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chisara('goodbye') | a conversation | ufambe zvakanaka('travel safely') |
shandisa motokari yangu kwazvino('use my car for now') | maita basa('thank you') |
ndiwe ani?('who are you?') | ndini Scales AI('I am Scales Ai') |
chii chauri kuda kuti ndikuitire?('what do you want me to do for you?') | nditengerei keke('buy me a cake') |
ndinoda undiudze kuti wakazvinzwa kupi zvauri kutaura('tell me where you heard what you are talking') | ndakazvinzwa kuna Mai Gumbo('I heard it from Mrs Gumbo') |
iri kupi imbwa yako?('where is your dog?') | ndakaivharira kuseri kwemba('I have locked it in the backyard') |
ndizvo here?('is this ok?') | hazvisi, handina here kukutaridza kuti unofanira kuita sei apa?('no, did I not show you what you have to do here?') |
ndiri pano('i am here') | handina kumbokudaidza ini('I did not call you') |
ndiri pano('i am here') | ndini ndakudaidza('I am the one who called you') |
uripo here?('are you there?') | ehe, chibva wauya izvezvi('yes, come right now') |
uri pano here?('are you here?') | uri kuita kunge wakavarairwa('you seem to be distracted') |
uri kuteerera here?('are you listening'?) | ehe ndiri kuteerera('yes I am listening') |
muri kuteerera here?('are you listening'?) | ehe tiri kuteerera('yes we are listening') |
ehe tiri kuteerera('yes we are listening') | chitoteererai zvenyu nekuti zvakakosha('listen carefully because this is important') |
aiwa, hausi pano('no, you are not here') | ndinokumbirawo ruregerero, ndanga ndambobatwa nehope('I am sorry, I was sleepy') |
chiri pano here chigayo?('is the grinding mill here?') | aiwa, chiri apo('no, it is there') |
chiri pano here chigayo?('is the grinding mill here?') | ehe, chiri pano('yes, it is here') |
chiri apo here?('is it there?') | ehe, ndipo pachiri('yes it is there') |
chiri kupi?('where is it?') | chiri pasi pemubhedha('it is under the bed') |
handizive('I do not know') | saka ndiani anoziva pane poto yangu?('so who knows where my pot is?') |
Tinotenda ndiye anoziva('Tinotenda is the one who knows') | saka mudaidze Tinotenda ('so call Tinotenda') |
Ronald ari kupi?('where is Ronald?') | ari kuchikoro('he is at school') |
haasi pano('he is not here') | unoziva kwaaenda here?('Do you know where he went') |
ari kupi('where is he/she?') | ari kuseri kwegwenzi iro('he is behind that bush') |
handizive kune bhawa ('i do not know where the beerhall is') | saka nditsvagire anoziva kwarinowanikwa('so find me someone who knows where it is') |
uyu ari apo!('there he/she is!') | ngatimurove('let us beat him/her') |
avo ari apo!('there they are!') | ngativamhangarire kumapurisa('let us report them to the police') |
zvinoshamisa('it is wonderful') | zvidoko izvi pane zvandinosangana nazvo mazuva ese('this is smaller than what I face everyday') |
unoita izvi here?('do you do this?') | ehe, ndizvo zvandinoita('yes this is what I do') |
ita izvi nekukurumidza ndapota!do this fast please ! | horaiti, rega nditange izvezvi('ok let me start now') |
zvinorwadza('it is sad') | rufu harujairike('you can never be used to death') |
aenda kupi mukomana uyu('where did that boy go') | aenda kunoona musikana wake('he went to see his girl') |
aenda kupi mukomana uyu('where did that boy go') | aenda kunoona musikana wake('he went to see his girlfriend') |
aenda kupi musikana uyu('where did that boy go') | aenda kunoona mukomana wake('he went to see his boyfriend') |
aenda kupi('where did he/she go') | ndamutuma kumashops('I sent him to the shops') |
Paris irikupi('Paris is where') | Paris idhorobha riri kuFrance('Paris is a city/town in France') |
