1 value
[ { "id": "large/1281/lovesongs_sv_librivox_64kb_mp3/love-songs_field_09_64kb_6", "recording_id": "large/1281/lovesongs_sv_librivox_64kb_mp3/love-songs_field_09_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.119, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1281", "custom": { "texts": [ "The woods are the cherry trees Down in the orchard lot, And the soldiers are marching to seize The booty the Injuns got. With tum titty um tum tum, And r r rat tat tat, When soldiers marching come Injuns had better scat! Step up there, little Fred, And, Charley, have a mind!", "THE WOODS ARE THE CHERRY TREES DOWN IN THE ORCHARD LOT AND THE SOLDIERS ARE MARCHING TO SEIZE THE BOOTY THE INJUN'S GOT WITH TUM TO THE UNTUM TUM AND RAT TAT TAT WHEN SOLDIERS MARCHING COME ENGINES HAD BETTER SCAT UP THERE LITTLE FRED AND CHARLIE HAVE A MIND" ], "pre_texts": [ "special delectation In that gladsome roundelay. Their eyes grow bright and brighter, Their lungs begin to crow, Their hearts get light and lighter, And their cheeks are all aglow; For an echo cometh bringing The news to all and me, That the Dinkey-Bird is singing In the amfalula tree. I'm sure you like to go there To see your feathered friend-- And so many goodies grow there You would like to comprehend! Speed, little dreams, your winging To that land across the sea Where the Dinkey-Bird is singing In the amfalula tree! THE DRUM I'm a beautiful red, red drum, And I train with the soldier boys; As up the street we come, Wonderful is our noise! There's Tom, and Jim, and Phil, And Dick, and Nat, and Fred, While Widow Cutler's Bill And I march on ahead, With a r-r-rat-tat-tat And a tum-titty-um-tum-tum-- Oh, there's bushels of fun in that For boys with a little red drum! The Injuns came last night While the soldiers were abed, And they gobbled a Chinese kite And off to the woods they fled!", " TRUM FROM LOVE SONGS OF CHILDHOOD THIS IS THE LIBERVOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT L I B R I VIO X DADAWARGI RECORDING BY SQUIDVASHLOKHOVA LOVE SONGS OF CHILDHOOD BY EUGENE FIELD THE DRUM I'M A BEAUTIFUL RED RED DRUM AND I TRAIN WITH THE SOLDIER BOYS AS UP THE STREET WE COME WONDERFUL IS OUR NOISE THERE'S TOM AND JIM AND PHIL AND DICK AND NAT AND FRED WHILE WIDOW CUTLER'S BILL AND I MARCH ON AHEAD THE RAT TAT T HAD AN ATTEMPTED THE UNTUM TUM OH THERE'S BUSHELS OF FUN IN THAT FOR BOYS OF THE LITTLE RED DRUM THE INJUNS CAME LAST NIGHT WHILE THE SOLDIERS WERE ABED THEY GOBBLED A CHINESE KITE AND OFF TO THE WOODS THEY FLED" ], "begin_byte": 12235, "end_byte": 12510 } } ]
{ "id": "large/1281/lovesongs_sv_librivox_64kb_mp3/love-songs_field_09_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/1281/lovesongs_sv_librivox_64kb_mp3/love-songs_field_09_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 1983629, "duration": 123.9768125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/LoveSongs of Childhood/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/1281/lovesongs_sv_librivox_64kb_mp3/love-songs_field_14_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/1281/lovesongs_sv_librivox_64kb_mp3/love-songs_field_14_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.479, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1281", "custom": { "texts": [ "But the gingham dog and the calico cat Wallowed this way and tumbled that, Employing every tooth and claw In the awfullest way you ever saw And, oh! how the gingham and calico flew! (Don't fancy I exaggerate I got my news from the Chinese plate!)", "BUT THE GINGHAM DOG AND THE CALICO CAT WALLOWED THIS WAY AND TUMBLED THAT EMPLOYING EVERY TOOTH AND CLAW IN THE AWFULLEST WAY YOU EVER SAW AND OH HOW THE GINGHAM AND CALICO FLEW DON'T FANCY I EXAGGERATE I GOT MY NEWS FROM THE CHINESE PLATE" ], "pre_texts": [ "uddy-Dud's mother is singing A song that is sweet and low: \"'T is little Luddy-Dud in the morning-- 'T is little Luddy-Dud at night; And all day long 'T is the same sweet song Of my nearest and my dearest heart's delight, Luddy-Dud!\" THE DUEL The gingham dog and the calico cat Side by side on the table sat; 'T was half-past twelve, and (what do you think!) Nor one nor t' other had slept a wink! The old Dutch clock and the Chinese plate Appeared to know as sure as fate There was going to be a terrible spat. (I wasn't there; I simply state What was told to me by the Chinese plate!) The gingham dog went \"bow-wow-wow!\" And the calico cat replied \"mee-ow!\" The air was littered, an hour or so, With bits of gingham and calico, While the old Dutch clock in the chimney place Up with its hands before its face, For it always dreaded a family row! (Now mind: I'm only telling you What the old Dutch clock declares is true!) The Chinese plate looked very blue, And wailed, \"Oh, dear! what shall we do!", " TWO THE DUEL FROM LOVE SONGS OF CHILDHOOD THIS IS THE LIBERVOX RECORDING ALL LIVERPOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT L I B R I VIO X DATAWARGI RECORDING WESQUIDVAS LOKOVA LOVE SONGS OF CHILDHOOD BY EUGENE FIELD THE DUEL THE GINGHAM DOG AND THE CALICO CAT SIDE BY SIDE ON THE TABLE SAT TWAS HALF PAST TWELVE AND WHAT DO YOU THINK NOR ONE NOR T'OTHER HAD SLEPT A WINK THE OLD DUTCH CLOCK IN THE CHINESE PLATE APPEARED TO KNOW AS SURE AS FATE THERE WAS GOING TO BE A TERRIBLE SPAT I WASN'T THERE I SIMPLY STAY WHAT WAS TOLD TO ME BY THE CHINESE PLATE THE GINGHAM DOG WENT BOW WOW WOW AND THE CALICO CAT REPLIED NEOW THE AIR WAS LITTERED AN HOUR OR SO WITH BITS OF GINGHAM AND CALICO WHILE THE OLD DUTCH CLOCK IN THE CHIMNEY PLACE UP WITH ITS HANDS BEFORE ITS FACE FOR IT ALWAYS DREADED A FAMILY ROW NOW MIND I'M ONLY TELLING YOU WHAT THE OLD DUTCH CLOCK DECLARES IS TRUE THE CHINESE PLATE LOOKED VERY BLUE AND WAILED OH DEAR WHAT SHALL WE DO" ], "begin_byte": 18313, "end_byte": 18564 } } ]
{ "id": "large/1281/lovesongs_sv_librivox_64kb_mp3/love-songs_field_14_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/1281/lovesongs_sv_librivox_64kb_mp3/love-songs_field_14_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2016230, "duration": 126.014375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/LoveSongs of Childhood/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/psalm_of_life_1902/psalmoflife_longfellow_sh_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/12918/psalm_of_life_1902/psalmoflife_longfellow_sh_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.28, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream ! For the soul is dead that slumbers. And things are not what they seem.", "TELL ME NOT IN MOURNFUL NUMBERS LIFE IS BUT AN EMPTY DREAM FOR THE SOUL IS DEAD THAT SLUMBERS AND THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM" ], "pre_texts": [ "HT. ^Aanaalrj, TQiXhoTog. I heard the trailing garments of the Night Sweep through her marble halls ! I saw her sable skirts all fringed with light From the celestial walls ! I felt her presence, by its spell of might, Stoop o'er me from above ; The calm, majestic presence of the Night, As of the one I love. 4 VOICES OF THE NIGHT. I heard the sounds of sorrow and delight, The manifold, soft chimes, That fill the haunted chambers of the Night, Like some old poet's rhymes. From the cool cisterns of the midnight air My spirit drank repose ; The fountain of perpetual peace flows there, — From those deep cisterns flows. O holy Night ! from thee I learn to bear What man has borne before ! Thou layest thy finger on the lips of Care, And they complain no more. Peace ! Peace ! Orestes-like I breathe this prayer ! Descend with broad-winged flight, The welcome ! the thrice-prayed for ! the most fair ! The best-beloved Night ! A PSALM OF LIFE. ■WHAT THE HEART OF THE YOUNG MAN SAID TO THE PSALMIST.", " A PSALM OF LIFE BY HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW READ FOR LIEBER BOX DOT ORG BY SWEET HOME WHAT THE HEART OF THE YOUNG MAN SAID TO THE PSALMIST" ], "begin_byte": 10201, "end_byte": 10334 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/psalm_of_life_1902/psalmoflife_longfellow_sh_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/psalm_of_life_1902/psalmoflife_longfellow_sh_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2232831, "duration": 139.5519375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Psalm Of Life/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/snow_storm_1901/snowstorm_young_sh_64kb_1", "recording_id": "large/12918/snow_storm_1901/snowstorm_young_sh_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.68, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "An artist's eye would look around, Upon these calmer days, And view the pure white heaps of snow, With pleas'd and puzzl'd gaze.", "AN ARTIST'S EYE WOULD LOOK AROUND UPON THESE CALMER DAYS AND VIEW THE PURE WHITE HEAPS OF SNOW WITH PLEASED AND PUZZLED GAZE" ], "pre_texts": [ " stretches far, From wild Columbia's shore, To where those doleful voices are, And the Atlantic's roar. Oh brethren, friends down by the sea, With us your voices raise, Instead of groans, oh, shout with glee, With us, one shout of praise. And trust him, brethren, trust us, too, Seek not from us to go; Our country's good is weal for you, And common, all our woe. * * * * * A SNOW STORM. I hear the wintry wind again, I see the blinding snow, Pil'd high, by eddying winds, in heaps, No matter where I go. The storm is raging hard, without; But let us not complain, For fiercely tho' it rages now, A calm will come again. And, though the wildly raging storm Makes all things bleak and bare, Beside the fire we brave it well, And closer draw our chair. In social fellowship, our hearts With kindly thoughts grow warm; Then is there not a pleasant side, E'en to a raging storm? And when the angry storm has calm'd, As ev'ry storm must do, Then, sure, the tempest's handiwork, Has pleasant features, too.", " A SNOWSTORM BY T F YOUNG READ FOR LIVERBOX DOT ORG BY SWEET HOME I HEAR THE WINTRY WIND AGAIN I SEE THE BLINDING SNOW PILED HIGH BY EDDYING WINDS IN HEAPS NO MATTER WHERE I GO THE STORM IS RAGING HARD WITHOUT BUT LET US NOT COMPLAIN FOR FIERCELY THOUGH IT RAGES NOW A CALM WILL COME AGAIN AND THOUGH THE WILDLY RAGING STORM MAKES ALL THINGS BLEAK AND BARE BESIDE THE FIRE WE BRAVE IT WELL AND CLOSER DRAW OUR CHAIR IN SOCIAL FELLOWSHIP OUR HEARTS WITH KINDLY THOUGHTS GROW WARM THEN IS THERE NOT A PLEASANT SIDE IN TO A RAGING STORM AND WHEN THE ANGRY STORM HAS CALMED AS EVERY STORM MUST DO THEN SURE THE TEMPEST'S HANDIWORK HAS PLEASANT FEATURES TOO" ], "begin_byte": 63250, "end_byte": 63378 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/snow_storm_1901/snowstorm_young_sh_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/snow_storm_1901/snowstorm_young_sh_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2017489, "duration": 126.0930625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Snow Storm/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/snow_storm_1901/snowstorm_young_sh_64kb_5", "recording_id": "large/12918/snow_storm_1901/snowstorm_young_sh_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.319, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "Like purest marble, deftly carv'd, They stretch o'er vale and hill, Fair monuments, not made by man, But rear'd by nature's skill.", "LIKE PUREST MARBLE DEFTLY CARVED THEY STRETCH O'ER VALE AND HILL FAIR MONUMENTS NOT MADE BY MAN BUT REARED BY NATURE'S SKILL" ], "pre_texts": [ " by the sea, With us your voices raise, Instead of groans, oh, shout with glee, With us, one shout of praise. And trust him, brethren, trust us, too, Seek not from us to go; Our country's good is weal for you, And common, all our woe. * * * * * A SNOW STORM. I hear the wintry wind again, I see the blinding snow, Pil'd high, by eddying winds, in heaps, No matter where I go. The storm is raging hard, without; But let us not complain, For fiercely tho' it rages now, A calm will come again. And, though the wildly raging storm Makes all things bleak and bare, Beside the fire we brave it well, And closer draw our chair. In social fellowship, our hearts With kindly thoughts grow warm; Then is there not a pleasant side, E'en to a raging storm? And when the angry storm has calm'd, As ev'ry storm must do, Then, sure, the tempest's handiwork, Has pleasant features, too. An artist's eye would look around, Upon these calmer days, And view the pure white heaps of snow, With pleas'd and puzzl'd gaze.", " A SNOWSTORM BY T F YOUNG READ FOR LIVERBOX DOT ORG BY SWEET HOME I HEAR THE WINTRY WIND AGAIN I SEE THE BLINDING SNOW PILED HIGH BY EDDYING WINDS IN HEAPS NO MATTER WHERE I GO THE STORM IS RAGING HARD WITHOUT BUT LET US NOT COMPLAIN FOR FIERCELY THOUGH IT RAGES NOW A CALM WILL COME AGAIN AND THOUGH THE WILDLY RAGING STORM MAKES ALL THINGS BLEAK AND BARE BESIDE THE FIRE WE BRAVE IT WELL AND CLOSER DRAW OUR CHAIR IN SOCIAL FELLOWSHIP OUR HEARTS WITH KINDLY THOUGHTS GROW WARM THEN IS THERE NOT A PLEASANT SIDE IN TO A RAGING STORM AND WHEN THE ANGRY STORM HAS CALMED AS EVERY STORM MUST DO THEN SURE THE TEMPEST'S HANDIWORK HAS PLEASANT FEATURES TOO AN ARTIST'S EYE WOULD LOOK AROUND UPON THESE CALMER DAYS AND VIEW THE PURE WHITE HEAPS OF SNOW WITH PLEASED AND PUZZLED GAZE" ], "begin_byte": 63379, "end_byte": 63509 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/snow_storm_1901/snowstorm_young_sh_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/snow_storm_1901/snowstorm_young_sh_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2017489, "duration": 126.0930625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Snow Storm/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/snow_storm_1901/snowstorm_young_sh_64kb_7", "recording_id": "large/12918/snow_storm_1901/snowstorm_young_sh_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.719, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "I hear the wintry wind again, I see the blinding snow, Pil'd high, by eddying winds, in heaps, No matter where I go.", "I HEAR THE WINTRY WIND AGAIN I SEE THE BLINDING SNOW PILED HIGH BY EDDYING WINDS IN HEAPS NO MATTER WHERE I GO" ], "pre_texts": [ ", In one long, doleful strain, Oh tell us why, oh brethren say Why sounds that voice of pain. Are we not one, in race and creed, Rul'd by one gracious queen? And we have all receiv'd our meed Of praise and pelf, I ween. Why vex her now, who's rul'd so long Upon her virtuous throne? Why sing her such a doleful song, And send her such a groan? And why annoy that whiten'd head, Our land's adopted son, Who wisely drew love's slender thread, And wedded us in one. And firmer yet he wish'd to bind Us to our country's weal, And see, plann'd by his master mind, One band of glitt'ring steel, One shining track, which stretches far, From wild Columbia's shore, To where those doleful voices are, And the Atlantic's roar. Oh brethren, friends down by the sea, With us your voices raise, Instead of groans, oh, shout with glee, With us, one shout of praise. And trust him, brethren, trust us, too, Seek not from us to go; Our country's good is weal for you, And common, all our woe. * * * * * A SNOW STORM.", " A SNOWSTORM BY T F YOUNG READ FOR LIVERBOX DOT ORG BY SWEET HOME" ], "begin_byte": 62637, "end_byte": 62753 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/snow_storm_1901/snowstorm_young_sh_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/snow_storm_1901/snowstorm_young_sh_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2017489, "duration": 126.0930625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Snow Storm/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/talechirpycricket_1902_librivox_64kb_mp3/chirpycricket_04_bailey_64kb_2", "recording_id": "large/12918/talechirpycricket_1902_librivox_64kb_mp3/chirpycricket_04_bailey_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.96, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "Buster was a blundering, good natured chap. And to Chirpy's relief, instead of getting angry he merely laughed. \"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings,\" Chirpy told him. \"If I'm disagreeable this morning, it's because I need a good rest. And your family's humming disturbs me.\"", "BUSTER WAS A BLUNDERING GOOD NATURED CHAP AND TO CHIRPY'S RELIEF INSTEAD OF GETTING ANGRY HE MERELY LAUGHED I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOUR FEELINGS CHIRPY TOLD HIM IF I'M DISAGREEABLE THIS MORNING IT'S BECAUSE I NEED A GOOD REST AND YOUR FAMILY'S HUMMING DISTURBS ME" ], "pre_texts": [ " himself to hear--\"I declare, they're dancing again! It can't be long after sunrise, either. And no doubt they won't stop till sunset.\" He began to feel very much upset. He could understand why people should want to make music by night, and hop about in a lively fashion, too. But by day--ah! that was another matter. Being unable to rest, on account of the uproar from the Bumblebees' house, Chirpy crept out of his door and stood blinking in the pasture. Soon he noticed a plump person sitting on a head of clover which the cows had overlooked. Chirpy couldn't see clearly who he was, coming up out of the darkness as he had. But he was glad there was somebody to talk to, anyhow. \"Good morning!\" he greeted the person on the clover-top, adding in a lower tone, \"They're a queer family--those Bumblebees!\" To his great dismay, the person to whom he had spoken began to buzz. And leaping nearer him, in order to see him better, Chirpy Cricket discovered that he had been talking to Buster Bumblebee!", "Y CRIED ALTHOUGH THERE WAS NO ONE BUT HIMSELF TO HEAR I DECLARE THEY'RE DANCING AGAIN IT CAN'T BE LONG AFTER SUNRISE EITHER AND NO DOUBT THEY WON'T STOP TILL SUNSET HE BEGAN TO FEEL VERY MUCH UPSET HE COULD UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE SHOULD WANT TO MAKE MUSIC BY NIGHT AND HOP ABOUT IN A LIVELY FASHION TOO BUT BY DAY AH THAT WAS ANOTHER MATTER BEING UNABLE TO REST ON ACCOUNT OF THE UPROAR FROM THE BUMBLEBEE'S HOUSE CHIRPY CREPT OUT OF HIS DOOR AND STOOD BLINKING IN THE PASTURE SOON HE NOTICED A PLUMP PERSON SITTING ON A HEAD OF CLOVER WHICH THE COWS HAD OVERLOOKED CHIRPY COULDN'T SEE CLEARLY WHO HE WAS COMING UP OUT OF THE DARKNESS AS HE HAD BUT HE WAS GLAD THERE WAS SOMEBODY TO TALK TO ANYHOW GOOD MORNING HE GREETED THE PERSON ON THE CLOVER TOP ADDING IN A LOWER TONE THEY'RE A QUEER FAMILY THOSE BUMBLEBEES TO HIS GREAT DISMAY THE PERSON WHOM HE HAD SPOKEN TO BEGAN TO BUZZ AND LEAPING NEARER HIM IN ORDER TO SEE HIM BETTER CHIRPY CRICKET DISCOVERED THAT HE HAD BEEN TALKING TO BUSTER BUMBLEBEE" ], "begin_byte": 12933, "end_byte": 13208 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/talechirpycricket_1902_librivox_64kb_mp3/chirpycricket_04_bailey_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/talechirpycricket_1902_librivox_64kb_mp3/chirpycricket_04_bailey_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 4001542, "duration": 250.096375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tale of Chirpy Cricket/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/talechirpycricket_1902_librivox_64kb_mp3/chirpycricket_04_bailey_64kb_13", "recording_id": "large/12918/talechirpycricket_1902_librivox_64kb_mp3/chirpycricket_04_bailey_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "To tell the truth, they wake me every morning. And often I'd rather sleep.\"", "TO TELL THE TRUTH THEY WAKE ME EVERY MORNING AND OFTEN I'D RATHER SLEEP" ], "pre_texts": [ " as he had. But he was glad there was somebody to talk to, anyhow. \"Good morning!\" he greeted the person on the clover-top, adding in a lower tone, \"They're a queer family--those Bumblebees!\" To his great dismay, the person to whom he had spoken began to buzz. And leaping nearer him, in order to see him better, Chirpy Cricket discovered that he had been talking to Buster Bumblebee! Buster was a blundering, good-natured chap. And to Chirpy's relief, instead of getting angry he merely laughed. \"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings,\" Chirpy told him. \"If I'm disagreeable this morning, it's because I need a good rest. And your family's humming disturbs me.\" \"Why do you think we're queer?\" Buster asked him. \"Don't you call it a bit odd--having a dance at this time of day?\" \"Bless you! They're not dancing in there!\" Buster Bumblebee cried. \"That's the workers storing away the honey. They're always buzzing like that. Perhaps you didn't know that our honey-makers can't work without being noisy.", " CLEARLY WHO HE WAS COMING UP OUT OF THE DARKNESS AS HE HAD BUT HE WAS GLAD THERE WAS SOMEBODY TO TALK TO ANYHOW GOOD MORNING HE GREETED THE PERSON ON THE CLOVER TOP ADDING IN A LOWER TONE THEY'RE A QUEER FAMILY THOSE BUMBLEBEES TO HIS GREAT DISMAY THE PERSON WHOM HE HAD SPOKEN TO BEGAN TO BUZZ AND LEAPING NEARER HIM IN ORDER TO SEE HIM BETTER CHIRPY CRICKET DISCOVERED THAT HE HAD BEEN TALKING TO BUSTER BUMBLEBEE BUSTER WAS A BLUNDERING GOOD NATURED CHAP AND TO CHIRPY'S RELIEF INSTEAD OF GETTING ANGRY HE MERELY LAUGHED I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOUR FEELINGS CHIRPY TOLD HIM IF I'M DISAGREEABLE THIS MORNING IT'S BECAUSE I NEED A GOOD REST AND YOUR FAMILY'S HUMMING DISTURBS ME WHY DO YOU THINK WE'RE QUEER BUSTER ASKED HIM DON'T YOU CALL IT A BIT ODD HAVING A DANCE AT THIS TIME OF THE DAY BLESS YOU THEY'RE NOT DANCING IN THERE BUSTER BEE CRIED THAT'S THE WORKERS STORING AWAY THE HONEY THEY'RE ALWAYS BUZZING LIKE THAT PERHAPS YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT OUR HONEY MAKERS CAN'T WORK WITHOUT BEING NOISY" ], "begin_byte": 13549, "end_byte": 13624 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/talechirpycricket_1902_librivox_64kb_mp3/chirpycricket_04_bailey_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/talechirpycricket_1902_librivox_64kb_mp3/chirpycricket_04_bailey_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 4001542, "duration": 250.096375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tale of Chirpy Cricket/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/talechirpycricket_1902_librivox_64kb_mp3/chirpycricket_04_bailey_64kb_14", "recording_id": "large/12918/talechirpycricket_1902_librivox_64kb_mp3/chirpycricket_04_bailey_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 29.72, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Why do you think we're queer?\" Buster asked him. \"Don't you call it a bit odd having a dance at this time of day?\" \"Bless you! They're not dancing in there!\" Buster Bumblebee cried. \"That's the workers storing away the honey. They're always buzzing like that. Perhaps you didn't know that our honey makers can't work without being noisy. To tell the truth, they wake me every morning. And often I'd rather sleep.\"", "WHY DO YOU THINK WE'RE QUEER BUSTER ASKED HIM DON'T YOU CALL IT A BIT ODD HAVING A DANCE AT THIS TIME OF THE DAY BLESS YOU THEY'RE NOT DANCING IN THERE BUSTER BEE CRIED THAT'S THE WORKERS STORING AWAY THE HONEY THEY'RE ALWAYS BUZZING LIKE THAT PERHAPS YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT OUR HONEY MAKERS CAN'T WORK WITHOUT BEING NOISY TO TELL THE TRUTH THEY WAKE ME EVERY MORNING AND OFTEN I'D RATHER SLEEP" ], "pre_texts": [ ". But by day--ah! that was another matter. Being unable to rest, on account of the uproar from the Bumblebees' house, Chirpy crept out of his door and stood blinking in the pasture. Soon he noticed a plump person sitting on a head of clover which the cows had overlooked. Chirpy couldn't see clearly who he was, coming up out of the darkness as he had. But he was glad there was somebody to talk to, anyhow. \"Good morning!\" he greeted the person on the clover-top, adding in a lower tone, \"They're a queer family--those Bumblebees!\" To his great dismay, the person to whom he had spoken began to buzz. And leaping nearer him, in order to see him better, Chirpy Cricket discovered that he had been talking to Buster Bumblebee! Buster was a blundering, good-natured chap. And to Chirpy's relief, instead of getting angry he merely laughed. \"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings,\" Chirpy told him. \"If I'm disagreeable this morning, it's because I need a good rest. And your family's humming disturbs me.", " AND HOP ABOUT IN A LIVELY FASHION TOO BUT BY DAY AH THAT WAS ANOTHER MATTER BEING UNABLE TO REST ON ACCOUNT OF THE UPROAR FROM THE BUMBLEBEE'S HOUSE CHIRPY CREPT OUT OF HIS DOOR AND STOOD BLINKING IN THE PASTURE SOON HE NOTICED A PLUMP PERSON SITTING ON A HEAD OF CLOVER WHICH THE COWS HAD OVERLOOKED CHIRPY COULDN'T SEE CLEARLY WHO HE WAS COMING UP OUT OF THE DARKNESS AS HE HAD BUT HE WAS GLAD THERE WAS SOMEBODY TO TALK TO ANYHOW GOOD MORNING HE GREETED THE PERSON ON THE CLOVER TOP ADDING IN A LOWER TONE THEY'RE A QUEER FAMILY THOSE BUMBLEBEES TO HIS GREAT DISMAY THE PERSON WHOM HE HAD SPOKEN TO BEGAN TO BUZZ AND LEAPING NEARER HIM IN ORDER TO SEE HIM BETTER CHIRPY CRICKET DISCOVERED THAT HE HAD BEEN TALKING TO BUSTER BUMBLEBEE BUSTER WAS A BLUNDERING GOOD NATURED CHAP AND TO CHIRPY'S RELIEF INSTEAD OF GETTING ANGRY HE MERELY LAUGHED I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOUR FEELINGS CHIRPY TOLD HIM IF I'M DISAGREEABLE THIS MORNING IT'S BECAUSE I NEED A GOOD REST AND YOUR FAMILY'S HUMMING DISTURBS ME" ], "begin_byte": 13208, "end_byte": 13624 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/talechirpycricket_1902_librivox_64kb_mp3/chirpycricket_04_bailey_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/talechirpycricket_1902_librivox_64kb_mp3/chirpycricket_04_bailey_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 4001542, "duration": 250.096375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tale of Chirpy Cricket/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"But why does the fly stay on your tongue?