TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Woman: Who are you? Bonnie: Who are you? Damon: Oh, my God. That's my mother. Kai: There are only two prison worlds in existence, mine and the one created in 1903 for locking up your mom and her closet full of crazy pants. Damon: Tell me how to get her back! Kai: Your mom's a ripper! Enzo: Meet the real Sarah Salvatore. I'm going to make her do things she'd never dream of doing until she begs me to make her a vampire. Jo: I'm pregnant. Alaric: Marry me. Jo: Yes. Caroline: My mom is dead, and I just need the pain to be gone. Caroline: If anyone tries to flip my humanity switch back on, I'll become your worst nightmare. Stefan: I like you. Caroline: Stop. Stefan: Come back. Stefan: What the hell are you doing with Sarah? Caroline: I'm going to kill her. Aah! Caroline: If Stefan wants to save Sarah's life, all he has to do is shut his humanity off. Stefan: Just remember to bring me back. Elena: Stefan, don't you dare shut it off. [SCENE_BREAK] [ (SCULL BAR) ] (Caroline is cleaning up from her fight with Stefan the night before when Enzo walks in) Enzo: A hard knock life, isn't it? Caroline: Don't walk there. Ugh! (grabbing a mop) I just washed that. Enzo: My apologies, Cinderella. What are you doing? Caroline: Stefan and I had a moment. Things broke in the process, and now I'm returning the Scull Bar to the way we found it. Enzo: Uh, the whole point of flipping your humanity switch is that you don't care how you leave things. Caroline: (sighs) I go to school here, Enzo. I want to keep going to school here, and the second that I draw any suspicions -- break-ins, broken property, dead bodies -- people will try to interrupt my routine. Then I will end up rotting in a SUMMARY:
After the previous night, Sarah is being kept in the hospital. Alaric and Jo contemplate baby names. Jo tells Alaric to be a father for 18 years and then he can run around killing vampires. Meanwhile, Kai and Bonnie take Damon and Elena to the 1903 prison world to get the Salvatore's mother. Bonnie says she will find the ascendant but ends up hurting Kai so he can feel the pain she felt. When they are about to go back to real time, Kai gets left behind because Bonnie wants him to feel loneliness. With both of their humanities off, Caroline and Stefan feed on a girl and afterwards have sex. After Bonnie interrupts Damon and Elena's make out session, she forgives him and gives him the Cure to Vampirism.
TEXT: 108 - The Beginning Of The End. "In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. His name: Merlin." Camelot - Lower Town - Market Mordred walks through the market with his father, Cerdan. CERDAN: Do you have my supplies ready? We must leave the city without delay. STALLHOLDER: Everything you asked for, it's all here. I'm sorry. Guards approach. Mordred and his father duck under the merchant's table to run through the market. GUARD: Seize him! Stop there! Mordred and Cerdan are forced to run into the palace grounds. A guard jumps at them and slashes Mordred. Merlin hears Mordred's telepathic scream. CERDAN: *spell* The spell throws the guard into the rampart wall. Mordred can't run far, so he and his father are stuck on the drawbridge. CERDAN: Abannan át<unk>. The spell shuts the drawbridge gates. CERDAN: Run! Run, run! Mordred runs through the gates before they close. Cerdan allows himself to be caught. Castle - Central Corridor Merlin walks down the corridor. MORDRED (telepathy): Help! Merlin stops to look for the owner of the voice. Merlin enters the Square. MORDRED (telepathy): Help me! Please. Merlin stops to look around again and sees Mordred sitting by a stone ledge, looking at him. MORDRED (telepathy): Please. You have to help me. Merlin realises the boy is using telepathy. MORDRED (telepathy): Help me. Merlin sees the guards enter the Square. GUARD: Search in there. Take the other side. You, did you see a boy run in here? MORDRED (telepathy): They're searching for me. MERLIN (telepathy): Why are they after you? MORDRED (telepathy): They're going to kill me. GUARD: Guards! In here! Merlin runs to a side door, looks at the guard SUMMARY:
When Merlin decides to help a magical young fugitive, he finds an unlikely ally in Morgana. The pair are desperate to smuggle the boy back to his own kind, but this becomes increasingly difficult, as the hunt for his whereabouts increases with every minute. Their task takes a dangerous turn when Uther declares that anyone hiding the child will be executed. With their lives now on the line, can they sneak the boy out of the castle without being caught? And perhaps more importantly, just who is the mysterious child, and how does he know so much about Merlin?
TEXT: [Scene: A fancy restaurant. Pacey is sitting alone at a table, like he is waiting for someone, when the waitress comes back to see if they need anything.] Waitress: Do you need anything else, sir? More bread, perhaps? Pacey: Not bread, but I will take another one of these. And you don't have to call me sir. It kind of creeps me out. Waitress: Yes, sir. Sorry. I'll be leaving now. [The waitress makes a clumsy exit, when the good looking report comes up and takes the seat across from Pacey] Sadia: Hello. Did you miss me? Pacey: I did, but the waitress was totally flirting with me, so it was all right. Sadia: Ooh, that sounds like fun. Pacey: It was, but she's not really my type. Sadia: Good. What is your type, exactly? Pacey: Generally I tend to prefer the brainy brunettes with brown eyes. Sadia: Can I ask you something? Pacey: Feel free. Sadia: Why did you wait so long to ask me out? Pacey: Well, for a while there I was otherwise engaged, but I've taken care of that now, I promise. [The waitress brings his drink] Pacey: Thank you. [He takes the drink and raises it.] Pacey: So without further ado, I'd like to propose a toast if I may. Sadia: You may. Pacey: To getting to know each other better. Sadia: Much better. [Opening Credits] [SCENE_BREAK] [Scene: Joey's Dorm room. Joey is lying on her bed studying for her final, as Eddie is sitting on the floor in front of her bed leaning on it, and picks up the book <unk>Catch-22<unk> which was lying on the floor next to him.] Eddie: Well, Joey, that's not the overriding message. Joey: Yes, it is. Untimely, Yossarian must accept that he's trapped in an insane world. Eddie: SUMMARY:
Pacey learns he has lost Dawson's money in the stock market after investing in a med stock that just went bust. Pacey then asks his boss Rich Rinaldi to borrow $18,000 to refund Dawson's money, but Rinaldi refuses. Frustrated and angry after Rinaldi insults Pacey one-too many times by calling him a loser, Pacey (having heard enough of that from everyone he knows) punches Rinaldi in his face which results in Rinaldi instantly firing Pacey. Back at school, Joey passes her English final with an 'A', which earns her a C+ average grade, and is relieved that her long ordeal with the insufferable Professor Heston is over. However, Joey later tells Heston that she wants him as her adviser when she decides to choose English as her major. Eddie surprises Joey with a trip to Europe for the summer, but a fiery conversation about how differently they live their lives leaves both of them questioning their future together. Eddie ends up breaking up with Joey with a letter. Elsewhere, David finally breaks up with Jack, who ponders if he was only with David to prove to himself that he could hold a steady relationship.
TEXT: CHILTON CLASSROOM MRS O'MALLEY: Although getting soviet support for his war in the pacific was his top priority, many historians have argued that it was actually Roosevelt's declining health that played the most significant role at Yalta. Had he not been in such failing health, they argue, he would have driven a much harder bargain with Stalin during those fateful negotiations. For Churchill... CHARLESTON: Excuse me Mrs O'Malley. MRS O'MALLEY: Excuse me, please. CHARLESTON: I need you to remove Miss Gilmore from class. MRS O'MALLEY: Rory Gilmore, there's been a mistake. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. CHARLESTON: And take your things with you. You won't be coming back. RORY: What? MRS O'MALLEY: Come on. Quickly. RORY: But... [Confused Rory gathers her books, buts on her yellow back pack and leaves, she goes through the classroom door and strait into her house. Still confused she goes inside. Lorelai is coming down the stairs with a suit case.] RORY: Mom, I had the most awful day. LORELAI: Hi. I thought I would miss you. RORY: Where are you going? LORELAI: Well, I'm going to Hawaii. RORY: Hawaii? LORELAI: Yeah. Hawaii. RORY: Why? LORELAI: 'Cause I've always wanted to go to Hawaii. RORY: I didn't know that. LORELAI: Yes well. RORY: Well, when are you coming back? LORELAI: I don't know. How many ounces can you take on the pLane? Two, Three I forget. RORY: Mum, I really need to talk. LORELAI: PLane. RORY: Well how am I gonna be able to get in touch with you? LORELAI: You can't. I need a break, kid. Take it easy. Try not to kill any plants. RORY: Well... SUMMARY:
Rory stresses out as graduation approaches, which leads to a day of eating and shopping with Lorelai. Later, with Luke in tow, the Gilmores hit the bars, where Lorelai takes the stage for a karaoke number obviously intended for Luke. Logan returns from a business trip and looks to discuss his and Rory's future with Lorelai. After getting into a science camp, April tells Luke that she cannot go on the boating trip with him over the summer. Zach is asked to go on tour with another band.
TEXT: (EXT. SIBERIA - NIGHT) A passenger train travels through snowy Siberia. A man opens a door and enters one of the passenger cars, closes the door behind him, and looks around cautiously. He carries a newspaper wrapped around something as he walks down the aisle. As he passes a couple of old men playing chess, a bishop piece gets knocked over into the aisle. The man kneels down and picks up the piece for the old man. OLD MAN: Thank you, sir. The man studies the chess board for a moment before getting up. MAN: Just a suggestion. The old man looks curiously at his helper. MAN: Try... Knight to C-5. The old man looks back at the chess board and tries the move. OLD MAN: You are right. The man looks pleased and moves on, continuing down the aisle. As he leaves, we see that he has left a device under one of the seats. The row of lights on the device increase with each second. The man enters the next car and closes the door. He takes a seat and begins reading the newspaper. He checks his watch. At that moment, in the previous car, the old man is about to win the chess game. OLD MAN: Checkmate. A bright light flashes inside the car. The man walks back into the previous car. The car is not damaged, but charred bodies are all that remain of the passengers inside. The man retrieves his device and leaves. (INT. LOS ANGELES - NIGHT) RACHEL: Did you crack Dean's encryption? MARSHALL: Well, I was working on it, but... I got a little sidetracked. I intercepted a string of MI-6 transmissions. They're all about the testing and sale of a prototype MPB. TOM: That's impossible. MARSHALL: Yeah, I thought so, too. RACHEL: What's an MPB? MARSHALL: Sorry. It's a micropulse bomb. These things - super nasty. Incinerate the people, leave everything else intact. DIXON: There was SUMMARY:
A rogue element in MI-6 is testing an MPB (Micro Pulse Bomb) which incinerates people but leaves equipment intact. Through old contacts Jack learns the identity of the designer. Rachel goes to a conference in São Paulo, Brazil (should be Rio de Janeiro, because the conference is at a Beach Hotel, and there's no beach in São Paulo) to bug the designer's laptop. Under the cover name "Bob Brown", Julian Sark is there to do the same thing. Both do so successfully, and after a few drinks go back to his room for sex. In Brazil, Jack witnesses an arms transaction of a much larger MPB; one that ends in an ambush. The team realizes that Sark was the leak. Rachel and Sydney hire him. Jack and his companion are taken prisoner and moved to Tunisia. Sark arranges to buy the prisoners but gets double-crossed and is handcuffed to the bomb. Rachel manages to disarm it at last. Includes the sentence "What's a little treason between old friends?"
TEXT: Scene: The apartment. Amy: Should you really be sitting in Sheldon's spot? Raj: He's in Texas, he'll never know. Penny: I wouldn't be so sure about that. Leonard: Yeah, he has a very sensitive butt. Well, it's true. Once I saw him sit on a bunch of loose change and add it up. Raj: Have you heard from Howard? Bernadette: I did. His talk at NASA went great. Penny: Sheldon didn't heckle him? Bernadette: No, in fact, he was so well-behaved, Howie bought him a Buzz Aldrin bobble head and astronaut ice cream. Stuart: Hey, guys. Amy: Oh, hi. Bernadette: Hi, Stuart. Raj: Hey, Stuart! Stuart: How's it going? Raj: Good. Sheldon's out of town, so we can do whatever we want. We even ordered from the Thai place he doesn't like. Stuart: Oh, how is it? Penny: Disgusting. Do not tell him. Leonard: What do you guys want to do tonight? Amy: I don't know. Bernadette: Well, I told Howie if I wasn't busy, I'd spend the night at his mom's. So for God's sake, think of something. Raj: Stuart? Are you okay? Stuart: No, I don't feel so... Leonard: Oh, my God, Stuart? Penny: Oh, my God, you guys need to do something! Raj: Stuart? Leonard: Calling 911. Raj: Well, it's too late. Leonard: What do you mean it's too late? Raj: He's been murdered by someone in this room. Penny: Oh, my God. Leonard: Oh, come on. Raj: Welcome to another classic Koothrappali murder mystery dinner. Amy: I'm leaving. Raj: You can't leave. You're a suspect in the mysterious murder of Stuart Bloom. Bernadette: I didn't know his last name was Bloom. Amy: Yeah, it's Bloom. Penny: Are you really gonna lie on the floor and pretend to be SUMMARY:
Sheldon and Howard drop in on Sheldon's mother Mary to surprise her, but flee after Sheldon sees her through the window having sex. Sheldon returns, gets into an argument, and is sent to his room. After Howard tells him he once drove away an admirer of his mother, Sheldon apologizes to Mary, saying he will outwardly accept her choice while inwardly condemning her hypocrisy in going against her religious beliefs. She forgives him and commends his good Christian attitude. The rest of the gang is roped into a murder mystery dinner arranged by Raj, with Stuart as the corpse. "Traveling" to the future envisioned by Raj, Leonard and Penny broke up because of their successful careers. The pair argue what they would do if one were required to abandon a dream for the other's success. Stuart believes that Leonard and Penny will end up together and says they are the best couple he knows. He reasons that Penny made Leonard more confident while Leonard made Penny think more deeply about the world. Penny is touched and accidentally reveals being the murderer, ruining Raj's game. Leonard suggests that whatever happens, they all meet in front of the apartment in 20 years for dinner. When the time finally comes, only Stuart shows up. After it gets dark, he looks at his watch and despondently says, "I knew it" before walking away.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] He said he would pay me if-- if I found out when the drugs were coming in, so I found out. Boyd: She got a cellphone on her? [ Sniffles ] Boyd: Hello, Cousin Johnny. Yeah, well, Mr. Crowder ain't going to court. What? You're just gonna let him skate? No. I want you to kill him. Boyd: Now, the money I offered Paxton-- how about that ends up under your mattress? In exchange for what? Boyd: Telling him you did as he asked, put a bullet in the back of my head. Raylan: Rode Dickie Bennett's shirttails out of Tramble, on account of the scandal? How'd you know? Raylan: It's protocol to tell me when a known felon who's tried to kill me a couple times has been released. Dewey: Why did you do that to Messer? I've been... skimming, Dewey. Dewey: You son of a bitch! Boyd put me up to it. He didn't give me no choice. Dewey: You're gonna kill him? Darryl: No, Dewey. You are. Dewey: It's right down here. [ Sighs ] How come you keep your money all the way up here? Dewey: I got money squirreled all over, lest some fool happen across the whole chunk at once and clean me out. Well, I guess that's smart. Dewey: Hell yeah, it's smart. All we got to do is dig it up, pack our sh1t, and we're out of here. Put my cousin and all them assholes in our rearview. You bring the shovel? Jesus Christ, Messer. That's all we got to dig with? You said bring a shovel. This is my shovel. Dewey: Well, are you a midget? 'Cause that is a midget shovel. It's from my Boy Scouts for camping. I got it when I was a Webelo. De SUMMARY:
Raylan ventures into wild country on the hunt for a missing informant, while Boyd's last living relative threatens his life and livelihood.
TEXT: SURVIVAL PART THREE Run time: 24:20 [SCENE_BREAK] 1: EXT.??? [SCENE_BREAK] MASTER: You see, Doctor, you did help me. You kept these others alive just long enough to serve my purposes. THE DOCTOR: Midge, wait!! MASTER: Only the animals of this place can leave, Doctor, because they carry it with them. THE DOCTOR: Midge, listen to me!! Midge's only answer is a hiss. The Master nearly laughs. MASTER: He doesn't remember his name. (to Midge) Go home. Midge stares at the Master. He turns to run -- flash of light -- and Midge and the Master are gone. SHREELA: So there is a way out! THE DOCTOR: A way out? Yes. We wait for one of us to change, and then we use them. Before they try to escape or kill us all. SARGE: Well, there's no telling who'll be next, is there? Just get a grip and... (looks hard at the staring Derek) What're you looking at? It's him, isn't it? He's the one!! (jumps back) You stay away from me! SHREELA: Look! In the distance, the rider on her horse. ACE: (walks a bit toward the rider) Oh yeah! She's better! Doctor, look! When Ace turns back to the Doctor, her eyes have turned bright yellow... The other humans? eyes go wide. The rider comes down from her mount. RIDER: Come hunting, sister! THE DOCTOR: Wait!! Ace flashes a nasty grin. ACE: No. She runs to join the rider. They run off into the prairie, laughing all the way. SARGE: Who's next, eh? Who's next?!? If I had a gun -- THE DOCTOR: (spitting out the words) We'd be in even more trouble than we are already!! (calms down) Right. Stay here. I'll follow her. [SCENE_BREAK] 2: EXT.??? [ SUMMARY:
While Ace tries to resist the influence of the Cheetah Planet, the Master tries to leave the planet before it's too late.
TEXT: [ In a forest ] ( rustling ) ( she pants ) Maebh: I'm lost. Please, can you help me? The Doctor: It's that way. Are those trees? Maebh: I need the Doctor. Are you the Doctor? The Doctor: Yes. Do you have an appointment? You need an appointment to see the Doctor. Maebh: Please. Something's chasing me. [SCENE_BREAK] [ TARDIS ] ( she gasps in wonder ) The Doctor: When you drink a glass of Coke, it's only this big, but it's actually got this much sugar in it. It works a bit like that. Maebh: What does? The Doctor: The TARDIS. It's bigger on the inside than the outside, or did you not notice? Maebh: I just thought it was supposed to be bigger on the inside, so I didn't say anything. The Doctor: Well, of course it's supposed to be bigger. Most people are confused by that. Maebh: I find everything confusing, nearly. So, I don't say anything. That's how come I'm in the woods. I thought Miss Oswald told me to find the Doctor. But it wasn't her. It was just in my head. The Doctor: Miss Oswald? Dark hair? Highly unpredictable? Surprisingly round face? Maebh: Everyone says she's in love with Mister Pink. The Doctor: The PE teacher. Maebh: Maths. I really like him. I was in his group. The Doctor: Mister Pink was looking after you? Well, that explains why you're lost. It doesn't surprise you that I know all about your school? Maebh: Everyone seems to know everything about everything, apart from me. The Doctor: That's not quite true. I, for instance, have no idea why, when the terrestrial navigation... The terrestrial navigation starts up, it closes down all the other systems. Maebh: You should ask somebody who knows. The Doctor: Hmm. That's another of the drawbacks of being the last of your species. No one to ask when your SUMMARY:
Clara's student Maebh knocks on the TARDIS after hearing a thought from Clara to find the Doctor. The Doctor answers, and realises that a forest has grown over the world. Clara and Danny lead a group of students out into the new forest after a museum sleepover. They regroup in Trafalgar Square to recover Maebh. The Doctor realises Maebh is missing, and he and Clara set out to find her. They find Maebh. Some bug-like creatures talk through Maebh, telling them they had grown the forest and previous big forests. The Doctor believes a giant solar flare Maebh predicted in her notebook is heading towards Earth. Heading back to the TARDIS, the Doctor offers an escape route. Clara refuses to become the last of her kind, and Danny decides to stay with the students. The Doctor realises the trees have grown to protect Earth. Maebh reads off a message prepared by the other students to send a message to the world to not destroy the trees. Danny tells Clara he wants to know the truth about her travels with the Doctor, and asks her to think about it first. The solar flare passes by harmlessly and the excess trees disappear.
TEXT: THE SEEDS OF DOOM BY ROBERT BANKS STEWART PART FOUR 6:45pm - 7:10pm [SCENE_BREAK] CHASE: What do you do for an encore, Doctor? DOCTOR: I win. CHASE: Open this door! Guards! Guards! CHASE: Why am I surrounded by idiots! Guards! KEELER: Argh! My arm! My arm! CHASE: Keeler! It's happened. GUARD: What's up? SCORBY: The Doctor and the girl. Come on! [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: Get in there and hide. I'll be as quick as I can. SARAH: You can't tackle them single-handed. DOCTOR: Oh no, I've got a pistol. SARAH: But you'd never use it. DOCTOR: True, but they don't know that, do they. [SCENE_BREAK] CHASE: Amazing. KEELER: My whole body's changing. Look at my arm. Get me to a hospital, please. CHASE: Don't be ridiculous. We'll look after you here. KEELER: Do something. You must do something. CHASE: It's incredible. Absolutely unique. KEELER: For pity's sake, help me. HARGREAVES: What's all this? Oh sir, I hear Mister Keeler CHASE: Mister Keeler is not very well. HARGREAVES: Mister Keeler! CHASE: We must get him over to the cottage where we can look after him properly. HARGREAVES: What happened, sir? CHASE: Don't ask questions, just do it. [SCENE_BREAK] CHASE: Bear up, Keeler. [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: Nobody move. SCORBY: How predictable. The criminal returns to the scene of the crime. DOCTOR: I see the pod's burst. Was anyone in the way? SCORBY: Yeah, Keeler. Very clumsy of him. Where's SUMMARY:
Sarah is saved from a Krynoid fate and runs off, but the same can't be said for one of Chase's men. Not only is he simultaneously devoured and transformed, his fascinated employer will do all he can to encourage the process. The Doctor gets introduced to Chase's grinder and compost acceleration chamber, which promises him a painful yet swift death en route to making him one with nature, via the garden's nutrient pump. The situation has finally gone too far for Dunbar, who outs his own involvement in this matter and stands up to Chase, only to come face to face with a fully developed Krynoid.
TEXT: THE MONSTER OF PELADON BY: BRIAN HAYLES PART FIVE 5:30pm - 5:55pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. COMMUNICATIONS ROOM AZAXYR: The sonic lance has a self-destruct circuit...which I have already pre-set by remote control. If the rebel should try to fire it, it will destroy itself. It will, of course, kill all those in the area. (SARAH up from the monitor in shock at the Ice Lord.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. CAVE OVERLOOKING CITADEL (The DOCTOR and ETTIS start to grapple with their swords in the middle of the cave. ETTIS kicks the back of the DOCTOR'S leg, knocking him to the ground. He stands on his sword before he can retrieve it and the DOCTOR rolls away to avoid the sudden thrust of ETTIS' free sword downwards. He gets to his feet but unarmed now, he has to avoid each deadly jab of ETTIS'S sword. He manages to grab his arm and throw the man down, dislodging the sword from his grasp and throwing at across the cave.) DOCTOR: Come on, Ettis, this is pointless. (ETTIS starts to clamber up.) ETTIS: Yes, Doctor, you're right. I am a fool! (He head butts the DOCTOR in the stomach. He falls to the ground. ETTIS picks him up and throws him into the rock face of the cave and then throws him over and onto the floor. The DOCTOR staggers to his feet and ETTIS knocks him back with an almighty punch to the face. He then starts to power up the lance. The DOCTOR manages to get back to his feet again...) DOCTOR: No, Ettis, no! (...only for ETTIS to land two more punches on him, once more knocking him to the ground. ETTIS returns to the lance and presses the firing switch. The cave is filled with a massive explosion.) [SCENE_BRE SUMMARY:
Sarah and Alpha Centauri decide to try and alert the Federation to what the Ice Warriors are up to but first they have to escape from the throne room.
TEXT: [Scene: Street. Phoebe and Paige pull up in their car, and Darryl pulls up in his car. They get out.] Paige: You sure this is the right place? Phoebe: It's just as I saw it in my premonition. Paige: Yeah, but you kind of forced that premonition. Phoebe: Darryl, will you hurry up, I got a date. Darryl: Where's he gonna be? Phoebe: At a restaurant down town. Darryl: No, I meant where's the killer going to be? Phoebe: Oh, he's going to be robbing a pawn shop in the alley. Darryl: So exactly how do we know that he's possessed? Paige: When the phantasm comes out of him and tries to annihilate us. Darryl: Whoa, wait. So the perp's not responsible for the other killings? It's this, whatever you call it? Phoebe: No, no, he is. The phantasm only possesses bad guys. To make them worse. Okay, shall we? (Phoebe heads for the alley.) Darryl: She really wants this demon, doesn't she? Paige: No. She really wants her date. [Cut to the alley. Phoebe and Paige are hiding beside a dumpster, watching the burglar break in to the pawn shop. Darryl joins them.] Phoebe: Okay, go, go. Darryl: Okay, just make sure you do your thing before any annihilating occurs, okay? Phoebe: Have we ever let you down? Go. (Darryl stands in the middle of the alley and points his gun at the burglar.) Darryl: Freeze! Police! (The burglar turns around. Phoebe comes out from behind the dumpster.) Paige: Wait. Not yet. (The burglar pulls out his gun and shoots. Phoebe pushes Darryl out of the way just in time. The burglar shoots again. Darryl shoot SUMMARY:
When Phoebe and Paige are caught on tape using their powers by SFPD Inspector Sheridan , the Cleaners, beings who prevent the exposure of magic, cover up the situation by implicating their friend, Detective Darryl Morris , as a murderer and in a huge time jump, end up sending him to death row to cover up the exposure of magic. The Halliwells fight to have the outcome reversed, initially summoning the Cleaners by deliberate acts that would expose magic if left unfixed. Their confrontation proves inconclusive, and they learn that their only recourse is to have a hearing in front of the mysterious Tribunal, which is a council that oversees all magic and made up of demons and Elders with Barbas ( Billy Drago ) empaneled as the prosecutor. He turns the proceedings around on their head and puts the sisters on trial for recklessly abusing their powers. Meanwhile, Inspector Sheridan, nudged magically by Barbas, takes aim at the sisters with her partner Inspector Miles and begins looking into the trail of disappearances and odd happenings over the last half decade starting with the collection of unsolved homicides SFPD Internal Affairs had harassed Andy Trudeau about. Meanwhile, Leo and Chris work together to help free the sisters and Darryl, but the outcome leaves Phoebe stripped of her active powers as penance for occasional lapses in the past where she used magic to benefit herself.
