TEXT: Opening credits JACK (voiceover) : Torchwood. Outside the Government, beyond the police. Fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st century is when everything changes... And Torchwood is ready. EXT NIGHT, Barrage Bridgelike thing Dark, empty. We see it in long shot so it's mostly bits of bridge and lights. As is traditional there's a full moon. A teenager is walking alone, lit from beneath, red lights and white, casting big shadows. Mobile phone beeps. It's the text message noise. He checks the screen. It says "UR 9 mins late! MUMxx". He grins and looks up. Long shot of distant figure in a window, cutting to closeup of Nikki. INT NIGHT Nikki's flat She waves. Her left hand, a ring on her middle but not ring finger. Out in the dark he texts her back. Mobile phone beeps. Message from Jonah : Chill! :-P NIKKI : Hm! Cheeky bugger! She grins and turns away. EXT NIGHT, Barrage Jonah watches her leave the window, then moves on. Wind blows an empty cup along. Signs swing in the wind, which is suddenly strong enough to buffet Jonah around. He's barely making headway. He staggers into the handrail. Whooshing electrical crackling wind roars. Flashing lights and the camera spirals in from above. Then Jonah screams, there's a flash, and his phone drops clattering on the bridge, screen still lit... and no sign of Jonah. Opening credits EXT DAY, Barrage Long shot again, now with the thing across the top of the screen, most of the image filled with grey water. Seagull noises, Andy starts to talk, and we're slightly closer to see Andy pacing towards Gwen with the handrail bars in front of them. ANDY : Jonah Bevan, born 15th of February 1993, son of Nikki Bevan and Paul Millet, 14 Cliffs Rise, Penarth. Disappeared walking home SUMMARY:
When a local teenager disappears Gwen is drawn into an investigation that reveals a darker side of Torchwood. Hundreds of people have disappeared without trace, but why is Jack obstructing attempts to find them? The answer seems to lie in the rift, and as Gwen follows the trail she makes a shocking discovery.
TEXT: Bernie: Oh, Russ? Check it out. What do you think? Russ: Costume party? Bernie: No, strip club. The girls tend to work a little harder when they think you're an MD. Russ: I can see that. Bernie: The material's very thin, very lap-dance friendly. Russ: I never, uh, thought of you as a, uh, strip club guy. Bernie: Oh, AJ invited me. You should come. You should come. Russ: Oh, no, I can't. Lina and I have a date night tonight. [bell dings] Bernie: Oh, this kid. You want me to handle this? I'm already scrubbed in. Russ: No. No. What does this say? Bernie: You should be wearing that, right? Russ: That's not the point. Okay? It says manager. How you doing? Can I help you? Tween: Yeah. Just, uh, here to pick up. Russ: Hey, where'd you get that bag? Tween: This bomb-ass surf shop in Venice. Russ: Swick? Tween: You know it? Russ: Yeah. Yeah, my old, my old partner and I started that. I actually designed that logo. Put it on a longboard. It's kind of how it all started. Tween: Baller. Bernie: Yeah, he also designed your middle school book fair banner, which I think you'll agree is equally baller. Russ: Yeah. I am super baller... still. Lina: I can't believe you actually planned a date. Russ: Yeah, what's the big deal? Lina: 'Cause you normally don't plan sh1t. Russ [laughing]: Well... Lina: It's nice when you make an effort. Russ: I thought it would be fun to, I don't know, see the old hood, do the old date... visit the shop. Lina: Are you feeling nostalgic? Russ: Maybe. A little. Lina: Ah. Man: You know who SUMMARY:
Russ and Lina go on a date in Venice Beach , where they lived before starting a family. They find a newer version of the surf shop Russ co-owned with partner Bruce, thinking he capitalized on Russ's surfboard design. Bruce is now in a wheelchair from being shot in a robbery and has sold the shop to new owners. He also blames the Bowmans for him getting shot. Russ then finds the surfboard in Bruce's bedroom and tries to steal it. Meanwhile, Bernie thinks A.J. is taking him to a strip club, but they first stop at a shiva for the mother of Jerry, Roxanne's new boyfriend. Roxanne tells an obnoxious A.J. to leave and seek professional help. He takes her advice to mean she still cares.
TEXT: Originally written by Ira Ungerleider. Teleplay by Brown Mandell. Transcribed by Eric B Aasen. HTMLed by guineapig. [Scene: Central Perk, the whole gang is there as Joey enters] RACHEL: Hey Joey, how'd the audition go? JOEY: Incredible! I met the director this time and you'll never believe who it was. ALL: Who? JOEY: All right. I'll give you one hint. Warren Beatty. ALL: Wow! JOEY: Yeah, there's just one thing that might be kind've a problem. See, I, uh, had to kiss this guy. CHANDLER: 'Cause he was just so darn cute. JOEY: No, as part of the audition. See, I'm up for this part of this guy, who the main guy kisses. ROSS: Well, hey. You're an actor, I say you just suck it up and do it. (Rachel looks at him in disbelief) Or you just do it. JOEY: I did do it, I'm a professional. MONICA: Then what's the problem? JOEY: See after the scene, Mr. Beatty comes up to me and says 'good actor, bad kisser'. Can you believe that, me not a good kisser, that's like, like Mother Theresa, not a good mother. PHOEBE: Well, come on, who cares what that guy thinks. What does Warren Beatty know about kissing (Chandler and Monica, give her a look that says 'think about it') Ooh. OPENING CREDITS [Scene: continued from earlier] CHANDLER: Hey, what did your agent say? JOEY: Yep, this kiss thing is defiantly a problem, Mr. Beatty wants to see it again on Monday. Man, I gotta figure out what I'm doing wrong. Oh, okay, one of you girls come over here and kiss me. MONICA: What, forget it! RACH SUMMARY:
Rachel agrees to be maid of honor at her ex-fiancé's wedding, but a fashion faux pas focuses attention on her than the bride. To get a role in Warren Beatty's new movie, Joey must practice kissing guys. Monica ponders her future with Richard. Chandler falls for a mystery Internet woman who turns out to be ex-girlfriend, Janice. Monica breaks up with Richard, who is a grandfather, because he does not want more children.
TEXT: The Seeds of Death By Brian Hayles and Terrance Dicks 5:15pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1, INT: MOONBASE-CONTROL (Slaar glares evilly at the humans.) SLAAR: Guard! (Through the doorway lumbers a huge green form of a Martian Ice-Warrior.) SLAAR: Kill him! (The creature brings it's weapon to bear on Locke, it flashes brightly and with a high-pitched squeal of rending airwaves and Locke falls down dead. Phipps watches in horror, then turns and desperately runs for the door of the control room.) SLAAR: Stop him! (The Warrior fires again, but the unfriendly soundwaves are seconds too late and rebound off harmlessly off the wall.) SLAAR: Hunt that man! He must not escape! (As the Warrior lumbers off after Phipps, the Ice-Lord turns accusingly back to Fewsham.) SLAAR: You allowed them to send a message back to Earth. FEWSHAM: They tricked me! I tried to stop them! SLAAR: No matter. He will be found and killed. FEWSHAM: What about me? SLAAR: Have you repaired the emergency T-Mat link? FEWSHAM: Not yet, It-it isn't easy. SLAAR: But it is possible. FEWSHAM: Yes, only give me time. SLAAR: Very well. But now you know what will happen if you fail. You will die! [SCENE_BREAK] 2, INT: EARTH-CONTROL (Radnor turns and tries to reason with Eldred again.) RADNOR: Daniel, don't you see this goes far beyond a petty quarrel over rockets and T-Mat! Those men at Moonbase are in serious trouble and we must help them. ELDRED: You'll have to find some other way. KELLY: With T-Mat dead there is no other way. Your rocket is our only hope of SUMMARY:
Eldred agrees to supply a rocket for travel to the moon and the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe volunteer to crew it.
TEXT: THE UNDERWATER MENACE by GEOFFREY ORME first broadcast 14th January 1967 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. TARDIS CONSOLE ROOM (JAMIE looks around him. The central column rises and falls.) JAMIE: What's this? DOCTOR: You'll find out. (The DOCTOR operates the controls.) JAMIE: Ah, I don't think I want to. BEN: It's a machine, my old haggis, it's taken you away from Scotland forever. JAMIE: Where to? BEN: Ah, well, that as the Doctor would say, that is in the lap of the gods. You never know. JAMIE: Ah, you'd not be leading me on now, would you? It's a fact, you don't know where we're going? POLLY: Quite true, and what's more we don't even know what year it will be either. JAMIE: Och, now, I don't believe it. DOCTOR: Nae man can tether time nor tide - Robert Burns. JAMIE: Hey? Who's Robert Burns? DOCTOR: Oh, I should have remembered. POLLY: What? DOCTOR: Well to Jamie, its 1746. Robert Burns wasn't born until 1759. BEN: It's all complicated, isn't it? JAMIE: What's happening now? DOCTOR: We're just beginning to land. Hold tight, everyone. JAMIE: Land? POLLY: Don't be scared, Jamie, it's alright, really. BEN: I get a sort of queer feeling. See, we never know what we're going to find, do we? DOCTOR: Ah that's the fun. Stand by, here we go. POLLY: Please let it be Chelsea 1966. BEN: Hope it's the Daleks, I don't think. DOCTOR: Prehistoric monsters... JAMIE: What have I come upon? (The Tardis lands.) JAMIE: That wasn't too bad. Lets go outside, Doctor. SUMMARY:
The TARDIS materializes on a stretch of deserted beach. The Doctor and his companions are then captured and taken to the mysterious lost city of Atlantis.
TEXT: One year ago [Woods] (Shane is running through the woods. Someone is running after him. He stops for a second, looks around and keeps going. The man is still running after him. He climbs on a rock and stops. He's surrounded by mountains. He smiles and keeps going. He finally enters what looks like a cave. He looks around and finds inscriptions on the walls. He finally founds what looks like a well) Present days [An island] (Shane looks around. Elena, Damon, Jeremy, Bonnie, Rebekah and Stefan get out of a boat. Ha talks to himself) Shane: Congratulations, we made it (Damon is alone. Shane rejoins him) Damon: They couldn't have hidden this cure in Hawaii? Where the hell did you take us? Shane: 200 miles off the Nova Scotia mainland. If you recall, the whole point was to hide the cure on the world's most obscure, desolate island Damon: Oh, yeah? I thought the whole point was that no one found Silas, the oldest, deadliest freak in the world Shane: Yeah, that too. Sunscreen? Damon: Is that a joke? Shane: You're right (Stefan is tying a knot. Rebekah is with him. Elena passes by them Rebekah looks at her) Stefan: Not really helping Rebekah: You're perfectly capable of tying a knot Stefan: Your giving Elena the evil eye... it's not really helping Rebekah: She killed my brother and tried to get you to put a dagger in my back. She's lucky all she's getting is the evil eye (Elena stops) Elena: You know I can hear you, right? Rebekah: You know I don't care, right? (Elena rushes over her with the white oak stake but Rebekah stops her) Rebekah: Go ahead. Try and kill me. But then you'd have to face your real problems... like the fact that Stefan invited me here himself. I guess he likes me again (She leaves. Elena gets up and goes to her backpack. Dam SUMMARY:
Shane leads an expedition to a desolate island off the coast of Nova Scotia, where he believes the secret of the cure lies hidden. On the trek to the island's interior, Rebekah and Elena continue their bitter rivalry, Stefan does his best to keep the peace, and Damon accuses Shane of leading them into a trap. Bonnie and Jeremy try to figure out the message of the Hunter's mark, while Shane reveals more of the legend of Silas and the witch Qetsiyah, along with his own personal history. Back in Mystic Falls, Tyler confronts Klaus, and Caroline is caught up in the violence that follows.
TEXT: Lucas : sometimes when you look back at your life, certain moments stand out... the day you graduated high school, your wedding day, the day you found out you were going to be a father. Most of the time, they happen in that order. Most of the time exactly what I want? IN THE WOOD Lucas : You know, just when I thought it was weird that I'm going graduation, pregnancy, marriage, I remember that you went marriage, pregnancy, graduation, and just don't feel so bad Haley : Well, I'm glad I can be your weird example. No parents today, huh? Lucas : Uh, no. My mom, actually, is stuck at a resort in Granada. And Larry's on a dredging boat off the coast of Iceland somewhere. We were gonna wait, but, you know... Haley : It's gonna be a great day, Luke. Lucas : Or not. Haley : Oh, my god. What happened? Lucas : Peyton says the minister just fell through... Some sort of mix-up. Haley : Oh, no. Wait! don't freak out. My sister, Quinn, got married by a friend of hers who got ordained on the internet in like 30 seconds. Lucas : Is that even legal? Haley : Yeah. Anybody who's ordained can sign a marriage license. The ceremony's just symbolic. Lucas : Huh. Haley : How cool... don't you think that would be so awesome, to get married by a friend of yours, somebody who's known you most of your life? Lucas : I do. Haley : Sweet! who should we get? Lucas : You. Haley : Y... me? Lucas : Come on, you're my best friend and Peyton loves you and... I just ordained you. So, uh, god, you're gonna be great, you know that? I got to go, but, uh, thank you, minister. Haley : "Minister." Jamie : Is this really necessary, uncle Skills? Skills : Well, considering the way you got snatched up by that SUMMARY:
Peyton and Lucas' wedding day has finally arrived and surprise guests attend. Haley plays an unexpected role in the ceremony while Nathan hopes to be called up to the NBA. Skills keeps Jamie on a short leash, and Brooke does the same with Nick Lachey as she tries to make Julian jealous after he shows up with a date. This episode is named after a song by Kate Voegele .
TEXT: [Scene: Joey's Dorm Room. Joey and Eddie are sitting on her bed. Joey is trying to study from one of her text books, while Eddie is trying to kiss her neck.] Eddie: Mmm--mmm--mmm. Joey. Joey: Studying. Eddie: Joey. Joey: Still studying. Eddie: How come you don't want to get with me? Joey: What are you going on about? Eddie: Since I've been back, nothing. Nada. A drought of epic proportions. Is there a hygiene issue I'm not aware of? [The door to the room flies open and Audrey comes in carrying a bunch of suitcases.] Joey: Audrey? Audrey: Hi, bunny! Joey: Oh, my god! Audrey: Hi! Ohh, you flunked out of school. How sad. Death of a dream and all that. So, guess who was on my plane? Joey: Audrey, you're back a day early. Audrey: Yeah, I got early parole for good behavior. Well, actually, the rumor has it that Courtney Love was checking in, and they needed the extra room. So, guess who was on my flight. Eddie: Pilots, stewardesses, and assorted passengers? Audrey: Well, that's funny, but no. I'm only talking about the sexiest man in all of America. Joey: Audrey, don't you want to maybe relax, get settled? Audrey: Oh, come on. No one's ever too busy for a quick game of "guess who was on my plane." Trust me, this one's really good. Joey: Ok, fine. Uh, uh, uh... Bad Pitt? Audrey: [Sighs] Will you work with me, Potter? That is so obvious. No, this guy is way hotter. I'm talking like the thinking girl's dream. Eddie: Oh, Ian Ziering? [Both laugh] Audrey: Duh. Dr. Drew. Joey: Impressive. I would have thought he was a little too, uh... clinical for your tastes. Audrey: It's kind of SUMMARY:
Joey's and Eddie's emotional and sexual relationship is played out on stage during a counseling center benefit with hosts Dr. Drew and Adam Carolla (playing themselves). At the same event, Jack and David deal with the insecurities in their relationship; Jen opens up to C.J. about Grams' cancer; and a sober Audrey returns to Boston and surprises everyone at the benefit.
TEXT: MUSIC IN: EXT. MOUNTAIN - NIGHT (SFX: HELICOPTER B.G.) (MUSIC OVER ACTION/ SEALS RAPPEL FROM HELICOPTER ONTO THE CLIFF) (PREPARE TO RAPPEL) JOHNSON: This way. (FILTERED) (PAUSE) Team One, go! (MUSIC OVER ACTION/SEALS RAPPEL) PORCARO: Lieutenant, planning on joining us? JOHNSON: I'm on my way. (MUSIC OVER ACTION/ JOHNSON RAPPELS OFF THE CLIFF) (SFX: JOHNSON SCREAMS/FALLS TO THE GROUND) (CUT TO BLACK) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. SQUAD ROOM - DAY TONY: Hey. KATE: Good morning. TONY: How was your weekend? KATE: Uh, let's see. I paid bills, did laundry, went shopping, vacuumed. I bet you don't even own a vacuum. TONY: I lease. KATE: Okay, so what did you do this weekend that left that smile plastered all over your face? TONY: I watched a great movie. KATE: Let me guess, a horror flick? TONY: Halloween Eight. I think it's the best Halloween ever. It makes Halloween Seven look like Halloween Five. KATE: I can't even believe they made one of them, much less eight. It's gotta be a "Men are from Mars" thing. TONY: Arianna liked it. KATE: Arianna? I thought you broke up with her. TONY: What makes you think that? KATE: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you came in the other day and said, "I broke up with Arianna." TONY: Oh, you don't know much about dating, do you? KATE: Oh, why don't you enlighten me. TONY: Well, there's always one phony breakup that precedes SUMMARY:
Routine training results in the death of a U.S. Navy SEAL lieutenant just days before he was due to deploy on a classified hostage rescue operation. The death is initially dismissed as an equipment malfunction, but Abby discovers that the link attaching the lieutenant to his rappelling rope was made of a weaker material than factory standard, suggesting sabotage and potentially murder. Pressure is applied by the CIA for the investigation to be wrapped up within 38 hours so the operation can continue or else the entire mission, which is of national security importance, will be scrubbed. As the case goes on, Gibbs discovers that the lieutenant had a secret, and that his wife might be holding back vital information about his death. Meanwhile, Abby deals with her relationship with McGee.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Freya: If this prophesy is fulfilled, you will all fall... one by friend, one by foe, and one by family. Aurora: In the moments before you asked me to flee with you, I saw your brother. Elijah: You must only think of him as the monster that he truly is. Aurora: I see him as the monster that he is. Van: Those remains used to be my mom. Davina: I'm so sorry. Van: I'm gonna find out how this happened. Cami: Even if we figure out who killed this guy, it's a vampire. Lucien: I think you know exactly where my medallion is. Cami: Take it. It's in here. Aurora: My brother and Lucien want to use it to lock you and your siblings away forever. Klaus: Which is why they sent a legion of Strix to collect my sister. Freya: I can't find her, her witch body. Freya: It's as if it just vanished. Aurora: Two of the men sent to retrieve her were from my sire line. They procured your sister's body. Now come back to bed. [SCENE_BREAK] [ St. Louis Cathedral / Mikaelson compound ] [SCENE_BREAK] Hayley: So where is Klaus? Freya: When I told him about Rebekah, he said he's pursue another lead. Elijah: Forget Niklaus. You will find her. Marcel: Now, you sure you got enough juju for a worldwide locator spell? Freya: She's my family. I won't lose her. (Chanting) Damn it. Hayley: So much for witch GPS. Freya: I assumed they'd cloak her. I didn't expect a spell this strong. Elijah: No doubt conjured by the very witch who lured Rebekah into this trap. Freya: You should all go. I have my work cut out for me. Marcel: The Strix trust me. If they know where Rebekah is, I can find her. Elijah: SUMMARY:
With a dire prophecy looming over them, Klaus and Elijah invite Lucien, Tristan and Aurora to a Thanksgiving gathering in an attempt to negotiate a truce. When Aurora reveals that she has powerful leverage over Klaus, Hayley and Freya take matters into their own hands, leading to a deadly three-way confrontation. Elsewhere, Marcel and Vincent are forced to take drastic measures when they realize Davina may be in over her head, and Cami finds herself face-to-face with a dangerous new threat.
TEXT: [Scene: P3. Prue, Piper and Leo are standing around the bar. Phoebe walks up to them.] Phoebe: I don't think we're gonna be able to pull this off. Leo: We have to. Prue: We've been in tighter jams than this before. Phoebe: But we're running out of time, I don't think we're gonna make it. Prue: Phoebe, we can do this, okay? I mean, if we just get a quick bite to eat at Red's, we can still make the 9:30 Faithless at the Avalon. Leo: The foreign film? I thought we were gonna go see a thriller. Phoebe: No, Leo, I wanna stop thinking about Cole and his demon dodging, not be reminded of it. Leo: Piper? Phoebe: Leo, it is three votes for Faithless. Piper: Well, a thriller would be okay. Prue: Okay, wait a second, the vote's two against two? Phoebe: That's new. Piper: Welcome to the power of four. Phoebe: I demand a recount. Wait, that never works. (Piper laughs. Cole comes down the stairs.) Leo: Something tells me you're not gonna wanna see either movie now. (Phoebe goes over to Cole.) Phoebe: Hey. Cole: Hey. (She hugs him.) Phoebe: I was so worried. Cole: I know, I'm sorry. I couldn't come back until it was safe. Phoebe: Is it safe now? Cole: I think so. For the moment. (She kisses him and they walk over to Prue, Piper and Leo.) Prue: Hey, welcome back. Cole: Thanks. Glad to be back. Piper: Love to chat but we're late for a movie. Leo: Wanna go? We could use the tie breaker. Cole: Actually, I was hoping Phoebe and I could catch up, alone. Phoe SUMMARY:
Cole officially aligns himself with Phoebe and her sisters when he agrees to go undercover as Belthazor in order to investigate an evil organization who are murdering street prophets in order to promote their own internet provider. Things get tricky when the sisters have to vanquish the demon who is posing as the company's manager without getting Cole into trouble. However, the sisters soon fear that Cole may be double-crossing them.
TEXT: THE ARMAGEDDON FACTOR BY: BOB BAKER AND DAVE MARTIN Part Four Running time:25:09 [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: We have a problem. Well, several problems. Mentalis knows, but won't tell, about Astra. Refuses us access to the memory banks but tells us that the Marshal's on his way here to blow this place to smithereens. SHAPP: But won't it react? ROMANA: Oh, yes. Mentalis is convinced it's invincible. It's been programmed not to accept defeat. MERAK: Then it'll stop him. SHAPP: It'll counterattack. DOCTOR: Unfortunately, it's been programmed that the war is over, so it can't attack. It thinks it's won. That's the trouble with machines. ROMANA: So what will happen? DOCTOR: Well, it will self-destruct. I think obliteration was the term it used. ROMANA: So if the Marshal attacks SHAPP: Which he will. DOCTOR: There will be a rather large bang, big enough to blow up Zeos, take Atrios with it, and make certain the whole thing ends in a sort of draw. That's the way these military minds work. The Armageddon factor. [SCENE_BREAK] PILOT: Target located, sir. MARSHAL: Excellent. Prepare to attack. [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: Has it ever occurred to you, Shapp, that you and the Marshal and this thing are in an arena, playing out a game for some evil alien spectator? ROMANA: The third force. DOCTOR: Yes. I think I've met him. Calls himself the Shadow. [SCENE_BREAK] SHADOW: Astra. Princess Astra. Do you hear me? ASTRA: Yes, I hear you. SHADOW: Good. There are certain duties you must perform. ASTRA: Yes. SHADOW: You will help me in my quest. You understand? ASTRA: Yes. SHADOW: Astra, SUMMARY:
K-9 communicates with the leader of the Zeos world and the Doctor attempts to keep the leader from completing it's plan. The Doctor and companions discover the unknown world that is between Atrios and Zeos.
TEXT: THE ROBOTS OF DEATH by: CHRIS BOUCHER PART THREE Running time: 23:51 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. INT. control deck V16: All readings are eighty five percent above safety. TOOS: (Cries out.) She's going! (LEELA blocks her ears. The DOCTOR and DASK continue to struggle.) DASK: ______ DOCTOR: You've got to cut the zeta links! (The DOCTOR breaks free of DASK and grabs a huge pair of industrial-sized cutters. He has a brief stand-off with DASK, who once more gets in his way, but then takes the cutters and turns towards the panel. DASK cuts a cable and there is a flash and a blast.) DOCTOR: Good man. Now the other one. (DASK, resigned to it, cuts another cable, wincing away from the resultant flash and blast.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. EXT. desert (The huge sandminer grinds to a stop.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3. INT. control deck V16: All motive units closing down. All readings falling to safety. DOCTOR: Well good. Now our troubles really begin. [SCENE_BREAK] 4. EXT. desert (Storm Mine 4 begins to sink into the sand.) [SCENE_BREAK] 5. INT. control deck (V14 still stands on the raised platform.) V14: Surface scanners inoperative. DASK: We're sinking. (DASK checks readings on the forward console.) DASK: Rate of descent... two metres a second. DOCTOR: I like a man who stays calm, Dask. But this isn't the Titanic. DASK: I do not understand the allusion, Doctor. DOCTOR: Well if the damaged motive units can be repaired, the mine can float itself. DASK: I'll see what I can do. (DASK walks towards the door. The DOCTOR follows him.) DOCTOR: I'll give you a hand with the SUMMARY:
Hearing about a man who grew up only around robots and who has threatened to start a robot revolution, and who may be aboard the sandminer under an assumed name, the Doctor takes D.84 to seek out a possible secret workshop where he would be restructuring robot programming. Meanwhile, as one crew member suffers a complete mental breakdown, reprogrammed robots are ordered to kill all remaining humans.
