mis: "I attack Chthonian Soldier with Hydrogeddon!" Mis: "Hydro Breath! Kick Chthonian Soldier aside!" Mis: "But in that instant, Chthonian Soldier's effect activates!" Man: "The damage I sustained from battle is dealt to you, as well!" Ryo: "What?" Juu: "Then if you attack him..." Mis: "I also activate my effect. When Hydrogeddon destroys one of your monsters in battle," Mis: "Come forth, Hydrogeddon!" Mis: "My Battle Phase isn't over yet! I directly attack you with my Hydrogeddon! Go, Hydrogeddon! Hydro Breath!" Man: "My turn! I activate my trap card Call of the Haunted!" Man: "This card allows me to Special Summon one card from my graveyard! And the card I summon is this! Be reborn, Chthonian Soldier!" Man: "I also activate my spell card Inferno Reckless Summon! We each Special Summon all the monsters from our decks, hands, and graveyards" Asu: "Even with all those Chthonian Soldiers, they only have 1200 attack points." Ryo: "He must have a plan." Man: "Of course I do, Kaiser! For I will be the one to inherit your title in Obelisk Blue! I activate my Equip Spell Chthonian Alliance! For every monster with the same name on the field," Man: "Thus, the attack points of the Chthonian Soldier I equip it to" Man: "become 3600!" Man: "Go, Chthonian Soldier!" Juu: "Misawa!" Sho: "N-Not good! Now Misawa's life is down to 1600..." Mis: "That's nothing. It's my turn! Come out, Oxygeddon!" Mis: "Attack one of the Chthonian Soldiers with 1200 attack points! Oxystream!" Man: "But when Chthonian Soldier is destroyed, you take the same damage I do!" Mis: "In addition, I attack the other Chthonian Soldier with my other Hydrogeddon!" Man: "And all that damage reflects back at you!" Sho: "No matter what he does, it just keeps reducing his own life points!" Juu: "No, it's okay." Ryo: "Judai is right." Ryo: "With his Equip Spell, that Chthonian Soldier had 3600 attack points. Without summoning an extremely powerful monster, he couldn't have beaten it. But look!" Sho: "Of course! By reducing the number of Chthonian Soldiers, he lowered its attack points!" Juu: "Yes... By whittling away at his own life points," Mis: "Great... Now I have more monsters on the field than he does. If I can endure the next attack, I'll have another chance." Mis: "I set one card and end my turn." Man: "It's my turn! Misawa, your tricks won't work on me! I tribute Chthonian Soldier and all the cards in my hand, to summon Infernal Incinerator." Man: "Come forth, Infernal Incinerator!" Mis: "Infernal Incinerator?" Man: "What will you do, Misawa? Infernal Incinerator is a superior monster. And for every monster on your side of the field, it gets an extra 200 attack points. You have three monsters. Therefore, Infernal Incinerator's attack points increase by 600!" Juu: "3400 attack points..." Man: "Go! Suffer the flames of my resentment, and begone from this academy, Misawa!" Juu: "Misawa!" Mis: "I activate my trap!" Mis: "Amorphous Barrier! When I have at least three monsters on my side of the field," Mis: "Too bad, Manjome." Man: "You are persistent... But during my next turn, I'll finish the job!" Mis: "Assuming you have a next turn." Man: "What?" Mis: "My turn. I activate my spell card Bonding - H2O." Mis: "I tribute two Hydrogeddons and one Oxygeddon..." Mis: "Come out, Water Dragon! And now that there are fewer monsters on my side of the field," Man: "But my monster still has more attack points than yours." Mis: "Does it?" Mis: "I've already completed the equation for beating you." Cro: "Wh-What?" Juu: "Then the battles up till now were accounted for in his calculation?" Man: "What happened?" Mis: "Water Dragon's effect activates. As long as this monster is on the field," Mis: "Water Dragon! Aqua Punisher!" Mis: "Manjome, as a duelist, you are..." Man: "Shut up! I only lost because you happened to choose a Water Attribute deck." Mis: "Wrong." Mis: "It was no coincidence. You told me before the duel started." Man: "I'll burn it all down with the fire of my resentment!" Mis: "In other words, this duel was over before it began. And, Manjome, the cards you threw in the ocean were, without doubt, mine." Man: "How do you know?" Mis: "Because I wrote a note on this one. A formula." Mis: "This is the proof." Mis: "This is probably the only card in the world that's been written on this way." Mis: "Manjome! Those who fail to treat their cards well are unworthy of being duelists." Man: "I can still..." Cro: "Signor Misawa, I grant you permission to transfer to Obelisk Blue." Mis: "No. I refuse your invitation." Cro: "Oh? And why is that?" Mis: "At the time of the entrance exam," Mis: "Judai, until I beat you, I won't enter Obelisk Blue." Juu: "Okay! Then let's duel right now!" Juu: "I mean, I'm just itching to fight you, too!" Mis: "I'm sorry, but I can't at the moment." Juu: "Huh? How come?" Mis: "The decks I have on me aren't finished yet. They're only test decks I made to research your Elemental HERO deck." Juu: "Test decks?" Man: "A-A test deck? I lost to a mere test deck?" Mis: "I'll probably be able to do it by the time my newly painted walls are covered in equations again." Mis: "With my seventh deck, I'll crack your Elemental HERO deck!" Juu: "A deck built to beat me, huh? Sounds interesting! We'll fight then! Come on, #2!" Mis: "Yes, let's go, #1." Mis: "Let's go!" Juu: "Sure!" Sho: "Hey, Bro... There's something I've been wondering." Juu: "What is it?" Sho: "Do you think animals other than humans can duel?" Juu: "What are you talking about, Sho? Of course not!" Sho: "Th-That's right! But that monkey..." Juu: "What? Monkey?" Sho: "It's wearing a duel disk!" Juu: "Hey, you're right!" Juu: "Okay! When it comes to duels, I don't care if it's a human or a monkey! Let's battle!" Sho: "Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Wild Nature's Release! Monkey Duel." Juu: "Ook ook!"