TEXT: The Massacre (of St. Bartholomew's Eve) by John Lucarotti first broadcast - 19th February, 1966 [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. PRESLIN'S SHOP (The next morning, STEVEN is woken by the noise of ANNE looking for something to eat.) STEVEN: Oh, it's only you. What's the time? ANNE: Oh, I'm sorry, monsieur. I didn't mean to wake you, I, I... STEVEN: (Impatiently.) Never mind. What time is it? ANNE: It's dawn, monsieur. The Tocsin's rung. Curfew's over. STEVEN: And the 'Sea Beggar' dies today. ANNE: Are we gonna leave Paris now? STEVEN: No. (ANNE looks disappointed.) STEVEN: (Gently.) No, I'm sorry, Anne, but I must go back to the Abbot's house. ANNE: (Shouts.) No! Monsieur, no! STEVEN: I must! Now, my friend should be there by now. He may know who the 'Sea Beggar' is. ANNE: If you go back there, they'll arrest you. STEVEN: No they won't, the Doctor should be able to stop them. ANNE: They'll recognise you before you can find him. The Captain of the Guard and Monsieur Colbert. STEVEN: Hmm. Perhaps if I disguise... see if we can find some other clothes. (They rummage through the chest of clothes. He pulls out a dirty cloak.) STEVEN: Ah, yes. Well, this should do. ANNE: Ugh, but it's so dirty, monsieur. STEVEN: Yes, well, never mind. Now, if I can find that hat... (ANNE finds his hat.) ANNE: Monsieur? STEVEN: Good girl. (ANNE laughs as STEVEN tries on his disguise.) STEVEN: Yes, well I don't SUMMARY:
Missing episode The TARDIS materialises in Paris in the year 1572 and the Doctor decides to visit the famous apothecary Charles Preslin. Steven, meanwhile, is befriended by a group of Huguenots from the household of the Protestant Admiral de Coligny. Having rescued a young serving girl, Anne Chaplet, from some pursuing guards, the Huguenots gain their first inkling of a heinous plan being hatched at the command of the Catholic Queen Mother,Catherine de Medici.
TEXT: [TRIQUETRA LOGO] [Scene from 8X06: Kill Billie, Vol. 1] [INT. MANOR - PIPER'S BEDROOM -- DAY] (Leo and Piper argue.) LEO: Leo! Leo! Leo! Can you do this? Can you do that? [TRIQUETRA LOGO] NARRATOR: (v.o.) Previously, on "Charmed"... [INT. MANOR - PIPER'S BEDROOM -- DAY] (The argument continues.) PIPER: I don't ask you to do everything else. LEO: No, you just expect it. [Scene from 5X09: Sam I Am] [INT. MANOR - KITCHEN -- DAY] (Paige talks with Leo.) PAIGE: Who's my charge gonna be? Is it a Whitelighter-to-be? [EXT. ALLEY BEHIND TAVERN - DAY] (They walk to the back door of a bar. The bar door opens and a man is thrown out of the establishment. He falls to the ground in front of Paige.) (Paige grimaces as Sam throws up on her shoes.) LEO: (v.o.) Not exactly. Your charge's name is Samuel. [INT. MANOR - KITCHEN -- NIGHT] (Phoebe talks to Paige.) PHOEBE: Sam was mom's Whitelighter. PAIGE: That would make him - PHOEBE: Your biological father. [Scene from 8X06: Kill Billie, Vol 1] [INT. MANOR - ATTIC -- DAY] (Billie talks with Piper, Phoebe and Paige.) BILLIE JENKINS: The night my sister was taken, [INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT - FLASHBACK] (The balcony doors slam open. Christy screams.) (A black shadowy figure of a cloaked figure rises up the walls. Lightning flashes.) ( SUMMARY:
As Paige contemplates returning to work as a Social Worker, she gets a visit from her father Sam, looking for help in locating J.D., an old charge of his who disappeared in the 1950's. While on the case, they discover J.D. was taken by a demon who pretends to be a doctor as cover to kidnap future Whitelighters and keeps them trapped in a photo collage. Meanwhile, a bickering Piper and Leo go to a soothsayer for help in getting over their marital problems.
TEXT: [Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler is getting ready for a date with Monica as Ross enters.] Ross: Hey! Chandler: Hey! Ross: Wow! You look nice. What's the occasion? Chandler: Monica and I are celebrating our ten-month anniversary, we've got reservations at Ja George. Ross: Wow! How'd you get in there? Chandler: Made a few calls, pulled some strings, and they agreed to seat us at 11:30 if we both had the chicken and didn't get desert. (There's a knock on the door and Chandler answers it. It's the pizza delivery girl.) Delivery Girl: Hi Chandler! Chandler: Hey Caitlin! Somebody got a haircut. Caitlin: Ugh, I hate it! I look like an 8-year-old boy. Chandler: Yeah, if that was true, gym class would've been a lot more interesting. Caitlin: It's uh, 27 dollars even. Chandler: Oh, okay. (Hands her the money.) Here you go. (The duck starts quacking.) Caitlin: Hey, where's the chicken? Chandler: Oh, he's in the back. The duck pissed him off, said that eggs came first. Caitlin: (laughs) Great. I'll see you later! Chandler: Okay, bye! (He closes the door and turns to see Ross glaring at him.) Ross: What the hell was that?! Chandler: What? Ross: The flirting! Aren't you supposed to be going out with, I don't know hmm, let's say my sister?! Chandler: I was not flirting. Ross: It was totally flirting. "Somebody got a haircut (Makes some whiney, nasally noises.)" Chandler: Okay first of all, the impression, uncanny. And second, that was not flirting, that was just casual conversation between two people. That is all. Ross: Yeah, right. Chandler: You wanna see flirting? I'll show you flirting. (Starts to move towards Ross.) Ross: (backing away) I' SUMMARY:
Rachel secretly helps out Ross after he botches flirting with the pizza delivery girl. Joey invites his grandmother over to watch his role on Law & Order - but when his part has been cut, he quickly improvises his own 2-minute role and sneaks in the video for everyone to watch. Monica asks Phoebe for a pair of earrings she loaned her, but Phoebe lent them to Rachel, who lost one.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] What are you workin' on? Let me see! "I am a financial analyst, but I am also a mom 24-7... a sleep deprived, guilt-ridden mom." Yeah, I read your latest blog post. As soon as I put it up I got, like, 76 replies. I can't be bothered teaching some city girl how to sit on a horse. Lou: Everyone, Tricia. Jack: Hi, again. Tim: Tricia, is it? Tricia: Yeah. Tim: Tim Fleming. Tricia: Hi. I'm the father of the girls. I'll be teaching you to ride. Okay, boy, let's give this a try. (Horse whinnies and snorts) Hey! What's up? What's going on, bud? Look, there you go. All right, let's try the other one. Hey! What is your problem? Ty: Hey, how's it goin'? Amy: Not great. I'm trying to figure out what's going on with Caleb's barrel horse. Since when is Caleb into barrel racing? (Chuckles) He's not. He bought him off a gal who just retired. His name's Hotshot and he's gotta lot of miles and a lotta wins, but, so far, I don't know. Caleb's trying to flip him, make a good buck. So what's the problem? (Sighs) Well... every time I bring him up to a barrel, he just blows off the side and freaks out. I guess it's back to square one. Someone's gonna have to take him around the pattern again and again until he gets the hang of it. And you're that someone? Well, actually, now that you're here, maybe you could try? Amy, I just pulled an all-nighter at the clinic. You know that, right? Ty, come on, please? It would just really help me if I could see how he performs for someone else. All right, all right. Where's Caleb anyways? Why is SUMMARY:
Lou is determined to have a perfect family vacation, but it doesn't go as planned when Peter's job interferes. Lou and Peter go away for his job. Meanwhile, Jack and Georgie visit the fishing cabin to find Tim and his new 'friend' and her trouble making daughter staying there. Amy and Ty babysit Katie back at the ranch.
TEXT: L'heure du Réveil (2x01 et 2x02: Wake Up Call) **Previously On The 4400** Flashbacks to season one Six Months Later Richard is running through some woodland. The sound of a baby can be heard in the background. Richard: Isabelle! Isabelle! A loud scream is heard, followed by a gunshot. Richard see's blood on his hands and begins to scream. He suddenly wakes up and sits up in bed, waking Lily. Lily: What is it baby? It's a bad dream. Richard: It's the same one. She puts her arms around him Lily: She's fine Richard. We're all fine. Come back to bed. They hear footsteps outside. Lily: It's just a racoon Richard get's out of bed and picks up a stick. Opening the door he looks around and see's the taillights of a car. He returns inside and closes the door. Lily: Who was it? Richard: They took off before I could ask. Lily: They left something behind. A note has been pushed under the door. On the top in large red letters, are the words 'YOU ARE WARNED' The rest of the piece of paper is fulled with passages from the bible. Lily: Someone tracked us down. Richard: Who? NTAC? Collier? This look like their calling card, to you? Lily: I don't know who it is, but someone knows we're 4400's. Richard: Start packing. I'll drive into town tomorrow, pick up my last paycheck and then we're out of here. Lily: Can't we just go now? Richard: We're gonna need that money, Lily. A car pulls up outside the 4400 centre. Devon comes out to meet it. Devon: Mr and Mrs Sumlin. Peter? If you'll follow me. They enter the lobby, which is in the middle of being decorated. Devon: Forgive our appearance. As you know, the centre doesn't officially open until tomorrow. Mrs Sumlin: Peter doesn't have time to wait. Collier appears. Collier: That's where you' SUMMARY:
Lily and the baby are hunted by a shotgun-toting preacher; Tom and Diana try to isolate the cause of the strange behavior at the hospital; Diana discovers Maia's diary; and Shawn contacts Kyle.
TEXT: [Scene: Outside Dawson's House. They are getting ready to load up the car for a trip. Joey and Dawson are there talking.] Joey: What are you so smiley about, Dawson? Dawson: Look at us, Jo. What have we become? Joey: Care to expound? Dawson: Spring break. Most kids our age go visit some exotic, sun-drenched locale, don skimpy bathing suits, and ingest mass quantities of liquor. What do we do? We go visit my aunt. Joey: It's a ritual. It was our ritual. I'm glad we're going. I love aunt Gwen. Dawson: And she loves you. Joey: I can't believe she's selling her house. Dawson: I know. It feels like the end of an era. Joey: Do you think we can rope jack and Andie into one of our famous late-night karaoke sessions? Dawson: Ok. I thought we had agreed to go on living the rest of our lives as if they never happened. Joey: Dawson leery, ashamed of his own roots. You love that karaoke machine, and you know it. [Pacey walks up to them with Will Krudski, both are carrying bags.] Pacey: Hey, guys. Look what I found. Joey: This can't be who I think it is. Will Krudski? Will: Hey. Joey: Last time I saw you was in third grade, kicking Pacey's butt around the playground. Will: What was I supposed to do? He was calling me "Will Kruddy." Pacey: It's a good thing you moved to new Raleigh, pal, 'cause without you to worry about, I became king of the playground. Dawson: So, uh, what brings you to Capeside, will? Will: Thought I'd surprise an old friend. Pacey: And, uh, in the spirit of friendship, I took the liberty of tellin' will here that maybe you guys would have room for two more on your little impromptu journey? Dawson: I don't have a problem with that. Will: I'm not SUMMARY:
Dawson, Joey, Andie, Pacey and Will (a childhood friend of the gang who has remained close with Pacey) head to Dawson's aunt's house to spend their school holiday away from Capeside. The trip is filled with tension as Joey and Pacey attempt to fight their feelings. Andie and Will appear to have a connection, and Dawson tries to bond again with Joey, who is preoccupied by her feelings for Pacey. Encouraged by Dawson's aunt, the friends have a karaoke contest. Pacey kisses Joey again and informs her that she must make the next move. They are interrupted by Dawson's aunt but later Joey initiates a kiss with Pacey. Back in Capeside, Jen and Henry go through a bumpy time when she is consumed with jealously over his friendship with a waitress at Gail's restaurant.
TEXT: 2.19 - Teach Me Tonight OPEN IN DOOSE'S MARKET [Lorelai and Rory are standing in the checkout line. Lorelai flips through a crossword puzzle book] LORELAI: I hate crossword puzzles. They make me feel stupid. RORY: Then don't do them. LORELAI: Well, but if you don't do them, you're not only stupid, you're also a coward. RORY: Or you have better things to do with your time. LORELAI: You think people will buy that? RORY: The people who line up on a daily basis and ask you if you do crossword puzzles and then, when you say no, challenge you as to why? Yes, I think they will buy it. LORELAI: Oh, hey, look, new bag boy. RORY: Oh yeah, that's Marty. He's subbing for Dean while he's out of town. LORELAI: Wow, Marty does the jar twirl before putting the salsa in the bag. Impressive, very Cocktail. RORY: Marty's a nice guy. LORELAI: Marty's an ambitious snake in the grass. RORY: What? LORELAI: The jar twirl, the double bagging, the <unk>have a nice day, ma'am' after every customer...that guy's got an agenda. RORY: Which is? LORELAI: He's out to take Dean's job! RORY: I don't think so. LORELAI: Oh, yes, he is. I'm telling you, he wants that position. Dean better hurry back from his grandmother's house or he can kiss his job goodbye. RORY: They're not going to fire Dean. LORELAI: Really, why not? RORY: Well, for starter's, someone stole Taylor's ladder last week and Dean is the only one who can reach the top shelves. LORELAI: Huh, interesting. RORY: What? LORELAI: Just as Marty, aka Eve Harrington, shows up SUMMARY:
Lorelai's complaint about Taylor's choice for "Movie in the Square Night" lands her the responsibility for picking the evening's entertainment, but her enthusiasm for the task is quickly dampened when Taylor informs her that she must make a choice from a list of free movies which doesn't include any masterpieces; against her better judgment, Lorelai agrees to Luke's request that Rory tutor an about-to-flunk-out Jess; Rory and Jess decide to take a break from studying to get some ice cream, and with Jess behind the wheel, get into a car accident which leaves Rory with a broken wrist and a totaled car; a distraught Lorelai blames Luke for the accident, creating a serious rift in their relationship; Christopher arrives in the middle of the night ready to go after Jess, but he's already left Stars Hollow to return home; Kirk's short film premieres at Movie Night.
TEXT: Scene: The apartment. Howard: Okay, are you from Star Wars universe? Leonard: Yes Howard: Were you in the original trilogy? Leonard: Yes Howard: Is there a picture of you in my wallet wearing a metal bikini? Leonard: God, I hope not. And no, I'm not Princess Leia. Raj: Oh, okay, okay, my turn. Are you in the six Star Wars movies? Leonard: Yes Raj: Interesting. Are you a Droid? Leonard: Yes Raj: Do you kind of look like a shiny Sheldon? Leonard: Yes Raj: C3PO. Leonard: You got it. Sheldon: That's preposterous. I do not resemble C3PO. Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered, I just don't see it. Howard (phone rings): Leslie Winkle. You've reached friends with benefits. For a booty call, press one now. Sheldon: What exactly does that expression mean, friends with benefits? Does he provide her with health insurance? Leonard: No. Look, imagine you maintained a friendship with someone you had s*x with, but you were free to date whoever you wanted. Sheldon: I'm sorry, I can't imagine any of that. Leonard: Alright, back to the game. Sheldon: I believe it's my turn, you may begin your questions whenever you're ready. Raj: Are you Spock? Sheldon: I don't like this game. Howard: So, where were we? Raj: Aren't you leaving for your booty call? Howard: No, it was something else. Why does everything have to be about s*x with you? Come on. Who's turn is it? Leonard: We were up to you. Howard: Great, just start. Leonard: Okay, let's see. Are you from a TV series? Howard: She dumped me! Sheldon: I bet he's someone from Babylon 5, we're never going to guess. Credits sequence. Scene: A few moments later. Raj: What happened with Leslie, why did she dump you? Howard: I don't know. She just said Howard, momma's a SUMMARY:
Leslie ends her 'friends with benefits' relationship with Howard, upsetting him. Leonard and Raj take him on a trip to Las Vegas, Nevada to cheer him up. There, a prostitute named Mikayla approaches Raj, and he and Leonard decide to hire her for Howard. Howard soon realizes she is a prostitute, but nevertheless thanks Leonard and Raj for setting up the "date". Meanwhile, Sheldon, who has declined to go to Las Vegas, is delighted to spend the weekend alone, until he forgets his apartment key. Penny reluctantly allows him to stay over in her apartment, where he spends the night in her bed (she sleeps on her couch, which Sheldon has rejected as being too short for him) and, as a result, thinks he has a better understanding of the term 'friends with benefits'.
TEXT: Act One THE QUESTION Scene One - Café Nervosa. Niles and Frasier are sat having coffees. Niles: Do you think Maris and I are meant to be together? Frasier puzzles over this. [SCENE_BREAK] Scene Two - Frasier's Apartment. The apartment is empty except for Daphne who puts a gift bag on Martin's chair and then sits at the table. Martin enters from his room. Martin: [notices bag] Oh, what's this? Daphne: I got you a gift. Martin: You did? What's the occasion? Daphne: No reason. Martin: You can't just give somebody something for no reason. Daphne: Yes, I can. Martin: No, you can't. Daphne: Yes, I can! Martin: No, you can't! Daphne: You're starting to take the fun out of this. Martin: But there's no reason for this. Daphne: Does there have to be a reason? Martin: Yeah! Daphne: Oh, would you just open it up? Martin: Oh, Jeez! Martin takes a cardigan out of the bag. Daphne: I knitted it myself. Martin: Oh, gee! Daphne: You know, I had a bit of trouble with the rogue collar. I'm surprised you didn't hear me cursing from my bedroom. Martin: Boy, Daphne, this is really nice. [puts it on] I wish I had something to give you. Daphne: Oh, we're back on that again! Martin: Yeah, all right, all right, but at least let me pay you for it. Daphne: Pay me for it?! It's a gift! Martin: Well, just a couple of bucks for the yarn. Daphne exits to the kitchen as Frasier enters in his squash gear from the front door. Frasier: Dad, is Niles home? Martin: No. Frasier: For God's sake, I've been standing out front for twenty minutes, we're going to be late for our squash court! Nice cardigan. Martin: Da SUMMARY:
Niles asks Frasier's opinion on whether he and Maris are meant to be together. Frasier evades the question, and while Niles continues to wait for an answer after the meeting, Frasier is plagued by indecision. He talks to Roz, who encourages him to support his brother; he talks to Martin, who says he should not underestimate how much Niles values his opinion; he talks to Marta the maid, who claims that Maris has changed; and he talks to Daphne, who warns him that Marta may just want Niles back. Frasier even lets the problem interfere with a date that he has, with disastrous consequences.
TEXT: [Dwight's computer chimes] New Instant Message: Stone & Son Suit Warehouse contract expired with their paper provider! Go get it! -David Wallace [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: Stone and Son Suit Warehouse recently lost their paper provider. They're a family owned business [chuckles]. Jim and I used to clean up at those. We'd go in pretending to be family - brothers. We did it at a family owned law firm, at a family owned construction company, and a family owned motorcycle store. Jim and Dwight Shrupert. I was the dynamic, likeable winner that was doted upon by Mom. And Jim was the closeted foot fetishist pretending to belong. The client never knew any of that, but I knew. [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: [on phone with Jim] I hope you've been paying your wig storage bills Jimbo, because it's time for another episode of "Handsome and Stinky, paper brothers for hire". Jim: Sorry, Stinky, can't do it. Too busy. Dwight: Oh, god, this again? You're Stinky. Jim: Okay. There's no possible way I can get there, so just ask Phyllis. She can be your older sister or something. Dwight: Phyllis, my sister? More like my dead great great grandmother who died of stupidity. Phyllis: I have ears, Dwight. Dwight: Oh, do you really have ears, Phyllis? Like all human beings? We all have ears. [back to Jim] See what you leave me with here, Jim? Jim: Hey, I'm in Philadelphia right now. Dwight: How is that my problem? Get in your car and drive down here. You can make it in 30 minutes if you drive 240 miles per hour. Jim: Huh. How long would it take me if I drove 300 miles an hour? Dwight: Mmm. That's a good... question. 300 times... [Jim hangs up] 180... Um that comes to 25 minutes. [realizes Jim hung up] Yes. Oh, SUMMARY:
Clark returns from his stint as Jan's sexual assistant and Dwight enlists his help; the two pose as a father and son so that they can successfully sell to the owner of a suit warehouse. Darryl travels to Philadelphia with Pam to interview at Jim's new company; after a mixed interview, Darryl gets the job. Meanwhile, Pam starts to realize that her family may have to leave Scranton.
TEXT: -[Fairy Tale World]- (A human Rumpelstiltskin is spinning straw in a crude looking house. His son frantically rushes inside.) Baelfire: Papa! Papa! They've come for Morraine. (Rumpelstiltskin and his son go outside. They live in a village. They watch from a distance as several knights drag away a young girl from her screaming parents.) Mother: No! Father: No! Please, please! Mother: No! No, don't take her! No! No, you can't take her! She's my baby! Don't take my baby! Hordor: Nonsense. She's a fine, strong girl. She'll make a fine soldier. Father: It's a mistake - she's turning fourteen. Only fourteen! Hordor: Orders of the Duke! The Ogre Wars have taken their toll this season. More troops will turn the tide. Baelfire: They lowered the age again, Papa. Rumpelstiltskin: I know. Hordor: Take her. (The other knights grab the girl.) Hordor: She'll ride with me. (The girl is shoved onto the back of his horse.) Mother: No! Father: You can't have her! (The woman draws a knife and lunges towards the knight. Suddenly, she and the man are stopped by some invisible force. In the field behind them, there is a cloaked figure on a black horse, who appears to be the one that's controlling them. The man and the woman wither on the ground.) Hordor: The Dark One seems to think I can. (The dark figure relents and the Hordor, the knights and the girl ride off.) Baelfire: My birthday's in three days. They'll come for me in three days! Rumpelstiltskin: We'll find a way. We'll... We'll find a way. -[Real World]- (Mr. Gold is covering a piece of cloth with lanolin in the back room of his pawn shop. Emma enters through the front door SUMMARY:
Emma makes the decision to run for a coveted Storybrooke public office following a devastating tragedy and Regina engages in dirty politics after Gold makes a bold move while a series of events are revealed in which a cowardly spinner embarks on a quest to help his son avert the horrors of a meaningless war.
TEXT: [ EXT. Montrose Hill State Penitentiary ] [SCENE_BREAK] ( Action Six News are showing helicopter footage of a United States penitentiary in Jacksonville, Kentucky. The caption reads: 'Breaking news, Oswald Danes to be executed at 6AM.' ) Newsreader: 6AM is the appointed time of death as laid down by the state of Kentucky. Oswald Danes faces his last moments on this earth. Members of the public have gathered outside the Montrose Hill state penitentiary, but the planned protests against the death sentence have failed to appear, which isn't surprising given the nature of the offence... ( A fair haired man in an orange prison outfit stares into space. This is Danes. ) Newsreader: A former schoolteacher convicted in 2006 convicted of the rape and murder of 12 year old Susie Cabina, Dane will be remembered for his infamous line of defence. Upon his arrest, he told the police "She shoulda run faster." [SCENE_BREAK] [ Execution chamber ] [SCENE_BREAK] ( There are lots of crazy camera angles as we take in the glassed off public gallery, the microphone in the ceiling, the young cop attending Danes and Officer Cole, an older white man with a walrus moustache. ) Cole: The condemned is permitted to make a final statement. D'you have anything to say? [SCENE_BREAK] [ CIA Analysts Office / Car ] [SCENE_BREAK] ( Dane is lying on the bed. He lifts his head from the pillow to make eye contact with a short haired woman in the public gallery. This is Susie Cabina's mother. He says nothing. Cole leaves the room and we see plungers being depressed in close-up as the lethal injection makes its pale green way along the tube to Dane's body. For a moment, it looks peaceful, then his head jerks back violently. He makes choking noises and starts pulling against his restraints. A moment later he has pulled an entire armrest off the table in his SUMMARY:
Earth is facing a phenomenon known as "Miracle Day", where for over 24 hours nobody dies, and the world within four months will become unsustainable through its soaring population. Every United States Government agency receives a tip on Torchwood, only to later find every trace of the word deleted by the newly returned Jack Harkness, who discovers that he is now mortal. Separately, he and CIA agent Rex Matheson - who has suffered a 'fatal' accident but cannot die - travel to South Wales to find Gwen Cooper, who is living in exile with husband Rhys and infant daughter Anwen. Jack, Rhys and Gwen find themselves under attack by unknown assailants in a helicopter. After Rex arrives, Jack saves them. Then Rex has Jack and Gwen extradited to the United States.