TEXT: Ted from 2030: Kids, sometimes your relationship goes so smoothly for so long that you think it will be that way forever. It never is. At MacLaren's, Ted arrives. Ted: Well, we just had our first fight. Robin joins Lily at a chiroposdist's place. Robin: We had our first fight. MacLaren's. Barney: Oh, no, what'd you fight about? (He puts his headphones on). Ted: A few months ago, my architecture firm was approached to design this new building... Chiroposdist's place. Robin: It's this big skyscraper in Spokane. It'd be a huge project for his firm. MacLaren's. Ted: And if we don't get it, we could go under. Chiropodist's place. Robin: So anyway, the head architect unveils his new design to the whole company. (At Ted's office, the head architect unveils his new design, everybody applauses except for Ted.) MacLaren's. Both Marshall and Barney: No. Ted: Yes. Marshall: Well, all skyscrapers kind of look like a... Ted: Marshall, it's a 78-story pink marble tower with a rounded top and two spherical entryways at the front. Marshall: Wow, so it's the whole package. Barney: Yeah, you did. Marshall: Had to. Barney: Oh, dude, if they're selling condos, you got to get me in. And don't give me the shaft. Marshall: Yeah, you did. Barney: Had to. Ted: It's a travesty. It's gonna define the skyline of the city. If it was me, I could've designed something amazing. Instead, I'm spending 12 hours a day designing the cornices. Marshall: Yeah, you did. Ted: That wasn't one. CREDIT TITLES At the chiroposdist's. Lily: So you and Ted had your first fight. It obviously ended well. I mean, you're here with me. Robin: Actually, it didn't end at all SUMMARY:
After Robin insinuates that Ted's job is boring, Barney sets out to convince his buddy otherwise. As the guys test out the pick-up line, "Ted Mosby, Architect" on the ladies, they realize it really works. But when Robin hears that Ted is parading around town picking up girls, she is hot on his heels to discover the truth.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Soon I will have what I want. A family that loves me. Sometimes, ordinary objects can come to possess their own special kind of magic. I'm ready to make that deal. I want my ribbons back. I'm no longer convinced you have anything I want. You want what all villains want. Everything. The Apprentice: Every dark one tries. Every one fails. You will never collect enough power to do what you want. Oh, I will. But, alas, you won't be there to see it. If you truly want to save Marian... You're gonna have to forget about me. You were planning to use this to strip away her magic. No, that's not why I had it. The family that you think you have... They may love you... Keep your distance. I don't want to hurt anyone. But they also fear you. Let me go! Emma! Did you find her? David: No. We looked everywhere. She doesn't want to be found. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Arendelle - Past ] [SCENE_BREAK] (The Snow Queen rides to a cave. She hides the hat under a rock.) [SCENE_BREAK] [ Enchanted Forest - Past ] [SCENE_BREAK] (The Snow Queen visits the apprentice.) The Apprentice: I know who you are. And I can be of no help to you. The Snow Queen: No, of course not. You're an errand boy long past his prime. I wish to speak to the one you work for. The Apprentice: There are many who desire an audience with the sorcerer, but he speaks only through his apprentice. The Snow Queen: Then tell him, apprentice, I wish to make a deal. The Apprentice: The sorcerer does not make petty deals, especially with those who have succumbed to the darkness... Like you. The Snow Queen: I think in this case, he might make a small exception. We'll see. I have his hat. The Apprentice: You have no idea the forces you are dealing with. (He treats the Snow Queen with his sword.) The Snow Queen: Hmm. The Apprentice: Tell me where it SUMMARY:
This episode's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. (December 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) As Emma's powers become uncontrollable, she seeks help from Gold. Regina gives Mary and David a locator potion but they quickly drop their plan to stop Emma, believing it might be better if Emma became "normal." Elsa steals the locator potion to find Emma on her own. When the Snow Queen threatens Gold not to hurt Emma, he uses magical dust made from the urn's remnants to temporarily trap the Snow Queen within her palace. In Arendelle's past, Ingrid tries to convince Elsa that Anna was planning to remove her magic, but fails. Elsa and Anna manage to obtain the urn, which they plan to use on Ingrid. Elsa learns why their parents left for the Enchanted Forest, and makes peace with it, and she sends Anna back into the prison to set up their trap for Ingrid. Regina convinces Mary and David that Emma's powers made her special, so they team up to find Emma. Robin Hood decides to help Regina find the author of the fairytale book and discovers a missing page that could provide a clue. Hook reaches the mansion first but Gold binds him before trying to convince Emma to step through the door where his magical hat is set up. While Gold taunts Hook, Elsa breaks in through the back door and convinces Emma to accept herself, allowing Emma to control her powers. Gold takes Hook's heart to sever himself from the Dagger, turning Hook into his "puppet" in the process. The Snow Queen places ribbons on Elsa and Emma to harness their power. The Snow Queen uses her newly-amplified magic to shatter her mirror, casting the Spell of Shattered Sight over Storybrooke. In Arendelle's past, Ingrid uncovers the sisters' plot, and plans to turn Elsa against Anna, only for a cursed Anna to place Elsa in the urn. Ingrid freezes Anna, Kristoff, and all of Arendelle. Rumplestiltskin comes to take Anna's necklace and the urn in exchange for the Sorcerer's hat. However, Ingrid turns over the box to the Apprentice instead in exchange for her happy ending, leading her to 1982 Boston, prior to baby Emma's arrival.
TEXT: DELTA AND THE BANNERMEN PART TWO Run time: 24:23 [SCENE_BREAK] Laundry store [SCENE_BREAK] Keillor: Connect me with the Bannerman leader. Gavrok (O.C.): Gavrok here. Go ahead. Keillor: I understand you're offering a reward for the Chimeron queen. Gavrok (O.C.): Affirmative. One million units. Keillor: I've found her. She's at a place called Shangri La, in South Wales, Western Hemisphere, Earth. Now lock into this signal to guide you in. Gavrok (O.C.): The reward will be yours when we arrive. End transmission. [SCENE_BREAK] Mel and Delta's chalet [SCENE_BREAK] Delta: Thank you. Mel: What for? Delta: For lending me your dress. For making an effort to be kind. Mel: Oh, I'd help anyone in trouble, if I could. Delta: Mel, there's something you should know. Delta: My baby. My beautiful baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Laundry store [SCENE_BREAK] Keillor: What an unexpected bonus. You're the traveller in time they call the Doctor. Your death will make me richer still. The Doctor: If you kill for money, let the girl go. She's worth nothing to you. Keillor: I don't just kill for money. It's also something I enjoy. [SCENE_BREAK] Gavrok's spaceship [SCENE_BREAK] Gavrok: My bounty hunter will be paid off sooner than he thinks. Arm the beacon hunter. [SCENE_BREAK] Mel and Delta's chalet [SCENE_BREAK] Delta: My life's at risk. I'm going to trust you, and I think you deserve a full explanation. I think you'd better close the door. [SCENE_BREAK] Goronwy's cottage [SCENE_BREAK] Goronwy: Good morning. What a beautiful morning it is. Weismuller: Sure is. By the way, have SUMMARY:
Gavrok and the Bannermen have arrived on Earth, searching for Delta. They slaughter the holidaymakers without compunction to draw her out.
TEXT: COLD OPEN [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) --NIGHT] [EXT. LAS VEGAS DESERT (STOCK) -- NIGHT] [EXT. SUV ON ROAD - NIGHT] [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. SUV -- NIGHT] (A PARK RANGER driving along the road route and notices a car parked on the side of the road. He stops the car to check it out. Garbled radio transmissions can be heard in the background.) (He gets out of the car and puts on his park ranger hat. The officer walks to the edge of the road, slips and rolls down the hill. When he comes to a stop, he lands next to a dead body. In the shadow of the bright light, there's a man holding a shovel, digging a hole - caught in the act trying to bury the body.) (Frozen for a moment, the man springs into action. He throws the shovel aside and tries to run, the officer stops him.) Benjamin Jennings: No! No! WHITE FLASH CUT TO: [SCENE_BREAK] (GRISSOM and NICK make their way down the ledge to the crime scene. There are five police vehicles there and a swarm of officers near the crime scene looking for further evidence on the grounds. Kneeling next to the body is a Technician with a clipboard. SGT. O'RILEY meets up with GRISSOM and NICK.) Grissom: Call said one dead body. Sgt. O'Riley: Caught him red-handed. Ben Jennings. (Off to the side, BENJAMIN JENNINGS stands hands cuffed behind his back with three officers standing watch over him. NICK and GRISSOM approach the men.) Nick: Nick Stokes, Gil Grissom, Las Vegas Crime Lab. You want to tell us what's going on? What happened here? (BENJAMIN JENNINGS doesn't respond.) Grissom: You have anything to say? (He still doesn' SUMMARY:
Grissom and his team investigate a murder suspect who is caught red-handed -- burying the victims -- while Catherine and Warrick take on the case of a woman found dead in a hotel spa. As Grissom, Nick and Sara investigate the seemingly clear-cut murder case, Grissom questions the simplicity of the evidence when he discovers that the suspect burying the victims is the brother of a convicted felon. Meanwhile, Catherine and Warrick must determine if the woman found dead in the hotel spa was the victim of negligence, foul play or heat-induced natural causes.
TEXT: Skyline: The Seattle sky line is drawn with no extras. Act One. Scene One - KACL Frasier and Roz in their respective booths, the show is going on. Frasier: Gee, I'm sorry, Blake. When I told you to close your eyes and visualize that you were on a tropical island, I didn't realize you were calling from your car phone. The camera pans to Roz, who looks mildly horrified. Blake: [v.o.] That's OK, Doc. At least I know my airbags work. Frasier: [laughs uncomfortably] Well, I'm glad you're alright. And thank you for your call. Gil Chesterton edges open the door and slides into the booth. He waves and mouths "Hi." Frasier: Well, look who's popped into the booth! It's Gil Chesterton, KACL's own food critic - which means, it's my cue to hit the road. So, till tomorrow, this is Dr. Frasier Crane, wishing you... [starts to sneeze] a good day... [sneezes] and-and good health. He goes off the air. Gil comes in with his hands behind his back. Roz enters the booth. Gil: [motherly] Hey, Frasier! Frasier: Hello, Gil. Gil: I heard you coughing on the air earlier today. Sounds like you might be coming down with something. So I had this sent over from Rosenthal's Deli. [hands Frasier a white paper bag] Chicken soup, so lovingly prepared even the chicken gets well. Frasier: Thank you. That's very kind. Gil: And of course I'd never forget you, Roz. [hands her a smaller bag] Some ladyfingers, that have been soaked in rum. Roz: Mmm! Frasier: Much like her own. He coughs repeatedly and loudly, ignoring Roz's offended look. Gil: I say, I hope this isn't the start of that nasty flu that's going around. You want to take a couple of days SUMMARY:
Frasier falls ill, and KACL restaurant critic Gil Chesterton tries to steal his time slot in his absence. Frasier begs Niles to take over to prevent this. When Niles unexpectedly runs the show with great success, a feverish Frasier begins to imagine plots against him, and decides to drag himself to the station no matter what. He locks Niles and Roz out of the studio and broadcasts in a state of delirium.
TEXT: Scene: The apartment. Penny: So, we're about to shoot this scene in the movie where the killer ape DNA is slowly taking over my body. Leonard: Okay. Penny: But I realize they're gluing fur everywhere except my cleavage. So, I asked the director why and he says, it's important to the story that my boobs be the last things to turn ape. Leonard: It's sweet that he thinks there's a story. Penny: Oh, and there's not even a bathroom on set. I have to go to the gas station across the street. I mean, I was dressed like half an ape and still not even close to the most disgusting person in there. Sheldon: Leonard, I could use your assistance. Leonard: Sure. What's up? Sheldon: Well, now that I've given up string theory, I'm struggling to find my next area of focus. So, in your professional opinion, which of these areas do you think is the most promising? Leonard: Huh, well, I think there's some really innovative stuff going on in dark matter. Sheldon: That's helpful. Okay. Of these four areas... Penny: Sheldon, what did we say about being a nicer friend? Leonard: Thank you. Penny: Leonard, what did we say about being a gullible weenie? Sheldon: It is just so frustrating. Penny: 'Cause you're trying too hard. You need to do something else, get your mind off it. Leonard: Hey. How about we bring back Anything Can Happen Thursdays? Penny: Hey, that's good. Why'd you guys stop doing that? Leonard: You made fun of us. Said it was stupid. Penny: Yeah. Sounds like me. Come on, Sheldon. What do you say? Sheldon: All right. I officially reinstate Anything Can Happen Thursday. Leonard: Great, what do you want to do? Sheldon: I don't know. What do you want to do? Penny: I don't know. What do you want to do? Leonard: I'm starting to remember the problem with Anything Can Happen Thursdays. SUMMARY:
After reinstating "Anything Can Happen Thursday", Sheldon, Leonard and Penny wander around town looking for a new restaurant or things to do. They find Amy and Bernadette having dinner after lying to their friends. They were tired of hearing Sheldon moan about searching for a new research field and Penny for complaining about her horrible movie. Leonard sympathizes, so Sheldon and Penny storm off. Bernadette admits lying to Howard too. Amy tells Leonard she is jealous of how comfortable Sheldon is with Penny. Penny calls Howard and says Bernadette lied to him, but Bernadette says she will just put on a Catholic schoolgirl uniform to make it up to him. Raj and Howard watch a horror film, which both find disturbing, to prepare Raj for watching it with Emily. Emily later says she too finds the film disturbing, but Raj watches it with her after she says it also turns her on. After dinner, Penny drags Sheldon to a psychic who says all his problems will be solved if he commits more to his lady friend - Amy. A rattled Sheldon scoffs at this "malarkey". Later, Amy shows up at Sheldon's door dressed as a Catholic schoolgirl to apologize for lying, but Sheldon acts unmoved.
TEXT: -[Real World]- (In New York City, a man in business attire walks through the streets. He travels by foot, then by subway, until arriving at his apartment. Inside, he sees that it's raining and that he left his window open. As the man attempts to close the window, he drops his cell phone down the fire escape. Frustrated, and the window remaining open, he leans his head against the window sill. Suddenly, a pigeon lands the sill and then quickly flies away. When he looks up, he sees that it has left a postcard from Storybrooke. On the back, the word 'broken' is written.) -[Fairy Tale World]- (Prince Phillip and Mulan ride towards an abandoned castle on horseback. When they arrive, they discover Aurora lying on a dais, seemingly under a spell. Phillip cuts through the vines, while Mulan hangs back.) Prince Phillip: If this works, we don't tell her everything. Not right away. (Mulan nods. Prince Phillip kisses Aurora, which causes the spell she was under to be broken. A pulse of magic spreads throughout the land. She wakes up and gasps.) Aurora: Phillip... Prince Phillip: Yes, Aurora. Aurora: I told you not to come after me. (They kiss yet again. Phillip then helps her up.) Aurora: How long have I been asleep? What happened? Prince Phillip: It doesn't matter. The worst of it is over. Now that we're together, we'll restore this castle and our kingdom. As we dreamt. We'll be here always. Aurora: Where is everyone? Why does it need to be rebuilt? Prince Phillip: It's a long story. And you, my love, need rest. Aurora: I've had my fill of rest. Prince Phillip: Come with me. Our people have gathered in a new safe haven. We must join them. Aurora: A safe haven... From Maleficent? Prince Phillip: No. Worry not - she can no longer harm us. Aurora: First, she goes after my mother, then me. Forgive me if I'm SUMMARY:
In the Season Two premiere episode, "Broken," reality and myth begin to merge as the fairytale characters awaken from Evil Queen Regina's broken curse and remember who they were. But to their dismay, they aren't transported back to fairytale land. To make matters worse, Rumplestiltskin - aka Mr. Gold - in an effort to gain the upper hand in his power struggle with Regina, has introduced magic into the town. In fairytales magic has its place, but in our world it can have unfathomable consequences. Meanwhile, back in the fairytale land, Prince Phillip awakens his sleeping beauty, Aurora, but discovers that he and his traveling companion, Mulan, will soon have to face a deadly foe.
TEXT: 3x23: The Other Side of This Life (Part 2) (LA Scenes) (Addison and Naomi are sitting in the waiting room of Oceanside wellness) Addison: I just never thought about it. What I would do, you know? What the dream would be if I couldn't have my dream. Naomi: Empty office. Addison: Okay, what are we doing? I thought we were going to lunch. Why are we still sitting here? Naomi: We're doing what I do when I get depressed. Just wait. What time do you have? Addison: It's 5 to 1:00. You know what? I'm glad I can't have a child. With my luck, I'd probably have a kid with two heads.'s actually better. I'm grateful. I don't have to think about it. The option the table. (Violet walks up) Violet: What time do you have? Naomi: 5 to 1:00. Addison: You people are obsessed with time. Violet: Here he comes. (Dell walks by in only a pair of shorts with his surf board) Naomi: Hi, Dell. Violet: Have a nice... surf. Dell: I'll see you guys after lunch? Addison: You two should be ashamed of yourselves. Naomi: Admit it. You feel better. Violet: And if not, there's another showing in an hour, and it's wet. (Seattle scenes) (Jane Doe's room) Jane Doe: My brain is bleeding? How could my brain have been bleeding since the accident? Derek: Well, it could be from the trauma, but it also could be from one of your surgeries. Jane Doe: Dr. Shepherd, I've been living in this hospital long enough to know when there's something one of you isn't saying. Derek: Because of the location of the bleed, you need to be awake during surgery. You'll be sedated, alert, but, but it can be a really dangerous process. There's a lot about the brain we don't know. Jane Doe: So... I could potentially get my memory back? Derek: Mm. It' SUMMARY:
In Los Angeles, Addison deals with a difficult delivery after hearing bad news about her own fertility. She's also reminded that there's "an empty office" at the Oceanside Wellness Center. In Seattle, Derek performs emergency surgery on Ava as Alex lends emotional support; doctors find the cause of Susan Grey's hiccups; and Burke and George ask Bailey for marital advice.
TEXT: At the store where Mrs. Del Rossi works (Marco is posing in a photo booth and for the last picture Dylan comes in and kisses him on the cheek.) Marco: You know my mother works here right? Dylan: It's not like she saw us. Marco: Hey ma! Mrs. Del Rossi: So you took the pictures? Marco: Yeah and they all turned out horrible. Mrs. Del Rossi: If papa gets to make your elections signs, I get to choose the shot. (Marco hands her the pictures after he ripped the bottom one off.) Mrs. Del Rossi: Shouldn't there be four? Marco: No there's just three. Mrs. Del Rossi: What are you talking about, horrible? Every one of these says president to me. Marco: Alright. I'll see you at home ma. Bye. (They walk away and Dylan speeds up ahead of Marco.) Marco: Dylan! Dylan! Wait up! Dylan! Where are you going? Dylan: Back to my dorm. Marco: Ok then. Take this with you. (Hands him the bottom picture) Make your dorm mates jealous. Dylan: They're straight. Marco: Make them uncomfortable. Dylan: Actually they don't have a problem with me being gay. I'm your boyfriend Marco! Marco: I know. Dylan: Yeah, well you're the only one in your family that does. (Hands him the picture back) Marco: Babe... Dylan: I'll call you later. At Paige's locker Marco: Paige. Hey I tried calling you last night. Paige: So said the call display! Not as many times as my brother though. Do you think I'd make a good travel agent? I so need a job. Marco: Wait you talked to Dylan? Paige: In between repeated calls to Spinner. Marco: Weird. He said he was gonna phone me last night. Paige: He was probably busy studying or joining secret societies. Whatever they do at university. Marco: Should I be worried? Paige! Paige: Dylan's hard to read ok? He has his little tantrum. (Paige walks into Alex who's sitting on the floor.) Paige: O SUMMARY:
Marco comes out to his mother and runs for Student Council President, but he could lose more than just the presidency when his opponent, Alex, threatens to reveal his secret to his homophobic father. Meanwhile, Chris wants to get back with Emma, but she's not interested until she notices sparks flying between him and Liberty.
TEXT: Prologue: In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer. Inside the mausoleum. Luke tries to bite Buffy, but burns himself on the cross hanging around her neck and jerks back. Buffy seizes the opportunity and push kicks him out of the coffin. She climbs out of it and races outside. Cut outside. Buffy runs to catch up with Willow, Xander and Jesse. She hears a vampire roar and a girl screaming and runs toward the sounds. Cut to Willow on the ground, about to be bitten. Willow: No! Get off! Buffy: Hey! The vampire looks up, and Buffy snap kicks him off of Willow. He gets up and runs away. Willow is shocked by what she sees. Buffy quickly starts the hunt again. Willow gets up and runs after her. Cut to Xander being dragged away by two vampires. Willow appears between two gravestones. Willow: Xander! The vampires are distracted. Buffy takes advantage of the opening and jumps in, high punches one and side kicks the other. She notices a dry branch on a tree and breaks it off. As one of the vampires gets up she plunges the stick into him. Willow rushes over to Xander who's still on the ground. Willow: Xander, are you okay? Xander: Man, something hit me. Buffy: Where's Jesse? Willow: I don't know! They surrounded us. Xander: That girl grabbed him and took off. Buffy: Which way? Xander: I don't know. She stands up straight and slowly scans the cemetery. Buffy: (whispers) Jesse! Opening credits roll. Buffy's theme plays. <unk> Part 1 <unk> The library. The globe is spinning. Giles stops it while he lectures and makes his way down to where Buffy, Willow and Xander are at the table. Giles: This world is older than any of you know. Contrary to popular mythology, it did not begin as a paradise. For untold e SUMMARY:
After escaping from Luke, Buffy goes in search of Jesse, with a little help from Giles and Willow, from her mystery friend, Angel, and from Xander , who braves the dank, dark sewers with her. The Master plots the Harvest, a ritual designed to imbue him with enough strength to open the Hellmouth, but Buffy defeats his minions in a showdown at The Bronze.
TEXT: INT. OUTSIDE HEADMASTER'S OFFICE Mr Finch descends a flight of stairs. He rounds a corner and heads for a door labeled 'Headmaster'. There is a small girl sitting outside, waiting. At first, he walks straight past her, but then he pauses and looks back. MR FINCH: What do you want? NINA: The nurse sent me, sir. I was in English and I got a headache. MR FINCH: Then don't bother me, go home. NINA: I can't. MR FINCH: Why? Is your mother at work? NINA: I live in Ambrose Hall. The children's home. MR FINCH: No parents. No one to miss you? Nina shakes her head. MR FINCH (CONT'D): I see why the nurse sent you. You poor child. Poor... thin, child. Come inside. He turns to his office, and Nina stands to follow him. He opens the door for her and she enters. MR FINCH (CONT'D): It's nearly time for lunch. He shuts the door, and almost immediately there is a screech and flapping sounds from within, coupled with the sound of Nina screaming. INT. STAIRWELLS The school bell rings and the stairways are crowded with children hurrying to get to their next lesson. INT. PHYSICS LAB A boy, Kenny, heads into a science lab and goes to a bench. The door opens and a familiar pair of scruffy white Converses step inside. The Doctor plonks his bag down on the teacher's desk and faces the class. THE DOCTOR: Good morning, class. Are we sitting comfortably? He grins. OPENING CREDITS INT. PHYSICS LAB The Doctor scrawls the word 'physics' in capital letters on the whiteboard and underlines it. THE DOCTOR: So. Physics. He replaces the cap of the board pen and chucks it back down on the desk. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): SUMMARY:
The Doctor works undercover as a teacher in a school which Mickey believes is suspicious. Rose, working as a dinner lady , notices the cafeteria's chips have an adverse effect on other members of the kitchen staff, while the Doctor notes the chips seem to make the students more intelligent. The success of headmaster Mr Finch has aroused media attention; investigative journalist and the Doctor's former companion Sarah Jane Smith arrives at the school and discovers the TARDIS. She and her robotic dog K9 join up with the Doctor, Rose, and Mickey and they discover that the teachers are actually Krillitanes and the chips are coated with Krillitane oil, intended to make the children smart enough so they can decode the "Skasis Paradigm", a theory of everything , which will give the Krillitanes full control of time and space. The Doctor refuses to join the Krillitanes and evacuates the children, after which K9 detonates the container of the chip oil which destroys the Krillitanes, the school, and K9. Sarah Jane declines the Doctor's offer to travel with him and suggests that Mickey do so instead, and the Doctor gives her a brand new model of K9.
TEXT: Act One Scene One - High-Priced French Gourmet Shop Martin is standing around with Eddie whilst Niles tastes some cheese with his eyes closed. The French shopkeeper, Robert - which, should be noted, is pronounced in a French accent with a soft t (it sounds very much like "roe bear"), helps him. Robert: Now for a difficult one. Niles: [tastes] Firm, velvety rind, a bit smokey, mmm... applewood, I think. Robert: Oui. Martin: This is what I get for sending you to sleep-away camp in France! Robert: Can I help you with anything else, monsieur? Martin: No thanks, this six-dollar can of dog food will be fine. It sure teaches me not to leave my shopping till the last minute again. Niles: [realizes] Oh, is it Reblochon? Robert: You are good, Dr. Crane. Martin: Yeah, he's a regular cheese whiz! Niles: I'll take half a pound of the Reblochon and half a pound of St. André and I know I ask this every week but... is it here? Robert: Is what here? Niles: You know very well what I mean; the imported Swiss prosciutto. Robert: Aaah, the Bidnelfleisch! I am sorry, if only you had been here one hour ago... Niles: Damn! Robert: You would have seen it arrive. He bursts into mocking, high-pitched laughter. Niles laughs a little too - while breathing heavily and clutching his heart. Robert: I have my fun with you. Niles: [tormented] You do, Robert, you make me long for the days when you barely spoke English. Slice, slice like the wind, I'll take a pound. Meanwhile, Martin is looking at some samples on a table. Martin: Whoa! Eighteen dollars a pound! This salami's good, but it's not that good. Robert: That saucissons was aged for six months and was cured in a small village at the foot of the Pyrenees at Gilder Brown SUMMARY:
Dr Clint Webber (guest star Billy Campbell) hosts a new show on KACL about health issues. Alll the women at the station find him extremely attractive, and Bulldog is not happy. Frasier himself decides that he can endure this man being more attractive than he is, assuming that there are other areas in which he surpasses Clint. Before long, though, he learns that Clint is also an old Oxonian, an expert squash player, fluent in French and a godson of José Carreras. Frasier maintains that he is not jealous, and tries to cultivate a friendship with Clint, but the list of his skills and abilities seems to grow over time. Eventually, when as a guest on Frasier's radio show, Clint interposes an alternative diagnosis for a caller and she prefers it, Frasier changes his tune, and thereafter refuses to rest until he has discovered just one flaw or deficiency.