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled) Episode 12 – Oxygen + Hydrogen = Water Dragon", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled)", "12", "Oxygen + Hydrogen = Water Dragon" ] }
Boy: "Now, come with me. To a new world!" Echo: "What's going on?" Juu: "Is everyone..." Juu: "They're okay?" Joh: "This is..." Juu: "What is this place?" Joh: "What happened?" Juu: "Th-Thanks, guys." Joh: "No problem. That was one tough duel." Sho: "Oh, no..." Ken: "Is there something wrong with my eyes? I see three suns, don!" Asu: "That's no optical illusion." Asu: "It's what we saw that time we wandered into another dimension." Jim: "Incredible!" Jim: "Something cut right through the strata. The ocean didn't disappear. The building and we were thrown somewhere else!" Juu: "That glowing boy..." Juu: "Who was that boy?" Sho: "What?" Asu: "The heliport..." Joh: "Hurry!" Ken: "What is it, don?" Sho: "S-Someone grabbed my leg!" Ken: "It's O'Brien, don!" Joh: "He's safe?" Jim: "Oh, no!" Cro: "What has happened?" p: "The ocean has disappeared..." Cro: "Dial 110 for police. Dial 119 for fire department..." Cro: "Strange indeed! Neither number gets through!" p: "What is that, there?" Both: "Hey! We are here! This way!" Cro: "Mamma mia! That is no rescue!" Cro: "I am caught..." Cro: "Help!" p: "Instructor Cronos!" Cro: "That hurts. Release me." p: "Are you sure you wish to be released?" Ken: "What the don is that?" Joh: "Winged Kuriboh?" Juu: "Why can Kenzan see him, too?" Joh: "Winged Kuriboh!" Peg: "Johan, call me out with your duel disk." Joh: "Got it." Joh: "Come out, Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus!" Joh: "Sapphire Tornado!" Cro: "I do not see it! I do not see it!" Joh: "It seems everyone can see you, Sapphire Pegasus." Peg: "Yes, that seems to be the nature of this world." Joh: "Harpie Lady has 1300 attack points." Joh: "Then the rules for Duel Monsters haven't changed?" Peg: "It seems not. But take care." Juu: "You're real here, huh, Winged Kuriboh?" Ken: "What the don is going on here?" Joh: "Let's talk inside the school building. It's dangerous here." Ayu: "Come on... Carry him this way." Cro: "I am so grateful that you are here, Instructor Ayukawa." p: "The nurse's office remaining unscathed is one silver lining in all of this!" Juu: "When the change happened, Professor Cobra was... I think he was being controlled by something," Ayu: "You can tell me about it later. Now, get into bed." Ayu: "There are only two beds..." Man: "I'm fine now." Ayu: "I'm sorry, Manjome." Man: "It's nothing." Yel: "Hey, don't leave us here." Man: "What are you three doing here?!" Yel: "We don't know, either!" Gre: "The next thing we knew, we were like this." Black: "Being real feels kinda lame." Man: "What's going on here?" Ken: "It's even weirder outside, don..." Man: "What?" Asu: "We, and Duel Academia, appear to have been sent to another dimension." Cro: "Oh, what are we to do?" p: "What are we to do?" Ken: "You're asking us?!" Sho: "You're adults." Ken: "Get a grip, don..." Asu: "During an uncommon situation like this," Ken: "Is that it, saurus?" Sho: "Common sense, huh?" Joh: "First, let's assemble the students in the gym." Cro: "A fine idea." p: "Students are still unconscious in there!" Joh: "How many people, including those students," Joh: "Are there any injured?" Joh: "You should investigate at once." Both: "Yes, indeed!" Amon: "Did his power cause this strange phenomenon, as well?" Voice: "My power is not especially great. But those with darkness in their hearts" Amon: "Darkness in their hearts?" Voice: "The pus welling out of your injured heart forms a second heart. I can see that other heart. The darkness in it." Amon: "I chose not to kill my little brother." Amon: "But with this power, I..." Amon: "I can destroy the God in my heart that keeps me bound!" Yellow: "What's going to happen now?" Gre: "Being real makes me feel kind of hungry." Bla: "Will he share his food with us?" Man: "You three! Go graze or something!" Yel: "So cold..." Joh: "I don't see Amon here..." Jim: "Yeah, it seems not everyone was brought here." Cro: "Out of all the students, about one hundred were brought here." Stu: "What's going on? Did a meteor fall and boil the ocean away? Does that mean help isn't coming? Let's get out of here. Yeah." Jim: "Be