\" said Tommy Smith. \"Why doesn't it fly away?\" \"It would if it could, of course,\" said the frog; \"but it can't. My tongue, you see, is sticky—just feel it,—and so whatever it touches sticks to it, and comes back with it, if it isn't too large.\"", "BUT WHY DOES THE FLY STAY ON YOUR TONGUE SAID TOMMY SMITH WHY DOESN'T IT FLY AWAY IT WOULD IF IT COULD OF COURSE SAID THE FROG BUT IT CAN'T MY TONGUE YOU SEE IS STICKY JUST FEEL IT AND SO WHATEVER IT TOUCHES STICKS TO IT AND COMES BACK WITH IT IF IT ISN'T TOO LARGE" ], "pre_texts": [ " forked, instead of being just inside the lips as it is with us, was right down the throat, whilst the root of it was where the tip of our tongue is. “But how do you use a tongue like that?” said Tommy Smith. “Put the tip of your forefinger against your thumb,” said the frog; “only, first, you must turn your hand so that the back of it is towards the ground, and the palm upwards.” Tommy Smith did so. “Now shoot your finger back as hard as you can.” Tommy Smith did this too. “That,” said the frog, “is the way I shoot my tongue out of my mouth when I want to catch a fly. Like this”—and he shot it out again. “You see it flies out like the lash of a whip, and my aim is so good that it always hits what I want it to, whether it is a fly or any other insect. Then I bring it back, just as you would bring your finger back to your thumb again, or as the lash of a whip flies back when you jerk the handle. The tip of it goes right down my throat where it was before, and the fly goes down with it.”", " BE TURNED BACKWARDS FOR THE TIP WHICH WAS FORKED INSTEAD OF BEING JUST INSIDE THE LIPS AS IT IS WITH US WAS RIGHT DOWN THE THROAT WHILST THE ROOT OF IT WAS WHERE THE TIP OF OUR TONGUE IS BUT HOW DO YOU USE A TONGUE LIKE THAT SAID TOMMY SMITH PUT THE TIP OF YOUR FOREFINGER AGAINST YOUR THUMB SAID THE FROG ONLY FIRST YOU MUST TURN YOUR HAND SO THAT THE BACK OF IT IS TOWARDS THE GROUND AND THE PALM UPWARDS TOMMY SMITH DID SO NOW SHOOT YOUR FINGERS BACK AS HARD AS YOU CAN TOMMY SMITH DID THIS TOO THAT SAID THE FROG IS THE WAY I SHOOT MY TONGUE OUT OF MY MOUTH WHEN I WANT TO CATCH A FLY LIKE THIS AND HE SHOT IT OUT AGAIN YOU SEE IT FLIES OUT LIKE THE LASH OF A WHIP AND MY AIM IS SO GOOD THAT IT ALWAYS HITS WHAT I WANTED TO WHETHER IT'S A FLY OR ANY OTHER INSECT THEN I BRING IT BACK JUST AS YOU WOULD BRING YOUR FINGER BACK TO YOUR THUMB AGAIN OR AS THE LASH OF A WHIP FLIES BACK WHEN YOU JERK THE HANDLE THE TIP OF IT GOES RIGHT DOWN MY THROAT WHERE IT WAS BEFORE AND THE FLY GOES DOWN WITH IT" ], "begin_byte": 15799, "end_byte": 16085 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16902502, "duration": 1056.406375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb_1", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Well, it is very curious,\" said Tommy Smith. \"But when you said you could catch a fly, I did not know that you were going to eat it too. Then, do you like flies? and do you eat them every day?\"", "WELL IT IS VERY CURIOUS SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT WHEN YOU SAID YOU COULD CATCH A FLY I DO NOT KNOW THAT YOU ARE GOING TO EAT IT TOO THEN DO YOU LIKE FLIES AND DO YOU EAT THEM EVERY DAY" ], "pre_texts": [ "st, you must turn your hand so that the back of it is towards the ground, and the palm upwards.” Tommy Smith did so. “Now shoot your finger back as hard as you can.” Tommy Smith did this too. “That,” said the frog, “is the way I shoot my tongue out of my mouth when I want to catch a fly. Like this”—and he shot it out again. “You see it flies out like the lash of a whip, and my aim is so good that it always hits what I want it to, whether it is a fly or any other insect. Then I bring it back, just as you would bring your finger back to your thumb again, or as the lash of a whip flies back when you jerk the handle. The tip of it goes right down my throat where it was before, and the fly goes down with it.” “But why does the fly stay on your tongue?” said Tommy Smith. “Why doesn’t it fly away?” “It would if it could, of course,” said the frog; “but it can’t. My tongue, you see, is sticky—just feel it,—and so whatever it touches sticks to it, and comes back with it, if it isn’t too large.”", "EFINGER AGAINST YOUR THUMB SAID THE FROG ONLY FIRST YOU MUST TURN YOUR HAND SO THAT THE BACK OF IT IS TOWARDS THE GROUND AND THE PALM UPWARDS TOMMY SMITH DID SO NOW SHOOT YOUR FINGERS BACK AS HARD AS YOU CAN TOMMY SMITH DID THIS TOO THAT SAID THE FROG IS THE WAY I SHOOT MY TONGUE OUT OF MY MOUTH WHEN I WANT TO CATCH A FLY LIKE THIS AND HE SHOT IT OUT AGAIN YOU SEE IT FLIES OUT LIKE THE LASH OF A WHIP AND MY AIM IS SO GOOD THAT IT ALWAYS HITS WHAT I WANTED TO WHETHER IT'S A FLY OR ANY OTHER INSECT THEN I BRING IT BACK JUST AS YOU WOULD BRING YOUR FINGER BACK TO YOUR THUMB AGAIN OR AS THE LASH OF A WHIP FLIES BACK WHEN YOU JERK THE HANDLE THE TIP OF IT GOES RIGHT DOWN MY THROAT WHERE IT WAS BEFORE AND THE FLY GOES DOWN WITH IT BUT WHY DOES THE FLY STAY ON YOUR TONGUE SAID TOMMY SMITH WHY DOESN'T IT FLY AWAY IT WOULD IF IT COULD OF COURSE SAID THE FROG BUT IT CAN'T MY TONGUE YOU SEE IS STICKY JUST FEEL IT AND SO WHATEVER IT TOUCHES STICKS TO IT AND COMES BACK WITH IT IF IT ISN'T TOO LARGE" ], "begin_byte": 16086, "end_byte": 16280 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16902502, "duration": 1056.406375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb_10", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.799, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Frogs always speak the truth,\" he said,—\"when they speak to little boys. And now, perhaps, you would like to learn something more about me. Ask me any question you like, and I will answer it, because of what you have just promised.\" This puzzled Tommy Smith a little, because he did not know where to begin, but at last he said, \"You seem to me a very big frog. Were you always as big as you are now?\"", "FROGS ALWAYS SPEAK THE TRUTH HE SAID WHEN THEY SPEAK TO LITTLE BOYS AND NOW PERHAPS YOU WOULD LIKE TO LEARN SOMETHING MORE ABOUT ME ASK ME ANY QUESTION YOU LIKE AND I WILL ANSWER IT BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU HAVE JUST PROMISED THIS PUZZLED TOMMY SMITH A LITTLE BECAUSE HE DID NOT KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN BUT AT LAST HE SAID YOU SEEM TO ME A VERY BIG FROG WERE YOU ALWAYS AS BIG AS YOU ARE NOW" ], "pre_texts": [ "to all of them. As for the slugs, if you will go out some night with a lantern, you may see them feeding on some of the handsomest plants, with your own eyes. That is to say, unless one of us frogs has been there; for if we have, you will not see any. Then you have seen caterpillars feeding on the cabbages. Well, _I_ feed on those caterpillars. So always remember that the boy who kills a frog, does harm to his father’s garden.” “I don’t want to do that,” said Tommy Smith; “so, if what you say is true”— “You can find it in a natural history book, if you look,” said the frog; “but I ought to know best myself. And I can tell you this, that when a frog speaks to a little boy, he always speaks the truth.” “Well, then,” said Tommy Smith, “I will never hurt a frog again.” How pleased the poor frog was when he heard that. He gave a great hop out of Tommy Smith’s hand, and came down upon the grass again, and then he hopped about for a little while, jumping higher each time than the time before.", "FLOWERS TOO FOR THERE ARE INSECTS WHICH DO HARM TO ALL OF THEM AS FOR THE SLUGS IF YOU WILL GO OUT SOME NIGHT WITH A LANTERN YOU MAY SEE THEM FEEDING ON SOME OF THE HANDSOMEST PLANTS WITH YOUR OWN EYES THAT IS TO SAY UNLESS ONE OF US FROGS HAS BEEN THERE FOR IF WE HAVE YOU WILL NOT SEE ANY THEN YOU HAVE SEEN CATERPILLARS FEEDING ON THE CABBAGES WHILE I FEED ON THOSE CATERPILLARS SO ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT THE BOY WHO KILLS A FROG DOES HARM TO HIS FATHER'S GARDEN I DON'T WANT TO DO THAT SAID TOMMY SMITH SO IF WHAT YOU SAY IS TRUE YOU CAN FIND IT IN A NATURAL HISTORY BOOK IF YOU LOOK SAID THE FROG BUT I OUGHT TO KNOW BEST MYSELF AND I CAN TELL YOU THIS THAT WHEN A FROG SPEAKS TO A LITTLE BOY HE ALWAYS SPEAKS THE TRUTH WELL THEN SAID TOMMY SMITH I WILL NEVER HURT A FROG AGAIN HOW PLEASED THE POOR FROG WAS WHEN HE HEARD THAT HE GAVE A GREAT HOP OUT OF TOMMY SMITH'S HAND AND CAME DOWN UPON THE GRASS AGAIN AND THEN HE HOPPED ABOUT FOR A LITTLE WHILE JUMPING HIGHER EACH TIME THAN THE TIME BEFORE" ], "begin_byte": 18544, "end_byte": 18946 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16902502, "duration": 1056.406375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb_16", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"You see,\" said the frog, \"that is how we change our skin, just as you would change a suit of clothes. Does he not look handsome in his new one?\"", "YOU SEE SAID THE FROG THAT IS HOW WE CHANGE OUR SKIN JUST AS YOU WOULD CHANGE A SUIT OF CLOTHES DOES HE NOT LOOK HANDSOME IN HIS NEW ONE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ither of us.” “I am glad to hear it,” answered the toad, “and I hope he will soon learn to leave other creatures alone too. Well, what is it he wants?” “He wants to see you change your skin,” said the frog. “He had better look at me, then,” said the toad, “for that is just what I am doing.” Tommy Smith bent down to look, and then he saw that the toad was wriggling about in rather a funny way, as if he was a little uncomfortable. He noticed, too, that his skin had split along the back, and it seemed to be wrinkling up and getting loose all over him, although it had been too tight before. This loose skin was dirty and old-looking, but underneath it, where it was split, Tommy Smith could see a nice new one that looked ever so much better. The more the toad wriggled, the looser the old skin got, and it was soon plain that he was wriggling himself out of it, just as you might wriggle your hand out of an old glove. At last he had got right out of it, and there lay the old skin on the ground.", "SAW AND NOW HE HAS PROMISED NOT TO HURT EITHER OF US I AM GLAD TO HEAR IT ANSWERED THE TOAD AND I HOPE HE WILL SOON LEARN TO LEAVE OTHER CREATURES ALONE TOO WELL WHAT IS IT HE WANTS HE WANTS TO SEE YOU CHANGE YOUR SKIN SAID THE FROG HE HAD BETTER LOOK AT ME THEN SAID THE TOAD FOR THAT IS JUST WHAT I AM DOING TOMMY SMITH BENT DOWN TO LOOK AND THEN HE SAW THAT THE TOAD WAS WRIGGLING ABOUT IN RATHER A FUNNY WAY AS IF HE WAS A LITTLE UNCOMFORTABLE HE NOTICED TOO THAT HIS SKIN HAD SPLIT ALONG THE BACK AND IT SEEMED TO BE WRINKLING UP AND GETTING LOOSE ALL OVER HIM ALTHOUGH IT HAD BEEN TOO TIGHT BEFORE THIS LOOSE SKIN WAS DIRTY AND OLD LOOKING BUT UNDERNEATH IT WHERE IT WAS SPLIT TOMMY SMITH COULD SEE A NICE NEW ONE THAT LOOKED EVER SO MUCH BETTER THE MORE THE TOAD WRIGGLED THE LOOSER THE OLD SKIN GOT AND IT WAS SOON PLAIN THAT HE WAS WRIGGLING HIMSELF OUT OF IT JUST AS YOU MIGHT WRIGGLE YOUR HAND OUT OF AN OLD GLOVE AT LAST HE HAD GOT RIGHT OUT OF IT AND THERE LAY THE OLD SKIN ON THE GROUND" ], "begin_byte": 24693, "end_byte": 24838 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16902502, "duration": 1056.406375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb_48", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "The more the toad wriggled, the looser the old skin got, and it was soon plain that he was wriggling himself out of it, just as you might wriggle your hand out of an old glove.", "THE MORE THE TOAD WRIGGLED THE LOOSER THE OLD SKIN GOT AND IT WAS SOON PLAIN THAT HE WAS WRIGGLING HIMSELF OUT OF IT JUST AS YOU MIGHT WRIGGLE YOUR HAND OUT OF AN OLD GLOVE" ], "pre_texts": [ " in the mould beside a laurel bush, there sat a great, solemn-looking toad. “I have brought someone to see you,” said the frog. “This is little Tommy Smith, who used to be such a bad boy, and kill every animal he saw; but now he has promised not to hurt either of us.” “I am glad to hear it,” answered the toad, “and I hope he will soon learn to leave other creatures alone too. Well, what is it he wants?” “He wants to see you change your skin,” said the frog. “He had better look at me, then,” said the toad, “for that is just what I am doing.” Tommy Smith bent down to look, and then he saw that the toad was wriggling about in rather a funny way, as if he was a little uncomfortable. He noticed, too, that his skin had split along the back, and it seemed to be wrinkling up and getting loose all over him, although it had been too tight before. This loose skin was dirty and old-looking, but underneath it, where it was split, Tommy Smith could see a nice new one that looked ever so much better.", " BOY UNTIL THEY CAME TO THE SHRUBBERY WHERE IN THE MOUND BESIDE THE LAUREL BUSH THERE SAT A GREAT SOLEMN LOOKING TOAD I HAVE BROUGHT SOME ONE TO SEE YOU SAID THE FROG THIS IS LITTLE TOMMY SMITH WHO USED TO BE SUCH A BAD BOY AND KILL EVERY ANIMAL HE SAW AND NOW HE HAS PROMISED NOT TO HURT EITHER OF US I AM GLAD TO HEAR IT ANSWERED THE TOAD AND I HOPE HE WILL SOON LEARN TO LEAVE OTHER CREATURES ALONE TOO WELL WHAT IS IT HE WANTS HE WANTS TO SEE YOU CHANGE YOUR SKIN SAID THE FROG HE HAD BETTER LOOK AT ME THEN SAID THE TOAD FOR THAT IS JUST WHAT I AM DOING TOMMY SMITH BENT DOWN TO LOOK AND THEN HE SAW THAT THE TOAD WAS WRIGGLING ABOUT IN RATHER A FUNNY WAY AS IF HE WAS A LITTLE UNCOMFORTABLE HE NOTICED TOO THAT HIS SKIN HAD SPLIT ALONG THE BACK AND IT SEEMED TO BE WRINKLING UP AND GETTING LOOSE ALL OVER HIM ALTHOUGH IT HAD BEEN TOO TIGHT BEFORE THIS LOOSE SKIN WAS DIRTY AND OLD LOOKING BUT UNDERNEATH IT WHERE IT WAS SPLIT TOMMY SMITH COULD SEE A NICE NEW ONE THAT LOOKED EVER SO MUCH BETTER" ], "begin_byte": 24438, "end_byte": 24614 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16902502, "duration": 1056.406375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb_63", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.4, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "After a time, out of each egg there comes a tiny little brown thing, and directly it comes out, it begins to swim about in the water, as well as if it had had swimming lessons, although, of course, it has never had any.", "AFTER A TIME OUT OF EACH EGG THERE COMES A TINY LITTLE BROWN THING AND DIRECTLY IT COMES OUT IT BEGINS TO SWIM ABOUT IN THE WATER AS WELL AS IF IT HAD HAD SWIMMING LESSONS ALTHOUGH OF COURSE IT HAS NEVER HAD ANY" ], "pre_texts": [ "would have thought that I was a fish.” “That sounds very funny,” said Tommy Smith. “But were not you once much smaller than you are now?” said the frog. “Oh yes!” Tommy Smith answered, “but however small I was, I was always a little boy, and had hands and feet, just as I have now.” “With you it is different,” said the frog; “but there are some animals who are one thing when they are born, but change into another as they grow older. It is so with us frogs, and, if you listen, I will tell you all about it.” “Go on,” said Tommy Smith, “I should like to hear very much.” “In the nice warm weather,” the frog continued, “we hop about the country, and then we like to come into gardens. But in the winter we go to ponds and ditches and bury ourselves in the mud at the bottom, and go to sleep there. In the early spring, when the weather begins to get a little warmer, we come up again, and then the mother frog lays a lot of eggs, which float about in the water, and look like a great ball of jelly.", "S MUCH MORE LIKE A FISH THAN A FROG AND MANY PEOPLE WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT I WAS A FISH THAT SOUNDS VERY FUNNY SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT WERE NOT YOU ONCE MUCH SMALLER THAN YOU ARE NOW SAID THE FROG OH YES TOMMY SMITH ANSWERED BUT HOWEVER SMALL HE WAS I WAS ALWAYS A LITTLE BOY AND HAD HANDS AND FEET JUST AS I HAVE NOW WITH YOU IT IS DIFFERENT SAID THE FROG BUT THERE ARE SOME ANIMALS WHO ARE ONCE ONE THING WHEN THEY ARE BORN BUT CHANGE INTO ANOTHER AS THEY GROW OLDER IT IS SO WITH US FROGS AND IF YOU LISTEN I WILL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT GO ON SAID TOMMY SMITH I SHOULD LIKE TO HEAR VERY MUCH IN NICE WARM WEATHER THE FROG CONTINUED WE HOP ABOUT THE COUNTRY AND THEN WE LIKE TO COME INTO GARDENS BUT IN THE WINTER WE GO TO PONDS AND DITCHES AND BURY OURSELVES IN THE MUD AT THE BOTTOM AND GO TO SLEEP THERE IN THE EARLY SPRING WHEN THE WEATHER BEGINS TO GET A LITTLE WARMER WE COME UP AGAIN AND THEN THE MOTHER FROG LAYS A LOT OF EGGS WHICH FLOAT ABOUT IN THE WATER AND LOOK LIKE A GREAT BALL OF JELLY" ], "begin_byte": 20353, "end_byte": 20572 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16902502, "duration": 1056.406375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb_66", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.519, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "In the early spring, when the weather begins to get a little warmer, we come up again, and then the mother frog lays a lot of eggs, which float about in the water, and look like a great ball of jelly.", "IN THE EARLY SPRING WHEN THE WEATHER BEGINS TO GET A LITTLE WARMER WE COME UP AGAIN AND THEN THE MOTHER FROG LAYS A LOT OF EGGS WHICH FLOAT ABOUT IN THE WATER AND LOOK LIKE A GREAT BALL OF JELLY" ], "pre_texts": [ "rent shape to what I am now. I had no legs at all, but instead of them I had a long tail, with which I used to swim about in the water, so that I was much more like a fish than a frog, and many people would have thought that I was a fish.” “That sounds very funny,” said Tommy Smith. “But were not you once much smaller than you are now?” said the frog. “Oh yes!” Tommy Smith answered, “but however small I was, I was always a little boy, and had hands and feet, just as I have now.” “With you it is different,” said the frog; “but there are some animals who are one thing when they are born, but change into another as they grow older. It is so with us frogs, and, if you listen, I will tell you all about it.” “Go on,” said Tommy Smith, “I should like to hear very much.” “In the nice warm weather,” the frog continued, “we hop about the country, and then we like to come into gardens. But in the winter we go to ponds and ditches and bury ourselves in the mud at the bottom, and go to sleep there.", "EE ME BUT BESIDES BEING SMALLER I WAS QUITE A DIFFERENT SHAPE TO WHAT I AM NOW I HAD NO LEGS AT ALL BUT INSTEAD OF THEM I HAD A LONG TAIL WITH WHICH I USED TO SWIM ABOUT IN THE WATER SO THAT I WAS MUCH MORE LIKE A FISH THAN A FROG AND MANY PEOPLE WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT I WAS A FISH THAT SOUNDS VERY FUNNY SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT WERE NOT YOU ONCE MUCH SMALLER THAN YOU ARE NOW SAID THE FROG OH YES TOMMY SMITH ANSWERED BUT HOWEVER SMALL HE WAS I WAS ALWAYS A LITTLE BOY AND HAD HANDS AND FEET JUST AS I HAVE NOW WITH YOU IT IS DIFFERENT SAID THE FROG BUT THERE ARE SOME ANIMALS WHO ARE ONCE ONE THING WHEN THEY ARE BORN BUT CHANGE INTO ANOTHER AS THEY GROW OLDER IT IS SO WITH US FROGS AND IF YOU LISTEN I WILL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT GO ON SAID TOMMY SMITH I SHOULD LIKE TO HEAR VERY MUCH IN NICE WARM WEATHER THE FROG CONTINUED WE HOP ABOUT THE COUNTRY AND THEN WE LIKE TO COME INTO GARDENS BUT IN THE WINTER WE GO TO PONDS AND DITCHES AND BURY OURSELVES IN THE MUD AT THE BOTTOM AND GO TO SLEEP THERE" ], "begin_byte": 20152, "end_byte": 20352 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16902502, "duration": 1056.406375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb_80", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "But is there any other clever thing you can do besides catching flies? I can catch flies myself, but I do it with my hand instead of with my tongue.\"", "BUT IS THERE ANY OTHER CLEVER THING THAT YOU CAN DO BESIDES CATCHING FLIES I CAN CATCH FLIES MYSELF BUT I DO IT WITH MY HAND INSTEAD OF MY TONGUE" ], "pre_texts": [ "anged into a little baby frog, that hops about on the land. Then this little baby frog grows larger and larger, until, at last, he becomes a fine fat frog, as big and as handsome as I am.” “It all seems very curious,” said little Tommy Smith; “and I never knew anything about it before.” “That is because nobody ever told you,” said the frog, “and you have never thought of finding out for yourself. But have you not passed by ponds in the spring time and seen those little brown things with tails that I have been telling you about swimming about in them?” “Oh yes, I have!” said Tommy Smith; “but I always thought that those were tadpoles.” “They are tadpoles,” said the frog, “but they are young frogs for all that. A little tadpole grows into a big frog, just as a little boy grows into a big man. So you see, what a funny life mine has been, and what a lot of curious things have happened to me.” “Yes, you have had a funny life, Mr. Frog,” said Tommy Smith, “and I think it is very interesting.", "A TAIL THAT SWAM ABOUT LIKE A FISH IN THE WATER HAS CHANGED INTO A LITTLE BABY FROG THAT HOPS ABOUT ON THE LAND THEN THIS LITTLE BABY FROG GROWS LARGER AND LARGER TILL AT LAST HE BECOMES A FINE FAT FROG AS BIG AND AS HANDSOME AS I AM IT ALL SEEMS VERY CURIOUS SAID LITTLE TOMMY SMITH AND I NEVER KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT IT BEFORE THAT IS BECAUSE NOBODY EVER TOLD YOU SAID THE FROG AND YOU HAVE NEVER THOUGHT OF FINDING OUT FOR YOURSELF BUT HAVE YOU NOT PASSED BY PONDS IN THE SPRING AND SEEN THOSE LITTLE BROWN THINGS WITH TAILS THAT I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU ABOUT SWIMMING ABOUT IN THEM OH YES I HAVE SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT I ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT THOSE WERE TADPOLES THEY ARE TADPOLES SAID THE FROG BUT THEY ARE YOUNG FROGS FOR ALL THAT A LITTLE TADPOLE GROWS INTO A BIG FROG JUST AS A LITTLE BOY GROWS INTO A BIG MAN SO YOU SEE WHAT A FUNNY LIFE MINE HAS BEEN AND WHAT A LOT OF CURIOUS THINGS HAVE HAPPENED TO ME YES YOU HAVE HAD A FUNNY LIFE MISTER FROG SAID TOMMY SMITH AND I THINK IT IS VERY INTERESTING" ], "begin_byte": 22189, "end_byte": 22338 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16902502, "duration": 1056.406375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb_84", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.08, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "It soon grows bigger, and then you can see that it has a large round head and a long tail, but you cannot see any legs.", "IT SOON GROWS BIGGER AND THEN YOU CAN SEE THAT IT HAS A LARGE ROUND HEAD AND A LONG TAIL BUT YOU CANNOT SEE ANY LEG" ], "pre_texts": [ "ays a little boy, and had hands and feet, just as I have now.” “With you it is different,” said the frog; “but there are some animals who are one thing when they are born, but change into another as they grow older. It is so with us frogs, and, if you listen, I will tell you all about it.” “Go on,” said Tommy Smith, “I should like to hear very much.” “In the nice warm weather,” the frog continued, “we hop about the country, and then we like to come into gardens. But in the winter we go to ponds and ditches and bury ourselves in the mud at the bottom, and go to sleep there. In the early spring, when the weather begins to get a little warmer, we come up again, and then the mother frog lays a lot of eggs, which float about in the water, and look like a great ball of jelly. After a time, out of each egg there comes a tiny little brown thing, and directly it comes out, it begins to swim about in the water, as well as if it had had swimming lessons, although, of course, it has never had any.", "H ANSWERED BUT HOWEVER SMALL HE WAS I WAS ALWAYS A LITTLE BOY AND HAD HANDS AND FEET JUST AS I HAVE NOW WITH YOU IT IS DIFFERENT SAID THE FROG BUT THERE ARE SOME ANIMALS WHO ARE ONCE ONE THING WHEN THEY ARE BORN BUT CHANGE INTO ANOTHER AS THEY GROW OLDER IT IS SO WITH US FROGS AND IF YOU LISTEN I WILL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT GO ON SAID TOMMY SMITH I SHOULD LIKE TO HEAR VERY MUCH IN NICE WARM WEATHER THE FROG CONTINUED WE HOP ABOUT THE COUNTRY AND THEN WE LIKE TO COME INTO GARDENS BUT IN THE WINTER WE GO TO PONDS AND DITCHES AND BURY OURSELVES IN THE MUD AT THE BOTTOM AND GO TO SLEEP THERE IN THE EARLY SPRING WHEN THE WEATHER BEGINS TO GET A LITTLE WARMER WE COME UP AGAIN AND THEN THE MOTHER FROG LAYS A LOT OF EGGS WHICH FLOAT ABOUT IN THE WATER AND LOOK LIKE A GREAT BALL OF JELLY AFTER A TIME OUT OF EACH EGG THERE COMES A TINY LITTLE BROWN THING AND DIRECTLY IT COMES OUT IT BEGINS TO SWIM ABOUT IN THE WATER AS WELL AS IF IT HAD HAD SWIMMING LESSONS ALTHOUGH OF COURSE IT HAS NEVER HAD ANY" ], "begin_byte": 20573, "end_byte": 20692 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_02_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16902502, "duration": 1056.406375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb_7", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.479, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Why, where were you?