TEXT: (Continuing from last week's episode. Sydney is staring down at the operation in progress, when the bodyguard she recognized from earlier hauls her up by the hair.) BODYGUARD: Recognize me now? (He punches her. Sydney blacks out.) (Bodyguard walks down a hall in the boiler room, dragging Sydney beside him by the strap of her shirt. He speaks in a walkie-talkie.) BODYGUARD: Anyone else? Keep looking. (He slams Sydney up against a wall.) SYDNEY: Uhhh! Uhh. BODYGUARD: I never did find out what you were doing in Corsica. Are you working for Dimitri? (She doesn't respond, so he bangs her against the opposite wall, then chokes her.) BODYGUARD: Tell me now, or you're going in the fire. (He opens a heavy door that leads into the fire pit. Flames lick the top of that room.) SYDNEY: Ahhh... BODYGUARD: Who sent you here? Are you here alone? Who sent you here? (While getting ready to toss her over to the fire, Sydney slips his pen out of his shirt pocket.) BODYGUARD: Answer me, you little bitch! (Sydney stabs him in the neck with the pen, kicks him. She takes the poker for the fire, and hits his gun away. It flies into the fire. She slams the door shut with the poker, and hits the bodyguard three times with it. He falls to the ground. She runs.) BODYGUARD: Get to level "C" now... she got away... (Sydney runs down the hall, turns a corner, running. Two armed men come behind her, chasing her. She stops, sees two men coming from ahead and behind. She's trapped. Sydney runs down the stairs nearby, while gunshots fly around her. She sees more men coming behind her, and sees a tunnel on the wall above her. She jumps up, grabs the bar ahead, and kicks the cover of the tunnel in. Sydney slides down SUMMARY:
Sydney's secret double agent status is jeopardized after she smuggles a biotech engineer into SD-6 from her mission in Berlin. Will meets a woman named Kate Jones who confesses that she was having an affair with Danny shortly before his death. Vaughn informs Sydney that her father may be working for a third secret operative agency ( FBI ), as he begins to feel increasingly attracted to her. The CIA plants a computer worm into the mainframe of SD-6 in order to track all their progresses and obtain inside intelligence. Kevin Mitnick is a guest star of this episode.
TEXT: : The university cafeteria. Howard (on the phone): Yeah, I miss you, too, sweetie. Listen, I got to go, but I'll see you tonight? Okay. Bye-bye. Yeah, bye-bye. No, you hang up first. Hello? Raj: Dude, I'm glad you finally got a girlfriend, but do you have to do all that lovey-dovey stuff in front of those of us who don't? Sheldon: Actually, he might have to. There's an economic concept known as a positional good in which an object is only valued by the possessor because it's not possessed by others. The term was coined in 1976 by economist Fred Hirsch to replace the more colloquial, but less precise neener-neener. Howard: That's not true. My happiness is not dependent on my best friend being miserable and alone. Raj: Thank you. Howard: Although, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a little bit of a perk. Leonard: Who's miserable and alone? Raj: Me. Leonard: Oh. I used to be like that. Then I got a girlfriend. Sheldon: In pre-1976 terms, neener-neener. Leonard: Hey, what are you and Bernadette doing for your first Valentine's Day? Howard: Yeah, I am pulling out all the stops. There's a $39.95 lover's special at P.F. Chang's. Egg rolls, dumplings, bottomless wok, and you get your picture taken on the big marble horse out front. Sheldon: Given that Saint Valentine was a third century Roman priest who was stoned and beheaded, wouldn't a more appropriate celebration of the evening be taking one's steady gal to witness a brutal murder? Howard: I understand your point, but given a choice, Jews always go with Chinese food. Raj: Well, if anyone's interested, I'll be spending this Valentine's Day the same way I spend every Valentine's Day. Buying a rotisserie chicken from the supermarket, taking it home, standing over the sink and eating it out SUMMARY:
Sheldon feels betrayed when Leonard decides to take Penny, not Sheldon, with him to a conference in Switzerland, where they will also have the chance to visit the Large Hadron Collider. After failing to convince Leonard to change his mind, Sheldon tries to convince Penny to drop out, which leads Leonard to terminate his friendship with Sheldon. However, when Penny has caught the flu, Leonard changes his mind and allows Sheldon to go, only to find out he is sick as well, causing him to take Raj. It is later revealed that Sheldon caught it from Penny when he hugged her.
TEXT: LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill. [INT. STUDIO - BACKSTAGE - DAY] (Haley, Chris and some guy who works on the show are talking.) BACKSTAGE GUY: Take off the wedding ring. HALEY: (Dumbfounded) What?(!) BACKSTAGE GUY: Let them think you're a couple. (Chris is obviously pleased.) HALEY: But we're not a couple(!) [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. NATHAN'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY] (Nathan sits in front of the TV, watching Haley and Chris on it.) NICK ZANO: (On TV) You a couple in real life? HALEY: Um, actually- CHRIS: (Puts his arm around her shoulders and cuts her off.) -You know, the music never lies. [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. TREE HILL HIGH SCHOOL - LOCKERS - DAY] (Peyton and Brooke stand next to Peyton's open locker. They have both had a hard time of it recently.) BROOKE: Somebody bashed in my car windshield last night. I mean, could things get any worse? (Peyton looks at her, shocked. She shuts her locker to show the word 'DYKE' sprayed across it in red.) PEYTON: (Pointing to it.) You wanna ask me that again? (Both girls look at it.) [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. THE CHURCH - BACKROOM - DAY] (Karen has just confronted Jules about the agreement she had with Dan.) JULES: I fell in love with Keith for real. KAREN: (Tears in her eyes.) I want him to know... who you really are. [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. THE CHURCH - ALTAR - DAY] (Keith waits at the altar, with Lucas and Whitey, for Jules to come down so that they SUMMARY:
Keith gets violent with Dan after learning that he paid Jules to fall in love with Keith. Anna turns Felix in to the school authorities after learning that he was the one who vandalized Peyton's locker. Lucas and Brooke discuss Brooke's possible move. Meanwhile, Nathan visits Haley in the hope of bringing her home. Brooke decides to move in with Karen. This episode is named after a song by Nine Inch Nails .
TEXT: [Scene: Monica and Chandler's apartment, everyone except Ross is decorating the tree.] Chandler: Let me ask you, why is everybody using these tiny lights nowadays? I remember when people used to use big lights. Rachel: That's a good story, Grandpa. (Ross enters) Ross: Hey All: Hey Ross: Wow, Monica's letting other people help decorate her tree! Did someone get her drunk again or? Monica: Having a perfectly decorated tree is not what Christmas is about. It's about being with the people that you love. Phoebe: That is nice and we're done. TADA! (Her side of the tree looks a complete mess) Chandler: I dunno what it is, it just doesn't quite feel like Christmas to me. Monica: Oh, here. (She turns the tree around so that her side, which is perfectly decorated, is showing) Chandler: See now it feels like Christmas! Opening Credits [Scene: Central Perk, everyone except Phoebe and Joey are there.] Ross:... and that's the story of the dreidle. Now, some people trace the Christmas tree back to the Egyptians, who used to bring green palm branches into their huts on the shortest day of the year, symbolising life's triumph over death. And that was like 4000 years ago. Rachel: So, pretty much around the same time that you started telling this story. (Joey enters) Joey: Hey you guys. Chandler: Hey Joe what's up? Joey: I had to get out of the apartment. Janine is like stretching all over the place. Y'know, everywhere I look she's like... (He imitates her stretching) Chandler: I can see why that's hard to resist. Joey: I like her so much! Monica: Aw, I'm sorry sweetie that she doesn't feel the same way. Joey: I know. And she's so sweet. I just wanna feed her grapes and brush her hair. Chandler: You are aware that she's not a monkey, right? Ross: I am so over Janine. I mean, yeah, at first I thought she was hot, SUMMARY:
Janine is appearing in the pre-recorded Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve , and invites Joey, Ross, and Monica to participate in the dancing. While there, Joey wants to ensure a kiss with Janine at midnight, while Monica and Ross wrangle their way onto camera by doing "The Routine", their old high school dance. Meanwhile, Phoebe, Chandler, and Rachel search for Monica's Christmas presents so they can buy her something suitable in return.
TEXT: 1.10 - Forgiveness and Stuff CUT TO MISS PATTY'S STUDIO MISS PATTY: People please pay attention. Now, I want my before Mary over here, and my after Mary over here. Wise men, shepherd line up for the processional. I only have half a donkey? I need the rest of the donkey! [Kirk standing on stool while Lorelai hemming] KIRK: Ow! LORELAI: Hold still Kirk. KIRK: You stuck me. LORELAI: I did not stick you. KIRK: You did to. LORELAI: Ok, be quiet now. [looks at Rory] RORY: Um, Taylor, the baby Jesus is missing an arm again. TAYLOR: What? RORY: I was just getting it out of the trunk and - TAYLOR: Let me see that. Oh for Pete's sake! [to everyone] Ok listen up! The arm is missing! I repeat the arm is missing! RORY: Maybe it's just time to get a new baby Jesus, you know, one that's a boy. TAYLOR: It's a doll, no one can tell. RORY: Well it has a bow. TAYLOR: This has been the baby Jesus in every Christmas pageant since 1965. Were you here in 1965? RORY: No I wasn't. TAYLOR: Find the arm [Rory looks at Lorelai] LORELAI: What are you doing? KIRK: Nothing. LORELAI: You're flinching. KIRK: You stuck me once. There's nothing to say you won't do it again. LORELAI: Ok you know what? You're done. TAYLOR: Well? RORY: I swear, I've looked twice. TAYLOR: Look again. MISS PATTY: Taylor come quickly. Our <unk>before' Mary is about to become an <unk>after'. Who else in town is knocked up? [Lorelai and Rory look at each other awkwardly then look away. Pan to them leaving] LORELA SUMMARY:
Things are still chilly between Rory and Lorelai; Lane gives Rory advice about the right Christmas gift for Dean; Emily and Lorelai have a tiff about Christmas dinner, leaving Rory to go by herself; Dean and Lorelai patch things up; Luke makes a lonely Lorelai a Santa burger; Richard collapses and is rushed to the hospital; Luke gives a car-less Lorelai a ride to the hospital; relieved that Richard's collapse was only a bout of angina, the Gilmores settle their differences.
TEXT: [Scene: An apartment. A man rushes in carrying a woman. He lays her on the couch.] Man: Crystal, where's the crystal? Woman: It's over there. Man: Where? Woman: The cabinet. (The man rushes over to a cabinet and searches through it. He finds a crystal and a map.) Man: Got it. (The woman sighs and closes her eyes.) Isis. (He rushes to her side.) Isis. Don't die on me, not yet. Not until we can find you another body. Call upon the witch within. Use her powers. Isis: I don't have the strength. Man: Find the strength. It's the only way. Isis: Okay. (She scrys for a witch with the crystal and the map.) I found one. Man: Good. Can you tell, is she powerful enough to hold your spirit? Isis: I don't know. (She dies.) Man: Until we meet again, my love. (He hears sirens of police cars and three pull up outside. Four policemen get out.) Like moths to a flame. [Cut to outside.] Darryl: Remember, nobody's taken him yet, so watch your backs, follow my lead. Any questions? Let's go. (They run up the stairs.) [Cut to the apartment. The man recites a spell and Isis is mummified. A large brooch in the shape of a beetle appears on the mummy's chest. Suddenly, the man turns to dust. The police barge in through the door.] Darryl: Clear! Freeze! (They check all the rooms.) Policeman: Clear in the bathroom. (Darryl walks over to the pile of dust and picks up a handful.) Policeman #2: Everything's locked from the inside. How'd he get out of here? Darryl: You don't wanna know. (Darryl dials a number on his cell phone.) Phoebe Halliwell, please. Tell her it's Inspector Morris. It's SUMMARY:
When Phoebe falls prey to a demon named Jeric, who is kidnapping witches in order to find the perfect host body for his love, Isis, Cole decides to attempt to make a trade: Paige's body in exchange for Phoebe being returned safely. However, thanks to Cole's decision, Piper is able to trick Jeric in order to save both of her sisters in order to banish the demon. It is only after Cole realizes he has failed to destroy the Power of Three, he promises the sisters the next time they meet, he won't fail.
TEXT: DOCTOR WHO The Sontaran Experiment PART 2 5:30pm - 5:55pm [SCENE_BREAK] SARAH: Linx! STYRE: The female of the species. SARAH: Linx! A Sontaran. Can't be. You were destroyed in the 13th century. You were blown to smithereens. STYRE: You may have seen one of us. SARAH: But you're identical. The same ugly... STYRE: Identical, yes, the same, no. I am Styre. Field Major Styre, as you will address me, of the Sontaran G-3 Military Assessment Survey. And your opinion of my looks is of no interest to my programme. Female number one, first assessment. Would appear to have no military justification. Offensive value therefore nil. ROTH: You won't get me. You won't torture me again. STYRE: Why did you make that disagreeable noise? SARAH: You killed him! STYRE: That is my function. I am a warrior. SARAH: Murderer. Murderer! STYRE: Silence! The moron was of no further use to me. I had already tested him. You, as a female, are far more interesting. And soon, I will have the rest of your companions. [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: Hello? Sarah? Oh, it's you again. Can't say I'm delighted. It's no use pretending. VURAL: Just keep climbing, nice and quiet. DOCTOR: If you insist. [SCENE_BREAK] HARRY: Sarah? Sarah, old girl, you here anywhere? PRISONER: Arg. HARRY: Sarah, where are you? All right, old chap? PRISONER: No. HARRY: It's all right, old chap. I'm not going to hurt you. Let's have a look. PRISONER: Water. [SCENE_BREAK] VURAL: Krans. KRANS: Go on, and no tricks now. DOCTOR: Behind you. KRANS: I said no tricks! SUMMARY:
The Doctor learns that Styre has been experimenting on the Galsec crewmembers to pave the way for a Sontaran invasion of Earth and decides the only way to halt his plans is to challenge him to a duel.
TEXT: -[Real World]- (Henry is on his bike, heading towards the castle playground. Emma is already waiting there in her squad car. When she sees Henry get closer, she gets out to greet him.) Emma: Hey, kid. (Henry rides past her.) Emma: Nice to see you, too. (She catches up with him. The playground is noticeably damaged.) Henry: The storm! Emma: It's okay - we can fix it. I'll talk to Marco. Henry: Do you think it's still here? (Henry starts to dig in the sand near the base of the playground.) Emma: What are you looking for? Henry: My book. Emma: Why'd you bury it here? Henry: So my mom doesn't find it. Emma: Hiding it under your mattress wasn't good enough? (He uncovers red metal box under the sand and starts to unlock it.) Henry: That's the first place the Evil Queen would look. Emma: How about leaving it with me? Henry: That's the second place. (Henry opens the box, revealing the book inside.) Henry: It's still here. Good. Emma: So, your mom doesn't know about the castle? Henry: No. This is our secret. (Henry closes and relocks the box, then starts to rebury it. Behind them, Regina arrives and calls out to Henry.) Regina: Henry! Henry! I've been looking everywhere for you. You know you have a session with Archie this morning. I should've known he was with you. Henry - car. Now. (Henry runs off, leaving Regina and Emma alone.) Regina: You let him play here? Emma: The storm hit it hard, but we can fix it. Regina: Well, can you fix a cracked cranium? Because that's what you'll have on your hands if one of these boards collapses under his weight. You're not thinking about Henry or his safety. Just ways around me. Miss Swan, don't let your feelings cloud your judgment. People can get hurt. Emma: What's that supposed to mean? Regina: You're the Sheriff now SUMMARY:
Dejected Sidney enlists the aid of Emma to help uncover evidence that could expose Mayor Regina as the corrupt person she really is to the townspeople of Storybrooke; and Mary Margaret and David continue their secret rendezvous while trying to figure out a way to unleash their unrequited love. Meanwhile, back in the fairytale land that was, King Leopold, who is the father of Snow White and married to the Evil Queen, stumbles upon a magic lamp and is granted three wishes by a Genie - who warns the king to be careful what he wishes for.
TEXT: Pam: Hey. How you doing? Darryl: Thinking about my grandmother a lot. Pam: Yeah. Darryl: She was about to turn 97. Pam: At least she lived a very long and I'm sure, a very happy life. Got you this card. When you're ready. We all signed it. We just wanted you to know we're thinking about you. Darryl: Thank you. "Congratulations, Darryl. Let's get wasted." "Have fun today, big guy." "Aww, yeah. Party time. Whoo-whoop." Pam: It's possible that some people thought it was your birthday. Darryl: "Hooray. Live it up big D. " "Days like this don't come often enough. Time to celebrate. You deserve this"? Andy: Birthday punches! [softly punching Darryl in the stomach] One two three four five sice seven eight! Pam: I'm so sorry. Darryl: [tears welling up in his eyes] Andy:...thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six!... [SCENE_BREAK] Andy:...So I got an early res at Blue Wasabi and I'm taking Rachel. She's picking me up after work. Darryl: Rachel from the party? Andy: Oh, yeah! Darryl: Nice. Do the damn thing. - Pow! [they fist bump and explode] Phyllis: Blue Wasabi is so good, but get the cheeseburger. They say they won't do it, but they will if you make a scene. Holly: Okay, bye. Okay, bye. [kisses Michael] I'll miss you. Michael: Miss you. Okay. I'll be in my office if you need me. Holly: Bye. Michael: Okay, bye. Bye. All right, bye. Bye... bye. Holly: Okay, one more quick one. Michael: Don't go. I don't want you to go. Oh don't go. Don't go. [SCENE_BREAK SUMMARY:
Michael and Holly's public displays of affection start to make everyone in the office uncomfortable. Jim and Pam have too much champagne during Valentines Day lunch, causing complications when they have to return to work. Andy tags along on a romantic treasure hunt Gabe has made for Erin.
TEXT: Act 1 Scene 1 - Cafe Nervosa Fade in. Roz is at a table, reading intently. Frasier comes over with his coffee. Frasier: Hello Roz. [she doesn't respond] I said hello, Roz. Roz: [looks up] Oh, sorry. Frasier: Oh, don't be. I didn't mean to interrupt your reading. Roz: Actually, I'm doing a little research. I have a meeting with a publisher tomorrow. I'm thinking of writing my own children's book. Frasier: Really? Roz: Yeah, it's a story my mom made up for me when I was a little kid. I tell it to Alice all the time now, and I thought it would be such a kick if I could get it published. Frasier: Good for you, Roz! You know, I dabbled in juvenile fiction myself. Yes, Niles and I when we were boys wrote a series of stories together in which we were the heroes. Along the lines of a "Hardy Boys" or a "Nancy Drew"... Roz: "The Nancy Boys"? Frasier: No. It was called "The Crane Boys Mysteries." We were two plucky lads who used their keen psychological insights to solve crimes brought home by their detective father. Roz: How many of these did you write? Frasier: Thirty-four. Let's see, there was "The Mystery of the One-Eared Monkey", "On Your Mark, Get Set, Die!"... Niles walks in. Frasier: And there was the one where our father was kidnapped and the only clue was a dented Ballantine can. Niles: "The Suspicious Six Pack"! Frasier: Excellent! Niles, pull up a chair. Niles: All right, I will. I can't stay long, though. [to waitress] Latte, to go, please. [He sits.] I'm on the way to the spa to pick up Daphne. Roz: Oh, that reminds me. What time should I be at the apartment tonight? Niles SUMMARY:
Daphne is returning home from the weight spa after her recent struggles with weight. She reveals that her therapist, Gloria, informed her that her weight gain stemmed from her own insecurity about her relationship with Niles. Niles is hurt and defensive. The next day, Frasier visits Niles at his office to help sort matters out. He suggests to Niles that Gloria's advice might be sound, as Daphne has seven years of Niles' fantasy to live up to; Niles insists, however, that he has a realistic appraisal of Daphne and her virtues. Niles and Frasier revisit several previous episodes in flashback (later incarnations of the characters are edited into the original scenes with chroma key compositing ). It soon becomes clear that, contrary to his protests, Niles has placed Daphne on a pedestal and has formed an unrealistically idealized impression of her and her virtues. Niles is shaken. Frasier suggests that this is because Niles is afraid of embracing the real, flawed Daphne in case her flaws prove too much for the relationship to survive, thus resulting in Niles having spent the previous seven years pining for nothing more than a dream.
TEXT: Frontios by Christopher H. Bidmead Part Three 6:40pm - 7:05pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1, INT: MINES (Turlough is being looked after by Range. He is seated in the cave. He looks very dazed. Tegan is also there.) TEGAN: What happened? RANGE: I don't know. The Doctor's gone to investigate. TEGAN: You take care of him; the Doctor will probably need some help. RANGE: No! Wait! (Tegan doesn't stop though.) RANGE: What happened in there? Please tell me. Is my daughter safe? (But Turlough seems incapable of responding. He looks dazed.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2, INT: MINES (In a large cave, Norna is surrounded by a group of scaled, insect-like creatures - Tractators. They seem to be exerting some sort of force on her, holding her immobile. Elsewhere, the Doctor is watching.) DOCTOR: So they're Tractators. (Suddenly the Doctor spots Tegan across the other side of the cave.) DOCTOR: No Tegan! Get back! (He ducks behind a boulder, and Tegan stays out of view. One of the Tractators, bigger than the others and with a different face, turns around. The Doctor gradually puts his head up to see, but is immediately captured by the force emitted by the Tractator. It is seemingly a tractor beam of some sort and the Doctor is helplessly herded into the circle to join Norna. Tegan has been watching, and she moves behind the Tractators and throws her lamp on the ground, causing a big green flash. The Tractators scatter.) TEGAN: Are you alright? DOCTOR: Get her out of here. I'll hold them off. (Tegan and Norna start to leave.) TEGAN: But Doctor... DOCTOR: OUT! (He gives Tegan his lamp and they run off.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3, EXT: FRONTIOS (The Orderlies succeed in breaking down SUMMARY:
Turlough starts to regain ancestral memories of the Tractators, the Doctor having discovered the Tractators works to discover what their plan is.
TEXT: Scott: Where are we going? Stiles: You'll see. Scott: 'Cause we really shouldn't be out here. My mom is in a constant state of freak - out from what happened at the school. Stiles: Well, your mom isn't the sheriff, okay? There's no comparison, trust me. Scott: Can you at least just tell me what we're doing out here? Stiles: Yes. When your best friend gets dumped - Scott: I didn't get dumped. We're taking a break. Stiles: All right, well, when your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break - You get your best friend drunk. Stiles: Dude, you know, she's just one - one girl. You know, there are so many - there are so many other girls in the sea. Scott: Fish in the sea. Stiles: Fish? Why you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls. I love 'em. I love especially ones with strawberry blond hair, green eyes, 5'3" - Scott: Like Lydia? Stiles: Yeah, exactly. Hey, how did you know I was talking about - about - What was I talking about? Hey, you're not happy. Take a drink. Scott: I don't want any more. Stiles: You're not drunk? Scott: I'm not anything. Stiles: Hey, maybe it's like - maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore, you know. Maybe you can't get drunk as a wolf. Am I drunk? Scott: You're wasted. Stiles: Yeah! Come on, dude, I know it feels bad. I know it hurts. I know. Well, I don't know. But I know this. I know that as much as being broken up hurts, being alone is way worse. That didn't make any sense. I need a drink. Guy: Well, look at the two little bitches getting their drink on. Scott: Give it back. Guy One: What's that, little man? Guy Two: I think he SUMMARY:
As Scott's second full moon approaches, he gives in to his animal urges and hurts Stiles, but Stiles gets a measure of revenge in locking him up. Meanwhile, Jackson continues to try and get closer to Allison. The Argents learn that Scott somehow knew Derek.
TEXT: Prologue: In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer. Sunnydale Mall. The low camera angle shows the legs of the people walking past the shops on the ground floor. The camera pans up past a cowboy and his girlfriend to the second floor and over the railing where Buffy and her mother are walking along. Joyce has a shopping bag in each hand, and Buffy has on a small backpack. Buffy: Come on, Mom, please? Joyce: I'm sorry, honey. Buffy: Don't you understand how important this is? Joyce: It's an outfit. An outfit that you may never buy. Buffy: But I looked good in it. Joyce: You looked like a streetwalker. Buffy: But a thin streetwalker. (gets a look from her mom) That's probably not gonna be the winning argument, is it? Joyce: You're just too young to wear that. Buffy: Yeah, and I'm gonna be too young to wear it until I'm too old to wear it. Joyce: That's the idea. (stops and looks around) The stores are closing, and I still need to order the flyers for the opening. (considers, then puts both bags in one hand) Okay. I'll go to the printers and then get our food, (pulls out a slip of paper) you go to the tailor and pick up my outfit from Everyday Woman. (hands Buffy the slip of paper) Buffy: (looks at the paper) Everyday Woman? Joyce: Mm-hm. There's the receipt. Buffy: Why didn't you just go to Muu-Muus R Us? Joyce: Do now, make fun of your mother later. (walks off) Buffy reluctantly starts for the tailors. Cut to the escalators. Buffy gets on to go to the ground floor. She looks around idly as she descends. She sees the cowboy and his girlfriend come up the other escalator. She keeps looking around, and then notices that the cowboy's reflection is missing from the mirrors that SUMMARY:
For Health class, students unknowingly adopt "eggs" of a Bezoar demon growing under the school. Its arachnoid "babies" are able to directly control a person's central nervous system. Dealing with a pair of outlaw vampire brothers in addition to slaying the enormous Bezoar before its progeny take over Sunnydale, Buffy gets ultra-grounded for her trouble.