TEXT: 2x17: (As We Know It) (Part 2) (SGH) (Hallway) MVO: In hospitals they say you know. You know when you're going to die. (Bailey is standing in her patient room looking despondent) MVO: Some doctors say it's a look patients get in their eyes. (Bailey is doubled over in pain over her bed) MVO: Some say there's a scent. The smell of death. Something. There's just some kind of sixth sense. When the great beyond is heading for you. You feel it coming. (OR where Derek is still operating on Tucker) MVO: Whatever it is. It's creepy. (Addison is by herself in the doctor's lounge sitting on a couch looking very upset) MVO: Because if you know. What do you do about? Forget about the fact you're scared out of your mind. (Linen closet where it appears Alex and Izzie who are wrapped around one another, appearing naked, just finished having s*x) MVO: If you knew this was your last day on Earth, how would you want to spend it? (Meredith's face looks panicked from the last episode after putting her hand in Mr. Carlson) (Richard is on the phone in an office behind the nurses' station. George is watching from the nurses' station looking concerned. Izzie and Alex come up to him, fixing up their clothes) Izzie: What's going on? George: Uh something happened in OR 3. Alex: What? George: I don't know. All I know is that Hannah the paramedic, she's missing. (Richard comes out of the office and walks by them) George: Chief, what's happened? Richard: Quiet board. A quiet board is what's happened. (He walks away) (Burke is entering OR 2 where Derek is operating on Tucker. Burke is wearing a flak jacket) Burke: Dr. Shepherd? Derek (a little surprised): Dr. Burke. Burke: How's it going? Derek: He's got a second bleed under the skull base. If I do what the textbooks say. He could lose the power of SUMMARY:
Without her husband by her side, Bailey refuses to have the baby and George works with Addison to convince her to. George also treats the paramedic who fled after finding her hiding in a stairwell. Dr. Webber's stress causes an anxiety attack that brings Adele to the hospital. Meredith removes the explosive from the patient, but it explodes and kills Dylan, the chief of the bomb squad. Burke and Derek overcome their initial rivalry and call each other by their first names. Cristina says "I love you, too" to a sleeping Burke. Derek comes visiting Meredith after she nearly dies and Meredith tells him that she can't remember their last kiss.
TEXT: [BLURRY IMAGES] (We're inside a dark room, the blinds are closed. Light filters in through the blinds. Muffled sounds are heard. The rooms spins around slowly, then blurs out) [SCENE_BREAK] [FADE IN: BLURRY IMAGES] (Figures walk past the blinds. Sounds are still muffled. The room is tilted. The images blur out.) [SCENE_BREAK] [FADE IN: A DARK ROOM] (Blurry images continue to walk past the window. Voices of people arguing loudly are heard.) [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS'S OFFICE - NIGHT] (Grissom is lying on the couch, his eyes closed. He blinks hard, his eyes squinting and forehead contorted in pain. He hears the muffled sounds of arguing voices coming from outside the room.) (He looks around the room, the lights flash and pierce his eyes.) Reporter (woman): (o.s.) (clearly) There's an Amber Alert this evening in Clark County for two missing boys. FLASH TO: [INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - CONFERENCE ROOM - NIGHT] (Brass briefs the roomful of officers.) Brass: Okay, we have two missing criticals -- Jason Crowley, age eleven -- black, male, four-foot-six; Lucas Hanson -- age ten, Caucasian, male, five feet. Now, uh, the boys were last seen at this location at 15:30 hours -- Jason Crowley's house. Jason lives with his grandfather, Terrance Crowley. The address is on your handouts. Terrance Crowley assumed that they were staying at Lucas's house. Dawn Hanson, Lucas's mother, returned home from work at 21:00 hours. She assumed they were at Terrance Crowley's house. She reported them missing at 24:00 hours. Now, we searched the schools, playgrounds, basketball courts. Found nothing. Canine is on the scene. Neither of the boys carried cell phones or pagers. Now, SUMMARY:
When two young boys are reported missing, a known neighborhood sex offender, played by Alan Tudyk , is the primary suspect. In an attempt to extract his confession, Grissom asks for the pedophile's help in catching the boys' abductor. However, the case turns out to be much more complicated than Grissom or the rest of the CSI team ever expected.
TEXT: [Scene: P3. Piper and Phoebe are watching a band play. Paige is sitting on a couch near by and a cute guy walks over and kisses her on the cheek.] Guy: You're mad, I'm late, I know. Paige: Oh, god, no, not at all, don't worry about it. Guy: Good, 'cause I'd hate to spend the weekend in Big Sur arguing. Paige: What? Guy: You and me, driving down the coast. Radio on, top down. All you have to do is say yes. Paige: That sounds really great, but... Guy: But that's not a yes. Paige: It's just that's this isn't really going to work. Guy: Okay, we can reschedule. Paige: Not the weekend, us. I'm really sorry. Guy: Yeah, me too. (He leaves.) [Cut to Piper and Phoebe watching from across the room.] Phoebe: Oh. Piper: Uh, there he goes. I really thought that one was a keeper. Phoebe: Why, because he was cute and funny and oh, yeah, don't let me forget, deliciously yummy. Piper: That's the second guy in a row she's dumped. Phoebe: Uh, third, but who's counting. So you think she has commitment issues? Or you think she's just too picky? Piper: I don't know, I'd love to speculate but I've gotta go. Phoebe: Piper, if you haven't noticed, the Flaming Lips are playing at your club. My-my favourite group. Piper: I know and that's why you're not going to scare them when you go back stage, okay. Phoebe: Okay. Piper: I've gotta go home because I've gotta interview magical nannies tomorrow and I gotta prepare. Phoebe: Wait, magical nannies? You mean like Mary Poppins? Piper: Oh, one can only SUMMARY:
When Cole realizes that he must eventually give in to evil, he attacks the Charmed Ones in the hope that they will vanquish him forever and end his suffering. Meanwhile, Paige gets her first charge as a Whitelighter and is shocked when the angry, self-pitying man she is supposed to protect turns out to be the father she never knew. Ultimately the sisters come up with a vanquish for Cole, but Phoebe realizes he is trying to commit suicide and does not want to complete it. Cole, now insane, uses the last potion on himself in an attempt at suicide, but despite a massive explosion that destroys his apartment, he is unscathed.
TEXT: Teleplay by: Steven Rosenhaus Story by: R. Lee Flemming, Jr. [Scene: The Hallway, Rachel walks up the stairs and knocks on Joey's door.] Rachel: Joey? Are you in there? [Cut to inside Monica and Chandler's, Monica, Chandler and Joey are eating breakfast.] Joey: (hearing Rachel and jumping up with his plate) Oh God! That's Rachel! Monica: Joey, you have to talk to her! Joey: No-no, I can't! I can't! Not after the other night, it's just it's...too weird, okay? Don't tell her I'm here! (Turns to run to the bathroom and his bagel falls off the plate onto the floor.) Don't eat that! (Runs to the bathroom as Rachel enters.) Rachel: Hey! Chandler: Hey! Monica: Hey Rachel! Rachel: Is Joey here? Chandler: I don't see him. (To Monica) Do you see him? Monica: I don't see him. Hey! Maybe he's in the sugar bowl! (Opens the sugar bowl) Joey? Nope! (Closes the sugar bowl and they both laugh.) Rachel: Well, at least you make each other laugh. Monica: What's up? Rachel: Well, I haven't seen him since that night that he told me how he y'know... I don't know, I think he's avoiding me. Why is that bagel on the floor? Monica: We were playing a game. Rachel: Ew, was Chandler naked? Sort of like a, like a ring toss kind of situation? Monica: Sure. Chandler: What?! No! No! Rachel: All right. Well listen, if you see Joey will you just tell him uh...tell him I miss him. (Exits and Joey enters.) Monica: (To Joey) Okay, did you hear that? Joey: Yeah, a naked bagel game? (Picks up his dropped bagel.) (To Chandler) Dude, I don't know. That's SUMMARY:
Phoebe determines through tea leaves that she will soon meet the man of her dreams. This leads to a disastrous date with a disturbing man, then a pleasant meeting with a charming one at the dry cleaners. Rachel invents a crazy work problem to reduce the awkwardness of hanging out with Joey since his confession about his feelings for her. Ross tries to retrieve his 'faded salmon' shirt from Mona's apartment.
TEXT: DOCTOR WHO The Sontaran Experiment PART 1 5:30pm - 5:55pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: EXT. EARTH- EMPTY FIELD (MATTERBEAM GLOBE AREA) HARRY: Ah! Doctor! DOCTOR: Are you staying, coming, or going? Or going or staying or coming? HARRY: I feel a bit like a Morse message. Slightly scrambled. DOCTOR: Yes, well, now, let's get on with it. DOCTOR: These must be the refractors. Now then... HARRY: Oh, Doctor... DOCTOR: Mmm... yes? HARRY: I can see you're busy but, er... what about Sarah? DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Sarah... SARAH: Help! DOCTOR: Oh, dear. That sounds like Sarah. SARAH: Help me! Ouch! DOCTOR: Mm... it's not only oscillating, it's ellipsing as well... you'd better give her a hand, old chap. Harry... HARRY: Right-oh. DOCTOR: Yes, I see the problem. Focus has gone a bit funny... HARRY: Okay, old thing? SARAH: Harry, I am not a thing. HARRY: Doctor says it's the refractors. SARAH: Is it? Ouch... HARRY: I say, not hurt are you? SARAH: Only in the... in my... ouch... dignity. DOCTOR: Ah, Sarah! You're looking well. DOCTOR: Look, ahem... this is going to take some time to do the whole lot. DOCTOR: So why don't you make the most of it? SARAH: Make the most of what? DOCTOR: I mean, it's a glorious day. Beautiful unspoilt countryside... no one has set foot here for thousands of years! SARAH: What you're trying to say is that you're busy and you'd like us to push off. DOCTOR: Pithily put. I would phrase it SUMMARY:
The Doctor, Sarah and Harry teleports to Earth to ensure the planet is safe for the survivors on-board Nerva Beacon to return to Earth and re-inhabit their world. Only to find a Sontaran named Styre has captured a group of humans and conducting experiments on them to discover the human body's weaknesses, as part of the Sontaran's goal for domination of the galaxy.
TEXT: Marshall, Lily, Robin, Barney and Ted read letters. Marshall: It's crazy that Metro News One sends you this letter now. Robin: Yes, I went for 4 months. Lily: You got more fans than I thought. Ted: And only 60% of them are prisoners. Robin: These guys think what? I am far from my phase "dating a prisoner." It's like: "Hi, I am over 19 years." Barney: The daughter of the lottery is there. Robin: I'm sorry for these women. This is where careers go to die on TV. Barney: Look. It's funny. I invented a little game Presenter: The lotto numbers tonight are... 19... Barney: Your age on arrival in New York after a photographer you have "discovered" to be published in Vogue. Presenter: 53... Barney: The number of nude photos that he has done before you realize he had no connection to Vogue. Presenter: 22... Barney: The age that you say you have. Presenter: 31... Barney: Your real age. Presenter: 45... Barney: The number of minutes for me to put in a taxi, get undressed and into my Jacuzzi. Presenter: And the super bowl tonight is... Barney: What happens after that is out of the jacuzzi. Great? GENERIC Ted (2030): Children in the winter of 2009, Robin was unemployed for months. But there was a glimmer of hope. Robin joined the others at McClaren's. Robin: Hi. Lily: How was the audition? Robin: I went very confident. I knew it was just me against two other girls. Barney: I listening. Flashback Robin is in a waiting room, sitting between two women. Robin: Hello. Woman 1: Hello. Robin: Robin Scherbatsky. And you are? Woman 1: You have obviously never been to Denver.Rochelle Harper, News Center 12. It was just the first string for the Rockies... 5 years on. Robin: I was a presenter here for Metro News One. Rochelle: Presenter. You must have a mirror finish. Robin: Sorry? Woman 2: You must have a mirror finish. Like Walker Cronkit SUMMARY:
When Robin realizes that she only has four days to get a job or she will be deported back to Canada, she agrees to let Barney produce a video resume for her.
TEXT: [Salvatore's house] (Alaric arrives at the Salvatore's house) Stefan: Thanks for coming, Rick Damon: I got you something to drink? Coffee, bourbon? Bourbon into coffee? Alaric: Elena mentioned you needed my help Stefan: Yeah, we were hoping you could help sheet some light on the Lockwood family (At the Lockwood mansion we see Tyler observing at Mason. Mason is going outside the house, he's going to run) Alaric: Now, why would I know anything about the Lockwood's? Damon: Why you wouldn't? But your dead not dead vampire wife might Elena: Isobel's research from when you guys were at Duke together Stefan: You said that she has spent years researching this town Alaric: Isobel's research here in Mystic Falls rounded in folklores and legends but at the time I thought much of which was fiction Damon: Like that amazing vampire story Elena: Aside from vampires, what else Alaric: The lycanthrope Elena: Wait, like werewolves? Damon: No way, impossible, way too launchy Stefan: Is it? Damon: I've been on this planet one hundred and sixty some on years, never came across one. If werewolves exist, where the hell are they? (We see Mason running in the woods. Tyler is following him. Mason goes into ruins) Alaric: Why do you suspect the Lockwood's? Damon: Because vervein didn't affect the mayor at founder's day but the Gilbert device did and it affected his son Tyler Stefan: And at the school carnival his uncle Mason exhibited inhuman behavior when he fell into the carnival's worker (In the woods we see Mason going out from the ruins. Tyler watches him and goes in the ruins) Stefan: It suggest it's some sort of a supernatural entity Elena: We were hoping that Isobel's research could help us figure it out what it is Alaric: Well, all her things are still at Duke. I mean her office is still there, she's technically still missing Damon: So can we get access to it? (Tyler is in the ruins SUMMARY:
Elena, Damon, and Alaric head to Isobel's old office at Duke University, where it is revealed that vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman uttered a curse to limit their powers, after which the werewolves were servants of the moon and vampires became the slaves of the sun. Stefan teaches Caroline how to control herself and hunt animals. Bonnie makes Caroline a daylight ring so that she will not be burned by the sun. In werewolf form, Mason encounters Stefan and Caroline. Tyler saves them by shouting at the werewolf; he later finds Mason in the woods and realises what has happened. Unable to control herself, Caroline feeds on Matt. She compels him to forget it, but ends their relationship to keep him safe from her. Damon tells Elena Katherine's real name, Katerina Petrova, to aid Elena with her research. Alaric reaffirms his romantic interest in Jenna, and Caroline finds Katherine in her bedroom.
TEXT: THE DALEK INVASION OF EARTH 6:00pm - 6:25pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. CAPSULE CONTROL (With a beeping signal, the newly joined capsule runs along the rail and out of the room.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. DALEK CONTROL ROOM BLACK DALEK: As soon as the capsule is in position over the fissure, release it... [SCENE_BREAK] 3: EXT. CLIFFSIDE (The capsule comes out of the capsule control and onto a platform on the cliffside.) [SCENE_BREAK] 4: INT. CAPSULE (Inside the capsule, IAN is frantically try to adjust its workings...) [SCENE_BREAK] 5: EXT. CLIFFSIDE (The capsule halts over a transparent tube running down the cliffside and into the fissure ready to begin its journey...) [SCENE_BREAK] 6: INT. CAPSULE (IAN joins several of the wires within the capsule together in a desperate act of sabotage.) [SCENE_BREAK] 7: EXT. CLIFFSIDE (The capsule starts to slide down the fissure tube, past a watching DALEK outside the sub station below capsule control, and on its journey to the depths of the Earth.) [SCENE_BREAK] 8: INT. CAPSULE (IAN pulls several wires out of their sockets. He notices that the capsule movement has stopped.) [SCENE_BREAK] 9: EXT. CLIFFSIDE (Indeed, the capsule is stuck half way down the fissure tube.) [SCENE_BREAK] 10: INT. CAPSULE (His escape not yet achieved, IAN continues to pulls wires out and join them together in an effort to fuse the controls.) [SCENE_BREAK] 11: INT. CAPSULE CONTROL (Several ROBOMEN pull a rope connected to the capsule to raise it back to the control area. They chant in unison...) ROBOMEN: Pull... SUMMARY:
The TARDIS returns to London; however, it's the 22nd century. With bodies in the river, and quiet in the docklands, the city is a very different place. The Daleks have invaded and it's up to the Doctor to thwart them once again.
TEXT: [Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica is mixing some Thanksgiving treat (I'm assuming mashed potatoes) in a bowl.] Monica: (on phone) Okay, great! Bye. (Hangs up as Chandler enters.) So guess who's coming to Thanksgiving dinner? Chandler: Sidney Poitier? Hehheh. [Chandler throws his coat on the couch] Monica: (not amused by Chandler's joke) I miss Rachel. (To Chandler) No, my parents. Chandler: Oh! That's great, they haven't seen the place since I moved in! [Monica goes to fiddle with something on the table.] Monica: Yeah, and y'know, if you could not mention to them that we live together, that would be great! (Quickly trying to change subjects), I was thinking we would eat around four. [Monica goes to the stove.] Chandler: (shocked at the news) Why can't I tell them that we live together? Monica: Because they don't know we're dating. (Again, trying to quickly change subjects.) Do you think we should eat in the kitchen? (Goes to the sink and the stove to cook.) Chandler: Why haven't you told them?! Monica: Um, well, I was going to, I-I-I really was. But um, then somewhere, just out of nowhere, I didn't. Chandler: Why haven't you told them?! Wouldn't they be happy?! Monica: (trying to change subjects, excitedly) So! Dinner in the kitchen around four! I'll see you then. (Pats Chandler on the shoulder and goes into the living room.) Chandler: Why wouldn't they be happy? Monica: Well, um, because mainly, um, they don't like you. I'm sorry. Chandler: What? What? Why?! Monica: Maybe because you used to be aloof, or that you're really sarcastic, or that, y'know, you joke around all the time. Or that you take off your clothes and throw them on the couch. Chandler: Is this why they don't like me or why you SUMMARY:
Ross is forced to tell Chandler why Jack and Judy dislike him. While in college, Ross experimented with pot and was found out by his parents but he claimed it was Chandler's pot. Rachel makes dessert, but when the recipe book's pages get stuck together, she combines an English trifle with a shepherd's pie. Phoebe has a sensual dream about Jack Geller, Monica and Ross' father. Joey and Ross want to skip Monica's Thanksgiving dinner after Janine invites them to hang out with her and her dancer friends.
TEXT: 1.09 - Rory's Dance (Emily, Rory, and Lorelai are having dinner.) EMILY: Your grandfather called last night and told me to let you know he's bringing you back something very special from Prague. RORY: Wow, Prague. How amazing is it that he's going to Prague? EMILY: It's supposed to be lovely, very dramatic castles everywhere. RORY: Did you know the cell that Václav Havel was held in is now a hostel? You can stay there for like $50 a night. (Rory turns to Lorelai, who is playing with her food.) RORY: Hey, maybe on our big trip to Europe we could go to Prague and stay in his cell. LORELAI: Absolutely. And then we can go to Turkey and stay in that place from Midnight Express. EMILY: Lorelai, what are you doing? LORELAI: Getting rid of the avacado. EMILY: Since when do you not like avacado? LORELAI: Since the day I said, "Gross. What is this?" and you said, "Avacado." EMILY: (to Rory) I'm focusing on you now. Tell me all about the Chilton formal next week. LORELAI: There's a formal? RORY: How do you know about the formal? LORELAI: Yeah, how do you know about the formal? EMILY: I read my Chilton newsletter. LORELAI: Since when do you get a Chilton newsletter? EMILY: Well as a major contributor to Rory's education I figured I had the right to ask for a newsletter to be sent to my house. (Emily goes to get her copy of the newsletter.) LORELAI: Are you serious? EMILY: And it's a good thing, too, since you don't bother to read yours. One of us should be up to date on the goings-on at Rory's school. LORELAI: Hey, Mom, I read my newsletter. EMILY: You did? LORELAI: That SUMMARY:
Chilton hosts a dance, which Rory and Dean attend, thus confirming they are "boyfriend-girlfriend". Emily sleeps over at Lorelai's the night of the dance to care for Lorelai's injured back and see Rory off. After the dance, Rory and Dean accidentally fall asleep all night at Miss Patty's dance school. Emily and Lorelai wake up in a panic and fight over whether Rory will end up pregnant. Insisting Rory is a "good kid," Lorelai kicks Emily out. Rory arrives home at 5 a.m. and Lorelai plans to put her on the pill. Rory tearfully apologizes, but also accuses her mother for being so mad only because Emily was there to witness the mishap.
TEXT: Opening scene - Cohen family room - Seth, Summer and Ryan are sitting together on the couch, Marissa is nearby in a chair. they all seem very worried and pre occupied Summer:...well you know what they say no news is good news Seth: I'm not sure it's true about severe head injuries Marissa: we should'a stayed at the hospital Ryan: nothin we could do there (Marissa closes her eyes) doctors told us to go home (raises eyebrows) sleep eat Marissa: yeah except (rests head on hand) I cant sleep an I'm definitely not hungry (Kirsten and Sandy walk in, in their robes, carrying food) Kirsten: hungry (puts bowl down on the coffee table) Sandy: come on everyone needs ta eat, your friend Johnny's gonna need you when he wakes up Marissa: (looks at Sandy) if he wakes up Ryan: Marissa (looks away) Marissa: you were there Ryan: (looks at Marissa) yeah I was (Seth and Summer look over at Ryan/Marissa. worried. Marissa looks at Ryan and then down) Summer: you guys he's probably gonna be fine (Seth looks at her) Trey was unconscious for like months an he was fine, he was shot (Marissa doesn't look convinced or comforted) Seth: yeah we waited around like this once before after a certain OD in TJ (Ryan looks over at Marissa) Marissa: I'm gonna um go check on Kaitlin (stands) in the pool house (Marissa goes outside. Sandy looks at Ryan worriedly) Sandy: how're you doin Ryan Ryan: she's right, I mean the way the doctors were talking you could tell, they didn't wanna get our hopes up Summer: yeah well doctors are idiots Seth: you tell that to your dad Summer: it's their job to be negative, its called managing expectations, that's why it's our job (shrugs) ta be positive (we hear a cell phone ring and the camera pans down to show it sitting on the table. Ryan SUMMARY:
Johnny's death brings a relative to Newport, who makes Ryan question his feelings for Marissa. Summer confronts Seth about the marijuana and his lies. Kaitlin returns to boarding school. Meanwhile, Kirsten and Julie throw a Valentine's Day party to promote NewMatch.
TEXT: Kyoto, Japan [SCENE_BREAK] Nadia is in a trance, writing Rambaldi code. Sloane watches. [SCENE_BREAK] Conference Room SYDNEY: At this moment, we have no leads on Sloane or Nadia Santos, my sister. Unverifiable reports suggest that shortly after he betrayed us in [wherever it is, the unknown town in Chechnya where Nadia was in prison - FIX], Sloane boarded a plane at the airport in Grozny. But this was 20 hours ago. By now, they could be anywhere. DIXON: Have you been in contact with Nadia's superiors at Argentina's Intelligence Directorate? SYDNEY: Yes, but they could only provide us with background. She was recruited six years ago. She was educated in language and trade-craft. The mission to Chechnya was her first real assignment. JACK: And what about her life prior to becoming an agent? She was confined to an orphanage in the Santermo [FIX] district of Buenos Aires. She had no known family until now. According to Sloane, Nadia will be injected with an elixir, some kind of fluid that will enable her to deliver a message from Rambaldi himself. [SCENE_BREAK] Kyoto, Japan [SCENE_BREAK] Nadia finishes writing on one piece of paper. SLOANE: That's good. That's very good. Sloane takes the paper and pins it up on a wall, where a dozen or two more pages are already pinned. The Rambaldi writing, from a distance, forms the symbol for the followers of Rambaldi. It looks like there are five or six important pages missing, with 17 or so already done. (voice-over) SYDNEY: He's never divulged the willing to risk everything, his wealth, even his legitimacy, even his life, to acquire it. This is his endgame. We have to believe he will kill Nadia in pursuit of it. [SCENE_BREAK] Conference room [SCENE_BREAK] DIXON: Sydney SUMMARY:
With the aid of Katya Derevko and CIA imprisoned security systems designer Toni Cummings, Sydney and Vaughn attempt to track down Sloane and Nadia. But Lauren and Sark are also in hot pursuit of them in order to uncover the secrets of Rambaldi. Meanwhile, Vaughn's obsession with tracking down Lauren is beginning to consume him, Sydney and Vaughn turn the tables on an old foe, and Katya expresses her attraction to Jack.
TEXT: INT. - MARSIE & CHICK'S SUB SHOP - NIGHT [A sign advertises a not-so-tantalizing "Sierra Smoked Turkey with rasberry and chipolte sauce" - the misspellings theirs. The store sign above it reads, "Marsie & Chick's Sub Shop" and below that reads "Low-Fat Solutions".] [Music plays. Sounds of the city can be heard from outside. The store is deserted, all except for a couple of teenaged, female employees who're behind the counter. Katie absently wipes the counter; Roxanne leans against the opposite counter, watching her.] [title card: Detroit Michigan, Two Years Ago] [The manager, a lanky guy about their age, comes in from the back.] Manager: Hey! Roxanne! You got time to lean, you got time to clean, allright? Let's go. [Roxanne lazily pushes a broom around a little bit, still watching Katie.] Manager: That's more like it. [The manager leaves to the backroom.] Roxanne: (to Katie) What a tool. [Katie smiles. Roxanne walks up to her. They start kissing and making out. The manager starts back to the front and stops when he sees them through the backroom door. He unzips his pants and starts m*st*rb*t*ng.] [main title] INT. - GAY DANCE CLUB - NIGHT [Clive is guiding Shane through the all-male dance club. Shane looks a tiny bit uncomfortable, possibly from the prospect of meeting Harry Samchuck. The dance floor is packed, dance music blares from the club speaker system, and colored lights and strobes flash throughout.] [Shane follows Clive through the dance floor. Lots of guys are dancing, having a good time. Clive waves to Harry and Harry's friend, who are standing by the bar.] Harry: (to friend) Oh, good, he brought him. [Harry's friend snor SUMMARY:
A rising artist in New York tests Bette's commitment while Tina has an unpleasant run-in with Lei Ling, the sperm donor's girlfriend, who begins to harass her. Alice meets a man named Lisa, who claims to be a "lesbian in a man's body." Tim, still mistrustful of Jenny after their quickie wedding, returns home alone, leaving Jenny on her own. While hitchhiking back to Los Angeles, Jenny gets a ride from two disaffected teenagers in whom she confides about her troubled life. Also, Shane is excited that Harry wants to refer celebrity clients to her for hairstyling.