\" he said. \"I did not see you there when I looked.\"", "WHY WHERE WERE YOU HE SAID I DID NOT SEE YOU THERE WHEN I LOOKED" ], "pre_texts": [ "m. Tommy Smith looked all about, but he saw no one. “Who was that?” he said. “Oh, fie!” said the voice. “What? kill a poor rook? What a wicked, wicked thing to do!” Tommy Smith thought that there must be someone on the other side of the haystack, so he went there to see; but he found no one. Then he walked all round it, but nobody was there. But the rooks had seen him as he went round the haystack, and they all flew away. Then the same voice (it was rather a hoarse one) said, “Ah! now they are gone; so you will not be able to kill any of them.” “Who are you?” said Tommy Smith. “I hear you, but I cannot see anybody;” and, indeed, he began to feel rather frightened. “If I show myself, will you promise not to hurt me?” said the hoarse voice. “Yes, I will,” said Tommy Smith. “Very well, then. Throw away that stone you have in your hand, and the ones in your pocket as well.” Tommy Smith did this, and then, what should he see, standing on the very top of the haystack, but a large black rook.", "PERHAPS I SHALL BE ABLE TO KILL ONE FOR SHAME SAID A VOICE CLOSE TO HIM TOMMY SMITH LOOKED ALL ABOUT BUT HE SAW NO ONE WHO WAS THAT HE SAID OH PY SAID THE VOICE WHAT KILL A POOR ROOK WHAT A WICKED WICKED THING TO DO TOMMY SMITH THOUGHT THAT THERE MUST BE SOMEONE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HAYSTACK SO HE WENT TO SEE BUT HE FOUND NO ONE THEN HE WALKED ALL AROUND IT BUT NOBODY WAS THERE BUT THE ROOKS HAD SEEN HIM AS HE WENT AROUND THE HAYSTACK AND THEY ALL FLEW AWAY THEN THE SAME VOICE IT WAS A RATHER HOARSE ONE SAID AH NOW THEY ARE GONE SO YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO KILL ANY OF THEM WHO ARE YOU SAID TOMMY SMITH I HEAR YOU BUT I CANNOT SEE ANYBODY AND INDEED HE BEGAN TO FEEL RATHER FRIGHTENED IF I SHOW MYSELF WILL YOU PROMISE NOT TO HURT ME SAID THE HOARSE VOICE YES I WILL SAID TOMMY SMITH VERY WELL THEN THROW AWAY THAT STONE YOU HAVE IN YOUR HAND AND THE ONES IN YOUR POCKET AS WELL TOMMY SMITH DID THIS AND THEN WHAT SHOULD HE SEE STANDING ON THE VERY TOP OF THE HAYSTACK BUT A LARGE BLACK ROOK" ], "begin_byte": 29965, "end_byte": 30037 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16768941, "duration": 1048.0588125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb_57", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.679, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "Now if there were no one to kill this great, greedy thing, I don't know what the farmers would do, for all their crops would be spoilt. But we rooks kill them, and eat them too, for they are very nice, and we like them very much.", "NOW IF THERE WERE NO ONE TO KILL THIS GREAT GREEDY THING I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FARMERS WOULD DO FOR ALL THEIR CROPS WOULD BE SPOILED BUT WE ROOKS KILL THEM AND EAT THEM TOO FOR THEY ARE VERY NICE AND WE LIKE THEM VERY MUCH" ], "pre_texts": [ "ggs in the ground, and, after a few weeks, there comes out of each egg something which you would not think was a cockchafer at all, because it is so different. It has a yellow head and a long white body, which is bent at the end in the shape of a hook. On the front part of its body it has three pairs of legs, like a caterpillar’s, only they are very small; but behind, it has no legs at all. It has a very strong pair of jaws, and with these it cuts through the roots of the grass and corn and wheat under which it lies, for these are the things on which it feeds. There is hardly anything which the farmer plants, and would like to see grow, that this grub or caterpillar (for that is what it is) does not eat and destroy; but what it likes best of all is the potato. “The cockchafer-grub lies in the ground for four years before it turns into a real cockchafer, and all this time it keeps growing larger and larger; and, of course, the larger it grows, the more it eats and the more harm it does.", "COCKCHAFER LAYS HER EGGS IN THE GROUND AND AFTER A FEW WEEKS THERE COMES OUT OF EACH EGG SOMETHING WHICH YOU WOULD NOT THINK WAS A COCKCHAFER AT ALL BECAUSE IT IS SO DIFFERENT IT HAS A YELLOW HEAD AND A LONG WHITE BODY WHICH IS BENT AT THE END IN THE SHAPE OF A HOOK ON THE FRONT PART OF ITS BODY IT HAS THREE PAIRS OF LEGS LIKE A CATERPILLARS ONLY THEY ARE VERY SMALL BUT BEHIND IT HAS NO LEGS AT ALL IT HAS A VERY STRONG PAIR OF JAWS AND WITH THESE IT CUTS THROUGH THE ROOTS OF THE GRASS AND THE CORN AND THE WHEAT UNDER WHICH IT LIES FOR THESE ARE THE THINGS ON WHICH IT FEEDS THERE IS HARDLY ANYTHING WHICH THE FARMER PLANTS AND WOULD LIKE TO SEE GROW THAT THIS GRUB OR CATERPILLAR FOR THAT IS WHAT IT IS DOES NOT EAT AND DESTROY BUT WHAT IT LIKES BEST OF ALL IS THE POTATO THE COCKCHAFER GRUB LIES IN THE GROUND FOR FOUR YEARS BEFORE IT TURNS INTO A REAL COCKCHAFER AND ALL THIS TIME IT KEEPS GROWING LARGER AND LARGER AND OF COURSE THE LARGER IT GROWS THE MORE IT EATS AND THE MORE HARM IT DOES" ], "begin_byte": 33925, "end_byte": 34154 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16768941, "duration": 1048.0588125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb_58", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "As yet, I do not even know what he is accused of. Perhaps it is of stealing the sticks from another rook's nest to make his own with.", "AS YET I DO NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT HE IS ACCUSED OF PERHAPS IT IS OF STEALING THE STICKS FROM ANOTHER ROOK'S NEST TO MAKE HIS OWN WITH" ], "pre_texts": [ "“Oh no! that would never do. No men are allowed at our trials. There are no rooks at yours, you know.” “No,” said Tommy Smith; “but that is because”— “Never mind why it is,” interrupted the rook; “no doubt there is some good reason, and we have our reasons too. We could not try a rook properly if we thought a man was watching us. It would make us nervous. Sometimes (but not very often) a man has watched us without our knowing it, and then he has told everybody about our wonderful trials. But people have not believed him; and other men, who sit at home and see very little, and only believe what they see, have written to say it was all nonsense. But now, when they tell _you_ it is all nonsense, _you_ will not believe _them_, because a rook himself has told you it is all true.” “Oh yes, and I believe it,” said Tommy Smith. “But do tell me what the rook you are going to try has done.” “I cannot tell you that till we have tried him,” said the rook, “for perhaps it may not be true after all.", "ER ROOK HE SAID DO LET ME GO WITH YOU BUT THE ROOK SAID OH NO THAT WOULD NEVER DO NO MEN ARE ALLOWED AT OUR TRIALS THERE ARE NO ROOKS AT YOURS YOU KNOW NO SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT THAT IS BECAUSE NEVER MIND WHY IT IS INTERRUPTED THE ROOK NO DOUBT THERE IS SOME GOOD REASON AND WE HAVE OUR REASONS TOO WE COULD NOT TRY A ROOK PROPERLY IF WE THOUGHT A MAN WAS WATCHING US IT WOULD MAKE US NERVOUS SOMETIMES BUT NOT VERY OFTEN A MAN HAS WATCHED US WITHOUT OUR KNOWING IT AND THEN HE HAS TOLD EVERYBODY ABOUT OUR WONDERFUL TRIALS BUT PEOPLE HAVE NOT BELIEVED HIM AND OTHER MEN WHO SIT AT HOME AND SEE VERY LITTLE AND ONLY BELIEVE WHAT THEY SEE HAVE WRITTEN TO SAY IT WAS ALL NONSENSE BUT NOW WHEN THEY TELL YOU IT IS ALL NONSENSE YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THEM BECAUSE A ROOK HIMSELF HAS TOLD YOU IT IS ALL TRUE OH YES AND I BELIEVE IT SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT DO TELL ME WHAT THE ROOK YOU ARE GOING TO TRY HAS DONE I CANNOT TELL YOU THAT UNTIL WE HAVE TRIED HIM SAID THE ROOK FOR PERHAPS IT MAY NOT BE TRUE AFTER ALL" ], "begin_byte": 39269, "end_byte": 39402 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16768941, "duration": 1048.0588125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb_59", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 20.52, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "What a wicked, wicked thing to do!\" Tommy Smith thought that there must be someone on the other side of the haystack, so he went there to see; but he found no one. Then he walked all round it, but nobody was there. But the rooks had seen him as he went round the haystack, and they all flew away.", "WHAT A WICKED WICKED THING TO DO TOMMY SMITH THOUGHT THAT THERE MUST BE SOMEONE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HAYSTACK SO HE WENT TO SEE BUT HE FOUND NO ONE THEN HE WALKED ALL AROUND IT BUT NOBODY WAS THERE BUT THE ROOKS HAD SEEN HIM AS HE WENT AROUND THE HAYSTACK AND THEY ALL FLEW AWAY" ], "pre_texts": [ " right to be alive as little boys have,” he said. “But good-bye for the present,” and he scampered away. Tommy Smith walked on, and when he had gone some little way, he saw a number of rooks walking about a field. There was a haystack in the field, and he thought that perhaps if he were to get behind it and wait there for a little while, some of the rooks would come near enough for him to throw a stone at them. So he put several stones in his pocket, and then, with one in his hand, he began to walk towards the haystack. When he got there, he sat down behind it, and peeped cautiously round the corner. Yes, the rooks were still there, and some of them were coming nearer. “Oh,” thought Tommy Smith (but I think he must have thought it aloud), “I have only to wait a little while, and then, perhaps, I shall be able to kill one.” “For shame!” said a voice close to him. Tommy Smith looked all about, but he saw no one. “Who was that?” he said. “Oh, fie!” said the voice. “What? kill a poor rook?", "O BE KILLED THE RAT LOOKED VERY ANGRY THEY HAVE AS MUCH RIGHT TO BE ALIVE AS LITTLE BOYS HAVE HE SAID BUT GOOD BY FOR THE PRESENT AND HE SCAMPERED AWAY TOMMY SMITH WALKED ON AND WHEN HE HAD GONE SOME LITTLE WAY HE SAW A NUMBER OF ROOKS WALKING ABOUT A FIELD THERE WAS A HAYSTACK IN THE FIELD AND HE THOUGHT THAT PERHAPS IF HE WERE TO GET BEHIND IT AND WAIT THERE FOR A LITTLE WHILE SOME OF THE ROOKS WOULD COME NEAR ENOUGH FOR HIM TO THROW A STONE AT THEM SO HE PUT SEVERAL STONES IN HIS POCKET AND THEN WITH ONE IN HIS HAND HE BEGAN TO WALK TOWARDS THE HAYSTACK WHEN HE GOT THERE HE SAT DOWN BEHIND IT AND PEEPED CAUTIOUSLY ROUND THE CORNER YES THE ROOKS WERE STILL THERE AND SOME OF THEM WERE COMING NEARER OH THOUGHT TOMMY SMITH BUT I THINK HE MUST HAVE THOUGHT IT ALOUD I HAVE ONLY TO WAIT A LITTLE WHILE AND THEN PERHAPS I SHALL BE ABLE TO KILL ONE FOR SHAME SAID A VOICE CLOSE TO HIM TOMMY SMITH LOOKED ALL ABOUT BUT HE SAW NO ONE WHO WAS THAT HE SAID OH PY SAID THE VOICE WHAT KILL A POOR ROOK" ], "begin_byte": 29093, "end_byte": 29389 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16768941, "duration": 1048.0588125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb_75", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.039, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"They ought to be ashamed of themselves. I will tell you something about that. Once upon a time some farmers thought they would kill us all because we stole their corn; so they all went out together with their guns, and whenever they saw any of us, they fired at us and killed us, until, at last, there was not a rook left in the whole country; for all those that had not been shot had flown away.", "THEY OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES I WILL TELL YOU SOMETHING ABOUT THAT ONCE UPON A TIME SOME FARMERS THOUGHT THEY WOULD KILL US ALL BECAUSE WE STOLE THEIR CORN SO THEY ALL WENT OUT TOGETHER WITH THEIR GUNS AND WHENEVER THEY SAW ANY OF US THEY FIRED AT US AND KILLED US UNTIL AT LAST THERE WAS NOT A ROOK LEFT IN THE WHOLE COUNTRY FOR ALL THOSE THAT HAD NOT BEEN SHOT HAD FLOWN AWAY" ], "pre_texts": [ "like them very much. We eat them for breakfast, and dinner, and supper, so you can think what a lot of them we eat in the day. When you see us walking about over the fields, we are looking for these great white things, and, whenever we give a dig into the ground with our beaks, you may be almost sure that we have either found one of them or something else which does harm too. When the fields are ploughed, a great many grubs and worms are turned up by the ploughshare, and then you may see us following the plough, and walking along in the furrow it has made, so as to pick up all we can get. So think what a lot of good we must do, and remember that the boy who kills a rook is doing harm to somebody’s corn, or wheat, or potatoes.” “I do not want to do that,” said Tommy Smith. “Of course not,” said the rook; “so you must not throw stones at us any more.” “I won’t, then,” said Tommy Smith. “But why do the farmers shoot you, if you do them so much good?” “You may well ask,” the rook answered.", "HEM AND EAT THEM TOO FOR THEY ARE VERY NICE AND WE LIKE THEM VERY MUCH WE EAT THEM FOR BREAKFAST AND DINNER AND SUPPER SO YOU CAN THINK WHAT A LOT OF THEM WE EAT IN A DAY WHEN YOU SEE US WALKING ABOUT OVER THE FIELDS WE ARE LOOKING FOR THESE GREAT WHITE THINGS AND WHETHER WE GIVE A DIG INTO THE GROUND WITH OUR BEAKS YOU MAY BE ALMOST SURE THAT WE HAVE EITHER FOUND ONE OF THEM OR SOMETHING ELSE WHICH DOES HARM TWO WHEN THE FIELDS ARE PLOWED A GREAT MANY GRUBS AND WORMS ARE TURNED UP BY THE PLOUGHSHARE AND THEN YOU MAY SEE US FOLLOWING THE PLOW AND WALKING ALONG IN THE FURROW IT HAS MADE SO AS TO PICK UP ALL WE CAN GET SO THINK WHAT A LOT OF GOOD WE MUST DO AND REMEMBER THAT THE BOY WHO KILLS A ROOK IS DOING HARM TO SOMEBODY'S CORN OR WHEAT OR POTATOES I DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT SAID TOMMY SMITH OF COURSE NOT SAID THE ROOK SO YOU MUST NOT THROW STONES AT US ANY MORE I WON'T THEN SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT WHY DO THE FARMERS SHOOT YOU IF YOU DO THEM SO MUCH GOOD YOU MAY WELL ASK THE ROOK ANSWERED" ], "begin_byte": 35135, "end_byte": 35532 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16768941, "duration": 1048.0588125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb_88", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.32, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "The slugs and the caterpillars, and, above all, the great, hungry cockchafer grubs, had eaten almost everything up; for, you see, there were no hungry rooks to eat _them_.", "THE SLUGS IN THE CATERPILLARS AND ABOVE ALL THE GREAT HUNGRY COCKCHAFER GRUBS HAD EATEN ALMOST EVERYTHING UP FOR YOU SEE THERE WERE NO HUNGRY ROOKS TO EAT THEM" ], "pre_texts": [ "think what a lot of good we must do, and remember that the boy who kills a rook is doing harm to somebody’s corn, or wheat, or potatoes.” “I do not want to do that,” said Tommy Smith. “Of course not,” said the rook; “so you must not throw stones at us any more.” “I won’t, then,” said Tommy Smith. “But why do the farmers shoot you, if you do them so much good?” “You may well ask,” the rook answered. “They ought to be ashamed of themselves. I will tell you something about that. Once upon a time some farmers thought they would kill us all because we stole their corn; so they all went out together with their guns, and whenever they saw any of us, they fired at us and killed us, until, at last, there was not a rook left in the whole country; for all those that had not been shot had flown away. The farmers were so glad, for they thought that next year they would have a much better harvest. But they were quite wrong, for, instead of having a better harvest, they had hardly any harvest at all.", "T HAS MADE SO AS TO PICK UP ALL WE CAN GET SO THINK WHAT A LOT OF GOOD WE MUST DO AND REMEMBER THAT THE BOY WHO KILLS A ROOK IS DOING HARM TO SOMEBODY'S CORN OR WHEAT OR POTATOES I DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT SAID TOMMY SMITH OF COURSE NOT SAID THE ROOK SO YOU MUST NOT THROW STONES AT US ANY MORE I WON'T THEN SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT WHY DO THE FARMERS SHOOT YOU IF YOU DO THEM SO MUCH GOOD YOU MAY WELL ASK THE ROOK ANSWERED THEY OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES I WILL TELL YOU SOMETHING ABOUT THAT ONCE UPON A TIME SOME FARMERS THOUGHT THEY WOULD KILL US ALL BECAUSE WE STOLE THEIR CORN SO THEY ALL WENT OUT TOGETHER WITH THEIR GUNS AND WHENEVER THEY SAW ANY OF US THEY FIRED AT US AND KILLED US UNTIL AT LAST THERE WAS NOT A ROOK LEFT IN THE WHOLE COUNTRY FOR ALL THOSE THAT HAD NOT BEEN SHOT HAD FLOWN AWAY THE FARMERS WERE SO GLAD FOR THEY THOUGHT THAT NEXT YEAR THEY WOULD HAVE A MUCH BETTER HARVEST BUT THEY WERE QUITE WRONG FOR INSTEAD OF HAVING A BETTER HARVEST THEY HAD HARDLY ANY HARVEST AT ALL" ], "begin_byte": 35734, "end_byte": 35905 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_03_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16768941, "duration": 1048.0588125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb_25", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.719, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Because I don't like eating in the night,\" Tommy Smith answered; \"and, besides, I can't eat what rats eat.\" At this there was a great commotion, and the king of the rats cried out, \"Bite him!\"", "BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE EATING IN THE NIGHT TOMMY SMITH ANSWERED AND BESIDES I CAN'T EAT WHAT RATS EAT AT THIS THERE WAS GREAT COMMOTION AND THE KING OF THE RATS CRIED OUT BITE HIM" ], "pre_texts": [ "next, so quickly that it made Tommy Smith quite giddy to look at it; and he hardly knew what was happening, till all at once there was an immense heap of provisions piled up in the very centre of the floor. Then the king of the rats climbed up to the top of the heap, and called out, “Take your places,” and in a moment all the other rats came scampering up, and sat in a large circle round the great heap of provisions. “Begin!” said the king; and every rat made a leap forward, and fixed his teeth into the first piece of bread, or cheese, or toast, or bacon, that he could get hold of, and there was _such_ a noise of nibbling, and gnawing, and scratching, and squeaking. Tommy Smith was quite frightened, and put his fingers to his ears. [Illustration: “BITE HIM!”] “What are you doing that for?” said the king of the rats. “Didn’t you hear me tell you to begin?” “But I don’t want to begin,” said Tommy Smith. “Why not?” said the king; and all the other rats stopped eating, and said, “Why not?”", "T SEIZED SOMETHING IN HIS FORE PAWS AND PASSED IT TO THE OTHER AND THAT ONE TO THE NEXT SO QUICKLY THAT IT MADE TOMMY SMITH QUITE GIDDY TO LOOK AT IT AND HE HARDLY KNEW WHAT WAS HAPPENING TILL ALL AT ONCE THERE WAS AN IMMENSE HEAP OF PROVISIONS PILED UP IN THE VERY CENTER OF THE FLOOR THEN THE KING OF THE RATS CLIMBED UP TO THE TOP OF THE HEAP AND CALLED OUT TAKE YOUR PLACES AND IN THAT MOMENT ALL THE OTHER RATS BEGAN SCAMPERING UP AND SAT IN A LARGE CIRCLE AROUND THE GREAT HEAP OF PROVISIONS BEGIN SAID THE KING AND EVERY RAT MADE A LEAP FORWARD AND FIXED HIS TEETH INTO THE FIRST PIECE OF BREAD CHEESE TOAST OR BACON THAT HE COULD GET HOLD OF AND THERE WAS SUCH A NOISE OF NIBBLING AND GNAWING AND SCRATCHING AND SQUEAKING TOMMY SMITH WAS QUITE FRIGHTENED AND PUT HIS FINGERS TO HIS EARS WHAT ARE YOU DOING THAT FOR SAID THE KING OF THE RATS DON'T YOU HEAR ME TELL YOU TO BEGIN I DON'T WANT TO BEGIN SAID TOMMY SMITH WHY NOT SAID THE KING AND ALL THE OTHER RATS STOPPED EATING AND SAID WHY NOT" ], "begin_byte": 53259, "end_byte": 53452 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16864003, "duration": 1054.0001875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb_59", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "said the rat. \"Then I suppose your father, or someone else, took it away from her, and _I_ call _that_ stealing.\" \"Oh no,\" said Tommy Smith; \"I don't think it is.\" \"Don't you?\" said the rat. \"Well, you had better ask the hen what _she_ thinks. I feel sure she would agree with me.\"", "SAID THE RAT THEN I SUPPOSE YOUR FATHER OR SOME ONE ELSE TOOK IT AWAY FROM HER AND I CALL THAT STEALING OH NO SAID TOMMY SMITH I DON'T THINK IT IS DON'T YOU SAID THE RAT WELL YOU HAD BETTER ASK THE HEN WHAT SHE THINKS I FEEL SURE SHE WOULD AGREE WITH ME" ], "pre_texts": [ "yes. “Is that how you do it?” he cried. “I see. One rat holds the egg, and the other pulls him along by the tail.” “Of course he does,” said the rat. “He pulls him and the egg too.” “_Well_,” Tommy Smith said, “of all the clever things I have _ever_ seen, I think that is the cleverest. But where are you going with it?” Yes, it was easy to ask, but there was no one to answer him; for both the little rats were gone all of a sudden,—and, what is more, the egg was gone too. “That will be one egg less for breakfast,” thought Tommy Smith to himself. “I wonder that I didn’t think of that before. Ah, Mr. Rat,” he called out, “you may be very clever, but you are a thief, for all that. That egg which you have just taken away belongs to me. I mean it belongs to my father and mother. I call that stealing.” “Oh, do you?” said the rat, for he had come out of his hole again. “Then just let me ask you one question. Who laid that egg?” “Why, the hen did, of course,” answered Tommy Smith. “Oh, did she?”", "T HIS BODY AND DIDN'T SLIP AT ALL TOMMY SMITH COULD HARDLY BELIEVE HIS EYES IS THAT HOW YOU DO IT HE CRIED I SEE ONE RAT HOLDS THE EGG AND THE OTHER PULLS HIM ALONG BY THE TAIL OF COURSE HE DOES SAID THE RAT HE PULLS HIM AND THE EGG TOO WELL TOMMY SMITH SAID OF ALL THE CLEVER THINGS I HAVE EVER SEEN I THINK THAT IS THE CLEVEREST BUT WHERE ARE YOU GOING WITH IT YES IT WAS EASY TO ASK BUT THERE WAS NO ONE TO ANSWER HIM FOR BOTH THE LITTLE RATS WERE GONE ALL OF A SUDDEN AND WHAT WAS MORE THE EGG WAS GONE TOO THAT WILL BE ONE EGG LESS FOR BREAKFAST THOUGHT TOMMY SMITH TO HIMSELF I WONDER THAT I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT BEFORE AH MISTER RAT HE CALLED OUT YOU MAY BE VERY CLEVER BUT YOU ARE A THIEF FOR ALL THAT THAT EGG WHICH YOU HAVE JUST TAKEN AWAY BELONGS TO ME I MEAN IT BELONGS TO MY FATHER AND MY MOTHER I CALL THAT STEALING OH DO YOU SAID THE RAT FOR HE HAD COME OUT OF HIS HOLE AGAIN THEN JUST LET ME ASK YOU ONE QUESTION WHO LAID THE EGG WHY THE HAND OF COURSE ANSWERED TOMMY SMITH OH DID SHE" ], "begin_byte": 48355, "end_byte": 48636 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16864003, "duration": 1054.0001875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb_61", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Well, you had better ask the hen what _she_ thinks. I feel sure she would agree with me.\" Tommy Smith felt certain that the rat was wrong, and that the egg had not been stolen.", "WELL YOU HAD BETTER ASK THE HEN WHAT SHE THINKS I FEEL SURE SHE WOULD AGREE WITH ME TOMMY SMITH FELT CERTAIN THAT THE RAT WAS WRONG AND THAT THE EGG HAD NOT BEEN STOLEN" ], "pre_texts": [ " Tommy Smith said, “of all the clever things I have _ever_ seen, I think that is the cleverest. But where are you going with it?” Yes, it was easy to ask, but there was no one to answer him; for both the little rats were gone all of a sudden,—and, what is more, the egg was gone too. “That will be one egg less for breakfast,” thought Tommy Smith to himself. “I wonder that I didn’t think of that before. Ah, Mr. Rat,” he called out, “you may be very clever, but you are a thief, for all that. That egg which you have just taken away belongs to me. I mean it belongs to my father and mother. I call that stealing.” “Oh, do you?” said the rat, for he had come out of his hole again. “Then just let me ask you one question. Who laid that egg?” “Why, the hen did, of course,” answered Tommy Smith. “Oh, did she?” said the rat. “Then I suppose your father, or someone else, took it away from her, and _I_ call _that_ stealing.” “Oh no,” said Tommy Smith; “I don’t think it is.” “Don’t you?” said the rat.", "E TAIL OF COURSE HE DOES SAID THE RAT HE PULLS HIM AND THE EGG TOO WELL TOMMY SMITH SAID OF ALL THE CLEVER THINGS I HAVE EVER SEEN I THINK THAT IS THE CLEVEREST BUT WHERE ARE YOU GOING WITH IT YES IT WAS EASY TO ASK BUT THERE WAS NO ONE TO ANSWER HIM FOR BOTH THE LITTLE RATS WERE GONE ALL OF A SUDDEN AND WHAT WAS MORE THE EGG WAS GONE TOO THAT WILL BE ONE EGG LESS FOR BREAKFAST THOUGHT TOMMY SMITH TO HIMSELF I WONDER THAT I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT BEFORE AH MISTER RAT HE CALLED OUT YOU MAY BE VERY CLEVER BUT YOU ARE A THIEF FOR ALL THAT THAT EGG WHICH YOU HAVE JUST TAKEN AWAY BELONGS TO ME I MEAN IT BELONGS TO MY FATHER AND MY MOTHER I CALL THAT STEALING OH DO YOU SAID THE RAT FOR HE HAD COME OUT OF HIS HOLE AGAIN THEN JUST LET ME ASK YOU ONE QUESTION WHO LAID THE EGG WHY THE HAND OF COURSE ANSWERED TOMMY SMITH OH DID SHE SAID THE RAT THEN I SUPPOSE YOUR FATHER OR SOME ONE ELSE TOOK IT AWAY FROM HER AND I CALL THAT STEALING OH NO SAID TOMMY SMITH I DON'T THINK IT IS DON'T YOU SAID THE RAT" ], "begin_byte": 48546, "end_byte": 48723 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16864003, "duration": 1054.0001875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb_65", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.28, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "said the king of the rats. \"Didn't you hear me tell you to begin?