TEXT: FLASH OPEN: [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT] [INT. CSI - HALLWAY / DNA LAB -- NIGHT] (The camera follows Catherine down the hallway toward the DNA lab. Catherine steps into the lab. Mia Dickerson, working at the table, looks up.) Catherine: Hi. Mia Dickerson: Hey. (Catherine takes the two swab boxes out of the plastic bag and holds them out for Mia.) Catherine: Husband and wife got into it. Mia Dickerson: Hmm. (Mia takes the swabs from Catherine.) Mia Dickerson: Hmm. What set them off? Catherine: She caught him with a hooker in their bed. She cut him. He killed her. Mia Dickerson: What about the hooker? Catherine: She grabbed his wallet and took off. I caught the guy just sitting on a curb. I swabbed his hands for blood spatter. Mia Dickerson: I am super backed up. Can this wait till tomorrow? Catherine: (shrugs) He's not going anywhere. Thanks, Mia. (Catherine turns, walks out of the lab and into the hallway.) (She sees Warrick and Nick turn the corner talking with each other.) Nick: Yeah... (She joins them, putting an arm around each of them.) Catherine: Oh, hey, guys. I could really use a drink. You want to join me? I'm buying. Warrick: I'd love a drink, but we made plans, though. Catherine: You did? Warrick: Tomorrow. Nick: Rain check. Catherine: All right. Nick: Rain check. (Nick and Warrick both continue down the hallway, leaving Catherine alone.) Catherine: (sighs) Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. HIGHBALL - FRONT - NIGHT] (A group of women walk toward the entrance as a taxi drives away.) [INT. HIGHBALL -- NIGHT] (Catherine sits at the bar talking with Adam Novak.) Adam Novak: No way you were never SUMMARY:
After an exhaustive day, Catherine stops by a bar where she is chatted up by another customer (played by Marg Helgenberger's real-life husband Alan Rosenberg). As she is leaving, he gives her his number on the bar's match box and lashes out when she doesn't want to kiss him. Later on that night, Grissom calls her in for a favor, as he is short on staff. A woman has been murdered and prior to her death, she was seen with the same man who was hitting on Catherine in the same bar. A similar match box with a phone number inside, found on the victim, further points to this man as the main suspect.
TEXT: Oscar: Yesterday, Angela may or may not have figured out that I'm having an affair with her husband. So I just have to wait and see. When she comes in, if she's cold and awkward and cruel to me, then great, it's business as usual. [SCENE_BREAK] Oscar: Good morning. [clears throat] Angela: Oscar... [sighs] can I ask you a question? Oscar: [whispering] Of course, ask me a que-- questions. Angela: Is it cool in here to you? Oscar: [hoarsely] Yes, a little bit. [normal voice] Yes. Angela: I think the thermostat is acting up again. Oscar: It's the stupid thermostat! That thing is a catastrophe. So I'm gonna, um, on your suggestion, get someone to fix it. I'll just go downstairs. Angela: Thank you. Oscar: No, thank you, Angela. [SCENE_BREAK] Oscar: She doesn't know. I shouldn't be surprised. This is a woman who married a man who is obviously a homosexual. Basically, she has her head in the sand. In a way I feel sorry for her. I guess the universe rewards true love. [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: Well, well, well, it's finally happened. Pam has ceased caring. Pam: These are my painting clothes.I think I'm gonna do it. I am really gonna start painting the warehouse mural today. [Jim applauds] Meredith: Sure you don't want to put another coat of primer on that Pam?Queen of the primer, that one. Jim: You got this, Beesley. Actually, do you want me to come down and help you get started? Pam: Are you avoiding your phone call? Jim: What? Yeah, right. As if. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: Today I will be asking David Wallace if I can start working part-time, because the sports marketing company that I started really needs me to be there. Pam: Last week Jim wasn't there, and they named the company Athlead. Jim: I could have SUMMARY:
Angela goes to Dwight for help when she learns that her husband is having an affair with Oscar. Stanley Hudson ( Leslie David Baker ) and Phyllis Vance ( Phyllis Smith ) take advantage of Jim when he needs a favor, and Pete distracts Pam as she begins painting her mural.
TEXT: Act One. Scene One - Frasier's BMW Frasier and Martin are driving around Seattle. They are heading towards the Montana to pick Niles up for a night out. Martin: You know where we should go tonight? Frannie's Fish & Chips! Frasier: Dad, we're taking Niles out to boost his spirits, not his cholesterol! Martin: Oh please, that French food that you guys eat is full of butter and cheese. Frasier: Yes, but at least it's not made by a woman working a deep fryer in a batter-dipped brassiere. They stop at a light. A red hatchback pulls up alongside them. Niles is the driver. Martin notices him. Martin: Hey, isn't that Niles? Frasier: Where? Martin: Driving that old hatchback. Frasier: Nah, Niles would never be seen in anything called a hatchback. But it does look a lot like him. Frasier honks his horn. Niles looks, sees them - and drives off at full speed. Frasier: Oh my God, he's running away! Martin: Well, catch him, Mr. 12-cylinder German engineering! Frasier and Martin chase Niles across Seattle. On his car phone, Frasier dials in Niles's cell phone number. Ahead of them, Niles answers: Niles: Hello? Frasier: Niles, what the hell are you doing? Niles: Well, I'm just pulling into my parking garage. You on your way? Behind him, Frasier and Martin gape at each other. Frasier: What are you talking about?! You're driving up 2nd Avenue! Martin: You're in that little red thing. Niles: No I'm not, you must be mistaking me for someone else. See you when you get here. [hangs up] Frasier and Martin cannot believe his lies. Martin: He's getting away. He just took a right at the corner. Frasier takes a right and rings Niles again. Niles: Hello? Frasier: Niles! What are you running away from us for? I can see that it's you! Ni SUMMARY:
Niles has been forced by his ongoing divorce from Maris to buy a cheaper car, as his Mercedes has been repossessed. He realises that his apartment is too expensive, and moves out. He finds a new apartment at the Shangri-La , a cheap bachelor 's apartment complex that falls well below his high standards.
TEXT: Seth: (frowns) I don't believe it Ryan, Bright Eyes has two albums in the top ten Ryan: you ok with that Seth: yeah I jus feel like the rest of the worlds finally caught up to me (frowns) it's a little bit scary Ryan: yeah its alot scary Seth: (looks at Ryan, vulnerable) tell me I'm still special (Ryan continues making his breakfast. the phone rings and Seth answers it) Seth: hello (we see an older lady with her back to the camera, she turns around as she speaks and we can see that it's "The Nana" aka Sophie Cohen) Sophie: Setheleh (smiles) Seth: Nanaleh (smiles) how you feeling Sophie: oh if you were all that interested you would'a called me, an would it kill ya to cash that birthday cheque I sent ya (off screen) I'm finished sending ya things Seth: (listens) ok, I'm sorry, I forgot Sophie: make my life very difficult Seth: no I'm sure that twenty dollars outstanding has the bank jus goin crazy Sophie: yeah, smart ass, where's your father (we see Kirsten walk into the kitchen) Seth: (looks around) I don't know where- Kirsten: who is it Seth Seth: actually my mom jus (Sophie takes the phone away from her ear, and doesn't look keen) came in if you wanna talk to her (to Kirsten softly) it's The Nana (Kirsten looks at Seth and mouths "no" while shaking her finger. Seth looks at Kirsten as if to say 'what do you want me to do'. Sandy walks into the kitchen) Seth: (into the phone) hellooo my dad jus showed up, awkward family moment avoided for...everyone but me, love you Sophie: yeah, you could'a fooled me Seth: (whispers) its The Nana (hands Sandy the phone) Sandy: oh (into the phone, loudly) SUMMARY:
Sandy, Seth and Ryan travel to South Beach to visit the Nana, who is living in Miami Beach, FL. While playing shuffleboard at the Nana's coastal-living retirement community, Seth and Ryan meet Mary-Sue, who helps Seth get center stage on "Music Video Nation's" Spring Break 2005 television show hosted by Swerve and Pixie, star of "Sherman Oaks: The Real Valley." T.I. performs his hit single "Bring Em Out" in the episode. Meanwhile, on the Pacific Coast, Carter packs his bags and leaves Kirsten alone at "Newport Living" and Trey misinterprets Marissa's friendship.
TEXT: (Crows caw in the distance) TV infomercial: Oh, those unsightly rolls... Oh, that unattractive austere diet... Oh-ho-ho those stubborn thighs. Say goodbye to ugly fat! Say... Johnny: David? Can you come here please? (Slurping) TV infomercial:...Exercise miracle you've ever seen! David, can you come in here please?! David: What? Well, come in here and I'll tell you. David: Well, why don't you just tell me from there? Johnny: David... David: You could've already told me. I want to speak face to face. Motels this size we're basically always face to face. In the same room. David: Why are you yelling? I'm right here. I want you to move your clothes. David: I did. Johnny: Out of my closet. You've got t-shirts on hangers. I've nowhere to hang my clothes. Well, put them over the t-shirts then. Johnny: (Sighs) Moira... Moira: Alexis! No, no, it's David I want. I need to speak with our daughter. Johnny: Good luck. (Loud) Oh my God! Where did you hear that?! (Fast approaching footsteps) Alexis: Yeah? What is it? Moira: I need you to fill this out please. Alexis: Fill what out? Your community service papers. As our only delinquent, I hope it's not asking too much. I still have to do that? Generally, that's how it works, honey. When you break the law, you've gotta serve your sentence. Well, it was one DUI. Please, before I lose my mind. (Sighs) (Pages flap) I don't get it. It's all done. No, there's still a little bit that needs to be filled in. Um... all that's missing is my middle name. Then fill it in please. Do I have to do that? Why must you be so constantly irksome? Do you not know my middle name? Of course I do. I blessed you with it. Okay, SUMMARY:
Worried that they have been bad parents, Johnny and Moira try to get to know David and Alexis better; teamed with Mutt while performing community service as a result of a drunk-driving conviction, Alexis comes to believe that Mutt is having an affair with Jocelyn; with David in need of space in the motel, Stevie helps him try to sell his clothes.
TEXT: Lucas: (V.O.) Previously on "One Tree Hill..." Nathan: "Who would have known that Dan Scott's basketball pedigree would be inherited by his two sons, Nathan Scott and Lucas." Lucas: I can't stand being connected to Nathan or Dan. Whitey: This is all about you, Danny, until you acknowledge that Lucas is your son. Peyton: I finally saw you clearly for the first time last night, the way you treated me, the way you treated your brother. Nathan: Don't call him that. Peyton: I mean it. We're done. Haley: You still in denial? Nathan: About what? Haley: Missing her. Nathan: What, are you my tutor or my shrink? Lucas: You're just tutoring him? Haley: I am just tutoring him. Nathan? God! He got a good grade on a math quiz. It was nothing! Karen: Keith! Karen: I like who you are. And I do count on you. Keith: I love you. Lucas: Wow. You made me a mix? Peyton: Don't read too much into it. Brooke: I think Nathan likes Tutor Girl, but I think Tutor Girl likes Lucas. And I know I like Lucas, and I don't know who the hell you like anymore. OPENING CREDITS ROLL EXT. Tree Hill High School - Day Brooke and Peyton are walking down the stairs. Brooke: All I remember is you and me and Tutor Girl in my car, and then Lucas and Nathan, and then you said something about being into Lucas but it could have been Nathan, and I need to know. Peyton: Need? Brooke: Two of them, two of us, plenty of fine Scott boys to go around, and your courtesy hold on Lucas has expired. And you and Nathan were so... interesting together. Plus, we could still trade off once in a while... or twice. Win-win. They walk up to Lucas' table where he is listening to music and reading a book. He takes off his earphones and puts the book down when they walk up. Brooke: Hey, broody. Lucas: Hey, cheery. Peyton. Brooke: So, I'll see you SUMMARY:
The night of Dan and Deb's annual basketball appreciation party stirs up old wounds and new feelings. As Karen makes a new friend, Keith faces off with Dan once again and Lucas finally makes his move on Peyton. Meanwhile, Haley and Nathan grow closer until Brooke spreads a vicious rumor that leaves Haley devastated. This episode is named after a song by Radiohead .
TEXT: [Scene: Central Perk] Joey: (entering) Hey! I'm all packed and ready to go! Ross: Oh, that's right! (to Emma) Daddy and uncle Joey are going on a trip today. We're going to a conference in Barbados, right? Joey: Mmh-mmh. Ross: (to Emma) Can you say Barbados? Joey: Barbados! Ross: Ok, I gotta say. I mean, it means so much to me that you guys are coming all the way over there to hear me do my speech! UH! And I've a surprise, uh... I had to pull some strings but I was able to get everyone passes to the entire conference! That's right! (he gives them their passes) This babies will get you into all the paleontology lectures and seminars. Rachel: Do you have anything that would... get us out of them? Chandler: Yeah Ross, I mean... we're excited to hear the speech but the rest of the time we're gonna wanna do, you know, "island's stuff". Phoebe: I think David would probably wanna hear a few lectures. Ross: Oh, right, because he's a scientist! Phoebe: No, no, because, you know, he's been in Minsk for 8 years and if he gets too much direct sunlight, he'll die. Ross: Ok, we gotta go, yeah? So, we'll see you guys tomorrow. Joey: All right, let's do it! 5 hour flight with Charlie, have a couple of drinks, get under that blanket and do what comes naturally. Ross: It's a blanket Joe, not a cloak of invisibility! Opening credits [Scene: Paradise Hotel lounge in Barbados] Charlie: Wow! This place is beautiful! Ross: (very excited) Look at all these paleontologists!! Joey: I know, there are gonna be some pasty folks by the pool tomorrow! (A woman goes towards them) Woman: Oh my God, I can't believe you're here! Joey: (to Charlie) I think I've SUMMARY:
The gang goes to Barbados for Ross' conference. David ( Hank Azaria ), Phoebe's Scientist Guy, almost proposes to her - but her ex-boyfriend, Mike proposes first. Ross and Charlie find they have a lot in common. Rachel and Joey grow closer. Monica's hair reacts to the humidity. Joey and Charlie break up when he realizes they have little in common. He later sees Charlie and Ross kissing, and he kisses Rachel. Monica and Mike play ping-pong to both Chandler and Phoebe's displeasure.
TEXT: Ted (2030): Children, everybody has at least a moment to take a huge decision, a crazy decision that will change their lives forever. This is a story of mine. Ted is with his mother in the apartment. Ted (2030): It all started with a visit to my mother and her boyfriend for a long time, Clint, who always said things in the style... Clint: Ted, your mother is really a woman... really erotic boy. Ted: Please do not. Clint: As a painter, slash, composer, slash, voluntary combatant with fear. I find it incredibly... sensual. But you have s*x own memories of your mother, right? Ted: Please, stop. Clint: Exciting her nipple, receiving her milk. You follow me?Fine. Clint rises. Mother: I can not believe I'm with this man. Ted: Mom, mom, it's good. You're not obliged to ask you with him. There's full of guys... Mother: It's so cool! And he chooses! Ted: Yeah! Finally, I... I'm glad you're happy. Clint: Oh, well... because that was an ad to make you... Son. GENERIC The band is at McLaren's with the mother of Ted and Clint. Ted (2030): Yes, my mother was lapping. I married for the second time before I get married once. I was so happy for them.f*cking happy. While weddings can be magical. As far as I know, I'll end up dancing with my future wife in this marriage. Ted dancing with a woman of a certain age. Woman: And if you do not boil the jars of jam, it will be a haven for bacteria. Ted (2030): It was not her. Lily: Oh, congratulations! Marshall: We're so happy for you! Mother: I feel like my 19 years. It is as if the past 35 years had never happened. Ted: I love to listen to you, Mom. Clint: Son, to show you that your mother and I will always be there for you, I want you to have this beautiful picture I have painted SUMMARY:
When Ted attends his mother's wedding, he is extremely disturbed by her overly affectionate relationship with her fiancé, which forces him to think about his own life and make an impulsive decision.
TEXT: Skyline:An Elevator rises to the top of the Space Needle. ACT ONE Scene One - Café Nervosa FADE IN Niles and Martin are seated at a table. Frasier enters in his squash togs. Frasier: Oh, hello Dad, hi Niles. Martin: Hey, Fras. Frasier: [to the counter waiter] Uh, may I get my usual, please? [notices Niles's suit] Niles, we're playing squash in twenty minutes. Where are your togs? Niles: Oh, yes, I had to hide them in my briefcase. I told Daphne I was seeing patients all day. It was the only way I could get out of driving her to this flower show. It's two hours there and back. Frasier: I see. Well, we could have rescheduled. Did you really have to lie? Niles: Did I mention we'd be joined by Daphne's mother, who's suffering from some female complaint and can't get it through her head that I'm not a gynecologist? Frasier: Ah. Well, then you had to save yourself. The waiter brings their coffees. Niles: Thank you. So, please, don't tell anyone we're playing squash today. I can't have it getting back to Daphne. Frasier: Right. Roz enters. Roz: Hey, guys! [they all ad-lib hellos] I'm so glad you're here, you can meet my new boyfriend. He's the hottest guy I've dated since... Niles: Frasier... He has noticed a man in a topcoat getting his coffee at the counter. Frasier turns to look and also becomes excited. Roz: Okay, the hottest guy since... [cracking up] Frasier. [laughs] Niles: That's Alistair Burke! Frasier: I know! Martin: Who's Alistair Burke? Frasier: He is only the head of the Seattle Opera Guild, and one of the finest directors in the world. Niles: His productions are brilliant. He SUMMARY:
Frasier thinks that Roz's new boyfriend is gay. He follows him into a gay bar, which makes everyone think that Frasier is gay. Alistair Burke, a high-profile gay opera director ( Patrick Stewart ) then becomes interested in Frasier, who may be too enamored with the perks of a power-couple relationship to set Alistair straight.
TEXT: "Elements of Harmony: See 'Mare in the Moon'?" But that's just an old ponies' tale. Twilight: "...She will bring about nighttime eternal!" It's imperative that the princess is told right away. (Spike burps) Twilight: I knew she would want to take immediate action. Spike: (reading) "My dear Twilight, there's more to a young pony's life than studying. Make some friends." (Pinkie Pie gasps) Twilight: All the ponies in this town are CRAZY! I hope the princess was right... Rarity: She's GONE! Twilight: Oh no...Nightmare Moon! (evil laughter, peals of thunder) (theme song begins) My Little Pony, My Little Pony, ah, ah, ah, ah, (My Little Pony) Twilight: I used to wonder what friendship could be (My Little Pony) Until you all shared its magic with me Rainbow Dash: Big adventure Pinkie Pie: Tons of fun Rarity: A beautiful heart Applejack: Faithful and strong Fluttershy: Sharing kindness Twilight: It's an easy feat All: And magic makes it all complete, yeah (My Little Pony) Do you know, you're all my very best friends (evil laughter, peals of thunder) Seize her! Only she knows where the princess is! Stand back, you foals! (evil laughter, peals of thunder) Rainbow Dash: Come back here! Nighttime? Forever? (Spike groans sleepily) We gotta stop Nightmare! You've been up all night, Spike. You are a BABY dragon, after all. (crash) Twilight: Elements, Elements, Elements...Ugh! How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?! And just what ARE the Elements of Harmony? And how did YOU know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy?! Rainbow Dash: Whoa! Applejack: Simmer down, Sally. She ain't no spy. But she sure knows SUMMARY:
After Nightmare Moon decrees eternal night, Twilight and her new friends venture deep into the Everfree Forest to find the Elements of Harmony, a set of artifacts used to defeat Nightmare Moon in the past. Nightmare Moon creates obstacles to stop the six ponies, but each of Twilight's friends helps the group overcome them using her own strengths. Once they find the Elements, Nightmare Moon appears and shatters them. Twilight realizes that she and her new friends embody the six Elements - Honesty (Applejack), Kindness (Fluttershy), Laughter (Pinkie Pie), Generosity (Rarity), Loyalty (Rainbow Dash) and Magic (herself) - and the six wield them to defeat Nightmare Moon, returning her to her original form as Princess Celestia's younger sister, Princess Luna. Princess Celestia returns, forgives Luna and allows Twilight to stay in Ponyville in order to continue studying the magic of friendship.
TEXT: TEASER (Open: Daytime. Taylor National Park. A couple - TRACEY and MICHAEL are pushing through the trees.) TRACEY: We're lost. We're totally lost. MICHAEL: We're fine, Tracey. TRACEY: I told you hiking was crazy. We should have just bought plaid shirts and gone to a resort. MICHAEL: We'll hit the trail as long as we keep heading west and we're heading west. (They stop.) TRACEY: You don't know that Michael. MICHAEL: Tracey that's the sun so that's south and that's west. TRACEY: That's what you say. MICHAEL: Its not my opinion. It has to do with the position of the sun. TRACEY: Oh please this whole direction thing is totally arbitrary. We're lost and we're gonna to die out here. (She is growing hysterical.) And they're gonna find our bones one day and I hate you. MICHAEL: Yeah you know what, just follow me or they will find your bones because I'll kill you. Now come on. (He marches off.) (He stops and sighs. It has started to rain.) MICHAEL: Great! (Thunder rumbles.) TRACEY: God. Its starting to rain. MICHAEL: Look there's a cave over there. TRACEY: A cave? MICHAEL: Look if you don't like it then stay out here. (Heads for the cave.) TRACEY: Well don't leave me all alone. (follows after him, they both stop in the mouth of the cave and stare inside) Oh we are so totally gonna die. b*st*rd. MICHAEL: We are not gonna die. (Gets out flashlight) TRACEY: Says you. (Flashlight ghosts over the walls, there's one corpse, then another.) MICHAEL: Oh my God, we're totally gonna die. (He runs away, she screams rooted to the spot then runs after him) (C SUMMARY:
When the remains of a couple are discovered in a cave at National Park, the team must piece together the identity of the man and the woman as well as solve the crime. After interrogating two viable suspects, the team identifies the woman as a marketing executive who also served as her partner's AA sponsor, providing clues that lead them to expose the truth. Meanwhile, Booth's girlfriend and Afghanistan war correspondent, Hannah Burley, makes a surprise visit. After meeting Burley and sensing the couple's genuine happiness, Brennan re-evaluates her own relationship with Booth, and he tries to teach her that love is not always logical.
TEXT: Act One. SHHH! THEY'RE HERE Scene One - The Frasier Crane Show. Frasier is at his console; Roz is in her booth. Frasier: In the greater Seattle area, the number is 555-KACL. We've got a number of lines open, so please give us a call. [to Roz] Now who's up next, Roz? Roz: We have Pam on line four. She's having a problem with her family. Frasier: [presses a button] Hello, Pam. This is Dr Frasier Crane; I'm listening. Pam: [v.o.] Hi. It's my in-laws. It's just that, well... they drop over all the time without calling first, and they expect us to stop what we're doing and entertain them. Frasier: Well, they're your husband's parents - what does he suggest? Pam: [v.o.] The other day, he had us drop to the floor and stay quiet until they drove away. Frasier: A creative approach, but hardly a long-term solution. Pam: [v.o.] Well I, I thought about saying something, but I'm afraid I'll hurt their feelings. Frasier: Well, then you have a choice. Either you risk hurting their feelings, or you spend the rest of your life diving for cover whenever they happen to drop on by... The sound of a doorbell is heard. Pam: [v.o.; whispering] Shhh! They're here! Frasier: Who... your in-laws? Pam: [v.o.] Shh! Yes. Frasier: [whispering] Well then, why don't you just take this opportunity to... [stops whispering] Oh, for pete's sake! Why don't you just tell them how you feel? Pam: [v.o.; whispering] Okay! Okay, I will next time, I promise! Thanks, Dr. Crane. Pam hangs up. Roz signals to Frasier. Frasier: Yes... ah, well, as, er, [presses SUMMARY:
Frasier and his brother, Niles, decide to treat Martin to a meal at fancy restaurant Le Cigare Volant in an attempt to improve his sense of style. Meanwhile, Niles meets Daphne for the first time and is instantly smitten, despite already being married.
TEXT: Washington - exterior - A blue van drives by. Cut inside. Davenport lies inside - his nose is still broken from being hit by Jack, he's in hospital clothes and is wearing an oxygen mask. Two armed and fully-armored men sit in the back of the van with him. Davenport lowers his oxygen mask to speak. DAVENPORT: What's gonna happen with my family? GUARD: My orders are to deliver you to the airfield. I have no information beyond that. DAVENPORT: Could you find out? A car horn goes off. Guard 1 gets up to see what is going on. DAVENPORT: What's happening? Why did we stop? Guard looks out the front and sees that the traffic lights are green but the flatbed truck in front of them hasn't started moving yet. The truck in front responds to the horn from before and starts to move. GUARD: It's all right. We're on our way. Cut outside. Another truck crashes into Davenport's van at full speed then hurries away. The van turns on its side upon impact. DAVENPORT: They're here! God, they're here! One of Davenport's guards go outside to investigate with an "I'll go on" only to get shot down. Davenport screams. The other guard makes a distress call. GUARD: This is foxtrot. We're under attack! The remaining guard is killed as someone shoots at the van. Davenport gets up, slowly limping out the van. DAVENPORT: All right! Don't shoot! I'm coming out! [raises his hands] Don't sh-- Davenport gets shot in the leg, yelling as he falls down. DAVENPORT: Oh, god. [groans] An armed woman approaches Davenport as continues groaning in pain. He looks even more frightened when he recognises the woman. It's Irina. And she's not happy. DAVENPORT: Irina. IRINA: You've compromised our agenda, Jeffrey. DAVENPORT: No SUMMARY:
Davenport's ambulance is ambushed by mercenaries and Davenport himself is killed by none other than Irina Derevko. Because of the possibility of moles within APO, CIA Director Devlin shuts it down. Jack remains determined to continue investigating Prophet Five and Sydney reveals to Jack "Leo-47 Norte" as the code that Prophet Five wanted to know of when they captured her. It turns out to be an old SD-6 mission that took place in France. Irina meets with Sydney and reveals her own knowledge of Prophet Five; the group captured Sydney thinking she knew something about "The Horizon". After Jack has Marshall hack into CIA archives for more information, Dixon and Renée Rienne force Jean Bertrand to reveal more about "The Horizon", which is stored in a safety deposit box in a Vancouver bank. Jack, Irina, and Sydney infiltrate the bank and retrieve "The Horizon". However, Irina has leaked the information to Peyton, who arrives in the building with her men and kills the guards. Irina attacks Jack, who has "The Horizon" and Sydney realizes Irina arranged her kidnapping. When Irina insists that Peyton will kill her too, Jack responds by saying he will kill Irina first. After Jack incapacitates Peyton, Sydney goes into labor. Jack and Irina help Sydney give birth to a girl, after which Irina escapes with "The Horizon." Meanwhile, in Bhutan, a monk receives a message from a horseman and shares the news of Sydney's infant daughter with Michael Vaughn.