TEXT: [b]Allison[/b]: No, dad! Dad! He saved our lives! Your life! You can't do this! Dad, let him go! Please let him go, and I'll do - I'll do whatever you want! Okay? I swear. I won't - I won't see him again. I promise, ever again, dad. Please, dad, please. Please! Please! [b]Chris[/b]: Never again. [b]Scott[/b]: How much time do we have? [b]Allison[/b]: They'll be gone an hour. [ BEACON HILLS MEMORIAL ] [b]Stiles[/b]: Ohh - Just like that. No, no, you first. Me first? [b]Mr. Martin[/b]: You want help getting in the shower? [b]Lydia[/b]: Maybe if I was four. And still taking bubble baths. [b]Mr. Martin[/b]: Right, I'll just wait outside then. Where it's slightly less sarcastic. [b]Mr. Martin[/b]: He's been here all night. [b]Melissa[/b]: He's been here all weekend. [b]Stiles[/b]: You're dirty. [b]Scott[/b]: Sorry. [b]Allison[/b]: That's okay. [b]Scott[/b]: I'll fix it. [b]Scott[/b]: Okay, that was your fault. [b]Allison[/b]: Sorry. [b]Scott[/b]: Do the right - side brakes on your dad's SUV squeak a little bit? [b]Allison[/b]: Yeah. [b]Scott[/b]: Then we're dead. [b]Allison[/b]: Oh, my God. Hurry. Hurry. [b]Allison[/b]: If you don't trust me enough to let me have a lock on my door, the least you can do is knock. SUMMARY:
Lydia vanishes from the hospital after a disturbing hallucination, and is found naked in the woods two days later. Isaac, a tormented teen abused by his father, is attacked while working in his father's cemetery; Derek appears to save him. Jackson begins bleeding black blood and is told by Derek that his body is resisting the bite. Derek forces Scott to watch Gerard kill an innocent werewolf and declare that they will eliminate all werewolves to avenge his daughter Kate's death.
TEXT: [Andy, Angela, Phyllis, Ryan, Kelly, and Oscar are gathered around Oscar's computer lauging at a video of Cookie Monster] Cookie Monster: [Kevin's voice] Oscar, Toby said he left my Girl Scout cookies on my chair. Have you seen them? Wait I'm sitting on them. [all laugh] Andy: This is awesome! Oscar: Thank you. It didn't even take that long. Cookie Monster: [Kevin's voice] What's the difference between a chimichanga, [Kevin arrives behind the group] a chalupa, and a tostada? Call me back ASAP. It's urgent. Kevin: This isn't funny. I don't talk like that. [all continue laughing] Phyllis: Say "Me eat cookie." Kevin: No. I won't say it. Dwight: Why is everyone clumped around accounting? Break it up, you clique. Ryan: It's Kevin as Cookie monster from Sesame Street. Dwight: [gets up and starts to walk to Oscar's desk] Is that the program where all those puppets live in the barrio? Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Dwight: I love that show. Cookie Monster: [Kevin's voice] This is Kevin. This is Kevin. Ryan: Good work, buddy. Oscar: Thank you. Dwight: That is an amusing link. I'd like it sent to me, please. Oscar: Yes. Kelly: Me, too Oscar. Ryan: C.C. me Kevin: Angela, this is inappropriate. Angela: This is my favorite day. [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: It's Secretary's Day. And it is Erin's and my three-week anniversary. So perfect storm for a romantic gesture. [Andy unfurling a giant "Happy Secretary's Day" banner by reception, placing a teddy bear on Erin's chair]. Want to make sure the whole office remembers it's Secretary's Day. I sent an e-mail blast, a text blast, a good, old-fashioned talk blast SUMMARY:
Andy tries to make Erin's Secretary's Day a memorable one. While having lunch with Erin, Michael informs her of Andy and Angela's past engagement, which Andy had been hiding from Erin. Oscar circulates a video he made which compares Kevin's voice to Cookie Monster's and Kevin turns to Gabe for help when the entire office gets in on the joke.
TEXT: [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT] (Thunder rumbles.) [EXT. UNDER THE BRIDGE - NIGHT] (Under the bridge, homeless people keep warm by the flames of the burning barrels. Hookers and drug addicts try to keep warm.) (A car drives by slowly and pulls up along side the curb. The hookers are already peering in through the car window asking questions.) (Nothing.) (The car drives off and slows down in front of another group of men. The car continues.) (The man behind the wheel continues driving. He turns the corner and parks. He gets out of the car, shuts the door and looks down below at the group of people standing below.) (He makes his way toward them.) FLASH TO: [LATER] (Camera opens on the dead man lying face-up with bloodied stab wounds in his chest. GRISSOM and BRASS kneel down next to the body looking it over.) Grissom: No watch, no wallet, no shoes. This guy was picked clean. Brass: In this neighborhood, he's lucky to have the fillings in his teeth. (GRISSOM checks.) Grissom: Still there. (BRASS shakes his head and smiles. GRISSOM notices the MAN'S fingernails.) Grissom: This guy was well-groomed. Brass: I don't care if he was lemon-scented and martinized, if he was on Washington and D, he was copping. He should have just said no. (GRISSOM looks at the group of people standing nearby not caring that there's a dead body right there.) Grissom: Maybe somebody wouldn't take no for an answer. FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. JUNKYARD -- NIGHT] (CATHERINE, SARA and DET. CAVALIERE make their way toward the body.) Catherine: So, how long have you been in Vegas, Detective Cavaliere SUMMARY:
Catherine and Sara deal with the death of what at first seems to be a transvestite. Later during autopsy they find out that the make-up he seemed to be wearing was actually facepaint, he was a clown. Grissom, Nick, and Warrick deal with the death of a man in a homeless area. They found out he worked in a recovery center for drug users.
TEXT: (Meredith is in bed, naked, her alarm starts going off. Derek reaches around her to cuddle.) MVO: Ok, anyone who says you can sleep when you die, tell them to come talk to me after a few months as an intern. Of course, it's not just the job that keeps us up all night. Meredith: You have to get up now. Derek: What? My God, what time is it? (She rolls on top of him) Meredith: It's 5:20, and I have pre-rounds. And you have to leave before they see you. Derek: Oh, come on, now. Why don't you just let them see? (He rolls on top of her) Meredith: No! Derek: Please! Meredith: No, No! (Izzie is watching coffee percolate in the kitchen when George enters) George: You get any sleep? Izzie: Oh, she could oil the bedsprings as a courtesy or at least buy a padded headboard. George: So who's the guy? Izzie: You think it was just one guy doing all that work? George: Yeah, do you mind if I don't think about that? Izzie: Oh, jealous? George: I'm not jealous. Izzie: Well, I am. But at least I know she'll be having a long day at work. (Derek tries to sneak out but Izzie and George see him) Izzie: Well, at least we know brain surgery isn't his only skill. George: They can't be...He's her boss. Izzie: We're late. He's all of our boss. You know she has been scrubbing in a lot lately on his surgeries. George: No, Meredith wouldn't sleep with him just to...No. Izzie: Well, if she's not ashamed of it, why is she keeping it a secret? George: Maybe she didn't. Maybe it just happened. You know, spontaneously, last night. (Meredith enters kitchen) Meredith: Hi. Good morning. Izzie: Morning. Hey, so it sounded like SUMMARY:
George and Izzie find out about Mer and McDreamy while Cristina faces a test she's not quite prepared for.
TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars... Kendall appeals to Keith in 222 "Not Pictured." KENDALL: I need you to do something for me. She opens the briefcase she has laid on his desk. Keith's eyes widen as he looks at the contents that we don't see. KENDALL: It's important. Keith races into the cabin in 301 "Welcome Wagon." KEITH: Kendall! Keith freezes as Cormac fires two shots into one of the inner rooms, moving only when Cormac turns the gun on him. As he runs outside, he trips, hurting his leg. Keith crawls behind a rock. Cormac can be seen in the distance at the door of the cabin. CORMAC: [offscreen] I'll come and pick up your carcass in the morning. At Hearst College, Veronica and Parker meet for the first time. PARKER: I'm Parker. VERONICA: Veronica. Mac gives Veronica the low-down on her roommate at the Take Back the Night rally. MAC: She's a one-woman red-light district. Veronica finds Mac sitting on the floor outside of her room. MAC: Parker's in there with some guy. Having snuck in to the room in which the sounds of s*x are heard, Veronica grabs the tickets in the dark. VERONICA: Don't mind me. Veronica and Mac jerk awake at the sound of Parker's scream. Parker stares in the mirror in horror at her shaved head. In a new piece of footage, not shown in 301 "Welcome Wagon," she screams out in anguish. PARKER: Someone raped me! Veronica is stunned. End previously. INT - HEARST COLLEGE, MAC AND PARKER'S ROOM - DAY. Parker is sitting cross-legged on her bed, sobbing and recounting what she knows to a female deputy, sitting on the bed with her. PARKER: Last thing I remember, I was at the Zeta Theta rush party. I don SUMMARY:
Guilty over not having helped Parker, Veronica pursues the Hearst serial rapist by going undercover at the Theta Beta sorority during rush week. Parker's parents arrive, intending to take her home. Wallace and Logan participate in a guard/prisoner experiment for sociology class. On the night she was raped, Parker was taken back to her dorm room by a resident assistant because she was too intoxicated to get back herself. Veronica also learns that someone from Theta Beta could have had access to the keys to Parker's dorm room.
TEXT: Opening shots and series recap JACK HARKNESS : (v.o.) Torchwood. Outside the Government, beyond the police. Fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st century is when everything changes... and Torchwood is ready. INT. RHYS' CAR (TRAVELING) - DAY It's raining outside. Rhys is driving and singing along enthusiastically with the radio playing a Harwood's commercial. RADIO : Who can you trust? /Who can you trust to transport your cars. RHYS : (singing along) Harwood's! /You won't be sorry with a Harwood's lorry! Rhys laughs. RADIO : (from radio) Good morning. And today sees an improvement on the weather we've been having recently. Rhys' phone rings. He looks outside and motions as he pulls over to the side of the road. Cars beep their horns and pass him by. The phone continues to ring. Rhys answers the phone. RHYS : (to phone) Yeah, Ruth! (chuckles) Did you hear it? I wrote the last bit. (He chuckles again, then stops as he listens.) What sort of accident? Yeah, yeah, I know it. Yeah, I'll get over there now. Rhys hangs up and pulls back out into traffic. EXT. ROAD - DAY Rhys pulls up his car, license #CEO7FKV, to the accident site where the police have the area blocked. The accident looks very serious. Police, Dragon Rescue personnel and emergency vehicles are there. Rhys gets out of the car and heads over to the site. An officer stops him. POLICEMAN : Stay back, please. You're going to have to move your car. RHYS : Yeah, I'm Rhys Williams, I'm the manager of Harwood's Haulage. CRANE UP to show the truck knocked on its side and another smaller vehicle smashed and flipped completely over nearby. The officer is adamant SUMMARY:
When team investigates a mysterious alien meat supply that traces back to Rhys' haulage company, Gwen is forced to reveal the true nature of her work at Torchwood to a stunned and suspicious Rhys.
TEXT: Narrator: Previously on: [Scenes from 1X01: Pilot] [INT. CSI - HALLWAY] (NICK moves the "SOLVED" magnet from the side and puts it right on top of the board on CRIME #99, UNIDENTIFIED PERSON, on his side of the board.) (Cut to: GRISSOM swings NICK'S new I.D. badge in front of him.) Grissom: Congratulations, Nicky, my boy. You are now a CSI Level Three. Nick: (excited) Whoo! [INT. CATHERINE'S SISTER'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - MORNING] (LINDSEY wakes up.) Lindsey Willows: Mommy? Catherine: I couldn't drive here fast enough to tell you how much I love you. Lindsey Willows: I love you, too. [Scenes from 1X02: Cool Change] [INT. CSI - LAB] Catherine: Sara Sidle? Sara: (smiles) I know who I am. I think you're a little confused. [INT. CSI - BRASS' OFFICE - DAY] (GRISSOM checks into BRASS' office as he clears his stuff out.) Grissom: I just off the phone with the Sheriff. He says he wants me to run the unit. Brass: You're the boss. [INT. CSI - HALLWAY] (GRISSOM and WARRICK sit on the bench in the hallway.) Grissom: They say I got to let you go. Warrick: I know. (GRISSOM stands and moves in front of WARRICK.) Grissom: I don't care what the book says. I lost one good person today, I don't want to lose another. (GRISSOM holds out WARRICK'S gun and badge back out to him.) Grissom: Here. (WARRICK looks up at GRISSOM.) CUT TO END OF "PREVIOUSLY ON" FLASH IN. [EXT. VARIOUS NEV SUMMARY:
The search is on for Grissom, Nick, and Sara when an abducted woman is said to be buried underground. Meanwhile a hit and run death of a little girl is investigated by Catherine and Warrick.
TEXT: [ Penny's apartment ] Bernadette: So, what are you working on these days? Amy: I'm studying one-celled organisms to try and find the neurochemicals that lead to the feeling of shame. Bernadette: What would a one-celled organism have to be embarrassed about? Penny: Same as all of us, getting out of a car without underwear. Bermadette: Speaking of underwear, I have some interesting news. Penny: Okay, if it's sometimes Howie wears yours, Leonard already told us. Bernadette: He was being funny. I'm pretty sure. Anyway, I was asked to be a part of a magazine article about the 50 sexiest female scientists in California. Isn't that cool? Amy: I think it's awful. Penny: Why would you say that? Amy: Bernadette is a successful microbiologist. She should be celebrated for her achievements, not her looks. I mean, what kind of message does that send? Penny: I think the message is check out the rack on that scientist. Bernadette: Why can't someone be thought of as both smart and pretty? Amy: I just don't think a professional woman should have to flaunt her sexuality in order to get ahead. Penny: Okay, what's the big deal? Look, if it helps me make a sale with a physician, I don't think it hurts to flirt a little. I mean, laugh at their joke, touch their arm, maybe crank up the AC in the car beforehand, you know, to wake up the girls. Amy: Maybe it's different in the world of sales, but it's already hard enough for women to be taken seriously in science. Bernadette: I was kind of excited about the article, but now you're making me feel bad. Penny: No, I think you should do whatever you want. You know, maybe if fashion magazines had female scientists in them, I would've become a theoretical physicist. Stop smirking at each other. [SCENE_BREAK] <unk> Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state <unk> [SCENE SUMMARY:
Sheldon meets the middle-aged Dr. Lorvis who tracked down a flirty pharmaceutical sales rep, Penny. Leonard explains to him that Penny is his fiancée, so he walks away looking sad realizing that Penny only flirts with him for sales. Sheldon invites him inside for a hot beverage. When Penny gets wind of this, she asks Leonard to get rid of him as she cannot communicate with her clients outside of work. Lorvis turns out to be a celebrity urinary specialist with a huge sci-fi memorabilia collection which he invites the men to see. Earlier, Bernadette tells the girls that she has been picked as one of the fifty most beautiful scientists for an article in a magazine. The magazine cancels the article because Amy wrote an email of complaint about the article since they would not have written about handsome male scientists and are objectifying women. Bernadette claims Amy is jealous because she cannot express her sexuality, causing a hurt Amy to storm out. After Sheldon teases that the Penny-Leonard relationship is doomed to fail, Lorvis locks them in his basement to go after Penny again, but at the staircase, he meets Amy and falls in love with her, confusing Penny. When he reveals he locked the men in his basement, Penny proceeds to call him out on his actions as he is acting creepy, and cannot chase every woman that is nice to him. When Leonard realizes that the men are locked in and calls Penny, she and Amy urge Lorvis to help them get the men out; he meets Bernadette, who wants to apologize to Amy, and falls in love with her, too. The women go back to Lorvis' house only to find the men are too busy playing Donkey Kong to notice. To pass the time, Lorvis proceeds to show the women his memorabilia.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Art: Arlo didn't say anything about the I.D. or the bag. Raylan: Just got him to admit he knew it was hidden in the wall. Art: Why would your father do that? Raylan: You could ask him. But I get the feeling he ain't gonna say much. Art: Drew Thompson was wanted in a sealed federal witness warrant. Raylan: What'd he witness? Art: Well, I don't know. That's what "sealed" means. Drew saw Theo Tonin murder a Government informant. Tim: We've got to assume Barnes told Theo everything we know. He's gonna send an army after Drew. Wynn: I'm not looking for a partner. Johnny: I was the heir apparent. Boyd has never been nothing but a thorn in his Daddy's fat ass. What if I were to help you kill him? Boyd: sh1t. Look what the cat drug in. Ava: Ellen May. What are you doing here? Boyd: It'll be quick, Ava. One minute, she's here, and the next, she's gone. Colton: I got to take a piss. You pump, I'll pay. Okay. [ gun cocks ] Colton: Oh, sh1t. sh1t! sh1t! sh1t! Oh, Ellen May. Colton: Hey. Hey. Colton: I noticed you, uh, have some security cameras outside. I guess. Colton: Well, I was here with a young lady, and I went to take a leak. I went back to the truck, and she was gone. So I'd like to look at that video and see where she went. Oh, I-I'm not allowed to let anybody back there. Colton: Come on, man. No. No exceptions. Colton: You don't need to do that. Come on. Get your hand out from under there. No, sir. I don't think so. Colton: I want to show you something. Hey, I got a gun here. Colton: Hey, SUMMARY:
With scrutiny of a 30-year-old case involving a dead parachutist increasing, prisoner Arlo Givens, Raylan's father, decides to disclose the location of Drew Thompson for a full pardon. Raylan doesn't want this to happen, so he intensifies his search for Drew Thompson so that his father's information is no longer valuable, thereby removing his father's play to get out of jail. Detroit mobsters also want to find Drew Thompson for assorted reasons. First, Drew Thompson's former wife said Thompson witnessed head gangster Tonin kill a federal witness. Second, a Tonin henchman says Thompson previously shot Tonin in the eye. Last, the drugs displayed in the first scene of the current season apparently disappeared. The Detroit criminals enlist Wynn Duffy, a member of a southern criminal organization, to help find Thompson. Duffy gets the help of Harlan County criminal boss Boyd Crowder to find Thompson. Raylan finds the girl that broke into Arlo's house earlier to find out who put her up to the job. She points Raylan in the direction of her stepfather, Josiah Cairn ( Gerald McRaney ). Cairn tells Raylan that Drew Thompson is with the hill people. Raylan goes to the hills, but is set up to get killed by the hill people because Cairn called them and told them to kill Raylan. After Raylan manages to escape, he returns to Cairn's house at night. Instead of finding Cairn, Raylan finds Cairn's severed foot.
TEXT: Our first set of "Previously on Alias"! Sydney's "She's supposed to be dead" and Jack's "So are a lot of people..." Clipped scene of the "boutique fight" "She can have the blouse..." Sloane: "I believe that if the two of you go out on this mission, and Anna Espinosa has her way, only one of you will return...alive." During the surveillance mission, Sydney: "Let's take her..." Henchman: "Bad idea..." -Shortened version of Nadia/Henchman fight. -Shortened version of Sydney chasing Anna. -Nadia leaning over henchman as he whispers in her ear. Nadia and Sydney almost shooting each other and then Anna shooting Nadia. Open to Sloane shoving open a hospital door and stalking down a hospital corridor. He walks over to stand next to Sydney, who is watching her sister through the glass outside her room. Sydney turns and sees Sloane beside her and then looks away again. Cut to the heartrate monitor and then slide to Nadia lying unconscious in bed with an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth. Cut to Sloane's reaction to seeing his daughter that way; he's definited moved. Sydney: The surgeons in Estonia got the bullet out. She's stabilized, but the internal bleeding was severe. Sloane: They put her in a coma. Sydney: Until she recovers at least basic metabolic function...48 hours at least, they think. Sydney meets Sloane's eyes. He looks hurt and worried. Sydney looks away is if she feels guilty. Sydney: I'm sorry. Sloane: It was Anna Espinosa. She did this. Sydney: Anna...has got the bomb. We didn't stop her. Sydney looks down again as if ashamed. Sloane's phone rings. With him still staring at Sydney he answers the phone. Sloane: I said I'm not to be bothered. (pauses, listening) I'll be right there. Sloane closes up his cell phone and walks away. Cut to elevator doors opening. We see the bottom third SUMMARY:
Espinosa's bomb is assembled and ready for sale. Sark claims to be a man of his word and helps Sydney capture Espinosa while securing his own escape. Jack wakes Nadia prematurely to gain intel on the Cadmus Revolutionary Front. When Sloane confronts him, Jack claims to be a man of his word as well.
TEXT: ZBZ HOUSE - Dining room Casey : Fluff up your pom-poms, ladies. This weekend our very own Titans are taking on the A&M Farmhands in the Basketball Conference Championship! There'll be tons going on this week. Starting tomorrow night with the Spirit Social at Dobler's and ending with the game on Saturday. Everyone, bring your Titan spirit! Laura : Actually, a few slacking sisters didn't make study hours this week so they unfortunately can't attend the Spirit Social tomorrow night. The following pledges : Mandi, Brenda and Rebecca. Casey : Who will be missing two of ZBZ's great traditions: supporting our basketball team and flirting with our basketball players. Mandy : This is so not fair. Laura : And it wouldn't be fair if you enjoyed the same privileges as girls who've pulled twice their weight. Casey : Speaking of twice their weight. Rebecca : Sorry, totally lost track of time. I was at Kappa Tau. Casey : Where you've been every time there were study hours this week. Rebecca : I have a 3.0. What, I have to be a Rhodes scholar now, too? Casey : We'll be thinking of you when we're brushing up against our very hot, very agile basketball team. And the rest of you, I'll see at Dobler's. Laura : Hold on, sorry. One more. An active. Ashleigh missed study hours this week, too. Casey : Ash? KAPPA TAU HOUSE - Living room Wade : Bedposts. Cappie : Toughest roll in bowling. Spitter, come here. All right, you're gonna want to hit the seven pin at an angle, and launch it into the ten pin, right? Rusty : Can I have an ibuprofen first? Cappie : No pain, no ten bucks from Wade. Now, strap in. We are green for go. Cappie : Come on! Keep going. Come on! Who told you? Ten bucks. Hold up. What was that? Was that the phone? Beaver : It's the SUMMARY:
Cappie, Evan, and Dale go head-to-head in a debate over the Greek's social perks, the outcome of which will have a lasting impact on Greek restrictions. Rusty sleeps with U-SAG member, Tina. A double standard at ZBZ creates conflict between Casey and the other sisters. Note: Dean Bowman ( Alan Ruck ) is on a date with a woman named Sloane, which is an allusion to his role in Ferris Bueller's Day Off .
TEXT: Scene: Howard and Bernadette's apartment. Bernadette: What you doing? Howard: You said clean up. I'm cleaning up. Bernadette: You can't just throw everything in the closet. Howard: Hey, you can tell me what to do or you can tell me how to do it, but you can't do both. This isn't s*x. Bernadette: What if someone looks in there? Howard: They're just coming over for dinner. No one's gonna look in the closet. Bernadette: Well, you don't know that. What if someone's looking for the bathroom and they open that door? Howard: Could work out. For all we know there's a toilet in there somewhere. Bernadette: Fine. But after tonight we need to get a handle on this mess. Howard: You know what we should do? We should show the closet to Sheldon. Bernadette: Why? Howard: Are you kidding? He's like a savant at organizing. Everything in his apartment has a label on it. Including his label maker, which has a label that says label maker. And if you look really close at that label maker label, you'll see a label that says label. Bernadette: He's our guest, we can't just ask him to straighten our closet. Howard: No, we wouldn't ask him. We'd just show him the closet and let the goblins in his head take it from there. Later. Howard: Hey, guys, come on in. All: Hi. Penny: Ooh, it smells good. Bernadette: Thanks. And, Sheldon, I know tonight's the night you eat Thai food, so I went to the Asian market, got all the ingredients and made it from scratch. Sheldon: Oh, you shouldn't have. Bernadette: Oh, it's my pleasure. Sheldon: No, you really shouldn't have. I brought my own. Bernadette: You stopped and got him takeout? Leonard: I had no choice. He kept kicking the back of my seat. Bernadette: Sheldon, SUMMARY:
Sheldon is tricked into tidying Howard and Bernadette's closet during their dinner party. He finds and reads a letter to Howard on his 18th birthday from his long-lost father. Howard destroys the letter without reading it and otherwise acts strangely. The others trick Sheldon into revealing the letter's content. When Howard finds out everyone knows but him, he storms out of Leonard's and Penny's dinner party. Everyone else heads to Bernadette and Howard's apartment where Sheldon invokes quantum superposition to tell Howard what was in the letter without him actually knowing; each person devises a version of the letter's content, but only one is actually true. Raj says his father sent him a birthday card; Sheldon mentions a map to One-Eyed Willy's lost pirate treasure (this is actually the plot for The Goonies); Amy says his father secretly attended his son's high school graduation and was so proud he cried; Penny says his father's "other life" caught up with him so he left his family for their safety; Leonard says his father wrote of the importance of family, and that Howard should never abandon his family as he did; Bernadette describes a photo of Howard's father holding him as a baby with the words "Howard, my son, my greatest gift". Howard is pleased, wishing all versions were true, and returns to Leonard and Penny's dinner party with everyone else.
TEXT: [Before the teaser there is a montage of scenes from previous episodes.] GILMORE MANSION [Friday Night Dinner, Rory and Lorelai are in a heated discussion, Emily is watching, a little worried] LORELAI: How can you possibly say she looked better with the dark hair? RORY: She did the blonde just seemed like she was trying to be her sister. LORELAI: The dark hair makes it look like she's trying not to look like her, plus she does not have the nose for dark hair. RORY: What does that mean? LORELAI: Dark hair is like a giant light-up arrow pointing to what is wrong with you. Blond hair, it all sort of blends in in a haze of beige. RORY: Nuts, you're nuts. LORELAI: You're double nuts! EMILY: All right, that's it. No more spaghetti and meatballs. Musepa, come get these plates. LORELAI: Mom! EMILY: Every time we have spaghetti and meatballs, you fight. LORELAI: No, no, we're not fighting. We're just, uh, bonding. RORY: [Trying to eat] Mmm! Grandma, I'm starving! EMILY: Take these away, Mr. Gilmore's also. LORELAI: Mom, come on. RORY: I won't fight anymore. EMILY: No. Spaghetti and meatballs is just too much excitement. RICHARD: [Entering the room] I'm sorry about that. I left work early today, and apparently, that caused everyone's I.Q.S to drop 60 points. My food is gone. EMILY: The girls were fighting. RICHARD: I told you not to serve spaghetti and meatballs. They always fight when we have spaghetti and meatballs. LORELAI: That's not true. RORY: We fight just as much when we have Chinese food. EMILY: Can we please talk about something besides food? LORELAI: Starvation, scurvy, the SUMMARY:
Rory is strict in keeping Logan on bed rest following his release from the hospital, enlisting the help of Paris and Doyle to assure that he does not strain himself. She finds herself distracted, however, upon discovering that Mitchum spoke of her in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. Meanwhile, Emily suffers temporary blindness after a botched eye surgery and asks Lorelai's help in running errands after firing all of her hired help. Elsewhere, Liz announces her pregnancy to Luke and reveals that there is trouble between her and TJ.