\" \"But I don't want to begin,\" said Tommy Smith. \"Why not?\" said the king; and all the other rats stopped eating, and said, \"Why not?\"", "SAID THE KING OF THE RATS DON'T YOU HEAR ME TELL YOU TO BEGIN I DON'T WANT TO BEGIN SAID TOMMY SMITH WHY NOT SAID THE KING AND ALL THE OTHER RATS STOPPED EATING AND SAID WHY NOT" ], "pre_texts": [ "gan to pour out from all the great caves, and to fly like lightning from rat to rat down all the long lines. One rat seized something in his fore-paws and passed it on to another, and that one to the next, so quickly that it made Tommy Smith quite giddy to look at it; and he hardly knew what was happening, till all at once there was an immense heap of provisions piled up in the very centre of the floor. Then the king of the rats climbed up to the top of the heap, and called out, “Take your places,” and in a moment all the other rats came scampering up, and sat in a large circle round the great heap of provisions. “Begin!” said the king; and every rat made a leap forward, and fixed his teeth into the first piece of bread, or cheese, or toast, or bacon, that he could get hold of, and there was _such_ a noise of nibbling, and gnawing, and scratching, and squeaking. Tommy Smith was quite frightened, and put his fingers to his ears. [Illustration: “BITE HIM!”] “What are you doing that for?”", "SSIBLY THINK OF BESIDES SOME THINGS THAT YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY THINK OF BEGAN TO POUR OUT OF THE GREAT CAVES AND TO FLY LIKE LIGHTNING FROM RAT TO RAT DOWN ALL THE LONG LINES ONE RAT SEIZED SOMETHING IN HIS FORE PAWS AND PASSED IT TO THE OTHER AND THAT ONE TO THE NEXT SO QUICKLY THAT IT MADE TOMMY SMITH QUITE GIDDY TO LOOK AT IT AND HE HARDLY KNEW WHAT WAS HAPPENING TILL ALL AT ONCE THERE WAS AN IMMENSE HEAP OF PROVISIONS PILED UP IN THE VERY CENTER OF THE FLOOR THEN THE KING OF THE RATS CLIMBED UP TO THE TOP OF THE HEAP AND CALLED OUT TAKE YOUR PLACES AND IN THAT MOMENT ALL THE OTHER RATS BEGAN SCAMPERING UP AND SAT IN A LARGE CIRCLE AROUND THE GREAT HEAP OF PROVISIONS BEGIN SAID THE KING AND EVERY RAT MADE A LEAP FORWARD AND FIXED HIS TEETH INTO THE FIRST PIECE OF BREAD CHEESE TOAST OR BACON THAT HE COULD GET HOLD OF AND THERE WAS SUCH A NOISE OF NIBBLING AND GNAWING AND SCRATCHING AND SQUEAKING TOMMY SMITH WAS QUITE FRIGHTENED AND PUT HIS FINGERS TO HIS EARS WHAT ARE YOU DOING THAT FOR" ], "begin_byte": 53059, "end_byte": 53258 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16864003, "duration": 1054.0001875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb_71", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.2, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"That is one reason,\" the rat answered; \"but you can't be sure you could do it even if you had one. It might be too short, you know. Now, come along.\" Pat, pat, pat. \"Do you hear?\" Tommy Smith heard quite plainly, and he followed the rat through the door, and down the stairs, and right into the kitchen.", "THAT IS ONE REASON THE RAT ANSWERED BUT YOU CAN'T BE SURE YOU COULD DO IT EVEN IF YOU HAD ONE IT MIGHT BE TOO SHORT YOU KNOW NOW COME ALONG PA PA DO YOU HEAR TOMMY SMITH HEARD QUITE PLAINLY AND HE FOLLOWED THE RAT THROUGH THE DOOR AND DOWN THE STAIRS AND RIGHT INTO THE KITCHEN" ], "pre_texts": [ ". “But it is too dark for you to see me here. Get up, and put on some of your clothes, and then we will come down to the kitchen. The fire is not quite out, and you can put a few more sticks on it. Then you will be able to see me as well as I can see you now, and we can talk together comfortably.” [Illustration: PAT, PAT, PAT. “DO YOU HEAR?”] “But can you see in the dark?” said Tommy Smith, whilst he sat on the bed and began to put on his stockings. “Oh yes,” the rat answered; “just as well as I can in the light.” “I wish I could,” said Tommy Smith, “for I can’t see _you_ at all.” “Of course not,” said the rat. “So, you see, it has not taken a _very_ long time to find out something which I can do, but you can’t. Well, you are ready now, so come along. You will be able to follow me, for I will pat the floor just in front of you with my tail,—and that is another thing which you couldn’t do, even if you were to try for a very long time.” “Because _I_ haven’t got a tail,” said Tommy Smith.", "OMFORTABLE TIME I SUPPOSE YOU ARE THE RAT SAID TOMMY SMITH RUBBING HIS EYES YES I AM THE VOICE ANSWERED BUT IT IS TOO DARK FOR YOU TO SEE ME HERE GET UP AND PUT ON SOME OF YOUR CLOTHES AND THEN WE WILL COME DOWN TO THE KITCHEN THE FIRE IS NOT QUITE OUT AND YOU CAN PUT A FEW MORE STICKS ON IT THEN YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SEE ME AS WELL AS I CAN SEE YOU NOW AND WE CAN TALK TOGETHER COMFORTABLY BUT CAN YOU SEE IN THE DARK SAID TOMMY SMITH WHILST HE SAT ON THE BED AND BEGAN TO PUT ON HIS STOCKINGS OH YES THE RAT ANSWERED JUST AS WELL AS I CAN IN THE LIGHT I WISH I COULD SAID TOMMY SMITH FOR I CAN'T SEE YOU AT ALL OF COURSE NOT SAID THE RAT SO YOU SEE IT HAS NOT TAKEN A VERY LONG TIME TO FIND OUT SOMETHING WHICH I CAN DO BUT YOU CAN'T WELL YOU ARE READY NOW SO COME ALONG YOU WILL BE ABLE TO FOLLOW ME FOR I WILL PAT THE FLOOR JUST IN FRONT OF YOU WITH MY TAIL AND THAT IS ANOTHER THING WHICH YOU COULDN'T DO EVEN IF YOU WERE TO TRY FOR A VERY LONG TIME BECAUSE I HAVEN'T GOT A TAIL SAID TOMMY SMITH" ], "begin_byte": 42629, "end_byte": 42933 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_04_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16864003, "duration": 1054.0001875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_05_selous_64kb_20", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_05_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.639, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "Then sometimes he comes down to roost quite close to me, and we talk to each other.", "THEN SOMETIMES HE COMES DOWN TO ROOST QUITE CLOSE TO ME AND WE TALK TO EACH OTHER" ], "pre_texts": [ "y treated. But what clever ways you have of escaping! Do you know, I think you are the cleverest animal I have had a talk with yet, and I like you very much.” “Ah! it is all very well to say that now,” said the hare. “But who was it that threw a stick at me?” “I never will again,” said Tommy Smith. “You know you jumped up all of a sudden, so that I had no time to think. But I did not come out on purpose to throw it at you. I only wanted to find a lark’s nest, so as to get the eggs.” When the hare heard that, I cannot tell you how sad and grieved he looked. “What!” he said. “Would you take the poor lark’s eggs away, and make it unhappy? No, no; if you really like me, as you say you do, you must promise me not to do anything so cruel as that. The lark is the best friend I have. He sings to me as I lie in my form, and consoles me for all my troubles. His voice cheers me too, when I am being chased by the dogs, for he always seems to be saying, ‘You will get away; I know you will get away.", "S BE HUNTED AND I DO THINK THAT YOU ARE VERY BADLY TREATED BUT WHAT CLEVER WAYS YOU HAVE OF ESCAPING DO YOU KNOW I THINK YOU ARE THE CLEVEREST ANIMAL I HAVE HAD A TALK WITH YET AND I LIKE YOU VERY MUCH AH IT IS ALL VERY WELL TO SAY THAT NOW SAID THE HARE BUT WHO WAS IT THAT THREW A STICK AT ME I NEVER WILL AGAIN SAID TOMMY SMITH YOU KNOW YOU JUMPED UP ALL OF A SUDDEN SO THAT I HAD NO TIME TO THINK BUT I DID NOT COME OUT TO POUNCE OR THROW IT AT YOU I ONLY WANTED TO FIND A LARK'S NEST SO AS TO GET THE EGGS WHEN THE HARE HEARD THAT I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW SAD AND GRIEVED HE LOOKED WHAT HE SAID WOULD YOU TAKE THE POOR LARK'S EGGS AWAY AND MAKE IT UNHAPPY NO NO IF YOU REALLY LIKE ME AS YOU SAY YOU DO YOU MUST PROMISE ME NOT TO DO ANYTHING SO CRUEL AS THAT THE LARK IS THE BEST FRIEND I HAVE HE SINGS TO ME AS I LIE IN MY FORM AND CONSOLES ME FOR ALL MY TROUBLES HIS VOICE CHEERS ME TOO WHEN I AM BEING CHASED BY THE DOGS FOR HE ALWAYS SEEMS TO BE SAYING YOU WILL GET AWAY I KNOW YOU WILL GET AWAY" ], "begin_byte": 74423, "end_byte": 74507 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_05_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_05_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 23519400, "duration": 1469.9625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_05_selous_64kb_69", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_05_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.919, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "Sometimes I run under a gate. The dogs are too big to do this, so they are obliged to jump over it. Then, when they are near me, on the other side I double, in the way I told you, run as fast as I can back to the gate, and go under it again.", "SOMETIMES I RUN UNDER A GATE THE DOGS ARE TOO BIG TO DO THIS SO THEY ARE OBLIGED TO JUMP OVER IT THEN WHEN THEY ARE NEAR ME ON THE OTHER SIDE I DOUBLE IN THE WAY I TOLD YOU AND RUN AS FAST AS I CAN BACK TO THE GATE AND GO UNDER IT AGAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "y sight, for he runs so fast that he can always see me.” “Does he run as fast as you do?” asked Tommy Smith. “Yes, indeed,” said the hare; “he runs much faster, but he does not always catch me, for all that. When he is close behind me, I stop all of a sudden, and crouch flat on the ground. The greyhound cannot stop himself so quickly, for he is not so clever as I am. He runs right over me, and it is several seconds before he can turn round again. But _I_ turn round as soon as he has passed me, and then I run as fast as I can the other way, so that, when he starts after me again, he is a good way behind. When he catches up to me, I do the same thing again. This clever trick of mine is called _doubling_, and I AM so proud of it, for if it was not for that, the greyhound would catch me directly.” “Then does he never catch you?” said Tommy Smith. “He never has yet,” said the hare. “But I have other ways of getting away from him, as well as from other dogs, and I will tell you some of them.", "EY HUNT ME BY SCENT BUT THE GREYHOUND HUNTS ME BY SIGHT FOR HE RUNS SO FAST THAT HE CAN ALWAYS SEE ME DOES HE RUN AS FAST AS YOU DO ASKED TOMMY SMITH YES INDEED SAID THE HARE HE RUNS MUCH FASTER BUT HE DOES NOT ALWAYS CATCH ME FOR ALL THAT WHEN HE IS CLOSE BEHIND ME I STOP ALL OF A SUDDEN AND CROUCH FLAT ON THE GROUND AND THE GREYHOUND CANNOT STOP HIMSELF SO QUICKLY FOR HE IS NOT SO CLEVER AS I AM HE RUNS RIGHT OVER ME AND IN SEVERAL SECONDS BEFORE HE CAN TURN AROUND AGAIN BUT I TURN AROUND AS SOON AS HE HAS PASSED ME AND THEN I RUN AS FAST AS I CAN THE OTHER WAY SO THAT WHEN HE STARTS AFTER ME AGAIN HE IS A GOOD WAY BEHIND WHEN HE CATCHES UP TO ME I DO THE SAME THING AGAIN THIS CLEVER TRICK OF MINE IS CALLED DOUBLING AND I AM SO PROUD OF IT FOR IF IT WAS NOT FOR THAT THE GREYHOUND WOULD CATCH ME DIRECTLY THEN DOES HE EVER CATCH YOU ASKED TOMMY SMITH HE NEVER HAS YET SAID THE HARE BUT I HAVE OTHER WAYS OF GETTING AWAY FROM HIM AS WELL AS FROM OTHER DOGS AND I WILL TELL YOU SOME OF THEM" ], "begin_byte": 66722, "end_byte": 66963 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_05_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_05_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 23519400, "duration": 1469.9625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_05_selous_64kb_74", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_05_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.92, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "What was it? Tommy Smith knew well enough, for he had often seen such an animal before.", "WHAT WAS IT TOMMY SMITH KNEW WELL ENOUGH FOR HE HAD OFTEN SEEN SUCH AN ANIMAL BEFORE" ], "pre_texts": [ "up, and could fly and sing like herself. It was the thought of those eggs, and of the mother bird sitting upon them, which made the lark himself sing so gladly up in the air, for, when he looked down, he fancied he could see them; and he knew that there was someone waiting for him there who would be glad to see him again, when he came down to roost. But Tommy Smith did not think of this, for nobody had talked to him about it. All he thought of was how he could get the eggs, so that he could take them away with him, and show them to other boys. Ah! what was that? How gracefully the cowslips waved, and up went a lark into the sky; and as he rose he seemed to shake a song out of his wings. Tommy Smith thought there was sure to be a nest close to where he had risen, so he went to look; but before he had got to the place, away went something—something brown like a lark, but ever so much larger, and, instead of flying, it galloped along over the ground; so, you see, it was not a bird at all.", "AKE CARE OF TILL THEY WERE GROWN UP AND COULD FLY AND SING LIKE HERSELF IT WAS THE THOUGHT OF THOSE EGGS AND OF THE MOTHER BIRD SITTING UPON THEM WHICH MADE THE LARK HIMSELF SING SO GLADLY UP IN THE AIR FOR WHEN HE LOOKED DOWN HE FANCIED HE COULD SEE THEM AND HE KNEW THAT THERE WAS SOME ONE WAITING FOR HIM THERE WHO WOULD BE GLAD TO SEE HIM WHEN HE CAME DOWN TO ROOST BUT TOMMY SMITH DID NOT THINK OF THIS FOR NOBODY HAD EVER TALKED TO HIM ABOUT IT ALL HE THOUGHT WAS HOW HE COULD GET THE EGGS SO THAT HE COULD TAKE THEM AWAY WITH HIM AND SHOW THEM TO THE OTHER BOYS AH WHAT WAS THAT HOW GRACEFULLY THE COWSLIPS WAVED AND UP WENT A LARK INTO THE SKY AND AS HE ROSE HE SEEMED TO SHAKE A SONG OUT OF HIS WINGS TOMMY SMITH THOUGHT THERE WAS SURE TO BE A NEST CLOSE TO WHERE HE HAD RISEN SO HE WENT TO LOOK BUT BEFORE HE HAD GOT INTO THE PLACE AWAY WENT SOMETHING SOMETHING BROWN LIKE A LARK BUT EVER SO MUCH LARGER AND INSTEAD OF FLYING IT GALLOPED ALONG THE GROUND SO YOU SEE IT WAS NOT A BIRD AT ALL" ], "begin_byte": 57056, "end_byte": 57143 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_05_selous_64kb_94", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_05_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.359, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"But I have other ways of getting away from him, as well as from other dogs, and I will tell you some of them.", "BUT I HAVE OTHER WAYS OF GETTING AWAY FROM HIM AS WELL AS FROM OTHER DOGS AND I WILL TELL YOU SOME OF THEM" ], "pre_texts": [ "ogs I am talking about now are not greyhounds, but beagles. They hunt me by scent, but the greyhound hunts me by sight, for he runs so fast that he can always see me.” “Does he run as fast as you do?” asked Tommy Smith. “Yes, indeed,” said the hare; “he runs much faster, but he does not always catch me, for all that. When he is close behind me, I stop all of a sudden, and crouch flat on the ground. The greyhound cannot stop himself so quickly, for he is not so clever as I am. He runs right over me, and it is several seconds before he can turn round again. But _I_ turn round as soon as he has passed me, and then I run as fast as I can the other way, so that, when he starts after me again, he is a good way behind. When he catches up to me, I do the same thing again. This clever trick of mine is called _doubling_, and I AM so proud of it, for if it was not for that, the greyhound would catch me directly.” “Then does he never catch you?” said Tommy Smith. “He never has yet,” said the hare.", "DS ASKED TOMMY SMITH NO ANSWERED THE HARE THE DOGS I AM TALKING ABOUT NOW ARE NOT GREYHOUNDS BUT BEAGLES THEY HUNT ME BY SCENT BUT THE GREYHOUND HUNTS ME BY SIGHT FOR HE RUNS SO FAST THAT HE CAN ALWAYS SEE ME DOES HE RUN AS FAST AS YOU DO ASKED TOMMY SMITH YES INDEED SAID THE HARE HE RUNS MUCH FASTER BUT HE DOES NOT ALWAYS CATCH ME FOR ALL THAT WHEN HE IS CLOSE BEHIND ME I STOP ALL OF A SUDDEN AND CROUCH FLAT ON THE GROUND AND THE GREYHOUND CANNOT STOP HIMSELF SO QUICKLY FOR HE IS NOT SO CLEVER AS I AM HE RUNS RIGHT OVER ME AND IN SEVERAL SECONDS BEFORE HE CAN TURN AROUND AGAIN BUT I TURN AROUND AS SOON AS HE HAS PASSED ME AND THEN I RUN AS FAST AS I CAN THE OTHER WAY SO THAT WHEN HE STARTS AFTER ME AGAIN HE IS A GOOD WAY BEHIND WHEN HE CATCHES UP TO ME I DO THE SAME THING AGAIN THIS CLEVER TRICK OF MINE IS CALLED DOUBLING AND I AM SO PROUD OF IT FOR IF IT WAS NOT FOR THAT THE GREYHOUND WOULD CATCH ME DIRECTLY THEN DOES HE EVER CATCH YOU ASKED TOMMY SMITH HE NEVER HAS YET SAID THE HARE" ], "begin_byte": 66611, "end_byte": 66721 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb_24", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"I should like to see some of your eggs,\" said Tommy Smith. \"What are they like?\"", "I SHOULD LIKE TO SEE SOME OF YOUR EGGS SAID TOMMY SMITH WHAT ARE THEY LIKE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ggs because she has to sit on them, and she wants a nice, comfortable place to sit in. Now I don’t sit on my eggs, for that is not at all necessary. I just find a nice, warm, moist place for them, and when I have laid them there, I go away and leave them. I have no time to sit on them like a bird. I am much too busy.” “But how are your eggs ever hatched?” said Tommy Smith. “Oh,” said the grass-snake, “I am so clever that I know the heat of the place where they lie will be enough to hatch them. So when they are once safely laid, I don’t bother about them any more.” “Yes,” said Tommy Smith; “but if you go away, who is there to look after the young snakes when they come out of the egg?” “They look after themselves,” said the grass-snake. “Birds are like little boys and girls. They are great babies, and want someone to take care of them whilst they are young. But we snakes are so clever that as soon as we come into the world we can take care of ourselves, and don’t want anyone to help us.”", "O SAID THE GRASSNAKE A BIRD MAKES A NEST FOR HER EGGS BECAUSE SHE HAS TO SIT ON THEM AND SHE WANTS A NICE COMFORTABLE PLACE TO SIT IN NOW I DON'T SIT ON MY EGGS FOR THAT IS NOT AT ALL NECESSARY I JUST FIND A NICE WARM MOIST PLACE FOR THEM AND WHEN I HAVE LAID THEM THERE I GO AWAY AND LEAVE THEM I HAVE NO TIME TO SIT ON THEM LIKE A BIRD I AM MUCH TOO BUSY BUT HOW ARE YOUR EGGS EVER HATCHED SAID TOMMY SMITH OH SAID THE GRASS SNAKE I AM SO CLEVER THAT I KNOW THE HEAT OF THE PLACE WHERE THEY LIE WILL BE ENOUGH TO HATCH THEM SO WHEN THEY ARE SAFELY LAID I DON'T BOTHER ABOUT THEM ANY MORE YES SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT IF YOU GO AWAY WHO IS THERE TO LOOK AFTER THE YOUNG SNAKES WHEN THEY COME OUT OF THE EGG THEY LOOK AFTER THEMSELVES SAID THE GRASSNAKE BIRDS ARE LIKE LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS THEY ARE GREAT BABIES AND WANT SOME ONE TO TAKE CARE OF THEM WHILST THEY ARE YOUNG BUT WE SNAKES ARE SO CLEVER THAT AS SOON AS WE COME INTO THE WORLD WE CAN TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES AND DON'T WANT ANY ONE TO HELP US" ], "begin_byte": 87470, "end_byte": 87551 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb_51", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.16, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"How funny!\" said Tommy Smith. \"But do you know, Mr. Grass Snake, I should not like to wrap myself up in your skin, even if I could, because it is so hard and covered with scales. And besides, how could the fairies get into it without killing you first?", "HOW FUNNY SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT DO YOU KNOW MISTER GRASSNAKE I SHOULD NOT LIKE TO WRAP MYSELF UP IN YOUR SKIN EVEN IF I COULD BECAUSE IT IS SO HARD AND COVERED WITH SCALES AND BESIDES HOW COULD THE FAIRIES GET INTO IT WITHOUT KILLING YOU FIRST" ], "pre_texts": [ "indeed! Whenever you see such a fine, long snake as I am, you may be sure that it is a nice grass-snake, and not a nasty adder.” “I won’t forget that,” said Tommy Smith. “But, I suppose, snakes grow like other animals. How should I be able to tell you from an adder if I were to meet you before you were three feet long?” “Why, by my skin, to be sure!” said the grass-snake. “Look how beautifully it is marked, and what a fine greenish colour it is. I may well be proud of it, for a very great poet indeed has called it ‘enamelled,’ and says that it is fit for a fairy to wrap herself up in. Think of _that_! The adder’s is quite different, only a dull, dirty brown, which I _might_ call ugly if I were ill-natured. But I am _not_, so I will only say that it is plain. I don’t think any fairy would like to wrap herself in _his_ skin.” “But are there fairies?” said Tommy Smith. “There are, as long as you are a little boy,” said the grass-snake; “but as soon as you are grown up there will be none.”", "DER THAT WAS THREE FEET LONG AND I AM AN INCH LONGER THAN THAT NO INDEED WHENEVER YOU SEE SUCH A FINE LONG SNAKE AS I AM YOU MAY BE SURE THAT IT IS A NICE GRASSNAKE AND NOT A NASTY ADDER I WON'T FORGET THAT SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT SUPPOSE SNAKES GROW LIKE OTHER ANIMALS HOW SHOULD I BE ABLE TO TELL YOU FROM AN ADDER IF I WERE TO MEET YOU BEFORE YOU WERE THREE FEET LONG WHY MY SKIN TO BE SURE SAID THE GRASSNAKE LOOK HOW BEAUTIFULLY IT IS MARKED AND WHAT A FINE GREENISH COLOUR IT IS I MAY WELL BE PROUD OF IT FOR A VERY GREAT POET INDEED HAS CALLED IT ENAMELLED AND SAYS THAT IT IS FIT FOR A FAIRY TO WRAP HERSELF UP AND THINK OF THAT AN ADDER IS QUITE DIFFERENT ONLY A DULL DIRTY BROWN WHICH I MIGHT CALL UGLY IF I WERE ILL NATURED BUT I'M NOT AS SO I WILL ONLY SAY THAT IT IS PLAIN I DON'T THINK ANY FAIRY WHO WOULD LIKE TO WRAP HERSELF IN HIS SKIN BUT ARE THERE FAIRIES SAID TOMMY SMITH THERE ARE AS LONG AS YOU ARE A LITTLE BOY SAID THE GRASSNAKE BUT AS SOON AS YOU ARE GROWN UP THERE WILL BE NONE" ], "begin_byte": 79563, "end_byte": 79816 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb_73", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.64, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "But he thought that if he did, the adder might attack him when his back was turned. So he stood quite still, and only said, \"Why aren't you harmless like the grass snake?