TEXT: THE EVIL OF THE DALEKS First broadcast: 3rd June 1967 Repeat broadcast: 22nd June, 1968 Running Time: 26:50 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. LABORATORY (The RED DALEK has arrived via the time cabinet and awaits a report from another DALEK.) GREY DALEK: The humans have been told to begin the test. RED DALEK: Any delay will result in death. GREY DALEK: There will be no delay! [SCENE_BREAK] 2. SITTING ROOM (Having awakened MOLLIE, WATERFIELD and the DOCTOR now ponder how to complete the task expected of them without JAMIE.) WATERFIELD: Mollie, Mollie. Mr. McCrimmon has been kidnapped! It means the end of us unless we can find him quickly. (Hoping that he can offer some solution to their dilemma, WATERFIELD looks down at the DOCTOR to find him carefully examining dirt in the carpet. The DOCTOR stands up, clutching something he has found.) DOCTOR: Straw. WATERFIELD: I beg your pardon? DOCTOR: A piece of straw. [SCENE_BREAK] 3. INTERIOR STABLES (JAMIE wakes to find himself in what he assumes to be MAXTIBLE's stables. Still fuzzy, he can only partially make out the unkempt thug that he assumes is to blame for his present state. The scoundrel sits on an upturned bucket nearby, and hurls insults in JAMIE's direction.) TOBY: Had a cosy little sleep, young swell? (He pokes JAMIE hard, causing JAMIE to try to punch him. The Scot misses by a considerable distance. TOBY laughs.) TOBY: Lively, is it? Maybe you'd like to sleep again? I've got Mr. Nod here. (He hefts the heavy cudgel used to knock out JAMIE earlier.) TOBY: He'll have SUMMARY:
As part of the Daleks' experiment, the Doctor manipulates Jamie into attempting to rescue Victoria.
TEXT: The Dominators By Norman Ashby 5:15pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1, EXT: RUINED HOUSE (From outside explosions are still ripping through the concrete façade of the museum, as the building finally succumbs to gravity, rumbling down in clouds of smoke.) TOBA: Stop. QUARK: WORK COMPLETED. (Toba smiles at the destruction he has caused.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2, INT: SAUCER QUARK: ON THE ORDERS OF DOMINATOR TOBA THE BUILDING WAS DESTROYED, ALSO THE MAN CULLY. DOCTOR: But Jamie was in that building! (Rago advances menacingly upon the Doctor who shuts up. The large frame of the Dominator wheels around and addresses Toba.) RAGO: Silence! You deliberately disobeyed my order? TOBA: My life was threatened and a Quark destroyed. RAGO: Yes, because of your own actions! TOBA: Are you suggesting I should have let him escape? RAGO: And where would he have gone? We are on an island Toba, these creatures cannot escape. (He glares evilly.) RAGO: Now listen to me carefully, and this time you will obey my instructions. Send these creatures back to the central bore position, I want it cleared ready for drilling. TOBA: But the Quarks will do it more quickly! RAGO: We must conserve their energy for drilling purposes, you know the power levels are low! TOBA: Command accepted. Quark, bring these creatures. (A nearby Quark bibbles and Rago ascends the dais. Toba and his group move towards the exit.) RAGO: Leave the inferior types. (A Quark blocks the Doctor and Zoe's path.) RAGO: Toba! TOBA: Yes Navigator Rago? RAGO: I have not yet dismissed you. TOBA: But the creatures! (Rago steps down from the dais.) RAGO: Quarks, take these specimens back to the drilling site, await the arrival of Dominator SUMMARY:
The Doctor and Zoe are interrogated by Rago, who is planning to present his terms to the Dulcian council, while Jamie and Cully try to find a way to strike back against the Quarks.
TEXT: At the Fangtasia. Eric has killed the man. (See the 201). Eric: Die...If you have any silver on you, now would be the time to reveal it. : No way. I ain't that stupid. Eric: Yes, you are. Is there blood in my hair? : What? Eric: Is there blood in my hair? : I don't know, I can't see in this light. Eric: How about now? : Yeah, there's a little bit of blood there. Eric: This is bad. Pam is gonna kill me. : Who the f*ck is Pam? Eric: Why, do you wanna meet her? : No. No. I'm good. Eric: You're going to. : Where are you taking me? Eric: To find out what you know. I wouldn't try anything rash if I were you. I'm still hungry. Credits. Bill's room. Sookie: Another first. Bill: How do you mean? Sookie: We've never had make-up s*x before. Bill: How does it compare to "You thought I was dead" s*x? Sookie: That was pretty great too, but I wouldn't want to go through that again. I hate the feeling I can lost you. Bill: And yet you like fighting with me. Sookie: I don't like it. It's just... Bill: Let's not get too used to it then. We don't want to be one of those couples. Sookie: Yeah, right. Holy! I am so embarrassed I could die. Bill: What is it? Sookie: Jessica, I completely forgot she was here.Think she heard us? Bill: No. If she had, she'd have no compunction about letting us know it. Sookie: You know, you might want to try going a little easier on her. It's hard enough being a teenage girl without... Bill: She is a vampire, Sookie. Sookie: So are you. And yet parts of your former self are still in there, right? I wouldn't be with you if they weren't. Bill: But I've had to work extremely hard at SUMMARY:
After making up with Bill, Sookie suggests that he take it a little easier on Jessica as she is just a teenager. Bill tries to convince Sookie that a vampire as new as she is not capable of controlling her impulses and that she could be dangerous. En route to the Light of Day Leadership conference, Jason becomes fast friends with an anti-vampire zealot named Luke. However, after Jason makes a good impression on Steve Newlin, and Sarah Newlin in particular, Luke's good-natured friendship turns to bitter jealousy, and he tells Jason that he doesn't belong there. Eric approaches Bill and demands that he and Sookie help in finding a vampire sheriff named Godric , who has gone missing in Dallas. Meanwhile, Tara finds out more about Eggs' past as a criminal, and he makes it clear that he is interested in her. After a failed attempt to escape from the basement of Fangtasia, Lafayette is shot. He asks Eric, Pam and Chow to turn him into a vampire rather than kill him. Fangs bared, they ferociously bite him. Jessica realizes she misses her family after seeing her parents, who think she has just gone missing, on TV. She asks Sookie to take her to see her family and Sookie agrees, on the condition that Jessica stay in the car. Although she agrees, when they arrive at the house, Jessica cannot resist meeting with her old family. When her father comes home, he angrily accuses her of putting the family through hell. Even though Sookie tries to stop her, Jessica attacks her father and threatens to kill him for all the times he beat her. However, Bill shows up and glamors his way into the house just in time. The episode ends on an ominous note, with Bill throwing Sookie out of the house barking at her that he has to "clean up her mess".
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Brooke is attacked in her store, she confides to Deb. Brooke: Were you robbed? Last night. You can't tell anyone, okay? Deb, you own a gun, right? I want you to teach me how to use it. A girl tries to steal clothes at Brooke's store. Brooke: Shoplift much? Samantha: I don't know what you're talking about. What are you doing?! Get off me, bitch! Dan is kidnapped by Carrie. He tries to escape. Carrie: I am going to do the world a favor and l'll kill you, but first, I'm gonna get Jamie back. And you're gonna help me. Carrie: Where do you think you're going? Nathan wonders about the person who dates with her mother, Skills is in a bad posture. Nathan: Apparently, my mom's dating some freak she met online. I'm gonna find out who this jerk is. And when I do, it's gonna get ugly. Jamie wants to made a cape for his friend Quentin, who gave him a present. Quentin: I used to put all my little treasures in here. Now you can, too. Jamie: Can you help me make a cape? Quentin really likes mine. I thought maybe we could make one for him, too. Q is murdered by a man at the service station. Man: Have a nice night. Somebody calls Lucas in the middle of the night to announce the bad news to him. Lucas: Oh, my god. Peyton: Lucas, what is it? Lucas: Quentin Fields was shot tonight. He's dead. Beginning of the episode Lucas'house (night) Samantha's voiceover: "Quentin Fields was a basketball player. He was also a son, a brother, somebody's teammate, somebody's friend. I didn't know Quentin fields. I guess now I never will." Skills knocks on the door from Lucas, this one opens to him and invites him to enter. Skills: Hey, did anybody call you? Lucas: Yeah. Skills (devastated) SUMMARY:
Everyone is shocked about Quentin's unexpected death. Haley and Nathan must find the words to help Jamie understand. Brooke continues to hide the truth of her attack which strains her friendship with Peyton and Lucas and Skills meet Quentin's grief-stricken family. Dan finds a mysterious grave while unsuccessfully trying to run away from Carrie's house. This episode is named after Sam Duckworth and his band, Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly .
TEXT: 111 - The Labyrinth of Gredef "In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. His name: Merlin." Forest Arthur's hunting party in the woods, armed with crossbows. Arthur sends two of his knights around another way. ARTHUR (whisper): Merlin. MERLIN: What is it? ARTHUR: I don't know. We'll surround it. I want you to go in there and flush it out. MERLIN: You want me to go in there? You just said you don't know what it is. It could be dangerous. ARTHUR: Let's hope so. Now go. Merlin sneaks through the woods and picks up a large stick. Merlin sees a unicorn and drops the stick. Merlin walks up to it and hears the hunters coming. MERLIN: Go. Go! Please, go. Shh. They're gonna kill you. Please, go! Arthur, no! Arthur shoots the unicorn. Merlin goes to it cries as he strokes its head while it dies. MERLIN: I'm sorry. Sorry. ARTHUR: Ha-ha! A unicorn! MERLIN: What have you done? ARTHUR: Don't be such a girl, Merlin. Merlin sees a white cloaked man, Anhora, behind Arthur in the woods. ARTHUR: What are you looking at? Arthur and the other two knights turn around, but the man is gone. Castle - Council Chamber Of Doom Arthur and his knights enter; Merlin carries the unicorn's horn on a pillow. ARTHUR: Father! A unicorn's horn to grace the walls of Camelot. UTHER: Magnificent. It's the first one I've seen. Uther takes the horn. UTHER: Gaius, look at this. GAIUS: It is very impressive, My Lord. UTHER: What is it, Gaius? Speak your mind. GAIUS: Unicorns are rare and mystical creatures. There is a legend that says that SUMMARY:
Despite Merlin's protests, Arthur kills a unicorn while out hunting and presents Uther with its horn. Father and son ignore Gaius's warning that it is bad luck to kill a unicorn, and soon the crops wither and the well water turns to sand. The mystic Anhora, guardian of the unicorns, arrives in Camelot to tell Arthur that his stupidity has cursed the land and that he alone can lift that curse. He faces a number of tests, first in Camelot and then in the Labyrinth of Gedref. Merlin follows him despite being told to stay behind. In the end, Arthur saves the day with a demonstration of selflessness, ultimately restoring the welfare of Camelot and the unicorn itself.
TEXT: Scene opens to a nighttime shot of a car parked under a big tree in the middle of a Park. Two teens are making-out in the backseat. The boy wants to take it further than the girl is willing. GIRL: Jimmy. Jimmy, ugh. Stop! I said no! (pushes him away) JIMMY: God, hey! I sat my sorry ass on a [torment??] bus for three hours to hook-up with you. GIRL: If you only came to "hook-up", then you should have stayed in Charlottesville. JIMMY: Oh, come on. You know I love you. (tries to kiss her again) Come here, come on... GIRL: (holding him back) Jimmy. (he persists, she struggles to push him away) Stop it or I'll scream! While the girl keeps trying to make Jimmy stop, he isn't listening. Then, at the moment she threatens to scream, a pair of legs punch through the roof of the car and splatter the teens in blood. The girl makes good on her promise to scream - quite nicely, in fact. The camera then pans back from the car and we see that the body is a paratrooper, stuck halfway through the car's roof with his torso sticking out. The girl continues to scream. *INTRO CREDITS* Gibbs is in his basement working on his boat. The television plays a football game in the background. Tony appears at the top of the stairs. TONY: Don't you lock the door? GIBBS: Nope. TONY (walking down stairs): We got a call. Quantico. Marine got killed in an exercise. GIBBS: How? TONY: Night training jump. Guy's chute didn't open. (examines wooden frame which is obviously a boat) Is this a boat? Gibbs gives him a look, as if to say "what kind of stupid question is that?" then with a shake of the head, goes back to sanding his boat. GIBBS: His reserve chute failed to open? SUMMARY:
A Marine (Brian Patrick Wade) dies during a night-time training jump. The culprit seems to be a faulty parachute, but standard investigation reveals that the death might not have been an accident after all. Gibbs begins to believe that the supposed accident which resulted in the Marine's death might actually be murder after all and he and Tony, along with new recruit Kate Todd, set out to find out who tampered with the dead Marine's faulty parachute and eventually sent him to his death. This is the first crossover with JAG in this series, with the appearance of Lt. Bud Roberts Jr. (Patrick Labyorteaux).
TEXT: [Scene: Joey's Bedroom. Joey and Pacey are there doing some homework. Pacey is sitting in a chair and Joey is at her desk. ] Pacey: I'm bored. Joey: Good. Pacey: Good? Mm-mmm. I thought you were supposed to be concerned about me in light of the recent tragedy I've suffered. Joey: Pacey, it's precisely because of the recent tragedy you suffered that you could use a little boredom. Now keep reading. Pacey: I'm serious here, Jo. What's the point of reading a book about the future when the future in the book is already the past? Joey: Everybody's future eventually becomes the past, Pacey. Pacey: Yeah, but 1984? Big whoop. It happened. It's over. It was no big deal. Joey: And how would you know? You were in diapers at the time. Pacey: Vh1 behind the music, thank you very much. The point is, these people in the fifties, they spend their whole lives worrying about what the future's gonna be like, and when it gets here, turns out it's ok. Except for that whole boy George thing, but who could have predicted that, huh? What's this stuff? Joey: Oh, nothing. It's just junk mail. Pacey: Junk mail? Joey: It's just college mail that came over the summer. Pacey: You get junk mail from Princeton university? Joey: It doesn't mean anything. It comes from everywhere. I mean, like for instance, like I'm gonna go to St. Olaf college? Or, uh, university of Hawaii. Or, uh, Valparaiso university. Where is that? It's like in brazil or something. Pacey: But you are gonna go somewhere? Joey: Well, not right this second. I mean, it's early yet anyway, I mean, you know, maybe I'll just... Maybe I'll just go to one of those fictional colleges. You know, like on those lame high school TV shows that go on for way SUMMARY:
Everybody starts to think about their future, and their higher education options. Joey is concerned about Pacey not having grades good enough to get into college and gets drunk to forget her worries. Drue makes everybody think it is Jen's birthday so he can have a party to get to know more people. Andie takes over Jack's applications and drives him crazy with her obsessive behavior. Gretchen applies for a job as bartender at the Leery's restaurant and appears reluctant to admit her reason for not going back to college.
TEXT: OPEN IN LORELAI'S KITCHEN [Lorelai sleepily walks in and discovers Luke busily cooking at her stove.] LUKE: Hey, you're up. LORELAI: Hey, you're cooking. LUKE: Yep, making the works. Even threw a couple blintzes in there to confuse you. LORELAI: Wow. Where did all this come from? LUKE: What? LORELAI: The food, the pans, the bowls, the spatula. LUKE: Food's from Doose's, pans and bowls, you had, and the spatula's mine. LORELAI: You travel with a spatula? [pulls coffee mug out of nearby cabinet] LUKE: Sometimes. LORELAI: You've actually found yourself in scraping and flipping situations without the trusty spatula before? LUKE: [Unfazed, he continues stirring food in the pan.] Your coffee should be ready in a minute. LORELAI: [too bright smile] Smells good. Hey, Luke? LUKE: Yep? LORELAI: You cooking this is so sweet -. LUKE: [steels himself and rolls his eyes] But? LORELAI: I just figured, you know, we'd go to Luke's for breakfast. LUKE: Why? LORELAI: Because I like Luke's breakfast. LUKE: I am Luke. LORELAI: I know LUKE: This is the same stuff I make at the diner. LORELAI: I know. LUKE: So what's the difference? LORELAI: Well, the difference is, while you are Luke, we're not at Luke's. LUKE: So? LORELAI: Well, I have my things, you know? I have certain things. And one of my things is going to Luke's. And just because I now have "Dating Luke" doesn't mean I want to lose my "Cooking Luke." LUKE: But I am cooking, and SUMMARY:
Lorelai confesses that part of the charm of breakfast by Luke is breakfast at Luke's; Rory is less than thrilled to discover that the common room in her suite has been overtaken by a huge antique printing press Paris inherited from Asher; Lorelai and Sookie head up Jackson's campaign committee when he decides to run against Taylor for town selectman to put an end to the grocer's petty tyranny over Stars Hollow, but Lorelai has second thoughts when she sees how Jackson's projected landslide victory is affecting Taylor; Rory and Dean have difficulty finding a comfortable place to be alone, compounded by Dean's having to share a car with Lindsay and his reluctance to make his relationship with Rory public; Lane confesses her true feelings to Zack; after all the votes have been counted, Jackson isn't quite certain he wants the job, and Taylor vows not to go away quietly.
TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Foyer. Prue is walking towards the front door. She opens it and Andy's there.] Prue: Andy, hi. Andy: I was no where near the neighbourhood, thought I'd stop by. Prue: Honest man, I like that. (She steps aside and Andy walks in. She closes the door.) So, um, I had a great time last night. Andy: Yeah, me too. But I forgot to give you something very important. (He gets a little square box out of his coat pocket.) Happy birthday. Prue: But it's not my birthday until next week. (She reaches for the box but he pulls it away.) Andy: Consider this a preview. (She grabs the box off of him and opens it up. She pulls out...) Prue: A key? Andy: To the Calistoga Spa. We leave Friday night after work. Don't worry, I got us adjoining rooms. Prue: Adjoining rooms? Andy: Well, I wouldn't want to assume something I'm not supposed to be assuming. Although, it has been over a month since we... then decided to take it slow, but no pressure. I just want to be with you, away, together. Think about it. Prue: Okay. (He leans over and kisses her.) Andy: Let me know. Bye. (He leaves.) Prue: Happy birthday to me. [Scene: Mark Chao's mother's place. Mark and his mother are standing outside. He is holding a balloon.] Mark: Give me a break, mum. Mrs. Chao: There are a lot of hungry spirits out there, Mark. Mark: You're like the Chinese Shirley Maclaine, you know that? Mrs. Chao: Better safe than sorry. Mark: I'll risk it. Mrs. Chao: You should have more respect for ghosts, Mark. If your grandmother were here-- Mark: She'd warn me about all the evil spirits walking the streets in Chinatown, I know, I know. (Mrs. Chao takes an amulet off a hook next to the door.) Mrs. Chao: SUMMARY:
Piper encounters and eventually develops romantic feelings for the amiable ghost of a recently murdered Chinese-American man named Mark Chao ( John Cho ), who needs her help to be properly buried before an ancient Chinese spirit, Yama, can harvest his soul, and to settle the score with the Chinese gangster who had killed Mark in order to fake his own death to evade the police. Phoebe takes a job as a hotel psychic to pay for Prue's birthday present, and when foreseeing the death of a hotel guest, she has to try to keep him from being hit by a car. In the end, Piper exposes the criminal who is killed by Andy in self-defense. The being Yama appears and Mark throws the criminal's soul to him, sending him to Hell. Piper is able to convince Yama to leave Mark alone and after his burial, he moves on after saying a tearful goodbye. The encounter with Mark causes Prue to change her mind about celebrating her birthday and her sisters throw her a surprise party back at the Manor.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Merlin: Don't do it, Emma. Young Emma: How do you know my name? Merlin: I know many things. And I'm here to tell you, leave the sword alone. Squire: I would do anything for my kingdom. King Arthur: Which is why I need you to drink this. Your death will be the cornerstone of a great new kingdom. Mary Margaret: We can't trust Arthur. King Arthur: Pity your husband didn't listen when you tried to warn him. Mary Margaret: Turns out David was right. We can trust Arthur. Mr. Gold: You could just set me free. Emma: The only one who can get me that sword is you. Mr. Gold: I-I can't. [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: Camelot. Many years ago. [SCENE_BREAK] ( Wind whistling ) ( Whooshes ) Merlin: Dark One? Dark One! ( Whooshes ) Merlin: Enough! I command you to stop! You destroyed her. The only woman I ever loved. And now... I will destroy you. ( Merlin pauses, unable to plunge the knife into the Dark One. The Dark One uses magic to force Merlin to the ground. ) Merlin: My god. ( Sobs ) I miss her. ( Breathing heavily ) ( The Dark One captures Merlin's tear on the dagger. Merlin turns into a tree. ) ( Crackling ) ( Birds chirping ) [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: Camelot. Six weeks ago. Merlin's tree. [SCENE_BREAK] ( Emma is looking at Merlin's memories with a dream catcher. ) [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: Camelot. Six weeks ago. Regina's room. [SCENE_BREAK] Regina: ( Sighs ) You really think giving the dagger to Arthur is the best way to help Emma? Mary Margaret: We trust him. David: Implicitly. Regina: Did you learn those big words at shepherd school? How do you know you can trust him? David: Because we're good judges of character. And we would never act against Emma's SUMMARY:
In Camelot, Emma discovers how Merlin became a tree, so she and Regina race against time to find a tear of lost first love to release him, before Arthur stops them. At the same time Henry tries to prove to Violet that he can be heroic after confronting her father Sir Morgan, but a dinner date turns into a heartbreaker for Henry, which leads to his tear being used to free Merlin. Even as Arthur vows to get even, Merlin agrees to help Emma free her from the darkness. In Storybrooke, Emma sends Gold and Merida into the woods so Gold can become the hero, but after seeing how cowardly he is, Merida takes the chipped cup and uses it to bring out his bravery. As Henry convinced Emma to help Violet look for her horse, Regina, Hook, Robin, and Belle sneak into Emma's home and discover not just Excalibur, but the dreamcatcher, where Regina discovers Violet's memories, in which Emma used her to break Henry's heart back in Camelot in order to obtain Henry's teardrop. Regina and Henry both feel betrayed by Emma and shut her out of their life.
TEXT: Michael: Pam? Pam: Yeah? Michael: Did you see Oprah yesterday? Pam: No, I didn't. Michael: I, uh... I am going to be a father. Pam: What was Oprah about? Michael: Angelina Jolie was on. And she adopted a baby from Asia, and she said that it changed her life. And that really inspired me. So, I want you to look into seeing how much a little Chinese baby would cost. Pam: That's a really big decision. Michael: I know. Pam: Maybe you should wait before you adopt. Michael: Well... Pam: Or not adopt. Michael: Just do it, okay? Pam: Roy's sister looked into it, and the application alone costs a thousand dollars. Michael: Um... find out if there's a cheaper, less expensive baby out there, okay? Pam: You know, she also said the waiting list is like eight months. Michael: Eight months? Pam: Yeah. Michael: I don't even know if I'll want a baby in eight months. Pam: You probably won't. Michael: You know what, Pam? If in ten years, I haven't had a baby, and you haven't had a baby... Pam: No, Michael. Michael: Twenty years. Pam: No, Michael. Michael: Thirty. Pam: Sure. Michael: It's a deal. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: All right. Three pairs of pants. Three pairs of socks. Three packs of condoms. Michael: Yesh. Ryan: Uh, fun jeans. Michael: Right there. Ah. Angela: Sign. Michael: Per diem. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Guess where I am going. I will give you a hint. It is a booze-fueled s*x romp, where anything goes. You are correct, sir! I am headed to Philadelphia for the Annual Northeastern Mid-Market Office Supply Convention. And Jim Halpert is going to be coming, which will be fun. Poor little guy. He's been stuck working under Josh, the poor man's Michael Scott, as he is known around my condo. [SCENE_BREAK] D SUMMARY:
Michael and Dwight leave for a convention in Philadelphia , where they meet Josh, the manager of Dunder Mifflin Stamford, and Jim. Michael feels threatened by Josh, and attempts to one-up him by throwing a party in his hotel room. When no one shows up, Jim takes pity on Michael, telling him that he is a good boss and was not the reason he left Scranton. Meanwhile, Kelly sets Pam up on a blind date that goes poorly. Michael ends up making a big sale without putting much effort.
TEXT: TEASER (Open: Medico Legal Lab - Brennan's Office. Booth and Brennan are staring at a piece of pizza.) BOOTH: It's clear as a photograph. You don't see anything in the cheese? Nothing. You don't see anything BRENNAN: Seeing patterns, where none exist is the symptom of Schizophrenia. (Looking closer at the pizza) Why, what do you see? BOOTH: Michael Jackson doing his.. (he does a Michael Jackson impersation) BRENNAN: I don't know what that is. BOOTH: Come on, don't see anything? It's like a kid, when he looks up at the sky and he sees the clouds, and the... BRENNAN: Oh, I get it. Yes. Your mind forms patterns from random information. Um, Booth, I have a lot of work. BOOTH: Right, no. I..I just wanted to bring by the pizza so you could eat. It's important that you eat. I will, uh...(he walks off but starts dancing like Michael Jackson)...see you Monday? (Brennan shakes her head. She still has no clue) Nothing? Come on. King of Pop? This Is It? "Thriller?" No? All right, I'll see you Monday. (He Moon Walks out of the office) BRENNAN: Bye, Booth. BOOTH: Yep. (Booth leaves. A few seconds later, Cam enters) CAM: Strange question - I know - but I gotta to ask: are you by any chance pregnant? BRENNAN: No. I haven't had sexual intercourse in quite some time. CAM: Do you want to know why I'm asking? BRENNAN: You're holding a home pregnancy test. I assume it's positive and you're worried about losing the most important person in this lab. CAM: No. Very modest. Uh, I'm asking because Michelle was here earlier this afternoon, and the only other two people, besides me, that use that bathroom are you and Angela. SUMMARY:
The Jeffersonian lab is put on lock down by mysterious government agents led by Mr. White ( Richard T. Jones ) when they demand Brennan and her team identify of cause of death for a highly classified set of remains. The team eventually come to believe the set of remains they are working on are actually that of assassinated President John F. Kennedy . Cam finds a positive pregnancy test in the woman's bathroom and after all the women deny it is theirs, she believes it might be Michelle's (Cam's adopted daughter). After, Angela confesses to Cam that it was actually hers, but did not want anyone else to know. In the interim, Cam had it tested again, and reveals to Angela that it was a false positive , meaning she is not pregnant.