TEXT: Zitek Biosystems Facility. Los Corrados, California A woman in a white coat goes into the building, enters a secure lab. She opens a steel box and inside are 5 vials, the sixth is missing. She looks everywhere, the vial is uncapped and she is scared. Two men enter the lab, one in a white coat and the second in a suit. Man in Coat: I daresay you've inspected more modern facilities in your travels, but, uh Woman in Coat: Griffin... Don't come in here. Man in Coat: Dr. Seberg, what's wrong? Oh, my God. CBI. - Lisbon's office (Jane, Lisbon, Rigsby) (Jane enters the office) Jane: Hey. Lisbon (working at his computer): Hey. Jane: Cheer up. Lisbon: Why? Jane: Uh, 'cause it's better to be happy than sad. Lisbon: I'm not sad. Jane: You're very sad. You've been sad for months, ever since, uh Lisbon: What, is this some sort of therapy session? Did you bring tissue in case you make me cry? Jane: There we go. Zing of anger- gets the blood up. That's a good start. Lisbon: Is this what you came here for, to zing me? Because I've got paperwork to do. Rigsby (motions him into the office): Jane, call for you. They say it's extremely urgent. Line two. Jane: Ooh... (he picks up the phone) This is Jane. Woman in Coat: Good morning, Mr. Jane. My name is Dr. Alicia Seberg. I gather from a brief search on the internet that you're the best Detective in my immediate vicinity. Jane: Oh. Well, um... you flatter me, but, uh, I'm not actually a detective. Dr. Alicia Seberg: I need your professional assistance. Please come immediately. I've been murdered. Credits Outdoors day. A helicopter flies over a building, there is a parking lot. (Jane, Lisbon, Dean Harken, Scott Price) SUMMARY:
Dr. Alicia Seberg, a government bioweapons researcher, is exposed to a deadly virus on which she had been working. Due to its enormous monetary value and because the only antidote that works is one that must be taken before exposure (not after), all virus vials are carefully stored in a sealed area guarded by state-of-the-art retinal-scan security, and only four people had access. With only hours to live, she calls upon Jane and the CBI team to identify and catch her murderer. Jane's efforts are blocked by the overbearing by-the-book lead investigator Dean Harken who was already on site about to conduct an audit, and who insists Seberg caused the accident herself. Seberg dies. While the area is being decontaminated, Jane discovers that the retinal security system has not been working properly for two months, which widens the list of suspects to include Harken himself. To flush out the murderer, Jane fakes the theft and opening of one of the virus vials so that everyone in the facility faces the prospect of death within hours; procedure means they cannot leave and the military will bomb the facility after they die so as to destroy the virus. When lab assistant Lilith Nash falls under suspicion Jane questions her and she informs him there is a culvert that affords a secret way out of the facility. Jane faked the theft of the vial as he knew the murderer would realise they had to escape the facility to avoid being bombed to death. Griffith Welks, one of Seberg's colleagues with authorised access to the virus and one of the original suspects, is caught by Rigsby and Cho at the culvert - he had been selling the virus for profit and when Harken arrived to conduct an audit he knew the theft would be revealed, so he framed Seberg.
TEXT: Title: "Michael, the Guys and the Great Snapple Caper" 45th Episode of Roswell Production Code: 3ADA02 [SCENE_BREAK] Karl: so, Mr.. Gweerin-- Michael: Guerin. Karl: It says here you've been an emancipated minor for the last 2 years. Michael: Yeah. Karl: A lot of responsibility for someone your age. You like responsibility? Michael: Yeah, sure. I like to stay on top of things. [Michael's memories of his recent "staying on top of things"] Michael: I only got 4 notices! How can you cut off my power? Michael: I'm a big believer in self-discipline. Michael: I'll take it. [Michael buying a TV] Karl: What about school? Aren't you worried that a second job might interfere with your studies? Michael: I think I can handle it. Karl: Ok. Let's cut to the chase, Guerin. You already have a job flipping burgers. Why do you want a second job? Michael: Well, there are many reasons. Uh... But I think the primary one is... [More memories of the last date with Maria] Maria: Please don't tell me that the words, "Maria, can you pick up the check?" Are going to come floating out of your mouth once again, because if so, I swear to god, Michael... Michael: Financial. Karl: I see. Michael: And I guess i sort of want to see what it's like out there in the world. Karl: Congratulations. You are now Meta-Chem pharmaceutical's newest security guard. Michael: When do I start? Karl: Orientation's tomorrow night. Michael: I'm not going to be done at the Crashdown until 10:00. Is that too late? Karl: We don't need you till 0200. Michael: 0-2... That's 2 am. Karl: That's right. 2 to 7 every night. You're working the graveyard. I'll see you then. [Max reading from Liz's letter] Liz: Dear max, it's so horrible and so unjust to SUMMARY:
Michael works as a security guard, but when he tries to loosen up his co-workers, he causes more harm than good. Meanwhile, Max and Liz continue to see each other despite her parents' wishes.
TEXT: Originally written by Adam Chase and Ira Ungerleider. Transcribed by guineapig. [Pre-intro scene: Monica and Rachel's. Everyone is looking at papers] Joey: How could someone get a hold of your credit card number? Monica: I have no idea. But look how much they spent! Rachel: Monica, would you calm down? The credit card people said that you only have to pay for the stuff that you bought. Monica: I know. It's just such reckless spending. Ross: I think when someone steals your credit card, they've kind of already thrown caution to the wind. Chandler: Wow, what a geek. They spent $69.95 on a Wonder Mop. Monica: That's me. Phoebe: Oh! The yuk! Ross, he's doing it again! [Points to a lamp which is shaking behind the sofa] Ross: Marcel, stop humping the lamp! Stop humping! Now Marcel, come back- [Marcel runs toward Rachel's room] come here, Marcel- Rachel: Oh no, not in my room! I'll get him. Monica: Ross, you've got to do something about the humping. Ross: What? It's, it's just a phase. Chandler: Well, that's what we said about Joey... Ross: Would you all relax? It's not that big a deal. Rachel: [Out of shot] Stop it! Marcel! Bad monkey! Ross: What? Rachel: Let's just say my Curious George doll is no longer curious. [Intro] [Scene 1: Monica and Rachel's, late at night. Mon is still up examining her bill. Rachel emerges from her room] Rachel: Oh, Monica. You are not still going over that thing. Monica: This woman's living my life. Rachel: What? Monica: She's living my life, and she's doing it better than me! Look at this, look. She buys tickets for plays that I wanna see. She, she buys clothes from stores that I'm intimidated by the sales people. She spent three hundred dollars on art supplies. Rachel: You're not an artist. Monica: Yeah, SUMMARY:
When Monica's credit card is stolen, she, along with Phoebe and Rachel, decide to catch the thief. Monica instead befriends the lively woman. Joey enlists his friends' help to come up with less Italian-sounding stage name. Marcel has reached sexual maturity, Ross decides he needs to be with other monkeys and tries to get him into the "Harvard of zoos" with the San Diego Zoo accepting Marcel. Joey, Chandler, Phoebe, Rachel, and Ross bid Marcel an emotional goodbye.
TEXT: THE ENEMY OF THE WORLD by DAVID WHITAKER first broadcast - 20th January 1968 running time - 24mins 22secs [SCENE_BREAK] 1. KENT'S CARAVAN (BRUCE enters, accompanied by a security guard.) BRUCE: Stay where you are. I've been looking forward to meeting you again. Over there... No, not you. Sit down, all of you. KENT: How did you find us? BRUCE: Your last visitor was Salamander's deputy Benik. When he left, he fixed this underneath your trailer. ASTRID: A radio tracking device. KENT: On whose authority? BRUCE: Mine. (He looks at the DOCTOR.) BRUCE: It's amazing how alike you and Salamander are. Incredible. You fooled me the first time we met, but now, even Salamander himself would think he was looking in a mirror. Why? You want this man to impersonate Salamander, why? (To the DOCTOR.) How much are they paying you? DOCTOR: I beg your pardon? BRUCE: They want you to assassinate Salamander, don't they? Take his place? DOCTOR: That's ridiculous! I couldn't possibly do that. BRUCE: But you were preparing to impersonate him, weren't you? DOCTOR: Well well, yes. BRUCE: Alright then, why? DOCTOR: Because Salamander holds my two friends prisoner and I was going to attempt to rescue them. ASTRID: And at the same time get evidence that would expose Salamander as a traitor, blackmailer and murderer! BRUCE: Quite an ambitious plan. How do you know such evidence exists? KENT: It exists in Salamander's records. BRUCE: Oh, yes, I know why you want Salamander out of the way. You hate him because he exposed your profitable sideline of misusing public money. ASTRID: Oh, it was Salamander who was misusing the money. KENT: And I was dismissed from my post and SUMMARY:
The Doctor persuades Bruce to help him infiltrate Salamander's research centre while Salamander takes drastic action to prevent Swann finding out the truth.
TEXT: Scene One [Title: The Year 2030] Narrator: Kids, I'm going to tell you an incredible story. The story of how I met your mother Son: Are we being punished for something? Narrator: No Daughter: Yeah, is this going to take a while? Narrator: Yes. (Kids are annoyed) Twenty-five years ago, before I was dad, I had this whole other life. (Music Plays, Title "How I Met Your Mother" appears) Narrator: It was way back in 2005. I was twenty-seven just starting to make it as an architect and living in New York with my friend Marshall, my best friend from college. My life was good and then Uncle Marshall went and screwed the whole thing up. Marshall: (Opens ring) Will you marry me. Ted: Yes, perfect! And then you're engaged, you pop the champagne! You drink a toast! You have s*x on the kitchen floor... Don't have s*x on our kitchen floor. Marshall: Got it. Thanks for helping me plan this out, Ted. Ted: Dude, are you kidding? It's you and Lily! I've been there for all the big moments of you and Lily. The night you met. Your first date... other first things. Marshall: (laughs) yeah, sorry. We thought you were asleep. Ted: It's physics Marshall, if the bottom bunk moves, the top bunk moves too. My god, you're getting engaged tonight. Marshall: Yeah, what are you doing tonight? (Scene Freezes) Narrator: What was I doing? Your Uncle Marshall was taking the biggest step of his life, and me-I'm calling your Uncle, Barney. [Cut to Later: Barney's in the barber shop, Ted's talking from home] Barney: (on the phone) hey, so you know how I've always had a thing for half-Asian girls? Well, now I've got a new favorite: Lebanese girls! Lebanese girls are the new half-Asians. Ted: Hey, you wanna do something tonight? Barney: Okay, meet me at the bar SUMMARY:
After his best friend Marshall proposes to his long-term girlfriend, Lily, Ted solicits help from his friend Barney to find 'The One' for his life. He manages to get a date with Robin, a girl he met at his usual neighborhood bar, but threatens to scare Robin away when he accidentally reveals his love for her on the very first date. Meanwhile, Marshall accidentally hits Lily in the eye with the champagne stopper after they get engaged, forcing her to wear an eyepatch.
TEXT: THE INVASION OF TIME BY "DAVID AGNEW" GRAHAM WILLIAMS AND ANTHONY READ Part One Running time: 25:00 [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: I am prepared. LEADER: Speed is vital, Doctor. [SCENE_BREAK] LEELA: K9, can you tell me how long he'll be? K9: Negative. Prognostication impossible in matters concerning Doctor. LEELA: Prog what? K9: I cannot tell. LEELA: Can you tell me where we've landed? K9: Affirmative. LEELA: Well? K9: Materialisation took place on alien spacecraft. LEELA: Why wouldn't the Doctor let me go with him? K9: I do not know. Prognostication impossible BOTH: In matters concerning. I know, I know. Well, he may need my help. I'm going to take a look. K9: Do not touch the scanner control, mistress. LEELA: Oh, I know the Doctor said we weren't supposed to, but wouldn't you like to see where he is? Who he's talking to? K9: Negative. Wishing for such things is emotion. I am not programmed LEELA: Oh, shut up. You're no help at all. LEELA: What's wrong? Why won't it work? K9? K9, what's? K9, sulking is also an emotional thing. If you cannot wish, you cannot sulk. K9! K9, I'm sorry. LEELA: I didn't mean to shout at you. K9: Apologies are not necessary. LEELA: No, no, no, of course they're not. Now, can you tell me, please, why this scanner will not work? K9: The Doctor immobilised the mechanism before he left in order to prevent you switching it on. LEELA: You mean he doesn't trust me? What is he doing out there? [SCENE_BREAK] LEADER: We will conclude formalities. Sign it. DOCTOR: I never SUMMARY:
The Doctor returns to Gallifrey to become the President of the High Council of Time Lords. But Leela realizes that the Doctor is acting out of character.
TEXT: [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT] (Lightning flashes and thunder crashes. It's raining in Nevada tonight.) [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. CAR -- NIGHT] (The driver drives through the rain. There's a small film reel charm hanging from his rear-view mirror. It's a heavy rain outside.) (The driver sees a hitchhiker standing outside the side of the road carrying a sign, "VEGAS". The driver passes him by, slows the car down and thinks about it.) (He reverses the car and stops to pick up the hitch-hiker. PETE WALKER opens the car door and calls out.) Pete Walker: Hey, you need a lift? (The hitchhiker climbs into the car and closes the door.) So, where are you headed? Paul Millander: It's not where I'm headed. [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. GOOD SPRINGS - WAREHOUSE -- NIGHT] (Police cars park in the front of the home, their lights flashing. CATHERINE exits the vehicle. She and GRISSOM meet up with the DETECTIVE.) Det.: Welcome to Good Springs. Catherine: Long drive. Det.: Well, I know it's out of your jurisdiction, but your name is on the tape. Grissom: Where is he? Det.: Inside. We left the recorder where we found it. Catherine: Anything else? Det.: Victim's wallet. (The DETECTIVE hands the wallet to CATHERINE. He lifts up the crime scene tape for GRISSOM and CATHERINE.) Grissom: Thank you. (They head into the warehouse.) [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. GOOD SPRINGS - WAREHOUSE -- NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (Inside, the place is empty except for a single bathtub in the center of the large room. GRISSOM and CATHERINE walk to the tub.) Catherine: (reading) Pete Walker, California. Date of birth: August 17, 1957. SUMMARY:
Grissom's nemesis, serial killer Paul Millander (Matt O'Toole), reappears and claims a third victim in this gripping episode. The latest slaying matches Millander's previous killings in that it recreates his father's murder, which Millander witnessed as a boy. In each case, the victim is shot once through the chest while lying in a bathtub. A nearby tape recorder contains the person's supposed suicide message. All three victims share the same birthday of Aug. 17---the date Millander's father was slain---with the years in descending order from 1959. So presumably, the killer's next target was born Aug. 17, 1956...which just happens to be Grissom's birthday.
TEXT: PARADISE TOWERS PART ONE Run time: 24:33 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. INT. STREET [SCENE_BREAK] (Rubbish litters the street and graffiti covers the walls. The sound of the mocking chants of the Red Kangs can be heard. A lone Yellow Kang runs down the street and comes to a halt in a doorway. She crouches under the graffiti of Yellow Kang being menaced by a claw.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. INT. TARDIS. CONSOLE ROOM [SCENE_BREAK] (The Doctor is leaning on the console. His hat is on the time column. Mel is standing by the scanner screen watching a video brochure.) MEL: Look, Doctor, look. There's the swimming pool, right at the very top of the building. Oh it's wonderful. I can't wait for a dip in that. Paradise Towers here we come. THE DOCTOR: That's the problem with young people today, no spirit of adventure. [SCENE_BREAK] 3. INT. SQUARE [SCENE_BREAK] (The Square is a full of rubbish. The sound of the Red Kang chanting echoes off the walls.) [SCENE_BREAK] 4. INT. STREET [SCENE_BREAK] (The Lone Yellow Kang remains crouched in a doorway. The voices of the Red Kang can be heard calling down the street.) FIRE ESCAPE: It's no go. Leave her for another day. Cowardly cutlet. BIN LINER: Leave her for the cleaners. (They laugh mockingly and then disappear. There is silence briefly. The Yellow Kang relaxes, displaying a smile. The silence is interrupted by a whirring sound. The Yellow Kang looks up horrified as a shadow falls over her. She lets out a loud scream.) [SCENE_BREAK] 5. INT. TARDIS CONSOLE ROOM [SCENE_BREAK] (The Doctor moves around the console.) THE DOCTOR: I think that SUMMARY:
The Doctor lands the Tardis at a fancy hotel called Paradise Towers where Mel is looking forward to having a good time. When they arrive, things are not quite what they were expecting. Right after landing, the Doctor and Mel meet the Red Kangs and find out about their opponents, the Blue Kangs.
TEXT: LYDIA: Previously on Teen Wolf... The Mute: (DISTORTED VOICE) Hello, Sean. I just killed your family. Stiles: Lydia wrote these? Scott: You got kicked out, didn't you? Stiles: That's good. You kissed her. Scott: Get back! Araya: When you take the bite of an innocent, I will come knocking at your door. (SCREAMING) (MUSIC PLAYING) (POLICE RADIO CHATTER) Sheriff: Hey, let's get everyone off the roof. And see if you can stall the ME for five minutes.I've got an expert of my own coming to take a look. Deputy Parrish: You have an expert on teenage cannibals? Sheriff: Five minutes, Parrish. Deputy Parrish: Hey. Sheriff: Uh, I guess you've been there long enough to hear we need to be quick about this. Scott said he called himself a wendigo. Derek: Cannibalistic shape-shifters. But I haven't heard of them in Beacon Hills for a long time. Must have been well-hidden. How many people did Scott say were up here? Sheriff: Just Sean and the axe-murderer who apparently has no mouth. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you? Derek: There was someone else. Someone young. And male. Sheriff: You can smell his fear? Derek: And his blood. Stiles: Like I said, I told my dad everything I could. Scott: But you didn't tell him about Liam? Stiles: You barely told me about Liam. What did you do with him anyway? Scott: He's upstairs. Stiles: Doing what? Scott: Lying down. (PANTING) (MUFFLED GRUNTING) Stiles: So you bit him. Scott: Yeah. Stiles: And you kidnapped him. Scott: Yeah. Stiles: And brought him here. Scott: I panicked. Stiles: Yup. This isn't going to end with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert, is it SUMMARY:
Peter is attacked and injured by the Mute. Scott and his friends attempt to plan a way to help Liam deal with the upcoming full moon. Deputy Parrish, Sheriff Stilinski and Derek discover that the Mute is an assassin hired by someone called the Benefactor. Scott and his friends lock up Liam and Malia at Lydia's lake house; unfortunately, Liam texted his friends that there was a party at the house. Lydia deals with the party, and discovers a soundproofed room in her house. Derek and Sheriff Stilinski locate the Mute at the high school, and avoid a claymore mine that the Mute planted. Peter eventually appears and kills the Mute. Stiles is able to help Malia gain control over her shift. Liam escapes, but Scott is able to subdue him with help from Chris Argent. At the party, a werewolf is killed by Violet, an agent of the Benefactor, along with her boyfriend Garrett. Lydia manages to decipher the code in the Mute's computer, using the keyword "ALLISON", which reveals that it's actually a " dead pool ", a hit list of supernatural beings living in Beacon Hills, which includes all of their supernatural friends.
TEXT: Scene: The lobby. Penny: Hey. Leonard: Oh, hey. You work the lunch shift? Penny: Yeah. I've got eight pounds of salmon that's about to go bad. Do you know how to cook it? Leonard: Not really. Penny: Damn it. Should have liberated the iffy chicken. What are you and Professor Fussyface up to tonight? Leonard: Star Wars on Blu-ray. Penny: Haven't you seen that movie, like, a thousand times? Leonard: Not on Blu-ray. Only twice on Blu-ray. Penny: Oh, Leonard. Leonard: I know, it's high-resolution sadness. Penny: Well, I'm going to take myself out to a movie tonight. You want to go? Leonard: Really? Do we do that? Penny: What do you mean? Leonard: You know, we haven't spent time alone together since we broke up. Penny: Oh, it's not a date, Leonard. It's just a man and a woman hanging out, and not having s*x at the end of the night. Leonard: Sounds like most of my dates. Sheldon (off, voice heard through apartment door as they approach): Oh, dear Lord, get away from me, you monster! Penny: What is that about? Leonard: Well, he's smart and crazy enough, he may have actually created a monster. (They enter. Sheldon is by the window.) Sheldon: Shoo, shoo! Be gone! Leonard: What the hell is going on? Sheldon: There's a bird outside the window, and he won't go away. That is the hell that is going on. We have no worms or seeds here. Shoo, shoo. Penny: Really? On top of everything else, you're afraid of birds? Sheldon: It's called ornithophobia. And someday it will be recognized as a true disability, and the landlord will be required by law to put a giant net over the building. Which is unfortunate, because I have a fear of nets. Penny: So movies, yes or no? Leonard: Movies, SUMMARY:
Leonard and Penny decide to go to the movies as friends. However Leonard refuses to exhibit the familiar deference to her that he formerly displayed to her as her boyfriend to make her amenable to sex, insisting that they see a documentary on dams instead of a Jennifer Aniston movie and making her pay for her ticket and food. Irritated by Leonard's behavior, Penny begins to flirt with Kevin, a geeky screenwriter. Leonard retaliates by flirting with a woman named Laura. Penny then sabotages Leonard's meeting with Laura, leading to a fight between Leonard and Penny before they decide to return home. Outside the apartment, they apologise to each other and Penny tells Leonard that she actually liked his new-found confidence, but he misses the opportunity to get back together with her by defaulting to his usual deference. Meanwhile, Sheldon, who suffers from ornithophobia, is afraid and upset when he sees that a large Black-throated magpie-jay (incorrectly identified as a blue jay) has made a nest in his apartment windowsill. He tries all means to get rid of the bird, including mimicking a cat's meow and making Howard design an ultrasonic machine to scare away the bird, all of which fail. Eventually he decides to shoo the bird away using a broom, but when he opens the window, the bird enters the apartment and lands on his spot on the couch. A terrified Sheldon then asks Amy and Bernadette to get rid of the bird, but instead they help him overcome his fear by encouraging him to touch the bird. Sheldon soon grows fond of it, calling it "Lovey-Dovey" and decides to keep it as a pet. However, when Sheldon opens the window to shift the bird's nest to his apartment, the bird flies away, to his dismay. The episode ends with Sheldon revealing to Leonard that he found an egg in the nest and expressing his intention to become "a mommy" by incubating the egg.
TEXT: ZBZ HOUSE - Casey & Ashleigh's room Casey : Good morning, prez! You all set for your first officers' meeting? Ashleigh : I guess so. How are you doing? Casey : Good. You know, I'm going to have some free time now so I thought I'd get a head start on finals. Ashleigh : I know you better than that. This is crazy awkward, right? You should be president, not me. I didn't even run I have no business being president. You know, I'm going to announce my resignation at the meeting and appoint you. I can do that. Casey : You can't do that. Ashleigh : Really? See? No business. You should've won. Casey : I was so preoccupied with beating Frannie, I never considered what the house really wanted. You won the election, they want you. We'd better get a move on. How would it look if you were late to your first officers's meeting? Ashleigh : Pretty bad, right? Casey : I just... I pass this on to you in the meeting. It's a ritual. It's in he book of rules and rituals. Ashleigh : OK, then, we'd better follow the book. Casey : Which I'll give you at the meeting, too. CRU Rusty : Two more weeks left in freshmen year, isn't that crazy? Which means we only have 2 more weeks to do all the things we wanted to do in the dorm. Dale : Such as? Rusty : We always talked about sleeping overnight in the laundry room dryers. Or sneaking up onto the roof. Dale : No, I've got too much respect for law and country and not enough time for shenanigans. I gotta find my new dorm for next year. I'm leaning toward Appleby and Wohlford, but the bathroom situation is not ideal. I mean, come on. Low-flush toilets? That's not gonna get the job done. Rusty : I thought you'd stay here. Dale : I SUMMARY:
Ashleigh is challenged adjusting to her new role as ZBZ president, which Frannie uses to her advantage. Dale introduces Rusty to his old buddy, Kirk ( Dan Byrd ), but when Rusty discovers Kirk's substance dependency , it causes a rift in his friendship with Dale. Cappie tries to reclaim his status as a ladies' man.
TEXT: Nevada-California State Line Cho: That damn GPS is gonna put us in California, Rigsby: I knew it. -Think positive. It's Nevada. Definitely Nevada. Cho: You're dreaming We won't catch it. Stone cold mystery. Van Pelt: Hey. Friends in the authority is running through the prints. Think we'll be able to get a quick match. Rigsby: Hehe, we could never get that lucky. Well, we're gonna be talking to the hand for a long while. Jane: Why is all the gloom? A case is a case. Rigsby: We are in the middle of nowhere, windy as all hell, I haven't eaten anything. God, the smelly reserved bitch. It's been a month assembling the victim, there's all these pieces missing. Jane: There's already plenty to work with, right here. Van Pelt: It's a right hand with the number "43" on it. Rigsby: It's a male hand, or a not very thin female. What else do we got to work with right here? There's not much for analysis. Jane: Let's see, it's probably a white man, mid-fifties. He wrote on his right hand, so he's a lefty. Cho: Maybe the killer wrote some kind of message. Jane: Too faded, and a killer would write it bigger. Lisbon: Consultant.. Jane: Smells of almond, oil, moisturizer, mastic cologne and tobacco, palms are subtle, nails are professionally maintained, so a rich man. There's a faded tan line on the little finger, so we are missing pinkie ring which suggests extra work, in a job where extra works thrive. Van Pelt: So... Jane: He's a upper manager at the hotel and gambling business Cho: Total guess. Jane: What do you wanna bet I'm right? Cho: 35 cents. Jane: 35 cents? Cho: Yeah. Jane: I find that hard to believe considering huge crayon bank u probably hid behind ur bedroom SUMMARY:
CBI is called into investigate the murder of James Meier, the manager of operations for a resort casino, whose right hand has been found straddling the borderline between California and Nevada. Was this a mob hit or someone trying to send a message? While Lisbon and team look into Meier's business dealings, Jane uses his mentalist skills at the card tables, which make him a genius player, to rake in chips while studying the players on the floor. In the end, Jane discovers Meier's son-in-law's secret life as a degenerate gambler and plays on his gambling obsession to ultimately lure out the truth.