\"", "BUT HE THOUGHT THAT IF HE DID THE ADDER MIGHT ATTACK HIM WHEN HIS BACK WAS TURNED SO HE STOOD QUITE STILL AND ONLY SAID WHY AREN'T YOU HARMLESS LIKE THE GRASS SNAKE" ], "pre_texts": [ " what the grass-snake had said was true, for the adder’s body was shorter and of a duller colour than the grass-snake’s. His head, too, was different. It was flatter, and swelled out more on each side where it joined the neck, so that the neck looked smaller in proportion to the size of the head. Altogether, Tommy Smith felt sure that the next time he went out for a walk and saw a snake, he would be able to tell whether it was a grass-snake or an adder. “And if it is an adder,” he said to himself, “why, I ought to kill it.” And then he said out loud, “Mr. Adder, you don’t seem at all afraid of me; but, do you know, I think I ought to kill you, because you are poisonous.” “_I_ think you ought to leave me alone because I am poisonous,” said the adder. “For if you were to try to kill me, I should have to bite you, and then, perhaps, _I_ should kill _you_.” Tommy Smith did not like this remark of the adder’s at all. He began to feel afraid himself, and he would have liked to have run away.", " BUSH WHERE HE HAD LAID HIDDEN TOMMY SMITH SAW THAT WHAT THE GRASSNAKE HAD SAID WAS TRUE FOR THE ADDER'S BODY WAS SHORTER AND OF A DULLER COLOR THAN THE GRASSNAKE'S HIS HEAD TOO WAS DIFFERENT IT WAS FLATTER AND SWELLED OUT MORE ON EACH SIDE WHERE IT JOINED THE NECK SO THAT THE NECK LOOKED SMALLER IN PROPORTION TO THE SIZE OF THE HEAD ALTOGETHER TOMMY SMITH FELT SURE THAT THE NEXT TIME HE WENT OUT FOR A WALK AND SAW A SNAKE HE WOULD BE ABLE TO TELL WHETHER IT WAS A GRASS SNAKE OR AN ADDER AND IF IT IS AN ADDER HE SAID TO HIMSELF WHY I OUGHT TO KILL IT AND THEN HE SAID OUT LOUD MISTER ADDER YOU DON'T SEEM AT ALL AFRAID OF ME BUT DO YOU KNOW I THINK I OUGHT TO KILL YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE POISONOUS I THINK YOU OUGHT TO LEAVE ME ALONE BECAUSE I AM POISONOUS SAID THE ADDER FOR IF YOU WERE TO TRY TO KILL ME I SHOULD HAVE TO BITE YOU AND THEN PERHAPS I SHOULD KILL YOU TOMMY SMITH DID NOT LIKE THIS REMARK OF THE ADDERS AT ALL HE BEGAN TO FEEL AFRAID HIMSELF AND HE WOULD HAVE LIKED TO HAVE RUN AWAY" ], "begin_byte": 91235, "end_byte": 91406 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 25920993, "duration": 1620.0620625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb_75", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.199, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "You see, when a snake eats a frog (or anything else), he does not chew it, as we do, but just swallows it whole, and then sometimes the frog will keep alive for some time inside the snake's stomach. Tommy Smith spoke to the frogs, but they were too faint to answer.", "YOU SEE WHEN A SNAKE EATS A FROG OR ANYTHING ELSE HE DOES NOT CHEW IT AS WE DO BUT JUST SWALLOWS IT WHOLE AND THEN SOMETIMES THE FROG WILL KEEP ALIVE FOR SOME TIME INSIDE THE SNAKE'S STOMACH TOMMY SMITH SPOKE TO THE FROGS BUT THEY WERE TOO FAINT TO ANSWER" ], "pre_texts": [ "ause he had said it twice before; so, after a little while, he said, “And do you really like being a snake, Mr. Grass-Snake?” You see he had to say something, and he didn’t quite know what to say. “Like it?” said the grass-snake. “Of course I do. I should be very sorry to be anything else. Yes, we snakes have a happy life. In summer we crawl about and eat frogs, and in winter we find some nice place to go to sleep in.” “Then do you sleep all the winter?” said Tommy Smith. “Of course,” said the grass-snake. “What else is there to do? There are no frogs in winter, and it is cold and unpleasant. The best thing is to go to sleep, and that is what I always do.” Now whilst Tommy Smith was talking to the grass-snake he kept looking at the poor dead frogs that were lying on the grass, and you can think how surprised he was when, all at once, one of them moved a little, and then began to crawl away very slowly. Then the others moved, and began to crawl away too. So they were not dead after all.", "Y HABIT OF THE GRASSNAKE BUT HE DIDN'T LIKE TO SAY SO BECAUSE HE HAD SAID IT TWICE BEFORE SO AFTER A LITTLE WHILE HE SAID AND DO YOU REALLY LIKE BEING A SNAKE MISTER GRASSNAKE YOU SEE HE HAD TO SAY SOMETHING AND HE DIDN'T QUITE KNOW WHAT TO SAY LIKE IT SAID THE GRASSNAKE OF COURSE I DO I SHOULD BE VERY SORRY TO BE ANYTHING ELSE YES WE SNAKES HAVE A HAPPY LIFE IN SUMMER WE CRAWL ABOUT AND EAT FROGS AND IN WINTER WE FIND SOME NICE PLACE TO GO TO SLEEP IN THEN DO YOU SLEEP ALL THE WINTER SAID TOMMY SMITH OF COURSE SAID THE GRASSNAKE WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO DO THERE ARE NO FROGS IN WINTER AND IT IS COLD AND UNPLEASANT THE BEST THING IS TO GO TO SLEEP AND THAT IS WHAT I ALWAYS DO NOW TOMMY SMITH WAS TALKING TO THE GRASSNAKE HE KEPT LOOKING AT THE POOR DEAD FROGS THAT WERE LYING ON THE GRASS AND YOU CAN THINK HOW SURPRISED HE WAS WHEN ALL AT ONCE ONE OF THEM MOVED A LITTLE AND THEN BEGAN TO CRAWL AWAY VERY SLOWLY THEN THE OTHERS MOVED AND BEGAN TO CRAWL AWAY TOO SO THEY WERE NOT DEAD AFTER ALL" ], "begin_byte": 89189, "end_byte": 89454 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb_91", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "No; it is the two long teeth in my upper jaw that are poisonous, and, if you will just kneel down, I will open my mouth so that you can see them, and then I can explain all about it to you.\"", "NO IT IS THE TWO LONG TEETH IN MY UPPER JAW THAT ARE POISONOUS AND IF YOU WILL JUST KNEEL DOWN I WILL OPEN MY MOUTH SO THAT YOU CAN SEE THEM AND THEN I CAN EXPLAIN ALL ABOUT IT TO YOU" ], "pre_texts": [ " that my two front teeth are poisonous, and that I can kill some creatures by biting them. But these creatures are not men or women, but only mice or small birds or frogs. You know I have to eat them, so I may just as well kill them before I begin. The grass-snake eats _his_ frogs alive. That is much more cruel than if he killed them first, as I do.” “How do you kill them?” said Tommy Smith. “I suppose you sting them with your forked tongue, and then they die.” “Did you not hear me say that I bit them,” said the adder; “and that I had two poisonous teeth? My tongue is not poisonous at all. There is no more harm in it than there is in yours.” “Oh! but, Mr. Adder,” cried Tommy Smith, “do you know I once went to the Zoological Gardens in London, and I saw the snakes there, and whenever one of them put out his tongue, as you do yours, the people all said, ‘Look at its sting! Look at its sting!’” “That is only because they were ignorant people,” said the adder, “and did not know any better.", "HEY CAN DO IS JUST TO LET ME ALONE IT IS TRUE THAT MY TWO FRONT TEETH ARE POISONOUS AND THAT I CAN KILL SOME CREATURES BY BITING THEM BUT THESE CREATURES ARE NOT MEN OR WOMEN BUT ONLY MICE OR SMALL BIRDS OR FROGS YOU KNOW I HAVE TO EAT THEM SO I MAY JUST AS WELL KILL THEM BEFORE I BEGIN THE GRASS SNAKE EATS HIS FROGS ALIVE THAT IS MUCH MORE CRUEL THAN IF HE KILLED THEM FIRST AS I DO HOW DO YOU KILL THEM ASKED TOMMY SMITH I SUPPOSE YOU STING THEM WITH YOUR FORKED TONGUE AND THEN THEY DIE DO YOU NOT HEAR ME WHEN I SAID I BITE THEM SAID THE ADDER AND THAT I HAVE TWO POISONOUS TEETH MY TONGUE IS NOT POISONOUS AT ALL THERE IS NO MORE HARM IN IT THAN THERE IS IN YOURS OH BUT MISTER ADDER CRIED TOMMY SMITHER YOU KNOW I ONCE WENT TO THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS OF LONDON AND I SAW THE SNAKES THERE AND WHENEVER ONE OF THEM PUT OUT HIS TONGUE AS YOU DO YOURS THE PEOPLE ALL SAID LOOK AT ITS STING LOOK AT ITS STING THAT IS ONLY BECAUSE THEY WERE IGNORANT PEOPLE SAID THE ADDER AND DID NOT KNOW ANY BETTER" ], "begin_byte": 93851, "end_byte": 94041 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 25920993, "duration": 1620.0620625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb_97", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.76, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "It is true that my two front teeth are poisonous, and that I can kill some creatures by biting them.", "IT IS TRUE THAT MY TWO FRONT TEETH ARE POISONOUS AND THAT I CAN KILL SOME CREATURES BY BITING THEM" ], "pre_texts": [ "ve not done me any harm,” said Tommy Smith, “but that is because I have never seen you before now.” “_You_ may never have seen _me_,” said the adder, “but _I_ have seen _you_ very often. Sometimes I have been quite near to where you were walking, but when I have heard you coming, I have just crawled out of the way, and let you go by without hurting you. Now don’t you think that was very good of me? I should just like to know what you have to complain of.” “You have never hurt me, I know,” said Tommy Smith. “But think how many people you do hurt.” “Do you know anybody that I have hurt?” asked the adder. “No,” answered Tommy Smith, “I don’t know anybody; but I am sure you must have hurt a great many people, because you are poisonous.” “Well,” said the adder, “I think you might walk about a long while asking people before you found anyone that I had done any harm to. I never interfere with people unless they interfere with me, so I think the best thing they can do is just to let me alone.", "WHAT HARM HAVE I EVER DONE YOU SAID THE ADDER YOU HAVE NOT DONE ME ANY HARM SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT THAT IS BECAUSE I HAVE NEVER SEEN YOU BEFORE NOW YOU MAY NEVER HAVE SEEN ME SAID THE ADDER BUT I HAVE SEEN YOU VERY OFTEN SOMETIMES I HAVE BEEN QUITE NEAR TO WHERE YOU WERE WALKING BUT WHEN I HAVE HEARD YOU COMING I HAVE JUST CRAWLED OUT OF THE WAY AND LET YOU GO BY WITHOUT HURTING YOU NOW DON'T YOU THINK THAT WAS VERY GOOD OF ME I SHOULD JUST LIKE TO KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO COMPLAIN OF YOU HAVE NEVER HURT ME I KNOW SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT I THINK HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU DO HURT DO YOU KNOW ANY ONE THAT I HAVE HURT ASKED THE ADDER NO ANSWERED TOMMY SMITH I DON'T KNOW ANY ONE BUT I AM SURE YOU MUST HAVE HURT A GREAT MANY PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU ARE POISONOUS WELL SAID THE ADDER I THINK YOU MIGHT WALK ABOUT A LONG WHILE ASKING PEOPLE BEFORE YOU FOUND ANY ONE THAT I HAVE DONE ANY HARM TO I NEVER INTERFERE WITH PEOPLE UNLESS THEY INTERFERE WITH ME SO I THINK THE BEST THING THEY CAN DO IS JUST TO LET ME ALONE" ], "begin_byte": 92840, "end_byte": 92940 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 25920993, "duration": 1620.0620625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb_100", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.959, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "Indeed, it was such a _very_ nasty smell that Tommy Smith was glad to drop him, so that he got away into the bush again. \"Ah, ha!\" the snake said, as soon as he was safe, \"I thought you wouldn't hold me very long. Just look at your hand now.\"", "INDEED IT WAS A VERY NASTY SMELL THAT TOMMY SMITH WAS GLAD TO DROP HIM SO THAT HE GOT AWAY INTO THE BUSH AGAIN AHA THE SNAKE SAID AS SOON AS HE WAS SAFE I THOUGHT YOU WOULDN'T HOLD ME VERY LONG JUST LOOK AT YOUR HAND NOW" ], "pre_texts": [ "id, “Take care, Mr. Grass-Snake. Frogs and toads are very useful animals, and my friends, too. So I won’t let you eat them.” “That is talking nonsense,” said the grass-snake. “You can’t help my eating them, especially frogs. Why, there are three frogs in my stomach at this moment.” Directly Tommy Smith heard that, he made a dart at the grass-snake, and caught hold of him before he could get away. I don’t know what he meant to do. Perhaps he meant to kill the poor snake, which would have been very wrong, as you will see. But before he had time to do anything at all, two curious things happened. One was that the snake opened his mouth very wide indeed, and out of it came first one, then another, and then a third frog. Yes; three large frogs came out of the snake’s mouth, one after the other, and there they all lay on the grass. That was one funny thing, and the other was that, as soon as Tommy Smith caught hold of the snake, the snake began to smell in a way that was not at all pleasant.", "TH WAS QUITE SHOCKED WHEN HE HEARD THIS AND HE SAID TAKE CARE MISTER GRASSNAKE FROGS AND TOADS ARE VERY USEFUL ANIMALS AND MY FRIENDS TOO SO I WON'T LET YOU EAT THEM THAT IS TALKING NONSENSE SAID THE GRASSNAKE YOU CAN'T HELP MY EATING THEM ESPECIALLY FROGS WHY THERE ARE THREE FROGS IN MY STOMACH AT THIS MOMENT DIRECTLY TOMMY SMITH HEARD THAT HE MADE A DART AT THE GRASSNAKE AND CAUGHT HOLD OF HIM BEFORE HE COULD GET AWAY I DON'T KNOW WHAT HE MEANT TO DO PERHAPS HE MEANT TO KILL THE POOR SNAKE WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN VERY WRONG AS YOU WILL SEE BUT BEFORE HE HAD TIME TO DO ANYTHING AT ALL TWO CURIOUS THINGS HAPPENED ONE WAS THAT THE SNAKE OPENED HIS MOUTH VERY WIDE INDEED AND OUT OF IT CAME FIRST ONE THEN ANOTHER AND THEN A THIRD FROG YES THREE LARGE FROGS CAME OUT OF THE SNAKE'S MOUTH ONE AFTER THE OTHER AND THEY ALL LAY ON THE GRASS THAT WAS ONE FUNNY THING AND THE OTHER WAS THAT AS SOON AS TOMMY SMITH CAUGHT HOLD OF THE SNAKE THE SNAKE BEGAN TO SMELL IN A WAY THAT WAS NOT AT ALL PLEASANT" ], "begin_byte": 81809, "end_byte": 82051 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb_107", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.76, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "I don't suppose you can change it as the frog and the toad do.\" \"Not change it!\" said the grass snake. \"And why not, pray?", "I DON'T SUPPOSE YOU CAN CHANGE IT AS THE FROG AND THE TOAD DO NOT CHANGE IT SAID THE GRASSNAKE AND WHY NOT PRAY" ], "pre_texts": [ "om an adder if I were to meet you before you were three feet long?” “Why, by my skin, to be sure!” said the grass-snake. “Look how beautifully it is marked, and what a fine greenish colour it is. I may well be proud of it, for a very great poet indeed has called it ‘enamelled,’ and says that it is fit for a fairy to wrap herself up in. Think of _that_! The adder’s is quite different, only a dull, dirty brown, which I _might_ call ugly if I were ill-natured. But I am _not_, so I will only say that it is plain. I don’t think any fairy would like to wrap herself in _his_ skin.” “But are there fairies?” said Tommy Smith. “There are, as long as you are a little boy,” said the grass-snake; “but as soon as you are grown up there will be none.” “How funny!” said Tommy Smith. “But do you know, Mr. Grass-Snake, I should not like to wrap myself up in your skin, even if I could, because it is so hard and covered with scales. And besides, how could the fairies get into it without killing you first?", "GROW LIKE OTHER ANIMALS HOW SHOULD I BE ABLE TO TELL YOU FROM AN ADDER IF I WERE TO MEET YOU BEFORE YOU WERE THREE FEET LONG WHY MY SKIN TO BE SURE SAID THE GRASSNAKE LOOK HOW BEAUTIFULLY IT IS MARKED AND WHAT A FINE GREENISH COLOUR IT IS I MAY WELL BE PROUD OF IT FOR A VERY GREAT POET INDEED HAS CALLED IT ENAMELLED AND SAYS THAT IT IS FIT FOR A FAIRY TO WRAP HERSELF UP AND THINK OF THAT AN ADDER IS QUITE DIFFERENT ONLY A DULL DIRTY BROWN WHICH I MIGHT CALL UGLY IF I WERE ILL NATURED BUT I'M NOT AS SO I WILL ONLY SAY THAT IT IS PLAIN I DON'T THINK ANY FAIRY WHO WOULD LIKE TO WRAP HERSELF IN HIS SKIN BUT ARE THERE FAIRIES SAID TOMMY SMITH THERE ARE AS LONG AS YOU ARE A LITTLE BOY SAID THE GRASSNAKE BUT AS SOON AS YOU ARE GROWN UP THERE WILL BE NONE HOW FUNNY SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT DO YOU KNOW MISTER GRASSNAKE I SHOULD NOT LIKE TO WRAP MYSELF UP IN YOUR SKIN EVEN IF I COULD BECAUSE IT IS SO HARD AND COVERED WITH SCALES AND BESIDES HOW COULD THE FAIRIES GET INTO IT WITHOUT KILLING YOU FIRST" ], "begin_byte": 79817, "end_byte": 79939 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb_136", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.479, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "Some day, perhaps, you may find it if you look about in the grass or the bushes; for I rub myself against the grass or bushes to get it off.\" [Illustration: \"THERE ARE THREE FROGS IN MY STOMACH AT THE MOMENT\"] \"Then you do not swallow your skin as the toad does?\" Tommy Smith asked. \"I should not like to do anything so nasty,\" said the grass snake angrily, \"and I wish you wouldn't keep talking to me about frogs and toads. They are very low animals, and only fit to be eaten.\"", "SOME DAY PERHAPS YOU MAY FIND IT IF YOU LOOK ABOUT IN THE GRASS OR THE BUSHES FOR I RUB MYSELF AGAINST THE GRASS OR BUSHES TO GET IT OFF THEN DO YOU NOT SWALLOW YOUR SKIN AS THE TOAD DOES TOMMY SMITH ASKED I SHOULD NOT LIKE TO DO ANYTHING SO NASTY SAID THE GRASSNAKE ANGRILY AND I WISH YOU WOULDN'T KEEP TALKING TO ME ABOUT FROGS AND TOADS THEY ARE VERY LOW ANIMALS AND ONLY FIT TO BE EATEN" ], "pre_texts": [ "natured. But I am _not_, so I will only say that it is plain. I don’t think any fairy would like to wrap herself in _his_ skin.” “But are there fairies?” said Tommy Smith. “There are, as long as you are a little boy,” said the grass-snake; “but as soon as you are grown up there will be none.” “How funny!” said Tommy Smith. “But do you know, Mr. Grass-Snake, I should not like to wrap myself up in your skin, even if I could, because it is so hard and covered with scales. And besides, how could the fairies get into it without killing you first? I don’t suppose you can change it as the frog and the toad do.” “Not change it!” said the grass-snake. “And why not, pray? I should think myself a very stupid animal if I could not do _that_. Of course I change it, and then it looks and feels quite different to what it did when it was on me. You see, it is only just the outer part which comes off. That is quite thin, and I don’t think you would find it _very_ much harder than the petal of a flower.", "L DIRTY BROWN WHICH I MIGHT CALL UGLY IF I WERE ILL NATURED BUT I'M NOT AS SO I WILL ONLY SAY THAT IT IS PLAIN I DON'T THINK ANY FAIRY WHO WOULD LIKE TO WRAP HERSELF IN HIS SKIN BUT ARE THERE FAIRIES SAID TOMMY SMITH THERE ARE AS LONG AS YOU ARE A LITTLE BOY SAID THE GRASSNAKE BUT AS SOON AS YOU ARE GROWN UP THERE WILL BE NONE HOW FUNNY SAID TOMMY SMITH BUT DO YOU KNOW MISTER GRASSNAKE I SHOULD NOT LIKE TO WRAP MYSELF UP IN YOUR SKIN EVEN IF I COULD BECAUSE IT IS SO HARD AND COVERED WITH SCALES AND BESIDES HOW COULD THE FAIRIES GET INTO IT WITHOUT KILLING YOU FIRST I DON'T SUPPOSE YOU CAN CHANGE IT AS THE FROG AND THE TOAD DO NOT CHANGE IT SAID THE GRASSNAKE AND WHY NOT PRAY I SHOULD THINK MYSELF A VERY STUPID ANIMAL IF I COULD NOT DO THAT OF COURSE I CHANGE IT AND THEN IT LOOKS AND FEELS QUITE DIFFERENT TO WHAT IT DID WHEN IT WAS ON ME YOU SEE IT IS ONLY JUST THE OUTER PART WHICH COMES OFF THAT IS QUITE THIN AND I DON'T THINK YOU WOULD FIND IT VERY MUCH HARDER THAN A PETAL OF A FLOWER" ], "begin_byte": 80270, "end_byte": 80748 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_06_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 25920993, "duration": 1620.0620625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb_1", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Are you playing a game in the air when you fly like that, Mr. Peewit?\" asked Tommy Smith. \"Yes,\" answered the peewit; \"that is just what I am doing. Sometimes I play it by myself, but I like it better when there are some other peewits to play it with me.", "ARE YOU PLAYING A GAME IN THE AIR WHEN YOU FLY LIKE THAT MISTER PEWIT ASKED TOMMY SMITH YES ANSWERED THE PEWIT THAT IS JUST WHAT I AM DOING SOMETIMES I PLAY IT BY MYSELF BUT I LIKE IT BETTER WHEN THERE ARE SOME OTHER PEWITS TO PLAY WITH ME" ], "pre_texts": [ "rself? Do _you_ do any clever things as well as the other animals that I have spoken to?” “Why, haven’t you seen the way I tumble about in the air?” said the peewit. “And don’t you think that _that_ is very clever? You couldn’t do it yourself, however much you were to try.” “No,” said Tommy Smith, “but then _I_ have not got wings, you know. Perhaps if I _had_ got wings, I would be able to do it as well as you.” “Do you think so?” said the peewit. “That is only because you are very conceited. Why, even the swallow can’t do it. _He_ is a splendid flier, and goes very fast. But, though you were to watch him for a whole day, you would not see him do such funny things in the air as I do. As for the other birds—well, look at the cuckoo. What do you think of the way in which _he_ flies? Why, he just goes along without doing anything at all. Do you think _he_ could turn head over heels or make the noise with his wings that I do? If he can, then why doesn’t he? I should just like to know that.”", "TH BUT NOW MISTER PEWIT WON'T YOU TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF DO YOU DO ANY CLEVER THINGS AS WELL AS THE OTHER ANIMALS THAT I HAVE SPOKEN TO WHY HAVEN'T YOU SEEN THE WAY I TUMBLE ABOUT IN THE AIR SAID THE PEEWIT AND DON'T YOU THINK THAT THAT WAS VERY CLEVER YOU COULDN'T DO IT YOURSELF HOWEVER MUCH YOU WERE TO TRY NO SAID TOMMY SMITH WITH AN I HAVE NOT GOT WINGS YOU KNOW PERHAPS IF I HAD GOT WINGS I WOULD BE ABLE TO DO IT AS WELL AS YOU DO YOU THINK SO SAID THE PEWIT THAT IS ONLY BECAUSE YOU ARE VERY CONCEITED WHY EVEN THE SWALLOW CAN'T DO IT HE IS A SPLENDID FLIER AND GOES VERY FAST BUT THOUGH YOU WERE TO WATCH HIM FOR A WHOLE DAY YOU WOULD NOT SEE HIM DO SUCH FUNNY THINGS IN THE AIR AS I DO AS FOR THE OTHER BIRDS WHAT LOOK AT THE CUCKOO WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE WAY IN WHICH HE FLIES WHY HE JUST GOES ALONG WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING AT ALL DO YOU THINK HE COULD TURN HEAD OVER HEELS OR MAKE THE NOISE WITH HIS WINGS THAT I DO IF HE CAN THEN WHY DOESN'T HE I SHOULD JUST LIKE TO KNOW THAT" ], "begin_byte": 104151, "end_byte": 104406 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20264891, "duration": 1266.5556875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb_5", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.119, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Yes, they _are_ good to eat,\" said the mother peewit, as she nestled down on her eggs again. \"Oh, how I wish they were not!\" \"Why?\" said Tommy Smith. (He was only a little boy, or he would not have asked such questions.)", "YES THEY ARE GOOD TO EAT SAID THE MOTHER PEWIT AS SHE NESTLED DOWN ON HER EGGS AGAIN OH HOW I WISH THEY WERE NOT WHY SAID TOMMY SMITH HE WAS ONLY A LITTLE BOY OR HE WOULD NOT HAVE ASKED SUCH QUESTIONS" ], "pre_texts": [ "as if they expected him to say something. But Tommy Smith was too busy to say anything just then. He had gone down on his hands and knees, and was looking at the eggs, for they interested him more even than the little peewit that had just been hatched. They were such funny-shaped eggs, large at one end and pointed at the other, something like a small pear, Tommy Smith thought, and they lay in the little hollow with their pointed ends all meeting together in the middle of it. They were of a greenish yellow colour, with great black splotches upon them. Of course they were much smaller than the eggs that a hen lays, but still, Tommy Smith thought, they were large eggs for a peewit to lay. A peewit is hardly so large as a pigeon, but these eggs were a good deal larger than a pigeon’s egg. “Yes, they are very nice eggs,” he said at last, as he got up from his hands and knees. “Are they good to eat?” “Yes,” said the father peewit, “they are”; and as he said this he looked _very_, _very_ sad.", "EN THEY BOTH LOOKED UP AT TOMMY SMITH AS IF THEY EXPECTED HIM TO SAY SOMETHING BUT TOMMY SMITH WAS TOO BUSY TO SAY ANYTHING JUST THEN HE HAD GONE DOWN ON HIS HANDS AND KNEES AND WAS JUST LOOKING AT THE EGGS FOR THEY INTERESTED HIM MORE EVEN THAN THE LITTLE PEWIT THAT HAD JUST BEEN HATCHED THEY WERE SUCH FUNNY SHAPED EGGS LARGE AT ONE END AND POINTED AT THE OTHER SOMETHING LIKE A SMALL PEAR THOMAS SMITH THOUGHT AND THEY LAY IN THE LITTLE HOLLOW WITH THEIR POINTED ENDS ALL MEETING TOGETHER IN THE MIDDLE OF IT THEY WERE OF A GREENISH YELLOW COLOR WITH GREAT BLACK SPLOTCHES UPON THEM OF COURSE THEY WERE MUCH SMALLER THAN THE EGGS THAT A HEN LAYS BUT STILL TOMMY SMITH THOUGHT THEY WERE LARGE EGGS FOR A PEEWIT TO LAY A PEWIT IS HARDLY SO LARGE AS A PIGEON BUT THESE EGGS WERE A GOOD DEAL LARGER THAN A PIGEON'S EGG YES THEY ARE VERY NICE EGGS HE SAID AT LAST AS HE GOT UP FROM HIS HANDS AND KNEES ARE THEY GOOD TO EAT YES SAID THE FATHER PEWIT THEY ARE AND AS HE SAID THIS HE LOOKED VERY VERY SAD" ], "begin_byte": 111478, "end_byte": 111699 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20264891, "duration": 1266.5556875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb_21", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "But I think this one will be the cleverest,\" she added. \"There was a certain something in the way he chipped the shell, and he has lain in a thoughtful attitude ever since he came out.