TEXT: •I do not own the characters or situations of BTVS, and I claim no credit for the content of this episode. I have merely transcribed what appeared on my screen, with help from the closed captions. •I prefer that you link to this transcript on the Psyche site rather than post it on your site, but you can post it on your site if you want, as long as you keep my name and email address on it. Please also keep my disclaimers intact. •You can use my transcripts in your fanfiction stories; you don't have to ask my permission. (However, if you use large portions of episode dialogue in your fanfic, I recommend you give credit to the person who wrote the episode.) •I apologize in advance for my lame transcription of the fight scenes. I don't know the names of different punches and kicks. Use your imagination. [SCENE_BREAK] Teaser GILES VOICEOVER: Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer... Anya walking away from the house. Xander intercepting her. XANDER: Anya! What's wrong with you? ANYA: First you, you give me this beautiful ring, and then I can't wear it in public. I mean, don't you wanna get married? XANDER: Yes. Dawn and Tara in the magic shop. DAWN: Come on, Tara. I am so old enough to do research. BUFFY: You do research now? Want a cappuccino and a pack of cigarettes to go with it? Dawn and Buffy in their house. DAWN: Why should I care about any of this? BUFFY: Because they'll take you away! If I can't make you go to school... then I won't be found fit to be your legal guardian. Willow and Buffy in the workout room. WILLOW: Since you've... been back, you haven't exactly been big with the whole range of human emotions thing. Spike and Buffy in the house. SPIKE: I know you'll never love me. But you treat me like a man. Open on the magic shop, day. It's Halloween and the shop SUMMARY:
Sunnydale is alive with the sound of music as a mysterious force causes everyone in town to burst into full musical numbers, revealing their innermost secrets as they do. But some townsfolk are dancing so much that they simply burst into flames, and it becomes clear that maybe living in a musical isn't so great after all.
TEXT: Scene: The apartment. Raj: Water Demon. Howard: Ice Dragon. Leonard: Lesser Warlord of Ka'a. Sheldon: Not so fast. Infinite Sheldon. Leonard: Infinite Sheldon? Sheldon: Yes, Infinite Sheldon defeats all other cards and does not violate the rule against homemade cards because I made it at work. Leonard: Do you understand why people don't want to play with you? Sheldon: No, although it's a question I've been pondering since preschool. Leonard: Hey. Zack: Hey. Leonard: Hey. Penny: Hey, your copy of Science magazine was in my mailbox. Leonard: Oh, thanks. Penny: Mm-hmm. Zack: Check it out, all about planets this month. Leonard: That's an atom. Zack: Agree to disagree. That's what I love about science, there's no one right answer. Leonard: So, you and Zack again, huh? Penny: Yeah, yeah, me and Zack again. Zack: Were we here earlier? Penny: Okay, we should, we should go. Zack: Ah, not yet. I want to talk science with the science dudes. Howard: Oh, and the science dudes want to talk science with you. What do you want to talk about, rocks, dinosaurs, our friend the beaver? Zack: You know, I saw this great thing on the Discovery Channel. Turns out that if you kill a starfish, it'll just come back to life. Sheldon: Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts? Because you might have been watching Nickelodeon. Zack: No, I'm almost sure that it was the Discovery Channel. It was a great show. They also said dolphins might be smarter than people. Leonard: They might be smarter than some people. Zack: Well, maybe we can do an experiment to find out. Sheldon: Oh, that's easy enough. We'd need a large tank of water, a hoop to jump through, and a bucket of whatever bite-sized treats you find tasty. Zack: I don't SUMMARY:
Penny gets back together with Zack. The guys insult Zack's low intelligence which upsets him; however he reconciles with the four and accompanies them to the comic book store. The five enter a costume contest and urge Penny to join in a Wonder Woman costume. She refuses until Leonard talks to her. She reveals that she got back together with Zack only because she did not want to spend New Year's Eve alone. Leonard questions why not with him, prompting Penny to suddenly remember the fun times she used to have with him, convincing her to change her mind. At the comic book store, the group win the award for the Best Group Costume, although it is hinted that they only won because they included a female Wonder Woman. The episode concludes with the six witnessing an ongoing car theft and then scurrying off cowardly despite wearing Justice League costumes.
TEXT: EXT. ENGLISH VILLAGE, DAY We hear birds and see the outlying fields of the village and then a two-story stone cottage. INT. COTTAGE, KITCHEN, DAY AMY is mixing something in a bowl and as the camera moves up from the counter, we see she is very pregnant. Suddenly, she gasps and sets the bowl down on the table. AMY: (screams) RORY-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y! EXT. COTTAGE FRONT, DAY RORY rides into the yard on a bicycle with a basket on the front. He is now sporting his hair long and in a ponytail. AMY: (V.O.) Rory, it's starting! RORY drops the bike to the ground and runs inside. INT. COTTAGE, KITCHEN, DAY RORY: (rushes to her side) Ah. OK, OK... AMY is sitting down, eating the batter from the bowl. AMY: False alarm. RORY: What? AMY: False alarm. RORY: What? AMY: Well, I don't know what it feels like. I've never had a baby before. (feeds him some of the batter) There is a whooshing sound in the background. RORY: Mmm! AMY: No. (stands) RORY: I know - leaf blowers. Use a rake! AMY: (puts the bowl on the table) No, it's... They both look to the window and see the TARDIS materialize outside AMY: I knew. I just knew. They both head outside. EXT. COTTAGE FRONT, DAY The TARDIS has landed in the middle of AMY'S flowers. The door opens and the DOCTOR pops his head out to see where he is. He then steps out, knocking a stone from the small retaining wall. DOCTOR: Rory. RORY comes out to greet him. RORY: Doctor. DOCTOR: I've crushed your flowers. RORY: Oh, Amy will kill you. DOCTOR: Where is SUMMARY:
The Doctor, Amy and Rory travel between two realities. In one, Amy and Rory are happily married but are pursued by elderly people possessed by aliens; in the other, they are in a powerless TARDIS which will slowly crash into a cold star which will freeze them to death. A man known as the Dream Lord ( Toby Jones ) says that he has put them in this trap, and they must decide which is real-and die in the fake reality-to wake up in the real one (and escape the trap). When Rory dies in the future reality, Amy decides that it must be fake because she does not want a life without him. It is revealed that psychic pollen had entered the TARDIS and caused the dream state, and the Dream Lord is a psychic manifestation of the Doctor's dark, self-loathing side.
TEXT: On the road Ryan: Hey, I asked you a question. Seth: Yeah, no, it's just some of these bugs are really sort of stubborn. I was using that. Ryan: Now you're not. Gonna tell me what's going on? Seth: What if I told you it's New Year's Eve and we're on our way to Vegas? Ryan: I might hit you with this. Why are the girls acting so strange? Seth: I don't... I mean... you know, I don't know. In the bathroom Summer: How long is it supposed to take? Taylor: Five minutes. How long has it been? Okay-- four minutes and 47 seconds. On the road Ryan: You're lying. It's written all over you face. Seth: Well, then I shouldn't bluff when we get to Las Vegas. Ryan: Look... what... man, they're in the bathroom. Seth: Why don't you just ask them. In the bathroom Taylor: 13 seconds left. On the road Ryan: Do I need to remind you why you're even here right now? In the bathroom Summer: 11 more seconds. On the road Seth: Because you haven't killed me yet? In the bathroom Taylor: What if there wasn't enough pee? On the road Ryan: No, because you didn't have any New Year's Even plans so you hijacked mine. In the bathroom Summer: How many bars am I looking for? Taylor: Two, two bars. Six more seconds. On the road Seth: I told you I'd pay you back. In the bathroom Summer: Oh, my God, I can't look. On the road Ryan: And now I'm collecting. So tell me what's happening. In the bathroom Taylor: Oh, my God, three more seconds, two more seconds, one more second... SEVEN HOURS EARLIER At the comics bookshop Ryan: Here you go. Seth: Last coffee of '06. How much you hoping I don't make that joke all day? Ryan: Not like I'll be around to hear it. Seth: So walk me through your itinerary again. Ryan: I've got breakfast with Taylor. Back home to pack, SUMMARY:
Seth is clueless about what to do for New Year's Eve. Solution? Crash the Ryan-Taylor road trip to Vegas. Now add pregnancy tests, a space-alien rave, thefts, misunderstandings, pursuits and a marriage proposal and it's time to welcome 2007!
TEXT: Act 1 Scene 1 - Frasier's Apartment Fade in. Frasier is gazing out the balcony door, drinking sherry. Martin and Daphne are at the table wit a bunch of files. Frasier: Ah, yes. Another beautiful Saturday night. The moon is full, the city lights are twinkling, lovers steal kisses in the park... and here, Chez Crane, my father and his assistant sit hunched over twenty year-old photographs of a murdered hooker. [raises his glass] Life is a banquet. Daphne: I enjoy looking at your father's old case. Just because you have no plans tonight, don't spoil our harmless fun. You know, there's nothing we Brits like better than a grisly murder and a nice hot cup of tea. Martin: Uh, listen Daphne, I got a lot of work to do here, so if you don't mind... Daphne: Oh, excuse me. I didn't know I was bothering you. Martin: Oh, I'm sorry, it's this damn case. I feel like the answer to who murdered Helen is right here. I just can't see it. Frasier: Dad, you're obsessing. You stare at these grisly pictures day after day, night after night. Come on, why don't we go out and see a movie? Martin: No, thanks. Frasier: Let's go get a pizza. Martin: Nah. Frasier: Let's get tattooed. [Martin thinks about it, then shakes his head.] Oh! This is ridiculous. It's a beautiful night and I'm not going to miss it. I'm going to go out and take a long walk and I'm not going by myself. Eddie runs out with his leash. Martin: He likes the rhododendrons on the north side of the park. [SCENE_BREAK] Scene 2 - KACL Fade in. Frasier is on the air with Marjorie. Marjorie: [v.o.] And I just wanted to thank you, Dr. Crane. Because of your SUMMARY:
With the help of Niles and Daphne, Frasier uses his psychiatric expertise to help Martin solve an old murder case that has puzzled him for years. Martin takes his findings to the police, gets kudos for solving the case, and at a small celebration gives Frasier credit. However, they discover that Frasier in fact believed a chimpanzee to have been responsible for the crime.
TEXT: The Great Dragon : In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom on the shoulders of a young boy. His name... Merlin! [The Night - Camelot's Catacombs] [Men dig the stone and discover a secret room.] [Arthur's Room] [Arthur is awakened by the infernal noise of the pickaxes.] Arthur : Oh! Merlin! Merlin! Merlin : Yes, sire? Arthur : Are you deaf? Merlin : I wish. Arthur : I want you to go down there and tell them to stop. Merlin : But they're working under the king's orders. Arthur : Yeah. And you're working under mine. Merlin : Oh...! [Merlin leaves the room and descends into the catacombs.] [The pickers enter a treasure room. One of the men is killed by a protective mechanism of the room. The others run away.] [Merlin, in turn, enters the vast room and challenges the dead.] Merlin : Hello? [Generic] [Treasure Room] Merlin : How do you think he died? Gaius? Gaius : Mmm? Merlin : Do you know whose tomb it is? Gaius : I'm not sure. Merlin : Do you think it might be cursed? [Gaius triggers a deadly mechanism and saved by Merlin.] Gaius : You've just saved my life. [Uther Pendragon and his son arrive in turn.] Uther [A Merlin] : Idiot. Arthur : Were you born, clumsy or do you work at it? Merlin : It's just one of my many gifts. Uther : Well, this is quite a find. You see, guys, I was right. There is treasure to be found under Camelot. Which of my predecessors do I have to thank for all this? Gaius? Gaius : I'd have to look into it, sire. Uther [Seeing the corpse]: How did he SUMMARY:
New servant Cedric muscles in on Merlin's position as Arthur's right-hand man, and turns the prince against his loyal friend. Merlin is convinced the slippery newcomer is up to something, and he is right -Cedric is a conman and a thief who is after a magnificent jewel, recently unearthed in a tomb far beneath Camelot. Little does he know, his precious prize is more dangerous than he could possibly imagine. Camelot has never been more vulnerable, but how can Merlin make things right when, thanks to Cedric, he might have lost Arthur's friendship for good? Merlin faces the prospect of turning to the one creature he swore he would never trust again - The Great Dragon.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] BROOKE : You... are fired. BROOKE : I want to have a baby, and I realize that what I actually want is to have a family. NATHAN : Carrie! What are you doing?! This is not okay! You have to get out of here! CARRIE : It's okay, Nathan. NATHAN : Haley, this isn't this, okay? HALEY : I want you to get the hell out of my house right now! HALEY : No, you stay away from us! This marriage is over! I want a divorce. PEYTON : I still love you, Lucas. LUCAS : Peyton, I... LINDSEY : I'm sorry, Lucas. I can't marry you. CARRIE : Jamie! JAMIE : Nanny Carrie! HALEY : Jamie! JAMIE : Won't mama be mad? CARRIE : No. Besides... I'm gonna be your mama now. DAN : If you decide to go anywhere near my family ever again... I'd have no problem killing you. JAMIE : Mama! HALEY : Oh, baby! Come here! Sweetie, what happened to you? Are you okay? JAMIE : I'm fine. Grandpa Dan saved me. OUTSIDE NATHAN AND HALEY'S HOUSE It follows the end of the last episode. Dan is leaving the house, Lucas follows him LUCAS : Dan. (Dan seems happy to see Lucas coming after him, but Lucas punches him in the face several times until Nathan joins him and hit Dan too. Jamie runs out of the house, followed by Haley and goes see Dan who's on the ground) JAMIE : Grandpa! HALEY : Jamie! Jamie! DAN : Hey, buddy. HALEY : Jamie. DAN : I got to go now. You go back to your mom, okay? Go on. Go on. (Jamie starts returning to the house with Haley but stops) JAMIE : Grandpa. Thank you. SUMMARY:
Lucas deals with being left at the altar by Lindsey, while Nathan and Haley deal with the repercussions of Jamie's abduction. Brooke is haunted by her past as she considers adopting, while Peyton gets a visit from an old friend.[27] This episode is named after an album by Foo Fighters .
TEXT: Scene 1: At the police station; in jail - Jason, Rene, Sookie, Andy Jason: You know that old leather jacket I wear sometimes? The brown one? Well, make sure it goes to Hoyt. I told him it was lucky. It ain't. But he don't know that. Sookie will get the house, my bank account. But I want you to have my truck. Rene: Really? Jason: You've been a good friend, Rene. Rene: Hell, thanks, men. I'm giving it back, though, soon as they let you go. Jason: They ain't never letting me go, Rene. There's something inside of me that's just... it's wrong. Rene: Oh, come on, now. Ain't like you went and killed a bunch of innocent women. Jason: What? Rene: They were fangbangers. If you hadn't done it, it was just a matter of time... Jason: You calling my grandma a fangbanger? Rene: No. Now, don't you get your back all up, you. I'm just saying you must have had your reasons, that's all. Jason: There ain't no good reason for what I did. Rene: Man, suppose you're right. Sookie (to a policeman): I'm going in, whether you like it or not. He's my brother. Policeman: He's only allowed one visitor at a time. Sookie: Either let me by or throw me in there with him, but I'm gonna see my brother. She goes in front of the jail door. Sookie: Jason. Jason: I'm sorry, Sookie. I'm so sorry. Sookie: You have nothing to be sorry for. I just wish I got here before you confessed to something you didn't do. Jason: I don't even remember doing any of it. I just know I did. Sookie: Jason, you need to shut up, okay? Because I'm real close to finding out who the real killer is. Credit It continues with Sookie talking to Jason, and Rene looking and listening at them. SUMMARY:
Sookie explains to Jason that she believes she has found the identity of the killer who has been murdering the women in Bon Temps, but Jason has her dismissed from the jail, refusing to listen to her. Maryann continues to comfort Tara and talks with her about her problems, gaining her trust. A representative of the Fellowship of the Sun named Orry visits Jason in prison and gives him some literature about the Fellowship, and tries to convince Jason that even if he did kill the women, his motive was pure because they were all supporters of vampires. Tara meets Benedict "Eggs" Talley, another person who Maryann has taken in under the pretense of helping him rebuild his life. The two of them begin to become interested in each other. Sookie, working at Merlotte's, becomes overwhelmed with the insulting and hateful thoughts all of the townsfolk are thinking about her brother and asks Sam for permission to leave. She finds she is unable to start her car, and as she gets angrier Rene shows up and offers her a ride home. Sam finds Rene's vest and, smelling it, realizes there may be a connection to Rene and the murders. At Sookie's house, Sookie discovers that Rene was the killer by reading his mind and tries to shoot him, but Rene has emptied her gun. She runs into the cemetery with Rene following behind. Bill risks his life by emerging into the sun to try to go to Sookie's aid, but he is quickly weakened and seriously injured by the burning. Rene catches up to Sookie but as he begins beating and choking her Sam attacks him in dog form. Sookie attacks Rene with a shovel, ending in his decapitation. Sam and Sookie discover Bill, weak and burning, and quickly bury him. Later, Sookie who believes Bill dead is comforted by her friends and by Jason who has been released from prison following the discovery of the real murderer. Bill appears at her doorstep, completely healed, and the two share a tender moment. Two weeks later, Sookie and Bill are officially an item. At Merlotte's, Andy Bellefleur is upset and depressed after his failure to solve the case, and begins drinking. While cleaning outside, Lafayette is attacked by an unknown entity. Afterwards, the Merlotte's staff help Andy to his car, which he believes has been moved, and they discover a dead body on the back seat.
TEXT: THE ICE WARRIORS by Brian Hayles first broadcast - 2nd December 1967 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. ICE WARRIORS' SPACECRAFT (On the screen in their ship, the VARGA and ZONDAL watch VICTORIA contacting the base on the dead ARDEN's wrist communicator. They aim the crafts gun and prepare to fire.) ZONDAL: Ready to fire. (VARGA flicks a switch.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. GLACIER CAVE (The gun can be seen withdrawing.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3. ICE WARRIORS' SPACECRAFT VARGA: Not yet. ZONDAL: She has betrayed us. She must be destroyed. VARGA: Let her talk first. ZONDAL: They will know our numbers. VARGA: They will also know she is alive. She is a bait. [SCENE_BREAK] 4. IONISER CONTROL ROOM (The DOCTOR and CLENT watch VICTORIA on their screen.) DOCTOR: Victoria, tell us more about the warriors. VICTORIA: Er, they're from Mars... CLENT: (Interrupting.) They're not important. Have you seen the propulsion unit of the spacecraft, girl? VICTORIA: Oh, propulsion unit? CLENT: The engines! VICTORIA: Oh yes. They're busy repairing them now. CLENT: What kind are they? It's vitally important. VICTORIA: I... I've no idea! CLENT: Well, reactor turbine? Ion jet? Anti-gravity? Think girl! DOCTOR: Can you describe them to us, Victoria dear? VICTORIA: Yes, yes I think so. CLENT: Well hurry girl! (The DOCTOR looks agitated with CLENT.) VICTORIA: Look it isn't easy. Now I have to have time to think... (The picture is replaced by static.) DOCTOR: Victoria? Victoria what's happened? Are you alright? Answer me! (VICTORIA fades back into view.) VICTORIA: I'm alright SUMMARY:
The Doctor leaves the base to try and find Jamie and Victoria while Storr tries to do a deal with the Ice Warriors.
TEXT: Originally written by Bill Lawrence Transcribed by Mindy Mattingly Phillips [[email protected]]. [Scene: Central Perk. Ross is eyeing a beautiful woman at the counter, and Joey and Chandler are egging him on to go talk to her. No pun intended. I mean it.] JOEY: I'm tellin' you Ross, she wants you. ROSS: She barely knows me. We just live in the same building. CHANDLER: Any contact? ROSS: She lent me an egg once. JOEY: You're in! ROSS: Aw, right. HER: Hi, Ross. ROSS: Hey. [stutters something incoherent] CHANDLER: Come on, Ross, you gotta get back in the game here, ok? The Rachel thing's not happening, your ex-wife is a lesbian--I don't think we need a third... JOEY: Excuse me, could we get an egg over here, still in the shell? Thanks. ROSS: An egg? JOEY: Yeah, you're gonna go up to her and say, "Here's your egg back, I'm returning your egg." CHANDLER: I think it's winning. ROSS: I think it's insane. CHANDLER: She'll love it. Go with the egg, my friend. [Ross walks over to the woman, egg in hand.] JOEY: Think it'll work? CHANDLER: No, it's suicide. The man's got an egg. Opening Credits [Scene: Central Perk. Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler are there. Ross is still talking to the beautiful woman.] MONICA: You can not do this. RACHEL: Do what, do what? MONICA: Roger wants to take her out tomorrow night. RACHEL: No! Phoebes! Don't you remember why you dumped the guy? PHOEBE: 'Cause he was creepy, and mean, and a little frightening... alright, still, it's nice SUMMARY:
Ross has a Valentine's Day date with a beautiful neighbor, his first date in nine years. Carol and Susan, also out on a romantic date, end up at the same restaurant. When Susan has to leave, Ross then spends all his time talking to Carol. His ignored date leaves without his realizing it. He kisses Carol, resulting in different reactions. Joey's date brings a blind date for Chandler, which turns out to be Janice; they end up sleeping together, then Chandler breaks up with her on Valentine's Day. Phoebe, Monica, and Rachel spend the holiday burning mementos of their past boyfriends, causing a fire and a visit from the fire department.
TEXT: [Before the teaser there is a montage of scenes from previous episodes.] GILMORE MANSION [Lorelai, Rory, Emily and Richard are seated and having dinner. Every one is a little on edge] LORELAI: The roses are amazing, mom. EMILY: Thank you, Lorelai. RORY: I like them, too, grandma. EMILY: Thank you, Rory. RICHARD: You are an expert flower arranger, Emily. Perhaps you missed your calling. EMILY: Thank you, Richard. LORELAI: Well done, everyone. Well done. EMILY: Oh, stop it, Lorelai. LORELAI: What, I'm just commenting on how nice and civil that moment was. Never mind. Go on, go on. [Smiling] That was so cute. RORY: [After a moment] The roses are nice, grandma. LORELAI: [A little annoyed] Already covered that. Move on. RICHARD: So, Rory, how are things going at Yale? RORY: They're fine. EMILY: I didn't know we were allowed to talk about Yale. LORELAI: Mom RICHARD: Oh No. We're allowed to talk about it. We're just not allowed to pay for it. LORELAI: Dad EMILY: I wonder if we're allowed to visit it. LORELAI: Okay, hold on. RICHARD: Perhaps if we dress in disguise. LORELAI: Guys! EMILY: Plastic nose with glasses attached. LORELAI: Hey, come on. We were doing so well there for a while. Then you had to start with the Yale. EMILY: So we can't talk about Yale. RICHARD: I should make a list. What else am I not allowed to discuss in my house? LORELAI: No, of course you can talk about Yale. Yale is dad's alma mater, and Rory goes there, so we have to talk about it, okay? But maybe not now. EMILY: Fine. RICHARD: Fine with SUMMARY:
Lorelai's parents insist that Luke come to Friday night dinner, and she says yes without asking him. Paris is ousted as the editor of the "Yale Daily News", and the staff elects Rory as the new editor. In retaliation, Paris kicks Rory out of her apartment, and so Rory moves in with Logan. In other events, Michel confides in Lorelai. Rory gives her father a tour of Yale.
TEXT: (night, terrace of a fancy restaurant. Giorgio's Italian Restaurant. Sacramento, California) (Jane and Frye seated at table) Jane: You clean up very nicely, if you don't mind me saying so. Frye: I don't mind you saying so. Thanks. You look... pretty much the same as you always look. Jane: Oh... good. This is my date outfit. Frye: Really? Frye: Is this your first date? I mean, um, since your wife died? Jane: Do I seem out of practice? Gerard (waiter): Hi. Jane: Hi. Gerard: Uh, my name's Gerard. I'll be your server this evening. Would you like to hear our specials? Frye (taking Gerard's left hand in hers): I'm sorry to interrupt, Gerard, but I'm getting a message from, uh, your mother. A Janette no, um, Janis. Gerard: Yes. Frye: Um... I'm sorry for your loss. She's happy now. And she wants you to know that she sends her deepest love. And, um... your Uncle... Ed says, "Roll Tide." Does that mean anything to you, Roll Tide? Gerard: My mother's brother Edward. He died five years ago. He was a tight end at Alabama in the '60s. Oh. Uh, they're called the Crimson Tide. Uh, that's their rallying cry- "Roll Tide." Frye: Oh. (Jane not happy, speaks up) Jane: Well, uh, I'd like to have the soup Du jour and the lamb, medium, and the arugula salad and the fish for the lady. Thank you. Gerard (taking the menu from Jane): Thank you. Gerard (taking the menu from Frye): Thank you. (Jane shakes his head) Frye: What? Jane: Oh, come on. Frye: You're so ferocious in your lack of faith. I mean, is it so hard to imagine that I'm not putting on an act SUMMARY:
When the CBI team conduct an investigation into a murder by a Red John copycat who posted a snuff film on the Internet of a student being killed, Jane convinces Hightower not to let his psychic friend, Kristina Frye, help in the case. However, Frye is put in grave danger when she reaches out to the real Red John and then tries to contact him by appearing on TV. Her actions have dire consequences for both her and Jane, as Red John kidnaps Kristina and then saves Jane from the copycat.