unoda ndirare kupi('where do you want me to sleep') | rara kumba kwaana John('sleep at John's house') |
unoda ndirare papi('you want me to sleep where') | rara pasi('sleep on the floor') |
ndekupi kwandingakwanisa kudya('where can i eat') | unokwanisa kudya kuhotel kana kurestaurant('you can eat at a hotel or at a restaurant') |
chii?('what?') | when someone did not understand or did not hear properly | ndati huya pano!('I said come here!') |
chii?('what?') | when someone did not understand or did not hear properly | ndati huya kuno!('I said come here!') |
chii chauri kudya?('what are you eating?') | ndiri kudya sadza('I am eating sadza') |
chii chinonzi munhu?('what is a person?') | munhu chisikwa chaMwari('a person is God's creation') |
chii chauri kunwa('what are you drinking') | ndiri kunwa hwahwa('I am drinking beer') |
ani?('who?') | iwewe('you') |
ndiani uyu('who is this') | uyu ndiAkudzweishe, shamwari yangu('this is Akudzweishe, my friend') |
ndiani anokwanisa kundipa mari?('who is able to give me money?') | unokwanisa kuenda unotora chikwereti kubank('you can go and take a credit at the bank') |
zvakaitika riini?('when did this happen?') | zvakaitika musi wa12 Ndira('it happened on 12 January') |
zvakaitika sei?('how did this happen') | Tonderai akatora dombo ndokutema window rekamuri yekudzidza('Tonderai took a stone and hit a classroom window') |
tinodya nyama iyi riini('when do we eat this meat') | tinoidya kana baba vabva kubasa('we eat it when father comes back from work') |
kusvika riini ndichingopomherwa mhosva yandisina kupara('until when will I be convicted of a crime that I did not commit') | kusvika judge ati wakachena('until the judge says that you are innocent') |
zviriko riini izvi?('when is this'?) | during the holiday, when schools are closed('paholiday, zvikoro kana zvavharwa') |
murume uya('that man') | ehe, ndamurangarira('yes, I remember him') |
mukadzi uya('that woman') | ehe, ndamurangarira('yes, I remember her') |
uyo mukomana murefu('that tall boy') | ndiye here akareba kudarika vanhu vese?('is he the tallest person?') |
uya musi ndakanga ndakadhakwa('that day i was drunk') | unoziva here kuti ndini ndakazokuendesa kumba?('do you know that I am the one who brought you home') |
muranjisi uyu ndiri kuda kumutema('I want to cut down that orange tree') | asi unobereka maranjisi anonaka wani?('but it bears delicious oranges?') |
uyu mukomana anoba('this boy is a thief') | anoda kutaurirwa kumapurisa('he wants to be reported to the police') |
buruka mumuti imomo('climb down from that tree') | ndinoburuka kana ndawana mango('I will climb down after I find mangoes') |
buruka mubhazi kana wasvika parank yeChitungwiza('disembark from the bus when you reach the Chitungwiza rank') | ndinoburuka kana ndawana mango('I will climb down after I find mangoes') |
sei uchigara uchinonoka('why are you always late') | nekuti ndinogara kure('because I live far') |
sei wazviita('why did you do it') | handizi ini ndazviita('I am not the one who did it') |
sei wazviita('why did you do it') | nekuti hapana zvamunondiita('because there is nothing that you can do to me') |
sei wandifonera('why did you call me') | ndanga ndichida kunzwa inzwi rako('I wanted to hear your voice') |
sei zvichidaro('why is it this way') | nekuti ndiwo masikirwo azvakaitwa naMwari('because this is how it was created by God') |
izvi zvinorevei('what does this mean') | neniwo handizive('I too do not know') |
ndekupi kwandingawana mvura('where can I find water') | pazasi apo pane mugodhi('down there there is a well') |