quiet!" Joh: "Calm down, everyone!" Stu: "The dis-belts won't come off! I saw monsters outside!" Stu: "What are we supposed to do? What will happen to us?" Jim: "Listen! When you're lost and trying to survive," Joh: "We've been drawn into unbelievable circumstances." Jim: "Judging by the environment around us," Jim: "Clearly, we're on some other world!" Stu: "Other world? Oh, no. Then this is..." Joh: "And it's possible that monsters might appear again. We should form groups and evacuate to the classrooms. Always act with a partner." Tome: "Fortunately, the school store and the cafeteria are both fine," All: "Ms. Tome!" Joh: "How long do you think we can hold out?" Tome: "If we ration everything, about a week." Joh: "The nurse's office is intact," Jim: "A week? In that time, we'll be able to find a way back to our world!" Stu: "What are you saying?" Stu: "That means, if help doesn't arrive, we'll all die!" Joh: "We will survive with our own power! Never give up, until the very end!" Joh: "Isn't that what dueling has taught us?!" Amon: "Johan!" Joh: "Amon, you were transported here, too?" Amon: "Yes, I awoke in the desert." Joh: "Were you hurt?" Amon: "Forget about me. Outside..." Amon: "Someone is approaching the school." Joh: "What?" p: "He is right." Cro: "A person is coming." Mis: "Hey! Hey! It's me! Hey! Stay back... Stay back! Go away!" Amon: "Look out!" Jim: "Are you all right?" Amon: "The wound isn't bad..." Joh: "They don't give up, huh?" Joh: "Come, Sapphire Pegasus!" Joh: "I'm counting on you." Peg: "Leave it to me!" Peg: "This is no place for you! Leave Duel Academia!" Joh: "That's the spell card Elegant Egoist! What? The Harpie Lady Sisters" Joh: "If we're acting under Duel Monsters rules," Joh: "their attack points are now higher than those of Sapphire Pegasus!" Joh: "Sapphire Pegasus!" Joh: "Not good..." Joh: "Come back, Sapphire Pegasus! When Harpie Lady Sisters are equipped with Cyber Shield," Joh: "They're higher than yours!" Peg: "Just... Leave it to me." Joh: "Sapphire Pegasus!" Joh: "Topaz Tiger!" Peg: "Well? They're only the Harpie Lady Sisters" Joh: "Okay..." Joh: "Sapphire Tornado!" Jim: "What's wrong, Johan?" Joh: "It appears the dis-belts are still active." Ayu: "Judai? Are you awake?" Juu: "Instructor Ayukawa..." Juu: "Winged Kuriboh..." Juu: "O'Brien!" Joh: "Instructor Ayukawa..." Juu: "Misawa?" Juu: "Misawa, where have you been?" Mis: "Judai..." Mis: "I was so moved by his unified duel theory, I got a job studying a field" Mis: "We were using graviton particles" Mis: "The doctor's theory suggested that one" Mis: "But..." Mis: "I was caught in an accident at the laboratory. And the next thing I knew," Mis: "But what are you all doing here?" Juu: "That's what we want to know." Mis: "I see, so you have no way back to our world..." Juu: "Is this the world of spirits that Dr. Zweinstein mentioned?" Mis: "It seems so. But this world is far more terrifying" Mis: "Judai! Protect Duel Academia! They will come... The terrifying spirits that control this world!" Juu: "Terrifying spirits?" Joh: "Calm down!" Jim: "Doctor, a tranquilizer, immediately!" Juu: "Misawa! If we've come to another dimension, along with the school building," Juu: "then what's happening back on the island?" Same: "This is..." Same: "What's happened here?" Echo: "Don't move!" Echo: "Don't you dare move!" Same: "Wh-Who are you?" Echo: "Sorry, but I need to use you until we can escape this island." Echo: "What?" Same: "President Pegasus... I'm so glad to see you!" Peg: "I received an urgent communication from the Kaiba Corporation! I found it unbelievable," Same: "Where are my precious students?" Peg: "We cannot give up." Peg: "My boy Judai is a miracle boy. I am certain that he has survived!" Man: "You guys are pathetic." Yel: "Bro, we're fidgeting because we know..." Gre: "There are more terrifying things here..." Black: "...than the Harpie Ladies from this afternoon!" Man: "Then fight them like men." Yel: "No, we're not men." An: "Disgusting!" Sho: "I never thought I'd end up in a situation like this..." Mis: "Marufuji, there's no point in crying about it now, don." Joh: "Is Amon all right?" Jim: "Yeah, his wounds weren't very deep. After a day's rest, he should be okay." Joh: "I see." Amon: "What?" Amon: "Where did it go?" Amon: "It can't be." Amon: "Did