TEXT: The Space Pirates 5:15pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1.BEACON SEGMENT (Bolts begin dropping from the sealed door, one by one.) ZOE: Someone's cutting through the bolts in the hull. (JAMIE staggers to his feet.) JAMIE: We've been discovered! (He starts to stagger to the newly-cut entrance.) DOCTOR: Wait a minute Jamie! (A bulky space-suited figure appears, covering them with a blaster rifle. JAMIE spots it.) JAMIE: Oh no you don't! (He springs to the attack.) DOCTOR: Jamie! No! (It is too late, as there is a fierce crackle of energy from the blaster and JAMIE falls to the ground.) ZOE: (Shrieking.) You murderer! (The blaster rifle swings round to cover her.) MILO: Stay still, the pair of yer, unless you want to follow him! [SCENE_BREAK] 2. MADELEINE'S OFFICE (General HERMACK is talking to the flight deck of his V-ship via the communicator.) HERMACK: Ah, Penn. (PENN's face appears on the screen.) PENN: (OOV.) Sir? HERMACK: Major Warne needs some assistance. I want you to take the ship out and stand-off at twenty miles, just in case Clancey tries any tricks during the landing. PENN: (OOV.) Very good, sir. MADELEINE: Aren't you going with your ship, General? HERMACK: Err no, I shall be in charge of ground reception. (He turns back to the screen.) HERMACK: Um, leave a section of guards, Penn, with short-ranged missiles. PENN: (OOV.) Right, sir. How long shall I keep the ship in stand-off orbit, sir? HERMACK: You can come in just as soon as Clancey hits the landing pad. PENN: (OOV.) Sir! SUMMARY:
The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe flee from the Space Corps with Clancey, who decides to seek refuge on Ta.
TEXT: Ted (V.O.): Kids, as you know, Christmas is a time you spend with your family. So in December of 2006, I had three options. Spend it with my mom and her new boyfriend Clint, spend it with my dad and his new girlfriend micro-brewing, or head down to Staten Island to spend it with my super religious cousin Stacy and her family. So I opted for none of the above and decided to spend Christmas 2006 in Manhattan... celebrating with my other family. Lily is decorating the apartment while Marshall studies Marshall: Okay, I have one last paper due at 5:00 p.m. today, so until then, I will be at the law library at school, but I'm not to be disturbed for any reason. Ted: Dude, open your eyes. You're going to hurt yourself. Marshall: No, no. Christmas Eve winter wonderland is my reward for finishing my paper. Baby, do I smell your Sinfully Cinnamon Cookies? Lily: Yes. Marshall: Damn me and my heightened other senses. Must be strong. Okay, I'll be back here at 5:00. Save me at least 20 cookies and do not clean the bowl. Was that a reindeer? I don't want to know! Lily: Hey, look. Our old answering machine. Ted: Oh, yeah. After you left, we, uh, we unplugged it because it reminded Marshall of how you used to, you know, leave messages. But hey, you guys are back together. I say we're plugging it back in. It's good to have you back. Lily: Thanks. Oh, hey, look, there's still some messages on here. Ted's father: Hey Ted, it's Dad calling to check in. I'm going fishing this weekend with my friend Clint, so if I don't hear from you beforehand, I'll talk to you next week. Ted: Yes, same Clint. Ted (voix dans le répondeur): Hey, Marshall. Are you lying on the couch right now moping about Lily? You are, aren't you? Well, stop it. She's not worth it. You gotta get over that Grinch. Ted (voix off): But I didn SUMMARY:
Nobody likes a "grinch," so the Christmas-stealing Lily must be stopped after she threatens to ruin the gang's plans of a joyous holiday together due to a brawl with Ted.
TEXT: Creed: [drives up to the entrance of the building, his license plate reads "NEW MGR"] It's a beautiful morning at Dunder-Mifflin, or as I like to call it, Great Bratton. [gets out of car, tosses his keys toward a nonexistent valet parker] Keep it running. [SCENE_BREAK] Creed: Do I love being manager?... I love my kids. I love real estate. [slowly getting more excited] I love ceramics. I love my job. I-I love wrestling. [SCENE_BREAK] Creed: [to Jordan] Find out what language this is. [speaking in strange language] [SCENE_BREAK] Creed: [running a meeting in the conference room] Okay, team building! On this side of the room, Stanley, Phyllis, Jim, Ted, Elroy, [camera switches to show only Meredith and Kevin have attended the meeting, Jim walks by and sees this] and this side of the room, Pam, Meredith, Phyllis, Creed... [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: He never called a meeting. [SCENE_BREAK] Creed: [pointing at a whiteboard with BOBODDY written on the left side, vertically] BO-BODDY! BO-BODDY. What does the first "B" stand for? Pam: What are we doing? Creed: We're making acronyms. Okay! What does the first "B" stand for? Kevin: Um... Business! Creed: I like it! Business! Good, Kevin! [writes after the first B, I, Z, N, U...] All right! The "O"... [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: We need a new manager. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: [conducting interview] Your paper experience is very interesting. Do you think you could use that experience to inform decisions here? Fred Henry: Absolutely--I, yes. In fact, I actually have a three-step plan that I believe could effectively double your profits. Jim: Really? Fred: Yeah. Jim: [waiting for Fred to continue SUMMARY:
Jim, Toby and Gabe head up the search committee for a new manager for the branch.
TEXT: [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT] [INT. HOTEL CASINO - MAIN FLOOR - NIGHT] [INT. FOUR ACES- FRONT DESK - NIGHT] (Martha Krell rolls her bag to the front desk. The Front Desk Clerk looks at her.) Front Desk Clerk: Welcome back, Mrs. Krell. Martha Krell: I told you, it's Martha. (She takes her card.) Front Desk Clerk: Your room's ready and I have your credit card on file. (She turns to her co-workers as she leaves.) Martha Krell: See you in the morning. I'm beat. (The elevator door opens. She walks inside and presses the button.) Front Desk Clerk: (o.s.) Call me if you need anything, Martha. (She smiles as the elevator doors close.) (The Front Desk Clerk looks up.) (The elevator light for the second floor lights up.) [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. FOUR ACES MOTEL - SECOND FLOOR - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (The stairwell door opens and a man in a dark-colored jacket steps out. He looks down the hallway one way, then notes the EXIT door down the other hallway.) (Off screen, the elevator bell dings.) (The man in the dark-colored jacket and white sneakers heads toward the EXIT door. He follows the hallway and sees Martha Krell heading down the hallway with her luggage in tow.) (He starts walking quickly and purposefully toward her.) (Martha Krell reaches the motel room door and uses the card key to unlock the door.) (The man reaches Martha Krell quickly. He swiftly grabs her and pushes his way into her motel room, her scream muffled by his hand over her mouth.) WHITE FLASH TO: [INT. FOUR ACES MOTEL - KRELL'S ROOM] (Brass, Grissom and Sara walk into the room. Officers are there.) Brass: Decedent SUMMARY:
Grissom and his team investigate a case where a stewardess has been violently raped and stabbed to death in her hotel room, in which Ecklie discovers parallels to a five-year-old cold case . Catherine's team assists Detective Cavaliere in the investigation of a young boy beaten to death in his own bed, but Nick and Cavaliere get into a bitter disagreement over their methods of finding the culprit.
TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars... Veronica races to the edge of the cliff in 201 Normal Is the Watchword. GIA: It just went straight off the cliff. They're all dead. At the bottom of the cliff, the debris floats in the water. Duncan holds Veronica. Cut to the Mars residence in 202 Driver Ed. VERONICA: I wonder what else the bus driver bought. Well what if it was No-Doz, or Red Bull? KEITH: Veronica, you can't try to make sense out of this. Veronica shields the wick for a man in a Hawaiian shirt to light a votive candle. She surveys the scene. VERONICA VOICEOVER: I don't even know what I'm looking for. Skid marks the sheriff's department missed, or purposefully overlooked. There's nothing here to help anyone. Jackie gives Wallace a kiss. VERONICA: [offscreen] Who was that kissing you? Jackie gets into her car, giving a wave. WALLACE: That was Jackie. Veronica, with barely disguised dislike, stands with Wallace and watches Jackie leave. VERONICA: Oh. Logan and Kendall are naked in the middle of the Casablancas lounge, sitting up and in each other's arms, kissing. KENDALL: Hold it. They look up in the direction of the front door. KENDALL: Someone's home. Cut to Kendall, lightly robed, nail polish spread out before her, welcoming her husband home with a kiss. KENDALL: Hi. Cassidy and Dick watch. CASSIDY: Ah, why is Logan's truck in the driveway? KENDALL: And I'd really rather your friends not just show up whenever they want. At the park, Goodman addresses Keith GOODMAN: I'm running for county supervisor because I care about this town, Keith. I want you to run for Sheriff. Keith cooks at the Mars residence. KEITH: I told him I'm running. Veronica holds Keith's arms, post-hug. VERONICA: I feel safer already. At the beach, the body of the Hawaiian shirte SUMMARY:
Cassidy hires Veronica to prove that his stepmother, Kendall, is cheating on his father Richard. During the investigation, Veronica discovers that Richard is stealing money entrusted to his real estate company. She decides to go expose Richard's crime, which forces him to flee the country before the SEC can arrest him. Keith and Alicia, Wallace's mother, spend the weekend in Chicago, where Alicia runs into a man from her past.
TEXT: THE TRIAL OF A TIME LORD PART ONE (THE MYSTERIOUS PLANET) Run time: 24:57 [SCENE_BREAK] Space Station [SCENE_BREAK] Trial room [SCENE_BREAK] Valeyard: At last, Doctor. The Doctor: Am I late for something? Valeyard: I was beginning to fear you had lost yourself. Sit down. The Doctor: Well, even I would find it hard to lose myself in a corridor. Especially, when propelled by the mental energy of so many distinguished Time Lords. Valeyard: Oh, I don't know. You seem to have a great talent for straying from the straight and narrow. The Doctor: Would it be too much to ask what all this is about? Inquisitor: The accused will remain silent until invited to speak. The Doctor: The accused? Do you mean me? Inquisitor: I call upon the Valeyard to open the case. Valeyard: By order of the High Council, this is an impartial enquiry into the behaviour of the accused person, known as the Doctor, who is charged that he, on diverse occasions has been guilty of conduct unbecoming a Time Lord. The Doctor: Not guilty! Valeyard: He is also charged with, on diverse occasions, transgressing the First Law. It is my unpleasant task, Madam Inquisitor, to prove to the enquiry that the Doctor is an incorrigible meddler in the affairs of other peoples and planets. Inquisitor: Yes. I see, Valeyard, that it is on record that the Doctor has faced trial already for offences of this nature. Valeyard: That is so, my lady, and I shall contend that the High Council showed too great a leniency on that occasion. Inquisitor: Very well. Doctor, you've heard the charges. Do you wish to say anything before the enquiry proceeds? The Doctor: Only that this whole thing is a farce. I am Lord President of Gallifrey. You can't put me on trial. Inquisitor: Doctor, since you willfully neglected the responsibility of your great office, you were deposed. The Doctor: Oh. Is that legal? In SUMMARY:
The Doctor is taken to a Time Lord space Station and put on trial for his life. The Valeyard uses past examples of the Doctors activities taken from 'The Matrix', the repository of all Gallifreyan knowledge to show how the Doctor has interfered with other worlds. In this installment of the Trial story Arc, The Doctor's visit to the planet Ravalox is told and how he interfered with the indigenous population of that world when he saved it from a devastating explosion.
TEXT: Deangelo: So, coasting time is officially over. Big changes are comin', and they're comin' fast. If you don't like 'em, this is called a door. You can walk right through it. Alright. I'm not here to be your friend. I like my life outside of this place. I live to leave at 5. Change number one[/b]: Darryl. Per your request, the company is sending you to business school at night. Full ride. Deal with it. Darryl: Seriously? Deangelo: Stone cold seriously. [SCENE_BREAK] Deangelo: They are trying to figure me out. And I don't like it. Once they figure me out, they start to tell me what I want to hear. And I need to quickly figure out who's a good worker and who is simply a good mind reader. Because as soon as I'm hearing what I want to hear, I'm not gonna care. [SCENE_BREAK] Deangelo: Change two, Toby, you're gettin' a new chair. Toby: Thanks. Deangelo: Don't thank me! Hey, don't thank me, guy! Okay? And I don't care if you like it. Oscar: These sound like good ideas, why wouldn't we like them? Deangelo: I don't care what your favorite flavor is. Here's a bowl of ice cream. You either like it or you don't. [Andy nods] That's my attitude right now in this room, that's my attitude on Ice Cream Thursdays. Alright? Clear? Any questions? Kevin: This all sounds great to me. [hesitates] But I could see how some people might think that they're bad. I don't know what to think. Deangelo: That is a s-- astute observation, Kevin. [SCENE_BREAK] Deangelo: Kev's got me pegged. [chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Deangelo: It blows away Vermont in the fall. Darryl: Snap, for real? Pam: Good morning, Deangelo. Deangelo: Hold on SUMMARY:
Deangelo creates tension when he created an inner circle of only men at the office.
TEXT: (Opening scene - The first thing we see is RAIN over the ocean, lots and lots of rain. then we hear thunder and I have to mention this because it really made the scene, the song No Rain by Blind Melon begins to play. I think it was a perfect choice for this scene! And while I'm on a tangent, a bit of trivia. the week this episode aired it was actually really raining in LA so it made it that much more believable, I thought that was neat they were able to fluke it like that! OK back to the scene! the scene to this voice over is an aerial shot of the ocean, then of houses.) Guy: well I cannot believe I'm saying this but it's raining in the OC Girl: I know its crazy (thunder) I gotta tell ya the traffic is a nightmare, the four o five is jammed, the five the seven ten there all gridlocked. Guy: stay safe, stay dry an lets all pray for sunshine again. (OK, we now see the outside of the Cohen house, it looks very dreary and the rain is of course still coming down. we then see Ryan inside the pool house. he draws up his blinds to see the rain over the glass panel in his door. he stares for a minute, shocked. we see the rain pouring down on the pool. Ryan draws up another blind - we then go inside the Cohen house where Seth is walking, he heads into the kitchen towards the back door and stops suddenly. he looks out through the glass paneling in the door just like Ryan did. there is a bolt of lightening and a loud clap of thunder. Seth sees Ryan at his door. Ryan puts his hand on his door handle but doesn't open it. Seth motions for Ryan to come over to him. Ryan screws up his face and shakes his head, and motions for Seth to go to him. Seth again motions for Ryan to go to him. Ryan again motions for Seth to go to him <unk>neither like the idea of having to go out in the rain lol<unk> Seth looks sadly at Ryan and walks away from the door, he comes back to the door with SUMMARY:
It's raining in Newport. Marissa tells Julie that she and Alex are an item and decides she has to get out of Caleb's house. Summer is faced with a big decision as she prepares to go Italy with Zach. Ryan convinces Lindsay to take the paternity test and everyone anxiously awaits the results. Meanwhile, Sandy finds himself stranded in a motel room with nothing but a few snacks, champagne and Rebecca.
TEXT: (Night. Outside. Dixon has a man on the ground and a detonator in his hand with a timer on it.) DIXON: Where the hell's the device?! Tell me or we're both dead! MAN: Who are you? You're crazy! (Sydney runs up.) SYDNEY: Dixon, what are you doing?! MAN: I don't know what you're talking about! DIXON: STAY BACK, SYDNEY! MAN: No way, you're gonna kill yourself! DIXON: I've got NOTHING to LOSE! (Back in LA at the ops center, Jack and another man -- Director Brandon -- are on comm.) BRANDON: What the hell's your man doing? JACK: Agent Dixon, disarm your explosive immediately! BRANDON: Vaughn, can you see them from your position? (Vaughn and his Delta team are nearby.) VAUGHN: Negative. SYDNEY: Dixon, think! Don't do this! DIXON: Sydney, get out of here! SYDNEY: I'm not leaving without you. JACK: Dixon, I repeat -- deactivate that weapon! DIXON: Tell me where the box is or we die! (Vaughn is on a balcony overlooking the scene below with Dixon, the man, and Sydney. He aims his gun.) VAUGHN: Base camp, I've got a visual. DIXON: Tell me! What it's gonna be! BRANDON: Tell Vaughn to take him down! JACK: Dixon could be holding a manual detonator. Firing at him could trigger the explosion. SYDNEY: Dixon, shut it down! DIXON: Fifteen... fourteen... BRANDON: Agent Bristow, I'm pulling rank. Agent Vaughn, this is NSA Deputy Director Brandon. I am ordering you to take that shot at first possible opportunity! (Vaughn aims his gun.) DIXON: Sydney, get out of here! SYDNEY: Dixon, you have to dis SUMMARY:
A Rambaldi manuscript prophesizes that an apocalyptic event involving a heart will soon take place. An agent is sent after one man in Panama in order to steal his heart. Dixon's grief leads Vaughn and agency psychologist Dr. Barnett to question his intentions, as his thirst for revenge on Sloane intensifies. Meanwhile Sloane receives a life-changing revelation from a mysterious monk in Nepal, Sydney and Dixon hunt for the killer who stole the heart from his victim.
TEXT: Cordelia is sitting in front of her computer at Angel Investigations checking out a new computer program. Cordy: "Demons, Demons, Demons. Wow! They put a lot of thought into *that* title." Wesley: "It's a demon database. What would you call it?" Cordy: "I don't know. How about - Demon Database?" Wesley: "Ahh! A name rife with single entendre." Cordy: "Why isn't Wolfram&Hart in here?" Wesley: "Because they are lawyers, not demons?" Cordy: "Fine line, if you ask me. Yeesh. They have a lot of entries! Did you know that there is a dozen species indigenous to LA County alone?" Wesley: "Do they have the Vigories of Oden Tal?" Cordy: "Nope." Wesley: "Hmm. (Picks up a book) So - there is still a place in this world for traditional research." Cordy: "There are some ugly critters in here. Someone ought to create an intra-demon dating base. You know, like, where the lonely and the slimy connect. (Wesley looks at her) I was just joking Mr. Grouchy Pants. When was the last time you had a dating base?" Wesley: "For your information - I lead a rich and varied social life." Cordy: "Oh, I know. Every night it's Jeopardy, followed by Wheel of Fortune and a cup of hot cocoa. Look out girls, this one can't be tamed!" Wesley: "I'll admit it may not be as intoxicating as a life erected on high fashion pumps and a push-up bra." Cordy gets up: "Hey, if anyone is wearing a push-up bra around here it's (Sees Angel coming in) - Angel." Angel: "Did you two need to see a counselor?" Cordy with a smile: "No, I'm way too single entendre - to benefit from therapy!" Wesley SUMMARY:
When an investigation goes wrong, Angel finds himself kidnapped by a demon fight club. He's trapped there, forced to fight other demons as part of a gladiator show. Cordy and Wes search for him, desperate to rescue Angel before it's too late. Meanwhile, Angel meets another Wolfram and Hart lawyer, Lilah Morgan. She promises to get Angel out of the club if he agrees to come over to Wolfram and Hart's side.
TEXT: [Salvatore's House] (Damon is taking off all the things from his closet. Elena arrives) Damon: Just can't stay away, can you? Elena: You've been dodgin calls Damon: Yeah, well, busy dating a dead fake girlfriend and all Elena: Why didn't you tell me? Damon: Happy Birthday, Elena. Stefan killed Andie Elena: He called me, Damon Damon: What? Elena: Stefan called me last night Damon: Well, what'd he say? Elena: He didn't say anything, but it was him. I asked sheriff Forbes if she would trace the call's origin. It came from Tennessee Damon: Where he's binge drinking on the country folk. We went through this, Elena. Stefan's gone. I don't mean geographically Elena: If he was gone, he wouldn't have called (He burns everything) [Alaric's appartment] (Alaric is on his bed. Someone knocks on the door) Alaric: Go away, Damon! (Someone knocks again. He gets up and opens the door. It's Elena) Elena: Hi Alaric: You're, uh... Not who I expected Elena: I need you to tell me what you know about Stefan and Tennessee Alaric: Did you miss the par where I checked out of all this? Elena: Come on, Ric. Whatever Damon knows, you know Alaric: Ask Damon Elena: Yeah, but Damon's not exactly in the mood to help right now Alaric: For good reason. Because it's not safe for you. Stefan's off the rails Elena: Yeah, but he's still holding on to his humanity, which means he can still be saved Alaric: And why do you have to be the one to save him? Elena: Because I'm not the kind of person who checks out. Look, he would never give up on me. I'm not gonna give up on him. Tell me what you know, Ric. Please Alaric: They've been tracking werewolves, he and Klaus. All over the eastern seaboard. We thought we had SUMMARY:
Elena and Alaric head to Tennessee and are followed by Damon . Klaus continues to try to create hybrids but fails when the hybrids end up bleeding to death or went crazy and Klaus had to kill them himself. Apparently so because Elena is still alive. Stefan meets up with Damon and tells him to protect Elena. Damon tells Elena that he is wrong about his brother and that Stefan can still be saved. Matt tries to connect with Vicki's ghost through Jeremy. Tyler realises his mother had captured Caroline , who is still being held captive. Tyler then shows his mother he is a werewolf as it was a full moon that night, showing that he was also a monster. Bill, Caroline's dad goes to see Caroline.
TEXT: 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. KING PRIAM'S PALACE. DINING HALL CASSANDRA: You heard, didn't you? That was the name she called herself when we found her. And she recognised him too. Since he's a Greek, what more proof do you need that she's a spy? Guards! (Several guards enter. CASSANDRA points imperiously to VICKI and STEVEN.) CASSANDRA: Kill her! Kill both of them! (Two guards grab STEVEN and VICKI.) VICKI: No! No! DONALD COTTON (The others draw their swords and advance. They are stopped by a yell from PARIS...) PARIS: Guards! Sheath arms! (He turns with unnatural authority to CASSANDRA.) PARIS: And since when have you given orders to the military? I'm in command here! CASSANDRA: Of everything except your senses! PARIS: I am at present officer commanding all Trojan forces! CASSANDRA: Ha! PARIS: And I will not tolerate interference from a fortune-teller of notorious unreliability! (CASSANDRA is even more furious...) CASSANDRA: (Angrily.)! I am High Priestess of Troy! PARIS: (Shouts.) All right then, get back to your temple before you give us all galloping religious mania! (To PRIAM.) Oh really, father, I can't tolerate another of her tedious tirades at the moment. CASSANDRA: (Outraged.) Father, do you hear him? PRIAM: (Amused.) Yes, it's quite refreshing. It seems there's a man lurking behind that flaccid facade after all. (PARIS whispers an aside to the King.) PARIS: Really, father, I do wish you'd refrain from patronising me in front of the prisoner. PRIAM: The prisoner! Oh, that's it - one pathetic prisoner and he thinks he's SUMMARY:
Missing episode When the TARDIS arrives on the plains of Asia Minor not far from the besieged city of Troy, the Doctor is hailed by Achilles as the mighty godZeus and taken to the Greek camp. He meets Agamemnon and Odysseus. Forced to admit he is a mere mortal - albeit a traveller in space and time - he is given two days to devise a scheme to capture Troy. Steven and Vicki, meanwhile, have been taken prisoner by the Trojans. Vicki, believed to possess supernatural powers, is given two days to banish the Greeks to prove she is not a spy.
TEXT: With Help from: Didi Chow [Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, Monica is in the kitchen, Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe are sitting around the table writing on notepads, while Chandler is looking over their shoulders.] Ross: (entering) Hey everybody! Happy Thanksgiving! Chandler: No, no, no. No-no-no. Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe: Shhhh! Ross: What, are we keeping Thanksgiving a secret this year? Chandler: No, we're playing this game I learned at work. You have to name all the states in six minutes. Ross: What? That's like insanely easy! Chandler: Now, that's a lot harder than it sounds. You always forget at least one, or in some cases... fourteen (looks over to Monica). Monica: It's a stupid game and I wasn't playing against other people, so technically I didn't lose. Ross: What? You forgot fourteen states? Monica: Nobody cares about the Dakotas. (That's true in so many ways, trust me, I've lived in one and been to the other.) [Chandler's watch beeps] Chandler: Oh, okay, time's up! Rachel: All right, I got 48. Chandler: Oh that's not bad, Pheebs? Phoebe: Oh, I got tired of naming states. So I decided to list the types of celery, and I have one: regular celery. Chandler: Okay, so Rachel's got 48 and Phoebe has the lead in...vegetables, Joey? Joey: Say hello to the new champ of Chandler's dumb states game. Ross: Wow, how many have you got? Joey: Fifty-six! Opening Credits [Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's. Ross is sitting in the couch doing Chandler's game. Chandler is sitting in his barcalounger. The girls are in the kitchen.] Joey: Hey! How is New England not a state? Huh? They have a sports team! Chandler: Does South Oregon have a sports-team? (Joe SUMMARY:
Phoebe sneaks a dog into the apartment; Chandler reveals that he hates dogs. Ross becomes obsessed with naming all fifty U.S. states in order to earn his Thanksgiving dinner. After learning Tag broke up with his girlfriend and has nowhere to go for Thanksgiving, Rachel invites him to Monica and Chandler's apartment. She is hesitant about telling Tag her true feelings for him.