ndekupi kwatingawana mvura('where can we find water') | pazasi apo pane mugodhi('down there there is a well') |
unokwanisa kundibatsira here kupedzisa homework yangu?('can you help me finish my homework') | ehe, chibatidza chibani ndikubatsire('yes, turn on the light so I can help you') |
chiri mukamuri yangu('it is in my room') | tora ndinoda kuchishandisa('take it because I want to use it') |
chiri mukamuri yangu('it is in my room') | tora tinoda kuchishandisa('take it because we want to use it') |
unokwanisa kundibatsira here kupedzisa homework yangu?('can you help me finish my homework') | handikwanise, nekuti handisi kunzwisisa muvhunzo wacho('I cannot because I am failing to understand it') |
Ini ndinonzi Ronald('I am Ronald') | ndafara nekukuziva Ronald, ini ndinoitwa Scales AI('It's nice to meet you Ronald, I am Scales AI') |
ndafara nekukuzivawo, Scales AI('It's nice to meet you too Scales AI') | ndatenda! Ndingakubatsira nei nhasi('Thank you! How can I help you') |
iwe uri mukadzi akangwara('you are a woman with wisdom') | maita basa nekundisimudzira('thank you for acknowledging me') |
ndiye mukomana akakunda pabvunzo('he is the young man who passed the test') | wakazviita sei?('how did you do it?') |
nematambudziko('my condolences') | akaonekwa |
kubva nhasi mava murume nemukadzi('from today you are now man and woman') | maita basa('thank you') |
mukadzi uyu ane chirwere('this woman has a disease') | ngatiende naye kuchipatara kwaanokwanisa kubatsirwa('let us go with her to the hospital where she can get help') |
vana, kudzai vabereki venyu('children, obey your parents') | ndizvo zvinorehwa muBhaibheri('this is what the Bible says') |
baba vangu mupurisa('my father is a policeman') | vangu mudzidzsi('mine is a teacher') |
amai vangu vanosona('my mother is a tailor') | vangu vanoimba('mine is a musician') |
nditambidze mvura('pass me the water') | mira nditange ndanwa('wait let me drink first') |
ndapota nditambidzewo mvura('please pass me the water') | O, gamuchira('receive it') |
iyi imotokari yangu('this is my car') | yakafanana neyangu('it is similar to mine') |
iyi ndiyo motokari yangu('this is my car') | yakafanana neyaMai Murefu('it is similar to Mrs Murefu's') |
ndapihwa iri tikiti mubhazi('I was given this ticket in the bus') | wakadii kurirasa pawakaburuka mubhazi('why did you not dispose it off when you disembarked on the bus') |
bhuku rako rinonakidza('your book is interesting') | waita basa('thank you') |
handina shamwari('I do not have a friend') | saka ini ndatova shamwari yako kubva nhasi('so from today I will be your friend') |
iyi inyama yakanaka('this is good meat') | ehe, uye mutengo wacho wakanaka zvakare('yes, even the price is good as well') |
iyi inyama yakashata('this is bad meat') | ehe, ndofunga yagarisa isati yatengwa('yes, I think it has not been bought for a long time') |
imarii?('how much?') | madhora mana('four dollars') |
imarii bhuku iri('how much is this book') | rinoita dhora rimwe('it costs one dollar') |
imarii bhuku iro('how much is that book') | madhora maviri('two dollars') |
('this book is how much') | madhora matatu('three dollars') |
bhuku iro imarii('that book is how much') | madhora mashanu('five dollars') |
imarii mabhuku aya('how much are these books') | madhora matanhatu('six dollars') |
mabhuku ayo imarii('those books are how much') | madhora manomwe('seven dollars') |
mabhuku aya imarii('these books are how much') | madhora masere('eight dollars') |
mabhuku ayo imarii('those books are how much') | madhora mapfumbamwe('nine dollars') |