it choose someone other than me?" Amon: "Why? Where in this school is there someone more worthy of you than I am?" Amon: "A human with even more darkness in their heart..." Stu: "It's all over... Mom!" Boy: "The one with darkness in their heart..." Boy: "More and deeper... Deep darkness." Stu: "There, in that room." Rei: "Um, Martin?" Rei: "Would you come with me?" Mar: "Where?" Rei: "Well, you know..." Mar: "Hey, if you had to go to the bathroom, you could have just said so." Rei: "Don't make a lady say something like that." Mar: "Well, okay..." Juu: "Hey, O'Brien." Juu: "Thanks for what you did." Juu: "If you don't want to talk, you don't have to. That night, your passion..." Juu: "I felt it then." Juu: "What's wrong, Winged Kuriboh?" Ob: "Judai!" Jim: "That way!" Joh: "Judai!" Jim: "O'Brien?" Joh: "Should you really be up?" Juu: "I can't be sleeping at a time like this!" Juu: "Rei... That's Rei! Hey, what's wrong? Speak to me!" Rei: "Judai... Marty... The first-year student, Martin Kano... This awful shadow swept him away." Juu: "Hey, wake up!" Ob: "Judai..." Juu: "This wound..." Ob: "That's no ordinary wound." Juu: "Rei, hang in there. I'm taking you to the nurse's office, okay?" Joh: "Okay, let's go and search for Martin!" Ob: "Right." Joh: "Let's go!" Amon: "Why... Why?" Juu: "Hang in there, Rei..." Sho: "Rei's fever isn't going down," Sho: "What's going on here?" Juu: "Submarine? There must be medicine in there. Rei, just you wait!" Sho: "Bro, there are all kinds of monsters crawling around in there. Be careful!" Juu: "This huge pit suddenly appeared in the desert!" Sho: "Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Survival in the Desert! Johan Versus the Antlion Pit." Juu: "A monster wearing a duel disk..."
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled) Episode 120 – Battle in Another World! Crystal Beasts Versus Harpie Ladies", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled)", "120", "Battle in Another World! Crystal Beasts Versus Harpie Ladies" ] }
Mar: "Attention, little lost duelists. I am the leader of this new world, Martin Kano." Rei: "Marty?" p: "M-Martin!" Mar: "I want to trade food for the generator located within your territory." Juu: "We refuse your trade!" Stu: "Give us a break, Judai!" Stu: "Why? We could get food!" Juu: "Instead, let's bet both on a duel!" Joh: "Go! Amber Mammoth! Attack the player directly! Amber Stomp!" Juu: "Johan. Jim. O'Brien. Fight hard... No matter what it takes," Juu: "If you don't, I don't think we'll be able to restrain the others anymore... From the first turn, O'Brien and Jim have been struggling, but Johan..." Joh: "When is he going to make a move?" Hyo: "My turn." Hyo: "I end my turn." Joh: "Impossible... He still won't do anything?" Hyo: "Because I have seven cards in my hand during my End Phase," Joh: "Was that his move?" Joh: "My turn! Draw!" Hyo: "The effect of Silent Pain in my graveyard activates. When this is the only card in my graveyard," Juu: "Johan!" Joh: "Was that his goal? But even if he does destroy all my monsters" Joh: "As long as I can summon monsters, I can still attack on that turn. He's a difficult opponent, but I have a chance to win." Joh: "Then, I summon Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger in attack position!" Tig: "Johan, leave it to me." Joh: "Thanks, Topaz Tiger!" Hyo: "I activate my spell card Silent Space. When Silent Pain is in my graveyard," Joh: "I end my turn." Hyo: "Draw." Hyo: "I end my turn." Joh: "I can't believe it... Will he never summon a monster? My turn! Draw!" Hyo: "The effect of Silent Pain in my graveyard" Joh: "Another spell card?" Hyo: "When Silent Pain is in my graveyard," Joh: "At this rate, I'm going to lose on the next turn!" Ken: "That's bad, don..." Juu: "Johan!" Stu: "Get it together, Johan! We've got food riding on this!" Jim: "I summon Weathering Soldier in attack position!" Jim: "Weathering Soldier, attack Anchor Knight!" Jim: "Wind Slash!" Mad: "Damn you... How dare you destroy Anchor Knight?" Jim: "What?" Mad: "By discarding one card," Mad: "With even greater rage!" Jim: "Damn, during each of my End Phases," Mad: "My turn. Draw! I switch Anchor Knight's battle position. I activate my trap card Violent Salvage! When Anchor Knight is on the field," Mad: "But I can't use these cards." Jim: "J-Just a moment! Don't tell me, you're..." Mad: "I activate Anchor Knight's effect. When I send three cards from my hand to my graveyard," Mad: "And I attack Weathering Soldier with Anchor Knight!" Stu: "You loser! Get it together!" Juu: "Jim..." Cro: "Pepperoncino! Lasagnano! In other words, I am hungry! Please, everyone, you must win!" p: "Martin..." Rei: "Marty, why are you doing this?" Zom: "Duel..." Zom: "Duel..." Zom: "Duel... Duel..." p: "I-If I go now..." Rei: "Pharaoh..." Rei: "Head Teacher Napoleon?" Rei: "Pharaoh!" Juu: "Johan! Jim! O'Brien! Keep going!" Rei: "Judai!" Juu: "What is it, Rei?" Rei: "Head Teacher Napoleon went back into the school!" Juu: "So what?" Rei: "If we let him go, the duel zombies will get him!" Juu: "We can't have that..." Rei: "We need to bring him back." Juu: "Wait, Rei! Darn it..." Asu: "Judai!" Stu: "Put your backs into it! Come on!" Ob: "All of the students are focused on the duel. That's a dangerous situation." Ob: "The duel is a ruse!" Ob: "My turn! Draw!" Ob: "I set one card." Ob: "I summon Fire Trooper!" Laugh: "The monster's gone already?" Ob: "When Fire Trooper is successfully summoned," Laugh: "Oh? I lost some points." Laugh: "By banishing Rough Fight from my graveyard," Ob: "I activate Fire Recovery in my hand! By sending one Pyro-Type Monster from my hand to my graveyard," Ob: "The card I send to the graveyard is Volcanic Scattershot. When it's sent to the graveyard, I deal 500 damage to you." Ob: "And I Special Summon Fire Trooper! You take another 1000 damage." Ob: "And..." Laugh: "He had one more?" Ob: "I activate my spell card Fire Recovery. I send Volcanic Scattershot to the graveyard." Laugh: "1000 left." Laugh: "If he Special Summons Fire Trooper again, I'll lose..." Laugh: "Please wait! Wait one minute. I won't laugh anymore... Please." Ob: "I Special Summon Volcanic Scattershot!" Ob: "I end my turn." Laugh: "No way! Seriously? It's a miracle! Idiot... Next turn, I'll use this card" Ob: "And you'll be blown to bits..." Laugh: "My turn. And a-draw! "When your opponent draws, deal 1000 damage to them." That isn't funny!" Stu: "He did it! Great one!" Yama: "Where am I?" Ob: "These duels may be a ruse." Ob: "Surrender if you must. Just end these duels." Hyo: "Unacceptable." Jim: "Okay. Then I'll just have to end it with my victory." Ken: "What the saurus did he mean by "ruse"?" Asu: "You think Martin never meant to give us that food?" Stu: "You'd better not surrender! Or else! You'd better win! Our food's riding on this!" Ob: "Blue Beret squad, hurry to the generator." All: "Roger!" Rei: "Instructor Napoleon!" Juu: "What's he trying to do? Darn it..." Jim: "If this duel really is just a ruse, it could start a riot." Jim: "I need to finish this duel quickly!" Jim: "My turn. Draw! I discard one monster card," Jim: "I declare one type and level." Jim: "I declare Warrior-Type, Level 4!" Mad: "It will have to be Anchor Knight. Damn!" Jim: "And I activate Fossil Fusion from my hand! I banish Anchor Knight and Weathering Soldier from our respective graveyards, to Fusion Summon Fossil Warrior Skull Bone!" Jim: "I'm not done yet! I activate Time Stream from my hand!" Jim: "By paying half my life points, I send time moving backward." Mad: "A reverse evolution? But why?" Jim: "I summon Fossil Warrior Skull Knight!" Jim: "And I devolve him even more!" Mad: "Again? Don't be ridiculous!" Jim: "To the Paleozoic era, with Fossil Warrior Skull King!" Stu: "Great one! That's the way! Beat him already! Food!" Jim: "I attack Anchor Knight with Skull King." Mad: "Anchor Knight is invincible... I revive him in faceup defense position!" Jim: "I was waiting for that." Mad: "What?" Jim: "Skull King's effect activates. If you have monsters on your side of the field, Skull King can attack again. If the monster is in defense position, the attack deals piercing damage." Jim: "King's Swordplay... Second!" Stu: "He won! Yeah!" Ken: "The only one left is..." Asu: "...Johan." Joh: "If I can't change things this turn, I lose." Joh: "But this card... I'll bet it all on that!" Joh: "I activate my spell card Ancient City — Rainbow Ruins!" Joh: "And I summon Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus!" Peg: "So it's finally my turn? When I succeed in summoning Sapphire Pegasus," Joh: "Sapphire Calling!" Hyo: "I