TEXT: INT. TELEMARKETING CALL CENTER (SFX: TELEMARKETERS B.G.) SALESWOMAN: Hi. This is Alison and I'd like to tell you about our special new program. Hello? KESTA: Hi, Petty Officer Lambert? LAMBERT: (V.O./FILTERED) Yeah. KESTA: Hi, my name is Roland Kesta. I'm calling on behalf of Thrifty Phone Services. LAMBERT: (V.O./FILTERED) I've thought it over and I don't think I want to change my phone service. KESTA: That's what most people say until they hear how much we can save them on long distance calls. LAMBERT: (V.O./FILTERED) Well, I don't make many long distance phone calls, okay? Did you hear that? KESTA: What? LAMBERT: It sounded like glass breaking in the kitchen. KESTA: No. Our long distance service is exactly the same as A T and T, Sprint, S-B-C, except we can save you... LAMBERT: (V.O./FILTERED) Hey, who the hell are you? KESTA: The man who's going to save you forty percent on your long distance calls, Sir. Um... there's no contract to sign. (SFX: FILTERED STRUGGLE B.G.) (SFX: LAMBERT SCREAMS B.G.) KESTA: Petty Officer Lambert? (MUSIC OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. SQUAD ROOM - DAY "DOPPLEGANGER" KATE: Last time I'm going to tell you, Tony. Don't answer my phone, use my computer, read my mail, look through my purse, scan my PDA or touch my cell phone. Ever! TONY: (INTO PHONE) And an extra side of hash browns. (TO KATE) Just so we're clear, Kate. I didn' SUMMARY:
A telemarketer hears a murder while trying to sell a long-distance call package. The team investigates with the help of a team of local homicide detectives whose personalities seem to correspond with that of Gibbs and his team. Each team member discovers different crucial facts about the case, leading to the discovery that the murder may not have been all it seemed to be. When Abby and McGee discover that the dead man was using the Navy computer system for his own financial gain, they consult with the people he worked with to see if they can shed light on who may have wanted him dead. The investigation takes a new turn when the missing Petty Officer is found dead, having been shot at close range.
TEXT: Javier Delgado: Previously on Mars. Hana Seung: We had arrived; yet our journey was just beginning. With Ben gone, I took command. Mars fought us every step of the way. They say science and faith don't mix. Javier Delgado: Open the door! [SCREAMS] Board Member: If they fail, I don't care how much you invested, we're out. Hana Seung: But when everything is telling you you already lost. Ed Grann: If they fail, everyone's out. Hana Seung: There's nothing you can do but believe. Joon Seung: We ignored this horizontal entrance because it was clogged with breakdown debris. Hana Seung: So we made one more leap into the darkness. Marta Kamen: Easy, easy, easy. Hana Seung: Hoping there was some light at the bottom of the abyss. Marta Kamen: The idea that one of the lava tubes could be connected to a tectonic cave is brilliant. We're deploying the dome. Hana Seung: The flag is planted. It's official. Humankind has a home on Mars. <unk>[THEME MUSIC PLAYS] <unk> [SCENE_BREAK] Robert Foucault: Foucault, Robert. Marta Kamen: Kamen, Marta. Amelie Durand: Durand, Amelie. Javier Delgado: Delgado, Javier. Hana Seung: Seung, Hana, personal entry, Phase 2. Hi Joon. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] Phase 1 was complete and Phase 2 had begun. Amelie Durand: Medical lab is now operational. First patient was Javier Delgado. He reported cold symptoms which is funny because I, I didn't see anything wrong with him. [AMELIE LAUGHS] Robert Foucault: Getting things ready for the arrival of Vega crew has been a mission in itself. Hana Seung: A second ship, the Vega had arrived carrying the supplies and personnel we needed to begin expanding our little domed habitat into humanity's first martian SUMMARY:
Four years have passed since the Daedalus crew landed on Mars and established the first settlement, Olympus Town. A new crew arrives to help execute plans for expansion and search for life. But a dust storm threatens the outpost. In the present-day documentary, the bustling McMurdo Station in Antarctica serves as a modern example of how humans will settle Mars, as scientists look for insights on how to discover life on another planet.
TEXT: THE SUN MAKERS BY: ROBERT HOLMES Part Two Running time: 24:57 [SCENE_BREAK] MANDRELL: Your friend the Doctor, he'd better hurry. VEET: Mandrell, when you kill her don't damage her too much. MANDRELL: Oh, what a tender heart, Veet. VEET: I want those skins. MANDRELL: See how she begs for a gently death for you? So full of love and compassion. LEELA: Before I die, I'll see this rat hole ankle deep in blood. That is a promised thing. GOUDRY: By the Company, if Mandrell orders her killed, I won't be the first man on his feet. [SCENE_BREAK] HADE: Your Highest, a thousand apologies for this intrusion. COLLECTOR: (without looking up)?? Hade. Time is money. HADE: Ah, what a great truth, your Sublimity. A pearl of wisdom. COLLECTOR: Get to the point. HADE: I've grounds for believing, your Eminence, that there is a conspiracy among dissident Ajacks to foment armed rebellion against the Company, glory be to the Company. COLLECTOR: Interesting. What exactly do you know, Hade? [SCENE_BREAK] BISHAM: Don't try to speak yet, my friend. Valerium gas affects the throat. DOCTOR: Where? BISHAM: Where are you? You're in the Correction Centre. This is the Induction Therapy Section. That means they sensitise areas of the brain and clear the neural pathways so that when we arrive in Physical, we feel the full benefit. It intensifies pain a thousand times. DOCTOR: How long have I been here? BISHAM: They brought you in just as the trumpets were sounding second workshift. About an hour ago. DOCTOR: An hour. DOCTOR: Thank you. BISHAM: It's a pleasure. [SCENE_BREAK] MANDRELL: Your time's up, girl. MANDRELL: Se SUMMARY:
Captured by the authorities, the Doctor finds himself restrained in a Correction Centre where he's to be prepped for painful shock treatments, making him unable to return within a given time frame to the underground rebels holding Leela, who are prepared to kill her as promised.
TEXT: [Scene: Halliwell Manor. A party is happening. We see Piper serving drinks. Prue shows a couple to the door. Loud music is playing.] Woman #1: Great party. Prue: Drive carefully. Man #1: Good night. (Piper puts the tray on the table in the hall. Prue comes to her.) Prue: Great party. Maybe we should do this more often. (Piper's attention is directed towards Dan and Leo, who are drinking beer and talking in the living room.) Piper: Yeah. Maybe next time we can trim the guest list by one. Prue: Piper. I had to invite Leo. He was at the club when I went to go pick up the supplies. He knew that we were throwing a party. Piper: Well didn't you think maybe he'd feel a little awkward being here because of Dan? Prue: It doesn't look like he feels too awkward to me. Look, Piper, he's been mortal for what? A couple of weeks now? I mean, I felt bad for him. He doesn't know anybody and it's not like there's a fallen-white-lighters-support group to join or anything. Piper: Prue, I'm not upset with you. I'm just I'm I'm, upset with the whole situation. Prue: Well, Leo's just going to have to accept the fact that you're with Dan now. You are still with Dan, right? Piper: Yes. Of course. (We see Leo and Dan laughing.) Piper: What do you think they're talking about? Prue: You Piper: Great. (Phoebe comes out of her room by the stairs.) Phoebe: Hey you guys. (Prue and Piper look at her.) Give me a break. It's after midnight. I have midterms tomorrow. Piper: Sorry. Pheebes. We didn't realize we were being so loud. Prue: Why don't you take a study break? Clear your head. Come on down. Phoebe: I can't. I have too many phobias. SUMMARY:
When an evil presence from Phoebe's past life starts to threaten her with a violent death in the present, she decides to cast a spell to go back to the 1920's and stop him. While there, Phoebe discovers that the Charmed Ones past lives went down the dark path, and as a result, puts her present life on the line in order to change the past and vanquish Anton. Meanwhile, Piper discovers that her present life is similar to her past one, in terms of who to choose in her love life. Prue discovers a new passion.
TEXT: INT. HOUSE, DAY We see a MAN in Restoration dress stride through the door, pushing a servant to the side. MAN: Out of my way!! He reaches another set of doors and pulls on them only to find them locked. We then switch to the other side of the doors to see the DOCTOR'S clothing cast over a stool. MAN: (through door) Doctor! We pan over to see paints and a palette. MAN: (through door) Doctor! We pan again to see a painting of the DOCTOR in a god-like pose in the clouds, He is holding a trident on his right hand and his left is on his hip. A red swath of cloth is all that protects his modesty. MAN: (through door) Doctor! The MAN finally bursts through the door, sword drawn. Two others are behind him. MAN: Where's the Doctor?! The artist, a WOMAN, laughs nervously. WOMAN: Doctor who? There is a muffled sneeze and the MAN uses the tip of his sword to lift the hem of the WOMAN'S dress. A naked DOCTOR peers out. DOCTOR: You know, this isn't nearly as bad it looks. INT. RORY & AMY'S FLAT, DAY RORY is unpacking groceries while AMY reads aloud from a book. AMY: "At the personal intervention of the King, the unnamed doctor was incarcerated without trial in the Tower Of London." RORY: OK, but it doesn't have to be him. AMY: "Two nights later a magical sphere some 20 feet across was seen floating away from the tower, bearing the mysterious doctor aloft." RORY:'s him. AMY: There's more. INT. UNDERGROUND TUNNEL, NIGHT A British POW, dressed in his underclothes, is lying on his stomach on a dolly. He looks up. POW: Doctor, what can you see? The DOCTOR pops his head through the hole in the tunnel roof. SUMMARY:
Amy, Rory and River Song receive invitations to the Utah desert where they meet the Doctor, who claims to be nearly 200 years older than when they had last seen him and says that he will take them to "Space: 1969". As they dine beside Lake Silencio they witness an unknown figure in a spacesuit kill the Doctor and are then met by an old man called Canton Everett Delaware III, who had also been invited. They meet a younger version of the Doctor who had been invited and land in the Oval Office in 1969, where they are enlisted by President Nixon to assist a younger version of Canton in saving a terrified little girl from a mysterious spaceman. The Doctor traces her to a warehouse in Florida where they investigate, unaware that the warehouse contains creatures which they forget after looking away from. After Amy tells the Doctor she is pregnant, the little girl appears in a spacesuit and Amy shoots at her.
TEXT: (INT. UNIVERSITY OF ROME BUILDING - DAY) Sydney is walking down a hallway with the Chancellor of the University of Rome. SYDNEY: Devo ammettere, Signor Rettore, che dopo questa visita avrei voluto frequentare la vostra università. [I have to admit, Chancellor... after getting the tour, I wish I had attended your university.] CHANCELLOR: L'importante, Signora Borghese, è che Lei sia qui ora. Il vostro contributo per la nuova ala in restauro è molto apprezzato. Grazie. [The important thing is you're here now. Your donation for a new restoration wing is so appreciated.] SYDNEY: I nuovi artisti dovrebbero vedere le Pietà del mondo. [The artists of the future should see the "Pietas" of the world.] CHANCELLOR: Sono pienamente d'accordo. Veda, è per questo che abbiamo aperto la nostra collezione privata al pubblico. [I totally agree. That's why we've recently opened our private collection to the general public.] CUT TO Someone prying the hinge of a fastener holding a door shut with a padlock. The person pushes the door open and goes inside. Renée Rienne gains access to a hallway in what looks like the basement. CHANCELLOR: Mi farebbe piacere presentar La ai Decani dell'Università. Prego da questa parte. [Then I'd like to introduce you to the Dean of Students. Please, this way.] RENÉE: (comms) I'm at the archive. Your turn now. Sydney and the Chancellor reach an office. When the chancellor turns his back to her to unlock the door with an access card, Sydney slips something from the chancellor's coat pocket. CHANCELLOR: (opening door) Da quest SUMMARY:
Sloane decides to betray Dean when he learns that Nadia's condition will probably not improve. They meet at a race track to exchange a network access card. The APO interrogates Dean in custody for information on Prophet 5. Yet another mysterious stranger asks Sloane to eliminate Dean. Nadia comes out of her coma for a short time after a nameless nurse leaves her room. Sloane kills Dean during a routine reboot of the APO's surveillance network. APO misses its chance to hack the network but learns it is linked to intelligence agencies around the world. Command of Dean's cell is assigned to Kelly Peyton, though her superiors warn her that any further betrayals will be accompanied by severe consequences.
TEXT: Act One. Scene A: KACL corridor. Frasier is showing Martin round his workplace. Frasier: Okay, dad. Now, you've seen the executive offices, the advertising offices and the lunchroom. And we now finally come to the sanctum sanctorum: my studio. [points to his picture on the wall] You might recognize that handsome rogue over there. Martin: Wow. Your head photographs even bigger than it is. Frasier: Very droll. Get in. [opens door and enters recording studio] This is what we in the radio game call "The Booth." It is here That I sit, day after day, and dispense the advice that helps the emotionally distraught through their troubled lives. Martin: [checking window] Do you suppose this stuff's bulletproof? Frasier: Dad, you know, you could have gone home after lunch. I just brought you here because I thought you'd enjoy it. [Martin goes to press a button] NOW DON'T TOUCH THAT! It's a very sophisticated piece of electronic equipment! Martin: What is it? Frasier: I have no idea, Roz told me never to touch it! You see dad, the usual procedure begins with... Martin: [into mike] Testing! Testing! Frasier: Dad. Martin: Testing. Frasier: Dad, dad, look, let's just go into Roz's booth, okay? You can touch anything you want to in there. They go into Roz's area just as she comes in. Roz: Hey, Frasier. Frasier: Oh, hello Roz. Roz: Hi, Mr. Crane. Martin: Hi. Roz: What brings you here? Frasier: Well, I'm just showing dad around, then he's gonna sit and listen to the show. Martin: Yeah, it's kinda like payback for when Frasier and Niles were kids. I used to take them to the police station and show them where I worked. Frasier: Yes, he made a big game of locking us in one of the cells and pretending to lose the key. Martin: I was just joking with them, I knew they weren't SUMMARY:
After Roz is scammed by a street con, Frasier claims to always be able to spot a criminal, so Martin challenges him to a test: several of his friends will come over to play cards, including one ex-convict. Frasier wins if he can spot the con.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Regina: I killed you. Evil Queen: Did you really think it would be that easy? Evil Queen: How do you like your gift? David: I should have known it came from you. Emma: The tremors, they come with visions. Emma: People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just got to punch back, because there are no fairy godmothers in this world. Rumplestiltskin: Do we have a deal? Hyde: You have to ask yourself... Is helping them exactly what causes your story to end? [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: Storybrooke. Present time. Hospital basement. [SCENE_BREAK] (Beeping) Regina: Give it to me. (Severe Nurse gives Regina a covered platter.) David: You're sure about this? Mary Margaret: You don't need Hyde's help. You have us. Fighting the Evil Queen is kind of what we do best. Regina: No offense, but this is not the Evil Queen you remember. I crushed her heart, and somehow she's still alive. How is that possible? Mary Margaret: I... I don't know. Regina: I'm betting Hyde does. David: And you think that's gonna make him talk? Regina: Compared to the cup of noodles Nurse Ratched serves, my lasagna... is fit for a king. (Mr. Hyde's cell is filled with fancy furniture and classical music plays from a record player.) David: What the hell is all that? (Soft classical music plays) (Sighs) Regina: The Evil Queen. Mr. Hyde: Yes, and from the looks of that, great minds really do think alike. Hmm. It's too bad she got here first with a better menu. Regina: What did she want? Mr. Hyde: The same thing as you... information. I told her a great deal about my friends, but now... I'm sated. So the price of information has gone up. (Mr. Hyde holds out his shackled hands.) Mr. Hyde: Oh, it's hard to try to stay one step ahead of yourself. (Sniffs) Mr SUMMARY:
In the past in the Enchanted Forest, Cinderella meets Prince Thomas at the ball, but flees when she believes he loves her stepsister Clorinda; Clorinda actually plans to elope with Thomas' footman, Jacob, but her mother, Lady Tremaine, abducts her to the Land of Untold Stories after forcing Cinderella to betray Clorinda's location. In Storybrooke, Ashley hopes to reconcile with Clorinda. Aided by the Evil Queen, Tremaine lures Ashley into a trap for her and Jacob. Ashley protects Jacob; Clorinda reunites with him and forgives Cinderella, while Tremaine is arrested. Emma struggles to control her magic. Whale helps Jekyll recreate his serum, while the Evil Queen and Hyde form an alliance and she releases him. Snow White wants normality, but David secretly investigates his father's death; Gold provides information in exchange for David delivering a message to Belle.
TEXT: ACT ONE Scene One - Café Nervosa - Morning Frasier is seated at a table. Martin comes in, extremely full of himself. Martin: Large coffee to go, please. [with heavy innuendo] Black. [sits with Frasier] Whew, didn't get much sleep last night at Ronee's. Don't ask why, 'cause there are certain things a gentlemen doesn't tell. Frasier: [hoping he'll shut up] Ah. Martin crosses his arms with a smug, expectant grin on his face. Frasier refuses to take the hint. Martin lets out a naughty chuckle. Frasier: Dad, please? Martin: Well, all right, I'll tell you just a little. She's got this massage oil- Frasier: Would you stop it! I do not want to hear about your dirty weekend - especially since the most erotic experience I've had in six months was last week's trouser fitting. Niles enters with a GAP shopping bag. He seems taken aback to see Frasier and Martin there. Frasier: Oh, Niles. Martin: Hi, Niles. Niles: Hi. Frasier: The GAP, Niles? I didn't know you shopped there. Niles: I just discovered it. Apparently there are a number of them. He sits down. Frasier: [suspicious] And what did you get there? Niles: Oh, uh, well, let's see... some wine glasses, and a bud vase- Frasier: That's Pottery Barn, you jackass! Give me that! Frasier snatches the shopping bag and pulls out a white cashmere sweater. Frasier: Just as I thought. You bought the Diego sweater. Martin: Well, what's the big deal? It's just a sweater. Frasier: It is not "just a sweater," it is a work of art by Spain's fabled master weaver Diego - who uses only the soft chin hair SUMMARY:
Roz is disappointed when she is unable to get Alice tickets to a concert by children's performer Nanette Guzman a.k.a. Nanny G (played by Laurie Metcalf ). After his family reveals that he used to be married to her, Frasier agrees to help Roz secure tickets. He accompanies Roz and Alice to a bookstore appearance, and continually drops hints to Nanny G about the fact that he is single. She doesn't seem interested. However, she soon has everyone in the store cover their eyes as part of a song. She gooses Frasier and kisses him passionately. They plan a rendezvous at his apartment. Much to his surprise, Nanny G shows up with her producer, Donald ( Don McManus ), who is also her husband. She claims that the marriage is only a business arrangement, and laments how frustrated she is with her life. She makes several passes at Frasier, and asks him to meet up with her after her concert the next day. Although he is in the midst of a dry spell and desperately wants to go through with it, he realizes it is wrong. He stops by before the show to share his decision, and Nanny G asks him to go down to the prop room to talk. She seduces Frasier, and he takes off his clothes and jumps into the prop bed with her, only to have it rise to the stage as the show begins. Meanwhile, Niles buys an expensive sweater, breaking a promise to Daphne to be frugal and save money for their child's college fund. Daphne, who believes the sweater is from Gap , quickly proceeds to ruin it, leaving Niles frustrated but with no recourse.
TEXT: THE STONES OF BLOOD BY: DAVID FISHER Part Four Running time: 23:07 [SCENE_BREAK] VIVIEN: Ogri, come. MEGARA: Do not harm our prisoner. VIVIEN: Ogri, stop. The Megara. DOCTOR: Mmm. Are they friends of yours? [SCENE_BREAK] VIVIEN: Did you break the seals? DOCTOR: Well, yes, I'm afraid I did. MEGARA: Silence. He is ours. He is ours. Afterwards, you may have him. DOCTOR: Oh, no, no, please, don't rush on my account. I'm so sorry to disappoint you. MEGARA 2: The prisoner has been tried and sentenced in his absence. The sentence will now be carried out. DOCTOR: What sentence? MEGARA 2: The sentence is death. You are to be executed immediately. VIVIEN: Oh, may I watch? You don't mind, do you, Doctor? DOCTOR: No, no, no, no, no. Please, be my guest. I wouldn't want you to miss my execution. MEGARA 2: Prepare for dissolution. DOCTOR: Objection! MEGARA 2: On what grounds? DOCTOR: How can there possibly be a sentence when there hasn't been a trial. MEGARA 2: There has been a trial. DOCTOR: There has been a trial. There has? MEGARA: I defended you. MEGARA 2: I was judge. You were found guilty. DOCTOR: But I wasn't there. MEGARA 2: Immaterial. Your counsel was. He was most eloquent on your behalf. DOCTOR: I demand the right to defend myself. MEGARA 2: Not permitted. DOCTOR: Why not? MEGARA: You are a humanoid and therefore quite incapable of appreciating the subtleties of the law. DOCTOR: Machine law. MEGARA 2: But of course. There is no other law. DOCTOR: Ah. I see. Just a minute. MEGARA: As your counsel, SUMMARY:
The Doctor convinces the Megara to give Vivien Fay a truth test while playing for time so Romana can get back to Earth and find evidence against Vivien.
TEXT: LUKE'S APARTMENT [Lorelai comes out of the bathroom. Luke is lying in bed.] LORELAI: Hey. You built me a shelf. That's so nice. LUKE: It was anything but nice. I kept using your crazy toothpaste. LORELAI: There's nothing crazy about my toothpaste. LUKE: It's cinnamon. LORELAI: So what? LUKE: I don't like cinnamon. I like normal flavored. LORELAI: What exactly is this normal flavor? LUKE: You know, striped. LORELAI: Striped. That's not a flavor. LUKE: It is in the toothpaste world. LORELAI: Ooo, the toothpaste world. Is that anything like Whoville? [She joins him in bed.] LUKE: I'm exhausted. LORELAI [perky]: I'm exhilarated. LUKE: You know, you don't have to do this. LORELAI: Hey. Going to bed early every once in a while is good for ya. LUKE: I have to get up at four. You don't. LORELAI: Yes, I know, but every night you have early deliveries is a night we spend apart and seriously, where's the good in that? LUKE: Okay. [He turns off the light.] 'Night. [They kiss.] LORELAI: Night. [They kiss again. Luke rolls over. Lorelai is sitting up. She looks around, wide awake.] LORELAI: Man, is it quiet. Do you hear how quiet it is? LUKE: Mm-hmm. LORELAI: Do you have a pin, 'cause I want to hear it drop. LUKE: No pins. LORELAI: Okay. Sorry. So, okay. Good night. [She leans back, then taps Luke on the shoulder.] Hey, Luke. Why don't you have a T.V.? LUKE: I have a T.V. LORELAI: No, I mean, in here, in SUMMARY:
Rory offers to help Logan write an article for the Yale Daily, but she is disappointed when he doesn't invite her to be his date at a book signing party thrown by his father. When Richard sees Emily talking to a man she dated, he rear-ends her car, forcing her to ride home with him. The Gilmores reconcile and decide to renew their wedding vows. Emily warns Christopher that Lorelai and Luke are getting serious and he had better do something quickly if he hopes to end up with Lorelai.
TEXT: MUSIC IN: EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - NIGHT (CAR BRAKES TO A STOP) (JULIUS WALKS TO THE CAR) JULIUS: Hi. Is everything okay? WOMAN: Can you just call Triple A? My cell phone can't get a signal out here. JULIUS: What's the problem? WOMAN: I don't know. The car just stopped. JULIUS: Mind if I look under the hood? I'm a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy, stationed in Oceana. Just want to help, okay? (WOMAN GASPS) JULIUS: Relax. I was just getting my I.D. I'm a dentist, I don't carry a gun. (SFX: WINDOW LOWERS) WOMAN: I do. (MUSIC OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. NCIS SQUAD ROOM - DAY KATE: (V.O.) It's my sister's number. I always use her as my emergency contact. (INTO PHONE) No, she lives in Miami. What difference does it make if she's local or not? Well, no. Of course... I could... I could get a number of somebody in town. It's just that...I'll have to call them first to make sure it's all right. Fine, I'll call you back. (SFX: HANGS UP PHONE) TONY: I'll be your emergency contact. KATE: Thanks, I'll get somebody else. TONY: What's wrong with me? KATE: Where do I start? TONY: They never call. They just need a number. KATE: How do you do that? TONY: First team varsity, Ohio State. So what do you say? KATE: Fine. Just don't make a big deal out of it. TONY: Great! So what are my responsibilities? Are there any financial ramifications? Do SUMMARY:
A local county sheriff calls in NCIS upon discovering a murdered lieutenant commander by the roadside, quickly followed by the murder of a civilian contractor two counties over. As the team struggle to find a motive or suspects for either case, another murder occurs; this time a naval aviator. Ducky points out that while the murders appear to follow the same modus operandi and seem to have been carried out by a serial killer, some elements are different, indicating that the murders were not carried out by the same individual which suggests that there is a copycat on the loose. A DNA sample draws suspicion onto the widow of the third victim, but she has an iron-clad alibi, leaving Gibbs and the team with a complex investigation and many loose ends to tie up.
TEXT: [Scene: Pacey and Gretchen's place. Pacey is asleep on the couch, when Joey comes up to him carrying a cupcake with a candle in it.] Joey: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you Pacey: [groans] [Pulls the covers over his head.] Joey: Happy birthday, dear Pacey Pacey: No. Go away, Jo. Joey: You better make a wish before I set this couch on fire. Pacey: My wish would be for no further acknowledgement of today's hollow, symbolic meaning as a milestone in the life of Pacey Witter. Joey: Ok. Except, now that you've told me your wish, it can't possibly come true. Pacey: [Sighs] Look, I understand your naive enthusiasm, ok? I mean, what's the harm in celebrating a birthday? Everybody else does it. What you don't know is that every birthday I've had since I was 10 years old has been a complete disaster. I'm talking gut-wrenching, soul-searching, question-the-universe agony. Joey: Well, at least you're not being dramatic about it. Pacey: For example, my 12th birthday party, my first boy-girl party, I ate so much pizza and ice cream, I puked on Justine Sherman, a girl who I had a massive crush on. Remember this? Joey: Mm-hmm. Pacey: She then proceeded to call me Pacey pukey for the rest of the year, a quaint little nickname that my family picked up on and now resurfaces itself every year around this time to hearty laughs all the way around. Of course, it's probably not as bad as 16, the year that I threw myself a party and nobody decided to show up. That was good. Oh, yeah. I also failed my driver's test the same day. But neither of those will ever, ever beat 14, the day I was mauled by a dog. So, if you don't mind, this year I think I'll just skip it. Joe SUMMARY:
Joey decides to help Pacey's mother throw a surprise 18th birthday party for Pacey, not knowing about Pacey's self-professed 'birthday curse'. The party goes downhill fast as Pacey's family makes Pacey feel worthless and everyone else feel uncomfortable. Dawson becomes upset when he feels that Gretchen doesn't want anyone to know about their new relationship and postpones their first real date to go to the party. Pacey and Joey again walk in on Dawson and Gretchen kissing, this time more passionately. Jen correctly suspects that Toby might be harboring romantic feelings for Jack.