\"", "BUT I THINK THIS ONE WILL BE THE CLEVEREST SHE ADDED THERE WAS A CERTAIN SOMETHING IN THE WAY HE CHIPPED THE SHELL AND HE HAS LAIN IN A THOUGHTFUL ATTITUDE EVER SINCE HE CAME OUT" ], "pre_texts": [ "sand on the ground, and what more can one want? Just look!” and as she spoke she moved a little to one side, and there, in a slight hollow, Tommy Smith saw four—no, three eggs, and something else, something that was soft and fluffy, so it could not be an egg, although it was the same size, and the same sort of colour, yellowish, with black spots. Why, could that be a little baby peewit? Yes, indeed it was, for it moved a little, and made a little chirping noise. “Don’t touch him,” cried the father peewit. “He is too young for that.” “And little boys are so rough,” said the mother peewit. “But you may look at him,” said the father peewit. “Oh yes, do,” said the mother peewit; “and tell me what you think of him. Isn’t he the prettiest little fluffy thing in the whole world?” “Until the others are hatched,” said the father peewit. “Then there will be three more, you know.” “To be sure there will,” said the mother peewit, looking _very_ proud; “and they will all be as pretty as each other.", "N THE BARE GROUND BARE INDEED EXCLAIMED THE MOTHER PEWIT THERE IS PLENTY OF SAND ON THE GROUND AND WHAT MORE CAN ONE WANT JUST LOOK AS SHE SPOKE SHE MOVED A LITTLE TO ONE SIDE AND THERE IN A SLIGHT HOLLOW TOMMY SMITH SAW FOUR NO THREE EGGS AND SOMETHING ELSE SOMETHING THAT WAS SOFT AND FLUFFY SO IT COULD NOT BE AN EGG ALTHOUGH IT WAS THE SAME SIZE AND THE SAME SORT OF COLOR YELLOWISH WITH BLACK SPOTS WHY COULD THAT BE A LITTLE BABY PEWIT YES INDEED IT WAS FOR IT MOVED A LITTLE AND MADE A LITTLE CHIRPING NOISE DON'T TOUCH HIM CRIED THE FATHER PEWIT HE IS TOO YOUNG FOR THAT AND LITTLE BOYS ARE SO ROUGH SAID THE MOTHER PEWIT BUT YOU MAY LOOK AT HIM SAID THE FATHER PEWIT OH YES DO SAID THE MOTHER PEWIT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF HIM ISN'T HE THE PRETTIEST LITTLE FLUFFY THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD UNTIL THE OTHERS ARE HATCHED SAID THE FATHER PEWIT THEN THERE WILL BE THREE MORE YOU KNOW TO BE SURE THEY WILL SAID THE MOTHER PEWIT LOOKING VERY PROUD AND THEY WILL BE ALL SO PRETTY AS EACH OTHER" ], "begin_byte": 110198, "end_byte": 110383 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20264891, "duration": 1266.5556875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb_51", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.119, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "The peewit was not at all afraid, but looked up at Tommy Smith, with his head on one side, and said, \"Yes, that is my name. A name isn't sensible if it hasn't a meaning.", "THE PEEWIT WAS NOT AT ALL AFRAID BUT LOOKED UP AT TOMMY SMITH WITH HIS HEAD ON ONE SIDE AND SAID YES THAT IS MY NAME AND NAME ISN'T SENSIBLE IF IT HASN'T A MEANING" ], "pre_texts": [ "ll the while this bird kept on calling out, “Pee-wee-eet! pee-wee-eet!” as if he wanted Tommy Smith to speak to him, as, perhaps, he did. “I know what bird _you_ are,” said Tommy Smith. “I have often seen you flying over the fields, but you have never come so close to me before. I think your name is”— “Pee-wee-eet! pee-wee-eet! That is my name. They call me the peewit.” “Yes,” said Tommy Smith; “because you say”— “Pee-wee-eet! pee-wee-eet!” screamed the bird. “Yes, that is why. It is because I say ‘Pee-wee-eet’”; and as the peewit said this, he made a sweep down and settled on the ground just in front of Tommy Smith. So close! Tommy Smith could almost have touched him with his hand. He _was_ a handsome bird! _Now_ he could see that, besides his beautiful green back and his white breast, he had a handsome black crest at the back of his head, that stuck out a long way behind it—as if his hair had been brushed up behind, Tommy Smith thought, only, of course, it was not hair, but feathers.", "TH HAD EVER SEEN A TUMBLER PIGEON IT WOULD HAVE REMINDED HIM OF ONE BUT HE NEVER HAD AND ALL THE WHILE THIS BIRD KEPT CALLING OUT PEE WEE IT PEE WEE IT AS IF HE WANTED TOMMY SMITH TO SPEAK TO HIM PERHAPS HE DID I KNOW WHAT BIRD YOU ARE SAID TOMMY SMITH I HAVE OFTEN SEEN YOU FLYING OVER THE FIELDS BUT YOU HAVE NEVER COME SO CLOSE TO ME BEFORE I THINK YOUR NAME IS PEE IT PEWEEOT THAT'S MY NAME THEY CALL ME THE PEEWIT YES SAID TOMMY SMITH BECAUSE YOU SAY PEE WEE IT PEWEE IT SCREAMED THE BIRD YES THAT IS WHY IT IS BECAUSE I SAY PEWEE IT AND AS THE PEEWIT SAID THIS HE MADE A SWEEP DOWN TO SETTLE ON THE GROUND JUST IN FRONT OF TOMMY SMITH SO CLOSE TOMMY SMITH COULD ALMOST HAVE TOUCHED HIM WITH HIS HAND HE WAS A HANDSOME BIRD NOW HE COULD SEE THAT BESIDES HIS BEAUTIFUL GREEN BACK AND HIS WHITE BREAST HE HAD A HANDSOME BLACK CREST AT THE BACK OF HIS HEAD THAT STUCK OUT A LONG WAY BEHIND IT AS IF HIS HAIR HAD BEEN BRUSHED UP BEHIND TOMMY SMITH THOUGHT ONLY OF COURSE IT WAS NOT HAIR BUT FEATHERS" ], "begin_byte": 99973, "end_byte": 100142 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20264891, "duration": 1266.5556875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb_59", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.959, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"The very idea of it makes one shudder. A world without peewits! Oh dear! a nice sort of world _that_ would be!\" The mother peewit shook her head. \"It could hardly go on, dear; could it?\" she said.", "THE VERY IDEA OF IT MAKES ONE SHUDDER A WORLD WITHOUT PEWITS OH DEAR A NICE SORT OF WORLD THAT WOULD BE THE MOTHER PEWIT SHOOK HER HEAD IT COULD HARDLY GO ON DEAR COULD IT SHE SAID" ], "pre_texts": [ "uld_ ask her some day. But now he was talking to peewits. “You told me it was very difficult to find your eggs,” he said. “So it is,” said the father peewit; “but it is not impossible.” “I wish it were,” said the mother peewit. “But there are wicked men who learn how to do it, and then they can find them quite easily. Oh, what a wicked world it is!” Tommy Smith didn’t know what to say to comfort the poor peewits, until all at once an idea occurred to him. “Why do you lay eggs at all?” he said. “You know, if you didn’t lay them, nobody could take them away from you.” “Not lay eggs?” cried the mother peewit. “Why, it is our duty to lay them. We have our duties to perform, of course.” “If we did _not_ lay eggs,” said the father peewit (he looked _very_ grave as he spoke), “there would soon be no more peewits in the world, and what do you suppose would happen then?” Tommy Smith didn’t know, so he said, “What _would_ happen, Mr. Peewit?” “It is too dreadful to think about,” the peewit said.", "G WHAT THE RAT HAD SAID TO HIM ABOUT ASKING THE HEN AND HE THOUGHT HE WOULD ASK HER SOME DAY BUT NOW HE WAS TALKING TO PEWITS YOU TOLD ME IT WAS VERY DIFFICULT TO FIND YOUR EGGS HE SAID SO IT IS SAID THE FATHER PEWIT BUT IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE I WISH IT WERE SAID THE MOTHER PEWIT BUT THERE ARE WICKED MEN WHO LEARN HOW TO DO IT AND THEN THEY CAN FIND THEM QUITE EASILY OH WHAT A WICKED WORLD IT IS TOMMY SMITH DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY TO COMFORT THE POOR PEWITS UNTIL ALL AT ONCE AN IDEA OCCURRED TO HIM WHY DO YOU LAY YOUR EGGS AT ALL HE SAID YOU KNOW IF YOU DIDN'T LAY THEM NOBODY COULD TAKE THEM AWAY FROM YOU NOT LAY EGGS CRIED THE MOTHER PEWIT WHY IT IS OUR DUTY TO LAY THEM WE HAVE OUR DUTIES TO PERFORM OF COURSE IF WE DID NOT LAY EGGS SAID THE FATHER PEWIT HE LOOKED VERY GRAVE AS HE SPOKE THEN THERE WOULD BE NO MORE PEWITS IN THE WORLD AND WHAT DO YOU SUPPOSE WOULD HAPPEN THEN TOMMY SMITH DIDN'T KNOW SO HE SAID WHAT WOULD HAPPEN MISTER PEWIT IT IS TOO DREADFUL TO THINK ABOUT THE PEWIT SAID" ], "begin_byte": 114035, "end_byte": 114232 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20264891, "duration": 1266.5556875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb_81", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_07_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.759, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "Tommy Smith would rather have listened to what the peewit had to tell him about himself first, and then asked him some questions afterwards, for, just then, he didn't quite know what questions to ask.", "TOMMY SMITH WOULD RATHER HAVE LISTENED TO WHAT THE PEA WOULD HAD TO TELL HIM ABOUT HIMSELF FIRST AND THEN ASKED HIM SOME QUESTIONS AFTERWARDS FOR JUST THEN HE DIDN'T QUITE KNOW WHAT QUESTIONS TO ASK" ], "pre_texts": [ " the peewit.” “Yes,” said Tommy Smith; “because you say”— “Pee-wee-eet! pee-wee-eet!” screamed the bird. “Yes, that is why. It is because I say ‘Pee-wee-eet’”; and as the peewit said this, he made a sweep down and settled on the ground just in front of Tommy Smith. So close! Tommy Smith could almost have touched him with his hand. He _was_ a handsome bird! _Now_ he could see that, besides his beautiful green back and his white breast, he had a handsome black crest at the back of his head, that stuck out a long way behind it—as if his hair had been brushed up behind, Tommy Smith thought, only, of course, it was not hair, but feathers. The peewit was not at all afraid, but looked up at Tommy Smith, with his head on one side, and said, “Yes, that is my name. A name isn’t sensible if it hasn’t a meaning. Some people call me the lapwing, but I don’t know what _that_ means. I would rather _you_ called me the peewit. I like that name best. Well, now you may ask me some questions if you like.”", "ORE I THINK YOUR NAME IS PEE IT PEWEEOT THAT'S MY NAME THEY CALL ME THE PEEWIT YES SAID TOMMY SMITH BECAUSE YOU SAY PEE WEE IT PEWEE IT SCREAMED THE BIRD YES THAT IS WHY IT IS BECAUSE I SAY PEWEE IT AND AS THE PEEWIT SAID THIS HE MADE A SWEEP DOWN TO SETTLE ON THE GROUND JUST IN FRONT OF TOMMY SMITH SO CLOSE TOMMY SMITH COULD ALMOST HAVE TOUCHED HIM WITH HIS HAND HE WAS A HANDSOME BIRD NOW HE COULD SEE THAT BESIDES HIS BEAUTIFUL GREEN BACK AND HIS WHITE BREAST HE HAD A HANDSOME BLACK CREST AT THE BACK OF HIS HEAD THAT STUCK OUT A LONG WAY BEHIND IT AS IF HIS HAIR HAD BEEN BRUSHED UP BEHIND TOMMY SMITH THOUGHT ONLY OF COURSE IT WAS NOT HAIR BUT FEATHERS THE PEEWIT WAS NOT AT ALL AFRAID BUT LOOKED UP AT TOMMY SMITH WITH HIS HEAD ON ONE SIDE AND SAID YES THAT IS MY NAME AND NAME ISN'T SENSIBLE IF IT HASN'T A MEANING SOME PEOPLE CALL ME THE LAPWING BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS I WOULD RATHER YOU CALL ME THE PEEWIT I LIKE THAT NAME BEST WELL NOW YOU MAY ASK ME SOME QUESTIONS IF YOU LIKE" ], "begin_byte": 100332, "end_byte": 100532 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_08_selous_64kb_13", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_08_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "Tommy Smith thought to himself a little. The house he lived in was not a very large one, for his father was not a _very_ rich man. There were not many passages in it, and he did not think the longest of them was long enough to be called a corridor. Still, he thought that they must be longer than the passages of a mole's house, and he couldn't help feeling rather proud as he said, \"Oh! I don't know exactly, because I have never measured it, but perhaps it is six yards long.\"", "TOMMY SMITH THOUGHT TO HIMSELF A LITTLE THE HOUSE HE LIVED IN WAS NOT A VERY LARGE ONE FOR HIS FATHER WAS NOT A VERY RICH MAN THERE WERE NOT MANY PASSENGERS IN IT AND HE DID NOT THINK THE LONGEST OF THEM WAS LONG ENOUGH TO BE CALLED A CORRIDOR STILL HE THOUGHT THAT THEY MUST BE LONGER THAN THE PASSAGES OF A MOLE'S HOUSE SO HE COULDN'T HELP FEELING RATHER PROUD AS HE SAID OH I DON'T KNOW EXACTLY BECAUSE I HAVE NEVER MEASURED IT BUT PERHAPS IT IS SIX YARDS LONG" ], "pre_texts": [ "ever worn a waistcoat like that?” “Oh no,” answered Tommy Smith, “I never have. Nobody has ever given me one.” “I hope you never will,” said the mole; “for if you do, you will be almost as wicked a man as a mole-catcher, and he is the wickedest person I know of.” “A mole-catcher!” cried Tommy Smith; “then are there men who catch moles?” “Oh yes, indeed there are,” said the mole. “There are men who do that and nothing else.” “How do they do it?” asked Tommy Smith. “They have traps,” answered the mole, “which they put in the passages and corridors of our great underground palaces.” “Your houses, I suppose, you mean,” said Tommy Smith. “I mean what I say,” said the mole. “You may live in a house, I daresay, but I think the place that I live in is quite large and fine enough to be called a palace, so I call it one.” “Oh! but it cannot be so big as the house that I live in,” said Tommy Smith. “Well,” said the mole, “I should just like to know how long the longest corridor in your house is.”", "POOR LITTLE MOLES MUST HAVE BEEN KILLED ONLY TO MAKE ONE I HOPE YOU NEVER HAVE WORN A WAISTCOAT LIKE THAT OH NO ANSWERED TOMMY SMITH I NEVER HAVE NOBODY HAS EVER GIVEN ME ONE I HOPE YOU NEVER WILL SAID THE MOLE FOR IF YOU DO YOU'LL BE ALMOST AS WICKED A MAN AS A MOLE CATCHER AND HE IS THE WICKEDEST PERSON I KNOW OF A MOLE CATCHER CRIED TOMMY SMITH THEN ARE THERE MEN WHO CATCH MOLES OH YES INDEED THERE ARE SAID THE MOLE THERE ARE MEN WHO DO THAT AND NOTHING ELSE HOW DO THEY DO IT ASKED TOMMY SMITH THEY HAVE TRAPS ANSWERED THE MOLE WHICH THEY PUT IN THE PASSAGES AND CORRIDORS OF OUR GREAT UNDERGROUND PALACES YOUR HOUSES I SUPPOSE YOU MEAN SAID TOMMY SMITH I MEAN WHAT I SAY SAID THE MOLE YOU MAY LIVE IN A HOUSE I DARE SAY BUT I THINK THE PLACE THAT I LIVE IN IS QUITE LARGE AND FINE ENOUGH TO BE CALLED A PALACE SO I CALL IT ONE OH BUT IT CANNOT BE SO BIG AS THE HOUSE THAT I LIVE IN SAID TOMMY SMITH WELL SAID THE MOLE I SHOULD JUST LIKE TO KNOW HOW LONG THE LONGEST CORRIDOR IN YOUR HOUSE IS" ], "begin_byte": 124161, "end_byte": 124639 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.36, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Then do you both feed them?\" asked Tommy Smith. \"Yes,\" said the father woodpigeon; \"and we take it in turns. You would not find many cocks who would do that, I think.\"", "THEN DO YOU BOTH FEED THEM ASKED TOMMY SMITH YES SAID THE FATHER WOODPIGEON AND WE TAKE IT IN TURNS YOU WOULD NOT FIND MANY COCKS WHO WOULD DO THAT I THINK" ], "pre_texts": [ "ls, and not human beings.” Then he said out loud, “But I am sure the mother hen feeds her chickens, because I have seen her scratching up worms for them out of the ground, and”— “Yes, that is a nice way to feed one’s little ones,” said the mother woodpigeon. “A raw, live worm! Why, what could be nastier? No wonder they are forced to pick up things for themselves.” “If they waited till their parents put a worm into their mouths, they would starve,” said the father woodpigeon. “It is quite dreadful to think of.” “But I think the little chickens like picking up their own food,” said Tommy Smith. “They look so pretty running about.” “They would look much prettier sitting in a warm nest, as ours do,” said the mother woodpigeon. “And they would feel much more comfortable with you feeding them, my dear,” said the father. “And with you helping me, you know,” said the mother bird, and she stretched her neck over the branch, and cooed softly to her husband, who looked up at her, and cooed again.", " AND THE OTHERS DON'T BUT I SUPPOSE THAT IS BECAUSE THEY ARE ANIMALS AND NOT HUMAN BEINGS THEN HE SAID OUT LOUD BUT I AM SURE THEM OTHER HEN FEETS ARE CHICKS BECAUSE I HAVE SEEN HER SCRATCHING UP WORMS FOR THEM OUT OF THE GROUND AND YES THAT'S A NICE WAY TO FEED ONE'S LITTLE ONES SAID THE MOTHER PIGEON A RAW LIVE WORM WHY WHAT COULD BE NASTIER NO WONDER THEY ARE FORCED TO PICK UP THINGS FOR THEMSELVES IF THEY WAITED TILL THEIR PARENTS PUT A WORM INTO THEIR MOUTHS THEY WOULD STARVE SAID THE FATHERWOOD PIGEON IT IS QUITE DREADFUL TO THINK OF BUT I THINK THE LITTLE CHICKENS LIKE PICKING UP THEIR OWN FOOD SAID TOMMY SMITH THEY LOOK SO PRETTY RUNNING ABOUT THEY WOULD LOOK MUCH PRETTIER SITTING IN A WARM NEST AS OURS SAID THE MOTHER WOODPIGEON AND THEY WOULD FEEL MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE WITH YOU FEEDING THEM MY DEAR SAID THE FATHER AND WITH YOU HELPING ME YOU KNOW SAID THE MOTHER BIRD AS SHE STRETCHED HER NECK OVER THE BRANCH AND COOED SOFTLY TO HER HUSBAND WHO LOOKED UP AT HER AND COOED AGAIN" ], "begin_byte": 159515, "end_byte": 159683 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb_5", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"If they waited till their parents put a worm into their mouths, they would starve,\" said the father woodpigeon. \"It is quite dreadful to think of.\" \"But I think the little chickens like picking up their own food,\" said Tommy Smith. \"They look so pretty running about.\"", "IF THEY WAITED TILL THEIR PARENTS PUT A WORM INTO THEIR MOUTHS THEY WOULD STARVE SAID THE FATHERWOOD PIGEON IT IS QUITE DREADFUL TO THINK OF BUT I THINK THE LITTLE CHICKENS LIKE PICKING UP THEIR OWN FOOD SAID TOMMY SMITH THEY LOOK SO PRETTY RUNNING ABOUT" ], "pre_texts": [ "hat is why they lay so many eggs,” said the mother woodpigeon. “They don’t mind having a herd of children, because they know they won’t have to support them.” Tommy Smith was surprised to hear the woodpigeons talk like this of the poor fowls, for he had often seen the good mother hen walking about with her brood of children, calling to them when she found a worm, and taking care of them so nicely. “It seems to me,” he thought, “that every animal thinks itself better than every other animal; and they all think whatever they do right, just because they do it, and the others don’t. But I suppose _that_ is because they _are_ animals, and not human beings.” Then he said out loud, “But I am sure the mother hen feeds her chickens, because I have seen her scratching up worms for them out of the ground, and”— “Yes, that is a nice way to feed one’s little ones,” said the mother woodpigeon. “A raw, live worm! Why, what could be nastier? No wonder they are forced to pick up things for themselves.”", "EY ARE LAZY BIRDS AND DON'T FEED THEIR YOUNG ONES THAT IS WHY THEY LAY SO MANY EGGS SAID THE MOTHER WOODPIGEON THEY DON'T MIND HAVING A HERD OF CHILDREN BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY WON'T HAVE TO SUPPORT THEM TOMMY SMITH WAS SURPRISED TO HEAR THE WOODPIGEONS TALK LIKE THIS OF THE POOR FOWLS FOR HE HAD OFTEN SEEN A GOOD MOTHER HEN WALKING ABOUT WITH HER BROOD OF CHILDREN CALLING TO THEM WHEN SHE FOUND A WORM AND TAKING CARE OF THEM SO NICELY IT SEEMS TO ME HE THOUGHT THAT EVERY ANIMAL THINKS ITSELF BETTER THAN EVERY OTHER ANIMAL AND THEY ALL THINK WHATEVER THEY DO IS RIGHT JUST BECAUSE THEY DO IT AND THE OTHERS DON'T BUT I SUPPOSE THAT IS BECAUSE THEY ARE ANIMALS AND NOT HUMAN BEINGS THEN HE SAID OUT LOUD BUT I AM SURE THEM OTHER HEN FEETS ARE CHICKS BECAUSE I HAVE SEEN HER SCRATCHING UP WORMS FOR THEM OUT OF THE GROUND AND YES THAT'S A NICE WAY TO FEED ONE'S LITTLE ONES SAID THE MOTHER PIGEON A RAW LIVE WORM WHY WHAT COULD BE NASTIER NO WONDER THEY ARE FORCED TO PICK UP THINGS FOR THEMSELVES" ], "begin_byte": 158881, "end_byte": 159150 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb_23", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.319, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"He is so impetuous,\" said the mother woodpigeon. \"There is no stopping him when he wants to do anything. But _I_ will tell you what we do all day, so listen. We rise early, of course, and fly down to breakfast at about six.", "HE IS SO IMPETUOUS SAID THE MOTHER WOODPIGEON THERE IS NO STOPPING HIM WHEN HE WANTS TO DO ANYTHING BUT I WILL TELL YOU WHAT WE DO ALL DAY SO LISTEN WE RISE EARLY OF COURSE AND FLY DOWN TO BREAKFAST AT ABOUT SIX" ], "pre_texts": [ "cannot imagine one stronger. It would be _unpigeonly_.” And from the tone in which she said this, Tommy Smith felt that it would be no use to say anything more on the subject. “If there was any water here,” said the father woodpigeon, “I would drink a little just to show you, but the nearest is some way off. However, you can watch some tame pigeons the next time they are drinking, for we all belong to one great family, and have the same ideas upon important points. Now I am going for a short fly, but if you like to stay and talk to my wife, I shall be back again in an hour.” But Tommy Smith had to go too, for his lessons began at eleven o’clock, and of course it would not do to miss them, though it seemed to him that he was getting a much better lesson from the woodpigeons. “But I wish,” he said, “before you fly away, Mr. Woodpigeon, you would just tell me what you do all day.” But as Tommy Smith said this, there was a rustle and a clapping of wings, and the father woodpigeon was gone.", "TRONGEST OF ALL REASONS AT LEAST I CANNOT IMAGINE ONE STRONGER IT WOULD BE UNPIGEONLY AND FROM THE TONE IN WHICH SHE SAID THIS TOMMY SMITH FELT THAT IT WOULD BE NO USE TO SAY ANYTHING MORE ON THE SUBJECT IF THERE WAS ANY WATER HERE SAID THE FATHER WOODPIGEON I WOULD DRINK A LITTLE JUST TO SHOW YOU BUT THE NEAREST IS SOME WAY OFF HOWEVER YOU CAN WATCH SOME TAME PIGEONS THE NEXT TIME THEY ARE DRINKING FOR WE ALL BELONG TO ONE GREAT FAMILY AND HAVE THE SAME IDEAS UPON IMPORTANT POINTS NOW I AM GOING FOR A SHORT FLY BUT IF YOU LIKE TO STAY AND TALK TO MY WIFE I SHALL BE BACK AGAIN IN AN HOUR BUT TOMMY SMITH HAD TO GO TOO FOR HIS LESSONS BEGAN AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK AND OF COURSE IT WOULD NOT DO TO MISS THEM THOUGH IT SEEMED TO HIM THAT HE WAS GETTING A MUCH BETTER LESSON FROM THE WOODPIGEONS BUT I WISH HE SAID BEFORE YOU FLY AWAY MISTER WOODPIGEON YOU WOULD JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU DO ALL DAY BUT AS TOMMY SMITH SAID THIS THERE WAS A RUSTLE AND A CLAPPING OF WINGS AND THE FATHER WOODPIGEON WAS GONE" ], "begin_byte": 164329, "end_byte": 164553 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 23713333, "duration": 1482.0833125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb_30", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Your wings are the oars, I suppose,\" said Tommy Smith. \"Yes, indeed,\" said the woodpigeon, \"and how fast they row me along. Swish! swish! swish! and when I am tired I just spread them out and float along without using them. That is delightful. I call it resting on my wings.\"", "YOUR WINGS ARE THE OARS I SUPPOSE SAID TOMMY SMITH YES INDEED SAID THE WOODPIGEON AND HOW FAST THEY ROW ME ALONG SWISH SWISH SWISH AND WHEN I AM TIRED I JUST SPREAD THEM OUT AND FLOAT ALONG WITHOUT USING THEM THAT IS DELIGHTFUL I CALL IT RESTING ON MY WINGS" ], "pre_texts": [ " had seemed sensible at the time, but now he began to feel afraid that the woodpigeon would think them foolish. At last he said, “Please, Mr. Woodpigeon, where do you live?” “Oh, in this tree,” said the woodpigeon, “half-way up on the seventeenth storey.” “I suppose you mean the seventeenth branch,” said Tommy Smith. “Of course I do,” said the woodpigeon. “I have my nest there, and my wife is sitting on the eggs now.” “Oh, do let me see them,” cried Tommy Smith. “Oh no,” said the woodpigeon. “They are too high up for that. You would not be able to climb so far, and you cannot fly as we birds do, for you are only a poor boy, and have no wings.” “I wish I had wings,” said Tommy Smith. “Is it very nice to fly, Mr. Woodpigeon?” “It is nicer than anything else in the whole world,” the woodpigeon answered. “Just fancy floating along high above everything, as if the air were water, and you were a boat. Only you go much quicker than a boat does, and sometimes you need not use the oars at all.”", "E HAD THOUGHT OF A GOOD MANY QUESTIONS TO ASK AND THEY HAD SEEMED SENSIBLE AT THE TIME BUT NOW HE BEGAN TO FEEL AFRAID THAT THE WOODPIGEON WOULD THINK THEM FOOLISH AT LAST HE SAID PLEASE MISTER WOODPIGEON WHERE DO YOU LIVE OH IN THIS TREE SAID THE WOODPIGEON HALF WAY UP ON THE SEVENTEENTH STORY I SUPPOSE YOU MEAN THE SEVENTEENTH BRANCH SAID TOMMY SMITH OF COURSE I DO SAID THE WOODPIGEON I HAVE MY NEST THERE AND MY WIFE IS SITTING ON THE EGGS NOW OH DO LET ME SEE THEM CRIED TOMMY SMITH OH NO SAID THE WOODPIGEON THEY ARE TOO HIGH UP FOR THAT YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO CLIMB SO FAR AND YOU CANNOT FLY AS WE BIRDS DO FOR YOU ARE ONLY A POOR BOY AND HAVE NO WINGS I WISH I HAD WINGS SAID TOMMY SMITH IS IT VERY NICE TO FLY MISTER WOODPIGEON IT IS NICER THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THE WHOLE WORLD THE WOODPIGEON ANSWERED JUST FANCY FLOATING ALONG HIGH ABOVE EVERYTHING AS IF THE AIR WERE WATER AND YOU WERE A BOAT ONLY YOU CAN GO MUCH QUICKER THAN A BOAT DOES AND SOMETIMES YOU NEED NOT USE THE OARS AT ALL" ], "begin_byte": 155534, "end_byte": 155810 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb_44", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "However much it rains they can never be damp, for how can a bed be damp and well aired at the same time?\" Tommy Smith couldn't think of the right answer to this, and the woodpigeon went on, \"So, now, I have told you how we pass the day. What a happy, happy life!", "HOWEVER MUCH IT RAINS THEY CAN NEVER BE DAMP FOR HOW CAN A BED BE DAMP AND WELL AIRED AT THE SAME TIME TOMMY SMITH COULD THINK OF THE RIGHT ANSWER TO THIS AND THE WOODPIGEON WENT ON SO NOW I HAVE TOLD YOU HOW WE PASSED THE DAY WHAT A HAPPY HAPPY LIFE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ich is the nicest part of the whole day. After that we feel a little tired and sleepy, so we sit quietly in the woods till about two. Then it is quite time for dinner, so off we go again and feed till about five. After dinner it is best to sit quiet and coo a little. A quiet coo aids digestion. Then we have a nice refreshing drink in the cool of the evening, and after that we go straight to tree.” “Do you mean to bed?” said Tommy Smith. “Of course I do,” said the mother woodpigeon. “We sleep in trees. They are the only beds we should care to trust ourselves to.” “Aren’t they rather hard?” said Tommy Smith. “Not at all,” said the woodpigeon. “You see, we have our own feathers, so that makes them feather-beds. They are soft enough and warm enough for us, you may be quite sure.” “But it must be very windy up in the trees,” said Tommy Smith. “That is the great advantage of the situation,” said the mother woodpigeon. “Our beds are always well aired, so we need never feel anxious about that.", "N HOUR THEN WE GO OFF TO DRINK AND TO BATHE WHICH IS THE NICEST PART OF THE WHOLE DAY AFTER THAT WE FEEL A LITTLE TIRED AND SLEEPY SO WE SIT QUIETLY IN THE WOODS TILL ABOUT TWO THEN IT IS QUITE TIME FOR DINNER SO OFF WE GO AGAIN AND FEED UNTIL ABOUT FIVE AFTER DINNER IT IS BEST TO SIT QUIET AND COOL A LITTLE A QUIET COO AIDS DIGESTION THEN WE HAVE A NICE REFRESHING DRINK IN THE COOL OF THE EVENING AND AFTER THAT WE GO STRAIGHT TO TREE DO YOU MEAN TO BED SAID TOMMY SMITH OF COURSE I DO SAID THE MOTHER WOODPIGEON WE SLEEP IN TREES THEY ARE THE ONLY BEDS WE SHOULD CARE TO TRUST OURSELVES TO AREN'T THEY RATHER HARD SAID TOMMY SMITH NOT AT ALL SAID THE WOODPIGEON YOU SEE WE HAVE OUR OWN FEATHERS SO THAT MAKES THEM FEATHER BEDS THEY ARE SOFT ENOUGH AND WARM ENOUGH FOR US YOU MAY BE QUITE SURE BUT IT MUST BE VERY WINDY UP IN THE TREES SAID TOMMY SMITH THAT IS THE GREAT ADVANTAGE OF THE SITUATION SAID THE MOTHER WOODPIGEON OUR BEDS ARE ALWAYS WELL AIRED SO WE NEED NEVER FEEL ANXIOUS ABOUT THAT" ], "begin_byte": 165710, "end_byte": 165972 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 23713333, "duration": 1482.0833125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb_47", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.64, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "However, you can watch some tame pigeons the next time they are drinking, for we all belong to one great family, and have the same ideas upon important points. Now I am going for a short fly, but if you like to stay and talk to my wife, I shall be back again in an hour.