activate Silent Space from my hand." Hyo: "I destroy Sapphire Pegasus." Joh: "You fell for it. Ruby, show me your power! I Special Summon Ruby Carbuncle! When Ruby is Special Summoned, I can Special Summon" Hyo: "I activate Silent Space." Joh: "Sorry, but I won't let you destroy Ruby." Joh: "I activate the effect of Ancient City — Rainbow Ruins! When there are three or more Crystal Beasts in my Spell and Trap Zones," Hyo: "Impossible." Joh: "Come out, Sapphire Pegasus! Amber Mammoth!" Peg: "I've been waiting for this moment." Mam: "I'm all ready!" Joh: "Go! Crystal Beasts, attack directly!" Hara: "That hurt..." Joh: "This isn't good..." Jim: "No." p: "Martin!" p: "Martin! Martin," Boy: "So that's it... The truth of the vision that I see, projected in your heart's darkness..." Rei: "Marty!" Juu: "Martin!" Juu: "Martin, what are you doing here?" Amon: "Interesting." Juu: "Martin!" Yubel: "Judai, I can see you. But I'm not ready yet." Juu: "Were you using the duel as a ruse to take the generator? But... This is totally the wrong place." Juu: "Anyway, come back." p: "You must not!" Juu: "Son?!" Rei: "But Marty's last name is "Kano."" p: "After our separation, my wife took custody of Martin..." Juu: "Huh? You never mentioned you were separated." p: "Anyway, I've just been away from Martin for so long..." Rei: "Marty..." p: "Martin!" Rei: "Marty!" Juu: "That arm..." Mar: "You should all leave. This was the place I truly wanted." Juu: "Martin!" Rei: "Judai!" Zom: "Duel... Duel..." Juu: "Martin, what are you planning?" Mar: "Something that will make you very happy." Juu: "What are you talking about?" Mar: "I knew it." Juu: "Instructor Napoleon!" p: "Martin..." Juu: "What is this?" Juu: "What?" Ken: "What the don?" Rei: "Judai..." Juu: "This is..." Dai: "Judai... Judai..." Juu: "Instructor Daitokuji!" p: "It is a ghost!" Dai: "You're so rude! But I guess you always have been. Anyway, Judai..." Juu: "What did you say?!" Mar: "You have such interesting friends, Judai." Yubel: "But now you are in the way. Begone." Juu: "Instructor..." Juu: "What do you want with the three Phantasm Cards?" Juu: "That was a shock..." Sho: "Bro, don't you think you should hurry? If you don't catch up fast," Juu: "Martin! What do you plan to do with the three Phantasms?" Sho: "Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX:" Juu: "Get out of the way, Manjome!"
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled) Episode 125 – Johan, Jim, and O'Brien Versus the Three Masked Knights", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled)", "125", "Johan, Jim, and O'Brien Versus the Three Masked Knights" ] }
Researcher: "It got out! It's trying to escape!" Tatewaki: "Catch it! Don't let it get away!" Man: "Farewell, Duel Academia." Sho: "Bro! Bro! Bro!" Juu: "What's wrong, Sho?" Sho: "Awful news! Manjome's gone missing!" Juu: "What?" Blue: "I hear he packed up all his things, and ran off at the crack of dawn. I guess it's because he lost to Misawa?" Blue: "What a loser! I'm so disappointed. But good riddance to bad rubbish, right?" Juu: "What's with those guys? Up until yesterday, they were following Manjome around like baby ducks." Sho: "Hey, Bro... You don't think losing that duel traumatized him so much," Juu: "Don't be stupid! There's no way that happened!" Juu: "I hope..." Juu: "Okay, now!" Asu: "Just where are you skipping class to go?" Juu: "We're going to look for Manjome. We can't just leave him all alone out there. Don't tell the teachers, okay?" Asu: "Fine, but on one condition." Juu: "Condition?" Asu: "We're going with you." Juu: "Huh? Why?" Asu: "The same reason as you." Juu: "Hey! Manjome!" Sho: "Manjome!" Juu: "Manjome!" Asu: "Honestly..." Asu: "Just come out already! Going into hiding just because you lost a duel is pathetic!" Juu: "You're as harsh as ever." Jun: "Why wouldn't she be? Lately, all the men we've met are weaklings." Momo: "But I'm sure Manjome is different! He's such a hottie, you know?" Sho: "What was that?" Jun: "You were just talking about how great Misawa was. You'll fall for anyone, if they're cute." Juu: "What's wrong?" Asu: "There! Something moved!" Sho: "It's Manjome." Juu: "Hey, Manjome, is that you? It's me, Judai Yuki. Don't be shy, just come out. Hey!" Asu: "Wh-What?" Sho: "Was that a monkey?" Asu: "What now?" Tate: "It