TEXT: The Sensorites By Peter R. Newman 5:15pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1, INT: AQUEDUCT ENTRANCE IAN: Is this it? SCIENTIST: Yes, take this. It's a radio-electric light. (Susan takes the torch.) SUSAN: Thank you. Ian, how do you feel? If you don't want to go any further just say. IAN: No, I'm-I'm fine. Come on. (They walk through the curtain of darkness.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2, INT: AQUEDUCT (The Doctor walks along the tunnel the light casting a slim pool of light in the all encompassing inky blackness.) DOCTOR: Is it? (He stoops to examine the base of one of the pipes and pulls out a tiny growth, examining it under a magnifying glass.) DOCTOR: Yes, I thought so. Atropa Belladonna - Deadly Nightshade! (He looks up in shock as he hears a bellowing roar somewhere close. Further along the aqueduct Ian and Susan are cautiously making their way.) SUSAN: What is it Ian? IAN: I don't know. SUSAN: Are you alright? IAN: Yes. SUSAN: Lean on me. DOCTOR: Keep away! Keep away! (There is another bellowing roar.) SUSAN: Grandfather! (They rush forwards through the gloom and comes across the prone form of the Doctor. Ian stoops to examine him.) IAN: He's unconscious. Here, help me to get him out of here. SUSAN: Oh, look at the state he's in! (As Ian tries to lift the Doctor the back of his frock coat is revealed to be torn to shreds.) IAN: No, don't worry about that, collect up his things. We don't want to hang around here. (The bellow begins to recede.) IAN: It's going away. (As Susan stoops to pick up the SUMMARY:
The Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan arrive in the TARDIS on board aspaceship. Their initial concern is for the ship's human crew, who are suffering from telepathic interference from the Sensorites, but Susan communicates with the Sensorites and finds the aliens fear an attack by the humans and are just defending themselves. Travelling to the Sense Sphere (the Sensorites' planet) the Doctor seeks to cure an illness to which the Sensorites and Ian have succumbed, but finds it has been caused by deliberate poisoning. The political manoeuvring of the Sensorite City Administrator poses another threat to the TARDIS crew as he seeks to discredit and implicate them.
TEXT: [OPENING CREDITS] [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. DOWNTON ABBEY, GROUNDS - DAY] [SCENE_BREAK] [Mary pushes Matthew's wheelchair across the grounds.] Lady Mary: I shall have arms like Jack Johnson if I'm not careful. Matthew Crawley: I'm strong enough to wheel myself. Lady Mary: I'll be the judge of that. [They pass a couple of officers with a nurse.] Officer: Morning. Matthew Crawley: I keep thinking about William. How he should be here. Not exactly instead of me, but sacrifice should be rewarded. He was the brave one. Lady Mary: You were both brave. And I don't think we can "should" about things that happen in war. It just happens. And we should live with it. [Carlisle and Robert watch them from the house window.] Sir Richard Carlisle: Ought I to be jealous? [Robert doesn't reply.] Robert, Earl of Grantham: I'm sorry, what were we talking about? Sir Richard Carlisle: I was asking about Hacksby Park. I'm taking Mary over there tomorrow. Lady Edith: Our Hacksby Park? Why? Are the Russells selling? Sir Richard Carlisle: Not officially, but I'm told they're open to offers. Robert, Earl of Grantham: Sad. The Russells and the Crawleys have been neighbours for centuries. Sir Richard Carlisle: They're not living there anymore. Robert, Earl of Grantham: It'll be strange for Mary. She's been going to that house ever since she was a little girl in a party dress. Lady Edith: We all have Sir Richard Carlisle: There's nowhere better near Downton. Robert, Earl of Grantham: I'm not sure how comfortable it is. Sir Richard Carlisle: Well, it will be comfortable when I'm finished with it. Central heating, modern kitchens, bathrooms with every bedroom. It's all possible. Robert, Earl of Grantham: Sounds more like an hotel. [Mr Carson enters to introduce a visitor.] Mr Carson: Major Clarkson SUMMARY:
November 1918. A Canadian officer, badly disfigured by burns, arrives at Downton and declares that he is Patrick Crawley, the supposedly deceased heir. Mary rejects the claim, but Edith is persuaded as he recounts details of old times at Downton. Robert has his solicitor Murray investigate; Murray learns that Patrick Crawley had a close friend who emigrated to Canada. "Patrick" abruptly departs. Matthew is adapting to his condition and Mary's caring for him. Isobel is full of social-improvement schemes using Downton Abbey. Ethel hears the news that Major Bryant has been killed. Lady Sybil receives an ultimatum from Branson regarding his marriage proposal to her. Bates is shocked to find the legality of his divorce threatened, as Vera reveals that he paid her to leave him, and he goes to London to attempt to settle matters with her again. Upon his return, he receives the news that she is dead. Soon afterwards, the war ends with the Armistice.
TEXT: Kids, I remember one time we all gathered at my apartment to watch the Superbowl. Well, not all of us... (cut to Barney at the stadium holding a sign) TV anchor: "Welcome back to Superbowl XLIV in Miami. Get a load of that guy! You think that's his real number?" Ted: Well, that explains where Barney is. Robin: Dibs on his wings! (credits) (at McLaren's) Barney: Hey, guys! Ted: Hey! Barney: Does anyone know who won the Superbowl? Marshall: You were there. It was the... Barney: I won! Because I'm now in possession of a magic phone that always rings. And you know who's always usually on the other end? A chick. So how many chicks do I have calling me now? Infinity! Guys, remember Ranjit? Ranjit: Hello. Ted: Hey, Ranjit! Marshall: Good to see you. Barney: OK I've enlisted Ranjit's services as my personal driver because for the next week I'll be sleeping with hundreds of women and I don't want to take the subway cause... you know... germs! Ted: Wait, you're... you're actually gonna hook up with these girls that call you? Barney: Oh, indubitably! I'm meeting the first one here any minute. Keep your eyes pealed for a red sweater. Based on her texts, she's dirty, dyslexic and want to 96 me, semi-colon and parenthesis. Ted: This ought to be good. I can only imagine the quality of girls... Red-sweater girl: Hi, you ARE the guy from the Superbowl. Barney: Magic phone, guys. (whispers) Magic phone! (Robin comes in) Robin: Oh, hey guys, hey Ranjit. Lily: Hey. Marshall: How's it going? Ted: That beer looks a little flat. Robin: Nuh, it's scotch. Ted: Something troubling you, kiddo? Robin: Hhhhh Don. Don was Aunt Robin's co-host on her morning show. Now SUMMARY:
Ted abdicates responsibility for finding a Valentine's Day date, and allows Lily and Marshall to "arrange" a date for him; Robin foolishly consents to attend a Valentine's day party given by her deeply inappropriate co-worker, Don Frank. Barney has a 'magic' phone but can't stop answering it.
TEXT: PLANET OF EVIL BY: LOUIS MARKS Part Four Running time: 23:43 [SCENE_BREAK] REIG: Maintain boosters at full thrust. We're only just holding rev. We must avoid being pulled into reverse. REIG: This is the command deck! Send help! Argh! [SCENE_BREAK] REIG (OOV.): Help! Argh! [SCENE_BREAK] SALAMAR: Reig! VISHINSKY: Reig. If we hadn't been wasting our time down there. SALAMAR: They caused it all. VISHINSKY: How could they have caused this? We were with them. (into intercom) Attention. All crewmen report to assembly point immediately. Red alert! Red alert! SALAMAR: Countermanded. Only I can give a red alert. VISHINSKY: It's too late for any more mistakes, Salamar. I'm taking command. SALAMAR: You'll regret this. [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: Where've they gone? SARAH: I think there's been another killing. DOCTOR: What? SARAH: Doctor. Doctor, it is that thing from the planet. I felt it. DOCTOR: You what? SARAH: Just before de Haan was killed, I felt the same sort of icy suction. DOCTOR: Who was with you? SARAH: Professor Sorenson. DOCTOR: Sorenson. Of course. The sole survivor of the expedition. SARAH: So Sorenson is Antiman. DOCTOR: Yes. He's been infected with antimatter. His brain cells are being destroyed. He'll descend to the level of a brute. Sarah? SARAH: Yes? DOCTOR: Get to command deck. Tell them to shut down all the hatches. Our only chance is to keep it isolated. SARAH: Right. But what are you going to do? Doctor! DOCTOR: Do as I say. [SCENE_BREAK] VISHINSKY: Command area to solarium section. Who's in charge there? RANJIT SUMMARY:
The Doctor tries to convince Sorenson to sacrifice himself for the rest of the crew but Salamar's attempt to deal with the situation causes their problem to multiply.
TEXT: Teleplay by: Brad Kern & Nell Scovell [SCENE_BREAK] [Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper and Paige are there. Piper is pacing, while Paige looks through the Book of Shadows.] Paige: A demon who likes to kill witches. Well, that narrows it down to about every page in the book. Piper: We have one clue. We know he likes to use an athame. Paige: How does that help? Piper: Well, it means he has hands. Keep flipping. Paige: So I hear you and Leo are thinking about having a baby. Piper: Where did you hear that from? (Paige shrugs.) Paige: From Phoebe. (Piper rolls her eyes.) Oh, did I just break some sort of sister confidentiality clause? Piper: No, you didn't, and no we aren't. Paige: Really? Don't you want to? Not to be nosey but I'm going to be an aunt and all. (Piper sighs.) Piper: You're not going to be an aunt, all right? At least not any time soon, it's too risky. It would be in constant danger around us. Paige: What does Leo think? Piper: Leo thinks that there's enough magic around here we'd be able to protect it. Paige: Maybe he's right. Piper: Maybe he's not. Keep flipping. Paige: I'm flipping. (She flips a couple of pages and stops.) You know, it's not like having a baby isn't hard enough even without demons attacking. But for what it's worth, there are ways of seeing what it's like before you actually have one. Piper: Mm-hmm, great. Well, the next time you pass a baby rental, pick one up for Leo. Paige: Maybe I will. (Leo orbs in. Piper gets a fright.) Leo: So did you find anything out? Piper: Uh, yeah, I scr SUMMARY:
After pondering a marriage proposal from Cole, Phoebe is forced to face a blast from his demonic past when the widow of one of his past victims hunts him down, looking for vengeance. As a result, they're forced to face an old protégé of Belthazor's who likes to kill witches with the same athame Cole used to use. However, when Paige learns of this, she has an instant mistrust of Cole and tries to convince her sisters to vanquish him. Meanwhile, Paige helps Leo and Piper find out whether they're ready to have kids.
TEXT: [Scene: Chandler and Monica's apartment. Chandler and Monica are looking through some papers.] Chandler: Did you see our bank statement? Can this be right? Monica: I know...God. I haven't seen my savings take a hit like this since I was a kid and they came up with double-stuffed Oreos. What happened to all our money? Chandler: I'm not sure what they did, but I'm inclined to blame Enron. Monica: I guess with you doing the internship, we're just spending more than we're bringing in. Chandler: Maybe I should quit and get a job that pays. Monica: Oh, But you're finally doing something that you love! I can't ask you to give that up. Though it'd be nice if the thing that you love was y'know... finding gold. Chandler: You know what? You know what? I think we're making too big a deal out of this. ok? So we pay our bills a little late this month and maybe next month we cut back on a few things. And maybe we start eating out of Joey's refrigerator for a change. You're chef... what can you make out of backing soda and beer? Monica: Ok worse case scenario is...we borrow some money from my parents. Chandler: No! We're not borrowing money. Monica: Why not? Chandler: Because we don't do that. We are Bings! And if there's one thing my father taught me was... well to always knock before going into the pool house... but the other thing was never borrow money. Monica: Wow! I Had no idea you had this much pride. Chandler: That's right! I do! And I'm your man. And I'm going to get us through this situation even if it means you working twice as hard. Opening Credits [Scene: Phoebe's apartment. Mike and Phoebe seem to have finished watching a movie on television.] Mike: I'm gonna go. (He kisses Phoebe on the cheek) Phoebe: Why?? Mike: I haven't been home in a couple of days and I need to get some more clothes. SUMMARY:
Chandler and Monica separately ask Joey for a loan. When Chandler discovers Monica asked Joey for money, saying Bings never ask for money, Joey claims Monica needed the cash for a boob job. Rachel tries to baby-proof the apartment by herself but realizes she cannot. Mike tells Phoebe that he never wants to marry again, which leads Phoebe to question if they should live together.
TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars... All the "previously" clips are from the episode or outtakes of the episode 112 "Clash of the Tritons" and opening with Veronica in Rebecca's office. (Rebecca's line is re-jigged from the one in the episode.) REBECCA: You know, Veronica, you're not going to be able to come back with Lilly's death. VERONICA: I'll find closure when Lilly's killer's rotting away in prison. Cut to Logan in Rebecca's office, a shot of Logan not used in the previous episode. LOGAN: You know Veronica was my friend too. Lilly and I would have stayed together. Keith and Aaron at Mars Investigations. AARON: These stories. I mean they're tearing my family apart. The Echolls Family Breakdown (including unfortunate glimpse of director's hand reflected in the mirror behind Lynn). AARON: If you try to divorce me, I will leave you with nothing. No house. No maid and no friends- LOGAN: Right, Dad! You say another word to her and I will kill you. LYNN: I can not take this anymore. Cut to Lynn popping pills RADIO: requesting assistance for possible jumper on the Coronado Bridge. End previously. Open on the diamond-ringed hand of Bone Hamilton, as he thrusts down what appears to be a script. He is lying on a sunlounger, wearing a phone earpiece. He is being served by his wife and his wife, Vanessa, is approaching from the sumptuous house. BONE: [Angry] No! Look, if they can not commit at least ten million, man, we're going someplace else. Handle it. He rips out the earpiece. Vanessa reaches him and passes him a sheet of paper. VANESSA: Nice day. BONE: It's always nice here. What's this? VANESSA: A waiver so Bryce can drop PE. BONE: Drop PE? VANESSA: His physics teacher agreed to sponsor him for independent study SUMMARY:
Yolanda, an old friend of Veronica's, is kidnapped. Yolanda's father, rap producer Percy "Bone" Hamilton, hires Keith to find her. Aaron tries to grieve after Lynn's suicide, but Logan thinks that he is faking, and that she is still alive. Logan asks Veronica to help find his mother.
TEXT: [N.B. The title of this episode is based on a title card from Episode 5.19, "Frasier Gotta Have It"] PROLOGUE [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Scenes From "Cranes Go Caribbean" Claire and Frasier in their hotel room: Claire: I'm crazy about you. I just started to feel like you didn't want to be here with me. Frasier: Oh gosh, nothing could be further from the truth. They hug. [SCENE_BREAK] Frasier and Claire in bed together: Frasier: I'll tell you something else. I'm happy. He rolls over in bed. The woman next to him rolls over - it is now Lana. Lana: I'm glad, Frasier. I'm happy, too. They kiss and embrace. [SCENE_BREAK] Frasier on the phone in the hotel lobby: Frasier: I'm on vacation with my girlfriend, Claire - a woman who, by all conventional measures, is "perfect" for me. And yet I've just had a vivid, sexual dream about someone who differs from her entirely. [ ] It's a woman named Lana... [SCENE_BREAK] ACT ONE HELL ON WHEELS Scene One - Frasier's BMW Frasier is driving along a country road. Seated beside and in back of him, respectively, are Lilith and Diane. Diane: Excuse me, but why do I have to sit in the back seat? Seriously, my legs are starting to cramp back here- Lilith: Seriously, why is she here at all? Diane: I have just as much right to be here as you! Lilith: "Here" doesn't mean the front seat! Frasier: All right, listen, ladies, we've got about an hour to go. I would like to have a little quiet, I'm going to turn on some music. Frasier turns on an opera station. [SCENE_BREAK] ONE WEEK EARLIER IN BELIZE Scene Two - Hotel Restaurant Martin, Daphne, and Claire are eating brunch together. Niles joins them. He is now sporting SUMMARY:
Frasier and his family are still with Claire in Belize. Niles and Martin think Claire is wonderful (although Daphne resents this), but Frasier is troubled by a dream he had about Lana, and wonders if he is with the right woman. On returning to Seattle, he meets a man at a lost luggage office who is torn between two women, and who asks Frasier's advice as a psychiatrist. Frasier says he must consider whom he would spend the rest of his life with, prompting him to choose his ex-wife over his new woman. This sets Frasier thinking, and on returning to his apartment he finds Claire and breaks up with her, to the indignation of the rest of his family (and also Daphne, surprisingly). He then attends Kirby's graduation party with Roz, hoping to discuss his feelings with Lana, but is astonished when the man from the luggage office also turns up. It turns out that this man, Bob, is Kirby's father, who left Lana for his dental hygienist. Now he wants her back, acting on Frasier's advice. Lana throws him out, and then retires to her bedroom. Kirby begs Frasier to talk to her, and in the end he takes the honorable course by advising Lana to talk to Bob, since she clearly still has feelings for him. Returning home later in a state of distress, Frasier finds his family totally unsympathetic, and something Martin says particularly upsets him: "It's not easy coming up with happy talk every time you can't make it work with a woman." Frasier takes a drive by himself to think about this, and his thoughts manifest themselves on screen as a discussion between him, three former partners (Diane Chambers and ex-wives Lilith Sternin & Nanette Guzman) and even his late mother, as he searches for a reason why his relationships often fail. Before the search is over, he is confronted with a crowd consisting of "every woman [he] ever dated". Note: This episode is dedicated to David and Lynn Angell, who were killed on American Airlines Flight 11 during the September 11 attacks .
TEXT: MAWDRYN UNDEAD BY: PETER GRIMWADE Part Three First Air Date: 8 February 1983 Running time: 24:32 [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: Don't you see, Brigadier? The TARDIS came to Earth in 1977 and so did the transmat capsule, carrying someone from that ship in space. BRIGADIER: And Tegan and the other girl think, or rather thought, it was you. DOCTOR: Indeed. And what did you think? BRIGADIER: No, Doctor. DOCTOR: You were there. BRIGADIER: You mustn't make me remember. DOCTOR: You must. I need the information to protect Nyssa and Tegan. BRIGADIER: Even if I wanted to, I simply couldn't recall it. DOCTOR: That experience could be the reason for your nervous breakdown. BRIGADIER: Good heavens. Do you think so? DOCTOR: Now. Come on. We've got to get back to the capsule before Turlough works out how to operate it, or I may never get the TARDIS back. [SCENE_BREAK] TEGAN: You're not the Doctor. MAWDRYN: You travel with a Time Lord and know nothing of metamorphosis. TEGAN: Yes, but it wasn't like this before. When he changed, he turned into a human. MAWDRYN: Yes, a Gallifreyan human. TEGAN: He was normal. MAWDRYN: What do you know, prattling Earth child, of the endless changing? TEGAN: I know that when the Doctor changed, he didn't turn into an alien. MAWDRYN: The transmatting induced a mutative catalysis. TEGAN: Nyssa, is that possible? NYSSA: I don't know. It could be. TEGAN: What do you think, Brigadier? BRIGADIER: I've seen this happen twice. Different each time, but, well, this could well be the Doctor. TEGAN: His features, how've they developed so quickly? MA SUMMARY:
The Doctor travels to the orbiting spaceship with the Brigadier. Soon to discover a piece of Timelord technology on board the ship. Tegan and Turlough travel to the ship with their version of the Brigadier.
TEXT: Act 1 IT WAS EITHER "THE WHEAT FIELD" OR "SANDSTORM" Scene 1 - Frasier's Apartment Fade in. Martin is in the kitchen, getting a trim from Daphne while he goes over his mail. Martin: Geez, look at this stuff. "Golden Sunset Retirement Village," "Investments for Seniors," "Willow Brook Mortuary"? What the hell kind of list am I on? Daphne: Well, the good news is I don't think it's the kind of list they keep you on very long. Martin: Oh, ever since I turned sixty-five, all I get is geezer mail. It's very depressing. Daphne: If you ask me, the only thing depressing about being a geezer is looking like one. There's lots of things a person can do to make himself look younger. How he dresses... Martin: Nah, I tried those Jordache jeans. I just think you oughta leave somethin' to the imagination. Daphne: Well, there's always your hair. I know it's not exactly your style, but there's nothing wrong with covering up that gray. [Martin makes a face.] I know just the right shade for you: cinnamon sable. Martin: [thoughtfully] Cinnamon sable, huh? Sounds nice. Oh wait! I couldn't use that, it's Duke's shade. He'd scratch my eyes out. The doorbell rings. CUT TO: the living room as Frasier answers it. It is Niles. Frasier: Hello, Niles. Niles: [holding up a folder] Frasier, prepare to salivate! Frasier: Niles, if that is a picture of your new Biedermeier loveseat, you've already shown it to me. Niles: [pulling out a photo] No, this is a photo of my latest purchase: an exquisite, eighteenth-century Turkish prayer rug. Paid a fortune for it, but legend says whatever you pray for on this rug will come to you. Frasier: Certainly worked for the dealer. Oh SUMMARY:
Frasier and Niles realize that they are both in a rut with their love lives and on the advice of Martin decide to throw a singles party. At the party, both compete over the same woman. Meanwhile Martin is having problems of his own; after dyeing his hair on the advice of Daphne he realizes that it has run and stained one of Niles' expensive chairs; Roz also finds a lack of interest from men due to her pregnancy. Halfway through the evening, Roz's waters break and she is rushed to the hospital, where she gives birth to her daughter, Alice May Doyle. Frasier, Martin, Niles and Daphne all turn up to see her. The group leaves a sleeping Roz with her baby.
TEXT: Andy: [Singing as if he were the dolls in his office] Christmas tiiiime is heeeere! [Normal voice] Wow. Thanks guys, that sounded amazing. Hi, I'm Andy Bernard and I am the first office Santa ever to make holiday wishes come true. [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: Who's excited to get their holiday wishes? Stanley: Holiday wishes. Andy: What's that, Stanley? Stanley: We know exactly what holiday you're referring to. Andy: It is important to be mindful of all belief systems at our holiday party. Stanley: I've been here eighteen years and have suffered through some weird thematic Christmases. A Honolulu Christmas, A Pulp Fiction Christmas, A Muslim Christmas, Moroccan Christmas. Mo-rocca Christmas. I don't want it. Christmas is Christmas is Christmas is Christmas. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: I got Stanley tickets to see Lewis Black for his birthday....Might not have been the best idea. [SCENE_BREAK] Stanley: I don't want no Kwanza wreath, I don't need a dreidel in my face, that's it's own thing. And who's that black Santa for?! I don't care! I know Santa ain't black! I could care less. I want Christmas! Just give me plain baby Jesus, lying in a manger, Christmas! [SCENE_BREAK] Meredith: What is the status on my wish? Andy: Fulfilled! Brought my bicycle, so I can be your designated driver later. In the event that you drink to much, which is by no means required. Dwight: What about my wish that we don't have to attend meetings that degrade our sense of adulthood? Andy: That, I cannot do, but I did get you an acre of property on the moon. Dwight: Where? Dark side or light side? Andy: Light side. Dwight: Is it by the Sea of Tranquility? Andy: As a matter of fact, yes. Directly adjacent....beachfront. Dwight: Thank you, Andy. Andy: So, who's wish is next? Oh SUMMARY:
Andy attempts to make everyone's Christmas wishes come true. Erin, upset about her unrequited feelings for Andy, drinks too much at the Christmas party and is escorted home by California. Meanwhile, Dwight and Jim are ordered to stop pranking one another, lest they forfeit their Christmas bonuses. Thus, they try to frame each other.
TEXT: CAST James Van Der Beek: Dawson Leery Katie Holmes: Joey Potter Joshua Jackson: Pacey Witter Michelle Williams: Jen Lindley Meredith Monroe: Andie McPhee Kerr Smith: Jack McPhee Nina Repeta: Bessie Potter Gareth Williams: Mike Potter Gail Leery: Mary-Margaret Humes Mitch Leery: John Wesely Shipp Abby Morgan: Monica Keena Nicole: Madchen Amick Written by Mike White Directed by Greg Prange (Dawson is showing his film to his mother. It ends. He turns to look at her reaction.) Gail: Dawson, that was...very impressive. It was moving. It was funny. (pauses) It was real. Dawson: You're just saying that because you're my mother. Gail: No, I'm not! You are incredibly talented. Dawson: (gets up to go turn off the lights) You are incredibly biased. (pauses and turns around) You know what? I had such a distinct and clear vision for this movie. I-I mean, I saw every moment. I heard every word of dialogue. I guess I just...failed to translate that vision onto film...bring it to life. And what about all the visions that I have for the future? What if I can't bring those to life either? Gail: Sweetheart, the trick is to stay tenacious. Not to let any minor, (looks at the screen) and in this case, very minor, setback derail your vision. Dawson: I supposed I could re-edit it. Gail: There you go. Your movie may not be Citizen Kane...but it's no Bride of Chucky either. Dawson: The way my film teacher described it, you'd think it was the worst, most expensable, piece of junk ever captured on film. Gail: Ah, honey, that is just one person's opinion. (She walks towards the door and turns around) Speaking of teachers at your school, how's your father enjoying his new profession? Dawson: He likes it, I think. I mean, it's weird to see him in the teacher's lounge...con SUMMARY:
With Joey's father suddenly back in town, Bessie and he decide to expand the Ice House to also cater for weddings. Needing help, they enlist Andie, who says she hates weddings, and Pacey, who loves them. Joey doesn't think her father, recently out of jail, should be seen so publicly in Capeside. Dawson feels sorry for his mother, who arrives to the wedding alone, a feeling that is exacerbated when his father shows up with Miss Kennedy. Jack and Dawson battle to help a scared bride, while Andie and Pacey scramble to fix the cake. Dawson and Joey reconnect romantically. Jen and Abby sneak into the wedding, but when Andie kicks them out, they head to the local docks, leading to tragedy.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Angel to Darla: "So you're what Wolfram and Hart brought back in that box." Darla to Lindsey: "What *is* the plan exactly?" Lindsey: "We don't want him dead. We want him dark." Angel grabs Darla by the throat: "Stop!" Darla presses a cross against his chest: "You stop! - God doesn't want you (they break apart) but I still do." Wesley walks around the lobby counter looking at an open file in his hand. Tries to open the top drawer of the file cabinet. When it sticks, he gives it a good yank and the drawer flies completely out, scattering papers on the floor. With a grimace, Wesley swings the drawer by its handle so it comes to rest on the counter top then crouches down to retrieve the papers. A guy steps up to the counter. Guy: "Hello." Wesley straightens up and bangs his head on the file drawer sticking out past the counter. Wesley: "Didn't hear you come in. Uh, how can I help you?" Guy: "Where is he?" Wesley: "Angel? He's rather - out at the moment. Is there something I can do for you? I'm his associate." Guy: "Yeah. You could tell me where the boss is. It's kinda urgent." Wesley: "Oh, we specialize in urgent. Life and death, is it?" Guy: "It could get rough. I need someone with his special abilities." Wesley: "I understand perfectly. Why don't you fill me in and as soon as we find..." Guy: "What about you? You got any special abilities?" Wesley: "A few, I dare say." Guy: "Are you a creature of the night?" Wesley: "No. But I was a rogue demon hunter so - I know how to handle myself when things get rough." Wesley slips on the papers on the floor and lands on his butt. Guy: "Yeah. You're scary." Wesley gets back up: "I'm sure SUMMARY:
Realizing his obsessions have climaxed, Angel embarks on a journey of enlightenment with the help of a swami. Cordelia is threatened by an assailant looking for Angel until Wesley steps in and assumes his boss' role. Wesley, as Angel, is tasked to protect a prominent businessman's daughter whose life is threatened. Everyone is shocked when Wesley makes a very personal connection to the client.