\"", "HOWEVER YOU CAN WATCH SOME TAME PIGEONS THE NEXT TIME THEY ARE DRINKING FOR WE ALL BELONG TO ONE GREAT FAMILY AND HAVE THE SAME IDEAS UPON IMPORTANT POINTS NOW I AM GOING FOR A SHORT FLY BUT IF YOU LIKE TO STAY AND TALK TO MY WIFE I SHALL BE BACK AGAIN IN AN HOUR" ], "pre_texts": [ "n down their throats, but we pigeons would be ashamed to drink in such a way as that. We keep our beaks in the water all the time, and suck it up into our throats. That is how _we_ drink, and nothing could make us do it differently. We don’t lift _our_ heads up.” “But why shouldn’t you lift them up?” said Tommy Smith; for he thought to himself, “If all the other birds drink like that, it ought to be the right way.” “Why shouldn’t we?” said the father woodpigeon. “Why, because it would be stupid,—and wrong too,” he added after a pause, during which he seemed to be thinking. “There is a still stronger reason,” said the mother woodpigeon, “the strongest of _all_ reasons; at least, _I_ cannot imagine one stronger. It would be _unpigeonly_.” And from the tone in which she said this, Tommy Smith felt that it would be no use to say anything more on the subject. “If there was any water here,” said the father woodpigeon, “I would drink a little just to show you, but the nearest is some way off.", " THEIR BILLS AND THEN THEY LIFT THEIR HEADS UP AND LET IT RUN DOWN THEIR THROATS BUT WE PIGEONS WOULD BE ASHAMED TO DRINK IN SUCH A WAY AS THAT WE KEEP OUR BEAKS IN THE WATER ALL THE TIME AND SUCK IT UP INTO OUR THROATS THAT IS HOW WE DRINK AND NOTHING COULD MAKE US DO IT DIFFERENTLY WE DON'T LIFT OUR HEADS UP BUT WHY SHOULDN'T YOU LIFT THEM UP SAID TOMMY SMITH FOR HE THOUGHT TO HIMSELF IF ALL THE OTHER BIRDS DRINK LIKE THAT IT OUGHT TO BE THE RIGHT WAY WHY SHOULDN'T WE SAID THE FATHER PIGEON WHY BECAUSE IT WOULD BE STUPID AND WRONG TO HE ADDED AFTER A PAUSE DURING WHICH HE SEEMED TO BE THINKING THERE IS STILL A STRONGER REASON SAID THE MOTHER WOULD PIGEON THE STRONGEST OF ALL REASONS AT LEAST I CANNOT IMAGINE ONE STRONGER IT WOULD BE UNPIGEONLY AND FROM THE TONE IN WHICH SHE SAID THIS TOMMY SMITH FELT THAT IT WOULD BE NO USE TO SAY ANYTHING MORE ON THE SUBJECT IF THERE WAS ANY WATER HERE SAID THE FATHER WOODPIGEON I WOULD DRINK A LITTLE JUST TO SHOW YOU BUT THE NEAREST IS SOME WAY OFF" ], "begin_byte": 163638, "end_byte": 163909 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 23713333, "duration": 1482.0833125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb_57", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Aren't they rather hard?\" said Tommy Smith. \"Not at all,\" said the woodpigeon. \"You see, we have our own feathers, so that makes them feather beds. They are soft enough and warm enough for us, you may be quite sure.\" \"But it must be very windy up in the trees,\" said Tommy Smith.", "AREN'T THEY RATHER HARD SAID TOMMY SMITH NOT AT ALL SAID THE WOODPIGEON YOU SEE WE HAVE OUR OWN FEATHERS SO THAT MAKES THEM FEATHER BEDS THEY ARE SOFT ENOUGH AND WARM ENOUGH FOR US YOU MAY BE QUITE SURE BUT IT MUST BE VERY WINDY UP IN THE TREES SAID TOMMY SMITH" ], "pre_texts": [ "pping of wings, and the father woodpigeon was gone. “He is so impetuous,” said the mother woodpigeon. “There is no stopping him when he wants to do anything. But _I_ will tell you what we do all day, so listen. We rise early, of course, and fly down to breakfast at about six. After three or four hours we come back to the woods again, and coo and talk to each other there for about an hour. Then we go off to drink and to bathe, which is the nicest part of the whole day. After that we feel a little tired and sleepy, so we sit quietly in the woods till about two. Then it is quite time for dinner, so off we go again and feed till about five. After dinner it is best to sit quiet and coo a little. A quiet coo aids digestion. Then we have a nice refreshing drink in the cool of the evening, and after that we go straight to tree.” “Do you mean to bed?” said Tommy Smith. “Of course I do,” said the mother woodpigeon. “We sleep in trees. They are the only beds we should care to trust ourselves to.”", "SAID THIS THERE WAS A RUSTLE AND A CLAPPING OF WINGS AND THE FATHER WOODPIGEON WAS GONE HE IS SO IMPETUOUS SAID THE MOTHER WOODPIGEON THERE IS NO STOPPING HIM WHEN HE WANTS TO DO ANYTHING BUT I WILL TELL YOU WHAT WE DO ALL DAY SO LISTEN WE RISE EARLY OF COURSE AND FLY DOWN TO BREAKFAST AT ABOUT SIX AFTER THREE OR FOUR HOURS WE COME BACK TO THE WOODS AGAIN AND COO AND TALK TO EACH OTHER THERE FOR ABOUT AN HOUR THEN WE GO OFF TO DRINK AND TO BATHE WHICH IS THE NICEST PART OF THE WHOLE DAY AFTER THAT WE FEEL A LITTLE TIRED AND SLEEPY SO WE SIT QUIETLY IN THE WOODS TILL ABOUT TWO THEN IT IS QUITE TIME FOR DINNER SO OFF WE GO AGAIN AND FEED UNTIL ABOUT FIVE AFTER DINNER IT IS BEST TO SIT QUIET AND COOL A LITTLE A QUIET COO AIDS DIGESTION THEN WE HAVE A NICE REFRESHING DRINK IN THE COOL OF THE EVENING AND AFTER THAT WE GO STRAIGHT TO TREE DO YOU MEAN TO BED SAID TOMMY SMITH OF COURSE I DO SAID THE MOTHER WOODPIGEON WE SLEEP IN TREES THEY ARE THE ONLY BEDS WE SHOULD CARE TO TRUST OURSELVES TO" ], "begin_byte": 165278, "end_byte": 165558 } } ]
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{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb_58", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.68, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "But Tommy Smith had to go too, for his lessons began at eleven o'clock, and of course it would not do to miss them, though it seemed to him that he was getting a much better lesson from the woodpigeons. \"But I wish,\" he said, \"before you fly away, Mr. Woodpigeon, you would just tell me what you do all day.\"", "BUT TOMMY SMITH HAD TO GO TOO FOR HIS LESSONS BEGAN AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK AND OF COURSE IT WOULD NOT DO TO MISS THEM THOUGH IT SEEMED TO HIM THAT HE WAS GETTING A MUCH BETTER LESSON FROM THE WOODPIGEONS BUT I WISH HE SAID BEFORE YOU FLY AWAY MISTER WOODPIGEON YOU WOULD JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU DO ALL DAY" ], "pre_texts": [ " shouldn’t you lift them up?” said Tommy Smith; for he thought to himself, “If all the other birds drink like that, it ought to be the right way.” “Why shouldn’t we?” said the father woodpigeon. “Why, because it would be stupid,—and wrong too,” he added after a pause, during which he seemed to be thinking. “There is a still stronger reason,” said the mother woodpigeon, “the strongest of _all_ reasons; at least, _I_ cannot imagine one stronger. It would be _unpigeonly_.” And from the tone in which she said this, Tommy Smith felt that it would be no use to say anything more on the subject. “If there was any water here,” said the father woodpigeon, “I would drink a little just to show you, but the nearest is some way off. However, you can watch some tame pigeons the next time they are drinking, for we all belong to one great family, and have the same ideas upon important points. Now I am going for a short fly, but if you like to stay and talk to my wife, I shall be back again in an hour.”", "US DO IT DIFFERENTLY WE DON'T LIFT OUR HEADS UP BUT WHY SHOULDN'T YOU LIFT THEM UP SAID TOMMY SMITH FOR HE THOUGHT TO HIMSELF IF ALL THE OTHER BIRDS DRINK LIKE THAT IT OUGHT TO BE THE RIGHT WAY WHY SHOULDN'T WE SAID THE FATHER PIGEON WHY BECAUSE IT WOULD BE STUPID AND WRONG TO HE ADDED AFTER A PAUSE DURING WHICH HE SEEMED TO BE THINKING THERE IS STILL A STRONGER REASON SAID THE MOTHER WOULD PIGEON THE STRONGEST OF ALL REASONS AT LEAST I CANNOT IMAGINE ONE STRONGER IT WOULD BE UNPIGEONLY AND FROM THE TONE IN WHICH SHE SAID THIS TOMMY SMITH FELT THAT IT WOULD BE NO USE TO SAY ANYTHING MORE ON THE SUBJECT IF THERE WAS ANY WATER HERE SAID THE FATHER WOODPIGEON I WOULD DRINK A LITTLE JUST TO SHOW YOU BUT THE NEAREST IS SOME WAY OFF HOWEVER YOU CAN WATCH SOME TAME PIGEONS THE NEXT TIME THEY ARE DRINKING FOR WE ALL BELONG TO ONE GREAT FAMILY AND HAVE THE SAME IDEAS UPON IMPORTANT POINTS NOW I AM GOING FOR A SHORT FLY BUT IF YOU LIKE TO STAY AND TALK TO MY WIFE I SHALL BE BACK AGAIN IN AN HOUR" ], "begin_byte": 163910, "end_byte": 164218 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb_63", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.919, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "Tommy Smith didn't know how to answer this, so he thought he would change the subject. \"What have you been doing this morning, Mr. Woodpigeon?\" he said.", "TOMMY SMITH DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO ANSWER THIS SO HE THOUGHT HE WOULD CHANGE THE SUBJECT WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THIS MORNING MISTER WOODPIGEON HE SAID" ], "pre_texts": [ " he came to it the voice seemed to change just a little. Only just a little; it had still the same pretty, soft sound, and the end part was just the same, but, instead of “Coo-oo-oo-oo, coo-oo-oo-oo,” which it had been saying before, now it was saying—yes, and quite distinctly too—“How do you do-oo-oo-oo? How do you do-oo-oo-oo?” Yes, there could be no doubt of it, and as Tommy Smith came quite up to the tree, there was the woodpigeon sitting on one of the lowest branches, bowing to him quite politely, and asking him how he was. “Oh, I am quite well, Mr. Woodpigeon,” answered Tommy Smith. “I hope you are.” “Oh, I am quite well too-oo-oo-oo,” cooed the woodpigeon, bobbing his head up and down all the while. “Why do you move your head up and down like that whilst you speak?” asked Tommy Smith. “Why, because it is the proper thing to do-oo-oo-oo,” replied the woodpigeon. “But _I_ don’t do it when _I_ speak,” said Tommy Smith. “Oh no; but then _I_ am not you-oo-oo-oo,” said the woodpigeon.", " IT IS THE WOODPIGEON PERHAPS HE WILL STAY AND TALK TO ME SO HE GOT UP AND HE WALKED TOWARDS THE TREE BUT WAS IT NOT STRANGE AS HE CAME TO IT THE VOICE SEEMED TO CHANGE A LITTLE ONLY JUST A LITTLE IT HAD STILL THE SAME PRETTY SOFT SOUND AND THE END PART WAS JUST THE SAME BUT INSTEAD OF COO COO WHICH IT HAD BEEN SAYING BEFORE NOW IT WAS SAYING YES QUITE DISTINCTLY TOO HOW DO YOU DO HOW DO YOU DO YES THERE COULD BE NO DOUBT ABOUT IT AND AS TOMMY SMITH CAME QUITE UP TO THE TREE THERE WAS THE WOODPIGEON SITTING ON ONE OF THE LOWEST BRANCHES BOWING TO HIM QUITE POLITELY AND ASKING HIM HOW HE WAS OH I AM QUITE WELL MISTER WOODPIGEON ANSWERED TOMMY SMITH I HOPE YOU ARE OH I AM QUITE WELL TOO COOED THE WOODPIGEON BOBBING HIS HEAD UP AND DOWN ALL THE WHILE WHY DO YOU MOVE YOUR HEAD UP AND DOWN LIKE THAT WHILST YOU SPEAK ASKED TOMMY SMITH WHY BECAUSE IT IS THE PROPER THING TO DO REPLIED THE WOODPIGEON BUT I DON'T DO IT WHEN I SPEAK SAID TOMMY SMITH OH NO BUT THEN I AM NOT YOU SAID THE WOODPIGEON" ], "begin_byte": 149321, "end_byte": 149473 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb_95", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Oh, do let me see them,\" cried Tommy Smith. \"Oh no,\" said the woodpigeon. \"They are too high up for that. You would not be able to climb so far, and you cannot fly as we birds do, for you are only a poor boy, and have no wings.\"", "OH DO LET ME SEE THEM CRIED TOMMY SMITH OH NO SAID THE WOODPIGEON THEY ARE TOO HIGH UP FOR THAT YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO CLIMB SO FAR AND YOU CANNOT FLY AS WE BIRDS DO FOR YOU ARE ONLY A POOR BOY AND HAVE NO WINGS" ], "pre_texts": [ " stomach. So now you know what sort of thing a gizzard is, and why we swallow stones.” “But don’t the stones hurt you?” asked Tommy Smith. “Do you think we would swallow them if they did?” answered the woodpigeon. “What a foolish question to ask!” Tommy Smith stood for a little while thinking about it, and wondering if _he_ had a mill inside _him_, till at last the woodpigeon said, “Perhaps you would like to ask me a _sensible_ question.” “Oh yes,” said Tommy Smith, and he tried to think what was a sensible question. He had thought of a good many questions to ask, and they had seemed sensible at the time, but now he began to feel afraid that the woodpigeon would think them foolish. At last he said, “Please, Mr. Woodpigeon, where do you live?” “Oh, in this tree,” said the woodpigeon, “half-way up on the seventeenth storey.” “I suppose you mean the seventeenth branch,” said Tommy Smith. “Of course I do,” said the woodpigeon. “I have my nest there, and my wife is sitting on the eggs now.”", "HEN THEY ARE NICE AND SOFT THEY ARE READY TO GO ON INTO THE STOMACH SO NOW YOU KNOW WHAT SORT OF THING A GIZZARD IS AND WHY WE SWALLOW STONES BUT DON'T THE STONES HURT YOU ASKED TOMMY SMITH DO YOU THINK WE WOULD SWALLOW THEM IF THEY DID ANSWERED THE WOODPIGEON WHAT A FOOLISH QUESTION TO ASK TOMMY SMITH STOOD FOR A LITTLE WHILE THINKING ABOUT IT AND WONDERING IF HE HAD A MILL INSIDE HIM TILL AT LAST THE WOODPIGEON SAID PERHAPS YOU WOULD LIKE TO ASK ME A SENSIBLE QUESTION OH YES SAID TOMMY SMITH AND HE TRIED TO THINK WHAT WAS A SENSIBLE QUESTION HE HAD THOUGHT OF A GOOD MANY QUESTIONS TO ASK AND THEY HAD SEEMED SENSIBLE AT THE TIME BUT NOW HE BEGAN TO FEEL AFRAID THAT THE WOODPIGEON WOULD THINK THEM FOOLISH AT LAST HE SAID PLEASE MISTER WOODPIGEON WHERE DO YOU LIVE OH IN THIS TREE SAID THE WOODPIGEON HALF WAY UP ON THE SEVENTEENTH STORY I SUPPOSE YOU MEAN THE SEVENTEENTH BRANCH SAID TOMMY SMITH OF COURSE I DO SAID THE WOODPIGEON I HAVE MY NEST THERE AND MY WIFE IS SITTING ON THE EGGS NOW" ], "begin_byte": 154955, "end_byte": 155184 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 23713333, "duration": 1482.0833125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb_101", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"You couldn't have eaten all those this morning, because they are not all ripe now, and\"— \"I didn't say they were ripe,\" said the woodpigeon; \"and if I didn't eat them this morning, then I did on some other morning, so it's all the same.", "YOU COULDN'T HAVE EATEN ALL THOSE THIS MORNING BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT ALL RIPE NOW AND I DIDN'T SAY THEY WERE RIPE SAID THE WOODPIGEON AND IF I DIDN'T EAT THEM THIS MORNING THEN I DID ON SOME OTHER MORNING SO IT'S ALL THE SAME" ], "pre_texts": [ "said the woodpigeon; “but your breakfast is brought to you, whilst I have to find mine for myself. What you eat is put down before you on a table, but _my_ table is the whole country, and it is so large and broad that it takes me a long while to find what is on it, and to eat as much of it as I want.” “I wonder what your breakfast is like, Mr. Woodpigeon,” said Tommy Smith. “I suppose it is very different to mine.” “Let me see,” cooed the woodpigeon. “This morning I had a few peas and beans, besides some oats and barley. I got those in the fields, and I found some green clover there too, as well as some wild mustard, and some ragweed and charlock, and a few other seeds and roo-oo-oo-oots.” “Oh dear, Mr. Woodpigeon,” said Tommy Smith; “why, what a lot you do eat.” “I don’t call that much,” said the woodpigeon. “When I was tired of looking about in the fields, I went to the woods again, and got a few acorns, and some beechnuts, and”— “Oh! but look here, Mr. Woodpigeon,” said Tommy Smith.", "KE HALF AN HOUR OVER MINE HE ADDED THAT IS ALL VERY WELL SAID THE WOODPIGEON BUT YOUR BREAKFAST IS BROUGHT TO YOU WHILST I HAVE TO FIND MINE FOR MYSELF WHAT YOU EAT IS PUT DOWN BEFORE YOU ON THE TABLE BUT MY TABLE IS THE WHOLE COUNTRY AND IT IS SO LARGE AND BROAD THAT IT TAKES ME A LONG WHILE TO FIND WHAT IS ON IT AND TO EAT AS MUCH OF IT AS I WANT I WONDER WHAT YOUR BREAKFAST IS LIKE MISTER WOODPIGEON SAID TOMMY SMITH I SUPPOSE IT IS VERY DIFFERENT THAN MINE LET ME SEE QUOTHED THE WOODPIGEON THIS MORNING I HAD A FEW PEAS AND BEANS BESIDES SOME OATS AND BARLEY I GOT THOSE IN THE FIELDS AND I FOUND SOME GREEN CLOVER THERE TOO AS WELL AS SOME WILD MUSTARD AND SOME RAGWEED AND CHARLOCK AND A FEW OTHER SEEDS AND ROOTS OH MISTER WOODPIGEON SAID TOMMY SMITH WHY WHAT A LOT YOU DO EAT I DON'T CALL THAT MUCH SAID THE WOODPIGEON WHEN I WAS TIRED OF LOOKING ABOUT IN THE FIELDS I WENT TO THE WOODS AGAIN AND GOT A FEW ACORNS AND SOME BEECHNUTS AND OH BUT LOOK HERE MISTER WOODPIGEON SAID TOMMY SMITH" ], "begin_byte": 150894, "end_byte": 151131 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb_125", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_09_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.8, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "That couldn't be people. No men, and no women either, have such a pretty voice as that.\" \"Coo oo oo oo, coo oo oo oo,\" said the voice. It had been some way off before, but now it sounded much nearer.", "THAT COULDN'T BE PEOPLE NO MEN NO WOMEN EITHER HAVE SUCH A PRETTY VOICE AS THAT COO COO SAID THE VOICE IT HAD BEEN SOME WAY OFF BEFORE BUT NOW IT SOUNDED MUCH NEARER" ], "pre_texts": [ "he very tip-top of a high fir tree, and soon he began to fill the whole air with his beautiful, clear, joyous notes. “I like that as well as the piano,” said Tommy Smith, “and I don’t think I know any lady who could sing such a beautiful song.” Then the robin began. “That is lower and sweeter,” he thought. “_People_ make a great deal more noise when they sing, but it doesn’t seem to mean so much, or, if it does, I don’t like the meaning so well. Then a jay screamed, and some starlings began to chatter. “Oh, there!” cried Tommy Smith, clapping his hands. “That is much more like people. Ladies talk and sing just like that. But not like _that_,” he continued; for now another sound began to mingle with the rest, such a pretty, such a _very_ pretty sound, _so_ soft, and so tender and sleepy, “like a lullaby,” Tommy Smith thought. And, as he listened to it, all the woods seemed to grow hushed and still, as if they were listening too. “Oh,” said Tommy Smith, “it is no use pretending any more.", "T ALL SO TOMMY SMITH SAT DOWN AND LISTENED A THRUSH WAS SITTING ON THE VERY TIP TOP OF A HIGH FIR TREE AND SOON HE BEGAN TO FILL THE WHOLE AIR WITH HIS BEAUTIFUL CLEAR JOYOUS NOTES I LIKE THAT AS WELL AS THE PIANO SAID TOMMY SMITH AND I DON'T THINK I KNOW ANY LADY WHO COULD SING SUCH A BEAUTIFUL SONG THEN THE ROBIN BEGAN THAT IS LOWER AND SWEETER HE THOUGHT PEOPLE MAKE A GREAT DEAL MORE NOISE WHEN THEY SING BUT IT DOESN'T SEEM TO MEAN SO MUCH OR IF IT DOES I DON'T LIKE THE MEANING SO WELL THEN A JAY SCREAMED AND SOME STARLINGS BEGAN TO CHATTER OH THERE CRIED TOMMY SMITH CLAPPING HIS HANDS THAT IS MUCH MORE LIKE PEOPLE LADIES TALK AND SING JUST LIKE THAT BUT NOT LIKE THAT HE CONTINUED FOR ANOTHER SOUND BEGAN TO MINGLE WITH THE REST SUCH A PRETTY SUCH A VERY PRETTY SOUND OH SOFT AND SO TENDER AND SLEEPY LIKE A LULLABY TOMMY SMITH THOUGHT AND AS HE LISTENED TO IT ALL THE WOODS SEEMED TO GROW HUSHED AND STILL AS IF THEY WERE LISTENING TO OH SAID TOMMY SMITH IT IS NO USE PRETENDING ANY MORE" ], "begin_byte": 147816, "end_byte": 148015 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_10_selous_64kb_26", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_10_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "That is how summer houses are always built, you know. Perhaps you have one in your garden.\" \"Oh yes, we have,\" said Tommy Smith. \"And isn't it much smaller than the other one?\" said the squirrel. \"Oh yes, it is,\" said Tommy Smith.", "THAT IS HOW SUMMER HOUSES ARE ALWAYS BUILT YOU KNOW PERHAPS YOU HAVE ONE IN YOUR GARDEN OH YES WE HAVE SAID TOMMY SMITH AND ISN'T IT MUCH SMALLER THAN YOUR OTHER ONE SAID THE SQUIRREL OH YES IT IS SAID TOMMY SMITH" ], "pre_texts": [ "s _two_ doors,” said the squirrel, “a large one and a small one. Why, what a question to ask! You will be asking if it has a roof to it next.” “_Has_ it a roof?” said Tommy Smith. (So, you see, the squirrel was quite right.) “Of course it has,” said the squirrel. “The idea of living in a house without a roof to it! I build it high up in the fork of a tree,” he went on; “and I lie curled up inside it, as snug and as warm as can be.” “But isn’t it too warm in the summer?” asked Tommy Smith. “Oh, I don’t go into it then,” said the squirrel. “The house I have been telling you about is for the winter, but in the summer I have my summer-house to go into.” “Oh, then you have two houses!” said Tommy Smith. “That is cleverer than a bird, for they have only one nest.” “_I_ have two,” said the squirrel, “and they are not at all the same.” “Oh, do tell me what the summer-house is like,” said Tommy Smith. “It is more lightly built than the winter-house,” said the squirrel, “and not nearly so large.", "GH I SUPPOSE YOUR HOUSE HAS A DOOR TO GET IN AND OUT OF BY SAID TOMY SMITH IT HAS TWO DOORS SAID THE SQUIRREL A LARGE ONE AND A SMALL ONE WHY WHAT A QUESTION TO ASK YOU WILL BE ASKING IF IT HAS A ROOF TO IT NEXT HAS IT A ROOF SAID TOMMY SMITH SO YOU SEE THE SQUIRREL IS QUITE RIGHT OF COURSE IT HAS SAID THE SQUIRREL THE IDEA OF LIVING IN A HOUSE WITHOUT A ROOF TO IT I BUILD IT HIGH UP IN THE FORK OF A TREE HE WENT ON AND I LIE CURLED UP INSIDE IT AS SNUG AND AS WARM AS CAN BE BUT ISN'T IT TOO WARM IN THE SUMMER ASKED TOMMY SMITH OH I DON'T GO INTO IT THEN SAID THE SQUIRREL THE HOUSE I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU ABOUT IS FOR THE WINTER BUT IN THE SUMMER I HAVE MY SUMMER HOUSE TO GO INTO OH THEN YOU HAVE TWO HOUSES SAID TOMMY SMITH THAT IS CLEVERER THAN A BIRD FOR THEY ONLY HAVE ONE NEST I HAVE TWO SAID THE SQUIRREL AND THEY ARE NOT AT ALL THE SAME OH DO TELL ME WHAT THE SUMMER HOUSES LIKE SAID TOMMY SMITH IT IS MORE LIGHTLY BUILT THAN THE WINTER HOUSE SAID THE SQUIRREL AND NOT NEARLY SO LARGE" ], "begin_byte": 182792, "end_byte": 183022 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_10_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_10_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22858188, "duration": 1428.63675, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_10_selous_64kb_60", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_10_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.919, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Why, sometimes when we are very hungry,\" said the squirrel, \"we gnaw the bark all round the trunk of a small tree, and then it dies.", "WHY SOMETIMES WHEN WE ARE VERY HUNGRY SAID THE SQUIRREL WE GNAW THE BARK ALL AROUND THE TRUNK OF A SMALL TREE AND THEN IT DIES" ], "pre_texts": [ "aid Tommy Smith (and he was _very_ angry). “I won’t take you there. You want to eat her eggs, I know; and I think you are a very naughty animal.” The squirrel looked at Tommy Smith for a little while without speaking, and then he said, “You know, _I_ never eat hen’s eggs.” “Don’t you?” said Tommy Smith. It was all he could think of to say, for he remembered that _he did_ eat hen’s eggs. Of course he knew that that was different—the peewit had told him that it was—but just at that moment he couldn’t think of _why_ it was different, and he couldn’t help wishing that he hadn’t been _quite_ so angry with the squirrel. “Perhaps you don’t eat too many eggs,” he said in a milder tone. “Of course not,” said the squirrel. “Wherever there are plenty of squirrels, there are plenty of birds too, as long as people with guns don’t shoot them. That shows that we don’t eat too many. And then, as for our killing trees”— “Oh, but _do_ you kill trees?” said Tommy Smith. “I didn’t know that you did that.”", "DPIGEON WAS SITTING I THINK I WILL GO THERE WITH YOU INDEED YOU SHAN'T SAID TOMMY SMITH AND HE WAS VERY ANGRY I WON'T TAKE YOU THERE YOU WANT TO EAT HER EGGS I KNOW AND I THINK YOU ARE A VERY NAUGHTY ANIMAL THE SQUIRREL LOOKED AT TOMMY SMITH FOR A LITTLE WHILE WITHOUT SPEAKING AND THEN SAID I KNOW I NEVER EAT HENS EGGS DON'T YOU SAID TOMMY SMITH IT WAS ALL HE COULD THINK OF TO SAY FOR HE REMEMBERED THAT HE DID EAT HENS EGGS OF COURSE HE KNEW THAT THAT WAS DIFFERENT THE PEWIT HAD TOLD HIM THAT IT WAS BUT JUST AT THAT MOMENT HE COULDN'T THINK OF WHY IT WAS DIFFERENT AND HE COULDN'T HELP WISHING THAT HE HAD BEEN QUITE SO ANGRY WITH THE SQUIRREL PERHAPS YOU DON'T EAT TOO MANY EGGS HE SAID IN A MILDER TONE OF COURSE NOT SAID THE SQUIRREL WHENEVER THERE ARE PLENTY OF SQUIRRELS THERE ARE PLENTY OF BIRDS TOO AS LONG AS PEOPLE WITH GUNS DON'T SHOOT THEM THAT SHOWS THAT WE DON'T EAT TOO MANY AND THEN AS FOR OUR KILLING TREES OH BUT DO YOU KILL TREES SAID TOM SMITH I DIDN'T KNOW THAT YOU DID THAT" ], "begin_byte": 176445, "end_byte": 176578 } } ]