got away?" Jun: "Help!" Asu: "Junko?" Momo: "Oh, that Junko..." Asu: "I think that monkey captured her." Jun: "Help!" Guard: "There!" Doc: "After it. We must capture it." Sho: "Hey, wh-what's going on here?" Juu: "I don't really know, but we should probably help Junko." Jun: "What's going on?!" Jun: "Let me go!" Jun: "Let go! Let go—" Jun: "Don't let go! I'm scared!" Tate: "You can't escape now!" Guard: "If you don't want a shot from this tranquilizer gun, come down without a fight!" Jun: "H-Help me, Asuka!" Tate: "That impudent monkey's taken a hostage!" Juu: "Just who are you people, anyway?" Sho: "Bro, that monkey's wearing a duel disk!" Doc: "That's no mere monkey." Doc: "We've been training it. It's a duelist monkey!" Juu: "A duelist monkey?" Doc: "Yes, his name is Super Animal Learning. "SAL" for short." Sho: "If you say so." Tate: "Doctor..." Doc: "Oh, it seems I've said too much." Juu: "Wait a minute!" Juu: "Leave this to me!" Doc: "Leave it to you? Exactly what can you do?" Juu: "I can duel, obviously." Sho: "Duel? You don't mean..." Asu: "You're going to duel that monkey?" Juu: "When two people duel, they bare their hearts to each other. That goes for monkeys, too." Juu: "Hey, SAL!" Juu: "If you're a duelist, then let's settle this with a duel!" Sho: "Bro's incredible..." Momo: "I guess it's because he's so monkey-like." Asu: "It's been raised to understand human speech... Enough to be capable of dueling." Juu: "If I win, you'll release the hostage!" Jun: "A-And if you lose?" Juu: "If I lose... Oh, yeah... I didn't think about that. Okay! If I lose, SAL, you can go free!" Jun: "Oh, no! That makes no sense!" Juu: "Don't worry, Junko! I'm gonna win!" Jun: "Let me down!" Asu: "He's raring to go." Juu: "That's how it's gotta be..." Guard: "He released the hostage!" Doc: "Wait! We might get some interesting data. Let them fight." Juu: "Here we go! Duel!" Sal: "Duel!" Sho: "It spoke!" Doc: "It's been programmed with all duel-related vocabulary." Juu: "My turn! Draw!" Juu: "Okay, I'll start with this one." Juu: "I summon Elemental HERO Sparkman!" Juu: "I end my turn. Okay, now it's your turn." Jun: "Please help me!" Sho: "Don't worry! Bro's gonna beat this guy in no time, and save you!" Momo: "At least, I certainly hope so..." Sal: "My turn! Draw!" Sal: "I summon Berserk Gorilla!" Juu: "What? Berserk Gorilla has 2000 attack points?" Sal: "I attack Sparkman with Berserk Gorilla." Sal: "I also set one card." Sal: "I end my turn." Sho: "Bro got hit!" Asu: "If you get beaten by a monkey," Juu: "Shut up! The duel's just getting started." Juu: "My turn. Draw!" Juu: "Okay, I can use this. I activate my spell card Polymerization! I fuse Avian and Burstinatrix in my hand, to summon Elemental HERO Flame Wingman!" Juu: "Take this... I attack Berserk Gorilla with Flame Wingman. Flame Shoot!" Juu: "And the surprises aren't over yet." Juu: "Flame Wingman's effect activates! I deal damage to you equal to the attack points of the monster defeated in battle!" Sho: "Berserk Gorilla has 2000 attack points. That means..." Asu: "It takes another 2000 points of damage." Juu: "How do you like that, you monkey bum?" Juu: "What? You're giving up already?" Sho: "Just surrender and return Junko!" Doc: "If you underestimate your opponent, just because he's a monkey, you'll regret it." Doc: "You don't know, do you? Monkeys can hear spirit voices far better than humans can." Doc: "That's why we've been using SAL to run animal experiments in dueling." Sho: "Animal experiments?" Tate: "Doctor!" Doc: "Oh, it seems I've said too much once again." Juu: "Well? Ready to surrender?" Sal: "My turn! Draw!" Juu: "That's what I thought. Come on, SAL! Let's fight!" Sal: "I summon Acrobat Monkey!" Sal: "And I activate my facedown card! Trap card DNA Surgery!" Juu: "DNA Surgery? That's a card that lets you change all monsters to a single type." Sal: "Beast-Type!" Sal: "And I activate my spell card Wild Nature's Release!" Asu: "Wild Nature's Release... I believe that card increases the attack points of one faceup Beast-Type or Warrior-Type Monster" Sho: "One Beast-Type... Th-That means..." Sal: "Acrobat Monkey!" Asu: "Acrobat Monkey has 1800 defense points! So it now has 2800 attack points?" Juu: "Wh-What?" Sal: "Acrobat Monkey attacks! Acrobat Ook!" Sho: "The attacking monster was