TEXT: "In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. His name...Merlin." KING'S PALACE, MORGANA'S CHAMBERS - NIGHT Arthur drifts under water wearing his armour. A woman stands over him. Morgana wakes with a gasp. She is terrified. Morgana (whisper): Arthur! Arthur! [SCENE_BREAK] OPENING CREDITS [SCENE_BREAK] FOREST - DAY Arthur slinks through the woods with a crossbow. Merlin bursts out of the trees and bumps Arthur as he's about to shoot. Merlin: What is it? Arthur (angry): You really are a total buffoon, aren't you, Merlin?! Merlin: I was just asking. Arthur: Who? Me or the deer?! We're supposed to be hunting. It requires speed, stealth and an agile mind. Merlin: So you're able to get by on two out of three, then? A woman screams. Merlin: What was that? Arthur: Quiet. Voice of a man (distant): Please! Don't! Voice of a woman (distant): Help! Arthur grabs his sword from Merlin. A man lays on the ground as a bandit draws his sword to kill him. A young woman struggles with three other purse snatchers. Man: No, no, I beg you! Mercy! Bandit: Give us some money! Young woman: Help me! Help me! Arthur shoots one of the robbers. The others attacks Arthur. The man gets up and holds the young woman while Arthur fights off the bandits. Merlin (casts a spell): Forb<unk> rnen firgenholt. A large tree branch falls on top of one of the bandits trying to attack Arthur from behind. Arthur kills the one in front of him and the last bandit runs off. Arthur looks up at the tree. Arthur: Stroke of luck. Merlin: And let that be a lesson to you! Arthur gives him a look. Merlin: What? SUMMARY:
Arthur rescues the elderly Aulfric and his pretty daughter Sophia from bandits and they are welcomed to Camelot. Arthur quickly falls in love with Sophia and they plan to elope. Morgana is very alarmed as she has a recurring dream in which Sophia drowns Arthur. She confides in Gaius and Merlin, who realize that the dreams are prophetic and that Morgana may have magic. Merlin follows Aulfric to a lake, where he discovers that father and daughter are Sidhes, former immortals who have lost their immortality and who must kill Arthur in order to regain it.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Paul : So, about the director... what do you want? Lucas : I want a director that understands the characters. That's what this movie's really about. Team : Let's go! Come on! Bobby : Scott... Take a seat. Devon : Get comfortable,15. Get real comfortable. Chase : Uh, is Peyton around? Mia : No. Chase : You wouldn't by chance know how to make a long island iced tea, would you? Sam : So, when's this thing with you and Brooke gonna happen? Julian : Brooke and I are working together. Sam : You like her. Julian : Do not. Sam : Do too. Julian : This has to be business, right? I mean, with Peyton and... Brooke : This should be business. Julian : We can't just... I mean, I kiss you, and then gets... Brooke : Definitely. It would be... Julian : It would be. Brooke : Yes. AT THE GYMNASIUM Man : Announce Chiefs basketball, and we've got a close one. The Chiefs trail by one with 10 seconds left on the clock. Bobby : Let's bring it in, let's bring it in. All right, huddle up! Okay, guys, this is it... last play. We're gonna go four-out swing rattle. Spread the defense and isolate 23 at the top of the key. Devon, you're gonna break down your man. If you get doubled up, you hit Rhodes cutting under the basket. Devon : I got this. Bobby : All right. Here we go. Everybody knows where they're supposed to be. Let's get "chiefs" on 3... 1, 2, 3. Team : Chiefs! Devon : You know where you're supposed to be,12? Let's go! Let's go, baby! I got this! Jamie : What? Aw, come on! Nathan : Let's go, guys! Bring it home! Man : Here we go. 10 seconds left. Chiefs down SUMMARY:
Problems arise when Lucas and Julian try to find a new director. Peyton is puzzled by a present from Lucas and Brooke battles with some complications in her love life. This episode is named after a song by The Maine .
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Caroline: If Stefan wants to save Sarah's life, all he has to do is shut his humanity off. Damon: Stefan without his humanity is one artery away from Stefan the ripper. Elena: Your mother is alive? Damon: In a prison world of 1903. Lily: (confused) And you believe that I can reconnect Stefan with his humanity? Damon: (smacks the table and stands up) Pack your bags. Lily: (stands up as well) Wonderful! (She laughs in excitement) I'll alert the others, hmm? Damon: She has a vampire dollhouse. Damon: They're not coming. Lily: They are my family. Damon: I will leave you here to rot. We'll come back for them. Bonnie: (whispering) We're never going back there, right? Damon: No! We're not! Enzo: You've been a pawn in a game that I've now lost interest in playing. You're no ordinary girl, Sarah Salvatore. Sarah: Why would you call me that? Bonnie: I have something for you. Damon: The cure to vampirism. Bonnie: I knew you wanted it for Elena. Damon: (stunned) What if I don't want it for her now? [SCENE_BREAK] [ SCULL BAR ] (It's late, and the bar has just closed for the night. A bartender has almost finished cleaning up before he can go home for the night, and just as he shuts off the lights, he hears a whooshing sound behind him. When he turns around, the chair he has just stacked on top of the table is back on the floor, which confuses him) Bartender: (weirded out) OK... (He puts the chair back up on the table, but when he turns around, a liquor bottle has been knocked over on the bar by an invisible invisible force, and the alcohol is pouring itself all over the floor) Bartender: (annoyed) Oh, come on. (He walks toward the bar) OK SUMMARY:
Caroline and Stefan have still switched off their humanity. They are terrorizing and killing the people at Whitmore's. Matt and Tyler are being tortured by them, Matt ends up in the hospital. Meanwhile, Elena and Damon are having a pleasant morning. They're enjoying breakfast made by Lily. Damon has come up with a plan to bring Stefan and Caroline back which involves Lily (the Salvatore's mother) convincing Stefan to turn his humanity back on and then Stefan can convince Caroline to switch it back on too. Enzo has taken Sarah from the hospital and tries to bring her to the Salvatore house, but when he sees Lily, he runs away in shock. Turns out that when Enzo was living in South Hampton, he was suffering from consumption until he met Lily, who fed him with vampire blood so then after he died (of consumption) he became a vampire. In the present day, Lily tells Damon that she will help him to bring back Stefan but in return he has to give her the ascendant so she can bring her "other family" back. When Lily and Damon go to the school bar, she says just the right words to get Stefan to flip his switch (even though Damon told her exactly what to say). Now Stefan has to track down Caroline and get her to flip the switch, too. Back at the hospital, Matt refuses Elena's blood. Once he's stitched up by conventional medicine, he talks to Elena about how much he hates vampires and doesn't want to rely on them. Finally, Damon and Elena talk about life and how Elena misses being human and she's sad because of the fact that she is a vampire and she will never be able to create a family. Finally, Jo explains how bad it is that Damon gave Lily the ascendant because Lily's "family members" and she are all witches that absorb magic from others, just like Kai, but were turned into vampires making a type of hybrid. It is explained that they were locked inside the prison world because they were perceived as too dangerous and worthless.
TEXT: Originally written by Michael Borkow, Mike Sikowitz & Jeffrey Astrof Transcribed by Joshua Hodge. Minor additions and adjustments by Dan Silverstein. [Scene: In a TV commercial that the gang is watching at Monica and Rachel's.] [A guy is sitting at his desk and his boss comes in and drops a huge pile of papers on his desk. The guy looks dejected.] COMMERCIAL VOICEOVER: Can't get the monkey off your back? Then put it in your mouth... [A monkey jumps on the desk and hands the guy a beer. He opens the beer and is suddenly on the beach, in a hammock, with beautiful women all around.] COMMERCIAL VOICEOVER:...With MonkeyShine Beer. [MonkeyShine theme] MonkeyShine Beer, 'cause it's a jungle out there.] [Camera pans back from the TV to show the gang watching.] ROSS: That commercial always makes me so sad. JOEY: Yeah, but then the guy opens his beer and those girls run at him, so, everything seems to work out OK. ROSS: I meant because the monkey in it reminds me of Marcel. PHOEBE: I can see that, 'cause they both have those big brown eyes and, ya know, the little pouty chin. MONICA: And the fact that they're both monkeys. ROSS: Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing, ya know, giving him away. RACHEL: Oh, Ross, you had to, I mean, he was humping everything in sight. I mean, I have a Malibu Barbi that will no longer be wearing white to her wedding. ROSS: Remember when sometimes he'd borrow your hat, and, and when you got it back there'd be little monkey raisins in it. CHANDLER: Yeah, well sure, when he did it, it was funny. When I did it to my boss's hat... all of the sudden I have this big attitude problem. OPENING TITLES [Scene: Central Perk. Chandler SUMMARY:
Ross goes to visit Marcel while in California but the zoo says the monkey died. Ross soon learns Marcel is alive and working in commercials. Joey receives his first fan letter from a beautiful but crazed woman ( Brooke Shields ) who believes Days of Our Lives is real, a fact that does not prevent Joey from dating her. A man ( Chris Isaak ) invites Phoebe to sing for children at the library, but her morbid lyrics horrify parents. However, the kids like the songs for telling the truth and come to the café to listen to her. Rachel and Monica compete for Jean-Claude Van Damme after meeting him on a movie set that Marcel is in. Chandler runs into Suzy, a former schoolmate ( Julia Roberts ), working on the film. She seems attracted to him, but actually wants revenge for Chandler once humiliating her in school. Joey is hired as an extra in the movie but overacts. Ross and Marcel spend time together.
TEXT: "THE INVASION" BY DERRICK SHERWIN FROM A STORY BY KIT PEDLER First broadcast - 9th November 1968 Running time - 24 minutes 26 seconds [SCENE_BREAK] 1. VAUGHN'S OFFICE (VAUGHN presses a large control on the wall of his office, which activates a sliding panel. The wall pivots with a loud whine on it lower right corner to reveal a dark alcove. Inside stands an odd tangle of metal wires and tubes, spinning around a glowing sphere. The device hums electronically at VAUGHN.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. LONDON STREETS (JAMIE and the DOCTOR continue walking through an alley near the IE building. They look behind themselves and see a large black car following them slowly down the alley. They back away. Inside the car, the fair-haired man points his finger at the DOCTOR and JAMIE, and his dark-haired colleague eases the car forward.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3. WATKINS'S HOUSE (ZOE is frozen while ISOBEL takes her picture.) ISOBEL: (On the floor.) Hold it now, last one. (She snaps her camera.) ISOBEL: OK, you can relax. ZOE: (Relaxing.) Oh good! I never knew that standing still could be so exhausting. ISOBEL: (Standing up.) Would you like some coffee? ZOE: Hm, please. (While ISOBEL readies the coffee pot...) ZOE: How long have they been gone? ISOBEL: Oh, I don't know. A couple of hours I suppose. ZOE: I hope they're all right. ISOBEL: Oh, of course they are. Probably just got lost or something. What's so important about these, ah, circuit things you were telling me about anyway? ZOE: Well, they were part of a... well, it was a sort of machine that we travel in. ISOBEL: Oh you mean... you mean a sort of electric car? ZOE: Well, it SUMMARY:
The Doctor and Jamie are taken prisoner by their mysterious observers and have a reunion with an old friend while Zoe and Isobel carry out their own investigation of IE.
TEXT: Act 1 Scene 1 - KACL Fade in. Frasier is on the air. Frasier: Thank you for your call, Lorraine. And now, before we break for a commercial, Roz has an important message. Roz? He looks over, but Roz isn't in her booth. Frasier sits for a moment, then speaks up. Frasier: What's that, Roz? Can't come to the mike right now? Well, what she wanted to say was... He gets up, leans over and tries to read the notice through the connecting window. Frasier: Tomorrow, on Amber Edwards's "Book Chat," sociologist Lamont Myman discusses his book, "Violence in the Workplace: Why Co-Workers Kill." Something which becomes more relevant With each passing moment. We'll be right back after these messages. CUT TO: the hallway. Roz is pounding on the candy machine and yelling. Frasier comes out. Roz: Cough it up, you piece of tin! Frasier: Roz! Roz: What are you doing out here? Frasier: One might ask the same question of you. Isn't it customary to wait until the show comes to a complete stop before exiting? Roz: I have a little urge. [She pounds on the machine again.] Damn it! Frasier: What is the matter with you? Roz: [rocking the machine] I have GOT to have some CHOCOLATE! It's kind of a celebration. At 11:07 this morning, I finished one of those magazine diets: Seven Days to a Healthier, Calmer You. She shoves her hands in the drop part of the machine, Frasier comes up and grabs her. Frasier: Now, Roz. Come on, come on, Roz, come on. Look, I'm doing this for your own good. He pulls her away and she kicks the machine. Roz: Wait! Something came out. [She reaches in and grabs it.] Oh, damn! Chocolate covered raisins. She heads back to her booth, Frasier following. Roz: SUMMARY:
Niles and Frasier invest in a real estate project, not knowing that part of its plan is to destroy the bar Martin has cherished for 40 years.
TEXT: EXT. PARK, DAY The TARDIS materializes and the DOCTOR opens the door to look around. DOCTOR: No, Amy, it's definitely not the fifth moon of Sinda Callista. I think I can see a Ryman's. There is a blast from inside the TARDIS and the DOCTOR is knocked to the ground. DOCTOR: Amy! Amy! The TARDIS dematerializes. INT. TARDIS The TARDIS is out of control and wires are sparking. AMY pulls herself up and looks at the monitor. AMY: Doctor! It's saying we're on Earth! Essex, Colchester. The TARDIS stops shaking and AMY realizes the DOCTOR isn't there. AMY: Doctor?! It's taking off again. Doctor, can you hear me? EXT. PARK, DAY The DOCTOR looks at where the TARDIS used to be. DOCTOR: Amy! Amy... EXT. RESIDENTIAL STREET, DAY ONE DAY LATER... A YOUNG MAN is walking down the street when he hears a man's voice over the front door intercom. VOICE: Hello? Hello, please? Hello? I need your help. There's been an accident. The YOUNG MAN approaches and stands hesitantly in front of the door. VOICE: Please, help me. With a buzz, the door opens and the YOUNG MAN enters. INT. HOUSE FRONT HALL, DAY We look down the stairs into the front hall as the YOUNG MAN steps inside. The lights flicker. YOUNG MAN: Hello? VOICE: Please, will you help me? The YOUNG MAN shuts the door. YOUNG MAN: Help you? What's wrong? A figure in silhouette stands at the top of the stairs. VOICE: Something terrible's happened. Please help me. The YOUNG MAN climbs the stairs and enters the upstairs flat. The door closes seemingly on its own. INT. PARLOR, DAY A woman, SOPHIE, takes off her jacket and drapes it over a SUMMARY:
The TARDIS dematerialises with Amy inside, leaving the Doctor stranded in present-day Colchester . He tracks the disturbance which affected the TARDIS to the second floor of a flat, where people have been persuaded to enter but have never left. The Doctor rents part of the downstairs apartment occupied by Craig Owens ( James Corden ), who wishes to declare his love for his friend Sophie ( Daisy Haggard ). When Sophie is lured up to the second floor, the Doctor and Craig enter the flat and discover that it is a TARDIS-like spaceship (disguised by a perception filter ) which has been luring passersby to find a suitable pilot. When Craig does not want to leave, the ship's protocols are counteracted; with its hold on the house broken, the TARDIS can land. In the TARDIS, Amy finds her engagement ring from Rory.
TEXT: Scene: The University Cafeteria. Leonard: No, seriously, I think I've finally figured out my problem with women. Sheldon: The capybara is the largest member of the rodent family. Leonard: What does that have to do with me and women? Sheldon: Nothing. It was a desperate attempt to introduce an alternate topic of conversation. Leonard: My problem is, I don't project confidence. So I decided that the next time I meet a woman I think is attractive, rather than holding back and being cautious, I'm going to assume the mantle of self-assurance. Raj: Oh, yeah? What's that look like? Leonard: Hi. I'm Leonard. And you are beautiful. You pop, sparkle and buzz electric. I'm going to pick you up at eight, show you a night you will never forget. Raj: Where are we going? Howard: Good news. I made it onto the team for the new Defence Department laser-equipped surveillance satellite. Sheldon: Excuse me. If we're changing topics, I believe I have first dibs with capybara, a rodent the size of a baby hippo. Leonard: Congratulations Howard. Howard: Thanks. Listen, I have to get a security clearance, so you guys might be hearing from the FBI. Raj: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I don't want to speak to the FBI. Leonard: Why not? Raj: I'm brown and I talk funny. Howard: They're just doing a background check on me. Raj: It doesn't matter. They'll find a reason to give me a one-way ticket back to Gandhi-ville. By the way, when I say that, it's not offensive. Leonard: Don't be ridiculous, Raj. You're here legally. Raj: Nobody cares. Do you know how long it's been since I got through airport security without being given a colonoscopy? Sheldon: You know, I try very hard to make our lunch hours educational and informative, but your insistence on talking about your own lives stymies me at every turn. Leonard: Fine, Sheldon, tell us about your giant rodents. Sheldon: No, you SUMMARY:
Howard needs security clearance to work on a new project, so an FBI agent comes to ask Leonard, Sheldon and Raj about his background. Since the agent is an attractive woman, Raj and Leonard embarrass themselves. Sheldon, however, tells her about the time Howard drove a Mars rover into a ditch (The Lizard-Spock Expansion), so Howard is rejected for the project. Howard rejects Sheldon's apologies until he is allowed[clarification needed] to sit in Sheldon's spot on the couch, although Sheldon takes it back after 94 seconds.
TEXT: •I do not own the characters or situations of BTVS, and I claim no credit for the content of this episode. I have merely transcribed what appeared on my screen, with help from the closed captions. •I prefer that you link to this transcript on the Psyche site rather than post it on your site, but you can post it on your site if you want, as long as you keep my name and email address on it. Please also keep my disclaimers intact. •You can use my transcripts in your fanfiction stories; you don't have to ask my permission. (However, if you use large portions of episode dialogue in your fanfic, I recommend you give credit to the person who wrote the episode.) •I apologize in advance for my lame transcription of the fight scenes. I don't know the names of different punches and kicks. Use your imagination. [SCENE_BREAK] Teaser GILES VOICEOVER: Previously: Buffy punching Spike. Spike punching Buffy. SPIKE: Looks like I'm not as toothless as you thought, sweetheart. BUFFY: How? SPIKE: You came back wrong. Tara and Willow at the Bronze. TARA: Willow, you are using too much magic. What do you want me to do, just... sit back and keep my mouth shut? WILLOW: Well, that'd be a good start. Willow doing the forget spell. WILLOW: Forget. Tara and Willow arguing. TARA: I know you used that spell on me. What is wrong with you? TARA: I don't think this is gonna work. Willow crying. Tara packing her stuff. WILLOW: Are you saying you're gonna leave me? Willow turning the rat back into Amy. BUFFY: Amy? How've you been? AMY: Rat. You? BUFFY: Dead. AMY: Oh. WILLOW: It's nice, having another magically-inclined friend around. Willow and Amy causing havoc at the Bronze. WILLOW: There's gotta be someplace, like, bigger than this. AMY: It's way too early to go home yet. Willow smiling. SUMMARY:
Buffy is shaken by her previous meeting with Spike the night before, where they slept together and caused the building around them to collapse. Amy takes Willow to a sorcerer called Rack whose power gets her hooked. However, it ends with devastating consequences.
TEXT: [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT] [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. ROADWAY -- NIGHT] (Women are laughing. A car, Nevada license #OVK 195, drives by. There are two women inside the car.) Charlotte: That club was hot! Lisa: We're just warming up, my girl. (LISA turns the car and CHARLOTTE doesn't recognize where they are.) Charlotte: Wait, wait, wait. I don't think this is the right way. Lisa: (turns to look at CHARLOTTE) It's a shortcut. (She laughs.) Charlotte: A shortcut to where? (The car hits over something.) Charlotte: Stop. Stop the car. Lisa: It was just a pothole. (CHARLOTTE looks back. LISA looks in the mirror.) Charlotte: I think you hit someone. (The tires screech as she stops the car.) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. ROADWAY -- NIGHT] (The ambulance drives off. The road has been taped off and OFFICERS and other Emergency Personnel walk around.) (GRISSOM and SARA get out of the vehicle and make their way toward SGT. O'RILEY who fills them in.) Sgt. O'Riley: Blonde behind the wheel. Girlfriend in the passenger seat called it in. Vehicular manslaughter. (GRISSOM looks at the body down on the roadway. WARRICK snaps a photo. SARA leans over to look at what he's photographing. There are three evidence markers on the roadway, #2-#4, marking pieces of a car taillight.) Sara: Taillight? Warrick: Yeah. (GRISSOM shines the flashlight in the plastic bag to show the beer inside.) Grissom: You been drinking, Warrick? Warrick: No. I'm having a block party. I marked it where I found it -- over on the sidewalk over there. (WARRICK points to the side. GRISSOM and SARA both turn to look at the body. They put their kits down SUMMARY:
Grissom, Sara and Warrick investigate a deaf man who was run over by a car. However, further investigation shows that he died before the car even struck him. The team's encounters with the dean of the deaf man's school reveals a secret about Grissom. Meanwhile, Catherine and Nick investigate an apparent mob hit that leaves five dead in a coffee shop.
TEXT: "The Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" [SCENE_BREAK] TEASER (Open on: Ext. Verbena Court a suburban cul-de-sac. A luau street party is underway, tables are laid out in the street, banners and streamer are hung up. People dressed up in Hawaiian clothes and flower garlands are carrying plates of food and drinking cocktails. Children are playing.). Woman's voice (off screen): Everybody, I've got fresh pineapples! (The SAYLES family BOB, PAIGE and MARY KAY stand with neighbor NATE GRUNENFELDER. BOB grabs one of NATE's coconut boobs) NATE: Aargh, back off, sailor. PAIGE: Grabbing the gay guy's coconut boob - real cool, Dad. (She walks away) BOB: Your old man is cool. Right, Nate? NATE: Massively cool, Bob. You're a glacier. MARY KAY: Aren't any of these nonalcoholic? BOB: You know, it would do you some good to have a couple drinks, loosen up a little. (We follow NATE as he moves to a new group: his boyfriend JAMES PERRY, and neighbors ELLIOT and PAULA LINDBERGH. NATE hands PAULA a drink.) ELLIOT: All due respect, James, I don't even understand why gays even want to get married. PAULA: Elliot! For the same reason we do, family, kids, the American Dream. JAMES: Exactly. (Puts his arm around Nate) Thank you Paula. ELLIOT: Our house has been on the market for ten months. Nobody wants the American Dream anymore. PAULA: Elliot, you're gonna love the 'burbs once we have a couple kids. (Popping sounds like firecrackers are heard.) Voice (off screen): Ooooh, what's goin' on? JAMES: That's coming from the luau pit. BOB: Hey, Tre SUMMARY:
The team investigates the remains that were found in a barbecue pit during a suburban neighborhood block party, leading to several secrets about the residents in the neighborhood being exposed. Iranian intern Arastoo confesses to everyone that he has been faking his accent and explains why he did so. Booth's son Parker seems concerned that his dad does not have a girlfriend.
TEXT: [ The apartment ] [SCENE_BREAK] Amy: Can you believe it's been five years since our first date? Sheldon: I know. Do you think I should start watching The Flash TV show? Amy: That's what you're thinking about? Sheldon: Well, one of the things. Amy: Are any of them me? Sheldon: Yes. I thought, "I can't decide if I should watch The Flash TV show. I know, I'll ask Amy." Anyway... Amy: What are you doing? Sheldon: You're right, you did kind of kill the mood. Amy: I didn't kill anything. You did, talking about your stupid TV show. Sheldon: Excuse me. Starting to watch a television show that might run for years isn't a decision to take lightly. I'm wrestling with a big commitment issue here. Amy: Really? That's the commitment issue you're wrestling with? Sheldon, do you understand the irony of your fixation on a man with super speed, while after five years all I can get out of you is a distracted make-out session on a couch? Sheldon: Irony's not really my strong suit. But I have been getting better with sarcasm, if you want to give that a try. Amy: (sarcastically) Oh, sure, I'd love to. Sheldon: Whenever you're ready. [SCENE_BREAK] <unk> Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state <unk> <unk> Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! <unk> <unk> The Earth began to cool <unk> <unk> The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools <unk> <unk> We built the Wall <unk> <unk> We built the pyramids <unk> <unk> Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery <unk> <unk> That all started with a big bang <unk> <unk> Bang! <unk> Original Air Date on May 7, 2015 [SCENE_BREAK] [ The comic book store ] [SCENE_BREAK] Stuart: I don't want to rush you, but I'm closing a little early tonight. Raj SUMMARY:
While making out on the fifth anniversary of their first date, Sheldon offends Amy by debating whether he should watch The Flash instead of focusing on her as she wonders where they are going in their relationship. Sheldon doesn't understand why everyone thinks their relationship has moved too slowly, pointing out that Leonard and Penny have not discussed their wedding plans in months. Amy tells Sheldon she needs to take a break from the relationship to figure out what to do, leaving Sheldon unsure of what to do with the engagement ring he got her. After deflecting Sheldon's questions, Leonard and Penny decide to elope in Las Vegas. While driving there, Leonard admits he drunkenly kissed another woman two years ago while on the boat in the North Sea. Penny is upset but appears to forgive him as they weren't engaged then. Howard and Bernadette want Stuart to move out, but always find a reason not to bring it up. They finally get up the nerve to tell him, only to back off when they realize it is his birthday. Raj is spooked out by Emily's latest morbid idea: having sex in a graveyard. While having a picnic there, he says they are very different people and it appears he wants to break up, but when Emily confronts him he instead says he loves her.