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{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_10_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_10_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22858188, "duration": 1428.63675, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_10_selous_64kb_108", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_10_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.96, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Oh, in all sorts of places,\" said the squirrel. \"Sometimes I scrape a hole in the ground and bury them in it, and sometimes I put them into holes in the trunks of trees, or under their roots, if they run along the ground, or into any other little nook or crevice near where I live.", "OH IN ALL SORTS OF PLACES SAID THE SQUIRREL SOMETIMES I SCRAPE A HOLE IN THE GROUND AND BURY THEM IN IT AND SOMETIMES I PUT THEM INTO HOLES IN THE TRUNKS OF TREES OR UNDER THEIR ROOTS IF THEY RUN ALONG THE GROUND OR INTO ANY LITTLE NOOK OR CREVICE NEAR WHERE I LIVE" ], "pre_texts": [ " and then it dies. So those people who are always finding out reasons for killing animals say we do harm to the forests. But I can tell them this, that no forest was ever cut down by the squirrels that lived in it. Men cut down the forests, and shoot the birds and the squirrels; but if they left them all three alone, they would all get on very well together. Once, you know, almost the whole of England was covered with forests. Do you think it was the squirrels who cut them all down?” “Oh no,” said Tommy Smith. “It was men with axes, I should think.” “Yes,” said the squirrel. “It is that great axe of theirs that does the mischief, not these poor little teeth of mine. It is axes, not squirrels, that they should keep out of the woods.” Tommy Smith thought the squirrel might be right, but he wanted to hear something more about what he did and the way he lived, so he said, “Oh, Mr. Squirrel, you haven’t told me where you hide the nuts and acorns that you eat when you wake up in the winter.”", "RK ALL AROUND THE TRUNK OF A SMALL TREE AND THEN IT DIES SO THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE ALWAYS FINDING OUT REASONS FOR KILLING ANIMALS SAY WE DO HARM TO THE FORESTS BUT I CAN TELL THEM THIS THAT NO FOREST IS EVER CUT DOWN BY THE SQUIRREL THAT LIVED IN IT MEN CUT DOWN THE FORESTS AND SHOOT THE BIRDS AND THE SQUIRRELS BUT IF THEY LEFT THEM ALL THREE ALONE THEY WOULD ALL GET ON VERY WELL TOGETHER ONCE YOU KNOW ALMOST THE WHOLE OF ENGLAND WAS COVERED WITH FORESTS DO YOU THINK IT WAS THE SQUIRRELS WHO CUT THEM ALL DOWN OH NO SAID TOMMY SMITH IT WAS MEN WITH AXES I SHOULD THINK YES SAID THE SQUIRREL IT IS THAT GREAT AXE OF THEIRS THAT DOES THE MISCHIEF NOT THESE POOR LITTLE TEETH OF MINE IT IS AXES NOT SQUIRRELS THAT THEY SHOULD KEEP OUT OF THE WOODS TOMMY SMITH THOUGHT THE SQUIRREL MIGHT BE RIGHT BUT HE WANTED TO HEAR SOMETHING MORE ABOUT WHAT HE DID AND THE WAY HE LIVED SO HE SAID OH MISTER SQUIRREL YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME WHERE YOU HIDE THE NUTS AND ACORNS THAT YOU EAT WHEN YOU WAKE UP IN THE WINTER" ], "begin_byte": 177561, "end_byte": 177843 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb_17", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.16, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "What a pity you are not nocturnal! Then, even my breast is not quite white.", "WHAT A PITY YOU ARE NOT NOCTURNAL THEN EVEN MY BREAST IS NOT QUITE WHITE" ], "pre_texts": [ "r mind saying why,” said the owl, “it would take too long. Well, and were you surprised to see me?” “Oh yes, I was a little,” said Tommy Smith. “I just looked up, and I saw a great white thing going past the window.” “I suppose I looked white to you,” said the owl; “but that is because _you_ are not nocturnal, as I am. But, if you were an owl, like me, you would see that I am not really white. At anyrate, there is more of me that isn’t white, than that is. My face is white, I know,—these beautiful, soft, silky feathers that make two circles round my fine dark eyes,—my face-discs they are called (what a pity you can’t see them better!), _they_ are white, and very handsome they look. I am very proud of them, for I am the only owl in England that has them. But, after all, my face, though it is beautiful, is only a small part of me. My back, which is much larger, is not white at all, but a light reddish yellow. There, now you get the moonlight on it nicely. Such pretty, delicate colouring.", " I'M SURE I SHALL REMEMBER IT SAID TOMMY SMITH BECAUSE NEVER MIND SAYING WHY SAID THE OWL IT WOULD TAKE TOO LONG WELL AND WERE YOU SURPRISED TO SEE ME OH YES I WAS A LITTLE SAID TOMMY SMITH I JUST LOOKED UP AND I SAW A GREAT WHITE THING GOING PAST THE WINDOW I SUPPOSE I LOOKED WHITE TO YOU SAID THE OWL BUT THAT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT NOCTURNAL AS I AM BUT IF YOU WERE AN OWL LIKE ME YOU WOULD SEE THAT I AM NOT REALLY WHITE AT ANY RATE THERE IS MORE OF ME THAT ISN'T WHITE THAN THAT IS MY FACE IS WHITE I KNOW THESE BEAUTIFUL SOFT SILKY FEATHERS THAT MAKE TWO CIRCLES AROUND MY FINE DARK EYES MY FACE DISKS THEY ARE CALLED WHAT A PITY YOU CAN'T SEE THEM BETTER THEY ARE WHITE AND VERY HANDSOME THEY LOOK I AM VERY PROUD OF THEM FOR I AM THE ONLY OWL IN ENGLAND THAT HAS THEM BUT AFTER ALL MY FACE THOUGH IT IS BEAUTIFUL IS ONLY A SMALL PART OF ME MY BACK WHICH IS MUCH LARGER IS NOT WHITE AT ALL BUT A LIGHT REDDISH YELLOW THERE NOW YOU GET THE MOONLIGHT ON IT NICELY SUCH PRETTY DELICATE COLOURING" ], "begin_byte": 192225, "end_byte": 192300 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22691005, "duration": 1418.1878125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb_18", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.439, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "As he said this, the great white bird flew back again, but—just fancy!—instead of passing by the window as it did before, it flew up on to it, and sat with its head inside the room, looking at Tommy Smith.", "AS HE SAID THIS THE GREAT WHITE BIRD FLEW BACK AGAIN BUT JUST FANCY INSTEAD OF PASSING BY THE WINDOW AS IT DID BEFORE IT FLEW UP ON TO IT AND SAT WITH ITS HEAD INSIDE THE ROOM LOOKING AT TOMMY SMITH" ], "pre_texts": [ "ith had not time enough to wait for him; so, as soon as he was sure that he was really gone, he walked away to his friend the woodpigeon. CHAPTER XI. THE BARN-OWL “_In at Tommy Smith’s window the owl has a peep; He talks to him wisely, and leaves him asleep._” IT was just the very exact time for a little boy like Tommy Smith to have been in bed for about five minutes (your mother will know _what_ time it was); so, of course, he _had_ been in bed for about five minutes, and he wasn’t asleep yet. It was a beautiful night, the window was open a little at the top, and Tommy Smith was looking through it, right away to where the moon and the stars were shining. All at once a great white bird flitted across the window—so silently!—without making any noise at all. Most birds, you know, make a swishing with their wings, which you can hear when you are close to them (sometimes when a good way off too, like the peewit), but this bird made none at all. “Oh!” cried Tommy Smith, “whatever was that?”", "IS A LIVER BOX RECORDING ALL LIVERPOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIVER BOX DOT ORK TOMMY SMITH'S ANIMALS BY EDMUND SELLUS THE BARN OWL IN AT TOMMY SMITH'S WINDOW THE OWL HAS A PEEP HE TALKS TO HIM WISELY AND LEAVES HIM ASLEEP IT WAS JUST THE VERY EXACT TIME FOR A LITTLE BOY LIKE TOMMY SMITH TO HAVE BEEN IN BED FOR ABOUT FIVE MINUTES YOUR MOTHER WILL KNOW WHAT TIME IT WAS SO OF COURSE HE HAD BEEN IN BED FOR ABOUT FIVE MINUTES AND HE WASN'T SLEEPY YET IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT THE WINDOW WAS OPEN A LITTLE ON THE TOP AND TOMMY SMITH WAS LOOKING THROUGH IT RIGHT AWAY TO WHERE THE MOON AND THE STARS WERE SHINING ALL AT ONCE A GREAT WHITE BIRD FLITTED ACROSS THE WINDOW SO SILENTLY WITHOUT MAKING ANY NOISE AT ALL MOST BIRDS YOU KNOW MAKE A SWISHING WITH THEIR WINGS WHICH YOU CAN HEAR WHEN YOU ARE CLOSE TO THEM SOMETIMES WHEN THEY ARE A GOOD WAY OFF TOO LIKE THE PEWIT BUT THIS BIRD MADE NONE AT ALL OH CRIED TOMMY SMITH WHATEVER WAS THAT" ], "begin_byte": 189408, "end_byte": 189613 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb_30", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 20.559, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"They would peck at him too, I daresay, if they weren't afraid,\" he said to himself; \"and no wonder, if he eats them.\" But he wasn't quite sure whether the owl did this or not, so he thought he had better ask him before feeling angry with him. \"_Do_ you eat the little birds, Mr. Owl?\" he said.", "THEY WOULD PECK AT HIM TOO I DARE SAY IF THEY WEREN'T AFRAID HE SAID TO HIMSELF AND NO WONDER IF HE EATS THEM BUT HE WASN'T QUITE SURE WHETHER THE OWL DID THIS OR NOT SO HE THOUGHT HE HAD BETTER ASK HIM BEFORE FEELING ANGRY WITH HIM DO YOU EAT THE LITTLE BIRDS MISTER OWL HE SAID" ], "pre_texts": [ "le boy who doesn’t know long words. A retinue is an _entourage_, you know, and”— “But I don’t know what that word means either,” said Tommy Smith (and, indeed, he thought it was rather a more difficult one than the other). “Oh dear,” said the owl, “I am forgetting again. Why, when there are a lot of little birds, who fly round you and twitter whenever you come out and show yourself, that is what I call having a retinue or an _entourage_; and, depend upon it, it is a very grand thing to have. The more birds there are to twitter about you, the grander bird _you_ are. But it doesn’t so much matter _what_ they twitter, and as for what they _think_, you had better know nothing at all about _that_.” It was all very well for the owl to talk in this very wise way, but Tommy Smith felt sure that the little birds didn’t like him at all, and only flew round him to annoy him when he happened to come out in the daytime. And he didn’t think it was such a very grand thing to have a retinue like that.", "NG THAT I AM A WISE OWL AND THAT YOU ARE ONLY A LITTLE BOY WHO DOESN'T KNOW LONG WORDS A RETINUE IS AN ENTRAGE YOU KNOW AND BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT WORD MEANS EITHER SAID TOMMY SMITH AND INDEED HE THOUGHT IT WAS RATHER A MORE DIFFICULT ONE THAN THE OTHER OH DEAR SAID THE OWL I AM FORGETTING AGAIN WHY WHEN THERE ARE A LOT OF LITTLE BIRDS WHO FLY ROUND YOU AND TWITTER WHENEVER YOU COME OUT AND SHOW YOURSELF THAT IS WHAT I CALL HAVING A RETINUE OR AN ANTRAGE AND DEPEND UPON IT IT IS A VERY GRAND THING TO HAVE THE MORE BIRDS THERE ARE TO TWITTER ABOUT YOU THE GRANDER BIRD YOU ARE BUT IT DOESN'T SO MUCH MATTER WHAT THEY TWITTER AND AS FOR WHAT THEY THINK YOU HAD BETTER KNOW NOTHING AT ALL ABOUT THAT IT WAS ALL VERY WELL FOR THE OWL TO TALK IN THIS VERY WISE WAY BUT TOMMY SMITH FELT SURE THAT THE LITTLE BIRDS DIDN'T LIKE HIM AT ALL AND ONLY FLEW ROUND HIM TO ANNOY HIM WHEN HE HAPPENED TO COME OUT IN THE DAYTIME AND HE DIDN'T THINK IT WAS SUCH A VERY GRAND THING TO HAVE A RETINUE LIKE THAT" ], "begin_byte": 197733, "end_byte": 198027 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb_35", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.64, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "Anywhere else we might be disturbed and rudely treated, for people are not nearly so polite to us as they ought to be. But we are always safe in a church, for no one would be so wicked as to annoy us there. Besides, a church is a wonderful place to hide in. People pass by it, and come into it, and sit down and go out again, without having any idea that we are there, and have been there all the time.", "ANYWHERE ELSE WE MIGHT BE DISTURBED AND RUDELY TREATED FOR PEOPLE ARE NOT NEARLY SO POLITE TO US AS THEY OUGHT TO BE BUT WE ARE ALWAYS SAFE IN A CHURCH FOR NO ONE WOULD BE SO WICKED AS TO ANNOY US THERE BESIDES A CHURCH IS A WONDERFUL PLACE TO HIDE IN PEOPLE PASS BY IT AND COME INTO IT AND SIT DOWN AND GO OUT AGAIN WITHOUT HAVING ANY IDEA THAT WE ARE THERE AND HAVE BEEN THERE ALL THE TIME" ], "pre_texts": [ "before, and sometimes I wonder what all the fuss has been about. I have never been able to see any difference myself between the last minute of the thirty-first of December and the first minute of the first of January. On a cold rainy night especially, they seem very much alike. But, of course, there must _be_ a difference, or the bells wouldn’t ring as they do.” “Oh, they ring because it’s the new year, Mr. Owl,” said Tommy Smith. “Yes, that’s it,” said the owl; “but I should never have found it out without them.” Tommy Smith began to think that the owl couldn’t be so _very_ wise after all, or surely he would have known the difference between the old year and the new year. He was going to explain it to him thoroughly, but he was getting rather sleepy by this time, and it is difficult to explain things when one is sleepy. So he didn’t, and the owl went on with, “Oh yes, we love churches, we owls do. We have our nests there, you know, and we could not find a safer place to make them in.", "AM IT ALL SEEMS TO GO ON JUST THE SAME AS BEFORE AND SOMETIMES I WONDER WHAT ALL THE FUSS HAS BEEN ABOUT I HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO SEE ANY DIFFERENCE MYSELF BETWEEN THE LAST MINUTE OF THE THIRTY FIRST OF DECEMBER AND THE FIRST MINUTE OF THE FIRST OF JANUARY ON A COLD RAINY NIGHT ESPECIALLY THEY SEEM VERY MUCH ALIKE BUT OF COURSE THERE MUST BE A DIFFERENCE OR THE BELLS WON'T RING AS THEY DO OH THEY RING BECAUSE IT'S THE NEW YEAR MISTER OWL SAID TOMMY SMITH YES THAT'S IT SAID THE OWL BUT I SHOULD NEVER HAVE FOUND IT OUT WITHOUT THEM TOMMY SMITH BEGAN TO THINK THAT THE OWL COULDN'T BE SO VERY WISE AFTER ALL OR SURELY HE WOULD HAVE KNOWN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE OLD YEAR AND THE NEW YEAR HE WAS GOING TO EXPLAIN IT TO HIM THOROUGHLY BUT HE WAS GETTING RATHER SLEEPY BY THIS TIME AND IT IS DIFFICULT TO EXPLAIN THINGS WHEN ONE IS SLEEPY SO HE DIDN'T AND THE OWL WENT ON WITH OH YES WE LOVE CHURCHES WE OWLS DO WE HAVE OUR NESTS THERE YOU KNOW AND WE COULD NOT FIND A SAFER PLACE TO MAKE THEM IN" ], "begin_byte": 205655, "end_byte": 206057 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb_70", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "It has some very pretty grey tints about it. And yet I am called the 'white owl,' as well as the 'barn owl,' and often that name is put first in books. It is very annoying.", "IT HAS SOME VERY PRETTY GREY TINTS ABOUT IT AND YET I AM CALLED THE WHITE OWL AS WELL AS THE BARN OWL AND OFTEN THAT NAME IS PUT FIRST IN BOOKS IT IS VERY ANNOYING" ], "pre_texts": [ "u surprised to see me?” “Oh yes, I was a little,” said Tommy Smith. “I just looked up, and I saw a great white thing going past the window.” “I suppose I looked white to you,” said the owl; “but that is because _you_ are not nocturnal, as I am. But, if you were an owl, like me, you would see that I am not really white. At anyrate, there is more of me that isn’t white, than that is. My face is white, I know,—these beautiful, soft, silky feathers that make two circles round my fine dark eyes,—my face-discs they are called (what a pity you can’t see them better!), _they_ are white, and very handsome they look. I am very proud of them, for I am the only owl in England that has them. But, after all, my face, though it is beautiful, is only a small part of me. My back, which is much larger, is not white at all, but a light reddish yellow. There, now you get the moonlight on it nicely. Such pretty, delicate colouring. What a pity you are not nocturnal! Then, even my breast is not quite white.", "WHY SAID THE OWL IT WOULD TAKE TOO LONG WELL AND WERE YOU SURPRISED TO SEE ME OH YES I WAS A LITTLE SAID TOMMY SMITH I JUST LOOKED UP AND I SAW A GREAT WHITE THING GOING PAST THE WINDOW I SUPPOSE I LOOKED WHITE TO YOU SAID THE OWL BUT THAT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT NOCTURNAL AS I AM BUT IF YOU WERE AN OWL LIKE ME YOU WOULD SEE THAT I AM NOT REALLY WHITE AT ANY RATE THERE IS MORE OF ME THAT ISN'T WHITE THAN THAT IS MY FACE IS WHITE I KNOW THESE BEAUTIFUL SOFT SILKY FEATHERS THAT MAKE TWO CIRCLES AROUND MY FINE DARK EYES MY FACE DISKS THEY ARE CALLED WHAT A PITY YOU CAN'T SEE THEM BETTER THEY ARE WHITE AND VERY HANDSOME THEY LOOK I AM VERY PROUD OF THEM FOR I AM THE ONLY OWL IN ENGLAND THAT HAS THEM BUT AFTER ALL MY FACE THOUGH IT IS BEAUTIFUL IS ONLY A SMALL PART OF ME MY BACK WHICH IS MUCH LARGER IS NOT WHITE AT ALL BUT A LIGHT REDDISH YELLOW THERE NOW YOU GET THE MOONLIGHT ON IT NICELY SUCH PRETTY DELICATE COLOURING WHAT A PITY YOU ARE NOT NOCTURNAL THEN EVEN MY BREAST IS NOT QUITE WHITE" ], "begin_byte": 192301, "end_byte": 192473 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22691005, "duration": 1418.1878125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb_103", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.56, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "_\" IT was just the very exact time for a little boy like Tommy Smith to have been in bed for about five minutes (your mother will know _what_ time it was); so, of course, he _had_ been in bed for about five minutes, and he wasn't asleep yet.", "IT WAS JUST THE VERY EXACT TIME FOR A LITTLE BOY LIKE TOMMY SMITH TO HAVE BEEN IN BED FOR ABOUT FIVE MINUTES YOUR MOTHER WILL KNOW WHAT TIME IT WAS SO OF COURSE HE HAD BEEN IN BED FOR ABOUT FIVE MINUTES AND HE WASN'T SLEEPY YET" ], "pre_texts": [ "f me,” said the squirrel. “It is easy enough to fly if you have wings, but very difficult indeed if you haven’t. But we squirrels are a clever family, and can do anything. Why, one of us is called the ‘Flying Squirrel,’ you know; and why should he be called a flying squirrel if he can’t fly? Not fly? Why, look here!—look here!—look here!”—and at each “look here!” the squirrel was in a different tree, and still he went on jumping, or flying (which do _you_ think it was?), from one to another, until very soon he was quite out of sight. And he never came back—at least not whilst Tommy Smith was there. I think he must have come back at _some_ time or other, to sit in his little summer-house again with his wife and children. But Tommy Smith had not time enough to wait for him; so, as soon as he was sure that he was really gone, he walked away to his friend the woodpigeon. CHAPTER XI. THE BARN-OWL “_In at Tommy Smith’s window the owl has a peep; He talks to him wisely, and leaves him asleep.", " CHAPTER ELEVEN OF TOMMY SMITH'S ANIMALS THIS IS A LIVER BOX RECORDING ALL LIVERPOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIVER BOX DOT ORK TOMMY SMITH'S ANIMALS BY EDMUND SELLUS THE BARN OWL IN AT TOMMY SMITH'S WINDOW THE OWL HAS A PEEP HE TALKS TO HIM WISELY AND LEAVES HIM ASLEEP" ], "begin_byte": 188666, "end_byte": 188906 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22691005, "duration": 1418.1878125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb_106", "recording_id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.719, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"It's all very well to say 'think,' but the fact is, you _can't_ think what a useful bird an owl is—and especially a barn owl. But, perhaps, you don't believe me.\" \"Oh yes, I do,\" said Tommy Smith. \"I always thought that owls killed rats and mice.\" \"You can prove it, if you like,\" said the owl, \"and I'll tell you how.", "IT'S ALL VERY WELL TO SAY THINK BUT THE FACT IS YOU CAN'T THINK WHAT A USEFUL BIRD AN OWL IS AND ESPECIALLY A BARN OWL BUT PERHAPS YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME OH YES I DO TOMMY SMITH I ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT OWLS KILLED RATS AND MICE YOU CAN PROVE IT IF YOU LIKE SAID THE OWL AND I'LL TELL YOU HOW" ], "pre_texts": [ "the mice and the young rats are just the right size, and you’ve no idea what a lot of them I eat. I have a very good appetite, I can tell you, and so have my children. Of course, I have to feed them as well as myself, so there is plenty of work for me to do. Every night I fly round the fields and farmyards, and when I see a mouse, or a rat, or a mole, or a shrew-mouse, down I pounce upon it. Now think how many owls there are all over the country, and think what thousands and thousands of rats and mice they must catch every night, and then think what a lot of good they must do. Or, here is another way. Think how many rats and mice there are even now, although there are so many owls to catch them, and think how much harm they do, and think how many more there would be, and how much more harm they would do if there were no owls to catch them. That is a lot of thinking is it not? Well, have you thought of it all?” “I’ve tried to,” said Tommy Smith. “It’s difficult, isn’t it?” said the owl.", "O SWALLOW THINGS WHOLE IF I CAN BUT THE MICE AND THE YOUNG RATS ARE JUST THE RIGHT SIZE AND YOU'VE NO IDEA WHAT A LOT OF THEM I EAT I HAVE A VERY GOOD APPETITE I CAN TELL YOU AND SO HAVE MY CHILDREN OF COURSE I HAVE TO FEED THEM AS WELL AS MYSELF SO THERE IS PLENTY OF WORK FOR ME TO DO EVERY NIGHT I FLY ROUND THE FIELDS AND FARMYARDS AND WHEN I SEE A MOUSE OR A RAT OR A MOLE OR A SHREW MOUSE DOWN I POUNCE UPON IT NOW THINK HOW MANY OWLS THERE ARE ALL OVER THE COUNTRY AND THINK WHAT THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF RATS AND MICE THEY MUST CATCH EVERY NIGHT AND THEN THINK WHAT A LOT OF GOODS THEY MUST DO OR HERE IS ANOTHER WAY THINK HOW MANY RATS AND MICE THERE ARE EVEN NOW ALTHOUGH THERE ARE SO MANY OWLS TO CATCH THEM AND THINK HOW MUCH HARM THEY DO AND THINK HOW MANY MORE THERE WOULD BE AND HOW MUCH MORE HARM THEY WOULD DO IF THERE WERE NO OWLS TO CATCH THEM THAT IS A LOT OF THINKING IS IT NOT WELL HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF IT ALL I'VE TRIED TO SAID TOMMY SMITH IT'S DIFFICULT ISN'T IT SAID THE OWL" ], "begin_byte": 200389, "end_byte": 200708 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_11_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22691005, "duration": 1418.1878125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/12918/child_songs_of_cheer_1904_librivox_64kb_mp3/cheer_05_stein_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/12918/child_songs_of_cheer_1904_librivox_64kb_mp3/cheer_05_stein_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.639, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "12918", "custom": { "texts": [ "and very soon It will be high up as the moon! And don't you think the man up there Will wonder what it is, and stare? Perhaps hell say, \"_Well, I declare!", "AND VERY SOON IT WILL BE HIGH UP AS THE MOON AND DON'T YOU THINK THE MAN UP THERE WILL WONDER WHAT IT IS AND STARE PERHAPS HE'LL SAY WELL I DECLARE" ], "pre_texts": [ " earth it is so green, The April sky so blue, The path from dawn to even-song So joyous is to-day, Up, little ones! and dance along The lilac-scented way! DANDELIONS Hey-a-day-a-day, my dear! Dandelion time! Come, and let us make for them a pretty little rhyme! See the meadows twinkling now, beautiful and bright As the sky when through the blue shine the stars at night! Once upon a time, folks say, mighty kings of old Met upon a splendid field called \"The Cloth of Gold.\" But, we wonder, could it be there was ever seen Brighter gold than glitters now in our meadows green? Dandelions, dandelions, shining through the dew, Let the kings have Cloth of Gold, but let _us_ have _you_! OUR PUPPIES Little ears as soft as silk, Little teeth as white as milk, Little noses cool and pink, Little eyes that blink and blink, Little bodies round and fat, Little hearts that pit-a-pat, Surely prettier puppies never Were before nor can be ever! THE LOST BALLOON O dear! my purple toy balloon Has flown away!", " THE LOST BALLOON BY EVELEEN STEYNE READ FOR LEOP OF OXT ORG BY SWEET HOME OH DEAR MY PURPLE TOY BALLOON HAS FLOWN AWAY" ], "begin_byte": 4202, "end_byte": 4356 } } ]
{ "id": "large/12918/child_songs_of_cheer_1904_librivox_64kb_mp3/cheer_05_stein_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/12918/child_songs_of_cheer_1904_librivox_64kb_mp3/cheer_05_stein_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 815857, "duration": 50.9910625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Child Songs of Cheer/text.txt" }