TEXT: 3.18 - Happy Birthday, Baby OPEN AT ELDER GILMORE RESIDENCE [Lorelai, Rory, and Emily are sitting at the dining room table] EMILY: Richard, please, we are starving! RICHARD: [calls from kitchen] I will be right there, Emily. EMILY: This is ridiculous. LORELAI: Mom, relax. EMILY: He woke up this morning and suddenly just had to have this dish that his grandmother would make him. LORELAI: Yeah, we all understand the cravings. RICHARD: [calls] It's a family secret. EMILY: Well, last time I checked, I was family. RORY: He's having fun, Grandma. EMILY: I saw an open can of cream of mushroom soup. Nothing good can come of that. [Richard walks in carrying a casserole dish] RICHARD: Here we are, a treat for the masses. RORY: Smells good. RICHARD: Oh, this is my favorite thing to eat as a boy. My gran used to make this for me whenever I was feeling a little sad. You know, if my cricket team lost or a girl I fancied turned up her nose at me. LORELAI: Well, then load me up because there was this really cute chick at the pharmacy today. I used my best material on her and nothing. EMILY: Richard, at least let Pina serve it. LORELAI: No comment on my lesbian hilarity. My, how far we've come. RICHARD: Pina will serve tiny, proper servings. Johnny Machete needs to be presented in a heap. RORY: Johnny Machete? EMILY: That's the name of this vile concoction. RORY: It's delicious. LORELAI: It's not bad. EMILY: It's twelve different colors. LORELAI: Come on, Mom, eat it. EMILY: It looks like someone already did. RICHARD: Emily. EMILY: I'm sorry. I'm happy you're happy, and to prove it, SUMMARY:
Emily and Richard rejoice when Rory announces her decision to attend Yale; Kirk sustains baking-related injuries when Rory secretly enlists the help of her fellow Stars Hollows citizens to bake the world's largest pizza for her mother's birthday party; Michel and Tobin compete over giving Lorelai the best present, but Richard wins the contest hands-down with a check for $75,000 that's actually the proceeds from an investment he made in Lorelai's name at her birth; Luke confronts Jess about skipping school to work at Wal-Mart, but is blown off as usual; when Lorelai decides to use the money to pay back her parents for Rory's Chilton tuition, Emily becomes furious with Richard for giving Lorelai the money, fearing that the repayment of their loan is a sign that she'll never see either Lorelai or Rory again; Luke makes a bad impression on Nicole's parents, scaring them off with a rant on the horrors of parenting Jess.
TEXT: THE CRUSADE - EPISODE 4 DAVID WHITAKER first broadcast - 17th April 1965 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. INTERIOR OF A CORRIDOR IN EL AKIR'S PALACE (El Akir sits as his two guards bring in Barbara, and his eyes light up upon seeing her. She stands there half defiant, half afraid.) EL AKIR: (With an evil smile.) The only pleasure left for you... is death. And death is very far away. (El Akir removes a leather purse filled with gold coins from his belt and weighs it in his hand.) EL AKIR: Such a prize as you is worth rewarding these men for your recapture. Would you not agree? (He empties the coins from the bag into the palm of his hands.) EL AKIR: I have spent time and trouble on you... (Angrily.) now you cost me gold as well. BARBARA: I'm not afraid of you. EL AKIR: (While counting the gold.) No? Yet, you run away. Is that not fear? BARBARA: Fear has nothing to do with contempt. Or disgust. (El Akir stops counting and stares coldly at Barbara.) EL AKIR: You are not here to like or dislike me. Such liberties are over for you. Look at these coins... mere pieces of metal. (Barbara looks around, faking boredom.) EL AKIR: No interest? You should have. These coins are going to change your laughter into tears... your joy to misery! (Without warning, Barbara knocks El Akir's hand, and the coins go flying. The two guards dive to pick them up. Barbara shoves El Akir who, in turn, falls backward. She runs back along the corridor.) EL AKIR: Leave that! After her, you fools! (One guard goes to help El Akir up, but he pushes him away. The guard then turns and sees the other guard stuffing gold in his belt pouch.) FIRST GUARD: The gold is mine! (El Akir struggles to his feet.) SUMMARY:
Missing episode The TARDIS arrives in 12th century Palestine where a holy war is in progress between the forces of King Richard the Lionheart and the Saracenruler Saladin. Barbara is abducted in a Saracen ambush and the Doctor, Ianand Vicki make their way to King Richard's palace in the city of Jaffa.
TEXT: Teleplay by: Jill Condon & Amy Toomin Story by: Andrew Reich & Ted Cohen [Scene: Central Perk, Joey and Chandler are there as Phoebe enters carrying a drum.] Phoebe: Hey! Chandler: Hey! Wow, it is true what they say, pregnant bellies look like a drum. Phoebe: (not amused) Ha-ha. (She sits down on the couch.) No, it's just I'm so pregnant that I-my guitar doesn't fit anymore. So I thought 'til I'm not, I'm just gonna play all my songs on this drum. It sounds really cool! Chandler: All right. Phoebe: Listen. Listen. (She starts to play and sing.) Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you? Joey: Wow, Pheebs! That sounds great! Phoebe: I know! I know, and I've only been playing for like an hour! Alice: (entering) Phoebe! Phoebe! Hi! Hi! Phoebe: Hey! What are you doing here? Alice: Umm, actually, I came down to ask you a big favour. Phoebe: Oh, well, don't tell me you want to keep more of your stuff in my uterus. Alice: (laughs) No. No. No. (Sits down.) Okay, now, see, I wanna name the girl baby Leslie, and Frank wants to name one of the boy babies Frank JR. JR. Chandler: Wouldn't that be Frank the III? Alice: Don't get me started. (To Phoebe) Anyway, umm, since there are three babies and umm, we both got to put our names in, we would be truly honoured if you named the other boy baby. Phoebe: Wow! That's so great! Oh! Oh! Cougar. Alice: You think about it. (Leaves) OPENING CREDITS [Scene: Ross's apartment, he and Emily are getting ready to go to the airport.] Emily: I left a bra drying on SUMMARY:
Frank and Alice ask Phoebe to name one of their unborn triplets. Both Joey and Chandler compete to get her to choose their name. Joey says "Chandler" is a sissy name, prompting Chandler to consider changing it, though he has ulterior motives. Ross becomes paranoid when Emily and Carol's wife, Susan, spend time together in London. Rachel wears a revealing dress and an even sexier slip under it while dining with Joshua at his apartment, only to be unpleasantly surprised when his parents unexpectedly arrive.
TEXT: Ted from 2030: Kids, in the fall of 2010, I was designing the new headquarters for Goliath National Bank, which meant working side by side with your Uncle Barney. Barney's office Ted: I love your idea about a giant rooftop ring of fire you can jump through with a motorcycle, but I tweaked it slightly and... This is still super bad-ass. It's now a patio garden where you can bring a nice bag lunch. Barney: Sick. Yeah. Dude. Working together is gonna be legen... Wait for it. I'll send you an inter-office memo with the rest 'cause we freakin' work together! Ted from 2030: Everything was going great. That is, right up until Barney said... Barney: Oh, big news. The board finally settled on a site for the building. Ted from 2030: It was the site of The Arcadian, one of New York's grandest old hotels. In its heyday, it was the New York home to kings and queens. But lately... mostly just queens. The Arcadian Transvestite: Hi, handsome. Lookin' for a date? Ted: Uh, no, thank you. Still got it. Barney's office Ted: Barney, we have to talk. Barney: Sure. What's up? Barney's Secretary: Excuse me, Mr. Stinson. Barney: Not now, Trish! Barney's Secretary: But there's an urgent memo for Mr. Mosby. Ted: "Dary." Barney: Legendary! So, what's on your mind? Ted: I can't design the building. [OPENING CREDITS] Lily's and Marshall's bedroom Marshall: Oh, yeah. Lily: Oh, baby. No, no. Not the slipper socks with the rubber soles. I work so hard to-to set the mood, and-and when I see those, I feel the egg go right back up my Fallopian tube. Marshall: Baby, these satin sheets are slippery. Papa needs traction. Lily: Traction? Marshall: As you know, Papa likes to get down with enthusiasm. Lily: Please stop calling yourself "Pap SUMMARY:
Ted becomes conflicted about pursuing his dream job of designing the new GNB headquarters after meeting a hot girl who's passionate about saving the landmark building that is being torn down to make room for it.
TEXT: [Scene: Alley. A woman runs in with a small box. She looks behind her, but is kicked to the ground. The box falls. She gets up and groans. A female demon jumps down.] Female Demon: It's Nina, right? Nina: You'll never get it. I won't let you. Female Demon: I didn't ask for your permission. (Nina stands up. Female demon chuckles.) It's only a matter of time before I get the box. Nina: Over my dead body. Female Demon: Now that's the thing with you Guardians. You're always dying for that damn box. Nina: Not always. (Nina blasts the demon, but she hovers and lands. She takes out a dagger.) Female Demon: Oh, come on, you can do better than that. (She throws the dagger at Nina, and she catches it. Female Demon smirks. They fight and grab each other. One of them is stabbed. The box disappears.) [Scene: Manor. Living room. Paige sits on the couch. She squints and covers her ears. A whine is heard. She opens her eyes.] Paige: Phoebe? Phoebe's Voice: Coming! (She walks in with a cup.) Coming. I used castor root this time. It should dull all the senses. (The whine fades out.) Paige: I don't care. Just give it to me. (Phoebe sits down. Paige takes the cup and a drink. Phoebe watches.) Thank you. (Phoebe smiles.) Do you mind? Phoebe: Do I mind what? (The whine starts up again.) Paige: Looking so psychotically perky... (The whining stops.) While I'm so miserable? (The whining starts.) Phoebe: You know, maybe it's psychosomatic. I mean, the inner ear has to do with balance, so maybe you're feeling SUMMARY:
The Charmed Ones are in a race against time when the mythological Pandora's Box falls into the hands of Katya, a shape shifting demon who intends to open the box and fill the world with all of the evils, illnesses, diseases, sorrows and toils contained within. Phoebe and Piper try to find Hope, the Guardian who can return any released evils to the box. Meanwhile, Paige's Whitelighter side starts to grow stronger and she is able to hear the Elder's call. At Leo and an Elder named Sandra's suggestion, Paige is sent to save a future Whitelighter and gets trapped in an elevator with people she has to save. She does so and returns home in time to help out. Using her new Whitelighter powers, Paige disguises herself as Hope and tricks Kataya. Paige vanquishes her, saves Hope's friend Darcy and sends her home with Pandora's Box where Hope is able to return all of the sorrows to where they belong. Paige meets with Sandra who reveals that Paige herself was the future Whitelighter she was meant to save and says that Paige has proved she can handle Whitelighter duties as well as Charmed ones. Sandra tells her that being a Whitelighter can be very fulfilling for her and suggests to Paige that perhaps being a Whitelighter is the life separate from magic she was looking for.
TEXT: PLANET OF THE DALEKS BY: TERRY NATION 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. DALEK CITY. COOLING CHAMBER DOCTOR: It's lifting! It's beginning to lift! (The four jerk slightly as the parachute starts to climb.) DOCTOR: Hang on tight! TARON: I got... DOCTOR: Hang on! TARON: It's going... (The four are lifted off the ground and upwards. The thudding sound is still coming from the door as...) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. DALEK CITY. LEVEL ZERO CORRIDOR ( on the other side, the DALEKS batter away at it.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3: INT. DALEK CITY. COOLING CHAMBER (Only the legs of the four can now be seen as the chute moves further upwards. The cut arch in the door comes down and the DALEKS start to glide in...just as the feet of the four move up out of sight. The DALEKS look round the empty room and the one with the cutting blade as an arm states the obvious...) FIRST DALEK: Escape from this section is impossible. The prisoners are hiding. Locate and destroy. They are to be exterminated! (The DALEKS look round the empty room in bafflement.) [SCENE_BREAK] 4: INT. COOLING SHAFT (The chute slowly climbs with the four hanging desperately on. REBEC looks down and then, wishing she hadn't, closes her eyes.) TARON: How far have we come? DOCTOR: Well, it's hard to tell. Let's hope we're high enough to be out of range. [SCENE_BREAK] 5: INT. DALEK CITY. COOLING CHAMBER (One of the DALEKS has at last looked upwards.) SECOND DALEK: Prisoners located! Prisoners located! (The others swing round to look as the SECOND DALEK aims upwards with its gun and fires.) SUMMARY:
The Doctor and his friends escape from the Dalek base, prompting the Daleks to devise a plan to wipe them out.
TEXT: Amy: Previously on "Heartland"... Georgie: What's going on? Katie: Divorce. Georgie: What do you mean divorce? We will be there for you, no matter what. No you won't! Because if you wanted to be there for me, then you wouldn't be doing this! Jack: Are you in love? Tim: No, I barely speak to her. Jack: I mean with Casey. Jesse: Come on, we both know Caleb's not gonna come up with the cash in time, so pack up your stuff and get out. Ty: don't do this. Jesse: Oh, I'm just getting started. Ungh! (Punching thuds) Jesse: Oh! Ty: Get your hands off me! Jesse: I've got you now. Amy: Ty, what's going on? Where were you...? I think I might be in trouble, Amy. (Truck rumbles) (Truck rumbles to a halt) Here we are. Are you nervous? A little. Mostly just excited. Amy: Me too. Ty: Yeah. (Doors open and bang shut) (Birds chirp) Amy and Ty: (Chuckle excitedly) (Door opens) (Door creaks shut) (Zippers unzip, jackets rustle) Minister: You must be the young couple that Joanna was telling me about. Ty and Amy. Ty: Yes... hi. Thanks you for doing this. We really appreciate it, especially on such short notice. Minister: "Why put off till tomorrow, what you can do today?" This is my husband. He'll be acting as your witness. All right then. Let's begin. Are you both ready? Lou: Okay, so... your wedding date is on the 29th. Which gives us very little time to tie up loose ends. For example, somebody needs to call back all of the guests who didn't rsvp. And, by my count, there are at least 20 people who haven't replied yet. Amy: Okay, I will do that as soon as I get back. Lou: Great. And I'm gonna call SUMMARY:
Lou spearheads preparations for the big day while Amy throws herself into gentling a rescue horse in order to avoid wedding craziness. But Amy and Ty's future is jeopardized when Ty is arrested for assault. Meanwhile, Georgie observes an intimate moment between Lou and Peter and nurtures hope that they are getting back together. Tim risks telling Casey how he feels about her, then obsesses over her response. Ty and Amy decide to elope after Val gets Jesse to drop the charges.
TEXT: ACT ONE Scene One - Café Nervosa. Frasier and Niles are sitting in Café Nervosa in the morning, chatting pretentiously about the food and drink. Niles: Have you noticed there are fewer hazlenuts in these biscotti? Frasier: So I'm not crazy. Niles: And yet they've gone up twenty-five cents. Frasier: Oh, fewer nuts, more money - something I've been aspiring to for my entire professional life! [they laugh] Roz enters through the front door in a rather shabby tracksuit, the front of which is drenched in sweat. Added to this, her hair is clumsily tied up behind her head with sweat beads trickling down her forehead. She is wearing shorts and is out of breath. Roz: [catching breath:] That's the last time I jog in these shorts. My thighs are chafing like a couple of hams wrapped in velcro! [shouting to waitress:] Non-fat Mocha, please! As she sits at their table, Niles and Frasier distance themselves. Roz: What?! Frasier: As flattered as we are that you've chosen our company over, say... a shower, perhaps you'd like to go to the ladies room to freshen up a little bit? Roz: [angry:] Hey, at least I try to keep in shape. I haven't seen one of you two run an eight minute mile! Niles: Stand upwind of us and you might! Roz, getting the gist, decides to go and freshen up. Frasier: Oh, by the way Niles, my benefit for the Seattle Theatre Ensemble is tonight - I haven't recieved your check yet. Niles: Well, that's because I'm still not sure if I'm coming. Whom should I expect to meet there? Frasier: Professional people... around our age.. Niles: [wanting more:] Hmmm. Frasier: Same social standing... Niles: [strangely:] Yoww SUMMARY:
At a benefit evening for the Seattle Theatre Ensemble, Frasier is approached by three attractive women in the course of the evening, and each one gives him her number. He therefore finds himself with a three-day weekend coming up and a date on each day. On the first date, Frasier claims to be a dog-lover and an vegetarian to impress his date, but Martin and Sherry come back early and reveal his deception. The following evening, Sherry accidentally reveals to the second date that Frasier had a date with a different woman the previous night. Martin has broken up with Sherry, and she calls by to drop something off, just before Frasier's third date arrives. Despite his worry that Sherry will wreck this date, Frasier tries to understand why Martin broke up with her, and finds out that it was due to Martin's guilt over falling in love with someone else other than his late wife. He encourages them to reconcile.
TEXT: ACT THREE Scene One - The Radio Station Frasier is on the phone as Roz comes in with a clipboard. Frasier: Niles, pick up, will you? It's Frasier. [beat] All right, fine. Call me later. [hanging up, to Roz] I don't even know why I bother anymore. He doesn't pick up phones these days, just waitresses. Roz: Give him a break, he's just having fun. Frasier: That's exactly what I'd expect to hear from someone who's willing to spend the night as Bulldog's squeak toy. Roz: That is not funny! It was one night, and I would appreciate it if you would just let it drop. Frasier: You're right, I'm sorry, that was tactless of me. Tell you what, let me make it up to you. I've got an extra theater ticket tonight. Faye's busy, why don't you join me? Roz: No, thanks. Frasier: No, please, Roz. It's a delightful little show. I'll even throw in dinner. Roz: Busy. Frasier: Really. A date? Roz: [exploding] I have plans! Plans! What are you, a cop?! I've got to account for every waking minute?! My private life is my own business! Frasier: [realizing] Bulldog! Roz: [bursting into tears] I don't know what's wrong with me! I'm weak. I can't stop myself! Frasier: Yes you can, Roz. Roz: Okay, I don't want to stop myself. He's good. He's really good. I mean, I'm better, but he's trainable. Frasier: Roz, it's Bulldog! Doesn't that bother you? Roz: You'd think. Bulldog comes in nonchalantly. Roz pretends nothing's going on. Bulldog: Hey, Doc. Frasier: Bulldog. Bulldog: Oh, Roz, you still going to help me SUMMARY:
Frasier is focused on Faye, but he keeps saying "Cassandra"; meanwhile, Roz has an unfortunate fling and Martin's relationship with Bonnie goes to the dogs.
TEXT: Opening scene - we see a gorgeous shot of the water, then we see a comic book in a clear plastic bag. the comic is called 'plastic man'. the camera pulls back a little and we can now see that Seth is holding the comic, in the pool house. Ryan is also there Seth: we could not go Ryan: (off screen) can't not go Seth: we can so not go, we already missed registration its not like anyone's expecting us Ryan: your mom called the school man Seth: (mocking) oh did did my mom call the (normal) your the bad boy ok (Ryan looks at him) your the outsider your spose'to be leading me into temptation not home room Ryan: its jus the first day'a school man Seth: yeah exactly, an entire day of just...Ashton Kutcher's knuckle knocking an going on an on about summer (Ryan looks at him) the...summer not my- the-the season not the person (sighs) at this point how would I even know Ryan: what you haven't called her yet Seth: umm before you read this (holds up comic) remind me to explain the difference to you between plastic man and elongated man Ryan: so that's a no then Seth: when would I of had the time to call her, I've jus got back into town an I have three months of back issues to bag an board (Ryan sits in a chair near him) and on top of that now, apparently I don't know, I have'to go to school Ryan: coulda called her from Portland Seth: I did call her from Portland, every day an I got her voicemail until she finally picked up an said if I ever call her again her father will have me killed Ryan: so Summer has no idea your back Seth: killed Ryan as in dead Ryan: so that was months ago, she's probably moved on by now Seth: (hurt) i'm sorry...moved on Ryan:...gotten over it (hopeful) Seth: gotten over it...why because (shrugs) I ju SUMMARY:
It's back to school for Seth and Ryan, who want to win back the attention they once had from Summer and Marissa. With opportunity beckoning, Hailey tells Jimmy about her plans to move in order to pursue her unfulfilled ambitions with fashion. Hoping to keep her near, Jimmy does something unimaginable. Meanwhile, Sandy explains to Julie that the district attorney is keeping a close watch on Caleb, and without representation, he might be in for a confrontation. Julie threatens Sandy to do something about Caleb's mess, or else.
TEXT: Michael: Did you know that in Morocco it is common to exchange a small gift when meeting somebody for the first time? In Japan you must always commit suicide to avoid embarrassment. In Italy you must always wash your hands after going to the bathroom. This is considered to be polite. Jim: Why are you telling us this? Michael: I am jetting off on an international business trip. Jim: Where are you going? Michael: To Can-A-da. Jim: Where is it? Michael: Canada. Jim: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: My boss is sending me abroad to do a presentation to an international client and I have always been intrigued by all things international. The women, the pancakes, the man of mystery... [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Meredith, I would like you to pretend that you are from Abu Dhabi. Meredith: [British accent] Hello. Michael: I am ashamed at your naked face. I must cover it with my jacket. [covers Meredith's face with his jacket] You are now sexy in your culture. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: T minus... Jim: Six point five days. [winces as Kevin smacks him on the back] Creed: [walks up behind Jim and puts his hands on his shoulders] One more week. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: Pam comes back from New York next week and everyone here has just been so excited for me. And involved. And intrusive. And weird. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: On more week. [chuckles] Stanley: Heh heh. [Jim gives camera an odd look] [SCENE_BREAK] David Wallace: [on speakerphone] Do you have your passport? Michael: I have my passport. [pats jacket pocket] David Wallace: Got your per diem? Michael: I have my per diem. [holds up money] I already know what I am going to spend this on. I am going to buy a sweater. David Wallace: Michael, the... that's for your food. Michael: Well I'll just... I'll use different money for that. [SCENE_BREAK] David Wallace: I was happy to send Michael SUMMARY:
CFO David Wallace sends Michael to Winnipeg, Manitoba for business. Andy and Oscar accompany him and become unlikely friends when they drunk dial Angela. Although Michael makes the sale and has a one-night stand , he rebukes David for transferring Holly. Jim counts down the days until Pam gets back from art school; she fails a course but comes back to Scranton anyway. Ryan seduces Kelly, who in turn breaks up with Darryl.
TEXT: MAN: Previously on Teen Wolf... That was supposed to be locked. Stiles: What are those? LYDIA: Atomic numbers. Kira. I'm gonna take your picture. Proof of our time here together. (ISAAC SCREAMING) ALLISON: Isaac! CHRIS: Isaac, open up! BOY: Yeah! (LAUGHING) (WIND HOWLING) (SHIVERING) (BANGING ON DOOR) ALLISON: Isaac? (DOOR OPENS) ALLISON: Isaac! He's freezing. Dad, he's like ice. CHRIS: Isaac, look at me. Isaac. ALLISON: What's happening to him? CHRIS: Isaac, come on. Isaac, listen. You have to turn. Look at me. You need to trigger it. Come on. Turn! Turn! (HITTING HIM) CHRIS: Turn! (GROWLING) ISAAC: Did you see them? ALLISON: Who? ISAAC: There were five of them. They wore black. I couldn't... I couldn't see their faces. They were covered. ALLISON: What do you mean? Like masks? ISAAC: One of them... I could see his eyes. They were greenish-yellow. Like a... Like a firefly. CHRIS: Security system wasn't triggered. ALLISON: Then how did they get in? ISAAC: They didn't. It was like they came out of the shadows. ALLISON: Do you know what that means? Dad? CHRIS: Um... I'm not sure. Listen, the two of you... I need you to keep this quiet for a few hours. (SNIFFLING) ISAAC: From everyone? CHRIS: Just 24 hours. (WHISPERING) ALLISON: They could've killed him, Dad. ARGENT: But they didn't. And I think there's a reason why. I think they might have been after me. (MUSIC PLAYING) AGENT MCCALL: So when did you get there? Stiles: At the same time. AGENT MCCALL: At the same time SUMMARY:
Isaac describes the hooded figures that attacked him to Allison and her father. Kira reveals to Scott that her body emanates a glowing aura when a photo is taken of her, and with the help of Stiles, the two break into the Sheriff's office and erase similar photos from Kira's cell phone. Danny and Ethan throw a Halloween party in Derek's empty loft. During the party, Scott realizes that Kira's "aura" resembles a fox, and Allison discovers what appears to be a reverse number "5" mark behind Isaac's ear. Ethan and Lydia are also attacked by the hooded figures and marked the same way. Stiles discovers that his handwriting matches the coded message written on the chalk-board, instructing Barrow to kill Kira.