destroyed, too." Asu: "When Wild Nature's Release is used on a monster, the monster is destroyed on the same turn." Sal: "I end my turn!" Juu: "My turn! Draw!" Juu: "I give you credit for meeting me head-on, without surrendering. But I'm afraid this is the end. I'm finishing it this turn." Juu: "Okay, here I go!" Sho: "There are so many monkeys!" Momo: "Are they going to attack us?" Tate: "What's this?" Juu: "Oh, I see... Is that it?" Juu: "You escaped the laboratory to return to your friends, huh?" Momo: "He wants to go back to his friends!" Sho: "But if Bro wins, he'll be taken back to the lab. I feel kind of bad for him..." Asu: "Even so, we can't leave Junko there." Sho: "If we let that monkey go back to his friends, we can't save Junko. And if we save Junko, that monkey can't go back to his friends... What do we do?!" Asu: "How are you going to resolve this situation?" Juu: "Sorry, SAL. Duels must always be played in earnest, to the end. Once a duel has started, you mustn't show mercy for any reason." Juu: "I summon Elemental HERO Clayman in attack position!" Sal: "My Continuous Trap DNA Surgery's effect turns Clayman to Beast-Type!" Juu: "What does that matter?" Juu: "I activate my spell card Courageous Charge!" Juu: "I target one monster on my side whose attack points are fewer than 1000." Juu: "Now, when that monster deals damage to you directly," Juu: "Here I go, SAL. I attack you directly with Elemental HERO Clayman! Take this... Clay Knuckle! And Courageous Charge's effect means" Sho: "Bro won!" Juu: "A promise is a promise. Return Junko." Asu: "Junko!" Jun: "Asuka! Momoe!" Momo: "Junko, I'm glad you're safe!" Jun: "Thanks for saving me, but..." Jun: "The monkey's being taken back to the lab, isn't he?" Tate: "Well done! Let us handle the rest!" Juu: "Wait a minute!" Juu: "Don't get the wrong idea. I said that if I won the duel, he had to return the hostage. But I never said I'd send him back to the lab." Doc: "What?" Juu: "I'm letting that monkey go back to the forest with his friends." Sho: "Yeah! That's my bro!" Asu: "That's the kind of resolution I expect from you." Momo: "I guess he does have his good points!" Jun: "For a Slifer Red, anyway." Tate: "Get out of our way!" Juu: "SAL!" Juu: "Damn!" Doc: "If you want to reunite with your friends that much, I'll let you." Doc: "But it will be at my laboratory!" Juu: "What?" Doc: "Capture the other monkeys! When it comes to research animals, it's best to have as many as possible." Dai: "That's my Pharaoh." Dai: "Great work!" All: "Instructor Daitokuji!" Doc: "Who are you?" Dai: "If this goes public, you'll be the ones in trouble." Dai: "Since you'll be charged with animal abuse." Sho: "They all look so happy." Jun: "I'm glad." Juu: "Let's duel again sometime." Juu: "Gotcha! That was a fun duel." Juu: "Don't get caught again! So long!" Momo: "But if it hadn't been for you, Instructor Daitokuji, I don't know what would have happened." Asu: "Thank you." Dai: "No, no... I didn't do anything." Dai: "Give your thanks to Pharaoh." Juu: "But what were you doing here, Instructor?" Dai: "Oh, right... I found Manjome." Juu: "Really?" Sho: "That's great!" Dai: "But he isn't on the island anymore..." Dai: "Truthfully, since then, I've been concerned about him, too..." Dai: "I went looking for Manjome." Man: "Just you wait... It isn't over yet." Juu: "I see." Sho: "Then Manjome left the island..." Momo: "Manjome..." Juu: "Don't worry! I'm sure he'll be back." Sho: "Yeah." Juu: "Manjome is looking up at the same sky we are!" Sho: "Bro, you're trying way too hard to sound cool." Juu: "Oh, really?" Juu: "About time! It's finally winter break!" Sho: "All kinds of New Year's food and activities!" Juu: "And the environment's perfect for dueling anytime and anywhere we want!" Sho: "Someone broke the door!" Juu: "What? You're being pursued by Jinzo? What are you talking about?" Sho: "A man in a black coat! I think it's really him!" Juu: "What's he trying to do?" Sho: "Bro's going to be a tribute?" Sho: "Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Versus Jinzo?!"
{ "raw_title": "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled) Episode 13 – Wild Nature's Release! Monkey Duel", "parsed": [ "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled)", "13", "Wild Nature's Release! Monkey Duel" ] }